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Vienna By-Laws 1958
VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY -LAWS 1958 Number 546 1 5 -i 0151-11A) 1 F } 1 • 1 058 / Q Si 1 '1,60 i 9 6 ! ` 34a ,ferf63 SS 2 559 S6s 534 s8� 5T c53 sac 5 S_S SC 5-I S- 40 SS6 S8 � S4,/* . THE CORPORATION ar TEIi VILLAGE Of VIENNA By-law No. .5-'4 �D A By-law to regulate traffic. WHERZAS it is deemed expedient to pass a By-law to regulate traffic within the Village; • THEREFORE the Council of the Village of Vienna enacts as follows: 1. In this By-law:- (a) "park" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. (b) "police officer" means a member of the police force or a person authorized by the Chief Constable to regulate or direct traffic. (c) "roadway" means that portion of a street improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic. (d) "sidewalk" means that portion of a street between the curb lines or the lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians. (e) "street" or "highway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. (f) "traffic" includes pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, street cars and other conveyances either 411 singly or together while using any street for the purposes of travel. (g) "vehicle" means a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road-building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but not including the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. 2. No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places: On a sidewalk. In front of a public or private driveway. , Within an intersection. • -2- Within ten feet of a fire hydrant. On any bridge, or in any subway, or the approaches thereto. On any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic. In such a position as will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked or standing. In front of the entrance to a hotel. In front of the entrance to an office building. In front of the entrance to any place where goods or merchandise are regularly delivered or removed. 3. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display, no person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places:- (a) Within twenty feet of any street intersection. (b) On the south side of Fulton Street between Centre Street and Union Street. 4. No person shall park a vehicle on any street unless on the right-hand side of the street, having regard for the direction in which the vehicle had been proceeding and unless the right-front and right-rear wheels or runners of the vehicle are parallel to and distant respectively not more than six inches from the edge of the roadway. 5. (1) Every person in charge of a vehicle before starting, stopping, turning or changing its course shall take the necessary precautions to make such movement in safety and without interfering with other traffic. (2) No driver of a vehicle shall make a U-turn upon any street unless it can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic. 411 6. (1) No person shall drive any vehicle upon or along any highway so as to obstruct traffic unreasonably or when the vehicle is so overloaded that the horse or motor power is unable to move such vehicle at a reasonable rate of speed. (2) A person operating a slow moving vehicle shall operate it as near the right-hand edge of the roadway as circumstances and weather conditions permit. 7. The driver of a vehicle emerging from a driveway, lane, -S- lot or building shall stop the vehicle immediately prior to driving onto the sidewalk and shall not enter the roadway until he can do so in safety. g. No person shall intersect a funeral or other properly authorised procession while it is in motion except under the direction of a police officer. 9. Where a vehicle is found parked in contravention of the • parking provisions of this by-law, the police officer so finding the vehicle shall attach to the vehicle a parking ticket in the form of a notice stating: (a) the license number of the vehicle. (b) that the vehicle is unlawfully parked. (c) the date, time, and place of the alleged offence. (d) that the owner or operator thereof may report to the office of the Village Clerk within three days after the day when the ticket is attached, to make a voluntary payment of the penalty. (e) that in the event of a failure to so report and make such payment a summons will be issued. 10. Attached to each ticket shall be a stub to be completed by the police officer showing the license number of the vehicle, the date and the offence, and such stub shall be delivered to the Village Clerk. 11. The owner of the vehicle may within three days after the date when the ticket is attached to the vehicle, report to the office of the Village Clerk and pay to the Village Clerk or any person designated by him to receive such payments, the sum of $2.00 which shall be accepted as the payment of a penalty in full satis- faction in respect of the alleged offence, and a receipt therefor shall be given to the person making the payment. 12. If a voluntary payment is not made in accordance with the procedure provided in Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7, the procedure of the Summary Convictions Act and the penalties provided for in this by-law shall apply. 13. Any person violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall be subject to • penalty of not more than Ten Dollars ( 10.00) • -4- for the first offence and not more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for every subsequent offence, exclusive of coats, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario 3u'xary Convictions Act. 14. The provisions of this by-law shall be subject to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act and amendments thereto. • 15. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. 1tltAD a first, ..cord, d ird time and finally passed this 6 day of C��� 1958. &tti-e/ UIn tad ,, CURL. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of By-law Number 546 passed by the Council of the Village of Vienna on October 6th, A.D. , 1958. O //Aca....••A•AL. C Approved this 14th day of November, 1958 pursuant to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. M. B. Dymond MINISTER S TRAN A ORT Per: e Registrar of Motor Vehicles •• • TILE CORPORATION OF THE TILLAGE M Or TIEIpNA By-law No 3-1/1- , 1/1_ A By-law to regulate traffic. t Gibson & Gibson, Barristers &c., LO( Ontario. 111.1.11,71111."." CP;si gfraTif C OCT 18 J%2, T!R C RPORATIAN 4 TAN viLuas a!'' VIVINA,_�\ p�NNI • wvwa„ fly-law No. - A Ry-law to rertrlate t:•affib. ; l \ winnow; it is lee e! ex!wdinnt to pass a !1, -aw Za-- � winnow; • re,Mato traffic with, the Tjt►RE.e r the :++einr_i 7 mf ri i i ar.e of !"_soma m"c 1 is 1.11'cels f • I:1 •. A.s ! yula' :- (e) "hare:• means t'..: btanding jof a vehicle, whether occupied or not, othereir.e 0:sr te: porarily for the purpose rt' and while actually on4ar!wi In loadin or uninadinc. (b) "pnlics officcr" rieane a member of the police force a person authorized by t'r.! Chief Constable to re,lulate or direct traffic. (c) "roadway" means that portion of a street improved, 'isaigned or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic. (d ) "sideway." mean5 that portion of a street between thea curb lines or the lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians. (e) "street" or "hir;hway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the Peverel *bile for the passage of vehicles. (f) "traffic" includes pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehisles, street cars and other conveyances either singly or together while using any street for the purposes of travel. (g) `vehicle" means a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm traitor, road-building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind et power, including museular power, but net including the ears et eleetrie er steam railways running only upon rails. 2. No person shall park a vehicle in any of the fellewieg places* 4w a sidewalk. In fret of a peddle se private driveway. Within an interseetiem, -2- 4: Within ten feet of a fire hydrant. On any bridge, or in any subway, or the approaches thereto. On any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic. 'n such a position as will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked or standing. In front of the entrance to a hotel. In front of the entrance to an office building. In front of the entrance to any place where goods or merchandise are re i,larl/ aelivsred or removed. 3. When proper_; worded s19ns have been erected and are on display, no person shall pack a ve'llcl: in any of the following; places:- (a) Within t%.©nty fort of any street intersection. (b) nn the ae,^Ith aide of Fulton street between Centre Street and Unien 3trcet. 4. ho person shall par, a 'f1hicle on any 3tree�y{' nle3s on the right-:and side of the streot, having reiard for t^e direction In which the vehicle had been proceeding and unless the right-front and right-rear wheels or rinners of the vehicle are pas alle). to end distant respectively not wort than six inches from the eh .e of the roadway. .. (1) Ever-, pe:-son it char,;€ of a vehicle bafore starting, stoppinv, turning or c ens;in-' it3 course shall take the necessary precautions to make such a:ovement, in safety arid without inter:erine; with other traffic. (2) Ne driver of a vehicle shall make a U-turn upon any street unless it can be made in safety and without interferilg with ether traffic. ! . (1) Wo person shall drive any vehicle upon cr along any highway so as to obstruct t'afflc unreasonably or when the vehicle is so overloaded that the horse or motor purer is unable to move such vehicle at a reasonable rate of speed. (2) A person operating a slow moving vehicle sbell operate it as near the right-hand edge of the roadway as eirsu*stancea and weather conditions permit. 7. The driver of a vehicle emerging frac a driveway, lane, z ` 1$-9699'7 • UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION Village of Vienna, Box 21, District Audit Office Vienna, Ontario At p.0. Box 131, London, Ontario Date 17 June 1963 Dear Sir: Although the overdue contributions established by our last audit of your records have been settled without a penalty being added, we wish to point out that the Unemployment Insurance Regulations require payment of contributions within three days after each pay day. aii7fIrTeMa tiVA ,iii4i11IR 11111(11undalbarxmadiaxabtaidxs migapahassaJfiriWaaimiliviosivAi firtt4 4 Imbiksztocoura'hums tiff 71111a41343a WC Saba The Regulations also require an employer to take immediate possession of the contribution record. of a new employee, to give a separating employee his contribution records, duly stamped, imme- diately on separation. and to obtain a receipt therefor from the separating employee. If the contribution records are still in the employer's possession after an insured person has had no earnings and performed no services for more than seven consecutive working days, the employer shall deliver them immediately to the nearest local office of the Commission. If a new employee has never had an insurance book, or cannot produce his current insurance book promptly, you must apply to the local office for a book within three days after he starts work. This applies even if the employee is working for you only part time or he has another current employer. Failure to comply with any of the above provisions is an offence under the Unemployment Insurance Act. If you are in doubt as to the insurability of say of your employees, or their proper contribution rates, you should inquire at your local office so that penalties will sot be incurred through error. Your co-operation in complying with these regulations will be appreciated. Yours truly, /07."W/2 1 R.N. Lunover, District Audita, "(Authorized as as inspector *wase the Unemployment Insurance Act)" 37(1.U) •l• lot or building shall stop the vehicle immediately prior to drivin' onto the side4alk and shall not enter the roadway until he can do so in safet;. S. NQ person shall intersect a funeral or other properly authorised procession while it is in motion except under the direction of a police nfficc,r. Where a vehicle iz frtail sparked in contravention of the parking provisions of L'c.is by-Lar., tb, police c.fficer co findin< tt,e Vehicle shall attar. te tat, vehicle a parking ticket in the forr of a notice statin-: (a) L:, 3 tc r.u,:`mr of Lie vehicle. (b) thai tri vct:icl.± is nnlar,fully perked. (c) the .late„ tire, and plsca of the alleged offence. (d) that the minor rr operat,,r thereof report to ;,he office n' the Clerk within tl,: .".• lays after the day when the ticket !I attached, to make a voluntary payw.ert nf the penalty. (e) that in t}:e event n`' a failure to se rr.porL and oaks such payment a summono will be i&,suod. 10. Attached to each ticket ;hall be a ritub to be completed by the police officer si,owire the license number of the vehicle, Liu date and the offence, and such stub shall be delivered to the Tillage Clem. 11. The owner of the vehicle may within three days after the date when the ticket is attached to the vehicle, report to the off!ce of the Village Clerk and pay to the Village Clerk or any person desijnated by him to receive such payments, the sum of $2.00 which shall be accepted as the payment of a penalty in full satis- faction in respect of the allefed offence, and a receipt therefor shall be ,ive•, to t,: ' person &akin,; the payrent. 12. If a voluntary payment is not made in accordance with the procedure provided in Paragrept.s 5, 6 and 7, the procedure of the 'Luminary Convictions Let and the penalties provided for in this by-law shall apply. 13. Any person violating say of the provisions of this bt-lair shall be subject to a penalty of not oars than Tea Dollars ($10.00) 41 -4- for 4-for the first offence and not more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for every subsequent offence, esclurive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. 14. The provisions of this by-law shall be subject to the provisions of th, Highway Traffic A.:t and arendz eats thereto. 15. This by-law shall not becnne o:fe^tive until approved by the Department of Transport. READ • first, second, and third tire ani finally// passed this day of r t :'4.- , 195P. a„1 ( _c to J k4 ?( RStR� • ^r-- • n 1 n 1-7 CULL. i t.ere:y certify treat t:.e above is a true copy of by—law :Nater 546 pasae.i by t%e :,out cil of the Villat,e of Vienna on Octor er 6;,n, A.D. , 19Y. ifrr 4". ../121-� s RK. • Dv-ro n T?, Cf1R MR AT I oN or TNR TILLAGE V. 0 TIBIIRA RY-IOW Ro 5 A Ry-law to regulate traffic. Gibson & Oibson, Suriatera &c., O Ir8Ontario. 4