HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 24, 2011 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, March 24, 2011 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011. (b)Minutes of the special meeting of Council held March 14, 2011. (c)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:15 p.m. - Valerie Donnell regarding "Concession Stand - East Beach". File: F18 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Excerpts from EON group of museum curators application for Sand Plains funding support. File: A01 (b)Invitation from Warden Dave Mennill and the Elgin County Council to attend the Elgin County Library's 75th Anniversary. File: A16 (c)Correspondence from Thames Valley District School Board regarding "2009 - 2010 Director of Education's Annual Report". File: A16 (d)Correspondence dated March 9, 2011 from Minister of Economic Development and Trade regarding "Project Ojibwa". File: A16 7-17 19-21 23-25 27-32 33 35-39 41 Page 1 of 159 Council Agenda March 24, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (e)Correspondence dated March 7, 2011 from Minister Responsible for Seniors regarding "2011 Senior of the Year Award". File: A16 (f)Copy of correspondence dated March 15, 2011 from the County of Elgin to the Town of Aylmer regarding "funding of property assessment appeals". File: C10 (g)Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held March 9, 2011. File: C06 (h)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. File: E00 (i)Correspondence dated March 2011 from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Newcomer Champion Awards". File: M02 (j)News Release from Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation regarding "Executive Director named for Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation." File: M06 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 1.Correspondence and Reports (a)Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". File: D10.11 Froese 2.PUBLIC MEETING 1.Public Meeting (a)7:30 p.m. - Rezoning Application - to change the zoning on a 1.9 acre of land from the Agriculture (A1) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone to match the zoning of the lands to which it will merge submitted by Csinos Farms Ltd. 43 45 47-49 51-59 61 63 65-74 Page 2 of 159 Council Agenda March 24, 2011 Page 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report DR2011-004 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Revised Schedule D". File: E09 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending March 6, 2011 totaling $59,735.34. (b)Correspondence dated March 1, 2011 from County of Elgin regarding "Invitation to County of Elgin Warden's Charity Golf Tournament". File: A16 75-89 91-94 95-106 107-110 Page 3 of 159 Council Agenda March 24, 2011 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (c)Correspondence dated February 25, 2011 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Appointment of Area and Municipal Weed Inspectors 2011". File: A16 (d)Correspondence dated March 11, 2011 from Historical Committee regarding "St. Luke's Anglican Church Vienna 150th Anniversary of the building of the church". File: C13 (e)Correspondence dated March 15, 2011 from CAA South Central Ontario and Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "CAA South Central Ontario and OGRA proposal to have H.S.T. gas tax revenue dedicated to transportation infrastructure and maintenance". File: A01 (f)Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". File: L04 (g)Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 (h)Staff Report F2011-05 regarding "Tax Sale". File: F22-11 10.ENVIRONMENT 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011. (c)Confidential Report regarding advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. (Ojibwa Lease Negotiations) (d)Confidential Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Harbour Facilities) (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS 111-112 113 115-117 119-126 127-144 145-147 Page 4 of 159 Council Agenda March 24, 2011 Page 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2011-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) (b)By-Law 2011-025 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2010-100 (Bartley Municipal Drain) (c)By-Law Z587-2011 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Csinos Farms Ltd.) (d)By-Law 2011-027 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 149-154 155 157-158 159 Page 5 of 159 Page 6 of 159 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Ptank Road, Straffordville March l0,20ll 7:00 PM The regularmeeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, March I0,20ll in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wa1m.e Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Knrger and Clerk Llarda Millard. Fi¡e Chief / By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch and Water Wastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens dalled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECTTNIARY INTEREST &AMP: THE GENERÄL NATURE THEREOF' None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regularmeeting of Council held February l7,2}ll. 20tt-09s Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held February 17r 2011 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added rtem(s) 20tt-096 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier f'THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93, request from the Calton Community Centre for permission to use the Municipal sign, a verbal update with respect to the County Budget status be added to the agenda as items 9(d) and 9(e) respectively." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 1 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 7 of 159 Council Minutes March 10,2011 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Inspector Brad Fishleigh, Detachment Commander of Elgin County Detachment regarding "Policing Services". File: Pl7 Douglas Gunn, Chairman, Elgin Group Police Services Board and Inspector Brad Fishleigh, Detachment Commander of Elgin County Detachment were in attendance. Douglas Gunn introduced himself to Council. He advised that the 2011 Policing Budget is facing a substantial increase of $358,340 from $5,484,471 tn20l0 to $5,842,811. The increase is due to the contract renewal with the OPP. The renewal is based on a 2008 model vs 2003 in the previous contract renewal. Bayham's share of the 5.07% increase is $46,706. It was noted that the province has mandated a}-year wage freeze for 2012 and 2013. Mr. Gunn advised that Bayham's budget share in 2010 was 13.03%. He added that alternate methods of apportioning lower tier costs are being looked at for 2011. Detachment Commander Fishleigh presented the Criminal Statistics Report for 20L0, which had been previously circulated to Council members. His report identified the current compliment of officers and staff and how they were organuedto provide policing services in the Elgin community. The Town of Aylmer and the City of St. Thomas are not included. The report also provided an overview of criminal and traffrc statistics for 2010 in comparison to Ontario and Canada. He added that2}ll is the first year of a three-year strategic plan for the OPP. He noted that the Crimestoppers program includes the Elgin, Middlesex and London area, and is self-supporting. Although domestic disturbance calls have increased 29.5% in 3 years, there have been decreases in assault, sexual assault, break and enters and theft under $5,000. Council input can be provided through the Police Service Board. 20rt-097 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the Report to Council from the Elgin County OPP Detachment regarding Policing Services be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) 7:30 p.m. - Erica Ameff, Elgin St. Thomas Public Health regarding "Healtþ Communities Partnership ". File: S08 Ms. Amett made a power point presentation. She noted that Public Health is seeking a representative from Council to participate on their Political Advisory Committee. She commented that there would be four or five ¡nssfings ayear at various locations and at a time most convenient for the members. The purpose is to adopt policy change that will create a Page2 of ll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 8 of 159 Council Minutes March 10, 2011 healthier community in St. Thomas and Elgin. A resolution to appoint Mayor Ens and Councillor Casier as altemate was passed. See item 9(b). (c) 7:45 p.m. - Glen Underwood and Doug Lester of the Harbourfront Committee regarding "Conditions and Future Use of Port Facilities". File: 401 Doug Lester stressed the need for dredging to be completed by October lst in order for the Ojibwa to be moved in by the end of October. The Committee ¡ssommendation was for the purchase of a suction dredge that would remove 25,000 to 30,000 cubic meters of dredged material in the harbour to clear a 60' width for a distance of 4,000' at a depth of 8'. It was noted that all types of dredging were not considered, and that prop-washing is not an effective option. It was questioned what operational costs can be expected. It was noted that Mr. Underwood has completed a Business Plan with costs estimated at $135 per hour. It was suggested that purchase of a suction dredge could generate revenue from other nearby harbours while maintaining continued use of the Port Burwell harbour in an economical and environmentally friendly manner. Mayor Ens offered to speak with other port Mayors in Elgin to see if there is any interest in sharing the use of the equipment. Questions were raised on whether this is an acceptable method of dredging and the likelihood of receiving the necessary minisfiy approvals. Staffwas directed to check with the MOE regarding feedback for dredging approvals. It was agreed that Council meet with Àlfr. Underwood to review and discuss the business plan for harbour dredging at a special meeting to be held on March L4that 7:00 p.m. 5. INÍ'ORMATION ITEMS (a) Correspondence dated March l,2}ll from Tim Hudak, Ontario PC Leader, regarding "Tim Hudak Will Fix Ontario's Broken A¡bitration System". File: 401 (b) Correspondence from WWF-Canada regarding "Earth Hour Canada 2OIl'. File: 401 (c) Correspondence from The Elgin - St. Thomas Municipal Association regarding "2lst Annual Meeting & Banquet". File: 404 (d) Correspondence received March 3,2011from The County of Elgin regarding "Regional Tourism Organization". File: A0l Page 3 ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 9 of 159 Council Minutes March l0,20lL (e) Correspondence dated February 4,2011from The Kidney Foundation of Canada regarding "Donation Thank You". File: 401 (Ð Board Brief Newsletter from Ontario Good Roads Association. File: 401 G) Correspondence dated February l8,2}l1 from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "Multi-Service Centre Programs". File: A0l (h) Correspondence dated February 24,2}ll from OSUM regarding "2011 OSUM Conference and Trade Show". File: 404 (Ð Correspondence dated February 23,2011 from Minisûry of Tourism and Culture regarding "Ontario Heritage Week". File: .4'16 (t) Correspondence dated March 2,2}ll from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Proposed Habit¿t Regulationunder the Endangered Species Act, 2007 for Eastem Flowering Dogwood", Endangered Species Act,2007 Brochure and Eastem Flowering Dogwood Factsheet. File: A16 (k) Correspondence received from Canada Business Ontario regarding"Products and Services". File: A16 (1) Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held February lO,2OlI. File: C06 (m) Museums Bayhamminutes of meetingheld February g,2}ll. File: C06 (n) Copy of correspondence dated January 3l,20ll from Steve Peters, MPP, Elgin - Middlesex - London sent to various Ministers regarding "Project Ojibwa". File: D06 (o) Correspondence dated February 10,2011 from Toby Barrett, MPP, Haldimand-Norfolk regarding "Project Ojibwa". File: D06 (p) Conespondence dated February 22,2011 from Diane Finley, MP for Haldimand - Norfolk regarding "Project Ojibwa". File: D06 Page4of1l Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 10 of 159 Council Minutes March 10, 2011 (Ð Conespondence dated February lO,2Ol1 from City of St. Thomas regarding "Project Ojibwa". File: D06 O Correspondence dated February 14,2011 from The Municipality of \Mest Elgin regarding "Elgin Military Museum / Project Ojibwa". File: D06 (s) Correspondence dated February 17,2Ol1 from Bayham Historical Society regarding "Donationt'. File: M08 (t) Elgin County OPP News Release dated Februrary 22 and24,2}ll regarding "O¡reration Heat 2011" and "Bayham Township Man Charged With Fraud". File: P17 (u) Corespondence dated February lO,2OI1 from Spriet Associates regarding "Dexter Line Relocation Project". File: T05 (v) Correspondence from Steve Walsh regarding "Bayham Hiring Survey to Draw Estherville Boundaries ". File: S09 201 l-098 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier TTTHAT information items 5(a) through 5(v) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 7. 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIYE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Report for month ending February 28,2011. File: P10 20tI-099 Moved by Councillor W Casier Secondçd by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Building Permit Report for month ending February 28,2011be received for information.rf CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY Page 5 ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 11 of 159 Council Minutes March 10, 2011 (b) SbffReport P2011-004 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2010 Annual Report". File: P16 Fire Chief Gord Roesch encouraged Council to attend a special session in Cenhal Elgin on March 23rd designed especially for members. He noted that a cost of $5,000 is being recommended in the draft2011 Fire Deparhent budget to hire a Chief Training Officer from within the volunteer base. 201 t-100 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report P20ll-004 regarding the 2010 Annual Report for the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Correspondence dated March 2,2}ll from St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital regarding "Request Use of Council Chambers". File: C13 201 1-101 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT correspondence from St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital be received; AIID THAT Council approves the request from the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital to use a Community Centre for an information session on Tuesday, March 22,2011from approvimately 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m; Ai\D THAT rental fees be waived excepting cleaning fees." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Email correspondence dated March 3, 2Ol1 from Bayham Historical Society regarding "Request Use of Council Chambers". File: C13 20rt-102 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT correspondence from the Bayham Historical Society be receiled; Page6of1l Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 12 of 159 Council Minutes March l0,20ll AI\D THAT Council approves the request from the Bayham Historical Society to use the Council Chambers for a workshop on paper repair on \ilednesday, April6, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Registerbeing Cheque #10018 to Cheque #l}l24 inclusive, except Cheques #10081 totaling $416,989.81 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending February 20, 20ll totaling $54,903.86. Staffwas requested to investigate hydro usage at the Vienna Memorial Park and take necessary steps to restrict public access to the service. 20tt-103 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Cheque Register being Cheque #10018 to Cheque #10124 inclusive, except Cheque #10081 totaling $416,989.81 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending February 20, 2011 totaling $54,903.86 be approved. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated Febnrary 18, 2011 f¡om Elgin St. Thomas Public Health regarding "Healthy Communities Parbrership". File: S08 20tr-t04 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT correspondence from the Elgin St. Thomas Public Health be received; THAT Council member Mayor Paul Ens be appointed to represent the Municipality of Bayham on the PoliticalAdvisory Committee; AND THAT Councillor Wayne Casier be appointed as an alternate." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (c) StaffReport PR201l-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". File: L04 201 1-105 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier Page7ofl1 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 13 of 159 Council Minutes March 10, 2011 "THAT Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties be deferred. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Correspondence received from Calton Community Centre regarding "Request Permission to Use the Municipal Sign". File: C13 20tt-106 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT correspondence from Calton Community Centre requesting use of the Municipal Sígn be received; AND THAT Council grants permission to use the sign as requested, subject to Municipal needs." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (e) Verbal Update regarding "County Budget Status". Mayor Ens advised members that County Council had undertaken a visioning exercise, compiled results and set goals to promote economic development and tourism, invest in roads, maintain current service levels and adopt an affordable tax rate. He noted the County and the Township of Southwold are appealing the assessment loss through the upcoming close of the Talbotville Ford plant later n20I1. The expected loss to the County alone is projected to be $7 million over the next ten years. Budget increases are proposed for roads, libraries, tourism and economic development being offset by significant withdrawals from operating reserves. It is anticipated that reserves will be retumed to par in ten years through the annual levy. 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) 2010 Compliance Summary Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 20tI-107 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT 2010 Compliance Summary Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System be received for information." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY PageSofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 14 of 159 Council Minutes March 10,2011 (b) 2010 Richmond Water System Annual Report. File: E08 201 1-108 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT 2010 Richmond Water System Annual Report be received for information.t' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) 2010 Annual Report from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System. File: E08 207t-t09 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor TTTHAT 2010 Annual Report from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System be received for Ínformation." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 201 1-l 10 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor T Southwick I'THAT in accordance with Section 12 of Procedural By-Law 2002-93, Council shall deal with business until ll p.m. at its meeting of March l0r20ll.t' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. COMNIITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In camera. 20tr-trt Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an rrln Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 10225 p.m. to discuss: o a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; ¡ labour relations or employee negotiations." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 9 of 1l Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 15 of 159 Council Minutes March 10, 2011 (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 17 , 201I. (c) Confidential Verbal Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Harbour Divestiture) (d) Confidential Verbal Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Staff Issue) (e) Confidential Verbal Report regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipalþ or local board' (Ojibwa Lease Negotiations) Defened until the next meeting. (Ð out of Camera. 20rl-lt2 Moved by DeputyMayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'TTHAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 10:53 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LA\MS (a) By-Iaw 2OIl-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement. (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Deferred until the next meeting. (b) By-Law 2OIl-023 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 20rt-tt3 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by De,puty Mayor M Taylor TTTHAT confirming By-Law 20ll-023 be read a first second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 10 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 16 of 159 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 10, 2011.Page 17 of 159 Page 18 of 159 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Monday, March l4r20ll 7:00 PM Municipal OfÏice Committee Room The special meeting of Council of the Municþality of Bayham was held onMonday, March 14, 201I in the Municipality of Bayham Committee Room. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw Administrator Kyle Kruger and Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill. 1. CALLTO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2, DISCLOST]RE OF PECT]NIARY INTEREST AND TTIE GENERAL NATT]RE TIIEREOF None 3. DELEGATION (a) Glen Underwood regarding Business Plan for Harbou¡ Dredging. In attendance to present the Business Plan for Harbour Dredging were Glen Underwood, Barry Wade and Earl Shea. Mr. Underwood presented the business plan adding to the Executive Summary the length of the dredged areawill be approximately 4000 feet long. When reviewing the Owning & Operating Costs Table, it was asked if the County of Elgin costing was in the County budget to which B. Wade responded saying it was not confirrned but the expectation is that grants would be available. G. Underwood proceeded to explain the section entitled "Details of Revenue Sourcing and Operating Costs". He explained that revenues from contract dredging could be used for loan repayment and/orplaced in a reserve fund for equipment replacement. When asked about training costs, he explained that uaining through the manufacturer was included in the price and it takes place in June. Mayor advised that he spoke with a Town of Coburg representative about their dredging experience and was informed that the operators require a seaman vessel operator's licence- Council requested G. Underwood investigate the possibility of "lease to o\ryn" arrangement to provide the municipality the opportunity to try the vessel and to better understand the potential. Councii requested the quote be revised to include a combination of flexible and rigid discharge hose. When asked if there would be sufftcient time in the season to dredge Port Bu¡well and contract the vessel out to other ports, G. Underwood explained that in the first year Port Burwell would be the focus Page 1 of3 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held March 14, 2011.Page 19 of 159 Council Special Meeting Minutes March l4,20II and the move into contracting would begin the second year as indicated in the Owning & Operating Costs Table. When asked if there had been any further discussion with the Dundee Corporation, G. Underwood responded there had been nothing further. K. Kruger responded to a question about previous contact with the approval agencies by saying preliminary dredging discussions have taken place, Mr. Riggs was enlisted to assist in the conversations and that the approval agencies at this point would only entertain further discussions with a full proposal to consider. Council asked if it is a cerüainty that dredging is needed for Project Ojibwa to which K. Kruger responded by salng that dredgrng may not be the only method to get the submarine in and that other more costly mechanisms may be possible. After fu¡ther discussion on the proposal requirements and time-lines, consensus of Council was to proceed with a proposal. Council directed staff to prepare a proposal to submit to the necessary agencies for approvals for hydraulic dredgrng. 201 t-l t5 Moved by Deputy Mayor M. Taylor Seconded by Councillor E. Ketchabaw "TIIAT the Business Plan from the Ilarbourfront Committee be received; AI{D TIIAT Staffbe directed to proceed with a proposal to necessary agencies for approvals for hydraulic dredging." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 4. BY.LA\ry (a) By-Law 20Il-026 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 201 l-ll6 Moved by Councillor W. Casier Seconded by Councillor T. Southwick 'TTIIAT By-Law 20ll-026 be read a lirst, second and third time and frnally passed.t' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page2 of3 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held March 14, 2011.Page 20 of 159 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held March 14, 2011.Page 21 of 159 Page 22 of 159 V Sam's Ptace Beach Enhancement Proposa , F t8 March 24,2011 Background Sam's Place has provided food and snacks to beach goers at the east beach in Port Burwell since the 1950's. We have gained a reputation for quality food and outstanding homemade fries. As owner/operator I have provided seasonal food services for many years. My most recent contract began in 2009 and will extend to the end of the 2011 season. With the investment in the Harbourfront improvements such as, the new washroom facilities, posts and rope parking area, and regular grooming of the beach, volleyball nets, WiFi,2010 was one of the busiest years in recent memory. I have been a Bayham resident most of my life and I am committed to the ongoing development of the area. Proposal In order to provide the level of service area visitors deserve I would like to invest in an improved facility. This would increase our ability to serve more customers and decrease the wait times. I would build a legacy of quality service for beachgoers that would raise the expectation for any future lease holders who provide services to visitors to the harbour and beach. The proposed new main concession booth is 10'x16'and much more attractive than the trailers and other booths that have been used on the beach in recent years. You willfind a picture attached to this proposal. The unit meets all Fire codes and Health Unit requirements and if hooked to Municipal sewer is equipped with a grease intercept system. I have learned much from my years of business and community activities in Bayham. I believe that I have the vision and skillto provide consistent service and an ongoing commitment to community improvement. I believe it is time for Council to reconsider the terms of beach concession lease agreements. ln order to invest in quality facilities a vendor needs assurance that the lease will allow for time to pay back the investment. This is not just about building a business but it is also about building relationships. lt takes time to learn names and get to know the regular customers and their families. 7:15 p.m. - Valerie Donnell regarding "Concession Stand - East Beach". Page 23 of 159 When Council awards the right to provide services on the beach or in the Harbourfront area there needs to be a consideration for long term offerings. The esthetics of the facility, relationships with clientele, service to the washrooms, and commitment to the community all need to be considered. I am asking Gouncilto offer Sam's Place a 5 year lease to allow us to invest in an improved facility that will provide consistent high quality appearance and service to visitors at Port Burwell's East beach. lf Council chooses to stay the course; I will complete my current agreement with the excellent service as in the past two summers. lf Council chooses to offer a new five year lease; I will purchase an enhanced facility and increase my staffing and service offerings. I hope to open by the first warm weekends in April. lf Council is open to a new lease I would need a decision as soon as possible. 7:15 p.m. - Valerie Donnell regarding "Concession Stand - East Beach". Page 24 of 159 7:15 p.m. - Valerie Donnell regarding "Concession Stand - East Beach". Page 25 of 159 Page 26 of 159 /)o i 11. Describe how the project meets the SPCDF priorities and preferences The project's primary focus is on enhancing the region's tourist infrastructure primarily in the rural areas through the development of a barn quilt trail containing a minimum of 100 locations across the sand plains region. Barn quilt trails -colourful quilt blocks painted on 8x8 foot panels and attached to barns - have established a huge tourist following in the US and have been springing up in Ontario since 2009. Each block, designed and painted by community members, reflects some aspect of the cultural heritage of our rural communities. The trail will act as a companion to both existing asset trails such as Carolinian Canada, bike and walking trails such as the TransCanada Trial, as well as to tourist trails such as the motorcycle trail, the culinary tourism trail and farm gate tours. The project is very much a locally-driven initiative: a series of county-level steering committees made up of volunteer artists, business owners and heritage groups lead by community museums will build a on-going support structure for the continued growth of the quilt trail. A major objective is the collaboration between tourist associations and their for-profit members with non-profit cultural service providers such as museums and arts collaboratives. The applicant represents over 30 galleries, museums and attactions in Elgin, Oxford and Norfolk with several members in Middlesex, Each of the counties in the sand plains will be offered participation in the project through their tourism offrces and museums. Rural tourism is all about heritage, rural culture, and agriculture. A themed barn quilt route will draw attention to the stories, history, and people (intangible assets) and fheless flashy historical caims and cemeteries (tangible assets). This multi-faceted project will connect rural communities to their urban audience. The project's extensive use of social media and the web will help rural businesses and non-profits cross the digital divide. Finally, the project envisionS using fi.rnding from sands plains to leverage additional support for the creation and promotion of the barn quilt trail through sponsorship and in- kind assistance support while using the funds strategically to create the initial series of 100 barn quilts. Sand Plains priorities addressed: 2. Supporting Entrepreneurship 4. Investing in rural tourism infrastructure - value added. 9. Enhancing the Quality of Life of Our Communities 14. Marketing Themed Touring Routes 15. Developing an Agri-Tourism Showcase Excerpts from EON group of museum curators application for Sand Plains funding support. Page 27 of 159 12. Describe the project Overall the project envisions the creation of a bam quilt trail through the five counties of the Sands Plains region composed of a minimum of 100 painted 8x8 foot blocks located at selected barns, rural buildings, tourist attractions and museums. The blocks will either be mounted on the structure or free-standing. Our plan draws on the phenomenal explosion in barns quilts experienced in the United States. Starting in Ohio in 2000, atotal of 24 states now have counties with quilt trails. A state-wide study of the Ohio barn quilt experience concluded that, "trails bring tourism and tourist dollars into the region, engage people in their communities, and promote local culture and history." In Ontario, two trails exist: one in Temiskaming developed for the 2009 IPM, and in Wardsville in Middlesex County. The Wardsville project, led by Creative Community's partners Mary Simpson and Denise Corneil, was a positive community-building experience with valuable lessons for this project. The Elgin, Oxford, Norfolk Museum Association (EON) has over 35 members in three of the five counties in the Sand Plains region, as well as contacts in Middlesex and Brant Counties. The member museums wiil co-ordinate a community steering committee of 10- 15 members in each county who will work with suppliers, artists, writers, and site owners to create the quilt blocks. The steering committees will include members from tourism and economic development offices, Women's Institutes, 4H Clubs, Federation of Agriculture offices and tourist orgarizations and schools. 'Workshops led by consultants from Creative Communities will provide the committees with the tools and knowledge to involve their community in the development of their part of the trail. The committees will then work with artists, quilters, and researchers to develop their county's section of a barn quilt tour. They will also assess locations and seek support and sponsorship to leverage Sand Plains dollars. The project budget is based on completing and installing a minimum of 20 blocks per county. Additional support will allow for more blocks to go up in this initial phase. Another of the Ohio study findings was that creative advertising was a key to drawing tourists to the quilt trails. A promotional plan designed to appeal to the identified market segment at home and across the border, will be created with the help of county tourist authorities and RTO 1 staff. A-key eiement of the campaign will be the use of the web for maps and guides as well as to disseminate information on each quilt, its site and on other nearby attractions. Extensive use of social media sites will be made as a pÍomotion strategy. Production of a mobile appiication for smart phones is also planned. Excerpts from EON group of museum curators application for Sand Plains funding support. Page 28 of 159 13. Describe the project's activities The project's main activities (Facilitation, Design, Fabrication and Installation, Interpretation and Promotion) will occur at the county level where they will be directed by the steering committees. The EON Museum Association Barn Quilt Project Team will co-ordinate promotion, guide the work of the consultants and report to the OACFDC. Facilitation and Project Management Creative Communities will develop and administer the tools listed below for use by the steering committees in creating their part of the trial: -A best-practice manual capturing and distilling the experience in other jurisdictions including marketing and commercial opportunities and fund raising techniques and methods. - a criterion for assessing potential sites - a how-to guide to designing and creating the barn quilt blocks - standardized tracking tools for determining visitation rates - guidance in the use of web-based promotional tools and social media - a strategy for on-going development of the trail - a performarLce maîagement framework and reporting system - a one page brochure outlining the project - an information packages for potential sites and sponsors - project monitoring tools for gathering information on volunteer hours A one-day workshop will be held bringing together the steering committee with volunteers and potential site owners and sponsors to receive an orientation to this material. Design Following the workshops the community steering committees will assess potential sites and develop a series of potential designs based on cornmunity and site history. These designs will be developed by artists and quilters in collaboration with site owners, researchers and the committee. Each county's steering committee will actively leverage Sand Plains funds through soliciting supplies and identi$ing sponsors. Artist or cultural collaboratives will be invited to participate where they exist and where possible schools will be encouraged to produce quilt blocks. Fabrication and fnstallation The budget provides for a mjnimum of 100 blocks to be built, painted and installed. However it is expected that a portion of each will be funded through the site owner, sponsorship and in-kind supplies. The funds will then be used for additional blocks to expand the trail to the maximum number possible during the2011 season. Excerpts from EON group of museum curators application for Sand Plains funding support. Page 29 of 159 The cost of production is estimated at$1000.00 per quilt based on the experience in Wardsville. Economies of scale including bulk purchases will be followed as well as sharing of resources wherever possible. An event promoting the trial will be scheduled to coincide with the completion of the blocks in each county. The production of the blocks will be contracted by Creative Communities. Promotion Promotional opporhrnities exist throughout the life of the project. A web site hosted by the Museum Association will be set up at the outset of the project to contain information generated by the workshops as well as links to other projects and FAQ's. Potential sites, sponsors and volunteers can respond through the web site with ideas and suggestions and/or requests for information. The steering committees wiil atl be able to easily add information and provide updates. All material related to the sites (iocation, images, history, etc.) will be available on the web site's social media links such as Flickr and Twitter. The EON Project Committee will work with the tourist offices in the region and with the staff of RTO 1 to devise a campaign for both the local and cross border markets. A printed or down-loadable map will be produced. Opportunities to include other types of attractions such as bike trails, farm ma¡kets and nature trails for inclusion in a printed map will be activity investigated. In consultation with the region's tourist authorities a campaign targeting the demographic associated with visits to cultural activities will be developed for the 2012 season. 14. Describe the intended benefits of the project. How will it help the region remain competitive? Enhanced Tourist Infrastructure The development of the trial will add a new and potentially very popular attraction to the range of tourist options now available in the region. The trail will include less traveled tourist routes to allow visitors to "discover" other aspects of what the region has to offer. At least two counties Middlesex and Norfolk will draw on the imagery and history of the war of 1812 in their region as the basis for the quilt biocks. Statistics through tracking tools will determine the economic impact of the trail during the first year of operation Q0l2). The trail will contribute to the development of strategies aimed at bringing more visitors to the region in the shoulder seasons. Marketing Linkages Marketing opporhrnities wiil be created for tourist-oriented businesses linked via the web to the trail site. The site and the trail will link heritage sites and museums with tourist- Excerpts from EON group of museum curators application for Sand Plains funding support. Page 30 of 159 oriented entrepreneurs and attractions. There is also potential in cross promoting the trailwith other attractions such as bike and walking trails, arts trails and farm markets. Communify Development and eualify of Life Community goupl will develop skitls necessary to promote their communities through arange of web-based social media sites for example Goggle maps, Flickr, Twitter linked tothe EoN website which will host the South Coalt barnãail sitè. tne quilt production process allows for the participation of diverse groups of peopie from schoói age to ¡e{o|s' Participation in community -driven events^and projåcts can greatly .rih*r.individual and community quality of life particularly in rutát u..u, *Lrre ópportunities ofthis type are rare. Foliowing the initial phase the trail will take on a life of its own thanks to the investmentin community building and to the response from visitors from near and, far.The web sitewill be continuously maintained by the museum association after completion of thisphase of the project. Leadership in tourist strategies ìi:i: this region. oPing io to Promotes Agricultural Heritage Agriculture has a long history in the region reflected in the surviving barns and farmstructures. Use of historic bams provides our volunteers and ultimately our visitors withan opportunity to explore one of the key themes in the region,s history. Measurable benefits include a physical barn quilt trail containing a minimurn of 100blocks. As well as a web site dedicated to the trail and providing related material aboutthe blocks, the sites where they are located and the communitieJ in which they can befound. Excerpts from EON group of museum curators application for Sand Plains funding support. Page 31 of 159 18'.Describe how your proiect team witl administer the proiect. How will it repo¡f on the progress anddeliverables internally and to the OACFDC? The roject team will oversee the project. lt iscom i{ent, project chair, treasurer añd the 5 countystee This committee wiih the assistance of the leadconsultants will ma.nge the project, enter into contracts and report to theoAcFDc' The EoN project teàm will furnish regular monthly progress reports onsites and sponsors secured, volunteer hours coirpiled, and ôn thä production ofblock designs and interpretive stories. The eon membership is composed of professional curators, archivists and sitemanagers familiar with current financial and human resource managementtechniques. Recent experience in coordinating regional activities includes theassociation's participation in the IPM in 201o.EOÑ obtained a Trillium giantallowing it to design and installed a large exhibition in a 60x80 tent featúringguige9' interpreters, aftifacts, live demonstrators and re-enactors and interactiveactivities along with a series of 20 pop-up display banners which were laterreinstalled in the member museums as a legacy. so,ooo map guides to themember museums and attractions were priñteo as well. over í0,000 peàpletoured the tent during the 5 days of the match. EON will retain the services of Cultural Communities (Mary Simpson and DeniseCorneil) to provide expertise in the development of sp'onsor and site ownerpackages; establis eria for the rocar committees to foilow;provide orientation during the selection design andfabrication phases. unications consultants will be retainedto establish a web presence using the EoN website and to developcommunicatíon tools for accessing information about the trail and othercommuníty assets through social media. Excerpts from EON group of museum curators application for Sand Plains funding support. Page 32 of 159 ElgrnCounty Library Celebrating 75 years. 1936-2011 WørilenDøoeMennill øndtheMembers of Elgin County Council cordially inaite you to a CeIebrøtion Inhonour of the Elgin County Library's /J,ttr lnni71ersary W ednes døy, April the tro enty - s ezt enth tuto thousønd ønd eleoen L:00 - 4:00 pm (Brief ceremony nt 3:00 pm) Port Stanley Library 302 Bridge Street, Port Stønley, Ontnrio For further information, pleøse call519-631-1460 x1-48 ¡,ÒOO¡- Invitation from Warden Dave Mennill and the Elgin County Council to attend the Elgin County Library's 75th Anniversary. Page 33 of 159 Page 34 of 159 5 Bill Tucker, Director of Educotion ond Secrelory 2O11 Februayl1 flB.-a Dear Partner ih Education: I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the 2oog-2010 Dírector of Education's Annual Report for the Thames Valley District School Board. lt is my pleasure to highlight the many outstanding initiatives our students and staff havg been involved with during the past year. Student Achievement is the key focus at the Thames Valley District School : Board. lt is my hope that this report will provide you with a clear understanding of the Boardrs system goal, pr:iorities, accomplishments, capital initiatives and many other exciting programs that support student learning. We have also featured many initiatives that suppod parent and community engagement. one example of this is the formation of the Director's Anti-Bullying Task Force that brought together members of the community to address the issue of bullying. Our report is also available online at www.tvdsb.ôn.ca I welcome you to contact my office at 519-452-2000, ext. 20222 to provide me with any feedback that you may have. ll Tucker Director of Education encl. Thomes Volley Districl School Boord Office of the Director of Educotion 1250 Dundos Street, P.0. Box 5888, London,Ontorio NóA 5Ll Tel, (519) 452-2000Exr.20222 Fox: (519) 452-2396 websire: www.tvdsb.on.co /4 eai¿ø , .Aeaructq eor4t4tzt4äll Correspondence from Thames Valley District School Board regarding "2009 - 2010 Director of Education's Annual Report". Page 35 of 159 Thames Valley District School Board D¡rector's Annual Report Correspondence from Thames Valley District School Board regarding "2009 - 2010 Director of Education's Annual Report". Page 36 of 159 Dear Colleague: I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the 2009-2010 Director's Annual Report for the Thames Valley District School Board. It is my pleasure to take this opportunity to highlight many of the outstanding initiatives that were implemented during the last schoolyear and the many notable accomplishments of our students, staff and school communities. I trust you willfind this report informative and that it will provide you with a better understanding of many of our achievements and challenges in the 2009-2010 schoolyear. This report is also available on the Thames Valley District School Board website at www.tvdsb.ca. BILL TUCKER Director of Education TVDSB IMPROVEMENT PLAN System Goal To increase the literacy and numeracy skills of WDSB studenfs to meet Provincial achievement and graduation targets by 2010-2011 and to decrease student achievement gaps. Guiding Principles ¡ Our students will acquire skills that reflect their relevant grade level and provincial standards . Our students will have access to programs appropriate to their needs and pathways ¡ Our staff will foster a positive and engaging environment to support student learning ¡ Our staff will foster family and community supports to assist student learníng Strategic Goals . lncrease reading skills among Early Years students . lncrease writing skills among Primary and Junior students . lncrease credits earned by Grade 9 students . lncrease secondary school graduation rates /4 eazl"r. y'ea.z**,tg @øøarut4 Correspondence from Thames Valley District School Board regarding "2009 - 2010 Director of Education's Annual Report". Page 37 of 159 Table of Contents TRUSTEES AND SCHOOL BOARD GOVERNANCE PAGE 7 The Role of Trustees Governance PrinciPles Board Meetings ln Camera Sessions Responsibility for student achievement Award of Distinction OURSTUDENTS,OURSCHOOLS PAGEg Enrolment trends and capital planning TVDSBActualandProjectedFTEEnrolment2005-06to2015-16(Chad) Enrolment trends Enrolment by Grade: Elementary (Chart) Enrolment by Grade: Secondary (Chart) Student Accommodation Enrolment in Primary Classes (Chart) Full-DaY Kindergarten (FDK) FDK Enrolment (Chart) French lmmersion Elementary Enrolment 2005-06 to 2015-16 (Chad) Secondary Enrolment 2005-06 to 2015-16 (Chart) MEASURING STUDENT SUCGESS ,r- !- ^-1^,i PAGE 13 WDSB vs the HighestànJ lowest peñorming Schoot Boards in Ontarìo EQAO Grade 3 Results (Charts) EQAO Grade 6 Results (Charts) EQAO Grade 9 Results (Charts) OSSLT Grade 10 Results (Chafts) EQAO Trends and 2011 targets for Grade 6 students (Chads) MEASURES TO IMPROVE EQAO RESULTS PAGE 17 Grade 1 Summer Literacy and Numeracy Schools in the Middle and Low Performing Schools Enrolment by Gender: Elementary (Chart) Enrolment by Gender: Secondary (Chart) LiteracY and NumeracY Tutoring Student Success School Support lnitiative EQUITY AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION " PAGE 20 gngli"h l-"nguage Learners in Elementary Schools Students' First Language (Chart) English Language Learners in Secondary School ESUELD Programs First Nations, Métis and lnuit (FNMI) Education Self-ldentified FNMI students (Chad) Correspondence from Thames Valley District School Board regarding "2009 - 2010 Director of Education's Annual Report". Page 38 of 159 MEASURING AVHIEVEMENT AMONG DIFFERENT STUDENTS PAGE 22 EQAO Grade 3 COMPARISONS: (Chafts) Male and Female, English Language Learners and Special Needs students EQAO Grade 6 COMPARISONS: (Charls) Male and Female, English Language Learners and Special Needs students EQAO Grade 9 Math COMPARISONS: (Charts) Mde and Female, English Language Learners and Special Needs students OSSLT Grade 10 Literacy COMPARISONS: (Chad) Male and Female, English Language Learners and Special Needs students IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING THROUGH SPECIAL EDUCATION PAGE 25 Special Education Custody, Care and Treatment Facilities ALTERNATIVE LEARNING PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS PAGE 26 U-Turn Alternative Education Continuous Entry Cooperative Education ReConnect to Your Future Suspensions (Char1) Dual Credit Programs with Lambton Gollege Specialized Cooperative Education Summer Cooperative Education Grade 10 Credit Accumulation (Chart) ENGAGTNG OUR STUDENTS, PARENTS AND COMMUNTTTES PAGE 29 Encouraging student and family involvement Safe Schools Director's Community Task Force on Anti-Bullying Students SPEAK UP! Thames Valley Parent lnvolvement Committee Community Use of Facilities Thames Valley Education Foundation STUDENTHEALTHANDSAFETY PAGE33 Accomplishments ¡n environmental programming and technology senrices Environmental Education and Management Policy and Procedures Ontario EcoSchools Waste Minimization Energy Conseruation School Ground Greening Environmental Education Centres Secondary School Student Environmental Symposium STRATEGIC USEOFTECHNOLOGY PAGE35 Learn 360 Online Databases eTextbooks SmaÉBoards "Full-day, everyday kindergarten is'a blessing' for kids, parents and educators," says the TVDSB official responsible for rolling out the new program in 19 London and area public schools. "lt's a blessing on both sides," Celine Bourbonnais- MacDonald, a superintendent with the Thames Valley District School Board, said of the extension of full-day schooling. "Parents have peace of mind knowing they don't have to race to school, child care and work and educators are able to work with kids and advocate for them daily," she said. PageAl - London Free Press Correspondence from Thames Valley District School Board regarding "2009 - 2010 Director of Education's Annual Report". Page 39 of 159 Page 40 of 159 5 4tçMinister of Economic Development and Trade Hearst Block, Queen's Park 900 Bay Street Toronto ON M7A 2E1 Telephone: (416) 325-6900 Facsimile: (416)325-6918 www. ontario.caleconomy M2011-0223-46261 l,tAR 0 g 20ll inister Ministre du Développement économique et du Commerce Édif¡ce Hearst, Queen's Park 900, rue Bay Toronto ON M7A 2E1 Téléphone: (416)325-6900 Télécopieur : (416) 325-691 8 wwwontario.caleconomie His Worship Paul Ens Mayor Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road PO Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayor Ens: Your Member of Provincial Parliament Steve Peters, Elgin-Middlesex-London, has asked me to respond to the proposal for the tourism attract¡on Project Ojibwa, which involves moving a de-commissioned Canadian Royal Navy submarine and the establishment of a permanent tourism attraction. The Ministry of Economíc Development and Trade has the opportunity to fund economic deveiopment studies, but would require more detailed information on this proposed project. Ministry staff are available to review and discuss the proposed plans. lnformation about MEDT's Communities in Transition (CiT) program can be found on the ministry's website at www.ontariocanada.com/ontcan/l medUen/progserv_cit_en.jsp. The program's Senior Advisor Ms. Tina Mora can be reached at tina.mora@ontario.ca or by telephone at 41 6-325-6969. Please accept my best wishes. Sincerely, The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation The Honourable John Wilkinson, Minister of the Environment The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance The Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of lnfrastructure The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism and Culture Mr. David Mennill, Warden, County of Elgin Mr. Joe Preston, MP, Elgin-Middlesex-London Mr. Steve Peters, MPP, Elgin-Middlesex-London Ms. Tina Mora Ontarío Correspondence dated March 9, 2011 from Minister of Economic Development and Trade regarding "Project Ojibwa". Page 41 of 159 Page 42 of 159 f') AtÞMinister ResponsÍble for Seniors 6'h Floor, Frost South 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto (OntarÌo) M7A 1Y7 Tef: (416)325-2338 Fax: (41ô) 3274493 M¡ntstre détéguée aux AffaÍres des personnes âgées 6" Ëtage, Frost $ud 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1Y7Tél: (41ô) 325-2338 Téléc: (416) 327-4453 3445MC-2 A1t25 March 7, 2t11 Dear Mayor, Reeve and Members of Councif: It is with great pteäsure that I invite you to participate in the 2û11 Senior of the Year Award. ThÍs annual award was established in f 994 to give each municipality in Ontario the opportunity to honour one outstanding local senior. Recipients are individua[s who, after age 65, have enríched the sociaf, cuftural or civ¡c life of the community without thought of personäf or financial gain. A certificate, providÊd by the Ontario government, Ís slgned b'y the Honourable David G. Onley, Lieutenant Governor, myself as Minister Responsible for Seniors, and the local Head of Councll. The Governrflent of Ontario is proud to offer this important initÍative. You may wish to consider invofvíng local MPPs in your selection process or presentation ceremony. Council rnay also wish to host a presentafttn ceremony honouring the Senior of the Year Award recipient Èn June, when we pay tribute to seniors äcross OntarÌo. This year wilf mark the 27th anniversary of Seniors' l\¡lonth which recognizes the contrÍbutions seniors make to family, community, province and country. The SenÍor of the Year nominat¡on forms are available on the Ministry of CitÞenship and lmmigration's website, at www,ontario.ca/honoursandawards. Fotlow the link to Ontario Honours and Awards, download the form and fax it to 416-314-7743, or submit your nomination online by choosing the "E[ectron[c Nomination" option. NomÍnations must be received by April 30, 201 1. For additional information, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat by phone, at 416-314-7526, toll-free 1-877-832-8622, or TTY 416-327-2391. Ontario's seniors deserue special recognition for their outstanding accomplishments. By working together, we can ensure they are honaured în a meanÍngfulway. Sincerely, æpË*&f*f.d Sophia Aggelonitis MinÍster Gntario Correspondence dated March 7, 2011 from Minister Responsible for Seniors regarding "2011 Senior of the Year Award". Page 43 of 159 Page 44 of 159 5 ElgrnCottuty March 15,2011 Ms. Jennifer ReynaeÉ Director of Finance and Human Resources Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7 Dear Ms. Reynaeft: L/ o At its March 8,2011 Elgin County Council meeting, the following resolution was approved: "THAT the County Treasurer be authorized to approve requests from the municipalities for 50 per cent funding of property assessment appeals. i'Îti:;i*arden Dave Men nirr" The resolution was based on a report by the County's Director of Financial Services, Jim Bundschuh, and was initiated by two requests: one, from the Township of Southwold, in regard to the reassessment of the Ford property; and, your request, included in a letter from you, dated March 2,2011, regarding reassessments of lmperial Tobacco and Loblaw's. Please contact Mr. Bundschuh directly about your appeals. He may be reached at extension 141. Yours truly, '/*"+'?ilt/,0,,-*,1Susan McConnell Administrative Services Coord inator c.c. All Municipal Paftner Treasurers Mayor Couckuyt and Members of Aylmer Council Elgin County Director of Financial Services, Jim Bundschuh County of Elgln Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, On N5R 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 www.el gi n-county.on.ca Progressive by Nature Copy of correspondence dated March 15, 2011 from the County of Elgin to the Town of Aylmer regarding "funding of property Page 45 of 159 Page 46 of 159 Coø MUSEUMS BAYIIAM Minutes of March 9r20ll Meeting Bayham Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hickey, Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary- Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Brian Masschaele, Cheryl Peters, Mat Schafer, Anna Schafer, Ron Bradfield, Jean'Woon. Regrets: Councillor Tom Southwick 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at7:05 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None 3. AGENDÄ: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded bllR.Maddox that the agenda be aooroved with additions. Motion Canied. UndèiNew Business: a) PB Trinity Anglican Church 175ù Anniversary b) PB Historical Society donation of artefacts 4. MINUTES: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by C.Buchanan Carried. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Info letter & brochure from Moore Museum in Sarnia b) Letter from Pt.Burwell Childcare Centre requesting gift certificate to all museums for promotion purposes. It was moved by C.Buchanan and seconded by J.Woon that we donate 1 family passport for I free admission to our museums to the Pt. Burwell Communitv Childcare Centre. Motion Carried. c) Verbal invitation from St.Thomas Historical Society to join them at the Mill Tales Inn in Tillsonburg for supper on March 23 from 6 - 7 :30 pm. Buffet costs $22. Followed by tour of Annandale House Museum where they'Il hold their monthly meeting. 6. REPORTS: A) Marine Museum Report: No report B) Edison Museum Report: No report C) New Edison Building Committee: No report Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held March 9, 2011. File: C06 Page 47 of 159 Museums Bayham March 9r20ll 2 T.MATTERS OUT OF THE MINUTES: a) EON Meeting: Bayham hosted the March 3,2011 EON meeting at 9:30 am at the Municþaloffice. Nineteen people attended. Muffins and drinks were provided. At this meeting a motion was made to spearhead a Sand Plains funding application to cover the cost of 20 barn quilt signs per count¡ plus administration, advertising, and technical support. A lively discussion ensued exploring the options for Bayham, including using the garage þpe door at the Marine Museum as a location for a nautical themed barn quilt mural. It was also noted that20 barn quilts per county might not be enough to lure a tourist to our area. Rather clusters of 10-12 barn quilts in a localized area would be more attractive to visitors and could better tell the community's story. The general consensus was that Museums Bayham supported EON's motion to submit an application to Sand Plains to fund this project. b) Tillsonburg Home & Rec. Show: March 25,26,27 Volunteers as follows; Fríday March 2fl 3 - 9 pm: C.Peters, C.Buchanan & R.Bradfield. Søturdøy Mørch 26) 11:30 am - 9:00 pm Historical Society members Sunday March 27) 11:30 - 3:00 pm L.Acre & T.Southwick 3 - 5:00 pm C.Buchanan & R. Bradfield Extra volunteers are needed for Saturday March 26 from I 1:30 - 3:00 to allow people to attend the PC nomination meeting in St.Thomas. R.Maddox will attempt to enlist volunteers at tomorrow's Bayham Historical Society meeting. Gift Basket for Free I)raw: C.Peters will bring items from the Edison Museum and the Municþal ofEce and Bonnie Bradfield will bring items from the Marine Museum. c) St. Thomas Home & Rec. Show: April I - 3. The Elgin County Museum has rented a l0 X 10 space and we are invited to contribute some promotional material there. Volunteers to "man" the exhibit are also needed. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A) \ilestern Alliance Partners Meeting: There was a meeting today to plan for the War of 1 8 12- l 8 14 Commemoration. Mike Baker is the County rep and Chuck Buchanan is our rep. A DVD willbe made to illustrate the ÏVar's effect on settlers, including lots of local stories. Anna Schafer noted that her father, KC Emerson, has a musket used in the War of 1812. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held March 9, 2011. File: C06 Page 48 of 159 Museums Bayham March 9,2011 3 7. NEW BUSTNESS ( CONTINUED) B) Pt.Burwetl Trinity Anglican Church's 175th Anniversary: J.'Woon reported that on l|l4ay 22 there would be a special service. Attendees may dress in period costumes. They will assemble at the Parish Hall first and march behind a bag¡liper to the church for a traditional service. A reception will be held after the service at the Parish Hall. It was moved by B.Masschaele and seconded by L.Acre that the Municipality of Bayham prepare a certificate of C) Project Ojibwa: There will be a public meeting at the Vienna Community Cenfe on Wednesday March 30. D) Pt.Burwell Historical Society Donation: Ron Bradfield presented 9 historical based books, 6 transcripts of Ida Haggan's genealogies ( stories and histories of all our local families) and one metal medallion commemorating the sinking of the ship Lusitania by the Germans. It was moved by M.Schafer the Pt.Burwell Historical Societ)¡. Motion Carried. It was moved by J.V/oon and seconded by C.Peters that the secretary send a letter to the Pt.Burwell Historical Society thanking thern for the donation. Motion Carried. E) Bayham Historical Society Appointment: R.Maddox reported that he has been re-appointed to Museums Bayham by the BHS. 9. NEXT MEETING: WednesdayApril 13,2071 at 7:00 pm Municipal office. 10. ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by R.Bradfield and seconded by M. Schafer that the meetingbe adjoumed at 8:27 pm. Anniversar.v on May 22. 2011 and also that the Municipality of Ba]¡ham Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held March 9, 2011. File: C06 Page 49 of 159 Page 50 of 159 DRINK¡NG WATER Sıi.'RöÈ.þRt-l**TËöïöN ACT FON CLEAII WAf Eß 5 LÒ LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, February 3, 2011 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, February 3,2011 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Centre,400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present: C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, P. General, M. Goldberg, R. Haggart, A. Henry, *K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, J. Laird, L Macdonald, D. Munay, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Perrin, T. Schmidt, B. Ungar, D. Woolcott, M. Wales, P. Wilson, W. Wright-Cascaden Members Regrets: H. Cornwell, J. Harrison, B. LaForme, C. Martin, R. Seibel Proxy Representatives: K. Mitchell (R. Seibel) Liaisons: K. Turner, Provincial Liaison; K. Smale, Source Protection Authority Liaison; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA Gommittee: Staff: Also Present: S. Brocklebank, GRCA; A. Davidson, County of Brant; J. Deter, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; B. Fields, Norfolk County; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; J. Sheppard, Township of Guelph-Eramosa; S. Shifflett, GRCA; M. Silverio, City of Hamilton; E. Stahl, GRCA; H, Waite, County of Oxford;4. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA Ahmed Alhassan, Kapandi District, Ghana; lssaka Basintale, Ghana; Samir Dhanvantali, City of Cambridge; Peter Jimusole, Lilongwe District of Malawi 1. Gallto Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum - 17 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 of members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certifìed quorum. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 51 of 159 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee February 3,2011 Page 2 3. Ghairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: . The Chai/s meeting was held in Toronto on January 17 and 18. There were four presentations regarding: Septic Re-inspection and Policies, Nutrient Management Act and lnstruments, Pesticide Permits, and Certificate of Approval for Waste Removal. The next Chairs meeting will be March 7 and 8 and will provide presentations on the following prescribed instruments: Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Solutions, the Aggregate Resources Act, Permit to Take Water, and Municipal Residential Drinking Water System Licenses. . The quarterly Lake Erie Region Management Committee meeting was held on January 25,2011 at Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. The Region Management Committee is comprised of the four Ghairs and the four GM/CAOs of the four Conservation Authorities in the Lake Erie Region. Due to significant changes of local council memberships, there has also been a significant change to the membership of the Region Management Committee, with only two original members remaining. . At the January 13 Source Protection Committee meeting, concern was expressed regarding the representation of the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the New Credit at Source Protection Committee meetings. Paul General and Martin Keller have been, and will continue to, work towards finding two alternate attendees. . A communication was recently sent to Source Protection Committee members regarding the upcoming discussion papers workshops; it is hoped there will be a good representation of committee members at these sessions. . On February 17, 2011 there will be a meeting in the headwaters; the focus of the meeting will be to ensure there is consistency between source protection areas. . The new members of the Region Management Committee who were to be introduced at this meeting will be introduced at the March meeting. Many people who normally attend the Source Protection Committee meeting are at a memorial service today for Allan Holmes, the former CAO of the Grand River Conservation Authority. * Ken Hunsbergeranived at 1:13. o Q. Ashbaugh introduced Samir Dhanvantali from the City of Cambridge. The City of Cambridge is hosting visitors from Africa. S. Dhanvantali introduced Peter Jimusole from Lilongwe District of Malawi, Ahmed Alhassan from Kapandi District in Ghana and lssaka Basintale from Ghana. S. Dhavantali advised that Engineers Without Borders are assisting with solving systemic water service issues in Africa. There is a high failure rate of water points in Africa, and Engineers Without Borders look at these systemic issues by assessing the water points, identifying what is and what is not working, and developing a spreadsheet for the local government to use to evaluate the situation systemically. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 52 of 159 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee February 3,2011 Page 3 4. Review of Agenda The agenda was reviewed and approved as distributed. Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: A. Henry carried unanímously THAT the agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of February 3, 2011 be approved as distributed. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minr¡tes of Previous Meeting - January 13,2011 Moved by: M. Wales Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting January 13, 2011 be approved as distributed. 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations None 9. Gorrespondence a) Copies for Members i) Correspondence from Kate Turner, Liaison Officer, Ministry of the Environment to the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Re: Response Regarding Use of the Conservation Authorities Act s. 28 Regulations as a Tool in Source Protection Plans b) Not Copied None Res. No. 09-11 Moved by: M. Ceschi-Smith Seconded by: W. Wright-Cascaden carried unanimously THAT the correspondence be received for information. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 53 of 159 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee February 3,2011 Page 4 10. Reports a) SPC-11-02-01 Rules of Procedure Update M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-02-Ol Rules of Procedure Update. A. Henry refened to the recommendation and suggested that the wording should refer to the re-adoption as opposed to the re-affirmation of the Rules of Procedure, Code of Conduct and Gonflict of lnterest Policy. M. Keller suggested that the intent was that the committee would consider the document for re-adoption at the March meeting, after they had a chance to review and provide comments. M. Wales identified that he sees no problems with the documents and moved that the Rules of Procedure Code of Conduct and Conflict of lnterest Policy be re-adopted. Res. No.10-11 Moved by: M. Wales Seconded by: A. Henry carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee re-adopt the Rules of Procedure, Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy. b) SPC-Il -02-02 Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program Municipal Special Projects Funding Applications Update M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-02-02 Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program MunicipalSpecial Projects Funding Applicatíons Update. Res. No.11-11 Moved by: D. Murray Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT Report SPC-I1-02-02 Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program Municipal Special Projects Funding Applications Update be received for information. c) SPG-Il-02-03 Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship - Early Response Update L. Heyming provided an overuiew of Report SPC-11-02-03 Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Early Response Update. J. Laird asked what the process is to appoint the two municipal members from municipal staff. L. Heyming advised that T. Ryan, who was not able to attend the meeting, would have to provide these details. C. Ashbaugh identified that R. Haggart and A. Henry expressed an interest in participating on the committee. D. Murray also expressed an interest. R. Haggart stated that after seeing timelines, and noting the importance of attendance, he is respectfully withdrawing his name because his schedule may conflict with the committee meetings. B. Ungar and D. Parker expressed an interest in being on the committee. C. Ashbaugh suggested that the four names of the interested members be listed, and that the committee write on a ballot the names of two committee members they would like to represent them. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 54 of 159 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Gommittee February 3,2011 First Ballot: A. Henry -16 votes - appointed B. Ungar- 12 votes D. Parker- 12 votes Page 5 M. Goldberg suggested that it might be best to wait until the municipal representatives are appointed and then balance the regional representation of the committee with the Source Protection Committee members. M. Keller pointed out the short timelines and asked if March was too late to appoint the review committee members. L. Heyming responded that March would be acceptable, but suggested that a regional balance could also be achieved by using the municipal appointments to balance the Source Protection Committee representation. M. Wales suggested that each candidate could take a moment to provide some background regarding their interest in participating on the e¡mmittee. M. Goldberg concurred that this would be helpful. D. Murray asked that his name also be withdrawn because of potential schedule conflicts. B. Ungar, D. Parker and A. Henry each provided a brief overview regardíng their background and interest in representing the Source Protection Committee on the Early Response Project Review Committee. Second Ballot: B. Ungar - 11 votes - appointed D. Parker- 9 votes Res. No.12-11 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded hy: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee appoint Andrew Henry and Bill Ungar to the Early Response project review committee. Res. No.13-11 Moved by: M. Wales Seconded by: L. Perrin carríed unanimously THAT the ballots of the election be destroyed. d) SPC-f 1-02-04 Amended Timeline for Updated Assessment Reports M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-1 1-02-04 Amended Timeline for Updated Assessment Reports. M. Goldberg requested confirmation that staff are suggesting that two meetings be held in June. M. Keller replied affirmatively, elaborating that the committee will have the option of reviewing the comments and recommendations and, if the committee chooses, approving the updated assessment reports for submission to the Source Protection Authority on June 2nd. The proposed June 16th meeting is tentatively scheduled to provide the committee the opportunity to review the amended reports based on the June 2 recommendations prior to submission to the Source Protection Authority. Moved by: J. Laird Seconded by: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee schedule a tentative meeting on Thursday, June 16, 2011. Res. No.14-11 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 55 of 159 Mintrtes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec'tion Gommittee February 3,2011 Page 6 e) SPG-Il-02-05 Public Comments on the Proposed Long Point Region Assessment Report S. Brocklebank provided an overview of Report SPC-11-02-05 Public Comments on the Proposed Long Point Region Assessment Report. M. Wales referred to the Ontario Power Generation comment and asked how the site's future land use is taken into account in source protection planning, given that Nanticoke is projected to be closed by 2Q14, and nobody knows what will happen on that site. M. Keller noted that Ontario Power Generation's letter was used to refine the information for the assessment report. The challenge is that the threats tables do not specify an amount for the substances listed and refer only to the presence of those substances. ln this case, those activities in the assessment report and our information was refined for the threats tables based on the information received. Changes at the operation level for the Ontario Power Generation, however, must be continuously reflected, and would be included in the next assessment report update. l. Macdonald cautioned that it is premature to take anything out of consideration and suggested that the initial report should reflect the potential threat; the next phase is the more site-specific refìnement of information. M. Keller clarified that the activity has not changed, just the circumstance lD numbers. Some of the lD numbers with respect to chemicals have been removed because they have confirmed they are not discharging those chemicals, but the policies will still capture that activity. M. Goldberg raised doubt about the information contained on page two of the letter, which states that there are no drinking water standards for phosphorus, molybdenum, nickel and hydrazine. He asked that the provincial liaison follow up with the standards development branch regarding the standards for these substances. l. Macdonald requested confirmation that a landowner need only comment that the activity is not occurring. M. Keller replied affirmatively, noting that there was discussion at earlier meetings, where it was decided that the information will be taken at face value; although the policy will still be developed and will still apply. Res. No.1&11 Movedby: A.Henry Seconded by: B. Ungar carried unanimously THAT Report SPC-11-02-05 Public Comments on the Proposed Long Point Region Assessment Report be received for information. Ð SPC-ll-02-06 Public Comments on the Proposed Grand River Assessment Report S. Brocklebank provided an overview of Report SPC-11-02-06 Public Comments on the Proposed Grand River Assessment Report. M. Wales asked if the comments as written are submitted with the assessment reports. M. Keller clarified that they are not part of the report, but they are part of the submission package. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 56 of 159 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec'tion Committee February 3,2011 Page 7 R. Haggart referred to the Region of Waterloo's comments, and more specifically to the objections with regards to the City of Brantford identifying E.coli as an issue and asked that, as the Ci$ of Brantford's representative on the committee, staff keep him directly informed. S. Brocklebank pointed out that since the Region of Waterloo report was written, the City of Brantford has removed E.colias an issue and staff from the Ci$ of Brantford are working with GRCA staff to develop a monitoring program. More information will be forthcoming with the updated assessment report. M. Keller elaborated that the date of this report was at the draft assessment report stage; this letter is being included with the proposed assessment report comments due to an unresolved concem related to the method of calculating impervious surfaces. Staff are working with the City of Brantford staff to determine how to include policies in the source protection plan to address monitoring for E.coli. Further communication is also required with the Ministry of the Environment with regards to including wording in the source protection plan to include monitoring for Brantford's E coli issue. R. Haggart asked if the Region of Waterloo and the City of Brantford are involved in these discussions. M. Keller responded that they will be involved; at the moment, the groundwork is being established for the inclusion of monitoring wording in the updated assessment report; this will establish a means for further discussion pertaining to policy development. M. Ceschi-Smith advised that she just received an update from City of Brantford staff stating that E.coli will be added to the updated assessment report and a monitoring program will be implemented. M. Ceschi-Smith concurred that it is important to ensure they are kept informed. R. Haggart cited that his concem is that an upstream municipality has a clear concem; his fear is that they are not being kept informed, which suggests there may be a problem with policy development moving forward. T. Schmidt clarified that the concern of declaring E.colias an issue is not exclusive to the Region of Waterloo. The Region of Waterloo's concern is based on making E.coli an issue in the Grand River, which affects any other upstream municipality as much as it does the Region of Waterloo, noting that E.coliis intrinsic in the Grand River. J. Oliver reminded members that this matter was discussed last month in the context of spills and contingency planning, noting that page 7 of the minutes summarizes that spills of wastewater treatment plants will be addressed with spills policy development, and it would be at the discretion of this committee to ensure policies are developed to address spills. M. Goldberg asked if J. Laird could comment on the letter from Guelph Waste Management Coalition, which suggests that Guelph's weUdry facility is causing a problem. J. Laird identified that the Guelph Waste Management Coalition is a group of concerned citizens who are concemed with the waste resources innovation centre in Guelph. This group has raised their concerns several times, including with the Ministry of the Environment when the City of Guelph was seekíng their Certificate of Approval for the facility; the ministry issued the Certificate of Approval after hearing the concerns of the group. J. Laird identifiecj that she will follow up on why the health unit did not investigate. However, it is her understanding that the health unit would not investigate, because of insufficient information, not because they are funded by the City of Guelph. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 57 of 159 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee February 3,2011 Page I She noted that the health unit does not choose to not investigate health concerns based on their funding source. M. Wales asked staff to comment on the submission regarding the use of chloramines as a disinfectant. M. Keller stated that chloramines are something that drinking water treatment plants must deal with. M. Wales asked if chloramines are used in the treatment process. T. Schmidt elaborated that chloramines are used in the distribution system. Although they provide less disinfection, the disinfection lasts longer, and there is less taste and odour. He noted that it is not an issue and chloramines are addressed through operating procedures. Res. No.16-11 Movedby: A. Henry Seconded by: l. Macdonald carried unanimously THAT Report SPC-11-02-06 Public Comments on the Proposed Grand RiyerAssessment Report be received for information. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings None 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period None b) Notice of Motion M. Goldberg noted that he has provided a notice of motion to the Chair for the March 3, 2011 meeting. The motion states: That the Lake Erie Source Protection committee urge the Ministry of the Environment to defer rssurng and renewing Permits to Take Water to commercial water bottlers within the Grand River Watershed until such time as a water budget for the area in question has been completed. M. Goldberg advised that although he cannot attend the March 3 meeting, he may send a proxy. He would rather not wait for a later meeting, because the issue is urgent; a commercialwater bottling company has made an application for a Pennit to Take Water for the next 10 years. He elaborated that Nestle's Water in Aberfoyle takes 3.6 million litres per day from the same aquifer from which the City of Guelph takes its groundwater. He stated that this City of Guelph aquifer is highly vulnerable. Because the Tier 3 Water Budget is not yet complete, he is suggesting the Ministry be urged not to renew this permit application. The application was posted this week for one month on Environmental Registry. l. Macdonald suggested the motion be resolved at this meeting. C. Ashbaugh advised that the Rules of Procedure state that a notice of motion is voted on at the meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 58 of 159 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee February 3,2011 Page 9 following its submission. M. Ceschi-Smith suggested that, procedurally, ,f 213 of the committee agrees to vote at the same meeting then the motion can be voted on at the same meeting. T. Schmidt suggested it would be appropriate for staff to bring more information to the next meeting. A. Henry concurred that he would rather know more. He suggested that, at best, it may be prudent for committee to notify the Ministry that the water budget has not been completed, but he questioned whether the committee has the authoríty to recommend the permit not be issued. Res. No.15-11 Moved by: A. Henry Seconded by: J. Laird carried unanimously THAT staff prepare a background report for the Source Protection Committee regarding the following notice of motion: That the Lake Erie Source Protection committee urge the Ministry of the Environment to defer rssøing and renewing Permits to Take Water to commercial water bottlers within the Grand River Watershed until such time as a water budget for the area in question has been completed. M. Wales pointed out that the next meeting is after the close of the comment period and asked if the committee would still be in a position to comment. M. Goldberg advised that he feels the comment would still be considered. A. Henry identified that there is a source protection workshop scheduled on the same day as the next SPC meeting. Because there are already several committee members who have stated their regrets, he wondered if there will be a problem with quorum at the March 3 meeting. M. Keller advised that we are aware of the conflict; Source Protection Committee members were advised of the workshop in case they knew people who may be interested in attending. C. Ashbaugh suggested that proxy representatives could help ensure quorum is maintained. 13. Glosed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, March 3,2011, l:00 pm GRCAAdministration Gentre,400 Glyde Road, Cambridge, ON 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of February 3,2011 adjourned at2:43 p.m. Moved by: L. Perrin Seconded by: D. Parker Chair Recording Secretary carried unanimously Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held February 3, 2011. Page 59 of 159 Page 60 of 159 { Ministry of Citizenship and lmmigration Minister 6th Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 2Rg Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Ministère des Affaires civiques et de l'lmmigration Ministre 6" étage 400, avenue University Toronto ON M7A 2Rg Té1. : (416) 325-6200 Téléc.: (416) 325-6195 March 201'1 OL Dear Friends, I am pleased to inform you that nominations for the Newcomer Champion Awards are now being accepted. The awards were created in 2007 and expanded this year to include three categories: ChangeTheWorld Youth Ambassador, Community Leader and Newcomer Champion. The Newcomer Champion Awards recognize individuals and groups who have made a difference in their community and province through active citizenship and engagement. Award recip¡ents are champions of voluntarism, proud supporters of newcomers, and advocates of greater social and civic inclusion. Any resident of Ontario may submit a nomination. Nominees may be individuals or groups who have demonstrated leadership and commitment in celebrating Ontario's diversity and growth. Nomination forms and more information are available on the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat website at www.ontario.calhonoursandawards, or by phone at416 314-7526,loll free 1 877 832-8622, or TTY 416 327-2391. The nominat¡on deadline is April 29,2011. Ontario is dedicated to building a province where cultural diversity is celebrated, newcomers are valued and people are engaged in working together to improve the quality of life for everyone. Please cons¡der recogniz¡ng an ¡nd¡vidual or group who has helped make this great province what it is. Dr. Eric Hoskins Minister t. n') Correspondence dated March 2011 from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Newcomer Champion Awards". Page 61 of 159 Page 62 of 159 5 F¡oL Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation NE\MS RELEASE March l8,20ll Executive Director named for Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation, Chair Lori Da Silva is pleased to announce the hiring of Ed Brooker as interim Executive Director. Mr. Brooker has worked as an independent consultant developing strategic business and marketing plans for commercial tourism destinations across Canada and the United States. He has also worked as a professor and program coordinator at Niagara College and Conestoga College. He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy from Griffith University in Australia, an M.A. in Economic Development and a B.Env. in Geography from the University of Waterloo. "'We are confident that Ed will breathe some fresh air into the tourism industry of our region," said Ms. Da Silva. "He brings an innovative spirit to our eflorts that will help us all collaborate and move forward." "The communities and Destination Marketing Organizations of our region are looking forward to working with Mr. Brooker and the Board of Directors," said Clark Hoskin, Former Co-Chair of the Region I TransitionNetwork Team, which coordinated the incorporation of the new Regional Tourism Organization. Mr. Brooker will start work on March 2l.He will have a work space in Norfolk County but will travel across the region to get to know stakeholders. He can be reached at ed.brooker@tourismregionl . com or at (5 I 9) 426 -587 0 ext 129 5 . Southwest Ontario includes the communities of Chatham-Kent, Elgin County, Haldimand County London, Middlesex Count¡ Norfolk Count¡ Oxford Count¡ Sarnia-Larnbton, and Windsor-Essex. For more information, visit www.tourismregionl . com. -30- Media Contact: Lori Da Silva, Chair, Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation Phone: (519) 661-6386 News Release from Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation regarding "Executive Director named for Southwest Ontario Page 63 of 159 Page 64 of 159 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM : Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Froese Consent Applications E20 -23lll DATE: March 2l,20lI FILE: D10.11 Froese NUMBER: D2011-10 Purpose To consider consent applications for the creation offour new lots. Background Four consent applications were received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submiued by John Froese proposing to sever four parcels each 1861.55 sq.m. (0.46 acre) and retain approximately 13.5 hectare (33.2 acre) parcel. The subject lands are described as Concession 3 Part Lots 14 & 15 Registered Plan 54, southside Light Line, west of Plank Road. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Offrcial Plan and zoned Village Residential - Holding tRl (h)l in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. Staff & Planner Comments The applicant intends to sever from his holdings and create four building lots fronting on to Light Line, west of Soper Road (formerly Centre Road). The lots are located within the Village of Vienna, however, outside the municipal serviced area, The proposed lots would require private servicing of both private wells and septic beds. The municipal water line terminates to the east at Soper Road and the municipal sanitary sewer main terminates just south of Old Mill Line along Plank Road. The applicant and future purchasers should be advised that when municipal services are extended to this area of Vienna these properties, together with all others along the servicing route, will be required to connect resulting in decommissioning of private services. Staff and the planner support the proposals and recommend the conditions as listed in the recoÍìmendation. Specifically pertaining to drainage, staff are concerned with the overall grading of the lands to ensure the proper management of surface watet. It is not satisfactory to have the lots drain to the road. The Brown Award drain, which is a private drain to be maintained by the property owner, runs through the property. The property is also within the watershed of the Riser Csinos Drain. Staff recommends a municipal drain be engineered and installed at the property owner's expense to provide proper surface water management. The conditions include the standard requirements for the creation of a lot in the municipality pertaining to the municipal water policy, civic numbering, lot assessments and rezoning to remove the holding provision, which will be based on the positive results of the other conditions. Attachments 1. One Consent Application representing four applications E20 - 23lll Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 65 of 159 Staff Report D2011-10 Froese page2 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "THAT Staff Report D2011-10 regarding the Froese Consent Applications be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that each of the four consent applications 820-23/11, submitted by John Froese, be granted subject to conditions: 1. copy of the fTnal survey be provided to the municipality 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality 3. rezoning to remove the holding provision 4. municipal lot assessments subject to municipal approval 5. grading plan for the entire lands subject to municipal approval 6. municipal drainage works subject to municipal and authorizing agencies' approval 7. water quantity testing report subject to provincial standards on each proposed lot 8. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content subject to provincial standards on each proposed lot 9. purchase of municipal civic numbering signage from the municipality 10. road access permit subject to municipal approval Respectfully submitted, ing Coordinator/Deputy Clerk ile r Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 66 of 159 l.lo,0590 P, 3 1. 2.Name of Owner Addtess Telephone Number Namo of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent Address Telephone Number Please specifo to whom all communications should be sent; owners ( ) soticitor (É) Agent ( { (a) Type and purpose of proposed transactioir: (check appropriate space) .Transfer: l/ c¡eation of a new lot Other: charge addition to a lot easement correction of title other purpose Name of person(s), if known. to whom land or interest in land is to be transfered, leased orcharged: Jnhn + Kn u-go r ¿* ffo¿:-s . lf a lot addition, identiff the lands to which the parcel will be added: (b) (c) 4. (a)Location of land: tr¡unicipal¡ty R +v A a. rø Concession uo. 3 , Lot(s)No. 'lL li .Registeredr6nffi Name of street 4'q ûr f , Street No. (b)Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affect¡ng the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( \') ff yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severedd: (Accurate Megsurements in @fü.e) 4lèl.STm^ oeptn ó1,?!i.r%)t Nea ." 7Z ßu.,Frontage ïØfl!go"lltrÌ Existing Use -,-",'y vee _1!\r flI lâ/n_ø" Number and use of buildings and Ã,"^ ( :7^ Proposed use R, , ¡ ll ¿nS le Ê. struc-tures (both exìsting and proposed) on-the tand to besevered; tYorr,-,.Ar¡oN FoR coNs+.rm *-Ê 0 l t r : lease 6 Eryinærlng seMêË 4S0SuErbdve St lhoms,0n NER 5V1 Pho¡B: 51+ Eg1-1460 wW,€lgimunv.o¡,È RECEIVED FÊB242OII Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 67 of 159 7. 8. Ma r, l, 20 I I 9: 20AM -2- Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) Type ofaccess for proposed and retained rot (check appropriate space) llo. 0b9(J P, 4 TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road; maintained all year' Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other pubtic road Right Of Way Water aocess lltf*::o ",::._=:I by wate¡ whar boat dockins and parrins facirities.are avairabre on rhemainland? (speciff) What tyæ of water supply is proposed: TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Prlvately owned and operated ¡ndividualwell Privatety owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (specrfy) (check appropfiate space) PROPOSED LOT () (K) () () 10.What ffpe of sewagé disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space)TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary Eewagesystem ¡ïyátery owned and operated individuat septic ( ) tank tllltt'r owned and operared communatseptic (X ) system ( )Privy ( ) Olher means (specify) When willwater supply and sewage disposal services be avaiteble? 12.What is the Existing Plan Å s), if any, of the subject land? ,1t¡u. =4. Zoning, if ¡ny, of the subiect land?+¿ K¿si /a*,Lt-tb///; l*ll,ç :ubjËct tand ever neen ìi¡è subjecr uuoo¡vts¡on or a Consent under the plahnîn lf Yes' and known, provide the application fìlo numbor and the decision made on the application lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has beenchanged from the original;ppilcatiôn - 16' (a) Has the owner previousry severed any rand from this hofding?Yes( ) Noßl 15. Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 68 of 159 lVlar. l,2(Jll 9:2()4M No,0b90 P, i -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for eaoh Iot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated 17, Is the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for addiüonal consents on this holding simultaneously" wÌth this application, or consÌdering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ( () / *er¿, No ( )*' 18. ls the subject fand currently the subject of a proposed official plan or otficial plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? yes () No ({ì lf Yes, and knovvn, specifythe Ministryfile numberand status of the applÌcation * 19. Is the subject land currently the subject of an application for.a zoning byJaw amendment, Ministe/s zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of ã ptan of subdivÌsion? Yes () No êd lf Yes, and known, speclfy the appropriate file number and status of the application 20' Is the application consÌstent with polÌcy statements issued under subsection 3(l),of ttre planning Act?Yesûd No()¿ 21, ls the subjecl land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No(V lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applioabte provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following; - the boundaries and dÍmensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and thepart that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land oumed by the owner of the subject tand andthat abuts the subject land; - the disüance between tho subjeoi land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, suchas a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the paroel originally acquired by the cunentowner of the subject land; - the approximate tocation of all natural and artificialfeatures on the subject land and gdjqcent lands thai in th-e opinion of the applicant may affect the appiiåtion, ru.f1 à" buildings, railways, roads, r,riatercourses, iliainage ditôhes, river orstream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks;- - the exÍsting use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads withÏn.or abutting the subjeôt land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelle-d road, a privaté ioaO óiä 'ightofway; - if access to the subject land is by water onty, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affectÍng the subject land. Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 69 of 159 24. Mar, l, 2011 9:20AM N0,0590 P, 6 _4_ ¡r . I The owner/Applioan Land Division Committeo members and theCorporation of the c r onto theiu.bj* öro*rtv t"r the purpose ofSite inspections with The ent hereAp section d in this fo'r tion and to Provide Bo \rvrr ã¡ru Local lM" ortn Datedatthe / :ìcroe/') .x Á;.,/rn . this ,OM ot, o, AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI-ARATION in the County ol Ö/a.tb ::|!i:llj::9f-!!!1t1'e information contained in this appticátion ís true, and tAA/e make rhisevt=rr rr I unr''trarlrJrl consclenïlOusly þeliev¡ng it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force andeffect as Ìf made under oath ano 6y virtuà ıflne cnrunDA ËvrDENcE Acr. DECLARED before me at the 20 _J/ ' "t"' yetcgor û¡msruü. eo¡nrpr66s4 ¿f{. Dtpuþ Oêrk off[e C¡nonüou of ùc Medc¡paliry of nry¡sÉ. j agent , must It is required that one copy of this apptícation be-filed, together with one coppof lro sketch described,with the responsìble porson, accompanied by a fee of - $750'00 in cash or by cheque made payabre to TREASURER, couNTy oF ELG|N An additionar fee of g250.00 wiil be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 70 of 159 N0,0590 ?, 1 APPENDTX "A" The County of Elgin Land Division.Gommittee requires that, in addition to the oApplication for Consenf, thofollowing information be comploted for all applicaiions: 1. $. there any bams located within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() No64[ lf the ânswer is .YES" are those bams:i) Now used for livestocll?¡i) Capablo of being used for livestock? Yes() No0()Yes() No0d ln orderto calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestockfacility-within 300 metres of the proposed sevéranco ano lo*iãJ ôñ ã,"påiät" r"t, TOWNSHIP TILLABLE HECTARES (whero tivestock facitity located) TELEPHONE coNc.LOT NorEr lf you answered t'YEs" to #1. PLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BE COMPLETED EYAPPLICANT Maximum Housing Câpadty Number per Year Housìng System check type 0 400-1100 tþ. SWINE0 Sows0 Boare0 Weanlings POULTRY0 La$ng Hens0 Breeder Ffock0 Pullets0 Chlcken Broilors0 Turkey Broilers Ttrrkey Hens Turkey Toms RoasteIs Open llot ¡ Total & Barn I Confine- Gaged , On Floor CovÊred Tank Above Ground Uncovered Tank Storage with Buck Wa[s Open Earth Sided Pit Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 71 of 159 Mar, l. 2011 9:2lAùl No,0590 P, I AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasuref Land Division Committee Corpoiation of the County of Elgin Þescription and Location of Subject Lands: lMe, the undersigned, being the registered owne(s) of tlre above lands hereby authorize (Agents Name/Names) Y ÉÌcrrn City/Town of Residence) 4 nor.¡ctlztoYJî . (1) my beharf to the county of Ergin Land Division committee;(2) any hearing(s) of the aþpfcation; anO - '- -.' (3) or materiafrei¡uirÀo Uy itre l-anO'OivËion Committee retevant to the Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Daledafthe , fffuytot pnqr.l of ttr¡s Á¡i b aay ot . Élru,+r¿/ 20 _1,1 t-SignatuÉ of Owner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner NorE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to ¡e signed by someone otherthanthe owne(s). fiECETVED FEB04201l Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 72 of 159 Ma r, l, 201 1 9:244lV1 tI ü.t å" ì \ü h(rt' II q ct tr TI ú r 0 I IT .*.uÈtrÞ è Ð (\ )cJ h¡sicJ+tl-<e ffi Þs,¿l¡ /! Staff Report D2011-10 regarding "Froese Consent Applications E20 - 23/11". Page 73 of 159 S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 1 0 r e g a r d i n g " F r o e s e C o n s e n t A p p l i c a t i o n s E 2 0 - 2 3 / 1 1 " . P a g e 7 4 o f 1 5 9 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 75 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 76 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 77 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 78 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 79 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 80 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 81 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 82 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 83 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 84 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 85 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 86 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 87 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 88 of 159 Staff Report D2011-09 regarding "Csinos Farms Ltd. Rezoning" File: D14.Csinos Page 89 of 159 Page 90 of 159 ,l CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Drainage Superintendent SUBJECT: Bartley Municipal Drain Revised Schedule íDtt DATE: March 24,2011 REPORT: DR2011-004 Purpose: This report is to inform Council of a required revision to the Bartley Municipal Drain Assessment schedule for maintenance (Schedule "D") Bacþround: On January 13,2Ol1 Council gave 3'd reading to the Provisional By-Law No. 201 l-100 with regards to the Engineers Report No. 209138 from Spriet Associates. Staff Comments: One of the requirements of this drainage works was to provide an up-to-date maintenance schedule to recognize all the recent lot severances within the drains watershed area. Staff recently discovered that one severance that was completed prior to coÍrmencement of the drainage works design was missed by the Engineer. Spriet Associates has provided a revised assessment schedule (Schedule "D") with arevision date of Marchl,20ll to recognize this lot severance. Upon acceptance of this revised report, the maintenance schedule for the Bartley Drain will be current with the present lot divisions. The owners of the affected property have been notified in writing regarding the proposed change in assessment. Neither of the two property owners has indicated any desire to object to this change in maintenance assessment. Recommendations: "TIIAT Staff Report DR2011-004 be received; AND TIIAT By-Law #2011-025, being a By-Law to provide a revised Schedule "D" for the Bartley Municipal Drain Engineers Report No. 209138 from Spriet Associates be presented to Council for enactment.tt Bill Knifton Staff Report DR2011-004 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 91 of 159 SCHEDULE 'D' - ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 209138 HECTARES CON. L9-r IFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) Assessment Split Mar 1,2011 August 31,2010 PERCENTAGE OF MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN - OPEN PORTION 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 I I I I 8&9 8&9 9 9 9 I '8 '8*8 '8*8 *8 '8*8 '8 '8 '8 I Ir8 '8 I I '8*8 I '9 '9 I 0.81 0.66 0.13 0.61 o.40 0.38 0.38 0.40 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.40 2.72 4.09 1.10 0.83 0.12 2.41 0.77 5.43 1.U 2.71 1.A4 2.38 20.20 olo 1.20 0.30 1.30 1.00 1.00 f .00 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.20 1.00 4.50 6.80 2.30 1.80 0.30 4.10 1.60 9.20 2.30 6.90 2.20 4.æ 74.8 o/o 10.50 o/o 11.80 2.90 25.2 o/o 5{20-10(A. & S. Burwell) 05042342(1. & A' Mathews) 050{23-04(J. Ham) Lot 4 - Severance - A & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A & E. Peters Lot 7 - Seve¡:ance - A. & E. Peters Lot I - Severance -A & E. Peters 5{23-40(D. Haínes & K. Emerson) 5{2348(K. Emerson) 5{23-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5{23{5(R. Stafford) m23{l(A & E. Peters) ffi23-15(c. Guenther) ffi23-20(fhe Corinth Mennonite Curcfr) ffi27 -20(Mennonite Church in Christ) m29{1(D. & G. Holden) 5{25(P. Fehr) il31{2(8. L'Etoile) tu3f (U. & L. Vantyghem) 5-031-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5{85{l(Future Transfer Co. lnc) il8s(r. & J. Cox) 5{86-1 O(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS County of Elgin Min istry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MATNTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN - OPEN PORTION Eden Line Highway No. 3 Street 'A. 1.09 1.75 0.38 100.0 % Staff Report DR2011-004 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 92 of 159 SCHEDULE ' D'- ASSESSMENT FOR I'IAINTENANCE (Cont'd) BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION 10 t t a a * i * * t * t t t * a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. I I I I I t 7 0.61 7 0.13 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.38 7 0.38 7 0.40 7 0.11 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.40 7 2.72 7 4.09 7 1.10 I 0.83 8 0.12 8 2.41 8 0.77 8&9 5.43 8&9 1.U 9 2.71 9 1.04 9 2.38 2.20 o/o 0.60 0.70 0.20 o.20 0.20 2.10 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.30 1.50 9.60 2.20 1.90 o.20 7.40 1.60 15.70 5.90 12.40 3.00 6.40 76.1 o/o' ======= 12.6O o/o 9.90 =11:=== 23.9 o/o O50423-O2(L. & A. Mathews) 050-023-04(J. Ham) Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance -A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance -4. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance -4. & E. Peters Lot I - Severance -4. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5423-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) il23{l(4. & E. Peters) 5-023-15(G. Guenther) 5-023-20(fhe Corinth Mennonite Curch) 5-027 -20(Mennonite Church in Christ) 5'029-01(D. & G. Holden) 5-025(P. Fehr) 5{31-02(8. L'Etoile) 5-031(U. & L. Vantyghem) il31-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5-085-01(Future Transfer Co. lnc) ffi85(T. & J. Cox) 5-086-1 O(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS Eden Line Highway No. 3 Street'A' County of Elgin M inistry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham 1.09 1.75 0.38 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION 100.0 o/o Staff Report DR2011-004 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 93 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHÄM BY-LAW 20Lt-025 AMENDING BY-LAW #20 1O.1O() BEINGA BY.LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE BARTLEY MTJNICIPAL DRAIN WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Baytram by ByJaw #2010-100 e,nacted on the 13th day of January 20ll provided for the construction of the Bartley Mrxricipal Drain; and for the lely assessments upon lands and roads to which the BartleyMunicþal Drainage works is chargeable; \ilHEREAS it has been deemed that the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated August 31,2010 attached to the Engineer's Report #209138 requires revision; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham now deems it necessary to replace the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated August 31,2010 with the attached Schedule 'D' dated March l,20ll; NOW TIIEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM HEREBY ENACTS .4,S FOLLOWS : l. THAT the assessment formainte,nance Schedule 'D' dated August 31,2010 attached to By-law 2010-100, be repealed and rçlaced with the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated March l,2Ol1 attached hereto; 2. THAT in all other respects By-law 2010-100 be hereby confirmed until such time as Council acce,pts a new Engineer's Report assessing this portion of the Otter's Edge Municipal Drain; 3. THAT this ByJaw comes into full force and effect upon the passing thereof. Read a first, second and third time and finallypasse.d this 7ú day of April 2011. Mayor Clerk Staff Report DR2011-004 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 94 of 159 2010.1 1 .19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0311012011 0311012011 1:57PM 001647 12554750NTAR|O LTD charges FINANCE CHARGE OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD 02t28t2011 I 0.82 010125 Cheque Amount - 0.82 J064858 WNTER SAND 0a2812011 I 459.68 010126 ChequeAmount- 459.68 OOOO38 AIR LIQUIDE CANADA INC. 40940235 CYLTNDER GAS OU2A2U1 I 71.19 010127 Cheque Amount - 71.19 OO18.I1 ANNA BANMAN reimburse CREDIT ON WATER ACCT O3|OA2O'11 I 41.14 010128 Cheque Amount - 41.14 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM 197 FROZEN WATERWAYS - AD 0310312011 I 33.90 0'10129 Cheque Amount - 33.90 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 4578 GRA\ÆL ROAD SCHOOL 031031201',1 I 672.35 010130 Cheque Amount - 672.35 001229 AYLMER & AREACHAMBER membership ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP O3|OA2011 I 187.98 010131 ChequeAmount- 187.98 OO1O18 AYLMERSUBMARINE 359374 MEALS FOR TRAINING 0U2712011 I 483.08 010132 Cheque Amount - 4t13.08 OOOO81 AYLMERTIRE 0000073759 |NSTALLT|RE 0a25t2011 I 1,312.98 010133 Cheque Amount - 1,312.98 OOOI4,I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 9731 CHECK LIGHTS, REPAIR PLUG 0211012011 I 109.61 0'10134 9775 ROTORS, PADS 0212U2011 I 427.95 010134 9776 ROTORS, PADS, CAL|PERS, FTLTE 02t23t2011 I 1,354.21 010134 Cheque Amount - 1,891.77 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 225U WATERBOTTLES 0310812011 i 56.00 010135 ChequeAmount- 56.00 001690 DOWLER-KARN 143108 02t04t2011 I 400.95 010136REG GAS Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 95 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 143109 1431 10 143120 't43159 143160 143188 143't89 143221 143222 143223 14325',1 143252 253253 2s3254 253255 265793 265794 265829 265830 265831 362229 5215 lN1102 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0311012011 02tut20't'l 0210412011 0?/0712011 0210912011 o2l09lm11 0?/11P011 02J1112011 0i/1412011 oa14nü1 02114120Í 0aß12011 0211612011 0210112011 02t0112011 o2to1t2011 0/2a20tl oa2u201'l 0i/24t2011 0?/2412011 o?/24t2011 0u0u20't1 0112812011 oa2a20f Cheque Amount - 0311012011 l:57PM DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL RD DIESEL REG GAS RD DIESEL DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL REG GA.S DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL DIESEL DYED L SUL D/C ESSO N/L REG GAS RD DIESEL REG GAS DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL RD DIESEL RD DIESEL INTEREST HYDRAULIC HOSE, CRIMPS MONTHLY TELEPHONE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 710.09 010136 1,943.89 010136 2,221.39 010136 616.29 010136 1,136.55 010136 623.51 010136 r,018.70 0r0'136 658.69 010136 il4.43 010136 1,341.64 010136 ô63.25 010136 313.09 010136 1,056.01 010136 1,778.57 010136 723.54 010136 805.48 010136 2,203.95 010136 872.6',t 010136 811.01 010136 459.89 010136 1,239.99 010136 1,3r1.03 010136 26.22 010136 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC 1478ø.74 OOI7O8 EASTLINK 5198665521Mar o3lo7l2o',l1 23,480.77 28.52 0í0137 Cheque Amount - 0310112011 28.52 1,309.91 010138 001611 EDWARDS DOORSYSTEMS LTD 000001 1868 000001 1960 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000138297 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTts4l845 INSTALL BRAKE BAND O2]22/20fi ADJUST CLUTCH , REPUCE FIXrI 02]2812011 Cheque Amount - PIPE, FORD CPLG 0212512011 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount -r,309.91 509.63 010139 603.42 010139 r,113.05 521.95 010140 521.95 19.29 010141HIGH ALLOY 02115t201',| Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 96 of 159 2010.1 I .19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0311012011 0311012011 1:57PM oNTrs42066 oNTts42106 oNTts42134 oNTts42156 OO'1724 GIS NORTH 201 1-10 RUBBER STRAPS, SUPPLIES PARTS PARTS PARTS 0212412011 oa25l2011 02/2812011 o2l2a20't1 97.U 0í0141 21.æ 010141 125.75 010141 21.98 010141 I I I I FIRE ZONE CHANGES 000386 GRAHAM SCOTT ENNS $20742 YEAR END AUDIT 2OO9 001814 HENRYGIESBRECHT reimburse CREDIT ON WATERACCT OOO991 HORVATHAUTOPARTS 2O7TI1 WASHER FLUID 208'138 SPRINGS, GREASE, BLADES Cheque Amount -286.00 o2t2'v2011 60.00 Cheque Amount -60.00 1?/2412010 I 3,898.50 010143 Cheque Amount -3,898.50 6.6103t08t2011 r 010144 010142 Cheque Amount -6.61 29.20 010145 't92.43 010145 0310212011 0310912011 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 0'1181-23005 Mar UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE 1855G12458 Mar UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY 18971- 44O27 Ma¡ UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER 18971- 52001Mar UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP 28799 - 40O04Mar UTILITIES - PUMP#I 34853{'1007 Mar UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS 43850 - 12451Ma¡ UTILITIES - PB CENTENNIAL PARK 50250 - 12458Ma¡ UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM 56.150 - l2330Mar UTILITIES - BOAT LAUNCH 87770 -2OO12Mar UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM 93850 - 12278Mar UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL 93970 - 20342Mar UTILITIES - V.C.C. MaA5240 -95021 UTILITIES - RICHMOND RD PUMP Mar62760 - 43000 UTILITIES - E.C.C. Cheque Amount -221.63 41.36 010146 143.29 0'10146 47.47 010146 103.82 010146 370.75 010146 59.98 0101¿16 72.58 0'101¡16 166.42 010146 48.96 010146 89.08 010146 't87.52 010146 936.58 010146 479.09 010146 90.85 010146 03t04t2011 o3104t2011 o3t0/.t2011 0310412011 0310412011 o3tMt2011 0310412011 03t041201'l 03t04t20't1 03104t201'l o3to4t20't1 0310412011 03t04t201'l 03l04l20't'l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 001812 JESSYBECHARD reimburse CREDIT ON WATER ACCT Gheque Amount - o3to8t2011 2,837.75 136.94 010147 OOO51O KI-ASSEN AUTO PARTS 1-77242 LUGS Cheque Amount -136.94 6.92 010148o2to412011 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 97 of 159 20't0.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0311012011 TORCH TtP, V]-V GRTND O2lUl2011 I MULTI-FI.AME HEATING, MARQUE' OAO5I2O11 I HEATERHOSE OUO7I2O11 I BI-ADE BOX, AGC BOX 0?/07120',t1 I LONG LIFE 0210712011 I WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID 02]0712011 I WORK L.AMP, HEADI.AMP OAOA2U| I TORCH TrP 0211012011 I SoLDERTTP 0?/11/2011 I BULBS 0211212011 I CLAMP 0211512011 I MERCON V 0211612011 I U-NUTS OA16nü1 I TORGJTIP-CREDITINVOICE OA17I2O11 C LTGHTER O2l1A20'11 I BLADES, WIPERS, WASHER FLV|E OA25I2O11 I WPERS 0212512011 I FXTBAR 0A2A20r I NOMEX BLEND RUBBER BOOTS, GLOVES 02t16t2011 o2t16t20't1 0311012011 1:57PM 1-77272 1-77359 1-77404 1-77409 1-77411 't-77420 1-77485 1-Tf718 1-77724 1-77810 1-77967 1-78065 1-78087 1-78149 1-782U 1-78694 1-7870',1 1-78860 27.28 010'148 217.39 010148 4.17 010148 6.72 010148 96.28 010148 't3.5r 010148 ¡lÍ!.51 0101,18 26.57 0'10148 14.37 010148 38.47 010148 16.69 010148 88.00 010148 19.49 010148 -26.57 010148 6.1s 010148 67.21 0101¿tB 26.85 010148 6.22 01014{l Cheque Amount - 0æ525 I.AEMERS EXCAVATING float excavator REMOVE ICE oa1a20fi I Cheque Amount - M0526 I.AEMERS TRUCKING LTD 22098 CORTNTH DRA|N - DIG SNOWOUT 0211112011 Feb'11snowplowing SNOWPLOWING OA2A2OÍ Cheque Amount - 000569 M&LSUPPLY 0000120435 0000120447 Cheque Amount - 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 153906 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 0il28t2011 Cheque Amount - 000679 OXFORD SAND &GRAVEL LTD 1,469.00 180.80 8,441.10 6æ.23 1,469.00 010r49 010150 010150 010153 01 01 53 8,621.90 827.40 010151 2,411.36 01015l 3,238.76 40.1U.54 010152 0310112011 o3lo3l20i1 40,134.54 189.28 211.88 rN00115098 1N00115111 001484 PELMOREX MEDIA INC. PREMIUM COLDMX COARSE PREMIUMCOLDMX COARSE Cheque Amount -401.16 339.00 010154111257LOCAL AREA FORECAST oa281201't I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 98 of 159 2010.1't.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0311012011 0311012011 1:57PM ChequeAmount- 339.00 OOI81O PETERMARTIN reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNTS 0310412011 I 481.87 010155 Cheque Amount - 48'1.87 OOO716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 10844739 CYLINDER RENTAL 0212512011 I 25.07 010156 Cheque Amount - 25.01 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 876309 FEB'll CLEANING 0212812011 I 940.00 010157 876310 FEB'11 CLEANING - S.C.C. 0212812011 I 566.00 010'157 8763.11 FEB'II CLEANING-V.C.C. 0212812011 I 59'1.50 010157 Cheque Amount - 2,097.50 OOO742 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 2142Feb'11 FEBRUARYII REMIT 0212812011 I 61.50 010158 Cheque Amount -61.50 OOO77O RODGER MARTIN #1',11 #2',11 o2t22t2011 I 991.59 010165 02t28120'11 I 734.51 010165 JANUARYI1 K-9 CONTROL 0113112011 I 1,356.00 010159 FEBRUARYII K-9 CONTROL 0212812011 I '1,299.50 0101s9 Cheque Amount - 2,655.50 001813 SAMUELSTEINER reimburse GREDIT ON WATER ACCT 0310812011 I 18.l.31 010160 Cheque Arnount -181.31 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10483411 l-AB FEES o2J25t2011 I 67.80 010161 ChequeAmount- 67.80 OOO814 SIFTO CANADACORP 72232421 BULK HIGHWAY COARSE 0212112011 I 6,086.89 010162 Cheque Amount - 6,086.89 OOO857 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT 169021 HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER 0310912011 I 87.85 010163 Cheque Amount- 87.85 OOO924 TRILLIUM MUNICIPAL SUPPLY 3320 ROADWATCH SENSOR 0111912011 I 735.64 010164 Cheque Amount -735.64 OO'1324 UNDERHILL BROS 87772 SNOVVPLOWNG 87776 SNOWPLOWING Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 99 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 OOO981 VVILSON'S I.AWN CARE 102 103 104 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0311012011 Gheque Amount - SIDEWALKS.PORTBURWELL O3IO1I2O11 SIDEWALKS - VIENNA o3t0'v2011 SIDEWALKS.STRAFFORDVILLE O3IO1I2O11 Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - O3l1Ol2O11 1:57PM 6,890.18 115,',t',13.32 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 100 of 159 20't 0.1 1 .19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 03117 12011 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 00@'1597,1Íl BRIDALAD, PUBLIC MTG NOTICE O2f24l2Ù1'l Cheque Amount - 001448 B|O-AG SERVICES rNC. VACUUMED EDEN PUMP STATION O3IO1I2O'11 0311712011 12:59PM 128.14 010167 128.',t4 974.63 010168316 001815 BRYAN DEBIÁIRE ¡eimburse CREDIT ON TÆ(ACCOUNT OOO.I54 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 2@2 WATERBOTTLES 000.156 CANADIAÀ¡ PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD Cheque Amount - 03114t2011 I 974.63 884.68 010169 010'171 010173 010't76 010177 Cheque Amount - oa0a2ü1 I 884.68 72.N 010170 Cheque Amount- 0310312011CARTRIOGES STEEL POSTS SIGNS 72.O0 T427619 OOO175 CEDAR SIGNS 20472 20528 OOO1OO CORPORATE EXPRESS 271619n 0@245 DAYTRIPPING 5546 00'1162 ED KETCHABAW OGRA 1518669168 001270 GORD ROESCH conference 50.90 Cheque Amount -50.90 2,272.90 010172 183.1'1 010172 oao3l2011 oa1u20't1 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000160955 LTQUTD CHLORINE 000357 G& K SERVTCES CAI.IADA INC Cheque Amount - EXPA¡\ISION FILES oao9l201'l Cheque Amount - MAP LISTING DISPI-AYAD o3løl2011 Cheque Amount - OGRÁ/ROMA CONFERENCE o3t0?/2011 Cheque Amount - 03t03t2011 I Cheque Amount - SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS O3I15I2O1'I Cheque Anrount - 03t15t2011 2,456.01 74.47 74.47 367.25 010174 367.25 886.56 010175 886.56 55.37 55.37 2't1.93 211.93 8',19.25 010178OAFC CONFERENCE PASS Cheque Amount -819.25 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 101 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 03117 12011 0311712011 12:59PM OO0/,27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Mar06460 - 08880 UTILITIES - LIBRARY Marl2660 - 62007 UTILITIES - MED BLDG Mar25260 - 09578 UTILITIES - OFFICE Mar68860 - 08015 UTILITIES - FIREHALL Mar86590 - 87008 UTILITIES - PUMP#2 OOI47O LEANNWALSH reimburse purdrase COFFEE æt14nú1 I 256.58 010179 0311412011 r 93.55 010179 0311412011 I 533.55 010179 03rt42011 I 321.76 010179 o3t14t201',1 I 267.07 010179 ChequeAmount- 1,611.82 Mar68850 - 12275 UTILITIES - PB WORKS GARAGE ænA2ú1 I 139.31 010179 0311412011 I 71.88 010180 Cheque Amount - 71.88 OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY 43 GAS CAN OAO4nUl I 12.00 010181 Cheque Amount - 12.00 000662 oNTAR|O ASSOCTATTON OF 46069 MATERIALS o3rt62011 I 393.75 010182 ChequeAmount- 393.75 000679 OXFORD SAI.¡D & GRA\ÆL LTD rN00115r36 PRE COLDMIX CRS 0310912011 I 139.84 010183 Cheque Amount - 139.84 000706 PITNEY BOWES 210829390402 COMPREHENSTVE SERVTCE PI-AN 0310512011 r 574.',16 010184 Cheque Amount - 574.16 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFO 00663103042721018MaruN|T RENTAL - E.C.C. O3l}gnü'l I 31.08 010185 Cheque Amount - 31.08 OOI537 RON CAIRNS reimburse purdrase GLOWSTICKS FOR WATER RSQ 0311512011 I 150.29 010186 ChequeAmount- 150.29 000796 SANDS CANADA INC./ANGUS 00668821 DEFIB ACCESSORIES 0310712011 I 123.62 0'10187 Cheque Amount - 123.62 001599 STEVEADAMS coveralls¡lrorkboots CO\ÆRALLSMORKBOOTS 0311412011 I 58.00 010188 ChequeAmount- 58.00 001418 TELUS 015894762032 DOLI-AR POOL SAVINGS 0212712011 C -196.50 010189 015894762032' OTHER CHARGES 0212712011 I 2.30 010189 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 102 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 03117 12011 03Í1712011 12:59PM 0158947æ03212005876 CELL PHONE - G ROESCH 01589476203z617',t156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 01589476203A6171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 0158947620326197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 0158947620326365709 CELL PHONE. PB FIRE DEPT 0158947620326365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT I 0158947620326366178 CELL PHONE. STRAF FIRE DEPT 01589476203216366198 CELL PHONE. E BRADFIELD 0158947620326366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 0158947620326369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 01589476203216689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER o't589476203219021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 02t27t2011 0?/27/2011 02127120't1 0u27t201'l 0212il2011 0212712011 0u2712011 oa27no11 0212712011 0212712011 0?/2712011 o2f27t2011 334.51 010189 44.52 010189 38.70 010189 49.66 010189 44.86 010189 44.86 010189 44.86 010189 339.09 010189 225.65 010189 58.87 010189 50.85 010189 45.31 010189 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 11{18 OOO942 VALLEY BLADES LIMITED 't42576 142577 OOO953 MENNAHOME CENTERLTD Cheque Arnount - ID TAGS - JTAG RECRUIT TRNG O3IO9I2O1'I Cheque Amount - UNI\ÆRSAL CURB RUNNER O3IO4I2O11 BOLTS, WASHERS, SPRINGS, BI:A' O3IO4I2O11 Cheque Amount - 't,127.54 433.92 010190 433.92 98.59 010191 4,267.00 010191 360802 360867 361173 361 185 361257 361300 361325 001015 WEAO 1 1-9800434 BOLTS POSTS, PLYWOOD SALT PINE, BRACKETS BATTERY BULBS POSTS, MAIL BOXES 4,365.59 24.41 010192 118.31 0'10192 12.85 01.0192 61.79 010192 10.16 010',t92 4.27 010192 517.48 010'192 oaü120't'l 02t03t2011 0211612011 0,/171201'l 0211u2011 02J22J2011 02t23t2011 000968 WELLS CONTRACTING CO Cheque Amount - MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 0212212011 I Cheque Amount - CoUNTERTOPS, CABTNETS - S.C.( 03/07/2011 Cheque Amount - 1891 749.27 87.0'l 010193 010194 87.01 4,894.01 4,894.01 Cheque Run Total -21.804.97 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 103 of 159 20'to,fi.19 6.3 9050 000156 CANADIAN PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD T4276',t9',CARTRIDGES MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0311712011 0310312011 r Cheque Amount- Cheque Run Total - 0311712011 f :28PM 010195 442.40 Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 104 of 159 2010.1 1.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace : 0 1 181 1 Report Date: 031 17 1201 1 0311712011 1:17PM Accounts Payable Voided Gheque Posted By: SANDRA Fiscal Year: 20ll Posting Pd.: 3 Posting Date: 0311712011 01{10G1030 General bank CDIST inconectamount Void Chq: lOf 71 50.90 CAI,IADIAN PIPE & PUMP 0'14'10G1950 Accounts Pa¡rable Trade CDIST inconect amount Void Chq: '10'171 -50.90 CAA¡ADIAN PIPE & PUMP Total Debits 50.90 Total Credits -50.S Net Posting 0.00 I t I Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10125 to Cheque #10195 inclusive, except Cheque #10171 totaling $137,309.79 and Page 105 of 159 8ORW HUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI.I TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT LL,O4L.24 ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COHPANY TOTALS ADJUST.CR CURRENT TOTAL LL,O4L.24 2,26r.6A 5,0t3.54 1,1r9.39 I 9,455. 85 40,01I.35 40,011.55 42.00- 42.OO- 59,447 .20 284.99 53.I5 E9 ,735.34 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES RUN: ìlAR I201I N0: E PAGE: 406 HST REG: I00057413 RTO004 COì,|PANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: l.lAR 9 , ?OLL DAIE 0F PAY: tlAR Il. 2011 FEDL TAX NR IAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT HB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS Ci{EQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT ITEI{ SALARIÊD WORKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD RERUN TAX FOR]IS RUN DATE FEB 23 2OI], UNITS CHARGE 21 34.65 31 6.82 L 2.O9 GOVIT TAX FORH 1 TAX FORI{ RERUN 1 254 -99 ITEI{ H0URLY t¡JoRKPAYS UNITS I UN ITS IO CHARGE RUN DATE 40,00 FEB 21 201I YTD ADJUST CHARGE ITEI{ I6.50 PAYROLL RUNS 40. OO COURIER FEE 125.00 CASE*936209 I TEI'I COURIER FEE 3L7,907.L2 1,355,11 L75 .90 319,456.I3 UNITS CI.IARGE I 12.00 UNITS CHARGE L 47,93 2 24.OO 42.OO- ADJUST-DR 2 ,26L .68 5,015.54 1 , t 19,39 L9 ,435.85 40,0r1.55 40,0rr.55 59 ,447 .20 296.99 53.15 59 ,777 .34 YTD TOTAL 50,747 .99 10,586,85 2(t,93O.72 5,327 .23 9L ,592.79 226,3L4.s3 226,3L4.33 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QP IP CAN PEN QC PEN 8C HSF ON EHT I{B HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS I TS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRS P RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GSf HST GRAND IOT TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS 59 '7s5.34 DEBIT INF0RI.IATI0N: 003 05102 IOIIgzs THE ABOVE ANALYSIS INCLUDES UNCOLLECTED FEES FOR THESE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED SERVICES/ITEI.IS T TE]I GOVIT TAX FORH C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 1 0 1 2 5 t o C h e q u e # 1 0 1 9 5 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e # 1 0 1 7 1 t o t a l i n g $ 1 3 7 , 3 0 9 . 7 9 a n d P a g e 1 0 6 o f 1 5 9 1 L- ElgrnCounty March 1,2011 fl t¿ ( Mr. Kyle Kruger and Municipal Employees of Bayham Township 9344 Plank Road, P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO Re: Invitation to Gountv of Elgin Warden's Gharitv Golf Tournament On behalf of Elgin County Council it is my pleasure to invite you to the 2011 Elgin County 3'd Annual Warden's Charity Golf Tournament. With the pending closure of the United Way's number one contributor, your help is needed now more than ever. As one of the leaders in the category of public sector contributors to the United Way, The County of Elgin is asking you to assist us in helpíng to fillthe gap in contributions for our community. The seven municipalities within Elgin County (Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich, Township of West Elgin, Township of Malahide, Township of Southwold,) are working together to make this event a success. The Warden's Charity Golf Tournament is being organized by the Elgin County United Way Special Events Committee (ECUWSEC) and all proceeds will go to the Elgin-St. Thomas United Way. The Golf Tournament will take place on Wednesday, June 15,2011 at Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club in Port Stanley, Ontario. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. Shot gun starts at 10:30 a.m. followed by a Steak Supper at 4:30 p.m. The Golf Tournament will provide an opportunity to have some fun, socialize with others while at the same time realizing the benefits the tournament will provide to the Elgin-St. Thomas United way. ; S15lu d-ouAaJ'Þ åoto County of Elgln Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, 0n NsR 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 www.elgin-cou nty.on.ca ProSressive by Nature Correspondence dated March 1, 2011 from County of Elgin regarding "Invitation to County of Elgin Warden's Charity Page 107 of 159 Re: Counhr of Eloin Warden's Charity Golf Tournament Soonsorship Request The Elgin County United Way Special Events Committee (ECUWSEC) will be hosting the 3rd Annual Warden's Charity Golf Tournament which is scheduled to take place at Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. AII profits for this event will go to Elqin-St. Thomas United Wav. We are pleased to announce we were successful in raising $10,200 at the 1* Warden's Charity bolf Tournament held in 2009 and $19,000 at the 2nd Annual Warden's Charity Golf Tournament held in 2010. ruow we nee¿ to ra¡se tne ø without your aenetous suooott, With the pending closure of the United Way's number one contributor, your help is needed now more than ever. As one of the leaders in the category of public sector contributors to the United Way, The CounÇ of Elgin is asking you to assist us in helping to fìll the gap in contributions for our community. Our goal is to raise $20,000 and, at the same time, give your company an opportunity to be named as one of those who partnered with us, and helped us reach this notewofthy achievement. Will you help achieve our goal by sponsoring this event at any one of the following levels: Platinum: Gold: Silver: Bronze: $2000.00 donation $1000.00 donation $ 600.00 donation $ 300.00 donation Platinum Donation - $2O00 Exclusive sponsorship for æ of the following (choice of sponsorship will be confìrmed upon receipt of payment) a) eoU Martin's Pro Demo, b) Bag Lunch for each participant includes lunch bag with your company logo, c) Continental Breakfast, d) Pafticipant's gifts with your company logo. Also includes: a) 2 golf tickets to the County of Elgin Warden's Charity Golf Tournament b) Your company logo displayed prominently at event sponsored cj Special Recognition at the Tournament Dinner and on the County of Elgin's Website d) Your company logo displayed on table placemats e) Sampling opportunity in participant gift bags 0 Recognition issued by County Council County of Elgin Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas, On NsR 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 wwìM.elgin-county.on.ca Prof,,ressive by Nature Correspondence dated March 1, 2011 from County of Elgin regarding "Invitation to County of Elgin Warden's Charity Page 108 of 159 All proceeds to Elgin-St. Thomas United Way Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club 320 Carlow Road Port Stanle¡ Ontario N5L 186 Wednesday, June 75,2077 - Registration: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Shot Gun Start: 10:30 a.m. (Løst døv to Reeßter ß fune 70, 20771 Name Orsanizati Phone #Fax # Email ¡ $ 90.00 Golf, Cart, Continental Breakfast, Lunch a¡rd Dinner (early registration and payment received before May 6,2011) ¡ $ 100.00 Golf, Cart, Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner tion and payment received after May 6,2011 ¡ $ 35.00 Dinner limi Name Orsantzation Phone# Fax#Email tr tr $ 90.00 Gol[ Cart, Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (early regÍstration and payment received before May 612011) $100.00 Golf, Cart, Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (late registration and payment received after May 6,2011) tr $ 35.00 Dinner Only (spaces limited) Name Orsafization Phone #Fax#Email !$ 90.00 Golf, Cart, Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (early registration and payment received before May 6,2011) $100.00 Golf, Cart, Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Di¡¡er (late registration and payment received after May 6,2071)tr tr $ 35.00 Dinner Only (spaces limited) Name Orsalization Phone #Fax #Email tr $ 90.00 Golt Cart, Continental Brealdas! Lunch and Di¡urer (early registration and payment received before May 6,2011) $100.00 Golfl Cart, Continental Brealdast, Lunch and Dinner (late reqistration and payment received after May 6,2011')tr E $ 35.00 Dinne¡ Only (spaces limited) Mail your cheque and registration to: County of Elgin, Attention: Sonia Beavers 450 Sunset Drive, 2od Floor, Financial Services St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Correspondence dated March 1, 2011 from County of Elgin regarding "Invitation to County of Elgin Warden's Charity Page 109 of 159 SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION Yes, I would like to sponsor the County of Elgín 3'd Annual Warden's Charity Golf Tournament with the following donation: If Platinum Donation, please circle which exclusive sponsorship you are interested in: a) Bob Maftin's Pro Demo, b) Bag Lunch for each participant includes lunch bag with your company logo, c) Continental Breakfast, d) Participant's gifts with your company logo. Choice of sponsorship will be confirmed upon receipt of payment. I would also like to provide the following promotional item (s) for the registration kits: I would also like to provide the following prizes to be used as door prizes or the silent auction table: Company Name: Contact Person and Title: Address: Platinum Donation $2000 lincludes 2 oolf tickets) Gold Donation $1000 (includes 2 qolf tickets) Silver Donation $600 Bronze Donation $3oo Phone:Fax: Email Address: Authorized Signature: All cheques should be made payable to the County of Elgin and can be post dated to June 3, 20tt. PLEASE RETURN SPONSORSHIP FORM WITH PAYMENT NO LATER THAN MONDAT MAY 2,ZOLT TO THE ATTENTION OF: County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive, znd Floor, Financial Services St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Attention: Sonia Beavers Correspondence dated March 1, 2011 from County of Elgin regarding "Invitation to County of Elgin Warden's Charity Page 110 of 159 ç Ministry of Agriculture, Ministère de I'Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales 3rd Floor 3" étage'l Stone Road West 1 Stone Road West Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 Guelph (Ontario) NIG 4Y2 Tel: (519) 826-3318 Té1.: (519) 826-3318 Fax: (519) 826-3567 Téléc.: {519} 826-3567 Agriculture l)evelopment Branch h tò O,\'4FP A Date: February 25,201 To: Clerks of County, District, Regions and other Municipalities From: Mike Cowbrough Chief Weed Inspector ntario Subject:Appointment of Area and Municipal \üeed Inspectors 2011 Please review the following requirements of municipalities as def,rned under the Weed Control Act R.S.O. 1990. o Under Section 6 (1) of the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter W.5, ó. (1). The council of every upper-tier and single-tier municipality shall by by-law appoint one or more persons as area weed inspectors to enforce this Act in the area within the council's jurisdiction and fix their remuneration or other compensation. o Under Section 7 (1) the clerks of each upper-tier and single-tier municipality shall report the names of all area weed inspectors before April L't. 2011. o Under Section 8 (l) of the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter W.5, municipalities may by by-law appoint one or more persons as municipal weed inspectors. o Under Section 9 (1) the clerks of municipalities who have appointed municipal weed inspectors shall report the names of all municipal weed inspectors before April 1't. 2011. Please provide the name and contact information of the appointed weed inspector on the attached form. Part I is to be filled out only if you represent an upper-tier municipality, Part 2 is to be filled out only if your represent a single-tier municipality and Part 3 is to be filled out only if you represent a local (lower-tier) municipality. If your municipality is not appointing a weed inspector, but are making use of the services of a weed inspector appointed by an upper-tier or single-tier municipality, please indicate this on the affached form. l2 Good Things Grow in Ontario À bonne terre, bons produits M toodland oxr^ato Correspondence dated February 25, 2011 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Appointment of Page 111 of 159 -2- Please enter the contact information and area served by your area weed inspector(s) on the enclosed form and retum it to the attention of Vaughan Allan at the address below before April 1't.2011. Vaughan Allan I Stone Road'West 3'd Floor SW Guelph, Ontario NIG 4Y2 Lastly, I'm happy to announce that we will be holding our annual V/eed Inspector's Conference on April lzthr2011in Guelph at the Victoria East Golf Course. The program agenda can be found at hffp://wr¡,-r.v.weedscience.ca . To register for the conference please call l-877 -424-1300 bv April4th.2011. Mike Cowbrough Chief V/eed Inspector Correspondence dated February 25, 2011 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Appointment of Page 112 of 159 q ct' March ll-2011. Mayor Paul Ens and Members cf Cc,"mcil: i On ltla_y 29,2011 ,the congreqaton of St. Luke's Anglican Church Vienna will be celebratine their l50h Anniversary of the buildine ofthe church situated on l3 Edison Drivg Vienna. This will bç an open event. Invitations will be scnt oul end notices published in the Tillsonburg News and the Aylrner Express inviting the public to celebraæ this historic ev€nt with us" After the service a light lunch will be provided. Weather permitting, we are requesting tfrat you be able to deliver and provide ten picnic tables for this event. However if the weather proves to be inclement, we migbt be given the option of the use of the Vienna Community Centffproviding it is available. The Rt. Rev. Robert Bennett, Bishop of Huror¡ Members of Parliament, County Officials and other guests will be in attendance. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet new friends and renew old acquaintances- Thanking you in advance, 'Arv/¿¿, 7îL-ó^A4') AnnaM. Schafer Historical Committee Correspondence dated March 11, 2011 from Historical Committee regarding "St. Luke's Anglican Church Vienna 150th Page 113 of 159 Page 114 of 159 Correspondence dated March 15, 2011 from CAA South Central Ontario and Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "CAA Page 115 of 159 Correspondence dated March 15, 2011 from CAA South Central Ontario and Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "CAA Page 116 of 159 Correspondence dated March 15, 2011 from CAA South Central Ontario and Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "CAA Page 117 of 159 Page 118 of 159 ,l $) þla,r tò//t- -âott-los THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDT]M TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties NIIMBER: PR20l l-03 Purpose: This report is further to report PR2010-10 considered in October 2010, to recommend a Licence Agreement with Mr. Lucien Dujardin to permit the installation of power lines across certain municipal properties. Background: On September 76,2010, the municþality received a request from Mr. Lucien Dujardin seeking permission for the installation of underground power lines to connect a microfit solar power project. The power lines would cross the unopened road allowance between lots 20 and 2l in Concession 2, and the former rail lands jointly owned with the Town of Tillsonburg in Concession 2. Council approved a licence agreement to permit the installation across the unopened road allowance, and referred the request relating to the former rail lands to the Town of Tillsonburg as co-owners of those lands. Staff Comments: As reported last October, staff suggest that permission via a licence agreement would be the most simple method to proceed with any arangements. A draft licence agreement had been circulated to Tillsonburg staff for their consideration as well. The draft agreement provides for a 20-year licence term with the licencee responsible for items including restoration of lands after construction, provision of liability insurance and indemnities, and provision of necessary equipment details. Minor compensation for a sum of $500, sufficient to recover general administrative costs for the agreement was also included. Town of Tillsonburg staff considered the request, and were of the opinion that a meeting of the Utility Corridor Joint Board was needed to review the matter. A meeting of the Board was held in February, and consensus was to grant approval of the request, with some minor amendment to the licence agreement to address Tillsonburg concerns. The revised licence agreønent is now prepared and attached to draft by-law 20ll-024 attached to this report. Attachments 7. Draft By-law No. 20ll-024, to authorize the Execution of a Licence Agreement with 1498975 Ontario Inc. for the Installation of Electrical \Morks. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere Goal#7 - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship DATE: March 7,2011 FILE: L04 Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 119 of 159 Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 120 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-024 A BY.LA\il TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LICENCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM, TOWN OF TILLSONBURG, AND 1498975 ONTARIO INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WORKS \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a licence agreement to permit the location of an underground electrical connection for solar panels across former CPR Rail lands described as Concessions 1 - 9, Parts 1 - 5, llR- 6476 and Part I, llR-6477 of the Municipality of Bayham. NOW THEREFORE THE COTTNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Licence Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between 1498975 Ontario Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the placement of underground power lines. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24TH DAY OF MARCH 2011. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 121 of 159 THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT is made this day of ,2011. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ANd THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor") OF THE FIRST PART -and- 1498975 ONTARIO INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Licensee is constructing a solar power project on the lands described as Concession 2 N Pt Lot 16 in the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the lands described as Concessions 1 - 9, Parts I - 5,llR-6476 and Part l, llR-6477 of known as the former CPR Rail lands, in the Municipalþ of Bayham (the "Lands"); IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and other good and valuable consideration the parties agree as follows: Grant of Licence 1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee the non-exclusive use of the Lands for the purposes hereinafter set forth, for the period of twenty (20) years, commencing March 24,2011: a) The Licensee hereby accepts the Lands in their condition as of the date hereof and shall not call upon the Licensor to do or pay for any work or supply any equipment to make the Lands more suitable for the proposed use by the Licensee hereunder. b) The Licensee shall pay the Licensor Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable in advance, as a licence fee upon the commencement of this Agreement. c) The Lands may be used for the purpose of locating "Equipment" consisting of underground power lines for the connection of solar panels and any incidental apparatus approved by the Licensor. Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 122 of 159 -3- Covenants bv Licensee 2. The Licensee covenants with the Licensor: a) To pay the licence fee set out in clause 1. b) To pay taxes (including local improvements) and all rates, licence fees and other charges imposed on or with respect to the Lands as same become due. c) To use the Lands only for the purposes of the Equipment and not to erect any buildings or structures on the Lands. d) To maintain the appearance of the Lands in a neat, clean and well-kept manner appropriate to the condition of the land. e) To install, maintain and repair the Equipment at its own expense. Ð To ensure that no refuse, litter, garbage or loose or objectionable material accumulates in or about the Lands. g) To ensure that no trees are removed and no grade changes are carried out. h) To provide and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars with respect to its use of the Lands during the full term of this Agreement and any extension thereot naming the Licensor as an additional insured, and to provide a certihcate evidencing s¿une, prior to execution of this Agreement and as required by the Licensor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such public liability insurance shall contain provisions for cross-liability, severability of interests, and no cancellations or alterations without the consent of the Licensor. Ð Not to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Licensor, which consent may be unreasonably withheld. j) To leave the Lands in substantially the s¿une condition by iemoving the Equipment from the Lands, at the expiry of this Agreement as they were at the coÍìmencement of this Agreement. k) To comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws, rules, regulations and by-laws and to hold the Licensor harmless from the consequences of its failure to do so. Installation. Repairs and Replacement 3. The Licensee may install, repair or replace the Equipment, provided that: Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 123 of 159 -4- It applies to the Licensor for approval to install such equipment; It provides drawings or specifications required by the Licensor for the purpose of reviewing the suitability of the Equipment; It proceeds in accordance with the approval given under the supervision of the Licensor; It compensates the Licensor for any expense incurred by the Licensor in the course of approval or supervision; Damage occasioned by the installation or removal of the Equipment will be repaired by the Licensee at its own expense forthwith. Indemnitv 4. The Licensee shall at all times indemnifr and save harmless the Licensor from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, charges, expenses, actions and other proceedings (including those in connection with workers' compensation or any similar or successor arrangement) made, brought against, suffered by or imposed on the Licensor to fulfill any part of its obligations under this Agreement or for any reason whatsoever or in respect of any loss, damage or injury (including injury resulting in death): a) To any person or property (including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, employees, contractors, agents and proper[y of the Licensor) directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or sustained by reason of the occupation or use of the Lands, or any operation in connection therewith or any fixtures or chattels thereon, or b) To any person while on adjoining lands of the Licensor in the course of that person's entry onto or exit from the Lands. Exclusion of Liabilitv The Licensor shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any personal injuries that may be suffereã ır sustained by any person who may bé on the L-andsır for any loss of or damage or injury to property belonging to the Licensee or any other person unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the Licensor's negligence or default or the negligence or default of those for whom the Licensor is in law responsible. Hold Harmless Oblisation 6. The Licensee shall fully indemniff and save harmless the Licensor from and against all construction liens and related costs and other claims in connection with all work performed by or for the Licensee on the Lands, and shall promptly remove all registered claims from title. a) b) c) d) e) 5. Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 124 of 159 -5- Termination by Licensor 7. If any time hereinafter the Licensor in its sole discretion resolves to terminate the privileges granted herein, the Licensee agrees to remove the equipment or any part or parts thereof within sixty (60) days after notice in writing of such decision has been delivered or posted by prepaid mail to the Licensee and the Licensee shall not be entitled to claim any damages whatsoever for the removal of the equipment or any part or parts thereof. Default 8. If the Licensee defaults in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, the Licensor shall give written notice to the Licensee of such default giving the Licensee Thirty (30) days to remedy such default, failing which the Licensor may terminate this Licence and the Licensee shall then forthwith remove its chattels and fixtures, if any, from the Lands and shall restore the Lands to the condition in which they were at the commencement of this Agreement. Notice 9. Any notice required to be given to the Licensor under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensor or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to it at: Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Any notice required to be given to the Licensee under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensee or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the Licensee at: 1498975 Ontario Inc. C/o Luc Dujardiin R.R. #2 Vienna, ON NOJ 1ZO or at such other address as the Licensee may in writing designate. [n either case, such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date of its delivery or in the case of mailing five (5) business days after it is delivered to the post office. Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 125 of 159 -6- Successors 10. This Agreement shall enure to the benef,rt of, and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and (where permitted) assigns and may be registered on title at the option of either party. Resistration 1 1. This Agreement may be registered at the expense of the Licensee, against the lands of the Licensee, and the Licensor shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act, to enforce its provisions against such Owner and any and all subsequent Owners of such land. IN WITNESS V/HEREOF the parties have affixed their respective corporate seals attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorizedinthat behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MI-/NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ) ) Per: ) ) ) Per: ) Clerk ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ) ) Per: )Mayor Mayor ) ) Per: ) Clerk ) 1498975 ONTARIO INC. ) ) Per: ) I have authority to bind the Corporation Staff Report PR2011-03 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 126 of 159 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: East Pier Repairs Report DATE: March 10, 2011 FILE: NUMBER: PR201l-04 Purpose This report is to present the Port Burwell East Pier condition report submitted by CJDL Consulting Engineers. Background As Council may recall, the east pier in Port Burwell was acquired from the federal government in 1994. In addition, an evaluation was carried out on the pier for Small Craft Harbours in 1996 which suggested that the minimum investment at the time to clear safety hazards and prevent fuither deterioration was approximately $50,000. Complete deck replacement was estimated at $350,000. Staff are not aware of any works arising from the report that were carried out. More recently, to address some apparent deterioration of the pier condition, Council retained CJDL Consulting Engineers to assess the pier condition on make recommendations on required repairs. CJDL has now submitted that report (as attached), and it has been reviewed by the Harbourfront Committee for comment. Staff Comments CJDL was retained to evaluate the current condition of the east pier, and ensure that repair works are carried out in a manner that protects the pier from fuither deterioration. The report received outlines a wide anay of options, with a range in initial costs from $49,000 to 5252,000 in order to take into account available funds. A summary of repair components and costs is found on page 12 of the report. At this time, approximately $60,000 has been set in reserves for these works. The CJDL repo{ suggests that the overall concrete structure is in good condition, but does have a number of recommended items for its rehabilitation. Ten scenarios are outlined (see page 13 of the report), which have been considered by the Harbourfront Committee . In terms of their plans, it has been suggested that a concrete overlay vs asphalt be pursued, and also that should works be staged, that full restoration by section (starting at the south end) is preferred to facilitate their pier beautification plans. As mentioned in the engineers report, the project can be phased in by sections. However, overall costs are expected to increase with phasing, due to additional mobilization costs. It may be more prudent to proceed with full restoration if that is the desire of Council, and finance costs over 3 to 5 years. Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 127 of 159 Options 1. Proceed with repairs pursuant to one of the 10 scenarios outlined by CJDL and issue the necessary tender or RFP documents. 2. Defer works until such time as sufficient funds are in place for full restoration. 3. Not pursue capital repairs to the pier structure at this time. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #3 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT report PR2011-04 regarding East Pier Repairs be referredto 2011 budget discussions. Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 128 of 159 Port Burwell East Pier Report Municipality of Bayham Table of Contents I. EXECUTIVE SIJMMARY 2. HISTORY AND BACKGROI'ND 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS3.1 Timber Substructure3.2 Coreholes and Observation Holes3.3 Inventory of Existing Deficiencies3.3.I Concrete Deck Surface Deficiencies3.3.2 BollardDeficiencies 3.3.3 DeckEdgeDeterioration3.4 CausesofDeficiencies3.5 Summary of Existing Conditions 4. PROPOSEDREPAIRS4.1 Hydro Blasting4.2 Partial-DepthConcreteRepairs4.3 Deck Surface Repairs4.3.I Deck Deterioration Repair 4.3.2 FillingExisting Transverse Cracks/Joints4.3.3 Differential SettlementRepairs4.4 Bolla¡dRehabilitation 4.4.1 Vertical Cracks 4.4.2 Caps4.5 Deck Edge Repairs 4.5.1 Option 1 - Wood Forms 4.5.2 Option 2 - SheetPile Forms4.6 Repair of Vertical Walls Nea¡ Water Level 5. PROPOSED SURFACE OVERLAYS5.1 Overlay Option I - Asphalt5.2 Concrete Overlay 5.2.1 Overlay Option 2 - Concrete Contained by Wood Forms or Sheet Piling5.2.2 Overlay Option 3 - Concrete Contained by Poúred Curb 6, CONCRETE ADDITMESÆREATMENTS6.1 BondingAgent for Old-to-New Concrete6.2 Joint Sealert6.3 Surface Curing & Sealing Compound 7. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND TJMT PRICES 8. PROPOSEDREIIABILITATIONSCENARIOS 9. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES 10. PHASING OF CONSTRUCTION 11. FUTURE GAZEBO 12. RECOMMENDATIONS Appendix 'A' - Existing Conditions Drawing Appendix'B'- Core Samples Report Appendix'C' - Observation Hole Records and Photographs Appendix'D' - Rehabilitation Figures Appendix 'E' - Concrete Additive/Treatment Products Page I 2 't I '¡ I 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 I I I 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 t2 13 l4 t4 15 t5 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 129 of 159 0939 8 December 2010 PORT BURWELL EAST PMR REPORT MT]MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM To: Mayor and Council Herein follows the Port Burwell East Pier Report as requested. 1. Ð(ECUTII¿E ST]MMARY The Port Burwell east pier is comprised of a timber substructure and an overlying concrete structure. The timber substructure, consisting of piles and cribbing filled with stone was constructed in 1904. The overlying concrete stucture, supported by the timber substructure, was constructed from 1925 to L926. The concrete stucture consists of concrete footings set on timber supports, vertical walls, and a 0.25+ m thick deck. Cast iron bolla¡ds filled with concrete, used for tying offdocking ships a¡e located along the perimeter of the deck edges. The total length of the east pier is 395+ m; the width varies from 6.6 m to 8.4 m with a 16.Tmwidesectionatthesouthend. ThetopofthepierisatelevationlT5.6+mabovesealevel,being0.S mto2.2maboveLakeEriewhichhaslongtermfluctuationsbetween 173.4mto 174.8m. In 1994, the Village of Port Burwell obtained ownership of the southerly 313+ m of pier; the ownership of , the northerþ 82+ m of pier was retained by the Crown, administered and controlled by the Small Craft Harbours of the Deparûnent of Fisheries and Oceans. A hot-mix asphalt overlay on the federally owned portion of the pier was completed 5+ years ago by the Municipality of Bayham. This report addresses the Municipally owned section of the pier only. An underwater inspection of the timber substructure was completed by Watech Service Inc. in November 1996. The inspection report concluded that the timber substructure is generally firnctioning adequately and remains in good condition. Five (5) core samples of the existing concrete deck were tested in early 2010. Test results revealed numerous coarse air voids in the concrete; however, fine air voids, essential for limiting damage caused during freezing cycles, were insufFrcient. Compression tests revealed very strong concrete, ranging from 50 MPa to 70 MPa (7,250 to 10,150 psi); approximately 50% stronger than modern specifications for this type of work. A visual inspection to inventory current deck surface deficiencies (transverse cracks, difîerential settlemen! and deterioration), and deck edge deterioration was completed on the Municipally owned (concrete surfaced) portion of the pier in July 2010. Bollards along the fi¡ll length of the east pier were also assessed for cracks and damaged/missing caps at this time. Physical weathering is the presumed cause ofmost of the surface deterioration. Despite the deficiencies, the concrete structure is generally in good condition. Repairs to the distessed areas, and possibly a complete surface overlay (asphalt or concrete) are recoürmended for rehabilitation of the east pier. The proposed initial step of the repair procedure is to hydroblast (high pressure water at 5,00ùI psi) the existing concrete deck surface and exterior walls to clean and remove any unsound concrete fragments. Upon completion of blasting, methods and magnitude of repairs can be confirmed. Partial-depth concrete repairs involving sawcutting, chipping, and patching are proposed to remedy both deck surface and deck edge deterioration. Reinforcement exposed during partial-depth repairs should be cleaned and possibly coated with an epoxy to reduce the effects of corrosion. Temporary wood forms or permanent horizontal sheet piling are proposed to contain the poured repair concrete fo¡ the deficient deck edges. Differential settlements would be repaired with reba¡ installed across the formed crack by drilling holes or sawcutting slots for insertion ofthe rebar. The rebar is intended to link the separated slabs together, evenly distributing load across the crack. Welding is proposed to fix inventoried vertical cracks in the cast iron bollard frames, and poured-in-place or precast concrete caps are proposed for the bollards caps which are currently missing or damaged. CJDL Consulting €ng¡n€€rs Page I of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 130 of 159 Depending upon the good condition of the existing concrete structure, a bonded overlay is proposed. A bonded overlay creates a monolithic dech where the existing deck and overlay surface are conjoined to act as one. To ensure adequate surface drainage, a centreline crov¡nwith2%o crossfall is proposed. 50 mmthick HL3 asphalf bonded to the existing deck with tack coat is one proposed overlay. Deck surface deterioration, differential settlements, and joint sealing of existing cracks/joints should be addressed prior to an asphalt overlaytopreventmatchedfailureintheoverlay. Al40mmthickconcreteoverlaywithl50mmxl50mm wire mesh reinforcement is the second proposed overlay type. Deck surface deterioration and differential settlements should be repaired prior to overlaying; however, joint sealing of existing cracks/joints can be avoided. Alternativel¡ sawcutting new ûansverse joints in the overlay above ttre existing cracks/joints will promote contolled cracking. If existing deteriorated deck edges are repaired, the wood forms or sheet pile forms can be set to accommodate containment for the poured concrete overlay. If edge deterioration is not repaired, a concrete curb could be poured to contain the subsequently poured concrete overlay. The application of concrete additives/treatment products for bonding new concrete to old concrete, sealing cracks/joints, and for curing/sealing concrete surfaces is imperative to ensure proper functionality and improved durability of the proposed concrete repairs and/or overlays. A total of ten (10) proposed scenarios, each comprised with different combinations of rehabilitation components are presented. Estimated costs of the proposed scena¡ios range from $49,000 to $256,000, dependant on rehabilitation components involved in the scenarios. 2. HISTORY A¡ID BACKGROTTND Port Burwell is situated on the north shore of Lake Erie at the mouth of Big Otter Creek. The Village of Port Burwell is located in the Municipality of Bayham, in the County ofElgin. In the early 1830's, six (6) acres were deeded to the Port Burwell Harbour Compan¡ aqd by 1833 development of the harbour began. The harbou¡ was owned by the Crown from I 840 to 1849, before the Port Burwell Harbour Company regained possession. Sometime thereafter, the Crown reclaimed ownership from the Harbour Company. The timber substructure that still exists below the concrete deck today was constructed in 1904. The northerly 102+ m of the pier is comprised of a timber crib built on closely spaced piles. It is believed that stone fill extends to the ha¡bour bottom inside the piles and cribbing. The remaining 293+ m of pier is constructed of a full depth timber crib filled with stone. See Sections A-A and B-B on the drawing in Appendix 'A'. The doþins (cabled timber piles) located along the west side of the east pier were presumably installed for docking locations in 1904. The concrete structure was constructed above water level in 1925 to 1926. The rock filled timber substructure supports loads applied by the concrete stucture. The concrete structure consists of concrete footings set on timber supports, 1.6+ m high vertical walls, and a 0.25 m to 0.28 m thick deck. The west exterior vertical walls are thicker than the east vertical walls. It is presumed that the concrete deck was poured against the stone fill. Cast iron bollards filled with concrete were installed on the concrete deck for tying off docking ships. The cast i¡on frames are 16 mm thich secured by bolts penetrating into the deck/walls. The bollards were constructed with concrete caps on the east side of the pier and cast iron caps on the west side of the pier. The concrete walls and deck are built out (0.2+ m x 1.55+ m long) around the bollards on the east side of the pier. See cross-sections on drawing in Appendix 'A'. Three (3) additional bollards and fwo (2) protective corner fenders were installed at the south end ofthe east pier in 1966. Tlre corner fenders are made of rubber with 25 mm thick steel plate exterior protection and are bolted to the vertical concrete walls. CJDL Consulting €ngin€€rs Page2 of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 131 of 159 In l994,Port Burwell obt¿ined ownership ofthe southerly 313+ m of the east pier. The inner harbour along with the northerly 82J m of pier remains federally owned by Public Works and Government Services and controlled by the Small Craft Harbours of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. It is believed that the dolphins (cabled piles) along the west side of the pier are also Crown property. The dolphins have deteriorated signihcantly and currently serve little if any function, consideration could be given to remove them (Watech Services Inc., 1996 Report). Maintenance records ofthe east pier are not available; however, the cunent deterioration ofconcrete/asphalt repair patches would tend to indicate minimal repair works over recent years. The federally owned 82+ m of pier was overlayed with 1OGj mm thick hot-mix asphalt by the Municipalþ within the last five (5) years. The broken/spalled concrete edges were not repaired or overlayed with asphalt. The asphalt overlay appears to be in satisfactory condition. 3. E)ilSTING COITDITIONS - Refer to Drawing No. l, Appendix A 3.1 Timber Substructure An underwater inspection was completed by Watech Services Inc. in November 1996 as part of the pier evaluation completed by Public Works and Government Services Canada. Inspection observations indicated that external timber piles are spaced at 0.9I m centre to centre, and are tied together with horizontal timbers running longitudinally and transversely. A few of the longitudinal timbers were noted as missing. The internal timber cribs were difficult to assess due to the limited space between the piles and also between the vertical concrete walls and the lake bottom; however, probing ofthe cribs indicated that they were generally sound. The inspection report concluded that some deterioration of the timber structure has occurred; however, it is generally functioning adequately and remains in good condition. 3.2 Coreholes and Observation Holes In early 2010, five (5) core samples (100 mm in diameter) were taken to determine the strength of existing concrete. Sample strengths ranged from 50 to 70 MPa (7,250 to 10,150 psi). This is considered to be very strong concrete; 50+% stronger than would normally be specified today for this type of work. In addition, the concrete samples contained numerous air voids generally larger than chemically introduced air voids found in modern concrete. Chemical air entrained concrete did not exist at the time the east pier was constructed; therefore, the evident air voids would have occurred during the on-site mixing procedure and will not be consistent th¡oughout the pier. The lack of consistent air entrainment will partially account for a¡eas of sound concrete next to areas of deteriorated concrete. Refer to January 2010 report by Trow Associates Inc. in Appendix 'B'. Th¡ee (3) observation holes (325 mmin diameter) were also cored for inspection ofthe area under the deck. These holes were then covered with steel checkerboard plates. The visual inspection under the deck and measurements taken indicated that the condition ofthe concrete was sound on the inside face; however, the rock backfill of the cribbing has settled 0.15 m to I .5 m below the underside of the concrete deck. Refer to the attached photographs in Appendix 'C' . The timber piles and cribbing below the concrete were not visible for inspection due to the high levels of siltation on both sides of the pier and due to the rock fill inside the cribbing. 3.3 Inventory of Existing Deficiencies Site inspections were completed in July 2010 to inventory deck surface deficiencies and deck edge deterioration on the concrete surfaced (Port Burwell owned) portion ofthe pier. The condition ofall bollards was also assessed. CJ DL Consult¡ng Cngín€€rs Page 3 of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 132 of 159 -t à¡Irl a I .¡ 3.3.1 Concrete Deck Surface Deficiencies The inspection ofthe concrete deck surface included identification oftransverse cracks and areas ofsurface deterioration, including alligator (fatigue) cracking, delamination, spalling, and deficient sections previously repaired with asphalt. See the drawing in Appendix 'A' for locations ofdeck surface deficiencies. The chart below provides a swnmary of the deck deficiencies: DECK STJRFACE DEFICIENCIES Deficiency Type Quantþ 2mm to I mm traverse cracks 35 9 mm to 50 mm traverse cracks 3 A¡eas of surface deterioration, including alligator cracking, delamination, spalling, and asphalt repairs 20 Total Deficiencies:58 Approximately eighty-five percent (85%) of the 2 mm to 8 mm transverse cracks are present along the northerly two-thirds ofthe concrete surfaced deck. It is noteworthy that differential settlement (up to 40 mm) of the deck has occurred at two (2) of the three (3) 9 mm to 50 mm traverse cracks. "Differential Settlement" Twenty (20) areas of surface deterioration were noted covering approximately 150 m2, 6+ Yo of the total concrete deck area. Surface deterioration is most highly concentrated amidst the second northerly quartile length of the east pier. The southerly 76+ m of deck which was poured in 1926 (one year subsequent to the original pour) is generally structurally intact, contributing only six (6) deck surface deficiencies. ,l CJ DL Corsulting Cngin*rs Page 4 of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 133 of 159 II t I¡ ¡ 3.3.2 BollardDeficiencies A visual inspection of the cast iron bollards filled with concrete was also undertaken in July 2010. The bollardshave been identified in ascendingnumerical orderfromnorthto south includingthenortherlyfederal section of the pier. There are a total of forty-one (41) bollards. A summary of the bollard deficiencies is provided in the legend on the drawing in Appendix 'A'. A total of fourteen (14) vertical cracks exist on twelve (12) cast iron bollards. Twelve (12) bollards have no caps, and th¡ee (3) concrete caps are damaged. "Vertical Crack on Cast kon Bollard #18" 3.3.3 Deck Edge Deterioration Inventoried deterioration included spalling/broken edges and longitudinal cracks adjacent to the edges, foreshadowing future spalling. The edge deterioration was classified into 5 different categories dependent on vertical depth ofthe spalling. See the drawing in Appendix 'A' for the layout of edge deteriorations. The following chart provides a summary of the deficient edges: DECK EDGE DETERIORATION Equivalent Up to 125 mm vertical 70m 5m2 Up to 250 mm vertical 55m l0 m2 Up to 500 mm vertical 70m 25 m2 Greater than 500 mm vertical 35m 20 m2 Range 50Gl mm below deck to water TOTAL DETERIORATION 240m 65 m2 "Deck Edge Deterioration" ìl I-t 'Ê ¡ ,f III t ¡ ¡ I CJ DL Consulting englne€rs Page 5 of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 134 of 159 ì¡ ! ¡ 3, The 240 m total length of deteriorated edges over the 66G+ m concrete surface perimeter, represents 36% ofthe total length. Alternatively, it can be stated that 6 4Yo of the deck edge is not deteriorated; with majority ofthe non-deteriorated edges present on the 1926 poured deck (southerly 76* m). 3.4 Causes of Deficiencies Physical weathering is presumed to be the predominant eause for surface deficiencies and deteriorated edges on the east pier. Repeated heating and cooling cycles exert stesses on the exterior surface ofthe concrete causing peeling and/or spalling. When entered moisture freezes in the concrete, the voids help decrease the internal stresses created, minimizing damage. The lack of consistent air entrainment has accounted for areas damaged during freeze-thaw cycles. It is quite clea¡ that the deck edges have been subjected to the most severe effects of weathering; however, in general the concrete appears to be sound with minimal surface deficiencies, considering the age of the structure. 3.5 Summa¡.v of Existing Conditions Based on the previous underwater inspection, the timber substructure is believed to be generally in good condition. Structurally, the existing concrete is in good overall condition, despite inventoried deficiencies primarily caused from physical weathering. Repairs to the defioient areas, and consideration of a complete surface overlay is recommended for rehabilitation of the east pier. The proposed overlay will bond to the existing surface to create a monolithic slab, in which the overlay and existing deck will act "as one". The pier is no longer accessible to vehicular trafüc, and is limited to pedestrian traffic. It is anticipated that size of construction equipment will be limited during construction to avoid healy point loads on the pier. 4. PROPOSED REPAIRS 4.I Hvdro Blasting The first step in the remediation procedure is to hydro blast (high pressure water at 5,00ùl psi) the existing concrete structure including the deck surface and exterior vertical walls. The high pressured blasting will thoroughly clean the concrete surfaces and remove any remaining unsound concrete fragments at the deteriorated sections. Any surface deterioration previously repaired by asphalt will also be removed at this time. For accessibility, a lift device will be required to spray the exterior walls of the pier. The ConservationAuthorityhasrequestedthatthemajorityofthe concrete fragments dislodgedbyhydro blasting be captured. A barge adjacent to the pier could be used for this; however, fi.¡rther discussion should be undertaken with LPRCA prior to conshuction to mitigate the need for recovery of this inert material. Upon completion of the blasting, a more detailed visual inspection can be undertaken to determine the magnitude and methods ofproposed deck and edge repairs. 4.2 Partial-Deoth Concrete Repairs To remedy deterioration on the surface and edges of the pier, partial-depth repairs are proposed. Partial- depth repairs involve sawcutting, chipping and patching. The perimeter of the deteriorated area should first be sawcut to the desired depth of repair avoiding damage to existing reinforcement. The damaged concrete within the sawcut limits is then chipped (i.e. jack hammered) out, and a relatively level surface should be obtained. Any exposed steel reinforcement should be cleaned, and possibly coated with epory to reduce the effects of corrosion. Damaged reinforcement should be replaced with epoxy coated reinforcement, and should be retied to the existing grid pattern as required. A bonding agent should be applied to the existing concrete for a strong adhesive bond with the new poured concrete. See Section 6.1 for details on bonding. i CJDL Consult¡ng €ngin€€rs Page6ofl5 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 135 of 159 ì 7t 4 4.3 Deck Surface Repairs - using methods described in 4.2 4.3.I Deck Deterioration Repair Subsequent to hydro-blasting it may become evident that some ofthe inventoried deterioration areas on the deck are insigrrificant in depth (less than 10 mm). If a concrete overlay of the existing deck is to be undertaken, it may be reasonable, and certainly economical to avoid pursuing repairs on these particular area¡¡. However, if a concrete overlay is not to be pursúed, or if deterioration is of significant depth, then a separate partialdepth repair should be considereã. See previous Section 4.2 for details on partialdepth repairs. Fig.4.3.linAppendix'D'illustratesapartialdepthrepairontheexistingdecksurface.Full-depth repair ofthe concrete deck should be avoided due to the void present between the settled underlying stone fill and the underside of decþ complicating adequate containment for poured concrete. 4.3.2 FillingExisting Transverse Cracks/Joints Transverse cracks and joints in the concrete deck should be filled with an appropriate joint sealant (see Section 6.2). Sealant aids in preventing moish¡re ûom entering the joints and susceptible voids created by the transverse cracks. Embedded moisture will ñ¡rther increase cracking and deterioration of the surrounding concrete. The sealant resists moisture, but it also has elasticity properties to allow contraction and expansion ofthe concrete slabs separated by the crack or joint which is essential in preventing damage caused by thermal stresses. Prior to filling the existing cracks/joints should be routed as required to ensure adequate clean-out for insertion of the sealant. A backer rod should be placed at the bottom limit of the fill zoneto avoid three (3) point adhesion, which could affect the fi¡nctionalþ of the sealant. 4.3.3 Differential SettlementRepairs Two (2) locations of differential settlement were inventoried at large tansverse cracks. Overlaying concrete across the crack without prior remedial works may increase the dead load on the existing slabs at the crack. This increase in dead load may result in further differential settlement in the existing slabs, causing a matched failure in the new overlay. An appropriate method to rehabilitate differential settlement is by "rebar retrofitting". Holes should be drilled into both separated slabs at 45+' angles to the surface. Epory should be poured into the drilled holes, and reinforcement ba¡s inserted perpendicular to the crack formation. The exposed length ofthe inserted bars should be connected to epoxy coated rebar placed parallel with the crack. The rebar will be embedded into an overlay surface, linking the existing slabs and new overlay together to evenly distribute load. See Fig. 4.3 .3 in Appendix 'D'. If an overlay is not pursued, an altemative repair can be completed. Slots can be sawcut in the separated slabs, and epoxy coated rebar inserted across the crack. The slots are then backfilled with patched concrete, ensuring appropriate cover to resist effects of corrosion. Similarly, the rebar links the separated deck slabs together to evenly distribute load. 't t -È I ',! CJDL Consulting €ngin€€rs PageTofl5 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 136 of 159 4.4 Bollard Rehabilitation 4.4.I Vertical Cracks The vertical cracks in the cast iron bolla¡ds \ilere presumably caused by the freezing of entrapped water in the internal concrete fill. The resulting expansion would cause pressure on the cast iron collars, resulting in vertical cracks. The prefened method to repair the vertical cracks in the cast iron bollards is by welding. To ensure a quality repair, the welding operation should be completed by a certified welder with experience in repairing cast iron. For increased flame temperature, recommended for welding cast iron, pure oxygen in lieu of air (2Gr% oxygen) is recommended to react with the applied ñrel gas (i.e. propane or acetylene). A metal backstrip should be inserted within the repair area to prevent the internal concrete from mixing/reacting with the weld. Preheating of the entire bollard casting is recommended to slow the cooling rate of the weld. The repair should be wrapped with fibreglass insulation upon completion ofthe weld to ensure a slow, uniform cooling rate for proper curing and to reduce cracking tendencies. Holes could be drilled near the base ofthe bollards to drain üapped water and thereby prevent firture cracking. 4.4.2 Caps The three (3) concrete caps suffering from fatigue cracks should be replaced. New poured in place caps or precast concrete caps could be added to the bollard units presently missing caps. A bonding agent (see Section 6.1) should be applied between the new cap and existing internal concrete. For accessibility and economical purposes, bollards with original cast iron caps missing should be replaced with concrete caps. To increase durability of caps and reduce cracking in the cast iron collars, surface sealant (Section 6.3) could be applied to the new and existing conc¡ete caps for resistance to water. 4.5 Deck Edge Repairs - using methods described in 4.2 The predominant deficiency on the east pier concrete substructure is the deterioration ofthe edges. Two (2) options are proposed to remedy the edges that possess breaks extending from the top ofthe deck surface to various depths below. Refer to Section 4.2 for repair procedures, and Section 6.1 for bonding of ttre new concrete. 4.5.1 Ootion 1 - Wood Forms The conventional method to repair the spalled edges of the concrete structure is with poured concrete utilizingwoodforms. Followingthoroughcleaningandremovaloflooseconcretebyhydro-blasting(Section 4.1), the wood forms could be temporarily fastened to the concrete by tapcon screr\¡s. If edge deterioration encroaches into the vertical walls (i.e. below the 25G! mm thick decþ, two (2) separate concrete repair pours are recommended. The first pour should extend ûom the lower deterioration limit to the underside of the concrete decþ and the subsequent repair pour should match the deck thickness. The cold joint between the pourswillmatchtheexistingcoldjointbetweentheverticalwallsanddeck. SeeFig.4.5.linAppendix'D'. CJDL Consultinq €nqin€€¡s Page I of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 137 of 159 -ì f åI ¡I I I ã ¡! 4.5.2 Option 2 - Sheet Pile Forms A secondary altemative to repair the spalled edges of the pier would consist of permanent sheet pile installation to contain new concrete pou(s). The steel sheet piles would to be laid horizontall¡ in lieu of the conventional vertical orientation. The ends of the sheet piles would be bolted together or welded. The lower portion of the sheet piling would be bolted to the vertical face of the concrete wall at 1t m intervals, using tapcon anchors. Steel shaps spanning the length ofdeterioration would be fastened to ttre existing deck surface at 1 m intervals, also using tapcon anchors. The opposing end of the steel sfraps would be bent perpendicular to the deck surface, and connected to ttre sheet piles with nuts and bolts. See Fig. 4.5.2 in Appendix'D'. The proposed standa¡d sheet pile width (vertical coverage) is 568 mm (22"). The upper portion of the sheet piling is to be installed atthe same elevation as the proposed overlay surface, or atthe existing deck surface ifno overlay is to be undertaken. Where edge deterioration exceeds the depth of the set sheet piling the use of conventional wooden forms below the sheet pile forms will also be required. The steel sheet piling should be galvanized to resist corrosion. 4.6 Repair of Vertical Walls Near Water Level - using methods described in 4.2 Some areas of spalling just above the water level were visible during the July 2010 site inspections. These spalls do not extend to the deck surface, These spalls appear to initiate from the wall footing. Repair of these spalls is more difiFrcult, due to limited accessibility. A ffpe of aerial platform, such as that provided by a bucket trucþ could be used for aid in completing the necessary repairs. See Sections 4.2 and 6.1 for repair procedure and bonding. The spall sections should be fully forrned from the bottom - up, leaving a void at the top of the forms for insertion of the concrete. 5. PROPOSED SI]RFACE OVERI"AYS As stated previously, the proposed overlay will bond to the existing concrete decþ to create a monolithic slab. A centre line crown with2% crossfall is proposed for the overlay surface to ensure adequate surface drainage. To maintain functionality of the cast iron bollards, the surface overlay should offsetthe bollards on both the east and west sides of the pier. 5.1 Overlay Ootion I - Asphalt An overlay of 50 mm thick HL3 surface hot-mix asphalt (Iil44) is one proposed option for rehabilitation. A tack coat should be applied to the existing deck prior to paving for improved bonding. See Fig. 5.1 in Appendix 'D'. To reduce surface deficiencies from reflecting through the asphalt overlay, deck surface deterioration (4.3.1), cracks ljonts(4.3.2), and differential settlements (4.3.3) shouldbe repaired/treated prior to overlaying. An asphalt overlay would have a life expectancy of approximately 20 years until replacement would be necessary. Maintaining the asphalt by sealing cracks as they develop will reduce water penetrations and potentially extend the life expectancy. CJDL Consultinq €nqineers Page 9 of l5 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 138 of 159 ¡ ? ¿i 5.2 Concrete Overlay An alternative to an asphalt overlay is a poured concrete overlay. A 140 mm thick concrete overlay complete with 150 mm x 150 mm wire mesh reinforcement is proposed. For aesthetic reasons and improved safety against slipping a finished broomed surface is recommended. The concrete overlay should be divided into two (2) separate pours, creating a longitudinal cold joint along the cente line ofthe deck. Temporary forms fastened along the centre line are required to contain the first pour. Forms a¡e then removed prior to pouring the remaininghalf. An adhesive agent (see Section 6.1) is recommended to bond the overlay to the existing deck. It is recommended that existing areas of significant deck surface deterioration and differential settlements be repaired prior to a concrete overlay to prevent reflected deterioration in the overlay, ensuring a stronger, more durable monolithic deck. New transverse joints in the overlay should be sawcut above the existing cracks and joints to promote controlled cracking; thus, filling of the existing cracks and joints is not necessary. While pouring the overlay, a surface curing/sealing agent should be sprayed in a thorough and timely fashion to assure a quãlþ product (see Section 6.3 for surface curing/sealing agent). The created longitudinal cold joint should be saw cut, then the longitudinaljoint and transversejoints should be sealed (see Section 6.2) to resist moisture. Two (2) primary options a¡e considered for containment of the poured concrete overlay: 5.2.1 Overlay Option 2 - Concrete Contained by Wood Forms or Sheet Piling It is anticipated that if an overlay is to be undertaken, then the edges will first be repaired by the use of sheet piles or Conventional forms; tåerefore, the top elevation of the form or sheet piling can be set to àccommodate the proposed thickness of the overlay. T.he overlay should be a separate por¡r, subsequentto repair pour(s) regardlèss of which forms a¡e used. See Fig. 5.2.1 in Appendix 'D'. If edges are not to be repaired, the width of the finished deck may need to be reduced to contain the concrete overlay pour. 5.2.2 Overlay Option 3 - Concrete Contained by Poured Curb A poured concrete curb could also contain the concrete overlay. An OPSD 600.110 - modified curb is próposed. The curb woul d at2Voto ensure adequate o the underside of the curb d be sprayed with a surface curing/sealing agent (Section 6.3). In addition, the coldjoint created between the oveilay and the curb should be sawcu! and ajoint sealant (Section 6.2) should be applied. The curb should be offset around the cast iron bollards. The curb option is especially recommended if repair of edge deterioration is not pursued. See Fig. 5.2.2 nAppendix 'D'. 6. CONCRETE ADDITTYES/TREATMENTS 6.I Bonding Agent for Old-to-New Concrete To obtain a monolithic concrete structure, application'of a bonding agent on the interface of the existing concrete and new concrete is required. An appropriate bonding agent such as Intralok should be applied to thecleanedexistingconcretepriortopouringthenewconcrete. SeeAppendix'E'forthemanufacturerdata sheet on Intralok bonding agent. For minor repairs or patching, it may be more appropriate to include the Intralok into the hand mixed concrete, rather than applying it to the interfaces (i.e. repairs in vertical wall near water level). Different mixes are provided in the manufacturer data sheet. CJDL Consult¡ng €ngin€€ns Page l0 of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 139 of 159 6.2 Joint Sealant As stated in Section 4.3.2, joint sealant is necessary to prevent water from entering joints and cracks. A recommended joint sealant is Canseal NS (see Appendix 'E' for manufacturer specifications). Canseal NS provides high performance bonds of high strength and elasticity. The elasticity properties are essential for movement (contraction and expansion) of the concrete. The Canseal should be applied to existing cracks and construction joints if no overlay or an asphalt overlay is to be completed. For concrete overlays, the manufacturer recommends a joint widttr to joint depth ratio of 2:1 with the depth ranging between 6mm (114") and l3mm (112") for new construction joints. A backer rod should be utilized to prevent three (3) point adhesion and ensure proper functionalþ of the Canseal NS. The backer rod should be used for both existing joints and newjoints, and should beZíYo larger than the joint width for a snug fit. 6.3 Surface Curine & Sealine Compound All poured concrete (repair or overlay) should be treated with a surface curing agent. A curing agent helps the concrete retain mix water to permit thorough hydration of the cement paste for hard, dense concrete. SEAL CURE/I8 (see Appendix'E') is recommended for poured concrete on the east pier. SEAL CIJRE/l8 forms a tough, uniform, moishue-retentive film for simultaneous curing and sealing. The sealing compongnt will help resist surface water from entering the porous concrete. In addition, the breathable frhn created by the compound will allow any entered moisture (vapour) to evaporate in the concrete once it is cured, preventing damage caused during freezngcycles in the winter months. ì ,t .! ¡ I I t CJDL Consulting €ngineers Page ll of15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 140 of 159 I t I II 7. ESTIMÁ.TED QUAIYTTTTES A¡ID UNTTPRTCES In the previous sections ofthis reporl repair treatments for the deck surface (deterioration, cracks/joints, differential settlement), bollards, and deck edges have been presented, as well as alternatives for surface overlays. The table below provides a unit price for each of the proposed rehabilitation components: REF.#REIIABILITATION COMPONENT UNIT EST. QTY. UNTT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 4.t Hydroblæting: DeckSurface Exterior vertical walls Hour Hour 25 25 $90 s130 s2,500 $3,250 4.3 DECK STJRFACE REPAIRS 4.3.t 4.3.2 4.3.3 Repair of sigrificant deck surface deterioration Filling of existing cracks and joints Differential settlement repair m2 Each Each 50 50 2 827s $60o $1,250 $13,750 $30,000 $2,500 4.4 B OLLARD REIIABILITATION 4.4.1 4.4.2 Vertical crack repairs by welding incl. painting Poured Concrete Caps Each Each 8 9 $325 s225 $2,600 $2,025 4.5 DECKEDGE REPAIRS 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 Wood forms including repair Horizontal sheet piling -- :ålLtt i:ri.t"t m2 m fr2 60 660 60 $300 $110 s27s $ I 8,000 s72,600 $16,500 4.6 Repair of vertical walls nea¡ water level m2 5 $350 $1,750 5.SURFACE OVERLAYS 5.1or 5.2 5.2.2 Asphalt overlay, including tack coat Concrete overlay, including wire mesh reinforcement OPSD 600.1l0 - modified cu¡b Tonne m2 m 310 2,450 660 $120 $5s $40 $37,200 $134,750 $26,400 Notes and Assumptions An allowance for engineering and contingency is included in the above prices. Estimated quantities exglggþ any work required on the northerþ 82+ m of pier which is federally owned. Ref. #4.1 . A production rate for hydroblasting the deck surface is l0G+ m2ltrour. Total concrete deck area (2,450+ m2) + production rate ( 1 OGt m') = 25+ hours. The LPRCA has suggested that recovery of hydro blasttit debris may be required; this is still under negotiation and the cost of a barge is not included in . required to hydrobla half the area of the the accessibility. $1 spotter, plus $250lday (3 days required) forthe lift rental equals a total unit price of $ 13O/hour for an estimated duration of 25 hours. 4.3.1 . Significant deck surface deterio¡ation is assumed to be 50 m2, one-third (1/3) of the total inventoried surface deterioration (15G] m'z). This will vary dependant upon the outcome of hydroblasting and choice of overlay (asphalt vs. concrete/no overlay. The 50 m2 estimate is believed to be most representative for a concrete overlay. 4.3.2 . It is assumed that twelve (12) exiting construction joints are exposed on the deck. Therefore 38 inventoried cracks + 12 joints:50. 4.5 . The estimated areas for deck edge deterioration is based upon average vertical areas, not the horizontal area of the deck edge (encroachment width). 4.5.2 . The deck edge repairs by sheet pile forms is split up into two (2) components: L Supply and installation of thelheet piling, and2. Concrete iepairs which includes removals (sawcutting and chipping) and pouring the repair concrete. 4.5.2 . Foi ãesfhetic pirposes, the sheet piling is proposed for the entire length of deck edges, whether the edge is deteriorated or not.All . Concrete additives/treatments (Section 6) are included in the listed unit prices. CJDL Consult¡ng engin€€rs Page 12 of l5 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 141 of 159 8. PROPOSED REHABILITATION SCENARIOS The "matrix" chart below provides ten ( 1 0) different proposed rehabilitation scenarios for the port Burwell east pier. Each scenario is dependant upon ::ï*lai:l;""1î':ljT:l'i"ï"î-#åîJ"tiiå:ffiii"å,î,{ï:':;iJd.îäì;ËTi'"".åä "o.t r,ouoJ"Jup to ir,'e,,"*t frpool r",ãå"n oitr,, t",liój ESTIMA'IED COSTS FOR PROPOSED REHABILITATION SCENARIOS REÍIABILITATION COMPONENT TOTAL PRICE SCENARIO #s SECTION 7 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 t 9 l0 Hydroblasting: Deck Surfacc 2,250 x x x x x x x X x x Hydroblæting: Exterior Vertical Walls 3,2s0 x x x x x x Repair of significant deck surface deterioration 13,750 x x x x x x x x x x Filling of existing cracks and joints 30,000 x x x x x x Differential scttlement repair 2,500 x x x x X x x x x x Welding of bollard cracks 2,600 x x x x x x Bollard caps 2,025 x x x x x x Dcck edge repairs using wood forms 18,000 x x x Supply and installation ofhorizontal shcet pilíng 72,600 x x x Deck edge repair - contained by sheet piting 16,500 x X x Repair ofvertical walls nea¡ water level't,750 x x x X x x Asphalt overlay, including tack coat 37,200 x x X Concrete overla¡ including wire mesh reinforcemcnt 134,750 X x x X OPSD 600.1 l0 - modified concrete cu¡b 26,400 X Total Estimated Costs, Excl. HST $49,000 $77,000 $86,000 $l 14,000 $r4E,000 $154,000 $180,000 $181,000 $1E5,000 s252,000 CJDL Consultlng €nqlneGrs Page 13 of 15 S t a f f R e p o r t P R 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " E a s t P i e r R e p a i r s R e p o r t " . F i l e : L 1 4 P a g e 1 4 2 o f 1 5 9 È Ii !t !¡ 9. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATTTæS The ten rehabilitation scenarios listed on page 13 are listed from lowest to highest cost which is also generally representative of the anticipated life expectancy of the repairs. Although patching the existing concrete would be done to a high standard of quality, it must be recognized that there is a sigrificant risk that adhesion of the repair to the existing concrete, especially in a¡eas where the patch is thin, may begin to fail within a few years of completion. Additional remedial work may be necessary within 5 years. Providing a thicker overlay over the entire deck a¡ea would significantly reduce the risk of early failure. An asphalt overlay would greatly improve the appearance ofthe pier, however, it would provide no structural strength to resist reflective cracking which could show up within the fust few years of placement. Moisture penetration would then need to be controlled by routing and sealing the cracks similar to highway maintenance programs. The harsh environment that the pier is subject to is anticipated to limit the life expectancy of an asphalt overlay to l0 to 15 years when replacement would be required. A complete concrete overlay of the deck of the pier following completion of deck and edge repairs is the most costly option, however, it would provide the longest life expectancy with the lowest amount of maintenance. The fi¡ll concrete overlay is expected to provide in excess of 25 years service life. The large cast iron bollards that line each side of the pier are no longer necessary. The vessels currently using the ha¡bour can be served with much smaller bolla¡ds or cleats. Although the design scena¡ios presented contemplate repair and salvage of the bollards, consideration should be given to removing/replacing the bollards as it would simpliff and expedite construction of an overlay. Historical significance and aesthetics may also influence the decision whether to retain the existing bollards or replace them. Regardless ofmethod ofremediationchosen, thereremains an uncertaintywiththe conditionofwoodenpiles and stone filled cribbing substructure. T}lre 1996 evaluation by divers seemed generally positive, however, access for inspection was extuemely limited by high levels of sediment adjacentto both sides ofthe pier. If the significant deepening of the harbour is considered in the future, encapsuling the pier with sheet piling may be necessary to prevent failure of the timber supports below the water line. 10. PHASING OF CONSIRI'CTION Depending upon which of the foregoing rehabilitation Scenarios is selected, phasing of construction over a 2 or 3 year period to suit available funding can be accommodated. If a full concrete or asphalt overlay is selected, hydro-blasting and patching of exiting surface and edge deterioration could be completed for the full structure during the initial phase of construction followed by completion of the deck overlay in subsequent years. Altematively, deck and edge repairs and completion of the deck overlay can be completed in their entirety for l/2 or ll3 sections ofthe pier each year. It is expected that phased construction could accommodate starting at either end of the pier. It should be recognized however, that phasing the project over several years will increase the overall cost of the project due to additional mobilization, loss of economies of scale and provision for temporary ramping, removals and cleanup required between phases. Additional administrative work for tendering and awarding multiple contracts would also be anticipated. The increased cost may range as high as an additional2ÛYo above the estimates given on page 13. 1¡I È t ¡ I -l CJDL Consulting €nqineers Page 14 of l5 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 143 of 159 11. FUTTIRE GAZEBO It is understood that the Municipalþ is contemplating construction of a gazebo or similar structure near the south end ofthe pier. This type of open structure would subject the pier to relatively light loading compared to the overall mass ofthe pier. No structural challenges with the pier are anticipated ifthis type of structure is constructed. It should be noted that concrete lags to anchor the structure should penetrate tluough any surface overlay into the original concrete decking. A concrete overlay is preferred rather than asphalt in the vicinity of any building structures proposed for the pier. 12. RECOMMENDATIONS Following selection of the repair and overlay scena¡io by the Municipality, it is recommended this project proceed to tender and construction in the spring to take advantage ofavailability ofconcrete contractors. The tender can also be prepared to obtain pricing for two or more scenarios to more accurately compare construction pricing. Prices for phasing options could also be obtained when tendering. PJPised ¡t ¡f I I Peter J. CJDL Consultinq CnEin€€rs Page 15 of 15 Staff Report PR2011-04 regarding "East Pier Repairs Report". File: L14 Page 144 of 159 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM CONFIDENTIAL STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Denis Dugua¡ Treasurer SUBJECT: Tax Sale DATE: March l7,20ll FILE: F22-ll NUMBER: F2011-05 Purpose To receive council's direction regarding a particular property that has been through the tax sale process. Background Comments As council is aware, the tax sale process has been completed for the Fabco property in Vienna. The tender portion of the process closed June 17, 2009. No bids were received. I)iscussion The municipality had a tax sale for the property on June 17th2009 in which there were no tenders. Pursuant to section 379(15) of the Municþal Act, 2001, if a Notice of Vesting is not registered within two years of the sale, in this case before June 17th 2017, the Tax Arrears Certificate will be deemed to be cancelled. Council may chose to re-advertise this property for sale before June 17th and if the taxes have been written oft there might be a greater interest in the property if the price was more athactive, council should be advised that it might not have been the onlyreason the property did not sell. In the past a Gas Station was situated on this property, and Staffdid recommend a Phase II Environmental Assessment to be undertaken to determine if there are any issues. "Conclusions of the Phase II assessment indicated impact bypetroleum hydrocarbons in the vicinity of the former tank nest at the south-west end of the site in front of the building. The impacted soil appears to be concentrated at or above the water level. It is recommended to complete soil remediation in the petroleum impacted area due to the elevated Petroleum Hydrocarbon concentrations and to prevent the potential future migration ofpetroleum impacted groundwater. The cleanup would include excavation of Staff Report F2011-05 regarding "Tax Sale". File: F22-11 Page 145 of 159 impacted soil and disposal in a sanitary landfill facility. No conditions that are perceived as risks to human health or the environment were revealed by the investigation" If council would choose to re-advertise the property for sale, real tax would have to send out notice (Form l0) to all the interested parties. Section 380.1(2) says this notices must go out at least 30 days prior to the first ad, if council was going to re-advertise, the first ad would have to be in early May which would mean the notices would have to go out in the beginning of April. If council chooses to vest, the Notice of Vesting must be registered on title before June t7th20tl. Estimated cost for clean up based on 2009 investigation two scenarios: Worst case scenarío Disposal only 300m3 X5225 : 67,500 Transportation with 20m3 rolls off : 106,450 Fill in excavation with public works Crew :3,724.00 Total :SlJf -ff14 Best Case Scenørío Disposal only 300m3 X $110 : 33,000 Transportation with 20rn3 rolls off :68,950 Fill in excavation with public works Crew :3,724.00 Total : $1I)5,621 Tax breakdown: Penalties :51,372.41 Princþal :584,836.42 Financing this write off of taxes/acquisition of property would have to be done one of two ways. Council can draw funds from the operation rate stabilization reserve (all other reserves have been allocated/spoken for or are not eligible for this transaction). Altematively, council may coÍrmit2011 budget dollars. Staff Report F2011-05 regarding "Tax Sale". File: F22-11 Page 146 of 159 Strateeic Plan Goal(s) Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management. Goal#1 - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship. Recommendation: ThAT counciL direct staff not to Vest the property and to let the Tax Anrears Certificate be deemed cancelled as of lune 17, 2øt!. Respectfully submitted,Reviewedb¡ Staff Report F2011-05 regarding "Tax Sale". File: F22-11 Page 147 of 159 Page 148 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-024 A BY-LA\il TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LICENCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM, TOWN OF TILLSONBURG, AND 1498975 ONTARIO INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WORKS WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a licence agreement to permit the location of an underground electrical connection for solar panels across former CPR Rail lands described as Concessions I - 9, Parts 1 - 5, 11R- 6476 andPart 1, llR-6477 of the Municipality of Bayham. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Licence Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between 1498975 Ontario Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the placement of underground power lines. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. RE,AD A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24TIJ DAY OF MARCH 2011. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 149 of 159 THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT is made this day of ,2011. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MLINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor") OF THE FIRST PART -and- 1498975 ONTARIO INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Licensee is constructing a solar power project on the lands described as Concession 2 N Pt Lot 16 in the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the lands described as Concessions 1 - 9, Parts 1 - 5,llR-6476 and Part 1, IIR-6477 of known as the former CPR Rail lands, in the Municipality of Bayham (the "Lands"); IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and other good and valuable consideration the parties agree as follows: Grant of Licence 1 The Licensor grants to the Licensee the non-exclusive use of the Lands for the purposes hereinafter set forth, for the period of twenty (20) years, commencing March 24,2011: a) The Licensee hereby accepts the Lands in their condition as of the date hereof and shall not call upon the Licensor to do or pay for any work or supply any equipment to make the Lands more suitable for the proposed use by the Licensee hereunder. The Licensee shall pay the Licensor Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable rn advance, as a licence fee upon the commencement of this Agreement. The Lands may be used for the purpose of locating "Equipment" consisting of underground power lines for the connection of solar panels and any incidental apparatus approved by the Licensor. b) c) By-Law 2011-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 150 of 159 -3- Covenants by Licensee 2. The Licensee covenants with the Licensor: a) To pay the licence fee set out in clause 1. b) To pay taxes (including local improvements) and all rates, licence fees and other charges imposed on or with respect to the Lands as same become due. c) To use the Lands only for the purposes of the Equipment and not to erect any buildings or structures on the Lands. d) To maintain the appearance of the Lands in a neat, clean and well-kept manner appropriate to the condition of the land. e) To install, maintain and repair the Equipment at its own expense. Ð To ensure that no refuse, litter, garbage or loose or objectionable material accumulates in or about the Lands. g) To ensure that no trees are removed and no grade changes are carried out. h) To provide and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars with respect to its use of the Lands during the full term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, naming the Licensor as an additional insured, and to provide a certificate evidencing same, prior to execution of this Agreement and as required by the Licensor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such public liability insurance shall contain provisions for cross-liability, severability of interests, and no cancellations or alterations without the consent of the Licensor. Ð Not to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Licensor, which consent may be unreasonably withheld. j) To leave the Lands in substantially the same condition by removing the Equipment from the Lands, at the expiry of this Agreement as they were at the commencement of this Agreement. k) To comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws, rules, regulations and by-laws and to hold the Licensor harmless from the consequences of its failure to do so. Installation. Repairs and Replacement 3. The Licensee may install, repair or replace the Equipment, provided that: By-Law 2011-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 151 of 159 -4- a) It applies to the Licensor for approval to install such equipment; b) It provides drawings or specifications required by the Licensor for the purpose of reviewing the suitability of the Equipment; c) It proceeds in accordance with the approval given under the supervision of the Licensor; d) It compensates the Licensor for any expense incurred by the Licensor in the course of approval or supervision; e) Damage occasioned by the installation or removal of the Equipment will be repaired by the Licensee at its own expense forthwith. Indemnitv 4. The Licensee shall at all times indemniff and save harmless the Licensor from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, charges, expenses, actions and other proceedings (including those in connection with workers' compensation or any similar or successor arrangement) made, brought against, suffered by or imposed on the Licensor to fulfill any part of its obligations under this Agreement or for any reason whatsoever or in respect of any loss, damage or injury (including injury resulting in deatþ: a) To any person or property (including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, employees, contractors, agents and property of the Licensor) directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or sustained by reason of the occupation or use of the Lands, or any operation in connection therewith or any fixtures or chattels thereon, or b) To any person while on adjoining lands of the Licensor in the course of that person's entry onto or exit from the Lands. Exclusion of Liabilitv 5. The Licensor shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any personal injuries that may be suffered or sustained by any person who may be on the Lands or for any loss of or damage or injury to property belonging to the Licensee or any other person unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the Licensor's negligence or default or the negligence or default of those for whom the Licensor is in law responsible. Hold Harmless Oblisation 6. The Licensee shall fully indemniff and save harmless the Licensor from and against all construction liens and related costs and other claims in connection with all work performed by or for the Licensee on the Lands, and shall promptly remove all registered claims from title. By-Law 2011-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 152 of 159 -5- Termination by Licensor 7. If any time hereinafter the Licensor in its sole discretion resolves to terminate the privileges granted herein, the Licensee agrees to remove the equipment or any part or parts thereof within sixty (60) days after notice in writing of such decision has been delivered or posted by prepaid mail to the Licensee and the Licensee shall not be entitled to claim any damages whatsoever for the removal of the equipment or any part or parts thereof. Default 8. If the Licensee defaults in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, the Licensor shall give written notice to the Licensee of such default giving the Licensee Thirty (30) days to remedy such default, failing which the Licensor may terminate this Licence and the Licensee shall then forthwith remove its chattels and fixtures, if any, from the Lands and shall restore the Lands to the condition in which they were at the conìmencement of this Agreement. Notice 9. Any notice required to be given to the Licensor under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensor or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to it at: Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344PlankRoad Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Any notice required to be given to the Licensee under the terms of this Agreement shall be suffrciently given if delivered to the Licensee or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the Licensee at: 1498975 Ontario Inc. C/o Luc Dujardiin R.R. #2 Vienna, ON NOJ 1ZO or at such other address as the Licensee may in writing designate. [n either case, such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date of its delivery or in the case of mailing five (5) business days after it is delivered to the post office. By-Law 2011-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 153 of 159 -6- Successors 10. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and (where permitted) assigns and may be registered on title at the option of either party. Registration I l. This Agreement may be registered at the expense of the Licensee, against the lands of the Licensee, and the Licensor shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act, to enforce its provisions against such Owner and any and all subsequent Owners of such land. IN V/ITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their respective corporate seals attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorizedinthat behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Clerk ) ) ) Per: ) ) ) Per: Mayor ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ) ) Per: Mayor) ) ) Per: ) Clerk ) 1498975 ONTARIO INC. ) ) Per: ) I have authority to bind the Corporation By-Law 2011-024 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 154 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 20tt-025 AMENDING BY.LAW #2010-1()() BEING A BY.LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE BARTLEY MT]NICIPAL DRAIN WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham by By-law #2010-100 enacted on tlre 13th day of January 20ll provided for the construction of the Bartley Municipal Drain; and for the levy assessments upon lands and roads to which the Bartley Municþal Drainage works is chargeable; WHEREAS it has bee,n deemed that the assessment formaintenance Schedule'D' dated August 31,2010 attached to the Engineer's Report #209138 requires revision; Af[D WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalityof Bayham now deems it necessary to replace the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated August 31,2010 with the attached Schedule 'D' dated March 1,2017; NOW TIIEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I . TIIAT the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated August 31, 2010 attached to By-law 2010-100, be repealed and re,placed with the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated March 1,2011 attached hereto; 2. THAT in all otherrespects ByJaw 2010-100 be hereby confirmed until such time as Council acce,pts a new Engineer's Report assessing this portion of the Otter's Edge Municipal Drain; 3. THAT this ByJaw comes into full force and effect upon the passing thereof. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 7th day of April20ll. Mayor Clerk By-Law 2011-025 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2010- 100 (Bartley Municipal Drain) Page 155 of 159 Page 156 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2587-2011 CSINOS FARMS LTD. BEING A BY-LA\ry TO AMEND BY-LAW No.2456-2003, AS AMENDED WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No.2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "4", Map No. 82, by deleting from the Agricultural (Al) Zone and adding to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone those lands which are outlined in heavy solid lines and marked 6'trfR" on Schedule "A" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 24th DAY OF MARCH 2011 READ A SECOND TIME THIS 24th DAY OF MARCH 2O1I READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24,h DAY OF MARCH 2OI I MAYOR CLERI( By-Law Z587-2011 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Csinos Farms Ltd.) Page 157 of 159 l I I I I I I I N----.'.'- I I I --=----l 0 ? 50r-r¡ 500rrr - -ìrtrlle 1 i2.500ILSCHEDULE BA IAM I f^'*q@ By-Law Z587-2011 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Csinos Farms Ltd.) Page 158 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LÄ.\M NO.2011-027 A BY-LA\M TO CONF'IRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COT]NCIL OF'THE CORPORATION OF' THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM F'OR THE REGULAR MEETTNG HELD MARCH 24,2011 \ilHEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND \ilIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by byJaw; AND \ryHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COTTNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held March 24,2011 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 24th day of March, 2011. MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK By-Law 2011-027 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 159 of 159