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Bayham By-Laws 1993
Bayham Township By Laws „410 A s, By-Laws # 93-01 #93- 1O 1993 ' i t-‘ 4 *73710 ( / 11 ) , ' • - , ... tv) .„- /8) (:. _RP r /fr CID .i\A---rfs, -7;(.0 ne; ? P ir ctit_ y 74-p p c) f -1- fp) 1 At-A4) 4t) br FT; / -- Tek..4‘ t...4...12....„---e -7-- / / 9 / 3 ‘...„ / / q '3 IS 0 r"-In Lt) / ,..) - ot.,e, t....k.a„,r- .i.4 . . / / / 47 3 (:::,,) ........ 0 , ..., 3 . To tg...d... ...-i v -\\ 0 17-"A -At c1,1. ( EA2 isoro i- j , --T- ...../ ot...-r\„,..„..4, / . I - i i' 1 7 _i .....- c•:\,, kit - r if: ,, n, to- , ' r KY.' , • _,:„,-3 - /6 4 %.:- Lai .......r-- ----- j 41\ (*4A3-1"-j- ---3- i q / - 0 5 — I r. Le---r• f AN _../ . • /4 d...,0 f) -f' 6.1.4 _ 0-cc) c_ad-- a-4\J ,11-p pc› i ": ry,,,z,t, 4I et 14:51 T ,...,,. ,,.; , , , iTi -3 . , . ,_ j , , - / o '-- -- . — / ,c, ,,t,c1 -,-,/, --/- 04.._ r_41, ii 1 ..„—c.. ,,,,,_ .,:.,,, ,...A...4- s U ..--- 1- -01 ---- 0 8 / I / 3 . 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IL- IN 7--, ,--, , ' f ,.......„ ,_, ...... f .., ,--) ,,,-- i 1 1 3 ,.. , -41-- , „ ,. i ........ 5 ::-.) (*. C-.) r i in I //\• 41 4: ,.. — /eL.,...) \,...) - k ..., 1 q — a /7) 1 q ? 3 . . / At„ I-1 44i (1.., . ..- 0ei '73) ° r 1 1 ' i i f -') -- , 0 (,i,, '--1". 4) A ./ ''''", C,....4 f.„ „. , , . e ? Y .....- ...L.,) ‘ 1 r .... '.... r ,, orl, 'i / q t.--.) 0 7-0 1, ,, r.,t .1. 1 e _ .,,,,x , 0,........4.,„‘ r I I t 11 Alc:., v ii: #4-1 L „.....N, C ( 0 yl ti7-) / m. At,:# ft-- k ,- 1$> i9 ei - 7 e !„J 4., 4....... - 4 ...,..; i . 0 0,...4.-y-,,,. ,.. -4j ,./7 -,..... . p /e) I _ le -.....,,.-rt L. ir- .) I I i' 9 t 4 --7 o 0 0-1- 4MJ .,74 - 9 Pafr.e1, r C s lets /1...t." I (I I 3 A 44r cAjo r-e- c rt,c 1 f7r-e Prr) 141 err. c er /& q3 r- rYA a- A-1-..e...#4,t.,a•f‘ c,J2 r c)t. 4 ° -r ot- r 0 . 1)-e- i,x4r , 6 • 0 r, i / I a 41 err\ s .r C e 3 ICt-C-117 err\ IT C--4 / 4 , / •3 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-1 • A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL AUDITOR FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS Section 84 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 provides authority for a municipality to appoint a municipalauditor for a term not to exceed five years. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint a municipal auditor. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1. THAT James A. Casson, C.A. Licence No. 4599, partner in the firm of Doane Raymond Pannell, is hereby appointed as the municipal auditor for the Township of Bayham for the fiscal year 1993, and 2. THAT Messrs W.J. Detenbeck, C. A. , Licence No. 2481 and James Van Dillen, C.A., Licence No. 11043, partners in the firm of Doane Raymond Pannell, be appointed assistants to the municipal auditors for the fiscal.year- 1993, 3. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 1 , 1993. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1993. 4/4//e/ /71, REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-2 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $2,300,000 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the"Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $2,300,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1992, is $3,400,277.80; AND WHEREAS the total amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 187 of the Municipal Act which have not been repaid is $0.00; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1. The Reeve and the Treasurer are herby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $2,300,000 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 187 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or noted sealed with the Corporate_Seal and signed by the Reeve and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 187, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current • year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1993. Liffik REEVE LERK I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy o .s-law No. 93.2 of the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This 7th day of January, 1993. CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-3 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 92 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1: THAT Amendment No. 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of January, 1993. REEVE CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. • THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-Law No. 93-3, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of January, 1993. • REEVE CLERK • • 1N0 RK/NG COPY AMENDMENT NUMBER 92 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: REISER RURAL-ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOTS 14 AND 15, CONCESSION 3 NORTH OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Baybam OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 92 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment comprises approximately 5.9 hectares (14.6 acres) and is situated in Part Lots 14 and 15, Concession 3, in the Township of Bayham. The subject lands are bounded by Highway No. 19 to the east and the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 to the north. The area affected by the amendment is divided by Centre Street. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands contain two existing dwellings, one located on the west side of Centre Street and the other on the east side of Centre Street. The buildings and structures associated with these dwellings are part of an existing rural non-farm area adjacent to the Village of Vienna. A registered plan of subdivision dated 26 March, 1856, applies to the subject lands. The extent of existing non-farm residential development and property fragmentation in the vicinity of the subject lands minimizes their potential-for agricultural use. As a result, Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the agricultural designation and placed into a Rural-Estate Residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implement- ing Zoning by-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed estate residential use of the subject lands. • -2- 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural- Estate Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Estate-Residential as amended. iii) Section of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following subsec- tion immediately following Section j). "k) A parcel having an approximate size of 5.9 hectares situated to the west of Highway No. 19 in Lots 14 and 15, immediately south of the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4, may be used for the purpose of seven estate residential lots." • • .3 a SCHEDULE A iiimill (AS AMENDED writ tdtag'p OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE fil�+ lliiner----e- �i14TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM �° 4' ` �UTUflE LAND USE a d�. RN., 111 AMENDMENT No. 92 .. .4.,,, , . . ill k I irr'- 4 4 . la w A LAMS CHANGED MOM intik 92 `��IST 'IMAM ill III in ,.. i;, ►» AGnICULTUnE - Pi ill - Ali . lift,Pg' 1�� ` 1111, � (,� FI „i ; 44 r I1M:.�- )Pcgrilh, r aEsVAVE fEsaeErrTIA11110 • ` 1140111LE 11QUAE PAM) r D� SrASONM. 1nAvF tnnu En rAracc Ica el : ,i,..6 iI! I1t a4 0 MGM INSTITUTIONAL 0 MOM/rut !liIr ortvi I• l on Noir«umn aft nes w is www w+�ierw7 v a wsw A . 4, 0 19, _ ! t1�alaer+o.+lai arr wal. was IS Mewerfe,ip�Afww atltey a� < wrals4!!�e!o aw P040104.1) * lab, ilk 3 eaowrar.re sawn w l..wsuw WON G w nage 443014/414,4 IS*Ma eslweswaa. -.. 1 iAzAno LANDS .' 1..sL0,1: t' i • CONSERVATION LANDS co* '-.. , iii 1111 Ni ; lid MIN RAL RESOURCE AREAS I IAMIETS III 1 I {CCIiMMNIITY PM' VEINENT nrlEAS) 111.4ill ,tk al ,�111 o PhOVINCIAL HIGHWAYS 1 . .,�ivi g An TEMAL noAUS {COUNTY ITOATTS) ttaiptil III . , a . N...... .......„. 1„,„, i� In %I , 11' : ' • 4 1 1 i. do 6.,,, ,,,, : 11 ,,,, lir �.), (i) 11111 ' uglialla 11110,a,„,„,, il o moo . 40©0 WV ell 9 5000 10900 15900 Fe•l t SCALE 1;75 000 410 1110 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE 'B" AMENDMENT No . 92 ----� f ., 'C 343 7t!r 4 ,;‘,..‹- / i.. . • . --,..... - 7 44.1 i 1: 1 i : c ‘ \ ''''''." / i.\ \91°4 *".;.,, ..'7''''.---"; . 2:001'----cz,----,._,, • _ • L -,—, t tip k 13'S . ,.:'"NY: '...."--7\\* ......3 f"•-•41463s; i't 1 t I ' \L.........1 ` .� . - —ON�I ON III \,....., , : i i . ..,-.4 N'S if ii t * � lis ' 1 1 �� �k � 1 � � t isow . 4t ip la '1.4%*.1" ° LoT 1114 t ,=) .... . 1 I) 10 ..2.) -•. ,1 .44...*;...,--",--:_ ii ________\4_________ " - 1 ' ( ----',-... , , 0, . li , , ----7--: f ;M e �()14 71/ '\ , 1.— i : ( � • sae' _ .` ti-Wi .-"t ../// ' I -4. \ d . N.,..7. i',- ,a / i �_. • °I , ,,, ,( \ ,t).T f Owt , ..., . ....\. ; I ., 1 .. N, .,./ . . , , 0 ) , VIE* \ , I,/ - I ; ,,0.0) "..".*71 '4.---- l' i, ? I . .., 4 \..„-; ;' , kk \ i . , ,,, ..,, ,!, 1 , `.' ( ":: ! ,-,.......-<-'74,, . 113.---.7------- -- ../ o '\ , l . T 15 _ wt. r• \1 T; 7 ,�,: . , :� t "� ^' ✓ `'a�_�' • A fes. 7:-_,./ 1, ----3,,\ I i ( , , 5 14,..., �, ' •11t 44641. ,010)-Ni ,)-N i s •em ca----,--:-- I -• l�' 1.....,/ • it N • Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources a III SUBJECT LANDS a RESIDENTIAL UNIT I! FARM BUILDING/COMMERCIAL BUILDING WOODLOT a SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS • RURAL RESIDENTIAL UNIT 0 250m 500m j isclarification r s NOTE :This sap for clarij fiy cation purposes only. Scalar: Lary 73- 3 OUPUCATE AMENDMENT NUMBER 92 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BA'YH AM 34 P 0 1 5 8 0 9 2 • SUBJECT: RESER RURAL-ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOTS 14 AND 15, CONCESSION 3 NORTH OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA The following text and map schedule constitute Amenidment Number 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the 'recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of January, 1993. 11, ,g, REEVE CLERIC AMENDMENT NO. 92 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No . 92 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham , which was adopted by the Council of 'the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby modified as follows : 1 . Page 1 , ITEM 2 . , LOCATION, line 2 , is hereby modified by deleting the words "Lots 14 and" and replacing them with the word "Lot" . 2 . Page 2 , DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, item i ) , line 3 , is hereby modified by deleting the words "outlined in heavy solid lines" and replacing them with the following words : "identified as lands subject to Amendment 92" . 3 . Page 2 , DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, item i) , is hereby modified by adding a new paragraph at the end of the first paragraph to read as follows : "Schedule "B" - Land Use Plan to Amendment 92 , which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment, shows those lands outlined in red being redesignated from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" . 4 . MAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, item iii ) , is hereby modified by deleting sub-section k) in its entirety and replacing it with the following : "k) A parcel of land described as Part Lot 15, Concession 3, and located east and west of Centre Street, west of Highway 19 and immediately south of the road allowance between Concessions 3 i 4, may be used for the development of not more than six new rural estate residential lots, in accordance with the policies, standards, regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Environment 4 Energy and/or its designated agent. - 2 Prior to any residential development on these lands: a) the Ministry of Environment & Energy shall be satisfied that the proposed number of Lots are in accordance with their requirements for nitrate level and the quality and quantity of groundwater; and b) the minimum lot site meets the requirements of the Elgin St.Thomas Health Unit . Prior to any new residential development within 55 metres from the Ontario Hydra station fences, that is, on Park Lots 1 and 2 , west of Centre Street and Park Lot 1, east of Centre Street, within Registered Plan 17 dated 1856, potential purchasers shall be made_ aware of the existing noise level emanating from the electrical distribution station affecting these lots . That the following warning clause shall be included in every offer of purchase and sale for Park Lots 1 and 2 located west of Centre Street, in Registered Plan 17 dated 1856 : "NQIBE ADVISQRY: The noise generated by the Ontario Hydro Vienna Distribution Station impacts on Park Lots 1 and 2 located west of Centre Street. The noise' exceeds 3S dBA which is the acceptable level for residential dwellings in accordance with the standards established by the Ministry of Environment & Energy. " Access to any new residential development shall not be permitted from Hwy. No. 19 . " As thus modified, this Amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R. S . O. , 1990 . Date: Enn _ ClathAJZ. Diana L. ardine, M. C. I . P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs S Mousing • LPibs osa PLA•1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULEIIBit AMENDMENT NO . 92 1,3 s � ' ; *.'\\ *\,:\\. ,.. it ...... 4, is -...... • 44 ' ' \\\ 1 \1/4\ \ tONC.E8f10.. iii a -.,. 11, 'V \N„ I „...,.....?...., , ), ,... :,•ok I ------ ..:. ./ t (.'%.,\,.. :„...,,,, ,,'i •j\ , ' • 9t t+• O �. • ; + ; O *A.l ,� .! 15 'rk ,. „, .' i` • -.--- ., 7 ..... ...... ., ........., 1 , „ , , , , ,,,... ..,, t # , (? , ( J ~� t, li 114/ , .. 1 ,„;\ t ' f \ - .'\i' I III LX i i 7 .. .---„,,,„ i.....—. ._...../ ... fi, '.1. , Ai 1 ogi-r -1 .."\.‘ • \\, ./,' 1 o V I ENN 'e`er„ { { 1 lieu. + .,-7/" / ,.,.,,,�' I • Q ,i' , 1: � t rdipole . ( ,' ` x i . ( ! 1 a r /- �, „,, ..„.,.....-4.... :1111.- c.....; t 1 '\ / ,./ ; \. I %N..„;........'... .... i f ”f• •. M /�" t r 1.,:-...„` _�-'�'r ` . �+,�"^ ^'' ,�, _} , • / tip'' j ' ... `� o -: ��. oT 15 . f46 ir, 17 :` ^--""r'" :-.:-"'"'I .. , .L+.■�+"'� ,',.=.,—.., "y ‘1%). . , . ;. • x . - i fi'l ' ..-...... , ,, :.c:: ammt lwalgirmr •lb - . , ....‘:al..- be ....„„ 4 -... -""=inc"""--L `,....:-...' s t • , _ 09 - . • .....- .,,,, , .., , -4, • i, . t? 17 • Y Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources M- SUBJECT LANDS a RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING /COMMERCIAL BUILDING WOODL OT4'2' 1 . 4 SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS • RURAL RESIDENTIAL UNIT 0 250m 6OOrn NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only . Scala: 1:10,000 BY-LAW NO. 9 3-- 3 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 92 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of January, 1993 C: titE".**- REEVE CLERK � - ' CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 9 3-,3as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 92 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION momeAT'Ot The area affected by this Amendment comprises approximately 5.9 hectares (14.6 No. I acres) and is situated in Part pts 14 and 15, Concession 3, in the Township of UNDER SECTION 1719) Bayham. The subject lands are bounded by Highway No. 19 to the east and the '14E PLANNING ACT road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 to the north. The area affected by the amendment is divided by Centre Street. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands contain two existing dwellings, one located on the west side of Centre Street and the other on the east side of Centre Street. The buildings and structures associated with these dwellings are part of an existing rural non-farm area adjacent to the Village of Vienna. A registered plan of subdivision dated 26 March, 1856, applies to the subject lands. The extent of existing non-farm residential development and property fragmentation in the vicinity of the subject lands minimizes their potential for agricultural use. As a result, Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the agricultural designation and placed into a Rural-Estate Residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implement- ing Zoning by-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed estate residential use of the subject lands. • -2- 4. DE'TAI,S OF THE AMENDMENT MCA 0. "'2 i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the UNDER SECTION 1719) OF Township of vfiEPLANNING A 1 Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural- Estate Residential", those landsf utlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this > Amendment. MOOIFICA1 ON f .. u) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate No.----.3.............._ Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with UNDER SECTION T 7� Pe the rHE PLANNING ( ) ' policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Estate-Residential as amended. _ iii) Section of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following subsec- tion immediately following Section j). No .__,_A__,..._______ .HE PLANNING AC ... •. •• •• •• ••• •• •• •• - _ _ ft • r "Ilailliell1111111ill SCHEDULE A II!111 Na AU€NDED Monk IS 111111)OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 010 0 ) ' pp P .,r,,�, riiiiill 111 . igi . .1 ; ,,r,.o fro FUTURE LAND USE Q AMENDMENT No. 92 r . iOM g, 4 u » w A LANDS CHANGED FROM w " 'AGRICULTURE" TO'ESTATE F illp . RESIDENTIAL per' OSi1111 . IP'... .» t. AGn1CULTUfE �r ,.. 4 s •w i • t rer, - t Q Hunk,liajahajfireT lit 4. 141 1 tgl ESTATE RESIDGMR L I MOIIIIF. 1101116 rMIKs `1 d 111/12 ' A,90NAi. 1 TMvl=t. 1 MA En rAnks } . " nFCt1EAt10F/Rl ,d i r1A1l,IC MM�1111U110fiN4 N1pllSTllwt(, `'' iiii 'mil : `�!' 1I • O «orr w v••sn ow n+s st,was A MesEs no towner or♦"writ IIII P4 swarw.e:.aow,usswswo. M } w Ml,r+!',M a►frr+�wrw arwrs MOM ArwrKs o+►4,�pwMrs `"•. ; r -. ...................................... _' '4 /r 4 — I AZJ1n0 t11NDS st. ' t1"AO I wasgito 11 1 4 co , -- .Af, .44 Ili ob", "1 IP 4 1 ‘ , ., 11111 441111alitall%111 -I iipiurni ; 9 " III: 92 III .4 ?lir Aimoi. II ER ibill, ._._.., z 1 9 500() 10900. 18900 I Feel SCALE' 1:75 000 ,., • • • it TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE,f8 AMENDMENT NO . 92 etrte�r ``�--'-`'-'.'� , —-31 zie ,�. ff, , •,l ,• .. Iz �t 0 ,s:\ ..,t \ 1: , t ; '''' \; ,..t,ONC$3ION III i ' ,\- ; \\\ -11 1 '-,T.' ...<( 7 S 1 x i4�4tis ii 1 11 .4"`i".... I LOT. 171114 ire` " ~ �,.: ._ `�, i . \‘' 1 ii /---N-- --\' II' ,? . i . ''''' - -,..1.1::(1 jj 111 / \\ 1 4. ,44, r : ", "". ;. .. 1...",•i; • ;� tf Cc #1,-- .... 4.....--- ........,/, `L. // i 1 .. . :. oh-- ..) i .1 ' ,,;. UIV.. , 11 4'S ,1)., ! 1; ; . ; ,0). : ' /.e.s...) * . (1 i! cAla . 0 AA )*;:sli \ moo ' ^" „..„,„....<74.0 ' '";' �•�• �' �. , . T 15tc .-Nl.Ort "`15 ,-- ,,. . T 17' s ......._ .- - r s v4, + X r•was " :.:" . ' i 7 }`...,.. , \ . / . • ,1 - t j , ..,,. ,\ • ....... ,,,, :-.,.. ', \--'2.-- ' ..-- ' I' ..•••. .?,. , / L... "i7.----7- 1- . /IL ,- /1-:,, ,i) -1".4. ! L..../ ' --- --=.....E.ftm,......, ,...4tii-1--: • 16 - --d. •- , i Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS I RESIDENTIAL UNIT FARM BUILDING /COMMERCIAL BUILDING . wOODLOT14).' A SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS • RURAL RESIDENTIAL UNIT 0 250m 60 01111 + NOTE:'This map is for clarification purposes only. Semis: 1:10.000 L .. , a CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO, 93-4 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 7, 1993 WHEREAS the Municipal Act permits municipalities to pass bylaws confirming the actions of councils: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to confirm the actions of Council by by-law. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 . THAT all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 7, 1993 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED and finally passed, signed and sealed this 7th day of January, 1993. ;-6/X/11: REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-5 BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR AN INTERIM LEVY PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF THE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 1993. WHEREAS Section 376 of the Muncipal Act, R.S.O., Chapter M.45 permits councils of local municipalities to pass by-laws for levying rates in any year, before the adoption of the estimates for the year, on the rateable commercial assessment and on the rateable residential and farm assessments. AND WHEREAS a new assessment roll has been returned under Section 371(2) of the Municipal Act for 1993 taxation purposes; AND WHEREAS Section 377 of the Muncipal Act provides that the Minsiter of Municipal Affairs may by order prescribe the maximum rates that may be levied in municipalities returning a new assessment roll under Section 371(2) of the Muncipal Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to levy a rate greater than prescribed in Section 376 of the Muncipal Act AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has requested the Minsiter of Muncipal Affairs to prescribe an order under Section 377 of the Municipal Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1993 prior to the adoption of the estimates; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That in the year 1993, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for Real property according to the last revised assessment roll a sum exceeding 50 percent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters. 2. That in the year 1993, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made.on the whole of the Business Assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a sum exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters. 3. The respective amounts to be levied under the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by- law are: Real Property $7,881 ,909.00 Business Assessment 144.605.00 $8,026,514.00 4. The rate to be levied under the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this by-law to produce the amount set out in paragraph 3 of this by-law is one hundred and seventy-two (172) mills. • s BY-LAW NO. 93-5 S. The dates of payment of taxes under this by-law shall be as follows: Due Date of 1st Instalment February 26, 1993 Due Date of 2nd Instalment May 31 1993 6. In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any part thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof, the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable. 7. If the taxes levied under this by-law are not paid on or before the due dates a charge of one and one quarter percent (1 1/4) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment of each such instalment and thereafter an additional charge of one and one quarter percent (1 1/4) shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which default continues up to and including December of this year. 8. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the dates named in Section 5 to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statutes in that behalf all such tax instalments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred. 9. The tax collector not later than 21 days prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person a notice setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by-law, the respective dates by which they are to be paid to avoid penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by this by-law for late payments. 10. Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and shall be paid to the collector at the Municipal Office. 11. The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such payment, provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and collectable under Section 7 in respect to non-payment of taxes or of any instalment thereof. 12. When tenants of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to the Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages, salary or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January, 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21ST day of January, 1993. -- - REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-6 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O. , 1990 Chapter, M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law appointing officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint municipal officers and employees for the purposes of the Corporation. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1. THAT the following officers and employees be and are appointed to act in the capacity provided and that all statutory duties contained in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, R.S.O. associated with each position are to be fulfilled: Clerk - Donald W. MacLeod 1.02 Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod Tax Collector Donald W. MacLeod 1 .04 Assistant Clerk Treasurer Lorraine Moore and Tax Collector 1 .05 Administrative Assistant Diana Norris 1.06 Road Superintendent James Gibbons 1 .07 Road Equipment Operators Robert Bartlett Ivan Priddle Paul McQuiggan Edward Bradfield Terry Allin 1 .08 Drainage Superintendent John Spriet 1 .09 By-law Enforcement Officer Dwayne Daniel 1. 10 Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel 1. 11 Fire Chief Ken Laemers 1. 12 Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris 1.13 Fenceviewers William Baldwin • John Nezezon 1 . 14 Live Stock Valuers Russell Mannell Hugh Mauthe BY-LAW 93-6 - 2 - • 1. 15 Pound keepers Glenn Babcock Joe Morin William Howey 1. 16 Auditor Doane Raymond Pannell 1 . 17 Solicitor Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell 1. 18 Planning Consultant Cumming Cockburn Limited 1 . 19 Animal Control Officer Canine Control 1.20 Transfer Site Operator Margaret Vinnai 2. THAT by-laws 2186 and 2236 are hereby repealed, io 3. THAT any other by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 21, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 21st day of January, 1993. Az: 4110.40/44 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-6 (As amended by By-laws 93-15, 94-10, 94-12, 94-27, 95-10, 95-43, 95-55, 96-10, 96-11 and 96-18) A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990 Chapter, M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law appointing officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint municipal officers and employees for the purposes of the Corporation. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1. THAT the following officers and employees be and are appointed to act in the capacity provided and that all statutory duties contained in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, R.S.O. associated with each position are to be fulfilled: Column 1 Column 2 Appointing By-law -1-40404e-fi DoiIty 1.01 Administrator Elk: 92-44 & 96-10) DepuasskifeF 1.02 1.83 S. er e,`7- 27 Deptify-elerk 1.04 1.05 Financial Assistant Diana Norris 93-6 1 .06 Adin4tsctr.ative Assistant 4 Nettie--F se Met untied', it 93-6 Q7-27 1 .07 Road Superintendent Robert Bartlett 96-18 1 .08 Road Equipment Ivan Riddle 93-6 Operators Paul McQuiggan 93-6 Edward Bradfield 93-6 Terry Allin 93-6 1 .09 Drainage Superintendent Dwayne Daniel 93-15 1 . 10 By-law Enforcement Officer Dwayne Daniel 93-6 1.11 Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel 2591 1.11 .1 Building Inspectors William Underhill 2600 John Ungar 94-27 1.12 Fire Chief Ken Laemers 95-55 1.13 Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris 93-6 1.14 Fire Captains Perry Grant 93-6 Murray Wisson 94-10 Gerry Whitcroft 94-10 Rick Garrett 94-10 BY-LAW 93-6 - 2 - 1.15 Fire Prevention Officer Eric Crofts 94-10 1 . 16 Fire Training Officer Gary Zamecnik 94-10 1 .17 Fence-viewers - be afru, 4Ira/ 93-6 Iohht sieze . a." 93-6 1.18 Live Stock Valuers Russell Mannell 93-6 Hugh Mauthe 93-6 1.19 Pound Keepers Glenn Babcock 93-6 Joe Morin 93-6 William Howey 93-6 1 .20 Auditor Doane Raymond 95-30 J 1.21 Solicitor Gibson, Linton, Toth 93-6 & Campbell 1.22 Planning Consultant Cumming Cockburn 93-6 Limited 1.23 Animal Control Officer Canine Control 93-6 1.24 Superintendent of Water Works Dwayne Daniel 95-43 2. THAT by-laws 2I86 and 2236 are hereby repealed. 3. THAT any. other by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 21, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 21st day of January, 1993. D. Vane Chute Donald W. MacLeod • REEVE CLERK h9,5i std CORPORATION OF THE CooPy 934 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-6 (As amended by By-laws 93-15, 94-10, 94-12 and 94-26) A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEF_S FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O. , 1990 Chapter, M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law appointing officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint municipal officers and employees for the purposes of the Corporation. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1. THAT the following officers and employees be and are appointed to act in the capacity provided and that all statutory duties contained in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, R.S.O. associated with each position are to be fulfilled: Column 1 Column 2 Appointing By-law 1,01 Clerk Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1.02 Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1.03 Tax Collector Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1 .04 Assistant Clerk Treasurer Lorraine Moore 93-6 and Tax Collector 1.05 Financial Assistant Diana Norris 93-6 1.06 Part Time Administrative Assistant 1 .07 Road Superintendent James Gibbons 1976 • 1 .08 Road Equipment Operators Robert Bartlett 93-6 Ivan Priddle 93-6 Paul McQuiggan 93-6 Edward Bradfield 93-6 Terry Allin 93-6 1.09 Drainage Superintendent Dwayne Daniel 93-15 1. 10 By-law Enforcement Officer Dwayne Daniel 93-6 1. 11 Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel 2591 1.11. 1 Building Inspectors William Underhill 2600 Brian Wolfe 94-26 1. 12 Fire Chief Ken L.aemers 92-16 BY-LAW 93-6 - 2 - 1.13 Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris 93-6 1 . 14 Fire Captains Perry Grant 93-6 Murray Wisson 94-10 Gerry Whitcroft 94-10 Rick Garrett 94-10 1 . 15 Fire Prevention Officer Eric Crofts 93-6 1.16 Fire Training Officer Gary Zamecnik 94-10 1 . 17 Fence-viewers William Baldwin 93-6 John Nezezon 93-6 1 . 18 Live Stock Valuers Russell Mannell 93-6 } Hugh Mauthe 93-6 1. 19 Pound Keepers Glenn Babcock 93-6 Joe Morin 93-6 William Howey 93-6 1 .20 Auditor Doane Raymond Pannell 93-1 1.21 Solicitor Gibson, Linton, Toth 93-6 & Campbell 1 .22 Planning Consultant Cumming Cockburn 93-6 Limited 1 .23 Animal Control Officer Canine Control 93-6 1.24 Transfer Site Operator Ben Vandevyvere 94-12 2. THAT by-laws 2186 and 2236 are hereby repealed. 3. THAT any other by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 21, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 21st day of January, 1993. D, Valor Chute j onaJd W. MacLeod REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93.6 (As amended by By-laws 93-15 and 94-10) A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYFFS FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990 Chapter, M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law appointing officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint municipal officers and employees for the purposes of the Corporation. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1. THAT the following officers and employees be and are appointed to act in the capacity provided and that all statutory duties contained in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, R.S.O. associated with each position are to be fulfilled: (1umn I column 2 Appointing By-law 1.01 Clerk Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1 .02 Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1.03 Fax Collector Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1.04 Assistant Clerk Treasurer Lorraine Moore 93-6 and Tax Collector 1 .05 Financial Assistant Diana Norris . 93-6 1 .06 Part Time Administrative Assistant 1 .07 Road Superintendent James Gibbons 1976 1 .08 Road Equipment Operators Robert Bartlett 93-6 Ivan Priddle 93-6 Paul McQuiggan 93-6 Edward Bradfield 93-6 Terry Allin 93-6 1 .09 Drainage Superintendent Dwayne Daniel 93-15 1.10 By-law Enforcement Officer Dwayne Daniel 93-6 1.11 Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel 2591 1. 12 Fire Chief Ken Lamers 92-16 1. 13 Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris 93-6 BY-LAW 93-6 _ 2 1. 14 Fire Captains Perry Grant 93-6 Murray Wisson 94-10 Gerry Whitcroft 94-10 Rick Garrett 94-10 1 . 15 Fire Prevention Officer Eric Crofts 93-6 1.16 Fire Training Officer Gary Zamecnik 94-10 1. 17 Fence-viewers William Baldwin 93-6 John Nezezon 93-6 1 . 18 Live Stock Valuers Russell Mannell 93-6 Hugh Mauthe 93-6 1.19 Pound Keepers Glenn Babcock 93-6 Joe Morin 93-6 William Howey 93-6 1.20 Auditor Doane Raymond Pannell 93-1 1.21 Solicitor Gibson, Linton, Toth 93-6 & Campbell 1 .22 Planning Consultant Cumming Cockburn 93-6 Limited 1 .23 Animal Control Officer Canine Control 93-6 1.24 Transfer Site Operator Margaret Vinnai 93-6 2, THAT by-laws 2186 and 2236 are hereby repealed. 3. THAT any other by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 21, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 21st day of January, 1993. VE CLERK . . , . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-6 (As amended by By-laws 93-15, 94-10, 94-12 and 94-27) A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. W H EREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990 Chapter, M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law appointing officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint municipal officers and employees for the purposes of the Corporation. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1. THAT the following officers and employees be and are appointed to act in the capacity provided and that all statutory duties contained in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, R.S.O. associated with each position are to be fulfilled: Column 1 Column 2 Appointing By-law 1.01 Clerk Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1.02 Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1 .03 Tax Collector Donald W. MacLeod 92-44 1 .04 Assistant Clerk Treasurer Lorraine Moore 93-6 and Tax Collector 1 .05 Financial Assistant Diana Norris 93-6 1 .06 Part Time Administrative Assistant 1.07 Road Superintendent James Gibbons 1976 1 .08 Road Equipment Operators Robert Bartlett 93-6 Ivan Priddle 93-6 Paul McQuiggan 93-6 Edward Bradfield 93-6 Terry Aliin 93-6 1.09 Drainage Superintendent Dwayne Daniel 93-15 1. 10 By-law Enforcement Officer Dwayne Daniel 93-6 1. 11 Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel 2591 1. 11. 1 Building Inspectors William Underhill 2600 John Ungar 94-27 1. 12 Fire Chief Ken Laemers 92-16 BY-LAW 93-6 - 2 - 1. 13 Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris 93-6 1 . 14 Fire Captains Perry Grant 93-6 Murray Wisson 94-10 Gerry Whitcroft 94-10 Rick Garrett 94-10 1 . 15 Fire Prevention Officer Eric Crofts 93-6 1. 16 Fire Training Officer Gary Zamecnik 94-10 1 . 17 Fence-viewers William Baldwin 93-6 John Nezezon 93-6 1 . 18 Live Stock Valuers Russell Mannell 93-6 Hugh Mauthe 93-6 1 . 19 Pound Keepers Glenn Babcock 93-6 Joe Morin 93-6 William Howey 93-6 1.20 Auditor Doane Raymond Pannell 93-1 1.21 Solicitor Gibson, Linton, Toth 93-6 & Campbell 1 .22 Planning Consultant Cumming Cockburn 93-6 Limited 1 .23 Animal Control. Officer - Canine Control 93-6 1.24 Transfer Site Operator Ben Vandevyvere 94-12 2. THAT by-laws 2186 and 2236 are hereby repealed. 3. THAT any other by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 21, 1993. • READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 21st day of January, 1993. i. Vane Chute Donald W. 'MacLeod REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 94-27 BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT JOHN UNGAR AS A BUILDING INSPECTOR AND TO AMEND BY-LAW 93-6 WHEREAS Section 3 of the Building Code Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter B. 13 authorizes Councils of municipalities to appoint Building Inspectors for the purposes of enforcement of the Act. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint a new Building Inspector. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT John Ungar is hereby appointed as a Building Inspector. 2. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by adding Section 1. 11.1 to read as follows: " 1..11 . 1. Building Inspector John Ungar 94-27" 3. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of TUNE 1994. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this I6th day of JUNE 1994. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 94-52 A BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 94-12 AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-6 WHEREAS By-law No. 94-12, to appoint Ben Vandevyvere as Transfer Site Operator was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on February 17, 1994; AND WHEREAS operation of the Transfer Station has been assumed by Green Lane Environmental Group Limited by-law 94-25; AM) WHEREAS the services of Ben Vandevyvere are no longer require!. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 94-12 as passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on February 17, 1994, is hereby repealed. 2. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1.24 in its entirety. 3. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TLME this 15th day of SEPTEMBER, 1994. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of SEPTEMBER, 1994. REEVE CLERK . 4 , CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • BY-LAW NO 95-55 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT KENNETH LAEMERS AS THE CHIEF OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FIRE DEPARTMENT AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 92-16 AND TO AMEND BY-LAW 93-6 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacted By-Law No. 1746 to establish a Fire Department; AND WHEREAS the Council by By-law No. 92-16 appointed Kenneth Laemers on a probationary period as Chief of the Fire Department;• AND WHEREAS the probationary period has now expired; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Kenneth Lamers is hereby appointed as Chief of the Fire Department of the Township of Bayham. 2. THAT the Fire Chief shall perform such duties as are set out in the Fire Code Act, and other statutes of the Province of Ontario and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1. 12 and replacing it with the following: "1.12 Fire Chief Kenneth Laemers 95-55 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon third and final reading. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 23rd day of NOVEMBER, 1995. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 23rd day of NOVEMBER, 1995. tii./ /.1/ 0 REEVE C K CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-10 A BY-LAW TO CREATE THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATOR (CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER) AND TO COMBINE THE DUTIES OF CLERK; AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-6 WHEREAS Section 72 of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, and amendments thereto, provides that a,Council may appoint a Chief Administrative Officer (herein referred to as Administrator Clerk), who shall have such general control of the administration of the government and affairs of the Municipal Corporation and perform such duties as the'Council by by-law prescribes; and shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all its departments to the extent that he or she is given authority and control over them by by-law; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 210(45), a municipality may appoint such officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation, or for carrying into effect any Act of the Legislature or by-law of the Council; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint a Deputy Treasurer pursuant to Section 77(2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Donald W. MacLeod be and is hereby appointed Administrator Clerk of the Corporation. • 2. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall be responsible only to the Council of the Corporation. perform such duties as are lawfully prescribed and generally manage the business affairs of the Corporation in a diligent, competent and lawful fashion through Department Heads and others reporting to the Administrator Clerk and subject always to the policies and direction of Council. 3. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall co-ordinate, lead and direct the Department Heads in the efficient administration of the Corporation. in accordance with the by-laws, policies and plans approved and established by Township Council, 4. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall delegate appropriate duties and responsibilities to Department Heads within the approved organizational structure. • 5. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall recommend to Council the appointment, supervision, training, discipline, suspension, or dismissal of Department Heads. However, nothing in this by-law shall grant authority to the Administrator Clerk to exercise direction or control over any officer of the corporation appointed under statute insofar as the statutory duties are concerned. 6. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall attend all meetings of Council and may attend its standing committees except when excused from doing so by the Reeve by reason of sickness, vacation or attendance elsewhere on Corporation business, with the right to speak. but not vote thereat. 7. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall meet regularly with and co-ordinate the activities ot the Department Heads of the Corporation for the purpose of developing policy recommendations. cieterrninsng staff development needs and co-ordinating administrative actiivities. By-law No. 96-10 - 2 - February 15, 19% 8. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall ensure that information and reports requested by Council or which could be of assistance to Council are obtained or prepared and submitted for consideration. 9. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall refer sensitive or serious issues to Council and recommend responses or solutions. 10. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall, in accordance with Township Policy, conduct periodic performance evaluations of Department Heads. 11. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall develop and implement, in conjunction with the Department Heads, long-term plans and objectives within the Township, including recommending changes to the organization structure to improve effectiveness and/or • efficiency. 12. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall consult with Council, Department Heads, Local Boards and Committees to assist in determining effective programs and ensuring efficient operation within approved budgets and in compliance with applicable legislation. 13. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall assist in the exercise of general financial control of all departments, in conjunction with the Treasurer. 14. THAT despite anything herein contained, this by-law shall not be deemed to empower the Administrator Clerk, in any way whatsoever, to exercise or encroach upon the powers of Council. 15. THAT the Administrator Clerk shall perform all of the powers and duties of the position as prescribed by the Statutes of Ontario and as may be from time to time prescribed by Council. 16. THAT Donald W. MacLeod is hereby appointed as Deputy Treasurer for the Corporation. 17. THAT By-law No. 92-44 is hereby amended by deleting all references to Treasurer and Tax Collector 18. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is amended by deleting Section 1.01 and replacing it with the follwoing: "l.01 Administrator Clerk Donald W. MacLeod 96-11 & 95-10" Deputy Treasurer 19. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon its passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 19%. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. /4 IliRE11111. EVE • k CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-11 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT LYNN BUCHNER AS TREASURER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AND TO COMBINE THE DI!liES OF TAX COLLECTOR AND DEPUTY CLERK AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NOS. 93-6 AND 95-10 WHEREAS Section 77(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 provides that Councils of municipalities shall appoint a Deputy Treasurer: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint Lynn Buchner as Treasurer for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Lynn Buchner be and is hereby appointed as Treasurer as provided under Section 77(1) of the Municipal Act. 2. THAT the said Lynn Buchner shall perform such duties as are set out in the Municipal Act, other statutes of the Province of Ontario and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham 3. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1.03 and replacing it with the following: "1.03 Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Lynn Buchner 96-11 & 95-10" Tax Collector 4. THAT By-law No. 95-11 is amended by deleting all references to Deputy Treasurer S. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon third and final reading READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. •e/ REEVE CLE * CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • BY-LAW NO. 96-18 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT ROBERT BARTLETT AS ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 95-12 AND BY-LAW NO. 1976 AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-6 AND BY LAW NO. 93-39 WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(1) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.50 it is required that every Township shall by by-law appoint a Township Road Superintendent who, subject to the discretion of the Council, shall inspect all roads under the jurisdiction and control of the Township and supervise all work on such roads: AND WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(2) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act a is required that a copy of every by-law appciinting a Road Superintendent shall be transmitted to the Minister of Transportation within thirty (30) days of passing thereof: AND WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(3) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act the Township Road Superintendent shall conform to such requirements as the Minister may prescribe: AND WHEREAS it is necessary to repeal By-law No. 1976 to cancel the appointment of the previous Road Superintendent: AND WHEREAS it is necessary to repeal By-law No. 95-12 to cancel the appointment Robert Bartlett as Acting Road Superintendent; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend By-law No. 93-39 to effect the change in remuneration level and to make minor amendments to the by-law. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint an a Road Superintendent. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Robert Bartlett of the Township of Bayharn, is hereby appointed Road Superintendent of the Township of Bayham in accordance with the provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. 2. THAT it shall be the duty of the Road Superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditures on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Township Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act arid the Job Description contained-in Township of Bayham Personnel Policy. 3. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1 .07 and replacing it with the following. "1.07 Road Superintendent Robert Bartlett 96-19" 4. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1 .08 and replacing it with the following: '1.08 Road Equipment Ivan Priddle 93-6 Operators Paul McQuiggan 93-6 Edward Bradfield 93-6 Terry Alain 93-6 5. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing a with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms pan of this By-law. By-law No. 96-18 - 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon third and final reading and after a copy has been forwarded to the London District Office of the Ministry of Transportation. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. Id REEVE Ai 4 AD:' L;` ' • •R CLERK • 41) CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-7 (AS AMEDNDED BY BY-LAW 93-62) A BY-LAW TO GOVERN THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . . . In this by-law (a) "Clerk" means the Clerk of the Township of Bayham (b) "Council" means the Council of the Township of Bayham (e) "Head of Council" or "Presiding Officer" means the Reeve or in the Reeve's absence or where the Reeve refuses to act, the member of Council appointed by resolution to act in place of the Head of Council. The member appointed has and may exercise all the rights, powers and authority of the Head of Council. (d) "Recorded Vote" means the recording of the name and vote of every member on any matter or question. (e) "Litigation Matters" means where public discussion could prejudice the Township's legal position or be detrimental to the Township in proceedings before any Court or administrative tribunal. (f) "Miscellaneous Matters" means those considered by the Reeve to be of a sensitive nature and concurred with by the majority of the Council members. (g) "Personnel Matters" means where employee relations or reputations could be damaged and negotiations on salaries or working conditions of employees. (h) "Property Acquisition or Disposition Matters" means where premature public disclosure could cost the public money or be prejudicial to the interest of a property owner or the Township when the acquisition or the sale of property is being investigated or negotiated. • _ 2 410 2. (a) The rules and regulations contained in the by-law shall be observed in all proceedings of the Council and shall be the rules and regulations for the order and dispatch or business in the Council and in the Committees thereof, provided that the rules and regulations contained herein may be suspended by a vote of the Council and in any case for which provision is not made herein the procedure to be followed shall be, as near as may be, that followed in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and its Committees. (b) In all matters in the proceedings of the Council or in committee, resort should be had to Roberts Rules of Order as a rule for guidance on the question. (c) No standing rule of order of_this Council shall be suspended except by a majority vote of Council. COUNCIL MEETINGS 3. Meetings of the Council shall be held at the Council Chambers adopted and used by the Council from time to time for such purpose. The Inaugural Meeting of Council shall take place at 10:00 a.m. on the first Thursday of December following the election. The regular meetings of Council shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m., except During the months of May, June, July, August, September and October when the meetings shall be 7:30 p.m. unless Council by resolution directs otherwise, in which case a notice shall be posted in the municipal offices advising-of the time and place, 4.. When the day for a regular meeting of Council is a public or civic holiday, the Council shall, unless the Council decides otherwise, meet at the same hour on the next following day which is not a public or civic holiday. 5. The Reeve may at any time summon a special meeting of Council on 48 hours notice to the members of Council, or, upon receipt of a petition of majority of the members of Council, the Clerk shall summon a special meeting for the purpose and at the time mentioned in the petition. Forty-eight hours notice of all special meetings of Council shall be given to the members through the Clerk's office. The only.business to be dealt with at a special meeting is that which is listed in the notice of the meeting. CALLING OF MEETING TO ORDER 6. As soon atter the hour fixed for the holding of the meeting of the Council as a quorum is present, the Reeve shall take the Chair and call the meeting to order. - 3 - 4111 ABSENCE OF HEAD OF COUNCIL 7. In the case of the absence of the Reeve, the Deputy Reeve shall be appointed and shall preside until the arrival of the Reeve and while so presiding shall have all the powers of the Reeve. In the absence of the Deputy Reeve, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and request a resolution appointing a member of Council to take the chair and have all the powers of the Reeve. QUORUM 8. If no quorum is present one half hour after the time appointed for a meeting of the Council, the Clerk shall record the names of the members present and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the date of the next regular meeting. CURFEW 9. No item of business may be dealt with at a regular Council meeting after 5:00 p.m. unless the majority of Council agrees to continue the meeting. In the case of an evening meeting, no item of business may be dealt with after 11:00 p.m. THE CONDUCT OF PROCEEDINGS AT A MEETING OF COUNCIL 10. It shall be the duty of the Head of Council or other presiding officer, (a) to open the meeting of Council by taking the chair and calling the members to order, (b) to announce the business before the Council in the order in which it is to be acted upon, (c) to receive and submit, in the proper manner all motions presented by the members of Council, (d) to put to vote all questions which are regularly moved and seconded, or necessarily arise in the course of proceedings, and to announce the result by noting whether motions were "Carried", "Carried Unanimously" or "Lost", (e) to decline to put to vote motions which infringe the rules or procedure, (f) to restrain the members, within the rules of order, when engaged in debate, r 1110 _ - • 4 (g) to enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum among the members, (h) to call by name any member persisting in breach of the rules of order of the Council, thereby ordering him to vacate the Council Chamber, (i) to receive all messages and other communications and announce them to the Council, (j) to authenticate, by his signature when necessary, all by-laws, resolutions, and minutes of the Council, (k) to inform the Council, when necessary or when referred to for the purpose on a point of order or usage, (I) to represent and support the Council, declaring its will, and implicity obeying its decisions in all things, (m) to ensure that the decisions of Council are in conformity with the laws and by- laws governing the activities of the Council, (n) to name the member entitled to speak first when more than one member wishes to address the chair at the same time, (o) to appoint a member of the Council to the chair when the Reeve desires to leave • the chair for the purpose of taking part in the debate or otherwise, (p) to adjourn the meeting without question put in the case of grave disorder arising in the Council Chamber. AGENDA 11 . The Clerk shall have prepared and printed for the use of the members at the regular meetings of Council an agenda under the following headings: 1 . Call to Order 2. Disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof 3. Minutes of the previous meeting(s) 4. Delegations 5. Tenders I 6. Accounts 7. Public Meetings 8. Correspondence 9. Report of Staff and Consultants 10. Reports of Council and Committees 11 . Applications 12. Unfinished Business • 13. Other Business 14. By-Laws 15. Adjournment 12. When it appears that any matter may be conveniently considered in Committee of the Whole, Council may on motion resolve into a Committee of the Whole, and the proceedings taken in Committee, when adopted by Council, shall be deemed to be proceedings of Council. The Reeve may preside in the Committee of the Whole or may . designate another member to preside. 13. Any member of Council, at any time prior to the preparation of the agenda, may file in writing an item for inclusion in the agenda under other business. 14. The business of the Council shall in all cases be taken up in the order in which it stands upon the agenda unless otherwise decided by the Council. 15. An item of business not listed on the Council agenda cannot be introduced at a Council meeting without the approval of Council expressed by motion. 16. All motions called in pursuance of the agenda and not disposed of shall be.placed at the foot of the list of motions unless otherwise decided by Council. MINUTES 17. Accurate minutes of the proceedings of every Council meeting shall be taken by the Clerk who shall record: 11111 - 6 - (a) The place, date and time of meeting, (b) The names of the presiding officer or officers and record of the attendance of the members, (c) The reading, if requested, correction and adoption of the minutes of prior meetings, (d) All other proceedings of the meeting without note or comment. 18. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to ensure that the minutes of the last regular meeting and all special and Standing Committee meetings held more than five (5) days prior to a regular meeting shall be circulated at least 48 hours before the next regular meeting of Council. The agenda prepared in accordance with Section I I shall be mailed by the Clerk, to each member not less than ninety-six (96) hours before the hour appointed for the holding of such regular meeting. 19, Such minutes as referred to in clause 18 may be adopted by Council without having been read at the meeting considering the question of their adoption, and in other cases, the minutes shall be read prior to consideration of adoption. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 20. Every communication, including a petition designed to be presented to the Council, shall be legibly written or printed and shall not contain any obscene or improper matter or language and shall be signed by at least one person and filed with the Clerk. 21. Every petition or communication shall be delivered to.the Clerk by noon hour six (6) days prior to the commencement of the regular meeting of Council. 22. The Clerk shall mad the substance thereof to the Council but any member may require the reading of part or all thereof. 21. Matters considered litigation, personnel or property acquisition or disposition. will automatically be referred to the Committee of the Whole without being included on the regular agenda of Council. DEPUTATIONS 24. Persons desiring to present information verbally on matters of fact or make a request of Council shall give notice to the Clerk by noon six (6) days prior to the commencement of the regular meeting of Council and may be heard by leave of the presiding officer of - - • 7 Council, but shall be limited in speaking to not more than ten (10) minutes except that a delegation consisting of more than five (5) persons shall be limited to two (2) speakers, each limited to speaking not more than ten (10) minutes. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORTS 25. Committee of the Whole Reports shall not be received by the Council unless received by the members in accordance with Clause 18 and may be recommitted to the Committee. • UNFINISHED BUSINESS 26. The items listed in the order of the topics set out in the agenda of prior meetings which have not been disposed of by Council and the date of their first appearance on the agenda shall be noted and repeated for 3 subsequent agendas, and unless the item is disposed of by Council, the item shall be removed from the agenda. BY-LAWS 27. Every by-law when introduced shall be in typewritten form and shall contain no blanks except such as may be required to conform to accepted procedure or to comply with the provisions of any Act and shall be complete with the exception of the number and date thereof. 28. Every by-law shall have three readings prior to it being passed. 29. The first reading of a by-law shall be decided without amendment or debate. 30. If the Council determines that the by-law is to be considered in Committee of the Whole, it shall be so considered previous to the third reading thereof. 31, In proceedings in Committee of the Whole upon by-laws, each section shall be considered in its proper order, inclusive of the title and recitals. 32. If Council so determines, a by-law may be taken as read. 33. The Clerk shall set out on all by-laws enacted by Council the date of the several readings thereof, 34. All amendments made in Committee of the Whole shall be reported by the Chairman to the Council which shall receive the same forthwith and after the report has been received a by-law shall be open to debate and amendment before it is ordered for the third reading. 4 _ 8 - • 35. When a by-law is reported without amendment it shall be forthwith ordered to be read the third time at such time as may be appointed by the Council. 36. Every by-law enacted by the Council shall be numbered and dated and shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the Clerk and the presiding officer and shall be deposited by the Clerk in his office for safekeeping. MOTIONS 37. NQtices of Motiop - Notice of all new motions except motions shall be given in writing delivered to the Clerk at least six (6) calendar days, excluding Saturdays and statutory holidays, preceding the date of the meeting at Which a motion is to be introduced and a motion shall be printed in full in the agenda for that meeting until the motion is considered or otherwise disposed of. The motion shall be submitted to the Clerk in writing over the signature of the mover and seconder and shall be complete and correct. 38. When a member's notice of motion has been called from the Chair two successive meetings and not proceeded with, it shall be dropped from the agenda unless Council otherwise decides. 39. If at the third meeting such notice of motion is called from the Chair and not proceeded with, it shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. 40. Dispensing with Notice - Any motion may be introduced without notice if the Council, without debate, dispenses with notice on the affirmative vote of at least a simple majority of the members present and voting, 41 . Seconding - A motion must be formally seconded before the presiding officer can put the question or a motion be recorded in the minutes. 42. Presentation of Motion by Chairman - When a motion is presented to Council in writing, it shall be read or if it is a motion which may be presented orally, it shall be stated by the presiding officer before debate. 43. Ultra Vires - A motion in respect of a matter which is beyond the jurisdiction of the Council shall not be in order. 44. Withdrawal - After a motion is read or stated by the Chairman it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Council but may, with the permission of the Council, be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment. 45. priority of Disposition - A motion properly before the Council for decision must receive disposition before any other motion can be received except motions in respect of matters listed in Clauses 71 and 72. • 46. Procedure Next Meeting - A motion called in the order in which it stands upon the agenda of the routine business of a meeting and which is not decided by Council shall be allowed to stand retaining its precedence upon the agenda of the routine of business of the next regular meeting of the Council. 47. Reference to a Committee - A motion to refer a matter under discussion by the Council to the Committee of the Whole shall preclude all amendments of the main question until it is decided. 48. Amendment - A motion to amend _ - shall be presented in writing, shall receive disposition of council before a previous amendment or the question, shall not be further amended more than once provided that further amendment may be made to the main question, shall be relevant to the question to be received, - shall not be received proposing a direct negative to the question, may propose a separate and distinct disposition of a question, shall be put in the reverse order to that in which it is moved. 49. Thi Previous Question - A motion for the previous question cannot be amended, cannot be proposed when there is an amendment under consideration, shall preclude all further amendments of the main question, when resolved in the affirmative, the question is to be put forthwith without debate or amendment, can only be moved in the following words, "that the question be now put", and - may be voted against by the mover and seconder. 50. Migita to Adjourn - A motion to adjourn: - shall always be in order except as provided by these rules, when resolved in the negative, cannot be made again until after some intermediate proceedings shall have been completed by Council, is not in order when a member is speaking or during the verification of a vote, is not in order immediately following the affirmative resolution of a motion for the previous question. 51. privilege - A motion on a matter of privilege shall receive disposition of Council forthwith upon receipt and, when settled, the question so interrupted shall be resumed from the point where it was suspended. • - - IQ 52. Motion to refer - A motion to refer back a question to Committee with or without instructions may be amended but must receive disposition by Council before the question or an amendment to the question, and when made prior thereto, before decision on a motion for the previous question or postponement. 53. Motion to Divide - A motion containing distinct proposals may be divided by leave of council. VOTING ON MOTIONS 54. Questions Stated - Immediately preceding the taking of the vote, the presiding officer may state the question in the form introduced and shall do so if required by a member except when a motion for the previous question has been resolved in the affirmative. He shall state the question in the precise form in which it will be recorded in the minutes. 55. No Interruption after Question - After a question is finally put by the presiding officer, no member shall speak to the question nor shall any other motion be made until after the vote is taken and the results have been declared. 56. Division of Question - A separate vote shall be taken upon each proposal contained in question divided with leave to the Council. 57. Vote not allowed - A member not present before the result of the division on a question is declared shall not be entitled to vote on that question. 58. Unrecorded Vote - The manner of determining the decision of the Council on a motion shall be at the discretion of the presiding officer and may be by voice, show of hands, standing or otherwise. 59. Recorded Vote - When a member present requests a recorded vote, all members present at the Council or Committee meeting must vote unless otherwise prohibited by statute. The names of those who voted for and others who voted against shall be noted in the minutes. A request for a recorded vote can only be made before or immediately after an unrecorded vote is taken. The Clerk shall poll all members in alphabetical order and duly record the names and the vote cast. The Clerk shall announce the results. 60. The Reeve and other presiding officer may vote on all questions arising in Council. 61. Any question having an equal number of votes shall be deemed-to be lost. 62. Every member of the Council shall vote on all questions, unless such member has indicated a conflict under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Any failure or refusal by a member of the Council to vote shall be taken as a vote in the negative. 11 - • 63. Every member prior to speaking to any question or motion shall address the presiding officer. 64. When the presiding officer calls for the vote on a question, each member shall occupy his seat and shall remain in his place until the result of the vote has been declared by the presiding officer, and during such time no member shall walk across the room to speak to any other member or make any noise or disturbance. RULES OF DEBATE 65. When a member is speaking no other member shall pass between him and the Chair or interrupt him except to arise a point of order. 66. Any member may require the question or motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking. 67. No member shall speak more than once to the same question without leave of the Council, except that a reply shall be allowed to be made only by a member of the Council who has presented the motion to the Council, but not by any member who has moved an amendment or a procedural motion. 68. No member, without leave of the Council, shall speak to the same question, or in reply, for longer than ten minutes. 69. A member may ask a question only for the purpose of obtaining information relating to the matter under discussion and such question must be stated concisely and asked only of the previous speaker. 70. Notwithstanding Clause 69, when a member has been recognized as the next speaker, then immediately before speaking such member may ask a question of the presiding officer or an official of the Township on the matter under discussion but only for the purpose of obtaining information, following which the member shall speak. 71. The following matters and motions with respect thereto may be introduced orally without written notice and without leave, except as otherwise provided by these Rules of Procedures: (a) to point of order or personal privilege; (b) presentations of petitions; (c) to lay on the table; (d) to poster indefinitely or to a day certain; • _ _ • l2 (e) to move the previous question. 72. The following motions may be introduced without notice and without leave, but such motions shall be in writing and signed: (a) to refer; (b) to adjourn; (c) to amend; (d) , to suspend the Rules of Procedure. 73. In all unprovided cases in the proceedings of the Council or in the Committee of the Whole, the matter shall be decided by the presiding officer, subject to an appeal to the Council upon a point of order. POINTS OR ORDER AND PRIVILEGE 74. The presiding officer shall preserve order and decide questions of order. 75. The Council, if appealed to, shall decide the question without debate and its decision shall be final. 76. No member shall: (a) use offensive words or unparliamentary language in or against the Council or against any member (b) speak on any subject other than the subject in debate; (c) criticize any decision of the Council except for the purpose of moving that the question be reconsidered; (d) disobey the rules of the Council or a decision of the presiding officer or of the Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of the Council. and in case a member persists in any such disobedience after having been called to order by the presiding officer, the presiding officer may forthwith put the question with no amendment, adjournment or debate allowed, "that such member be ordered to leave his sat for the duration of the meeting of the Council" but if the member apologizes he may, by vote of the Council, be permitted to retake his seat. • - 13 - • 77. No person except members and officers of the Council shall be allowed to come within the bar during the sittings of the Council without permission of the presiding officer or the Council upon reference. 78. When the Chair is putting the question no member shall leave or make a disturbance. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 79. The presiding officer may appoint another member of the Committee to act as Committee Chairman while he is speaking to a question or while he is temporarily absent from the meeting. 80. The Committee Chairman shall maintain order in the Committee and report the proceedings to the Council. 81 . The rules governing the procedure of the Council and the conduct of members in Council shall be observed in Committee so far as they are applicable. 82. The number of times of speaking on any question shall not be limited unless a member moves that the vote be now taken. 83. No member shall speak more than once except to make an explanation until every member who desires to speak shall have spoken. 84. If a member disobeys the rules of the Council or the decision of the Committee-Chairman on questions of order or practice, or upon interpretation of the rules of the Council and persists in such disobedience after having been called to order by the Committee Chairman, the Committee Chairman shall forthwith suspend the proceedings of the Committee and report the circumstances to the Council, and the presiding officer shall forthwith put the question with no amendment, adjournment or debate being allowed, "That such member be ordered to leave his seat for the duration of the meeting of the Council", but is the member apologizes, he may by vote of the Council, be permitted to retake his seat. 85. Any proceedings taken in Committee of the Whole, when adopted by Council, shall be deemed to be the proceedings of Council. 86. The agenda prepared for the Committee of the Whole shall be limited to litigation matters, personnel matters, property acquisition or disposition matters, miscellaneous matters referred from Council, financial matters, routine correspondence to be received by consent and any other matters the Council or Committee deem appropriate to be considered by the Committee including non-agenda business provided for the information of Council. { • 14 - 41, COMMITTEES 87. There may be Standing Committees of Council which may be appointed by the Reeve. 88. In addition to the Standing Committees, Council may appoint Council members to various Boards and Committees. 89. The Reeve shall appoint the Chairman of the Standing Committees. 90. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of a member of the Standing committee during any term, the Reeve shall appoint a substitute member to such Committee for the remainder of'the term. 91 In addition to the duties imposed or which may be specially referred to a Standing Committee or Committee of the Whole, their duties shall be to review all matters referred to the Committee by Council and to advise or recommend to Council the action taken. 92. The Township Clerk shall be the Secretary of the Committee of the Whole and all Standing Committees but may delegate this responsibility to other staff. 93. The rules governing the procedures of the Council and the conduct of members of Council shall be observed in a meeting of a Standing Committee insofar as they are applicable, provided that: a) the number of times a member may speak on any question shall not be limited, b) no member shall speak more than once to an item of business until every member who desires to speak has spoken, c) at the request of any member of the Committee present, any item on the agenda of the meeting may be re-opened upon a majority vote of the members present, d) the vote of any particular item shall not be recorded but that a member on request may be recorded as being opposed, e) if a member disregards the rules of the Council or decision of the Chairman of the Standing Committee on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of the Council and persists in such conduct, after having been called to order by the said Chairman, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question with no amendment, adjournment or debate, "that such member be ordered to leave his seat for the duration of the Committee meeting." If following such vote by the Committee the member apologizes, he may, by a further vote of the Committee be permitted to retake his seat. - 15 - 1 SUSPENSION OF RUINS 94. Any procedure required by this by-law may be suspended with consent of a majority of the member of Council present. 95. No amendment or repeal of this by-law or any part thereof shall be considered at any meeting of the Council unless notice of proposed amendments or repeal has been given at a previous regular meeting of the Council and the waiving of this notice by the Council is prohibited. 96. This by-law shall become effective upon the date of enactment. 97. Where any by-law passed prior to this by-law conflicts with this by-law, the terms of this by-law shall prevail. 98. By-Law 1979, and amendments thereto, are hereby rescinded. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 21st day of January 1993. p. Vane Chute Donald W. MacLeod REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-7 A BY-LAW TO GOVERN THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I . In this by-law (a) "Clerk" means the Clerk of the Township of Bayham (b) "Council" means the Council of the Township of Bayham (e) "Head of Council" or "Presiding Officer" means the Reeve or in the Reeve's absence or where the Reeve refuses to act, the member of Council appointed by resolution to act in place of the Head of Council. The member appointed has and may exercise all the rights, powers and authority of the Head of Council. (d) "Recorded Vote" means the recording of the name and vote of every member on any matter or question. (e) "Litigation Matters" means where public discussion could prejudice the Township's legal position or be detrimental to the Township in proceedings before any Court or administrative tribunal. (f) "Miscellaneous Matters" means those considered by the Reeve to be of a sensitive nature and concurred with by the majority of the Council members. (g) "Personnel Matters" means where employee relations or reputations could be damaged and negotiations on salaries or working conditions of employees. (h) "Property Acquisition or Disposition Matters" means where premature public disclosure could cost the public money or be prejudicial to the interest of a property owner or the Township when the acquisition or the sale of property is being investigated or negotiated. * - 2 _ 2. (a) The rules and regulations contained in the by-law shall be observed in all proceedings of the Council and shall be the rules and regulations for the order and dispatch or business in the Council and in the Committees thereof, provided that the rules and regulations contained herein may be suspended by a vote of the Council and in any case for which provision is not made herein the procedure to be followed shall be, as near as may be, that followed in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and its Committees. (b) In all matters in the proceedings of the Council or in committee, resort should be had to Roberts Rules of Order as a rule for guidance on the question. (c) No standing rule of order of this Council shall be suspended except by a majority vote of Council. COUNCIL MEETINGS • 3. Meetings of the Council shall be held at the Council Chambers adopted and used by the Council from time to time for such purpose. The Inaugural Meeting of Council shall take place at 10;00 a.m. on the first Thursday of December following the election. The regular meetings of Council shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. , except During the months of May, June, July, August, September, October and November when the meetings shall be 7:30 p.m. unless Council by resolution directs otherwise, in which case a notice shall be posted in the municipal offices advising of the time and place. 4. When the day for a regular meeting of Council is a public or civic holiday, the Council shall, unless the Council decides otherwise, meet at the same hour on the next following day which is not a public or civic holiday. 5. The Reeve may at any time summon a special meeting of Council on 48 hours notice to the members of Council, or, upon receipt of a petition of majority of the members of Council, the Clerk shall summon a special meeting for the purpose and at the time mentioned in the petition. Forty-eight hours notice of all special meetings of Council shall be given to the members through the Clerk's office. The only business to be dealt with at a special meeting is that which is listed in the notice of the meeting. { - 3 - CALLING OF MEETING TO ORDER 6. As soon after the hour fixed for the holding of the meeting of the Council as a quorum is present, the Reeve shall take the Chair and call the meeting to order. ABSENCE OF HEAD OF COUNCIL 7. In the case of the absence of the Reeve, the Deputy Reeve shall be appointed and shall preside until the arrival of the Reeve and while so presiding shall have all the powers of the Reeve. In the, absence of the Deputy Reeve, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and request a resolution appointing a member of f Council to take the chair and have all the powers of the Reeve. QUORUM 8. If no quorum is present one half hour after the time appointed for a meeting of the Council, the Clerk shall record the names of the members present and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the date of the next regular meeting. CURFEW 9. No item of business may be dealt with at a regular Council meeting after 5:00 p.m. unless the majority of Council agrees to continue the meeting. In the case of an evening meeting, no item of business may be dealt with after 11:00 p.m. THE CONDUCT OF PROCEEDINGS AT A MEETING OF COUNCIL 10. It shall be the duty of the Head of Council or other presiding officer, (a) to open the meeting of Council by taking the chair and calling the members to order, (b) to announce the business before the Council in the order in which it is to be acted upon, (c) to receive and submit, in the proper manner all motions presented by the members of Council, 4 (d) to put to vote all questions which are regularly moved and seconded, or necessarily arise in the course of proceedings, and to announce the result by noting whether motions were "Carried", "Carried Unanimously" or "Lost", (e) to decline to put to vote motions which infringe the rules or procedure, (f) to restrain the members, within the rules of order, when engaged in debate, (g) to enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum among the members, (h) to call by name any member persisting in breach of the rules of order of the Council, thereby ordering him to vacate the touncil Chamber, (i) to receive all messages and other communications and announce them to the Council, (j) to authenticate, by his signature when necessary, all by-laws, resolutions, and minutes of the Council, (k) to inform the Council, when necessary or when referred to for the purpose on a point of order or usage, (I) to represent and support the Council, declaring its will, and implicity obeying its decisions in all things, (m) to ensure that the decisions of Council are in conformity with the laws and by- laws governing the activities of the Council, (n) to name the member entitled to speak first when n more than one member wishes to address the chair at the same time, (o) to appoint a member of the Council to the chair when the Reeve desires to leave the chair for the purpose of taking part in the debate or otherwise, (p) to adjourn the meeting without question put in the case of grave disorder arising in the Council Chamber. - 5 - AGENDA 11. The Clerk shall have prepared and printed for the use of the members at the regular meetings of Council an agenda under the following headings: 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof 3. Minutes of the previous meeting(s) 4. Delegations 5. Tenders 6. Accounts 7. Public Meetings 8. Correspondence 9. Report of Staff and Consultants 10. Reports of Council and Committees 11 . Applications • 12. Unfinished Business 13. Other Business 14. By-Laws 15. Adjournment 12. When it appears that any matter may be conveniently considered in Committee of the Whole, Council may on motion resolve into a Committee of the Whole, and the proceedings taken in Committee, when adopted by Council, shall be deemed to be proceedings of Council. The Reeve may preside in the Committee of the Whole or may designate another member to preside. 13. Any member of Council, at any time prior to the preparation of the agenda, may file in writing an item for inclusion in the agenda under other business. 14. The business of the Council shall in all cases be taken up in the order in which it stands upon the agenda unless otherwise decided by the Council. 15. An item of business not listed on the Council agenda cannot be introduced at a Council meeting without the approval of Council expressed by motion. 16. All motions called in pursuance of the agenda and not disposed of shall be placed at the foot of the list of motions unless otherwise decided by Council. • MINUTES 17. Accurate minutes of the proceedings of every Council meeting shall be taken by the Clerk who shall record: (a) The place, date and time of meeting, (b) The names of the presiding officer or officers and record of the attendance of the members, (c) The reading, if requested, correction and adoption of the minutes of prior meetings, (d) All other proceedings of the meeting without note or comment. 18. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to ensure that the minutes of the last regular meeting and all special and Standing Committee meetings held more than five (5) days prior to a regular meeting shall be circulated at least 48 hours before the next regular meeting of Council. The agenda prepared in accordance with Section 11 shall be mailed by the Clerk, to each member not less than ninety-six (96) hours before the hour appointed for the holding of such regular meeting. 19, Such minutes as referred to in clause 18 may be adopted by Council without having been read at the meeting considering the question of their adoption, and in other cases, the minutes shall be read prior to consideration of adoption. 7 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 20. Every communication, including a petition designed to be presented to the Council, shall be legibly written or printed and shall not contain any obscene or improper matter or language and shall be signed by at least one person and filed with the Clerk. 21 . Every petition or communication shall be delivered to the Clerk by noon hour six (6) days prior to the commencement of the regular meeting of Council. 22. The Clerk shill read the substance thereof to the Council but any member may require the reading of part or all thereof. 23. Matters considered litigation, personnel or property acquisition or disposition will automatically be referred to the Committee of the Whole without being included on the regular agenda of Council. DEPUTATIONS 24. Persons desiring to present information verbally on matters of fact or make a request of Council shall give notice to the Clerk by noon six (6) days prior to the commencement of the regular meeting of Council and may be heard by leave of the presiding officer of . Council, but shall be limited in speaking to not more than ten (10) minutes except that a delegation consisting of more than five (5) persons shall be limited to two (2) speakers, each limited to speaking not more than ten (10) minutes. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORTS 25. Committee of the Whole Reports shall not be received by the Council unless received by the members in accordance with Clause 18 and may be recommitted to the Committee. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 26. The items listed in the order of the topics set out in the agenda of prior meetings which have not been disposed of by Council and the date of their first appearance on the agenda shall be noted and repeated on each subsequent agenda until disposed of by Council, unless removed from the agenda by leave of the Council. - g - BY-LAWS 27. Every by-law when introduced shall be in typewritten form and shall contain no blanks except such as may be required to conform to accepted procedure or to comply with the provisions of any Act and shall be complete with the exception of the number and date thereof. 28. Every by-law shall have three readings prior to it being passed. 29. The first reading of a by-law shall be decided without amendment or debate. 30. If the Council determines that the by-law is to be considered in Committee of the Whole, it shall be so considered previous to the third reading thereof. 31. In proceedings in Committee of the Whole upon by-laws, each section shall be considered in its proper order, inclusive of the title and recitals. 32. If Council so determines, a by-law may be taken as read. 33. The Clerk shall set out on all by-laws enacted by Council the date of the several readings thereof. 34. All amendments made in Committee of the Whole shall be reported by the Chairman to the Council which shall receive the same forthwith and after the report has been received a by-law shall be open to debate and amendment before it is ordered for the third reading. 35. When a by-law is reported without amendment it shall be forthwith ordered to be read the third time at such time as may be appointed by the Council. 36. Every by-law enacted by the Council shall be numbered and dated and shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the Clerk and the presiding officer and shall be deposited by the Clerk in his office for safekeeping. MOTIONS 37. Vices of Motion - Notice of all new motions except motions shall be given in writing delivered to the Clerk at least six (6) calendar days, excluding Saturdays and statutory holidays, preceding the date of the meeting at which a motion is to be introduced and a motion shall be printed in full in the agenda for that meeting until the motion is considered or otlenvise disposed of. The motion shall be submitted to the Clerk in writing over the signature of the mover and seconder and shall be complete and correct. 38. When a member's notice of motion has been called from the Chair two successive meetings and not proceeded with, it shall be dropped from the agenda unless Council otherwise decides. 39. If at the third meeting such notice of motion is called from the Chair and not proceeded with, it shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. 40. Dispensing with Notice - Any motion may be introduced without notice if the Council, without debate, dispenses with notice on the affirmative vote of at least a simple majority of the members present and voting, 41. Seconding - A motion must be formally-seconded before the presiding officer can put the question or a motion be recorded in the minutes. 42. Presentation of Motion by Chairman - When a motion is presented to Council in writing, it shall be read or if it is a motion which may be presented orally, it shall be stated by the presiding officer before debate. 43. Ultra Vires - A motion in respect of a matter which is beyond the jurisdiction of the Council shall not be in order. 44. Withdrawal - After a motion is read or stated by the Chairman it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Council but may, with the permission of the Council, be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment. 45. Priority of Disposition - A motion properly before the Council for decision must receive disposition before any other motion can be received except motions in respect of matters listed in Clauses 71 and 72. 46. lure Next Meeting - A motion called in the order in which it stands upon the agenda of the routine business of a meeting and which is not decided by Council shall be allowed to stand retaining its precedence upon the agenda of the routine of business of the next regular meeting of the Council. 47. Reference to a Committee - A motion to refer a matter under discussion by the Council to the Committee of the Whole shall preclude all amendments of the main question until it is decided. - 1p - 48. Amendments - A motion to amend shall be presented in writing, shall receive disposition of council before a previous amendment or the question, - shall not be further amended more than once provided that further amendment may be made to the main question, shall be relevant to the question to be received, shall not be received proposing a direct negative to the question, may propose a separate and distinct disposition of a question, shall be put in the reverse order to that in which it is moved. 49. The Previous Question - A motion for the previous question cannot be amended, cannot be proposed when there is an amendment under consideration, shall preclude all further amendments of the main question, when resolved in the affirmative, the question is to be put forthwith without debate or amendment, can only be moved in the following words, "that the question be now put", and - may be voted against by the mover and seconder. 50. Motion to Adjourn - A motion to adjourn; shall always be in order except as provided by these rules, when resolved in the negative, cannot be made again until after-some intermediate proceedings shall have been completed by Council, is not in order when a member is speaking or during the verification of a vote, - is not in order immediately following the affirmative resolution of a motion for the previous question. 51. ?riyilegg A motion on a matter of privilege shall receive disposition of Council forthwith upon receipt and, when settled, the question so interrupted shall be resumed from the point where it was suspended. 52. Motion to refer A motion to refer back a question to Committee with. or without instructions may be amended but must receive disposition by Council before the question or an amendment to the question, and when made prior thereto, before decision on a motion for the previous question or postponement. 53. Motion to Divide - A motion containing distinct proposals may be divided by leave of council. 11 VOTING ON MOTIONS 54. Questions Stated - Immediately preceding the taking of the vote, the presiding officer may state the question in the form introduced and shall do so if required by a member except when a motion for the previous question has been resolved in the affirmative. He shall state the question in the precise form in which it will be recorded in the minutes. 55. No Interruption after Question - After a question is finally put by the presiding officer, no member shall speak to the question nor shall any other motion be made until after the vote is taken and the results have been declared. 56. Division of Question - A separate vote shall be taken upon each proposal contained in question divided with leave to the Council. 57. Vote not allowed - A member not present before the result of the division on a question is declared shall not be entitled to vote on that question. 58. Unrecorded Vote - The manner of determining the decision of the Council on a motion shall be at the discretion of the presiding officer and may be by voice, show of hands, standing or otherwise. 59. Recorded Vote - When a member present requests a recorded vote, all members present at the Council or Committee meeting must vote unless otherwise prohibited by statute. The names of those who voted for and others who voted against shall be noted in the minutes. A request for a recorded vote can only be made before or immediately after an unrecorded vote is taken. The Clerk shall poll all members in alphabetical order and duly record the names and the vote cast. The Clerk shall announce the results. 60. The Reeve and other presiding officer may vote on all questions arising in Council. 61. Any question having an equal number of votes shall be deemed to be lost. 62. Every member of the Council shall vote on all questions, unless such member has indicated a conflict under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Any failure or refusal by a member of the Council to vote shall be taken as a vote in the negative. 63. Every member prior to speaking to any question or motion shall address the presiding officer. 64. When the presiding officer calls for the vote on a question, each member shall occupy his seat and shall remain in his place until the result of the vote has been declared by the presiding officer, and during such time no member shall walk across the room to speak to any other member or make any noise or disturbance. - 12 - RULES OF DEBATE 65. When a member is speaking no other member shall pass between him and the Chair or interrupt him except to arise a point of order. 66. Any member may require the question or motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking. 67. No member shall speak more than once to the same question without leave of the Council, except that a reply shall be allowed to be made only by a member of the Council who has presented the motion to the Council, but not by any member who has moved an amendment or a procedural motion.. 68. No member, without leave of the Council, shall speak to the same question, or in reply, for longer than ten minutes. 69. A member may ask a question only for the purpose of obtaining information relating to the matter under discussion and such question must be stated concisely and asked only of the previous speaker. 70. Notwithstanding Clause 69, when a member has been recognized as the next speaker, then immediately before speaking such member may ask a question of the presiding officer or an official of the Township on the matter under discussion but only for the purpose of obtaining information, following which the member shall speak. 71 . The following matters and motions with respect thereto may be introduced orally without written notice and without leave, except as otherwise provided by these Rules of Procedures: (a) to point of order or personal privilege; (b) presentations of petitions; (c) to lay on the table; (d) to postpone indefinitely or to a day certain; (e) to move the previous question. 13 72. The following motions may be introduced without notice and without leave, but such motions shall be in writing and signed: (a) to refer; (b) to adjourn; (c) to amend; (d) to suspend the Rules of Procedure. 73: • In all unprovided cases in the proceedings of the Council or in the Committee of the Whole, the matter shall be decided by the presiding officer, subject to an appeal to the Council upon a point of order. POINTS OR ORDER AND PRIVILEGE 74. The presiding officer shall preserve order and decide questions of order. 75. The Council, if appealed to, shall decide the question without debate and its decision shall be final. 76. No member shall: (a) use offensive words or unparliamentary language in or against the Council or against any member; (b) speak on any subject other than the subject in debate; (c) criticize any decision of the Council except for the purpose of moving that the question be reconsidered; (d) disobey the rules of the Council or a decision of the presiding officer or of the Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of the Council. and in case a member persists in any such disobedience after having been called to order by the presiding officer, the presiding officer may forthwith put the question with no amendment, adjournment or debate allowed, "that such member be ordered to leave his seat for the duration of the meeting of the Council" but if the member apologizes he may, by vote of the Council, be permitted to retake his seat. 14 77. No person except members and officers of the Council shall be allowed to come within the bar during the sittings of the Council without permission of the presiding officer or the Council upon reference. 78, When the Chair is putting the question no member shall leave or make a disturbance. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 79. The presiding officer may appoint another member of the Committee to act as Committee Chairman while he is speaking to a question or while he is temporarily absent from the meeting. 80. The Committee Chairman shall maintain order in the Committee and report the proceedings to the Council. 81 . The rules governing the procedure of the Council and the conduct of members in Council shall be observed in Committee so far as they are applicable. 82. The number of times of speaking on any question shall not be limited unless a member moves that the vote be now taken, 83. No member shall speak more than once except to make an explanation until every member who desires to speak shall have spoken, 84. If a member disobeys the rules of the Council or the decision of the Committee Chairman on questions of order or practice, or upon interpretation.of the rules of the Council and persists in such disobedience after having been called to order by the Committee Chairman, the Committee Chairman shall forthwith suspend the proceedings of the Committee and report the circumstances to the Council, and the presiding officer shall forthwith put the question with no amendment, adjournment or debate being allowed, *That such member be ordered to leave his seat for the duration of the meeting of the Council", but is the member apologizes, he may by vote of the Council, be permitted to retake his seat. • 85. Any proceedings taken in Committee of the Whole, when adopted by Council, shall be deemed to be the proceedings of Council. 86. The agenda prepared for the Committee of the Whole shall be limited to litigation matters, personnel matters, property acquisition or disposition matters, miscellaneous matters referred from Council, financial matters, routine correspondence to be received by consent and any other matters the Council or Committee deem appropriate to be considered by the Committee including non-agenda business provided for the information of Council. _ l5 _ COMMITTEES 87. There may be Standing Committees of Council which may be appointed by the Reeve. 88. In addition to the Standing Committees, Council may appoint Council members to various Boards and Committees. 89. The Reeve shall appoint the Chairman of the Standing Committees. 90. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of a member of the Standing committee during any term, the Reeve shall appoint a substitute member to such Committee for the remainder of the term. 91 In addition to the duties imposed or which may be specially referred to a Standing Committee or Committee of the Whole, their duties shall be to review all matters referred to the Committee by Council and to advise or recommend to Council the action taken. 92. The Township Clerk shall be the Secretary of the Committee of the Whole and all Standing Committees but may delegate this responsibility to other staff. 93. The rules governing the procedures of the Council and the conduct of members of Council shall be observed in a meeting of a Standing Committee insofar as they are applicable, provided that: a) the number of times a member may speak on any 'question shall not be limited, b) no member shall speak more than once to an item of business until every member who desires to speak has spoken, c) at the request of any member of the Committee present, any item on the agenda of the meeting may be re-opened upon a majority vote of the members present, d) the vote of any particular item shall not be recorded but that a member on request may be recorded as being opposed, - 1b - e) if a member disregards the rules of the Council or decision of the Chairman of the Standing Committee on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of the Council and persists in such conduct, after having been called to order by the said Chairman, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question with no amendment, adjournment or debate, "that such member be ordered to leave his seat for the duration of the Committee meeting." If following such vote by the Committee the member apologizes, he may, by a further vote of the Committee be permitted to retake his seat. SUSPENSION OF RULES 94. Any procedure required by this by-law may be suspended with consent of a majority of the member of Council present. 95. No amendment or repeal of this by-law or any part thereof shall be considered at any meeting of the Council unless notice of proposed amendments or repeal has been given at a previous regular meeting of the Council and the waiving of this notice by the Council is prohibited. 96. This by-law shall become effective upon the date of enactment. 97. Where any by-law passed prior to this by-law conflicts with this by-law, the terms of this by-law shall prevail. 98. By-Law 1979, and amendments thereto, are hereby rescinded. READ A FIRST AND SECOND time this 21st day of January 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally signed and sealed this 21st day of January 1993. „ e4,,,Aey 40, ,Z0 REEVE CLERK RK • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-62 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-7 (COUNCIL PROCEDURAL BY-LAW) WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham enacted By-law 93-7 to govern the proceedings of Council and Committees; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of amending certain sections of By-law No. 93-7. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF . BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: _ 1. THAT By-law No. 93-7 is hereby amended by deleting paragraph 2 of Section 3 by replacing it with the following: " The regular meetings of Council shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m., except during the months of May, June, July. August, September and October when the meetings shall be 7:30 p.m. unless Council, by resolution, directs otherwise, in which case a notice shall be posted in the municipal offices advising of the time and place." 2. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of DECEMBER 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18TH day of FEBRUARY 1993. • •, 4:6;J*7-i"'• REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-8 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 21ST, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of.each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held January 21st, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of January, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of January, 1993. 7://01 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-9 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 4, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality: AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held February 4, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of February, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of February, 1993. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-10 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE AN APPLICATION TO BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS TO INITIATE PROCEDURES UNDER THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY NEGOTIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER M.49 WHEREAS Section 2 of the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.49 permits a council of a municipality to pass a by-law requesting the Minister of Municipal Affairs to initiate procedures provided for in the Boundary Negotiations Act where the council desires resolution of a intermunicipal boundary-related issue; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of amalgamating with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs be requested to initiate procedures provided for in the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.49 with respect to the desire of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to amalgamate with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna. 2. THAT the Clerk of the municipality is hereby authorized and directed to forward a copy of this by-law and any related correspondence or reports to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOND this 11TH day of FEBRUARY, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 11TH day of FEBRUARY, 1993. REEVE CLERK 7/(141/11;7121 Bayham Township By Laws r.,...„............,,;........., .4.....,............................................-- . -----........,.,,.. . . , . .. . ,ppo op, Ak ,, ,, is is ., / ,; ., . .4 . By-Laws # 93- 1 i #93-40 1993 ..• • = 43 • • • ii (..*Y1 ci CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-11 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO (MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT) FOR A MUNICIPAL RECYCLING PROGRAM. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is committed to protecting and conserving the natural environment by providing a municipal recycling program to Township residents; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has applied to the Ministry of the Environment for funding to initiate a municipal recycling program; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enter into an Agreement with the Ministry of the Environment so that the Ministry will provide funding to the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Ministry of the Environment for the funding of a municipal recycling program. 2. 'THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forms a part of this by-law. 1 THAT this bylaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 12th day of FEBRUARY 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 12TH day of FEBRUARY 1993. 41141447fZ01 ►r ,' REEVE CLERK. f " This AGREEMENT made in three copies as of the 1St day of ,4ppr/ 1993 . BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT (the "Ministry of the Environment AND ENERGY" ) OF THE FIRST PART • = and -- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (the "Applicant") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS for purposes of protecting and conserving the natural environment, the Ministry of the Environment is encouraging municipalities and others to recycle materials which would otherwise have to be disposed of as waste, and WHEREAS the Applicant has applied to the Ministry of the Environment for funding for the purposes (the "project") set out in schedule A, and WHEREAS the council of the Applicant has passed by-law number 93- 11 authorizing it to enter into this agreement. THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS : 1. ( 1) Subject to the other provisions of this agreement, including the schedules, the Ministry of the Environment will provide funds to the Applicant for expenses incurred by the Applicant: (a) directly related to the project, (b) which are reasonable and necessary for the purpose of carrying out the project, (c) for the purpose set out in the schedules, and (d) for the period set out in the schedules . (2) Except as provided hereafter, the Applicant will only use funds provided hereunder in accordance with subsection 1 and the program guidelines issued by the Ministry of the Environment. M1 2 2 . The Ministry of the Environment or auditors appointed by it, may audit any financial or other records of the Applicant or any persons carrying out the project or parts of the project for the Applicant and the Applicant shall provide for such audit in any contracts with sub-contractors or others who will be carrying out the project or parts of the project for the Applicant. 3 . The Applicant and any contractor or sub-contractor will maintain proper financial records with respect to all matters related to the project and make them available to the Ministry of the Environment or its auditors on request. 4 . The Applicant will provide periodic financial statements with respect to the project which shall show all revenues , expenditures and assets of the project , including all purposes for which funds advanced under this agreement are expended as specified in schedule B. 5 . The Applicant shall maintain records for at least two years after the final payment is made by the Ministry of the Environment under this agreement. 6 . The payments made under this agreement shall not exceed the amounts specified in schedule C. 7 . Payments will be based on budget forecasts in the Applicant' s proposal as set out in schedule D and may be paid in advance of expenditures . 8 . Where payments are made in advance of expenditures, subsequent payments may be adjusted to reflect actual expenditures . 9 . The Ministry of the Environment may withhold all or part of any payment: (a) if the applicant has not complied with any provision of this agreement, (b) if the Ministry of the Environment has given notice that it is unsatisfied with the project' s progress and the Applicant has not taken steps satisfactory to the Ministry to remedy the cause of the dissatisfaction, or (c) pending the resolution of outstanding items following any audit . 10. The Applicant must file reports with the Ministry of the Environment containing the details specified in schedule E. - 3 11 . ( 1) In the event revenues ( including grants paid hereunder) associated with the project exceed expenses as set out in the calculation of grants in schedule B, the surplus shall be applied to reduce future grants and in the event of any remaining surplus, it shall be repaid to the Ministry of the Environment to the extent that grants have been paid hereunder. (2) The Ministry of the Environment may approve the expenditure of surplus funds for related to recycling whether or not they are specified in the schedules and in the event of such approved expenditure the provisions of subsection ( 1) requiring repayment to the Ministry of the Environment shall not apply for such amount . 12 . The Ministry of the Environment shall not be obliged to make any payments hereunder except to the extent that sufficient funds. are provided in the votes and estimates in the Ministry of the Environment and allocated for such purpose . 13 . In the event that it appears that the Applicant will not be eligible to receive all of the grants scheduled to be made hereunder in one fiscal year of the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of the Environment, after consultation with the Applicant, may by notice in writing, inform the Applicant that a lower amount will be paid to the Applicant during the fiscal year than otherwise is scheduled to be paid hereunder. 14 . (1) The Ministry of the Environment may evaluate the project and publish any results of the project or the evaluation thereof . (2 ) Notwithstanding subsection ( 1) where a schedule provides certain details with respect to the project are of a confidential nature, the Ministry of the Environment will not publish those details except where necessary for enforcing the provisions of the agreement. ( 3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2) , any details of a confidential nature may be used for the generation of statistics which will be published by the Ministry of the Environment. 15. The Ministry of the Environment has the right to use any publications produced by the Applicant in connection with the program, provided the Ministry of the Environment bears the expense of the production of copies of the publication which it wishes to use and the Ministry of the Environment shall have the right to authorize other people to use or reproduce such { publications. _ 4 16 . The contribution of the Ministry of the Environment to the project shall be mentioned in all publications and advertising related to the project unless the Ministry of the Environment otherwise directs in writing. 17 . The Applicant shall not assign this agreement or any rights under this agreement or sub-contract any matters to be done for the purposes of this agreement without the prior written approval of the Ministry of the Environment. 18 . The Applicant hereby indemnifies the Ministry of the Environment for any damages, injuries or other claims arising out of or in connection with the project . 19 . ( 1) Amendments to this agreement or the schedules shall not have any effect until agreed to in writing by the Ministry of the Environment. (2) An approval in writing under subsection ( 1) may take any fora, including a letter, as long as the approval in writing specifies it is an approval for purposes of this section. (A Certificate of Approval or similar approval under the Environmental Protection Act other statute will not be regarded as an approval for purposes of this section. ) 20. The Applicant shall keep the Ministry of the Environment advised from time to time of the procedures and controls it uses in procuring goods and services and disposing of recycled material and entering into other contracts and if the Ministry of the Environment is unsatisfied with such procedures, and the procedures are not changed to meet the satisfaction of the Ministry of the Environment , the Ministry of the Environment may terminate this agreement after appropriate reasonable notice of such dissatisfaction. 21 . ( 1) The Applicant shall comply with all applicable laws with respect to carrying out the project and it will be the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that all necessary certificates, licences, and approvals required are obtained prior to the commencement of the project, or where the project is conducted in stages, prior to the commencement of such stage . (2) This agreement is not an approval under Part V or section 8 of the Environmental Protection Act. 22 . ( 1) The Applicant may terminate the project at any tine upon giving written notice to the Ministry of the Environment . • 5 (2) The Ministry of the Environment may terminate its obligation to make further payments hereunder in the event of non compliance by the Applicant with the agreement, lack of progress in carrying out the project, or there being insufficient funds provided in the votes and estimates of the Ministry of the Environment allocated for purposes of the project . (3) If termination occurs under this section, all funds advanced by the Ministry of the Environment and not already expended for purposes of the project as authorized in the schedule shall be promptly returned to the Treasurer of Ontario. 23 . All capital equipment (e.g. trucks, bins) , facilities (e.g. offices, buildings) and containers •(e .g. blue boxes , bags) owned , leased or contracted out by the municipality must bear the phrase "Funded in Part by the Government of Ontario" . THIS AGREEMENT is duly executed by the parties hereto. THE CORPORATION OF THE HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN Township of Bayham RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF A2404/47THE ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY Clerk 7 J . .�----• Reevekikh AdalV.14.1per; ( ) per: ( ) WP/MRS-AGMT SCHEDULE C: GP,ANT COMMITMENTS AND ESTIMATES TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL, VILLAGE OF VIENNA • FY92/93* FY93/94 FY94/95 FY FY FY Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant camm1.0=1 Estimate Zstimate Eatj ate Estimate Estimate ($) (s) ( $) ( $) ($) ($) Capital Cost 42 , 700 Household Bins 4 , 400 70 70 Operating Cost 36, 300 80 , 500 56 , 500 Promotion & Advertising 530 530 530 TOTAL 83 , 930 81 , 100 57 , 100 The figures shown above for FY93/94 and subsequent years are estimates . No money will be paid for any year until updated financial forecasts satisfactory to the Ministry of the Environment have been submitted and approved in writing by the Ministry of the Environment. The approval will indicate the maximum amount of grants payable with respect to the year in question. File No. MRS-SW-0358-02 * This commitment covers the period from Jan. 1 , 1993 to March 31 , 1993 . It incorporates the coats associated with the start up of the Village of Port Burwell program preceeding this commitment and includes expenses for operating, capital and household bins. RATING BY - LAW CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-12 BEING A BY-LAW IMPOSING SPECIAL ANNUAL DRAINAGE RATES UPON LAND IN RESPECT OF WHICH MONEY IS BORROWED UNDER THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT. WHEREAS owners of land in the municipality have applied to the council under the Tile Drainage Act, for loans for the purpose of constructing subsurface drainage works on such land; AND WHEREAS the council has upon their application lent the owners the total sum of $ 33,800.00 to be repaid with interest by means of rates hereinafter imposed: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, BY THE COUNCIL, THAT ANNUAL RATES AS SET OUT IN THE SCHEDULE ATTACHED HERETO ARE HEREBY IMPOSED UPON SUCH LAND AS DESCRIBED FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, SUCH RATES TO BE LEVIED AND COLLECTED IN THE SAME MANNER AS TAXES. FIRST READING 4th day of FEBRUARY, 1993. SECOND READING 4th day of FEBRUARY, 1993. THIRD READING - PASSED this 4th day of FEBRUARY, 1993 • / AO'i REEVE CLERK Municipal liir-or#d' -- form 11201.2 'Reg. TM. in Canada, Municipal Mold Inc THE CORPORATION OF THE ...TQWnsIiP..nf...B a}d am. BY-LAW NO. ,9.3- 1iii,..«..,.,+..,.«..,«. .,.. • Schedule Proposed Date Sum to be Loaned Annual Rate to Name and Address of Owner Description of Land Drained of Loan be imposed 1.t,....,f.....,...,........,,.+.............. ....... October 1 , 1991 1b , 500 . 00 2 , 458 . 99 ,flea............,x+...+......... .......f.+......•..........,......ef.. ...... October I , 1991 17 , 300 . 00 2 , 578 . 2 1 MO .++,..,.....+. ....ix++,...+......f,e+._a. «....+,..+e.............+..+. ....f....x....x.... ...w,...x...................................................... ...........,.,..........................4 .a. ..x,....,,..f,.+ex,..x,,......x.x.............x,.,x,..........,.,.,..xx...+.....• e..a..x«..i.......f,..«,i....., .,,•...«f.f.,•..+......................,,...• ••• .................... .,........,«....... ........ ,.... .r..,,,<..,...>.<,...,.,...............,.... x..r+.....+..,a++«..,.a.xx...xr..,....x+++ �++...«x.,..+...r...,+f..+,....e.r+++._.+.....f.a.....f.,,.+,...f.4.....,+..,....... ,....,.e ....... .....•.....x,.............«.e•...f..... ..,,............................... ..............f....,...............,...4 f.....x4,...,oa<x...........,....+...f.. ...... <•,e+•...•4,.4.. ......,•••••ae......e,.,....x,.x.xa••••••x•,.•x4,4.4.., ,...e... ,,e..x,....,.x ,..,.+..,,..ax+..................«..<,...,+,«f.x.....+.•,..,.. i.,........+........,. f...... .r.+«.,.++fr,.......4.4,44............+4,4,4.4,... �a.xw.,......,. ............,...... .f.+ ad.fxrf..,a+....Vfa.a.,a.av,.wao. n a...ae.....o 404,0.a xr.•.v.aeo .•....+,o.aaw.a+x+o.xx.e e.r.e a....,.4eex...x.a... ae. .,i+.f,a.afi♦++, + fru ..a.•+.+ +.i ♦+a.+a..f.ra a. x.ew.a+ax....e,a<<.+..+................r..........„.••••e,...a.......e.ver........,f. ,.,.......e....x..........t...x.a.......n.,..,....,.f................x.........a♦ ...<..ifwf. Cdtae.0......4.... .#1114............,.....f.a...............f«.a. ,.w.ax.......'a...oax+....... .xw.• ..+„«.,a.+..fx«..,a...r.... .e..+w.f....r.xe w.+xw xx... ... <.V+e..+.........x,,.:.......ex.e...re.....e...,.-..M-.....w.......'e...o<......x ......f +...Il.....,...e....... ............x..... ...b...ax....V....,....,,....+ .4,.4,4,.4, .. .. .....r.........,,...a.... ....♦.........................f.++ff,..+. ♦.f.....e.........e....x.........* ' ra, ,xaa . . 4,.. .+ . D . .r. . e...... 4,...x9•.•... ..o.x..ox...x.”.. .... e..... .... .e.... ,.....«...x........................«... .•'..... . • s Total Principal of Debenture and 'TOTAL. *$ 5 TotalSum Shun on By-Law, ,0 3 7 . 2 0 • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-13 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 12TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action ,by the Council at its meeting held February 12th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. • READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 12th day of February, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 12th day of February, 1993. + a REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-15 BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT WHEREAS Section 93 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter D. 17 authorizes the Council of a local municipality to appoint a drainage superintendent and provide for his remuneration for the purposes and in the manner set out therein; AND WHEREAS Section 207(45) of the Municipal Act R.S.U. 1990 Chapter M.45 authorizes all municipalities to appoint such officers and employees as may be necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of any Act of the Legislature and to fix their remuneration and prescribe their duties. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Dwayne Daniel is hereby appointed Drainage Superintendent for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 2. THAT the Drainage Superintendent appointed hereunder shall receive such remuneration as shall be mutually agreed upon by himself and Council and shall hold office until such time as he resigns or his employment is terminated by by-law of Council. 3. . THAT the Drainage Superintendent shall carry out the duties imposed upon him pursuant to the Drainage Act and shall submit such reports and carry out such other duties as may be required of him by Council from time to time. 4. THAT By-law No. 2113 is hereby repealed. 5. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by amending Section 1.08 by replacing it with the following. " 1 .08 Drainage Superintendent Dwayne Daniel 93-15" 6. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. • READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of FEBRUARY 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18TH day of FEBRUARY 1993. ..- • ,, REEVE CLERK 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-16 BEING A BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 92-49 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to repeal By-law No. 92-49. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law 92-49 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby repealed. 2. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of FEBRUARY 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18T1I day of FEBRUARY 1993. 'a1.4.. ) - ed * ER/j: /., REEVE CL { CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-17 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 18TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each.recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held February 18th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of February, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of February, 1993. (7. „/ jr,./(,/ff i REEVE CLERK, ._ CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-18 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE TREASURER TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF JOINT INVESTMENT MONEY BY THE CORPORATION OR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 167.4 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., Chapter M.45 provides that a power of a municipality to invest money includes the power to enter into an agreement with any other municipality for the joint investment of money by the municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has determined that it is desirable for the Corporation or an agent thereof, from time to time, to invest such amounts of the Corporations's money held in the general fund, the capital fund and the reserve fund, as the Treasurer considers appropriate, jointly with any other municipality or municipalities in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to have the Treasurer of the Corporation enter into any agreement or agreements, from time to time, for the said purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. That the agreement between CHUMS Financing Corporation ("CHUMS"), the Corporation and other Ontario municipalities participating from time to time (the "Agreement") is hereby authorized substantially in the form made available to the Council at its meeting held on the 4th day of March, 1993, with such changes, additions or alterations thereto as the Treasurer may approve, and the approval of the Treasurer of any such changes, additions or alterations shall be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution of the Agreement and any amendments thereto. 2. That the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute, as the sole signing officer of the Corporation, the Agreement and any other documents necessary and to do anything necessary or desirable, on behalf of the Corporation, to give effect to the said purpose, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to affix the corporate seal of the Corporation to the Agreement and to any other documents which are necessary or desirable to give effect to the Agreement or to the said purpose. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of March, 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th day of March, 1993. ' + 7?.. REEVE CLERK. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-19 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 4TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.U. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held March 4th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of March, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of March, 1993. /c/iY / 011/ A41:11/9:4/1 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-20 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 18TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held March 18th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of March, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of March, 1993. (14P /70/ REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-21 A BY-LAW TO SET THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FOR ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES. WHEREAS Section 242 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 provides that municipalities may pass by-laws for paying remuneration to the members of council. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to pass a by-law paying remuneration to members of council. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT for attending a regular meeting of council each member of council shall be paid the sum of $105.00. 2. THAT for attending any meeting other than a regular meeting of council each member of council shall be paid the sum of $75.00. 3. THAT where a member of council is required to attend a meeting listed above, or carry out any business on behalf of the Township, the member shall be paid the rate of $ 0.30 per kilometre travelled for attending such meetings and business. 4. THAT in addition to the above per diem meeting rates the members of council shall receive a monthly salary as follows: (a) Reeve $225.00 (b) Deputy Reeve $175.03 (c) Councillor $115.00 5. THAT By-law 2507 is hereby repealed and all other by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are also hereby repealed. 5. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on March 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of April, 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1st day of April, 1993. 42/0 IA( REEVE LERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 94-67 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-39 AND BY-LAW NO. 93-21 WITH RESPECT TO REMUNERATION LEVELS OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AND MUNICIPAL STAFF WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham. in accordance with the provisions of the Township Personnel Policy, deems it necessary to amend the remuneration paid to Council and Staff of the Municipality; . AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend By-law No. 93-39 and By-law No. 93-21 to effect changes to remuneration levels of Council and Staff THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THAT By-law No. 93-21 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1. in its entirety and replacing it with 'the following: "1. THAT for attending a regular meeting of council each member of council shall be paid the sum of S110,00," 3. THAT By-law No. 93-21 is hereby amended by deleting Section 2. in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "2. THAT for attending any meeting other than a regular meeting of council each member of council shall be paid the sum of 580.00." 4. THAT By-law No. 93-21 is hereby amended by deleting Section 4, in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "4. THAT in addition to the above per diem meeting rates the members of council shall receive a monthly salary as follows: (a) Reeve $231.75 (b) Deputy Reeve S180.25 (c) Councillor S118.45" 5. THIS By-law comes into force on January 1, 1995. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of DECEMBER, 1994. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of DECEMBER, 1994. . f "`!7 t' , /s REEVE CLERK kap SCHEDULE "A" („' e , BY-LAW 93-39 A ( a v'' e C (As amended by By-law No. 94-67) I . THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation Position Remuneration 1 .01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector $42,151 .20 Per annum 1 .02 Open 1.03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer $15.76 Per hour and Tax Collector 1.04 Financial Assistant $14.50 Per hour 1.05 Open • 1.06 Part Time Administrative Assistant $10.50 Per hour 1.07 Road Supenntendent $40,884.48 Per annum /4 .� 1.08 Open 1 OQ Road F-',41u1n, enc Onerators $14 4' Per hour 1 1() Open 1. 11 Part Time Road Staff $9.27 Per hour 1. 12 Drainage Supenntendenti $35.016.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1.13 Open 1. 14 Open 1. 15 'Transfer Site Operator $8,00 Per hour 1 . 16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1 . 17 Fire Chief $7,595.22 Per anriurn 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,546.06 Per annum 1. 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I $45.64 Per call $12,00 Per hour/maintenance 1 .20 Volunteer Fireman Class t1 $42. 19 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1 .21 Volunteer Firer'ian Class III $37. 15 Per call 512.(X) Per hour/maintenance • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-22 A BY-LAW TO SET THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MUNCIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.Q. 1990 Chapter M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law fixing the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the municipal Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient fix the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the Corporation. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1 .01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector $40,914.00 Per annum 1 .02 Assistant,Clerk Treasurer $15.30 Per hour and Tax Collector 1.03 Administrative Assistant $12.00 Per hour 1 .04 Road Superintendent $39,683.00 Per annum 1 .05 Road Equipment Operators $14.00 Per hour 1 .06 Drainage Superintendent/ $31,522.00 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1.07 Transfer Site Operator $7.21 Per hour 1.08 Fire Chief $7,374.00 Per annum 1.09 Deputy Fire Chief $5,384.52 Per annum 1. 10 Volunteer Fireman Class I $44.31 Per call 1 . 11 Volunteer Fireman Class II $40.96 Per call 1. 12 Volunteer Fireman Class III . $36.07 Per call 3. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. BY-LAW 93-22 - 2 - 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of April, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 1st day of April, 1993. REEVE CLERK 11111/11) CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 9343 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 1ST, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held April 21st, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1st day of April, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of April, 1993. • r !ice.,..-e„r*•+ )}q` . .,,. F.d" /1/ e 4149# `.. i .4" lex REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-24 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 15TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held April 15th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of April, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of April, 1993. f • • 2}' 4,-- (-5:44)-- -(;72' REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-26 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 6TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.U. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action • by the Council at its meeting held- May 6th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if • all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 6th day of May, 1993, READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of May, 1993. 40,./ 04001f a Air REEVE CLERK • • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-27 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE FOR THE PROVISION OF FACILITIES FOR A COMMUNITY POLICING OFFICE WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is committed to protecting the citizens of Bayham Township; AND WHEREAS the Ontario Provincial Police are committed to providing police protection to the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into an agreement with the Ontario Provincial Police to provide facilities for a Community Policing Office. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Ontario Provincial Police for the provision of facilities for a Community Policing Office. 2. THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forms a part of this by-law. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of MAY 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20TH day of MAY 1993. 7.1. 011 e 4 or et REEVE CLERK COMMUNITY POLICING AGREEMENT Agreement Between BAYHAN TOWNSH I P AND Ontario Provincial Police Agreement Period From ( Tentative Dates ) : DECEMBER 1 , 1992 TO NOVEMBER 30 , 1993 REQUIREMENTS Community To Provide : ( 1 ) office facilities for the catalyst and any other police officer who requires same to work from . These facilities must be suitable to the officer and must include washroom facilities . ( 2 ) a telephone for the office . ( 3 ) telephone answering machine which meets the requirements of the program . ( 4 ) maintenance and upkeep of office , i . e . cleaning , etc . NOTE : All costs such as heat , taxes , rent , etc , are the responsibility of the Community . POLICE To Provide : ( 1 ) a Police Constable to work within the community ( a ) FULL TIME The same officer will be assigned to this Program where possible for the duration of this agreement . The cata- lyst will work all his/her shifts in the community with the exception of meetings , court or emergency situations . Cont ' d . ( 2 ) LONG DISTANCE CALLS All long distance calls made from this office are the responsibility of the Detachment . Cost for long distance calls should be billed to the Detachment . ( 3 ) ANNUAL POLICE REPORT - Detachment Commander will provide council with an in-depth report on the police service provided to the Community during the agreement period . AUTHORIZATION /./Z Mayor/Reeve Detachment ' Comman er i4kar C1er CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-28 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 20TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.Q. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held May 20th, 1993_ is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of May, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of May, 1993. . REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-29 BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 44(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter P. 13 authorizes the Council of a local municipality to constitute appoint a committee of adjustment; AND WHEREAS Section 44(3) of the Planning Act states the term of office for committee members who are members of a municipal council shall be annual. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed as its members for the term ending on the date shown for respective members, or until their successors are appointed. ( 1 ) D. Vane Chute to hold office until January 6, 1994 (.2) Joe Volkaert to hold office until January 6, 1994 (3) Wayne Casier to hold office until January 6, 1994 (4) Doug Dennis to hold office until January 6, 1994 (5) Jim Hagell to hold office until January 6, 1994 2. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 3. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect January 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 3rd day of June, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of June, 1993. - rk.REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 93-30 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNLNG ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 94 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 94 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 3rd day of June, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of June, 19934 • („"/".„‘......... ///// //il ,4° * REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-Law No. 93-30 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK mss. ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 94 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: COWAN RURAL-ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOTS 21 AND 22, CONCESSION 8 The following text and map schedule constitute Amrndnpnt Number 94 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 94 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-Law No. 93-30, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 3rd day of June, 1993. f , / 40, Ciasy19144114/ REEVE CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO, 94 PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment comprises approximately 5.6 hectares (14.6 acres) and is situated in Part Lots 21 and 22, Concession 8, on the south side of Ridge Road in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting which is characterized by a mature stand of trees along the rear of the property and a large woodlot facing the site from the north side of Ridge Road. The property is presently vacant and is associated with a larger 46 hectare farm holding. There is a pet cemetery and four existing rural residential dwellings situated to the east of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 4 and 6 combined. There is no specialty crop soil on these lands. In addition to the above, the relatively isolated nature of the subject lands coupled with the fragmented property ownership pattern indicates the subject lands have limited potential for agricultural use. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a rural residential area. Pursuant to the approval of this Amendment, the subject lands are intended to be severed from the pet cemetery and rezoned for Estate Residential use. 4 DETAILS OF THZ AMENPMENT a) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to Rural-Estate Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. b) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate Residen- tial" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance. with the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Estate-Residential as amended. . . ► PPP' —all� AS ► SCHEDULE A ., OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE tow 1111114111111011.11i � ., . '� TOWNSHIP OF BAYHANI 1 10P.P. 41.644i FUTURE LAND USE WI' 141.01. ddiri y `4sm1iiII , AMENDMENT No. 94 :.44. rok MIlfTW,AI�1• viORICULIURE'To-form "! t IFFF � pti`° I 1061441 `'46 114. A� AGRICULTURE . gin } Piritell . . ITOcr.1 !411 0 RURAL Wil 1iiiII itsue.-v4s,FcAroHs �r- I � '► 1 MO#ILE 40ME PARKS • + I � �11 COWAERCAL � MEC TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS irmita 1 cAmpopouNos RECREATIONAL MEM NSTM.MONAL ft f 111111p$,441111 grip, R ,1 1II! jiii1l t MrQU171M/11 NOM NAVO.Voila ON NM MOtQYifIi ryw+rr N.u.,.�.cr..w.w [it) 400111 6 ii , i if ' auoimpurnie n, aar.��.ww+ow..►w uw wsaw_ '�. r�r.w rowe +rr.r.wrw+r�e�ts. 4 r''' 11 !Nt III III tPililliiir 1 ; r . _ ': HAZARD LANDS '' ‘.f 1111" ,,,,,k 7.=. CONSERVATION LANDS : ^`Cilli " ` r 411PN 1MINERAL RESOURCE AREAS "1IIGJIIIIAIIOIII � p PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS -...e. ARTERIAL ROADS __ tool. I : I 110Mg MIN Ykti1011111"1"447' 44104 4- : : , , . li 1 Peet 8~1 Iia Nor I"'ii4 �404 I v � 400 Iia mo 0 50300 10000 15000 F Fest SCALE 1/5 000 3L ..-5 6-2 01 13:02 CITY OF ELGIN 1 519 633 7661 P.06/06 COUNTY OFIS • By-Law No. 93-30 "B8I$t A BL-LW ego. s7-* 2sLAU, T r xND RMLL ►TI MA niginy 4 IBP_ .' • WHEREAS pursuant to the Trees Act. Chapter T. 20 , Subsec- tion 4 , R. S.O. , 1990. as amended, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass Ry-Law No. 87-6 to restrict and regu- late the harvesting of trees ; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it necessary and appropriate to amend the said By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows : 1 . That the minimum circumference requirements for the har- vesting of trees be increased as follows : 1) 145 cm to 150 cm 2) 112 cm to 117 cm 3 ) 64 cm to 69 cm. 2 . That By-Law No. 87-6 be hereby amended as indicated above . 3 . That this By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Minister of Natural Resources . READ a first ties this 25th day of May 1993 . . READ a second time this 25th day of May 1993 . READ a third time and finally passed this 25th day of May, 1993 . ‘1,51/0:: kf �� y r �� ., M R. V nd i erendonck , . ter C . Warden . Pursuant to The Trees Act, I hereby approve of the above By-Law as passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. rb. Date at Toronto, this 17 day of etelk "(•1993 • '21"" ler"44467." MINISTER FOR NATURAL RESOURCES • TOTIAL. P.06 r A.706--2001 13:00 COUNTY OF ELGIN 1 519 633 7661 P.01/06 • Adrr#istraNirwre Services dapertn+ent AdmiCounty of Elgin r+altration Sulking 460 Sunset Wyk St'Thorns,Orbit, NSR 5V1 Phone: (519)631-1400 Eat. Far(519)(519)1135111111 (s •"4" I * #• Tat Carol Judd From Adny it ti5ttetive Services Munidpelltylxe: yham - • Face (51 q) 8815.3884 Date: July d, 2001 'beam Poses: 6 Not County Tree L' c 0 ogee* 0 Far Rrriaww 0 Please Comment 0 Please Repay 0 Please Recycle eCestommentst AS PER YOUR REQUEST THE INFORMATION iN THIS ACSIMA.E IS INTENDED FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT ONLY. IT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED.CONFIDENTIAL AND expert"T FROM DISCLASURE UNDER APPUCABI E LAW. IF THE RE DER OF TIES MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO TME iNTENOED RECIPIENT. ANY DISSE ANATION, OIST'R VW10N OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.ITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION *4 ERROR,OR THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS IN TRANSMSSION,PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE. 0 C . - lc) t --tom. c\ ) f Y t • C JUL-06-2001 13:01 COLNTY CF ELL I N 1 519 633 7661 P.02/06 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No . 87-6 "KING A BY-LA TO R TRI T AND REGU ATE TN 1ESTR It IF : Y TI BURNING : LDO NC APPLI IT ON IFH C _ . CA QR_ 0TIL M ANSA WHEREAS it has become expedient for the general wel- fare of the County of Elgin to maintain and improve the forest . soil , game and fish resources of the County by serving and improving the woodlands of the County; and • WHEREAS under Section 4 of The Trees Act , the Council of a County is empowered to pass by- laws ( a ) restricting and regulating the destruction of trees by cutting, burning , bulldozing , application of chemicals , or other means ; and ( b ) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this section ; THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows : 1 . ( a ) Except as hereinafter provided , no person by him- self or through any other person , shall destroy or • cause or permit to be destroyed by cutting, burning., bulldozing , application of chemicals , or other means , any living tree of the species listed below that shall not have attained to the measurement specified below: 145 cm in circumference Maple - Hard , Red , Silver , Black Oak Walnut - White ( Butternut ) , Black Ash Tulip ( Whitewood ) Basswood Pine -- White Cherry - Black 112 cm in circumference Hemlock Pine - Red Birch - Yellow Hickory - Shagbark , Butternut , Pignut , Mockernut Poplar - Cottonwood Sycamore Chestnut Hackberry Cucumber - Tree Kentucky Coffee -- Tree Black Gum Beech - American Elm 64 cm in circumference Birch - Whits Larch - Eastern ( Tamarack ) . European Cedar - White Locust - Black , Honey Poplar - Balsam, Trembling Aspen , Lsrcid -Toothed . • JUL-06-2001 13:01 COUNTY OF ELGIN 1 519 633 7661 P.03/06 2 - ( b ) Measurements referred to in subsection ( a ) above shall be outside the bark and taken at a point at the base of the tree 46 cm above the highest point of the ground . ( c) `=otice of Intent for Loggers and Fuslwood Cutters - Ever person or logger acting on behalf of the land owner who is planning to cut trees for purchase or sale , shell notify the County Clerk ' s Office at least five ( 5 ) working days prior to any cutting under this by-law taking place . Such "Notice of Intent to Cut shall be sent by first class mail to the Clerk ' s Office , on Form 1 attached as Schedule 'A" to this by-law. In the event of a mail disruption, such Notice of Intent may be given verbally by telephone and a copy of the notice delivered to the County Clerk or Tree Commissioner as soon thereafter as possible . (d ) In cutting or removing any tree , no person shall so conduct his operations as to unnecessarily injure or damage any young trees adjacent thereto . 2 . This by-law shall not interfere with or apply to exceptions shown in Seotion 5 of The Trees Act , with the exception of sub- section ( e ) which shall read -- ( s ) apply to trees growing in a woodlot that is . 20 hectares or less in arta . 3 . Every person who , ( a ) by himself or through any other person , contra- venes any provision of this by- law: ( b ) obstructs , hinders or interferes with an officer appointed-under-this by-law or any person acting under his instructions , in the discharge of his duties ; or ( C ) fails or neglects , without just cause , to carry out an order made against him under subsection 6 ( 2 ) of The Trees Act and who does not come within any of the exceptions set forth in The Trees Act , is guilty of an offence under The Trees Act and subject to the penalties set forth therein . 4 . That officers to enforce the provisions of this by-law may be appointed by by-law of the Council and an officer so appointed shall , ( a ) not be a Member of the Council for the County of Elgin: ( b ) hold office at the pleasure of the said Council ; and ( c ) be paid an hourly rate and also a rate per mile travelled , both to be determined from time to time by County Council , for his duties in enforcing the provi- sions of this by-law. 5 . 'that 8y-Laws No . 79-38 , 80- 12 , 81 - 36 and 86- 59 be and the same are hereby repealed . 6 . `That where "The Trees Acts is referred to in this bylaw , it means The Trees Act , R.S.O. 1980 , c . 510 , including any amendments thereto or any successor legislation . JUL-06-2001 13:01 CCU4TY CF ELGIN 1 519 633 76161 P.04/06 3 - 7 . That this By-Law shall not become effect ive u by the Minister of Natural Resources , nti2 aPPrOVed READ a first time this 21st day of January , 1987 READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1967 READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January , 1987 , )001.7, y G . C . Leverton , �-.-�' � Clerk . R, Purce 1 , Warden . Pursuant to The Trees Act , I hereby approve of the above B -law as passed by the Council of the CorporationY of the County of Elgin . Date at Toronto , this d3f c4 day of 11 4,41987 1(111:N,1,45L2*;; Minister of Natural Resources JUL-06-2601 13:E12 CaJN Y CF ELGIN 1 519 633 7 1 P.05/06 !COUNTY OF ELGIN / KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY SCHEDULE "A BY-LAW NO. 87-6, as amended PQM THE COUNTY OF ELGIN NOTICE OF INTENT PURSUANT TO TREE BY-LAW NO. 87-6, a s amended NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO BE COMPLETED AT LEAST FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO ANY CUTi"1TING Property Owner __,__ _ Owner' s Address Postal Code Telephone No, Woodlot Location Lot Concession Township Woodlot Size Species of Trees Expected Starting Date , 19 Contractor ( if different from Owner above) . Person in Charge of Cutting • (Foreman) I agree that operations will be in accordance with the provisions of Tres By-Law No. 87-6, as amended, of the County of Elgin and that I am familiar with the contents and requirements of this By-Law and acknowledge having received a copy thereof . Further , I agree to contact the Tree Commissioner (Telephone ( 519) 631-1270) prior to cutting . DATED at this day of , 19 Telephone Number Signature of Owner or Contractor Mailing Address: TREE COMMISSIONER KETTLE CREEK CONSE V'ATIAN AUTHORITY • R. R. #8 ST. THOMAS, ONTART0 NSP 3T'3 Tellechomm amber r (519) 631-12710 lata Hmdmx (519) 611,--5026 Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 320 C and D and may be used to enforce the By-Law. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-31 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 3RD, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. , THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held June 3rd, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 3rd day of June, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of June, 1993. .,-). -' �-�-- - d / 1 r ,.a. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 93-32 BEING A BY-LAW TO CLOSE AND STOP UP AND SELL PART OF THE ORIGINAL ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION 3 AND 4, OPPOSITE LOTS 7,8,9 AND 10, TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 297 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-laws to stop up, close and sell highways; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the Corporation, that the original unopened road allowance set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto be closed and stopped up; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners; AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published once a week for four successive weeks in the Aylmer Express. AND WHEREAS the Council for the said Corporation has heard in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming that their land will be prejudicially affected by this By- law and who applied to be heard, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the 66 foot allowance for the road set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. THAT all that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners or any of them. 3. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before - described and which has been stopped up and closed. 4. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5th day of August 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of August 1993. ---- 4f/ ♦ 000 REEVE C "11 • To By-law 93-32 Part of the original Road Allowance between Concession 3 and Concession 4, opposite Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 and being Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Reference Plan 1185251. i M,ww+rwr awl Gilbert 1 rfrm t.fot°t:t'i (1t12) Pie Document General -.,.. ono r4 — Land tion Reform Act Form Rsr�lars (1) Reg1stry g] Land Ube ri (2) Page 1 of pages (3) Properly Block Property identifier(*) Add►t*onaf Zce7vedul. LI (4)Nature of Document ownship of Bayham Road Closing By-Law } (S) Consideration 2 o NIL Dollars S N I L w ro (6) Description wTownship of Bayham By-Law 93- 32 to close , stop a up and sell part of the original road allowance LA. between Concession 3 and Concession 4 , opposite a Lots 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 and being parts 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 on Reference Plan 11R5251 New Property Identifiers Addet,onat Module C� 'Exp (7) TMs (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for Additionsi Document New Easement Additional See Schedule EJ Contains: Plan/Sketch 0 Description ® Parties 0 Other n • (8) This Document provides as follows: See By-Law attached Continued on Schedule 1._.l (9)This Document relates to instrument numbers) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Narne(s) Signature(s loyfyr /i, Date of Signature Corporation of the Township of Bayham Donald W . MacLeod , Clerk 1993 08 05 ‘L e 0). .` . /// .#‘*1 .''.°7e.° . . . .(61,re,A4 .e. . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . '. D . Vane Chute , Reeve 1993 '08 05 (1 t) Address tor Service P . O . Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ PYO (12) Party(iee) (Set out Status or Interest) Date of Signature Signature(s)Name(*) r M Q . . • e { (13) Address for Service ) s (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by- ) 111- Fees and Tax Township of Bayham g Registration Fee P .O . Box 160 Straffordville , Ontario ' . NOJ lYO v r - Total DYE a oviieoet CO *MC--form No #?O Amanded NO . or "��� Transfer/Deed of Land '► „ ila a .,ziz oast.. Form I — Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry El Land Tills 0 (2) Page 1 of 3 pages (3) Property Block Property IdsrtfMsr(s) 14d orist =memo Consderation(4) Considerati 's Dollars S (5) Description This is a Property Property Division Consolidation T w 0 D In the Township of Bayham, in the County u of Elgin , being part of the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 , in said ° New Property Identifiers Township , p o o s i t e Lots 9 and 10 , more particularly described as PART 4 according Sc"e`'" to Reference Plan I1R-- 5251 . E>Keoore Additional snedule Li (6) This (a) Redescription ;(b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement _ ' Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch 1 Description [ Parties fl Other It_.f (S) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee AiftiyiiiXtlitoireNiiriiiiii7 KirillPiiisl(#c, +**Xdriri ?61bPi?ie Qliea[ Date of Signature ✓ M D Na me(s) Signature(s) THE_ CORPORATION . OF. THE . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .199.1 09 . . . TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Vane u - • - eve . . . 0 ' lie 199.3 09 . .. . Don MacLeod , Clerk . - '<(9) Spouses) of Transferor(s), I hereby consent to this transaction _ Date Dof Signature • Nan+e(s) Signature(s) s j 1 F a a (10) Transferors) Address for Service P . O . Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ 1Y0 (1t) Transferee(s) Date of Birth ✓ M D t s EMERSON, Timothy Dale . 1961 ; 06 26 i cR : .. $ = i (12) Transferees) Address for Service R . R . # 1 , Vienna , Ontario . NOJ 1 Z 0 ... (13) Traneteror(s)The transferor veritas that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief this transfer does riot contravene section 50 of the Planning Act Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D se M 0 i I a s Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . .'. ; . . . Signature ' Soiisfidr forTranslerror�(s) i have explain the effect of section 5O of the Planning Act to the transferor arid t have made inquiries of the transferor to C determine that this transfer cuts not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor. to the best of my knowledge and gbeet. thus transfer does riot contravene that section I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing Date of Signature Nano aru# Address of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . SpiiCttor signature .. i'i (14) $oScitor for Trantderee(s) I have investigated t ►e titled to this tante and to abutting land where relevant end lam satisfied that the title records 'r ii reverdlf nocontravention as set out �n sut)Gtause (22) (c) (ii) of the Plano Act aria t at to the t of my know edge and belief lure transt�er does not oontfaver*seam 50 of me Planning Act I act independently of the spacers for the transistors)and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing c Name and Date of Signature IliY M 0 Signature . (15) Aasewrnnent Real atereber ` Cr 'ires,�n i ' S Per 'y 4 Fees and Tax ot Property not assigned . _ , Z1 Registration Fee MU Mamas d Property (17) �Peed br Gibson , O! R . R . #1 , Linton , Toth Campbell , �y< Land Transfer Tax Vienna , Ontario . 36 Broadway , Box 5 , v NOJ 1Z0 Tillsonburg , Ontario . N4G 4 H 3 0 o Teri cr+ a D( 4AM co 04c--farm N .ISO Mitmince Schedule tom. Form S -- Land Registration Reform Act 2 'Atidilional Property lis) and/or Other Misrmsn on RECITALS WHEREAS under The Municipal Act , R . S . Q . 1990 , Chapter M- 45 and amendments thereto the council of a municipality may pass by-laws for stopping up of highways . AND WHEREAS By-Law No . 93-32 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed August 5 , 1993 and registered as Instrument No . authorized the stopping up of part of the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 , including the herein described lands . AND WHEREAS the Clerk of the County of Elgin was duly notified of the intention to pass such by- law , in writing , as required by The Municipal Act , but the County did not object to the passing of same . AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has by by- law agreed to the sale of the said lands to the Transferee herein , being the owner of adjoining lands . ��$a MT a 0044411 CO ONC —Fre+► Pits 970 !Si/ Prnc� of Transfer/Deed of Land "'NOV „ • 0.t.,0 Form 1 -- Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry [ Land Thies a (2) Page 1 of 3 Pages (3) Proprio Stock Property idenlme.(s) Addltanst. See D Sct+sduNe t J , (4) Consideration c s` Dollars $ O (3) Description This is a Property ..., Property • Division Consolidation a to vi UIn the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin , being part of the road allowance 0 New Property Identifiers between Concessions 3 and 4 , in said Township , Q Aedltlnreat opposite Lots 8 , 9 and 10 , more particularly See ,,0, El described as PART 3 according to Reference fill 'Imutimmit Plan No . 11R- 5251 . Addthorai Sae rn Schedule 3__i (B) This (a) Redescription :lb) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement Additional Fee Simple Contains PlaniSketch i' ! Description [-I Parties fl Other iyi (8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee 2110CDttelablettftlIt MC fitti4X04X)tAMati t74iiifi INti1Z1C3tlfiMtt Date of Signature arne(s) Signaturets) v M 0 N THE CORPORATION OF THE4.-- —7-- . . . . . . 1993 09 ; TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Vane Cs t - ' T - ve i A � ' i 1993 09 i . . Don . eo• , le k • f (9) Spouses) of Transferors) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Names} S►gnaturetsi v M- 0 , F 1 Address (t8) Transferor(*)s)« P . O . Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ 1Y0 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M 0 EMERSCN.. .Kennett .Currie . 1917 12 23, (12) Transferee(*) Address torSarvice R . R . *1 , Vienna , Ontario . NOJ 1ZO (13) Transferors)The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor s knowledge and belief this transfer does not Contravene section 50 of the Planning Act Date of Signature Date of Signature V M o Y M 0 a f , 1 Sign*ure , , i . Signature . . . . . . . . . , , . . _ f " i Solicitor for Tr nsftsror(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and t have made inquiries of the transferor to< determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information suppled by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and i belief thisO transfer does not contravene that section tam an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature • Marne and Y M 0 k Address of . . . ., VD icor Signature •. . (14) Solicitor for Transferss(s) I have env the title to this land and to a� tend *note relevant and I air, satisfied that tree title records E neve& no contravention as set out ret 50 (22) (C) (n) of the Planning Act a rid that to the best Oft'my knowledge anti belief this transfer if!! doss rest con avone section 50 of PWrt ng Act t �r ldently of tar Flet xaf+sler►or(s)sold am an Ontario rtor ,n �tg I ,,n., Name and Date of Signature uc lAddress of v M 0 Soscttor , iA Signature . . . . . (19) Amessrnsret Roil Plumber 7, Cty misill Mip - Sues Par ss y Feand Tax of Property , ' not assigned -� 6 Registration Fee (19) Msnt+c+iptii Andres, of Properly ("i7) Prepared br Gibson , R R 12 Linton , Toth & Campbell , + Land Transfer Tex e Vienna , Ontario , 36 Broadway , Box 5 , t€ NOJ 1Z0 Tillsonburg , Ontario . N4G 4H3 0, m Taw on x ou*rwt co we -Form Mo. silo r+ P.vy, ce Schedule ,Y. ,MM o� �nrarro Form S -- Land Rsglstrstbn Reform Act Pape 2 Ammons,propefty ids llsr(s) and/or Other tnformetbn RECITALS WHEREAS under The Municipal Act , R . S .Q . 1990 , Chapter M- 45 and amendments thereto the council of a municipality may pass by- laws for stopping up of highways . AND WHEREAS By-Law No . 93-32 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed August 5 , 1993 and registered as Instrument No . authorized the stopping up of part of the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 , including the herein described lands . AND WHEREAS the Clerk of the County of Elgin was duly notified of the intention to pass such by-law , in writing , as required by The Municipal Act , but the County did not object to the passing of same . AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has by by- law agreed to the sale of the said lands to the Transferee herein , being the owner of adjoining lands . ' Lid-E A wf R ou 0040 CO MC -Form No 9?0 Amendsid MOV jai 0 or; : Transfer/Deed of Land �'e r --ter- orttarno Forte 1 -- Land Registration Reform Act Ne (1) Rogiahy T1 Land Taos El 1 (2) Page 1 of 3 pages (3) Property Block Property idsntt9ev(s) Additional Sisciliodule C , (4) Cin II, Dollars 3 (3) Description This is a Property ,...„, Property Division _ Consolidation E D In the Township of Bayham, in the County v of Elgin , being part of the road allowance 0New Property Identifiers Concessions 3 and 4 , in said c A �„ , Township , opposite Lots 7 and 8 , more �- See le [ particularly described as PART 2 according WA r to Reference Plan 11R- 5251 . 1 Executions .f.' !i` 140LtitionsI See 11 Schedule 0 (6) This (a) Redescription :(b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement ; Additional Fee Simple Contac Plan/Sketch f t Descr1ption 0 Parties 0 Other 'i I (a) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transfereeV119106X 910610KX1i K, fIiNG)9 Date of Signature Y M 0 Names) Signatur ) , THE CORPORATION OF THE „ (,) ,, (74 -7—,-.c.)..4 .77.-;.i. ''.- , 199,3: C? TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Vane Ch te , R ve” 1991 09i/3. Don cod , Clerk i (9) Spouses) of Transieror(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(sl Signature(s) v - M t) t r r ♦ i Tsferor( (1a) Service ,res P . O . Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ 1YO (11) Transferees) Date of Birth V M 0 LEHOUILLIER, Marcel Maurice ; 1947; 12 21 LEHOUILLIER, Helen Olive : 1946 08 . 21 as Joint Tenants 9 f (12) Transferee(*) Address for Service R . R . * 1 , Vienna , Ontario . NOJ 1 Z 0 (13) Toms)The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and beiset. thy,;transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 V M r Q Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . "«. Signature" • . . , . , • . • . . • " . . • . Solicitor for Transferor(*) l have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and l have made inquiries of the transferor to K n determ e that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor.. to the best of my knowledge and belief. this transfer does not contravene that section I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing Date of Signature r Y ; M . 0 -- Bone andti: Address , Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 1 i (14) Solicitor for Transferee(*) have investigated the title to this iand and to abutting land where relevant and t am satisfied that the title records 4s. As reveaif no contravention as sett Out in subclause 50 (22) (c) (ii) of the Plaereneng Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belied this transfer r A dries not oOntravene sec ion 50 of the Planning Act I,act inCiependentfg of the solicitor for the transferor(s)and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing fi z Name arxf Date of Signature ' V M 0 � ++ Address of i:''zit Sotioliar t .wit v E!J Signature :: , . (1S) Assessment Roil taism sr CIY ' Muni Map i a Per r''' farces sod "tax y -J �' � � not assigned -+ ' r R.geanstlx+ Fee . (1$) ++ciasi A efas est Property (11) Gibson , ,�,�; } Lasnd �'rsnsfer Tax R .R . *1 , Linton , Toth & Campbell , w � Vienna , Ontario . 36 Broadway, Box 5 , o NOJ 1ZO Tillsonburg , Ontario . N4G 4H3 2 Ta111 0ME I 0~8 co w.c-,Form Nu. SOO rte. Schedule Amessided MPS 60417 Ovtt,arro Form S -- Land Registration Reform Act Page 2 (Rd®Monst Prnimrly IJ.dOkiti ) and/or Other in orameon RECITALS WHEREAS under The Municipal Act , R . S . Q . 1990 , Chapter M-45 and amendments thereto the council of a municipality may pass by-laws for stopping up of highways . AND WHEREAS By-Law No . 93-32 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed August 5 , 1993 and registered as Instrument No . authorized the stopping up of part of the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 , including the herein described lands . AND WHEREAS the Clerk of the County of Elgin was duly notified of the intention to pass such by-law , in writing , as required by The Municipal Act , but the County did not object to the passing of same . AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has by by- law agreed to the sale of the said lands to the Transferees herein , being the owners of adjoining lands . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-33 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORATION TO INVEST MONEY JOINTLY WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES THROUGH AN AGENT OF THE MUNICIPALITIES WHEREAS the Corporation may, under Section 167.4 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., Chapter M.45, where it has the power to invest money and, except as otherwise restricted by the Municipal Act, may invest money jointly with other municipalities through an agent; AND WHEREAS Local Authority Services Ltd. (LAS). a duly incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, provides kinds to municipalities, including the establishment of investment pools for joint investments by or on behalf of Ontario municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it in the interest of the Corporation to invest its money held in the general fund, the capital fund and the reserve fund, from time to time jointly with other municipalities in one or more investment pools established by LAS in accordance with the terms and conditions of the information package entitled "Information on The LAS POOLED INVESTMENTS PROGRAM" dated February 22, 1993 ("Information Package") and to appoint LAS as its agent for such purpose. THEREFORE .THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. THAT the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby authorized to invest its money from time to time, subject to the investment provisions of the Municipal Act, jointly with other municipalities in one or more investment pools established by LAS in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Information Package and to enter into an agreement with LAS in connection therewith. 2. THAT the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to sign for and on behalf of the of the Corporation such agreements, authorizations, directions, approvals and other such documents as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the investing powers authorized by Section 1. 3. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 9th day of June, 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th day of June, 1993. (j17/4017; Wi f A?' ./ '‘/:;:eP / /e t TY REEVE CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 93 PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to revise the site plan control policies of the Official Plan of the 'Township of Bayham as per Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990. 2. LOCATION' This amendment shall apply to the whole of the Township of Bayham as now or hereafter legally constituted. 3. BASIS OF TILE AMENDMENT The Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on January 8, 1987. Section 4.8 of the Official Plan, as modified by the Minister, outlines the circumstances for the use of site plan control in the Township, as well as six objectives for the use of site plan control. With the exceptions of mobile home and travel trailer parks, residential buildings comprising less than 25 dwelling unit have not been subject to site plan control. Since the approval of the Official Plan, the Township has determined that several of the objectives in the use of site plan control could be achieved in applications related to low density residential development. The utilization of site plan control is viewed as being primarily beneficial in the placement of driveways and parking areas, and to secure grading and physical alterations necessary to provide for public utilities and proper drainage. Such an application of the provisions of site plan control in the Township of Bayham was, in fact, ordered by the OMB with respect to an appeal related to the proposed creation of three building lots for single detached dwellings (O.M.B. File No. R 890124). The successful application of site plan control in the above-noted instance serves, in part, as the basis for this amendment to the Official Plan. By amending subsection 4.8.1 of the Official Plan such that the provisions of site plan control can be applied to all forms of residential development, the Township of Bayham can more fully realize the objectives for the use of site plan control as outlined in the Official Plan. Ministry of Ministere des 777 Bay Street 777. rue Say Municipal Attires 14th Floor • 14e Rage -• Affairs municipal's Toronto, Ontario TorontoiOntario) Ontario MSG 2E5 MSG ZES 94/01 /24 The Attached/1.I w I A L PLAN ►. f ENT 093 E . TOWNSHI P i . YHAM APPROVED ON' 14 JAN 1994 Submitted to Plans Administration was/a(ontl dtt soumis(eXs) a l'administration des plans et a(ont) Ai Please Refer all Correspondence Related to Submission to:/ Veuiller adresser toute la correspondence MR . W . BOQUE , CLERK relative a cet envoi k TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SHIRLEY CROCKETT BOX - 160 ( 4156209 STRAFFORDVILLE Quoting Fie er ONTARIO e34-OP 0158093 de dossier : NOJ 1Y0 IS16(11/92) • AMENDMENT NUMBER 93 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF 11-IE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 3 4 P 0 1 5 8 0 9 3 SUBJECT': SITE PLAN CONTROL The following teak constitutes AmRnrent Number 93 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham AMENDMENT NO . 93 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No . 93 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby modified as follows : _ 1 . Section 4 . 8 . 1 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following : " 4 . 8 . 1 The Township of Bayham designates the entire municipality as a site plan control area pursuant to Section 41 ( 2 ) of the Planning Act , 1990 , except for the following exempted areas and/or uses : i ) farm buildings and structures shall not be subject to site plan control with the exception of farm buildings and structures that house livestock and manure ; ii ) the establishment of grain drying operations will be subject to site plan control where Township Council determines that a potential land use conflict may exist ; " 2 . Section 4 . 8 . 2 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following : "4 . 8 . 2 Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing , any residential building or use which is designated or zoned, or proposed to be designated or zoned in a Hamlet Residential ( HR ) Zone ; an Estate residential ( ER ) Zone; a Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone or an Open Space (OS ) Zone; or, which otherwise is permitted as an accessory residential building or use in any zone other than an Agricultural (A1 ) Zone shall be subject to • site plan control . The application of site plan control measures for such uses or in such zones as described herein shall , however , be limited to such matters as controlling the location of access , parking , grading and drainage . Township Council may require the drawings mentioned in paragraph 2 of subsection 41 ( 4 ) in accordance with subsection 41 ( 5 ) of the Planning Act , regardless of the number of dwelling units in a residential building or use subject to this policy . " As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 -and 21 of the Planning Act . Date : Nba LAIJ Diana L . rdine , M . C . I . P . Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BA Y SIAM THE attached text constituting Amendment No. 93 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-Law No. 93-34, in accordance with Sectiott 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 9th day of June, 1993. EPUTY REEVE CL K 41► • BY-LAW NO. 93-34 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 93 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister • of Municipal Affairs for approval of the• aforementioned Amendment No.• 93 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 9th day of June, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 9th day of June, 1993. (2/,(/ aet-ele,t-44te_ / V LEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-Law No. 93-34 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK • • AMENDMENT NUMBER 93 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: SCIS PLAN CONTROL The following text constitutes Amen/Intent Number 93 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayharn • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text constituting Amendment No. 93 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by. the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-Law No. 93-34, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 9th day of June, 1993. e:gyi x ,1 DEPUTY REEVE CLERK 41111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 93 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to revise the site plan control policies of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as per Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990. 2. LOCATION ' This amendment shall apply to the whole of the Township of Bayham as now or hereafter legally constituted. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on January 8, 1987. Section 4.8 of the Official Plan, as modified by the Minister, outlines the circumstances for the use of site plan control in the Township, as well as six objectives for the use of site plan control. With the exceptions of mobile home and travel trailer parks, residential buildings comprising less than 25 dwelling unit have not been subject to site plan control. Since the approval of the Official Plan, the Township has determined that several of the objectives in the use of site plan control could be achieved in applications related to low density residential development. The utilization of site plan control is viewed as being primarily beneficial in the placement of driveways and parking areas, and to secure grading and physical alterations necessary to provide for public utilities and proper drainage. Such an application of the provisions of site plan control in the Township of Bayham was, in fact, ordered by the OMB with respect to an appeal related to the proposed creation of three building lots for single detached dwellings (O.M.B. File No. R 890124). The successful application of site plan control in the above-noted instance serves, in part, as the basis for this amendment to the Official Plan. By amending subsection 4.8.1 of the Official Plan such that the provisions of site plan control can be applied to all forms of residential development, the Township of Bayham can more fully realize the objectives for the use of site plan control as outlined in the Official Plan. 4111 -2- 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT a) Subsections 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 are hereby deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: "4.8.1 The Township of Bayham designates the entire municipality as a site plan control area pursuant to Section 41(2) of the Planning Act, 1990, except for the following exempted areas and/or uses: i) farm buildings and structures shall not be subject to site plan control, however, the establishment of commercial grain drying operations may be subject to site plan control where Township Council deter- . mines that a potential land use conflict may exist; 4.8.2 Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, any residential building or use which is designated or zoned, or proposed to be designated or zoned in a Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone; an Estate Residential (ER) Zone; a Rural Residential (RR) Zone or an Open Space (OS) Zone; or, which otherwise is permitted as an accessory residential building or use in any zone other than an Agricultural (A1) Zone shall be subject to site plan control. Subsection 41(5) of the Planning Act, 1990 shall apply regardless of the number of dwelling units included in a residential building or use subject to this policy. 4.8.3 The establishment of either a mobile home park or a seasonal travel trailer park shall be subject to site plan control, regardless of the number of dwelling units contained therein; 4.8.4 The Township of Bayham adheres to the following objectives in the use of site plan control: 1) to ensure safety and efficiency of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; u) to minimize land use incompatibility between new and existing development; iii) to provide functional and attractive on-site facilities such as landscap- ing and lighting; iv) to control the placement and provision of required services such as driveways, parking, loading facilities and garbage collection; v) to secure easements or grading and alterations necessary to provide for public utilities'ties and site drainage; and vi) to ensure that the development proposed is built and maintained as approved by Council." CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-35 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JUNE 9TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its special meeting held June 9th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 9th day of June, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 9th day of June, 1993. • / EPUTY REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-36 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 17TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held June 17th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 17th day of June, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of June, 1993. 2) I; REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-37 BEING A BY-LAW TO IMPLEMENT A PHASE-IN PROGRAM FOR TAX INCREASES RESULTING FROM COUNTY-WIDE REASSESSMENT WHEREAS Section 364 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 grants a municipality authority to pass by-laws to provide for the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes resulting from a different assessment of lands in the municipality; AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin has approved County-wide Market Value Reassessment for the 1993 taxation year and subsequent years; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to lessen the impact of tax increases due to Market Value Reassessment by implementing a phase-in program; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This by-law shall apply only to businesses and commercial and industrial properties listed on the assessment returned to the Township of Bayham by the Ministry of Revenue for Ontario. - 2. Where there is an increase in real property and business taxes in 1993 as a result of County-wide reassessment on the rateable properties designated in Section 1 , the amount of the increase shall be determined in accordance with Section 3. 3. The amount of the increase due to reassessment in 1993 shall be limited to $200.00 or 25% of the increase, whichever is greater. 4. The maximum phase-in assistance to be provided to any one class of property shall not exceed $2000.00 in 1993. 5. The amount of any taxes cancelled, reduced or refunded shall be charged to the general funds of the Township. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of July, 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th day of July, 1993. /7/ t- REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-38 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ON WHICH THE TAXES SHALL BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 1993, TO LEVY THE TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1993 AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1993 should be levied. AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $2,582,998 for the general purpose of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education and other purposes: THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 1992 shall be levied. 2. THAT the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. THAT for the purpose of providing the sum of $1,333,560 for the general purpose of the Corporation, including the amount required for the County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of $208.841 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1993 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll except that on assessment of $6,490,093 a reduction of 15% shall be made. 4. THAT in addition, for the purposes of providing the sum of $1 ,239,614 for public and separate and school education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1993 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder: RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL SCHOOL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Elgin Cty Elementary $5,742,948 84.990 $762,084 99.988 $564,292 Elgin Cty Secondary 5,742,948 80.020 762,084 94. 141 521,293 Elgin R.C.S.S. Elem 747,145 94. 195 106,852 110.818 82,218 Elgin R.C.S.S. Sec. 747,145 70.815 106,852 83.312 61,811 • BY-LAW 93-38 - 2 5. THAT in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas: LIGHTING RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Corinth 82,572 6.813 4,676 8.015 6(X) Eden 248,608 15.854 3,137 18.652 4,00() Richmond 178,140 7.670 3,694 9.026 1 ,400 Straffordville 649,928 3.399 197,674 3.999 3,000 Talbot 94,905 8.693 825 6. THAT the Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 20th day of July, 1993. 7. THAT all taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham. 8. THAT taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 31, 1993 and one-half on or before November 30, 1993. 9. THAT penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayments of taxes shall be as provided for in Township of Bayham By-Laws, (penalties at the rate of one and one quarter per cent per month commencing the first day of default of payment, and discounts the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre-payment is made), subject also to the provisions of By-Law No. 1697. 9. THAT the Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 10. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of July, 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th day of July, 1993. -- -- ( 4/ REEVE CLS' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-39 A BY-LAW TO SET THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. (AS AMENDED BY BY-LAWS 94-13, 94-19, 94-67 & 96-12) WHEREAS Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-laws fixing the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the municipal Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient pass a by-law to fix the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the Corporation. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following approved positions of the Corporation shall receive remuneration as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto: Position Type of Remuneration 1 .01 Administrator Clerk Salary Deputy Clerk 1 .02 Open 1 .03 Treasurer Tax Collector Salary 1 .04 Administrative Assistant Hourly 1 .05 Open 1 .06 Administrative Assistant Hourly 1 .07 Road Superintendent Salary 1 .08 Open 1.09 Road Equipment Operators Hourly 1.10 Open 1.11 Pan Time Road Staff Hourly 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent) Salary By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1.13 Open 1 . 14 Open 1 . 15 Transfer Site Operator Hourly 1.16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff Hourly BY-LAW 93-39 - 2 - 1. 17 Fire Chief Salary 1 . 18 Deputy Fire Chief Salary 1. 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I Per call & Hourly 1.20 Volunteer Fireman Class II Per call & Hourly 1 .21 Volunteer Fireman Class III Per call & Hourly 2. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting outside of regular office hours, Or carry out any business on behalf of the Township, the employee shall be paid the rate per kilometre set out in Schedule "B" attached hereto travelled for attending such meeting and/or business. 3. THAT for attending a night regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto, 4. THAT for attending any meeting outside of normal business hours other than a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. 5. THAT By-law 93-22 is hereby repealed. 5. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of July, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and Finally passed, signed and sealed this 7th day of July, 1993. REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-39 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1 .01 Administrator Clerk $40,914.00 Per annum Deputy Treasurer 1 .02 1 .03 Treasurer Tax Collector $38,000.00 Per annum 1 .04 Financial Assistant $14.50 Per hour t t; open 1.06 Administrative Assistant $10,50 Per hour 1 .07 Road Superintendent $40,884.48 Per annum 1.08 Open 1 .09 Road Equipment Operators $14.42 Per hour 1.10 Open 1.11 Part Time Road Staff $9.27 Per hour 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $35,016.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1 .13 Open 1 .14 Open 1.15 Transfer Site Operator $8.00 Per hour 1 . 16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1 .17 Fire Chief $7,595.22 Per annum 1 . 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,546.06 Per annum 1 . 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I $45.64 Per call $12.00 Per hour/iintenance 1 .20 Volunteer Fireman Class 11 $42. 19 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.21 Volunteer Fireman Class III $37. 15 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance SCHEDULE "B" BY-LAW 93-39 1. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting outside of regular office hours, or carry out any business on behalf of the Township, the employee shall be paid the rate of $ 0.30 per kilometre travelled for attending such meeting and/or business. SCHEDULE "C" BY-LAW 93-39 1. THAT for attending a night regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $110.00 per meeting. 2. THAT for attending any meeting outside of normal business hours other than a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $80.00 per meeting. I £ £ 3 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-39 A BY-LAW TO SET THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. (AS AMENDED BY BY-LAWS 94-13, 94-19, 94-67, 96-12 & 96-18) WHEREAS Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-laws fixing the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the municipal Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient pass a by-law to fix the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the Corporation. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following approved positions of the Corporation shall receive remuneration as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto: Position Type of Remuneration 1.01 Administrator Clerk Salary Deputy Clerk 1.02 Open 1.03 Treasurer Tax Collector Salary 1 .04 Administrative Assistant Hourly 1.05 open 1 .06 Administrative Assistant Hourly 1 .07 Road Superintendent Salary 1 .08 Open 1 .09 Road Equipment Operators Hourly 1.10 Open 1.11 Part Time Road Staff Hourly 1.12 Drainage Superintendent) Salary By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1 . 13 Open 1 . 14 Open 1 . 15 Transfer Site Operator Hourly 1 .16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff Hourly 1.17 Fire Chief Salary 1 . 18 Deputy Fire Chief Salary 1 . 19 Volunteer Fireman Class 1 Per call & Hourly 1 .20 Volunteer Fireman Class II Per call & Hourly 1 .21 Volunteer Fireman Class 111 Per call & Hourly BY-LAW 93-39 - 2 - 2. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting outside of regular office hours, or carry out a y_huusiness on behalf of the Township, the employee shall be paid the rate per kilortitset out in Schedule "B" attached hereto travelled for attending such meeting and/or business. 1 THAT for attending a night regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. 4. THAT for attending any meeting outside of normal business hours other than a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. S. THAT By-law 93-22 is hereby repealed. S. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of July, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 7th day of July, 1993. REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-39 ( Last amended by By-law No. 96-18) 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1 .01 Administrator Clerk . $40,914.00 Per annum Deputy Treasurer 1 .02 1 .03 Treasurer Tax Collector $38,000.00 Per annum 1 .04 Financial Assistant $14.50 Per hour 1 .05 Open 1 .06 Administrative Assistant $10.50 Per hour 1 .07 Road Superintendent $36,000.00 Per annum 1 .08 Open 1 .09 Road Equipment Operators $14.42 Per hour 1.10 Open 1 .11 Part Time Road Staff $9.27 Per hour 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $35,016.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official _ . 1. 13 Open 1 . 14 Open 1. 15 Transfer Site Operator $8.00 Per hour 1 .16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1.17 Fire Chief $7,595.22 Per annum 1.18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,546..06 Per annum. 1 . 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I $45.64 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1 .20 Volunteer Fireman Class II $42. 19 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1 .21 Volunteer Fireman Class III $37. 15 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance SCHEDULE "B ' BY-LAW 93-39 1. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting outside of regular office hours, or carry out any business on behalf of the Township, the employee shall be paid the rate of $ 0.30 per kilometre travelled for attending such meeting and/or business, 3 SCHEDULE "C" BY-LAW 93-39 1. THAT for attending a night regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $110.00 per meeting. 2. THAT for attending any meeting outside of normal business hours other than a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $80.00 per meeting. • 4 SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-39 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1 .01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector $40,914.00 Per annum 1 .02 Open 1 .03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer $15.30 Per hour and Tax Collector 1 .04 Administrative Assistant $12.00 Per hour 1 .05 Open 1.06 Part Time Office Staff $9.25 Per hour 1.07 Road Superintendent $39,683.00 Per annum 1 .08 Open 1.09 Road Equipment Operators $14.00 Per hour 1. 10 Open 1.11 Part Time Road Staff $9.00 Per hour 1. 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $34,000.00 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1. 13 Open 1. 14 Open 1.15 Transfer Site Operator $8.00 Per hour 1 . 16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1. 17 Fire Chief $7,374.00 Per annum 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,384.52 Per annum 1. 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I $44.31 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.20 Volunteer Fireman Class 11 $40.96 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.21 Volunteer Fireman Class III $36.07 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-39 (As amended by By-law No. 94-67) 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1.01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector $42,151.20 Per annum 1 .02 Open 1.03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer $15.76 Per hour and Tax Collector 1 .04 Financial Assistant $14.50 Per hour 1.05 Open 1 .06 Part Time Administrative Assistant $10.50 Per hour 1.07 Road Superintendent $40,884.48 Per annum 1 .08 Open, 1.09 Road Equipment Operators $14.42 Per hour 1 . 10 Open 1.11 Part Time Road Staff $9,27 Per hour 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $35,016.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1. 13 Open 1 , 14 Open • 1.15 Transfer Site Operator $8.00 Per hour 1.16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1. 17 Fire Chief $7,595.22 Per annum 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,546.06 Per annum 1. 19 Volunteer Fireman Class I $45.64 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.20 Volunteer Fireman Class 11 $42. 19 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.21 Volunteer Fireman Class 111 $37.15 Per call SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-39 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1 .01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector $40,914.00 Per annum 1.02 Open 1.03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer $15.30 Per hour and Tax Collector 1.04 Administrative Assistant $12.00 Per hour 1.05 Open 1.06 Part Time Office Staff $9.25 Per hour 1.07 Road Superintendent $39,683.00 Per annum 1.08 Open 1.09 Road Equipment Operators 514.00 Per hour 1.10 Open 1 . 1 1 ! Part Time Road Staff $9.00 Per hour 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $34,000.00 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1.13 Open 1. 14 Open 1.15 Transfer Site Operator $8.00 Per hour 1.16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1,17 Fire Chief $7,374.00 Per annum 1.1$ Deputy Fire Chief $5,384.52 Per annum 1.19 Volunteer Fireman Class 1 $44.31 .Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.20 Volunteer Fireman Class 11 540.96 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.21 Volunteer Fireman Class 111 $36.07 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 4' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 94-19 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW O. 93-3 (AS AMENDED) WHEREAS Dwayne Daniel was appointed as Drainage Superintendent for the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend the Staff Remuneration By-law to recognize the appointment of Dwayne Daniel as Drainage Superintendent. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-39, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THIS By-law comes into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of APRIL, 1994. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of APRIL, 1994. efeet71 Xililektieldf AYE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 94-19 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-39 (AS AMENDED) WHEREAS Dwayne Daniel was appointed as Drainage Superintendent for the Township of Bayham AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend the Staff Remuneration By-law to recognize the appointment of Dwayne Daniel as Drainage Superintendent, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-39, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THIS By-law comes into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of APRIL, 1994. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of APRIL, 1994. 4/4 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 94-67 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-39 AND BY-LAW NO. 93-21 WITH RESPECT TO REMUNERATION LEVELS OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AND MUNICIPAL STAFF WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Township Personnel Policy, deems it necessary to amend the remuneration paid to Council and Staff of the Municipality: AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend By-law No. 93-39 and By-law No. 93-21 to effect changes to remuneration levels of Council and Staff THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it • with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THAT By-law No. 93-21 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1, in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "I. THAT for attending a regular meeting of council each member of council shall be paid the sum of 5110.00." 3. THAT By-law No. 93-21 is hereby amended by deleting Section 2, in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "2. THAT for attending any meeting other than a regular meeting of council each member of council shall be paid the sum of $80.00." 4. 'THAT By-law No. 93-21 is hereby amended by deleting Section 4, in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 1 "4. THAT in addition to the above per diem meeting rates the members of council shall receive a monthly salary as follows: (a) Reeve $231.75 (b) Deputy Reeve S180.25 (c) Councillor 31 18.45^ 5. THIS By-law comes into force on January 1. 1995. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of DECEMBER, 1994. 0 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of DECEMBER, 1994. REEVE CLERK. 1 i(k°14' SCHEDULE "A" C (� rr t BY-LAW 93-39 cekt ec (As amended by By-law No. 94-67) 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuneration 1.01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector $42,151.20 Per annum 1.02 Open 1,03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer $15.76 Per hour and Tax Collector 1.04 Financial Assistant $14.50 Per hour 1.05 Open • 1 .06 Part Time Administrative Assistant $10.50 Per hour 1.07 Road Superintendent $40,884.48 Per annum )4 '?' 1.08 Open 1 09 Road Equipment Operators $14 42 Per hour 1. 10 Open 1.11 Part Time Road Staff $9.27 Per hour 1.12 Drainage Superintendent/ $35,016.80 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1 . 13 Open 1. 14 Open 1. 15 Transfer Site Operator $8.(X) Per hour 116 Part Time Transfer Site Staff S6.50 Per hour 1 . 17 Fire Chief $7,595.22 Per annum 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,546.06 Per annum 1,19 Volunteer Fireman Class 1 $45.64 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.20 Volunteer Fireman Class 11 $42. 19 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance 1.21 Volunteer Fireman Class 111 $37.15 Per call $12.00 Per hour/maintenance CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-12 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-39 (STAFF REMUNERATION BY-LAW) WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend the remuneration paid to Lynn Buchner: AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend By-law No. 93-39 to effect the change in remuneration level and to make minor amendments to the by-law. •THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No, 93-39 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is amended by deleting Section 1.01 and replacing it with the following: "1.01 Administrator Clerk Deputy Treasurer Salary" 3. THAT By-law No, 93-39 is amended by deleting Section 1.03 and replacing it with the following: "1.03 Treasurer Tax Collector Salary" 4. THIS By-law comes into force on upon final passing. READ A FIRST ANT) SECOND TIME this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of FEBRUARY, 19%. kad I REEVE t„ � ', • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 96-18 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT ROBERT BARTLETT AS ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 95-12 AND BY-LAW NO. 1976 AND TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-6 AND BY LAW NO. 93-39 WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(1) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.50 it is required that every Township shall by by-law appoint a Township Road Superintendent who, subject to the discretion of the Council. shall inspect all roads under the jurisdiction and control of the Township and supervise all work on such roads; AND WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(2) of the Public Transportation and Highway • Improvement Act it is required that a copy of_every by-law appointing a Road Superintendent shall be transmitted to the Minister of Transportation within thirty (30) days of passing thereof: AND WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72(3) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act the Township Road Superintendent shall conform to such requirements as the Minister may prescribe: AND WHEREAS it is necessary to repeal By-law No. 1976 to cancel the appointment of the previous Road Superintendent. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to repeal By-law No. 95-12 to cancel the appointment Robert Bartlett as Acting Road Superintendent; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend By-law No. 93-39 to effect the change in remuneration level and to make minor amendments to the by-law. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to appoint an a Road Superintendent THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. THAT Robert Bartlett of the Township of Bayham, is hereby appointed Road Superintendent of the Township of Bayham in accordance with the provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. 2. THAT it shall be the duty of the Road Superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditures on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Township Council. in accordance with the provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and the Job Description contained in Township of Bayham Personnel Policy. 3. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1.07 and replacing it with the following: 1.07 Road Superintendent Robert Bartlett 96-19" 4. THAT By-law No. 93-6 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1 .08 and replacing it with the following: "1.08 Road Equipment Ivan Priddle 93-6 Operators Paul McQurggan 93-6 Edward Bradfield 93-6 Terry A11in 93-6. S. THAT By-law No. 93-39 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Scher de "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. fly-law No. %-1S - 2 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon third and final reading and after a copy has been forwarded to the London District Office of the Ministry of Transportation. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of MARCH, 1996. •• REEVE ADS" ATOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-39 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 7TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at,its meeting held July 7th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 7th day of July, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of July, 1993. i REEVE: CLERK • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-40 A BY-LAW TO SET THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law fixing the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the municipal Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient fix the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the Corporation. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the following approved positions of the Corporation shall receive remuneration as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto: Position Type of Remuneration 1 .01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector Salary • 1 .02 Open 1 .03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer Hourly and Tax Collector 1.04 Administrative Assistant Hourly 1.05 Open 1 .06 Part Time Office Staff Hourly 1.07 Road Superintendent Salary 1 .08 Open 1.09 Road Equipment Operators Hourly 1 . 10 Open 1. 11 Part Time Road Staff 1 . 12 Drainage Superintendent) Salary By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1 . 13 Open 1. 14 Open 1 . 15 Transfer Site Operator Hourly 1. 16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff Hourly BY-LAW 93-40 - 2 - 1. 17 Fire Chief Salary 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief Salary 1 . 19 Fire Captain Per call 1.20 Fire Prevention Officer Per call 1 .21 Volunteer Fireman Per call 2. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting outside of regular office hours, or carry out any business on behalf of the Township, the employee shall be paid the rate per kilometre set out in Schedule "B" attached hereto travelled for attending such meeting and/or business. 3. THAT for attending a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. 4. THAT for attending any meeting other than a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. 5. THAT By-law 93-22 is hereby repealed. 6. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 7. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of July, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 15th day of July, 1993. eie REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-40 1, THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Po itio,n Remuneration 1 .01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax. Collector $40,914.00 Per annum 1 .02 Open 1.03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer $15.30 Per hour and Tax Collector 1.04 Administrative Assistant $12.00 Per hour 1.05 Open 1.06 Part Time Office Staff $7.50 Per hour 1.07 Road Superintendent $39,683.00 Per annum 1.08 Open ' 1.09 Road Equipment Operators - $14.00 Per hour 1. 10 Open 1. 11 Part Time Road Staff $9.00 Per hour 1.12 Drainage Superintendent/ $31,522.00 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1. 13 Open. 1 . 14 Open 1 . 15 Transfer Site Operator $7.21 Per hour 1. 16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1 . 17 Fire Chief $7,374.00 Per annum 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief $5,384.52 Per annum 1. 19 Fire Captain $44.31 Per call 1.20 Fire Prevention Officer $44,31 Per call • 1 .20 Volunteer Fireman $40.96 Per call SCHEDULE "B" BY-LAW 93-40 1. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting, carry out any business on behalf of the Township, or to attend any course or seminar the employee shall be paid the rate of $ 0.30 per kilometre travelled for attending such meeting and/or business. r. SCHEDULE "C" BY-LAW 93-40 1. THAT for attending a night regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $105.00 per meeting. 2. THAT for attending any meeting other than a regular meeting of Council which is outside of normal business hours the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $75.00 per meeting. • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-40 A BY-LAW TO SET THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MUNICIPAL, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE .TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Section 207(45) Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 permits municipalities to pass by-law fixing the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the municipal Corporation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient fix the remuneration to be paid to officers and employees of the Corporation. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following approved positions of the Corporation shall receive remuneration as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto: Position Type of Remuneration 1 .01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector Salary 1.02 Open 1.03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer Hourly and Tax Collector 1 .04 Administrative Assistant Hourly 1 .05 Open 1.06 Part Time Office Staff Hourly 1.07 Road Superintendent Salary 1.08 Open 1.09 Road Equipment Operators Hourly 1. 10 Open 1.11 Part Time Road Staff 1. 12 Drainage Superintendent/ Salary By-law Enforcement Officer/ Chief Building Official 1. 13 Open 1.14 Open 1. 15 Transfer Site Operator Hourly 1 . 16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff Hourly BY-LAW 93-40 _ 2 _ 1. 17 Fire Chief Salary 1. 18 Deputy Fire Chief Salary 1. 19 Fire Captain Per call 1 .20 Fire Prevention Officer Per call 1.21 Volunteer Fireman Per call 2. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting outside of regular office hours, or carry out any business on behalf of the Township, the employee shall be paid the rate per kilometre set out in Schedule "B" attached hereto travelled for attending such meeting and/or business. 3. THAT for attending a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. 4. THAT for attending any meeting other than a regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the amount set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. 5. THAT By-law 93-22 is hereby repealed. 6. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 7. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on January 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of July, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed, signed and sealed this 15th day of July, 1993. 41" REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 93-40 1. THAT the following remuneration shall be paid to the officers and employees of the Corporation: Position Remuncr .Qn 1.01 Clerk Treasurer/Tax Collector $40,914.00 Per annum 1 .02 Open 1 .03 Assistant Clerk Treasurer $15.30 Per hour and Tax Collector 1 .04 Administrative Assistant $12.00 Per hour 1 .05 Open 1.06 Part Time Office Staff $7.50 Per hour 1 .07 Road Superintendent $39,683.00 Per annum 1.08 Open 1.09 Road Equipment Operators $14.00 Per hour 1. 10 Open 1. 11 Part Time Road Staff $9.00 Per hour 1. 12 Drainage Superintendent/ $31 ,522.00 Per annum By-law Enforcement Officer! Chief Building Official 1.13 Open 1 . 14 Open 1.15 Transfer Site Operator $7.21 Per hour • 1. 16 Part Time Transfer Site Staff $6.50 Per hour 1.17 Fire Chief $7,374.00 Per annum 1. 18 'Deputy Fire Chief $5,384.52 Per annum 1. 19 Fire Captain $44.31 Per call 1.20 Fire Prevention Officer $44,31 Per call 1 .20 Volunteer Fireman $40.96 Per call c tI ERL:,I F: "B" BY-LAW 93-40 1. WHERE an employee is required to attend a meeting, carry out any business on behalf of the Township, or to attend any course or seminar the employee shall be paid the rate of $ 0.30 per kilometre travelled for attending such meeting and/or business. s SCHEDULE "C" BY-LAW 93-40 1. THAT for attending a night regular meeting of Council the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $105.00 per meeting. 2. THAT for attending any meeting other than a regular meeting of Council which is outside of normal business hours the Clerk or his designate shall be paid the sum of $75.00 per meeting. Bayham Township By' Laws p • 1.1fr I 1 By-Laws # 93 - 1i #93 -67 1993 • • 0 IV% • t: .ra't c\r‘ 44 f*V" U"\ Li") • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-41 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 15TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held July 15th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of July, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of July, 1993. fi/C.:N/7/(i REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-42 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 29TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by bylaw. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held July 29th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 29th day of July, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 29th day of July, 1993. Z)3,/, REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-43 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE ARN, BENNER, CARNES, CASIER, COOMBER "A" "B" & COOMBER "F", CORINTH, COYLE, CROSSETT, DELI, FEARNLEY, GARNHAM, GREEN, HAMPTON, NEVILL, NO. 1, C.E. SMITH, SMITH AND SWANCE MUNICIPAL DRAINS AND TO RAISE THE SUM OF $12,840.63. WHEREAS The above drains were constructed under the provisions of Drainage Act, and according to the by-laws of the municipality, providing for such consturction, and according to the various reports of the Township Engineers made thereon. AND WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports, by-laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works, at the expense of the land and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof, in the portion according to such assessment until such assessments, or portions thereof, be varied. AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty, the Municipality has from time to time, carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act, upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains, so as to provide for the raise the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto which amount in all to $12,840.b3 to the lands and roads assessed, and the amount of the assessments upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed, appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments, which said Schedule is a part of this by-law. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amount in 1993. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $10,879.59 the amount charged against the lands of the drainage works, and now assessable for Maintenance, the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto and forming a part of this By-law, shall over and above all other rates be assessed and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned lots or parts of lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present year, 1993. • 2. THAT for the purpose of paying the sum of $977.61 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality, and $983.43 the amount charged against other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose, accounts shall be lieved against the roads of the Municipality and against the other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid id amounts. By-law No. 93-43 - 2 3. THAT the sum of $5,348.44 be charged to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Program for repairs to drains serving agricultural lands. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5th day of August, 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th day of August, 1993. ‘ -6 /1/` /, REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE BY-LAW NO. 93-43 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Arn Drain Repairs 4-014 5. 16 1.72 3.44 3-145 603.48 201. 14 402.34 4-010 25.79 8.60 17. 19 3-141 421.92 140.63 281.29 Highway #19 87.68 87.68 Total Arn Drain Repairs 1144.03 352.09 791.94 Benner Drain Repairs 2-093 117.41 39. 14 78.27 2-097 485.20 161.72 323.48 2-098 259.97 86.65 173.32 2-101 204.86 68.28 136.58 2-103 17.98 6.00 11.98 2-181 35.95 11.99 23.96 2-185 23.97 7.99 15.98 Bayham Roads 100.59 190.59 Total Benner Drain Repairs 1245.93 381 .77 4§4. 1§ Carnes Drain "C" Branch 4-053 1.63 .55 1.08 4-050 20. 17 6.73 13.44 3-147 25.04 8.35 16.69 3-149 49.37 16.46 32.91 4-050 10.86 3.62 7.24 3-111 14. 11 4.71 9.40 3-110 12.06 4.02 8.04 Bayham Roads 45.87 45.87 Total Carnes Drain "C" Branch Repairs 179.11 44.44 134.67 Casier Municipal Drain 2-147 .29 .29 2-146 76.98 25.66 51.32 2-159 515.11 171.69 343.42 2-160 54.96 18.32 36.64 2-157 193.06 64.35 128.71 3-037 7.58 2.53 5.05 3-035 1.83 1 .83 3-035 4.21 4.21 3-033 2.80 2.80 3-034 .85 .85 • Elgin County Rd #45 19.35 19.35 Highway No. 19 39.20 39.20 Total Casier Municipal Drain Repairs 911„V 282.55 633.67 SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE BY-LAW NO. 93-43 ROLL I REPAIRS GRANTS NET Coomber "A" Branch 5-125 16.91 5.64 11.27 5-127 149.97 49.99 99.98 5-129 108.07 36.03 72.04 5-130 144.83 - 48.28 96.55 5-131 5.89 1.97 3.92 5-132 1.48 1.48 Bayham Rds 2.91 2191 Total Coomber "A" Branch Repairs 430.06 141.91 288,15 Coomber "B I) E 0" 5-125-01B 4.00 1.34 2.66 5-124B 45.90 15.30 30.60 5-125B 133.03 44.34 88.69 5-124E .67 .25 .42 5-125E 42.57 14. 19 28.38 5-125D 1.00 .34 .66 5-124D 7.32 2.44 4.88 5-125D 8.32 2.78 5.54 5-1250 33.26 11 .09 22. 17 Railway CNR 0 54,8 54.83 Total Coomber "B D E 0" Repairs 330.90 92.07 238.83 Coomber "F" Branch 5-125 223.95 74.65 149.30 5-127 223.95 74.65 149.30 5-129 89.57 29,86 59.71. Total Coomber "F" Branch Repairs 537.47 179. 16 358,31 Corinth Drain 1985 - 5-117 72.22 24.05 • 48. 17 5-110 5. 16 5.16 5-112 5. 16 5.16 Bayham Rd 49.86 49.86 Total Corinth Drain 1985 Repairs ....1.1W _„ „4 05 108,35 Coyle Drain 3-131 27.67 9.23 18.44 3-130 58.42 19.48 38.94 Bayham Rds 5.00 5.00 Bayham Rds 1 .58 . 1 .58 Norfolk Vernon 4.71 1.57 3. 14 Balint 5. 16 1.72 3.44 Norfolk Rds 1.58 1.58 Vernon 16.54 5.52 11.02 Balint 129 1.10 2.19 Total Coyle Drain Repairs 123,95 38.62 85.33 SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE BY-LAW NO. 93-43 ROLL S REPAIRS GRANTS NET Crossett Drain Extension 5-119 11.27 11.27 5-124 18.30 1$.30 Total Crossett Drain Extension Repairs 29.57 29.57 Deli Drain 4-073 78.39 26.13 52.26 4-073 34.21 11 .41 22.80 4-074 1.43 .48 .95 4-120 .86 .86 4-122 8.56 2.86 5.70 4-123 136.82 45.61 91.21 4-125 204.09 68.03 136.06 4-128 42.76 14.26 28.50 4-129 1.43 .48 .95 Elgin Cty Rd 49.89 49.89 Bayham Twp 165.26 165.26 Total Deli Drain Repairs 723.70 169.26 554.44 Fearnley Drain 1-010 1683.23 561.03 1122.20 1-007 - 796. 12 • 265.35 530.77 1-009 409.44 136.47 272.97 1-008 170.60 170.60 1-087 1117.42 372.44 744.98 1-085 893.98 297.97 596.01 1-088 223.44 74.48 148.96 1-086 398.06 132.68 265.38 1-084 181 .98 60.66 121.32 Elgin Cty Rd 441. 12 441 , 12 Total Fearnley Drain Repairs 6315.39 1901 .08 4414.31 Garnham Drain 4-129 47.06 47.06 4-131 55.64 55.64 Total Garnham Drain Repairs 102.70 102.7Q Green Drain 6-177 7.35 7.35 6-176 1409 14.09 Total Green Drain Repairs 21.44 21 A4 . SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE BY-LAW NO. 93-43 ROLL I REPAIRS GRANTS NET Hampton Drain 3-95 457.93 152.63 305.30 3-96 477.97 159.31 318.66 3-137 735.48 245. 14 490.34 3-138 805.32 268.44 536.88 3-139 244.76 81 .58 163. 18 Bayham Rds 469.13 469.13 Total Hampton Drain Repairs 3190.59 207. 10 2283.49 Meuller Drain 5-117 9.49 3. 17 6.32 5-117 9.49 3. 17 6.32 5-116 1. 14 1. 14 5-115 1. 14 1.14 5-110 .76 .76 5-112 .36 .36 5-122 31 . 12 10.38 2Q.74 Total Meuller Drain Repairs 53.50 16.72 36,78 No. 1 Drain 4-053 34.85 11.62 23.23 4-030 11.21 3.74 7.47 4-050 91 .26 30.42 60.84 4-049 .47 . 16 .31 4-061 62.31 20.77 41.54 4-062 . 10 . 10 4-061 64.74 21 .58 43. 16 4-064 8.51 2.84 5.67 4-066 2.25 .75 1 .50 4-104 .57 . 19 .38 4-107 30.36 10. 12 20.24 4-110 42. 13 14.05 28.08 4-115 22.98 7.66 15.32 4-114 . 10 . 10 , 4-113 . 10 . 10 4-116 5.66 1 .89 3.77 Elgin County 4.21 4.21 Bayham Rds 4.21 4.21 Bayham Rds 4.21 4.21 4-104 2.34 .78 1.56 4-107 2.34 .78 • 1.56 4-061 1.41 . .47 .94 4-014 4.68 1.56 3. 12 4-028 44.00 14.67 29.33 4-047 . 10 . 10 4-060 .10 . 10 4-059 .10 .10 4-058 . 10 . 10 r SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE BY-LAW NO. 93-43 ROLL 0 REPAIRS GRANTS NET No. 1 Drain con't 4-057 . 10 . 10 4-055 . 10 .10 4-054 . 10 . 10 Bayham Twp Rd 14.00 14.00 Elgin Cty Rd 4.00 4.00 CPR .30 .30 Total No. 1 Drain Repairs 464.00 144.05 319.95 C.E. Smith Drain Branch 2 5-124 19.01 _1211 Total C.E. Smith Branch 2 Drain Repairs 19,01 19.01 Smith Drain 5-162 95. 19 31.73 63.46 5-163 95. 19 31.73 63.46 5-164 95. 19 31.73 63.46 5-165 201.59 67.19 134.40 5-168 2.25 2.25 5-167 6.73 2.25 4.48 5-169 - 11.20 3.74 7.46 ' 6-173 76. 16 25.39 50.77 6-174 7.00 2.34 4.66 C.N.R. 36.20 36.20 Bayham Rds 9930 99.30 Total Smith Drain Repairs 726.00 196. 10 529.90 Smith Drain 1968 5-161 32.62 10.88 21.74 5-162 15.07 5.03 10.04 5-163 15.07 5.03 10.04 5-164 15.07 5.03 10.04 1 5-165 31.91 10.64 21.27 . 5-168 .36 .36 5-167 1.07 .36 .71 5-169 1.78 .60 1. 18 6-176 12.06 4.02 8.04 5-174 1. 11 .37 .74 C.N.R. 5.73 5.73 Bayham Rds 15.69 15.69 Total Smith Drain 1968 Repairs 147,54 41.2* 105.58 Swance Drain 6-176 328.24 109.41 218.83 6-177 674. 16 224.70 449.46 6-178 304.21 101 .40 202.81 C.N.R 4 _,_4 , Total Swan= Drain Repairs 135556 435.51 920.05 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-44 { A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 5TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held August 5th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5th day of August, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of August, 1993. i#0.7( REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 934 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THS REEVE AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA FOR THE PROVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna are desirous of entering into an agreement whereby the Township will provide fire protection to the Village of Vienna; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enter into said Agreement with the Village of Vienna for the provision of fire protection to the Village, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Village of Vienna for the provision of fire protection to the Village of Vienna. 2. THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forms a part of this by-law. . 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect January 1, 1993. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of AUGUST 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of AUGUST 1993. • 4//: / 44_ , ,II REEVE CLERK THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 19th day of August, 1993. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (the "Township") OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA (the "Village") OF THE SECOND PART WITNESSETH that the Parties hereto mutually agree in respect to fire protection provided by the Township to the Village as follows: 1. The Township agrees to provide the services of the Township's Volunteer Fire Department and vehicles for fire protection for the Village, such services to be subject to prior calls and the Township shall not be held responsible for the failure of any part of the said services. 2. The Village agrees to pay to the Township, for the above services on the following basis: (a) Each year during the term of this agreement, the sum of Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ($2,750.00) which sum shall be the cost of one (1) fire call. (b) Each call in addition to the call noted' in clause 2(a) shall be at the rate of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00 ) per call. 3. The Township shall not be responsible for providing any additional fire fighting equipment from other municipalities unless Officials of the Village request same in which case the Village shall be responsible for any additional fee that might be charged by the other municipality, provided however there shall be no charge for additional fire fighting equipment called under a mutual aid agreement .in effect in the County of Elgin. 4. Charges arising from false alarms where it is not necessary to remove any equipment from the vehicles of the Township shall be subject to negotiation between the parties. 5. This agreement shall be for a term of three years commencing January 1 , 1993 1993 and subject to the provisions of Section 6, shall be binding upon the Parties their successors and assigns. 6. The agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other Party, THIS AGREEMENT is duly executed by the parties hereto. THE CORPORATION OF THE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAM VILLAGE OF VIENNA • fr-e-A7 REEVE RE E \',;<:e CLERK CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA BY-LAW NO. 93-10 BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the Acting Reeve and Clerk to sign a fire protection agreement with the Township of Bayham for three years beginning January 1 , 1993, A copy of this agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By-Law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1993 . A NG REEVE c d� � J CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-46 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 19TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.Q. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in • respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held August 19th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of August, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of August, 1993. /4/4; #1/// 40' REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-47 (as amended by By-law No. 95-17) WHEREAS Section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992 empowers municipal Councils to pass by- laws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of enacting a by-law under Section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. SHORT TITLE 1. 1 This By-law may be cited as "The Building By-law". 2. DEFINITIONS 2. 1 "Act" means the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended. 2.2 "Building" means a structure occupying an area greater than 10 square metres consisting of a wall, roof and floor, or any one or more of them, or a structural system serving the function thereof, including all the works, fixtures and service systems appurtenant thereto;and includes such other structures as are designated in the regulations. It does not include the replacement of roofing metal or shingles nor minor repairs providing the structural system is not involved or altered 2.3 "Building Code" means the regulations made under Section 34 of the Act. 2.4 "Chief Building Official" means the Chief Building Official appointed by the By-law of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for the purpose of enforcement of the Act. 2.5 "Corporation" means the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 2.6 "Farm Building" means a farm building as defined in the Building Code. 2.7 "Permit" means written permission or written authorization from the chief building official to perform work regulated by this by-law and the Act. 2.8 "Plumbing" means plumbing as defined in Section 1(1) of the Act. 3. DUTn AND POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 3. 1 The Authority having jurisdiction shall administer this by-law and keep records of all applications received, permits and orders issued, inspections and tests made, and shall retain copies of all papers and documents connected with the administration of this by-law, which will form part of the public records. 3.2 The Authority having jurisdiction may: 3.2. 1 Enter any building or premises at a reasonable time for the purpose of administering or enforcing this by-law. By-Law No. 93-47 (as amended) - 2 _ 3.2.2 Cause a written notice to be delivered to the owner of any property directing him to correct any condition where in the opinion of the Authority having Jurisdiction, that conditions constitute a violation of this by-law. 3.2.3 Order the owner to stop work on the building, if it is proceeding in contravention of this by-law or if it is an unsafe condition. 3.2.4 Direct that tests of materials, devices, construction methods, structural assemblies or foundation conditions be made, or sufficient evidence or proof be submitted at the expense of the owner, where such evidence or proof is necessary to determine whether the material, device, construction or foundation condition meets the requirements of this by-law. 3.2.5 Revoke or refuse to issue a permit where, in its opinion, the results of tests referred to clauses 3.2.4 are not satisfactory. 3.2.6 Order the removal of any building erected or placed in violation of this by-law. 4. PERMITS 4. 1 Classes of Permits with respect to the Construction of Buildings shall be as set out below: 4. 1 . 1 Building Permit - Required under subsection 8(1) of the Act. May•include plumbing and/or farm buildings and/or heating, ventilation and air conditioning permits. _ 4. 1 .2 Plumbing Permit - Formerly issued under by-laws made under the Ontario Water Resources Act. May be classed under building permit. 4. 1 .3 Conditional Permit - Authorized under subsection 8(3) of the Act. 4. 1 .4 Change of Use Permit - Required under subsection 10(1 ) of the Act. 4.1.5 Demolition Permit - Required under subsection 8(1) of the Act. 4.2 To obtain a permit the owner or his authorized agent shall the an application in writing on the form prescribed by the Chief Official, and pay the fee prescribed for such permit. 4.3 Except as otherwise permitted by the Chief Official, every applicant shall: 4.3. 1 Identify and describe in detail the work and proposed occupancy to be covered by the permit for which the application is made; 4.3.2 Describe the land on which the work is done, by a description that will readily identify and locate the building lot; 4.4 Except as otherwise permitted by the Chief Official, every Application shall: 4.4. 1 State the valuation of the proposed work including materials, the labour, and be accompanied by the required fee; 4.4.2 State the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner, authorized agent, architect, engineer, or other designer and constructor, and; 4.4.3 Be accompanied by a written acknowledgement of the owner that he has . i By-Law No. 93-47 (as amended) - 3 - retained an architect or professional engineer to carry out the field review of the construction where required by the Building Code, and; 4.4.4 Be signed by the owner or his authorized agent who shall certify the truth of the contents of the application. 4.5 Where a permit has not been issued and the information' in an application changes, the applicant shall notify the Chief Official in writing of the changes. 4.6 An application for a permit may be deemed to have been abandoned and cancelled six (6) months after the date of filing, unless such application is being seriously proceeded with. 4.6. 1 Where the construction of the building is, in the opinion of the Chief Official substantially suspended or discontinued for a period of more than one year, the Chief Official may revoke a permit. 4.7 No owner or authorized agent shall move any buildings into or within the Township of Bayham without first obtaining a Building Construction Permit and Moving Permit. 5. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 5. 1 Sufficient information shall be submitted with each application for a permit to enable the Chief Official to determine whether or not the proposed work will conform with the Act, the regulations thereunder and any other applicable by- laws or statutes. • 5.2 When required by the Chief Official, plans and specif cations shall be provided. 5.3 Plans drawn to scale upon paper, cloth or other substantial materials shall be clear and durable and shall indicate the nature and extent of the work, or proposed occupancy, and shall include one of each of the following: 5.3. 1 Site plans. 5.3.2 Structural drawings, 5.4 Unless otherwise permitted by the Chief Building Official in writing, the site plan referred to in Section 5.3. 1 shall; 5.4. 1 Be drawn to scale. 5.4.2 Show the dimensions of any building existing and proposed and it's relationship to adjoining buildings, parking spaces and their location, off street loading areas, location of driveways, landscaped areas, signs, fences and all other structures, drains and such other information as the Chief Building Official may require. 5.4.3 Indicate finished grades and elevations; 5.4.4 Show the information relative to drainage; 5.5 Unless otherwise permitted by the Chief Official in writing the structural drawings referred to in section 5.3,2 shall; 5.5. 1 Show the structural elements required to frame and brace the structural horizontally and vertically. 5,5.2 Sections and details must be sufficient to enable these to be checked; By-Law No. 93-47 (as amended) - 4 - 5.5.3 All loads and conditions of loading shall be noted on the drawings; 5.5.4 Show all structural steel indicating sizes and shapes in their proper location together with the type of steel used; 5.5.5 Show any reinforced concrete work and indicate thickness of concrete, size and spacing and type of reinforcing steel, the strength of concrete and minimum thickness of concrete cover to steel reinforcement; 5.5.6 Show all lintels with their location and size. 5.6 In lieu of separate specifications, the Chief Official may allow the essential information to be shown on the plans; 5.7 Where a permit has been issued, application shall be made in writing to the Chief Official for any revision of the permit before any change is made. 5.8 Where application is made for a demolition permit under subsection 8(1) of Et Act, the application shall: 5.8. 1 Contain the information required by clauses 4.3. 1 to 4.4.4.. 5.8.2 Be accompanied by satisfactory proof that arrangements have been made with the proper authorities for the cutting off and plugging of all water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone or other utilities and services. 5.9 Where application is made for a conditional permit under subsection 8(3) of the Act, the application shall: 5,9. 1 Contain the information required by clauses 4.3. 1 to 4.4.4 5.9.2 Contain such other information, plans and specifications concerning the complete project as the Chief Building Official may require. 5.9.3 State the reasons why the applicant believes that unreasonable delays in construction would occur if a conditional permit is not granted. 5.9.4 State the necessary approvals which must be obtained in respect of the proposed building and the time in which such approvals were obtained. 5.9.5 State the time in which plans and specifications of the complete building will be filed with the Chief Building Official. 5. 10 Every application for a change of use permit issued under subsection :10(1) of the Act shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official, and shall: 5. 10. 1 Describe the building in which the occupancy is to be changed, by a description that will readily identify and locate the building. 5. 10.2 Identify and describe in detail the current and proposed occupancies of the building or part of a building for which the application is made. 5. 10.3 Include plans and specifications which show the current and proposed occupancy of all parts of the building, and which contain sufficient information to establish compliance with the requirements of the Building Code, including: floor plans; details of wall, ceiling and roof assemblies identifying required fire resistance ratings and load bearings capacities. 5. 10.4 Be accompanied by the required fee, By-Law No. 93-47 (as amended) - 5 5. 10.5 State the name, address and telephone number of the owner. 5.10.6 Be signed by the owner or his or her authorized agent who shall certify the truth of the contents of the application. 5. 11 Where an application for a permit or for authorization to make a material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a permit was issued, contains an equivalent material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested, the following information shall be provided; 5. 11. 1 A description of the proposed material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested. 5. 11 .2 Any applicable provisions of the Building Code. 5. 11.3 Evidence that the proposed material, system or building design will provide the level of performance required by the Building Code. 6. FEES 6. 1 Fees for a required permit shall be set out in Schedule "A" to this by-law and are due and payable upon submission of an application for a permit. • 6. 1. 1 Fees payable in respect of an application for a change of use permit under Subsection 10(1) of the Act are based on a flat rate of $50.00 as set out in Schedule "A". 6. 1 .2 Occupancy Permits - no permit shall be issued. 6.2 Where the fees are based on the cost or valuation of the proposed work regulated by the permit, including the cost of all material, labour, equipment, overhead and professional and related services. 6.3 The Chief Official may place valuation on the cost of the work and the applicant shall pay the prescribed fee before the issuance of the permit. 6.4 The permit fee may be recovered if the project is abandoned with a minimum payment of $40.00 for administration cost. Any permit worth less than $40.00 is non-refundable. 6.5 Where any person or corporation commences construction without obtaining a permit under Section 4 of this By-law fees for the required permit shall be set out in Schedule "B" to this by-law and are due and payable upon submission of an application for a permit. 7. TIME OF NOTICE OF INSPECTION, RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES OF THE OWNERS 7. 1 The Person to whom the permit has been issued shall notify the Chief Official of; 7. 1. 1 The proposed commencement of construction of the building, two or more working days prior to the commencement thereof; 7. 1 .2 The completion of construction before occupation, within two working days prior to occupation of the building; 7. 1.3 The change in the class of occupancy of any building, or part thereof; By-Law No. 93-47 - 6 8. PROVISION FOR OFFENCES 8. 1 Any person who contravenes any provision of this Act, or the regulations of any by-law passed under the authority of this Act, is guilty of an offence and, upon summary conviction is liable to a fine or imprisonment, as provided by the Act. 9. BY-LAWS WHICH CONTRAVENE THIS BY-LAW 9. 1 By-Laws No. 1888, No. 2140, No. 2603 and No. 2629 and any other By-Law which contravene this By-Law is hereby repealed. 10. EFFECT 10.1 This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of SEPTEMBER 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of SEPTEMBER 1993. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 95-52 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-47 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Schedule A to By-law No. 93-47 with respect to fees for building permits. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-47 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THIS By-law comes into force and take effect upon final. passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 26th day of OCTOBER, 1995. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 26th day of OCTOBER, 1995. t/.7tte - - • /Dal A, - DEPUTY REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 95-52 l RESIDENTIAL BVUDINGS a) New Single Family Dwellings $30.00 plus Multiple Dwellings .25 per sq. foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements. Structures in 1(b) will be an additional .15 per sq foot b) Attached garages, carports, $30.00 plus in door swimming pools, solariums, . 15 per sq. foot and any roofed over decks or porches, etc c) To construct an accessory building & renovations $25.00 plus eg: sheds, garages, carports 3.00 per thousand 2. AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS a) Kilns - Tobacco Silo & Manure Tanks $40.00 per unit Bunk Houses _ b) Corn Cribs $30.00 per unit Steel Granaries 5.00 for each additional unit c) Renovations to Farm Buildings $25.00 plus 2.00 per thousand d) Farm Buildings and Additions $25.00 plus 3.00 per thousand 1st $1,000.00 no charge 3_ COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL. INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS a) New or Renovations $45.00 plus 3,00 per thousand b) Swimming Pools - Above ground $30.00 • Inground pools $40.00 • Public swimming pools $40.00 plus 3.00 per thousand c) Sign Permits $35.00 Schedule "A" to By-law 95-52 - 2 - 4, MISCELI.ANEOU$ (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling $40.00 plus on a farm or trailer park 2.00 per thousand (b) Modular Homes $40.00 plus 2.50 per thousand (c) Temporary Mobile Homes (for farm help) $40.00 plus any conditions (Renewable every 3 years at a cost laid out by Council of$40.00 for each 3 year term.) (d) Temporary Mobile Homes $40.00 plus any conditions (used on site while residence is laid out by Council under construction) (e) Existing building and houses $40.00 plus moved to a new site 2.00 per thousand (f) The Chief Building Official may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is a minimum $15.00. DEMOLITION PERMITS 1. Any structure other than referred to in section the building code. 2. Structures falling under section $25.00 per unit 6. EXCEPTIONS Inspections carred out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in'place, carry a $40.00 inspection fee. I Change of use permit $50.00 2. Conditional permit as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5.9 to 5.9(V) fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law. 0 SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW NO. 95-52 I. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS a) New Single Family Dwellings $45.00 plus Multiple Dwellings .38 per sq. foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements. Structures in 1(b) will be an additional .23 per sqfoot b) Attached garages, carports, $45.00 plus in door swimming pools, solariums, 23 per sq. foot and any roofed over decks or porches, etc. c) To construct an accessory building & renovations $37.50 plus eg: sheds, garages, carports 4.50 per thousand 2. AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS a) Kilns - Tobacco Silo & Manure Tanks $60.00 per unit Bunk.Houses b) Corn Cribs $45.00 per unit Steel Granaries 7.50 for each additional unit c) Renovations to Farm Buildings $37.50 plus 3.00 per thousand d) Farm Buildings and Additions $37 50 plus 4.50 per thousand 1st $1,000.00 no charge 3. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL, ussurUTIQNAL BUILDINGS a) New or Renovations $67.50 plus 4.50 per thousand b) Swimming Pools - Above ground $45.00 • Inground Pods $60.00 - Public swimming pools $60.00 plus 4.50 per thousand c) Sign Permits $52 50 Schedule "B" to By-law 95-52 - 2 - 4. MISCELLANEOUS (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling $60.00 plus on a farm or trailer park 3.00 per thousand (b) Modular Homes . $60.00 plus 3.75 per thousand (c) Temporary Mobile Homes (for farm help) $60.00 plus any conditions (Renewable every 3 years at a cost laid out by Council of$40 00 for each 3 year term.) (d) Temporary Mobile Homes $60.00 plus any conditions (used on site while residence is laid out by Council under construction) (e) Existing building and houses $60.00 plus moved to a new site 3.00 per thousand (f) The Chief Building Official may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is a minimum $15.00. 5. DEMOLITIQN PERMITS • I . My Structure other than referred to in section 2.4. 1.1.(2) of the building code. 2. Structures falling under section $37.50 per unit 6. EXCEPTIONS Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place, carry a $40.00 inspection fee. I. Change of use permit $75.00 2. Conditional permit as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the _ requirements of 5.9 to 5.9(V) fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law. SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 93-47 1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS a) New Single Family Dwellings $30.00 plus Multiple Dwellings .25 per sq. foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements. Structures in 1(b) will be an additional . 15 per sq. foot b) Attached garages, carports, $30.00 plus in door swimming pools, solariums, . 15 per sq. foot and any roofed over decks or porches, etc. c) To construct an accessory building & renovations $25.00 plus eg: sheds, garages, carports, farm buildings 3.00 per thousand 2. AGRICULTURAL BUILDLNGS a) Kilns - Tobacco Silo & Manure Tanks $40.00 per unit Bunk Houses b) Corn Cribs $30.00 per unit Steel Granaries 5.00 for each additional unit c) Renovations & Additions to Farm Buildings $20.00 plus 2.00 per thousand d) Farm Buildings & Additions $25.00 plus 3.00 per thousand 1st $1,000.00 no charge 3. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTI, )N6I( BUILDINGS a) New or Renovations $45.00 plus 3.00 per thousand b) Swimming Pools - Above ground $30.00 - Inground pools $40.00 - Public swimming pools $40.00 plus 3.00.per thousand c) Sign Permits $35.00 SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW NO. 93-47 1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS a) New Single Family Dwellings $45.00 plus Multiple Dwellings .38 per sq. foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements. b) Attached garages, carports, in door swimming pools, solariums, .23 per sq. foot and any roofed over decks or porches, etc. c) To construct an accessory building & renovatio667.50 plus eg: sheds, garages, carports, farm buildings 4.50 per thousand 2. AGRICVLTLrRAL BUILDINGS a) . Kilns - Tobacco Silo & Manure Tanks $60.00 per unit Bunk Houses b) Corn Cribs $45.00 per unit Steel Granaries 7.50 for each additional unit c) Renovations & Additions to Farm Buildings $45.00 plus 3.00 per thousand d) Farm Buildings & Additions $37.50 plus 4.50 per thousand 1st $1,000.00 no charge 3. COM EER. IAL INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS a) New or Renovations $67.50 plus 4.50 per thousand b) Swimming Pools - Above ground $45.00 Inground pools $60.00 - Public swimming pools $60.00 plus 4.50 per thousand c) Sign Permits $52.50 Schedule "BR to By-law 93-47 - 2 __ 4. MLSCELLAN EOU S (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling $60.00 plus on a farm & trailer park 3.00 per thousand (b) Temporary Mobile Homes $60.00 plus any conditions laid out by Council Renewable every 3 years at a cost of $60.00 for each 3 year term. (c) The Chief Building Official may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is a minimum $15.00. 5. DEMOLITION PERMITS a) Any structure other than referred to in section 2.4. 1. 1 .(2) of the building code. b) Structures falling under section $37.50 per unit 6. EXCEPTIONS Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place, carry a $40.00 inspection fee. a) Change of use permit $75.00 b) Conditional permits as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5.9 to 5.9(V) fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law. { Schedule "B" to By-law 93-47 - 2 - 4. MISC EL L EOUS (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling $40.00 plus on a farm & trailer park 2.00 per thousand (b) Temporary Mobile Homes $40.00 plus any conditions laid out by Council Renewable every 3 years at a cost of $40.00 for each 3 year term. (c) The Chief Building Official may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is a minimum $15.00. 5. DEMOLITION PERMITS a) Any structure other than referred to in section 2.4. 1 . 1.(2) of the building code. b) Structures falling under section $25.00 per unit 6. EXCEPTION$ Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place, carry a $40.00 inspection fee. a) Change of use permit $50.00 • • b) Conditional permits as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5.9 to 5.9(V) fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 95-17 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-47 (BUILDING BY-LAW) WITH RESPECT TO THE SCHEDULE OF FEES TO BE CHARGED WHEREAS Section 7 of the Building Code Act, S.U. 1992 Chapter 23, empowers municipal Councils to pass by-laws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections and for the charging of fees for issuing of permits. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham enacted By-law No. 93-47 under Section 7 of the Building Code Act. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham considers it necessary to amend By-- iaw Na. 93-47 to provide for charging a fee for filing an application after construction has commenced. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT By-law No. 93-47 is hereby amended by adding to Section 6 a new Subsection 6.5 to read as follows. "6,5 Where any person or corporation commences construction without obtaining a permit under Section 4 of this By-law fees for the required permit shall be set out in Schedule "B" to this by-law and are due and payable upon submission of an application for a permit. 2. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TLME this 6th day of APRIL, 1995. READ A THIRD TLME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6th day or APRIL, 1995. ill(0.'"..r11•••••••..m.e....0 age--; REEVE CLERK 1111//111 SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW NO. 93-47 I. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS New Single Family Dwellings $45.00 plus Multiple Dwellings .38 per sq. foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements. Attached garages, carports, in door swimming pools, solariums, .23 per sq. foot and any roofed over decks or porches. etc. To construct an accessory building & renovations $37.50 plus eg: sheds, garages, carports, farm buildings 4.50 per thousand 2. AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS Kilns - Tobacco Silo & Manure Tanks $60.00 per unit Bunk Houses Corn Cribs Steel Granaries $45.00 per unit 7.50 for each additional unit Renovations & Additions to Farm Buildings $45.00 plus 3.00 per thousand Farm Buildings & Additions $37.50 plus 4.50 per thousand 1st $1,000.00 no charge 3. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS New or Renovations $67.50 plus 4.50 per thousand Swimming Pools - Above ground $45.00 Inground pools $60.00 • Public swimming pools $60.00 plus 4.50 per thousand Sign Permits $52.50 Schedule "B" to By-law 93-47 - 2 - 4. MISCELLANEOUS (a) Mobile Homes as a second dwelling 560.00 plus on a farm & trailer park 3.00 per thousand (b) Temporary Mobile Homes $60.00 plus any conditions laid out by Council Renewable every 3 years at a cost of $60.00 for each 3 year term. (c) The Chief Building Official may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is a minimum $15.00. 5. DEMOLITION PERMITS 1,. . Any structure other than referred to in section 2.4. 1. 1,.(2) of the building code. 2. Structures falling under section $37.50 per unit . EXCEPTIONS Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place, carry a $40.00 inspection fee. 1. Change of use permit $75.00 2. Conditional permits as required under subsection 8(3)of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5.9 to 5.9(V) fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law. li CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 95-52 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-47 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Schedule A to By-law No. 93-47 with respect to fees for building permits. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-47 is hereby amended by deleting Schedule "A" and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THIS By-law comes into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 26th day of OCTOBER, 1995. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 26th day of OCTOBER, 1995. DEPUTY REEVE CLERK 4.( if UM t t „ k>, TO BY-LAW NO. 95-52 RESIDENTIAL BUILDLNG a) New Single Family Dwellings $30 00 plus Multiple Dwellings 25 per sq foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements Structures in 1(b)will be an additional 15 per sq foot b) Attached garages, carports, S30 00 plus in door swimming pools, solanums; 15 per sq foot and any roofed over decks or porches. etc c) To construct an accessory building& renovations $25 00 plus eg sheds, garages, carports 3 00 per thousand 2 AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS a) Kilns - Tobacco Silo& Manure Tanks $40 00 per unit Bunk Houses b) Corn Cribs , $30 00 per unit Steel Granaries 5 00 for each additional unit c) Renovations to Farm Buildings $25 00 plus 2 00 per thousand d) Farm Buildings and Additions $25 00 plus 3 00 per thousand 1st Sl,00 (X) no charge COMMERCIAL INDL'STRIAL,INSTTTUTlQNAL BUJ DINGS a) New or Renovations $45 00 plus 3 00 per thousand b) Swimming Pools - Above ground S30 00 Inground pools S40 00 Public swimming pools $40 00 plus 3 00 per thousand C) Sign Permits $35 (X) • Schedule"A" to By-law 95.52 - 2 4 MISCELL.ANEQL S (a) Mobile Homes as a second dwelling S40 00 plus on a farm or trailer park 2 00 per thousand (b) Modular Homes $40.00 plus 2.50 per thousand (c) Temporary Mobile Homes(for farm help) S40 00 plus any conditions (Renewable every 3 years at a cost laid out by Council of S40 00 for each 3 year term ) (d) Temporary Mobile Homes S40 00 plus any conditions (used on site while residence is- laid out by Council under construction) (e) Existing building and houses $40 00 plus moved to a new site 200 per thousand (f) The Chief Building Official may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission The fee for this service is a minimum S15 00 5 DEMOLITION PERMITS 1 Any structure other than referred to in section 2 4.1 1.(2)of the building code. 2 Structures falling under section 2 3.2 3 (1) S25 00 per unit 6 EXCEPTIONS Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place, carry a S40 00 inspection fee. Change of use permit $50.00 2 Conditional permit as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5 9 to ; 9(V) fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law Hi- tai 1 F }g" TO BY-LAW NO. 95-52 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS a) New Single Family Dwellings S45 00 plus Multiple Dwellings 38 per sq foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements Structures in 1(b) will be an additional 23 per sq foot b) Attachcd garages. carports $45 00 plus in door swimming pools, solariums, 23 per sq foot and any roofed over decks or porches, etc - c) To construct an accessory budding& renovations 537.50 plus eg sheds, garages, carports 4 50 per thousand 2 AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS a) Kilns - Tobacco Silo& Manure Tanks $60 00 per unit Bunk Houses b) Corn Cribs $45 00 per unit Steel Grananes 7 50 for each additional unit C) Renovations to Farm Buildings 537 50 plus 3 CO per thousand d) Farm Buildings and Additions S37 50 plus 4 50 per thousand 1st $1,000 00 no charge t OMMERCIAL IN DI S i RIAL INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS a) New or Renovations $67 50 plus 4 50 per thousand b) Swimming Pools Above ground 54500 Inwound pools $60 00 Public swimming pools $60 00 plus 4 50 per thousand c) Sign Permits $52 50 Schedule "B" to By-law 95-S2 - 2 - 4 MISCELLANEOUS (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling $60 00 plus on a farm or trailer park 3 00 per thousand (b) Modular Homes $60 00 plus 3 75 per thousand (c) Temporary Mobile Homes(for farm help) $60.00 plus any conditions (Renewable every 3 years at a cost laid out by Council of$40 00 for each 3 year term (d) Temporary Mobile Homes $60 00 plus any conditions (used on site while residence is laid out by Council under construction) (e) Existing building and houses $60.00 plus moved to a new site 3 00 per thousand (f) The Chief Building ficial may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission The fee for this service is a minimum Sl5 00 5 DEMOLITION PERMITS Any structure other than referred to in section 2 4 1 1 (2)of the building code 2 Structures falling under section 2 3 2.311) $37 50 per unit 6 EXCEPTIONS Inspections camed out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place, carry a S40 00 inspection fee Change of use permit S75 00 Conditional permit as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5 9 to 5 9(V) fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-48 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL TO ADJUST THEIR MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Village of the Port Burwell to provide for the adjustment of their municipal boundaries. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. I. THAT the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Village of the Port Burwell to provide for the adjustment of their municipal boundaries and that such agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms a part of this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Corporation.to execute the said agreement and affix thereto the corporate seal of the Corporation and cause to be prepared and execute any documents, report, forms and correspondence as may be required in order to give effect to the agreement and the application therein referred to. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of September, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of November 1993. 1/// 3-, //, mt(t) REEVE CLLR CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 93-49 BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ERECTION OF A STOP SIGN AT AN INTERSECTION WHEREAS Section 137 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8 permits municipalities to pass by-laws to provide for the erection of stop signs at intersections on highways under its jurisdiction; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The intersection on the highways set out in Column I are designated as intersections where a stop sign shall be erected at the location shown in Column 2. Column 1 Column 2 Intersection Facing Traffic Wardwalk and the road between Westbound on Wardwaik Lot 126 and•Lot 127, S.T.R. 2. The penalties provided in Section 214 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. Each designation made by Section 1 shall not become effective until stop signs have been erected in accordance with the regulations of the Highway Traffic Act. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of September 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of September 1993. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-51 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in .respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held September 2nd, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of September, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of September, 1993. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-52 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held September 16th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of September, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of September, 1993. ‘-'" 4;// REEVE: CLERK RATING BY-LAW CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-53 BEING A BY-LAW IMPOSING SPECIAL ANNUAL DRAINAGE RATES UPON LAND IN RESPECT OF WHICH MONEY IS BORROWED UNDER THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT. WHEREAS owners of land in the municipality have applied to the council under the Tile Drainage Act, for loans for the purpose of constructing subsurface drainage works on such land; AND WHEREAS the council has upon their application lent the owners the total sum of $9,700.00 to be repaid with interest by means of rates hereinafter imposed: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, BY THE COUNCIL, THAT ANNUAL RATES AS SET OUT IN THE SCHEDULE ATTACHED HERETO ARE HEREBY IMPOSED UPON SUCH LAND AS DESCRIBED FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, SUCH RATES TO BE LEVIED AND COLLECTED IN THE SAME MANNER AS TAXES. FIRST READING 9th day of SEPTEMBER, 1993. SECOND READING 9th day of SEPTEMBER, 1993. THIRD READING - PASSED this 9th day of SEPTEMBER, 1993 yf /411 ". Ai A rfAu.r REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW 93-53 NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DATE SUM TO BE ANNUAL RATE TO OF OWNER LAND DRAINED OF LOAN LOANED BE IMPOSED Rudy Garner Part Lot 126, Concession 6 November 1 , 1993 $9,500.00 $1 ,415.78 R.R. #1, Straffordviile, Ont TOTAL $9,500.00 $1,415.78 • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-54 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action . by the Council at its meeting held September 30th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly .embodiedin this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 30th day of September, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 30th day of September, 1993. REEVE CLERK • 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 9355 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 14TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held October 14th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 14th day of October, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 14th day of October, 1993. lycylpv/ REEVE CLERK ''� CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-56 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 21ST, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held October 21st, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 21st day of October, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of October, 1993. #J/! i REEVE CLICK BY-LAW NO. 93-58 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 96 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 94 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of November, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of November, 1993. REEVE {..// CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-Law No. 93-58 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK OFFICIAL PLkN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 96 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-Law No. 93-58, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 4th day of November, 1993. AC"fir` vw » ("2].:7 - I' REEVE CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 96 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCA'I" ON The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 3.3 hectares (8.9 acres) and is situated on the north side of Chapel Street in Part Lot 15, Concession 3. The Village of Vienna surrounds the subject lands on the north, east and west. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting on the south side of Big Otter Creek. Part of the property is occupied by a non-farm dwelling and several accessory buildings. That part is proposed to be severed into a 1.2 hectare lot thereby creating a 0.5 hectare lot to the west and a 1.6 hectare lot to the east of the existing dwelling. Two new estate residential dwellings would be permitted on these lands. Section 4.3.2. of the Official Plan prescribes criteria for the redesignation of land for estate residential. purposes. A review of these criteria indicates the proposal is in accordance with these criteria as they apply to the subject lands. The built up nature of the local area and the size and shape of the subject lands severely hinders any agricultural potential on these lands. The rear portion of these lands are within a flood sensitive area as determined by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. Development must meet appropriate flood proofing measures and the fill line guidelines prescribed by the Conservation Authority. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT I) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural- Estate Residential", those lands indicated in black on the attached Schedule 'A', which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Estate-Residential as amended, and Section 4.4.8 Valley Walls and Top of Bank. —**1411111C31.11110 P1 SCHEDULE A 1111111 111;c- IPOFFICIAL PLAN OF THE IlliPvol• . �. ,, • ,V •� t TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ti1 ,, or AdOili. 0 i :P 4 . . ro FUTURE LAND USE 1111 i 4 zit! 4II AMENDMENT No. 96 1- t; ! t°;14 ,1ck II . ��?"102111. ,, f � AGRICULTURE . ILPti c' ,... 0 RURAL IP.' � ;4 ota� '• r.:TEctAssincAnemospinALT*N9 moots HOME ARKS SEASONAL TRAVEL TR A II*141.141441111 CAMPGROUNDS 1 t ,r Oil R ' RECREATIONAL lir‘t pIJRJG INEITTUTIONAL ` +Olt 4111 O r41' np fDh4 f rissi 1 IS MI 41 1000 I •IraUordville II. . M iao4m/o 4.....aft 1 al : SMO SAO Mbi it 4/Alw 1b loll+CfUMt A i 111 Ire►qr VpMN7 IIM tiOmP010011111111 MM.It CNN WOULD •..4f..a.O74.f!NMA o!M►..G.rd. 'ALIM , .' t HAZARD LANDS rf11111PPP$1111 N n .... R•11S:'. t;.-1...VACONSERVATION LANDS A 0��P r I MINERAL RESOURCE AREAS HAMLETS 1110114 i1M �, � a�avE�tvrAREA9)til --(..-- PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS f It . . b., * , . Ni g Ni 441,, il 111 ER ARTIAL ROADS ti lopiow- ; — -- (COUNTlyTER ROADS,MMM 1111N11111Iiii-7.- li 36 1..Argros owiasommar.rATI Z Ili i -iii 1110�+ 1 •..'V 444 " O W Ili I 1 , mg w ,,, . ' , , 1,4 4.44, 0 '" ill" Ct. ►,ort - cl ;i 4111111111111114A!, in o z000 4000 ,:.,,,,,,.. .... • o 5000 10900 15900 t Fort SCALE I 75 000 I TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B t AMENDMENT NO . 96 1111:2/7;•.:::-....>4*.........---� • Ili IJr , Mill=0,.1.11, , !� 1 • ; Lam.._ �---• • • ! ''..../ , ' 2e, 11 , ..c.,, , m. • . r' >•rr"\ �rw/'t i 9.-0t -"%, a • ;Y�. .0 g ._ \.r!..‘ , `' f Jam./" 1r 1 /� -. Ir . • • v. 1 a � i. • ••, yS , # i ,2G �/ II #77, 'I "'NI \ Ivo �, �'' ° o -� 0 , '' z3 0 : ; `. _�, r ,,.-+ f i / 1. _ , s . r Q .1s J t d! to` • 1 1420 -1 ? • ' i ri.St 41 .., _., cl.„ ----.:" 0 -- .--....,...., ....---- --" , O' e. ,,i3 • . ii.4"-A ...41 ,:07,1 , 1 ' o' : 000 j -Ittti; i, , • ,, ! •« - `� o0 1 ' t: 11 '7 r LOT 1 r �' w LoT,., 5' j LOT 16 //LT f • �, ..% ,4 C a.N C E S S I,ON III I I� ti .;. �-.. ,� N. . M f %CO f ...... ...ii:..•�/ , 202 tI • 1, __._ !r ,�• .1 0 T .. , ',�„�,!1/! it :P' % • 1/4 \.,.............„- 1 I .t \`� +�:. `- _ i is ,9 3 ! i / ��ff......... ! .�' �,✓ .....t 1 f ''`` • ,\ \ ter _ �\ / 2 E�1 S 'f�� • '',L...„.........,......',..:-.,:z.,... , -1. 11...... 46..... .......---.... .......2.,„ „,.....___..—„,. ---____ --- --------........„ . ,• • „.••., r \ /0-'0 • Base Mao Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS . • RESIDENTIAL UNIT FARM BUILDINGSli). WOODLOT • GARAGES/ SHEDS , • 0 2 8QA'1 5001 MOTE: This map is for clarification purposes only . Scat*: 1:10.000 BY-LAW NO. 93-58 AMENDMENT NUMBER 96 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: GOUTOUSKI ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 15, CONCESSION 3 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 96 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhat CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-59 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 4TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held November 4th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of November, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of November, 1993. i 2 1 r d REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-60 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JOSEPH A. CHRASTINA AND VICTORIA CHRASTINA TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXTRACTION OF GRAVEL AND PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT THEREOF AT LOT 1 IN CONCESSION 3, TOWNSHIP OF NORFOLK IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK. WHEREAS Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina are the owners of part of Lot I in Concession 3, Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina entered into an agreement to provide for the terms and conditions in payment for the extraction of gravel from the aforesaid Lot 1 in Concession 3, Township of Norfolk. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient that the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enter into a new agreement with the aforesaid Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel from the aforesaid Lot 1 in Concession 3, Township of Norfolk. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . That the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute an agreement with Joseph Chrastina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel on the lands of the said Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina at Lot 1 in Concession 3, Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk. 2. That the said agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms a part of this by- law. 3. That By-Law No. 2567 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of November, 1993, READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th day of November, 1993. i// // /1 ,••••• 4/Clor REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 93-60 THIS AGREEMENT, made in triplicate this 18th day of November. BETWEEN: JOSEPH A. CHRASTINA AND VICTORIA CHRASTINA, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORFOLK, IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK. HEREINAFTER CALLED "CHRASTINA" OF THE FIRST PART, AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "TOWNSHIP" OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Chrastina`s farm in Lot 1 , Concession 3 '- NTR of the Township of Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk contains a gravel deposit, and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms an conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . Chrastina agrees to sell to the Township all available gravel on their farm lands, being part of the said Lot I, Concession 3, NTR of the Township of Norfolk, at the price of One Dollar and Forty Cents ($1.40) per cubic yard. 1 The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel which can be economically excavated from Chrastina on the portion of their said lands at Lot I, Concession 3, NTR, Norfolk shown on attached Schedule "A". 3. The Township will utilize an existing driveway from the concession road easterly to the pit area, and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement. 4. The Township covenants, agrees, warrants and represents that it shall: (a) During the course of this agreement keep accurate records and books correctly showing all gravel products that have been removed or caused or deemed to be removed from the premises and shall produce such records and books and permit Chrastina or its agents to inspect same and take extracts or copies thereof; (b) Permit Chrastina or its assigns to use, farm, lease or otherwise deal with any portion of the lands not required for the removal of gravel products; • • (c) Assume the risk or injury which may be sustained by it or any employee, agent, servant, workman, assignee, customer or any other person who may be upon or near the premises or any buildings thereon or the entrance or appurtenance thereto and shall save Chrastina harmless and indemnified therefrom. (d) Not remove any topsoil from the lands; (e) Use such methods in its operations as will do as little damage as possible to the unworked portion of the premises and rehabilitate the said lands in accordance with the plans and rehabilitation approved under the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.8 required from time to time. (f) Pay all municipal and provincial and other assessments, taxes, licences and expenses saving and excepting only land taxes and local improvement taxes and shall at its own expense build, construct and maintain fences, berms, plant trees if required and in all respects fully comply with local laws, municipal laws, provincial laws and all other by-laws, statutes, regulations and requirements including the Aggregate Resources Act. 5. The Township covenants and agrees that the benefits and obligations contained within this agreement shall not be assigned or sub-let without the consent of the Chrastinas. 6. Chrastina must review and consent to the site ptans for extraction and restoration of the lands disclosed in this agreement prior to the commencement of extraction. 7. Township agrees not to extract to a depth greater than the clay level or water table. 8. Township agrees to strip all top soil prior to excavation and replace same after gravel extraction. Township agrees that Chrastina is entitled to all depletion allowances pursuant to the Income Tax Act. 10. Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel at their own expense. 11. The agreement shall expire April 30, 1994. • 12. The agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors, administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of: ) ) ) ) ph A. Chrasti ) ) ) Vria Chrastina ) ) . . ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) PER: ) ) ) ) REEVE ) ) / ) / ) CLE ) ) SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 93-60 THIS AGREEMENT, made in triplicate this 18th day of November. BETWEEN: JOSEPH A. CHRASTINA AND VICTORIA CHRASTINA, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORFOLK, IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK, HEREINAFTER CALLED "CHRASTINA" OF THE FIRST PART, AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "TOWNSHIP" OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Chrastina's farm in Lot I , Concession 3 - NTR of the Township of Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk contains a gravel deposit, and it has been agreed • that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms an conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Chrastina agrees to sell to the Township all available gravel on their farm lands, being part of the said Lot 1, Concession 3, NTR of the Township of Norfolk, at the price of One Dollar and Forty Cents ($1.40) per cubic yard. 2. The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel which can be economically excavated from Chrastina on the portion of their said lands at Lot I, Concession 3, NTR, Norfolk shown on attached Schedule "A". 3. The Township will utilize an existing driveway from the concession road easterly to the pit area, and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement. 4 The Township covenants, agrees, warrants and represents that it shall: (a) During the course of this agreement keep accurate records and books correctly showing all gravel products that have been removed or caused or deemed to be removed from the premises and shall produce such records and books and permit Chrastina or its agents to inspect same and take extracts or copies thereof, (b) Permit Chrastina or its assigns to use, farm, lease or otherwise deal with any portion of the lands not required for the removal of gravel products; (c) Assume the risk or injury which may be sustained by it or any employee, agent,. servant, workman, assignee, customer or any other person who may be upon or near the premises or any buildings thereon or the entrance or appurtenance thereto and shall save Chrastina harmless and indemnified therefrom. (d) Not remove any topsoil from the lands; (e) Use such methods in its operations as will do as little damage as possible to the unworked portion of the premises and rehabilitate the said lands in accordance with the plans and rehabilitation approved under the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, e. A.8 required from time to time. (f) Pay all municipal and provincial and other assessments, taxes, licences and expenses saving and excepting only land taxes and local improvement taxes and shall at its own expense build, construct and maintain fences, berms, plant trees if required and in all respects fully comply with local laws, municipal laws, provincial laws and all other by-laws, statutes, regulations and requirements including the Aggregate Resources Act. S. The Township covenants and agrees that the benefits and obligations contained within this agreement shall not be assigned or sub-let without the consent of the Chrastinas. 6. Chrastina must review and consent to the site plans for extraction and restoration of the lands disclosed in this agreement prior to the commencement of extraction. 7. Township agrees not to extract to a depth greater than the clay level or water table. 8. Township agrees to strip all top soil prior to excavation and replace same after gravel extraction. 9. Township agrees that Chrastina is entitled to all depletion allowances pursuant to the Income Tax Act. 10. Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel at their own expense. 11 . The agreement shall expire April 30, 1994. 12. The agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors, administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals. • SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of: ) jefi: ) seph A. Chrastina ) ) ) ) eet-es—,A ) vikria Chrastina ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BA YHAM ) - * ) ) PER: ) ) s.ciD ) ) REEVE ) ) ) ) CLERK ) ) • s P‘'. /,„? JOSEPH & VICTORIA CHRASTINA R . R . 06 TILLSONBURG , ONTARIO N4G 4G9 September 29 , 1994 Township of Bayham P . Q . Box 160 Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Attention : Mr . Jim Gibbons Road Commissioner Dear Jim : Re : Broken Tiles Due to Gravel Excavation At long last we are able to provide you with the estimate from Mr . Bill Knight to repair and replace the broken tiles . As you remember , with the excavation of the gravel , there were several hundred feet of wheeping tiles in several lines that were taken out . Unfortunately , that could not be avoided with the removal of gravel . As a result , the field is left with many wet spots where the water from the broken tiles is trying to work itself to the surface . As you assured us and Mr . Joe Strachan of the Ministry of Natural Resources recommended , it would be fair and proper that the Township of Bayham would at least share in a small portion of the cost and pay for one active line , which is approximately five hundred ( 500 ) feet . The cost of the rest of the broken lines , we agreed to pay for ourselves . Due to the deteriorating weather conditions and to avoid further erosion of topsoil , Mr Bill Knight advised that this job has to be completed as soon as possible . Please let us know whether the Township will pay Mr . Bill Knight directly or will issue a cheque for the appropriate amount to us . You know we have always been very accommodating and in return would be glad if the Township of Bayham would handle this matter with priority . A prompt reply would be greatly appreciated . Thanflii0ENED TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Yours t OCT - 3 1994 0/0-10-&- , N 41t • and Victoria Chrastina "' 6;)5w0,,Alle i • file STATEMENT cl3tf2Q 0Xttgtt Cotuctwttuned $ulldozsr—Scraper—Sockhor V-- Drag .--Grader RR 4,Longton, Ontario NOE 1GO (519)975-4837 SE/J/4...4%0413 19 70, '( C /?' 04416 _7;i1/SAIVIL43LOWG Terms xr days Interest Charged o0 overdue Accounts Date Machine No. Hrs. P teer Hr. Amount Total APIQ 1„ AEA 4, ` . - CZ: 111 y r Ely Cb . ,r, ,E,t &old" .14 411 S LANDOWNER RELEASE I , Joseph & Victoria Chrast.na , hereby certify that -(Landowner-please print) Township of Bayham , has fulfilled the terms (Permittee) of our aggreement and that I approve of the rehabilitation of the pit that was located on my property at Lot I , Con .3 Nle Township of /VOe ... L K (iviii)rni--/-23Ai) under Wayside Permit rS9/ g57 Jul 20 , 1994 1' (Date) (Landowner ' s Signature) EXTRACTION RECORD Aggregate material quantities removed from this pit in accordance with Wayside Permit by , were as follows : ( Permittee) Granular A Granular B Pit Run 7/p373 - ezS _ Other � e . Total rehabilitation costs incurred $ // ?/9-7 Atf„ 0I ,40/ (Date) ( Pe i ee ' s Signature) CORPORATION OF THE 9(c ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ADMINISTRATION REPORT TO: Reeve and Members of Council DATE: November 16, 1993 FROM: Clerk Treasurer FILE: P.G. 1.2 SUBJECT: Chrastina Gravel Pit NUMBER: 74.A93 Background & Comments The Road Superintendent and myself and met with Mr. & Mrs. Chrastina to make arrangements to permit the Township to haul stockpiled gravel after the expiration of the current agreement which terminates on December 31 , 1993. Mr. & Mrs. Chrastina verbally stated they had no objections to extending the agreement, at current prices, until April 30, 1994. A revised agreement was sent to them for signing. The Ministry of Natural Resources advised me that a new permit was not required to remove stockpiled material from the site. The only concern from MNR was that rehabilitation take place as soon as possible after all stockpiled material has been removed. To enter into a new agreement with Chrastinas' it is necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to execute said agreement. Recommendations; 1. That Council pass a by-law authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to-enter into an agreement with Joseph and Victoria Chrastina for the extraction of gravel from Lot 1 , Concession 3, Township of Norfolk. Donald W MacLeod Clerk Treasurer • • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P. O. Pox 160 4E-3 Straffordville, Ontario N0J IYO telephone (519) 866-5521 • fax (519) 866-3884 November 9, 1993 Joseph & Victoria Chrastina R.R. #6 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 4G9 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Chrastina: Re: Chrastina Gravel Pit Please find enclosed three copies of a revised agreement for the extraction of gravel from your property. This revised agreement will extend the period from December 31, 1993 to April 30, 1994. This is the only change from the original agreement. Would you please sign all three agreements and return them to the Township. After the documents have been executed by the Township we will return one signed and sealed copy to you. If you have any questions, please contact me. Yours very truly , 11 Donald W. MacLeod Clerk Treasurer 3 Enclosures Fie: P.G.1.2 3b1.0113 V IV • FEED FAX THIS END FAX . SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 93-60 To _. Dept.: Fax No. .�_. No. ofP 5: t , THIS AGREEMENT, made in triplicate this 18th day of November. Fr Date: _ BETWEEN: JOSEPH A. CHRASTINA AND VICTORIA CHRASTINA, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORFOLK, IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK. HEREINAFTER CALLED "CHRASTINA" OF THE FIRST PART, AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "TOWNSHIP" OF THE SECOND PART. • WHEREAS Chrastina's farm in Lot 1, Concession 3 - NTR of the Township of Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk contains a gravel deposit, and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms an conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . Chrastina agrees to sell to the Township all available gravel on their farm lands, being part of the said Lot 1, Concession 3, NTR of the Township of Norfolk, at the price of One Dollar and Forty Cents ($1 .40) per cubic yard. 2. The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel which can be economically excavated from Chrastina on the portion of their said lands at Lot 1, Concession 3, NTR, Norfolk shown on attached Schedule "A". 3. The Township will utilize an existing driveway from the concession road easterly to the pit area, and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement. 4. The Township covenants, agrees, warrants and represents that it shall: (a) During the course of this agreement keep accurate records and books correctly showing all gravel products that have been removed or caused or deemed to be removed from the premises and shall produce such records and books and permit Chrastina or its agents to inspect same and take extracts or copies thereof; (b) Permit Chrastina or its assigns to use, farm, lease or otherwise deal with any portion of the lands not required for the removal of gravel products: • (c) Assume the risk or injury which may be sustained by it or any employee, agent, servant, workman, assignee, customer or any other person who may be upon or near the premises or any buildings thereon or the entrance or appurtenance thereto and shall save Chrastina harmless and indemnified therefrom. (d) Not remove any topsoil from the lands; (e) Use such methods in its operations as will do as little damage as possible to the unworked portion of the premises and rehabilitate the said lands in accordance with the plans and rehabilitation approved under the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.8 required from time to time. (f) Pay all municipal and provincial and other assessments, taxes, licences and expenses saving and excepting only land taxes and local improvement taxes and shall at its own expense build, construct and maintain fences, berms, plant trees if required and in all respects fully comply with local laws, municipal laws, provincial laws and all other by-laws, statutes, regulations and requirements including the Aggregate Resources Act. 5. The Township covenants and agrees that the benefits and obligations contained within this agreement shall not be assigned or sub-let without the consent of the Chrastinas. 6. Chrastina must review and consent to the site plans for extraction and restoration of the lands disclosed in this agreement prior to the commencement of extraction. 7. Township agrees not to extract to a depth greater than the clay level or water table. 8. Township agrees to strip all top soil prior to excavation and replace same after gravel extraction. 9. Township agrees that Chrastina is entitled to all depletion allowances pursuant to the Income Tax Act. 10. Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel at their own expense. 11 . The agreement shall expire April 30, 1994. 12. The agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors, administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals. • SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of: ) ) ) ) Joseph A. Chrastina ) ) ) ) ) Victoria Chrastina ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) - ) ) PER: ) ) ) ) REEVE ) ) ) CLERK ) ) CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MEMORANDUM TO: File DATE: November 9, 1993 FROM: Clerk Treasurer FILE: P.G. 1.2 SUBJECT: Chrastina Gravel Pit NUMBER: 24.m93 On November 9, 1993 I spoke to Joseph Strachan from the Simcoe office of the Ministry of • • = Natural Resources regarding the extension of the rehabilitation for the Chrastina gravel pit. He assured that no action was necessary as he was the case officer for this file, He informed me that rehabilitation must be carried out as soon as it is practical in the spring of 1994. It was also noted that no further extraction could take place in 1994. I / cam' ✓` Donald W. MacLeod Clerk Treasurer • 1110 November 9, 1993 Joseph & Victoria Chrastina R.R. #6 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 4G9 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Chrastina: Re: Chrastina Gravel Pit Please find enclosed three copies of a revised agreement for the extraction of gravel from your property. This revised agreement will extend the period from December 31 , 1993 to April 30, 1994. This is the only change from the original agreement. Would you please sign all three agreements and return them to the Township. After the documents have been executed by the Township we will return one signed and sealed copy to you. If you have any questions, please contact me. Yours very truly Donald W. MacLeod Clerk Treasurer 3 Enclosures Fie: P.G.1.2 351.1113 411 411 OJfPOLiA1? UOI L `?DOrq 4111 'NV! !'"A P.Q. BOX 128. LANGTON. ONTARIO NOE IGO TEL: 519 - 875-4485 FAX TEL: 519 - 875-4789 91/1 ;0- �0 QUOTE FILE NO. August 16, 1990 Mr . Bill Bogue, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Bayham . Box 166 , Straffordville, Ontario . NOJ 1Y0 Bill : This letter shall serve to advise that the Township of Norfolk has no objections to the Township of Bayham locating and operating a sand/gravel extraction pit in accordance with a wayside permit issued under the Aggregate Resources Act, 1989 , by the Ministry of Natural Resources , at part Lot. 1 , Concession - 3 N. T . R. , Geographic Township of Middleton on the property of Joseph A. and Victoria Chrastina , Box 174 , Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 4H5 . Should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact our office. R. A. Loncke, Clerk-Administrator . RAL/dg IliPg*INgrlf4 Mit 21 195° flak f • • WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM f This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot 1 , Concession 3 , in the Township of Norfolk , in the ardasireitRegi o n a l Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk I hereby give Township of Bayham permission to extract approximately 5 5 , 000 tonnes of gravel & sand from the said property, for Contract # n i 1 for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources,.pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. . 1 also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries inspector. Dated this lOth .day of .�;.us , 1990 , /_ 6.3.i c ao.,--- ,---", - / c.-4-0.--r Joseph Christina • ! . tinge Pr• ' rty Owner W tness Box 174 Address Ti1lsonburg , Ontario N4C 4H5 519-688-2607 Telephone Number for T'ownsh i p of Bayham Permittee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act. Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. I • WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot 1 , Concession 3 , in the Township of Norfolk , in the Qtatitrcit Reg onal. Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk I hereby give Township of Bayham permission to extract approximately 55 , 000 tonnes of gravel. & sand from the said property, for Contract # n i 1. for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. • I also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries Inspector. Dated this 10th .day of • I - • 90 .e7;# #. fJoseph Chrastina Victoua Chrastina _ Property Owner Wit ss Box 174 Address • Tillsonburg , Ontario N4G 4H 519-688-2607 Telephone Number "frputiiri,d1-4,14 for Township of Bayham Permittee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act. Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. verismomme w • • P6 / , WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM •` This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot 1 , Concession 3 , in the Township of NORFOLK , in the County of R e g i o n a l Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk I hereby give TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM permission to extract approximately 31 , 912 . 6 tonnes of Gravel & Sand from the said property, for Contract # NIL for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural' Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act I aiso give permission to the Permitter to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries Inspector. Dated this 21st day of May , 9 92 i'a -'� Joseph Christina . Victoria Chrastina .....4.41..... _f t....1,..,7, ''" -- • operty Owner Wi , pi Box 174 Address Tillsonburg , Ontario N4G 4H5 519-688- 2607 Telephone Number /4„41v) .41/44,404t40 , Jim Gibbons for -...�......." Township of Bayham . Perrnttee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. . f ! I WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM • This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot 1 , Concession 3 , in the Township of NORFOLK in the County ofReg i ona l Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk I hereby give TOWNSHIP Of BAYHAM permission to extract approximately 31 , 912 . 6 tonnes of Gravel & Sand from the said property, for Contract # NIL for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of • Natural Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. I also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries inspector. Dated this 21st day of May , 19 9 2 Joseph Chrastina Victoria Chrastina Property Owner Witness Box 174 Address Tillsonburg , Ontario N4G 4H5 519-688-2607 Telephone Number Jim Gibbons for Township of Bayham Permittee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. • WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot 1 . Concession , 3 , in the Township of NORFOLK , in the County of R e g i o n a l Municipality of Haldimand-Nor folk I hereby give TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM permission to extract approximately 31 , 912 . 6 tonnes of Gravel & Sand from the said property, for Contract # NIL for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. I also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries inspector, Dated this 21st day of May 09 9� 2 Joseph Chrastina Victoria Chrastina Property Owner Witness Box 174 Address Tillsonburg , Ontario N4G 4H5 519-688-2607 Telephone Number Jim Gibbons for Township of Bayliam Permittee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act &23 and will be used for the administration of the Act. Questions stout this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located, RIPPPMPWOMPIPMMMIMPIF memory of Tho Ayip.ft9sld Application for a411 14nokodon b t CIFN Ae�ou.ee• Aetill tlenardeoareorool: ,�'eOurtire Wayside Permit rE Pli trerweNr•dee dol da 1 td9 our Demands de permis de puttsPlittioesso ( " Cowry �oae !!f t er eOiitTCdti l_... une carrier, IT un pu et ,�,,,, „ lin * rgits Protect d extraction ou de carriers en r ow bordure de la route • A Wet plat providing the Mai rmaficrr roguirsd under uecl$o r 25 of the Aggregate Resource*Act mist accompany thee appaocallon. tin Olen as ale dormers tee dente nates as terms,de tarlde 25 de le Lot de MOP slur Ase mesa rteee art agolgate doll etre armed I r presents demand* • Perflonal information required on this form le collected under the authority of Pie Aggregate Resources Act, e.23 and will be used for the edrMnistratlart of the Act Lae►enesignen+aner personnels careens dens cells form ule sant dernendes en vertu de toads 23 de to Lai de 1989 sur tee ra ssour ces en aprtlgefa, et word Week I des tins eteppiccation de la Lot • Question**about thee information ihouuld be directed to ttve District Manager of Ilse Ministry of Neural Resources district h which the proapoaed pis or quarry is located Adresse!torts causation-our tette demands au chef du district du ministers des Richeesse naturals*dans least se trouve la carriers ou M pulls d'extracdion • Ai information auibmisted in respect of Pee application I evadable for pudic review Taus lee reneeignerrrerts donne*reatetivernent I cede demands peuvent etre examines per le public. 1 - is Name Nom TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Ammo alien*Nd 'fie Box 160 trdew. 519-866-5521 Straffordville , Ontario Postal Cede code pociat N O J 1 Y O . 2 Landowner: Name Propri re : Nem JOSEPH & VICTORIA CHRASTINA Address _ Phone Ne . Atha... Box 174 Haiti. 519-688-2607 Tilleonburg , Ontario Poeta Code C°64":"411 N 4 G 4 H 5 (Nat Landowner Agreement required with appticaflon) Oat; L'Entenfe avec le prvprielaire dolt the annex**I ie presence deutans* 3. Site Location Lot C.tmre�s.ion I Geagrs*a Tatrul Local aumcepellty T County i Regional Municipality i District Emplacement i anion gba¢aphique ` aunicipdM locate Conte I municipal,*regionals I district 1 3 NTR # Middleton I Norfolk 1aldimand—Norfolk 1 4 Site History Previous Pat r-1 Previous Query Histonque de Anioen putts deednction L--1 Moira*canter, r!rlipUr�lnel:r>f New� L._J *wen candle New Quarry Ltawny Ririe ifeNtractlen c ------ Peet Peet Ilse Mean plane Agriculture i zooms el sue and*distant lanes shown on Ute ale peas beep Os rempletement et des terrains adnawits Ind1Ouee aur le plat Air ale Agriculture _ 5 Protect * Dale le tianuntence operation T Walton Job Location Information: Data do died des turns Owes Lieu de saved wr«If ` JUNE 1/92 18 Months Bayham Township Roads P {Canso Pio --� Pur i used mateelat Pubic wuMly exp eon tap du contra i du part Ot>fei f Uu salisn de!stand Organise pubic eeteandenl rentution des demo NIL Road construction & maintenance Bayham Township Rttaaen ter eeteceon at ate implied ala allergia re sown it wade toe cert nselisnet MONO sae*air dna de rentplatemera pa ra0rort elan stares*was b aims*In tan, Most economical site with good materials and lack of commercial pits Typeiosimito be elan led in this area Typo#__I Sarni Pit run gravel and sand Maximum amount d wen*to As excavated a of 1M tie Copy of hider enclosed El The Oran*mammate dagregats 1*dram i Supnhia de fensilraaaad Cops de rare sewn 3. U tart tonnes ED 31 , 912 . 6 bowies n►itriquee 1 5 . 53 hectares , No tender I Pit/ Qrepry Repeal rehatiaaaon lectin vues Seetildillika: Teaduriques de rehabiltaion prepeties Rd6611160on dm pui/edexlrettlieei Rehabilitated to agricultural use by levelling , sloping and audelacern'.: replacing topsoil Proposed Ina grades of eravarxt OuaMM ie*dos aaq,bgas smarts glens Gentle slope from west to east Oraivap Poem*tee ear nye Prepaillene de*inap spit rexptoislire Natural grade to existing tiling to the east tri+/dab r ri:orntpiaee-- Dab .mer a book ro rMeMNleian dal loo rorrrtptftie Spring of 1993 Tatostroilidocossoppalis todime 6*WOK#46044 foe WO r . ;Road Superintendent s awe 21st 00i 4, May , 492 cow use anti POO.tee 0 i MO a wise Peer*No NaA+ei la«on Secway Nerca+pt No. Nom rte west deals at woo i e ow sr km*aallaple illapa, Cariloranseit pour tOta alkso Rept y ..real. , — -- i twer Apmeard Casa d tender sncbaad T000ldo rommono ri Rive mobs at Slee MO WaleI C ,doh**..!anileGlti uit Iti..de estrus Clei aids do Our i IN Mie Own dpolloollion • Mw+ ,r+of The Aggregate. Application for410 o ow • TMert Idolkoril ne.ource: Ac Wayside PermitNpsioutton cin► ori"sues th.rltedion 0 ea p owl *nook.des lot de 19U Our Demands de permis de putts f wl ri Head NOW les ressourcts Ric/voles , ,,�„ d extraction ou de carriers enIre arfilffi swop «n •, t+i4.ts bordure di is route radio A site plan providing tate Information required under section 25 of the eggregate Resourced Act must accompany!hie apprloca5on. on glom du MMi dement isstenellicremente regale aux terries de rariids 28 de le tot de 1 OM aur Alae neesources en agigniests dolt sae anrwxd I to prfrsenie domande • Perfionat information regelired on this forth Is collected under d+e authority of Ms Aggregate Resources Act..23 and w*be used for the administration of the Act. Leal rerlefigriemelte persorw+ate conforms done code forrniie sent demand**en vertu de twit*23 de le Lot de 19 sur tea reseourese en agreipets, at wont uIMli t I dee SSno d`twvflcatton do to Ltd • Qu stIons about t►,is inform/Ono should be directed to ft*Disfrki Man of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the proposed pi or quarry Is located *dresser tout*question sur cells demands au chef du district du ministers des Rtchesass nahxeess dine Miguel is*owe la carriers ou b pulls Contraction. • As informolifion submitted In rpt of this application is at+aMallte for public review. Taus les renseignements dormer retativerrient I cells demands peuvent etre examines pow N public t Appirc_ent Nemo Re rant Rem TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM howls _ Mono No Affront Box 160 w'" 519-866-5521 Straffordville , Ontario Poe/tode Ced.P°.' NOJ 1YO 2. Landowner Nome PRIDRetaite : Neth JOSEPH & VICTORIA CHRASTINA moron _.. Ariane Ns. ._.._ *how Box 174 N'de1M. 519-688-2607 Tillsonburg , Ontario Postal Code C°64""11/ N 4 G 4H5 Piked Landowner.Agreement required with application) Mote:L'frhterrte avec le propritstaire dbd titre annexe.I ta prifsente demands) 3. Site Location: Les Conrtsann Geographic Township Uri M�d�Nty County I Regional Municipality I O+skriet Emplacement: Canton gopepiq s Maaiccps04!scab ComK!municipal*regions*I etstri[t 1 3 NTR Middleton Norfolk aldimand-Norfolk 4. Site History: ri Previous Pit Previous!merry • Historiqus ds Anon►goes itudracsoon Anidean*came* f`shmpiscoottote: Naw;PN New Ow" LX Nouveau oies d'exeraclion 4- *Wei NAMPoe! Yee• Mutton gassier Agriculture Zoning of site and aditcod tools shown on the site part Zralp de fenstacemera M des want adlecsrit indguio out N plea du sibs A. riculture 5. 'tit b o°eawr cs oprrst Mallen Job Location Nomadism Dab dr*WA deal Immo OON t.ieiu de karst Reralleremerda our isprole JUNE 1/92 18 Months Bayham Township Roads Pr*t l Contract No PurposeI Use d n+r�Mi PubiccAutherity caro wort N'du coat/dii wee l Mutton dr foo iri.t Orgeriiooto public demands*foreciilion des kaysux NIL Road construction & maintenance Bayham Township Reason for selection of ole compared with allemettes source!*Mb coil con.dsrolionoi *SO s mend ii choir de tenhpiaceeeters pier reppon out Mtn Ioerces h compile Na coos) Most economical site with good materials and lack of commercial pits Typetai o+aggregate to be excavated fn this area Typeist dapigela I stage Pit run gravel and sand itlsziwee aniened of sggrogau so bo ercawelsd Ates of It.sit Copy of*who eneloead Yes Olean li weiealte d'ap►igess I subsets $upnsas d.tenhpisconwl Cope de folks almanio oui 31 , 912 . 6 ,�1e 5 . 53 nectars* No tender I Pit I Quarry Ptepreed mrrbirrlo,todmiwoos iishabi�lsipll: Tupea4pen do etlasiMeo pope** Rbt+alidilalion do • pultad's:lrrictilln Rehabilitated to agricultural use by levelling , sloping and oudeacarn e; replacing topsoil impose drool polo of a awolion NOW k*des op**retails irk Gentle slope from west to east Wisp ro %Mr aboraeo. PeageefwtM do*saw spa tsiei alNae Natural grade to existing titin to tie east this tortmo ui to tor COMpiresil Oslo I loom*Is nthiddito l on dsa ate onerittle Spring of 1993 OpOld T lid it ltilalte tilos►,it s ssiosoillso howdsoM dr slirdlliiiA it mid*f1eq usd11 • Wed Lazo :Road Superintendent _ 'a` 21st owl Mai , t.92 oft 0..0* Pon*is.fit s Nolo a Noma Rtice4A fie. T llritrilililira iiata !!watt!lie, al bow Dab de dm**I talo tor!winos a+ibigra ASO tee. Couliolorro ooll r e11isill ion til f LaadieWer Mt 171 COP!of tondo oul*Mld I I Terrains oeelroos no woo 0 Sib Roo blows awc to draddiaw Copra de!lilies ammo* Csstresnlairee da corao Cb:cops dr oleo da Leo tom *Iwo*, . • • • Township of liayihilli Phone 519-"866 6571 Q l y J. A rt !Mr, /1.M C.?. $tfArrO IDvlti.E, ONHA1410 C!um A 1nrAsUttfn August 17 , 1990 I. 1C%L Ministry of Natural Resources IP ' Simcoe , Ontario X 4 2- 3`4Attn : Joseph Strachan • - Gentlemen :- . - • Enclosed pl.ese find the following documents in applicaton for a Wayside Pit permit for the Township of Bayham : a ) Five copies of the Wayside Pit Permit application b ) Five copies of the required site plan c ) Copy of Landowner Agreement between Chrastina and Bayham d ) Letter of justification from Road Superintendent e ) Letter form the Township of Norfolk signifying no objection to the use of this site by Bayham f ) Copy of Agreement with Chrastina for the extraction of gravel h ) Our cheque in the amount of $7 , 700 . being the fee for the 07141744",„,/c, extraction of 55 , 000 tonnes of aggregate @ $0 . 14 per tonne . Consideration of this application is appreciated . Yours truly James Gibbons Road Superintendent , (t) tt+ rsoorlrpf Th! Agersgats • Application for a • AoolicOliss for t Dowd*comma • Re►sourai✓is act , 'Waysida Permit an pots dances L tin p► t urgers Mireallire des lot de 190 sur Demands de permis de putts1-1 , r- �.e NIS rlssourcss d'extraction ou de carriers en » L tin naturelles •f► ss f atr: bordure de la route rauwir • A eats pian providing MN int0rmatrart recruited under section 25 o$the A91reQI a Resources Act must accompany this appliocetlon. Un pion du acre danriAnt tea rernelrenlents mauls aux tames de rends 25 de Is tor ate 1989 at an repourcee en aggravate doll 8Ps anneal*is prawns dlsrs'tsnds. • Personal information required on this town is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the adleinielretion of the Act Las renesigner neves pereernds continua clans cells formule Boni demand**an vertu de reticle 23 de Is Loi err 1989 our les reeerourceo en apiapies, et wont Manses b des Ins dapplication de is Lot • Questions about this intornnation shOutd be directed to the Distract Manager of the Ministry of Natural bort ee district in which the proposed on or quarry is located.. Adreeser Soule question sur cette domande au chef du€istr►ct du minis/are des Richesses natureles darns tequei se lrouve is carrier,ou is punts dexlraceon. • AM intorrrufiom Iludmited in respect di)liens appelosbon is avaitabie for public review Tows tea renesignern.nts dornases*averment I cath demands peuvent Acre examines par to pubilc I. Applicant: to Flequerar*: i ---- Township of Bayham *draw Box 160 1 woer. 519-866- 5521 { S t ra f f o r dv i l l e , Ontario L.-,, adecode codspostriNOJ IVO t to ndoarter. Nem Proprieties floe Joseph & Victoria Chrastina Addles F Phone No. Magee Box 174 "144' 519-688-2607 Til. lsonburg , Ontario Posta Core code Pwital N4G 4H5 ilore Landowner Agreement required Melt applicatan) Nora L'Entente avec*propnetaire ON itre*wiexee ala piesente demand.; 3. Site Location Lot Cowmen Geographic Township local Municipaility County i Regional Municipally(Oink! Emplacement 1 3 Canton tbodraph quo MuniapiNte locate Conte 1 municipal*regionals/district Middleton : Norfolk Haldimand-Norfol 4. Site History Previous Pit ' Previous Ovary Hi tonque de ._ Ancien piton(atadion ----- Anomie canner, ridttpleCe mere. - New Pit • "Now Quarry - • ..._._ ibuveeu puns deeracban L---: Moods atonics UNIal toe oasis Agriculture Zang el Who and fol*Own Ierds dies an the file plea Iasap Or r#sioiagnient w des terrain edemas edemas fur le pian du at. Agriculture 5 Now act Dare Is canelsses speimoo Dwalica , Jab beet, Mionellide Dab di Mid dee trawler Orme Ulu de travail Wo *Woet Sept . 1 /90 18 months Bayham Townshiproads Pealed 1 Contract No. Paphos t UM el material . Plink k Aidh y calling yak -- -- -� IW du contra/du prget Otte I Uallenon d;rlralind Orgasm public dentaidml rexicsition des emu { nil Road construction & maintenance Bayham Township ca i Renee all feiecson d firs connpaee0 with alluliw nseams WaftWaftl 1 Moat qui a me*au dhow de terralacennent per rapport aux autres so ces(y contpne tis warts) • most economical site with good materials and lack of commercial. pits ',pea)a)ai a to to w W__.-_...w....-.�_. _.._...._..___ in this area Typal')fag,*i sown pit run gravel and sand . Maw a pas d aggregate to to excavated Are of Mie fire Copy of lender enclosed 77 ties tausnsli rnaxcuaie d•agrages d donors Supsill s ds ramplectsaua Cape de roars amexee •-' Orsi 55 , 000 lows ,,, 5 . 53 +�.r.+we tf ,M1°,�, no tender 6., PA 1°tatty Proposed fssoadiioson t chnu nee Reitabidallan techniques de itheb haft rn proposals Reitrbdestlon du pwhd'einrectieon rehabilitated to agricultural use by levelling , sloping and c"1""aI "r ' replacing topsoil Noose find pads of sucwalias Oraloi tines des spray*ail*Mows • gentle slope from west to east Own.IffsOassla for sliwurs Pralwalsms de*Mop*set rsoolollits f Inat.ural grade to existing t i l ink to the east ilii►i�lieilias taaeri�irrei ' wee If latpliie b rill millets,sae Mrs oempliaia spring o f 1992 *PON les d*psi arks,d a Foote*dl wesersrt a sniglrji Ms ascii* Road Superintendent tGl.dtMr. lOth . lier d August • , 090 Fe oism useinwe Pow tee e t sane x WOW fleoeipr Nisi. io ata rm Saw*, Re a Ni *tow*au bandit Nos is NMI i S oarMa Ilan tams mieflre *Kw es l a depalsttaal paw ahheilee tonA094 s' U016100111101110ftlei Coq et Nadu messed i TseseMi si a eros r-----1. vile=Was d tlra tenet Errrwise awe a papri is • Coif do hash assumis 1 Ca oesolva +de woo L Cove wooeu pas ee are stow 1e007r • , , • II 0 WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot 1 , Concession 3 , in the Township of Norfolk , in the exatirosRe i ona 1 Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk I hereby give Township of Ba y h a m permission to extract approximately 55 , 000 tonnes of gravel & sand from the said property, for Contract,#E n i 1 for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. I also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries Inspector. Dated this10 h,.day of A :,; .6l .' ' . ' 4' ' i ' /'`„ , 1990 .r;- r .Jcaseph Ghrastina - Victoria Chrast ink • t ” ' :5 ;. Property Owner itness Box 174 Address Tillsonburg , Ontario N4G 4H5 519-688-2607 Telephone Number • i;ei.. ;ea/ 1/" f or ,_...w-. Township of Ba y ha m Permitter Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act. Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. • '1.4ownf4luip of .Jayhaiil Phone 619-846-6521 J. A. mom, I1.M,GT. IIIPArrowovtt.tc, QNtAflI J CUM( InrAsUron August. 17 , 1990 Ministry of Natural Resources Simcoe , Ontario Attn : Joseph Strachan Gentlemen : Enclosed with this letter are the relavant forms • required to be submitted for a Wayside Pit Permit . In justification of this municipality ' s application , please note that the location of the site adjacent to Bayham and with the lack of commercial pits in the area , make this an ideal location for the extraction of gravel . The economies that can be expected by a pit in this location will ensure more construction and maintenance can be achieved for our budget dot lars . The favourable consideration of the enclosed application will be appreciated . . Yours truly James Gibbons Road Superintendent • • August 16 , 1990 Certified to be o true copy Doted.......... ...........:1. .......... 19 ciP 1)b.3*.4661 , ..-41.94i- R.,e,Kkibik Mr . Bill Bogue, Clerk-Treasurer, Tap hip of Norfolk Township of Bayham . Box 166 , Straffordville, Ontario . NOJ 1Yo Bill : This letter shall serve to advise that the Township of Norfolk has no objections to the Township of Bayham locating and operating a sand/gravel extraction pit in accordance with a wayside permit issued under the Aggregate Resources Act , 1989 , by the Ministry of Natural Resources , at part Lot 1 , Concession 3 N . T . R . , Geographic Township of Middleton on the property of Joseph A . and Victoria Chrastina, Box 174 , Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 4H5 . Should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact our office . tk-ka.A.A..)t P' R . A . Loncke, Clerk-Administrator . RAL/dg • • S 411 AGREEMENT made this 26th . day of July 1990 . BETWEEN: Joseph A . Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina , of the Township or Norinik , in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk , Farmers , hereinafter called Chrastina OF THE FIRST PART, AND The Corporation of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , hereinafter called the Township OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Chrastina ' s farm in Lot 1 , Concession 3 -- NTR of the Township of Norfolk , in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk contains a gravel deposit , and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth . NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows : 1 . Chrastina agees to sell to the Township all available gravel on their farm lands , being part of the said Lot 1 , Concession 3 , NTR of the Township of Norfolk , at the price of One Dollar and Forty Cents ( $ 1 . 40 ) per cubic yard . 2 . The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel which can he economically excavated from Chrastina on the portion of their said lands at Lot 1 , Concession 3 , NTR , Norfolk shown on attached Schedule "A" . 3 . The Township will utilize an existing driveway from the concession road easterly to the pit area , and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement . 4 . The Township covenants , agrees , warrants and represents that it shall : ( a ) During the course of this agreement keep accurate records and books correctly showing all gravel products that have been removed or caused or deemed to be removed from the premises and shall produce such records and books and permit Chrastina or its agents to inspect same and take extracts or copies thereof ; ( b ) permit Chrastina or its assigns to use , farm , lease or otherwise deal with any portion of the lands not required for the removal of gravel products ; ( c ) assume the risk or injury which may be sustained by it or any employee , agent , servant , workman , assignee , customer or any other person who may be upon or near the premises or any buildings thereon - or the entrance or appurtenance thereto and shall save Chrastina harmless and indemnified therefrom . ( d ) not remove any topsoil from the lands ; ( e ) Use such methods in its operations as will do as little damage as possible to the unworked portion of the premises and rehabilitate the said lands in accordance with the plans and rehabilitation approved under the Aggregate Resources Act , 1989 as the same is required from time to time . ( f ) Pay all municipal and provincial and other assessments , taxes , licences and expenses saving and excepting only land taxes and local improvement taxes and shall at its own expense build , construct and maintain fences , berms , plant trees if required and in all respects fully comply with local laws , municipal laws , provincial laws and all other by-laws , statutes , regulations and requirements including the • A 411 Aggregate Resources Act , 1989 . 5 . The Township convenants and agrees that the benefits and obligations contained within this agreement shall not be assigned or sub-let without the consent of the Chrastinas . 6 . Chrastina must review and consent to the site plans for extraction and restoration of the lands disclosed in this agreement prior to the commencement of extraction . 7 . Township agrees not to extract to a depth greater than the clay level or water table . 8 . Township agrees to strip all top soil prior to excavation and replace same after gravel extraction . 9 . Township agrees that Chrastina is entitled to all depletion allowances pursuant to the Income Tax Act . 10 . Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel at their own expense . 11 . The agreement shall expire December 31 , 1993 . 12 . The agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving ninety ( 90 ) days written notice to the other party . THIS AGREEMENT. shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors , - administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals . ST(NFD , SEALED AND DELIVERED ) art the presence of : ) /r` t // 7 ) ( / e of 4" ) jl ) Joseph A . Chrastina ) ) s ) ) C Victoria Chrastina ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) PER : ) 6)) ) REEVE ) A ..- . .. ) CLERK ) ) '0? t • PG CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2567 A BY-LAW to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Joseph A . Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the extraction of gravel and provide for payment thereof at Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand Norfolk . WHEREAS Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina are the owners of part of Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand Norfolk . AND WHEREAS there exists a deposit of gravel on the aforesaid Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Norfolk . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of purchasing the said gravel . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient that the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enter into an agreement with the aforesaid Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel from the aforesaid Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Norfolk . THEREFORE BE IT ENCACTED BY -THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYRAMI 1 . THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute an agreement with Joseph - • Christina and Victoria Christina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment' for the extraction of gravel on the lands of the said Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina at Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municiapality of Haldimand Norfolk . 2 . THAT the said agreement be attached to_ and form Schedule ' A ' to this By- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th. DAY OF JULY, 1990 . t.a :w. (3ge..4;:e;) REEVE CLERK 411 411 . AGREEMENT made this 26th . day of July , 1990 . BETWEEN: Joseph A . Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina , of the Township of Norfolk , in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk , Farmers , hereinafter called Chrastina OF THE- FIRST PART. AND The Corporation of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , hereinafter called the Township OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Chrastina ' s farm in Lot 1 , Concession 3 - NTR of the Township of Norfolk , in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk contains a gravel deposit , and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth . NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows : 1 . Chrastina agees to sell to the Township all available gravel on their farm lands , being part of the said Lot 1 , Concession 3 , NTR of the Township of Norfolk , at the price of One Dollar and Forty Cents ( $ 1 . 40 ) per cubic yard . 2 . The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel which can be economically excavated from Chrastina on the portion of their said lands at Lot 1 , Concession 3 , NTR , Norfolk shown on attached Schedule "A" . 3 . The Township will utilize an existing driveway from the concession road easterly to the pit area , and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement . 4 . The Township covenants , agrees , warrants and represents that it shall : ( a ) During the course of this agreement keep accurate records and books correctly showing all gravel products that have been removed or caused or deemed to be removed from the premises and shall produce such records and books and permit Chrastina or its agents to inspect same and take extracts or copies thereof ; ( b ) permit Chrastina or its assigns to use , farm , lease or otherwise deal with any portion of the lands not required for the removal of gravel products ; ( c ) assume the risk or injury which may be sustained by it or any employee , agent , servant , workman , assignee , customer or any other person who may be upon or near the premises or any buildings thereon or the entrance or appurtenance thereto and shall save Chrastina harmless and indemnified therefrom. ( d ) not remove any topsoil from the lands ; ( e ) Use such methods in its operations as will do as little damage as possible to the unworked portion of the premises and rehabilitate the said lands in accordance with the plans and rehabilitation approved under the Aggregate Resources Act , 1989 as the same is required from time to time . ( f ) Pay all municipal and provincial and other assessments , taxes , licences and expenses saving and excepting only land taxes and local improvement taxes and shall at its own expense build , construct and maintain fences , berms , plant trees if required and in all respects fully comply with local laws , municipal laws , provincial laws and all other by-laws , statutes , regulations and requirements including the 411 411 1 Aggregate Resources Act , 1989 . 5 . The Township convenants and agrees that the benefits and obligations contained within this agreement shall not be assigned or sub-let without the consent of the Chrastinas . 6 . Chrastina must review and consent to the site plans for extraction and restoration of the lands disclosed in this agreement prior to the commencement of extraction . 7 . Township agrees not to extract to a depth greater than the clay level or water table . 8 . Township agrees to strip all top soil prior to excavation and replace same after gravel extraction . 9 . Township agrees that Chrastina is entitled to all depletion allowances pursuant to the Income Tax Act . 10 . Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel at their own expense . 11 . The agreement shall expire December 31 , 1993 . 12 . The agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving ninety ( 90 ) days written notice to the other party . THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors , administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of : _ c= F /1-"‘") 114e"-) ) / Joseph A . Chrastina `J } ) Victoria Chrastina ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN ) } PER: ) ) . AL, (..-!4°64-5 ) REEVE ) ) } CLERK . ) ) • lb WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot , Concession , in the Township of , in the County of I hereby give permission to extract approximately tonnes of from the said property, for Contract # for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. I also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries Inspector. Dated this day of , 19 Property Owner Witness Address Telephone Number Permittee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act. Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. . I APPENDIX "r GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF A WAYSIDE PERMIT These guidelines are prepared for the purposes of convenience only. Accurate references should be made to the Aggregate Resources Act. When applying for a Wayside Pit or Quarry Permit the following submissions must be sent to the local office of the Ministry of Natural Resources: A. Five copies of the Application for a Wayside Pit or Quarry Permit. B. Five copies of the site plan of the proposed area of excavation including rehabilitation plan. C. Landowner Agreement Form. D. Letter of Justification. A letter from the applicant stating why this particular site is necessary for the purposes of the contract or project. (For M.T.O. contracts,covering letter from the Regional Director, M.T.O.) E Letter or other evidence verifying that local municipality has received a wayside application. A letter from the municipality (if different form applicant) in which the site is located providing comments regarding use of the site. (Not required for M.T.O. contracts.) • F. Copy of Tender. If the applicant is a private contractor, then a copy of the tender and the contractor's name. G. N.E.C, Development Control Permit (if applicable). For wayside pit or quarry locations within the Niagara Escarpment Plan Area, applicants must initially apply for and receive a Development Control Permit from the N.E.C. This permit must then be included in the application package for a wayside permit. H. Prescribed Fees. Ensure that the permit fee of S100.00 or the fee calculated by multiplying the maximum number of tonnes by 6 cents per tonne of aggregate,whichever is greater, is included with the application package and is made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario. ilrrtleeyaer T . Aggregate • Application for a /ppWien t°r Natural RaiOgre** Act iaemond*C011oernertt Resources Wayside Permit , -- town plow antav mits nottractron ie paal waste Vides Lat di 1009 our Demands de permis de pultsRichman ,, „ tie dreeaourcae d'exttaction ou de carriers en utealliVarrakt i._ danpta�M *saturefees err *f rigate mad bordure de is route • A sss Man providing the irtormistion required under section 25 of d'es Aggregate Resources Act must accompany site appeocatiori. Llea pilar du sag camera NO rsrrerignersrsna regi*aux arrow de raids 25 de fa Lor de 1990 sur serressourcal an apdralgreledit Olen anneal l d#to pnteema domande. • Palma*information required on*Id intim M collected under the authority of eve Aggregate Resources Act.s.23 and will be used for the Batton of the Act Las reneaignemente psrsterete continue dens crap k,rmula sort demand*en vertu de rankle 23 de le Lot de HISS aur des resiouress an aprigata. al wont ulNNha*des One Capolicabori de to Lai. • Otre llons about tie information aimed be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the proposed pit or quarry is located. *tress*bails¢million sur c9ette demands au chef du district du marttstire des Rtonel iaa nalureNee dart!equal as trouve to can re ou le puns d'ex*raction • Al information submitted in respect of this amort is available fpr public rev,ew bus NO renesigbsmer*a domes retabvernent i cede demands peuvent etre exam par be public iOillistaft lame Nom Address Phone No. Admen Pr de tit Po Code Code poster 2. Landowner frame ProprdrtiiR Noun Address Marie No Adresse M Dila*. fraWal Cade Code poem (Nate: Landowner Agreement required with apottoilMDrt) (Nora: L'Entente avec to propraetaare dont etre annexe A fa presenter demande) 3. Site Location- Lai Cones ,n Geagrapnac Towne* Local Nuncio** County I Regional idwridpsly I teolict E araptacemern Carbon geogra geque 1Auraopatite bods Carib{municipal*regionals t*strict 4. Site History- _ Pxe sous Pet Preveus Chary HiStOrtque de -..___ Amman purrs d'extrecion Ammo carnere rernp emertt ----- sew po _ _ New Quarry -_- Nouveau puns crextraction Nouvule carates Pest Use taidadion passes lasing ail Me and aderent tars shown on site see Dian Zariage de iemotece+ne+a et nes retrains a li er* moque"sur re sae du Ms 5. ProdCt Crate in commence Operation Darden Job Locatron intonnabon Dare du debut des Vargo Dille i.,eti,de travail Runes rel mer tut is profit • Prop*1 COMES tee. Paddle t Use et realeeied RAM AtAborty airtg worts OP du come I du prated Clpet t Uilass ion d t reeliriee! Organism pubic rte andane failculion dee*deux Reason far maineen M a1M compared Iran dl omailire sewn babile cost considerate,* Nae qui a ow alta diets de reestacsimet pm resort aux Mares sources(y wipes les coresi Tutsi M appgMe as be excavated Trpets)d'agriagms>r extrare NWaawrn amount of agpregai,to be excavated Area or Me sits Capt Of ander endosed '" Yee QtaeeaS mexirnS*d'apragets a edam Supsricxe de timplacamont Came ds ranee annex* — Out tom ND Wass marsgesMdares 4 Non Rte. Proposed seabiltation ache**Tames*ds sliabditaian paposisi Ri11 0n!>td *IS trimlition ou de be can** Paa/eletd in*pastes of ae min min Ovale fin*dee ging*MOMS mem* Dram i fee stiller-rose Prolmillems da drawer aerie feraklealtert i see istatiesiise t!M Ws I lseieis ie ilMMteatefsr►Osie Ills camploom 11110.00 Tile dl I gel%Mao,if e acopmalso furlong du spoilage,*mai*dune sacral Oeeed rtes der of ' Ge ette0 le Far tial Ups Only Peel tee•i massae c time* Nes*Ne r Nalmbillabort Society Neosar No. Rieir,urt am tow Deeps de pow a a own pr lemic etaWSIre Nips eR I Ca flim ems t pow miiabilliase Ns*no tins tiers atarearrial Copy M Moiler a thecoma '--- 5_ Tassels eeamueae Romps M dila Plus Woos anise I srapisavo Gale la Nee a aleeie Csi imma ws ov rafts Gott anile do Mao i Mie atresic 011**0) • WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot , Concession , in the Township of , in the County of . I hereby give permission to extract approximately tonnes of from the said property, for Contract # for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. I also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries Inspector. Dated this day of , 19 Property Owner — _ Witness Address Telephone Number Perm nee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act 2.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act. Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. • WAYSIDE PERMIT LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORM This will serve to certify that I am the property owner of Lot , Concession , in the Township of , in the County of I hereby give permission to extract approximately tonnes of from the said property, for Contract # for the purpose of a wayside permit to be issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, pursuant to the Aggregate Resources Act. I also give permission to the Permittee to perform the necessary rehabilitation as required under the wayside permit, to the satisfaction of the Pits and Quarries Inspector. Dated this day of 19 Property Owner Witness Address Telephone Number Permittee Personal information required on this form is collected under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act s.23 and will be used for the administration of the Act. Questions about this information should be directed to the District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the site is located. . 4111 4111 ahnistry ed The Aggregate Application for a AsksOw tor it: VPeehrst Resources Act , Wayside Permit Pte ` thgetr Picard Ontario an p"daw►actsset s+plot urgent Minn**,des sol de 1999 sur Domande de permis de puits!le �, Reaa nett/mse* tea resources d'extraction ou de carriere en w. tree OP PIS nett/mess en sgrltgats bordure de is route mutter • A site plan providing the information moused under flection 2S of the Aggregate Resources Act must accompany this anpilacation Un plan du sae dement tee renwaggnairrie►ila repo*nun tames de torte*29 de la Lor de 1989 fur An nssourcea en agrewprrts def etre annex">1 to mallards demands. • Personal information required on this from is collect d under the authority of the Aggregate Resources Act, s 23 and we be used for the administration of the Act. Lee..miser nments paaonn*ts comers*darns carte%annuls sant deallrrdes en vertu de radicle 23 de to Lor de la 09 far iea etaabaneces an agrdput,. et sererif utilises I des fins tt a,r stick+de la lot • Questions about this Information shoutd be dh*cted 10 he Dbtrid Manager of the Ministry of Natural Rnoources district in which to proOosed pit or Quarry is totaled. Adresse,touts aue*s on out cera deniers:10 su chef du district du ministers dee Riches**s naturallos dens twgtret se trouve la cantors ou le puts d'extraction. • Al information st+ttmntrd in rasped of ens aorticaeon is avaitatte for public review /can les rereta«igrnprr+trnts dorm#: rerat=vement it rags demands pauvs+rit+?ifre etalNfMs par hi',utak. I Applicant: i Naga ROOM*: anis novo* M de tat. Pmtat Code Co*postal 2. Lamborn,: Ky.., Pteert detre : hem Aare; Phone No Adresse M de NN Paster Code Code posts (Blore ti ndowne r Agreement required WO ippkkalion) Mots LEnte etre avec Jr Aropriefarre dont etre anntexte A Si prlsenfe demand,) 3 Site Locator) lot ' Cowes/am Geographic Township I Lues Mtninpatityr Cootie I Regional Mumma*,I Oastnt:t ErnOrterner+l. Canton gtogralMiue i Municipal,*bate Comte 1 irtunicioata4+noonale i dreier I 1 4 Site History i'=trviotru Pit ; Prwieus ower,► do Amen NOS d'etrtt action Andlene owner* - teffiellitellMera New Query ttewree metre p e'adrileaae �.i Past Use uMattran passes bong pet are.ti'demote tar*Omen on Mie rile pat heap de rerriptertnieni et des terraces* ants ind'ioIds ea le plan der sat S Protect Deis to cecaenme+ce eperalio n Orwalleta 1 Job Loosen Information De*du debit des Severer, OW, I Lieu de Veva. Rentecnemertsour Is projer • i w___.. . .. Pied i Co orais NO Purpose i use«mtNarter Pt Oben citing wort Nr de curare 1 dr plot overt I 01Aaseas M mai w orgoaisrae pubic derenandaret►eelcrAiorn des traysue nooses kg Nelecaep of Ms eamparsd watt allsrnawe sources Ow**oral emeldwei nns) *AO lei a mese au cheer de remeleceeneer per=room at,erupt*aures tY cameo fes coins) T' «ito be arcaarted T`plMe a4 fs,4g I pumpers kiweratwsac arne*tril d b Iwe+ tarerawsd Aa*a«M sew! Cepy et bedsr esdssed Yes twin iM,tam mde fapntgate I anal,'. Seperkis de ti- .iememl Capin de t+elwe atatrsM Dell I Woos Minas milts u e 1 iMctarss U 1M I Pel i Quarry I Pmposo0 rattablosiaon inthriques A/itafbiANlioer: Terltnques de„lnablearot proposes* AMet•r pas frsaArat tee etodele weirs: _ _ ..., __. -__Nietriagraes et Gull►tome dee ap*gels ertnau►Wm* pgreais b aha tee PWIPOWIS 0*Made M Dose Il tetraae al rM.MMae*fait is.rema ie *Pail : Tile II*peg Mac t a cogps orliso T oiliest*al senseee a w0411110dila*a dd 1. f o 1 Weil air deb a G wf to t For oliietu the OelyI Paters Si e ri r $awe at woo Aeetrstp►N. T eetA ptliee Imo* Mir: H acme trio bow E burs d*merit a!l pat serer*erelbigre %Ives Caw/laetnw*l peer rilwrla>Mllaet N,fw ae s i---7 Lerrseuum A masers 0 Capp al tants.104011111111iTeeeareAip c ommoes caplet Et fie PIP boos awe fie feepriila ifce I Com at hi*streets CAllool nits*le mew Owe mein le eiee da ale Mb*111101011 liy � Ministry AVE:e s • Application for a • n- > azures ssou e;a Act ,, Wayside Permit jj f Urgent Llrvehirr., ,-..# crr pts festrstAen un oriel urgent Minrsibie des Lot de i9l9 sur Demande de permis de puns R �,w,T Pined riattr'estorts los t•ssourcis „r, en agr*gats d extraction ou de carriere en carrier* mew bordure de Is route A site plan providing the inic)rmation required under section 2S of the Aggregate Resources Act must accompany this aopaiocat+on Un pion ash Mel dtannrsre tee nisi iignersrertla reguia ant worms de taricte 25 de tet Ler lie 1989 sox Jas ressources en eggrevets dvit hats airier*a le preterite domande • Parsed*i►tc cmasion required on this form is collected candy the authority of the A{gregade Resnu cert Act,s 23 and will hes used tor the administration of the Act Las ilaiseignamenta personnels caroms darns(nate formal*sort dernndtat en vertu de woe 23 dela Lei* t909 stw kis ressarmcas en agrOguNs. et*stunt utilises ises a des Oras d atppaicatio n de la Lot • Questions about this information Ovoid the directed to the District Menager of the Ministry of Natural Resources district in which the proposed pat or Quarry is located Adresse to ut+s question sur cette demands au chef du district du minister"des Richssaee nature.**dans*duel se troth"lei carr4irs ou le puts d estractiorr • All information submitted in resect cit tris aiicat+Mtrt is svarist le for public review Vous les renseigneeements doondis retahhvrmrnt It tette demands peuverrt M►e exarninds par le public f Applicant i Raise Pe guerant I Nom ....._. � .._..w._._..._,_...... Phone No .�._ .._..� ess Adresse M de 41 Paoli.Code < Code postal 2 1alndownet ! Name PttlDrei/tMts , ( p1R _.__..__......___ _. ._.— —____ _ _... _ _ _ ..._.. 0411111$ T Pte*ti.. Aden, F_W ds tit. Postai� _ Po IC— INote t.atndcisvner.Agreement required with ata esddr►) MOO 1.'Entente avec le prclpr►e tarre dors Alm anneveie A to prt#sente demande) 3 Site Locals* Let ' Cc nevilwin Geographic Tolerably I Local Murriopality County t Regional laisacipaifly t District Emplacement m CagPographrgue i Municipal*incase Conn*t rerstnrdpssM**nate t district . • IIt I Site History Previous Pit Previous Ouarry HiStorque die L.- AvCrer puts d'etfiacssn • Arxrenrre carnia • -remptacNt ant ' -; NI Wee Quarry ,_.,. :0 tat9yNbaU pulls alienist io s ' Ntw.ele cranks - Rest Use Uldisatino(lasssee Zoning of link and*Were t shown fin the lee lila ..._.__.._. - �._ __ _._ _..,.,.._—..._.. _ _.____„___.__. Zara?de terspiscereere ea des tenons a&iacesnts rnclques s:e<*plan du site S. P;t, tt gate to cammenc.operation Datst+irn Job Location ...N.... Mtctrnsatioes Date du<hiout des fiarraux Dials Lieu tie wave' sur ie proms Pry 1 Contract No Purpose/Use al.instarial _ . .. o �......_- ._�._. _ - ____ i Pubk Adhere, tJ•du aware i d+r propel . Obi*I tltlrsalton eau meter* Organisms public demanders ra,Aeuhoet does Aswan I Reason lar arietfon of lite compared iiia+Moms*,sources*dada teat rens daraibns Mash epi a none Pan chow de Tempiaceenerw par rapport aux meet sources h eaLpefa las coils) • Tyar(%)M aggre*at,to he excavated. .____.._._......._._w.__.� �__.._ ,,.._.,.,._.. _...._......_..... ._._.-..._.,.,..__._..._...... T,ype(%) d'atpeig ite a e!xtcane R MOW*d waggle Is to apt$rased hes d Ale tis Copy dim*erM'JueettYy 0611406nriwrlietlAa d ll4f 6 airtrsirt # 3dper tie di fempleceresnt Cope de twits 1110111411 ' 4at tcxnne s millsiodes heciares ! Li 46 6. Pit t Quarry Proposed rtihabitalloin techniques RMsbifitalenn Techniques de ralatbielaiton proprrsees nattabadatao du paehl taxttaCAOrt ou de fa can**. Proms**a grades of ttxtavneitrn Quasi Male des apr*yaNs teed peony 6trd ep– pespsaads Nr Pilar+ar ptioassMiarss sr*WNW ap*s re„ptita tale nidibintltaNan`be cosrnaMMaet e_. . _ _ 1 Dale t lageuia le eifnabataerie dee lid essodldl#et 11 • Strewn ' Thin al Irmo Aar.at s esgeuaMut pslioloess ear ailantus.a sopligi fired swill& DOW Mils say d C. OW d . tf Fe/Ofhc t Us,QM s Penal tee e$urns at owe iwutsrla N. , 40611011100611 Sedidef Aaoilel N. Risame all Waft Omar as peso i i oils per twine milsiltleti► re• Cu l nassaiii Are tikatilailaa Asp d i ....___.......:.... _... __.,..._........ ... . . _ _ _ _ .._.. . w _. _ *----i f atneseener Arpsstsaal I cops ell tattler messed El Taerresitip tasssae_.L no trains sl Sass Pio attic as Proms L. Cepa*tease atnrieetis Csi mn..eJdnei 6canton i On,apt"dr airs 6 lee Ow MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT -ci? . The Ontario Water Resources Act --"" ..0„,,..r.-:"4"- WATIR WELL REdbRD Ontarios ff tivR,c,P 404c, inoRLr tR SPACES .ROY1Oto ii3 Al 1.") 13 4 ERICA l mutt 001 *Nt* ►.t E AtcasL* 1 a C*YRTT OR (r10IR/CT T0*41 Mit► •OR4usH City town YiLLAG ,j co.. .tOCa TRACT SURY[r ITC EOt es ,, ._ _ _ ....._ ... __.._.._..�._�.-..._..._.._..._.___......-_..- _-.._...L._ O� E , * atDt__, 3 OAT, COOrkMO q Si Yt?M 4ZL11 root - at flat/M K 1414 COO( f tit Olt fill I u 13 if 01 75 a ile I i 1 I I i 1 t I I 1 I 1 431 LOG OF OVERBURDEN ANO BEDROCK MATERIALS >suE 3Nsiauctlp22s) C[NCRAL COLOUR t101t OTHER MATERIALS GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 tor*CHI MATEOfAt filer t0 0 AP _ OP ail 443 .11 O 0 ll - ___ ___. __ t 1 .. 111 �...__k _ _:___ ........_, A. 4 -i I 41.0. I t' 4it1(Z1i 1 I i:kqe%AgLi, 1 10411CiiUI00i71 .III[ 1 1U 1 1Aj .1 [ t1 i I 1 A 1 1 h i I 1 3? ` x,11: -11: I t_1t1 �It,i11� Lt1 ► II#lti1111t1 �� 1-vi s+1t-S tat 00111.3436Z St-lf D++twt!tat 14.1• .L4WStM v.. WATER RECORD ' CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD 1.D1 R• PTA a cOM*0 al 011s,K wait ill Prtl f EE7 IIIc OEs MT AT fill SONO Of VtAlki 0 10 M4T-tReal triC:•,rE 1S /RVw rp naTE.3AL * 0 Tr►4 ;DtIr.1 !D to. i t., _ twCrtS 1 otrC.ttl U .....�.�._............ Ot SC•Eli Or c w'/ I �.• r f f Q SiaLr*{t0 „.„ , ., salt .f -" ""- »• N i ♦ �"� tall, f SALTT • a 41341404E — 1C LJ f I _ t2t _ 34 f G Gat wa•1ttt. !1 T ii�� 11"~ * D .4Rtsr # Q SYt.NYO 1 LolidyCRtft 30 61 PLUGGING b SEALING RECORD # ® SALilt • O MHtt*AL • Ort% apt , �. � DEPT* SEt AT Silt TITTOI f a' Sidti • t•"f MAftRt At ANO frit 411011•T •,ROYI �" 1 a Mum 1[ *Ut PWUR 1 '—./' ---7----,.-----t0 LICAD►Kat• SIC + A GaL►awttEO —_..7,_,._,... 1 0 SALT, •(� MY41ERAL 1 Sart CQ4C•t14 ? C.._. -qj Ma►—�� 1. { 4#•f t Q f RES* y © 61tL.*vR t ••u Art R NOEL ....t___...,_, ,-�� a 0 SAVVY • 0 Mt41taAL K'l T :0 Sint. tt. Witt 3t #.•. i 0 1.aLv4Ritio I -r- ..'.. 1 C] fins* y Q stat.*ff* y a COa(•1ft £ t•»! 0111 Se $ a SALTY •® M3atRAL i •':: Orta 001E 1 0 40034100 1441 0(1*O. 2fR P540*. !*TC A.t•?ctVw•I.oR ti, •Y Moi M.: LOCATION OF WELL .TATK VI=L.EYaL as rLt411t414 IN Q RAM at•nw •YY'Ut41 a•es.-..s. ., ....50^4114.44e ...,,�..`-,�. iD lotrit. watts tents WRan4 a M4COvER+ /��/ .IDN t.I�C�j Jt • M••• ••..•,--,.....5#•#• q aM*a, # S•na,ltlf 4f as 14314011°44 4•M.111tY to 10.1111 WM y f.ii ai4.f MI 1.#t rttf flit t / 0)4 �. 411101 WIG .lMttt. $41.At MIM 101444 14 3 41 •7441#4 at ARA i0 may N ti ISM rqt t CtE40 E Q CtiMaaMY iK�01tp4R.011.n.a R#.00614NRt /woo NCSn1a•tNi. ... has, 50aMtii i ,. M Q Ott. •iart Sill i i A/44#1 iia# _ * _•.„... Gott .4 71 Sr `311C CArAttTT is ,/ , ItYwtt 1 FINAL 5 fi+'� • ® AEtAttoot/la t41s�Yiftetlrr �yrrar STATUS l 4 0 O10IRRAII0* t17tu •0 *M 00a1t. Pool 00A45T1 S#' r U I1 f Q ItMT *Ott y CI 0*ff0N•tt* /►,� l,,.•-" OE WELL • o .. WALL �,.1t.+P Oi. 4'"- NI- / VW • Q EemetttctAt _ WAT>Ew , 0 salts* . 0 41YAatiaoo # Q +Mlt tuMN Y Q Pol5.tC #1rP0tr '0nfriar4'0 , - ' • Q *AIHRTA sAt. • Q CIA.t.atlt* M ASR C0M011100t*4 Q orwif • C Por mu* , ---' • ■■ TY a Y.*as S M • tts j j i� H Q McTARt 4 f .02221,2,2210•144.a f 0441.0110 i..i or f c sown 404,4404, •Q atTllat• �w�r^� •• aofeaursio tali • a 0 C,..#1/4/a r if l • All- -millelilliffillw . . o. GROU & M #'i„l i :' a, kV."is . / 17 IZ L'5-1 21 2-1 Si 41 ID- ' 1 1 144, lk i � } sig 1 �#- 3 ,0 + urDN ;47.4 /YeT ,. , /1/�'"l -N./ . Ontario Water Resources Comm' ActONTARIO ?4r 11..tt 1TY' Irjr;1 6 l 1 I q I 0 1 1 e �' � CCS. WATER d As-4- County or istric - a.. .Township, Village, Town or City /T /I' 0 i 1. IC y y ,�.•.�-� h t-�. K Con- '',. / / 7'f>/ Lot / Date completed /Y'"'/1/ , /.{fi / . --°-- far► month roar) Owner ,' fi /V /94 ��rt �4--�'/ Address IF ,? y- / 4 /f.:f ' ' r, , �� (print in Week lett/kW • Casing and Screen Record L, 1 / c '.r' Pumping Test ,_ r • Static level InsK!e diameter of casing .;,,� Total length of casing /. . It / � k 4- iL. �'l�Test-pumping rate C.P.M. Type of screen Pumping level ;4 • Length of screen Duration of test pumping i Depth to top of screen \Vater clear or cloudy at end of test Diameter of finished hole Recommended pumping rate G.P.M. with pump setting of feet below ground surface welt tog Water Record Depth(s) at Kind of water. Overburden and Bedrock Record - From fTa • hich water(s) (fresh, salty, found sulphur) _ —777,--i--,-----___:7447 7----ziii, ti - ---t_. / ! . ____4 t For what purpose(s) is the water to b eed? Location of Well ,, - In diagram below show distances of well from ,/� road and lot line. Indicate north by arrow, Is well on upland, in valley, or on hills' ? �"� . Drill o dill; ii g Finn' etAX4)44- ~ •: ,ung g ... Address R j OA �` "`� �.-,- t t • -..? ��: Ilk -4 .... Licence Number A / 1%./ - , j , „ 4. Name of Driller or Barer 4/4 47- t f /. +:.; Al 4 k L , ' 1 r • c Address /116 7. 9 • I 1 11 0 el h c.,.'7,1.. z, Date 4.4_01 .4e..2EA''‘,E C) (Signature of Licensed Drilling or Boring Cont r) r.,' Faarr. .f / Form 7 15M Soto 10-5930 OWRC COPY .f w \ The Ontario Water Resources Lomrmsston Act di id" 4 em:::) WATIR WELL REORD .t CON MiYh. is Mwris t MIXT ONLY tit SPACES PROVIDED Fill 4O 3 0 0 9 1..114101CM © _ 1_!,1_ .__liti i Fe' 1 ail 2 CHEM CORRECT SOX WHERE Af►LICASLE t = 1 1. is II I) I• rCOINMTY N' M EDISTINCT TOWMg}SMif. ROROU6tj. CITY TOWN_TOWN_ VILLAGE j S ICON SIOC .V. SVRYET. ETC +/� /� LOT Il•I' •/�/ n :0, 4Nct k k 0121iE.R RNAME FtR T t fff 1112-41, A ow T j -41-- na:at:i. 3!0131 ElISTMIS 4K)01411404 RG tLE11.TImmo11 RC !AM Wet 0r fl! II 21 112itI:iit . LY12_3 . Li I.�a._�.. a. L t 1_A31.._i._ .i_L 1 1 1_1_1 _A..1__., .1.._.. I 1 t IQ 1 17 1! I. Is 70 it �� LOG OP OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS I SEE INSTRUCTIONS 1 pE►1ERAt COLOUR NOSYDEPTH - FEET COMMON MATERIAL OTHER MATERIALS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FROM TO i' 4L : • . e _ 1 }._� _.. .___,•43/40 4 (-.11--47 J.) -, t r -*, 4 . , _ i I,/ -------- ' If- '''Llia— ,.__. '� 4t Sq', -_.___.__. .. .. '__ 1 X 14 _ ._._._._._.__._�_______. � - ..),, eii. _ , i . , . _ . ________ ____ci,rc..1....,_______ _ _ _ .., ,s /_._ 114 I / " 4.- v i .--., 4,4 .. , ..t.... v �r 1 Illt _.... , _._._ --_ .I.3 _.. ., 5.. • 01'3'' lag I1j1l 4 t I 1 1 la12 1 1 .1 IO 1311 X 1 1 I i! . . 4 1 • .."44 . . Ic�axi ' i I 1 J I {1 fi. Xo! J t 1 1 1 1 ! i i [ 1yl1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J ,''i:. _ ii,s 1331 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Io1 strLaTs or ort D st 1k sisfss Ii►-IS i Lj114TN s!. iit z1111111'• • 1YATERR!CP!D SING b OPEN HOLE RECORD soli • 7 ` wpl" DEf7N FEET • •� Et rEET tsNtD OF WATER MATERIAL rossstss j ` yMA R 0 ►E • • ptsT« 70,TOP -44:ri tMCHLS a1CMFs . , FRaM r0 CO scirtEs �� ► PUN S '• SutfiiVR14 _ `r w �. Q _,i� !! 6....- �.._...__,**lilt * i!t . STEEL y - IIS„ IS•tS �i ssl��� I f A /y� ' 40 :73 01 1► TT A '4 MENERAL L.�-' R� s • IttT ALVANr1ED , w FRESit 1 SItLfHUR * CONCRETE 1„ �,� ' �E - ' 611 PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD S C.0 min' S 2; MINERAL C OPEN MOLE I7 45 I n STEEL i! - pati DEPTH SET Al-FEET ICE$IWV 4t OUT IN-13 is Ia S MATERIAL AND TYPE ► 7 FREER S SULPMuR I FROM I TO LEAD ►ACtER. £71 II GALYANtIED f j 2 0 SALTY • MINERAL 3 0 CONCRETE ( r_____ tollj pe-47 Warr e I 0 TRESH b 0 SULRNURN _ OPEN MOLE $ t�,...,. * a SALTY 4 MINERAL 1446 i 0 STEEL !Ss IT 3o tilt I MRS N • 2 &ALVANIZED ter___. I n FMESN S SULPHUR - J CONCRETE f tt-47i #+'33 00 _r__..- I W:SALTY 4 .7 MINERAL. ,A OPEN Nos# ... I ni,hrQMrNG 11%T NNYIt1011 i07►YWPi#1G Reit /`� t t t* ONNTtoes of ovum**d LOCATION O 1�' WELL ' ' s1 PUMP SAILER /1( 1 �, .$44 1 i►• _ a _ 1/ � is Didti;alAA1 MELON SHOW DISTANCES OF WELL FRpM ROAD AND Om , ATIL WI dF L 2K WATER LEVELS DURING I - --"P1 ' LOT LINE •ND CATE NORTH SY ARROW M LLVEL fYMNO, 2 L RECOVERY W , 1l,2t as s tt/MYYts eof *fortforwTESis4 41 WN117ts f X01$ttiy*tSboo 6 7 e /-TY i . 'SET i Via FE Y'1 eEtl qr L04intIG 611-41k7 NFT 147 t ! ` [!A I DM OF LEST Al f,, IMOIR IL ' ,.. , ! I - LIAR ;ws CLOUDY ..-.....--.. • • �� `' IOYMNIWIS PvM M! - RE ; w.r• ;dir. ,+1t ...._....__.M..__ ' V 0 StM4.1.0W * = >S a imP".►IFF► l '" 1111. / tW#S ` -....1 _ — ._,.....,....IPM in I tiMer Ml •FINAL i ' , TER .TIN StQ ABANDONED INSwFtC.tENT SUFttq,T 2 0•043401061001 WELL . A:411001.E0- •Odi)t QUALITY OP WILL 4 M , (MAR51 WILA "IIP $ RIDINESTIC + i *CAA M S70CR u *PAL U wan i*Ri4iAT�OM T 0 fu! :, T Ii J. k "••Yat • 0 iN04FsTRl*4, 0 0 C WI* OR CON0*T1OINIFG0 011sta 0 L. • *1510AA \ , II/ :\ (Mkt roOs 0 0 110101441 � k METHOD r litniiRY 4 coso in fOliAIL 1 ? 000 , • � OF 2£.3 41044411 I OMNI) • 0 .t TT811Ei 6 '' Di •0 RO1A0'lr salt 0 0 pawl,* I • E *C.; A* osiwzmus• )1-44, (Iw3L LL11S 9 411/ ministry The Ontario Water Resources Act Environment of the WATER WELL RECORD jntarnO t faTMT e,..,r no 100(01 t4t0v,tstDy t I Cottle CtSaRttT 061 *rr4f*1 AlrL`t AlL! j V Gam.iJ:'»�' �✓ } :L,.� ... + <a* .£34,41,E* 1111 St4 • Y Lf}Ri9 ttAt# C[a'r 70WN v •: L L__.___ i167t4 °akt, 'sU irfY fT. s L.)' ..o / F f i \ _, �_ _ _ _.._� __._._.__._ .. ._.� .__ m _. _.._ � w>.fa St**tI*f taaaT a t• .> ATSa#fxS _ - -`°'.•.,..__.,..,_..._._ � ATt C rf►iffC#, L. ,...1 Ci ) t 1 Ll(Ji I () 1 ? 1_* I . I�. ,i ) 0$ 1i`.0 E 0.,_...,6„....._ .. ............../..._ ,,,ei? ict*.r rk-k<:v., S.� . <. i.• ..[-ON at $AS,w tater 2 LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS .ctE 104sTltt,iCTtOMS1 _ ._.._ _ _.. .,..._._.-S —.....r- 10041 c itiaah *III ':LNLRAL COLOUP OT14La MATERIALS GETAEftAt OtSC10,TIO* temsoir wAttaeat **ON r TO 7 cik, 11 . ..•9t do), , I 4 .s-it.iire 1,_... , (4.x./ , le ,3-. .___ I 7 4/- t �. . 211 _._ ° r'" r f r aet9 1 4-- i < t 4 S J} S i S }_, 9 t 1 t r ( ) i i i i s 4 £ 3 a # d i I , , s i ; P { ; L.L _ Y L �_- .� i LrS.. .... w�. :_.. f. i i, k :..., Y 1.� I S . ....La LL t . .f :,. .i t_ , t +� y � [ [F} If t � � t 3j . p� f d p S { f ({ 7 t( {! t ) 5 'd ;..� ,.�1...�.. ... tk }�S_..,1 ii i i,«L....3....1....1«..1....3.._,1+.3 .�.,...L....i.. ..,:.., .-..b...w...a.. I ; i...:.R•_.� 1... f....i.a__. 3,..,3...L.. ..1..,.L._1....JL_,1....i.,-_t t_i_l_i_ 5 1 ` Al,, 2 fO Al ))+7 t' ik S .g' Al WATER RECORD 51 CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD t t£ Ar te►ENiy* T► Q•AY[c. 14 ➢t <.+» 51 aN *Alfa r04,1MYT .M.._-... (*Vat i w*;,�. '2 (tet.* VIII ,,,,,.� C'^/� Atha Or Waft*. [MCKt} i tin ttiaa a►,{ReAt tu;4*at lS ) ll arcate f n »t, p . CC :[t.f<N,AL .t+to TIP( _"X .. ---... t 1 RsaAt ?(f' 8t e4 r9 tAf +.4a sa ^""�, II _ ` Rfs» * © sutanvN r --tAtA - -- �- - L3..--..- of :tattA 1 s�► . C� SALTT • } p[*LAaL ..ai [ : tEIL _ J�% q .: -_� �jf. [ �?)9 �rl� I `ttf'Y �C s 7 xttt e ___ _ E t`. GALvAi.itED JT , {{ f { [ s� t } rNti* t [] SuL•MWa t' t f t:O*t;.RF4f {' t 1 61 PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD I A 0 SALTA 4 a **{*[1441 ' OaTN .04.1 j. ? ta......a s _ • 10 :S Tt 5 -. �t, Al fttt - i..) $Tri,. a .. ... .. "*"4"". t Atfi At 4" tr•E s[4.4t,. :.4;ri+* t. Et * 0 fate* 1 t�t $uLfauit `A -s y c A.,,... . ; --to-- ‘1.10a4t*1* It(t„/ - t L i ALVAk>tE0 .... `^-,.. ,........;: : .....,....: t i &ACTT 4 n MittCNAL 43 fOM£.*itt 8I ,r., } 4... .,- .«. ......_,.-,......'.....' 1* t* t fl f*($W l SWl1Mtt# t1 4 to 00104 0404[ . t a S At T Y . j M t a t#A L. Ret C t S l t.t l f tt f6 to tt /! It —.. ^----•-•---•- _ _.,.,_.,.,,.-„,,,�, - .t1 4111,rAMttl 0l-tl rots* l SWL•t,V#1a 0 * t _.. y I ......_.. . . ,_..,..»................,� r COMfat'E i rte ition t ! 0 6144.14 a 0 Mf**CRAL It r ort . *Oil j i i 4 ' I P*$f$ $ If SI METite* t* ?Welt teY* AA It :t 'A {a,-,rrkt•v4I Of •[+*r•..., 71 f e. t. Y; LOCATION OF WELL I. � } £asst i i.... uOtfrf..._ t_.'..,`... STATIC "'Att. It t r a,;*t, IN DIAGRAM MLtOw SHOW DISTANCES Or WELL rROM ROAD A4O E1110 sir **It* tSV1L.a Duat$G JA�,#EtWr(#1' LOT ['tit. iNO4CATE NORTH $r A**OW. Lilt,. he44,efs# _ l 4 _30 Mt*YttS .3 *+MNtle ea*,etatft -ili* I* tit ::I *tt* ! `tt' WI j/rl / \ Z 4 t1 rias•1ta fa *T . 0+44{• estAAt .tt Al «4,£a At FM. ,t4 tE a' At -7 ( i iert *Art 7 mow,,, { ` 6•vt' tlEri. s 'a't{LtEa8 * C.. FtFx "'S- / 1:// /t, (• *((u*atwRCa au** Trfl *4(011./4NOt t' 41 AA i{*ICOM *aota ...:as t♦ I/'� aueut• ^-� 7 3 t i swALLCtIK "(mar iit.ttfi: / / r *aaL '” '*-. 4 24 = ,r is ., 0- t 30jty\ i k C/lt le FINAL e 4 it, SW►itx * 0 AIANDO.ED •NSW+rirstNF aif►!t, I a O'tYAE#YAT,O. wttL 4 0 A*A$DO$tD •000 r,Wat•ir STATUS t 0 /1St {*Ott t t1 uMrr.tt«E0 (/f�rw f , OF WELL a O #LCIAA*t:1, w44Lt E �` `a Al i I g i WATER t 0 STara . 0 ,ois.at;t,.t sty $ { tint(41100 7 a rWiLit *v.ertt, } . `+.` '-..., I USE ' 0 thO&SfatAL * 0 CL�CtL*h6 08 Ata CO*4**0*>446 ~�~~• 1. 0 uTMiN ' 0 wtsr vsto .____ _--E.Y,.r .� t*•ttt Fat* ♦ 0 t4A#st** METHOD t "� ._.. ..r . ._ ter_ ..._._«._____ *OffilY .00**elMtnoaiAt.3 I 0 fr,4pt,14fa OF s 0 arafi*aT :N[vtfttLt • a JirTtwG DRILLING a 0 att*a* iAt*t l 644,,,4,4�# . 0 Alm IfifttOSS40** i,,,,,,ito:it,04.***..1.04satiiiita#1(.*:,0.i tFA**L 0r Wekt• [:4x11#(*.a a:c tact +Item.* ws4F f# LORi*,AGTONt• ,aAit R1 tom,[ r .A.* .A i. t d f ic,C)C II 1 5 ',I / -,.q 1: 4*6it 3C(10JC!CVS («1]i L____Ic ,<IT Pei 7 r/ titer , z ,..... 15 4, 1 - *****lei irEAf � • . t _, ._ � _ _� ,.. � _ �a_,w _�.i cr ! *Ass Of 111.Lala 4* ltli** *,,teat[ N:t***** _ ,Zs t� "4C •l ,(+ /-1c I $ I1PL . � , �/ ; 0 .......,...« .....,_...._ ...m.,---i......,:.......,,,,. d.. ! «...»....4 3 1 U SS4t.Ai:t4at. •'f CEtfitt**CT44 -N «. ,t .v*rt>t*tO* a*** ' t d ST*t, A'ravt toe T.tf^`-.Mti*.**A*'ii".a.*a wit ter 04s~ foam £f4YU$..k .p' GrYitAl T x • * '" Ministry The Ontario Water Resources Act IT•) ® t WATER WELL RECORD Environment ntartQ � O 11 �T � 4 � s_wic[r►� [� CO* )i Et t ls4NT Otrt.t iR t►art4 ►ROv!pt0 II 12• cici i �c j4 f tos 11 Cwt:R Co:atCT 101 1•,rtwt a.ltscattt t t 1 *4 r i.*t� j c NON?? 04 s#St*SCT T 04•146,1/I, •OR064. Ci!' TQNM ,, , a s (ON *LOCI lOACT S:dIV1t4 It( .. . j� ,�r !t !t 1 'rte a tt,,,k kCA n P'\ / 7 ..1..._ MINER .[i/RN* 'IRST4 IfAttADd.EtS 7 '� "'` io.,E COa,r\tttO j�as [s 4 ‘...,v - 4,..ic.) !� I i1 _a ! 1 1 Sl tot�`i" 1 Y - `Y S l �'j A.. � .. 7 ,. , ! ((lank �' tail tot } !«11}/,4,!IIs Rt $\[vA4/0w K MAIN 1001 I4 444 4'1 Z1 !! y I i 1 1. 1 .1 1 I 1 1 1 i i I E 1 I i U 1 1 1 • 1 1�,J1 -- r K t! 4, .• fa 1i At ii I a LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS rsuf ANSiourtto*1s. 4 _tri • 0411.41. (*LOU* MOST OTMEA MATERIALS l GC,/t1tA. OfSCRrPT4ON . ®11.1 * r +COHb+-* *ATE*/A4. 4 tsOM 110 4444..-"....�....:.„..:..- .. < -: 4444._ __... .........._ - i - .4444..-.-�...........�-"'-._-. _1g c.,A _ _ _ C.I.c........y f"7-4 .1 " .u...._.�..,.... �..._._. ."�.._.._m _"4444 �W_ _ .� .�_..,e _ i 'i G gO r - t cSL ..M 4444. _,.......». 444»4._ "...,..�.. t .... •..... ._.....-4 r __4 44 4.44.4 .__......................_4, 11 T ____ t 2 3' 1 U11141i11till1s"l11.11111I1111111IiIii ± MIIIIIILi1.111111.. 11. 11111 ± 1..,,.J L ! 1 1Ai 1 1 1 1 1 _ I l { 1 1 1 1 i) 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1a 1 14 1 L idL 1 1. 1 I,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 10 -1 I 1 ± 1 ! kJ J , 41 WATER RECORD I SI I . CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD • ""t•s: 0, 0.11«..4 )t•$$ #+<ara <. Da AI 44«�,» St 40 .._..,..,s. 4444,-"_.. ...-4444.. \,!r .y._._".._.,........_ _"4444,-.._.: � P 5,....... Cj3 M1ATE• fQU,$s A4Ns Of RtAIit tw$?4N ra,t {,It• ..11....,.4 t ........ Laa _ ._ __".,�.._..�._ , :MCwE4 ._--. -_ _;tt'At VEEt 6.444 - Matt• •t. 4».ts..tv.s u. rs at AttO Yr*[ O,[ tr t ip• _ -4444.«. ii.. .�_..:..........."........._... 4444 .....:.:.. .. 4114i,4.11.1 “44...4,, A N, y 10 � 01.44 IS VRe•N 1 011******** --- • 1 IA j*,,,, ! C , ♦C a,.k at 20 $ Cl ow* t D•Itstta\• "•" 1 8414114. a '• N , CI 1 n 1" 1 ,'.�'-) ( L :tit -- 66.0.,«-+# , 'aims 1 atYal4stfs. r f i aoi�it4 ko.e i e 04!11 • Qr,Rt•a1e wy1 ' D!\.:ttc 1 E SI PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD t Daa• �.. _4444.. cttlt«t ;.actor 4$•N' to 1.1) .t41t 4 At Ott{ $t•-$.$ t ^tot[N 1 DW\►wtl• 1a : 1 D••te\ _ ma/A0,A\ trip tr►t fIt Ds Met[D " �4MIlM £ Ira i; � 0140 a♦tata 44a,' ♦ D R4NgR•\$ • a ea,„ • Cita• 13 D404•LRtt[ I - _.-......_.. .0../4�_..-•z,.:. _ t..,:,,,.. C3swtw *Ott $ • #�• t 0 *REIN 1 C3WiN1M• • a i1 0010,0144 `^ Y.k .. ._.o,. r --4.- -. ._. .._4444"__^'__... .._....,.. R ! $ttotRA\• Ya ii [ � € !t' . ka rk it d• I o ••t\Tf tt r OA/tettDIA• - Y Q•#\••tortes Wita tags* Dttnlu4rta )a ) D 40NC•Ett ? _..�.....�• 2 r•`.�.� '•.$i,FM .......`._...,,,,__.__..."._._. ".._.,."..._..,...,"...., • 041401•A\• 4 C:s►ew 4ra\t i J I a tat'T A 06.0 s Q►\ArrIc ' 1 •0*M4a• its/ gttW0 N rust*.at, as A4 '4 :Iy•ar,C;• Ot .;ao►•«.. .. -...1 ,3 to-a r 4444. � 3LOCATION O F W ELL {{ mark► hila tl , 1#411.•8 4N 0$Af4RAN OELQW SHOW OtStA$CES OF WELL FROM ROA$} A!4) X111 i7AtdC P 1M•At *ATtR LEYta"4 GUw464 btvtl e ( •t,0,io, LOt L4ME iNOICATE NOATte YtT dI�AOW H 1tlr14A1Y JdI -.-._»�.-.,t.........-. 4__444_ rA i4:17,_4___�_.,Y.-..4444_ $11.10 IS N4NYtti !0»tsiitiS a/ M w r.4i a:i 41 •,-1. - - G!a ••-1+ Mail I 1! $a ' 14 AI f .».. 'I...3 t 3 t V atN 4111 Ir 111.4 111.19• Itis .t;• Z /t 4\,,44.4 $• 4$ •4p 4 4«'aa1. II a# ra11.a at 1«0 :./• '4L' a1 4.•e *Art 0 3 ,26144• ,el! s t\taR ;t MC\eau4_Z *ICAU01Net•AyMI 4411 N[tommesO1* •)-41 y43t0001wlt• /fa4 a• 0 iNA\tQ1rt ERI [11ttN• *at9 war[ GP* ,-63 14 //....,... .. 14T FINAL 1 AMU* •U►►LT • 0 atANi3Q$(U Ihtt,t,/C.twr Sur04.4 .S t t Q O*$1IYat ION *Rt.* • a A•A000R1•- 1oQR a41AI,tt £LL`•• 1 STATUS • 0 $tit NO4.E 11 .0 UNftati+.LD � /.7'i p OF WELL • Q AtL„AAIt mitt, Q OEIr•tt1R404 �" . 11.41 • Q CEwMe0f4st, $ a •rota A a $*Void,►A\ WATER ) ( IssiCAI 40* I } !Ut\tf 361004,* � USE • a taittistst41 • a f04i4N4i Q OR A4* Co,$oi140N4Nj1 t / i1 •I 0 otut* • in Not ust0Ra 11.E toot. • N trOstto* t• METHOD • •••••• Acommast4a$u►c.t t Q 04as0N0 OF 1 I p Revs*, t0EYEsi14 • 0 J6Y44NG S, 5 CONSTRUCTION: • 0 s*T0.AT 44404 s Oat sRt.4Nc, 4� 4 1 0 8 $ p AOR less Us•14O 0 O.aa*NO 0 mime* ssti4twi RtMaRai *AIME 4's*1 *ELI. ,,.s SAC 404 *t4..*. CON'NSCTOtl Mr e MY0 A tEe4Nt11Rit9• AS 1 t4•re lttlt,et 0t • 10 L , at 40/010* a NuwtsEt! to". _ . . � _ _ ___MAY 4)._t_.. �"" AAAI 0 ,I of N14111$44r•Nu riot4,ss LI 111 CaLtitt, ' ,401104/ , g N•.ae O► 4,L ttCaaNi ./ANir..i T•E.iM N t C i♦N* • oF+.............,.-..�....._._.._«......-...�........,.,.. .._...w+ 4444"",._4444.._. 1~ 4.4C ,VGE 4.14l*Aa U •AJia1+t#r444lt OP Ste••••-•crA*JCOMTR*C*ow 1-.••• t:s.ort *441 •j 0"'' st€ The l7ntttrIlk oter Resources Act �fthe WATER WELL Er��;�fCnrnet -,,-„,0 , t TO i �/1 1!'�{ I/� •/� 1.41«+tl• l.. 4 Miry 4)44 t r ...Acta .1101440.0 } 8.11 1 2 0 V 4 f. v� / is"�1 �L"'7 i ... , 1 _i- 1. 1 ! .L I. - 4 i ctit. a e•t r e ••- r.,<.t erw; stet a L, i 0 1• .k 4i , .i tl.ltr WO #)3ti,1;t _;*ie o.w C.,`4 tt:4A% . ,.tts:4 It 0,90 lit tt,it sWit,.1 '.t4«rt.k it.. t 09 _ _._ [ .fy!•rAt►f a,Kts s •r accRtcs _.. . .fZijC) it96°. 6)5&--,,0%1 -hi 17z. id....go,. 6,6„x".6- . ., / 7 .0 -7 er .'lit. {A•. 4s .M... a:. •t ! �N Sc Y1•• Ctlii �* .r4 rr " ':-_. .L_.i .-i---_: _' {. : __�-....�..._..�._. �.. I 'i i .. 1.--4 ._.i t _.1._.._.l._..... _._..._.._�....._.�... .._._.1..__-1 Z_. .! I.. .. 1 ._Li) tit LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS ,cit ,04geu< I,t)hss 04p1 44 tet • !tape COtOUM t wt)tf 0,0115 MArteitAtA 646440At OfSt:OlP11041 coalm n WitietAi. i 4•u4 t[i 141.4 Clf . 77.t -1..e4e4:: 0' 'if\ 1 ..-....-- i , - . - r'Vau)A,,i LT"r�+ ' . __.. .._ _._ _.._ __._.. q. . , -,1‘ :5 CE*°- ,Ac5:4 . .1-251. :, 2$..." I t i} _. } } 1i 3 i 3 4 _________.f.... __..._.____. _�__ . ..._... .,__i_._�.. f I 3 1_1..,i.....�._.i, 3._...: i..L.i._.. _ . ..11J. - .i ; t I .1 ..,. I i . 1 .� i...1.1_1„ �.. ,.:L .�...1...}�. I � , i } 4 ( } _. �. : �._S..l 3.�,L.L..I...,t�.1. �...� !_.� i i � � a_.i.. 1_.�... Li 2 1: } 1 } t } , / r i} }. , k 1,1_1_1 „x..1. ..1....1 .,_..1._ .._.i_. c; _.1_.1.�_L1 _� _.1..1 I., .. . e _�. .�. _ 1. 1._..I..1 t ..�_..1 _: ! ', : _ '.m ._ ._.i, 1 Rte# ... t , ' s ,i•IS 1' .'1 417e.ta w., )' 1) :> ♦M: 'ar �l ).�;ttrLS. e3 Ni 41 WATER RECORD } , 5! , CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD z +„t)4 ." > �... • A,i• fCW<f#I 4' q ._...t,..,_ r, :.ea.. f. 44 *Atilt 6 6/4 4 Ar flit •&110 OS *Att •• / .:..1 4414 1 ,., ' .. to . C/ u•,/. At AND Rkef .a , :e it•• r.Y v �{ �w C {{ 4 '4 _.••f Y« 31;2•u e.«ts. ) .. S �/I ,-- / .0i r e .[des .i .1<♦ .. 1 }4 .76.,..�tI � A a .tom �`-• a5.-. ?.. �� {ALT& 1�Mt"f•AtY 500 ',-+{t[ll .1,1 jjj _....5 •Ai r_tut1t,"itta y /8 Y l �� 43 icl cors oast *tits* skr Mfali•~`Y .t�ai4[" M°ti ` 61 PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD ► l.I SAtt. S>.?•LAstit f lsr7sAY IS /St f r•{SM .4'..•Yv6►"H• .1 t 0Stttt J I0•AisA44tt• 3 1{a. .a. . , t.. 1'-,,,,,, tot• 1 : :1 3•ttt •:`:8.•t f12t0"t•ttt ♦C3kt" roti i " ' . jt ;• t ;.i ••f 6" t� $t i.►"er• ...)� ` Stt-1ULAitfe s t j Sotts 4 ;L7•tf[l 11f '� '• tl II xw _.. _ .. _..., _,..... 3 ?QibtIA"S1(D i• )) , fitful., 3 t Wt►«Ms„_,•4 •1 3rc.tlt•t,i I - U .._ ....., 4 A.;1144064164.6 4:Ionia mot it l• tw !• is a &oats `--,,OAS si11easTic 14..1•44 .l 84 et Iwo; 1401 r..07..... 1••!. +• 4• .. a i M.c w r ' 11 i 1,) !We. t Sr 1 of 4 „ .• LOCATION OF WELL )t ii 1 .•atl• it.et at e: ri• VS* tt-A• i. .. AM at Low `4Nt)Ik rwoAh �. N <'4 ,,, t a. *8. E*OM ROAD 0 i S`At+C ? 0•V at Ili tf rt'. •. {"t�n.s. 14v.t itUT 1.:ll 1, 361103(ATE 61.111,14 Sr xMirt:w ►.;,MV 44 I wt,,. .ewt ' .,.� rillt) is 1•,,..04.4 1 to ",..,'tx .. M a t'�. F •S ktk,'t, �° 411111;X ., tits 4884. 44f. ,tt' 4114V �4� . `' •Y.147,«4 •A 634 344•41 SO taw. fel •4 rir,• A. 1.: :.p, .18* it 9.44111 *et ! /� i.►al _..__ � 410* z -' '."_�R i:., .',:r / N.\0 4 OA.044444roio *Aker !111• }•t t Oiiie«9itt ti •. rt 9404 Yili ti •* 4S ,/ tf••4141 •-r«..,, �..4/r +� '�.1 Sora. . •r t�Di.E1 Yit).«L � rot' ••"/ 1147 k, )ott 1 /I" / FINAL *4080 sYPr ) •a-•h; ',,e V 'k'...'' )N' ..1&)"144 .; t041.140r1.1.014 64.4 I.• 410 1005 (WOW/4trStATUS 964 1t $8) .Wtt , .; 8:5N1it OF WELL • itt ass**.4 Vitt.. Y tue«•.tt•4"• 11_11__, b! 114) i. .. .- ' �,,,.,- ...r ............, ".• #C/MtYttC • s. &{ AL ..�.- . mat +`•,• WAVER { 0 tttx. • U "_,«'.t'*t -- 8 (3 4iO4git1O0 • ) 14100&.tt 14•4313C o` WM • 0 41161►StilMl • 0 sAePt,.te. u1 A:" (ii"#ate4)t},1.,• 1) 4 1i•t! • i.i "434 t. t!i w._1111,..«.....:.......,.............. ......... .._. ..._.�� ,,. � �,�e•1111 .. 111 _ METilQC) ' il+'T"#ta )Hirt s itoori.., ) e t (.i #i[1Atf7 x CIAl.1*{"r Sia*M.+ 4 a i•,AI•GI4•# OF * In #(41;07 4i$w4lli, •; ttr11.4 DAiSTRUCTIQ A £ 00uA01e 4.4.4 3;.1 ##,944"6 23086 a 0..t A•# PIiCM33,4s1► C irs414,0,4,4 U D'•rt" 4.408 4411 ♦141 4. .7441*( l�ti a """''"""_/')am j te< . .,..4x4tAi.toll* ,•-• Y•i <Og1A• .Stow YY iI u•ti •4<$,p(5 44 i,Y�*5 + 5.-`r�.�. a. S! a,c ,1414 i 4.....1901•6 R c.> • � •al E r'.,_. - j � ' /D z ; 3 3 I 0 Nov 2 4+441 a. .«•e{c440r Irfatt.#R /411 t;" .45ii y 4 fit t"-..e 1414 ' i ,I 1' o1 ••.c. "<t ,,,. . •M >•` 4.4 44C 44p (':1.M 44 ,.I f 11144,•!1 f _ ...,_ Ls) ' r 0e ). ..•, . 1.44 it 04. SACt*U -7Y+rtio too Wt.. IA. .1 10 zdrin 7:44,-/-0-77,2--"....., odiv ...4/....... .., / =C'' a MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT COPY kCAM WO 05011 t„ fort 1.OHM '3 Mr stry The Ontario Water Resources Act w ~ wt�, Environment WATERn. \ALL RECORD *slaty OWL, Hs slAtis •ROYtf3t6 / 0 0 -•y r+ : COML. ro*RfcT Rot w+iiR! *PP tARit �: ii.... VVV . '�" -. ',...r. ;tit i � t t I i.�.�t/ j at1MTT ott •tc1*-Ct TowlrSst! •O147ub74 C1'Y r3* Y-t t.A/st C COU RI.oC• TRACT SSaRVtr tTf: i LOT eats 1 i 9 t‘,..2 .... Is/VyRE.S�F,AffltwsiOSSTt { AO/MOO OO /�jy/ ,(�J,'/1 �'{ /�_,/.•�".•/-�'.r-- ��.•./-____.._..._..._-..,.... CQt.1,,,rr/�Lt•ta /s F 1.i TR , ! r /MOO flFwt"' iztRMllREf K iter** 1R at imei•vow ti MI A1' 1t J 1 /to 4-t. 1 .t -�_./t S � t y,EA .L J.� J�, l i '" LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS a se YRuc r,oafs t 6trf• Fitt ENFOA£ (MOO* POST WHIR MA7ER}*1S I GENf*AL O£SCR!s110At tfh•t•O* *ATtR41t. i /ROM 10 44::::1 e t; t-t; 4 .."--,474,v e-c ,40,,-- 1 I _4/ ! 406 i r ,/ 7 _ . 4. ,- ,i-ie 4 , pry f 04 • r 1 I .:r _.. .._ __ �. _� 1 I i d t > i!] i'. `.i.....1 it.L.1 , I itt.e:AiiiraiLi I N , 1 1 ,__1 [ t!J It.0'f i 1 I "'r t I t , t I l L 1 t 1 i 1 Li 32-1 l � l � �� It � 4Ii ; ► i111 , 1 � } ; i1 � 11I1� i1I � 11 �_ 1iiij' Larl t 1qt t Of 0444l1.4, ft.as 1),461,'4• 04 60 I'ell'4". ss-Att . 41 WATER RECORD _ St CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD z slot .0 . r• 44 r u,; wA'9 M .,tfSUND( .. 103'03 wt i it.e ftai.. E I sFtuts •ttt }e....�`. -^� -.. iF t.ak4 h�.,�..tr I:; w .v fti •4ft11e* AND ?vet or••+ to aos kt a, N r f / / t , «f » 1 i y. , saute j...._ .., t t-, }[.. ... f -. .. �:., N t. l �/40. ./' !"1 O a 4. •I( 13 SO ,,....... �, 1 , .l, r • t 3 MSM/RA7 �? / ,,, T 1 • 444"70W4 f• '3' •HESE/ s sellf.tuM t 4.0, ;: . R'"<)4t 14E1 t; 1./ ! , F /'`� 3 6f PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD ! ',At TY • �^ 41•4113 RAI + 434 atJlt .._ .._ .. .r >� JkPta 41f A' +E.E 1..... ,tttt s0 is •([•[ftt yQVT fR"I , - l441'ia s I✓ 51.44 P4.1)44 1a . t F At Aloe* 1Yrs i ;.atAt/,lt aF'!tt t.i ItAA tA(lf• ftC r i.A.t t t t 0 M,Mt RAt ( ' 1 . t t4t*e-Rrft ..-_t , »... ......_..:........., .. '. 7 Mit /! t t at r•3 1 t R[$M f Q SUt/ata• ! t ',Tito +404,5 l .•. y a 1 tat.12 a ' 1 0'311-1444 EA IS ♦?tt4. ft 1 7 11 S* t• 1t 18 Et .. f ' .:....:..._.. .,- -. f. 1 ,/t zt A A if D r M ifZ t 4F1%* s (3 Stet.rrlE4R E• !f I :h *11'1 r• it i• t1.t•q .._. _,_...,- ... a : i SALT r a 1,.'3 St*.RA+. n rfEtt 1 • LOCATION OF WELL 1 I f4tts f *Alt ti 1 ,Mir _ t ......»..,..�._..._._ _.....,-.._......,«._.................-........,....._...,.... .,.. . ***SO Elvt4 as is DIAGRAM 8/LOW SHOW DES/As.£S 4f WELL FROM ROAD AND afA1^4 1 E•O •14 114A1Ef4 7..1717. 111 .• 3[164 ; as:rt*.tit, LOT 1.1NE 1trDtiAfE NORiIi iY ARRC1rY A , ti..rt 1s •• ti Mstry*1+t } 30'PIM 143 aS• « -• 43 r 4,;:11 S0411 Is of 3! 14 fs 31 /its still $111 714'_ Ills f� r$ tt,4w.. IS-.,1� ..if, rEt At Toll[[# At E*tt :7t 'tis r �L Gott *A-. S «f " 1 *OS >EE• t .r„.2 f t.f AR 4 Cl�fsOr 0 5 vc : •t;E,r•ErGEt) ft` 6iilt rt «t, •.r. R'M[T.-.-/) (� 9 •• •s A i G _ s1 4.44 e t+ FINAL ' WAflS 5tlsr4$ • a•A•00.100 tt.S1)t• x„�t',Y E U oi$IR.Afta• wttt • AMRDUs40 'tau. .:,,.>;r t.E.it/STATUS t r7 tts1 »ott , .�_j trtt.:wtswto \!!1.:.‘ OF WELL t i ? OEC*ARCA *tot "OK-. i t •tOO•t1Tlf: s U co* uttf:7Ai I 0 slo4A I Q lista ttfPAC WATER t o fRRrt;Aftw[I1 T O 4,4E404Ec 14144.4.7 USE * (3 f%ay t ERs At R 0 tget,two oat A7R C©IE4>11t01.4414 Cl *1144R s 0 407 E,sto METHOD , q *so*** i t twirl Os toad[i r [J *tome** // / / �/ �/J) /,I ��y� �J OF f 0 Ror ARr tat vtits1t • a I41f71E6 7/I«L •j0 //keel t t 'V� A /1,Ir/!�"4� t DRILLING • f.1 *of ARY t At#1 i RR4Y111G / 'J"' crit... 4 _ S C3 .:Er ►t RCSEff:gw1, 4.' OOrttrEMi [tsar ARav 1 `/. �{ RfttlrC! RWAtt[R Mq M cMrrtcrias HO SI Mal* M issisti ... iir't " 0 ifts JIM.. ft 600 malliellele r Oa } r 34 x • . «�_ /. A � ` ._. - » _, ,..,_ s co -sRntiti as tat*UFS Rii•••* D f{ .a - Ii 0.# , .4.RA *1 of .No fvMs••,M spot AL z ..y t Li/ # •'�. i J - ..1f ��. . ' $A T MO .....�_..._.�. +R „_, l.bL i MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT COPY if?AAf At(} .4- )T POSNIA r M unuvt'ito erre i Lii atiANOi F A . :: 0 20 2x1961 2 7 . e is IR i7131114 IL' tifi4Ontario Water Resources Commission Act ONTARIO WATER { SJR 10iS' i0I 'ATER ELL RECORDUCMMIION i 2 .I�i1 I I ..aunty or !)rstrirt 4 _ i O. j L Township, Village, Town or City ' '- �'�'X r►.:it ',,. t `7 ., ., 4.,...' 4e' _Oil. ^� Lot-- ' ... Date completed ; (day month 3rtar) )wner 4 ..=:_ a� ,r' ,t...!---74,7/, ,,....°-'_,-.-A,.r�°..,�,-, Address , , ->. ,..-.t..:'-, 1,,,1-.--c:- -:,..,„ . (... .-7,,;„ . <' 1 (print in Mark *hers) Casing and Screen Record Pvm+ping Test inside diameter of casing 4; :0-4Y`' • Static level3 3� - r I 1"e t. l length of casing / t •` it i'e*st-pumping rate ` 0. t £ - f (4- '.' 1. 1 l)( of screen _er ,/ id14r. r.' ,,X4-' i` t, ...,..., Pumping level .erngth of screen .� Y_. I)uration of test pumping 2 .. /: i )(Tot to top of sere •n i' -. - ' f \Vater clear or cloudy at end of test r. L.t..T in t liatrtetei a,f finished hole ,, •-.it A .•., . Recommended pumping rate ,f-i.:'t....' t /J ,/•,. .L;. ',1. with pump setting of i,i-4,5 feet below ground surface Well reg Water Record Depth(s) at I Kind of water Overburden and Bedrock Record From f. jwhich wwatecr(s)I (fresh, salty. found sulphur) s _ __a.___. _ __ �_____ ..__..:._ - _..... _ S , - .:,,,--C.,;... -....-",--0......-44.----, — - rg.--.4.-4,--1,--4,.....tri 77---4S- i "") 01 ., :-.r J 5-"f" r '� 'i" ,.-- .!-7rt*IIE"�••r"t�...,_„---►�, •,,.R s.,4._�_.. 1 _ ..1 L... .e___.._.. .: _ _ ,,..<.,_...._ _ _.___..._ .-r x .. __.. .._. .__..__. For what l carpo a(s is the water to be used? Location of Well .../3`e.- ° "l '., / ..---.•�,. 4; �,�.:,1- , ,- r�"e, a? ,-� In diagram lx•le�w* show distances of we 13 from 1 road and lot line. Indicate north byaero, !s well on upland, in vallekv, or on hillside?it ;r c c-x, , ( )villin=: or ilorim; Firm • is/ - 'CrF+ . i ' s S ,f - I .,....I' . .-',, ,„,. .._.. ...... ,.....‹..-:: e—i_e---7 -,v, k 2,4,-,..-r.;;".- _ ,-, 40 + _ f - ,� s f , '._ r --y • ' i,,.fir' Licence Number ,° t) .J f Name of 1)riller or li<.)r-er :=�-,'. :,-•?,)r..•' ° ter, !.e,y;�",.°.�c ,,,.-- ,�„' ._. // Address „',�_,.e„1,,,•°-1.., F .� i ! Li t I / )ate - . , ./ r-- y......- 027.7......, (fnuof .ic'ensed 'Willing or iforinglontractor) Y SForm i 15:1 e#tea 60-•5930 i CV O W It C COPY r t ,_ r i he Ontario Water Resources Commission Act 0.' WAWR WELL RE•ORD —lip(/' .3tE. 4 Mt,... co., tiltaiM twKwl�P,ws.w ,n 01"6"4PRIN7 ONLY IN SPACESPAt41tiDED —• ! P _ C 2 CHUN CORRECT LYSE *WERE APPUCARLE 1 1...' 10 11 ,s 1x x3 / OttNT'T OR OTSTNtC? 1 TOWNSHIP, 10ROUGtt. CITY MINN, vILLAGE 'CON. 'LOCK. TRACT- SURVEY. ETC 1OLOT i3 2' 3 ie46DOI l ) Boy !Toon ......,____ .itNM#R , iURait itR7 i 2./' TADORESS Ti-COM Vet ince,- r h Rocier . 1, /11? 7 T !1 foDbe 1IQ Q DAY ?s`._..« _YR?..o • `'Mf tA°;*iPK .t'4. 1 4v7N WOK. ° RC idv*T AC 1*311 0.0011 ti f 11 21 ' : .:I eal 11 . V. ?: .r3 I. __ L. . _t _i. .. �... L. i . .. i a ,x ,= i x " 171 .a j w`/ -II _ L_ 41 LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) ) ----1-----051-- :E7FT $f NERAL COLOUR COPtttON MAtERi*L OTHER_ MATERIALS _ € GENERAL DESCRIPTION �__ w -. t 1 FRDUf ��TQ __ +!1111 " C/Cr y _ iQs. __ _ _ off' _ _._ __ -LCV_ clay — _______1:,,,.,4., - cr 7c11) ,.,_- _ �. �.._ P./. 't'I _ A i3 2 •rte -- Y _ . i _ . _ _ _ M... _.•.-._..- ._- ...._._....... .....,_ .......-..-....- ....____.._ -4____ ___. ! I F G _L_ _ 3 1 ikl Sri l i i I .4 ;t 1 ! 1 i i.4 4s1 A uY [ 1 1,4 E 1 i i 1 1 1 I 1 1 i I 1 i f ,..L Lx_i LI 23 _ pii 11 Ei1 I i1iiii � liltiiilii11_ Li1 .1ii1IiifSifit1ihiiiIiiii1 1tiii 1I € a 11 _P? 1x 13 03 13• .5 '4 .1,..-----t ) WATER RECORD S SING & OPEN HOLE RECORD Z 1 5121451 of NO t ,,rEJRt� 't " DIAMETER 14-14 tENtTN C'�A° c foo ,i;;„,. fOottO KIND f7f WATER !AMORWALL DEPTH —FEET W, �/(„/ * t7�? _: AT - VW dA MATERIAL T3RpWITAS DZ MATERIM AND TYPE ,D#PTM TO TOP t1.1J 00 ,/ S wows FROM TO LI?: 1 of SCREEN f y� "o•Ifl s R$SN k[j iltL1M{l1! 11 �o•r� I! u �y f �y .�f�•7 ALTY4 M4NE#A1 KEEL (/(j . i 1 4, 0/7/2 0 . /1,At' 5` 61 j, � '� i , 1VA$11ED e7 7 'UT _ ' 0 FRES.* s 1SULPsu* '' �-J 30''}/CONCRaaE��ATT ' ` jj /� +/�� 611( PLUGGING d� SEALING RECORD = CT, 4 L J OWN NO F /�./J .,".r.'...1 .........,..—.h $ SALTY tt ; MINERAL _ Le -----1 t T �R 1 STEEL ,H xo!3 DEPTN UT AT_FEET 'CEMENT *ROUT. • 3 1 4 FROM rT- TO MATERIAL AND TYPE LEAD PACKER. ETC , SO 23 t 0 rims SULPNtilt I 2 0 RALVANIZED 2 -SALTT 1 :_.21 MOW RAL 3 0 COIICRETE f 0.11, 1#• '�' .� t _ T L-,FRESI4 3 , , SULRPRIR! + OPEN MOLE �, i - _._ ict;_55......t...* 2 .1 SALTY A .3 MINERAL 1.1 t f t STEEL 21 r $1 30 !.-!t 21-10 2 i f►ALVAN*IED 1 r J FRESH 3 U SUL►MUR �_.__._._ 3 ir�t;01KRETE 16 x3` 30.3 I 1 SALTY 1 some*AL .1 t�E CI!'EN HOLE 1 i ---+ 4.3I04PtM+4 TE1TR,# Noe +07pNrO,Ni RALE !t-f1TIWRAT,t?f1 of PyNPttp: 7.,..1v t, ,1 „ ,. LOCATION OF WELL )(puoto x i `MEEK / //',++{� i f301DIAGRAM SELO* SHOW DISTANCES Of WELL FROM ROAD ANDiy +.,, STATIC I rAER0 4iltO WATER LEVELS DURING PUN„$ LOT LINE INDICATE NORTH ST ARROW N LEVEL y p,M RECOVERY Di r.._.y....., $3.1t !I x1 I1 IINSUTEs 30 MWJTss 15 MINUTES $_/1.MINUTES 141.113 1.341 13 141 11147 • //9 fE#? / �ET 4 /90 ftE7 1711271E t /( f•Ef` _39:,,„ I* CI' 31 1 .PION 111?AKE OPT At (We* AT Erie Of FE. 1! Z< [ 17:7116 ,!,,/ t!<7 -Ago 1 -' ' frit ' / {�`5' ;�1LCLEAR 2:7: Ct.DUDY • .-..p ...�..._._.___._..___ — 111 f R$CArw*Rol0 PUMP 7701 101.(0 011M#D 43-NtRl oaI3EMoIII 4$-41i 3 ` L SRALLOW • OUP i>ET*INt /575 1WIT! [ C , y r -Si • - `F ,* -. 'L.... ' _ _ _ GPM /FT SPECIIIC CAPACITY FINAL1 i *ATER SUPPLY S ASAIUDCkNED. INSUFFtC$E1NT SUPPLY of p c�8 i STATUS OSSER1fATION *ELL *0 ARANDOMED. POOR QUALITY y N j. J 3 TEST $ 1 T 0 UNFINKHED OF WELL A ..7. RECH*P U WILL cfPic siii 00r I DOMESTIC 1 0CO61M1RCIAL _ 1 X � � 2 j $TOCA1 I J WORiCIPAL 1 IIN3 0 tRRM►ATION T 0 PUSLIC SUPPLY dtt la` USE /"i/ 4 c p1DANATRIAL on COOUM6 OR RJR CONOtTIQNINFs I}J 0 OTHER 1 0 NOT USED C Q .�.... :.. 3 T ..W,._.__._._. IrA liE TOOL A 0 WRtAIR METHOD . 'ROTA#Y I CONYLNTt0NAL I 7 0 otA11tMIU OF 1 i tyTARY t REVERSE w $0 21TTIN4 DRILLING • , ROTARY t MR! on DIrViRNs 5.. AIR PE RJ;USSION DRILLERS REMARK% JIAIrE. 0-7—u---.1"--""'WEONTRACTOR TLACENCE R1Ft1MER DATA �y GOM7RNCTOR / *tN-ii.RATE RECEIYID jg //� 41 M'SO I ag 2,__ g a 1 r.r dADORtE1Sd�..i. ,. �/ T .._.�_____.._..1._..� OAT( CO MEM IV* ts0101, 1011 4 .29 ‘12d12____Sh* 1 I i el CN f T1 Soot* l JC1JIIJ1 Z RERIARIt7i t i Z - r z/ "U ,S"ivi 3 C! . ,1:00 of CWITRACTOON 'EUWINE1IN0 AMIE iJ 1 (m t_..,,ppr..,... R.D / 2-. YR G Lam ' I t Owe c COPY TM ' f - !z 1 . :�1 ,zL 1 ! i/ I5 _ N? $ 15' tit . i71 .191 171 $ i .( , Ontario Water Resources Com ission ActACV �- WATER WELL RECORD , `coun strict5-.- ---1-Ej �` 'Township, ' ' ; 1y`z �,�own. _(-7"*" ' �„tin 1 - , . �` (�'' Con. .. Lot -^f Date completed:,% ,,2vf ,/ " '" ti,,, if. ,, /, ..nth r i Own Ic1/2( Address715-- -4 r / .� e e 1 ,' (prf 6� Mork letters) ! '"� Casing and Screen Rectors! Pu ping Test tnsic'e diameter of casing , ftatic level I otal length of casing4` 45t "Test-pumping rate r G.P.M. Type of screenPumping level 731-- Length of-screen6 Duration of test pumping 2 42 . Depth to top of screen cJ e f Water clear or cloudy at end of test Diameter of finished hole ii I Recommended pumping rate Vid (;.P.M. with pump setting of r 0 feet below ground surface Well Log Water Record ... _ pth(s)�atiKind of water Overburden and Bedrock Record From i To iv►hichwater(s)1 (fresh, salt-. ft ft. I found sulphur) .41tezoirc.„ 12- I. 2 „ ..',. . . ' _ _ or I/ I ..11; 000 , ., _ S i i aor t s i r . _____.........._ _____ ��:(,��C�r _ Ad. #' r ` g ((...`� . ... -------4-- . II1JTIT For what purpose(s is the ter to be used? Location of Wells•c►21.-- In diagram below show distances of well from road and lot line. Indicate north by arrow. . Is well on upland, in valley car on hi!lside ? .. In' i . f, Drilling �� Boring ♦ a�7 as,• �-'�'V" ."�'.^ti a..+A.:l.r� It �'N �\1 � �.�r�- :". / 1 d . `. fgk _ 1/4A' 1«. \ I '6Nt. Address q{ \ -4. Ai S° \ ,, 1Aence Number /et tel XfF • areae of I( ,, r xr rAt,/ ' C • ldclr . C '`rt t,- z . /15 , i: . I-tate...,500,-eV i 1 / . .111244 .1 -.0‘4.41‘')A---4-14:246' f fF t:irratur a�f l.iren sit}yrs or Boring Contractor) 4 Fur7 ISM Sets 60-030 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT 2 V - The Ontario Water Resources Act • wAT R w ELL.... st E RD 440,05e. Ontario �', 1 / t�1t tti t[t[I[ '.t«,rtt.t t ,cI 'R. .�. ! Mar ONls tN SPACES rlatrr•Etr it 'i -i V v� 4 vE 'i •f 1 X4031 1t tatty M.i COR•tCI sot vault AirllCAOtE 11 i».1 ys 1• i " C OW alt 00 01101211041 .TOWNS,it 000Gu4$ Ct1Y. t0.- -ytt ASE I , ICOM $LOCK TAWturf• ETC 40Y 44 44,... t••tt k \ • ,.A &Aft .t., . L. ‘ 1 NT e ) i _ ___ *gm IswN•A•tE **INTO ta.at DAY t rlt110 y A••RtEf r �5 -- _ •s ff r ) 1-\:11- ar ..1. 1 1\ .. *M1t EA4t/N OOOt'r*M •C tit..„ OC M$10 COOK r1 1t1 1,11• 440.;494 17 522U.30 4139657 5 775 5 23 JUN 17 , 1977 279 11-VU VP' VVtMt1UMUt!V AMU I'StUMVI.P MAItPIVA%D isrt ttrslltucTtww + T --0-4-4-1-4--- Olt 4Ta - tIT GENERAL COLOUR IsOst pTNEIt MITER+AL3 ....-7._—______i.ENE1tAt OESCRirTtON Y2001. To COlitior .AYE0IAL , • -Sr—C17;\ Ar_. 1tk . C I ca - f ,.3 -1 0 ...R. r S .� tN � 1 30 , LAI th,..4 Q. t' ta• c-Scipn .1 / / , 1 <- • 4 IlliTe I f .� - .... _ • 7` impbrat +c9iliiio chie ifilO1 2ei1IOtLl Ii11I1 i [ Ii1rEIt t ' 1111hill Li 1 32 I IJll1„1 1t1111,1i , f1t111111111111111111111J_. 11111j11111111111,44._1_111.1.11J431 viii I 111. tipi1t Tl�& ' T • Of 1141000 .14 .(4444we.WATER RECORD CANG & OPEN NOTE REC©RD 2 1,19 �>,C wt3�' hi AAAA_CC aril TYr �.� .** i0 `.-...... sa testi dT A► if.It�W t 40[404 $ ( 4utowa z_.•. . �. y /y /� ** A r) 1) s 0 tatty a © ris'•AL TOM ` '`rlY ` al W � � AV.1r't'• JP-1 Nil D .ee+ ' '"`'• J p 'attic:. • p s*ilrtwtrR� r R*T1 fill " PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD ' t D SALTY • © rf:LORI .i..<.__.. _`t w MOAA ; _ _ _......,_ - .-..- ....,._........._.....__ • T t• DtrtM $1T At LET. WAS t a StEE. JA-t1 AATI..Ai AND TYtt CtrtMT 41, . (0 SOLO* 1 0 fultaur j1 t r T vie°►AC.t. Ett s i 0 44LTY !0 t4/NtOAi r ---z...—..,-...-4.::-_- ---_-. --- :T .-..--J t .i tOACRttt *Os) ����� 110-00.—* a r Ittsm l [] sms►NYr C " DOE h aO►E L ......_........-_.-..--•--•- i. f 0 ..„„, a 0 MlotaAt ss ! SrEEaSS i t1 ra *r tt t sa411 i Q 4AM* s Q fittiray• radii 1 '„„ tOMt.tY4 i t• 11$ a t3~ • $ Q i"" i 0 te•wRAt • "" poi t< 11O1t 1 j ,f rtf. tt•T *41!100 TO ►4Mrst4 •ttt R *4 7 CM Oi •urs.7t7.0 w • t a ►YM. RatlE. 06/0 We $7.4 a 4stt '� •GY.•. r,v9 fTATtX earl' iiYtl T 9 i rtr•t t e r • • s S ISO OF MATLO IEVCLt1 0004044 Y 4 iEYti T+1Tw1leS s 0 RECOrtIY • NORTH :t; & l/0 11144 r••*#vitt si*mmolts ••-asM4$11, - ••-+s.rYTft� ',r Y. s0-OR is st WOG 04-41 0 e,006-44431 OAST SU, t* *ter go i r• r4/fta+A 44 41 ODat atIAAL Ur Al. sans At Dr TEST *II "I* •►1ty 4014 Slut * AR $ 0 CLOUDY DID50000 t#pima FY45, ric•04rsreit Wee .it•.tttrryR •s••• . Iltrt• MY o 1111614,411010 eP A[TTTN OUT tillAJwt N ,._. -.- • — Trot in $•[[tats CA,AC,TY •... WY FINAL t *Ate, •4*4P1,M t 0 ARAMDONtr sN$sS1iCliett tufirtr' ATU`� 1 0 *0•110Tf*110tI *11th • p *•*•*005[0 rt)O!t 04.44.1TY O s a 1E17 Rota t 0 ItatrarttNttO OF WELL. • a Olt Vett to wi f i C 4 © aan00ttl4t**. WATERa 0 stwcs • 0 0.01•44114$4. s p Trio! •.• i p *town siJisiY USE 0 • s Crt1,011i7IN•t. R Q cooks** M AA(0ttawroes10 4 O oral. 1 • a rar1 taus _ T 10itio . e q fAdse 7. 0 �L • s 0 000150 MtTI! J 0 EAIRY iCCtanAtirilpeat! 4 O 5 M TAJ•00 Of Ea &. 0 - Nam k Q Arum*Arum**I DLUNG i M I tJ -°1"F"4" +r**11• * 0 M/Yitsf Ministry of the The O ntori oter Resources Act 4'o .....77/5.241 1;i:57 E nvironr ent • WATER LL RECORD Ontario r /� R ru•,ErA t0 s=� • E: Mat EINLs Ht 'PAM r'•aafr•E• rim- 4 4 0 3 8 6 7 •, , i`oAf31 i�� fit' i. / 4 • CMREa N (*Statics •O, *OM ...LICA•LE �/ Jr 8.. (*VW► O• •tft*f£t TOti'NfHtt •*ROLLS.$ City TOWN V T.IAGE 3 9 CO* SLOCI TRACT IURTE► ETC •r r ,�`i i PO t t f . . Fr- 41j�� t.+ t UUL tR dR"•14,+ '�, ` RNIAN 34 .1)01111t SS DV. COritE�le /S yt _.. "• ... ...•...-aRl". yrl+ sreA•,,t,••ti. ' t 1. ... 1 � .•� 1.. •AT Mp.. . . TR • pu 8DA2 ±t MMh �,� ki3R it,iC Q ft C [fir i fl • k ,• t +a J It, 'V ' t a t viii �. �f!rT! l Jswrtl�_�., I t ! ! 1 1 1 i 1_ 1..._.._� __�. ;. (,�; t. t+ iI a LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS t%EE INSTMUCTIo's _ __ �__ __..__.. — pistol vitt iGEMERA4 COLOUR Haat OTNER MATtfRIALS CENE0AL OESCMFP•tUON tOalsom #ATER+AL ;ROM 11,111111111 odimliallnill i /I .J. 5 4 111111EMMIN --- 1 j ED. • • ____S.9._ , illitiow _ _____ Mil . __. il• _ * .........__ _ ---111--- ildirl-- 1.111 MIN . . R ��t � i 1 i / � ! t� , r 4411...... 1 ..moi 111111111111 i [ i 1 i 1 1 11 ti.1ii r. i t 1 1 I. 1 1 t ! 1 I f 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i l 1 4, 1 .1..1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Si d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c1 cr1 D f,it t ar :yaf•,mac tt.,i 0-•ter`t. H•ZN ttKTtt ,t-a• M WATER RECORD �® CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD 2 •+�a• •o �. iminfad48. ATC* FOUAt• its* WAFER '� �� mow. Mail* ilEt W C fU1�.tf aIle at - FEET OKAY NArt• At t* :•••t►1 �� 0 _ fistOlt YC II 110 «"Mar(•ta[ Art! tr►E ♦r�• Yt tO� it-ate Si t• a �-F**#M 1 0 s LL t iM u. ~ .-^-......._.- - .................... *.= i ._4...— c i tE/t/t�JE r 37 . ; • 1 1 - 0 {] allfatOA.t I ,II 0 6• ••. .TD (` t •,_•, ' © .�tSN , o $t;t:«ra:t z• , • .l't /II , !! 51 PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD • 0 *watt, • 0 M,wtOAi �• • G$,; .• 401.1 ` , Mll �_ _ _ �• at , ttt 40 ti ! • afAtt•,AL ANO t►/ ,camas, L•owr I 0 •Oi$M • [ Stat..*** r " &4trAN+: ;AA. *Attila tit , i6 `�:x, t 0 sally • 0 rt Mtatak a 2 (cm?.at to t to ) f. .^„'^'",•,.....:...� o!t b .tot t i a N t 0 IOU* 1 a $LLi1f1VR , ` _ ___ _._ ._ 1 U' SALTaf 4 © MrMUM. _._,.._,t/1 ; srtta. 1•: -i It-�.. ,4 1111 If SW„ [7 rlai$at i rJ .....VR ,a I t ' Cll�ts:•IT(i 4 8A i+ t• 51 w" t n $ACTT • 0 "mot SU • ,': a .•dt< r 21.4rr 4v4111404$Slat [ •laA LLE• ° t• *• •.»• , tar ouesIsrir. r • t/jH N / LOCATION OF WELL $10,11C1 1#et♦ •t tot• t+ Imo. *LLN*,bf IN Di*vIAM SILO* SNO* U"A A1.: iS Of WCLL (AOM 0OAO ALIO Lana 1$4• 4I• 04./tit t1Tlt.t OVR,b6 4! LOT LINE INOt.ATE N• tat 84 ARROW sikasksms t CI *Mavis, F US �iW-fl- •a1.1a r1 44:b0455 I)wawa: a,r>.UttI •• r• ••m't: w 4011k The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act '447.--,‘-* /S C -•.•• it WAIItR WELL RERD � . ,�,��- ''• ozso ru*K;44. ,411 55515.53 1. PRINT [SNL, IN SPACES PROVIDED . .601J A 4 , 2 CtWc* At CORRECT ENX IMRE APPUCAsu t 1 1; I a O6/11mT, 00 RASTRACT TO0n.000 R4ROYo., CITY, TOMIN. INUME • . StOc c, TRACM. SURVEY. ETC. 140RroL "CI . . 4 . N A/• 4l S MNuER r ROAM T't RS t's 10-4? A,� T C•ACI t CLI• ri Q /_ f1- SOA .. pAv so. : MK # lgwtA. IK (tL[�rA lA�lt,M.�GG�RfE yi 3L 1 1 a it Lo eal col, 773 • 47 A ,. 1 .A2,74.64 SA ti IIIV LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS (SEE !NST*UCTIONS MOST � u, DEPTH - FEET iEiNU COLOUR OTME* MATERIALS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FRDM COMMON MATERIA! TO ___ IMI - . _ . illirillIllnic • Efi, IIMIRIIIII allil 41.% si: mil t. . I _ INN MUIIIIII , NM Mall `'�.+: ' laitI 1 I I I Uf 4 /i , j /I 1 1 1 , � a/ 't I fi i Ea 4)413 S 1 I i I 1(4.2,161.4/141 I II 1(2.2 c4 il. s i J I I Eli ELI qQ_citria , iiisI IiiiIIi1SI 1111 ! Iii [ ifii11t1i ! i1i 111isdiiIliliI 3s �� it ALS 14 �o rileWATER RECORD 4 �' ING S OPEN HOLE RECO'R0 i �:• NO1VI o.t�r«� int, t11A�rn+1 �+ >s LENMTM a.40 As. DUN -FEET I FM • FENT RIND OF A Illgla=Mggil FROM ag leAT€RiAL, AND TT • tor at 44 00 Os SCONtla MU 1 FRESH 3 a Ut4WUtN 17" 1 f+ 5 E l 11 401V 1 2 0 SAkri ME RAL 11% FM s �„/0 2'W ivANIZED ICForme 3GsMLPwuRt' 4 '3 ' °N`" '"i. 61 [LUGGING di SEALING RECORD 2 Q 0,0[.11" 4 0 01101394 ;Q :pi:1t! DEPTH AT - FEETMta1, iRrW,tGE€t MJ1TfR1uANDTYPE1 0 FRE% 3 ©SULPI4UR 2 C LLL FROMit • a uo raCaia. CEG r2 0 SALTY ♦ Lam. MINERAL iC NC 'at1 I e -- s MN It 0 FRESH 3 0 SULPHUR i f' 11cxE ll .w 2©SALTY ! 0 MINERA4 ' PEEL riill-2 al tt 20 t 2 0 iOLMANI2€D I Q FRCSs 0 suhJN+u* 3© CoirrovE is t ,toss io . 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Of ;0 y x,1'1:3 a 0 ,emirs Itil"b A) 4 19, Nu* f A DINWINe Ga ni.o I)0 GSE j CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-61 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 18TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT'the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held November 18th, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of November, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of November, 1993. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-62 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 93-7 (COUNCIL PROCEDURAL BY-LAW)) WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham enacted By-law 93-7 to govern the proceedings of Council and Committees; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of amending certain sections of By-law No. 93-7. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 93-7 is hereby amended by deleting paragraph 2 of Section 3 by replacing it with the following: " The regular meetings of Council shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m., except during the months of May, June, July, August, September and October when the meetings shall be 7:30 p.m. unless Council, by resolution, directs otherwise, in which case a notice shall be posted in the municipal offices advising of the time and place.* 2. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of DECEMBER 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18T11 day of FEBRUARY 1993. , ‘;.,4 ‘,? REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-63 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 91 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. • 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 91 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-L.aw shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of December, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of December, 1993, r / REEVE _.� CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-Law No. 93-63 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF 13AYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 91 PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township'of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment comprises approximately 4.0 hectares (10 acres) and is situated on the south side of Highway No. 3 in Part Lot 6, Concession 8, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AME. 4DN Nr The subject lands are situated in an area of mixed land uses adjacent to an existing seven lot rural estate residential subdivision. Other uses in the area include a mobile home park, agricultural field crops and wood lots. An existing dwelling is situated on a 1.6 hectare area at the eastern part of the subject lands. This amendment and an accompanying zoning by-law amendment will facilitate the creation of one rural estate lot comprising 2.4 hectares in area between the existing rural estate subdivision to the west and the existing residence on the subject lands. Access to both lots would be via a shared existing driveway onto Highway No. 3. A buffer strip at the rear of the new lot will discourage access onto Shady Lane. The identification of the subject lands as a candidate site for the creation of two estate residential lots is based on the evaluation of two interrelated sets of criteria outlined in subsections and 4.3.2 of the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. This amendment complies with the relevant evaluation criteria for the establishment of (Rural) Estate Residential uses as follows: a) The subject lands meet the applicable separation distance from intensive livestock operations as defined by the Agricultural Code of Practice. b) The subject lands have frontage on an existing opened road allowance (Highway No. 3); - 2 _ c) Surrounding land uses do not exhibit characteristics which would cause or contribute to land use conflict. The placement of dwellings on these lots would, in fact, result in a more compatible land use with the adjacent estate residential subdivision; d) The subject lands are not affected by the presence of a municipal drain or associated with "hazard lands" as described in the Official Plan; e) The subject lands appear capable of supporting an approved well and on-site sewage disposal system on the basis that similar systems have been successfully established adjacent to the site; f) The proposed lots on the subject lands comply with the Estate Residential zone regulations of the Zoning By-law of the Township of Bayham; g) The subject lands do not create a traffic hazard as a result of access onto Highway No. 3. The Ministry of Transportation has advised that a joint access for these lots will be appropri- ate; h) The subject lands are not a mineral resources area as identified in the Official Plan; i) Justification is not required for estate residential uses; j) This development is compatible with the surrounding area and will not detract from the rural environment. 4.3.2 a) The site is not considered part of the Bayham Township high priority agricultural area by virtue of the surrounding land uses. The existing subdivision, trailer,park and wood lots are the predominant uses in the area; b) The size (4 hectares) and existing use (1 residence) of the subject lands restricts their utilization for agricultural produc- tion. 1 £i c) The site is physically removed from surrounding agricultural areas as the existing residential subdivision and wood lots isolate the subject lands from other agricultural uses; d) These lands are identified as Class Three on the C.L.I. map- ping series, however, the site is considered marginal agricul- tural land by virtue of its size and the fact it is bounded on three sides by non-farm residential uses. Due to the compliance with the relevant evaluation criteria noted above, Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a Rural-Estate Residential designation. 4, DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural- E.state Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated 'Rural-Estate Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Estate-Residential as amended. • • ,.••4 On SCHEDULE A s011 .a r OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE 1,111..„ii1111114411O 3 = liTOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM migi 4411 k lipri 4 prApPrAl;rig,,-,- FUTURE LAND USE lilt If 0101 �; • 1.... A A AMENDMENT No, 91 VPIP ' # LANDS CHANGED FROH .4 ' ill . 4 " . �, 91 .A6ttt CULTURE TORURAL '� . t r: ESTATE RE4iDENTTALS i " i. `•.. ) A leiIP" ` AGRICULTURE ... . r ► r Nii 0 RURAL . •,� fr.0 �, outsasomazagi"' 0 ESTATE f einAL Q� Yjilok.auli!!!! i i :;� kik Willkahl. 1 0 StASO�iAt,rAAvEt mown How rAA1lEA pApxs L " ".; 0 NECITIONN. 111'4 illgr NSTR ta' _ __ ligil [ 74 Y 0.41111/1111/00/1 M 110101A•NW s oww+ww a rrww.w.ann►.r4 7 ,;,. • x �rwr1M>is.e..�.•• 111110•1111+11141N1 Mom an air*11140111 .......,.......................... ' Ir r �~r, .. riiimgit z HAZARD LANDS 111111 so . Jil • 'f0 \ 1•':''m4-� CONSERVATION LANDS na II( gill °VOMINERAL RESOURCE AREAS -7IIiPj'1d 1 11111 HAMLETS iiip, iw • --� pR(?ViNCTAI. HIGHWAYS 1111111rIl.`4:4".01 ill 0111.` --{�-- ARTERIALRC}AOSN 41° �Alb— ,,, 'h �courrT�r ii PI' 4 l. ; . .i v 4 1 it Ilia '..) ~ • 4s. :09- il&. ^ 4004 , - elf . i„:1,‘ . . 4 4 • ' r44111- * '' m , Pert aAIN 1111 11 1111111114:4 oli Q t 200° !0 0 Maris l 9 soo0 10900 1'5400 i Feet ,i SCALE 1'73 000 1.11 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE' id AMENDMENT NO . 91 1 , lk.......,,. ., 1 e t I N .............._,..---0%., , II • r— 2 311-!. * • 0 S 1 4.. 14443 ...."' (,. ......) 1 1 .' / , — —' '''. ' s/ i ' ' ' * ei; .---;-#7.-----) : � � / �W � a u '' ..1 ?7,,,, .7.--A ) . ' o 'STING . tit r,,, / ',;', . ' , , i.-- .......„...,.. ¢�, _ee ip Al 7 34..y. , .... \ /r (\\,,,,.. x/ ,2 4*0 \ ,..,..g4,.--- / 1,...,Ace. ____......_ ____/.... y :# 11110 CONCHS I ON VII I LOT 4 LOT 5 La 6 . ;» a.L.T 7 . _ f • r a \,. 1 (1 1; ' /I ,_. i c3„,,./,-• �I \ J \\ i X23 O I I i: P1 f II.. H Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources =I SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT c5 FARM BUILDING4).. WOODLOT • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 0 260m 500m f ` t NOTE : This Ftp is for clarification purposes only , Boat": 1:10,000 , BY-LAWNO . AMENDMENT NUMBER 91 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE ' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 6, CONCESSION 8 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 91 to the Official Plan of Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 91 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 93--63, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 2nd day of December, 1993 .„„L o, .0410P*4 /011 / 1,1 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-64 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORFOLK RESPECTING RECIPROCAL FIRE PROTECTION WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Township of Norfolk are desirous of entering into agreements whereby the Townships will provide reciprocal fire protection. AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enter into said Agreements with the Township of Norfolk for the provision of reciprocal fire protection. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute Agreements with the Township of Norfolk for the provision of reciprocal fire protection. 2. THAT the said Agreements are attached hereto as Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" and form a part of this by-law. 3. THAT 13y-law No. 1761 is hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon execution of the Agreements. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of DECEMBER 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of DECEMBER 1993. /17:L, REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-65 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH-WEST OXFORD TO PROVIDE FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF A BOUNDARY ROAD WHEREAS Section 271 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 provides that corporations of adjoining municipalities may enter into agreements for the maintenance and repair of any highway forming a boundary between such municipalities. AND WHEREAS the Townships of Bayham and South-West Oxford have entered into an agreement for the maintenance and repair of certain portions of the highway forming a boundary between said Townships, and it is necessary to ratify and confirm said agreement. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into an agreement with the Township of South-West Oxford for the maintenance of boundary roads as more particularly set out in the agreement hereto attached and marked Schedule "A" to this By-Law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH-WEST OXFORD ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the Township of South-West Oxford for the maintenance and repair of any highway forming a boundary between such municipalities. 2. THAT the said agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms a part of this By-Law. 3. THAT this By-Law is passed pursuant to the provisions of Section 271 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45. 4. THAT By-Law No. 2189 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of DECEMBER 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of DECEMBER 1993. F7 illr ,y, REEVE CL 31' K CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-66 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 2ND, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held December 2nd, 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 2nd day of December, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of December, 1993. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-67 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 16TH, 1993 WHEREAS under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 the powers of a municipall corporation are to be exercised by the council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 101 of the Municipal Act the powers of council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at its meeting held December 16th; 1993 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of December, 1993. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of December, 1993. 7 a:7 / / / /r REEVE CLERK