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Bayham By-Laws 1991
Bayham Township By— Laws • ;k AIL : By-Laws #259O— #2606 1991 11- sl / 1 q Th dR X - ' 6 o X591 d601 , a6oa 06 o3 2593 �6oy 59`1 a6p5(a-) a593-(0D 606 a5`y6 (a- %s / 9q1 gcwka-M ( ownsh•P #2-S9O - -To Gu +ho-i�c -// 6orrot� nA o Yo-o,000. V TA-n '"j 3, /99/ Ty3, 7; c 19 9 I a59 — o nt/rr rrr� Q/I DGT o-nt o-r I q Ta.,. 3,/f 9 1 I og. 7 3 — ! o provi oc, ✓' i 9 / .J.T,4 nm 7an/,�� lam, 1991 P 5 9(4 — 70 G o n-t irm a_ 11 ,-h cr-r" u, ; •, 9M / -2595— -arT'/-'Trs 11- - /� e-u"1 p/afiniil19 / — . o �,-a v,a(Q !!-�v r-1 c4,„,(,470—s. o-F Paa -is 1991 0. 5(1-1-- To conP,r, aft o,c71o„t 0-1 Fel,. ,j 97,1q11 b1 ' 8/ 1.1dy e'-1:u. 1r7fW ra r ms's 1'70 - —a – 909 r ryL pp rr'=l i b �5'v �J /d I°"9,x-0 °( -E g +"�`�,�u� �, - 5 o 9e Ibb1 ' 1 dy 1�r �o� Ja .�e�-)ro 111' -49" 1' �1 -/-,o ' 1-,w�ac� ov�o f!w�a0 fo ISSl srsstip 1._.DS 5i- O I,1 Z'4i'c�+-o/ Ly p-..�.n..-� o f —� O q cc) lbbl '/? yZJ-0 'l t"o -cEtllb /v t ern r� 'oyt o� co9� Ibbl "A.o c/.aro 11,9 - 3-' ° a1 — 1 076' `"--‘"?°/1-"74 bb1 Ilt °rV / - y 7 t, issro QL Yf el 1 i Osdk2 01 -00`fe I bb/ '- w Ibbl 'IC CJ911. 1hv-no0 -0 sm.oc1.�o i '° w�`.i"vo0 0l -gbsr CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (fig y {,.. BY-LAW No. 2590 3p•Yata to authorize the borrowing of$2,40Q,000.00 Whereas the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF HANNAH (hereinafter called the"Municipality")deems it necessary to borrow the sum of$2,400,000.00 to meet,until the taxes are collected,the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the r�'i7.5�rv%Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 go, is a $3,240,422.00 ,,,,�aa,'^'ss And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes • •aoC'ls..r5 mentioned in subsection(I)of Section 332 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is$4,500.00 Therefore the Council of the TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM hereby enacts as follows: I.The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN Isenates.BANK or COMM..a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 2,400,000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for theyear,including the amounts required for the purposee mentioned in subsection (I)oSection 332 of the Municipal Act,and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed,with interest at curb rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2.All cams borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law,as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or ail of the purposes mentioned in the semi Section 332,shall,with interest thereon,be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3.The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all turns borrowed as aforesaid,together with interest thereon,all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 3rd day of January 1991 OOde,--57 � ((.—=�--.)} me neon MUNICIPALITY I hereby certify that the foregoing isa true copy of By-law No. 2590 of the TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM in the I'rovince of Ontario,duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held,and that the said 13y-law is in full force and effect. Dated This Third day of January 19 91 An Witness the Seal of the TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 2591 BEING a By-law to appoint a Chief Building Official, Plumbing Inspector, Property Standards Officer S By-law Enforcement Officer for the Township of Bayham WHEREAS with the retirement of William Underhill on December 31, 1990, the office of Chief Building Official, Plumbing Inspector, Property Standards Officer and By-law Enforcement officer for the municipality has become vacant for the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS The Municipal Act provides that the Councils of all Municipalities may pass By-laws for appointing such Officers and servants as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the Council of the Township of Bayham appoint a Chief Building Official, Plumbing Inspector, Property Standard Officer and By-law Enforcement officer. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN. 1. That Dwayne Daniel be and is hereby appointed as Chief Building Official, Plumbing Inspector, Property Standards Officer and By-law Enforcement Officer for the Township of Bayham. 2. That the said Dwayne Daniel shall perform all duties required to be performed by a Chief Building Official, Plumbing Inspector, Property Standards Officer and By-law Enforcement Officer under statutory authority and any other duties that may be imposed by the Council. 3. That the said Dwayne Daniel shall hold office during the pleasure and subject to the policies of the Council and shall be paid such remuneration as may be determined from time to time by resolution of Council. 4. This By-law shall be effective January 3rd, 1991 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OP JANUARY, 1991 2), 0:49 nl/�3 �-- REEVE "ERR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM By-Lam No. 2592 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM at the meeting(s) held January 3rd, 1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 3,1991 and special meeting(s) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of January, 1991 Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN BY-LAN NO. 2593 Being a By-Law to provide that in the year 1991 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year. WHEREAS THE Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1991 before the adoption of the estimates. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That in the year 1991, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for Real property according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 percent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters. 2. That in the year 1991, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the Business Assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on business assessment public and separate school supporters. , 3. The respective amounts to be levied under the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by-law are: Real Property $7,681,825. Business Assessment 132,045. $7,813,870. 4. The rate to be levied under the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this by-law to produce the amount set out in paragraph 3 of this by-law is one hundred and fifty-three (153) mills. 5. The dates of payment of taxes under this by-law shall be as follows: Due Date of 1st Installment February 28 Due Date of 2nd Installment May 31 6. In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any part thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof, the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable. 7. A percentage charge of one and one quarter per centum (14) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment of each such instalment and thereafter an additional charge of one and one quarter per centum (1$) shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which,default continues up to and including December of this year. continued -2- BY-LAN NO. 2593 8. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the several dates named in Section 5 to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statutes in that behalf all such tax installments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred. 9. The tax collector not later that 21 days prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person a notice setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by-law, the respective dates by which they are to be paid to avoid penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by this by-law for late payments. 10. Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and shall be paid to the collector at the Municipal Office. 11. The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such payment, provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and collectable under section 7 in respect to non- payment of taxes or of any installment thereof. 12. When tenants of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less that thirty days, such employer shall pay over to the Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages, salary or other emuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF JANUARY, 1991. 44./. � REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP HAYNAN Hy-Law No. 2594 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held January 17, 1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYNAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 17,1991 and special meeting(a) held January 7, 1991. be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. a READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of January, 1.991 Reeve Clerk SCHEDULE 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2595 Being a by-law prescribing a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters and to repeal Section 1 to By-law No.2376 and Sections 1&2 to By-law No.2521. WHEREAS Section 68 of the Planning Act,1983 enable the Council of the Township of Bayham to prescribe a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters; AND WHEREAS Section 68 of the Planning Act restricts the tariff to meet only the anticipated cost to the Township for the processing of each type of application provided for In the tariff; NOW THEREFORE,the Council of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT the tariff prescribed in this By-law shall apply to cover the anticipated costs incurred by the Township of Bayham in processing the following applications made in respect of the Planning Act,1983. I) an'amendment'to the Township of Bayham Official Plan in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act.1983. ii) an'amendment'to the Township of Bayham Zoning By-law in accordance with Section 34,Section 35,Section 36,or Section 38 of the Planning Act.1983. iii) a'site plan and/or site plan agreement'in accordance with Section 40 of the Planning Act,1983. iv) a'minor variance'to the Township of Bayham Zoning By-law In accordance with Section 44 of the Planning Act.1983. v) a'plan of subdivision'in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning Act 1983. vi) a'development agreement'in accordance with Section 49 and Section 52 of the Planning Act,1983. 2. THAT the tariff shall apply to the following municipal functions in the processing of an application listed in Section 1. I) preliminary review of the subject application(including the preparation of written reports and maps,site visits,and meetings)by the Township of Bayham Planning or Engineering Consultant and/or Solicitor where in the opinion of Council this is deemed necessary or desirable; Ii) public meetings as required under the Planning Act; iii) special meetings of Council where deemed necessary or desirable either by Council,or where requested by the applicant,in respect of the subject application. 2 iv) preparation of any required amendments or agreements In respect of the subject application by the Township of Bayham Planning or Engineering Consultant,Solicitor or Clerk; v) incidental expenses incurred in the processing of the subject application such as mailing costs,printing charges,and publication charges; 3. The tariff of fees in processing applications in accordance with this By-law shall be a combination of fixed fees and fees based on a time consumed basis in accordance with the following: i) Official Plan Amendment $ 500.00 ii) Zoning By-law Amendment $ 500.00 iii) Minor Variance $ 150.00 iv) Site Plan and/or Site Plan Agreements $1,000.00 v) Plan of Subdivision $3,000.00 vi) Development Agreement $1,000.00 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Council or the Committee of Adjustment may reduce the amount of,or waive the requirement for the payment of the fee In respect of an application where Council or the Committee is satisfied that it would be unreasonable to require payment in accordance with the tariff. 5. Prior to commencing with the processing of any application listed under Section 1 of this By-law,the Township of Bayham shall require payment in full of the tariff of fee as specified in Section 3 of this By-law. Any additional costs exceeding the tariff of fee as specified in Section 3 of this By-law which is incurred by the Township of Bayham to complete the municipal functions in processing the application as listed in Section 2 of this By-law will`be paid in full by the applicant. Any remaining balance shall be returned to the applicant upon deduction of the fees Incurred in processing the application pursuant to Section 3 of the By-law. 6. Cost incurred for the preparation of,or attendance at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing by the Township of Bayham Planning or Engineering Consultant and/or Solicitor in respect to an application is not considered part of the municipal functions as listed in Section 2 of this By-law. All costs incurred dealing with a hearing will be paid In full by the applicant. A deposit of$150.00 will be required to be paid by the applicant to the Township of Bayham for processing an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 24 day of January,1991. READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 24day of January 1991. Lam-. - ^jr/ 6 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2595 (AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NO.95-50) BEING A BY-LAW PRESCRIBING A TARIFF OF FEES FOR THE PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS MADE IN RESPECT OF PLANNING MATTERS AND TO REPEAL SECTION 1 TO BY-LAW NO.2376 AND SECTIONS I&2 TO BY-LAW NO.2521. WHEREAS Section 68 of the Planning Act, 1983 enable the Council of the Township of Bayham to prescribe a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters; AND WHEREAS Section 68 of the Planning Act restricts the tariff to meet only the anticipated cost to the Township for the processing of each type of application provided for in the tariff; NOW THEREFORE,THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the tariff prescribed in this By-law shall apply to cover the anticipated costs incurred by the Township of Bayham in processing the following applications made in respect of the Planning Act,1983. i) an"amendment"to the Township of Bayham Official Plan in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act,1983. u) an"amendment"to the Township of Bayham Zoning By-law in accordance with Section 34,Section 35,Section 36,or Section 38 of the Planning Act,1983. a"site plan"and/or site plan agreement"in accordance with Section 40 of the Planning Act,1983. iv) a"minor variance"to the Township of Bayham Zoning By-law in accordance with Section 44 of the Planning Act,1983. v) a"plan of subdivision"in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning Act,1983. vi) a"development agreement"in accordance with Section 49 and Section 52 of the Planning Act,1983. 2. THAT the tariff shall apply la the following municipal functions in the processing of an application listed in Section 1. i) preliminary review of the subject application(including the preparation of written reports and maps, site visits, and meetings)by the Township of Bayham Planning or Engineering Consultant and/or Solicitor where in the opinion of Council this is deemed necessary or desirable; ii) public meetings as required under the Planning Act; BY-LAW NO.2595 -2- JANUARY 24,1991 (AS AMENDED) iii) special meetings of Council where deemed necessary or desirable either by Council, or where requested by the applicant, in respect of the subject application. iv) preparation of any required amendments or agreements in respect of the subject application by the Township of Bayham Planning or Engineering Consultant, Solicitor or Clerk; v) incidental expenses incurred in the processing of the subject application such as mailing costs,printing charges,and publication charges; 3. The tariff of fees in processing applications in accordance with this By-law shall be a • combination of fixed fees and fees based on a time consumed basis in accordance with the following: i) Official Plan Amendment $ 750.00 ii) Zoning By-law Amendment $ 750.00 iii) Minor Variance S 300.00 iv) Site Plan and/or Site Plan Agreement S 1,000.00 v) Plan of Subdivision $ 3,000.00 vi) Development Agreement $ 1,000.00 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Council or the Committee of Adjustment may reduce the amount of,or waive the requirement for the payment of the fee in resect of an application where Council or the Committee is satisfied that it would be unreasonable to require payment in accordance with the tariff. 5. Prior to commencing with the processing of any application listed under Section 1 of this By-law,the Township of Bayham shall require payment in full of the tariff of fee as specified in Section 3 of this By-law. Any additional costs exceeding the tariff of fee as specified in Section 3 of this By-law which is incurred by the Township of Baybam to complete the municipal functions in processing the application as listed in Section 2 of this By-law will be paid in full by the applicant. Any remaining balance shall be returned to the applicant upon deduction of the fees incurred in processing the application pursuant to Section 3 of the By-law. 6. Cost incurred for the preparation of,or attendance at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing by the Township of Bayham Planning or Engineering Consultant and/or Solicitor in respect to an application is not considered part of the municipal functions as listed in Section 2 of this By-law. All costs incurred dealing with a hearing will be paid in full by the applicant. A deposit of$150.00 will be required to be paid by the applicant to the Township of Bayham for processing an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 24TH DAY OF JANUARY,1991. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24TH DAY OF JANUARY,1991. D.Vane Chute William Bogue REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.95.50 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2595 (PLANNING TARIFF OF FEES BY-LAW) WHEREAS Section 69 of the Planning Act.R.S.O.1990 Chapter P.13 enables Councils of a local municipality to prescribe a tafiff of far for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham passed by-law 2595 under the authority of Section 69 of the Planning Act to prescribe a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters: a AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of amending certain sections of By-law No.2595. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: • I. THAT By-law No.2595 is hereby amended by amending Section 3 i)by replacing it with the following: i) Official Plan Amendment 5730.00' 2. THAT By-law No.2595 is hereby amended by amending Section 3 ii)by mincing it with the following: '3 ii)Zoning By-law Amendment 5750.69 3. THAT By-law No.2595 is hereby amended by amending Section 3 ii)by replacing it with the following: • "3 ii)Minor Variance Amendment 5300.00' 4. THAT this by-law comes info NO f and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1916 day of OCTOBER,1995. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1901 day of OCTOBER,1995. J ai I REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OP BAYHAN BY-LAW NO. 2596 Being a by-law to provide for the conditions of work, vacations with pay, and related benefits for municipal employees. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, deems it necessary to provide for the conditions of work, vacations with pay and related benefits for employees. And whereas the Council is empowered to pass such by-laws under the authority of the provisions of the Municipal Act, R. S. O. 1980, Section 208. Therefore be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham 1.) (a) "Employee" means any salaried or hourly rated officer, clerk, workman, servant or other person in the continuous employ of the Municipality. (b) "Council" means the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham 2.) Conditions of work: • (a) Employees in the Public Works Department shall work a minimum of forty (40) hours per week, Monday through Friday inclusive; in case or cases of emergency, no employee shall be required to operate any machine in excess of twelve (12) continuous hours. Employees working in excess of forty-four hours per week during the period of the year commencing May 1st and ending October 31st and of forty hours per week during the period of the year commencing November 1st and ending April 30th shall receive remuneration at regular rate and in addition shall be allowed equal time off at the discretion of the Road Superintendent. (b) Employees in the Municipal Office shall work Monday through Friday inclusive during the hours 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. with sixty (60) minutes off for lunch excepting as may be directed by Council. (35 Hrs.) An employee shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute break period before noon and in the afternoon. The time of such break to be at the discretion of the immediate supervisor. (c) The (1) drinking of alcoholic beverages (2) ,taking of drugs (except as prescribed by a physician) (3) refusal to obey instructions relating to work (4) wilful neglect for the safety of others (5) careless operation of equipment may result in the dismissal of the employee by Council continued . . By-Law No. 2596 (d) Employees shall receive remuneration bi-weekly at such rates as may be determined from time to time by Council. 3.) Vacations with pay shall be allowed (a) After one full years service - two (2) weeks (b) After five years continuous service - three (3) weeks (c) After fifteen years continuous service - four (4) weeks (d) After twenty-one years continuous service - five (5) weeks (e) Statutory and other holidays with pay shall be allowed namely: New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and any other holiday proclaimed by the Reeve of the Township of Bayham. (f) No employee shall be permitted to forego their vacation period so that they may be paid in lieu of time off for vacation except with the approval of Council. (g) An employees vacation must be taken in the year in which it is earned and shall not be carried forward to the following year except with the approval of Council. (h) The date of January 1st, of each year shall be used fbr the purpose of computing vacation entitlement. (i) In the event of the death of an employee, the heirs or their estate shall be entitled to receive such vacation pay as may stand to the employee's credit. (j) An employee who has less that one (1) year service shall be entitled to one (1) day vacation with pay for each completed month of service up to a maximum of ten (10) working days with pay. 4.) Benefits shall be provided for Employees: Sick Leave (a) An employee shall be allowed a cumulative total of ten (10) working days with full pay for sick leave. After ten (10) cumulative working days have expired, employee will be paid at the rate of 60%of their regular pay for a maximum of seventy-five (75) working days. (b) This short term disability benefit plan will be self insured by the Township of Bayham and in no event will this plan continue beyond a period of seventeen ( five working day) weeks. All employees shall receive a full range of benefits during the seventeen week period. (c) The municipality may request a letter from the employee's doctor or the Township's physician after a continued By-Law No. 2596 three day absence when absences occur because of sickness or non-occupational injury. Such letters shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Township for salaried employees and the Road Superintendent for hourly rated employees. (d) It is understood that the benefit plan once exhausted may not be utilized again during any calendar year. Bereavement Leave (e) Special allowance is hereby provided at the employee's regular rate in case of bereavement. In the event of the death of a member of any employee's immediate family, the immediate family being restricted to mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, child, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law where the said employee is attending the funeral, or assisting in arrangements for the funeral, the employer shall arrange leave with pay not to exceed three (3) days. The three (3) days shall, however,. include normal days off and shall conclude on the day of the funeral. The employer will give full consideration to granting additional time off without pay upon application by the employee. (f) In the case of the death of the employee's grandfather or grandmother, up to one (1) full day may be granted without loss of regular pay where necessary to enable the employee to attend the funeral. (g) Employees will be given protection by enrollment in the Ontario Municipal Employee's Retirement System, Canada Pension Plan, Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Insurance and all employees required to contribute the employee's portion of the said plans. (h) Employees will be provided protection by enrollment in a plan negotiated by Council giving benefits of: (1) Life Insurance (2) Accidental death and dismemberment (3) Long term disability (4) Blue-Cross semi private hospital care (5) Extended health care (6) Dental health care provided that, at the discretion of Council, the employee. may be required to contribute a portion of the premium payable for said benefits. continued By-Law No. 2596 (i) Sick leave benefits accumulated under the provision of By-Law No. 1709 and remaining at the credit of the employees, are hereby frozen at the number of days so accumulated and may be utilized by the employee as may be required from time to time for sickness exceeding that provided in section 4 (a). At termination, the employee is entitled to remuneration not exceeding one half of the number of days remaining to his/her credit and in any event not to exceed one half year's earnings at the rate of remuneration immediately prior to said termination. 5.) The Council will generally endeavour to offer steady employment and security of position to all employees. 6.) Employees will be given due consideration for promotion to more senior positions within the work force whenever possible, having consideration of any information available through personnel records and/or the employee's qualifications. 7.) Grievances of any employee will be considergd by Council when filed in writing to the attention of Council. 8.) All By-Laws or parts thereof deemed inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND&THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OP JANUARY, 1991 . / A7.. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN BY-LAW NO. 2596 Being a by-law to provide for the conditions of work, vacations with pay, and related benefits for municipal employees. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, deems it necessary to provide for the conditions of work, vacations with pay and related benefits for employees. And whereas the Council is empowered to pass such by-laws under the authority of the provisions of the Municipal Act, R. 5. 0. 1980, Section 208. Therefore be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the '.. Township of Bayham 1.) (a) "Employee. means any salaried or hourly rated officer, clerk, workman, servant or other person in the continuous employ of the Municipality. (b) "Council" means the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham 2.) Conditions of work: (a) Employees in the Public Works Department shall work lA minimum of forty (40) hours per week, Monday through Friday inclusive; in case or cases of emergency, no employee shall be required to operate any machine in excess of twelve (12) continuous hours. Employees working in excess of forty-four hours per week during the period of the year commencing May lst and ending October 31st and of forty hours per week during the period of the year commencing November 1st and ending April 30th shall receive remuneration at regular rate and in addition shall be allowed equal time off '. at the discretion of the Road Superintendent. (b) Employees in the Municipal Office shall work Monday through Friday inclusive during the hours 8:30 A.H. to 4:30 P.M. with sixty (60) minutes off for lunch excepting as may be directed by Council. (35 Hrs.) An employee shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute break period before noon and in the afternoon. The time of such break to be at the discretion of the immediate supervisor. (c) The (1) drinking of alcoholic beverages (2) taking of drugs (except as prescribed by a physician) (3) refusal to obey instructions relating to work (4) wilful neglect for the safety of others (5) careless operation of equipment may result in the dismissal of the employee by Council continued 1 By-Law No. 2596 (d) Employees shall receive remuneration bi-weekly at such rates as may be determined from time to time by Council. 3.) Vacations with pay shall be allowed (a) After one full years service - two (2) weeks, (b) After five years continuous service - three (3) weeks (c) After fifteen years continuous service - four (4) weeks (d) After twenty-one years continuous service - five (5) weeks (e) Statutory and other holidays with pay shall be allowed namely: New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and any other holiday proclaimed by the Reeve of the Township of Bayham. (f) No employee shall be permitted to forego their vacation period so that they may be paid in lieu of time off for vacation except with the approval of Council. (g) An employees vacation must be taken in the year in which it is earned and shall not be carried forward to the following year except with the approval of Council. (h) The date of January lst, of each year shall be used for the purpose of computing vacation entitlement. (i) In the event of the death of an employee, the heirs or their estate shall be entitled to receive such vacation pay as may stand to the employee's credit. (j) An employee who has less that one (1) year service shall be entitled to one (1) day vacation with pay for each completed month of service up to a maximum of ten (10) working days with pay. 4.) Benefits shall be provided for Employees: Sick Leave (a) An employee shall be allowed a cumulative total of ten (10) working days with full pay for sick leave. After ten (10) cumulative working days have expired, employee will be paid at the rate of 60%of their regular pay for a maximum of seventy-five (75) working days. (b) This short term disability benefit plan sill be self insured by the Township of Bayham and in no event will this plan continue beyond a period of seventeen ( five working day) seeks. All employees shall receive a full range of benefits during the seventeen week period. (c) The municipality may request a letter from the employee's doctor or the Township's physician after a continued By-Law No. 2596 three day absence when absences occur because of sickness or non-occupational injury. Such letters shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Township for salaried employees and the Road Superintendent for hourly rated employees. (d) It is understood that the benefit plan once exhausted may not be utilized again during any calendar year. Bereavement Leave (e) Special allowance is hereby provided at the employee's regular rate in case of bereavement. In the event of the death of a member of any employee's immediate family, the immediate family being restricted to mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, child, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law where the said employee is attending the funeral, or assisting in arrangements for the funeral, the employer shall arrange leave with pay not to exceed three (3) days. The three (3) days shall, however, include normal days off and shall conclude on the day of the funeral. The employer will give full consideration to granting additional time off without pay upon application by the employee. (f) In the case of the death of the employee's grandfather or grandmother, up to one (1) full day may be granted without loss of regular pay where necessary to enable the employee to attend the funeral. (g) Employees will be given protection by enrollment in the Ontario Municipal Employee's Retirement System, Canada Pension Plan, Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Insurance and all employees required to contribute the employee's portion of the said plans. (h) Employees will be provided protection by enrollment in a plan negotiated by Council giving benefits of: (1) Life Insurance (2) Accidental death and dismemberment (3) Long term disability (4) Blue-Cross semi private hospital care (5) Extended health care (6) Dental health care provided that, at the discretion of Council, the employee may be required to contribute a portion of the premium payable for said benefits. continued 1 By-Law No. 2596 (i) Sick leave benefits accumulated under the provision of By-Law No. 1709 and remaining at the credit of the employees, are hereby frozen at the number of days so accumulated and may be utilized by the employee as may be required from time to time for sickness exceeding that provided in section 4 (a). At termination, the employee is entitled to remuneration not exceeding one half of the number of days remaining to his/her credit and in any event not to exceed one half year's earnings at the rate of remuneration immediately prior to said termination. 5.) The Council will generally endeavour to offer steady employment and security of position to all employees. 6.) Employees will be given due consideration for promotion to more senior positions within the work force whenever possible, having consideration of any information available through personnel records and/or the employee's qualifications. 7.) Grievances of any employee will be considered by Council when filed in writing to the attention of Council. a E.) All By-Laws or parts thereof deemed inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND 6 THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF JANUARY, 1991 REEVE CLEAN TNR CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NATHAN By-Law No. 2597 BRING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held Jan 24 &Feb. 7, 1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THR COUNCIL OP THR CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP BATIIAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held Feb. 7, 1991 and special meeting(s) held January 24, 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of February,.1991 2>, e 7 7✓ Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NATHAN By-Lav No. 2598 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF !IMAM at the meetings) held Feb. 21 5 Feb. 12,1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-lays and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held Feb. 21, 1991 and special meetings) held Feb. 12, 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of February, 1991 Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN By-Law No.2599 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held March 7,'-1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-lava and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held March 7, 1991 and special meeting(s) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as.if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST. SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of March, 1991 ... Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP NATHAN BY-LAW NO. 2600 BEING a by-law to appoint an inspector under the Building Code Act. WHEREAS the Building Code Act provides for the appointment of such inspectors as may be necessary for enforcement of the Act. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint an additional inspector to assist the Chief Building Official. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN • 1.) That William Underhill be and is hereby appointed inspector in and for the Township of Bayham to assist the Chief Building Official as required for the enforcement of the Building Code Act. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF NARCH, 1991 REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAIHAM By-Las No. 2601 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held March 21, 1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held March 21, 1991 and special meeting(s) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law.' * READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of March, 1991 . Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN BY-LAW NO. 2602 BEING a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with 9;11772 ONTARIO INC., the owner of Lots 14 and 15, Concession 9, in the Township of Bayham for road widening purposes. WHEREAS an application has been made to sever a portion of the aforesaid premises with a frontage of 507 m along Vansevenant Sideroad, also known as 14th Sideroad. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed necessary to enter into an Agreement with the said owner to purchase a portion of the said land for road widening purposes. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN 1.) That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with 911772 ONTARIO INC. to purchase sufficient property to provide for future road widening purposes. 2.) That the aforesaid Agreement be designated as Schedule "A" and attached to and form part of this By-Law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY MARCH, 1991 REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO By-Law No. 2602 THIS AGREEMENT Made in duplicate this 21st day of March, 1991 In pursuance of an act to purchase property described as Lot 14 and 15, Concession 9 for road widening purposes. BETWEEN . THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - and - 911772 ONTARIO INC. WHEREAS the parties hereto agree that the following conditions apply to this agreement: (a) The Township will remove the condition imposed on the severance application pertaining to road widening purposes. (b)911772 ONTARIO INC. to sell to the Township a piece of land along the east side of the given road allowance between Lots 14 and 15, concession 9 (known as the 14th sideroad) for the sum of $2,000.00 per acre. This strip is to be half of the width required to widen the existing given road to 66 feet from its apparent present width of 44 feet or 22 feet : 2 = 11 feet. This piece of land is to run the full length of the 911772 ONTARIO INC. property from the line between the north and south half of Lot 14, Northerly to Highway No. 3 including a strip from both parts 1 and 3 of reference plan 1184264. (c) All survey costs pertaining to this property purchase to be paid by 911772 ONTARIO INC. (d)911772 ONTARIO INC. is to be allowed to remove wood from that part taken at the south end of aforesaid property and is to be removed within one year from the date of the stamping of the deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED DELIVERED ""�' .Reeve IN THE PRESENCE OP Ir/ Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TTOOWWNSHIP OFBAYHHHAM �a� P'fi1?a f m T co . f . NOTES I.a • • 1 LEGEND r (D DENOTES 5JRVEY MONUMENT DET 0 Z 5.5 ENOTES Aso&s Y SOS D. DEND• RES ROUND .o a4ez , KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 50 FOX ALLEY,TILLSONBUR6,ONTARIO,N46-3P4 PHONE 519-842-3638 PROJECT.91-1987 REFERENCE H F-I B® -PART SCHEDULE „ PART LOT CON INST TOWNSHIP 2.3,4 05 5o5A OF PART 5,89 ACRES ;: 4•UI ,. PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOTS 14 AND 15 CONCESSION 9 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COUNTY OF ELGIN • • • • • - 4 t SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE CEN1ir• rHai THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DATUM By-Law No. 2604 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held April 4, 1991 and March 26, 1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN pursuant to the provision/mot The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held April 4, 1991 and special meeting(s) held March 26, 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this•by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of April, 1991 "4.Allir Reeve y}/ Clerk • • BY-LAW NO.2605 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT,hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No.87 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 87 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no pan of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACIhD AND PASSED this 18th day of April,1991 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No.2605 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. • CLERK • • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO.87 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to revise the policies of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as they affect rural land use activity throughout the Township. 2.0 LOCATION Notwithstanding trusting areas which are designated"Hamlet",the area affected by this Amendment is the entire Township. 3.0 BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT In August 1990,at the request of the Plans Administration Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs,Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham agreed to initiate a major review and update of the Official Plan. This request was a result of processing approximately eighty amendments to the Plan over a five year period. The primary goals of the update are in part to address Provincial interests and to streamline the planning process so as to minimive the number of amendments being processed. Over the eight month period,numerous meetings have been held with various Provincial Ministries in order to review and revise the policies of the Official Plan as they relate to rural areas. Principal,among the changes,in the revised policies are the following • permitting farm related residential development to proceed without the necessity of an Official Plan Amendment; • permitting non farm residential development to occur as an infilling situation within the"Agriculture"designation without the necessity of an Official Plan Amendment; • clarifying the locational criteria for the establishment of non farm related(estate)residential development • • • creating an industrial park in Part Lot 20,Concession 11 on the north side of Highway 3. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) That Section 4.0 Land Use Policies;4.1 General Context;4.2 MOOIFICallON Rural Uses; and Homes); (Seasonal Travel Trailer Parks);4.3.5(Highway Commercial)T No. and 4.3.7(Open Space)of the Official Plan of the Township UNDER SECTION 17j91 OF of Bayham are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the Til PLANNING AC1.19A^ following: 4.0 LAND USE POLICIES 4.1 General Conten The land use policies are organized into distinct land use designations; namely; Agriculture Rural Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Mineral Resource Areas Hamlets The"Agriculture"policies are intended to apply to that part of the Township which land use activity is predominant agricultural in nature. Farm related residential,industrial and commercial development may be permitted within the Agriculture designation. In addition,non farm residential development may be permitted as an infilling situation. The"Rural"policies are intended to apply to site specific areas of the Township outside of the hamlet areas where the predominant land use activity is not related to agriculture. Examples of development which may be permitted within the"Rural"designation include: • estate residential • mobile homes • seasonal travel trailer parks • campgrounds • recreational • public institutional • commercial • • • industrial. The"Hazard Lands","Conservation Lands",and"Mineral Resource Areas" designations are intended to apply to specific areas within the Township where as each designation implies are unique in nature or exhibit possible limitations for development. The"Hamlet"policies are intended to apply to those parts of the Township where concentrations of urban development and land uses dominate ilia oOcibcATION — ee emtneet- The"Hamlet"policies shall apply to the various hamlets No designated by this Official Plan. UER ND ON 9198? fqr all Al •4,,.,a is 3u,,,,1,,,tc.,tial Se.nov,lap b,.,..e..rt.h.,land-um .: .. ... a MODIFICATION a _ - _ - .-. .... •_... UNDER SECTION 17(9)OF :... . ME PLANNING ACT,1488 4.1.1 Land Use Schedules and Designations It is intended that future development within the Township of Bayham will take place in accordance with the land use designations shown on the following schedules: • Schedule"A"Township of Bayham Land Use Plan 4.1.2 The classification of land use shown on the aforementioned schedule and the corresponding policy subsection number in the Plan are listed below: 4.2 Agricultural 4.3 Rural 4.4 Hazard Lands 4.5 Conservation Lands 4.6 Mineral Resource Areas 4.7 Hamlets • • 4.2 AGRICULTURE 42.1 The"Agriculture"designation,as shown on Schedule"A"to the Official Plan shall mean that the predominate use of the land shall be for agriculture. It is the goal of this plan to preserve the agricultural land base and avoid the introduction of incompatible uses into the agricultural area MOOIFIcATION Agriculture is the besie-elassicleatioe that shall include but not be limited to a all uses that involve fanning,cultivation or conservation of the soil,the UNDER SECf10N 17(9)OF raising of crops,livestock,and poultry,forest management commercial tHE PIANNINS AOT,198, greenhouses and plant nurseries,riding stables and kennels. Other permitted uses which are considered appropriate in the"Agriculture" designation subject to the policies of Section 42 include: ' Retirement Residential Lots; Farm Help Residential Lots; Existing Surplus Farm Dwelling Residential Lots; Residential Lots created as an mailing situation; Farm Related Industrial Uses; Farm Related Commercial Uses. TU(IN r UNDER SPOON 17191 OF al^tie,0312.,,,,2113,ae p"eau^tp•a.,grieola•MF-lead b^^^ rt(F P;ANNINo tc� tom 4.2.2 Minimum distance separation: M001Fs;AT10N T.,....h:N,L..11 EIIOEgECf1ptANNk18 S0N 1Fpl FO) _ • _ . _ • TiE ACI,INV • 4.2.3 The creation of lots within lands designated"Agriculture"must have existing frontage on an opened and maintained year round,public road which is capable of sustaining vehicular traffic. • • 4.2.4 Farm related industrial and commercial uses: The Township shall permit in the area designated"Agriculture"the establishment of farm related industrial and commercial activities directly related to agriculture. The establishment of farm related industrial and commercial uses that serve the needs of the farming community and are necessary in proximity to agricultural acitivity shall be permitted in areas designated"Agriculture" provided they do not acute a land use conflict with agricultural uses. Although,these activities should be directed to hamlet areas in the Township they are permitted and allowed in the agriculture designation,if the site is better suited for the particular activity. The general principles to be considered in the development and zoning of farm related industrial and commercial uses are as follows: a) The Township Zoning By-law shall provide separate sets of zone regulations for farm related industrial and commercial uses; b) Uses which acute adverse off-site environmental effects such as air pollution,noise,odour,or generate excessive solid or liquid wastes either in volume or toxicity will not be permitted; c) The proposed water supply system and method of sewage treatment and disposal,solid waste disposal and any emissions to the environment shall meet the requirements of,and where necessary, be approved by the Ministry of the Environment or its delegated authority. d) Adequate off-street parking will be provided to accommodate customers and employees;does not generate high volumes of vehicular traffic; e) Adequate off-street loading facilities shall be provided;has a low building to lot ratio; f) Adequate buffering shall be provided between the farm related industrial or commercial area and adjacent uses to prevent adverse effects or impacts. Attention shall be paid to adequate buffering and landscaping of parking lots. • • 4.2.5 Division of agricultural parcels: It is a policy of this Plan to discourage the division of large farms into smaller holdings and to encourage continued farm use. The assembling and disassembling of agricultural land into more efficient or more productive farming units may be permitted. In considering applications to divide agricultural parcels of land the Township shall have regard to: a) the need to discourage the unwarranted fragmentation of farmland; b) the agricultural capability of the land; • c) the type of agricultural activity engaged in and proposed to be engaged in; d) both the severed and retained parcels must be sufficiently large enough to permit flexibility in the farming operations in order to meet changing economic conditions; e) that the severed and retained are both suitable for the type of agriculture in the area and the farm size is appropriate to the type of agriculture proposed; f) the requirements of the Planning Act,1983; g) the minimum farm parcel size as established in the Township's Zoning By-law. 4.2.6 Retirement/farm help residential lot: One farm related residential severance in areas designated"Agriculture" may be considered under the following circumstances: a) A bona Ode resident farmer who has been farming a minimum of ten(10)years within the Township of Bayham and is retiring from active working life and wishes to retain a lot for a retirement home. As this residence may subsequently be taken over by others,the farmer should be encouraged to consider retirement to a nearby village or hamlet,or if he chases to remain on the farm,consider a life lease,or retire to a house which can be relocated. OR • • b) -: MODIFICATION ale cettit -he-ham :..: .. .. Na '.• UNDER SECTION 17(9)OF THE pUNNIN6 ACT.196'+ In both a)and b)above,the lot created shall: • be situated in an area of the farm unit where the land is not engaged in agricultural production nor deemed suitable for such production. • be no larger than is necessary to support a well and private sewage disposal system,as determined by the Ministry of the Environment or their designated agent. • • meet the Minimum Distance Separation formula of the Agricultural Code of Practice with respect to the farm operation from which they are being severed,as well as any adjacent livestock operations • in the opinion of Township Council,not create a land use conflict. MODIFICATION No more than one severance shall be allowed on any farm for retirement 40 '�01/ purposes or full time farm help as it existed on the date of the adoption of UNDER SECTION 1719)OF i this Official Plan Amendment(A h4gds-199})regardless of changes in THE PLANNING ACI,19&° Property owlietslup: 4.2.7 Existing surplus farm dwellings: IMOIR ATWN ye_ .. ..,.. ,. ... ..,.. ... .. ... - . Ns. �_ _-. .:.-:: ::: :r.: _... UNOEP SECTION 17191 OF :.. ... . - .: : •_...... • be no larger than is necessary to support a well and private sewage disposal system,as determined by the Ministry of the Environment or their designated agent; • meet the Minimum Separation Distance formula of the Agricultural Code of Practice with respect to the farm operation from which they are being severed,as well as any adjacent livestock operations; • • • MOD;bCAIION rd • in the opinion of Township Council a land use conflict shall not be 063 SECTION 1719)OF created. 1E WANK ACI.199 .+ Notwithstanding section 4.2.7,of this Plan,the Township shall encourage the retention and improvement of existing dwellings with their associated farm operations. No more than one severance for a surplus dwelling shall be allowed on a farm lot regardless of changes in property boundary or ownership. MOpayg Existing lots: N0' 9 �-� One non-farm residential unit per-lot-may be considered on existing lots of moN CT9f9)OF record in areas designated"Agriculture",provided the following criteria are met: AtOOFICATION • the lot was in existence as of the adoption of this Official Plan Amendment(DAwh tgrh,tot); t1NDEA SECTION 1791:OF 11F PLANNING ACT,19r)^ • the lot complies with the Minimum Distance Separation formula of the Agricultural Code of Practice;and • the lot is suitable to support an individual well and private sewage disposal system which is approved by the Ministry of Environment or their designated agent. 4.2.9 Infilling: MOOFICAnoN One non-farm residential unit in the area designated"Agriculture"may be �O a -� considered where an a infilling situation exists. Asa-general ride,the 1f1OFA SECTION 17(91"' reation of a single lot for residential purposes may be considered by WE PIANISM ACT 198 WE providing the following criteria are met: • the lands to be severed for non-farm residential purposes is bounded on both sides by existing non-farm residential dwellings which are MODIFICATION located on the same side of the road where the buildings are no No. /D b further than t$9-"an'apast; UNDER SECTION 17(9)OF • the lands'to be severed must not be within the applicable separation HF PLANNING ACT.1941, distance of a livestock operation as defined in the Agricultural Code of Practice; • • • the land to be severed must be suitable to support an individual well and private sewage disposal system which is approved by the Ministry of the Environment or their designated agent; MODIRCATION • the lot to be severed must be situated on land not engaged in U10131 SECTION 17(9)OF ..., agricultural production nor•9aemed suitably for such production THF PLANNING AC1.1991 4.2.10 Minor lot adjustments: Consents to sever and convey land in areas designated"Agriculture"shall be permitted for minor lot adjustments,minor lot additions,minor boundary changes,easements and rights of way,technical severance qr correction of title,provided no new conveyable lot(s)are created and where applicable,the consent decision shall stipulate that Subsection 3 of Section 49 of the Planning Act,1983,be applied to any subsequent conveyance of the severed parcel. • • 43 RURAL) 4.3.1 The'Rural"designation applies to lands outside the hamlet areas which MODIFICATION may be used for non-farm activities. Such areas are subject to a site // specific amendment to the Township's Official Plan and the regulations of No. the Township's Zoning By-law../, UNDER SEcnoN 17(9)OF TNF PLANNINW1198. The following uses in the"Rural"designation will be farther identified by a sub-classification indicating a specific use. The uses and their sub- classifications will be shown on Schedule'A'to the Official Plan and are as follows: • Estate Residential R(E) • Mobile Home Parks R(MH) • Seasonal Travel Trailer Parks R(T) • Campgrounds R(CG) • Recreational R(R) • Public Instimdonal R(I) • Commercial R(C) • Industrial R(M) The Township shall regulate all development in the areas designated "Rural"so that the environment is maintained and potential land use conflicts are not created. 4.3.13 In evaluating proposals for rural uses,the Township Council shall require a presentation of the proposal which will include a detailed site plan outlining building areas and locations,ingress and egress to the site,parking facilities, existing and surrounding land uses,building location,site characteristics, and proposed buffeting,surface water drainage,and landscaping. Servicing reports such as hydrogeological and/or geotechnical may be required by the MODIFICATION Ministry of the Environment or their designated agent to demonstrate the No (a suitability of lands to accommodate individual wells and private sewage UNDER SECTION 1710)0F disposal systems.?, ONE PLANNING ACT,1987 43.1.4 General policies which apply to all rural uses: Lands to be'designated"Rural"in the Township of Bayham shall comply with the following: • • a) the provisions of the Agricultural Code of Practice; b) must have existing frontage on an opened and maintained year round,public road which is capable of sustaining vehicular traffic; c) should not be situated in proximity to existing land uses which in themselves have a high nuisance value or are easily capable of promoting land use conflicts. Such uses may include,but shall not be limited to,commercial grain drying operations;existing aggregate resource extraction operations or lands which are designated for aggregate resource extraction as described in this Plan,operating of closed landfill sites or sewage lagoons;any industrial or commercial operation that is normally associated with substantial volumes of vehicular traffic or which creates adverse off-site environmental effects such as air pollution,noise,odours or generates excessive solid or liquid wasies either in volume or toxicity; d) buildings or structures must be appropriately setback from municipal drains,watercourses and any associated hazard lands as described in this Plan; e) the soil and groundwater conditions are suitable for the operation of a private water and subsurface sewage system as approved by the Ministry of the Environment or their designated agent; f) the size of any parcel of land created for such uses shall conform to the provisions of the Township's Zoning By-law and in no cases should any parcel be created smaller than necessary to support an approved well and private sewage system; g) shall not create a traffic hazard as a result of their access to a portion of a roadway with limited sight lines due to curves,grades, or existing roadside development including buildings and signs; h) shall be considered only when mineral resource land are not affected. Should mineral resource lands be affected,Township Council shall consult with the Ministry of Natural Resources in order to protect such lands from unwarranted development; MODIFICATION i) ...: ...,. No. )= -tl deignvnnn ex.nu b^ jasa5^aa^a; LINDEN SECTION 17(91 OF TNF PLANNING AC7.798? 'j) should be regulated so that its impact will not detract from the natural rural environment. • • 4.3.2 Estate residential: on chedule'A'to this Official Plan. In ad.'on to the policies of Section of this Plan the following criteria s• apply: a) the sit' 's part of a non-agricultural area. These areas generally NI exhibit th•following locational characteristics: �,�[AP No /L) • the site's part of the Otter Creek system which exhibits UNDER SECTION 17191 OF aesthetic 'atures,or scenic vistas; THF PLANNING ACL 199? • the site is top.p aphically and physically removed from surrounding agn• aural areas. b) the site has limited agricultur. value due to its size and shape; c) the site is marginal agricultural lan. The scale of available CLI mapping may be insufficient to accu.ely evaluate the agricultural capability of specific small sites. Come. ently,it is essential that the Canada Land Inventory map informa •n be augmented by a site Severance of land for estate residential uses may be considered by appoval of the Land Division Committee providing the lands have been designated "Rural"in the Official Plan after evaluation and written comments are provided by Township Council. The creation of such parcels of land for rural residential uses will require an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law. Estate residential uses in the'Rural"designation shall be restricted to low density,single unit dwellings. The keeping of livestock in a hobby farm context is permitted in conjuction with estate residential uses in the"Rural"designation provided the complement of livestock is small and can comply with the regulations of the Agricultural Code of Practice. • • • 43.2.4 Special Rural Estate Residential R(E)1 Area No.1 ►+ODtFiCnTtON The"Special Rural Estate Residential R(E)1"designation applies to lands located on Part Lot 5,Concession 3 of the Township of Bayham,which, No. /5 subject to the regulations of the Township's Zoning By-law,may be used UNDER SECTIO;ION OF for the purposes of establishing a multiple(4 unit)apartment dwelling. 1FE FtName Oct.IIn, 4.3.3 Mobile home parks: Mobile Home Parks may be permitted in areas designated Rural-"R(MH)" on Schedule`A'to this Official Plan. It shall be the policy of this plan to restrict development of mobile home parks to expansions of existing parks or to new parks within hamlets as designated on Schedule`A'to this Official Plan. In addition to the policies of Section of this Plan,the following criteria shall be given consideration in the evaluation of mobile home parks. a) All mobile homes are to be contained in a mobile home park. If it is the intent of the applicant to sell individual mobile home lots within a Mobile Home Subdivision,the development must be established by a Plan of Subdivision pursuant to the Planning Act, 1983; b) The land shall be accessible to a open and maintained year round, public road which is capable of sustaining vehicular traffic; c) The mobile home park shall be located such that bus or school services are not unduly affected,and these shall be available to the site; d) The park must be served by a water supply and sewage disposal systems which meet the requirements of and are approved by the Ministry of the Environment,or its designated agent as applicable. The systems design,methods of and arrangements for ensuring adequate systems operation,maintenance,and responsibility shall satisfy the Ministry of the Environment. If the soil and water conditions dictate that a communal system is required due to soil and/or groundwater conditions,the Municipality may be required by theMinistry of Environment to enter into a responsibility agreement for the operation and maintenance of the system(s). The Municipality at their discretion may deny a development proposal if they do not wish to enter into such an agreement, • • e) The maximum density of development shall be determined by the mode of proposed water and sewage servicing and under no circumstances will exceed 20 units per hectare. The minimum home size shall be 55 square metres; f) Utilities and services such as hydro,lighting,telephone,roads and sidewalks shall be provided by the developer. Arrangements for garbage collection and disposal shall be provided by the developer who must use a certified waste disposal carrier to transport wastes to a Ministry of Environment certified disposal site; g) Adequate buffering shall be provided to shield the mobile home park from neighbouring uses. h) Eight percent of the gross area of the mobile home park shall be designated as a recreational area. The buffer zone shall not be a part of the recreation area; i) All housing units and services shall be in accordance with the standards and specifications being developed by: The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs; The Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation; The Ontario Building Code. j) Mobile home parks shall as a general rule,be a maximum of 80 units and a minimum of 20 units in size; k) For the purposes of this plan,a"mobile home"shall be defined in accordance with the Planning Act,1983,but does not include any single family dwelling which has been constructed so as to be located on a site other than that which it has been constructed on; Notwithstanding the policies of this Plan the following existing mobile home parks have been recognized by this Plan and shall be appropriately zoned in the Township's Zoning By-law: i) Lots 23,24,Concession 9,Township of Bayham; ii) Lot 5,Concession 8,Township of Bayham; iii) Lot 13,Concession 2,Township of Bayham. • • It shall be the policy of this plan that an applicant who wishes to develop a mobile home park shall enter into a development agreement with the Township prior to the passing of an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law. Such an agreement shall include: a) Arrangement for buffer planting to effectively screen the proposed development from other residential,commercial or industrial uses whether existing or proposed. b) Installation and maintenance of services; c) Control of drainage on and from the property including storm water management practices; d) Control of the specific use to be made of the property and the location of all facets of the development by a site plan. This site plan shall indicate: i) The true shape,topography,contours,soil and drainage characteristics,dimensions,acreage and location of the property to be developed as well as the extent of adjacent property held for future mobile home park development; ii) The existing use of all land and the location and use of all buildings and structures lying within a distance of 100 metres from the land that is to be developed for the mobile home Park; iii) The location,height,dimensions and use of all buildings or structures existing or proposed to be erected on the property; iv) All entrances and exits; v) Progressive and ultimate development of individual mobile home lots,ancillary facilities and internal roads; vi) Drainage provisions-the method and final grades by which the mobile home park shall be adequately drained,certified by a qualified engineer. 4.3.4 Seasonal travel trailer parks and campgrounds: Seasonal travel trailer parks and campgrounds may be permitted in areas designated Rural-"RCT)"or"R(CG)"on Schedule'A'to this Official Plan. It shall be the policy of this Plan to encourage new seasonal travel trailer • • parks or campgrounds to locate in areas conducive to such development. Such areas should be part of the Otter Creek System,or on the shoreline of Lake Erie where exceptional scenic vista and recreational opportunities exist. In addition to the policies of Section 43.1.4 of this Plan,the following criteria shall be given consideration in the evaluation of proposed seasonal travel trailer parks or campgrounds. a) The park must be arrraeble to a publically maintained opened road which is capable of sustaining vehicular traffic by means of a internal road(s)within the park •; b) The park shall be served by a water supply and sewage disposal systems which meet the requirements of and are approved by the Ministry of the Environment or its designated agent as applicable. The systems design,methods and arrangements for ensuring adequate systems operation,maintenance,and responsibility shall satisfy the Ministry of the Environment; c) The park must be served by utilities and services such as hydro, lighting,storm drainage,and roads provided by the developer. Arrangements for garbage collection and disposal shall be provided by the developer who must use a certified waste disposal carrier to transport wastes to a Ministry of Environment certified disposal site; d) An adequate buffer zone and buffer planting shall be provided to effectively screen the proposed development from neighbouring uses whether existing or proposed; e) the development must have lot sizes in accordance with an acceptable servicing scheme; t) The park must be in operation only during the months of April to October; g) The park must have 5 percent of the gross area designated as a recreational area. The buffer zone shall not be a part of the recreation area. In addition,the 5%park land so designated should be consolidated in one location so that the land set aside for recreation is not dispersed throughout the trailer park area in a number of small plots; • • h) The roads in the park must have a paved or gravel surface and adequate space must be proved to permit cars with trailers to back onto the lots. It shall be the policy of this Plan,that an applicant who wishes to develop a seasonal travel trailer park or campground shall enter into a development agreement with the Township prior to the passing of an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law. Such an agreement shall include: a) The specific use to be made of the property and the location of all facets of the development must be set out in a site plan. This plan should indicate: i) the true shape,topography,contours,soil,dimensions,area and location of the property to be developed as well as the extent of adjacent property held for future development; ii) The existing use of all land and the location and use of all buildings and structures lying within a distance of 120 metres from the land that is to be developed for the development; iii) The location,height,dimensions and use of all buildings or structures existing or proposed to be erected on the property; iv) All entrances and exits; v) Progressive and ultimate development of individual lots, ancillary facilities and internal road(s); vi) Drainage provisions-the method and foal grades by which the development shall be adequately drained,certified by a qualified engineer; vii) The location of any communal wells and subsurface sewage systems both within the proposed development and within a distance of 120 metres from the land that is to be developed. 4.3.5 Recreational and public institutional uses: Recreational uses such as golf courses and driving ranges,swimming areas, and public and private parks may be permitted on lands designated Rural- "R(R)"on Schedule'A'to this Official Plan. • • Similarly,public institutional uses that serve the needs of the community and require a rural location may be permitted on lands designated Rural- 'R(I)"on Schedule'A'to this Official Plan. Notwithstanding the above,it is the intent of this Official Plan to encourage all public institutional uses to locate in existing hamlets where existing services and or amenities exist. Examples of such uses are:schools,religious institutions,meeting halls and cemeteries. In order to protect the surrounding rural lands from the effects of the proposed use,the proposed recreational or institutional use should meet,in addition to the policies of Section of this Plan, the following criteria: a) the road capacity exists for any projected increased traffic flow; b) the topography lends itself to the particular use; c) environmentally sensitive areas are protected; d) solid waste disposal can be taken care of adequately. The water supply,sewage disposal,solid waste disposal and any emission to the environment must meet the requirements of and be approved by the Ministry of the Environment,or their designated agent as applicable. 4.3.6 Commercial uses: Commercial uses may be permitted in areas designated Rural-"R(C)"on Schedule'A'to this Official Plan. The preferred location of such commercial uses is at intersections of arterial roads with Highways No.3 and 19. Commercial uses permitted shall include those commercial uses which rely heavily upon such traffic for their economic existence and such uses may include automobile service stations,public garages and automobile sales agencies,farm machinery sales and service,farm supplies, building supply outlets,convenience stores,motels,drive-in restaurants or other eating establishments and accessory retail uses together with a residence of the owner or caretaker. Retail uses such as grocery stores,clothing and apparel,hardware,drug stores,etc.,as well as shopping centres that would compete for retail sales with the retail facilities of the hamlets will not be allowed in the rural agricultural designation. • • • 4.3.62 In addition to the policies of Section of this Official Plan,the following principles shall govern the development and zoning of commercial uses which shall be included in a Highway Commercial Zone or Rural Commercial in the Township Zoning By-law: a) Commercial uses shall be located on Provincial Highways or improved County Roads subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation or the County Engineer; b) Adequate off-street parking facilities shall be provided; c) Does not require municipal sewer service; • d) Does not require undue extension to a municipal water supply; e) The proposed water supply system and method of sewage treatment and disposal,solid waste disposal and any emissions to the environment shall meet the requirements of,and where necessary, be approved by the Ministry of the Environment or their designated agent; f) Access points to such parking areas shall be limited in number and designed in a manner that will minimize the danger to vehicular and pedestrian traffic,and, g) Adequate buffering shall be provided between the commercial uses and adjacent uses to prevent adverse effects or impacts. Attention shall be paid to adequate buffering and landscaping of parking lots. Commercial uses in locations other than at intersections of arterial roads and Highways No.3 or 19 may be permitted on a limited basis provided they meet all other applicable policies of this Plan,and the Township Zoning By-law regulations for commercial uses. 4.3.7 Industrial uses: Lot 20,Concession 11,in the Township of Bayham has been designated for use as an industrial park. All industrial activity is encourage to locate in this industrial park. MOOIROffiON No. 0NDBI 9ECilON 17(9)OF assebilabsiseat,In general,industrial uses in the Township of Bayham shall 71*PIMPING All.198• include warehousing,processing,manufacturing,assembling and storage. In • • addition,certain other compatible uses may be permitted,including commercial uses accessory to an industrial use and commercial uses primarily servicing the industrial area,and a caretaker's residence. In addition to the policies of Section of this Official Plan,the general principles to be considered in the development and zoning of industrial*tees are as follows: MODIFICATION No. 7 a) The Township Zoning By-law shall provide separate sets of Zone UNDER SECTION 7181 OF Regulations for General Rural Industrial Uses; THE PLANNING ACT,1S&' b) Industries which create adverse off-site environmental effects such as air pollution,odour,noise or generate excessive solid or liquid wastes either in volume or toxicity will not be permitted; c) Does not require municipal sewer service; d) Does not require undue extension to a municipal water supply; e) The proposed water supply system and method of sewage treatment and disposal,solid waste disposal and any emissions to the environment shall meet the requirements of,and where necessary, be approved by the Ministry of the Environment or their designated agent f) Adequate off-street parking will be provided to accommodate industrial employees;does not generate high volumes of vehicular traffic; g) Adequate off-street loading facilities shall be provided;has a low building to lot ratio; h) Adequate buffering shall be provided between the industrial area and adjacent uses to prevent adverse effects or impacts. Attention shall be paid to adequate buffering and landscaping of parking lots. • • 4.4 HAZARD LANDS: 4.4.1 The"Hazard Lands"designation applies to areas which exhibit or potentially exhibit a hazardous condition as a result of their susceptibility to flooding,erosion,subsidence,slumping,inundation or the presence of organic soils or steepslopes. 4.4.2 In the Township of Bayham the boundaries of the"Hazard Lands" designation have been generalized due to the absence of detailed engineered flood line mapping.These areas may be zoned to permit any of the following uses: agriculture,conservation,horticultural nurseries, forestry,wildlife areas,public or private parks,and other outdoor recreational activities. In such cases,the location of buildings and structures for purposes other than flood or erosion control will be regulated through the provisions of the Township Zoning By-law after Township Council has consulted the appropriate Conservation Authority where applicable. 4.4.3 Buildings and Fill: No buildings and structures shall be permitted on hazard lands except where such buildings,structures or fill are intended for flood or erosion control and are approved by the Township Council,the Conservation Authority,and the Ministry of Natural Resources. 4.4.4 Flood Control Work: Whenever any flood control or other works are undertaken which result in changes in any area designated as"Hazard Lands",such changes will be incorporated into the Land Use Plan,Schedules'A'by an amendment to this Plan. 4.4.5 Land Dedication Under the Planning Act: Where new development is proposed on a site,part of which is designated as"Hazard lands"in the plan,then such hazard land shall not necessarily be acceptable as part of the dedication for park purposes as required under the Planning Act,1983. All lands dedicated to the municipality shall be conveyed in a physical condition satisfactory to the municipality. When an open watercourse is involved,adequate space shall be provided for maintenance and operations. • • 4.4.6 Setbacks and Lotlines: Building setbacks will be imposed from the margins of hazard lands in relation to the kind,extent and severity of the existing and potential hazards after consultation with the appropriate Conservation Authority. 4.4.7 Consideration of Amendments: Where any land designated as"Hazard Lands"is under private ownership, the Plan does not intend that this land will necessarily remain as hazard land indefinitely,nor shall it be construed as implying that such land is free and open to the general public or that the land wt'g be purchased by the municipality or any other public agency. Applications for the redesignation of"Hazard Lands"for other purposes may be considered by the Township Council after consultation with the appropriate Conservation Authority and various Ministries or agencies and after consideration of the following: a) the existing physical hazards; b) the potential impacts of these hazards; c) the proposed methods by which these impacts may be overcome in a manner consistent with accepted engineering techniques and resources management practices,and d) the costs and benefits in monetary,social and biological value in terms of any engineering works and/or resource management practices needed to overcome these impacts. There is no public obligation,however,either to redesignation or to purchase any area designated"Hazard Lands"particularly if there is an existing or potential hazard that would be difficult or costly to overcome and furthermore,any studies or plans required by the Township or Conservation Authority must be prepared for the applicant/landowner at his own expense. • • 4.4.8 Valley Walls and Top of Bank: a) Valley walls and banks adjacent to the actual flood plain in the "Hazard Lands"designation may be subject to erosion or instability due to soil and slope characteristics. In many cases,these lands also possess unique physical features which further warrant their preservation. b) Valley walls and the top of bank shall be considered to extend from the flood plain to a distance of 30 metres from the top of bank of all flood plain areas. c) Lands in the valley walls and top of bank areas are intended primarily for the preservation of the natural landscape. Such uses as agriculture,outdoor recreation,nursery gardening,forestry,public or private parks,or other outdoor recreation functions,may be permitted. d) The erection of buildings,grading,or any other construction may be undertaken in this zone provided that: i) Engineering reports are prepared at the cost of the owner/applicant to ensure that the proposed construction will not be endangered by possible erosion or land slippage and that adequate tableland exists to ensure proper sewage servicing. ii) The development is compatible with the natural landscape and does not adversely alter the valley features or result in extensive clearing of wooded areas. iii) Written permission is received from the appropriate Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. 4.4.9 Lake Erie Shoreline: a) The Lake Erie shoreline area is a strip of land immediately adjacent to Lake Erie that is influenced by erosion and may present a hazard to any structures within this area. For the purpose of the Official Plan the hazard land will begin at the normal waterline and extend for a distance'D"calculated from the following formula: D = 3h+100r • • D = Setback(in metres) h = Elevation above lake level(metres) Lake level is elevation 173.85 metres ASL(GSC datum)(average for last ten(10)years in November to March) 100 = Constant representing 100 years of protection r = Rate of erosion in metres per year at the point under consideration. The"r'value is determined by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. b) The policy of this Official Plan is to allow structures within this area only if the erosion at the building site in question has been decreased to zero by a stabilization project. Such stabilization project must be: i) Designed and supervised by a registered Professional Engineer at the landowner's expense; ii) Approval by the Township Council after consultation with the appropriate Conservation Authority and the Ontario Ministry on Natural Resources. c) In some cases,buildings and structures may be erected closer to the waterline than the distance calculated through the application of the formula in subsection 4.4.9 a)of this Plan. Such buildings and structures may be associated with water-related uses such as marinas,docks and boathouses,and in all cases,the erection or expansion of all such buildings and structures shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate Conservation Authority. 4.4.10 The following policies will apply for developing any proposed development on the Lake Erie shoreline or the bank of natural watercourses: a) New development which will initiate or increase existing erosion rates of the floodplain,valley walls and Lake Erie shoreline will not be permitted. • • b) On the Lake Erie shoreline,the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources will also be secured before Council gives favourable consideration to any shoreline-related development. c) No new development including buildings and other structures will be permitted on the toe of slope if it is unstable and susceptible to erosion. Slope stabilization measures shall be undertaken in accordance with the advice of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. 4.4.11 Docks and Waterfront Structures Docks,waterfront and marina structures on property abutting water shall: a) be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority; b) be designed,constructed and maintained in a manner which contributes to the amenity of the Township; c) be capable of withstanding damaging storms,ice and high water conditions; d) not contain sanitary facilities unless connected to municipal sewers; e) be located so as not to interfere with navigation or aids to navigation; f) be constructed and placed so as to minimize the impact on natural vegetation and topography; g) not contain any residential accommodations. • • 4S CONSERVATION LANDS: 4.5.1 The areas of exceptional scenic and recreational value,and geographic and environmental significance throughout the planning area,and particularly along the Lake Erie shoreline,should be preserved and/or developed in order to maintain their inherent environmental and scenic values. 4.5.2 Any development in areas of exceptional scenic or recreational value should be regulated so that its impact will not detract from the natural environmental character of the area. Proper forest resource management procedures should be adhered to and all tree removal should be done in accordance with the Elgin County Tree Cutting By-law. 4.5.3 The major areas of scenic and recreational value should be accessible to the public. 4.5.4 Initiate a shoreline set back policy which will protect any new development from the hazards of erosion and flooding along Lake Erie. 4.5.5 The"Conservation Lands"designation shall mean that the predominant use of the land shall be for the preservation and enjoyment of significant natural resources such as: - water resources unique vegetation or wildlife habitats - valuable recreation resources - historic sites - designated outdoor recreation areas - any natural resources the community and/or the Conservation Authority deems to be important as an environmental asset to the area. 4.5.6 The designation is distinct from hazard land,in that a physical environmental hazard may not be present. • • 4.5.7 Where lands designated for conservation are in private ownership,this Plan does not intend that any particular parcel will necessarily remain in this category indefinitely,nor does the Plan imply that any conservation areas are free and open to the general public or will be purchased at any time by the municipality or other public agency. If any application is made to the municipality to change the designation of conservation lands,the municipality will first determine if the land is required for public purposes and if it can be purchased by the municipality or other public agency. If the land is not to be purchased,then the municipality may give consideration to the proposed amendment to the Plan. 4.5.8 Areas designated for conservation may have accessory buildings on a seasonal basis but no permanent buildings shall be used. • 4.5.9 Existing residences and/or agricultural operations in conservation areas may be maintained to permit the existing use. • • 4.6 MINERAL RESOURCE AREAS: 4.6.1 The"Mineral Resource Areas"designation,as shown on Schedule"A"to the Official Plan,shall mean that the predominant use of land shall be for the extraction and processing of aggregate resources,including a wayside pit,and the exploration and extraction of natural gas and petroleum resources. Also to be permitted in the"Mineral Resource Areas" designation are agricultural and agriculturally-related uses which do not limit the future viability of the site for the extraction of mineral resources and which are conducted in accordance with the policies contained in Section 4.2 of this Plan. 4.6.2 A new pit or quarry operation will not require an amendment to this plan provided that: a) it is located within the area designated as"Mineral Resource Areas" on Schedule'A'to this Plan; b) it complies with the policies of this Plan. 4.6.3 All proposals for new pit or quarry operations to be located outside of the areas designated as"Mineral Resource Areas"on Schedule'A'to this Plan will require an amendment to this Plan. In considering an application for an amendment to this Plan,regard shall be had to the policies contained in subsections 4.6.1,4.6.2,and 4.6.6 of this Plan. 4.6.4 Where lands are shown on Schedule'A'to this Plan as being located within the"Mineral Resources Areas"designation,such designation does not in itself constitute full and final municipal approval for the opening of a new pit or quarry. Every new pit or quarry operation will require an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law. Prior to the enactment of an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law regard shall be had to the following matters: a) the potential for any land use conflicts which may be created by the proposed use,including conflicts with the natural environment,for example,floodplain and hazard lands,and conservation lands; b) the ability of local roads to accommodate expected levels of truck traffic; • • c) a site plan,complete with information as required by the Pits and Quarries Control Act,and any regulations made pursuant to such Act including Ontario Regulation 545)71,or any other pertinent and applicable provincial legislation or regulations; d) the overall timing and necessity of the operation in relation to other pit and quarry operations in the local area. e) the extraction of natural gas and petroleum be in full compliance with the Petroleum Resources Act,1971. Pit and quarry operations,including those involving the processing of aggregate materials at the actual extraction site,will generally be prohibited within proximity of any adjoining property which is: • a) designated as"Hamlet"as shown on Schedules"A"to this Plan; b) zoned for residential purposes; c) used for residential purposes in association with an agricultural use except where such residential use is the residence of,or is owned by, the pit or quarry operator/applicant 4.65 All extractive uses shall satisfy the requirements of the appropriate regulatory agency with respect to matters of water supply,the taking of water,the disposal of liquid wastes and the control of air pollution, including noise. 4.6.6 Official Plan and Zoning By-taw amendments will not be required for wayside pits. A Township Road Superintendent,the County Engineer, officials from neighbouring municipalities,and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation or their agents,may use any land,except those located in the road right-of-way,for the extraction and processing of road-building materials for the construction of public road purposes by use of wayside pits. Such pits are to be used on a temporary basis only and are intended solely for use on a particular construction project. Wayside pits are subject to a permit administered by the Pits and Quarries Control Act. Prior to the opening of a wayside pit,a statement that the pit,in the opinion of the Township Road Superintendent,the County Engineer or the District Engineer of the Ministry of Transportation qualifies as a wayside pit shall be forwarded to the Township Council. • • 4.6.7 In reviewing applications for the creation of new lots or the alteration of existing lots,regard shall be had to the applicable policies contained in this Official Plan as amended. In addition,the creation of new lots or the alteration of existing lots which may have the effect of reducing the viability of an existing or potential aggregate extraction operation will not be permitted within the"Mineral Resource Area"designation. 4.6.8 Where a pit or quarry operation has ceased,the subject lands will be rehabilitated in accordance with Section 3.16.4 of the Food Land Guidelines of the Province of Ontario as amended and may only be used for those purposes specified in Subsection 4.6.1 of the Plan. An application for an Official Plan amendment to permit a use or uses other than those permitted in subsection 4.6.1 of this Plan will be gives due consideration but only after documentation has been prepared and presented by the operator,operator/applicant,which shows that one of the following conditions exists; a) the subject lands have been exhausted of all aggregate resources;or, b) any aggregate material remaining on-site is not capable of being extracted economically and/or feasibly. 4.6.9 Notwithstanding Section 4.63 of this Plan,Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments will not be required for the removal or levelling of hills containing aggregate material for the purpose of increasing or improving lands for agricultural uses provided that no excavation takes place below the average grade of land surrounding the hill. Such removal sites are to be used on a temporary basis only and are subject to a permit administered by the Pits and Quarries Control Act. u) That the remaining Sections of 43 Urban Uses,and the entire Sections of 4.4 Site Plan Control,4.5 Electric Power Facilities,4.6 Group Homes,as amended in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham are renumbered 4.7,4.8,4.9 and 4.10 respectively. Towns Z.• Bayham,is hereby amended by changing from M001FlCA110N "Agriculture"to :-R(M)",those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attac. .hedule`A'which schedule shall No. b ..e par '0 this A.v.,ni, MIR SECTION 17(91 OF THF PLANNING AOI.Ica? • • iv) R(ivf)". .. .-used,developed and zoned in accordance with the policies o -:on 43.7 of the Official Plan,Industrial Us pcG.i.s,as aw, . . MODIFICATION No. I S b UNDER SECTION 17(9)OF TNF PLANNING ACI,198? • II IL 87 • 1e�IIII��iE ���i r f�' SCHEDULE A '` ��Lt i ���???!!! ,Igii11 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE 1111111If''� 1 �I�'•�.� TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM t2 1,i1i FUTURE LAND USE 11011-000110,04=..........„ `���..!' AMENDMENT N0.8: wok � ' ,05[nwGED ...ILRICY ..„ ���' ET i0'InWSiRt ISL' 'II" !Alplappl� / sl'IIii j ADricu0nr. HIED*ey Commerclel I II "41101 ii a 111140101441141111411'.4 , � 1111 AOnerel fl..Duro.MDee ''''clel HIDDre" 1111140 11 ' 411 � Ili1l dIIIIHiialiii1111111114111011411b, 111lPI ~441111111 SOF 1 0... 1604144 • • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULENBn AMENDMENT NO.87 1 , TOWN OF TILLSONBURG JUNCTION OO. 1\ II ..C, i /- " C ( ( ! /T Il _\. Il* . l is 2s .�,. CONCESSI0;+.- 1 9 di l ) / II '5:,-o *a o ',,i Lor-)B �.Cot'19 , ,.LOT.'2d I. ry t, (-- 1.21_ - ,� x L/C % o~i"e t T Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of NaturalResources ®SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDINGS WOODLOT ■ GARAGES/SHEDS/KILNS 0 250m BOOm NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. Beale:1:10,000 • • CRL1 As Q,.P. AMENDMENT NUMBER 87 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: COMPREHENSIVE AMENDMENT TO REVISE THE RURAL POLICIES OF THE OFFICIAL.PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 34 OP 0158 087 The following teat and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 87 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham • • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No.87 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No.2605,in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT,on the 18th day of April,1991. REEVE V CLERg BY-LAW NO.2605 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT,hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No.87 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 87 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. TI-IAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 18th day of April,1991 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No.2605 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. la2vA— d CLERK OR/6�1✓n. , o P 7-AK N Y7 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NATHAN BY-LAW NO. 2606 BEING a By-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed for part of Lots 119 and 120, Concession North Talbot Road being Part 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 11R4611, in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS there is an abandoned roadway being part of Lots 119 and 120, Concession North Talbot Road in the Township of.Bayham, said roadway being considered a part of the lands of Mitchell Farms Limited for several years. AND WHEREAS Mitchell Farms Limited has applied for a severance of a portion of the lands in said Lots 119 and 120, being Parts 1 and 2 and 3 on Plan 11R4611, Part 2 and 3 being the said abandoned roadway, in favour of David Ward Mitchell and Barbara Jean Mitchell. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to Quit Claim ownership of the said abandoned roadway. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAINAN: 1) That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed in favour of David Ward Mitchell and Barbara Jean Mitchell releasing any claim or interest in the lands and premises described as Part 2 and 3 on Plan 11R4611. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18TH DAY OF APRIL, 1991 22: . � �'� 4/- REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYNAM BY-LAW NO. 2464 BEING a Bylaw to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed for part of Lot 120, North Talbot Road being Part 2 on Plan 11R3780, in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS there is an abandoned roadway being part of Lot 120 North Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham, said roadway being considered a part of the lands of Mitchell Farms Limited for several years. AND FP-..REAS Mitchell Farms Limited has applied for a severance of a portion of the lands in said Lot 120, being Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 1183780, Part 2 being the said abandoned roadway, in favour of David Ward Mitchell and Barbara Jean Mitchell. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to Quit Claim ownership of the said abandoned roadway. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM: • 1) That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed in favour of David Ward Mitchell and Barbara Jean Mitchell releasing any claim or interest in the lands and premises described as Part 2 on Plan 11R3780. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF MAY, 1989. REEV£ I:l A.PETRIE,Cleric of the COP.PCRATION CLERK of the TOW:'51-.1?of R r 1`1,',Co hereby certify I I th f.re,12,1a it o:",,'':Y of certify d}ra::ad by C Il.of the said PORA11O11 on. the ix.DAY of -la< 19. , ora rw' Transfer/Deed of Land A -\ form 1—Lena Reylstrellon Reform Act.1904 N(aMEtER 1 i It)Registry Q lane Title.❑ 121 Pege 1 of 2 pages C@RTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Ig)Ieler(e) Block Property 89 SEP 7 P2: 38 1 x k r1 (4)Consideration N.11 T �� TWO 'oollarei 2.00. I . AND RE,)MAN 151 DescrlPtion 100 a e'. P100,00 PrapeOy owieion D Con:.%.,on❑ Part Lot 120, Concession North of the Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, County of New Property ldenlifiel, Elgin, designated as PART 2 on Reference Plan O 11R-3780. O ecMWNI ❑ Eaeculgn. Addlrbnsr 9cnedub 0 TMs oamant lar Reaescriphon lb)Schedule for: 0)Interest/Estate Transferred DNew Easement 004111onal Fee Sim. Conran. PANSxelch 0 Description❑ Parties ❑ Other 0 le)Trwwferons)The trends.hereby band.the lana to the transferee end certifies the!the transferor is at least eighteen reel,Old 1 M trial Dale of Sg.. Namelef Signetur010 v N D Rve 15 ,7HE.CORPOR.ALION.OF..LHE.TOW.NSHIP OF '�>•V5)Y1e k.C.I:111I2..... 000908...4.0. .1.5 .BA.Y.HAM Cla�rk 1989 05 15 -Sac( l tt-le. • `(0)Spou.Ns)of Transferors)I hereby consent to this transaction Dale of Signature Nom.) Si900000U) r N 0 (lg)Tom,nicee)Aedr00 Municipal Offices, Straffordville, Ontario. NOJ 100. (l,)Tnn.lereete) Dale 0101 Birth V D .MI.TCHELL,.D.arid.Wa.r.d 195A iaA.iI.I. .MI7.;H44x.B4_rbra..I,e,aO 1951..0t3 I2. Joint Tenants. ' I1ajr,enTr"ddree. P.O. Box 201, Straffordville, Ontario. 005 1Y0. (19)Tnneterorle)The transferor verities that to Me best of 1l,1,00010,0,0 knowledge and belie?.this transfer does not conlrarene section d9 0l the Plennlnp Ad.1961. Dale of 5Li . 0,10015D0ulu1, Signature.. .. ... ..... ..1 r... N. . . Signature ! y . 9010110,for Trenaterorls)I have explained the ellecl01 section[901 he Planning Act.1030 toihe transferor arid I have made Inquiries of the transferor i end bele?,this gd to determine thet ander does not contraves bender does not ne lel 0ecevene hat tgn.Ilion and am an Ont 010 sold on icitor tormstion in good Mending.ad by t0,Iremferor.to t0,best of my oll�lure O Her.end v D O 5/error ressof Signature 114)Soticitor loo Tmnsfereels)I hew Inveeligeled Ins IIII,I.o this lend end In.51411,14 lend where mevanl and I nm sellatled Inst the title records Y gy{y{ reel no oes n of c.tn es eel our In suoelauee 49121,1(ct 101 of tae Pinning independently of he sInst to the heel el my knowledgpee arnd Seller Iris g Etransfer does not caning.a section 8001 In Planning Act 1969.1 eel lndenentlenlly of the solicitor for the Iranelerors)Sfila I em an Ontario L.r- solicitor In good standing. A sae Name and O,le of SDgnaturee *04,015)010,01 iii 50 n Signature (15)Assessment Roll Number 1 Cry. M e. ( 0m. 00,1end Tea o1 Property 1 1nl Mw I s1 1 NOT ASSESSED >I16)Municipal Add..of Properly (1f)Document Prepared 1,K Registration Fee a o2 w Land Transfer Tax RRN1, . Groom and Szorenyi, Straffordville, P.O. Box 176. u Ontario. NOJ 1Y0. Tillsonburg, Ontario. o N4G 4H5. - -- All -- as — WO.MU14by SHV UPN oT1E3u0 •binquosii Fy .N00lu040I30 01 9LT 000 "0"1 sio3T3TTOS PRO sIaisT11EH 'ON NOLLtltl1SIO3tl TAualozs pee woo1•J 1..®.0111043330100.1 ,01)01t0.,34puln V0.0 l00alwlPw.•.la••N '3 01„3.0,1.10.3 ®ON O' '.43•111'001 0.3 4.40000111101010000..D001111) •0003, 100 alv.wurwla,0611*,IwN1101131°.0uan.,uo.40441olaaul*+vaw0latl In '0 •001 PON •01101,10 •aiTTAp1O33a13s •li'H'H 4.N...490433030ww,04 010100u0.0OV.4104013.u..ntl10•.0I>o0•,nln1+°Ilaal"•,PD•01II10W '0 •p30090NO 39A 301) a.0.3 031p14l11.n•wyun •001 CON •OTzegu0 •aiiTAp1o33e13S •TII•H•H 10.3.3°•4""°'"1•°I' °'Io s3'vwm '0 a310EAoAuO3 .luewluvul l°o+nl0+w10.0 'V 12.1004011.0001.1.00014404041.5 _ 3130 NV 6110.1 ml 3.3330.0.30 ))....7"...11y7:7171/ 68 el x0 oAuno om pm;x0 301 d3uno0' 3310 bmquosTTTI 3o umoy w10000oo41o,04.s VAN '434zu1'w01,0un...Pu.q,vuw+0110 • .ON P.0u•mwnaua Au.O.1W.pull*4101.1301.003.1 unl.444003 NO 11• 01444 4.1.1-.04.4 a ueA1Auu,, YOgara•.0'4.114330.10300.011.1*pus 9019001 W m0.11101110.4n4.u0110I30ON..P'1401130040011009100311 00"L $ NOIlV113015NO01101010) iTO i SAO.I0)m(0/011.0010.1100 000103, Ill ITO $ 1343...10.10.1'0 _,0.0 01...91 4.0110ag 1.140...*10610 10.0+111'S1311tl1)0 1110 40 31111011(41 •+a. 00•t s 00.2-i (011101031.1L x1011431310010(0101 01103/0/15 11100000 ow 53001%13'0301110,'ON11 30 3111101NI. iTe $ IOwp..,011.101.un1 pun 01400111.u0ap1P.u00.14.n1.A 0410111 uI3•011 ITU S O.Ign.1+11[u31"o141*01•.1.00001lol uloo 91*1u111000.'1.p.031•.11)1)l) .4444 _ ITO 9 4013.40 l0 m1*10310101,090.00.11110$10) Mr. 0,0141.1.0).61.43.0uI p. p) iTe $ ,0Pu001'pee emu WI N .. 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". CAU ION,47.z.v...,:t wrtrz.zzer.:—.--- PART SCHEDULE ..,,q, L 0 T CON /NOT rchows,e, ,420 2 1. .•a_1.0A•0421,x 02 2.21.012 81.2.••• a PT--/011 ..-MT.... 2,2-.T -r '"''.' ..."....''..... 1:..17,1: LT,= . . 't • , FLAIL 0 f SURVEY"Of ' PART OF LOTS 119 and 120 CONCESSION NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • . • COUNTY OF ELGIN • ' . ..- I . . .,., A 04 S h•JSTEO OL S \ . ,S. ....I .C, V . ..r_ . i . ,‘ . . ) • • SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE X _ "' FL4::::::::::i itr.r••=:..r:::',,,:zr.t.r::,,' , •, '004 4,,•kr(1 0•00 22•01.12•0 00 nn 00 040,Of 0401,.ft.. ,2 • ‘...', . .,, NOTES 1 ,.,-00411k.,4.4,0000•0/010.0 400 44444 nte.To,ne. . .. .• 2...2•••••244,..or x•••+,00•* .• • 70 t Ct. . '.;..., .• t • LEGEND 5.0 01.62.02. •••••44.4.nom.up • 02.22•11 Ia.oho .-1.-. 9 11,1111,{10117111s. 02••02 neon 01.n•.•0 ••., PART 3 ,s1,11‘ , 04011 0•••02.25 •1 001222 Q..2 -.. 0••• • r... • .ne• ..' 12,.• ? i . '4",'' -' ! ; I t ."• . . v0. ••• „, .‘ ..' v: s as: ,..71-",•; ..I: \.* NMI I... • i. -.7,14 1 Vt/ ... • $ PACT : I I IT* 4$ 4," k tt4 ,....._!\ ,LAN ,R• 37IC 'Ss:I,. ...,, '. V ,_____:,.,:ii I,,''''' , .1.......0_,..7____,—• ., •_•___, ---- # •5.2MI 1•2 00 KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR TA_ROT ROAD / ,,,, SO•OX 0,0,T•L.S0.0213,021,2421,0,NP•FPO ' P.N.sit •42-SIM lima NU PROJECT, TIO•,SOS REFERENCE 14 I-I libim • . t,;:•„ '•,„ Nh 4% , . ..•' . . i i.•.,.., :, . • , . • "..‘ ...., 1" g' ''- 4 . 4 A' i . A .., t e a . NOC1 . . ......... o , . -.0 . ., d , .; . ,• -; - . .... • -.. ., ":. .. ..,' .. ,. •: , . .. , 13 si.,.... m 1 . . • 44 .." - e ••10., . •4.- • . <I, - -• e i . , / 1 - . s, Bayham Township By— Laws • A By-Laws #2607 --#2648 1991 , 4, t,.4, . '7;,..,,,,.._1, Ry- !:.:. ,#.76r z�##m4/8(1 q?1) - 4 403- 44- 36rs - 9, 21(d- +.a633 -P ! -, � ;b.o8 X614 alias .263`/ abs 0601 s6l7- ,2616 - 1435 ...'2o - —3 ,2C-../0 ,?618 ‘,24. 7 �b36 �6js � 6 �cA <241°I aba 37c 1 ;,2 gb� X638 6tI 6�y 639 2Z•L? ;^ ,2 � I'D- x'6 21 a 6 y o �;6, 13 ,PC.2 - ab 3'2- ,), . 6 (Li AL1 1 nCGLGY #ab o — �„ o ma,„ rQ �� a, d C l„k_ -4, ,er" r t ex+ -'f'rn 1(Ti/'f=-Rn A>r; l /8, I' `1/ , 608 — To 2rn{,rr. 0 /f t1* 6) do“,r r 4'6 / L/0 — 7o kav Fe Q.ti Vr o /�+ A/1 a+ Maj 16, I94/ 01 /0A — -Ftz / 11` rrs xr�br ov. 1G+-q r.q..cxvr.ru 4. r t'l, r re 1,Cu'f'+an i,311 �o (o — To r �l g -la..�# a (f4 iJ , a ( !9 9 rept," l Ei4 , # 1q- -7o r/ SAI g -/a.., * iZS3a T 6 , 199 / a6 I S -r re-p2a_I 6j -#.2539 Tu. 6, I X19 / T--.a 6 17 - -r; ra � 1 grtj -lam # a-559 91 / a 4 I$ - To re face I 41-lam 4 -57 o ,, / 9 / (9 - T r.R ea_1 B�-la-# a5B3 .T,.,., 6 , /9/1 ao - To rzf -'-/ Bey -�a�) 4-.2585 7 _a 6, l99 / <,26r.fAal Bey - law �1asso T 6, 199 / 6 a - To rcza 1 Bel-la-3 -#.2555 T 6, 1991 nzie / (•j- 6 33 r-ef-e_a / — Z, /99 / - / -/6 / ii Q24,?/. - "7-0rp / ey- # 4, 19 9 I •,2 6 -7, - / -la,...) 4 .1-5Y 6, /99/ =28- c, 11 c+a-7,s 6,r 4, - o - r/s 1 , g 41-. 00)- cL LA4 r.efr t ofcl (V a D, 19q 0 CO -c.r- Gt.I 0-4- C.o ‘,20,1191 - Cor. r :7) 33_ -To I / I 111/ a C 3 - "ro 44-28 44. JLI .-3 / / i c2,4,35 _ -Ta y ska II 6 3 — -77:) r 0 // ar-1 r, 1411 15, 1911 ; 3E — 11 -1 5, 111 I "ro c., 11 26'40 - fp J el-/2J4 7pr.v,.Q4. os‘s4r ( o-r r bra Alo. / Oc4bL. / 7I 0261/411- c.%6 7 q -H. off, ( t, t rhs-_ 0. /t 0.0 1 n r CO r I Oc±ObA-r 3, /'19 / To �t, ,��_ It Com , I Qac l b/ba.�- fl 7-, /99/ / ;,�, �I c.f — l a •t."t.?� y-'+..a Cn S `R) I M F4 ft/ rt�.kS e f ,� ui : ,0-I -E 0 amt 11q / f . (;,,r Oc-i • ,_ , ) 9, t 99/ 6 — To His a /� 4a P1a...ro,. =Imo. ( 7r R P+ Lo� /s, C�onc 2� ,? b i 1 — b•�.-Yfi t>, G - y_Yx,. CLe,K +" d&od--. -. "16`18 — �4�, tea„ I C.rev, r, � Abu _! C /I�o✓c.* �� 7�, t 9 9/ CORPORATLOR_Qr_$E TaWRSRIP OF BMW BY-LAN NO. 2607 BEING a by-law to authorize the purchase of land at Lot 20. Concession 11. In the Township of Bayham for road widening purpose. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has entered into an Agreement with 710955 for the purchase of lands at Lot 20, in Concesseion 1. and designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R- 4595. AND WHEREAS the said Agreement sets out the area to be purchased, the sum in payment thereof, survey costs, as well as supply of culverts and replacement of trees. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with 710955 Ontario Limited for the purchase of those lands designated as Part 2, on Reference Plan 11R-4595, said Agreement to be attached to and form a part of this by-law designated as Schedule 'A' hereto. 2) THAT the aforesaid lands, when duly conveyed to the Corporation, be designated as a part of the municipal road system (known as Bayham Drive). 3) THAT the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to make payment of the sum Fifteen hundred dollars (51500.00) in accordance with the said Agreement. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TRIS 18TH DAY OF APRIL, 1991. 10/ REEVE f CLERK SCIIRDII.E ^6' To DY-LAW NO. 26 or • THIS AOREKNF.NT Made in duplicate this 18th day of April 1991 In pursuance to purchase property described as Lot 20, Concession 11 of Daphne Township for road widening purposes. b E T N E F. N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DAYHAM - and - 710955 ONTARIO LIMITED WHEREAS the parties hereto agree that the following conditions apply to this agreement: (a) 710955 Ontario Ltd. to sell to the Township a piece of land situated on the westerly boundary of the given road allowance (known an Dayham Drive) for the num of $1,500.00 (b) This strip of land to be 16.5' in width and run the full length of the property owned by 710955 Ontario Ltd. an indicated on reference plan 116-9595 Part 2 (c) All survey costa pertaining to this property purchase to be paid by 710955 Ontario Ltd. (d) The Township agrees to supply one culvert for the existing driveway and 710955 Ontario Ltd. will supply and place culvert on the newly created driveway. (e) Trees existing on the property line are to be removed by 710955 Ontario Ltd. and new trees arc to he planted by the Township. IN WITNESS WhEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto set theii hands and seals. (�' SICNED, SEALED, DELIVERED r`u Lt„6_-y�-.-'..p',( Roovc IN TME PRESENCE OF C10:0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYIIAM 77/tl 'if,.n�X4e.c .V.m,ceV SCIIROIILE •A' TO BY-LAW NO. 26197 THIS AGREEMENT Made in duplicate this lath day of April 1991 In pursuance to purchase property described as Lot 20, Concession 11 of Bayham Township for road widening purposes. B E T W E F' NI THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - and - 710955 ONTARIO LIMITED WHEREAS the parties hereto agree chat the following conditions apply to this agreement: (a) 710955 Ontario Ltd. to sell to the Township a piece of land situated on the westerly boundary o' the given road allowance (known as Bayham Drive) for the sum of $1,500.00 (h) This strip of land to be 16.5' in width and run the full. length of the property owned by 710955 Ontario Ltd. an indicated on reference plan 11R-4595 Part 2 (c) All survey coats pertaining to this property purchase to be paid by 710955 Ontario Ltd. (d) The Township agrees to supply one culvert for the existing driveway and 710955 Ontario Ltd. will supply and place culvert on Lhe newly created driveway. (e) Trees existing on the property line are to be removed by 710955 Ontario Ltd. and new trees are to he planted by the Township. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED ��- Reeve IN THE PRESENCE Ol' ZIn Ck THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF 0001100 7b9cr r urse ,h7). V • • APPENDIX 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING •2191 • Minutes of Council meeting held January 3, 1991 continued Delegations continued to see the trees adjacent to his property remain as he felt they did not pose a threat to the'street. Council advised that they would consider his request and take a second look at the matter. Mr. Allan Veitch who resides at Con. 9 Pt Lot 11 meets with Council to discuss his concerns to recent charges he received for repairs made to the Stewart Drain. Mr. Veitch advised about his concerns regarding the cost of this repair and also any future repairs that may be requested. He felt that problems could arise with property owners not properly maintaining their property which would lead to fture problems on a drain that would he costly to other property owners within the drainage area. Council advised that the Township should be advised when these problems become evident so that action can be taken to avoid a costly repair job. Mr. Jack Petrie was present on behalf of Mr. George Lysy and Steve Sas, who have applied for aof 20 hectares from his property located on Concession NTRe Lota 121 & 122. Council advised that they had no concerns regarding this application. Mr. Lloyd Cowan, presented a report on the activities of the Long Point Region Conservation Area which affects the Bayham Township. Mr. Cowan advised that the authority is presently seeking to increase controls on development in wooded areas. On another matter concerning a drainage ditch along his property on No. 19 highway, Mr. Cowan was advised that Mr. Spriet, the Township drainage engineer would be contacted regarding this matter. Mr. Paul Hinde, Township Planning Consultant was present to discuss various matters concerning the Township Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws. Discussion took place regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment and the results of meetings with the various Provincial Ministers. Mr. Hinde advised that the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food were not completely satisfied with the proposals. It was decided to try to arrange a further meeting with them in the near r future. Mr. Hinde was requested to see if he could arrange such ameeting. Mr. Hinde then discussed the Ontario Municipal Board decision regarding the hearing dealing with Mr.Therrien's application. Conditions of the decision were discussed in detail. The matter of fees By-Law was presented and recommended by Mr. Hinde in light of the costs involved when planning and zoning matters are appealed. Mrs. Ruby Millard was present to discuss with council the matter regarding the severance application she had made on her property. This application had not been granted as it did not meet the requirements of the Township Zoning By-Law. During the discussion it appeared that an error as to lot size was made on Mrs. Millard's application and that the frontage was stated incorrectly. Mrs. Millard was advised to check into this matter. Reeve Chute declared a public meeting to deal with a proposed Official Plan Amendment for the Township of Bayham pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act 1981. Mr. Paul Hinde, the Township Planning Consultant conducted the meeting for it's entirety. A number of Township residents were in attendance for the meeting. Mr. Hinde explained to those present, the reasons for this Amendment and the effect it will have on the present official Plan. Comments w th.. From en- public regarding this Amendment and a question and answer period was then conducted with Chore present. No objections were received from those present nor was there any written comments or objections received. The public meeting was teen declared closed at 3:40 P.M. • I • • APPENDIX 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING Zr ,: _}�- •_a ped n m. ereatna her redo rigs nso and so. r'.+>'�' - Dus was gtvm[wo monmsto pay i I crthurg etas i t C S roma f f�a.t me ti s ` / �..CO .a.._._ti_,- Obscene I/ �tiM alba ri Thomas Batsongena..z,.of Non cA rr • Stephen Ongena.b t Broadway. f f(4qfft tttNt V RRO S .dna C nl onion g dna Robert mak..19. �yYr RR s.Aylmer.pleaded guilty to a FLOOR&WALL Women YOUR Gift ran Joint charge or wilful damage neer drays be Unieae.' fl.pee. 142 Sro me SL,Tilsonb rg The charge was laid Oct.18 after CJI for m Appoinono. Batson and three dine amusMa 842.2833 or 842-3170 $42.6647 protea road sign outside C1FF LOANS '—' ,rrowrovdleaar mm a parked the windshield of vehicle pahed near PUBLIC MEETING a erowruvdle residence The fourth m eceld of opted to parked hid CONCERNING A plea until he could get legal aid PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT „PZ cl Tom Heaney ea- 7`,.,,d,,,„,,„....Wed m • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM um between me owner d car r 1 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the aOng earlier medsy.whaw &O/ rg gem8 vasa rot hshly their ei Township of Bayham will hold a pudic meeting on Thursday, u m itati0citiaom —•.. .i.4 , C ° Januapf'sdl$5991 a[13b.p�Tr.. the Township Oliee inStraf dieb..minds,Neecey cold the e. •.nc.r , I , `r T, -roroviWjgconsideraoQr!oopyoQood Onioia'Plan AmenOmentpursuantJ bweencto I�ym®waa�t 1 'W seQ61(Y7 OI th0 P15Mti1YQ XCI,'T997.— u the judge wanted confirmation aT The purpose of the proposed amendment is to revise the noel the damage smock.policies of the Official Pan of the Township of Bayham. Damage The elect of this amendment would be to improve the level of 95 64, interpretation and implementalen of the Township's Official Plan Key vioel.hid Spring We.Who and to bring this plan into greater cordormay a number of Provincial hoepindedgwlryonNov.itomak- ��e ��� I concerns. ing ation aod-w orderdaus take po icY t3.month suspended sentence with ANY rvASONS may tt tion the s pudk meeting pesth make a pontoon anli gas direrte to take Repose veroal tnent.entalpn Vl SuppoRol Orin OppOeaipn lolne uch cpvueaag as direcud by the proposed amendment. probation ofnar. vaor was,l ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Official ordered to paY a fa surcharge d dee gt' 5Nan.00 p.mama ToavalaMlelorinspectice on Highway 1 am and charge. °f°m°cult. a. 5-00 p.m.althe Townshia Ladoga ectian between t Highway mtraf- Wow.given 3adaya Wpey the sur iS� • IOrWige. call Me oaperanAug.e DATED al the Township of Bayham, cue had female complainant u The ' this 5th day of December,1990. women had been receiving a number e such calls and to Bell Telephone rrou WORM BOQ W security trace ledo Phise amen. CLERK Details of the phone conversation • Township of Bayham were not made part of the public -' Telephone:1519)866.5521 record presentence report udiealn `: •�` re defence counsel Hoeney told mthe call was an violated e $$,000 or more 1,� tf �l� court Hemet'added Ws chant had been unemployed at the time and re 4 SINGER under severe str�trying to get Dec.I 5th a rid tiara into me workplace. /on loa{r costs Given dee positive nature of the r"Sweetheart SEWING MACHINES PRE-CHRISTMAS l H`ertey aimedd G ce THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM By-Law No. 2608 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF NATHAN at the meeting(s) held April 18, 1991 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held April 18. 1991 and special meeting(w) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of April, 1991 Reeve Clerk TME CORPORATION OF TUE TOWNSHIP OF HAYDEN Ey-taw No. 2609 00100 A Bylaw to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF DAMN at the-lipeting(s) held May 2, 1991 DE IT ENACTED DT THE COUNCIL OF TOE CORPORATION OF TNN TONNSIIIP OF 0AT11AM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all action. of the said council by by-lays and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held May 2, 1991 and Special meeting(.) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-lay. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINS AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of May, 1991 Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN BY-LAW NO. 2610 Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with Violet Marie Stanat as owner of Part of Lot 110, in Concession 7, Township of Bayham, for the acquisition of lands to extend the boundaries of the Richmond Cemetery. WHEREAS - The Corporation of the Township of Bayham is desirous of enlarging the Richmond Cemetery by extending the boundaries of the said cemetery northerly and easterly: AND WHEREAS - Violet Marie Stanat, subject to certain conditions, will give the said Township of Bayham lands in Lot 110. in Concession 7, for-the enlargement of the said cemetery AND WHEREAS - it is now necessary to enter into an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and Violet Marie Stanat setting out conditions for the acquisition of the aforesaid lands NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP HAYNAM:- 1.) That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Violet Marie Stanat setting out conditions for the acquisition of land in Lot 110, Concession 7, Township of Bayham, for the enlargement of the Richmond Cemetery. 2.) That the said Agreement be attached to and form a part of this by-law and be designated as Schedule "A" hereto. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF MAY, 1991.19 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAMRAN HT-LAN NO. 2610 •A• A By-Law of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin to authorize an Agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna respecting fire protection. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna have entered into an agreement for the provision of fire protection by the said Township to the said Village, and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That the agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna dated the lith day of May, 1991 a true copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By-Law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF MAY, 1991 REEVE CLERK THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 16th day of May, 1991 BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN, hereinafter called The Party of the First Part AND THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA, hereinafter called The Party of the Second Part WITNESSETH that the Parties hereto mutually agree in respect to fire protection provided by the Party of the First Part to the Party of the Second Part as follows:- 1. The Party of the First Part agrees to provide the services of the Township's Fire Department and vehicles for fire protection for the Party of the Second Part, such services to be subject to prior calls and the Party of the First Part shall not be held responsible for the failure of any part of the said services. 2. The Party of the Second Part agrees to pay to the Party of the First Part, for the above services on the following basis:- (a) Each year during the term of this agreement, the sum of Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00)which sum shall be the cost of one (1) fire Call. Each additional call shall be at the rate of Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1,800.00). 3. The Party of the First Part shall not be responsible for providing any additional fire fighting equipment from other municipalities unless Officials of the Party of the Second Part request same in which case the Party of the Second Part shall be.responsible for any additional fee that might be charged by the other municipality, provided however there shall be no charge for additional fire fighting equipment called under a mutual aid agreement in effect in the County of Elgin. 4. Charges arising from false alarms where it is not necessary to remove any equipment from the vehicles of the Party of the First Part shall be subject to negotiation between the Parties. .d ��i 5. This agreement shall be for a term of 4161:e (3) years commencing NJanuary 1, 1991 and subject to the provisions of Section 6, shall be binding upon the Parties their successors and assigns. 6. The agreement may be terminated at any time by either Party giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other Party. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED For TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN For VILLAGE OF VIENNA REEVE REEVE CLERK CLERK 7nR CoRroRATROI,OF TOR TONNSMIP or DATUM ny-Lav No.2611 DR/NO A Ry-law to confirm all action. of the Council of the TOWNSNIP OF DAYNAM at the'meeting(a) held May 16, 1991 OR IT ENACTED DT TIIR COUNCIL Or TOR CORPORATION OF TOR TONNSOlP OF fAINAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-lava and resolutions panned at the regular meeting held May 16, 1991 meetings) held and special be and the same are hereby approved and con flrned as if all ouch proceeding, were expressly embodied in this by-lay. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TOIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of May, 1991 Reeve — Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2612 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2469 adopting Amendment No.25 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2469 adopting Amendment No.25 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on May 18,1989., AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.25 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have been incorporated into By-law No.2105,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2469 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on May 18,1989,be hereby repealed. • READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERK1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2613 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2526 adopting Amendment No.67 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2526 adopting Amendment No.67 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on February 1,1990. AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.67 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have been incorporated into By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2526 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on February 1,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of lune 1991. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2614 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2532 adopting Amendment No.68 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2532 adopting Amendment No.68 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on March 1,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.68 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have been incorporated into By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2532 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on March 1,1990,he hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of lune 1991. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2615 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2539 adopting Amendment No.72 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2539 adopting Amendment No.72 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on April 5,1990. AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.72 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have been incorporated into By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2539 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on April 5,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIR.S"f.SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. IJ<- REEVE CLERK/ CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2616 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2551 adopting Amendment No.76 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2551 adopting Amendment No.76 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on June 7,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.76 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment,as modified by the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs,have been incorporated into,By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adapt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2551 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on June 7,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2617 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2559 adopting Amendment No.80 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2559 adopting Amendment No.80 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on July 5,1990. AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.80 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have been incorporated into By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2559 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on July 5,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. 77 .l REEVE / '— CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2618 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2570 adopting Amendment No.83 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2570 adopting Amendment No.83 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on August 16,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.83 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have horn incorporated into By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. I) That By-law No.2570 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on August 16,1990 he hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERK / CORPORATION OF THE • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2619 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2583 adopting Amendment No.84 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2583 adopting Amendment No.84 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on November 15,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.84 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have been incorporated into By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. I) That By-law No.2583 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on November 15,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. 77 �. REEVE CLERK -_.` CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2620 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2585 adopting Amendment No.86 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2585 adopting Amendment No.86 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on November 15,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.86 is no longer required as the Details of this Amendment have been incorporated into By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. I) That By-law No.2585 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on November 15,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of lune 1991. REEVE ,t,_ CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • BY-LAW NO. 2621 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2550 adopting Amendment No.75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2550 adopting Amendment No.75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on June 7,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.75 does not meet the new criteria for establishing Estate Residential development within the Township of Bayham as proposed by By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.07. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2550 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on June 7,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERK," •... CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2622 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2555 adopting Amendment No.78 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2555 adopting Amendment No.78 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on June 21,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.78 does not meet the new criteria for establishing Estate Residential development within the Township of Bayham as proposed by By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. I) That By-law No.2555 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on lune 21,1990,he hereby repealed. • READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERK • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2623 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2533 adopting Amendment No.69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2533 adopting Amendment No.69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on March 1,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.69 does not meet the new criteria for establishing Estate Residential development within the Township of Bayham as proposed by By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL,OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. I) That By-law No.2533 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on March 1,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2624 BEING a Bylaw to repeal By-law No.2513 adopting Amendment No.61 to the Ott-tool Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2513 adopting Amendment No.6l to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Paned by the Council of the Corporation of the Township or Bayham,on December 7.1989; No.AND ficial Plan Amendment No 61 no 2605,being gee-O-law to adoptfficial Plan Amendment No.requireder was pancd.ByJvw THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY TTIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAO& II That By-law No.2513 as Passed by McConnell of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on December 7,1989,he hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD tone and FINALLY PASSED Thu eth day of lune 1991. 7..__ (.�.(7, REEVE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2625 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2525 adopting Amendment No.66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2525 adopting Amendment No.66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on February I,1991; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.66 is no longer required once By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87 was passed. THEREFORE BE IT ENA(.IT.D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. I) That By-law No.2525 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on February 1,1991,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLEAR�`-_-- CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2626 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2537 adopting Amendment No.70 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2537 adopting Amendment No.70 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on April 5,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.70 is no longer required once By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87 was passed. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2537 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on April 5,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of lune 1991. a G. e ? REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2627 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No.2542 adopting Amendment No.73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No.2542 adopting Amendment No.73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,on May 3,1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No.73 is no longer required once By-law No.2605,being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No.87 was passed. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No.2542 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham,on May 3,1990,be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST,SECOND,and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. /r ._ REEVE CLERK r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DATIIAM Dy-Lav No. 2628 MIND A Ry-les to confirm ell actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF DAYIIAN at the meeting(.) held June 6, 1.991 ne IT ENACTED NT TDB COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THR TOWNSHIP OF n8IllAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act than. all action. of the said council by by-laws and reeolutinne panned at the regular meeting held June 6, 1991 and special meeting(s) held be and the same are hereby approved end confirmed ea if all each proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLT PASSED this 6th day of June 1991 -- _. Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ' BY-LAW NO. 2629 Being a By-Law to amend Schedule "A" to By-Law No. 2603, Amending By-Law No. 1088 setting out classes of permits and permit fees in the Township of Bayham WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to amend Schedule "A" to By-Law No. 2603. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1. THAT Sections 1,2 and 3 to Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 2603 be amended to read: SCHEDULE 'A' 1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS New Single Family Dwellings $30.00 plus .258 per sq. foot Multiple Dwellings Additions to Dwellings • Garage, Carports, builtin attached $30.00 plus .15: per Swimming Pools sq. foot To construct an accessory building b renovations eg: shed,garages,carports S decks $20.00 plus $3.00 per thousand 2. AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS Kilns - Tobacco Silo S Manure Tanks $40.00 per unit Bunk Houses Farm Buildings $20.00 plus $3.00 per thousand Corn Cribs - Steel Grainaries $30.00 per unit 5.00 for each additional unit Renovations 6 Additions to Farm Buildings $20.00 plus $2.00 per thousand 1st $1,000.00 no charge BY-LAN NO. 2629 continued 3. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS New or Renovations $45.00 plus $3.00 per thousand Swimming Pools - Above ground $20.00 - Inground pools $40.00 - Public swimming pools $40.00 plus $2.00 per thousand Sign Permits $35.00 4. MISCELLANEOUS (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling $40.00 plus $2.00 on a farm S trailor parks per thousand (b) Temporary Mobile Homes $40.00 plus any conditions laid out by Council (c) A Building moved to New Location $40.00 plus $2.00 per thousand (d) The Chief Building Official may authorize the transfer of a permit to another Contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is $15.00. 5. DEMOLITION PERMITS 11, I. Any structure other than referred to in section (2) of the building code 2. Structures falling under section (1) $25.00 per unit Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that do not have a-building permit in place, carry a $40.00 inspection fee. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 1991 41,7 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BARHAM • BY-LAW MO. 2629 Being a By-Lav to amend Schedule By-Lav No. 2603. Amending By-Lav No. 1888 setting out classes of permits and permit fees In the Township of Bayham VeRSUS it is deemed necessary to amend Schedule.A to By-Lav No. 2603. THBRRFOEE BR IT ENACTED BY TOE COUNCIL OF THIS CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYBAN I.THAT Sections 1.2 and 3 to Schedule"A"of By-Lar N0. 2603 be amended to read: SCHEOOLE'.A' 1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS You Single Family Dwellings $30.00 plus .25e per • mg. foot Multiple Dwelling. Additions to Dwellings Garage.Carport..6uiltin attached $30.00 plus .15s per Swimming Pools ss foot to construct an accessory building b renov.61 One eg:1hed.gareges.carport.E.decks $20.00 plus$3.00 par thousand 2. AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS Kilns-tobacco Silo 6 Manure Canes $40.00 per unit Buns Noumea Farm Buildings 120.00 plug$3.00 per thouaantl Corn Cribs-Steel Orainaries $30.00 per unit 5.00 for each additional unit Renovations b Additions to Farm Buildings $20.00 plus$2.00 per thousand let$1.000.00 no charge • BT LAN NO. 2529 continued 1. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS New or Renovations $45.00 plus 00.00 per thousand Swimming Pools-Above ground $20.00 - Inground pools $40.00 -Public swimming pools $40.00 plus$2.00 par thousand Sign Permits $35.00 4.MISCELLANEOUS (ai Mobile Homes and dwelling $40.00 plus$2.00 on a farm 6 traitor parse per thousand (b)Temporary Mobile Homes '11'1;102'0; 40.00 plus any 3034101030 laid 0u by Council (e)A Building moves to New LOcation $40.00 plus$2.00 '.. per thousand (dl The Chief Building Official may authorise the transfer of e permit to an other Contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is$15.00. 5. DEMOLITION PERMITS 1. Any structure other than referred to in section 12) Of the building code I.Structures falling under section (11$25.00 per unit Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling under the Building Code that donot have a building permit In place. carry a 040.00 inspection Tee. READ A FIRST,SECOND AND THIRD TINS AND VISALLY PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF JUNE. 1991 41/ AIMS CLINK CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYBAN BY-LAW NO. 2630 BEING a By-Law to amend By-Lav No. 2001, to licence vehicles from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public. WHEREAS Messrs. Brian and Bruce Volkaert, on behalf of the owner of premises at Lot 15, Concession 4 at the corner of County Road 45 and Highway No. 19 has made application to the Council of the Township of Bayham for permission to locate a vehicle for the purpose of selling refreshments to the public. AND WHEREAS the aforesaid Messrs. Brian and Bruce Volkaert requests permission to locate the said vehicle at the premises in excess of seventy-two (72) hours. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of granting the request. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COONCIL OP THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP BAYHAN: 1.) That Section 5 of By-Law 2001 of the Township of Bayham be amended to permit Messrs.Brian and Bruce Volkaert to locate a vehicle for the selling of refreshments to the public on the premises at Lot 15, Concession 4, at the corner of County Road 45 and Highway No. 19. 2.) That Sections 3 and 4 of Hy-Law 2001 of the Township of Bayham be amended and that a fee of $100.00 be charged for a license which shall be effective from the date of passing until September 30, 1991. 3.) That Messrs. Brian and Bruce Volkaert submit a site plan indicating sufficient off road parking be made available as well as the location of the vehicle. This site plan to be attached and form Schedule "A" of this By-Law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20th DAY OF JUNE, 1991 REEVE CLERK -=, It.. ''' /40, KI A .......--K, • ! I ... ...1...." PLAN II ,..1,... Aerzal ,..... 4..,:,.. .„ „...„:„.,.....,:.....-„..- CAUT ION:;1',':..::.::r.',...t.t...t.rx,'''-•''"'" —, PART SCHEDULE -.... A,,,,r I LOT 1 COM I 71.40151.0,I INS) ..:::,.j ..-, ',:::.,,,,,s 4 ...-"'------"......-........... i ''',.? .....--,si . At t PLAN OF SURVEY OF 'S :71041 :' '41. e. PART OF LOT 15 CONCESSION 4 .1 ... TOWNSHIP OF BA YH AM 5 COUNTY OF ELGIN - „_.'h P4E4,...c,,,. • , ,o' HUSKED OLS 1988 •,,.„j, ,s. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ,.., (,..' • i ... ...... F. 4 LDT :5 . ,.. ..11 41/a,.6V,,_(/Yei.4_ ._.C ..'„...r?...-'4.g• ' I EDNCE SS5:,:',1 4 .0. d't .'i i II: I ' NOTES i :I LEGEND .. " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DAYIIAM Oy-Lay No. 2631 DRINO A Dy-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF SAYIIAM at the meeting(s) held June 20, 1991 DE IT ENACTED DY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TUE TOWNSHIP OF NATHAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held June 20, 1991 and special meeting(s) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of June, 1991 • Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DAYIIAM Dy-Lar No. 2632 DEIN° A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TONNSIIIP OF BAYIIAM at the meeting(e) held June 26, 1991 and July 4, 1991 DE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DAYIIAH pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held July 4, 1991 and special meeting(s) held June 26, 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of July, 1991 Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OP NATHAN By-Law No. 2633 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OP NATHAN at the meeting held July 18, 1991. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OP THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF NATHAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held July 18, 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST. SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of July 1991. 41/ Reeve Clerk • • BY-LAW NO.2634 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham,in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT,hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No.88 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 88 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENAC.IEDJ AND PASSED this 23rdday of July,1991 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No.2634 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK 111 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 88 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural-Estate Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 40 hectares ( 0 . 98 acres ) and is situated in Part Lot 14 , Concession 10 , in the Township of Bayham. The subject lands are bounded by Highway No . 3 to the north and the road allowance between Concessions 9 and 10 to the south . 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands contain one single unit detached dwelling and three storage sheds . The buildings and structures are part of a predominantly built-up area which has evolved at the intersections of Highway No . 3 and the road allowance between Concessions 9 and 10 . Seven existing rural residential dwelling units , 3 vacant rural residential lots and 1 commercial operation namely Water Scapes are located at the above noted intersection . It is the applicant ' s intent to create a new estate residential lot which will front onto the road allowance between Concessions 9 and 10 . The proposed lot would be bounded on the west by an existing rural residential lot and to the east by an existing wooded gully which is part of the Big Otter Creek river system. The subject lands , being only 0 . 40 hectares in miss significantly limits its agricultural value . The property' s agricultural potential is further limited due to the existance of non farm related land use activity and the fact that the property is separated from adjacent agricultural land by the existing wooded gully. Due to the nature of the area ; the size of the subject lands ; the fact that the area is not agricultural in nature and the limiting factors which would affect the viability of agricultural production on the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed • 411 2 into a Rural-Estate Residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning by-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended 'by changing from "Agriculture " to "Rural-Estate Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 3 . 2 of the Official Plan, Estate Residential as amended. iii ) That Section 4 . 3 . 2 . 5 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as amended be amended by adding the following subsection immediately following Section 4 . 3 . 2 . 5 i ) . " j ) A parcel having an approximate size of 0 . 40 hectares and is situated between Highway No 3 to the north and the road allowance between Concessions 9 and 10 to the south in the southern portion of Lot 14 , Concession 10. A maximum of two estate residential lots may be ceated. " • 0 ! 88 Ilk-.•��iU0SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE .: • \ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM iti fov r!,/eo,,. �,� P.er,. all iii 4.•. . Frit FUTURE LAND USE ' Aji li AMENDMENT N0, 88 All ` t , 00 �6 `' 11 • �I 18 LANDS CHANGED FROM pp• E: "AGRICULTURE" TO "ESTATE . ;...`` �- />.-' 6"il It I ;1; j • ` RESIDENTIAL R(E)" wpi:;.... - r� , ' AGRICULTURE Fa . ,M 1. :• i'4! Gfg' lti� 0 RURAL "t.l t ! $US CLA$S1F1CATlQN3 414''''-' ' • r' i r, ��� ESTATE RESIDENTIAL = M081L.E HOME PARKS I' ••' . i' v a 0 SEASONAL TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS :. CAMPCIACX1NDS 1 1if • :_ i x NSTR 0 RECREATIONAL t: i11 "y• �q 0 {.,., .. . �� ml. .,• ., :i� • : �� PueuC IrtSTtM10r1AL .. O, I . . : 4l ,.,,r ,•:.. IOtt M d 1T,a1 OM UM Ki!{ia! i jil :;_;. �, !�Ir'a'ordvl I� R .o.,...>,.�,a ar.,..M►• I a�a�a.ro�wo rw•.c, d j. r MMMll�TO A/It1t►R•C Iua w u •,OMTO sd,O*dIrf 19 > aorw►.4�r.r0..s w L .CIA* 3 Y.rot POO ONT•a� COW/Gnw 11 ,111 41. ,,7. N SOU N eO�1 flAHS. HAZARD LANDS ..►• w� •,i:•:':'. '�_''''' \'}, t ' _? _ '7, CONSERVATION LANDS 44a a `;•; �t MINERAL RESOURCE AREAS .4'44 ''....i..' ,,r HAMLETS _ ;�,�` i ' � (coMMUN1rr IMPROVEMENT AREAS) i") . ..i • • 0 PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS .., :.: I; .,. t', , EE ARTERIAL ROADS 9 41.00.-, . • . (COlX�1TY ROA03) • Y:,.: ::, .4..... .I. $ ' I. t .., ,,.. _Ail. . ,`,, e icy- ., „,,c,,,,..„.4 ,.li't..),44,- akiiii' 1 „ lift. . :, Pod Burwell h .;ria .•ry. .. 4441111111 . 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10900 16000 Feet SCALE 1:75 000 Y * • 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE'tB" AMENDMENT NO . 88 r (( j • I �/1 ( 1_ (.__. .. Lo 12 i Loi Loi it 15 4 \ ' ; ' ( I 0 K / ' I _,---,-------- At' (Th,171 41 1 .___) , ,\, A /' ;., / 'IA/ 1 ' -k, z/ ! i t ' , • ,. ! i' 4 \ I . CONCESSION X '''.-." -, .. ' �� , .. ' � I I ! i N i 2 '-. i i 1 : 1-,..,..../ : / i \ !1+ I 4I• I / I / • •� f� ilj -/p �--- 4. l lid I Ii . 411. ! t_,__'r" • 241.5 I ..,/, 11 , .)• ,'-• _2..)1 + "—„ II ` ' 11 Nikti' i 11 ( : • 7 e . , c„\\ „..., . ....„ : ...: . •• _av \I •�N i �- d ` � � I '/ t f j\RRD AS + t :�. a i � , ' , •COACESSWSI 'f' �i ; � -, ` ! II • `V ix SEN l 'I I ,i I , X � 1_:. 1 Z / .:ss, ,\ .:1 :rig ` ^ , i `I .....; ) 14. ., //' i • i,,a-z 7 L,,,_,..t. _.\\.4 ,. :: , ,_,......„,, . -_, _ ,________ , .- i a .: I 1 / , 1 \. _.) • ''' ) /---=---7).1 I.r\,....1 )1 / 15 ,.._-- --.... (c__,...-----_____. . .. ' ,- N,__ . • ,,77 :„..t..." - • Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources :77.4-11 SUBJECT LANDS . • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDINGS F, WOODLOTii). in GARAGES/SHEDS/KILNS , • 0 260m 500m NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only. Beal*: 1:10,000 • • , • NO- AMENDMENT NUMBER 88 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 3 4 0 5 - 0 8 8 SUBJECT: TASKER RURAL-ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 14, CONCESSION 10 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 88 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham V w• : ,Z .J • 1‘1. .444;;; tt 4 `t r r • • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 88 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 263P, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the Z3rti day of July, 1991. REEVE CLERK • AMENDMENT NO. 88 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM S This Amendment No. 88 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date: / Lol / - r 7 f Diana L. Jardi i , M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs krItl f , " `i BY-LAW NO. 2633 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 88 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 88 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. J t; ENACTED AND PASSED this 18th day of July, 1991 ) REEVE y CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2633 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK OR/ 6/4/4 t Of. /7w '. ' o f f/44- Fak • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO 2635 BEING a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the yearl991 , to levy the taxes for the year 1991 and to provide for the collection thereof . WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario , provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner , as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1991 should be levied . AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $ 21515 , 850 for the general purpose of the said Township for the current year , for the payment of the County rate for the current year and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public , Separate and High School education and other purposes : THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations , be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 1991 shall be levied . 2 . THAT the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township . 3 . THAT for the purpose of providing the sum of $ 1 , 148 , 237 for the general purpose of the Corporation , including the amount required for the County purposesj and other purposes for the current year ,170 . 133a rate of x•81 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1991 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll except that on assessment of $7 , 151 , 117 a reduction of 15% shall be made . 4 . THAT in addition , for the purposes of providing the sum of $ 1 , 367 , 613 for public , Separate and High School education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1991 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll , as indicated hereunder : - continued 11Y-LAW NO. 2635 ( 2 ) RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL SCHOOL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Elgin Cty . Elementary $ 6 , 217 , 021 93 . 881 $ 609 , 380 110 . 448 $ 650 , 965 Elgin R . C . S . S . Elemnt . 934 , 096 107 . 683 53 , 373 126 . 686 107 , 348 Elgin Cty . Secondary 6 , 217 , 021 78 . 290 609 , 380 92 . 106 542 , 858 Elgin R . C . S . S . Sec . 934 , 096 66 . 649 53 , 373 78 . 410 66 , 442 5 . THAT in addition , for street lighting purposes , the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas : - LIGHTING reas : -LIGHTING RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY CORINTH $ 53 , 253 13 . 518 $ 8 , 181 15 . 904 $ 850 EDEN 184 , 000 23 . 979 3 , 120 28 . 210 4500 .RICHMOND 143 , 343 10 . 369 1 , 119 12 . 1909_S 1500 f) STRAFFORDVILLE 498 , 646 8 . 419 181 , 929 8Z 6000 TALBOT 75 , 800 13 . 193 15 . 521 1000 6 . The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector ' s Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 25th day of July , 1991 . 7 . All taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham . 8 . Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 30 , 1991 and one-half on or before November 29 , 1991 . Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayments of taxes shall be as providedfor in Township of Bayham By-Laws , ( penalties at the rate of one and one quarter per cent per month commencing the first day of default of payment , and discounts the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre-payment is made ) , subject also to the provisions of By-Law No . 1697 . 9 . The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY, 1991 Zi/L„ i J REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2636 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings held July 23 , 1991 and August 1 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held August 1 , 1991 and special meeting held July 23 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of August 1991 . 1,11• Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2637 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held August 15 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held August 15 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of August 1991 . 41/ Reeve Clerk • 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP BAYHAM By-Law No . 2638 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings held August 22 , 1991 and September 5 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions ' of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held September 5 , 1991 and special meeting held August 22 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of September 1991 . —L;) Z/' eZ47 Reeve Clerk r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2639 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings held September 12 , 1991 and September 19 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held September 19 , 1991 and special meeting held September 12 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September 1991 . Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2640 BEING a By-law to amend By-law No . 2557 providing for the construction of Branch E of Drain No . 1 Municipal Drain , and levying assessments thereto . WHEREAS By-law No . 2557 providing for the construction of the Branch E • of No . 1 Municipal Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Act , was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the 15th day of November , 1990 . AND WHEREAS the amount specified in the said By-law as the Township of Bayham ' s share of the cost for the construction of the said drain was $ 13 , 100 . 00 . AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expenses included was $ 13 , 923 . 81 to which a grant of $ 340 . 13 has been applied to agricultureal lands leaving a net cost of $ 13 , 583 . 68 , being $483 . 68 more than the estimated cost . AND WHEREAS IT IS PROVIDED BY The Drainage Act , that such deficit funds shall be increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments contained in the original By-law each year during which the debentures have to run . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTEED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: - 1 . That the sum of 65 . 80 being the amount under estimated as assessed against lands as provided in By-law 2559 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments as contained in the said By-law No . 2557 and the amounts are shown on the schedule of assessments hereto attached and which form a part of this By-law . 2 . That the sum of $417 . 88 being the amount under estimated as assessed against roads as provided for in By-law NO . 2557 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the roads assessed in By-law No . 2557 , said amount is hereby shown in the schedule of assessments , hereto attached and which form a part of this By-law . 3 . That the said sum of $483 . 68 shall be added to the amount of the total assessments contained in By-law NO . 2557 and the debenture to be issued as provided for in By-law NO . 2557 shall be as provided for in By-law No . 2557 . 4 . That the interest rate on the said debentures as provided for in By-law No . 2557 shall be TEN per cent ( 10%) per annum . 5 . This By-law comes into force on the final passing thereof , and may be cited as the "Branch E of No . 1 Municipal Drain Ammending By-law " . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF OCTOBER, 1991 . 72) (4L. (:)-440 :77 0// /11G474L`' REEVE CLERK . SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO . 2640 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESSMENTS BRANCH E OF NO . 1 MUNICIPAL DRAIN ENGINEER ' S ACTUAL AGRICULTURAL NET ESTIMATE COST GRANT COST R . Heppenheimer 4-045-01 160 . 00 165 . 20 165 . 20 M . Volkaert 4-044 100 . 00 110 . 13 110 . 13 R . Vaughan 4 -043 190 . 00 206 . 50 206 . 50 R . Matthews 4-042 130 . 00 137 . 66 137 . 66 F . Volkaert 4-041 140 . 00 151 . 43 151 . 43 G . Palmer 4-040 130 . 00 137 . 66 137 . 66 G . Cattrysse 4-039 240 . 00 247 . 80 247 . 80 M . Irvine 4-039-01 180 . 00 192 . 73 192 . 73 A . Fehr 4-038 210 . 00 220 . 27 220 . 27 R . Vaughan 4-038-02 625 . 00 660 . 80 660 . 80 C . Ward / 4-045 900 . 00 949 . 90 949 . 90 C . Ward 4-045-03 685 . 00 715 . 87 715 . 87 C . Ward 4-045-02 870 . 00 908 . 60 908 . 60 C . Ward 4-045-01 935 . 00 977 . 43 977 . 43 F . Hermann 4-053 960 . 00 1 , 004 . 97 340 . 13 66' . 84 i Total Assessments of Lands 6 , 455 . 00 6 , 786 . 95 340 . 13 6 , 446 . 82 Cty Road # 38 590 . 00 619 . 52 6 ,. 9 . 52 Twp Road Between 126 & 127 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 152 . 57 3 , 152 . 57 Road RE Ward Dedication 3 , 055 . 00 3 , 207 . 64 3 , 207 . 64 Total Assessment on Roads 6 , 645 . 000 6 , 979 . 73 6 , 979 . 73 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON BRANCH E of DRAIN NO . 1 13 , 100 . 00 13 , 766 . 68 340 . 13 13 , 426 . 55 • . SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO . 2640 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESSMENTS BRANCH E OF NO . 1 MUNICIPAL DRAIN ENGINEER ' S ACTUAL AGRICULTURAL NET ESTIMATE COST GRANT COST R . Heppenheimer 4-045-01 160 . 00 165 . 20 165 . 20 M . Volkaert 4-044 100 . 00 110 . 13 110 . 13 R . Vaughan 4-043 190 . 00 206 . 50 206 . 50 R . Matthews 4-042 130 . 00 137 . 66 137 . 66 F . Volkaert 4-041 140 . 00 151 . 43 151 . 43 G . Palmer 4-040 130 . 00 137 . 66 137 . 66 G . Cattrysse 4-039 240 . 00 247 . 80 247 . 80 M . Irvine 4-039-01 180 . 00 192 . 73 192 . 73 A . Fehr 4-038 210 . 00 220 . 27 220 . 27 R . Vaughan 4-038-02 625 . 00 660 . 80 660 . 80 C . Ward 4-045 900 . 00 949 . 90 949 . 90 C . Ward 4-045-03 685 . 00 715 . 87 715 . 87 C . Ward 4-045-02 870 . 00 908 . 60 908 . 60 C . Ward 4-045-01 935 . 00 977 . 43 977 . 43 F . Hermann 4-053 960 . 00 1 , 004 . 97 340 . 13 664 . 84 Total Assessments of Lands 6 , 455 . 00 6 , 786 . 95 340 . 13 6 , 446 . 82 Cty Road # 38 590 . 00 619 . 52 619 . 52 Twp Road Between 126 & 127 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 152 . 57 3 , 152 . 57 Road RE Ward Dedication 3 , 055 . 00 3 , 207 . 64 3 , 207 . 64 Total Assessment on Roads 6 , 645 . 000 6 , 979 . 73 6 , 979 . 73 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON BRANCH E of DRAIN NO . 1 13 , 100 . 00 13 , 766 . 68 340 . 13 13 , 426 . 55 L....., v CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2641 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No 2556 adopting Amendment No. 79 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 2556 adopting Amendment No. 79 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on June 21, 1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No. 79 does not meet the new criteria for establishing Estate Residential development within the Township of Bayham as proposed by By-law No. 2605, being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No. 2556 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham, on June 21, 1990, be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of October 1991. 44/ 467G74 --- REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2642 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held October 3 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held October 3 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of October 1991 . Reeve Clerk TSE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2643 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held October 17 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held October 17 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of October 1991 . Zre'L„ eaf.„-en!liF7 Reeve Clerk Pr CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • BY—LAST NO . 2 644 BEING a By-Law to fix places for the holding of Municipal Elections for the Township of Bayham for the year of 1991 and to appoint the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the same . THEREFORE BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . ) That the persons hereafter named an appointed Deputy Returning Officer (DRO) and Poll Clerks ( PC) for the advance polls and for election day to be held at the designated polling stations . ELECTION PERSONNEL Advance Poll November 2 , 1991 at Township Office DRO - Connie Baker 866-3634 PC - Karen Carter 866-3022 November 6 , 1991 at Township Office DRO - Jack Petrie 866-3622 PC - Doris Ann VanDenEechout 868-5806 Election Poll November 12 , 1991 Poll No . 1 DRO - Paula Vereecken 874- 4703 Library - Pt . Burwell PC - Cindy McCord 874- 4717 Poll No . 2 DRO - Ross Andrews 866-3502 Library - Vienna PC - Sheila Chute 874-4782 Poll No . 3 DRO - Ruth Locker 866-3056 Blondeel Nursery PC - Joan Gregson 866-5532 Hwy 19 Poll No . 4 ( a ) DRO - Margaret Howey 866-3434 Bayham Community Centre PC - Deb Taylor 866-3903 Straf fordvi l l e ( b ) DRO - Aileen Locker 866-5632 PC - Madge Volkaert 866-3561 Poll No . 5 ( a ) DRO - Brenda Chilcott 866-3428 United Church , Corinth PC - Florence Mannell 866-3419 ( b) DRO - Jean Mitchell 866-5607 PC - Wendy Chilcott 866-3115 Poll No . 6 ( a ) DRO - William Baldwin 866-3230 Baptist Church, Eden PC - Helen Backus 866-3587 ( b) DRO - Jackie Declercq 866-3323 PC - Jean Caughill 866-3838 Poll No . 7 DRO - Jean Simpson 866-5836 United Church , Richmond PC - Isabelle Hewbank 866-3196 Poll No . 8 DRO - Bertha Barnes 866-3504 Baptist Church , Calton PC - Cheryl James 773-8652 2 . ) That all election expenses approved by the Returning Officer including the following rates of pay be authorized . Returning Officer - $120 . 00 per day Deputy Returning Officer - $120 . 00 per day Poll Clerk - $115 . 00 per day Polling Station - $90 . 00 per day Election Assistant - $80 . 00 per day Training Session ( all personnel ) - $40 . 00 per day READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 29th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1991 . REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 264 5 A by-law to establish a Site Plan Control Area WHEREAS the Planning Act, 1983 enables the council of a municipality to designate the whole or any part of an area covered by an official plan and lying within the municipality as a site plan control area; and WHEREAS the Township of Bayham is covered by an approved Official Plan which describes the entire municipality as a potential site plan control area; and WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has, in effect, a comprehensive zoning by-law, pursuant to the Planning Act, 1983; and THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT a site plan control area is hereby established covering the entire geographic limits of the municipality. j 2. THAT within the site plan control area established by Section 1 of this By-law, the �_ i provisions of Section 40 of the Planning Act, 1983 shall apply except in the case of a single-family detached dwelling including buildings and structures accessory thereto proposed on lands zoned Hamlet Residential (HR), Rural Residential (RR), Estate Residential (ER) or Agricultural (Al) and farm buildings and structures including buildings and structures accessory thereto proposed on lands zoned Agricultural (Al). 3. THAT within the site plan control area established in Section 1, drawings showing plan, elevation, and cross-section views in accordance with Section 40 (4) of the Planning Act, 1983 may be required where buildings are proposed to be erected for residential purposes containing more than one dwelling unit. 4. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of final passing thereof. READ a FIRST, SECOND and 'THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 2 9 day of OCTOBER , 1991. 6.__ -_-_-71, S 1 I P / 1� ^'` i .G=� �t'� RELIVE S\ --- &Q T tE w kid LE TO ( J K) SH- ( p , ),/ f3_,c7A---------- CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2646 A by-law to establish a Site Plan Control Area WHEREAS the Planning Act, 1983 enables the council of a municipality to designate the whole or any part of an area covered by an official plan and lying within the municipality as a site plan control area; and WHEREAS the Township of Bayham is covered by an approved Official Plan which describes the entire municipality as a potential site plan control area; and WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has, if effect, a comprehensive zoning by-law, pursuant to the Planning Act, 1983; and THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT a site plan control area is hereby established as applying to those lands in Part Lot 15, Concession II, in the Township of Bayham as shown within heavy solid lines on Schedule "A" which is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of final passing thereof. READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 29th day of OCTOBER , 1991. (19... \-->7 jl VE „,53.-r .... .._ CLERK 1 I I y i ., - � �'`� Map 61 :1; \%., .s.---ill s'-'--"'"`• VIENNA \ 1 , 1 ;,. / I/ 1 l • , ;A% \\ .. ../ II ' 1• X . ���' ill i 1 ;'tie � � Ire7 , // 4 / A CONCESSION II 41q .4*. '' • 7 ,c# 44!.? i i -, L�` ' • . � t sn� I "" `J. ••• • • AREA p. Ia 1= I LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 13 14 LOT I l I .. .1 r- -'-----._,7 i I I M I Map 81I I 1 I SITE PLAN CONTROL BY-LAW This is Schedule "A; TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. a y� passed the SCHEDULE A Y 01 74 day of Oa-- , 1991 0 260m 600m Scale: 1:10,000 ' , //j.. Ci2.,,4V Ai 'IV REEVE • CLERK I' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2647 • BEING a by- law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a quit claim deed for Part of Lots 4 and 5 , South of Main Street , Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R- 4764 . WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation has established Sandytown Street by purchase of Lot 4 , south of Main Street , Plan 205 . AND WHEREAS it is now determined that the owner of Lot 5 , south of Main Street , Plan 205 has been encroaching on a portion of Lot 4 in excess of 40 years . AND WHEREAS the aforesaid owner of Lot 5 is now in the process of selling the lands . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient for the Corporation to quit claim that portion of Lots 4 and 5 , south of Main Street , Plan 205 , and contained in Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R- 4764 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . 1 ) THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a Transfer/Deed of Land for that portion of Lots 4 and 5 , South of Main Street , Plan 205 , for the Village of Straffordville and designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R- 4764 . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1991 . -Z• REEVE CLERK Province Niti of Transfer/Deed of Land , v Ontario A • Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act. 1984 (1) Registry t Land Titles {-_J (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) Property Block Properly Identifiers) Additional: See 1 I Schedule (4) Consideration ›. NIL Dollars $ 0 J 2 O (5) Description This is a. Property Properly w . Division H Consolidation [_,] cn w Part of Lot 4 and 5 , South of Main Street , I Plan 205 , Village of Straffordville , County 0 New Property Identifiers of Elgin , designated as PART 1 , on Reference cr Additional Plan 11R-4764 u. See Schedule C. Executions Additional See Schedule El (6) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document ' New Easement Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch [ Description (_� Parties [ ] Other ri QUIT CLAIM DEED (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that Date of Signature Y M D Name(s) Signature(s) THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE , � ,,,,,. �.-� ,.--- . " finwp19 91 . 9P. 13 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM %/ ,:Y1 . . . . . . . . . :.,..,,-,,,- , (.9.,-/./ U 9' ??. ., . . . (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D • (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service P . O . BOX 160 , STRAFFORVILLE , ONTARIO . NOJ 1Y0 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D CROFTS , Eric Charles J1960 05 19 CSIRE, Patty Lynn . 1967 '05 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service 5 MAIN STREET , STRAFFORDVILLE , ONTARIO . NOJ lY0 (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D Y M D Signature Signature , . . , . Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act. 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor -I to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Zand belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature �O Name and Y M D a Address of Signature O Solicitor I i, (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records v� p n- reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act. 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this c c 0 transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983 I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario• X C„ t° S.0.1- solicitor in good standing. E� Date of Signature EL `°o Name and Y M D X 6 o, Address of o Q ut Solicitor -n° Signature :• • • . (15) Assessment Roll Number Cty Mun Map Sub Par `7}` Fees and Tax of Property 34 01 000 004 16800 -j Z Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: o 5 MAIN STREET JOHN R . HOLMES j Land Transfer Tax STRAFFORDVILLE , ONTARIO 87 BIDWELL STREET v NOJ 1Y0 TILLSONBURG , ONTARIO '� N4G 3V1 J RH/e d o; Total Newsome and Gilbert, Limited April. 1985 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2648 BEING. a by- law to authorize the sale of land at Lot 111 Concession South Talbot Road designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R- 4061 and Parts 3 and 4 on Reference Plan 11R-3788 to the Richmond Community Water Inc . and to provide for the payment thereof . WHEREAS the Corporation is the owner of certain lands at Lot 111 , Concession South Talbot Road . AND WHEREAS water wells which supply water to the Richmond Community Water Inc . for distribution through existing pipes to the residents of the Hamlet of Richmond are located on the aforesaid lands . AND WHEREAS Richmond Community Water Inc . is desirous of purchasing the aforesaid lands . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . 1 ) THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a Transfer/Deed of Land in favour of Richmond Community Water Inc . for lands located at Lot 111 , South Talbot Road , and designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R- 4061 and Parts 3 and 4 on Reference Plan 11R-3788 for the sum of Fifteen thousand dollars ( $15 , 000 . 00 ) . 2 ) THAT Richmond Community Water Inc . shall pay to the Corporation the sum of Three thousand dollars ( $3 , 000 ) on the First day of February , 1990 , with the balance of Twelve thousand dollars ( $12 , 000 , 00 ) becoming due and payable on the First day of February , 1995 , provided however , that the said Richmond Community Water Inc . shall have the privilege of prepaying the whole or any part of the principal sum owing on the First day of February in the years 1991 through 1994 , further provided that interest on the principal sum owing will accrue and be payable on the First day of February in each of the years in which there is a principal balance outstanding at the rate of ten per cent ( 10% ) per annum . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1991 . REEVE CLERK r O , i ''"'�" Charge/Mortgage of Land • Form 2 — Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 (1) Registry v( I Land Titles 1 I (2) Page 1 of 1 pages 1 NUMBER 320888 1 (3) Property Block Property ' identilier(s) Additional CERTIFICATE OF PEGISTRATION See C �l Schedule J c . 11)n ' O V 7 P 3 • 1-1 6 1 (4) Principal Amount o Twelve Thousand Dollars S12 , 000 . 00 w ELGIN �,:t I (5) Description D INe11 ��` o . ST. THOM__A9. LANDREQISTRAi1 j Parts of Lot 111 , Concession South Talbot Road , w Township of Bayham , County of Elgin , Q designated as PART 1 on Plan 11R-4061 and u. New Property Identifiers 0 PART 3 and PART 4 on Plan 11R-3788 . Additional See r Schedule L Executions Additional See Schedule (6) This (a) Recfescription (b) Schedule for (7) Intte SsVEetate Charged F Document New Easement Additional P1 Contains Plan/Sketch [l Description E] Parties 1 I Other [1 (8) Standard Charge Terms — The parties agree to be bound by the provisions in Standard Charge Terms filed as number 852 and the Chargor(s) hereby acknowledges) receipt of a copy of these terms (9)Payment Provisions (a) Principal (b) interest (c) Calculation Amounts 12 , 000 . 0 0 Rate 10 . 0 % per annum Period yearly Interest Y M O Payment First Y M 0 (d) Adjustment 1990 02 O 1 (e) Date first day of February (f) Payment 1991 02 01 Date Last Amount (g) Payment 19 9 5 02 01 (h) of Each interest only Dollars s DatePayment (i) Balance (j) Insurance Due Date 1995 02 01 full insurable value Dollars$ (10) Additional Provisions PROVIDED that the Mortgagor shall have the privilege of prepaying the whole or any part of the principal sum hereby secured on interest payment dates without notice or bonus . Continued on n Sc"ec..:c (11) Chargor(s) The chargor hereby charges the land to the chargee s[VXOCt? PV?O81gGIXIRRtX@gXRgf rX MX¢ti ){,it The chargor(s) acknowledge(s) receipt of a true copy of this charge Date of Signature Signature(s) Y M O Name(s) / �,_ , RICHMOND . COMMUNIT.Y. .WATER .INC... . . . Mai ,w�Yd j P�r;(nr t>>,r� 199-0. ` . �`;`+ ti Y, ) . - r l `' '.�'I'' ' I' 1990. 7 / ' Lewis Acre • (12) Spouse(*) of Chargor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) Y M D (13) Chargor(s) Address int cAr.l,'a n 11 ..�.. C 1 1 D__. 32 T •.& !'fir ' yA. r. V • -- 1\ . 1♦ . if l , ✓A .�a. , •a l �u t�,.a , v•• .. i .. � t :L'. (14) Chargee(s) THE CORPORATION . OE. .THE. TOWNSHIP .OF. BAYHAM (15) Chargee(s) Address for service Box 160 , Straf fordvi l le , Ontario NOJ 1Y0 (16) Assessment Roll Number Cty. ' Nun : Map * Sub ' Par 1T1 ► Fees >- of Property multiple Z ' ' �,5 ° Registration Fee (17) Municipal Address of Property (16) Document Prepared by: w R . R . # 1 , Gibson , Linton , Toth & D Aylmer , Ontario . Campbell , o N5H 2R1 36 Broadway , P . 0 . Box 5 , LL ' Tillsonburg , Ontario . ° ' , N 4 G 4H3 u. Total ?2,_ oPs Nt .lung an t I;lliw'rt, i.inmed April. 1 F',.nn 14.t.t..,1 rn m-i Ili r'n"1/`^ Transfer/Deed of Land ,.,.f of /� Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act. 1964 (1) Registry n Land Titles U (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) Property Block Properly Identifier(s) Additional See Schedule I- (4) Consideration Y Fifteen Thousand Dollars $ 15 , 000 . 00 J Z (5) Description This is a Properly Property n 0 Division 1 I Consolidnlion 14 D • Parts of Lot 111 , Concession South Talbot Road , Ili Township of Bayham , County of Elgin , o LL designated as PART 1 on Plan 11R- 4061 and 0 New Property Identifiers PART 3 and PART 4 on Plan 11R- 3788 . 0 Additional. u.O See n Schedule Executions Additional: See Schedule (6) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for (7) InteresVEstate Transferred Document New Easement Additional Fee Simple • Contains Plan/Sketch t 1 Description n Parties ) Other [I (8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transfereeMtIMMOKIIN XIX XaOldototkmOmmetitxoetotoirx Met and XXIX Date of Signature Y M O Name(s) Signature(s) THE CORPORATION . OF. THE . TOWNSHIP . OF - . (/4---- . . . . 19.9 0 . 1.0. %r.L. BAYHAM D . Vane Chute , Reeve -'<e- Ccs.-.:,.. . ./J-4.7--'---- . 19.9 0 . 1.0. ?. . William Bogue , Clerk >(9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) Y M D (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service Box 160 Straffordville • I . . .. , • I (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D RICHMOND COMMUNITY WATER INC . • " (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service R . R . # 1 , Box 32 , Aylmer , Ontario N5H 2R1 (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M O Y M 0 Si nature Signature 9 . . . . Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor -i to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature Name and , Y NI D a. Address of 0 Solicitor Signature I It,- g (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records a� reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario E1 i solicitor in good standing. S 0-o= Name and Date of Signature >< Address of Y M 0 <Y! Solicitor a cn Signature (15) Assessment Roll Number Cty \ Mum' Map . Sub Par ' Fees and Tax of Property multiple Z Registration Fee ((1S) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: O Land Transfer Tax R . R . # 1 , Gibson , Linton , Toth & D Aylmer , Ontario . Campbell , w N5H 2R1 36 Broadway , P . O . Box 5 , lLL ' Tillsonburg , Ontario . N 4 G 4H3 Oi Total Newsome and Gilbert. Limited April, 1985 v.,.... 101107 t 1 /act . - l Bayham Township By— Laws f Jt. • 4 AIL L------_______________________ 1 By-Laws # 2649-- #2659 1991 li--- mm.11 ....111.1111.,8 a-er -( y-1etvYq - -kc),is9 Clqa1) aLsg �6so aG59 2-651 gb53 .27bsy P-655 S6 (a ) .26 5'3-- l9q Tw � sA ,f8 —� a ... s rrk tF- a 6 `f 9 � � tis Prbora#, Nov6<, 7 , 1991 abs - 'r �� � �,,. Ari � f 6) Lx_i-Ict I -- I c) prz) v, A r AcLak ed12--#%_0--r\ CD or moi , i9q 1 c, 65a _ 7-0 a... 8\o , , P.er v c/- 1(1 ,, e7.12.-4. Jr—Gt I , / 7 °' ( ci? 53 — 7-0 aorcr-ir--, 0L11 c--ficr-e\ _, r tA'iN NoV Ata 1991 -- -7-0 ot.A.A_ 401-- 1 ex.e.cAo.cha. o- or Logs 5 a. a CC „ C_J2 Cs , >A -7/1) ..e x, ,.. 61, 5 , / X655 _ T c_ „ f; r,, . all a � o,. s o { a (2, U / L S / / 9 9 7-0 cap p+ - g 0-FA 00-1” ( Ta-A. V-e-a") — Aecc... 19 ) 199 / 1:› 5 - T a.,, 44.. 0 12-44- v < CLA.:1-e, 4-o rr 6._ 6r- l�' 2e_s , A_pd. l, ,. l b fop..... ,,-F es,6 - pec Lar l9l99J g - to a.ppoin-F AtAzi , ?ter -Fra ori p-ex c› — Dw.k1>=. 11119 7 1 x659 - co„ rM allhP,.s of Coc ,• I I q , 19 (-7? ; 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2649 BEING a by-law to formulate a plan for protecting property and the health , safety and welfare of the inhabitants and for the continued functioning of the Council of the Township of Bayham in the event of an emergency . WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has passed an Act which provides for the Formulation and Implementation of Emergency Plans ( short title -- The Emergency Plans Act , 1983 ) by the Council of a Municipality ; AND WHEREAS this Act makes provision for the Head of Council to declare that an emergency exists in the Municipality or in any part thereof and also provides the Head of Council with authority to take such action or deliver such orders as he considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan of the municipality and to protect property and the health , safety and welfare of the inhabitants of an emergency area ; AND WHEREAS the Act provides for the designation of one or more members of council who may exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Head of Council during his absence or his inability to act ; AND WHEREAS the Act authorizes employees of a municipality to take action under the emergency plan where an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist ; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 ) That the Emergency Plan for the Township of Bayham attached hereto as Schedule "A" of the By-law is hereby adopted ; 2 ) That the Head of Council or designated alternate as provided in the Plan is empowered to declare an emergency and implement the provisions of this plan ; 3 ) That certain appointed officials or their designated alternates as provided in Schedule A are empowered to cause an emergency alert to be issued to members of the Municipal Control Group and to take action under the emergency plan where an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist ; 4 ) That annually , the Municipal Control Group will cause the emergency plan to be reviewed and to make such changes to its appendicies as are considered appropriate while referring all other changes to Council for further review and approval . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF November , 1991 . ` 7/( ‘---#17 REEVE CLERK k 7 7 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM EMERGENCY PLAN INDEX SECTION PAGE 1 Introduction to the Emergency Plan 1 2 Aim 2 3 Municipal Control Group 2 4 Responsbililties of the Municipal Control Group 2 5 Responsibilities of the Members of the Municipal Control Group 4 6 Activating the Emergency Plan 6 Appendix (A) A-1 Notification list 7 A-2 Guide for contacting agencies in emergencies 9 A-3 Equipment located in or near the Township of Bayham 10 A-4 Buildings , public and private which may be utilized in case of emergency 11 Appendix (B) B-1 Emergency Plan for Max Underhill' s Farm Supply Ltd . } • PAGE 1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM EMERGENCY PLAN SCHEDULE "A" This plan has been prepared to provide key officials , agencies and departments within the Township of Bayham with a general guideline to the initial response to an emergency and an overview of their responsibilities during an emergency . For this plan to be effective , it is important that all concerned be made aware of its provisions and that every official , agency and department be prepared to carry out their assigned functions and responsibilities in an emergency . The Emergency Plans Act , 1983 is the legal authority for this plan . It states that the "Head of Council may declare that an emergency exists in the municipality or any part thereof and may take such action and may make such orders as he considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan of the municipality and to protect property and the health , safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the emergency area " Emergencies are defined as stivations or the threat of impending situations abnormally affecting property and the health , safety and welfare of the community , which by their nature or magnitude require a co-ordinated response by a number of agencies under the direction of the Municipal Control Group . These are distinct from the normal day-to-day operations carried out by the £irst. ,responseagencies . While many emergencies could occur within the Township of Bayham , those most likely to occur are : floods , tornadoes , blizzards , transportation accidents involving hazardous materials , air or rail crashes , toxic or flammable gas leaks , electrical power blackouts , building or structural collapse , uncontrollable or chemical fires , explosions , or any combination thereof . Measures enabled under the Emergency Plans Act , and which form a part of this plan are : ( a ) Expenditure of monies associated with the formulation and implementation of the emergency plan ; ( b ) authorization for municipal employees to take appropriate action before the formal declaration of an emergency ; ( c ) specify proceedures to be taken for the safety and/or evacuation of persons in an emergency area ; ( d ) designate other members of council who may exercise powers and perform the duties of the Head of Council under the emergency plan during the absence of the Head of Council or upon his inability to act ; ( e ) establish committees and designate employees to be responsible for reviewing the emergency plan , training employees in their function and implementing the emergency plan during an emergency ; ( f ) obtaining and distributing materials , equipment and supplies during an emergency ; and ( g ) such other matters as are considered necessary or advisable for the implementation of the emergency plan during an emergency . SCHEDULE "A" PAGE 2 SECTION 2 AIM The aim of this plan is to make provision for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to protect the health , safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Township of Bayham when faced with an emergency . SECTION 3 MUNICIPAL CONTROL GROUP The emergency response will be directed and controlled by the elected and appointed officials who are responsible for providing the essential services necessary to minimize the effects of an emergency on the municipality . The group will be known as the Municipal Control Group ( MCG ) and will be composed of : ( a ) Reeve of the Township of Bayham or alternate ( b ) The Clerk of the Township of Bayham or alternate who shall be the Operations Officer ( c ) The Fire Chief or alternate ( d ) The Road Superintendent or alternate ( e ) The Chief Building Official or alternate Additional personnel called to assist the MCG may include : ( a ) Ontario Provincial Police ( b ) The Long Point Region Conservation Authority ( c ) The Engineer for the County of Elgin ( d ) The Social Services Officer for the County of Elgin ( e ) The Medical Officer of Health for the County of Elgin ( f ) The staff from provincial ministries ( g ) School Officials ( h ) The St . Thomas Elgin General Hospital and/or the Tillsonburg District Hospital ( i ) any other official , experts or representatives deemed necessary by the MCG . SECTION 4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPAL CONTROL GROUP (MCG) Some or all of the following actions/decisions may have to be considered or dealt with by the MCG ( a ) declaring an emergency to exist ( b ) designating any area in the municipality to be an emergency area ( c ) authorizing expenditures of funds for implementing the emergency plan ( d ) calling out and mobilizing their emergency service , agency and/or equipment ( e ) co-ordinating and directing their service and ensuring that any SCHEDULE "A" ' PAGE 3 SECTION 4 (continued) actions necessary for the mitigation of the effects of the emergency are taken , providing that they are not contrary to law . ( f ) evacuating those buildings or sections within the emergency area which are themselves considered to be dangerous or in which the occupants are considered to be in danger from any source ( g ) discontinuing utilities or services provided by public or private concerns without reference to any consumers in the municipality , or when continuation of such utilities or services constitutes a hazard to public safety within an emergency area ( Ii ) arranging for accomodation and welfare , on a temporary basis , of any residents who are in need of assistance due to displacement as a result of the emergency ( i ) calling in and employment of any municipal personnel and equipment which is required for the emergency ( J ) arranging for services and equipment from agencies not under municipal control ( private contractor-volunteer agencies-- service clubs ) ( k ) notifying and/or requesting assistance from and/or liason with various levels of government and with any public or private agencies not under municipal control ( 1 ) dispersing people not directly connected with the operations who by their presence are considered to be in danger or whose presence hinders in any way the efficient functioning of emergency operations ( m ) determining if additional volunteers are required and if appeals for volunteers is warranted ( n ) determining if additional transport is required for the evacuation or transport of persons and/or supplies ( o ) establishing an information centre for the issuance of accurate releases to the news media and for issuance of authoritative instructions to the general public ( p ) establishing a reporting and inquiry centre to handle individual requests for information concerning any aspect of the emergency ( g ) maintaining a log outlining decisions made and actions taken and submitting a summary of the log to the municipal clerk within one week of the termination of the emergency ( r ) notifying the service , agency or group under their direction of the termination of the emergency ( s ) participating in a debriefing following the conclusion of the emergency SCHEDULE "A" PAGE 4 SECTION 5 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS OF THE MCG REEVE OR ALTERNATE ( a ) announcing the declaration of an emergency to exist in the municipality or defined area thereof ( b ) announcing the termination of the emergency ( c ) ensure that the Solicitor General of Ontario has been notified of the declaration of the emergency and the termination of the emergency ( d ) ensuring that the members of council are advised of the declaration of the emergency , the termination of the emergency and that they are kept informed of the emergency situation ( e ) approve news releases and public announcements ( f ) requesting assistance from senior levels of government , when required ( g ) make decisions , determine priorities and issue operational directions through the operations officer ( h ) chair meeting of the MCG CLERK (Operations Officer) ( a ) organize and supervise the Operations Centre , and in particular , make arrangements for obtaining and displaying up-to-date information at all times ( b ) arrange and coordinate telecommunications systems ( c ) advise the Reeve on all administrative policies and proceedures ( d ) make media arrangements and assist in the preparation and issue press and public announcements FIRE CHIEF OR ALTERNATE ( a ) provide the Reeve ( and other members of the MCG ) with information and advice on firefighting matters ( b ) establish an ongoing communications link between the scene of the emergency and the Operations Control Centre : and with the senior fire official at the scene if the fire chief is required to remain at the Operations Control Centre ( c ) if appropriate , appoint an " on-site co -ordinator " to control operations at the scene of an emergency ( d ) inform the Mutual Aid Fire coordinator and trigger mutual aid arrangements for the provision of additonal firefighting manpower and equipment as required ( e ) determine if additional or special equipment is needed and recommend possible sources of supply ( breathing apparatus-- protective clothing etc . ) ( f ) provide assistance to other municipal departments and agencies and be prepared to take charge or contribute to non-firefighting operations if necessary ( rescue--fire aid--casualty collection etc . ) • SCHEDULE "A" PAGE 5 SECTION 5 (continued ) ROAD SUPERINTENDENT OR ALTERNATE ( a ) provide the Reeve ( and other members of the MCG ) with information and advice on engineering and egi.pment matters ( b ) maintain liason with flood control , Long Point Region Conservation Authority and environmental agencies and be prepared to conduct relief and preventative measures ( c ) advise the MCG as to 'the condition and construction , maintenance and repair of municipal roads ( d ) provide public works vehicles and equipment as required by any other emergency service ( e ) provide traffic control , evacuations , etc . , by clearing emergency routes , marking obstacles and providing road signs for direction etc . ( f ) maintain liason with public and private utility companies ( Ontario Hydro --Natural Resource Gas -- Amtelecom and/or Bell Canada ) and make recommendations for discontinuation of any utility , public or private , where necessary in the interest of public safety ( g ) re-establish the municipal road system at the conclusion of the emergency CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ALTERNATE ( a ) make recommendations and/or arrange for demolition of unsafe structures ( b ) maintain liason with public and private utility companies and re-establish essential services at the conclusion of the emergency THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE as an agency of the Provincial Government will be requested to assist the municipal agencies and provide policing services . If considered necessary , they will • ( a ) provide the Reeve with information and advice on law enforcement matters ( b ) seal off the area of concern ( c ) control and , if necessary , disperse crowds within the emergency area ( d ) control the movement of emergency vehicles to and from the site of the emergency ( e ) coordinate policing with other municipal agencies and arrange for additional supplies and equipment as required ( barriers- flashers etc . ) ( f ) coordinate evacuation of buildings or areas when required ( g ) arrange for the maintenance of law and order and the protection of persons and property in the emergency area (h ) advise the Coroner in the event of fatalities and perform whatever additional responsibilities may be necessary under the Coroners Act • SCHEDULE "A" PAGE 6 SECTION 6 ACTIVATING THE EMERGENCY PLAN Once an elected official or the municipal office has received information that an emergency exists or may exist it is the responsibility of that person to notify the Clerk/or alternate in his capacity as operations officer . It is then his duty . to determine the method the different individuals or agencies set out in this plan are contacted . He may contact the individuals or agencies directly or delegate this authority to council members or municipal staff . The nature of the emergency and circumstances regarding time and place will be the determining factor in his decision . Records will be kept indicating the persons or agencies contacted and their response At the termination of the Emergency he will ensure that all persons and agencies involved are advised . • • • A APPRNDIX ( A) PAGE 7 • A-1 NOTIFICATION LIST APPOINTMENT INCUMBENT TELEPHONE Business Residence Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Clerk Wm . Bogue 866-5521 633-9675 Fire Chief Harold Dennis 866-3061 866-3061 Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris 866-3144 Road Superintendent Jim Gibbons 866- 3524 866-3035 Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel 866-5521 842-4034 Ontario Provincial Police TILLSONBURG 866-5600 842-3633 St . Thomas 765-2200 London 681 -0851 1 -800-265-7191 Long Point Region Conservation Authority 428-4623 County of Elgin Clerk George Leverton 631 - 1460 County of Elgin Engineer Fred Groch 631 -5880 County of Elgin Social Services R . E . Bell 631 - 1570 County of Elgin Medical Officer of Health 631 -9900 County of Elgin Health Unit ( Aylmer ) 773-3961 Elgin County Board of Education 663-2700 Elgin County Separate School Board 631 -8300 Straffordville Public School 866-30.21 St . Thomas Elgin General Hospital 631 -2020 St . Thomas Ambulance 631 -2222 Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital 842-3611 Tillsonburg Ambulance 842-8448 Ministry of Natural Resources 773-9241 Ministry of Transportation 681 - 1441 Ministry of the Environment 1 -800-265-7672 • pmmmmillimw APPENDIX (A) PAGE 8 A -1 NOTIFICATION LIST (continued ) APPOINTMENT INCUMBENT TELEPHONE BUSINESS RESIDENCE Elgin Area Water System 782-3101 St . Thomas Fire Department Mutual Aid Amtelecom 911 in service for emergencies Natural Resource Gas Limited 773-5321 Ontario Hydro 773-8428 Superior Propane 773-8413 or 1 -800-265- 1959 Union Gas 1 -800-265-6150 MEDIA RADIO CKOT ( Tillsonburg ) 842-4281 Emergency 842-3086 CHLO ( St . Thomas ) 637- 1572 BX 93 ( London ) 685-9393 685-6397 TELEVISION CFPL ( London ) 686-8810 CKCO ( Kitchener APPENDIX (A) PAGE 9 A-2 GUIDE FOR CONTACTING AGENCIES IN EMERGENCIES EMERGENCY involving death or injury Ontario Proovincial Police Fire Department Ambulance Coroner • involving fire Fire department Ontario Provincial Police Ambulance requiring evacuation of Ontario Provincial Police persons Road Superintendent Fire Department Ambulance The Elgin Regiment involving goods regulated Ontario Provincial Police under the Transporation Fire Department of Dangerous Goods Act Ambulance CANUTEC ( Call collect 24 firs 1-613-996-6666 Road Superintendent involving discharge of Health Unit • contaminants Ministry of the Environment Involving pesticides Ministry of the Environment involving chemical spills Ministry of the Environment involving rail accidents C . N . Railway Ontario Provincial Police Ambulance Fire Department involving civilian Toronto Flight Information 1 -416-676-4593 aircraft crash or 676-4509 Ontario Provincial Police Fire Department Ambulance Hospital Health Unit Coroner involving chemical transportation accident CANUTEC 1 -613-996-6666 ( collect ) Ontario Provincial Police Fire Department involving military Rescue coordination Centre CFB Trenton aircraft crash 1 -613-392-3511 Local 3871 1 -613-392-2811 Local 3870 / 3875 Ontario Provincial Police Ambulance CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY St . Thomas ) 631-1611 • APPENDIX (A) PAGE 10 • A-3 EQUIPMENT IN AND NEAR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL Dump Truck # 2 1986 Ford ( sander ) radio Dump Truck # 4 1990 Ford " Dump Truck # 5 1989 Freightleiner " Dump Truck # 8 1987 International Boom Truck 1964 Dodge NO Grader # 6 1986 Champion radio Grader # 7 1977 Champion Front End Loader 1988 Case W30 Backoe 1980 Case 580C Tractor 1987 Case no Fire Truck Ford ( 1984 ) Fire Tanker Truck Chevrolet ( 1975) Fire Rescue Van Chevrolet ( 1975 ) Jaws of Life Other rescue equipment ( lights , generators etc . ) OTHER Equipment Owner Telephone Business Residence 85 Ton crane Russell Crane Service 866-5545 866-5545 40 ton crane Russell Crane Service " Large backhoe Gilles Therrien 874 -4591 874 -459.1 large & small bulldozer Gilles Therrien float & tractor Gilles Therrien backhoe Jake Zacharias 866-3315 866-3315 small bulldozer Jake Zacharias 866-3315 866=3315 backhoe-loader-bulldozer Bill Knight 875-4837 875-4837 crane & trucks backhoe - loader - trucks Laemer(Stever) Tru king Ltd 773-5613 773-5613 backhoe - loader bulldozer Strickland Bulldozing 773-2379 773-2379 and trucks Trucks Brooks Trucking 874 -4012 874 -4012 ( Hugh ) backhoe & generator Clifford Noels 866-3297 866-3297 mis . equipment Tillsonburg Rent Alls 842-7180 842-5798 Sandbags Ministry of Transportation 59 Hwy . at Courtland 842- Generators , lighting Tiltran Services 842-6458 and pumps Radios and other rescue The Elgin Regiment 631 -3316 equipment & personnell for traffic & evacuation assistance r • 4 % • APPENDIX (A) PAGE 11 A - 9 Buildings both public and private which may be utilized in an emergency Building Owner Contact Telephone Bayham Community Centre Twp . of Bayham Jackie DeClercq 866-3323 Bayham Public Library Twp . of Bayham Dianne Palmer 866-3584 Or 842-2890 Vienna Community Centre Village of Vienna Marj Garrett 874 -4185 Straffordville Public School Elgin Bd . Of Ed Arthur Goethals 866-3021 Eden Public School ) n or 874 -4520 Port Burwell Public School " " Joanne Duffy 874 -4558 CURCHES Port Burwell United Madeline Stewart 874 -4285 Anglican Marg Hayward 874 Catholic Church Office 874 -4010 Vienna United Linda VanDevyvere 866-3690 Anglican Art Goethals 874 -4520 Straffordville United John Howey 866-3420 Eden Baptist Wilford Burwell 866-5518 Richmond United Len Simpson 866-5836 or Lewis Acre 866-3643 Calton Baptist Henry Wiebe 874 -4219 Corinth United Russell Mannell 866- 3419 Vienna Masonic Hall Jim Smith 866-3215 Port Burwell/Bayham Legion Sharon Reiser 874 -4217 Port Burwell Scout Hall Bill Tait 874 -4002 Food & clothing may be available through the various churches in the area Terrace Lodge - Aylmer Fred Boyce 765-2667 Elgin Manor Fred Boyce 631 -0620 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2650 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings held October 29 , 1991 and November 7 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 7 , 1991 and special meeting held October 29 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of November 1991 . Reeve Clerk . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2651 Being a By-Law to provide for the maintenance of the Arn #2 , Adler , Benner , Carruthers , Casier , Coomber "D" "E" , Coomber "F" Corinth, Dennis , Dereham/Bayham Townline , Hampton , Ketchabaw #2 , Mitts , Nevil , No . 1 , Pearson , Phillips , Schonberger Branch "B" , Smith, Stewart , Winter and Palmer Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $15 , 741 . 08 to pay therefore . WHEREAS The above mentioned drains were constructed under the provisions of Drainage Act , and according to the several by- laws of the municipality , providing for such consturction , and according to the various reports of the Township Engineers made thereon . AND WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports , by- laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works , at the expense of the land and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof , in the portion according to such assessment until such assessments , or portions thereof , be varied . AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty , the Municipality has from time to time , carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains . AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act , upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains , so as to provide for the raise the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto which amount in all to $15 , 741 . 08 to the lands and roads assessed , and the amount of the assessments upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed , appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments , which said Schedule is a part of this by- law . AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amount in 1991 .. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : - 1 ) THAT for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $9 , 326 . 82 the amount charged against the lands of the drainage works , and now assessable for Maintenance , the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto and forming a part of this By- law , shall over and above all other rates be assessed and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned lots or parts of lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present year , 1991 . 2 ) THAT for the purpose of paying the sum of $1 , 276 . 96 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality , and $609 . 29 the amount charged against other Municipalities , the Province of Ontario , and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose , accounts shall be lieved against the roads of the Municipality and against the other Municipalities , the Province of Ontario , and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts . 3 ) THAT the sum of $4 , 528 . 01 be charged to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Program for repairs to drains serving agricultural lands . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1991 . (2‘47 REEVE CLERK P � SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE BY-LAW NO . 2651 ROLL * REPAIRS GRANTS NET Adler Drain Repairs 3-031 2 : 01 . 67 1 . 34 3-029 69 . 19 23 . 06 46 . 13 2- 147 178 . 54 59 . 51 119 . 03 avg. 75/ 53 . ? 1/ ) /- (-. . 50 Elgin County Rd . 45 101 . 22 - 101 . 22 Total 350 . 96 83 . 24 267 . 72 Arn * 2 Drain Repairs 4 -014 . 15 . 05 . 10 3- 145 35 . 58 11 . 86 23 . 72 4 -010 1 . 52 . 51 1 . 01 3- 141 24 . 88 8 . 29 16 . 59 3- 140 25 . 67 8 . 56 17 . 11 Hwy # 19 85. 17. 80 ~� - $5 . 17 3 Total 92 . 97 29 . 27 63 . 70 Coomber Drain "F" 5- 125 332 . 71 110 . 90 221 . 81 Repairs 5- 127 332 . 71 110 . 90 221 . 81 5- 129 133 . 09 44 . 36 88 . 73 Total 798 . 51 266 . 16 532 . 35 Coomber Drain "D" "E" 5- 124 73 . 53 24 . 51 49 . 02 5- 125 416 . 67 138 . 89 277 . 78 Total 490 . 20 163 . 40 326 . 80 Winter Drain "A" Branch 1 -080 119 . 62 39 . 87 79 . 75 Repairs 1 -073 64 . 79 21 . 59 43 . 20 1 - 127 436 . 94 145 . 64 291 . 30 Bayham Rds 6,2 /. 35 , c71 / 0 �/ / �1 25 Y 191 . 06 6-3:-&8 .}z�7;38 1 q).o G Norfolk ( Houghton ) 28 . 26 _9 IT 1-8--;-8-5" 2j----,----L Total 840 . 67 2B-O- I9 s 633.57 Stewart Drain Repairs 5-091 78 . 80 26 . 26 52 . 54 5-092 31 . 17 10 . 39 20 . 78 5-093 12 . 10 4 . 03 g8 . 0 / 22 . 6' 7' Nc. 48 Bayham Township Rd • 11 . 76 11 . 76 M . T . C . Rd . 13 - . 13 Total 133 . 96 40 . 68 93 . 28 . Continued . . . . i/ L SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE 2 . BY-LAW NO. 2651 ROLL it REPAIRS GRANTS NET Stewart Drain Repairs 5-088 45.9 . 71 153 . 23 306 . 48 5-091 477 . 00 159 . 00 318 . 00 5-092 188 . 72 62 . 90 125 . 82 5-893 73 . 27 24 . 42 48 . 85 „ . 70 ,3 99. 55 7 /. i5 Bayham Township Rd 71 . 23 - 71 . 23 M . T . O . - Hwy # 3 . 69 - . 69 Total 1270 . 62 399 . 55 871 . 07 Dennis Drain Repairs 3-048 6 . 48 2 . 16 4 . 32 3-047 84 . 35 28 . 11 56 . 24 3-050 10 . 81 3 . 60 7 . 21 3- 109 76 . 99 25 . 66 51 . 33 3- 109 8 . 21 2 . 73 5 . 48 3- 141 2 . 59 . 86 1 . 73 3- 145 15 . 15 5 . 04 10 . 11 3- 109 151 . 40 50 . 46 100 . 94 3- 110 2 . 59 . 86 1 . 73 3- 147 65 . 32 21 . 77 43 . 55 4-053 11 . 24 3 . 74 7 . 50 I/ 35 . 13 /g#. 99 .210. / u. C . P . R . 12 . 54 - 12 . 54 Bayham Rds 128 . 04 - 128 . 04 Hwy # 19 25 . 17 - 25 . 17 Total 600 . 88 144 . 99 455 . 89 Nevil Drain Repairs 1 -059 838 . 74 279 . 58 559 . 16 1 -061 315 . 38 105 . 12 210 . 26 Total 1154 . 12 384 . 70 769 . 42 Hampton Drain Repairs 3-95 130 . 00 43 . 65 86 . 35 3-96 136 . 68 45 . 56 91 . 12 3- 137 210 . 33 70 . 11 140 . 22 3- 138 230 . 30 76 . 76 153 . 54 3- 139 69 . 99 23 . 33 46 . 66 `177 . 30 23. 33 5 ' 7 . F7 Township Rds 134 . 17 - 134 . 17 Total 911 . 47 259 . 41 652 . 06 Continued . . . . ' SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE 3 . BY-LAN NO. 2651 ROLL t REPAIRS GRANTS NET Corinth Drain Repairs 5- 177 31 . 89 - 31 . 89 Henry Street Branch 1985 5- 189 10 . 84 - 10 . 84 Repairs 5- 190 29 . 98 - 29 . 98 5- 191 35 . 72 - 35 . 72 5- 192 35 . 08 - 35 . 08 5- 193 41 . 46 - 41 . 46 5- 194 35 . 08 - 35 . 08 5- 117 26 . 79 8 . 93 17 . 86 5- 110 1 . 91 - 1 . 91 5-112 1 . 91 - 1 . 91 24/ 73 CN Railway 62 . 52 - 62 . 52 Main Street 18 . 50 - 18 . 50 Henry Street 185 . 09 - 185 . 09 Total 516 . 77 8 . 93 507 . 84 Dereham-Bayham Townline 5- 129 1 . 77 . 59 1 . 18 Repairs 5- 125 5 . 13 1 . 71 3 . 42 5- 128 1 . 74 . 56 1 . 18 Subtotal 8 . 64 2 . 86 5 . 78 South / West Oxford Rd 54 . 01 - 54 . 01 South / West Oxford W . i Lot 1612 . 93 .4:11 .8:2 12 y3 Lot 17 except N . W . 11 . 88 3.-96 lips E . Pt . S . i Lot 18 10 . 49 7 (70_ /0 . Y? o . 9? . 91 w . Pt . S . 2 Lot 18 . 99 .,3-3' .-6'$" f Subtotal 36 . 29 LMW. 2-4=v2111 4 ' 2 4 Bayham Rds 54 . 01 - 54 . 01 Total 152 . 95 _ 09. 1� 5 Schonberger Drain 2- 190 1093 . 68 364 . 56 729 . 12 Branch "B" Repairs 2- 190 2193 . 64 731 . 21 1462 . 43 Total 3287 . 32 1095 . 77 2191 . 55 Phillips Drain 1965 5- 124 668 . 11 222 . 70 445 . 41 Repairs Elgin County Rds 63 . 52 - 63 . 52 Total 731 . 63 222 . 70 508 . 93 Continued . . . . SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE 4 . BY-LAW NO. 2651 ROLL # REPAIRS • GRANTS NET Palmer Drain 1958 3-069 10 . 57 3 . 52 7 . 05 Repairs 3-073 63 . 93 21 . 31 42 . 62 2- 180 23 . 10 7 . 70 15 . 40 2- 183 140 . 99 96 . 99 94 .00 2- 182 3 . 57 1 . 19 2 . 38 2- 186 55 . 04 18 . 34 36 . 70 2- 189 14 . 65 4 . 88 9 . 77 Subtotal 311 . 85 103 . 93 207 . 92 County of Elgin 68 . 54 - 68 . 54 Total 380 . 39 103 . 93 276 . 46 Smith Drain Repairs 5- 162 65 . 04 21 . 68 43 . 36 5- 163 65 . 04 21 . 68 43 . 36 5- 164 65 . 04 21 . 68 43 . 36 5- 165 137 . 74 45 . 91 91 . 83 5- 167 4 . 59 1 . 53 3 . 06 5- 169 7 . 65 2 . 55 5 . 10 5- 174 4 . 77 1 . 59 3 . 18 6- 176 52 . 03 17 . 34 34 . 69 6- 146 121 . 74 40 . 58 81 . 16 6- 147 12 . 24 4 . 08 8 . 16 Subtotal 535 . 88 178 . 62 357 . 26 CN Railway 24 . 83 - 24 . 83 Bayham Rds 72 . 48 - 72 . 48 Total 633 . 19 178 . 62 454 . 57 Pearson Drain Repairs 5-014 -01 123 . 40 41 . 13 82 . 27 5-020 31 . 01 10 . 33 20 . 68 7-077 50 . 62 16 . 87 33 . 75 7-077 59 . 48 19 . 82 39 . 66 7-077-01 74 . 17 24 . 72 49 . 45 7-078 18 . 98 6 . 32 12 . 66 Subtotal 357 . 66 119 . 19 238 . 47 Elgin County Rd 23 . 36 - 23 . 36 Bayham Rds 34 . 85 - 34 . 85 Total 415 . 87 119 . 19 296 . 68 Carruthers Drain 5- 132 76 . 07 25 . 35 50 . 72 Repairs 5- 170 308 . 51 102 . 83 205 . 68 5- 171 179 . 61 59 . 87 119 . 74 5- 172 154 . 67 51 . 55 103 . 12 6-222 166 . 93 55 . 64 111 . 29- Subtotal 885 . 79 295 . 24 590 . 55 Continued . . . . SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE 5 . BY-LAW NO. 2651 ROLL t REPAIRS GRANTS NET Continue Carruthers Drain Township of Bayham 265 . 49 - 265 . 44 South/West Oxford Rds 57 . 47 - 57 . 47 Total 1208 . 70 295 . 24 913 . 46 No . 1 Drain Repairs 4 -028 45 . 70 15 . 23 130 . 47 4 -014 4 . 85 1 . 61 3 . 29 4 -053 36 . 19 12 . 06 24 . 13 4 -030 11 . 64 3 . 88 7 . 76 4 -050 24 . 11 8 . 03 16 . 08 4 -050 24 . 01 8 . 00 16 . 01 4 -050 23 . 72 7 . 90 15 . 82 4 -050 22 . 95 7 . 65 15 . 30 4 -049 . 48 . 16 . 32 4 -061 64 . 23 21 . 57 43 . 16 4 -062 . 09 - . 09 4 -061 33 . 62 11 . 20 22 . 42 4 -061 33 . 72 11 . 24 22 . 48 4 -064 8 . 83 2 . 94 5 . 89 4 -066 . 59 . 19 . 39 4 -066 1 . 16 . 39 . 77 4 - 104 . 58 . 19 . 39 4 - 107 31 . 54 10 . 51 21 . 03 4 - 110 43 . 76 14 . 58 29 . 18 4 - 115 23 . 87 7 . 95 15 . 92 4 - 114 . 09 - . 09 4 - 113 . 09 - . 09 4 - 116 5 . 87 1 . 95 3 . 92 4 - 104 2 . 42 . 80 1 . 62 4 - 107 2 . 42 . 80 1 . 62 4 -061 1 . 45 . 48 . 97 4 -047 . 09 - . 09 4 -060 . 09 - . 09 4 -059 . 09 - . 09 4 -058 . 09 - . 09 4 -057 . 09 - . 09 4 -055 . 09 - . 09 4 -054 . 09 = . 09 Subtotal 449 . 10 149 . 31 299 . 79 Continued • SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE 6 . BY-LAN NO. 2651 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Continue . No . 1 Drain Repairs Con VI Lot 125 . 29 . 09 . 20 County of Elgin Rds 4 . 36 " - 4 . 36 Bayham Rds 4 . 36 - 4 . 36 4 . 36 ' - 4 . 36 Bayham Township Rd 14 . 55 ) - 14 . 55 Elgin County 4 . 36 ' - 4 . 36 Total 481 . 38 149 . 40 331 . 98 Mitts Drain Repairs 3-040 8 . 56 2 . 85 5 . 71 3-041 4 . 27 - 4 . 27 3-042 4 . 72 - 4 . 27 3-043 4 . 92 - 4 . 92 3-044 4 . 50 - 4 . 50 3-045 18 . 00 6 . 00 12 . 00 3-046 9 . 22 - 9 . 22 3-098 4 . 72 1 . 57 3 . 15 3- 100 14 . 49 4 . 83 9 . 66 3-099 1 . 53 - 1 . 53 3- 101 2 . 30 - 2 . 30 3- 102 1 . 75 - 1 . 75 3- 103 6 . 14 - 6 . 14 3- 105 . 84 - . 84 3- 141 10 . 10 3 . 36 6 . 74 Subtotal 96 . 06 18 . 61 77 . 45 M. T . O . 2 . 74 - 2 . 74 Bayham Rds 14 . 27 - 14 . 27 Total 113 . 07 18 . 61 94 . 46 Benner Drain Repairs 2-093 58 . 93 19 . 64 39 . 29 2-097 243 . 57 - 81 . 18 162 . 39 2-098 130 . 50 43 . 50 87 . 00 2- 101 102 . 84 34 . 28 68 . 56 2- 103 9 . 02 3 . 01 6 . 01 2- 181 18 . 04 6 . 02 12 . 02 2- 185 12 . 02 4 . 00 8 . 02 Subtotal 574 . 92 191 . 63 383 . 29 Bayham Township 50 . 55 - 50 . 55 Total 625 . 47 191 . 63 433 . 84 Continued SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE 7 . BY-LAW NO . 2651 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Ketchabaw Drain # 2 6-008-05 94 . 98 31 . 66 63 . 32 Repairs 6-009 4 . 22 1 . 40 2 . 82 6-015 11 . 94 3 . 98 7 . 96 6-015 9 . 54 3 . 18 6 . 36 6-015 4 . 67 1 . 55 3 . 12 6-036 6 . 36 2 . 12 4 . 24 6-037 15 . 84 5 . 28 10 . 56 6-042-05 3 . 18 1 . 06 2 . 12 6-040 1 . 03 . 34 . 69 Subtotal 151 . 76 50 . 57 101 . 19 N . Gore Bayham 7 . 92 - 7 . 92 Lot 16 Sideroad Bayham 2 . 77 - 2 . 77 Township of Bayham Rd 11 . 55 - 11 . 55 Total 174 . 00 50 . 57 123 . 43 Casier Drain Repairs 2- 159 299 . 83 99 . 94 199 . 89 2- 160 31 . 99 10 . 66 21 . 33 3-037 4 . 40 1 . 46 2 . 94 3-035 1 . 06 - 1 . 06 3-035 2 . 44 - 2 . 44 3-033 1 . 63 - 1 . 63 3-034 . 52 - . 52 oq Subtotal 341 . 87 112 . 06 --2 : - - ' �i I Elgin County Rd 11 . 26 - 11 . 26 Hwy # 19 22 . 85 - 22 . 85 Total 375 . 98 112 . 06 263 . 92 -7:4--c y.�-- g'�- 9/V. y 3G .1 1 :7 '2- � y V3 L 3 9g 1 9 lt 2 3 27 i3oA 3_ 3. 19 3 C)-161-t rt' k.t,cl ' -A I. /rivfe/ 4----Tr/ . 9 / /6/111- ' ��'o ft. 83. .2y. /1L..(b• . /2/ 2�. Z, ,;-99 • �9 027 SI.s3. '41/2, ' . F 77J..</ . G2 . /G. .<3 .31. 9g. . y/90 .o • ! /3.70 32 .8t • 8. z‘ ?0 ,2 /0 /7/04 ,;(..-darit--&? ' g Y o.Z 2 • / .4=14) li 7 7//Y. ,.?- . -AfqAg tit. „....?„,t4-&...)-1.4.24--- 1.4. /33. 92. ,/O.a • it 37. /19t. -/3. _AAL -4, / 70 .6 2 . / g97 ' .0 27Y is 2/023. • 4, i, - s9 V. tOo •i i ' /X,-/PY . oVo. i,z /W6 ,AliA)-d /iC/. /2 : ' 3SX20 W./Z . slernifi;7.7 7//' . / S9.1i .../7 27. A3Y/7 gv.4:zi ..QZ -9 2. ' g 73. . . 9//s . /A"-s'o DP/27(__ ___ /4___ . ..-...84,_._ S 7 Syo/ . 34, ..2f. 4 3 227 . 32 . ' /o js� 22• J/7/ ' /9J 6tao . • 73/. !o3 . ' 2.Z. 7o Y7S' Y'. '3J'2 . 32.0 �Y. ' /3 73 . 2°79% . zosW _� - G 33./9 . /71 z z . 3s7, z 7 .1g. ., g 3• l.37'4(.s7 //9. iy . (38.V7 3,/-2--S .3- ,3G . • 70 1 , os cfmAkz6L.6 a9�a,` .3/y0 - ‘ S- , -(792 4o1 . /x/32 ' /yq/c . .*977 . 02 3 -27 g- 72- .-.1714/1-4 • //3 .c7 , ' /£ .•C /. 77 /( /V a7. c - 7y /2.e."."1.41, • 2,,R.(. V2 . ' 1 71 Z, 3 . g 3.2,• 3<2 • .(sr 71 *y . / 2 °° j.53 /°/ /7. . " Xci...2-<..t1 . ! o1) rl'07";411711f" Am, /' _ .meg o I 0°.7.:- 94 �7 _ ,�`,t��d , X128 • - -moi• / 7 6 Loo. a 'IV °c ,/ 93 / g1 V CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2652 BEING a By-Law to authorize the Reeve of the Township of Bayham to execute a Mutual Agreement for drainage at Lots 2 and 3 in Concession 8 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham entered into an Agreement with Joseph Magyar Jr . for the extraction of gravel from the lands of the said Joseph Magyar Jr . at Lot 3 in Concession 8 , Township of Bayham and authorized by By-Law No . 2362 AND WHEREAS the aforesaid Council entered into a further Agreement with the aforesaid Joseph Magyar Jr . to provide for the installation of a drainage system, if required , at the completion of the gravel extraction process at the aforesaid Lot 3 , Concession 8 and authorized by By-Law No . 2425 AND WHEREAS a Mutual Agreement Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Act has been constructed to provide drainage of the lands of the aforesaid Joseph Magyar Jr . requiring an outlet at Lot 2 in Concession 8 AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to authorize the Reeve to execute the aforesaid Mutual Agreement for drainage on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in conjunction with the owners of the east and west halves of the south half of Lot 2 and part of the south half of Lot 3 and the north west quarter of Lot 3 in Concession 8 THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 ) That the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to execute the "Agreement by Owners - Mutual Agreement Drain" at Lots 2 and 3 in Concession 8 , Township of Bayham 2 ) That the said Agreement be attached to and form part of this By-Law and designated as Schedule "A" hereto Read a First , Second and Third time and finally passed this 21st day of November 1991 41/7" -- REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • By-Law No . 2653 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings held November 14 , 1991 and November 21 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 21 , 1991 and special meeting held November 14 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of November 1991 . 67..".›EP 41/ Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2654 • BEING a by- law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a Deed of Land being a part of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in Concession 4 , Township of Bayham and designated as Part 2 on Registered Plan 11R- 4720 . WHEREAS the original road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in Concession 4 was closed by By-Law No . 365 as passed by the Council of the Corporation on September 9 , 1878 . AND WHEREAS the said By-Law No . 365 provided for the conveyance of the lands in the closed road allowance to the abutting owners on the east and west sides . AND WHEREAS it would appear that no conveyance of the lands has been made . AND WHEREAS Scott Robert Gregson is the current owner of the lands to the west in Lot 5 and Robert Gregson is the current owner of lands to the east in Lot 6 . AND WHEREAS the aforesaid Robert Gregson has signified in writing that he does not object to the whole of the lands designated as Part 2 on Registered Plan 11R- 4720 be conveyed by Deed to Scott Robert Gregson . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . 1 ) THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a Transfer/Deed. of Land conveying part of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 , in Concession 4 , Township of Bayham, and as closed by By-Law No . 365 , passed by the Council of the Corporation on September 9 , 1878 , and further designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R- 4720 to Scott Robert Gregson . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF DECEMBER , 1991 . . /i',1 ,. C� i REEVE CLERK • .U► Province Transfer/Deed of Land' . . , O A • • K Ontario 1 Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act. 1904 '•/- (1) (1) Registry Q Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) Property Block Property Identifier(s) Additional: Sege ❑ Schedule (4) Consideration Two Dollars oottars ;2 . 00 >- -J , Z (5) Description This is a: PropertyProperty O w pivision ❑ Consolidation Ei D Part of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 iiConcession 4 in the Township of Bayham in the 14. 0 New Property Identifiers County of Elgin designated as PART 2 as shown on °C Additional: Reference Plan 11R-4720 deposited in the Registry U See ❑ Office for the Registry Division of Elgin Schedule Executions Additional: See ❑ Schedule (1 This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch ❑ Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other C (8) Transferor(*) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that Date of Signature Nae(s) Signatures) I �'� Y M o Name(s) THE . COREORATI.ON. OF. THE .TOWNSH.I.P. OF. BAYHAM . 1991 Clerk GV (9) Spouses) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signatures) Y M D (10) Transferor(s) Address • for Service P . O. Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ 1Y0 (11) Transferees) Date of Birth Y M o GREGSON, .Sc.o.t.t. Robert . .1966 . .10 .01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) Transferees) Address for Service R. R. #1 , Straffordville , Ontario. NOJ lY0 /1 (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of thR transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D Y M D Signature Signature , Solicitor for Transferors) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act. 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor -' to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature OName and Y M . D a Address of : O Solicitor Signature i '" (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records < 2�Z, reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act. 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983 I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario Pac solicitor in good standing. a inS:- Name and Date of Signature � x o Address of Y M D =Q.y2' Solicitor N Signature. ,. . . . • (15) Assessment Roll Number Par Fees and Tax ` of Property Cty Mun Map Sub Not assigned ��lr 12Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: �� R. R. 116 , BROWN & BROWN ? Land Transfer Tax Aylmer , Ontario . Barristers & Solicitors w N5H 2R5 Box 67 , 30 Brock St .E. , L TILLSONBURG ,Ontario 0 N4G 4H3 cc; ` 21 Total Newsome and Gilbert, Limited April, 19145 Form LF 1327 (1/85) l P THE CORPORATION OF THE TONNSH I P OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2655 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held December 5 , 1991 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held December 5 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of December 1991 . Lam_ 4i Reeve Clerk • s BY-LAW NO. 2656 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 89 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 89 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of December, 1991 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2656 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 89 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 1.22 hectares (3.01 acres) and is situated at the north-east corner of Part Lot 136, Concession 6, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting along a small creek at the edge of a large woodlot. These lands consist of the non-arable portion of a 12 hectare (30 acre) farm property most of which is under cash crop cultivation. There is an existing farm dwelling to the west, or the rear of subject lands and except for this dwelling and the cash crop use to the immediate south, the subject lands are more or less situated on an isolated pocket of land which is surrounded by a large woodlot system. The identification of the subject lands as a candidate site for the development of an estate residential dwelling was based on a number of factors given due consideration by the applicant, Township Staff and Council. Firstly and foremostly in the opinion of Township Council, the proposed development will not remove agricultural land from production or adversely affect agricultural activities on adjacent or nearby lands. Secondly, the subject lands are adjacent o an existing dwelling in an aesthetic setting at the edge of a substantial woodlot. As such, it is anticipated that a negligible loss of tree cover or negative environmental impact will be effected by the proposed dwelling if it is properly sited in accordance with the policies of this Plan. Although this proposal meets most of the criteria for a retirement lot for a fanner who is retiring from active working life, the Township Council is of the opinion that a site-specific Official Plan Amendment having the effect of designating the subject lands Rural-Estate Residential is appropriate given the circumstances associated with the proposal and the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan. • 2 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural-Estate Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 Estate Residential,as amended, and, wherever possible, the subject lands shall include a natural vegetative buffer of 30 metres along the existing watercourse. , �. • 0 p AMENDMENT NO.89 imallaellL \ SCHEDULE A ill popupwity, fir OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE # -��`�'h :\ � � "`� TOWNSHIP BAYHA IORNIPy OFM 1 10,, , '�� fit:. .,♦~ � FUTURE LAND USE :411 I , � A �i r•a :: : pp ` 891ANDS CHANGED FROM•AGRICULTURE'TO d � Pjli 'ESTATE RESIDENTIAL R(E)• 110,4\ %r� 16 >'" Eden.........:itift7 ..A Al r :', ''7..,,9-itli®�y, AGRICULTURE i 11, Nre , ,., .. „„: iFil:!? IN _ „ _ _ ►' GYe6~:� iojii 0 RURAL 'r:. _ i.' 1t.' `.i.• ► .�1 1• (1i�:. !^- SUS-CLASSIFICATIONS „• Ilia,441101. fa •' �� L ° 0 ESTATE RESIDENTIAL. ' mgi', , • ,,,a:, MOBILE HOME PARKS .Y /r` �. :Mkly.,4P110011_ SPARKS• t �: CA�IfPt�gOUNO8 t :i t © •;i- l`;ii :•r O RECREATIONAL r ' .0.. `.' el.' M N S T R 0 PUBLIC INSTTT1JTFOFIAL ti Wii v..v: .. f0 4 m 0 COMMERCIAL y77lSllll iiIL": ' i co i `O,, .01 me sairm t ..I 'j• c.: t• SSTR' d89i h . co.woel�,Ie tss1+s naww s.ouD 3 •e I..Of ron artu•c,uvu c+[+nm�tlaa f� i "` , ' ;ti'r`n; HAZARD LANDS 111 :. �6:� �r illp 44 iiiii 11111 '?c, 11111 :•.,e,.:-.• CONSERVATION LANDS 1111 Al it. ., „..• •.ii:,•,,p $01.4) MINERAL RESOURCE AREAS ... .. . .. • 1 ..441144... .. . " -.• 4.:1 • ':.•.e ;- ' ' HAMLETS 10011 .i (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) m _ *40 0 PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS ,1--. •isl : , ARTERIAL ROADS ili.II .J 411 .:, (COUNTY ROADS) milii y YlaAna !.••%:' ..:i.:: � It • NI r : . :.. •tr: {: ::}1 t tet. ., • „ :., Io i r: as 1 7. ed. .. 4 : • 0 I .o.t.i.: .:::. : 1.:: ' . •.— Y -,)rit4: 111 rA ' 1 • t.,.. ...,, •r. .niii - t - . ! ,,,, 1 Port Burwell 1..4 :;+• 411111 $ 0 2000 4000 Metres 9 5000 10900 15900 l I Feet SCALE 1:75 000 ` 1 I • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE B AMENDMENT NO . 89 ___ ...„:-.--_-__225.---.. j --' 0 ' I ' CONCESSION VI ! ., , -=x-,f S.S.T. -..y 22..0 , (� R:- i 6t 135 , , Lot 136 Lot 137 i _-- Lot 138 . iy / / i A • `/ / ii: 4---( 1--//lt..\.• ". �/ 7: -/ ::4-1111 '''r''''.:2 :7:1' .2 3 3-5 ' ( I/ 111//-- .}/rj 1L'''' I : % ( / / / .tlz i•o c) / � _ ,fir \-j:- ------ ---.i e'.-- "(\ . if , ,..„... 5":::>- ,: ._-..:7 - jam"' ' \-v`•<) ,/ ij r i _ • j/ ZZ i 2 2 ^,,.. __________..._,. ...,.....1_=------______- .-_-_ .2-ia; :- i . . it Y / . • cy- 'c' . ...,,,. 't OBJ '•-( , \ .„. 1. 1 Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources `-(: ` SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT e5 FARM BUILDINGS WOODLOT "Cdt. , • GARAGES/SHEDS 0 250m 500m NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only . Scale: 1:10.004 • • AMENDMENT NUMBER 89 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 34 OP 0158 SUBJECT: ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 136, CONCESSION 6 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 89 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham r 411 AMENDMENT NO . 89 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No . 89 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act . Date : l 0)-1 t Diana L . . rdine , M . C . I . P . Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs i • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 89 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2656, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 19th day of December, 1991. ( REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2656 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 89 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 89 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of December, 1991 1 �y l /r5 1 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2656 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2657 • BEING a by- law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Gilles Therrien for the development of residential lots at Lot 15 , in Concession 2 , Township of Bayham . WHEREAS Gilles Therrien is desirous of developing certain lands at Lot 15 , in Concession 2 , Township of Bayham, for residential purposes . AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enter into an Agreement with the said Gilles Therrien for the provision of certain services and other matters prior to the developmemnt of the aforesaid lands . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . 1 ) THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with Gilles Therrien for the development of certain lands at lot 15 , Concession 2 , Township of Bayham . 2 ) THAT the said Agreement together with Schedule ' A ' and ' B ' being respectively a legal description of the said lands and a site plan for the developing of the said lands be attached to and form a part of this by- law designated as Schedule 1 . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER , 1991 . REEVE CLERK 9208 AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL LOTS Registered Plan 11R-4798 THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 3rd day of January 1992 . BETWEEN: GILLES THERRIEN hereinafter called the " OWNER" OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM hereinafter called the " TOWNSHIP" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the lands affected by this Agreement are described in Schedule " A" attached hereto, and are hereinafter referred to as the " said lands" ; AND WHEREAS the OWNER warrants it is the registered owner of the said lands; AND WHEREAS, in this Agreement the " OWNER" includes an individual , and association, a partnership or corporation and, wherever the singular is used therein, it shall be construed as including the plural ; AND WHEREAS the OWNER intends to develop the said lands in accordance with the SITE PLAN attached hereto as Schedule " B" , and hereinafter referred to as the " SITE PLAN" ; AND WHEREAS the TOWNSHIP as a condition of development or redevelopment of the said lands requires the OWNER to enter into an AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL LOTS; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of FIVE ( $5. 00) DOLLARS of 1 awful money of Canada, now paid by each of the parties hereto to each of the other parties hereto, ( the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) , the OWNER hereby covenants and agrees with the TOWNSHIP as follows: 1 . The OWNER agrees that no building permit will be available until the SITE PLAN and building plans have been approved by the TOWNSHIP. 2. The following Schedules, which are identified by the signatures of the parties to this Agreement, and which are attached hereto, are hereby made a part of this Agreement as fully and to all intents and purposes as though recited in full herein: SCHEDULE " A" - Legal description of the said lands SCHEDULE " B" - SITE PLAN 3. SCHEDULE " A" hereto describes the lands affected by this Agreement. 4. SCHEDULE " B" SITE PLAN hereto shows: ( a) grading information indicating overland flow to and from adjacent properties and collection and disposal of surface water; ( b) location of utilities within the road allowance; and ( c) location of the proposed Therrien Mutual Agreement Drain. - 2 - 9208 5. The OWNER agrees that the houses will be erected in accordance with the plan( s) approved, subject only to such changes as have received advance approval from the TOWNSHIP. 6. The OWNER further agrees that: . ( a) all necessary provision for water service connections to the lots will be made to the satisfaction of the TOWNSHIP; ( b) all necessary precautions to avoid dust, noise and other nuisance and to provide for the public safety will , so far as possible, be taken and which company with The Construction Safety Act; ( c) all necessary care will be taken to see that mud and soil is not tracked or spilled onto the highway; ( d) the electrical servicing of the property shall be subject to the approval of the Ontario Hydro; ( e) upon failure by the OWNER to do any act during the development period herein that the public safety or convenience requires, in accordance with this agreement, upon 7 days written notice, the TOWNSHIP, in addition to any other remedy, may go in and do same at the OWNER' s expense and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security; ( f) the TOWNSHIP may treat any breach of this agreement as a breach of the Building By-law and, upon 24 hours written notice to the OWNER, stop work until the breach is rectified; and ( g) nothing in this agreement constitutes waiver of the OWNER' s duty to comply with any by-law of the TOWNSHIP or any other law. 7. The OWNER shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any necessary approval from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment ( if required) . 8. The OWNER agrees to pay for damages to public property, including but not limited to road surface, ditches and watermain which may occur during the period of construction. Any such repairs may be undertaken by the TOWNSHIP at the expense of the OWNER if not completed by the OWNER within thirty ( 30) days notice. 9. The TOWNSHIP through its servants, officer and agents, including its building inspector, plumbing inspector, fire chief, public works head and municipal engi neer, may from time to time and at any time enter on the premises of the OWNER to inspect the progress of development. 10. In the event of any servant, officer or agent of the TOWNSHIP determining upon inspection that the development is not proceeding in the strict accord with the plans and specifications filed, such servant, officer or agent shall forthwith place a notice requiring all work to be stopped upon the premises and forward a copy by registered mail to the OWNER at its last address as shown by the revised assessment rolls, and the OWNER shall forthwith correct the deficiency of deviation. 11 . In the event that an OWNER should fail to obey a stop work order, the OWNER recognizes the right of the TOWNSHIP to apply to the Courts for a restraining order. - 3 - 9208 12. In the event that an OWNER should fail to correct a deviation or deficiency after notice, the Council of the TOWNSHIP may by by-law direct, after two ( 2) weeks notice by registered mail at the last shown address of the OWNER pursuant to the revised assessment rolls of passage of such by-law, that such matter or thing be done by the TOWNSHIP at the expense of the OWNER, which expense may be recovered by action as municipal taxes, or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. 13. The OWNER agrees to pay to the TOWNSHIP all administration costs which shall include legal , engineering and inspection costs incurred in connection with this Agreement and the fulfilment of this Agreement. 14. LEVY FOR PARK The OWNER agrees to pay to the TOWNSHIP $500. 00 per lot in lieu of the 5% park area requirement. 15. THERRIEN MUTUAL AGREEMENT DRAIN The OWNER agrees to construct the Therrien Mutual Agreement Drain in accordance with Drawing No. 1 prepared by Cyril J. Demeyere Limited, dated December 20, 1991, including any revisions noted thereon dated after 20 December 1991. 16. LIABILITY INSURANCE Before commencing any of the work on the road allowance as provided for herein, the OWNER' s Contractor shall supply the TOWNSHIP with a Liability Insurance Policy in the amount of $2, 000, 000 and in form satisfactory to the TOWNSHIP from any loss arising from claims for damages, injury or otherwise in connection with the work done by or on behalf of the OWNER of the development and shall include administration costs. 17. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE As security for the performance and completion of all works required by this agreement, the OWNER shall supply the TOWNSHIP, with a Letter of Credit in the amount of $7. 000 which shall be held as security for the construction of the Therrien Mutual Drain as well as any damages to the highway, highway ditch, watermai n, etc. , which may occur during the period of construction. The estimated costs shall be determined by the TOWNSHIP and shall include administration costs. The irrevocable Letter of Credit from a chartered bank expressed to be pursuant to this agreement and payable to the TOWNSHIP at any time or in part from time to time, upon written notice from the TOWNSHIP, shall be provided at the time of signing this Agreement and shall remain in effect for a period of 12 months. The amount of the Letter of Credit can be reduced to $3, 000 after the Therrien Mutual Drain has been completed and proof of payment is provided to the TOWNSHIP that the suppliers and subcontractors involved have been paid. 18. This Agreement and the provisions thereof do not give to the OWNER or any person acquiring any interest in the said lands any rights against the TOWNSHIP with respect to the failure of the OWNER to perform or fully perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence of the OWNER in its performance of the said obligations. 19. In the event that no construction on the said lands has commenced within one ( 1 ) year from the date of registration of this Agreement, the TOWNSHIP may, at its option, on one month' s notice to the OWNER, declare this Agreement to be subject to re-negotiation, whereupon the OWNER agrees that it will not undertake any construction on the said lands until this Agreement has been re-negotiated. AMMIIIMMMEMEMM • - 4 - 9208 20. This Agreement and the Therrien Mutual Drain Agreement shall be registered at the expense of the OWNER, against the land to which they apply, and TOWNSHIP shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act and The Land Titles Act, to enforce its provisions against the OWNER named herein and any and all subsequent owners of the land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their Corporate seals duly attested to by their authorized signing officers in that behalf. WITNESS OWNER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ( SEAL) REEVE ( SEAL) . CLERK I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO SE PLANI I R .. 798 DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY ACT. RECEIVED ANO DEPOSITED • OrnisilLtyleletDATE1 DATE OC 74a4 LJ991 zo- 4126Y-1.$44, to „eii):4,/ i 44 a •►S• DEPUTY LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE IM S. HUS? • O.l. REGISTRY. DIVISION OF ELGIN Q' .4 `451 6 ,ee9OCAUTION , THIS PLAN IS NOT APLAN OFSUBDIVISION WITHIN • THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. Qy�°���'1 �,A� ilf ,�'�� PART SCHEDULE Q ,0 4 ‘‘()5.�e ' �� ec.ocar PLAN /AC t �► �, �` �I e�'. W I , 2 AND 3 K,*TM-EIST S W l.NI S. 54 2 92444 IN r 1 A N I— ..4, ... / o �' M v. PLAN OF .SURVEY OF ' �0 0o N N I-" o `,� PART OF BLOCK K (SOUTH-EAST SIDE Or PLANK ROAD) \- Q ,,�� REGISTERED PLAN No. 54 • ;� � a. �.� TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAII ��° �3 = c)A. COUNTY OF ELGIN . 5� ..o, M 0 , r rir) N o• • tti.' ,0 \ \~.( / ,2 �.'. co / 2 a Z \ �j p N -'C� W a ��� \ in CL 4 6A 3 ~ M SCALE - I INCH IOO FEET �� ���G M a d. 0 ' M 0z 45- � �0. z c KIM S. HUSTED O.L. S. .� �,c,� wry. /99/ `\�) f` I' \ H o 0\ \�V- •)9) Y Cr 2 m \�,aP 1\ ��� vr SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE �,� f O �� o M y1' Ott I CERTIFY THAT : �6 N iv o. �4. ( I ) - THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH w O `�j �► THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS ../7" ` Y Z m MADE THEREUNDER . 0 o7 :.7%)-‘ CD \� + 1) (2) - THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 7th DAY OFJANUARY 1991. v to > " W i#f.- :4 OIt• • \tie." ap..sag, 4/lentK in ~ i 1) IV DAT IM Nus 0 Mil? 4145.. - c; g �►M C T RIO LAND VEYOR a '1 w `, ` �9 I 1 l a. I W rT" t/ NOTES N - \� ��� �` .S-14 ' ( I) - BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TOTHE Co 4 Qlt SOUTHERLY LIMIT OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY No. 19 AS SHOWN Q � `� O" ` �, a� S f . ON PLAN II R- 3323 HAVING A BEARING OF N80° 43 '30 kE. M ,, f w .tL, 1 W o \- = ('�-., O W ` `1 \ O Z -,-- / � f �� cJ�� �, o LEG N (� \ I DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND r o 0 DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT SET o., SIB DENOTES STANDARD IRON BAR z`- --.0 \� IS DENOTES IRON BAR a 0 DENOTES ROUND \/.0\\ (WIT) DENOTES WITNESS gt (M.T.0) DENOTES MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION , ONTARIO a �\ (1512) DENOTES K.S.HUSTED O. L.S . %-1 w314, P'Ck • ' '42 (SEr C� W N T, , O , p.. X80 P , co KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. (, F 30" W (3F r NO.a4) `SciTy �,�. i I J P�� ,,R, 0Loc,� 'Pe ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR -' r j40s� 4' ' 'coP corp, 50 FOX ALLEY , T I L LSONBURG ONTARIO , N4G 3P4 f `J CANT'SQ PHONE : 519 - 842 - 3638 DWG. ( ;' PROJECT = 91 - 1960 REFERENCE= FE- 3 CKD Ilrell , S P.O. BOX 806 CYRIL J. DEMEYERE, P.ENG. 281 BROADWAY JOHN D. WIEBE, P.ENG. TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO N4G 4J1 CYRIL J. DEMEYERE LIMITED (519) 688-1000 CONSULTING ENGINEERS FAX (519) 842-3235 30 December 1991 9208 Township of Bayham, P. O. Box 160, Straf f ordvi 11 e, Ontari o NOJ 1 YO RE: GI LLES THERRI EN, AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL LOTS ATTENTION: MR. BILL BOGUE, CLERK-TREASURER Dear Si r: Enclosed are three ( 3) copies of Plan 11R-4798 to be incorporated as Schedule A in the Agreement for Development of Residential Lots. I f there are any questi ons, pl ease do not hesi tate to contact this office. Yours very truly, J /4,7„6, Cy J. Demeyere, P. Eng. CJD/ked Enc. • 1991 pp er . a►.A re n.,. • I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE PLAN I I R-AL798 DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY ALT. RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED DATE O- �8/�QCt L DATE C/G� "811 , / 7 q QC9 S— DEPUTY LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE �l e� O "* ".........AV KIM S.MUST 01. _ hb ISTRY.DIVISION OF ELGIN 16 Id i -*h .�� �\ `�,! �(�� CAUT ION: T MEANING OFHIS PLAN IS TTHE LPL PLANNING ACTAN OF . WITHIN �p.o a �ckl9y�e f'14,14 1 ,,�e•9 PA tT SCHEDULE ��°3���►�'m "°• \ydi m p to < VIP. PART BLOCK PLAN /NST TOWNSYI(/P �pala 1,2 AND 3 K,SIRIFf6TSIIE RAM M. 54 292444 SAT 11� en 0 yCCt N°Pr 0 ��h0° v N Z °4:713 10 M '? / ' PLAN OF SURVEY OF �� p`':ym ,05 °o N N 2 N y ,�'tv PART OF BLOCK K (SOUTH-EAST SIDE OF PLANK ROAD) T /REGISTERED PLAN No. 54 • a• a4TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM tq COUNTY OF ELGIN -• m $991--2o m ry ry \�� r '� M N 4 .� \� r / a Cr Z �R N \�\\ J `�G\ M a ♦9° l',.',� x1Oi n SCALE - INCH = BOO FEET r � a ,ary g9A0. z y KIM S. HUSTED O.L.S. l/ „�Cj, a��e 174 i:kF– o .hry /99/ `l\\ 014T-9S m ` Cr z 0 \ P \��% •A3�� m ala a a • h`� ( SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE C 0 p A P<‘.' N .,;‘,. I CERTIFY THAT: N .:- ?'ryery 1\'o' �5 (I) - THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH La x 2 0 - THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND TIE REGULATIONS gam. MADE THEREUNDER. 0 �\ h 2� m 3 %. (2) - THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 7th DAY OFJANUARY 1991. 4� a'c 'U oA,n to Icc 4C. g ? 1' DAT KIN NUS 0 A\����A f'1 0 ? \C... T RIO LAND S RVEYOR W Y ). ''�� I ti, .�O. �' �3 NOTES ^�, 1 � r}K�O:� 0 (I) - BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC ANO ARE REFERRED TO THE -co I 'S \T, SOUTHERLY LIMIT OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY N°. 19 AS SHOWN Ki to !�/ K /\' \ ON PLAN IIR-3323 HAVING A BEARING OF 1460.43.30'E. D Z 'J ll p e r•wo &,-,1 , / �(, 8 QyF LEGEND \/ O • DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND p n '1 0 DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT SET Z�- SIB DENOTES STANDARD IRON BAR N 0 ^� I 18 DENOTES IRON BAR c `) 0 DENOTES ROUND 7 Y. -S\1?"' \ (WIT) DENOTES WITNESS IM.T..0) DENOTES MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION,ONTARIO F /Y.' n� 11S821 DENOTES K.S.HUSTED O.L.S. w C7,-4,42',Ser e w 7 •OI REG, C KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. !� w 3 P 0(.,t H 0'W ,SeT p No.5 4/ s Q'iTH ,.., 7 _07 eq oR_,4p `OC�,� FRS, ° ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR J 4- 9j GOP�4g9' 'R 50 FOX ALLEY , TILLSONBURG ONTARIO, N4G 3P4 • v N 4,0.5., PHONE 519-842-3638 (PROJECT' 9 1- 1960 REFERENCEE F.-3 I CKO R.W. �W t CKO. KH / :: , v a m.0• eti' //". rip •9 ` \ ���i xm / » y SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE t rRy I CERTIFY THAT / U ""l .,��M1O (I) „,,,,,,,,,” -THETHSUURRVEYYS ACT 14 SURVEYORS ARE ACTND IN AND THEEREGISTRY ACT AND TME N 1�2n_ REGULATANSS MADE UNDER THEM al a J V J (2)-TMS SURVEY NAS COMPLETED ON THE 30111 DAY OF JULY,1997 / 'NES LWIr ; : 1 :��5 x �^ RE'pS?2, D . 8 d-pe`a \�34 -.-1. T�`�4 INSTRUMENT 292444 (REMAINDER) JULY 30, 1997 /O7 t ` x rc N S DAIS KIII)DIR T. ONTARIO LANA SURVEYOR m A •' ' $ a' • S/ ay p » 8 o EN1H K 'd701 e .•. X ; • ry40 ^�� L A �M1 i ' 4-,;4 `M1 � `hyal W cc. n e • R s _ NOTES n 2. A JM1xb` ` u�11M1 .e oM1 ♦ : _ �' (I)-BEARINGS ARE A510(INO9C AND ARE PEFU1RED TO SOUTHERN WIT N °F COUNTY ROAD NA 19(FORMERLY THE KING'S HIGHWAY NA 19) 5 N BB'56'37 E wxAS SHOWN ON DEPORTED PLAN 11R-3323 HAYING A BEARING OF � ..-_— 143.73' 4 NEP 43'30 E R W 0 NI' i 'g2 ] x 1 tlj 323 b srl k//�In�/ a •'.... - i • LEGEND • - ■ DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND 8 SB DENOTES STANDARD KION BAR INSTRUMENT 292404 (REMAINDER) 598 DENOTES SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR vi B DENOTES IRON BMR u _ MB DENOTES ROUND('MT,) 00401ES WINOS BM m R ti 741) DENOTES 0.L HOUGHTON ORS m NCR) DENOTES HOSTEAD AND REDMOND UNITED ISM0EN01E5 BSI HOSTED 9TRVEYTNO LID. a I 4110) DENOTES MINISTRY CC TRANSPORTATION,ONTARIO :.I A1� PI) DENOTES DEPOSITED PLAN 110-3323 R i !.( km P2 DENOTES DEPOSITED PLAN 116-4790 P3 DENOTES DEPOSITED AN 116-2870 144 INSTRUMENT MEDT 1489(NENNA) A Y MEAS ENDOTE5 ED 5) DENOTES 9:: - CON DENOTES CONCES9CN AN NST DENOTES INSTRUMENT * .� i2 Iii." I X11 f I I0° KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 50 FOX ALLEY,TILLSONBURG ONTARIO,N4G 3P4 PHONE:519-842-3638 FAX: 519-688-2548 PROJECT:97-4353-3 REFERENCE:T177-2O N0 °Nd rDrM' 2r am KSI ------- ---- --------------- ----- — I REWIRE 11•115 PLAN TO BE PLAN 11 R— DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY ACT RECEIVED AND DEPORTED o 1 DATE JULY 30, 1997 DATE .l n1sl p,.PNV9�Al 19 DEPUTY LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE (‘C\ ` 0 ]1 JPO�P'Yp9y�'� KIM S.HUS"EO O.15. EGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN A Sc �,0 pY'o gIt,4,o`N'T1p (Nc.,I) p�T NLO .4' PART SCHEDULE gEov�opp a o'3B PART CON PLAN.. INST AREA TOWNSHIP cp o �\O o Ds,�,o p` 2 PART DORMS • -\ / OF u .. I ^ I .e"•�1�i� Opp` ` 54 B OC PART OF 25.35 ACRES '`,.),6,3':' °AMAM Jr I \O ' q�' - - aARTDCF(REMAINDER)444 (VIENNA) \ �C\ � ••0.O �� r B(>•, \r / 2 54 BLOCKS HAM ACRES (A SNA J E AND K. (VIENNA) 1p • t * 0 �t�\2 I ,.650%6,4:r.. •1P5 .L� �''J 14' / 41' / " o / PLAN OF SURVEY OF ,-.A.,` -• °'. �p�" ��211) 'Oo } m �` _ PART OF BLOCKS E AND K -c) I -( ®-�e-'o15e-� J �i - y •,.. b / REGISTERED PLAN 54 (:¢' «\tel • ,600 ase 3 \`r`\ g 0 LL �o.'es / (VILLAGE OF VIENNA) �>:���� �L�11*S . 2' Eo /Plage " •.�'✓' PART OF LOT 15 t ,0( • n1 I' CONCESSION 2 < tI S":'„:..:!,-- �4� )� n cr, ? RM1* 4.4-0/.0 1 .^,..< ALL IN THE 9\OG' °° -\O st s# p2 I ,"' ' .\C++ R.4� TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM LL •p` wy ,t,' - s,B(,SBz COUNTY OF ELGIN ,ate \ ,. '" BI:J.cpc +6,e ,p eee.q. �C)la�;`'ry+� - /°ee\�r-b �,i, K.'-M1 K SCALE -• I INCH = 100 FEET "��p V lao ,v SOT, I I �•• /�'4Yy W n 0 , l'I� i L DISTANCES SHOMN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN IMPERIAL UNRS AND ..��`' n.'�,A�p 11 (>y� F /�. M1 y o.L9a CAN BE CONVERTED 10 METRES BY MULDPLRING 4Y 0.304E �0 P - �(L� INSTRUMENT 292444 (REMAINDER) ,1-.1,,'.',,i ,,-;may b'o ~• Q ,� �� KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. WT. tx 1- X �k�\ L W l�as ^e�O 8 1997 'A-'.• •°'M1.°b�M1 1 ,`n ( B(1582) RcGIJ/ WI\ `, $.� \Jt��'.;' ee�g; ``) ,/ • gip. JvJVS;-UP >< E5 To G NS lIP CO Lr. - `"`,.4'..5U PI r11�1 %.• BA Yrl 1)1 i L Si 0CJ , •i- '7.. ELEVATIONS ADDED JUNE 10, 1997 (TNir • U'F EL g' 0 4 B o '‘'.4-.• 8e mss F� � �>!1 tH;.11,ij , � � ... . • .r'i^e I pS�RC�P(gN Win` ",°°fin '� ° +a m BL(GG%C •• ELEVATIONS ARE REFERRED TO 5 44, \nN �g• ,.0 W INSTRUMENT 292444 (REMAINDER) v ( _�( CANADIAN GEODETIC DATUM 0 o' • 11,,S$ uI X B FRN VM aI 3 s m ls8zk $ .�. Ja+?, BRED r 0,,, ,I `° 5 1•z0 Y.M \�D'eaN uMn .�4'p. Lt. b"•'` f 4:P ``\M, p4 pti IB(HDR) f l�,.f°�"1"°• Ne. rep£B P(4N 5• • M17 1 J7^ l+S @ r' e41 .•d` / , .. s.\ ?h P � ; 2 / iv,,,,,,,,v • (1410 • / PART 2 2,121 ITS • n[22r[ Ee wee n[q,t[[ ,new PLAN ifP-1.09 ..: YARIEs °"HAT «.,« I $ ,o...,. SU. \ \\ • LEGEND .O ••• ••••- ««s .12A1N - \ \\ PROPOSED DRAIN \ EXISTING DITCH ET � \ \I. PROPOSED DITCH \ . ■ PROPOSED CATCHBASIN evsx .n[• \/ \ els+ .e[• \\\\\ xEXISTING WATERMAIN \ 0 VALVE CHAMBER N. 'OB0• \\ ---_e- UTILITY POLE \ BURIED TELEPHONE • . • $ \ ® BELL PEDESTAL a• \ 'A \\ • YHAV \\\ Fs. R.P.<' '•os ' .F\ NOTE �, �2�,v CATCHEASI NS SHALL BE 600^"^SQUARE PRECAST CONCRETE WITH \ C9 •5, ' A� t� A MINIMUM 300.,SUMP. GRATE SHALL BE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL \ STANDARD A00 II SET ON A MINIMUM OF TWO COURSES OF MODULO[. \ ../ \ \ PLACE FILTER FABRIC UNDER GRATE TO PREVENT SILT FROM ENTERING °, PIPE UNTIL GRASS AREA HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED \ sV \ ���\\\ O\\ , \ A PLAR �,R 2 p 99 A S ��..• \\ _. _ C n«e s s i .Y ,p PUR I.R 99 • __ — \ LAx RR <19A 0 V -_ . \ SOP \ �Q2\ �...\ PLAN `\ s[ \ /7,. ..,,,T,„,<)----:,„ AND • s 100^x^TOPSOIL \ H AND SEED SLOPES � I>p�\ I TYPICAL DITCH SECTION i HWY 19 N PROFILE OVER L GRAIN _ EOI mu [HWY DITCH u II!! I m 198 u OP 19650 TOP:6.o. ITOP 19630 .. .. ..... ....... .. mss.. ..... ... ...�. 200 ._.....--- -_...._...._..._.._...---- --- -.............-.-•-.----- -- 196 ,vM[ WV195T6 INV 19600 250._20pmm4 BIG'0'PIPE 0`0 020% _ 1301H- RER 0 BIG'0'PIPE M,0.20% 120._200..J BIG'0'PIPEW 0.20% 194 § O 2 § 22 8 8 R STATION 198 zoomm.oRaln\ METRIC SCALE'. HORIZ. I:1000, VERT 1.100 TOWNSHIP OF BAY HA M INV 19500 194 ;off ■ __ CYR/L J. DEMEYERE LIMITED THERRIEN + Z1°° CONSULTING EAG/NEERS CORRUGATED METAL PIPE OUTLET MUTUAL, MUTUAL AGREEMENT DRAIN IME RODENT GATE '"a� 192 T/(LSONBURG,ON/,RIO > ■ __-DESIGN BY:CIO DRAWN BY.Kg CHECKED BY F STATION O NA REVISION DATE BY PROJECT N!•9208 DATE 20 DEC..91 DRAWING NE ' . <._ DEC! • E",im roo ouno.,cw ne.+rzn w.. CONCESSION 8 L 0 T a • Pusx ANE, OO NOT TRESSPASS ONTO SUNUUNST FARMS PROPERTY PART 2 PLAN 11R-2876 SUNBURST FARMS %rm E,xwr san cows *PALE o.c..,D 717 A a M srra oR;N rt PROPOSED N 2.7 3.3 MAINTAIN STRAW BALES AND/OR FILTER FABRIC ( 0 PREVENT S LLTT FROM NT IXISLING DITCH WASHING ..DOWNSTREAM DITCH SLOPES F u.. . f• ...FOLLOWS ALIONM ARE GRADED. REMOVE ACCOTED SILT OLIMITFNEW DITCH E BEFORE REMOVING BALLS OR FABRIC Fvix AA" GILLES THERRIEN • L O T 1 5 0-W N S H I . O • • • • • RAILWAY R. 98 • RAc.s REM CORRUGATED METAL PIPE OUTLET 196 • WITH RODENT GATE ' S2a• xAa. • • 194 `INV.195.00 STATION EXISTING GROUND ATC DRAIN C EXISTING DITCH 190 PROPOSED DITCH BOTTOM 196 .. .... 194 • `INY 19950 5001—OPEN DITCH(A 0-10. 192 • STATIQI 8 - 8 8 • (���0 THE KING'S HIGHWAY No. 19 'ry o ------ • --,. -'-___,..,±. • • - • -• ..1,- • , • - • - • -• ..• • ., • ERNE OF Ni4NMPi _ __- --a''--- 9.. ,� —° ? -:�---.�'' a —,i- a o+�c`-^� ,� _-:^�—of ,3 rJ • -. . . —."""•• A, a —..— a _ — ,• rn�[a»., , , , _ r r ,d , •o E a.. , �EENTR�wE _ __ ." a (5!(_- ,--7--'--,.., -------1----,..„ 'F-�-�.,� - Jon, .,._ II _ , t awt � lA,mx i la au —_...-_.. CB 3 `��;1_,,,,,-------) TNEINIEM ANIMAL PGREEYEN}MAI � - •F �„ r^.. • CB2 'CBI • oa .. / ♦ r / Pry0g4 / / 0 I #°' +' QPM ��/( # da (F..' ` . .. • / d•" • /" // '� ' Y ,E04'---- ,•- : /- W P 0. P / • / oPE Y RP\l`i ' / /.` PND ' P•0 '" 1 t`ES �� d d ,/-11:445/..--- —" •F • i / F� / ..,-.3 .......pt„,...- PART J / d'''. / / / / PART i / . AVi GRAM P INz4 ER JiwE DR Q FT I7Ea,ER WE11'14 . DEC 17 1991 ` _4�N4NEiPw � nSCALE I 500 TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM "'u w 09DC Ti ° CONCRETE°°° YUN m° �4 NEC. N CYRIL J. DEMEYERE LIMITED R P I R- Eo "APPI CONSULTING ENGINEERS SITE PLAN WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO G I L L E S T H E R R I E N DESIGN BY:CJ D. DRAWN BY: DL_Z. I CHECKED BY: No. REVISION DATE BY PROJECT NO.920E1 DATE: DEC•1991 DRAWING No. 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2658 BEING a by- law to appoint a municipal auditor for the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act , 1991 , provides that all appointments of municipal auditors existing at June 27 , 1991 , be terminated at January 1 , 1992 ; AND WHEREAS the aforesaid Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act , 1991 , provides authority for a municipality to appoint a municipal auditor for a term not to exceed five years . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1 ) THAT James A . Casson , C . A . Licence No . 4599 , partner in the firm of Doane Raymond Pannell , is hereby appointed as the municipal auditor for the Township of Bayham for the fiscal years 1991 and 1992 , and 2 ) THAT Messrs W . J . Detenbeck , C . A . , Licence No . 2481 and James Van Dillen , C . A . , Licence No . 11043 , partners in the firm of Doane Raymond Pannell , be appointed assistants to the municipal auditors for the fiscal years 1991 and 1992 , 3 ) THAT all by- laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by- law are hereby repealed . 4 ) ' THAT this by- law shall come into force and take effect on the final reading hereof . _ . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER , 1991 . REEVE CLERK January 17, 1992 Township of Bayham Box 160 Doane Straffordville, Ontario Raymond NOJ IVO Pannell Char ternd Accountants Man.agm nt Consultants Dear Sirs: • P o Box let! It is desirable to have a clear understanding of the terms of our engagement to audit the following 26 Jarvis Street financial statements of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for the years ending Fort Er1e December 31, 1991 and 1992: Ontario 12A 5M9 Tei: (416) 871-0932 Consolidated financial statements of the Township of Bayham Fax: (418) 871-9325 Consolidated financial statements of the Township of Bayham Trust Funds Our statutory function as auditors of the Township is to report to the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by expressing an opinion on the fairness with which the financial statements present the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position in accordance with accounting policies prescribed for Ontario Municipalities, We will conduct an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. It is understood that these financial statements are the responsibility of the Township's management. Generally accepted auditing standards require us to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements, taken as a whole, are not materially misstated. In conducting our audit, we will perform tests of the accounting records and such other procedures as we consider necessary in the circumstances to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion on the financial statements. We will examine on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. We will also assess the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluate the overall financial statement presentation. An audit is not designed to provide absolute assurance that there are no misstatements in the financial statements resulting from fraud, irregularities or error, the prevention of which is primarily a management responsibility. Your internal control systems should provide you with reasonable assurance against the possibility of fraud, irregularities and error. It is not our statutory obligation or our responsibility under generally accepted auditing standards to make an examination of internal controls beyond that which we consider necessary in determining the nature, extent and timing of our audit procedures. However, we will report to you any significant weaknesses in your internal control systems that we note during our audit. . 1p2 Grant llu o`nti>r t PKr • page two ... We understand that all records, documentation, and information we request in connection with our audit will be made available to us. Management's cooperation in providing us with records, documentation and information and agreed upon assistance is an important factor in being able to issue our report on a timely basis. If our auditors' report and the financial statements, or any part thereof, are to be reprinted, it is understood that you will submit the printed proofs to us for our review. This requirement also extends to all accompanying material with which such report and financial statements are to appear. Doane • Raymond The foregoing comments deal only with our statutory obligation as the Township's auditors. We Pannell will also provide the services set out below. Additional Services 1. We will perform the annual requested procedures in connection with the Financial Information Return of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as directed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 2. We will type, photocopy and assemble the required number of copies of the annual Financial Report, the Financial Information Return and all necessary financial statements. Our fees will be determined on the basis of time spent on this engagement. Any disbursements will be added to the billing. In addition, our fees are subject to the Goods and Services Tax. We will render our bills for professional services on a periodic basis as the engagement progresses, If the arrangements outlined in this letter are in accordance with your requirements, please sign and date this letter in the space provided and return it to us. A copy of this letter is enclosed for your retention. t 7 ,.j page three ... We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Yours very tr ty, DOANE ` • D PANNELL We agree with your understanding of the terms of your engagement as set out r above. -w._...., James Casson, C.A. Doane Partn: ' (Signature) Raymond fiI r Pannell JAC/mr (Position) .—.. , t g f'.2..- (Date) jiff_J1 " (Signature) t`krt� 1 . (Position) i9 ,j (Date) y _4 January 11, 1992 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYS By-Law No . 2659 BEING A By- law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held December 19 , 1991 . BR IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THS CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF B1►TEAN pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held December 19 , 1991 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of December 1991 . ' 22) (aeL,c Reeve Clerk