HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 21, 2016 - Council - Addendum THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING ADDENDUM MUNICIPAL OFFICE Thursday, July 21, 2016 1. ADMINISTRATION A. Appendix C to Report CAO-49/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re East Beach Design Consultation Results— comments submitted after July 15, 2016 at noon B. By-Law 2016-068 Being a By-law to appoint an Overall Responsible Operator and Operator's In Charge for The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Water and Wastewater Systems as set out in O.Reg. 128/04 C. Bayham Beachfest request to relocate stage/beer garden Report CA049/16 - Each Beach Design Consultation Results Appendix 'C' — Comments submitted after July 15, 2016 at noon Comments Name I think the East Beach plan is great, except for the second row of Marc Cerna paved parking that is planned for the lot next to the washrooms. It takes away from the beach as people go down there to enjoy the beach mainly and not just to park. If I were you guys, I'd expand the paved parking area in the lot next to Big Otter Creek. I would first like to thank council, and yourself , and staff for affording Ron Allensen the public an opportunity to have input into the proposed future (OtterValley Naturalists) modifications to our east beach. I will attemp to reiterate the points I made at the public meeting. I believe virtually all of the proposed changes, are good , practical first steps, and will fit nicely into any long range future projects for the beach.I believe our underlying principals as a community should be simple. Increase access and safety for all, while facilitating , green sustainable "developement", which fits in with the natural beach buffering, of high water and storm events, and facilitates the use of the area by humans as well as our nature friends.) believe thoughtful consideration can accomodate both. Someone at the public meeting brought up the potential beach problem of Canada geese. She is absolutely right that lush green parklike grassy areas are to be avoided as they attract geese to feed. Dune grasses and sand do not attract geese.Although in the off season we will likely have them on our beach and in the harbour, for a good time to come. I believe the proposed parking areas are great ,however I would like to see all the existing, healthy trees that we presently have in the parking- beach area preserved as much as possible.Particularly, the willow clump at the south east end of the parking area west of the turn around, and the existing clump of 4 or 5 maples, immediately to the east of the pier,(Not shown on the proposal drawing). and shading the pier area,(Often used by fisherman, for shade.)In addition to this the willow near the present wheelchair access ramp. The few existing live,beach trees,ln the proposed parking area„ planted by the OVN (OtterValley Naturalist) Should be moved and saved. I believe there is one each of Pin Oak,and one Native Sycamore, In addition to the two live Sycamores to the east of the washrooms. The surviving sycamore could be moved to replace an existing dead sycamore immediately to the south-west of the washrooms. All of these trees were drilled by vandals, a few years back and we are lucky to have any that survived. A note in regards to future tree species to be used in the parking areas. The test of their survival has proven the metal and good choice of Native Sycamore,Pin Oak, and Native Hackberry Trees. I think these three species should be our first choice for planting in our difficult, dry and windy conditions with low nutrition. A few more points. The proposed gravel turn around at the east end of the parking area is a great idea. Two or three railed access paths from the west parking area down the slope to the beach, would be a good idea. Other Ontario beach projects have used plexiglass with railings to block blowing beach sand. Any use of this kind of shielding should only use frosted or etched material to avoid bird and toddler collissions. The Eastern edge of the western parking area may require some sort of pedestrian barrier as their is a steep grade down to the beach there. Likewise with the area to the immediate south of the new turnaround, their is also a good grade. I think perhaps at this area the proposed boardwalk should be moved slightly southward to accomadate a gentler grade, This area could then be landscaped with natural beach grasses, and native low shrubs and evergreens.Also don't overlook there needs to be maintained a beach access point or points for spring grooming, and emergency vehicles. The existing access being the area on the southwest of the turn around, (marked "edge of parking") on the map. One last point in regard to future additions or modifications to the east beach area. There was a suggestion that a citizens committee be formed to collect ideas and proposals. In principal how can we be against that? However committees tend to become bogged down by people with intransigent ideas, and a basic unwillingness to compromise. As long as we have a plan that is forward looking and calls for input along the way, I believe we must rely on council and an educated open staff to see our way forward. Thank you for listening, to my suggestions. Once again I offer, to council and staff my expertise in native plants, and planting designs. As well as beach dynamics, if there is ever a need for some consultation. Thank you for allowing the Public to provide opinion, comment and Susanne Schlotzhauer recommendations for consideration into a final east beach design. I understand through the Municipal website that"the parameters utilized by staff and the Municipal Engineer when compiling the proposed detailed design drew upon previous community submitted considerations and the Port Burwell Waterfront Master Plan. A plan which determined that to create a vibrant and attractive waterfront, the following key principles should be followed during the design process, including: environmental preservation and conservation; safety and security; continuity and connectivity. These principles were balanced against financial realities, land ownership and integration of any design considerations into complementing project schedules." Unfortunately, when looking at the proposed design of the east beach presented by Council, I only see engineer drawings of parking lots and walk ways, with no information as to what kind of materials are proposed and how it connects with the waterfront, Memorial Park and downtown core. In this design, I do not see how beach ecology is proposed to be diversified, enhanced and sustained alongside recreational beach activities, nor how a balance between the two will be achieved. In other words, I do not see the creation of a "vibrant and attractive waterfront" within the proposed design. I predominately see a parking lot and a grassy area, a grassy area that will serve more to attract Canadian Geese than beach goers. Canada Geese are grazers and are particularly attracted to turf grass lawns where the accumulation of fecal waste can degrade nearshore water quality. These types of design flaws must be avoided, not created in the development of a vibrant and attractive beach. Consequently, I do not see in the proposed east beach design any indication that the key principals identified by he Municipality(as quoted above)were really considered in the design process, namely "environmental preservation and conservation; safety and security; continuity and connectivity". The revitalization of our waterfront can be one of the most profound economic drivers for our community. As such, financial limitations should not dictate an inferior plan. A fully developed revitalization plan implemented in a phased approach in order to seek appropriate levels of funding from various government sources, businesses and the public at large can work towards creating a vibrant and attractive waterfront. I am also concerned that the present public participation process will only solicit limited information, limited to the simple drawing presented with no other visuals or details to even hint at what that design could look like in reality. There was no background or other information presented to the small group of people that attended the June information meeting. No conceptual drawings. From what I saw in the engineer drawing, I was disappointed in the lack of flow and form that represents waves, water, fun and sun. I am in support of Barry's Wade proposed enhancement plan as proposed to Council in 2015 as a great starting point. His report provided visuals and examples of how a final design could look like. I will also reiterate the suggestion from Mr. Wade's report and my suggestion at the June meeting that Council formulate a focus group, comprised with expertise within the community, to assist Council in the development and finalization of a sustainable waterfront revitalization plan and in particular, east beach design. Thank you for your consideration of my opinions, comments and recommendations. Considerations Regarding Beach Changes These are my thoughts regarding the ongoing review of the Port Burwell beach area. They are from someone with a Port Burwell mailing address which is not in the former village of Port Burwell, but is in Bayham a few kilometers to the east of Port Burwell. 1. Grant money is not free money. There is talk of applying for grants to fund some or most of the redevelopment and some sense of urgency to start these applications. Most of this money comes from a lager set of taxpayers (that includes us) and therefore anyone involved in requesting such funds should treat the funds with more care than they treat their own money— fiscal responsibility. There is no need to rush into this ongoing process or to commit more matching funds from local taxpayers. 2. The existing municipal beach should not be encroached upon for parking. It is a popular and much used beach. Making it smaller to accommodate a few more cars is illogical. If additional parking is truly cost justified, it should be put farther from the beach, not on the beach. The tentative plan released by the Municipality shows the existing parking lot extending into the existing beach area! 3. Growth is not inherently good. Growing Bayham, be it population, tax revenue (burden), or numbers of visitors might bring more costs than benefits. There are communities all over North America that are learning this lesson the hard way. There are retirees that are moving away from such jurisdictions. The increased status politicians may covet from larger municipalities is worth nothing to the taxpayers. 4. Not everyone wants Bayham to grow. We moved here about ten years ago because we wanted a quiet, rural setting on the shore of one of the Great Lakes. Successfully encouraging more people to visit will mean we personally will have yet more trash to pick up and more trespassers among those who visit the area who want to avoid crowded beaches. Yes, we have heard that excuse a few times —the beach in Port Burwell is too crowded. 5. If changes are made to the beach area, it might be prudent to ensure they bring the beach closer to being good enough to warrant Blue Flag status. It is perhaps unrealistic to think that status could be achieved in the near term, but care should be exercised to ensure any changes do not make it less likely to achieve such status or the inherit quality that it represents. This is not just a consideration for making Bayham a tourism draw, but to also provide proper stewardship for a great feature that belongs to and is used by residents. Please see the Appendices regarding Blue Flag requirements. 6. Tourism is nearly a zero sum game. Tourists generally do not extend vacations or travel budgets based upon the number of options. If they go one place, they don't go another place. For provinces to spend public money encouraging various localities to compete with each other for the same tourism business is foolish and irresponsible at the provincial level. We should not encourage such political manipulations. 7. If businesses who benefit from tourism want money spent to encourage more tourism, it should be their own business investment money. If restaurants in Bayham believe they are missing some potential business because of insufficient parking, then those businesses should arrange for more parking and pay the cost of the additional parking. If it is not cost effective for them to do it, then it is even less cost effective for others to do it. 8. Apparently no analysis has been done as to the benefits versus the costs of more beach parking, or even the existing parking. No study has been done to determine where additional parking would provide the best benefit for local businesses. When the beach parking is full, are the restaurants already full? Analysis should be done first, and at the expense of those who expect a net benefit. Any such results should be publicly shared with ample time for public review if any public funds are to be proposed. 9. Potential costs of any changes should include the ongoing support costs. For example, a splash pad installation will have a fixed cost. What will it cost to drain it and wash it down after every wind storm that blows sand or every heavy use day? The water usage costs alone can be great. If more traffic is generated, what are the associated support costs such as policing, roads, and traffic management? Such ongoing expenses can be difficult to estimate accurately, but they cannot be ignored. 10.Are the businesses that want more traffic doing what they can to serve themselves? Do they provide free Wi-Fi? Do they advertise outside the area? Do they have superior products and services that draw repeat business even when it is not typical beach use time, which is the vast majority of the time? Do they even stay open for normal business hours? Do they respond to new opportunities? For example there is a recent game that has become very popular that has been drawing crowds to some locations. It is Pokémon Go. I am not a user of the game, but I found it is free to set up PokeStops and have included that in the Appendices. 11.If some residents hope to increase their property's market value so then can sell at a profit and leave the area, well, that is a common motivation. However it should not be done at the expense of those who intend to stay. 12.The harbour divestiture is on the horizon. Would it not be prudent to complete that process first so as to know the impact? 13.Rumour has it that prime properties along the Big Otter near the beach have changed ownership. What plans, if any, do the new owners have that may affect beach usage? 14.The folly of Project Ojibway is going to burden Bayham for many years. Muddying the political waters with another ill-conceived project that might cost taxpayers more than the resulting benefit to taxpayers will not lessen the pain. Bruce Bolin Appendices Blue Flag Beach Criteria Environmental education and information • Information relating to coastal zone ecosystems and natural, sensitive areas in the coastal zone must be displayed • Information about bathing water quality must be displayed • Information about the Blue Flag Programme must be displayed • Code of conduct for the beach area must be displayed and the laws governing beach use must be easily available to the public upon request • A minimum of 5 environmental education activities must be offered Water quality • Compliance with the requirements and standards for excellent bathing water quality • No industrial or sewage related discharges may affect the beach area • Monitoring on the health of coral reefs located in the vicinity of the beach • Compliance of the community with requirements for sewage treatment and effluent quality • Algae or other vegetation should be left to decay on the beach unless it constitutes a nuisance Environmental management • A beach management committee must be established to be in charge of instituting environmental management systems and conduct regular environmental audits of the beach facility • The beach must comply with all regulations affecting the location and operation of the beach(coastal zone planning and environmental legislation) • The beach must be clean • Waste disposal bins/receptacles must be available on/by the beach in adequate numbers,regularly maintained and emptied • Facilities for receiving recyclable waste materials must be available on/by the beach • Adequate and clean sanitary facilities with controlled sewage disposal • On the beach there will be no unauthorised camping or driving and no dumping • Regulation concerning dogs and other domestic animals on the beach must be strictly enforced • All buildings and equipment of the beach must be properly maintained • Sustainable means of transportation must be promoted in the beach area Safety and services • An adequate number of lifeguards and/or lifesaving equipment must be available at the beach • First aid equipment must be available on the beach • There must be management of different users and uses of the beach so as to prevent conflicts and accidents • An emergency plan to cope with pollution safety risks must be in place • There must be safe access to the beach • The beach area must be patrolled • A supply of potable drinking water must be available on the beach • A minimum of one Blue Flag beach in each municipality must have access and toilet facilities provided for disabled persons • A map of the beach indicating different facilities must be displayed PokeStops Criteria Niantic and Nintendo's popular new game, Pokémon Go. It is a game about catching Pokémon and baffling while exploring the real world while checking in at historical monuments disguised as PokeStops. How to request PokeStops: https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=319928 15 Jane Si, Dorchester. Ontario NOL, 1G2 Barry Wade Design Construction Management July 15, 2016 Municipality of Bayham Re: East Beach Design Consultation Port Burwell, Ontario Attention: Paul Shipway/CAO Re: Comments regarding the proposed East Beach Design Attached to this email is a report that was sent to Council back on December 17, 2015 identifying preliminary Design Parameters that could be incorporated into the East Beach Design as part of a larger waterfront revitalization plan. This cover letter does not discuss detailed design issues. It is focused on the process involved in achieving a long term sustainable waterfront revitalization that addresses the ecologic, social and economic needs of the community. The present process is flawed as the information requested by Council from the Public may not reflect a true representation of the ecological, recreational, social and economic potential of Bayham's greatest asset — our beach. As mentioned in the public hearing, a member of the public suggested that a focus group be appointed by Council to ensure a meaningful public process in the development of a final beach design and to ensure a balance between the ecological health of the beach and recreational tourism as an economic driver emerge as key concepts. To ask Council to formalize a final plan would be unfair to our Council members, as they do not hold the credentials in Waterfront Design, Beach Ecology or Recreational and Environmental Sustainability essential for the long teen health and prosperity of the Port Burwell Beach. A formal Beach Committee or Focus Group comprised of various stakeholders that can offer a diversity of expertise, experience and knowledge to guide the development of a final beach design will streamline the process and ensure comments/concerns from the public at large are considered in the process. The Preliminary Design presented by Council is flawed in many areas, which has confinned my beliefs that Council and/or Staff are not qualified in proposing a plan that addresses key areas of a beach revitalization strategy. Just a few areas of concern re: the proposed design includes the following: a) Vehicle Traffic Flow is flawed as congestion can occur in the access and exits of the west and east parking lots; b) Pedestrian traffic flow with safe access from the parking lots to the beach; c) The transition area between the Parking Lots and the beach; d) Beach restoration and wind erosion control of the beach sands; e) Emergency and Vehicle maintenance access to the beach; f) Interconnection of the beach development and future development adjoining the public lands; g) Present and future use of the beach activities; h) Interconnection between Memorial Park and the Beach enhancement plan; i) The interconnection of the boardwalk and pier; j) Future docking for recreational boaters along the pier; k) Lighting; I) Storm water management designs and runoff of water to maximize clean water on the beach; m)Children play areas verses Adult play areas; n)A multiuse beach that could be used day and night for special events; o) Shade structures and where are they best suited; p) Ecology and plant life; q) The possibilities of utilizing Memorial Park to allow for more of a picnic area rather than trying to incorporate a pavilion on the beach;and r) Lack of thought towards venders on the beach during special events. I suggest Council request resumes or qualifications from the Public to form a Beach Committee or Focus Group that can offer a diversity of expertise to help guide, develop and finalize an east beach design plan. The committee will be tasked with assisting and advising the Town Council in all areas of beach restoration and development and make recommendations for a final waterfront revitalization plan. There are many qualified citizens within our community that would step forward and volunteer their expertise, experience and knowledge. We just need to be asked by Council. I am well aware that funding is limited, but this does not give merit to developing an inferior plan. This is a long term plan that will depend on the volunteers of our community, public donations and grant funding from all levels of government. Through staging a master plan the final results will prove to be a win win for the citizens of Bayham. This is our playground for us and future generations. Let's not be short sighted when it comes to one of Bayham's greatest assets and potential economic driver. Sincerely yours, Barry Wade _ .rry T ade President of 776497 Ontario Limited o/a Barry Wade Design Construction Management tel: 1-519-268-2995 / fax: 1-519-268-2694 / e-mail barry@barrywade.ca / www.barrywade.ca 15.Imre SL Dorchester,Ontario N01. 1(i2 Barry Wade Design Construction Management December 17, 2015 Letter to Council Municipality of Bayham Re: Acceptance of Strategic Plan for Port Burwell Beach/Waterfront Proposal Attention: Mayor Paul Ens Deputy Mayor Tom Southwick Councilor Randy Brier Councilor Ed Ketchabaw Councilor Wayne Casier CAO Paul Shipway Clerk Lynda Millard Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen: As you may be aware, one of the 4 mission statements cited in The Municipality of Bayham's 2006- 2013 Strategic Plan is to invest[Council's] energies and resources in: "providing recreation and waterfront amenities". The last paragraph of the Strategic Plan states: "Although this Strategic Plan has a five year life cycle, it is appropriate to conduct a review of the Plan at the beginning of each term of the Bayham Council to ensure that the strategic direction is agreed by the new Council and update the Plan according to current circumstances". Strategic objectives are intended to articulate where the Municipality is headed in the next 20 years or so and help Council ensure that all of its efforts are directed to move the Municipality closer to these ideals. The intention should be to use the Strategic Plan to guide all actions at Council, particularly when it comes to developing operating and capital budgets. As far as we are aware, our new Council has never discussed the Strategic Plan at a public Council meeting thereby leaving the public in the dark as to what Council has accomplished in the past and what this Council intends to accomplish during this term and beyond. Like every responsible Council,we think it is time to revisit the Municipality's Strategic Plan and identify Strategic Directions that will help the Municipality move in the right direction. As part of this renewed strategic planning process, we are requesting Council take action on one of Bayham's mission statements: to provide recreation and waterfront amenities through enhancements to Port Burwell's waterfront.The mandate for this project is to excite, energize, unite and renew the community, solidifying this area as a leading tourist destination. Port Burwell is currently lagging behind other beach communities in Ontario like Port Stanley, Grand Bend, Goderich, Sauble and Wasaga beaches and is in need of both enhancements to better serve the changing demographics of visitors and residents and a restoration of the natural environment that has been lost from past development. Municipal staff has made a concerted effort to meet this goal through the completion of the 2013 Port Burwell Waterfront Master Plan. Through a comprehensive public engagement process, this study revealed that the community highly values the recreational, environmental and commercial opportunities that the waterfront creates, and recognizes that the Lake Erie shoreline, with its beaches, water-based activities, harbour, marinas and natural areas, are an important strength of the community. The waterfront master plan reflects the public's vision and incorporates the community's goals outlined in the previous public engagement process with the Bayham Culture Plan. The next step to create a vibrant and attractive waterfront includes the finalization of a conceptual waterfront enhancement design for staff, council and public review. We have a very enthusiastic, professional and dedicated group of local residents that are only too willing to help finalize a vision for the waterfront area, help draw on resources and implement the plan. As such, we are formally requesting that Staff and Council appoint a beachfront enhancement committee or focus group to help Council and Staff finalize our waterfront design, determine the financial implications and develop a phased implementation strategy and specific actions we can take to get us to where we want to go. It would be the intent of Council to adopt the Port Burwell Waterfront Enhancement Plan in support of the Strategic Plan and aggressively pursue Staff to focus on finalizing the master plan and seek funding from other agencies once a final plan has been accepted by Council. Attached to this letter is a list of design parameters that we believe should be addressed during the design process with Council and through public consultations and workshops. Our guiding principles in the design process included the following criteria: environmental preservation and conservation; safety and security; continuity and connectivity; seasonal interest; and diversity of uses. A series of conceptual drawings of the proposed Port Burwell Waterfront Enhancement Plan is included for review. These drawings are for discussion purposes only and serve to assist Council and the public to visualize what our waterfront could be. Our hope is that this project will drive tourism to Port Burwell. We envision a beach enhancement with a focus on the beachfront with playground structures, a splash pad and picnic areas, improved parking and lighting, a pedestrian boardwalk, better traffic flow and immense beautification of the area with the addition of gardens, dune restoration and other native habitat. All it takes is a little vision,with a lot of work. Sincerely yours Barry Wade Barry Wade President of 776497 Ontario Limited o/a Barry Wade Design Construction Management tel: 1-519-268-2995 / fax: 1-519-268-2694 / e-mail bany@barrywade.ca / www.barrywade.ca DESIGN PARAMETERS The following paragraphs discuss each of the parameters considered in the design process. The design parameters were developed based on a combination of recommendations from the Port Burwell Waterfront Master Plan and other successful beachfront enhancement projects in southern Ontario. The photos shown below to illustrate some design concepts are primarily taken from the Grand Bend (Lambton Shores) Beach Enhancement Project. This phased project is a successful model in which to emulate. In 2010,the Grand Bend Beach Enhancement project was awarded the Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO)Award of Excellence in Design. The beach project also came with a message: Grand Bend's waters are family-friendly and environmentally safe. The beach is among a select group in Ontario that have earned the Blue Flag designation for meeting strict water quality guidelines and other criteria, including provisions for waste and recycling and environmental education. Grand Bend isn't just satisfied with a Blue Flag beach, however, the Grand Bend Marina, with 35 transient and 30 seasonal boat slips and a public boat launch, was the first in North America, and one of only three in Canada, to be recognized as a Blue Flag marina. Our guiding principles in creating the conceptual design for the Port Bulwell Waterfront Enhancement Plan are based on the following criteria: • environmental preservation and conservation; • safety and security; • continuity and connectivity; • seasonal interest; and • diversity of uses. Naturally,this is only the beginning of a final waterfront enhancement plan based on public and staff input. 1. Beach Enhancement and Blue Flag Designation Our waterfront and beach areas are one of Bayham's most valuable assets. Community focus groups must be developed to assist Staff under the direction of Council in finalizing and implementing Port Burwell's Waterfront Enhancement Plan. The community has identified the need to create a space that is family oriented and enhances the natural beauty of the beach and the lake area. Proposed improvements include: 1) Improved parking and energy efficient lighting; 2) Accessible pedestrian boardwalk and look out areas; 3) Better traffic flow; 4) Better Emergency access to the beach by land or air; 5) Immense beautification with addition of gardens and other native habitats; 6) Fully accessible children's play area; 7) Environmental education signage; and 8) Development towards a Blue Flag designation. We as citizens of Bayham are fortunate to have such natural asset for enjoyment and we believe that safety of the hundreds of people who visit the beach must be maintained as a top priority. The improvement of emergency access to the beach, improved signage and equipment and public education should be implemented. What this means for the community is that the beach will be more welcoming, will be safer, have more amenities for families and be a key focal point for growth. 4 2.Redesign of Teardrop Turnabout The existing teardrop turnabout at the end of Robinson Street has been an issue for access for emergency vehicles and winter maintenance vehicles, not to mention potential future traffic flow. The Ministry of Transportation has changed their design standards since this roundabout was constructed. It is recommended Council ask the MTO to review the design of the turnabout to meet current standards for safety and servicing requirements. Below are two aerial photos depicting the before and after of the Grand Bend Beach roundabout. Note the original teardrop-shaped roundabout in Grand Bend is identical to Port Burwell's existing turnabout. In 2009,the Grand Bend roundabout at the beach was reconstructed to improve traffic flow. The redesign is similar to the one proposed herein. Grand Bend Beach Enhancement: Teardro! Turnabout �Y , Y! -i 'ia'M —rd! I if ,�` ..it*.� t i%_ kc . '; < 'fir cry L 7��/ .. %('' t ` i A _ .,.+'^2. ice, -.a"aA IA dr f ''‘'. ',6 \l":0 '• �_ • . Y" l it • R .E. F "� 1 C :at��lllt;c�tP^ a `i" -,--- -'73.1'.''-' #aAnly,y''4= •.,. :r l t��t .ga y a b• ••ataU? t4.,Gt, .ct ,�� '! 't lEElil4lt,V� qliitrogtleglintill 4t �4";144AFE 4W144174'..,4E,h4Vs.aW,s,.w•�av,avt+tr.wr44.° ''''' "P'stai*ti � \ '-- jes.:::tillfM144,1111211"M"illt1111114 ..4 1.' c'CYNflnft t 'gesEli,Wi+"i-kEt s tt♦ ti Grand Bend Beach Enhancement: Redesigned Roundabout •a ."Y Pt r 11,-, , , ''': ;% k 1 kr ' sz . . 4 lir. ,,,-,,- .y -�t�S � - - •.k-icy:. __ `;_"y?.y' ..-.� - Port Burwell Beach existing emergency vehicle access/congestion -7311111121111 d. vr` 404,„„„„,,,,,,410. 0 Cfj •J :,....,scar,.. ��r q• r . Ylk ui} z s .r:. .. • t• t; . _ . - _ _ - - �'� Hyl R ' a ` 4 , r s , fit ',, . F +R "4fra {1 .1 ¢ SMS 02011 6 3. New Boardwalk The Port Burwell beach encompasses four existing facilities: (1)the east bridge, which crosses the existing drainage ditch; (2) public washrooms and change room facilities; (3) parking facilities on the east and west side of Robinson Street; and (4)the Pier. The planned new boardwalk is designed to connect these facilities to enhance the pedestrian traffic flow along the beach front. The new boardwalk would also be accessible to persons with disabilities and emergency responders.The boardwalk could also be the starting point for future walking paths developed throughout the town to interconnect other points of destination. Grand Bend Beach Enhancement; New Boardwalk and Benches • 6 t4 -. .a 411144 Fq r fir: a '19iUtlilil.!!lflW i Illl lNll 'WHIM lilllllfl t JUIIIIP11r frt111" - 7 4.Parking Lots and Storm Water Management Stormwater management can be achieved through limited paving,the use of porous materials in the parking lots, using stormwater for plantings, and limiting the use of chlorinated water for plantings.The parking lots can be designed to utilized the natural drainage properties of the sand they are built on,so rather than paving the lots,the lots would be left with a sand base and light gravel overcoat to facilitate traffic movement. Paving may be used,but only sparingly and where necessary. Strategically designed planting areas and trees, including the reintroduction of natural species,will serve as a wind and sand barrier between the water and the parking areas. The Robinson Storm Drains can also be redeveloped to redirect the outlet pipe away from the public beach and redirect the flows to Big Otter Creek.Through properly designed interceptors the quality of runoff can be enhanced.This initiative may qualify for the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund,which offers grants to grass root community groups for activities such as cleaning up a beach or shoreline, restoring a wetland, or creating a river side trail. Construction of a Parkin. Lot with Natural Draina.e ,, .-J , s i es IS , , ‘ ititil.„? . 0,,,, .., i 'f J -.Yr }. . 5 ' C. t i'` ` 1 /� ss1•ty \f'/f.r,� }f. iir ." Jp J y1 /� .t ••• `ill • • • i pC 4, 1 : 4, tt �Iia ' -: " ` 1 it ` } • Ili- • - . a...4.-.....„,"16" ' '''' .k 7: !,' ' ''' + _yr _ _, may- : way —�.._-4 : ..L. 5.Lighting Energy efficient LED lighting fixtures need to be used extensively and where necessary. Fixtures need to be incorporated along the boardwalk, parking lots and pier to enhance a safe after hours beach front community. • *- . 10,....,,r, .4.. 7... 000,... ,_ . ,.._ ,. .,.,..,..,* t ._.„ ,f ,....., t 611101111.11/ mitIi47:r---;4111114 f ____.....ins: .11.....111111.1111111111.11111111111111111.1P1101 - , ., 1.,_;,:, .k,t ,. ,A_-,-' i 9 6.Children's Accessible Splash Pad and Play Area An accessible splash pad can be developed for the use by children with and without disabilities. Water used for the splash pad is collected in a large tank and redistributed to the various planting areas throughout the beach facility. These water conservation measures represent yet another green incentive program where grants and funding opportunities are available. a i „.4414 f' ilk err •. �._. r ,.�,. ■fir _ peon 11110111...._ i 1 '''.' fE .......„ ,. .. .., _ .: _... , _ . .. .. ,..,.. ,..,,t, . . . . , _ . .,,, , , i„. ,, _ , , '-,r, 14111,,, _ _- ' -.' iii., _4 7.. ; _ -r +.MO-. ' `ai Y/: F _ di di i t r:,4 to 7.Shade Structures One of the important components of the enhancements includes the introduction of shade structures. With the growing concern about the negative impact of the sun, steps need to be taken to integrate numerous new shade structures on the beach. These shade structures could include umbrella installations near the splash pad and Amphitheatre. Introduction of new tree planting along with preserving existing trees thoughtout the walking paths could also be a means of protection. Ifir.,- I -- �r • ,Ilk ;• � ' 1 '~ � • a. ihk ,3 ��rti\ / /i -;:�� 1t1ll�� I! 8.Sand Dunes and Dune Grass Great effort needs to be made to reintroduce the natural landscape of the beach by creating new dune grass planting areas (again, they serve as natural wind and sand breaks) and a large area of dune restoration. This is intended to not only restore what once existed, but to also serve as an educational tool for the public, and to serve as a catalyst for further dune rein-introduction on other areas of the beach. The capture of drifting sand will elevate the beaches and eliminate present ponding we experiencing at the moment. The need to bulldoze sand up onto the beach from the shoreline will be eliminated enhancing the visual appeal and quality of the beach, not to mention cost savings by the municipality. Off season snow fencing of the beach will eliminate minimum loss of sand during our winter gales. Grand Bend Beach Enhancement: Sand Dunes and Dune Grasses F• eor .i} ' .. rik. .0 ,;,, s .• 4 i tiAs lf �_: I liz it w .: r }`t i`" - .., - i r. r.� r fy 9.Irrigation Systems Irrigation systems could be designed to maximize the utilization of natural storm water flows by using underground cisterns as a water source, and minimize the use of the municipal chlorinated water system. It is better for the plants and has less impact of the lake. 12 1D.Planting Areas and Trees Planting of natural plant species throughout the beach areas provides aesthetic appeal, a source of natural plant oxygen /carbon dioxide exchange and a habitat for birds and insects and last to serve as a natural windbreak and sand fence. These natural barriers will reduce the transmission of sand from the beach and reduce road maintenance costs. �. R ' S '; Y 4'''';_/.;* *AI' • Y{ -ice 4 f` r sf `i ... y F `w -- , . +' ,t ., -. , • .te-,1„. r!I '€ tii -1 ',, t. ',int r it_ ir, 11.Volleyball Courts The existing volleyball courts have been maintained. Other such beach sporting activities could be incorporated into the plans as well. 4 1H _ t , ih, . t 9 • ii 13 12.Amphitheatre The length of the existing pier is excessive not to mention the height difference between the pier and the public beach. The present(ditch)for a better word is presently draining Robinson Street. The oil infested ditch is an eye sore and environmental hazard. This elevation change gives an opportunity to develop an amphitheatre that would give the opportunity to allow performers, bands and outdoor theatre performances to entertain visitors that visit our community. The proposed location of the amphitheatre has a few benefits: (1)it keeps the concert goers away from the children play area; (2)minimizes sound generated by the performers, (3) it visually breaks up the length of the pier; and(4)it gives the pier a purpose of destination. I llM WO IL. I 1 A,.Y; 14 13.Merchant Beach Shopping Space has been allocated for venders to setup seasonal shopping booths by the east parking lot. These booths would also be available for other festivals and their venders. This is another avenue for all visitors to Port Burwell who have interests other than water or beach activities. 2 lw I I y T "''� �"t4. �t1 .rte. ire , . l'-.3-... `�7 ,. �►. i )f 1' °SILVIA , at 1 1 __ 14.Public Docks The existing pier has been under utilized as a public dock. Boaters need destinations for entertainment, fueling, and a place of refuge. The present harbour is not recognized as a navigable harbour. Council needs to reinstate this harbour to be recognized by the Canadian Coast Guard. 'B'I , ' �I. ' + I' l7, (�i�j , F --_fi. 15 15.Dredging In order for Port Burwell to benefit from commercial and recreational fishing, the harbour needs to be maintained. All sources of funding must be made available to keep this harbour open for business. of =1T 1 ill ,,.i<1;-, - C 4 r- �. C tF•' . k ,t�" r t ,{aa K „w r fit, - ,---3-- { d, i _ �` w r_ _. ? bid -:r. 6 ___ -- !Si mi 16.Connection to Future Developments The recent sale of the coal yard flats should not be ignored. Future interconnections of public and private lands need to be considered for better vehicle and pedestrian access. 17.Conclusion Once again we have the opportunity to focus on capturing what the future of the Port Burwell Beach area could be, without being short sighted. With the upcoming storm drainage studies from Meritech and discussions with the MTO,we are requesting Council meet with the MTO and Meritech to discuss the redesign of the teardrop turnabout. This would be the first step towards implementing the Port Burwell Waterfront Enhancement Plan. We are asking Council to formally adopt this proposal and move towards finalizing a waterfront design based on the Port Burwell Master Plan. We are asking Council to identify funding opportunities and develop a phased implementation strategy detailing specific actions priorities. 140.2i/.41111.111 1 ■ • ° r i41i111111i411441i11411 tilt :7_____.= iiiii<. ___.: ,...,.."....A. „�iI1411 I l1111411l 1411 i . =.17,,, #°D°= \\: "!r "��w I k. r4v: 1' �;\Øf 444, 0 4n -. >r .' H a arr ti f,. 11( 4 1 , iik"-----,....,\ to- clir�r s s'ti r S Ian M7 n ll " rn 0 33 (� U -- - C Q, m DO * = m > 1 z r- 0 C) 5 E D rrr m z7:1 -I -n 7 33 Q n z Z -i 775..y7 Cyr ncIO i.IVITFI) Protect 1531 Drawing .. PORT BURWELL Baf e WATER FRONT DESIGN•�CJONsr9UCTI0N«MANAGEMENT _ _ Address Seale - Page N0. No. issue/Revision Description Dote(y. PORT BURWELL,ON { mdPlot File Created /�) Dec 16, 2015 i A i • • • r '4 - _, • 4.301S lit r\' • v mor � , 5' £S VViya `v'i.,- z. <-r yr tom' ° ret `. 01 • R5 4 ,by S$Fl. j(�� Y 3 Y rA WSJ gab tr, ,, U g z .+µ„? c5 ITV. " 0 > ,' : Y. { JAl C. � ek`^ i2 ✓ vz y gingiaigtgreeteig + .:. .-,r). x, :� :sk s' �FY.'.-wsYa»a>'m....,m-.i Project 1531 Drawing g�Q�n PORT BURWELL dO WATER FRONT U¢SIGN•CCOOI:5I II CTION•LIFNPGEI EN1 _ Add rC • Seal: - I-IJt.iI0 PORT BURWELL.ON rt Fw'C:EG:1ietl ..2 " No. Issue/Revision Des-cripllon oolelr.ma) Oa t6, 20+5 NG M & Q (ii ..:. a Z 1 N N L 0 O rs N ACCESS TO FUTURE E w OTHS m 1D COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS °C EACH MERCHANT Ba a a a . ITm pe: m [i 8 L in a „zi 1 ID J I" 2 .., ff/ """•••,, ```H � Iiiir\ \Ian !p PARKItZG AOR aT CARS } 3 3 ..4 t, tt- \ 1, \ \ \ \ \ \ i ..pz gi .. ,_ 1 '� �7. 17 I 7 Nn fF -- It ; �_ �.1 4 111 rs -- -- �66i .4 ," -`—_- \� - j ACS ,ter CHILDRENS WATER-ARK AND s �-- ( �ELAHE R4[1N0`ABE%R S.p 'I''''P.° �% PLAYGR•UND EQUIPMENT FoapR cc sueauLe GAS eieiei° �'� e. w - E ... •4 1 a mi is ` jE �' . e. •pARKINGRT4CARPep IF • '! •• .e e m { Q,YG ,� HATCHED AREAS ARErk Y y ��e J:I `�,� , i4 NATURALIZATION BUFFERS S•O p en M ��- end. *014 i.'+ s cz e 3 V • 4, DI 'OA �' � LEGAL BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURTS (1) w :4 e _ n y +;Oe ` $� • EXISTING BEACH 0 Ai o u " .. PORT BURWELL WATERFRONT I eMpi. A'e; , L L' '�' ` �' ENHANCEMENT PLAN =r e )133H0 1:1311O • L LD r$3La $.>$.>13o0yl� �oY18na _ . 8 1 I . , . . '.,� Az-",).- =144 1 l o•-1-::- n-1 i% / -.,C1iI — I r-c itta / ter, o ii c) m• m iii 4 44 44.4.4 s4 < ,_ z v...:4DQ• f% • ii+i�ili�b'i / ••il/ifs .... 'ii�s. fes. 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R,13°Is i°re Prolecl 1531 Drawing PORT BURWELL B UUVV' de WATER FRONT Address Scale - Page No. OESIGN.CONSTROCTION+MANAGEMENT _ - - _ Is JOSE siREi-1 /0-.0-EST en...NOT•t.:, Plot File Created A 4 [i'Ii''OI O€E SO '5 S EPO 19 05200, No. Issue/Revision DesCrlpti06, Dole(y.m.d.) PONT NUN4YELL,ON Dec 16, 2015 <'# 55I ► 3 0, v.a. Lv, e _ popE Pac N. 11. JUL 18 201 I; eu.v. i ) �VIt1�ICIPALITY OF BAYHAM k0.-+ a_ -o ►''o Q-r e- i) ) . V4" s S o m e. -1� Fo _D e ci_o_ e fes/ A' � ?‘,5o 7'") e• ec bec aI,., B �D p/e ��ivQ 04- f- 0 -4 .e el A , 5S 0) 014d --o i -- J Pee/ r- ore- r'ro vv) e e -4-, nJ s s o�� d IJ e heLc) q ),6) euecy 7T pc y-fir 611c) lj � r104-; � d - _IJ€ Cy -Peui of e o) - h yn e--1-1 nG Le hS € o un� W Abou. T � J 0 ei S id2_ - --� u� e e ct at) o )• k n Jo 0 k g Q- a-4 r_ot& -t2) e Y‘4_111<_ ►' u_kl t ) J Qi a te e/l_ Ct, h e ,-5? n 1015 decL51 o r- _w-r--!-L _-)0_f he r\^ad e , �. a rte 5_ _ (-LS-L op/ ase. < -e r0C-cp< 5 CJ l C G- I-i yea � c i"A 5 bn e- new.) lec)s-L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-068 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT AN OVERALL RESPONSIBLE OPERATOR AND OPERATOR'S IN CHARGE FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS AS SET OUT IN O.REG. 128/04 WHEREAS pursuant to O.Reg. 128/04 (Certification of Drinking Water System Operations and Water Quality Analysts) as developed under the Safe Drinking Water Act 2002 as well as O.Reg. 129/04 (Licensing of Sewage Works Operations) as developed under the Ontario Water Resources Act municipalities are prescribed to appoint various positions; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint an Overall Responsible Operator and Operator's In Charge for all municipally owned and operated water and wastewater systems as set out in O.Reg. 128/04 (Certification of Drinking Water System Operations and Water Quality Analysts) as developed under the Safe Drinking Water Act 2002 as well as O.Reg. 129/04 (Licensing of Sewage Works Operations) as developed under the Ontario Water Resources Act. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Ed Roloson is hereby appointed as Overall Responsible Operator for all municipally owned and operated water and wastewater systems under the Ontario Water Regulations; 2. AND THAT in the absence of Ed Roloson, Bob Butler and/or Adam Swance are hereby appointed to fulfill the legal obligations of Overall Responsible Operator; 3. AND THAT Bob Butler and Adam Swance are hereby appointed as Operator's In Charge of all municipally owned and operated water and wastewater systems under the Ontario Water Regulations as required and determined by Ed Roloson. 4. AND THAT this By-law takes effect on the day of passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 21St day of July, 2016. MAYOR CLERK Le° ., :- --� -.: On Top Of 1-1111 t`/ I)* ‘14, 1' s VP fir RAYHAM �- • � � Please r.. , 11 • - OUT t 9 • ," EST A) - '-‘1?\1/4,411 >\;) t- fS J' ,fr' eifi . _ ,.. ., „Alct,,,,,\ __ II di) ;vi,--- ,---.... N- 41:14&) j ir r ` -'1'-- di:ger - --",.Faris.':,_r - r- + ?" Y"' ` _ - t Or -` ' :. __ gof -_,-, -,,,..5;--,_._ , _ - di"--V. - --ir. "ow,---,--‘,-*- '" — - . , . c' Ill 3, 'Te , ji ,. , � 41/ Legend. - 14111.4 ..? 1 T!��a�1D a - - 0_an•.e: gi y lbil.sic e i o'-` . i a room a-, !/ ' o.ii'l 10 each, - 3 IT .19i i Iry 41a Ien.' ll 1_Vl 011 1111Asi la eaell 6 1oeae \7d1 - ,-oa1 Iron alamen is it - ft 6 Fames el rtitilisPir+eeaft 0E3 Wen ao_s July 29th - July 31st 2016 S SINN AU " ' , . i- ::: ll''Parking: No Boats or Trailers 9 Yogi°s lb.B 41P''-'t ** Washrooms & Change Rooms 10 Beaching _Mike. Information Table Visit our website for more Information maw"' - - - •- + First Aid www.bayhambleachfest.com 12 lirmam s - J 1a ]1<fill ole_, -----e-' No Parking on Sunday, this area 11 ! 1 11agio an is needed for fireworks set up CA:at-a ri 11IN al °11-41- _ -- � T �` Atilc�l�G 29 vc 3031 6:OOpm - 9:OOpm : Youth Dance 5:00am - 3:00pm : Pickerel Tournament 8:0Oam - 12:O0pm : Pancake Breakfast Dusk: Movie on the Beach 11:00am - 12:00pm : Craig The Science Guy 1O:OOam - Done : Sand Sculptor 11:00am - 9:00pm : Kid Zone Activities 10:OOpm - 4:OOpm : Silent Auction 12:OOpm - 7:O0pm : Life Sized Games 11:O0am - 12:OOpm : Yoga on the Beach 11:0Oam - 8:00pm : Kid Zone Activities 12:OOpm - 6:OOpm : Zack Lawlis 12:OOpm - 6:OOpm : Zack Lawlis 12:OOpm - 8:OOpm : Vendors 12:00pm - 6:00pm : Beachfest Challenge 12:OOpm - 9:OOpm :Beer Garden 12:OOpm - 8:OOpm : Vendors 1:00pm-6;00pm ; Beach Volleyball Tournament 12:OOpm - 7:OOpm : Life Sized Games 1:00pm - 9:00pm : Live Music on the Beach 12:OOpm - 4:OOpm : Beer Garden 2:OOpm - 3:OOpm : Pull The Bickle 1:00pm - 9:00pm : Live Music on the Beach For more information about each activity visif our website! 8:00pm - 9:00pm : The Fire Guy www.bayhambeachfest . com Dusk : 11,000 Display