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Bayham By-Laws 1996
Bayham Township By Laws .. . .. , _ . ' IP' 0 \tot . / • * , By-Laws # 96-01 #96- 19 .. 1996 CA..) r 7-"' / ( p ea __ I cc-t--) --- -11 9‘- 01 ------)-* i‘--/ 1 ( I r. .: ...................._,.........,....,,,,,,,,,......„.. ..• ...... - - 0 i ....... / L.,),... --W--- q - ......... (...) D_ .. , .. . ... . . . . . ,......,,,....14. I3 ......• /* ^ \ -. / -- *--. / Lif7 ( 2 ) _.....--- o 4 — I cir ( cf9 0 OG ,,C 14 - 0 -7-4, 0. 0 r Le_ A o r-D LA-) "s' - Ar)2/ 383 lel ?4 �. • �� f a v R o r / pr t b 1 a 1/4./ /, a,/ of 1-7 a-e-N -e 1-0 r c .6 r -- 3 • 7-0 r, r C-0 C c..'1 C t Tet.r\ f-• 9-- kg--irY1 0 ( . di• "(Jrb1. fI7t 71‘..)? S Tr'-.42-rc. 7 S h t � ;C c..)cam-f c� 0 5 r\ 42) rY\44r\-1 / A V4/ //et.r k R2 " -1 / , / 99 46 To C0 „\--6„- a sO-r C&a. ,\ f I — ; 7-0 ex c P L C Nor' n r,e re> -1-A rp0Se r w Ott_n1 f\..0 - 0! Ir .044 1 ` / qq � n C9 F r is-t' C Pi o_e. r � ) n cfi ' 7c ,.! i • . . f ---- 7/717 L t ( UI .) I , 1 4 --- (0 : -7-0 c r-e_col--AQ ---L-r: --) '1 I''. 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Q ' `J . �..: ..4-e\ C7 b-P"\.. s o — T ( , l 9 9 ,‘ 3 —41 O r* 1 .2 .e_ t412- T � . f-e-V r K ,tom - .r,."� 44-' I fr, s f CL-rs. rim yr,41,4^,-f( To, .73 „, 1:) ,e_ / 0 — u, Li (-/ 1176 Li , • •--/.1 0 r P-4-0 C " ( 4c/ yGo � �ouS � , � - TU ( i3 , H ' 3, u LI 64 . -To C-A0 rvri r e-r\ Oc & C-4-7 cr.n...7) 0-r tAf\ CA -JT-1- / qcr‘ -74 de. r ,4.., (7: r J4' At I / 17c-i7•Th — r fr o v / V r- o 1 _II 6G-ex_ rv etrzx Li\ 0-. . 0 r- - I 7-2) 3i / 9 (I 0 ro e-yr. i c., 4 s C - -0 (-4-4) C-4 I Vit 0 1-\ r r- ek c. S 0 "f At-Ou 1 7 1 1 — 11-c4tAg1 / 9Th — 6 C &"-1\. S 0-r 60 eA 5 / (JD f / cx. c -/--7 1.7. c 0 — 0 r:, -I fP- ei / q ‘ re) Fr-0 vi c..4 - .P.) r d-i-ct , fl, 60-4$2 i,: A-) 3 r- I— c:., ..L)( ).. .--, I 1 43-• — o , +0 4_12,i-. / / . To c.. 0 r, fi r-ri\ 2., 1 ( a. ci? v-, t:, 0 i ( ,.._.43,,.._,,,,,c, 1 ..„,,, .1. -4 ....ok — 5 7- : -7 ; 6.a_ry\._..e.....f.„ 1------ L:v -- l:-, 1 , ) 4- ci 5-- 0 (,) r . 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TC3) CO, , ,--fy-, a. a „,..,----v,. _ (71-7.- , . .i.-, Li...N.. r7 i• / I ) 1 repLA. '' `(7. t ' i'''. '. C. f:"' / t- I Lc_ I I N, c_c_,., ,z4L,r-'4'1 ....) .... b4 Cr - I I I 9 1 l ' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-1 • A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $2,822,383 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the"Municipality") deems it necessary to arrange for the borrowing of up to the sum of $2,822,383 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1995, excluding the revenues noted in Section 187(4. 1) of the Municipal Act, is $3,763,177.82; AND WHEREAS the amount that may be borrowed at any one time shall not, except with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, exceed from January 1st to September 30th, $1 ,881,588, and from October 1st to December 31st, $940,794; AND :W HEREAS the total amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 187 of the Municipal Act which have not been repaid is nil; • THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATIOA OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. The Reeve and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $2,822,383 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 187 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or noted sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Reeve and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 187, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. BY-LAW NO. 96-1 - 2 - READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of JANUARY, 1996 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of JANUARY, 1996 1 / ,/, _� AO 11 0, , REEVE CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 96-1 of the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the sa'd Municipality suly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. iti 0 Ifil ' Dated This 4th day of January, 1996. 0 CLERK I, LYNN S. BUCHNER, CGA,ADMINISTRATOR TREASURER of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, certify the foregoing is a, certified true copy. Dated this,& day of ,&9 Lynn :JR f . jAt./A .. ' /64'kt( 6/4'L �) d'r f fC -- . /CI CAA" 4 "7 _ C'! JL4- LL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-2 BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR AN INTERIM LEVY PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF THE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 1996. WHEREAS Section 376 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., Chapter M.45 permits councils of local municipalities to pass by-laws for levying rates in any year, before the adoption of the estimates for the year, on the rateable commercial assessment and on the rateable residential and farm assessments. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1996 prior to the adoption of the estimates; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That in the year 1996, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for Real property according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 percent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters. _ 2. That in the year 1996, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on to whole of the Business Assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters. 3. The respective amounts to be levied under the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by- law are: Real Property $7,596,033.00 Business Assessment 163,490.00 $7,759,523.00 4. The rate to be levied under the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this by-law to produce the amount set out in paragraph 3 of this by-law is one hundred and eithy-four (184) mills. 5. The dates of payment of taxes under this by-law shall be as follows: Due Date of 1st Instalment February 28, 1996 Due Date of 2nd Instalment May 31, 1996 6. In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any part thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof, the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable. 7. If the taxes levied under this by-law are not paid on or before the due dates a charge of one and one quarter percent (1 1/4) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment of each such instalment and thereafter an additional charge of one and one quarter percent (1 1/4) shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which default continues up to and including December of this year. By-law No. 96-2 - 2 - 8. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the dates named in Section 5 to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statutes in that behalf all such tax instalments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred. 9. The tax collector not later than 21 days prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person a notice setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by-law, the respective dates by which they are to be paid to avoid penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by this by-law for late payments. 10. Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and shall be paid to the collector at the Municipal Office. 11. The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such payment, provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and collectable under Section 7 in respect to non-payment of taxes or of any instalment thereof. 12. When tenants of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to the Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages, salary or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of JANUARY, 1996 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of JANUARY, 1996. // ifr/ REEVE CLERK r CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-3 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 4TH, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held Janu ty 4,' 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all .� proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of JANUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of JANUARY, 1996. 01/ ° REEVE CLERK r CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-4 A BY-LAW TO PROHIBIT LITTERING ON TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES • WHEREAS under Sections 314(1), (5) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 provides that the councils of all municipalities may pass by-laws for prohibiting the throwing, placing, or depositing of dirt, filth glass handbills, paper or other rubbish or refuse, or the carcass of any animal on any highway or bridges; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFINITION For the purpose of this by-law; Highway means a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles or used by pedestrians and includes all of the area between lateral property lines thereof. . 2. No person shall throw, place or deposit any dirt, filth, glass, handbills, paper or other refuse, or the carcass of any animal on any highway within the Township of Bayham. 3. Notwithstanding Clause 2 of this by-law, it shall be legal to place glass, plastic, paper or other rubbish or refuse in proper containers for normal current garbage or recycling pick-up or other refuse collection authorized by the Township, on any highway within the Township of Bayham. 4. Any person contravening the provisions of this By-law shall be liable upon the conviction thereof to a fine of not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) as provided for under Section 320 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990. 5. That By-law No. 2079 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996. /I 4 I / deo REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-5 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA FOR THE PROVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION WHEREAS Section 207(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for entering into Agreements with one or more municipalities to provided for the joint operation of fire departments; AND WHEREAS Section 210(31) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 grants permission for two or more municipalities to establish, maintain and operate fire departments upon such basis as to the distribution of costs as the municipalities may agree; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree to jointly operate a Fire Department know as the Township of Bayham Fire Department; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna are desirous of entering into an agreement whereby the Township will provide fire protection to the Village of Vienna; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enter into said Agreement with the Village of Vienna for the provision of fire protection to the yillage. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Village of Vienna for the provision of fire protection to the Village of Vienna. 2. THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forms a part of this by- law. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect January 1, 1996. t READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996 1/ REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-5 AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF A JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this /$k day of JQ 'ltAC4' y , 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM and THE CORPORATION OF THE TILLAGE OF VIENNA WHEREAS Section 207(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for entering into Agreements with one or more municipalities to provided for the joint operation of fire departments, AND WHEREAS Section 210(31) 'of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 grants permission for two or more municipalities to establish, maintain and operate fire departments upon such basis as to the distribution of costs as the municipalities may agree, AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have passed respective by-laws for entering into this agreement, AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree to jointly operate a Fire Department know as the Township of Bayham Fire Department, hereinafter called the "Department" for the purposes of providing fire protection in the areas defined in this agreement. AND WITNESSETH THIS AGREEMENT that in consideration of the covenants and terms herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . In this agreement: (a) "Fire Chief" means the Chief of the Bayham Fire Department (b) "Designate" means the person who, in the absence of the Chief, is assigned to �•► be in charge of the particular activity of the department and who has the same powers and authority as the chief (c) "Response area" means the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna as defined in Appendix A attached hereto and forming a part of this agreement (d) "Department" means the Bayham Township Fire Department Schedule "A" Page 2 (e) "Fire protection" means a range of programs designed to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the response area from the adverse effects of fires, sudden medical emergencies or exposure to dangerous conditions created by man or nature and includes fire prevention and public education, rescue and suppression services as defined by Council Policy. 2. The parties hereto agree that for the purposes of the financial terms and commitments to this agreement, that all operating costs shall be incurred as follows: (a) The Village of Vienna's annual contribution the the joint operation of the Fire Department shall be $4,000.00, with 50% payable on May 15 and the remaining 50% payable on December 15.• • (b) Additionally, the Village of Vienna will also be responsible for paying the wages of all firefighters attending any call within the corporate limits of the Village of Vienna. These fees shall be invoiced by the Township of Bayham in as soon as is practicable. 3. By the 15th of January in each year the Fire Chief shall submit in writing to each of the parties hereto, a draft budget for the operation of the Department for that year. This draft budget shall be considered at the Township Council's first February meeting. Representatives from the Village of Vienna shall be entitled to attend this meeting and participate in debate for consideration of the Fire Department budget. Final decision of the Fire Department budget is the responsibility of the Township Council. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the Council of the Township of Bayham for the preparation of draft by-laws, the formulating of policies, for and relating to the administration of the department. 5. The Township of Bayham shall be responsible for providing adequate facilities and equipment for the operation of the Department. 6. The Fire Chief is authorized to purchase necessary parts and/or supplies and the necessary repairs conducted to keep the apparatus and equipment in proper operating condition in accordance with the Township of Bayham Purchasing Policy. 7. The Department shall endeavour to respond as soon as possible to all emergency calls within the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna with such apparatus and personnel as per policy established by the Standard Operating Procedures of the Township of Bayham Fire Department. 8. Despite Section 7 and any other Section in this agreement, no liability accrues to the other municipality or person for failing to supply the use of the fire-fighting equipment due to the equipment being in use in another area of the response area. 9. Should one of the parties wish to propose an amendment to this agreement, such notice shall be given to all parties at least with 30 days prior to the Council meeting where the amendment(s) will be considered. Schedule "A" Page 3 10. In the event that either party wishes to cease participating in the agreement, they may do so provided that six (6) months written notice is given to the other party. The terminating party's fee shall be determined on a pro rata basis for the current years levy. Should either municipality exercise the option to cease participating in the agreement all assets and equipment shall stay with the Township of Bayham. This shall include all materials and equipment that may have been purchased jointly unless otherwise specified and agreed to by both parties. 11 . The parties hereto shall execute such further assurances as may be reasonably required to carry out the terms thereof. 12. So often as there shall be any dispute between the parties to this agreement or any of them with respect to any matter corttaine4 in this Agreement including, but not linpited to the interpretation of this Agreement, the same shall be submitted to arbitration'finder the provisions of the Municipal Arbitrations Act and the decision rendered in respect of such proceedings shall be final and binding upon the parties to this Agreement. If for any reason the said arbitration cannot be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Arbitrations Act, then the parties hereto shall agree to a single arbitrator and in the absence of agreement, such arbitrator shall be appointed by a judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario pursuant to the provisions of the Arbitrations Act or pursuant to any successor legislation. 13. Upon execution of this agreement, any existing agreements among the parties as amended with respect to fire protection shall forthwith become null and void. THIS AGREEMENT is duly executed by the parties hereto. THE CORPORATION OF THE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM VILLAGE OF VIENNA REEVE RE LW/ CLERK CL RK J011 ry /6. fer‘ 0 DATE TE THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY-LAW NO. 96 - 04 BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for the Operation of a Joint Fire Department WHEREAS Section 207(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for entering into Agreements with one or more municipalities to provide for the joint operation of fire departments; AND WHEREAS Section 210(31) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 S grants permission for two or more municipalities to establish, maintain and operate fire departments upon such basis as to the distribution of costs as the municipalities may agree; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree to jointly operate a Fire Department known as the Township of Bayham Fire Department; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Township of Bayham to jointly operate a Fire Department.. 2. THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms part of this by-law. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force_; id effect January 1, 1996. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 11TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1996 )cvc a ACTL? G REEVE CLERK File: Bylaws/9604by1 S a I Up APPENDIX "A " 1 of 2 LOT 13 eqVr�t ArlJl. �� LOT 14 q M 44.N•Ir tie„44LOT 15 LOT / . e o r I e • .,' . • I t It'0.J• UI i I11 1 t n"'�""^I N ) •e }41'41 x-fir'7 - 141 2 11 i___i.6 _617i re , vikp 1144;1 1 ,>` _ • 1 2.1 t! i e re ._ 7 A F. �. I zs r. �. I1 2 ry , - t'-11 a — -- \ zl le 2, , " t0 ti 1 ri 1 1 21 I0 z • ^ , •-,.....!6 . '•-.--. - — 1120 1 t".13 k A -11 I . 1• , 1N ih1 {'n1 14 , ii�ll,� ,1 �'\ 2� 1 j ii614--0 1�.` 1 1. I... • • 11 'i , t It t 1 ' \ C 1 1...".---... --'�•\ 2/ 1 1 • t j�5 • A t !; te) 13 I e 0 VOA i.1--i- le I -. 9 90 � � 11 t 1 - l - -9--1� -11 IC • ' -• 1 . 1 t • .- - 10 —. .gip 1 t- ;5. 1 4.-A.4- �t,t . i r.. � r, H;Zsr.1---,_._ \ ,..• ,. et, • 11 , 1. -1'14• •, .,• , N 0 ; i• ,K ri. •••...„.......... k h, —11112 il I- '--. • -• :'" U c• i-• .0;A'•% i it • --_,.` -f C,y... �./ 1 1 ••6 • 121► X��L3.. i.�r II�..�`��1`�� 41.0 1. ' . X11. COX 133 t 1 NOJ 1ZO • ` kik. • A•.? It,fe 1 10i I 1, 4,<1.1 .1 • ,„ .t,� iT ` `` Vii• •�I! rz 114•• `i, Pi 1111111 . • I "V l I • .1 I I .-, • ' , • II fi , r14 011-14 11 'V I ; t I it I I I r • I / ' 1 N. „' . . , __.„ .• • i1 . . l • t • 7 . ,I li r Appendix "A" 2 of 2 ' ' '--- r-n-- 1 \ 1 andlit 1 014, ___Ii, \ i...,,...i.--,____F---------- ---7 1 AL TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pli- - -Hri, Al Ilk _ .4 „y"° t` iiii X :IIti pi -4* 1 C,ree. I PPP Ill a . L 1.1r1e :11 Aid IIIIPPi 8 7 8 iir 9 c3,-**:.: V 1 III / ��- 10 12.13 I IOD \> � 1, 13 1. 17 ��� 110 t11 �.^ 18 19 20, 22 21 i 112 J• Ill , / 23 2r '4'S 127 ' r' 113 tt� 118IP ' COTE r• 26! 16 4i • 118 y, 4t 19 Grey' A -7- 133 136 r 120 22 , 131132 133 134ol 1' •,�� 12 I t 290 130ID �tb 127ppr ecd0 o� 38 1101.via (R i 0-..le 141 /-° N•Si , w A s _\ ACJ )41t41441._.L'" 111.1 :vIlliplkhatit 'a 11111111 Ng. c ,.._ ,. ...j i ,, 1 I v , ,/ _ _, ,nl 4 if f ��� I I ! I i'� ` i----L.-4;4141 - Aii 1 7 � G0r �a/. f �' t ^r ~ I << ,-s 1 o � � I I i23174I55 1 - c ,)7 ' ''"---/- 11101,1 ' I. 11 \''''4ifte?ji-- ' 1• 10 10 2t 22,...12.2 / \ :IIII . 271 \ # � II CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-5 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA FOR THE PROVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION WHEREAS Section 207(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for entering into Agreements with one or more municipalities to provided for the joint operation of fire departments; AND WHEREAS Section 210(31) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 grants permission for two or more municipalities to establish, maintain and operate fire departments upon such basis as to the distribution of costs as the municipalities may agree; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree to jointly operate a Fire Department know as the Township of Bayham Fire Department; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna are desirous of entering into an agreement whereby the Township will provide fire protection to the Village of Vienna; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enter into said Agreement with the Village of Vienna for the provision of fire protection to the Village. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA'T'ION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF 1' BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Village of Vienna for the provision of fire protection to the Village of Vienna. 2. THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forms a part of this by- law. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect January 1, 1996. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996 • REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-5 AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF A JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this/Pin day of 3;1 u Q $ 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM and THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE"OF VIENNA WHEREAS Section 207(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for entering into Agreements with one or more municipalities to provided for the joint operation of fire departments, AND WHEREAS Section 210(31) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 grants permission for two or more municipalities to establish, maintain and operate fire departments upon such basis as to the distribution of costs as the municipalities may agree, AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have passed respective by-laws for entering into this agreement, AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree`to jointly operate a Fire Department know as the Township of Bayham Fire Department, hereinafter called the "Department" for the purposes of providing fire protection in the areas defined in this agreement. AND WITNESSETH THIS AGREEMENT that in consideration of the covenants and terms herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . In this agreement: (a) "Fire Chief" means the Chief of the Bayham Fire Department (b) "Designate" means the person who, in the absence of the Chief, is assigned to be in charge of the particular activity of the department and who has the same powers and authority as the chief (c) "Response area" means the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna as defined in Appendix A attached hereto and forming a part of this agreement (d) "Department" means the Bayham Township Fire Department Schedule "A" Page 2 (e) "Fire protection" means a range of programs designed to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the response area from the adverse effects of fires, sudden medical emergencies or exposure to dangerous conditions created by man or nature and includes fire prevention and public education, rescue and suppression services as defined by Council Policy. 2. The parties hereto agree that for the purposes of the financial terms and commitments to this agreement, that all operating costs shall be incurred as follows: (a) The Village of Vienna's annual contribution the the joint operation of the Fire Department shall be $4,000.00, with 50% payable on May 15 and the remaining 50% payable on December 15. (b) Additionally, the Village of Vienna will atso be responsible for paying the wages of all firefighters attending any call within the corporate limits of the Village of Vienna. These fees shall be invoiced by the Township of Bayham in as soon as is practicable. 3. By the 15th of January in each year the Fire Chief shall submit in writing to each of the parties hereto, a draft budget for the operation of the Department for that year. This draft budget shall be considered at the Township Council's first February meeting. Representatives from the Village of Vienna shall be entitled to attend this meeting and participate in debate for consideration of the Fire Department budget. Final decision of the Fire Department budget is the responsibility of the Township Council. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the Council of the Township of Bayham for the preparation of draft by-laws, the formulating of policies, for and relating to the administration of the department.' 5. The Township of Bayham shall be responsible for providing adequate facilities and equipment for the operation of the Department. 6. The Fire Chief is authorized to purchase necessary parts and/or supplies and the necessary repairs conducted to keep the apparatus and equipment in proper operating condition in accordance with the Township of Bayham Purchasing Policy. 7. The Department shall endeavour to respond as soon as possible to all emergency calls within the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna with such apparatus and personnel as per policy established by the Standard Operating Procedures of the Township of Bayham Fire Department. 8. Despite Section 7 and any other Section in this agreement, no liability accrues to the other municipality or person for failing to supply the use of the fire-fighting equipment due to the equipment being in use in another area of the response area. 9. Should one of the parties wish to propose an amendment to this agreement, such notice shall be given to all parties at least with 30 days prior to the Council meeting where the amendment(s) will be considered. Schedule "A" Page 3 10. In the event that either party wishes to cease participating in the agreement, they may do so provided that six (6) months written notice is given to the other party. The terminating party's fee shall be determined on a pro rata basis for the current years levy. Should either municipality exercise the option to cease participating in the agreement all assets and equipment shall stay with the Township of Bayham. This shall include all materials and equipment that may have been purchased jointly unless otherwise specified and agreed to by both parties. 11 . The parties hereto shall execute such further assurances as may be reasonably required to carry out the terms thereof. 12. So often as there shall be any dispute between the parties to this agreement or any of them with respect to any matter contained in this Agreement including, but not limited to the interpretation of this Agreement, the same shall be submitted to arbitration under the provisions of the Municipal Arbitrations Act and the decision rendered in respect of such proceedings shall be final and binding upon the parties to this Agreement. If for any reason the said arbitration cannot be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Arbitrations Act, then the parties hereto shall agree to a single arbitrator and in the absence of agreement, such arbitrator shall be appointed by a judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario pursuant to the provisions of the Arbitrations Act or pursuant to any successor legislation. 13. Upon execution of this agreement, any existing agreements among the parties as amended with respect to fire protection shall forthwith become null and void. THIS AGREEMENT is duly executed by the parties hereto. THE CORPORATION OF THE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM VILLAGE OF VIENNA REEVE REE E / 1 4 >:y1d) CLERK CLERK Jati(AaCy ICI (eif6 � 5- /5 y�, DATE ATE THE CORPORATION OF THE. VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY-LAW NO. 96 - 04 BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for the Operation of a Joint Fire Department WHEREAS Section 207(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for entering into Agreements with one or more municipalities to provide for the joint operation of fire departments; AND WHEREAS Section 210(31) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 grants permission for two or more municipalities to establish, maintain and operate fire departments upon such basis as to the distribution of costs as the municipalities may agree; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree to jointly operate a Fire Department known as the Township of Bayham Fire Department; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Township of Bayham to jointly operate a Fire Department.. 2. THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms part of this by-law. 3. THAT this by-law shall come iinnt_g.fiill force and effect January 1, 1996. .., READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 11TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1996 ��!C P3okAark2,-(11A3-)A, ACTI1 G REEVE CLERK I , LYNDA MILLARD , CERTIFY THE ABOVE TO BE A TRUE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL B/L 96-04 .4001, File: Bylaws/9604by1 -J U"det-y CLERK VILLAGE OF VIENNA OF APPENDIX " A" 1 of 2 LOT 13 QgYMgM V'``4rt 1.0T 14 • I YplM PI, hk4 \ , LOT 15 LOT • \ ` e e , \ / . t n \ • le• �4' 1 ''J i t--- • ,t '— -- \ . k I3 ,t om 1 Ie 21:":.:1--1---1 . �..* It 1 I • *{ Ili 2e , ll \ I C. 1 le lira �1� 1 .i �_ t• _ - - t0 rl s Z>* 7i 111 ,s t 4 t! !•`�.-- t1 1s. r. : 1 1� it'if _ ., o.. If' n.. gs r f�•�---• — ` • ` —tt It OMlStNu1L , t.l '; -� • -Zt 3 t I y..; .29 14 .1.11 % - i k,_ • ..._____• 1%.v.."1. t ....a__ --___. ii -- ‘4,_ !Is ‘.1- ‘..., 1 ..„ •�.• !• � •to ►► � 111 � e �;-1;�t ti. ;•.� tl' ill 1S 1 1' , -11: IeI , `1 I! k.. •� !t .► I• e 01 03 -e-,1-- i.. 9A,. - -,-. •11 �150 4 �l ; J�- .� ;fit i yr•'t.� i r: .- s I. 06 V T to '�_•t__ 1b t1.l A �. 1 .,,. ye 00 ``. • Al t, .� Iiii • 41 01 .ti ,.,... . ' r 1 ' ....._ .. til _ , ,� . `t:. • ` ,0 t M � , ��r � �,�� � h , . . I 1 t' a, M �► 1 �` ViLL .. "'* Q^•_`•""� • I lel' •. • : n�... ` � •a i�t1 ,1, 60K 1.�3 �O I -__�_, • c I • Noy 110 . I Ile ---r""lei 1 kir'. • 0•?‘ —A, • 4.44i. la .157e es. , 4 4-11 ll \ \ 'it -1.-1- ' I 7/4 11 4 . ... \ $i ,,i .� L \ V.41101 t 4 ���♦ Ali '! • It \t\ / '� .1. • • 1.1 R R�� 11 J 1 11 ..41. J1. I,-0s. - e4 4 \ 1 . 0 , " • AM' el: If i • 1 • • I IN. ,,,,- . "i• . . . , t • . � ., .//"./...---------.\\ 7 t I1 ' , ' , , . , Appendix "A" 2 of 2 ' -ter/111 IL�` �' ' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM I 4 row„._ . ___1i ...._ i _,..,....,t,-,1,---3---i------7 x 11 .. . ot���h ,4%.,00 1 , fil I I 4 1 46 UPI" I I m !14dTTuIIH ve.141144 111\ _ 1) t5 1 t719 10 112 222Syr227113t4CO-E 262aai 5" r(t,sk . 1 7 4 � + fj��' 1 18 119 Gx°°� L��/ �}' 135 1J6 ` 1 ISO 131 132 IJ3 134 120 � 22 I 121 1213 Oikl 4b�� ��6 i27 11 .: 129 _r J . 111 ll01to 45]jj Nib 4i 111 ll 4 :.1 • in 19 . a . ,h. ; \ lib . kilialk TN NM. 1 coy ) . , � i ..-1 :tri. 1 , 1 1+ 45 I I �� G 4ton1 I© — ' I I 1 g 1 1n I + I Co! %era "`` 1 �tt9� � + I I T �✓ J 1 2 '--------1 i f 14 15 531 s s _/ I. , 1l 7 18 II s -���, � ��4 ,..- Pl. ' ------ -;---,,,....L.,_. iEtdN _ . . gym;��i 17 � �I A. ^ 1c ^ •j2122HjI k '��� 2 ,1 , \ , • , , 1 1 ,Jy1 1 it CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-6 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 18TH, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held January 1$, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed: as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of JANUARY, 1996. , • REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-7 A BY-LAW TO ACQUIRE PART OF LOT 16, CONCESSION NORTH GORE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD WIDENING WHEREAS Section 191(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 permits Councils of municipalities to pass by-laws for acquiring land for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS the owner of land in Part of Lot 16, Concession North Gore, is desirous of selling part of said lot to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for road widening; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to acquire land for the purpose of road widening. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of Part 1 and Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-5218. 2. THAT the Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary affidavit under the Land Trynsfer ► Tax Act on behalf of the Corporation for the acquisition and transfer of title. d 3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. gg , REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-7 A BY-LAW TO ACQUIRE PART OF LOT 16, CONCESSION NORTH GORE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD WIDENING WHEREAS Section 191(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 permits Councils of municipalities to pass by-laws for acquiring land for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS the owner of land in Part of Lot 16, Concession North Gore, is desirous of selling part of said lot to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for road widening; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to acquire land for the purpose of road widening. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of Part 1 and Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-5218. 2. THAT the Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary affidavit under the Lanc4 'Transfer Tax Act on behalf of the Corporation for the acquisition and transfer of title. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. 4 • aki REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-7 A BY-LAW TO ACQUIRE PART OF LOT 16, CONCESSION NORTH GORE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD WIDENING WHEREAS Section 191(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 permits Councils of municipalities to pass by-laws for acquiring land for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS the owner of land in Part of Lot 16, Concession North Gore, is desirous of selling part of said lot to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for road widening; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to acquire land for the purpose of road widening. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of Part 1 and Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-5218. 2. THAT the Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary affidavit under the Land Transfer Tax Act on behalf of the Corporation for the acquisition and transfer of title. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. i� REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-8 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT TO PERMIT THE ENCROACHMENT OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE BUILDING OVER THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION 8 AND CONCESSION 9 (FIRST STREET, PLAN 113) AND TO ASSIGN A FEE FOR SUCH PRIVILEGE. WHEREAS Section 210(107) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., Chapter M.45 provides councils with the power to pass by-laws for allowing any person owning or occupying any building or other erection that by inadvertence has been partially or partially erected upon any highway to maintain and use such erection thereon and for fixing such fee or charge as council considers reasonable for such owner or occupant to pay for such privilege; AND WHEREAS through the sale of Lot 3 and Part of Lot 2 north on First Street and east of Main Street, Plan 113, hamlet of Eden, it has become apparent that a single family vinyl sided building on the said property encroaches over the Road Allowance between Concession 8 and Concession 9 (First Street, Plan 113); AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the council such an encroachment should be confirmed by by-law so that public interest may be protected by setting certain undertakings to be carried by the owner. • AND WHEREAS an Agreement, in the form annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "A" has been prepared by the Township. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT an existing encroachment by a vinyl building, shown on a Building Location Survey prepared by J.G. Rupert, Ontario Land Surveyor, and dated January 16, 1996, a copy of which is annexed hereto, over the Road Allowance between Concession 8 and Concession 9 (First Street, Plan 113) is hereby allowed to be maintained and used for so long as the said building remains in its present location, in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid Schedule "A"; and, for the sum of one dollar ($1 .00) is hereby fixed to be a one-time charge to be paid to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by the Owner. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement and marked as Schedule "A" on behalf of the Corporation and to affix the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. REEVE ERK SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-8 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 1st day of February, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the "MUNICIPALITY" OF THE FIRST PART - AND - ABE AND AGATHA GIESBRECHT of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin. hereinafter called the "OWNER" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the registered owner of land and premises in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and known as Lot 3 and Part of Lot 2, north on First Street, east of Main Street, Plan 113; AND WHEREAS a vinyl single family residence is situated on the said lands and premises, the most southerly wall of which building and certain improvements or additions thereto encroaches on the Road Allowance between Concession 8 and Concession 9 (First Street, Plan 113), as shown on the a Building Location Survey prepared by J.G. Rupert, Ontario Land Surveyor, and dated January 16, 1996, a copy of which is attached as Appendix "A" hereto; AND WHEREAS the Owner has requested the Municipality to enact a By-law allowing the use and maintenance of the said encroachments for so long as the building remains in its present location; AND WHEREAS the Municipality is of the opinion that such By-Law would not be in the public interest unless certain undertakings as hereinafter set out are given by the Owner; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1 .00) of lawful money of Canada now paid by the Municipality to the Owner, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Owner covenants and agrees with the Municipality to do and perform, at his own expense, the following matters and things: 1. The Owner, his heirs, executors,'administrators, successors and assigns, as owners and occupiers from time to time of the said lands described above will at all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of and from all loss, costs and damages which the Municipality may suffer, be at or be put to for or by any reason of or on account of the existence of the said encroachment or the use or maintenance of the said encroachment or anything done or purported to be done pursuant to this Agreement or a By-Law respecting the said encroachment, or either of them, or anything which may arise by reason of the use and maintenance of said encroachment, this Agreement, or any By-Law, or any act or neglect in carrying out anything to be done pursuant to the said By-Law, this Agreement or by reason of the existence, use, maintenance or repair or lack of repair of the said encroachment. 2. In the event of the destruction or demolition of the most southerly wall and the improvements or additions thereto or any of them, the Owner agrees not to restore the same in the location shown on Appendix "A" attached hereto, but to effect any reconstruction in accordance with the Restricted Area or Zoning By-Law then in force in the said Municipality. SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-8 PAGE 2 3. The Owner agrees that he shall not further extend any of the encroachments over the Road Allowance between Concession 8 and Concession 9 (First Street, Plan 113) as shown on Appendix "A". 4. This agreement shall be binding upon the Owner, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, as owners and occupiers from time to time of the lands and premises described above and the covenants herein contained shall be deemed to run with the said lands and premises and bind the owners and occupiers thereof from time to time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Corporation of the Township of Bayham has hereunto affixed its corporate seal duty attested by the signatures of its proper signing officers the 1st day of February, 1996, and the parties of the second part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day of , 1996. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF in the presence of: ) BAYHAM fj- Witness ) Per: �• —"—' ) 4 � Witness 0/ ) ) Witness ) ) Abe Giesbrecht Witness ` w ) ) Agatha Giesbrecht ) CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-9 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 1ST, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF TME CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held February 1, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodiectin this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. li REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-9 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 1ST, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held f ebruary 1, 1996, is hereby adopted ands onfirmed if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1996. 401REEVE C' e" CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-10 A BY-LAW TO CREATE THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATOR (CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER) AND TO COMBINE THE DUTIES OF CLERK; AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-6 WHEREAS Section 72 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, and amendments thereto, provides that a Council may appoint a Chief Administrative Officer (herein referred to as Administrator Clerk), who shall have such general control of the administration of the government and affairs of the Municipal Corporation and perform such duties as the Council by by-law prescribes; and shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all its departments to the extent that he or she is given authority and control over them by by-law; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 210(45), a municipality may appoint such officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation, or for carrying into effect any Act of the Legislature or by-law of the Council; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint a Deputy Treasurer pursuant to Section 77(2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Donald W. MacLeod be and is hereby appointed Administrator Clerk of the Corporation. 2. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall be responsible only to the Council of the Corporation, perform such duties as are lawfully prescribed and generally manage the business affairs of the Corporation in a diligent, competent and lawful fashion through Department Heads and others reporting to the Administrator Clerk and subject always to the policies and direction of Council. 3. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall co-ordinate, lead and direct the Department Heads in the efficient administration of the Corporation, in accordance with the by-laws, policies and plans approved and established by Township Council. 4. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall delegate appropriate duties and responsibilities to Department Heads within the approved organizational structure. 5. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall recommend to Council the appointment, supervision, training, discipline, suspension, or dismissal of Department Heads. However, nothing in this by-law shall grant authority to the Administrator Clerk to exercise direction or control over any officer of the corporation appointed under statute insofar as the statutory duties are concerned. 6. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall attend all meetings of Council and may attend its standing committees except when excused from doing so by the Reeve by reason of sickness, vacation or attendance elsewhere on Corporation business, with the right to speak, but not vote thereat. 7. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall meet regularly with and co-ordinate the activities of the Department Heads of the Corporation for the purpose of developing policy recommendations, determining staff development needs and co-ordinating administrative activities. By-law No. 96-10 - 2 - February 15, 1996 8. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall ensure that information and reports requested by Council or which could be of assistance to Council are obtained or prepared and submitted for consideration. 9. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall refer sensitive or serious issues to Council and recommend responses or solutions. 10. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall, in accordance with Township Policy, conduct periodic performance evaluations of Department Heads. 11. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall develop and implement, in conjunction with the Department Heads, long-term plans and objectives within the Township, including recommending changes to the organization structure to improve effectiveness and/or efficiency. 12. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall consult with Council, Department Heads, Local Boards and Committees to assist in determining effective programs and ensuring efficient operation within approved budgets and in compliance with applicable legislation. 13. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall assist in the exercise of general financial control of all departments, in conjunction with the Treasurer. 14. THAT despite anything herein contained, this by-law shall not be deemed to empower the Administrator Clerk, in any way whatsoever, to exercise or encroach upon the powers of Council. 15. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall perform all of the powers and duties of the position as prescribed by the Statutes of Ontario and as may be from time to time prescribed by Council. 16. THAT Donald W. MacLeod is hereby appointed as Deputy Treasurer for the Corporation. 17. THAT By-law No. 92-44 is hereby amended by deleting all references to Treasurer and Tax Collector. 18. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is amended by deleting Section 1.01 and replacing it with the follwoing: "1.01 Administrator Clerk Donald W. MacLeod 96-11 & 95-10" Deputy Treasurer 19. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon its passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. / ,i 4/ REEVE • A . . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-11 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT LYNN BUCHNER AS TREASURER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AND TO COMBINE THE DUTIES OF TAX COLLECTOR AND DEPUTY CLERK AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NOS. 93-6 AND 95-10 WHEREAS Section 77(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 provides that Councils of municipalities shall appoint a Deputy Treasurer; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint Lynn Buchner as Treasurer for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Lynn Buchner be and is hereby appointed as Treasurer as provided under Section 77(1) of the Municipal Act. 2. THAT the said Lynn Buchner shall perform such duties as are set out in the Municipal Act, other statutes of the Province of Ontario and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby ,amended by deleting Section 1 .03 and replacing-it ' with the following: } "1.03 Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Lynn Buchner 96-11 & 95-10" Tax Collector 4. THAT By-law No. 95-11 is amended by deleting all references to Deputy Treasurer. 5. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon third and final reading. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. 1,„ , " REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-12 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-39 (STAFF REMUNERATION BY-LAW) WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend the remuneration paid to Lynn Buchner; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend By-law No. 93-39 to effect the change in remuneration level and to make minor amendments to the by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is amended by deleting Section 1 .01 and replacing it with the following: "1.01 Administrator Clerk Deputy Treasurer . _ + Salary" 3. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is amended by deleting Section 1.03 and replacing it with the following: "1.03 Treasurer Tax Collector Salary" 4. THIS By-law comes into force on upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. /Orr CL REEVE SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-39 (Last amended by By-law No. 96-12) 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1 .01 Administrator Clerk Deputy Treasurer $42,151 .20 Per annum 1 .02 Open 1 .03 Treasurer Tax Collector $38,000 Per annum 1 .04 Financial Assistant $14.50 Per hour 1 .05 Open 1 .06 Administrative Assistant $10.50 Per hour 1.07 Road Superintendent $40,884.48 Per annum 1 .08 Open 1 .09 Road Equipment Operators $14.42 Per hour 1 . 10 Open 1 . 11 Part Time Road Staff $9.27 Per hour 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $35,016.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1.13 Open 1 .14 Open 1 .15 Transfer Site Operator $8.00 Per hour 1.16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1 . 17 Fire Chief $7,595.22 Per annum 1 . 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,546.06 Per annum 1 . 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I $45.64 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance ti► 1.20 Volunteer Fireman Class II $42. 19 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1 .21 Volunteer Fireman Class III $37. 15 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-13 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 15TH, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held February 15, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. J 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. • 4 1 */ ' 0 REEVE • CL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-15 A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE THE DATE ON WHICH A REDUCED LOAD PERIOD SHALL START AND END WHEREAS Section 122(7) of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter H.8 permits the council of a municipality to pass a by-law designating the date on which a reduced load period shall start or end and the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to which to the designation may apply; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to implement a reduced load period for certain highways in the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the provisions of Section 122(1)-(4), inclusive, of the Highway Traffic Act apply to all roads under the Corporation's jurisdiction during the period from the 15th day of February to the 15th day of May, inclusive, in each and every year as set out in Schedule 'A' attached to this by-law. • 2. THAT this by-law shall not come into full force and effect until appropriate signs have been erected and are on display. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of.MARCH, 1996. L%----- 401 REEVE CLE ' K J TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE "A"TO BY-LAW 96-15 LIST OF HIGHWAYS WITH LOAD RESTRICTIONS 1 . Glen Erie Line easterly from Highway # 19 (Plank Road) to County Road # 55 (Baynor Road). 2. Tunnel Line easterly from Highway # 19 (Plank Road) to County Road # 55 (Baynor Road). 3. Vienna Line westerly from Highway # 19 (Plank Road) to County Raid # 43 (Richmond Road). 4. Light Line easterly from Highway # 19 (Plank Road) to County Road # 55 (Baynor Road) and also running westerly from Highway # 19 to Bogus Road. 5. Jackson Line easterly to County Road # 55 (Baynor Road) and westerly to Beattie Road. 6. Maple Grove Line north and easterly from County Road # 38 (Heritage Line) to Highway # 19 (Plank RoadO. 7. Eden Line easterly from Highway # 19, (Plank Road) at the Village of Eden to Schafer Road; Schafer Road to Goshen Road; Goshen Road easterly to Baynor Road. 8. Best Line westerly from County Road # 46 (Culloden Road) to Corinth; from Corinth to Springer Hill Road. Also, easterly from County Road # 46 (Culloden Road) to Highway # 3 (Talbot Line). 9. Baynor Road northerly from Goshen Road to Highway No. 19 (Plank Road). 10. Carson Line westerly from Highway # 19 (Plank Road) to Highway # 3 (Talbot Line). 11. Elliott Road northerly from Highway # 3 (Talbot Line) to Green Line. 12. Green Line westerly from Highway # 3 (Talbot Line) to Pressey Road. 13. Pressey Road westerly from Green Line to County Road # 46 (Culloden Road). 14. Eden Line westerly from County Road # 46 (Culloden Road) to Springer Hill Road. 15. Springer Hill Road northerly from County Road # 44 (Eden Line) to Pressey Road. T 0 w Ns H 1 p 0 F BAYHAM T OXFORD \\... S _N— sO ,.� N - W � Ct \\L________.-------rTh--___, 11.40111 X 1 • . ,PTO' i l' 0 44 S 9 1'\? 0 - ,a„,e, P•D'`,_,L—'401 o 1.111111r tIi pQa ,a I ,, • . , ii 1 ; : I 1 . ?Coy► !n . t i'l ‘ 124.14-':IC i. ; e.1 , , )1 - „ , , • , ... „ , , ........„ .1„,,,_,,,, i af.=, 1 i 7 t r i, , , , ;.. '� • A. , I tM.o.,\ 4 i .i'. . f r '--J ail i .,„. .. - t ./ Pi1J 'Ir] Q es i I ' ! t 1 "111r,.,;ic\i:,I / T SrRAfFRDVILLE ._: 3 •I Edo ,. 4 ,, i i . , . I , —•+` 11 1 * 1 * 4 I I . . ; i iim • 1 '...1.s ___J I , 171111 I led' • • •.,. 1 III =o J i 1i • . , -0 SO 11. 1L—' -'11414:111 1 rriTh!. sr "Pr 7 Polimmis ,„ .---- • ill 111 ii VIIII •..% iI ! ..! 1 i \i'lki I 1.1 CO2A.4". j • < I I 1 h)fit i. , t Q ,; , , ° s �J ; ' t EE , , 4 Sf ({O / r� commG , , , , ...,,_ .... .• , , , . _ , , , :, J\ t...,, i : : I0 3 . i ---:..„ 1 j i i f I I • 1 . 1 3 ( I IA iii. c , . i3 ' . IrAt. caiT I lie4^0) i! a. 0 ,'-i I 1 1 sill:ocrirm • ,- a caul" j I1011411° '' * SII ii Z s il �1 i 11 I MI F.. t i litp.--, ZIii, t \ .IL. �, ate'�` ,."'F'�i t ,...e, , ,,,,,,, ,... 0 i t I I i1`" , I ! ' ;1 \:r . ... i ' i , O EDEN .•: • .^ 4 ' I i to Y � i . f = Z 1 , �. , _ bli ' ' 1... ‘ te' J ;pit ) t Ili I 3 i s i '�" I ! /( � . �t• I I ( , s. . I i - _ �' . woe Pilillib. • Ari i ii - J• % 111 11 ! { p ,, ,. i i•iii ,... 1 , •� Ilir is 1 , _o i I ���� 1 I t a. +_ ! ; 1 ,.,, E1 =' i , „ . ao as , 1 RICHMOND .t iI) tiliN.10 - I ..ice # r I i I a,, ,/'' 1 i ! ! , Nifi fL . r%li. , 1 , i , , '� ! } 1 ft bop 0_ LEGEND s `� ` MUNICIPAL ROAD NAMES ..... irmiew of WHAM rMINE/1•1111•1100•011.0. man OW ,� ., I .,.,. »—....•••—• o W?w,or. OW n two r M WM 1 i,_". °` '°" <vR , •PT A$SOCIATI r tray . tett* i,pMppN wrw ,mast ao«suWTwos A ....aw++t.w 1 z CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-16 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O 1990, CHAPTER P.13 (SERVANT RETREAT AND TRAINING CENTRE INC.) WHEREAS Servant Retreat and Training Centre Inc. has plans to redevelop that parcel of land situated on Part Lots 117 & 118, Concession 7 N.T.R., the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a redevelopment agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: t. 1. THAT the agreement, attached hereto as a Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. L , REEVE • 14 STRATOR C I, MAUREEN BEATTY, AMCT, CLERK of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, certify the foregoing is a certified true copy Dated this 1S day of Attsui4 Maureen Beatty 3 SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-16 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made the 7th day of March, 1996. BETWEEN: The SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") of the First Part - and - TUE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, R:'S.O 1990 ; AND WHEREAS Section 41 of Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and b) authorizes the Corporation to require the owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provisions of the services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that he intends to develop lands described in Schedule "A" to this agreement (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The following Schedules are hereby declared to form part of this agreement and are attached hereto: Schedule Description "A" - being a legal description of the lands affected (the said lands). "B" - being the plan showing the location of the new_ facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 2. The owner hereby,agrees to obtain a Certificate of Approval from the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections; and, approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits which may be required for the facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected, as shown on Schedule "B". No other building shall be constructed except for those shown on Schedule "B". 4. The attached Schedule "B" is hereby approved by the Municipality subject to the following conditions: a) The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the attached Schedule "B". b) The following facilities, works or matters shall be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality: i) All driveways, internal roads and parking areas shall be surfaced with crushed stone or gravel or asphalt and shall be capable of accommodating and supporting fire fighting equipment weighting fifteen (15) tonnes during all weather conditions. All internal roads shall have a minimum width of 6 metres. ii) Adequate lighting shall be provided to ensure the security and safety of the public and the property. Exterior lighting shall be arranged to direct illumination away from adjoining lands. No lighting will be aimed at or towards any road or highway, but will instead be directed so that it does not create a driving hazard. iii) An enclosure for the storage of waste material and recyclables shall be provided as shown on Schedule "B",. The waste storage and recyclable storage area must be easily accessible by garbage and recycling trucks. .A iv) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. v) One portable washroom shall be permitted in the area designated as a campground. c) The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner those facilities, works, or matters required to be provided under subclause b) of clause 4 hereof. d) The approval of the attached Schedule "B" by the Municipality shall lapse if development of the said lands: i) is not carried out and completed in accordance with the said Schedule "B", including the planting and maintenance of all tree breaks; or ii) is not completed within two (2) years of the execution of this agreement unless and extension has been agreed to in writing by the Municipality. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to the following operational schedule: a) Vehicular ingress and egress shall with the exception of emergency vehicles, be restricted to the roadway entering the property from Maple Grove Road. The only exceptions shall be normal "house" traffic of managers and staff who will usually use the main entrance from County Road #38. The maximum number of vehicles to be parked at the main house is 5 (five). Vans and school buses shall be required to use Maple Grove Road. b) Amplified music and speech shall be restricted to hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. • c) The maximum number of permanent residents shall be restricted to the founder's/manager's family. This number shall not exceed 10 (ten) persons in total. d) The maximum number of guests, clients or visitors on site at any one time shall be restricted to the following. • Main House - 28 Campground - 48 (40 campers, 8 staff) 6. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a) Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990, this agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for the works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b) Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under subclause a), b) and c) of clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made under this agreement. 7. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this agreement, the owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 8. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise, of the registration of this agreement. 9. This agreement may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 10. The provisions hereof shall ensure to the benefit of the parties, hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have her o affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper offs•- 'my authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED } In the presence of ) .Al, ) SERV • Retreat an I Training Centre Inc. ) ) SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) -) Reeve ) Administrator Clerk • SCHEDULE "A" TO SITE PLAN CONTROL AGREEMENT This is Schedule "A" to the site plan agreement dated the March 7, 1996, to which it is attached and forms a part, between the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and the SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LANDS TO BE AFFECTED BY THIS AGREEMENT The lands to which this agreement refers to are described as: South Part Lot 117 and Part Lot 118, Concession 7 North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin in the Province of Ontario; and further described as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R-4799 and Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-4800. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) In the presence of: ) • ) SE ' • ` Retreat and Training Centre Inc. ) SERVAN'P Retreat and Training Centre Inc. I ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) ) ) Reeve ) ) ) Administrator Clerk Nl•w% • and t/titN•rt F+Inn 1.FIa:C1 (t 1/92) tajt;, Province Document General D .....:s_ 01 Ontario Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act . (1) Registry 1E( Land Land Titles n Y (2) Page 1 of 6 pages (3) Property Block Property NU,ZPR 3 7 1 �4 identifter(!) Additional V W See [1 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Schedule t U L 28 P• 2 . 5 (4)Nature of Document -.,...� Municipal By- law 96- 16 and Agreement } (5) Consideration ELGIN - 1/.1,,,,,q/▪ ..-- 0 NO. 11 t. 1 o NO. 11 u Dollars S coin 5T. .I HOMAS ACTI..._. ..,yN.)F:'.�• IZFF A. C \ n (6) Description w Part Lot 118 , Concession 7 NTR (North of Talbot Road) LL a designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-4800 in the tz o Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin , and Part u. Lot 117 , Concession 7 , NTR (North of Talbot Road) , New Property Identifiers designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R-4799 , Additional seehedule LI Maple Grove Road East side in the Township of Bayham, Sc Executions , in the County of Elgin . Skc -c.l, R.ttuai c/ (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for Additional Document New Easement Additional See f—t Contains: Plan/Sketch Schedule I Description I i Parties C Other n (8) This Document provides as follows: See By- law attached . * Continued on Schedule 1-1 (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) Pariy(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 CORPORATION OF THE . . .TOWNSHIP. .UF. BAYHAM MAUREEN BEATTY.,. CLERK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/ Q.t- ., 1996 07. .26 (11) Address for Service P .U. Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1Y0 (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Signature(s) Date Date of Signature Name(s) Y M 0 I (13) Address for Service 1 (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: 11 1 f=ees and Tax ` J Maureen Beatty, ClerkZ Registration Fee Township of Bayham j P .U . Box 160 tL 0 Straffordville , Ontario u. 0 NOJ 1YO tr Total _ALL_ J MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL September 7, 2006 — H 9 MOVED BY: / :,,41141". SECONDED BY: ` AL.Ado'' 6.1 (b) "THAT Staff Report D2006-049 be received; AND THAT By-law 2006-079, being a by-law to provide for the release of a registered site plan agreement, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED: Olt - , �,� _ _ , ! ..a. • DEFEATED: • R MAYOR f MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL September 7, 2006 -- N 9 MOVED BY: Ale- ,Ar ir SECONDED BY: _� 6.1 (b) "THAT Staff Report D2006-049 be received; AND THAT By-law 2006-079, being a by-law to provide for the release of a registered site plan agreement, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED: �� _ ! � ! DEFEATED: A O R MAYOR CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-16 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O 1990, CHAFFER P.13 (SERVANT RETREAT AND TRAINING CENTRE INC.) WHEREAS Servant Retreat and Training Centre Inc. has plans to redevelop that parcel of land situated on Part Lots 117 & 118, Concession 7 N.T.R., the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a redevelopment agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement, attached hereto as a Schedule -'"A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. / f / REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-16 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made the 7th day of March, 1995. BETWEEN: The SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") of the First Part - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacteda,t.Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the, provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990 ; J AND WHEREAS Section 41 of Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and b) authorizes the Corporation to require the owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provisions of the services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that he intends to develop lands described in Schedule "A" to this agreement (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The following Schedules are hereby declared to form part of this agreement and are attached hereto: Schedule Description "A" - being a legal description of the lands affected (the said lands). "B" - being the plan showing the location of the new facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 2. The owner hereby agrees to obtain a Certificate of Approval from the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections; and, approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits which may be required for the facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected, as shown on Schedule "B". No other building shall be constructed except for those shown on Schedule "B". 4. The attached Schedule "B" is hereby approved by the Municipality subject to the following conditions: a) The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the attached Schedule "B". b) The following facilities, works or matters shall be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality: i) All driveways, internal roads and parking areas shall be surfaced with crushed stone or gravel or asphalt and shall be capable of accommodating and supporting fire fighting equipment weighting fifteen (15) tonnes during all weather conditions. All internal roads shall have a minimum width of 6 metres. ii) Adequate lighting shall be provided to ensure the security and safety of the public and the property. Exterior lighting shall be arranged to direct illumination away from adjoining lands. No lighting will be aimed at or towards any road or highway, but will instead be directed so that it does not create a driving hazard. iii) An enclosure for the storage of waste material and recyclables shall be provided as shown on Schedule "B". The waste storage and recyclable storage area must be easily accessible by garbage and recycling trucks. iv) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. v) One portable washroom shall be permitted in the area designated as a campground. c) The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner those facilities, works, or matters required to be provided under subclause b) of clause 4 hereof. d) The approval of the attached Schedule "B" by the Municipality shall lapse if development of the said lands: i) is not carried out and completed in accordance with the said Schedule "B", including the planting and maintenance of all tree breaks; or ii) is not completed within two (2) years of the execution of this agreement unless and extension has been agreed to in writing by the Municipality. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to the following operational schedule: a) Vehicular ingress and egress shall with the exception of emergency vehicles, be restricted to the roadway entering the property from Maple Grove Road. The only exceptions shall be normal "house" traffic of managers and staff who will usually use the main entrance from County Road #38. The maximum number of vehicles to be parked at the main house is 5 (five). Vans and school buses shall be required to use Maple-Grove Road. b) Amplified music and speech shall be restricted to hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 ,p.m. c) The maximum number of permanent residents shall be restricted to the founder's/manager's family. This number shall not exceed 10 (ten) persons in total. d) The maximum number of guests, clients or visitors on site at any one time shall be restricted to the following. Main House - 28 Campground - 48 (40 campers, 8 staff) 6. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a) Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990, this agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for the works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b) Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under subclause a), b) and c) of clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made under this agreement. 7. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this agreement, the owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 8. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or_ otherwise, of the registration of this agreement. 9. This agreement may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 10. The provisions hereof shall ensure to the benefit of the parties, hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have • - eunto affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper • ,rs duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) In the presence of ) ,MS ) S - • Retreat and Training Centre Inc. ) ) ) Iii ) SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) .5 ) H ) Reeve / / /if e ,,, ) Administrator Clerk SCHEDULE "A" TO SITE PLAN CONTROL AGREEMENT This is Schedule "A" to the site plan agreement dated the March 7, 1996, to which it is attached and forms a part, between the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and the SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LANDS TO BE AFFECTED BY THIS AGREEMENT The lands to which this agreement refers to are described as: South Part Lot 117 and Part Lot 118, Concession 7 North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin in the Province of Ontario; and further described as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R-479' and Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-4800. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) OP I In the presence of: ) it. ) SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. ) ) ill ' ) SERVANT Retreat and Training Centre Inc. ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) Reeve ) /10/ ) A i ►, ator Clerk r► ww.‘4/NowWS I W %IFS Irmill•~111II SCALE — 1 NCH se 200 FEET /cliU impERIAL Dr5TANCE3 *crow oN oits KAN hoz IN IMPERIAL LOWS AP40 CAN ,,.k.).% SE DONARTtu TO WI/MS iT MolTIPITINC Err 0.3048 / 40*: . / / / , '`4(C , ,/ • C.", / 0 . e , / 0 i / / / / \ I 1 , %Z1,0 / 0 Xe) .4, ,....) 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I V CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-17 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH GEORGE AND MARGARET GILVESY CONCERNING PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 8 WHEREAS the George and Margaret Gilvesy represent that they are the registered owners of the lands legally described as Part Lot 22, Concession 8, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Reference Plan 11R-6179, hereinafter referred to as the "lands"; AND WHEREAS George and Margaret Gilvesy applied to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee for consent to sever 5 parcels of land intended for future residential development (Application Nos. E16/95, E17/95, E18/95, E19/95 and E20/95). AND WHEREAS the said County of Elgin Land Division Committee granted the consents subject to various Conditions, including a condition that George and Margaret Gilvesy enter into a development agreement with the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement, attached hereto as a Schedule "A" :o this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. ,/ i*/ • REEVE AD INISTRATOR CLERK • SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 7th day of March, 1996. BETWEEN: GEORGE AND MARGARET GILVESY (hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivider") of the First Part - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "Township") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Subdivider represent that they are the registered owners of the lands legally described as Part Lot 22, Concession 8, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Reference Plan 11R-6179, hereinafter referred to as the "lands"; AND WHEREAS the Subdivider applied to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee for consent to sever 5 parcels of land intended for future residential development (Application Nos. E16/95, E17/95, E18/95, E19/95 and E20/95). • ,p AND WHEREAS the said Committee granted the consents subject to various'I Conditions, including a condition that the Subdivider enter into a development agreement with the Township and the Subdivider concerning same; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) of lawful money of Canada together with other good and valuable consideration now paid by the Township to the Subdivider, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, the Subdivider hereby covenant and agree with the Township of Bayham as follows: 1. The Subdivider shall transfer title/deed to the Township Part 8 on Reference Plan 11R- 6179, in turn the Township shall dedicate this parcel as public road allowance 2. The Subdivider shall be responsible for the total cost of constructing a road within Part 8 on Reference Plan 11R-6179 in accordance with the draft Township of Bayham Standards which call for a minimum 35 mm of HL3 asphalt and 40 mm of HL6 asphalt on a granular base of 150 mm of Granular 'A' and 300 mm of Granular 'B' . This work is to be completed under the supervision of the Township Road Superintendent and/or the Township Engineer, Spriet Associates. 3. The Subdivider shall supply and install the necessary drains and catch basins required by the Township, in accordance with the Plans prepared by L.A. Girard Engineering (Ontario) Ltd. and dated January 15, 1996. The drainage scheme and lot grading shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Township and the lands shall be graded by the Subdivider to provide appropriate storm drainage to the satisfaction of the Township. 4. The Subdivider shall complete all of the work required by this Agreement strictly in accordance with the with the Plans prepared by L.A. Girard Engineering (Ontario) Ltd. and dated January 15, 1996, and instructions of the Township and its Engineers, Spriet Associates. 5. The Subdivider shall deliver and lodge with the Township a Guaranteed Investment Certificate in favour of the Township in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) (being the estimated value of the services to be provided by the Subdivider) which will be returned to the Subdivider upon the completion in full of the work and services outlined in clauses one (1) to four (4), inclusive of this Agreement. The - 2 - 5. Cont'd Subdivider shall restore all Township property to the same condition the Township property was in prior to the Subdivider commencing the said works and services. The restoration of the Township property shall be inspected by the Township and shall be completed by the Subdivider to the satisfaction of the Township. 6. The Subdivider shall enter into an agreement with an approved sewage hauler for septage disposal. The Subdivider shall provide written confirmation to the Township and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit with the name of the licensed pump-out operator and the availability of an approved septage disposal site identified by lot, concession and municipality. 7. The Subdivider shall be bound by the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations until January 1st, 2015, and shall extract and/or obtain from any Transferee(s), Grantee(s), and/or Purchaser(s) of all or any portion of the said lands, the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations and shall ensure that any Deed and other instruments conveying and/or transferring all or any portion of the said lands to any Purchaser(s), Grantee(s) and/or Transferee(s) shall contain the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations: (a) No construction of any kind shall be undertaken or completed on the lands except in full compliance with the By-laws and Regulations of all Governmental Agencies and pursuant to any necessary permits for which the purchaser(s), Grantee(s) and/or Transferee(s) (hereinafter referred to as "Transferor(s)") applies for and obtains; • (b) No excavation shall be rriade on the lands except excavations for the purpose of - building on the same at the time of commencement of such building. No soil, sand or gravel shall be removed from the lands without the prior consent in writing of the Vendors, their successors, agents, or assigns; (c) The grades and elevations determined and/or established by the Transferor(s) and the Township of Bayham shall be maintained, and in particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Transferee(s) covenants that the drainage grades shall be maintained and kept clear so as to ensure satisfactory lot and block drainage; (d) The septic location(s) plan determined and/or established by the Transferor(s) and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit shall be strictly adhered to; (e) The Transferors) hereby reserves unto the Transferee(s), their successors, servants, agents and assigns, including the Township of Bayham, a right in the nature of an easement or licence to enter upon, without charge or liability for damages, the lands herein conveyed for the purpose of correcting grading or drainage problems, and carrying out any work required by the Township of Bayham pursuant to these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations and the Agreement between George and Margaret Gilvesy and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, dated March 7, 1996 provided that any entry hereunder shall not interfere with any dwelling or accessory building which might have been erected on the lands provided that same has been erected in accordance with the said Agreement and these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations. (0 These Restrictive Covenants and Reservations shall remain in full force and effect until January 1st, 2015, unless they are otherwise amended, modified or waived according to the terms hereof; Noir-------- r3 - (g) To the intent that the burden of these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations shall run with the lands until the first day of January, 2015, the Transferee(s) for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns covenants and agrees with the Transferor(s), his successors in title from time to time of all or any part to parts of the said lands will observe and comply with the stipulations, restrictions, provisions and covenants herein and that the Transferee(s) will have executed by every subsequent Transferee(s) so that all persons hereinafter holding or claiming under the Transferee(s) shall be bound to observe and comply with the said stipulations, restrictions and provisions. 8. This agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. In this regard, the Subdivider shall at their own expense register this Agreement at the Land Registry Office for the County of Elgin forthwith after the execution of this Agreement. IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF the Subdivider and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham have affixed their hands and seals over the hand of their duly authorized signing officers. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM in the presence of ) ) Per: ) r Reeve 11" ) , / I / �► 1 ) . GI nistrator Clerk ) ) ) George Gilvesy _. • •:aret a 5sy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..____ _ _ _ . _ — — . — .__ _ _ ._ . . \.....\.>?, iNNl:"'RT 92.42 "� Q e- �` OIAM CSP EXISTING i8 (45 4. __ _ . CENTREELI c. ' �.-r�-__ -- -- -- _retb �__ "- [97�� t • ��� __ ��'"_ EDGE �"PANT- �0�-- -- -- -- --+--,�--- -- + �tti Ii -4 INVERT~C� _ f . t . 4 or + �—. (----dp. -' 3.14 ,ti� EDGE GRAVELt �A �— + \) 6' -+A. SOLDER +��.97140 /� 1C° t 93.65 I >;� 93.40 <9'� (-55 -+-.-- 14 - —+ —+- —+— — LEGEND: I59�9 r1...ti' ' 19/ 6.303 SF (f). ' I SED• PROPOIB' DIAM CSP • RESERVE �, t r 93.40 PROPOSED DESIGN GRADE 98..�"i0 i LOCAL BENCHMANRK TOP OF SOUTHWEST CORNER iYSTEM FOR PT 5 PT ..5....,..•.. d ( . OF CONCRE1 E PORCH '�� DOSING Riff'.. DOSING CHAMBERASSUMED ELEVN - 100.x' EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION RIBUTION BOXES . MCP. + IT DIAM . ��• � CSP � ', TOP OF FOUNDATION AND DESIGN �., , ; I 50• RADIUS AROUND ELEVATIONS NEXT TO DWELLINGS ARE i,.- D \ TOP 1p0p� ��. EXISTING / W'.2_1- (TYPICAL) LOWEST RECOMMENDED GRADES FDl N 97.' 540 D ING ACTUAL GRADES MAY BE HIGHER 30070 WELL �PRICR ' _ (( ,��+ • + 2A 3n �� BUILDER TO PROVIDE DETAILED GRADING ' ^"" 95.45 I 4� I I y4D EXISTING DESIGN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL 1-' TCSTHOLC `' + - + I +� +' — WFt t + a 2 DW LING I - • SOTES: i79.5� • ( n: RAIN WATER LEADERS TO DISCHARGE TO fir, TO BE DIRL TO I ❑ • SIDE YARD DSWA LES - SUMP DISCHARGE TO BE DIRECTED TO RISE RESERa I I ( 0 SIDE YARD SWALES PT 6 1.6p 1 I MIN. YARD GRADE TO SWALES - 2%: PROP. 15 I f ELEVATIONS ARE IMPERIAL AND DERIVED l OIAM CSP 96.?0 99.330 96.70 FROM A LOCAL BENCHMARK ELEVN 100.00' • . � •` 7 t3 b.fi ���` ,_ I �m . SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR PARTS 1. 6 & 7 + 101.001-** , ' + ii, ARE BASED ON A SOIL PERCOLATION - o %' ' , ( �: a w R RATE OF 'T' = 15 MIN '� • F I • HI PART 5 SEPTIC DESIGN IS BASED ON DTN PROP. • _ _ i 10170 w� I „1 ' f -�'�- 6 },� `+ PART 340 SEPTIC I DESIGN IS BASED ON 179.10` `�' 1 - j ' ;� w J 'T' = I �NIN AND THE REMOVAL OF c, ��' 1.- ! , Tt�OLc. a 3 > 99.50 + ,,j '--i -- ..._._� -----, 2% Mint _ 2%� j OVERBURDEN iITH 'T" = 40 MIN TO "SAND j (1Q2P710i �. MIN FRONT YAl� LAYER WITH "T' = 15 MIN/CM RIZ a R > ,DPROP.IAM Gt r'• I �,.. OFADE AT �, SETBACK IMPORTED SAND TO HAVE PERCOLATION -----,TYPI ow71 1 IIS • ®- ) - OF E+o�.,F RATE OF 15 MIN/CM OR LESS 1 �, + 1 I �RJCAL_ CROSS SECTION ROAD A� (NTS) 'SEE tivlL-.SONREPC3Rfi-""tCC1G' 21. 1995 —� /v / l ���' tTYPI ..-',"srtS,� 1� - .�\ � �� c� Le ALTERNATELY SEPTIC SYSTEM MAY BE �•s, TOP,--"' + [9800 1, •ti +� + ... CONSTRUCTED IN RESERVE AREA —� F DTN ., 10E1- J J . jot, I . 98.PJ0 . 434 Si- 100.00 ` � _ r.,29/ Revised Seatic. Added Noes LAG 7 PROP. • �� ♦ I ‹) • F.a Increased Culvert Sizes LAG1f�00 + ' -,,� + . Date Rev:sion Drur bi Ghckd b/ Ati - . ' pper_�- • ,,(� .; • -:•4>5)' ---'". ' -`-•-.. -',1• 313g 1••••-.....t; .1',: ,,e,v-Jta61 (/'6 E3 --------43.,. ' '`� Des: ed b : Approved b : /4\NOONE_ + .,,, +. QJ +� -_'`_. -, 4, I �A L A GIRARD ENGINEERING ___ _ , ,$) --''-- ONTARIO) LTD -..�� @�5 +‘.)-4»5-------- -____. Consulting Engineers 5. -''- 4-.z, P 0 BOX 253. 26 iNelington St. ��'' -.� �oay® — Or.errille. Ontcr:o NOJ 1170 ,,�, + Tel and Fcx: (519) 879-6875 `` '~- CLIENT: GEORGE GIL VES Y a EDEN SEVERANCES - �` --- PART LOT 22. CONC. 8 , F:3/z yLi A TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM 1 // I A/ GRADING 6 DRAINAGE PLAN / , w_ �..<2 411 ,j' 4. ret ate` Ti. rte" I > - �' C.- % C: � 6 *-- _... i,,'' �` ii �.--''�'-?'"�''i � }, +°� .,° } � ti l�' t� 1`"./=� :r't..-�j' �j'��,,�4��, ►� '� w-c.'''``;� C �`�' _S� Sedo: �. ��. Draw by: LAG Oro.e•g No: IDcto• Jcrt, 9. 1996 _ c od by 1 D., .d by, Lie 9522 -100 --- -- _.�._ ,Dcrs: i Dcto; Dst. 20, 1995 _ . . . i CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-17 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND • CLERK TO ENTER INTO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH GEORGE AND MARGARET GILVESY CONCERNING PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 8 WHEREAS the George and Margaret Gilvesy represent that they are the registered owners of the lands legally described as Part Lot 22, Concession 8, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Reference Plan 11R-6179, hereinafter referred to as the "lands"; AND WHEREAS George and Margaret Gilvesy applied to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee for consent to sever 5 parcels of land intended for future residential development (Application Nos. E16/95, E17/95, E18/95, E19/95 and E20/95). AND WHEREAS the said County of Elgin Land Division Committee granted the consents subject to various Conditions, including a condition that George and Margaret Gilvesy enter into a development agreement with the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement, attached hereto as a Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. 0 4 to/ REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK a SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 7th day of March, 1996. BETWEEN: GEORGE AND MARGARET GILVESY (hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivider") of the First Part - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "Township") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Subdivider represent that they are the registered owners of the lands legally described as Part Lot 22, Concession 8, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Reference Plan 11R-6179, hereinafter referred to as the "lands"; AND WHEREAS the Subdivider applied to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee for consent to sever 5 parcels of land intended for future residential development (Application Nos. E16/95, E17/95, E18/95, E19/95 and E20/95). AND WHEREAS the said Committee granted the `consents subject to various Conditions, including a condition that the Subdivider enter into a development agreement with the Township and the Subdivider concerning same; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) of lawful money of Canada together with other good and valuable consideration now paid by the Township to the Subdivider, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, the Subdivider hereby covenant and agree with the Township of Bayham as follows: 1. The Subdivider shall transfer title/deed to the Township Part 8 on Reference Plan 11R- 6179, in turn the Township shall dedicate this parcel as public road allowance 2. The Subdivider shall be responsible for the total cost of constructing a road within Part 8 on Reference Plan 11R-6179 in accordance with the draft Township of Bayham Standards which call for a minimum 35 mm of HL3 asphalt and 40 mm of HL6 asphalt on a granular base of 150 mm of Granular 'A' and 300 mm of Granular 'B' . This work is to be completed under the supervision of the Township Road Superintendent and/or the Township Engineer, Spriet Associates. 3. The Subdivider shall supply and install the necessary drains and catch basins required by the Township, in accordance with the Plans prepared by L.A. Girard Engineering (Ontario) Ltd. and dated January 15, 1996. The drainage scheme and lot grading shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Township and the lands shall be graded by the Subdivider to provide appropriate storm drainage to the satisfaction of the Township. 4. The Subdivider shall complete all of the work required by this Agreement strictly in accordance with the with the Plans prepared by L.A. Girard Engineering (Ontario) Ltd. and dated January 15, 1996, and instructions of the Township and its Engineers, Spriet Associates. 5. The Subdivider shall deliver and lodge with the Township a Guaranteed Investment Certificate in favour of the Township in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) (being the estimated value of the services to be provided by the Subdivider) which `will be returned to the Subdivider upon the completion in full of the work and services outlined in clauses one (1) to four (4), inclusive of this Agreement. The M - 2 - 5. Cont'd Subdivider shall restore all Township property to the same condition the Township property was in prior to the Subdivider commencing the said works and services. The restoration of the Township property shall be inspected by the Township and shall be completed by the Subdivider to the satisfaction of the Township. 6. The Subdivider shall enter into an agreement with an approved sewage hauler for septage disposal. The Subdivider shall provide written confirmation to the Township and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit with the name of the licensed pump-out operator and the availability of an approved septage disposal site identified by lot, concession and municipality. 7. The Subdivider shall be bound by the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations until January 1st, 2015, and shall extract and/or obtain from any Transferee(s), Grantee(s), and/or Purchaser(s) of all or any portion of the said lands, the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations and shall ensure that any Deed and other instruments conveying and/or transferring all or any portion of the said lands to any Purchaser(s), Grantee(s) and/or Transferee(s) shall contain the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations: (a) No construction of any kind shall be undertaken or completed on the lands except in full compliance with the By-laws and Regulations of all Governmental Agencies and pursuant to any necessary permits for which the purchaser(s), Grantee(s) and/or Transferee(s) (hereinafter referred to as "Transferor(s)") applies for and obtains; (b) No excavation shall be made on the lands except excavations for the purpose of building on the same at the time of commencement of such building. No soil, sand or gravel shall be removed from the lands without the prior consent in writing of the Vendors, their successors, agents, or assigns; (c) The grades and elevations determined and/or established by the Transferor(s) and the Township of Bayham shall be maintained, and in particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Transferee(s) covenants that the drainage grades shall be maintained and kept clear so as to ensure satisfactory lot and block drainage; (d) The septic location(s) plan determined and/or established by the Transferor(s) and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit shall be strictly adhered to; (e) The Transferor(s) hereby reserves unto the Transferee(s), their successors, servants, agents and assigns, including the Township of Bayham, a right in the nature of an easement or licence to enter upon, without charge or liability for damages, the lands herein conveyed for the purpose of correcting grading or drainage problems, and carrying out any work required by the Township of Bayham pursuant to these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations and the Agreement between George and Margaret Gilvesy and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, dated March 7, 1996 provided that any entry hereunder shall not interfere with any dwelling or accessory building which might have been erected on the lands provided that same has been erected in accordance with the said Agreement and these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations. (f) These Restrictive Covenants and Reservations shall remain in full force and effect until January 1st, 2015, unless they are otherwise amended, modified or waived according to'the terms hereof; r , - 3 - (g) To the intent that the burden of these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations shall run with the lands until the first day of January, 2015, the Transferee(s) for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns covenants and agrees with the Transferor(s), his successors in title from time to time of all or any part to parts of the said lands will observe and comply with the stipulations, restrictions, provisions and covenants herein and that the Transferee(s) will have executed by every subsequent Transferee(s) so that all persons hereinafter holding or claiming under the Transferee(s) shall be bound to observe and comply with the said stipulations, restrictions and provisions. 8. This agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. In this regard, the Subdivider shall at their own expense register this Agreement at the Land Registry Office for the County of Elgin forthwith after the execution of this Agreement. IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF the Subdivider and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham have affixed their hands and seals over the hand of their duly authorized signing officers. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM in the presence of ) ) Per: • ) Reeve ) As nistrator Clerk ) George-Gilvesy ' ) ..••••• / d Ar Marg J ilves • Newsome and Gilbert t•'►►rm 11'1'1 8(114'2) r A of Province Document General D r ()Natio Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act ► 372801 (1) Registry Lt Land Tiles [" 1 (2) Page 1 of 5 pages NUMBER (3) Property Block Property CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION identifiers) Additional r;•6 0vi L 30 21 P 1 . Schedule n - - (4)Nature of Document Agreement pu,,,L,Q,,4 , fhc. prbui4i-e)14 c .f +/le ELGIN /I:1 pianni-,,s , t, R,s° 1990. >- No. 11 -'- .1 — ----/--/:"-- /" .1 -! (5) Consideration z ST. THOMAS LAND REGISTRAR O Dollars S w1 D l ( 6) Description w Part Lot 22 , Concession 8 , designated as 0 Parts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 on oReference Plan 11R-6179 in the Township of Li- Bayham in the County of Elgin . New Property Identifiers Additional See Schedule [ii Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: Additional Document New Easement Additional See ule [_� Contains: Plan/Sketch 0 Description n Parties a Other n Sched >(8) This Document provides as follows: See Agreement Attached a 4 Continued on Schedule n (9)This Document relates to instrument numbers) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • MAUREEN BEATTY , CLERK 41441-401.0-11. - 1996 09 1 • Address n1 (11) for Service f - l� • & 1'( c', .Styr. {..�orrici lie, a►-cfa Ci u, N o T I yo >(12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature GILv`s. �1 eo�r9e (Tit_oesy , I'•-1ovyirc.-1'" (13) Address for Service >(14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: Ili Fees and Tax ,Maureen Beatty , Clerk z Registration Fee Township of Bayham o P . O . Box 160 tu Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Li U. 0 cc o L _ Total 4 1�'J CORPORATION OF THE ( ` . TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) BY-LAW NO. 96-17 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE TILE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH - GEORGE AND MARGARET GILVESY CONCERNING PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 8 WHEREAS the George and Margaret Gilvesy represent that they are the registered owners of the lands legally described as Part Lot 22, Concession 8, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Reference Plan 11R-6179, hereinafter referred to as the "lands"; AND WHEREAS George and Margaret Gilvesy applied to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee for consent to sever 5 parcels of land intended for future residential development (Application Nos. E16/95, E17/95, E18/95, E19/95 and E20/95). AND WHEREAS the said County of Elgin Land Division Committee granted the consents subject to various Conditions, including a condition that George and Margaret Gilvesy enter into a development agreement with the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE EREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA'TION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement, attached hereto as a Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 7th day of March, 1996. BETWEEN: GEORGE AND MARGARET GILVESY (hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivider") of the First Part - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "Township") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Subdivider represent that they are the registered owners of the lands legally described as Part Lot 22, Concession 8, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Reference Plan 11R-6179, hereinafter referred to as the "lands"; AND WHEREAS the Subdivider applied to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee for consent to sever 5 parcels of land intended for future residential development (Application Nos. E16/95, E17/95, E18/95, E19/95 and E20/95). AND WHEREAS the said Committee granted the consents subject to various Conditions, including a condition that the Subdivider enter into a development agreement with the Township and the Subdivider concerning same; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) of lawful money of Canada together with other good and valuable consideration now paid by the Township to the Subdivider, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, the Subdivider hereby covenant and agree with the Township of Bayham as follows: 1. The Subdivider shall transfer title/deed to the Township Part 8 on Reference Plan 11R- 6179, in turn the Township shall dedicate this parcel as public road allowance 2. The Subdivider shall be responsible for the total cost of constructing a road within Part 8 on Reference Plan 11R-6179 in accordance with the draft Township of Bayham Standards which call for a minimum 35 mm of HL3 asphalt and 40 mm of HL6 asphalt on a granular base of 150 mm of Granular 'A' and 300 mm of Granular 'B'. This work is to be completed under the supervision of the Township Road Superintendent and/or the Township Engineer, Spriet Associates. 3. The Subdivider shall supply and install the necessary drains and catch basins required by the Township, in accordance with the Plans prepared by L.A. Girard Engineering (Ontario) Ltd. and dated January 15, 1996. The drainage scheme and lot grading shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Township and the lands shall be graded by the Subdivider to provide appropriate storm drainage to the satisfaction of the Township. 4. The Subdivider shall complete all of the work required by this Agreement strictly in accordance with the with the Plans prepared by L.A. Girard Engineering (Ontario) Ltd. and dated January 15, 1996, and instructions of the Township and its Engineers, Spriet Associates. 5. The Subdivider shall deliver and lodge with the Township a Guaranteed Investment Certificate in favour of the Township in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) (being the estimated value of the services to be provided by the Subdivider) which will be returned to the Subdivider upon the completion in full of the work and services outlined in clauses one (1) to four (4), inclusive of this Agreement. The - 2 - 5. Cont'd Subdivider shall restore all Township property to the same condition the Township property was in prior to the Subdivider commencing the said works and services. The restoration of the Township property shall be inspected by the Township and shall be completed by the Subdivider to the satisfaction of the Township. 6. The Subdivider shall enter into an agreement with an approved sewage hauler for septage disposal. The Subdivider shall provide written confirmation to the Township and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit with the name of the licensed pump-out operator and the availability of an approved septage disposal site identified by lot, concession and municipality. 7. The Subdivider shall be bound by the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations until January 1st, 2015, and shall extract and/or obtain from any Transferee(s), Grantee(s), and/or Purchaser(s) of all or any portion of the said lands, the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations and shall ensure that any Deed and other instruments conveying and/or transferring all or any portion of the said lands to any Purchaser(s), Grantee(s) and/or Transferee(s) shall contain the following Restrictive Covenants and Reservations: (a) No construction of any kind shall be undertaken or completed on the lands except in full compliance with the By-laws and Regulations of all Governmental Agencies and pursuant to any necessary permits for which the purchaser(s), Grantee(s) and/or Transferee(s) (hereinafter referred to as "Transferor(s)") applies for and obtains; (b) No excavation shall be made on the lands except excavations for the purpose of building on the same at the time of commencement of such building. No soil, sand or gravel shall be removed from the lands without the prior consent in writing of the Vendors, their successors, agents, or assigns; (c) The grades and elevations determined and/or established by the Transferor(s) and the Township of Bayham shall be maintained, and in particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Transferee(s) covenants that the drainage grades shall be maintained and kept clear so as to ensure satisfactory lot and block drainage; (d) The septic location(s) plan determined and/or established by the Transferor(s) and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit shall be strictly adhered to; (e) The Transferor(s) hereby reserves unto the Transferee(s), their successors, servants, agents and assigns, including the Township of Bayham, a right in the nature of an easement or licence to enter upon, without charge or liability for damages, the lands herein conveyed for the purpose of correcting grading or drainage problems, and carrying out any work required by the Township of Bayham pursuant to these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations and the Agreement between George and Margaret Gilvesy and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, dated March 7, 1996 provided that any entry hereunder shall not interfere with any dwelling or accessory building which might have been erected on the lands provided that same has been erected in accordance with the said Agreement and these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations. (f) These Restrictive Covenants and Reservations shall remain in full force and effect until January 1st, 2015, unless they are otherwise amended, modified or waived according to the terms hereof; - 3 - (g) To the intent that the burden of these Restrictive Covenants and Reservations shall run with the lands until the first day of January, 2015, the Transferee(s) for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns covenants and agrees with the Transferor(s), his successors in title from time to time of all or any part to parts of the said lands will observe and comply with the stipulations, restrictions, provisions and covenants herein and that the Transferee(s) will have executed by every subsequent Transferee(s) so that all persons hereinafter holding or claiming under the Transferee(s) shall be bound to observe and comply with the said stipulations, restrictions and provisions. 8. This agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. In this regard, the Subdivider shall at their own expense register this Agreement at the Land Registry Office for the County of Elgin forthwith after the execution of this Agreement. IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF the Subdivider and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham have affixed their hands and seals over the hand of their duly authorized signing officers. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM in the presence of ) ) Per: ._../ ) Reeve ) at/ / ) wI; • 'stator Clerk ) ) ) ) George Gilvesy . _aret ei y • J CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-18 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT ROBERT BARTLETT AS ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 95-12 AND BY-LAW NO. 1976 AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-6 AND BY LAW NO. 93-39 WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(1) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.50 it is required that every Township shall by by-law appoint a Township Road Superintendent who, subject to the discretion of the Council, shall inspect all roads under the jurisdiction and control of the Township and supervise all work on such roads; AND WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(2) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act it is required that a copy of every by-law appointing a Road Superintendent shall be transmitted to the Minister of Transportation within thirty (30) days of passing thereof; AND WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(3) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act the Township Road Superintendent shall conform to such requirements as the Minister may prescribe; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to repeal By-law No. 1976 to cancel the appointment of the previous Road Superintendent; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to repeal By-Iik, No. 95-12 to cancel the appointment Robert Bartlett as Acting Road Superintendent; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend By-law No. 93-39 to effect the change in remuneration level and to make minor amendments to the by-law. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint an a Road Superintendent. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Robert Bartlett of the Township of Bayham, is hereby appointed Road Superintendent of the Township of Bayham in accordance with the provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. 2. THAT it shall be the duty of the Road Superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditures on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Township Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and the Job Description contained in Township of Bayham Personnel Policy. 3. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1 .07 and replacing it with the following: "1.07 Road Superintendent Robert Bartlett 96-19" 4. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1 .08 and replacing it with the following: "1.08 Road Equipment Ivan Priddle 93-6 Operators Paul McQuiggan 93-6 Edward Bradfield 93-6 Terry Allin 93-6 5. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. By-law No. 96-18 - 2 - 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon third and final reading and after a copy has been forwarded to the London District Office of the Ministry of Transportation. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. , / the /. REEVE AD • 1` S ' ATOR CLERK IS SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-39 (Last amended by By-law No. 96-18) 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1.01 Administrator Clerk Deputy Treasurer $42,151.20 Per annum 1.02 Open 1.03 Treasurer Tax Collector $38,000 Per annum 1 .04 Financial Assistant $14.50 Per hour 1.05 Open 1 .06 Administrative Assistant $10.50 Per hour 1 .07 Road Superintendent $36,000 Per annum 1.08 Open 1 .09 Road Equipment Operators $14.42 Per hour 1.10 Open 1 . 11 Part Time Road Staff $9.27 Per hour 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $35,016.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1.13 Open 1 . 14 Open 1 . 15 Transfer Site Operator $8.00 Per hour 1.16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1 .17 Fire Chief $7,595.22 Per annum 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,546.06 Per annum 1 . 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I $45.64 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1 .20 Volunteer Fireman Class II $42. 19 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1 .21 Volunteer Fireman Class III $37. 15 Per call S. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-19 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 7TH, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held Marchi 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if ., . all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. dr/If REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK Bayham Township By, Laws • joie f. , • By-Laws # 96-20" #96-37 1996 h '''',1060,4P4,010ANSPOOMBWOW404404tAat.9014EWWWW.k.AVO:04~4.09,1a1.04 AAA,rePACIA2.4.0,...,.....R14.K.A..AA,WAA .74----61 -- o 3 3 . • . I • . . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.96-20 A BY-LAW TO DELEGATE THE AUTHORITY OF ISSUING PERMITS UNDER SECTION 110 OF THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT TO THE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 110(1)of the Highway Traffic Act,R.S.O. 1990 Chapter H.8 permits the council of a municipality to grant permits for the moving of heavy vehicles,loads,objects or structures in excess of the dimensional limits set out in Section 109 of the Act or the limits set out in Part VIII; AND WHEREAS Section 110(3)of the Highway Traffic Act,R.S.O. 1990 Chapter H.8 permits the council of a municipality to pass a by-law to provide that a permit issued under Section 110(1)of the Act may be issued by an officer of the corporation named therein; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to delegate the authority of issuing permits under Section 110(1)of the Highway Traffic Act,R.S.O. 1990 Chapter H.8 to the Road Superintend for certain highways in the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Road Superintendent of the Township of Bayham be granted the permission for issuing permits as provided for in Section 110 of the Highway Traffic Act and this authority shall apply to all roads under the Corporation's jurisdiction. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon third and final reading. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of MARCH,1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of MARCH,1996. 110- Al i REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-21 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 21ST, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held March 21, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of MARCH, 1996. / REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO 96-22 BEING A BY-LAW TO CHANGE OR ASSIGN NAMES TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND ROADS IN THE IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE MUNICIPAL ADDRESSING PROGRAM WHEREAS Section 210 (111) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. Chapter M.45 permits councils of local municipalities to pass by-laws for changing or assigning names to highways, streets and roads; AND WHEREAS notice of this proposed name change has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Tillsonburg News and the Aylmer Express; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has heard in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming their land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applied to be heard; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to enact a by-law to change or assign names to all highways, streets and roads in the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: _ + 1. THAT Township highways, streets and roads are hereby named in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law and as shown on map Schedule "D" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 2. THAT for municipal purposes, Elgin County roads shall be named in accordance with Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part of this by-law. 3. THAT for municipal purposes, Provincial Highways shall be named in accordance with Schedule "C" attached hereto and forming a part of this by-law. 4. THAT this by-law shall not be effective until a copy of it has been registered in the Elgin County Land Registry Office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. AP IP 41l REEVE AD II STRATOR CLERK NrN,.nnu• and (;ill .-iI Funn I.FI'l't:1 II 11r'IPA I l Province FOA Document General —�— Ontaiho Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act V V (1) Registry [^1 Land Titles "_) (2) Page 1 of 7 pages NUMBER 3 7 5 7 4 (3) Property Block Properly ldentttkr(s) Additional CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION See Schedule 96 2QU P 3 • 0 6 (4)Nature of Document AUGI UUMunicipal By- law 96-22 ELGIN ? (5) Consideration Z I.0. 11417\--rd"." —/- ST. THOMAS 'ACTING ?",,N EL:-..=!S''. Dollars S (6) Description O By-law to change or assign names to highways , streets o and roads in association with the Municipal o Addressing System for the Township of Bayham in the 2 County of Elgin . U- New Property Identifiers Additional See 11Schedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for Additional Document New Easement Additional See n Contains: Plan/Sketch [---1 Description I I Parties fl Other t l Schedule (8) This Document provides as follows: See By- law Attached . • • Continued on Schedule ri (9) Thls Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • • • MAUREEN BEATTY , CLERK 411a444.4.114:275- 1996 08 13 (11) Address for Service P .U. Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario , NOJ 1Y0 (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Signature(s) Date of Signature Name(s) v M D . . . . . . . (13) Address for Service 14 Municipal Address of Property I I Fees and Tax ( j pa p ty (15) Document Prepared by: Maureen Beatty, Clerk Zo Registration Fee Township of Bayham P .U. Box 160 0 Straffordville , Ontario w NOJ 1Y0 U- 0 Q 0 Total CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO 96-22 BEING A BY-LAW TO CHANGE OR ASSIGN NAMES TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND ROADS IN THE IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE MUNICIPAL ADDRESSING PROGRAM WHEREAS Section 210 (111) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. Chapter M.45 permits councils of local municipalities to pass by-laws for changing or assigning names to highways, streets and roads; AND WHEREAS notice of this proposed name change has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Tillsonburg News and the Aylmer Express; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has heard in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming their land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applied to be heard; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to enact a by-law to change or assign names to all highways, streets and roads in the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THS CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF-04- BAYHAM F- `BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Township highways, streets and roads are hereby named in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law and as shown on map Schedule "D" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 2. THAT for municipal purposes, Elgin County roads shall be named in accordance with Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part of this by-law. 3. THAT for municipal purposes, Provincial Highways shall be named in accordance with Schedule "C" attached hereto and forming a part of this by-law. 4. THAT this by-law shall not be effective until a copy of it has been registered in the Elgin County Land Registry Office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. 4 REEVE • 1 STRATOR CLE '4 J SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page 1 of 2 Proposed Name 'Existing Name Location/Description Arthur Street Arthur Street Plan 279 - Straffordville Baldwin Line Between Concession North Gore & Concession 8 Lots 13-14 Ball Line N/A Between North Gore & Concession 7 N.T.R. in Lot 121 Barzo Road N/A Concession 10, Between Lot 20 & 21 Bayham Drive Bayham Drive Concessions 8, 9, 10 & 11, Lot 20 - 28 Beattie Road Beattie Road Concession 6 S.T.R., Between Lots 113 & 114 Best Line 9th Concession, Main Street, Between Conc 9 & Conc 10 Lots 1-15, Plan 97-Corinth former Main Street, Plan 97-Corinth Black Bridge Line N/A Between N. Gore & Conc 8, Lot 19 - 20 Bogus Road Bogus Road Concession 4, Between Lot 13 & 14 Brown Road Brown Side Road Concessions 1, 2 & 3, Between Lot 10 & 11 Carson Line Bean Plant Road Between Concession 9 & 10, Lot 16 - 25, South of Highway 3 Centre Road Centre Street Plan 17, Concession 3 Chapel Street Centre Street & Chapel Street Straffordville Church Street Church Street Richmond Chute Line Old Third Concession 3, Lot 14 - 20 Clarke Road N/A Concession 1 & 2, Between Lot 18 & 19 Coyle Road N/A S. Gore between Lot 133 & 134 Conc 6 - 8 Lots 25-28 Creek Road Creek Road Concession 3, Between Lot 10 & 11 through 12 Csinos Road N/A Concession I, Between Lot 16 & 17 Dennis Road Dennis Road Concession 3 & 4, Between Lot 6 & 7 Donnelly Drive Donnelly Drive *Plan 205-Straffordville Duke Street Duke Street Plan 205-Straffordville East Street East Street Plan 205-Straffordville Elgin Street Straffordville Elliott Road N/A Concession 10 & 11, Between Lot 15 & 16, North of Hthway 3 Fifth Street Fifth Street . I Plan 205-Straffordville First Street First Street Plan 205-Straffordville Fourth Street Fourth Street Plan 205-Straffordville Garner Road N/A Conc 6 S.T.R. Lots 126 & 127, South Gore Lot 18 Garnham Street Straffordville George Street John Street Plan 97-Corinth Glen Erie Line 1st Concession Between Conc 1 & Conc 2, Lot 13 - 28 Godby Road Godby Road Concession 1, 2 & 3, Between Lot 25 & 26 Goshen Road N/A Concession 9, Lot 26 Green Line N/A Between Conc 10 & 11, Lots 9-19 Gregson Road N/A Concession 5, Between Lot 6 & 8 Grey Street Grey Street Plan 258-Eden Harmony Acres Ln N/A Between Conc 8 & North Gore Lots 1-3, West of Little Jerry Creek Henry Street Henry Street Plan 97-Corinth Hesch Street Hesch Street Straffordville Howey Line N/A North Gore, Lots 20 - 22, Conc 7 N.T R. Lots 130- 133 Jackson Line 5th Line Between Conc 5 & S. Gore, Lot 6 - 28 James Line N/A Between Conc 4 & 5, Lots 1 - 3 John Street John Street Plan 22-Richmond Lamers Line N/A Between S. Gore & Conc 6, Lot 129 - 136 Li ht Line N/A Between Conc 3 & Conc 4, Lot 10 - 28 Main Street Main Street, Erie Street Main Street Plan 205, Erie Street east from Plank Road to the former Centre Street (now called Chapel Street) Maple Grove Line Maple Grove Road Between Concession 8 & North Gore, NTR Lots 117-120 North Gore Lots 12-20 McQuiggan Line N/A Concession 3, Lots 4 & 5 SCHEDULE "A" • TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page 2 of 2 Proposed Name Existing Name 'Location/Description Mill Street Mill Street Plan 22-Richmond Mitchell Road N/A Concession 6 - Concession 5, Between Lots 118 & 119 Murray Road N/A Concession 9 Between Lots 13 & 14 Ottergate Line Race Track Road Between Conc 8 & North Gore Lots 3-10, east of Little Jerry Creek and west of Big Otter Creek Owl Cage Road Owl Cage Road Concession 5, Between Lot 23 & 24 Pressey Road Pressey Road Road Between Bayham & South-West Oxford, lots l - 19 Ridge Road Ridge Road Concession 8, Lot 21 - 24 Sandytown Road Centennial Avenue Conc S.T.R. 6, N.T.R. 7, Lot 123, 124, North Gore & 8, Lot 16 Saxton Road N/A Concession 1, Between Lot 3 & 4 Schafer Road N/A Concession 9, Between Lot 25 & 26 Second Street Second Street Plan 205-Straffordville Short Street East Street Former East St. between Second St.. & Third St. Plan 205- Straffordville Smith Line Mill Street Plan 17, Concession 3 Somers Road N/A Concession 11 to County Road 44 Between Lots 10 & 11 Springer Hill Road Bayham Malahide Townline Concession 10 - Concession 6 S.T.R. Stafford Road N/A Conc 1 & 2, Between Lot 20 & 21, South of Little Otter Creek Stewart Road N/A Concession 7, Between Lots 120 - 123 Teall Nevill Road Nevill Road Concession 2, Between Lot 15 & 16 Third Street Third Street Plan 205-Straffordville Toll Gate Road N/A Conc 2-5 Conc south Gore Conc North Gore, Between Lots 128& 129 Between Lots 20 & 21, Conc 6 S.T.R. ,- Conc .T.R. ,Conc 7 N.T.R. Travis Street Travis Street P1an258-Eden Tunnel Line Tunnel Road Between Conc 2 & Conc 3, Lot 15 - 28 Vienna Line 2nd Concession Between Conc 2 & Conc 3, Lot 1 - 13 Vincent Line N/A Between Con 7 N.T.R. & Conc 8, Lot 26 - 28 Wardwalk Wardwalk Concession 6, Lot 126 in Straffordville West Street West Street Plan 205-Straffordville Woodworth Road N/A Concessions 1,2 & 3, Between Lot 5 & 6 • • SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page l of l Proposed Name Existing Name Location/Description Baynor Road Elgin County Road 55, Concession 1-8, Road Between Bayham and Norfolk Bayham Norfolk Townline Calton Line Elgin County Road 45 Concession 4-5, Lots 1-28 Culloden Road Elgin County Road 46 Concession 10 to North Gore, Between Lots 5 & 6, Between Lots 113 & 114, North Gore, County Road 38 Eden Line Elgin County Road 44, 8th Between Conc 8 & Conc 9, Lot 1 - 28, formerly First Concession, First Street, Plan Street, Plan 258-Eden 258-Eden Heritage Line Elgin County Road 38, Talbot Between Conc 6 S.T.R. and Conc 7 N.T.R. Lots 109-136, Road, Plan 205-Straffordville formerly Talbot Road, Plan 205-Straffordville Lakeshore Line Elgin County Road 42 East of Concession 1, Lot 14-28 Port Burwell Nova Scotia Line Elgin County Road 42 - West Between Conc 1 & Conc 2, Lots 1-10 of Port Burwell Richmond Road Elgin County Road 43, Mill Concession 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 S.T.R., former Mill Street, Street, Plan 22 Plan 22-Richmond, Lots 1-1 1 1 t1- { • Y • SCHEDULE "C" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page 1 of 1 Proposed Name , Existing Name Location/Description Plank Road Highway 19 Conc 1-Conc 9 Lots 12-25 Talbot Line Highway 3 Conc 7 N.T.R, Lot 109 - Conc 11, Lot 20 TOWNSHIP of MALAHIDE Z • ill c.s.=-...-:.--_-___.. - _ ••••••• 3....... I ___ _______ ______ \t7.....-..._. -----....---.. ..e4RIN ' . ___ _______ 1(46' '411L111 : .. t , 0 0 1 1 ) _ 401111111.' \ °°----. --- CO 0...gr a A ilk 1 i .. 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I / \ 05:,: :,,:i lif -.,.__._i TOWNSHIP of NORFOLK e:c`•I '�_- r""� ,�`+°�"J� 1 r.) rt. a< 1�LvhGa� Ji.„70:-.. — N O Si.i rut 3:i) \i„ r i ,La 41.'4 C I F . 1? L I ' Di ,- , ; if . Z ii IC�II – p ... :0 :PI ! :: P7 6.,-___!_.——. '--''""--- 7-- i .:-. -- if 7/7 i \t f ," 0 4:i i Rigi\- P - - 0141 , ,.. ,, 144174A ii II / /I it If i ;v t , %.. E ....I1/4., , \L- 7,77;;.. 1 _______2! -- QQA**fil..- 1 i .. s- \ fA 0.4 MNNM •H s •h li. „ , A • '1,.._ , 1 .„..rts, 10.........1 M 4, --;—••ns ., i i i f I r FAX 7oøaá6ft 4 Ea It u P.O. Box 160 ‘.Sp Straffordville, ON imp NOJ 1Y0 Phone (519) 866-5521 p ", Fax (519) 866-3884 Date October 31, 1997 Number of pages including cover sheet 7 From: Maureen Beatty, Clerk • To: Kelly Mantel, Amtelecom Fax No. (519) 765-3009 Subject: Updated List of Street Names As requested, attached is a copy of Township of Bayham By-law 96-22 and a map showing the new street names. If it is not clear and you wish a copy of the map to be mailed,please call. .. A 0 Original Mailed C] URGENT LS Original Not Mailed CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO 96-22 BEING A BY-LAW TO CHANGE OR ASSIGN NAMES TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND ROADS IN THE IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE MUNICIPAL ADDRESSING PROGRAM WHEREAS Section 210 (111) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. Chapter M.45 permits councils of local municipalities to pass by-laws for changing or assigning names to highways, streets and roads; AND WHEREAS notice of this proposed name change has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Tillsonburg News and the Aylmer Express; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has heard in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming their land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applied to be heard; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to enact a by-law to change or assign names to all highways, streets and roads in the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Township highways, streets and roads are hereby named in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law and as shown on map Schedule "D" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 2. THAT for municipal purposes, Elgin County roads shall be named in accordance with Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part of this by-law. 3. THAT for municipal purposes, Provincial Highways shall be named in accordance with Schedule "C" attached hereto and forming a part of this by-law. 4. THAT this by-law shall not be effective until a copy of it has been registered in the Elgin County Land Registry Office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. yam • � - � �� REEVE AD II STRATOR CLERK SCHEDULE "A" • TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page 1 of 2 Proposed Name ExistirnE Name Location/Description Arthur Street Arthur Street Plan 279 - Straffordville Baldwin Line Between Concession North Gore & Concession 8 Lots 13-14 Ball Line N/A Between North Gore & Concession 7 N.T.R. in Lot 121 Barzo Road N/A Concession 10, Between Lot 20 & 21 Bayham Drive Bayham Drive Concessions 8, 9, 10 & 11, Lot 20 - 28 Beattie Road Beattie Road Concession 6 S.T.R., Between Lots 113 & 114 Best Line 9th Concession, Main Street, Between Conc 9 & Conc 10 Lots 1-15, Plan 97-Corinth former Main Street, Plan 97-Corinth Black Bridge Line N/A Between N. Gore & Conc 8, Lot 19 - 20 Bogus Road Bogus Road Concession 4, Between Lot 13 & 14 Brown Road Brown Side Road Concessions 1, 2 & 3, Between Lot 10 & 11 Carson Line Bean Plant Road Between Concession 9 & 10, Lot 16 - 25, South of Highway 3 Centre Road Centre Street Plan 17, Concession 3 Chapel Street Centre Street & Chapel Street Straffordville Church Street Church Street Richmond Chute Line Old Third Concession 3, Lot 14 - 20 Clarke Road N/A Concession 1 & 2, Between Lot 18 & 19 Coyle Road N/A S. Gore between Lot 133 & 134 Conc 6 - 8 Lots 25-28 Creek Road Creek Road Concession 3, Between Lot 10 & 11 through 12 Csinos Road N/A Concession 1, Between Lot 16 & 17 Dennis Road Dennis Road Concession 3 & 4, Between Lot 6 & 7 Donnelly Drive Donnelly Drive . _ Plan 205-Straffordville Duke Street Duke Street Plan 205-Straffordville East Street East Street Plan 205-Straffordville Elgin Street Straffordville Elliott Road N/A Concession 10 & 11, Between Lot 15 & 16, North of Highway 3 Fifth Street Fifth Street Plan 205-Straffordville First Street First Street Plan 205-Straffordville Fourth Street Fourth Street Plan 205-Straffordville Garner Road N/A Conc 6 S.T.R. Lots 126 & 127, South Gore Lot 18 Garnham Street Straffordville George Street John Street Plan 97-Corinth Glen Erie Line 1st Concession Between Conc 1 & Conc 2, Lot 13 - 28 Godby Road Godby Road Concession 1, 2 & 3, Between Lot 25 & 26 Goshen Road N/A Concession 9, Lot 26 Green Line N/A Between Conc 10 & 11, Lots 9-19 Gregson Road N/A Concession 5, Between Lot 6 & 8 Grey Street Grey Street Plan 258-Eden Harmony Acres Ln N/A Between Conc 8 & North Gore Lots 1-3, West of Little Jerry Creek Henry Street Henry Street Plan 97-Corinth Hesch Street Hesch Street Straffordville Howey Line N/A North Gore, Lots 20 - 22, Conc 7 N.T.R. Lots 130-133 Jackson Line 5th Line Between Conc 5 & S. Gore, Lot 6 - 28 James Line N/A Between Conc 4 & 5, Lots 1 - 3 John Street John Street Plan 22-Richmond Lamers Line N/A Between S. Gore & Conc 6, Lot 129 - 136 Light Line N/A _ Between Conc 3 & Conc 4, Lot 10 - 28 Main Street Main Street, Erie Street Main Street Plan 205, Erie Street east from Plank Road to the former Centre Street (now called Chapel Street) Maple Grove Line Maple Grove Road .to Concession 8 & North Gore, NTR Lots 117-120 North Gore Lots 12-20 McQuiggan Line N/A Concession 3, Lots 4 & 5 • SCHEDULE "A" • TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page 2 of 2 IProposed Name IExisting Name Location/Description Mill Street Mill Street Plan 22-Richmond Mitchell Road N/A Concession 6 - Concession 5, Between Lots 118 & 119 Murray Road N/A Concession 9 Between Lots 13 & 14 Ottergate Line Race Track Road Between Conc 8 & North Gore Lots 3-10, east of Little Jerry Creek and west of Big Otter Creek Owl Cage Road Owl Cage Road Concession 5, Between Lot 23 & 24 Pressey Road Pressey Road Road Between Bayham & South-West Oxford, lots 1 - 19 Ridge Road Ridge Road Concession 8, Lot 21 - 24 Sandytown Road Centennial Avenue Conc S.T.R. 6, N.T.R. 7, Lot 123, 124, North Gore & 8, Lot 16 Saxton Road N/A Concession 1, Between Lot 3 & 4 Schafer Road N/A Concession 9, Between Lot 25 & 26 Second Street Second Street Plan 205-Straffordville Short Street East Street Former East St. between Second St.. & Third St. Plan 205- Straffordville Smith Line Mill Street Plan 17, Concession 3 Somers Road N/A Concession 11 to County Road 44 Between Lots 10 & 11 Springer Hill Road Bayham Malahide Townline Concession 10 - Concession 6 S.T.R. Stafford Road N/A Conc 1 & 2, Between Lot 20 & 21, South of Little Otter Creek Stewart Road N/A Concession 7, Between Lots 120 - 123 Teall Nevill Road Nevill Road Concession 2, Between Lot 15 & 16 Third Street Third Street Plan 205-Straffordville Toll Gate Road N/A Coni 2-5 Conc South Gore.Conc North Gore, Between_ , ' • - Lots 128 & 129 Between Lots 20 & 21, Conel6 S.T.R. Conc 7 N.T.R. Travis Street Travis Street Plan258-Eden Tunnel Line Tunnel Road Between Conc 2 & Conc 3, Lot 15 - 28 Vienna Line 2nd Concession Between Conc 2 & Conc 3, Lot 1 - 13 Vincent Line N/A Between Con 7 N.T.R. & Conc 8, Lot 26 - 28 Wardwalk Wardwalk Concession 6, Lot 126 in Straffordville West Street West Street Plan 205-Straffordville Woodworth Road N/A Concessions 1,2 & 3, Between Lot 5 & 6 SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page 1 of 1 Proposed Name , Existing Name Location/Description Baynor Road Elgin County Road 55, Concession 1-8, Road Between Bayham and Norfolk Bayham Norfolk Townline Calton Line Elgin County Road 45 Concession 4-5, Lots 1-28 Culloden Road Elgin County Road 46 Concession 10 to North Gore, Between Lots 5 & 6, Between Lots 113 & 114, North Gore, County Road 38 Eden Line Elgin County Road 44, 8th Between Conc 8 & Conc 9, Lot 1 - 28, formerly First Concession, First Street, Plan Street, Plan 258-Eden 258-Eden Heritage Line Elgin County Road 38, Talbot Between Conc 6 S.T.R. and Conc 7 N.T.R. Lots 109-136, Road, Plan 205-Straffordville formerly Talbot Road, Plan 205-Straffordville Lakeshore Line Elgin County Road 42 East of Concession 1, Lot 14-28 Port Burwell Nova Scotia Line Elgin County Road 42 - West Between Conc 1 & Conc 2, Lots 1-10 of Port Burwell Richmond Road Elgin County Road 43, Mill Concession 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 S.T.R., former Mill Street, Street, Plan 22 Plan 22-Richmond, Lots 1-111 SCHEDULE "C" • TO BY-LAW NO. 96-22 Page 1 of 1 Proposed Name , Existing Name Location/Description Plank Road Highway 19 Conc 1-Conc 9 Lots 12-25 Talbot Line Highway 3 Conc 7 N.T.R, Lot 109 - Conc 11, Lot 20 • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . • oXFO(�O SCHEDULE "D" to -N- �H.WEgT BY-LAW 96-22 o� 0‘4"9 "? o� 8 .• olhiliiiiiiiiri I Mai 14tpip- ilk,,, , 11111110111111P1 1011116461\ a tr.":!P1 Ap ! ip imp, Ala-\_____Ligl lie • Ilk\ ---i 41:*-4.443S111 11101111 gri11111.11111 /, _.. , Ati , m wry , ill Pi irrir - -. ,_11 :t)( -_!`. Alb . . f4IJ!1J11'1b i'l fritOon . ..,. . , . ...., ,...,... . f 4,,. i le,,,.„.,., 2 cipor Apt • O.PriP prai • 1 . T, ,, lig 1L--- \,,,ott - opt.= . -T 7__, ill ill I 1 .1. 4;: )1 4! 0411(1 F. A 2 1;4-:L 01 a.c. , Ili .041,- k. 101 I _ !.7... .. {, ' r ' a 81! c) :I* ' 111010111PA: bill , • .„.._L ,,l ,,, -P 2 likiii. -.1 AS li - . . 4 ' 1-1 -74-1- II roolo ..i T STA.Pik -4111i 1111111 u: ' 1 Iiiitt! p i dip!' 1 rE h d \ L o ! , . Id , torlob... ti . ------y. 1 bot--kiip, - - strit-tNl -- __ f • ,i_ ,-. *-• -•'- _ - lorilirAP 0 I . too-f-• ditio n ... 1 . - i! \-.s fd 1 1 -'1: - 4 -:*,I n vLi ; 4!igi N . 111CMIONO .,, , t._.. _ 1,11_ 1 4(4111Tilliiiii. 1 111 I - . . .4'At ,o ''\\;. :1,-- ' '--- - ._11*willil ''. (i6;') L. -4 ' ' . ..71011MIN ,......4111)..... .MW JIrIUNIClPAL RCM NAMES rrrrr. Mir lair 1140 VIM/01111111111M 1 WhIrior - .-._-_......_� " `i aux MNMILrM� �IY�/�ww TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM A1350 mairrt P. O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 telephone (519) 866-5521 • fax (519) 866-3884 eAvH FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: &1h) 4 tri-Lcff DATE: Ft 6 1 q i s COMPANY: Cu.4 or _ . s PHONE #: FAX #: RE: q 1 -1 ---rC:51.4,-h..s 9'6--2 2- FROM: FROM: ' CONTACT #: (519) 866-5521 FAX #: (519) 866-3884 COMMENTS: TOTAL # OF PAGES �7 (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) PLEASE CALL BACK IF TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE OR IF PAGES ARE DIFFICULT TO READ F:\B[N\WP51\FOMRS\4 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO 99-16 BEING A BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 96-22, A BY- LAW TO CHANGE OR ASSIGN NAMES TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND ROADS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS Section 210(I 11)of the Municipal Act R S.O Chapter NI 45 permits Councils of local municipalities to pass by-laws for changing or assigning names to highways, streets and roads. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacted and passed By-law 96-22 on April 4, 1996 which was subsequently registered on August 28, 1996 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as Instrument No. 371574; AND WHEREAS by Restructuring Order of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing dated May 15, 1997 and subsequently amended on November 27, 1997, the Township of Bayham and the Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna were amalgamated to form one municipality to be known as Municipality of Bayham, AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham has reviewed the list of names, highways, streets and roads in the former municipalities and desires to enact a by-law which will incorporate the names of all highways, streets and roads and to assign name changes in order to eliminate duplication. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to repeal Township of Bayham By-law No 96-22 accordingly, AND WHEREAS notice of Council's intention to enact this by-law was published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Tillsonburg News and the Aylmer Express on Wednesday, April 14, Wednesday, April 21, Wednesday, April 28 and Wednesday, May 5, 1999, and further that notice of the proposed name changes was mailed by first class prepaid mail to all affected property owners assessed on the affected streets and various boards, agencies and utilities, AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham has heard in person or by legal counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming their land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applied to be heard; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. THAT Township of Bayham By-law No 96-22 be and is hereby repealed. 2. THAT for municipal purposes, By-law No. 99-16 shall be enacted and passed and include all municipal road names. The By-law shall be referred to as "The Municipal Road Name By-law" I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO 99-16 Page 2 3. THAT the following proposed name changes are hereby approved and shall be incorporated into the Schedules attached to and forming part of this by-law 3 1 Changing"Wardwalk" in Straffordville to read "Wardwalk Line' 3.2 Changing"Centre Road" north of Vienna to read "Soper Road" 3.3 Deleting all reference to"Mill Street" in Richmond 3.4 Changing"Smith Line" north of Vienna to"Old Mill Line' 3 5 Changing"Grey Street" in Eden to"Gray Street" 3.6 Adding"Shady Lane" in Lot 6, Concession 8 which had previously been omitted 3 7 Changing"Chapel Street" in Straffordville to"Old Chapel Street" 3 8 Changing"Baynor Road" (from Lakesltpre Line north to Heritage Line)to"Elgin County Road 55' 3 9 Changing"Baynor Road" (from Heritage Line north to Plank Road) to"Bayham Norfolk Boundary Road" 3 10 Changing"Front Street" in Vienna(that portion containing 9-1-1 numbers and numbered in sequence)to Plank Road signs to"Plank Road" 3 1 1 Adding"Alward Street" in Part Lot 126, Concession STR, south side of Heritage Line in Straffordville 3 12 Changing"Main Street" in Vienna to"Edison Drive" 3 13 Changing"George Street" in Port Burwell to "Bodsworth Lane" 3 14 Changing"King Street West" in Vienna to"Vienna Line" 3 15 Changing"John Street and that portion of Snow Street" north of Chestnut Street to its northerly limit in Vienna to"Coombe Street" 4. THAT this By-law shall be in full force and effect upon the date of its enactment and shall be registered in the Land Registry for the Registry Division of Elgin (No 11) READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of May, 1999. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20`h day of May, 1999. 1 v MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-23 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER WHICH THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MAY ENFORCE THE PROVISIONS OF COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 90-48 WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacted By-law No. 94-42 thereby authorizing the Warden and Clerk to enter into certain agreements setting out certain terms and conditions, with lower tier constituent municipalities under which they may provide County by-law enforcement of the provisions of County By-law No. 90-48; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to enter into an agreement with the County of Elgin for by-law enforcement of the provisions of County By-law No. 90-48; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign on behalf of the Township of Bayham the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming a part of this by-law. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect when all parties have signed and executed the said Agreement. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. 4 # REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK • • _..._.__ uLI 2 5 • . -. i�,!�i�OIfit•--ir MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK _ (C' ( 450 SUNSET DRIVE .0 (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN Ift"P • - ST. THOMAS, ONTAf IO DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK N5R 5V1 } f E3E --- PH (51 )d31-Iabv . ..` FAX (519) 633-7661 0/7— :.,1‘ October 23, 1996 Maureen Beatty, Clerk Township of Bayham P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Dear Ms. Beatty: RE: County By-Law Enforcement Agreement Enclosed please find one signed copy of the above-mentioned agreement for your records. If you have any questions please contact Fred Groch, County Engineer, at ext. 162. Yours truly, >Z. . _._34s2 Sandra J. Heffren, (Mrs.) Deputy Clerk. Encl. SJH/mp c.c. - Fred Groch, County Engineer AGREEMENT Agreement made in triplicate this 4th day of April A . D . , 1996 BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE COUNTY" OF THE FIRST PART - AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE TOWNSHIP OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 94-42 on September 27 , 1994 , thereby authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to enter into certain agreements setting out certain terms and conditions , with various lower tier constituent municipalities under which they may provide County by-law enforcement and ; WHEREAS it is appropriate to outline said terms and conditions in an agreement; NOW THEREFORE, the following agreement comes into force and takes , effect when all parties have signed the said agreement . TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 . The employee of the Corporation of the Township who is responsible for enforcement of County by-laws shall be a duly appointed Provincial Offences Officer. 2 . The Township shall be responsible for enforcing the County of Elgin ' s "No Parking" regulations on lands adjacent to "Township ,,,b property only and at no cost to the County. 3 . Any litigation costs associated with said enforcement shall be the sole responsibility of the Township 4 . The Township will use County of Elgin parking tickets when issuing tickets for parking infractions . 5 . The fines collected from said tickets will be collected and retained by the Township of Bayham 6 . THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hereto, their successors and assigns and may be altered by agreement of both Parties in writing . IN WITNESS THEREOF the Parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf . THE CORPORATION OF THE THE CORPORATION OF THE T rsh�� f KA, COUN Y OF ELGIN REEVE ARDEN I 0/ • • odor CLERK ADMINIST' ' ( /_, -! - _ _---sem• N p'S t WITNESS 6;p1A-L04) DATR DATE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-24 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 4TH, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held April 4, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of APRIL, 1996. REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-25 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 18TH, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAIVI ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held April 18r-1996t is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of APRIL, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of APRIL, 1996. REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-26 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 2ND, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held May 2, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byelaw. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of MAY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of MAY, 1996. Z()4(1/ iv REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CI, .RK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-27 A BY-LAW TO ACQUIRE LAND COMPRISING PART OF LOT 124, NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD AND DESIGNATED AS PARTS 1, 3, 5 & 6 ON REFERENCE PLAN 11R-5215 AND PART 1 ON REFERENCE PLAN 11R-6242 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD WIDENING WHEREAS Section 191(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 permits Councils of municipalities to pass by-laws for acquiring land for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to acquire land comprising Part of Lot 124, North of Talbot Road and designated as Parts 1, 3, 5 & 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5215 and Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-6242 for the purpose of road widening. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to negotiate a "Land Agreement" for land comprising Part of Lot 124, North of Talbot Road and designated as Parts 1, 3, 5 & 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5215 and Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-6242 for the purpose of road widening. 2. THAT the Clerk be authorized to sign the necessaryeaffidavit under the Land Transfer Tax Act on behalf of the Corporation for the acquisition and transfer of title. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of MAY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of MAY, 1996. 16eid REEVE • II STRATOR CLERK Vk 10)1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 050 ['. 0. Box 160 1,4_3 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 telephone (519) 866-5521 • fax (519) 866-3884 e4YHA0 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: Mic • c aY 1. DATE: &I-4 12 /' COMPANY: 4 S3(5./4"..4_, i PHONE #: FAX #: SI9 - "2 '4'24 RE: 4, .r-4'44•441) C �i C.44.'t. . 1 i cL S 4Ye41. FROM: Mcu' CONTACT #: (519) 866-5521 - FAX #: (519) 866-3884 COMMENTS: TOTAL # OF' PAGES ) T (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) PLEASE CALL BACK IF TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE OR 1F PAGES ARE DIFFICULT TO READ F:\BIN\WPS 1\FOMRS\4 I BSo TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P. O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 telephone (519) 866-5521 • fax (519) 866-3884 y„,,o FAXED September 12, 1996 Mr. Michael G. Szorenyi Groom & Szorenyi Barristers & Solicitors 25 Harvey Street Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3J3 - Dear Mr. Szorenyi SUBJECT: Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi Easement Agreement(s) & Works Agreement Attached for your review are the following final Agreements which I would like to present to Council for final approval on Thursday, September 19, 1996: 1. Easement Agreement between the Township and Soreny Farms Limited 2. Easement Agreement between the Township and Christine Michele Szorenyi 3. Works Agreement between the Township and Soreny Farms/Christine Michele Szorenyi I believe all amendments you requested have been made to the Easement Agreement and the Works Agreement has been prepared in accordance with those matters which have been agreed to and are noted in our file. I trust these documents are in order and would appreciate your confirmation as soon as possible. However, if you have any concerns, please call. Assuming, these agreements can proceed for execution, would you kindly prepare the necessary Transfer of Deeds and advise when they are ready at which time I will requisition the cheques made payable to your clients. Yours truly, / kiltua.A-1,r3sCa#1.— Maureen Beatty, AMtT Clerk • (P4*11 printed us'reveled paper DYE I DURHAM Co INC-Form No 970 faiProAmended NOV. 1992 ofvence Transfer/Deed of Land R ei7a Ontario t ' Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry n Land Titles 0 (2) Page 1 of 2 pages qi 9 (3) Property Block Properly Identifier(*) Additional jar�,� See ` 3LL Sclx+dr�1n c. (4) Consideration • „ t THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT 31- >- • _ !` ) 1 DOLLARS & SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Dollars $ 3 , 1-38 . 75 . S'ly'r” Z a (5) Description This is a Property Property O ,.,L`' ,y Division n Consolidation n v7 D Part Lot 124 , North of Talbot Road , Township o of Bayham , County of Elgin , designated as u. PARTS 5 and 6 , Reference Plan 11R-5215 . o New Property Identifiers cc o Additional u.o See Schedule Executions Additional See Ca Schedule .(6) This - (a) Redescription ;(b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement Additional Fee Simple • Contains Plan/Sketch n ! Description i I Parties n Other ri (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that Date of Signature Y M D Name(s) Signature(s) . SQRENY . FARMS. .I4IMITD 1996• • • • • • I e (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M 0 ' (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service • 14 Tillson Avenue , Tillsonburg , Ontarin _ N4( 976 _ (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D • 1 , r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP . OF. .BAYHAMs t. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . is r i r r r , (12) Transferee(s) Address • i for Service P . O . Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ 1YO . i 7 (13) Transteror(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief. this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act Date of Signature Date of Signature , Y M O Y Mr D I i • i ' • Signature • Signature , 1 Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to i -i determine that this transfer does no! contr3vcne that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and z belief, this transfer does not contravene that section I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature I - Name and Michael G . Szorenyi , 25 Harvey Street , • Y • M Df. ddress of i 1996 ; Tillsonburg , Ontario . N4G 3J7 . Signature Solicitor 1, . . 0 Solicitor t5 zo- (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records rn (1r reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50 (22) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer t• c 'c i doe not tra ne ti 50 o the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s)and I am an Ontario solicitor in good�iitandingE � � i Lerner and Associates , 1. o-- Name and 80 Duf f erin Avenue , Date of Signature i tn-"Qv Address of London , Ontario . �� �a.4)td l-4• 1,Jarat uci,ai Y M 0 t a y� Solicitor N 6A 1K-4 . v, Signature 19 9 6 Li Gi (15) Assessment Roll Number ; Cry ` Mun ; Map Sub Par Fees and Tax >- of Property Not Assigned Z Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: .• v) Land Transfer Tax Straffordville , Michael G . Szorenyi , D Ontario . NOJ lYO . Groom and Szorenyi , v 25 Harvey Street , 1N4GTillsonburg , Onta - o r .,,�, a J 7 . ) ¢ "�'� • a 4 DYE I.OURHA►n COINC--Form No 970 ✓ i orf°"In`e Transfer/Deed of Land �,•nd.d NOV. 1992 V Ontario Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act J , P0---41‘ r� pt- �J P (1) Registry ® Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) Property Block Properly -17--,411) �) Identifiers) Additional (�1 -��,r/ , q2 S.� •7 T Schedule l�l 4 '117-S`� / - (4) Consideration 10) j<« � . �� THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT ,. , 1 , r DOLLARS & SEVENTY FIVE CENTS3DadlxtXS 1,-148 . 75 . J O i.,_,-L).. L #2) (5) Description This is a PropertyProperty, LI.; i d\ - Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ t �� Part Lot 124 , North of Talbot Road , Township w C,t`1 of Bayham , County of Elgin , designated as PART 1 , Reference Plan 11R-6242 and PARTS o New Property Identifiers 1 and 3 , Reference Plan 11R-5215 . C Additional u. See n Schedule Executions Additional See DSchedule (6) This (a) Redescription :(b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New EasementAdditional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch t t t! Description ElParties Li Other n i (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that . I . am .nvt . a. s.pouso Date of Signature Y M 0 Name(s) Signature(s) . SZORENYI , . Christine. Michele 1996. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . I . . . . a / (9) Spouses) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signalure(s) Y M D , f (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service 14 Tillson Avenue ,. Tillsonburg , Ontario . N4G 2Z6 . I (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D I . THE. .CORPORATI.ON . OF. THE .TOWNSHIP . OF. .BAYHAM ' t . (12) Transferee(s) Address P . O . Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ 1Y0 . for Service (13) Transferor(s)The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act Date of Signature Date of Signature I Y M 0 I $ Y M I 0 t i $ • Signature f Signature : , , . . Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to • -r determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and bdsed on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and 1 z belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature 2 Name Michael G . Szorenyi , Groom and Szorenyi , , Y , M D a Address of 25 Harvey Street , Tillsonburg , ii Signature • 1996 0 Solicitor Ontario _ N4G 177 . 1 T5 i (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records Q a 4, reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50 (22) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer En -E--„,'N does not contravene ectiQt>.0 of the Planning Act I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s)and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. r' F.c vcr — i• a� rr�,, Lerner and Associates , f Date of Signature a• - Name and / n , oar 8E3 Duf f erin Avenue , 0 Xod Ni • M Address ofio . a v.E Solicitor _ 1996 ; i ' in Signature l' eicl.Li AI- W041144;1. ) (15) Assessment Roll Number ! Cty. i Mun ; Map.__ _Sub'` Par. rrr" Fees and Tax of Property t Not Assigned Z O Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Properly (17) Document Prepared by: Lo Land Transfer Tax Michael G . Szorenyi , D , Straffordville , Groom and Szorenyi , wo ! Ontario . NOJ 1YO . 25 Harvey Street , LL u. Tillsonburg , Ontario . o N4G 3J7 . cc. u. Total - CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-29 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ON WHICH THE TAXES SHALL BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 1996, TO LEVY THE TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1996 AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1996 should be levied. AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $3,009,449 for the general purpose of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County levy for the current year and for the payment of the Elgin County Board of Education levy and the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board levy: THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 1996 shall be levied. 2. THAT the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. THAT for the purpose of providing the sum of $978,294 for the general purpose of the Corporation, a rate of 145.571 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1996 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll except that on assessment of $6,927,528 a reduction of 15% shall be made. 4. THAT for the purpose of providing the sum of $590,269 for the County of Elgin general levy, a rate of 87.833 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1996 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll except that on assessment of $6,927,528 a reduction of 15% shall be made. 5. THAT in addition, for the purposes of providing the sum of $1,440,867 for public and separate school education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1996 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder: RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL SCHOOL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Elgin Cty Elementary $6,178,172 94.901 $786,428 111.648 $674,118 Elgin Cty Secondary 6,178,172 87.601 786,428 103.060 622,263 Elgin R.C.S.S. Elem 749,356 93.570 45,567 110.082 75,133 Elgin R.C.S.S. Sec. 749,356 86.371 45,567 101.613 69,353 BY-LAW 96-29 - 2 - MAY 16, 1996 6. THAT in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas: LIGHTING RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT RATEASSESSMENT RATELEVY Corinth $ 95,202 6.197 $ 1,381 7.290 $ 600 Eden 257,277 17.244 3,137 20.287 4,500 Richmond 181,453 10.583 6,394 12.451 2,000 Straffordville 826,263 6.859 165,135 8.070 7,000 7. THAT the Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 31st day of July, 1996. 8. THAT all taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham. 9. THAT taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 30, 1996 and one-half on or before November 29, 1996., 10. THAT penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayments of taxes shall be as provided for in Township of Bayham By-Laws, (penalties at the rate of one and one quarter per cent per month commencing the first day of default of payment, and discounts the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre-payment is made), subject also to the provisions of By-Law No. 1697. 11. THAT the Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 12. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of MAY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th day of MAY, 1996. 10 iv A•1 REEVE CLERK eAYHPM TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-04-00 Township Tax & Related Revenue REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 4010 General Residential & Farm 789,688 789,687 831,407 830,994 857,179 4011 General Commercial & Industrial 89,942 89,942 95,740 95,693 97,315 4012 General Business 21,735 21,735 23,514 23,502 23,800 4013 General Supplementaries Res & Farm 5,000 8,419 5,500 6,291 5,500 4014 Gen Sup - Com & Ind 1,000 3,554 1,200 0 1,200 4015 Gen Sup - Business 500 1,460 500 0 500 4016 Gen Write Off- Res & Farm (2,000) (863) (1,500) (2,604) (1,500) 4017 Gen Write Off- Corn & Ind (1,000) 330 (1,000) (39) (1,000) 4018 Gen Write Off- Business (1,000) (1,403)_ i, (1,000) (88) (1,000) j ., 4070 Corinth SLA - Res & Farm 589 589 600 589 600 J 4071 Corinth SLA - Com & Ind 9 9 0 8 0 4072 Corinth SLA - Business 3 3 0 2 0 4073 Corinth SUP - Res & Farm 0 40 0 49 0 4075 Corinth SUP - Business 0 3 0 0 0 4076 Corinth Write off - Res & Farm 0 0 0 (13) 0 4077 Corinth Write off - Com & hid 0 0 0 0 0 4078 Corinth Write off- Business 0 (3) 0 0 0 4080 Eden SLA - Res & Farm 4,435 4,435 4,500 4,437 4,500 4081 Eden SLA - Corn & hid 49 49 0 48 0 4082 Eden SLA - Business 16 16 0 15 0 4083 Eden Sup - Res & Farm 0 0 0 24 0 4086 Eden SLA WO - Res & Farm 0 0 0 0 0 4090 Richmond SLA - Res & Farm 1,537 1,526 1,800 1,728 2,000 4091 Richmond SLA - Com & Ind 49 49 0 55 0 4092 Richmond SLA - Business 15 15 0 16 0 4093 Richmond SLA Sup - Res & Farm 0 0 0 (2) 0 4094 Richmond SLA Sup- Com & Ind 0 0 0 0 0 4095 Richmond SLA Sup - Business 0 0 0 0 0 4096 Richmond SLA Write Off- R& F 0 0 0 0 0 4100 Straff SLA - Res & Farm 2,332 2,332 7,000 5,661 7,000 4101 Straff SLA - Com & Ind 460 460 0 921 0 4102 Straff SLA - Business 209 209 0 417 0 4103 Straff SLA Sup - Res & Farm 0 (0) 0 58 0 4104 Straff SLA Sup - Corn & hid 0 13 0 0 0 4105 Straff SLA Sup - Business 0 14 0 0 0 4106 Straff SLA Write Off- Res & Farm 0 (6) 0 (27) 0 4107 Straff SLA Write Off- Corn & Ind 0 (7) 0 0 0 4108 Straff SLA Write Off- Business 0 (36) 0 0 0 .#, 4110 Talbot SLA - Res & Farm 825 825 0 0 0 4113 Talbot SLA Supp - Res & Farm 0 81 0 0 0 4116 Talbot SLA Write Off- Res& Farm 0 0 0 0 0 4130 Telephone Taxation Own Purpose 20,464 20,466 23,449 23,449 17,590 4140 Local Imp- Res & Farm 513 513 513 513 513 4160 Water Connection Charges - R& F 135 I35 135 135 135 4190 Municipal Drain Charges - R& F 4,500 16,118 4,500 15,992 2,900 TOTAL 940,002 960,707 996,859 1,007,824 1,017,232 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-05-00 County of Elgin REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 4010 Residential & Farm 463,831 463,831 496,246 ' 496,246 517,192 4011 Commercial & Industrial 52,828 52,829 57,145 57,145 58,717 4012 Business 12,766 12,766 14,035 14,035 14,360 4013 Supplementary Residential & Farm 2,500 4,945 3,000 3,750 3,000 4014 Supplementary Commercial & Ind 600 2,087 1,000 0 1,000 4015 Supplementary Business 250 858 500 0 500 4016 Write Off Residential & Farm (1,000) (493) (1,000) (1,537) (1,000) 4017 Write Off Commercial & Industrial (200) 178 (200) (23) (200) 4018 Write Off Business (250) (754) (250) (52) (250) 4130 Telephone Taxation 10,352 10,32 13,675 13;675 10,258 4150 Overlevy 0 (2) (4) (4) 0 TOTAL 541,677 546,598 584,147 583.235 603,577 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 9100 Requisition 539,777 539,779 581,097 581,097 600,527 9110 Supplementary Taxes 3,350 7,890 4,500 • 3,750 4,500 9115 Taxes Written Off (1,450) (1,068) (1,450) (1,612) (1,450) TOTAL 541,677 546,601 584,147 583,235 603,577 • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-04-01 Billings & Grant Revenues REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 4510 Water Billings 3,000 2,398 3,500 5,593 6,000 4610 In Lieu of Taxes 6,000 6,623 6,700 6,838 6,700 4621 Ontario Hydro Grant 600 591 600 616 600 4815 Unconditional Grant (Block Funding) 122,129 127,168 127,000 127,168 399,000 6201 Dog Tag Sales 8,000 11,350 12,000 12,445 12,000 6202 Tax & Zoning Certificates 6,000 7,295 5,500 5,555 5,500 6204 Building Permit Fees 18,500 26,416 21,000 25,465 18,000 6205 Park Licences 210 210 210 210 200 6206 Lottery Licences 5,000 9,480` 9,500 13,004 10,000 • 6207 Restaurant Licences 12 'It 10 62 0 j 6209 Sundry Revenue 0 2,530 0 0 11,500 6301 Interest on Taxes Current Year 14,500 15,340 15,300 17,000 12,500 6302 Interest on Taxes Prior Years 30,000 32,087 30,000 28,859 22,000 6410 Investment Income Own Funds 17,000 22,554 23,000 29,094 20,000 6550 Contributions from Reserves 81,000 17,048 120,000 150,000 15,000 6700 Sale of Land Own Purpose 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 TOTAL 321,951 291,100 374,320 421,909 539,000 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-06-00 Elgin County Public School - Elementary REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 4010 Residential & Farm 507,271 507,271 555,585 555,584 586,315 4011 Commercial & Industrial 60,157 60,157 68,614 68,615 70,731 4012 Business 14,626 14,626 16,629 16,629 17,072 4013 Supplementary Residential & Farm 3,500 5,828 4,000 4,735 4,000 4014 Supplementary Commercial & Ind 750 2,554 1,000 0 1,000 4015 Supplementary Business 600 1,063 750 0 750 4016 Write Off Residential & Farm (1,100) (539) (750) (1,938) (750) 4017 Write Off Commercial & Industrial (600) 239 (300) (29) (300) 4018 Write Off Business (800) (583) (700) (66) (700) 4130 Telephone Taxation ' 11,542 11,542 13,801 13,801 10,230 4150 Overlevy - * 0 (2) (1) Y e TOTAL 595,946 602,158 658,629 657,332 688,348 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1594 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 9310 Requisition 593,596 593,596 654,629 654,629 684,348 9311 Supplementary Taxes 4,850 9,446 5,750 4,735 5,750 9313 Taxes Written Off (2,500) (883) (1,750) (2,032) (1,750) TOTAL 595,946 602,159 658,629 657,332 688,348 , TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-07-00 Elgin County Public School - Secondary REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 4010 Residential & Farm 462,320 462,320 494,391 494,391 541,214 4011 Commercial & Industrial 54,827 54,827 61,057 61,057 65,290 4012 Business 13,330 13,330 14,797 14,797 15,759 4013 Supplementary Residential & Farm 2,500 5,312 2,500 4,225 2,500 4014 Supplementary Commercial & Ind 700 2,328 700 0 700 4015 Supplementary Business 400 969 400 0 400 4016 Write Off Residential & Farm (1,000) (494) (750) (1,732) (750) 4017 Write Off Commercial & Industrial (500) 222 (500) (26) (500) 4018 Write Off Business (700) (537) (500) (59) (500) 4130 Telephone Taxation 10,870 1Q 870 12,578 12,578 9,324 4170 Overlevy 0 -- (2) (1) (3) 0 J TOTAL 542,747 549,144 584,671 585,228 633,437 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 9310 Requisition 541,347 541,349 582,821 582,820 631,587 9311 Supplementary Taxes 3,600 8,609 3,600 4,225 3,600 9313 Taxes Written Off (2,200) (809) (1,750) (1,817) (1,750) TOTAL 542,747 549,149 584,671 585,228 633,437 --40 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-08-00 Elgin County R.C.S.S. - Elementary REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 4010 Residential & Farm 72,465 72,465 71,581 71,581 70,117 4011 Commercial & Industrial 5,702 5,702 3,667 3,667 3,851 4012 Business 1,283 1,283 1,121 1,121 1,165 4013 Supplementary Residential & Farm 300 322 200 0 200 4014 Supplementary Commercial & Ind 200 35 0 0 0 4015 Supplementary Business 100 0 0 0 0 4016 Write Off Residential & Farm (200) (98) (100) 0 (100) 4017 Write Off Commercial & Industrial (100) 0 0 0 0 4018 Write Off Business (50) 488) (500) 0 (500) J 4130 Telephone Taxation 1,297 1,297 1,842 1,842 1,504 4170 Overlevy 0 0 (0) 0 0 TOTAL 80.996 80,518 17,811 78,211 76,237 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 9410 Requisition 79,449 79,449 76,369 ` 76,369 75,133 9411 Supplementary Taxes 600 357 200 0 200 9413 Taxes Written Off (350) (586) (600) 0 (600) 9414 Telephone Taxation 1,297 1,297 1,842 1,842 1,504 TOTAL 80,996 80,517 77,811 78,211 76,237 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-09-00 Elgin County R.C.S.S. - Secondary REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 4010 Residential & Farm 56,811 56,811 65,530 65,530 64,723 4011 Commercial & Industrial 4,470 4,470 3,357 3,357 3,555 4012 Business 1,006 1,006 1,026 1,026 1,075 4013 Supplementary Residential & Farm 300 252 250 0 250 4014 Supplementary Commercial & Ind 100 28 0 0 0 4015 Supplementary Business 100 0 0 0 0 4016 Write Off Residential & Farm (100) (78) (100) 0 (100) 4017 Write Off Commercial & Industrial ,(100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 4018 Write Off Business _ X100) (363) (200) 0 (200) �,, 4130 Telephone Taxation 1,221 1,221 1,679 1,679 1,370 4170 Overlevy 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 63,708 63,348 71,442 71,592 70,573 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 9410 Requisition 62,287 62,287 69,913 69,913 69,353 9411 Supplementary Taxes 500 280 250 0 250 9413 Taxes Written Off (300) (441) (400) 0 (400) 9414 Telephone Taxation 1,221 1,221 1,679 1,679 1,370 TOTAL 63,708 63,347 71,442 71,592 70,573 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-10-00 General Government REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Ontario Grant 0 0 0 0 0 5400 Fees & Service Charges 500 846 2,900 7,533 500 6800 Capital Loan 0 0 100,000 0 0 TOTAL 500 846 102,900 7,533 500 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7101 Salaries& Wages 107,000 102,188 137,000 141,146 135,000 7151 CPP 2,000 2,032 2,400 3,056 2,800 7152 Unemployment Insurance 3,700 3,782 4,300 5,167 3,900 7153 WCB 2,700 `~_ 2,1b 2,000 2,181 2,000 J { 7154 OMERS 6,000 5,739 7,750 8,023 8,000 7155 Employee Health Tax 2,500 1,875 2,500 2,522 2,500 7156 Group Insurance 7,000 6,415 7,200 9,382 9,500 7157 Dental 740 683 750 1,195 900 7302 Office Supplies 8,500 5,620 6,000 6,717 6,000 7303 Computer supplies& Support 4,000 3,813 5,000 4,984 5,000 7304 Office Cleaning 3,600 3,414 3,600 2,407 3,800 7305 Office Equipment 6,500 6,276 13,000 48,541 3,000 7306 Heat& Hydro 3,800 3,665 3,800 4,271 7,000 7309 Subscriptions 1,800 1,118 1,200 1,410 1,400 7350 Advertising& Promotion 1,800 2,747 2,500 . 2,000 2,500 7351 Association Fees 2,500 926 1,400 1,834 2,000 7352 Accounting& Audit Fees 40,000 38,560 35,000 17,117 15,000 7355 Building Renovations 0 0 242,000 134,944 0 7356 Building Maintenance 5,500 4,566 300 147 1,500 7358 Equipment Maintenance 2,000 992 1,000 2,368 2,500 7359 Grounds Maintenance 1,800 2,050 2,300 1,206 4,000 7361 Insurance5,277 5,277 8,000 7,954 11,000 7362 Legal Fees 10,000 3,246 7,500 2,103 5,800 7363 Election Expense 10,000 8,440 0 0 0 7364 Postage&Courier 5,000 6,962 6,500 5,889 6,000 7366 Staff Training 1,500 20 1,000 1,597 1,500 7367 Conferences& Seminars 2,500 3,363 3,000 3,307 3,500 7368 Travel Expense 1,400 1,565 2,000 1,714 1,700 7369 Telephone 4,500 5,315 5,000 6,556 6,000 7370 Other Expense 1,000 4,237 1,000 1,329 1,200 7372 Tax Sale Expense 0 211 0 0 0 7375 Property Purchase 0 258 0 0 30,000 7401 Interest on Temporary Loans 500 304 350 525 1,000 7403 Bank Charges 200 48 100 27 0 7404 Discounts on Taxes 3,000 3,064 3,000 3,816 4,000 7405 Tax Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 7406 Doubtful Accounts 0 (500) 0 0 0 7407 Phase-in-Assistance 11,000 11,468 7,650 7,646 3,825 7410 Assessment Charges 0 0 5,000 0 0 7450 Capital Loan Repayment - Principal 0 0 0 0 8,100 7451 Capital Loan Repayment- Interest 0 0 0 0 3,250 7500 Transfer to Capital 0 0 0 0 0 7600 Transfer to Reserve 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 269,317 251,862 531,100 443,081 305,175 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-15-00 Council EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7101 Wages 33,000 30,076 29,500 37,244 34,000 7151 CPP 110 121 250 237 200 7155 Employee Health Tax 500 371 600 491 450 7367 Conferences/Seminars 4,500 4,514 5,400 4,663 2,000 7368 Travel Expense 1,200 1,459 1,200 1,186 1,200 7370 Other Expense 1,000 345 1,200 1,282 500 TOTAL 40,310 36,885 38,150 45,103 38,350 • 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-20-10 Fire Department REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Fire Ontario 1,000 775 2,500 3,685 3,000 5200 Grant 0 0 87,000 85,034 0 5300 Other Municipalites 2,750 2,850 2,750 5,750 5,500 5400 Fees & Charges 0 0 2,885 120 0 6800 Capital Loan 0 0 190,000 0 0 TOTAL 3,750 3,625 285,135 94,589 8,500 EXPENDITURE . .." ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7101 Salaries 13,000 12,721 13,000 13,104 13,000 7114 Allowances 31,000 32,188 37,000 36,963 37,000 7118 Course Time 4,200 600 1,000 1,250 1,500 7151 CPP 200 160 180 182 180 7152 Unemployment Insurance 0 0 50 0 0 7153 Workers Compensation 2,500 2,065 2,000 2,074 2,100 7154 OMERS 900 771 850 813 850 7155 Employee Health Tax 700 655 900 793 800 7302 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 7306 Heat & Hydro 900 831 1,400 1,294 6,000 7311 Vehicle Expense 3,000 2,909 3,000 6,607 4,500 7312 Boom Truck 0 0 0 0 0 7314 Other Materials 3,500 2,444 3,200 855 2,500 7320 Fire Prevention 0 606 500 385 1,000 7351 Association Fees 140 30 215 215 250 7355 Grounds Maintenance 0 0 0 175 2,000 7356 Building Maintenance 300 582 0 112 500 7357 Equipment Maintenance 2,800 3,633 3,000 242 3,500 7358 Equipment 7,500 4,276 4,000 7,741 4,000 7361 Insurance 2,875 2,875 2,700 2,697 7,750 7364 Postage & Courier 100 207 200 41 200 7366 Staff Training 1,000 914 1,000 556 2,000 7367 Conferences & Seminars 1,300 1,005 2,400 2,356 2,500 7368 Travel Expenses 1,100 325 400 265 800 7369 Telephone 1,800 2,151 2,200 2,558 2,400 7370 Other Services 1,500 1,672 500 267 1,200 7450 Fire -Transfer to Capital 0 0 0 0 0 "' 7450 Capital Loan Repayment - Principal 0 0 0 0 15,375 7351 Capital Loan Repayment - Interest 0 0 0 0 6,150 7195 New Firehall 0 6,926 433,000 231,614 0 7600 Transfer to Reserve 20,000 20,000 0 0 15,000 TOTAL 100,315 100,548 512,695 313,159 133,055 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-20-20 Community Policing EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7600 Community Policing Agreement 500 202 250 201 250 TOTAL 500 202 250 201 250 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-20-30 Conservation Authority EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7700 Conservation Authority 12,107 12,107 12,100 12,021 10,500 TOTAL 12,107 12,107 12,100 12,021 10,500 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-20-40 Protective Inspection & Control REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5300 Other Municipalites 0 0 0 429 2,000 5400 Service Charges 1,000 9 0 70 0 TOTAL 1,000 9 0 499 2,000 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 , 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET -fr 7101 Salary 34,000 33,530 35,500 36,772 36,060 7151 CPP 800 790 825 870 850 7152 Unemployment Insurance 1,350 1,322 1,375 1,389 1,400 7153 Workers Compensation Board 750 697 625 679 690 7154 OMERS 2,100 1,997 2,150 2,140 2,150 7155 Employers Health Tax 700 616 700 704 700 7156 Group Insurance 2,250 2,182 2,250 2,180 2,300 7157 Dental 250 217 225 223 225 7305 Equipment 2,500 0 1,000 4,802 1,000 7314 Supplies 700 2,269 1,000 462 1,000 7351 Association Fees 450 240 250 234 500 7352 Legal Fees 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 7368 Travel Expenses 3,900 2,913 3,500 3,403 3,500 7369 Conferences & Seminars 1,500 895 1,200 1,625 1,500 7371 Animal Control 4,200 3,917 4,300 4,692 4,500 7372 Cost of Dog Tag Sales 5,000 5,410 5,900 6,020 6,000 7373 Livestock Claims 500 221 750 717 750 7400 Transfer to Capital 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 61,950 57,215 62,550 66,912 64,065 H TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-25-10 Road Department REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Ontario Grants 445,300 357,365 317,500 317,500 0 5300 Other Municipalities 4,500 3,671 5,000 4,350 4,500 5400 Service Charges 4,000 189 3,500 2,535 3,000 Total 453,800 361,225 326,000 324,385 7,500 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUakL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7102 Tillsonburg TLine Bridge Wages 0 0 0 0 0 i 7103 Tillsonburg T'Line Bridge Materials 0 0 0 0 0 7107 Tillsonburg TLine Bridge Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7132 Bayham/Malahide T'Line Wages 0 0 0 0 0 7133 Bayham/Malahide T'Line Materials 0 0 0 0 0 7134 Bayham/Malahide T'Line Own Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7135 Bayham/Malahide T'Line 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7136 Bayham/Maladie TLine 0/S Contract 0 0 0 0 0 7151 CPP 3,950 4,432 4,500 3,463 4,500 7152 Unemployment Insurance 7,100 7,768 8,000 6,661 7,000 7154 OMERS 11,200 11,797 10,000 10,862 10,000 7155 Employers Health Tax 3,750 3,621 3,800 3,381 3,500 7157 Dental Benefits 1,300 1,105 1,100 1,115 1,100 7172 Hevenor Corner Wages 0 0 0 0 4,000 7173 Hevenor Corner Materials 0 0 0 0 1,000 7174 Hevenor Corner Own Equip 0 0 0 0 2,000 7175 Hevenor Corner 0/S Equip Rental 0 0 0 0 0 7176 Hevenor Corner 0/S Contractor 0 0 0 4,273 2,000 7202 8th Con Wages 4,000 6,637 0 0 0 7203 8th Con Const Materials 33,500 30,012 0 0 0 7204 8th Con Const Own Equip Rent 2,000 6,863 0 0 0 7205 8th Con Const 0/S Equip Rent 0 2,594 0 0 0 7206 8th Con Const 0/S Contracts 47,000 20,551 0 0 0 7207 8th Con Const Miscellaneous 1,000 0 0 0 0 7212 Richmond St. Wages 0 112 750 4,998 0 7213 Richmond St. Materials 0 0 1,500 3,325 0 7214 Richmond St. Own Equip 0 120 750 3,000 0 7215 Richmond St. 0/S Equip 0 0 0 451 0 7216 Richmond St. 0/S Cont 0 0 12,000 15,928 0 1'" 7217 Richmond St. Misc 0 0 0 386 0 7222 Carson Rd. Wages 0 0 5,000 8,436 0 7223 Carson Rd. Materials 0 0 22,000 21,874 0 7224 Carson Rd. Own Equip 0 0 5,000 5,213 0 7225 Carson Rd. 0/S Equip 0 0 1,000 1,273 0 7226 Carson Rd. 0/S Cont 0 0 22,000 9,997 0 7227 Carson Rd. Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7230 Tollgate Road 0 0 0 0 50,350 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7240 Norfolk Townline 0 0 0 0 30,000 7262 Richard Wood Sideroad Wages 0 0 7,000 8.948 0 7263 Richard Wood Sideroad Materials 0 0 35,000 31,655 0 7264 R Wood Sideroad Own Equip Rent 0 0 7,000 5,625 0 7265 R Wood Sideroad 0/S Equip Ren 0 0 1,500 2,412 0 7266 R Wood Sideroad 0/S Contracts 0 0 25,000 21,779 0 7267 R Wood Sideroad Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 7272 Centennial Rd Wages 10,000 2,996 0 0 0 7273 Centennial Rd Materials 24,000 4,559 0 0 0 7274 Centennial Rd Own Equip Rent 5,000 2,160 0 0 0 7275 Centennial Rd 0/S Equip Rent 500 0 0 0 0 7276 Centennial Rd 0/S Contracts 8,000 17,639 0 11,988 0 7277 Centennial Rd Misc500 5,254 0 0 0 7282 Bailey Bridge Wages w • 0 0 10,000 17,711 0 7283 Bailey Bridge Materials 0 0 22,500 32.593 0 7284 Bailey Bridge Own Equip 0 0 2,500 8,910 0 7285 Bailey Bridge 0/S Equip 0 0 0 188 0 7286 Bailey Bridge 0/S Contracts 0 0 43,750 37,926 0 7287 Bailey Bridge Misc 0 0 0 8,135 0 7202 Road Needs Study Wages 1,000 0 0 0 0 7303 Road Needs Study Materials 50 0 0 0 0 7304 Road Needs Study Own Equip 100 0 0 0 0 7305 Road Needs Study 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7306 Road Needs Study 0/S Cont 4,200 0 0 0 0 7307 Road Needs Study Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7312 Bridge Maitenance Wages 1,400 1,694 1,700 276 1,700 7313 Bridge Maintenance Materials 1,000 0 500 0 500 7314 Bridge Maintenance Own Equip Rent 600 225 500 150 500 7316 Bridge Maintenance 0/S Contracts 0 0 0 0 0 7322 Culvert Maintenance Wages 500 2.002 6,000 5,860 10,000 7323 Culvert Maintenance Materials 200 0 4,000 538 10,000 7324 Culvert Maintenance Own Equip Rent 3,500 1,095 4,000 4,305 6,000 7325 Culvert Maintenance 0/S Equip Rent 0 0 0 0 1,000 7327 Culvert Maintenance Misc 0 441 500 310 500 7332 Weed Control Wages 1,750 2,422 2,500 3,429 3,500 7333 Weed Control Materials 500 0 200 210 200 7334 Weed Control Equip Rent 1,500 2,520 2,500 2,010 2,500 7336 Weed Control 0/S Contracts 0 0 2,875 2,877 3,000 7337 Weed Conrol Misc 0 160 0 152 0 7342 Brushing Wages 6,000 4,410 4,800 1,636 4,000 7343 Brushing Materials 400 100 300 70 300 7344 Brushing Own Equip Rental 2,500 1,320 2,000 525 1,000 7345 Brushing 0/S Equip Rental 300 0 0 0 0 7347 Brushing Misc 0 167 0 154 0 7352 Ditching Wages 5,500 1,904 1,200 1,641 4,000 7353 Ditching Materials 2,500 461 0 3 1,000 7354 Ditching Own Equip Rental 5,000 1,440 1,000 1,485 4,000 7355 Ditching 0/S Equip Rental 0 0 0 0 0 7357 Ditching Misc 0 458 0 0 0 7362 Catch Basins ETC Wages 1,000 1,498 2,500 3,443 3,500 7363 Catch Basins ETC Materials 1,000 536 1,000 913 1,500 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7364 Catch Basins ETC Own Equip Rental 500 1,095 1,500 1,470 2,000 7365 Catch Basins ETC 0/S Equip Rental 500 0 0 34 500 7366 Catch Basins ETC 0/S Contract 0 0 0 700 1,000 7365 Catch Basins ETC Misc 0 93 0 0 0 7372 Hardtop Wages 4,000 10,339 5,500 8,127 8,000 7373 Hardtop Materials 2,500 311 1,500 56 1,500 7374 Hardtop Own Equip Rent 2,000 4,155 3,000 4,568 4,000 7377 Hardtop Misc 500 223 500 0 500 7392 Grading Wages 12,000 15,022 15,000 15,143 15,000 7394 Grading Own Equip Rental 15,000 14,010 15,000 11,655 15,000 7402 Dust Control Brine Wages 4,500 5,488 5,500 4,739 5,500 7403 Dust Control Brine Materials 300 0 0 0 0 7404 Dust Control Brine Own Eq Rent 5,000 5,535 6.000 4,283 6,000 7405 Dust Control Brine 0/S Equip Rent 0 0 0 107 0 7407 Dust Control Brine Miscellaneous 400 ' 222 300 223 300 7412 Dust Control Calc Wages 0 - ~294 0 0 0 7413 Dust Control Calc Materials 0 0 0 427 500 7432 Safety Device Wages 2,750 3,854 5,500 6,368 6,000 7433 Safety Device Materials 2,000 4,149 4,000 4,852 5,000 7434 Safety Device Own Equipment 500 0 800 420 500 7435 Safety Device 0/S Equipment 500 0 500 44 500 7436 Safety Device Misc 0 525 500 52 100 7438 Safety Device C.N. Crossings 6,000 5,402 5,500 6,028 6,000 7471 Overhead Road Supt Salary 42,500 40,837 1,900 4,246 28,000 7472 Overhead Road Supt Truck Wages 100 14 0 0 0 7473 Overhead Road Supt Truck Fuel 2,500 3,658 3,000 . 2,135 2,500 7474 Overhead Road Supt Truck Repair 500 718 750 355 500 7475 Overhead Road Supt Truck Misc 400 312 150 322 150 7476 Overhead Postage, Advt, Adm 100 0 0 72 0 7477 Overhead Wages Vacations 15,000 14,000 15,000 15,773 15,000 7478 Overhead Wages Holidays - Statutory 6,500 6,832 7,000 8,679 7,250 7479 Overhead Wages Sick Time 1,500 1,848 25,000 30,470 18,000 7480 Overhead Training Expenses 2,500 2,531 2,500 3,029 3,000 7481 Overhead Twp Office Use 0 0 2,400 4,593 0 7483 Workers Compensation Board 4,500 4,098 3,670 4,004 3,800 7486 Group Insurance 13,000 13,237 13,300 12,628 13,300 7488 Overhead Tools Wages 200 0 0 0 0 7490 Overhead Tools Materials 1,750 1,435 1,500 1,046 1,500 7491 Overhead Garage Wages 5,500 5,151 5,300 4,773 5,300 7492 Overhead Garage Materials 3,000 2,068 3,200 5,243 4,000 7493 Overhead Garage Own Equip Rent 0 0 0 0 0 7495 Overhead Garage Utilities 6,600 8,095 7,800 8,135 8,200 7496 Overhead Garage Other 4,500 3,781 3,500 3,596 10,000 7497 Overhead Insurance 7,699 2,336 9,475 3,820 10,500 `4' 7502 Truck #2 Fuel 0 792 0 1,039 0 7503 Truck #2 Repairs 0 871 0 176 0 7504 Truck #2 Wages 0 959 0 1,485 0 7505 Truck #2 Licences 0 1,073 0 1,073 0 7506 Truck #2 Insurance 0 466 0 495 0 7509 Truck #2 Rentals 0 (2,385) 0 (2,370) 0 7522 Truck #4 Fuel 0 6,576 0 6,432 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7523 Truck #4 Repairs 0 6,124 0 2,405 0 7524 Truck #4 Wages 0 2,632 0 1,536 0 7525 Truck #4 Licences 0 1,073 0 1,073 0 7526 Truck #4 Insurance 0 506 0 537 0 7529 Truck#4 Rentals 0 (17,078) 0 (16,343) 0 7532 Truck #5 Fuel 0 6,292 0 3,648 0 7533 Truck #5 Repairs 0 3,713 0 2,540 0 7534 Truck #5 Wages 0 1,988 0 1,643 0 7535 Truck #5 Licences 0 1,073 0 1,073 0 7536 Truck #5 Insurance 0 466 0 495 0 7539 Truck #5 Rentals 0 (16,823) 0 (9,893) 0 7542 1990 Bucket Truck Fuel 0 0 0 115 0 7544 Truck #6 Wages 0 0 0 0 0 7545 1990 Bucket Truck Licences •0 0 0 225 0 J; 7542 1990 Bucket Truck Insurance .. 0 0 0 444 .1 0 7552 Grader#6 Fuel 0 4,744 0 3,986 0 7553 Grader#6 Repairs 0 1,824 0 2,277 0 7554 Grader#6 Wages 0 2,408 0 2,322 0 7555 Grader#6 Licences 0 49 0 49 0 7556 Grader#6 Insurance 0 394 0 410 0 7559 Grader#6 Rentals 0 (11,685) 0 (9,510) 0 7562 Grader #7 Fuel 0 5,269 0 2,521 0 7563 Grader#7 Repairs 0 3,397 0 4,215 0 7564 Grader#7 Wages 0 5,236 0 3,144 0 7565 Grader#7 Licences 0 49 0 49 0 7566 Grader#7 Insurance 0 394 0 436 0 7569 Grader#7 Rentals 0 (17,595) 0 (9,518) 0 7572 Case Loader Fuel 0 3,316 0 2,283 0 7573 Case Loader Repairs 0 778 0 987 0 7574 Case Loader Wages 0 1,988 0 663 0 7575 Case Loader Licences 0 49 0 49 0 7576 Case Loader Insurance 0 295 0 307 0 7579 Case Loader Rentals 0 (9,368) 0 (10,268) 0 7582 John Deere Backhoe Fuel 0 631 0 487 0 7583 John Deere Backhoe Repairs 0 1,365 0 258 0 7584 John Deere Backhoe Wages 0 1,008 0 1,182 0 7585 John Deere Backhoe Licence 0 49 0 49 0 7586 John Deere Backhoe Insurance 0 138 0 144 0 7589 John Deere Backhoe Rentals 0 (4,080) 0 (6,765) 0 7592 Tractor & Mower Fuel 0 390 0 678 0 7593 Tractor & Mower Repairs 0 478 0 853 0 7594 Tractor& Mower Wages 0 560 0 260 0 7596 Tractor & Mower Insurance 0 56 0 59 4'0 7599 Tractor & Mower Rentals 0 (2,700) 0 (2,115) 0 7612 Truck #8 Fuel 0 1,881 0 1,513 0 7613 Truck#8 Repairs 0 320 0 888 0 7614 Truck#8 Wages 0 952 0 1,435 0 7615 Truck#8 Licences 0 943 0 943 0 7616 Truck#8 Insurance 0 466 0 495 0 7619 Truck #8 Rentals 0 (7,410) 0 (5,348) 0 7632 Roads Equipment Purchased 151,000 175,791 25,000 26,630 20,500 nor TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 #t BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7633 Roads Land Purchased 8,000 0 15,000 3,358 15,000 7634 Roads Drainage Assessments 3,000 2,636 3,500 2.702 15,000 7638 Roads clearing account 0 0 0 0 0 7642 Pit Wages 0 0 0 0 0 7647 Pit Miscellaneous 7,000 17,358 0 0 0 7650 Non-Subsidized Accounts 3,600 3,564 5,075 5,067 0 7655 Transfer to capital reserve 0 0 20,000 20,000 5,000 7662 LTop Maint - Project 1 Wages 7,000 6,804 4,000 1,687 2,000 7663 L'Top Maim - Project 1 Materials 18,000 14,213 10,000 6.626 7,000 7664 LTop Maim - Project 1 Own Equip 9,000 5,430 4,000 240 2,000 7665 LTop Maint - Project 1 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7666 L'Top Maint - Project 1 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7667 L'Top Maim - Project I Misc 1,000 0 0 0 0 7672 L'Top Maint - Project 2 Wages 1,000 1,246 0 0 2,000 7673 L'Top Maint - Project 2 Materials 10,010 3,376 0 0 . 8,000 7674 L'Top Maint- Project 2 Own Equip 1,000 1,335 0 0 2,000 7675 LTop Maint - Project 2 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7676 LTop Maint -Project 2 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7677 L'Top Maint - Project 2 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7682 LTop Maim - Project 3 Wages 500 854 0 0 0 7683 LTop Maint - Project 3 Materials 4,000 2,685 0 0 0 7684 LTop Maint - Project 3 Own Equip 500 915 0 0 0 7685 L'Top Maint - Project 3 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7686 L'Top Maim - Project 3 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7687 LTop Maint - Project 3 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7692 L'Top Maim - Project 4 Wages 200 364 0 0 0 7693 LTop Maim - Project 4 Materials 1,500 966 0 0 0 7694 L'Top Maint - Project 4 Own Equip 300 390 0 0 0 7695 L'Top Maint - Project 4 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7696 LTop Maint - Project 4 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7697 L'Top Maint - Project 4 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7702 LTop Maint - Project 5 Wages 4,000 5,607 0 0 0 7703 LTop Maint - Project 5 Materials 2,000 6,946 0 0 0 7704 LTop Maint - Project 5 Own Equip 3,000 4,230 0 0 0 7705 L'Top Maint - Project 5 0/S Equip 1,000 0 0 0 0 7706 L'Top Maim - Project 5 0/S Cont 2,000 0 0 0 0 7707 LTop Maint - Project 5 Misc 500 0 0 0 0 7712 L'Top Maim - Project 6 Wages 750 4,004 0 0 0 7713 LTop Maint - Project 6 Materials 12,000 10,367 0 0 0 7714 LTop Maim - Project 6 Own Equip 900 4,140 0 0 0 7715 LTop Maint - Project 6 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7716 LTop Maint - Project 6 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7717 LTop Maint - Project 6 Misc 0 0 0 0 t 7722 LTop Maint - Project 7 Wages 1,000 826 0 0 0 7723 LTop Maint - Project 7 Materials 3,000 2,861 0 0 0 7724 L'Top Maint - Project 7 Own Equip 1,000 885 0 0 0 7725 L'Top Maint - Project 7 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7726 LTop Maint -Project 7 0/S Coat 0 0 0 0 0 7727 L'Top Maim - Project 7 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7732 L'Top Maim - Project 8 Wages 3,000 1,942 0 0 0 7733 LTop Maint - Project 8 Materials 2,500 4,636 0 0 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7734 L'Top Maint - Project 8 Own Equip 4,500 1,695 0 0 0 7735 LTop Maint- Project 8 0/S Equip 1,000 0 0 0 0 7736 L'Top Maint - Project 8 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7737 LTop Maint - Project 8 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7743 LTop Maint -Tburg Townline Materials 0 0 0 4,678 0 7752 LTop Maint - General Wages 6,500 7,178 9,000 10,992 10,000 7753 LTop Maint - General Materials 15,000 11,668 20,000 12,594 65,000 7754 L'Top Maint - General Own Equip 10,000 6,690 8,000 5,430 8,000 7755 L'Top Maint - General 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7756 LTop Maint - General 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7757 L'Top Maint - General Misc 0 36 0 0 0 7262 Tar & Chip - Project 1 Wages 500 112 500 0 100 7263 Tar & Chip - Project 1 Materials 3,000, 261 0 1,174 500 7264 Tar & Chip - Project I Own Equip 500 * 90 500 111 0 -.""' 7265 Tar & Chip - Project 1 0/S Equip 0 173 0 0 0 7266 Tar & Chip - Project 1 0/S Cont 10,000 4,001 24,000 22,602 13,000 7267 Tar & Chip - Project 1 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7772 Tar& Chip - Project 2 Wages 500 1'.2 500 243 0 7773 Tar& Chip - Project 2 Materials 6,200 261 9,500 6,321 0 7774 Tar& Chip - Project 2 Own Equip 500 90 500 0 0 7775 Tar& Chip - Project 2 O/S Equip 0 265 0 1,129 0 7776 Tar & Chip - Project 2 0/S Cont 20,000 8,001 25,000 27,046 14,000 7777 Tar & Chip - Project2Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7782 Tar & Chip - Project 3 Wages 500 112 0 0 0 7783 Tar & Chip - Project 3 Materials 5,600 261 0 0 0 7784 Tar & Chip - Project 3 Own Equip 500 90 0 0 0 7785 Tar & Chip - Project 3 O/S Equip 0 255 0 0 0 7786 Tar& Chip - Project 3 0/S Cont 19,000 8,001 0 0 0 7787 Tar & Chip - Project 3 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7792 Tar & Chip - Project 4 Wages 0 0 0 0 0 7793 Tar& Chip - Project 4 Materials 0 0 0 0 0 7794 Tar& Chip - Project 4 Own Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7795 Tar& Chip - Project 4 0/S Equip 0 0 0 0 0 7796 Tar& Chip - Project 4 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7797 Tar & Chip- Project 4 Misc 0 0 0 0 0 7852 Tar& Chip - General Wages 4,000 3,115 4,000 4,696 5.000 7853 Tar & Chip - General Materials 5,000 4,627 6,500 4,242 6,500 7854 Tar& Chip - General Own Equip 1,500 2,550 3,000 945 1,000 7855 Tar& Chip - General 0/S Equip 0 0 0 512 500 7856 Tar& Chip - General 0/S Cont 0 0 0 0 0 7857 Tar& Chip - General Misc 0 397 0 0 0 7902 Sidewalk Maintenance - Wages 0 0 100 0 100 7903 Sidewalk Maintenance - Materials 0 0 100 0 200 '. 7904 Sidewalk Maintenance - Own Equip 0 0 100 0 100 7905 Sidewalk Maintenance - 0/S Equip 0 0 100 0 100 7906 Sidewalk Maintenance - 0/S Cont 0 0 3,500 0 9,500 7907 Sidewalk Maintenance - Misc , 0 0 0 0 0 7910 911 Emergency Program 0 0 0 0 18,500 7653 Dodge Bucket Truck Repair 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 758,149 662,061 667,245 660,979 613,650 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-25-20 Road Department Winter Control REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Winter Control Ontario Grants 0 39,925 0 0 0 5300 Winter Control Other Municipalities 0 3,671 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 43,596 0 0 0 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGE 7151 CPP 350 0 350 666 300 7152 Unemployment Insurance 650 0 500 1,044 500 7154 OMERS 1,500 0 1,000 613 1,000 7155 Employers Health Tax 350 0 300 508 300 7312 Winter Control Snow Wages 14,000 16,548 12,000 9,707 9,500 7313 Winter Control Snow Materials 500 478 500 0 500 7314 Winter Control Snow Own Equip 9,500 16,305 11,000 7,695 8,500 7317 Winter Control Snow Miscellaneous 500 283 100 87I 1,000 7322 Winter Control Sand Wages 15,000 3,682 4,000 3,695 4,000 7323 Winter Control Sand Materials 14,000 16,430 13,000 13,000 13,000 7324 Winter Control Sand Own Equip 6,500 3,750 4,500 4,200 4,500 7327 Winter Control Sand Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 EXPENDITURE 62,850 57,476 47,250 41,999 43,100 0.. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-25-85 Streetlighting EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7801 SLA Transfers to Areas 10,525 10,613 13,900 13,900 14,100 7802 SLA Recoveries from Areas 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 10,525 10,613 13,900 13,900 14,100 • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-30-30 Waterworks System REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 6400 Grants 93,333 0 35,000 0 133,000 6700 Sale of Land Richmond 2,178 2,396 3,650 3,282 0 6800 Water services charges - hook up 35,200 0 0 575 0 TOTAL 130,711 2,396 38,650 3,857 133,000 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 19944 1994 1995 1995 1996 -" # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL `BUDGET 7300 Water MOE 1,200 1,211 3,500 1,355 2,100 7400 Highway 19 140,000 11,000 0 2,721 500 7600 Water Study 15,000 13,791 50,000 1,521 190,000 7655 Transfer to Reserve 0 0 0 15,000 0 7700 Water Village of Vienna 648 648 648 648 648 TOTAL 156,848 26,650 54,148 21,245 193,248 'go • I TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-30-50 Waste Management Disposal & Transfer Station REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Garbage Disposal MNR 4,000 56,307 0 0 0 5200 Tipping Fees 0 0 7,000 12,624 13,000 5300 Garbage Disposal - Other Mun 0 2,850 0 0 0 5400 Waste Diversion Plan Income 51,000 490 5,000 230 200 TOTAL 55,000 59,647 12,000 12,854 13,200 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # .$UDAET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL j BUDGET 7155 Transfer Station General 7,325 5,721 1,000 570 1,000 7300 Garbage Collection Contract 57,000 41,772 32,500 35,254 37,000 7350 Transfer Station Disposal Fees 163,600 192,792 65,000 37,852 42,000 7300 Waste Management Contract 0 0 130,000 141,015 145,000 7400 Waste Diversion Plan Expenses 50,000 0 0 2,060 500 7500 Waste Management Project 0 0 0 0 20,000 TOTAL 277,925 240,284 228,500 216,751 245,500 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-35-50 Cemeteries REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5400 Cemetery Boards Revenue 4,000 7,999 7,500 5,933 7,500 TOTAL 4,000 7,999 7,500 5,933 7,500 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7371 Maint of Abondoned Cemeteries 7,500 10,827 13,000 6,483 13,000 7372 Cemetery Boards Expenditure a 12,000 14,333 15,000 13,82 15,000, 7500 Cemetery Boards Capital _ _ 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 19,500 25,160 28,000 20,309 28,000 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-40-10 General Assistance EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7700 General Assistance Grants 250 900 1,750 2,498 250 7701 Award Grant (Green Fund) 200 200 200 200 200 TOTAL 450 1,100 1,950 2,698 450 yr TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-45-10 Parks & Recreation REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Parks & Recreation Ontario Grants 0 0 0 0 0 5400 Parks & Recreation Service Charges 20,000 4,000 500 25 25 5405 Community Centre Rental 0 13,306 12,000 14,034 18,000 5410 Community Centre Mix etc 0 11,185 9,000 6,296 9,000 5415 Community Centre Donations 0 1,694 1,000 1,282 1,500 5420 Community Centre User Fees 0 2,560 1,425 1,427 0 5425 Community Centre Other Receipts 0 25 0 0 0 TOTAL - 26,000 32,770 23,925 23,064 28,525 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5500 Day Camp Charges 0 0 0 0 0 • 7104 Recreation Program Wages 0 8,351 845 893 0 7118 Parks Wages 0 0 0 86 0 7151 Community Centre CPP 0 0 - 90 0 90 7155 Community Centre EHT 0 0 130 137 140 7153 Community Centre WCB 0 0 0 0 125 7300 Recreation Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 7301 Community Centre Wages 0 0 6,000 6,700 6,700 7304 Community Centre Cleaning 0 0 8,000 8,214 12,000 7306 Community Centre Utilities, 0 11,180 11,000 9,764 15,000 7308 Community Centre Building Maint 2,500 24,898 1,500 2,331 3,000 7310 Community Centre Equipment Maint 0 306 500 94 500 7312 Community Centre Grounds Maint 0 2,243 2,500 2,780 5,000 7314 Community Centre Renovations 0 0 0 55,331 0 7322 Community Centre Mix etc 0 4,415 3,500 3,192 3,600 7324 Community Centre Supplies 0 1,479 1,500 2,210 2,500 7330 Community Centre Other Expense 0 115 200 175 200 7355 Parks Maintenance 14,000 10,379 5,000 7,533 8,000 7361 Community Centre Insurance 1,863 1,863 2,425 2,422 3,500 7371 Recreation Program Expense 3,000 258 0 39 0 7372 Community Centre Board 20,000 0 0 0 a 7500 Recreation Capital Expenditures 0 575 0 0 0 7700 Recreation Grants 1,500 1,050 1,200 1,300 200 TOTAL 42,863 67,112 44,390 103,201 60,555 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAIV1 1996 BUDGET 01-50-10 Planning & Development REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Planning & Zoning Ontario Grants 0 6,666 0 367 0 5400 Planning & Zoning Service Charges 7,000 19,125 10,000 11,570 12,000 TOTAL 7,000 25,791 10,000 11,937 12,000 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION • 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # _ - L BtDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUABUDGET" 7314 Planning & Zoning Supplies 500 0 300 79 300 7362 Planning & Zoning Legal Expense 1,500 473 1,500 4,515 4,000 r 7365 Planning & Zoning Consult Fee 30,000 31,978 29,000 20,311 25,000 7370 Planning & Zoning Other Expense 2,000 2,080 1,750 497 1,000 TOTAL 34,000 34,530 32,550 25,402 30,300 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET 01-50-40 Agricultural & Drainage REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5100 Agric & Ref Ontario Grants 0 5,417 0 4,450 0 5300 Agric & Ref Other Municipalities 0 426 0 1,434 0 5500 Drain Repairs Other Charge 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 5,843 0 5,884 0 EXPENDITURE . ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 —15944* 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET , 7200 Drain Debt Charges 4,500 4,524 4,500 2,895 2,900 7317 Drain Maintenance 0 17,437 0 18,789 0 7320 Drain Stock 0 179 0 181 0 7371 Drain Superintendent 0 0 0 90 0 TOTAL 4,500 22,139 4,500 21,955 2,900 • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 01-50-50 Tile Drainage REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5400 Tile Drainage Debt Charges 29,190 29,365 29,190 19,237 13,800 TOTAL 29,190 29,365 29,190 19,237 13,800 EXPENDITURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 BUDGET ACTUAL. BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 7200 Tile Drainage Debt Charges 29,190- -- 1'9,394 29,190 19,206 13,800 TOTAL 29,190 29,394 29,190 19,206 13,800 4. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1996 BUDGET SUMMARY REVENUE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 04-00 Township Tax& Related Revenue 940,002 960,707 996,859 1,007,824 1,017,232 04-01 Billings&Grant Revenues 321,951 291,100 374,320 421,909 539,000 05-00 County of Elgin 541,677 546,598 584,147 583,235 603,577 06-00 Elgin County Public School - Elementary 595,946 602,158 658,629 657,332 688,348 07-00 Elgin County Public School - Secondary 542,747 549,144 584,671 585,228 633,437 08-00 Elgin County R.C.S.S. - Elementary 80,996 80,518 77,811 78,211 76.237 09-00 Elgin County R.C.S.S. - Secondary 63,708 63,348 71,442 71,592 70,573 10-00 General Government 500 846 102,900 7,533 500 20-10 Fire Department 3,750 3,625 285,135 94,589 8,500 20-40 Protective Inspection&Control 1,000 9 0 499 2,000 25-10 Road Department 453,800 361,225 326,000 324,385 7,500 25-20 Road Department Winter Control 0 • 43,596 0 0 0 30-30 Waterworks System 130,711 4 2,3% 38,650 " 3,857 '133,000 ....7"A"30-50 Waste Management Disposal &Transfer Station 55,000 59,647 12,000 12,854 d 13,200 35-50 Cemeteries 4,000 7,999 7,500 5,933 7,500 45-10 Parks& Recreation 20,000 32,770 23,925 23,064 28,525 50-10 Planning& Development 7,000 25,791 10,000 11,937 12,000 50-40 Agriculture& Drainage 0 5,843 0 5,884 0 50-50 Tile Drainage 29,190 29.365 29,190 19,237 13,800 TOTAL REVENUE 3,791,978 3,666,684 4,183,178 3,915,103 3,854,929 TOWNSHIP REVENUE 1,065,539 923,554 1,255,817 989,316 804,463 EXPENDTTURE ACCT DESCRIPTION 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 # BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 05-00 County of Elgin 541,677 546,601 584,147 583,235 603,577 06-00 Elgin County Public School - Elementary 595,946 602,159 658.629 657,332 688,348 07-00 Elgin County Public School- Secondary 542,747 549,149 584,671 585,228 633,437 08-00 Elgin County R.C.S.S. - Elementary 80,996 80,517 77,811 78,211 76,237 09-00 Elgin County R.C.S.S. -Secondary 63,708 63,347 71,442 71,592 70,573 10-00 General Government 269,317 251,862 531,100 443,081 305,175 10-15 Council40,310 36,885 38,150 45,103 38,350 20-10 Fire Department 100,315 100.548 512,695 313,159 133,055 20-20 Community Policing 500 202 250 201 250 20-30 Conservation Authority 12.107 12,107 12,100 12,021 10,500 20-40 Protective Inspection& Control 61,950 57,215 62,550 66,912 64,065 25-10 Road Department 758,149 662,061 667,245 660,979 613,650 25-20 Road Department Winter Control 62,850 57,476 47,250 41,999 43,100 25-85 Streetlighting 10,525 10,613 13,900 13,900 14,100 30-30 Waterworks System 156,848 26,650 54,148 21,245 193.248 30-50 Waste Management Disposal &Transfer Station 277,925 240,284 228,500 216,751 245,500 35-50 Cemeteries 19,500 25,160 28,000 20,309 28.000 40-10 General Assistance 450 1,100 1,950 2,698 450 45-10 Parks& Recreation 42,863 67,112 44,390 103,201 60,555 45-20 Elgin County Library 0 0 0 0 0 50-10 Planning&Development 34,000 34,530 32,550 25,402 30,300 50-20 Commercial Development 0 1.500 0 0 0 50-40 Agriculture& Drainage 4,500 22,139 4,500 21,955 2,900 50-50 Tile Drainage 29,190 29,394 29,190 19,206 13,800 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.706,374 3.478,612 4,285,168 4,003,720 3,869,170 TOWNSHIP EXPENDITURE -i 1,881,300 1,636,840 2,308,468 2,028,122 1,796,998 REVENUE OVER(UNDER)EXPENDITURE 85,605 188,072 (101,989) (88,617) (14,241) ACTUAL SURPLUS(DEFICIT) 102,467 14,241 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAMV1 1996 BUDGET MILL RATE CALCULATION 1994 1995 1996 Total budgeted expenditures 1,881,299.61 2,308,468.00 1,796,998.00 Total budgeted revenues (exclude taxes) 1,065,539.25 1,255,817.08 804,462.70 Expenditures - Revenues 815,760.36 1,052,650.92 992,535.30 Surplus or (deficit) from previous year: (85,604.59) 102,467.21 14,241.22 Total Tax dollars required 901,364.95 950,183.71 978,294.08 Commercial Assessment 644,700 668,482 668,505 Business Assessment 155,795 164,180 163,490 800,495 832,662 831995 85%of Residential Assessment 5,660,459 5,805,081 5,888,399 Total Taxable Assessment 6,460,954 6,637,743 6,720,394 Mills Mills Mills Commercial/Business Mill Rate Total Tax Dollars Required *1000 139.510 143.149 145.571 Total Taxable Assessment Residential/Farm Mill Rate Comm/Bus Mill Rate * 85% 118.583 121.676 123.735 Percentage increase over previous year 0.84% 2.61% 1.69% PROOF Taxes Taxes Taxes Commercial (Mill rate x Assessment) 89,941.82 95,692.27 97,314.90 Business (Mill rate x Assessment) 21,734.89 23,502.14 23,799.39 Residential (Mill rate x Assessment) 789,688.23 830,989.30 857,179.78 901,364.95 950,183.71 978,294.08 TOTAL MILL RATES Commercial/Business Public School 353.244 433.116 448.112 Separate School 353.251 433.192 445.099 Residential/Farm Public School 415.582 368.149 380.895 Separate School 415.589 368.213 378.334 P CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-31 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 16TH, 1996 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAIVI ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held May 16, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-iaw. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of MAY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of MAY, 1996. 1 - REEVE ADMINISTRATOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-32 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT LYNN S. BUCHNER AS ADMINISTRATOR TREASURER (CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER) OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS Sections 72 and 77 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., Chapter M.45 provides that Councils of municipalities shall appoint a Chief Administrator Officer and a Treasurer hereinafter referred to as Administrator Treasurer; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint Lynn S. Buchner as Administrator Treasurer. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Lynn S. Buchner be and is hereby appointed as Administrator Treasurer pursuant to Sections 72 and 77 (1) of the Municipal Act effective May 27, 1996. 2. THAT Lynn S. Buchner shall perform such d4ies as are set out in the Municipal .� Act, other statutes of the Province of Ontario and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT By-law 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Sections 1 .02 and 1 .03 and replacing it with the following: "1 .01 Administrator Treasurer Lynn S. Buchner 96-32" 4. THAT By-laws 95-10 and 96-10 and 96-11 be and are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 6th day of June, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June, 1996. 4ittazt4.4.1-7 400 REEVE CLERK TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - JOB DESCRIPTION May 29, 1996 Position: Administrator Treasurer Reports to: Council Knowledge: Excellent knowledge of the Municipal Act and Planning Act is required, as well as general understanding of other provincial legislation Must hold either a University Degree (preferably in Public Administration or Business or a Diploma in Public Administration from a Community College or a recognized professional accounting designation, or minimum 3rd level CGA) Successful completion of the Municipal Accounting Program sponsored by the Association of Municipal Clerks and�Treasurers of Ontario. .. Enrolment in, or completion of the AMCT program would be an asset Experience: At least five (5) years municipal experience at a management level Previous personal computer experience in a Windows environment (Microsoft • Word and Excel) is preferred Leadership: General supervision of all Municipal Office staff including interpreting and following through all decisions made by Council. Administers, controls and provides general supervision over all department heads. Initiative! Creativity: Adheres to Municipal Act and other legislation, by-laws and Council resolutions and direction of Council Follows established accounting and office procedures Considerable creativity is required in providing information and resources to Council Initiative must be shown in providing Council with innovative ideas in the operation of Township business Contact: Considerable sensitive daily personal and telephone contact with the public, provincial officials, and employees Decision Making: Considerable judgement is required when assisting the public, provincial agencies and employees with their inquiries Working Conditions: Works a minimum of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday with 1 hour lunch Must be able to attend evening meetings Duties predominately in municipal office however, may require time in other locations and facilities Administrator Treasurer - 2 - May 29, 1996 Effort: Mental and visual demands associated with office work including stress from multiple demands, dealing with the public, multiple roles, new and unexpected problems and critical time deadlines for work performances Mental stress and limited physical risk associated with larger volumes of cash in office and making deposits during tax instalment due date periods Limited physical effort associated with the daily use of heavy books and the infrequent moving of office furniture ' Function: To Direct, co-ordinate and cooperate with department heads in the development, implementation and administration of objectives, policies, programs and long term planning for the Township in accordance with the policies and objectives established by Council. Maintains effective control over Township finances, carrying out statutory duties, directing all accounting functions, producing financial reports, preparing-livagets, managing cash and debt loan andicarrying out special projects. Principal Functions: 1 . Administers and controls all activities, departments and local boards under Council's authority in accordance with the policies, plans and by-laws approved by Council. 2. Directs and co-ordinates the preparation of plans, policies, programs and projects for submission to Council. 3. Provides for the development and presentation of recommendations to Council on all matters requiring Council's approval and when necessary to have appropriate by-laws and resolutions submitted for approval. 4. To take such measures as necessary for the implementation of all objectives, plans, policies, programs and projects as approved by Council in accordance with all applicable legislation, by-laws and regulations. 5. Performs standard personnel management tasks required including: (a) Recommending to Council in respect to department heads, their appointment, dismissal or suspension. (b) General control of all personnel matters including the employment, dismissal, reprimand, suspension and performance evaluation in accordance with the Township Personnel Policy. (c) Maintenance of the Township's Personnel Policy 6. To meet with Department Heads collectively, when necessary, to discuss matters of policy which may have been agreed upon by Council, and to co-ordinate all department activities. • 7. Directs all general accounting for the Township, including accounts payable and receivable, payroll and tax collections, producing regular financial statements for Council Administrator Treasurer - 3 - May 29, 1996 and the Province and special reports and studies as assigned. 8. Supervises issuance all Township cheques, notes and debentures, issues purchase orders for all departments. 9. Prepares, or supervises the preparation of the annual Township budget and five-year capital forecast, compiling and organizing data and assisting department heads in the preparation of their own budgets. 10. Collects, complies, calculates and summarizes data and information for budget calculation. 11 . Plans for and initiates the operating Budget Developments Process, assisting department heads in departmental budgeting. Prepares and presents consolidated package to Council for approval. 12. Monitors budget performance, conducting various analysis and informing department heads. 13. Maintains liaison with Township and Provincial auditors, Provincial Ministries and • agencies, other municipalities, staff, politicians and ratepayers in regard to the financial affairs of the Township. 14. Co-ordinates interim and year-end audits, prepares working papers and schedules. Prepares financial reports, returns and arranges for publication of required information. 15. Ensures all subsidies, grants and rebates desired by the Township are applied for and obtained. 16. Produces cash management reports as required and monitors bank balances daily, preparing demand notes when required. 17. Monitors and maintains various reserve fund bank accounts. 18. Monitors the bank deposit operation ensuring appropriate controls are in place. 19. Monitors A/R and A/P operations advising staff on proper journalization and general ledger postings personally posting to general ledger when necessary. • 20. Reviews, schedules payments and issues cheques for all accounts payable invoices. Receives all invoices approved by the various department heads. Allocates expense to proper general ledger account, matches and files all related documentation. Issues special and regular monthly cheques (WCB, Education levies, Receiver General, benefits, etc.) Administrator Treasurer - 4 - May 29, 1996 21 . Supervises preparation of accounts receivable invoices, files copies, records and monitors the aging of accounts. 22. Prepares quarterly customized expenditure and revenue reports for Council. 23. Reviews banking arrangements, and contracted labour and machine rates. Monitors A/P and A/R aging, directs change of payment practice as necessary. 24. Invests surplus funds in high yield vehicles. 25. Maintains records of security "letters of credit" from developers, releases same upon approval from building and planning departments. 26. Administers the employee benefit plans, dealing 'with insurance companies and government agencies in regard to rates, claims and`benef t levels. 27. Maintains adequate levels of protection for Township assets, dealing with Township insurers and agents. 28. Prepares forms, reports and correspondence related to benefit administration. Calculates benefit premiums and payments. Allocates all costs to relevant departments. 29. Supervises the preparation of required year-end documents (ie. T4 Summaries, WCB reports O.M.E.R.S. annual returns, etc.) 30. Responsible for ensuring maintenance contracts on all office equipment including computers, facsimile machine, copier and telephone system. 31 . Reviews insurance packages for adequacy in coverage. Recommends adjustments to Council. 32. Monitors purchasing procedures and activities, advises staff and management on cost effective purchasing techniques and reviews all supplier invoices. Signs all official financial transactions as "signing authority". 33. Evaluates contracts between the Township and suppliers for adequacy in safeguarding municipal interests prior to acceptance by Council. 34. Maintains up-to-date knowledge of government legislation and Township payroll policy and procedures. 35. Acts as Licensing Officer by reviewing applications for conformity with provincial legislation and issues licences when in conformity. 36. Prepares by-laws relating to money, loans and debentures. Monitors collection of all revenues arising from by-laws where other municipal authority, including local improvement charges and drainage charges. Administrator Treasurer - 5 - May 29, 1996 37. Advises Council on best methods of financing proposed operation and capital expenditures. Investigates and plans for other sources of long term financing (e.g. Development Fund). Prepares debenture documentation and co-ordinates the issue of debentures. 38. Plans for and monitors for preparation of tax bills, reviews printed bills and summary sheet and arranges for mailing. 39. Balances all tax rolls on a monthly basis. 40. Ensures all approved loans are collected annually on the tax roll. 41 . Calculates and supervises the ljl,!tg$ for the payments in Lieu of Taxes. 42. Monitors the recording and processing of local improvement assessments and billings to tax payers. 43. Calculates and invoices Bell Canada for gross receipts. 44. Calculates and/or prepares assessment and tax documents and adjustments such as: 442 documents, supplementary tax billings, individual tax adjustments and/or billings after reviewing Court decisions on assessment modifications. 45. Allocates appropriate share of tax revenues to agencies and boards and upon assessments splits (property severed) issues new tax notices. 46. Processes all application for tax write offs, reductions or refunds, preparing reports for Council and completes all transactions as instructed by Council. 47. Processes all information and supervises the issuance of supplementary tax bills. 48. Issues bailiff warrants and facilitates the resolution of bailiff problems in fulfilling bailiff responsibilities. 49. Prepares all documents and handles all procedures associated with the annual tax sale. 50. Registers properties for tax arrears. • 51 . Prepares tax arrears correspondence. 52. Checks tax certificates for accuracy. 53. Responds to rate payer inquiries/problems, adjusts records if necessary. 54. Provides tax related information and recommendations to Council. FORM 4 (Section 94 (2)) OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT R.S.O. Chapter M.45 AS AMENDED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM DECLARATION OF APPOINTED OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATOR TREASURER (CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR OFFICER) I, Lynn S. Buchner, do solemnly promise and declare that I will truly, faithfully and impartially, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute the office of Administrator Treasurer, that I will truly, faithfully and impartially, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute the office to which I have been appointed in this municipality, that I have not received and will not receive any payment of reward, or promise thereof, for the exercise of any partiality or malversation or other undue execution of such office and that I have not by myself or partner, either directly or indirectly, any interest in any contract with or on behalf of the Corporation except arising out of my office as Administrator Treasurer. DATED THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 1996. L ' S. .= CHNER CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-33 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT MAUREEN BEATTY AS CLERK OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NOS. 93-6 AND 95-10. WHEREAS Section 73 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended provides that Councils of municipalities shall appoint a Clerk. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint Maureen Beatty as Clerk of the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Maureen Beatty be and is hereby appointed as Clerk as provided under Section 73 (1) of the Municipal Act effective June 3, 1996. 2. THAT Maureen Beatty shall perform such duties as are set out in the Municipal Act, other statutes of the Province of Ontario and such other duties as may be assigned from ti.medo time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT By-law No. 93-06 is hereby amended by deleting Sections 1 .01 and replacing it with the following: "1.01 Clerk Maureen Beatty 96-33 READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 6th day of JUNE, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of JUNE, 1996. . —*jar REEVE CLER TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - JOB DESCRIPTION May 29, 1996 Position: Clerk Reports to: Administrator Treasurer Knowledge: Excellent knowledge of the Municipal Act and Planning Act are required, as well as general understanding of other provincial legislation Must be well versed in preparation of by-laws and Council resolutions A thorough knowledge of the Ontario planning framework Must hold either a University Degree (preferably in Public Administration or Business or a Diploma in Public Administration from a Community College) Successful completion of the Municipal Administration Program sponsored by the Association of Municipal Clerks and_treasurers of Ontarioincluding the A.M.C.T. or A.M.C.T.(A) Diploma An equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience: At least five (5) years municipal experience at a senior management level. Previous personal computer experience in a Windows environment (Microsoft Word and Excel) is preferred Leadership: General supervision of all Municipal Office staff in the absence of the Administrator Treasurer Initiative/ Creativity: Considerable creativity is required in providing information and resources to Council Initiative must be shown in providing Council with innovative ideas in the operation of Township business Contact: Considerable sensitive daily personal and telephone contact with the public, provincial officials, employees, Council and other Department Heads Decision Making: Considerable judgement is required when assisting the public, provincial agencies and employees with their inquiries Working Conditions: Works a minimum of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday with 1 hour lunch ‘4. Must be able to attend evening meetings as deemed necessary by the Administrator Treasurer Duties predominately in municipal office however, may require time in other locations and facilities • Clerk - 2 - May 29, 1996 Effort: Mental and visual demands associated with office work including stress from multiple demands, dealing with the public, multiple roles, new and unexpected problems and critical time deadlines for work performances Mental stress and limited physical risk associated with larger volumes of cash in office and making deposits during tax instalment due date periods Limited physical effort associated with the daily use of heavy books and the infrequent moving of office furniture Function: Responsible for fulfilling statutory duties of Clerk, implementing policies of Council, advising Council on procedural and legal matters under its jurisdictions. Acts with Administrator Treasurer in land development as it unfolds in Bayham Township Principal Functions: 1 . Carries out all statutory duties of a Clerk under the Municipal Act and a variety of other acts including the Drainage Act, Line Fences Act, Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act, Local Improvement Act, Tile Drainage Loan Act, etc. 2. Responsible for orgainzation of meetings of Council including: (a) Supervises the preparation of agenda, assembles accompanying material and ensures the agenda is circulated in a timely fashion for those meetings. (b) Attends meetings (with Administrator Treasurer), recording decisions, providing advice to Councillors as requested and producing minutes and related correspondence. (c) Directs Administrative Assistant in preparation and distribution of minutes and correspondence resulting from meetings. (d) Carrying out and following up on tasks resulting from meetings as assigned by Administrator Treasurer and/or Council. 3. Prepares by-laws, with the assistance of the Township Solicitor if deemed necessary, for Council and scrutinizes all by-laws, committee reports and resolutions before Council to ensure that such items are within the legal jurisdiction of Council. 4. (a) Responsible for conduct of municipal elections for the Township as well as school board elections for three municipalities in the consolidated areas. (b) Provides training to all election personnel, makes all necessary arrangements pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. (c) Responsible for preparing and delivering an orientation for new Council members. 5. Acts as Secretary-Treasurer of Committee of Adjustment. s Clerk - 3 - May 29, 1996 6. In the absence of the Administrator Treasurer attends to the interests of the Township at the administrative level including maintaining a liaison with provincial ministries and agencies; other municipalities; municipal, federal and provincially elected representatives; and ratepayers, the media and community groups in regard to general operations of the Township. 7. Is responsible for the overall maintenance of the Township's filing system along with all corporate documents and records. 8. Assists Administrator Treasurer in the preparation of the annual Township budget and five-year capital forecast, compiling and organizing data. 9. Administers land development (planning process) and municipal land transactions. 10. Acts as the local registrar for all births and deaths occurring in the Township. 11. Acts as Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Co-ordinator for the Township. 12. Responsible for organizing health and safety related programs, including: (a) Trains new employees in safety policies, procedures and practices. (b) Investigates and, if necessary remedying all unsafe acts and conditions as soon as possible after their occurrence or discovery. (c) Reporting all medical aid and lost-time accidents within 24 hours to the appropriate agency on the required form, in accordance with legislative requirements. 13. Responsible for preparation and maintenance of the Township's Emergency Plan. 14. Carries out additional duties and exercises such additional responsibilities as assigned by Administrator Treasurer or Council and as may be required by law. FORM 4 (Section 94 (2)) OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT R.S.O. Chapter M.45 AS AMENDED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM DECLARATION OF APPOINTED OFFICE OF CLERK I, Maureen Beatty, do solemnly promise and declare that I will truly, faithfully and impartially, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute the office of Clerk, that I will truly, faithfully and impartially, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute the office to which I have been appointed in this municipality, that I have not received and will not receive any payment of reward, or promise thereof, for the exercise of any partiality or malversation or other undue execution of such office and that I have not by myself or partner, either directly or indirectly, any interest in any contract with or on behalf of the Corporation except arising out of my office as Clerk. DATED THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 1996. flyazi„, Ail Phwt41,1;-. -' „ MAUREEN BEATTY t CORPORATION OF THE Lc TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-34 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "OWNER") TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI TO PERMIT AN EASEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES FOR LANDS DESCRIBED AS PART 1, REFERENCE PLAN 11R-6242 AND PARTS 1 AND 3, REFERENCE PLAN 11R-5215. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has purchased certain lands from Christine Michele Szorenyi, (hereinafter called the "Grantee") designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R- 6242 and Parts 1 & 3 on Reference Plan 11R-5215, (hereinafter called the "Property"); AND WHEREAS Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-5215 is part of the municipal road system of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Road"); AND WHEREAS the Grantee is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement for the purposes of irrigation and drainage, including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; . AND WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth by the Council of the Township of Bayham, the Township has agreed to grant an easement; AND WHEREAS Section 308(3) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for the passage of by-laws to permit any person to construct, install, maintain and use objects in, on, under or over highways under a municipality's jurisdiction provided such terms and conditions are mutually agreed to. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement marked as Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming a part of this By-law which provides that the Grantee shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the Grantee may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the Grantee which lie adjacent to the Property is hereby approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. � a BY-LAW NUMBER 96-34 PAGE 2 3. THAT this by-law and Agreement shall be registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11 . READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of September, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September, 1996. • REEVE CLERK • 1 u o ransfer/Deed of Land sarea,ae,,, A ` ' ' Ontar+o Fenn 1 -- Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry ® land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property Acciconair identifier(s) Sc hodulo ❑ gl sideration Z 00/100 Dollars s2.00 0 w (5) Description This is a: Property rn Property Li) o Division Consolidation 0 w LT Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin o New Property identifiersdesignated as Part 1, Reference Plan 11R-6242 _oas«1r: and Parts 1 and 3, Reference Plan 11R-5215. s« c3scrl.aule Executions Additional: Soo ❑scnl.eur. (6) Thle (a)Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) Intereet/EstisteTtansferred Document New Easement ® Additional ® x iuEasement DoPlan/Sketch Description 0 Parties Other (8) Ttanrlsl.ror(s)The transferor hereby transfers the land to the trensferes)10111.10tX94YEIMICKNIIMINAXtfiNKOMMIWIIICINDLIOACtItat Date of Signature Name(*) Signature(s) ,_ Y M D .CORPORATI..N...OF THE.T.OW.N.SHIP_.OF B.AYHA Per; --/- • ---" C-- 16,,.7...x, fla.' 0 ' . D. Vane Chute, Reeve oct Per; 4444-4-1-- IL"g;t- ...1996 . .t" iq Maureen Beatty, Clerk ar 4.g (9) Spowi(s)of ihir sMror(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date M Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D (10) lranst.ror(s)Andress P.G. Box 160, Stiaffordville, Ontario, NOJ I YO for Servo. (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D CHRISTA ..MICHELE $ZQRENYI ; 1953 03 28 i i. sees 4 (12) Ter► s)Address 14 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 (13) Trans$s or(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M . D Signature 1996..0$ Signature 1996...,08..; Solicitor for W.uiluor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to Z determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transistor, to the best of my knowledge and o belief,this transfer doss not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature o Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue Y M D Address of Solicitor London, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature x.996:Q (14) S.isilsr for*arwNr..(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subolause 50(22)(c)(ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer a a does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good ii; standing. Nem.and Groom and Szorenyi it; Address of 25 Harvey Street Date of Signature Tillsonburg, Ontario Y M D N4G 3.17 Signature . (15) Asuman**Roll Number obi etas Sub. Par. Fes and Tax �} of Property Not Assigned _.I �-..' 114) bklegelpil Aires.of Property (17) Document Prepared by: p istratiors f=ee UJ David M. Woodward ? Land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES w NOJ 1Y0 Barristers & Solicitors 0 80 Dufferin Avenue o London, Ontario N6A 4G4 cc FILE .79 026-0 o Total r - x i 1oio111ro•tall*w •• 11/1992 THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1 Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI, 14 Tilison Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Grantee" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Grantee is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement over the Property for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to pantie the Grantee an easement in perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the said purpose on the terms hereafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Grantee to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Grantee to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The Grantee shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the Grantee may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the Grantee which lie adjacent to the Property. The Grantee shall exercise these rights subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Grantee may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1) above. 3. The Grantee will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Grantee or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, levelling, -do paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Grantee of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Grantee agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before • • the commencement of any work which may affect the Property and before entering in, on or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. 5. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Grantee, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Grantee that should the Owner require the Grantee to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Grantee reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Grantee shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. 8. The Grantee shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Easement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Grantee and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and in number as circumstances require. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence of ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) • ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) 414ate. ) Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Christine Michele Szorenyi SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 , Reference Plan 11R-6242 and Parts 1 and 3, Reference Plan 11R-5215. • 4. Pro "'"" Transfer/Deed of Land SoMoor°'" A s a of Ontario Form I -- Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry 0 Land Thies ❑ (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property Identifler(s) ��yOt1d! Schedule ❑ 4vo sideration 0 00/100 Dollars 12.00 w (5) Description This is a: Property Property U) Division LJ Consolidation ED w • Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin o New Property �.r designated as Part 1, Reference Plan 11 R-6242 Addmonai. and Parts 1 and 3, Reference Plan 11R-5215. sch ❑Scflaaur. Executions : s« Schedule E] (6) This (a) Rsdeeortption (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Ea ementAdditional Xii9G9lXL* Easement Contains Plan/Sketch ® Description ❑ Parties ® Other (8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transfereeXOnt)tAt1R XOOtancOmkarstelt3Ck tbTiaiX uttiv1>CXXlsQ78Jl11»t Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y . M D .COR.POR,AflON...OF THE..TOWN.SH:1P..OF..BAYHAM Per: 9...1996 •9 1?.. D. Vane Chute, Reeve L09 Per; :..,1.996. .. A8". ..19.. Maureen Beatty, Clerk 09 /p (9) Spouse(s) of Dansferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction -�—� Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) Y M D • • (10) Tranas«or(s)Arire.s P.O. Box 160, S:• ffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 for Service (11) Transferees) Date of Birth Y . M D CHRIST MICHELE SZORENYI 1953 03 28 • (12) Transferees) Address 14 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 for Serio. ( (13) 'transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D Y M D Signature ..199.6..Oki Signature . ....1.996... 0.8.. Soticftor for lransfstot(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the Information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and o belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature o Aad and m. Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue Y M D Solicitor London, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature 1996 08 M (14) Soil ilor for Transferees) I have Investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention u set out in subciause 50(22)(C)(ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer doss not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor inood c �; standing g oro; Nae~,e andGroom and Szorenyi x - Address of 25 Harvey Street Date of Signature <a� Solicitor Tillsonburg, Ontario v M D N4G 3J7 Signature (15) Assessment Roll Number ay. tom. Mao suD. Pu. } Fees and Tax of Property - Not Assigned g Z Registration Fee r(16) Municipal Mdress of Property (17) Document Prepared by: David M. Woodward 0 Land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES NOJ 1Y0 Barristers & Solicitors 80 Dufferin Avenue o London. Ontario N6A 4G4 Q • 0 FILE #79 026-0 Total lie .. tt / rowoM+o•e•M•O• 102H 11 1992 THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI, 14 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Grantee" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Grantee is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement over the Property for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to grant to the Grantee an easement in perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the sand-purpose on the terms hereafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Grantee to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Grantee to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The Grantee shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the Grantee may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the Grantee which lie adjacent to the Property. The Grantee shall exercise these rights subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Grantee may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1) above. 3. The Grantee will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Grantee or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, levelling, paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Grantee of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Grantee agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before the commencement of any work which may affect the Property and before entering in, on or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. 5. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Grantee, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Grantee that should the Owner require the Grantee to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Grantee reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Grantee shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. 8. The Grantee shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Easement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Grantee and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and in number as circumstances require. - - * IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence of ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ePw--;Z ) ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) ) Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Christine Michele Szorenyi SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 , Reference Plan 11 R-6242 and Parts 1 and 3, Reference Plan 11R-5215. e"M �. Province St� n kja a Transfer/Deed of Land odtDoo A Onum lo Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act 1 • s (1) Registry F1 Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property identifiers) Sisk Schedule ❑ (4) Consideration 0 00/100 Dollars x2.00 w (5) Description This is a: PropertyProperty D Division ❑ Consolidation El w 0 Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin O New Property Identifiers designated as Parts 5 and 6 u. Additional: Reference Plan 11R-5215 See Schedule Executions Additional: See Schedule (6) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) interest/Estate Transferred Document New EasementAdditional XeitC3 rDI[tl1 Easement Contains Plan/Sketch ® Description ❑ Parties ® ❑Other X (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transfereeMIXOttt eUttin4KICarftAeXIOCXXDIXACCIZl(9MQXtX1IN7Mltlt Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) Y M D CORDO, ATION...OF .THE.TOWNSHIP.....QF..BA►Y.HAM. Peri - ' C' ''''',C.7 ..x...19968' 11r. D. Vane Chute, Reeve a s Per, 14-- .>. 199.6 QB.. ./.f. Maureen Beatty, Clerk 69 4,1 (9) Spouse(s) of Transferors) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Sig sture Name(s) "'•—`" Signature(s) J Y M D (10) Transferors) Address P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ I YO for Service (11) Transferees) Date of Birth Y M D SORENY FARMS LIMITED • • (12) Transferees) Address 14 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 for Service (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M 0 Signature 1996....IR.... Signature 1996 „OS -.1 Solicitor for7tansferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to I determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and o belief,this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature E Name and Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue Y M 0 O Address of Solicitor London, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature 1996 08 M (14) Solicitor for Transferees) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records ,, reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50(22)(c)(ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer 'c 4, does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good i5 standing. ,../..)—::,§..„ Name and Groom and Szorenyi t.,b-r Address of 25 Harvey Szorenyi Date of Signature <a In� Solicitor Tillsonburg,rg, Ontario Y M o N4G 3J Signature 1996 08 (15) Assessment Roll Number i 0ty. Mum M% Sub, Per. I Fees and Tax of Property Not Assigned z Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: w W David M. Woodward a land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES N0J 1Y0 Barristers & Solicitors 0 80 Dufferin Avenue o London, Ontario N6A 4G4 cc 0 FILE #79 026-0 u. Total styleue COI'•• • r70• 3.11/ tO11OM1O•CAWADA 4 1H 11 1992 THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1 Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND SORENY FARMS LIMITED 14 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Company" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Company is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to grant to the Company an easement in perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the said-pulose on the terms hereafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Company to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Company to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Company shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the company may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the company which lie adjacent to the Property. The Company shall exercise these rights subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Company may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1) above. 3. The Company will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Company or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, Ievelling, paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Company of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Company agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before the commencement of any work which may affect the Property and before entering, in or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. 5. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Company, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Company that should the Owner require the Company to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Company reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Company shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. S. The Company shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Easement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Company and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and in number as circumstances require. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. • SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence ui ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) ) ) /74/(0.4.4,_, Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) SORENY FARMS LIMI ED ) ) ) ) ) Per: r. SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 5 and 6, Reference Plan 11R-5215 1 P`°"i"°' Transfer/Deed of Land '9.� . . i . . a a Ontario Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry ® Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property Identifiers) : Sch. 1. ❑ (4f _Consideration >-0 00/100 Dollars (2.00 w (5) Description This is a: PropertyProperty D Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ w Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin o New Property identifiers designated as Part 1, Reference Plan 11 R-6242 Additional: and Parts 1 and 3, Reference Plan 11R-5215. s« ❑sa,«aa. Executions Additional: See El (6) n (a) Redesordpt on (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Wanaferred De New Easement Additional 31 D Easement Contains Plan/Sketch ® Description 0 Parties ® Other iii (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferea14it<) !Y]tantafi6tsNltIJo6xtost Date of Signature Names) Signatures) Y M D .CORPORATION..OF THE..TOWNSHP..OP...BAYHAM. Per: �- ,...1996 1)r If (% D. Vane Chute, Reeve 0 Per: ,...19% .0K /9 Maureen Beatty, Clerk o9 40 (8) Spouses) of Tiransferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction a Date of Signau e ` Names) r - Signature(a) Y M D e (10) Transfror(s)Address P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1\10 for Service (11) Transferees) Date of Birth Y M o CHRISTINE MICHELE SZQRENYI 1953 03 28 a o • 4 (12) na (s)Addressfor Service 14 Tillson Avenue, fiillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 (13) Transferors) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the" Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M 0 Signature 1996..Q „ Signature 1996. ,08.., Solicitor for Tianahror(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have trade Inquiries of the transferor to I determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and p belief,this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor In good standing. Date of Signature Name and Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue Y M o o dress sSoolli of London, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature 1996..0.� (14) Soiioilor fee WanaMr+ee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records 'Y meal no contravention as set out in subclause 50(22)(c)(ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer c� � i' does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good 1111 r. = Name and Groom and Szorenyi mac; Address of 25 Harvey Street Date of Signature < Solicitor Tillsonburg, Ontario Y M o N4G 3J7 Signature (15) Assessment RoN Number Q r. ' 0.4101. 046a sub. Pal. I IFees and Tax � . of PropertyNot Assigned o Fe. `(16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: David M. Woodward 0 Land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES w NOJ 1 YO Barristers & Solicitors 0 80 Dufferin Avenue o London, Ontario N6A 4G4 ¢ FILE #79 026-0 h°` Total at us I TomosTO.CIAI OA SC102ti 11/1992 • THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI, 14 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Grantee" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Grantee is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement over the Property for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to &rangy.-%the Grantee an easement in perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the said purpose on the terms hereafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Grantee to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Grantee to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The Grantee shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right-of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the Grantee may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the Grantee which lie adjacent to the Property. The Grantee shall exercise these rights subject to'the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Grantee may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1) above. 3. The Grantee will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Grantee or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, levelling, ''" paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Grantee of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Grantee agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before Sr the commencement of any work which may affect the Property and before entering in, on or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. 5. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Grantee, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Grantee that should the Owner require the Grantee to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Grantee reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Grantee shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. 8. The Grantee shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Fasi meet in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Grantee and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and in number as circumstances require. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence of ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) . gor ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) ) 441444. ) Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Christine Michele Szorenyi SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 5 and 6, Reference Plan 11R-5215 4 > Province Transfer/Deed of Land '"' A Ontario Form 1 -- Land Registration Reform Act C V Y (1) Registry © Land Titles ❑ T (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property Identifier*) Add a►orlat. Schedule ❑ (4) Consideration TWO Z 00/100 Dollars s2.00 0 La (5) Description This is a: PropertyProperty D Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ w LT Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin o Naw Property identifiers designated as Part 1, Reference Plan 11 R-6242 u. Mooasonai: and Parts 1 and 3, Reference Plan 11R-5215. s" ❑ Executions /lddltlonal: See ❑sch.ou`. (s) This Document (a) Redeeorlption (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred ContainsPlow E;aeement Additional 3: a Easement Plan/3 etch ® Description ❑ Parties Other DE (8) Transferor(a) me transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee)axlitotslkOtOixillKu/tlClplt1010an taBlaat4WoX llinaxQftat Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) Y M D .COR ORATION...OF THE.TOWNSH1P..OF.BAYNAM. Per: - '. 1996._ U /9 D. Vane Chute, Reeve c/ ?ei; 4l -4..,., 2�, �.. ,..19% �. _.ly. Maureen Beatty, Clerk og :"r >(9) Spouse(*) of Transferor(*) I hereby oonsent to this transaction a Date of Sl0 ture< Name(s) Signature(s) Y M J D (10) lransfero.(e)Arens* P.O. Box 160, Sti-affordville, Ontario, NOJ IVO for S.rvlo. (11) Transferee(*) Date of Birth Y M D CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI 1953 .03 . 28 a (12) Tr (a)Address 14 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 for Service (13) Transferor(*) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the" Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M D Signature 199%..0S.... Signature • 1996... 08 Solicitor for Wan*bror(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made Inquiries of the transferor to Z determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor,to the best of my knowledge and o belief,this transfer dote not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature oNam." Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue r M 0 Saloitor London, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature 1996. 08... . (14) Soll.lkw for Transf.ree(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records cji reveal no contravention as set out in subolause 50(22)(c)(Ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer � � does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good i standing. 1it moo_ -_ Name l Groom and Szorenyi i, a x n eAddress of 25 Harvey Street Date of Signature <a Solicitor Tillsonburg, Ontario Y M 0 N N4G 3J7 Signature (15) Assessment Rohl Number Cy. Mull. Map Sub. Pa: } fees and Tax of Property Not Assigned Z 0 Registration Fie (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: w David M. Woodward 0 Land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES v NOJ 1 YO Barristers & Solicitors o 80 Dufferin Avenue o London, Ontario N6A 4G4 °C FILE #79 026-0 o Total . r . •""" l rowow+o• ' 1.' 11/1992 - THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI, 14 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Grantee" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Grantee is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement over the Property for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to grant to the grantee an easement in perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the said purpose on the terms hereafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Grantee to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Grantee to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The Grantee shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the Grantee may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the Grantee which lie adjacent to the Property. The Grantee shall exercise these rights subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Grantee may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1 ) above. 3. The Grantee will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Grantee or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, levelling, paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Grantee of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Grantee agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before • the commencement of any work which may affect the Property and before entering in, on or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. 5. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Grantee, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Grantee that should the Owner require the Grantee to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Grantee reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Grantee shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. 8. The Grantee shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Easement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Grantee and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and,in number as circumstances require. IN VVTTNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence of ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) ) '144l ) Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Christine Michele Szorenyi SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 , Reference Plan 11R-6242 and Parts 1 and 3, Reference Plan 11R-5215. CORPORATION OF THE t - 1 4.11 c„. :; TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-35 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "OWNER") TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH SORENY FARMS LIMITED (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "COMPANY") TO PERMIT AN EASEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES FOR LANDS DESCRIBED AS PARTS 5 & 6 ON REFERENCE PLAN 11R- 5215 (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "PROPERTY") WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has purchased certain lands from Soreny Farms Limited, designated as Parts 5 & 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5215; AND WHEREAS Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-5215 is part of the municipal road system of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Road"); AND WHEREAS the Company is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement for the purposes of irrigation and drainage, including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; .--- �► -� AND WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth by the Council of the Township of Bayham, the Township has agreed to grant an easement; AND WHEREAS Section 308(3) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 allows for the passage of by-laws to permit any person to construct, install, maintain and use objects in, on, under or over highways under a municipality's jurisdiction provided such terms and conditions are mutually agreed to. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement marked as Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming a part of this By-law which provides that the Company shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the Company may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the Company which lie adjacent to the Property is hereby approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. BY-LAW NUMBER 96-35 Page 2 3. THAT this by-law and Agreement shall be registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11 . READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of September, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September, 1996. Clie";"/ 4,(LA-4-"— REEVE CLERK • r► Province SaftOaa��3.11 M-� Transfer/Deed of Land .•: , ofA Ontario Form 1 -- t.and Registration Reform Act • (1) Registry El Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property kfentitier(s) 'additional: Sce ❑Schedule (4) Consideration 0 00/100 Dollars s2.00 w (5) Description This is a: Property Property 0 Division Li Consolidation ❑ w iz Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin O New Property Identifiers designated as Parts 5 and 6 u. Additional: Reference Plan 11R-5215 Sce ❑Schedule Executions Additional: See CI (60 This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New EasementAdditional XEOCIOlJtIt Easement Contains ply/Sketch ® Description (2Parties ® Other x❑ (8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transfereeMlXXetSRfOXatCIXMO KMMKEMCD1=18 1XIX9iANft't'XXIXIXXCEItAt A Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D .CORPO.RATION...QF THE.TOWliSH1P OF...BAY.HAM. Per: .. Vii_---- _ P...1996 5)8 /9 D. Vane Chute, Reeve 69 :....1.996 • /9 Maureen Beatty, Clerk 9 1,0 (9) Spouse(s) of Transferors) I hereby consent to this transaction i Date 9Qf Signature -, Name(s) Signatures) Y 4. M D p (10) Transferor(s) Address P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1 Y0 for Service 1 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth ` Y M D SORENY_FARMS LIMITED c (12) Transferee(s) Address 14 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 for Service (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the\ Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D Y M D Signature 1996 ,08 signature 1996 08... Q Solicitor for lransferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made Inquiries of the transferor to Z determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor,to the boat of my knowledge and o belief,this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature E Name and Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue Y M D o Adof Solicitor dressLondon, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature 1996 08..: ;, (14) Solicitor for Transferees) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records ,, reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50(22)(c)(ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer °' Z,- does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good E fp 4 c standing. o_ &,2= Name and Groom and Szorenyi >C off, Address of 25 Harvey Szorenyi Date of Signature <ur. Solicitor Tillsonburg, Ontario Y M D v) N4G 3J7 Signature 1996 08 - (15) Assessment Roll Number Cly. Mun. Map Sub. Psi. I Fees and Tax 1 of Property Not Assigned J g Z Registration Fee 0 (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: w W David M. Woodward to Land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES NOJ 1Y0 Barristers & Solicitors 0 80 Dufferin Avenue o London, Ontario N6A 4G4 °C FILE #79 026-0 u. Total J it us corporation 4►lem" .11 r romoil1O•CAYA0A SC102N 11[1992 THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND SORENY FARMS LIMITED 14 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Company" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Company is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to grantqo the Company an easement in perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the said purpose on the terms hereafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Company to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Company to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The Company shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the company may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the company which lie adjacent to the Property. The Company shall exercise these rights subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Company may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1) above. 3. The Company will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Company or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, levelling, paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Company of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Company agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before the commencement of any work which may affect the Property and before entering, in or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. 5. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Company, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Company that should the Owner require the Company to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Company reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Company shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. 8. The Company shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Easement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Company and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and in number as circumstances require. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. f. , * - SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence ui ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) ) ) Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) SORENY FARMS LIMITED ) ) ) ) ) Per: SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 5 and 6, Reference Plan 11R-5215 - Province Transfer/Deed of Land So�0ce•3.tt A i j.i a 47 Ontario Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry 0 Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property $dentlfier(s) atonal: See ❑ Schedule (4) Consideration 0 00/100 Dollars $2.00 W (5) Description This is a: PropertyProperty D Division ❑ Consolidation 0 w . LL Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin O New Property Identifiers designated as Parts 5 and 6 u. Anda3on>ty: Reference Plan 11R-5215 See ❑Schedule Executions Additional: Sc' Schedule 0 (6) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement Additional xiilAC.91x z* Easement Contains plan Sketch ® Other 0 / ® Description 0 Parties (8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee=Ci> }@XtDIM9CK8tt4teXAC PICIZAlaba 9t>IAi1 UIDCIXIACtilit Date of Signature Name(s) Signatur s) Y M 0 CORPORA'ION...OF..THE TOWS . 0 M. . ...BAYHAPers......... • --- ,...x996 /9 ' D. Vane Chute, Reeve gf `� Per; l - - ,...1996... .'. /9 Maureen Beatty, Clerk (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor ~s) I hereby consent to this transaction ) • Date of Signature . i Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D a (10) Transferor(s) Address P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 for Service (11) Transferees) Date of Birth Y M D SORENY FARM$ LIMITED fi (12) Transferees) Address 14 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 for Service • (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M 0 Signature 1996 ..0.8 Signature ...1996 01.1 ...i Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to Z determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and o belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature 5Name and o Address of Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue Y M D 1 Solicitor London, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature 1996 08 a (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50(22)(c)(ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer °' o does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good c i standing. I. k Name and Groom and Szorenyi -`o. Address of 25 Harvey Szorenyi Date of Signature <a Solicitor Tillsonburg, Ontario Y M D N N4G 3J7 Signature ..... .. .. . . .._ . 19.. 6....:Q81.; (15) Assessment Roll Number cry. Must MMav Sub. PA/. - II Fees and Tax of PropertyNot Assigned i Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: O W David M. Woodward ? Land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES w NOJ 1Y0 Barristers & Solicitors Li 0 80 Dufferin Avenue o London, Ontario N6A 4G4 °C FILE #79 026-0 ,. Total at 4i COf•• '• 4"70•5". 11 l TOAOMIO•CAYAOA a 1„ 11 1992 1 THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND SORENY FARMS LIMITED 14 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Company" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Company is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreedo grant to the Company an easement in J perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the said purpose on the terms hereafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Company to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Company to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The Company shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the company may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the company which lie adjacent to the Property. The Company shall exercise these rights subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Company may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1) above. 3. The Company will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Company or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, levelling, '" paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Company of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Company agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before the commencement of any work which may affect the Property and before entering, in or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. 5. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Company, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Company that should the Owner require the Company to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Company reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Company shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. 8. The Company shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Easement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Company and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and in number as circumstances require. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. • SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence of ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) SORENY FARMS LIMITED ) ) ) ) ) Per: • SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 5 and 6, Reference Plan 11R-5215 rz.z Province Transfer/Deed of Land sarsooce•311 • • ikiii 474A Ontario Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act 1 — . (1) Registry El Land Titles E] (2) Page 1 of 4 pages (3) Property Block Property Addekinal: Identifier(*) See ScheduM El A Consideration ).- 'MO ..., z OW 1 00 Dollars a.00 0 W (5) Description This is a: Propertyr--1 Property U)n Division LI Consolidation E3 w 0 cr. Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road ik o Township of Bayham, County of Elgin cc designated as Parts 5 and 6 o New Property kiontiflirs ii. Admrls!: Reference Plan 11R-5215 See Schedule 0 Executions Ackstionsi: See Sctieduie 0 (6) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement r__, AdditionalrXaKICONDi Easement Contains Pian/Sketch ILl Description [J Parties ( JNOther 1:1:1 (8) Dansferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee)OXIXOtIONOtttif0MODX1400XMIXDIXSIXICSMODIVINOLAKMACUPIt 1, Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF.B.AYHAM. Per: .--/- - -, ...-- Cdr-477 .1996 SR' /7. D. Vane Chute, Reeve aq Per; 41Aal' " ' f J99. a /9 Maureen Beatty, Clerk 'Al (9) Spouse(s) of"Dansferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(i) Y .j M D 0(10) Tiansferor(s) Address P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1YO for Service (11) Dansferee(s) Date of Birth Y PA D SORENY FARMS LIMITED . 4. 0 (12) Transferee(s) Address 14 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2Z6 for Service (13) Transforor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y MI D Y M D Signature 1996 08 . Signature 1996 Q.8. ..., ..! Solicitor for Tkansforor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made Inquiries of the transferor to I determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor,to the but of my knowledge and cp belief,this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature E Name and Lerner & Associates, 80 Dufferin Avenue Y M 0 o AdSodlicreitsosr of London, Ontario N6A 4G4 Signature .,...j99... ..08 (14) Solicitor for Transferee(*) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records al 4 reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50(22)(c)(ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer c I's 4,t' does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good 'E i7iS c i t standing. e. it---- ., Name and Groom and Szorenyi rt'4:21 Address of 25 Harvey Szorenyi Date of Signature°. <w Solicitor Tillsonburg, Ontario Y M D -6 cn N4G 3J7 Signature 1996 08 , (15) Assessment Roll Number cly. Mum PAW Sob. Pm. II Fess and Tax of Property Not Assigned ...J z >0Registration Fee6) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: ui David M. Woodward (r) Land Transfer Tax n Straffordville, Ontario LERNER & ASSOCIATES w NOJ 1Y0 Barristers & Solicitors 0 80 Dufferin Avenue '6 London, Ontario N6A 4G4 cc 0 FILE #79 026-0 U. Total Lig cog•• .• sl!"79• • 11/Toaossio•CANADA "f 100. 11 1992 .• • THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of September, 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART AND SORENY FARMS LIMITED 14 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 2Z6 (hereinafter called the "Company" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the property described in Schedule "A" hereto (the "property"); AND WHEREAS the Company is the former owner of the Property and requires an Easement for the purposes of irrigation and drainage including the construction and maintenance of underground pipelines and installation and maintenance of pumper or pumps for irrigation purposes; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to grant to the Company an easement in perpetuity, to enter upon the Property for the said purpose on the terms hereafter set forth; J" NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment by the Company to the Owner in the amount of Two ($2.00) Dollars and consideration of the due and valid transfer of the property from the Company to the Owner, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The Company shall have a free, uninterrupted, and unobstructed, right of easement in perpetuity to enter upon the Property for the purpose of using, repairing, inspecting, replacing, removing, altering, operating and maintaining an underground irrigation and drainage system (hereinafter called the "Associated Works") which the company may deem necessary or convenient thereto for the purposes of running an irrigation system on any lands owned by the company which lie adjacent to the Property. The Company shall exercise these rights subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Company may not use the Easement for any purpose other than the purpose set out in paragraph one (1 ) above. 3. The Company will, at its own expense, as soon as reasonably possible after any work on the Property by the Company or at its direction, remove all surplus soil, fill in all excavations and restore all fences and other structures and obstructions and restore the land surface and improvements thereon to the same condition as prior to the commencement of any such work or any subsequent work thereto and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall from time to time do whatever grading, levelling, paving, landscaping of the Property as may be required as a result of the exercise by the Company of its rights in relations to the said easement. 4. The Company agrees to give seventy-two (72) hours written notice to the Owner before the commencement of any'work which may affect the Property and before entering, in or upon the Property for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Agreement. . a 5. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner for all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind the Owner may incur in connection with any actions by the Company, its servants, agents, workers or employees under this Agreement. 6. The Company covenants and agrees that it shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages and any other liability of any kind arising in any fashion whatsoever from the existence of or presence of the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works. 7. The Owner covenants and agrees with the Company that should the Owner require the Company to relocate the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works, or any part thereof, the Owner so requiring such relocation shall give the Company reasonable notice in writing thereof and the Company shall relocate all the irrigation equipment used in the Associated Works and the Owner shall bear the reasonable cost of such relocation. 8. The Company shall not assign, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of its rights under this Easement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of the Owner and the Company and their respective successors and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender and in number as circumstances require. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED in the ) THE CORPORATION OF THE presence ui ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) Per: D. Vane Chute, Reeve ) ) Per: Maureen Beatty, Clerk ) ) SORENY FARMS LIMITED ) ) ) ) ) Per: 411 SCHEDULE "A" Part Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 5 and 6, Reference Plan 11R-5215 J - ... CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-36 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 6, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held June .6„ 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 6th day of JUNE, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of JUNE, 1996. REEVE CLE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-37 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL AUDITOR FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS Section 86 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 provides authority for a municipality to appoint a municipal auditor for a term not to exceed five years. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint a municipal auditor. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Alex A. MacBeath, C.A. Licence No. 16120, partner in the firm of Doane Raymond, is hereby appointed as the municipal auditor for the Township of.8bayham for the fiscal year 1996. 2. THAT By-law No. 95-30 is hereby rescinded and all other by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are also hereby rescinded. 3. THAT this by-law shall come info-force and take effect on June 21, 1996. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. REEVE CLERK Bayham Township By Laws tgo ,, 111/ ' A it A I By-Laws # 96-38 #96-57 1996 ,•-•- , . /,ilka....,-,-.. i . , „r) P i e ..)--:-:, --4i.•, €7 6/- c --7---7 : : - 'i 4 ) (....,, ,........ r.. 1 ...... ... 2....) 8 ,. . -2 ... .. .. ... ---- ..) - .... . .....„. Li - •1 ,./ ....___ 3 . .......... ... r.... _.........41 GI _ ( ) --- 50 ....._ 5 1 Li ......- ,._. (....2. ....) ..., CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-38 A BY-LAW TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE A PORTION OF TOLLGATE ROAD FROM HERITAGE LINE TO BLACK BRIDGE LINE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CINEMATOGRAPHY. WHEREAS Pursuant to Section 207 (44) of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a by-law may be passed by municipal councils for closing to vehicular traffic on a temporary basis for such period as shall be specified in the by-law, any highway under the jurisdiction of the council for such social, recreational and other interests specified in the Act; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has been requested by the National Film Board of Canada to temporarily close a portion of Tollgate Road for the purposes of filming a documentary. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT Tollgate Road be temporarily closed from Heritage Line to Black Bridge Line on July 4, 1996 (rain date July 5, 1996) from"1 :0'8 p.m. until dark for the I purpose of filming a documentary. 2. THAT the National Film Board be required to seek the services of the Ontario Provincial Police to assist with ingress and egress and that local residents be permitted access at all times. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. 441a1.4.44.—(117f-- REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-39 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT (John & Laurey�Nasswetter) (14X WHEREAS John Nasswetter has plans to develop a parcel of land situated on Part Lot 16, Concession IV, in the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a development agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS The Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement, attached herejo_as Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. -' 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. 4WCZIA-44-•- 24231 REEVE CLERK . SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 96- 39 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 20th day of June , 1996. BETWEEN: John and Laure Nassvvvetter ' (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") of the First Part -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990; AND WHEREAS Section 41 of the Planning Act requires the owner to: , a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and b) authorizes the Corporation to require the Owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provision of the services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that they intend to develop lands described herein (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The said lands comprise approximately 1 hectare of property situated at the north east corner of the intersection of Provincial Highway No. 19 and the Third Concession Road of the Township of Bayham. • 2. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain Certificates of Approval from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections; and, written approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems as applicable, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits as may be required for the facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected on the said lands. No building permit shall be issued unless and until the Municipality is satisfied that the conditions of clause 4 hereof have been implemented. • , 1 Js 4. The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the following description of facilities, works or matters to be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality: i) Driveway access shall be from the Township Road, with no vehicular access permitted from Highway No. 19; ii) The minimum width of the driveway at the front lot line shall be 2.5 metres, and said driveway shall be surfaced with crushed stone, gravel, asphalt or concrete; iii) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer than l metre to the east property line; iv) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer than 60 metres from the intersection of the Third Concession Road of the Township of Bayham and Provincial Highway No. 19. v) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner, those facilities, works or matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof. 6. This Agreement shall lapse if the facilities, works and matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof are not completed within two (2) years of the execution of this Agreement unless an extension has beep agreed to in writing by the Municipality. 7. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a. Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, this Agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions hereof against the Owner, and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Lands Titles Act, for any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for the works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the Agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b. Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made under this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 9. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise, of the registration of this Agreement. 10. This Agreement may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 11. The provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. ' r s. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNET)SEALED, AND DELIVERED ) In the presence of ) l'i 'fic'( _A - ) John Nasswetter ) ) --/#7(2Z1Zee-Aed..-E ) Laure4 Nasswetter ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) eireigir:;,;7P) ) Reeve ) ) r*1464.444, • Clap t•'i/nn 1.1.13:13(I Mtn fOi Province Document General D '�— .Onlario;� Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act 371578 i. 5i8 (1) Registry 15(1land Titles 1 (2) Page 1 of 5 pages NUMBER (3) Properly Block t Properly CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION identilier(s) Addit,onat See 6 AUC-26 UC-Ld ' 3 - NSchedule r" (4)Nature ELGIN Municipal By-law 96-39 and Agreement } No. 11 (5) Consideration z ST.THOMAS ACTING LAND I 7AAc1 O Dollars S w v7 (6) Description w u Part Lot 16 and Part Lot 17 , Concession 4 , in the E ° Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin obilipactod cc 0 It ectif- 13 iig-- o S&- . New Property Identifiers Additional See riSchedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for Additional Document New Easement Additional See r' i Contains: Plan/Sketch El Description r Parties Other Schedule CD (8) This Document provides as follows: See By- law attached . . Continued on Schedule El (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • MAUREEN BEATTY , CLERK " a'i'`'`�`"' 1996 07 26 (11) Address for Service P .O. Box 160, Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1x0 (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Signature(s) Date of Signature Name(s) v N D (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by TT Fees and Tax Maureen Beatty, Clerk 0 Registration Fee Township of Bayham P .U. Box 160 a-. Straffordville , Ontariocr NUJ 1Y0 ° Total 41. z CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-39 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT (John & Laura Nasswetter) Atis WHEREAS John Nasswetter has plans to develop a parcel of land situated on Part Lot 16, Concession IV, in the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a development agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham, AND WHEREAS The Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorizedto sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. 01.11101 44/(a11.421 REEVE CLERK MAUREEN BEATTY, AMCT, CLERK of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, certify the foregoing Is a certified true copy Dated this,3 day of ,f4tAtuAN , tg4 L , 1}140-1-LA&,A /lot-- Maureen BeedJy • • SCHEDULE "A" 3 BY-LAW NO. 96-39 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 20th day of June, 1996. BETWEEN: John and Laurel Nasswetter (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") of the First Part -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990; AND WHEREAS Section 41 of the Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and b) authorizes the Corporation to require the Owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provision of the services and the approval oithe pans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that they intend to develop lands described herein (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The said lands comprise approximately 1 hectare of property situated at the north east corner of the intersection of Provincial Highway No. 19 and the Third Concession Road of the Township of Bayham. 2. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain Certificates of Approval from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections; and, written approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution system as applicable, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits as may be required for the facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected on the said lands. No building permit shall be issued unless and until the Municipality is satisfied that the conditions of clause 4 hereof have been implemented. r 4. The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the following description of facilities, works or matters to be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality: i) Driveway access shall be from the Township Road, with no vehicular access permitted from Highway No. 19; ii) The minimum width of the driveway at the front lot line shall be 2.5 metres, and said driveway shall be surfaced with crushed stone, gravel, asphalt or concrete; iii) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer than 1 metre to the east property line; iv) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer than 60 metres from the intersection of the Third Concession Road of the Township of Bayham and Provincial Highway No. 19. v) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner, those facilities, works or matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof. 6. This Agreement shall lapse if the facilities, works and matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof are not completed within two (2) years of the execution of this Agreement unless an extension has been agreed to in writing by the Municipality. j 7. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a. Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, this Agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions hereof against the Owner, and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Lands Titles Act, for any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for the works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the Agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b. Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made under this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 9. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise, of the registration of this Agreement. 10. This Agreement may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 11. The provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. pp 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED1 SEALED, AND DELIVERED ) /4/ In the presence of ) ) John Nasswetter ) ) ) Laure, Nasswetter ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Reeve ) 44/jetzczi-aqrettr— + Clerk • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-40 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 20, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held June 20, 1996 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of JUNE, 1996. 44"fritcw....„14,4,4— REEVE CLERK. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-41 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JUNE 19TH, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held June 19, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the • action of the Council including executing all docummnts and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of July, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of July, 1996. • / 24/tett REEVE CLERK \.! CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-42 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 4TH, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held July 4, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were ecpressly embodied in this by-law. • 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of JULY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of JULY, 1996. /7-h fa4z44-7 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-43 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O 1990, CHAPTER P.13 (JACK AND BONNIE ABELL) WHEREAS Jack and Bonnie Abell have plans to redevelop that parcel of land situated on Part Lot 5, Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a redevelopment agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement, attached hereto as a Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are autfiorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of- the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of JULY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of JULY, 1996. .41111, 1410.1..44-4fri REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 96-43 THIS AGREEMENT made this 4th day of July, 1996 BETWEEN: Jack and Bonnie Abell (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") of the First Part - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacted a Site 'Plan# Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1'990: AND WHEREAS section 41 of the Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and b) authorizes the Corporation to require the Owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provision of the services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that they intend to develop lands described herein (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The said lands comprise approximately 20 hectares of property situated at the north part of Lot 5, Concession 3, in the Township of Bayham. 2. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain Certificates of Approval from the Elgin St.Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections by providing the result of a soil cut and soil percolation test (both conducted by a competent person), and a site plan showing that there is a level land area (free of trees) of sufficient size to contain both a properly located leaching bed (designed to serve the number of employees to be in the workplace) and an adjacent area of equal size for the replacement of the leaching bed; and, written approval from the Ministry of r. Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems as applicable, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits as may be required for facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 11 r : . 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected on the said lands. No building permit shall be issued unless and until the Municipality is satisfied that the conditions of clause 4 have been implemented; and said building to be located to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official of the Township of Bayham. 4. The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the following description of facilities, works or matters to be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality: i) The minimum width of the driveway at the front lot line shall be 12.2 metres, and said driveway shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete from the property line to the travelled surface of Vienna Line; ii) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer that 10 metres to the east property line; iii) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner, those facilities, works or matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof. 6. This Agreement shall lapse if the facilities, work4 and matters required to be provided under- ,_ clause 4 hereof are not completed within two (2) years of the execution of this Agreement unless an extension has been agreed to in writing by the Municipality. 7. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a) Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, this Agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions hereof against the Owner, and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Lands Titles Act, for any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the Agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b) Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the PIanning Act, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made under this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 9. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise, of the registration of this Agreement. 10. The Owner may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 11 . The provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. • • 1 ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) In the presence of ) doir ) Jack Abell ) ) y , "Ty) 1 Z. t1' ) Bonnie Abell ) ) ) ) THE COPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) . � ) Reeve ' ) ) ) Clerk `vw....111i• :11111 4.IIIM'rl F.tilts i.Fia:i:t(11;92) f� of i foDocument General D -'�1' on..., Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act S v1) Registry 1.. i Land Titles 1 v (2) Page 1 of 5 pages NUMBER 371572 (3) Property Identifier(*) Block Properly Additional CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION! schedule LJ 1N1 U U 28 p 2 • 50 (4)Nature of Document Municipal By- law 96-43 and Agreement zELGIN F A(s) Consideration o No. 11 (7),y4,,,,,,./c/,-- o i ST Dollars S j ('. -{Q;` 5 ACTING LANDT 4 i (6) Description w a. North Part of Lot 5 , Concession 2 , south side of U. CC Concession 2 Road in the Township of Bayham in the 0 " County of Elgin . New Properly Identifiers Additional See L�� Schedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for Additional Document New Easement Additional See — Contains: Plan/Sketch 0 Description n Parties 0 Other 0 Schedule -- (8) This Document provides as follows: See By- law attached . a Continued on Schedule ri (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) • (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 . . . C.O.RPU,RATIUN. OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Maureen Beatty, CLERK1.. NO1Y96 . 07 26 (11) Address for Service P.U. Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario J 0 (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Signature(s) Date of Signature Name(s) V M p r► • (13) Address for Service >(14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: �H Fees and Tax -I Maureen Beatty, Clerk ZRegistration Fee Township of Bayham 'Ai P .U. Box 160 W Straffordville , Ontario U. c NUJ 1Y0 o Total 1 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-43 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O 1990, CHAFFER P.13 (JACK AND BONNIE ABELL) WHEREAS Jack and Bonnie Abell have plans to redevelop that parcel of land situated on Part Lot 5, Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a redevelopment agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement, attached hereto as a Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of JULY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of JULY, 1996. REEVE CLERK I, MAUREEN BEATTY, AMCT, CLERK of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, certify the foregoing is a certified true copy Dated this sot of -::1L. c Maureen Beatty SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 96-43 THIS AGREEMENT made this 4th day of July, 1996 BETWEEN: .Jack and Bonnie Abell (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") ti of the First Part - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY") of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990; AND WHEREAS section 41 of the Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and b) authorizes the Corporation to require the Owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provision of the services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that they intend to develop lands described herein (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties'hereto agree as follows: 1 . The said lands comprise approximately 20 hectares of property situated at the north part of Lot 5, Concession 3, in the Township of Bayham. 2. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain Certificates of Approval from the Elgin St.Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections by providing the result of a soil cut and soil percolation test (both conducted by a competent person), and a site plan showing that there is a level land area (free of trees) of sufficient size to contain both a properly located leaching bed (designed to serve the number of employees to be in the workplace) and an adjacent area of equal size for the replacement of the leaching bed; and, written approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems as applicable, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits as may be required for facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 4 • p A 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected on the said lands. No building permit shall be issued unless and until the Municipality is satisfied that the conditions of clause 4 have been implemented; and said building to be located to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official of the Township of Bayham. 4. The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the following description of facilities, works or matters to be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality: i) The minimum width of the driveway at the front lot line shall be 12.2 metres, and said driveway shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete from the property line to the travelled surface of Vienna Line; ii) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer that 10 metres to the east property line; iii) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner, those facilities, works or matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof. 6. This Agreement shall lapse if the facilities, works and matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof are not completed within two-12) years of the execution of this Agreement) unless an extension has been agreed to in writing by the Municipality. 7. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a) Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, this Agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions hereof against the Owner, and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Lands Titles Act, for any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the Agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b) Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made°under this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 9. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise, of the registration of this Agreement. 10. The Owner may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 1 1 . The provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. • 1 • A IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) ,441 In the r sence of ) �r-1 pe ) ) ack Abell ) ) Ci .0 ) lT�r,rL 1Q. � ) Bonnie Abell ) ) ) ) THE COPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) ) Reeve ) ) _., Clerk j July 23, 1998 Note To By-law File: 96-43 Ed Roloson, By-law Enforcement Officer inspected the site and determined that the driveway entrance has been gravelled and has been completed to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent. _ V 4 Maureen Beatty, AMCT Co-ordinator of Planning & Community Services • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-44 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT (Gundy Goutouski) WHEREAS Gundy Goutouski has plans to develop a parcel of land situated on Part Lot 15, Concession 3, (north side of Chapel Street) in the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a development agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS The Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of JULY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of JULY, 1996. Yate REEVE CLERK p. • SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 96-44 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 18th day of July, 1996. BETWEEN: Gundy Goutouski (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") of the First Part -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY" of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990; AND WHEREAS Section 41 of the Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and - * b) authorizes the Corporation to require the Owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provision of the services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that she intends to develop lands described herein (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . The said land comprise approximately 2.39 hectares of property situated on the north side of Chapel Street in Part Lot 15, Concession 3. 2. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain Certificates of Approval from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections; and, written approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems applicable, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits as may be required for the facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected on the said lands. No building permit shall be issued unless and until the Municipality is satisfied that the conditions of clause 4 hereof have been implemented. Page 2 4. The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the following description of facilities, works or matters to be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality; i) Driveway access shall be from the Township Road Chapel Street. ii) The minimum width of the driveway at the front lot line shall be 2.5 metres, and said driveway shall be surfaced with crushed stone, gravel, asphalt or concrete; iii) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer than one metre to the west property line and shall be placed at the most westerly limit; iv) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner, those facilities, works or matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof. 6. This Agreement shall lapse if the facilities, works and matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof are not completed within two (2) years of the execution of this Agreement unless an extension has been agreed to in writing by the Municipality. 7. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a. Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, this Agreement will be registered against the said lands to whiclit applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions hereof against the Owner, and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, for any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for the works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the Agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b. Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made under this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of This Agreement, the Owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 9. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise, of the registration of this agreement. 10. This Agreement may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 11 . The provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) ) 41, In the presence of ) ndy Goutouski ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM eeve Clerk ) THE CORPORATIN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 98-29 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT WITH BRYAN GOUTOUSKI AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 96-44 WHEREAS Gundy Goutouski obtained consent from the County of Elgin Land Division Committee to sever a parcel of land situated on part Lot 15, Concession 3 (north side of Chapel Street) in the Municipality of Bayham (formerly the Township of Bayham); AND WHEREAS the subject severed parcel is now on the market for sale as a residential building lot; AND WHEREAS By-law 96-44, being a By-la%to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Gundy Goutouski was enacted and passed on July 18, 1996 which was subsequently registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11); AND WHEREAS the expiration date of the agreement is July18, 1996 and Gundy Goutouski has requested that the agreement be amended to reflect the current ownership by Bryan Goutouski and to require the future "Purchaser" of the land to be responsible for development, including obtaining all necessary building permits and construction of a driveway entrance; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to repeal the previous by-law, rescind the existing agreement and enter into a new agreement with Bryan Goutouski accordingly. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law 96-44 enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on July 18, 1996 be and is hereby repealed. 2. THAT the Site Plan Agreement between the Township of Bayham and Gundy Goutouski dated July 18, 1996 be and is hereby rescinded. 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the replacement agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Bryan Goutouski which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. 4. THAT this By-law and executed agreement shall be registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11). READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this Zed day of April, 1998 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2°d day of April, 1998. MAYO • 1LcYRK THE CORPORATIN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 98-29 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT WITH BRYAN GOUTOUSKI AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 96-44 WHEREAS Gundy Goutouski obtained consent from the County of Elgin Land Division Committee to sever a parcel of land situated on part Lot 15, Concession 3 (north side of Chapel Street) in the Municipality of Bayham (formerly the Township of Bayham); AND WHEREAS the subject severed parcel is now on the market for sale as a residential building lot; AND WHEREAS By-law 96-44, being a By-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Gundy Goutouski.was elected and passed on July 18, 1996 .y which was subsequently registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11); AND WHEREAS the expiration date of the agreement is July18, 1996 and Gundy Goutouski has requested that the agreement be amended to reflect the current ownership by Bryan Goutouski and to require the future "Purchaser" of the land to be responsible for development, including obtaining all necessary building permits and construction of a driveway entrance; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to repeal the previous by-law, rescind the existing agreement and enter into a new agreement with Bryan Goutouski accordingly. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law 96-44 enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on July 18, 1996 be and is hereby repealed. 2. THAT the Site Plan Agreement between the Township of Bayham and Gundy Goutouski dated July 18, 1996 be and is hereby rescinded. 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the replacement agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Bryan Goutouski which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. 4. THAT this By-law and executed agreement shall be registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11). READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this god day of April, 1998 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2°d day of April, 1998. MAYO• CLRK I, LYNDA MILLARD, CLERI(/DEPUTY TREASURER of the Cc-poration of the iluricipallty of Bayham,r ' . :,��ing I a ceft tied true copy Da:C. to..;e2.4 i% of ' I HEDULE "A" TO Site Plan Agreement — Part Lot 15, Concession 3 THIS AGREEMENT made this 2nd day of April. 1998 BETWEEN: Bryan Goutouski (Hereinafter referred to as the "Current Owner") of the First Part -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality") of, he Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality (formerly the Township of Bayham) enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990; AND WHEREAS Section 41 of the Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act; and b) authorizes the Municipality to require the Owner to enter into an agreement respecting the provision of services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on July 18, 1996 enacted and passed By-law 96-44 and executed an agreement with Gundy Goutouski, the previous Owner for these purposes and deems it necessary to now rescind the July 18`'',1996 agreement and enter into a new agreement with the Current Owner, Bryan Goutouski; NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The said land comprises approximately 2.39 hectares of property situated or, the north side of Chapel Street in Part Lot 15, Concession 3. 2. The Current Owner hereby agrees to notify any purchaser of the subject land, who shall be known as the "Developer" that it will be his/her responsibility to: i) Obtain Certificates of Approval from the Elgin/St. Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections; and, written approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems applicable, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits as may be required for the facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands; ii) Obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected on the said lands. No building permit shall be issued unless and until the Chief Building Official is satisfied that the following conditions are implemedted prior to occupancy: a) Driveway access shall be from the municipal road known as Chapel Street. 3 Page 2 Agreement/Bryan Goutouski b) The minimum width of the driveway at the front lot line shall be 2.5 metres, and said driveway shall be surfaced with crushed stone, gravel, asphalt or concrete. c) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer than one metre to the west property line and shall be placed at the most westerly limit. d) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. iii) To maintain to the satisfaction of the municipality and at his/her sole risk and expense, those facilities. works or matters required to be provided under clauses a), b). c)and d) above. V 3. The Current Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a. Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, this Agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions hereof against the Owner and/or Developer, and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, for any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for the works outlined above is not granted until a registered copy of the Agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b. Pursuant to subsection (1 1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, Section 326 of the Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under clause 2.a), b), c) and d) hereof and to any other requirements made under this Agreement. 4. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Agreement, Owner/Developer shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all works in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 5. The Current Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise for the registration of this Agreement. 6. This Agreement may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 7. The provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Page 3 Agreement/Bryan Goutouski IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signature and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) CURRENT OWNER In the Presence of ) fgA ne •ke.LA'--* ) Bryan Goutouski ) . Date: 4 Q-4n.tL 1.1 THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 11111111 ) Mayor Clerk Date 7- )g 5 e? \r4i.mti n' aurl l:rtin•rI • Florin I.F1:1:l1 (I l,'12) fiii Province Document General D Ori Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry X f Land Titles r 1 v (2) Page 1 of 5 pages NUMBER 3 5 7 1 (3) Property Block Property TE OF 17IGIS I RATI0�1 Identifiers) Additional CERTIFICATE see edule n s (( Sch14918 P;?D (4)Nature of Document Municipal By-law 96-44 and Agreement ELGIN 0 (5) Consideration No. 11 ZO 5T, OMA ACT:; DFit:GI3rAR Dollars S J w (6) Description w u_ South Part of Lot 15 , Concession 3 , described as 0 Q Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-1579 in the 0 Township of Bayham, County of Elgin . New Property Identifiers Additional See nSchedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for Additional Document New Easement Additional See Contains: Plan/Sketch D Description 0 Parties [1 Other n Schedule (8) This Document provides as follows: See By- law attached . Continued on Schedule C) (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . . MAUREEN. BEATTY, . CLERK 4 a444.44-v, 1996 ' 07 26 (11) Address for Service P . O. Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1Y0 (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D • (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: I I Fees and Tax J Maureen Beatty, ClerkO Registration Fee Township of Bayham P .O. Box 160 w Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1YO tx u. Total I. • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-44 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 41 OF THE PLANNING ACT (Gundy Goutouski) WHEREAS Gundy Goutouski has plans to develop a parcel of land situated on Part Lot 15, Concession 3, (north side of Chapel Street) in the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the plans and are in concurrence with the plans on the condition that the owner enters into a development agreement that covers the concerns of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS The Council of the Township of Bayham has reviewed the agreement, and has approved the terms and conditions of same; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule "A" to this By-law is approved. . �- - * 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of JULY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of JULY, 1996. 71/'I2 c j REEVE CLERK I, MAUREEN BEATTY, AMCT, CLERK of the Corporation of the Townshipof P Bayham, certify the foregoing is a certified true copy Dated this, %q day of 7t.Ly 1946 Maureen Beatty SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 96-44 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 18th day of July, 1996. BETWEEN: Gundy Goutouski (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") of the First Part -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICIPALITY" of the Second Part WHEREAS the Municipality has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990; AND WHEREAS Section 41 of the Planning Act requires the owner to: a) submit development plans to the Corporation for approval under Section 41 (4) of the Act, and b) authorizes the Corporation to require the Owner to enter into an agreement respecting the' provision of the services and the approval of the plans and drawings under Section 41 (7) of the Act; AND WHEREAS the Owner represents and warrants that she intends to develop lands described herein (hereinafter called the "said lands"); NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The said land comprise approximately 2.39 hectares of property situated on the north side of Chapel Street in Part Lot 15, Concession 3. 2. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain Certificates of Approval from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit for septic system connections; and, written approval from the Ministry of Environment and Energy in accordance with their guidelines for water distribution systems applicable, both as prerequisites of applications for building permits as may be required for the facilities, works and matters to be provided on the said lands. 3. The Owner hereby agrees to obtain a building permit for each individual building or structure to be installed or erected on the said lands. No building permit shall be issued unless and until the Municipality is satisfied that the conditions of clause 4 hereof have been implemented. • . • • Page 2 4. The Owner hereby agrees that the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the following description of facilities, works or matters to be provided by the Owner to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the Municipality; i) Driveway access shall be from the Township Road Chapel Street. ii) The minimum width of the driveway at the front lot line shall be 2.5 metres, and said driveway shall be surfaced with crushed stone, gravel, asphalt or concrete; iii) The driveway access to the said lands shall be situated no closer than one metre to the west property line and shall be placed at the most westerly limit; iv) Surface drainage shall be accommodated on the property and shall not drain onto adjoining property in any fashion other than that which existed at the time of execution of this agreement. 5. The Owner hereby agrees to maintain to the satisfaction of the Municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the Owner, those facilities, works or matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof. 6. This Agreement shall lapse if the facilities, works and matters required to be provided under clause 4 hereof are not completed within two (2) years of the execution of this Agreement unless an extension has been agreed to in writing by the Municipality. 7. The Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that: a. Pursuant to subsection (1) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, this Agreement will be registered against the said lands to which it applies and the Municipality is entitled to enforce the provisions hereof against the Owner, and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, for any and all subsequent owners of the land. Approval for the works outlined in clause 4 is not granted until a registered copy of the Agreement has been returned to the Municipality. b. Pursuant to subsection (11) of Section 41 of the Planning Act, Section 326 of the 3 Municipal Act applies to any requirements made under clause 4 hereof and to any other requirements made under this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of This Agreement, the Owner shall be subject to all of the by-laws of the Municipality and shall construct all work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and any other applicable requirements of the Province of Ontario. 9. The Owner agrees to pay all costs, legal or otherwise, of the registration of this agreement. 10. This Agreement may be amended at any time with the consent, in writing, of the Municipality and the registered Owner of the said lands at the time of such amendment. 11 . The provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. • ' 4 Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) ) • 9.„ In the presence of ) ndy Goutouski THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) Reeve ) Clerk ) CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-45 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JULY 18, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held July 18,1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things kecessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of July, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of July, 1996. 4/ktat(,t-C Tv REEVE CLERK c • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-46 -A A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JULY 17TH, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held4uly 17, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 17th day of JULY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of JULY, 1996. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-46 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE ONTARIO CLEAN WATER AGENCY WITH RESPECT TO PROPOSED WATER AND SEWAGE WORKS PROJECTS FOR THE COMM- UNITIES OF STRAFFORDVILLE AND EDEN. WHEREAS Section 10, sub-section 2 of the Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.40, as amended authorizes the Crown, represented by the Minister, to make agreements with any one or more persons with respect to a supply of water or the reception, treatment and disposal of sewage; AND WHEREAS Section 11 of the said Act authorizes municipalities to enter into agreements with the Crown under subsection 10(2); AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham at its meeting held January 4, 1996 passed a resolution to request the Ontario Clean Water Agency to provide project management services for the Straffordville/Eden Environmental Study Reports; AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to enter to an Agreement with the Ontario Clean Water Agency to set out the terms of the project management services. * THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Ontario Clean Water Agency, as attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this By-law to provide project management services for the Straffordville/Eden Environmental Study Reports. 2. THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon'final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of AUGUST, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of AUGUST, 1996. //atREEVE CLERK 4 I ... 4 . _ _ ....... . . _. . .___ ... • • lir, s • , , ti 4 4i ''• ' - 7 — sf* of ilk 4 , -r . ,, j ill e- zoomiloir, _ ___ 41/1.11142.1141.' III I Io H r A It I t C 1. 1: A N W A T 1: It A GINCY II PROJECT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT I Ibet►f rrn the ( 'or/oration of The Township of 8.71 1147171 I • (.ti•tralT orr/t it/c• & Eden) & Ontario (lean 18:7ter Agent, I I 0 ill 4 SI 1t\(;I & W.CI I R CV t►1t1 S 1'RJlt-I %0S. w-0018 -01 504x)22-01 I ') Ila, Street,Sum. 700,Toruntu,Ontario,Canada,,MS! 2101 Telephone:(1I6) 111 - SGIN) Cas,:(116) It$ - $iO3 3. � I PROJECT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 This Agreement made this 1st day of August 1996. BETWEEN: •THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter called the "Client") U - and = 111 ONTARIO CLEAN WATER AGENCY (hereinafter called the "Agency") SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION: 1. 1.1. Purpose: 1111 The purpose of this Agreement is to set out the rights and obligations of the parties relating to the management by the Agency for the Client of: the proposed water and sewage worksP rojects for the Communities of Straffordville and Eden in the Township of Bayham. 1 .2. Covenant: Pursuant to sub-section (2) of Section 10 and Section 11 of the Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.40 as amended, the parties in consideration of the covenants, terms-and conditions herein, covenant and agree as set forth in this Agreement and attached Schedules. OCWA 1612/96 - 2 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 111 50-0022-01 111 1.3. Authority: The Client, on the 1st day of August , A.D. 19 96 , has passed By-Law No. 96-46 authorizing the client to enter into an agreement with the Agency for such purpose upon the terms and conditions herein set out. 1 4. Joint and Several Liability: In the event that the client comprises more than one legal entity, each such entity shall become bound with the Client, jointly and severally, upon execution of this Agreement. SECTION 2: AGENCY'S SERVICES: 2. 2. 1 . Services: The Agency will perform for the Client the Services referred to in Schedule "A" hereto in consideration of the payment to the Agency by the Client of the fee referred to in Schedule "B". 2.2. Excluded Services: 111 The Agency's Services do not include the responsibility to provide or manage the provision of any submission to or representation to any Court, or before the Ontario Municipal Board or any other administrative tribunal. 2.3. Optional Services: The Client may from time to time request services described as Optional Services, in which case the parties shall negotiate any change that may be required to Schedule "A" and "B" and record same by amendment of those Schedules. SECTION 3: AGENCY'S AGENCY S FEE: 3. 3 I . Fees: The Agency will charge for its Services in accordance with Schedule "B" including any Optional Services that have been ordered by the Client. Any disbursements made to I OCN,114'I96 I U Project Nos. 50-0018-01 1111 50-0022-01 third parties will be reimbursed to OCWA at cost plus a 5% charge for administrative and overhead costs. 111 3.2. Invoices: The Agency will forward to the Client invoices for fees and disbursements in 11. accordance with Schedule "B" hereto. 3.3. Payment: The Client shall pay the Agency's invoices under Schedule "B" within 20 days of their receipt. 111 41 —00 SECTION 4: OBLIGATIONS TO OTHERS: 4 4. 1 . Progress Payments: UThe Agency will forward to the Client for payment, all third party accounts of. progress certificates received by the Agency for payment by the Client in connection with the carrying out of this Agreement and, if relevant, the design and construction of the Works. 4.2. Payments: The Client shall pay the amounts due under all third party accounts or progress certificates within 20 days after their receipt by the Client, or as the relevant contract or purchase order may require, whichever is sooner. OCWA may request and the Client shall provide on request a copy of payment particulars 4.3. Eligibility: The Agency, however, as part of Agency's Services, will advise on issues of eligibility and seek approval if requested. Approval of payment or payment by the Agency shall not be construed in any way as an acceptance or approval of same as a grant eligible cost or an Eligible Project Cost. I 11 OCWA! d12/9If I - 4 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: 5. 5. 1 . Documentation: The parties agree to use the Agency's Construction Contract Administration Documents, examples of which are listed in Schedule "C". 5.2. Tenders: All tenders for construction contracts will be received and opened at the Agency's corporate office in accordance with the Agency''established practice. 5.3. Award: Based on the Client's acceptance of the tender, the Agency may award the P g Y Construction Contract on behalf of the Client and order the commencement of work under the Construction Contract on behalf of the Client. 5.4. Changes: The Project Manager may authorize changes necessary to proceed with the work under the Construction Contract and may authorize payment for that work without prig; approval of the Client provided that: 5.4. 1. Project Costs: Total Project Costs including the estimated future cost of the proposed changes will not exceed program costs: approved by the Ontario Municipal Board; or, 5.4. 1.2. as duly authorized by the Client. 1 5.4.2. Certificate of Approval: The Additional Work, Change in Work, and Extras, taken in the aggregate, �- shall not exceed the scope of the approval of the Certificate of Approval; and, I I ocWA 1612ro6` I 111 - 5 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 411 50-0022-01 1111 5.4.3. Contingency Allowance: The cost of Additional Work, Change in Work, and Extras, in the 1 aggregate, shall not exceed the total value of the contingency allowance under the Construction Contract approved by the Client from time to time. II5.5. Communication Representative: 1111 The Client will designate one person as a communications representative to: 5.5. 1. Liaise with the Project Manager during the period of the Agency's Services; . . .._ . 5.5.2. Observe the ro ress of the work• P g 11 5.5.3. Assist with the resolution of problems and disputes, if any; 5.5.4. Report to the Client as required by the Client; and, II5.5.5. To obtain, where necessary, any resolutions, approvals or directions from the Client that are required, and to communicate them to the Agency forthwith. I SECTION 6: LAND ACQUISITION: 111 6. 6. 1. Responsibilities: IIt is the responsibility of the Client to acquire all necessary interests in land for the construction and operation of the Works. If land must be acquired, the Agency's IIIresponsibility shall be limited to advising the Client as to a process for land assembly. 6.2. Expropriation: IWhen an interest in land must be acquired by expropriation, this shall be the responsibility of the Client and not the responsibility of the Agency. it 6.3. Assistance: If the Client requests assistance from the Agency at any stage of an expropriation process, this may be provided by the Agency as an Optional Service. I Ill II - 6 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 V50-0022-01 SECTION 7: OPERATION OF THE WORKS: 7. 7. 1. Responsibilities: The Client shall be exclusively responsible at all times for the operation of the Works. 7.2. Under a separate agreement, not forming part of this Agreement, the Agency may agree in writing to operate the Works as the Client's agent, or consult with the Client in the recruitment and training of staff for such purpose. 7.3. Designated Operator: At least one calendar year prior to the date agreed for substantial completion, the Client shall designate an operator to operate the Works and shall at the same time advise the Agency of this designation in writing. SECTION 8: INSURANCE: 8 8. 1 . Existing Works: When the Client owns or operates any existing water or sewer works as of the date of this Agreement, to which the Work relates, the Client shall procure and maintain in force, at its own expense, a policy or policies of comprehensive general property and liability insurance in an amount not less than the value of the Works, naming the Agency as a named insured. 8.2. Proposed Works: When the Client proposes entirely new water or sewer works, unconnected with ` any existing facility and for the period prior to award of Construction Contract, the j Agency shall ensure that the Contractor provide for a policy or policies of comprehensive general property and liability insurance in a reasonable amount naming the Agency as a named insured from the date the Client first acquires an insurable interest. 8.3 Course of Construction: The Agency shall require g cy equ e the Contractor to provide the Client with proof of insurance, including builder's risk, public liability and property insurance, but shall not be liable to the Client for any deficiency in or lack of cover of any nature or kind whatsoever. OC9YA/612/96 it Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 8.4. Proof of Insurance: The Client shall provide the Agency with a Certificate of the Insurance referred to in Section 8. 1 or 8.2, above, if requested to do so by the Agency. SECTION 9: INDEMNIFICATION AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY: 9. 9. 1 . Work by Others: The Agency does not assume and disclaims any liability, whether direct or rn consequential, expressed or implied, for the quality or performance of any work, service or material supplied or performed, or requires to be supplied or performed by other,i except to the extent that such liability is due to the negligence of the Agency. 9.2. Laws in Force: 11 This Agreement and the provision of the Agency's services are subject to all applicable laws in force from time to time including the Ontario Water Resources Act R.S.O. 1990, Ch. 0.40; I 9.3. Release and Indemnity: 111 The Client shall indemnify, exonerate, defend and save harmless the Agency and its directors, officers, employees and agents of and from any and all claims, fines, penalties, liabilities, damages, losses or judgments, including all costs and expenses incidental 111 thereto, which may be suffered by, accrue against, or be charged to or recoverable from the Agency by reason of loss or damage to property, breach of any law, or by reason of any injury to or death of any person or persons arising out of or in any way connected with or incidental to the furnishing of the Services under this Agreement except to the extent that they are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Agency. The 11 Agency shall hold the benefit of this Section in trust for the express benefit of the Agency's directors, officers, employees and agents as third party beneficiaries. 1111 9.4. The Agency shall indemnify, exonerate, defend and save harmless the Client and its directors, officers, employees and agents of and from any and all claims, fines, penalties, liabilities, damages, losses or judgments, including all costs and expenses incidental 11 thereto, which may be suffered by, accrue against, or be changed to or recoverable from' the Client by reason of loss or damage to property, breach of any law, or by reason of any injury to or death of any person or persons arising out of or in any way connected with or 111 incidental to the furnishing of the Services under this Agreement except to the extent that they are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Client. The Client shall I X WA 1 p 1111 - 8 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 hold the benefit of this Section in trust for the express benefit of the Client's directors, officers, employees and agents as third party beneficiaries. 9.5. No conduct of the Agency, nor any oral statement by any officer, director, employee or agent of the Agency shall be construed as constituting or evidencing any approval of the form or substance of document not originated by the Agency, nor as in any way endorsing, confirming or acknowledging any expenditure as a grant eligible expenditure. SECTION 10: CLIENT'S REMEDIES: * 10. 10. 1 . Client Termination: The Client may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause upon notice in writing personally served on the Agency's Manager of Engineering Resources, in which case: 10. 1. 1. The Agency shall be relieved forthwith of any further obligation to perform this Agreement; 1 0. 1.2. Concurrently with notice, the Client shall pay the Agency all earned fees to the date of termination without set-off or deduction of any kind; 10. 1.3. The Client's notice of termination, when served, shall be deemed by the parties to this Agreement to constitute the Client's release of the Agency from any and all claims or causes of action whatsoever which may exist up to and including the date of service of the notice of termination and the Client's undertaking and agreement to fully exonerate the Agency that may be made against it after the date of service of the notice of termination in respect of such claims; and, 1 10. 1.4. This section shall survive the termination of this Agreement by the Client. i SECTION 11: AGENCY'S REMEDIES: 11 . 11 . 1 . Agency Termination: t; Y The Agency may terminate this Agreement at any time for cause, which shall include but not be limited to: I /6/2/9 I - 9 - Project Nos 50-0018-01 50-0022-0I 1 I The Client's failure to anyone or more approvals I I give pp to the Agency within a reasonable time after request. I I 12 The Client's failure to make any one or more payments required by this Agreement, and, I 1 13 Any fundamental change to the nature or quality of the Project. 01 the method of carrying it out or the rejection by the client of any advice or recommendation by the Agency as to any fundamental aspect of the Project of the method of carrying it out. 11 .2. Release & Indemnity: Where the Agency terminates under Section 11 1 , the provisions of Sections 1111 10 1 . l , 10. 1 .2, 10. 1 .3 and 10. 1 .4 apply and are incorporated here by reference. 111 SECTION 12: SPECIAL TERMS OF AGREEMENT 12 12. 1 Conflict: In the event of any conflict between a special term set out in subsection 12.2 below and any other term of this Agreement, this section shall govern 12.2. Special Terms: 1111 It is hereby agreed and understood by both parties , pursuant to Section 13. 1 of the Agreement , that Sections 5 ,6 and 7 , of the agreement VIIIare not applicable to the agreement . It is further agreed by both parties that Sections 5 ,6 and 7 may be 11111 reinstated in the agreement should both parties agree to a written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto. I. SECTION 13: GENERAL: 13 13 1 Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter hereof, shall not be altered or amended except as provided 0 - 10 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 herein or by a written agreement duly executed by the parties hereto, shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors, and shall not be assigned by either part in whole or in part without the consent in writing of the other party. 13.2. Recitals: The recitals in section 1 form an integral part of this Agreement. 1 13.3. Further Acts: Each party shall make, do, execute and deliver all acts, deeds, as may reasonably be required by the other, in writing, in order to carry out tl* true intent of this Agreement. j 1 13.4. Severability: If any one or more sections or subsections of this Agreement shall be or become illegal, void or invalid at law, the remaining sections and subsections shall continue in force and be binding upon the parties. 13.5. Succession: This Agreement shall bind the parties, their successors and assigns. 13.6. Assignment: The obligations under this Agreement cannot be assigned by one party without the prior written specific consent of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 13.7. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which, when executed and delivered, and taken together shall constitute the executed Agreement. 13.8. Serving of Notices: Any notice or other communication required to be given by either party to this Agreement to the other shall be deemed to be served if mailed, or delivered by electronic means of communication to the recipient as noted below. Notices shall be addressed as follows: I OKRA/6(2/96 I • Ile - 11 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 PI 504)022-01 111111 to the Client, to it at: iril Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario 1111 NOJ 1 '1'0 Attention: Lynn S. Buchner iiiAdministrator-Treasurer Facsimile: (519) 866-3884 IIIIIIor in the case of the Agency, to it at: + -.4'` MI Ontario Clean Water Agency 20 Bay Street 7t' Floor 1111 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 IIIAttention: Manager of Engineering Resources Facsimile: (416) 314-8300 III 13.9. Gender and Singular References: 101 References to the,masculine or singular throughout this Agreement shall be read to include the feminine and plural, or vice versa, as the context requires. ill 13. 10. Definitions: IIII 13. 10. 1 . "Additional Work" means work required by the Client not provided for in the Contract and not deemed by the Agency to be essential to the satisfactory completion of the Contract within the intended scope of the Contract 11111 on the Date of Award. 13. 10.2. "Agency" means the Ontario Clean Water Agency who may act Uthrough its employees, agents, servants or officers but excluding the Consulting Engineer and any of its employees. 111 CX WA 14'.'•'96 411 - 12 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 111 50-0022-01 13. 10.3. "Agreement" means the within Project Management Agreement, including, as an integral part of such agreement, all Schedules; 13. 10.4. "Approved Budget" means the total amount approved for the Project by the Client and, if applicable, the Ontario Municipal Board, and includes without limiting the foregoing all engineering costs, all tender and construction costs, all land acquisition costs, all financing costs, all applicable taxes and all fees payable under this Agreement; 13. 10.5. "Certificate of Approval" means that approval issued by the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy for the construction of the Works. 13. 10.6. "Change in Work" means the deletion, extension, increase, decrease or alteration of lines, grades, dimensions, quantities, methods, drawings, changes in the character of the work to be done or materials of the work or pan thereof, within the intended scope of the Contract on the Date of Award; 13. 10.7. "Change Order" means a written order signed by the Agency 111 directing the execution of Additional Work, Change in Work, or Extra Work, provided that such written order describes a basis of payment and a time for performance of the specified work; 13. 10.8. "Client" means the parties named as such on page 1, who may act through employees, agents, servants, or officers; 13. 10.9. "Construction Contract" means any contract other than an Engineering Agreement entered into by the Client or the Agency as agent of the Client for purposes of acquiring goods, materials or services to facilitate the 111 construction of the Works; 13. 10. 10. "Construction Contract Administration Documents" means the documents in usual and ordinary use by the Agency in performing the Agency's services under this Agreement and includes those listed in Schedule "C" hereto; 11 13. 10. 11 . "Contractor" means a person, firm or corporation contracting with the Client to provide professional services, labour, materials, and equipment for the execution of the Works; , 13. 10. 12. "Date of Award1f means the date of the written communication of award of tender to the successful contractor; I_ OCWA 16/2/96 I. . 11 - 13 - Project Nos. 50-00184) I50-0022-(„ I13. 10. 13. "Eligible Project Costs" means those costs that are deemed, by the Province, to be eligible for funding under any applicable provincial programme; 1 13. 10. 14. "Extra Work" means work not specified in any contract document and deemed by the Agency to be essential to the satisfactory completion of the Contract within its intended scope on the Date of Award"; 13. 10. 15. "Optional Services" means those services described in Schedule "A" which have been requested in writing by the Client and agreed to by the Agency; 13. 10. 16. "Project" includes the' Works and Services comprehended by the Agency's Schedule of Services, including Optional Services and may include the development, design and implementation of the Works; 13. 10. 17. "Project Manager" means the person acting as Manager of Engineering Resources of the Agency, and includes a delegate, or other person U . designated in writing as the project manager by the Agency; 13. 10. 18. "Services" means the services described in Section 2 and specifically referred to in Schedule "A" hereto, as most currently amended; 13. 10. 19. "Works" means the works constructed or acquired from time to Utime for the Client under this agreement; I 1 I I I I I !X'fi'A PoV7/90 I - 14 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Agency and the Client have duly executed this agreement under seal. CLIENT: C-- per:-1J • s G/- (Reeve) s and per:14-1-4A104- (Clerk) I AGENCY: 1 per + • 4 • and per: I l r 1 � OC'11A/612/% 1111 - 15 - Project Nos. 504)018-01 1 50-0022-01 SCHEDULE A THE WORKS AND SERVICES I Part 1 . Description of Works For the purposes of this agreement, the following shall constitute the Works: Communal water and sewage facilities for the communities of Straffordville and Eden all in the Township of Bayham as per and including the Environmental Study Report to be prepared by Cyril J. Demeyere Li{nited in accordance to the MEA Class EA for Municipal Water and Wastewater Prpjectst► Part 2. The Services The services to be provided by the Agency to the Client hereunder (collectively the "Services") shall consist of the traditional project management services as outlined in the Agency's letter to the Client dated January 15, 1996 for the preliminary engineering phases of the Works. These services shall include but may not necessarily be limited to the following: • Review the terms of reference for the Environmental Study Report (ESR) and ensure that the terms of reference are approved by the MAP Office thereby ensuring that the resultant study is eligible for MAP funding. • Review the existing engineering agreement between the consulting engineer and the Client. • Monitor the consulting engineer's progress and initiate periodic briefing sessions with the Client to solicit input on a timely basis. • Review and approve the consulting engineer's invoices prior to payment by the Client. We maintain extensive records of payroll costs for all consultants and can therefore ensure uniform billing rates are charged. 4, • Provide input to the Class Environmental Assessment process by advising the Clientby-laws,on a variety of issues such as financing, standard by laws, agreements with adjoining municipalities, land acquisition, design population, etc. 111 - 16 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 • Review and comment on draft interim reports and the draft ESR, and coordinate comments from mandatory contact agencies. Suggest practical responses where required. • Participate in a minimum of two public meetings as mandated by the Class Environmental Assessment process; act as impartial, expert spokesperson to address concerns expressed by members of the public. • Coordinate application for a Conditional Certificate of Approval including 1111 pre-submission consultations with MOEE's Approvals Branch. Liaison with Ministry Approvals Engineers to expedite the review process. U U U I I I I I I I I OCWA I6r2/9* I 1 - 17 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 50-0022-01 SCHEDULE B AGENCY FEES I Part 1 The Fee The lump sum fee of$23,000 as proposed in the Agency's letter dated January 15, 1996 is to cover the preliminary engineering phase of the Works. The fee was quoted on the understanding that the four projects proceed at the same time. Should one or more of the projects not proceed concurrently, the Agency reservesthe right to renegotiate the fee j with the Client. Should the Client wish to retain the Agency to manage the final design and construction phase of the Works, new schedules will be prepared detailing the work to be undertaken and the fee negotiated and attached to this Agreement. Part 2. Payment Schedule Fees are to be invoiced on a quarterly basis with the amounts prorated based on the progress of the Works. The full fee amount will be due once the ESR is completed and advertised for the 30-day review period. I I I I I I OC*FA 16/2196 1 I - 18 - Project Nos. 50-0018-01 I50-0022-0 ISCHEDULE C IAGENCY'S ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENTS IThe following list of documents will be used by the Agency in full, or in part, in the administration of the Works: I Certificate of Completion Final Certificate Certificate of Equality Final Measurement Sheets Certificate of Liability Insurance Form of Quotation for Pre-Selected Equipment Certificate of Substantial Performance General Conditions I Check Sheet for Consulting Engineer re: General Terms and Conditions for Order to Commence Work Selected Equipment Check Sheet for Consulting Engineer re: Information for Tenderers I Tender Instructions for Use of Equipment Inspection Concrete Pour Release Form Report Forms Construction Progress Chart Labour & Material Payment Bond IConsulting Engineer's Check Sheet of Mechanical Equipment Inspection Report Documentation Required for Certificate of Monthly Estimate Completion Monthly Payment Certificate IConsulting Engineer's Check Sheet of Payroll Burden Percentage Summary Documentation Required for Part II of Performance Bond Certificate of Substantial Performance Project Sign Guidelines IContract Administration Forms Cover Sheet Report on Testing'& Checking of Sewers (Standard Forms for Documentation) Request for Approval of Project Inspector I Contract Agreement Request for Quotation Contract Change Order Sewer/Water Service Connection Record Contract Release Specification for All-Risk Insurance I Contractor's Check Sheet of Documentation Special Provisions - General Requirements Required for Certificate of Substantial Statutory Declaration re: Liens and Liabilities Performance Statutory Declaration re: Payment of Accounts I Contractor's Check Sheet of Documentation Statutory Declaration re: Workers' Required for Certificate of.Completion Compensation Cover Note (Insurance) Tender Envelope Il Daily Report of Pipeline Construction Tenderer's Check Sheet Daily Report of Sewer Construction Work Order Electrical Equipment Inspection Report I IocwA 16/7'96 I CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-47 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ARN, BARTLEY (1978), BENNER, CARNES, CHALK, CHAPEL, COOMBER A, COOMBER B, CORINTH, DELI, DENNIS, EMERSON, FASSEEL, FREEMAN-STORP, GARNHAM, HORVATH-BLONDEEL, KETCHABAW NO.2, MUELLER, NELSON, NO. 1, PALMER EXTENSION, POLLICK, REISER-CSINOS, SCANLAN, SCHONBERGER, SMITH, SWANCE, WINTER, WINTER (HOUGHTON), ELLIOT NO.1, ELLIOT NO.2, NORFOLK/BAYHAM T/L, AND FRIESEN DRAINS AND TO RAISE THE SUM OF $26,653.30 TO COVER THE COSTS. WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports, By-Laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works, at the expense of the lands and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof, in the portion according to such assessment until such assessments, or portions thereof, be varied. AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty, the Municipality has from time to time, carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act, upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains so as to provide for and raise the cost of the said repairs and expense incidental thereto which amount in all to $26,653.30 to lands and roads assessed, and the amount of.the assessments upon which the J assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed, appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments, which said Schedule is part of this By-Law. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amounts in 1996. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $17,482.44 the amount charged against the lands of the drainage works, and now assessable for maintenance, the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto and forming a part of the By-Law, shall over and above all other rates be assessed and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned lots or parts of lots as specified in the attached Schedule of Assessments in the present year. 2. THAT for the purpose of paying the sum of $1,800.46 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality, and $2,112.39 the amount charged against other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose, accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipality and against the other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts. 3. THAT the sum of$5,258.01 be charged to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Program for repairs to drains serving agricultural lands. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1g D OF AUGUST, 1996. • REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-47 410 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ARN, BARTLEY (1978), BENNER, CARNES, CHALK, CHAPEL, COOMBER A, COOMBER B, CORINTH, DELI, DENNIS, EMERSON, FASSEEL, FREEMAN-STORP, GARNHAM, HORVATH-BLONDEEL, KETCHABAW NO.2, MUELLER, NELSON, NO. 1, PALMER EXTENSION, POLLICK, REISER-CSINOS, SCANLAN, SCHONBERGER, SMITH, SWANCE, WINTER, WINTER (HOUGHTON), ELLIOT NO.1, ELLIOT NO.2, NORFOLK/BAYHAM TIL, AND FRIESEN DRAINS AND TO RAISE THE SUM OF S26,653.30 TO COVER THE COSTS. WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports, By-Laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works, at the expense of the lands and • roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction Thereof, in the portion j according to such assessment until such assessments, or portions thereof, be varied. AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty, the Municipality has from time to time, carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act, upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains so as to provide for and raise the cost of the said repairs and expense incidental thereto which amount in all to $26,653.30 to lands and roads assessed, and the amount of the assessments upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed, appear upon attached Schedule of • Assessments, which said Schedule is part of this By-Law. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amounts in 1996. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of S17,482.44 the amount charged against the lands of the drainage works, and now assessable for maintenance, the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto and forming a part of the By-Law, shall over and above all other rates be assessed and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned lots or parts of lots as specified in the attached Schedule of Assessments in the present year. 2. THAT for the purpose of paying the sum of $1,800.46 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality, and $2,l 12.39 the amount charged against other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose, accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipality and against the other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario. and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts. 3. THAT the sum of$5,258.01 be charged to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Program for repairs to drains serving agricultural lands. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1" DAY 411 OF AUGUST, 1996. REEVE CLERK 1.11 07 30 96 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 1996 • ROLL NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT TOTAL. Local Improvement 802 -ARN DRAIN REPAIR Bayham Township 6.38 - 6 38 O 721 - 721 000-003-02300-0000 SCHROYENS MONIQUE CON 5 PT LOT 13 R 1 42 0 71 2 13 000-003-02700-0000 GREGSON ROBERT ROY CON 5 N PT LOT 14 R 0 71 0 35 1 06 000-003-09700-0000 DAVID CAUSYN FARMS LTD CON S GORE PT LOT 13 R 2 78 139 4 17 000-003-09800-0000 598193 ONTARIO LTD CONS GORE LOT 14 R 23 92 1196 35 88 000-003-14100-0000 MC KILLOP GARY CON 6 STR S PT LOT 123 R 23 18 11.59 34 77 000-003-14400-0000 BLONDEEL SIEGFRIED OMER CON 6 STR S PT LOT 124 R 0 14 0 07 0.21 000-003-14500-0000 BLONDEEL NURSERY INC CON 6 SIR S PT LOT 124 R 33 16 16 58 49.74 000-004-01000-0000 BLONDEEL NURSERY INC CON 6 STR N PT LOT 123 R 1 42 0.71 2 13 10032 4336 143.68 0 . j - '' Local Improvement 803- BARTLEY(1978)DRAIN J Bayham Township 408.54 • 408 54 County of Elgin 88.97 - 88.97 County of Elgin 710 32 - 710 32 MTO 151.60 - 15160 000-005-02004-0000 MAGYAR MARY LYNNE CON 8 N PT LOT 6 R 110.42 55.20 165.62 000-005-02010-0000 BURWELL ARCHIE MALEN CON 8 PT LOT 6 R 220 89 110.43 331 32 000-005-02200-0000 JENNERICH OSKAR ERWIN CON 8 PT LOT 7 R 74.02 37.01 III 03 000-005-02301-0000 PETERS ABRAHAM CON 8 PT LOT 7 R 405 33 202.64 607 97 000-005-02500-0000 FEHR PETER CON 8 N PT IAT S R 169 17 84 57 253 74 000-005-02700-0000 KNELSEN ANNA LOEWEN CON 8 N PT LOT 8 R 49 35 24 67 74 02 000-005-02900-0000 GREER WILLIAM EARL. CON 8 N PT LOT 8 R 626.33 - 626 33 000-005-02901-0000 FIOLDEN DONNA MARIE CON 8 PT LOT 8 R 626.33 - 626 33 000-005-03000-0000 VAN HAPPEN JOHN WILLIAM CON 8 N PT LOT 8 R 20.26 10 13 30 39 • 000-005-03100-0000 VANTYGHEM URBAIN JULES C CON 8 N PT LOT 8 N PT LOT 9 R 70 70 35.35 106 05 000-005-03100-0000 VANTYGHEM URBAIN JULES C CON 8 N PT LOT 8 N PT LOT 9 R 42.04 21.02 63 06 000-005-03102-0000 KLIPPENSTEIN HENRY CON 8 N PT LOT 8 R 14.23 - 14 23 000-005-05201-0000 SMITH SCOT ALAN CON 9 S PT LOT 5 R 1,105 02 552.42 1.657 44 000-005-05700-0000 CHILCOTT LANCE CALIN CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 12.53 - 12 53 000-005-05800-0000 HUFFMAN RONALD HERBERT CONS S PT LOT 6 R 12.53 - 12 53 000-005-05900-0000 NORMAN VIVIAN MARIE CON 9 S FT LOT 6 R 12.53 - ' 12 53 000-005-06000-0000 NORMAN VIVIAN CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 12 53 - 12.53 000-005-06100-0000 MITTS DOROTHY A CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 12.53 - 12 53 000-005-06200-0000 PETERS JOHN FRANKLIN CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 22.21 - 22 21 000-005-06400-0000 HOWALD ROBERT JAMES ARTHUR CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 456 02 227.97 683.99 000-005-06500-0000 PERRY MILDRED ADA CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 19.93 - 19 93 000-005-06600-0000 DREYER MILO CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 74 88 37.43 112 31 000-005-06700-0000 DREYER EDNA LORAINE CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 12 53 - 12 53 000-005-06800-0000 PEDDLE GARFIELD DALTON CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 12 53 - 12 53 000-005-06900-0000 BANKS STEPHEN SCOTT CON 9 S PT LOT 6 R 646 77 323.34 970 11 000-005-08000-0000 GREER ALLAN BRUCE CON 9 S PT LOT 6 S PT LOT 7 R 187 15 93.56 280 71 000-005-08000-0000 GREER ALLAN BRUCE CON 9 S PT LOT 6 S PT LOT 7 R 235 27 117.61 352 88 000-005-08300-0000 DONCK FARMS LIMITED CON 9 PT LOT 8 R 154 22 77.10 231 32 000-005-08502-0000 DONCK FARMS LIMITED CON 9 PT LOT 9 R 12 51 - 12 51 000-005-08600-0000 CANADA MORTGAGE HOUSING CON 9 S PT LOT 9 R 28 47 14.23 42 70 6,818 66 2,024.68 8,843 34 0 Local Improvement 806- BENNER DRAIN REPAIR Bayham Township 20 06 - 2006 000-002-09300-0000 HOWARD DOUGLAS CON 3 N PT LOT 22 R 15 60 7 80 23 40 000-002-09700-0000 BENNER SPELLMAN CON 3 N PT LOT 23 R 64 48 32.23 96 71 000-002-09800-0000 TOEBAST THEODORUS ADRIANUS l CON 3 N PT LOTS 23.24 R 34 55 17.27 51 82 000-002-09800-0000 TOEBAST TIIEODORUS ADRIANUS l CON 3 N PT LOTS 23,24 R 24.50 12.25 36 75 000-002-10200-0000 ROLOSON EDWARD LEE CON 3 N PT LOT 24 R 2 39 1 19 3 58 • f Page 1 of 8 1 11 -' ti, v(, TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0 SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 1996 ROLL NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT TOTAL. 000-002-10300-0000 ROLOSON VICTORIA CON 3 N PT LOT 24 R 4 08 - 4 08 000-002-18100-0000 EMERSON KENNETH C CON 4 S PT LOTS 23,24 R 4 77 239 7 16 000-002-18500-0000 FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CON 4 S PT LOT 24 R 3 19 159 4 78 173 62 74 72 248 34 0 Local Improvement 810 -CARNES DRAIN REPAIR Ba%ham Tol.nship 21 58 - 21 58 000-003-11000-0000 GARNER RUDY CON S GORE LOT 18 R 3 78 189 5 67 000-003-11100-0000 STICKEL KONRAD CONS GORE LOT 19 R 37 57 18 78 56 35 000-003-14700-0000 GARNER RUDY STEPHEN CON 6 STR S PT LOT 126 R 7 85 3 92 1177 000-003-14900-0000 HORETH MARTIN CON 6 STR PT LOTS 127, 128 R 38.01 19 00 57 01 000-004-05000-0000 NAGY JOSEPH OTTO CON 6 STR PT LOTS 127d 28. R 6 32 -3 16 9 48 • • 000-004-05000-0000 NAGY JOSEPH OTTO CON 6 STR PT LOQ J.27.$28 R 3 40 110 SIO .i `,, 000-004-05300-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 6 STR PT LOTS 125.126 R 0 51 0 25 0 76 11902 4870 16772 0 Local Improvement 814-CHALK DRAIN REPAIR Balham Township 37 59 - 37 59 000-008-09500-0000 UNDERHILL FARMS LTD CON 3 S PT LOT 8 R 186 61 93 30 279 91 224 20 93 30 317 50 0 Local Improvement 815-CHAPEL STREET DR REPA Township of Bayham 20 00 - 20 00 Village of Vienna 98 58 - - 98 58 000-002-04900-0000 NEZEZON JOHN CON 3 SPT LOTS 14.15 R 3 19 1 59 4 78 • 121 77 159 123 36 0 Local Improvement 819-COOMBER A DR REPAIR Bay ham Township 2 03 • 2 03 (XX)-005-12500-0000 VERSCHUEREN LEOPOLD GOMMAAR , CON ION PT LOTS 7.8 R 7 78 3 89 1167 000-005-12700-0000 CHILCOTT JAMES WALTER CON 10 S PT LOT 9 R 69 00 34 49 103 49 000-005-13000-0000 BYE STEVEN GEORGE CON 10 N PT LOTS 9,10 R 66.62 33 31 99 93 000-005-13100-0000 GASCHO JOSEPH CON 10 PT LOT 10 R 2.71 1 35 406 000-005-13200-0000 BALINT NICHOLAS CON 10 PT LOTS 10,1 1,12 R 0 67 0 34 101 148 81 73 38 222 19 0 Local Improvement 820-COOMBER B DR REPAIR • 000-005-12400-0000 SCHUURMAN FARMS LTD CON 10 N PT LOTS 6,7 R 95 14 47 56 142 70 000-005-12500-0000 VERSCHUEREN LEOPOLD GOMMAAR CON 10 N PT LOTS 7,8 R 284 05 142 00 426 05 379 19 189.56 568 75 0 Local Improvement 826-CORINTH DRAIN REPAIR Bay ham Township 65.40 - 65 40 `VP County of Elgin 2 46 - 2 46 CNR 35 43 - 35 43 000-005-05600-0000 BEE:KMAN JOHN CON 9 N PT LOT 5 R 1 37 - 1 37 000-005-11200-0000 SMITH DAVID TISDALE CON 10 S PT LOT 5 R 163 - 163 000-O()5-11303-0000 PIHOKKER JOZEPH CON 10 PT LOTS R 4 77 - 4 77 000-005-11305-0000 MULVANEY PATRICK OWEN CON 10 S PT LOT 5 R 599 - 599 000-005-11307-0000 OSBORNE JOHN DAVID CON 10 PT LOT 5 R 4 77 - 4 77 000-005-11309-0000 BOGART JEFFREY MARK CON 10 PT LOTS R 4 77 - 4 77 000-005-11700-0000 BOGART JEFFREY MARK CON 10 PT LOTS 4& 5 R 21 71 10 85 32 56 0 000-005-17800-0000 SMITH DAVID T ISDALE MAIN ST SIS R 2 72 2 72 000-005-17900-0000 VA.N WIEREN CLARENCE MAIN ST SIS R 5 45 5 45 L8 07 30 96 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 199611111 ROLL NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT TOTAL 000-005-18100-0000 DERMO TERRY MAIN ST S/S R . 8.17 - 8 17 000-00S-18200-0000 KINGSBURY FREDRICK PERCIVAL MAIN ST S/S R 20.44 - 20.44 000-005-18300-0000 BUCHNER ROGER 0 MAIN ST S/S R 2.72 - 2 72 000-005-18500-0000 SIEMENS WILLIAM MAIN ST S/S R 1,36 - 1 36 189 16 10.85 200 01 0 Local Improvement 830-DELI DRAIN REPAIR County of Elgin 199 01 - 199 01 000-004-07000-0000 DESU I 1 E R-HODSON CON 6 STR N PT LOT 133 R 9 10 4.55 13.65 000-004-07100-0000 DONCK JEROME CON 6 STR PT LOTS 134,135 R 98.56 49.27 147 83 000-004-07300-0000 BARBIER GEORGE WILLIAM CON 6 STR PT LOTS 135.136 R 208 49 104.23 312.72 000-004-07300-0000 BARBIER GEORGE WILLIAM CON 6 STR PT LOTS 135,136 R 90 98 45 48 136 46 000-004-07400-0000 SWINN JAMES RICHARD CON 6 STR N PT LOT 136 R 399 , 190 5.69 000-004-12000-0000 HILL LINDA DIANE CON 7 NTR S PT LOT 133 K ; 2 lb 1 13 3.39 000-004-12200-0000 REIMER CORNELIUS CON 7 NTR W PT LOT 134 R 22.75 11.37 34 12 000-001-12300-0000 RAYSON PATRICIA CON 7 NTR E PT LOT 134 R 363.92 181.93 545.85 000-004-12500-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 7 NTR PT LOT 135 R 542 84 271 38 814.22 000-004-12800-0000 SILVERTHORN RUBEN EMERY CON 7 NTR SW PT LOT 136 R 113 73 56.85 170 58 000-004-12900-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 7 NTR SE PT LOT 136 R 3.79 1.90 5 69 1,659.22 729.99 2,389 21 0 Local Improvement 831 -DENNIS DRAIN REPAIR Bayham Township 59 98 - 59.98 CPR 1261 - 1261 000-003-10900-0000 GREGSON ROBERT ROY CONS GORE PT LOTS 16,17 R 53 04 26.52 79 56 000-003.10900-0000 GREGSON ROBERT ROY CON S GORE PT LOTS 16,17 R 101.45 50.71 152 16 000-003-11000-0000 GARNER RUDY CON S GORE LOT 18 R 1.74 0.87 2 61 • 000-003-14100-0000. MC KILLOP GARY CON 6 STR S PT LOT 123 R l 74 0.87 2 61 000-003-14500-0000 BLONDEEL NURSERY INC CON 6 STR S PT LOT 124 R 10.15 5.07 15 22 000-003-14700-0000 GARNER RUDY STEPHEN CON 6 STR S PT LOT 126 R 43 77 21 88 65 65 000-004-05300-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 6 STR PT LOTS 125,126 R 7.53 3.77 11.30 292.01 109 69 401 70 0 Local Improvement 836- EMERSON DR REPAIR 000-002-09700-0000 BENNER SPELLMAN CON 3 N PT LOT 23 R 664 3 32 996 000-002-09800-0000 TOEBAST THEODORUS ADRIANUS J CON 3 N PT LOTS 23,24 K 96.43 48 21 144 64 000-002-10200-0000 ROLOSON EDWARD LEE CON 3 N PT LOT 24 R 18.45 9 22 27 67 121 52 60 75 182 27 (1 Local Improvement 837-FASSEEL DRAIN REPAIR Bayham Township 1124 - 11 24 000-002-02900-0000 KALMBACH ALBERT CON 2 N PT LOT 28 R 814 77 - 814 77 000-002-1 1 200-0000 FASSEEL CAMIEL CON 3 S PT LOT 28 R 44.95 - 44 95 87096 - 87096 0 Local Improvement 843-FREEMAN-STORP DR REPA Bayham Township 1 80 - 1 80 000-005-13100-0000 GASCHO JOSEPH CON 10 PT LOT 10 R 5.33 266 799 000-005-13300-0000 BARI LOUIS JOSEPH JR CON 10 S PT LOT I I R 2 99 1 49 4 48 000-005-13400-0000 LUKI IDA CON 10 S PT LOT 12 K 6 35 3 17 9 52 000-005-13500-0000 SHEPHERD GEORGE WAYNE CON 10 S PT LOT 12 K 3 40 l 70 5 10 000-005-13700-0000 MAUTHE HUGH OZI.AS CON 10 S PT LOT 13 K 0 83 0 41 1 24 20 70 9 43 30 13 0 Local Improvement 844-GARNHAM DRAIN REPAIR • 4 Page 3 of 8 LB 0730% TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0 SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 1996 ROLL NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT TOTAL Bayham Township 153 12 • 153 12 000-004-12900-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 7 NTR SE PT LOT 136 R 142 92 71 45 214 37 000-004-13100-0000 BADZIOCH WALTER CON 7 NTR NE PT LOT 136 R 36 75 18 37 55 12 332 79 89 82 422 61 0 Local Improvement 850- HORVATH-BLONDEEL DR R MTO 8 61 • 8.61 000-003-10900-0000 GREGSON ROBERT ROY CON S GORE PT LOTS 16,17 R 19 63 9 81 29 44 000-003-14500-0000 BLONDEEL NURSERY INC CON 6 STR S PT LOT 124 R 188 09 94.03 282 12 216 33 103 84 320 17 0 Local Improvement 856-KETCHABAW NO. 2 DR RE . Bayham Township �_ 24.13 • 24 13 000-006-01500-0000 KETCHABAW HUGH JACOB W CON N GORE PT LOTS 16.17 R 154 37 77.18 231 55 000-006-03700-0000 GALECKAS VINCENT CON 8 S PT LOTS 14,15 R 93 46 46 73 140 19 000-006-04000-0000 KETCHABAW HUGH MELVIN CON 8 E PT LOT 16 R 6 13 3 06 9 19 000-006-04200-0000 JANZEN PETER CON 8 S PT LOT 16 R 18 77 9 38 28.1 S 296 86 136 35 433 21 0 • Local Improvement 863 - MEULLER DRAIN REPAIR Bayham Township 18 93 - 18 93 Bayham Township 20 02 - 20 02 County of Elgin 143 - 143 0 County of Elgin 18 93 18 93 CNR 2.86 2 86 000-005-11000-0000 HAGELL MERLE CON 10 E PT LOT 4 R 1 41 - 1 41 000-005-I 1200-0000 SMITH DAVID TISDALE CON 10 S PT LOT 5 R 1 43 - 143 000-005-11303-0000 PIHOKKER JOZEPH CON 10 PT LOT 5 R 0 78 - 0 78 000-005-11305-0000 MULVANEY PATRICK OWEN CON 10 S PT LOT 5 R 0 78 - 0 78 000-005-11307-0000 OSBORNE JOHN DAVID CON 10 PT LOT 5 R 0.78 - 0 78 000-005-11309-0000 BOGART JEFFREY MARK CON 10 PT LOT S R 0 78 - 0 78 000-005-11311-0000 BOGART JEFFREY MARK CON 10 PT LOT 5 R 0 78 - 0 78 000-005-11313-0000 WAGLER SIMON CON 10 PT LOT 5 R 0 78 - 0 78 000-005-11315-0000 BOGART JEFFREY MARK CON 10 PT LOT 5 R 0 78 - 0 78 000-005-11500-0000 CHILCOTT ROBERT LEE CON 10 S PT LOT 5 R 4 29 - 4 29 000-005-I 1600-0000 BURWELL WILLIAM FREDERICK CON 10 S PT LOTS R 4 29 - 4 29 000-005-11700-0000 BOGART JEFFREY MARK CON 10 PT LOTS 4 & 5 R 48 62 24 30 72 92 000-005-12000-0000 LINDSAY ALVIN MAIN ST N/S R 1 43 - 1 43 000-005-12100-0000 TEALL GORDON JAMES MAIN ST N/S R 1 43 - 1 43 000-005-12200-0000 BENOIT PATRICK ADRIAN CON.10 S PT LOT 6 R 74 54 37 27 I 1181 000-005-12500-0000 VERSCHUEREN LEOPOLD GOMMAAR CON 10 N PT LOTS 7.8 R 2860 14 30 42 90 000-005-18500-0000 SIEMENS WILLIAM MAIN ST S/S R 2 86 - 2 86 236 53 75 87 312 40 0 Local Improvement 867-NELSON DRAIN REPAIR Bay ham Township 19 20 - 19 20 000-005-12400-0000 SCHIUURMAN FARMS LTD CON 10 N PT LOTS 6,7 R 30 16 30 16 49 36 - 49 36 0 Local Improvement 869-NO. 1 DRAIN REPAIR f Bay ham Township 8 99 - 8 99 Bayham Township 899 - 899 0 Bayham Township 29 96 29 96 County of Elgin 899 8 99 Page 4of8 LB073096 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 1996 • ROLL. NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT TOTAL Counts of Elgin 8 96 - 8 96 CPR 0 60 - 0 60 000-004-02800-0000 GREGSON ROBERT ROY CON 6 STR N PT LOT 125 R 62 70 31.39 94 09 000-004-03000-0000 GREGSON ROBERT ROY CON 6 STR N PT LOT 126 R 15 80 8.17 23 97 000-004-04700-0000 RACHAR BRIAN PAUL CON 6 STR N PT LOT 127 R 0 20 - 0 20 000-004-04900-0000 VOGELZANG CAMILLE L CON 6 STR N PT LOT 128 R 1 00 - 100 000-004-05000-0000 NAGY JOSEPH OTTO CON 6 STR PT LOTS 127,128 R 130 12 65.05 195 17 000-004-05300-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 6 SIR PT LOTS 125,126 R 49 67 24.84 74 51 000-004-05400-0000 HARRISON DAVID ERNEST CON 6 STR N PT LOT 128 R 0 20 - 0 20 000-004-05500-0000 TAFT ERIN SUE CON 6 STR N PT LOT 128 R 0 20 - 0 20 000-004-05700-0000 VANDENEECKHOUT ROBERT RONNIE CON 6 STR N PT LOT 128 R 0.20 - 0 20 000-004-05800-0000 SIMMONS DANIEL LEVI CON 6 STR N PT LOT 128 R 0.20 - 0.20 000-004-05900-0000 VEZINA MARIO CON 6 STR N PT LOT 128 R 0.20 - 0.20 000-004-06000-0000 ZAMECNIK GARY STEVEN CON 6 SIR N PT LOT (28 R 0 20 - 0.20 000-004-06100-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 6 STR PT LOTS 12, 130. R 88.83 44.41 133.24 000-004-06100-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 6 STR PT COTS 129, 130. R 92 30 46.14 138.44 000-004-06100-0000 HERMANN MANFRED OTTO CON 6 STR PT LOTS 129. 130. R 300 - 300 000-004-06200-0000 YOUCKE KAREN BEATRICE CON 6 STR N PT LOT 129 R 0.20 - 0 20 000-004-06400-0000 LUCE BERT LARSON CON 6 STR N PT LOT 131 R 12 13 6.05 18 18 000-004-06600-0000 VANDEVYVERE DANIEL EMMANUEL CON 6 STR N PT LOTS 131.132 R 3 32 1.47 4 79 000-004-10400-0000 MATHEW A SCHAFER LTD CON 7 NTR PT LOTS 127.128 R 1 20 - 1 20 000-004-10400-0000 MATHEW A SCHAFER LTD CON 7 NTR PT LOTS 127.128 R 4 99 - 4.99 000-004-10700-0000 KETCHABAW BRUCE EDMUND CON 7 NTR PT LOT 129 R 43 28 21 64 64 92 000-004-10700-0000 KETCHABAW BRUCE EDMUND CON 7 NTR PT LOT 129 R 4 99 - 4 99 000-004-11000-0000 KETCHABAW BRUCE EDMUND CON 7 NIR PT LOT 130 R 60.09 30.00 90 09 000-004-11300-0000 LUCE WILLIAM CLARENCE CON 7 NTR S PT LOT 131 R 0.20 - 0 20 000-004-11400-0000 RIVETT ALBERT GEORGE CON 7 NTR S PT LOT 131 R 0 20 - 0 20 000-004-11500-0000 LUCE BERT LARSON CON 7 NTR W PT LOT 131 R 32 7S 16.36 49 14 000-004-11600-0000 DENNIS DOUGLAS ARTHUR CON 7 NTR PT LOTS 131,132 R 8 06 4 03 12 09 • 682 75 299.55 982 30 0 Local Improvement 871 -PALMER EXTENSION DR R Count} of Elgin 174 64 - 174 64 000-002-18000-0000 VAN LOY EDNA MAY CON 4 N PT LOT 22 R 55.06 27.54 82 60 229.70 27.54 257 24 0 Local Improvement 875-POLLICK DRAIN REPAIR County of Elgin 21 42 - 21 42 Covent}of Elgin 0 82 - 0 82 000-002-18000-0000 VAN LOY EDNA MAY CON 4 N PT LOT 22 R 0 40 0.20 060 000-002-18100-0000 EMERSON KENNETH C CON 4 S PT LOTS 23,24 R 0 49 0.25 0 74 000-002-18300-0000 RACZ DAVID CHARLES CON 4 N PT LOT 23 R 3 15 1.58 4 73 000-002-18500-0000 FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CON 4 S PT LOT 24 R 0.84 042 1 26 000-002-18600-0000 WINEGARDEN LINDA DIANE CON 4 N PT LOT 24 R 0.84 0.42 1 26 000-002-18600-0000 WINEGARDEN LINDA DIANE CON 4 N PT LOT 24 R 2.22 1.11 3 33 000-002-18700-0000 MILLER GEORGE CON 4 N PT LOT 24 R 4.01 2.01 6 02 000-002-18700-0000 MILLER GEORGE CON 4 N PT LOT 24 R 0 17 0.09 0 26 000-002-18800-0000 PENNER TOBIAS FRIESSEN CON 4 N PT LOT 25 R 23.66 1 183 35 49 000-002-18800-0000 PENNER TOBIAS FRIESSEN CON 4 N PT LOT 25 R 3.32 167 499 NOP 000-002-18900-0000 WIZNIAK JOHN MICHAEL CON 4 PT LOT 24 R 9 77 489 1466 000-002-18900-0000 WIZNIAK JOHN MICHAEL CON 4 PT LOT 24 R 22 94 11.48 34 42 000-002-18900-0000 WIZNIAK JOHN MICHAEL CON 4 PT LOT 24 R 2.04 103 3 07 000-002-18900-0000 WIZNIAK JOHN MICHAEL CON 4 PT LOT 24 R 1.18 0.60 178 000-002-19000-0000 FARM CREDIT CORPORATION , CON 4 S PT LOT 25 R 7.04 3 52 10 56 000-003-06900-0000 VAN WY LEO VICTOR CON 5 S PT LOT 22 R 0.17 0.09 0.26 000-003-07300-0000 RACZ DAVID CHARLES CON 5 S PT LOT 23 R 1 06 0.53 1 59 000-003-08000-0000 RACZ DAVID CHARLES CON 5 S PT LOT 24 R 0.32 0.16 0 48 • 000-003-08200-0000 WIZNIAK JOHN MICHAEL CON 5 S PT LOT 25 R 7 98 399 1197 t I'agc S 0 • !.1307 30 96 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM illSCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 1996 ROLL NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT 101 Al. 000-003-08200-0000 WIZNIAK JOHN MICHAEL CON S S PT LOT 25 R 0 32 0 16 0 48 000-003-08300-0000 SEGHERS GERMAIN CON 5 PT LOT 24 PT LOT 25 R 3.52 1 76 5 28 000-003-08300-0000 SEGHERS GERMAIN CONI PT LOT 24 PT LOT 25 R 0.15 0 08 0 23 117 83 47 87 165 70 0 Local Improvement 877- REISER-CSINOS DRAIN R Bay ham Township 329 90 - 32990 000-002-06100-0000 WIGGERS JOHN GERHARDES CON 3 N PT LOTS 14,15 R 226 60 113 29 339 89 000-002-14100-0000 CANADA MORTGAGE HOUSING CON 4 S PT LOT 14 R 7 36 - 7 36 000-002-14400-0000 RINGLAND LILLIAN IRENE CON 4 S PT LOT 14 R 30 60 15 30 45 90 000-002-14800-0000 WELLS EVA KATHLEEN CON 4 S PT LOT 15 R 28 58 14 29 42 87 000-002-15200-0000 CSINOS JOHN CON 4 S PT LOT 15 R 210 15 105 06 315 21 833 19 247 94 1,081 13 0 Local Improvement 878-SCANLAN DRAIN REPAIR ---- Count) of Elgin 1.65 - 1 65 000-001-01000-0000 FERNLEY E 3 ESTATE CON 1 N PT LOT 9 R 0.10 006 0 16 000-001-01200.0000 KWARCIANY RICHARD MICHAEL CON 1 N PT LOT 10 R 5.96 2 98 8 94 000-001-08500-0000 BROUGHTON HARRY DAVID CON 2 S PT LOT 8 R 0.66 0 33 0.99 000-001-08700-0000 BROUGHTON HARRY DAVID CON 2 S PT LOT 9 R 2.70 1.36 406 000-001-08800-0000 UNDERHILL RANDY WAYNE CON 2 S PT LOT 9 R 6.51 3 26 9 77 000-001-08900-0000 UNDERHILL RANDY CON 2 S PT LOT 10 R 6.60 3 30 990 000-008-05100-0000 CHALEYSSIN JEAN CON 2 N PT LOT 9 R 0 29 0 15 0 44 000-008-05200-0000 UNDERHILL RANDY WAYNE CON 2 N PT LOT 9 R 6 24 3 12 9 36 000-008-05300-0000 VALKO PAUL CON 2 N PT LOT 10 R 0 03 - 0 03 0 000-008-05401-0000 BRADT ROBERT CHARLES CON 2 SPT LOT 10 R 0 19 .. - 0 19 000-008-05500-0000 UNDERHILL RANDY CON 2 N PT LOT 10 R 0.57 0 29 0 86 31 50 1485 46 35 0 Local Improvement 879-SCHONBERGER DRAIN REP Ba)ham Township 175 03 - 175 03 000-002-09300-0000 HOWARD DOUGLAS CON 3 N PT LOT 22 R 22 00 1100 33.00 illip-002 BENNER SPELLMAN • CON 3 N PT LOT 23 R 52 78 26.40 79 18 000-002-09800-0000 TOEBAST THEODORUS ADRIANUS J CON 3 N PT LOTS 23.24 R 93 1 I 46.56 139.67 000-002-09800-0000 TOEBAST THEODORUS ADRIANUS J CON 3 N PT LOTS 23.24 R 77 71 38.86 116 57 000-002-10100-0000 MARSHALL KERR CALDER CON 3 RD Si R 27 71 13 86 41 57 000-002-10200-0000 ROLOSON EDWARD LEE CON 3 N PT LOT 24 R 132.70 66 35 199 05 000-002-10300-0000 ROLOSON VICTORIA CON 3 N PT LOT 24 R 11.00 - I 1 00 000-002-18100-0000 EMERSON KENNETH C CON 4 S PT LOTS 23,24 R 76.55 38 27 114 82 000-002-18100-0000 EMERSON KENNETH C CON 4 S PT LOTS 23.24 R 32.84 16 43 49 27 000-002-18500-0000 FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CON 4 S PT LOT 24 R 78 89 39 44 118 33 000-002-19000-0000 FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CON 4 S PT LOT 25 R 50 74 25 37 76 1 1 831 06 322 54 1.153 60 0 Local Improvement 883 -SMITH DRAIN REPAIR Ba)ham Township 0 22 - 0 22 Bayham Township 0 40 - 0 40 -4, Bayham Township 3 10 - 3 10 Bayham Township 5 98 - 5 98 CNR 116 - 116 CNR 218 - 218 000-005-13200-0000 BALINT NICHOLAS CON 10 PT LOTS 10.1 1,12 R 14 94 7 48 22 42 000-005.13600-0000 GRAYDON BRIAN RICHARD CON ION PT LOTS 12.13 R 19 56 9 79 29.35 000-005-14100-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 10 N PT LOT 13 R 7 98 400 11 98 4. 000-005-14100-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 10 N PT LOT 13 R 15 01 7 49 22 50 000-005-14900-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS ITD CON 10 N PT LOT 14 R 22 90 1146 34 36 f I'age ()ut S LB 07 ;() 96 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 1996 • ROLL NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT TOTAL 000-005-14900-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 10 N PT LOT 14 R 43 03 21 51 64 54 000-005-15900-0000 DANBROOK KEITH REGINALD CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 0 38 0 20 0 58 000-005-15900-0000 DANBROOK KEITH REGINALD CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 1.08 - 1.08 000-005-16000-0000 DAFOE JOHN WESLEY CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 0 38 0.20 0.58 000-005-16000-0000 DAFOL:JOHN WESLEY CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 108 - 108 000-005-16100-0000 CUS FERENC CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 4 40 2.20 660 000-005-16100-0000 CUS FERENC CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 8 27 4 13 12 40 000-005-16200-0000 MELITZER JANE ELIZABETH CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 2 03 1 02 3 05 000-005-16200-0000 MELITZER JANE ELIZABETH CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 3 82 1 91 5 73 000-005-16300-0000 BENEZE JOSEPHINE ESTATE CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 2 03 102 3 05 000-005-16300-0000 BENEZE JOSEPHINE ESTATE CON 10 PT LOT 15 R 3 82 1.91 5 73 000-005-16400-0000 STARK MICKAEL ROBERT CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R 2 03 1.02 3 05 000-005-16400-0000 STARK MICKAEL ROBERT CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R 3 82 1.91 5.73 000-005-16500-0000 HOOVER BRIAN JOHN CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R 4 30 2.16 6.46 000-005-16500-0000 HOOVER BRIAN JOHN CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R, 8 09 4.04.. 12 13 • 000-005-16700-0000 CONOD REDVERS CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R • 0 22• - 0.22 j 000-005-16700-0000 CONOD REDVERS CON 10 N PT LOT 15 w R 0 40 - 0 40 J 000-005-16800-0000 CEMETERY TRUSTEES CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R 0 08 - 0.08 000-005-16800-0000 CEMETERY TRUSTEES CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R 0 12 - 0.12 000-005-16900-0000 BYERLAY NORMAN RANDOLPH CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R 0 24 0 12 0.36 000-005-16900-0000 BYERLAY NORMAN RANDOLPH CON 10 N PT LOT 15 R 0 67 - 0.67 000-005-17400-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 11 PT LOT 15 R 0 15 0 08 0.23 000-005-17400-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 11 PT LOT 15 R 0 42 - 0 42 000-006-14600-0000 SPANJERS ADRIAN JOSEPH CON 10 N PT LOT 16 K 3 80 1 91 5.71 000-006-14600-0000 SPANJERS ADRIAN JOSEPH CON 10 N PT LOT 16 K 7 15 3 57 10 72 000-006-14700-0000 BALDWIN VICTOR DONALD CON 10 N PT LOT 17 K 0 38 0.20 0 58 000-006-14700-0000 BALDWIN VICTOR DONALD CON 10 N PT LOT 17 K 1 08 - 108 000-006-17600-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 11 PT LOT 16 K 1 62 0 82 2 44 000-006-17600-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTU CON 11 PT LOT 16 K 3 05 '1 53 4 58 • 201 37 91 68 293 05 0 Local Improvement 887-SWANCE DRAIN REPAIR CNR 5 89 - 5 89 000-006-17600-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 11 PT LOT 16 R 26 38 13 19 39 57 000-006-17700-0000 SWANCE FARMS LIMITED CON 11 LOT 17 R 54 17 27.09 81 26 000-006-17800-0000 GRAYDON BRIAN RICHARD C014 11 LOT 18 R 24 44 12.23 36 67 110 88 52.51 163 39 0 Local Improvement 896• WINTER DRAIN REPAIR Bayham Township 198 94 - 198 94 000-001-07300-0000 854889 ONTARIO INC CON I N PT LOTS 26,27 R 2 1 22 10 62 31 84 000-001-08000-0000 WINTER LE:TA MAE CON I N PT LOT 28 R 61 02 30.51 91 53 000-001-12600-0000 TOWNSEND ROBERT MURRAY CON 2 S PT LOT 27 R 13 26 664 1990 000-001-12700-0000 KUNDERMAN WILLIAM CON 2 S PT LOT 28 R 204 27 102 13 306 40 498 71 149 90 648 61 0 Local Improvement 897-WINTER(HOUGHTON)DR Bayham Township 0 93 - 0 93 Norfolk Township 0 62 0 31 0 93 Norfolk Township 0 62 0 31 0 93 County of Elgin 12 01 - 12 01 000-001-12700-0000 KUNDERMAN WILLIAM CON 2 S PT LOT 28 R 33 63 16 82 50 45 47 81 17 44 65.25 0 Local Improvement 912-ELLIOT NO.1 DRAIN REP Bayham Township 40 38 - 40 38 • Page 7 of 8 • 1.B 07 30 96 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - 1996 ROLL NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEVY GRANT TOTAL CNR 109 - 1.09 000-005-16900-0000 BYERLAY NORMAN RANDOLPH CON ION PT LOT 15 R 1.44 0 73 2.17 000-005-17200-0000 BALINT NICHOLAS GEORGE , CON II LOT 12 E PT LOT I I R 6.48 3 25 9.73 000-005-17300-0000 BYE GEORGE WILLIAM CON 11 LOT 13 TO 14 R 49.15 24 58 73.73 000-005-17400-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON I I PT LOT 15 R 32 78 16 40 49 18 000-006-17600-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON I 1 PT LOT 16 R 0 44 0 22 066 000-009-01605-0000 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CAYUGA SUBDIVISION R 0 72 0 37 1 09 132 48 45 55 178 03 0 Local Improvement 913- ELLIOT NO.2 DRAIN RE Bay ham Township 92.68 - 92.68 CNR 4 46 - 4 46 000-005-14100-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 10 N PT LOT 13 R 30 66 15 33 45.99 000-005-14900-0000 ORCHARD CREST FARMS LTD CON 10 N PT LOt�14 R 21 97 10 98 32 95 . ' 000-006-13600-0000 WHITE ROSEMARY ANNE CON 9 PT }TS-2b,27 R 31.58 15 79 47 37 4 181.35 42 10 223 45 0 Local Improvement 914-NORFOLK-BAYHAM TOWNLI Bayham Township 6 35 - 6 35 County of Elgin 17 33 - 17 33 000-003-15900-0000 KETCHABAW BRUCE EDMUND CON 6 STR S PT LOT 135 R 8 53 426 12 79 000-003-16000-0000 GAGNON JUDY LEA CON 6 STR S PT LOT 136 R 36.75 18 37 55 12 68.96 22 63 91 59 0 Local Improvement 915-FRIESEN DRAIN • County of Elgin 520 54 - 520 54 000-001-07600-0000 SANDY SHORE FARMS LIMITED CON I PT LOTS 26&27 R 260.27 - 260.27 000-001-07900-0000 CSIKOS JOSEPH CON 1 PT LOTS 26 TO 28 R 2,044 98 - 2.044 98 000-001-08000-0000 WINTER LETA MAE CON 1 N PT LOT 28 R 1.710.34 - 1.710 34 000-001-08100-0000 BUTCHER REX LEROY CON 1 PT LOT 28 R 520 54 - 520 54 5.056 67 - 5,056 67 0 21,395.29 5,258.01 26,653.30 0 4110 Page K ui CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-48 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. (CASIER DRAIN) WHEREAS the landowner of Roll No. 2-146 has initiated a request with the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin in accordance with the Section 78 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by a drainage works: Part of Lots 14 & 15, Concessions 4 & 5, in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of has procured a report made by Spriet Associates and the report is attached hereto and forms part of this By-Law. AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage work is $13,500.00. AND WHEREAS $13,500.00 is the amount to be contributed by the owner of property roll no. 2-146 for construction of the drainage works. AND WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. The report dated July 4, 1996 and attached hereto is hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth is hereby authorized and shall be..completed in accordance therewith. - 2. This by-law comes into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as "Casier Drain 1996". READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of August, 1996. Provisionally adopted this 1st day of August, 1996. /*au-A"-, 22/;/— REEVE CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of October , 199 6 v 1,27911111111111111. REEVE CLERK A J By-law No. 96-48 - 2 - August 1, 1996 COURT OF REVISION - TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for considering and determining of Appeals to the said Court of Revision to the Assessment of By- law 96-48 will be held at THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICE, on August 29, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. hours. All notices of appeal shall be served on the Clerk of the Municipality AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR to the first sitting of the Court. Date of mailing August 6 , 1996 Maureen Beatty i CLERK ,A CASIER DRAIN Township of Bayham SPRIET ASSOCIATES Job No. 96139 July 4, 1996 London, Ontario July 4, 1996 CASTER DRAIN Township of Bayham To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Bayham Reeve and Council: We are pleased to present our report on the reconstruction of the lower portion of the Casier Municipal Drain serving parts of Lots 14 and 15 in the Township of Bayham. The total watershed area contains approximately 53.7 hectares. AUTHORIZATION This report was prepared pursuant to Section 78 of the Drainage Act in accordance with instructions received from your Clerk with respect to a motion of the Township Council. The work was initiated by a request signed by the affected landowner. HISTORY The Casier Municipal Drain was originally constructed pursuant to a report submitted by Graham, Berman and Associates, Consulting Engineers dated December 5, 1969 and consisted of 3070 feet of 8" to 12" field tile with fiberglass overlay and plastic underlay and 1430 feet of open ditch construction. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A site meeting with respect to the project was held on July 2, 1996 and the owners of the affected properties were invited to attend. It was noted that since the 1969 drain construction the owner of N1/2S1/2 Lot 14 in Concession 4 has installed a pond on line with the open ditch, 63 meters downstream of the tile outlet, and replaced the open ditch downstream of the pond for 185 meters with 300mm plastic tile. A field investigation and survey was undertaken and upon reviewing our findings, we note that the private 300mm tile is undersized for surface run-off, causing the pond to backup, flooding over its banks and submerging the municipal drain tile outlet upstream. 2 PROPOSED WORK AND DESIGN CRITERIA We are therefore recommending the following: that a new 400mm dia. concrete tile laid on crushed stone bedding be installed from a ditch inlet catchbasin at the pond to an outlet in the existing open ditch 184 meters downstream that the new tile outlet be installed with quarry stone rip-rap protection to prevent erosion of the outlet ditch portion Due to the indications of poor soil conditions, the tile is to be installed on 20mm crushed stone bedding and all tile joints are to be completely wrapped with fitter cloth. The proposed work consists of approximately 184 lineal meters of 400mm (16") concrete field tile including related appurtenances. The capacity of the proposed drain was evaluated using the Drainage Coefficient Method contained in the "DRAINAGE GUIDE FOR ONTARIO", Publication 29 by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The Drainage Coefficient defines a depth of water that can be removed in a 24 hour period and is expressed in millimetres per 24 hours. The design capacity of the proposed tile drain is based on a drainage coefficient of 25mm (1 ") per 24 hours. All of the proposed work has been generally designed and shall be constructed in accordance with the DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES FOR WORK UNDER THE DRAINAGE ACT. ENVIRONMENTAL ACT There are no significant wetland or sensitive areas within the affected watershed area or along the route of the drains. SCHEDULES Four schedules are attached hereto and form part of this report, being Schedule 'A' - Allowances, Schedule '8' - Cost Estimate, Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction and Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance. Schedule 'A' - Allowances. Under this schedule, we have provided allowances fa; damages to lands and crops in which the drain is actually constructed under Section 30 of the Drainage Act. An allowance for right-of-way is also provided to the lands used for the construction of the drain and for temporary access under Section 29 of the Drainage Act. 3 SCHEDULES (coned) Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate. This schedule provides for a detailed cost estimate of the proposed work which is in the amount of $ 13,500.00. This estimate includes engineering and administrative costs associated with this project, including the net Goods and Services Tax. Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. This schedule outlines the distribution of the total estimated cost of construction over the roads and lands which are involved. Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance. This schedule outlines the distribution of future repair and/or maintenance costs for this portion of the drain. • J Drawing No. 1 , Job No. 96139 and specifications form part of this report. They show and describe in detail the location and extent of the work to be done and the lands which are affected. ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS In accordance with the Drainage Act, lands that make use of a drainage works are liable for assessment for part of the cost of constructing and maintaining the system. These liabilities are known as benefit liability, outlet liability and special benefit liability as set out under Sections 22,23,24 and 26 of the Act. Benefit liability as defined in the Drainage Act means the advantages to any lands, roads, buildings or other structures from the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a drainage works such as will result in a higher market value or increased crop production or improved appearance or better control of.surface water, or any other advantages relating to the betterment of lands, roads, buildings or other structures. Outlet liability is assessed to lands or roads that make use of a drainage works as an outlet either directly or indirectly through the medium of any other drainage works or of a swale, ravine, creek or watercourse. ASSESSMENT The actual cost of the work involving this report is to be assessed against the lands liable for assessment as shown on Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. 4 MAINTENANCE Upon completion of construction, all owners are hereby made aware of Sections 80,82 and 83 of the Drainage Act which forbid the obstruction of, damage or injury to, and pollution of a municipal drain. After completion, this portion of the Casier Drain shall be maintained by the Township of Bayham at the expense of all upstream lands and roads assessed in Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance and in the same relative proportions, until such time as the assessment is changed under the Drainage Act. Respectfully submitted;—".s SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED 9 •;-\ . l4i �L J. R. Spriet, P. Eng. sjs 5 SCHEDULE 'A' — ALLOWANCES CASTER DRAIN Township of Bayham In accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, we determine the allowances payable to owners entitled thereto as follows: DAMAGES AND CONCESSION LOT ROLL NUMBER (Owner) RIGHT—OF—WAY 4 N1/2S1/214 2-146(W.,L. & A. Rimnyak) S 670.00 Total Allowances S 670.00 Total Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act $ 670.00 6 SCHEDULE '8' - COST ESTIMATE CASTER DRAIN Township of Bayham MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION One 6 meter length of 500mm dia., 1 .6mm thickness riveted outlet pipe (with rodent gate) Supply $ 350.00 Installation at tile outlet with quarry stone rip-rap protection around pipe 6 and across end of backfilled ditch (Approx. 5m3 quarry stone required) $ 600.00 Installation of the following concrete field tile on a crushed stone bedding using backhoe and loader: 178 meters of 400mm (16") concrete tile $ 3,600.00 Supply of the above listed tile $ 2,200.00 Supply of 40mm wide geotextile for wrapping of tile joints $ 150.00 Supply and delivery of 19mm crushed stone Estimated quantity 100 tonnes $ 1 ,200.00 Supply and instal one 600mmx600mm ditch inlet catchbasin with side inlet including grate $ 950.00 Tile Connections and Contingencies $ 200.00 Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act $ 670.00 ADMINISTRATION Interest and net Goods and Services Tax $ 500.00 Survey, Plan and Report $ 2, 160.00 Assistance and Expenses $ 450.00 Supervision and Final Inspection $ 470.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 13,500.00 7 SCHEDULE 'C' - ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION CASTER DRAIN Township of Bayham Job No. 96139 July 4, 1996 HECTARES CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL NO. (OWNER) BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL i MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION Special Assessment against property Roll No. 2-146 (W.L. & A. Rimnyak) for the total cost of this project $ 13,500.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION $ 13,500.00 NOTE: The above lands are classified as agricultural. SCHEDULE 'D' - ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE 8 CASTER DRAIN Township of Bayham Job No. 96139 July 4, 1996 HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN 4 N'/2S'/214 5.2 2-146(W.,L. & A. Rimnyak) 68.00 % 4 N1/214 1.2 2-147(VandendriesscheValleyFarms) 0.70 4 NPtS1/215 6.9 2-153(M. Colpaert) 3.10 4 SPtN1/215 12.0 2-155(A. Barzo) y • 7.10 * 4 PtN1/215 0.2 2-156(W. & K. Mathews) 0.20 4 PtN1/215 3.4 2-157(J. & P. Cnockaert) 2.00 * 4 PtN'/215 0.8 2-160(J. & J. Froggett) 0.40 * 4 PtN1/215 0.3 2-160-01(J. Cus) 0.20 * 4 PtN1/215 0.2 2-160-02(A. & A. Fehr) 0.20 * 4 PtN1/215 0.3 2-158(R. & A. Weber) 0.20 * 4 PtN1/215 0.4 2-159-10(D. Van Acker) 0.20 4 PtN1/215 14.7 2-159(W. & S. Casier) 8.50 * 5 PtSPt15 0.6 3-033(J. & J. Froggett) 0.40 * 5 PtSPt15 0.3 3-034(D. & J. Nurse) 0.20 5 PtSPt15 1.1 3-035(M. E. Millard) 0.70 5 PtSPt15 1.6 3-037(S. Svirida) 1 .00 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS 93.1 % Highway No. 19 2.1 M.T.O. 5.00 County Road No. 45 0.8 County of Elgin 1.90 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS 6.9 % TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION 100 % NOTE: All the above lands, with the exception of the ones noted with an asterisk, are classified as agricult SCHEDULE OF NET ASSESSMENT • CASIER DRAIN Township of Bayham (FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY) Job No. 96139 July 4. 1996 * = Non—agricultural ROLL NUMBER TOTAL APPROX. CODE (OWNER) ASSESSMENT GRANT ALLOWANCES NET 2-146(W.,L. & A. Rimnyak) $ 13,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 670.00 $ 8,330.00 TOTALS $ 13,500.00 $ 4,500.0'0$ 670.00 $ 8,330.00 ,I 1 LOT LEGEND 55.00 f ROLL No, OWNERSHIP HECTARES 3.IbR8. $ 3) A) 3-034 D. & J. NURSE 0.301 '4 -,, t 8) 3-033 J. & J. FROGGETT 0.587 -- C) 2-158 R. & A WEBER 1.210 D) 2-160-02 A & A. FEHR 0.239 t7 t..3.------11.035- E) 2-160-01 J. CU5 0.250 SILL F) 2-160 J. & J. FROMM 0.809 "-----„, /42 G) 2-157 J. & P. CNOCKAERT 3.440 S. M. N4 1L IN PINE EAST SIDE or POND '~ - a. H) 2-156 w. & K. MATHEWS 0.153 E.-',TA. 0+243± ELEv 51 .205 I) 2-159-10 D. VAN ACKER 0.400 B 1r- E3. M. NAIL IN SMALL CHERRY TREE 50m 5 D L ST,.. 0+000 ELEv 50.000 E PLAN LEGEND otili of WATER5IE✓ AREA PROPOSED DRAINAGE WOWS I EXTERIOR OR fNTERIOR WATER54-iED -- — EX16T PRIVATE DRAIN TO eE REMOVED r--H.IW.L. ELEY. 49.9. / r� +4 EXIST. MI.NICIPAL DRAT r` f i_ "� E3 50.00 _..._.._ ._. _ SURFACE RUN EXIST. 3OOmrn 0 TILE r i_ .- j OUTLET . i `o -' �. EXIST WATERCOURSE OR PRIVATE DITCH I I r SUS AREA ' \ POND W>L I ELEV. 48.51 ' -- EX!'•T. PRIVATE 300mm 5OL D PLASTIC l TIL: TO BE REMOvED 4 DIOPOSED i GENERAL NOTES o i '' .:� '•40�' - ( p; ; �r�ll 00 4 • *---, • :- I; OUR SPEC '7-CATIONS DATED JANUARY 1963 APPLY TO THIS PROJECT -4- 6 m OF 50G mm DI • . I . 8mm THl 55`p' OUTLET PIPE (WITH -•DENT GATE) WIN I QUA STONE RIP- • ' PROTECT!. ON �T I ri THE tilORt:INS WIDTH AVAILABLE TO THE CONTRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT THE DRAIN �— 'J•191 INSTAL 6 D x 00mm ca FILTER :;LAt�10ET A-.0 u *NEW' TILE • TLET '\:._ ,� ' D.=C.B. WITH SIDE INLE TO LEv, r� EX. DITCH SHALL CONSIST OF THOSE LANDS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THS DRAIN AND AND ROSS E • '"C'1PEN DiT�H ELEv. 41.3: CONNECTIONS ANC3 SHALL NOT EXCEED AN AvERAGE WIDTH OF 15 METERS - 8.6 INCLUDING G TE, ON RAIN IN AGC•+>,ANCE WIT STD. DWG. •. 5. AT E DG OF OND (APP.• . 5 cu. m. QU• STONE RE•o'D) I Z.- 3), ALL O',11tvERS ALONG THE COURSE OF THE DRAIN SHALL I !AKE AN ACCESS ROPE REMO : 4DISPOSE ,' EXIST. PL TIC TILE FROM THE NEAREST ROAD TO NE DRAIN LOCATION AVAILABLE TO THE INSTALL EW TILE INS S. E LOCATI AS EXIST. C'ONTR.ACTnRNE 4:X.RAZ-E WC% OF T 'S R.eVE SHALL NOT ExCEEC ExISTi EXI TING POND • 0 0 m 116"? 4 ONCRETE ILE 8 METERS. _._ _ ____,,,,..,,,. -......,....— OPEN .. ,..-._ OPEN DI CH ON C % SHED ST•NE BEDDI USING 4. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL UTILITIES i • i BACKHOE •ND LOADE H PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 45.00 in CD r� om o ©o ALL TREES , SCRUB BRUSH , ETC TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED IN 1c) CV CJ CO ACCOR�'ANCE W TH SPECIFICATIONS. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GuaRRtiTONE SHA.. RANGE .N SIZE FROM IQOmm TO 30Omm EVENLY MA N ID RA IN 1=1;ROF ILE DISTRIBUTED AND SHALL BE PLACED TO 4 300mm THICKNESS ON A SUITABLE FILTER BLANKET AT A 1 . 5 : 1 SLOPE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED . SCALE H{OR 12,50m �~ 1i ALL CONCRETE TILE TO BE A S T. M. C 4 : EXTRA-QUALITY PLUS 25 o UNLESS VERT. 1 S® OTHERWISE NOTED I ALL JOINTS BETWEEN CONCRETE TILES , AND CONCRETE TILE 4 VARIOUS PIPES L ..,... ARE TO BE SECURELY AND COMPLETELY WRAPPED WITH A 400mm WIDTH OF GEOTEXTILE SUCH AS "MIRAFI 150N" OR EQUIVALENT . THE ENDS OF `HE WRAP AT EACH JOINT SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 150mm 9/ ALL TILE TO BE ..A1D ON 20mm CRU5HED STONE BEDDING USING BACKHOE AND LOADER INST:;..LATION OF STONE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE PER METER FOR INetTdLI.IN!', TIS>= ON T POR!. elF TExiD=0. NE c.,Icp Y iv e-posprD sTr•NE al TO THE SITE . TO BE PER TONNE A5 QUOTE: ON THE FOR"' OF TENDER 0 Z i0i TRENCH BOTTOM FOR CONCRETE TILE SHALL BE SHAPED TO CONFORM TO THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE FOR A MINIMUM WIDTH OF ONE-HALF OF THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER 1. Drainage Superintendent: DUJA1'NE DANIELS Ill a) EXACT LOCATION ANV ELEVATIONS OF NEW CATCH BASINS TO BE CONFIRMED C A S I E R D R A I N BY ENGINEER OR DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT. b) CATCHBASINS TO HAVE "BIRD CAGE" TYPE GRATES. TOWNSHIP O F BAY H A M C) CONSTRUCT COMPACTED 4 SEEDED CLAY BERMS BEHIND ALL DITCH INLET CATCHBASINS BERMS TO BE KEYED 300mm INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL • Drawn By. JN.H Field Boo: JOB No, urawing No. a) ROAD DITCHES TO BE GRADED TO NEW CATCHBASINS FOR Ism EACH WAY OF nor .ss,a e _ I i 9 9 b 1 3 9 NEW CATCHBASINS o v ti,�� Date'JULY 4, 19% ci- I aF I 12/ STA. 0•,01 TO 0.191 EXISTING SOLID PLASTIC TILE TO BE REMOVEDdlibi i PLAN 4 PROF I L E AND DISPOSED OF BY CONTRACTOR NEW TILE DRAIN TO BE INSTALLED ALONG W J. R. SPRIET r' THE SAME LOCATION A5 THE EXISTING TILE. a SPRIET ASSOCIATE 3 I 5 , 000 �jLONDON LIMITED 13i EXACT LOCATION OF NEW TILE DRAINS TO BE CaFIRMED BY DRAINAGE Io lar SUPERINTENDENT OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION L1Nce or oiol CONSULTINGENGINEERS 155 YORK STREET --LONDON (519) 672-4100--NSA 1A8 T LOT LEGEND 55.00 ROLL No, OWNERSHIP HECTARES 3.03 -.' 5. Si.� ,,� { A) 3-034 D. & J. NURSE 0.301 ,4 '.------,d_ B) 3-033 J. & J. FROGGETT 0.587 C) 2-158 R. & A WEBER 1.210 "��-..`� 0) 2-160-02 A & A FEHR 0.239 03g E) 2-160-01 J. CUS 0.250 E /!/LC F) 2-160 J. & J. FROGGETT 0.809 /42 4,---1‘-)a , G) 2-157 J. & P. CNOCKAERT 3.440 S. M. NAIL IN PINE EAST SIDE or POND H) 2-156 W. & K. MATHEWS 0.153 STA. 0+243± ELEv 51 .205 B I) 2-159-10 0. VAN AGKER 0.400 *r- --` S. M. NAIL IN SMALL CHERRY TREE 50m S. D ; `1 :T.: 0+000 ELEv. 50.000 `�,,1 E PLAN LEGEND . L MT OF tuATERSD AREA e)ftF ''.- . 1111111111111111111111111111111 PROPOSED DRAINAGE WORKS o. EXTERIOR OR irtTERIOR uiATER.SMED -W.W.L. ELEv. 49.92 Exit? PR!VATE DRAN TO BE REMOVED 140 EXIST. FA ICiPAL DRAINn r Illir EX15T. 3©0mm m TILE r - �- M h. i2 50.00 OUTLET I77,--77- N 4-- `� �� � EXIST WATERCOURSE OR PRIVATE DITCH N- sus++ AREA 11 - POND W/L 1 ELEv. 48.51 Exi-•T. PRIVATE 300mm SOL D PLASTIC -_-----iTIL: TO BE REMOVED i DISPOSED .' G ----,Th-'------__ • p if Ii"mmim GENERAL:, NOTES I t 0.407 -07) CO . I ••. :- OUR SPEC7- ..T ION5 DATED JANu4R1 190: APPL1 TO THIS PROJECT. 'Kt' 6 m OF 500 mm DI . I . 6mm Ti-ii 4 55--- OUTLET PIPE (WITH DENT GATE) WITH i :: --iE WORKING w1DTH AVAILABLE TO THE CONTRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT THE DRAIN STA. �•19f INSTAL b o x 00mm QUA STONE RIP- P PROTECT • ON FILTER ANKET A NEW TILE • TLET ,,HALL CONSIST OF THOSE LANDS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE DRAIN AND D.i G.B. WITH SIDE INLE TO LEv. AND A. ROSS END OPEN DIT•N I EX. DITCH CONNECTIONS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED AN AVERAGE WIDTH OF 15 METERS 48.n I LUDING G TE, ON RAIN IN ACC•�•ANCE WIT STD. DUG. •. 5. i ELEv. 41.32 AT EDGE OF OND (APP 4•X. 5 cu. m. QUARRY STONE RE.M'D) '"` "/ ALL OWNERS ALONG THE COURSE OF THE DRAIN SHALL MAKE AN ACCESS ROUTE 'T. RENO I DISPOSE OF €�15T. PL TIC TILE Z `'�-. FROM THE NEAREST ROAD TO THE DRAIN LOCATION AVAILABLE TO THE 1 I iINSTALL EW TILE N SAME LOCAT! AS EXIST CONT4.ACTr?R. NE Q�fEq..s6L'I E i^T�i OF /THIS QO'JTc SHALL MOT EXCEED 1 METERS EX15TlN .....L.EXi TING POND m (16°1 CONCRETE ILE - OPEN DI CH I ON C SHED STONE BEDDI USING A' CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND E_E V4TION OF ALL uT _ ` BACKHOE AND LOADE H PRIOR TO CONSTjCTION. . - - 45.00 on CD N- CD0 o 00 5/ ALL TREES SCRUB . BRUSH . ETC. TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED IN r� r� CN CV ± C)O ACCORDANCE WITH jPECIFICATIONS. 0 0 0 0 CD 0 o CD i QtJARRY STONE SHALL RANGE iN SIZE FROM Comm TO 300mm cvENL1' MAN DRAIN PROFILE DISTRIBUTED AND SHALL BE PLACED TO A 300mm THICKNESS ON A SUITABLE Fi.TER BLANKET AT A I . 5 : 1 SLOPE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED . SCALE : HOR. 1 : 2,500 7/ ALL CONCRETE TLE TO BE A. S. ' C EXTRA-QUALITY PLUS 25 'e UNLESS VERT. 1 : 50 OTHERWISE NOTE.r, 8i AL1. JOINTS BETWEEN CONCRETE TILES , AND CONCRETE TILE 4 VARIOUS PIPES ARE • TO BE SECURELY AND COMPLETELY WRAPPED WITH A 400mm WIDTH OF GEOTEXTILE SUCH AS "MIRAFI 150N6 OR EQUIVALENT . THE ENDS OF `^-;E WRAP AT EACH JOINT SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 150mm . 5/ ALL TILE TO BE LAID ON 20mm CRuSHED STONE BEDDING USING BACKHOE AND LOADER INSTALLATION OF STONE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE PER METER Few, ►NP,T LI.min TILE (IN THF Fp1 CF TE"iDEP Tic Si..IPPLY OF CRISPED 5Th,IE TO NE SITE TO BE PER TONNE AS QUOTED ON NE FOR''. OF TENDER O z iD, TRENCH BOTTOM FOR. CONCRETE TILE SHALL BE SHAPED TO CONFORM TO THE OUTSIDE < DIAMETER OF THE PIPE FOR A MINIMUM WIDTH OF ONE-HALF OF THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER Drainage Superintendent: DW YNE DANIELS 1 i II, a3 EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATIONS OF NEW CATCH BASINS TO BE CONE, Er., CASTER D R A I N BY ENGINEER OR DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT. b) CATCHBASINS TO HAVE "BIRD CAGE" TYPE GRATES. TOWNSHIP OF BAY H A M C1 CONSTRUCT COMPACTED 4 SEEDED CLAY BERMS BEHIND ALL DITCH INLET . _ r _ CATCHBASINS BERMS TO BE KEYED 300mm INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL Drown By. JN.H. Field Book JOB No. L)rawirlg NL. d) ROAD DITCHES TO BE GRADED TO NEW CATCHBASINS FOR 15m EACH WAY OF Ag1 CSS/OA, g - I I b 13 S NEW CATCHBASINS �o V - 9 �� Dote JULY 4, 1996 _ l of 1 12/ STA. 0.001 TO 0.191 EXISTING SOLID PLASTIC TILE TO BE REMOVED 4 ala PLAN 4 PROFILE AND DISPOSED OF BY CONTRACTOR NEW TILE DRAIN TO BE INSTALLED ALONG WJ. R. S P R I ET THE SAME LOCATION AS NE EXISTING TILE a .o S P R IE T ASSOCIATE S 13/ EXACT LOCATION OF NEW TILE DRAINS TO BE CONFIRMED BY DRAINAGE q '� P..41041." LONDON LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION c' vcs or o�`� CONSULTING S ; ENGINEERS 155 YORK STREET --LONDON (519) 872-4100--N8A 1A8 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-49 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JULY 23, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held July 23,1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the y� action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of August, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of August, 1996. 111111111111 414 0.4.4...4.4.14 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-50 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 1, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passedand other action by the Council=at its meeting held August 1, 1996, is herebyadopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of AUGUST, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of AUGUST, 1996. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-51 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 8, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held August 8, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 8th day of`August, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 8th day of August, 1996. _ 41//t1.1.44KICias - REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-52 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 15, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held August 15, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of August, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of August, 1996. C 7 y(2, REEVE CLERK 4'211— CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-53 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 29, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held August 29, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 29th day of August�,1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 29th day of August, 1996. • 414 at.2.4-4.r) "view REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-55 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN 'THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. (EDEN DRAIN (1987) RELOCATION) WHEREAS the landowner of Roll No. 6497 02 has initiated a request with the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin in accordance with the Section 78 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, requesting that the existing drain affecting the following lands and roads be relocated to accommodate the construction of a residential unit on the said lands: Part of Lots 23 & 24, Concessions 9, in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin has procured a report prepared by Spriet Associates a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this By-Law. AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage work is $3,400. AND WHEREAS $3,400 is the amount to be contributed by the owner of property roll no. 6- 197 02 for relocation of the drainage works. AND WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the relocation of the drainage works is desirable; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: .!- • 1. The report dated August 22, 1996 and attached hereto is hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth is hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith. 2. This by-law comes into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as "Eden Drain (1987) Relocation". READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5`h day of September, 1996.- Provisionally 996.-Provisionally adopted this 5th day of September, 1996. it 414ete4-4-4. - REEVE CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17 t 11 day of October 1996. REEVE CLERK By-law No. 96-55 - 2 - September 5, 1996 COURT OF REVISION - TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for considering and determining of Appeals to the said Court of Revision to the Assessment of By- law 96-55 will be held at THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICE, on October 3, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. hours. All notices of appeal shall be served on the Clerk of the Municipality AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR to the first sitting of the Court. Date of mailing September 9 , 1996 414044.A.01-' CLERK 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-56 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 5, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held September 5, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affxingthe Corporate Seal. -40 ' z READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5TH day of September, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5TH day of September, 1996. "'° 4441-4.1—, Yu4,11 REEVE l CLERK 111, CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-57 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 95-5 REGARDING APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS Section 44(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 authorizes the Council of a local municipality to appoint a Committee of Adjustment; AND WHEREAS Section 44(3) of the Planning Act states the term of office for committee members who are members of a municipal council shall be annual; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacted and passed By-law 95-5 on January 19, 1995 to appoint Joe Volkaert Sr. and Wayne Casier who are members of municipal council for a term to expire December 31, 1995 or until their successors are appointed and to appoint three citizens as members for a term to expire December 31,1997; AND WHEREAS it is necessary pursuant to the above noted legislation to extend the appointments to a term expiring December 31, 1997, or until their successors are appointed. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Paragraph 1 of By-law 95-5 be amended by deleting the following: "Joe Volkaert Sr. to hold office until December 31, 1995 Wayne Casier to hold office until December 31, 1995" and by substituting the following therefor: "Joe Volkaert Sr. to hold office until December 31, 1997 Wayne Casier to hold office until December 31, 1997" 2. THAT By-law 95-5 be further amended by adding a new Paragraph 4 to read as follows: "5. THAT Committee of Adjustment members be paid a per diem of$50.00 for each meeting attended." 3. THAT in all other respects, By-law 95-5 be and is hereby confirmed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of September, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September, 1996. • • -.—... egg-7 44/tat-cAN REEVE CLERK Bayham Township Byr%-d Laws , . . . ,... . ,,_ . n--- , ir--------------:z--7----,..,..r„---7-----,, , . , , b...„,..„, ,,...., fi .. „,,, . A lir 0 H to t .. ,, ... .. .r s .. _ . . . ,, ., :,....- ., , .........,........„....._...,,.......,....... By-Laws # 96-58-- #96-74 1996 F „---7-- ,.... (.1 /4(t-4...‘) L ) --) - ---11 7 C--Q [:)e.,',*.kieler14 ., .. ' ,.' ...—4,, , i ., ' . ..1 f... - Li ... . , . v, : ,...... / ,$) . . .""..' i''...1 • • • . . s. . if I -1 ...-) . . ......,---- . . . _. . -. , .- • t--) I —' s 1 i - . ..i,.., tr....:_ t.. , . ., .._ ., .......„ . ,t b t CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-58 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 11, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held September 11, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 11th_day of September, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 11th day of September, 1996. . 111111111111 7/1/ ..111 gr; REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-59 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIP AND AMTELECOM GROUP INC. FOR THE LEASE OF LAND KNOWN AS PART LOT 1, PLAN 113 (EDEN) WHEREAS pursuant to the Short Forms of Leases Act, the Landlord and Tenant Act and Amendments, the company known as Amtelecom Group Inc. has offered to lease Township owned vacant land to permit the installation of wires and other such telecommunication equipment including an underground ducting system; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and Amtelecom Group Inc. have reached an agreement setting out the terms and conditions of the lease. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement attached hereto and forming part of this By-law between the Township of Bayham and Amtelecom Group Inc. setting out the terms and conditions for Amtelecom Group Inc. to lease of Township vacant land composed of Part of Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street and Part of Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, northerly from First Street, all as shown on Registered Plan 113 for the unincorporated Village of Eden and more particularly described in Schedule "A" to the Agreement is hereby approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Administrator-Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to -� execute the attached agreement marked as Schedule "A" on behalf of the Corporation. 3. THAT this By-law shall be registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, No. 11. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of SEPTEMBER, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of SEPTEMBER, 1996. 414,44-4-444 REEVE CLERK NMI . i 4110 THIS LEASE MADE AS OF THE 1ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D. 1996. PURSUANT TO THE SHORT FORMS OF LEASES ACT, THE LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT AND AMENDMENTS BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM c/o 14 Plank Road North Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 hereinafter called the "Lessor" of the First Part, - and - AMTELECOM GROUP INC. Box 1800 18 Sydenham Street East Aylmer, Ontario N5H 3E7 hereinafter called the "Lessee" of the Second Part. WITNESSETH that in consideration of the one-time payment of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) by the Lessee to the Lessor, the receipttand. sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged at the time of execution of this lease by the Lessor, the Lessor leases to the Lessee that certain parcel of vacant land being composed of part of Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street, and part of Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, all as shown on Registered Plan 113 for the unincorporated Village of Eden, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin and more particularly described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (hereinafter called the "Leased Lands") TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the term of ninety-nine (99) years-commencing as of and from the 1st day of September, 1996 and terminating on the 31st day of August, 2095. THE Lessor covenants with the Lessee for quiet enjoyment. PROVIDED that the Lessee will not do anything or permit to be done on the said Leased Lands anything which may constitute a nuisance on the Leased Lands. PROVIDED that the Lessee shall not allow any of its refuse or other loose or objectionable material to accumulate in or about the Leased Lands and shall not, during the said term, injure or remove the shade trees, shrubbery, hedges or any other tree or plant which may be in, upon or about the said Leased Lands without first obtaining the consent of the Lessor in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. The Lessor shall otherwise continue to be responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the Leased Lands, including such items as grass cutting and trimming, as it has in the past. PROVIDED that the Lessee may remove all buildings and fixtures and any underground installations, if such removal may be and is done without injury to the said Leased Lands. • - 2 - Conditions The Lessee shall only use the Leased Lands for the purpose of constructing and maintaining thereon housing by way of metal cabinet(s) situate on a cement platform containing telecommunications equipment of a size and location on the Leased Lands to be determined by the Lessee to be installed by one or more subsidiary corporations of the Lessee. Should the Lessee decide hereafter to install any additional telecommunications equipment on the Leased Lands, then the size and location of such telecommunications equipment shall be first agreed upon and approved by the Lessor, not to be unreasonably withheld. THE Lessee shall be permitted to assign or sublet the whole or any part of the Leased Lands to any one or more subsidiary corporations only of the Lessee at any time and from time to time or to any other assignee or sublessee carrying on the business of telecommunications (telephony and/or the supply of television signals), but no such assignment or subleasing of the Leased Lands shall be permitted or take place where the use of the Leased Lands is for any other purpose other than for telephony and/or the supply of television signals and like telecommunications purposes. The Lessee covenants not to allow to be brought on to the Leased Lands any toxic or hazardous substance or any substance which if it were to remain on or to escape from the Leased Lands would contaminate the Leased Lands or any other property in which it came in contact. The Lessor acknowledges having been advised by the Lessee that it intends to install wires and other such telecommunication equipment includingian underground ducting system on the Leased Lands to which the Lessor hereby consents Ind approves. This Lease is subject to the Lessor continuing to be permitted to locate postal boxes as presently situate on the Leased Lands and the Lessee accepts this Lease subject thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals under the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) IN THE PRESENCE OF: ) ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) �.., . Per: � ) VT-Dane Chute - I 'eeve Per: Buchner - ) Administrator-Treasurer ) ) AMTELECOM GROUP INC. er: A, (�Q c - ) l onald . Ingram ) President and ) Chief Exe 've Officer ) / ) Per: ) Howard E. Flemin: ) Secretary • . SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street, and part of Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, all as shown on Registered Plan 113 for the unincorporated Village of Eden in the said Township, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11), more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of said Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street, distant 19.26 feet measured Easterly thereon from the South-westerly angle thereof; THENCE Easterly along the Southerly limits of Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street and Lot 1 North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, a distance of 86.96 feet, more or less, to the South-easterly angle of said Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, said angle being also the intersection of the Westerly limit of Main Street and the Northerly limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions 8 and 9 (First Street), as shown on said Registered Plan 113. THENCE North-easterly along the Easterly limit of said Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, a distance of 31 feet; THENCE Westerly parallel with the Northerly limit of the said Road Allowance between Concessions 8 and 9, a distance of 103.00 feet, more or less, to its intersection with a line drawn Northerly from the Point of Commencement and parallel with the Westerly limit of said Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street; THENCE Southerly parallel with the Westerly limit of said Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street, a distance of 29.00 feet, more or less, to the Point of Commencement. Containing by admeasurement an area of 0.062 acres, be the same more or less. Province nce • Document General 0 S°"°°°''"' a\J' OnciNo Form 4 — Land R •titration Reform Act D ( (1)374359 Registry ® Lend Tidos 0 (2) Pape 1 of 3 paper (3) ProPertY } Block Property : See Schedule 111 j� (4) Nature of Document 5 `C3 ` NOTICE OF I-EASE FOUR THOUSAND J , 15) Consideration c 00/100 Dollars$ 4,000.00 % (6) Description us Part of Lot 1, north of First Street, west of Main Street, and U part of Lot 1, northwest of Main Street, northerly from First o Street, Registered Plan 113 for the unincorporated Village of cc Eden, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, more particularly described in attached schedule. New Property identifiers MOftlond: See ❑Schedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: Additional: Document NOW Easement Additional MSee ❑ Contains: pian/Sketch ❑ Description ® parties ❑ Other ❑ (R) This Document provides as follows: REGISTRY ACT - NOTICE OF LEASE (Subsection 22(7) of the Act) Notice is hereby given on an unregistered lease dated the i day of fe ���� V , 1996 made between the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, as lessor, and Amtelecom Group Inc., as lessee, affecting the land described in Schedule "A" appended hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the demised land") under which Amtelecom Group Inc. has leased the demised land for a term of 99 years to expire on the 31st day of August, 2095. The lessee is prepared to produce the lease to which this Notice relates for inspection by any person who can establish an interest in the land described in Seheduk "A". -'`r Dated at 4 c to , Ontario AMIE EtOM ' OUP INC. thisak'day of A/0.)( ,“,-.44. i, , 1996. 5 Per: ' .. The address of the lessee for service: owar• . eming is: Box 1800, 18 Sydenham Street East, I have authority to bind ‘ e Aylmer, Ontario, N5H 3E7 (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party les) (Set out Status or Interest) Corporation Continued on Schedule ❑ Names) Signaturs(s) Date of Signature Y M D A:MTELECOM..GRO.t.P..INC. Per: 1996.1/ 4 {avesee) Howard E. Fleming e I have authority to bind 5 1 (u) Address Box 1800, 18 Sydenham Street EastAy mer, ntano, 3E7 tot Service (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Names) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM t z .(Lessor) z 13 AcSdress c/o 14 Plank Road North, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1YO for Service (t4) Municipal Address of Property , (15) Document Prepared by: } Fees and Tax \ J not assigned Michael J. Chester o Registration Fee HARRISON, ELWOOD 450 Talbot Street 0 W London, Ontario N6A 5J6 O 0 \. J\. _i,° Total •AV4..1.a nrwrinn$kW Ac rnnea4l'►t/ , vnenrrn.,.r.n• T• tQpr 411 410• ''( e 2 4 • SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street, and part of Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, all as shown on Registered Plan 113 for the unincorporated Village of Eden in the said Township, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11), more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of said Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street, distant 19.26 feet measured Easterly thereon from the South-westerly angle thereof; THENCE Easterly along the Southerly limits of Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street and Lot 1 North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, a distance of 86.96 feet, more or less, to the South-easterly angle of said Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, said angle being also the intersection of the Westerly limit of Main Street and the Northerly limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions 8 and 9 (First Street), as shown on said Registered Plan 113. . THENCE North-easterly along the Easterly limit of said Lot 1, North-west of Main Street, Northerly from First Street, a distance of 31 feet; THENCE Westerly parallel with the Northerly limit of the said Road Allowance between Concessions 8 and 9, a distance of 103.00 feet, more or less, to its intersection with a line drawn Northerly from the Point of Commencement and parallel with the Westerly limit of said Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street; THENCE Southerly parallel with the Westerly limit of said Lot 1, North of First Street, West of Main Street, a distance of 29.00 feet, more or less, to the Point of Commencement. Containing by admeasurement an area of 0.062 acres, be the same more or less. 1011.16* maramolormilomaismasiareememmemeama. • ;p '�D°ss' ,To.o.•e•s••� Affidavit of Residen d of Value of qaetIrsaeriltion Rwler to as Instructions on MOM/side. Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (Maartbrief dsadptlaw./uveal) Part of Lot L north of Fist to wt o S recesf Main • • . s • . , • Al salsa - • t►u . • • tsar ' II et ' a, : * •� • • • 113 for , • . . • ,. . . • • . • - • .• ' 1 . t Id. t • • sees • • % • •� � By (pve „ammo Mal Iramosvra M The Corppraticn of the own,thip of Bayham To (a...i.b,r.•l.a t am/privet waww et el aie,aMr..a re hot) Amtelecom Group Inc. i. (...k..aroww 2 end part waw.(.)r, Howard E. Fleming MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. Iain (N..*a Weer awe Weds the*were arrrp«,ae Swat ems M the lelewrlog paragraphs that de.o.rh.e She.alp orlr of Vie dw«wN(•)): (eoe n.awerMa 2) ❑ (a) A person In trust for whom the land conveyed M the above-described conveyance Is being conveyed; ❑ (b) A trustee named In the above-described conveyance to whom the land Is being conveyed; ❑ (c) A transferee named In the above-described conveyance; ❑ (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting In this transaction for ry,..rt n. (a) .t prrne p.r(a)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above; (strike out references to rs.ppHo.are paragraphs) ❑ (.) The INIKKOCtonlelltROCKOMIKCXXX Secretary.SINKCOOKIXEIXWOU authorized to act for(M...t,,a..e(a) or owporetk>+(.)) Amtelecom Group Inc. described In paragraph(s) (ftp, (c) above; (stereo tut referesse« h M.ppleebie paragraphs) ❑ (1) A transferee described In paragraph ( )(Insert soly a..el paragraph(a).(b)or(o)abs. as eppr o.bM) and am making this afndawtt on my own teharf and on behalf of (insert waw.K apo+..) who is my spouse described In paragraph ( ) (Mor only ane .1 paregreph(a). (5) a (a) ahem, as epplioaM.) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed Moe the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds ${00,000). I have read and considered the definition of "single family residence" set out In clause 1(1)0a) of the Act. The land conveyed In the above-described conveyance ❑ contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Noir: Clause 2(1)(d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per ❑ does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$400,000 where the conveyance ❑ contains more than tyro single family residences. (see r..owoa.w t) contains at hurt one and not more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definition of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively In ctaus.s 1(1)(f) and (g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or M trust for whom the land is being conveyed In the above-described conveyance Is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out In the Act. (a..r eefr.tione 4 awl a) None 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a)Monies paid or to be paid In cash $ 4,000.00 (b)Mortgages (I) Assumed (show prr.olpar spa retest( w or.an.d a,pak.er parch..*pekoe) . . $ Nil (II) Given back to vendor $ Nil (c) Property transferred In exchange (afetal heir) $ Nil AN Blanks (d)Securttl.s transferred to the value of (detail below) _ 4` $ Nil Mart Sid (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject $ Nil Fiats,writ. (1)Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (dotal below) $ Nil Insert'MN' (g)VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING. FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO M inhere LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of (a) to (1)) $ 4,000 Mn.00 $ 4,000-00 (h)V A L U E OF ALL CHATTELS - Items of tangible personal property App ro.bse (Wolof Sal.. Tae w p.ysb..n the vaunt of.l oh.et.rs seises swoop(under $ Nil r..provlalo.'w sr Ms "Rotel Sats Tax Aar, RStMq e.454. as amended) (I) Other consideration for transaction not Included In (g) or (h) above $ Nil (I) TOTAL CONSIDERATION S 4,000.00 5. If consideration Is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (ae* rnsa,.erla., eq n/a 8. if the consideration Is nominal, Is the land subject to any encumbrance? n/a 7. Other remarks and explanations, n necessary. The term of the lease including any renewals, extensions or options contained in the lease agreement and any other document can exceed 50 years. Sworn before me at the City of London In the Co !ty of Middlesex . this 2,' day of fr-(/?4n Lief; 19 96 A Commissioner for taking Affidavits, etc. Howard E. Flenedgnahrun .(a) Property Information Record For Land R. I.tryr Office Use Only A. Describe nature of instrument: Notice of L.ea.S.0 Registration No 8. (I)Address of property being conveyed or a..Yass.) not assigned (M)Aasessment Roll No. (N arelaMe)not assigned C. Melling addresses) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (a..r.arn.ww n Box 1800, 18 Sydenham Street East. Aylmer. Ripgistratiort Do11e Lana Ontario. N511 3E7 Registry tom.No , D. (I) RSgletrstlon number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (N meatahr.) - (M)Legal deer-noon Of property conVeyed: Same as In D.(1) above. Yes 0 No 0 Not known 0 E. Naane(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor Michael J. Chester _ h{ARRISON, ELWOOD..450 Talbot Street. London. Ontario N6A 5J6 School Tax Support (Voluntary Elootlon) See mors* for sxplanatlon (a) Me all indMdu.l transferees Roman Catholic ? Yes 0 No 0 (b) IN Yea, iso ant IncMHdual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Su (C) Do ant MaNldual transferees have French Supporters ? Yes 0 No 0 Language Education Rights ? Yes 0 No 0 (d) M ova, do sit individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board (where established) 7 Yes 0 No ❑ NOTI As b (c) and (d) the tend being transiened will be assigned to the French Public School Rn>arri nr Senn $mita• nth.rwt4a+dlrerted In Ian and nil 04400 fQb-0An . I • BLUE HOUSE / I 31. 4 R O. lib' • ...2:-\--, w • Y LU V:r 3 8 15 X 1 . 5 CONCRETE BASE c-` i r.--Z. 8. 8 t 9 4 (-1") Lti 1 14i S" ce v T D , B. E. 0 6. 5 6. 5 s 10IP.• s- MAILBOXES m -S- Q 6. 7 4 24 3 s 2 r�,—.___�`��c1 o Cy27. 4 CONTY RD L4- AMTELECOM PLANNING DEPT. DESIGNED BY NORM MCKEEN DRAWN BY KELLY MANTEL PLAN 1 13 EDEN IS5UE DATE NOVEMBER 6. 1996 PT LOT I W/S MAIN SCALE NONE PT LOT 1 N/S FILE. AYL95WO PROPERTY ROLL • 340100000618600 O PLAN I WORK ORDER A9666 SWITCHING CENTRE STRAFFORDVILLE MAP NLMBER. 1 OF A5 FINAL APPROVAL f • CORPORATION OF THE z TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-60 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH SORENY FARMS LIMITED AND CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI FOR VARIOUS WORKS. WHEREAS Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi represent that they are the registered owners of Part of Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, designated as Parts 1, 3, 5 and 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5215 and Part 1 on Reference Plan 11 R-6242 in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi have agreed to convey the Lands to the Township; AND WHEREAS the Township intends to take title to the Lands and dedicate the Lands as part of a public highway; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham at its meeting held July 18, 1996 enacted a resolution setting out agreed upon terms for works to be 'undertaken by the Township of Bayham; • AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to formalize these works in the form of an executed agreement between the Township of Bayham and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the agreement marked as Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming a part of this By-law which sets out works to be undertaken by the Township of Bayham on the lands that constitute the public highway that bisects Lot 124, North of Talbot Road is hereby approved. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT this by-law and Agreement shall be registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of September, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September, 1996. e491°Ir 44111444.4 /20211 /1— REEVE CLERK THIS AGREEMENT MADE IN DUPLICATE this 19th day of September, 1996 BETWEEN: SORENY FARMS LIMITED and CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "Township") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi represent that they are the registered owners of Part of Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, designated as Parts 1, 3, 5 and 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5215 and Part 1 on Reference Plan 11 R-6242 in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin (the "Lands"); AND WHEREAS Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi have agreed to convey the Lands to the Township; AND WHEREAS the Township intends to take title to the Lands and dedicate the Lands as part of a public highway; NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment of One ($1 .00) Dollar and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1 . The Township shall complete the following works on the lands that constitute the public highway that bisects Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin: a. The Township shall install a fourteen (14") inch culvert. This culvert shall be used by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi for irrigation purposes and is being constructed by the Township for their use. The culvert shall be used by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi in accordance with any Easement Agreement between Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township. The precise location of the said culvert shall be determined by agreement of Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township but in no circumstances shall the fourteen (14") inch culvert be located on the travelled portion of the Public Highway that bisects Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin (the "Public Highway"); b. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby acknowledge that the Moore Bridge is located along the Public Highway. The Township hereby agrees to alter the grade of the hill located south of the bridge to a three (3) to one (1) slope in accordance with the plans prepared by Spriet & Associates, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Schedule "A"; 2. Before commencing construction of the Works under this Agreement, the Township shall give Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi six (6) months notice of its intention to commence the Works. In the event the Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi agree that such notice is not required, the Township shall be able'to proceed with construction of the Works at any time before the six (6) month notice period has expired which is mutually agreeable to the Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi or such other date that is agreeable. 3. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby acknowledge that it will be necessary for the Township to remove a substantial amount of sand to alter the grade of the hill south of the Moore Bridge in accordance with Spriet & Associates' plans. Accordingly, Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby agree to permit the Township to store any sand, topsoil and other materials being used to complete the Works on property owned by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi that is adjacent to the Public Highway. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township hereby agree that no fee, rent or other charges will be levied by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi to the Township in connection with the storage of sand, topsoil and other construction materials on property owned by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi. 4. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby acknowledge that there may be damage to crops arising from the Township's reconstruction of the Public Highway and the completion of the works. The Township hereby covenants and agrees that it will pay Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi for any damages to crops at fair market value sustained as a result of the Township's completion of the Works, save and except any damage to rye crop. If rye is damaged by the Township's completion of the Works, the Township hereby agrees to replant the rye crop rather than pay for damages and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby agree to accept the replanting of the rye as full and final payment for any damages it sustains to its rye crop. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby agree that any damages sustained by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi that arise from the Township's completion of the Works shall be limited to amounts claimed for crop damage at fair market value and there shall be no other damages claimed by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi for property damage, loss of use of the Public Highway, breach of contract or any other actions, causes of actions, or other liability of the Township arising from the Works. 5. This Agreement shall be conditional on the conveyance of the Lands to the Township by Soreny failing which this Agreement shall be null and void and the parties' respective obligations under this Agreement shall be at an end. 6. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby grants to the Township permission to encroach up to fifty (50') feet on any property owned by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi that abuts the Lands. The said encroachment shall be used for the purposes of the Township's completion of the Works and the completion of its obligations under this Agreement. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi's permission to allow the Township to encroach on their property that abuts the Lands shall expire on August 1, 1999 or on the day on which the Works are completed by the Township. whichever shall first occur. 7. The Works shall be deemed completed by the Township when the Township's Engineer inspects the Works and confirms the Works have been completed in accordance with this Agreement. A letter from the Township's Engineer confirming completion of the Works shall constitute a final and binding determination as to whether the Works have been completed. 8. This Agreement shall create a covenant running with the land, shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns and legal representatives. 9. Upon the receipt of the letter from the Township's Engineer confirming the Works have been completed, Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township shall exchange mutual full and final Releases in a form satisfactory to their respective solicitors confirming that the obligations of the respective parties under this Agreement have been complied with and their obligations hereunder are at an end. 10. If at any time during the term of this Agreement, any dispute or difference shall arise between the parties or any other legal representatives involved with this Agreement, then every such dispute or difference shall be referred to a single arbitrator if the parties or their legal representatives agree upon one, and in default of such agreement, to a single arbitrator appointed by a judge of the Ontario Court (General Division) pursuant to the Arbitrations Act of Ontario. The order or determination which is made by the arbitrator shall be final and binding and there shall be no appeal therefrom. 11 . This document constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject of the Agreement and shall superseded all previous communications, representations, understandings and agreements, either oral or written between the parties. 12. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 13. Whenever, by this Agreement, any notice or other instrument in writing is authorized or required to be given, the same shall be delivered personally, or (except during a postal disruption) be went by registered letter, postage prepaid, addressed to the party of parties to whom such notice is to be given at the last address shown on the books of the Corporation (or such other address or addresses as any party hereto may give notice from time to time in writing to the remaining parties hereto), and in the case of mailing, such notice shall be deemed to have been given to such party or parties on the second business day following the date of mailing thereof. 14. Eachparty hereto upon the request of the others, shall do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be done, executed acknowledged or delivered all such further acts, deeds, documents, assignments, transfers,,conveyances, powers of attorney and assurances as may be reasonably necessary or desirable to effect j completion of the obligations contemplated by this Agreement. 15. All covenants and obligations of Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi herein are joint and several. 16. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township hereby agree that if any covenant or provisions of this Agreement is determined to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part, they shall not be deemed to effect or impair the validity of any other covenant or provision and all covenants and provisions of this Agreement are hereby declared to be separate and distinct. DATED the 19th day of September, 1996. SORENY FARMS LIMITED/ CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI Per: Per: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Per: D. Vane Chute, REEVE Per: 4/1/taCR-A-Aler • Maureen Beatty, CLE ' �1 t • THIS AGREEMENT MADE IN DUPLICATE this 19th day of September, 1996 BETWEEN: SORENY FARMS LIMITED and CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the "Township") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi represent that they are the registered owners of Part of Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, designated as Parts 1, 3, 5 and 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5215 and Part 1 on Reference Plan 11 R-6242 in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin (the "Lands"); AND WHEREAS Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi have agreed to convey the Lands to the Township; AND WHEREAS the Township intends to take title to the Lands and dedicate the Lands as part of a public highway; NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the payment of One ($1 .00) Dollar and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1 . The Township shall complete the following works on the lands that constitute the public highway that bisects Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin: a. The Township shall install a fourteen (14") inch culvert. This culvert shall be used by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi for irrigation purposes and is being constructed by the Township for their use. The culvert shall be used by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi in accordance with any Easement Agreement between Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township. The precise location of the said culvert shall be determined by agreement of Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township°but in no circumstances shall the fourteen (14") inch culvert be located on the travelled portion of the Public Highway that bisects Lot 124, North of Talbot Road, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin (the "Public Highway"); b. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby acknowledge that the Moore Bridge is located along the Public Highway. The Township hereby agrees to alter the grade of the hill located south of the bridge to a three (3) to one (1) slope in accordance with the plans prepared by Spriet & Associates, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Schedule "A"; 2. Before commencing construction of the Works under this Agreement, the Township shall give Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi six (6) months notice of its intention to commence the Works. In the event the Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi agree that such notice is not required, the Township shall be able to proceed with construction of the Works at any time before the six (6) month notice period has expired which is mutually agreeable to the Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi or such other date that is agreeable. 3. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby acknowledge that it will be necessary for the Township to remove a substantial amount of sand to alter the grade of the hill south of the Moore Bridge in accordance with Spriet & Associates' plans. Accordingly, Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby agree to permit the Township to store any sand, topsoil and other materials being used to complete the Works on property owned by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi that is adjacent to the Public Highway. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township hereby agree that no fee, rent or other charges will be levied by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi to the Township in connection with the storage of sand, topsoil and other construction materials on property owned by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi. 4. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby acknowledge that there may be damage to crops arising from the Township's reconstruction of the Public Highway and the completion of the works. The Township hereby covenants and agrees that it will pay Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi for any damages to crops at fair market value sustained as a result of the Township's completion of the Works, save and except any damage to rye crop. If rye is damaged by the Township's completion of the Works, the Township hereby agrees to replant the rye crop rather than pay for damages and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby agree to accept the replanting of the rye as full and final payment for any damages it sustains to its rye crop. The Township and Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby agree that any damages sustained by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi that arise from the Township's completion of the Works shall be limited to amounts claimed for crop damage at fair market value and there shall be no other damages claimed by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi for property damage, loss of use of the Public Highway, breach of contract or any other actions, causeof actions, or other liability of the Township arising from the Works. 5. This Agreement shall be conditional on the conveyance of the Lands to the Township by Soreny failing which this Agreement shall be null and void and the parties' respective obligations under this Agreement shall be at an end. 6. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi hereby grants to the Township permission to encroach up to fifty (50') feet on any property owned by Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi that abuts the Lands. The said encroachment shall be used for the purposes of the Township's completion of the Works and the completion of its obligations under this Agreement. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi's permission to allow the Township to encroach on their property that abuts the Lands shall expire on August 1, 1999 or on the day on which the Works are completed by the Township, whichever shall first occur. 7. The Works shall be deemed completed by the Township when the Township's Engineer inspects the Works and confirms the Works have been completed in accordance with this Agreement. A letter from the Township's Engineer confirming completion of the Works shall constitute a final and binding determination as to whether the Works have been completed. 8. This Agreement shall create a covenant running with the land, shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns and legal representatives. 9. Upon the receipt of the letter from the Township's Engineer confirming the Works have been completed, Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township shall exchange mutual full and final Releases in a form satisfactory to their respective solicitors confirming that the obligations of the respective parties under this Agreement have been complied with and their obligations hereunder are at an end. 10. If at any time during the term of this Agreement, any dispute or difference shall arise between the parties or any other legal representatives involved with this Agreement, then every such dispute or difference shall be referred to a single arbitrator if the parties or their legal representatives agree upon one, and in default of such agreement, to a single arbitrator appointed by a judge of the Ontario Court (General Division) pursuant to the Arbitrations Act of Ontario. The order or determination which is made by the arbitrator shall be final and binding and there shall be no appeal therefrom. 11 . This document constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject of the Agreement and shall superseded all previous communications, representations, understandings and agreements, either oral or written between the parties. 12. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 13. Whenever, by this Agreement, any notice or other instrument in writing is authorized or required to be given, the same shall be delivered personally, or (except during a postal disruption) be went by registered letter, postage prepaid, addressed to the party of parties to whom such notice is to be given at the last address shown on the books of the Corporation (or such other address or addresses as any party hereto may give notice from time to time in writing to the remaining parties hereto), and in the case of mailing, such notice shall be deemed to have been given to such party or parties on the second business day following the date of mailing thereof. 14. Each party hereto upon the request of the others, shall do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be done, executed acknowledged or delivered all such further acts, deeds, documents, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney and assurances as may be reasonably necessary or desirable to effect completion of the obligations contemplated by this Agreement. 15. All covenants and obligations of Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi herein are joint and several. 16. Soreny Farms Limited and Christine Michele Szorenyi and the Township hereby agree that if any covenant or provisions of this Agreement is determined to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part, they shall not be deemed to effect or impair the validity of any other covenant or provision and all covenants and provisions of this Agreement are hereby declared to be separate and distinct. DATED the 19th day of September, 1996. SORENY FARMS LIMITED/ CHRISTINE MICHELE SZORENYI Per: Per: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Per: D. Vane Chute, REEVE Per: Maureen Beatty, CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-61 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 19, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held September 19, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of September, 1996. J READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September, 1996. 44//au-A.-pi REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-62 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR PART LOTS 118 & 119, S.T.R., INCLUDING THE UNOPENED ROAD ALLOW- ANCE BETWEEN LOTS 118 & 119, IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF TALBOT ROAD. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacted and passed By- law No. 396 on December 12, 1881 to stop up and close the road allowance between Lots 118 and 119, South of Talbot Road and to establish a new road through a part of Lot No. 119, S.T.R.; AND WHEREAS By-law No. 396 authorized the municipality to close up and convey a portion of the Road Allowance between Lots 118 and 119, S.T.R. described as follows: "Commencing at the North-West angle of Lot No. 119, South of Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham, thence South along the South limit of said road between Lots No. 118 and 119, nine chains and forty links (9.40), and having a width on the west side of this line of one chain, being the width allowed for said road in the original survey." ; AND WHEREAS no documentation has been found to confirm that in fact the conveyance of the said property occurred and it is now deemed necessary for the Corporation to Quit Claim that portion of the whole of Part 1 on Plan11 R-4628 to release the road allowance closed by By-law 396. • THEREFORE THE COUNCIL FO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim- Transfer/Deed of Land for that portion of the whole of Part 1 on Plan 11R-4628 to release interest in the road allowance previously closed by By-law No. 396. 2. THAT this By-law comes into full force and effect upon final passing. 3. THAT this By-law shall be registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of SEPTEMBER, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of SEPTEMBER, 1996. REEVE CLERK 11111111111 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 97-01 • A BY-LAW TO RESCIND BY-LAW NO. 96-62 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED, PART LOTS 118 & 119, S.T.R. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacted and passed By- law No. 396 on December 12, 1881 to stop up and close the road allowance between Lots 118 and 119, South of Talbot Road and to establish a new road through a part of Lot No. 119, S.T.R.; AND WHEREAS By-law No. 396 authorized the municipality to close up and convey a portion of the Road Allowance between Lots 118 and 119, S.T.R. described as follows: 4- a • "Commencing at the North-West angle of Lot No. 119, South of Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham, thence South along the South limit of said road between Lots No. 118 and 119, nine chains and forty links (9.40), and having a width on the west side of this line of one chain, being the width allowed for said road in the original survey." ; AND WHEREAS no documentation has been found to confirm that in fact the conveyance of the said property occurred; AND WHEREAS the Township was requested by solicitors for the current owners of the subject land to issue a Quit Claim Deed and subsequently By-law 96-62 was enacted and passed on September 19, 1996 which authorized the Reeve and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed for Part Lots 118 & 119, S.T.R., including the unopened road allowance between Lots 118 & 119. immediately south of Talbot Road. AND WHEREAS it has been deemed that the said Quit Claim Deed is no longer required and the Township has been requested to convey the closed road allowance to the current property owner(s) and it is therefore necessary to rescind by-law 96-62. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL FO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law 96-62, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed of Land for that portion of the whole of Part 1 on Plan 11R-4628 which was enacted and passed on September 19, 1996 be hereby rescinded. 2. THAT this By-law comes into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 9th day of JANUARY, 1997. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 9th day of JANUARY, 199. lig"— EEPUTY REEVE CLERK THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this day of 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Hereinafter referred to as "the Township" OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Hereinafter referred to as "the County" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the said Municipalities within the County of Elgin are desirous of entering into an Agreement under the provisions of Section 207(5) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, for contracted highway maintenance activities to be performed by one Municipality on behalf of another Municipality, within the boundaries of, or upon highways under the jurisdiction of, the other Municipality, NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The Township hereby convenants and agrees to provide the highway maintenance activity as described in Column 1 of Schedule 'A' for the County on sections of highway designated in Column 2 of Schedule 'A' under the jurisdiction of the County commencing on the 1st day of November 1996. 2. The Township hereby convenants to perform the specified maintenance-aetivity listed in Schedule 'A' within the standards, policies and procedures normally followed by the County for such work or as otherwise mutually agreed with the County. The Township shall consult with and obtain consent from the County, when so practicable, before undertaking any major or unusual maintenance and repair work. 3. The County hereby convenants to pay the costs associated with the maintenance activity upon receiving an itemized account from the Township, on a mutually agreeable invoice schedule. Costs may vary from year to year and any amended charge to perform the maintenance activity, whether by a fixed unit price or on a labour, material and equipment chargeback basis, will be identified by the Township and agreed to by the County before commencing the specified maintenance, if so practicable. 4. (a) The Township shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, provide and keep in force for the benefit of the County, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $5,000,000.00 providing coverages for and including bodily injury, death or property damage. The County shall be named as a co-insured in this insurance policy. (b) The Township shall furnish to the County, upon the execution of this Agreement, copies of the certificate of insurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 4(a) the Township shall maintain such policy in full force and effect during the entire term of this Agreement. 5. The Township shall be liable for all damages incurred by any person by reason of neglect in the performance of the specified highway maintenance activity to the County standards and service levels or to those otherwise mutually agreed to, or due to claims arising from injurious affection to abutting and neighbouring landowners. The County shall be relieved from all liability in respect to the particular maintenance work performed by the Township, save and except from negligence on the part of the County. Continued . . . • - 2 - 6. The Township hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the County from and against all liability, losses, damages or costs whatsoever which may arise either directly or indirectly by reason of any act, neglect or refusal of the Township, its servants, employees, agents, invitees or licensees with respect to or arising out of a breach by the Township of any provision of this Agreement, including liability for injury or damage to the person or property of the County, its servants, employees, agents, invitees or licensees occasioned by the Township's negligence. 7. During the currency of this Agreement, either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding any aspect of the highway maintenance activity which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Parties. If the Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereof, such differences shall be determined by arbitration. 8. This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon one hundred and twenty (120) days written notice. Any item listed in Schedule 'A' may be amended by mutual agreement of both Parties. 9. This Agreement shall enure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors and shall not be assigned without the consent of both Parties. 10. This Agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of November, 1996, to the 1st day of November 1997. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE CORPORATE SEALS OF THE PARTIES HERETO ARE HEREUNTO AFFIXED AND ATTESTED BY THE PROPER SIGNING OFFICERS THEREOF. AUTHORIZATION THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. D. V. Chute, Reeve at� M. Beatty, Clerk DATE: AUTHORIZATION THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. H. J. Mezenberg, Warden M. G. McDonald, Administrator/Clerk DATE: ,r. • immismor • SCHEDULE 'A' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COLUMN #I COLUMN #2 HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY SECTION OF HIGHWAYS Winter Control County Road #41 I: MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK k • 450 SUNSET DRIVE (Mrs-) SANDRA J. HEFFREN +( „ ST. THOMAS. ONTARIO DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK _ N5R 5V1 v /1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 + FAX (519) 633-7661 December 16, 1996 ) : • QL Ms. Lynn S. Buchner, CGA Administrator Treasurer Township of Bayham t. P.O. Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario 6`c7' 4,4 rnf 17-i-du) NOJ 1Y0 9 6 -63 " i `\ • • it 'Ir t. I Dear Ms. Buchner: Subject: Agreement for Shared Maintenance Work Activities Please find enclosed two signed copies of the above-mentioned agreement for your records. Yours truly, I .`34\-11"1•.-'J. Heffren (Mrs.), Deputy Clerk. SJH/db enclosures cc - Fred Groch, County Engineer �,, THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 26t11 day of PSO+ie" 'i 1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Hereinafter referred to as "the Township" OF THE FIRST PART and - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Hereinafter referred to as "the County" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the said Municipalities within the County of Elgin are desirous of entering into an Agreement under the provisions of Section 207(5) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, for contracted highway maintenance activities to be performed by one Municipality on behalf of another Municipality, within the boundaries of, or upon highways under the jurisdiction of, the other Municipality, NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The Township hereby convenants and agrees to provide the highway maintenance activity as described in Column 1 of Schedule 'A' for the County on sections of highway designated in Column 2 of Schedule 'A' under the jurisdiction of the County commencing on the 1st day of November 1996. .-- s 2. The Township hereby convenants to perform the specified maintenance activity listed in Schedule .,1 'A' within the standards, policies and procedures normally followed by the County for such work or as otherwise mutually agreed with he County. The Township shall consult with and obtain consent from the County, when so practicable, before undertaking any major or unusual maintenance and repair work. 3. The County hereby convenants to pay the costs associated with the maintenance activity upon receiving an itemized account from the Township, on a mutually agreeable invoice schedule. Costs may vary from year to year and any amended charge to perform the maintenance activity, whether by a fixed unit price or on a labour. material and equipment chargeback basis, will be identified by the Township and agreed to by the County before commencing the specified maintenance, if so practicable. 4. (a) The Township shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, provide and keep in force for the benefit of the County, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $5,000,000.00 providing coverages for and including bodily injury, death or property damage. The County shall be added as an additional insured to this insurance policy. (b) The Township shall furnish to the County, upon the execution of this Agreement, copies of the certificate of insurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 4(a) the Township shall maintain such policy in full force and effect during the entire term of this Agreement. 5 The Township shall indemnify and save harmless the County and their employees from all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of a requirement of this Agreement, save and except from damage caused by the negligence of the County or their employees. 6. During the currency of this Agreement, either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding any aspect of the highway maintenance activity which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Parties. If the Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereof, such differences shall be determined by arbitration. Continued - 2 - 7. This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon one hundred and twenty (120) days written notice. Any item listed in Schedule 'A' may be amended by mutual agreement of both Parties. 8. This Agreement shall enure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors and shall not be assigned without the consent of both Parties. 9. This Agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of November, 1996, to the 1st day of November 1997. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE CORPORATE SEALS OF THE PARTIES HERETO ARE HEREUNTO AFFIXED AND ATTESTED BY THE PROPER SIGNING OFFICERS THEREOF. AUTHORIZATION THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP F RA` HAM BY-LAW NO. q�-4,3 D. V. Chute, Reeve 41111244-444-7 21e1;//` M. Beatty, Clerk DATE: °abbe. 3, )4194, AUTHORIZATION THE e.! RPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 96-40 H. J. Me n i • Warden - M. G. McDonald, A o inistrator/Clerk DATE: November 26 , 1996 1 SCHEDULE 'A' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAIVI COLUMN #1 COLUMN #2 HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY SECTION OF HIGHWAYS Winter Control County Road #41 • THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 2,1•-th day of Movervilyert1996. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Hereinafter referred to as "the Township" OF THE FIRST PART and - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Hereinafter referred to as "the County" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the said Municipalities within the County of Elgin are desirous of entering into an Agreement under the provisions of Section 207(5) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, for contracted highway maintenance activities to be performed by one Municipality on behalf of another Municipality, within the boundaries of, or upon highways under the jurisdiction of, the other Municipality, NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Township hereby convenants and agrees to provide the highway maintenance activity as described in Column 1 of Schedule 'A' for the County on sections of highway designated in Column 2 of Schedule 'A' under the jurisdiction of the County commencing on the 1st day of November 1996. 2. The Township hereby convenants to perform the`specited maintenance activity listed in Schedule 'A' within the standards, policies and procedures normally followed by the County for such work or as otherwise mutually agreed with he County. The Township shall consult with and obtain consent from the County, when so practicable, before undertaking any major or unusual maintenance and repair work. 3. The County hereby convenants to pay the costs associated with the maintenance activity upon receiving an itemized account from the Township, on a mutually agreeable invoice schedule. Costs may vary from year to year and any amended charge to perform the maintenance activity, whether by a fixed unit price or on a labour, material and equipment chargeback basis, will be identified by the Township and agreed to by the County before commencing the specified maintenance, if so practicable. 4. (a) The Township shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, provide and keep in force for the benefit of the County, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $5,000,000.00 providing coverages for and including bodily injury, death or property damage. The County shall be added as an additional insured to this insurance policy. (b) The Township shall furnish to the County, upon the execution of this Agreement, copies of the certificate of insurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 4(a) the Township shall maintain such policy in full force and effect during the entire term of this Agreement. 5. The Township shall indemnify and save harmless the County and their employees from all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of a requirement of this Agreement, save and except from damage caused by the negligence of the County or their employees. 6. During the currency of this Agreement, either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding any aspect of the highway maintenance activity which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Parties. If the Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereof, such differences shall be determined by arbitration. Continued 7. This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon one hundred and twenty (120) days written notice. Any item listed in Schedule `A' may be amended by mutual agreement of both Parties. 8. This Agreement shall enure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors and shall not be assigned without the consent of both Parties. 9. This Agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of November, 1996, to the 1st day of November 1997. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE CORPORATE SEALS OF THE PARTIES HERETO ARE HEREUNTO AFFIXED AND ATTESTED BY THE PROPER SIGNING OFFICERS THEREOF. AUTHORIZATION THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP YHAM BY-LAW NO. 94-63 2� I— D. V. Chute, Reeve 414 72-23m1/— M. Beatty, Clerk DATE: Oc kbee 3 , 1 q 96 AUTHORIZATION TH fi RPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 96-40 1 C / _ H. J M e • = ' Warden . � J M. G. Men° • I , • s for/Clerk DATE: November 26 , 1996 • SCHEDULE 'A' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COLUMN #1 COLUMN #2 HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY SECTION OF HIGHWAYS Winter Control County Road #41 s CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-64 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 3, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held October 3, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 3rd day of October, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of October, 1996. 111111111111 ,Z7/Pief44A..le.441- REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-65 A BY-LAW TO IMPOSE SPECIFIC RATES AND FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 220.1 (2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended authorizes municipalities to enact by-laws imposing fees or charges on any class of persons; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham desires to set out specific rates and fees to be charged for the provision of services. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following administration rates and fees to be charged by the Township of Bayham be hereby approved: 1.1 Photocopying Cost 8" X 11" - .15 cents per page 8" X 14" - .25 cents per page 11" X 17" - .50 cents per page - 4 -,- Assessment Maps - One Dollar ($1.00) per page Official Plan - Ten Dollars ($10.00 - Full Copy) Zoning By-law - Twenty Dollars ($20.00- Full Copy) Faxes - One Dollar ($1.00) per page 1.2 Trapping Permit - Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) 1.3 Returned Cheques - Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon the date of its passage. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 17th day of October, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of October, 1996. 71144/4.-t."..4 Qat-- REEVE CLERK • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHHIP• BAYHAM 9.1 (e) STAFF REPORT ' - TO: Reeve & Members of Council DATE: October 9, 1996 FROM: Clerk FILE: F21.1 SUBJECT: General Rates and Fees By-law REPORT: 96058 Background Bill 26, being an "Act to achieve Fiscal Savings and to promote Economic Prosperity through Public Sector Restructuring, Streamlining and Efficiency and to implement other aspects of the Government's Economic Agenda" received Royal Assent on Jaguary 30, 1996. Section 220.1 of the Act deals specifically with granting authority to municipalities to enact by- laws setting out fees and charges for specific purposes. Section 220.1 (2) states: "Despite any Act, a municipality and a local board may pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on any class of persons for services or activities,provided or done by or on behalf of it;for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or local board; and for the use of its property, including property under its control. " While staff expect to address this matter further during the 1997 budget process, it is recommended that a by- law be passed immediately to impose a fee to be charged for photocopying services, the issuance of trapping permits and for returned cheques as a result of insufficient funds. Another item on the Council agenda this evening is a request by John Vance and Christopher Lee Spitzke for a trapping permit which would allow them to enter onto Township owned property for a specified period. Staff recommend that a $15.00 fee be charged for these and all future trapping permits. This fee is considered to be rea°sonable and would offset administration costs for processing the request. Therefore, the necessary by-law has been prepared and is placed on the agenda for consideration. Suggested Recommendation: "THAT a by-law be presented to Council for enactment pursuant to Section 220.1 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. Chapter M.45, as amended, being a by-law to set out the rates and fees to be charged for various administrative services; AND THAT while Council anticipates that amendments to the by-law will be made in 1997, the initial by-law shall address the rates and fees to be charged for photocopying in the Township office, for the issuance of Trapping Permits and a charge for returned cheques resulting from insufficient funds." Maureen Beatty, AM T CORPORATION OF THE • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-65 A BY-LAW TO IMPOSE SPECIFIC RATES AND FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 220.1 (2)of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended authorizes municipalities to enact by-laws imposing fees or charges on any class of persons; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham desires to set out specific rates and fees to be charged for the provision of services. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE`'fl WNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following administration rates and fees to be charged by the Township of Bayham be hereby approved: 1.1 Photocopying Cost 8" X 11" - .15 cents per page 8" X 14" - .25 cents per page 11" X 17" - .50 cents per page Assessment Maps - One Dollar ($1.00) per page Official Plan - Ten Dollars ($10.00 - Full Copy) Zoning By-law - Twenty Dollars ($20.00- Full Copy) Faxes - One Dollar($1.00) per page 1.2 Trapping Permit - Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) 1.3 Returned Cheques - Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon the date of its passage. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 17th day of October, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of October, 1996. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-66 A BY-LAW TO ASSUME AND ESTABLISH LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AS PART OF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY (MITCHELL ROAD) WHEREAS The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham purchased property on June 9, 1981 for the purposes of widening Mitchell Side Road; AND WHEREAS the Township desires to establish the said parcel of land as part of the public highway pursuant to Section 297( 1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the parcel of land listed below and situated in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin be and the same is hereby assumed as part of the following public highway: Legal Description Public Highway Part of Lot 119, South Talbot Road Mitchell Road _ • designated as Part 1, Reference Plan 11R-2294 2. THAT this by-law shall take effect upon the date of its registration in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11). 3. THAT the Clerk or designate is hereby authorized to amend the parcel designation noted in this By-law, if necessary upon registration of this By-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 17th day of October, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of October, 1996. • REEVE CLERK N+•wunrrr• tool r:iiM•M t.Pret_1 (11'!12) 4.• Province4.1Document General of p —•—r Ontario Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act V NUMBER 3 7 2 �'�� {) � (1) Registry [� Land Titles I I (2) Page 1 of 2 pages �-- CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (3) Property Block Properly identifier(s) Additional r6 OCT 21 P 1 : 3 ) See Schedule I 1 (4)Nature of Document ELGIN ._.- i By-law 96-66 of the Corporation of the �yr�f Township of Bayham to Assume a Roadway ST. THOMAS LAND REGISTRAR (5) Consideration z 0 Dollars S w (6) Description o Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin Part of Lot 119 , South Talbot Road , ° designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 0 11R-2294 . New Property Identifiers Additional See Schedule r 1 Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for Additional Document New Easement Additional See Li Contains: Plan/Sketch ❑ Description 0 Parties Cl Other Ll Schedule >(8) This Document provides as follows: To Assume Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-2294 as part of the municipal road system for the Township of Bayham - Mitchell Road . a Continued on Schedule L_l (9)This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Parly(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M O CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MAUREEN BEATTY , CLERK 199610 18 • (11) Address for Service P . O . Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario , NOJ 1Y0 (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Signatures) Date of Signature Names) Y M D • • (13) Address for Service 14 Address of Property( ) Municipal p p ty (15) Document Prepared by: 11: Fees and Tax r: Maureen Beatty , Clerk p Registration Fee Township of Bayham P . O . Box 160 Straffordville , Ontario W NOJ 1YOcc LL 0 Total • 2. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-66 A BY-LAW TO ASSUME AND ESTABLISH LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AS PART OF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY (MITCHELL ROAD) WHEREAS The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham purchased property on June 9, 1981 for the purposes of widening Mitchell Side Road; AND WHEREAS the Township desires to establish the said parcel of land as part of the public highway pursuant to Section 297(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the parcel of land listed below and situated in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin be and the same is hereby assumed as part of the following public highway: Legal Description Public Highway Part of Lot 119, South Talbot Road --.Mitchell Road designated as Part 1, Reference Plan 11R-2294 2. THAT this by-law shall take effect upon the date of its registration in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11). 3. THAT the Clerk or designate is hereby authorized to amend the parcel designation noted in this By-law, if necessary upon registration of this By-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 17th day of October, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of October, 1996. 1111111 /1414144 I, MAUREETPT ATTY, AMCT, CLERK CLERK of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, certify the foregoing is a waled true Dopy Dated this 14 day of, Deikobee r4.1221. Zkia Maureen Beatty G.L.T.C. TBURG as 09/26/98 11:50 FAX 519 842 5001 G.L.T.C. TBURG ®004/009 09/28/98 11:50 FAX 519 842 5001 I __ 09/26/96 11:50 FAX 519 842 5001 G.L.T.C. TBURG . ` 6�cq "CAUTION " I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO PLAN //R`.2t7)L ` RAN �J G BE DEPOSITED UNDER THE RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED \\ & \ 'c0 THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN R �\ / • �/\ /N.\ � $,,� REGISTRY ACT OAT E-/�1=ryO/�'.K�I,,J/,l/ (J,\` /J` I/ 'qr y2s '..:4? REGISTRY OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE e"..... .- ".14°. ^ i�4 (/\\ s `y 6 'Y) DATE- MAY 15, 1981 COT J \ /\�. '�\ �C', . CF MEANING OF THE PLANNING ,� s C17.%. 17. Y. NN, l/� q b��3-94.-- - DEPUTY LAND REGISTR. ~FA C\ \ '4 .y ACT. DONALD I. HOUGHTON FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION C / 0'S\ 6.) \ iS�J Q\•.° X..)...'�i/\63 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR ELGIN, N? II. ro l-\ J\ - - \ Js, N. \ N PART LOCATION O W N E R INST. N? ARE t '6)(.- `Jy•,N RO70 I PART OF LOT 119, SOUTH WARD FARMS LIMITED rAL60T ROAD 112 4 82 0.433 A I J SI ,y / \ TOWNSHIP iNN OF 9A Y H A M JO \ ✓FO 36.. \ \:"' . ,�'I 4, ro SUfiVE�'OR',ci CERTIFICATE •I Cr) N \ \ \ \ 1 CERTIFY THAT- . .. . � ♦ /�-1 Y i.THIS SURVEY AND' PLAN -AR 'CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE `�J I • IJ - - tr WITH THE SURV.'1'S ACT AND THE RE0/STRY ACT AND THE 0 \ r \ \ 'REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER Z Iz / lJ \ \' 2.THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 26TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, W 1 •y / C 4'32.2 N. 1 L 1991' V) 0. ; . W 8y yJ.' i O I O OyJ. O. '� /�.� m M \ W E MAY 15,1981 DONALD I. HOUGHTON /�� 41n �" ST THOMAS,ONT ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR '9/J .( 0 _ �� NOTES Z 9 5'53 E. O 4. / ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN VERIFIED i N T5• S `1 � / FD - DENOTES FOUND WIT - DENOTES WITNESS // p0 P.6 ` DENOTES 1"X I"X 4'0" STANDARD IRON BAR yl `h a wdc 0 - DENOTES 3/4 ROUND IRON BAR • 4, �4'O 9°/ ■ - DENOTES 5/8" SQUARE IRON BAR. - 4' ` LO h' / BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE NORTHERLY 1 L s LIMIT OF COJNTY ROAD N? 38 (N 54" GIST) AS SMOWN ON PLA �.. m �� ���• ✓/,`// 01163,OFR ER ED IN THE LAND REG1SiRv OFFICE FOR THE V b ap REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN,N. II. -j 'S3 E / •16 N 66. - PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF • LOT 1 I9 — South Talbot Road S.r .so.E `IB. ra N,?3 y5 6 • P .. /--- TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 6. Ie. �--�- 9B'"BE / ' • COUNTY OF ELGIN 1 7 T 84. 1.x,�" 'F rN 80• 'y3 "'6..-ME-A5.-245E N66.564----.E ) SCALE I =50 F0r-`.. NW 51' E 1 % R /-I V I- F V _�- 1 9 8 1 I / BELL , LEMON AND HOUGHTON 1 �,,,1 _ ST THOMAS,ONTARIO 642 -59 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-67 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 17, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held October 17, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. a READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 17th day of October, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of October, 1996. REEVE CLERK sgyx' x y � ? J0f�4n4:W FiS •4 , ::;S,f,Y C3�o���:.. s4:`-,4«.a 33"e.rr>, ,`x. ?• l$-���3��y ..,..&,s • z . .. � ,.�, ,( -, jam. �s zr � �., ,.., ,. •,.� �z .s. Y.: ,F .,J;' :• ..:.>,. �,. ,..n, ��..' " t... —.p.� ✓ i. i "Y)K, � 9 � .. sx .. .Y a,H- .( �,.yk3'.y`�.:...h.�,:>.f„a.(�..cS,:YY:"`'r¢,$.Yf.....,»..Y:.�.....-.7:,...�^v.>.¢,.x.eA.:,i.s..>�'2c`<,_...-.,.>,t'.,'.:.,.,._....>,�[,'Y�.i,....;..o...:'..,.>ce......,->.>...--,..c:..w..w,a�.E,,:�v.'�,,._.-.Y.d'\......>.as.><,.c,f>a.i.n:k..�,„.,.a�t.r.-..r,r..,,,:L.,..�...LC(('.�.>..�.�a..,�,........�a...-(.>`��3,.r:..,.:t.�.3:.,..,,,J>..3,::':.,aT.,:.."z F(ux;`�,-�,..-.,afmz 3f.,�fi�.........M-...:,.C_.....?3Ef.S�,,'.yX'l.,r..,..1�.,(,„...(:a w.K...,i',..r..e.fi,.2ee.>{>(a,k,`.1�,.0.f.Y,..,:..f,..,>.�..t�.2.,.z•s". S f...'.,S,S.'.,,s'.7,.S#-.".'.�.,..cz�>�"�.-<....1.1.LL.�,f,:-�'F,z ..4..��,;'.-',.:s'.:..!x"c 3;'¢,t�,3h:�..'..t-:.:.a,l.<:,..•Y".Mx(z-:��nx"'"�..�).",<::..>..t.i-.s.-..:•l",h.,.r'�..s,n,>,.:.�r'a-S•�x,.a.�„:s.).%<..n,.). w.'.:7..4:-:'E>;::�;t..z�.a.,<..:F'�f.._. >sx s..:::"".�s.k,i....s'::.,r.��)'C�,f✓x....$,��.a.,.:i";>m`4'. .f:x a:;s < tt ,,i r� :z CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-68 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 95-61 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CORINTH DRAIN 1995 BRANCH 'A' PURSUANT TO C.D.17 OF THE DRAINAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990. WHEREAS the Corinth Drain 1995 Branch 'A' was constructed under the provisions of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, and according to the By-law of the Municipality providing for such reconstruction and according to the Report the Engineer made thereon; AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the reconstruction was more than the estimated cost; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the attached schedule of assessment amend By-law No. 95-61 to reflect the actual cost of the Corinth Drain Branch 'A' increasing by $676.23 from the Engineer's Estimate of$20,400.00 to the actual cost of$21,076.23. 2. THAT the approved estimated cost and the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending sale of debentures in the amount of$20,400.00 increase by $676.23 to $21,076.23, the actual cost. • 3. THAT this By-law comes into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as the "Corinth Drain Branch 'A' Amending By-law". READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of November, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of November, 1996. "Mttea*„..„.. REEVE CLERK LB 10.31.96 CORINTH DRAIN 1995 - BRANCH "A" COST ALLOCATIONS • •Job No. • 95118 . - - i By-law # 95-61 Passed 21-Dec-95 * denotes non-agricultural land CONC ENGINEER'S ACTUAL AGRIC NET OR RP LOT ROLL NO. OWNER ESTIMATE COST GRANT ALLOW COST 10 4,5 5-117 J. Bogart - - - - - * 10 5 5-112 D. Smith 50.00 51.66 - - 51.66 * R2887 1 5-113 03 S. Wagler 140.00 144.64 - - 144.64 * R2887 1 5-113 05 P. Mulvaney 660.00 681.88 - - 681.88 * R2887 2 5-113 07 J. Osborne 660.00 681.88 - - 681.88 * R4658 2 5-113 09 J. Bogart 660.00 681.88 - - 681.88 * R4658 3 5-113 11 J. Bogart 660.00 681.88 - - 681.88 * R4658 4 5-113 13 S. Wagler 660.00 681.88 - 30.00 651.88 * R4658 5 5-113 15 J. Bogart 660.00 681.88 - - 681.88 * 9 6 5-182 F. Kingsbury 200.00 206.63 - 240.00 (33.37) * ROW 5 CNR 120.00 123.98 - 60.00 63.98 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS 4,470.00 4,618.17 - 330.00 4,288.17 Main St Twp of Bayham 8,530.00 8,812.76 - - 8,812.76 TOTAL ASSESSMNET ON ROADS 8,530.00 8,812.76 - - 8,812.76 Special Assessment Twp of Bayham 7,400.00 7,645.30 - - 7,645.30 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 7,400.00 7,645.30 - - 7,645.30 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON DRAIN 20,400.00 21,076.23 - 330.00 20,746.23 0.00 (0.00) ESTIMATE (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL COSTS 676.23 ` excel/drain/corinth CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-69 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 7, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held November 7, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of November, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of November, 1996. (/////), REEVE CLERK Ammunimmemmummummin CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-70 BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ERECTION OF STOP SIGNS AT PARTICULAR INTERSECTIONS WHEREAS Section 137 (a) of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, as amended permits municipalities to pass by-laws to provide for the erection of stop signs at intersections on highways under it jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to install new stop signs at various intersections; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the intersections on the highways set out in Column 1 are hereby designated as intersections where stop sign shall be erected at the location set out in Column 2. Column 1 Column 2 Intersection Facing Traffic Black Bridge Line at Toll Gate Road Southbound on Toll Gate Road Toll Gate Road at Howey Line Eastbound on Howey Line Centre Road at Light Line _ • Eastbound on Light Line Stewart Road at Sandytown Road Southbound on Sandytown Road Creek Road at Light Line Eastbound on Light Line Barzo Road at Carson Line Westbound on Carson Line Schaffer Road at Eden Line Eastbound on Eden Line Ball Line at Stewart Road Northbound on Stewart Road 2. THAT the penalties provided in Section 214 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. THAT each designation made by Section 1 shall not become effective until stop signs have been erected in accordance with the regulations of the Highway Traffic Act. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of November, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of November, 1996. 41/faccA,-.-7f REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-71 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 21, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Councilof the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held November 21, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st da, of November, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of November, 1996. 4411t44,,,,./1/4_,;<4.7 REEVE CLERK ✓ CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-72 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 5, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held December 5, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. • READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5th day of December, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of December, 199 41/leti-a4-1 1‘491 . 2 . REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-73 A BY-LAW TO AMEND SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW 94-62, BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A PERSONNEL POLICY. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham at its meeting held November 17, 1994, enacted and passed By-law No. 94-62, being a by-law to adopt a Personnel Policy; AND WHEREAS, the said Personnel Policy was attached to and formed part of By-law 94-62 as Schedule "A"; AND WHEREAS Council now deems it necessary to amend various Sections of the Personnel Policy; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Schedule "A" to By-law 94-62 be hereby amended as set out below, in accordance with the directions of Council at its meeting held December 5, 1996: Section Description of Amendment 1.0 - Statement of Policies The Reeve and Council will retain overall responsibility for personnel management through the Administrator/ Treasurer for the Township of Bayham. J 2.0 - Definitions 2.6 "Department Head" means: (a) Administrator/Treasurer (b) Clerk 7.2 - Floating Holidays Additionally, employees shall be granted 2.5 days off with pay for the period between Christmas and New Year's Day. The exact dates to be taken off be at the discretion of the Administrator/Treasurer. 9.2 - Administrative Staff (b) Salaried Employees In recognition of additional hours, the Administrator/ Treasurer, Clerk, and Chief Building Official shall receive an additional one week in vacation. 10.2 - Health Insurance (c) The plan covers basic dental expenses as outlined in the employee Group Insurance Plan booklet based on 1988 Ontario Dental Association rates. 50% of the premiums for this coverage is paid by the Township effective the first day of the month following three months continuous service for all regular employees and eligible dependants. 11.0 - Clothing Allowance The Township will allow $200 per year to each full-time Road Department Employee designated by the Works Superintendent to assist with the purchase of safety footwear and to the Chief Building Official. The payment shall be made in conjunction with the first cheque distributed in March, June, September and December each year. Page 2 to By-law No. 96-73 Section (continued) Description of Amendment (continued) 14.0 - Membership & (a) AMCTO -Administrator/Treasurer, Clerk Associations (b) Ontario Municipal Administrators Association - A dmin istrator/Treasurer (c) Certified General Accountants'Association - Administrator/Treasurer (e) Municipal Finance Officers' Association - Administrator/Treasurer (h) Land Improvement Contractors of Ontario - Drainage Superintendent 16.1 - Purpose The Township of Bayham wishes to recognize the performance of its employees through regular day-to-day communication and through more formal annual reviews with the supervising Department Head. Review of each Department Head is conducted by the Administrator/ Treasurer while Council performs the review of the Administrator/Treasurer. 17.0 - Leaves of Absence (c) Extensions, in the 30 calendar day leave of absence, for all other personal leaves of absence will be considered only for very unusual circumstances and may be granted only upon approval of the Department Head and the Administrator/Treasurer and in the case of the Administrator/Treasurer, Council. 17.3 - Occupational Medical Leave (d) (I) Deleted in its entirety 17.5 - Bereavement Leave (b) A regular;part-!ime or contract employee will, upon request be granted paid leave of absence of up to three working days immediately following the death of a parent, grandchild, grandparent, stepmother, stepfather, brother stepbrother, sister of stepsister or parent of the employee's current spouse. 17.7 - Long Term Disability Leave (d) (I) Deleted in its entirety 20.0 - Employee Complaints An employee who is not satisfied with the decision made by his Department Head may take the matter up as an official complaint to the Administrator/Treasurer. Notice must be submitted to the Administration/Treasurer within 10 days of receiving a decision from the Department Head. 23.6 - Media Relations (a) The Administrator/Treasurer shall be the designated spokesperson for the dissemination of information regarding Township operations to the media; (b) If the Administrator/Treasurer is unavailable for comment, relations with the media shall be conducted such that only factual and objective information related to the policies adopted by Council is transmitted. Employees must refrain from putting forth speculative or subjective insights. 23.7 - Confidential Information (c) all enquiries regarding the interpretation and application of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act shall be referred to the Clerk through the Administrator/Treasurer. 23.8 - Distribution ofLiterature (a) No personal shall cause any printed matter to be From Outside Agencies circulated or posted on corporate property without first obtaining the approval of a Department Head or the Administrator/Treasurer. . , Page 3 to By-law No. 96-73 Section (continued) Description of Amendment (continued) 24.0 - Staff Appointments to When an employee is requested or volunteers to sit on Committees and Boards a Committee whose purpose is related to his or her work with the Township, the matter must first be brought to the attention of the Administrator/Treasurer and its approval of the appointment is to be attained. 24.2 - Written Request A written request, to be submitted to the Administrator/ Treasurer for consideration of the appointment should include: Section 25.2 - Other Flowers may also be sent, under other circumstances, if Circumstances approved by the Administrator/Treasurer in consultation with the Reeve. Appendix A - Revised Job Deleted and Replaced with Revised Descriptions for the Descriptions positions Administrator/Treasurer and Clerk Appendix B - Current Salary Deleted and Replaced wit/i Revised Salary Ranges Ranges for 1997. 2. THAT in all other respects, By-law No. 94-62 be and is hereby confirmed. 3. THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. * READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of December, 1996. ,d READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of December, 1996. 't--. (-/- 7._.. --4:-9(‘ yE ( Deputy ) CLERK TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PERSONNEL POLICY TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TOPIC PAGE 1.0 STATEMENT OF POLICIES 1 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2 3.0 EMPLOYMENT 3. 1 Recruitment and Placement 4 3.2 Hiring of Relatives 4 3.3 Job Descriptions 4 4.0 PROBATIONARY PERIOD 5 5.0 HOURS OF WORK -_ 5. 1 Roads Staff 6 5.2 Administrative Staff ti 5.3 Rest Periods c) 6.0 VACATIONS 6.1 Full-time Employees 7 6.2 Calculation of Part year Vacation Credits 7 6.3 Contract, Temporary, Casual and Part-time 7 Employees 6.4 Scheduling 8 6.5 Hospitalization 8 6.6 Accumulation of Vacation Credits 8 6.7 Road Department Shut-down 8 6.8 Death of an Employee 8 6.9 Retirement 9 6.10 Vacation Year 9 6. 11 Seniority 9 7.0 HOLIDAYS 7. 1 Statutory and Civic Holidays 10 7.2 Floating Holidays 10 8.0 SALARY 8. 1 Purpose and Objectives 11 8.2 Department Heads 11 8.3 Review of Job Class 11 8.4 New Employees 12 8.5 Salary Adjustments 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TOPIC PAGE 9.0 OVERTIME 9. 1 Road Department Employees 13 9.2 Administrative Staff 13 10.0 BENEFITS 10. 1 Life Insurance 14 10.2 Health Insurance 14 10.3 Income Protection 15 10.4 Pension for Regular Employees I6 10.5 Benefits for Retirees 11.0 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 17 12.0 VEHICLE ALLOWANCE 18 13.0 STAFF TRAINING 13. 1 Definitions 19 13.2 Statement of Policy 19 13.3 Eligible Expenses and Requirements 20 13.4 Eligible Participants 20 13.5 Eligible Activities 21 13.6 Procedures 21 13.7 Financial Assistance 22 14.0 MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS 24 15.0 VACANCIES 26 16.0 PERFORMANCE REVIEWS 16. 1 Purpose 27 16.2 Salary Change 27 17.0 LEAVES OF ABSENCE 17. 1 Personal Leave 28 17.2 Medical Leave of Absence 28 17.3 Occupational Medical Leave 29 17.4 Maternity Leave 29 17.5 Bereavement Leave 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TOPIC PAGE 17.0 LEAVES OF ABSENCE (Continued) 17.6 Jury Duty 30 17.7 Long Term Disability Leave 31 18.0 RETIREMENT 32 19.0 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT 33 20.0 EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS 34 21.0 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION * 35 22.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY 22. 1 Purpose 36 22.2 Duty of Supervisor 36 22.3 Duty of Employee 36 23.0 CODE OF ETHICS 23. 1 Purpose 37 23.2 Gifts and Benefits 37 23.3 Use of Municipal Property 37 23.4 Political Activity 37 23.5 Other Business Dealings 38 23.6 Media Relations 38 23.7 Confidential Information 38 23.8 Distribution of Literature from 39 Outside Agencies 23.9 Staf6Council Relations 39 23. 10 Conflict of Interest 39 23. 11 Compliance 39 24.0 STAFF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES AND BOARDS 24. 1 Approval 41 24.2 Written Request 41 25.0 OCCASIONS REQUIRING FLOWERS TO BE SENT 25. 1 Councillors and Employees 42 25.2 Other Occasions 42 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDICES A JOB DESCRIPTIONS B CURRENT SALARY RANGES C CURRENT VEHICLE EXPENSE ALLOWANCE D ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE E PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORM TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY ! 1.0 STATEMENT OF' POLICIES It is the policy of the Township of Bayham to achieve and maintain an understanding between its elected officials and its appointed staff with regards to the management of its human resources to ensure that all personnel work effectively, safely and in harmony with one and another This document is intended to inform the employees of the rights, privileges and benefits of their continued employment with the Township of Bayham and what the Township expects of them with regards to these conditions The Reeve and Council will retain overall responsibility for personnel management through the Administrator/Treasurer for the Township of Bayham. Council will be responsible for setting policy with the management of the Township's resources and for determining priority in their execution Staff will be responsible for ensuring that these policies are implemented This policy covers fill and part- time employees of Township of Bayham, its local boards, commissions and any appointments made by Council Once policies are approved and priorities are ordered, staff will carry these forward without Council interference. Council will not become personally involved in the Townships administrative work nor in the operation of its equipment Staff will be expected to keep Council informed of any changes in the ordered priorities as dictated by unusual circumstances. 2 TOWNSHIP OF 8A YHAM PERSONNEL POL IC Y 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2 1 "Regular Employee" means a salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant or any other person employed on a continuous full-time basis for at least thirty-five (35) hours during a normal work week 2 2 "Part-time Employee" means an employee who regularly works less hours than the hours worked by a regular employee in a similar assignment in the same department but who works on average in excess of ten hours in one week but less than twenty-four hours per week 2 3 "Temporary Employee" means a person who is employed to undertake a specific function which is for a definite term or a task or which is seasonal in nature (i e grounds keeper, labourer, individual filling in for an employee on leave, etc.) * .� 2 4 "Casual Employee" means (a) Students (h) Any person employed on an occasional basis who, at the time of hiring, is expected to be employed for a period-of less five (5) consecutive months. (c) A person employed under an Employment Incentive Program financed through public funds (d) A person employed for discontinuous periods of work or to do work on an irregular basis. (e) A person employed on regular basis for ten hours or less per week 2 5 "Contract Employee" means a person employed to undertake a specific function for a set period of time not to exceed a twelve month term period. A contract can be renewed at the option of both parties. 2 6 "Department Head" means (a) Administrator/Treasurer (b) Clerk (c) Road Superintendent. (d) Chief Building Official 2 7 "Qualified" means an employee who is capable of competently completing the duties and responsibilities of a position because of his skill, experience, training, education, and aptitude. 2 8 "Seniority means the continuous length of service with the Township dating from the last date of hire as a regular or part-time employee. Seniority for part-time employees will be pro-rated in accordance with relationship of the TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 3 hours worked by a regular employee in a similar assignment and seniority may be affected by leaves of absence without pay A person hired to fill a position deemed a "Contract Position", that is not approved as a hull time, permanent position, by Council, will accrue seniority from the date of hire However, this seniority will not be effective unless and until the position is approved as a full time, permanent and therefore the employee is accorded seniority back to the original date of hire. • 4 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POL ICY 3.0 EMPLOYMENT 3.1 Recruitment and Placement All applicants for employment will be recruited, hired and thereafter assigned, transferred, up-graded, promoted or compensated solely on the basis of merit, ability and length of service without regard to race, creed, colour, age, sex, marital status, nationality, ancestry or place of origin In selecting individuals for employment, the Township shall have regard for the Employment Equihy Act, however hull consideration is to be given to education, aptitude training, experience, character and physical fitness Every reasonable effort is to be made to place an employee in an assignment which will make the best possible use of the employee's abilities and in which the employee will find personal satisfaction and opportunity 3.2 Hiring of Relatives _ a The relative of an employee may be hired provided that an application has been processed in the normal manner and the candidate is the best qualified with respect to the employment standards required for the position A relative of an employee may be hired provided that the candidate is not assigned to a position where he or she would answer directly to a related employee who is filling a supervisory position with the Municipality unless otherwise approved by Council 3.3 Job Descriptions From time to time job descriptions shall be reviewed by the appropriate Department Head and recommendations to Council should be made if any revisions are required. • { TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 5 4.0 PROBATIONARY PERIOD The probationary period for a new employee shall start on the date in which the employee commenced regular or part-time employment with the Township of Bayham Continued employment shall depend on the employee having satisfactorily completed the probationary period Probationary periods are as follows: (a) Department Heads - six months (b) All non-Department Heads - three months Probationary periods can be extended for one additional period of up to six months for Department Heads and up to three months for non-Department Meads. Approval must be given by Council Jfor all extensions. 6 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POL IC Y 5.0 HOURS OF WORK 5.1 Administrative Staff Normal work day - 7 hours Normal work week - 35 hours, Monday to Friday Normal working hours - 8.30 A M to 4 30 P M. with one (1 ) hour for lunch 5.2 Roads Staff May I - October 30 Normal work day - 9 hours Normal work week - 44 hours • Normal working hours - 7 00 A M to 4:30 P.M. (except Friday, 7.00 A M - 3:30 P.M. with U one-half(1/2) hour for lunch November 1 - April 30 Normal work day - 8 hours Normal work week - 40 hours Normal working hours - 7.00 AM to 3.30 P.M. with one-half(1/2) hour for lunch 5.3 Rest Periods Each employee is entitled to two 15 minute rest periods. , .„ . .. . • TOWNSHIP OF BA YHA M PERSONNEL POLICY 7 6.0 VACATIONS 6.I Full-time Employees Vacation credits shall be accumulated by regular employees monthly from date of employment A regular employee may, with the consent of his supervisor, take vacation at any time, providing he has sufficient credits accumulated to cover his absence, but in no instance shall the amount deducted for vacation taken be less than one-half day Regular employees shall receive the following: (a) Basic holiday of ten days per annum with pay which shall be accumulated at the rate of 83 days per month (2 weeks per annum). (b) After the completion of 5 years continuous service, fifteen days per annum with pay which shall be accumulated at the rate of 1 25 days per month (3 weeks. gr annum) (c) After the completion of 10 years continuous service, twenty days per annum with pay which shall be accumulated at the rate of 1 66 days per month (4 weeks per annum). (d) After the completion of 15 years continuous service, twenty-five days per annum with pay which shall be accumulated at the rate of 2.08 days per month (5 weeks per annum). (e) After the completion of 21 years continuous service, thirty days per annum with pay which shall be accumulated at the rate of 2.5 days per month (6 weeks per annum). 6.2 Calculation of Part year Vacation Credits Where applicable a regular employee, depending on his date of employment, shall have vacation credits accumulated as follows. (a) If his date of employment is from the first to the fifteenth of the month, one full credit for the month (h) If his date of employment is from the sixteenth to the end of the month, one half of the normal month credit. 6.3 Contract, Temporary, Casual and Part-time Employees Contract, Temporary, Casual and Part-time employees shall receive vacation pay at the rate of 4% of all the moneys earned payable bi-annually. • 8 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 6.4 Scheduling Generally. vacation days may not be taken in advance of being credited. If, as a result of unusual circumstances an employee requires vacation days prior to being credited with sufficient days to cover his needs, he may be granted the vacation days requiredproviding the days do not exceed five days in addition to those credited at the time the request is made and providing he is willing to acknowledge, in writing, that in the event he was to terminate employment prior to sufficient credits being earned to cover the additional days requested, the Township has the right to reduce his final earnings accordingly. When a specified paid holiday, noted in section 6, falls during the vacation period, one additional day shall be granted at a time convenient to the Township and the employee 6.5 hospitalization - If an employee becomes hospitalized during a vacation, he may be granted alternative vacation days equivalent to the number of vacation days hospitalized (excluding non-scheduled work days) providing (a) The employee was hospitalized in a recognized institution and verification of this is received. (b) The alternative days are taken at time mutually convenient to the employee and his supervisor. 6.6 Accumulation of Vacation Credits Employees may not accumulate vacation credits . However, with approval of Council the employee may receive remuneration for vacation credits not used during the previous year. This request must be submitted, in writing, to Council at its first meeting in the month of December 6.7 Road Department Shut-down It is recognized that it is difficult for Roads Department employees to take vacation entitlements during the construction season. Therefore, Roads Departments staff will take a two week vacation during a shut-down in the first two weeks of July each year 6.8 Death of an Employee Any unused vacation credits will be paid to the estate of a deceased employee TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 9 6.9 Retirement Retiring employees may retire early on such date that the unused vacation entitlement may allow 6.10 Vacation Year For the purpose of taking vacation, the vacation year shall commence as of January I of any year and end December 31 of the same year. Employees will be allowed to take their vacation entitlements anytime in the calendar year in which they qualify subject to the fbllowing conditions (a) If an employee terminates employment prior to his anniversary date, vacation entitlement will be pro-rated back to his anniversary date and paid accordingly (b) If an employee terminates employment on or after his anniversary date, he will receive full Mw vacation entitlement plus a pro-rated amount of vacation from his anniversary date to the date of termination. 6.11 Seniority If a conflict should arise among employees in the selection of vacations, the employee with the longest service with the Township will be given preference. 10 TOWNSHIP OF 8A YHAM PERSONNEL POL IC Y 7.0 HOLIDAYS 7.1 Statutory and Civic Holidays The following days will be recognized as paid holidays New Year's Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Dominion Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday Whenever any of the above noted holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday and are not proclaimed as being observed on some other work day, the following-Monday and/or Tuesday shall be deemed to be a holiday, unless otherwise specified by Council. In order to qualify for payment of the above holidays, a regular or part-time employee is required to work the full regular shift immediately preceding and the full scheduled shift immediately succeeding the holiday except where absence on either both of these shifts is due to vacation or verified personal illness and the individual is in receipt of short-term disability income Payment for the holidays shall be equal to the employee's regular earnings In the case of a part-time employee, the payment shall be equal to the number of hours usually worked by the part-time employee pro-rated over a five day work period. 7.2 Floating Holidays In addition to the holidays noted above, the afternoon prior to Christmas Day and the afternoon prior to New Year's Day shall constitute additional paid holidays at normal rates, provided however, that Christmas and New Year's half holidays will be observed on the working days preceding the respective holidays except when Christmas Day and New Year's Day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, in which case the half holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday afternoon. Additionally, employees shall be granted 2 5 days off with pay for the period between Christmas Day and New Year's Day The exact dates to be taken off shall be at the discretion of the Administrator/Treasurer TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 11 8.0 SALARY 8.1 Purpose and Objectives The purpose of this policy is to strengthen the merit principle as a fundamental part of the Township's corporate philosophy by emphasizing pay for performance encouraging an achieving environment, granting flexibility to reward employees according to performance and providing incentives to excel The salary structure is based on the results of job grading for all permanent positions The salary ranges reflect the relative values within each job for responsibilities, skill, effort, working conditions and education/special training or other qualifications required in order to be placed in that job The salary ranges within the salary structure are reflective of the pay practices of other organizations in the southwestern Ontario market, and particularly other municipalities and public sector entities. The base rate represents the pay level for fully competent performance in the complete job Movement within the salary grades are based on the employees performance in the iob The following objectives were used to develop the salary ranges. (a) Salary ranges should permit a progression from a stipulated minimum to a maximum and should cover each group of positions considered to have a similar level of responsibility and requirements. (b) The ranges should reflect, within reasonable limits, salary levels realistically placed that will allow the Township to attract and retain persons capable of meeting the requirements of the position (c) Differentials between ranges should be sufficiently wide to provide adequate recognition of the differences in responsibilities and requirements between senior and subordinate positions. 8.2 Department Heads The Department Heads, in conjunction, shall: (a) Consider, determine and recommend to Council the salary range for all new positions (b) Review the adequacy of the salary ranges as a whole to determine the recommended annual economic adjustment. (c) Re-evaluate positions due to job changes 8.3 Review of Job Class (a) If an employee initiates a job review, he/she should fill out a job fact sheet indicating the change in the duties of the position The completed job fact sheet should be presented to the employee's Department Head for review and approval. If the Department Head concurs with the employee's assessment, he shall sign the job fact sheet and forward it to Council. Council 12 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POL ICY shall assess the position using the point system to determine if the position requires an adjustment in the salary range If the Department Head does not concur with the employee's assessment of the position, the employee may appeal directly to Council for an assessment of his position (b) The Department Head may also initiate a review of a job class, if he feels that position duties have changed In this case, the Department Head shall complete the job fact sheet, indicating the change in position duties. The completed job fact sheet shall be reviewed with the employee The employee shall then either sign the job fact sheet, or add any additional comments that he feels need further explanation. The completed job fact sheet, including any employee comments, shall be forwarded to Council for its review a 8.4 New Employees Employees, who are new to a position and who possess the qualifications to assume the basic duties and responsibilities of that position, shall normally be assigned to the base rate of the particular salary range. However, if a new employee has significant prior experience in a similar position, or special skills which shall be of immediate benefit without extensive on-the-job learning, he/she may be hired at a rate higher in the range 8.5 Salary Adjustments Adjustments to the Township's salary ranges may occur as follows (a) Incremental increases to salary ranges shall be determined by Council each December for the following year and are to reflect changing economic conditions and other such factors. These adjustments shall be calculated as follows i) In the first year after the adoption of this policy the salary ranges shall be adjusted by a percentage factor. ii) In the second year after the adoption of this policy the salary ranges shall be adjusted by a per hour figure In all succeeding years adjustments shall continue on a rotating basis with a percentage factor followed the next year with a per hour adjustment iv) Where no salary adjustment is granted the method of calculating an adjustment shall be deferred until the next adjustment is granted. TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 13 9.0 OVERTIME 9.1 Road Department Employees (a) Hourly Employees When the tasks of a job within the department cannot be completed during the standard hours for that job, or if unusual circumstances arise, extra hours may be worked when approved by the Road Superintendent All hourly paid Roads employees working in excess of the hours of work noted in Section 5 2 shall receive remuneration at the regular hourly rate in addition shall be allowed equal time off in lieu Overtime shall be recorded to the nearest one-half ( 1/2) hour and an employee must work at least one-half( 1/2) hour to qualify for overtime (b) Salaried Employees When the tasks of a job within the department cannot be completed during the standard hours for that job, or if unusual circumstances arise, extra hours may be worked Salaried Roads employees working in excess of the hours of work noted in Section 5 2 shall receive remuneration at the regular hourly rate. Overtime shall be recorded to the nearest one-half ( 1/2) hour and an employee must work at least one-half(l/2) hour to qualify for overtime 9.2 Administrative Staff (a) Hourly Employees When the tasks of a job within the department cannot be completed during the standard hours for that job, or if unusual circumstances arise, extra hours may be worked when approved by the Department Head All hourly paid Administrative Staff working in excess of the hours of work noted in Section 5. 1 shall receive remuneration at time and one-half of the regular wage. Overtime shall be recorded to the nearest one-half(1/2) hour and an employee must work at least one-half( 1/2) hour to qualify for overtime. (b) Salaried Employees The regular duties of salaried employees include working additional hours, as may be required, including attendance at Committee or Council meetings and work related functions outside normal working hours. As these factors have been taken into account in the job classifications, these positions are not eligible to receive overtime pay In recognition of additional hours the Administrator/Treasurer, Clerk and Chief Building Official shall receive an additional one week in vacation. If, due job duties, this additional week of vacation can not be used in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, the employee may receive compensation for any unused vacation credits 14 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POL IC Y 10.0 BENEFITS 10.1 Life Insurance All regular employees will be entitled to receive Group Life Insurance equivalent to 200% of basic annual earnings rounded to the next higher $1,000 00 effective on the completion of one month of continuous full-time employment, 100% Township paid, to a maximum of$500,000 In addition, the Township will pay 100% of the cost of group Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD & D) equivalent to 200% of basic annual earnings rounded to the next higher $1,000 00 up to a maximum of$250,000 for all regular employees. 10.2 Health Insurance i j (a) Ontario Health Insurance Plan (O.H I.P.) The costs for this coverage will be paid by the Township through a payroll tax All regular employees and eligible dependents are covered. (h) Health Insurance The plan covers prescription drugs, semi-private hospitalization and other eligible expenses outlined in detail in the Employee Group Insurance Plan booklet. The plan will pay 100% of eligible expenses with no deductible, and the cost for this plan is 100% Township paid-- effective the first day of the month following three months of continuous service for all regular employees and eligible dependents. (c) Dental Insurance The plan covers basic dental expenses as outlined in the employee Group Insurance Plan booklet based on 1989 Ontario Dental Association rates -- 50% paid by the Township effective the first day of the month following three months continuous service for all regular employees and eligible dependents. (d) Vision Insurance The plan provides for a maximum of $125 00 per person per two-year period toward the reasonable charges for contact lenses and eyeglass lenses and frames that are prescribed or recommended by a physician or optometrist (e) Claims Submittal Insurance claim forms for each of(b), (c) and (d) above must be completed and submitted to the administrator of the plan according to the procedures set out in the Group Insurance Plan booklet. TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 15 10.3 Income Protection (a) Sick Leave Sick leave credits will be accumulated at the rate of one and ( 1 .00) day per month to be used strictly for personal illness or accidental according to the formula described above Sick leave credits cannot be accumulated beyond the year in which they were earned and will have no cash value on either termination or retirement. A regular employee shall be entitled to use up to four (4) days per calendar year from his/her accumulated sick leave to attend to spouse, child or parent on special or compassionate grounds which are medically related (b) Short-term Disability Short-term disability income will be paid from the first day of absence due to illness or non- occupational accident and for a period of continuous absence up to 119 calendar days at 60% of the employee's regular pay Each separate period absence, of any duration, will be treated as a new absence for purposes of short-term disability. (c) Long-term Disability A Long-term Disability Plan (L.T.D) provides regular employees with 66 7% of basic monthly earnings up to a maximum of$4,000 per month pay, payable up to age 65 years after the initial period of 119 days during which time short-term disability coverage, as described in Section 3. 1 above, will be in effect. o The cost of this long-term disability insurance plan will be paid 100% by the Township effective the first day of the month following three continuous months' service. (d) income Protection for Regular Employees Injured on the Job (i) An employee who is injured while at work and as a result of such injury is certified by a medical doctor as unfit to complete the working day, shall receive pay at the regular rate for time lost on the day that such injury is sustained and no deduction will be made from sick leave credits with respect to that particular working day (ii) Where an employee is absent from work as a result of an illness or injury compensable under the Workers' Compensation Act, and is in receipt of Workmen's Compensation, his salary shall be paid for by the Township and shall be charged against his/her sick leave credits (iii) The employee will receive the Workers' Compensation cheque directly The employer will pay the amount required to continue regular earnings (usually approximates one- quarter of the daily earnings) on a bi-weekly basis. Income Tax, CPP and UIC will be 16 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY deducted from the amount paid by the employer. (iv) The employee will be required to complete an OMERS Disability Elimination Period Election Form If he elects not to continue to OMERS during the first 17 weeks he is on Workers' Compensation, the absence becomes a period of broken service which cannot be purchased as broken service. If the employee elects to contribute to OMERS during the disability elimination period (first 17 weeks) and accrue credit service, he shall pay the OMERS amount calculated on his regular bi-weekly pay to the employer on a bi-weekly basis and the employer will match the employee contribution (v) In the event the sick leave credits are insufficient to carry the employee to the 1 ,029th day of disability ( 1 56 weeks), the employee shall receive the actual amount paid by Workers' Compensation (vi) On the 1,029th day of disability, the employee shall be subject to the conditions set out in Section 13 0 of the Personnel Policy 10.4 Pension for Regular Employees Retirement income administered by and in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Employee's Retirement System (0 M E R.S.) is compulsory for every regular employee of the Township from date of hire This plan is integrated with the Canada Pension Plan The deduction made from the employee is matched by the Township monthly and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Employee's Retirement System. The following statutory benefits are deducted from regular employees in accordance with the appropriate legislation (a) Unemployment Insurance (b) Canada Pension Plan 10.5 Benefits for Retirees Regular employees who retire early from the Township of Bayham may, if they so choose, purchase group life insurance and/or health insurance at the Township group rates until they reach their 65th birthday. Premiums will be paid to the insurance carrier by the Township after receiving the premium payment from retired employee TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 17 11.0 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE The Township will allow $200 00 per year to each full-time Road Department employee and each part- time hourly rated employee designated by the Works Superintendent to assist with the purchase of safety footwear and to the Chief Building Official The payment shall be made in conjunction with the first cheque distributed in March, June, September and December each year 40, • • 18 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 12.0 VEHICLE ALLOWANCE Employees, when required to use their personal vehicles on Township business, will be reimbursed for mileage at the prevailing rate established by Council in that year These rates will be reviewed annually by Council 4 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 19 13.0 EMPLOYEE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 13.1 Definitions (a) Trainin Instructional activities designed to enable individuals to perform their present duties in a more effective and efficient manner, generally related to upgrading/updating specific job procedures. (b) Development Educational and certification programs designed to prepare participants for future or added responsibilities, with an emphasis on personal knowledge and abilities. (c) In-house Training On-the-job training opportunities offered or sponsored by the Township normally conducted at a municipal facility during regular office hours. (d) Educational Courses Programs\courses offered by a recognized educational institution or professional organization, generally towards a certificate, diploma or designation. (e) Seminars/Conventions/Conferences Training or development activities of two days or less in duration, usually sponsored by a municipal/professional organization at an external facility, may also include the business or annual meetings of associations 13.2 Statement of Policy It is required that in order to maintain an efficient, productive and well-run operation, the Township of Bayham will provide funds for paid employee training to update and improve an employee's work- related skills All such training will be co-ordinated through the Department Head and Council to provide that, (a) it meets the current needs of the Township (b) it applies to those areas of greatest need (c) it is assessed subsequent to the training to evaluate its worth to the Township and individual employee. (d) it is assessed to identify gaps or omissions that should be addressed in future training. • 20 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POL IC Y (e) an ongoing record of all such training is maintained in each employee's file to allow for future assessments relative to the training and skills acquired. Through this process, a recommended budget amount will be provided Council each year and training will be provided within the funds allocated by Council The Township wishes to encourage employees to continually update and advance their education, skills and abilities as they relate to their job duties, to provide an incentive for employees to expand their abilities relative to job promotion and mobility within the public sector 13.3 Eligible Expenses and Requirements The Township will pay for the cost of tuition fees and _books for job-related courses that have been successfully completed on the following basis: (a) All courses must receive approval prior to the commencement of the course. An employee will obtain approval from his/her Department Head and Council by completing the form titled "Approval for Course Assistance"_ (b) Upon successful completion of the approved course, the employee will forward proof of successful completion and receipts for the course and books to the Department Head who will arrange the appropriate payment through finance. (c) The funding of this policy will be through the budget process and includes each department budget. 13.4 Eligible Participants (a) Councillors Members of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of the assistance to participate in training and development activities may not extend beyond the current term of Council (b) Municipal Employees Full-time employees of the Township of Bayham Other types of employees (part-time, contract, temporary) may receive financial assistance at the discretion of Council. (c) Appointed Officials Individuals appointed by Council to serve on the Township's various committees, statutory bodies and local boards. • TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 21 13.5 Eligible Activities (a) Work-related training activities sponsored by a recognized municipal or professional association (b) Professional or continuing education course/programs offered by a recognized educational institution or professional organization. (c) Training opportunities and/or certification programs sponsored by a Provincial ministry or other government agency (d) In-house training sessions or professional development activities offered in conjunction with other local municipalities. 13.6 Procedures (a) In-house Training The Township may, at the discretion of the Clerk, offer employees in-house training opportunities. Attendance at these instructional sessions shall be determined by the Department Head in accordance with municipal needs and objectives. (b) Educational Courses/Programs The Township Council may, upon recommendation by a Department Head, request employees to enrol in a training or certification as a requisite for current job responsibilities or in preparation for future work-related duties. Any other municipal employee, appointee or councillor who wishes to participate in external training or development activities may apply to the Council for financial assistance from the municipality To quality for financial assistance, the course/program must be directly related to duties currently performed for the Township or have direct application to anticipated job responsibilities. In addition, all requests must be approved by the Council prior to enrolment in the chosen course of study and shall be subject to budgetary constraints (c) Seminars/Conventions/Conferences The Township may, at the discretion of the Council, delegate staff to attend training seminars, conventions or conferences as representatives of the municipality. Elected/appointed officials who wish to attend a seminar or conference of interest shall notify the Clerk of their intent to attend at least one week prior to the event. • 22 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 13.7 Financial Assistance (a) In-house Training All costs associated with in-house training activities shall be fully funded by the municipality (b) Educational Courses/Programs Employees/councillors who participate in educational courses shall receive the following financial assistance from the Township: I . Job-related courses that provide no immediate benefit relative to the employee's current job duties but will assist the employee in promotion tv, other positions within the Township organization will be paid at the rate of fifty percent (50%). 2 Job-related courses that will provide an immediate benefit relative to the employee's current job duties will be paid at a rate of seventy-five percent (75%). 3. Courses that are deemed essential to the effective and efficient performance of the employee's current job duties and which the employee has been directed to take by the Department Head will be paid at a rate of one hundred percent (100%) on enrolment 4. Reimbursement of the allowable tuition expenses shall be made for courses taken except as noted in 3. above upon successful completion of the course. 5. Reimbursement of all text/material fees shall occur upon submission of proof of purchase (c) Seminars/Conventions, Conferences The Township shall offer the following financial assistance to municipal delegates attending seminars, conventions or conferences: 1 Transportation expenses of delegate to and from the seminar, convention or conference If delegate drives his own car, he shall be paid at the rate provided for in Section 12.0. If the employee travels by train or plane, a receipt is required. 2 All registration fees levied by the seminar, convention or conference. 3. Two hundred and twenty-five dollars ($225 00), where the seminar, convention or conference requires overnight accommodations, for each actual day/night of the convention or conference, to cover food and hospitality expenses, if exclusive from the registration fee and sundry expenses such as taxi, parking and personal telephone calls. (e g where a conference requires attendance the day prior to commencement, arrive on Sunday for Monday, and the conference ends on Wednesday the delegate shall receive 3 per diems) TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 23 4 Twenty-five dollars ($25 00) for attendance at a day seminar where lunch is not provided to cover food and parking (d) A regular or part-time employee, if elected to the Board of Directors of a provincial- municipal organization may, if Council provides by resolution, be reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board of Directors in accordance with this Section providing the expenses are not covered by the provincial-municipal association (e) From time to time, Department Heads and other supervisory staff are required to meet with representatives or provincial ministries or other organizations to discuss matters relating to their job requirements at the Township of Bayham. s 24 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 14.0 MEMBERSHIP & ASSOCIATIONS The Township will pay the annual fees for required licenses and professional memberships held by permanent employees of the Township. The following licence fees will be paid by the Township Name of Association Delegates Approved (a) Association of Municipal Clerks and Administrator/Treasurer Treasurers of Ontario Clerk (b) Ontario Municipal Administrators' Administrator/Treasurer Association (c) Certified General Accountants Association _ * Administrator/Treasurer j (d) Association of Municipal Tax Collectors Tax Collector of Ontario (e) Municipal Finance Officers Association Administrator/Treasurer (f) Ontario Good Roads Association Municipality, Road Superintendent or his designate (g) Ontario Farm Drainage Association Drainage Superintendent (h) Land Improvement Contractors of Ontario Drainage Superintendent (i) Ontario Building Officials Assoc Chief Building Official (j) Ontario Association of Property Municipality, Property Standards Officers Standards Officer (k) Ontario Association of Committees Municipality, Director of of Adjustment and Consent Planning (I) Ontario Municipal By-Law Enforcement Municipal By-Law Association Enforcement Officer (m) Association of Municipalities of Ontario Municipality (n) Rural Ontario Municipality As§ociation Municipality (o) County of Elgin Municipal Association Municipality (p) Ontario Road Superintendent's Association Road Superintendent TOWNSHIP OF BA YNAM PERSONNEL POLICY 25 (q) Drainage Superintendents Association Drainage Superintendent (r) Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs Fire Chief & Deputy Fire Chief Individual employees delegated to attend conventions, conferences and seminars above noted shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in accordance with Section 13. 26 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 15.0 VACANCIES 15.1 Decision to Fill Vacancies The decision to fill any job vacancy requires approval from Council. Job vacancies are also subject to Council's review and approval. 15.2 Posting and Advertising of Vacancies Employees shall be made aware of position vacancies which are created and or become available due to terminations, promotions, transfers or new positions Vacancies shall be posted in the Municipal Office and any employee may apply , * Unless decided otherwise by Council, position vacancies shall be advertised externally. No external advertising of a position vacancy shall be construed to preclude applications from Township employees TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 27 16.0 PERFORMANCE REVIEW 16.1 Purpose The Township of Bayham wishes to recognize the performance of its employees through regular day- to-day communication and through more formal annual reviews with the supervising Department Head. Review of each Department Head is conducted by the Administrator/Treasurer while Council performs the review of the Administrator/Treasurer. It is also recognized that employees shall have a performance review under any of the following conditions (a) Their Department Head or Council wishes to carry out a review (b) They wish a review and so request (c) Any change in salaries recommended. (d) Once each year whether or not a salary change is recommended The results of the review shall be recorded on the performance review form 16.2 Salary Change Where a salary change is being recommended, the, Department Head or Council shall note on the review form the specific examples of the meritorious performance. These may be projects completed, systems implemented, work standards met or exceeded and similar factors. Similarly, when a deferred increase is being recommended, negative performance example shall be noted. For areas of performance judged less than satisfactory, the Department Head or Council and the employee should agree on specific improvements to be made. Similarly objectives for the forth coming review should be negotiated. The Department Head or Council should monitor the achievement of these improvements and objectives throughout the year, not just at review time 28 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHA M PERSONNEL POL IC Y 17.0 LEAVES OF ABSENCE 17.1 Personal Leave (a) A personal leave of absence under this policy is defined as a permitted leave of an employee without pay (b) A personal leave of absence without pay may be granted to an employee for valid reasons The employee is required to make advance application, in writing, to his immediate supervisor who shall review the request with the Department Head involved (c) A personal leave of absence may be granted for a period of not more than 30 calendar days. In the event an employee wishes to use a personal leave of absence to extend a maternity leave, this period may be extended to not more than 90 calendar; 1ays. Extensions, in the-30 calendar day leave of absence, for all other personal leaves of absence will be considered only for very unusual circumstances and may be granted only upon approval of the Department Head and the Administrator/Treasurer and in the case of the Administrator/Treasurer, Council. (d) While an employee is on authorized leave of absence without pay, maintenance of employee benefits will be administered on the following basis. (i) In the event the leave of absence exceeds 10 working days, coverage- may be maintained at the employees' expense for group life protection, health protection, and income protection with the understanding that if the leave of absence exceeds 10 working days, the sick leave credit and vacation accumulation for that month shall be forfeited. (ii) If the employee wishes to maintain the benefit coverage noted above, arrangements, in writing, are to be made prior to commencement of the leave and payment of the total premium involved is to be made prior to or during the leave. (iii) No OMERS contributions will normally be made by the either the Township or the employee, but the employee may arrange with OMERS to contribute for the broken service on behalf of both the employee and the Township, subject to 0 M.E.R.S regulations. 17.2 Medical Leave of Absence (a) A medical leave of absence is defined as time off allowed for absence because of disability due to sickness or injury unrelated to work to a maximum of one hundred and nineteen ( 1 19) days from the commencement of the absence. (b) A medical leave of absence shall normally be granted to regular and part-time employees who TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 29 are absent from work because of a disability due to sickness or injury unrelated to work. In order to quality for short-term disability income, employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor of their inability to be at work because of sickness or disability Employees may be required to produce proof of sickness or disability in the form of a medical certificate, and in the case of sickness or disability of more than three working days, an attending medical doctor's statement will be required. (c) If an employee is on a medical leave of absence defined above, the benefits enjoyed by the employee at the commencement of the absence shall continue in effect. 17.3 Occupational Medical Leave (a) A medical leave of absence under this section is defined*as compensation payable by the j Workers' Compensation Board to employees for injuries or illnesses sustained by the employee in the course of his employment (b) Income protection for regular and part-time employees injured on the job shall be in accordance with the provisions of this policy (c) Income protection for temporary or casual employees injured on the job shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Board. (d) Regular or part-time employees on occupational medical leave shall have the employee benefits they have at the time they become ill or injured administered on the following basis (iv) full premiums for life protection, health protection and long-term disability will be waived, or (v) the Township will meet the cost of the Township's normal share of these premiums for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the original date of illness or disability. 17.4 Maternity Leave (a) A maternity leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a regular or part-time employee in accordance with the relevant provincial legislation. (b) While an employee is on maternity leave, maintenance of employee benefits will be administered on the following basis (i) Coverage may maintained at employee expense for life protection, health protection and income protection. 30 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY (ii) If the employee wishes to maintain the benefit coverage noted above, arrangements are to be made with the Township prior to commencement to leave and payment of the total premiums involved are to be made directly to the Township prior to or during the leave. (iii) No OMERS contributions will normally be made by either the Township or the employee, but the employee may arrange with OMERS to contribute for the broken service on behalf of the employee and the Township (c) In the event an employee wishes to extend a maternity leave, she may make application in accordance with Section 17 1 17.5 Bereavement Leave (a) A regular, part-time or contract employee will, upon request, be granted paid leave of absence of up to five (5) working days immediately following the death of a spouse, child or step-child. (b) A regular or part-time or contract employee will, upon request be granted paid leave of absence of up to three working days immediately following the death of a parent, grandchild, grandparent, stepmother, stepfather, brother, stepbrother, sister or stepsister, or parent of the employee's current spouse (c) A regular, part-time or contract employee, will upon request, be granted paid leave of absence, not to exceed two days, to attend the funeral of the sister, brother, or grandparents of the employee's current spouse (d) A regular, part-time or contract employee will, upon request, be granted paid leave of absence not to exceed one day, to attend the funeral of an aunt or uncle, fellow employee, a close friend or to serve as a pallbearer (e) Paid leave of absence in respect of bereavement will only be allowed for days on which the employee has been scheduled to work. 17.6 Jury Duty (a) Any employee who is required to serve as a juror or subpoenaed as a witness in any court in Ontario, shall granted a leave of absence for the days on which the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work. (b) The employee shall be excused from work for that part of each day that the employee shall actually render service as a juror or as a witness. F TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 31 (c) Upon completion of his jury duty or witness service, such employee shall present to this Department Head a satisfactory certificate showing such period of service Such employee will be paid his regular earnings for the period of such jury or witness service provided he shall deposit with the Treasurer of the Corporation the full amount of compensation received, excluding mileage and travelling expense, an official receipt therefore. If the employee presents himself for selection as a juror and is not selected, then he shall be required to return to his regular employment to complete his remaining normally scheduled work period 17.7 Long Term Disability Leave (a) Regular employees on long-term disability leave shall have their employee benefits administered on the following basis • • (i) Either full premiums for life protection, health protection and long-term dis<4bility will be waived or the Township will meet the cost of the Township's normal share of these premiums for a period of 24 months from the original date of illness or disability. (ii) No OMERS contribution will be made by either the Township or the employee while the employee is on longer-term disability since provision is made under the OMERS plan for a disability pension or waiver of deductions during the period of disability 32 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 18.0 RETIREMENT A regular and part-time employee's normal retirement date shall be the last day of the month in which the employee reaches his 65th birthday Employees may, if they request, extend their date of retirement until the end of the calendar year in which they attain the age of 65 years An employee may request early retirement in accordance with the provisions of OMERS. Regular and part-time employees may apply for a temporary or casual position. Temporary and casual employees may be retained for a further period beyond the last day of the month in which they reach their 65th birthday on a months to month basis at the discretion of the Township providing_ • (a) The employee requests the extension of employment beyond retirement age, (b) There is a specific benefit for the Township to retain the employee on his job, (c) The employee is in satisfactory physical condition and this is confirmed by a medical examination, (d) The employee has not reached his 70th birthday, (e) The Township or the employee may affect termination at any time during this period. • TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 33 19.0 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT An employee shall no longer be considered to be an employee of the Township of Bayham and where applicable, shall lose all seniority if he/she. (a) Voluntarily leaves employ of the Township of Bayham (b) Is discharged and not reinstated through the procedure available for dealing with employee complaints or otherwise by law. (c) Is absent from work without permission for three consecutive working days unless an explanation, satisfactory to their Department Head, is given by the employee. (d) Fails to return to work within seven (7) calendar days mer eking called back to work from lay-off, unless an explanation satisfactory to Township of Bayham is given by the employee. (e) Is absent from work due to illness or disability (providing such illness or disability is not compensable under the Workers' Compensation Act) for more than twenty-four (24) consecutive months. However, the employee's coverage under the Drug Plan for the Township of Bayham will continue until .the individual attains the age of 65, unless this coverage is provided through another source (f) Is absent from work due to illness or disability which is compensable under (he Workers' Compensation Act for more than thirty-six (36) consecutive months. However, the employee's coverage under the Drug Plan for the Township of Bayham will continue until the individual attains the age of 65, unless this coverage is provided through another source. (g) Fails to return to work upon termination of an authorized leave of absence unless a reason satisfactory to the Township of Bayham is given, or utilizes a leave of absence for purposes other than those for which the leave of absence was granted. (h) Fails, during a prolonged absence due to sickness or disability, to provide satisfactory medical certificate to verify continuance of sickness or disability as requested. (i) Wilfully acts in a manner that endangers the safety of others or operates equipment in a careless manner (j) Disclosed confidential information, as defined in Section 21 of this policy. (k) Theft 34 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POL IC Y 20.0 EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS It is recognized that in any organization, it is difficult to avoid occasional misunderstandings and complaints Regardless of how unimportant such incidents may seem to be, the Township of Qayham wishes them to be reported and resolved promptly Matters of this kind should discussed with the employee's Department Head. If a mutually satisfactory understanding is not reached, further steps toward the solution are provided and should be followed. An employee who is not satisfied with the decision made by his Department Head he may take the matter up as an official complaint to the Administrator/Treasurer Notice must be submitted to the Administrator/Treasurer within 10 days of receiving a decision from the Department Head The above procedures will be followed in the case of an employee not satisfied with respect to performance or salary reviews and job ratings or classifications. ,, TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 35 21.0 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION The following categories of employees are included under this policy regular, part-time, contract and temporary and casual The Township recognizes that many employees, in their day-to day activities as employees of the Township of Bayham, deal with items that are confidential in nature In some instances these items become so routine that employees tend to overlook the fact that information which seems insignificant to them may have serious implication if it is divulged, even to friends, relatives or fellow employees. Many Township employees, in their day to day activities, find out a great deal regarding the private affairs of Township citizens or other sensitive information. Employees are asked to remember, at all times, that they have a responsibility not to divulge this information when they leave the workplace. A breach of the guidelines outlined in the preceding paragraph could' lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 36 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 22.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY 22.1 Purpose Safety is important to both employee welfare and morale and to the efficient operation of the organization. It is the policy of the Township of Bayharn to promote the highest possible standards of safe working conditions and to provide such training in accident prevention programs as are necessary to achieve this purpose 22.2 Duty of Supervisor It shall be the responsibility of each supervisor to ensure that - i (a) the proper safety examples are set by the supervisor; (b) the employees are instructed as to what the developed safety policies and procedures are pertaining to the operation being performed; (c) unsafe acts or conditions, detected or reported, are investigated and/or remedied as soon as possible, (d) adopted safety policies and procedures are being maintained and adhered to; (e) all medical aid and lost-time accidents are reported within twenty-four (24) hours on the appropriate forms in accordance with the procedures. 22.3 Duty of Employee • It shall be the responsibility of every employee to: (a) observe the adopted safety regulations required on the job; (b) notify the supervisor immediately of any accident, however minor, requiring first aid or medical aid, (c) report safety hazards to the supervisor and actively participate in eliminating causes of accidents, (d) participate in investigations of employee injuries and/or damage to property, if requested • TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 37 23.0 CODE OF ETHICS 23.1 Purpose The purpose of a code of ethics for municipal employees is to foster a universal understanding of the fundamental rights, privileges and obligations of a municipal public employee. A code of ethics recognizes that a municipal public servant has a responsibility to uphold the basic principles of integrity, honesty, impartiality and common sense. Moreover, in instances where conflict between personal and public interest arise, municipal government employees must forfeit any perceived right to protect a personal interest in favour of that which is of most benefit to the public they serve. 23.2 Gifts and Benefits • In order to preserve the image and integrity of the Township of Bayham, the following provisions apply (a) Gifts and benefits from firms or individuals should be discouraged. (b) The Township recognizes that, in certain circumstances, moderate hospitality is an accepted courtesy of a business relationship. Employees must consult with their department heads to determine whether or not a specific gesture constitutes moderate hospitality. (c) Municipal employees shall not allow themselves to reach a position where they might be, or might be deemed by others, to have been influenced in making a business decision, as a consequence of accepting such hospitality 23.3 Use of Municipal Property Recognizing that it is fraudulent to use municipal property for personal gain, the following provisions apply (a) employees must not use the municipality's property, equipment, supplies or services for activities not associated with the discharge of official duties, unless proper authorization from the appropriate department head has been granted, (b) employees shall not use the municipality's property, equipment, supplies or services for personal gain 23.4 Political Activity Besides legislative provisions that prevent a member of staff from running for Council, there are a number of equally undesirable situations that, while not being illegal, create the potential for 38 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY favouritism, a loss of impartiality and incompetence on the part of the staff member, therefore, the following provisions apply (a) Township employees are discouraged from direct involvement in election campaigns for Township Councillors, including posting election signs on their property. (b) employees may be involved in campaigns for other elected offices, as long as their involvement does not affect the objectivity with which they must discharge their duties 23.5 Other Business Dealings Other business dealings, that is dealings done on the employee's own time, which prevent the employee from devoting his full attention to municipal responsibilities while at work shall be prohibited. Furthermore, restriction shall be placed on any outside work that creates a conflict of interest, that makes use of information unavailable to the public, or that is acquired throughout employment with the Township Therefore, the following provisions apply (a) employees shall not engage in any outside work or business dealings that interfere with the performance of their regular duties; (b) employees shall not engage in any outside work or business dealings form which they might derive personal benefit or gain by virtue of their employment with the Township. 23.6 Media Relations To avoid dealing with the media in a haphazard manner, which may lead to the transmission of misinformation and may convey the perception that the municipal corporation is unstructured, the following provisions apply. (a) the Administrator/Treasurer shall be the designated spokesperson for the dissemination of information regarding Township operations to the media; (b) if the Administrator/Treasurer is unavailable for comment, relations with the media shall be conducted such that only factual and objective information related to policies adopted by Council is transmitted. Employees must refrain from putting forth speculative or subjective insights 23.7 Confidential Information Recognizing that the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act defines the content within which confidential information may be released, employees have a responsibility to safeguard information that is not at the disposal of the public. Therefore, the .imommmoimml TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 39 following provisions apply. (a) employees shall safeguard and protect the information of the municipality, (b) information shall be released in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (c) all enquiries regarding the interpretation and application of the Act shall be referred to the Clerk through the Administrator/Treasurer 23.8 Distribution of Literature From Outside Agencies (a) No person shall cause any printed matter to be circulated°riposted on corporate property without first obtaining the approval of a Department Head or Administrator/Treasurer. 23.9 Staff/Council Relations Recognizing that elected and non-elected bodies have distinct roles within the Township, the following provisions apply: (a) employees shall deal with all members of Council in an objective and impartial manner, at all times; (b) employees shall recognize that elected officials are responsible for the establishment of policy and that employees are responsible for the implementation of the directives originating from Council. 23.10 Conflict of Interest Recognizing that it is neither illegal nor unethical for an employee to have a direct or indirect financial interest in a proposed contract with the Township, provided that the individual has declared that interest and is not involved in any way in the decision making process relative to the proposed contract, the following provisions apply. (a) if a potential conflict exists because of an employee's personal or family (where family is defined as immediate family, including parents, spouse, or child), interest in a property matter, a business dealing with the municipality or similar circumstance, the employer must be advised of the situation, in writing, (b) once an employee has declared a conflict of interest, it is understood that he will be removed from the decision making process relative to the interest that has been disclosed. 40 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 23.11 Compliance (a) Department Heads shall ensure that staff are aware of and in compliance with the terms of the Code of Ethics. (b) Failure to comply with the terms of this Code of Ethics may result in disciplinary action or dismissal. • TOWNSHIP OF 8A YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 41 24.0 STAFF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES AND BOARDS 24.1 Approval When an employee is requested or volunteers to sit on a Committee whose purpose is related to his or her work with the Township, the matter must first be brought to the attention of the Administratorareasurer and its approval of the appointment is to be attained. Where the appointment is for an employee other than a Department Head, the approval of the Department Head shall be required as well 24.2 Written Request A written request, to be submitted to the Administrator/Treasurer for consideration of the appointment should include • (a) the purpose of the appointment and the function of the subject committee or board, (b) the effect, if any, of the work of this committee or board on the Township; (c) the anticipated duration of the appointment and a forecast on the proposed life of the committee or board on the Township; (d) anticipated number and location of meetings to be held, (e) expected expenses that may be incurred by the Township as a result of the person sitting on the subject committee, (f) whether the appointment shall adversely affect the carrying out of the employee's regular job duties, (g) any other pertinent details. Once the Administrator/Treasurer has made a decision, only at that time can an employee officially accept an appointment 42 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 25.0 OCCASIONS REQUIRING FLOWERS TO BE SENT 25.1 Councillors and Employees It is the policy of the Township to send flowers to all hospitalized Councillors, Councillor's spouses and employees. Flowers, or donations to a charity in lieu of flowers are to be sent in the event of the death of a Councillor or employee or a spouse, child or parent of a Councillor or employee. In all instances flowers and/or donations are to be sent from the "Council and Staff of the Township of Bayham". 25.2 Other Circumstances Flowers may also be sent, under other circumstances, if approved by the Administrator/Treasurer, in consultation with the Reeve SCHEDULE B Position Remuneration Administrator/Treasurer $42,697.20 Clerk $36,546.00 Financial Assistant $14.80 Per hour Administrative Assistant $10.80 Per hour Road Superintendent $36,655.20 Per annum Road Equipment Operators $14.72 Per hour Part Time Road Staff - 0.57 Per hour Drainage Superintendent/ $35,562.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official Community Centre Manager $8,000.00 Per annum Fire Chief $7,695.22 Per annum Deputy Fire Chief $5,646.06 Per annum Volunteer Fireman Class I $46.54 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance Volunteer Fireman Class II $43.09 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance Volunteer Fireman Class III $38.05 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 1.0 STATEMENT OF POLICIES It is the policy of the Township of Bayham to achieve and maintain an understanding between its elected officials and its appointed staff with regards to the management of its human resources to ensure that all personnel work effectively, safely and in harmony with one and another. This document is intended to inform the employees of the rights, privileges and benefits of their continued employment with the Township of Bayham and what the Township expects of them with regards to these conditions. The Reeve and Council will retain overall responsibility for personnel management through the Administrator/Treasurer for the Township of Bayham. Council will be responsible for setting policy with the management of the Township's resourcei and for determining priority in their execution. Staff will be responsible for ensuring that these policies are implemented. This j policy covers full and part-time employees of Township of Bayham, its local boards, commissions and any appointments made by Council. Once policies are approved and priorities are ordered, staff will carry these forward without Council interference. Council will not become personally involved in the Townships administrative work nor in the operation of its equipment. Staff will be expected to keep Council informed of any changes in the ordered priorities as dictated by unusual circumstances. 2 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 "Regular Employee" means a salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant or any other person employed on a continuous full-time basis for at least thirty-five (35) hours during a normal work week. 2.2 "Part-time Employee" means an employee who regularly works less hours than the hours worked by a regular employee in a similar assignment in the same department but who works on average in excess of ten hours in one week but less than twenty-four hours per week. 2.3 "Temporary Employee" means a person who is employed to undertake a specific function which is for a definite term or a task or which is seasonal in nature (i.e. grounds keeper, labourer, individual filling ip for an employee on leave, etc.) • 2.4 "Casual Employee" means: (a) Students. (b) Any person employed on an occasional basis who, at the time of hiring, is expected to be employed for a period of less five (5) consecutive months. (c) A person employed under an Employment Incentive Program financed through public funds. (d) A person employed for discontinuous periods of work or to do work on an irregular basis. (e) A person employed on regular basis for ten hours or less per week. 2.5 "Contract Employee" means a person employed to undertake a specific function for a set period of time not to exceed a twelve month term period. A contract can be renewed at the option of both parties. 2.6 "Department Head" means: (a) Administrator/Treasurer (b) Clerk (c) Road Superintendent. Ni` (d) Chief Building Official 2.7 "Qualified" means an employee who is capable of competently completing the duties and responsibilities of a position because of his skill, experience, training, education, and aptitude. 10 TOWNSHIP OF 8A YHAM PERSONNEL POL IC Y 7.0 HOLIDAYS 7.1 Statutory and Civic Holidays The following days will be recognized as paid holidays: New Year's Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Dominion Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday • Whenever any of the above noted holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday and are not proclaimed as being observed on some other work day, the following Monday and/or Tuesday shall be deemed to be a holiday, unless otherwise specified by Council. In order to qualify for payment of the above holidays, a regular or part-time employee is required to work the full regular shift immediately preceding and the full scheduled shift immediately succeeding the holiday except where absence on either both of these shifts is due to vacation or verified personal illness and the individual is in receipt of short-term disability income. Payment for the holidays shall be equal to the employee's regular earnings. In the case of a part- time employee, the payment shall be equal to the number of hours usually worked by the part- time employee pro-rated over a five day work period. • 7.2 Floating Holidays • In addition to the holidays noted above, the afternoon prior to Christmas Day and the afternoon prior to New Year's Day shall constitute additional paid holidays at normal rates, provided however, that Christmas and New Year's half holidays will be observed on the working days preceding the respective holidays except when Christmas Day and New Year's Day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, in which case the half holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday afternoon. Additionally, employees shall be granted 2.5 days off with pay for the period between Christmas Day and New Year's Day. The exact dates to be taken off shall be at the discretion of the Administrator/Treasurer. TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 13 9.0 OVERTIME 9.1 Road Department Employees (a) Hourly Employees When the tasks of a job within the department cannot be completed during the standard hours for that job, or if unusual circumstances arise, extra hours may be worked when approved by the Road Superintendent. All hourly paid Roads employees working in excess of the hours of work noted in Section 5.2 shall receive remuneration at the regular hourly rate in addition shall be allowed equal time off in lieu. Overtime shall be recorded to the nearest one-half (1/2) hour and an employee must work at least one-half (1/2) hour to qualify for overtime. (b) Salaried Employees When the tasks of a job within the department cannot be completed during the standard hours for that job, or if unusual circumstances arise, extra hours may be worked. Salaried Roads employees working in excess of the hours of work noted in Section 5.2 shall receive remuneration at the regular hourly rate. Overtime shall be recorded to the nearest one-half (1/2) hour and an employee must work at least one-half (1/2) hour to qualify for overtime. 9.2 Administrative Staff (a) Hourly Employees When the tasks of a job within the department cannot be completed during the standard hours for that job, or if unusual circumstances arise, extra hours may be worked when approved by the Department Head. All hourly paid Administrative Staff working in excess of the hours of work noted in Section 5.1 shall receive remuneration at time and one-half of the regular wage. Overtime shall be recorded to the nearest one-half (1/2) hour and an employee must work at least one-half (1/2) hour to qualify for overtime. (b) Salaried Employees The regular duties of salaried employees include working additional hours, as may be required, including attendance at Committee or Council meetings and work related functions outside normal working hours. As these factors have been taken into account in the job classifications, these positions are not eligible to receive overtime pay. In recognition of additional hours the Administrator/Treasurer, Clerk and Chief Building Official shall receive an additional one week in vacation. If, due job duties, this additional week of vacation can not be used in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, the employee may receive compensation for any unused vacation credits. 14 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 10.0 BENEFITS 10.1 Life Insurance All regular employees will be entitled to receive Group Life Insurance equivalent to 200% of basic annual earnings rounded to the next higher $1,000.00 effective on the completion of one month of continuous full-time employment, 100% Township paid, to a maximum of $500,000. In addition, the Township will pay 100% of the cost of group Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD & D) equivalent to 200% of basic annual earnings rounded to the next higher $1,000.00 up to a maximum of $250,000 for all regular employees. 10.2 Health Insurance (a) Ontario Health Insurance Plan (O.H.I.P.) The costs for this coverage will be paid by the Township through a payroll tax. All regular employees and eligible dependents are covered. (b) Health Insurance The plan covers prescription drugs, semi-private hospitalization and other eligible expenses outlined in detail in the Employee Group Insurance Plan booklet. The plan will pay 100% of eligible expenses with no deductible, and the cost for this plan is 100% Township paid--effective the first day of the month following three months of continuous service for all regular employees and eligible dependents. (c) Dental Insurance The plan covers basic dental expenses as outlined in the employee Group Insurance Plan booklet based on 1989 Ontario Dental Association rates -- 50% paid by the Township effective the first day of the month following three months continuous service for all regular employees and eligible dependents. (d) Vision Insurance The plan provides for a maximum of $125.00 per person per two-year period toward the reasonable charges for contact lenses and eyeglass lenses and frames that are prescribed or recommended by a physician or optometrist. (e) Claims Submittal Insurance claim forms for each of (b), (c) and (d) above must be completed and submitted to the administrator of the plan according to the procedures set out in the Group Insurance Plan booklet. TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 17 11.0 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE The Township will allow $200.00 per year to each full-time Road Department employee and each part-time hourly rated employee designated by the Works Superintendent to assist with the purchase of safety footwear and to the Chief Building Official. The payment shall be made in conjunction with the first cheque distributed in March, June, September and December each year. 1 24 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 14.0 MEMBERSHIP & ASSOCIATIONS The Township will pay the annual fees for required licenses and professional memberships held by permanent employees of the Township. The following licence fees will be paid by the Township: Name of Association Delegates Approved (a) Association of Municipal Clerks and Administrator/Treasurer Treasurers of Ontario Clerk (b) Ontario Municipal Administrators' Administrator/Treasurer • Association • (c) Certified General Accountants Association Administrator/Treasurer (d) Association of Municipal Tax Collectors Tax Collector of Ontario (e) Municipal Finance Officers Association Administrator/Treasurer (f) Ontario Good Roads Association Municipality, Road Superintendent or his designate (g) Ontario Farm Drainage Association Drainage Superintendent (h) Land Improvement Contractors of Ontario Drainage Superintendent (i) Ontario Building Officials Assoc. Chief Building Official (j) Ontario Association of Property Municipality, Property Standards Officers Standards Officer (k) Ontario Association of Committees Municipality, Director of of Adjustment and Consent Planning (I) Ontario Municipal By-Law Enforcement Municipal By-Law Association Enforcement Officer (m) Association of Municipalities of Ontario Municipality (n) Rural Ontario Municipality Association Municipality (o) County of Elgin Municipal Association Municipality (p) Ontario Road Superintendent's Association Road Superintendent TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 25 (q) Drainage Superintendents Association Drainage Superintendent (r) Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs Fire Chief & Deputy Fire Chief Individual employees delegated to attend conventions, conferences and seminars above noted shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in accordance with Section 13. TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 27 16.0 PERFORMANCE REVIEW 16.1 Purpose The Township of Bayham wishes to recognize the performance of its employees through regular day-to-day communication and through more formal annual reviews with the supervising Department Head. Review of each Department Head is conducted by the Administrator/Treasurer while Council performs the review of the Administrator/Treasurer. It is also recognized that employees shall have a performance review under any of the following conditions: (a) Their Department Head or Council wishes to carry out a review. (b) They wish a review and so request. • (c) Any change in salaries recommended. (d) Once each year whether or not a salary change is recommended. The results of the review shall be recorded on the performance review form. 16.2 Salary Change Where a salary change is being recommended, the, Department Head or Council shall note on the review form the specific examples of the meritorious performance. These may be projects completed, systems implemented, work standards met or exceeded and similar factors. Similarly, when a deferred increase is being recommended, negative performance example shall be noted. For areas of performance judged less than satisfactory, the Department Head or Council and the employee should agree on specific improvements to be made. Similarly objectives for the forth coming review should be negotiated. The Department Head or Council should monitor the achievement of these improvements and objectives throughout the year, not just at review time. 28 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 17.0 LEAVES OF ABSENCE 17.1 Personal Leave (a) A personal leave of absence under this policy is defined as a permitted leave of an employee without pay. (b) A personal leave of absence without pay may be granted to an employee for valid reasons. The employee is required to make advance application, in writing, to his immediate supervisor who shall review the request with the Department Head involved. (c) A personal leave of absence may be granted fora period of not more than 30 calendar days. In the event an employee wishes to_use.Apersonal leave of absence to extend a maternity leave, this period may be extended to not more than 90 calendar days. Extensions, in the 30 calendar day leave of absence, for all other personal leaves of absence will be considered only for very unusual circumstances and may be granted only upon approval of the Department Head and the Administrator/Treasurer and in the case of the Administrator/Treasurer, Council. (d) While an employee is on authorized leave of absence without pay, maintenance of employee benefits will be administered on the following basis: (i) In the event the leave of absence exceeds 10 working days, coverage may be maintained at the employees' expense for group life protection, health protection, and income protection with the understanding that if the leave of absence exceeds 10 working days, the sick leave credit and vacation accumulation for that month shall be forfeited. (ii) If the employee wishes to maintain the benefit coverage noted above, arrangements, in writing, are to be made prior to commencement of the leave and payment of the total premium involved is to be made prior to or during the leave. (iii) No OMERS contributions will normally be made by the either the Township or the employee, but the employee may arrange with OMERS to contribute for the broken service on behalf of both the employee and the Township, subject to O.M.E.R.S. regulations. 17.2 Medical Leave of Absence (a) A medical leave of absence is defined as time off allowed for absence because of disability due to sickness or injury unrelated to work to a maximum of one hundred and nineteen (119) days from the commencement of the absence. (b) A medical leave of absence shall normally be granted to regular and part-time employees who are absent from work because of a disability due to sickness or injury unrelated to work. In order to quality for short-term disability income, employees are TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 29 employees who are absent from work because of a disability due to sickness or injury unrelated to work. In order to quality for short-term disability income, employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor of their inability to be at work because of sickness or disability. Employees may be required to produce proof of sickness or disability in the form of a medical certificate, and in the case of sickness or disability of more than three working days, an attending medical doctor's statement will be required. (c) If an employee is on a medical leave of absence defined above, the benefits enjoyed by the employee at the commencement of the absence shall continue in effect. 17.3 Occupational Medical Leave • (a) A medical leave of absence under this section is defined as compensation payable by the J Workers' Compensation Board to employees for injuries or illnesses sustained by the employee in the course of his employment. (b) Income protection for regular and part-time employees injured on the job shall be in accordance with the provisions of this policy. (c) Income protection for temporary or casual employees injured on the job shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Board. (d) Regular or part-time employees on occupational medical leave shall have the employee benefits they have at the time they become ill or injured administered on the following basis: (i) full premiums for life protection, health protection and long-term disability will be waived, or (ii) the Township will meet the cost of the Township's normal share of these premiums for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the original date of illness or disability. 17.4 Maternity Leave (a) A maternity leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a regular or part-time employee in accordance with the relevant provincial legislation. (b) While an employee is on maternity leave, maintenance of employee benefits will be administered on the following basis: (i) Coverage may maintained at employee expense for: life protection, health protection and income protection. 30 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY (ii) If the employee wishes to maintain the benefit coverage noted above, arrangements are to be made with the Township prior to commencement to leave and payment of the total premiums involved are to be made directly to the Township prior to or during the leave. (iii) No OMERS contributions will normally be made by either the Township or the employee, but the employee may arrange with OMERS to contribute for the broken service on behalf of the employee and the Township. (c) In the event an employee wishes to extend a maternity leave, she may make application in accordance with Section 17. 1 . 17.5 Bereavement Leave * • (a) A regular, part-time or contract employee will, upon request, be granted paid leave of absence of up to five (5) working days immediately following the death of a spouse, child or step-child. (b) A regular or part-time or contract employee will, upon request be granted paid leave of absence of up to three working days immediately following the death of a parent, grandchild, grandparent, stepmother, stepfather, brother, stepbrother, sister or stepsister, or parent of the employee's current spouse. (c) A regular, part-time or contract employee, will upon request, be granted paid leave of absence, not to exceed two days, to attend the funeral of the sister, brother, or grandparents of the employee's current spouse. (d) A regular, part-time or contract employee will, upon request, be granted paid leave of absence not to exceed one day, to attend the funeral of an aunt or uncle, fellow employee, a close friend or to serve as a pallbearer. (e) Paid leave of absence in respect of bereavement will only be allowed for days on which the employee has been scheduled to work. 17.6 Jury Duty (a) Any employee who is required to serve as a juror or subpoenaed as a witness in any court in Ontario, shall granted a leave of absence for the days on which the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work. (b) The employee shall be excused from work for that part of each day that the employee shall actually render service as a juror or as a witness. TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POL ICY 31 (c) Upon completion of his jury duty or witness service, such employee shall present to this Department Head a satisfactory certificate showing such period of service. Such employee will be paid his regular earnings for the period of such jury or witness service provided he shall deposit with the Treasurer of the Corporation the full amount of compensation received, excluding mileage and travelling expense, an official receipt therefore. If the employee presents himself for selection as a juror and is not selected, then he shall be required to return to his regular employment to complete his remaining normally scheduled work period. 17.7 Long Term Disability Leave (a) Regular employees on long-term disability leave shall have their employee benefits administered on the following basis: (i) Either full premiums for life protection, health protection and long-term disability will be waived or the Township will meet the cost of the Township's normal share of these premiums for a period of 24 months from the original date of illness or disability. (ii) No OMERS contribution will be made by either the Township or the employee while the employee is on longer-term disability since provision is made under the OMERS plan for a disability pension or waiver of deductions during the period of disability. 34 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 20.0 EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS It is recognized that in any organization, it is difficult to avoid occasional misunderstandings and complaints. Regardless of how unimportant such incidents may seem to be, the Township of Bayham wishes them to be reported and resolved promptly. Matters of this kind should discussed with the employee's Department Head. If a mutually satisfactory understanding is not reached, further steps toward the solution are provided and should be followed. An employee who is not satisfied with the decision made by his Department Head he may take the matter up as an official complaint to the Administrator/Treasurer. Notice must be submitted to the Administrator/Treasurer within 10 days of receiving a decision from the Department Head The above procedures will be followed in the case of an employee. not satisfied with respect to performance or salary reviews and job ratings or classifications--- * 38 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY Besides legislative provisions that prevent a member of staff from running for Council, there are a number of equally undesirable situations that, while not being illegal, create the potential for favouritism, a loss of impartiality and incompetence on the part of the staff member, therefore, the following provisions apply: (a) Township employees are discouraged from direct involvement in election campaigns for Township Councillors, including posting election signs on their property; (b) employees may be involved in campaigns for other elected offices, as long as their involvement does not affect the objectivity with which they must discharge their duties. 23.5 Other Business Dealings Other business dealings, that is dealings done on the employee's own time, which prevent the employee from devoting his full attention to municipal responsibilities while at work shall be prohibited. Furthermore, restriction shall be placed on any outside work that creates a conflict of interest, that makes use of information unavailable to the public, or that is acquired throughout employment with the Township. Therefore, the following provisions apply: (a) employees shall not engage in any outside work or business dealings that interfere with the performance of their regular duties; (b) employees shall not engage in any outside work or business dealings form which they might derive personal benefit or gain by virtue of their employment with the Township. 23.6 Media Relations To avoid dealing with the media in a haphazard manner, which may lead to the transmission of misinformation and may convey the perception that the municipal corporation is unstructured, the following provisions apply: (a) the Administrator/Treasurer shall be the designated spokesperson for the dissemination of information regarding Township operations to the media; (b) if the Administrator/Treasurer is unavailable for comment, relations with the media shall be conducted such that only factual and objective information related to policies adopted by Council is transmitted. Employees must refrain from putting forth speculative or subjective insights. 23.7 Confidential Information Recognizing that the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 39 defines the content within which confidential information may be released, employees have a responsibility to safeguard information that is not at the disposal of the public. Therefore, the following provisions apply: (a) employees shall safeguard and protect the information of the municipality; (b) information shall be released in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (c) all enquiries regarding the interpretation and application of the Act shall be referred to the Clerk through the Administrator/Treasurer. 23.8 Distribution of Literature From Outside Agencies (a) No person shall cause any printed matter to be circulated or posted on corporate property without first obtaining the approval of a Department Head or Administrator/Treasurer. 23.9 Staff/Council Relations Recognizing that elected and non-elected bodies have distinct roles within the Township, the following provisions apply: (a) employees shall deal with all members of Council in an objective and impartial manner, at all times; (b) employees shall recognize that elected officials are responsible for the establishment of policy and that employees are responsible for the implementation of the directives originating from Council. 23.10 Conflict of Interest Recognizing that it is neither illegal nor unethical for an employee to have a direct or indirect financial interest in a proposed contract with the Township, provided that the individual has declared that interest and is not involved in any way in the decision making process relative to the proposed contract, the following provisions apply: (a) if a potential conflict exists because of an employee's personal or family (where family is defined as immediate family, including parents, spouse, or child), interest in a property matter, a business dealing with the municipality or similar circumstance, the employer must be advised of the situation, in writing; 1 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 41 24.0 STAFF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES AND BOARDS 24.1 Approval When an employee is requested or volunteers to sit on a Committee whose purpose is related to his or her work with the Township, the matter must first be brought to the attention of the Administrator/Treasurer and its approval of the appointment is to be attained. Where the appointment is for an employee other than a Department Head, the approval of the Department Head shall be required as well. 24.2 Written Request A written request, to be submitted to the Administrator/Treasurer for consideration of the appointment should include : (a) the purpose of the appointment and the function of the subject committee or board; (b) the effect, if any, of the work of this committee or board on the Township; (c) the anticipated duration of the appointment and a forecast on the proposed life of the committee or board on the Township; (d) anticipated number and location of meetings to be held; (e) expected expenses that may be incurred by the Township as a result of the person sitting on the subject committee; (f) whether the appointment shall adversely affect the carrying out of the employee's regular job duties; (g) any other pertinent details. Once the Administrator/Treasurer has made a decision, only at that time can an employee officially accept an appointment. 42 TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM PERSONNEL POLICY 25.0 OCCASIONS REQUIRING FLOWERS TO BE SENT 25.1 Councillors and Employees It is the policy of the Township to send flowers to all hospitalized Councillors, Councillor's spouses and employees. Flowers, or donations to a charity in lieu of flowers are to be sent in the event of the death of a Councillor or employee or a spouse, child or parent of a Councillor or employee. In all instances flowers and/or donations are to be sent from the "Council and Staff of the Township of Bayham". 25.2 Other Circumstances Flowers may also be sent, under other circumstances, if approved by the Administrator/Treasurer, in consultation with the Reeve. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-74 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 19, 1996. WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held December 19, 1996, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of Dec-emir, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of December, 1996. 7 "Z42.1151.- YE ( Deputy ) CLERK