HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 3, 2016 - Special Council - Budget THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM
9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON
Council Chambers
Monday, October 3, 2016
6:30 p.m.
A. Report TR-20/16 by Lorne James, Treasurer re 2017 — 2026 Capital Budget — Draft
i. 2017 — 2026 Capital Budget— Draft (included as a separate Item)
A. By-Law 2016-078 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council
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TO: Mayor & Members of Council
FROM: Lorne James, Treasurer
DATE: October 3, 2016
REPORT: TR-20/16 FILE NO. C-07
SUBJECT: 2017-2026 Capital Budget - Draft
Attached hereto as Appendix 'A', for Council review and direction, is the 2017-2026 Capital
Budget Draft. The Capital Budget Draft, as presented, introduces the recommendations
contained within the:
1) Municipality of Bayham Asset Management Plan
2) Municipality of Bayham Ontario Regulation 453/07 Water Financial Plan
3) Municipality of Bayham Roads Need Study
4) Municipality of Bayham Bridge and Culvert Study
5) Municipality of Bayham Facility Audit
6) Municipality of Bayham Storm Sewer Assessment
The presentation and consideration of a ten (10) year Capital Budget allows Council to be
aware of, and proactive towards, long-term financial commitments and to be able to strategically
financially plan for the procurement, maintenance and/or replacement of various items. The
multi-year budget also allows Council to direct staff to normalize costs so that the Capital
Budget is relatively `smooth' and does not feature drastic `peaks' in levy requirements.
Staff will present a two (2) year Operating Budget for Council consideration on January 3rd
On April 21, 2016 the Treasurer presented Report TR-11/16 re 2017 Budget Schedule:
Budget Proposed 2016 Start Time
Budget Review Dates For
Budget Public Consultation June 1, 2016 - August 31, 2016
2017 and 10 Year Capital Monday, October 3, 2016 6:30 p.m.
Plan (Special Meeting)
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 6:30 p.m.
(Special Meeting)
2017 Levy Supported Tuesday January 3, 2017 6:30 p.m.
Operating Budget (Special Meeting)
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
(Special Meeting) 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 5, 2017
(Budget Open House) 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
As part of the consultation the following activities were conducted:
1) Posting (May 31, 2016) of a Budget Consultations webpage including:
a. Historic Capital & Operating Budgets
b. Budget formulation information
c. Terminology
d. 'How the Municipal Budget Works' and 'How Property Tax is Calculated'
explanatory videos
e. Online Public Consultation Form
2) Budget Consultation Notice (May 31, 2016)
a. Online
b. Municipal Facility Notice Boards
3) Summer Newsletter Posting
a. Included with Municipal Tax Bill
4) Availability of Treasurer to discuss all of the above.
Submitted Capital Budget Consultation comments are attached hereto as Appendix `B'.
The Capital Budget factors in three (3) years of Gas Tax funding as various factors, including
the will of the Federal Government, make predicting Gas Tax funding allocations beyond 2019,
the end of the current agreement, unreliable at best. Likewise, the Ontario Community
Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) program is only scheduled to last for three (3) years and its
continuation will be at the discretion of the Province. At this time no additional funding programs
have been identified; however staff continuously work diligently on sourcing all potential
avenues of funding in an attempt to produce an effective and sustainable levy. It is expected
Phase 2 of the Federal Infrastructure plan, when announced, will have an impact on Capital
Budgets beyond 2017.
The 2017-2026 Capital Budget generally aims to focus on core assets such as roads, bridges,
culverts, water and wastewater, as funding allocated through Gas Tax and OCIF is based on
the Municipality's prior Net Book Values of core assets in previous Financial Information
Returns (FIR). This fact is further reinforced by the recently enacted Jobs for Infrastructure and
Prosperity Act and forthcoming regulations under the same which will attempt to mandate focus
of primary funding; municipal, provincial and federal, towards core assets.
The Capital Budget features finite detail in the first five (5) years of the budget, 2017-2021, while
2022-2026, the final five (5) years, is broad and expected to require additional funding and
refinement, however is present to illustrate the known capital costs in said years.
The Capital Budget presented utilizes a mix of reserves, grant funding and tax levy throughout.
The Capital Budget does not rely on debt financing due to the financial realities of the
Municipality and the need to preserve debt capacity. The Treasurer has attempted to minimize
the capital impact on the levy by creating a dynamic reserve funding scheme in the later years
of the Capital Budget. This scheme suits the current Municipal financial reality and provides the
greatest opportunity to minimize the capital impact of the levy in the future, however it is not
considered a risk adverse scheme, and unplanned capital requirements have the capability to
cause complications and financial strain within the 2017-2026 capital funding model. When
reserves are utilized the transfer is noted on the bottom of the budget sheet.
As Council is aware from previous Budget Reports the Municipality of Bayham has not
historically held a normalized and stable capital levy. The 2012-2016 Capital levies were
as follows:
Historical Capital Levy 2012-2016
2012 $973,302
2013 $801,000
2014 $825,000
2015 $597,851
2016 _ $289,141
Avg. $697,259
Specifically in 2015 the Municipality lowered the Capital Levy to incorporate OPP and
OMPF Funding level changes and in 2016 the Municipality lowered the Capital Levy to
incorporate the Ojibwa Financing into the Operating Budget. 2017 is the first year in
which the Municipality begins to rebuild the Capital Levy to an amount which will permit
stabilization or reduction of the infrastructure funding deficit in the future.
Annually, the Municipality is in deficit of capital funding, like all municipalities are. The
Municipality of Bayham is estimated to be in deficit in the approximate amount of
$793,524 annually over the 10 year capital levy for an aggregate total of$8.61 million.
The Municipality has several large life cycle asset replacements, betterments and
rehabilitations over the next ten years both in linear assets, equipment and infrastructure
which will be challenging based on the current financial implications. Deferring the capital
programs and replacements in the years projected only increases the funding deficit as
the replacement or rehabilitation costs will inflate annually and make the capital deficit
increase. In addition to funding capital programs as required, proper financial
management requires the reserves to be replenished to be able to fund needs/events
outside of the capital budget scope. The 2017-2019 years of the capital budget do not
sustainably fund reserves for future years (i.e. unexpected asset failures) based on
current projections and current asset conditions.
The above strategy coupled with the fact that the Municipality of Bayham has not
historically held a normalized and stable capital levy increase, results in staff
recommendation for Council to avoid any ventures, where possible, which are not core
assets and/or not risk averse as the Municipality has limited financial resources to
allocate. Attached hereto as Appendix 'C' is a chart which visualizes the historic capital
underfunding and sporadic nature in which asset categories have been funded as per
Financial Information Return (FIR) data.
The attached 2017-2026 Capital Budget Draft focuses on protecting the fair to good
condition assets and extending their useful lives as far as possible, with both operating
and capital programs, while assets that are in poor condition will be exhausted until
replacement is a necessity and in some cases upon Council direction to divest the
Corporation of the asset(s). Staff will continue to monitor the underlying metrics of upper
level government granting programs to ensure that the staff presented Municipal funding
strategy aligns with said programs to maximize potential funding allocations.
1. THAT Report TR-20-2016 re 2017-2026 Capital Budget - Draft be received for
2. AND THAT Council provide staff direction.
Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by,
Lorne James, CPA, CA Paul Shipway, CAO
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tunny Is
Name Comments Relevant Capital
Mr. Fred Shelly I am opposed to the spending of any tax dollars to enhance the parking PW-7_port Burwell
or other amenities on the East Beach. East Beach
Tax dollars should be used to provide essential services. I can accept parkingNVashrooms
the need for some beach maintenance for sanitary health purposes;
further enhancements would provide an unnecessary burden on
We have seen over the past couple of years sidewalks that are being
repaired with orange paint, roads that need to be repaired, bridges that
are near the end of their lifespan, garbage collection that is being
reduced to the point where some taxpayers are having to pay additional
fees for garbage disposal or seek alternative disposal methods and I am
sure that the members of Bayham's Council are aware of many other
problems that need to be fixed.
Contrary to some of the arguments in support of the Beach Proposal
such as the Beach Project improvements serving to increasing property
values, this has value only if you intend selling your property in the near
future. Those who intend to remain, long term, would find their property
values increase and thus have their property taxes increase accordingly,
they receive a beautified beach they may or may not use and the definite
burden of increased property taxes which they may not be able to afford.
While I do not have a magic Crystal Ball, the past realty records I am
sure will indicate that property values will continue to increase even
without the East Beach enhancements.
Allowing a Natural verses Manicured beach. I do not think this is
something that is desired by many; however some naturalization such as
the formation of dunes in from the shore could be an idea that could be a
cash savings to the municipality. Water levels by my recollection have
reached sustained levels that would be near the southern side of the
washroom facility, so some dune formation and allowing of a natural
berm formation could be useful and allowing this would reduce the
amount of beach that would need to be groomed for sanitation purposes
effectively reducing maintenance costs
In conclusion my vote is "No"to the East Beach Proposal and I am not
interested in any expenditure of tax dollars to continue with this matter.
I implore you, Bayham's Councilors in this matter and all Budget
considerations to be frugal in your spending. Wisely concentrate your
expenditures to essential services such as garbage collection, road
repairs, and water and sewer items and let those who want the luxuries
find funds from other sources than the general tax coffers.
Mr. John Seldon Budget for a drinking water fountain/bottle refill station for East Beach; PW-7—Port Burwell
from your comments will I take that out now as being a definite no-go?
Especially for this summer I think it would have received a lot of use and East Beach
provided a great municipal service. Parking/Washrooms
Budget for keeping the washrooms open at East Beach for a longer
period of time during the year. It is currently from May 1st to September
30. I use the beach frequently year round now and often found people Sewer Detailed
arriving to use the washrooms outside this time period; I think the hours Design
during the day are fine. As I live so close it is not essential to me but
clearly many people look to use it and are frustrated when they cannot
access it.
Budget for expanding the east beach washroom wet well. As demand
increases with more use of east beach and in light of the problems
addressed in Council in July about the system being plugged, perhaps a
new and larger wet well needs to be installed along with screening.
Budget for a new wet well pump that is the best pump style and size
appropriate for the demands put on this system. It is crazy that our
operators are called out to clear this unit and using portable toilets at this
site is simply declassee. This is a great beach which Bayham maintain
well. When speaking with people at the beach many are new to
this location and prefer it over others from Dover to Port Stanley; the
washroom wastewater pumping facilities should match the quality of the
maintenance done on the beach, eliminating the "port a potties" and the
need for operators to clean out the current system as well as saving
these costs.
Budget for specialty trash receptacles in the East Beach washrooms. I
think the idea of more signage at the washrooms for appropriate
disposal of wipes and feminine hygiene products was in fact a good
idea. I believe signage well-presented and located can be a big help. But
specialty trash receptacles for these waste products need to be included
as well. They can be found in other washroom locations and it would
make sense here, helping to reduce the wastewater pumping system
from being plugged. Without an appropriate disposal receptacle these
products find their way into the wastewater system.
Is it time to begin budgeting for a new wastewater treatment plant
operator?As demands on wastewater operators are considerable for
two full time operators with increasing seniority, has Bayham sufficient
manpower during vacations and or emergencies not to mention the
regular demands of treatment requirements - is it time to bring in a new
operator to ensure continuity of the already excellent operational work
we have now?
Budget for a storm water fix for 21 Erieus Street. I submitted a summary
of my concerns to Mr. Shipway over storm water problems here at 21
Erieus Street in Port Burwell in June in response to a request for
comments on the Bayham storm water report. I believe it was a fair
statement of my concerns. However, to the best of my knowledge,
nothing is planned to help our situation here at 21 Erieus Street in Port
Burwell - at least not for some time. I am asking for budgeting in 2017 to
include at least a temporary fix for our location. We remain a hostage to
storm water flooding; the line from our basement to the curb does
accomplish the task of stopping flooding in the summer as long as we
keep the hose in place and pump to the curb; it is the only way we can
safely leave the house (for a trip/vacation, weekend visit elsewhere) and
be optimistic we will not be flooded when away. However, in the winter,
unless the hose is manually disconnected and drained after each use,
the line will freeze closed and become useless - and we will flood.
Hence we are held hostage. Winter is coming up again soon and once
again we are faced with this dilemma. Waiting for up to 20 years for this
to be addressed is just unreasonable considering it has been a problem
for 30 years already.
2009 Annual 2009 Capital Budget 2009 Capital Levy Percentage(%)of Levy 2009 Closing Percentage(%)of Net Book
Amortization Funding/Asset Class Net Book Value Value/Asset Class
Ge.-.Gaill $14,488 $40,650 $32,000 221% ataiiiiii02 1.45%
Fire $65,284 $330,675 $31,412 48% $1,219,492
Protective inspection and control $3,502 $0 $0 0% $21,149
Emergency measures $0 $0 $0 0% $0
SU, $330,675 W$31,412 46% W$1,240,641 ,2.33%
Roads-Paved $654,112 $387,000 $47,869 7% $26,958,379
Roads-Unpaved $36,748 $148,600 $19,220 52% $648,121
Roads-Bridges and Culverts $20,085 $0 $0 0% $125,721
Roadways-Traffic Operations&Roadside $19,334 $0 $0 0% $640,742
Winter Control-Except sidewalks,Parking Lot $1,731 $0 $0 0% $11,730
Parking $510 $0 $0 0% $509
Street lighting $2,214 $20,000 $20,000 903% $23,057
Other $111,796 $240,000 $25,000 22% $955,347
SUB TOTA $846,530 $795,600 $112,089 13% $29,363,606
Wastewater collection/conveyance $234,573 $625,605 $0 0% $15,106,601
Wastewater treatment&disposal $72,456 $0 $0 0% $1,932,366
Urban storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0% $0
Rural storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0% $0
Water treatment $50,719 $0 $0 0% $1,938,050
Water distribution/transmission $24,216 $2,216,978 $0 0% $2,033,235
Public health services $257 $10,000 $10,000 3891% $3,352
Cemeteries $0 $6,093 $6,093 NA $19,932
Other $0 $0 $0 0% $0
SUB T s' TIIIE $16,093 i 0.04%
Parks $14,029 $7,886 $7,886 56% $494,878
Harbour/Beach $0 $13,972 $13,972 NA $0
Rec.Fac. $6,867 $15,000 $15,000 218% $207,852
Libraries $3,778 $0 $0 0% $51,348
Museums/Culture $7,347 $21,662 $21,662 295% $184,061
SUB TOTAL 183% $938,139 1:'t
$1,344,046 $4,084,121 $250,114 $67 $53,351,124 $1
Relied Heavily on 2008
Unexpended Capital
NOTES ($600,000+),thus basically no
capital levy in 2009 and that
would indicate little to no
Capital was completed in 2008
2010 Annual 2010 Capital Budget 2010 Capital Levy Percentage(%)of Levy 2010 Closing Percentage(%)of Net Book
Amortization Funding/Asset Class Net Book Value Value/Asset Class
GenGefigli $13,093 $25,500 $25,500 194.76% $762 1.40%
Fire $69,552 $869,000 $170,500 245.14% $1,314,135
Protective inspection and control $2,299 $6,000 $6,000 260.98% $31,850
Emergency measures $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
SU TIAL 245.65% 2.47%
Roads-Paved $544,187 $811,220 $309,900 56.95% $26,590,776
Roads-Unpaved $19,938 $92,000 $0 0.00% $628,183
Roads-Bridges and Culverts $3,837 $33,000 $0 0.00% $198,884
Roadways-Traffic Operations&Roadside $12,682 $0 $0 0.00% $647,014
Winter Control-Except sidewalks,Parking Lots $1,013 $0 $0 0.00% $10,717
Parking $76 $0 $0 0.00% $433
Street lighting _ $1,678 $15,000 $5,000 297.97% $21,379
Other $26,189 $311,000 $0 0.00% $984,911
SUB TOS $609,600 $1,262,220 $314,900 51.66% $29,082,297 -1111111.
Wastewater collection/conveyance $204,806 $508,843 $0 0.00% $14,955,772
Wastewater treatment&disposal $77,938 $0 $0 0.00% $2,435,120
Urban storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
Rural storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
Water treatment $52,244 $0 $0 0.00% $1,888,468 _
Water distribution/transmission $41,995 $1,249,100 $0 0.00% $2,972,000
SUB TOTAL $376,983 0.00% $22,251,360
Public health services $193 $0 $0 0.00% $3,159
Cemeteries $0 $10,000 $10,000 NA $19,932
Other $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
liMill 0.04%
Parks $16,063 $90,000 $20,000 124.51% $668,452
Harbour/Beach $0 $88,900 $88,900 NA $0
Rec.Fac. $8,436 $193,000 $78,000 924.61% $199,416
Libraries $1,787 $25,000 $25,000 1398.99% $49,561
Museums/Culture $4,231 $22,665 $22,665 535.69% $179,830
SUB TOTA $419,565 IEEE= 768.64% 7,259 2.01%
$2,592,285 104.99% ,101 dMINIII
$1,102,237 $4,350,228 $761,465 $64 $54,562,101 $1
2011 Annual 2011 Capital Budget 2011 Capital Levy Percentage(%)of 2011 Closing Percentage(%)of Net Book
Amortization Funding/Asset Class Net Book Value Value/Asset Class
Ge $11,713 $51,000 $51,000 435.41% $763,127 1.41%
Fire $71,308, $1,089,300 $164,500 230.69%, $1,295,092
Protective inspection and control $1,585 $6,000 $6,000 378.55% $12,355
Emergency measures $2,180 0.00% $15,730
SU=w /TAL 3 227.11% 2.44%
Roads-Paved $682,402_ $748,822 $245,000 35.90% $25,908,374
Roads-Unpaved $12,841 $41,563 $0 0.00% $615,342
Roads-Bridges and Culverts $4,128 $0 $0 0.00% $544,198
Roadways-Traffic Operations&Roadside $0 $0 $0 0.00% $647,014
Winter Control-Except sidewalks,Parking Lots $1,013_ $0 $0 0.00% $9,704
Parking $0 $0 $0 0.00% $433
Street lighting _ $1,374 $10,000 $0 0.00% $20,005
Other $0 $609,000 $0 NA $1,045,561
SUB TOS $1,409,385 $245,000, 34.91% $28,790,631 53.20%1
Wastewater collection/conveyance $203,948 $304,743 $0 0.00% $14,751,379
Wastewater treatment&disposal $80,546 $0 $0 0.00% $2,354,574
Urban storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
Rural storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
Water treatment $53,075 $450,000 $0 0.00% $1,908,508 _
Water distribution/transmission $60,719 $0 0.00% $2,711,213
SUB TOTAL $0 0.00%
Public health services $193 $0 $0 0.00% $2,966
Cemeteries $0 $3,000 $3,000 NA $19,932
Other $0 $0 0.00% $0
3,000 1554.40% •
Parks $23,174 $107,925 $65,925 284.48% $645,278
Harbour/Beach $5,867 $274,800 $131,900 2248.17% $419,822
Rec.Fac. $5,744 $174,000 $91,500 1592.97% $205,000
Libraries $1,787 $40,000 $0 0.00% $47,774
Museums/Culture $2,704 $55,500 $55,500 2052.51% $177,126
SUB T $39,276 $652,225 877.95% 5,000 2.76%
r/Wastewater) $828,013 7
$1,226,301 $3,965,653 $814,325 $31 $54,120,507 $1
Relied Heavily on 2010
NOTES Unexpended Capital
2012 Annual 2012 Capital Budget 2012 Capital Levy Percentage(%)of 2012 Closing Percentage(%)of Net Book
Amortization Funding/Asset Class Net Book Value Value/Asset Class
GerMili 17,226 66,000.00 47,000.00 272.84% aiiiiii§2 1.38%
Fire 114,766 1,254,500 170,000 148.13%, 2,276,143
Protective inspection and control 1,970 6,000 6,000 304.57% 10,385
Emergency measures 1,796 0 0 0.00% 13,934
SU =TAL 148.48% ,',462 4.22%
Roads-Paved 689,495_ 406,000 0 0.00% 25,218,879
Roads-Unpaved 15,424 54,000 0 0.00% 599,918
Roads-Bridges and Culverts 19,558 0 0 0.00% 524,640
Roadways-Traffic Operations&Roadside 2,680 0 0 0.00% 644,334
Winter Control-Except sidewalks,Parking Lots 1,736 0 0 0.00% 7,968
Parking 357 0 0 0.00% 76
Street lighting 2,363 10,000 10,000 423.19% 17,642
Other 93,818 574,000 270,000 287.79% 1,198,661
SUB TOS =825,431 280,000 33.92% 28,212,118 51.75%
Wastewater collection/conveyance . 238,653 225,972 0 0.00% 14,512,726
Wastewater treatment&disposal 96,891 0 0 0.00% 2,257,683
Urban storm sewer system 0 0 0 0.00% 0
Rural storm sewer system 0 0 0 0.00% 0
Water treatment 29,377 450,000 0 0.00% 1,968,039
Water distribution/transmission 100,721 0 0 0.00% 2,780,362
SUB TOTAL MIMMEr 465,642 0 0.00%
Public health services 258 0 0 0.00% 2,708
Cemeteries 0 12,500 11,500 NA 19,932
Other 0 0 0 0.00% 0
4457.36% •
Parks 47,936 57,000 10,000 20.86% 633,944
Harbour/Beach 0 162,400 32,400 NA 419,822_
Rec.Fac. 9,827 136,500 75,000 763.20% 318,698
Libraries 3,789 100,000 0 0.00% 164,387
Museums/Culture 7,367 7,800 5,500 74.66% 169,759
SUB TOTA I i° 463,700 122,900 178.33% 3.13%
AL(Exc', ,:46,700 637,4+
$1,496,008 $3,522,672 $637,400 $51 $54,511,702 $1
Relied on 2011 Unexpended
NOTES Capital($80,000)
2013 Annual 2013 Capital Budget 2013 Capital Levy Percentage(%)of 2013 Closing Percentage(%)of Net Book
Amortization Funding/Asset Class Net Book Value Value/Asset Class
Geilli 14,126 73,500.00 45,000.00 318.56% 736,936 1.37%
Fire 131,317 198,500 183,500 139.74%, 2,144,826
Protective inspection and control 1,423 5,000 5,000 351.37% 8,962_
Emergency measures 2,180 0 0 0.00% 11,754
SU TAL iliiiM000139.71% 4.02%
Roads-Paved _ 706,547 212,990 0 0.00% 24,574,401
Roads-Unpaved 15,391 188,000 0 0.00% 1,009,092
Roads-Bridges and Culverts 19,504 15,000 0 0.00% 505,136
Roadways-Traffic Operations&Roadside 2,680 0 0 0.00% 641,654
Winter Control-Except sidewalks,Parking Lots 1,731 0 0 0.00% 6,237
Parking 0 0 0.00% 76
Street lighting 1,372 10,000 10,000 728.86% 16,270
Other 52,491 945,000 320,000 609.63% 1,259,909
SUB TOS 799,716 1,370,990 330,000 41.26% 28,012,775 52.02%,
Wastewater collection/conveyance 237,014 62,300 0 0.00% 14,417,846
Wastewater treatment&disposal 96,627 0 0 0.00% 2,161,056
Urban storm sewer system 0 0 0.00% 0
Rural storm sewer system 0 0 0.00% 0
Water treatment 6,772 0 0 0.00% 1,961,267
Water distribution/transmission 127,372 18,000 0 0.00% 2,735,552
SUB TOTAL 80,300 0 0.00%
Public health services 257 0.00% 2,451
Cemeteries 0.00% 25,584
Other 0.00% 0
0.00% •
Parks 49,562 36,000 24,000 48.42% 584,382
Harbour/Beach 0_ 152,000 96,000 NA 419,822_
Rec.Fac. 13,331 157,000 48,000 360.06% 305,367
Libraries 7,219 30,000 0 0.00% 157,168_
Museums/Culture 7,348 6,000 2,500 34.02% 162,411
SUB TOTAL 77,460 170,500 220.11%
9 734,000
$1,494,264 $2,109,290 $734,000 $7 $53,848,159 $1
2014 Annual 2014 Capital Budget 2014 Capital Levy Percentage(%)of 2014 Closing Percentage(%)of Net Book
Amortization Funding/Asset Class Net Book Value Value/Asset Class
Ge` $11,783 $72,000 $17,000 144.28% $75 1.41
Fire $131,299 $410,000 $174,000 132.52%, $2,009,363
Protective inspection and control $1,300 $5,000 $5,000 384.62% $7,662_
Emergency measures $2,180 $0 $0 0.00% $9,574
SUB TOTAL $134,7.'1 132.81% 3.79%
Roads-Paved $758,408 $230,000 $230,000 30.33% $23,962,505
Roads-Unpaved $25,588 $166,400 $166,400 650.30% $983,504
Roads-Bridges and Culverts $19,504 $55,000 $55,000 281.99% $537,517
Roadways-Traffic Operations&Roadside $2,680 $0 $0 0.00% $638,974
Winter Control-Except sidewalks,Parking Lots $1,242 $0 $0 0.00% $4,995
Parking $0 $0 $0 0.00% $76
Street lighting $1,372 $10,000 $10,000 728.86% $14,898
Other $4,159 $825,000 $25,000 601.11% $1,255,750
SUB TOS $812,953 $1,286,400 $486,400 59.83% $27,398,219
Wastewater collection/conveyance $234,035 $63,300 $0 0.00% $14,196,850
Wastewater treatment&disposal $97,866 $0 0.00% $2,063,190
Urban storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
Rural storm sewer system $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
Water treatment $5,772 $10,000 $0 0.00% $2,626,069 _
Water distribution/transmission $129,764 $0 0.00% $2,822,162
SUB TOTAL $467,437 0.00%
Public health services $257 $0 $0 0.00% $2,194
Cemeteries $0 $0 $0 0.00% $25,584
Other $0 $0 $0 0.00% $0
Parks $49,240 $36,000 $24,000 48.74% $535,142
Harbour/Beach $0 $120,000 $95,000 NA $419,822_
Rec.Fac. $13,331 $160,000 $48,000 360.06% $292,036
Libraries $7,219 $30,000 $0 0.00% $149,949
Museums/Culture $7,347 $6,000 $2,000 27.22% $155,064
MAL $77,137 $352,000 MEMEL219.09% $1,552,013 2.90%
cluding waiii iffiP,909 $2,125,400 82.11% $53,466,999 iiii
$1,504,346 $2,198,700 $851,400 $6 $53,466,999 $1
BY-LAW NO. 2016 — 078
WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the
powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality;
AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council
are to be exercised by by-law;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it
advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law.
1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham
in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and
other action by the Council at the budget meeting held October 3, 2016 is hereby
adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-
2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are
hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the
action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the
Corporate Seal.
READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 3rd day of
October, 2016.