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Bayham By-Laws 1990
Bayham Township By Laws .. . , :...7.--------------,-„, ,_ . , ... ' , ., F.,: • ,, _ ,.. A A . 0100 Ak ., , ... . .„ ., _ . ._„. r ..: J5 ,• ‘., , ' , . . .. :,: , . ., „„. . . .... 44.11' ..''''''''u...'.i."I'Il.u.'•- * By-Laws # 2S24µ #2538 1990 g � T wns �< B� �a.«�s (1.99,0) "'- 1 rpUv � S� y � 53a 25c 5 • X5:33 a5� g � s3 :1 5:2 g535(� � 5a � � 53 � 42 �a9 -S3�- 5 �= 8 aL.; 30 S ka rv-Townsi,1O ( 1990) Tr6te >e - ToQt,�t� orr �t -Tire 6orror.J,r 0- 1f -� k-1101), DOQ V Ta_., /8, 199 .25P1 — 7o Gor{;r,ti. a1/ Tan l 8, 19 9O 5 .2 5 - A `6 6 ioPl a - //-++f{� t 6 rk a� 1. /6 O 5� - dam,.+ ; -,, 4i, O- e,a./ P/o►.. re B .hcoc M ra 1, 199 0 5a - To pro v,d.Q a /.e v jr,, b Q {o. a o%aP h o r, o-r "HA e s4,mafis -re'r 1990 /T LrLA,,,1 1, f 9D -J 02 Sag — To ' lab/, pe_,..ai /arjt {o,- / r o n - pA ry1 O r C r�crr p n"T 4°) I S cud -I-0 p ro v r Oto r ,/k44-,--0S+ 7�a 0,44,142_0( fo 4-0,r a rrt a s F6r.aa.r li ! o 25�9 - 7o c o n fir a 11 a c-f7cml blrGc ufc.r/ Rz b rt/1/91° 02 5 30 -- m o dr ffj S¢rv, ca meq,s.¢r „-I re9 , n em , l�.fei S(8 sf-erdfa FFbr / 5 / 990 - (2- 5 3/ T C.01\-(1.r-rieI1 0,-C/it;rk s ,-t co - cC. I/ Fe. 6r-14,2 rij l 5-i / /9 0 .25 3�. -- Ary\A-,\dJ►m..-1 0--4, 2 l OM CA A l p rt. .4-. K I c moi, /Vlax �l. I , 1qq 0 5 3 3 — A--- b 9 ILD / /1o� cl / l , I990 253 To c_ /�T r a"/ cc s D-C c�nG ^M a.,-J 1 / q 9 a 1 f / 5 3 5 q re¢ .. �J e rM; T 7 t f f cj-o cj k- r a41,- rao41,- of/owo-^ce Ala,-LI. 1511110 S3 — I o Co(Sr r - a II ors 0-c counC I Alck_i-c_k I S l 9 9 0 12 11, o MSo /pr , / 1p&, 1 9 9 0 v s 33 — A- -1 4-b o- P/4,-% Apr , l 1; , 1990 Form WO Oat -72 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 2524 1.4: p4, to authorize the borrowing of $ 2 , 400 , 000 . Whereas the Council of the Township of &:yham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $2 ,400 , 000 . to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; tallora.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the licw the Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1989 , is .Ot. to t tt of bat yew. $ 3 , 213 , 582 . (Delete this And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes � .>` mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 332 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is $ 195 ,000 . Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 2 ,400 , 000 . to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 332 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 332, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 4th . day of January 19 90 THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY { MAL } CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 2 524 of the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This fourth day of January 1990 As Witness the Seal of the Township of Bayham K..,,.._............_................Ye....,....,... .,.......... .e. ... ...ciiciii ...... CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2524 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held January 11 , and 18 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 18 , 1990, and special meeting ( s ) held January 11 , 1990 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th . day of January , 1990 . • //Co-0.- "0441?-7 LAL Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAM By-Law No . 2525 BEING a By- law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held January 4 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAM pursuantto the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 4 , 1990 , and special meeting ( s ) held _ __-- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. REAI) A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th . day of January , 1970 . 7,/e-L Reeve Clerk S 411 HY-LAM NO. 2525 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 1st day of February, 1990 ‘-oL) (2,44/ 7 CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2525 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. Am S OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 66 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Hazard Lands " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 1 . 15 hectares ( 2 . 84 acres ) and is situated in Part Lot 109 , Concession 7 (N . S . T.R. ) , in the Township of Bayham . 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the west side of Lot 109 , Concession 7 (N . S . T. R. ) , in the Township of Bayham -and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 33 . 8 hectares ( 83 . 50 acres ) . The subject lands are bounded on the north , east and south sides by a moderately sloping, heavily wooded gully which is associated with a tributary of the Big Otter Creek . The existing "Hazard Lands" designation of the subject lands is indicative of the tributary and valley walls . County Road No . 43 forms the west boundary of the subject lands . Due to the presence of this wooded gully, the subject lands are physically isolated from the remainder of the farm operation . The gully, in conjunction with County Road No . 43 eliminates the possibility of this parcel being consolidated with an adjacent agricultural operation . The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject lands has not been mapped in sufficient detail to determine if development can be accommodated without risk due to flooding or slope instability. A review of topographic information reveals that the subject lands are flat and approximately 20 metres above the tributary. Although the subject lands are flat , the relatively small area ( 1 . 15 hectares ) makes this parcel uneconomical and difficult to work for agriculture. Due to the above factors , it is the applicant 's intent to create a new rural residential lot pursuant to the approval of this Official Plan Amendment , and an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment. 2 Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses , namely continuous row crops . A number of rural residential lots are also located to the south of the subject lands along Highway No . 3 and County Road No . 43 . The subject lands are comprised of nearly level to very gentle sloping imperfectly drained, Class 2 Muriel Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology . The subject lands have been noted to have undesirable soil structure and/or permeability which affects the agriculturallyiability of this parcel . In addition to the undesirable soil structure, the subject lands have not been identified as capable of supporting specialty crops such as tobacco . Due to the difficulties associated with farming the subject lands , and as a result of the size and physical isolation of the property from the remainder of the farm holdings , Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed in a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use of this land . It is Council ' s opinion that this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used in considering rural residential uses on lands designated agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. It is imperative to note however, that prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a single family dwelling, that development be regulated subject to the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 4 . 8 (d) (Valley Walls and Top-of-Bank Policies ) of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 1 411 3 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 Rural Residential and 4:2:41t8 (d) Valley Walls and Top-of-Bank Policies of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended . • 0 l'IIJg err mug c. oil w�Y .. `�� SCHEDULE A '�'`•Filliffai T :fir OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE UN '4 4129 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM illIAIIIIPP 1.4.1 a 441 sirs FUTURE LAND USE ks AMENDMENT 66 41. 4.,...iipiiiiluipP°Pk . ------- * NO. il Oring 4,,,1 ,,,,,,, 6„ lands changed from Hazard landsrto "Rur 1 ” �` f1 a Rts�dentialiii,_ , ,04,,, 4 4,rj #1Iiiar: il, 1111 II I ., N S T A . Agriculture Pr i Q< Of 11 04 11 d IIII Highway Commercial ii 1 9iii. ly. strtNll awls S T R i , di : ) 41 lilt_ pi ,.,_ ‘ior i ': n Hazard Lands ' 4i *s ' 41 rww779' pp -- � sp c ' ..':::::;"7::;*::; Conservation Lands 41111114 111 tcouriuNity IMPROVEMENT AREAS) li .11 .11 Hamlets ' OP lOr '111114 taitu2samat 20fignum (,.... ,.,j Mineral Resaures Arsas TIRO ROM .5 It f 7 k j 0 Provincial Highways „ill 111 '.'' r - ' OP*. 3 l _. ._. Artorial ROii+d �. > iiIII iikit• 14 iii I ( #• (C•ii siwtr Metals? :;,:-. til ': NI Mill Vii" ina, "4 ;pm*r 1 M 17:;‘)* ,„/. itil 4,0 /4%444 1 11111441411,... Metres o MP° 4Ooo 9 si000Fast 10Q00 1800 Il i • S , TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE1B11 AMENDMENT NO . 66 + 2 3s s CON . -VII r".-- l -?-L------- -k ` -1 ,23$ ,7) .'\ : , '41// --'—\' --' / •-• ----- , r-----'"-- ---'/ •0 3 1, = '�. i\ 4 -,,_fir ms's . <� / : � 1 ADDITI OAL ,:` ' 2 ;' I /.' ., roti ,_,,{ ' OWNED BY APfl1. ' �' 1 133 5 +.4./( r _._ C . ?35 ^ 1 f _-,.. _ ..--...7,—., .., , ) i))) - 1P5 ' \ . +t/fr----- ' / IitaNt. s.-\\ 2 t � ✓. •^ %, /,> � 1 >,,; PRING€R'S �! • . � _ - HILL. , '• - _ r f i ' i'.ej , iii, -4 ---\\ ,....v./. 1 .'#)1. (' 1 4,, i .4, < __ «L .+ � LB0T R0A v,,. .' \s .` >))/C:7 1 0 fa. . o F TH St ''` , , + ��--",\..—j"-.,,- '�`N. f-- z !l; `; 0 ~, \ .J - ` ,�....S fi \ `� r\ Loh- 198 _ - . L "'" �. �=� ' 11 ‘ --I-0Y i . j4 A I j0 10-. ` (\(J J 1 / 1 l , I r Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources E:1 SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT ,d FARM BUILDINGd). WOODLOT • SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES , 0 26Om 600m $ t NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. Scale: 1:10.000 410 410 APPENDIX ' ,A ' Notice of Public Meeting • Planning Act, 1983 * ' NOTICE OF A n' " • two 644111, qty.. - • PUBLIC MEETING To Be4Held By%-1 ; tv. r v Aft44 be;iftiests — BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 4 si" ,t1 Respecting Proposed rtir 4eL"'" 0-1 4,4 loft efk1/4. . Official Plan ,•4741. • S "UT 1 **Pi • Tt' : and , Zoning By-law Amendments . TAKE NOTICE that the Coundl of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting forthe purpose of Informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zorIng by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with14-provisions of • The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows:, • 0401, -., • AP.E.LICATIQMS MIKE&SANDRA HESCH:-Lot 125,Conc.6,to change the zoning of a portion of their lands Porn FD to Hamlet Residential and Institutional. This will permit the creation of a residential lot and a severance by the Elgin County Land Division Convniftee to ex- change property with the Odin County Board of EdycatIon. GLENN BABCOCK: -.Lot 14, Conc. 4, to change-the zoning on a porti6n of his property frontAl to Rural Residential to permit the creation of 3 residential lotliahis win facilitate a severance by the Elgin County Land Division corrmittee. PETER GIESBRECHT JR.: -Lot 109,Cont. 7,to rezone a portion - of his lands from Al to Rural Ruldentlailq create a residential lot. The Public Meeting will be held With.Council Chambers at StraV • fordvnle, commencing at 2 P.M.-pit ThUrsday, February 1, 1990: Any inquiries prior to thaidate fluty be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). IA.11' VA. Petrie 44itt.4. 'Township Clerk Box 160 Stralfordville, Ontario . NOJ 1V0 . - • APPENDIX ' B ' Minutes of Public Meeting 4If 411 v r Public Meeting : As advetised , the public meeting the receive comments on proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments is declared open by Reeve Chute . The application of Glenn Babcock is presented . The proposal is for three residential lots in Lot 14 , Conc . 4 . Comments fromm,our planning firm indicate that the proposal would be difficult to support . Mr . Babcock speaks in favour of his proposal . Clifford Ringland questions the availability of water and the possibility of ground pollution at this location . Zolton Pozar suggests that there could be a drainage problem as there is a private drain in this locality . Chas . Tillotson is concerned with drainage and possible pollution if further residentiall development is allowed . Mr . Babcock requests council not pass the required by-laws until he further considers his application as it appears that the matter could end up before the Ontario Municipal Board . • Peter Giesbrecht ' s application for a rural residential designation on an area consisting of about 2 acres in Lot 109 N . T . R . is presented . Mr . Giesbrecht speaks briefly in favour of his application . No one is present in opposition to the proposal . The application of Michael. & Sandra Hesch is considered . The zoning amendment is necessary as the lands are zoned future development . They propose to erect a new residence , however it . will be necessary to trade some lands with the Elgin County Board of Education to secure a proper entrance by public roadway . No one is present to speak to the application . However , council is aware of the circumstances having visited the site . Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . f ' 410 • ORMINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 66 TO THE OFFI C IAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN SUBJECT: PETER GIESBRECHT JR. RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 109, CONCESSION 7 (N.S.T.R. ) 3 .ter 0 p -rn 5 8 •r 0 6 6 The following text and nap schedu'd constitutes Amendment Number 66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhas 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon . the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input purrant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2525 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 1st day of February, 1990 . 1 .2646F> REEVE CLERH CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2625 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2525 adopting Amendment No. 66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 2525 adopting Amendment No. 66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on February 1, 1991; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No. 66 is no longer required once By-law • No. 2605, being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 87 was passed. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No. 2525 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham, on February 1, 1991, be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERIC 410 410 BY-LAW NO. 2526 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 67 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 67 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 1st day of ~M&< , 1990 2) . 44L. 6'7IrC-477 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2526 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham . CLERK 411 S OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYS AMENDMENT NO. 67 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 2 . LOC,AT I ON - y The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 1 . 44 hectares ( 3 . 55 acres ) and is situated on the south side of Part Lot 14 , Concession 4 , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the north side of the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 and form part of - a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 8 . 46 hectares ( 20 . 9 acres ) . A wooded gully bisects the land holdings in a diagonal direction which in essence creates two agricultural parcels of land. The subject lands form the smaller of the two agricultural parcels . It is the intent of this amendment to divide the subject lands into three ( 3 ) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . It is anticipated that the remainder of the farm holding, excluding the above-noted wooded gully, will continue to be used for agricultural purposes , namely a livestock operation (beef cattle) . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including tobacco farms and livestock operations . A predominantly built-up area of non- farm related land use activity comprised of rural residential and rural commercial uses is located mediately east of the subject lands . The extension of rural residential development on the subject lands would extend the built-up area to an existing cemetery which is located on the north-east corner of the road allowance between Lots 13 and 14 and Concessions 3 and 4 . Due to the proximity of the above-noted wooded gully, further rural residential development in a western direction would not be possible on an uninterrupted basis . • 411 2 The subject lands are comprised of nearly level imperfectly drained, Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfectly drained soils, the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure . The subject lands have been identified as being Class 4 soils according to the Canada Land Inventory. It has been determined that the subject lands contain specialty crop (tobacco) soils according to the Ontario Ministry of Agricultural and Food' s Field Crop Systems Mapping. Due to the general built-up nature of the area , Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural ResidentialTM , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "ATM , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) Notwithstanding the minimum distance separation formula of the Agricultural Code of Practice, the lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. 0 • • /.1 _.,.a Niel b . iJiIIiI1Pi!1 '.\ SCHEDULE A MI". mrdt „ OFFICIAL PLANOF �� THE Mink4 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM iiIi1h O FUTURE LAND USE e IP 0.• - N4. dT FAIII V --- * . !Pall plfilir- Lands changed from `Agriculture” ill �� - 1141.6cC �•e .���i ----' d7 to `Rural Residential*. ILIL i � �: Plivi yr p I . . 0....dir0 40 Agriculture 1)4 1 04 " ito r 01 4 g al Highway Commercial ! 7 ,t, dkArk K Hazg�d 1 '' tr . ,,Y. 0 ek♦ t Lnr,ds ,4 , , „,.... ...,,... i ploPti, 4 ill so c • Conservation Lands alp HE • ..011 wa we 13116,:isir, -Roe it I ill 11111 (Comma/TY IM►ROVjMLNT * LAst („� Mineral Resource Maas p Provincial Highways 11111 'f----_,.-.1111111 111110- 411110 1 Z � Arterial Roads 14111wisit ': , 1,., IIJ�� tCo�e1M 11aNs) ,,.- , hi" Ilovrio, 4 , . at), . IV 1 11111 ... I ..,.a...> ,moi ar � 0 2000 4t 0 �111111:IINA AAelr�s 9 5000 10900 16900 Feet 1 1 # 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO. 67 w i v.J41! ,1 1 il,., 0 V ?,45 0 CI 4 LOT LOT. 431 .011 LOT 14I LOT 15' '� I p,� F D 1f r • tit ' CON , IV • o;�- • • • • . , r • • ' Ael" 1- p le, ! ;' \ l/11 I = bilAL LANDS NNE ,'E,' . I ;.ter, ,� ` ►i--- --- I '` '''�.. '� AP • I CANT. / iv • ./ ic..D2 _ : 0 S4 ; () tZti • • • • , \\-----\, 1 i, --"N .1 ' - E / ' i • i - ) . t 47N /� . -:"'"---11,,,,:213 `->,y ,z,3 , . 1."°fes -'"" �s ,� i ... . _ .. ..,„ I ', �; ,/ Dam t�7 +.....:.: : - __�r'.'. ''� r• tj _+. gf, • 7...) P 'ii 0. � 41---- IP. I 1 \\ ‘.k\ - „,` - + --�-- 1 ,a, / 117 :---*-- ) t I III 105 1: _7.__N„,..______( 0) , ,. _Hit i 1 ) . CON . I \, _____ �' `-. # * 1 .0 • p' ` i . • Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING431 WOODLOT lA KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES I 0 260m 60041 t 4 4 NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. scale: 1:10.000 • • APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting • • .",.1.....,...Tirr."41011,41rirrf.......44...4......**.r............. ..r.,,,,2.—.....—.......—...**.mse*..—...p.......... .7 I ''. • Planning Aoto 1983 ' 'Ls • , :-.4" 1 6 • PUBLiclIEET1NG -ito.ivy*fitofti3, it , To Bo Held By ic i,.,-., . N. *f„ - ' BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ..700400 ---/* . 411 Respecting ProposoCiutvellt-Aoitott 4 + ... t 4qpire ri . - Official plan - ' , ;11 tf: 14fi,- It i and .., . ..L., , ' - .44ft-to opell.,. 4. , Zoning Byelaw Amendments 1000..01Lor - - * g• $ ., -1.3.-4...,10‘... fr,"tf. TAKE NOTICE that the CourvIll of the Corporation Od the Township s• of E3ayham will hold&public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law i . 1 amendments to be considered in accordance with the provns 01 t . . . The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as 4* 1 follows: , . e -..! ;-.• tor, .• . APPLICATIONS - 4- w ,, •: - 1- - .. I MIKE&SANDRA HESCH:-Lot 125,Conc.6,to change the zoning Li of a portion of their lands from FD to Hamlet Residential and i Institutional. This will permit the creation of a residential lot and a , severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee to ex- 4 change property with the Eidln County Board of Education. i GLENN BABCOCK:*-,Lot 14. Conc. 4, to change ttie zoning on a portion of his property frorn,A1 to Rural Residential to permit the creation of 3 residential lots.This will facilitate a severance by the . Elgin County Land Division Committee. PETER GIESBRECHT JR.: -Lot 109,Conc. 7,to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residentidto create a residential lot. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Stilt: " fordville, commencing at 2 P.M.kori Thursday, February 1, 1990. Any inquiries prior to that dale.may be directed to the Township r ,p"prOviskt .,,,t*itl,4 ,..,, 5A. Petrie 4ioivnshlp Clerk 'iff'yelgq K ft**4.44 0 ., VI, ' s Box 180 . , . Straffordville, *larks :4 <4 NOJ IVO ...>v.*•- ,: , . •r . - __ _ _____,.. 4".... .f• • - • , 411 s APPENDIX ° B1 Minutes of Public Meeting 410 411 Public Meeting : AS advertised Reeve Chute declares the public meeting to hear comments on proposed official plan and zone amendments open . The application of Nancy VanEenoo for a zone change at Lots 1 , ' 2 and 3 , on the north side of Main Street in the hamlet of Eden. The property has recently been zoned for a four family dwelling . Ms . VanEenoo proposes to have the zoning amended to accomodate a real estate sales office and a three family dwelling . Ms . VanEenoo proposes three 2 bedroom units of, abowt 1200 sq . ft . - _ each " along with the commercial use . Mr . John B . Arthur questions council and Ms . VanEenoo as to whether any consideration has been given to water quality damage with the use of septic services . Mr . Arthur cites the probable damage caused by the recent tire fire at Hagersville to water quality in that area . Mr . Arthur is assured that the Health Unit will make sure proper atandards are met prior to any permit being issued . The application of Abe Klassen for an official plan and zone- change at Lot 20 & 21 in Conc . 8 is considered . No one is present to offer any comments on the application . The application will change a parcel presently zoned for special agricultural use to rural residential . The application of Stuart Hoogsteen for an official plan and zoning amendment at Lot 23 , in Conc . 5 , is considered . No one is present to offer any comments on the proposal . The application will change the zoning on an agricultural parcel to rural residential to facilitate creation of a new lot by severance . Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . s ORIGINAL NAE. 34 ill op gm 0 1. 58 an 0 6 7 AMENDMENT NUMBER 67 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: GLENN BABCOCK RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 14, CONCESSION 4 • The following text and sap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 67 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhaa 410 S OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 67 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory • Committee after evaluation of public input- pursuant -to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2526 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the let day of iftiminin4 1990 . RESPCLERK f CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. BY-LAW No. 2527 Being a By-law to provide that in the year 1990a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year . WHEREAS THE Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1990 before the adoption of the estimates . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . That in the year 1990 , before the adoptiomof the estimates , a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for Real property according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 percent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters . 2 . That in the year 1990 , before the adoption of the estimates , a levy shall be made on the whole of the Business Assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on business assessment public and separate school supporters . „---* 3 . The respective amounts to be levied under the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by-law are : Real Property $7 , 501 , 538 . Business Assessment 122 , 970 . $ 7 , 624 , 508 . 4 . The rate to be levied under the provisions of paragraph 1 and - 2 of this by-law to produce the amount set out in paragraph 3 of this by-law is one hundred and fourty ( 140 ) mills . 5 . The dates of payment of taxes under this by-law shall be as follows : Due Date of 1st Installment February 28 Due Date of 2nd Installment May 31 6 . In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any part thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof , the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable . 7 . A percentage charge of one and one quarter per centum ( 14 ) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment of each such instalment and thereafter an additional charge of one and one quarter per centum( 14 ) shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in whichidefault continues up to and including December of this year . continued t - 2 - BY-LAW NO. 2527 8 . It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the several dates named in Section 5 to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statutes in that behalf all such tax installments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid , together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred . 9 . The tax collector not later than 21 days prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person a notice setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by-law , the respective dates by which they are to be paid to avoid penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by this by-law for late payments . 10 . Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and shall be paid to the collector at the Municipal Office . 11 . The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such payment , provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and collectable under section 7 in respect to non- payment of taxes or of any installment thereof . 12 . When tenants of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days , such employer shall- pay over to the Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages , salary or other emuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid . & } 5 k ,a e S. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND Finally PASSED THIS 1st DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1990. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY_LAW NO. 2528 Being a By-law to establish a penalty charge for non-payment of current taxes and to provide for interest to be added to tax arrears WHEREAS under the provisions of the Municipal Act , R . S . O . 1980 , a municipality may impose ;3aenalties on overdue taxes in 1990 , AND WHEREAS a municipality may impose interest charges on tax arrears . AND THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham Enacts as follows : 1 ) THAT over due taxes are those taxes that are levied in 1990 and are not paid on or before the day payment is due ; 2 ) THAT tax arrears are taxes that are due and unpaid after December 31st . of the year in which they were levied ; 31 THAT the penalty charge to be added to over due taxes and the interest charge to be added to tax arrears shall be fifteen percent ( 15%) per annum; 4 ) THAT the percentage charge as a penalty for non-payment of current taxes shall be imposed on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues , but not after December 31 , 1990 . 5 ) THAT the Corporation shall give notice of the penalty rate to be imposed under Section 3 and 4 of this by-law in accordance with Subsection 6 of Section 386 of the Municipal Act , R . S . O . 1980 , Chapter 302 ; 6 ) THAT the Treasurer shall add to the amount of all tax arrears due and unpaid , interest as specified in Section 3 of this By-law at the rate of one and one quarter per cent ( 114%) per month for each month or ti fraction thereof from the day this by=law takes effect ; 7 ) This by-law shall take effect Feb 2 , 1990 . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRDTIPE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1st DAY OF FEBRUARY 1990 . i i":-4;11-"'"' Le.?"44 ) , 1 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2529 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting( s ) held February 1 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAY}-IAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held February 1 , 1990 , and special meeting ( s ) held ---- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. REAL) A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st . day of February , 1990. Reeve Clerk C , CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2530 Being a by-law to authorize the Corporation of the Township of Bayham ( the "Municipality" ) to enter into an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of the Environment ( the "Crown" ) in the form annexed hereto as Schedule "A" to modify a service agreement ( the "Previous Agreement" ) with respect to the Provincially-owned water works ( the " Elgin Area Water System #2 ) . WHEREAS under Section 7 ( 2 ) and Section 8 of the Ontario Water Resources Act , R . S . O. 1980 , Chapter 361 , the Council of a municipality may by by- law authorize the municipality to enter into an agreemnent with the Crown for the water works ; AND WHEREAS an agreement ( the "Previous Agreement" ) was entered into F between the Crown and the Municipality on the 2nd . day of December , 1977 , to supply water to the Municipality from the Elgin Area Water System #2 at the expense of the Crown ; 41 AND WHEREAS the net capital cost of the Elgin Area Water System #2 in the amount of approximately $283 , 838 . appearing on the records of the Crown will be reduced to zero by applying a portion of the flproject ' s surplus balance against the principal outstanding appearing on the records of the Crown ; '-`' 1 $= AND WHEREAS the Municipality wishes the Crown to continue to own and operate the Elgin Area Water system #2 ; a AND WHEREAS the provisions of the Previous Agreement remain in force . Ili NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 ) The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement in the form attached as Schedule ' A ' hereto , which schedule is declared to be and forms part of this By-law . 2 ) The cost for operating the Elgin Area Water System #2 is raised by a water service rate imposed by By-law No . 1926 . 3 ) This By-law shall come into force and take effect upon receiving approval , of the Ontario Municipal. Board . READ a First , Second and Third time and finally PASSED this 15th . day of February , 1990 . co(427 ....... , - , , ___ REEVE CLERK f } 4 1t CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2531 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting( s ) held February 15 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held February 15 , 1990 , and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if ' all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th . day of February , 1990. •Reeve Clerk r 411 411 BY-LAN NO. 2 5 3 2 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 68 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 68 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 1st day of March, 1990 e."-A REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2532 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 68 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was piepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham PlariWrng Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2532 •, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 1st day of March, 1990 . REEVE CLERK 3 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAII AMENDMENT NO. 68 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 4 . 48 hectares ( 11 . 08 acres ) and is situated on the south side of Part Lots 20 and 21 , Concession 8 , in the Township of Bayham . 3 . HAS I S QF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the north side of the road } allowance between Concession 8 and the North Gore, east of Highway No . 19 . Due to the "L" shaped nature of the subject lands this property has frontage on both Highway No . 19 and the road allowance between Concession 8 and the North Gore . An existing single family residential dwelling unit and a _ detached garage is located on the extreme west side of the subject lands adjacent to Highway No . 19 . It is the applicant ' s intent to create a new rural residential lot fronting onto the road allowance between Concession 8 and the North Gore pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . Although presently vacant , it is proposed that the newly created lot will be developed for rural residential use by the applicant ' s brother. The lands intended to be retained are approximately 0 . 9 hectares whereas , the land intended to be severed will be approximately 3 . 6 hectares . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses , namely continuous row crops . A number of existing rural residential lots are located north and south of the subject lands along Highway No . 19 . The subject lands have not been improved by artificial drainage . As a result, the lands are comprised of nearly level to very gently sloping imperfectly to poorly drained Class 4 Bookton Till soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County, as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. 2 In addition to the imperfectly to poorly drained soils , the subject lands have been noted to have excessive water, other than from flooding which limits the use for agriculture . The applicant has indicated that the rear portion of the lands intended to be severed are excessively wet and as a result have not been cultivated for many years . The subject lands do not contain specialty crop ( tobacco ) • soils and exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance from existing livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries or wildlife habitat zone . Due to the general built-up nature of the area along Highway No . 19 , the fact that one of the proposed lots is presently developed and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the vacant parcel of land, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the existing and proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'Al Future Land Use of the Official Plan 'of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used , developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended . • 0 el 01111 4w�,Y . ; lily ,.. . f ' -' 4 -k # .� ~`� SCHEDULE A • 44 OFFICIAL PLAN OF T.., HE, ^ �� HE . PO' , I f `�_ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (,t I � 1 ©. . , , , : . � I!i FUTURE LAND USE ,` + AMENDMENT NO. 68 ,..k .. . . 44 1104iii -„_ . ii 4161 1 I ig( 68Lands changed from "Agriculture' 0 �. 4 ?" !'9' ITO ! to "Rural Residential" lite: ' / 1 • 1101 °11iyut'LtAir; ‘Mil 68 IIS .; ,,, .., 0 - - 'ils' II riip,. NSTR Agriculture 1 a 402 4 t ' . 1 -'-: -;-4' - 8 ., Highway Commercial '._ I tile $ S T R Ir :*41111 i �A w 3! Hazard Lands . -, . . i ...wi ,., ..;., . los,,,Rair �11 SQ c • • ',•,: Conservation Lands 1 . ' r. i ... OPP - all III, r Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ARES) � ,,�..) Mineral Resource Areas '. r' 1 0 ' ., .73 ilk . 21 .-' ., -101 ! . j p Provincial Highways if 1 -- .,. , 1 1 s - P`' . 1 © Arterial Roads o'-''i ,; st (County 11•44111) grAlEg ,.' 1 ' ' s : / •;:. WAleillill':1 7 . ' i . rt loo;4441;0, • ''; 111111*N. ., . !• 4ai. , , /., ...„,„ )- ttviii) pct ,, , , . . f.,, „.,...,,,.:..,. .,. • , 9 2000 MOM 1111% 0 5000 10000 15900 lkilik Feett • Ili TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE "B" AMENDMENT NO , 68 4 f!i I I 242 0 ! t / 04" i1 ` • a 1 f ,R f� ,�r ,t�,, a ,kf. f, t • 1 ,2w •/ i mayy , Dti - �O t 1.4.,.-- Q. / / ,: , \.___ , \ } '..."'"'""wi: -------- 1)11.194_1 „mss' 1 J t v 0 2349 _ / ; n �4 ' j • ! <:3 c e t+ 1 'L 0'). a, t - )., ,,, " / 4 `A}� ,% I i . ` Y • . ? . aZ Ii I 0 ata F) /C2P. , ���� E L69 K3 i (L )2O L 1A �e90 } Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources *71 . SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT el FARM BUILDING WOODLOT4t • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 0 260m 600m 1 , NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scat*: 1:10.000 1 411 APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting 410 Planning Act. 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Bo Hold By • BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL - 4 Rospecting Proposed - Official Plan , and Zoning By-law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham w8lhold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be • considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered ars as follows: = • APPLICATION _ SJOERD HOOGS'TEEN&MARYLOUltOOGSTEEN:',Let 23,Conc. ." 5, to thong* the zoning of a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a rosidontial lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit .. '• ABE KLASSEN: - Lot nal Conc. 8, to rezones his lands from Al Special to Rural Rosidontlal and Al special to credo a residential lot by ,- = severance by the Elgin County land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Stroffordyile, commencing at 2:00 P.M.on Thursday, March 1, 190, !A .Any inquiries prior to that dato may be dinictotto the Township - - (866-5521): t' J.A. Pottle =.,. . - Township Clerk '• • = Box 100 `.4 ••'• - Sir affordvillo, Ontarb • N0,11Y0 • 411 411 APPENDIX 113 ° Minutes of Public Meeting 411 411 Public Meeting : AS advertised Reeve Chute declares the public meeting to hear comments on proposed official plan and zone amendments open . The application of Nancy VanEenoo for a zone change at Lots 1 , ' 2 and 3 , on the north side of Main Street in the hamlet of Eden . The property has recently been zoned for a four family dwelling . Ms . VanEenoo proposes to have the zoning amended to accomodate a real estate sales office and a three family dwelling . Ms . VanEenoo proposes three 2 bedroom units of about 1200 sq . ft . each . along with the commercial use . Mr . ' John B . Arthur questions council and Ms . VanEenooas to whether any consideration has been given to water quality damage with the use of septic services . Mr . Arthur cites the probable damage caused by the recent tire fire at Hagersville to water quality in that area . Mr . Arthur is assured that the Health Unit will make sure proper atandards are met prior to an permit being issued . Y The application of Abe Klassen for an official plan and zone change at Lot 20 & 21 in Conc . 8 is considered . No one is present to offer anycomments on the application . The application will change aparcel special agricultural use to rural residentiial , presently zoned for The application of Stuart Hoogsteen for an official plan and zoning- amendment at Lot 23 , in Conc . 5 , is considered . No one is present to offer any comments on the proposal . The application will change the zoning on an a ricultural parcel to rural residential to facilitate creation of a new lot by severance . Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . • • ORIGINAL 3 4 P, 0 5 6 8 AMENDMENT NUMBER 68 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ABE KLASSEN RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOTS 20 & 21 CONCESSION 8 The billowing text and nap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 68 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham • S 411 BY-LAW NO. 2533 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 1st day of March, 1990 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is .a true copy of By-law No . 2533 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK S I OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM AMENDMENT NO. 69 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 61 hectares ( 1 . 51 acres ) and is situated on the east side of Part Lot 23 , Concession 5 , in the Township of Bayham . 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 23 and 24 and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 19 . 8 hectares ( 49 . 0 acres ) . A number of wooded gullies bisect the land holdings in a diagonal direction which creates numerous agricultural pockets within the applicants land holdings . The subject lands are located in the extreme north west corner of one such pocket which is bounded by 0 wooded gully to the north and an existing rural residential lot to the south . It is the intent of this amendment to create a rural residential lot in an area of the agricultural pocket which has been noted to be small and difficult to crop effectively . It is anticipated that the remainder of the farm holdings excluding the above-noted wooded gullies will continue to be used for agricultural purposes , namely a tobacco farm. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including tobacco farms and continuous row crops and existing rural residential lots . Four rural residential lots are located opposite the subject lands on the east side of the road allowance between Lots 23 and 24 , and a fifth is situated immediately south of the proposed lot . I 2 The subject lands are comprised of nearly level rapid to well drained, Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. Although, the soils are well drained the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure . The subject lands have been identified as being Class 4 and 6 soils according to the Canada Land Inventory. Notw4-ttbb tanding the soil classification system, the subject lands have been identified in the Background Report of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as an area having potential for non- farm development . Due to the general built-up nature of the area, the size of the subject lands , the fact that the area is difficult to crop effectively and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on parts of the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land . The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bdyham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . It is Township Council ' s belief that this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 411 3 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii) The lands subject to this Amendment—ancc designated "rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended . 0 • lila pCannth Ai SCHEDULE A '�imolipiti .,. ! ,. 41 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 I Add s 105FUTURE LAND USE 1 ., 1 PP , I el, . AMENDMENT NO. 69 '4 A o , s b ,f "� iiiki ' lands changed from "Agriculture" 41131Fir 0 4 6s to "Rural Residential" / 1141 ....s..,4-4FAi } 4,1:, _. ., Agriculture 1 1 , 1 i.t } il 1 I 1, -. Highway Commercial rw l.N'1',77-,0=.••r-'.0'gill a„„PC , Hazard Lands 11 114111401P01 ! 1j, SP ;'; Conservation Lands 484 'I. ,.,':-.‘,` f ar- 4111: '� ..;.1k..4Hamlets ta, �{ (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Ir -�) Mineral Resource Areas Provincial Highways 111 di ill.. � ripi ,;:� °" Arterial Roads j g tCorniv Noauo) - .0.1 „di Ill 1; 44143 ' P r41 Imo. # , srj 1}. '444i �, 44 • fr4IIii!II!i 9 2000 4 )0 `�* � Mettle —11111111 0 5000 10900 15900 z 14111% Feet 1 • 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO . 69 `A- ... b # L2 ___ Cdti . VI `�, \ 1 ._--- , ( r.. :1 , • • ------.. . ..,,, ,,--...: — / , 2.-- Cf e t� r f 2'�' ` !�• • • or M ri i t l.. / ti ,- A • ' / ' t 11 ` . -_ J ,..z,, Corn 1 ,— le �. „co, . ,, ---:------:,z• .4- --.0 11 • f. j I .� 2,7 G .II it 01` i / Ku t _ _ J 1 ii , 9 1 : ( ' N 1 1 r \ i) < - ; 19. t_ " f i :- / v 1 I 1 1 =` ji ,; °�, LOT 2 5 LOT 22 LOT ,- — T� ` i CON . ( ., 1 „-- I%_. r yoat 1 ..,.,...-- ., , 4„ ...„,_ _ ( r ,v CO i t - 2 3 ' I --, Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 111111 SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT a FARM BUILDING C ► WOODLOT4(1).. is KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 1 0 250m 500m + NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scala: 1:10000 APPENDIX411 ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting • • • Planning Act, 1903 , NOTICE OFA • PUBLIC MEETING • To Be Held By ,;. . _ BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporatbh of the Township of . d Bayham wiN bald a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public „ in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be - •' considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Ad. The amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATIONS ' SJOERD HOOOSTEEN&MARYLOU HOOOSTEEN:-Lot 23, Conc. 5, to change the zoning of a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Reside.This will permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. At ABE KLASSEN: • Lot 2021, Conc. 8, to rezone his lands from Al • Special to Rural Residential and Al special to ciente a residential lot by - severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Pubic Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordvwe, commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 1, 1990, Any inquirieeprior to that date may be directed to the Township Curl -' •— (866-5521). J.A. Petrie Township Clerk • Box 1150 Stratfr rdvee, Ontario NUJ 1Y0 . J 411 s APPENDIX ° B1 Minutes of Public Meeting 410 411 Public Meeting : AS advertised Reeve Chute declares the public meeting to hear comments on proposed official plan and zone amendments open . The application of Nancy VanEenoo for a zone change at Lots 1 , ' 2 and 3 , on the north side of Main Street in the hamlet of Eden. The property has recently been zoned for a four family dwelling . Ms . VanEenoo proposes to have the zoning amended to accomodate a real estate sales office and a three family dwelling . Ms . VanEenoo proposes three 2 bedroom units of, abowt 1200 sq . ft . - _ each " along with the commercial use . Mr . John B . Arthur questions council and Ms . VanEenoo as to whether any consideration has been given to water quality damage with the use of septic services . Mr . Arthur cites the probable damage caused by the recent tire fire at Hagersville to water quality in that area . Mr . Arthur is assured that the Health Unit will make sure proper atandards are met prior to any permit being issued . The application of Abe Klassen for an official plan and zone- change at Lot 20 & 21 in Conc . 8 is considered . No one is present to offer any comments on the application . The application will change a parcel presently zoned for special agricultural use to rural residential . The application of Stuart Hoogsteen for an official plan and zoning amendment at Lot 23 , in Conc . 5 , is considered . No one is present to offer any comments on the proposal . The application will change the zoning on an agricultural parcel to rural residential to facilitate creation of a new lot by severance . Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . s 1111 • ORIGINAL 84 - OP. - 0158 - 069 AMENDMENT NUMBER 69 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: HOOGSTEEN RURAL RES I DENT IAL PART LOT 231 CONCESSION 5 The following text and asap schedule constitutes Amendment Humber 69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 4 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BA%HAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham w .% prepared upon - the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2533 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 1st day of March, 1990 . 7 I 4 4 REEVE CLERK 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2623 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2533 adopting Amendment No. 69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 2533 adopting Amendment No. 69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on March 1, 1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No. 69 does not meet the new criteria for establishing Estate Residential development within the Township of Bayham as proposed by By-law No. 2605, being a By-law to adopt Official Plan AnTertdiiieltit No. 87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No. 2533 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham, on March 1, 1990, be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. } (7A--40? REEVE IV' 4;�..�►�---� CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAM By-Law No . 2534 BE1NC a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting( s ) held February 19 , 1990 , and March 1 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAM pursuant to the prov = sions of The Municipal Act that all Fctions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions pasc'td at the regular meeting held March 1 , 1990 , and special meetings ) held February 19 , 1990 . be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st . day of March , 1990 . er,v-c,.47 Reeve Clerk 7 / I - s • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2535 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement to permit the encroachment of a septic tank system on a road allowance known as Plank Road in the Village of Richmond and to fix a fee for such privilege . WHEREAS the Municipal Act , Sec . 210 ( 101 ) R . S . O . 1980 enpowers Councils to pass by-laws for : 1 . Allowing any person owning or occupying any building that by indavertence has been partially erected upon any highway to maintain and use such erection and for fixing such annual fee or charge as council considers reasonable for such owner or occupant to pay for such privilege . WHEREAS an Agreement , in the form annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "A" of the within By-law has been provided to the Township by David James Steel and Katherine Boismier . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 ) An existing encroachment by a septic tank system on the road allowance known as Plank Road , Plan 22 for the Village of Richmond specifically being that portion of Plank Road adjacent to Martin ' s Block and Village Lot 42 north of James Street on Plan 22 , and designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan Number • 11R3888 , is hereby allowed to be maintained and used for so long as the said system remains in its present location , in accordance with the terms of the afore- said Schedule A; and , for this privilege the sum of one dollar ( $ 1 . 00 ) is hereby fixed to be a one-time charge to be paid to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by the Owner . • 2 ) The Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and deliver up the Agreement in the form hereto annexed as Schedule "A" of this By-law. READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF MARCH , 1990 . eoteS;7? REEVE CLERK i THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 1990 . BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM hereinafter called the "Township" of the FIRST PART - and -- DAVID JAMES STEEL and KATHERINE BOISMIER hereinafter called the "Owners" of the SECOND PART WHEREAS the Parties of the Second Part have purchased certain lands in the Village of Richmond , in the Township of Bayham, more particularly described as all of Martin ' s Block north of Richmond Street and Plank Road , Plan 22 and the East Part of Village Lot 42 north of James Street , Plan 22 , in the Village of Richmond , in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and being more particularly described as PARTS 1 and 2 on Reference Plan Number 11R-3888 . AND WHEREAS the Parties of the Second Part have been advised that the septic tank system located on their property encroaches partly on to an unused road allowance adjoining their property which road allowarize lhas not been closed by the Corporation of the Township of Bayham . AND WHEREAS the Owners have requested the Township to allow the use and maintenance of said encroachment for such period of time as the said building and septic tank system remains in its present location . AND WHEREAS the Township is of the opinion that allowing such use and maintenance would not be against the public interest . AND WHEREAS the Township is empowered pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 302 , Section 210 , Paragraph 101 of the Municipal Act , R . S . O . 1980 , to pass By-laws for allowing any person owning or occupying any building or property that by inadvertence has been wholly or partially erected upon a highway to maintain and use such erection thereon . NOW THEREFORE this Agreement witnesses that in consideration of the premises and the covenants and the agreements herein and the sum of ONE ( $ 1 . 00 ) DOLLAR now paid by the Owners to the Township, a receipt whereof is hereby 2 acknowledged , the Township grants to the Owners , leave and licence to maintain and to continue the encroachment subject to the following terms and conditions : 1 . The Owners shall agree to indemnify and save harmless the Township from any and all liability or damage as sustained by any person by reason of such encroachment upon the said property owned by the Township. 2 . The Owners shall not be permitted to construct any additions to that portion of the building that encroaches on to the unused road allowance as long as same encroaches . 3 . In the event that the Township determines that the property over which said encroachment occurs is required by the Township for the purpose of improving the condition of or reconstruction of said road allowance , the Township may give sixty ( 60 ) days written notice to the Owners and the Owners shall be required to remove the encroachment at their expense and this licence to encroach shall be terminated . 4 . That all legal and survey costs pertaining to this Agreement shall be borne by the Owners . 5 . That this Agreement shall enure to the benefit of an be binding upon the Parties hereto, their ' heirs , executors , administrators , successors and assigns . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has hereunto caused its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto attested by the hands of its proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf and David Jaynes Steel and Katherine Boismier in their personal capacity have hereunto set their hands and seals . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) ) The Corporation of the In the presence of ) Township of Bayham ) ) -' ) Per: ;4111) - 4 .— A. x. ) ) ) Per s -r-r- t j t. a k ) ) ) ) ) David James Steel ) ) ) ) Katherine Boismier ) I e CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2535 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement to permit the encroachment of a septic tank system on a road allowance known as Plank Road in the Village of Richmond and to fix a fee for such privilege . WHEREAS the Municipal Act , Sec . 210 ( 101 ) R . S . Q . 1980 enpowers Councils to pass by-laws for : 1 . Allowing any person owning or occupying any building that by indavertence has been partially erected upon any highway to maintain and use such erection and for fixing such annual fee or charge as council considers reasonable for such owner or occupant to pay for such privilege . WHEREAS an Agreement , in the form annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "A" of the within By-law has been provided to the Township by David James Steel and Katherine Boismier . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 ) An existing encroachment by a septic tank system on the road allowance known as Plank Road , Plan 22 for the Village of Richmond • specifically being that portion of PlaaKAtioad adjacent to =Martin ' s Block and Village Lot 42 north of James Street on Plan 22 , and designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan Number 11R3888 , is hereby allowed to be maintained and used for so long as the said system remains in its present location , in accordance with the terms of the afore- said Schedule A; and , for this privilege ,the sum of one dollar ( $ 1 . 00 ) is hereby fixed to be a one-time charge to be paid to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by the Owner . 2 ) The Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and deliver up the Agreement in the form hereto annexed as Schedule "A" of this By-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF MARCH , 1990 . ‘"i"_ 04404:7 REEVE CLERK ti CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2536 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held March 8 , and March 15 , 1990. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held March 15 , 19 90, and special meeting ( s ) held March 8 , 1990 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . ' READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th . day of March , 1990. Reeve Clerk 4 411 BY-LAW NO. 2537 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No. 70 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 70 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this"Sth day of April , 1990 REEVE ( ' -- CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2537 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN III OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN . 411 AMENDMENT NO. 70 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 77 hectares ( 1 . 90 acres ) and is situated in Part Lot 15 , Concession 3 , in the Township of Bayham . 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The 1 . 9 acre parcel of land is located on the west side of Highway No . 19 in a predominently built-up area north of the Village of Vienna. Although designated Agriculture in the Official Plan, the subject lands do not contain any farm related buildings or structures since the size of the subject lands effectively precludes agricultural activity on the site . It is the applicant ' s intention to divide his land holdings into three parcels to create two additional rural residential lots . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses , namely continuous row crops and non-farm land uses such as rural residential and rural commercial uses which are located to the north and south of the subject lands along Highway No. 19 . The Village of Vienna is situated directly south of the subject lands . The subject lands are comprised of imperfectly drained, Class '3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil. Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfectly drained soils , the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure . , 411 411 Due to the generally built-up nature of the area , the size of the subject lands , the fact that one of the proposed lots is presently developed and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the vacant land, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . Notwithstanding the presence of- Class 3 sells*or specialty crop soils , this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . MAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended . • • ri 111111 I1PIJIi!iiiijPiiii �LRA� III prir . .4 . ySCHEDULE A ' "1`"'' . OFFICIAL�, �� ,. ,+ PLAN OF THE W TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Agg:11'�igi :Alp FUTURE LAPID USE �aPP t 1 AMENDMENT NQ, 70 ' �� t. 4.°117141111 .ro lands Aan d trOL i 9e from *Agriculture* +pj F. a ilorilt aP„ to "Rural Residential" it ,,,, 11 1114L ,iiiri. 41 Al li i '0 !'i 11 • 1 101 N s T c A ricult 0ure iii 11 Highway Commercial i � � �' frit� OvilN A 4 folk kSST R Eli Hazard Lands IISb e • - :':',�:•:� - .�_ =� Conservation Lands ptiPip 1 ^91illilt r i1 IN ItE::REAu I 1 11111 ill 1111 i 1110 ads -011101 ' 01 vop } 7U 4All 1)' , Still J�ti 3 i , .....:.•„,, „ „,, ..., - .'1111 o 2000 4000 Metres IS q soon io9oo 15900 Feet • 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHED "# " ULE 8 AMENDMENT NO . 70 i\ ':\ \ __,..,1 ),,), ‘,.7 , ,k • it.- - - 1 \ cisi\,,, „ , , - , \ �t• ikr •'•�-, Zia 5• S 1 r3 LzOT�'1 LOT-115 He "� ,. I * ti ,it • __ f ‘'` ...�1 .. I n\y\ 0 rii I-- / II X11 +o ( , 1 ///,,...:- / tl ,, a" s / �.., I�� - Y 07 �.- 1�oT17 1 I .--7,_ .-..;/- 11‘.4.N. ,0,...0.- • . , * 7 CON. III ( -- 2,0 1 :It \ \ — -_-/ = Its \� 1 I C c9 ...r 1 , _ /I ?.. , - --. ---T,,_izi_c _ 1 ' , A/P V I Lig • • ���� - t �'. • e ( - -•` • It \• q0 r p E Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT a FARM BUILDING WOOD LOTit a GARAGES/KILNS/SHEDS r NOTE: Legend Refers to Area Outside Village of Vienna 0 250m 500m $ NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. Sem: 1:10,000 11 • APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting i • Planning Act, 1983 "` • ` NOTICE OF A 5. PUBLIC MEETING To Be Heid By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ' k Respecting Proposed Official Pien ., and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham MO hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: t APPLICATIONS • FRED HERMAN N:- Lot 136, Conc. 7. to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of ;. a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. ROGER A JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: Lot 126 & 127, Conc. 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. GRAHAM THOMSON: - Lot 15, Conc. 3, to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JOHN WALKER & JON WALKER: - Lot 1, Conc. 5,to rezone a portion 1 of their lands from Al to Al Special to create an agricultural parcel of less than 20 hectares and permit a severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee, The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordvilie, commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 5, 1990. Any inquiries prior to that dato may be directed to the Township Clem (166-5521). • J.A. Petrie tO, r1! -,011,1 t 4 t4 Township Clerk • Box 160 Straffordvllle, Ontario' * '`'* + 10240:1;4 NOJ 1 Y 411 411 APPENDIX s Minutes of Public Meeting -7 mi't't. t ttg . As advertised , the )ubl i c meeting to hear comme is on official plan and zoning amendments ailed by Reeve Chute . The application of ed Hermann at Lot 136 , Conc . 7 , for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit the severance of a surplus farm house Is reviewed . The remaining agricultural parcel will be less than 20 hectares and will be zoned in a special agricultural designation . Mr . Hermann is present to reply to any questions , however , there Is no opposition to the proposal . The only written comments are from the Health Unit and expresses no concerns . The application of Graham Thomson at Lot 15 , Conc . 3 , for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit severance of his present property Is considered . The property Is now . 77 hectares and it is the intent of Mr . Thomson to sell his present residence and build another . Mr . Thomson had originally intended to create three parcels of land , however , he is now only considering two . Mr . & Mrs Thomsaon are in attendance for any questions , however , there is no opposition to the proposal . There, is presently a petition to extend the water pipeline northerly from Vienna and if this is constructed Mr . Thomson will be using the piped water as. his supply . The application of Twi nhrook Farms Ltd . at Lots 21 & 22 , N . G., for a special agricultural zoning to permit the creation of a parcel of 4 hectares containing farm outbuildings is now considered . Robert Howey is present and will be purchasing the property to be included with his present agricultural holdings . There is no opposition to the proposal and written comments from the Health Unit contain no objections . The application of Roger & Jacqueline DeCiercq for an official plan and zoning amendment at Lot 126 , N . T . R , is now considered . It is the intent to create three rural residential lots by severance . Mr . & Mrs DeClercq are in attendance , however , have no comments to the application . No -one is present in opposition . Written comments from the Ministry of Natural Resources offer no comments . The application of John & Jon Walker at Lot 1 , Conc . 5 , for a zone amendment to place a parcel containing 14 hectares in a special agricultural zone to permit a severance . The lands to be severed will be disposed of in conjunction with lands in the Township of Malahide which are adjacent} to these , separated by an unused road allowance . No comments are presented on this application . The application of the Township of Bayham to adjust zoning on previously passed by- laws to recognize Ministerial modifications made to the official plan amendments . The affected by- laws are Z177/89 ( J . Easing ) at Lot 14 , Conc . 1 ; Z202 /89 ( J . & J . Walker ) at Lot 2 , Conc . 5 ; and Z206/89 ( E . Eff ) at Lot 11 , Conc . 3 . No comments are received regarding these proposals . • Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . • • ORIGINAL 84 - OP - 0158 - 070 AMENDMENT NUMBER 70 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOfiiNSHIP OF SAYHAN SUBJECT: GRAHAM THOMSON RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 15, CONCESSION 3 The following text and nap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 70 to the Official. Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAN • THE attached text and map schedule constituting Anendment, No . 0 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayha3 was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2537 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on thefAith day of April , 1990 . eoe4:;:) Y ' 1. REEVE s CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2626 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2537 adopting Amendment No. 70 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 2537 adopting Amendment No. 70 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on April 5, 1990., AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No. 70 is no longer required once By-law No. 2605, being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 87 was passed. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No. 2537 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham, on April 5, 1990, be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. e <, REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2538 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 71 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 71 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . 1 ENACTED AND PASSED this 'r h day of April , 1990 REEVE CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2538 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN AMENDMENT NO. 71 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is c mp1ised of approximately 0 . 19 hectares ( 01 . 46 acres ) and is situated on the south side of Part Lot 136 , Concession 7 , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the north side of County Road No . 38 and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 20 hectares ( 50 . 0 acres ) . The subject_ lands contain a single family detached dwelling and two car garage that was used in conjunction with the adjacent farm operation. The applicant recently inherited the subject lands and surrounding 50 acres of farm land but has deemed the house and garage to be surplus to his needs . Consequently, it is the intention of the applicant to dispose of these buildings by Creating a new rural residential lot pursuant to the approval of this Official ' Plan Amendment, an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment, and the process of severance and conveyance . It is anticipated that the residence will be conveyed to the applicant ' s sister in a settlement of estate . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including livestock operations and continuous row crops . A woodlot is located immediately south of the subject lands and several existing rural. residential dwellings are situated to the east and west on both sides of County Road No . 38 . • 3 411 411 The subject lands are situated on Class 2 Fox Soils and Class 3 Scotland Variant Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. This soil classification is not considered as a significant factor in consideration of the redesignation of the subject lands due to the presence of an existing surplus single family dwelling and accessory building. The Canada Land Inventory Soil Classification System identifies the subject lands as Class 4 and 6 soils . The subject lands have been identified in the Background Study of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as an area having potential for non-farm development . Township Council deems it appropriate to remove the subject lands from the present agricultural designation and place them into a rural residential designation due to the relatively small area of land involved, and the fact that this property is occupied by an existing farm dwelling which the applicant has deemed to be surplus . It is Township Council ' s belief therefore, that this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria for the establishment of rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subjectto this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. . . • • 110.r I pod p _.,p1 11r' 4 .:.: -!-. ,-: 4. SCHEDULE A i WI °P. 4116 "' 1,,, gillit.ippp . ,,.. 4.4 0 s► '�'°� OFFICIAL PLAN OF, THE 0 is (c4 k `' ." 4.' Fp TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 'CA41111011=•rt,.... ... pr i : :Ail '2 k I 1 FUTURE LAND USE N II '44' ' 111, siwr,. . AMENDMENT NO. 71 Fr gilt 1 �� �► 71 lands changed from "Agriculture" ;9allig ,,,mig FIL. "' . , to "Rural Residential" 467-1FAF 41 i . If t rili71P III s iregill 0 .:Ijil, • ill Fil V' 0 I i . ' 01110P/6.‘140 0 N S T R `` Agriculture 0 111, 1 ill 4 Adi 1 IIliHighway Commercial T 400 '"''•'` Ise R I iii ��% il '< Hazard Lands i . -7 lehbikki 11 ,1111 j !i .I ° 11111 -. conservation lands *17: 'zisilliiill�: , ''F► � ill Hamlets - � i - � (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Piligo4 .' i 1 .77 k 1 dw -lk111,11j. 1 II •., iii, .!)Fai _;, ' ' Mineral Resource Areas .1i- 1 041) 41 O Provincial Highways III IL.--- 'Ili 1 - I IP' : ,.,..,„,,,, i„,,,st II jaPb- - 9 ArCoter itiayll a�4�Road.III ? ( INNIZ al. ,,,,, '"-ie 4, 4 1 31 III 4 i 11)*It. ii ."- f ;IL1 o1 I 0:: - ..;_?7, .40;7; ick ..,...;./ ,.. .4.44,-/ - „..4. 6:4 -444,4i. s . 4 1 4411%�.v. tgitioall o 20,0 4090 44% I "h Metres g000 10900 15900 Fast • II . . TOWNSHIP OF BAYHANA SCHEDULE` B" 'AM71, ENDMENT NO. € \,.. ?xQ j " \ . , 'ADDITIONAL ' o 137 f //-2---, —.,= LANDS fr ,s - ' L._ - � � JOWNED TALBOT—ROAD 1 • 3T134 ' Lq.!pj35 . 0023 $ PPLICANT ! 138 lea • ____ LOT1136 z r.7„....411' ______ 234.0' � / � ---------tis I u. i € d i a ..,A____, c) s 1 �_�__ r\---------- c....... ,dt 1 0 -,.......„3 „'i • i 1 I..- _ - , / 233.5. -.0 - I .234.0 �.�f,. O. -4%./ 'a __� _�..,_-- ) • -, '1 • L. a3s . � � it -� • , ,% -` .� i 234.0 - �€ ,s admiia _ 3/ 0-__ . k•,/-'` 1 E , ‘t • I p M * $ 4 . - _.- --- 1l "'",,-'_ 3 3-- " "r" � • ., ({ : • *Illi •' ��I �....--- : ,234.5. .._.,,•,1 € • 1� id i . 1 ' �_ �' - �: J30 -_ ..-I i i i I ...____- -________J__,,------- X50 �• ► –.:-..: -.... .—....1- : } 1 / ° ---- t .\ ! .231.0 i+s r ► 1 Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources IIIIISUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT a FARM BUILDING4). WOODLOT $ GARAGES/SHEDS/KILNS f 0 280m IS00m NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scala: 1:10,000 • • • 111 APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting • • Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL • Respecting Proposed Official Plan R • • and • Zoning 8y-Law Amendments • TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official pian and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. Thi! arfnendments to be considered are as follows: • ,v APPLICATIONS , FRED HERMANN: - Lot 136, Conc. 7. to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of - a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. ROGER & JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: - Lot 126 & 127, Conc. 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Eiger County Land Division Commit- tee. GRAHAM THOMSON: - Lot 15. Conc.3, to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JOHN WALKER i JON WALKER: - Lot 1, Cone. 5,to rezone a portion of their rands from Al to Al Special to create an agricultural parcel of less than 20 hectares and permit a severance by the Elgin County Land Dfviaion Committee. The Public c Meeting will be hold in the Council Chambers at Straffordviile, commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday. April 5, 1990. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk ($66-5521). J.A. Petrie . • 4.4,4'. Township Clerk Box 160 ,¢.f iiraffordville, Ontario 4.1"1 141'10 it'to,_,;: " NOJ 1Y0 ,, e.., - • • • APPENDIX ' 13 ' Minutes of Public Meeting * city m i t. ravut $ ug . As. advert i Qed , the p0 i c meeting to hear comme s on official plan and zoning amendments # ailed by Reeve Chute . The application of ed Hermann at Lot 136 , Conc . 7 , for an official plan • ' annd zoning amendment to permit the severance of a surplus farm house Is ` ' reviewed . The remaining agricultural parcel willbe less than 20 hectares and will be zoned in a specialagricultural designation . Mr . Hermann is present to reply to any questions , however , there Is no opposition to the proposal . The only written comments are from the Health Untt and expresses no concerns . The application of Graham Thomson at Lot 15 , Conc . 3 , for an official. plan and zoning amendment to permit severance of his present property Is considered . The property is now . 77 hectares and it is the intent of Mr . Thomson to sell his present residence and build another . Mr . Thomson had originally intended to create three parcels of land , however , he Is now only considering two . Mr . & Mrs Thomsaon are In attendance for any questions , however , there is no opposition to the proposal . There is presently a petition to extend the wateripeline northerly from Vienna and if this is constructed Mr . Thomson will be using the piped water as . , his. supply . The application of Twi nhrook Farms Ltd . at Lots 21 & 22 , N . G . , for a special agricultural zoning to permit the creation of a parcel of. 4 hectares containing farm outbuildings is now considered . Robert Howey Is present and will be purchasing the property to be included with his present agricultural holdings . There is no opposition to the proposal and written comments from the Health Unit contain no objections . The application of Roger & Jacqueline UeCl.ercq for an official plan and zoning amendment at Lot 126 , N . T . R , is now considered . It is the intent to create three rural residential lots by severance . Mr . & Mrs DeCiercq are In attendance , however , have no comments to the application . No one is present in opposition . Written comments from the Ministry of Natural Resources offer no comments . The application of John & Jon Walker at Lot 1 , Conc . 5 , for a zone amendment to place a parcel containing 14 hectares in a special agricultural zone to permit a severance . The lands to be severed will, be disposed of in conjunction with lands In the Township of Malahide which are adjacent to these , separated by an unused road allowance . No comments are presented on this application . . The application of the Township of Bayham to adjust zoning on previously passed by- laws to recognize Ministerial modifications made to the official plan amendments . The affected by- laws are Z177/89 ( J . Casing ) at Lot 14 , Conc . 1 ; 1202 /89 ( J . & J . Walker ) at Lot 2 , Conc . 5 ; and 2206/89 ( E. Eff ) at Lot 11 , Conc . 3 . No comments are received regarding these proposals . Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . Ministry of Oinist$re des 777 Bay Street 777, rue BayCiF Municipal Affaires Toronto, Ontario Toronto (Ontario) Affairs municipales M5G 2E5 MSG 2E5 Ontario February 28 , 1991 Mr . J . A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mr. Petrie: Re : Approval of Amendment No. 71 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham File : 34-OP-0158-07i On February 22 , 1991 this Official Plan document was approved . Please see the certificate page . The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One, Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry ' s records . The Original , any remaining Duplicate Originals , and the working copies are 'enclosed . • Yours truly, > -'- , Vincent Fabiilli - Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure c . c . MAF MOE Health Unit LPCA County 411 411 ORIGINAL 94 0 p 0 1 5 8 071 AMENDMENT NUMBER 71 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF m TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAII 4 SUBJECT: FRED HERMAN RURAL RES I DENTIAL PART LOT 136 , CONCESSION 7 The following text and nap schedule constitutes Ascent Number 71 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhaa A • AMENDMENT NO. 71 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No. 71 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation &11ie*Township of Bayham, is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date. l W'A '_ `" ,A44 / 0,1 Diana L. Gard` e, M.C.LP. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs S 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAII THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 71 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of BayhamiPJ nmLng Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2538 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the ilth day of April , 1990 . REIM 1 Bayham Township Byrd Laws OPP • • By-Laws # 2539 #2552 1990 ( 110 ) 5 `-f 5'41 (255 0 / 55 5,4 0) 5-'145 " 1 " W e Pk3 410 V-) ift. f. ,4.0 J. Frier fS JO SVOIS .44#40_,(LI • 0 0 "3 4:Lid ,) 0 7t, vky s. FA-err -4-v is rr- :7' ititla 06 ‘, 1 ' 14/ s t, LI-Jo r-r)-\AR-fel obi, / I 17 1. ) -j10 af EL It- 9 -C cib , bi 4 -id-v ic--2\r1o-4--) /00 NAA Lif4 ) (Lt. i ." CLV *If v4-0 5 '44 1 1,4,2 WIC) Nif talL i . 14/ ‘1-117C1 1-141.1 ”,/j-j-0 Q-71- E ft /..;*"\e-r\4401 ,s 4- 0 b cry I s v cr) vok--074i 4fa9.fL - 7o c 0 f -Fr ., // C117 rGt, .,, � / Mai 3 , fo g q -3- To r-.epza42_ 5 V..3 A-)-y\_a4N...dekwd kt) M a / 3 1990 2 S4 8 - T rer-474x l Sdie - 013si1o , �:�•� , B - /et w 4 a 399 .< ecot,s - • A4 q P'a ;) 5 `f 9 ' to Concirm a11 0. c4i o'-AS o "F 0ounul 440 let9e) 5 5 - A TY%-t-- -4 er,47....-"\-4 ‘4t!--- 73 5 -4 PiaLe, ra S C. A efe,- Tu-.\A 7, (11 0 551 - � �,��( .,..y. + -�- � � Fa orF, / Ply r', T..‘, 3, X 950 aSS ,;/ - T app e ,e- + a L -14 L , cizr; � ,. 9 CCr, �, 9 4 411 411 BY-LAW NO. 2539 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 72 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 72 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this ' th day of April , 1990 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2539 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. '"t R2C S 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HA►YHM AMENDMENT NO. 72 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 8 hectares ( 2 . 0 acres ) and is situated on the west side of Highway No . 19 in Part Lot 126 , Concession N . S .T . R. , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the west side of Highway No . 19 north of the hamlet of Straffordville on Part Lot 126 , Concession N.S .T. R. and form part of a larger faim holding comprised of approximately 48 . 0 hectares ( 119 . 0 acres ) . A number of wooded gullies bisect the land holdings in a diagonal direction which creates several agricultural pockets within the applicant ' s land holdings . The subject lands are located in the extreme south west corner of one such pocket which is bounded .by a wooded gully to the north and west and an existing rural residential lot to the south. Since the subject lands are completely isolated from the remainder of the applicant ' s land holdings , it is the intent of this amendment to create three rural residential lots in an area which is small , isolated and difficult to crop effectively. It is anticipated that the remainder of the farm holdings excluding the above-noted wooded gullies will continue to be used for agricultural purposes , namely a tobacco farm . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including tobacco farms and continuous row crops and existing rural residential lots . Four rural residential lots are located opposite the subject lands on the east side of Highway No . 19 , and a fifth is situated immediately south of the proposed lot . Hamlet residential lots are located immediately south of the rural residential lots within the hamlet of Straffordville . 411 411 2 The subject lands are comprised of very gently sloping, rapid to well-drained Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. Although the soils are well- drained, the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure . In addition to the Class 3 soils , the subject lands have been identified as containing specialty crop soils . „� .. * Due to the generally built-up nature of the area; the size of the subject lands ; the fact that the area is difficult to crop effectively and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . Notwithstanding the presence of specialty crop soils , it is Township Council ' s belief that ,this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 410 3 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to th. .s_sendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended . • .' iiillfoillilleo,2Pgit iy SCHEDULE A ildlqlFoy- pi S'"°'• OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE INili TllpIPPISIfter..1111�. '� Iril TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Qri p FUTURE LAND USE ;111IPAII 4 Podl ti- AMENDMENT NO. 72 {• 10 q O`�a 11„,,r, lands changed 'from Agriculture ► dkli iI. 41,4tirli 1101,0: nall, to "Rural Residential" ‘' ' OP ii 411141*.P.i' a; /1111 isik 411144 I 1 S T R ,,,,,,, Agriculture Highway Commercial I -1.11 ?14‘ r.,1 �,' Hazard Lands 4141 4.: ii ill sisilmi li o .., „0.t7 u. —Neill SO )11 ..-..1.'•:;)::::;; Conservation Lands r. , ;oakso i dig . :.....iii :51.. ,:,091,011, �: ! „ 4 Hams a (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) lt 4.,,O. Mineral Resource Areas !..:1;* , '5 Or 211110111/111111 4 !Jill Provincial Highways sjoht., p v HighwaysIt_Aolo � Arterial Ro -/ � 1 (Cou{+ty 110�0�) mil , N '-ov4 , ,...; .- 1 ik,,,,„,, 4 ..,i himil PI 1 _ N 1 ,,, ,,,,,ia'' 1 411 ..4) 1 w , 1,4; ,0 ,ko1:1;0' iii .__rirlill> i ii 11441141a 2000 11111 400a 9 5000 10900 15900 141 Feet 1 4 41, 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAMSCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO , 72 1 t5 \ ' ' —.L. 124 _ _L07125 L TE -"/„..---';'3%-1.0T 127_ se.' ' ..\ . ---V — — / -------- —,, ) -t. ,, .4 li \ II - - 4. — --oaa -- 'r .� fi t 2.' J- '` f I 25 ( - „� . : r 222 Q< fi ( -._.. l l .1 I �'..� 1 •. �Z 1 :4 4 •440 / ----•... __- — •`: ,4 •-. .T/QF 22 9 S I r:.....__s y �� �- TRA FFf�vILLF•'' •-..-- .. ,p'— 1 • la T le 1 _ !' ' Ir �► f , •.1 • • • • t _.. ° 7.- _ ________- I f ----- t j‘"."7:1 -4.--------- #� 1 •• , • I ! *" .at, o I• I .-.- .. • / •.•�_ a I ?2�! l� _ r • I ati �`�r .� n . • • . / � tt• 0 Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources FilliSUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT L7 FARM BUILDING ? WOODLOT ''Ell - ■ GARAGES/SHEDS/KILNS NOTE :Legend refers to 'Area Outside Hamlet of Straffordvi l le. 250m 500m NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scale: 1:10.000 411 411 A ;,> x° µ N 0 X A Notice of Public Meeting • Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed • Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATIONS FRED HERMANN: - Lot 136, Conc. 7, to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. ROGER & JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: - Lot 126 & 127, Conc. 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. GRAHAM THOMSON: - Lot 15, Conc. 3, to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JOHN WALKER &JON WALKER: - Lot 1, Conc-5, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Al Special to create an agricultural parcel of less - than 20 hectares and permit a severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 5, 1990. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J.A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 StratfordvitM, Ontario N0J 1Y0 I 411 .4„ APPENDIX ' $ ' Minutes of Public Meeting 1 hill t t *'li`l` t. i lig+ . As advertised , the public meeting to hear come' s on official pian and *zoning amendments * lied. by Reeve Chute . The application of Hermann at Lot 136 , Conc . 7 , for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit the severance of a surplus farm house Is reviewed . The remaining agriculturalparcel willbe less than 20 hectares and wi. l. l he zoned in a specialagricultural designation . Mr . Hermann is present to reply to any questions , however , there Is no opposition to the proposal .. 'file only written comments are from the Health Unit ' and expresses no concerns . The application of Graham Thomson at Lot 15 , Conc . 3 , for an official. plan and zoning amendment to permit severance of his present property Is considered . The property is now . 77 hectares and it is the intent of Mr . Thomson to sell his present residence and build another . Mr . Thomson had originally intended to create three parcels of land , however , he is now only considering two , Mr . & Mrs Thomsaon are in attendance for any questions , however , there is no opposition to the proposal . There Is presently a petition to extend the water pipeline northerly from Vienna and if this is constructed Mr . Thomson will be using the piped water as • his supply . The application of 'Twi nhrook Farms Ltd . at Lots 21 & 22 , N . G . , for a special agricultural zoningto permit the creation of a parcel of 4 hectares containing farm outbuildings Is now considered . Robert Howey Is present and will be purchasing the properly to be included with his present agricultural holdings . There is no opposition to the proposal and written comments from the Health Unit contain no objections . The application of Roger & Jacqueline DeCiercq for an official plan and zoning amendment at Lot 126 , N. T . R , is now considered . It is the intent to create three rural residential lots by severance . Mr . & Mrs DeClercq are in attendance , however , have no comments to the application-. No one is present in opposition . Written comments from the Ministry of Natural Resources offer no comments . The application of John & Jon Walker at Lot 1 , Conc . 5 , for a zone amendment to place a parcel containing 14 hectares in a special agricultural zone to permit a severance . The lands to be severed will be disposed of in conjunction with lands In the Township of Malahide which are adjacent to these , separated by an unused road allowance . No comments are presented on this application . The application of the Township of Bayham to adjust zoning onreviousl y passed by-- laws to recognize Ministerial modifications made to the official plan amendments . The affected by- laws are Z177/89 ( J . Using ) at Lot 14 , Conc . 1 ; Z202 /89 ( J . & J . Walker ) at Lot 2 , Conc . 5 ; and Z206/89 ( E . Eff ) at Lot 11 , Conc . 3 . No comments are received regarding these proposals . Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . ORIGINAL 3 4 0 7 2r Pr ,,. 0 5 .r AMENDMENT NUMBER 72 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ._.... SUBJECT: DECLERCQ RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 126 , CONCESSION N.S .T.R. The following text and sap schedule constitutes Aaend-ent Number 72 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhaa 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 72 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input- pursuant 'to the - provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2..439 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on thth day of April , 1990 . REEVE CLERIC CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2540 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held April 5 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held April 5 , 1990 , and special meeting ( s ) held be ^•{d the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th . day of April , 1990 . Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2541 BEING; a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held April 12 and April 19 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held April 19 , 1990 , and special meeting ( s ) held April 12 , 1990 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th . day of April , 1990 . Reeve Clerk BY-LAW NO. 2542 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 THAT Amendment No. 73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of May, 1990 2). e4e-d ? REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2542 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham . C:GEAN OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAt AMENDMENT NO. 73 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LQCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 24 hectares ( 0 . 6 acres ) and is situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 , north of Highway No . 3 in Part Lot 10, Concession 9 in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 , north of Highway No . 3 on Part Lot 10, Concession 9 and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 9 . 8 hectares ( 24 . 3 acres ) . The subject lands are located in the extreme south east corner of the applicant ' s land holding which is bounded by one existing rural residential lot to the north and two existing rural residential lots to the south . Since the subject lands are bounded by the aforementioned rural residential lots , it is the intent of this amendment to create one additional rural residential lot as an infilling situation. It is anticipated that the remainder of the farm holdings which contain one barn will continue to be used for agricultural purposes , namely a continuous row crop farm. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including tobacco farms and continuous row crops and the above-noted existing rural residential lots . 411 2 The subject lands are comprised of very gently sloping, imperfectly drained Class 3 Plainfield Soils and Class 2 Bookton Till Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. Although the soils are very gently sloping, the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by the addition of fertilizers or manure . Due to the generally built-up nature of the area; the fact that the proposed rural residential lot constitutes an infilling situation; the size of the subject lands ; the fact that the area is difficult to crop effectively and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate, that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . It is Township Council 's belief that this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands-designated Agriculture in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands and a minimum lot area deficiency on the lands intended to be retained. 411 3 4 . DETAILS OF THE AIifENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended . • so ---liac3111110. iiiiiI1111113211•00. ..\ rav!ii•guirlifiN..„,kf k SCHEDULE A illiAiriglipillir , . t . 11411k OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE 73 - PrzillOPPrAMt17 3". 14 II! TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 4 11111p Pilli Adigilaiit;ti pp rizioi-„1:114mor.. aAd 0 k FUTURE LAND USE • _ b.. . XklA leid - 111\ AMENDMENT NO. 73 $1.1, 11' '1;iiiiisp,o,,,lico, .,_.. !sr ,„ 401111111111111 dartit-' IP' ill 73 LANDS CHANGED FROM AGRICULTURE °It lit '41°1 ' °3:111Mtat*-21?41' 1 TO °RURAL RESIDENTIAL" i'/W '. 1 ' 'OPP 4 kir:fit/tails P eu- . . --,2ioeJ4•• kNla0 idor 01 . Aoriculture li 1' liirit‘r 404 4 ' ji . Lop .4 i in Highway Cornmorolal IcAskek bt — —IP 1%1 imolai" ii 0 III Hazard LOINCIII . i ' nolo,.Illes . iidi 441IC 4' iii1111.1118 P 1111441 1- ..).4.• LendeC4nSeiVatiOn litilkt: 4iiti IP 'Cle a% 0.1; ** 4 !1"t1,1a i 1 IIIII Hamlets iso. i,P1111'O0 k 4,,,„. (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ARIAS) ii. Mineral ROSOUrCe Areas 211 3 ; 4.4 p - 11' 11111ri ik jort 441111y 4 1 1 'Fil al"- 0 Provincial Highways 111111.116111 ' ...--:' . fAtiPliAll .1, adill 41i1 ..€3.- titrotzt•utmds ibilllb Iiitf d'1444111 k '• PIR 4111i 0 olio ii ill." mi 441111Allikat 1 "Ilik 0 W 40$10 It - wen - 41kirk 61„. 9 0,00 10900 18900 '44414I Foot i ti • I TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO. 73 ) it.---•. f \ ti/9 I ---\ ) j 14 \i„y. .. 1 -2 r� r � i I . •:, I I ( ,,-t ______/7„, IN-N, ce3 ( .............. ...„,„. , , ..„,_ ..../....„.„ ( 1 : ) >, \\•. ,.. \ A /---r - ip. 7 ..._, ,...:34'• 1 / 1 ;V /7 ItillitirC) AD TIO IAL 100- CirtiEDr. (.4* ,./. ) i • VP. / 7- .243 /# � I . , .--/ i 0 p, 441,,,,p, -- e//0 . / A ................./ At7 t.. ft4 I /////' 7 ?TNCESIO i ,V WO LO 9 ' L T 11 *4 LOT : 11 LOT 12 ; LOT 13/ i i• +4.4IIPP\/ 1 I \ / _ Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT a FARM BUILDING WOODLOT44> r KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES O 260sn bOOm s NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. Scat*: 1:10.000 411 4 APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting AND EQUIPMENT-N.H. 853 round baler;N,H, ISA! rte may tae reached by Improvement Act. n1 N.H. 892 1000 RPM pull harvester, two w telephoning 773-8456. His DATED at Tillsonturg x. „...�. capping heads,-and haylage pickup; three new office will open May 1, this 30th day of March, ,t 990. Pr. wo with room, on Horst wagons; Dion f e 1990-at 237 Talbot St. W, K.E. holland with II pipe; l. 455 four row corn planter with insecti- Aylmer, Ont. Clerk-Administrator 8 run grain drift, fertilizer and grass seeder;N.H. VOR Baader with hydraulic end gate;N.H. 679 manure rdraulic end gate;N.H.hay rake;Kitlbros 9 tonne Planning A t, 1983 raulic auger on 10 tonne Horst wagon;Glencoe I saver; Bervac 20` cultivator with spray boom; NOTICE OF A PUBLIC ME ETI Nd • .3c; Cockshutt three sec. springtooth cultivator; iscs; three sec. harrows; J.D. 5/16 semi-mount To Be Held By mount plow;. hitch;threp hitch plow;theept plowpackerBAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Br;seven tine anhydrous tool bar; 14`Konskilde Respecting Proposed Official Plan dal. Calsa saddle tank; Larson trail-type PTO ,� rro Spand 3 pt. hitch broadcaster; Geo. White and Zoning By-Law Amendments ur gravity wagons; two 22' flat rack wagons; TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the k wagons; tandem wagon with bale catcher Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose ick wagon (truck frame}. of informingthepublic in respect IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT - Balthes prim- of proposed official plan and I baggie carriers;Hahn Hi Boy sprayer;DeCioet zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with gamer; two Powell two row transplanters; Delhi the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be ; Holland 1'R planter; Clarke fork lift truck with considered are as follows: .._,.---- 2R stair cutter; Super A tractor with hitters, APPLICATIONS e dresser; John Blue two now fertilizer attach- GEOAGE JANSSEN: - Lot 10, Conc. 9, to changethe tobacco sticks; three Delhi kiln elevators; twozoning ;hires; elephant wagon; Jackson kiln elevator; of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will er; 2R Vortex applicator;bulk fumigant tank;two permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin ressure steamers;Chev. truck with 2000 gallon County Land Division Committee. cenced); Gorman Rupp PTO irrigation pump; FRANK GUS: - Lot 15, Conc. 10,,to rezone his lands from Al E irrigation pumps;300 lengths Delhi Foundry 6" to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by is D.F. 5"pipe; 150 lengths D.F. 4" pipe; Delhi the Elgin County Land Division Committee. '*"r„� i hydrants, openers, elbows, plugs, Ts, sprin- The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at ers; Delhi el. bale press; 15 bale boxes; three Stratordville, commencing at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday,, May 3, 10 steam racks; 100 4x8 pallets;six pallet lifters; 19990, :achrnents; two three pt. hitch cultivators; 120' Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township se water system with pump and motor; green- Clerk (866-5521), 11111 Ind hose; two 12' steam pans and pan lifters; se; four aluminum pipes; six 12' greenhouse J. A. Petrie cies greenhouse glass; approximately 75 bag- Township Clerk et plastic plant boxes; numerous Hawk and Box 160 -`- baskets. :OUS ITEMS ANO TOOLS - Forney 225 el. Straffordvitle, Ontario acetylene'welder; portable air compresser; air NOJ 11T 'tder; four portable gas engine pumps; power ' p battery charger; 18.4x34 duals;cement mixer Or;cement forms; three pt. hitch hydraulic wood SPRING RESIDENTIAL i livestock loading ramp; two galvanized water id carts; two pick up toppers; three 10' roper SPECIAL CLEANUP 1990 gallon fuel tank; chain fall; drill press; doz. hand and electric tools; hydraulic jack; electric The following week has been designated for Special motors; 500 gallon water tanks; pressure tank Cleanup within the Town of Tillsonbur . - -- cm on skid; water tower frame; hydraUlic cylin- g Vortex • I water tower frame; hydraulic cylinders;cut off Spring Collection • Week of April 23, 1990 soli vs;two Beatty pumps;tractor tire chains; metal All articlesplaced out for Special Cleanupshall be l;RR ties;hydro poles;lawn roller;squirrel Cage l ISI; J.D. tractor castor wheel; various wares, collected on your regular garbage collection day of , or offshore labour;quantity of doors, windows, this week. There will be no call backs. Alk Twit;pipe and fittings; rooting, used lumber;tile; mak travel trailer;J.D. 110 riding lawn mower; Make sure all of your Special Cleanup articles are out , NOAW1 'ed s.MOM of above ec iprnent in good and on your regular garbage collection day to ensure or with proper ID dayof sale. LUNCH pickup, during the week of April 23, 1990. if any additional information is required, please contact 1S - 866-5607 or 868-3728 the Tillsonburg Works Department at 842-5951. C ELTON JOHN SHACKELTON 150 AUCTIONEERS 765-4440 Fall Collection - Week of October 15, 1990 ,..... w ..,. ' C • 411 411APPENDIX ' B ' Minutes of Public Meeting Public Meeting : As advertised , the pi.c meeting tb • accept courts on applications for official plan and zon g amendments as received m Geo . Janssen and Frank Cus Is declared open by Reeve Chute . In the application of George Janssen at Lot 1Q , Conc . 9 , no one is in attendance Co offer any comments . In the application of Frank Cus , Frank Cus Jr . is representing Frank Cus Sr . and Ms . Jane Melitzer and T . Brown as owners to the north of the subject property are in attendance . Ms . Melitzer and Brown offer written comments as follows : -No objection providing : 1 ) the zoning is for single family dwellings only ( no duplexes , triplexes , apartment buildings , townhouses , condominiums or mule-residential dwellings of any sort to be used for rental purposes . 2 ) it in no way adversely affects , infringes upon or causes hardship to the rights &/or property of those living in the immediate area 3 ) it requires no further alterations to the lay of the land so as to affect drainage , run off & other environmental factors . 4 ) it does not affect existing facilities i . e . fences , municipal drains , roads etc . or creates further environmental damage i . e . accumulation of garbage & disposal. problems . ���, . � 5 ),*any & all expense arising from this proposal and any necessary changes as .a result be borne by the applicant . signed : J . E . Melitzer T . L. Brown Mr . Cus is concerned that the by-law prohibits the keeping of livestock and after telephone conversation with his father , agrees that all conditions can be met . There being no further comments , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . • A CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2627 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2542 adopting Amendment No. 73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 2542 adopting Amendment No. 73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on May 3, 1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No. 73 is no longer required once By-law No. 2605, being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 87 was passed. TT 'ORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No. 2542 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham, on May 3, 1990. be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERK. • ORIGINAL P, 8 0015 73fi AMENDMENT NUMBER 73 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN SUBJECT: GEORGE JANSSEN RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 9 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN • THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham w#siwprepared upon * the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2542 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 3rd day of May, 1990 . D. (-004.... ade.-kp (T17;,t,A000 REEVE CLERK 411 BY-LAN NO. 2543 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . • 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into fOrce and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of May, 1990 Cies°7 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2543 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAK AMENDMENT NO. 74 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 38 hectares . ( 0 . 94 acres ) and is situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , north of Highway No . 3 in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10, in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , Concession 10 in the Township of Bayham and form part of a larger land holding which is comprised of approximately 8 hectares ( 20 acres ) . Presently, the applicant ' s 20 acre parcel is comprised of three separate zones . The central portion containing a single family residential dwelling unit and barn is zoned rural residential . South of this zone, a second house and detached garage is zoned Special Rural Commercial . The remainder of the applicant ' s land holdings is zoned agriculture. It is the applicant' s intent to create two additional rural residential lots on the extreme south east corner of his land holdings on a parcel of land which is characterized by small brush and scrub land. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of numerous rural residential , rural commercial and rural industrial lots which are predominantly located on the west side of the road allowance . The subject lands have not been improved by the installation of tile drains and thus are comprised of a Class 5 Muriel Soil according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition t,p the Class 5 soils , the subject lands have not been identified as containing specialty crop soils . 4 411 2 Due to the generally built-up nature of the area; the size of the subject lands; the fact that the area has not been used for agricultural purposes and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land . The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the • subject lands are not associated with an envlrenmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . It is Township Council ' s belief that this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . RETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended . 0 • gidilt 74 -0116/111C31%11P IIIPIIIIPPIrIlly I III Ai 4. • 4k:.!itr SCHEDULE A PaaIOW inipp,A dreat;....t.4:., 41 SAHLIPPL:FNBOAFy HTAHmE 1115i di PrOr IF r' 7 !r: Ali OFFICIAL FUTURE LAND USE ctqlpipillz .' . OP 111 t.: di 0- , oril 1,‘. _ rilm••46/ itivw,I AMENDMENT NO. 74 ha Pp 4111121P111141114,_ , 4111111 . TO 0 RuCRHAALNGREEDs 1 FDEROPINT 1:11fac ICULTUREst Pil4 trittillildIrprikr‘-4104 II IY:' 101011116A , :jailtAll III -- ,,t;400.4 lmri;top 1 , ,. terinciloid: osi, 0., Agrioutturs imkw.," con...., i , :4 .021•-# Irma ii ? . EZ Heard Lands alall II Ill 1 u'll 1111111111114 401 1,;r:ITA Conservation Lands .47"*WP414,11.141404g1 ii'' , 44 III !!! ° 44: f040,0 *141I '14-Di 411. Herniate (COMMUNITY IMPROVIIMINT AREAS) up i Mineral Mumma Aries 40- if '044 , ..7-7 Ar ' 4: 4V 111 t 4111 "II lit 0 Provincial Highways 111 liter, lopp04, , ‘ 1 INIIIC Vs 111101r1 ,.. iiiii% tilt 11 -€3.- Arzasomds M 1 1101 ft kv- 1 111,14** 444 11111 . . Oil I '1 4 t 11/19 iii —..7.- v. ill:el i rs Ill It ak iiimhok, 4 i 9 20P0 4°P° wilases p..)N Worse - Ili IIIIII144 Q tiopo 10900 15900 , 411 • Fiat • • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO . 74 --. - Rso I .,,_ ..• .t..040 #6 1,":.A -!1 O . . .--- { � i ,__ ;,..-�-CoTr 14 ,4 cT 15 , l� f Lc 16 ff Lo T 11).- - ,.�..� / tea•ct ) .- ... 1 4,,.. N. ,--.....,) , \ ...-- IA CONCESSION X ; ,.../ _, ;' t f-, -I .4 1. ., , r itill5.0, 1 T i, >� ADIiI)f t`QNAV NDSN t c7. BY APPLICANT t '�' t. J 1 ii •l'''' ! 4 - (,, , • ""----- f 1 c ------- .201111,j3 o'f . � \ N. - 1' c '-411 • , //,—.____24 '' ---- -- --'-' \ IL:I t7 Irir ! 4{ A•O ( / - 1:1 I Ifr It 4 . . 1. ff-<.----7\ ./ 1 c.............. . Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LAND • RESIDENTIAL UNIT ss FARM BUILDING WOODLOT <I* al KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 0 260* 600sw , • MOTE:This wap is for clarification purposes only. Scala: 1:10,000 APPENDIX • A ' Notice of Public Meeting • EQUIPMENT-N.H.853 round baler;N.H. tIu. he may t'e reached by improvom.nt Act. fl N.H. 892 1000 RPM pull harvester, twodr telephoning 773-8456. His DATED at Tilisonburg . 4,1,T . pping heads, and haylage pickup; threes w office will open May 1, this 30th day of March,-)990. Pr • with room, on Horst wagons; Dion forage 1990'at 237 Talbot St. W., K.E. holland with •. • : ; Int. 455 four row corn planter with insects . Aylmer, Ont. Clerk-Administrator : run grain drill, fertilizer and grass seeder;N.H. VORL ader with hydraulic end gate;N.H. 679 manure •raulic endgate;N.H. hay rake;Kdibros 9tonne Planning A t, 1983 autger Horst wagon;Glencoe 0' or with aboom; NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING ' ,- ; Cockshutt three sec. springtooth cultivator; ..- ; three sec. harrows; J.Q. 5/16 semi-mount To Be Held By mi mount plow;J.Q. 3/14 three pt. hitch plow; three pt. hitch plow;three pt. plow packer; land BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ; seven tine anhydrous tool bar; 14'Konskikfe Respecting Proposed Official Plan •al. Calla saddle tank; Larson trail-type PTO P Spand 3 pt. hitch broadcaster; Geo. White and Zoning By-Law Amendments r gravity wagons; two 27 flat rack wagons; TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the wagons; 18'tandem wagon with bale catcher Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose wagon (truck frame). of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and D IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT - Bathes prim- baggie carriers; Hahn Hi Boy sprayer; DeCloet zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with \ mar; two Powell-two row transplanters; Delhi the provisions of The Planning Act. The arneodments to be Holland 1R planter; Clarke fork lift truck with considered are as follows; 2R stalk cutter; Super A tractor with hitters, APPLICATIONS dresser;sticks; three Dethiokiln elevators;w fertilizer atwo ch- GEORGE JANSSEN: - Lot 10, Conc. 9, to change the zoning s; elephant wagon; Jackson kiln elevator; of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will ;2R Vortex applicator;bulk fumigant tank;two permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin -sure steamers;Chev.truck with 2000 gallon County Land Division Committee. ed); Gorman Rupp PTO irrigation pump; FRANK CUS: - Lot 15, Conc. 10, to rezone his lands from Al irrigation pumps;300 lengths Delhi Foundry 6" to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by Q.F. 5" pipe; 150 lengths D.F. 4" pipe; Delhi the Elgin County Land Division Committee. hydrants, openers, elbows, plugs, rs, sprin- The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at ; Delhi el. bale press; 15 bale boxes; three Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 3, 0 steam racks; 100 4x8 pallets;six pallet lifters; 1990 nts; two three pt. hitch cultivators; 120' Any inquiries prior to that date may be directect to the Township water system with pump and motor; green- nd hose; two 12' steam pans and pan lifters; Clerk (866-5521}. ; four aluminum pipes; six 12' greenhouse J. A. Petrie es greenhouse glass; approximately 75 bag- Township Clerk plastic plant boxes; numerous Hawk and ' Box 160 baskets. Straffordville, Ontario OUS ITEMS AND TOOLS - Forney 225 el. NOJ 1Y0 lene welder; portable air compresser; air • - ; four portable gas engine pumps; power • battery charger; 18.4x34 duals;cement mixer a 'st ;cement forms;three pt. hitch hydraulic wood SPRING RESIDENTIAL livestock loading ramp; two galvanized water • carts; two pick up toppers; three 10' roller SPECIAL CLEANUP 1990 gallon fuel tank; chain fall; drill press; doz. nd and electric tools; hydraulic lack; electric The following week has been designated for Special • ors; 500 gallon water tanks; pressure tank Cleanup within the Town of Tillsonbur . ., ...- --. m on skid; water tower frame; hydraulic cylin- $ Yorkac soil water tower trame; hydraulic cylinders; cut oft Spring Collection - Week of April 23, 1990 ;two Beatty pumps; tractor tire chains; metal All articlesplaced out for Special Cleanuphall be ; RR ties;hydro poles;lawn roller;squirrel ragep J.Q. tractor castor wheel; various wares, collected on your regular garbage collection day of • offshore labour;quantity of doors, windorwts, this week. There will be no call backs. MO pipe and fittings;roofing,used lumber;tris; • travel trailer;J.Q. 110 riding lawn rnower; Make sure all of your Special Cleanup articles are out Nom kens.Most of above equipment in good and on your regular garbage collection day to ensure or cheque with proper ID day of sale. LUNCH pickup, during the week of April 23, 1990. If any additional information is required, please contact 3 S - e68-5607 or JOHN SHACKELTON 8ss- 3728 El.TOH JOHthe Tillsonburg Works Department at 8842-5951. CI c '. AUCTIONEERS 765-4440 Fall Collection Week of October 15, 1990 ' 1 411 411 „_ APPENDIX ' B ' Minutes of Public Meeting 4 Public Meeting : , As advertised , the p is meeting Lb ' accept com•ts on applications for official plan and zon g amendments as received m Geo . Janssen and Frank Cus Is declared open by Reeve Chute . In the application of George Janssen at Lot 10 , Conc . 9 , no one is in attendance to offer any comments . In the application of Frank Cus , Frank Cus Jr . is representing Frank Cus Sr . and Ms . Jane Melitzer and T . Brown as owners to the north of the subject property are in attendance . Ms . Melitzer and Brown offer written comments as follows : -No objection providing : 1 ) the zoning is for single family dwellings only ( no duplexes , triplexes , apartment buildings , townhouses , condominiums or mult-residential dwellings of any sort to be used for rental purposes . 2 ) it in no way adversely affects , infringes upon or causes hardship to the rights &for property of those living in the immediate area 3 ) it requires no further alterations to the lay of the land so as to affect drainage , run off & other environmental factors . 4 ) it does not affect existing facilities i . e . fences , municipal drains , roads etc . or creates further environmental damage i . e . accumulation of garbage & disposal problems . .. 5 )4any & all expense arising from this proposal and any necessary changes as a result be borne by the applicant . signed : J . E . Melitzer T . L. Brown Mr . Cus is concerned that the by-law prohibits the keeping of livestock and after telephone conversation with his father , agrees that all conditions can be met . There being no further comments , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . ob 411 ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 74 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAK SUBJECT: FRANK CUS RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART ,LOT 15, CONCESSION 10 The` following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayha* 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon • the recommendation of the Township of Bay_ham,Rlanning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2543 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 3rd day of May, 1990 . ‘"".. x.p. g7 ; REM CLERK t i . • ,1s0lVilPliiL) 01 )3ii1'I)itltt Phone 519-1106.0021 .1 A. 1'F unr. M 1' 1 , 1, 1`1.r;, 3111Arrfilmy it 11 ,11111A11111 CMO' oral Wrtl 1Y11 ' 1111'11;0.y of MunicI1!n ) Affnira I') anc Administrntlun Division 777 Ray street - 16th Floor TORONTO ,, ON CARiO A / Attn : Agir Amc nd me 11 t No . 7 Y.. ; t to the ()chew i'l ort-•�" o f the Townshi li of Drtyhnm In connection with the above , enclosed you will Clod : i . Certi Cicnte of compl innce with Public involvement and Notice Requirements . • 1 . One ( 1 ) Original . 3 . 'two ( 2 ) Dn11l l cnte Originals . 41 . 'Twenty ( 20 ) Working Copies . These being In order the npproval of the Minister will he npprecinted . Yours truly r J . . Petrie Clerk JAP/im • ends . t + CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2544 BEING a bylaw to amend By-law NO . 2335 , a Bylaw setting out standards of maintenance and occupancy of property in the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS section 5 . 2 . 1 . of Bylaw NO . 2335 sets out the method of appointing members to the Property Standards Committee for the Township of Bayham . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed necessary to amend section 5 . 2 . 1 . of the said Bylaw No . 2335 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAHYAM 1 ) The Section 5 . 2 . 1 . of Bylaw No . 2335 be amended to read : - The Council of the Township of Bayham shall be and is hereby established as a Property Standards Committee in and for the said Township of Bayham, and a ` 'jtrity of the members shall consitute s quorum . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF MAY, 1990. 2) . (314): 37 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2544 BEING a bylaw to amend By-law NO . 2335 , a Bylaw setting out standards of maintenance and occupancy of property in tho Township of Bayham . WHEREAS section 5 . 2 . 1 . of Bylaw NO . 2335 sets out the method of appointing members to the Property Standards Committee for the Township of Bayham . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed necessary to amend section 5 . 2 . 1 . of the said Bylaw No . 2335 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BARYAM 1 ) The Section 5 . 2 . 1 . of Bylaw No . 2335 be amended to read : - The Council of the Township of Bayham shall be and is hereby established as a Property Standards Committee in and for the said Township of Bayham1, and a majority of the members shall consitute s quorum . r READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF MAY, 1990. • 1) (IL_ e4=-.cam ( it c-�-- • REEVE CLERK -----•---- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NUMBER 2335 A By-law to set out a policy for standards of maintenance and occupancy for all property in the Township of Bayham THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham , pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act and amendments thereto ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . 1 N"I ERPRETA I I ON 1 . 1 SHORT TITLE This By-law may be cited as the "Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy By-law" . 1 . 2 APPLICATION The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands and dwellings within the boundaries of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as now or hereafter legally constituted . 1 . 3 SCOPE No lands shall be used and no tuildings or structures shall. be used or occupied within the Township of Bayham except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law . 1 . 4 ADMINISTRATION This By-law shall be administered by the Property Standards Officer or other such persons as the Property Standards Committee of the Township of Bayham designates . 1 . 5 APPLICATION OF OTHER BY-LAWS Nothing in this By-law shall serve to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of the Restricted Area ( Zoning ) By-law , or any other By-law of the Municipality • in force from time to time , or the obligation to obtain any license , permit , authority , or approval required under any by-law of the Municipality . 1 . 6 VALIDITY Should any section , clause , or provision of this By-law be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid , the validity of the remainder of the By-law shall not be affected . 1 . 7 EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into full force and effect immediately upon its final passing . 2 . IN THIS BY--LAW 2 . 2 . 1 "Accessory Building" means a building or structure the use of which is normally incidential , subordinate and exclusively devoted to the use of the main structure and is located on the same lot therewith . 2 . 2 . 2 "BUILDING" means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy . 2 . 2 . 3 "Council " means the Municipal Councilof the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. continued 2 . 2 . 4 "Committee" means the Property Standards Committee established under this By-law . 2 . 2 . 5 "Dwelling" means a building or structure or part of a building or structure occupied or capable of being occupied in whole or in part for the purposes of human habitation and includes the land and premises appurtenant thereto and all outbuildings , fences or erections theron or therein . 2 . 2 . 6 "Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms connected together as a separate unit in the same structure and constituting an independent housekeeping unit for residential occupancy by humans for living and sleeping purposes . 2 . 2 . 7 "Occupant" means any person or persons over the age of eighteen years in possession of the property . 2 . 2 . 8 "Occupancy" shal. l mean to reside in as owner or tenant on a permanent or temporary basis . 2 . 2 . 9 "Officer" means a property standards officer who has been assigned the responsibility of administering and enforcing this by-law . 2 . 2 . 10 "Owner" includes the person for the time being managing or receiving the rent of the land or premises in connection with which the word is used whether on his own account oras agent or trustee of any other person or who would so receive the rent if such land and premises were let , and shall also include a lessee or occupant of the property who , under the terms of a lease , is required to repair and maintain the property in accordance with the standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property . 2 .2 . 11 "Property" means .a building or structure or part of a building : or structure , and includes the lands and prises appurtenant thereto and all mobile homes , mobile buildings , mobile structures , out-buildings , fences and erections thereon whether heretofore or hereafter erected , and includes vacant property . 2 . 2 . 12 "REPAIR" includes the provision of such facilities and the making of additions or alterations or the taking of such action as may be required so that the property shall conform to the standards established by this by-law. 2 . 2 . 13 "RUBBISH" , shall mean any waste material , debris , refuse , litter , worthless material or trash . 2 . 2 . 14 "SHALL" , shall always be construed as mandatory . 2 . 2 . 15 "STRUCTURE" , shall mean any material , object or work erected as a unit or constructed or put together of connected or dependent parts or elements whether located under , on , or above the surface of the ground . 2 . 2 . 16 "YARD" , shall mean the land or property around and appurtenant to the whole or any part of a structure , building , or dwelling and used or intended to be used , or capable of being used , in connection with the structure , or dwelling . 3 . MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS , DWELLINGS , STRUCTURES AND YARD" 3 . 1 Every part of a building shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition so as to be capable of sustaining safely , its own weight and any other weight that may be put on it through normal use . continued ` 3 3 . 2 Foundation walls of a building shall be maintained in a sound condition and if not , must be made so by grouting any masonry cracks , waterproofing the walls , joists , beams or other exposed wood members and by installing adequate subsoildrains at footing levels . 3 . 3 Exterior walls of a building shall be maintained structurally sound , weather proof , present a good external appearance , and more particularly damaged or decayed sheeting or other exterior cladding shall be replaced or repaired . 3 . 4 A roof shall be maintained in a weather proof condition and more particularly damaged , decayed or missing roofing materials shall be repaired or replaced . 3 . 5 Exterior doors and windows shall be maintained in good working condition and more particularly: 1 ) Fitted properly to prevent the entrance of rain and snow . 2 ) Maintenance shallinclude renewing rotted or damaged exterior doors , window , frames , casing , sills , etc . 3 . 6 Inside and outside stairs , stairwells , balconies , landings , hallways and common areas and porches shall be maintained in a safe and clean condition properly treated and more particularly : 1 ) Any excessively worn , broken , warped or loose boards or parts thereof , torn loose or lost tiles , shall be maintained , replaced or repaired in a good workmanlike manner . 2 ) Handrails shall be installed and maintained sound , solid and intact around any open stair , stairwell , balcony , landing or porch . 3 . 7 Floors shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition . 3 . 8 Ceiling and interior walls shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition . 4 . STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR OCCUPANCY 4 . 1 Every chimney , smoke pipe , vent or flue serving a heating appliance , or system , shall be maintained in a safe and usable condition , and more particularly : 1 ) Any chimney , vent or flue that passes through any floor , wall , ceiling or roof , shall be constructed of materials that have been approved by the National Research Council of Canada or Canadian Standards Association . 2 ) Clearance between masonry chimneys and combustible framing shall be at least 50 . 8 millimeters for interior chimneys and 12 . 7 millimeters for exterior chimneys ; or as set out in the Ontario Building Code . 3 ) Prefabicated chimneys , vents or flues , shall have the minimum clearance specified by the manufacturer . 4 ) Any defective chimney shall be replaced or repaired . 1 4 . 2 Every habitable area of rented or leased dwelling shall be ti. provided with a heating system capable of maintaining with safety , a room temperature of 20 degrees celcius in all habitable rooms , when the temperature outside the building is 0 degrees celcius and more particularly each dwelling unit shall comply with the following requirements : 4 . 2 . 1 Any part ofany furnace , stove , heater , or heating appliance that is defective or unsafe shall be replaced or repaired . 4 . 2 . 2 Any defective or loose pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney shall be replaced or repaired . continued - 4 - 4 . 2 . 3 Any pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney which passes through a wall constructed of combustible material shall be separated from such materialby a thimble manufactured for this purpose or by a metal or concrete thimble that provides a minimum space separation of 101 . 6 millimeters between the pipe and the wall. . 4 . 2 . 4 Subject to the provisions of 4 . 2 . 1 where any teased or rented dwelling or living accommodation is normally heated by or at the expense of the landlord rather than at the expense of the tenant or lessee , such dwelling or accommodation shall during the months of September to May inclusive of the following year be maintained at a temperature of 21 degrees Celius ( 70F ) 1 . 5 meters above the floor , in such dwelling or accommodation except from eleven o ' clock in the afternoon of each day until seven o ' clock in the forenoon of the following day when the temperature shall not be less than 18 Celcius ( 65F ) 1 . 5meters above such floor . 4 . 2 . 5 The provisions of Section 4 . 2 . 4 of this By-law shall apply to all parts of dwelling except the following : the laundry , pantry lobby , stairway , closet , basement , attic , recreation room or other space for service and maintenance of the dwelling . 4 . 3 No dwelling unit shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied unless the following minimum sanitary facilities are provided : 4 . 3 . 1 A water closet , wash-basin and a sink , which shall be connected to a private disposal system , approved by the Medical Officer • of Health of the Elgin-St . Thomas Health Unit or a Director appointed for Part V11 , Enviromnental Protection Act 1980 . R . S . O 1980 C 141 as amended from time to time or such other facilities as may be approved by the said Medical Officer of Health and /or Director . • 4 . 3 . 2 No dwelling unit shallbe occupied or allowed to be occupied unless provided with a supply of potable water from a source approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin-St . Thomas Health Unit . 4 . 4 A dwelling shallbe kept free of rodents , vermin , birds , ( other than those kept as pets in wire cages ) and insects at all times and methods used for exterminating rodents , birds or insects shall be in accordance with the provisions of The Pesticides Act , Statutes of Ontario , Chapter 74 , and Ontario Regulation 445/67 , as amended . 4 . 5 The maximum number of occupants in a dwelling shall not exceed one person per 9 . 3 square metres of habitable room floor area. Any child under two years of sge shall not be counted when computing the number of occupants . 4 . 6 Every dwelling unit shall have two safe , continuous , unobstructed and direct passages from the inside thereof , to the outside , to street or grade level . 4 . 7 Existing wiring and electrical equipment shall be in good , serviceable and safe condition , as required by Ontario Hydro . 4 . 8 All lands and lots and yards around and used in connection with residential or commercial or industrial or agricultrual uses , including fences and accessory buildings , shall be maintained in a clean and reasonable state of repair to prevent hazards of fire , health or accident and particularly : 4 . 8 . 1 Any rubbish or debris , such as paper , cardboard , wood , lumber bricks , blocks , glass , bottles , machinery , unusable motor veicles or implements or parts thereof , ( unless necessary in the operation of a lawfully existing business on private property ) shall be removed or stored out of sight in a safe and sanitary manner or container . Small amounts of firewood or lumber , if neatly piled in a rear yard , shall not be considered as rubbish or debris . Waxximxpoommtxxxxxxtuktacxxxxkimaympoixxxxxxxxximmaimd CONTINUED - 5 - 4 . 8 . 2 Any part of a yard that is low lying or has been excavated so that it accumulates water , shallbe drained , filled and graded so that water drains to storm sewer or ditch . Swimming pools , ornamental pools and agricultural ponds shall not be included in this requirement . 5 . ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORECMENT 5 . 1 This by-law shall apply to all property within the Township of Bayham , and occupancy of all properties which do not conform to the provisions of this by-law is prohibited ; and if upon proper notice the property is not brought to the standards of this by-law the site may be cleared of all buildings , structures , debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition . 5 . 2 Property Standards Committee 5 . 2 . 1 There shallbe and is hereby established a Property Standards Committee of five ratepayers of the Corporation , one of whom shall at least be 60 years of age , who shall hold office for three years ; provided that in making the first appointments to the Committee the Council shall stipulate that one member shall hold office for thee years , two shall hold office for two years , and two shall hold office for one year , and the Council will, in each year forthwith fill the vacancy ( s ) as they occur for three year terms , and a majority of the members shall constitute a quorm ; provided however members of Council and employees of the municipality or a local board thereof , are not eligible to be a member of the Committee , but a teacher employed by the Board of Education or School Board , is not deemed to be an employee for the purpose of this section . ,.__. 5 . 2 . 2 The Committee shall designate a Chairman thereof . 5 . 2 . 3 The Chairman , or in his absence , any member of. the Committee may administer oaths . 5 . 2 . 4 The members of the Committee shall be paid such compensation as the Council may provide . 5 . 3 The Council shall appoint an Officer to enforce the provisions of the by-law 5 . 3 . 1 Such Officer. shall keep records of any action taken pursuant to this by-law and shall provide Council with a report when so requested . • 5 . 3 . 2 The Officer , or any person acting upon his instructions , may at all reasonable times , and upon the production of proper indentification , enter and inspect any property . 5 . 3 . 3 If . after inspection , the Officer is satisfied that , in some respect , the property does not conform to the standards prescribed in the By-law he shall serve or cause to be served by personal service upon , or send by prepaid registered mail to the owner of the property and all persons shown by the records of the Registry Office , the Land Titles Office and Sheriff ' s Office to have any interest therein a notice containing particulars of the non-conformity and may , at the same time , provide all occupants with a copy of such notice . 5 . 3 . 4 After affording any person served with a notice provided for by section 5 . 3 . 3 an opportunity to appear before the officer and to make representations in connection therewith , the Officer may make and serve or cause to be served upon , or send by prepaid registered mail to such person an order containing - ( a ) the municipal address or the legal description of such property ( b ) reasonable particulars of the repairs to be effected • continued lionsimm or a statement that the site is to be cleared of all buildings , structures , debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition and the period in which there must be a compliance with the terms and conditions of the order and notice that , if such repair or clearance is not so done within the time specified in the order , the municipality may carry out the repair or clearance at the expense of the owner ; and ( c ) the final date for giving notice of appeal from the order . 5 . 3 . 5 A notice or an order under section 5 . 3 . 3 or 5 . 3 . 4 when sent by registered mail shall be sent to the last known address of the person to whom it is sent . If the Officer is unable to effect service under section 5 . 3 . 3 or 5 . 3 . 4 , he shallplace a placard containing the terms of the notice or order in a conspicuous place on the property , and the placing of the placard shall be deemed to be sufficient service of the notice or order on the owner or other persons . 5 . 3 . 6 A placard placed under section 5 . 3 . 5 shall not be removed except under authority of the property standards officer . 5 . 3 . 7 An order under section 5 . 3 . 4 may be registered in the proper- Registry or Land Titles Office and , upon such registration , any person acquiring any interest in the land subsequent to the registration of the order shall be deemed to have been served with the order on the date on which the order was served under section 5 . 3 . 4 and owner of the property shall. repair and maintain the property to the satisfaction of the Officer in accordance with the particulars of the repairs set forth in the Order . s 5 . 3 . 8 When the requirements of the order have been satisfied , the Clerk of the municipality shall forthwith register in the proper registry or land titles office , a certificate that such requirements have been satisfied , which shall operate as a discharge of such order . 5 . 3 . 9 When the owner or occupant upon whom an order has been served in accordance with this section is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order , he may appeal to the Committee by sending notice of appeal by registered mail to the secretary of the Committee within fourteen days after service of the order , and , in the event that no appeal is taken , the order shall be deemed to have been confirmed . 5 . 3 . 10 Where an appeal has been taken , the Committee shall hear the appeal and shall have all the powers and functions of the officer and may confirm the order to demolish or repair or may modify or quash it or may extend the time for complying with the order provided that , in the opinion of the Committee , the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the official plan or policy statement are maintained . 5 . 3 . 11 If the owner of property fails to demolish the property or repair in accordance with a notice as confirmed or modified , the Corporation in addition to all other remedies : 1 ) Shall have the right to demolish or repair the property accordingly and for this purpose with its servants and agents from time to time , enter in and upon the property . 2 ) Shall not be liable to compensate such owner , occupant or any other person having an interest in the property , by reason of anything done by or on behalf of the Corporation under the provisions of the Subsection . 3 ) Such matter or thing may be done by the Corporation at the expense of such person and the Corporation may recover the expense incurred in doing it by action , or the same may be recovered in like manner as municipal taxes . 5 . 3 . 12 Following the inspection of a property , the officer may , or on the request of the owner , shall issue to the owner a continued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . • • . . -- 7 - certificate of compliance , if in his opinion , the property is in compliance with the standards . When such inspection is at the request of the owner , the fee shall be $25.00 5 . 3 . 13 The Township of Bayham or any owner or occupant or person affected by a decision under section 5 . 3 . 10 may appeal to a Judge of the County of Elgin , in which the property is located , by so notifying the Clerk of the Court in writing and by applying for an appointment within fourteen days after the sending of a copy of the decision , and The Judge , shall in writing , appoint a day , time and place for the Hearing of the appeal , and in his appointment may direct that it shall be served upon such persons and in such manner as he shall prescribe . The Judge on such appeal has the same powers and functions as the Committee . 5 . 4 Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law , or fails to comply with a written order issued by an officer appointed under this by-law , shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine of not more than $ 500 . 00 ( Five Hundred Dollars ) for each day that he is in contravention of an order that is final and binding . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUARY , 1987 .• REEVE CLERK • t • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2545 BEING a by-law to appoint an officer to enforce the provisions of the standards of maintance and occupancy in the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS the Planning Act 1983 . Section 31 , provides for the appointment of such officers as may be necessary for enforcement of the By-law . AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to appoint an officer , to enforce the provisions of the standards of maintenance and occupancy as set out in Township of Bayham Bylaw No . 2335 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TI ; TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 ) That William Underhill be and is hereby appointed Property Standards Officer in and for the Township of Bayham to enforce the provisions the standards of maintenance and occupancy as set out in Township of Bayham Bylaw No . 2335 . READ. A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF MAY, 1990 . REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYRAM BY-LAW NO. 2545 BEING a by-law to appoint an officer to enforce the provisions of the standards of maintance and occupancy in the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS the Planning Act 1983 , Section 31 , provides for the appointment of such officers as may be necessary for enforcement of the By-law. AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to appoint an officer , to enforce the provisions of the standards of maintenance and occupancy as set out in Township of Bayham Bylaw No . 2335 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE , TOWNSHIP OF BATMAN 1 ) That William Underhill be and is hereby appointed Property Standards Officer in and for the Township of Bayham to enforce the provisions the standards of maintenance and occupancy as set out in Township of Bayham Bylaw No . 2335 . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF MAY, 1990 . . C-`).47 REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2 546 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting( s ) held May 3 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held May 3 , 1990 , and special, meetings ) held --- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . REAL) A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 3rd . day of May , 1990. • 7 �'♦- -ter'7 �' .. Reeve Clerk e • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No . 2547 BEING a by-law to repeal By-law No . 2543 adopting Amendment Number 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS By- law No . 2543 adopting Amendment No . 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on May 3 , 1990 ; AND WHEREAS the applicant , Frank Cus , has requested the application be withdrawn and the by-law repealed ; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 ) That By- law No . 2543 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation on May 3 , 1990 be hereby repealed . Read a First , Second and Third time and finally Passed this 17th . day of may , 1990 . ZL, 6-:4317 - • -.f Reeve Clerk . Aviv fr9JJic7o /*a „.1.4. I ' - ig91,741 kIde:*-Cr' _.) go ✓tAt 11en.;,,...t ., , \ �. - it". x � t , LIA..6, ,(N • L�'u - L: � � -tel LrG'�-,,v/ tLi4ly ._ --7e7i._....4f..7 , tirp..P4x.it* , _ /IX.* •_- ,A(.2 1 s" - Yo ., ". c"661/441 .714-:(,.cetd/47 ' •-•. &l.e( .41--"frve-illik.7.004.-&- , 1.(10.43;t..017-- >44P/704.' /fr C$44 s_s 4S1 '3 9j? ,!( l ...► 9 .. -_-.._._ .(:: .' _/.. It (ef 1 6 OM 10 1" fewittur cgi BATHAM 0 (if" /(3- 70 a * ) 7 - let # . 4 . (, 4,..4 • C ‘t;t. — 0 • 144 , Yillr'f.x.tt-te* ." 77 4.7 A:1 141-4/ 7/7LC,..ei i -- ' /-1-e ,41---011 -0-1.0 4144, • ZilihrAt...1)-v- .7g.S /t/P/leit/ ,4". (:, 4 Al o .S 1 ( le..--" .- ----t .. _etske4f i ; I i 1 I ; 1 I t t OM 10 mo 064814V L*1 BAMAIA 1 . ) AMENDMENT NUMBER 74 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAMAN SUBJECT: FRANK. CDS RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 15,r CONCESSION 10 The following text and nap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhaa OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOiNSHIP OF BAYHAI( THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning*Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2543, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 3rd day of May, 1990 . MARK BY-LAW NO. 2543 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. - s 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of May, 1990 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2543 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham . CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOuINSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 74 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture ~ to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 2 . LOCAT I ON The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 38 hectares ( 0 . 94 acres ) and is situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , north of Highway No. 3 in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10, in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDIONT The subject lands are located on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , Concession 10 in the Township of Bayham and form part of a larger land holding which is comprised of approximately 8 hectares ( 20 acres ) . Presently, the applicant ' s 20 acre parcel is comprised of three separate zones . The central portion containing a single family residential dwelling unit and barn is zoned rural residential . South of this zone, a second house and detached garage is zoned Special Rural Commercial . The remainder of the applicant ' s land holdings is zoned agriculture . It is the applicant ' s intent to create two additional rural residential lots on the extreme south east corner of his land holdings on a parcel of land which is characterized by small brush and scrub land . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of numerous rural residential , rural commercial and rural industrial lots which are predominantly located on the west side of the road allowance . The subject lands have not been improved by the installation of tile drains and thus are comprised of a Class 5 Muriel Soil according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the Class 5 soils , the subject lands have not been identified as containing specialty crop soils .. Due to the generally built-up nature of the area; the size of the subject lands ; the fact that the area has not been used for agricultural purposes and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land . The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the 'subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . It is Township Council ' s belief that this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE iummum i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, Ls hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "IV , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended . 1 .....angiclorgior 74 11111110.1111111;1141?°:**°k 44 . • di pppopei4,417.:±...1. . -,,.,.:41eik. ..411 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE . .m114216. MIA TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM l' IPP 4dimmitrie ,t. 41111111:01 " 1111,- IlluffiNt#;arviins ,Adilik FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 74 icilp 11 is, 4111CIPp711141ii 411.• ii/iVitro "._ i _,_,-- 04111%, al.P.Ain grtif -111F!' 14I ! • •.. i .tAt. TO 40:Z.' '110111° 44 lit OF'P'• .;tkiiiiiii7 • 1014LANDS CHANGED FROM .AlialCULTURE- RURAL RESIDENTIALa OIL NL,Ag2611 id txt1111,....-W` 4 41V 11 , 11i i irtpili Wi& ertlii iartv, '''"11 li tilgg'e4 tai .ri g Agriculture Highway Commercial 11 1 , Ili , riiittillioimirol 0 ..,1 _1i:a ,P,A Hazard Lands e _ „ ft, 1 t. ..earlippiPdaimmeli 1E 0..;r7:"04--.t, - 010 P ... 61'4/' it' lisditill 1 1M 4101 CSI cali Conservation Lands 1111111 IIII Hamlets 4 '1A (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) 04 al Resource Areas it. Provincial Highway* 111 ittei: .° -114k ii.) ' 17'1 PINIO'le• di' 1111;1, 111/1P1 . II —iii".. toirltriivals4Mds II , Ili ilwil .„00itm". , ...44 . iilimik, •: --f,iipp.. *. 1, 111---. .kibib." daillakill I (I' go P 11 11 1 libiii,._,,. . , 4111111111101111111 4 9 woo 4000 1111 '') 1 moZres '"*`••4101 . Al% 9 boo° 10900 16900 414 1 Feet I 1 I 1 1 , 1 • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAMSCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO . 74 _ I , �, - _ . s�r 4.:�"� I r D ) Ga--—-- .„ _ __......_ y __ i.-'CoT) 14OT 15 �� Ldp 16 /LoTil,.1-- -,_ ).'1,- / :'• a t -II- / Its. . / i /A -/1 ' I\ ...- `...'-'-- CON ESS ION X . 1 ..� * .:.3 9 1.. � war a I) A.,....-- 1 1411.0. i . 0 1 \., I in ADI IT fQNA,i . NDS13‘NII0 A � , C;:, 8Y APPLICANT (-- '' 1 P \ 1 t 1 1 r _...... ._.. 1...___,J / _......,(..,,... _,,,,_ . -: I ej,,‘ 0) ' ( ' ./.---- ''' )7111)4� `` i 4 . (# / • • * :7/2 i * N,\‘,..'s,-------„ t -.,\.. U5 i 41111•5_ f • • / .# %. / \ i .--fe _,__„,, \414._____ _21,211 11 4b I ..e.,......... , . ts 1 1 I 44- .. ., fA,,,, I. . i `SII s Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 111111 SUBJECT LAND • RESIDENTIAL UNIT a FARM BUILDINi> G ,, WOODLOT • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES , 0 250s 69" , NOTE:This sap is for clarification purposes only. Baal*: 1:10,000 APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting C APPENDIX ' IS ' Minutes of Public Meeting f CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No . 2548 BEING a by-law to repeal By- law Z 235/90 , amending By-law No . 2387 being the application of Frank Cus at Lot 15 , Concession 10 , Township of Bayham . WHEREAS By-law Z 235/90 amending By-law No . 2387 ( re . Frank Cus ) was Passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on May 3 , 1990 ; AND WHEREAS the applicant , Frank Cus , has requested the application be withdrawn and the by- law repealed ; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 ) That By-law Z 235/90 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on May 3 , 1990 , be hereby repealed . READ A First , Second and Third time an finally Passed this 17th . day of May , 1990 . ' �=�� efe-43:7 ?At,• Reeve Clerk O 4 ei,"/„.„ a f 1 I jr�� F ,j tu Ct6,- Ir.J ems. I 11/,- • . ar— 4.74 tif Ai' 10 1990 09401814kil or BAikiAm a • FORM 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAN BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TO1WNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No . Z235-90 on the 3rd day of May, 1990 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 . AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the 29th day of May, 1990 , a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection . An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies , and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached . The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours . DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHA,N THIS 9TH DAY OF MAY, 1990 . J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayhaa Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLB, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 E F EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No . Z235-90 is two-fold . Firstly, it will change the zoning on a 0 . 38 hectare ( 0 . 94 acre ) parcel of land situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , north of Highway No . 3, in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10 , in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone . Secondly, it will rezone a parcel of land from the Agricultural (Al ) Zone to the Special Agricultural (A1-34 ) Zone . The effect of this By-law will be to permit the creation of two rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . This By-law will also recognize a minimum lot area deficiency on the land intended to remain in the agricultural (Al ) Zone as well as restrict further subdividing or residential development on this parcel of land. This By-law is intended to implement the policies of Official Plan Amendment No 74 which designates the new residential lot as "Rural Residential " . Township of Bayharn KEY MAP 4 WWI" I `` SUBJECT LAND LOT 13 LOT 16 111111111111L. LOT 16 CONCESS ON X 1St 111 1.1111111. ptri, • vr410 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HATSAS BY-LAN NO. Z235-90 BEING A BY-LAN TO AMEND BT-LAW MO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No . 2387 ; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows : 1 . THAT By-law No . 2387 , as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A' , Map 6 by deleting from the Agricultural (A1 ) Zone and adding to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2 . THAT By-law No . 2387 , as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 5 , Agricultural (Al) Zone Regulations by adding a new subsection to Section 5 . 11 EXCEPTION - (Al ) Zone as follows : "5 . 11 . 34 • 5 . 11 . 34 . 1 Defined Area Al-34 as shown on Schedule 'A' , Map 6 to this By-law. 5 . 11 . 34 . 2 Permitted Buildings and Structures Buildings and structures for the permitted uses except those which are prohibited by this By-law. 5 . 11 . 34 . 3 Prohibited Buildings and Structures All types of residential dwelling units . Buildings or structures for the housing of livestock. 5 . 11 . 34 .4 Prohibited Uses The keeping or raising of livestock as defined in Section 2 . 60 to By-law 2387 . 5 . 11 . 34 . 5 Minimum Jot Area. 2 . 0 hectares . " 3 . THAT By-law No 2387 , as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A' , Map 6 by deleting from the Agricultural (A1) Zone and adding to the Special Agricultural (A1-34 ) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked Al-34 on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2 4 . THIS By-law comes into force : a ) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township' s Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act , 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act , 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board . READ A FIRST TIME THIS 3RD DAY OF MAY, 1990 . READ A SECOND TIME THIS 3RD DAY OF MAY, 1990 . READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3RD DAY OF MAY, 1990 . Z . epr REEVE CLERK ti M � • I Al -34 LOT 13, LOT 14 LOT 16 CONCESSION X RR LOT 15 Prdx ! 4O ir� I fifr � I Map 12 This is is VVhV 1e w�; Map No. 6 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to -saw too. 2 235-94 SCHEDULE "A' Y passed the day of , May • 1990 0 :Wm 590111 4). ` Beale: 1:10,000 CV.,•e REEVE CLERK MAP No. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2549 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held May 17 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held May 17 , 1990 , and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17th . day of May , 1990 . 2). Reeve Clerk 411 BY-LAW NO. 2550 1 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of. Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of June, 1990 REEVE CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2550 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 75 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCAT I ON The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 37 hectares ( 0 . 92 acres ) and is situated on the north side of County Road No . 38 , in Part Lot 128 , Concession 7 , in the Township of Bayham . 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the north side of County Road No . 38 , in Part Lot 128 , Concession 7 , in the Township . of Bayham and form part of a larger land holding which is comprised of approximately 55 hectares ( 138 acres ) . The subject lands are bounded by an existing rural residential lot to the east and a single family dwelling unit which is associated with the adjacent farm activity to the west . Consequently, it is the applicant ' s intention to create an additional rural residential lot as an infilling situation between the two above noted dwelling units on a parcel of land which was previously used as a kiln yard . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses namely, tobacco farms and cash crop farms . Scattered throughout these farms are numerous rural residential lots . The hamlet of Straffordville is located approximately one kilometre west of the subject lands . The subject lands are comprised of very gently to moderately sloping, rapid to well-drained Class 3-4 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. Although the soils are well-drained, the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to 411 411 a correct by additions of fertilizers or manure . It should be further noted that the Canada Land Inventory recognizes the subject lands as being on Class 4 soils . In addition to the Class 3-4 soils , the subject lands have been identified as containing specialty crop soils . Due to the generally built-up nature of the area; the fact that this is an infilling situation; the size of the subject lands ; and the low natural fertility of the soils which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the presence 1agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF TEX AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. 6 • M�� __•g 11 i 1 � IIIIIPP1111111,111;PPP' AIPAIIII 14441°-- �., „ maiSCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE III { �: TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ■ 4:, ,,, -lel 44 111 ,1IhAcjh FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 75 ©‘Ostiiii : to • � ^ 1 ` FROM "AGRICULTURE" �l i ► s, ! mLTAONI?.SRUCRHAALNGREEDS IDENTIAL" CAP!, jil 75 iiiLliiiiisilitj411 11111ailp, Pill -l ► f 6 F. Agriculture 1.4` IIIII- I Highway Commfrciaf ? Piosil kili 401I 4iio. 46,4011111 I7. '. 4 111 - itaii , Tilljavorl 1© ::: Hated Lands iiii �. „s„,...r� c • ,,,, ,,,,, Commotion Lis fatio- 1 .. ' °°)IPPirl "41411 till/ IN tcoommuoury IMP$OV$1KNT ARIAa) 404ED Mirtarsi Asst�urca Atla# tT-7 P7411i4411111111 dii - 1 lilld N 111 11 •.;4,4r:1i , iti p Provincial Highways 111111 i 7)7 la 1I :- Arta eunri iY Iai Retl Aods 111111111166 I tc 1144 gull 1 .1 !"411 ' IPPOINI0- 44 x II Aim li otti 111!,— I 117 I: Nilitillilli 111 ✓ 4-i . Ida '1, *41N11111141110111 I i I 9 2000. 4090 4111111101 I 500010900 1900 'IRMO% Fait f • • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAMSCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO , 35 0,;u . • . ,—,....„.....--1' ....,... -- .--#.--' if - ...;_-_-::-.--.1 so/ - - •_t. „---.- ilt-' , I; z}mac— :---- - P �� 1 Q ,,�'" J 7-). �' VII ' �`� w 4ONCESS ION � '` -J I 229.0 i,�^ .ttt .- 13 I i Ili :1° .A I - i fF� /n..,___--.•(„...... A I 229 0, �IA. ir. �' ', ' _ ,�.r'''• Il • il cc - II '''"ci.--- --- , a ,,,,,ii '''' 4- ‘7( 4,„ ' - ', -_ - ..'�. � .r -.'' . } "may ; �� -.•.�"' -.....,.... ..%-"":„...------", -., - - 2255. • 2211-5. .226.0 �.:' 226 • _ LOT 127 LOT 128 ! LOT 129 ,,.- r - '-J LOT 130 ? t 1 , - ' - ^ 0 i ,----, I . ... i 1 ____,„ ...,_ ,,.r • ro Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 1111111 SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT gel FARM BUILDING WOODLOTlif> 1 • KILNS/GARAGES/SHEDS t 0 250in SOCMn NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Seals: 1:10.000 • • APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public ]ting • Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A •cart help PUBLIC MEETING met Clinic n on drugs, To Be Held By tone 842• BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL va service cal wow.> and Respecting Proposed Official Plan 8744, tom- and Oen L. Carver Zoning By-Law Amendments ed l'"1°r^1e TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of erg' t" Bayham wil hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be 4ond r pa- _ considered n accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The idaY Pape% amendments to be considered are as follows: , lbws- squired for APPLICATIONS :ancallealon JOHN NEZEZON: -Lot 21,Conc.4,to change the zoning of a portion e only For of his lands from Al to Rural Residential.This will permit the creation of 2 melon -TWS. residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. wDiet dist MATHEW A. SCHAFER LIMITED: - Lot 128, Conc. 7, to rezone a met 100% portion of the lands from Al to Rural Residential to create a residential lot 7W, 1-416- .0 by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straf- y St.Jude, fordvitle, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday. June 7, 1990. ue and rich Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk sus Christ. woke your (858-5521). id, to you a J.A. Petrie my heart Township Clerk has giver` Box 160 ' e Straffordville, Ontario in return known and NOJ IVO Three Ow se Glories. • ciays ONTARIO GOVERNMENT AUCTION elms never riemet be AUCTION SALE OF LAND MT.v.4!t Property File No. L-02343 • • APPEIDIX • B ' B.innutes of Public meeting f411 2090 PUBLIC MEETING Reeve Vane Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Mathew A . Schafer Limited and John Nezezon . The application of Mathew A . Schafer Limited to change the zoning on parcel of land comprised of Approximately 0 . 37 hectares situated on the north side of County Road No . 38 , in Part Lot 128 , Concession 7 in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The effect of this will allow the creation of one ( 1 ) rural residential lot toned Rural. Residential . No one is in attendance to offer comments on this application . Council have no comments on this application . The application of John Nezezon to change the zoning on two parcels of land comprised of approximately 2 . 37 hectares and situated on east side of the road allowance between lots 20 & 21 in Part Lot 21 , Concession d in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) zone to Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The first parcel consists of 3 . 63 acres and the second parcel comprises 2 . 23 acres . Mr . John Nezezon , Councillor , withdraws from the table declaring an interest in this matter . No comments are offered on this application . No further comments are received on these applications and Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . Councillor John Nezezon returns to the council table . • 7r- • S110 OBtGINAi- AMENDMENT NUMBER 75 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM • 41 4 0 13 % 1 58 075 SUBJECT: MSW SCHAFER LIMITED RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 128, CONCESSION 7 The following text and nap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY'HAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of. the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANING ACT, THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2550 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of June, 1990 . REEVE GLEBE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2621 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2550 adopting Amendment No. 75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 2550 adopting Amendment No. 75 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on June 7, 1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No. 75 does not meet the new criteria for establishing Estate Residential development within the Tow,thip*f Bayham as proposed by By-law No. 2605, being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No. 2.550 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham, on June 7, 1990, be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. . REEVE CLERIC 4110 411 BY-LAN NO. 2551 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 76 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 76 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister cf Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of June, 1990 e.41-ete (:1 -2* REEVE CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2551 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham . ??..or 410 4I0 OFFICIAL PLAN OF HE TCWTNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 76 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on two parcels of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The combined area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 2 . 37 hectares ( 5 . 86 acres ) and is situated on the east side of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 , in Part Lot 21, Concession 4 , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the east side of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 , in Part Lot 21 , Concession 4 and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 31 . 2 hectares ( 77 acres ) . A wooded gully bisects the subject lands in a north to south direction which creates separate pockets of land within the applicant ' s land holdings . The lands subject to this amendment are two of the smallest pockets which are bounded by the wooded gully to the north, east and south . The, road allowance forms the western boundary of each pocket . Since the subject lands are completely isolated from the remainder of the applicant ' s land holdings , it is the intent of this amendment to create two rural residential lots in areas which are small , isolated and difficult to crop effectively. One of the proposed rural residential lots is approximately 3 . 63 acres in size, whereas the second proposed lot comprises 2 . 23 acres . It is anticipated that the remainder of the farm holding excluding the above-noted wooded gully will continue to be used for agricultural purposes , namely a tobacco farm. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including tobacco farms and cash crop farms . A number of rural residential lots are located both to the east and the west of the subject lands along County Road No . 45 which is located north of the proposed lots . 411 2 The subject lands have not been improved by the installation of tile drains and thus are comprised of imperfect to poorly drained Class 4-5 Plainfield Soil according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the Class 4-5 soils , the subject lands have not been identified as containing specialty crop soils . Due to the isolated nature of the area; the size of the subject lands ; the fact that the area is difficult to crop effectively and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production owtihe subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . QETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , ,those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as Mended. 0 • —44$1111C311110 _.•1 . r 111111121Plitlit s\ 111P6111111II SCHEDULE A 1irO110111111111;Plialk 0 ill Ft OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Miiii4I! FUTURE LAND USE 11 , Aill a AMENDMENT NO. 76 pt• ,� LANDS CHANGED FROM "AGRICULTURE" (rigil ION " "„, . .,elliFFOOMIR110114P illirff ill”,�� t0 RURAL RESCDENTt11L 1°44., '.. k so lipid 0 „ri ►. I,v. 0 d p litlilriti‘r 4111 P likk Al skil � Agriculture 00 . im Highway Commercial , kill. '''' %%404111 k 4::, n't Hazard Lands - 11” / r11 '7TCI ' lilit , • ," 1111 ' . ,_ Consena!on Lands s.s Cart10011111.1111 iivHam fats (COMMUNITY IMPROVING/0T A1tEAs) '�� �f Mines! Resource Arias iiii.z 0 Provincial Highways IllacIllikrillitIVIIIIIiiti allikkii Mterlai Roads 1 dCerwty Aos�sl aft liilltir 011111. 11,1:41811 " Jliiiii 4141 / . 4solillit0z 40,0 9 5000 10900 15900 4 Feet t t • • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" ` AMENDMENT NO , 76i ne....1 -_, :goo. �t c �,� --� ��° , � /, ! �j . Y. �r } f f , { � \ ---.'z'.: • `-4. •... �• �/ .• 4J--(Ra • \ i ) 'ft'cDf • + ,C' ../ a i - ----'-',"-- � �1,.✓`S f�.-,_,../ P. may/ ,f�•.. { •'�... a., ..,.. i , / i • is- -,.-- / ‘r / / i / / ,,,ii---1 . i t, , _ _ _11,i _, ., :. - , s ( , „,,-- ... ,/ : Y _ ,.,,,v „......._, . /iv, .„..,,,,t-,.. 1 , _.„.„.. V ,'( ...____ i ,,,.., / ,..--,.., ,,,,, 1 i - i 1 =,♦S .....__,. ",‘ i i ,,,,z,.., 1 -="' HADD IiT�I NAL LANDS ?1. o __ ,_ I ] CIESS I N IV AWNED Y A PL I CA NT ' { ., r -�� ; ' ) ' .- cl( ---' . , , . ) , I 1‘ 1 � t . 51 art �j /1 '--'N-..''''7,1 \i<N ) ''''' '\ 2 _c yi 'L-..\ , ' 0 f r rj 7 1 • IV :! . , ,,,1 2-..4 / \ 1( - ,„," \ \ ,„••e::::, ------"'-,,,,. ........../ ) ) 1 Q4-- — `� ',14101(t • } t , 1 Loi 19 oT8 - — 11 . � '''gfitr2ti!,. \''/, — — - z Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 111111 SUBJECT LANDS 4o RESIDENTIAL UNIT t0 FARM BUILDING WOODLOT II KILNS/GARAGES/SHEDS 0 250e 500m . NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scale: 1:10,000 1 • APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting • Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A •can help. PUBLIC MEETING °rn on To Be Held By hone 642- BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL service caa coned. Respecting Proposed Official Plan swish and 8744, 6e3- and anCancer Zoning By-Law Amendments ;, ed inform- TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of 'burg, 185 Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be 4onday pa- considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The tdaV PaPer. amendments to be considered are as follows: y Thu equired br APPLICATIONS JOHN NEZEZON:-Lot 21,Conc.4,to change the zoning of a portion r coal so only. mer of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of 2 • -ws residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. wDiet disc MATHEW A. SCHAFER LIMITED: -Lot 128, Conc. 7,to rezone a feet 100% portion of the lands from Al to Rural Residential to create a residential lot 7w, 1-416- go by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Strafe y St. Jude, fordvifte, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 7, 1990. US and rich Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk sus Christ, woke Your (866-5521). xi.to You i J.A. Petrie 31 my heaI Township Clerk 1 has given assistance Box 160 in return t Straffordville, Ontario known and NOJ 1 YO Three Chi ee GkXias. save days. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT AUCTIONa has never ha mutt be AUCTION SALE_OF LAND .MT.V.4e . �..M Property File No. 1-02343 S 4 APPENDIX ' B • Minutes of Public llsst ng S 411 2090 PUBLIC MEETING Reeve Vane Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Mathew A . Schafer Limited and John Nezezon . The application of Mathew A . Schafer Limited to change the zoning on parcel of land comprised of Approximately 0 . 37 hectares situated on the north aide of County Road No . 38 , in Part Lot 128 , Concession 7 in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) . Zone . The effect of this will allow the creation of one ( 1 ) rural residential lot zoned Rural Residential . Noone is in attendance to offer comments on this amp-iiration . Council' have no comments on this application . The application of John Nezezon to change the zoning on two parcels of land comprised of approximately 2 . 37 hectares and situated on east side of the road allowance between lots 20 & 21 in Part Lot 21 , Concession I in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( A1 ) zone to Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The first parcel consists of 3 . 63 acres and the second parcel comprises 2 . 23 acres . Mr . John Nezezon , Councillor , withdraws from the table declaring an interest in this matter . No comments are offered on this application . No further comments are received on these applications and Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . Councillor John Nezezon returns to the. council table . • °Room 41, AMENDMENT NUMBER 76 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Mt 34 OP 0158 076 SUBJECT: NEZEZON RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 21, CONCESSION 4 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 76 to the Official Plan of the Township of Baphaa 411 411 OFFICIAL PLS` OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAu THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 76 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2551 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of June, 1990 . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2552 Being a By-Law to appoint a Lottery Licencing Officer WHEREAS The Municipal Act provides that the Council of all municipalities may pass by-laws for appointing such Officers and servants as may be necessary for the purpose of The Corporation : AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to appoint a Lottery Licencing Officer ; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 ) That William Bogue is hereby appointed Lottery Licencing Officer for the Township of Bayham 2 ) That the said William Bogue shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council and sha.4.1= xerc i se all the ' ' authority , powers and rights and shall perform all the duties and obligations which by Statute or by-laws are or may be conferred or imposed upon the Lottery Licencing Officer and any other duties that may be imposed by Council . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF JUNE, 1990 . LE) , 7:0 :150 REEVE CLERK Bayham Township By Laws Yr Ak Bye-Laws # 2553--- #2560 1990 r1ro1_cyr *-;-S53 ,1 .55(1 . ; 55 5. . . . ) 556, 551-4t ,' � sS : 560 0/ g +1ka PIN 7C:4.,.t,J 5► 1. ' •- Ire `""` - - 55 - +c o A l i r rri- pt. II c T trrNs 6 ( a „ , / q90 r,- e-- s „i„2 / glo ss- -- C:} r c P! a_., r / / - y � , r 7 O 2- 55 99 fz, 04r, I re_ VIk o 021 , / (1 ? o55 -4- r 0-0 vi oct. ex.. ci r ti- e LA 3 0 , P get'Oki): Jr", ( r te.4 Aya 02- 1 , 14110 c_; - corocir exit ac, --14 foto t; ht 0 — A /IA 8lp/e,„„, r4r Po 0-s _ rcpt. () 7.(41) S1 f cj eto CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2553 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held June 7 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held June 7 , 1990, and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th . day of June , 1990 . C: e4:37 Reeve Clerk 411 sy.LAN1p, 2554 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 77 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 77 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . =WTI= AND PASSED this 21st day of June, 1990 • REEVE CLERIC CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No .2554 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. S 411 OFFICIAL PIAN OF THE 'TOWNSHIP OF BF►►YHAM AMENDMENT NO. 77 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 52 hectares ( 1 . 3 acres ) and is situated in Part Lot 17 , North Gore, in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the south side of the road allowance between Concession 8 and North Gore in Part Lot 17 , North Gore and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 28 hectares ( 70 acres ) . The subject lands which is comprised of a heavily treed area contains one single family dwelling unit . This dwelling has been deemed to be surplus to a larger farm holding . It is the applicant' s intention to dispose of this surplus dwelling by creating a rural residential lot pursuant to the , approval of this Official Plan Amendment, an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment and the process of severance and conveyance . The retained portion of the subject lands is occupied by a variety of structures including one single family dwelling, one barn and two sheds . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are mainly comprised of agricultural uses ; namely tobacco farms and cash crop farms . Existing rural residential lots are located along the road allowance scattered among the agricultural uses . Although the subject lands are situated on very gently to nearly level imperfect to poorly drained Class 1-2 Bookton Till Phase Soils , according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the subject lands are situated in an area which has not been cleared or ever used for agricultural production. It should be noted that the Canada Land Inventory recognizes the subject lands as being on Class 4 and 6 soils which appears to be more 411 411 representative of the actual soil type on this specific parcel of land. In support of the Canada Land Inventory Soil Classification, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food' s Agricultural Land Use Field Crop Systems Mapping recognizes the subject lands as being "Woodland" which is a non-system land use . This area has been recognized within the Background Study of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as an area having potential for non farm development . As such, due to the relatively small area of land, the fact that the land has never been used for agricultural production; and the fact that an existing single family dwelling is located on the property, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which better suits the existing use of the lands . The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . This proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an Implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule ‘Al Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential ' , may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 .2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies , as amended. .1102 0 • ..4 IN c 3 11 1 al go , . ....I'ill!!!1111p1PP:pi ‘ . it I 1.limW . SCHEDULE A iAl1111111,1110kA OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE .'.. '.r..t..? 4 !i syliiiiPeiyik,i, e. IP 4.-1".74. : TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM lip In . „, al Wilik FUTURE LAND USE tr 1 ‘. AMENDMENT NO. 77 : -PI ' r0 1 -11: . • 0.. 4lip m� _ ,.,,,7, 11 t.4eis changed from "Agrtcul lure" il Jiiii iti 11,1194i-111-1 ► to "Rural Residential" .1.t•alotai____,I t O 9' �' ° 4101 " ; id .„1., 1 1 ,. , NSTR• Agriculture , , r €} / f R 11 imi k � 1111 tilphway Commerclai f 1 hi i ; -.Si•}%0 • azard Ui RIs i .. , , , 04.01, 0 441 ",�AIPill 'iJII teo6v54:2;i COr'lstltvatiOn Lands 41411,11 Guice " �" g 4441 Hamlets w i (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) .121 50141: v, • .; , lz iiii 4 Mineral Resource Areas ' NA 11 _ illiekr?)141 0 Provincial Highways 11114 ..p-,,":1%• 4 Illb. ..iiii- eti4 . otirolp 1144 -iiiArterial Road• 'Ilt et 11019er ilit110 III et IIONI1,10* , i '" 4 iiii till , pitrgill ...hit, .. ,.:. , , II 1. lArii 4111111111110 2000 400 6 � � ANS 1111111111 6. P 5000 10900 15900 t Flirt e t 4 • • . TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULEHYI AMENDMENT NO , 77 ..../P co II - --- '________------t=„....___________,...: \: x. 4 L./Lir 40 -N_.__2.,---- -4 ,. , r , ., 60 H{i -'' ✓4�� V i i 1. /,` .....,.. ' ' ' " --,:f• •—•-:a 11 fi* 44., I ,----/-k i I . c -.'N..,.,,__I, ".„----- ---"N i - ,r-- • , . 0 . ` fir J =3. '► 1 �, \ ; _...--- * 1 ( 4:211"%imile ="------,, ,13.46 0 v,\.236.0Th +1 ,+fir "-•. �„ -------, 26:4''' + Y �' r F / t'! )\ l '\ 'N-. i, ,� ‘ -.� . y 111#4,ry/V 5 1 I 1 L<.,..___ / // I 23* O. ! ) ‘ ....' L' I � r \ �tL1' dS rk/1,,,,/,'' "-N\ \\,..„--r-lo r---) 1 ciri ,1 ) I � ``�` , `\ ", s ned by Applicant .. /,t-.i! t „�..".�n'';2 7,--',1.> ' - _�3" r.i' VI ' ',--..) I / V , i 1 'll/ . i . 411.T 4(47.N\r .'i.S..) 7 _ i , N \ i [ .-^ -..i - '— % �,.� T7j ' _mo i - -. \, 1 8 . , ___ \ V ,.0 _ r Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 1111 SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT e FARM BUILDING WOODLOT4t a SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES i 0 250m 500m NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only . *csl : 1:10,000 • APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Besting I • • i T1UT-..V eLY5 - s hereby given to an Irma Priester in possession of land, Tax Collector dance with the Weed Act, 1988 Statutes of 1988 Chapter51 Sec- 16 PlanningAct, 1983 16 and 23 that unless Needs growing on their OTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING ithin the Municipality To Be Held By lumen are destroyed of June 4, 1990 and BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Ut the season,the Mu Respecting Proposed Official Plan I may enter upon the and Zoning By-Law Amendments Is and rg weeds • TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township . he land: as set out in 'd, charging g t the costs of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoaing tyy-law eratian of all citizens amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions sity solicited of The Planning Act: The amendments to be considered are as J. G. Timlin follows: Clerk APPLICATIONS tarles Stafford STEPHEN FORIS FARMS INC.:-Lot 17,Conc NG,to change the eed Inspector sg zoning of a portion of the lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin kM County Land Division Committee. GORDON ELKEER: - Lot 15, Conc 10, to rezone a portion of his lI NNERS lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. )ssession of land, in PAUL VALKO:- Lot 10, Conc. 2, to rezone a portion of his lands Statutes of Ontario, from Al to Rural Residential. This wilt permit the creation of 3 that unless noxious residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division ccipality of Township Committee. 1990 and throughout The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at a the said lands and Straftordvillbe, commencing at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 21, s against the land,as 1990. ly solicited. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J. A. Petrie dor Township Clerk Box 180 3, Section 1 Straffordvllle,, Ontario 4111.111 • APPENDIX ' 8 ' Minutes of Public Meeting • 4 411 MIMIC MEETING Reeve Van Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Stephen Foris Farms Inc . , Gordon Elkeer and Paul Valko . The application of Stephen Foris Farms Inc . to change the znrii ng on a 0 . 52 hectare ( 1 . 3 acre ) parcel of land situated on the south side or the road allowance between Concession 8 and North Gore , in Part of Lot 17 , North Gore , in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural ( A1 ) Zone to the Rural. Residential ( RR ) Zone . The remainder of the lands owned by the applicant will be rezoned from Agricultural ( Al ) to Special Agriculture ( A1 - 35 ) lone . The effect of this by- law will he to permit the creation of a rural residential lot which has been deemed surplus to an existing farm operation . Mr Foris was in attendance and made no comment . Corj espondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . Council had no comments . The application of Gordon Elkeer to change the zoning on a 0 . 51 hectare ( 1 . 27 acre ) parcel of land situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , south of Highway No . 3 , in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10 , in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . Secondly it will rezone a parcel of land from the Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Special Agricultural ( A1 -36 ) Zone . The effect of this by-law will permit the creation of two rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . Mr . Keith Danbrook , a neighbour , was in attendance exptt sing his concerns regarding a drain located on the subject property . it was determined that this was nota municipal drain and Mr . Danbrook was advised to contact the property owner and obtain an Agreement Drain registered on the property . Council had no comments . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . The application of Paul Valko to change the zoning on three parcels of land comprised of approximately 1 . 6 hectares ( 2 . 6 acres ) situated in Part Lot 10 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham , from the Agricultural ( Al. ) zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) zone . The effect of this by- law will be to permit the creation of three ( 3 ) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No persons in attendance made comment to this application . Council had no comments . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . There being no further comments , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . Ministry of OAinistire des I 777 Bay Street 777, rue Bay Municipal Affaires Toronto, Ontario Toronto 4Ontario} 4i57 Affairs municipales M5G 2E5 M5G 2E5 Ontario February 28 , 1991 Mr . J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 110 Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Approval of Amendment No. 77 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham File : 34-OP-0158-077 On February 22 , 1991 this Official Plan document was approved . Please see the certificate page . The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon . One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry ' s records . The Original , any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed . Yours truly, IP- Ca t ^ Heather Jamieson lir Area Planner Plans Administration�nistration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure c . c . MAF MOE Health Unit LPCA County 6 ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 77 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • 34 OP 0158 077 SUBJECT: STSPIISN FORTS FARMS INC. RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 17 , NORTH GORE ?fir following text and nap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 77 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayha m AMENDMENT NO. 77 ff OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No. 77 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Beyham, is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date: tlfrOc2_ ,)-- 71,Y11? / •" 1 Diana L. Jardi , Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs OFFICIAL PLAN OFTHR TOWNSHIP OF BAMAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 77 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Plann441 Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2554, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 21st day of Juner 1990 . a ewel7) 411 411 BY-LAW NO. 2555 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No. ?8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Al-tiara for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 78 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st day of June, 1990 eACeier--- REE E CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2555 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of' Bayham. 4 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HATHAI( AMENDMENT NO. 78 1 . =MN The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION --- The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 51 hectares ( 1 . 27 acres ) and is situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10 , the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF TUX AMODIMPT The subject lands are located on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10 and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of approximately 17 . 8 hectares ( 44 acres ) . A wooded gully is located on the farm holding which creates a separate pocket of land within the applicant ' s property. Due to the proximity of the gully, a small isolated pocket of land is created adjacent to the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 . Since the subject lands are completely isolated from the remainder of the applicant ' s. land holdings , it is the intent of this amendment to create two rural residential lots in an area which is small , isolated and difficult to crop effectively . One of the proposed rural residential lots is approximately 0 . 52 acres in size, whereas the second proposed lot comprises 0 . 75 acres . It is anticipated that the remainder of the farm holding excluding the above-noted wooded gully will continue to be used for agricultural purposes ,nasmly a cash crop farm. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including livestock farms and cash crop farms . A number of rural residential lots are located both to the east and the west of the subject lands along Highway No . 3 which is located north of the proposed Lots . 411 411 2 The subject lands are situated on very gently to nearly level imperfect to poorly drained Class 2 Muriel Soils , according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfect to poorly drained soils , the area is noted to have undesirable soil structure and permeability as well as being susceptible to damage from erosion resulting in the loss of agricultural production. Due to the isolated nature of the area; the size of the subject lands ; the fact that the area is difficult to crop effectively and the limiting factors which may effect the viability of agricultural production on the`'w'ubject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed in a Rural Residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land . Notwithstanding the presence of livestock owned. by the applicant , the subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an Implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . RETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential ' , may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies , as amended . • • _.rte ' gill Q Iliniiiiirgipili , �$ Imo , . k •' SCHEDULE A 114101,," rr `� `moi/ �¢ ''IIIPPr � , �ibli OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE milk li s 11111 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM iiiirtiiiL, . .7411i �� LAND USE ! , FUTURE1 Ili s,, p• AMENDMEjIT NO. _78til likilliimplippr � rodIPIDOP 79 lands changed from "Agriculture" `� ► to "Rural Residential" r- 1 I Ut ikl onolgt": ;'fir 4 41 II Or441F11011° r , 6,pii , pilfr,,,tii41111« IR, Agriculture ? . 416 I ''rHighway MI 9 y C omm r s tial _ �- . " AI` . R IIIa I, -.... t111,,-.,,,ji: ?is 11.,0 . t Hazard Lands ; 1 !t p--..,,..„ iiiio„, _, 1 11 '. i'' i piegoll I l ';,::::;36:1.; ii.N4. 4...,41.10, 444, 1 A . - OPOPP pr Ail 1 IliHe rniats '' (COMMiN1ITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) C100.. i I 17 1 kinta 100,0 1111 i '71 I is' ilMineral Resource Areas it ► t....1 I i I t,, HIM 0 Provincial Highways iFIF , 1 wG ri �` ,rierisi ��ad , .. ,,,:t , , ,,, . ,,, . ,,,., ..,,, , , ,,,,, , 11111 -ki "gip; — , 44 oirii 1 11111Nliqiiii.;1941 , . ii ,,, ,� � It ,���IIII ii o moo 4000 11%0 Mitts I -40101104 kiiil 9 000 10900 t 900 .114111 Feet 0 41) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO . 78 , v� . _CON . X ?'J_ • 4' , z + o - __ LOT 1� . ms • LOT1.3 LOT 14 • : Let. 15 . • `__`___ 01 . _.. --.- IP? ,./..a. II A �` T' 2,0 ii • i - .,.._i1/4f- 243.0 . u • ,- N _ ,�,,........•_....._ . _ � _ - i" 2• M , f fes. -4440 �--a.,- 41,7 "..-;- • - - ,....-,.. 24 S • 240 5 , • .I Additional Lands ^� H 44,, owned by Applicant .�l .233 0 **NO •III f 'e" 1`Q . 1 1 \\" -77."mows ~—Vi_' � ` ti CON . I ;f �__``\��N _ , • Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 1111 SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT • di FARM BUILDING W00DLOT 41 ' • SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS f 0 2150m 500m NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scale: 1:10,000 411 APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting • • t nU T •VCGV3 _. ._ s hereby given to all Irma Priester in possession of land, Tax Collector dance with the Weed Act, 1988 Statutes of 1988 Chapter 51 Sec- tPlanning 6 and 23 that unless •r • Needs growing on their OTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING ithin the Municipality TC, Be Held By 3urwell are destroyed of June 4, 1990 and BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ut the season, the Mu- Respecting Proposed Official Plan may enter upon the and Zoning By-Law Amendments IS and have the weeds TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township charging the costs :he land, as set out in of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed'5IfPial plan and Zoning by-law aeration of all citizens amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions Sly solicited. of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as J. G. Timlin follows: Clete APPLICATIONS ,arles Stafford STEPHEN FORIS FARMS INC.:-Lot 17,Conc NG,to change the eed Inspector ss zoning of a portion of the lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a residentieiot by severance by the Elgin kM County Land Division Committee, NNERS GORDON ELKEER: -Lot 15, Conc 10, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. )ssession of land, in PAUL VALKO:- Lot 10, Conc. 2, to rezone a portion of his lands c Statutes of Ontario, from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of 3 that unless noxious residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division >icipality of Township Committee, 1990 and throughout The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at ri the said lands and Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday. June 21, s against the land.** 1990. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the ty solicited. Township Clerk (866-5521). J. A. Petrie ctor Township Clerk Box 160 3, Section 1 Stra , Ontario • • . . . . . . , , . . . . • , . - , - _ _ _ fYQ- - - - - ..�--- i APPENDIX ' B Xiuutes of Public Meeting s • f Am- f 411 rutli,i C MEETING Reeve Van Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Stephen Foris Farms Inc . , Gordon Elkeer and Paul Valko . The application of Stephen Foris Farms Inc . to chancy, t,lir' zoning on a 0 . 52 hectare ( 1 . 3 acre ) parcel of land situated on the south side of the road allowance between Concession 8 and North Gore , in Part of Lot 17 , North Gore , in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural ( A1 ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The remainder of the lands owned by the applicant will be rezoned from Agricultural ( Al ) to Special Agriculture ( A1 - 35 ) Zone . The effect of this by- law will be to permit the creation of a rural residential lot which has been deemed surplus to an existing farm operation . Mr Foris was in attendance and made no comm„mD.t* Correspondence: from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . Council had no comments . The application of Gordon Elkeer to change the zoning on a 0 . 51 hectare ( 1 . 27 acre ) parcel of land situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , south of Highway No . 3 , in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10 , in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . Secondly .it will rezone a parcel of land from the Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Special Agricultural ( A1 -36 ) Zone . The effect of this by-law will permit the creation of two rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . Mr . Keith Danbrook , a neighbour , was in attendance expousing his concerns regarding a drain located on the subject property . It was determined that this was nota municipal drain and Mr . Danbrook was advised to contact the property owner and obtain an Agreement Drain registered on the property . Council had no comments . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . The application of Paul Valko to change the zoning on three parcels of land comprised of approximately 1 . 6 hectares ( 2 . 6 acres ) situated in Part Lot 10 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham , from the Agricultural ( Al ) zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) zone . The effect of this by- law will be to permit the creation of three ( 3 ) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No persons in attendance made comment to this application . Council. had no comments . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . There • being no further comments , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . • 0110 ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 78 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: GORDON ELKEER RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 15, CONCESSION 10 3 4 rt 01 5 8 0 7 8 The following test and sap schedule constitutes Amendment fiber 78 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhan 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAMHAH THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 78 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayh Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2555 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 21st day of June , 1990 . O ‘70ft W CUM CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2622 BEING a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2555 adopting Amendment No. 78 to the Official PIan of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 2555 adopting Amendment No. 78 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, on June 21, 1990; AND WHEREAS Official Plan Amendment No. 78 does not meet the new criteria for establishing Estate Residential development within the Township of Bayam as proposed by By-law No. 2605, being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendlnt go. 87. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. 1) That By-law No. 2555 as Passed by the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham, on June 21, 1990, be hereby repealed. READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of June 1991. REEVE CLERK r 411 411 BY-LAW NO. 2556 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in, accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 79 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted . 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 79 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . MOM AID PASSED this 21st day of June, 1990 72). /7:•IL eZtel7 7"-11.7c;c12"."2:: REEVE!lam CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2556 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERIC 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAri AMENDMENT NO. 79 1 . Elninfig The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of three parcels of land totalling approximately 1 . 06 hectares ( 2 . 6 acres ) and situated in Part Lot 10 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . IIS. or Tux AMENDMENT The subject lands are comprised of three parcels of land located on Part Lot 10 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham. One of the parcels is located on the south side of Concession 2 and comprises 0 . 37 hectares ( 0 . 91 acres ) . The remaining two parcels of land are located approximately mid- way down Lot 10 , on the west side of the Brown Side Road and comprises 0 . 69 hectares ( 1 . 7 acres ) . It is the applicant ' s intent to create three rural residential lots pursuant to the approval of this Official Plan Amendment, an Implementing Zoning By-law Amendment, and the process of severance and conveyance . Two of the proposed rural residential lots will be created on the west side of the Brown Side Road whereas the third proposed rural residential lot will be created on the south side of Concession 2 . The applicant ' s total land holdings on Part Lot 10 , Concession 2 comprises 35 hectares ( 86 acres ) of which all but 2 . 0 hectares ( 5 . 0 acres ) consists of numerous gullies and a woodlot . The three rural residential lots intended to be created are proposed in areas not affected by the gullies . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses including tobacco farms and continuous row crops . Four existing rural residential lots are located east of the subject lands along Concession 2 . 1 1 ' 411 411 2 Notwithstanding the presence of Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the agricultural viability of the subject lands is not felt to be an influencing factor in considering this amendment due to the non-agricultural use of the entire parcel . It should be noted that the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's Agricultural Land Use Systems Mapping recognizes the subject lands as being "woodlot " which is a non-system land use classification . Due to the general site characteristics of the p rcels of 't land, the size of the subject lands; and the ac't� that the area is not presently used for agricultural production, Township Council deems it appropriate that the subject lands be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use for this land . The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. The subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or - a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DEVILS OF THE MENDKPIT i) Schedule ' A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " say be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. • • r gig0 err 41111111.14 di WIPP Illir, 4 \ .7kt!! 7,\ SCHEDULE A fifr' 111Mir � '1t1111.1181111110&4• OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE t.1..- �. .._ ; TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ii : AO IPPLAND USE :. .1 A �,. . ill I4II FUTURE ma 11 40 r..ii I . �ps,• AMENDMENT NO. 79 �� o� III 1111 79 taRdsthrhged rrda 'ltgrlcul lure"to "Rural Res'dentlot° 141"' 41 pr....jp4per, . . :.,,,, ,14,. .„„i„,41401504141),1„,, ifiVril po t Irk ' ►1 iiiii Ail Agriculture illi pi , h . Highway Commercial , 01 10 .4 R Cy ",,i, Hazard .ands4, ifil ! . 1 1 8.4 --".1)11%1 ; I 41141' , l ' i rip 4 1 c • - : �, _ Lands * ,,„ iiirep:Ir ,4011111 0 i.f. . . 0. 041 (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas l . 11 I Iiii°4110p © Provincial Highways ill 1E3 �,�� INleillipli ,gi rter hial Roada i iiii . . ,.. fl lir mu iim i....,,t_ di 11 „ ill/ 1 ,.. ..,,, , ,,, 1.. kt, , 1,,,,,, ,,„. 4 1 1 . 1 . 44 * .0 ‘-. IIII P1to !film!, 4 ...., _ , ,,,, 1 , 11 ,,,,,... 4 0 70P0 4000 III ft.7 Meer le t '01 Ilk 'ill% I 9 6000 10900 16900 Ohl Feet r • • TOWNSHIP OF SAYHAM SCHEDULE"8" AMENDMENT NO . 79 17::(7-74 avv • .. -0."-.- .+►r �".`r► .ter • ,. t fir' ' .. ,"'lit VIENNA_. FSw -l ION * 1 203 0 ° t9 It o 12030 � I • I 4- • • i 0 \1, :, "�-- VILLAGE OF I ENNA N. • ___.-.---4= ..,,,, .2 0 i c... 1- 3 Z "°'I 1 LLJ .. 20401 I '^ A i; Additional Lands •40' 1 • ,Owned By Appl scant . lI darn' \ - a . 41111 2 o. a a «. ;` ,` 1c 20t 0 1 hk 20' 5 t \ 1 i \,\,,, \ ,_,..--- .. It i eV ‘ -..._,,, v,' I \, --- t;""'"bia,• i ...",,,„ J • s ' I 202 0 1 *to-44_ I lookt‘ ... .4. 1 \ ..... 46r- I N \ ‘....- ,/,'.- 1 ' 'e`aa fi \ `20. 0 L T Loi- T 1Q Lor _ 0 12 .4,ii a -k Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources IMISUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING W4ODLOTqqiiN • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES NOTE.: Legend Refers to Area Outside Village of Vienna Boundary . 0 250m 500m NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. Scala: 1:10,000 APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting r 0 S 1 r'1U T IV CCUs` ....._. ,.._.�. . s hereby given to all Irma Priester in possession of land, Tax Collector dance with the Weed Act, 1988 Statutes of 1988 Chapter 51 Sec- s 16 and 23 that unless Planning Act, 1983 +reeds growing on theirOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Thin the Municipality To Be Held By lurwell are destroyed of June 4, 1990 and BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ut the season, the Mu- Respecting Proposed Official Plan may enter upon the and Zoning By-Law Amendments >s and have the weeds TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township - • gid, charging the costs he land, as set out in of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose 9.t 4ormin9 • the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law aeration of all citizens amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions stly solicited. of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as J. G. Timlin follows: Clerk APPLICATIONS antes Stafford STEPHEN FORiS FARMS INC.:- Lot 17,Conc NG,to change the aed Inspectors zoning of a portion of the lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin tM County Land Division Committee. NNERS GORDON ELKEER: -Lot 15, Conc 10, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. 3ssession of land, in PAUL VALKO:• Lot 10, Conc. 2, to rezone a portion of his lands i Statutes of Ontario, from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of 3 that unless noxious residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division icipatity of Township Committee. 1990 and throughout The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at n the said lands and Straffordvilte, commencing at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 21. s against the land,as 1990. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the y solicited. Township Clerk (866-5521). J A. Petrie ctor Township Clerk Box 160 3, Section 1 Straffordvitie, Ontario , . 11YQ APPENDIX * 11 ' Winutes of Public Meeting f • a 411 411 MIMIC MFETINt1 Reeve Van Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to ' accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Stephen Foris Farms Inc . , Gordon Elkeer and Paul Valko . The application o f Stephen Foris Farms Inc . to change the < zon i ng on a 0 . 52 hectare ( 1 . 3 acre ) parcel of land situated on the south side of the road allowance between Concession 8 and North Gore , in Part of Lot 17 , North Gore , in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The remainder of the lands owned by the applicant will be rezoned from Agricultural ( Al ) to Special. Agriculture ( A1 - 35 ) Zone . The effect of this by-law will be to permit the creation of a rural residential lot which has been deemed surplus to an existing farm operation . • Mr Foris was in attendance and made no comment . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no coneellis . Council had' no comments . The application of Gordon Elkeer to change the zoning on a 0 . 51 hectare ( 1 . 27 acre ) parcel of land situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , south of Highway No . 3 , in Part Lot 15 , Concession 10 , in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . Secondly it` will rezone a parcel of land from the Agricultural ( A1 ) Zone to the Special. Agricultural ( A1 - 36 ) Zone . The effect of this by-law will permit the creation of two rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . Mr . Keith Danbrook , a neighbour , was in attendance expr ..:using his concerns regarding a drain located on the subject property . it was determined that this was not a municipal drain and Mr . Danbrook was advised to contact the property owner and obtain an Agreement Drain registered on the property . Council had no comments . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . The application of Paul. Valko to change the zoning on three parcels of land comprised of approximately 1 . 6 hectares ( 2 . 6 acres ) situated fn Part Lot 10 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham , from the Agricultural ( Al ) zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) zone . The effect of this by- law will be to permit the creation of three ( 3 ) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No persons in attendance made comment to this application . Council had no comments . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns . There being no further comments , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . • mat AMENDMENT NUMBER 79 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BA'YHAN SUBJECT: PAUL VALRO RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 2 34 P 018 0 79 t_ ti The following text and nap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 79 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhaa t • 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF TM TOWNSHIP OF BAIHAX 411 TUE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 79 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham vias prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayhairlianning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2556 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 21st day of June, 1990 . ‘0.11L. REEVE =RI ORIGINAL CORPORATION OF THE . 4 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • BY-LAW NO . 2557 A BY--LAW TO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. WHEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin in accordance with the provisions of the Drainage Act , requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by a drainage works : Parts of Lots 126 in Concession STR , ( Concession 6 ) in the Township of Bayham . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin has procured a report made by Spriet Associates and the report is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law . AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage works is $13 , 100. AND WHEREAS $13 , 100. is the amount to be contributed by the municipality for construction of the drainage works . AND .WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PURSUANT TO THE DRAINAGE ACT, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The report dated April 30 , 1990 and attached hereto is hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth is hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith . 2 . ( 1 ) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham may borrow on the credit of the Corporation the amount of $13 , 100. being the amount necessary for construction of the drainage work . ( 2 ) The Corporation may issue debentures for the amount borrowed less the total amount of , ( a ) grants received under section 85 of the Act ; ( b) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality ; ( c ) moneys paid under subsection 61 ( 3 ) of the Act ; and ( d ) moneys assessed in and payable by another municipality , and such debentures shall be made payable within five years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation on the date of sale of such debenture . ( 3 ) A special equal annual rate sufficient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the Schedule to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for five years after the passing of this by-law . -2- Schedule of Assessment Township of Bayham Job No. 89247 April 30, 1990 APPROX .HECTARES ROLL NUMBER CON. LOT AFFECTED (OWNER) BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL 6 Pt126 0.08 4-045-01 (R. Heppenheimer) $ $ 160.00 $ 160.00 6 Pt126 0.05 4-044(M. Volkaert) 100. 00 100. 00 6 Pt126 0. 10 4-043(R. Vaughan) 190.00 190.00 6 Pt126 0.07 4-042(R. Matthews ) 130. 00 130. 00 6 Pt126 0.08 4-041 (F. Volkaert) 140.00 140.00 6 Pt126 0.08 4-040(G. Palmer) 130. 00 130.00 6 Pt126 0. 16 4-039(G. Cattrysse) 240.00 240.00 6 Pt126 0. 13 4-039-01 (T . Cronin) 180.00 180. 00` 6 Pt126 0. 15 4-038(A. Fehr) 210.00 210.00 6 Pt126 0. 14 4-038-02(R. Vaughan) 425. 00 200. 00 625. 00 6 Pt126 0. 31 4-045(C. Ward) 300.00 600.00 900.00 6 Pt126 0. 16 4-045-03(C . Ward ) 425.00 260. 00 685 .00 6 Pt126 0. 26 4-045-02(C . Ward) 425 .00 445. 00 870 .00 6 Pt126 0. 27 4-045-01 (C . Ward ) 425.00 510. 00 935.00 *6 Pt126 0.4 4-053(F. Hermann) 900. 00 60. 00 960. 00 Total Assessment on Lands $2, 900. 00 $3, 555. 00 $6,455.00 County Road County of No. 38 0. 15 Elgin $ $ 590. 00 $ 590. 00 Lot Road Township of 126-127 0. 24 Bayham 2, 400. 00 600. 00 3,000. 00 New Street 0.4 C . Ward 1 , 755. 00 1 , 300 Ot, 3, 055. 00 Total Assessment on Roads $4, 155.00 $2, 490. 00 $6, 645.00 Total Assessment on Branch "E" of Drain No. 1 $13, 100.00 NOTE : All the above lands are classified as non-agricultural except the one noted with an asterisk . 6 • - 3- 0 4 . For paying the amount of $3000. being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality , a special rate sufficient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for five years after the passing of this by-law to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected . 5 . All assessments of $ 100 . or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed. 6 . This by-law comes into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as Branch " E" of Drain No . 1 Municipal Drain . First Reading June 21 , 1990 Second Reading June 21 , 1990 Provisionally adopted this 21st day of June , 1990 I, J.A. Fetrie,Qer'k of the Corporation of the 'Ibwr hip of arsjitatte DD terety certify that the foregoing is a trim Copy of Py-Law ?b.2557 prvvisicrfal.ly poseEed by theC;u cil of the said CbrporaticnCUM the cri e 21 i+ '/ofd[sjiiie 1990. N.. READ A THIRD TINE ATPD MINIX PASEED 'IRIS 15th LAY CF November * 674.„..„ 120,---4fr? /6 REEVE NOTICE OF SITTING OF COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the municipal office , Straffordville , Ontario on the 19th day of July 1990 at 9: 00 o ' clock in - the after noon to hear any owner of land , or , where roads in the local municipality are assessed , any rate payer , who complains that his or any other land or road has been assessed too high or too low or that any land or road that should have been assessed has not been assessed , or that due consideration has not been given or allowance made as to type of use of land , who personally , or by his agent , has given notice in writing to the clerk of the municipality that he considers himself aggrieved for any or all such cases . J . A . Petrie CLERK• OF THE MUNICIPALITY If no notice of intenticn to nuke acpIic aticn to quash a by-law is served tycn the clerk of the rnnicipality whithin ten days after the passing of the by-law Cr, wtere a notice of intenticn has teen given, if an atplicati.cn to wash is not made to the referee within three =ids after the passing of the Iv- Law, the by-law, Cr so noun ttereof as is not the subject of ct is rot guasted ulxn any suth applioaticn is valid and baling acaordirng to its tents, 90 far as it prescribes or dints anything within the prq r cuceterre caf the ct rcil: The Drainage let. " Appeals must pe in writing and lodged at the office of the Clerk at leastl0 days prior to the sitting of the Court . • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM RY-LAW NO . 2557 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. WHEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin in accordance with the provisions of the Drainage Act , requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by a drainage works : Parts of Lots 126 in Concession STR , ( Concession 6 ) in the Township of Bayham . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin has procured a report made by Spriet Associates and the report is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law . AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage works is $13 , 100 . AND WHEREAS $13 , 100. is the amount to be contributed by the municipality for construction of the drainage works . AND WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PURSUANT TO THE DRAINAGE ACT, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The report dated April 30 , 1990 and attached hereto is hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth is hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith . 2 . ( 1 ) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham may borrow on the credit of the Corporation the amount of $13 , 100. being the amount necessary for construction of the drainage work . ( 2 ) The Corporation may issue debentures for the amount borrowed less the total amount of , ( a ) grants.. received under section 85 of the Act ; ( b) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality ;' ( c ) moneys paid under subsection 61 ( 3 ) of the Act ; and ( d ) moneys assessed in and payable by another municipality , and such debentures shall be made payable within five years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation on the date of sale of such debenture . ( 3 ) A special equal annual rate sufficient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the Schedule to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for five years after the passing of this by-law . r -2- Schedule of Assessment Township of Bayham Job No. 89247 April 30, 1990 APPROX. HECTARES ROLL NUMBER CON. LOT AFFECTED (OWNER) BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL 6 Pt126 0.08 4-045-01 (R. Heppenheimer) $ $ 160.00 $ 160.00 6 Pt126 0.05 4-044(M. Yolkaert) 100.00 100.00 6 Pt126 0. 10 4-043(R. Vaughan) 190.00 190.00 6 Pt126 0.07 4-042(R. Matthews ) 130.00 130.00 6 Pt126 0.08 4-041 (F. Volkaert) 140.00 140.00 6 Pt126 0.08 4-040(G. Palmer) 130. 00 130.00 6 Pt126 0. 16 4-039(G. Cattrysse) 240.00 240.00 6 Pt126 0. 13 4-039-01 (T . Cronin) 180. 00 180.00' 6 Pt126 0. 15 4-038(A. Fehr) 210.00, 210.00 6 Pt126 0. 14 4-038-02(R. Vaughan) 425. 00 200. 00 625.00 6 Pt126 0. 31 4-045(C. Ward) 300.00 600. 00 900.00 6 Pt126 0. 16 4-045-03(C. Ward ) 425.00 260. 00 685 .00 6 Pt126 0. 26 4-045-02.(C. Ward) 425 .00 445 .00 870.00 6 Pt126 0.27 4-045-01 (C . Ward) 425.00 510. 00 935.00 *6 Pt126 0.4 4-053(F. Hermann) 900. 00 60. 00 960. 00 Total Assessment on Lands $2,900. 00 $3, 555. 00 $6, 455.00 County Road County of No. 38 0. 15 Elgin S $ 590. 00 $ 590.00 Lot Road Township of 126- 127 0. 24 Bayham 4400. 00 600. 00 - 3,000. 00 New Street 0. 4 C . Ward 1 , 755. 00 1 , 300. 00 3, 055. 00 Total Assessment on Roads $4, 155.00 $2,490. 00 $6, 645.00 Total Assessment on Branch "E" of Drain No. 1 $13, 100.00 NOTE : All the above lands are classified as non-agricultural except the one noted with an asterisk . 0 - 3- 4 . For paying the amount of $3000. being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality , a special rate sufficient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for five years after the passing of this by-law to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected . 5 . All assessments of $ 100 . or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed . 6 . This by-law comes into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as Branch "E" of Drain No . I Municipal Drain . First Reading June 21 , 1990 Second Reading June 21 , 1990 Provisionally adopted this 21st day of June, 1990 T, J.A. R�trie,Cterk of the Oth x xzaticn of e lbh ip 1-/:/�.�►--_ of Bern, Co tenaloy REEVE Certify that the foregoing is a true Cl-py of By-Law ND.2557 provisionally gtsceci by the (uracil of t". the said Ckrporation cn CLERK the 21E of June 1990. READ A TIMTIW #D FRAM PARSED ThIS /s 1 Tom' CF Woo./*d 1990 RETE NOTICE OF SITTING OF COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the municipal officer Straffordville , Ontario on the 19th day of July 1990 at 9: 00 o ' clock in the after noon to hear any owner of land , or , where roads in the local municipality are assessed , any rate payer , who complains that his or any other land or road has been assessed too high or too low or that any land or road that should have been assessed has not been assessed , or that due consideration has not been given or allowance made as to type of use of land , who personally , or by his agent , has given notice in writing to the clerk of the municipality that he considers himself aggrieved for any or all such cases . ��� --- _-- J . A . Petrie CLERK- OF THE MUNICIPALITY If ro notice of intention to mtae applicaticn to quaff a t. -law is e2rved tixn tke cleric of the nunicipality �hithin tnn clays after the passirrl of the.by-Law or, item a notice of intention has bam given, if an application to quash is not nada to the referee within thole froths after the passing of the 17/- law, ylair, the by--lair, or so mach detect ae is rxyt the subject ct or is not cpafted wan any such a p1 icatirn is valid and hinting according to its terns, a) far as it prescribes or directs anything within the prfcper =retrace or the midi: Vie Drainage fit.. Appeals must be in writing and lodged at the office of the Clerk at leastlO days prior to the sitting of the Court . F • BRANCH "E" OF DRAIN NO. 1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • a • • ti SPRIET ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS LONDON -- SUDBURY • BRANCH "E" OF DRAIN NO. 1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Job Na. 89247 April 30, 1990 London, Ontario April 30, 1990 Branch "E" of Drain No. 1 Township of Bayham To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Bayham Reeve and Council : We are pleased to present our report on the construction of Branch "E" of Municipal Drain No. 1 serving parts of Lot 126 in Concession S. T . R . (Concession 6) in the Township of Bayham. This report was prepared in accordance with instructions received from your Clerk with respect to a motion of the Township Council . The work was initiated by a petition signed by two of the affected landowners. The attached plan and profile Drawing No. 1 , Job No. 89247, specifications and the instructions to tenderers form part of this report. They show and describe in detail the location and extent of the work to be done and the lands which are affected . The area requiring drainage is described as five residential lots and a proposed street in Lot 126, Concession 6 and represents more than 60% of the land in the area requiring drainage. The outlet drain was most recently reconstructed in a report submitted by John B. Dodd dated August 23, 1967 . We have made an examination of the area affected and found that existing and proposed lots in NPt of Lot 126 have no outlet for drainage. It is therefore our recommendation that a new municipal branch drain tile • be installed from an outlet into Drain No. 1 Main Drain, at the east limit of Lot 126 proceeding northward parallel to Lot Road 126- 127 to the north side of a private road serving the above described lots, and then proceeding westward to the most westerly proposed lot. The proposed work consists of approximately 575 lineal meters of 200 (8" ) millimeter diameter plastic tile and two catchbasins. vonimmil In accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, we determine the allowances payable to owners entitled thereto as follows : ROLL NUMBER DAMAGES AND CONCESSION LOT (OWNER) RIGHT-OF-WAY 6 Pt126 4-045(C . Ward ) $ 530.00 6 Pt126 4-053(F . Hermann ) $ 760. 00 Total Allowances $ 1 ,290.00 Total Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of $ 1 ,290.00 the Drainage Act i We have made an estimate of the cost of the proposed work which is outlined in detail as follows : Installation of the following field tile: 363 meters of 200mm ( 8" ) solid plastic tile $ 200. 00 0.00- 212 meters of 200mm ( 8" ) H. D. solid plastic tile $ 1 , Supply of the above listed tile $ 4, 300. 00 Supply and install two - 600x600mm standard $ 900. 00 catchbasins Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the 1 ,290.00 Drainage Act Survey, Plan and Report $ 2, 530 .00 Assistance and Expenses $ 380. 00 Supervision and Final Inspection $ 250. 00 Total Estimated Cost $13, 100. 00 We assess the cost of this work against the lands and roads liable for assessment for benefit and outlet as shown on the annexed Schedule of Assessment . 3 . After completion, this drain shall be maintained by the Township of Bayham at the expense of all upstream lands and roads assessed in the Schedule of Maintenance Assessment and in the same relative proportions until such time as the assessment is changed under the Drainage Act. Respectfully submitted , SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED --41A141(-- J. . Spriet, P. Eng . 4 . Schedule of Assessment Township of Bayham Job No. 89247 April 30, 1990 APPROX. HECTARES ROLL NUMBER CON. LOT AFFECTED (OWNER) BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL 6 Pt126 0.08 4-045-01 (R. Heppenheimer) $ $ 160.00 $ 160.00 6 Pt126 0.05 4-044(M. Volkaert) 100. 00 100 . 00 6 Pt126 0. 10 4-043(R. Vaughan) 190.00 190.00 6 'Pt126 0.07 4-042 ( R. Matthews ) 130. 00 130. 00 6 Pt126 0.08 4-041 (F. Volkaert) ~ 140.00 140.00 6 Pt126 0.08 4-040( G. Palmer) 130. 00 130. 00 6 Pt126 0. 16 4-039(G. Cattrysse) 240.00 240.00 6 Pt126 0. 13 4-039-01 (T . Cronin) 180. 00 180.00' 6 Pt126 0. 15 4-038(A. Fehr) 210.00 210.00 6 Pt126 0. 14 4-038-02(R. Vaughan) 425. 00 200. 00 625.00 6 Pt126 0. 31 4-045(C . Ward ) 300.00 600 .00 900.00 6 Pt126 0. 16 4-045-03(C . Ward ) 425.00 260. 00 685 .00 6 Pt126 0. 26 4-045-02 (C . Ward ) 425.00 445 . 00 870.00 6 Pt126 0. 27 4-045-01 (C . Ward) 425.00 510. 00 935.00 *6 Pt126 0.4 4-053(F. Hermann) 900. 00 60. 00 _ 960. 00 Total Assessment on Lands $2, 900. 00 $3, 555.00 $6,455.00 County Road County of No. 38 0. 15 Elgin $ $ 590. 00 $ 590. 00 Lot Road Township of 126-127 0.24 Bayham 2,400. 00 600. 00 3,000'. 00 New Street 0.4 C . Ward 1 , 755. 00 1 , 300. 00 3, 055. 00 Total Assessment on Roads $4, 155.00 $2, 490. 00 $6, 645.00 Total Assessment on Branch "E" of Drain No. 1 $13, 100.00 NOTE : All the above lands are classified as non-agricultural except the one noted with an asterisk . . Page 1 Revised Januar;. 1983 SPECIFIC.TIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF `UNI:iiAL DRAINAGE WORKS GENERAL arI7IO,':S SCOPF The work to be done under this specification consists of supplying all labour, materials and equipment to construct the work as outlined on the drawing(s) . In some iunizipalities, the Contractor shall supply all materials while in other Muni- cipalities , he shall supply only certain materials . The Form of Tender and Agreement lists which materials are to be supplied by the Contractor. OF SITE, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS The tenderer must examine the premises and size to compare them with the draw- ' ings and specifications in order to satisfy himself of the existing conditions and the extent of the work to be done before submission of his tender. No allowance shall subsequently be made on behalf of the Contractor by reason of any error on his par: . Any estimates of quantities shown or indicated on the cravings or in the report are "neat" calculations and are provided for the convenience of the Tenderer. Any use made df these quantities by the Tenderer in calculating his tender shall be done at his own risk. The Tenderer for his own protection, should check :hese quantities for accuracy. The Contractor shall co-operate with all authorities to ensure that services and utilities are protected from damage during the performance of the work. The Contractor will be responsible for determining the exact location and elevation where necessary, of all utilities and services. The Contractor will be held liable for any damage to overhead and underground utilities and services caused by his operations. The Tenderer must satisfy himself that he understands the meaning and intent of the drawings and specifications before submission of his tender. ' The standard specifications have been separated into sections for reference purroses only. They shall be considered complementary and , where a project is controlled under one of the sections, the remaining sections will still apply for miscellaneous works . In case of any inconsistency or conflict in the Tender Documents, the following orJer of precedence shall apply: - Form of Tender and Agreement - Drawings - General Conditions - Standard Specifications - Open Drain, Tile Drain, Boring, Specifications for Municipal Drains Crossing Com:v Roads - Standard Drawings TENDERS Tenders are to be submitted on a lump sum basis for the ;omplee::e works or a , portion thereof , as set out in the Form of Tender and Agreement. ,. deposit. in the form of a certified cheque, payable to the Treasurer of ch': Municipality must accom- paay each tender as a guarantee of good faith and shall be in the amount specified on the form of Tender and Agreement . This deposit shall be retained until the suc- cessful Tenderer furnishes a Performance Bond for 100% of the amount of the tender or ocher satisfactory security, if required by the !Municipality. the Performance Bond shall ensure completion of the work and maintenance of the work for a period of one year after the date of the completion certificeate. The cheque deposited by the unsuccessful Tenderers will be returned without delay. Page 2 Revised January 1983 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD The award of the contract shall be subject to the approval of the project by the Ontario Municipal Board . COMMISSIONER The word "Commissioner" , as used hereinafter in these specifications, shall refer to a Drainage Commissioner or a Drainage Superintendent , appointed by the Municipality. The Commissioner will act as the Engineer' s representative. The Commissioner shall have the power to direct the execution of the work and to make any necessary minor adjustments. Any instructions given by the Commissioner, which changes considerably the proposed work or with which the Contractor does not agree , shall be referred to the Engineer for his decision. PERMITS, NOTICES, LAWS AND RULES The Contractor shall ensure that all necessary permits or licences required for the execution of the work have been obtained (but this shall not include per- manent easements or rights of servitude) . The Contractor shall give all necessary notices and pay all fees required by law and comply with all laws , ordinances , rules and regulations relating to the work and to the preservation of the public' s health and safety and if the specifications and drawings are a : variance therewith, any resulting additional expenses incurred by the Contractor shall constitute an addition to the contract price. • LIABILITY The Contractor shall protect, indemnify and save harmless, the Municipality from all actions, suits, losses and costs by reason or on account of any failure or negligence of the Contractor. The Contractor will be held liable for any damages or expenses occasioned by his failure to prosecute the work satisfactorily, or for any claim directly or indirectly arisifig under the contract . COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK The work must commence immediately after the Contractor is notified of the acceptance of his tender or at a later date, if set out as a condition of the tender, or if weather and ground conditions are unsuitable. The work must be pro- ceeded with in such a manner as to ensure its completion at the earliest possible date consistent with first class workmanship and within the time limit set out in the tender or in the contract documents . NOTICES RE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The Contractor shall give the Engineer and Commissioner a minimum of twenty- ! four (24) hours notice before commencement of work on any municipal drain. If the Contractor leaves the job site for a period of time after initiation of work, he shall give the Engineer and the Commissioner a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to returning to the project. RAILWAYS • A minimum of 48 hours notice in writing to the railway' s Division Engineer, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, is required by the Contractor prior to any work being performed on railway property and in the case of a pipe being installed under the tracks by open cutting, a minimum of 72 hours notice is re- quired . Page 3 Revised January 1983 FLOODS OR CASUALTIES The Contractor shall take all risks from floods or casualties of any kind . LiITAT IONS OF OPERATIONS • Except for such work as may be required by the Engineer to maintain the works in a safe and satisfactory condition, the Contractor shall not carry on his opera- tions under the contract on Sundays without permission in writing of the Municipa- . lity. SUB-CONTRACTORS The Contractor shall not sublet the whole or any part of the contract without the approval of the Engineer or Commissioner. SUPERVISION The Contractor shall give the work his constant supervision and shall keep a competent foreman in charge at the site. WORKING AREA AND ACCESS Unless otherwise specified on the drawings , the working area available to the Contractor to construct the drain and related works consists of those lands imme- diately adjacent to the course of the drain and works and shall not exceed an aver- age width of 15 meters. All owners of property where the drain is to be constructed shall make an access route from the nearest open road allowance to the drain available to the Contractor. The average width of the route shall not exceed 8 meters. The Con- tractor shall confirm- the actual location of the access route with each affected owner prior to entering onto private property. Should the specified widths become inadequate due to unusual conditions, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately in order that negotiations with the affected owners can take place. Where a Contractor exceeds the specified widths due to the nature of his operations and without authorization he shall be held responsible for the costs of all additional damages and the amount shall be deducted from his contract price and paid to the affected owners by the Municipality. FENCES • The Contractor shall provide each property owner with 2 days notice prior to removing any fences. The property owner shall endeavour to keep all livestock clear of the construction areas until further notified . Where necessary, the Con- tractor will be directed to erect temporary fences. The Contractor shall be held responsible for loss or injury to livestock or damage caused by livestock, where the injury or damage is caused by his failure to notify the property owner or through negligence or carelessness on the part of the Contractor. No earth is to be placed against fences and all fences removed by the Contrac- tor are to be replaced by him in as good condition as found. In general, the Con- tractor will not be allowed to cut existing fences but shall disconnect existing fences at the nearest anchor post or other such fixed joint and shall carefully roll it back out of the way. Where the distance to the closest anchor post or fixed joint exceeds 50 meters , the Contractor will be allowed to cut and splice in . ... ......................_......_.. . Page Revised January 1983 FENCES (Cont'd) accordance with accepted methods and to the satisfaction of the owner and the Engi- neer, or Commissioner. Where existing fences are deteriorated to the extent that existing materials are not salvageable for replacement, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer or the Commissioner prior to dismantling. Where an open ditch clean- out takes place and the depth of material removed renders an existing fence through the ditch incapable of containing livestock, the Contractor shall install such additional posts, and strands of wire so as to make the fence secure. Fences dama- . ged beyond salvaging by the Contractor 's negligence shall be replaced with new materials, similar to those existing, at the Contractor' s expense. The replacement of the fences shall be done to the satisfaction of the owner and the Engineer or Commissioner. The site examination should indicate to the Contractor such work, if any, and an allowance should be made in the tendered price. • The Contractor shall not leave any fence .open when he is not at work in the immediate vicinity. STANDING CROPS AND LIVESTOCK The Contractor shall not be held responsible for damages to standing crops within the working area available and the access route provided as noted previously if he notifies the owner thereof in writing at least 2 days prior to the commence- ment of the work on that portion. Similarily, the Contractor constructing a tile drain shall not be held responsible for damages or injury to livestock occasioned • by leaving trenches open for inspection by the Engineer if he notifies the owner in writing at least 2 days prior to commencement of the work on that portion. The Contractor will be held liable for such damages or injury if the backfilling of • such trenches is delayed more than 1 day after acceptance by the Engineer. INSPECTION Final inspection by the Engineer will be made within twenty days after he has received notice in writing from the Contractor that the work is complete. Periodic inspections by the Engineer or Commissioner will be made during the performance of the work. These interim inspections are required to check such items as location of drainage course and structures, tile grades prior to backfil- ling, backfilling and miscellaneous work items. ERRORS AND UNUSUAL CONDITIONS The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately of any error or unusual condition which may be found. Any attempt by the Contractor to make changes because of the error or unusual condition on his own shall be done at his own risk. • Any additional cost incurred by the Contractor to remedy a wrong decision on his part shall be borne by the Contractor. The Engineer shall make the alteration necessary to correct errors or to adjust for unusual conditions during which time it will be the Contractor's respon- sibility to keep his men and equipment gainfully employed elsewhere on the project. The contract amount shall be adjusted in accordance with a fair evaluation of the work added or deleted. ALTERAT ION S AND ADDITIONS The tngineer shall have the power to make alterations in the work shown or described in the drawings or specifications and the Contractor shall proceed to Page 5 Revised January 1983 • ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS (Cont'd) • make such changes without causing delay. In every such case, the price agreed to be paid for the work under the contract shall be increased or decreased as the case may require according to a fair and reasonable valuation of the work added or deleted. The valuation shall be determined as a result of negotiations between the Municipality, the Contractor , and the Engineer, but in all cases , the Engineer shall maintain the final responsibility for the decision. Such alterations and variations shall in no way render void the contract. No claim for variations or • alterations in the increased or decreased price shall be valid unless done in pur- suance of an order from the Engineer and notice of such claims made in writing before commencement of such work. In no case shall the Contractor commence work which he considers to be extra work before receiving the Engineer' s approval. ROAD CROSSINGS • All road crossings may be made with an. open cut unless otherwise noted. The exact location of the crossing shall be verifi~ed-ani approved by the Road Autho- rity and the Engineer. All surplus excavated material shall be levelled on the adjacent road allow- ance or disposed of, as noted on the drawings. The pipe shall be backfilled in accordance with the standard detailed drawing as noted on the drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible for the settling of the backfill. Where possible it may be advisable to let the backfill settle for `a few months before replacing • any surface treatment . All joints in surface treatment shall be neatly saw cut . The Contractor should arrange with a local resident to keep the crossing in repair. A small load of gravel may be deposited at the side of the road in the event that any settlement does occur. All road crossings shall meet the approval of the Road Authority. For County road crossings, see "Specifications for Municipal Drains Crossing County Roads" . LANEWAYS • All surface pipes under laneways shall be backfilled in accordance with the standard detailed drawing as noted on the drawings. Where a tile drain is to be located under a laneway, that portion of the drain within the travelled portion of the lane shall be corrugated metal pipe of a size, type and length as noted on the drawings. The installation and backfil- ling shall be in accordance with the standard detailed drawing as noted on the drawings. Any settling of the granular backfill shall be repaired by the Contractor as soon as required. Existing surface treatment shall be replaced to its original condition by the Contractor. All joints in surface treatment shall be neatly saw cut. EXCESS TILE If the tile is supplied by the Municipality, the Contractor shall stockpile `'all excess tile in readily accessible locations for pickup by the Municipality upon the completion of the Job. Page 6 Revised January 1983 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT BY THE MUNICIPALITY If the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should refuse or fail to supply enough pro- perly skilled workmen or proper materials after having received seven (7) days notice in writing from the Engineer to supply additional workmen or materials, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to sub-contractors or for material or • labour or persistently disregarding laws , ordinances, or the instruction of the Engineer, or otherwise being guilty of a substantial violation of the provisions of the contract , then the Municipality, upon the certification of the Engineer that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may without prejudice to any other right or remedy, by giving the Contractor written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of .all mater- ials , tools and appliances, thereon, and complete the work by whatever method the Engineer may deem expedient, but without undue delay or expense . In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receiv ' further payment until the work is completed. If the unpaid balance of the contract price will exceed the expense of completing the work, including compensation to the Engineer for his additional services , such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense will exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Munici- pality. The expense incurred by the Municipality, as herein provided, shall be certified by the Engineer. Where a Contractor fails to commence work within seven (1) days of his commencement date as indicated by him on his Tender Form, and such extension of time as allowed due to poor weather or ,ground conditions , then the Municipality shall have the option, after providing the Contractor with seven (7) days notice of their intention to terminate the contract , award the contract to another Contractor at their discretion by retendering the project, inviting bids or by appointment. The additional costs of retendering, and all other administra- tion costs shall be deducted from the Contractor's bid deposit and the balance, if any, returned to him. PAYMENT Progress payments equal to 80t% of the value of the work done and materials incorporated in the work will be made to the Contractor on the written request of the Contractor to the Engineer. An additional 17±2 will be paid 37 days after the final acceptance by the Engineer and 3±Z of the contract price may be reser- ved by the Municipality for one year. After the completion of the work, any part of this reserve may be used to correct defects which may develop within that time from faulty workmanship ormaterial or loose backfill , provided that notice shall first be given to the Contractor and that he may promptly make good such defects, if he desires. MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall repair and make good any damages or faults in the drain that may appear within one year after its completion (as evidenced by the final payment certificate) as the result of imperfect or defective work done or materials furnished by the Contractor. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any way restricting or limiting the liability of the Contractor under the laws of the Country, Province or Locality in which the work is being done. Page 7 Revised January 1983 OPEN DRAIN STAKES Stakes are set along the course of the drain at intervals of 50 meters. The Contractor shall ensure that the stakes are not disturbed unless approval is obtained from the Engineer. Any stakes removed by the Contractor without the authority of the Engineer, shall be replaced at the expense of the Contractor. Any stakes which are removed or disturbed by others or by livestock, shall be replaced at the expense of the drain. ` PROFILE The profile drawing shows the depth of cuts from the ground beside the stake to the final invert of the ditch in meters and decimals of a meter and also the approximate depth of cuts from the existing bottom of the"--411& to the final in- vert of the ditch. These cuts are established for the convenience of the Con- tractor ; however, bench marks will govern the final elevation of the drain. Bench marks have been established along the course of the drain and their locations and elevations are noted on the profile drawing. A uniform grade shall be main- tained between stakes in accordance with the profile drawing. AL IGNMEN T • The drain shall be constructed in a straight line and shall follow the course of the present drain or water run unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Where it is necessary to straighten any bends or irregularities in alignment not noted on the drawings , the Contractor shall contact the Engineer or Commissioner before commencing the work. All curves shall be made with a minimum radius of 15 meters. CLEARING AND GRUBBING Prior to commencement of drain construction, all trees, scrub, fallen timber and debris shall be removed from the banks of the drain and for such a distance on each side so as to eliminate any interference with the construction of the drain or the spreading of the spoilbank. The banks shall be cleared whether or not they are affected directly by the excavation. With the exception of lage stumps causing damage to the drain, the banks shall not be grubbed. All other cleared areas shall be grubbed and the stumps put into piles for disposal by the owner. All trees or limbs 150mm (b") or greater in diameter necessarily removed will be considered logs and are to be properly cut and trimmed and left for the owner. All scrub, limbs, debris, etc. smaller than 150mm (6") in diameter shall be cut in 5m lengthi and put in piles separate from the logs for disposal by the owner. In wooded or heavily overgrown areas, the scrub, debris , etc. may be pushed into piles back out of the way but shall not be pushed against any standing trees. No windrowing will be permitted. The clearing and grubbing and construction of the drain are to be carried out in two separate operations and not simultane- ously at the same location. EXCAVATION The bottom width and the side slopes of the ditch shall be those shown on the profile draving.4 Side slopes are normally one and one-half meters horizontal to one meter vertical unless otherwise noted on the profile drawing. Bottom widths will vary with the size of the drain. Page 8 Revised January 1983 EXCAVATION (Cont'd) Unless otherwise specified on the drawings, only the existing ditch bottom is to be cleaned out and the banks are not to be disturbed. Where existing banks have collapsed, new banks are to be constructed with minimum 11: 1 side slopes and be hand seeded with an approved seed mixture. Where existing banks become unstable because of construction, the Contractor shall immediately contact the Engineer or Commissioner. Alternative methods of construction and/or methods of protection will then be determined , prior to continuing the work. Where an existing drain is being relocated or where a new drain is being con- structed, the Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified , strip the topsoil from • the full width of the drain, including the location of the spoil pile. Upon com- pletion of levelling, the topsoil shall be spread to an even depth across the full width of the spoil. ROADS Where an open drain is being removed from a road allowance, it must be recon- structed wholly on the adjacent lands with a minimum buffer strip, 2.00 meters in width on the roadway side of the ditch, unless otherwise noted on the drawings. The excavated material shall be used to fill the existing open ditch and any excess excavated material shall be placed and levelled on the adjacent Iazda.= Any work done on the road allowance, with respect, to excavation, disposal of materials, installation of culverts , cleaning under bridges , etc. , shall be to the satisfac- tion of the Road Authority and the Engineer. BRIDGES AND CULVERT PIPES • The Contractor shall excavate the drain to the full specified depth and width under all bridges. Temporary bridges may be carefully removed and left on the bank of the drain but shall be replaced by the Contractor when the excavation is com- pleted unless otherwise specified. Permanent bridges must be left intact . All necessary care and precautions shall be taken to protect the structure. The Con- tractor shall notify the Engineer or Commi4sioner if excavation may cause the structure to undermine or collapse. Where specified on the drawings, the existing. culvert shall be carefully re- moved, salvaged and either left at the site for the owner or reinstalled at a new grade or location. The value of any damage caused to the culvert due to the Con- tractor's negligence in salvage operation will be determined and deducted from the contract price. All pipe culverts shall be installed in accordance with the standard detailed drawing as noted on the drawings. EXCAVATED MATERIAL Excavated material shall be deposited on either or both sides of the drain as indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer or Commissioner. In general, the material shall be deposited 'on the low side of the drain or opposite trees and fences. A buffer strip not less than 2 meters in width shall be left along the top edges of the drain. No excavated material shall be placed in tributary drains, depressions, or low areas which direct water. into the ditch so that water will be trapped behind the spoilbank. Beyond the buffer strip, the excavated material shall be placed and levelled to a maximum depth of 300mm, unless instructed otherwise. The edge of the spoilbank away from the ditch shall be feathered down to the existing ground; the edge of the spoilbank nearest the ditch shall have a maximum slops of 2 to 1. The Page 9 Revised January 1983 EXCAVATED MATERIAL (Cont'd) material shall be levelled such that it may be cultivated with ordinary farm equip- ment without causing undue hardship on machinery and personnel. No excavated material shall cover any logs, scrub, debris , etc. of any kind. Where it is necessary to straighten any unnecessary bends or irregularities in the alignment of the ditch, the excavated material from the new cut shall be used for backfilling the original ditch. Regardless of the distance between the new ditch and the old ditch no extra compensation will be allowed for this work and must be included in the Contractor' s lump sum price for the open work. A written statement from the owners indicating their complete satisfaction with the levelling of the spoilbank is sufficient to comply with this specifica- tion. The final decision, with respect to levelling of the spoilbank, shall be made by the Engineer or Commissioner. TRIBUTARY OUTLETS The Contractor shall guard against damaging the outlets of tributary drains. Prior to commencement of excavation on each property the Contractor shall contact the owner and request that all known outlet pipes be marked by the owner. All out- lets so marked or visible, and subsequently damaged by the Contractor ' s operations will be repaired by the Contractor at his cost. All unknown outlet pipes damaged by the operations will be repaired by. the Contractor and the costs will be consi- dered an addition to the contract price. RIP-RAP PROTECTION The extent and type-'of protection shall be as specified on the-drawings and shall be installed in accordance with the section "Rip-Rap . Protection" set out -on Page 14 of the specifications and on the detailed drawings. COMPLETION At the time of completion and ,final inspection, all work in the contract shall have the full dimensions and cross-sections specified without any allowance for caving of the banks or sediment in the bottom. All newly constructed or 'disturbed banks shall be hand seeded daily with an approved seed mixture. The rate of application shall be 84 kg. per ha. unless otherwise specified. r Page 10 Revised January 1983 TILE DRAIN MATERIALS A) Tile All tile installed under these specifications shall be sound and of first quality and shall meet all A. S.T.M. Specifications current at the time of tendering as set out in Designation C4 and C498 for Clay Tile; C412 for Con- crete Tile; C14 for Concrete Sewer Pipe 450mm (18") diameter or less; and C76 for Concrete Sewer Pipe greater than 450mm (18") diameter. Where closed joints are specified, joints shall conform to the A. S.T.M. Specification C443. The Engineer shall have the right to order such tests as he deems necessary to be made upon the tile, including that of testing by an independent testing laboratory . The costs of all such tests shall be borne by the party supplying the tile. • B) Metal Pipe Unless otherwise specified all metal pipe shall be corrugated, rivetted steel pipe with a minimum wall thickness of 1 . 6mm (16 gauge) and shall be fully galvanized. STAKES • Stakes are set along the course of the drain at intervals of 50 meters. The Contractor will ensure that the stakes are not disturbed unless approval is ob- tained from the Engineer. CLEARING AND GRUBBING Prior to commencement of drain construction, all trees, scrub, fallen timber and debris shall be cleared and grubbed from the working area. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum width to be cleared and grubbed shall be 20 meters in all hardwood areas and 30 meters in all softwood areas (willow, poplar, etc. ) , the width being centered on the line of the drain. All trees or limbs 150mm (6") or greater in diameter necessarily removed will be considered logs and are to be properly cut and trimmed and left for the owner. All scrub, limbs, debris, etc. smaller than 150mm (6") in diameter shall be cut in 5m lengths and put in piles separate from the logs for disposal by the owner. In wooded or heavily overgrown areas, the scrub, debris, etc. , may be pushed into piles back out of the way but shall not be pushed against any standing trees. No windrowing will be permitted. The clearing and grubbing and construction of • the drain are to be carried out in two separate operations and not simultaneously at the same location. • SURFACE PREPARATION AND RESTORATION Where the depths of cuts as shown on the profile exceed the capacity of the Contractor's tiling machine, he shall lower the surface grade in order that the machine may trench to the correct depth. Topsoil is to be stripped over a suffi- cient width that no subsoil will be deposited on top of topsoil. Subsoil will then be removed to the required depth and piled separately. Upon completion of backfilling the topsoil will then be replaced to an even depth over the disturbed area. The cost for this work shall be included in his tender price. ?age II • Revised January 1983 SURFACE PREPARATION AND RESTORATION (Cont'd) Where the Contractor ' s tiling machine does not have the capacity to dig to :he depths required or to install the size of tile specified, he may, at his cost , after obtaining the approval of the Engineer, install the drain or portions there- of using a backhoe. Areas where the drain is installed by backhoe shall first be stripped of topsoil over a sufficient width that no subsoil will be deposited on top of topsoil. Upon completion of backfilling, the topsoil will then be replaced to an even depth over the disturbed area. LINE Prior to stringing the tile, the Contractor shall contact the Commissioner or the Engineer in order to establish the course of the drain. The drain shall run in as straight a line as possible throughout its length, except. that at intersections of other water courses or at sharp corners , it shall run on a curve of at least a 15 meter radius . - The new tile.4,rai. shall be con- structed at an offset from and generally parallel with any ditch or defined water- course in order that fresh backfill in the trench will not be eroded by the flow of surface water. The Contractor shall exercise care not to disturb any existing tile drain or drains which parallel the course of the new drain, particularly where the new and the existing tile act together to provide the necessary capacity. PROFILE The profile drawing shows the depth of cuts from the ground beside the stake to the final invert of the drain in meters and decimals of a meter. These cuts • are established for the convenience of the Contractor; however, bench marks will govern the final elevation of the drain. Bench marks have been established along the course of the drain and their locations and elevations are noted on the pro- file drawing. GRADE The Contractor shall provide and maintain•in good working condition, an approved system of establishing a grade sight line to ensure the completed works conform to the profile drawing. In order to confirm the condition of his system and to eliminate the possibility of minor errors on the drawings , he shall ensure his grade sight line has been confirmed to be correct between a minimum of two control points (bench marks) and shall spot check the actual cuts and compare with the plan cuts prior to commencement of tile installation. He shall continue this procedure from control point to control point as construction of the drain pro- gresses. When installing a drain towards a fixed point such as a bore pipe, he shall uncover the pipe and confirm the elevation, using the sight line, a suffi- • cient distance away from the pipe in order to allow for any necessary minor grade adjustments to be made in order to conform to the as built elevation of the bore pipe. All tile improperly installed due to the Contractor not following these procedures shall be removed and replaced entirely at the Contractor' s cost. When following the procedures and a significant variation is found , the Con- tractor shall immediately cease operations and advise the Engineer. EXCAVAT IO N Unless otherwise specified, all trenching shall be done with a recognized farm tiling machine approved• by the Engineer or Commissioner. The machine shall be capable of shaping the bottom of the trench to receive the lower segment of the tile. Page 12 Revised January 1983 EXCAVATION (Cont'd) Where the use of a backhoe for excavation is either specified on the drawings , or approved by the Engineer upon request of the Contractor, the lower portion of the trench shall be shaped to receive the lower segment of the tile. In clay soils , all ridges in the trench bottom caused by the bucket teeth shall be removed and the lower portion of the trench shaped by hand. Alternatively, the Contractor may elect to overdig and then bring the trench bottom up to grade using granular mater- ial shaped to receive the tile. The maximum depth of granular material allowed under the tile without compaction shall be 150mm. QUICKSAND AND ROCK The Contractor shall immediately contact the Engineer or Commissioner if quick- sand is encountered, or if boulders of sufficient size and number are encountered such that installation with, a tiling machine is not possible. The Engineer shall, after consultation with the Commissioner and Contractorz—lifErmine the action neces- sary and a price for additions or deletions shall be agreed upon prior to further drain installation. Where directed by the Engineer, test holes are to be dug to determine the extent of the affected area. Cost of test holes shall be considered an addition to the contract price. INSTALLATION The tile is to be laid with close fitting joints and in regular grade and alignment in accordance with the plan and profile drawings. The tiles are to be bevelled, if necessary, to ensure close joints (in particular around curves) . Where, in heavy clay soils, the width of a joint exceeds 10mm (3/8") the joint shall be wrapped with a 450mm (18") width of polyethylene. Where the width of a joint exceeds 20mm (3/4") the tile shall be removed and the joint bevelled to re- duce the gap. Where a drain connects to catchbasin, ditch inlet or junction box structures, the Contractor shall include in his tender price for the supply and installation of a minimum length of 2 meters of metal pipe at each connection to the structure. The size of the metal pipe shall be such that the tile will fit inside it to provide a solid connection. The connections will then be grouted. `'here a tile drain passes through a bore pit, the Tile Contractor shall include in his tender price for the supply and placement of compacted granular bedding from the underside of the pipe down to undisturbed soil within the limits of the bore pit . Where soil conditions warrant, the Engineer sty require that each tile joint be wrapped around the full perimeter with a 450ms (18") width of synthetic filter cloth. Typical, cloths meeting the requirements are: TEXEL 7607 or TERRAFIX 2748 or approved equal. Any such work shall be considered as an addition to the con- tract price unless specified on the drawings. BACKFILLING As the laying of the tile progresses, partial filling is to be made at the r sides sufficient to hold the tile in place.. After the laying operations have been approved by the Engineer or Commissioner, the tile shall be blinded manually with topsoil as much as practical to a depth of 150mm above the top of the tile and then the r¢mainder of the excavated material shall be used to restore and maintain the natural surface of the ground. Upon completion a minimum cover of 600ms is required over all tile. Page 13 Revised January 1983 TRIBUTARY DRAINS • Any tributary tile encountered in the course of the drain is to be carefully taken up by the Contractor and placed clear of the excavated earth. If the tri- butary tile drains encountered are clean or reasonably clean, they shall be con- nected into the new drain using a slope not greater than 3 meters horizontal to I meter vertical. Where existing drains are full of sediment, or contain pollutants , the decision to connect those drains to the new drain shall be left to the Engi- neer or Commissioner. Each tributary tile connection made by the Contractor shall be located and marked with a stake and no backfilling shall take place until the connection has been approved by the Engineer or Commissioner. The connection at the new drain shall be securely grouted . Where an open drain is being replaced by a tile drain, existing tile outlets entering the ditch from the side opposite the new drain shall be extended to the new drain. All existing metal outlet pipes shall be carefully removed , salvaged , and left for the owner. Where the grade of the co ectsion passes through the newly placed backfill in the ditch, the backfill material below the connection shall be thoroughly compacted and metal pipe of a size compatible with the tile outlet shall be installed so that a minimum length of 2 meters at each end is extending into undisturbed soil. Where locations of tiles are shown on the drawings the Contractor shall in- clude in his tender price, all costs for connecting those tiles to the new drain regardless of length. Where tiles not shown on the drawings are encountered in the course of the drain, and are to be connected to the new drain, the Contractor shall be paid for each connection at the rate outlined in the Form of Tender and Agreement . The length of connection in excess of 3 meters will be considered an addition to the contract price. OUTLET PROTECTION' Corrugated metal pipe shall be used to protect the tile at its outlet. It shall have a hinged metal grate with a maximum spacing between bars of 40mn. ' The corrugated metal pipe shall be bevelled at the end to generally conform to the slope of the ditch bank and shall be of sufficient size that the tile can be in- serted into it to provide a solid connection. The connection will then be grouted. The installation of the outlet pipe and the required rip-rap protection shall conform to the standard detailed drawing as noted on the drawing. STANDARD CATCHBASINS AND DITCH INLET CATCHBASINS Unless otherwise noted, catchbasins shall be constructed using a minimum 20 MPa concrete with inside dimensions 600mm square , walls and floors 15Omm thick and the bottom 600mma below the invert of the lowest tile. The catchbasin top shall be a substantial iron grate, easily removable for cleaning. Where a catchbasin is located on a road allowance, the type of catchbasin and grate to be used and its proposed location and elevation shall be approved by the Road Authority or the Engineer. The drawings shall designate whether the catchbasin is to be on the drain or offset . Catchbasins offset from the drain shallhave metal pipe leads of 200mm diameter unless otherwise noted and the leads shall have a minimum of 600mm of cover. The leads shall be securely grouted at the structures and the drain. Standard catchbas ins and ditch inlet catchbasins located on Provincial High- ways shall be in accordance with the current M.T.C. Standards for the size and type of structure, and for the grating. Page 14 Revised January 1983 STANDARD CATCHBASINS AND DITCH INLET CATCHBASINS (Cont 'd) All catchbasins shall be backfilled with granular backfill material placed to a minimum width of 300mm on all sides. The material shall be satisfactorily tamped. Where the Contractor has over excavated or where ground conditions warrant, the structure shall be installed on a compacted granular base. The Contractor shall include in his tender price for the construction of a berm behind all ditch inlet structures. The berm shall be constructed of earth and be seeded unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall also include for regrading, shaping and seeding of ditches for a maximum of 10 meters each away from all ditch inlet structures and standard catchbasins. JUNCTION BOXES Junction boxes shall be constructed of 20 MPa co rete. The sides and bottom shall have a minimum thickness of 150mm and the top shall be designed to accept an H2O loading. The inside dimensions of the box shall be a minimum of 100mm larger than the outside diameter of the largest pipe being connected. The minimum cover over the junction box shall be 600mm. All connections shall be securely grouted. BLIND INLET CATCHBASINS Where specified on the drawings, blind inlet catchbasins shall be installed • along the course of the drain. Blind inlet catchbasins shall be constructed to conform to the standard detailed drawing as noted on the drawings. RIP-RAP PROTECTION Prior to placement of protection the base shall be adequately compacted and shaped so that the •finished surface of the rip-rap will be at the specified slope and flush with adjacent surfaces. The base shall be constructed such that; the lower limit of rip-rap is keyed into the toe of slope 300mm; the outside limits are situated on 600mm of undisturbed base and the upper limit is keyed into the top of the slope 300mm. The area to be protected shall be covered with approved synthetic filter material . Where the type of protection does not allow drainage to pass through, weep holes shall be provided at regular intervals. The weep holes shall consist of 37smm (11") diameter pipe and shall extend from the filter material through the protection. (See standard detailed drawings) . (a) Sacked Concrete The bags shall be manufactured of burlap with nominal dimensions of 450mm x 4.00mm x 150mm when filled with concrete. The concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 15MPa and shall be deposited into the bags in a homogenous state and may be either site mixed or supplied "ready- mixed". The bags shall be placed with the largest dimensions in a horizon- tal plans with each row set back to provide the specified slope . The bags • shall be placed with staggered vertical joints . (b) Field Stone or Quarry Stone Stone shall consist of random size material with a minimum nominal size of .01423 (i cu. ft. ) installed to a thickness of 300mm. Larger material shall be installed in the key way at the toe of slope and in the lover portion of the slops. The surface shall be chinked with smaller material 'to eliminate voids and where specified, shall be covered with Wet concrete. • • Page 15 Revised January 1983 BORING SCOPE OF WORK Where boring is a requirement of the contract, the Contractor shall include in his lump sum price for the supply of all labour and equipment to complete the work as specified. The responsibility for supplying the bore pipe ,shall be as set out on the Form of Tender and Agreement and the Contractor is cautioned to ensure he is aware of who is to supply the material. LOCATION • Specified notice shall be given to the Engineer and the owning authority so that the exact location of the bore can be established. MATERIAL The bore pipe shall consist of new, smooth wall steel pipe, meeting the require- ments of H2O loading for road crossings and E80 loading for railway crossings. The minimum size, wall thickness and length shall be as shown on the drawings . Where welding is required, the entire circumference of any joint shall be welded using currently accepted welding practices . SITE PREPARATION AND EXCAVATION Where necessary, fences shall be carefully taken down as specified in the General Conditions . Prior to any excavation taking place, all areas which will be disturbed shall be stripped of topsoil. The topsoil is to be stockpiled in locations away from the bore operation, off the line of future tile placement and out of existing water runs or ditches . The bore pit shall be located at the upstream end of the bore unless otherwise specified. INSTALLATION The pipe shall be installed in specified line and grade by a combination of boring and jacking. Upon completion of the operations, both ends of the bore pipe shall be left uncovered until the elevation has been confirmed by the Engineer or Commissioner. The ends of the bore pipe shall be securely blocked off and the location mar- ked by means of a stake extending from the pipe invert to 300mm above the surroun- ding ground surface. .QUICKSAND OR ROCK The Contractor shall contact the Engineer immediately should quicksand be encountered or if boulders of sufficient size and number to warrant concern are encountered. Any bore pipe partially installed shall be left in place until alternative methods or techniques are determined by the Engineer after consulta- tion with the Contractor, the Commissioner and the owning authority. TILE CONNECTIONS Prior to commencement of backfilling, all tile encountered in excavations shall befreconnected using material of a size comparable to the existing material. Where the excavation is below the tile grade, a compacted granular base is to be placed prior to laying the tile. Payment for each connection will be made at the rate outlined in the Form of Tender and Agreement. • Page 16 Revised January 1983 BACKFILL unless otherwise specified , all excavation shall be backfilled with on site material and left slightly higher than the surrounding ground. Surplus material from the boring operation shall be removed from the site at the Contractor ' s expense. RESTORATION • The entire affected area shall be shaped and graded to original lines and grades , the topsoil replaced, and the area seeded down at the rate of 84 kg. per ha. unless otherwise specified. Fences shall be restored to their original condition in accordance with the General Conditions . • Where a project includes the connection of a tile drain to or from the bore pipe, it shall be the tile Contractor' s responsibility to carrt�the specified restoration over areas disturbed by the boring contractor and which coincide with his working areas. ti • Page 17 Revised January 1953 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MUNICIPAL DRAINS CROSSING COUNTY ROADS 1 . These specifications supplement the conditions outlined in the Specifications for the Construction of Municipal Drainage Works , but in no way limit the County' s Specifications and Regulations governing the construction of drains on the County' s Road Allowance. 2. The County will supply no labour, equipment or materials for the construction of the road crossing. 3. Before proceeding with any work on County Road property, the Contractor shall ensure a road crossing permit has been obtained and he shall notify the County Engineer and the Drainage Engineer or Commissioner, a minimum of 48 hours in advance (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) . A site meeting shall be held with the affected parties to review in detail .the crossing and/or its related works. The County Inspector and the Drainage Eng4n'6-40t will inspect the work while in progress to ensure that the work is done in strict accordance with the specifications . 4. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall keep the road open to traffic at all times. The Contractor shall provide suitable warning signs and/or flag- men to the satisfaction of the County Engineer to notify the motorists of work on the road ahead. Where the Contractor is permitted to close the road to through traffic, the Contractor shall provide for and adequately sign the detour route. 5. The drawings will specify the type of crossing which is to be constructed L.A. by boring or by open cut. 6. Boring shall be carried out in accordance with the section of the Specifica- tions for the Construction of Municipal Drainage Works entitled "Boring" except that: - Bore pits shall be kept back at least 1 meter from the edge of pavement and where bore pits are made in any portion of the shoulder, the excavated 1 material shall be disposed of off the road allowance and the pit backfilled with thoroughly compacted Granular "A" for its entire depth. - Bore pits and excavations outside of the shoulder area may be backfilled with native material compacted to a density of 952 Standard Proctor. All disturbed areas shall be neatly shaped, have the topsoil replaced and seeded with a good quality grass mixtuire. 7. Open Cut shall be carried out in accordance with the section of the Specifics- ' tions for the Construction of Municipal Drainage Works entitled "General Con- ditions" sub-section "Road Crossings" except that: - the excavated material removed from the travelled portion of the road and the full width of the shoulder shall be removed and disposed of off the road allowance. - backfill material for the excavation on the travelled portion and shoulders shall be as follows: - a) from the bottom of the excavation to a level 300mm below the road grade - the material shall meet the requirements for M.T.C. Granular B or C . The backfill' shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 300mm in thickness and each lift shall be thoroughly compacted to produce a density of 100% Standard Proctor. Page 18 Revised January 1983 7. (Cont'd) • b) the top 300mm of backfill material shall meet the requirements for M.T.C. Granular "A" and shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 150mm in thickness and each lift shall be thoroughly compacted to produce a density of 100% Standard Proctor. c) where the road surface is paved, the Contractor shall be responsible for placing an HL-4 Hot 'fix Asphalt patch of the same thickness as the existing pavement. The asphalt patch shall be flush with the existing roadway on each side and not overlap. If the asphalt patch is not placed immediately over the backfill , the Granular "A" shall be brought up flush with the existing asphalt and a liberal amount • of calcium chloride shall be spread on the gravel surface. The asphalt patch must be completed within 10 days of cutting theing th• e pav"'-,-- d) the excavated material from the trench beyond a point 1 . 25 meters from the travelled portion or beyond the outside edge of the gravel shoulder, may be replaced in the trench in the case of covered drains. This material should be compacted in layers not exceeding 600mm. The finished work shall be left in a clean and orderly manner, flush with or slightly higher than the adjacent ground, topsoil replaced, and seeded with a good quality grass seed mixture to the requirements of the County Engineer. • 8. The type, location on the right-of-way and the elevations of the catchbasins-, inlets and junction boxes shall be as required by the County Engineer or the Drainage Engineer. Catchbasins shall conform with the following: - - unless otherwise specified on the drawings all catchbasins shall be of the ditch inlet type conforming to M.T.C. Standard DD-729 Type B or DD-730 Type A or as manufactured by an approved supplier. Catchbasin grates shall conform to M.T.C. Standard DD-710 or as manufactured by an approved supplier. - where standard type catchbasins are specified, they shall conform to M.T.C. Standard DD-702-A, or as manufactured by an approved supplier. Standard catchbasin grates shall conform to M.T.C. Standard DD-710 or as manufactured by an approved supplier. 9. The Contractor shall advise the County Road Department when work on the road allowance is completed so that the County may arrange for inspection. • • 4 CULVERT INSTALLATION • 1 I I • 300 mm OF M.TC. GRANULAR -A. i 1 1 • I I Z11 1 1 . i APPROVED GRANULAR C.M CULVERT,-- N._ FILL (M.T.C. GRANULAR • B. OR "C TO SE SIZE , TYPE 8 = y' I PLACED IN 300mm LENGTH TO 8E f LAYERS ON EACH SIDE , AS NOTED ON AS NOTE S " SIMULTANEOUSLY AND DR ' x .THOROUGHLY :1 Si PROPOSED O I TCH BOTTOM (IMPACTED. /. ;1~: ' 1 INVERT TO BE 100 ram i 3L'Yknni BELOW PROPOSED DITCH BOTTOM UNLESS 8E0OING MATERIAL. SHALL OTH RWISE SPECIFIED . 1 • SE PEA GRAVEL OR COARSE SAND SASE. ' HALF` HALF ELEVATION _ '.VECTION • NOTES • 1 ) PROVIDE LAYER OF COMPACTED CLAY AROUND UPSTREAM ENO OF PIPE YID PREVENT SEEPAGE UNDER PIPE. TYPICAL ROAD SURFACE CULVERT , 1414.4. n . N.T.S. .wr w. JO• NO. M w OMNI 6424...4444 • s, JAN.- 196 3 wr wa�r I SECT$ 0 N S 1IAMOAS0 017A IUD "i ORAW IM SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON . UM1TED Mk tai CONSULT I NG ENGI N E ERI • SACKED CONCRETE RIP-RAP TO EXTEND FROM 30Omm BELOW DITCH BOTTOM TO TO TOP OF LANEWAY AND 600mrn INTO ,,-- 37ren+ (I'/2') DW. PIPE AS WEEP UNDISTURBED SOIL ON FACE OF BANK ff ,/ HOLES (6 AT EACH ENO) // (WITH FILTER BLANKET) . ITCH • / . r300mm( MIN. COVER) • I � t.��� v • 1 I• I BACKFILL TO BE S t PLACED IN 300 mm . -� - . LAYERS ON: BOTH illik SIDES SIMULTANEOUSLY w 6 • I . 3COnyn AND THOROUGHLY —�+ M _ COMPACTED. eI '& 7 1600Jmm BEDDING MATERIAL TO BE SHAPED TO ACCEPT NEW PROPOSED INVERT ELEVATION CULVERT . TO EBE A IM I NIMUM OF IOO(nm BELOW PROPOSED DITCH GRADE CA AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. • SECTION C LANEWAY WEEP HOLE—\ J. 6 m MIN. q I ` 300mni (MIN, COVER ) 1 r saw . NW ; � N .r ....•.....................,.r...................v.....-...f am 1� imp ago • • FILTER NOTES BLANKET I1 WHERE THE CULVERT IS TO BE INSTALLED CINDER A FARM ACCESS CROSS SECTION • LANE, BEDDING BI BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE M.T.C. GRANULAR "B' AND THE TOP ISO'nen TO SE M.T.C. GRANULAR 'A. 2) WHERE THE CULVERT IS TO BE ' ► INSTALLED UNDER A FIELD ENTRANCE. TYPICAL FARM CULVERT WOOING S AACKFIILL MATERIAL S BALL 9E APPROVED ON `517E� FILL. rws. N.T.S. .I.NIwrID ar. JOA N O. aarrae we 6a.....1C1C Mak JAN. II3 r ammo f` - • 1 t SECTIONS s TAsOMII) D[TAtL@ OAAV*s SPINET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED Mk 02 CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 TRAVELLED PORTION CF' ROAD OR LANE WAY (INCLUOING SHOULDER) GRANULAR MATERIAL • • • C.MP.—SIZE,TYPE AND LENGTH AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS =� - . '�"�•--.TILE INSERTED ISO mn INTO C.M.P. ANO JOINT GROUTED . ELEVATION t DRAIN INSTALLATION 300mm M.T.C. GRANULAR "A . . - . • • . • M.T.C. GRANULAR r OR • ( 6 ppE s Lapp, ; 300mm r ` --f VARI f.,S _ NOTES SOOmref-- s•--500 mm iI CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ANY ASPHALT PAVEMENT OR OTHER SURFACE TREATMENT. 2) ALL GRANULAR MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 300n+m IN SECTION DEPTH AND SHALL. 8E THOROUGHLY COMPACTED WITH AN APPROVED TYPE MECHANIC L. VIBRATING COMPACTOR TO PpOOUCE A DENSITY OF 100% STANDARD TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAIL FOR TILE PROCTOR . DRAINS UNDER ROADS & ACCESS LANES 3/REMAINING BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL 8E (SEPT PROVINCIAL R COUNTY DS ) APPROVED ON SITE MATER IAL COMPACTED .a A DENS!TY OF 95 Ifo STANDAR!? , N.T.5• **woo s.. a O a N O. *won rr COy.iGt ems. JAN. 1983 ir.Orr PROCTOR ELEVATION & SECTION STAN OMR 0 DETA/LLD 101111 SPINET ASSOCIATES LONDON L16 4TED oO 03 CONSULTING ENGINEERS O3 SACRED CONCRETE RIP-RAP-- . UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED , 37mm(I V) DIA PIPE' --..... AS WEEP HOLES N-,. .- Iof -----,- EXCAVATED DITCH 1 I • ___ BOTTOM AS SP£CIF1E Di : i 130m+t„ +�� �'ir • i18141111 smrassMIMMIP MIN. 3400 RIM OR t4r,44 � ..._ _._—_ . ".i-- ) a AS SP£C1FlE0 � �7 ,.....,-r - Elm C.M.P. OUTLET PIPE 0 _ 300mn� ....- 1 TILE INSERTED ---•FILTER 3m ISO rnm INTO C.M.P. BLANKET AND JOINT GROUTED SECTION 1 ( T T 1 eLI,r r !, mi MIN. WIDTH ti ��4r VARIES I , �'.:g:�. 11 4. moi. --�- g ll1 , i t �� SURFACE R LILA Alitt 41111 air —earlli.111-16116,.-104 wiPsipa damsel 1 t rig ieri lirre 4if r 1 I a,�iit +► tP-RAP PROTECTION TO EXTEND AROUND END OF DITCH . PLAN • NATES I) -RAP TO EXTEND UP THE SLOPE TO I METER ABOVE TOP OF OUTLET PIPE. 2) E DACE RIJN ENTERS END TYPICAL OUTLET PIPE OF D(TCN , RIP-RASP TO EX TEND TO TOP THROUGH END OF DITCH OF SLOPE AND I METER BEYOND. .4u►. N.T.$• A..rM4111"4 I JO Il N O. ' waw«r c... GaC. RIP-AIAP TO BE CHANNELLED 10 Dowry ' MATER OVER RIP-RAP PROTECTION. ••'s. .L/W. 1963 110,418111 i , PLAN & SECTION STAIMOIMO CCM L CO W MI SPR IET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED No • CONSULTING ENENNEER3 NO. 04 SLOPE TO CONFORM TO EXIST . DITCH . SACKED CONCRETE RIP-RAP UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1m C ii 150 mm ---. i • \ /y/� 1 US . *. . r r ..r f SNP MIN. 300mfn OR y '`� w r.411111111, Gm C.M P AS SPECIFIED 'r '�"i OUTLET PIPE 300 mm . sOs rs: . 1 r-SEEDED EARTH BERM OR FIELD STONE RIP- • r---BERM RAP PROTECTION 2400 nm ..,J 1200 mn -�4 ti- �� .. .-•._ rt. dii 4 \' '' i'.. ii 1 '' i• • a • IP • - 200mm(8)tDIA. LEAD ' SMALL FIELD STONE OR 20men . gt g . a DIA. CLEAR 2! CRUSHED STONE _ • ,,ice;7/` i .�, ilk „,,ve,.• v • l SECURELY PLUG EN0 I mm •.f.+u u PROPOSED TILE DRAIN SECTION A-A t SECTION 8- 8 • s NOTE: TILE TO BE CUT IN BER + 300mm LENGTHS AND INSTALLED 240Omn _ I WITH IO mm- GAP. I I //1410:417,41 I,'41117!/.U//4I/i Art/f'/ihrifiri ✓/°ll.Il/, ...... ,iC!? .r._A----' •.-1,- --• --...--- -.. , ...,,,.0% 4 § . 1"-- 0..-R "”' ' . ' * + e i 14. -• ...41 a . i .1111 B.•••-+ vi 1 i VARIES alit ` (CONTRACT TO COVER , , UP TO 10r0 ¢ t 4 3 4 PLAN S TYPICAL OFF - SET BLIND INLET CATCH BASIN ours. N.T.S. I .......••ar• I J co S N o. assess« bQ.4 1Cg,. sh.w. .JAN. it .IMI. ` PLAN a SECTIONS summate OfThn to DRAW wN SPINET ASSOCIATES LONDON UNITED No OR CONSULTING ENGINEERS (YEN Errol 1 1 CONSTRUCTION .JOIN T OR SAW CUT JOINT --' (20 men DEEP) 150 rsvn GRAVEL—7 _ / —" ,` CONCRETE SLAB IP „.......010ral...14 > { ASOmm z �. —---�-•-_. _..._ 300 mm • A /1 / t• ' - A i 1 t 50 mm . ” . A' . • . . .• . , . . . . . . . . 1 \\,,/ 1 ! AT DITCH -----------cl 1 _. BOTTOM I' . 300 mar :3000nv+e. , --- -- CONCRETE 11 ---, DETAIL BOTTOM WIDTH VARIES 4 . PLAN 5,I SLOPE FROM DITCH TO . t WIDTH---•EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION. VARIES i CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT \ r I�,. 0 COMMISSIONER OR ENGINEER IF ADJACENT GROUND DOES ' NOT PERMIT THIS SLOPE. *. . 1/ 4/24‘.7 `;; i�� �� _ " -I's.77 ^-F- EXIST. GROUND /' 1.50 worn GRAVEL CONCRETE SLAB ` NOTES SECTION A-A I1 GRAVEL TO BE M.T.C. GRANULAR °A 2)CONCRETE it BE 20 MP! s TYPICAL LOW GRADE CROSSING wra.N.T.S. *mare wir. 408 N O. sawn«r tbah-JC . atot, JAM. 11183 .v.r PLAN & SECTION STAOOAAO D[T4il.LO o I DAAW1Nti SOVIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED Ns. 07 CONSULTING ENGLNE BSER • • 126 127 128I 129 130 151 132 J 4 . Z r • • / 1101110....5 _ to v / GENERAL NOTES UI/ ' 5�...+o Y X.. 6 cwZ (,a6,44.4 -:w�/63) n{ s'..w-< (1.900 Z1 /� w ^< ''14,� a ]To WE iO r e nor TE> U I• I I I ae .asYn�a0e w..e..lc .lea+,+ ae OTe tela. aa`--S�3i�ste �TTa �J c"--- \ / ° ! ---� SII a.eno� ,• ,a Lo, ff iso mr a. _ —_.4 I 0,3,9 v,.s1.664- --._ 1 n, • 4 _-__—�_ I I F 44. � 0 000 0 ; . Y O 3 KEY PLAN Scale,mm=)5m11:7500) Ir d - PLAN LEGEND - — _,u,, os e..6R4.64. na6w V 14aeroaao ��.y nc-C Wears If: 144 ° 'I -- axYaa.oa w.....-1....,..k..,<, 50.Ou i_� COUNTY ROAD �—_.. Ex,e<,...1e. .....���.14..� oa�.a No.38L13017-----ROAD) - O. 1 / N (TA LB07 ROAD) - - - e I .+aw,.. .._tiy� _ i p ems I,us w �oo,�:e.e•e...n II 0 F� ��f t t R LOT LEGEND I I Tom. 41�a Gc� of ox ...kw. M Q 0 0 I. f .. , 0 0 P _c45_o, n uarP6NM6, 6R I . O I 1 2a tN� d f _ `.3 VP. -�x.w�a�µ T an,st. �m pa.,, ® Ca KCY MI:r i a-0440 L. 14.1461wr I o rIu i 0 t . 4-O-s9 6 C.YYRJ44c . • ab C it-046- i• 4-O3'_c Y e ._•..1 a ��� _ ._aL, e T, el-4,16-02 R n. I d0 ' CwnaO45.ei PROPOSED STREET • I =__ ` ......1w.1, 0 0 M \l 4s-or0 n N 0 / -02 e.•w.ae 0 4-e45 o5- . 4-0+5_4,'S0 0 0 0 0 C • M. M6a 4JJ • BRANCH PROFILE scale Nar mm s z 11 2500) - - vert./cm•0.0.5m(1:501 • BRANCH "En — DRAIN No. I • .^-'-"'°+k TOWNSHIP OF BATNAM y s _DETAIL PLAN 5cols•lcm lSm II.1500) . ��� 3cY.METRIC �� gy JOB �_ �Dnan..°y J.X.H. �`Y $ q = J R.SPRIET . 0•X'APR.30,1990 F.B. 8-90 8 9 2 4 T J N- — • • - (-. b,Q.. PLANS 9 PROFILE SPRIET ASSOCIATES 10.,0"XDr4.49 Y'a a CONSULTING ENGINEERS ROMAN I .iI . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Lav No. 2558 BEING a By-Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held June 21 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held June 21 , 1990 , and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED, this 21st day of June , 1990 . / - c7-e.-)„,„ e"-s- 77 /Reeve Acting Clerk t . J S 411 BY-LAW NO. 2560 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 81 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 81 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 5th day of July, 1990 -C REEVE CLERR CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2560 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK • 411 1 ' OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 81 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 73 hectares ( 1 . 80 acres ) and is situated in Part Lot 133 , Concession N . S . T . R. , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the south east corner of Lot 133 , Concession N . S .T . R. , in the Township of Bayham and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of 39 . 7 hectares ( 98 . 0 acres ) . It is proposed that the subject lands containing one single unit detached dwelling, be severed from the remainder of the farm holdings to create a rural residential lot for retirement purposes . Section 4 . 2 . 3 . 3 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham permits the creation of a rural residential lot which is intended to be used for retirement purposes by a farmer who has been farming a substantial number of years , is retiring from active working life and wishes to retain a lot for a retirement home . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses , namely tobacco farms , cash crop farms and livestock operations . A number of additional rural residential lots are located west of the subject lands on County Road No . 38 . The subject lands are comprised of imperfectly drained, Class 1 Bookton Till Phase Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. It should be noted however, that the Soil Classification System of the Canada Land Inventory recognizes the subject lands as being on Class 4 and 6 soils . • 2 Notwithstanding the discrepancy of the soil classification, the quality of the soil is not considered to be a significant factor in consideration of the redesignation of the subject lands due to the presence of an existing single unit detached dwelling and the fact that the lands are not presently used for agricultural purposes . Due to the size of the subject lands , and the fact that the area is presently developed and intended to be used by a retiring farmer, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural. designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate land use designation for this land . The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . Notwithstanding the presence of specialty crop soils , this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii) 'The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. • • -4°"11C31/110.1 4..■ r r�� 1Cr o�� 1111111111111111,11t ` SCHEDULE A PPP' 0110°. . ..1.11 por ANtQr OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE ijr4IIt rilliNF TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE .!: ki *- Al 1 t PjPdfillIllIll.". 4` • AMENDMENT NO. 81 O OP 411 �� " " II , PPI111,1111 81LANDS CHANGED FROM AGRICULTURE�� TO "RURAL RESIDENTIAL" lirl!illoggdi. •• - p �r., �r. � � f�Y Qtt 'f � 111-1` 8� ,,,II, s„,„ 1 14t; Agriculture . ./ft , . IN Highway Commercial .. di :.;: . 14 0 :i, Hazard Lands 1:1 - u41 � i . , p► i r Cl u. U � SD • ;;:i= Conservation Lands raw::::- . .a ^P‘Pil."10411 Hamlets :;_.. (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Asit 1' ; r Mineral Resource Areas r 0 Provincial Highways 411 ii Artial eeORos)ads i � 11,4.1%).: tCev"terrA 1 ', .., .....:41.. .1 j: .,.:::..!:1 1. ki - . ;4 ..:::. !'.',.':1‘. P.1 04010 ' Vit :- 14)4 #/;„:".41111111 ,,,;.tart►._.,. ll Ill M�IIIIIIIIi'm0 2000 4000 Mmes 9 5000 10900 15 00 4 4 Feet ' • • • • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE11B1 ' AMENDMENT NO . 81 .227.0 w ---'. ` ' - �235� `1,. 2"...6--„....).>" ! 7 T 132 (- "-LOT r i : 133%" Loi .134 LOT 135 ( -;--- L f .23 .0 "/ 1 � r1_ N,� T R ,,,= _235 ,,:' , .234•`. 1 rs i I 1 i �` •• •I - fit '� II. • I 1 J I 234.0 j • 237.0 ( "!si I 4�1 23 ( F2 ... z9 0. �I l '• ,• t p ' di i 7�r .� ' i r Iri''4111 _ 1 ( t : ,-I ---- / 23i•� • , .fin ^=1 r i f ) 0u7. v •3w �!�' 2 32 0 ` ----/ iii ( . r"-—\V!t L., ( 1„ 11E1 I/ .rii. 11 41 .:•--------- '-�•.�\ • ::---- --- t i� Ili it ,i. I. It i ii �-- 111) i33 Orr . •, I fir I' iI ` ! --'1 - . r'%•=-ice•. .1 • ` �� i ' I \, .t 1) I 1 • • -230 it 228•S --) t ---- _____,--- ,---- I il c c.' ) il ' A. \ ..... •• a Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LAND -! RESIDENTIAL UNIT >d FARM BUILDING c3 WOODLOT .ii . • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 0 250m 500m NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scale: 1:10.000 411 !II APPENDIX ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting 6 irs; nice Notices Notices ce early 31bum of Planning Act, 1983 iI tamps: NOTICE OF A I Nomas, buggy. PUBLIC MEETING int puffy printer's To Be Held By made in BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL stainers: Respecting Proposed ws; nice Official Plan ars; over and ►ne. This Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning bylaw amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATIONS H&L FARMS LTD: Lot 22, Con.8,to change the zoning of the lands from Future Development to Hamlet Residential. This will permit the creation of 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee and place the balance of the lands in the Hamlet Residential zone. DANIEL& GIOVINA VANDEVYVERE: Lots 19 & 20, Con. 5, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. FRANK PARGAUSKAS: Lot 133, Con. 7, to rezone a portion a of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 5, 1990. seas Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J.A. Petrie - Township Clerk ��j Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ IVO • • • APPENDIX ' B Minutes of Public meeting r . , • 411 PUBLIC MEETING Reeve , Van Chute , declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Daniel . Giovina Vandevyvere and Frank Pargauskas ( Dec . ) . The application of Daniel & Giovina Vandevyvere to change the zoning on a 0 . 79 hectare ( 1 . 95 acres ) parcel of land situated on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 , north of County Road No . 45 , in Part Lot 20 , Concession 5 , in the Township of Bayham , from the Agricultural ( Al ) zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The effect of this Tay-Law will he to permit two ( 2 ) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . Mr . & Mrs Stefan were in attendance and had no comments . Council had no comments on this application . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources advised they had no concerns . The application of Mr . Frank Pargauskas ( DEC . ) to change the zoning on a 0 . 73 hectare ( 1 . 80 acres ) of land situated on the south-east corner of Part Lot 133 , Concession N . S . T . R . , in the Township of Bayham , from the Agricultural ( A1 ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The effect of this Tey-Law will be to permit the creation of a rural residental lot which is intended to he used for retirement purposes . Mrs . Pargauskas and Mrs . Rayson were in attendance . There were no objections to this application . No comments were made in regard to the application . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated that they had no concerns with the application . There being no further comments Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . 411/Ministry of inistere des 1 777 Bay Street 777, rue Bay Municipal Affaires Toronto, Ontario Toronto (Ontario) Affairs municipales M5G 2E5 M5G 2E5 Ontario February 28 , 1991 Mr . J .A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mr . Petrie : Re : Approval of Amendment No . 81 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham File : 34-OP-0158-081 On February 22 , 1991 this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page . The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon . One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry ' s records . The Original , any remaining Duplicate Originals , and the working copies are enclosed . Yours truly, J 97 /Ca.2' '. e Heather Jamieson Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure c . c . MAF MOE Health Unit LPCA County • • ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NSR 81 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAI( 34 OP 0158 081 SUBJECT: FRANK PARGAUSKAS RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 133, CONCESSION N.S .T.R. The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 81 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham • • AMENDMENT NO. 81 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No. 81 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. Diana L. Jar a ine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs ANIN11111111111111111111111111111111111111110111•111111111111111M111111111111•1111111111111111111 • • • • 4::214 / . • • •..c.111P - • • • T. FRED HOMENIUK , B.A.. LL.B. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC • BRIMAGE. TYRRELL. VAN SEVEREN & HOMENIUK 21 NORFOLK STREET NORTH • SIMCOE. ONTARIO N3Y 4L1 TELEPHONE 519-426-5840 FAX 519-426-7515 • • ' • tNici*OV.ViNr.V4VP4A•304.44-4 •'''- 1 • 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 81 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. A THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 25604 in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 5th day of July, 1990 . . Cie2 ) REEVE CLERK Bayham Township By Laws By-Laws # #2576 1990 ( '3clo) - 56 g:45 . 61 OS -36 c2s . 1 .25L5 q � eb0 -rn ( ASA ' :t 5 6 — -To , ci„ 0 1 --,i 0 r f.„ p j" SC af:,e.e.-.77; Atti 1990 c72 5 t-4_ „ or- � z.2. L c .r- r a r r"o po s 4\r-o ri• s4. 4 7 G., LA r-i-j-e". s. Tk, tqqo M1 ,� _ O ► p ✓� / r Q I r.-n. S 0 -1 co it/LI srige, 0 2 — -/- c I e., r 0 - les s p 6trpelbi t / 96/ 0 54 (,� ate-- k6k_ / cm. C. k :i; / , / c1 I cis q o 5 6 c_o t\--6 c-4-i s cr-r e-42. c-4- pcs o r-e---(241"-c-J CA-) 4/4 C.I\ S rt) r 4-Ljr`"-c erv-1/4' ° ca �� t ( , , / coO �5 -6, — To a..d oP-t -FL a s o ,. c...� � ; _0( e- I cl o Altk s -t , lq0cp U .S - a 1 1 CC+7 C-4) s �- c2 , I99' o .2 S 9 o — A „ n� rn.Q..r.-f- 4. g 4--�-A cr a I P/Q.r, n2 n Y� �� S"7� �- AntA- e-ei l � , 1110 c) 5 9- 1 — c__, etc -1--) cry\ .(fou..., c4 ,9 -1.0 5+ 16 , 1 9 9(20 / c, s_e , s foP LA-p ( p T� r- ( Ib H., L O / T� CO✓� C - 3 ...e.-10..iy„Le,e.- 19cifo c2 ; 7-7- 3 - 7o c / os.e s -ty uP , s-e I 1 prA--.- f o-e rz:)c4-o( a 11 o co a..n cA in L. a f' l.5 4- I 4 / co r c �1 ce_e-fe,reslize--- d- S T-0 G-I.4.X�.q Q i /tia n Q.,I'r�G. V"T Q S�-r"3f"_.� --�'7-?1 i s � � 1 / / r-U ck cer Lac- Cd, CJ S S S — —ro Go n ft S O 'f (-4, c4A\ciJ ela_12,4-- 1 ci 0 — -To ay,n.-2-4,_01 C.cp ,-+ern. LA-P. cly Ivr��rc ✓�-rvc.,,� �' a-r. 1 v r- ST rn.-�-� ra� ✓� ��.t c?0, / 0 -17:—w �►. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2561 BEING a by-law to authorize the purchase of land for road and other purposes in Lot 126 Concession 7 known as the Schafer Industrial Park . WHEREAS certain lands have been designated and zoned for industrial purposes in Lot 126 , Concession 7 and set out on Plan 11R3950 as Parts 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . AND WHEREAS Part 1 on Plan 11R3950 is set aside as a buffer area and Part 2 is set out as roadway . AND WHEREAS an agreement for the purchase of the aforesaid lands set out on Plan 11R3950 was entered into with Mathew Adam Schafer and authorized by By-law No . 2434 , Passed by Council on November 24 , 1988 . AND WHEREAS it is now considered expedient to purchase Parts 1 and 2 of Plan 11R3950 . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 ) That the lands as described as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R3950 being part of Lot 126 in Concession 7 ( NTR ) be purchased from Mathew Adam Schafer and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the sum of Eight thousand , One hundred and Forty-two Dollars and forty-nine cents ( $ 8 , 142 . 49 ) therefore . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th DAY OF JULY , 1990 . e'e..?77 REEVE CLERK Province Transfer/Deed of Land • 1;-� or aOMWM V Ir A Font 1 — Land Registration Reform Act. 1964 * _ (1) Registry [] Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages buMbEA 3 1 6 5 5 4 (3) Property� s) Additional: Block Property CIRFIFICATE OF REGISTRATION A« 90 MAY 30 P12 : 39Scale a (4) COrtsideratlon Eight Thousand , One Hundred and Forty-two Dollars and Forty-nine Cents [17N D°ff� $ 8 , 142 . 49 00 '(5) Description This is a: Property Property ++l HOMAS LAND REGISTRAR l Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ sn D 0 Part of Lot 126 , north of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , County of Elgin , u. 0 New Property Identifiers being PART 1 and PART 2 on Reference m Additional: Plan 11R- 3950 . • oElILL See Schedule Executions Additional: SeeaSchedule (Tic) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement Additional Fee Simple Colla Plan/Sketch E Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other ❑ (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that .the, property. ,transferred , is, n.ot . ordinarily. ,occupied, •by . me .and• ,my, spouse , . . , , , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . who is not separated from me , as our family residence . Date of Signature Name(a) ture(s) Y M 0 Jig9oe4 U5 SCHAFER , Mathew Adam f ft./ . , 1-r, j:‘,Z.4"e"--) ag• , { I >(9) Spouse(s) of Transferors) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D I (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ lYO (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (12) Transferee(s) Address for Straffordville , Ontario . NOJ 1Y0 > (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M D 1 Signature Signature + Solidior for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act. 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor -•1 to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario sohCiiot in good stnndir.g. Date of Signature O Name and Y , M , D Address of Signature Solicitor ," ti (14) Solicitor for Transferees) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and f am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1963 and that to the t of my knowledge and belief this vi E" -- transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) a I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. v28= Name and Date of Signature IA 0 x S Address of . Solicitor , Signature. - (15) Assessment Roll Number Cty. Mun Map Sub. Par Fees and Tax of Property Not Assigned . z _. Registration Fee Z S - >(18) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: Gibson , la0 Straffordville , Linton , Toth & Campbell , Land •Transfer Tax` ;c o 7 / NOJ lY0 36 Broadway , Box 5 , Ui Tillsonburg , Ontario . N4G 4H3 0 u.0 Total 4,S' l `, ". _hll- I Newsome and Gilbe:•. Limited April. 1985 Neicsome and Gilbert, Limited Revised Au$ust, 1986 ,Fbrm ifs 488186) Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act V Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration •! Refer to e11 instructions on reverse tide. IN PTHE art MATTER TkIE , CONVEYANCE OF brier dw� NTR , Township of ayham, County of Elgin , PART I and PART 2 , Reference Plan 11R-3950 . BYfprint Mathew of Adam In TO (ase instruction I end print names of as transferees in tuft) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham I. (aa+instruction 2 end pint neme(s)in huff) Ian Redford Linton MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1 I am (place a der mark within the square opposite that one or the lbffoa>ing panpraphe that describes the capacity of the deporw+tl'a)): (see instruction 2) • (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; (d) The arae tomaxa XOaolicitor acting in this transaction for (insert name(*)of principal(s)) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham described in paragraph is) AX. (c) above. (stnke out references to Inapplicable paragraphs) • (e) The President, Vice-President, Manager, Secretary, Director, or Treasurer authorized to act for (Insert narn.(s)of corporation(*)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above; (strike out references to in,ppacabeparagnerhs) (f) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (insert only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above, as applicable) and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (insert name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ) (insert only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above, as appiicabio) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed atm.the value of the conslderadon for the conveyance exceed*S250,000). I have read and considered the definition of "single family residence" set out in clause 1(1)(ja) of the Act. The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance O contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2(1) (d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per • does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$250,000 where the conveyance El contains more than two single family residences. (see irgtruction 3) contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f) and (g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act (se.instructions 4 end 5) none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash . $ 8 , 142 . 49 .- (b) Mortgages (i) Assumed (show principal and Intermit to be credited against purchw prior) $ n 1 1 (ii) Given back to vendor $ n i l (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) $ ni 1 Al!Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of (deceit below) $ nil FiMust 8s (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject , $ n i l lled In. (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (detail below) . . . . . . - $ rel 1 Maw 'Nil' (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of(e) to (f)) $ 8 , 142 . 49 $ 8 , 142 . 49 MQere (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS . items of tangible personal property 'cable. (Reba Sakti Tax i payable on the value of at chatter unless exempt under $ n i 1 the provisions of the 'Retell Salve Tax Act', R.S.O. I980, c.454, as amended) (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above $ nil (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION $ 8 , 142 . 49 5. If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (a.. instruction 6) n/a 6. If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? n/a 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary, nil Sworn before me at the Town of Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford this L3 day of �p,� 1- 19 90 . ,47 A Commissio for taking Affidavits, etc. - MiaMO,.0xora County, 1,7 Property Information Record Campbell,Banisters and solicitor,. A. Desc blIri rument Deed of Land B. (i) Address of property being conveyed (i available) Part Lot 126 . NTR, Bayham Township (ii) Assessment Roll No. (1favawable) Not assigned . C. Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (sae instruction 7) Straffordville . Ontario , NOJ 1Y0 D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed of avaiabie) 113336 (ii) Legal description of property conveyed Same as in D.(i) above. Yes No ® Not known E3 E. Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor Ian Redford Linton For Lata! Registry Offflce use Only Gibson, Linton , Toth & Campbell REGISTRATION NO. 36 Broadway , Box 5 , Land Registry Office No. Tillsonburg , Ontario - Registration Date IOW 2_(.1 i iq 0 _ /24.1_ /a.,.., c 2(71,•V ,42-76{A,,,tt, 6,5“0,1,4h4,%/ „6,,,-ki 4),Q,366j 4,4_0/4,1, --i-c ...,27(4..e,-.t. Cyt Leja,„.„. 1.xc er)' lutN 1076, 617. 7 ./ i4,.,/,,,,,) . 47.4.,v1,44.), : re Lxj....64j22,...,.." . 16-1/11,".4° 1.4i 4/1174, 1/4.......06 12azeht. 4 s .. _. ick,„„A i/ all4444°L 4 , / 1 db. ti (•n .4.44404)ara.et. a+, t -o(3u -uoT )va -aer~omaa -�� �- c�C p .�t.au cry 9 , . -- 4 c19, 0 0.0.,4,...,a.c.A.,...., ... ,.., (a ) i, Sc>v iii-y' e a44,, (bJ v00 U • 12A/1447 A ,,,,,.. d.a h...5 („2„,e-e,...,.. --,7 „J.....a ki2 ,u . s, too ,__ .______ ,___ __. ___ _____,,,,,__. ______,.,,.._ __,. , ._. 1 ,-„‘ i k 2 . 1/R - 3z i S3 Lia,,i,, ,_„,/ kc.2 1 4114,4 ' lked_ lkiLIAILA ,. ..,,,,. . • ..._._,�.x .. ...y..._......y__ . _ . . � �._.�..�. ._.�..�.,n...�...._._,..�..._....._..._.� .. a • w.. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2434 A BY-LAW TO authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Mathew Aram Schafer to execute an Option to Purchase certain lands at Lot 126 , Concession 7 for industrial purposes . WHEREAS Mathew Adam Schafer is the owner of part of Lot 126 , Concession 7 . AND WI!EREAS the Township of Bayham has entered into an Agreement with Mathew Adam Schafer for option to purchase lands at Lot 126 , Conc 7 . AND WHEREAS it- is now necessary to ratify the aforesaid agreement . THREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM : 1 . THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute a' agreement with Mathew Adam Schafer to provide for the terms and conditions for the purchase of certain lands at Lot 126 in Concession 7 , Bayham . 2 . THAT the said agreement be attached to and form Schedule ' A ' to this By-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24th . 6 • DAY OF NOVEMBER , 19d8 . ?:/2/1":40164f‘er77-t: r OPTION TO PURCHASE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM , hereinafter called the "Purchaser" OF THE FIRST PART and Mathew Adam Schafer , of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin hereinafter called the "Vendor" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Purchaser of the First Part is desirous of purchasing the lands and premises owned by the Vendor of the Second Part for the purpose of Industrial development ; AND WHEREAS the Vendor of the Second Part is prepared to sell his lands and premises to be developed as industrial property ; AND WHEREAS both of the parties hereto appreciate that the development of lands and premises for industrial purposes is frequently a long , expensive and protracted procedure ; NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto covenant and agree to and with each other as follows : 1 . ) ' In consideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars ( $100 . 00 ) now paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , the Vendor does hereby grant to the Purchaser the irrevocable option to Purchase from time to time the Vendor 's property being 7 acres more or less and being described as Part of Lot 126 , Concession 7 , Township of Bayham , County of Elgin and described as Assessment Roll No . 34-01 -000- 004 100-00-0000 , and being the property of the Vendor , the particulars and the details of which purchase are hereinafter set forth . 2 . ) The Purchaser does agree to develop the roadways as required ; the location , design standard and surface finish of the roadways will be at the discretion of the Purchaser : and to pay at the rate of $2 , 000 . per acre to the vendor for lands so utilized . -2- 3 . ) The Purchaser will pay to the Vendor upon conveyance by the Vendor to the Purchaser , if as and when conveyed , from time to time , at the following rate : ( a ) For the first acre sold , the sum of $1 , 500 . • ( b ) For the second and each subsequent acre , or part thereof , the sum of $2 , 000 per acre . 4 . ) This Option is exercisable by the Purchaser by notice in writing delivered or mailed postage prepaid or telegraphed prepaid to the Vendor at Straffordville , Ontario , at least fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to closing for the parcel of land and premises requried by the Purchaser from time to time until the entire holding of the Vendor has been conveyed to the Purchaser and the exercise of this Option in the manner specified herein shall , together with this Option to Purchase , constitute a binding Agreement of Purchase and Sale from time to time , and time in all respects shall be of the essence . And specifically provided that should the Purchaser have exercised this Option on 85'/0 or more of the subject lands , the Vendor may at his option request the Purchaser to purchase the balance of the said lands at the established purchase price in the within Option at that time . 5 . ) This Option shall be binding on the parties hereto for two ( 2 ) years from the date of execution hereof and thereafter shall be renewed from year to year up to a total of ten ( 10 ) years at the option of the Purchaser by giving notice in writing fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the expiration of the within Option from year to year and the price of the lands and premises per acre may be increased as mutually agreed upon between the Parties hereto and failing agreement , the purchase price of the said lands and premises shall be established in accordance with the fair market value of vacant land without services as determined by an appraisal obtained by the Purchaser and and appraisal obtained by the Vendor which two appraisers shall choose a third party and the decision of the majority shall be a binding valuation on both parties hereto , provided that the valuation of the said lands shall not be less than the price as set out in paragraph 2 hereof . 1 -3- 6 . ) Notwithstanding the prices and terms set out herein , it is anticipated that opportunities might arise for the disposition of these lands for Industrial purposes at the price less than the price contemplated herein and in such event the Vendor agrees to seriously consider accepting a lower price for the lands than the price stated herein . 7 . ) During the currency of the Option to Purchase , the Vendor shall retain the right to use the lands not dedicated or conveyed to the Purchaser for agricultural purposes at no fee payable by the Vendor to the Purchaser , but specifically provided that should this Option be exercised on property on which there are growing crops , the Vendor shall be reimbursed therefore in addition to the sale of the lands on which this Option is exercised from time to time . 8 . ) The Purchaser shall have the privilege to enter upon the said lands from time to time to survey the said lands and to register R-Plans as necessary to the Purchaser . 9 . ) The Vendor shall retain the right to develop and sell any or all of its lands not taken up pursuant to the within option for industrial or commercial purposes provided that a development Agreement is entered into with the within Purchaser . 10 . ) Upon this Option being exercised by the Purchaser in part or parts i-rom time to time , the following shall be the terms of agreement of purchase and sale of the property : ( a ) the purchase price of the property being purchased frc.m time to time shall be for t:le area being purchased from time to time and at the value indicated in item 3 ( a ) & ( b ) for acreage as hereinbefore set forth and shall be paid in Canadian currency by cash or certified cheque to the Vendor or his Agent on the date of closing , subject to the usual adjustments and the sum paid for granting this Option shall be credited as a deposit on the purchase price of the first parcel being purchased ; r -4- ( b ) The Vendor shall forthwith upon the exercise of the Option ( at the Purchaser ' s expense ) take all such actions required to comply with the provisions of the Planning Act of Ontario and any amendments thereto and without limiting the generality of the foregoing , shall diligently prosecure all applications , actions and appeals pursuant to the Planning Act with respect to the land and premises hereinbefore described , but specifically provided that in the event that rezoning and/or survey is required , the Purchaser shall pay the cost of the rezoning and /or survey and any R-Plan as may be necessary . ( c ) The Purchaser is to be allowed thirty ( 30 ) days from the date of the exercise of this Option to examine the title of the property and if within this time any valid objection to the title is made in writing which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove , and which the Purchaser will not waive , this Agreement shall be null and void notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations with respect to such objection and the Vendor shall refund to the Purchaser all amounts paid by the Purchaser and/or his principals without interest . ( d ) The title of the property shall be good and free from all encumbrances except as to any registered restrictive convenants and municipal by-laws or other governmental enactments provided such are complLed with . ( e ) The Purchaser shall not call for the production of any title deeds , survey or other evidence of title except as may be in the possession of the Vendor . ( f ) The property and other items to be purchased shall remain at the risk of the Vendor pending completion of the transaction . ( g ) There are no representations , warranties , collateral agreements or condition s relating to the property except as specified herein . ( h ) - Documents necessary to transfer the title shall be prepared by the Vendor' s ( ' in registerable form; any costs incurred to be the re s n ibility of the Purc'.kasre . • . •• _5_ • ( i ) Any tender of documents or money hereunder shall be made upon the Vendor or the Purchaser or upon the Solicitor acting for the party on whom tender is desired , and may be made by way of cash or negotiable certified cheque . 11 . ) This Option and Agreement of Purchase and Sale shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context . 12 . ) Time shall be of the essence of this Option , and of this Agreement . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this LV day of .4 -0-e--r i.44 ' , 1988 . SIGNED , SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Atir ‘ Ar ‘ X4,.// /ti, )„/ Mathew Adam Schafer r CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2562 BEING a by-law to authorize the purchase of land for road purposes in Lot 27 , Concession 3 , from Andreas G . M . Geurtjens and Johanna J . F . S . Geurtjens . WHEREAS the Municiapality has entered into an apreement for the purchase of certain lands being part of Lot 27 , in Concession 3 , and owned by Andreas G . M . Geurtjens and Johanna J . F . S . Geurtjens for road widening purposes . AND WHEREAS the work has now been completed and a survey to determine the lands to be purchased has been registered in the Registry Division of Elgin as Part 1 on Plan 11R3984 . AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to purchase the aforesaid lands . THEREFORE BE IN ENCACTEDBY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 ) That the lands described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R3984 being part of Lot 27 in Concession 3 , be purchased from Andreas G . M . Geurtjens and Johanna J . F . S . Geurtjens and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the sum of Three thousand , four hundred and Twenty Dollars ( $ 3 , 420 . ) therefore . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th DAY OF JULY , 1990 . 647 REEVE CLERK . -* -r ot°"' "c° Transfer/Deed of Land — a Ontario A . • ' Foram 1 — Land Registration Reform Act, 1954 (1) Registry ® Land Titles D - (2) Page 1 of 2 pages NUMBER 3 .17 4 (3) Property Block Property CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRA31115N Identifiers) Additional Sea 90 JUN 26 P2 : 50 Sc>, ,» D (4) Consideration Three Thousand Four Hundred } i !LAIN "et144‘41and Twenty Dalara = 3 , 4 2 0 . 0 0 J N5 11 (5) Description This is a Property F___, Property • W d i_.kk* 4 - 2 a a R G1- -A- Division i l Consolidation D 0 tu Part of Lot 27 , Concession 3 , Township of LL Bayham , County of Elgin , being PART 1 on • New Property Identifiers Plan 11R-3984 • Additional: See DEchedub Executions Additional SeeDSchedule (6) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Doc anent New Easement Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch D Description D Parties C Other D (8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that . w.e .are . spouses . of. .one . an.o.ther , Date of Signature Name(s) 4 Sig re(s) Y M 0 GEURTJENS , Andreas Gerardus Maria c.- t45.,, (4/44,-, /,:et.,,/ 1990 o4 2_ 1, GEURTJENS , Johanna Josephine Francisa Stephanieh c - a ,\ 199004 1 -2_ Ci p (9) Spouses) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) Y M 0 t (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service R . R . # 1 , Vienna , Ontario , NOJ 1ZO . (11) Transferees) Date of Birth Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE . . . TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) Transferees) Address for Service Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario , NOJ 1YO . (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene sect'on 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M 0 Signature Signature , Solicitor for Transferor(s)I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor -I to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge zand belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. nate ofi�..s+ii.n O Narne and Y M . 0 Address of Solicitor Signature t . (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and t am satisfied that the title records q` Att reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this F —I transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) andI am an Ontario I'E solicitor in good standing. CL 8— Name and Date of Signature <:s�ZAddress of 14 0. Solicitor Signature ,( (15) Assessment Roll Number Cty. Mun.. Map ' Sub. Par i} Fees and Tax ` of Property _ not assigned ov Registration Fee � Z.S (15) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: - R . R. #1 , Gibson , Linton , Toth & ? Land Transfer Tax t Lf Vienna , Ontario . Campbell , ui NOJ 1Z0 . Barristers and Solicitors , E , 36 Broadway , Box 5 , of Tillsonburg , Ontario . cc f7ff.N4G 4H3 . Toad ` Newsome and Gilbert. Limited April. 1985 7 4017 Newsome and Gilbert, Limited Revised Aum, 1956 Form .1168(186) Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Page 2 • Refer to all instructions on reverse side. IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (Memel brief d..criptlonalinen part of Lot 27 , Concession 3 , Town- ship of Bayham , County of Elgin , being PART 1 on Plan 11R-3984 . By Wong',afros as transferors In km Andreas G e r a r d u s Maria Geurtjens a n d Johanna Josephine Francisa Stephanie Geurtjens T O (a•• instruction t and print names of all transfer••s to full) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham I (a«instruction instruction*2 and print nare(a)in full) Ian Redford Linton , MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am (place a clear mark within the square opposite that ono of the following paragraphs that describer the capacity of the deponents)); (a•. instruction 2) ❑ (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed, O (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; ❑ (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; ® (d) The authorized ageh+ter solicitor acting in this transaction for (;mere mm.(a)ofpnrcipat(a)) The Corporation of the Township of Rayham described in paragraph(s}--(el--4b1- (c) above: (srirn our reti►w*c.s to napplicableparapra:he) ❑ (e) The President, Vice-President, Manager. Secretary. Director, or Treasurer authorized to act for Owen narte(a)olcorporadon(s)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b). (c) above; (mike out references to inapplicable paragraphs) ❑ If) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (inert only one of parprapfi(a). (b)or(c)above, ,,applicable) and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (unset name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ) (inert only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above. as applica ie) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To bit completed where the value of the conalderat on for the ocinveyervii.wcood.f230,000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence"set out in clause 1(1)(ja) of the Act. The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance ❑ contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2(1) (d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per ❑ does not contain a single family residence cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$250,000 where the conveyance ❑ contains more than two single family residences. (s.•instruction J) contains at least one and not more than two single ,amity residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1(11(f) and (g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act (sae instructions 4 and 3) none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash . . . . $ 3 , 4 .,0 . 0 0 (b) Mortgages (i) Assumed (snow principal and interest to be credited against purchase price) $ n i l (ii) Given back to vendor $ ni 1 (c) Property transferred in exchange (dots)/below) $ n ' l A;i aiw,Ka (d)Securities transferred to the value of (detail below) $ nil Must B• (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject . . . . $ n i l Filled In. (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (derail below) . . . . . . $ nil Insert 'Nit (g) VALUE OF LAND. BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO 3 420 . 00 3 , 420 , 00 LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of(a) to (f)) $ r $ wn.ra (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS - items of tangible personal property Applicable. (Retail Sable Tax i,payable on the value of all chattels unless exempt under $ n i 1 the provisions of the 'Retail Sales Tax Act', R.S.O. le o, c.454, as amended) (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above $ nil (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION $ 3 , 420 . 00 5. If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (a•• instruction 6) n/a m in 6. If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? n/a 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. n/a Sworn before me at the Town of Ti l l sonburg in the County of Oxford 7,.--'7 this 4thjay of April , 1990 . tAe A Comrtpiiorr. ; N A fidavits, etc. r_ ati�C� �. �t ;r�r fir- adsd 'A Property Information Record Balm Cladir 1111.WI% A. Describe nature of instrument Transfer/Deed B. (i) Address of property being conveyed (if,reliable) R . R. #1 , , Vienna , Ontario . (ii) Assessment Roll No. (If available) C. Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (see instruction 7) Township of Bayham, Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario . D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed of s aaabla) 285283 (ii) Legal description of property conveyed. Same as in D.(i) above. Yes❑ No® Not known 0 E. Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor For Land Registry Office use only Ian R. Linton, Box 5 , REGISTRATION NO. Ti llsonburg, Ontario . Land Registry Office No. N4G 4.1331 Registration Date CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2563 BEING A By-Law to confirm all actions of the Council of ✓�� v ,5 the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting held J-444-44. 1 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held July 5 , 1990 , be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly emobidied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED, this 5th day of July 1990 . . �-! .. Reeve Acting Clerk /0(la (/ I CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2564 BEING' a By-law to appoint a clerk for the Township of Bayham WHEREAS with the retirement of Jack A . Petrie on July 31 , 1990 , the office of clerk for the municipality will be vacant . AND WHEREAS Wm . Bogue has been appointed Treasurer and Tax Collector of this municipality by By-law No . 2518 as Passed by council on December 7 , 1989 . AND WHEREAS under Section 77 ( 1 ) of the Municipal Act , R . S . O . 1980 , the clerk is a statutory officer . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 ) That in addition to his office as Treasurer ,and Tax Collector , Wm . Bogue be and is hereby appointed Clerk for the Municipality of the Township of Bayham . 2 ) That the said Wm . Bogue shall be paid such remuneration as may be determined from time to time by resolution of Council . 3 ) This By-law shall be effective from August 1 , 1990 . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS • 19th DAY OF JULY , 1990 . GtrC2, - • </i REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2565 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 82 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 82 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of July, 1990 .lam. .. l/�- --•... �� ,� REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2565 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 7;LjArZ:: 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 82 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 20 hectares ( 0 . 5 acres ) and is situated in Part Lot 28 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham . 3 . BASIS OF riu AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the east side of Lot 28 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of 40 . 5 hectares ( 100 . 0 acres ) . Located on the west side of County Road No . 56 , the subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting due to the proximity of a wooded area, pond and municipal drain which is immediately north of the parcel of land. It is proposed that the subject lands be severed from the remainder of the farm holdings to create a rural residential lot for retirement purposes . Section 4 . 2 . 3 . 3 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham permits the creation of a rural residential lot which is intended to be used for retirement purposes by a farmer who has been farming a substantial number of years , is retiring from active working life and wishes to retain a lot for a retirement home . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses , namely tobacco farms and cash crop farms . A number of rural residential lots are located west of the subject lands along the road allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 . The subject lands are comprised of nearly level , imperfectly drained, Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the `Ontario Institute of Pedology. It should be noted however, that the Soil Classification System of the Canada Land Inventory recognizes the subject lands as being on Class 5 soil . 411 411 - 2 - Due to the size of the subject lands , the fact that the area is not presently used for agricultural purposes , and the fact that the parcel of land is intended to be used by a retiring farmer, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an. environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 4 . QETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture " to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. • • • 1C 1 Nr' ow- srill . 11111111111 11111:1.•1 .4141r41111 �� -`t: SCHEDULE A �i�lippil .) Aill tOFFICIAL PLAN OF THE 10 ik 111# 41, TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Ali ,: FUTURE LAND USE :, 4k 4: :i AMENDMENT NO. 82 10P ,11,i 82 Lands changed fra. Agriculture to '•Rural Residential"il _ 3._._ iA, . to 1101011119. lop, °" F ' T�r4r' t.. � t i PA711 R Agriculture ,� Highway Commercial "T ^N. rt"'' He S S T R ���(� t ` : Hazard Lands illakk ° .11 q r 1, SO c • - ti =.-1 Conservation Lands a :yit PA ` ",` }` S► p�al 1111 Hamlets ti • 'i� t• (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ARE As) • 10 " 1 iI "meat`- -1 44 j 1 ..•' 'Aim Mineral Resource Areas ?...,..: z L, z p Provincial Highways f -J.1.;:i7jr9.,d1! s 1.1101°` ,. ACouwlrteri !rRomARoa) ads 1°Il'ii illkill!ritt!"'-''-1 'il" 1 .':, . ( if , li:li 1 iiill , 1,.. IN.;..:i '.-S; .. t a40 82 111 } �, 1ii,� 0 2000 4000 � 41iii '� Metres 0 5000 10900 15900 Feet t , . • • • ' . • s TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE1 'B11 AMENDMENT NO . 82 f i. I i` 01 j ',.'s%::----`._� A. zoos • • . •• 11 E ;.;% PQ. 6. 11 II II •�: 204•0 I SII I vo1. • / 1 ` 1 I •11 T __ —/ z o4•� .11. ; ! 11 II .I r Ix l ; 2030 1 I • _ PAT OF 1 AD I,TIONAL • 20� I LANDS OWNED r . ,, BY! AP�LICANT -a ' Lit.,,,i, II Fl 1 z(rid . ap ; 1 . I � . } 0 ,-814 —... � i 199.Or;l'r l' 1 ;LL L - — , `, 201 OLti. _ I J Z.4-. � rot � i � �-'�'• Z 200 s s • T 25•! LOT 26 T ,.Q''tt��8 2 lo. • ..a . 1 r-/CON .11 I I o, I. OT" r i Q co 00 ,93 Sy .-_1 . h 1�I 1 , I . Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources • -- SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT iii).. c5 FARM BUILDING WOODLOT is SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES 0 250m 500m NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. Scam: 1:10.000 • , h:eps oup .. u�. F • /1 �J • sated h Hidden Valley campground,excel --- -- lent condition, 29800. 582-3783 or atter CAN WE help you?D'o you riBeaTrima dil 38 6:30 p.m., 582-4835. 7o tion? • . !II 111 P{UBLIC MEETING Reeve , Vane Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept comments ' on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Albert Kalmbach and Steve Sas and George Lysy . The application of Steve Sas and George Lysy to change the zoning on a 1 . 40 hectare ( 3 . 5 acre ) parcel of land situated on the north side of County Road No . 38 , in Part Lot 123 , Concession N . S . T . R . , in the Township of Bayham , from the Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Hamlet Residential ( IIR ) Zone . The effect of this fly-Law will be to permit the creation of hamlet residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . Mr . I,ysy was present and made no comment . Correspondence was received from the Ministry of Health advising they had no concerns . Also the Ministry of Natural Resources had no concerns . Councillor R . Phillips noted that the planning consultant indicated in his explanatory notes that the property was presently vacant which is incorrect as the property does have buildings located on it . The application of Albert Kalmbach to change the zoning on a parcel of land comprised of aL.proximately 0 . 20 hectares ( 0 . 50 acres ) situated on the east side of Part Lot 28 , Concession 2 , in the Township of Bayham , from the Agricultural ( A1 ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The effect of this Fay- law will be to permit the creation of a rural residential lot which is intended to be used for retirement purposes by the applicant . Mr . Kalmbach was in attendance and made no comment . Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated that they had no concerns . Correspondence from the Elgin St . Thomas Health Unit indicated that they have no objections provided the lot is increased to 200 feet in depth . It was noted that this application provided the proper depth . Council had no comments in regards to this application . There being_ no further comments , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . 1 • S ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 82 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM I SUBJECT: ALBERT KALMBACH RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 28 , CONCESSION 2 3 4 O r 01 6 (--) n 0 c. i, 0 ki 0 .i:-. _ • ? r: U (-2 =.1." riV ...; ' ' APR 3 19.9.1 LO TOW Nbit L4 a-x-44 ' } """'"`•MIrr - The following text and map schedule constitute*"" Amendment Number 82 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 82 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2565 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 19th day of July, 1990 . (- 12D (1-"4 .1 t REEVE CLERK • AMENDMENT NO. 82 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ti This Amendment No. *I to the Official Plan for the Townshipof Bayham,y which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is 4 hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. • Date: �, i l' hid" Diana L. J dine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2566 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held July 19 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held July 19 , 1990 and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of July 1990 . °""":74"."---9 Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2567 A BY-LAW to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Joseph A . Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the extraction of gravel and provide for payment thereof at Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand Norfolk . WHEREAS Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina are the owners of part of Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand Norfolk . AND WHEREAS there exists a deposit of gravel on the aforesaid , .Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Norfolk . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of purchasing the said gravel . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient that the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enter into an agreement with the aforesaid Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel from the aforesaid Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Norfolk . THEREFORE BE IT ENCACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 . THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute an agreement with Joseph • Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel on the lands of the said Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina at Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municiapality of Haldimand Norfolk . 2 . THAT the said agreement be attached to and form Schedule ' A ' to this By-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th. DAY OF JULY, 1990. REEVE CLERK p CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2567 A BY-LAW to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Joseph A . Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the extraction of gravel and provide for payment thereof at Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of • Haldimand Norfolk . WHEREAS Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina are the owners of part of Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand Norfolk . AND WHEREAS there exists a deposit of gravel on the aforesaid Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Norfolk . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of purchasing the said gravel . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient that the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enter into an agreement with the aforesaid Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel from the aforesaid Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Norfolk . THEREFORE BE IT ENCACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 . THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute an agreement with Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel on the lands of the said Joseph Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina at Lot 1 in Concession 3 , Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municiapality of Haldimand Norfolk . 2 . THAT the said agreement be attached to and form Schedule ' A ' to this By-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th . DAY OF JULY, 1990 . e. ' W) 4.0 REEVE CLERK • f AGREEMENT made this 26th . day of July , 1990 . BETWEEN: Joseph A . Chrastina and Victoria Chrastina , of the Township of Norfolk , in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk , Farmers , hereinafter called Chrastina OF THE FIRST PART, AND The Corporation of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , hereinafter called the Township OF THE SECOND PART . WHEREAS Chrastina ' s farm in Lot 1 , Concession 3 - NTR of the Township of Norfolk , in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk contains a gravel deposit , and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth . NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows : 1 . Chrastina agees to sell to the Township all available gravel on their farm lands , being part of the said Lot 1 , Concession 3 , NTR of the Township of Norfolk , at the price of One Dollar and Forty Cents ( $ 1 . 40 ) per cubic yard . 2 . The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel which can be economically excavated from Chrastina on the portion of their said lands at Lot 1 , Concession 3 , NTR , Norfolk shown on attached Schedule "A" . 3 . The Township will utilize an existing driveway from the concession road easterly to the pit area , and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement . 4 . The Township covenants , agrees , warrants and represents that it shall : ( a ) During the course of this agreement keep accurate records and books correctly showing all gravel products that have been removed or caused or deemed to be removed from the premises and shall produce` such records and books and permit Chrastina or its agents to inspect same and take extracts or copies thereof ; ( b ) permit Chrastina or its assigns to use , farm , lease or otherwise deal with any portion of the lands not required for the removal of gravel products ; ( c ) assume the risk or injury which may be sustained by it or any employee , agent , servant , workman , assignee , customer or any other person who may be upon or near the premises or any buildings thereon or the entrance or appurtenance thereto and shall save Chrastina harmless and indemnified therefrom . ( d ) not remove any topsoil from the lands ; ( e ) Use such methods in its operations as will do as little damage as possible to the unworked portion of the premises and rehabilitate the said lands in accordance with the plans and rehabilitation approved under the Aggregate Resources Act , 1989 as the same is required from time to time . ( f ) Pay all municipal and provincial and other assessments , taxes , licences and expenses saving and excepting only land taxes and local improvement taxes and shall at its own expense build , construct and maintain fences,, berms , plant trees if required and in all respects fully comply with local laws , municipal laws , provincial laws and all other by-laws , statutes , regulations and requirements including the . • - Aggregate Resources Act , 1989 . 5 . The Township convenants and agrees that the benefits and obligations contained within this agreement shall not be assigned or sub-let without the consent of the Chrastinas . 6 . Chrastina must review and consent to the site plans for extraction and restoration of the lands disclosed in this agreement prior to the commencement of extraction . 7 . Township agrees not to extract to a depth greater than the clay level or water table . 8 . Township agrees to strip all top soil prior to excavation and replace same after gravel extraction . 9 . Township agrees that Chrastina is entitled to all depletion allowances pursuant to the Income Tax Act . 10 . Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel at their own expense . 11 . The agreement shall expire December 31 , 1993 . 12 . The agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving ninety ( 90 ) days written notice to the other party . THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors , administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals . SIGNED , SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of : ) ; /*44PL-ru44.1 ) / Joseph A . Chrastina K ) Victoria Chrastina ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ) ) ) PER : ) REEVE ) ) CLERK ) ) •. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2568 BEING a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1990 , to levy the taxes for the year 1990 and to provide for the collection thereof . WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario , provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner , as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1990 should be levied . AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $ 2 , 378 , 618 for the general purpose of the said Township for the current year , for the payment of the County rate for the current year and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public , Separate and High School education and other purposes : THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations , be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 1990 shall be levied . 2 . THAT the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township . 3 . THAT for the purpose of providing the sum of $ 1 , 016 , 160 for the general purpose of the Corporation , including the amount required for the County purposes and other purposes for the current year , a rate of $ 131 . 360 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1990 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll except that on assessment of $7 , 004 , 478 a reduction of 15% shall be made . 4 . THAT in addition , for the purposes of providing the sum of $ 1 , 362 , 458 for Public , Separate and High School education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1990 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll , as indicated hereunder : - continued •• 4 • BY-LAW NO. 2480 ( 2 ) RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL SCHOOL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Elgin Cty . Elementary $ 6 , 042 , 761 92 . 930 $ 572 , 083 109 . 329 $624 , 099 Elgin R . C . S . S . Elemnt . 961 , 717 103 . 416 49 , 445 121 . 666 105 , 473 Elgin Cty . Secondary 6 , 042 . 761 83 . 653 572 , 083 98 . 415 561 , 797 Elgin R . C . S . S . Sec 961 , 717 82 . 003 49 , 445 82 . 003 71 , 089 5 . THAT in addition , for street lighting purposes , the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas : - LIGHTING RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY CORINTH $ 53 , 253 4 . 786 $ 8 , 181 5 . 631 $ 301 EDEN 182 , 000 14 . 542 3 , 120 17 . 108 2700 RICHMOND 142 , 090 10 . 460 1 , 119 12 . 306 1500 STRAFFORDVILLE 502 , 625 7 . 229 160 , 675 8 . 505 5000 TALBOT 60 , 113 11 . 978 14 . 091 720 6 . The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector ' s Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 3rd day of August , 1990 . 7 . All taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Town:4hi.p of Bayham . 8 . Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 31 , 1990 and one-half on or before November 30 , 1990 . Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayments of taxes shall be as provided for in Township of Bayham By-laws , ( penalties at the rate of one and one quarter per cent per month commencing the first day of default of payment , and discounts the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre-payment is made ) , subject also to the provisions of By-Laws No . 1697 . 9 . The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF AUGUST , 1990 REEVE CLERK A THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2569 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held July 26 , 1990 and August 2 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held August 2 , 1990 and special meeting ( s ) held July 26 , 1990 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of August 1990 . _212.11 . ..4"" h/". Reeve Clerk 411 410 BY-LAW NO. 2570 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 83 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 83 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 16th day of August , 1990 /VA- (?...44117 02. - REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2570 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. O/,� CLERK . • !II 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 83 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture " to " Industrial " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 4 . 65 hectares ( 11 . 5 acres ) and is situated in Lot 20 , Concession 11 , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are comprised of a triangular shaped parcel of land bounded by the Canadian National Railway to the south and the road allowance between the Townships of Bayham and South-West Oxford to the east . Located in the extreme north-east corner of the Township in Lot 20 , Concession 11 , it is the applicant ' s intent to redesignate the subject lands to accommodate a variety of rural industrial uses . The property is presently occupied by two existing buildings ( approximately 555m2 ) which the applicant intends to use to house an electrical contracting, light manufacturing, transformer assembly and a sales and service shop . The subject lands are situated in a predominately non-farm built up area due to the close proximity of the Town of Tillsonburg which is located immediately east of the parcel of land, and Highway No . 3 which is located to the south. Section 4 . 3 . 6 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham permits the establishment of industrial uses within both the rural and urban areas of the Township providing they serve and are compatible with the farming community. In general , industrial uses in the Township of Bayham should include warehousing, processing, manufacturing assembling and storage . It is the applicant ' s desire to locate in the rural environment due to the amount of land needed to carry out this industrial operation. Another factor considered in determining a location for industrial land use activity is the proximity to urban centres , namely the Town of Tillsonburg . 411 !II Due to the predominantly built up area of the subject lands , Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into the industrial designation . This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural industrial use of the subject lands . 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture " to " Industrial " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii ) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated " Industrial " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 3 . 6 of the Official Plan, Industrial as amended . . • . . • 41111 pp 83 _....,,,,,,do, Pg41111110111114. .% SCHEDULE A � • O�40,'' , '�°°"�r..."44..i..41114., OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE6 �" TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE PP .:„ 4,,,,,.;:z„.1 4 . z ., � p LAND USE ttio, • AMENDMENT NO. 83 t :',02,41 0 RUPP v� 11 t " ° 83 LANDS CHANGED FRt�1 AGR 1 CULTURE rmi �,..4..... „t ,•" `��_ TQ ~I NDUS TR t AL's tf °uYF t I .r• . 1 ',`t` ' ifialli" R Agriculture ri,!'"c,i .•;":1'' .•; .::, : j N, 11111101111Highway Commercial 10 i -ill . .1tr;"1 ,I• till ka Hazard Lands Ali 1. pli r:-::1114112, 0 R • 531 Conservation Lands u NJ ��y.a lill Ham L. ..''C.:. ' gPrial 2 .:: :44 ,., ` fCOMId1JNtTY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) zlill 4iiib Mineral Resource Areas 144 115404/ it, 11111P4111311,11illp � © Provincial H igh ways � _ fArotueziralRoRods` • il :.y : .1 -z, ..t. , W ,. EC. lit,,,,,,,,,,,,:.‘iii 4,3 10,0,,,,... I • .. .„ r:: iiiii - _ -(IP. . *i . • 'II '• j IJl tr�e. � i, mmhs�� 0 2000 4000 111, to Metres INN 111111111 0 5000 10900 15900 Feet 0 • • II II TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE B AMENDMENT NO . 33 a1.. . i •.,11 j once " ' / '. (:- ' I 111. *\\ \ .'•../ // --- T-, r 241 5 k ,243.0 \ •i. t` ll 41.0 Il • . . Y A 1 1k i '�.t. Cau , k. .�+ i1/as0•,i y -‘. '‘ T— r� �� ,.,p�,Q 2a. 0 V r ,r % UNCT 'ILLSONBURG • / ION -rQ 17� LOT 1$ If LOT 19 X61 j .,, . } it. / / ,--- 41251 5 it / I �; = f \ i �0 N C E,S SI I aN Al �� R`t.,•s\ -' III '114(.2i0i i ' ,vj 0.4 G� at 4' / Iii -fi I �I v° � r ( ��7 .243•s ( ! i =- ,,I fr— _ LOT 20 \-' i III I /i %� III /. • / Q�}I 0�� I ^ l '+ Z��- ,'t %l I ,ter- -. `- I <, • ,�' I s. /- iso , I \ 1 t ,•,, . it I� ) ) { t, 239.0 • ,/- ,k - - „ • ( 7,---\ , _.---- i , - i, -- - , , i • 230.5 1.. i ; 290.5 j .1 1 I Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources ., SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT c5 FARM BUILDING • 4) WOODLOT ■ KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 0 250m 500m NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only. Scale: 1:10.000 APPENDIX4111 ' A ' Notice of Public Meeting • limmormiumimmir 0 Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL • Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning by-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: - APPLICATIONS FRANK VOTH: - Lot 20, Conc. 8, to amend the zoning of"a portion of his lands to permit motor vehicle sales in addition to the uses permitted in the Rural Industrial zone. DOUGLAS AND BONITA McGLYNN: - Lot 20, Conc. 11, to rezone their lands from Al to Rural Industrial to permit electrical contracting and light manufacturing. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville,commencing at 8:00 p.m.on Thursday,August 16, 1990. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J.A. Petrie `• '" Township Clerk Box 160 Stratfordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 I • • • APPENDIX ' 8 ' Winutes of Public Meeting 1 ' • 411 Public Meeting Reeve , Vane Chute , declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept comment on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Douglas & Bonita McGlyn and Frank Voth . The application of Douglas & Bonita McGlyn to change the zoning on a parcel of land comprised of Approximately 4 . 65 hectares ( 11.. 5 acres ) situated on Lot 20 , Concession 11 , in the Township of Bayham, from the Special. Agricultural ( A1 - 10 ) and ( A1 - 11 ) zones to the Rural Industrial ( M2 ) zone . The effect of this By-Law will be to permit the establishment of a multi use rural industrial operation . Mr . Pat Carroll of Tiltran Services , Gerry Koza of Nick Balaz Real Estate and Mr . & Mrs Newell residents of Southwest Oxford Township were present . Mr . Newell expressed concerns regarding possible drainage problems that may be created by this development and the removal of an existing woodlot . Mr . Newell was advised that the proposed development would not create an excessive water runoff and that the existing bush would remain virtually untouched . Mr . Carroll presented plans of the proposed development . Council presented no comments on this application . Correspondence was received from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising they had no concerns with this application . The application of Frank Voth to change the zoning on a 0 . 55 hectare ( 1 . 37 acre )• parcel of land situated on the east side of Highway No . 19 , in Part LOt 20 , Concession 8 , in the Township of Bayham , from the Rural Industrial ( M2 ) Zone to Special Rural Industrial ( M2-7 ) Zone . The effect of this By- law will be to permit a motor vehicle sales establishment in addition to all other permitted uses in the Rural Industrial ( M2 ) zone . Mr . Voth was present and briefly explained the purpose of his application . Council presented no comments on this application . Correspondence was received from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising they had no concerns with this application . Correspondence received from the Elgin-St . Thomas , Health Unit indicated they had no objections to this application . There being no further comments , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . • ORIGINAL 8,4 - OP. 0 1 5 8 0 8 3 AMKNDMENT NUMBER 83 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: DOUGLAS AND BONITA McGLYNN INDUSTRIAL LOT 20 , CONCESSION 11 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 83 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 83 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 257a. , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 16th day of August , 1990 . eia7 REEVE CLERK DEPOSIT DMO.TK METS RY PLAN i I R-39®� •CT. / MCEIVEO ANO DEPOSIT. DATE �>'•. DATE S 7-/9 . �t , r m/_ nD�MIWAR PMTNE XI OL f0 S. 1113,7Tre OM..V tL41N M. 1 • UT ION:;',..e.re::« NaOT rc «A s w.IVl .IT«. PART SCHEDULE / PART INST LOT COM TOWNSHIP I S16•• , PMT OFT 3 MYR. - e ~4.P♦PY AREA OF PART 1•29256.52 Eq.ft•0.67 act" . \ IPS ' ^• 9.0 r° ° a' �, • PLAN OF SURVEY OF / t. / PART OF LOT 7 LOT B xE{NF ..�- w CONCESSION 3 L 0 T 7 (GIVEN ROAD KNOWN AS CREEK ROAD/ CONCESSION 3 PJ/ '' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNTY OF ELGIN i. OF BAYHAMI R +•,.�° o+ Z i z q"' Dp` SCALE-I INCH •50 FEET 6 J P. w No V °r9 • Y 'I ''tet/ KIM S. RUSTED O.LS. 2NI' µOPD - 'G — • E \ `a4.CK Vi ° e» w° /989 To 9' 4i 6 ?.5 MN i,' P YlN 6S•ItedE 1..13 ° L,HEn ° - x D ° E • 4 s'- . ceNTnE 1N µOP xGTP3T .xs5 -- 1I GIVEN sle "° L0 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 CENTIFT THAT. 111-THIS SUM.MO PLM ANC CORRECT UO w ACCORMIKE I THE WIVE.ACT ANO TIE IIESISTRY ACT AND TIE NEINA.ATMIS MADE THERED«DER. 121-Tx15 SURVEY WAS COMPLUED PI THE 2'I DAT OF Jar IMS. D • �� / s SUMMON ' \ . I 0m t u S , H ft O , NOTES 0 I1I-WARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC.0 ARE P.M.TO TIC C3 ...man,UNIT OP tSH LOT ,CONCCSSION S,AS OWN ON Q PLAN IIN-I4• HAVING A EARINM OF W. N - N I o KEY PLAN C W m / ONC `O Tt z ,:' / fss/aN r t. R 4 L LEGEND I- +`° �O` 6 m II. 135 • °ELATES SURVEY NOMIENT POMO It,' SSD.zj' /,,,0"‘PLgryPgRT / l ', ,I 4. T"E P SIG DENOTES 55Y11TANDAND MON MNUT N7m.;•••--.-.. 1 jR'/ / «o0 •RU I c•111 •.ss OR I I. I IN I DOW. WRYNESS «v'D', 451 wt S• :YIl � 0•!01 DENOTES J0.RUPERT OLS. W ROAp ^2r / om 1 O 0 i . . . ''.��' j ISTI DENOTES A A NA WINNOW. U ALL AN, a T I DS' Q \Ill aOWgryc£ 4,4, m 7 f 2 3 •i c.T 6 - 10 N 12 13 ,40--J- ,", 4 B£T o SS'•> SDOT«-Wtrc c="a 'Ss. �' ryD 3Wz ry cpry� \- '° °, , 141o LOT _re $ 1\a\\� 1,e 41 Cc•NCEss/oN cDN�s`1� f ���LGLGG222 S '° KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. • L ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR HJT qKE \I ■'�� ` 50 FOX ALLEY,T1 L LSONSURG ONTARIO,N•G 3P• Z 7 • , MINE,519.642-3636 £RIE PRO.ECT-89.1094 REFERENCE, 1raj.L44A THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2571 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held August 16 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held August 16 , 1990 and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of August 1990 • Z/iL, Reeve Clerk • • CORPORATION OF THE • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2572 Being a by-law to close and stop up and sell part of the road allowance in Lot 7 in Concession 3 , Township of Bayham . WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham , hereinafter called the Corporation , that the given road allowance set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto be closed and stopped up ; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners . AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published once a week for four sucessive weeks in the Tillsonburg News , a Newspaper published tri weekly in the Town of Tillsonburg . AND WHEREAS notice of this has been posted up for at least one month , in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the said road allowance . AND WHEREAS the Council for the said Corporation has heard in person or by his counsel , solicitor or agent , all persons claiming that their land will be prejudicially affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard . NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . That upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the given allowance for the road set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto , be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up . 2 . All that part of the said given road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners or any of them . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said road allowance herein before describe and which has been stopped up and closed . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1990 . REEVE CLERK Schedule "A" to By-lay No. 2572 of the Township of Bayham The given road ir:nown as Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in Concession 3 , Township of Bayham and being Part 1 on Registered Plan 11R3982 . 7 ` - CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2572 Being a by-law to close and stop up and sell part of the road allowance in Lot 7 in Concession 3 , Township of Bayham . WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham , hereinafter called the Corporation , that the given road allowance set out and described in Schedule " A" attached hereto be closed and stopped up ; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners . AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published once a week for four sucessive weeks in the Tillsonburg News , a Newspaper published tri weekly in the Town of Tillsonburg . AND WHEREAS notice of this has been posted up for at least one month , in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the said road allowance . AND WHEREAS the Council for the said Corporation has heard in person or by his counsel , solicitor or agent , all persons claiming that their land will be prejudicially affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard . NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . That upon and after the passing of this By- law all that portion of the given allowance for the road set out and described in Schedule, "A" attached hereto , be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up . 2 . All that part of the said given road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners or any of them . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said road allowance herein before describe and which has been stopped up and closed . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1990. AvK REEVE CLERK Schedule "A" to By-law No . 2572 of the Township of Bayham The given road knownas Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in Concession 3 , Township of Bayham and being Part 1 on Registered Plan 11R3982 . I , William Bogue , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham , do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of By-law No . 2572 , Passed by the Council of the said Corporation on September 6 , 1990 . 1 " ii.. f'' """ Document General .- 0• j Ontnrlo Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act, 19M (1) Registry Ili Land Titles U (2) Page 1 of 2 pages NUMBER (3) Property Block Property t identtfler(o) Additional opal► oN ane CERTIFICATE Schadule Li 90 0 E C 4 411 : 4 6 (4)Nature of Document Township of Bayham Road Closing By- law r ELGIN ' (5)Consideration Z .Ns 11 o P±.4 ,: = - - .. . NIL Dollars $ w (6) Description to O Township of Bayham By- law No . 2572 LL to close and stop up and sell part of the o road allowance in Lot 7 , in Concession 3 , o Township of Bayham ptS /Gry f-raP D OS PAR ? I ON / k'-fa' 4'L luta' �LA4 11 R 3 921-- _ New 2'L- New Property identifiers Additional: See Schedule 0 txecuttons (7) This (a) Redescription I (b) Schedule for: Additional: Document New Easement Additional See �J Contains: Plan/Sketch ❑ ; Description ® Parties El Other El Schedule ! (e) This Document provides as follows: t % See Bylaw attached Continued on Schedule ❑ (9)This Document relates to instrument numbers) (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 Corporation of the J`�,�;� %• V Township of Bayham William Bogue , Clerk 1990 12 03 i (11) Address for Senrice Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ IYO (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or interest) 1 Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 I 1 I 1 I i Ii (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: 111 Fees and Tax Township of Bayham Z Registration Fee 2-J -•''" Box 160 w Straffordville , Ontario w NOJ IYO o ii u.0 txo 0 Total f 2,--_s! Ncwsnme a"d Gilbert. Limited April, 1985 Form I.P1133 (l/!15) l rCORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2573 Being a by-law to close and stop up and sell part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 & 16 in Concession 2 , Township of Bayham . WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham , hereinafter called the Corporation , that the original unopened road allowance set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto be closed and stopped up; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners ; AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published once a week for four successive weeks in the Tillsonburg News , a Newspaper published tri weekly in the Town of Tillsonburg . AND WHEREAS notice of this has been posted up for at least one month , in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the said unopened road allowance . AND WHEREAS the Council for the said Corporation has heard in person or by his counsel , solicitor or agent , all persons claiming that their land will be prejudically affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard . NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . That upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the 66 foot allowance for the road set out and described in Shedule "A" attached hereto , be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up . 2 . All that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners or any of them . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and which has been stopped up and closed . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1990. ;4) C7- 41419113? REEVE CLERK Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2573 of the Township of Bayham Part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 , Concession 2 , Township of Bayham , and being Parts 2 and 3 on Registered Plan 11R3983 . f n�' c,l Document General ` , Onlnrin — El • Form 4 Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 • (1) Registry U Lend Titles u (2) Pepe 1 of 2 Penns NUMBER (3) Priiden�fNr(s) Block Properly Additional: CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION s L_] Sct>l+drrte 30 DEC 4 All ; (4)Nature of Document 7 Township of Bayham Road Closing By- law ELGIN `-' ,,,e.... (5) ConsldieratIon o iN• 11 NIL. Dollars $ w : .6"1.. 1 F�tumA9 !,ANP REGISTRAR I co (6) Description w Township of Bayham By-Law No . 2573 oto close and stop up and sellpart of the m original road allowance between Lots 15 o and 16 , in Concession 2 , Township of Bayham pfsrGNAr[ o 03 PARTS 2. viu 3 on; Rt pk- PFVC i3r PLAn1 New Property Identifiers i/ / 3 9 73 Additional: See 0Schedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription 1 (b) Schedule for: Additional: Document New Easement Additional See 0Centetns: Plan/Sketch ❑ !, Description ® Parties ❑ Other ❑ Schedule (8) Thls Document provides as follows: 1 See attached By- law . Continued on Schedule Cl (9) This Document relates to instrument numbers) ) , (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signatures) Date of Signature Y M D Corporation of the V:Ithif 1t4.- 4..x,0- 1 Tgwp5hip of Bayham Willam Bogue , Clerk 1990 12 03 (11) Address for Service Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ IYO (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Slgnature(s) Date of Signature Y M D I I I I .,. I 1 (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: W Fees and Tax Township of Bayham o Registration Fee2, -3-- Box 160 w Straffordville , Ontario D NOJ IYO o w 0 m 0 hill Total 2-- .S —"~ New'nme and Gilbert, Limited April, 1985 Form 1.F1333 (1/8S) I1r► I CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2573 Being a by-law to close and stop up and sell part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 & 16 in Concession 2 , Township of Bayham . WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham , hereinafter called the Corporation , that the original unopened road allowance set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto be closed and stopped up; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners ; AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published once a week for four successive weeks in the Tillsonburg News , a Newspaper published tri weekly in the Town of Tillsonburg . AND WHEREAS notice of this has been posted up for at least one‘ month , in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the said unopened road allowance . AND WHEREAS the Council for the said Corporation has heard in person or by his counsel , solicitor or agent , all persons claiming that their land will be prejudically affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard . NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS .AS FOLLOWS : 1 . That upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the 66 foot allowance for the road set out and described in Shedule "A" attached hereto , be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up . 2 . All that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners or any of them . 3 . The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and which has been stopped up and .° closed . rti •-+ • O Ca. O o a 002 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY a 3 0 • OF SEPTEMBER , 1990 . G ORi E-i a> >, 47 .-a ll ' o n. 0 _ n r U REEVE CLERK u O CU U U • •-4 >, U O L% .o a) a) CA .--1 y O >, ^ - 1O Schedule "A", to By-law No. 2573 of the Township of Bayham CO -0 b .c Cu a, 0,1 Part of the original road allowance between Lots ^ g �vE _� nE ••-+ ;:i 5 ro a 15 and 16 , Concession 2 , Township of Bayham , and L •-� ›,4..) a Cti being Parts 2 and 3 on Registered Plan 11R3983 . 3 -c, c�cn ^�:-i ,j i 1-4 C •r+ J O •• at . .► / R IM Y/ •41I•-• I 7 CORPORATION OF THE I TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact By-laws to stop up, close and sell that part of the allowance for road set out and described as follows: 1) The given road known as Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in Concession 3, and being Part 1 on Registered Plan 11R3982 2) Part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in Concession 2, and being Parts 2 and 3 on the Registered Plan 11R3983 The above Registered Plans may be seen in the Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario, during regular hours. The proposed By-laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office, in the Village of Straffordville on the 16th day of August 1990, at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. Dated: July 10, 1990 J. A. Petrie Clerk of the Corporation of The Township of Bayham CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM rJ�,nt/' p jA NOTICE OF \p�� STREET NAME CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that , pursuant to the Municipal Act and other powers thereunto enabling, the Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to pass a by-law to rename the following street: 1) West Street (running North of Second Street (closed) and west of Plank Road on Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville) change to "Elgin Street" AND THAT the Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by A counsel or agent, any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the proposed street name change and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held in the Municipal Office, in the Village of Straffordville, on the 16th day of, August, 1990 at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M. FURTHER information concerning this proposed street name change may be obtained at the Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario during regular hours. Dated: July 10, 1990 J. A. Petrie Clerk of the Corporation of The Township of Bayham , } ibownsh i p of Bayham Phone 519-868-6521 J. A. PET RIE, A.M.C.T. STRAFFORDVILLE. ONTARIO CLERK & TREASURER July 10 , 1990 The Tillsonburg News Box 190 Tillsonburg , Ontario N4G 4H6 Please place the following notice ( s ) in your issues of July 13 , 20 , 27 , and August 3 , 1990 . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact By-laws to stop up , close and sell that part of the allowance for road set out and described as follows : 1 ) The given road known as Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in Concession 3 , and being Part 1 on Registered Plan 11R3982 2 ) Part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in Concession 2 , and being Parts 2 and 3 on the Registered Plan 11R3983 The above Registered Plans may be seen in the Municipal Office , Straffordville , Ontario , during regular hours . The proposed By-laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office , in the Village of Straffordville on the 16th day of August 1990 , at the hour of 8 : 30 o ' clock P . M . and at that time , the Council will hear in person or by his counsel , solicitor or agent , any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard . Dated : July 10 , 1990 J . A . Petrie Clerk of the Corporation of The Township of Bayham continued • • r • - 2 - July 10 , 1990 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM NOTICE OF STREET NAME CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that , pursuant to the Municipal Act and other powers thereunto enabling , the Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to pass a by-law to rename the following street : 1 ) West Street ( running North of Second Street ( closed ) and west of Plank Road on Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville ) change to " Elgin Street " AND THAT the Council of the said Corporation will hear , in person or by counsel or agent , any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the proposed street name change and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held in the Municipal Office , in the Village of Straffordville , on the 16th day of , August , 1990 at the hour of 8 : 30 o ' clock P . M . FURTHER information concerning this proposed street name change may be obtained at the Municipal Office , Straffordville , Ontario during regular hours . Dated : July 10 , 1990 J . A . Petrie Clerk of the Corporation of The Township of Bayham Yours truly J . A . Petrie Clerk JAP/lm • 20. ROBERT G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. ENG. 2 '~ .tip 450 SUNSET DRIVE Engineer and Road Superintendent ,± ST THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 0 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 FAX NO. 1-519-633-7661 0ivrAP\� July 9, 1990 Reeve and Council Township of Bayham c/o J . A. Petrie , Clerk-Treasurer Straffordville , Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Gentlemen: We wish to advise that the County of Elgin Road Committee at a meeting on July 5th passed the following resolution : "Moved by : A. K. Ford Seconded by : H. J. Mezenburg That we advise the Township of Bayham that we have no objection to the closure of : (a) Part of the Creek Road in Concession III (Part #1 , Reference Plan 11R-3982) . (b) Road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in Concession II , Bayham Township (Parts #2 and #3 , Reference Plan _ 11R-3983) . Carried . " We trust that this resolution is sufficient for your ' requirements . We will advise County Council at their July Session that your resolution has been passed by Road COra` Yours truly, v 0. fest a • RGM:kab R. G. Sl,, ' BNc : , P. Eng . '"° c .c . Mr . G. C. Leverton ENGINEER � 1 ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Clerk-Treasurer County of Elgin Township of Bayliam I Phone 519-866-5521 J. A. PETRIE, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. STFIAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO Clerk and Treasurer � NOJ 1Y0 June 18 , 1990 Mr . George Leverton , Clem; County of Elgin 4T0 Sunset Drive St . Thomas , Ontario NSR 5V1 Dear Sir Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Municipal Act , R . S . O . 1980 , Sec . 298 ( 1 ) ( c ) and 198 ( 7 ) , the Council of tie Corporation of the Township of Bayhar:l intends to enact by- laws for the stopping up , closing and selling parts of highways as listed below : - 1 ) given road known as Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in Concession 3 , and being Part 1 on Plan 11R3982 2 ) part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in Concession 2 , and being Parts 2 & 3 on Plan 11R3983 . The above reference plans are enclosed for your information . There being no objection to the above closing , consent of the County is hereby requested . Yours truly (fl J . Petrie Clerk JAP/lm • 4... 4--04:4410..• KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. t,ca, ; •l �' ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR AINPIOV • \ October 10, 1989 Township of Bayham Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Sir ; Re: Survey Reference Plan of Part of Lots 15 & 16, and Part of the Road Alowance Between Lots 15 & 16, Concession 2, Township of Bayham. 11R-3983. Please find enclosed four copies of our Survey Reference Plan , 11R-3983, and our account . Should you have any questions or require additional information , please contact this office. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Sincerely; 41/ Ki • Husted OLS. } CT F 1999 TOWNSHIP OE bAYHAM PER .......,..,,.I44 4 '.."..'1 .......+ •..• 50 FOX ALLEY, TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO N4G 3P4 • (519) 842-3638 •CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact By-laws to stop up, close and sell that part of the allowance for road set out and de- scribed as follows: 1)The given road known as Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in Concession 3,and being Part 1 on Registered Plan 11 R3982 2)Part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in Concession 2,and being Parts 2 and 3 on the Registered Plan 11R3983 The above Registered Plans may be seen in the Municipal Office,Straffordville,Ontario,during regular hours. The proposed By-laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office,in the village of Straffordville on the 16th day of August 1990,at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M.and at that time,the Council will hear in person or by his counsel,solicitor or agent,any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. Dated:July 10,1990 J.A.Petrie Clerk of the Corporation of The Township of Bayham - .REWIRE Tw5 PLAN TO BE PL AN I I R-3983 DEPOSITED UNDER TIE REG4TRY ACT. RECEIVEDAPO Oct}DEPOSITED � LC DATE � DATE (1.���_ I//.• DEPU L AND FOR TNI � M - TED O.L.S. REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN / / INA. III CAUT ION:TIE 11(60106 OF THEPPLANN N6 ACT.710N rITNM PART SCHEDULE PART INST LOT CON TOWNSHIP I 2001316 PART OF'I6 2 SATHAM 2 AND 3 PART OF TIE ROOD ALLOWANCE BE TwEEN LOTS ID AND 16 1 4 303656 PART OF 16 5 22016T PART OF IS PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOTS 15 AND 16 AND PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE , BETWEEN LOTS 15 AND 16 CONCESSION 2 • -2/., TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM p COUNTY OF ELGIN s R SCALE - I INCH = 50 FEET . \ , KIM S. RUSTED O.L.S. /989 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT 11I- THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT ANO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND TIE REGISTRY ACT MO TME IHESULATICNS MADE THEREUNDER. (2)-THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 51W-DAY OF JULY MSS. ...ilk HI �if. / S ... ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR No. 200816 WGA / SIB N.:''''„:: r' � p \\ `fo`\3 rG '`� y"•4'• NOTES G V •4 ti\\ i 38• NN,..-:;'.'‘;‘• 'Fo III-BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE NORTHERLY 4 c \ JJ• LIMIT OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS I AND 2 SIB o' AS SHOWN ON PLAN IIR-3323 HAVING A SEARING OF H70°50304. \0 4 i u, J' JO 4 'J a.....\ JP 4 ,\ HID T •er• \` .e of• 16 • 2 \./„4 O6\ O $ SIB LEGEND BAYHAM\ \ \ O, 0 DENOTES• DENOTESSSURVEY MONUMENT SET ED 4 SIN DENOTES STANDARD IRON RAN i IB DENOTES IRON BAR ` 00 5113R) DENOTES HOLSTEAD•REDMOID L LIMITED OS. f„ ....• 161.T.0.1 DENOTES MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION I ONTARIO J O' 113561 DENOTES G.N.VAUNIAN D.L.S. 4 115821 DENOTES 0.S WASTED O.L.S. \ ISUI °EMOTES saunaISRNOWN elO e \•H d. \ f. 0. \TY \ \ 11 313.46 75.73 • AT // \\ S`0 2744 80' .-1 W y4 1n CONCESSIONS I AND 2 „IaE- .la 2 792.00° --r-1= // 1245.56 --r—I ,4l 0,43 • PLAN J IR-3039 LOT 16 KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. J ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 50 FOX ALLEY,TILLSONBURG ONTARIO,640 3P4 PHONE 519-842-3638 GWB Ltd PROJECT891149 REFERENCE '14=141.4 NG I _ 1 °W r: - Q SIB(M.T.O.) W/1\\ j/° (/ \ SIB'6.T0.1 (.1 0 °° - /Q. . - ' ,.,L a /\ / °N ' �. /7.$ N° A I \ sIB SIB . Cs.‘ °, JJ JO. 4 i °° Jj. JOa k o 9. SIB '\l'. JO J VA 4 %„ Y s i B 7:. 0. N '°.0 \,,,,..".,"', 6611",�• hJOa O 1� J1. pa sill •. .t1., o4 IIO W Aq N0 °° h R T J1OJt, ,HST •?0• 0 V \-..I IB iB ° 0 Io 0 N A . N G J _ O PAR _ • IBST. 60. 220167 �- lP :.t. sT. BP. aoaa LOT 14 LOT15 'O LO Ul CONCESSION `°W\PART ITOWNSHIP OF \ PLAN 118 3323 \ \` �o yg� � o � Q,�6 �1\ W i „Q. O. O4.SS�.°M1 9\j• �S .,..ti Xl4.." 4 Zi 0- `0 ••••V �yF,tl \ 112.40' IPL CM)I7.33z3 CBO SET) 634.68' 58.73' .34.67' 34.67' . /'' B 70°30 30`w(AEFENECCE KANIN°/ 0T 1 / 16 17,.,,, 4O j'g/�• ° ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN i \ s6e.Te' -.--\•- artaa' * I\ ..i‘ S0• \ PART \ 1 \ LOT 14 \ LOT 15 CONCESSION \ \ I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE PLAN IIR-3983 DEPOSITED u6)ER TIE REGSTgY ACT RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED DATE _ g t5131, DATE Oat 6.L,90.13 9._ 4../ 0 _�'/moi _ OE LAND REGISTRAR FOR TNT TED- O.L.S. REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN / / INA. II) CAUTION:TIE MEANING OF TNEPYLANaw 1.110"WIT" PART SCHEDULE PART MIST LOT 09TH. TOWNSHIP I 2001316 PART Of 16 2 BATHAN 2 AND 3 PART OF THE ROAD ALLOIWNCE BETWEEN LOTS IS AND IA 4 303696 PART OF IS 5 220167 PART OF IS PLAN OF SURVEY OF • PART OF LOTS 15 AND 16 AND , PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 15 AND 16 CONCESSION 2 2 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM p COUNTY OF ELGIN �� s I SCALE - I INCH = 50 FEET . \ , KIM S. HUSTED O.L.S. /989 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE _ I CERTIFY THAT. II)- THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND TIE REGISTRY ACT AND TIC REOULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. (2)-THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 5th DAY OF JULY 1909. t\ D _ 98f . DAT KI S/Nlls o / ONTARIO LANA SURVEYpi . NA. 200816 ?6•Y / SIB f0\'4 i•.•, '.-$ ' e NOTE S 4'4: 4 , N III-BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE NOR i KENO'` 4• f o J. LIMIT CF TIC ROAD P ALLOWANCEBETWEEN CONCESSIONS I AND 2 40. AS SHOWN ON RAN 110-33233 .IA VING A BEARING OF N70.50•341,/.. SIB \ 4 \ 1 a JJ. S. A S d- 9\ 4 , '�,, 9113 Op6\ , 2 SIR 1'>+ • 'N LEGEND ■ DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND SAYHAM , O, O DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT SET '+' SIR DENOTES STANDARD IRON EAR S., IB DENOTES IRON SAN l 0. 81&R1 DENOTES 140L STEAD&REDMOND LIMITED OL.S. 2 IM.T.OI DENOTES MINISTRY Of TRANSPORTATION,ONTMIO IN113561 DENOTES 0.&VAUGIIAN OL.S. .2 �` (1502) DENOTES R.S MISTED 01.3. \ ISA) DENOTES SOURCE III P• OWN s. \ SY \\e‘ as \\ \ 315.46 A 75.73' 077.4' //� I• S6 96 2741.81 lu IM CONCESSIONS J AND 2 .:Ia W 7192.00' -N ►/ 1245.56 CS S,9 PLAN IIR- 3039 LOT 16 KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. 1 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR SO FOX ALLEY, TILLSONOURG ONTARIO,1145 SPA PHONE 519-84 5-NOS PROJECT.89.1149 REFERENCE. 9WG L+a En ■ W:W 4 . 4 QW 3 SIB et, \SIB 1167.0.1 V i • /.)7. ' .... T •••••i 4 T o • �T ` m 1 N•P ) 7" \ Z V't 1.'.9,, JJ. JO 4 1 sr o 4 B 516 •\ JO6 0' ryY°J• \ \ SIB \lOJ• y \ °\ 4 `\ / Y �6 `7 � N ,6OJ2.NJ y6 .o SIB ... ?O'k 11d X\ W Aq N Q� ~36 BS RT \ , ?0 K c. 0 —k , . \ L1 Z la 1.t ' \\ b - 106 PART\ IBST. No. 110167 — - s— U\ 57 60 303 LOT 14 I O7 \. 15 -O �� CONCESSION e' `� \L . PART I TOWNSHIP t. OF ul PLAN 118 3323 L \ 9 111 O �°� O p iib P �,e \!!0 �0\ \ .#d2/ SE -. T11.50 (PL GB IIR 3323 AND SET) 634.6! ° 56.75 �°34 67 34.67 �_ B 70°50'30-W)NEFE.6ENCE 9F4R38$) b I �e � A ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN g' / 670°50'30-W 1/ 167 .66. J\ 868.78' 677.66. \ \. b\ _ 0 p \ CD .P S` PART \ 1 \ LOT 14 \ L O7 15 CONCESSION \ CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact By-laws to slop up, close and sell that part of the allowance for road set out and de- scribed as follows: 1)The given road known as Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in Concession 3,and being Part 1 on Registered Plan 11 R3982 2)Part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in Concession 2,and being Parts 2 and 3 on the Registered Plan 11R3983 The above Registered Plans may be seen in the Municipal Office,Straflordville,Ontario,during regular hours. The proposed By-laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office,in the village of Straffordville on the 16th day of August 1990,at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M.and at that time,the Council will hear in person or by his counsel,solicitor or agent,any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. Dated:July 10,1990 J.A.Petrie Clerk of the Corporation of The Township of Bayham ' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2574 Being a by-law to change the name of a street from West Street to Elgin Street according to Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville. WHEREAS there are currently two streets designated as West Street on Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville. AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to change the name of one of the aforesaid streets AND WHEREAS notice of this proposed name change has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Tillsonburg News, a newspaper having general circulation in this municipality AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has heard in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming their land will be prejudicially affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the street designated as West Street running North of Second Street (closed) and West of Plank Road, according to Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville be hereby changed to Elgin Street. 2. That this By-law be effective upon passing and proper signs being erected. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1990. 14, E REEVE CLERK ' Page 12 THE TILLSONBURG NEWS Monday,July 16,1990 Legal Notice Legal Notice • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM NOTICE OF STREET NAME CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that,pursuant to the Municipal Act and other powers thereunto enabling,the Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to pass a by-law to rename the following street: 1)West Street(running North of Second Street(closed)and west of Plank Road on Plan 205 for the Village of Stref- fordville)change to"Elgin Street" AND THAT the Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by counsel or agent,any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the proposed street name change and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held in the Municipal Office,in the Village of Stratfordville,on the 16th day of August,'1990 at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M. FURTHER information concerning this proposed street name change may be obtained at the Municipal Office,Straffordville, Ontario during regular hours. Dated:July 10,1990 J.A.Petrie Clerk of the Corporation of The Township of Bayham Ri ' 'ttv""" Document General Onlntio Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act, 104 . or ,_ - (t) Registry lid Land Titles U (2) recto 1 of 2 pews NUMBER 321550 2 1 5 5 0 (3) Property Block Property Identifier(*) Arl.iu{nnrtt• • CE CATS OF REGISTRATION R71400, L 90 DEC : (4)Nature of Document (J [. t� `t All41 Township of Bayham Bu- law No . 2574 to change the name of a street in the Village of Straffor - >- . ELGIN (S) Consideration v 1 l a Z i N° 11 N I L o _I', '11FiO1V4AS LAND REGISTRAR • Dollen $ ^(6) Description W Township of Bayham By- law No . 2574 oTo change the name of a street from West v Street to Elgin Street according to Plan Li. 205 for the Village of Straffordville . New Property Identifiers Additional: See ❑Schedule txecutlons (7) This (a) Redescription 1 (b) Schedule tor: Additional: Document New Easement Additional See 0Contsinr Plan/Sketch ❑ , Description El Parties ❑ Other Schedule i (e) This Document provides es follows: t % See attached By-law . Continued on Schedule 0 (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) Periy(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 • / vim- Cr�.r.porat.ion . of. .the %T��� �t'�' Township. of . Bayham William .Bogue , . CJ.erk. . . . . . 1990 .1.2 . 03 01) for Service Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ IYO (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y Al O F 1 i I I _I I (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: }i( Fees and Tax Straffordville , Ont . Township of Bayham o Registration Fee 0.2,5 Box 1.60 w Straffordville , Ontario NOJ IYO w v E u. O cc o Total .14-41 /`4 1S ._ NeR•,,me and Gilbert. Limited April. 19115 Form 1.F1333 (1/55) A • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2574 Being a by-law to change the name of a street from West Street to Elgin Street according to Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville . WHEREAS there are currently two streets designated as West Street on Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville . AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to change the name of one of the aforesaid streets AND WHEREAS notice of this proposed name change has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Tillsonburg News , a newspaper having general circulation in this municipality AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has heard in person or by his counsel , solicitor or agent , all persons claiming their land will be prejudicially affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 . That the street designated as West Street running North of Second Street ( closed ) and West of Plank Road , according to Plan 205 for the Village of Straffordville be hereby changed to Elgin Street . 2 . That this By-law be effective upon passing and proper signs being erected . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1990 . ‘D- . ("7---C"'" / • /4/ /j �- REEVE CLERK I , William Bogue , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of By-law No . 2574 , Passed by the Council of the said Corporation on September 6 , 1990 . 45c THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2575 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held September 6 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held Sept 6 , 1990 and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of September , 1990 . ..A .ter Reeve Clerk BY-LAW NUMBER 2576 of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Being a By-law to amend the Corry wIy Improvement Plan for the Hamlet of Stra ffordviie WHEREAS Section 28 of the Planning Act, enables a Council of a Municipal Corporation to amend a Community Improvement Plan or part thereof; AND WHEREAS the proposed Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PURSUANT TO SECTION 28(4) OF THE PLANNING ACT, HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 4.0 Proposed Improvements in the Community Improvement Plan for the hamlet of Straffordville, is hereby amended in accordance with the description of projects attached hereto as Appendix 'A', which is hereby adopted as an Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the hamlet of Straffordville. 2. Appendix 'B', Itemized Cost Estimates, is hereby amended in accordance with the cost changes shown on the revised Appendix 'B' attached hereto, and is adopted as an Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the hamlet of Straffordville. 3. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned amendment to the hamlet of Straffordville Community Improvement Plan. 4. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1990. cLEl�c 1, certified that the above to be a true copy of By-law No. 2576 passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 20th day of September 1990. 977: MUNICIP (Municipal Seal) • Bayham Township By, Laws .„.., By-Laws # #2589 1990 y / y--//-.25a? (/ 0 ) O'U s 5 3 g_g 5 5 53 ( 90 gayel�.r^- 1 Own�� „lag (d __. .51 e". I I 0--r , I ao, i990 53 9 -- c c ci? -f- cc c s id n Q r\ 41? S r.-....e 4- o r raoLot t,oet1 Lo -F l a 5 �,x . STi2 Ifo Lar- `-�- , I 51 5 5) - gd -I 0_0 -4;20(.17 s4,-/- 7K-a_x s --A , c_00 J $ , / o 0- 5Y 1 - To C0n -7 ir- .-r`. a Ii ( 0 , c oc co„\ cil O +0L- r 7-o /2,i_-) r, .rte I ( a %' -17 o r c c> �c.,,A_Ar\c / I✓Q ►%e-►m Lc l , 1 9 9c,9 5 Si 3 - or(; PI ar 0 Lar a Alo vee i;Lar IC, l 9 9 0 02- 5 - -4rS) +b 0-r" Ca, I PI C—P, Je_ 7-11 V„01 . WO 122_1 / C1 / 93 55 6 - 4- 8 (34--r -ct- plet-. r-jl�� ss 1 NG] r'e . 7 4- 2--- cg b f o Gp f� 't� r rr\ eL I C T7 ar. S 0 -r co tv o v. biere- 1 S, 1 9 9 0 fr2- 5g q — -ro p ro v r. eta r—iksz_ 0_r B� L.., ML..., ; UPoi Dia , No ✓.R.-4-16- 1)-« aa i990 2588 - T J) Az- 1:2-e‘-- 6 , 1990 � 5 � 9 — T corfi , .,_ oll c c aFCc) cA_r C ; / D-e. a o, l 9 9 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2577 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held September 20 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held Sept 20 , 1990 and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of September , 1990 01‘44r2/ <4/ - 21 Deputy Reeve Clerk . , 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2579 BEING a By-law to accept and assign a name to a street or roadway in Lot 125 , Concession South of Talbot Road , in the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS. Michael Hesch and Sandra Hesch have entered into an Agreement with the Council of the Township of Bayham to dedicate certain lands to be used for road purposes . AND WHEREAS the lands designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R4356 have been deeded to The Corporation of the Township of Bayham by Instrument Numbers 318814 and 318812 respectively in the Registry Division of Elgin , No . 11 , on August 20 , 1990 . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient to accept the aforesaid lands for road purposes . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 ) The lands designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R4356 having been dedicated to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for street or roadway purpose be and are hereby accepted for that purpose . 2 ) That the aforesaid lands as dedicated and accepted be assigned the name "Hesch Street " . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1990 . Ze//../L // Ad REEVE CLERK w CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2579 BEING a By-law to accept and assign a name to a street or roadway in Lot 125 , Concession South of Talbot Road , in the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS Michael Hesch and Sandra Hesch have entered into an Agreement with the Council of the Township of Bayham to dedicate certain lands to be used for road purposes . AND WHEREAS the lands designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R4356 have been deeded to The Corporation of the Township of Bayham by Instrument Numbers 318814 and 318812 respectively in the Registry Division of Elgin , No . 11 , on August 20 , 1990 . AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient to accept the aforesaid lands for road purposes . THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1 ) The lands designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 11R4356 having been dedicated to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for street or roadway purpose be and are hereby accepted for that purpose . 2 ) That the aforesaid lands as dedicated and accepted be assigned the name "Hesch Street " . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF OCTOBER , 1990 . REEVE CLERK I , William Bogue , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham , do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of By-law No . 2579 , Passed by the Council of the said Corporation on October 4 , 1990 . 4)1 ', i � - . r•invmce Transfer/Deed of Land nl (1nlnelet Al m I form I -- land Registration Reform Act, 1884 Y r�] NU 31861 1 8 i 4 (1) Registry N lend Titles [J (2) Page 1 0f 2 pages r�ER'�`I'l�1CA,TE REGISTRATION (3) Property Block Property Iden1111er(s) Additbnet; rr Sf1e► t_ SchexfuM O ,R}u U ZO A l l _ (4) Consideration r CAIN Two Dollars $ 2 . 00 O N' 11 ND REGISTRAR (5) Description This is a: Property Property �„ QM Division Lx] Consolidation ❑ w to D tL 0 tL Part of Lot 125 , Concession South New Property Identifiers Addltbnel: of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , o U. See 0 Schedule County of Elgin , being PART 1 on Executions Reference Plan 11R-4356 Addltlone r. See C]Schedule (8) Thts (a) Redescription i(b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Eeeement Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch MX Description 0 Parties 0 Other El ! (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee end certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that Date of Signature Y M D Name(s) Signature(s) _____ I I l THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATIONv�'�-�„ 1990 071 26 el 1990 07 26 1 i 1 t (9) Spouse(s) of Transferors) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D • I } • I I L (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service 450 Sunset Drive , St . Thomas , Ontario NSR 3C8 (11) Transferee(s) - Date of Birth . Y M 0 • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAMI 1 1 1 ; I I I 1 • 1 1 1 I ' I . 1 (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ I YO (13) Transferors) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M == D I Y M D Signature I 1 Signature 1 . . Solicitor for Transferors)I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor end I have made inquiries of the transferor 4 to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature O Name end ! Y , M D Address of Signature 1 i o Solicitor I 1 Qw (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records v+ 4 reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this c „ transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1963. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario c �� solicitor in good standing. EI: P..= Name and Date of Signature xs Address of Y M o Q Solicitor A Signature f. . . . (15) Assessment Roll NumberCly. Mun.� Map Sub Per. 1 fees and Tax of Property t ` not assigned m 2 Regislralion Fee S� (18) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: O w Land Transfer Tax Straffordville , J . A . Petrie w ` Ontario Box 160 0 it NOJ IYO is. o Straffordville , Ontarkr NOJ IYO o Total o2-r- ".. J Newenme end Gilbert, Limiter' April. 1985 ' Form IF1321 (1/1‘5) Newsome anti (711txrt, limited Nrvi+to August, men Flhrm 111;11(11/04) • Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to all Instructions on reverse tide. • IN THE MATTER OF THE C NVEYANCE OF (insertbriefderaiptionoflend) Part of Lot 125 , Concession South of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , County of Elgin being Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-4356 By (prfrtiname,ofaRtrMr,Mrorv1nnrll) THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TO (,ea kw/rooky, t and print names of all transform k,full) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM I, (see Instruction 2 and print name(,)In lull) Jack Petrie MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I om (prate a clear mar* within the aware opposite that ono of the following paragraphs that descrObes the clipw y of the deponent(,)): (etre Instruction 2) ❑ lel A person in trust for whom the land conveyed In the above described conveyance Is being conveyed; ❑ (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed: El (c) A transferee named in the above described conveyance; ❑ (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting In this transaction for (Insert nams(a)ofprinc0at(e)) described in paragraph(s) la), (b), (c) above; (arra* out references to ineppncable paragraph*) El (e) The XrX0Xr MKI?(Mi je iK(4M, , Secretary, 141}41 K.Xt XrXAVICeXeuthorized to act for (onsets names)otcorporeflon(,)) The Cnrpnrat ion of the Township of Bayham described in paregraph(s) (e), (b). (c) above; (strike out reference,to koappfcabls paragraphs) ❑ If) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (from only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above, as applicable) end em making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (Insert name of spouse) who is my spouse described In paragraph ( ) pn,ert only one of paragraph(a). (b)or(c)above, as appncahh) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value of the conelderetton for me conveyance*reloads t250,000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence"set out in clause 1(111je) of the Act. The land conveyed 1n the above described conveyance ❑ contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2(1) (d) Imposes en additional tax at the rate of one halt of one per ❑ does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$250,000 where the conveyance ❑ contains more than two single family residences. (a*e onstructkxn contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively In clauses 1(1)(f) and (a) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or In trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "nonresident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act. (ase knatnxflone 4 and 5) none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash s 2 . 00 (b)Mortgages CO Assumed (show print*,►and Interest to be credited against purchase price) $ n L l- (II) Given back to vendor s T1 i 1 (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) s n.l 1 Alf Mantra ((I)Securities transferred to the value of (detail below) s n 1 1 Must elo (e) Liens, legacies, annuities end maintenance charges to which transfer is subject s n i 1. Fined In. (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (dwelt below) $ n L 1 Insert -N►1• (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of(e) to (f)) S2 - 00 _2 . 00 Where IN VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS • items of tangible personal property APPlIcable (Retail Sales Tar b payable on the value of aM duffle?, unless evempt under the provtsic'ns of the •neinrl Sales Taw Act•, A.S.O. 1900, c.454, a, amended) s',l l 1 (i) Other consideration for transaction not included In (g) or (h) above sail_ l (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION s` 4Q : / 5. If consideration is no in I,describe relationship twee transferor end transferee state purpose of conveyance. (sae Instruction e) Dedication of land for municipal road purposes 8. If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? no 7. Other remarks end explanations, if necessary, nl I Sworn before meat the Village of Straffordville in the County of Elgin this 26th .day of July tg90 A Commissioner for taking Affidavlt-sJJ.6tc. ( algneture(s) GG Property Information Record A. Describe nature of instrument: Deed of land B. (I) Address of property being conveyed Of avanabre) art of Lot 125 , S . T . R . i Township of Bayham (I1) Assessment Roll No. (if avalable) C. Mailing addressles)tfa l)tur 4 tIces o§ts r t�ielAtsrssrne r�ti.�ctdfgr f�perty i cowed (ase Inatrucl rn n D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed w avanaboe) 173441 (II) Legal description of property conveyed: Sema es In DM) above. Yes[] No® Not known[] E. Neme(s) end addressles) of each transieree's solicitor For lend Registry Office use only REGISTRATION NO. Lend Registry Office No. Registration Date • 1 Province Transfer/Deed of Land • ,i o ' ' ' (,,„„„n• - i *"� ' Form I –• Land Registration Reform Act, 1913 (1) Registry [] Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages NUMBER 318 8 2 (3) Property Block Property CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Identlller(ts) Additional: See El 90 AUG qp An : g 5 , (4) Consideration J MAN Two Dollars S2 00 Z (5) Description This is a: Properly Properly o Ne 11 Division ® Consolidation El w • t. ! .. _= : ! REGISTRAR D — Part of Lot 125 , Concession South w LL of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , u. o New Property Identifiers County of Elgin , Being PART 2 on Q Additional: O See ❑ u. Schedule Reference Plan 11R-4356 Executions Additional: See Ell ('(6) This (a) Redescription ?(b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement I Additional Fee Simple Contains ❑ I Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other [}� t (6) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that we are spouses of 6ne another . Date of Signature • • • • V M D Names) Sig re ) HESCH , Michael. 1/. • • , 11990 .107. 26 . HESCH , Sandra ,,,a1990 07 26 1 j 1 , (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction R Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M 0 i : { I• , (10) Transferor(s) Addre s for Service Sit ra f f ordv i 1. l e , Ont a r i 6 , NOJ IYO ' >(11) 11•ansferee(s) YDate ofMBirth ` THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHI P_OF BAYHAM j I I 1. . . . . . . . ; : � i s = I I - c,(12) Transferee(s) Address tor Service Box 160 , Straffordvil. le , Ontario j 1 ,1 (13) Transferor's) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 a • , ia , Y M D • Signature _ ! Signature Solicitor for Transferors)I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor -I to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature O Name and , V , M . D E Address of Signature t 0 Solicitor 1 _ (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this F „ transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario E solicitor in good standing. a- t. c'n Name and Date of Signature x S Address of Y M o a Solicitor Signature l (15) Assessment Roll Number Cly. Myn.= Map i Sub. j Par. _ Fces } Fee and Tax \ i of Property I I not assigned Z t O Registration a112-(td) Munlctpal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: v) Land Transfer Tax Straffordville J . A . Petrie p ' Ontario Box 160 0 NOJ IYOStraffordville , Ontario u. NOJ IYO cc u_ Tota! j /yt Newsome and Gilbert. Limited April. 1985 ' Form LF1327 (1/85) 1 New+nme and Albert, limited Rrvked August, 1986 Fnrm 1I(R(R/84) ' Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to ell instructions on reverse tide. IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (Mewl bri•fdsscnptlonofland) Part of Lot 125 , Concession South of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, being Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-4356 B Y (print names a all trartsf rnrs In IVOMichael Hesch and Sandra Hesch TO (sale Instruction t and print names a 8N transliterates,n The Corporation o f the Township o f Bayham t (see Instrvtfion 2 and print Warn,(,)In Jack Petrie MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am (place a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the following paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponent(s)): (see Instruction 21 O (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; O (b)A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; [] (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting In this transaction for (insert namsp)of principal(s)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above; (strike out references to Inapplicable paragraphs) ® (e) The iVi ( KVi '}e alt} kiXAX,Secretary, ( irXcii.XXXXM6Kr authorized to act for (Insert names)of corporation(s)) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham described in paragraph(s) (a), (b). (c) above; (strike out references to Inappilcable paragraphs) • U) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (Insert only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above, ae applicable) and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (Insert name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ) (insert only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above, as applicable) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds 1250,000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence"set out in clause 1(1)(jai of the Act. The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance El contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2(1) (d) Imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per [l does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$250,000 where the conveyance El contains more than two single family residences. (see instruction 3) contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f) and (q) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act. (see instructions 4 and s) none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash $ 9 _ 00 (b) Mortgages (i) Assumed (show principal and interest to be credited against purchase price) $ nil Ili) Given back to vendor S nil (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) S n i 1 Al?Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of (derail below) $ n t l Wet Be (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject $ n i 1 Filed In. (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (Mail below) $ n 1 1 Insert 'Nit (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of(a) to (f)) $ 7 - nn 0 _ 00 Whore (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS . items of tangible personal property Applecabte. (Retail Sales Tax b payable on the value of all chatter unless exempt under snit the provisions of the 'Retell Sales Tax Act', R.S.O. 1980, c.454, ss amended) (i) Other consideration for transaction not included In (g) or (h) above S ni l (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION $ 2 . 00_ f 5. If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (see instruction e) fed i cat i nn of land for municipal road purposes 6. If the consideration is nominal, is the lend subject to any encumbrance? no 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. nil Sworn before me at the Village of Straffordville in the County of Elgin this 26th . day of July 19 90 A Commissioner for takiggeC Affidytt� 1 e)tc. + ++tu►+(N Property Information Record A. Describe nature of instrument: Deed of Land B. (I) Address of property being conveyed (rfavaetabny Part of Lot 125 , S . T . R . , Township of Bayham (ii) Assessment Roll No. (if mita(*) C. Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (ase Instruction 77 D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (M evelabe) 220088 (ii) Legal description of property conveyed: 'Samd as in D.(i) above. Yes 0 No® Not known 0 E. Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor For Lend Registry Office use only REGISTRATION NO. Land Registry Office No. • Registration Date rr ` °vnCe(111111110 Transfer/Deed of Land of Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act. 1984 r (1) Registry El Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) Property Property idents Additional. See ScheduM ill (4) Consideration ,. . . Two Dollars $2 . 00 J Z (5) Description This is a: PropertyProperty, 0 • Division ® Consolidation ❑ w D Part of Lot 125 , Concession South w LL of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , LL ONew Property Identifiers County of Elgin , Being PART 2 on 0 Additional: w $ee ❑ Reference Plan 11R-4356 Schedule Executions Additional: See El (d) This (a) Redescription ;(b) Schedule for: (7) Infersst/Estate Transferred Document New Easement z Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch ] 1 Description ❑ Parties ElOther i (6) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that we are spouses of one another . Date of Signature Name(s) na )SigY M D ! HESCH , Michael. , , ,a4 .l, , . , . . , . 11990 .C7, i26 . HESCH , Sandra (.WZ OCit. . . . . . . . . ,l 990 :07. 2,6 , I * 1 ((9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D j • f I i ! ! (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service S t ra f f o rd v i l 1. e , Ontario , NOJ I YO >(11) Tiansferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSH] P.QF BAYHAM i . 's i I �(12) Transferee(s) Address for Service Box 160 , Straffordvii l. e , Ontario (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D Y M 0 ' i Signature ! , l Signature ; . • . Solicitor for Transferor(s)I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor I to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge oRand belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature Name and , Y , M . D E Address of ! 0 Solicitor Signature I t . (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records < , reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this l' --„ transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario t solicitor in good standing. i EC r"n 8- Name and Date of Signature x e Address of Y M 0 Y Solicitor 31 Signature • I. (15) Assessment Roll Number ' Cty. t Muni Mop Sub. ' Par. - 'ITT– Fees and Tax 1 of Property I not assigned Z II Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: O ? Land Transfer Tax S t ra f f ordv i 11 e J . A . Petrie w ' Ontario Box 160 tJ NOJ IYOStraffordvi .iie , Ontario NOJ IYO o no Total Newsome and Gilbert, Limited April, 1985 ' Form LF1327 (1/85) Newsome and Gilbert, Limited Atomised August, 19811 Fhrm sirup(A'M) • Form 1 • Land Transfer Tax Act • Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to all Instructions on reverse tide. IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF Metal brbfdescription ofland) Part of Lot 125 , Concession South of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , County of Elgin , being Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-4356 BY Michael Hesch and Sandra Hesch TO ( Instruction and prtM names o/apt transferees An full) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham I (ase Instruction 2 and print name(,)in huff) Jack Petrie MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am (place a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the fc$ow lnp paragraphs that describes the asperity of Me deponent(s)): (tee Instruction 2) O (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; O (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; O (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; O (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for (insert narne(,)ofprtncbai(s)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b). (c) above: (strike out references to inapplicable paragrsPhs) O (e) The FX$4 Xi }(e 4X'Mk Secretary, (XrXcialCXXIXigiOir authorized to act for (Insert names)of corporation(s)) The Corporation of the Township of Bayham described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above; (strike out references to Inapplicable paragraphs) O (f) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (Insert only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above, as applicable) and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (insert name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ) (insert only one of paragraph(a).(b)or(c)above, es applicable) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To De completed when the value of the conelder*tfon for the conveyance exceeds S250,000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence"set out in clause 1(1)(ja) of the Act. The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance [] contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2(1) (d) Imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per [� does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$250,000 where the conveyance (tae Instruction 3) contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 0 contains more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f) and (g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act. *obstructions 4 and 5) none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash $ 2 _ 00 (b) Mortgages (I) Assumed (show princyoal and Interest to be credited against purchase price) $ _tri 1 (ii) Given back to vendor S n i 1 (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) $ n1 1- All Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of (detail below) $ n i i Must Ba (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject $ n 1 1 Filled In. (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (Mall below) $ nil Insert 'POP (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of(a) to (f)) $ 9 - 00 S ? - 00 Where (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS . items of tangible personal property Applicable. (Retail Sales Tax b payable on the value of all chattels unless exempt under the provisions of the 'Retail Sales Tax Act', A.S.O. Men c.45i, as amended) (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above S jli l (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION $ 2 . 00 5. If consideration is nominal,describe relationship between transferor and transferee end state purpose of conveyance. (tae Instruction e) fedi c-at i nn of land for municipal road purposes 6. If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? no 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessaryn i 1 Sworn before me at the Village of Straffordville in the County of Elgin this 26th . day of July 19 90 sipnitur(s) A Commissioner for takiggAffid7ltsjgtc. L l 11 Property Information Record A. Describe nature of instrument: Deed of Land B. (I) Address of property being conveyed (rfavaable) Part of Lot 125 , S . T . R . , Township of Bayham (ii) Assessment Roll No. (if available) C. Mailing addresses) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (ase instruction >) D. (i) Registration number for last conveyenfe of property being conveyed (t(avaaabio) 220088 (ii) Legal description of property conveyed: Sema es in D.(i) above. Yes[] No® Not known 0 E. Name(s) end addresses) of each transferee's solicitor For Land Registry Office use only REGISTRATION NO. Land Registry Office No. Registration Date A. -- 1 gii,, 'nt "" Transfer/Deed of Land thrterin Form 1 -- Land Registration Reform Act. 1984 (1) Registry U Lend Titles n (2) Page 1 of 2 Pages • (3) Property Block Property Identifiers) Additional: Schedule [ [ (4) Consideration Two Dollars $ 2 . 00 r J Z (5) Description This is a: PropertyProperty O Division [J Consolidation n w w L) E Part of Lot 125 , Concession South O New Property identifiers o Additional: of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , u. See Schedule nCounty of Elgin , being PART 1 on Executions Reference Plan 11R-4356 Additional: Seen Schedule (6) This (a) Redescription i(b) Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Sketch [ Description n Parties n Other [] (S) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old end that Date of Signature /. ,. Y M 0 Name(s) Signature(s) r ! /— ' THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION , . 11990' 07 26 I ' 1990 07 26 1 I . I i I I (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I herebyconsent to this transaction I r Date o Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D i . I I I (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service 450 Sunset Drive , St . Thomas , Ontario N5R 3C8 1 (11) Transferee(s) • YDate of�Birth \ , � s THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM I I • I 1 I I 1 (12) Transferee(s) Address for service Box 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ IYO < (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y MI D V M D I 1 i t Signature Signature J . , , Solicitor for Transferor(s)I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor ) to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section end based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I em an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature OName and r Y , M 0 E Address of I 0 Solicitor Signature J t, di (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have Investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records a ` reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act. 1963 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I em an Ontario E solicitor in good standing. a :fit... Name and Date of Signature xae Address of Y M D Q Solicitor Signature .. . . . (15) Assessment Roll Number ' Cty. /Muni Map ' Sub. ' Par. I }A Fees and Tax of Property i not assigned Z I >(1e) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: 0 Registration Fee N Land Transfer Tax D ' J . A . Petrie Straffordville , w Ontario Box 160 o NOJ I YO u. Straffordville , Ontar kc. NOJ I YO o Total A. _Alt 1 Newsome and Gilbert, Limited April, 1955 ' Form LF1327 (1/55) J Newanme and filbert, limited trvhert All I*t, INttb Rite 11611(PRA) Form 1 • Land Transfer Tax Act Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to all Instructions on reverse side. IN THE MATTER OF THE CQNVEYANCE OF ( br>wfdraMprkarat ane) Part of Lot 125 , Concession South of h>MrtTalbot Road , Township of Bayham , County of E1.gi.n being Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-4356 BY (rrtm�amasa,adtnrtellsrorakttifi THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION T O (seo ktetrucflon t and print names of an rtanahrs••in Ade) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF B A Y H A M 1, (sea Mstrtxflon 2 and print names)In MO Jack Petrie MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am (prat.a clear mark wthln the event opposite that one of the knowing paragraphs that describe•the capacity of the deponent(s)). (see instruction 2) • (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; • (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; • (c) A transferee named in the above described conveyance; [� (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for (Insert name(.)ofprktctpary) described In paragraph(s) (a). (b), (c) above; mote out referent*, to inappflcabl.paragraphs) ® (e) TheXrX0 XXOtKI lIi44{►K MIKA*.Secretary. (i XrX11Y t3Xeuthorized to act for peso's name(.)of corporation(s)) The Cnrpnration of the Township of Bayham described in paragraph(s) (e), (b), (c) above; (sulko out references to ineppnceble paragraphs) If) A transferee dest:ribed in paragraph( ) (Misers only one of paragraph(a). (b)or(e)above, as applicable) and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (Insert name of'mule) _ who is my spouse described In paragraph ( ) tinted only one of paragraph(a), (b)or(c)above, as applicable) end as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance tweeds 1250,000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence`set out in clause 1(1)(ja) of the Act. The land conveyed in the above described conveyance • contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2(1) (d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration In excess of$250,000 where the conveyance contains more than two single family residences. (sae ktatrttcfbn 3) contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f) end (q) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act. (ata k+etruclbne 4 and 5) none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash S 2 . 00 (b)Mortgages Ii) Assumed (shotty princhat and Interest to be credited against purchase price) S n L l (Ii) Given back to vendor S n L 1 (c) Property transferred in exchange (desalt below) S ni 1 AN Blanks • Id)Securities transferred to the value of (data!!below) S n i 1 Must e• (e) Liens, legacies, annuities end maintenance charges to which transfer is subject S nil Fined In (1) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (*ran below) $ n 1 1 insert 'Nn' (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of(a) to (V)) $ 2 - 00 !7 . 00 • Whore (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS • items of tangible personal property APPIkablis. (ratan Saes Tax b payable on the value of all chattels unless exempt under Sn_1_l the provisInns of the 'Ratan$alas Tax Act', R.S.O. 1900, c.454, a, amended) (I) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above sail (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION S7AQ0, — / 5. If consideration is nomin I, describe relations p twee transferor end transferee state purpose of conveyance. (see instruction e) Dedication of between for municipal l road purposes 8. If the consideration is nominal. Is the lend subject to any encumbrance? no 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary, ni 1 Sworn before me at the Village of Straffordvill.e in the County of Elgin this 26th .day of July tg90 A Commissioner for taking Affidavi . 23 ' " ') Property Information Record A. Describe nature of Instrument: Deed of land B. Ii) Address of property being conveyed (n avertable) art of Lot 125 , S . T . R . , Township of Bayham Iii) Assessment Roll No. (n avan.bl.) C. Mailing eddress(es)�a tur4tices o services Gthiell�ssessme t�ctdtgr f fyperty cco!v,vd (ase hatnxrton 7) D. lit Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (w ay.Nabkr) 173441 (II) Legal description of property conveyed: Samd as In 0,11) above, Yes No® Not known[] E. Name's) end eddress(es) of each transferee's solicitor For Land Registry Office use only REGISTRATION NO. Land Registry Office No. Registration Date 113 4i 4i UNITED STATIONERY CO. LIMITED. LEGAL FORM DEPT. ti �,..,.� Fbrm 142—Deed With Dower. 1st Page 30 PRODUCTION DRIVE. SCARBOROUGH • ticji a enlitint made (in duplicate) the fifteenth day of January , • one thousand nine hundred and seventy- four . • - hn Jurriunnrr of Tr 'llnrt Norms of Crnnurganrrs Art.3i3 etthe en MICHAEL HESCH , of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , Farmer , and ELVIRA HESCH , his wife , of the same place , hereinafter called the GRANTORS OF THE FIRST PART - and THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION hereinafter called the GRANTEE OF THE SECOND PART _0 .S- ° 1 6�� WHEREAS the Grantors are owners as joint tenants of the herein described property . •04 itnegtittb that in consideration of Two ($ 2 . 0 0) (and other valuable consideration) - - Dollars of lawful money of Canada, now paid by the said Grantee to the said Grantor s , the receipt whereof is hereby by them acknowledged, the said Grantors 1313 (Brant unto said Grantee in fee simple. All an f►ingular th at certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , being composed of part of Lot 125 , South of Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , desig - Reference nated as Part 1 on/Plan 11R- 245 deposited with the Registry Division of Elgin (No . 11) ruzstuet•/:‘TAIW5C343tb k4 ,:?,3 24Fc.>r.srj. LAND QSJf=?',}td T, was THE TRAM J 4 attilMittEN WV IYAW eiS . , , *EU►TES,=1 JAW Sta/6174-1-figilt%li Via.,4. --- <T 2008NITLD STATIONERY CO. LIMITED. LEGAL FORM OUT. . ►wlt� 14; wed SI* $pauss1 Concent so PRODUCTION DRIVE. SCARBOROUGH « : i L---) ; %, 12th :*I; made (in duplicate) the day of January , 4 one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine . in ru rouanrr of MIK &tinct Harms of (rnnurganrts Art. I 3/3 etWeefl MICHAEL HESCH , of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , and ELVIRA HESCH , of the same place , his wife , I Hereinafter called the " GRANTORS" i • ' OF THE FIRST PART I AND 1 MICHAEL HESCH , Junior , of the Township of Bayham , in the County of Elgin , and SANDRA HESCH , of the same place , his wife , as Joint Tenants and not as Tenants in ,a 'L Common , -I $ ,o Hereinafter called the "GRANTEES " 1 OF THE SECOND PART (I i i I 1 i i .i I I ficin itnegget1j that in consideration of ---- THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND -- ( $33 , 000 . 00 ) I I I 1 Dollars of lawful money of Canada, now paid i --- by the said Grantees to the said Grantor s , the receipt whereof is hereby by him acknowledged, they the said Grantors Do (Krant I unto said Grantees in fee simple, as Joint Tenants and not as Tenants i in Common ; Alt nub *►ingular th at certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham, in the County of i 1 Elgin and Province of Ontario , being composed of part of Lot I. Number 125 , South of Talbot Road East or Concession Six of the ` , said Township of Bayham, more particularly designated as Parts + 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 11R-1.6 84 ,.:.depAs�..)t1d,Ea 421 1gistry P_'E SUR`. 1' - - ►:SENT CF TR: 1 PI ANNI G ACT, I C%:': Y .T E CC. Division Of Elgin (NO• 11) SND pIVISIO�� C01 'ti+117TEETt;:OF tTUt iCG1iNTY CF ELGIN i WAS GIVEN ON i `^'" THE TRANSACTION TO WHICH THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT { :-% _ . f c. r----.-- 1 1 ! Dats4 this .•-...-.» 1 1 1 1 I I �' I ; ;i • • SCHEDULE Form 5 Land Registration Reform Act , 1984 SCHEDULE OF TRANSFER/DEED OF LAND BETWEEN : THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ( 5 ) DESCRIPTION : Part of Lot 125 , Concession South of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , County of Elgin , being PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-4356 The lands are part of the lands described in Instrument Number 173441 . A SCHEDULE Form 5 Land Registration Reform Act , 1984 SCHEDULE OF TRANSFER/DEED OF LAND BETWEEN : THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ( 5 ) DESCRIPTION : Part of Lot 125 , Concession South of Talbot Road , Township of Bayham , County of Elgin , being PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-4356 The lands are part of the lands described in Instrument Number 173441 . 1:;oviorn Document General Ontnvlo Form 4 — Land ReQ n e orm c!istratio R t A , 19M D (1) Registry Land Titles U (2) Page 1 of 2 pnge, (3) Property Block Property . NUMBER 321549 Identifier(s) Additional CEMIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Sch Schedule LI OE C 4 All (4)Nature of Document Township of Bayham By—law to accept lands for ad purposes and assign a road name . } ' ELGIN (s)�onsideration Z N• 11 NIL w ', EF(QMA �►NO REGISTRAR I Dollars ! S1 (S) Description 0w Township of Bayham By— law No . 2579 To accept and assign a name to a street or o roadway in Lot 125 , Concession South Talbot Road , in the Township of Bayham . DE /� .4100 �a PAQTs / Arlo t oma+ �'k FER�r�C t PLAd s New Properly Identifiers 1/ ' 4/3S4 Additional: See Schedule 0 Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: Additional: Document New Easement Additional Schedule f Contafrts: Plan/Sketch ❑ fff, Description ® Parties ❑ Other ❑ �(e) Thls Document provides as follows: See by—law attached Continued on Schedule ❑ (9) Thls Document relates to Instrument number(.) 318812 and 318814 (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature r M D Corporation of the Vdie„ , • Township of Bayham William Bogue , Clerk 1990 12 03 (11) AfordrBox 160 , Straffordville , Ontario NOJ IYO (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signatures) Date of Signature i + + i I I (13) Address for Service (14) MunIcipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: 1 Fees and Tax Straffordville , Ont . Township of Bayham Z negistration Fee Box 160 Straffordville , Ontario w NOJ 1Y0 LL LL 0 cr Il Total 2_ J` Newsome and Gilbert. Limited April. 1985 1"nrm 1.(=1;+13 (1(85) l - CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO . 2580 BEING a by-law to repeal by-law No . 2047 setting maximum fees for hunting licences in the Township of Bayham . WHEREAS By-law No . 2047 setting maximum fees for hunting licences in the Township of Bayham was Passed by Council on the 8th day of October , 1980 . AND WHEREAS By-law No . 2047 received Ministerial approval on October 24 , 1980 . AND WHEREAS it is no longer considered necessary to sell licences for hunting in the Township of Bayham THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 ) That By-law No . 2047 setting maximum fees for hunting in the Township of Bayham be and is hereby repealed . READ A FIRST , SECOND & THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1990 . REEVE CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Lay No. 2581 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held October 18 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held October 18 , 1990 and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of October , 1990 . e-447*-- "7 Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2582 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held November 1 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 1 , 1990and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 1st day of November , 1990 Reeve Clerk • 110 BY-LAW NO. 2583 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 84 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 84 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 15th day of November, 1990 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2583 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK '7 . i OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 84 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Hazard Lands " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 12 hectares ( 0 . 30 acres ) and is situated approximately 210 . 0 metres south of County Road No . 45 , on the west side of Part Lot 21 , Concession 4 , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the west side of Part Lot 21 , Concession 4 , approximately 210 . 0 metres south of County Road No . 45 and forms part of a larger farm holding consisting of 9 . 3 hectares . Although presently comprised of bush land, it is the applicant ' s intent to create a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . The proposed lot is situated among an aesthetic wooded area overlooking the western bank of the Otter Creek. The physiography in the area of the subject lands are characterized by a gently sloping "U" shaped valley which is associated with the Otter Creek . The existing "Hazard Lands " designation of the subject lands is indicative of the Otter Creek and its associated valley walls . The proposed lot is located on a portion of the applicant ' s land holdings which is not engaged in agricultural production nor deemed suitable for such production due to the above mentioned physiography. The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject lands has not been mapped in sufficient detail to determine if development can be accommodated without risk due to flooding or slope instability. However, the Long Point Region Conservation Authority has reviewed the applicant ' s proposal to create a rural residential lot on these subject lands and is of the opinion that development could occur on this parcel without impacting on the Otter Creek or its ' associated banks providing all development occurs above the 212 . 5 metre contour elevation . •' 411 - 2 - Although the proposed lot extends below the 212 . 5 metre contour elevation, the lands subject to this amendment applies to only the portion of the proposed lot above the 212 . 5 metre contour elevation . All lands below this elevation within the proposed residential lot will remain "Hazard Lands " . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses , namely cash crop and tobacco farms . A number of rural residential lots are located both east and west of the subject lands along County Road No . 45 . The lands intended to be retained by the applicant contain a variety of structures including one dwelling unit, storage barn and numerous sheds . The subject lands are comprised of Class 6-7 Eroded Channel and Valley Complex Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition, the subject lands are recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food' s Agricultural Land Use Systems Mapping as being woodland which is classified as a Non-System Land Use . There are no specialty crop soils on the subject lands and the closest building or structure capable of housing livestock is in excess of the minimum distance separation formula as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Due to the circumstances discussed above, and more particularly in light of the proposed use of the subject lands , they have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a non-farm area as outlined in Sections 4 . 2 . 2 . 11 , 4 . 2 . 2 . 12 and 4 . 2 . 2 . 13 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. It is imperative to note however, that prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of the single dwelling unit , development will be regulated subject to the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 4 . 8 (d) (Valley Walls and Top-of- Bank Policies ) of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 411 - 3 - 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Hazard Lands " to "Rural Residential " , those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment . ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated - "Rural Residential " may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 Rural Residential , as amended, subsequent to the requirements of Section 4 . 2 . 4 . 8 ( d) Valley Walls and Top-of-Bank Policies of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended . 0 ' 410 Iiii1iIiJj!1Pr 104111.11illiptidt..:,. . allIPP11110011 SCHEDULE A 0400 • pr. 'iik OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE LA '`IIPPP,_! ! U ` h TOWNSHIP OFi• i FUTURE LAND USE a ?' . rq AMENDMENT NO. 84 PPP !4111 ,illirk ::i.;;;Ipplir.i ,Y; :Atir7..t•>i :J40 84 lands changed from "Hazard Lands" 14 laighli..._ • , (011&-,,f2M1111.z, 1 to Rural Residential 1411041, ri: ;1i tr • ir -imil '.? • w4- 1;411 1-1111):Prigpoi t.,.. „.ily 'ff. ► ill q Agriculture 4.- • f J '" e‘t°11 biEdi m y �t Highway Commercial r1.,t ,� t* SSTR Mt Hazard Lands "lig ? .... At Nalikpui t.r 4111111 41 0 ..11.._ A 1 • !, I, S.O = 14 e • ••'' '.'.. ,,,,e-Y. :4244 iltiiinri �= ;c`: Conservation Lands „ ; v_ .110.0,1•1sik 1p ,, Hamlets `•�`•' t (COMMUNITY IMPAOVEMENT AREAS) .co •� ' • Mineral Resource Areas IP'1, ' oil "41M itir °Iiiiiii: 1411110110.1111141 OProvincial Highways . '111 --fig-- t%crotrival Roads nt Roads) 11111111111tfjOIP"1411... l _ . 84 II . .... : .,:. ....: :•:7I ,.,q R iil �, ', , I,ti �a.,g, l't : , _ • f , - Ito" . ..7, . 1 ... , „..„,4 . . 44,;::,,, .��� 9 2000 4000 Metres ` 11411 9 soon 10900 15900 Feet • 4110 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT NO . 34 /1 CONCE . SI N< V i / 1 i P A \ ___,I..,., / 7— :Yr ` } T 1 . .,,_)\10T I � � /LOT 2 LOT ps\-- -c-i. --_ Lo 2 I j > .214.0 �t f J,r� '/- - CNiii II f : : 11 .\ p'(1 -I 1 . I 4 ', ‘: r---.. ,s , , ( , ,i , , 1,_! 3 \ . hi. I'J \, ,, _ _ ,. ..0 . J ,O ..____ , . .,‹- _ _ .„ ' 4 , '—* 1)1:—1. ( 1 ,.. ............ ...., __ _. _ ' I • ),.....,...,/ . I • if I f -e I ••,..j. • Li' :/. '0110 1 i :i iii 217'0 4,% -'7--7' ki \ ) %II ! : I ,ip . i 2 1ao. i `+ �• *:° .. ------ --. ,7( `. _- _ : , r I • ( \ PI 4 - '- ' S liji .-447 n 1 _ iii,t .\%1 i .\'. ', ' 4) emn-'...'"::.::: , 1° • .:11/4 ° I . ...– Eillb 11-1—) .14*. I I s\\' .---/- • . . i yii-,. . 11 • , i r / • • it / 1 .......--,1,/..... . 4, .. )„,,, �,� ' S I I t .t. \ . ADD.T.T ONAL L�d�� it • �,C I N 1 V 1 ;.. ( �‘ OWNED B�1 '--� �,.ti �. � j'-7147 n �; APPLICANT ! 1 li i. li ..'i i Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources _ . - SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING CD WOODLOT .441. • KILNS/GARAGES/SHEDS 0 250m 500m NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only . Scale: 1:10,000 MAR e _ — , --_. -.. _ —_ Friends & Clients o Call for growth?" Notices Mr. Miles acknowledged the 866-3 hamlet growth issue is not of great concern to Norfolk township. Straffordville QUOTATIONS FOR gnaw removal for Mt ; "There's a declining population in * OPEN 6 Days A Weeks91ElginCo.Reply to rnPatmunityCenPreusstrebefore fbrwtnterof 1990-19, this township," he said. "But it's im- October P.S. Rita's now off on Wednesdays 1990, Phone 485-4998. 110 portant we ensure development is • _.._� properly maintained. But the move to study the future of hamlets was warmly received by Notices Notices Norfolk Councillor Gord Pickersgill, who cited the need for planned growth. "it bothers me where new houses concentrate where there's no water Planning Act, 1983 or sewer services," he said. "It NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING hamlets.me about overloading the To Be Held By Copies of the existing Norfolk I'i.►n will he distributed amongst BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL township agencies and public in- terest groups in the next few mon- Respecting Proposed Official Plan ths, in an attempt to find out what and changes, if any, the public wants. A public meeting will follow in the new Zonin By-Law Amendments year. + g Y The district plan must he reviewed TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the every five years, according to tlw Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose planning act. ! of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and j zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with Forum the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be A second community forum on considered are as follows:- . home support services for seniors in APPLICATIONS the Port Rowan and Norfolk Township 29, JOSEPH LAMA:- Pt Lot 21, Concession 4, to change the area planned fMonday, Oct. 1990 at the Legionnr Halt in Port Rowan zoning of a portion of lands from Al to Rural Residential. This at 9:30 a.m.The purpose of the meet- ; will permit the creation of 1 (one) Residential Lot by severance ing is to learn more about the home by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. support service needs of seniors from DOUG DENNIS:-Pt Lot 131,Concession N.T.R.,to change the informed members of the Port Rowan 1 zoning on a portion of his lands from Al to Al Special. This will and area communities.This meeting is being set up at the request of partici- i permit the creation of a 5 acre parcel of land by severance by pants of a September 10, 1990 commu- The Elgin County Land Division Committee. nity forum wherein a number of serv- I JOHN D'HONDT:- Lot 114, Concession No. 7, to change the ice needs of seniors were identified. i zoning on a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. All concerned commumity citizens This will permit the creation of 1 Residential lot by severance by fseniors in the Township of food lk are invited to attend this meeting The Elgin County Land Division Committee. and help to strategize ways of assisting SANDHAM CARTAGE LTD:-Lot 20 & 21, Concession No. 11, local seniors to remain living at home to amend the zoning of their lands to add the following to the within their communities for as long as present permitted uses in the M2 Industrial Zone- possible. Bill Naylor of the Port Rowan 1) Petroleum Storage Legion has generously offered to pro- 2 Waste RecoverySite vide local coordination of this meeting at the Legion. Individuals who are DETOWN INVESTMENTS INC:-Lot 120,S.T.R.,to change the interested in attending this community zoning of a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential. forum are encouraged to contact Mr. This will permit the creation of a lot consisting of approximately naylor locally or to contact Haldimand two acres byseverance bythe Elgin CountyLand Division Norfolk Community Seniors Support � Services at 1-800-265-2818. Committee. Statistics available indicate that the The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at population of the Town of Port Rowan Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, Novem- is 759, of which 209 or 27.5 per cent ber 15, 1990. are seniors.This figure represents one ofAny inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township the the highestinpercentage noseniors k. clerk (866-5521). Region of Haldimand-Norfolk. This forum is being sponsored by W. Bogue Haldimand-Norfolk Community Sen- . Township Clericcors Support Services in collaboration Box 160 il with the Tillsonburg and District Multi- Straffordville, Ontario Service Centre.For information please NW 1 YO call:519-587-4555 or seniors may call toll free 1-800-265-2818. l !II 411 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP PUBLIC MEETING NOVEMBER 15 , 1990 Reeve Van Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to receive comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Joseph Lama , Detown Investments and John D ' Hondt . Also to receive comments on applications for zoning amendments from Douglas Dennis and Sandham Cartage Ltd . The application of Joseph Lama at Concession 4 , Part Lot 21 , for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance of his property is considered . The purpose of this application is to create a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . It is proposed to change the zoning on a 0 . 25 hectare ( 0 . 61 ) acre parcel of land situated on the west side of Part Lot 21 , Concession 4 approximately 210 . 0 metres south of County Road No . 45 , in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( A1 ) Zone to Special Rural Residential ( RR- 18 ) Zone and the Hazard Land ( HL ) Zone . Secondly , it will rezone a parcel4of land from the ( Al ) Zone to the Special ( A1 -37 ) zone . No comments were received from the public . Council had no comments , however the planning consultant advised that approval would be required from the conservation authorities . The clerk presented correspondence from the Elgin District Health Unit advising they have no objections to the application and also from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising they have no concerns . The application of De Town Investments Inc . at S . S . T . R . ( Concession 6 ) Part Lot 120 for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance on this property is considered . The purpose of this application is to change the zoning on a 0 . 90 hectare ( 2 . 22 acre ) parcel of land situated on the south side of County Road #38 , in the northwest corner of Part Lot 120 , S . S . T . R . ( Con . 6 ) in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The effect of this application will be to permit the creation of a rural residential lot for the construction of a single dwelling unit pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No comments were received from the public . Council had no comments on this application . The planning consultant advised the Conservation Authority would no doubt have to give their approval to this application . The clerk advised that correspondence had been received from the Elgin Health Unit stating they had no objections to this application and also from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising they had no concerns . The application of John D ' Hondt at N . S . T . R . ( Concession 7 ) Part of Lot 114 for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance on this property is considered . The purpose of this application is to permit the creation of a rural residential lot for the construction of a single dwelling unit pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . This application will change the zoning on a 0 . 62 hectare ( 1 . 54 acre ) parcel of land situated on the east side of road allowance between Lot 114 , and 114 on the west side of Part Lot 114 N . S . T . R . ( Con . 7 ) south of the Big Otter Creek , in the Township of Bayham from the agricultural ( Al ) zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) zone . Mr . Joe and Mrs . Monica Braun were present expressing their concern regarding further residential development in the rural area . Councillor Ron Phillips stated that this proposal was far enough away from farm operations so as not to cause any problems . The township planning consultant advised that the Conservation authorities would no doubt require a plan to be submitted for their approval . The Clerk advised that correspondence was received from the Elgin Health Unit advising they have no objections to the appliciation . The Ministry of Natural Resources advised they have no objection to the application . They did advise that should any work be done pertaining to the Big Otter Creek they would require a work permit . 411 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP 0 PAGE 2 Minutes of Public Meeting November 15 , 1990 continued The application of Douglas Dennis at N . S . T . R . , Part Lot 131 for a zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2 . 02 hectare ( 5 . 0 acre ) parcel of land situated on the north side of County Road No . 38 , in part lot 131 , Concession N . S . T . R . in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Special Agricultural ( A1-38 ) zone . The effect of this will be to permit a lot to be created containing one surplus dwelling unit and two sheds pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No comments were received from the public . Councillor Ron Phillips advised that the regulations controlling the keeping of livestock on this property was acceptable . The township planning consultant clarified the keeping of livestock * on the proposed parcel and the regulations regarding same . The clerk advised that correspondence was received from the Elgin Health Unit stating that they have no objections to this application . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Natural Resources advised that they had no objections to this application . The application of Sandham Cartage Ltd . at Concession 11 , Part Lot 20 for a zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2 . 4 hectare ( 6 . 0 acre ) parcel of land to include as permitted uses on the subject lands , petroleum storage and waste recovery operation is considered . The subject lands are designated "non-farm area #3 " Industrial in the Township ' s Official Plan . Councillor R . Sandham previously declared a conflict of interest regarding this application . Mr . B . Graydon expressed concerns regarding the type of material to be handled and how it will be contained . He also questioned if the proposal would be compatible with the neighbouring properties . Mr . T . Csinos questioned the definition of "waste recovery" and felt that the term waste should be defined . Mr . Sandham explained that the company would be accepting waste oil from various locations to be taken away to another recovery site to be processed . Other items to be included under waste recovery would be such items as pop cans , bottles , paints and batteries . Councillor J . Nezezon suggested that the by-law be made more specific to cover the various concerns . Reeve , V . Chute agreed stating that a site plan control be considered . Councillor Ron Phillips felt that such an undertaking should be left to private enterprise . The township planning consultant advised that this application not unusual , however , council could impose a site plan control . He also advised that must rely on the various provincial departments to control such business operations . The clerk advised that correspondence has been received from the Ministry of Natural Resources expressing they have no concerns . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Transportation advising that access would be restricted to the township road as far north from the highway #3 intersection as possible . Also the minimum building set back to be 13 . 7m ( 45 feet ) from the property line abutting highway no . 3 . They also advise that the proper permits be obtained that that stormwater management be addressed . Mr . llinde , the township planning consultant advised those in attendance the procedure in processing the applications received and their rights to object to the decision made by council in regards to these applications . There being no further comments or questions , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . AMMOIMMEMMEMEMMEMMEMM • • ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 84 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: JOSEPH LAMA RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 21, CONCESSION 4 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 84 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 84 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2583 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 15th day of November, 1990 . Gzec<.-- ?//' REEVE CLERK I • BY-LAW NO. 2584 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows : 1 . THAT Amendment No . 85 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2 . THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No . 85 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3 . THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs . ENACTED AND PASSED this 15th day of November, 1990 "ci)_ CZe-47 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No . 2584 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 41/ CLERIC I • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAIK AMENDMENT NO. 85 1 . PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Hazard Lands " to "Rural Residential " in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0 . 90 hectares ( 2 . 22 acres ) and is situated in the north-west corner of Part Lot 120 , S . S . T . R. ( Concession 6 ) , in the Township of Bayham. 3 . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the north-west corner of Part Lot 120 , S . S . T . R. ( Concession 6 ) , on the south side of County Road 38 and forms part of a larger farm holding consisting of 39 . 6 hectares . Although presently comprised of scrub and bush land, it is proposed that this parcel of land be redesignated to permit the creation of a rural residential lot which would be suitable for the construction of a single dwelling unit pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . Located among an aesthetic medium density woodlot, the subject lands overlook a tributary of the Little Otter Creek which is situated adjacent to the eastern and southern boundary of the property. The subject lands are located on a portion of the applicant ' s land holdings which is not engaged in agricultural production nor deemed suitable for such production . Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses , namely cash crops and the above-noted wooded valley lands . Rural residential lots are located along County Road No . 38 and Maple Grove Road. The physiography in the area of the subject lands are characterized by a gently sloping "U" shaped valley which is associated with the Little Otter Creek. The existing "Hazard Lands " designation of the subject lands is indicative of the Little Otter Creek and its associated valley walls . - 2 - The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject lands has not been mapped in sufficient detail to determine if development can be accommodated without risk due to flooding or slope instability. A review of topographic information reveals that the area proposed to be redesignated contains that portion of land associated with the western bank of the tributary to the Little Otter Creek. The elevation difference across the subject lands is in excess of 15 metres ( 50 feet) . The subject lands are comprised of Class 6-7 Eroded Channel and Valley Complex Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition, the subject lands are recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food ' s Agricultural Land Use Systems Mapping as being woodland which is classified as a Non-System Land Use . There are no specialty crop soils on the subject lands and the closest building or structure capable of housing livestock is in excess of the minimum distance separation formula as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Due to the circumstances discussed above, and more particularly in light of the proposed use of the subject lands , they have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a non-farm area as outlined in Sections 4 . 2 . 2 . 11 , 4 . 2 . 2 . 12 and 4 . 2 . 2 . 13 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. It is imperative to note however, that prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of the single dwelling unit development will be regulated subject to the policies of Section 4 . 2 . 4 . 8 (d) (Valley Walls and Top-of- Bank Policies ) of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands . 411 - 3 - 4 . DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i ) heddle 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan 1 of . e Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by change. • from "Hazard Lands " to "Rural Residenti. " , those lands outlined in heavy solid 1. _ lines on the - ttached Schedule "A" , which schedule shall constitut •art of this Amendment . ThLeuA ii ) The lands subject to thi - Amendment and designated "Rural Residential " may be 6 = ed, developed and zoned in accordance with the p• icies of Section 4 . 2 . 3 Rural Residential , as amen. - - subsequent to the requirements of Section 4 . 2 . 4 . 8 - Valley Walls and Top-of-Bank Policies of the 0 icial Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amende• . 1111111111111111111111111111•111111111•1111111, . : S • 1111111110) \ -.41111111111111111111e3 11111111k orw' 1111111...:4;1/14:11.4% \ THE PLANNiNG ;iC,T, b.) SCHEDULE A 11111111pPio. -Lod OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE riatt Aid II i , .: --"'-i iii .iw TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM .1.,. fti '3 ,%.* 1 !.., 1 A ,, ••• •-• c •: .,.-- . .,=.,.,..,.:, i.et .W . FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 85 1 41. oll i -.'.01A 1000. ,qllrinm J.--4.4 41.1"11141 3111 ill t:' % t'lii1111 * 85 lands changed from "Hazard Lands" 85 t. .z! iiiiiip ..114) -k 1. • - :1,0 .: tceliVat.-- . , ,::t..:1..1.i.,..adii:.; • 17 reektirEM .41 4, AVM - . • • `'-'s.1.410IP4 OINPI 000 i frt; , 0 -. : ;1' i 1!),,Ti •,, of ,,,, ..... . i NSTR Agriculture t;"•ipi:?iiij'Y i 'II. I ' kg 0.Al Co FIPP "Ili. ii 1 1k 1.i..fti;/..v..o...idgavili,6.i-;.,..„..f:.•, Highway Commercial mercial r1miIC11Hazard Lands . . - - P mill so H e • 41 ,.,,..t. , --,5'c .11 Conservation Lands -,-. .i.....:,....,:„ii,jog *-- • 4-111111 0 1 zl .: . 1 - .!...;i1 l'•:', „trip, . ,P14.:„, z. 113: Hamlets .4001;: :••••• • '• 0. . ,I. . • 0 ,.. :. (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) 44 kl...ii. 1 ril ppl fil D:1 4007-.441k 1 - •-,Pei 4 11 : . ,z, •::d ,.... 4 .I. •• t •!.. it'.., •. 40 Mineral Resource Areas 0 Provincial Highways v , • ..., ,-,-. • ...z .r...., , . ...1 . „:. . .,.:. ..• , . . ...41.. • :• .:: • . - • :4 .. , f .% wii t.". A •rmigmwes Arterial Roads (County Roads) /11.•P;(i.1111 •1?. '4111.** ..... .#, ' ' / C.‘: • ' 7. 0 2000 4000 /, , 4144101111111110011 . ‘''''' °.":4-:11. .',•:-',:-/..*•`:::.,.;. 4,1111-,n7 l treS 44, _ . 9 50,00 10900 15900 4 F: t -- 1 . • S 0 ) . . _ -...- TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ``�; -h.,.-- - SCHEDULE B -u,.-. . .. AMENDMENT NO . 85 .\� �. �� - \' / '..r .191.0 ;�� �. - j. %. J . • „_� �! TL• E :4 E1�, 1 T . -•:may .9j \ I I , .._ • 7:,..-41, _ . Q 191•o \\ i �.- i _-�' 210 - ..* r.+ ♦r '.,-/*... j” 1 / • .,..e ' ft _ .` ter `, �/• ♦• •`• • • ,. ./.....,.....-- , • Zii-05 _ -/ -__.. 21 - ,„ -rr•� • _ • •..-. , __ 1 _--, ^ (1 ,,. - . S 1 �. t -/ .220 . ' '' -. ` f= `„ /. ` / ;�'� �/� 215 / ,,,; r ` ._ `' IN � . . --____. 7,• ,.... --..., ,. 1 I. 4 , -..4 4/. I..: 4...--A. N \ ' \ \:: --._ , 11. i 1 07 I }' •♦ + y1��• ✓^ ` ••• ..\ ' • � �e\\\ .\ \\ .�. �` t ..; ._?C 0.:1G 1 0 y '. -• -- --.0---- 0 E t- -- -� �.,— r o « C �` �f (� .trap \ 1 -•.,--;,...., • ) - -rS , 1 . 1S \I f �1 \� �• • LOT 1181 ( -LT1o �0 _• a_ 119 Lot 121 , • • •• I l __• ._ .- I I --__�._ \ , I 1 l 1 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources ---••;..:-: SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING -41i).. c3 WOODLOT a KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 0 250m 500m NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only . Scale: 1:10.000 , • tt� a ',review of the Norfolk District Plan. 9u o , e sal . - ;' going to da,a haml• y,0 . "Should there he a limit on t • 1" -"� - growth? Which direction should the a I t RYANN invites both. ' '4 growth take? Is there enough room Friends. &. Clients to•;Calk Notices for growth?" 1 Mr. Miles acknowledged the. 866QLL A'' ` a" y µ, hamlet growth issue is not of great •. 0' , ,�'' •;,.' concern to Norfolk township. Straffordville '' QUOTATIONS FOR snow removal for Mt., .•, "There's a declining population in * , EiginCommunitYeaeatlatotwfralard1ti007:: this township,"OPEN 6 Days A Week! til.Rept'oo Pat Prous.beanOeiofaar 19, he said. "But it's inn- P.S. Rite's now'off on Wednesdays 1990.p��.,dp96. 110 portant we ensure development i properly maintained. s But the move to study the future of hamlets was warmly received by Norfolk Councillor Gord Pickersgill, `' N o t i c e s Notices who cited the need for planned growth. i _ ' "It bothers me where new houses + PlanningAct, 1983 • . concentrate where there's no water or sewer services," he said. "It NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING hamlets me about overloading the I To Be Held By Copies of the existing Norfolk Plan. will be distributed , amongst BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL" • •township agencies and public in-2 terest groups in the next few mon-, Respecting Proposed Official Plan .ths, in an attempt to find out what; 1changes, if any, the public wants. and public meeting will follow in the new Zoningy By-Law Amendments year. The district plan must he reviewed TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the .every five years, according to the - , Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose - planning act. . of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and ,� , i . zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with Forum ; I the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be A second community forum on I considered are as follows:- - . home support services for seniors in I' APPLICATIONS . w � thePortRoanandNorfolkTownship JOSEPH LAMA:- Ptt Lot 21,,Concession� to chs a the area is planned for Monday, Oct. 29, 1990 at the Legion Hall in Port Rowan zoning of a portion of lands from Alto Rural Residential.`Thlss-• r at 9:30 a m.The purpose of the meet-.4 will permit the creation of 1 (one) Residential Lot by severance'''' ` Ing is to learn more t•the home by the Elgin County Land Division Committee.' • support service needs of seniors from . DOUG DENNIS:-Pt Lot 131,Concession N.T.R ,to change the ' informed members°f the Port Rowan • zoning on a portion of his lands from Al to Ai Special. This will and areacornmuruties.This meeting is permit the creation of a 5 acreparcel of land byseverance by being up at the request of partici- Pe pants of a September 10,1990°ammu- The Elgin County Land Division Committee. nity forum wherein a number of sere I JOHN D'HONDT:- Lot 114, Concession No. 7, to change the . ice needs of seniors were identified. j zoning on a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. -' All c mcerned°ommumity citizens ; This will permit the creation of 1 Residential lot by severance by folk senir; to Township in the meeting The Elgin County Land Division Committee.' and help to strategize ways of assisting ' SANDHAM CARTAGE LTD:-Lot 20 8121,Concession No. 11, , local seniors to remain living at home to amend the zoning of their lands to add the following to the : within their communities fora long as present permitted uses in the M2 Industrial Zone- . possible.Bill Naylor of the Pion Rowan 1) Petroleum Storage - = ` Legion has generously offered to pro-' 2) Waste Recovery Site - �J'' . - vide local coordination of this meeting • at-the Legion. Individuals who are DETOWN INVESTMENTS INC:-Lot 120,S.T.R.,to change the :,. interested in attending this community zoning of a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential.' • forum are encouraged to contact Mr. • This will permit the creation of a lot consistingOf approximatelynayl°r locally or I°contsaHaidimand - ` it' orfollcCommunity Sepias SttppOrr 'two acres by severance by the Elgin Cour*y Land-Division e�tvices at 1-300-265-2818.Committee. `� .. �3 'i - ,. Statistics available indicate that thee" ' • The Public Meeting will be held in the'Council'Chanters at f t 'on of theTownof Potrt Rowan Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.Mon Thursday, Novena. i. of which 209 or 273 per cent ber 16t 1990, ,." io , :- ,4; Aare seniors.This noire represents one Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed the Township,-; s.of the highest pareacage cif sailors in the- he Region of Hlsldi�aand-Norfolk: clerk (866-5521). ' ` may-' 50." . ' ' '. •,‘.'54•;-,;--:-:''t This forum is ban .1sponsored by W. Bogue Haldimand-Norfolk Community Sen- { Township Clerk . _ • ;ion Support Services in collaboration `'•'f ' .Box 160 ,` • _ `j _ ` `' • !. with the Tillsonbairg and District Multi- ` .'' Service Centre.For information please - � ` Straffordville, Ontario . 1 Nu . ..;. *M.call:5l9-587-4555 or senior's may call,. 1 i v :.. tach free 1-SOa2b5-2818: . x - s !II BAYHAM TOWNSHIP PUBLIC MEETING NOVEMBER 15 , 1990 Reeve Van Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to receive comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Joseph Lama , Detown Investments and John D ' Hondt . Also to receive comments on applications for zoning amendments from Douglas Dennis and Sandham Cartage Ltd . The application of Joseph Lama at Concession 4 , Part Lot 21 , for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance of his property is considered . The purpose of this application is to create a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . It is proposed to change the zoning on a 0 . 25 hectare ( 0 . 61 ) acre parcel of land situated on the west side of Part Lot 21 , Concession 4 approximately 210 . 0 metres south of County Road No . 45 , in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to Special Rural Residential ( RR- 18 ) Zone and the Hazard Land ( HL ) Zone . Secondly , it will rezone a parcel of land from the ( Al ) Zone to the Special ( A1 -37 ) zone . No comments were received from the public . Council had no comments , however the planning consultant advised that approval would be required from the conservation authorities . The clerk presented correspondence from the Elgin District Health Unit advising they have no objections to the application and also from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising they have no concerns . The application of De Town Investments Inc . at S . S . T . R . ( Concession 6 ) Part Lot 120 for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance on this property is considered . The purpose of this application is to change the zoning on a 0 . 90 hectare ( 2 . 22 acre ) parcel of land situated on the south side of County Road #38 , in the northwest corner of Part Lot 120 , S . S . T . R . ( Con . 6 ) in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) Zone . The effect of this application will be to permit the creation of a rural residential lot for the construction of a single dwelling unit pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No comments were received from the public . Council had no comments on this application . The planning consultant advised the Conservation Authority would no doubt have to give their approval to this application . The clerk advised that correspondence had been received from the Elgin Health Unit stating they haci no objections to this application and also from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising they had no concerns . The application of John D ' Hondt at N . S . T . R . ( Concession 7 ) Part of Lot 114 for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance on this property is considered . The purpose of this application is to permit the creation of a rural residential lot for the construction of a single dwelling unit pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . This application will change the zoning on a 0 . 62 hectare ( 1 . 54 acre ) parcel of land situated on the east side of road allowance between Lot 114 , and 114 on the west side of Part Lot 114 N . S . T . R . ( Con . 7 ) south of the Big Otter Creek , in the Township of Bayham from the agricultural ( Al ) zone to the Rural Residential ( RR ) zone . Mr . Joe and Mrs . Monica Braun were present expressing their concern regarding further residential development in the rural area . Councillor Ron Phillips stated that this proposal was far enough away from farm operations so as not to cause any problems . The township planning consultant advised that the Conservation authorities would no doubt require a plan to be submitted for their approval . The Clerk advised that correspondence was received from the Elgin Health Unit advising they have no objections to the appliciation . The Ministry of Natural Resources advised they have no objection to the application . They did advise that should any work be done pertaining to the Big Otter Creek they would require a work permit . 411 BAY HAM TOWNSHIP PAGE 2 Minutes of Public Meeting November 15 , 1990 continued The application of Douglas Dennis at N . S . T . R . , Part Lot 131 for a zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2 . 02 hectare ( 5 . 0 acre ) parcel of land situated on the north side of County Road No . 38 , in part lot 131 , Concession N . S . T . R . in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Special Agricultural ( A1-38 ) zone . The effect of this will be to permit a lot to be created containing one surplus dwelling unit and two sheds pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No comments were received from the public . Councillor Ron Phillips advised that the regulations controlling the keeping of livestock on this property was acceptable . The township planning consultant clarified the keeping of livestock on the proposed parcel and the regulations regarding same . The clerk advised that correspondence was received from the Elgin Health Unit stating that they have no objections to this application . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Natural Resources advised that they had no objections to this application . The application of Sandham Cartage Ltd . at Concession 11 , Part Lot 20 for a zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2 . 4 hectare ( 6 . 0 acre ) parcel of land to include as permitted uses on the subject lands , petroleum storage and waste recovery operation is considered . The subject lands are designated "non-farm area #3 " Industrial in the Township ' s Official Plan . Councillor R . Sandham previously declared a conflict of interest regarding this application . Mr . B . Graydon expressed concerns regarding the type of material to be handled and how it will be contained . He also questioned if the proposal would be compatible with the neighbouring properties . Mr . T . Csinos questioned the definition of "waste recovery" and felt that the term waste should be defined . Mr . Sandham explained that the company would be accepting waste oil from Various locations to be taken away to another recovery site to be processed . Other items to be included under waste recovery would be such items as pop cans , bottles , paints and batteries . Councillor J . Nezezon suggested that the by-law be made more specific to cover the various concerns . Reeve , V . Chute agreed stating that a site plan control be considered . Councillor Ron Phillips felt that such an undertaking should be left to private enterprise . The township planning consultant advised that this application not unusual , however , council could impose a site plan control . He also advised that must rely on the various provincial departments to control such business operations . The clerk advised that correspondence has been received from the Ministry of Natural Resources expressing they have no concerns . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Transportation advising that access would be restricted to the township road as far north from the highway #3 intersection as possible . Also the minimum building set back to be 13 . 7m ( 45 feet ) from the property line abutting highway no . 3 . They also advise that the proper permits be obtained that that stormwater management be addressed . Mr . HHinde , the township planning consultant advised those in attendance the procedure in processing the applications received and their rights to object to the decision made by council in regards to these applications . There being no further comments or questions , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . IBAYHAM TOWNSHIP 411 PAGE 2 Minutes of Public Meeting November 15 , 1990 continued The application of Douglas Dennis at N . S . T . R . , Part Lot 131 for a zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2 . 02 hectare ( 5 . 0 acre ) parcel of land situated on the north side of County Road No . 38 , in part lot 131 , Concession N . S . T . R . in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural ( Al ) Zone to the Special Agricultural ( A1 -38 ) zone . The effect of this will be to permit a lot to be created containing one surplus dwelling unit and two sheds pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance . No comments were received from the public . Councillor Ron Phillips advised that the regulations controlling the keeping of livestock on this property was acceptable . The township planning consultant clarified the keeping of livestock on the proposed parcel and the regulations regarding same . The clerk advised that correspondence was received from the Elgin Health Unit stating that they have no objections to this application . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Natural Resources advised that they had no objections to this application . The application of Sandham Cartage Ltd . at Concession 11 , Part Lot 20 for a zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2 . 4 hectare ( 6 . 0 acre ) parcel of land to include as permitted uses on the subject lands , petroleum storage and waste recovery operation is considered . The subject lands are designated " non-farm area #3 " Industrial in the Township ' s Official Plan . Councillor R . Sandham previously declared a conflict of interest regarding this application . Mr . B . Graydon expressed concerns regarding the type of material to be handled and how it will be contained . He also questioned if the proposal would be compatible with the neighbouring properties . Mr . T . Csinos questioned the definition of "waste recovery" and felt that the term waste should be defined . Mr . Sandham explained that the company would be accepting waste oil from various locations to be taken away to another recovery site to be processed . Other items to be included under waste recovery would be such items as pop cans , bottles , paints and batteries . Councillor J . Nezezon suggested that the by-law be made more specific to cover the various concerns . Reeve , V . Chute agreed stating that a site plan control be considered . Councillor Ron Phillips felt that such an undertaking should be left to private enterprise . The township planning consultant advised that this application not unusual , however , council could impose a site plan control . He also advised that must rely on the various provincial departments to control such business operations . The clerk advised that correspondence has been received from the Ministry of Natural Resources expressing they have no concerns . Correspondence received from the Ministry of Transportation advising that access would be restricted to the township road as far north from the highway #3 intersection as possible . Also the minimum building set back to be 13 . 7m ( 45 feet ) from the property line abutting highway no . 3 . They also advise that the proper permits be obtained that that stormwater management be addressed . , Mr . Hinde , the township planning consultant advised those in attendance the procedure in processing the applications received and their rights to object to the decision made by council in regards to these applications . There being no further comments or questions , Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed . • • - ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 85 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAK SUBJECT: De TOWN INVESTMENTS INC. RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 120, S .S .T.R. (CONCESSION 6 ) 34 op 0158 Z. 1 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 85 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 411 411 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAX THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No . 85 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No . 2584 , in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 15th day of November, 1990 . gc e4iiC REEVE CLERK • S AMENDMENT NO. 85 TO THE . OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No. 85 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby modified as follows: 1 . PART 4. THE AMENDMENT, Details of the Amendments items i) & ii) are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: "i) Schelude 'A" and Schedule "B,' which form part this Amendment and can be found immediately following page 3 of the same, are hereby deleted in their entirety and replaced with a new Schedule 'A" and a Modified Schedule 'B" identified as Appendix I and Appendix II respectively. ii) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (As Amended April 18, 1991), is hereby amended by changing from `Hazard Lands' to `Rural Estate Residential', those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached SCHEDULE 'A', and more particularly described on the attached Modified Schedule 'B', both of which shall constitute part of this Amendment. iii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated 'Rural Estate Residential' may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 Estate Residential, as amended, subsequent to the requirements of Section 4.4.8 (d) Valley Walls and Top-of-bank Policies of the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, as amended. 1 • /2 • • • - 2 - iv) That Section of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as amended be modified by adding the following new subsection: "k) A parcel having an approximate size of 0.45 hectares and is situated in the north-west corner of Part Lot 120, S.S.T.R. (Concession 6), in the Township of Bayham. A maximum of one estate lot may be created! As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date: 20/-C)2/"' (1/ - Iv Diana L. Jardi e, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs , . e , • APPENDIX I • . . .. . . . - giOsik .....siogiellpeadio.1 ‘ SCHEDULE A IIIt .NI 11111"1-or8411; .,, x rti (AS AMENDED APR11.. 18 1991) OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM „,„ iip nor. ., ow, .41.44".:. . ,7 4,6411 lik 1 ..„.4 t rf. bi,.1,•;01-114. • t.,:t FUTURE LAND USE . AMENDMENT NO. 85 ip . , 4 , digilf . p.. , rel a0C- 1111111?0, - ..... :1 4 4 trIl Ai A • . J.:4 - •.--- -- i - •'''t: .111", ::: 4131" a. Ef % 85 Landschanged from "Hazard Lends" %.: .e,1:11.1 1 ;//: r i .nt!1;1.. to ',Rural Estate Residentlar 0 19 4111 ' .4 -r.:.4 hi. 11111 IIIIII 41111FORIOrl4p .1 ii Pt. 401 Mil 0'pill t I t I AGRICULTURE .• ® .:•,10 : . fr - ': - •i z Fig, -RI a .•' • • - :•"-ka,me...-. PO IlV• l'• 0 RURAL 85 - fli# :: . ...',k.7.11 • 44-' 4lib! '..,1 fl '.---fkiiii, ..._ • .• .'. hiiiii4Q;41.-jrZtA . ' P 1 W S"i * 'r''. -' :j 00 ifiallitallEaSlaa • .14• T 0,:;:r.c.r.,,..• , ; 4. Vs s4 se. we Ilk '''''':C:t . fj. -'' I 4/1 .. :41.;11.144F 0 ; 0 EsTATE RESIDENTIAL • 3 )14061LE HOME PARKS . . ' ,0 . : ? SEASONAL TRAvst.TRAILER PARKS 1111011f00.111t1#4• jilt V94 NSTR ril, i ifj I . ::!v:4 III il'? /Add 08 CAMPeR°UNDSpuuclIECREINsTICMALTntmoNAL 0 seleCOMMEMIALoot v mom 04 .4 'IC ! - • VI. :.".N1 :',-, A ; ,/ ';:,., 4 I mi . :. . ?4‘: 0 ,...., 1c r11-'ord' 4 le S T R 1011111111111 le 1.000210.1 Of Alum • fa i=i -'il - itaki 61842~04110111 OM)SICALIOMOIF t ' P°101r% i , .:; /" .'. 1 . ‘. In 9111111/11111111,011111111111111/0PatNIK MNN=10 1114111111111111% CONIPINNINeNt SWIM'Mar emus . 1.--',.', kik •-i,Il se...ice fon arum siga oetnnotivart , .,.., -41. .t • PIPPPNIII:1111 al r4i h tiil Prillanir 4111 1 e 0 ,(.**.e;„. CONSERVATION LANDS " • • . MINERAL RESOURCEAREAS . ik ion , ; • --. . • „,. . ' HAMLETS . !"...••:,•,•7-1 r: • ..1.441 Iii, 1 N 1. 1;t.„,...v,; - ilipc• ill i . Y: . 0 PhOVINCIAL HIGHWAYS N --BARTERIAL ROADS . III .,4 *).... hilt MO% vi:esset...LF41,.:..,... .. d . . • il -,..—, , 'i A (00UNTY ROADS) , . ..3 ,i.), • f• 4 -'71 . • . CD • ' .. i 5 ''9r. ' 14 '1 M°111?; V 1 k sill , - I. , 1 -::11,p. 0 i .4' ; ' • •:-.: ' ''t . . ' I 1 • - '•Ittilk?" ::: fiiii „... t •ori Burwell 14U111 410,, , moiRoilior, 0 2000 40 . LANNI %be . Metres .. . 9 6000 10900 16900 Feet _ SCALE 1:75 000 . i APPENDIX II -/' MODIFIESSCHEDULE S • OFFICIAL PLAN . (ENLARGEMENT OF THE LANDS OF THE SUBJECT TO AMENDMENT NO.85) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . .t$ , \IV /7 ----- ' . (i/(i7 ) '"isi—:".-1/' g,... ,.._ 1k / i i ( / _,L_:./y-'-',4 pi ... •/ �, . \ - - - _� • ��; f • 191.0 re ..,. . .. r ' ' lielli.r. .N,4,_ • • i : a i s'‘‘' %. rill' t * •., . s'•‘-.° ---- s••• _ ) - I 1..--. 197.54 � L_1111"W. � i;V �; . 191 .O f li • 11,0111',. ,%\ \ N.S.T.R. M i I 1 iiiiiiii#1 . 46.0 P. 4 . ea 4:::: .........47 ..; hp N.... Niii,.,.. I ' 1 i _......"...•:=8=-: .......ae 7 • f 221..0i,..,, - Y J -- ., f , 220 1 %'" ' .,E,;7„i # L` ir . , . -,........„ , . 215 0010., ZOO// S.S.T.R. 1 ‘30 i . 0 \ '.6sIIif c „ / LO7 P4 LOOT 120 s I % s 214 . 0 ! I 7,......,............Th 4). 414 . 0 i \ 17 AREA TO REMAIN AS HAZARD LANDS • ' FRURAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL SCALE 1:5000 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Lav No . 2586 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held November 15 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 15 , 199(and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of November , 1990 ,) *}z. Reeve Clerk f�� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2586 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held November 15, 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 15, 19901nd special meeting(s) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of November, 1990 -7)'• • '6)/47 447 Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2587 A By-law to provide for the maintenance of the Adler, Bartley, Coomber ' B' , Coomber ' F ' , Corinth, Csinos ' C ' , Dennis , Emerson, Garnham, Magyar- Dieleman, Meuller , Nevill , Phillips , Peidl , Smith, Stewart , Wallace , and Winter (Bayham) Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $17 , 686 . 87 to pay therefor . WHEREAS The above mentioned drains were constructed under the provisions of the Drainage Act , and according to the several by-laws of the municiality , the Township Engineers made thereon . AND WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports , by-laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham , shall maintain the said Drainage works , at the expense of the lands and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof , in the portion according to such assessment until such assessments , or portions thereof , be varied . AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty , the Municipality has from time to time , carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains . AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act , upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains so as to provide for and raise the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto which amount in all to $ 17 , 686 . 87 to the lands and roads assessed , and the amount of the assessments upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed , appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments , which said Schedule is part of this by-law . AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amount in 1990 . NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : - 1 ) THAT for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $ 10 , 186 . 20 the amount charged against the lands of the draianage works , and now assessable for Maintenance , the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto and forming a part of the By-law , shall over and above all other rates be assessed and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned lots or parts of lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present year , 1990 . 2 ) THAT for the purpose of paying the sum of $ 1 , 975 . 89 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality , and $573 . 03 the amount charged against other Municipalities , The Province of Ontario and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose , accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipality and against the other Municipalities , the Province of Ontario , and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts . 3 ) THAT the sum of $4 , 951 . 75 be charged to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Programs for repairs to drains serving agricultural lands . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 22nd DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1990 . L/;,.„.v, 042S-7 • REEVE CLERK A SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE BY-LAW NO. 2587 ROLL it REPAIRS GRANTS NET Adler Drain Repairs 3-037 22 . 84 7 . 62 15 . 22 • 3-032 26 . 04 8 . 68 17 . 36 3-031 1 . 11 1 . 11 3-035 . 74 . 74 3-030 1 . 85 1 . 85 3-029 35 . 99 12 . 00 23 . 99 2- 158 1 . 48 1 . 48 2- 159 17 . 68 5 . 90 11 . 78 2- 147 97 . 60 32 . 54 65 . 06 205 . 33 66 . 74 138 . 59 Elgin Cty Road # 45 55 . 27 55 . 27 TOTAL ADLER DRAIN REPAIRS 260 . 60 66 . 74 193 . 86 Bartley Drain Repairs 5-018 . 94 . 94 5-020 . 02 24 . 65 8 . 22 16 . 43 5-023-02 5 . 51 1 . 84 3 . 67 5-023 30 . 16 10 . 06 20 . 10 5-025 12 . 59 4 . 20 8 . 39 5-031 11 . 23 3 . 75 7 . 48 5-027 3 . 68 1 . 23 2 . 45 5-029 . 63 . 63 5-030 . 63 . 63 5-052 . 01 91 . 77 30 . 59 61 . 18 5-052 2 . 63 2 . 63 5-069 48 . 11 16 . 04 32 . 07 5-080 13 . 93 4 . 65 9 . 28 5-064 33 . 92 11 . 31 22 . 61 5-068 . 63 . 63 5-066 . 63 . 63 5-065 6 . 56 2 . 19 4 . 37 5-062 1 . 11 1 . 11 5-061 . 63 . 63 5-060 . 63 . 63 5-058 . 63 . 63 5-057 . 63 . 63 5-059 . 63 . 63 5-080 17 . 51 5 . 84 11 . 67 5-083 12 . 20 4 . 07 8 . 13 5-086 2 . 82 . 94 1 . 88 , 5-047-08 26 . 22 8 . 74 17 . 48 351 . 21 113 . 67 237 . 54 CONTINUED SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS PAGE 2 • Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law No . 2587 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Bartley Drain Repairs Continued Elgin County Roads 23 . 61 23 . 61 Bayham Township Roads 24 . 65 24. 65 Hwy # 3 6 . 90 6 . 90 TOTAL BARTLEY DRAIN REPAIRS 406 . 37 113 . 67 292 . 70 COOMBER ' B ' DRAIN REPAIRS 5- 125 12 . 22 4 . 08 8 . 14 5- 124 140 . 66 46 . 89 93 . 77 5- 125 407 . 69 135 . 90 271 . 79 TOTAL COOMBER ' B ' REPAIRS 560 . 57 186 . 87 373 . 70 Coomber ' F ' Drain Repairs 5- 125 164 . 28 54 . 76 109 . 52 5- 127 164 . 28 54 . 76 109 . 52 . 5- 129 65 . 69 21 . 91 43 . 78 TOTAL COOMBER ' F ' DRAIN REPAIRS 394 . 25 131 . 43 262 . 82 Corinth ' 1985 ' Drain Repairs John Street Branch 5- 189 3 . 23 3 . 23 5- 176 28 . 50 28 . 50 5- 175 18 . 82 18 . 82 5- 186 18 . 01 18 . 01 5- 187 16 . 53 16 . 53 5- 188 28 . 23 28 . 23 113 . 32 113 . 32 C N Railway . 54 . 54 Bayham Township Roads 152 . 23 152 . 23 TOTAL CORINTH ' 1985 ' REPAIRS JOHN STREET BRANCH 266 . 09 266 . 09 CONTINUED SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS PAGE 3 • Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law No . 2587 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Corinth DRAIN ( 1985 ) Repairs Henry, Street Branch 5- 177 16 . 43 16 . 43 5- 189 5 . 59 5 . 59 5- 190 15 . 44 15 . 44 5- 191 18 . 40 18 . 40 5-192 18 . 07 18 . 07 5- 193 21 . 36 21 . 36 5- 194 18 . 07 18 . 07 5- 117 13 . 80 13 . 80 5- 110 . 99 . 99 5- 112 . 99 . 99 129 . 14 • 129 . 14 C N Railway 32 . 20 32 . 20 Bayham Township Roads 104 . 75 104 . 75 TOTAL CORINTH DRAIN ( 1985 ) REPAIRS HENRY STREET BRANCH 266 . 09 266 . 09 Csinos ' C ' Drain Repairs Bayham Roads 18 . 90 18 . 90 TOTAL CSINOS ' C ' DRAIN REPAIRS 18 . 90 18 . 90 Emerson Drain Repairs 2-091 2 . 03 . 68 1 . 35 2- 179 5 . 35 1 . 79 3 . 56 2-098 13 . 84 4 . 62 9 . 22 2- 102 3 . 01 1 . 01 2 . 00 24 . 23 8 . 10 16 . 13 Bayham Township Roads 1 . 77 1 . 77 TOTAL EMERSON DRAIN REPAIRS 26 . 00 8 . 10 17 . 90 Garnham Drain Repairs 4- 131 3 . 12 3 . 12 4- 129 15 . 81 15 . 81 18 . 93 18 . 93 Bayham Township Roads 2 . 68 2 . 68 Elgin Cty Road # 38 . 54 . 54 TOTAL GARNHAM DRAIN REPAIRS 22 . 15 22 . 15 CONTINUED SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS PAGE 4 Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law N o . 2587 I ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Dennis Drain Repairs 3-045 8 . 17 2 . 73 5 . 44 3-040 50 . 73 16 . 91 33 . 82 3-048 8 . 75 2 . 92 5 . 83 3-047 113 . 70 37 . 90 75 . 80 3-050 14 . 58 4 . 86 9 . 72 3-098 2 . 92 . 98 1 . 94 3- 100 7 . 00 2 . 34 4 . 66 3- 109 114 . 86 38 . 29 76 . 57 3- 141 3 . 50 1 . 17 2 . 33 3- 145 20 . 41 6 . 81 13 . 60 3- 109 204 . 06 68 . 02 136 . 04 3-110 3 . 50 1 . 17 2 . 33 3- 147 88 . 04 29 . 35 58 . 69 4-053 15 . 16 5 . 06 10 . 10 655 . 38 218 . 51 436 . 87 C P Railway 16 . 91 16 . 91 Bayham Township Roads 172 . 51 172 . 51 Hwy # 19 33 . 82 33 . 82 TOTAL DENNIS DRAIN REPAIRS 878 . 62 218 . 51 660 . 11 Maqyar-Dieleman Drain Repair 5-011 104 . 42 34 . 81 69 . 61 5-017 7 . 73 2 . 58 5 . 15 5-016 13 . 78 4 . 60 9 . 18 5-018 65 . 63 21 . 90 43 . 73 5-019 17 . 52 5 . 84 11 . 68 5-020-02 16 . 74 5 . 58 11 . 16 5-020-04 1 . 94 . 65 1 . 29 TOTAL MAGYAR-DIELEMAN DRAIN REPAIR 227 . 76 75 . 96 151 . 80 Phillips Drain Repairs 5- 124 187 . 23 62 . 41 124 . 82 5- 122 74 . 89 24 . 97 49 . 92 5-125 320 . 00 106 . 67 213 . 33 582 . 12 194 . 05 388 . 07 Elgin County Road # 46 17 . 79 17 . 79 TOTAL PHILLIPS DRAIN REPAIRS 599 . 91 194 . 05 405 . 86 CONTINUED SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS PAGE 5 ' Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law No . 2587 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Mueller Drain Repairs 5- 117 27 . 26 9 . 10 18 . 16 5- 116 1 . 64 1 . 64 5- 115 1 . 64 1 . 64 5- 110 1 . 09 1 . 09 5- 112 . 56 . 56 5- 122 44 . 69 14 . 90 29 . 79 5- 120 . 52 . 52 5- 121 . 52 . 52 TOTAL MUELLER DRAIN REPAIRS 77 . 92 24 . 00 53 . 92 Nevill Drain Repairs 1 -055 551 . 70 183 . 90 ' 367 . 80 1 -059 197 . 90 65 . 97 131 . 93 1 -061 277 . 05 92 . 35 184 . 70 1 -057-06 65 . 95 21 . 99 43 . 96 TOTAL NEVILL DRAIN REPAIRS 1092 . 60 364 . 21 728 . 39 Peidl Drain Repairs 3- 154 26 . 66 8 . 89 17 . 77 3- 157 164 . 15 54 . 72 109 . 43 3- 121 24 . 01 8 . 01 16 . 00 214 . 82 71 . 62 143 . 20 Bayham Township Roads 91 . 01 91 . 01 TOTAL PEIDL DRAIN REPAIRS 305 . 83 71 . 62 234 . 21 Wallace Drain Repairs 5- 102 12 . 44 4 . 15 8 . 29 5- 103 2 . 99 1 . 00 1 . 99 5- 103-01 11 . 93 3 . 98 7 . 95 5- 105-01 17 . 39 5 . 80 11 . 59 5- 109 99 . 22 32 . 78 66 . 44 5- 117 91 . 11 30 . 37 60 . 74 TOTAL WALALACE DRAIN REPAIRS 235 . 08 78 . 08 157 . 00 CONTINUED • . i p SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS PAGE 6 a Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law No . 2587 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANTS NET Smith Drain Repairs 5- 162 1013 . 62 337 . 88 675 . 74 5- 163 1013 . 62 337 . 88 675 . 74 5- 164 1013 . 62 337 . 88 675 . 74 5- 165 2146 . 54 715 . 52 1431 . 02 5- 167 71 . 56 23 . 86 47 . 70 5- 169 119 . 25 39 . 75 79 . 50 5- 174 74 . 44 24 . 82 49 . 62 6- 176 810 . 91 270 . 31 540 . 60 6- 146 1897 . 06 632 . 36 1264 . 70 6- 147 190 . 81 63 . 61 127 . 20 8351 . 43 2783 . 87 5567 . 56 C N Railway 385 . 45 ' 385 . 45 Bayham Roads 1130 . 02 1130 . 02 TOTAL SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS 9866 . 90 2783 . 87 7083 . 03 Stewart Drain Repairs 5-085-01 9 . 54 3 . 18 6 . 36 5-088 528 . 54 176 . 18 352 . 36 5-091 548 . 40 182 . 80 365 . 60 5-092 216 . 98 72 . 33 144 . 65 5-093 84 . 25 28 . 09 56 . 16 1387 . 71 462 . 58 925 . 13 Bayham Township Roads 82 . 63 82 . 63 TOTAL STEWART DRAIN REPAIRS 1470 . 34 462 . 58 1007 . 76 Winter ( Bayham ) Drain Repair 1 -080 89 . 60 29 . 87 59 . 73 1 -073 31 . 17 10 . 39 20 . 78 1 - 127 299 . 94 99 . 98 199 . 96 1 -126 19 . 48 6 . 50 12 . 98 1 -080 50 . 64 16 . 88 33 . 76 1-073 25 . 32 8 . 44 16 . 88 516 . 15 172 . 06 344 . 09 Bayham Township Roads 194 . 74 194 . 74 TOTAL WINTER ( WINTER ) DRAIN REPAIRS 710 . 89 172 . 06 538 . 83 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No . 2588 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held December 6 , 1990 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held December 6/90 and special meeting ( s ) held November 22 , 1990 and November 29 , 1990 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST , SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 6 th day of December , 1990 . • 6-. 1611;1P1:7 /72/ /6Reeve Clerk I A • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-Law No. 2589 BEING A By-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting ( s ) held December 20 , 1990 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by- laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting heldDecember 20 , 1990and special meeting ( s ) held be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of December 1990 41/ //3„4" --- Reeve C].erk 4 -