HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 14, 2011 - Special CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Monday, March 14, 2011 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.DELEGATION (a)Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. 4.BY-LAW (a)By-Law 2011-026 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 5.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 3-17 19 Page 1 of 19 Page 2 of 19 BUSINESS PLAN for MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Prepared By; Harbourfront Committee of Council March L4,20LL Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 3 of 19 Executive Summary As followup to the Harbourfront Committee presentet¡on to Council on March 10,2011, we are pleased to submit a supportive Business Plan for the Municipality of Bayham to own and operate a suction type dredge and related equipment. The purchase of this equipment will service the immediate needs for the installation of the Ojibwa Submarine Project and it will be the first step toward raping the benefits of a service that virtually every harbour on the north shore of Lake Erie wìll need, sooner or later. The Ojibwa Project, has been announced as coming to Port Bunruell. This retired submarine will be placed on p€rmanent display by the museum group for thousands of tourists to visit. This Navy memorial will be brought from Halifax on a shallow draft barge to the final resting place on the east shore of the Big Otter Creek. This venture will require the access to the harbour and along the entire route up the channel to be a minimum of 60 feet wide and I feet in depth, The key to this business plan will depend on suitable financing and a number of environmental permitting issues which must be secured from both provincialand federal authorities before this plan becomes viable. A preliminary approach to the appropriate authorities is to be pursued by otheæ, outside the scope of this dredging plan. Based on positive feedback for environmental approvals, thís plan focuses on the reclaim area, the reclaim and transfer equipment, as well as the material deposit area back in the lake. Reclaiming will employ a self-propelled Hydraulic Suction Dredge which pumps lhe materiat through flexible hose to redeposit the material directly back into the lake. The reclaim area will extend from the main canalarea, adjacent to the farthest breakwall and proceed northward as far into the creek as necessary to ach¡ove the average depths. The deposit area is expected to be a segregated area beyond the extreme east end of the east beach. This Plan has been drafted to show the projected revenues from ownership and the estimated costs of operation based on the research and study efforts of the dredging subcommittee and the experience of the Town of Coburg, who presently own and operate an IMS model 5012HP Suction Type Dredge. Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 4 of 19 SucJion Dredge Gomparison Gharl Feature Suitable Depth Self Propelled Easily Transportad GPS MaterialTracker Disrtrarge Handling Parts Availability 2 Person Operation Operator Safety Cperator Comforl Cperator Msibility 3perator Training )ieselPowered 12 Volt DC Svstem Scoring t5 l5 l5 l0 l0 6 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.6 Crisafulli t5 15 15 t0 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Ellicott 15 15 15 10 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 MudCat 15 10 10 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 rMs t5 t5 t5 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 2.6 2.5 Twinkle Co. ',5 10 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2,6 WS Dredge 15 15 l0 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Dredging Supply 15 15 10 10 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Totals 100 77.5 825 57.5 100 52.5 62.5 77.5 Note: The IMS Model 50121HP ruas the only dredge that met all criteria cons¡dered imporlant to Port Bun¡vell Dredging Project Estimated Operating Costs (lMS Model æ12 HP Verci-Dredge) Fuel @ $1.20 / litre = lnsurance = Labour(1 @$30/h0= Labour( I @$16/hr) = Mainlenance (Filters) = Mechanical Overhaul = Pump /Chead Wear = Hull Maintenance = í72.22 lhour $2.00 / hour $30.00 / hour $18.00 / hour $1.20 / hour $4.00 / hour $5.75 / hour Based on Contract Dredging @ $23.00 / m3 Breakeven point nouH Þe @ 1?4.77 123.æ = 6 m3 of material dredged Accoding to the rnanufacturer, the IMS Model5012 HP Versi- Dredge cÁ¡v GIW Cast lron Slurry Pump is rated ( 3500 USGPM @ 143 ft (43.6 m) TDH on sbrry Sg = 1.25 ( 20% solldsÁreþht of sand, Sg = 2,65 ) 880 RPM with 20m ft. (609 m) dscharge ¡tipe lengûh. Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 5 of 19 Reasons For Sole Sourcing of ltlS 5ü2HP Verci - Dredge The Harbourfront Committee is recommending that the Council consider sole sourcirB of the IMS 5O1zHP Versi-Dredge based on the results of the Feature Comparison Chart and in the interest of saving valuable time. When compared with six other suction type dredges, this model wae the only dredge wh¡ch met all criteria considered important to the Port Burwell Dredging Project, An explanation of eactr of the needed requirements identified ¡n the Feeture Comparison Chart is as follows: 1. Ihe drEdqe must be able to srork at dçglhs CoWn to at lg?st 4 m (13.1 fr) IMS Model 5O12HP Versl-Dredge is capable of working to depths of 6.7 m (22frr. 2. Dredqe must be Eelf-orooelled. The 5012HP employs a hydraulic star-wheel drive system which providee independent operation and provides superlor maneuverability over cables / spuds. 3, Dredge must easilfbansoorted. The 5012HP is a true one truck (flatÞd) transportable dredge urhich does not need to be disassembled fortransport 4. Atrackino svstem to verÍfu where and how much material is removed bv the dredqe is essential for contract dredqino, The 5012HP indudes a GPS system which works with specialized graphics sofrtrtare to confirm to the operator, where and how much material has been removed tflith suÞmetre accuracy. E the minimqr.n amount of additional equiÞrnent. The 5012HP ernploys a GIW ry X 10" high chrome slurry pump mounted as close as possible to the cutter head. This arrangement is capable of pumping sand in sluny through the added discfiarge hose to a maximum distance of 1200 m (4,0(þ feet) depending on the density, without the need for a booster pump. 6. items ouicklv- The 5012HP is povrered by a standard John Deere model 6081HF070 6 cylinder dieselengirc with parts availaHe at localfarm dealerships- IMS can deliver most rush orders for specialized parts in 24-72 hours, worldwi¡Je. 7. Ttæ allhydraulic powered and self propdled design of the 501zHP dredge makes it easy and safe to operate with only 2 æople. Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 6 of 19 E, Dredoe must be safe from ooeretofs oerspedive. The 5012HP is operated from inside the operator's station in a sitting position with all controls nithin easy reach of the operator. 9. Ooeration of tlre C.r,e.doe-ml¡S3þe ppssibl-e in indçmpn! weather. The 5012HP includes an operato/E station complete with healing and air conditioning system. 10. The operator's station on the 5012HP offers plenty of windows for 360 degree visibility, plus rear-facing closed circr,¡it TV which covers the blind spot behind the engine. I 1. Operator training bv the manufacturer rnust be available. The 50l2HP purcñase Íncludes a basic 5 day on-site training program. A further 4-5 day training program at the manufaclurers facility is available at additionalcost. 12. svstem. The standard John Deere engine used on the 5012HP dredge will operate reliably on local availaþle fuels including biodiesel. The electricalsystem including deck lights are 12Y DC negative ground, $pical of marine vess€ls. Note: A propoaal for tñe lilS llodel 5{ll2HP Versi-Dredge complete with the additional equlpment aa rcqulred is enclosed in thefollæing documents. Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 7 of 19 Er,-:cCP -r!¡tì¿¡Or.S dd'i'\til tj D' The World's leadng producer of one truc( $rnflng taddæ lloúel 5012 HP Thè Model 5012 l fP Vêns¡-Drêdge is irÞai for dredgirìg h ænds, lakes, rÌr¡rin¡s, rivcm, and snd nhes, Like dt Varsi-Drêdga sÏstems thè Stevlåët DrilÆ 8ys1êm allows lhc rf fÊd€e to be coffÞlelely sdl*rop€lled The HP (High Pære) pump on the 5012 HP is a Glw 8' t 1o' cæt irm, hÈchrüre saod pufnp that csnpwlpssndtoaflìÐ(iftrñdislánceofÞ€tryeen3.500-4,000'dep€ndingonspeöTtcgrâyirtofthemderid -Ihc5012HPcånhus?dinconFnd¡onwithã GPS sys16m to restorê a lakÉ or reseÂ/û¡f of it câfl bE usd in Ê derlcãtèd smd mining apphcdlon. Thô Hp pump is knorn for its lofigevity in abræ¡vê riderids ånd fs ab¡lity to purlP lEâvier rn¡teri€ls over long dstâñcËf Hoder Punp ïvpe ,*ä1" "#jin J#i propubion rransporr t{ominór pump capactty 5012 HPversr- t8jffi MTml, zr 32s Hp ,,.#l; 1'truck up tô22svds3 /hr 5012 HP Dredgor Spêca S0l2HP HgerOlågrami 5012 HP orodgpr P¡oto , lñrâgo Galtery 9,12 HP OredgÊr Vld€o Rfl¡rn To ltlS Dnrdge Home Page kryativ6 Måtrriil Sylteru A Oiuigo.t ol 7930 StaÎe Une Surs 20¿ Èife \nts 3100 - Fü 913.ô4?,51 19 foÍ fræ tô{tÞq)14 er B&t tı7¡010 Fq S€lrs: Ryan Hfrtoo - FJìlcdg€iolms.'Edoe Ém Fg PÐrts & Sæics pLase 6ld ær ap.æftlglivË ¡| U Cqporllc Ofiæ ToltFræ* 140û2¡131¡tæ OR plr 71É2¡t&2€å¡1. Fù 71t?{+2573 Fff hs: ¡FperÈ@im!{trodgo ffi Fú SeNi€á: iÉsvi€llÞfr8rtrad0a rê.n CopFighl O 2æG2{fF . lmvrhö hHüd SyqanÊ ,rll rigt'tr ¡t!4cd IMS Dredge - About Model 5012 HP Dredger Page I ofl htto://www.imsdredse.com/S0 I 2HP- A lnr rt htm 1ñl1nnnlfi Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 8 of 19 I|YDRAUUCS. fumps oy Eatqìt. À¡iltolS þy Ealonr¡ (Cts.tynnl POUIER UNIT. Tubo{lurged sllårrooled John De€¡e' diesd eng¡ne OPERATOR'S STATK'T. Jor5thf ænEofled- ElecúûrìicdeÊhgåuge. ErgonoÍic ¿iHide chôi. AJC ônd tìëaùng systems. Dual H-fddhg døs wiût port ard Sdtoard acc€ss FIOATANOi¡ , Cômpênmeflta¡¿ed c¿tarn€r8n lHll deign. Steel co.ìstruct¡ôfl with bulkhead ând sleÞloí-frârñe rehfdcdÍtent Epory cÖ€ted sfARwf{EEt' DRIVE sgf.PRoPursrorr. Træ ætf-propeled Û€dg¡ng Elininstes need for ca¡€s or spuds hE e6s€s dredge pøformance a EXCAVATOR CUTTERHEAD. Dual.recesed lyÍeulic driye motoß. Cárbide $ed û,¡uer æêûr. Sfìror¡ed Is uftra-low nfbidiry- Appl¡ãtlm Ersatile DREDGE ruMP ' Ladd€r-írcrÍted sllbîeftltilê t!'drsulic drtvÊ Êrrp Higt¡ pre6wÞ tlesign Csst ¡ron corE¡ruclirtr, aþl-¿gv€.rG€¡lan[ H¡gher p€ræfiågê of solids th8n hull moilntÊrl pufiT6 PrJ¡p6lofE dis{¿rEes -6il IMS Model 501 2 HP Uersi-Dredge' 300 275 g 2so È 225ì zoo € rrs l¿ tso ã t¡s E'*E7sÈs0 2S 0 ;g 2C0- ¡ lÍr' c 5 roo- lE so- li- Estimated output of ¡n-situ material per hour.' (5 ft. eleìralion in l¡ne) (1.52 m elevatlon in line) Pumping Dirt¡ncc (Fcct) 'Etlmæs do nd.lsffi in otË¡¡ds uh â¡ ùåCr, d€brit úld doútiæ. CûH¡r wirh lÀ¡5 fo¡ pmlEt rpæinË fo'drdion eçiroæe A lt¡lodel 501z HP re¡noves sând from I large mãr¡ns in Califo¡nia. All verrl-hedge' modds cofne standard with JoysliL* mrrtroB snd over'Jz€d gauges for ea:e of operation. STAITDARO EqUIPINENT 3O0 ft. (91 m) of roll n8t discflsrg'e hose 1 2 !áddle typê ho€ floats Full)¡ er¡ctossd snglne con1prtm6r¡t Rock Êrtrd Wiodbss System for cable dr¡ìæ Cl¡môte.corrúollêd operatú cab¡n fu m/cütterh'eåd YiÉw wlndow câthod-m prore'tiûr JoyÉt¡ck controls Ergonom¡c ¿ir-rid€ swlvel chalr Digitål dêpth gåuge Horri 360 degfêe light¡ñg fwo (2) swi'rel cfancs (800 lb. câpacity, 363 Kg) U,S. hand tool Nir and toôl bóx omoilÂLEquã/tEilr Broadcaster Distllårge Attæ¡ment Outrigger¡ GPs Syst€ír (w/3r.¡bfieter áEur*yl Flry meter Slurry rhicÍners táule tå¡l Addit¡onal Corrqibn protefi ¡m part<age P¡pe. hol€, sa(Hþ llosts ¡lflig¡t¡on l¡ghts Spotlbrrt Clced loop v¡deo maßitor fot dirrharge Sound sFi,eír E-ma il : versidredge@imsdredge.com Web Stte: www.inrsdredge.corn Soil Type A - S¡ìt B - Fine Sand C - Medium Sand ,D - Coarsa Sand GoricÊnlration n%. mY" ?io/6 15.?O% 500 1,000 Pump¡ng Distance (Melcrr) f.500 7930 State Line Rd. Ste. #202 Prairie Village, KS U-S.A. 66208 tñtts' lMS, A Division of LWT Dredges, Pumps and Pumping Systems Ph: 913-642-5100 or 96È167-4010 (USA Only) far 913-ô42-5119 I Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 9 of 19 IMS Model 5012 HP Uersi-Dredge. lIrnal,srofls tength 45 ft. 6 ín. (13.9 m)W¡dth 11 ft,3 in. (3,4 m)Helght l0 ft. (3.'l m) w/ pre cleaner removed We¡ght (less tuell 3¡,4a5 lbs, (13,19, kg) FroÌat¡on Pontoons Two {2) pontoons 39 in. x 38 in. x 408 3n. (9Í11 mm X 965 fnm X 10,360 mm); 10 ga. steel slde6, bottoñ ând 1/¿1" diämond plate top5; internal hrlkheads and stiffenert and coated w/ a marine grade epory.wethane Þa¡ntDlsplace{nênt 31,5æ tb's. (14.300 k9)Draft 30 ín. (762 mm) Worlitg ãru,ciy Cut 108 tn. (2,?43 mm, wide x 22 ¡n. (SS9 mm) deep Worklng Depth zz ft. ( 6.1 m) Englne Type John Deefe Dieîel Model 6090HF070, G+ylinder 9.0 L, 3¿5 HP 1242 k\i4 @ 2,2{Þ rprn, Fuel Capacity 300 gô1. (1,135 llteß) Fuel Con$umption 1S.9 gatJhr. (tO,3 lhnìr.) HydraulU Sysæns Clrcult f1 Circu¡t #2 Slurry fump 7.5 inïrev. 72 gpñ (4.54 liter/sec.) e 5,500 psig Cutterhêad, Boom, Winclres and START^,|{EEts' 7.9 ¡nr/rery. load sense 75 gprn (4.73 liter/sec) @ z,Sf,O p6ig Reservoír 120 g€t_ (454 t¡ters) Filtration 1 tånk mounted r€turn t¡ltef witft a 10 micron (min.) fåt¡ng w¡th sn lndlc¿tor & cab warñing llght. Slurry pump circuit remote charg€ filt€r 6.micron (min.) rating with an iridhåtor ånd cåb wafn¡ng ]íght. Fllter w¡th watef rerlîOvål capa b¡lit)' arê optbnal. Cuttulæad Cutterb¿r Diameter 22 in, (559 mm) Length 108 ¡fl. (2,743 rfm) Replåceáble hardened rts€l s¡c¡Nator blades; ¿vailabla w¡th paddlebar fof maledals that âre eas¡ly slurr¡edDrlve Ræesed dual h¡rdrautic rnoþfi direfi dri\,Ê with no gear reduct¡on Speed (vôr¡able) 0 to 95 rpm e 2,5{þ ps¡ Torque 23,885 ln-lM. (2,969 N-ír) c 2500 gú þeak) cutt€f Tip FofE€ 2,'l7t tÞs. (9,657 N) Wètunp Type Discharge D¡ånæter Suction D¡arflGter lmpeller Diamet¿r Sphere Parsage h¡¡p Performance Speed (variable) Øntrols Proptlsion Sped (varlable) Elecfrícal Sy*em Voltage Alternattr Output Ønosioa Prv.test¡on Ståndsrd Påint Cathod¡c protect¡on Avallable Aæsorles Huttly Eslftrctod OFraW Øtts Fuel e $4.60/gallon lniufance Labor (2 ft efi e S16.0O/Hr.) Maintsnancs (Filters, etcJ Accrued lvlechanica¡ Overhaul tuñp & CuttrlæAd We¿r Hull Maintenance Ertlrfl¿ted lbüty Oper€üng Cost ln U,S. Dollür tPflces suQþtto læ¡l ccommhs GIW Côst iron ptrnp I in. (203 mm) 10 in, (254 rfin) 24 in. (610 rrm) 4ln. (101 mml 3,5æ gpm (220 literrs€c) @ 1il3 tu (a3,6 m) TDH {slury s. g. r.25} e 881 rprn w14ffi ft. (609 m} di$trarge lengtñ O to 880 rpm Electronicjoyctick corÌtrob are povlded in a cllmate controlled cab. STARWHEEL' Drive Self-Pro¡rlsion q¡stem; cåble dri\re optional STARg\rHEE$' âre lndividually operated for high manBw6rsbility. 0 to 15 rpm (stsrwheel drlve) 0 to 55 Þm (cable drive) I ? volt, negatle ground 130 Amp Suprstructure snd hull are ssndblâsted änd pa¡nted with two coats of marine epory su¡tabls for såltryster service. A self healirç zinc clad undercoaurig is applied to above deck surfaces, The câb is rfiåde with gälìrâneal steel- Subrne¡ged surfaces are top coated w¡th two co{rÎs ol antl-foul¡ng palnt. AverâgÊ paint thickness is 12 mils mininu.¡m. Stândard Talk with a repressntat¡ve about opt¡ons and qrstorr features available $73.14 2.00 32,ü) 1.20 4.00 5.75 3.60 TiZTE- NOTE: Speclficat¡ons ilbject lo change w¡thout not¡ce. 08rlLA¡¿@6 Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 10 of 19 Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 11 of 19 5012 HP DRTDIT ASSTMBLY PORT SIDE FUEL TANK 150 cAL, (5681) -FÊ F o sF\qtu DñI -o\ at É E =0 V'Èì _t SIDE FUEL TANK 325HP DIESEL ENGINE rso GAL. (5681)HEAT & AIR CONDITIONED CAB LIFTING/}.|NERING LUGS .?7' nfL37H1 t{rJLL LEN6 .43',-e,?¿ G l e n U n d e r w o o d r e g a r d i n g B u s i n e s s P l a n f o r H a r o u r D r e d g i n g . P a g e 1 2 o f 1 9 fO; Fod Bun'¡ell Harbour Conmilt€e 034,1 Fl¡n* Roed, Box 1€0 Sraflordvlrle ON NoJ lYo ATTN: Ms. 8ßnda Marl¡n Cheit PRO-FORMA INVOICE tNvotoEt003104-t DATE: Jrnuary 1 1, 2O1 1 llo¡n atu Patll Degcilpüon Prlce (USDI Exronded P.lce lt !¡Dl I 2 3 I I I t I 1 I I 1 12 l2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 I 02 140 1 I 12 1 6301092 520 t 5û7 620't 385 520 t 584 520t385 000r4{3 8001S9¿l 9201687 rFull back-llt In¡lrumenlatbn 'Lbhtiñg ôysleñ for niqlü linrB operallon Oigital deplh gauoe Ai, co¡dilion¡ng and heel¡rrg syÊl€nì Zktc anodes Hând !('ol kil ônd tool bûx lû$lruclbn nranu¡Js Roct 9uârd Addltloilal Equlpmcnl 25{ mm (10 ln.} x 11.9 M (39 fl.) ssct¡ons ol2€ SDR HDPE e fpe tv/ quldr dlsc. Ífi¡ng€ SÐddþ typa plperhoçe 0oals IMS DrsdglrE GPS Syôtðm r'r, sub-meler âcttrrôcy dnd lôptûp diôplay Orèdûê Návi9al¡on Lighls 254 mn (,l0 ln.) x 7.6 M (25 fl.) ¡eêllon$ ol r0[ flrl dlrchargc hose W.ilanly f -yr¡r IMS Blånd.rd r.raranly (tcc 'Erhlblt Al-l Sorvlces lnc¡udes 5 daï3 on rftc lrahlng by an IMS Srryfce Todrnlcìan, Serer vill pay fer drfâro, ltolel and m8sls. Bwor rt¡ osv lor all h country lrensporlallon costÊ (âir. aulo, ând Íain). s420.210G.00 780.00 32¡l 00 37.801r.00 4.356.00 1,21¿1.00 included lricÌJdod S,120,401i.00 1r,t20.00 .r6,360.00 37,80e.00 4,356.00 1.f,5ô8,00 lncluded lncluded Tolâl Drâdoo & oDtloñr Er.Worls FrÊtory. l{try ltlchntond. Wt llternr l.{}9tce,61Ð.00 Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 13 of 19 Good afternoon. It was good speaking with you yesterday. Attached is the proposal for the Model 5012 HP Versi-Dredge thrt you requested. It includes the 3,000 ft. total of discharge line as well as floats, a GPS system, and navigation lights. The proposal also includes 5 days on site training plus all travel expenses. Please let us know if you have any questions. l estimate freight will be around $4,600 for the dredge and about $2,400 per flat bed. You will need 3 x flat beds for all of the discharge equipment. So the total estimate freight will b€ $11.800 USD. Best regardg Ryan P. Horton Director of Sales IMS Division ofLWT, LLC 7930 State Line Rd., Ste. #202 Prairie Village, KS ó6208 Tel: 913-642-5100 Toll Free: l-8664674010 (U.S, Only) Fax:913-642-51l9 Cell : 7 I 5-7 60-2170 (24 hrs.lT dayVweek) Home: 913-2694043 (nights / weekends) SkypeName: ryan.horton TwitterName: dredges rl:p¡qú4ru¡úcdse--çaltr rvrvrv inrsdredse cont Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 14 of 19 Uuh¡eipal¡ty of Bayhãm - Ownins & Operatins Cosb of IMS 5O1zHP Suction Dredqe;, lbm Rewnuc Sourcar Year 1 Yesr 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Totals A :oundatlon Granb llu nicipality of Baytem lounty of Elgin Tourism ilgin County Military Museum )orporate User Fees Small Busin€€s Cont¡bulions ? $0 $50,000 ? $s0,000 s10,000 $5,OOO $20,000 $o qn $0 $0 $25,0m ? $50,000 $10,æo $5,000 $25,000 $20,000 lMn{ì NNô $0 $0 $10,000 ? s50,000 $10,000 0s,000 $30,000 $25,æO tοAfì fYn $0 $0 $o ? $50,000 $10,fno $5,000 $35,000 $30,æ0 î¿An fYìn $0 s0 $0 ? $50,000 $10,000 $5,000 $40,000 $35,000 $4A0.ffX) $0 $0 ${ì5,000 ? $250,000 $50.000 $2s,000 $150,000 $110,000 !ßl ß¿fì trrì g c D E F G =und mis¡ng Früjectione Uarina Boahllp User Fee rier Boatslip User Fee Ênnlmri lìr.dnlr$ Flcv¡nr o H J toiel E¡tlm¡ted Revenue $135,000 $ses,000 9590,æ0 ss90.000 $600.000 $2.5r0,000 ìbm Ooenrüno Coote Year 1 Yea¡ 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Toûa13 ^Foundaüon GranF Coats Municipality of Bayñam County of Elgln Tourisrn Elgin County Milihry Museum Corporate User Fee Coets Small EuslneEs Contlbutions Fundraising Costs MarinE Boatslip User Fe6 Costs $0 $704,0(x) $1,000 ? $30,000 $2,000 $2,5æ $0 $50,000 sso-0m $o $fl,000 $1.000 ? $10,000 $2,m0 $2,500 s5,000 $5,000 $90,000 $o t54,000 $1,00o ? $10,0m $2,000 $2,500 s5.000 $5,000 $90.000 $o $54,æ0 $0 ? $10,000 $2,000 $2.500 $5,000 $5,000 ssomo $0 $s,000 s0 ? $10,000 $2,000 $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 sso.oo0 $o $s20,000 $3,000 ? $70,000 $10,000 $12,500 $20,000 $70,000 !ß¿5fì om g c D E F G t{ I Pler Boatslip Dredging Op Costs Dradoino Ooaratino CostsJ Total Etümrtad Opcatlng Gocû¡$879,500 s169,500 $169.æO $168,500 $168,500 $1,556,500 AOgrcgatp{ Rcvenrç - Co¡b)-$744,sm s425,500 $420,500 $421,500 $431,500 $9ö¡1,500 Nota: Othcr dreclging operating æets could include mobilization and demobilizdion aÊsoc¡ated with confact dredging at somo harbours, This will be addrossed on an as needed basis. Also, cosþ for storage facil¡tiæ for the dredge and related equlpment during winter months hâs not b€en lnduded, G l e n U n d e r w o o d r e g a r d i n g B u s i n e s s P l a n f o r H a r o u r D r e d g i n g . P a g e 1 5 o f 1 9 Details of Revenue Sourcing and Operating Gostg A¡/ Foundatíon Granls are indentified as a possible source of funding altholgh we have not included any amount in our revenue chart. B/ Municipalþ of Bayham costs shor the full amount of $650,000 ae a loan including the following: . Capitatcost of the drcdge and equipment per IMS Pro Forma |nvoice.....,.....($ 570,000) o Freight to transport dredge to Port Bunrvell...... '.'($ 12,000) o Consultant Fees (Rrggs Engineeñng Ltd).., .......-.-...'($ 30'000) r Site Preparation Work by Municipalig '..($ 20'000) o OperatorTraining (optional)... .'.'.','.($ 18.0001 o HST and any applicable ¡mport târiffs/duties are not included Carrying costs of this loans are based on conventional market rates @ 5% interesl, amortízed ove¡ 2O years totaling $14,000/year. C/ Gounty of Elgin Tourism shows a total contribution from multiple sourceg of $50,000 in the first year,declinlngtozeroafterthethirdyear. Aminimalellowanceof $1000 lyear hasbeen included for adminisbative purposes, D/ Elgin County Military Museum revenue souroe has been left as a question mark and will be addressed with the lease agreement forthe Oiib,lta submarine, E/ Corporate User Revenue Fees are estimated at $50,000 /year over the entire 5 year plan. There rrvere discussions of up to $1@,000 / year for only orìe corporation indicating this figure is very conservative. Costs shorr in the first year indicate tlre dredging needed for corporate users with a declining cost for maintenance dredging. F/ Small Business Contibutions are indicated as a flat $10,000 I year on a conetant basis' This could be generated frorn Bayharn businæs owners, private donations and commercial users of Big Otter Creek. A token administration coEt of $2000 I year haE been included for this item. G/ Fundraising Projedions are shown as $5,000/year originating frorn community events, promotioné ancimercharrdizing ac{ivities. Gosts associated with this item are indicated at 5O% of the revenue. H/ Marina Boatslip User Fees are based on approximately 10,000launchings @ $ 2.00 each, increasing by $ 5000 lyear due to increasing recreational boaters. Costs forthis item is based on general mainlenance / dredging. l/ Pier Boatslip User Fees arc zero for the first year due to limited accessibility. After dredging this area at the municipal pier, and based on 30 slips at an average docking fee of $ 10.00 I day. Dredging costs are estimated at $ 50000 for the first year, based on 17,000 m^3, the assumed volume of mateñal to be dredged. Thís will decline to maintenance dredging and in/out costs for the boatslipo. J/ Gontract Dredging Revenue is estimated to provide $ 460,000 based on dredging 20r00q ryq @ $23.00 per mne. Tha cost of oparatirg the IMS 50l2HP dredge is estimated to be $135.00 / hour at a production rate of 45 m^3 / hour. This equates to a cost of $ 60,00Uyearfor contract dredging plus $ 30,000 lyearlor Port Bunrell harbour maintenance dredging. Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 16 of 19 Noûe: The revenue eamed from a minimum of 10,000 m3 of contrad dredging would be required to make total revenues equal to total operating cæts. Fort Brr\ ,dl tedgitlg Flan Tabb: Mle#ræ MleCcnes Mle{sre SlaÉBte Éd He Brdget MÊrÊgE| ÈPÛtí€nt lnlüalÞe Pncject O3rf}3/2011 131ù41m11 $600 Pfvl roêd ¡áErnt HÞOnsrltEnt GantsApplicaüms Dedge Ferrit Âpd¡caüorÉ tuq¡e We&Equipmern Repac Dcdging Ste fuælle DedgeTrã¡n¡rp i/btillze ft dæ e Eqli prnÉrtt T€Ér æd$qg 15103'2011 311æfl'11 t30,0oo 14tæÍæ11 01lmfæ11 $1,0ü) ßß3rÐ11 01l04lm11 $2,0q) olt04tæ11 15lo4lãJ11 $25,æo 1er4l2o11 3gÉ[æ11 sao,mo 3ry05¿201f 2ffit2f11 $E,qn 27tæm11 Íþ7m11 $10,üþ fß7m11 2gÙ7m11 $10,m At\4 ñilun¡dp€lity PM Frpj€d lìtgmt Ai4 ñ,tur¡dp€llty AM fturicipal¡ty AÀ4 lturrdp€l¡ty ùfO Opelä¡qrs 1i4O OFÉrstlmg lro qêrätidrs Plan 201 1 Ín7ffi11 Milestones lnitialize Project Hire consultent Grants Applications Dredge Perm¡t Applicetions Procure Dretlge & Equipment Prepare Dredging Site Receive Dredge Training Mobilize Dredgê & Equipment Tesl Dredging Execute Dredging Plan 201'l Mar'11 Apr May Jun Jul Aug SeP Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harour Dredging. Page 17 of 19 Page 18 of 19 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-026 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COTINCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH I4,2OII WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the MunicipalAct,2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 2í,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municþal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised byby-law; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. TIIEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held March 14,20ll is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and afñxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 14th day of March, 201t. MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK By-Law 2011-026 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 19 of 19