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Vienna By-Laws 1989
• Vienna Village By , Laws ammuk 1111111\1*6-'. 17: 406110.11a. 4111111 . • By-Laws # 849863 1 989 v i 2 n n a - "? Y ' T y — z�. .� s L4- 9 Y403 ( 19 8 9 J * gLicf � . g50 *351 Ss � 5753 S '-1 SSS 85- 7 8s8 $ Sc • 3Lo sec3 THE CORPORATION CF THE VILLAGE Or VIEN 'J1a BY-LAW NO . 849 0 BEING A BY-LAW to set rates of pay for various members of staff of the: CORPORATION CF THE VILLAGE or VIENNA for the year 19 89 , BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Animal Control Officer fee be set at $ 125 . 00 per month . BE IT ALSO RES CLVE D THAT the hourly rate for the pcsition of Water Billing Clerk be set at $ 8 . 00 per hour . BE IT ALSO PESOLVED THAT the Clerk ' s Salary he set at $ 600 . 00 per month , Flus $ 50 . 00 car allowance per month , and the rate for extra hours equal the monthly hourly rate . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TINS': AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9TH DAY OF FEBRUARY , 19 89 . REEVE 4-' ;/.440-7,t,1 CLERK r f Ait-1 11 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY-LAW NO . 849 BEING A BY-L1 '1 tc set rates of pay for various members ry of staff of the: CORP ORATI Off! CF THE VILLAGE CF VIENNA f o r the year 13 6r' • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Animal Control Officer fee be set at $125 , 00 per month . • 'L IT ALSO R.ES C LVE D THAT the hourly ratr for the position of Muter Billing Clergy, be set at $ R . 00 per hour . IlL IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT the Clerk ' s Salary he set } at $600 . 00 per month , plus $50 . 00 car al lesance per month , crld the rate for extra hours equal the menthl y E hourly rate , R.eAD A FIRST , SECOND MD THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9TH DAY OF FEBRUARY , 19 89 , 1. :PEEVE �''C CLERK .4,irkidddisiated,...... • r 1 • 1 THE CORPORATION CF THE VILLAGE OF VIEN 11 3Y-LAW NO , 849 BEING A BY -LAW to set rates of pay for various members of staff of the' CORPCRATION CF THE VILLAGE or VIENNA for the year 1989 , BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Animal Control. Officer fee be set at $125 . 00 per month . { } BE IT ALSO RESCLVED THAT the hourly rate for the position of Water Billing Clerk be set at $ 8 . 00 per hour . } y BE IT ALSO PESOLVED THAT the Clerk ' s Salary he set at $600 . 00 per month , plus $ 50 . 00 car allowance per month , and the rate for extra hours equal the monthly hourly rate . hi.ADA - FIST , SECOND An THIRD Tin: FIND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9TH DAY CF FEBI VARY , 19 89 . er. REEVE / ,,� : r } CLE -7'K 4 i i+ { ...,.,. _ sem+- - _Y THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNP BY- LAW NO . 850 BEING A BY- LAW TO APPOINT A BUILDING INSPECTOR AND A PLUMING INSPECTOR AND J WATER COMMISSIONER THEREFORE the Council of the Village of Vienna Enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Ken Everitt be and is hereby appointed as BUILDING INSPECTOR AND PLUMBING INSPECTOR for the Village of Vienna . 2 . THAT the said Ken Everitt shall perform all duties as required to be performed by a Building & Plumbing Inspector under statutory authority and any other duties that may be imposed by Council . 3 . THAT the said Ken Everitt shall hold office during the pleasure and subject to the policies of the Council , and shall be paid a salary of $ 12 . 00 ( twelve dollars ) per hour , plus mileage of $ . 40 per mile , payable monthly for duties perfcrned under this bp- law . Also that : 4 . Ruth Beattie be and is hereby appointed as WATER COMt•'ISSIONER for the Village of Vienna . 5 . The said Ruth Beattie shall perform all duties as required to be performed by a Water Commissioner under statutory authority and any other duties as may be imposed by Council . 6 . And the said Ruth Beattie shall hold office during the pleasure and subject to the policies of the Council , and shall be paid a salary of $ 10 . 00 ( ten dollars ) per hour , payable monthly for duties performed under this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND , AND THIRD TIrgE AND rIN, LLY PASSED THIS 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY , 19 89 . RE L VE ' 4 4 CLERK4.7 . , i He , . TEL COPPcT'.ATM: OF TIfl VTt 111G3' er vir r r. i E i BY-- LAW NC . 650 , , $I J BEING A BY- LAW TO 1`:.PPCIN' ' 1; 31. ILDIN( INSrrcme-7 74-. ;: , I A PLL _LING I.. SI'LCTCP Lt t . WA'TP comrisrJrurr i i _ � i TUEREFO 'L the Council of the Village of Vienna racts as foflct•:s : ! t 1 . PEAT Ken Everitt be an is hereby appointed as , , LLILLINC INSPi:CTGP AND Pht ' 'BI�:G IT�SPFC�'C' P fnr 1Ithe Village of Vienna . 2 . Z'HLT the said Ken Everitt shall rberform all euties as required tc be performee by a Building & Pl u : : inC Inspector u Cer statutory authority and any rther II duties that may be imposed by Council . 3 , TEAT the said Ken Everitt shall hold office curing the pleasure and suI- ject to the policies of the Council , and shall be pair'. a salary of $ 32 . n0 ( twelve dollars ) per hour , plus milease `t of $ . 40 per mile , payable monthly for duties performed under this by- law . t Also that : 0 M 4 . % Ruth Beattie Le ane is hereLy appointed as WATER CO:i 'ISSICIER for the Village of Vienna . .. 5 . The said Ruth Beattie shall perform al 1. cut{es as requires: to be performed by a Water Com" issioner uncap- statutory authority and any other duties as may be unposed: by Council . II C . And the said Luth Beattie shall hole office dur. inq the pleasure and suLject to the policies of the $ Council , and shall Le raid a salary of $ 1 !) . Iii? ( ten l ' dollars ) per hour , 1.•ayaLle monthly for rutips perfr+rT►.ed under this by - law , I 11 MAC A F I P .ST , SECOND , AND TII I FD T I: 'E AND rINPITY PI` S. rr THIS 2ND D1,Y CF F:. 3r'LARY ,, 1, 9E9 . RELVE mieLehaite CLLRK 423•1.4,\r-J1)21 . , ti . 1 s I 1 THL COFPOFATI ON CF Titi: \'I LLFGI or VIENNA: BY-I J!W NC . 850 is% I :KC A ]3Y- IJ:S1 TO APFCIT 7 BUILDING INSPTC"T ' PM b PLu:BINSG Ii:SPLCTOR ;_NL P. Wr7127 cc:.' !Is IorrF • Village Ti1ERLFOFL the Council of the of Vienna Lr acts as follows : f . THAT Ken Everitt be and is hereby appointed as * BLILDINC INSPi.CTOR AND PLt::•'BING INSPECTCP for the Village of Vienna . # , 2 . THAT the said igen Everitt shall perform all duties as required to be performed by a Building & Plumbing Inspector under statutory authority and any other duties that may be imposed by Council . f 3 . THAT the said Kc a Everitt shall held office during the plea Burka and subject to the policies of the 1 Council , and ihall be paid a salary of $ 12 00 ( twelve dollars ) per hour , us mileage c4 $ . 40 per rile , payal: le monthly for duties performed under this by- laws Also that : 4 . Ruth Beattie Le and. is :lereby appointed as WATER CO: !ISSIC:;ER for the Village of Vienna . is The said Puth Beattie shall perform all duties as rc luired to be performed by a Water Comnirvdonnr under statLtory authority and any other duties PS I mat be imposed by Ccunci l , C , And the . aid F:uth Beattie shall hold of f i cc during the pleasure and sub j oct to the policies of the Council , and shall Le i sic' a salary of S10 , 0n ( ten Collars ) er hour , payable monthly for duties per�� rimer'. under this by- law . liREAD A FIRST , SECOND , AND THIRD TIME AND "'WILY PASSEF THIS 2Nr; LILY OF FE13F'LARY , 1989 * ; - RELVL ..1ZaA i ' CL PY \'''f"',, ,,2:1„Nr-__ 3 1 • THE COFPOP.ATIC?: OF TIi2 VILLAGE OF t'IE:`*NJ BY- Lrl NC . 851 BEING A LA-LAW OF THE VILL .GE of VIFN ; RELATED TO PLLI{GING I:ISPECTIOt1 tlifLFEAS Section 45 ( 1 ) of the Cnt . ri o Water Pesnurces B. S . G . , 19 80 , Chapter 3G1 , provides for a un i r ioa 1 Ccu' i 1 to pass by- laws , ( a ) providing fcr the inspection of plurnbina (I) ) appoint plumbing inspectors ; ( c) setting fees for the inspectior of plumbing ; ( c: ) for requiring the pror'uction of plans of plumbing that are to Le constructed , repaired , renewer or altered anc' of the location of drains , pipes , taps and other works or appliances that are or are to be part of or connected with the plumbing , and for charging fees} for the inspection and approval of such clans , and fixing t'-‘ e amount of fees ; and for the issuing of a permit certifying to such approval and reuiring that without such permit ro such pl 117,11► T!• can be constructed , repaired , renew'd or altered ; ( e ) for prohibiting the use of such piur Bing until it has been in3f ectec and found to conform to the rcgultior.s *►rade under t:Ae Water resources Pet . acia THLrEFCI'E TIU 1.:iIICIP L COUNCIL Cr THE CCSPPOPATION OF ThE or t, IZ.Ii Z R:. r CT5 1'5 . .T.eWS . 1 . The Village hereby adopts as its r l u thins* star. Pry' s t' egulations made pursuant to Section 44 ( 2 ) ( a ) oc she Cntario Water Losources Act , .: . The Village undertakes to carry out p 1 uhirer and rrwarP disposal sy stcr.s inspections to enforce the Pequi a4- iers ^v c'e pursuant to Sccticn 44 ( 2 ) ( a ) of the on tario rater r(Isnt• r"ce: ?tot . 3 . The inspections requires Ly the regulations made pursuar 4- 10 thc Ontario t :atcr resources 7% ct shall be carriee r t insr actors api ointcc1 Ly By- Law . 4 . ::o j) lumbing may be constructed , repaired , renewer' or altered t•. i tLout a permit havir.g first been o1 taired 'trr i the Vi lase t) . A plumLing i cmit sinal ] be issued by the Village upon the proc.uction of satisfactory p3 am of the pi uibing that is to Le cos s tructc , repaired , renewed or altered arc' o f the location of drains , pipes , taps and other works or appl i arse that are or are to Le cart c f or connected, with the n , u7rI i ra and upon payment of such fees , as are set by this ! y- ! w for the inspection and approval of such ' ' an . 6. No person shall use p ur L ing until it hal been inspected and found to conform to the regulatic r.s Trade pursuant to the Ontario - Water Resources Act . . F5 7 . The permit and insr,ection fees to be paid "i 3 l acs' for plumbing per:-::its issued and inspections carried opt are set forth in Schedule "A" attached to and corning pert of this 131,-Law . 8 . Th holder of a plumbing permit who has not acted upon the permit before expiry or in the event that the holder of a Ferrtit returns it for cancellation prior to the commencement of :cork on the project , shal3 be entitled to refund of half of thc plumbing fee paid , provided that no re r ur u shall be made which will result in the retention by the Village of a sumf7less than rive ( $ 5 . 00 ) Dollars , • BY- LAW :,€o . S51 ( 2 ) D . Any person wlio contravenes any of the provisions of this By--Law shall upon conviction thereof , forfeit and: pay a penalty of not less than Twenty-Five ( $ 25 . 00 ) Dollars and nc -,_ more than One Thcusa nd ( $ 1 , G00 . 00 ) Dollars exclusive of costs for each offence and the penalty a provided for in the Ontario eater resources Act shall be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act , RLAD A FIRST , SEC= AND T iI PD TIME MD rIN1' T,LY rPSSFI` ?HIS 2ND DAY OF rc sB -ArY 8 L , 10 9 , PEEVE SCHLDVLCL+ " Aa" CLASS OF ?EMIT PERMIT 'TF' To install required: $ 10 . 00 plus j: lurthirg in a buildi :5 $ 4 . 00 per fixture 4 a 10 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW N O . 851 BEING A BY-LAW OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA RELATED TO PLUMBING INSPECTION WHEREAS Section 45 ( 1 ) of the Cnt . rio Water Resources Act , R. S . O . , 1980 , Chapter 361 , provides for a Municipal Council to pass by- laws , ( a ) providing for the inspection of plumbing ; (b ) appoint plumbing inspectors ; ( c ) setting fees for the inspection of plumbing ; ( u ) for requiring the production of plans of plumbing that are to be constructed , repaired , renewed or altered and of the location of drains , pipes , taps and other works or appliances that are or are to be part of or connected with the plumbing , and for charging fees for the inspection and approval of such plans , and fixing the amount of fees ; and for the issuing of a permit certifying to such approval • and requiring that without such permit no such plumbing can be constructed , repaired , renewed or altered ; (e ) for prohibiting the use of such plumbing untilit has been inspected and found to conform to the regulations *nage under the Water Resources Act . NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPOPATION rF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . The Village hereby adopts as its plumbing standards the Regulations made pursuant to Section 44 ( 2 ) (a ) of the Ontario Water Resources Act . } 2 . The Village undertakes to carry out plumbing and sewage disposal systems inspections to enforce the Regulations made pursuant to Section 44 ( 2 ) ( a ) of the Ontario Water Pesnurces Act . 3 . ,The inspections required by the Regulations made pursuant to the Ontario hater Resources Act shall e carried out by insrectors appointee: by By- Law . 4 . No plumbing may be constructed , repaired , renewed or altered without a permit having first been obtained 'f rain the Village 5 . A plumLing permit shall be issued by the Village upon the production of satisfactory plans of the plumbing that is to be constructed , repaired , renewed or altered and of the location of drains , pipes , taps and other works or appliance that are or are to be part of or connected with the plumbing and upon payment of such fees , as are set by this by- law for the inspection and approval of such plans . 6 . No person shall use plumbing until it has been inspected and found to conform to the Regulations made pursuant to the Ontario Water Resources Act . FEES 7 . The permit and inspection fees to he paid to the Village for plumbing permits issued and inspections carried out are set forth in Schedule " A" attached to and forming part of this By-Law . 8 . Th holder of a plumbing permit who has not acted upop the permit before expiry or in the event that the holder of a permit returns it for cancellation prior to the commencement of work on the project , shall, be entitled to a refund of half of the plumbing fee paid , provided that no refund shall be made which will result in the retention by the Village of a sum less than Five ( $ 5 . 00 ) Dollars . • BY- LAW NO . 851 ( 2 ) 9 . Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-Law shall upon conviction thereof , forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than Twenty-Five ( $ 25 . 00 ) Dollars and not more than One Thousand ( $ 1 , 000 . 00 ) Dollars exclusive of costs for each offence and the penalty as provided for in the Ontario Water Resources Act shall be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINAI'LLY PASSEr THIS 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1989 . REEVE C, CLERKJa_ T ?L ) A2 S CHL DU LE "A" CLASS OF PERMIT PERMIT PEE To install required $ 10 . 00 plus plumbing in a building $ 4 . 00 per fixture • T : CORPOP.LT ION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA r 3Y- LAW NC , 851 BEING NG A BY-LAW OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA l RELATED TO PLLI ��I G R N INSPECTION ili{LF;E1I: Z action 45 ( 1 ) of the Crt . rio Water Pesorrces 1' ct , R . S . O . , I cO , Chapter 3G1 , provides for a muni cipa i Council to pass by- laws , ( a ) providing for the inspection of plumbing ; (L ) appoint plumbing inspectors ; ( c ) :getting fees for the inspection of plumbing ; M for reTuirthg the productiot of plans of Numbing that are to he constructer'. , repaired , renewed or altered And of the location of drains , pipes , trips and other works or applia .ces that are or are to be part of or conne ^ ter' with the plumbing , ant; for ^barging Fees frr the insper tion. and approval of such plans , an fixing the mmount of fees ; an for the issuing of a peri i t certifyir:i to such app' oval arrc: requiring that without such permit r. o ; uch p1t Bing can be constructed , repaired , renewed or al. terne ; ( e) for i.rohibiting the use of such p i ur hirg until it 'Ins been irxsr ectad and found to conform to tic reguletiors made under tile Water Resources A=ct . NOW THE:PE 'CRE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CCPP0PATIC)N ("` THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA EirICTS AS F"('LLOWS 1 , The Village hcreb j adopts as its r 1 umhing s tAndards t'r' r ec,• ulations mace pursuant to Cect. i car d 4 ( 2 ) ( a ) cf the Ontario Water resources Act . . The Village undertakes to carry out plumbing and sewi' e disposal systems inspections to enforce the Pec;ulatiors ' de pursuant to Section 44 ( 2 ) ( a ) of the Ontario water rescu rcer Act . 3 . The inspections required by the Regulations '^ado pursuant to ursuant- to the Ontario V:a cr Pesourc' s Pct shall carriers art !y insi cc :or3 api ointed by fly- Law . 4 , No plumbing may be constructed , repaired , rer.et.'ed or al. teror' without a der:a i t having first been obtained 'f ror the vi 11 pry. c A plumLing 1 ermit shall be issued by the Village upon the production of satisfactory plans of the plumbing that is to Le cons tructec , rei)aired , renewed or altered are of the location of drains , pipes , taps and other worts or app ' i arce that are or are to be part cf or connected with the p 1 tzr i rrr and upon payment of such fees , as are set 1-=r this by- 1 nw for tyle inspection ant: approval of such plans . G . No person shall use p 1 urLi ng until it has been inspected and found to conform, to the regulations made pursuant to the Ontaric eater Resources T,ct . 7 . The permit and insperti er. fees to he paid to the Village fcr plumbing permits issued and inspections carries' apt are set forth in ScheCule " 2'. " attached to and forming part of this By-Law . F . Th holder of a plumbing permit who has not acted ilprp , the permit before expiry or in the event that the ho '_ {' r of a permit returns it for cancellation prior to the commencement of work on the project , shall be entitled to a refund of half of the plumbing fee paid , provided that no refund shall be made which will result in the retention by the Village cf a sum less than Five ( $ 5 . 00 ) Dollars . 651 ( 2 ) 9 . - ? y-Berson who contravenes an' of the provisions of this By-Law shall upon conviction thereof , forfeit anc' pay a Penalty of not less than Twenty-Five ( $25 . 00 ) Dollars ar.ci not more than One Thousanc' ( $ 1 , 000 . 00 ) collars exclusive of costs for each offence and the penalty as provided for in the Cntario 'Fater Resources Act shall be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act . RLAD A FIRST , SECO D AND TUI PD TIME MD rINi r,LY Pi ssr r . UI 2ND DAY CF FEBRUARY , 1989 , REEVE .2(2eNtge.44 - cuRx4fre4 )r)rlad.. • SCHLDULE "tap C.LLSS or PERMIT \If PEP.IlIT FEE 4.1 To install required $ 10 . 00 plus pluratir!, in a building $ 4 . 00p er fiytute • 14 a s THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW NO . 852 Being a By- law to amend By-law No . 819 , as amended . WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the village of Vienna has deemed it necessary to amend Zoning By- law No . 819 ; NOW THEREFORE , the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna enacts as follows : 1 . THAT By - law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by deleting in its entirety " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS " subsection 6 . 6 - Maximum Building Coverage and replacing it with the following : " 6 . 6 Maximum Building Coverage 27 percent " • 2 . THAT By- law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by deleting in its entirety " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS " subsection 6 . 8 - Minimum Front Yard and replacing it with the following : " 6 . 8 Minimum Front Yard 5 . 95m " 3 . THAT By-law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by amending " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS " subsection 6 . 9 - Minimum Side Yard by adding the following : no encroachment into sideyards - existing decks and steps , existing roof overhang and eavestroughs are permitted to encroach into sideyards . " 4 . THAT By- law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by deleting in its entirety " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS " subsection 6 . 10 - Minimum Rear Yard and replacing it with the following : " 6 . 10 Minimum Rear Yard 5 . 60m" 0 ' - 2 - 5 . THIS By- law comes into force : ( a ) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Village ' s Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto , upon the expiration of the prescribed time ; or ( b ) where notice of objection has been filed with the Village ' s Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto , upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board . READ a FIRST time this 6th day of April , 1989 . READ a SECOND time this 6th day of April , 1989 . READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of April , 1989 . REEVE CumRK C1 r FORM 1 10 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA TAKE NOTICE THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA PASSED BY- LAW NO . 852 ON THE 6TH . DAY OF APRIL , 1989 UNDER SECTION 34 OF THE PLANNING ACT , 1983 . AND TAKE NOTICE THAT ANY PERSON OR AGENCY MAY APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPPL BOARD IN RESPECT OF THE BY-LAW BY FILING WITH THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA NOT LATER THAN THE 11TH DAY OF MAY , 1989 , A NOTICE OF APPEAL SETTING OUT THE OBJECTION TO THE • BY- LAW AND THE REASONS IN SUPPORT OF THE OBJECTION . AN EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE BY- LAW, DESCRIB- ING THE LANDS TO WHICH THE BY- LAW APPLIES , AND A KEY MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE LANDS TO WHICH THE BY- LAW APPLIES ( OR , ALTER- NATIVELY , AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY A KEY MAP IS NOT PROVIDED) ARE ATTACHED . THE COMPLETE BY- LAW IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN MY OFFICE DURING REGULAR OFFICE HOURS . DATED AT THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA THIS 12TH DAY OF APRIL , 1989 . L . MILLARD CLERK VILLAGE OF VIENNA BOX 133 VIENNA, ONTARIO 10 NOJ 180 9 • • EXPLANATORY NOTE 0 PURPOSE AND EFFECT I/ The purpose of By- law No . 852 is to amend the zone provisions of the Residential ( R3 ) Zone of By- law No . 819 , as amended , in order to recognize deficiencies in the front , rear and side yards as well as the Maximum Building Coverage of a recently completed eight ( 8 ) unit residential dwelling located specifically on Part of Lots 9 , 13 and 14 and all of Lots 10 and 11 , Plan 54 , Village of Vienna . The effect of the By- law will be to bring the development into compliance with Zoning By-law No . 819 , as amended , 'MAW 66 VILLAGE OF v.0+► Rslikto NN \--041 , � .4 zn t . �- Zile 7b. 1 lam_ W at '" N LOADSSUB�C� E�,t Fut 1M � tett • THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA 0 BY-LAW NO, 852 Being a By-law to amend By-law No . 819 , as amended . WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna has deemed it necessary to amend Zoning By- law No . 819 ; NOW THEREFORE , the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna enacts as follows : 1 . THAT By- law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by deleting in its entirety " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS " subsection 6 . 6 - Maximum Building Coverage and replacing it with the following : " 6 . 6 Maximum Building Coverage 27 percent " • 2 . THAT By- law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by deleting in its entirety " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS" subsection 6 . 8 - Minimum Front Yard and replacing it with the following : " 6 . 8 Minimum Front Yard 5 . 95m" 3 . THAT By- law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by amending " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS" subsection 6 . 9 - Minimum Side Yard by adding the following : "c , encroachment into sideyards - existing decks and steps , existing roof overhang and eavestroughs are permitted to encroach into sideyards . " 4 . THAT By-law No . 819 , as amended , is hereby further amended by deleting in its entirety " SECTION 6 - RESIDENTIAL ( R3 ) ZONE REGULATIONS" subsection 6 . 10 - Minimum Rear Yard and replacing it with the following : " 6 . 10 Minimum Rear Yard 5 . 60m" • - 2 - 5 . THIS By- law comes into force : 111 ( a ) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Village ' s Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto , upon the expiration of the prescribed time ; or ( b ) where notice of objection has been filed with the Village ' s Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto , upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board . READ a FIRST time this 6th day of April , 1989 . READ a SECOND time this 6th day of April , 1989 . READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of April , 1989 . 472414A"erdee-?:vra R CLERIC FORM 1 PLANNING ACT , 1983 411 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA TAKE NOTICE THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA PASSED BY- LAW NO . 852 ON THE 6TH . DAY OF APRIL. , 1989 UNDER SECTION 34 OF THE PLANNING ACT , 1983 . AND TAKE NOTICE THAT ANY PERSON OR AGENCY MAY APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN RESPECT OF THE BY- LAW BY FILING WITH THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA NOT LATER THAN THE 11TH DAY OF MAY , 1989 , A NOTICE OF APPEAL SETTING OUT THE OBJECTION TO THE • BY- LAW AND THE REASONS IN SUPPORT OF THE OBJECTION . AN EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE BY- LAW , DESCRIB- ING THE LANDS TO WHICH THE BY- LAW APPLIES , AND A KEY MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE LANDS TO WHICH THE BY- LAW APPLIES ( OR , ALTER- NATIVELY , AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY A KEY MAP IS NOT PROVIDED ) ARE ATTACHED . THE COMPLETE BY- LAW IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN MY OFFICE DURING REGULAR OFFICE HOURS . DATED AT THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA THIS 12TH DAY OF APRIL , 1989 . L. MILLARD CLERK VILLAGE OF VIENNA BOX 133 VIENNA , ONTARIO NOJ 1139 EXPLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT The purpose of By- law No . 852 is to amend the zone provisions of the Residential ( R3 ) Zone of By-law No . 819 , as amended , in order to recognize deficiencies in the front , rear and side yards as well as the Maximum Building Coverage of a recently completed eight ( 8 ) unit residential dwelling located specifically on Part of Lots 9 , 13 and 14 and all of Lots 10 and 11 , Plan 54 , Village of Vienna . The effect of the By- law will be to bring the development into compliance with Zoning By- law No . 819 , as amended . VILLAGE of IOWA 1slat° A" ` f \ � ti ave 1 W z - A . C �1t�1NG 0.104) LANDS 5la �t1 co- 4- 1.4` _ 100 KID telt • • THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW NO. 853 BEING a By-Law to set out a policy for Municipal employee training and development . It is the policy of the Municipality of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna to assist its employees in the upgrad- ing of skills , knowledge and qualifications in order to increase current jol performance and the potential for assuming increased responsibilities , The Municipality of the Village of Vienna recognizes teh need for , and the benefits vo which accrue from effective training and development programs which can serve to raise the performance level of individual employees and the general quality of performance of the municipal administration . PURPOSE THE Purpose of this policy is to : i ) attract and retain competent employees who are concernec. with their personal development and interested in building a rewarding career with the Municipality ; ii ) provide , on an equitable and consistent basis , the method of meeting the training and development needs of municipal employees , in accordance with individual and organizational needs , requirements and objectives ; iii ) help enrich the work experience of municipalemployees , allowing greater satisfaction and preparation for assuming increased levels of performance and responsibility . RESPONSIBILITY COUNCIAL The Council of the Municipality of the Village of Vienna will : i ) establish a formal policy through which responsibility is allocated and procedures established with respect to the train- ing and educational functions . ii ) establish a budget for training and education which will provide the necessary annual resources to meet the municipality ' s needs . CLERK- TREASURER The Clerk-Treasurer will : i ) consult • lith the Council of the Village of Vienna regarding the training and development needs of the municipality . ii ) Liaise with educational and training institutions and 110 other relevant municipal/professional organizations with respect to program and course avai lab li ty and need . iii ) Manage and coordinate the training and development budget . EMPLOYE' The employee will ; i ) be responsible for the initiation of individual development opportunities , including the identification of training and development needs and the dis "ussion of such needs and opport- nities with Council . ii ) participate in training activities where requested by the municipality . iii ) be prepared to take advantage , and make the most effective use of the training and development opportunities available . iv) expect to make a personal contribution to his /her career development . BY-LAW N C. X53 a nt ' d =MUM TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT activities may vary from short , informal on-the-job instruction and guidance to more structured programs , courses , workshops and seminars offered on nn internal basis or sponsered directly by the municipality , either during or after regular working hours . TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT activities are available in accordance with municipal seeds and objectives to any municipal employee ( including part-time and temporary employees ) . APPLICATION for participation must be forwarded to Council for approval . 4110 FUNDING ; All costs for in-house training and development activi es are to be assumed , as set out in the annual budget for such activities , unless specified otherwise by Council . TO QUALIFY for financial assistance , an employee , prior to enrolling in a particular course (s ) of study , must be an employee of the municipality . COURSE (S ) OF STUDY requested by the employee for financial assistance must have a direct application to present or anticipated future job responsibilities . EDUCATIONAL COURSES may be taken , in accordance with organiza- tional rgani7a- tional requirements and objectives , on the individual initiative of the municipal employee , or at the request of Council . EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION The employee will provide proof of completion , f incl trans- cript of marks or proof of attendance in courses to Council . The Municipality will , through the municipal training budget , assume all expenses associated with participation in approved educational courses , or as agreed with participant , by act of Resolution. READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINPLLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY OF APRIL , 1989 . • REEVE CLERK // J $ µ f _ t w►� CORPORATION OF THE VILL1'GF OF VIENNA , BY- .t 1 O. E.3 BEING a By- Law set out a policy for Municipal employee training and c:eve loprnen. t . It is the policy of the t! uni cipa l i ty of the Corporation (-% the Village of Vienna to assist its employees in the upgrad- ing of skills , knowledge and qua ] i fi cations in order to increase current jol performance and the potential for assuming increased responsibilities . The Municipality of the V i l lace of Vienna recognizes teh need for , and the benefits which accrue from effective training and development programs which can serve to raise the performance level of inc' �.Tic?ual employees and the general quality of performance of the municipal administration . PU.PPOS TEL Purpose of this policy is to : i ) attract and retain coripe to n t emp ] nyee s who are concerned with their personal development and interested in hui ldinq a rewarding career with the h'unicipa1ity ; ii ) j:rovide , on an ecjuitable and cons _ stent basis , the r:ethne of meeting the training and development needs of municipal employees , in accordance with individual anc organizational needs , re .luireit en ts an (. oL. jectives , t iii ) heli: enrich the work experience of municipal employees , allowing greater satisfaction and preparation fo!- asmimirg increased levels of performance and responsibility . msro:isinzIalTy çLNCIL The Council of the Municipality of the Vil l acre of Vienna will : i ) establish a formal policy through which responsibility is allocated and procedures established with resnert to the train- in trains- ing and educational functions . ii ) establish a budget for training anc education Olich wil 1 provide the necessary annual resources to meet the municipality ' s • needs . CL LEi-- TREASU FJ F_ The Clerk-Treasurer will : i ) coltsult Yith the Council of the Village cf "iern1 recrarcling the training and development neees of the mug. i c i r a ' i. ty . ii ) Liaise with educational and training irstitutionn 7 nd ther relt3vant municipal/professional rrgani zation s 1.'ith respect to program anc: cec urse avai lal: li t1 and need . iii ) Manage ar.0 coordinate the traininc' anec' vevelopmment huOot' . L'-:FLOYLL The employee will. : i ) bt responsible for the initiation of individual development opportunities , including the identification of training anc clevelopment needs and the dis •ussion of such need l and opport- rlities with Council . ii ) participate in training activities. where requested l y the municipality . iii ) be prepared to take adv e , anc rza1-e . the most effective use cf the training and Cevelopment opportunities availale . iv) expect to make a 1erscnal cortribution to his /her carte ! development . _ - 4 • -. - -- - -- - --- __ . _ .__._� ..__ • _ ...--. _,NIAMWM.•._ �+- ._ t I � r laX±ILILISI...JUls.slaiLS: PRCCEDUP.E TRAINiNC AND DEVELOPMEVT activities may vary f rnn short , in for t-► 1 on- the-job instruction and guidance to nitro structured progr7rns , courses , workshops and seminars r. f ferec nn an interral basis nr 1 spcnsered directly by the nur ici al ity , either curing or after , : regular working hours . I ' TP.LINIaG L:41) DE\ LLCPI LNT activities are available in accorc' ance with municipal needs and oL jectives to any mur. icin ^ l c 'ipl eyee ` 1 ( including part-time ane, temporary employees ) . t i 1 1PT'LICZ_TI .0 for participation must 1- 0, for 'arced `- n council fcr approval . I j FUjLIi : All costs for in-house trairing an0 development activi. t - s are to :ie assumed , as set out in the annual budget for such activities , unless sr�ec . fieri otherwise 1'y Courci 1 . TO QLALIF Y for financial assiEtance , an employee , prior to enrolling in a particular course (s ) of study , bust be an ei p loyee of the municipality . COURSE (3 ) or STUDY requested by the empl ci ee for financial assistance must have a direct application to present nr anticipated future j cI) responsibilities . 1XXCATI ONA L CCL• RSI S may be taken / in accordance with orcY an i 7 a- tional requixemerts and objectives / on the individual initiative of the municipal employee , or at the request of Council . LP•IPLCY EL PA 'T I C I I P. I C.4 T:le employee will provide proof of completion , f inel trans- cript of marks or proof of attendance in courses to Cour. ci l . The Municipality will. , Lhrough the municipal training budget , assume all expenses as 3 oci ated with participation in approvec educational courses , or as agreed with participant , by act of Resolutir n . LLAD A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME 1 ND FINPLLY PASSED THIS 13TH LAY CF APrIL , 1989 . 1 A, . PEEVE ,e0e44:14.9--)C. CLERK „i , = •s► . i i C_ THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW NO . 854 BEING A BY- LAW TO ADOPT THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna , in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 ( 6 ) of the Planning • Act , 1983 , hereby enacts as follows : 1 . That the East Elgin Official Plan , as it affects the Village o f Vienna , is hereby repealed . 2 . The Official Plan of the Village of Vienna , comprised of the attached schedules and explanatory text , is hereby adopted . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to e xecute said Official Plan on behalf of this Corporation and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal , and to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of said Official Plan . 4 . This by- law shall come into force and take effect on the day o f the final passing thereof . ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 27th DAY OF JUNE, 1989 . //1 1. ' ` igazd Reeve Clerk ( Seal ) CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By- law No . 854 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna . • I 11 Vd/cik_ -,(- S Clerk inE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY-LAW NO . 854 • BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna , in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 ( 6 ) of the Planning 41/ Act , 1983 , hereby enacts as follows : 1 . That the East Elgin Official Plan , as it affects the Village of Vienna , is hereby repealed . 2 . The Official Plan of the Village of Vienna , comprised of the attached schedules and explanatory text , is hereby adopted . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Official Plan on behalf of this Corporation and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal , and to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of said Official Plan . R 4 . This by- law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof . ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 27th DAY OF JUNE , 1989 . i Cl ick ( Seal ) CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By- law No . 854 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna . THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW NO. 854 • BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA • The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna , in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 ( 6 ) of the Planning Act , 1983 , hereby enacts as follows : 411 1 . That the East Elgin Official Plan , as it affects the Village o f Vienna , is hereby repealed . 2 . The Official Plan of the Village of Vienna , comprised of the attached schedules and explanatory text , is hereby adopted . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to e xecute said Official Plan on behalf of this Corporation and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal , and to make applicatioo to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of said Official Plan . 4 . This by- law shall come into force and take effect on the day o f the final passing thereof . ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF MAY , 1989 . leyoad_za-Z-C/ . /c seg6 kilposs,4fi -27/11 A � , a r0". � /3/c Or 51i tee . e Crerk ( Seal ) CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By- law No . 854 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna . 4 410 Cie THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW NO . 854 BEING A BY- LAW TO ADOPT THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna , in accordance with the provisions of Section 1. 7 ( 6 ) of the Planning Act , 1983 , hereby enacts as follows : • 1 . That the East Elgin Official Plan , as it affects the Village o f Vienna , is hereby repealed . 2 . The Official Plan of the Village of Vienna , comprised of the attached schedules and explanatory text , is hereby adopted . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to e xecute said Official Plan on behalf of this Corporation and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal , and to make application to the Minister , of Municipal Affairs for approval of said Official Plan . 4 . This by - law shall come into force and take effect on the day o f the final passing thereof . ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF MAY , 1989 . dr _ rigr Reeve Clerk ( Seal ) CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By- law No . 854 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna . Cl rk THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW NO . 854 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna , in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 ( 6 ) of the Planning Act , 1983 , hereby enacts as follows : 411 1 . That the East Elgin Official Plan , as it affects the Village o f Vienna , is hereby repealed . 2 . The Official Plan of the Village of Vienna , comprised of the attached schedules and explanatory text , is hereby adopted . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to e xecute said Official Plan on behalf of this Corporation and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal , and to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of said Official Plan . 4 . This by- law shall come into force and take effect on the day o f the final passing thereof . ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF MAY , 1989 . X#y)0116‘.,\Nfiez/Iii Reeve Clerk ( Seal ) CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By- law No . 854 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna . 411 erk r- a441• 44 T}iL CCiP ORATIO: i OF Titr VILLAGE Cr VIENNA . Y- LL : c . 855 AP BLI *:C; A BY-LM to a( .717t the current estirn -rtes - and strike the rates of taxaticn for the year 19R9 WH R 'A: the Council of the Village of Vienna in accorc' crice with the Municir. al Fact considered the estimates of t'Nr Lr.i cipa ?_i ty and of the hoards thereof , and by vi rtuo of the Municipal Act , The Ontario Unconditional Grants P ^ t and the Educatio=n 1:ct , "% S . C . 19r0 , it is necessary that the f cl lowinv suns be raiscc i meaas of taxation rr%?: • the1989 . year GrN °'fiA.L MUNICIPAL I'C: I?POSE: $ 77 , 389 . _ r CCLNTY PLP C. LS 18 , 304 . R P LIC ELE INTP PY SC : CCL PurPO Sia 28 , 759 . MIMIC S ECO: LL PY S Ci:COL P U PP CSS ES 281420 . SEPARATE ELE :E NTARY SCHOOL Pt: RPOSES 1 , 033 . SEPARATE SEC (..' IL1.RY SCHOOL purporms 819 , Orr_ . $ 15 /1 , 734 . !ND WHEP.i AS « 11 rea ! property and business asses;;rent rolls mace for the year 1989 on which the 1989 taxes arc to he levied have been returned revise {' ane luly ccrtifiec' by the Legional Eegistrar of the 7.sse s ::nent Peview AND taiBR,LPS the Residential and Farm 2 iscssitent- a 411 p Lf. firnec� in Se:-. tion 7 of th \ ntario t*nLorditicnai (rants ;Ic t , L . S . O . 1980 and the Comercia I Ass isment as de f inc Secticn 1 of the said 1\c t been determined on the basis of the aforementioned real property and business assessment rolls NCW TUEEEFCP,E the Council of the Corporation of the Vi l 1 is i. of Vienna hereby enacts as follows : / . . . 2 1 N r P .._ 2__ t 41 I . There shall be levied an �1 collected upon a1 ' ratea ► In land , ;uildings and �� u.) .in 3s a3SCss�nent of t o C �-��c rat�.c�n cf ►e Village cif t�'ienr: a the fello ing rates of taxation : FES IPEN TII-L Cts ::IrrC'I ! I, & ritR : & B'L'STNESS GENERAL M L :I C I PP L 0 PS fESSZ•:ENT 402 , 761 93 , 330 MILL RATE 150 . 9857 177 . 6302 TAXAI ICN $ 60 , 811 $ 16 , 578 C.Ut.i TY I: SSESSt'1EiIT 402 , 761 93 , 330 ' i1ILL RATE 35 . 7100 42 . 0117 . . TA TION $ 14 , 383 $ 3 , 021 ?LB14. Cc01S ££SSESSVENT 387 , 469 92 , 410 MILL PAIL 57 . 9609 68 . 1893 , ' AXA T I Gov $ 22 , 4513 $ 6 , 301 SECONDAFY SCii OOLS ASSESSMENT 3P7 , A69 92 , 41. 0 TILL RATE 57 . 2956 67 . 4066 T1.X14TIC'1 $ 22 , 200 $ 6 , 229 ELENENTTLRY SEPARPITL SCHOOLS ASSESSMENT w 15 , 292 920 ' TILL FATE 63 . 0865 7A . 21 `' 4 .��' ATIOU $ 965 68 SECCNL :FY SEPARATE SCHOOL� ASSESSMENT 15 , 292 920 . 1ILL RATE: 50 . 0172 58 . 3438 TAXATION $ 765 $ 54 TOTAL ALSLSSMLN $ 121 , 582 $ 33 , 152 L154 , 734 0 0 / . . . . 3 e [ . . 1 I . .:: . . S 3.... CLASSIFICATION VIII, MATES PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPP cJ T E P5 rrs , & rAR` ' cer ' L & PPS , GENERAL MUNICIPAL 150 , 986 177 . 630 COUNTY 35 . 710 42 . 012 ELL":ESI TA RY S CI I CSC L 57 , 961 6 ? , 18 9 SECONDARY SCIICCL 57 . 296 67 . 407 TOTAL CONSOLI DAMED PUBLIC SCz1OOL r TF 301 , 952 355 . 2 38 . • SEPARATL SCHOOL SLPPORTERS GENERAL MLJICIPAL 150 , 9P6 377 . 630 CCLNTY 35 . 7 ) 0 42 ..01' SEPARATE ELL:1ENTARY 63 . 086 74 . 219 SEPL '.ATI: SECONDARY 50 , 017 58 . 844 TOTAL CONSCLIDATED * SEPARATE S CHCOL 299 . 799 352 . 705 2 . :1OTWIMSTANDING the provisions of Clause 1 of this Dy- law , any additional taxes payable as a result of additions to the roll pursuant to section 83 cf the Assessment Act , P . S . O . . 1980 , shall be that portion of the amount cf taxes t" ich would have Leen levied for the current year if t r assessrent hael been made in thei usual way , and that porticn shal1 Ye in the ratio that the numter of mcnths remaining in the current year after the month in which the notice provided for t 'erein , is delivered or sew: , Lears to the number twelve , and shalt ) e entered in the Collector ' s Rol ) and co 1lectee in the same manner as if thci assessment hat' been m ac1e in the usual way and .Wore particularly doscriLed as follows : a) If the as 3ess. en t haft beer added to the Co 1 l4ctor ' i Roll after June 30 , the taxes shall be due and payah1e in one inst 4I: ent on the 25th day of the month fol l awing the entre' o i the assessment in the Collector ' s Poll ; and, /' . . . . 4 S. • _- 4_w b ) If the business assessment has . been added to the Collector ' s Foil after Jure 30 . the business tax s h ,l = be cue anu p ayaLl le in one instalment on the 25th c: c-11- of the month following the day of entry of the , assessment on the Collector ' s Loll . 1 3 . The taxes shall be Cue ane' payable in two equal ‘ k instalments ' as follows : SEPIEM3ER 7 , 1989 an J , Ot �o NOVEMBER `5t , 1989 0 4 . The Collector is hereby authorized to rail , c'oliver or cause to be rlai leL or delivered , the not c9 of taxes duo to the ac::dress of the residence or place or ', usinesn of the perscn to whom such notice is require-i to he given . 5 . Taxes .mall be payable at par t© the Corporation of the Village of Vienna at the C ] erk ' 3 Office or by mail to P . r . Liox 133 , Vienna , Ort . i00J 1ZO , or at the Tri- Courty Credit Union , Tillsonburg or Vienna I3ranches . I 6 . There shall be i - _-oced a5 a r en a 1 ty for non_••nay' en t oc taxes any class or instalment teereof on tbn due date as specifies: in Clause 3 of this By- lav , a i the case may Le a percentage charge of one and one quartor percent ( 1 . 25 % ) cn the first ctiay next after the appropriate c 'e erste , which Liia1l 'ac the {fist day of default and an arlr' it ! or ai pern '_ ty rFi one and one quarter percent ( '. . 25 % ) shall be add c' on tit: first day of each calendar month thw reaf ter in which said default ccsntinuos , but not after hecerrhcr 31 it the year in which the said taxes are levied . Thereafter , ane! . . until the taxes arc raid , in to res t shall be peeled at the rate of 1 . 25 % per month . • . . . . 5 a 7 . The Clerk-treasurer anc. Collector of Taxes ( r.ncl a Bar%: specified under Section 386 ( 8) ) be are the sarno are hcrc v authorized to accept tart rayment from tire to tir,r' nn account cf any taxes due ane to give a receipt for such payment iirovidcd that acceptance of any such payT ent shall not affect the col lection of any percentage charge imposee and c . llcctable under Clause 6 hereof in respect of non- payment of any taxes or any class cf tames or of any instalment thereof . 8 . In respect to the r ayTaent of taxes by tenants of lanes owned b • the Crown or in which the Crown ha:; an it tc res t provision is herrJL j provided that where any such tenant has been emplcyeu either within or. outsic'e the municipality t- y the same employer ror not less than thirty ( 30 ) days , such employer shall pri: ( > ver to the Treasurer or rol lector on demand out of any ' ges , salary or other remunerz ticn Cue to such employee , the amount fihnn payable for taxes under this by- law and any such layrent shall relieve the employer from any liabilit.a/ to the ernplc1 ce for the -fount so rale . 9 . This By- Law shall come into force and take effect on the day it receives final approval . READ A FIRST , S : Core AND THIRD TIME ZIID FINILLY PASSED THIS .ST4 DAA OF 3GTE , 1989 . REEVE idefe4264.0:4 CLEM 442:ahLi2442242a) ti I ThL CUTCRATION OF T iI' ' VILLAGE OF Vli '' ' . .' T Y-- LL :;C . 855 WANG A BY-LAW to a; cv- t the current e s ti:l t e z ara strike the rate3 of taxation fnr the year 19R9 WIIERLAC the Council of the Vil1 : ge of /.I.enn ,-1. in nccoreance wit.: . nunicira 1 ct cc'njic'.ered the estimator; of te I•:unicild a iter and of the Loarc's thereof , and by virtue of the Municipal Act, The Ontario Lnconc?iticnai C rants Pet and the Educaticn 1.ct , r. S . o. 1900 , it it necessary thrt the following sums be raised! 11 :jeans of taxation ror • .:1‘.: year 1989 . G::NEWL Et,NICIPAL PLFt.FGSF.: $ 77 , 389 . CCLN'TY PLr.F CSE; 18 , 304s PILLIC ELEZ :1;'s:T1:PY SCHCCL PurPOSES 28 , 759 PL 3LIC: SECO:1L, '. 'X SCI:cCL PURPOSES 28 , 42 ^ . SEP, RI'.TE ELE;:E: TARY SCHOOL PURPOSES 1 , 033 . SI::PAR1_TE SECONDARY SCHOOL F'ur.PosrS 819 . TOTI L $ 154 , 734 . AND WHEREAS cal .real rroperty and business asses ^•1,ent rolls mace for the year 1989 on which the 1989 taxon arc to be levied have been returned revised and duly de r. t i f i ne' by the Leg iona l Reuistrar of the Assessment Peview Court , AND WHLRLJ S the Residential and Farm P sscssnter. t: is defines: in Section 7 of the Ontario Uncondi ticna! ( rants Act , F . S . C . 1980 and the Commercial Assn ssmr.In ; de f inn0 in Section. 1. of tIle said `%ct hrve Leen dctcrrninee nn the basis of the aforementioned real property ane hus iness assessment rolls NC:: TRLREFCDE the Council of ele CrNrpor•a tion of he Village of Vienna hereby enacts as follows : C-' / . . . 2 i f ` There shall be levied anc: collected upon all rate a! : le 1and , Lui lding and rus ;ne 5s asscssmnnt of the Co•rnoratinr cf the t i 11age of Vienna the followin7 rates of taxation : RESIr.E:1TI74.L cor •irrrir L & ri` r & PUST fir, F- GENERAL : UNI CI P I :, t.SS}.SS1 ENT 402 , 761 93 , 330 r MILL PATE 150 . 9 857 177 . 6 312 TAXATION $ 60 , 811 $ 16 , 573 UUNTY ASS LSSr-1LN T 402 , 761 93 , 33n MILL RATE 35 . 7100 4 2 . 01. 17 TAXATION $ 14 , 383 $ 3 , 921 PGBLIC SCHOOLS ASS ESSVE T 387 , 469 92 , 410 MILL PATE 57 . 9609 68 . 1893 ` AXATIG1 $ 22 , 45R $ 6 , 301 SLCONDAPY SCHOOLS ASSESS!`iLNT 387 , 469 92 , 410 MILL RATE 57 . 2956 67 . 4066 TLXATION $ _ 22 , 200 $ 6 , 229 E r1 1 A i •Y S E AN .TL S CH OOI s ASSESSMENT 15 , 292 920 • JILL FATE 63 . 0865 74 . 2194 TAXATION $ 965 6 8 S E CO:: D,. RY SE P1 TATE SCHOOLS ASSESSMENT 15 , 292 920 HILL RPTL 50 . 0172 5P . 8 /138 TAXATION $ 765 54 TOTAL AaSLSSME NT $ 1211582 S 33 , 152 154 , 734 / . . . . 3 - - - - . 1 . t __ 3_ _ 6 CLASSIFICATION " I T "s PATES PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPOI'.TERS RES . & T'I`FF" CC_„' ' L & BUS . GLNEE:PL MU ICIi 1L 150 . 986 177 . 630 CCtLN TY 35 . 710 42 . 012 ELE :ENT1.RY SCHOOL 57 . 961 61 . 189 SECONDARY SCHOOL 57 . 296 67 . 407 DOTAL CO:!SOLIDATED PUBLIC SCUCOL RATE 341 • 952 355 . 239 . ' SLPAR .TA. )CIIOOL S LP?ORTi} S GENFPJLL MU I C IPAL 150 . 986 377 . 630 CCLIMTY 35 . 710 42 . 012 SEPARATE ELF:nL TAM 63 . 086 7 4 . 219 SEPARAIT SECONDARY 50 . 017 58 . 844 TOTAL CONSCLIDATED . SEPARATE SCHOOL UM 299 . 799 352 . 705 2 . NOTWITilST ::1DINC the provisions of Clause 1 of this yr-- ? rw , any additional taxes payaLle as a result of additions to A the roll pursuant tr secticn 83 of the Assessment Act , P . 1 . 0 . 1930 , shy l 1 be t lc t i;crticn of t'ie aricun ` rf taxis wil . c''! wr^ a '. c have Lec:n levied for the currc :It year if the assessment hrl {' been mdCe in the usual way , ane that prrtirn shall 1)e in the ratio that the nu:A er of months remain 4 ng in the current yc ar after the month in which the rctice providec1 for herein , is delivered or sent , Leers to the number twe 1 ve , and shall Ye entered in the Collector ' s Rol ] arci co 11ectec? in the same manner as if the assessment haC been made in the usual tray anc' .core particularly c: scriLec' as . o/lows: a ) If the assessment has Leer -added to the Cn11 ' rtor ' l 11 .s _ Roll after June 30 , the taxes shall be due and paya} 1 e in one instalment on the 25th day of the month fo I 1 owinrT the ertr.--i of the assessment in the Collector ' s Poll ;. and , / . . . . 4 . • b ) If the business assessment hay s bee n added to the Collector ' s F.o1l after June 30 , the business tax shall be cue and payaLtle in one instalrncnt on the 25th day of the month following the clay cf entry of the assessment on the Collector ' s Roll . 3 . The tax all be clue and payable in two e9ual instalments as follows : SEPTEMBER 7 , 1989 and/ NOVENBEP '9. , 1989 4 . The Collector is hereby authorized to rail , deliver or cause to be rtai lee: or delivered , the notice of taxon . due to the address of the residence or r Iace of � � usinesn of the person to who: such notice is required t be given . 5 . Taxes shall be payable at par to the Cerporntinn of the village of Vienna at the Clerk ' s Office or by :nail to P . (N . .iox 133 , Vienna , Ont . iIOJ 1ZO , or at the Tri.- County Cr'eclit Union , Ti llsoriburg or Vienna Branches . 6 . There shall be ir.,)osec: as a renalty for nonopaynent of taxes or any class or instalment thereof on the clue alto gas specifiec: in Clause 3 of this Isy- la:•l , as the case -nay i e a percentage charge of one and one quarter rercert ( 1 . 251 ) cn the first (- ay next of tr r the appropriate due date , which shall be the first day of default zlnd an r-i 'c• it onal penalty c1 one and one :quarter mercer.t ( 1 . 25 % ) seal ) be added on the first day of each calendar rnorth thereafter in which 3a .d c:efault continues , but not after December 31 in the year in which the said taxes are levied . Thereafter , are until the taxes are paid , interest shall be acicaed at the rate of 1 . 25 % per :.month . / . . . . 5 • , . The Clerk-treasurer anc-4 Collector of Taxes ( and a Bari: specif ie ,k under Section 3 ( 8 ) ) be and tbe same are herehv authorized to accept rart t ayr^ent f r. om time to tir r nn account of any taxes duo arc' to give a receipt for such payment I• rovidcci that accrany payrent o f such a . en t .s �h a l l not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and c 1lectable under Clause 6 hereof in resncct of nor. - 0 payment of any taxes or any class cf taxes or of any instalr cnt thereof . 8 . In respect to the payment ent of taxes by tenants of lanes owned by the Crown or in ►z}: lch the Crown has an interest provision is hereLj provided that where any such tenant has been empleyed either within or c- utsicie the munic4ipM ity ry the same employer for not less than thirty ( 30 ) days , such employer shall nab, over to the Treasurer or Cr ) lector or demand out of any wages , salary or other remuneration due to such employee , the amount then payable for taxes under this by- law and an: such 1: ayment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the a fount so raid . 9 . This by--Law shall come into force and take effect cn the day it receives final aper oval . READ A FIRST , SLCCNL AND THIN-) TIME 2\NTn FINALLY P'7SSED T!! IS STk DAY OF JUNE , 1989 . PEEVE A . d e CI.E diazd G • TilL CORPORATION or THE VILLPGE OF 'IIENN 1' c BY- LAW NC , 856 BEING A LY- LAW to repeal By- Law No . 854 , a by- law to aclof t the Official Plan for the 4i0 VILLAGE OF VIENNA , passed May 11 , 1989 . FED A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIIS 8TH OF JUNE , 1989 . 7 1Wi4ta-rA- REEVE Zjida46L :1.1Z412P CLERK THE COPPOTTION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENN P BY- LAW NO. 856 BEING A LY- LAW to repeal By- Law No . 854 , a by- law to arioit the Cfficial Plan for the VILLAGE OF VIENNA , passed May 11 , 1989 . READ A FIRST ,, SECOUD MD THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSFD MIS 8TH OF JUNE , 19 89 , • REEVE CLERK f _ . THL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY- LAW NO . 856 BEING A DY- LAW to repeal By- Law No . 854 , a by- law to actor t the Official PIan for the VILLAGE OF VIENW. , passcC `-4ay 11 , 1989 . READ A FIRST , SECOND 1 ND THIRD TIME AND ?IT ALLY PASSED THIS ETH OF JUNE , 19 89 . .4‘m•-z REEVE CLERK • • T THE CORPORATION OF MI. VILLAGE OF \'IFNNA BY- UW _JO. 857 BEING A BY-LAW tl.-t authorize reeve and r 1 e rY to sign an agreement with Pau ' Durst and the Township of Bayham concerning supply of water to Paul Durst ' s Mobile Home Park . A copy of this Agreement and Plan 8967 are 1attached anC form part of this By-Law . FL D a FIRS , SECOND , and THIRD time ,, and finally PASSED this 10th day of i ug u s t , 1989 . H tti /A:g4ZW.1,110240// • 4TE2•1044Pliw'rt • I • I � t • • • • • • • ti I ! tt { d � ,: c, I I CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2491 BEING a By - law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst for the supply of water at Lot 13 , Concession 2 . WHEREAS Paul Durst is the owner of lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham amIAND WHEREAS the said Paul Durst is establishing a mobile home park on Wthe aforesaid lands . AND WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has passed By - law No . 2412 adopting Amendment No . 21 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham and By- law Z166/88 to amend By- law No . 2387 to provide' zoning of the lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , for the aforesaid mobile home park , AND WHEREAS the supply of water for the aforesaid mobile home park will be through the Village of Vienna water distribution system . AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to provide for payment to the Village of Vienna for the supply of water in the event that the said Paul Durst goes into default with respect to payments owing to the said Village . THEREFORE BE IT ENCACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COPRORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - 1 ) That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst to provide for the supply of water at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , on which lands may be established a mobile home park . 2 ) THAT the said Agreement be attached to and form a part of this By - law . • • READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1989 . ( ::,14b .4x>4= REEVE CLERK f $ • • • 4 . THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 5th day of Ser tester A . D . 19R9 WATER WORKS AGREEMENT BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA, hereinafter called Vienna, and PAUL DURST and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM , hereinafter called Bayham, WHEREAS Paul Durst has submitted to the Executive Director , Water Supply and Pollution Control , of the Ministry of the Environment for its approval plans and specifications for the construction of a water works as defined in The Ontario Water Resources Act , R . S . O . 1970 , Chapter 332 , or its successor, as amended , which are to be constructed by Paul Durst and to be located on Part of Lot 13 , Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham and owned by Paul Durst for the supply of water to a trailer park located thereon ; AND WHEREAS Paul Durst has reached an agreement with Vienna with respect to the supply of water by Vienna and the purchase of water by Paul Durst ; AND WHEREAS the Council of Vienna passed By- Law No . 857 authorizing Vienna to enter into and execute this Agreement ; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants , conditions and payments hereinafter set forth , it is agreed as follows : 1 . Subject to compliance with The Ontario Water Resources Act , the Environmental Protection Act , 1971 and any successors , and all other relevant statutes and regulations , the obligations to operate , maintain and otherwise deal with , manage and control the water works after the effective date of this Agreement , shall be the responsibility of Paul Durst . 2 . Vienna will supply water for the aforementioned water works for normal household consumption to the said water works ; however , should a supply of water not be available , Vienna shall not be held liable in any respect . I ' 4 _ 2i 3 . It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst shall not add to, alter or extend the aforementioned water works without the prior approval of Vienna and any other appropriate authority . 4 . It is hereby agreed that this Agreement shall be for the supply of water for a maximum of 28 trailers or living units as shown on the attached I Plan 8967 dated August 9 , 1989 , prepared by G . Douglas Vallee limited . Any additional trailers or living units to be served will require a separate Agreement . 5 . Paul Durst hereby agrees to pay double the normal water rate from time to time payable by the residents of Vienna or as determined by Vienna in recognition of the fact that there are no frontage charges or connection charges payable in relation to the water works system. Paul Durst agrees to supply a letter of Credit or cash in the amount of $1 , 000 . 00 as security for the cost of water in the event of default by Paul Durst . This amount may be revised at any time by Vienna . Payment for the supply of water shall be made monthly . A ten percent ( 10%) penalty shall be charged on all accounts not paid in full on or before the 20th day after the date upon which accounts are billed . 6 . In the event that Paul Durst goes into default with respect to the payments owing to Vienna , he hereby authorizes Bayham to add the arrears to the taxes for the property on which the water works is located . Bayham hereby agrees as a party to this Agreement to add the aforementioned water arrears to the taxes as aforesaid for collection in the usual manner . 7 . It is hereby agreed that Vienna will not assume ownership and/or operation of the water works system in the event of default by Paul Durst . 8 . It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will locate the water meters at the shut off valves of the main line and will allow Vienna and its servants and agents a general easement over the property upon which the water I/ works is located for the purpose of inspecting the water meters and taking readings from them . 9 . It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will reimburse Vienna for all legal and engineering fees incurred by Vienna in the preparation , any subsequent revisions , and enforcement of this Agreement . 10 . It is hereby agreed that this Agreement may be terminated by either party after a period of 3 years from the date of signing however Vienna shall have the right to revise the Agreement as it sees fit subject to the aforementioned „right to terminate by Paul Durst . • : • • ' v • { I 11 . It is agreed and declared that this Agreement and the covenants , provisos and conditions shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs , executors , administrators , successors and assigns of each of the parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Corporation of the Village of Vienna and The Corporation of the Township of Ba ham have hereunto caused their corporate seals to be affixed , duly attested by their proper officers in that behalf, and Paul Durst has hereunto set his hand and seal . SIGNED , SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA inthepresenceof ) z4,/,& ) <,y ) i41) Ate/P- 1111 CI-Lk") ) 1.1 ) : u Dust •� I f THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 6‘•m.) 1 a► Y p pTre f•• } r v ) t i 1 0 1 • TTE OF GUARANTEE EFFECTIVE DATE: August 25 , 1989 GUARANTEE NO. : EXPIRY DATE : August 25 , 1990 TO: Treasurer of Ontario , Ministry of Environment Dear Sirs : 1 . At the request of Paul and Marie Durst ( the "Customer" ) , National Trust Company ( "National Trust " ) , for valuable consideration , the receipt of which is hereby acknbwledged , by this Letter of Guarantee ( the " Guarantee" ) irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees payment to you by the Customer of a total amount of $6 , 000 ( Five Thousand Dollars ) . This Guarantee shall remain in effect up and including , but not after 11/ August 25 , 1990 . This Guarantee is issued to prove financial ability to construct and maintain -a water works on the clients ' land . 2-. A payment under this Guarantee shall be made on or before the Expiry Date upon your presenting to National Trust at its 150 West Street , Simcoe , • Ontario Branch, the following : a) your written demand for payment in the form described below b) this Guarantee 3 . The said demand shall refer to this Guarantee by the above number , shall state the amount demanded and shall certify that the said amount is due and payable to you by the Customer . 4 . Upon receipt by National Trust at the said branch of the said demand and this Guarantee on or before the Expiry Date , National Trust shall pay to you the amount stated in the said demand to be payable to you by way of National Trust ' s draft without enquiring whether you have a right to such amount as between yourself and the Customer , provided that sucb amount , together with other amounts paid to you under . this Guarantee , if any , does not exceed in the aggregate the amount of this Guarantee . 5 . National Trust may note on this Guarantee the amount and date of any payment made to you under this Guarantee and shall retain this Guarantee if the aggregate amount of this Guarantee has been paid to you or the Expiry Date has occurred . 6 . You may request that National Trust consider extending the term of this Guarantee by delivering to National Trust at the said branch the following on or before August 25 , 1990 . a) written notice that it wishes the term of the Guarantee to be extended . Yours very truly , NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY *14---)1-4"1" f' (A thor zed Si . ature) (Authorized Signature ) ti • 't • 0 0 3. H:... CORPORATi. .l OZ. 0 1 filar. VILLAGE Or VIFNNA Plf.... jTf;; No. 857 A 7i1.1- 1 ;'.'. : �:�_s o t: :cri %e t: -.% reeve ir:c' r� e • llJn an : Jesa r. - V • h ;Au l ) rrst -re. the Townshi: of Say}iar cnrcerrirf,' supply cf water Paul Durst: ' s •:ohi fi e :lone Park . 4111 i copy of this ,Agree ment 7..ne Ulan 8967 ar. c <a t Lathed ir.c. icr c rt of th3 3 t-Law . • FE ) a FIRST , SECONr , and TIiIPr time , ;mc' finally PA.SS:' D this 10th &II, of tugust , ori AO AjAVZ • v • c► • ♦ * CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2491 BEING a By- law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst for the supply of water at Lot 13 , Concession 2 . WHEREAS Paul Durst is the owner of lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham Amk AND WHEREAS the said Paul Durst is establishing a mobile home park on 111 the aforesaid lands . AND WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has passed By - law No . 2412 adopting Amendment No . 21 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham and By- law Z166/88 to amend By- law No . 2387 to provide zoning of the lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , for the aforesaid mobile home park , AND WHEREAS the supply of water for the aforesaid mobile home park will be through the Village of Vienna water distribution system . AHD WHEREAS it is now necessary to provide for payment to the Village of Vienna for the supply of water in the event that the said Paul Durst goes into default with respect to payments owing to the said Village . THEREFORE BE IT ENCACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COPRORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - 1 ) That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst to provide for the supply of water at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , on which lands may be established a mobile home park . Z ) THAT the said Agreement be attached to and form a part of this By - law . • READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1989 . 410 4.0.0"..4._ ededig:7 REEVE CLERK THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 5th day of S epter^be r A . D . 19 9 { WATER WOKS AGREEMENT` BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA, hereinafter called Vienna , 411 and PAUL DURST 4 and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM , hereinafter called Bayham , WHEREAS Paul Durst has shitted to the Executive Director , Water { Supply and Pollution Control , of the Ministry of the Environment for its approval plans and specifications for the construction of a water works as defined in The Ontario Water Resources Act , R . S . O . 1970 , Chapter 332 , or its successor , as amended , which are to be constructed by Paul Durst and to be located on Part of Lot 13 , Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham and owned by Paul Durst for the supply of water to a trailer park located thereon ; AND WHEREAS Paul Durst has reached an agreement with Vienna with respect to the supply of water by Vienna and the purchase of water by Paul Durst ; i AND WHEREAS the Council of Vienna passed By- Law No . 857 authorizing Vienna to enter into and execute this Agreement ; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants , conditions and payments hereinafter set forth , it is agreed as follows : . Subject to compliance with The Ontario Water Resources Act , the Environmental Protection Act, 1971 and any successors , and all other relevant statutes and regulations , the obligations to operate , maintain and otherwise deal with , manage and control the water works after the effective date of this Agreement , shall be the responsibility of Paul Durst , 2 . Vienna will supply water for the aforementioned water works for normal household consumption to the said water works ; however , should a supply of water not be available , Vienna shall not be held liable in any respect . ` � • 1 . A. 3 . It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst shall not add to , alter or extend the aforementioned water works without the prior approval of Vienna and any other appropriate authority, 4 . It is hereby agreed that this Agreement shall be for the supply of water for a maximum of 28 trailers or living units as shown on the attached Plan 8967 dated August 9, 1989 , prepared by G . Douglas Vallee Limited . Any 4111 additional trailers or living units to be served will require a separate 107 Agreement . 5 . Paul Durst hereby agrees to pay double the normal water rate from time to time payable by the residents of Vienna or as determined by Vienna in recognition of the fact that there are no frontage charges or connection charges payable in relation to the water works system . Paul Durst agrees to supply a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of $ 1 , 000 . 00 as security for the cost of water in the event of default by Paul Durst . This amount may be revised at any time by Vienna . Payment for the supply of water shall be made monthly . A ten percent 1 ( 10%) penalty shall be charged on all accounts not paid in full on or before . the 20th day after the date upon which accounts are billed . 6 . In the event that Paul Durst goes into default with respect to the payments owing to Vienna , he hereby authorizes Bayham to add the arrears to the taxes for the property on which the water works is located . Bayham hereby agrees as a party to this Agreement to add the aforementioned water � arrears to the taxes as aforesaid for collection in the usual manner . 7 . It is hereby agreed reed that Vienna will not assume ownership and/or P operation of the water works system in the event of default by Paul Durst . 8 . It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will locate the water meters at the shut off valves of the main line and will allow Vienna and its servants and agents a general easement over the property upon which the water works is located for the purpose of inspecting the water meters and taking readings from them . 9 . It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will reimburse Vienna for all . legal and engineering fees incurred by Vienna in the preparation , any subsequent revisions , and enforcement of this Agreement . I 10 . It is hereby agreed that this Agreement may be terminated by either party after a period of 3 years from the date o signing however Vienna shall have the right to revise the Agreement as it sees fit subject to the aforementioned right to terminate by Paul Durst . 1 i • 11 . It is agreed and declared that this Agreement and the covenants , provisos and conditions shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon i the respective heirs , executors , administrators , successors and assigns of each of the parties hereto . i IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Corporation of the Village of Vienna and The Corporation of the Township of Bayham have hereunto caused their corporate 411 seals to be affixed , duly attested by their proper officers in that behalf , and Paul Durs 4: has hereunto set his hand and seal . i . SIGNED , SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA in the presence of ) ) kg44W 1-461'</ PEEVE 1 ) 7;41Firi 7e/71.4fer, J1C4 / ) ) Paul ' rs ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) } R ) PEEVE } CLERK ) • fiy , rlIll""N"IMMMIIINIMMIIMIII.."""li"II"..."1"Mim"1"Ill"""liiI.lkI ' . - • / . , . OP i 1 . • • r • A . 4 r • • i ........._ ....... ......_ _ 111111111111, 0.......r ..... .........i. .......ramm. ..r.......... ..t....... .. ...................... ................ T4 �� - , .; . • 11.0 Ai 40 I 100 r - 100 40 100 . 00 50 1 -. 1. . : ,. 1 3 " % (-----\ . -......_ . . . i i 1 e • iv •` 1 W1 _ , • ' - I if--- ws a , 0 s 1co. 3 M 1 1 r4 ) . 18) -"-- . ,fri I :4 ; N.%., . ,. _44 LP • .0. -14 NtW -2.." DIA ` d 1'A• Ad 2'*T l'i 1 O. ® N,V * *0* - ‘.....) i, ( f ) Z --Di f f 1 • :r r Pi • • - ‘ ' 4 \ .3% v . \ __., w s .� •.;••./ t rN 1% • ,Ow 'D toQ 4A. 1 • t . . v q. ti:Abil \\ , . 3 js :..........v.14.----- 1/451t ..• of ►. vf(11 0 V41 5 44 . • \ • ),,, , , f... 1.1 \---- t \ \ . t. 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V► �a.,.Jm.c.T mkt W N4 icips \ L sr 11 • TCO N111.1.4/ 4 $etV E .4 111 II G LO •LQ t w n+t641, ma. • +' „S,ii . ' . do, , _, . 2(-2), • \ • b too Z ......., ,..9. %s t • - may. IS l \ , Vi 0 • I • 1 ' . . (ii) . \\I \ z4„, . . i - ----Z_I---- 7,...____ , \ 0 1 • • 1 % . .. 1• • \. . : •I , . - �` •• ', • VlOi00 ►QST Far.. 1ticMpTR \ e 213pS • , 7/7/./ 1 ' IIC ILADI N•t ILk4i0 sT iR� PS 5,9 - 4 GOYt.R *1ST . a firirsZo, r 0 • . . c«c ;ST *tAD$ iriT - r . UNITS . - 'R '�i1 '�' .�80,„,...orf __ .,.�- .'1M*<TT�.� /�� � r �� ` It 1% \ 1 I ‘ 111 z V�►1.VES, ;C:. i •1R11�'T1N/�► Z,~ WATliL /►1►1 �'O 0* f%$ 4 % TSD Al a' $►T T i rk 4,1 a i Ef 6 1 6,111*/ 1�1 T R A E . -' / MAIN 4 R e c..DAs marzr� TCS N 11•,4 4' W.S A NOM 1 'ax. , . ‘::` ----:— .... Los.wmit2.: \ . i _:, - 2• MEW '>.�' ' ilvr�.M Atm 'ro "SUL W CeilI TR,p ICV MOM. N OSLT 14 4 s ,, - - 1.IM+Tf CIF WAY AS CoftrAilimsao 414.4. *A a:MA. --'" ) - ,.,- 'J Lit 13T •t'b T R ►L. R. lr,�lR�� • i 3 maw Z" w A T S.R �.►..: '�"r 1641. :::olkieustaadposa PSI. '! L � - C t•'f ���� . , ,. .� � 4 lriw W ATlt stetsr,GAs t W.l�) +��." �lt.�' Gat,A. s a�l.v tct� �7i\ . I . ..- . . :: PaL'"aTK't1. C GfA 1s?• t TR+�MIL MJ►1iii 4--.• •4" D T iF*0 �w ?iCt3N K• PAAtN G u R.` 1rT0� , 1��0 +�► SOA IP EMD or c oim &Lt, 14 IWO 1IVA T GS.M.p i N 4 �1 AIMS. Pi Pt Tx� •a s1,O�t.D 5 W tK dos OV *1►hi if ALL AGrMi1l akIl +4 i t .... d►Kt PSlrCA.ST s , r • " 461•s~ �� 1 ' .. - Ml rE 1r11 i µ .O '* av ti. ?lie, Mil► 1► WA"�EAl�i�tVK.�.i� .�►=�.MT 1i raw >f A"�' ►A �i RV+CR! Tr «IMT�i Alii r<.o'r$ • • • r / �F eeVID*. PIP. suPPoats 2 - 2'' GADDL! c.am aGa•TtL�1 -` - 4 • p As a.E.ivb' (. 1 eA slDs) 4re 4•" ep► t.`Sr'* b. - • • . vicar. 4!t9mit. 11 "rt, 1 Al LL11L PAR - . A04 D /•Kori c a. -,Kohke i'A wttic. •- '''��T�E.. '' C.�► E.R. t E` i.11�..5 • '� `_, .•,.--_ 4" _ - •• sGAL.! ' • • a • 4 • . e 5 P - - • • • •• 1 DATE NE VISIONS CONSUL NG Mt N Ti I EERS & ARCHITECT . . �gos.°aP R O P O S E D etT au-T- 10/.1►, Ge. DOUGLAS Audi 1 �D• T�ri. L t � is jD //7-0,14 . '` ► J' ST� • x _ �.r I - - . ' • R I 1 H THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE of VIENNA BY-LAW NO. 858 BEL :G A BY-L71,14 to authorize the reeve and clerk to sign the necessary documents and deer! .M 411 prnvieing a clear and marketable title to be J Ii obtained ::concerning the sale of lots 8 And 9 i i • west of Qat: Stu being property roll no . 1. 57r- O0 �f . liin the Village of Vienna . 0 z li 1 • READ A FIRST , SECOND and THIRDS time , and finally I PASSED this 17th e.ay of August 19n9 . I s • REEVE 4 • • r 11, 0l ._1 } 1 II } • - I I . ii{ 141 a 11 lie 11 3t ill11 i II i P THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA DY-LAW NO. 858 BEING A BY-LPW to authorize the reeve and clerk to sign the necessary documents ane deed providing a clear and marketable title t' he obtained : . concernirg the sa ' e of lots P and 9 0 west c-sf CCI} St . being property roll nc? . 157- 00 in the Village of Vienna . READ A FIRST , SFCCND and "ItI 'T) time , and fins 11_l PASSED this 17th day of August 19 �9 , CLE ` • 1 THE COPPOPJTiON OF THE VILLAGE C:' VIENNA BY- LAW NC, 859 BEING A BY-LAW to rename certain streets within the Village of Vienna . 7PEPE.AS under provisi ^xis of paragraph 105 of Sectior 210 of The ?-iunicipai Act , Chapter 302 , F . S . C . 1981 , the Council of a :•:unicipality is authorized to pass a by- law forrenaming certain highways within the Vila age . THEP.EFOFE the Council of the Corporation of the Vi 1 1 are or ienna E.'.3/ CTS AS FCLLCW S : ( 1 ) ThAT the street runnir.3 East and West from the bridge at Main street , w e s to r 7 y along the : ig Otter Creek , heretof ori named Creek Road be and thP same is hereby renamed •'ain Street . ( 2 ) THAT a copy of this Ly- law certified under the hand of the Clerk and the 3ecll of the Ccrporaticn Ilr---I'mmP....um''...'mm''..uim.m.I.I.mm.lm.I.uI.Il.IIIlm..ImlIlIl..I1.IluIIIlmmumuIlIIl.IlIIl.IllIlIilIl.I' shall be recd is to rec: ire the Reg i. s try Office 'rr th Cr'un ty of Elgin at the City of St . Thomas . ` ( 3 ) THAT this b '- law shall come into force rd tarn effect on the date when the Cork cor'plivs with the previsions of Section 210 ( 105 ) of The '•puri ci p a 1 ct ancI clause ( 2 ) of this by- law . KELL) A FIRST and SECOND time th i ; 14th day of Septeml-•e r ! 9R9 . r-A9 .. _ ' .�.. is r -J PEAL A slurp time nn0 finally passec? this 14th day of September 1989 . 1 1 rt44 ,/:.. .E... 7P-C ... C1115 C� ..-..- -- -- _..__-...- - ___ - - ___---- - . ... . .------.....y.� • s 1J THE COPP CPATION OF THE VILLAGE C" VI rr NA BY- LI 4 NO. 859 ai:ING A BY-LAW to rename certain streets within the Village cf Vienna , yi:Ercrts under provisions of paragraph 105 ' f r'ccticr 210 ; of the ! !unicipa ] Act , Chapter 302 , P , S , r , 7 j R! ! , the Council of a '•'unicipali ty is authorized to rass a ty- law for renaming certain highways within. the Ville-ie. • THLREFCFL the Council of the Corporation of *he Village of Vienna ENACTS AS FCLLO !1S : ( 1 ) THAT the street runnirg East and West from the bridge at Main street , westerly along the Big Ctter. Creek , heretofore named Creek Road be and the same is hereby renamed Fain street . ( 2 ) THAT a copy cf this Ly- law certi fico under the hand of the Clerk and the :yea 1 of the Corporation shall be reg i3 to reC in the Pegis try r f `' i cc `nr the Cr`t;nty• of Elgin at the City cf St , Thomas , 3 ) Th '. T this by- lay: shall come into force arc' tayta effect on the date when the Clerk complier; with th' ;)rcivisions of Sccticn 210 ( 103 ) of the ' r cirn1 Pct. and clause ( 2 ) of this by- law . READ , : FIF.ST ane SECOND time this 14th day of Septe^tber 1 !) P9 , iAr LT READ A THIPD time and finally passes' this ! " th September 1989 , i Ai _ - f' L445.dikiLiteked„._ CU: PK 4 G . V I TIS. COFRCP %TION CF THE VI LI 7c'F CF VI N T BY-LAW NO , 860 BEING A BY-LAW to rename a cortin street withir. the Village of Vicr_na . 4 W1IEP g:S under the prcvisicns of paragraph 205 eNf Soctinr 210 of The Munici_a1 tct , Chapter 302 , P. S . O. the Council of a Municipality is authorized tri ?F: s i P by- lay: for renaming certain highways within the vi 1 l ac'r . j • THLREFOPE the Council of the Corpnr. ati rn fN r t1 is t.I 1 ' fame of Vienna • NACTS AS FC I.LC)E•IS : ( 1 ) THAT the street running East anc1 West , hereto* fore named Centre , am running para 11. c 1 tr► King S t . 1- n anr' the same is hereLy renamed Walnut Street . ( 2 ) THAT a copy of this by- law , cf r. ti. fieC' ur{'cr - n hand of the Clerk ane the seal cif the Corprratiry , shall be registered in the registry Office fer the Crnnty of Elgin at the City of St . T'-vN-i � 1 . ( 3 ) THAT this by- law shall come into force are taYe effect on the date when the clerk complies with the provisions of Section 210 ( 105 ) of The "unicinn l Trt and clause ( 2 ) of this by- law , READ ? FIRST and SECOND TI: "I: tai s n t' Oly cf Nnve-iber. 3909 , • w Ad dk ad? A, FEE T • READ 71 TI I RD TIME and Finally mass^c1 this 9th day of Nevember 19f9 . • CIE 4 f TEL CCPPC r ATIo.; CF TAS V I Lr r"' Cr t_•Irr;•,P 13Y- Lit .; NO , $60 1 BEING A BY-. Lr; to rename a certain str-'rht f• ithir the Village cf Vienne . W ERLAS unLer the previsions of paragra i 3fl5 of recticr 210 of The °-1unicikal i ct , ClIpTiter 302 , P . S . C. 11f11 , the Council of a : gtr:icipa1ity is aut1 orizec? to rrIss -� I bywe law for renaming certain highways within the "i 11 iron , THEREFORE the Ccunci 1 of the Corporation of the Vit ; ac'e of Vienna ENAC 3 AS Ft I1OWS ( 1 ) THAT the street running List anc' t.'est , heretofore named Centre , ane running Fara11 '' 1 to :' i_nn St , to anfl the same is her•_'L1P r^''1ar ed Walnut *Street . ( 2 ) `i : ;.T a copy of this by-- 1 ;1w , cert iti C unCoz ti;o hare' of the Clerk ane the seal of the Corporatir " , shc.11 1c registered in the registry Office for t le County cf Elgin at the. City of St . ThomAs . ( 3 ) THAT this 1- law shall cone into fr:rc71 Are tato effect on the Cate when the cler% complies with t'le provisions of Section 210 ( 105 ) of The "unicina ' �" ct and clause ( 2 ) of thi3 by- law . LEAD A FIRST anc SLCO:!C TIn': this 9th r' i j. of nve- fl r 39P9 . F'.EL' • ...; 17-; 22462) /-&7P.„fl PAD A TUIPD TIME and fina ]iy pass -u this 9th clay of NovemL er 1989 . • PEEVE .1 I CLE E THE CORPORATIC:i OF THE VI ? .LM r CT VIr:+:3w BY-LAW NO. 261 BEING ABY- LLW to c- nfirm all actions of the Crunr.i i of the Corporation of the Vi ! laaof Vienna for the year corurer. ci rg De c : mhe r 7 , 19PP to November 3 fl , 1 q Pq . ' s B1 IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corprration of the VILLAGE or VII N?:Z that all actions of the saie Council by by- laws and reso h tions for the yrlear • cai ncncinc December 1 , 19 R 8 to November 30 , 1 9 Le anC the same are hereby apprr-vee Pr (7. ccnf i rr-•rNc. , L FIRST , SECOND PND Priam T I'T AND rI NP T T V PISSED !MIS 14th MY CF DEcr '3CF , 19 ° 9 . .-Ze'a7g C'I P'K 0 I � I 1 # THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE or VIr7;:!I 4 3Y-LA: NO. 3€ 1 BEING A 3Y- I,7: to crmfirm all actions of the Counrei l of the Corporation cf the Vi J 1 age? of Vierra f r r year co:;ir.;encircj DrcmLer Z , 19 PR to NlIvc" h►er 3 .^, , 1 f R� . .BE IT ENACTED by the C cAunci l of the Corp^rati rn c f the VILL `.G . or VIL:1Ui% that all actirrs of the aie Council by Uy- i av s and Eeso 1 uti ons for the yr5a r com encirg Dece:ri r r . 1 , 19 P R to Novemhcr 3O , 99 br arc: the sa:rte are her ty aper^vec' arC c nfi rr•^d . RLAD D I n1 ST , SECOND AND THUD ISD TI 'r^. AND rIN1 T.I " FASSDD T!j I: 14th eDEV Cr DLCI ' *'3Er , 19 fig . a C1..1.F.K.,4.frez) 24__ .3 • • S 1 e . THE CORPORATION OF T} "E VILLAGE OF VIEN1A BY--LAT NO . R.6 2 BEING A BY-L/41 to appoint Municipal Officers fnr the • year 19 90 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COtNCIIL OF THE VILLAGE OF V I LINA : • TULT THE MUNICIPAL CFFICF P S FCF THE YEAR 1990 rti: AS F OLLOW S : 1. CLERK:-TRF:AS TYJ ER LY'!Dr. I�'ILT:AP1� • • TAX COLLECTOR LYN DA VI LT.1 rD • HALL MANAGER & rA PJOrIE C1 PPFTT HALL CUSTODIAN WEED CONTROL RICK t•'APLATT ROADS SUPERINTENDENT EDWARD IT7 TTIF CANINE CONTFCL DONAT r WHIT'lEY S I DEWAL} S ARTHUR GOETILALS FENCE VIEWERS ►tiIk' . COP. .TTT , GILT'S !'F,UM'r , DCN !T C RTO:`` AUDITORS BARKER. , STANLEY & PT1FS . LICENSE ISSLER LYNDA MII.LARD WATEf BILLING CLERK & PUTT! BEATI'IF WATER COM1w I S S I Citi E R BUILDING INSPECTOR ¶Th . t'NDERITI LL PLUMING INSPECTOR :'l'.'•'. . U?' DEPITILL 0 BY- LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER t•m . CORNETT FINANCE CHAIRMAN FDWAF'D BFA•TTIE PROPERTY STANDARDS { 3y i ( 2yr j 'WiAFYLNYEI PARKER CC MIT' EE ru:r.'CfiF'F • ( lyr . ) JFrr.Y srrir: rs COMMUNITY CENTRE 90F PD K . C . EMFRSCt , AFT GOFTTIPTr) ii (Members of Council ) DOUG BPACKENBt'RY , FD; / PD E E A:'T I I: , r ir: P I '.'_"e . A�& Et)IS ON I 'USEL:AR BOARD E . t3r ATTIE , _ , F T, BEATTIE , LT . SFC'I!E PS ,W*.u"I�l►:li VILLAGE PLAN.iER PAUL HINrF , CTL WING COC'I;BCPr1 LTD . • VILLAGE ENGINEER CYPIIL J . DF!!FY?RF READ A FIRST , SECO:;C AND THIN) TIME kND ! 'INAI LY ►, 0 . PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF " ECEfBER , I9C9 . REED • CLEII .{ # THE COPPCRATION OF THE VI I.L?GE OF Vi ENNA } BY-LAN NO . R62 • BEING ABY-LA:W3 to appoint Municipal Cif Pp Q I f kers Fir the s. year 19 90 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY i1E Mt'NICiPAL CO NCIr. OF TIIE VILLAGE OF VIENNA : THAT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1990 BE AS FOLLOWS : CLE RK—TRE ASUREF LYNDA MILI APT TAX COLLECTOR LYNDA r'ILI APD HALL MANAGER & rAPJOr IF; C11 PPFTT PALL CUSI ODIA.N l ' D CONTROL RIC'i{ zAPL `T • ROADS SUPERINTENDENT EDWARD Bk"PTTIE CANINE COLJTPOL DONAT•D WHITNEY SIDEWALES ARTHUR CC'E.TIIAI,:, FENCE VIEWS I'S rORVETT , GI LI r S "7”2-i rr' , DCN !TORTON AUDITORS BARKF;P. , S T 1\NILFY & PTUTS . LICENSE ISS L R LYNINN MI?LAFD WATEi. BILLING CLERK & RUTH BrATTIE WA TE R CO2 I'i I S S I C. E R BUILDING INSPEgTOP t'7r. . UNPERfIILT PLU 13ING INSPECTCR UNDFFIIITI BY- LAW ENFORCEMENT CFF/CER t' rt . COMMIT FINANCE CHAIRMAN EDWARD BEI TTIE PLOPERT3t STA'.11ARDS Syr . WAYNE PAPKEP COQPIITTEE ( 2yr . ) MAPLY`1 rLT''"t'Hrr • ( 1y'r . ) JErrY SFf ErS COMMUNITY CENTRE F3OZPD K . C . EMERSON AF'" GOF"IIATS )1° (141mibers of Council ) DOUG BRACKENnt1RY , FDt'1AFf , BEATTIE , PTCK MAPTIA.Tfratie 4 4/00(,, EDISON MUSEUM BOARF E . BFATTIE , . , n TN BEATTIE , J . SECREPS ,Wi La am,h;ll I IjLACE PLANER PAUL IIINDE , CC'?4''vINC CrC`F:'�UPI1 • I•T D . VILLAGE ENGINEER C'Y RI L,. J . DFrEYF RF READ A FIRST , SFCO: ;r, AND TRIPP TIME AND FINATTY PASSED THIS 14th DAY CF 7 :CEMBER , 1919e REEVE CLERK mob`► • _ _. 1 ►.fir. F►- - . ... r_. -. .._ _� .46. TRE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY-LAW NO . 862 r B'ING ABY-L4,: , to aproint Muricipatl Officers fr, r tI'e i year 19 90 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE or VIENNA : THAT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS FoP. THE Y^A R 1 q9 O 11E I A FGLLCW3 : CLE - "RE ,SURER LYNDA MIL `.APD i , : TAX COLLECTOR LYNDA VI LT•A.I'LL &1:\LL MANAGER & ? 'ARJC�P,IF t;P FFETT CALL CLS 1 " DIA: ; WEED CONTFOL RICK P PL TT • ROADS SGPEPIN"ENDENT EDWARD BFpTTIE % NINE CONTFOL DONATE WHITNEY S I DET ?1.KS ARTHUR GOETHAIZ ! FENCE VIEKEP.S WV , COr:t'FTT , OILIrS ? ErIArr , DON t:ORTON AUDITORS DON STANLEY t r NPS . LICENSL ISSLEI{ LYNDA MILLARD . \ W.\TER BILLING CLERK & RT;TH BEATTIE WATER COMMISS IC?ER i L LI LDII:G INSP !'CTCP WV , UNDERHI LL PLU BIAG INSPECTOR WM , UNDERHITSL BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER WM . GORY ETT FINANCE CHAIRMAN EDWAPD BEATTIE t'ROI ERTv STANDARDS { 3yr . ) WAYNE PARKED Cflr►•i' I T". LE ( 2y r . ) M.A RLY 'N rr1r '(' T ! . C ly r . ) JETTY SECF E rS COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD K . C . EMFRSON , APT GOF"'I'7 r (t a ters of Council ) DOUG I3FACK£NBT'RY , FTWARr Sr+ ' 4 BEATTIE , PtC`K mART ` rrme. At e ED ISOt VUSELM 7.0ARI 72 , BEAT''IL , s JP 714 BEATTIE , J . ST'GHEPS W t i. . FI LL '' GC PLAt3:3E R ''''. [:L H?NPE , Ct'mr INC COMMIN LTr . VILLAGE ENGINEER CYPIL J , DFA`FYERP i '` REpo A FIRST , SECOiJ' AID THIRD TIME AW FINALLY PASSED THIS 14th D;A OF DECEMBER , 1989 , r S REEVE A I . CIX RICY. . . a ak . ,. 1 * % _ ,! I 1 . . , ,. , t 4; .SX P .. T . j- CQPPORATI C°:: CF 7L \ I LLACE nr vIr* ' :tt BY- LAW O. 863 BEING 1'-. &Y-14 ..7 to ;at the Interim V taxa tione. r the year 1990 I The new rates Laing : FES IDE'ITITT• 15n , 976 CO::::T RCI AL & BUSINESS 177 , c19 f The taxes sila l 1 be eue and Payab1 a in twc Ncrua l instalments as follows : FEBRUARY 27 , 1990 : ;AY 31 , 1991 READ A FIRST , SECCNp, /NG T:LIT'D TImr P ' : '' 1 ` IR1hLtY PASSED THIS 14TH LAY CF G2CE"1BrR , 19 ° 9 . CLI.I . K421.421/72:22 % . V •UL ORPOPA ♦ 1 C% CF 'ralt I I l'. .• �•1�, �' .l C ►,..LAW NO. 86 3 LY to ►tet the Into ri... r ; , ' r taxa tion for t'.e ; � � r 1990 Tie new ratf.13 rl., r' I1 E:ITIAT 15x1 n76 . � _rPCI T. ,.ic 'ST °, n s 1 77 . F1. 9 The to xes be rue a r-C !Ia./a!) 1 i1 ; r t r•ra: •- ' inst.) "'men tr= foll 7 , 1990 : :;.Y 31_ , ' -, • T.E r L P. PT ;; �'C': 1 T , �£, ,... i r r r ,n ',.!n r y PASSLL 'Tit: 14TH L: ''.y '"` J';Cf'..Br r , 19 °9 --- 22-4102.-- E--Thilis"; ►t --- i 1 �. i 0 �y� t TT �►_ . HE CORDO ATI CN CF THE VILLAGE nr 1.71.17:7 :A BY- LAW'W NO. 863 BEING A BY- LT ..: to et the Interim rill rr trr r ` taxation fcr the y e,- i 1990 The new rate 1•einj : F.ESIDE: TIAT 15n . ..76. . E 317x- i; r.3 5 177 . E 19 0 The taxes shall be Oun ar.d paya: 1 in (%czu , ' ., instalments a3 fel lc s : FEBRCAPY 27 , 1990 : :AY 31 , 1990 RECD A rI PL T , SLCCNU PNr T! i I rD TIME Ar r) rINAT T:Y PASSED THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBF R , 19P9 . . i ..c.,...:2!t(-04:0"t47 .L CLLEK d a I 0 +. • CORPORATION OF T:1L t I M,.L1.0 or 17Ir!7 1t 34rr- L?t-f r0 . 863 6Y-Lt to iet the Interim !' 1 f l rates e r taxation !rr the year 1990 be new rates being : r. 5 IDLiTTI1T. 1.5n ,, 97ci CC: :: "B �.CIAL & BUST FSS ! 77 . E19 Th.1 taxer; shall. be due ars: payal) 1 e it. !"Turf ir. ; taiments fol icwrws s FEBRt AFY 27 , 3 990 MAY 31 , 1990 FP. i t; A FI RsT , 5ECC:4D ANL) A I rn t.' 1, -•1'ThlY I p its s i t •ills 14TH ,1':: or DECEMBER , 19 °9 . • 111 f M