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Bayham By-Laws 1992
Bayham Township By, Laws , . . 4410.1 • 1 • ' / . „.. By-Laws • # 92..0 1 #92..26 1992 Rix-44 /1,0,v\ 7-04-4) /Ns tr / , %.41 1-4 17 - (, ) — te‘ '3 -02 - 01 - 18 10 --* 1 - () 0 - 03 " - 4 -0•13 (3-) ; - 2 C. o2.) • y 17: 1 ' — r 1.1g --a_icsow e Eli?, rev; ark. c v fi Le. 4. S r*.° Vvi I \A- ')4".0or - -tit:4 1s r-r-uPit zp,00�yd,yTvr., l vo �YQ1rr� � o X66 / '0 2-1"1 --IeLi- _ cev.10 / . ,g1 80 — �c66 / /� 8 ° - 1P7Y cry-12 y -e661 9 Q-1-Ar "' J9 41:4 — ,er7 , .$ s �bo � � o 11-01 -7r1 f � w , 7 90 — e Val \ 0 _ ji b R"r11. ."1: ep,4 *eV r66J c..-y-e - ?4---1 `NA, \di rt c't-r-t21* tit NA 03 • i6J ' e (::-"ra°41 \re,C r-.oy _ Q a/ ! C" '.../-10F £ bb : lo- rb # x rip J- -ebb ! rb6l ' }, „lore) Ci 444 5 iv* 1-5.70 --e-evAgt rev IA \ti. re, 1.-4"erskeller,„Jvi/ ie. X66 / iP {'✓ - " I •%4(20 c 13‘ 11, fie rvive v , f5r."- ers moi - e - /0 0 rvv/ .P5r pr-rcker-..) rre, :N"7"W y -r4S '1/41-e°0 7 b / ' Pty / %Ad,' /21, ‘44 at3 � bblwry — -ZAZ- 14*.c / - % I -Nri-adwat rs#n° v-a-ty tockiv • bbl 'f ' ° w — ; p„ y. r.p , z.d P-�fs3) ob �#- b`d0 �(ICIf/ s (71 1 ."(44 g• 4 I - \"--4 -11 E661 ' C / ritte — #- C1 a - as Oe> „-.S r ,,, . � - 11„4,) Y --- c2 3 Co iv-4 r-kv 12 - 1 6-4.,0 - T4-4\4- i8 , 199 . - q- on -4 r "v‘ e .J 77:d c.2 - a5 /� u-aL�Cd 1.41.-AdJ � I l � , 199a — = 49 1. . 1 Fe.,"..:x s e- non _ pa ..moi o-F 7770.4 l� rc a Form 100 Ont -7.2 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 92-1 113 p4ath to authorize the borrowing of $ 2 , 500 , 000 . 00 • Whereas the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (:hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 2 , 500 , 000 . 00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Nam.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the to the estimates fyearar tif he aclcotxtrurrendt Municipality adopted as set forth in the estimates ado ted for the year 1991 , is if not, to those of last year. $ 3 , 477 , 341 . 00 (Delete this And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes paragraph If not applKable.) mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 332 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is $ Therefore the Council of the TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM hereby enacts as follows: • 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 2 , 500 , 000 . 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 332 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality ' to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so. borrowed, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 332, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 2nd day of January 1992 • 6? 'Iv �- --- . THE HEAD OF THEM CIPALITV 1ZAL t't E R K 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 92-1 of the TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This Second day of January 19 92 As Witness the Seal of the TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM NEAL ‹ .. CLI E TBE COVORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM w By-Law No . 922 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings held December 30 , 1991 and January 2 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNC I L OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN SH I P OF BAYBAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 2 , 1992 and special meeting held December 30 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of January 1992 . Aeltu• Reeve Clerk CORPORA?I Olf OF 77CE T WN SH I P OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-3 Being a By-Law to provide that in the year 1992 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year . WHEREAS THE Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1992 before the adoption of the estimates . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 ) That in the year 1992 , before the adoption of the estimates , a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for Real property according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 percent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters . 2 ) That in the year 1992 , before the adoption of the estimates , a levy shall be made on the whole of the Business Assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on business assessment public and separate school supporters . 3 ) The respective amounts to be levied under the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by- law are : Real Property $7 , 881 , 909 . 00 Business Assessment 144 , 605 . 00 $8 , 026 , 514 . 00 4) The rate to be levied under the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this by- law to produce the amount set out in paragraph 3 of this by- law is one hundred and fifty-eight ( 158 ) mills . 5 ) The dates of payment of taxes under this by- law shall be as follows : Due Date of 1st Instalment February 28 , 1992 Due Date of 2nd Instalment May 29 , 1992 6 ) In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any part thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof , the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable . 7 ) A percentage charge of one and one quarter per centum ( 1 1/ 4 ) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment of each such instalment and thereafter an additional charge of one and one quarter per centum ( 1 1/ 4 ) shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which default continues up to and including December of this year . 8 ) It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the several dates named in Section 5 to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statutes in that behalf all such tax instalments or parts thereof as shall not have begin paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid , together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred . 9) The tax collector not later than 21 days prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person a notice setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by- law , the respective dates by which thei are to be paid to avoid penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by this by- law for late payments . BT--LAN WO. St-3 10 ) Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and shall be paid to the collector at the Municipal Office . 11 ) The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such payment , provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and collectable under Section 7 in respect to non- payment of taxes or of any instalment thereof . 12 ) When tenants of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days , such employer shall pay over to the Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages , salary or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by- law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16ST DAY OF JANUARY , 1992 . REEVE CLERK Munic►pat Wortd• — Form 1120-1 *Reg. T.K. in Canada, Municipal World Inc. RATING BY- LAW Tile Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 500, R.R.O. 1980, Reg. 932, Form 11 THE CORPORATION OF THE Township of Bayham BY-LAW NUMBER 92-4 By-law imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act. Whereas owners of land in the municipality have applied to the council under the Tile Drainage Act,. for loans for the purpose of constructing subsurface drainage works on such land; and whereas the council has upon their application lent the owners the total sum of $ 14 , 50Q . QQ to be repaid with interest by means of rates hereinafter imposed: Be it therefore enacted, by the council, that annual rates as set out in the Schedule attached hereto are hereby imposed upon such land as described for a period of ten years, such rates to be levied and collected in the same manner as taxes. First Reading .lntday of ,J.dnutar.y , 19.. 12.... Second Reading 16th day of 4anuary , Third Reading — Passed this 1§th day of alflary , 19..9.2.... . -' -... Head of Council Clerl � THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF_BAYHAM BAY AM By-Law No . 92 -5 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held January 16 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 16 , 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of January 1992 . I •-.4.C7 /1/./ Reeve Clerk • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 92. 6 BEING A By-Law to licit the gross weight of vehicles or combination of vehicles , passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham WHEREAS this authority is contained in Section 104 , Sub-section ( 13 ) of The Highway Traffic Act , R . S . O . 1980: AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that the gross weight of vehicles passing over same , be imposed on certain bridges in the Township of Bayham: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AS FOLLOWS : - 1 . The limit of the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles , passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham , shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law . 2 . That notice of such limit of gross weight , legibly printed , shall be posted up , in a conspicuous place , at each end of each bridge respectively , 3 . That this By-law shall come into force and effect upon being approved by the Ministry of Transportation for Ontario and upon signs being duly installed . 4 . That By-law No . 2419 is hereby repealled . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1992 . 21- /I/L. 047-4/ REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" , BY-LAW NO. 92-6 LIST OF BRIDGES NEEDS STUDY NAME OF BRIDGE LOT NO. CONC . NO. GROSS WEIGHT STRUCTURE NO. LIMITED 0003 Rodgers 18- 19 2 2 Tonnes • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92 . 6 BEING A By-Lav to limit the gross weight of vehicles or combination of vehicles , passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham WHEREAS this authority is contained in Section 104 , Sub-section ( 13 ) of The Highway Traffic Act , R . S . O . 1980 : AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that the gross weight of vehicles passing over same , be imposed on certain bridges in the Township of Bayham : THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AS FOLLOWS: - 1 . The limit of the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles , passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham , shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law . 2 . That notice of such limit of gross weight , legibly printed , shall be posted up , in a conspicuous place , at each end of each bridge respectively , 3 . That this By-law shall come into force and effect upon being approved by the Ministry of Transportation for Ontario and upon signs being duly installed . 4 . That By-law No . 2419 is hereby repealled . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1992 . 41' e) REEVE CLERK t ,��t 60t=,tAg rr J: a. ae, .1/9 hi 5,.1 to t SCHEDULE "A" . BY-LAW NO. 92-6 LIST OF BRIDGES NEEDS STUDY NAME OF BRIDGE LOT NO. CONC. NO. GROSS WEIGHT STRUCTURE NO. LIMITED 0003 Rodgers 18- 19 2 2 Tonnes SCHEDULE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 92 . 6 Approved by the Ministry of Transportation for a period of two (2 ) years from the date of this approval pursuant to subsection 123 (2 ) of the Highway Traffic Act R. S .O. 1990 , chapter H. 8 , as amended . Dated this -WL,, day of April , 1992 . +- E . f. McCabe, Executive Director Transportation Engineering and Standards Branch M 4'4 t. {°( tY �� jpVrF'l '!"SSY%.iP'iiR+r. a rv.:..2f::gs-::kttrllY'.M►'f.w?F.. a . Ministry of Legal Services Branch Main Roar, East Budding Telephone (416)235.4408 the AttorneyMinistryof Transportation 1201 Wilson Avenue Fax (416) 235.4924 Downsview. Ontario General M3M 1,18 Ministere Direction des services juridiques Rez de chaussee. Edifice est Telephone (416)235-4408 du Procureur Ministere des Transports 1201 avenue Wilson Telecopteur (416) 2354924 Downsview (Ontano) general M3M 1,18 Telephone : 416-235-4411 April 8 , 1992 • The Township of Bayham P .O . Box 160 Stafford, Ontario NOJ IY0 Attention : Wm. Bogue, Clerk Treasurer Dear Sir : Re : By-law No . 92-6 Restricting the Weight of Vehicles The By-law restricting the weight of vehicles is returned as approved pursuant to subsection 123 ( 2 ). of the Highway Traffic Act R . S .O. 1990 , chapter H . 8 , as amended . The restriction applies for a period of two ( 2 ) years from the date of its approval : April 7 , 1992 . Yours very truly, 4-7/leurit (Cdtc-c Marjorie L. Tuck Legal Assistant Encl . cc : District #2 - London N . DeBruyn, District Engineer • APR 166, , F.pHP"giw;sal®.i,assw.<..w«♦..a -c+....,,,,r«.+ryit»» c-- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA BY-LAW NO . 92 :7 BEING a By--lar to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayha■ at the meetings held January 29 , and February 60 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAK pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said Council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held February 6 , 1992 and special meeting held January 29 , 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly emodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS bth DAY OF FEBRUARY 1992 . ,i.V1 gee-47 REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-8 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held February 20 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions ofthe said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held February 20 , 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20th DAY OF FEBRUARY 1992 . • 4$/' REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 92-9 BEING a By-Law restricting the weight of loads on highways WHEREAS subsection 7 and 11 of section 104 of the Highway Traffic Act ( R . S . O . 1980 , c . 198 ) as amended provides that : The municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a highway may by by- law designate the date on which a reduced load period shall start or end and the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies ; AND WHEREAS the reduced load period is deemed necessary for the protection of certain highways in the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. Therefore be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham: 1 . The provisions of subsection 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 of section 104 of the Highway Traffic Act apply to all the highways as described on schedule "A" hereto attached and forming part of this by- law of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham during the period from the 1st day of February to the 30th day of April inclusive in each and every year.. 2 . Any person violating the provision of this by- law shall be subject to the penalties provided in Section 106 of the Highway Traffic Act and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act . 3 . This by- law shall not become effective until appropriate signs have been erected in accordance with the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act . 4 . That all by- laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by- law are hereby repealed . Read a first , second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of March , 1992 .471 REEVE CLERIC f • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE "A" -- BY—LAW 92 - 9 LIST OF HIGHWAYS W I THS WEIGHTS OF LOAD RESTRICTIONS 1 ) Concession 1 known as 1st Line Road running easterly from Highway No . 19 to County Road 55 2 ) Concession 2 known as 2nd Line Road running easterly from Highway No . 19 to County Road 55 and also running westerly from Highway No 19 to County Road 43 3 ) Concession 3 known as 3rd Line Road running easterly from Highway No . 19 to County Road 55 and also running westerly from Highway No . 19 to Side Road No . 14 4) . Concession 5 known as 5th Line Road running easterly to the east Townline Road County Road 55 and also running westerly to Side Road No . 6 5 ) Concession 7 known as Side Road No . 117 North Gore or Maple Grove Road running westerly from County Road No . 38 to Highway No . 19 6 ) Concession 8 known as the 8th Line Road running easterly from Highway No . 19 ( Eden ) to Side Road No . 26 northerly and easterly to east T•ownline Road 7 ) Concession 9 known as 9th Line Road running westerly from County Road No . 46 to ( Corinth ) to west Townline Road . Also , easterly from County Road No . 46 ( Corinth ) to Highway No . 3 . Also , running easterly commencing at the bridge on Big Otter Creek to Highway No . 19 8 ) Side Road No . 16 running westerly and northerly crossing Highway No . 3 to the 10th Line Road 9 ) North Townline Road running easterly to 10th Line Road running easterly along the 10th Line Road to Highway No ., 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 92- 10 BEING a By- Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held March 5th , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said Council by By-Laws and Resolutions passed at the regular meeting held March 5th , 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as it all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of March, 1992 :2).0 1/1:— 0.)/ REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-11 BEING a By - Law to repeal By-Law No . 2419 to limit the gross weight of vehicles passing over the Moore Bridge in the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS this authority is contained in Section 104 , sub- section ( 13 ) of The Highway Traffic Act R . S . O . 1980 . AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable that the gross weight of vehicles passing over same be removed from the Moore Bridge located at Concession 7 , Lot 124 in the Township of Bayham . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THAT : 1 . ) The limit of the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles passing over the Moore Bridge located at Concession 7 , Lot 124 in the Township of Bayham as set in By-Law 2419 , Schedule "A" as passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby repealed . 2 . ) That this By-Law shall come into force and effect upon being approved by the Ministry of Transportation for Ontario . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of March , 1992 REEVE CLERK THE CORPOR&?IOM OP THE T(*$SH I P OF BATEM$ BT-LAN 92-12 AMINO a By-Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held March 10th, 1992 and March 19, 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY TSE COUNCIL OF TIE CORPORA?ION Or THE T(*1SMI P OP BATMAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said Council by By-Laws and Resolutions passed at the regular meeting held !larch 19. 1992 and special mooting held March 10th, 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law . READ A FIRST , SECOM'D AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 11th day of March, 1992 7://4. 'ice e/2 _ E CLW THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 92-13 BEING a By-Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held March 25th , 1992 and April 2 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said Council by By-Laws and Resolutions passed at the regular meeting held April 2 , 1992 and special meeting held March 25th, 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of April , 1992 /(41(Zw, 6") 01'7 R E CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM BY-LAN 92-14 BEING a By-Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held April 16th , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said Council by By-Laws and Resolutions passed at the regular meeting held April 16th , 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of April , 1992 ....., 4----j,“___ 6----,--------:410.7-.------) IV il49•‘ -'•-'-----'- EEVE CLERK 1 1 411 411 BY—LAW MN). 92-15 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT , hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 90 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 90 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . READ A FIRST TIME THIS 7TH DAY OF MAY , 1992 READ A SECOND TIME THIS 7TH DAY OF MAY , 1992 READ A THIRD TIME AND F I RALLY PASSED THIS 2ND DAY OF JULY, 1992 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-Law No . 92-15 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLl►R1[ S OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 90 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. • 2. LOCATION - . The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.48 hectares (1.19 acres) and is situated along County Road No. 38 in Part Lot 118, N.S.T.R., in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting adjacent to a ravine associated with Little Otter Creek. There is an existing farm dwelling to the west and except for this dwelling, the subject lands are situated on an isolated pocket of land which is surrounded by a mature woodlot system. The identification of the subject lands as a candidate site for the development of an estate residential dwelling was based on a number of factors. Firstly, the subject lands are only 0.48 hectares in size which significantly limits their agricultural potential. Further, there are no existing livestock operations within applicable setback distances. Secondly, the lands are adjacent to an existing dwelling in an aesthetic setting at the edge of a mature woodlot associated with a large drainage system. Due to the size of the subject lands and the limiting factors which would affect the viability of agricultural production, Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a Rural-Estate Residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. IP 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Estate-Residential as amended. cc S �ti 4.0 Mow s J 6 _ 41 AMENDMENT NO.90 ,...cligioSCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN 1111111111111P11111-4: � QF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PIZ JIP* " Nrierdi Alp- . ,, app. , IPA =1" } �'�''� ' FUTURE LAND USE _.ii :,,,,,: „.., 1,_ P .: i4.64i Ail A : on ' LANDS C)-IANt3ED F'RC1. •AGRIO 11Tt TO `c . , . * 'tilliW. ESTATE RIESDENTIAL RIES' oppp PII pm ALA • II I :I:,f, '' ;640 , ., �Y, II I AGRICULTURE • S t iii st4ggrort, ti4QRURAL • tiOP: IM MASSIMITIONS sui: ' 4. 1).00.�; il N(Mt:. wr�r » " ESTATE FIESOENT{AL . a f AAE?SILE Flbl1AE PAFkCB ,. A SEASONAL TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS r :: 5.. . .;: i�: ,f 9 N NSTR Ras c.AmPnowtRECREATIONAL (]f'� ... . . L�471 f PUBLIC 9 V .) ",, ,-;- 4 r .t.? i M A .�. (a cCSSif 1At 1 • INDUSTRIAL ism ars worm aN ww alamaa 5 i nw Ile taaapduOP a WO • ? I'ltfit'i �• g S T RIII WOOUWW Dlli We Na ONSWOfa» W.OPIWIN S ti aww�DR maws,mei filr © 4 mama..,..he Law.wa.• �� _ aw' - �� ' W7; HAZARD LANDS ,-� '► MP so t . - • u. . ";. ,- ' .44 `` a gm CONSERVATION LANDS 4''`: V �w . 1,11:444, MINERAL RESOURCE AREAS ti 4, 1 � 11111 HAMLETS '. ... pOMNMUNITY SAPTI 1'V'EMENT AREAS) - ikaip, AIR/ O PROVINCIAL. HIGHWAYS ill r.,., ,,.. ., ,,,,, ,, ,, , ,,,, . , . . .„ • NalthotP • ARTERIAL ROADS 1 p• Iccxxrtr 110A0l� SIMM 1;31I'l IN"' 41 . et ,t.'')..4, ' -1 ,...„, ., N. : :: 44 , 1 k T 101 ovir-rf.""1-1- "fi'.4 ' u. t ..,,og III :ea iii ....„1„ © 2000 4000 ., .N14,41 . Motes II% 9 soo0 10900 15900 F•c SCALE 118 000 t • 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"Bit AMENDMENT NO . 90 _,„::;:(z. . . ...... II 4 II ' '/'� 233-0 Yat 3 ._,,..� ,,efloti , 1 .,.... ,,, 116 ; til 17 1 . t 118 „...*(2 Lot 119 Lot 120 23o•S''. errY • ‘ i ,f' ,.. �, :3 r ,�' �. _.�-,I 'N.S.T.R. 4. s -'".411\ I "....'T . r� t ...."" I r t i tA {'1 '''`,,, ."---**. r,......................) C.,.:,,,,,, r,.. k \\ Art I x 1 ,---„,„ ),I \ .- , /emi. Aola;ie- 8 .....0 \ .N......./ "1'. ,"-4'30- ( % ,, 1, ' '" -----.- 7'S''''' ',7"'e '''4 :"\ ..f ,,:.: ' f\' \ ' --") I 235 ! *� i • ..,t ? + i ' '/, ' "-------N., ail .[....._ /• ‘ . ',..... *.,......./.....4 0( ; . ik, . ,,,,, .... , / , , la 4 t ` • \\ e `` • CI i c.."°:."-.--' ' -'--...... I ) rJr /• s ij 1 _0" ,,. c • '''‘..-"-^...\\...•••/'..--"N, L , #,,,, , ,,,,, _ N '''' ,e,. )4 ., ,,... \ , i , S Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources IIM SUBJECT LANDS D • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDINGS E CD WOODLOT .114‘. a GARAGES/SHEDS 0 260m 600m 4 SMOTE:This asp is for clarification purposes only. Seale: 1:10,000 • 411 Planning Act , 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By BATMAN TOWNSHIP COUN C I L Respecting Proposed Official Plan - and • Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act . The Amendments to be considered are as follows : APPLICATION DOUBLE D FARMS LTD. , Lot 118 , Concession NTR to rezone their property from Agricultural (A1 ) to Estate Residential . This will permit the creation of a Residential Lot by severance by the Elgin Land Division Committee . The PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the COUNCIL mamas at 8TRAFFORDVILLE commencing at 9 :00 P.M. on THURSDAY , MAY 7 , 1992 . Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk ( 866-5521 ) W . Bogue Township Clerk Bo: 160 $traffordvi l l e , Ontario NOJ IYO ' The TRIMoisburg Independent, - • y,April 7,1992 Section 2 Pape 19 -- _____Ii • :' `. : _ = `-. :• ! -"' _ = Independent Classifieds • is!theTILisoNauRG ._�� . •; v. ~ .fax 1 ' ;, are just $2.99 t� #ndependen i 4 • 'f#':. �. ft --�--- (20 words and under) *-rriciipLifit rrili, Call 688-6892!! 688-6892— C a a e ........w IN APPRECIATION REAL ESTATE The family d the tate Bessie 1 fr GOLDEN FALCON, IN APPRECIATION IN APPRECIATION Find Out how Ronson wish to express their steeps five.cornpietswith dedt thanks to relatives and friends and mini barn containing single Albert and Jutta Baleen The!amity of the tate Rubyyour business for flowers,donations,cards bed and lull size fridge. Monk refalives,fr'iends!orgills Purdy wish to express their and kxxl fiG to us.Thanks Presently setup at Red Oaks and cards end best wishes on sincere thanks to relatives, can be part of this to Reverend Gene Temple- Trailer Park. Price$2.500.Call our 15th wedding en'Mvaraary. friends and neighbours for meyer and Reverend James t142�084. Special thanks to our f m ty cards, letters,lowers and highly read page. Taylor for their comaortkig mea. Larry and Judy and Gary and donations to various charities sage. Special thanks to the Yard Sale Wendy and grandchildren. and for the many acts of kind- Phone Staff at Woo rd Lodge Hess shown during our recent and the Ostrander Funeral Ads Are The tamltir of Mae late Borst bereavement.A specie t!►attlr Home. Your kindness will FREE RusCh wash to express their to Aunt merlon for all your _���� Herder -sincere thanks torelativea. and care given in the peat NOTICE NOTICE j friends and neighbours for year along with Violet THREE BEDROOM HOME, Cards,flowers and donations b Townsend. We appreciated the new renovations, extra lot. the Gideons,North Broadway help given by the Norfolk # .c. WalsingMm,389 700.512 Baptist Church and the Cancer Home Care Staff, Tklsonburg 2664. Society and for the many acts Ambulance Attendants arid Dr. ',.0""w of kindness shown during the 0rowes. The support of Rev. '.+.' DRIVE BY 149 Oueen St toss of our loved one Special Tom Watson and Mr. Bruce REGIONAL MUNIClPALtTY OF interested?Phone 842-7291. thanks to the V O N., Home Wallace. soloist Mary White, TINE Care, and all the nurses on orman+st Betty Hutchison,the HALDIMAND-NORFOLK ' 1 Second North and South for pahbeelers,lowetbe rens,the / MAIWItiTINO their attentive care during ladies of North Broadway Notice to 000111 AXAN1f 41111-4041 Horan illness,taw thanks and Church erne the H.D.%wow, Residents of Port Rowan and Deihl OPEN mow lust t VW»:a'4 appreciation to ea our friends Funeral Biome made the loss for their visits at ham*and at of our loved one easier to bear. WATER MAIN FLUSHING '` the hospital,for the prayers Your kindness will newer be for- / Ft i and words of comfort spoken 'f e {'• + Our thanks to Ostrander`s �n,Purays Port Rowan-staring Apra 21, 1992 b Aprs 24, 1992 Funeral Home for!her kind Delhi -staring Apra 27, 1992 to May 01, i9f32 i ! , a assistance and for the tun- Commencing M approximately 900 a m., the Region will be cheon prepared by the ladles cia.rnig the water Mesta In the Port Rowan and NOM Waifs ilea to tardier R ohs smro d of North Broadway Church. Dhotulion System Case*yen.3 hew C s Cot on Your kindness and love shown You Herta be kicorrMreerrilsrtoad for a period of addle and you may i we twee Aare s Faugaic a. we never be Bert. NOTICE . a a wee tit pump.Nee dodo -Mary Lou tarrntiy have discoloured waW resulting from the cleaning of the odds,vs.ltel Awns stymie water minc a the wetter continues to be discolori.d over an ,st • Planning Act, 1983 extended period of time, please contact the Regional -te 'afE NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Envronn,« of&Innate taloa at 4264020 orSex 582-3620 pEjs l • ACM To Be Held By • 13 . RAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AFFORDABLE CARE FREELIVING CAN BE YOURS • AT ROILING MEADOWS CONDOMINIUMS ; O'' Respec__ Proposed 21 AND 23 WREN COURT-T1LLSONBURO Official nen and '• 14 WIURT UNITS. Now priced from *96.000.00 in chokes of 2 and 3 Zrawiag IIIX-Law Amendments bedroom layouts and two buildings. All are fully registered and ready for TAILS NlOTfCS Not the Cavaco of the Consent*. of the immediate occupancy. Tawas et 1ha hau will held a p.blE reassiag b the peaces at •STANDARD►LATU**S: Private tio. finished rec. room, attached ledee !leg the palmic he realr.rt of prcPeed Official Plea sad, garage, central air conditioning. oms 8repilrce.dishwasher, quality carpet lship fy-taw Aaamiasw is be otwit4uetl iw socaateasa *ilk and vinyl coverings. 2 bathrooms,private washing facilities. the prove Mme at T1s Pta.airra Act. lbs Assasa..w es be coaiL wed are as talions; •KxT�tA1 juin APftICATION CLOSE SY JULY 31/92 AND ROOMY & LYNDA CAM,Noor Put Its 126.Cue. 6 311 to Ritatnit THE FOLLOWING: nom Dole papany Irma IL..Lt IPaeidesold sad Rated ldaeaid to Raid lwdsaeid kt2 !lintel. This*0 omit the medico*es U ALL 1992 CONDO PUS PREPAID apessot a toll&pray ale aerates vehicle atlas isoblidium Iii 216 0r YOUR MMOKTG1AOa DOUBLE D PAWNS LTD.. Let Ilk O aeasis.MIL to sea me onitusaT PAID FOR 2 YEARS WS papa" has Aeriedaatd(Al)is Soso Ossitisadlt. This ci MOVING PAI)UP „ Oat "" r. , will linin ter rename.et a Itoildsasid Las by soommea by De TO 8600 . , • t • r - f . . egie Lair/Division Ooso.i les. dl UltiOAL CLOSING PAID '' a•r` e ABE 1Ia AINIMPL lest 2R C.soaasiso I&to mow a poise of his t TO 0600 Il +�` els I% '� r� hob flaw EOMs rM'1Mtift is 1012 Seeder Rival laiuEli. This el UIPTO dill%MON1+t"A(11;JY 4` .. aN +rile Om. the sppilresas fs ti*safle a titrBiMstr opal►Wham M Kl gt DY • $ s, e p Pesaro at thus keratin. The whit she p imi►ihs maim et a 0_Rawl Ion vamp°R'1AIl Y Waal ahead loilioriel eft by swam W fate RIO Comity Lad 0:00 AM TO&wpm Orioles Coss taw. MY M csorti RN21 The PUBLIC MEETING unit be heart ids this COUNCIL SUNDAYS II-4 Phi"OPEN HOMO . C11/40111111 s aywARo,oattl LE aaaww.siag as SAO pax, as IIIIIIIIIMY.MAY T,HSI A ra1iMM fM flet OMNI OUWC* .mills tis Air larpiatrae prigs to ileal nest wind is ducted to iM lhosio ipPAR COLD Omsk t8il►sS�t13W. 'align L3 G1 ll ET REALTY 1401M,fJar~efa pesioafakkkiasei LIMITED PH: . 20 Minutes o Council Meeting held May 7th 992 continued PUBLIC MEETING Record of Public Meeting held May 7th , 1992 concerning Official Plan and Zoning Amendments . Reeve Vane Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayham Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws to be open . The first application is that of Abe Klassen Re By-Law Z268/ 92 to change the zoning on a 0 . 55 hectare ( 1 . 36 acre ) parcel of land situated east of the Kings Highway No . 19 along the road allowance between Concession 8 and the North Gore from the Estate Residential ( ER) Zone to the Special Rural Industrial (M2-9) Zone . The effect of this By-Law will be to include as a permitted use on the subject lands , a public garage for radiator repair . Mr . Klassen is present in support of the , application, No comments are received from the public . Council have no comments on this application . The Clerk presents correspondence received from the Elgin St . Thomas Health Unit , Long Point Region Conservation Authority , County of Elgin Road Department and Ministry of Natural Resources advising they have no objection to this amendment . No further comments are received on this application . The second application is that of Double D Farms Ltd . , Re By-Law Z269/ 92 to change the zoning on a parcel of land comprised of approximately 0 . 48 hectares ( 1 . 19 acres ) situated along County Road No . 38 in Part Lot 118 N . S . T . R . from the Agriculture (Al ) Zone to the Estate Residential ( ER Zone . The purpose of the application is to create one estate residential dwelling in between an existing residence and a ravine associated with the Little Otter Creek . Mr , Paul DeCloet is in attendance in support of the application . No comments are received from the public on this application . No comments are received from Council on this application . The Clerk presents correspondence received from the Elgin St Thomas Health Unit and Long Point Region Conservation Authority advising they have no objection to this application . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated they have no objection to this amendment , however , they indicate that a buffer be established to allow for setbacks from the tree line for protection of existing forest cover and to maintain wildlife corridors . Correspondence from the County of Elgin Road Department indicated that they have no objections to the. amendment and that their concerns regarding entrance requirements could be addressed at time of the severance application . • No further comments were received on this application . The third application is that of Robert and Lynda Cain, Re Ay-Law Z270/90 to change the zoning on a 0 . 4 hectare ( 1 acre) parcel of land on the south side of Talbot Road East (Highway No. 19) in Lot 126 , Concession 6 , Hamlet of Straffordville , Township of Bayham from the Rural Industrial (M2 ) Zone and the Hamlet Residential (HR ) Zone to the Special Rural Industrial (112-10 ) Zone . The effect of this By-Law will be to permit the establishment of an automobile sales establishment and a public garage in addition to the existing residential use on the subject lands . ti Manstry of #rlini.•iti•e cies 777 Bay Street 777. rue Bay Municipal Moires 14th Floor 14* etage Affairs murex Toronto, Ontario Ts-,ronto (O..tario► Ontario 9 ?/(:, 9/29 MSG 5 M53 2E5 The Attac si � �' TirAli E N r)M E N Ti i ts) 1 THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYNA'° i sot-owned to Plans Administration wailDirohtFi6te il?nis( i) illdiArStfaticflitlUlans et atont) Ohl • . Please Refer all Correspondence Related to this Submission to:/ m R s 4 . B U f,I U I , C L t: ` ' , Veurtlez adresser touts la correspondance T(3WN' WIP (lF PAYHAd % $ . • ' r i $,344911 e? oivCKY PDX 160 � ` ' ' ( 4 16 ) 5 ;15-6')68 R Y l 1 t,, Quoting Our Fife Number:/ STRAFFOl en mentionnant notre Humero de dossier ONTARIO 6-7P- 2151•' 9' •' Pea ••••st••M•••N•N• ••• ••••••••MN•• 473 ilOt3Sl • 41111 S. • • 4 ' BY-LAW 92-15 AMENDMENT NUMBER 90 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 118, N.ST.R. The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Nwnbcr. 90 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 90 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by-the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 92-15, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of May, 1992. AVE CLERK BYLAW NO. 92-15 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 90 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 90 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENAC;1 AND PASSED this 7th day of May, 1992 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 92-15 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 90 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.48 hectares (1.19 acres) and is situated along County Road No. 38 in Part Lot 118, N.S.T.R., in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting adjacent to a ravine associated with Little Otter Creek. There is an existing farm dwelling to the west and except for this dwelling, the subject lands are situated on an isolated pocket of land which is surrounded by a mature woodlot system. The identification of the subject lands as a candidate site for the development of an estate residential dwelling was based on a number of factors. Firstly, the subject lands are only 0.48 hectares in size which significantly limits their agricultural potential. Further, there are no existing livestock operations within applicable setback distances. Secondly, the lands are adjacent to an existing dwelling in an aesthetic setting at the edge of a mature woodlot associated with a large drainage system. Due to the size of the subject lands and the limiting factors which would affect the viability of agricultural production, Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a Rural-Estate Residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. 2 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) ' The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate Residential" may_be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Estate-Residential as amended. ., . MAMENDMENT NO.90 -� M� SCHEDULE A 1111161111111PIII OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE IPPLIP' '''' Ae,14i11%;iit,i .- 1:41 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IIIIIIIIIIPP;POMh11! FUTURE LAND USE ril • I, LANDS CHANIC D 'AOROCXJl.TUMI'TO A7E Pik wpm ;411i illifibli$0410. . I©ci,;, ,, 116.111 , ,,,,,ii l _ , AGRICULTURE • • : " 9� . 0 RURAL tio• ���-w a-s si nars 1� , Otlit a toitim ea vim O HSTATE pgTRy�I " r f,1 MOWS NOIrAis ►AAKST11110111/1t ,� 0TILERPAPSi �� '�_,� : � � � ,�; ' � NST 0 i�ECi'IE/►TIOFu1L b �, 4,jigisrilw i, Iiii 6 1! iiii KA! s11 rwr rr k . rnra .o1 .. i 4 41, 41110111111101 10 MI tasellearli . .# i '".�;,,i ; HAZARD OAZARD LANDS ii IN ". Ill 7 ,. °IA i y�# CONSERVATION LANDS prafOr ' " MINERAL RESOURCE AREAS 'tde4 - .100 -410 1111 HAMLETS ETS w+1OVVAENT MEA) f •:' .: 0 PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS 44ii1PP. _ --e}-- ARTERIAL ROAas PIA i" ' 'COUNTY nomm --. INS 11111.16,41...a:vieses. dootill:t:a .. , 1 4,‘ 1 11111koir:''iltiiiilliiiir , , lj :',,,, 11 i'l iltilillii ' VI 1 ,, : .•44 ; ., Vali -ttpe,...: 1 i iiii looliiiii t. 44 11 9 2090 407) %ill Moires 9 60.00 10900 16900 Poet SCALE I:75 000 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE'IBI` AMENDMENT N0 . 90 ....../Tii.cir i ( - • t. `" .. c J, I y.'a _ , ..- • 1 1 ,..... .....„, 1 11 ll 1 - • t '/ 2sl0t . ' 23' ! -- ! .set-41 �L+o I 6 ) dli!117 �� 1 F.. 118 's.nc Lot 119 :---- L� 120 gegy I /. I • `- ..... 23j 5 • •-� ° o f• !/ 4..............°*' Ilk," . k.... ' '.....' • ' - 1 --"\\.\\____,... 1_,„,--4gz i 5---.. 1 - 1 233.1. / 1 ., ,..,,,i/ i:\ •• �� ' . .-) 1 ;::>"..... 1 , w 0 as 1111 la . '4:14.*....fr\* ` .."."4*- l'1 k../ ''''' ( . \ ! ill 1 ,,,,..; 0 1110'-'.'"" --' 3111 MI Ill illi 2341.0 r vy r -tea y N 23sem.j t tc-..... I , i; /.•• .,./ t i/ r--•,� ., 2, .• .1.''.• -...4.44-**••• 4 -...."--.."\...4 \fr. 1N.:111,:t:sit „.„) ' 4%. •22!•! "'`�..,� ; "..7:: ,./ ,� ti:t\ \ \\ • "1(1\ '"suety / �r f a '.- 0 ° I • .1r (1. i ' ,- - ,V ' 1 .,,,) -,, , ,„.\ . : .. . • (..k....... .\\ , "` N‘ItS ....a...0* If ' : •'' 0/ , l' , \.‘•,.14 \ ""`-r0 .°fr 12•;...o.2/10' t 1 i �, r l "ice . ,.+-.�f (f +./+�' , Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT c! FARM BUILDINGS • CD WOODLOTli)l. • GARAGES/SHEDS • 4 ` 250m SOOm NOTE: This map is for clarification purposes onlY• ` /kcal*: 1:10,000 lOr ORIGINAL / qv AMENDmarr NUMBER 90 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM I C),* 0 9 ° i 0 to) 3 4 o •SUBJECT: ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 118, N.S.T.R. Ilse fallowing text and map schedule constitute Amendment Nu r 90 to the Officki Finn of the Township of Bayha m IP ORIGINAL . 4. IP AMENDMENT NUMBER 90 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM -0 v.,/ cs 090 34 0 E 0 sUBJECF: ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 118, NS.T.R. The fallassili test and map schedule commitate Miaadment Numb 90 to the O Plan. at the Tam of pmt • • OFFICIAL PLAN OF TH* TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN TSN attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 90 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNINO ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-Law No . 92-15 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANRIN4 ACT, on the 2nd day of July , 1992 . • AMENDMENT NO. 90 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No. 90 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby modified as follows: 1 . PART 4 - DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, the following new Item is inserted immediately after Item ii): "iii) Section of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following new Item: I) a parcel having an approximate size of 0.48 hectares and is situated along County Road No. 38 in Part Lot 118 N.S.T.R. One estate residential lot may be created." As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act. Date: ./”Z'076-' / if rr Diana L. Jars e, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO 92-16 BEING a By-Law to appoint the Chief of the Township of Bayham Fire Department & repeal By-Law No . 1747 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham have enacted a By-Law No . 1746 to establish a Fire Department and WHEREAS the Council has considered a By-Law to establish the position of Chief of the Fire Department WHEREAS with the retirement of Harold Dennis on May 6th , 1992 , the office of Fire Chief for the Municipality has become vacant THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AS FOLLOWS : 1 ) That KENNETH LAEMERS be appointed as Chief of the Fire Department to servo from May 7th, 1992 until a probation period of six months expires , at which time will serve until the first meeting in the month prior to the next election READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of May , 1992 Z16"::1 II/ 4,7,- REEVk CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW N SH I P OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 92- 17 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held May 7th , 1992 and Special Meeting held April 21st , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held may 7th , 1992 and Special Meeting held April 21st , 1992 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of May , 1992 Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN BY-LAW NO . 92-18 BEING a By-Law to license vehicles from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public and repeal By-Law No . 2001 WHEREAS under The Municipal Act Councils of Municipalities may pass By-Laws to license , regulate and govern vehicles from which refreshments are sold for the consumption of the Public : AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient for the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to enact such a By-Law; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1 . That for the purposes of this By-Law vehicle includes motor vehicle , trailer , traction engine , tractor and any vehicle driven , operated , or driven by any or kind of power including muscular power . 2 . That no person shall sell refreshments for the consumption by the Public from a vehicle without a license for this purpose issued by the Council . 3 . The fees for a license under this By-Law shall be as follows : (a) Within the recognised limits of the Hamlet of Straffordville - $100 . 00 (b) All other areas of the Municipality - $50 . 00 4 . Every license issued under this By-Law shall be for one year and unless sooner revoked shall expire on the 31st day of December next following the date of its issue . 5. (a) Within the recognized boundaries of the Hamlet of Straffordville this license will be valid for a period of ( 48 ) forty-eight consecutive hours only . It will be necessary to reapply for an additional license to locate at another location within the Hamlet . (b) In all other areas every vehicle licensed under this By-Law shall not be permanently located on premises other than ' those owned by the proprietor of the said vehicle, and when said vehicle is situated on premises other than those owned by this . . . 2 1 2 - proprietor , it must not remain at that location in excess of forty-eight ( 48 ) consecutive hours and when removed cannot be resituated on the same lot or locality prior to the expiration of six ( 6 ) months except by permission granted by resolution of Council . 6 . No vehicle shall be situated for the purpose of selling refreshments on any portion of a road allowance or other public property within the Municipality except that type of vehicle commonly known as a "mobile coffee cart" and said "mobile coffee cart" shall only be located on the shoulder of any public road and not remain stationary in excess of thirty ( 30 ) minutes . 7 . Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding ( exclusive of costs ) the sum of One Thousand Dollars ( $1 , 000 . 00 ) for each offence . 8 . This By-Law shall repeal By-Law No . 2001 9 . This By-Law shall come into force and take effect on May 21 , 1992 READ A FIRSTS AND SECOND TIME THIS 218? DAY OF MAY , 1992 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4TH DAY OF JUNE 1992 -2), i (liee-Atc;7 REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 92- 19 BEING a By-Law of set the sale price of land to be sold and described as part of Second Street Registered Plan 205 , Township of Bayham. WHEREAS under Section 315 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) of the Municipal Act Chapter M45 R . S . O . 1990 the Municipality is empowered to sell a closed portion of any part of a highway . AND WHEREAS lands described as part of Second Street Registered Plan 205 have been closed under By-Law No . 2119 , March 4 , 1992 AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient to sell the aforesaid lands . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN SH I P OF BAYHAM 1 ) That this land be sold to the abutting landowners for a sum of Four Hundred Dollars ( $400 . 00 ) plus all costs related to the survey of this land and legal costs incurred and as described in Schedule "A" attached hereto 2 ) In event that one abutting landowner does not wish to purchase their share of said property , the other abutting owner may purchase the entire parcel of land 3) The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents which may be necessary to convey said property to the purchaser READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21ST DAY OF MAY , 1992 E1 CLERK SCHEDU E _7A! All that part of Second Street lying Westerly from the West limit of West Street extended Southerly and extending Westerly to the line between Lots 124 & 125 N . T . R . according to Plan 205 for the Village of St raf fordvi l l e TRE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No , 92-20 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held May 21st , 1992 and Special Meetings held May 5th, 1992 and May 13th, 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held May 21st , 1992 and Special Meetings held May 5th, 1992 and May 13th, 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND 'THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of May 1992 7 - ,.. -a Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY—Lmm 92-21 BEING a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an amended agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst for the supply of water at Lot 13 , Concession 2 . WHEREAS Paul Durst is the owner of lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham . AND WHEREAS the said Paul Durst has established a Mobile Home Park on the aforesaid lands . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has passed By-Law No . 2412 adopting Amendment No . 21 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham and By-Law Z166/ 88 to amend By-Law No . 2387 to providing zoning of the lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 for the aforesaid Mobile Home Park . AND WHEREAS the supply of water for the aforesaid Mobile Home Park will be through the Village of Vienna water distribution system, AND WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for payment to the Village of Vienna for the Supply of water in the event that the said Paul Durst agrees into default with respect to payments owing to the said village . AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Vienna is desirous of ' amending section 5 of the said agreement and further extending said agreement for a further three year term. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE T WN SH I P OF BAYHAM 1 . ) That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an amended agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst to provide for the supply of water at Lot 130 Concession 2 on which lands a Mobile Home Park has been established . 2 . ) That a copy of the original Agreement and Amended Agreement be attached to and form a part of the By-Law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4TH DAY OF JUNE , 1992 P- ;;:;7 REEVE t CLQ THE CO Pp ORAT I ON OF TI,tE V IL�I � F V BY-LAW NC. 92-5 BEING A BY-LAW TO MEND THE WATER WORKS AGREEPTNT DATED SEPTEMBER 5 , 1989 BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE of VIENNA and . PAUL 'MAST and 411 THE CORPORATION of THF TOWNSHIP or 8 AYItTt+t . SECTION 5 of said agreement is hereby amended to read : "Paul Durst hereby agrees to pay the normal water rate , as set by Vienna , for domestic use outside the Corporation limits of the Village of Vienna . It is hereby agreed that the minimum charge per month is for each individual. unit (i .e . minimum monthly charge = minimum monthly rate x number ref units ) . Paul Durst agrees to maintain the $1 ,000 . cash with the Village of Vienna as security for the cost of water in the event of default by Paul Durst . This amount may be revised at any time by Vienna . Payment for the supply of water shall be made monthly . P ton percent (10% ) penalty shall be charged en all accounts not paid in full on or before the 20th day after the date upon which accounts are billed .-" ALL OTHER TEPES AND CONDITIONS of the PGPEEMFNT dated September 5 , 1989 are confirmed for a further three (3) year term. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME , AND FINALLY PTSSFn' THIS 11TH LAY OF JUNE, 1992 , THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA • .4/7 ocalakOMING) Air>... . 4 / CLE • .,, PAUL DURST /P7See THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYH?M REEVE CLERK ,THE CORPORATION Or TU ._.,T LADE O ' VIENNA BY-LAW NO. 927%5 LEIImo► A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE WATER WORKS AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 5 , 1989 BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA and PAUL DURST and • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF I31+,YHAM , SECTION 5 of said agreement is hereby amended to read : "Paul Durst hereby agrees to pay the normal water rate , as set by Vienna , for domestic use outside the Corporation limits of the Village of Vienna . It is hereby agreed that the minimum charge per month is for each individual unit (i .e . minimum monthly charge = minimum monthly rate x number of units ) . Paul Durst agrees to maintain the $1 ,000 . cash with the Village of Vienna as security for the cost of water in the event of default by Paul Durst . This amount may he revised at any time by Vienna . Payment for the supply of water shall be made monthly. A ten percent (10% ) penalty shall be charged on all accounts nnt- raid in full on or before the 20th day after the date upon which accounts are billed . " ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the 1+GPEEMFNT dated September 5 , 1989 are confirmed for a further three ( 3) year term. KLAD A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME , ANT) FINALLY PASSED THIS 11TH DAY OF JUNE , 1992 . 411 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA 1°1;:`) E (ACTING) .048 1 CL,F.F ' pr / PAUL DURST Afi ..r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP BAYHPM /47:16--. REE cL tzx CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2491 BEING a By-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst for the supply of water at Lot 13 , Concession 2 . WHEREAS Paul Durst is the owner of lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham AND WHEREAS the said Paul Durst is establishing a mobile home park on the aforesaid lands . AND WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has passed By- law No . 2412 adopting Amendment No . 21 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham and By-law 2166/88 to amend By-law No . 2367 to provide zoning of the lands at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , for the aforesaid mobile home park , AND WHEREAS the supply of water for the aforesaid mobile home park will be through the Village of Vienna water distribution system . AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to provide for payment to the Village of Vienna for the supply of water in the event that the said Paul Durst goes into default with respect to payments owing to the said Village . THEREFORE BE , IT ENCACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COPRORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. -. 1 ) That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst to provide for the supply of water at Lot 13 , Concession 2 , on which lands may be established a mobile home park . 2 ) THAT the said Agreement be attached to and form a part of this By- law . • READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1989 . D. REEVE CLERK - � 0 THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 5th day of elptA'ber A . D . l9 RATER WRKS AGREEMENT BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA, hereinafter called Vienna , and PAUL DURST and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called Bayham, WHEREAS Paul Durst has submitted to the Executive Director, Water Supply and Pollution Control , of the Ministry of the Environment for its approval plans and specifications for the construction of a water works as defined in The Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 332, or its successor, as amended, which are to be constructed by Paul Durst and to be located on Part of Lot 13, Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham and owned by Paul Durst for the supply of water to a trailer park located thereon; AND WHEREAS Paul Durst has reached an agreement with Vienna with respect to the supply of water by Vienna and the purchase of water by Paul Durst; AND WHEREAS the Council of Vienna passed By-Law No. 857 authorizing Vienna to enter into and execute this Agreement ; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants, conditions and payments hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows : 1 . Subject to compliance with The Ontario Water Resources Act, the Environmental Protection Act, 1971 and any successors, and all other relevant statutes and regulations, the obligations to operate, maintain and otherwise deal with, manage and control the water works after the effective date of this Agreement, shall be the responsibility of Paul Durst. 2. Vienna will supply water for the aforementioned water works for normal household consumption to the said water works; however, should a supply of water not be available, Vienna shall not be held liable in any respect . - 2 - 3 . It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst shall not add to, alter or extend the aforementioned water works without the prior approval of Vienna and any other appropriate authority . 4. It is hereby agreed that this Agreement shall be for the supply of water for a maximum of 28 trailers or living units as shown on the attached Plan 8967 dated August 9, 1989, prepared by G. Douglas Vallee Limited. Any additional trailers or living units to be served will require a separate Agreement . 5. Paul Durst hereby agrees to pay double the normal water rate from time to time payable by the residents of Vienna or as determined by Vienna in recognition of the fact that there are no frontage charges or connection charges payable in relation to the water works system. Paul Durst agrees to supply a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of $1 ,000.00 as security for the cost of water in the event of default by Paul Durst . This amount may be revised at any time by Vienna . Payment for the supply of water shall be made monthly. A ten percent (10%) penalty shall be charged on all accounts not paid in full on or before the 20th day after the date upon which accounts are billed . 6. In the event that Paul Durst goes into default with respect to the payments owing to Vienna, he hereby authorizes Bayham to add the arrears to the taxes for the property on which the water works is located . Bayham hereby agrees as a party to this Agreement to add the aforementioned water arrears to the taxes as aforesaid for collection in the usual manner. 7 . It is hereby agreed that Vienna will not assume ownership and/or operation of the water works system in the event of default by Paul Durst . 8. It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will locate the water meters at the shut off valves of the main line and will allow Vienna and its servants and agents a general easement over the property upon which the water works is located for the purpose of inspecting the water meters and taking readings from them. 9. It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will reimburse Vienna for all legal and engineering fees incurred by Vienna in the preparation, any subsequent revisions , and enforcement of this Agreement . 10. It is hereby agreed that this Agreement may be terminated by either party after a period of 3 years from the date of signing however Vienna shall have the right to revise the Agreement as it sees fit subject to the aforementioned right to terminate by Paul Durst . • 3 11 . It is agreed and declared that this Agreement and the covenants, provisos and conditions shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of each of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Corporation of the Village of Vienna and The Corporation of the Township of Bayham have hereunto caused their corporate seals to be affixed, duly attested by their proper officers in that behalf, and Paul Durst has hereunto set his hand and seal . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA in the presence of ) } FE t n , , deat 1110 ) Paul ours ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) 6:4€431) rEE:t�'E C t r PT VILLAGE OF VIENNA 5198744225 P . 02 ni g-WIDIAT2P.a_ Or Tut VILLAGE OF VIWJNA BEING A BY-LAW TO MEND THE WATER WORKS AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 5 , 1989 BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE or VIENNA and PAUL DURST and THE CORPOPATION OP THC TOWNSHIP or BAYHAM . SECTION 5 of said agreement is hereby amended to read : "Paul Durst hereby agrees to pay the normal water rate , as set by Vienna , for domestic use outside the Corporation limits of the Village of Vienna. it is hereby agTeed that the minimum charge per month is for each individual unit (i minimum monthly charge - minimum monthly rate x number of units ) . Paul Durst agrees to maintain the $3 ,000 . cash with the Village of Vienna as security for the cost of water in the event of default by Paul Lurst . This amount may he revised iced at any time by Vienna . Payment for the supply of water shall be mariw monthly . A ten percent (10% ) penalty shall be charged on all accounts not paid in full on or before the 20th day after the date upon which ch accounts are billed . " ALL OTHER TEP,MS AND CONDITIONS of the AGREEMENT dated September 5 , 1989 are confirmed for a further three (3) year term. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME , AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 11TH DAY OF JUNE, 1992 , THIE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA REE E " SLE PIC PAUL DU RS T THE CORPORATION OF MN TOWNSHIP OP BAYHPII C K 41/ Subject: Alan Foster (Paul Durst) Water Agreement Otter's Edge Mobile Home Park $1,000, Security Deposit with Village of Vienna Background Information Upon review of the information available since the water:system was installed at the Park by Paul Durst, and the Agreement of 1989 for water service with the Village of Vienna and th I hipof BatY ham, ttW .am, $1,000. security was paid to the Village of Vien for • •+ • in the event of default of payment by Mr. Durst. This : ; �, mai" ent could be revised by Vienna at any time (Section 5). As the Park was not actually in the municipality that was supplying the water service, Bayham Township was made a party to the agreement so that in the event of payment default, the outstanding balance could be added to the tax roll, collected as taxes, and paid to Vienna. It was expected that this method of collection could take some time to implement, hence the security deposit of$1,000, This amount would have covered approximately one 2 month billing. Rates charged to the Park initially were at higher rate as an alternative to meeting the Water By-law requirement that each unit have its own meter, which costs the original • owner/installer did not feel could be justified. Neither could frontage and connection hook-up charges, which were normally assessed to each propertyserviced, be imposed on each individual mobile home in the Park. Since properties in the Village of Vienna also were assessed a 4 mill rate annually on their tax billings as an additional amount payable in support of the installation of the water system, the charges were considered reasonable. In 1992, at the request of Mr. & Mrs. Durst, and after much discussion with Council of the Village of Vienna, the agreement was amended and renewed for a further 3 year period. When Alan Foster purchased the property in 1994, he was aware of the agreement that was in place between Mr. Durst, the Village of Vienna and the Township of Bayham. Upon application for water service by Alan Foster, he was required to pay the $1,000. security, and Council authorized that Mr. Durst be refunded his original $1,000. The Agreement was to have been, but wasn't, renewed in 1995. This was discovered early in the amalgamation process, but was felt that it should be left until the new municipality was in place As a result of the restructuring which has taken place, Bayham is now in a position of addressing, firsthand, any non-payment of water billings. CORPORATION OF THE 14UNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 98-18 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTRY OF THE MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING WITH RESPECT TO THE CANADA/ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS PROGRAM EXTENSION WHEREAS the Province of Ontario and Canada entered into the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program Agreement Extension; • AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham (formerly Village of Port Burwell) has applied to the Canada-Ontario lnfrastructiure Program Extension for funding to construct a municipal drain, more specifically referred to as the Chatham Street Drain -Centennial Park Outlet; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enter into an Agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing so that the Ministry will provide funding to the Municipality of Bayham. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF • BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the funding of the construction of the Chatham Street Drain - Centennial Park Outlet. 2. THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forms a part of this by- law. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final pas\ilig, READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5' day of FEBRUARY, 1998. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5 day of FEBRUARY, 1998. MAYOR CLERK • Also addressed in the Agreement was that the whole water system installed by Mr. Durst on his property, to service the mobile homes, from his curbstop, including an oversized meter (3 or 4 inch), which he purchased privately, was the owners' responsibility, and that the municipality would in no way nor for any reason assume ownership of that system. Y d I • CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 98-17 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A PERSONNEL POLICY WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham recognizes the need for a clear and concise set of policies concerning personnel management; AND WHEREAS Council of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of collating all policies in one manual so as to aid Council and Staff: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the Personnel Policy Be confirmed and'adopted by by-law; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Personnel Policy attached hereto as Schedule "A" is hereby adopted as the policies and practices to be used in the management of personnel; 2. THAT said Policy is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms a part of this by-law; 3. THAT all by-laws and amendments thereto enacted by the Township of Bayham , the • Village of Port Burwell and the Village of Vienna pertaining to personnel policies are hereby repealed; • 4. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 5 day of FEBRUARY, 1998. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this S" day of FEBRUARY, 1998. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORAT I ON OF THE T 1N SH I P OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 92-22 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held June 4th , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held June 4th, 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND F I NALLY PASSED this 4th day of June 1992 --- ) . /1--;e-,..---. (...-_- - -- , de-D -F 14/ 45_,(7,-,_.- Reeve Clerk THE CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 92-23 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held June 18th , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held June 18th , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of June 1992 Reeve Clerk 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE Towwj1IP OF BAY 1. By-Law No. 92-24 • BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the special meeting held June 25 , 1992 and regular meeting held July 2 , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWN SH I P Or BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the special meeting held June 25 , 1992 and regular meeting held July 2 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of July 1992 Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-24 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held July 2 , 1992 . BB IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAJI pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held July 2 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of July 1992 Reeve _ Clerk CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SAYRAM BY- LAW NO. 92-25 SKIM a By-Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1992 , to levy the taxes for the year 1992 and to provide for the collection thereof . WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario , provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner , as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1992 should be levied . AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $2 , 573 , 247 for the general purpose of the said Township for the current year , for the payment of the County rate for the current year and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public , Separate and High School education and other purposes : THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations , be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 1992 shall be levied . 2 . THAT the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township . 3 . THAT for the purpose of providing the sum of $1 , 244 , 046 for the general purpose of the Corporation , including the amount required for the County purposes and other purposes for . the current year , a rate of $180 . 276 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1992 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll except that on assessment of $7 , 298 , 487 a reduction of 15% shall be made . 4 . THAT in addition, for the purposes of providing the sum of $1 , 329 , 204 for public , Separate and High School education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1992 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roil , as indicated hereunder : - Continued By-Law No . 92-25 ( 2 ) RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL $000L AREA ASSESSMENT .RATE ASSESSMENT RR's..__ LEVY Elgin Cty Elementary $6 , 374 , 422 88 . 217 $635 , 647 103 . 785 $628 , 303 Elgin R . C . S . S . Elemnt . 924 , 065 96 . 347 61 , 416 113 . 349 95 , 992 Elgin Cty . Secondary 6 , 374 , 422 75 . 500 635 , 647 88 . 824 537 , 732 Elgin R . C . S . S . Sec . 924 , 065 67 . 422 61 , 416 79 . 320 67 , 174 5 . THAT in addition , for street lighting purposes , the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas : - LIGHTING RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Corinth $ 65 , 117 14 . 357 $ 3 , 858 16 . 890 $ 1 , 000 Eden 202 , 730 24 . 240 3 , 015 28 . 517 5 , 000 Richmond 144 , 771 • 10 . 747 3 , 497 12 . 643 1 , 600 Straffordville 510 , 275 10 . 217 190 , 205 12 . 020 7 , 500 Talbot 75 , 422 17 . 236 20 . 278 1 , 300 6 . The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector ' s Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 20th day of July , 1992 . 7 . All taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham. 8 . Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 31 , 1992 and one-half on or before November 30 , 1992 . Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayments of taxes shall be as provided for in Township of Bayham By-Laws , ( penalties at the rate of one and one quarter • per cent per month commencing the first day of default of payment , and discounts the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre-payment is made ) , subject also to the provisions of By-Law No . 1697 . 9 . The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16TH DAY OF JULY , 1992 :250. /we, REEVE X C CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . .92-26 BEING a By-Law to establish a penalty charge for non-payment of current taxes and to provide for interest to be added to tax arrears . WHEREAS under the provisions of the Municipal Act , R . S . O . 1990 , a municipality may impose penalties on overdue taxes in 1992 ; AND WHEREAS a municipality may impose interest charges on tax arrears . AND THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham Enacts as follows : 1 ) THAT over due taxes are those taxes that are levied in 1992 .and are not paid on or before the day payment is due ; 2 ) THAT tax arrears are taxes that are due and unpaid after December 31st of the year in which they were levied ; 3 ) THAT the penalty charge to be added to over due taxes and the interest charge to be added to tax arrears shall be fifteen percent ( 15% ) per annum; 4 ) THAT the percentage charge as a penalty for non-payment of current taxes shall be imposed on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues , but not after December 31 , 1992 . 5) THAT the Corporation shall give notice of the penalty rate to be imposed under Section 3 and 4 of this By-Law in accordance with Subsection 6 of Section 399 of the Municipal Act , R . S .O. 1990 , Chapter M-45 ; 6) THAT the Treasurer shall add to the amount of all tax arrears due and unpaid , interest as specified in Section 3 of this By-Law at the rate of one and one quarter per cent (1 1/4%) per month for each month or fraction thereof from the day this By-Law takes effect ; 7 ) This By-Law shall take effect July 17 , 1992 . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16TH DAY OF JULY , 1992 UWE Bayham Township Byed Laws . _ / ill .......,....,,,....., I � illir 0 1„ Adk Irk / _ ____ By -Laws # 9227 #92-51 1992 P / ---7-- i E „...4 /"*"1 , ,„ ,-,:r '"'N 4 4 A g 1080,..* . . „ t..,.. .. 4• • - 38 ..., 3c) ...... 3 ;...11 ...... 3 I _ '71......, ,,.3 ,--. -... -- _......) , ..) .... . I Nt - S 1 i . • • . . ...- . . b b I /S ., : 0 4• 4-5YYLv cs 1.6* "-1--)j;') QE r rwvis5 / W-7 :frr-rt-i(z. 3 0-7, 0,/ C.7 -e 46 / '&4 iN# 1.-111 3 11-111F-A OCilicr7eq, (7 7 NI cfv E t' ktiriG -m'InAv*'" °/\/ • 3 /- 1 / 1 I mrary 'l i# - / t )- ti 0 to-v7 .) -va- _frrJoeria A Q..) 0 O ', V5 — re-rvy ..... -Q7 v1/4„ _of s.0. 00 to, 40 1 ? "k5 c) 10-4,11 w• ?..Cd celei kor-zr 42±, -Nevr-\.41 P'10 I • 5 1V/ fr 0--e7 rioviE r • ) vir4 •N4fr-vy sir (7) tbbl ehtif "arcloi- D0 - i 11 /L/) o 7Vj4/ ce7 I 11; ,) (7. f \iied(4-0 S- till .IV lller? S ct)o 'F' NA1V rY7 I e r — 17 12 t -11 1 0 - C.1 1I ti CV 3 AA -V Cvv-t,1- cv t) 1, 6 / IL/ ch5 k'44 -15"AQ() b 6 /-E -"7 1-'47.7) Q7 ij 0-1-027 4.---vrizi 1/49 ne V0P-).0 s," ci± -t /, IF Isfard-a . h / /.--E --'ercl --Le–erk “Aeit. Py per-erclelA b 'Li -f °--i- c-hts - 8/ E zrs- • 0,4 <21 J ar? lt;Nr-errvi 1 MI - 117) I < ,:,.., --711-- 1 c.,--- - IaI',,,i , - c , -- CO ,,t r ( r-- tr. " /' , i 1 I -'.- . c ..... ..., ..,.... Ass 4....,„ ,,, d ib r - 1 t", ,- • 0---.1., - , i IV o v.4! r," i)..42._ r- 1 9 , 1 1-1 n • I ..,..... N 0 V-4e-..4.-r, L. ,, -, 11 1 ‘Y 1 i ' ::::-- I --, r, r . 7 ----- 1) 1 **. '...,,., . ill --1 , I cor, c- i C r n -i ; r-re, ; t 1 Li ____ i THE CORPQRAT I ON of THE Tt7WNSH I P OF WRAP. By-Law No . 92-27 RHINO A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held July 16th, 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNC I L OF THE CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAT AM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held July 16th, 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of July 1992 AL. Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 92-28 BEING a by- law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Mathew Adam Schafer to renew an option to purchase certain lands at Lot 126 , Concession 7 , for industrial purposes . WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham entered into an Agreement with Mathew Adam Schafer on November 24 , 1988 , setting out conditions for the purchase of lands at Lot 126 , Concession 7 , Township of Bayham AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to renew the said agreement THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 ) That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with Mathew Adam Schafer in which the Agreement made on November 24 , 1988 , is renewed without any change of terms or conditions . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF AUGUST, 1992 e300:21'E CLERIC ✓"� CORPORATION OF THE 1 OWNSIi I r OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2434 A BY-LAW TO authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Mathew A•!am Schafer to execute an Option to Purchase certain lands at Lot 126 , Concession 7 for industrial purposes . WHEREAS Mathew Adam Schafer is the owner of part of Lot 126 , Concession 7 . AND WL!EREAS the Township of Bayham has entered into an Agreement with Mathew Adam S:.hafer for option to purchase lands at Lot 126 , Conc 7 . AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to ratify the aforesaid agreement . THREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM : 1 . THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute a' t agreement wlth Mathew Adam Schafer to provide for the terms and conditions for the purchase of certain lands at Lot 126 in Concession 7 , Bayham . 2 . THAT the said agreement be attached to and form Schedule ' A ' to this By-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24th . DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1948 . ,-"771 ----` 44141 «� � ' ,/r/ f s 4 Ai a / 7 rt fi Cr, - OPTION TO PURCHASE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the "Vurc1 ser' OF THE FIRST PART and Mathew Adam Schafer , of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin hereinafter called the "Vendor" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Purchaser of the First Part is desirous of purchasing the lands and premises owned by the Vendor of the Second Part for the purpose of Industrial development ; AND WHEREAS the Vendor of the Second Part is prepared to sell his lands and premises to be developed as industrial property ; AND WHEREAS both of the parties hereto appreciate that the development of lands and premises for industrial purposes is frequently a long , expensive and protracted procedure ; NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto covenant and agree to and with each other as follows : 1 . ) In consideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars ( $100 . 00 ) now paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , the Vendor does hereby grant to the Purchaser the irrevocable option to Purchase from time to time the Vendors property being 7 acres more or less and being described as Part of Lot 126 , Concession 7 , Township of Bayham , County of Elgin and described as Assessment Roll No . 34-01 -000- 004 100-00-0000 , and being the property of the Vendor , the particulars and the details of which purchase are hereinafter set forth . 2 . ) The Purchaser does agree to develop the roadways as required ; the location , design standard and surface finish of the roadways will be at the discretion of the Purchaser : and to pay at the rate of $2 , 000 . per acre to the vendor for lands so utilized . -2- 3 . ) The Purchaser will pay to the Vendor upon conveyance by the Vendor to the Purchaser , if as and when conveyed , from time to time , at the following rate : ( a ) For the first acre sold , the sum of $1 , 500 . ( b ) For the second and each subsequent acre , or part thereof , the sum of $2 , 000 per acre . 4 . ) This Option is exercisable by the Purchaser by notice in writing delivered or mailed postage prepaid or telegraphed prepaid to the Vendor at Straffordville , Ontario , at least fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to closing for the parcel of land and premises requried by the Purchaser from time to time until the entire holding of the Vendor has been conveyed to the Purchaser and the exercise of this Option in the manner specified herein shall. , together with this Option to Purchase , constitute a binding Agreement of Purchase and Sale from time to time , and time in all respects shall be of the essence . And specifically provided that should the Purchaser have exercised this Option on 85% or more of the subject lands , the Vendor may at his option request the . Purchaser to purchase the- balance of the said lands at the established purchase price in the within Option at that time . 5 . ) This Option shall be binding on the parties hereto for two ( 2 ) years from the date of execution hereof and thereafter shall be renewed from year to year up to a total of ten ( 10) years at the option of the Purchaser by giving notice in writing fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the expiration of the within Option from year to year and the price of the lands and premises per acre may be increased as mutually agreed upon between the Parties hereto and failing agreement , the purchase price of the said lands and premises shall be established in accordance with the fair market value of vacant land without services as determined by ars appraisal obtained by the Purchaser and and appraisal obtained by the Vendor which two appraisers shall choose a third party and the decision of the majority shall be a binding valuation on both parties hereto , provided that the valuation of the said lands shall not be less than the price as set out in paragraph 2 hereof . `3_ • b . ) Notwithstanding the prices and terms set out herein , it is anticipated that opportunities might arise for the disposition of these lands for industrial purposes at the price less than the price contemplated herein and in such event the Vendor agrees to seriously consider accepting a lower .price for the lands than the price stated herein . 7 . ) During the currency of the Option to Purchase , the Vendor shall retain the right to use the lands not dedicated or conveyed to the Purchaser for agricultural purposes at no fee payable by the Vendor to the Purchaser , but specifically provided that should this Option be exercised on property on which there are growing crops , the Vendor shall be reimbursed therefore in addition to the sale of the lands on which this Option is exercised from time to time . 8 . ) The Purchaser shall have the privilege to enter upon the said lands from time to time to survey the said lands and to register R-Plans as necessary to the Purchaser . 9 . ) The Vendor shall retain the right to develop and sell any or all of its lands not taken up pursuant to the within option 'for industrial or commercial purposes provided that a development Agreement is entered into with the within Purchaser . 10 . ) Upon this Option being exercised by the Purchaser in yart or parts from time to time , the following shall be the terms of agreement of purchase and sale of the property : ( a ) the purchase price of the property being purchased frc•rn time to time shall be for Cae area being purchased from time to time and at the value indicated in item 3 ( a ) & ( b) for acreage as hereinbefore set forth and shall be paid in Canadian currency by cash or certified cheque to the Vendor or his Agent on the date of closing , subject to the usual adjustments and the sum paid for granting this Option shall be credited as a deposit on the purchase price of the first parcel being purchased ; -4- ( b ) The Vendor shall forthwith upon the exercise of the Option ( at the Purchaser ' s expense ) take all such actions required to comply with the provisions of the Planning Act of Ontario and any amendments thereto and without limiting the generality of the foregoing , shall diligently prosecure all applications , actions and appeals pursuant to the Planning Act with respect to the land and premises hereinbefore described , but specifically provided that in the event thlt rezoning and /or survey is required , the Purchaser shall pay the cost of the rezoning and /or survey and any R-Plan as may be necessary . ( c ) The Purchaser is to be allowed thirty ( 30 ) days from the date of the exercise of this Option to examine the title of the property and if within this time any valid objection to the title is made in writing which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove , and which the Purchaser will not waive , . this Agreement shall be null and void notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations with respect to such objection and the Vendor shall refund to the Purchaser all amounts paid by the Purchaser and/or his principals without interest . ( d ) The title of the property shall be good and free from all encumbrances except as to any registered restrictive convcnants and municipal by-laws or other governmental enactments provided such are complied with . ( e ) The Purchaser shall not call for the production of any title deeds , survey or other evidence of title except as may be in the possession of the Vendor . ( f ) The property and other items to be purchased shall remain at the risk of the Vendor pending completion of the transaction . ( g ) There are no representations , warranties , collateral agreements or condition s relating to the property except , as specified herein . ( h ) Documents necessary to transfer the title shall be prepared by the Vendor' oar In registerable form; any costs incurred to be the � poiisibility of the Purc'tasre . . . ' -5- ( I ) Any tender of documents or money hereunder shall be made upon the Vendor or the Purchaser or upon the Solicitor acting for the party on whom tender is desired , and may be made by way of cash or negotiable certified cheque . 11 . ) This Option and Agreement of Purchase and Sale shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context . 12 . ) Time shall be of the essence of this Option , and of this Agreement . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this :11/ day of , 1988 . SIGNED , SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • 1 414 /i'(c12 `/(. 41,2 G Lt Mathew Adam Schafer CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2434 A BY-LAW TO authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Mathew Adam Schafer to execute an Option to Purchase certain lands at Lot 126 , Concession 7 for industrial purposes . WHEREAS Mathew Adam Schafer is the owner of part of Lot 126 , Concession 7 , ANI) WOEREAS the Township of Bayham has entered into an Agreement with Mathew Adam Shafer for option _to purchase lands at Lot 126 , Conc 7 . AND WHEREAS lv is now necessary to ratify the aforesaid agreement . TIIREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM : 1 . THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute a' s agreement w.1th Mathew Adam Schafer to provide for the terms and conditions for the purchase of certain lands at Lot 126 in Concession 7 , Bayham . 2 . THAT the said agreement be attached to and form Schedule ' A ' to this By-law . . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24th . • DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1938 . .7` '..._ 7•tt THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 92-29 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held August 6 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held August 6th , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of August , 1992 (A/L, C-2A0e1 :7 Reeve Clerk CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-30 A BY-LAW TO PROP I DE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN . WHEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the Council of the Township of Bayham in the county of Elgin in accordance with the provisions of the Drainage Act , requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by a drainage works : Parts of Lots 14 to 16 in Gore Concession and Concession 6 in the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin has procured a report made by Spriet Associates and the report is attached hereto and forms part of this By-Law . AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage works is $49 , 900 . 00 . AND WHEREAS $49, 900 . 00 is the amount to be contributed by the municipality for construction of the drainage works . AN WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PURSUANT TO THE DRAINAGE ACT, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 ) The report dated May 29 , 1992 and attached hereto is hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth is hereby authorised and shall be completed in accordance therewith . 2 ) ( 1 ) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham may borrow on the credit of the Corporation the amount of $49 , 900 . 00 being the amount necessary for construction of the drainage work . ( 2 ) The Corporation may issue debentures for the amount borrowed less the total amount of , ( a ) grants received under section 85 of the Act ; (b) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality; (c) moneys paid under subsection 61 ( 3 ) of the Act ; and (d) moneys assessed in and payable by another municipality , and such debentures shall be made payable within five years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation on the date of sale of such debenture . 3) A special equal annual rate sufficient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the Schedule to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for five years after the passing of this By-Law . s , 2 - Si.;11EDULE OF ASSESSMEN`1` Horvath-Blondeel and Mitts Drain Township of Bayham Our Job No. 91189 May 29, 1992 APPROX .HECTARES ROLL NUMBER CON. Lot AFFECTED (OWNER) BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL Branch "A" - Mitts Drain 'Gore 14 1 .60 3-098(598193 Ont. Ltd. ) $ $ 400.00 S 400.00 'Gore Pt15 4 . 20 3- 100(T . Foote) 1 ,200.00 900.00 2, 100.00 Gore Pt15 0. 15 3-099(A. Friessen) 150,00 150.00 Gore Pt15 0. 37 3-101 (0. b S. Dyck ) 1 ,200.00 250.00 1 ,450.00 Gore Pt15 0. 18 3-102(D. Vandeneeckhout ) 1 ,000.00 100.00 1 , 100.00 Gore Pt15 - 3-103(J. Fehr) 300.00 300.00 Total Assessment on Lands $ 3, 700.00 51 ,800.00 $ 5, 500.00 ssss+essssssssesaesssssusswrssssa Con.Rd.5-Gore 0.6 Township of Bayham $ 6,200.00 $ 600.00 $ 6 ,800.00 Total Assessment on Roads $ 6,200.00 S 600.00 5 6,800.00 sysssmsesssssxssaim__ -_ Total Assessment on Branch "A" $12 ,300.00 Branch "G" - Horvath-Blondeel Drain * 6 rt15 3 . 9 3-141 (G. McKillop) S $1 ,900.00 S 1 ,900.00 6 PtIS 0.05 3- 142 (Gospel Hall Church) 100.00 100.00 'Gore rtis 0. 50 3-100(T. Foote) 300.00 250.00 550.00 Gore rtis 0 .08 3-108(8, Lemon) 150.00 150.00 Gore PIIS 0. 16 3-107 (M. Friessen) 310.00 310.00 Gore Pt15 0. 14 3-106(E. Main) 270.00 270.00 Gore Pt15 0. 20 3-105(0. Kesteloot) 400.00 380.00 780.00 Gore Pt15 0. 10 3- 103(J. Fehr) 1 ,500.00 180.00 1 ,680.00 Gore Pt15 0.02 3-102(0. Vandeneeckhout ) 400.00 50.00 450.00 Gore Pt16 0. 5 3-143(Township of Bayham) 9,400.00 810.00 10,210.00 Total Assessment on Lands 612,000.00 $4,400.00 616, 400.00 Hwy.No. 19 0. 75 M. T.O. $ .4,500.00 S3,200.00 S 7 ,700.00 Con.Rd.SGore 0. 30 Township of Bayham 6,400.00 600.00 7,000.00 Total Assessment on Roads $10,900.00 $3,800.00 $14 , 700.00 Special Assessment against the M. T.O. for their poi 1 inTc of IFia- increased roct of installing a 400mm dia. steel pip under Highway No. i9 6,500.00 Total Assessment on Branch "G" of the linrvat.h-Rlnnde.1 Drain $37 ,600.00 total Assessment on Horvath-Blondeel and Mitts Drain $4q,9nn,nn 1HOlE: All the Above lands are classified as non-agricultural except the .._� ones noted with an asterisk . 3 - 4) For paying the amount of $24 , 010 . being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality , a special rate sufficient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for five years after the passing of this By-Law to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected , 5 ) All assessments of $100 . or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed . 6) This By-Law comes into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as Horvath-Blondeel and Mitts Municipal Drain. First Reading August 11 , 1992 ; Second Reading August 11 , 1992 Provjisionall,yadopted /tik, 11th day of August , 1992 I , ketek the Corporation of the REEVE Township of Bayham, Do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of By-Law No . 92-30 ''' gW"'-- provisionally passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 11th day of August , 1992 ' f , ',4/1...-1. ..4, 0471c,-,..A, - A//- . . tk READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS / 1 DAT OF i c J F''"^ b " ) 99‘2% dkid 40...ru.. ci:eme-25. -iiii/V ,P•41 REEVE CL LR NOTICE OF SITTING OF COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Municipal Office , Straffordville , Ontario on the 17th day of September, 1992 at 9 : 00 o' clock in the after noon to hear any owner of land, or , where roads in the local municipality are assessed , any rate payer , who complains that his or any other land or road has been assessed too high or too low or that any land or road that should have been assessed has not been assessed , or that due consideration has not been given or allowance made as to type of use of land, who personally , or by his agent , has given notice in writing to the clerk of the municipality that he considers himself aggrieved for any or all such cases . CLERK OF THE MUNICIPA ITT If no notice of intention to make application to quash a By-Law is served upon the clerk of the municipality within ten days after the passing of the By-Law or , where a notice of intention has been given , if an application to quash is not made to the referee within three months after the passing of the By-Law, the By-Law , or so much thereof as is not the subject of or is not quashed upon any such application is valid and binding according to its terms , so far as it prescribes or directs anything within the proper competence of the Council : The Drainage Act . Appeals must be in writing and lodged at the office of the Clerk at least 10 (ten) days prior to the sitting of the Court . J CORPORATION O! TRE TOWNSHIP Ow BAYHAM COUNC I L MINUTES The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7 : 30 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, 1992 in the Council Chambers . Present were: Reeve D. Vane Chute Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr. Councillor Wayne Casier Doug Dennis Jim Hegel ' Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod Road Superintendent James Gibbons Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel 1 . CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 p.m, 2 . DISCLOSURE OF PECUlNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by N. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 5, 1992 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same. " Motion Carried Unanimously 4 . DELEGATIONS S . TENDERS 6. ACCOUNTS Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Cesier "That general accounts totalling S107 , 496.00 and road accounts totalling $66, 311 . 86 for the month of October be approved. " Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS •. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Township of Plantagenet request for support of a resolution regarding • proposal by the Ministry of the Environment to shift costs to municipalities with respect to sewage and water facilities and laboratory testing services. Moved by J . volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the resolution of the Township of North Plantagenet be endorsed and the Ministry of the Environment be so notified, " Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Village of Cardinal request for support of a resolution regarding eligibility of all citizens regardless of age to live in Senior Citizen Apartment Buildings . Moved by K. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That the resolution of the Village of Cardinal be endorsed. " Motion Carried Unanimously (c) London and District Construction Association correspondence regarding tendering processes . Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received. " Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Township of Yarmouth notice of a meeting on December 2 , 1992 regarding the Green Lane Landfill . Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "That the correspondence be received. " Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Town of Tillsonburg correspondence regarding supplementary funding for the Tillsonburg Townline Bridge and Beyham Drive reconstruction. Moved by J . Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "That the correspondence be received. " Motion Carried Unanimously (f ) Gibson, Linton, Toth and Campbell regarding personnel matters. Moved by J. Magell Seconded by D. Dennis "That the correspondence be received." Motion Carried Unanimously ( q) Village of Vienna correspondence regarding future severances along Village waterlines and fire call reporting. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the correspondence be received. " Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Village of Vienna correspondence regarding Vienna/Port Burwell trunk watermain. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J . Volkaert "That the correspondence be received. " Motion Carried Unanimously • tlgin County Land Division Committee notice of consent application. Moved by J . Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised that Council recommends approval of application E109/92 subject to payment of $500.00 for cash in lieu of parkland dedication. " Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent James Gibbons . Mr . James Gibbons was present to give a verbal report to council on road department matters. Mr. Gibbons advised council that gravel roads have been graded but - are in poor condition due to heavy rainfall and flooding. He also advised Council that work was progressing on the Tillsonburg Townline Bridge and the only delay was the delivery of the steel stringers . (b) Report from Building Inspector Dwayne Daniel . Mr. Dwayne Daniel reported to Council the relocation of a catch basin on the Swance Drain would not require an engineers report . Mr. Daniel also reported to council that the Preliminary Drainage Course sponsored by the • Ministry of Agriculture and Food will be held in Fergus from January 18 to January 29. Upon successful completion of this course, Mr. Daniel will be eligible for appointment as a Drainage Superintendent . In response to Council 's request for information on installing a handicapped ramp, Mr. Daniel noted a design has been completed and quotes are being sought . Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J . Volkaert "That the Chief Building Official be instructed to . receive quotations and arrange construction of a wheel chair ramp at the Municipal Building." Motion Carried Unanimously Council Minute November 19, 1992 (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding an application from the Ontario Head Injury Association to sell Nevada tickets from North Hall Snack Bar. Mr . Harry Clutterback and Mr . Ron Vanderlip of the Ontario Head Injury Association were present to answer questions of Council regarding the lottery licence application. In reply to Deputy Reeve Volkaert's question, Mr. Clutterback stated the Association's London office presently services Elgin County. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "That the Ontario Head Injury Association be granted permission to sell break open tickets at North Hall Snack Bar subject to compliance of conditions set forth by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations . " Motion Carried Unanimously • (d) Memorandum from Clerk Treasurer regarding Conflict of Interest editorial in November issue of Municipal World magazine • Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "That the memorandum be received." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Memorandum from Clerk Treasurer regarding issues and orders under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act . Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "That the memorandum be received. " Motion Carried Unanimously ( f ) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding street name change from Side Road to Centennial Drive. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "That the report be adopted. " Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding meeting of November 10, 1992 re Long Term Supply of London's Water Needs . The Clerk Treasurer advised Council that • meeting was held at St . Thomas City Hall with members from the Elgin Area Mater System, Ministry of the Environment and M. M. Dillon Consulting Engineers to discuss the long-term supply of London's water needs. The twinning of the line from St . Thomas to London is the method the study recommends utilising. The overriding consensus of members at the meeting was to safeguard the supply of water to Elgin municipalities and not to burden these municipalities with costs of meeting London's water needs. Moved by J . Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "That the Ministry of Environment be advised of Council ' s concerns over the long-term supply of water to Bayham Township and all Elgin County municipalities, And Further , that all participants in the Elgin Area Water System be advised of Council 's concerns." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Richmond Community Water Inc. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "That the report be adopted. " Motion Carried Unanimously 10 . REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES 11. APPLICATIONS 12 , UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Aylmer Fire Equipment report regarding fire inspection and extinguisher required. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J . Volkaert "That the correspondence be received. " Motion Carried Unanimously (b) By-Law Enforcement Officer Report regarding John Heagle . Moved by J . Volkaert Seconded by J . Hagell "That the By-Law Enforcement Officer commence with action with respect to a stoning infraction on Lot 13, Concession 2 ." Motion Carried 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BT-LkNS 92-30 A by-law to provide for drainage works, Horvath- Blended' and Mitts Drain 92-32 A by-law to provide for drainage works, County. Road 43 Drain 92-47 A by-law to change the name of Side Road to Centennial Drive 92-48 Confirming by-law Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagen "That by-law 92-47 be taken as read a first and second time. " Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Sage! ! Seconded by D. Dennis "That by-laws 92-30 , 92-32 and 92-47 be taken as read a third time and finally passed. " Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Caster Seconded by J. Volkaert "That by-law 92-48 be taken as read a first and second time. " Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casimir "That by-law 92-48 be taken as read a third time and finally passed . " Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagen "That the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously The time was 10 : 37 p.m. .�_ C aL71 10454NW CLERK THE CORPORATION OF TAE ImmigSA I P O!" BAYHAM COUNCIL MINUTES TB I RT I ETA BEET I NCS BEPT8!IBER l'� . 1 9 2 The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham is held this date in the Council Chambers in Straffordville at 7 : 30 P.M. PRESENT D. Vane Chute, Reeve; Joe Volkeert Sr . , Deputy Reeve; Wayne Casier , Councillor; Jim Hagell , Councillor ; and Doug Dennis , Councillor Also present for all or part of the meeting are James Gibbons , Road Superintendent and Dwayne Daniel , Chief Building Official CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Reeve Chute at 7 : 30 P.M. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No Conflict of Interest MINUTES Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 3, 1992 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same. Carried DELEGATIONS Mr. James Qikbons, Road Superintendent meets with Council to review road matters . He has engaged Mr. Mike McQuiggan to demonstrate his road brusher on the road between Lots 128-129, S.T.R. (Underhill ) . Approximately 3/4 miles les been done (both sides) taking $ hours. Mr . Gibbons is satisfied with the operation and Council instructs further roads be brushed to a limit of $2 ,000.40 . Mr . Gibbons further suggests a spraying program be considered in future years . The work crews are presently carrying out ditch cleaning on various roads . Work for this year is completed on the road between Lot 128/129 Nl .T.R. (Wood) . Roadside mowing is to be done near the Moore Bridge. Mr . Gibbons further reports a drainage problem has been corrected with the installation of 300 feet of 12 inch tile at the hill approaching our ' Carson Bridge. Minutes of Council Meeting held September 17, 1992 continued Dwayne Daniel , Chief Building Official , meets with Council to present his August building report . Messrs . Jim Robbins , Ministry of the Environment , and John Johnson, Ministry of Agriculture & Food, have monitored the noise level on the Hermann farm at Lot 129 S .T.R. and found it above acceptable levels . Mr . Hermann has been instructed to reduce the noise pollution from his grain dryers. Mr . Daniel also explains the necessity for a minor variance at Lot 136 M.T.R. as being submitted by Mr . Emery Silverthorne. Lee and Audrey Ball meet with Council to request information on erecting a house for their son at Lot 126, S .T.R. The lot is on a parcel separated by a proposed road allowance owned by the municipality. Mr. & Mrs . Ball are informed that a residence can be erected, however, a severance would not be considered until such time as certain work was completed on the proposed road and it is accepted by Council . - Mr. .Take Zacharias meets with Council to review his proposal for an Official Plan and Zoning Amendment at Lot 6, Conc. 8 to create three lots . His proposal is acceptable by Council , however , support would not be given in case of objections to the By-Law . Hrs Jack Barclay meets with Council to inquire about the possibility of creating a second residential unit in place of his existing flower shop at 7 Plank Road North. He wishes to retain his flower operation in his existing greenhouses and barn. $r , Max Stewart representing the Elgin County Land Division Committee, meets with Council to review land division matters. In particular, the applications of Marcel and Helen Houillier at Lots 5,6, 7 & 8 in Conc. 3 6 4 which are of concern to Council . PUBLIC MEETING No Public Meeting OlPICIEL PLAN i ZONING BY-LAW APPLICATION Jake Zacharias - Lot 6, Conc. 8 CORRE8POSIDERCZ 1) Spriet Associates - Recommendations for work prior to acceptance of roadway from Pete Lamers (Richmond) 2) Land Division Comm. - Severance Application for Marcel & Helen LeHouillier (E84/92) Lot 7 & 8, Con 3 & 4 3) Land Division Comm. - Severance Application for Marcel & Helen LsHouillier (292/92) Lot 5 & 6, Con 3 & 4 Minutes of Council Meeting held September 17, 1992 continued RESOLUTIONS Moved by J . Volkaert Seconded by W . Casier That this Council be constituted as a Drainage Court of Revision under the Drainage Act ; and that Vane Chute be appointed chairperson of the said court . Carried Moved by D. Dennis- Seconded by W. Casier That this Council now adjourn to sit as Court of Revision to hear appeals against the assessments as imposed on the Horvath-Blondeel and Mitts Drain. Carried Moved by J . Volkaert Seconded by 3 . Hagell That there being no appeals received against assessments imposed on the Horvath-Blondeel and Mitts Drain, this Court of Revision now adjourn. Carried Regular Council is resumed. Moved by 3 . Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier That the application of Jake Zacharias for an Official Plan and Zone change from Al to Estate Residential Special at Lot 6, Con. 8 be accepted and referred to our Planning Consultants for By-Law preparation; provided however, the said By-Law will preclude the keeping of animals as provided in Sec. 8 . 11 . Carried' Moved by J . Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier That the application for minor variance as submitted by Emery Silverthorne at Lot 136, Concession 7 be accepted an/ referred to Committee of Adjustment for consideration. Carried Minutes of Council Meeting held September 17, 1992 continued Moved by J . Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis That the account of Passmore Electric for repairs at the Bayham Community Centre in the amount of $971 . 19 be approved, Carried Moved by W. Casser Seconded by J. Hagen That this Council recommend that the Elgin Land Division Committee refuse the applications of Marcel and Helen LeHouillier at Lots 5 , 6,7 and 8 in Concessions 3 and 4 being applications £84/92 and £92/92 Carried Moved by W . Casier Seconded by D. Dennis That in accordance with the Employment Standards Act R.S.O. 1990, Sec. 57 (1) (c) , Wm. Bogue be noticed that his employment as Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector for this municipality will terminate on October 15, 1992 . Carried Moved by W. Caster Seconded by Joe Volkaert That the application of John Froggett for Official Plan and Zone Amendment at Lot 15 , Concession 4 be accepted and referred to our Planning Consultants for By-Law preparation . Carried BY-LAWS Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casser And resolved that By-Law No. 92-35 being a By-Law to provide for the maintenance of the Adler , Benner, Carnes, Coomber "A", Coomber "E" , Coomber "F", Crossett , Eden, Garnham, Gradish, Green, Kapin, Mueller , Mitts , Bevil ! , No. 1 , Schonberger "B", Smith, C.E. Smith and Wallace Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $6348. 94 to pay therefor Be Wow Read a First Time. Carried 5 Minutes of Council Meeting held September 17, 1992 continued Moved by W . Casier Seconded by Jim Hagell And resolved that By-Law No. 92-35 Be Now Read a Second Time. Carr:ted Moved by J . Hagell Seconded by J. Volkaert And resolved that By-Law No . 92-35 Be Now Read a Third Time and Finally passed. Carried Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis And resolved that By-Law No. 92-36 being a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 2449 adopting Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan ( re Vanderispaillie) . Be Now Read a First Time. Carried Moved by J . Hagell Seconded by W. Casier And resolved that By-Law No. 92-36 Be Now Read a Second Time. Carried Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Nagell And resolved that By-Law No. 92-36 Be Now Read a Third Time and Finally passed. Carried Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casser And resolved that By-Law No. 92-37 being a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 2452 adopting Amendment No. 35 to the Official Flan (re Fisher) Be Now Read a First Ties. Carried Minutes of Council Meeting held September 17, 1992 continued Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell And resolved that By-Law No. 92--37 Be Now Read a Second Time. Carried Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell And resolved that By-Law No. 92-37 Be Now Read a Second Time. . Carried Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell And resolved that By-Law No. 92-37 Be Now Read a Third Time and Finally Passed. Carried Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis And resolved that By-Law No. 92-38 being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and Acting Clerk to execute a Contract with Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting in conjunction with the Village of Vienna for a Waste Diversion Plan Be Now Read a First Time. Carried Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell And resolved that By-Law No. 92-38 Be Now Read a Second Time. Carried Moved by J . Hagell Seconded by W. Casier And resolved that Sy-Law No. 92-38 Se Nov N.M . Third Time and Finally Passed. Carried Minutes of Council Meeting held September 17 , 1992 continued Moved by W . Casier Seconded by J. Hagell And resolved that By-Law No. 92-39 being a By-Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held September 17, 1992 . Be Now Read a First Time Carried Moved by D. Dennis �~ Seconded by R. Casier And resolved that By-Law No. 52-39 Be Now Read a Second Time Carried Moved by W . Casier Seconded by J . Hagell And resolved that By-Law No . 92-39 Be Now Read a Third Time and finally passed Carried Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis That this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 1 , 1992 at 7 :00 P.M. Carried 6141 --7 REEVE ACTING CLERK Nature Page 1 of I Carol Judd From: Carol Judd [cjudd@bayham.on.caj Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 8:58 AM To: Brian Masschaele Cc: Lynda Millard Subject: Bayham Township - Council Minutes Brian, We will need a copy of the Council Minutes that refer to the third reading of Provisional By-law #92-30 as same pertains to the Horvath Blondeel Drain (Branch G) and the Mitts Drain (Branch A). Please refer to the Council meetings for September 17, 2992 or possibly the first Thursday of October 1992. Simply email a scanned copy to me or fax a copy to 519-866-3884. Thank you. (-aro( udil Carol Judd Bayham By-law Enforcement Telephone (519) 866-5521 Fax (519) 866-3884 Ur‘ \2 - \R2 cDv,.� 1\\ 3,\I \47 Ckl": I ri-2E-f\C) tr 4 \ AccoVjD . 2006-12-05 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HYAHAM BY-LAW NO . 92 - 31 BEING a By-Law to appoint a temporary acting clerk and a temporary treasurer for the municipality . WHEREAS the office of clerk and the office of treasurer in the Township of Bayham is temporarily vacant . AND WHEREAS Section 73 ( 3 ) of the Municipal Act R . S . O . , 1990 provides for the appointment of a temporary acting clerk who shall have all the powers and duties of the clerk . AND WHEREAS Section 77 ( 3 ) of the aforesaid Municipal Act provides for the appointment of a temporary treasurer who shall have all the powers and duties of the treasurer . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS 1 ) That Lorraine Moore be and is hereby appointed temporary► acting clerk for the municipality of the Township of Bayham 2 ) That the aforesaid Lorraine Moore be and is hereby appointed temporary treasurer for the municipality of the Township of Bayham 3 ) That the aforesaid Lorraine Moore shall have and exercise all the powers and duties of clerk and treasurer of the municipality of the Township of Bayham as set out in the Municipal Act and every other Act ; and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAT OF AUGUST, 1992 ktrutz•--14- /27artA---- , REEVE ACTING CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSH I P OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 92-33 411 BRING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held August 20th, 1992 and Special Meetings held August 11th and August 17th, 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held August 20th , 1992 and Special Meetings held August 11th , 1992 and August 17th , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . 411 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of August , 1992 _ /)4cL 40. 47-7A4A.,1,-thlierr Reeve`` Acting Clerk 411 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 92-34 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held September 3 , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held September 3 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of September 1992 el‘--4g7 I_-4 _L it Intl' Reeve - Acting Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW WO. 92-35 A By-Law to provide for the maintenance of the Adler , Benner , Carnes , Coomber "A" , Coomber "E" , Coomber "F" , Crossett , Eden , Garnham, Gradish , Green , Kapin , Mueller , Mitts , Nevill , No . 1 , Schonberger "B" , Smith , C . E . Smith , and. Wallace Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $6348 . 94 to pay therefor . AND WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports , By-Laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works , at the expense of the lands and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof , in the portion according to such assessment until such assessments , or portions thereof , be varied . AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty , the Municipality has from time to time , carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains . AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act , upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains so as to provide for and raise the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto which amount in all to $6348 . 94 to the lands and roads assessed , and the amount of the assessments upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed , appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments , which said Schedule is part of this By- law . AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amounts in 1992 . . NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL _OF THE CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - 1 ) That for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $3630 . 88 the amount charged against the lands of the drainage works , and now assessable for maintenance , the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto and forming a part of the By-Law , shall over and above all other rates be assessed and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned lots or parts of lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present year , 1992 . 2 ) That for the purpose of paying the sum of $778 . 07 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality , and $162 . 55 the amount charged against other Municipalities , The Province of Ontario and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose , accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipality and against the other municipalities , the Province of Ontario , and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts . 3 ) That the sum of $1579 . 78 be charges to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Program for repairs to drains serving agricultural lands . 4 ) That the sum of $197 . 66 be levied against certain lands assessed in the Crossett , Garnham, Green , C . E . Smith and Eden West . Branch Municipal Drains in the year 1993 in addition to such other amounts as may become payable from time to time for maintenance work performed on the said drains . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1992 . •eh REEVE ICT I NG CLERK - 2 _ Schedule "A" to By-Law No . 92-35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL NO . REPAIRS GRANT NET ADLER , A , B , C 3-037 31 . 12 10 . 37 20 . 75 DRAIN REPAIR 3-032 35 . 49 11 . 83 23 . 66 3-031 1 . 51 1 . 51 3-035 1 . 00 1 . 00 3-029 51 . 55 17 . 18 34 . 37 2- 159 26 . 10 8 . 70 17 . 40 2-147 133 . 02 44 . 33 88 . 68 279 . 78 92 . 41 187 . 37 Bayham Roads 26 . 96 26 . 96 Elgin County Rd 45 48 . 44 48 . 44 TOTAL ADLER , A , B , C DRAIN REPAIRS $355 . 18 $92 . 41 $262 . 77 BENNER DRAIN REPAIR 2-093 13 . 80 4 . 60 9 . 20 2 -097 57 . 06 19 . 02 38 . 04 2 -098 30 . 57 10 . 19 20 . 38 2-101 24 . 09 8 . 03 16 . 06 2-103 2 , 11 . 70 1 . 41 2-181 4 . 22 1 . 40 2 . 82 2- 185 _.__ 2 . 82 __�.. . 94 1 . 88 134 . 67 44 . 8889 . 79 Bayham Roads 11 . 84 11 . 84 TOTAL BENNER DRAIN REPAIRS $146 . 51 $44 . 88 $101 . 63 CARNES "C" BRANCH FRAIL REPAIR 3-110 21 . 90 7 . 30 14 . 60 3-111 _21121.4 72 . 5? 145 . 17. TOTAL CARNES "C" BRANCH DRAIN REPAIRS V.11 §21 $79 . 87 $159 . 77 - 3 - Schedule "A" to By-Law No . 92-35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL NO. REPAIRS GRANT NET COOMBER "A" DRAIN CLOSED PORTION 5-130 822 . 70 274 . 23 548 , 47 5-129 613 . 89 204 . 63 409 . 26 5-132 33 . 41 11 . 14 22 . 27 1470 . 00 490 . 00 980 . 00 Bayham Roads _ 11170 16 . 7fl TOTAL COOMBER "A" DRAIN CLOSED PORTION $1486 . 70 $490 . 00 . 996 . 70 COOMBER "E" BRANCH DRAIN REPAIR 5-124 22 . 41 7 . 47 14 . 94 5-125 127 . 01 42 . 33 84 . 68 TOTAL COOMBER "E" BRANCH DRAIN REPAIR $ 149 . 42 $ 49 ..80 $ 99 . 6.2 COOMBER "F" BRANCH DRAIN REPAIR 5-125 54 . 58 18 . 19 36 . 39 5-127 54 . 58 18 . 19 36 . 39 5-129 21 . 82 7 . 27 14 . 55 TOTAL COOMBER "F" BRANCH DRAIN REPAIR $ 130 . 98 $ 43 . 65 $ 87 . 33 CROSSETT DRAIN EXTENSION REPAIRS 5-119 25 . 50 17 . 00 5- 124 41 . 39 27 . 59 66 . 89 44 . 59 County Road 46 17 . 74 17 . 74 Townline Road 38 . 07 38 . 07 Deferred to 1993 22 . 30 TOTAL CROSSETT DRAIN EXTENSION DRAIN REPAIR $ 122 . 70 $122 . 70 4 - Schedule "A" to By-Law No . 92-35 TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL NO. REPAIRS GRANT NET EDEN DRAIN 1984 WEST BRANCH REPAIR 6- 230 . 58 . 58 6- 232 6 . 25 6 . 25 6- 233 21 . 52 21 . 52 6- 115 9 . 71 3 . 24 6 . 47 6- 114 17 . 49 5 . 83 11 . 66 6- 203 4 . 81 4 . 81 6- 202 . 39 . 39 6- 201 . 20 . 20 6- 188 2 . 31 2 . 31 6- 189 3 . 27 3 . 27 6-190 2 . 98 2 . 98 6- 182 . 49 . 49 6-182-01 11 . 35 11 . 35 6- 118 16 . 91 5 . 64 11 . 27 98 . 26 14 . 71 83 . 55 C . P . Railway . 77 . 77 M . T . O . Hwy #19 26 . 23 26 . 23 County Road 44 _ 12 . 21 12 . 21 TOTAL EDEN DRAIN 1984 WEST BRANCH REPAIR $137 . 47 $14 . 7_1 $122 . 76 GARNHAM DRAIN NORTH BRANCH REPAIRS 4-129 1 . 91 1 . 27 4-131 7 . 43 4 . 95 9 . 34 6 . 22 Bayham Roads 5 . 31 5 . 31 Deferred to 1993 3 . 12 TOTAL GARNHAM DRAIN NORTH BRANCH DRAIN REPAIR $ 14 . 65 $ 14 . 65 GRUM _DRAIN RgpAIR 6-140 7 . 40 7 . 40 6-141 14 . 70 14 . 70 6-142 7 . 40 7 . 40 6-139 18 . 90 § . 30 12 ,14p. 48 . 40 6 . 30 48 . 40 C. F . Railway 21 . 00 21 . 00 Towline Roads 23 . 60 Bayham Roads 23 . 60 _ALM 6 . 30 67 . 0Q TOTAL GRADISH DRAIN REPAIRS $160 . 00 $ 6 , 30 $153 . 70 - 5 - Schedule "A" to By-Law No . 92-35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL NO. REPAIRS GRANT tin GREEN DRAIN REPA I R 6-177 22 . 05 14 . 70 6-176 42 . 26 28 . 17 64 . 31 42 . 87 Bayham Roads 35 . 83 35 . 83 Deferred to 1993 21 . 44 TOTAL GREEN DRAIN REPAIRS $100 . 14 $100 , 14 KAPIN DRAIN REPAIR Bayham Roads 113 . 82 113 . 82 TOTAL KAPIN DRAIN REPAIRS - $113 . 82 113 . 82 I MUELLER DRAIN REPAIR 5-117 33 . 43 11 . 14 22 . 29 5-116 2 . 01 2 . 01 5-115 2 . 01 2 . 01 5-110 1 . 34 1 . 34 5-112 . 67 . 67 5-122 54 . 83 8 . 92. 45 . 92 5-120 . 67 . 67 5-125 20 . 06 6 . 69 13 . 37 5-185 2 . 01 2 . 01 5-070 . 67 . 67 5-072 . 67 . 67 5-073 . 67 . 67 5-075 1 . 34 1 . 34 5-076 . 67 . 67 5-077 . 67 . 67 5-078 . 67 . 67 5-079 1 . 34 1 . 34 5-082 26 . 08 8 . 69 17 . 31 5-074 6 . 69 2 . 30 4 . 46 156 . 50 37 . 74 118 . 76 County of Elgin Roads 8 . 85 8 . 85 Bayham Roads 8 . 85 8 . 85 C . N . Railway 1 ,1 1 . 30 TOTAL MUELLER DRAIN REPAIRS 11/1.19. 07 , 74 4111,21 - 6 Schedule "A" to By-Law No . 92-35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL NO . REPAIRS GRANT NET MITTS DRAIN REPAIRS 3-043 6 . 49 6 . 49 3-044 5 . 91 5 . 91 3-045 23 . 65 7 . 88 15 . 77 3-046 12 . 11 12 . 11 3--098 6 . 20 2 . 07 4 . 13 3-100 19 . 03 6 . 35 12 . 69 3-099 2 . 02 2 . 02 3-101 3 . 03 3 . 03 3-102 2 . 31 2 . 31 3-103 8 . 08 8 . 08 3-105 1 . 00 1 . 00 3-141 13 . 27 442 _ 8 . 84 103 . 10 20 . 72 82 . 38 M. T . O 3 . 60 3 . 60 Bayham Roads 18 . 75 18 . 75 TOTAL MITTS DRAIN REPAIRS X125 . 45 $_ 20 . 72 $104 . 73 NEVILL DRAIN REPAIRS 1-059 491 . 38 163 . 79 327 . 59 1 -061 687 . 92 229 . 30 458 . 62 1-057 163 . 79 54. 60 109 . 19 1343 . 09 447 . 69 895 . 40 TOTAL NEVILL DRAIN REPAIRS $1343 . 09 $447 , 69 $895 . 40 NO. 1 DRAIN REPAIRS 4-053 11 . 95 3 . 98 7 . 97 4-030 3 . 82 1 . 27 2 . 55 4-050 7 . 91 2 . 64 5 . 27 4-050 7 . 89 2 . 62 5 . 27 4-050 7 . 79 2 . 60 5 . 19 4-050 7 . 54 2 . 51 5 . 03 4-049 . 16 . 16 4-061 21 . 25 7 . 08 14 . 17 4-061 11 . 03 3 . 68 7 . 35 4-061 11 . 06 3 . 69 7 . 37 4-062 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-064 2 . 90 - . 97 1 . 93 4-066 . 19 . 06 . 13 4-066 . 38 . 13 . 25 4-104 . 19 . 06 . 13 4-107 10 . 35 3 . 45 6 . 90 4-110 14 . 37 4 . 79 9 . 58 4-115 7 . 84 2 . 61 { 5 . 23 4-114 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-113 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-116 1 . 92 . 64 1 . 28 4-104 . 80 . 26 . 54 4-107 . 80 . 26 . 54 7 - Schedule "A" to By-Law No . 92-35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL No. REPAIRS GRANT CC LIQ. 1 DRAIN REPAIR - continued. . . . 4-106 . 48 . 16 . 32 4-047 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-059 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-058 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-057 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-055 . 03 . 01 . 02 4-054 . 03 . 03 130 . 89 43 . 54 87 . 35 Elgin County Roads 1 . 43 1 . 43 Elgin County Roads 1 . 43 1 . 43 Bayham Roads 1 . 43 1 . 43 Bayham Roads 1 . 43 1 . 43 Bayham Roads 5 . 01 5 . 01 TOTAL NO . 1 DRAIN REPAIRS $141 . 62 $ 43. 54 $ 98 . 08 SCHONBERGER DRA I N BRANCH "B" REPAIR 2-190 21 . 79 7 . 26 14 . 53 2-190 43 . 70 14 . 57 29 . 13 65 . 49 21 . 83 43 . 66 TOTAL SCHONBERGER DRAIN BRANCH "B" REPAIRS $ 65 . 49 $ 21 . 83 $ 43 . 66 SMITH DRAIN REPAIR 5-174 3 . 51 1 . 17 2 . 34 6-176 38 . 26 12 . 75 25 . 51 5-169 5 . 63 1 . 88 3 . 75 5-167 3 . 38 1 . 13 2 . 25 5-168 1 . 13 1 . 13 5-165 101 . 27 33 . 75 67 . 52 5-164 47 . 82 15 . 94 31 . 88 5-163 47 . 82 15 . 94 31 . 88 5-162 47 . 82 15 . 94 31 . 88 5-161 103 . 52 34 . 51 69 . 01 5-159 9 . 00 3 . 00 6 . 00 5-160 9 . 00 3 . 00 6 . 00 418 . 16 139 . 01 279 . 15 C . N . Railway 18 . 19 18 . 19' Bayham Roads 4.86 . 25 139 . 01 347 ,.24 TOTAL SsM I TH DRAIN REPAIRS $486 . 2 $ 39 , 01 $147 . 2,4 Schedule "A" to By-Law No . 92 - 35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL NO . REPAIRS QRANT NET C. E . SMITH DRAIN BRANCH 2 REPAIR 5-124 17 . 56 11 . 71 5-124 21 . 95 14 . 64 5-124 17 . 56 _ 1 . 71 17 . 56 38 . 06 Townline Road 27 . 31 27 . 31 Deferred to 1993 19 . 91 TOTAL C . E . SMITH DRAIN BRANCH 2 REPAIRS $ 84 . 38 $ 84 . 38 WALLACE DRAIN REPAIR 5-109 67 . 05 22 . 35 44 . 70 5-117 75 . 84 25 . 28 50 . 56 142 . 89 47 . 63 95 . 26 Elgin County Road _ 1 . 35 1 . 35 TOTAL WALLACE DRAIN REPAIRS $144 . 24 47 . 63 $ 96 . 61 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-36 BRING a By-Law to repeal By-Law No . 2449 adopting Amendment No . 31 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By- Law No . 2449 adopting Amendment No . 31 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on March 2 , 1989 . AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No . 31 is no longer supported by the Township of Bayham after consideration of comments forwarded by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOlWN SH I P OF BAYHAM 1 ) THAT By-Law No. 2449 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on March 2 , 1989 , be hereby repealed . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1992 0'1 Oki / art REEVE ACTING CLERK CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSH I P OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 92-37 BEING a By-Law to repeal By-Law No . 2452 adopting Amendment No . 35 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-Law No . 2452 adopting Amendment No . 35 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on March 2 , 1989 . AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No . 35 is no longer supported by the Township of Bayham after consideration of comments forwarded by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 ) THAT By-Law No . 2452 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham , on March 2 , 1989 , be hereby repealed . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1992 • REEVE ACTING CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-38 BEING a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and Acting Clerk of the Municipality to execute a Contract with Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting in conjunction with the Village of Vienna for a Waste Diversion Plan . WHEREAS Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting has submitted a proposed budget setting out their estimated costs and anticipated revenues for the municipalities of the Township of Bayham and Village of Vienna . AND WHEREAS the said Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting has submitted an Agreement of Confidentiality With Respect To Disclosures concerning information received for the purpose of preparing and evaluating a plan for waste diversion . AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to execute a Contract with the said Great Lakes Triple "R" setting out certain terms . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM : - 1 ) AYHAM : - 1 ) That the Reeve and Acting Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Contract with Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting for the provision of services in formulating and executing a Waste Diversion Plan together with an Agreement for Confidentiality With Respect to Disclosures . 2 ) That the said Contract includes services provided in conjunction with the Village of Vienna . 3 ) That the said Contract together with the Agreement for Confidentiality and a proposed budget be attached . hereto forming Schedules "A" , "B" and "C" respectively to this By- Law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1992 zi,„/ 4‘..lue / /z-) REEVE ACTING CLERK CONTRACT This Wa4te D .v .'u ort Pian. C on t'ta c t between the Township o4 aha yha m\Vi ttage. o4 V4.enna and the. 4irtm o4 G+.ea t. Lakeo Ts ip& »R" Combating Matt commence on the ihlt day 04Ai n 197P' and be. Ut 4 o'tce 4 on the pert-4.4d o4 one. ( 1 ) yews, upon -securtemertt o4 nece-saart y commitment4. The P10Jn uti.tt coven. the. 4ottowng weea4: 1 . Auditing o4 the totat u. te. 4trtemm. 2 . Deve top and unpt.am¢nt an env.irtonmei tat potity . 3 . Pl.ocwt,cnnen t and Sec nems et o4 Grunts (wheme appti.ca.bt.e.) . 4 . Scan o4 at.o4 itabte. 'te.cyctin.g c4 tex nus ite t as. 5 . Deve.top and coo'tdinate a. kecycting p&ogmam. 6 . Develop and coordinate a. con o4ti tg pnog-'tam. 7 . Devetfop and coo'tdinate a wait rtetations ptogitarn. It i. and e Mood by the -signing patties o4 the cont'ta.ct that: A. An agnee.nw.n.t with nespect to th to sone conce.'tn ing the Township o4 8ayham\Vitta ge o4 Vienna Wa4te D-iveit4. on Paan in place.. 8. Mon%e4 owing to be nendeted n a.cco'dance with the tirrata.bte4 in the p'topo- ed bud get. TeAms: wnde a d due 15th o4 each mon h. Bitting wilt be based on the brceakdow t o4 90% Township o4 13a..yhwn and 10% Vi,Jage o4 Vien a. C. Any and a.t t rnor etaity savings with ne4pe.ct to the Ptan cue the. 4ote ptopeit ty o4 8ayhnzn Town,stt ip\V 'ttage o4 VJien& and that Gateat Lahez T'vLpte, "R" Con 6u.ttutg hot d.4 no claims to the-se monde 4. rt -c.s 4wuth.ert wtdert4tood that Gnat Lah.eb Tn i.pte "R" CorvoaLting .4.4 ope to tin g unde't the 4utt authokity and a pp tovat o4 the Township h.i..p o4 13a yharn\Vintage o4 Vienna and is to conduct busine44 in a pn.o4 e2ionat and ethicat nn e k. Th.i.e contrucct w tt commence a.e outti ed in budget condi Lonat upon: 1 . Commitment o4 4unding under. the M.R. S . P. 4pon4orted by the Mini-s n.y o4 the. EnviAtonment. 2 . Commitment pt..orn quat4.4-i.ed perc..sonne.t -invotved 4Jt the 4 e td o4 Ukxste Management 4 on the Pu.bt,i c. Re.€ati.on.s nrt ce o.&vuj to achieve eve and to en.su'.e that the ptopa*a t twtget a eine met. Th44 contract t shat t be construed d and govenn.ed by the Law3 o4 the Pnov.i nce o4 +Jntanr i.o. The paar ,Le.e have aged that thi,4 conat'tact be &taw t up 4it Engtish. In WLitnes4 utit.enaeo4 the panties have -signed and do pte.en tQ.y a9tee thin /741 day o ,,x, ,. 194,, in the Toutrtthi.p o4 S yhwn in the. P'tovu ce o4 Ontan o, TOWNSHIP OF MYNAM , OF VIENNA Reeve. :g4a4lacck_w_a=t_"21a124-- Reeve grow2/2421L,`, ...&&241 we.41.10W• Cte,t0t1T4eabutek Ct.elt.h./T.RembuiWe.4 WITNESS GREAT LAKES TRIPLE "R* CONSULTING a I 66 H4, .. tI t s THE CORPORATIONOF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA jji BY-LAW NO. 92-12 z t i 1 1 BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the reeve and clerk to sign t an agreement between the Township of Bayham/The Village I of Vienna and the firm of Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting re Waste Diversion . 1 0 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME , SID FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1992 . d 1 t: t Re4/: aiatrui I 4:;1404 )-6M/ JanvLI K F I , LYNDA MILLARD, CLERK OF THE VILLAGE "OF VIENNA, CEPTIFY 0 THAT THE fl3CVE IS A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW 92-12 , PASSED THE 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1992 . i. Ash. .•—•,* ilk J4.dI 0 Date : ?4 02,,, 0 3 TO: The Township of Bayham From: Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting 281 Delatre Street 7 `f Woodstock, Ontario /"- N4S 6C9 g-1'1 . CONFIDENTIALITY WITH RESPECT TO DISCLOSURES CONCERNING: The Township of Bayhain's Waste Diversion Plan (herein referred to as the "PLAN"). This will serve to confirm our understanding and undertaking with respect to information to be received by us concerning the PLAN which, for the purposes of this undertaking, will be referred to as "Restricted Information". We acknowledge that you regard all Restricted Information to be valuable and that disclosure to us is to be on the basis of strict confidentiality. We further acknowledge that your willingness to make disclosure to us of Restricted Information is for the sole purpose of enabling us to appraise and evaluate the PLAN. In consideration of your allowing us access to Restricted Information, we undertake and agree that we will not, without your express prior consent, disclose by any means to any third party and will maintain complete secrecy with respect to any Restricted Information received from you or from anyone on your behalf, including maps, drawings, diagrams, reports, results of tests, specifications, formulae, instructions, measurements and calculations and that all information received from you touching or concerning the PLAN and it's capabilities shall be deemed to be Restricted Information unless you expressly state otherwise prior to making any disclosure. We will adopt every reasonable means to ensure that all Restricted Information received by us, in whatever form, remains confidential and will observe whatever security measures are required to attain this end. However, it is understood that this undertaking on our part shall not extend to any information which we can demonstrate (i) was publicly available or known to us prior to our receiving it from you, or (ii) has following disclosure by you, become publicly available due to no fault of ours or has become known to us from another source without any apparent secrecy obligation to us in conclusion, we acknowledge that any disclosure of Restricted Information shall not operated to grant or be construed as any license or option therefore under any existing or future patent obtained with respect to the PLAN This agreement shall be construed and governed by the Laws of the Province of Ontario. The parties have agreed that this document be drawn up in English. In Witness whereof the parties have signed and do presently agree the 'c riA day of /44404,4_s f , i 9`/0Z in the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Great Lakes Triple "R' Consulting Township of Bayham •••• -. - ‘--------43e.— e.„, ... -4/156-pya:. Aki."...... ' - Franl4in Ware Vane Chute . --; Reeve " e , , e't --4,, - ,Xe:fr-L.,-1,0 4-1... /210e% 12.- Laura Earle _ • L '-lerklTreasurer rd"ArArms" tron ,)1X WitnessWitness : , iI1ae o 29 FRONT STREET. P.O BOX 133 CLERK'S OFFICE VIENNA. ONTARIO - NAt 1Z0 _ (519) 874-4225 September 3 , 1992. . Council , Twp. of Bayhazn, Box 160, Straffordville , Ont. NOJ IY0 Gentlemen : In regard to the Craft Twp . of Bayham Waste Diversion Plan Proposal presented by Great Lakes Triple "P" Consulting on August 27/92 please be advised that the Council of the Village of Vienna passed the followincT resolution : "eicved by : Art Goethals Seconded by : Rick Marlatt and resolved that the Village of Vienna be includee in the Waste Diversion Plan submitted by (rest Lakes Triple " i?" Consulting , subject to '4 .0.E . grant fund- ing approval . Vienna to contribute 10% (ten percent) of the first year costs , and thereafter the costs apportioned on a population basis according to the latest Municipal. census . " Carried - Peeve Emerson If you have any questions , please feel free to contact me. Yours truly , A/ 6//-494P Mrs , Lynea Millard Clerk/treasurr,r DRAFT BUDGET - TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM\VILLAGE OF VIENNA Two Months Preliminary \ One Year Operational Of Waste Reduction Program MONTH #1 #2 #3 #4 # #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 EEx� _ . Coordinator 4,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 ' 6,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 Waste Audit 2,000 2,000 Public Relations 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 2,000 2,000 Promotional 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Cois 15,000 10,000 Blue Boxes 7,500 Processing 2,130 2.130 2,130 2 30 2,130 2,130 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 To 6,150 39,650 27,280 17,280 17,280 6,280 8,280 2,280 2,810 8,810 2,810 5,810 2,810 2,810 Lwow ]l .R.S.P. - Operating10,683 15,599 9,864 11,894 M.R..JR.P- Composters 16,665 M.R.S.P. - Blue Boxes 2,500 O.M.M.R.I. - Blue Boxes 2,500 Cer Sales 4,000 3,000 3,000 Tipping Fees Saved 8,600 8;600 8 600 8,600 8,600 8600 10,825 10,825 10,825 10,825 10825 10,825 ' Tota. 4,000 11,600 11,600 40,948 8,600 8,600 24,199 10,825 10,825 20,689 10,825 10,825 22,719 Bad (6,150) (35,650) (15,680) (5,680) 23,668 2,320 320 21,919 8,015 2,015 17,879 5,015 8,015 19,909 Cansailative Balance 150 41 • 1 i 57,480 63,160 39 492 37 172 36,852 14,933 , ` 18 4,903 12,976 17 1 26 006 45,915 NOTES TO PROPOSED BUDGET Yearly generation of waste produced recorded at 2,557 tons, derived from invoices from the fiscal year, June 1991 - May 1992 for the Township of Bayham\Village of Vienna. Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting $87,000.00 Coordinator - 12 months $43,000.00 Waste Audit - 2 months 4,000.00 Public Relations - 9 months 40,000.00 Promotional (paper, photocopying and postage of newsletters) - 14 months 2,100.00 Composters - 1,000 cr $25.00 25,000.00 Blue Boxes - 1,500 t $5.00 7,500.00 Processing - 1st six months - 20% , final six months - 25% @ $50.00 per ton 28,740.00 M.R.S.P. - Operating - Coordinator, Promotional, Collection t Processing @ 500/o funding 48,040.00 note: Sanitary Collection Services LTD. pick-up recyclables and wastes biweekly under existing contract. (50°/o of contract applicable). M.R./R.P. - Composters (4) 66.66% funding 16,665.00 M.R.S.P. - Blue Boxes @ 33330/0 funding 2,500.00 O.M.M.R.I. - Blue Boxes @ 33.33% funding 2,500.00 Coraposter Sales 1000 @ $10.00 10,000.00 Fees Saved - 1st six months - 40%, final six months - 50°10 S101 .60 per ton S 116,550.00 Total Expenses - S150,,340.00 Total Income - S196,255.00 Net Return - $45,915.00 over $100,000.00 Annually thereafter CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 92-39 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held September 17 , 1992 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNC I L OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held September 17 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of September 1992 Gam' / • "P� Reeve Acting Clerk t i CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 92-40 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held October 1 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by - laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held October 1 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of October 1992 Reeve Acting Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 92-41 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held October 15 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THS CORPORATION OF TIB TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held October 15 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AID THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of October 1992 ._...tom, ‘-'."‘"'" ... ► 2. Lic. hteir% Reeve Acting Clerk CORPORAT I ON OF THE TOWNSH I P OF BAYHAN BY-LAW NOu 92 -- 43 BEING a By-Law to terminate the services of William Bogue as Clerk Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham WHEREAS William Bogue was appointed Treasurer and Tax Collector by By-Law No . 2518 as Passed by Council on December 7 , 1989 . AND WHEREAS the said William Bogue was appointed Clerk by By-Law No . 2564 Passed by Council on July 19 , 1990 . AND WHEREAS the said William Bogue has been given notice of the termination of his services as provided in the Employment Standards Act . AND WHEREAS it is now considered expedient to confirm the termination of the said William Bogue by By-Law of the Corporation . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 . That the services of William Bogue as Clerk , Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be and are hereby terminated. 2 . This By-Law is effective from October 15 , 1992 . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TH I R.D TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF NOV EMBER , 1992 . C 1626/L41"...n...-'—j R EEV E . ACT I NG CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-44 BEING a By-Law to engage Donald MacLeod as Clerk , Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act , R . S .O. 1990 provide for the appointment of a Clerk , Treasurer and Tax Collector . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSH I P OF BAYHAM 1 . That Donald MacLeod be and is hereby engaged as Clerk , Treasurer and Tax Collector as provided under Sections 77 , 79 and 87 of the Municipal Act ; R . S .O . 1990 . 2 . That the said Donald MacLeod shall perform such duties as are set out in the Municipal Act and other statutes of the Province of Ontario and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 3 . That the said Donald MacLeod be engaged at an initial salary of $40 , 000 . 00 per annum and may be adjusted from time to time by resolution of council . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1992 411.4.4H7,Akopir,4„." REEVE ACTING ING CLERIC CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 92-44 BEING A BY-LAW TO ENGAGE DONALD MACLEOD AS CLERK, "' - ' • -"- -. 1! +� •r • ' FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF�BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 provides for the appointment of a Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 . That Donald MacLeod be and is hereby engaged as Clerk, -Treasurer- as provided under Sections 77, 79 and 87 of the Municipal Act; R.S.O. 1990. 2. That the said Donald MacLeod shall perform such duties as are set out in the Municipal Act and other statutes of the Province of Ontario and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. • 3. That the said Donald MacLeod be engaged at an initial salary of $40,000.00 per annum and may be adjusted from time to time by resolution of council. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5Th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1992 REEVE ACTING CLERK 410 410 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYRAM BY-LAW WO. 92-45 BEING a by- law to assume and name a roadway in Lot 126 , South Talbot Road . WHEREAS Charles D. Ward and Frances C. Ward have met conditions imposed by this municipality for the construction and dedication of a roadway at Lot 126 , South Talbot Road . AND WHEREAS conveyance of the said lands has been made to this Municipality by Transfer/Deed of Land designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5090 and registered in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin as Instrument Number 338614 on the 6th day of October , 1992 . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient that the aforesaid lands be assumed by this Municipality ai a part of the municipal roads system. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE T WN SH I P OF BAYHAN 1 . That the lands designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5090 and situated in Part of Lot 126 , South Talbot Road be and are hereby assumed by the Township of Bayham as part of the municipal roads system for the said Township . 2 . That the aforesaid roadway be named Hardwalk . 3 . That this by-law becomes effective upon Passing . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1992 , .,.SIV 4":01,- REEVE ' . CLERE hitt rtrigrtrite Document General) M' •t �^'"'b Form 4 — land Re rallem f slsnn Act, 1 11 (t) IR.�latry tali (I) Property Land TNS . 4" Pam, 1 of 2 "Q"/C 339459 �s ick Pip f�rtty A ",,no gwe Sct+wrtt,tr► Li 92 NOV 9 P 2 : 03 (.)NalJ o/ Document Township of Bayham By-Law i3;Consiasration ° NIL doyens $ N I L (')-t iesatlption o Township of Bayham By-Law No . 92-45 a to assume and name a roadway in Lot 126 , South Talbot Road Nero Property Identifiers Additional: See IaecuM ne (7) TMs (a) Redescription (b) Schedule tor: S [] � Plan/SketcNow h [] Description [J Partient s [] Other Schedule (I) This Document provides as follows: For the dedication of Part 6 on Reference Plan 11R-5090 to the municipality of the Township of Bayham as a public roadway . Continued on Scheduie (1)This Document rotates to Instrument number(*) 338614 (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or interest) Names) Signature(*) pats of Signature f M O . C0RPORAT.I.QN . OF. .1 HE . TO)NNSU I P. .QF . SAYJAM. `� 9 2. 1 0.6 CLERK • (It) Address torSe c* Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1YO (12) Paeiy(iis) (Sot out Status or Interest) Names) goes) date of Signature M 0 . . / . . . . . . - (t!) Address for •e v1ess (14) tilliodellpd Address of Pieper!! J (1S) Dectans $Ptm.«sd bp ��i Foes and Tax g Registradon il Straffordville , Ontario Township of Bayham Fed '' 7 .— Box 160 Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1YO Te 4 • Neversess sed Merl. i.lsdlwt Ar,*. ins Pane 1.1r1133 (1/11S) CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 92-46 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held November 5 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 5 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of November , 1992 • Rewe CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAX BY-LAW NO 92-47 BEING A BY-LAW TO CHANGE THE NAME OF A STREET FROM SIDE ROAD TO CENTENNIAL DRIVE ACCORDING TO PLAN 205 FOR THE VILLAGE OF STRAFFORDVILLE. WHEREAS Section 210 ( 111) of the Municipal Act R. S . O. Chapter M. 45 permits councils of local municipalities to pass by-laws for changing the names of highways . AND WHEREAS notice of this proposed name change has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Tillsonburg News , a newspaper having general circulation in this municipality. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has heard in person or by his counsel , solicitor or agent, all persons claiming their land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applied to be heard . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAX: 1. That 'the street designated as Side Road running North and South of Talbot Road according to Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville be hereby changed to Centennial Drive . 2 . That this by-law be effective upon passing and proper signs being erected . READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of Novaaber, 1992 . READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of Noveabsr, 1992 . REEVE CLERK CORPORAT I OE OF THE TOWIN SH I P OF BAYHAM By►-Law No. 92-48 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular a►eeting held November 19 , 1992 . DE IT ENACTED BY THE COONC I L OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSH I P OF D&TBM( pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by► by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 19 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by - law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of November , 1992 40/ / 00s i Rewe CLERK 9s p£ 9 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 93-16 BEING A BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 92-49 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it advisable to repeal By-law No. 92-49. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT fly-law 92-49 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby repealed, 2. THAT this by-law comes info full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 18th day of FEBRUARY 1993 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18TH day of FEBRUARY 1993. REEVE C LER1 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP BAYHAM By-Law No. 92-50 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN at the regular meeting held December 3 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYMAK pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held December 3 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of December , 1992 Res eve CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAX BY-LAW NO. 92-51 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the regular meeting held December 17 , 1992 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAX pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held December 17 , 1992 are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of December , 1992 Reeve CLERK {