HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 03, 2016 - Council - Addendum THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BUDGET MEETING ADDENDUM MUNICIPAL OFFICE Monday, October 3, 2016 1. ADMINISTRATION A. Report CAO-59/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Clean Water Wastewater Fund (CWWF) INXICH.44,1 f41114= 1 .041;- "k* REPORT o icy CAO Ppul'tunity Is11.0 TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: October 3, 2016 REPORT: CAO-59/16 SUBJECT: CLEAN WATER WASTEWATER FUND (CWWF) BACKGROUND On September 14, 2016 the Federal and Provincial Government announced the details of the 2016 Clean Water Wastewater Fund (CWWF). The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) is a federal program designed to accelerate short-term community investments, while supporting the rehabilitation and modernization of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and the planning and design of future facilities and upgrades to existing systems. Through the CWWF, the federal government is providing $569.5 million dollars in federal infrastructure funding to cost-share: i. Rehabilitation projects; ii. New construction projects; iii. Optimization initiatives; and iv. Planning and design work. The Province of Ontario is cost-matching recipient contributions up to a maximum of 25% of total eligible costs within the specified allocations. Note: CWWF funding is not a competitive process. Eligible recipients may submit a Project List for a total funding request equal to each recipient's Maximum Allocation Amount as defined in the CWWF Letter of Allocation. The Municipality of Bayham maximum eligible allocation under the CWWF is as follows: Federal: $215,271 Provincial: $107,636 Municipal: $107,636 The Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget Draft incorporates Capital Item PW-13 $140,000 Phase 1 Detailed Design (including geotechnical and topographical work). Should Council approve the 2017 funding of Capital Item PW-13 the Municipality would meet the Municipal funding component of the CWWF. Upon consultation with the Municipal Storm Sewer Consultant, Meritech Engineering, a recommendation to proceed with the remaining allocation of $322,907 is attached hereto as Appendix 'A'. DISCUSSION Council will note on May 19, 2016 Staff Report CAO 37/16 re 2016 Grant Program Applications was submitted to Council for consideration. Council passed the following resolution: THAT Report CAO-37/16 re 2016 Grant Program Applications be received for information; AND THAT Staff be directed to prepare applications for 2016 Grant Programs as follows: i. Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) - Carson Line Corridor Project ii. Building Canada Small Communities Fund (SCF) - Springer Hill Corridor Project iii. Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (FCWWF) - Richmond Distribution System-Bayham Water Meter Upgrades AND THAT should the Richmond Distribution System-Bayham Water Meter Upgrades project not be determined to be of high enough usage or the funding model for the Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (FCWWF) is not as projected, staff be directed to prepare applications for 2016 Grant Programs as follows: i. Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) - Richmond Distribution System- Bayham Water Meter Upgrades ii. Building Canada Small Communities Fund (SCF) - Springer Hill Corridor Project iii. Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (FCWWF) -Wastewater Rehab AND THAT Council reallocate $20,000 from the 2016 Turnaround Capital project to have Spriet Associates commence the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (CHER) for removal of Bayham Drive Bridge. Subsequent to said resolution the Federal and Provincial Government modified the terms and requirements of the above noted Grant Programs. The OCIF was modified to increase the `Formula Component' and make the `Application Component' more transparent. A limit was establish on eligible projects and previous year recipients of the `Application Component' are not eligible until taking a year off. For example a community that received the `Application Component' in 2015 is not eligible to apply again to the `Application Component' until 2017. Since the Municipality was not successful in 2015 the rules would dictate the odds of approval for the 2016 `Application Component' have increased. The Small Community Fund (SCF) was allocated by the Federal Government and did not go through an application process. AMO advises the program funds have been fully utilized. The rollout of the Clean Water Wastewater Fund (CWWF) suffered numerous delays, as is evident by the fact that costs of eligible projects back to April 1, 2016 are awkwardly eligible. The CWWF allocates funds based on eligible infrastructure within the Municipal Asset Inventory. The May 19, 2016 grant application preparation work is still valuable as it laid the foundation for the OCIF and CWWF applications and improves the Municipal Asset Inventory, however staff would now recommend as follows: 1) OCIF - Richmond Distribution System-Bayham Water Meter Upgrades a. Program has the appropriate application allocation cap and program modifications should improve the opportunity for a successful application. 2) CWWF — Port Burwell Storm Sewer System a. The Municipality has now completed the EA and potentially the Detailed Design work and the process can start to reconstruct the system and linear assets above the same. No specific reserves exist solely for said project and the completion of the same, in its entirety will require precise utilization of eligible grant programs. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-59/16 re Clean Water Wastewater Fund (CWWF) be received for information; 2. THAT staff be directed to make application to the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund for the Richmond Distribution System-Bayham Water Meter Upgrades; 3. THAT staff be directed to submit Port Burwell Storm Sewer Projects, in accordance with Appendix 'A', to the Clean Water Wastewater Fund. 4. THAT staff be directed to make the modifications to the Capital Budget to reflect the above grant program changes. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO ME RJITE CH September 26, 2016 Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0 Attention: Mr. Paul Shipway CAO Dear Mr. Shipway, Re: Clean Water Funding Port Burwell Storm Sewer Replacement Municipality of Bayham As you are aware, we have provided a proposal to complete the storm sewer design work for the Village of Port Burwell, such that a portion of the work could be constructed in 2017/2018 and later phases constructed as budgets and funding allowed. That proposal described the work plan for 2017 in greater detail. To summarize we propose to complete the pre-design work of geotechnical investigation for all streets, and detailed design work for the Phase 1 streets (including topographic survey, construction drawings, approvals and tendering). With contingencies, this design work is $140,000.00 and will be completed by fall 2017 such that some of that physical construction work could commence in the late fall of 2017 subject to approvals and be completed by March 2018. The majority of the work would be constructed through 2018, being completed by December 2018. 2 The section of Robinson Street, south of Brock Street that includes the "turn around bulb" improvements at the end of Robinson Street was identified in a separate exercise as a project desired by the Municipality, part of the work involves stormwater works and therefore was referenced in the Municipal Class EA. This concept involves the reversal of the storm sewer south of Brock Street such that it flows to Brock Street instead of to the beach, the resulting repaving of the road over this excavated area, regrading of the road for an overland flow route, removal of concrete curb and installation of a bio-swale and bio-retention area, including regrading along the edge of the beach and parking area and planting with native material to encourage infiltration and water quality enhancement of the stormwater. I believe that including it in the scope of work for Phase 1, would be advantageous, and could be applied for through the Clean Water Funding because on the improved environmental outcomes, within the rehabilitation of an existing asset description. The table below shows a breakdown of costs attributed to the construction works. It accounts for road removals and restoration for the work to remove and redirect the storm sewers to Brock Street. The sewer installation however from the limit of this work, north to Brock Street is accounted for in the Phase 1 works of the Port Burwell Storm Sewer design works. eEnognisnueeitinr • 40. Professional Engineers MEV2014 KAProjects\99242\00-Admin\QUOVunding app.docx Page 1 of Ontario Ontario Meritech Engineering 1315 Bishop St. North Suite 202 Cambridge ON N1R 6Z2 t 519.623.1140 f 519.623.7334 Mobilization/Prep Item Description Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost Signage 1 L.S. $500.00 $500.00 Site Fence 15 m $15.00 $225.00 Storm Sewer Pipe Removal 230 m $200.00 $46,000.00 Storm Structure Removal 8 each $500.00 $4,000.00 Connection Rehabilitation 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Sawcutting Road 10 m $10.00 $100.00 Asphalt milling 50 m2 $10.00 $500.00 Asphalt removal 1725 m2 $15.00 $25,875.00 Concrete curb, curb and 460 m $15.00 $6,900.00 gutter removal Subtotal: $85,100.00 Road Rehabilitation Subgrade Prep 1702 m2 $1.00 $1,702.00 Road Sub-base 300mm Granular 1495.4 t $15.00 $22,431.00 'B' Road Base 150mm Granular 1564.0 m2 $7.00 $10,948.00 'A' Curb and Gutter 230.0 Concr. 460 m $45.00 $20,700.00 Base Pavement 55mm Asph 240.4 t $70.00 $16,828.00 Surface Pavement 45mm Asph 196.7 t $80.00 $15,736.00 Subtotal: $88,345.00 Bio-retention Construction Fine grading of Bio- 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 retention area and beach outlet (bio-swale) Bio-retention Landscaping 1 LS $75,000.00 $75,000.00 Subtotal: $85,000.00 Contingency and Engineering Contingency (15%) 1 LS $38,766.75 $38,766.75 Engineering (15%) 1 LS $38,766.75 $38,766.75 Subtotal: $77,533.50 Total of all sections incl. Contingency and Engineering $335,987.50 K:\Projects\99242\00-Admin\QUO\funding app.docx September 22, 2016 Page 2 The Erie Beach project costs are not included in this estimate, but were considered by Council previously, the value of this work was estimated by Spriet and Associates and remains the same. Yours very truly, MERITECH EN XNEERING Amanda JcFroe -, P. Eng. FEC Senior Projetivianager AF/ Enclosures (0) CC K:\Projects\99242\00-Admin\QUO\funding app.docx September 22, 2016 Page 3 Ministry of Infrastructure Ministere de('infrastructure ^� 8th Floor,Hearst Block 8e etage,edifice Hearst Too Bay Street oo rue Bay lir" Ontario Toronto,Ontario M7A 2E1 Toronto(Ontario)M7A 2E1 Tel: 1-800-268-7095 Tel. : 1-800-268-7095 September 14, 2016 Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0 Dear CAO: The 2016 Federal Budget announced the establishment of a Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) that proposes to invest up to $569.6 million in the province of Ontario for immediate improvements to water distribution and treatment infrastructure, starting in 2016-17. CWWF will provide municipalities with vital infrastructure funding to help accelerate short term investments to support the rehabilitation and modernization of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and the planning and design of future facilities and upgrades to existing systems. The provision of CWWF funding is governed by a bilateral agreement between Canada and Ontario, with the Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure being responsible for the administration of CWWF. The federal government will contribute 50% of the eligible project costs, up to the maximum federal allocation noted below. In addition, the Province will contribute 25% of eligible project costs, up to the maximum provincial allocation noted below. Municipality allocations under the CWWF are based on the amount of water, wastewater and stormwater assets owned by municipalities and their economic conditions. Grants for First Nations are based on each community's population on reserve. All recipients receive a minimum of $75,000. Projects must be complete with all costs incurred prior to March 31, 2018. Where need is demonstrated, up to 25% of costs can extend beyond March 31, 2018. Extensions beyond March 31, 2018 require pre-approval by the Province and the Federal Government. I am pleased to note that, Municipality of Bayham will be eligible to receive a maximum federal allocation of $215,271 and a maximum provincial allocation of $107,636. - 2 - In order to submit an application to receive CWWF funding and access the CWWF Program Guide, please visit: http://www.qrants.qov.on.ca/GrantsPortal/en/OntarioGrants/G rantOpportunities/PRDRO 15994.html. Please note that eligible recipients must complete in full and submit electronically a CWWF Project List Template to the email identified on the Grants Ontario web portal by October 31, 2016. For more information on how to complete each component, in addition to information regarding general program requirements and eligibility criteria please refer to the CWWF Program Guide. If you have any questions regarding the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF), please contact Infrastructure Ontario, at 1-844-803-8856. Sincerely, Elizabeth Doherty Director, Intergovernmental Policy Branch Infrastructure Policy Division Disponible en frangais