HomeMy WebLinkAboutVienna By-Laws 1959 VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY -LAWS 1959 Numbers 552 — 555 1 5 -i 0151-11A) 1 F } 1 • 1 058 / Q Si 1 '1,60 i 9 6 ! ` 34a ,ferf63 SS 2 559 S6s 534 s8� 5T c53 sac 5 S_S SC 5-I S- 40 SS6 S8 � S4,/* . i �. • By-Law No. .)-6-c2 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA A By-law to approve of the borrowing of $606,000.00 by the Town of Tillson- burg upon debentures for the erection, equipment and furnishings of a High School Building in the Tillsonburg High School District. WHEREAS the Tillsonburg District High School Board has applied to the Corporation of the Village of Vienna for its approval of the borrowing of Six Hundred and Six Thousand Dollars ($606,000.00) upon debentures to be issued for the purpose of erection, equipment and furnishings of a High School Building to be located in the Town of Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford for the Tillsonburg High School District. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg is passing a By-law, a copy of which is hereto attached for the purpose of the said borrowing and issuing debentures and is arranging for the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board with respect thereto. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient for the Corpo- ration of the Village of Vienna to accept its portion of the payment of principal and interest and any other expenses in connection therewith. THEREFORE the Council of the Village of Vienna enacts as follows:- 1. The Corporation of the Village of Vienna hereby approves the said borrowing of Six Hundred and Six Thousand Dollars ($606,000.00). 2. The Corporation of the Village of Vienna hereby accepts its share of the principal and interest and any other expenses in connection with the said debenture issue by the Municipality of the Town of Tillsonburg. 3. That commencing in the year 1960, and in every year thereafter in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Corporation shall levy and raise its share of the said principal and interest and any other expenses in connection therewith as determined in accordance with the provisions of the High Schools Act (or . -2- any amendment, substitution or any other law which may be in force from time to time) upon all of the rateable property of the said Municipality which lies within the said District. 3. This By-law shall come into force and effect on the day of the final passing thereof. Read a first and second time this T day of May, A.D. 1959. (-farlaG Reeve C<;f44-4-(c)ilk°14-Li Read a third time and finally passed this 1 l'-4 day of May, A.D. 1959. if7%eit-te/7) eve a Aw , er' inatimum4 s irisw arsMrilaas w ►.rmitas it Ilr./iea sad Ns lMma..a+ Dollars was diebustires ter tire srestissido Selma Didltiwg is ITOMIlmailourg Nigh admo1 Area. tiM ti3�l�� Migit ill 11s+�a is �l�N of ° !!11'ieniw'i, the Villain of Vienna, the Ti1Lp 0 Pert Oil1e31. Mo lirlMltp leseiten, No's of the Township st ►en K She limmobip of aayk.a, part of the loiruUl► of NMS llawLtlt, or tiN lwsehi* North dal. .. K the !imuship at %Mir. Y� ?ori tillassbirt w loses N4Mtimi by 4111. nusostiewi MO Mrs/ 4+M Mie! M raise the sus at immilmaiimailree sad ifs lMrwM 14i06.000.00) ter sM purpose of the westing, NuiPrat and twaisUisss it a au District sa400l hatltiag. Abysm, ASD WOMB it is lxpidiN1ti ter the said pILTpiN 10 borrow Ar the tinwLog thereof MW said sus at its NrNswl aid fiat lMr1aM Biollsra ($ O00.00) wog the *rent at the mu _ . ertbtM, and M loam debentures 1heseter bearing interest a1;lObe !Ne of HN aid thi'eMinalNts eft tMttr (siØ) Sr.. 0,1. it Leone paid, and M provide far the dimming �L tMraPiless LaslMWial M sopttafiew and sale et FNM allobontures "L, AN! MUM 1t is expedient M sake 1!» priMipal of ' the said debt repsyable in onara1 1asta1rMtts metrias the period larliheety years next after liM date a inane et sash t•Nssersse arialatir"1"• reapeettirety that, via the s...r.a i. realest .t4lw debt, the .isree.s. ...r.t ,.haw yrs rrs.sipai ..l lat.- cow nes sa •sot ysar shell be M swly y possible Mr; wob- Mroslt• proviso VMS sash inasaliest prlNipsi say M ter as fve.4160.00, $500.00 or $1,000,009 tMrMti mg, that n+witwsaNlng asythlas berets sustained, Os a■wi laasaLwt /rii/Lpa1 alr Soberest may differ in anSM w�l� . stonily to admit %hersst; AND iniNNUN the ammo* at the whole rateable property of the annialpalit7, asaordiag to the last rs issd assessment roll thereof is $,662,050.00. AND >1IIRtAs the ammo of the existing dobentwmre debt of the Corporation, estlweive et Leal iap�nmoet debts seeared by special rates or assessment is 7,150.00 and ao part at she priasipal or interest of sash debt is is arrows; £ D Mang by Order dated the day of October, 19, , the Ontario Municipal Dowd has approved the parpeou st the said borrswias and the paroles it all requisite qty-laws, isolating debenture by-laws; T1tfls7OU the Countii of the Corporation of the Toga of Tilleeahri esaoss as fellow:. 1. Tar the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow apes the srsdit of the Corporation a sem net assssdiag abs lustre! sad Sus Thousand Dollars ($06,000.00) wed shall issue dsbeatures therefor is surra of net less than $100.00 leash. Sash deli-ensure shall bear interest at the rate of fire sad three- quarters per costal (Si%) per assess from the date of issue until the date et payment, payable ataaelly and shell have soaps.. attashed thereto ter the payment et Push interim*. 2. A11 the debentures shell bear the same date, shall be issued at sue time and rltbia tare years after the day N whish this by-law is passed, may bear sq date wdthia sash tem years and shall be made mai, is annual iastalaeats during the period of twenty Tears emit after the date of lases thereof, and the rea- pettire amounts of priasipal and iaforeet payable la sash of seek years shall be the amount se dselgha1 d is iehedule "A" hereto aaaosed. l• The debentures shell be payable as be beak priaaipal and iaterost is lawful money of Mata sod may he mode payable at srah plum or plies. la Cased: as shall be d.sigsated %hareea. 6. The said dasmtares shall he sealed with the seal or I/ . rob * . the a!/t!'atLM and stamN 1r the lapse M' Milia Mir row ether parses authorised by *alms M Aga the arli and by Ms Treasurer. The said interest Mpo11s shell be SispM by Os lreawurer and kis signaburo Meeeon r/ M atitton, stamped, lisbegryMd er engraved. S. Gemmemsims La the year 1!!, rt tftersa!"Nr in sash year in whisk a 'armest of priasipal wader ULA 1y•lw Irl faisrsat theme bosoms dw, the Cowbell shall levy and raise L {hml year w all the rateable peep+rrtT is the smmisipa1ity an smog iu!ltKMK M pay gwh priMipal and Interest M She ncsMt that sus)* amnia has sell leen provided for by the s}etial rates imposed M porna*r K pMpeftt Mie liable thirster by the ipolawa of all the ether musisipallfiN wholly and partly lralw.il La M. siu...burs High Mosel Arm. lit. Um esti d.r..sv.. ..r ...s.i. . ileums providing tor iii mlssrrsi«n thereof pursuant to Session ))s of The fMistpal Iris47 Paling tbe sale of the said Mke+atiw+s, 11e Mayer and °'` IM emossurrt' my raise ter the purposes aforesaid try w/ of 3+w MirN a4► ems or sums of mosey net aMNing in all ameherissi N be borrowed sad nay bypslbsssts sulk w ' ter gNb leas. 10., The �at�l,� Mail Wive the KMN� at its 'Wen, Is ragas iii portion of his said MlmoNtIsaa uAdet maims La 1M ok was Mi M asp MN pier N weevil* ali lb* t►labasa laws sad islike moneys La whisk Ms said debentures are **primed w be payable, upon WNW of the peintipal assuut Owes! together new 1pereeR amolMt M the date if !'NemptiM and upet 4vtag ►revious settee of said Latest/Am M redeem rj alwrilaty emirs la IMO Olialto ellsKss and saes La • Edi/ arrpaper tot general movissial cirsulation, published L1 SW Myatt Toronto, and IMO la • 11M4 MAwyitfr, mak melee M N a/!rltiesd as aforesaid M least Wlrj days wtase ties iMo fined for rwA- tiw. Mottos of layea1iM se to redoes Mimi Mao be teat by pest as least thirty days prier N the date set for NM rNapp. • w ties to sash psresa la erose nano a debenture se to be redeemed is registered at the address sheen in the Debenture Negistry Book. 9. The proceeds tree the sale of the said debentures sr the ONE el nosy borrowed thereon shall be forthwith paid to the lillassberg High Ssbeel Area Beard. Mad a first mad ssssnd tins this day et Ostsbor, 195*. MAT= CLAIM Road a third tins and finally passed this day of 1999. �a2aoi CLIME to•91r'f to'tt is•99r'6sl t 0091909 t Oi•LTP•Tt Oi•LT!'s 000'61 as tt•T66'Tt is•T61't eof'11 6T 06'1.0.'1 of•sib'L oof't1 01 fL•ILI'n St•ttt•ot OOt'TT LT f:•tr1'Tf ft•Ts9•st 000'bt 1T fL•rL'Ts ft•ftL•tT 000'L( ft ft•t1L'Tf fs•TilL'1T 000'ft 1.T fL•1118t5 5L•tf9'VT 0001Ct ft oo•ou'Tc oo•or'os clot'tt it fr•199'Tt fs•19T'1:1 oof'6z TT _ fz•1LL'tf fs•1LL'ts omen oft 00•o00'Tf oc•oot'tr oo6'1Z 6 Of•LtL'Tf O6'LWL'9s 000'1.1 t fL•t!f'Tf tL•0•661s O0f'tr L of•itt'Tf of•stt'6a Oot's= 1 00.06f't5 00.Oii'0( 000'Tr t 00.O1L4f 00.O1L'tt 000'oa 1 Ot'stt'tf 0t•sttes( o00.6T C Of•L9i'Tt 05•L$t'tt 000'iT s 0o•f90'tf $ oo•f i'K I 000'LT $ T Troia %mu Isdlairm4 Aj mmatvK AD MACONif f s uoi*a 00.000'109$ y ore eripmft . • IS lifiliti;to p ' -. erg KIM s_6 .3 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA. A 6yriaw authorizing the Central Pips Line Company Limited, to lay down, maintain and use pipes and other necessary works for the transmission and diems tr 1 but I on of gas on, IN under, along or across any highway under the j r i s. diction of the Caunc i I of the C,rporat l on of the Torn of together with the right to bring 1n, prodsoe, distribute, supply and sell gas to residents of the )&rilcipal ity. FINALLY PASSED the (REAS The Central pipe Line Company Limited, (hereinafter Warred to as "the Cca any" and which term 'stall include Its suoo sears and assigns) is engaged In business of producing, nurchas i nj, t rr sml t t l n J, distributing, supplying and selling gas. AND M4E€AS the Coripany hue requested the Cas I I of the Corporation of the VILLAGE OF VIENNA to grant it a franchise to bring in, transit, erodes, distribute, supply and eel I gas in and through the VILLAGE OF VIENNA (hereinafter called 'the kinicipal ity") for fuel, heat and parer and to enter upon use and occupy the highways of the Lts*. c i pa i i ty In which to ley down, ma i me i n and use pipes and other necessary works for such purposes. AND .f LREA$ the C ounc i i deems it advisable to grant the said request subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. et IT THEREFORE WAFTED by the Canna i l of The Corporation of the VILLAGE OF VIENNA as foliages.. Pull right, power, paAM ssi on, consent and author 1 ty of ,the Iti c i pa i i ty are hereby g 1 ven, granted, c-wrferred and assured unto the Company, its suooee- sore and assigns, to lay down, maintain and use pipes and other necessary works for the transmission and distribution of jaa on, in, under, a l org or across 'fly highway under the fur 1 edicti on of the Counc i I of the MUni ci pa l i ty, Indus. lu. din0 therein the right from t i rre to time and at any time to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, ulcrr, along and acroac the same or any of thews or any part or parts of them such transmi ssi on and distribution mains, o I pee, lines, services and works (with anti and all neoessery or incidental apparatus, ,ttactments appliances, arrangements for cathodic protection, regulators, val• . : - vas, arb-bookes, safety appi lances and other euoh•l lige appurteranoes) whloh the Company may desire from time to time and at any time for a gas distribution SOW and any extension or extensions from t i ere to time thereto and together with the further right from time to time and at any time to enter upon, open up, dig, trench, use and campy such highways or any pert or parts of them for any of the purposes aforesaid and further together with the r I g3ht from time to time and at all times to use and operate a gas distribution system in the M n1• cipsllty or art/ part or parts thereof and to provide gas service at the pro• Oerty line to any resident or residents of the Ikn is I peg l i ty wtoee property is located not mon than 100 feet from a gas l i ne of the company and to bring in, transmit, produce, distribute, aim* and sell gas In and through the 1Ar►ic i- pslity for fuel, heat and poorer. chis Is not an exclusive franchise, the municipality hereby reserves the right to grant to others from time to time i lye or s i mu i er franchises for the d i s- tribution and sale of gas in the municipality. 2. Andy of the above-described work performed upon any such h i ghmay or any part or parts thereof shell be performed with all reasonable expedition so that the highway or any part of parts thereof shall not be torn up or :›betruo- ted for any unnecessary length of time. After each entry upon a highway for any of the purposes above set forth, the Company shell at Its own expense and with all reasonable expedition, restore the highway at the point of entry as closely as reasonable practiable to the condition in which it existed at such point imrrediateiy prlpr to such entry and shall make god any settling or sub- sidence thereafter caused by any excavation made by it, all to the satisfaction of the Enng i neer for the time being of the t&n 1 c i pa i i ty of such other person as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the Municipality for the purpose of l ook i nng after the H i:fweays of the Mnic i pa I i ty (hereinafter referred to as "the said Engineer"). 3. All mains, pipes, lines and works installed under this By-lase shall be constructed and laid in accordance with the then current standard pipe I I ne con- structlon methods and, if required by the AAnicipallty, under the supervision of the said Engineer. Except in case of emergency, no excavation, opening or work which will disturb or Interfere with the travelled surface of any hussy shall be undertaken b r the Company before obtaining the :germ i ssi on of the said Engineer. All such mains, pipes, lines and works shall be placed underground 5 IP in as ter as is rilessnably pesstlaible end 0211 be M ooertmtcted and mains ts$ d as not to render mon difficult or daeqoraus the use of a hIgfroy or of any atIni"olpai draley ditch. brlcbe, oulvePt ar paw wsNelpa! works or is. prat/wants thereon or ttertln or the anew tPb by eiljamint lais. r4. In the event that the Nnioioai ity in pursuance of Its statutory pours Mali dams it expedient a 1 ter the conatruoti on of any Mammy or of eny aisile!! a1 +fialfy ditch, brlcbei, aulvert, or other nuniaipal •%lorlcs or Improve., mints thsri or tMrsin end in the oowN tit It er,4i I become reasonably rvasser'y Vat the Isastlin of a amino lii , pipe or works of the Company laid undo' this By-law ~41 6s eItiniI lit a 'Pacified point to hal Iltit. the work of the M,niclpal tty, thin open reoslryt of reesonobie natlor in witieg fros the clerk of the 1+tnlalv.l l ty .p.a i tyl rti the Si t.rat ia+ auir.d, the Comp F ._ MW! at Its an cvenst alter or re•laaste i U main. pipe. i Inir or *arks the point specified* The Comely shell and doa hereby at all tlsss Indemnify and save harm* Me the wV+latpality from end against •11 loss, dwmey In)sy or evrrw Iah the M1ni c l pai CO may bear. suffer or be put to by reason of any dama0e it. property of Injury to persona muesli by the aanatruatlorepair. wr1rste• 1160* Ihnanoa, removal or operation by the Callosity of any of its mains. plpeIt, ihas a�" volts in the said Ns1lclpiJ Sty unless such loges danps. i e�,�ury or expense �la 000rslened by Act of God or by the act. neglect or *Malt of sow psrson. firm or Mrporatt on other thin the Ciy, Its aurvants. %irtt. (IP eago10y1811., riito The Campery shall sake no charge 1br tapping Its nein r IiylrQ swry lei Ines in the hi Sys. to by the Coyiny In the �1lalp�l ity and the meter rentals and other cruryea, If any. is -be paid-by ItIt. oanrtaers of natra l has In the kt nici pel Sty. ata! 1 be sigh as t ai l t!as to time be fixed by Order of the Ontario Fuel ted or other rats• Ixir Body hav i ng joitriediction In such netters* tie the rights and privi legs*. duties and obi Iottians arIs'nij out of this Farr and the Agreement hwlnwttir referred to shell 6e subject to any app11.• le statute, regulation, laps, order and direction of any jovwmentai au• . Sty W1 . juri1stlun in the premises and now or hereafter in effect Iry the term at this Illy •1ay. 9, The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and remain In fors for a period of thirty years from the date when this By.-lea takes effect, and so long thereafter as the said line or lines are in actual use for the transportation of ;ps. 10. 1n this Bye-law, '3as" means natural gas, manufactured gas or any liquefied pe troleun gas, and includes any mixture of natural gas, manufactured ets or i i ulf led petroi etsn ;as, but does not include a liquified pe troleu n ;has that Is d i strubu- ted by a reruns other then a pipeline. 'Highway" or 'Highways' mean and include a coemxn and nubl i c h i grimy street, avenue, boulevard, parkway, drive-way, lane, alley, dere, place, sidewalk, bridge, viaduct or trestle and any other structure incidental thereto, now or at any time during the term of th i s By-law under the jur i sd i ct i on of the MA,nicipal lty. 'Mlnicipelltya means the ; as constituted on the date when this By-law taxes effect or as it mqy from time to time be constituted during the term oft Is By-law. 11. Unless the assent of the Municipal Electors Is ;i i iunsed with by the Ontario Fuel Board, this By-law shall not take effect unless and until it has been assented to by the Municipal Electors of the Municipality as provided for by the Municipal Act with respect to By-laws reg,iring the assent of the elec- tors or as may be nro,i ded for by special legislation providing for the ob to i• nIny of the said assert at a time other then the day fixed for taking the poll at the annual m i ni c i pal election. Upon the a seen t of the Mon i c,i pa l Electors hav l ng been obtained or dispensed with as above, t i I s By-law and the pavers end privtleges' hereby granted shell still not take effect and be binding Me ION and until formally accepted by the Company In an Apreunent wh 1 ch wi I I Is. gaily bind the Company to perform, observe and comply with all the agreeMa obligations, terms and conditions herein contained and unless and until such A®reement, when so accepted shell have been executed under the corporate seal of the Corporation of the VILLAGE OF VIENNA by the Mayor and Clerk who ars hereby authorised and err>xi~rered so to do. upon the aforesaid provisions having been complied with, this By-las shall CAM e i n- i - • „.. . Certified a true Copy of Byirr 3-6-3 of the Corporation of the duty of -.� t 9 passed the /•.Y I rte-•-� ` '"'.._"I E3Y.LAII POWER .5-6 ,3 - of - THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA A By-bm authorising the Oantrrl Pips Line Company L imi ted, to lay dawn, maintain and use pipes and other necessary works for the tranerni ssi on and distribution of gas on, in, under, along dr across any hl under the of lct i on ofCOMM the Ca ofThe Corporation VF .. tit VIENNA together with the r 1 W � dl str[lute. ably and sell gas trite s of the .tric'pal ity. ////////////////// let READING / . /96' 7 and READING ` ' '9 3rd READING FINALLY PASSED ///////////////// Ik Nev i ne, (lee, (Mannar Rl Myers, Barristers etc. Baric of 'bntreai B 1 dj., CHATHAM, lntario. 4 ,n_ ._ ..,. AGREEMENT made i n duplicate this / 5i0�'7 q s- 7 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATI ON OF THE-I�LAGE OF VIENN hereinafter called the "Corporation', - - - OF THE FIRST FART ANQ' THE CENTRAL PIPE LINE COMPANY LIMITED hereinafter called the "Company" - OF THE SECOND PART - WHEREAS the Corporation of the VILLAGE OF VIENNA duly passed Its By-law 3-s'3 which By-law grants to the Company au- I 1 thority to lay dowh, maintain and use pipes and other necessary works for the transmission and distribution of gas on, in, under, along or across any high- way under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Corporation, together with the right to bring in, produce, distribute, supply and sell gas to residents within the limits of the Corporation. 11101 AND WHEREAS the terms and conditions upon which and the period for which the said By-law granted such rights to the Company were approved by AND WHEREAS the Ontario Fuel Board, pursuant to Subsection 4 of Section 9 of The Municipal Franchises Ace, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 249, as amended, did by Order dated the declare and direct that the assent of the Municipal Electors of the Corpora- „_ - tion to the said By-law Is not necessary. AND WHEREAS it is provided in the said By-law that the sane shall not take effect unless and until formally accepted by the Company in an Agree- ment to be executed by the Company and the Corporation and the VILLAGE OF VIE, of the Corporation have been authorized in the said By-law to execute such Agreement under the corporate seal of the Cor- poration. r - - 2 - AND WHEREAS the Company now wishes to formally accept the powers and priveleges granted by the said By-law and agrees to be bound by and to per- form, observe and corrply with all the agreements, obligations, terms and con- ditions therein. NOW THIS INDENTURE WI TNESSETH that the Company doth hereby accept the said By-law and the powers and privileges therein granted and hereby covenants and agrees to perform, observe and con-ply with all the agreements, obligations, terms and conditions therein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunto affixed their cor- porate seals, duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers In SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of (SEAL) - ..-1- 3/(4 )-1( "j- (SEAL) I ,o� C I erk of the VILLAGE OF VIENNA certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a franchise Agreement dated 0 1 ' 9 s--9 VIENNA Between The Corporation of th�'ILLAGE OF and the Central Pipe Line Company Limited. .--/-,"'," 42--t--.e-t. 144 DATED 4 THE CORPORA TI ON OF THE �LLAGE OF VIENNA - and - THE CENTRAL PIPE LINE COMPANY LIMITED AGREEMENT - McNevine, Gee & O'Conner, BarrIster, etc. Bank of Montreal Bldg., CHATHAM, Ontario. :- . fi 1-LAW NO. 4' • A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR TH)11-91 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS N THE TaiiiILA4E OF VIENNA DI THE COUNTY OF 4" VILLAGE WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expendi- tures on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town/Village er'ncts as follows: (1) The sum of $ 0 G , D U is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19 as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS $ $ Q $ I000 BRIDGES & CULVERTS $ $ $ ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD. . . $ $ $ TOTALS $ O O $ /DO O 111V (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The Berk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. paned VILLAGE , F VIEr aay of o9 e p -�_�D. 19 s• 7 (SEAL) 10* �* Mayor or Reeve I. cels': t.- —T`+'ev`'4"�- , Clerk of the Corporation of the Town SLI AGE OF VIENNA vpuage . do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copx.of By-law No�p S S passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the / u( day of pt. _ 19 Clerk / ., n / FORM MR-E•• • • - AA/ N-SBO• RE- BY LAW No.__ i >J O ILLAGE OF VIENNA ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 191q VILLAGE ITEM 2-CONSTRUCTION-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ESTIMATED COST BRIDGES—STRUCTUR[f OP 10'OR OVER TOTAL CORPORATION'S SHARE STREET TYPE SPAN $ $ CUL VETS-PIPET AND STRUCTURES LESS THAN 10'SPAN NUMBER _ _ c-__ TOTAL TOTAL ITEM 2 • ITEM 3-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (MAXIMUM 7% OF ITEMS I AND 2. ITEM 4-MAINTENANCE-ROADS OR STREETS E XTRAORDINARY RESURFACING a TYPE OF SURFACING STREET PROM TO LENGTH ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SNOW CLEARING MILES WINTER CONTROL SANDING OR CINDERING MILES APPLICATION OF SALT MILES ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCHING CONCRETE OR BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIRS ��77a STONE GRAVEL OR CINDER RESURFACING .3 MILES_jir f/ O • PATCHING V • R •' DRAGGING /aa OUST LAYING(CA.CL.) MILES OILING MILES CURS AND GUTTER REPAIRS CATCH BASINS CLEANING AND,,REPAIRS J� 7 ` 0 9"'34'4\--6) TOTAL ITEM 4 ITEM 5-MAINTENANCE-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS B RIDGES NUMBER CULVERTS . NUMBER / ✓//` a 0 TOTAL ITEM 5 ITEM 6-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD(MAXIMUM 7%OF ITEMS 4 AND SI SUMMARY OF ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY UNDER THE H.I.ACT CORPORATION'S SHARE ONLY CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR (ITEM 1) $ CPI)a -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 2) $ -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 2) $ MAINTENANCE- ROADS OR STREETS (ITEM 4) $ 14 Q -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM S) $ _. t. -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD $ /pQ (ITEM f) C) TOTAL $ E Imullkisot Ran Medi MISRMRY Moo(Ws the SEM r the IEnS YdEESES DATE 4....3 111—.4- S / ENGINEER OR GLERK �,_ VIE /m/1 FORM Y A ss are,Nrn-v>F ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 .���. VILL.AGt ITEM 1—CONSTRUCTION—ROADS OR STREETS ESTIMATED COST STREET FROM TO LENGTH WIDTH DESCRIPTION Or WORK TOTAL CORPORATION'S SHARE uo X o X • O h. Y O Z � , • M Z • J O O O • \ k � , 8a M_ r i • TOTAL ITEM 1 N.S. fir le rn a e ,Tr ~ 1 1 t y BY4 AW NO. .116-6— " 166` A BY-LAW TO PROOVIIDE FOR THE 19iL EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS IN THE V7lul/l0[" VF VII:NN:# IN THE CO.DrniglT,DF E L G//V WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expendi- s tures on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town/Village enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ /0 0 0. 0 O is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during,the year 19 97 as follows: Construction ilf Maintenance Total ROADS $ 2dD . $, roe,' f$ / 000 BRIDGES & CULVERTS $ $ $ ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD. . . $ $ $ TOTALS $ goo $ BOO $ /000 / (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Paced at VILLAGE elf VIED' day of—_e . 19.s 7 (SEAL) _ `moi / /.3 .,,,z Clerk Mayor or Reeve , I, �t.A.:•t.. c rrh a Town , Clerk of the Corporation of the ViU 9e (' OF V' L NA�- ,_. , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy ofr" By-law Nos SL-S/ passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the i J 4.11i,441- °f ." '\;k ; day of Sep r 19 . -1 / _ 1 .. _!� APPROVED 1r « tie , lirin ot/.l tw tgit6. • • ft sty tip' Ov / C.T.Y.(s) ONTARIO O[PARTM[NT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 5, November 12, 1959. Mrs. L. MacDonald, Village Clerk, (Vienna) 11 St. Joseph St., Tillsonburg, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No. 555 Amount - $ 1,000, The Honourable Fred M. Cass, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above-cited by-law to a limit of 200. for Construction, and $ 800, for Maintenance $1,003, Total The amount for construction has received considera- tion as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the current year and the approval is given SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the expenditure(a) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by-law and supporting pro- gramme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose, without the prior consent in writing of the Municipal Engineer. 2. That the individual works of road construction and bridge construction shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads Branch. 3. That tenders for work to be undertaken by contract shall be publicly advertised and Department subsidy shall apply on the amount of the lowest tender only unless the Municipal Engineer approves subsidy on a higher tender. N.B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. V. Ludgate, Municipal Engineer. JVL/ET Attach.