HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 01, 2016 - Council THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, September 1, 2016 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. — Public Meeting — Planning/Zoning — Gregory Underhill Farms Limited 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held August 18, 2016 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information A. Notice of Public Meeting re Gregory Underhill Farms Limited Zoning By-Law amendment 2016 Council Agenda September 1, 2016 B. Notice of Public Meeting re 31 Elizabeth Street Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law amendment 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-37/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Consent Applications E63/16, E64/16, E65/16, E66/16 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Township of Carlow/Mayo re Bill 171, Highway Traffic Amendment Act B. Town of Lakeshore re Support of Resolution — Debt Incurred from the 2015 Pan Am and Parapan Am Games C. Elgin St. Thomas Public Health 2015 Annual Report D. Town of Shelburne Council Resolution re Autism Spectrum Disorder 11.1.2 Requiring Action A. County of Elgin re Library Facility Leases 11.2 Reports to Council 12. BY-LAWS 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion re Edison Museum (deferred from August 18, 2016 Council meeting) 14. OTHER BUSINESS 14.1 In Camera A. Confidential Item regarding litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Ojibwa) 14.1 Out of Camera 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-077 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council 16 ADJOURNMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, August 18, 2016 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: MAYOR PAUL ENS DEPUTY MAYOR TOM SOUTHWICK COUNCILLORS WAYNE CASIER RANDY BREYER ED KETCHABAW STAFF PRESENT: CAO PAUL SHIPWAY DEPUTY CLERK/PLANNING COORDINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL CLERK'S ASSISTANT BRENDA GIBBONS 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA None 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. August 20, 2016 — Community Yard Sale at Strafffordville Community Centre parking lot B. August 27, 2016 —Watermelon Fest C. Port Burwell Lakers are in the semi finals and ahead by 1 game 5. DELEGATIONS None 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held July 21, 2016 B. Public Meeting held July 21, 2016 re 1926662 Ontario Inc. C. Public Meeting held July 21, 2016 re 1162291 Ontario Ltd. D. Special Meeting held July 26, 2016 E. Special Meeting held August 3, 2016 2016 Council Minutes August 18, 2016 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held July 21, 2016, public meetings held July 21, 2016, special meeting held July 26, 2016 and special meeting held August 3, 2016 be adopted. CARRIED 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-34/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Planning Act and Regulations Amendments Bill 73 — Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report DS-34/16 regarding the Planning Act and Regulations Amendments Bill 73 be received for information. CARRIED B. Report DS-35/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Site Plan Agreement— Straffordville Evangelical Mennonite Church Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Breyer 2016 Council Minutes August 18, 2016 THAT Report DS-35/16 regarding the Straffordville Evangelical Mennonite Church site plan agreement be received; AND THAT By-law No. 2016-074 being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Straffordville Evangelical Mennonite Church and the Municipality of Bayham for development at the property known as 54748 Third Street be presented for enactment. CARRIED 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Town of Aylmer Notice of Public Meeting B. Elgin County re Alvinston Pharmacy Approved for Elgincentives Grant C. Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport re Ontario Culture Strategy D. Province of Ontario re Help Ontario Make Business Easier for the Food Processing Sector E. Tillsonburg Multi-Service Centre August E Letter F. Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry re Annual Oral Rabies Vaccine G. Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meetings held May 4, 2016 and June 1, 2016 H. Ontario Parks re Boardwalk Access I. Corinth Pavilion Notice of Completion J. Healthy Kids Community Challenge Water Does Wonders K. Ride for Hope & Hunger Event Notice L. Elgin County re Planning Activities Report M. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry re Proposed Changes to the Four Land Use Plans Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT correspondence items 11.1.1(a) — 11.1.1(m) be received for information. CARRIED 2016 Council Minutes August 18, 2016 11.1.2 Requiring Action A. Proposal No. 16-MAFRA004-Reg 440 Proposed Amendments Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier WHEREAS vegetable growing, production and processing is an integral component of the community and economy of the Municipality of Bayham, local farmers and families. AND WHEREAS on June 28, 2016, proposed amendments to Regulation 440 (Vegetables for Processing - Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act to remove the provisions establishing negotiating agencies and to add provisions establishing an industry advisory committee were posted to Ontario's Regulatory Registry, with comment period closing August 12, 2016. AND WHEREAS the Ontario Regulatory Registry comment and consultation period of June 28, 2016 - August 12, 2016 coincides with the harvest season, which consists of long laborious days, leaving little to no time for affected parties to review and critically analyze the proposed regulatory changes. AND WHEREAS Geri Kamenz, Chair of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission, in correspondence dated July 26, 2016 to the honourable Rick Nicholls, MPP Chatham-Kent Essex, provided background to the initiating triggers for the proposed regulation amendments including: i. The Commission has reviewed industry reports dating as far back as the eighties, we have analysed market data since the 1960's from all available sources and have met with many industry insiders (processors and growers) and industry watchers to ensure the Commission had a comprehensive understanding before moving forward. ii. Industry advisory committees are a proven tool/vehicle to bring value chain stakeholders together to identify and resolve problems facing a value chain. Industry advisory committees are active in many areas of the agriculture sector. Dairy and chicken to name a couple that have made significant contributions to the growth we are seeing in the each of those sectors. AND WHEREAS the Ontario Regulatory Registry posting does not contain any of the aforementioned industry reports, analysis or trends and the composition or authority of the proposed 'Industry Advisory Committee' utilized to shape the proposal. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY RESOLVES THAT the consultation and comment period for the proposed amendments to Regulation 440 (Vegetables for Processing - Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act to remove the provisions establishing negotiating agencies and to add provisions establishing an industry advisory committee posted to Ontario's Regulatory Registry be extended an additional eighty-five (85) days; AND THAT the industry reports, analysis, trends and the composition and authority of the proposed 'Industry Advisory Committee' outlined in the July 26, 2016 correspondence of 2016 Council Minutes August 18, 2016 Geri Kamenz, Chair of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission be posted in its entirety on the registry for review; AND THAT a copy of this resolution be submitted to the Ontario Regulatory Registry, MPP Haldimand-Norfolk, Toby Barrett, MPP Chatham-Kent Essex, Rick Nicholls, MPP Elgin- Middlesex-London, Jeff Yurek and Geri Kamenz, Chair of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission. CARRIED B. Straffordville Community Committee re Watermelon Fest Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the Event Road Closure Request Form from the Straffordville Community Committee regarding Watermelon Fest be received; AND THAT an exemption to permit parking on the west side of Sandytown Road be granted; AND THAT Council grants permission to use municipal streets within Straffordville for parade purposes, on Saturday, August 27, 2016 subject to the organizers: • providing the municipality with proof of liability insurance to cover all events including naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured; • obtaining the necessary approvals from the Ontario Provincial Police and the Bayham Fire Chief (as per completion of the Municipal Road Close Notice and parade route mapping); AND THAT Old Chapel Street south from Heritage Line to Main Street and Main Street to Plank Road be closed during the parade; AND THAT Council requests permission from the County of Elgin to use Plank Road from the Straffordville School north to Main Street and Plank Road from Third Street south to Heritage Line and Heritage Line west to the Straffordville Community Park on August 27, 2016 between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. during the parade in Straffordville; AND THAT the Public Works Operations Supervisor be directed to make the necessary arrangements for traffic control, signage and safety; AND THAT the cleanup of the park area be the responsibility of the organizers. CARRIED C. Susan Start on behalf of Port Burwell Historical Society re Canada 150 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT correspondence from Susan Start on behalf of Port Burwell Historical Society regarding Canada 150 in 2017 be received for information; 2016 Council Minutes August 18, 2016 AND THAT Councillor Ketchabaw be appointed as Council representative and Paul Shipway be appointed as staff representative to the Planning Committee. CARRIED D. Monika Michel re High-Speed Internet Access Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT correspondence from Monika Michel regarding High-Speed Internet Access be received for information; AND THAT Ms. Michel be advised that the program referred to in the correspondence has not commenced and does not function in the manner outlined within the correspondence. CARRIED E. Straffordville Giants request for fee waiver Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence from Straffordville Giants be received for information; AND THAT the fees be waived for the pavilion CARRIED 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-53/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re 2017 Garbage Bag Tags Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-53/16 re 2017 Garbage Bag Tags be received for information; AND THAT the 2017 garbage tag allocation remain unchanged from 2016, being Residential 52 tags, Commercial 86 tags and Farm an additional 16 tags, to await results of the Municipal Curbside Audit prior to additional tag allocation reduction considerations in 2018. CARRIED B. Report CAO-54/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Museums Bayham Appointment Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-54/16 re Museums Bayham Appointment be received for information; 2016 Council Minutes August 18, 2016 AND THAT Council appoint Lynda Millard to Museums Bayham for the remainder of the 2014-2018 Term of Council. CARRIED 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law 2016-059 Being a By-law to establish and require the payment of fees for information services, activities and use of Municipal property and to repeal By-law 2014- 125 and any and all amendments (This by-law follows the recommendation made in Report CAO-48/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO during the regular meeting of Council of July 21, 2016) B. By-Law 2016-072 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Teamsters Union and its Local 879 C. By-Law 2016-073 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2015-044 being a By-law to establish and regulate a Fire Department for the Municipality of Bayham (This by-law follows Agreement#0493-01 between The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Teamsters Local Union No. 879) D. By-Law 2016-074 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Straffordville Evangelical Mennonite Church and the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham (This by-law follows the recommendation made in Report DS-35/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator during the regular meeting of Council of August 18, 2016) E. By-Law 2016-075 Being a By-law to further amend By-law 2016-014, being a By-law to regulate traffic and parking on highways, private property and Municipal property within the Municipality of Bayham (This by-law establishes official and authorized enforcement signage pursuant to By-law 2016-014) Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT By-laws 2016-059, 2016-072, 2016-073, 2016-074 and 2016-075 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion re Edison Museum Council provided staff direction to defer to the September 1, 2016 Council meeting. 14. OTHER BUSINESS 14.1 In Camera 14.1 Out of Camera 2016 Council Minutes August 18, 2016 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-076 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT confirming By-law 2016-076 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 16 ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 7:52. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK .$01144NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING 411PA's CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM firir Op�'Oxtunity Is'°J APPLICANT: GREGORY UNDERHILL FARMS LIMITED TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham has received a complete application for a Zoning By-law amendment. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers in Straffordville to consider a proposed Zoning By-law amendment under Section 34 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE of this By-law is to change the zoning regulations on a 28.63ha (70.7 ac) parcel of land, in the Agricultural (A1) Zone to a Special Agricultural (A2) Zone and a Rural Residential Exception (RR- ) Zone in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The subject lands are located in Part of Lot 18, Concession 3, on the north side of Chute Line and known as 55970 Chute Line. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to permit a surplus farm dwelling on a 0.38ha (1.0ac) parcel of land, prohibit livestock on the residential lot and prohibit future residential dwellings on the agricultural lands. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendment. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham to the Ontario Municipal Board. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the adoption of the proposed amendment, you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment may be obtained at the Municipal Office. Dated at the Municipality of Bayham this 12th day of August 2016. KEY MAP MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Margaret Underhill •,.. Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator t Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd. Straffordville, ON, NOJ 1Y0 ��� T: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 —__ F: 519-866-3884 E: munderhill@bayham.on.ca '41] y� W: www.bayham.on.ca ',t,:3 ilE>f SUBJECT LANDS ! , +JIL R �r-�aTAI iii .! Et�i;,1P1r4 eo 1 or I 41? .37.10. II �'�- vrA, I — . Municipality of Bayham $AYH.A "va Ij=,ii NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING c"r CONCERNING A PROPOSED 17! OFFICIAL PLAN and ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT O��'Ortunity IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM APPLICANT: MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham has received a completed application for a proposed Official Plan Amendment and a completed application for a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers in Straffordville to consider a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment under Section 17 and 34 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE of the official plan amendment is to change the land use designation on approximately 2023m2 (0.5 acres) of land from the "Institutional" designation to the "Industrial" designation in the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham; and the purpose of the zoning by- law amendment is to change the zoning on the same lands from the Institutional (I) Zone to the Urban Industrial (M4) in the Zoning By-law Z456-2003 of the Municipality of Bayham. The subject lands are located on the west side of Elizabeth Street and north of Wellington Street and known municipally as 31 Elizabeth Street, in the Village of Port Burwell. THE EFFECT of the amendments is to permit the repair of boats in the existing building; outdoor storage of boats\recreational vehicles; and the placement of shipping containers for the rental of storage space in accordance with the `Village — Industrial' policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Section 23 Urban Industrial (M4) Zone Regulations. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendments. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham to the Ontario Municipal Board. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the adoption of the proposed amendments, or the refusal of a request to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about this application is now available in the Municipal office. For more information about this matter contact the Municipality at the address, email or website shown below. O. Reg. 175/16, s.1 (13). DATED at the Municipality of Bayham this 24th day of August 2016. KEY MAP MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 4 Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator �` fl4NA'AII.:T dxArTsXfO(t ST �- Municipality of Bayham ■ h �_ P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd. Straffordville, ON, NOJ 1Y0 T: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 I F: 519-866-3884 tTO:3T E: munderhilWbayham.on.ca W: www.bayham.on.ca t � ` w r oair},rxr Village of Port Burwell $NYHA.,/ REPORT 11* op o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �'o,.tunity I9�C TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: September 1, 2016 REPORT: DS-37/16 FILE NO. C-07 / D9.16 Crane Roll # 3401-000-005-05110 SUBJECT: Consent Applications E63/16, E64/16, E65/16, E66116 BACKGROUND: Four consent applications were received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by James E. Crane proposing to sever four lots each 0.23 ha (0.58 acre) and retain an 11 ha (27 acre) agricultural parcel. The subject lands are designated "Hamlet" on Schedule "Al" Land Use of the Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential [HR(h1/h4)] on Schedule "C" North Hall and Agricultural Al on Schedule "A" Map 1 in Zoning By-law Z4356-2003. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the applications on September 28, 2016. DISCUSSION: The severed portion of the land is within the boundary of the Hamlet of North Hall and constitute development within an existing settlement area adjacent to an existing built-up area. A portion of the retained lands are within the hamlet boundary with the majority being outside the hamlet boundary. The applications meet the criteria in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law for the creation of lots within hamlet boundaries. The lands are subject to holding zone (h1/h4) provisions. The "h1" symbol ensures public health and safety regarding servicing of the lands and any financial impacts to the municipality. The "h4" symbol addresses any concerns regarding access to the retained agricultural lands. An application to rezone will be required as a condition of consent. The four lots will be assessed to the previously constructed Peters Drain Branches joining the four previous lots. Same as the previous four, the lots will be privately serviced with individual septic systems and wells. Please refer to the planner's report for further analysis of the applications against the PPS 2014 and the Elgin County Official Plan. Staff Report DS-37/16 2 Staff and planner recommend Council's support of the applications with the recommendations. ATTACHMENTS 1. Consent Applications E63-66/16 2. IBI Memorandum dated August 23, 2016 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report DS-37/16 regarding Consent applications E63 —66/16 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Applications E63-66/16, submitted by James Crane, be granted each subject to the following conditions: 1. Grading plan 2. Municipal lot assessment for private septic system 3. Water quality testing reports for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards for residential use, as a matter of public health and safety 4. Water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards for residential use, as a matter of public health and safety 5. Rezoning of both retained and severed parcels to address the Holding provisions (h1/h4) 6. $500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication fee 7. Purchase of civic number signage 8. Planning report fee payable to the municipality 9. Copy of final survey— paper and digital Respe fully S mitted b Reviewed b ,d; ag r afetUnderhill /--u "i•, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator CAO S4EV o CO JUS 5 6''' T/i,t "�i Ii l tl I I t- APPLICATION FOR CONSENT , 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner j4Yh 63' t ( rang, Address /X861 41 4 Qn1/iISpp)ny/ic/J 01/A.� Telephone Number 5-7q a 0-3,'s,-.5 / Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Sam e as q,bc�p Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners (vr Solicitor ( ) Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify (b) Name of person(s), if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: i X11 P. ,��L M,N' 49, Clit iihdtwri (c) If a lot addition, identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: 4. (a) Location of land: / Municipality �4 1r bc�in Concession No. 9 fir 96 5 Lot(s)No. / Registered Plan No. / i9 Name of Street5- 40 se, tUkn .f.14 e, Street No.and/or 911 No. .5YO,sd' Assessment Roll No. 3 9-6/' OO 1 oC 5--O5/ie OGe (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes (t/j No ( ) If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurem nts in Metric) Frontage / I U Depth 9,,2 1 p Area .. ...3‘.(7/..3 Existing Use rah",, /cXni Proposed Use ea%IG/jnJc 5/7E5 Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing MY 4e, �L Proposed q b ci i�,�1Y1� S//�S' a// .54m e 51,2 C 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 1/5 I/ Depth 3 Vl ti Area // h eG, Existing Use rmc, a � Proposed Use r.ir,4nt// Number and use Koff buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Existing Po f1 e- Proposed Proposed G17(3 a7' #//.S / 1In g County of Elgin Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,On N5R 5V1 Phone:519-631-1460 i`' www.elgin-county.on.ca ��F}�� {;'�` 4'"''°t-- 3L t.y' � , s ,PYiJgYtESSIYG'�.bylVatUY2 .. . . s._,._.... F _.i:-L: _- r: .+I.�-,.M.liiiil -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed (including retained lots) S 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Provincial Highway ( ) ( ) Municipal road, maintained all year ( (i,--j" Municipal road,seasonally maintained ( ) ( ) Other public road ( ) ( ) Right Of Way ( ) ( ) Water access ( ) ( ) If proposed access is by water,what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated piped water system ( ) ( ) Privately owned and operated individual well ( v)' ( ) Privately owned and operated communal well ( ) ( ) Lake or other water body ( ) ( ) Other means (specify) WI R. 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system ( ) ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septic tank ( Vr ( ) Privately owned and operated communal septic system ( ) ( ) Privy ( ) ( ) Other means (specify) tJ I Pa 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? R "i 5 Oh / Iii 6, ' Co f� is i ' /d' ..1--'PO /' e, 12. What is the existing Official Plan designation(s)of the subject land? /1OP Acm7kf 13. What is the existing Zoning designation s)of the subject land? /-/,q kRtri/4 / gPSi%e/ %c / 14. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a plan of subdivision under the Planning Act? Yes ( ) No (6..)/ Unknown ( ) If Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. If this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application 16. (a) Has there been any previous severances of land from this holding? Yes .( v( No ( ) -3- (b) If the answer to(a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name /•®'33, E Awe; /)n Use of parcel e5iVeijr. / Date parcel created Qc 2/ — a 615 - Severance File No. G4///q ge95- jy € o//V & 7/7' 17. If this application is for a lot addition, has the lot to be enlarged ever been the subject of a previous severa . Yes ( ) o ( ) If Yes, vide the previous severance File No. 18. If this application involves the severance of a surplus farmhouse(through farm consolidation), please explain how it qualifies as surplus in the municipality which it is situated. 19. Is the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (4 No ( ) 20. Is the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the County for approval? Yes ( ) No (t4 If Yes, and known, specify the County file number and status of the application 21. Is the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (V If Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 22. Is the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1)of the Planning Act? Yes (i( No ( ) 23. Is the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (.t4 If yes, doesthlapplication conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 24. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 25. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b)of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. -4 26. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land,the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application,such as buildings, railways, roads,watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas,well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s)on adjacent lands; - the location,width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only,the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. • Dated at the ��(.(n(C‘ �► of this day of do I k k 20 (� SIGN URE F APPLICANT(S), SOLICITOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION I/We\ '' �S E Ccs of the IOW oskt of rah( in the County of E i _ l� solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and I/We make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the ECi 1 ► iC1pi(1 of Ce ( in the Catrth4 h 9Si. a ure 5 this pp day of Q ( �j 20 V� �f =ignature Susan Dianna(ierbMsY,e Comntssionef,etn..0ounlY.d opn,for The Capormlon dlhe Cerny d lagiL tor _na1 F.xphesJanuary d4017. A ommissioner, etc. If this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor,the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed,together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of- $1,000.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of$250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Revised December 2014 APPENDIX"A" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the"Application for Consent",the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there,any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes V No ( ) If the answer is"YES"are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes (e-), No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes (vf No NOTE: If you answered"YES"to#1.PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS In order to calculate the minimum distance separation,the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: / Phone NAME Pe/ Wh e�e� . TELEPHONE PO 4O e TOWNSHIP Ba►yhq)r, LOT CONC. TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) ® e Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Manure System Housing System Number per Year Liquid Semi- Dry check type DAIRY Solid 0 Cows Tie Free Loose '0 Heifers Stall Stall 0 Calves BEEF 0 Cows Open Lot Total 0 Calves &Barn Confine- 0 Feeders ! L." ment 0 400-750 lb. 0 400-1100 lb. 0 750-1100 lb. SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings 0 Feeders POULTRY Caged On Floor 0 Laying Hens /� Vv 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK-Females HORSES / / SHEEP-Rams&Ewes RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile Covered Pile SEMI-SOLID Open Pile Storage with Buck Walls LIQUID Covered Tank Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered'Tank APPENDIX"A" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the"Application for Consent",the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes (s4 No ( ) If the answer is"YES"are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes '(� )✓ No ,/ ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes `� No ( ) NOTE: If you answered"YES"to#1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS In order to calculate the minimum distance separation,the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME . C�t' a/1, y ,�n e tlef tl a�" TELEPHONE 579' 7C "3 y,,s TOWNSHIP ai, grvl LOT/ $ CONC. 7 TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) 34 H Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Housing System Number per Year Liquid Semi- Dry check type DAIRY Solid 0 Cows Tie Free Loose 0 Heifers Stall Stall 0 Calves BEEF 0 Cows Open Lot Total 0 Calves • &Barn Confine- 0 Feeders ment 0 400-750 lb. 0 400-1100 lb. 0 750-1100 lb. SWINE 0 Sows • 0 Boars 0 Weanlings . 0 Feeders POULTRY Caged On Floor 0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK-Females HORSES SHEEP-Rams&Ewes RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile Covered Pile SEMI-SOLID Open Pile Storage with Buck Walls LIQUID Covered Tank Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank APPENDIX"A" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the"Application for Consent",the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application?1 Yes ( No ( ) If the answer is"YES"are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ((,)/ No ( ) NOTE: If you answered"YES"to#1.PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS In order to calculate the minimum distance separation,the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: / NAME ic,rr Pd'24 Mc P(14./1 TELEPHONE 5/7-36 -3W41 TOWNSHIP .dely hq�, LOT7 CONC. TILLABLE HECTARES(where livestock facility located) Q Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Manure System Housing System Number per Year Liquid Semi- Dry check type DAIRY Solid 0 Cows Tie Free Loose '0 Heifers Stall Stall '0 Calves BEEF 0 Cows Open Lot Total 0 Calves &Barn Confine- 0 Feeders ment 0 400-750 lb. 0 400-1100 lb. 0 750-1100 lb. SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings 0 Feeders POULTRY 0 Laying Hens �� Caged On Floor 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 3 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Tors 0 Roasters (seC5C, MINK-Females HORSES SHEEP-Rams&Ewes RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: >/ DRY Open Pile Covered Pile SEMI-SOLID Open Pile Storage with Buck Walls LIQUID Covered Tank Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank 91 if 9 a . iv,$-Nhapi5r-p., rify LicyoRtin• ) ) 0/ b , ' $ -b c r 1 li t-i I-I fi H w 14 H 1-1 f-l' Tr itip.5141opp o //Py (4 / I'Z. A _ - '*• -- SS% I '..Z Q1 r. -I-- s3 .. ' 'k-- , H , De , , t ' \\\ \\ - ‘ .) Ha cs- .....-... .. .. \.. .., ,.. .,... cn -- . , e .. _ (t: •Q - . .-._ . . . , . ,,,,, IP t? i, 1 .., \ :1.. -- r .. r . .., .....:,, ....., r I Cc7:3) esr,: `' m' 4PPLICATION FOR CONSENT,"' n �a LAND D SION COMMITTEE Y 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISICN'COIUIMITTEE 2. Name of Owner „Imes Address /VS6 2 /'hkem L S,aw%n ,4e/0I /44 f® Telephone Number ,j/9- '4 f- 3'1f' Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Scag'/e qs 4bove Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners 06 Solicitor ( ) Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify (b) Name of person(s), if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: J a` t ,c bin II;oai, i (c) If a lot addition, identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: 4. (a) Location of land: p Municipality B44/)[a, Concession No. q/6¢.6/ Of Lot(s) No. /� - Registered Plan No. 1/ /I 9855 Name of Street 5 tO5®.6 94 Au,e Street No. and/or 911 No. .Sr®50 Assessment Roll No. .3? 'O/-000b O0S'-0S'//®-0'000 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ) No ( ) If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: /fern it /fie 'Pain ".20/S' 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage Ar /gl Depth V Area ,J 36?o 3 Existing Use r sip gr9G/ Proposed Use Radii" S;la Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing Proposed y dee//Iy�l� 5i/Os q l/ Same 5/2C- 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage '9 f ADepth 3�� '1 Area /J 0 a 77 h Existing Use ire Acme', Proposed Use fd-pa Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Existing 46 L Proposed Po tie q T1 this ti me County of Elgin Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,On N5R 5V1 Phone:519-631-1460 www.e Igi ncou nty.on ca � "- t 4 T ;A:731; (d try '4# ` j . - ,.,., ; ,,>- Progressive by Nature =,3, rhyh s€I at P 19 9 r)Calktra, va* ---- ()--\ti • weciAli_ 1 e)2 • a .4 4 7' .-- ' z-- c... illa ---:. - 14 4 Ne? Cu rat. .5hco, ? Pon cl 16 vi cL. Nam, g --........ 1-. , Q) 1. b/d/fleapit 1, i -e, .1-05 . a/ --,-- -- 1 -ditireof 17 ' fir 7r 7rt/ '1' MN, HI' . >351 i• ,tot iiP ii 04:I lie, -I\.0c-e- \ _ p 5 H e5 14. '4 )99 i c41-10 he- 5 SSCVIED r /- 5 20 r Fi' ._ ,,`- PPLICATION FOR CONStiff sr 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner j ung�,S r r:,„„. / Address /4' Pei/nom ,9c S 'iny-Ad)(/ IVc74?dd Telephone Number S/9-A6 y' 99_c Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Sgm cls uhove Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners (4 Solicitor ( ) Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: t creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify (b) Name of person(s), if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: Tte'defThe 64� l! 7c)g/Y1 (c) If a lot addition, identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: <1.o0- e 4. (a) Location of[aneI: Municipality N //, Concession No. c/ 1,75 Lot(s) No. Registered Plan No. /`/? 1065 Name of Street 4 o O 2 Street No. and/or 911 No. 50,5 d Assessment Roll No. 3 O/-OGO-OG,i-05J/O 'G (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes (t No ( ) If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: i2"din v( (3/S 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) / Frontage Qf 6 d Depth v // Area .23. 73 Existing Use QHn,/cin Proposed Use 8 ;/din9 $;/e- Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing /Vdif /�' Proposed Ac:i ill?9 _S;/r5. Q .5aMe 5/.2e- 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 3/ ' / Depth 3 96 /1 Area / Existing Use AO pm /qid Proposed Use /arm% Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Existing POO e Proposed 164e cd 1h%5 fi 121e. County of Elgin Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,On N5R 5V1 Phone:519-631-1460 www.elgincou nty.on.ca z e; Progressroe:by Nature z � „ �a�A cer, 3 IP IV 199 P i Cq I la(Ne , . 9 C.)•42.7-- 3-1(4-8 0 ' vast. V Tree iv a ,'•,.„,,..7't • . , r rn -n ' ... 3 Bco.1) liypi . 11,,, , --5--- .c-- Pond ......., •,4 1/4 c„,17°- ki, ?Mcr) ,7c.1.1. Iffiftw ../.51/n ; 4 .....z.._ , Y he 5 eveed 4 4----.- ......, y ,INF IMF 1 I eici;n eat * 4 , - 4. M' viaz 6 Li D •-i ere-V7 4 I ,.-. . 010 S.4 . '. , \17 d e il i i 4 s ak 199).)coi/cire CD H S L42 16 c� r IN gy 9 F LAND APPLICATION FOR CONSENT e.) 'i 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner lQ rA PS (.c01 e Address /`x4(16-, pcifnen7 /o/ tin g "iea /i/o/aJ Telephone Number .S/Gq 69- 3 9 e-s Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Same Crs akv-e, Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners (V( Solicitor ( ) Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: L.-V. creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify (b) Name of person(s), if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: - ,._./A, ... .t A2, t '/ _ii. .,-;r-77-- . - (c) If a lot addition, identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: -- 3-it.-0/ ao--oo c--act o.., p oci - -0;n-r-es-er Gpoh-e--- 4. (a) Location of land: 4•c p- / Municipality ,84 U 4C-i Concession No. y P/ oC/�G t, 5 Lot(s) No. / ,5 / Registered Plan No. //I] �r$S5 Name of Street 5 5'aso tdeo 1 4e, Street No.and/or 911 No. 5X"0.S 0 Assessment Roll No. 3i'01-o0G-0os--os-//O" oJ00G (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( -'1 No ( ) If Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: H1hic/:p/e Utah/ .26/5 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 1‘11 / Depth q i Area .236- ->� Existing Use r41-in /gnor Proposed Use £1kiinj S,'2 Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing /Jo__, 6 Proposed it tell/ %nn 5/ /!'3° C/ II 5 cm,e s/9C 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage .3 7 /1/ Depth 3 y.6.• / ' Area /o. 3 0,h Existing Use /q r in 1a 461 Proposed Use firm 441 Number and useof buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Existing IV o,7 ei Proposed Alo rl e a Al. i/in e County of Elgin Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,On N5R 5V1 Phone:519-631-1460 www.elgincounty.on.ca r 4 i 1 ' 4,.._ ' .4.... u ,. ,t .k _Pro.._gressiveby._Nature. .. • ,....5.,,,;,S,.t ' Ya � , a 1 •�'"ya �` % .„ . .c<, « _ _ .„ , r ._ . ... ,, .. > .__ F_.. , ...:v 1, A- SIV ligrica/tql" .,L? 6 ', er it Qt-- G,..... /1/65q c.0 F Tree Q—. 4x, v liaise 0__ 0, (led') nyi-` 4.- likrre il* --k-- - r rri / 4 ; Gale it .e.. 4 bd.' 4t fe nce ih- ----, --1 •6 ie 1 ' m......._ - ,poi .2 6/4. ". t.....:: --...;.. _.._ ;evolve' ' 411.41 hj 44' Q.? i e 1_ _ 11 19eldiod 4...., Asp , CD (t, CD1 4IFT i /A 4 oL Z. 1 '7... .47/1/accesotey •104,, , ./.7113-7 0 4414 .• , ... ..., 3 543P1 ' 1'7 • ' , . ' i , . al/ ro H4 H A ri c 4 il-cir e .., 5 rel IBI GROUP 203-350 Oxford Street West I I tel 519 4London 072 328 N N6H 1 fax 519 472 9354 ibigroup.com Memorandum To/Attention Municipality of Bayham Date August 23, 2016 From William Pol, MCIP, RPP Project No 3404-230 cc File Subject James E. Crane - 54160 Eden Line -Applications for Consent E63/16; E64/16; E65/16; E66/16 -Concession 9 Part Lot 5, Municipality of Bayham 1. We have completed our review of four consent applications submitted by James E. Crane for lands located at 54050 Eden Line, north side and west of Culloden Road. The applicant is requesting consent to create four new lots of 2392m2 and retain agricultural land of 10.4 ha. The lands are designated Hamlet on Schedule "Al" Land Use of the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham. The lands are zone Hamlet Residential HR (hl\h4) on Schedule "C" North Hall and Agricultural Al on Schedule "A" Map 1 in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. 2. The existing lands are used for agricultural purposes. There are no existing buildings or dwellings.There were four previous consents created in 2015 along Eden Line. This proposal is to create four new lots along Eden Line, each with a lot frontage of 26 m (85.5 feet), lot depth of 92m(301.8 feet)and an area of 2392m2(0.59 acres)and retain the agricultural lands. The retained agricultural lands will have a lot frontage of 37m (121 feet); lot depth of 369 m (1210 feet) and lot area of 10.4 ha (25.7 acres). 3. Section E1.2.3 of the Elgin County Official Plan indicates that consents may be allowed where they are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014(PPS), the County Official Plan, and the local Official Plan. The proposed consents are in accordance with the policies of the Section 1.1.3 — Settlement Areas of the PPS as they are located in a designated settlement area in an area identified by the Municipality as being targeted for a limited range of residential development. The applicable policies for consent applications in the County Official Plan are found in Section El.2.3.1. Our review of these policies indicates all such matters are similarly addressed in the policies of the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan as discussed below. 4. Section 8.7.3 of the Bayham Official Plan states that consents may only be granted that conform to the policies of the Official Plan. The severed lands are designated "Hamlets" in the Bayham Official Plan. Permitted uses on lands within this designation include residential uses, primarily in the form of low to medium density residential uses. Section 4.2.2 of the Plan states that it is the intent of the Plan to encourage residential development in existing settlement areas by locating new residential development adjacent to existing built-up areas in a compact and contiguous fashion. IBI Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM 2 Municipality of Bayham—August 23,2016 5. Official Plan Section sets out the policies for consent applications. The requirement for a plan of subdivision is not necessary because the number of lots is less than 5 and there are no new roads or municipal services required for the proposals. The following paragraphs respond to the criteria for the consent applications in this section. a. There are no requirements to extend municipal services therefore the consents are in conformity to the plan policies. b. The lots front onto an existing municipal road Eden Line with sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional dwellings in keeping with the Plan policy. c. The lots are a logical extension of the existing North Hall hamlet westerly from Culloden Road in conformity with the Official Plan. d. The size of the parcels being proposed exceed the minimum lot area of 1390m2 and lot frontage of 22m established in the zoning by-law in conformity with the policy. e. Eden Line is designated a local road and access for single detached dwellings is appropriate in keeping with the policy. f. The sight lines for private single detached access are suitable. There are no grade changes nor curves in the road and therefore the consents will not create a traffic hazard. g. The lotting pattern will not interfere with the continued operation of the retained agricultural lands for crop purposes because it will retain sufficient access west of the proposed lots. 6. The existing Hamlet Residential holding zone allows single detached dwellings. The proposed lot area and lot frontage exceed the minimum set out in the By-law. The shape and configuration of the lots is regular and will allow for the appropriate siting of single detached dwellings on the site. The holding symbol"h1"requires the owner to satisfy consent conditions related to the provision of private well water related to quality; quantity and capacity; and private on-site sewage system, prior to the removal of the holding symbol. The holding symbol "h4" requires the owner to provide proof of access to the retained agricultural lands prior to the removal of the holding symbol. Based on a review of the existing zoning and the proposed lots the applicant may be able to fulfill the holding provision requirements. The retained lands are zoned Agricultural Al and should be rezoned to an Al Zone defined area to recognize the reduced lot area and lot frontage. 7. Based on the above review of the applications, Official Plan and Zoning By-law, we have no objection to the proposed consent application E63/16, E64/16, E65/16 and E66/16 with the following conditions: a. That the retained farmlands with approximately 37m of lot frontage and 10.4 ha of area on Eden Line and the creation of four new lots each with an area of 2392m2 (0.59 acres) and a lot frontage of 26 m (85.5 feet) be approved; b. That the severed lots be rezoned to remove the holding provisions "h1\h4" upon confirmation from the approval authority there is sufficient water quantity and quality and sufficient lot area\soil conditions to accommodate an appropriate private sewage treatment system on each of the proposed lots without impacting existing surrounding IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM 3 Municipality of Bayham—August 23,2016 private wells; and the retained lands have sufficient lot frontage for agricultural purposes. c. That the retained agricultural lands as described above be rezoned to an Agricultural Al Defined area zone to recognize the lot frontage and lot area. d. That all other consent conditions imposed by the Elgin Land Division Committee are satisfied prior to the zoning amendment applications. WIL?&am Jae IBI GROUP William Pol, MCIP, RPP Affiliate Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham `PptOW//144),0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CARLOW/MAYO 3987 Boulter Road, General Delivery Boulter, Ontario KOL 1GO 6,111 Tel: (613) 332-1760 Fax: (613) 332-2175 Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Arlene Cox—Clerk-Administrator/Deputy Treasurer Ed Whitmore—Chief Building Official Email—clerkAcarlowmayo.ca Direct Line—(613)332-8207 Email—cbo(&,carlowmayo.ca Jenny Snider—Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Email—treasurerAcarlowmayo.ca 2016 08 17 The Honourable Steven Del Duca Minister of Transportation Unit 3 5100 Rutherford Road Woodbridge,Ontario L4H 2J2 Dear Minister Del Duca: I am writing today to urgently request your support regarding Bill 171,Highway Traffic Amendment Act(Waste Collection Vehicles and Snow Plows),2016. The Council of the Township of Carlow/Mayo considers this Bill to be an important initiative that will save lives and ensure that workers whose jobs take place in roadways are made safer. The following quotation from the Milestones Magazine highlights the concerns in our municipality: "For many of these workers,their workplace is a vehicle and the edge of the road where there is increased risk from careless and distracted drivers and rear end collisions. The increased risk,resultant injuries and fatalities that are associated with this kind of work are a problem across North America. This Bill would bring Ontario in line with other jurisdictions that have already protected similar workers."OGRA MILESTONES Spring/Summer 2016 We strongly agree with the above quoted statement as our operators have been involved in motor vehicle accidents due to the inattention and distraction of the public. Our operators should be treated the same as the O.P.P.,EMS and Fire because we also provide essential service to the public. Yours truly, Bonnie Adams Reeve of the Township of Carlow/Mayo Copy—All Ontario Municipalities ONORTH HASTINGS kit Lakeshore TCWN OF LAKESHORE z 19 No1ra Dame Sl. Belle River, ON NOR 'IAO Ji ly -12, 2016 Via Email Tc: All Municipalities in the Pro‘ince of Cntarlio RB: SUPPORT OR RESOLUTION - DEBT INCURRED FROM TEE 2015 FAN API AND PARARAN AM GAMES At their rr ealinc of Lune 14, 20-06 the CoLncil of the Town ol Lakeshore duly passed he following resolution. That: A letter requestirog support be lot warded to all Or municipalities to suggest that the $:."1,4 " IT lic n s dditic nal costs incuf red lcr tale Fzn Am src Far-Fan An Games sticuld Le lune:led by the City' ol Toronto. Motion Carried UnanirrcusIV chould you require any funt ei irliormaliori CIE garding lhe above, please contact e undersigned. \eoLrs liily, ‘,. Mary) Vasse Clerk id Ph: 519-138-270CI Ray: 519-7038-9K° Toll: 1-M-24cl-21367 www.laNlashore.ca Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 1 of 9 Lime/ tiedatkils Annual Report 2015 http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 2 of 9 saw. `-'- J 4 ! i 1 ''\ I ')\,\ ' 'k 2015 Annual Report Elgin St. Thomas Public Health http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 3 of 9 I 4 = 2,4 I. 4:OF r i Ill i * , - .- http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 4 of 9 pole I. http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 5 of 9 - http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 6 of 9 s Y 1 M1/2.4441 41.! P, 4k .lit ego 1 -I PL. a. 0. '=11- --.4°4* lit1411! ipli 0 What is public health? http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Just another WordPress site Page 7 of 9 Message from the Board Message from the Executive Director Message from the Medical Officer of Health Message from the Board The newly appointed Board began in 2015. Outgoing Board members Jack Couckyt, David Warden, Mark Cosens, and Bill Walters were thanked for their service. New Board members starting in 2015 included Linda Stevenson, Dave Marr, Steve Wookey, and Dave Mennill. The change in board leadership provided an orientation opportunity to learn about and revisit emerging trends, community needs, public health programs and http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 8 of 9 With the release of the 2015 Health Status Report, the Board of Health had the opportunity to consider the status of health outcomes in our community over time. This report influenced ESTPH's strategic planning work in 2015 by helping to set the direction of where to focus future programming. In September, ESTPH learned that its provincial public health funding would have a zero percent increase in its base budget retroactive to January 2015. With program and service delivery costs increasing, this has presented a number of challenges in planning future program and service delivery. At the end of 2015, I formed the Community Leaders Cabinet in Elgin St. Thomas at the recommendation of ESTPH. This type of leadership cabinet has been successful in other areas of Ontario, and we are encouraged by the work the Cabinet has started. Since there are many sectors of leadership that are represented in this cabinet, the ultimate goal is to work cohesively in order improve the quality of life of those we serve in Elgin St. Thomas through businesses, health, education, government, policing, community services, and agriculture. Regardless of the challenges this year or the unknowns of what is to come, the Board remains committed to its mission which is Together, we work with our communities to promote wellness, protect health, prevent injury, and advocate for change. http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health I Just another WordPress site Page 9 of 9 Home Resources Growth Accountability Community Responsiveness 1230 Talbot Street,St.Thomas,ON N5P 1 G9 p 519.631.9900 11.800.922.0096 f 519.633.0468 I w elginhealth.on.ca I e estph@elginhealth.on.ca http://livehealthyestph.ca/ 8/24/2016 .R TOWN OF SHELBURNE n r. k COUNCIL RESOLUTION eire.(..: ri No. 10 Date: May 9, 2016 Moved by: Wade Mills Seconded by: Dan Sample WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children, as well as their friends, family and community; and WHEREAS, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is the scientific process based on objective evaluation and empirically based interventions used to achieve meaningful, generalizable and enduring behaviourial change. Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) is an application of the principles of ABA in an intensive setting used to affect behaviour change and improvement; and WHEREAS, the current waiting list of children for Intensive Behaviour Intervention (IBI) is over 2,000 and more than 13,000 children await Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA); and WHEREAS, the Province of Ontario has announced it intends to discontinue IBI services to children over the age of four and provide a one-time payment to assist with services, thereby abandoning thousands who have been wait-listed for years; and WHEREAS, there are two service models for affected children to be treated, 1)the Direct Service Offering (DSO)where children receive services directly from trained staff at Ontario's nine regional service providers, and 2)the Direct Funding Offering (DFO)where parents receive funding directly in order to purchase services; and WHEREAS, the DFO model to provide services is used in Alberta, British Columbia and imminently Saskatchewan. Such a model is clinically rigorous and has been identified by the Auditor General of Ontario as being less expensive than Ontario's DSO model; THEREFORE, be it resolved that a letter be sent to Hon. Tracy MacCharles, Minister of Children and Youth Services; Alexander Bezzina, Deputy Minister; Hon. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health; and Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, requesting the Province to: 1. Amend its policy to one that will allow all children on the current waiting list to receive the IBI services promised them; and 2. Remove the age limit for IBI therapy and replace it with a program that provides ongoing IBI services based on need and individual development, not age; and 3. Ensure oversight by professionals and parents based on `development progress' criteria and milestones; and 4. Adopt a Direct Funding Offering (DFO) model in lieu of the current Direct Service Offering (DSO) model; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities within the Province of Ontario. CARRIED: K. Bennington Requested Vote to be recorded [ X ] Yes [ ] No Yea Nay Mayor Bennington [ X ] [ ] Councillor Benotto [ X ] [ l Councillor Chambers [ Absent ] [ ] Deputy Mayor Dunlop [ X ] [ ] Councillor Egan [Absent ] [ ] Councillor Mills [ X ] [ ] Councillor Sample [ X ] [ ] Ontario Municipalities — Supporters — Autism Resolution 103 as of Aug.17/2016. Addington Highlands, Township of Adelaide Metcalfe, Township of Admaston/Bromley, Township of Ajax, Town of Amaranth, Township of Amherstburg, Town of Arnprior, Town of Asphodel-Norwood, Township of Aylmer, Town of Belleville, City of Black River-Matheson, Township of Blue Mountains, Town of the (Thornbury) Bonfield, Township of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Town of Brockville, City of Bruce, County of Caledon, Town of Carlow/Mayo, Township of Central Huron, Municipality of Chamberlain, Township of Champlain, Township of Chisholm, Township of Clarington, Municipality of Cornwall, City of Cramahe, Township of Dufferin, County of Durham, Regional Municipality of East Gwillimbury, Town of Emo, Township of Englehart, Town of Erin, Town of Espanola, Town of Faraday, Township of Fauquier-Strickland, Township of Fort Erie, Town of Gillies, Township of Grey Highlands, Municipality of Halton Hills, Town of Hamilton, City of Hastings Highlands, County of Hawkesbury, Town of Hilton Beach, Village of Huron East, Municipality of Huron-Kinloss, Township of Huron Shores, Municipality of James, Township of Kincardine, Municipality of King, Township of Kirkland Lake, Town of Laird, Township of Lambton, County of LaSalle, Town of Laurentian Hills, Town of La Vallee, Township of Leeds and Grenville, United Counties of Leeds and the Thousand Islands, Township of Loyalist, Township of Machin, Township of Macdonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additional, Township of Madawaska Valley, Township of McKellar, Township of Melancthon, Township of Milton, Town of Mississauga, City of Mono, Town of Mulmur, Township of Muskoka Lakes, Township of Nairn and Hyman, Township of Nation, Municipality of the Neebing, Muncipality of New Tecumseth, Town of Niagara Falls, City of Norwich, Township of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands, Town of Northern Bruce Peninsula, Municipality of O'Connor, Township of Oakville, Town of Oil Springs, Village of Orangeville, Town of Oshawa, City of Parry Sound, Town of Pickering, City of Plummer Additional, Township of Port Colborne, City of Prescott and Russell, United Counties of Prince, Township of Richmond Hill, Town of Scugog, Township of Severn, Township of Shelburne, Town of Smooth Rock Falls, Town of Southgate, Township of Strong, Township of St. Catharines, City of Thessalon, Town of Tweed, Municipality of Uxbridge, Township of Warwick, Township of Welland, City of West Grey, Municipality of West Perth, Municipality of Whitby, Town of Woolwich, Township of -1.. - P\ ..P.A15- Elgin ounty I ! hp F '' . August 22, 2016 } `; ���.i(� 2 4 ZU16 Council of the Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario N0J 1Y0 Dear Members of Council: Please be advised that Elgin County Council approved the following recommendation at the July 26,2016 meeting: "THAT a written request be issued by the Elgin County Library to Municipalities and the Port Stanley Festival Theatre to extend library facility leases for a term of January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2022 at the following locations: Straffordville, Port Burwell, Springfield, Port Stanley, Dutton, Rodney and West Lorne". This letter serves as the Elgin County Library's formal request to grant renewal of the lease for the Straffordville and Port Burwell branches of the Elgin County Library for the aforementioned term under section 2.2.1 of the current lease governing use of the facility. Attached please find the Elgin County Council report authorizing this request and explaining why a six year term is being requested. Your consideration of this request and execution of same at your earliest convenience is most appreciated. Sincerely ail% Brian Masschaele Director of Community & Cultural Services BM/cr Encl. c.c. Mark McDonald, CAO County of Elgin Community and Cultural Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,On N5R 5V1 Phone:519-631-1460 www.elgin-cou nty.on.ca Progressive by Nature rte„_ El iCo to REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Frac sc�i�-h,�Name FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: June 24th, 2016 SUBJECT: Lease Renewals to 2022 for Library Facilities INTRODUCTION: Facility leases for seven of the ten branches of the Elgin County Library expire on December 31st, 2016, with the option to renew for a further term subject to written notice being provided by the County by September 30th, 2016. This report recommends that such notice be given to extend the leases. DISCUSSION: Leases for seven of the Elgin County Library's ten branches are due for renewal in 2016 under the terms of a standardized lease agreement that was adopted by County Council in 2007. Normally, the renewal period is for a five-year term but staff have noticed a discrepancy in Section 2.2.2 of the original lease agreement which reads as follows: "If Elgin pays all rents as hereinafter set forth and further observes and performs all other covenants, obligations, and provisions as hereinafter set forth, the Municipality shall grant to Elgin a renewal of lease of the demised premises and associated areas of use and access for a further five (5) year period commencing on January 1st, 2017 and ending December 31st, 2022, provided that the said renewal of lease shall only be granted if Elgin shall have delivered a written request to grant such renewal of lease to the Municipality on or before September 30, 2016, and provided further that the terms and conditions of such renewal of lease shall be the same terms and conditions are hereinafter set forth save and except with respect to this right of renewal of lease and as to the amount of annual rent." The dates above encompass six years despite the reference to a five-year term. Given that this is the last renewal period contemplated in the original agreement, staff recommend extending this final renewal period to December 31st, 2022 rather thana five-year term. Council will recall that a revised lease for Belmont Library was executed with the Municipality of Central Elgin in 2016 as a result of recent renovations at that location and its term was approved to end on December 31st, 2022 for this reason. Extending the other seven leases to this date will ensure consistency. Of the seven branches being renewed at this time, six are owned by the County's local municipalities and the seventh is owned by the Port Stanley Festival Theatre. The standardized agreement establishes clear roles and responsibilities of each party and pays to the building owner a base rate of$12 per square foot indexed to inflation on an annual basis. For these seven locations, the actual lease payment averages $14.38 per square foot in 2016. Aylmer and Shedden branches are governed under separate lease arrangements and, therefore, are not covered under the scope of this report. CONCLUSION: The County's standardized lease agreements with municipal partners and the Port Stanley Festival Theatre for library facilities continue to serve all parties well. In fact, most library facilities have been extensively renovated since the agreements were first established in 2007, demonstrating that lease payments from the County are being used to ensure that these facilities remain modern, dynamic and accessible spaces in the community. This is the final renewal period contemplated under the original agreements. During the course of this final term, they will be further analyzed to determine if further updates and new provisions are required to serve the library system and its partners in 2023 and beyond. RECOMMENDATION: THAT a written request be issued by the Elgin County Library to Municipalities and the Port Stanley Festival Theatre to extend library facility leases for a term of January 1st 2017 to December 31st, 2022 at the following locations: Straffordville, Port Burwell, Springfield, Port Stanley, Dutton, Rodney and West Lorne. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Brian Masschaele Mark G. McDonald Director of Community and Cultural Services Chief Administrative Officer THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-077 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held September 1, 2016 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 1st day of September, 2016. MAYOR CLERK