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October 20, 2016 - Planning - Committee of Adjustment - Hardy
COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, October 20, 2016 6:30 p.m. 1. CALLTO ORDER 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. APPLICATIONS A. Minor Variance Application A09/16 Hardy Request to grant relief from Zoning By-law Z456-2003, Section 10.8 to permit a front yard setback of 3.8m (12.5 feet) 5. STAFF PRESENTATION A. Report DS-43/16 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment regarding Committee of Adjustment— Minor Variance —A-09/16 Hardy 6. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT 7. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 8. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION 9. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) 10. ADJOURNMENT 1,AYHA NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING `Irk=,►' CONCERNING A PROPOSED ► -41ft• , MINOR VARIANCE IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM OpP°rtuniity IOC°a 5 APPLICANT: HARDY TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham has received a completed application for a proposed Minor Variance. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday October 20, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers in Straffordville to consider a proposed minor variance to Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003 under Section 45 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE of the variance is to grant relief from Village Residential (R1) Zone, Section 10.8 to permit a front yard setback of 3.8 m (12.5 feet) whereas the minimum front yard setback is 7.0 m (23.0 feet), for a property with 0.05 ha (0.13 acres) of lot area located on the south side of Southey Street, east of Chatham Street, in the Village of Port Burwell known as 2 Southey Street. THE EFFECT of the variance will be to allow the construction of a new residential building and detached garage. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed minor variance. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed minor variance may be obtained at the Municipal Office. DATED at the Municipality of Bayham this 7th day of October 2016. KEY MAP MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Margaret Underhill HOMER ST Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd. Straffordville, ON, NOJ 1Y0 CoWPERST. T: 519-866-5521 Ext. 222 F: 519-866-3884 E: munderhill a(�bayham.on.ca 11111111 ctl+ EMI ' W: www.bayham.on.ca 3,(3 is/0 SOUTHEY ST l.;t?'1 t 111111 111111 SUBJECT LANDS 111111.1 111 1.111 TENNYSONST MEI BURWELL ST Village of Port Burwell L._-__-:.--s-----------------='-- ... .!II EEN..:.IN,.E ,' llili sv,.ftcgiOlke-T,-!FAilli.0ii'l"*"..-. Nr. \._, \_.,,, W ,,c) ---4:14 a,,.:gil= 'V ---'"'-'-'" ...... 0 .< _ ,Esr Li ..f. ,-.• ;.: ORINTH ..r; -.: zr. L. '7...1.,'1. I 0 2 (5A. NV v$ NI.-- ._-._ 'S'; ',. / I 1M ,, .....: ilitiIi ,v , , ...,... - ---..... ••7 i ..••. • .- --------,--•-_- DN, I!I:.11 J .,...-' LINE . . < 0 CC < „ 0)IIIIIIII 19. L-1 .1 4-)3,„ ct ,!ipq -' - , EDEN , ,...$) ORTH .,.7.,,04, LINE 1 OV,Po< ; 4:', ' HALL — _.1 illi:•; E ug 57024 • 0 E ViNT01-. 10 . -,,:-SHADY ' EDEN --------"-----'-'4:0ii!!, 52637 Iiliii . , LANE . 0,_.,_ ES,...,. ----- RGATE LIN r- Z i:IIZIi 40- ------ ---'--- '-• 8ALDWIN G • Ri0G 1....11•IS i''''t E iii,1! 4, 4i iiq `S? 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LAKEVIEWfr°IENNA -':''.• bi-ii S p 0 0 c 0 VI, 52-82,-,'-'.•--....----. 0 " - 2661 Z ------4----__:J.T •- ii iii 0 0 /., LIN to cr0 0 111 ill 2 OW H OA. z() 5 L1.1 a IX Ill 11 ..0 ii , gi'liii! 0 1.4v, Z < 0 Y ° 578- '..2.IIN•-''' '''s.'".--•••+":4:.....__ TMIIIIIIIIIIIP my LfLj :) -J 0 34 0 Jii ---.....--..„, 0 , ‘11:10611 if) ,q 609 7 ONQL-E-A/E-iyi. 2 tor . rii iimi_• 0 u a z.„v 0 x 0 , ,.., • • PROVINCIAL PARK U- 5758 ill il g (Aicp ii iig • LiivE:Silo P•RT BURWELL • - ..5-->„ 11-•iii 1C(2i Cir‘ }D'ec,-(- , , „. ........... ... .. „. . , .. . . . _ , INAYH.4? 4"1111"14°1/4 , ,,,, ,,,...,..„.„,....„,.,t,,,, * REPORT , ,, ,, ,...,,,,„..„.„ ., ,,, , grow, A o� 4.4, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Pui'tunity IS ' TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment DATE: October 20, 2016 REPORT: DS-43/16 FILE NO. C-07 / D12.HARD Roll # 34-01-002-001-48600 SUBJECT: Committee of Adjustment - Minor Variance —A-09116 Hardy BACKGROUND: Allan and Barb Hardy have submitted a minor variance application for their 0.05 hectare (0.13 acre) property located on the south side of Southey Street, west of Chatham Street, known municipally as 2 Southey Street, Port Burwell. The property is designated "Residential", on Schedule D' Land Use and Constraints in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential (R1) in the Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003. THE PURPOSE of the variance is to grant relief from: • Zoning By-law Z456-2003 Village Residential (R1) Zone Section 10.8 - Minimum Front Yard Setback to permit a front yard setback of 3.8 m (12.5 feet) whereas the minimum front yard setback is 7.0 m (23.0 feet), THE EFFECT of the variance will be to allow the construction of a new residential building and detached garage. DISCUSSION: The applicants wish to demolish the existing dwelling and reconstruct a new dwelling with a detached garage on the undersized property. In order to fit the desired sized residence on the property, the owners require a variance to the front yard setback while complying with the R1 lot coverage, side yard and rear yard setbacks. Council must also be satisfied the application meets the Planning Act four"tests" as outlined in the planner's memorandum. Staff and planner concur the application meets the criteria and recommend approval. Staff Report DS-43/16 Hardy Page 2 ATTACHMENTS 1. Application for Minor Variance A-09/16 Hardy 2. IBI Memorandum dated October 13, 2016 RECOMMENDATION 1. "THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer's report DS-43/16 regarding the Hardy minor variance be received; 2. AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variance meets Section 45.1(1) of the Planning Act and this variance is considered minor; 3. THEREFORE application A-09/16 submitted by Allan and Barb Hardy, pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: • Village Residential (R1) Zone Section 10.8 - Minimum Front Yard Setback to permit the construction of a single detached building with a front yard setback of 3.8 m (12.5 feet)whereas the minimum front yard setback regulation is 7.0 m (23.0 feet) Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: .,4411110fileir Margaret nderhill r • • <( :way Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment -CAO INNY1 4 M File No. A `- 0(Ike 11114 4f(a IP OphOl unity�5Y°v,�d APPLICATION F O R MINOR VARIANCE Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, O.Reg 200/96 as amended The undersigned hereby applies to the Committee of Adjustment for the MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd. STRAFFORDVILLE, ON Telephone: 519 866-5521 Fax: 519 866-3884 Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 for relief, as described in this application, from By-law No. Z456-2003 (as amended) Municipality of Bayham. Application to be accompanied by the fee of$2000.00 in cash or cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bayham. 1. OWNER(S) (� ' \ a) Name A a t Gull �cu 1�- -ck b) Mailing Address 5% (--i,G,�_}._- - c r khbLLx\e , 7)A/ NOL rro c) Telephone No. Home: 5 ) 9_ L( I Work: �'R,,a(p -i(i.d, d) Fax No. -1c( -ai(o4 t tr o I e hat c)1 sery cc , Ca 2. SOLICITOR/AUTHORIZED AGENT a) Name b) Mailing Address c) Telephone No. Home: Work: d) Fax No. Send correspondence to: X Owner(s) Solicitor/Authorized Agent 6//'50/600200/ '6410 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.: Date Received: Date of Meeting: D 'n File No.:7)/art le Fee Received: Committee Decision: 11 , d-137'4'S— 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Municipality of Bayham Application for Minor Variance Page 2 3. Names and address of any mortgages, holders and charges or other encumbrances: Name Address / y © 4. Location of Land a) Lot and Plan or Concession No.: b) Street/911 #& Name: 5. Nature and extent of�relief faapplied for: J ,f rn,�n��r �C ► Jar VCz---ri' iC r)ecrms-c ILT ya(c 5i Sed-ion to.% Min Fro 6.f `lard dwelt 'Rejilrcd 7-0 rvl Rropo f. 3. ,r\-‘ NOTE: In the case of a Supplementary farm dwelling, a Development Agreement is required. 6. Lc-cc Why is it not possible to comply with the provisions of the By-law? (� — I of- I S r I tyt— cz_rek /J2)t l/ Lid\I v/ 116 ce..) tis I ) h X991) `44 `I- t. r � b- a/ e)i) • 7. Dimensions of the land affected: a) Frontage (m) tFm b) Depth (m) ca_3 fr) c) Area (sq.m/ha) dc� c l S• m 8. Particulars of all buildings and structures on or proposed for the subject land (specify ground floor area, gross floor area, number of storeys,width, length, height, etc.) a) Existing Jrc.-f • :S m X C>• `m —1-0 3 :7:rrc LAs t��-n 1\10 RLA41 c�� i31 714e kPo l9© b) Proposed ' � CL4-a Cd �1F �-�- -- 7. 3rr- x nr> S33 seg..-r 9. Date of acquisition of subject land: 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Municipality of Bayham Application for Minor Variance Page 3 10. Date of construction of all buildings and structures on subject lands: ( LC' r}i> _,v) 11. Existing uses of the subject property: . 0It-0e.111rnc — irSi den -1-1.6.L( 12. Length of time and existing uses to the subject property have continued: uo koOlNl1 13. Existing uses of abutting properties: a) North — ?Tit/0-Te e Lur(Iti\SH b) East t11 / fl c) South Joz-� c��(I f`n� d) West � �✓!,c— eke)eu1 i'nc.4 14. Services available (check appropriate space(s)) a) Method of Water Supply (if applicable) Public Water Supply System I9' Private Individual Well 0 Private Communal Well 0 Other(please specify) b) Method of Sanitary Waste Disposal (if applicable) Private Septic Tank and Private Communal System 0 Tile Field System 0 Public Sanitary Sewer System Other(please specify) 15. Present Official Plan designation: R'CtC1- -11-47.>c4 16. Present Zoning Bylaw classification: VI I e esIden4-I a.1 17. Has the owner previously applied for a minor variance in respect to the subject property? a) Yes 0 No L If Yes, describe briefly: 18. Is the subject property the subject of a current application of consent/severance? Yes 0 No E 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 STATUTORY DECLARATION I/We, l'I //a t'1 `1 61. rh '-I a rd y of the Name of Applicant(s) r �[� fir 0 lG . �� 0( Dit#IG�'i'S ��/C /� , in the avrIvcrt,,,a,( cx.City, unicipality, Town, Township) (County/Dirict/Region) SOLEMNLY DECLARE / AFFIRM THAT to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, all of the information, exhibits and statements provided in this application as required under Section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 and Ontario Regulation 200/ 96 as amended are true; THAT I/We shall assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited amount related to the said application and understand and agree that payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of this signed application. I/We also agree to accept all costs as rendered; AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and affect as if made under oath and by virtue of the "Canada Evidence Act". DECLARED before me at the A/1;6 /,Y1 y/ ) (City, Municipality, Town, Township ) Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent* in theair* of /dl ) ,7() eatot_ 0 1 l ' (County/bistrict/Regioo ) Signature of Applicant II this_,9 day of '/J ✓li , 201 , ) 5,A,� r��h.(rr , ,(17 ck Y` Signature of Applicant ) Z / ) A •mmissioner, etc. ) I19ARGARET CJNDERHILL,a Commissioner, W. * If authorized agent, a letter of authorization from Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the the owner of the property must accompany this Mecicipality of Bayham, application. 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 3.,_ So t4.4- kf y - 1 I 1 loptar , c, ,. ctita8a, 1 I . , r r , . 1 I ! . 1 4 i 1 1 --t----- -- - --r I - 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 irY\ • 1 I 1•45 ' ------jb"- -r-- 1 I I r 7- 1 [ [ i . 1 1- 1 ____,_ , 1 1 1 ._ --, ----, 1 1 ,-- I 1 I 1 li i _____ Li i ' T__ ]. I --1 1 I r ..,...._ i__ , _i_ T --1. . - , I I ! 1 1 I i 1 IL 1 I 1 .. . . . : --t5w, -- -..et— 1.. 1 rn -I- - ! h I I I ' 1 I 4 — I I 1 1 1 1 1 [ -L---i---' ---f--- r, r I 1 1 , I 1 , --- -- -0-- –1-7 --1. tv._ 1 1 n--9---4‘ - - ' r i- -, ' .1, 4 1 -,-- -I • ...<1-r — --1 .3It_____I i , 1 1 , 1 0 111 , , I I , , , , ---Ir , -1 - - -t f -I 1- 1,2-64-- 1- I ' 1 ' -- - ' 1 . i 1, 1 1 i 1 1 NI i, i T _,_,---,, I-- 1- 1 -1----,--, ,i,-----1-3. ,In _ 46,4,1,1,(06-.P t.j -i. f-- -.-. 7 -I 1 [ -T- 1 I ‘'I 1 I '' 1 I- 1 I [ , 1 [ 1 . __ .1 1 _t_ A " --,-Ir [ , 1 I T 1 i- ., . , . I , , 1 . 1, .1 H i , n , 1 1 1 1 , [ 1 1 r..ropce.ct tklot.:112- , -i 1- i 1 1 1 1 Is L__7_1z ,It\ II ' -T. 1--- i----r 1 T- i -T , "--i ,- , , 1 . , I 1 1 7 -1-- --1 'i h-1, ir--;- ',- L- Ic)-s•6 -1-z-r-rcrng a 1 1 1 1 1117.11-M------441 -1 .-j--'77.---Ti 11 . II 1-- 1 i--1 i t: , 1 . 14.t. i- _4. -1--- -- . .1__ --,--,, i il1 I ,---1H ., _t_ i i 1 1 i , , . --1 i---r , 1 1 I . I I 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1- i : 6CAV Pjb Cibe 4 t4g2- . i 1 t---,--- -1---L - 1 —4-- I --i- i —( - -1 t "--- ciTsv(' - _, , _____ T i , 1 . 1- , 1 '-' -1- 7 -'-. 11--?- i T , i 1 1 1 , : , ; , ! _i, , i, , ; , t .1----7 , --1 1 --i 1 1 1 _ ',_. _LI 1.,.. , , il- { , — i- -1,-- 1 - ,- , , i 7 , , 1 1 _.i. ._,L ,_Il i!1 riiL _ C:otitt;re d2 i ItY.Cii:44 1 , , . . , - ----- . , 1 , , 1 • , i i , • , 1 1 --1 1 I [ L1. , 1 ' I I i I I r T___.____ __ I 1 i 1 II 1 I ; - i _I 1 1 , ---; - 1----„ , I I ! 1 ! 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I ....Qz.f_ - I .4_ : , • t i' I 1_ __:, --L I. 1 ' t 1 1 I 1 . Ili 1, I I ,; _, 1 , ! , ri 1 L 1 1 ._. ,I. , 1 f 1 14,4 T3.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -.., 1 --1-- -1.--- 4- 1 1 1 I . ! .1 ±— ----.1I -4- ! -.1_. __I 1 1 „, , . _Ii--- ; 1 1 1 i , , . 1 i _1 I __1 1,.. . t ti II ! I 1 • ____H— (Wthar1-47) -1---1, - .. 101,_ , ' , NV 9-il 1 1 • . , ! 1 a-0z) • 1 ! -AK-0 Z • • _1 _4._ 1 4 , : • ;____, ____, , 1 1 1 { 1 1 . : I L ; , L. , __4_ I it . , , ; i 1 , i ! _1 ; 1 I , ---- .-. [ ! ; 1 1 1 i ; . . ,__ ----i- . ---,- -, • . 11' ,-- . _ . • , , 1 ijili iii , _i .4_ I 1 ,, 1 . . . , : Ili : . ili , 11 , 1 ] , 1 Ilii , Fitli • .i..5, ,411i..)-K2 ----..4, 1 i ,27-17 k .i qu,47 - i )4-3 '- - 1. - - 4 ..„._ 1 1 I 1 , , I ! -4- : -----!- ! I :!---: 1-_ ! , Ir..""=1 IBI GROUP I B 203-350 Oxford Street West I don ON N6H T3 Canada tel n519 472 7328 1 fax 519 472 9354 1 I ibigroup.com Memorandum To/Attention Municipality of Bayham Date October 13, 2016 From William Pol, MCIP, RPP Project No 3404 -637 cc file Subject Hardy-Application for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003 Pt. Lot 36, Plan E429601, 2 Southey Street 1. We have completed our review of Minor Variance application A-09/16, submitted by Allan and Barb Hardy located at 2 Southey Street, on the south side of Southey Street and west of Chatham Street. The applicant is requesting a variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003 to accommodate the construction of a residential building and detached accessory garage with an area of 159.09 m2 and a minimum front yard setback of 3.8 m (12.5 feet) whereas the minimum front yard setback is 7.0 m (23.0 feet) in the Village Residential Zone. The subject lands are designated as Residential on Schedule"D" Land Use in the Official Plan. The lands are zoned Village Residential (R1) in Zoning By-law#Z456-2003. 2. The subject lands have lot frontage of 26.4 m (86.5 feet)on Southey Street and lot depth of 20.3 m (66.7 feet) for an area of approximately 0.05 ha (0.13 acres). The lot appears to be flat with no constraints to construction of the buildings. The proposed residential building is located 1.7 m (5.6 feet) from the easterly property line and the proposed garage is located 1.2 m (4.0 feet)from the westerly property line. 3. The surrounding land uses are single detached dwelling to the north, south, east and west. The proposed single-detached house and detached garage accessory building is not likely to have an impact on any of the abutting land uses. 4. Section 45.(1) of the Planning Act outlines the four "tests" with which the Committee of Adjustment must be satisfied with when considering an application for a minor variance to the Zoning By-law. The following outlines our analysis of these tests: i. Is the variance minor in nature? The decrease in front setback is intended to allow for the construction of a viable residential property on a shallow lot. The shallow lot depth of the parcel restricts the owner's ability to construct a house with enough private amenity area in the rear of the lot. Secondly because Southey Street is a short block lacking a consistent house setback pattern it will have a minor impact on the surrounding lands. The reduction in setback from 7.0 m to 3.8 m is appropriate for the proposed residential dwelling and is considered minor in nature. ii. Is the variance desirable for the use of the lands? The variance for the reduced building setback is desirable for the use of the lands to provide a new residential building for the area. The increase in rear yard also has a positive impact on the use and enjoyment of the residential dwelling. IBI Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM 2 Municipality of Bayham—October 3,2016 iii. Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Bylaw? The variance maintains the intent of the Zoning By-law by allowing a residential dwelling. Residential buildings are permitted in the Village Residential zone. The proposed construction conforms to the lot coverage, rear setback and side setback regulations for the lands and the intent of the by-law is maintained. iv. Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan? The intent of the "Residential" land use designation is to allow Village Residential uses and recognizes the single detached dwelling as a conforming land use. The intent of the Official Plan is maintained to allow construction of a residential dwelling. 5. Based on our review of this application we would have no objection to approval of a minor variance to Zoning By-law #Z456-2003 to permit the construction of a single detached building with a front yard setback of 3.8 m in place of a 7.0 m front setback. William Pol IBI GROUP William Pol, MCIP, RPP Affiliate IBI Group Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham