HomeMy WebLinkAboutVienna By-Laws 1953 VILLAGE OF
512 — 513
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19S3 195 ( 1
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T.V. 6 BY-LAW NO. 2r"../..9--
WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for
expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the
Minister of Highways for approval.
THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said village
enacts as follows:
(1) The sum of d is hereby appropriated from monies raised
by levy, debentures all government subsidy for total expenditure
on construction and maintenance of the roads or streets under its
jurisdiction during the year 19 S'3 as follows:
MAINTENANCE 4 / D 3'0 $ 1.5'0 $ ,9 /) e d
TOTALS / S" c) ; JSw $ pQ (Jd0
(2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance
with The Highway Improvement Act.
(3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the
district office of the Municipal Roads Branch. Department of
�115�4 �4
Passed at this S DAY oft.,�
( S E A L )
in >411.7,1-0"-I4
I, , Clerk of the Corporation of the
o � 1'"'��'•`'TTT� do hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true copy of By-law No. 4 '11- passed by the Council of the said
Corporation on the 4 day of 19 .
By Law No. 513 Copy
By law No. 513 of the Municipal Corporations of the
Village of Vienna to provide for restraining and regulating
the running at large of dogs, and for imposing a license fee
?cow therefore theun a Councilc
M 1 ipal of the Municipal
Corporation of the Village of Vie nna enacts as Follows ,
I . In this Ry law the word deg shall include both male
and female dogs.
For Purposes of this Bylaw, a dog shall be deemed
to be running at large when found in a highway or
other public place within the Village of Vienna
and not under the control of any person.
2. The owner, possessor or harborer of every dog 1n
the Village of Vienna shall forthwith after the
passing of this Ry- Law for the year 1953 and
annually thereafter not later than the first day
of May in each year cause the eare to be registered
with the license inspector and take out a license
therefore, which shall expire on the thirtyfirst
day of December, in the year in which the same is
issued,and shall cause every dog so licensed to wear
around the neck a collar to which is attached a metal
plate check, bearing figures and marks thereon
indicating that the license feeon such dog has been
paid for the current year and such metal plate shall
be supplied by the licenselnspector on payment of
the license fee.
pane 2. rsT taw 5!3
3. There snail be t.vt.d and oo11ooL.a by the Licosa. Inspector
froom the owner of every doh in the village of Vienna an
ural litmus* fey or tax of two dollars if only one and two
dollars for Min additional 806 owned by hint and roar dollars
for a Difsh it only on", and fr doUsi. for saoh additional t
bit.h ornia by his.
4. Thi 'loons* Ins}eotor Mall keep a book in which he sha13,
eater and reg,i►t1e! a Maorlption or every 80g and themes
K the owner theu.of, on which the hose.. !N Au boon Baia.
S. !ro srsati possessor or harborer of a dog shall sifter or
mit soft Ma to run at tarp in any street of the said
flhlaIS, s.s tho mime Ube Won1rl1 of as..
0om}etent person, and has around its meek the Della:' and
motel plate or shook nenLiaN in thy. NeonQ ',sties et
this 91%.l04 1olloaLing that the ~rent years tissne.
!w has boon !til.
6. MY doh running at large on any street or public place
in the Village and not under the control ofsono competent
person, and sot havtag around Its welt the seller and
seta ails indisatlos the almost rare li.sass Is has
been paid shall be htabi.. to be killed or t.pr114
and any psr appointed by ths Gtl tsr MSA pones*
nay kill Sr ismound any dog found running at largo
Oontiary to the provisions of this lT-lar.
74, we 1104000 tie shall be roakhred to be paid on amy dog
Unti1, it is six aonthe old.
8. to Nam shall remove a Dollar or plata from a
ht & 80s.
Ms 7 Il/Kai fa
Ilay los Now is be !ail or atLMMdi w►SM Yell
bS baisettataty MMnN.
TO. we weer. ? SSSS K hartwor itia X11 wlfre se
Mott such log to attest any perSsS M+ say Hawk M palls
plait or As any dosage rdalespovose and If any M+iatai %hesMf
to solo to the saatl or velia, and they are satisfied that
fresh .ssaiaise to pr•••a.oranwcn pe.. s owner peSasasOIs .r
enesror tn Milws wsib sg ever to the pities or person
spool ailed by Ws sounsll as dog NNMra 1 a order that it
y,► be 6gywyeA or lepounded accordingly. sod if such owner
Msnesor or treberos Niall WM* or sepNt to doUVP Fwd
dog to the volts' or do sateMr within twenty four hews after
set!!leatolw he or she shall be flab]. to the psnaltiss of
this ^ria6
ft.Th.rs Null M established a ppm' tsr Ma dNln theViUs..
of Vienna and the -omen of sno mid n11.p .gall .wrs.t ems.
t$a to ties a poinemepor N have Nvf of wN MSM.
II.Any pities '!!!Nr or parson aDMiatat by the Carroll for
4Olurhoc vAe seises my dog for the purpose of tapsrding the
pees, mall forthwith after estlfs sulk miser* for such perpsss
deliver h dog to the pwumdkosyer of the elllyo at ft Oen
be his 4t7 toIy it with wlcr and tssd,$t aeMa�� and
l.a sees Us ft shall not ewo e.elal..a.Y hts an.r pi'svtdoi
within thirty Ks Win littef it Ins DMS dottvsx'.d to the
pU .spsr,it mil bo the doty of the somindkoopor to dostrsy
such dog or rM sash Ober ditsposittes fit Ile an as the
MAMMr any doss pavvor and *WQll/{*
:" .The
Page 4 n7-Lav 513
owner, possessor or harborer of any dog inpeunded.as provide
for by the next preceding section hereof, may within thirty six
hours aft r such dog shall have been delivered to the poundkeeper
r claim the dog on application to the poundkeeper and on proof of
his ownership to the satisfaction of the poundkeeper and on
further proof that the dog tax has been duly paid and on payment
of the sus of two dollars, one dollar of which shall be retained
by the poundkeeper and one dollar to the person iapoundin - the deg.
any person in possession of a dog or who shall harbour or
sufferto be or to remain in or about his house or premises, shall
be deemed the owner of such dog for the purposes of this >y-law.
15.Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of
this 'y-lav shall forfeit and pay,at the ¢isoretionof the
convicting magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sumof fifty
dollars for each offence, exclusive of costs, and in default of
paymentof the said penalty and costs forthwith, tht. said penalty
and costs only may be levied by distress and sale of the goods
and ohattels of the offender, and in the case of their being no
found,out of which such penalty can be levied the convicting
magistrate may commit the offender to the common Gaol of the
County of Elgin, with or without hard labour, for any period
not exceeding six months unless the said penalty and costs
are sooner paid.
16. All previous Ry-law inconsistent with this y-law are
hereby repealed.
Read a third time this fifth da.: of January 1953
and passed signed sealed and numbered.
',Toward Delmer, Reeve Louise ac0onald, clerk
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Law No. S23 �+li'
By law We. S23 •! the Muniaila2 Corpsration! of the
Village of Vienna to provide for restraining and regulating
fir runnier at tars of dap, and for lis a license fse
New therefore the Milliipal Colmsil *f the 1[titieilal
Cirpration of the Village e! Qin saa enacts as Follow,
to this 11 law the word 4es shall Lnclud. both male
Mt f seal. !leis.
Per Purposes of this Bylaw, a X06 shall be deemed
to be running at lard when loon! in a hlghiral er
Other ptblie place within the Villas or Vienna
and net under the control of any person.
The fir, possessor or har'borer of every deg in
the village of Vienna shall forthwith atter the
passing of this 117- Law for tbe year 1453 �
annually Uwr.aft.r not later than the first day
of My in each year cause the sine to be registered
with the Uss. tn.psstor and Late out a license
therefore, which shall esp1ri on the LhirLJfisst
lS7 of Decembers in the year in which thoi ease 1a
1sfuetoaaQ shall cause svery dog so liosriset ie wear
°---° around the molt a collar to which is attached a metal
plata ir shack, Daring ft •s and marks thereon
indication that the lioense fseos such dog has been
paid for the current year and such metal plate shall
111110114 tbe Uo.ns.tnsp.ot.sr en pwaeAt of
the lioen., =N.
Page 2. ^y law "". 513
3. There shall be levied and collected by the License Inspect's'
Eros the owner of every dog in the Village of Vienna an
annual license fee or tax of two dollars if only one and two
dollars for each additional dog owned by him, and four dollars
for a bitch if only one, and four dollars for each additional 11
bitch owned by him.
4. The license Inspector shall keep a book in which he shall
enter and register a description of every dog and thename
of the owner thereof, on which the license fee has been paid.
5. No owner, possessor or harborer of a dog shall suffer or
permit such dog to run at large in any street of the said
Village,unless the same is under the control of sone
competent person, and has around its neck the collar and
metal plate or check mentioned in the second section of
this By-law, indicating that the current years license
fee has been paid.
6. Any dog running at large on any street or public place
in the Village and not under the control ofsome competent
person, and not having around its neck the collar and
metal plate indicating the current years license fee has
been paid shall be liable to be killed or impounded
and any person appointed by the Council for such purpose
may kill or impound any dog found running at large
contrary to the provisions of this 'y-law.
7. No license fee shall be regtlred to be paid on any dog
until it is six months old.
8. No person shall remove a collar or plate from a
licensed dog.
- t -
page 3 By-Law 513
) 9. Any dog known to be rabid or affected by the rabies shall
be immediately destroyed.
TO. hyo owner, possessor or harborer of any dogshall suffer or
Pni'mit such dog to attack any person on any street or public
place cr- do any daaage whatsoever, and if any complaint thereof
is made to the council or police, and they are satisfied that
such complaint is proved,ordersuch person owner possessor or
harborer to deliver such dog over to the police or person
appoi nted by this council as dog catcher, i n order that it
ray be destroyed y or ir pounded accordingly, and if such owner
Possessor or harborer shall refuse or neglect to deliver such
dog to the police or dog catcher within twenty four hours after
notification he or she shall be liable to the penalties of
II.There shall be establish+ d a _mound for does within theVillage
of sienna and the ^.ouncil of the said Village shall appoint from
time to time a poundkeeper to have charge of such pound.
I2.Any police officer or person appointed by the Councilor
sucr.P"rPose who seizes any dog for the purpose of impounding the
same, shall forthwith after making such seizure for such purpose
deliver such dog to the poundkeeper of the village ad it shall
be his duty tosupply it with water and food, if necessary, and
in case the dog shall not be reclai.ed,as herein after provided
within thirty six hours atter it has been delivered to the
poundkeeper, it shall be the duty of the poundkeeper to destroy
such dog or make such other disposition of the dog as the
poundkeeper may deem proper and expedient.
Page 4 y-Law 513
I3.The owner, possessor or harborer of any dog impounded,aa provided
for by the next preceding section hereof, may within thirty six
hours aft r such dog shall have been delivered to the poundkeeper
reclaim the dog on application to the poundkeeper and on proof of _
111 his ownership to the satisfaction of the poundkeeper and on
further proof that the dog tax has been duly paid and on payment
of the SLIT of two dollars, one dollar of which shall be retained
by the poundkeeper and one dollar to the person impounding the d68.
$. Any person in possession of a dog or who shall harbour or
sufferto be or to remain in or about his house or premises, shall
be deemed the owner cf such dog for the purpoats of this 9y-law.
15.Any person convicted of a bredch of any of the provisions of
this 'y-law shall forfeit and pay,at the discretionof the
convicting magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sumof fifty
dollars for each offence, exclusive of costs, and in default of
paymentof the said penalty and costs forthwith, the said penalty
and costs only may be levied by distress and sale of the goods
arc chattels of the offender, and in the case of their being no
found,out cf which such penalty can be levied the convicting
magistrate may commit the offender to the common Gaol of the
County of Elgin, with or without hard labour, for any period
not exceeding six months unless the said penalty and costs
are sooner paid.
16. All previous 3y-lays inconsistent with this fly-law are
OPPhereby repealed.
Read a third time this fifth da:, of January 1953
and passed signed sealed and numbered.
Roward Dalmer, Reeve Louise MacDonald, clerk
By Lew tae. SO CoD7
87 law we. 5T3 of the wusioipal Corporation* of the
Village of Vienna to provide for restrsia sal regulating
the running at large of dogs, and for tepee iss a license; fee
Few therefore the runisipal Comoil of the KM140461
Corporation of the Village of Vie aha enacts as Follows,
T . Tn this ny law thf word deg shall include both sale
and feuds dogs.
For rurpooes of this !View. a dog shall be deemed
to be running at large when found in a highway or
other public place within the Village of Vienna
and not under the control of any person.
1. The owner, possessor or harborer of every dog in
the Village of Vienna shall forthwith after the
passing of this "r Law for the year 7953 and
annually thereafter not later than the first day
of ray in each year eausc the sane to be registered
with the license inspector and tate out • license
therefore, whish shall expire on the thirtyfirst
day of noceeber, in the year in which the same is
iseu d,and shall manse every dog so licensed to wear
around the neat a collar to which is attached a metal
plate r shook, bearing figures and marks thereon
indicatiag that the lisonse felon such dog has been
paid for the surfs/It year and such setal plate shall
be supplied by the lieensetnspector on peymont of
the lieene fee.
'age !. -y law -w. 513
3. There shall be hied and collected by the Liot ns. Iasp.Otar
froom the ownrr of every dog in the village of views an
annual license fee or tax of two Malars if only one and two
dollars for sash additional dog owned by his, and four dollars
for a bitch if only ono, and fear dollars for each additional h
bitch owned by him.
♦. The license Tnspector shall keep a book in which he shall
eater and register a description of *Tory dog and themes
of the owner thereof, on which the license foe has boon paid.
5. ro owner, possessor or harborer of a dog shall s :lfss or
Dimwit such dog to run at large in any street of the said
Villageonless the same is under the control of sous
competent person, and has around its nook the collar and
metal plate o cheek ■entioned in the second section of
this gy. law, indioati'r that the current years license
fee has been paid.
6. my dog running at large on any street or public plane
in the village and not under the control ofsooe eompet*nt
persons and not hawing around its neck the sellar and
metal plate indicating the current years linens. fee has
been paid shall be liable to be killed or impounded
and any person appointed by the Council for such purpose
may kill or impound any dog Mind running at large
contrary to the provisions of this -y-law.
T. so license fse shall be rogO red to be paid on any dog
until it is six months old.
S. No person shall removes a collar or plat* from a
ilesassd dsi.
Psis 3 OMAR $1,
4• Any dog kaolin to bo rebid or attested by the bail
be imeodlatollr IMots
TO. fro ownsr, posaoasor or harborer or any dogsball safer or
Melt such dog to attack any person on any street or publis
pimp or do any damage rbatoomrw and If any Natiaint therNf
Is sada to the oovnei2 or police, and they ars satisfied that
swab *omplaLtt is prsvedoordorwoh person owner possessor or
harborer to dottier sash dog ewer to the folio• or person
ami nf.ed by this aouns11 as dog oatatxp, i n order that it
Ray be destroyed or !nloneAed aeeording17, and if such owner
lessesaor or harborer shall :•elle or neglect to &liter such
dog to the polios or dog catcher within twenty four hours after
no1!!!etlion As or she shall be liable to that penalties of
j2.'!'here shall be estab2latiod a pound for does within theviliaae
of neon& and the "ovnail of the said Village shall appoint from
ZLM to tine t peunikeeper to have Margo of slush bound.
U.Any polio* e!lieer or person appointed by tbe Council for
muehlionoese who *sizes any dog for the purpose of impounding the
sami, shall forthwith after making such manure for such purpose
deliver such dog to the DrundkNyer of the village ad it Wla11
M 644 duty tosupply it with water amt fsot,if uhasary. and
in ammo tbo dog kali not be lsolained,aa herein after proTiiet
within thirty six hours altar is has been delivered to the
poundkoopel,it shall be the duty 0! the Deundlcoeper to destroy
such dog or make such other d1apoo111oA of the deg as that
peanr may diem proper and expediNlt.
'owl- 4 -y-t.w 5t3
__ MTh* own r. possessor or harborer of any dog impeunded.as provided
for by the next yrwedLnR emotion hereof. ny, within thirty six
hours aft r wsD dog shall have been Mlivered w tbo psundboper
limmZtZt the 80R on appilKtiN tr, the p0ufdtNDq' and on prof of
his w!e!'sttiD to tilt- satisfaction of the pasu-.Qtesyrs ad on
further proof that the Ooh tax has been duly pale and on paysent
of tb* ou- of two dollars, one dollar of whish shall be retained
by t!u aom►41rcoper and one dollar to the person lapountipS the fig•
TS. Any Asn in peasHslon of I IOW"fir Vitoalma �"•,
sun`erio w or to Amain in or about Di• house or promises. Wall
be mad the owner (I! such dog for the purpost;• of this V•lsw.
• "17 person eosvietsd of a broNh •t any of the provisions of
this "IP•lsr shall forfeit and pyoat the Qiserrtlonof the
sewieting magistrato, a penalty not eseoodinF the •umof fifty
dollars for sash of!'enoe, essldtih of soots. and in default of
psymaAt!r the said penalty and Opti forthwith, Wu, said penalty
and eta only may be levied by distress and sale of Lhc goods
end +Malte1s of t!u ofltirder, and in the ease of their betas no
teundoot or which such penalty oaes be 1ovioQ the eoaristlals
maiistnta may writ the offends" to the moa oaol *! the
Count? of KWa, with or without hard labour. for an: ported
not .m..atng six months uni.so the said ponaltar and oo.ta
are sooner paiy
If. X11 previous apwlase inooaiistont with WA R7iiip► are
hahb) rIPPea1ed.
Sad a third `iia this fifth da. of Jsnua?1 Tim
and passed •igned sealed and ntamberfd.
*ward "timers 'ieory Louis* ' sobnald. stork
. .
. .
. .
411*4... . -
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