HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 18, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, November 18, 2010 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Robert Foster, Auditor from Graham, Scott, Enns regarding "2009 Consolidated Financial Statements and Auditors' Report". Item 9(j) (b)7:30 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding "proposed plaque for Estherville". 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence dated November 5, 2010 from United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry regarding "Farmland and Managed Forest Component of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund". File: C10 (b)Correspondence dated October 27, 2010 from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "grant to support Adult Basic Literacy". File: A01 (c)Correspondence dated November 1, 2010 from Ontario Farm Animal Council (OFAC) regarding OFAC publication "The Real Dirt on Farming II". File: A01 7-17 19-21 23 25-26 Page 1 of 183 Council Agenda November 18, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (d)Correspondence dated October 29, 2010 from Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs regarding "OAFC - Hicks Morley Labour Relations Seminar and the Pre-Seminar Media Relations Workshop". File: A01 (e)Correspondence dated November 2, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "new regulations for suite-metering under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006". File: A16 (f)Correspondence dated November 4, 2010 from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "Court of Appeal Decision - Toronto Bank Towers". File: A16 (g)Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held October 6, 2010. File: A16 (h)Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held October 14, 2010. File: C06 (i)Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held November 2, 2010. File: C06 (j)Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held November 9, 2010. File: C016 (k)Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held November 10, 2010. File: C06 (l)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. File: E00 (m)Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from Elgin County OPP regarding "Stunt Driving Charge". File: P17 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 1.Correspondence and Reports 27-30 31 33 35-40 41-44 45-47 49-51 53-55 57-73 75 Page 2 of 183 Council Agenda November 18, 2010 Page 1.Correspondence and Reports (a)Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". File: D10.10 Baldwin/Gauthier (b)Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". File: D10.10 Baldwin/Gauthier (c)Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from IBI Group regarding "HMSC Ojibwa Submarine Holding Symbol Removal Port Burwell, Ontario". File: D06 2.PUBLIC MEETING (a)ITEM TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 16, 2010 AT 7:30 P.M. (PREVIOUSLY DEFERRED FROM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD OCTOBER 7 AND NOVEMBER 4, 2010) 1.Public Meeting (a)8:00 p.m. - Graydon Rezoning - Zoning by-law amendment application proposing the rezoning of property located at Part Lot 13, Concession 9, 56084 Talbot Line. 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2010-31 regarding "Graydon Rezoning". File: D14.GRAY10 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions 77-86 87-99 101-105 Page 3 of 183 Council Agenda November 18, 2010 Page 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending October 31, 2010 totaling $50,403.08. (b)Correspondence dated October 27, 2010 from County Councillor, Bob Habkirk, regarding "Challenge". File: A16 (c)AMO Watch File dated August 5, 2010 which includes request to support resolution passed July 22, 2010 by the Township of Malahide. File: C10 (d)Correspondence dated November 1, 2010 from Bayham Historical Society regarding "donation of Railway section house shed to the Corinth Park". File: C13 (e)Invoice from Wiebe Home Improvements for repair to the Bayham West Cemetery fence submitted by the Bayham West Cemetery Board requesting reimbursement to the board. File: S09 (f)Correspondence dated October 28, 2010 from Gunn & Associates regarding "7787 Gregson Road". File: Roll file 003-00800 (g)Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". File: L04 107-117 119 121-124 125-127 129 131-132 133-140 Page 4 of 183 Council Agenda November 18, 2010 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (h)Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 (i)Memorandum D2010-07 regarding "Amend Procedural By-law". File: A09 (j)Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. File: F03 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Verbal update regarding "Richmond Water System". 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. (c)Confidential Verbal report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (employee banked vacation) (d)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-104 A By-Law to amend Council Procedural By-Law 2002-93 (b)By-Law 2010-105 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) (c)By-Law 2010-106 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 141-150 151-152 153-174 175 177-182 183 Page 5 of 183 Page 6 of 183 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville November 04,2010 7:00 PM 7220 PM & 7:30 PM - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) 8:00 PM - Public Meeting - Drainage The regrlar meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, November 4, 2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill and Chief Building Ofhcial / Drainage Superintendent Bill Knifton were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDÄ ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21,2010. 2010-434 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held October 21r 2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED LTNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) 20t0-43s Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93, the Vienna Citizens Group delegation be added to the agenda as items 4(a)." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 1 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 7 of 183 Council Minutes 4. DELEGATIONS Vienna Citizens Group. November 04,2010 Jan Collins, representing the Vienna Citizens Group, was in attendance. She advised that there would be a gathering on November l4th at 10 a.m. to mark the placement of signage in honour of Ruth Horton's efforts in establishing a skate park in Vienna. She requested use of the municipal sign to promote Caroling in the Park on December 1lth at 7:00 p.m. She added that the group would like to use Council Chambers to seekpublic input regarding efforts to save the old Vienna Town Hall in January. She noted that a Sand Plains grant application to conduct an engineering study had been turned down. 20t0-436 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Council grants permission for the Vienna Citizens Group to use the municipal sign to advertise Caroling in the Parþ subject to Municipal needs ÄND THAT Council approves use of Council Chambers in January on a date to be determined subject to municipal needs." CARRIED TJNANIMOUSLY 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Correspondence dated October 18, 2010 from Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation regarding "2009 - 2010 Annual Report". (full report available at Municipal Office) File: 401 (b) Correspondence dated October 18, 2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Welcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment". File: 401 (c) Correspondence dated October 26,2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Nominations for 20II - 2}l2Board of Directors". File 401 (d) Correspondence dated October 14,2010 from The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation regarding "The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation - 2009 Annual Report" (full report available at Municipal Office). File: D05 (e) Correspondence received October I9,20I0 from Elgin St. Thomas Public Health regarding "Community Health Status Report". File: E06 (Ð Correspondence dated October 2010 from Ministry of Citizenship and Irnmigration regarding "Nominations for the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Page2 offi Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 8 of 183 Council Minutes Voluntarism in Ontario ". File: M02 November 04,2010 (g) Correspondence dated October 27,2010 from Elgin County OPP regarding "Don't Wait Till Spring To Check YourVacation Home". File: P17 2010-437 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(g) be received for information." CARRIED LINANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 1. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS 2. PUBLIC MEETING 20t0-438 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 1. PUBLIC MEETING (a) 7:20 p.m. - Weeda fts2ening - zoning by-law amendment application proposing to change the zoning on a parcel of land from the Institutuinal (I) Zone to the Village Residential (Rl) Zone to allow the conversion of an existing church to a single unit residential dwelling. 2. DECLÄRATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. STAF'F PRESENTATION (a) StaffReport D2010-034 regarding Weeda (e2sning. File: DI4.WEEDA The Planning Co-ordinator presented her report. She advised that no written comments or concenm had been submitted. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. Page 3 of 11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 9 of 183 Council Minutes November 04,2010 5. COUNCIL COMMENTS AI\D OUESTIONS Councillor Ketchabaw questioned whether there was an existing driveway and whether a grading plan was required. He was advised that the Public Works Manager would consider the application for a road access permit and determine whether a grading plan would be necessary. 6. ADJOURNMENT 2010-439 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THÄT the Public Meeting be adjourned at7:25 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. DISPOSITION OF ITEM 20t0-440 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier 66THAT StaffReport D2010-034 regarding the Weeda and Wiebe rezoning application be received; AND THAT the zoning of those lands located in Lot 7 Plan 54,11Elm Street, be changed from Institutional (I) to Village Residential (R1) Z,oneto permit the conversion of an existing church to a single unit residential dwelling; AND THAT ZoningBy-law 2;585-2010 be presented for enactment." CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY 3. PUBLIC MEETING (a) ITEM TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 18, 2010 AT 8:00 P.M. (PREVIOUSLY DEFERRED FROM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD OCTOBER 7, 2010) 1. PUBLIC MEBTING (a) 7:30 p.m. - Graydon Rezoning - Zlningby-law amendment application proposing the rezoning of property located at Part Lot 13, Concession 9,56084 Talbot Line. Staff Report D20 I 0-3 I regarding Graydon Rezoning. File: D14 Page4of1l Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 10 of 183 Council Minutes November 04,2010 It was noted that the meeting regarding the Graydon property for rezoning purposes has been further deferred until November 18th at 8:00 p.m. No persons in attendance indicated an interest or signed the attendance sheet. 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRÄINAGE 1. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS (a) Correspondence dated October 26,2010 and Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville (Lions) Santa Claus Parade Committee regarding "Annual Santa Claus Parade". File: T09 20r0-44r Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham approyes the request by the Straffordville (Lions) Santa Claus Parade Committee to use streets within Straffordville for the Santa Claus Parade to be held Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 10:30 a.m., subject to the provision of proof of liability insurance coverage; THAT Old Chapel Street be temporarily closed during the parade; THAT the County of Elgin be requested for permission to use Plank Road and Heritage Line between 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for the parade; AND THAT the Bayham Public Works Manager be directed to provide the necessary provisions for traffic control and safety." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated October 22,2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain Court of Revision". File: E09 20r0-442 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Correspondence dated October 22,2010 from Township of Malahide regarding Caroline Davis Drain Court of Revision be received; AND THAT Bill Knifton be appointed to the joint Court of Revision scheduled for Thursday, November 18,2010 at 8:00 p.m." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY Page 5 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 11 of 183 Council Minutes 2. PUBLIC MEETING November 04,2010 20t0-443 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Drainage Act.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. PUBLIC MEETING (a) 8:00 p.m. - Bartley Municipal Drain - to consider Spriet Associates Engineer's Report #209138 dated August 31, 2010. (Full report attached in Section 12 By-Low 2010- 100) 2. DECLARATION OF'PECUNIARY INTEREST AI\D THEGENEBAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. STAF'F PRESENTATION (a) StaffReport DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 Drainage Superintendent Bill Knifton presented his report. The Engineer, John Spriet Jr. explained the layout of the drain and the relocation of a 250 mehe portion of the drain due to the development of the Peters' property. The full cost of the relocation lies with Mr. Peters. A new updated maintenance schedule has been prepared to allocate future repair costs. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND OUESTIONS Councillor Casier questioned whether the proximþ to the field bed is an issue. The Engineer advised that sealed pipe is being used and there is no issue. Councillor Ketchabaw questioned whether the open portion of the ditch will be affected. The Engineer advised that as stonn water management provisions are being applied, there are no concerls. Page6of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 12 of 183 Council Minutes 6. ADJOURNMENT November 04,2010 20t0-444 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 8:09 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. DISPOSITION OF ITEM 20r0-445 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport DR2010-010 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain be received; THAT in accordance with Sections 44 to 46 of the Drainage Act Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts Spriet Associates report #209138 dated August 31,2010, referred to as the "Bartley I)rain" report; THÄT Provisional By-law #2010 - 100 be given first and second reading; THAT the Clerk be directed to distribute copies of the Provisional By-law and Notice of the time and place of the first sitting of the Court of Revision to the affected parties pursuant to Section 46 (2) of the Drainage Act; AND THAT a date of l)ecember 2,2010 at 8:00 p.m. be set for the first sitting of the Court of Revision." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Report for month ending October 3I,2O10. File: P10 20r0-446 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Building Permit Report for month ending October 31,2010 be received for information." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY Page7of1l Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 13 of 183 Council Minutes November 04,2010 (b) Correspondence dated October 18 from Vienna Lioness Club regarding "Christmas Craft Show and Sale". File: C13 20r0-447 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT the correspondence from Vienna Lioness Club requesting use of the Municipal sign be received; AND THAT Council grants permission to use the sign as requested, subject to Municipal needs.rt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINA,I\CE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Registerbeing Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling 5334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending October 17,2010 totaling 551,677.53. 20r0-448 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling 5334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending October 17,2010 totaling $51,677.53 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffMemorandum regarding "Draft Letter to AGCO re: Penny Sales". File: P09 20t0-449 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding Draft Letter to AGCO re: Penny Sales be received for information; Al\{D THAT Staff be directed to forward letter to AGCO Head Office; AND THAT the letter be circulated to Ontario Municipalities and the local MPP for support." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 8 of 1l Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 14 of 183 Council Minutes November 04,2070 (c) Correspondence received October 26,2010 from Rob Thompson regarding "Water Infrastructure". File: C13 20r0-450 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Correspondence from Rob Thompson regarding Water Infrastructure be received; AND THAT staff advise Mr. Thompson that the matter has not yet been fullly addressed by Council at this time.rr CARRIED LINANIMOUSLY (d) Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held October 28, 2010 and draft By-Law 2010-102. Items 5(d) and 5(e) request Council action. File: C06 2010-451 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT the Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held October 28,2010 and draft By-Law 2010-102 be received; THAT Council approves a discounted rental rate of 25Vo for the congregation of the Church at Vienna for use of the Vienna Community Centre for services to be held Sundays and Wednesdays beginning in November 2010, subject to current bookings; THAT the rental rate arrangements for the Church at Vienna be reviewed in six months; THAT Council approves the use of the Vienna Community Centre to C & C Dance for bi-weekly dance fitness classes at the fee rate of $50 per night on a six month trial basis; AI\D THAT By-Law 2010-102, being a by-law to further amend By-Law 2005-102, Imposing Rates and Fees, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page9ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 15 of 183 Council Minutes (e) Verbal update regarding "Ojibwa". November 04,2010 The Administrator noted that Elgin Military Museum staff are continuing the background work for implementation of the Ojibwa project. He noted there are requirements to be met for the release of CAF funding and release of the sub by the Navy, including demonstration that efforts will be taken for the safe and secure maintenance of the sub after release. An Environmental Assessment of the site is currently underway. Timing of the dredging is yet to be confirmed and other opportunities for funding are being investigated. There is no discussion regarding lease arrangements between the Municipalþ and the Military Museum at this time. It was noted that the cost of site preparation studies are being paid by the Museum as the lead agency. It was suggested that a public forum process be set up for the project. 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) Verbal update regarding "Richmond Water System". The Administrator advised that staff and Stantec are awaiting results of communications among the board executive and are ready to move forward. He noted a meeting has been scheduled for the following week. 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE There were no closed section items. 12. BY-LA\ilS (a) By-Law 2585-2010 A By-Law to further amend By-Law ZA56-2003 (Weeda) (b) By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drarn)first and second reading only (c) By-Law 2010-101 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2010-001 (appoint members to Boards and Committees) (d) By-Law 20I0-I02 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2005-102 (imposing rates and fees) 20r0-452 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Provisional By-Law 2010-100 for the Bartley Municipal Drain be read a first and second time." CARRIED I.JNANIMOUSLY Page 10 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 16 of 183 Council Minutes November 04,2010 2010-453 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor 'TTHAT By-Laws 2585-2010,2010-101 and 2010-102 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) By-Law 2010-103 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 2010-454 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "That confirming By-Law 2010-f03 be read a lirst, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 20r0-455 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:11 p.m." CARRIED IJNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 11 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 4, 2010. Page 17 of 183 Page 18 of 183 s (^) United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry 26 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario K6J 3P2 Cto TeÌ 613-932-1515 Fax 613-936-2913 info@sdgcounties.ca wwwsdg.onca November 5,201 E C NOV 9344Plark Road Straffordville NOJ 1Y0 Re: Farmland and Managed Forest Component of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) Dear CAO/Clerk, Ontario farming activities have a major impact on our everyday lives with urban as well as rural residents wanting to maintain low-cost foods and protect forests. There are over 221,000 farmland and managed forest properties in Ontario with a current value assessment of over $39.8 billion. The Farmland Tax Program and the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program were previously funded by the provincial government but are now mainly funded through the property taxes of the municipalities where these properties are located. This has resulted in the properties who are supposed to be benefiting from the programs, as well as other properties around them, are actually paying for their own assistance. This download cost municipalities over $257 million in 2008 with the Ontario govemment reimbursing only $50 million, resulting in a net loss to property taxpayers of $207 million in one year alone. Approximately 335 of Ontario's 444 municipalities have farmland and managed forest properties while only 72 municipalities receive partial reimbursement from the Ontario government. This financial impact on municipalities is increasing: from 2007 to 2010 this provincial funding has fallen by 6% while the farmland and managed forest phased-in assessments have increased by 3.5%. This lost tax revenue has increased property tax rates, with many municipalities as much as20Yo higher than they would be with fair funding. The Ontario government is in the process of uploading some social programs costs that will benefit all municipalities; a step in the right direction. Unfortunately the 1998 farm tax rebate Correspondence dated November 5, 2010 from United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry regarding "Farmland and Page 19 of 183 dorvnload was aimed specifically at rural municipalities and resolving this problem has yet to become a provincial priority. Enclosed is a supply of flyers to be used to make the public, as well as your Provincial representatives, aware of the significant financial impact this download has on municipalities with farm or managed forest assessment. Additional flyers are available upon request and further information is available on our County website. This information includes French & English digital versions of the flyer þerfect for your website & email communications), a spreadsheet listing the impact of this download on each municipality across Ontario, the support resolution, and a press release that can be customized to reflect your municipality. Go to www.sdg.on.ca Municipal Govemment Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, and then click on Farm & Forest Rebate on the left. Please feel free to use and distribute any of this information as you wish in order to promote this important issue. The following resolution has been circulated to all municipalities through the AMO broadcast service. Your municipality is urged to pass this important resolution and insist that your local MPP actively support full provincial reimbursement for the downloaded farm tax rebate and managed forest tax incentive programs. We would appreciate being copied on your resolution and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact l-800-267-7158 ext 200. Yours truly, Jim McDonell, Chair Farm Tax Rebate Working Group Correspondence dated November 5, 2010 from United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry regarding "Farmland and Page 20 of 183 United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry 26 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario K6J 3P2 Tel 613-932-1515 Fax 613-936-2913 info@sdgcounties.ca wwwsdg,on.ca Resolution WHEREAS the 'Farmland Tax Program' and the 'Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program' are designed by the Ontario Govemment to support lower food costs and protect forests for recreational and environmental pu{poses; AND WHEREAS the Farm Tax Rebate Program and the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program were previously funded in fullby the Ontario Government yet are now funded mainly by municipalities through the municipal property tax base; AND WHEREAS rural municipalities are being forced to absorb the loss of 75o/o of the property tax revenue from their farmland and managed forest properties while all residents of Ontario have a vested interest in maintaining lower-cost foods and protecting forests; AND WHEREAS the farm tax rebate program provides lower-cost foods across the province, as well as the economic benefit of provincial exporting and is truly an income-redistributive program with province wide significance and should not be financed from local property taxes which results in those who are supposed to be benefiting from the program, actually paying for the program; THERI'ORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario calculate the Farmland and Managed Forest component of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) so that all municipalities receive full provincial reimbursement of their lost property tax revenue on farmland and managed forest properties, while land-owners maintain the streamlined process and the25Yo ratio currently in place; AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Finance, Minister of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, local MPPs, all Ontario municipalities and any other individual or association as deemed appropriate. Correspondence dated November 5, 2010 from United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry regarding "Farmland and Page 21 of 183 Page 22 of 183 5 Phone: (5r9) 842-9000 Fax: (519) 8424727 Email: msc@ocl.net October 27,2010 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham PO Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre (MSC) The Livingston Centre 96 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 341 www.mu ltiservicecentre.com ,4 ot To Our Valued Supporter: On behalf of the Multi-Service Centre (MSC), we would like to thank you for your grant in the amount of $500.00. Your grant will help to support Adult Basic Literacy (ABL). Multi-Service Centre has been serving the community since 1978 and we have seen growing client needs during that time and tried to adapt. The one thing that has not changed over these years is our commitment to providing community-based services and our appreciation of supporters and volunteers that make this happen. Our primary focus is to provide needed client seruices. While we do receive regular funding in some of our programming areas and actively fundraise, we need and appreciate grants and/or gifts such as you have provided. These funds and/or gifts allow us to commit to programs that require community support in order to meet budget requirements and allow us to plan for future needs. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your grant, please contact our Business Manager Chris Riley by phone at519-842-9000 (Ext 355) or by email at cri ley@m u ltiservicecentre. com Thank you for your investment in our services and the community in which our clients reside. Sincerely, Jane Shepherd MSC Receptionist / Secretary MSC does not sell, rent or trade your information with any other organizations or individuals. lf you wish to be removed from our contact list please call 519-842-9000, ext. 270. Mission A community organization commifted to suppoft¡ng personal independence through: t Innovative and responsive resources o Paftnerships and collaboration o Striving for excellence Vision Embracing Personal Independence o Celebrating a Caring Community Correspondence dated October 27, 2010 from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "grant to support Adult Page 23 of 183 Page 24 of 183 ONTARIO FARM ANIMAL COUNCIL 5 Ontario AgriCentre, Suite 106, 100 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 5L3 www.ofac.org Tlte I/oice of tlnimal,4griuilture Têl: 5 19-837-1326 Fax 519 -837 -3209 Kyle Kruger Administrator Municipality of Bayham PO Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON N0J LYO November L,2010 Dear Mr. Kruger, RECEIVE NOv 1 n 2010 lY¡ oa MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Please find enclosed your compl¡mentary copies of the Ontario Farm Animal Council's (OFAC) two newest resources - the 2011 Faces of Farming calendar and The Real Dirt on Farming ll, a second edition, award winning booklet that offers its readers a glimpse into Canadian agriculture. The calendar features the faces and stories of Ontario farmers from all sectors of agriculture - from vegetables to turkeys, dairy and goat farmers, veal and corn farmers and more. They also come from all parts of the province. Some are likely even from your area. The Reol Dirt on Fdrming rs an easy to read booklet that provides answers to common questions about modern food and agriculture and contains many references for those looking for further information. For example, did you know that 98% of Canada's farms are still family owned and operated? One Canadian farmer could only feed 10 people a century ago, but can now feed well over L20 today. Our productivity has jumped by 300 per cent since the 1950s but at the same time, we're using fewer resources, less land and newer, better technologies to produce more food. We hope you'll proudly disploy the cdlendar ond keep this booklet in your office's library or waiting room ds a resource for you, your staff ond your visitors to reod. We're proud of the work that our farmers do and the food they grow and we hope you are too. We'd ask you to display this calendar in your office. lf you or your stafT would like additional copies of the calendar, or would like to visit a farm and meet some real farmers, please contact us. Additional copies of the booklet are available by contacting us at (519) 337-1326 or info@ofac.org. lt's also available online at www.ofac.org - in English and en Francais. On behalf of Ontario's farmers and agri-businesses, we thank you for the work you do in government and we wish you a successful and prosperous 20L1.. Sincerely, John Maaskant, Chicken farmer, Chairman, Ontario Farm AnimalCouncil The Ontario Farm Animal Council is the voice of Ontario's 40,000 livestock and poultry farmers and agribusinesses. Visit www.ofac.org for more information. Correspondence dated November 1, 2010 from Ontario Farm Animal Council (OFAC) regarding OFAC publication "The Real Page 25 of 183 A LETTER FROM CANADIAN FARMERS I 2 2 4 5 6 6I l0 12 l3 26 27 28 30 30 3r 3l 32 32 34 37 37 38 38 38 FARMING .THE BIG PICTURE The [conomio of Furm Size. . Regionol Roundup Pop Ouiz SAFE FOOD STARTS ONTHE FARM Whd Pelicides ond Animul Jleolth Products Do ond Don't Do lett hlk Antibiotirs. . Whot You Need to |(now oboú ùe things thot (on(ern us Moking Food Sofefl o Routine torm ftore llt/hol obout 0rgonic? RAISING FABM AllIMALS, Animol (ore: Bosic Principles A Ouick Tour of Form Animol Reol tstote Animol Welfore or Animol Rights? r5 l5 r8 25 26LET'S TALK CROPS, Fruils ond Vegetobles Relioble [obour. . SO MUC]| MORETHAN FOOD (orn, wheol, soybeons, cunolo ond pulses Wheret Agriculture? Everywhere! Plonls for [nergy . . Biodiesel ond Ethonol FARM EßSI Ttl E ACTItlE Eltlt/IßONM ENTALISTS, Anímol Agrkulture ond our [nvironmenl Whol obout Greenhouse Gos? Horvesling ùe Sun Forming the Wind . THE ROLE OF SCIENCE IN PBOI)UCING ()UR FOOD I1{ CLOSING ,40 WITH TIIANKS .. lnside Bock Cover Correspondence dated November 1, 2010 from Ontario Farm Animal Council (OFAC) regarding OFAC publication "The Real Page 26 of 183 Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs 2010-2011 President CHIEF T. BECKETT 519-741-2926 Fax 519-741-2697 t¡ m. beckett(Akitchener.ca 1st V¡ce-President CHIEF K FOSTER 705-526-4279 ext 2234 F ax: 7 05-527 -4543 kfoster@midland.ca 2nd Vice-President CHIEF B. BURBIDGE 905-833-2800 Fax 905-833-6960 bburbidoe@kino.ca 3'd Vice-President CHIEF T, BRYAN 705-295-6880 Fax 705-295-6786 tbrvan@osmtownshio.ca Treasurer DEPUW CHIEF M. PEGG 905-874-2723 Fax: 905-874-2727 Past-President CHIEF R BOYES 905-338-4426 Fax 905-338-4403 rboves@oakville.ca DIRECTORS CHIEF W. BRINKMAN 807-467-2107 FAY\: 807 467-2155 wbr¡nkman(Akenora.ca CHIEF M DIOTTE 905-686-6058 Fax: 905-683-81 I 9 mark. d iotte@townofaiax. com DEPUTY CHIEF F LAMIE 4 I 6-338-9054 Fax 41 6-338-9060 flamie@toronto.ca DEPUTY CHIEF G MILLS 613-580-2424 ext 29430 Fax 6'1 3-580-2864 Gordon.Mills@ottawa.câ CHIEF S MINTZ 905-333-0772 Fax 905-333-8727 minÞs@burlinoton.ca DEPUTY CHIEF N MURPHY 613-548-4001 8 5202 Fax: 61 3-384-5233 n murohv(Acitvofkinoston.ca CHIEF G, PIGEON 6l 3-632-1 1 05 Fax 61 3-632-1700 5 October 29,2010 Dear Municipal official , ß ot Re: OAFC - Hicks Morlev Labour Relations Seminar Jan 19-20, 2011 and the Pre-Seminar Media Relations Workshop Jan 18, 201 1 We would like to invite you to attend the highly regarded Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC) - Hicks Morley Labour Relations Seminar which is being held January 19 & 20,2011 at the Delta Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto. The OAFC recognizes that the cost and operation of your local fire department is greatly impacted by provincial legislation and decisions made outside your municipality. ln order to meet the municipal financial and management challenges, Administrators, Human Resource Practitioners and Chief Fire Officers need to participate together in this seminar to better understand legislative changes, the recent trends in emergency services bargaining and the current issues that are impacting fire departments. The OAFC has collaborated with a team of legal experts from Hicks Morley to create a comprehensive seminar that has items of interest to all fire departments. Presentations will be provided by a team of Legal Experts, Human Resource professionals, and Chief Fire Officers who will give you insight, up to date knowledge and guidance into a wide range of current labour relations issues that are impacting the fire service. An overview of the program is attached. Municipal officials who previously participated in this seminar have stated that this is one of the best seminars of the year and that they always come away with lots of valuable, useful information. The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs has also partnered with Karen Gordon from Squeaky Wheel Communications to create a Media Relations Workshop which is taking place at the Delta Chelsea, Downtown Toronto on Tuesday, January 18,2011. This workshop will give each participant a detailed understanding of news releases, interview talking points, insight into how the media works and how to best engage them to get your message out. Registration form and brief program overview is enclosed. Additional information on the hotel and agenda will be available on the OAFC web site at www.oafc.on.ca. We hope that you will be able to join your Fire Chief in attending this valuable seminar. Your partner in public safety, Jt,ß"/* Tim Beckett, President OAFC BOARD OFFICE 335 Bayly St. West Suite 206, Ajax, ON LIS 6M2 Tel: 905-426-9865 or 1-800-774-6651 Fax 905-426-3032 E-mail: administration@oafc.on.ca Correspondence dated October 29, 2010 from Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs regarding "OAFC - Hicks Morley Page 27 of 183 Correspondence dated October 29, 2010 from Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs regarding "OAFC - Hicks Morley Page 28 of 183 HUMAN RESOURCES LÀIII/ AND ADVOCACY LABOUR RELATIONS SEMINAR Delta Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-595-1975 or 1-800-243-5732 The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs has once again collaborated with a team of legal experts from Hicks Morley to create a comprehensive Labour Relations Seminar which is taking place at the Delta Chelsea Hotel in Toronto on Wednesday, January 19th and Thursday, January 20th. The Seminar focuses on current and emerging labour relations issues in the fire service and features presentations by legal experts, Human Resource professionals, and Chief Fire Officers. Some of the topics being covered this year include: bargaining trends; a legal update; Access, Equity & Diversity: Recruiting the Future Fire Service; Everything You Need to Know About the Law and How it Applies to Your Volunteers; The Technical & Tactical Elements of Collective Bargaining; Labour Relations in the Montreal Fire Department, Social Network Liability; Extended Work Shifts: Health & Safety Issues; and the popular Ask a Lawyer Session. The Registration form is on the other side of this page and the complete agenda details will be available on the OAFC web site at www.oafc.on.ca The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs ona SQIrêdky Wheel Communications p,esent MEDIA REI.ATIONS WORKSHOP January 18ù, 2oat Pre-Seminar Media Relations Workshop, with Karen Gordon Delta Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-595-1975 or 1-800-243-5732 This special full-day workshop provides participants with a detailed understanding of who the media are, how they work and how best to engage them to get your message out. Each participant will take part in mock interview sessions, on a range of timely topics. In addition, all participants will be provided with a take away binder that they can refer to when preparing news releases and media talking points. At last year's Labour Relations Seminar Karen Gordon had us enthralled and laughing. As the principal of Squeaky Wheel Communications, Karen has established a track record of handling complicated communications situations for a roster of high-profile clients, including those in the emergency sen¡ices, Karen's experience and ability have established her as Canada's only independent communications consultant specializing in labour and legal public relations. This workshop requires an additional fee. Please markthe appropriate box on the registration form. Workshop registration is limited so register now! The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs in partnership wirn H iCkS M Ofley nresent... I-ABOUR REI.ATIONS SEMINAR January 19t1, & 20ü, 2oLr I\IIÌDIA Iì,IìLA]'t()NS !\/otìIisHot, Correspondence dated October 29, 2010 from Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs regarding "OAFC - Hicks Morley Page 29 of 183 MEDIA R EI,ATIONS WORKSHOP LABOUR RELATIONS SEiVIINT\RHicks, NI()rlev The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs and Squeaky Wheel Communications present. January18rH, zorl Chelsea Hotel,33 Gerrard Street, Toronto, ON, M5G tZ9 ';^:;:r; Association of Fire chiefs in partnershipw¡tn HiCkS MOfley present I-ABOUR REI-ATIONS SEMINAR January 19.h & 2oth, 2tl11 Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerrard Street, Toronto, ON, MSG 129 REGISTRATION IN FORMATION : Depd rtment/ M u n ici pa I ity Title/Position Address Telephone SESSION ATTENDANCE: Please specify which session(s) you plan on attend¡ng: HST Exempt¡on Number (¡f appl¡cable) Fax Email PAYMENT: ú cn"qu" fl vrsn |||llrr D MasterCard l||t Please MAIL this form with payment to: THE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS 335 Bayly Street West, Suite 206 Ajax, Ontario L1S 6M2 or FAX to: 905426-3032 Phone: 905426-9865 Email: administration@oafc.on. ca Website: www.oafc.on.ca Crcdit Catd Numbet lll/lll MM Expiry Dale Name on Card - PRINT This seminar is restricted to members of municipal council, senior mun¡c¡pal management officials and chief fire officers. OAFC Member or l,lunicipality Member Rate Non-OAFC Mêmhê? Þâtê A UaA¡a Relations, Tuesday, January 18, 2011 $2s0.00 =$32.s0 = $282,s0 $300.00 + $39.00 = $339.oo i øOou, Relations, wednesday, lanuary 19, 2011 $240.00 +$31.20 = i27t.2O $28s.00 + $37.05 = $322.0s A nbow Relations, Thursday, January 20, 2011 $240.00 + $31.20 = $27L,2O $285.00 + $37.05 = $322.05 A t"bow Relations, Both Days - Speciat price!$360.00 + $46.80 = $406.80 $43s.00 + $56.ss = $491.ss (Add totat of alt sessions t¡ere) TOTAL S¡gnature Correspondence dated October 29, 2010 from Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs regarding "OAFC - Hicks Morley Page 30 of 183 J t¡niôry of Fri6tàf. de. Hunlcipal Atfrlrr Alüahes mtrtlclpalæ and Houslrig d. du Log(mont Offics d th€ Mhister B¡eåu du minístre 777 Uy Street 17n Floor Tr7 , fte Bay, lf étage Tormto ON MsG 2E5 Tqonto ON MsG 2E5 Tel. 4tG 585 7æ0 Tó¡. 4i6 585 7000 Far 416 585 M70 Télec. 416 58s 6470 rrY\r'lv.Ontâriil.ca¡[vlÂH rün.ofltado.cêlMAH 1ù390r November 2,2010 Dear Head of Council: Ihe Ontario government recently approvd the new reguhtions for suite-metering under the Residential Tenancies Ad, 2006. The new Eneey Consumer Proteclion Act, 2010 allows for installation of suite metets ¡n residential rental units. It is important to note ttat these rules w¡ll require landlords to obtain written consenl from their current tenanls before they can bill them for their own electricity use. The regulations for suite-metering províde protect¡ons for tenants, set out the responsibilities of both landlords and tenants, and set clear arìd fair rules for how to implement suite meters in rentalhousing. Our government has cons¡,¡tted ertensívely in order to develop rules ttrat bahnce the interests of landlords and tenants. The regulations for suíte+nete¡íng come into etfect after the Energy Consumer Protection Act, Zll0becomes law on January 1, 2011. ln the meântime, I am asking municipalities to help us raise the a$/areness of tenants about their rþhts and responsibilities. By visiting www.ontafio.calSuiteMeters, Ontarians can access Úte "Tenant's Guide to Sulte Meters', which is availabþ in f 0languages besides English and French. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Hq¡sing is encouraging municipal¡tles to post this informalion on their websítes to help tenants across Ontario to become more familiar with the reg ulation s f or suite-metering- We appreciate your support and cooperataon ¡n this matter. Sincerely. Nlinister Correspondence dated November 2, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "new regulations for Page 31 of 183 Page 32 of 183 MUNItrIPAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT GERPORATION November 4,2070 To: From: Subiect: All Heads of Council Ontario Municipalities DanMathieson Al¿ fr>f,4c Chair, MPAC Board of Directors Court of Appeal Decision - Toronto Bank Towers I am writing as a follow up to a memo sent to you on September 30,2009 from my predecessor, Debbie Zimmerman, regarding the Toronto Bank Towers' Appeal. On October 15,20l0,the Court of Appeal released its long-anticipated decision with respect to the Toronto Bank Towers. The City of Toronto and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) were the successful respondents. Interveners in the case included: The Townships of Atikokan and Ear Falls; Municipality of Red Lake; Towns of Goderich, Lincoln and South Bruce Peninsula; Counties of Brant and Lambton; and Cities of Ottawa, Quinte West, Sarnia and Windsor. In a unanimous decision, the Court of Appeal agreed with the Divisional Court on all aspects of the Divisional Court's findings with respect to the law. The Court of Appeal also confirmed that the ofFrce towers are to be assessed in accordance with the income approach using market rents and allowing for only a normal vacancy rate, which has been MPAC's long-standing practice. The Court of Appeal returned the matter to the same panel of the Assessment Review Board and instructed the Board to determine the assessed values of the bank towers by following the guidance received from the Divisional Court and the Court of Appeal. An appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeal lies to the Supreme Court of Canada with leave. The deadline for seeking leave to appeal is 60 days from the date of the decision. We will inform you if an appeal is launched. Background information about the decision has been posted on our website for your reference on the Municipal News page of our website at g¡yy.mplp.ca. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Arthur Anderson, Director, Municipal Relations, 905 837-6993. Yours truly, Office of the Chair c,/o Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 13O5 Pickerlng Parkway, Pickering, ON L1V 3P2 f:519.271.0250 ex¡ 236 F: 9O5.831.OO4O www.mpac.ca Dan Mathieson Chair, MPAC Board of Directors MPAC Board of Directors Carl Isenburg, President and Chief Adminishative Officer, MPAC Executive Management Group, MPAC Arthur Anderson copy: Form No LH4OOIA Correspondence dated November 4, 2010 from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "Court of Appeal Page 33 of 183 Page 34 of 183 3 Atb LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS - MINUTES October 6th, 2o1o (as approved at the Board of Directors meeting held November 3, 2010) Members in attendance: L. Bartlett, P. Black, L. Chanda, P. Ens, R. Geysens, S. Lamb, P. Lee and R. Sackrider. Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J, Robertson, D. Holmes, J. Maxwell, B Hodi, C. Jacques, P. Gagnon, E. Lai and D. Mclachlan. Regrets: J. Hunt and B. Sloat. The LPRCA Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Wednesday, October 6th, 2010 in the Tillsonburg Administration Office Boardroom. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS None DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A-148 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Black and carried that the minutes of the LPRCA Bóard of Directors regular meeting held August 4th, 2010, Special meeting held Augusl27th,2010 andlhe Conference Call September 1Otn,2010 be adopted as circulated. BUSINESS ARISING a) GAMIS Presentation Jeff Smith, VP Product Development for CAMIS, presented an early look at the new online CAMIS reservation system. The current campground reservation system is DOS based and will no longer be supported. The new system will be Windows based and will interface with the LPRCA website. The site will provide easier access for corporate staff who will be able to access the site from anywhere and produce reports that can be downloaded into Excel format. All new equipment will be provided and the system offers full security and back-up. There is still a lot of work required by LPRCA and CAMIS staff to have the product ready for the spring. J. Smith fielded questions from FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held October 6, 2010. Page 35 of 183 the Board. MOTION A-149 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Black and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the CAMIS presentation as information. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES L. Chanda reported that the 2010 Backus Fish Fry was very successful, 200 tickets were sold and many positive comments were received. MOTION A-150 moved by L, Bartlett, seconded by P. Black and carried that the minutes from the Backus Advisory Board of June 23'o,2010 be received for information. CORRESPONDENCE MOTION A-151 moved by P. Ens, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that correspondence outlinedln the Board of Directors'Agenda of October 6th, 2010 be received for information. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS a) NEW APPLICATIONS An updated report was distributed. The Planning Department requested approval for a total of eleven applications, two with conditions under Section 28 regulations. Discussion ensued, MOTION A-152 moved by P. Ens, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approves the following Development Applications: A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06), BA-7110 NC-87/10 NC-89/10 NC-91/10 NC-93/10 NC-84/10 NC-88/10 NC-90/10 NC-92/10 B. Approve, WITH CONDITIONS, the following development application for work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg, 178/06), FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held October 6, 2010. Page 36 of 183 NC-86/10 HC-31/10 C. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related regulations NEW BUSINESS a) CALENDAR REVIEW J. Robertson reported that several classes normally scheduled for September and October have been delayed for various reasons. The Tillsonburg Probus Club was to tour Backus today but had to cancel due to inclement weather. No further discussion. MOTION A-153 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the October Calendar Review Report as information. b) GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT No questions or concerns. MOTION A-154 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the General Manager's Report for September 2010 as information. c) A.D. LATORNELL CONSERVATION SYMPOSIUM No discussion. MOTION A-155 moved by P. Ens, seconded by R. Geysens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the attendance of the Chair, General Manager and Source Water Protection Technician for the 17th Annual A.D. Latornell Conference. d) BTENNTAL TOUR UPDATE The 2010 Biennial Tour was hosted by Mississippi Valley and Rideau conservation authorities. R. Sackrider attended with the GM and despite the drizzly weather was impressed with the tours to the Mississippi Mills museum, Metcalfe Park Generating Station, a pickerel spawning area, a canoe trip down the Rideau Canal and a boat tour behind the Parliament buildings. MOTION A-156 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held October 6, 2010. Page 37 of 183 Board of Directors receives the verbal Biennial Tour Update as presented at the October 6'h, 2010 Board of Directors' meeting for information. e) EFFICIENCY STUDY UPDATE The final report from KPMG was presented to the Board. While all felt that it was a worthwhile exercise, they were disappointed that the report gave no concrete opinion. The GM noted that the last meeting between LPRCA and KCCA produced good discussion and recommends striking a liaison committee to look forlimplement some efficiencies between the two organizations. KCCA deferred any recommendations based on the study at their last meeting as it took place soon after the report was available. MOTION A-157 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by R. Geysens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors adopts the final LPRCA-KCCA Co-operative Efficiency Study by KPMG; AND that the two conservation authorities strike a Liaison Committee consisting of existing Efficiency Committee members to explore implementation of selected recommendations while respecting the autonomy of each organization. Ð LPRCA PROPERY DEDTCATTON Staff is requesting that the Janssen tract be named the Van Londersele tract after former Chair Dan Van Londersele. D. Holmes explained that LPRCA properties have both been named after the donor landowner when it has been stipulated in the agreement or decided upon by the Board. This property has no stipulation regarding the name. MOTION A-158 moved by P. Lee, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the naming of the recently acquired Janssen property as the "Van Londersele Tract." g) LPRCA WEBSITE UPDATE J. Robertson reported that a meeting with the graphic designer and web developer is scheduled for next week. $10 000 has been budgeted from the Community Relations department. MOTION A-159 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the verbal LPRCA Website Update by staff as presented at the October 6th, 2010 Board of Directors' meeting for information. h) oMERS UPDATE FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat - 4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held October 6, 2010. Page 38 of 183 As discussed at the budget meeting, the cost to both employee and employer will increase by 1% per year for the next three years. J. Maxwell has included this increase into the 2011 budget. MOTION A-160 moved by L. Chanda, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the staff report regarding the changes to the contribution rates for OMERS effective January 1't, 201 1 , for information. ¡) MOTOR POOL |TEMS FOR AUCTION D. Holmes will investigate if LPRCA qualifies for the Cash for Clunkers program. MOTION A-161 moved by L. Chanda, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors authorizes staff to dispose of motor pool items identified in the staff report dated September 28th,2010 as presented by the Field Superintendent. ¡) ROCKS M|LL UPDATE P. Gagnon showed a PowerPoint presentation on the removal of the dam noting that the bottom draw was opened in 2007 due to structural concerns. LPRCA applied for WECI funding and did not get approval but P. Gagnon was able to acquire other funding to proceed with the removal. A newly created sediment basin will probably need to be cleaned out two to three times in the next year. Cold water species are expected to increase in population. He was very happy with the work done, the length of time required to complete and the current state of the waterway. Questions, comments and discussion ensued. MOTION A-162 moved by P. Black, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Rocks Mill Update as presented by staff for information, K) WATERSHED UPDATE September produced 60% to 90% of normal rainfall - most occurring over the latter part of tne month. September was the 1 1th consecutive month where higher than average temperatures occurred. Relatively normal temperatures are being projected. Streamflows have been below normal but are recovering and there are no concerns re: low flows. Groundwater levels are lower due to below normal levels of precipitation over the last 12 months. Lake Erie level is slightly below average by about 4 to 6 inches and is forecast to stay that way. MOTION A-163 moved by P. Black, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the verbal Watershed Conditions Update by staff as presented at the October 6'h, 2010 Board of Directors meeting for information. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -5- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held October 6, 2010. Page 39 of 183 MOTION A-164 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to discuss: ! a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Conservation Authority, MOTION A-166 moved by P. Lee, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera" session. MOTION A-167 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the confidential staff reports regarding three property matters as presented by the General Manager at the October 6tn, 2010 Board of Directors meeting for information. The Vice-Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:40pm. Ron Sackrider Vice-Chairman Dana Mclachlan Ad m i n istrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -6- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held October 6, 2010. Page 40 of 183 I BAYHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY ] MUNICIPALITY oF BAYHAM Q Ó ú" P.O. BOX 160, STRAFFORD\rILLE, ON. NOJ 1y0 October 14,2010. PRESENT: Robert & Jeanette Heil, Betty Lou V/allington, Sandy Sage, Cheryl Peters, Mary E Newland, Arvilla Becklett, Bob Graham, Etoile Mc Cann, Barb Ouellette, Donna Baldwin, Ray Maddox, Marion Maddox, Dorothy Godby, Alex Collins, John Gould, Alan Montgomery of the Elgin Military Museum. President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at 7:30, welcoming members and guests. A motion to accept the minutes of September 9,2070 was made by Robert Heil, 2"d. By Donna Baldwin. Motion carried. MOTION: Pastor John Gould presented us with a large framed picture of Ministers one of which is his father. The Gould Hall in Corinth is named after his father. He has offered to donate his preaching robes as well. A motion to accept the framed picture was made by Mary Newland, 2"u.By Sandy Sage. Motion carried. GUEST SPEAKER: Cheryl Peters introduced our speaker Alan Montgomery. Alan told of how members who were actively involved in chasing down military artifacts were looking for a weapon and one of the fellows they spoke to said how about a submarine. There are three subs and the Ojibwa was 10 days away from being scrapped. So calls were put out to Joe Preston among others and the sub was brought back to harbor and deemed salvageable. The Ojibwa is a movie star having the starring role in the movie K-l9. She was towed out to open water and underwater bombs were set off and it is covered with debris from the bombing and will have to be cleaned. Now the Military Museum had to deal with the govemment and Ian asked Alan to write up a business plan at which point Alan said "have you been drinking" they would need 1.2 million. The next step was where the Ojibwa would go it would need a flat solid surface be well used and Port Stanley seemed like a good choice. They received pictures of Port Burwel in the winter as a site and Alan told his wife that it could never work and that Port Stanley would be the best option. One day our Mayor Lynn Acre stopped in and said come down to Port Bur well and I will take you out to supper and have another look at Port Bur well in the summer. When they drove into Port Bur well and at the top of the hill Alan said Oh my God! This is it, it is perfect. The beach was crowded with people and even though Val had said she had not had time to clean the public washrooms yet today he could not believe how clean they were. Within 48 hour Lynn presented a plan for the site and it was really good. The grant money could only be used in Elgin County so Port Bur well was right for the Ojibwa's future home. Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held October 14, 2010. Page 41 of 183 When the Military Museum called the Federal Commission about moving the boat (never call it a ship) they said how will you get a 300 foot submarine to a Port Stanley, how can you tow it down a highway. Alan said we will tow it in the water and the person they were speaking to said "How will you use a tow truck under water.) This brought much laughter from the audience. Port Stanley said they could not use the east berm and so Bayham's Port Bur well won thanks to the efforts of our Mayor Lynn Acre. The whole process came down to where land could be leased Mayor Lynn said we have the perfect piece of land owned by the municipality. The sub will come from Dartmouth to the St. Lawrence to Hamilton where it will be put in dry dock where a cradle will be built for it. Along with the grant money major fund raising has already been started, one such effort is the selling of granite bricks to be set into a non- climbing wall they will cost $125. and Alan's will read AF Montgomery Sargent A0525. The Military Museum has 9000 veterans names and there will be 10,000 bricks sold with tax receipts given. When the Ojibwa was in use it would be set in place underwater the engines would be shut down and for 90 days it would sit and listen. After 90 days the men would have to be tolerant of each other as they would not be able to bathe. The sub can be entered from the fore or aft section and a tour will take about 45 to 50 minutes and tourists will have to make an appointment for the tour, 50 people per hour will tour through the Ojibwa. The hatches are very small and will be left as is in honor of this great vessel. However a reception area will be set up that check each person and see if they can get through the hatches and if so will be able to do the tour. Close circuit monitors are set up so that any member of a group who cannot go down or is handicapped can watch and hear their group go through the whole tour. All marine artifacts are to be treated with respect and honor. The Military Museum has been offered a spot on the Ojibwa site as it is also marine related this way the municþality can take back its old Marine Museum property and sell it bringing in profits for Bayham, a win -win situation. The Ojibwa Museum will be totally green and part of it will be built into the hillside. They will ernploy local people to do a lot of the work. The Ojibwa Museum will partner with the USS Cod, USS Crocker and the USS Niagara and if a tourist does the circle tour of all 4 they will receive a jacket. This will promote tourism for everyone. Port Burwell has four assess routs where as Port Stanley has only two, the Museum will be open from April I until one week past Remembrance day. The 1.9 Million dollar grant will end March 3l,20ll unless extend but fund raising is well on the way with a great deal of support. The Ojibwa will have to be cleaned twice once when being moved and again on site. While at the International Ploughing Match a company there said they would be interested in doing the site cleaning for free and Canada Cement Lafarg called and said how much cement and where do you want, we will deliver it free as well. Four torpedos may be coming with the sub but will not be armed they will weigh 200 lbs. Each. Joe Preston said as long as they are not armed it is O.K they will not have to be put in jail after all. Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held October 14, 2010. Page 42 of 183 Others who are helping are Peter Mansbridge (Honorary Chair) and Rob Barris the Earl of Elgin. The Ojibwa was in use from 1965 to 1997 and is served well for 30 years it is an Oberon Class sub made in Britain. Some of the parts taken off will hopefullybe gotten back., it has been decommissioned and has no fuel, no batteries or g¿rs and was 5 days away from being cut apart for scrap.. it is 28 feet wide. After a very interesting question & answer period Ray Maddox thanked Alan and presented him with a copy of Bayham Memories and Milestones. PRESIDENT'S REPORT & MUSEUMS BAYHAM REPORT: Ray reminded everyone that elections of esecutives is coming up. He also reported that the Lighthouse painting is done. V/e will hold an executive meeting uf Doott rBaldwin's home on October 27ú. At7:00 P.M. SECRETARY'S REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported that while working in the antiques and history tent at the IPM a Sharon Sanders asked her if our Bayham Historical Society had came across the names Parrock, Thomas or Mc Quiggan. Also Nora Bell Thomasborn in 1880 in Lyndock. Mr. Parrock served on Vienna council, some where there is a book with a green cover about the Thomas family and she wondered if we had ever seen one. Robert & Jeannette will keep an eye out for these names while researching at the Edison Museum. TREASURERS REPORT: Robert Heil reported as follows. Total income: $3019.75 Expences (church renta $ 75.00 Sept. 30. closaing balance 92944.75 Business Account $ 128.84 Share Account $ 70.00 Petty Cash $ 1.09 A motion to accept the treasurers rqlort was made by Sandy Sage, 2"d. By Harris Teall. Motion carried. Robert showed us the new design for our BHS Brochures, it will be taken under consideration. While working at the Edison Museum it was found that our computer is in bad shape and Cheryl suggested that we get some quotes on a rebuilt or new computer. The printer is fine but Rober said a reconditioned one would cost from $400. to $1000. A new one would need mor RAM especially for printing pictures. Robert will bring back quotes for new and used computers. TEA REPORT:BaIb Ouellette reported that all tickets are sold out and anyone who would like to donate items for the silent auction or bring cookies or squares let her know. Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held October 14, 2010. Page 43 of 183 PROGRAM DIRECTORi All members please bring stories of war veteran family members and pictures if you have them. REFRESHMENTS: Dorothy Godby and Sandra Sage will bring the lunch for theffi'g. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR:Donna Baldwin reported the last meeting was in the Aylmer paper but we are not sure of the Tillsonburg paper. MYSTERY OBJECT: Ha:ris Teall brought a Babbit Scraper which no one guessed. NEXT MEETING:November ll,20l0 at7:30 at the Municipal Office. MOTION TO CLOSE TIIE MEETING: Made by Bob Graham and seconded by Sandy Sage. Motion carried. Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held October 14, 2010. Page 44 of 183 (o t Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce Meeting of November 2,2010 Location: Schooner's Galley. Port Burwell Minutes Present Doug Lester, Cheryl Lester, Liz Underhill, Kathy Gregson, Ron Bradfield, Bonnie Bradfield, Brenda Martin, Mike Hawley, Ron Flick, Frank Voth, Peter Murray, Trish Huber, John Boland, Rachel Boland, Arn Row, Pattie Steip. Guests: Debbie Acorn, Bayham Fire Chief Gord Roesch Regrets: Sean Hurley, Mayor Lynn Acre, Val Donnell, Jim Wilgar, Ian Almond, Tom Benner, Jim Hevenor. Welcome of members and guests. Approval of Minutes Adoption of October 5,2010 The spelling of Ron Bradfield needs to be corrected in the approval of minutes and Daniel Murray's resignation was due to personal issues. It was moved by Liz Underhill and seconded by Ron Bradfield, that the minutes from the October 5,2010 meeting be accepted with corrections. Motion can'ied. Treasurer's Report Doug reported a bank balance of $3,633.02. He handed out the report detailing the income and expenses from September 24 to November 2,2010 and discussed the contents. It was moved by Frank Voth and seconded by Liz Underhill to accept the Treasurer's report. Motion carried. Bayham Fire Chief Gord Roesch Gord gave a brief description of his employment background and the projects he is working on. The firehall replacement is well into the planning stages. It will be located in the green space in front of the soccer fields on Nova Scotia Line in Por-t Burwell. The cost estimate is $800.000. Itwill be a design based upon functionality. The steel building will have 3 bays, a training roorn, and possibly an office for police use. They want to have the site plan complete before year end and then submitting for committee approval. Tenders will be called once final approval is given by council. Gord explained that all services provided by the fire department require planning. approvals. training. equiprnent and funding before implementation. To reduce training costs the sun'ounding municipalities have been l-rosting joint training activities and implementing train the trainer programs. Any new firefighters will need to be certified by the province. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held November 2, 2010. Page 45 of 183 Bayham purchased some ne\ry state of the art equipment that was unused during the G20 summit at close to half price. Gord is a full time employee who spends aboutT1Vo of his time working with the fire department and the rest with by-laws and their enforcement. Report from Nominating Committee A brief overview of the minutes fì'om the meeting October 13,2010. Membership Update It was proposed that the members accept Debbie Acorn's Accounting business into membership. It was moved by Cheryl Lester and seconded by Ron Bradfìeld. Motion carried. Motion to change byJaws Moved by Ian Almond, seconded by Cheryl Lester that section 5.1 of the present By- Laws be amended to read: "A President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and four (4) Directors shall be elected by ballot from among the members each year at the Annual General Meeting and, along with the immediate Past President shall fonn the Executive Committee." The purpose of the motion is to combine the roles of Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary is the record keeper and the Treasurer is responsible for all financial records. This new job of Secretary-Treasurer willbecome a more administrative role. Motion passed. Nominating Committee for 2011 Doug Lester reminded the membership that he is not resigning, he is simply completing his tem and the term limit is two years. Doug is looking forward to volunteering in other areas of the chamber. Nominees for the roles of President. Vice-President and Secretary- Treasurer are required. Contact Ian Almond, Doug or a member of the nominating committee if interested. Why Wait? Taxi and Delivery Trish Huber announced they are now running a shuttle from Port Burwell to the Tillsonburg area tw-ice per day 7 days a week. They are licensed to make alcohol deliveries and deliveries to the USA. They want to branch out into tours of the tourist attractions in the area and welcome suggestions on services they could provide. Elgin Resource Business Center Pattie described a new sen¡ice offered called ICE - Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurs. Opening April I ,2011, ICE will provide small and growing businesses with a location. professional administration services, and ongoing counseling and support. It you or someone you know is ready to move from the basement or garage into a dynamic workspace learn more by contacting Delia Reiche at 519-633-7597 x32. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held November 2, 2010. Page 46 of 183 Business Person Emeritus Comments - Ron Flick "It is great to have new members joining. It would be nice to have more speakers because the Fire Chief was very informative and we should all be proud of the level of service they can provide. The shuttle service will benefit the area. We will benefit from a local business incubator." Other Items Ron Bradfield said that Echo Energy a company that has gas well leases in the area has gone bankrupt. Doug asked for volunteers for the Port Burwell Christmas Parade. Contact Doug is you are interested. Val Donnell extended an invitation to the Otter Valley Playhouse's presentation of Cabaret. Adjournment Moved by Rachel Boland that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm. Motion carried. Next Meeting Christmas Social, Tuesday, December 7,2010, 7:00 p.m. at Schooner's Galley in Port Burwell. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held November 2, 2010. Page 47 of 183 Page 48 of 183 I (oø Bayham Harbourfront Committee MINUTES Held at Municipal Office, 9344PlankRoad, Straffordville, Ont. November 9,2010 7:00 pm Present: Brenda Martin, Ron Bradfield, Ron Flick, Ray Talbot, Barry Wade, Doug Lester, Mark Taylor. Regrets: Heinz Vogelsang, Craig Gregson. Also Present: Lynn Acre, Ed Bradfreld. Guests: Alan Montgomery (Elgin Military Museum), Dave (Mariners Solutions) 1. Call to Order: The Chairman called the meeting to order at7:04 pm. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None Approval of the Minutes Dredging: A meeting was held on Oct.16 to discuss dredging. In attendance were Ron Bradfield, Ron Flick, Glen Underwood, Doug Lester and Brian Riggs. Mr. Riggs advises us to put our energy into obtaining written permission for annual dredging, removal and disposal of dredgate from DFO and MNR, similar to the situation in Port Cobourg and Wheatley. This sub-committee suggests that Riggs Engineering be hired to prepare an "action plan" for obtaining permanent dredging approvalsipermissions with the funding to be taken from the Harbourfront/pier reserves. B.Riggs advises that it is easier to get permanent approval while DFO still has ownership. A discussion regarding the purchase of a suction dredge followed. Jim Atkinson from the Buffalo Yacht Club is willing to assist us with suction dredging advice. Dave from Mariner solutions also has experience with suction dredging and is willing to assist. A local used suction dredge is available for $125,000 however a new dredge, valued between $300,000 and $400,000 would last for 25-30 years. Barry Wade suggested that a meeting with reps from all 4 Elgin County ports be set up to investigate the possibility of purchasing a dredge to be shared among the 4 harbours. A meeting with Dundee Energy is being planned to seek financial assistance with the purchase & operation ofa dredge. Ron Bradfield warned that we should not delay seeking divestiture of the harbour, reminding us that there is a March 2012 deadline for divestiture funding. We were cautioned not to expect the same amount of money for our divestiture that Pt.Stanley received. It was moved by Ron Bradfield and 3. 4. Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held November 9, 2010. Page 49 of 183 5. 6. 7. 1 divestiture discussions with DFO and that regular monthly reports be supplied to this committee. Motion Canied. Regarding regular maintenance grooming, B.Riggs recommends that the Slo Moe do some prop washing during Dec. if possible, to create a channel for spring flow to exit the harbour without further damage to the pier. Grants Workgroup Update: Barry Wade, Glen Underwood and Earl Shea met to discuss grant applications to fund pier development. B.Wade has completed drawings for the cabana, which is to be built at the end of the pier. These drawings have been sent to two different companies for quotes. Once the quotes are in, efforts to obtain grants will proceed. Pier Engineering Analysis & 2010 Pier Improvements: C.Demyere Assoc. still have not submitted the report for the pier resurfacing. It was suggested that a local airport might be able to suggest an appropriate surface cover, such as epoxy-cement. Other Business: a) Project Ojibwa Update: Alan Montgomery reported that he and Ian are communicating daily with CAF rep in Toronto. At the site, Connestoga Rovers are working completing the EA and the PV/ Document (Community Impact Study) and also communicating directly with FedDev. Plans are underway to erect a billboard on the site along with an outline drawn on the ground to show where the sub will sit. Since the Navy now prefers that the sub be barged the entire way, BMT (British Military Transport) is adjusting the business plan and the budget, to bring the sub home, in phases, so that the CAF funding is fully utilized. BMT and EMM are meeting with Hamilton harbour people on Monday to see if abarge can be sent from there to pick up the sub. The Seaway Captain has noted that the sea\¡vay will remain open untilDec.28, weather pending. Within the next 20 days, volunteers are scurrying to Dartmouth to remove equipment from the Olympus submarine before it goes to the scrap yard. This equipment will be used on the Ojibwa to replace damaged equipment. Three types of fundraising are now underway. Granite bricks are being sold for $125, each engraved with the name of a veteran. Memberships for "Subs Cred'are being sold for $50 each. Packages for Corporate Sponsorships are being developed. b) Delegation to Bayham Council: A delegation is planned for late Dec. to update council on our pier development, dredging and Ojibwa. This information is intended to assist them with budget deliberations. Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held November 9, 2010. Page 50 of 183 -3- 8. Committee Membership Matters: After a full year of operation, it appears thal2 of our appointed members have only attended one meeting each. Therefore the chairman will contact them to see if they will agree to step aside to allow for other interested people to be appointed. 9. Adjournment & Next Meeting Date: It was moved by Ron Bradfield and November 30. 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal office. Motion Carried. Chairperson Secretary Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held November 9, 2010. Page 51 of 183 Page 52 of 183 r_) Coþ MUSEUMS BAYHAM Minutes of November 10, 2010 Meeting Bayham Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hicke¡ Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Ron Bradfield, Brian Masschaele, Jean'Woon, Cheryl Peters, Mat Schafer. Regrets: Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Anna Schafer. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None AGENDA: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by M.Schafer that the agenda be approved as presented. Motion Ca:ried. MINUTES: It was moved by R.Bradfield and seconded by R.Maddox Carried. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: 6. REPORTS: A) Marine Museum Report: 6.A.1) Red, White & Blue "OPEN'flags: After viewing a 3 x 5 foot "open" flag, it was moved by C.Peters and seconded by J.Woon that the mounting staffs at $19 each. Motion Carried. A flag will be used at each of the three sites; Marine Museum, Lighthouse and Edison Museum. 6.4.2) Donation of Great Lake Vessel Model by Sharon Moore: Chairman B.Hickeypicked up the model from Mrs. Moore's Dorchester home. It has been delivered to the Marine Museum. R.Bradfield will donate a sturdy table for the model & case to sit on. The Moore family have requested that a plaque be placed on the case to recognize their donation. It was moved by J.\Moon and seconded b)¡ C.Peters that the Moore family. and mount it on the model's case. Motion Carried. It was moved by M.Schafer and seconded by R.Maddox that a letter of thanks be sent to the Moore family. Motion Carried. The chairman volunteered to send a letter. 6.4.3) Donation of Ship Photos by Railway Ifail of Fame: B.Hickey will pick up the framed photos next week. 6.A.4) Doug Anguish Search for Ancestors: R.Maddox did some research and has contacted Mr. Anguish to share some leads. 1. 2. 3. 4. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held November 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 53 of 183 Museums Bayham Nov.10,2010 2 6.A.Marine Museum Report (Continued): 6.4.5) Christmas lights for Lighthouse: It is getting more difficult to replace broken bulbs from our existing strings of Christmas lights. B.Hickey will ask Bayham PW staffKevin Bradfield what we need to replace our existing lights with LED lights. It was moved byJ.'Woon and LED Christmas lights for the ligùrthouse. Motion Carried. 6.4.6) Safety Concerns with Anchor by Lighthouse: R.Bradfield reported that the weight of the iron is twisting the wooden top piece, which could cause it to fall. He suggests that a hole could be drilled into the cement base for the point of the anchor to fit into. R.Bradfield will donate his boom truck to lift the anchor if Bayham PW staffwill drill the hole. 6.4.7) Halloween Vandalism: vandals damaged the railing on the lifeboat. Chairman will ask Nathan Dawley to do repairs. (Library sign & gazebo were also vandalised. 6.8. Edison Museum Report: 6.8.1) Repairs to Brickwork: A professional opinion is needed to advise on how to repair the cracks in the mortar. M.Schafer will ask KC Emerson who he hired to do past brick point work. Quotes to do the repairs will be sought with the work to be completed in the spring. 6.8.2) Cracked Front Step: Professional advice and quoting is needed to repair the large crack on the front step. 6.B.3) Dehumidifier: J.Woon, C.Peters & B.Hickey will check the dehumidifier during the next week, dumping the water as necessary. After that, it will be unplugged for the winter months. 6.8.4) Gas Pipe: The gas companywill attend the site tomorrow to cut off and seal this old pipe. 6.C. New Edison Building Committee: Chairman J.Woon reported that she has submitted a letter of request for a donation from the William's family foundation. Once the Dinner Dance is finished she will schedule a meeting for the New Building Committee. An update on how much is sitting in our reserye fund is needed. 7. MATTERS OUT OF TIIE MINUTES: a) IPM Update: Leeann Walsh, Bayham staff, has compiled a CD fulIof photos she took at the IPM. If anyone has additional digital photos to conkibute, please send them to her for inclusion on the CD. Copies are forthcoming to all Bayham particþants. Leeann was very surprised and appreciative for the gift basket from volunteers recognizing her contribution and leadership with the IPM. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held November 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 54 of 183 Museums Bayham November 10,2010 3 b) Update on HMCS Ojibwa: Engineers are working on the Load Bearing Capacity study and a Community Impact Study. The sub is still in Dartmouth. The Navyprefers to have Ojibwa barged the entire way. lnvestigations to assess cost and availability of barges and docks in Dartmouth and Hamilton are underway. Fundraising eflorts have already begun. Granite bricks can be purchased for $125 each with the name of a veteran engraved on it. These bricks will be formed into a decorative wall near the sub. "Ship's Crew" charter memberships are being sold for $50 each and corporate sponsorships are being pursued. Plans are underway to erect a sign- "Future Site of HMCS Ojibwa"- and to outline the fooþrint of the sub with pavement paint or baseball lime at the site. The chairman noted that the son of his submariner friend, Bob Arbour, is currently working on the Ojibwa and was involved with the A Channel news tour. c) EON Meeting: The chairman reported that 19 people attended the meeting in Burgessville. Bayham will host the March 3,2011 EON Meeting. EON maps have been delivered at each museum site and at the Municipal office. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A) Elgín Historìcøl & Genealogícøl Socíety Chrìstmas Dìnner: Committee members have been invited to attend a dinner on'Wed. Dec.8 at St.John's Anglican Church on Flora Street in St.Thomas. Six members from Museums Bayham will attend. Our regular committee meeting will be cancelled for Dec. B) New Commìttee Member: It was moved by R.Maddox and seconded by R.Bradfield that we accept Lynn Acre as a regular member of Museums Ba]¡ham. rather than Council Rep. for 2011. Motion Carried. C) Tíllsonburg Home & Rec Show 2011.' It was moved by L.Acre and seconded by C.Peters that we participate in the Tillsonburg Home & Rec Show on March 25-27. 201 1. Motion Carried. D) Chairman's Míleage C/øim.' It was moved by M.Schafer and seconded by 9. NEXT MEETING: 'Wednesday January l2,20Il at 7:00 pm Municipal office. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by R.Bradfield that the meeting be adjourned at 8:35 Dm. Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held November 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 55 of 183 Page 56 of 183 5 Loo LAKE ERIE 'oUR(EPROTECT:ON RETION LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, October 7, 2010 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, October 7, 2010 at the Long Point Region Conservation Authority Administration Centre, 4 Elm Street, Tillsonburg, ON. Members Present:C. Ashbaugh, Chair; H. Comwell, M. Goldberg, *J. Hanison, K. Hunsberger, *J. Laird, D. Munay, J. Oliver, D. Parker, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, *D. Woolcott, *M.Wales, nV. WrighGOascaden Members Regrets: M. Ceschi-Smith, P. General, R. Haggart, A. Henry, R. Krueger, B. LaForme, l. Macdonald, C. Martin, L. Perrin, T. Schmidt, P. Wilson Proxy Representatives: M. Ceschi-Smith (K. Hagan), *R. Haggart (A. Davidson); A. Henry (D. Murray), R. Krueger (K. Hunsberger), L Macdonald (8. Ungar), L. Penin (D. Munay), T. Schmidt (E. Hodgins) Liaisons: K. Turner, Provincial Liaison; C. Evanitski, Long Point Region Conservation Authority; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Region Management A. Dale, GRCA;T. Marks, KCCA; K. Smale, CCCA;Gommittee: E. Vanhooren, KCCA Staff:M. Bingham, City of Hamilton; S. Brocklebank, GRCA; S. Cooke, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; J. Robertson, LPRCA; T. Ryan, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; E. Stahl, GRCA; H. Waite, County of Oxford;4. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA 1. Gall to Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum - 17 Members Cons{itute a Quorum Qß of members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. 3. Ghairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: ACT FOR CLEAN WATER Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 57 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,20'10 Page 2 . Five public consultation meetings were held on September 8, 9 and 13-15 for the Draft Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report. C. Ashbaugh thanked members and staff who attended and extended a special thanks to Dave Schultz who presented at most vulnerability and all public consultation meetings. . The Water Forum on September 17 at the Grand River Conservation Authority was well attended; Ministers Wilkinson and Munay were in attendance and spoke at the forum. . The Chairs' meeting was held September 20-21in Toronto. . Regular teleconferences for Chairs and Project Managers have been coordinated and hosted by Conservation Ontario. . There is an upcoming training session for Source Protection Committees on November 2 in Brantford. 4. Review of Agenda The agenda was reviewed, and it was noted that an update of Report SPC-10-10-06 Grand River Source Protection Area Draft Assessment Report - Public Comments and late starter Report SPC-10-10-07, Source Protection Committee Member Appointments were distributed. R. Seibel asked that before report 10. b) there be discussion regarding why stewardship applications are being brought to the Source Protection Committee. C. Ashbaugh suggested this discussion could be included with the first report and no amendment to the agenda was necessary. Moved by: J. Oliver Seconded by: W. Wright-Cascaden carríed unanimously THAT the agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commíttee Meeting of October 7, 2010 be approved as distributed. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - September 2,2010 B. Ungar clarified that, during the aggregate discussion on page 6, J. Laird was not included in the summarized listing of delegates, and should not be identified as such in the minutes. H. Cornwell stated that under the correspondence section, he thought he was moving to approve the subcommittee's composition, not to receive the correspondence as information. T. Seguin clarified that at the time of the motion she requested clarification from the Chair, and the Chair confirmed that the motion was to receive the conespondence as information. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 58 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 3 J. Hanison identified that in the second paragraph on page 5 he felt the intent of his statement was lost in the minutes due to staff interpretation. He noted that he intended his comments to be more criticalthan the minutes indicate. Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: D. Murray carried unanimously THAT the amended minutes of the previous meeting of September 2, 2010 be approved. 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations a) Source Protection Planning Regulation - Martin Keller, GRCA M. Keller advised that the Ministry of the Environment will be holding a Source Protection Planning workshop for Source Protection Committee members. There will be six regional one-day MOE training sessions across Ontario. The purpose of the training is to provide an understanding of portions of the regulation that are related to source protection plan development, when source protection plans can use various regulatory tools for addressing drinking water threats, and explore the policy development process to reinforce understanding of the regulatory tools and gain experience in writing policies. There will be a session held in Brantford for the Lake Erie Region, Niagara Peninsula Region and the Halton-Hamilton Region on November 2. Although the main audience is Source Protection Committee members, municipal staff may attend if spaces are available. Additional training sessions may be available at a later date. Please advise T. Seguin if you plan to attend. M. Keller provided an overview of the purpose of the source protection plan regulation, the source protection plan development timelines, objectives and content, and the range of policy tools for the source protection plans. The assessment reports will be incorporated into the plans; in 2012 assessment reports will no longer be stand-alone documents, but a component of the source protection plans. J. Hanison stated that he had understood that we could not deal with transportation corridors in the assessment report, but asked ¡f MOE is now telling us we have an option in the policy to deal with transportation corridors. M. Keller responded affirmatively and noted that policíes such as spills response can be included. * M. Wales joined the meeting at 1:35 pm. M. Wales asked for an example of what is meant by a condition. M. Keller responded that conditions are a result of a past activity, and are usually a contaminated site, whether it be groundwater, soil, sediment or surface water. There are criteria that must be met, and then the specific contaminated site can be identified as a condition. Depending on the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 59 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee October 7,2010 Page 4 vulnerability score and whether there is evidence of offsite contamination the condition may be considered a significant drinking water threat. J. Oliver asked whether regulations under the Conservation Authority Act are considered as a prescribed instrument or a land use planning tool. L. Minshall responded that the regulations under the Conservation Authority Act are not prescribed instruments because when used under the Conservation Authority Act, permits cannot legally be amended because they are for one-time application, not ongoing use. J. Oliver noted that conditions can be attached to a permit under the Conservation Authority Act for areas of concern such as recharge areas. He noted his disappointment if the Conservation Authority Regulations are not an item in the toolbox. He knows that it is a useful and powerful tool in terms of protecting water, and would like to see it kept open for our consideration. M. Keller noted that the Ministry of the Environment has made a legal decision to not include the Conservation Authority Act as a prescribed instrument. J. Oliver stated that it seems there is applicability for Section 28 Regulations under the Conservation Authority Act. Even if it is not included as a prescribed instrument, it can surely be used as a land use planning tool. M. Keller and K. Tumer will further investigate. R. Seibel identified that he has seen a lot of Conservation Authority regulations taken and enshrined in official plans and zoning bylaws, and wondered if that is how these tools could be used. M. Keller responded that this may be a solution. W. Wright-Cascaden asked J. Oliver if there is a specific area to which he would like the permits to be applied. J. Oliver responded that in the Long Point Region it is useful in wetland areas. He noted that previously, some changes to wetland would be within zoning bylaws and controls, although Norfolk County is currently amending its zoning, the Conservation Authority regulation was often a more easily applied and less expensive toolthan zoning. He noted that the Conservation Authority regulation can be a useful and powerful regulation on its own. M. Keller reviewed the categories for approaches and tools, noting mandatory and optional plan policies. J. Laird asked if it is envisaged that the project team will be a subset of the conservation authority and municipal staff currently involved in the municipal water services and planning directors working group. M. Keller responded affirmatively and noted that a smaller group will facilitate more focused and effìcient use of the resources under such tight timelines. The larger municipal water services and planning directors group will be consulted and asked for their input throughout the process. * Alex Davidson joined the meeting at 2:00 pm. M. Keller noted that Wendy Wright-Cascaden will chair the project team, and reviewed the proposed membership of the project team, noting that he is still waiting for confirmation from some municipalities. D. Munay noted that the proposed membership has no representation for the north end of the watershed, and suggested that someone from the northern part of the watershed should be considered for the project team. M. Keller pointed out that some municipalities, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 60 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 5 such as those at the north end of the watershed, are represented by Conservation Authority staff, because those municipalities have asked the Conservation Authority to take the lead on policy development. Once specific discussion papers have been developed, there are resources for municipalities to hire a consultant to assess the proposed approaches and how it would be applied. lt is important to be conscious of the size of the group to ensure the process is efficient. D. Murray noted that although the northern municipalities are represented by the Conservation Authority staff, the optics of the representation remains a concern. L. Minshall advised that although she understands the optics, when this process began, this region took the approach that municipalities had the first right of refusal. She noted that the group on the project team chose to take the lead in policy development. She further noted that she visited every municipal council in June and described the process and what was discussed in the Terms of Reference, and she advised them that discussion papers would be developed with a framework of choices. She also identified that all municipalities in the Lake Erie Region are invited to attend the municipal water services and planning directors' group meetings, which the project team feeds into. The project team represents the group of municipalities who have the lead and could be off developing the ideas by themselves. From an optics perspective, it would be valuable to have someone there, but the municipalities have already responded and said they want the GRCA to take the lead. D. Murray agreed that the presentations were provided to the municipal councils, and also agreed that most of the municipalities deferred the decisions to the GRCA. He also noted that the GRCA has done a good job representing these municipalities, but he suggested that because the resources are more limited for the smaller municipalities, it may be worthwhile to raise the question again regarding their involvement in policy development. E. Hodgins emphasized that when discussing the structure of the working group, there was a recognition of time constraints. He suggested that a membership group of 10-1'2 would make it almost impossible to get the work done. The group who will be compiling the discussion papers has experience; and some of the team members have already done some degree of implementation. He stated that he is not sure what other experience would be gained by having all ends of the watershed participating in the group. He further emphasized that the discussion papers are not going to contain recommendations on policy; they will simply present and assess the cost and effectiveness of various options. The water services and planning directors' group will also be consulted to ensure that all considerations are being taken into account. M. Wales asked what position Elgin County is in. L. Minshall responded that the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority has the lead for Elgin County. W. WrightCascaden noted that in listening to the discussion, what she is hearing is that it will be important to provide clear communication with municipalities who do not have the lead for policy development regarding their role and the various ways they can participate, and ensure they are comfortable with their role. Moved by: J. Laírd Seconded by: B. Ungar carríed unanimously THAT the presentation regarding the Source Protection Planning Regulation be received as information. Res. Â/o. 66-10 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 61 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 6 J. Laird asked that a copy of the presentation be distributed to members. 9. Correspondence a) Copies for Members i) Correspondence to Source Protection Committees from the Ministry of the Environment Re: Existing MunicipalAuthorities and Land Use Planning. Res. No. 67-10 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: D. Parker carried unanimously THAT the correspondence be received as information. b) Not Copied None 10. Reports a) SPG-10-10-01 January - June 2011 Meeting Schedule M. Keller noted that although not part of this report, Report 10-10-07 suggests that the December meeting be cancelled. Res. No. 68-10 Moved by: M. Goldberg Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee adopt the following meeting schedule from January to June, 2011: Meeting Date Time Location January 13,2011 1:00 p.m. GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge February 3,2011 1:00 p.m. GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge March 3,2011 1:00 p.m. GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge April7,2011 1:00p.m. GRCAAdministration Centre, Cambridge May 5,2011 1:00 p.m. GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge June 2,2011 1:00 p.m. GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge b) SPC-10-10-02 City of Hamilton - Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program Funding Application ln response to R. Seibel's request, M. Keller provided an overview regarding the three funding applications on the agenda, and noted that the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program is being released for 2010-2011. For this program, there are three components, the Early Response program which will be delivered through the Grand River Conservation Authority, as well as Special Projects, for which municipalities can apply to the Ministry of the Environment directly for Early Response type projects in excess of $100,000 and for municipal land securement projects within 100 m of a well or Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 62 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 7 within an IPZ-1. For both Special Projects components of the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program, the committee's support and prioritization of the projects is required for the application to be complete. Although the September 30, 2010 deadline for these applications has passed, the municipalities for the following three reports received agreement from the Ministry of the Environment that if the committee supports these projects, a resolution could be sent to the Ministry after this meeting, which would meet the requirement of the application. M. Wales stated that he would like to see the cost of the projects, noting that the City of Guelph was the only one with a dollar value. M. Keller replied that the dollar values for land securement were not included in the report because it could influence the negotiations between the municipality and the landowners. D. Parker identified that there are three applications to review, four if Guelph's applications are considered separately. D. Paker asked how binding the committee's decision is. M. Keller responded that the committee's support is a requirement of the application; the applicants will not be eligible if they don't receive the support of the committee. R. Seibel requested clarification regarding what the expectation is regarding prioritization of the applications. He asked if there is a staff recommendation regarding the prioritization. M. Keller clarified that prioritization is ín regard to the prioritization of any of the projects that may be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment. The Ministry has advised they have received applications asking for funding of over $17 million, with only $4.5 million in funding available province wide. There is a large oversubscription to this program. The MOE has had discussion and may come back and ask source protection committees that have supported applications to prioritize and rank the applications but that has not happened yet. T. Ryan noted that in the report for Early Response in September, the committee endorsed the principle that the Source Protection Committee endorses Special Project funding, which included municipal land securement and addressing significant threats. She further noted that tne $4.5 million of funding available is not just for special projects, it is for early response as well, and the Lake Erie Region requested over $2 million of that funding in their early response application. She added that the $2 million of funding requested will only address 185 of the over eight thousand threats identified for the Lake Erie Source Protection Region. J. Oliver asked if the $2 million requested included these municipal requests. T. Ryan advised that the municipal applications are over and above the $2 million for early response. She noted that they are separate projects, and supporting the municipal projects in no way jeopardizes the watershed wide early response delivery. J. Harrison had understood that the principles approved at the last meeting were to be principles used by staff to choose amongst the overall private program, but those principles are not for special projects for municipalities. T. Ryan suggested that she would argue that they are, because the committee is meant to have some recognition of special projects; the Ministry of the Environment has asked that the special projects come to the committee. J. Harrison identified that there is no information from staff regarding whether those projects fit within the principle approved. L. Minshall noted that Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 63 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page I she understood that the priorities regarding what the committee would support for funding was established at the last meeting, and these projects all fall within the committee's priorities. The staff recommendation is that they all be put forward because they fall within the committee's principles. M. Keller noted that his signature approving the reports prepared by the municipalities was intended to demonstrate to the committee that staff was supportive of the recommendation. W. Wright-Cascaden clarified that what she understands is that these three projects meet the committee's principles, and if the ministry requires more help later, the Source Protection Committee can provide more clarification on priorities. B. Ungar noted that if they are going to support the requests, he would like to know what the cost is. M. Keller reiterated that the municipalities were concemed that it may affect negotiations with the landowners should they be in a position to purchase the land. B. Ungar indicated he would like the committee to consider going in camera or into closed session to discuss the dollar figures and asked for clarification regarding whether the committee would go in camera or into a closed committee session. A. Davidson advised that he researched the process and authored the County of Brant report. He advised that applicants had to demonstrate that the Assessment Report identified the need, the risk and the vulnerability. Within the application there are points assigned and certain criteria have to be met for the first round. As noted, there is an excess of applications in relation to the funds available. Applicants can only proceed from the fìrst to the second round of funding if they meet the criteria. From the numbers he has heard, it will be necessary to meet the criteria in the first round, because there won't be any excess funds. One of the scoring points is a demonstration of support from the Source Protection Committee. The Source Protection Committee is not approving the spending of funds; they are supporting the application in principle. The applications are submitted to the Ministry of the Environment for scoring. B. Ungar responded that his point is that he is willing to support the projects, but he wants to know how much the application is for. R. Seibel wondered if the threats can be adequately managed at lesser cost and noted that they have no numbers on which to base this consideration. C. Ashbaugh suggested that the committee review all of the reports first and go in camera if necessary after to reveal the dollar value of the land securements. He pointed out that the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee has not had an in camera session to date, but it is important to go in camera should the members wish to know the dollar figures so that this information does not have a bearing on the municipal negotiations. He emphasized that the intention is not for secrecy. J. Oliver asked if these are the only three applications for special projects from municipalities in the Lake Erie Region. M. Keller replied affìrmatively. M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-10-10-02. M. Wales asked if the barn/silo on the mapping is in production. M. Bingham from the Gity of Hamilton replied that there are cunently no agricultural practices for the barn/silo identified. M. Goldberg asked if the house has a septic system. M. Bingham replied affirmatively. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 64 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 9 D. Parker asked how the sale of the land will affect the farmer's nutrient management plan. He also asked why the line does not go right to the road. M. Bingham identified that the timelines for the applications were quite short, and the dimensions were provided to the GIS staff which resulted in the line on the map. When negotiating with the landowner, it is their intent to negotiate land acquisition right to the road. Regarding the nutrient management plan, he noted that there is no agricultural source material generated on the property, although agricultural source material or non-agricultural source material is applied on the land; the landowner leases the property. R. Seibel requested confirmation that if this land is purchased it is based on an agreement with landowner, not expropriation. M. Bingham replied affirmatively. J. Harrison noted that during his time on municipal council he felt municipalities had a responsibility to do the right thing with their own tax dollars. He asked why all provincial landowners should pay taxes for the municipalities to pay for what they should be doing out of their own resouræs. H. Cornwell asked why the size of the property does not extend to also capture the barn and septic. He noted that one municipality is asking to take down a house and take out the septic, while this municipality is going to leave parts of the threats there. M. Bingham noted that the drainage around the well is the municipality's most significant concern. M. Goldberg asked if the septic is a concern. M. Bingham responded that staff assessed what is most critical to the wellfield. The most significant threat to this wellfield is the application of agricultural and non-agricultural source material in an area of poor drainage. As such, the best approach would be land acquisition. The property around the well requires proper grading. He noted that the best approach for the septic may be an upgrade. M. Goldberg asked if the septic is not recognized as a threat. T. Ryan responded that a septic system within 100 m will be a significant threat, however, there will be hundreds of instances where landowners have septic systems in the 100m, and that threat will be managed. She advised that the ownership of the land around the municipal well in Lynden has been one of the most highly suggested feedback at public meetings in Hamilton, and Hamilton is reacting to the public's input. C. Ashbaugh noted that this community has been on boilwater advisories in the past. J. Hanison asked if the City of Hamilton is so concerned, and there have been problems with this well, why they haven't fixed it earlier? Why should the provincial taxpayers fix it now, when the city has chosen not to fix it themselves? E. Hodgins asked M. Bingham about the hydrogeology around the Lynden well. M. Bingham replied that the sediments consist of thin layer of fine sandy material which is underlain by a thick layer of silt that extends almost all the way to the bedrock at about 50 m depth. M. Bingham indicated that the well is completed beneath the silt layer in a mixed sand and gravel aquifer that overlies the bedrock, although the well extends a short distance into the bedrock. While the silt layer acts as an aquitard, and is fairly protective of the municipal well, the City is concerned about the potential impact of an area of surficial ponding located immediately adjacent to the well. E. Hodgins noted that if the soil type is silts and clays, he wouldn't expect impacts from local fertilizer and septics to directly propagate into the municipal aquifer and suggested that the drinking Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 65 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 10 water advisory issued for Lynden may not be related to local threats and there may be other mitigating measures. M. Wales asked what the municipality was thinking when they put the well there in the first place. He advised that from the perspective of the Federation of Agriculture, the municipality should be able to purchase the land if the property owner is not going to be compensated. Because the barn is in the 100 m zone, there is nothing ensuring that the barn continues to be inactive. He asked what could be done to ensure that the barn is not used in the future. M. Bingham advised that the barn is on a separate property than the property proposed for acquisition; staff did not have time to speak with the owner of the barn prior to submission of the application. J. Oliver noted that if these are the only three applications in the queue for the Lake Erie Region, if the committee has supported these projects in principle, and if they may be imposing limitations on these properties in the future, the best solution is to rent or buy the land; that way the municipality gains control. Although he noted that he respects J. Harrison's comments regarding municipalities doing the right thing, he supports the application. This Source Protection Committee has been seen as leaders, and this has been a high profile problem well, and he noted that this application should be supported based on what they have heard. Other than ensuring the securement goes right to the driveway, which the municipality has advised they intend to do, he does not see how else to improve the proposal. C. Ashbaugh noted that although the process and background regarding municipal land procurement may be faulty, the bottom line is that there are unlikely to be many of these funding opportunities. D. Murray supported J. Oliver's proposal to support the application. He advised that historically, pre-Walkerton, municipalities were criticized for taking too much land for their wells. Since Walkerton, the approach has changed. * D. Woolcott left at 3:04. H. Cornwell noted that if the soil is clay overburden, the property under discussion is likely not where the problem is coming from. He is also concerned that the proposal does not include the barn, house and septic. D. Murray asked whether the municipalig has investigated if this acquisition will have a positive impact on the well. M. Bingham replied that through the source protection process, although it has not been identified as an issue, the application of agricultural and non-agricultural source material has been identified as a significant threat, and buying the property would eliminate that threat. * Wendy Wright-Cascaden left the meeting at 3:08. Moved by: Seconded by: Voting was deferred pendíng c I o sed session drscussions. THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commiftee support the funding application under the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP) from the City of Hamilton for the municipal land Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 66 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee October 7,2010 Page 11 securement of land within the 100 m Wellhead Protection Areas adjacent to the Lynden Municipal Supply Well and prioritize this project for funding. c) SPC-10-10-03 Gity of Guelph - Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program Funding Application D. Parker asked that this report be broken into two parts: A) land securement and B) fuel storage tank removal and upgrade. M. Keller provided an overview of the land securement portion of report SPC-10-10-03. R. Seibel noted that there are different ownership parcels around the well, and asked if there is any chance someone will apply for a permit on those lots. J. Laird responded that the City of Guelph intends to apply land use policies moving forward regarding what can be done on the adjacent land. The proposed land securement is to eliminate a current signifi cant threat. J. Oliver asked if the house is currently occupied. J. Laird responded that she does not know, but the property is presently privately owned. J. Oliver asked if the age of the septic system is known. J. Laird responded that the issue is not so much the age of the septic system, as its presence in the 100 m zone. B. Ungar asked what would stop someone from purchasing the adjacent property and immediately putting in a septic system. J. Laird responded that the adjacent property is in Guelph-Eramosa, the request for permit would be circulated to the City of Guelph and the city would be active in the application. H. Cornwell noted the inadequate size of the project land and asked why a major portion of the 100 m zone is not being included with the proposed purchase. J. Laird noted that the intent is to purchase the property where the septic system is and eliminate that threat. Municipal staff did investigate maintaining and connecting the house to services, however, that was far more expensive than purchasing the property. M. Keller provided an overview of the fuel storage tank removal and upgrade portion of Report SPC-10-10-03. J. Oliver asked if the work has already been done. J. Laird replied that it has not been done. D. Parker noted that although he ís not opposed to decommissioning a tank, he suggested that doing so is the cost of doing business. T. Ryan noted that fuel was identified as a priority by the committee, so if the commíttee agrees that removing old fuel storage tanks are the cost of doing business, then she would suggest it be removed from their priorities. She noted the Ministry of the Environment has put a cap on the amounts so they can see the larger applications. A farmer asking forfunding for manure storage for a value over $100,000, for example, would have had to go through the Ministry as well. She noted that there are a number of projects that would be eligible for early response that would fall under the cost of doing Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 67 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 12 business, and that the committee may wish to reconsider their previously approved priorities if these types of activities are considered the cost of doing business. B. Ungar asked how many years these tanks have not been in use, noting that all farmers had to remove tanks and received no funding to do so. J. Laird identified that these tanks are still in use. This is being submitted as a special project request because it fits the principles this committee set. She noted that 60% of the Guelph water supply flows through this site. She further identified that this project fits the Ministry criteria. The City of Guelph is trying to lead by example by decommissioning their own fuel tanks, and the underground fuel storage tanks are included in the committee's priorities. M. Goldberg asked why the City of Guelph did not apply to purchase the quarry. J. Laird suggested that the Ministry of the Environment and the GRCA were engaged in discussion regarding an application for the quarry site, but for a variety of reasons the fuel storage tanks were considered a better choice. R. Seibel noted that he is glad to see the underground storage tank is scheduled to be removed. He suggested that the tank would have received a maintenance upgrade during its lifetime, and noted that he would rank this project last if prioritizing. J. Laird stated that she needed to leave for an appointment; however, she provided the value of the land purchase to M. Keller for the closed session should the question arise. J. Laird further referred to the correction in the minutes where her name was removed from attending the aggregate meeting with the Ministry of the Environment and stated that, although the minutes have been corrected, should there be any further discussion on the subject she would like to be included in the meeting, as it pertains to the City of Guelph water supply. J. Laird assigned M. Goldberg as her proxy prior to leaving. * Janet laird left the meeting at3:25. Moved by: Seconded by: Voting was deferred pending c I o sed session drccussíons. THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee support the funding application under the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP) from the City of Guelph for the Guelph Waterworks Fuel Tank Replacement Project and prioritize this project for funding. THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commiftee support the funding application under the ODWSP from the City of Guelph for the municipal land securement of the private property adjacent to the Calico Municipal Well and prioritize this project for funding. d) SPC-10-10-04 Brant Gounty - Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program Funding Application M. Keller provided an overview of report SPC-10-10-04. M. Wales asked if Parcel 3 of the Bethel Road well is taxpayer owned. A. Davidson responded that Parcel 3 is owned by the Ministry of Transportation. M. Wales pointed Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 68 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Res. /Vo. 69-10 Moved by: M. Goldberg Seconded by: M. Wales Page 13 out that one arm of the government would be using public money to buy property from another govemment organization. M. Wales asked who owns the property on the opposite side of the road from the Telfer well. A. Davidson identified that the County of Brant owns it and is putting it back to natural forest. M. Wales asked what the natural drainage flow would be. A. Davidson identified that the Grand River is just off the map, so typically surface water flows left to right. D. Parker asked if the clump of trees for the Telfer well is an old farmstead. A. Davidson advised that the lands were purchased some time ago; he believes it was a fairly old established farm. M. Wales suggested the county do some research to ensure there are no abandoned wells on the site if it is an old farmstead. A. Davidson advised that County staff are confident there are no abandoned wells. Research was done on this site by hydrogeologists from the Paris Public Utilities Commission, who were assessing whether the river influences those wells. M. Goldberg moved that the Source Protection Committee accept and recommend for funding all applications without further discussion. He noted that we have only three proposals for all of the Lake Erie Region. Two of the proposals were put forward by people sitting at the table who are from well run municipalities, he is afraid we may be micromanaging. J. Oliver agreed with the exception of the Ministry of Transportation property. He noted there is an opportunity to use a prescribed instrument in that situation. E. Hodgins identified that there are two choices. He identified that he agrees with M. Goldberg's motion to move forward with the approval; all have recognized that this may or may not be the most appropriate solution, but there has not been enough time to evaluate the different options. The guidance from the Ministry has always been to purchase the land in the 100 m area. This is an ownership issue. From his municipality's perspective, he would like to own the 100 m area for all of their wells, but they cannot afford to. lt is not possible to know all of the details, because there has not been enough time. amended THAT the Lake Erie Source Protection Committee recommends the prioritization of the ODWSP applications for the County of Brant, City of Guelph and City of Hamilton and endorses fhese proposals without furiher dl'scussion. M. Wales identified for prioritization that he feels the securement of the Ministry of Transportation lands and the fuel tank replacement both rank low. He noted for the public record that the Source Protection Committee has asked a lot of questions. He stated that he supports M. Goldberg's motion, recognizing not all projects are going to be funded. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 69 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee October 7,2010 Page 14 B. Ungar stated that his intent is not to micromanage, it is so the committee knows the dollar figure that is associated with the projects. He would like to know what the potential cost is. J. Oliver moved that the motion on the floor be amended to remove Parcel 3 of the Bethelwellfield from the County of Brant request for endorsement. Res. lVo. 70-10 Moved by: J. Oliver Seconded by: M. Wales 75 in favour,3 opposed THAT Parcel 3 of the Bethel Road lands in the County of Brant Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship application be removed from the requestfor endorsement. H. Cornwell noted that he has trouble with the Lynden proposal, because it doesn't seem to address the real threats on the property. M. Keller advised that the Ministry of the Environment only put out the application one month ago, so there was not a lot of time for the City of Hamilton to put their applications together. J Harrison called a point of order, noting that there was a motion on floor which was seconded, and an amendment that has been put forward and seconded, and called the vote on the amendment. Res. /Vo. 71-10 Moved by: M. Goldberg Seconded by: M. Wales 77 in favour, T opposed THAT without fuñher drscussion and without fuñher prioritization, the Lake Erie Source Protection Committee recommend the prioritization of the ODWSP applications for the County of Brant, City of Guelph and City of Hamilton and endorse fhese proposals with the exception of Parcel 3 of the Bethel Road lands in the County of Brant application. E. Hodgins proposed that staff evaluate how these applications are coming forward to the committee. M. Keller commented that the guidance received has not been very clear regarding what support for prioritization means and identified that staff are also struggling wÍth how the process is working. M. Goldberg pointed out that giving municipalities a month to process applications and bring to the committee is unfair. He asked that K. Turner take that feedback back to the Ministry of the Environment. The committee was unable to reach consensus because of insuffìcient information from the municipalities due to the time constraints. D. Murray asked that once these applications are processed, that a report be brought back to the committee regarding the outcome. e) SPC-10-10-05 Long Point Region Source Protection Area Proposed Assessment Report M. Keller provided an overview of SPC 10-10-05. * E. Hodgins left the meeting at 3:55. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 70 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 15 There were no questions or comments regarding report SPC-10-10-05. Res. Â/o. 72-10 Moved by: M. Wales Seconded by: D. Parker 76 in favour, I opposed THAT the Proposed Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report be posted for the second consultation period starting October I and ending on November 8, 2010; AND THAT the Proposed Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report be submifted to the Long Point Region Source Protection Authority, as required under Secfion 16 of the Clean Water Act, 2006. f) SPC-10-10-06 Grand River Source Protection Area Draft Assessment Report - Public Comments M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-10-10-06. M. Goldberg asked for details regarding the letters from MTE suggesting that the mapping was not accurate. M. Keller noted that although hydrogeology staff are not in attendance to address the question, from what he understood, the mapping is in line with the technical rules; the concern is a matter of local site conditions. This will be investigated more closely and the comment will be addressed. J. Oliver asked for elaboration regarding the Region of Waterloo letter objecting to E.coli as an issue for Brantford, and asked why they are objecting. M. Keller responded that Brantford has identified E.coli as an issue for their surface water plant because of spills and bypasses upstream causing surges in E.coli. Once an issue is identified, there is an obligation to delineate an issue contributing area, and that the issue contributing area will likely extend up to into the Region of Waterloo. M. Keller further noted that there will be discussion with Brantford to determine how this matter can be resolved at staff level and to investigate solutions for the updated assessment report. lf this cannot be resolved, the Region of Waterloo is recommending their objection be added as a comment to the proposed assessment report stating that their comment has not been resolved. L. Minshall elaborated that E.coli and organic nitrogen are ubiquitous, and the issue contributing area could be the entire Grand River watershed. She also noted that E.coli is from the entire landscape. The Region of Waterloo is proposing that it is not appropriate to set E.coli as an issue, and that the Clean Water Act may not be the appropriate tool in this situation. The Clean Water Act may be too much for this situation and the Grand River Water Management Plan may be a more appropriate tool to address the E.coli issue. At this point in time, staff are having discussions with the City of Brantford to discuss this matter, given the implications of declaring E.coli an issue under the Clean Water Act, and whether it is what they really want to do. lf they do, then the Region of Waterloo will submit their comment to the Ministry of the Environment unless the Source Protection Committee intercedes. She identified, however, that staff are still having discussions, and there is stilltime to resolve this. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 71 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee October 7,2010 Page 16 R. Seibel pointed out the huge inconsistency between municipalities, and stated that E.coli is inherent in surface water. M. Keller responded that, to be fair, the issue identification process takes into consideration the vulnerability of the specific plant in question. M. Goldberg called the question. M. Goldberg pointed out the two outstanding issues that have not been resolved sufficiently or included in the Draft Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report: the quarry concern and Tier 3 Water Budget studies. Res. /Vo. 73-10 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to make the recommended changes to the Grand River Source Protection Area Assessmenf Report in response to comments received during the consultation period on the Drafr Assessment Report. g) SPC-10-10-07 Source Protection Gommittee Member Appointments M. Keller provided an overview of report SPC-10-10-07. J. Oliver requested confìrmation that the municipalities will be notified after October 25th. M. Keller replied affirmatively, noting that GRCA will be initiating discussions with members where needed. Res. /Vo. 74-10 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT Report SPC-10-10-07 Source Protection Committee Member Appointments be received for information. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings J. Hanison asked if lan Smith has responded to the request for a meeting with a committee delegation. M. Keller stated that lan Smith did respond, but his response was not favorable. He would not agree to meet with a delegation, and his justification was that he does not want to set the precedent of agreeing to meet regarding specific committee concerns across the province. M. Goldberg stated that the local issue of quarrying as it affects source protection is a sentinel issue, and he does not understand why he would refuse to meet on that issue. K. Turner explained that lan Smith feels he has heard the committee's concerns through their leüer and has responded to their concerns to the extent he is able in his response letter. The source protection program is not going to change in the near future. There are policy options for transport pathways, several activities related to quarrying that could be significant threats which could be considered a local threat application, but he feels he has addressed their concerns to the extent possible. Ministry staff are hoping to continue moving forward with Conservation Authority staff, and will discuss activities associated with quarrying that can be taken into consideration. M. Keller noted that, at a staff level, GRCA will look at what they can currently do under the confines of the Clean Water Act. At the moment the Clean Water Act cannot be changed and there are limits of what can be done. A report will be Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 72 of 183 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commlttee October 7,2010 Page 17 brought forward in the near future, and there will be discussion with ministry staff regarding what local threats can be included in the updated assessment report. R. Seibel provided the context that the committee thought the inclusion of quarrying was an oversight at the time of the motion for the letter to lan Smith. He suggested that since, this has taken on a life of its own. This was initially just to make sure the Ministry of the Environment had considered this point. C. Ashbaugh reminded members that they could request the figures for the land securement from staff if they wished. B. Ungar advised he would request that information. J. Hanison felt one committee member should not be able to acquire this information if the committee as a whole has decided to move forward without it. B. Ungar moved to go into closed session. * J. Hanison left the meeting at 4:25. With only 16 members and proxies remaining, the meeting lost quorum. B. Ungar stated that he would like the cost of the land acquisition put on the agenda for the next meeting. '12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period Not applicable - quorum lost. 13. Glosed Meeting Not applicable - quorum lost. 14. Nexl Meeting - Thursday, November 4,2010,1:00 pm GRCA Administration Centre, 400 Glyde Road, Gambridge, ON 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of October 7, 2010 adjourned due to loss of quorum at 4:25 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held October 7, 2010. Page 73 of 183 Page 74 of 183 FROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE: 15 NOV 10 STUNT DRIVING CHARGE (ELGIN COUNTY) - On the 13th of November,2010 at approximately 2:55pm Elgin OPP officers were patrolling in an unmarked police cruiser westbound on Nova Scotia line in the Municipality of Bayham. At that time a red GMC pick-up passed the patrolling officers at an extremely high rate of speed also heading westbound on Nova Scotia line. Police paced the vehicle which was traveling at a speed over S0km/hr over the posted 80km/hr speed limit. As a result of the investigation police have charged George SHELLY, age 65, of Port Burwellwith; 1. Stunt driving contrary to section 172(1) of the Highway Traffic Act. Shelly's vehicle has been impound.ed for 7 days and he is scheduled to appear in St.Thomas Traffic Court on the 17'n of Dt cember, 2010. -30- Contact: Constable Troy Garlson Elgin County OPP Media Relations/Gommunity Services Phone: 519-631-2920 Ext. 5450 Pager: 1-888-808-7195 Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from Elgin County OPP regarding "Stunt Driving Charge". Page 75 of 183 Page 76 of 183 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAF'F'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT : Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/1 0 DATE: November 12,2010 FILE: Dl0.10 Baldwin/Gauthier NUMBER: D2010-35 Purpose To consider a consent application for creation of a new lot in the Hamlet of Eden. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Donna & V/illiam Baldwin, Donald Baldwin, Cheryl Gauthier and Warren Baldwin proposing to sever a parcel 0.140 ha (0.34 acre) and retain approximately 9.0l-hectare (22.3 acre) parcel. The subject lands are described as Concession 8 Part Lot24, south side Eden Line in the Hamlet of Eden. The subject land is designated "Hamlets" and "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential (HR) and Agriculture (Al) in theZoningByJaw No.2456-2003. Staff & Planner Comments The proposed lot complies with the Hamlet Residentialzone regulations for lot size, frontage and depth. The proposed lot is compatible with the surrounding residential land uses fronting on to Eden Line. Connection to the municipal sanitary sewer is required and the lot is already serviced with a sewer stub installed in 2001. As per the municþality's policy, water testing for quantity and quality is required as a condition of consent. To ensure proper surface water drainage, a grading plan is recommended. It's unlikely that the new lot will create a trafñc hazard, however, a road access permit will be required to permit access to Eden Line. The proposal is in keeping with the intent of the Ofñcial Plan policies for the creation of a lot in a hamlet and complies with theZoningBy-law Hamlet Residential zone regulations. Staff and the planner can support the consent with the recoÍlmended conditions. Attachments 1. Consent Application E53/10 2. IBI Group Memorandum (not available at time of printing) Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal# 6 Provide and encourage attraclive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "TIIAT Staff Report D2010-35 regarding the Baldwin/Gauthier consent be received; Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 77 of 183 Staff Report D20 I 0-3 5 Baldwin/Gauthier page2 AND THAT Council reconmend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent application 853/10, submitted by Baldwin/Gauthier, be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. submission of a grading plan for municipal approval 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality 3. purchase of a municipal address sign 4. Road Access permit 5. water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards 6. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards 7. copy of the final survey provided to the municipality Reviewed b¡ Underhill Coordinator/D eputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 78 of 183 Tools & Features Demonstration Site .\ "¡r .r,^15JLcí ' ,ê" o5 I {r I lr Tì 'l* r' !F \uil,ì¡\- d H H '-o,Fo ,, a¿t I rI0-rt r¡ þ. ., ..Ì..'¡n' q Ï;l "t Notes nt E53/1 0 Baldwin/Gauthier #006-08600, Eden L¡ne Hamlet of Eden Legend Local Arterial Highways Built Up Areas I Boundaries Wood Lots Water Line Lake Background CI-TY OF LONDON CITY OF SI IHOIi]AS ]\iIU NICIPALITY OF BAYHAI\¡ IV]UNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELC I\¡UNICIPALITY OF DUÏTON/DUN I\¡UNICIPALIÏY OF À/]IDDLESEX C I\¡UNICIPALITY OF SOUTHWEST I\¡UNICIPALITY OF THAI!îES CEN I\¡UNICIPALIÌY OF WEST ELGIN NORFOLK COUNTY ÏOWN OF AYLI\¡ER TOWN OF TILLSONBURG TOWNSHIP OF [i]ALAHIDE TOWNSHIP OF NORVMCH IOWNSHIP OF SOUTH-WEST OX TOWNSHIP OF SOUIHWOLD TOWNSHIP OF STRATHROY-CAF Bayham Aerial 2006 I Red Band 1 I Green Band 2 I Blue Band 3 1 . 5,171 03 0 0.13 0 3 Kilometers,,1 (O Lat¡tude Geographics Group Ltd Th¡s map is a user generated static output from an lnternet mapp¡ng site and is for reference only Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current. or otheMise reliable THIS I\¡AP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 3 5 r e g a r d i n g " B a l d w i n / G a u t h i e r C o n s e n t E 5 3 / 1 0 " . P a g e 7 9 o f 1 8 3 Nov. J, Ztl I t] I i: ZUrfrl t)C b¿-8 Telephone Number Name of owner's solicitor or authorízed agent Address Telephone Number Please speciñ7 to whom all communications should be sent: llo, )l l9 t. 'l/+, Owners() Soticitor(,l1 Agent ( ) f Number and use of buildings and skuctures on the land to be retained; Depu 1K. Ç( xea O,/{¿ 4/ Reçtv' o*^/ . . Cú!,rav r!Êi:r, E¡¿i.1krl,:fg:¡út';cf¡ :7.1'¡{vr i',..\,g! i!fiì:,1. 4r. t:ã? Jr., ır:.¡l:..'t,,n .ìrrlr I I rl D¡U.fl¡Ïr.:!. ,¡, l.rr ,.. ÉoocroSG APPLICATION FOR CONSENT ı8lLt lease correction of title lM4lt3 3, (a) Type and purpose of.proposed transacüon; (check appropriate space) Transfer: ,' -creation of a new lot Other: charge addition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased orcharged: (c) lf a lot addition, identÌfy the lands to which the parcel wilt be added: 4, (a) Location of land:_ t;;;';- -ßot h r^ concession No. Lot(s) No. 1nU. Registered ptan No, _ Nameofstreer'rOlN. Át¡tt€ ..streetNo. (b) Are there any easements orrest¡icfve covenants affectlng the subject land? Yes ( ) tlo (þ) lf Yes, descriþe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land íntended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage Existing Use Number and use ofbuildings and strustures (both existing and proposed) on the land to beseveredl Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metrlc) Frontase :,3é.61 o _ .Deptn 4F/- ? xu" . ?-ot /4 . -Existing Use Ur nf lþrtà/ht ro/ pmoosed use lJ aza^! Ar,-ì.uJ y'o.J Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 80 of 183 Nov, 3, 2010 l2:28Pùl l{o. 51 19 P, 3/45 -2- ì7. Number of new lots proposed (not Ínctuding retained lots) I 8. Type of access for proposed and reta¡ned lot (check appropriate space) TYPE, Provincial Hìghway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonalfy maintalned Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () () () RETAINED LOT () (y) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specifo) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) '10. What type of sewage dísposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) ]YPE PRQP9SED LOT x) () () () When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? .- . t ;¡h,. PrìV*L¿- + vv..ni.'rl""l ï¿rt¿¿r p** lol What is the Exísting ofticial Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? LJo^ tn { 1 3, What is the Zoning, if any, of the su$ect land? of a Plan of Subdivision Unt<nown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application lf this application is a re-submíssion of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application r,ltn 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or otherwater body Other mêâns (speciû) Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Prìvately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) PROPOSËD LOT () (y) () () RETAINED LOT () (xl () () RETAINED LOT (lq () () () 11 12 15. yes tNl No() Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 81 of 183 . t'lov.3, 2010 12:28Plrl No,5ll9 P.4/45 -3 (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name t ¡nLrro.r¡n Relationship (if any) to owner t/o¡t€ Use of parcel Date parcel created t 'r Lno. ¡ n 17. ls the owner, solicitor, oÍ agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneousty with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (X)No () 18, ls the subject land curently the subject of a proposed 'official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()NoW lf Yes, and known, specify the Minislry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land cunently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approvâl of a plan of subdivision? Yes()No (Y) lf Yes, and known, specifu the appropriate file number and slatus of the appfication 20. ls the applicatÍon consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act?Yes N No() 21. ls the subject lând w¡thin an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes () No(y) lf yes, does the applicatlon conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing he following: - the boundaries and dÍmensions of the subjeci land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the d¡stance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed fom the parcel originally acquired by the cunent owner of the subject land; - the approxímate location of all nafural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the locat¡on, width and name of any roads within or abutting the sübjecl land, indicating whether it Ís an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilitíes to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subjeø land, 22 Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 82 of 183 , ltlov, 3, 2(J10 12:28l,M No,bll9 P. r/45 -4- The Owner/App1ícanVAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and theCorporatÍon of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject ptopJrty ror the purpose ofSite inspections with respect toihis application. The Applicant/owner/Agent here re of the information contained in thisApplÍcation pursuant to section r 63, s.o. 19g9, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and privacy in tr,tunicipálitìes and Loåal Boards. ã of the /òòn in the County "f Eb;^ solemnly declare that all the information contained ln lhis application is true, and l/\iVe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it ls of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT, . DECLARED before me at the 7*n 23. 24 in the lhis Sígnature lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant Ís a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be sígned by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, nust be afüxed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, wiih the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, CoUNry OF ELGIN An add¡tional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixlng the consent stamp. AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI-ARATION ¿avor Q-&L¿r 20 /0 11t08 Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 83 of 183 l'lov, 3. 2010 12:28PM No, 51 l9 P, 6/45 APPENDIX'A'' The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in add¡tion to the "Application for Consent", the following information be completed for all applicaìions: 1 . Are, the¡e any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() NoÞ¡f lf the answer is "YES' are these barns:i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( )ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No() No() NOTE: lf you answered "YES" to #1. PLEASìE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW BY APPLIGANT AG Rrcu Lru RAL coD E oF PRACilC E F9 BrVr g !å O. J'l E P.¿Ê'A- S.H EEï.Tq CALCULATÉ TllE MtNtMUM pISTANCE SEPARAT¡ON REQUIREMENTS ln order lo calculale the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facll¡ty w¡th¡n 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separâte I ot: TELEPHONE ÏOWNSHIP coNc.LOT TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) Type of Livestock nurn Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure System Housing System check type DAIRY 0 Cows0 He¡fers ô Calves Tie Stall Free Stall Loose BEEF 0 Cows0 Calves0 Feeders 0 400-750 tþ, 0 400-1100 lb. ô 750-1 10n tb Open [c & Barn Totaf Confine- ment SWfNE0 Sows0 Boers 0 Weanlings ô F'eeders POULTRY0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK - Females Caged Qn Floor r¡UKù Eù ènf:trT-f\cilrlqEWgù ñAOCI I J VEât-çìAË.ylrl'- SEMI-SOLID LIQUID vPtril rilE Open Pile Storage w¡th Buck Walls open Earth sided PitCovered Tank Above Gmund Uncoveteolár Below Ground Uncoverecl Tank Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 84 of 183 l\lov 3 2010 l2:29PM No, 51 l9 P. 1/45 AUTHORIZÀTION (Please see note below) To: Seoretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Descript¡on and LocaÌion of Subject Lands: Datedat ne .Tot¡)n.., x f,.//s^, I'g .... ,nir 20/ 9 -- l/VVe, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize (l ) make an appliøtion on my behalf to the County of Elgin þnd Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material requíred by tire Land Divisíon Committée relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Elock Letters Below Signatures , Z:&n- Signature of Witness Sionature of Owner"'TäiãZ¡"' ø*i t-tt frr^ B*Lùu' ^J NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). (Agents Gity/Town of Residence) Ht¿K|t ¿otils¿í Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 85 of 183 Ð@N I æ FÉ. o- 2()10-12:29P LO-l 24 CONCESSTON I GEOGRAPHIC TOWISHIP OF BAYI]AM l!o, 51 19 P, B/45 SKETCH ILLUSTRANNG PROPOSEÐ SEWRANCES PART OF LOT 24 CONCESSION 8 GEOGRAPHIC TOVII\ISHIP OF ÐAYHAM I,,IUNICIPALITY OF BAYIAM COUNTY OF ELGIN Erts;ErrZ;löf =oÞ () ¿ 0- É.(9o bJI @ zo tn U)t¡Joz'oo @ o vtrntd C) o() TO BE SEVERED R'\\ AREA = 0.140 HA TO BE RETAINED AREA = 9.01 HA G DENO]ESH DENOTESS DENO'IES 5g/10 GARAGE HOUSE SHOP KIM HUSTËD SURVEYNG LTD. 30 HAR\EY S'ÍREEÎ, IL|.SONBURG, ol.llARlO PHONÉ 519-642-J638 Staff Report D2010-35 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E53/10". Page 86 of 183 CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: November 12,2010 FROM: Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk FILE: D10.10 Baldwin/Gauthier SUBJECT:Baldwir/GauthierConsentE54-57110 NIIMBERzD20I0-36 Purpose To consider four consent applications for creation of four lots along Plank Road in the Hamlet of Eden. Background Four consent applications were received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Donna & William Baldwin, Donald Baldwin, Cheryl Gauthier and Warren Baldwin proposing to sever a total of four parcels - two 0.136 ha (0.33 acre); two 1.183 ha (0.45 acre) and ultimately retain approximately 7.93 ha (19.5 acre) parcel. The subject lands are described as Concession 8 Part I-nt22, west side Plank Road in the Hamlet of Eden. The subject land is designated "Hamlets" in the Official Plan and zonedHamlet Residential-Holding (HR-h) in the Zoning ByJaw N o. 245 6 -2003 . Staff & Planner Comments The proposed lots comply with the Hamlet Residential zone regulations for lot size, frontage and depth. The proposed lots are compatible with the surrounding residential land uses fronting on to Plank Road. Connection to the municipal sanitary sewer is required and the lots are already serviced with sewer stubs installed in 2001. As per the municipality's polic¡ water testing for quantity and quality is required as a condition of consent. Confirmation from the County of Elgin for approved access to Plank Road (County Road 19) is recommended to ensure safe and prop erly constructed driveways. Similar to applications considered for four lots on Sandytown Road in Straffordville, staffand the planner recommend the provision of a conceptual plan of subdivision for the entire lands. The planner and staffwould review the plan for details of lot size, location, lot and street configuration and layout to ensure consistency with policies and the most efficient use of the land. Once the municipality is satisfied with the plan, support may be given for consent of the four lots as short-term development. Another concern for staff is surface water management given the topography of the subject lands. The lands are lower than the road and surface water drains westerly to adjacent lands. Staff recoÍrmends the installation of a municipal drain through the Drainage Act, not only designed for the proposed four lots but for future development of the entire subject lands. Attachments 1. Consent ApplicatiorsE54-57 lI0 2. IBI Group Memorandum (not available at time of printing) Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 87 of 183 Staff Report D20 1 0-3 5 Baldwin/Gauthier Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal#2 Ensure reliable, well-maintained and secure infrastructure. Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION page2 *THAT Staff Report D2010-36 regarding the Baldwin/Gauthier four consents be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent applications E54i10 -F;57110, submitted by Baldwin/Gauthier, be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. conceptual plan of subdivision for the entire subject lands including the layout of the four lots proposed to be created by consent 854-57110 2. Municipal drain 3. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee per lot payable to the municipality 4. purchase of a municipal address sign for each lot 5. confirmation from the County of Elgin of approved access to Plank Road (County Road 19) for each proposed lot 6. water quantÍty testing report meeting the Provincial standards 7. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards 8. rezoning to remove the ú'holding" provision 9. copy of the final survey provided to the municipality Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 88 of 183 Tools & Features Demonstration Site I 'r, ''i Ql t : Yù I ? { , ^ tí-(, I')r(l)JL ,n\ L r\ t^'" ìlr rE r..l \t.¡ {( Notes E54 - 57I10 Baldwin/Gauthrer 7600 Plank Road Hamlet of Eden . TO\¡JNSH¡P OF SOUTHWCL!{ .--''."'-- ---\. ..)*'-' Lake Legend Local Arterial Highways Built Up Areas Boundaries Wood Lots Water Line Water_Body Lake Background CITY OF LONDON CITY OF ST THOI\/]AS I\¡UNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI\¡ IllUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELC IVIUNICIPALITY OF DUTTON/DUN IllUNICIPALITY OF I\¡IDDLESEX C I\iIUNICIPALITY OF SOUTHWEST IVIUNICIPALITY OF THAIiIES CEN I\i]UNICIPALIÏY OF WEST ELGIN NORFOLK COUN'TY TOWN OF AYLIV]ER TOWN OF TILLSONBURG TOWNSHIP OF I\¡ALAHIDE ÍOWNSHIP OF NORWCH -TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH-WEST OX TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP OF STRAIHROY-CAF Bayham Aerial 2006 I Red Band 1 I Green Band 2 I Blue Band 3 1.5.171 0.3 0 0 13 0.3 Kilometers-, (Ð Latrtude Geographrcs Group Ltd This map is a user generated stat¡c output from an lnternet mapping site and is for reference only Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or othetuise reliable THIS IV]AP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 3 6 r e g a r d i n g " B a l d w i n / G a u t h i e r C o n s e n t E 5 4 - 5 7 / 1 0 " . P a g e 8 9 o f 1 8 3 J. lu tu I t" l'fiM N0. , I ty r. lllc) a kaOtn -()1G TelephoneNumber 5lq- FL/. -.1236 Name of owner's solicitor es*¡thedseC¿gpnt APPLICATION FOR CONSENT 3b lease correc{ion of Ρtle (c) 4. (a)Locadon of land: l¡rnl"ip"lity fu Concession No. Lo(s) No. äf --.. Reglstered Plan No. - Name ofSbeet Steet No. (b) Are ürele any easemer¡b or reshidive covenanÈ alÏecdng the subjest land? Yes ( I No frl fYes, describeÚ¡eeasementorcovenantandltsetrecf 5. Dæcription of land ir¡tended to be severed: (Acalrate Measurements in Metric) FñrnråEê J2.71 Depfr, -/oþ-- pdrea o'/3L ila 6. Descriptïon of land intended to be retained: (Acdrâte Measrren'lents ln Mefìc) Frontase )as o .-- Deflh ZG,-J (S.lof 1,"þ 7,fuJ//- Exísting Use r I,iÊiìr. {ll0l 02':?010 ly-æLt *,8 ' ı4 /t'o 1. Name ofapproval authodty 2. Name of Ovner Arldress Address Telephone Number Please spxffu to whom all communicaüons should be sent Owners ( )Solrftor (X)Aænt ( ) 3. (a) Type and pr:rpose of proposed Farsaction: (check approprlate sæce) Tranlen creation of a new lot Othen --charge additÍon to a lot easement other pupose (b) Name of person(s), if knorm, to whom larrd or interest ln land is b be tansËñ€d, leåsed of chaged: lf a lot addilioq ldentÍff üre lar¡<ls to wf¡ich he parcef wilf be added: 8rci.l.nl''a I .Exlsting Use U k'' l*.rral Proposed Use ,. . K¿<icle¡-lia I - -. Number and use of buildingèt"n¿ "*.t,rot (bot¡ a<r'stlng and proPosed) on tñe land to be severed: ¡,1; I A€rV Á. S:ÍrÉ¡ß!Êír{ sü$Gc: ¿rùsms n'å S, fimr.,t, e. ¡.'Yì :iv'. Frd,(-: 5ir¡ 6 ¡1' Ufir ry¡íElÉ*çt+ï.{r â¡ NumÞer and use of buildings and süuctures on fte land t'o be retained: Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 90 of 183 tov J 7. L lv tv I ti I'JtNt ïYPE Provincial Highway Municlpal road, maintained ail year Munlcipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access fl0,)tì9 t. l't/+, -2- Number of new lots proposed (not includíng retained lots) 4. Type ofaccess for proposed and retained lot (check appropriate space) PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () () () RETA|NEp LpT () (x) () () () () If proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (oheck appropriate space) ]YP.E- Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake orotherwaterbody Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT () w) () () w) () () () RETAINED LOT () (y') () () RETAINED LOT (t1 () () () 10.What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) 1 1 . When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? 12, What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Ha^b4 What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land?13 14.Has the subject land ever been the subJect of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdívision or a Consent under the Planning Act? Yes ( ) tlo (k) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decfsion made on the applioation lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how lt has been changed from the original application ^/tn.'16, (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? 15 Yes Çð No() Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 91 of 183 J, LVIV tL,L)tÌt l|rJ,)ll7 r, t)/12 -3- (b) lf the,answer.to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch andsupply the following information for each loi severed: Use of parcel 17, ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for addìtional consents on this holding simultaneousty with this application, or considering applyíng br additional consents in the future? Yes (x No () 1E. 19 th9 subject land currentfy the subject of a proposed officiat ptan or officiat plan amendment that has been submitted to the Miníster for aþproval? Yes ()No (X) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19' ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-taw amendment, M¡n¡ste/s zoning order amendment, minor varianoe, or approval of ã plan of subdivision? Yes ()No Çv lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the applicatÍon consistent with polÍcy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Ast? No() within an area designated under any provincial plan or pfans? Yes() NoXl lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict wittr the applicable provincial plan or plans SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing fie following; - the boundaries and dimensions of the suþiect land, the part that is to be severed and the part thât is to be retaÍned; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of al1 land previously severed from the parcel origir'¡ally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate locatÌon of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septÍc tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the locatjon, width and name of any roads wilhin or abutting the sübject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road,.a private road or a right ofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. 21. ls the Yes M subject land Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 92 of 183 23, 24. J' LV lV lLt Lltrt ll0.)|) t, t+/+) -4- The owner/App_licanUAgent hereby author¡zes Land Division committee members and theCorporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onlo the subject propàrty for me purpose ofSite inspections with respect to this apptication. TheAp :is:3åiÍ3'#:i:ffi"j1ä1Ji::iì," forBoards. privacy in Municipalities and Local Dated at the Taon oft',r" /î4... ¿"vo¡ eu.ffi zo AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lÀffe of /ø of the / o,-l n 'I t in the County ot E lgL y - solemnly declare that allthe information contained in this applicatÍon is true, and IArVe make this solemn declaration conscientiously bel¡eving it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect ês if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the Á^n of in the this SÌgnature lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owne/s authorization must accompany the applicatíon- lf the applicant is a coçoration acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an oficer of the corporatíon and the seal, if any, must be affixed, It is required that one copy of this application be fìled, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 ln cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNW OF ELGIN An additional fee of $250,00 witl be charged for affixíng the consent stamp, ffig¡urHoRrzED AcENr aavo¡ QrÁL¿-r 20 /o 11t08 Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 93 of 183 Itvr, J, ¿vtv tL,)utfit ilu. 2l ¡) l, l2/rt2 APPENDIX..A" The county of Elgin Land Divísion Committee requires that, in.addition to the 'Application for Consenr, thefollowíng information be completed for all applicaiions: 1' Are.there any barns locgted within 300 mefes of the subject of this application?Yes() No(kl lf the answer is "YESí áre these b¡ rns:i) Now used for livestock? yes ( ) No ( )ii) Ca¡bteof beinsusedtur ttu stock? yes ( i Uo .i i NorE; If you answered "YES" to #1, PLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEE BELow coM BY APPUCANT TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT CONC. TILLABLE HECTARES (where lÍvestock facility located) ln order to calculate the rninimum dístance separation, the following information is reguíred for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed sevemnce and tocated on a separâte tot NAME REQUIREMENTS Type of Livestock Maximum l'lousing Capacity Number per Year Manure System r Housing System Liouid , Semi- , Dry | check typeI e^l¡'r I I DAIRY 0 Cwvs0 Heifers0 Calves Tie Stal Free Stall Loose BEEF 0 Cows0 Calves 0 Feeders 0 400.750 tb, 0 400-1100 tb. 0 75e1100 lb. Open 4ot & Barn Tota Confìne- menl SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings0 Feeders POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK - Females Caged On Êloor nvñùEJ Jntrtrr-f\cilt5sEwë5 SEMI€OLID LfQUID Open Pile Storage with Buok Walls Open Earth€ided PitCovered Tank Above Ground UncoGre¿Tãnf Below Ground Unoovered Tank Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 94 of 183 J. ¿V¡V t¿,JVilÍ AUTHORIZATION (ptease see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: No,rtl) r, tï/q) lftVe, the undersigned, being the registered owne(s) of the above lands hereby authorize Dated at the this (1) make an application on my behaff to ttre county of Elgin Land Division committee; (2) appear on Ìny behalf at any hearing(s) of the applicatr--on; and (3) provide any inlormation or material required by the Land DMsion Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures l, 2o/Oq1 aMTt f,',É ârfulh NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, whích are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). .æ¿IL{ &lr É ( UARREN ?R¿ur þgt oautÌ. (,\gents CityÆown of Residence) Signature of Wtness Àrt "'tı'Ictt4r 84¿ò¿/¡/'d' Sionature of Owner"*"t'ñä¡ ;i "îoatsí è nu rlt le7 ê€ UJ ì+ï\¿ss Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 95 of 183 J. LVtV tL,JVtÍt Iro.rlly t. tu/+)lL) *rntt -olG APPLICATON FORCONSENT '1. Name of approval autrortty 2. NameofOwner Address Telephone Number Name of owneds solicitor erer{herh€d-a€e# Address Please speciff to whom all communications should be serrh Owners ( )Solicitor fr)Aeent ( )3. (a) Type and purpose of propæed ba¡saction: (cheok approprhte space) Transfec ì/ cr"åt¡¡cn of a nerrr lot Othen chârge addÍtion to a lot e¿se¡nent conecùon of title other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or lnteraf ín land is b be tansfuned, leased'or charged: (c) lf a lot edditíon, idørtÍfo üre lands b wtrích the pafcet will be added: 4. (a)Locetion of land: Municipality Concession No.8 Lot(s) No. "Pf Reg'stered ptân NG - Name of St¡eet SttetNo- lease Are here any easements or rcstìcttue covenanß afüding the subject land? Yes ( ) No fiJ lfYes,describebêêas€mentorcovenar¡tanditseffect 5. Dæcriplion of land intended to be ser¿ered: (Accurate Measuremenb in Melris) Frontiage ?p.ll -.... De¡n úo xea ô./Sê4A Exiting Use proposed Use - Æaid¿¡.-4;al . Number and use of buildings and sfuct¡resi (þotr exlsting and proposed) on üre land to be severed: DescrÌption of land lr¡tended to be retained: (Aca¡rate Measurements ln Metric) Frontase 4l¿.o orpft âb,l (5.1d ltn:) ¡rea .7.?-ç ,/A. Êxistins use t4 Pmposed Use V¡.¿¿,tþ l*4ri¿e/¡Ç¿ra Cf+ri,I¡f f¡¿hffi+frt{ 9øticç7 4âJ fç¡ fr.¡1 St flrarr-.ç. .'*. -r' É,r¡ r(, 9:f- f;1,¿i ' ¡r**#r.r¡r.;ii ,si' (b) Number and use of building and stuct¡res on ü¡e land to be reteined: Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 96 of 183 e."B .. 5 6/10 .</q- Fzz- ?-??ô Name of owner'¡ solícitor or aulñodzed agent Address Tefephone Number Please spæfff to whom all commun¡c¿rtionc should be sent Owners ( )Soliciør rþ Asent ( ) (a) Type and purpose of proposcd tensadion: (dreok appropriale space) Transfen creatlonofa newlot Othe¡: charge l.|ov. 3, 2010 l2:3l|,l|l 2, NameofOwner Address Telephone Number lio. bll9 l, 29l{içr \åJ #.nt" - o1G PLICATION FOR GONSENT add¡don to a lot easement other puçose lease correction of title (b) Name of person(s¡, ìf known, to whom land or interest ln land is to be tansferred, leased or charged; lf a lot addition, identiÛ tre lands to wh¡ch the parcel will be added:(c) 4- (a)Location of land: Municipality Lo(s) No.Reg'ste¡ed Plan No. Name of Street Sbeet No. (b) Are there any easemenb or rcsFictive covenânts afrecdng ü¡e subiect la¡d? conæssionHo... f Yes ( I No (y) ¡¡Yes,describetheeasementorcovenantand lts effect 5.Description of land intended to be sevcrcd: (Accurate Meâsufemenls in Metrlc) oepn /ò Nea O- tî¿ //A :ruilLrrc-l pnrposed use R¿r,:,J¿oái¿-L- Number and use of buildingiãnd shuotures (both existing and propos ed) on fte land to be Description of land i Frontage Existing Use á#¡t? n(!+r' É¡3Èe.hÉ :;ã vlru ¿t-ì 5{ßrl r{ñ .q ñulrÀft. ;i l:"¡ | . 6+,.,1!,¡ âì:.'¡-itl tþ,.!.6;UrÐ' tî'¿tÃr rg¿iiä Fronbge Eisting Use 6 Number and use of buildings and stucüres on thê lend to be letained: Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 97 of 183 fo$ip¿,;o*"''. '' rv r J LVIV tL,JLtEt fro.,tty t, 1ó/cïg 1. Name ofapproval 2. NameofOwner Address TelephoneNumber .{/g- î6C- 321o Name of owner's solidtor or authorized agent Please spedff to whom all communicatíons should be sent Owners ( )solldtor (X Asent ( ) (a) Type and purpose of proposed tansaction: (check apprcprlate space) Transfen v creation ofa new lot Otlrec charge - addítion to a lot eesêment ottBr purpose lease conection of litle (b) Name of person(s), lf known, to whom land or lnter€st ¡n land is 1o be fansfened, leased'or charged: lf a lot addilion, ldentiff he lands þ which the parcelwtrl be added:(c) 4. (a)Location of land: uunidpaliy. Eay|an ,. concessionNo. Lo(s) ¡¡o, ' - Regtstered ptan No, - Name ofSbeet SteetNo. (b) Aæ treæ any casements or resbic{¡vc covenants afieding the subject land? Yes ( ¡ No fi) ffYes, desoribetheeåsementorcovenar¡tand itsefiec't: 5. Description of land íntended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements ln Metrfc) î Description of land intended to be r€fa¡ned: (Acalæte Measuremenb in Metic) Fronrase 9?a.o., . Deprh êG.Jts.iô ttF) Nea V-?3 ll - Existínsuse Vee ' Aerirnlhuol . . Proposed u". Q.e",¡r/en1;a/ .. .. Frontage - ?o-aî Depth Existins Use Va¿ # /larl¿olJ<rr*l Number and use of buildings and stuctures (both exist¡ng and propos ed) on the land to be severed: Ne Ò,1.î3///ì. Proposed vse (esidenA'ol. -.. .. C¡u+,31 E!*¡r Èndmål:aStút* ¡þ* Sqvf tr¡t$ Ps:+0': rs-Þlvl fiÞa,(r g¿+ tr il. !.Íqr il6r rqgn ryr !ir+., r:. #"Oto - o1G APPLT'AToNFoRcoNs=*a*.F ãY /l0 : Number and use of bulldings and süuctJres on he land to be retalned: Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 98 of 183 ."* *.,ifu-$l'ücrsoNs ô ¿: e É g I e€sd stc¡ü ll.lJsft¡r¡Nc PRoFæD sEtËR¡¡,¡cEs PrtRr.(F UIÍ 22 cq{cEssfÖt E C€OCR PfllO r0tt{SlüP 0F EAYH¡a { ltut{cP¡ury F BAìfl¡U¡. Cq,ilTY OF E.GII t€lrüc (NoT ?0 sc¡t-Ð K[¡ HtStED sJRrEt[.¡o LtD. ror€sãGÐ ffif €) rþrERE'A Ð l\IN\T\l D6{OtÉì }srsÉ Þþ1€s SANff¡¡1 SEìYi{GE Pi'|¡PINC SrÁItd,¡ l{ es 5 7 /I,a I$M If,JSTÐ S['RTÊ'ff{ô LTD ONI^RIO L¡ÄO SJRVEVOR 50 MRlef flFEEf. flLrJof{êURê, oNT Rto PHoke 5r9-&Í¿-J6¡ß \o.soFï{l\ffirznrfr\ln-ã FááH j^t¡F!1frî ll,,lt.t¡ .! Àrr1 É\ Staff Report D2010-36 regarding "Baldwin/Gauthier Consent E54-57/10". Page 99 of 183 Page 100 of 183 L À¿6lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 fax 519 4729354 Memorandum To/Attention From cc Subject Kyle Kruger, CAO Municipality of Bayham William Pol, MPA, MCIP, RPP Date Project No November 15,2010 3404 - 490 wpIBI Group Toronto Steno HMSC Ojibwa Submarine Holding Symbol Removal Port Burwell, Ontario 1. lntroduction A tourist development proposal has been proposed is to create an area for the display of a decommissioned submarine the HMSC Ojibwa. The proposed site is owned by the Municipalþ of Bayham on approximately 5 ha of vacant land abutting Otter Creek near the Lake Erie shoreline in the Village of Port Burwell Ontario. The long term development proposes a 50' by 300' outdoor area for display for the submarine, a support building of approximately 15,000 square feet for exhibits, adminishation, food services, souvenirs and washrooms and at grade parking ofup to 150 vehicles, 15 recreation vehicles and 5 tour buses. The development project has been initiated by the Elgin County Military Museum. The subject and additional lands were considered for a large scale residential development to replace former commercial harbour activities in Port Burwell. Ofhcial Plan policies are in place to consider potential impact of new development on the existing character of Port Burwell, the compatibility of the project and impact on the existing municipal infrastructure (Section At the same time, the proposed submarine and support building should consider the positive impact of creating a significant tourist attraction. The existing Zoning Bylaw regulations, Tourist Commercial (C3(h) Zone, permit the proposal but include a Holding regulation to be removed by Council after studies are completed to consider the future impact. The Municipality of Bayham has asked IBI Group to submit quotes to undertake background studies that are sufficient for the removal of a Holding zone symbol. The lands are located on the east side of Otter Creek, south of the bridge crossing the Creek, west of the commercial uses/Robinson Street and north of the extension of Pitt Street. These lands were formerly used for harbour purposes, primarily the transportation of bulk goods including coal, from boats onto trains for destinations north of Bayham. The subject and additional lands were considered for a large scale residential development to replace former commercial harbour activities. The project will likely be developed in phases as follows: IBI Group is a groLrp of ñnns providing professional services and is afEliated with IBI Group Architects Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from IBI Group regarding "HMSC Ojibwa Submarine Holding Symbol Removal Page 101 of 183 IBI Group Memorandum Kyle Kruger, CAO, Municipality of Bayham - November 15, 2010 1. Move and install the submarine at Port Burwell; 2. Restore the submarine to make it suitable for public display; 3. Open the submarine to public viewing; develop the parking area and a small support building for tickets and administration; 4. Develop the marine museum and support building; 5. Develop the lands around the display area and museum for other recreational features connecting the museum site to the municipal beach. 2. Planning Study - London Office The Planning Study is intended to consider the social, recreational and traffrc impacts for the proposed development. The focus of the study will be the compatibility of the project with surrounding buildings, activities and integration with the existing communþ. The social impacts will consider the creation of local employment for the construction, maintenance and operation generated by the tourist proposal. Furthermore, the study will evaluate other potential impacts on the commercial core area of Port Burwell regarding investment and spending within the local community. The proposal may impact the use and activity elsewhere in the harbour for commercial or recreational boating, especially if there is activity along or in Otter Creek. The cultural and tourist potential for the existing Marine Museum, the Lighthouse and related attractions should be considered. The Municipality may be expected to provide support to the project through improvements to existing public services. There will also be a recreational impact with the influx of tourists enjoying other amenities in Bayham, specifically the beach, boating and the Provincial Park. The area along Otter Creek could be developed into a board walk towards the beach to add to the scope of recreation activity. Playground equipment, viewing areas and transient boating slips could be part of the discussion around the long term development. The planning study will address the integration of the proposal with existing and future recreation activities. Planning Study Estimate: $4,000 - S5,000 in professional fees; 4 - 6 weeks to completion. 1.1 Traffic lmpact Study - Toronto Office The increase in tourism is expected to increase traffrc volumes into Port Burwell. Projections on the volume of trafhc and the impact on the existing trafhc should be undertaken. These impacts could consider road network capacity, turning movements, parking areas, traffrc control measures and Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from IBI Group regarding "HMSC Ojibwa Submarine Holding Symbol Removal Page 102 of 183 IBI Group Memorandum Kyle Knger, CAO, Mmicipality of Bayham - November 15, 2010 connections to the commercial area. The study should be based on the ultimate expected volume of tourist trips. There is an decommissioned submarine on display in Chicoutimi Quebec, which may provide some background information in terms of traffrc volume. Traffrc Study Estimate : $3,000 - $4,000; 4 - 6 weeks to completion. 2. Municipal Servicing Feasibility Study - London Office The Municipal Servicing Study is required to consider the sanitary, water and stormwater services available to the site. The expected demands for sanitary services for the facility, capacity available at the sewage treatment plant and design requirements to convey sewage to the treatrnent plant need to be evaluated and costs estimated if there are ar.y upgrades required. With respect to water service, consideration should be given to availability for domestic water as well as fue protection water service. The demand, capacity, design and cost estimates should be determined. The third element is storm water management. The increase in the paved surface area and building coverage will increase the volume and intensity of storm water runoff. The Conservation Authority will be contacted to determine any specific stormwater management requirements. Options for storm water quality and quantþ control will also be summarized. The last servicing elements include electrical capacity, natural gas, telephone and cable services and should be considered to ensure the full potential use of the site for tourist commercial uses. IBI Group through our municipal engineering services group in London, will contact these utilities to determine their servicing feasibility. We understand the site is being evaluated under a Phase I EA for soil contamination relative to the former activity for the shipment of bulk goods. A Phase 2 EA may be needed to permit the tourist use of the property. This assignment will be completed by other consultants and is not included in this quote. Engineering Study Estimate: $4,000 - $5,000; 4 - 6 weeks to completion. 3. Flooding and Erosion Study The location of this site in proximity to the Lake Erie shoreline and Otter Creek makes it susceptible to shoreline erosion, flooding and sedimentation. The Long Point Conservation Authority in their September 1, 2010 memo to the Municipality and the Official Plan policies set out requirements to protect people and Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from IBI Group regarding "HMSC Ojibwa Submarine Holding Symbol Removal Page 103 of 183 IBI Group Memorandum Kyle Knger, CAO, Muicipality of Bayham- November 15,2010 buildings from loss or injury associated with these hazards. At the same time the development of the site may impact flooding and flood confiol on the Creek. In pre-consultation with the Conservation Authority IBI Group will determine the location of the Regulatory 100 year flood plain and wave uprush limit. IBI Group would not complete the Conservation Authority permits, but determine the feasibility to locate the submarine and associated buildings on the site, in relation to these limits. Flood and Erosion Study: $2,000 - $3,000; 4 - 6 weeks to completion. 4. Removal of the Holding Provision Council may pass an amendment to the By-law to remove the Holding symbol where they are satished all the required studies described above are completed. Notice can be published in the newspaper and sent to the owner advising the removal of the holding symbol. There is no time period for the notice requirement, prior to a Council decision. The notice shall include the effect of the by-law, the description of the property and expected date ofthe decision by Council. After the byJaw is passed there are no appeal provisions to the Ontario Municipal Board and therefore it comes into effect on the day it is passed by Council. Applications for building permits can be made immediately thereafter. Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from IBI Group regarding "HMSC Ojibwa Submarine Holding Symbol Removal Page 104 of 183 IBI Group Memorandum Kyle Knger, CAO, Municipality of Bayhm - November 15, 2010 5. Conclusions IBI Group is pleased to submit the above quote to undertake the required background studies to remove the Holding provisions of the Tourist Commercial ZoningBy-law in Port Burwell. Our offices have the knowledge, resources and experience to complete the project to the satisfaction of Municipality. We estimate the cost to complete the work of $13,000 - $17,000 excluding disbursements and HST. The estimated time to complete the work will be 4 - 6 weeks and our office can commence immediately. We look forward to working with staffand Council on this very exciting project for the Municipalþ of Bayham. //fr* ø IBI GROLIP V/illiam Pol, MPA, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipalþ of Bayham J:\3404\490 HMCS Oj¡bway\PTM_rMSC_Ojibway2or0-l l-05 docx Correspondence dated November 15, 2010 from IBI Group regarding "HMSC Ojibwa Submarine Holding Symbol Removal Page 105 of 183 Page 106 of 183 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 292454 292455 292456 292457 292461 OOOO19 A.J. STONE COMPANY LTD 0000097665 A|RMASK, ASSEMBLY 10t20t2010 I 641.68 009434 0000097739 REPA|R-MSA 10t26t2010 I 12.16 009434 ChequeAmount- 653.84 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM 14't SMOKE A|_ARMS 10t25t2010 I 33.90 009435 Cheque Amount- 33.90 OO17O9 CARROLL PUBLISHING INC. 4961 BRTDAL AD 10t27t2010 I 90.40 009436 ChequeAmount- 90.40 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 26196208 PENS, FILE FOLDERS, DTSCS 10t28t2010 I 174.65 009437 Cheque Amount - '174.65 OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN 108 2011 TOURISM MEMBERSHTP 10t21t2010 I 113.00 009438 ChequeAmount- 113.00 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC I{4350{ REDUCER, CRtMpS, HOSE ,t1t02t2010 I 105.37 009439 104206-0 cRtMps 10t28t2010 I 37.52 009439 Cheque Amount - 142.89 OOO283 ED MATTHEWS CARPENTRY MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 11 10412010 1110412010 2:26PM REPATR HANDRATLS - EAST BEACT 10t22t2010 I 361.60 009440 NEW LOCK - PB BALL PARK BOOT 'lùl22l2ï't0 I 50.85 009,t40 WNDOW LOCKS - PB LTBRARY 10t22t2010 I 69.16 009440 REPATRS TO WTNDOW - tNTERp 10t22t2010 I 51.98 009,{40 STEEL StDtNG - SALT SHED 11t91t2010 I 4,815.43 009440 Cheque Amount - 5,U9.O2 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000159386 MONTHLY RENTAL 't'U0112010 I 114.70 009441 Cheque Amount - 114.70 OOO316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD T055538 FLOORSAW 't0t29t2010 I 66.67 009442 Cheque Amount - 66.67 001718 FRANKENNS 2010-8482 PAY HOLDBACK FOR PAVING 1110412010 I 1,440.00 009,143 Cheque Amount - 1,440.00 OO127O GORD ROESCH supplies 1012812010 I 't21.98 009,144SUPPLIES Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 107 of 183 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Tyæ Cheque Amount Cheque Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1110412010 1110412010 2:26PM Cheque Amount- 121.98 OOO991 HORVATH AUTO PARTS 203317 BI-ACK GLOVES 0813012010 I 33.88 009¿145 203349 BOLT CUTTER, STD 2PLY 0813112010 I '130.68 009445 203/;78 BATHROOM TISSUE O9ßA2010 I 54-24 009¿t45 Cheque Amount -218.80 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Oct53993-93004 UTILITIES - PUMPPI Oct73394-81003 UTILITIES - S.C.C. Cheque Amount - 128.20 000437 tsw SYSTEMS & SERVICES 3462 BATTERIES, LABELLER 1013112010 I 144-53 009447 Cheque Amount - 144.53 000,146 JACKIE BOOTLE octlsNovl5'10 MANAGER FEES, LIGHT BULBS 1110312010 I 801.21 009',148 Cheque Amount -801.21 OOO517 KROWN RUSTCONTROL 234504 olL 1012212010 I 353.40 009449 ChequeAmount- 353.40 OOO543 LINDAGIESBRECHT overpayment REIMBURSE O\ÆRPAYMENT ',l1l04l2}10 I 25.00 009450 ChequeAmount- 25.00 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 100713124 NOVEMBER'10 REMIT 100713261 NO\ÆMBER'10 REMIT OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 11408 SIGNS 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED Oct81237841 UTILITIES - FIREHALL Oci(81421241 UTILITIES - MED BLDG OctE22380-01 UTILITIES - PUMP#S Oct82420041 UTILITIES - S.C.C. OctE45407-01 UTILITIES - OFFICE OctE45409-0'l UTILITIES - PUMP#2 OctE4541G01 UTILITIES - LIBRARY OctE51600-01 UTILITIES - GAR/AGE Cheque Amount - 9,574/16 1012912010 I 45.20 009452 Cheque Amount -45.20 10t14t2010 I 53.62 009446 1011412010 I 74.58 0092146 10t2u2010 I 4,130.30 009451 1012212010 I 5,¿143.86 009451 1011912010 I ',153.37 009453 10t2012010 I 91.43 009453 't011912010 I 15.30 009453 1011912010 I 82.93 009453 't0t19t2010 I 75.66 009453 1011912010 I 16.08 009453 10t2012010 I 15.74 009453 10t19t2010 I 63.94 009453 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 108 of 183 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1110412010 UTILITIES. EDISON MUSEUM 1OI2OI2O1O I uTrLrTrES - V.C.C. 10120120'tO I uTrLrTrEs - PUMP#6 1012012010 I UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY 1OI2OI2O1O I UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM 1OI2OI2O1O I UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL 1OI2OI2O1O I uTtLtTtEs - oPP oFFlcE 1012012010 I UTILITIES - PB WORKS GARAGE 1OI2OI2O1O I 11t04t20't0 13.00 009453 45.97 009453 14.52 009453 21.21 009453 51.42 009453 't 18.66 009453 13.00 009453 13.00 009453 2:26PM Cheque Amount - 000635 NEOPOST CANADA LIMITED 1788902 METER RENTAL 1011812010 I Cheque Amount - 000645 NORFOLKCOUNTY 14647 MUNICIPAL DRAIN MAINTENANCE' 1OI21I2O1O I Cheque Amount - 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD OctF19290-01 OctF20600-01 OctF26864-0'l OctG06210-01 OctG06305-01 OctG06307-0'l OctG15700-01 OctG40407{1 tN001 13740 tN001 13781 tN00l'13812 722058r'¡0 72205855 628.64 50.31 805.23 628.æ 0094s4 009457 009458 009459 009460 009455 SAND SEAL SAND SEAL SAND SEAL BULK HIGHWAY COARSE BULK COARSE HIGHWAY 1012612010 10t27120't0 10t2812010 50.31 1,040.64 009456 2,092.59 009456 3,130.15 009456 OOO7O4 PETERS PLUMBING 958 S.C.C. - KITCHEN DRAIN OOO744 REALTAXINC 30598 SET UP FILES 00746300 OOO747 REID'S PRE-CAST CEMENT PRODUCT 204708 TAPE MEASURE OO12O5 SHRED-IT 0062490,15 PURGE FILES OOO814 SIFTO CANADA CORP Cheque Amount - 10t1412010 I 6,263.38 462.19 Cheque Amount - 10t2512010 I 462.19 452.O0 Cheque Amount - 1012212010 I 452.00 39.27 Cheque Amount - 10t29t2010 I 39.27 u.75 Cheque Amount -84.75 5,045.46 009461 5,660.87 009461 1012612010 10t26t2010 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD Gheque Amount -10,706.33 446.07 009462000061'1023 MINOTORPROGRAMMINGKIT 1OI21I2O1O Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 109 of 183 20't0.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1110412010 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Tyæ Amount Number Cheque Amount- 446.07 OO1O54 STRAFFORDMLLE FIREMAN'S ASSOCIATION F2010-{,41 FEE WA|\ÆR REFUND 1012912010 I 230.00 009463 ChequeAmount- 230.00 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION DW01526484 MUN. SCHOOL BOARD 1011512010 I 347.81 009464 DW05126393 F|RE PREVENTTON WEEK 1010812010 I 135.60 009464 DW05126485 INVITES NOMTNATTONS 10115120'10 I 183.74 009464 DW05127690 MUN. & SCHOOL BOARD ELECTTO 10t15t2010 I 630.s4 009464 Cheque Amount - 1,297.69 OOO874 TEAMTRUCKCENTRES ,¿03020101 CONNECTOR, MEDALLTON 10t2912010 I 3.04 009465 p¿03020197 MEDALLION 1012912010 I 8.88 009465 Cheque Amount - 11.92 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 10-208 F|RSTA|D TNSTRUCTOR COURSE 10t19t2010 I 351.20 009466 10-215 EAST ELGTN MAPPTNG 1012512010 I 766.95 009466 10-216 EAST ELGTN MAPPTNG 1012512010 I 1,533.91 009466 Cheque Amount - 2,652.06 OOO9.I4 TOWNSHIP SOUTH-WEST OXFORD 8O.2O1O MOTOROLA RADIOS OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK1787 SIGNALS OOO947 VANDENBRINK FARM EQUIPMENT INC P161226 olL OOO953 VIENNAHOME CENTER LTD 10t20t2010 I 3,003.00 009467 1110112010 I 638.92 0094æ 0910812010 I 5.25 009469 1110412010 2:26PM 357131 357185 357535 357923 358037 LIGHT BULBS DUCTTAPE GLOVES FLOOD LIGHT LOCKWASHERS Cheque Amount - 3,003.00 ChequeAmount- 638.92 Cheque Amount - 5.25 'lolo5l2010 I 3.38 009470 1010612010 I 24.81 009470 1011512010 I 18.06 009470 10t25t2010 I 13.53 009470 10t28t2010 I 3.39 009470 Cheque Amount- 63.17 Cheque Run Total - 47,431.73 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 110 of 183 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM 11lO4l2O1O 3:46PM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 013616 Report Date:1110412010 Accounts Payable Voided Gheque Fiscal Year: 2010 Posting Pd.: ll Posted By: SANDRA Postins Date: 1110412010 01-0100-'1030 General bank 01-0100-1950 Accounts PayableTrade CDIST inconectvendor CDIST inconect vendor Void Chq:9459 REID'S PRECAST CEME Void Chq:9459 REID'S PRE-CAST CEME Total Debits Total Credits Net Posting 39.27 -39.27 39.27 -39.27 0.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 111 of 183 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Tyæ Cheque Amount Cheque Number 20't0.08.06 6.3 9050 00177 8 1022403 oNTAR|O LTD ELB1622 RISERS 001647 12554750NTARIO LTD 662297 KEYCUT 000009 8r''3002 oNTARto tNc 1253 HAULING SAND MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1111212010 1111212010 12:42PM 4.81 11104120',t0 I 4,172.47 009473 Cheque Amount - 4,172.47 OOOO19 A.J. STONE COMPANY LTD 0000097841 cyLtNDER BRACKETS, ASSY 10t29t2010 I 1,178.07 009474 0000097888 cREDtT FCPC ASSY 1110412010 C €13.60 009474 Cheque Amount - 364.47 OOOO27 ACCESS FASTENERS & SUPPLY LTD 0000'120537 WASHERS, HEXCAPS, NUTS 10129120',10 I 203.67 009475 Cheque Amount - 203.67 001391 AFFORDABLE PORTABLES í9065 UN|T RENTAL - TNTERP CENTRE 1013112010 I 146.90 009476 Cheque Amount -146.90 OOOO33 AGLINE 1214720 SIDE LIGHT 't0t14t2010 I 66.48 009477 Cheque Amount - 66.48 OOOO¿T4 ALISARAGGREGATES INC 20034469 WNTER SAND 000049 AMcTozoNEl fall zone meeting FALL ZONE MEETING 10t31t2010 I 4.988.45 009478 '11108120'to I 50.00 009479 ChequeAmount- 50.00 OOOO81 AYLMERTIRE 0000070383 |NSTALL REAR TRACTOR T|RE 10t29t2010 I 357.42 009480 Cheque Amount - 357.42 OOO14.I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 9017 LOF 1010612010 I 53.04 009481 9033 TNSTALL BACK RACK, LTGHT 1010812010 I 842.91 009481 910't REPLACE WATER PUMP 1012112010 I 738.40 009481 11t02t2010 I 3.944.41 009471 Cheque Amount - 3,944.41 10t0512010 I 4.81 009472 Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount - 4,988.45 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS Cheque Amount - 1,634.35 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 112 of 183 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 26072406 FOLDERS, APPT BOOK 1011312010 I U.25 009482 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1111212010 Cheque Amount- U.25 OOO224 D.PETERS PAVING INC 10300 PAVING OF ROAD CUT HWY 19 1012512010 I 1,423.80 009483 Cheque Amount - 1,423.80 OOO255 DEREHAM FORGE 30964 ENGRAVES SIGNS 1110312010 I 34.69 009484 Cheque Amount - 34.69 OO1254 DONNA MORRELL o42 REFUND SECURTTY DEPOSTT 1111012010 I 4,500.00 009485 Cheque Amount - 4,500.00 001690 DOWLER-I(ARN 142060 ,t42061 361983 361984 361985 362008 362009 Cheque Amount - 5,,l61.95 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC r-0455't-0 t-045724 cRtMPS, COUPLERS, ADAPTERS 1110912010 I 359.84 009487 CRIMPS 1110912010 I 47.05 009487 ChequeAmount- 406.89 OOI7O8 EASTLINK Nov5198665521 MONTHLYTELEPHONE 1'll01l2o10 I 1,309.12 009488 Nov5198744054 TELEPHONE - INTERP CENTRE 1110112010 I 69.91 009488 Cheque Amount - 1,379.03 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000137502 PVc REST PACKS 1U2A2010 I 2,261.47 009489 0000137510 REDUCER, GR|P R|NGS, GASKET '1012212010 I 238.43 009489 0000137524 REPAIRCLAMPS 1012512010 I 489.86 009489 0000137525 RESTRAINER STEEL 't012512010 I 1,288.20 009489 0000137574 RESTRAINER STEEL 1012912010 I 858.80 009489 Cheque Amount - 5,136.76 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS39331 SUPPLIES 10t28t2010 t 182.29 009490 REG GAS DYE DIESEL DYE DIESEL ROAD DIESEL REG GAS REG GAS ROAD DIESEL 10t27t2010 I 654.10 009486 1012712010 I 399.65 009486 1010712010 I 573.80 009486 10t07t2010 I 1,574.08 009486 10t0712010 I 711.75 009486 10na2010 I 135.80 009486 10t12t2010 I 1,112.77 009486 1111212010 12:42PM Cheque Amount - 182.29 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 113 of 183 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 324 OOO991 HORVATHAUTOPARTS 2O47O8 TAPE MEASURE OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL 90365652 ALUM SULFATE 001239 GREATLAKES NEWHOLLAND INC 509417 IGNITION SWTCH 001538 GROUND EFFECTS LANDSCAPE & DESIGN MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - '1111212010 1012512010 I Cheque Amount - o9t0312010 I Cheque Amount - CEMETERY CARE & MAINTENANC 1OI3OI2O1O I Cheque Amount - 1111212010 12:42PM 009493 600.03 009491 009492 600.03 382.U 382.84 1,435.10 10t22t2010 I 1,435.10 39.27 009494 Nov0l 1 81 -23005 Nov12650-91004 Nov1897144027 Nov2524G9502'l Nov2879940004 Nov3485!01007 Nov4385G12451 Nov5025G12458 Nov75250-12272 Nov8777G20012 Nov93850-91019 Nov93970-20342 000217 |BIGROUP 237466 OOO51O KLASSENAUTO PARTS 1-68342 1-68391 UTILITIES.INFO CENTRE UTILITIES - PUMP#8 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UT¡LIITES - RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES - PUMP#1 UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES - CENTENNIAL PARK UTILITIES . MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT I.AUNCH UTILITIES - E.C.C. UTILITIES - LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES. EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - PUMP#7 uTtLtTtEs - v.c.c. Nov1897l - 52001 UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP Cheque Amount -39.27 41.00 009495 121-78 009495 88.05 009495 41.91 009495 202.07 009495 264.50 009495 124.18 009495 617.70 009495 26.69 009495 76.47 009495 41.00 009495 43.69 009495 134.97 009495 131.51 009495 52.01 009495 224.20 009495 175.50 009495 70.46 009495 405.11 009495 11t02t2010 1110212010 1110212010 ttoa2010 1110212010 floa2010 fit042010 111Os12010 floa2010 11t0212010 1110512010 1110212010 1110U2010 1110512010 111OU2010 1110212010 '1110312010 1110212010 't'v0212010 Nov35795 - 43000 UTILITIES - PUMP#6 Nov50370-20077 UTILITIES-VIENNALIBRARY Nov5645G12330 Nov6276G43000 Nov62770-20225 UTILITIES-VIENNAMEMPARK Nov93850 - 12278 UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL Cheque Amount - 1012212010 ICONSULTING FEES FUSE HOLDER WASHER FLUID Cheque Amount - 1010512010 1010612010 7,295.13 5.19 3.38 2,882.80 7,295.13 009496 009497 009497 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 114 of 183 20't0.08.06 6.3 9050 1111212010 12:42PM lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 11 11212010 1-68406 1-68470 1-68659 1-68789 1-68874 1-68957 1-69048 1-6909 1-69135 1-69674 1-70053 1-70054 1-70090 1-70094 1-70102 1-70154 OO147O LEANNWALSH coffee SPARK PLUG LENS BATTERIES SWTCH SEAT COVER BRAKE CLEANER FUEL FILTERS SMOG HOSE FfLTER GLOVES, TOWELS GROMMETS, WRES, PIGTAILS GROMMETS CREDIT - PIGTAIL FOR 5370 LED SERIES ROCKER WIRE PLUGS, LIGHTS 3.64 009497 2.47 009497 6.7',t 009497 15.90 009497 182.89 009497 20.00 009497 7.80 009497 4.10 009497 39.54 009497 92.U 009497 154.20 009497 8.70 009497 -26.43 009497 113.46 009497 12.97 009497 127.27 009497 1010612010 1010712010 1010812010 1011212010 1011312010 10t't4t2010 1011512010 1011512010 10t't6t2010 10t22t2010 10t2812010 10t28120',t0 't0t28t2010 1012812010 1012812010 10129120'to I I I I I I I I I I I I c I I I Cheque Amount - 000627 MURRAYS HEATING & AIR 4908 REPAIR HEATER - WORKS GARAG 11IO3I2O1O I Gheque Amount - 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVELLTD Cheque Amount - 11t0712010 ICOFFEE SAND SEAL SAND SEAL SAND SEAL SAND SEAL SAND SEAL LAB FEES LAB FEES 47.76 106.22 774.13 47.76 009498 009499 009501 009502 009503 009503 Page tN001'13875 tN00'Í3919 tN00'113959 tN001 14009 tN00114044 1 01 03529 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10459472 10459473 11101t2010 f t0?l2010 11103120',t0 1110412010 11t0512010 I I I I I 106.22 1,060.08 009500 3,220.59 009500 4,478.05 009500 3,939.70 009500 2,569.46 009500 OOOTIO PORTBURWELLHOME HARDWARE 8627 OOO7I6 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION CLEANER, DETERGENT, PAIL 1011512010 I Cheque Amount - CYLINDER RENTAL 1012912010 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount -15,267.88 28.17 28.17 27.55 10t2st2010 10t29t2010 27.55 28.25 16.95 Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 115 of 183 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoic,e Date Tyæ Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1111212010 1111212010 12:42PM 10459474 LAB FEES 10459475 LAB FEES 10t2912010 I '16.95 009503 1012912010 I '16.95 009503 Cheque Amount- 79.10 OO1106 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES 900086431 BloxlDE 1012712010 I 3,408'16 009504 Cheque Amount - 3,408.16 OOO814 SIFTO CANADACORP 72207031 BULK COARSE HÍGHWAY 11t03120'l0 I 5,321.60 009505 Cheque Amount - 5,321.60 001247 TILLSONBURG GLASS 292316 SERV|CE TO AUTOMATTC DOORS 1011812010 I 293.80 009506 ChequeAmount- 293.80 OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. 181014.198 PIN HITCH, HOOK, MOUNT 1011512010 I 162.52 009507 181023253 ADAPTOR, CHLORINE 1012112010 I 45.73 009507 Cheque Amount - 208.25 OOO957 VOTH SALES &SERVICE LTD 0000183993 SAFETY, SERVICE 10t27t2010 I 2,949.28 009508 oooolS4olo FILTERS, SAFEW 1012712010 t 1,440.78 009508 oooo184o1.l SERVICE, SAFETY 10127t2010 I 1,',171.29 009508 oooo184o33 wRE 1012912010 I 1'36 009508 0000184036 ANTENNA, PIGTAIL 1012912010 I 53.73 009508 oooo184o39 SAFETY, SERVICE 1012912010 I 2,503.96 009508 oooo184o4o AIR GOVENOR, REPAIR 1012912010 I 369.78 009508 oooo184o5l wRE 1013112010 I 6'78 009508 Cheque Amount - 8,496.96 Cheque Run Total - 80,937.84 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #9434 to Cheque #9508 inclusive, except Cheques #9459 totaling $128,330.30 and Payroll Page 116 of 183 80RlI HUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI.I TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 4,252.54 ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DATLY UPDATE REPORT COHPANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL a,252.54 994.57 2 ,57 8 .06 9A6 .64 12,81 I .85 37 ,458.0O 57,458.00 50 ,269.85 LL7 .90 15.33 50,403.08 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES ITEI'I UNTTS CHARGE HoURLY i¡oRKPAYS 11 1E.15 COURIER FEÊ I 12.00 RUN: NOV 2 2010 N0: A PAGE:1195 HST REG: I00057413 RT0004 COi'IPANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: NOV 3, 20I0 DATE 0F PAY: NOV 5, 2010 YTD TOTAL I88,348.96 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 38,545.74 EI C0NT QPIP 93,677 .44 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 23,264.93 0N EHT I'IB HET NL HAPSET 345,857.07 TOT STATS 37,447.AL CHEQUES 833,055.58 DEPoSITS US DEPS 50. OO DED DEPS E70,555.59 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI L,2L4,390.46 TOT PAYROL 5,t05.15 SERV CHRG 88.95 GST L72.43 l.{ST L,2L7 ,756.99 GRAND TOT UNITS CHARCE I 47.93 ADJUST -DR YTD ADJUST I TEl{ PAYROLL RUNS FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT I,tB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS I TS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRS P RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT 994.57 2,578.06 986.64 12,8rt.85 37,458.00 57,458.00 50,269 .85 I t7.90 15.55 50 ,405. 08 ITEI{ UNITS CHARGE SALARIED WORKPAYS 20 33.00 PAY ADVICE FOLD 31 6.82 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS 117.90 50,403.08 DEBIT INFORIIATI0N: 003 05102 1011925 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 4 3 4 t o C h e q u e # 9 5 0 8 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e s # 9 4 5 9 t o t a l i n g $ 1 2 8 , 3 3 0 . 3 0 a n d P a y r o l l P a g e 1 1 7 o f 1 8 3 Page 118 of 183 Nov, 1, 2010 3:17PlVl County of Elein ? N0,6312 P 2/2 lt¿ october i{ zor o Dear Members of County Council Today Wednesday October 28, here at County Council I am askíng all seven Municipalities and the City of St Thomas to consider this Challenge. Over the next severalyears this County Council has committed to putting asíde a $1,000.000 reserve to assist the Local hospital when their business plan is completed for some major Capital upgrades. During that time lwould ask that each of the seven Gouncils at their respective Council table consider putting aside a $1:00 per capita reserve for the same purpose over the next ten years, This would be approximately $45,000 per yêar and coufd be the basis for their Capital fund raísing objectives. As a County we will face many problerns and sítuations that will arise in the next years. The continuity of a viable upgraded Hospitalto serve both Elgin Gounly and the Gity of St Thomas can only make things better for all residents in both Municipality's who depend on us to represent them and make Elgin County and the City of St Thomas such great places to live, work and raise a family. I am asking the City of St Thomas to match this challenge with a corresponding per Capita levy as well that matches the County Contribution annually for those ten years. This would be separate and apart from any current reserves now being put aside by either the County or City for this purpose, Some of us will not be here to see this through, but wilf be to raise it at our Municipal Council tables for the new Councils that have been elected lo consider in their next budgets. Your support to carry this forward would be appreciated. Bob Habkirk County Councillor Correspondence dated October 27, 2010 from County Councillor, Bob Habkirk, regarding "Challenge". Page 119 of 183 Page 120 of 183 q Cto Subject: AMO Watch File - August 5, 2010 August 5, 2010 ln This lssue - Final push for PowerPledge campaign. - Make money using the sun, harness the strength of bulk purchasing. - OMKN sponsors Fleet Challenge Ontario lnsight Breakfast at AMO Conference. - Municipal election candidate information for federal employees. - Council resolutions regarding the Harmonized Goods and Services Tax (HST). - Career/Em ployment opportunities. - Links to full text a¡Ticles below. Províncíal Matters PowerPledge campaion - Click on the link to find some important information about the final steps and to see which municipalities are in the lead in the last week leading up to Challenge Day on August 11. LAS - Local Authority Seruìces Make money using the sun and harness the strength of bulk purchasing to lower your fuel and energy costs - Attend LAS' Tuesday session at the ¡tMO_.lQonference to learn how. OMKN - Ontario Municipal Knowledge Network The Fleet Review Prooram Clinic is about breaking down barriers and presenting the facts on why greening your fleet makes good business sense. Attend this interactive session to find out how to improve municipal fleet operation and your environmental performance. The Municipal Wire* Municioal election candidate information - Federal employees subject to Part 7 of the Public Seruice Employmenf Acf must obtain permission from the Public Service Commission of Canada before seeking nomination or becoming a candidate in a federal, provincial or municipal election. Townshio of Malahide - Resolution requests the Government of Ontario to provide municipalities with a portion of the HST generated through the sale of gasoline and diesel fuel to address infrastructure needs. Municipality of Central Huron - Resolution requests the Federal and Provincial governments to increase grants to fund the costs resulting from the HST impact on allfunding agreements in place. Career/E m pl oy m e nt O p portu niti es Area Suoervisor - Lake Simcoe and Area, Ministry of Natural Resources, Aurora - Please apply online, by August 23,2010, by visiting www.ontario.calcareers and entering Job lD 28649 in the Job lD search field. - Please apply online, by August 30, 2010, by visitíng www.ontario.calcareers and entering Job lD 29202 in the Job lD search field. - Please AMO Watch File dated August 5, 2010 which includes request to support resolution passed July 22, 2010 by the Township of Page 121 of 183 apply online, by August 20,2010, by visiting www.ontario.caicareers and entering Job lD 29411 in the Job lD search field. online, by August 16,2010,by visiting www.ontario.calcareers and entering Job tD zsð13î"tth""1TJT" search field. - Please apply online, by August 16, 2010, by visiting www.ontario.calcareers and entering Job lD 29020 in the Job lD search field. About AMO AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario's 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario's and Canada's political system. AMO Contacts AMO Watch File Team Conferences/Events Policv and Fundino Programs LAS Local Authoritv Services Limited MEPCO Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario OMKN Ontario Municipal Knowledge Network Media lnquiries T el: 416.729.5425 Municioal Wire, Career/Emoloyment and Council Resolution Distributions *Disclaimer: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is unable to provide any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party submissions. Distribution of these items does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or services mentioned. www.AMO.on.ca AMO Watch File dated August 5, 2010 which includes request to support resolution passed July 22, 2010 by the Township of Page 122 of 183 m¡fiäË"äIú A proud tradition, a brightJuture. July 23,2010. 87 John Street, South, Aylmer, Ontario NsH 2C3 Phone: 519-773-5344Fax: 519-773-5334 www.malahide.ca mcasavecch ia@malahide. ca Minister Kathleen Wynne, Ministry of Transportation, 77 Wellesley Street, West, Ferguson Block, 3td Floor, Toronto, Ontario. M7A 128 RE: HST - Gasoline and Diesel Fuel At its regular meeting held on July, 22, 2010, the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Malahide enacted the following resolution: WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has entered into an agreement with the Government of Canada to implement the Harmonized Goods and Seruices Tax (Hsr); AND WHEREAS the HST will add 8% to many goods and sentices where currently only the 5% GST is charged, including gasoline and diesel fuel, resulting in increased tax revenues for the Government of Ontario; AND WHERAS fáe majority of public infrastructure in Ontario is municipal infrastructure, and includes roads and highways, bridges, and transit sysfems,' AND WHEREAS there exisfs an infrastructure deficit in Ontario estimated at more than $100 billion; AND WHEREAS Ontario municipalities struggle to pay for needed repairs and maintenance to such infrastructure; AMO Watch File dated August 5, 2010 which includes request to support resolution passed July 22, 2010 by the Township of Page 123 of 183 AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada, through its Federal Gas Tax Fund, provides municipalities with a portion of federal gas tax revenue for i nvestm e nts i n e nv i ro n m e nta I ly s u sta i n a b I e i nfra stru ctu re ; AND WHEREAS the Federal Gas Tax Funding is up-front and predictable, increasing the capacity of municipalities to address local infrastructure investment priorities and plan for the long-term; AND WHEREAS rnvesúrng in infrastructure ís a crucial component of a strong economy and part of the Government of Ontario's strategy for jobs and growth in Ontario; NOW THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Township of Malahide reguesfs the Government of Ontario to provide municipalities with a portion of HST generated through the sale of gasoline and diesel fuel in order to enable municipalities to address current infrastructure deficits and continue to i nvest i n e nv i ro n m e nta I ly s u sta i n a b I e i nfra stru ctu re ; AND THAT this resolution be forwarded with a request for action to: The Ontario Ministry of Transpoñation, Elgin County MPPs and MPs, the Premier's Office, and the Association for Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); AND THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario requesting their support. We look forward to hearing from you with respect to this proposal. Sincerely, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE M. CASAVECCHIA, D.P.A., C.M.O., CMM III Chief Ad ministrative Officer/Clerk Copy to: Premier Dalton McGuinty Steve Peters, MPP Joe Preston, MP Association of Municipalities of Ontario (for distribution) DISCI.AIMER This material is provided under contract as a paid service by the originating organization and does not necessarily reflect the view or positions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, officers, directors or agents. AMO Watch File dated August 5, 2010 which includes request to support resolution passed July 22, 2010 by the Township of Page 124 of 183 ? c/3 November 1,2010. BAYHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY C/O Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160, Straffordville ON. NOJ lYO Municipality of Bayham, P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, ON. NOJ lYO 519-866- 5521 Dear Council Members: As you may know our village of Corinth with the help of oru children and grand children are working ha¡d to make our Pa¡k a great place for them to play in the warm season and skate in the winter. The new park equipment has been a great asset to all of them and it is well used. Our neighborhood children have held a barbeque this summer & with the money they made and with the help of ow Municipality they are working towards building a pavilion in the park, we are all very proud of their efforts. In the winterwe see a dozen or so children skating on the pond almost every night after school and on the weekends, it is great to hear their laughter and squeals ofjoy as the very young and older children skate about. It is wonderful to have a safe environment within site of more than a few homes that the kids can skate and enjoy the offerings of winter. One of the things we noted that was missing is a spot out of the winter wind to change their skates. The children have a picnic table they sit on leaving their boots on it in the elements and if snowing they get damp and cold. The Bayham Historical Society has a Railway section house shed that we would like to donate to the park and the children of Corinth. The little shed has a newly shingled roof and we would deliver it to the park, set it up put bench seats inside and make it solid and stable. We would not put hooks on the walls as that could be a hazard to small children and we think that perhaps leaving the door offwould discourage unwanted activities by some teenagers. The Bayham Historical Society would cover the cost of the move, buying the lumber and buitding the benches and any other costs it may incur, we would maintain it as needed. We are asking permission of the Municipality of Bayham to go forward with this plan and set the Railroad Section House Shed in the Corinth Park as a spot out of the elements for our children to change into skates and have a dry place to leave boots. We appreciate your consideration and would like a timely reply as the members of our Society are eager to do the work before winter sets in. Thank you four your consideration. Cheryl J. Peters Secretary of the Bayham Historical Society Correspondence dated November 1, 2010 from Bayham Historical Society regarding "donation of Railway section house Page 125 of 183 Page 126 of 183 Subject: BHS Letter Kyle- At our meeting on thursday night for the Bayham Historical Society Ray Maddox asked members to have some changes put in the letter about the Railroad Section House Shed. Here they are: The doors be opened and bolted in that position permanently to keep the Building close to it's natural state. : The Bayham Historical Society would not be responsible for its upkeep after it is set in the park and benches put in place. We feel that the Municipal Maintenance crews would be more equipped for this job. Please add these changes to the letter, Thank you. Cheryl J. Peters- Secretary of the Bayham Historical Society. Correspondence dated November 1, 2010 from Bayham Historical Society regarding "donation of Railway section house Page 127 of 183 Page 128 of 183 I 'r..ir'.Ì' î ¿.r..'' ....rri !fi*i¡'i Êr',:-:T',- ¡-1,.-- î,i.t, i. j jtì'jÍl cAL l',lirl iii.li- t. ¡,-i'¿ :-l , i¡i':ir,,,riil ll.-rl! i¡l:: ì :,: ir ì .r'.:r¿.::' j l:j ,:;t,: i5 i:i t .? ri.T7:ji .:r1-:::r. r ;a :liì" 3-?ä{¡ :}j'f¡$i'¡i So? A[ daire and ret¡ned gmó MUST by @rpe¡úed by Ftb ¡il, *B? , THANK YOU Invoice from Wiebe Home Improvements for repair to the Bayham West Cemetery fence submitted by the Bayham West Page 129 of 183 Page 130 of 183 Guxx & AssocIATEs o/b Douglas George Gunn Professional Corporation Barristers, Solic¡tors & Notaries Public Douglas G. Gunn, LL.B., Q.C. Donald M. Ferguson, B. Comm. (Hons.), LL.B Lisa N. Gunn, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. Amy C, Dale, 8.4., LL.B. Sandra L. Monger, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. October 28,20LO Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordvi I le, Ontario NOJ 1YO Attention: Denis Duguay, Treasurer Email: sandramonger@gunn.on.ca Assistant: Trisha Ha¡nes Email: trishahaines@gunn.on.ca Our File No. 74883 Via Regular Mail¿>¿J --oog <fò RE:7787 Gregson Road, Straffordville Roll No: 34-01-000-003-00800-0000 I am writing in response to your request for written submissions regarding the above-described tax account and arrears situation and Mr Gunstone's request to have the account adjusted. I would kindly ask that a copy of this letter be provided to Kyle Kruger and/or Council for their consideration. As previously advised, I am the lawyer for Mr. Gunstone, who is the registered owner of 7787 Gregson Road, in Bayham. I understand that Mr. Gunstone's property taxes are significantly in arrears and that the Municipality may lnitiate the tax sale process if the taxes are not put into good standing. According to a property tax history statement dated April L9, }OLO, the total amount outstanding was approximately 53,171.56. I also understand that the annual taxes are approximately S58O.O0 and that the majority of the arrears are associated with an invoice dated July24,2OO7 lor S2,8OO.OO and associated interest charges. The invoice was issued with respect to the attendance of fire personnel at 7787 Gregson Road on July 22, 2OO7 in regards to a house fire. A copy of the invoice is attached for ease of reference. Mr. Gunstone advises that it is the charges associated with the fire that have made it impossible for him to bring his tax account into good standing. I am writing to request that Council exercise their discretion to rescind the above-described invoice for the reasons which are set out below. Mr. Gunstone is on a very limited income and has a learning disability. His primary sources of income are derived from the Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works. Telephone (519) 631-0700 Facsimile (519) 631-1468 www,gunn.on,ca Correspondence dated October 28, 2010 from Gunn & Associates regarding "7787 Gregson Road". Page 131 of 183 Gunn & Assocíates o/b Douglas George Gunn Professional Corporation Barrísters, Solicltors & Notaries Public page 2 Of 2 Prior to the fire on July 22,2007, the house located at7787 Gregson Road was significantly damaged by an earlier fire. With the assistance of neighbours, a contractor named Michael Hesh was hired in or around July 2007 to remove the remaining house. lnitially, it was hoped that after removing the salvageable materials, a burn permit could be obtained from the Fire Chief to conduct an open-air controlled burn to deal with the remaining debris pursuantto the Fire Control By-law. Mr. Gunstone was advised that burn permits where not be¡ng issued due to the dry weather conditions and consequently, Mr. Hesh was instructed to take down the remaining house in a safe manner and Mr. Gunstone would then sort through the debris to determine what could be salvaged. On July 22,2007 Mr. Gunstone was asleep in his trailer located on the property when the fire at 7787 Gregson Road started. He was neither responsible for the start¡ng of the fire, nor was he a person in control of it. According to neighbours, the fire was started by Mr. Hesh. It is acknowledged that pursuantto the Fire Control By-law, being by-law no. 2006-047,aburn permit was required for this particular fire and one was not obta¡ned. lt is also acknowledged that under those circumstances, the Fire Chief may charge the person in control of the fire and/or the property owner for the cost of the attendance of the fire suppression vehicles. However, lalso note that this power is discretionary and thatthere may be instances in which the Fire Chief may decide not to charge for these services. lt is respectfully submitted that this is one of those cases where the property owner ought not to have been charged for the fire suppression services. ln this particular case, I understand that there was evidence that Mr. Hesh was the person in control of the fire however, he was not charged. Only Mr. Gunstone was charged, as the property owner. The property has been owned by Mr. Gunstone since approximately 2006 and has been in his family for three generations, having been first purchased by his grandparents. Given Mr. Gunstone's limited financial means, there is no reasonable prospect that he will be able to pay the charges and penalties imposed in relation to the fire on July 22,2007. Under the circumstances, I would respectfully request that Council exercise its discretion to rescind the invoice of July 24,2007. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours very truly, Correspondence dated October 28, 2010 from Gunn & Associates regarding "7787 Gregson Road". Page 132 of 183 9 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM L + STAFF MEMORAI\DTIM TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: November 15,2010 FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator FILE: SUBJECT: Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties Council may recall report PR2010-10 regarding a request from Mr. Lucian Dujardin to permit the installation of power lines across certain properties. After considering the report October 2lst, Council passed By-law No. 2010-094 to authorize a licence agreement with the properly owner, Ludeb Inc. Mr. Dujardin has provided a change on November 15th, indicating that the project and equipment to be installed will be owned by 1498975 Ontario Inc. (see attached letter). As such, the licence agreement should more appropriately be with 1498975 Ontario Inc. Attached therefore is a new draft By-law 2010- 105 authorizinga new licence agreement. The updated By-law also repeals By-law 2010-094. Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 133 of 183 November 12,2010 Municipality of Bayham attention Kyle Kruger Re: Permission to cross road allowance and power corridor (formerly railway corridor) with an underground power line for the purposes of connecting a microfit solar project to the local distribution company. (Hydro One) 1- I (1498975 Ontario Inc.) am constructing a l0 kw solar system on lot 2l concession 2 Bayham and need to cross the closed road that is owned by Bayham to get over to lot20 where the system will connect to the Hydro one distribution system. I am asking permission to burry a 4/O USE I90 electrical wire across the road allowance. 2-I(1498975 Ontario Inc.) am constructing a l0 kw solar system on lot 16 Concession 2 Bayham south of the po\ryer corridor and need to cross the power corridor underground with a 4/O USE I90 electrical wire where the wire will continue on to the Hydro one Distribution system. Could you please draft the required agreements in the entity of 1498975 Ontario Inc. Inc. Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 134 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2010-105 A BY.LA}V TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LICENCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM A¡ID 1498975 ONTARIO INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WORKS WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a licence agreement to permit the location of an uriderground electrical connection for solar panels across lands desuibed as the unopened road allowance between lots 20 and 2l in concession 2 of the Municipality of Bayham. NOW THEREFORE THE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Licence Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this byJaw between 1498975 Ontario Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the placement of underground power lines. 2. THAT By-law No. 2010-094, passed October 21, 2010, be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2OIO. MAYOR CLERK Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 135 of 183 THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT is made this lSth day of November, 2010. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor") OF THE FIRST PART -and- T498975 ONTARIO INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Licensee is constructing a solar power project on the lands described as Concession 2,PtLot 21, N/S Concession Road 1 in the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Licensor is the o\ryner of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 2I, Concession 2, known as Stafford Road, in the Municipality of Bayham (the "Lands"); IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and other good and valuable consideration the parties agree as follows: Grant of Licence 1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee the non-exclusive use of the Lands for the purposes hereinafter set forth, for the period of twenty (20) years, commencing October 2I,2010: a) The Licensee hereby accepts the Lands in their condition as of the date hereof and shall not call upon the Licensor to do or pay for any work or supply any equipment to make the Lands more suitable for the proposed use by the Licensee hereunder. b) The Licensee shall pay the Licensor Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable in advance, as a licence fee upon the commencement of this Agreement. c) The Lands may be used for the purpose of locating "Equipment" consisting of underground power lines for the connection of solar panels and any incidental apparatus approved by the Licensor. Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 136 of 183 -4- Covenants bv Licensee 2. The Licensee covenants with the Licensor: a) To pay the licence fee set out in clause 1. b) To pay taxes (including local improvements) and all rates, licence fees and other charges imposed on or with respect to the Lands as same become due. c) To use the Lands only for the purposes of the Equipment and not to erect any buildings or structures on the Lands. d) To maintain the appearance of the Lands in a neat, clean and well-kept manner appropriate to the condition of the land. e) To install, maintain and repair the Equipment at its own expense. Ð To ensure that no refuse, litter, garbage or loose or objectionable material accumulates in or about the Lands. g) To ensure that no trees are removed and no grade changes are caried out. h) To provide and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars with respect to its use of the Lands during the full term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, naming the Licensor as an additional insured, ffid to provide a certificate evidencing sarne, prior to execution of this Agreement and as required by the Licensor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such public liability insurance shall contain provisions for cross-liability, severability of interests, and no cancellations or alterations without the consent of the Licensor. i) Not to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Licensor, which consent may be unreasonably withheld. j) To leave the Lands in substantially the same condition by removing the Equipment from the Lands, at the expiry of this Agreement as they were at the coÍìmencement of this Agreement. k) To comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws, rules, regulations and by-laws and to hold the Licensor harmless from the consequences of its failure to do so. Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 137 of 183 -5- fnstallation. Repairs and Replacement J.The Licensee may install, repair or replace the Equipment, provided that: It applies to the Licensor for approval to install such equipment; It provides drawings or specifications required by the Licensor for the purpose of reviewing the suitabilþ of the Equipment; It proceeds in accordance with the approval given under the supervision of the Licensor; d) It compensates the Licensor for any expense incurred by the Licensor in the course of approval or supervision; e) Damage occasioned by the installation or removal of the Equipment will be repaired by the Licensee at its own expense forthwith. Indemnity 4. The Licensee shall at all times indemniff and save harmless the Licensor from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, charges, expenses, actions and other proceedings (including those in connection with workers' compensation or any similar or successor arrangement) made, brought against, suffered by or imposed on the Licensor to fuIfilI any part of its obligations under this Agreement or for any reason whatsoever or in respect of any loss, damage or injury (including injury resulting in deatþ: a) To any person or property (including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, employees, contractors, agents and property of the Licensor) directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or sustained by reason of the occupation or use of the Lands, or any operation in connection therewith or any fixtures or chattels thereon, or b) To any person while on adjoining lands of the Licensor in the course of that person's entry onto or exit from the Lands. Exclusion of Liabilitv 5. The Licensor shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any personal injuries that may be suffered or sustained by any person who may be on the Lands or for any loss of or damage or injury to properly belonging to the Licensee or any other person unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the Licensor's negligence or default or the negligence or default of those for whom the Licensor is in law responsible. a) b) c) Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 138 of 183 -6- Hold Harmless Oblieation 6. The Licensee shall fully indemnifr and save harmless the Licensor from and against all construction liens and related costs and other claims in connection with all work performed by or for the Licensee on the Lands, and shall promptly remove all registered claims from title. Default 7. If the Licensee defaults in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, the Licensor shall give written notice to the Licensee of such default giving the Licensee Thi4y (30) days to remedy such default, failing which the Licensor may terminate this Licence and the Licensee shall then forthwith remove its chattels and fixtures, if any, 'from the Lands and shall restore the Lands to the condition in which they were at the coÍrmencement of this Agreement. Notice 8. Any notice required to be given to the Licensor under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensor or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to it at: Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344PlankRoad Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Any notice required to be given to the Licensee under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensee or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the Licensee at: 1498975 Ontario Inc. C/o Luc Dujardiin R.R. #2 Vienna, ON NOJ 1ZO or at such other address as the Licensee may in writing designate. In either case, such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date of its delivery or in the case of mailing hve (5) business days after it is delivered to the post offrce. Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 139 of 183 -7- Successors 9. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and (where permiued) assigns and may be registered on title at the option of either parfy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their respective corporate seals attested by the hands of their respective ofhcers duly authorizedinthat behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELTVERED ) in the presence of ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ) ) Per: ) Mayor ) ) Per: ) Clerk 1498975 ONTARIO INC. ) I have authority to bind the Corporation ) ) Per: Staff Memorandum regarding "Licence Agreement - Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 140 of 183 I THE CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Mernbers of Council DATE: November 2,2010 FROM: LyndaMillard, Clerk FILE: C07 SUBJECT: Accessibility Barriers NUMBER: C2010-12 PURPOSE To report to Council on the identification, removal and prevention of barriers that affect electors and candidates with disabilities in regard to the 2010 Municipal Election. BACKGROUND Section l2.l(l) e Q) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996(MEA), states: Electors and candidates with disabilities l2.l (l\ A clerk who is responsible for conducting an election shall have regard to the needs of electòré and candidates with'disabilities . 2009, c. 13, Sched.2l, s. 8 (8). Report (2) V/ithin 90 days after voting day in a regular election, the clerk shall submit a report to council about the identification, removal and prevention of barriers that aflect electors and candidates with disabilities. 2009, c. 33, Sched.2l, s. 8 (8). STAFF COMMENTS Voting location site visits were made by staff to the seven proposed voting locations for the 2010 municipal election. Accessibility assessments were conducted, deficiencies identified and remedial actions put in place. Assessments for the various sites are attached to this report. Measures for removal and prevention of barriers at the voting locations were as follows: 1. Corinth Community of Christ Church o Small wedge was placed inside and outside access door. o Door attendant was hired to assist electors and open and close door. 2. Eden & Area Community Centre o Handicap parking signage was painted on asphalt at northwest corner of building. o Handicap parking signage was placed on west wall of building. o Allen key was used to hold latch on door in open position. o Door attendant was hired to assist electors and open and close door. Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 141 of 183 Report C2010-12 -2 - 3. Richmond United Church . Gravel was placed to slope ground surface up to cement landing. o Portable handicap signage and caution tape to mark parking area was installed. o Railing was installed on one side of ramp approximately 36" above the floor. r Tape was used to hold latch on door in open position. o Door attendant was hired to assist electors and open and close door. . Municþal Public Works employees undertook actions to ensure site was easily accessible in lieu of a fee for use. 4. Municipal Offrce . Sidewalk pad was adjusted and surface leveled by Public Works department. o SigRage was placed to direct electors to accessible door at north side of building. 5. Bayham Community Centre o Both front and side doors were used. . Signage was installed to direct special needs electors to accessible door on west side of building. o Anti-slip strips were placed on metal ramp. o Tape was used to hold latch on door in open position. o Coat rack was removed from access hallway. o Door attendant was hired to assist electors and open and close doors. 6. Vienna Community Centre o Handicap parking emblem signage was installed on pavement. o Front entrance and east side doors were used. o Signage was installed to direct special needs electors to ramp and accessible door. o Tape was used to hold latch on door in open position. o Door attendant was hired to assist electors and open and close doors. 7. Port Burwell Public School o Temporary portable handicap parking signage was placed on chain link fence along Strachan Street. o Cement sidewalk was patched from street to entrance door to smooth surface suitable for wheelchair access and to remove tripping hazards. o Small wedges were placed along the inside and outside of the entry door. Following implementation of remedial action, sites were revisited by staff and confirmed complete. Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 142 of 183 Report C20I0-12 RECOMMENDATION "TIIAT Staff Report C2010-12 be received for information." Strategic Plan Goals: Goal # I Practice responsible financial management Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere Goal# 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage atl.ractive lifestyle choices Respectfully submitted a-J - Reviewed by Attachments: Voting location accessibility requirements (7 pages) LyndaMillard, Clerk Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 143 of 183 4¡n ta)rc Voting location accessibility requirements Handiıap accessible doors will be targeted as the main entrance. Must be level, clear & accessible from parking lot area to voting screen for electors of all abilities Location: PBPS VCC BCC RUC EACC inth Mun Offrce OUTSIDE Parking area Is surface level to building @l no Is there an incline or steps that will affect access? yes @ Surface: gravel cement <ãspEþ sod other Condition: @ poor navigable? @ no Needs what work Lìän;*;^;lïï7"". *@ <-o<-tt't'{etl4 (çêBt Signage Parking designated handicap accessible Directly accessible to building entrance @ yes @@ Required? yes @ ò.'\^r4ll portable @ no @no no Barriers: curb yes @. Other? NOtg: a.f^"na rwt pa. ,^üJ a'n- pa'erruJ Sidewalk. steps or ramp \ Minimum 32" cleæ width required Sidewalk clear to accessible door? @ no Ramp clear to accessible door? ^6 r-4a\F yes no o{ã>X¡ a'*l-.- à*-*"- rì-\\ñq TL- !* " Stairs/steps that block access? Are there handrails? yes Note: N'u¿ *ltr o/s Accessible Door Automated push button Front main door Is accessible door heavy to open/shut Is door threshold navigable outside Is door threshold navigable inside. Note: N-ù^ á.-,"!! u'4olAL vt^ÅL INSIDE \ Minimum 32" clear width required @ yes @ @ @ no no - Mirrirno- 32" clear wrdth required Clear passage & banier free from door to DRO & voting screen @ Lighting: is it sufficient? @ no Heating sufficient @ no Is there a telephone on site? @ no Owner to provide snodice removal/sanding # 5t9-S¿"L- 3å5o Staffing 1 unit: 1 large DRO table with ballot box/2 chairs + 2 small voting screen tables + chairs for scrutineers or electors (4?) + chairltable to add to voters'list + I chair for outside door attendant Ample space for tables I chafus, space between voting screens Space for # units Note: no @ File: Election20 1 O/Forms/Accessibility requirements €Ð no Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 144 of 183 Af"1^n ee-l/a Voting location accessibility requirements Handiðap accessible doors will be targeted as the main entrance. Must be level, clear & accessible from parking lot area to voting screen for electors of all abilities Location: PBPS VCC BCC GUEI EACC Corinth Church Mun Office OUTSIDE Parking area Is surface level to building @) Is there an incline or steps that will affect access? @ cement n asphalt sod ':Yåffi"',--ål';.-'''-* no other ¿fê$r no 3' y'u/en Lighting:@ ¿,ı'o-a¿ "t*d n d¿' @ Signage Parking designated handicap accessible Directly accessible to building entrance Barriers: curb yes Other? Ramp clear to accessible door? noyes @ - 3 ,,gr:pyes @ yes @ No ramp Stairs/siepsthatblockaccess? 1z-"//..X3"@ no Are there handrails? yes @ NOte: r";-l*h4 SV-Z? " dJ>* 4- --- ^-er¿ô ôó4,"*a-! e -2.-"1*n Accessible Door Automated push button Front main door Is accessible door heavy to open/shut Is door threshold navigable outside Is door threshold navisable inside Note: N-LùÁ ¿'¿.72.ñ ^ .P^¿/ 1ã."1, INSIDE Ù4h-a-ircL v /|'\"-ø-rr @ no Is there a telephone on site? @ no Owner to provide snodice removal/sanding fixed portable6!-.t4 \Minimum 32" clear widthrequired @ no Required? æx'a- (reÐ o", sb¿r- l1'o \ Minimum 32" clear width required @ nO Ao* u*o/-¿t- \ Minimum 32" clear width required Clear passage & banier free from door to DRO & voting screen @ Lighting: is it sufficient? @ no Heating suffrcient @ no #çtq-8ò6-352s' @ Staffing 1 unit: I large DRO table with ballot boxl2 chairs + 2 small voting screen tables + chairs for scrutineers or electors (4?) + chair/table to add to voters'list + 1 chair for outside door attendant Ample space for tables I chairs, space between voting screens @ no Spacefor#units I 'O 3 4 5 Note: File : Election2O I O/Forms/Accessibility requirements Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 145 of 183 â-r", ra) t o Voting location accessibility requirements Handicap accessible doors will be targeted as the main entrance. Must be level, clear & accessible from parking lot area to voting screen for electors of all abilities Location: PBPS VCC BCC RUC EACC Corinth Church .@ OUTSIDE Parking area Is surface level to building @ no Is there an incline or steps that will affect access? yes @ Surface: gravel @ @b sod other Condition: @ poor navigable? @ no Needs what work Lighting: s)s 4n'o-- &¡¿'ã-lrXlfr @ no Signage Parking designated handicap accessible @ no fixed portable Directly accessible to building entrance @ no Bariers: curb yes @ Other? Note: Sidewalk. ste,ps or ramp \ Minimum 32" clear widlh required Sidewalk clear to acclssible door? yes 6r lltl ' L2-.ftMv Ramp clear to accessible door? yes no .-Nı-fam-D)---:- Stairs/steps thatblockaccess? yes @ Are therehandrails? yes @ Required? yes @ Note: @,r-t-¿ ;^'lu'"^.J. N'a.t"l^ 6 l¿ ,^"- n4^-.! Accessible Door \ Minimum 32" clear widthrequired Automated push button @ no Frontmaindoor @ ¡VZs Is accessible doorheavyto open/shut yes @ Is door threshold navigable outside @ no Is door threshold navigable inside 4@> no Note: Jr4;a-6dt;.-f ùn N) L4-t- INSIDE \ Mioirno- 32" clearwidthrequired Clear passage & barrier free from door to DRO & voting screen @ no Lighting: is it sufficient? @ no Heating sufficient gÐ no Is there atelephone on site? @ no # stf - 8 à¿' 55¿t Ownsr to provide snodice removaUsanding 4@ no Stafüng 1 unit: 1 large DRO table with ballot box/2 chairs + 2 small voting screen tables + chairs for scrutineers or electors (4?) + chair/table to add to voters'list + I chair for outside door attendant Ample space for tables / chairs, space between voting screens @ no Spacefor#units @ 2 3 4 5 6 Note:J?¡-3¿ 4/.1'¡/ rt /.c,t--{. tt two^t/.",--' tl/s File: Election20 I 0lForms/Accessibility requirements Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 146 of 183 A{A a3//D Voting location accessibility requirements Handicap accessible doors wilt be targeted as the main entrance. Must be level, clear & accessible from parking lot area to voting screen for electors of all abilities Location: PBPS VCC BCC RUC @ Corinth Church Mun Office OUTSIDE Pa¡king a¡ea Is surface level to building @ no Is there an incline or steps that will affect access? yes @ surface: gravel @ @ sod other Condition: @ gable?@ no Needs what work_ A /a;n e,fl,*a- Lighting: ovu^ ¿La-,:- no Signage Parking designated handicap access yes @ fixed portable Directlyaccessible to building e,lrtrance @ no Ba¡riers: curb yes @ Other? Note: pau;f' -T"T ^ß'"fløA q F'la'e-t '* hUX v"-l! wls Sidewalk ste,ps orramp \Minimum 32" clear width required Sidewalk clea¡ to accessible door? @ no Ramp clear to accessible door? n ln, yes no@Stairs/stepsthatblockaccess? yes @ Aretherehandrails? yes @ Required? yes @ Note: Accessible Door \Minimum 32" cleat widthrequired yes @ Alternate door Is accessible doorheavyto open/shut @ no Is door threshold navigable outside @ no Is door threshold navigable inside - @ , ro Note: uat-a'2Z-.^ kn ¿-%^- 6)^à!.J l/-721-d¡ I'tn.'- INSIDE lMinimum 32" clear widthrequired Clear passage & ba¡rier free from door to DRO & voting screen @ f l** no Lighting: is it sufficierit? @ no Heating sufücient @ no Is there atelephone on site? yes @ # Owner to provide snodice removaVsanding @ no Staffing 1 unit = 1 large DRO table with ballot box/2 chairs + 2 small voting screen tables + chairs for scrutineers or electors (4?) + chair/table to add to voters'list + 1 chair for outside door attendant Ample space for tables I chairs, space between voting screens @ no Spacefor#units I 2 3 4 5 G) Nìte: -T^"L"J/ "Aa4 P"-A';i Æ'lr\a-A-.' File: Election20 I O/Forrns/Accessibility requirements Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 147 of 183 Af- Ð-3//Ò Voting location accessibility requirements Handiðap accessible doors will be targeted as the main entrance. Must be level, clear &' accessible from parking lot area to voting screen for electors of all abilities Location: PBPS VCC 6ı RUC EACC Corinth Church Mun Office OUTSIDE Parking area Is surface level to building @ Is there an incline or steps that will aflect access? yes Surface:gravel @ @ sod Condition: @ poor navigable? Needs what work fightingt *.. Ua u.-e'".- /--o- e dn'nl @ Signage Parking designated handicap accessible Directly accessible to building entrance @Barriers: curb yes @ @ @ other no fixed \ Minimum 32" clear width required @no @no no @no no portable P#N Other? Note: **¡!6 fu;á b a'¿4/^ 'l¿ /'tu) Are there handrails? yes 4D Required? ye.s @' NOte: ,v-f^/.).-*Ê o!*,þ*¿ *A-* ,r"*1. Nrt/^ a-,J¿ ^!+ ^4"" o1r-t'v 4/u-þ.-'- Sidewalk. steps or ramp Sidewalk clear to accessible door? Rarnp clear to accessible door? No ramp Stairs/steps that block access? yes @ Accessible Door \Minimum 32" clear width required Automated push button yes @ Frontmaindoor @ ,//5 Is accessible doorheavy to open/shut yes @ Is door threshold navigable outside @ no Is door threshold navieable inside \T^+^. y¡-aiÅ^ -|a.':t- tt\t-^t ttlr.l-rrl't'v' 8¿^.1' /'** nnþa.vw-t- tt- 4 L'l d"r*'J ô-fu'--¿,--f INSIDE h required Clear passage &barrier free from door to DRO & voting screen yes @ Lighting: is it sufficient? @ no Heating sufficient @ no Is there a telephone on site? '@ no # 5/ q -g bb' 31? / R;/.h'^ t-bU '^?s¿r3 Owner to provide sno#ice removal/sanding @ no FaY f ho*o- Staffrng 1 unit: 1 large DRO table with ballot boxl2 chairs + 2 small voting screen tables + chairs for scrutineers or electors @?) + chairltable to add to voters'list + 1 chair for outside door attendant Ample space for tables / chairs, space between voting screens @ no 5 (a* , t l^,fui. Plo-Y1Xu,,* /-'^"' 't"t" lLt, File : Election20 1 0/Forms/Accessibility requirements Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 148 of 183 Of &3/to Voting location accessibility requirements Handicap accessible doors will be targeted as the main e,ntrance. Must be level, clear & accessible from parking lot area to voting screen for electors of all abilities Location: PBPS @ ncc RUC EACC Corinth Church Mun office OUTSIDE Parking area Is surface level to building @no Is there an incline or stqls that will affect access? yes @ Surface: gravel @! @ sod other Condition: @ poor navigable? @ no Needs what work frgrrt-g'-à J4,p*,b^ı&"í" 'ã-.t @ no Signage Parking designated handicap accessible @ no Directly accessible to building entrance @ no Barriers: curb yes @ Other? lls¡el 9^^Zj/ 1."-"¿*^f P*'!,n --n"-' Sidewalk. steps or ramp \ Mioi-.t- 32" clearwidth required Sidewalk clear to accessible door? (1p no Rarnp clear to accessible door? @ no No ramp Stairs/steps that block access? yes @ A¡e there handrails? @ no. Required? @ no Note: Accessible Door Minimum 32" clearwidthrequired @ Automated push button yes @Frontmaindoor @ Is accessibledoorheavyto open/shut yes @ Is door threshold navigable outside @- no Is no N o,. "^-*l+ b,t- INSIDE \ Minimum 32" clear widthrequired Clearpassage & barrier free from door to DRO & voting screen ¿@ no Lighting:is it sufficient? @ no Heating sufficient @ no Isthereatelephoneonsite? @ no #Lø.. g1 /-/^qq P"1p\o-,.^ l1V-995/ Owner to provide snodice removal/sanding @ no Staffing 1 unit : I large DRO table with ballot box/2 chairs + 2 small voting screen tables + chairs for scrutineers or electors (4?) + chair/table to add to voters'list + 1 chair for outside door attendant Amplespacefortables I chairs,spacebetweenvotingscreens,:@ no Spacefor#units I 2 3 4 5 G) Note: .N^.,^L A-*"-t ø'.7)onn, '¿1-4?z ,Lr^t Z 6 oao--2,,. ^Jlt .¿.r,"-, File: Election2 0 I OÆorms/Accessibility requirements nxe¡W, portable Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 149 of 183 O+4 aq//o Voting location accessibility requirements Handicap accessible doors will be targeted as the main entrance. Must be level, clear & accessible from parking lot a¡ea to voting screen for electors of all abilities Location: @ vcc BCC RUc EACC corinth church Mun office OUTSIDE Parking area Is surface level to building "yes @ Is there an incline or stqrs that will aflect access? yes @ Surface: gravel @ asphalt sod other Condition: @ pool navigable? ^(yGÐ no Needs what work J'¿t'**i'A AØ--^*0/ b;-A- * !.6 Lighting: a^àerl ¿rdf" @ no Signage Parking designated handicap accessible yes @ fixed portable Directly accessible to building enfrance @l no Ba¡riers: curb yes @ 3 â'/ ckq- Sidewalk. ste,ps or ramp \ Minimum W width required Sidewalk clear to accessible door? yes d ^;"-^- P"ï;.l"";X @glea¡ to accessible door? @ no cNqr@ Stairs/steps that block access? yes @ \ Minimum 1{Éot{3é") width required @.no Altemate door Are therehandrails? yes @ Required? yes @ Note: I t " .l+f a /"s'n-. "r,¿^ "44-(tq^r.tnl'rlt-úa F"h& SA,, ck q- Accessible Door Is accessible doorheavyto open/shut yes @ Is door threshold navigable outside yes @ Is door threshold navigable inside 4@ no NOte: lL " Q /,l'-"-,) ^J-l¿a w<Jq-o/S 3 a" q-hc'- INSIDE \ Minimum g{ee#(3+) width required Clear passage & barrier free from door to DRO & voting screen @ no Lighting: is it sufücient? @ no Heating sufficient yes no Isthereatelephoneonsite? @Å oFÇ;,-no + 5lq- g?v'/559 Owner to provide snodice removal/sanding @ no Staffrng 1 unit : 1 large DRO table with ballot box/2 chairs + 2 small voting screen tables + chairs for scrutineers or electors (4?) + chair/table to add to voters'list + 1 chair for outside door attendant Ample space for tables / chairs, space between voting screens ,@ no Spacefor#units I 2 3 4 5 G) Note: File: Election20 1 OlFormsiAccessibility requirements Staff Report C2010-12 regarding "Accessibility Barriers". File: C07 Page 150 of 183 I A ria MTTNICIPALITY O F BAYHAM MEMORANDUM DATE: NOVEMBER 8,2010 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk RE: Amend Procedural By-law NUMBERz C2010-07 It has come to staff s attention that the majority of incoming Council members have a preference that the inaugural meeting be held in the evening rather than a morning session of Council. In order to accommodate this, it is proposed that the Council Procedural By-law be amended to reflect the change. Draft By-law 2010-104 incorporating this changes is attached for Council's consideration. Recommendation: * TIIAT Staff. Memorandum C20L0 -07 be received; AND TIIAT By-law 2010-104, being a by-law to further amend By-law 2002-93, by deleting the existing Section 5 and replacing with 'The Inaugural Meeting of Council shall take place at 7.09 p.m. on the fìrst Thursday of December following the election.' Attach: B/L2010-104 Memorandum D2010-07 regarding "Amend Procedural By-law". File: A09 Page 151 of 183 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-104 A BY-LA\il TO AMEND By-LA\ry NO. 2002-93, BErNG A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A COUNCIL PROCEDURAL BY.LAW WHEREAS Subsection23S (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended provides that every Council and local board shall pass a procedure byJaw for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings; AND WIIEREAS Subsection23S (2.1) of the said Act provides that the procedure by-law shall provide for the public notice of meetings; AI\D WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by ByJaw 2007-120 amend Procedural By-law No. 2002-93; AND \MHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to further amend Procedural By-law 2002-93; NOW THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\MS: 1. TIIAT By-law No. 2002-93 being a Procedural By-law for the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham, be and the same is hereby further amended by deleting Section 5 and inserting the following: "5. The Inaugural Meeting of Council shall take place at 7:00_p,m, on the first Thursday of December following the election." 2. THAT in all other respects ByJaw No. 2002-93, as amended, be and the same is hereby confirmed; 3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and effect upon the date if its enactment. READ A FIRST, ASECOND AND TIIIRD TIME Ai\D FINALLY PASSED THIS 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2OIO. MAYOR CLERK Memorandum D2010-07 regarding "Amend Procedural By-law". File: A09 Page 152 of 183 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 153 of 183 THF' CORPORATTON OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31,2009 Table of Contents Auditors'Report Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Surplus Consolidated Statement of Change inNet Financial Assets Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Schedule of Segment Disclosure Schedule of Segment Disclosure Consolidated Schedule of Tangible Capital Assets PAGE I 2 3 4 5 6-15 t6-17 18 t9 -20 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 154 of 183 O CHANTERED ACCOUNTANTS CRAHAM SCOTT ENNS LLP William A. Craham' Rob€rt B. Foster* Michael f. MacKinnon lohn M. Scott' Alan R. Enns+ lames G. Frederick' Michael S. Stovel* Betly A. Gropp William l. Luyks +Practicirrg through * Prulessimal Corporation 450 Sunset Drive, St Thonus, ON NsR 5V f Phone: {5.19} (r33-O70O Fax: (519) 633-7009 St. Thomas, Ontario May2l,20l0 AT]DITORSI REPORT To the Members of Council,Inhabitants and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham We have audited the consolidated balance sheet of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as at December 31,2009 and the consolidated statement of operations and changes in cash flow for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Municipality's management. Our responsibilþ is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perforrn an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includs5 e¡amining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes ¿ss6s5ing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as at Decemb er 3I, 2009 and the results of its operations and changes in cash flow for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. 25 John St. S.. Suite 2OB, Aylmer. ON N5H 2Cl Phone: (5t9) 773-9'265 fax (519) 7¡'3-96&3 qttd¿att Sæø âortøz¿? CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Licensed Public Äccountants 1 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 155 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As At December 31. 2009 3,640,975 614,092 574.344 4,829.411 800,000 243,126 836,061 581.037 2.460224 2.369.187 54,017,780 24.292 54,042.072 s6.4tt-259 (restated Note 2) 2008 $ 4,355,785 645,533 382.770 5.384.088 109,745 461,700 770.992 1.342.437 4.041.651 52,545,718 29.3s8 52.575.076 s6.6t6.727 2009 $ ASSETS FINANCIAL ASSETS Cash and short terrn deposits Taxes receivable (Note 3) Accounts receivable LIABILITIES Temporary bank advances Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds (note 9) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net long-term liabilities (note 4) NET FINANCIAL ASSETS NON.FINAI\CIAL ASSETS Tangible capital assets (Note 6, pages 19,20) Inventories and prepaid expenses ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (NOTE 7) See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. -2- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 156 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Consolidated Statement of Operations and Year Ended December 31 Accumulated Surplus 2009 REVENUES Properly taxation Taxation from other govemments User charges Govenrment grants Contribution from developers Investrnent income Penalties and interest on taxes Recoveries from benefiting landowners Other Total Revenues EXPENSES General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total Expenses (Note 12) ANNUAL ST'RPLUS ACCUMULATED SURPLUS, BEGINNING OF YEAR ACCUMULATED SURPLUS, EflD OF YEAR (Note 6) Unaudited Budget Actual 2009 2009 $$ 2,672,477 2,643,720 51,779 51,779 1,369,71L 1,343,735 3,199,376 2,063,924 81,000 162,778 74,000 84,905 217,659 227,117 40.23t 61.047 7.706.233 6.639.005 627,066 699,412 r,233,066 1,223,489 r,264,273 2,413,094 1,262,687 1,701,097 26,046 152,019 7,800 6,256 307,802 373,915 253.035 275.191 4.98t.775 6-844,473 2.724.458 1205.468) 56.6t6.727 56.616.727 s8.r70.487 56.411.259 (restated Note 2) Actual 2008 $ 2,583,978 50,255 r,264,406 2,923,433 70,074 l32,r0l 78,712 306,153 40.389 7.449.501 630,546 l,r5g,g74 r,943,241 1,51r,862 177,957 7,462 357,4r1 222.518 6.009.971 t.439-530 55.r77.197 s6.6t6.727 See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. -3- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 157 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Financial Assets Year Ended December 31.2009 ANNUAL STJRPLUS Acquisition of tangible capital assets Amortization of tangible capial assets Change in inventories, prepaid expenses and deferred charges TNCREASE (DECREASE) rN NET FTNATTCTAL ASSETS NET FINANCIAL ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR NET FINA¡ICIAL ASSETS, END OF'YEAR 2009 $ (205,468) (2,816,107) 1,344,045 s.066 (1,672,464) 4.041.651 J,3É9.18',1 (restated Note 2) 2008 $ r,439,530 (1,103,191) 1,250,469 ø.466\ 1,582,342 2.459-309 _4ß4rsst See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. -4- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 158 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31.2009 OPERATING ACTTVITIES Arurual surplus Add (deduct) items not involving cash: Amortization of tangible capital assets Change in non-cash assets and liabilities related to operations: (Increase) decrease in taxes receivable (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable (Increase) decrease in inventories and prepaid expenses Decrease in temporary bank advances Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities Increase (decrease) in defe¡red revenue - obligatory reserve funds Net change in cash from operating activities INVESTING Acquisition of tangible capital assets Net change in cash from investing FINANCING Long-term debt repayment Net change in cash from financing NET CIIANGE IN CASII AI\D CASH EQUIVALENTS OPEIYING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS cLosrNG cAsrr AND CASH EQUTVALENTS SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Cash paid for interest on debt Cash received for interest on investments 2009 $ (205,468) 1.344.045 1,138,577 31,441 (191,574) 5,066 800,000 374,361 133.381 2,291.252 (2-816.1071 12.816.1071 (189.9ss) r189.955) (714,810) 4.355.78s _3,Ø!,gE (restated Note 2) 2008 $ 1,439,530 1.250.469 2,689,999 (94,305) 31,840 (4,466) (23,558) 159.665) 2.s39.845 l1-103.191) (1.103.191) (182.48e) (182.489\ 1,254,165 3.10r.620 4.3ss.785 45.420 52.227 162.778 t32.t0r See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. -5- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 159 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT.INICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31. 2009 The Municipality of Bayham is a municipality in the Province of Ontario. It conducts its operations guided by the provisions of provincial statutes such as the Municipal Act, Municipal Affairs Act and related legislation. 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are prepared by management in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles for local governments, as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Significant aspects of the accounting policies adopted by the Municipality are as follows: Reporting Entity The consolidated financial statements include the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the reporting entity. The reporting entity is comprised of all organizations, committees and local boards accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources to the Municipality and which are l00o/o owned or controlled by the Municipality. Consolidated Entities The following local boards are consolidated: - Various Community Centre Boards - Various Cemetery Boards - Museum Board Inter-departmental and inter-organizationaltransactions and balances between these organizations are eliminated. Proportionate Consolidation The Elgin Area Primary Water Board and Port Burwell Water Board have been consolidated on a proportionate basis. The Water Boards are proportionately consolidated based upon the water flow used by our Municipality in proportion to the entire flows provided by the joint boards. Accounting for School Board Transactions Although the Municipality collects taxation on behalf of the School Boards, the taxation, otherrevenues, expenses, assets and liabilities with respect to the operations of the school boards are not reflected in these statements. Trust Funds Trust frmds and their related operations administered by the Municipality are not included in these consolidated financial statements. 6 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 160 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2009 1. SUMMARY OF STGNTFICANT ACCOUNTTNG POLTCTES (CONTTNUED) Basis of Accounting The consolidated financial statements are prepared using the accrual basis of accounting. The accrual basis ofaccounting records revenue as it is earned and measurable. Expenses are recognized as they are incurred and measurable based upon receipt of goods or services atd/or the creation of a legal obligation to pay. Deferred Revenue Govemment transfers, contributions and other amounts are received from third parties pursuant to legislation, regulation or agreement and may only be used in the conduct of certain programs, in the completion of specific work. In addition, certain user charges and fees which have been collected but for which the related services have yet to be performed. Revenue is recognized in the period when the related expense are incurred, services preformed. Use of Estimates The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period. In addition, the Municipality's implementation of the Public Sector Accounting Handbook PS3150 has required management to make estimates of historical cost and useful lives of tangible capital assets. These estimates and assumptions are based on the Municipalities best information and judgment and may differ significantly from actual results. Government Transfers Government transfers are recognized n the consolidated financial statements as revenues in the financial period in which events giving rise to the transfer occur, providing the transfers are authorized, any eligibili$ crrterra have been met including performance and retum requirements, and reasonable estimates of the amounts can be determined. Any amount received but restricted is recorded as defered revenue in accordance with Section 3100 of the Public Sector Accounting Handbook and recognized as revenue in the period in which the resources are used for the purpose specified. In addition, the Municipality periodically receives senior government capital funding in the fonn of infrasbr¡cture gtants and receives ongoing funding from both senior levels of govenrment as a result of an allocation of the gas tax funds. -7 - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 161 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2009 1. SUMMARY OF STGNTFTCA¡IT ACCOUNTTNG POLICTES (CONTTNUED) Non-financial assets Non-financial assets are not available to discharge existing liabilities and are held for use in the provision of services. They have useful lives extending beyond the current year and are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations. The change in non-financial assets during the year, together with the excess of revenues over expenses, provides the Change in Net Financial Assets for the year. i) Tangible capital assets Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost which includes all amounts that are directly attributable to acquisition, construction, development or betterment of the asset. The cost, less residual value, of the tangible capital assets are amortized on a straightJine basis over thei¡ estimated useful lives as follows: Building and components Vehicles Machinery and equipment Land improvements Plants and facilities Roads Bridges and other structures Underground and other networks 20 to 75 years 5 to 25 years 5 to 27 years 18 to 25 years 20 to 75 yearc 20 to 60 years 15 to 80 years 17 to 100 years No amortization is charged in the year of acquisition and a fulI year of amortization is charged in the year of disposal. Assets under construction are not amortized until the asset is available for productive use. ii) Contributioor ef langible capital assets Tangible capital assets received as contributions are recorded at their fair value at the date of receipt and also are recorded as revenue. iii) Works of art and cultural and historic assets Works of art and cultural and historic assets are not recorded as assets in these financial statements. iv) Interest capitalization The Municipality does not capitalize interest costs associated with the acquisition or construction of a tangible capital asset. v) Leased tangible capital assets Leases are classified as capital or operating leases. Leases which transfer substantially all of the benefits and risks incidental to ownership of property are accounted for as capital leases. All other leases are accounted for as operating leases and the related lease payments are charged to expenses as incurred. -8- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 162 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT.INICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2009 1.SUMMARY OF STGNTFTCÄNT ACCOUNTTNG POLTCTES (CONTTNUED) vi) Inventories of supplies Inventories of supplies held for consumption are recorded at the lower of cost and replacement cost. CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Municipality has implemented Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections 1200 Financial Statement Presentation and 3150 Tangible Capital Assets. Section 1200 establishes general reporting principles and standards for the disclosure of infonnation in govemment financial statements. Section 3150 requires govemments to record and amortize their tangible capital assets in their financial statements. In prior years, tangible capital asset additions were expensed in the year of acquisition or constn¡ction. The financial information recorded includes the actual or estimated historical cost of the tangible capital assets. When historical cost records were not available, other methods were used to estimate the costs and accumulated amortization of the assets. The Municipalþ applied a consistent method of estimating the replacement or reproduction cost of the tangible capital assets for which it did not have historical cost records, except in ci¡cumstances where it could be demonstrated that a different method would provide a more accurate estimate of the cost of a particular type of tangible capital asset. After defrning replacement or reproduction cost, the non-residential building construction price index (NIRBCP) and the consumer price index (CPI) were used as a resource for detennining appropriate indices in order to deflate the replacement or reproduction cost to an estimated historical cost at the year of acquisition. This change has been applied retroactively and prior periods have been restated. This change in accounting policy has changed amounts reported in the prior period as follows: Accumulated surplus at January l, 2008 Operating fund balance Capital fundbalance Reserves balance Reserve fund balance Amounts to be recovered Accumulated surplus, as previously reported Net book value of tangible capital assets reported Reserve and reserve funds from water boards not previously consolidated Accumulated surplus, as restated Annual surplus for 2008: Net increase in fund balances, as previously reported l,516,14l Amorttzation expense not previously expensed (1,250,469) Tangible capital assets capitalizedbut previously expensed 1,103,191 Activity in reserve and reserve funds f¡om water boards not previously consolidated 70.667 52,728 550,760 1,957,987 604,550 (875.502\ 2,290,523 52,602,773 283.901 55.r77.197 - Annual surplus, as restated 9 1.439.s30 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 163 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2009 3. TAXES RECEIVABLE Taxes receivable are reported net of allowance for doubtful accounts. Balances as at December 31 were as follows: 2008 $ 2009 $ Taxes receivable Penalties and interest Allowance for doubtful accounts NET LONG.TERM LIABILITIES a) The balance of net long-term liabilities reported on the Position is made up of the following: Consolidated Statement of Financial 4. 2008 $ 2009 $ Total long-term liabilities incurred by the municipality, including those incurred on behalf of benefiting landowner s139u _698304 Principal repayments are summarized as follows: 2010 20ll 2012 2013 2014 Beyond Total RecoverableFrom _L _L _$_ _$_ _$_ _$_ _$_ General tax revenue Benefrting landowners 202.092 214.945 115-654 6.943 7.327 34-075 581.036 202.092 Z1_4s4s. JJsßs . _6543. _7327_ _34.07s. _13l*036 b) All long-term liabilities issued on or before December 3I, 1992 have received approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Long-term liabilities issued after January 31, 1993 have been approved by by-law. The annual principal and interest payments required to service these liabilities are within the annual debt repayment limit prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing c) Interest expense on long-term liabilities tn 2009 amounted to $45,420 (2008 - 552,227) -10- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 164 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31. 2009 5. OPERATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS A¡ID THE CO{'NTY OF ELGIN During 2009, requisitions were made by the school boards and the County of Elgin requiring the municipality to collect property taxes and payments in lieu of property taxes on their behalf. The amounts collected and remitted are summarized below: School Boards $ Taxation and user charges Share of pa1'rnents in lieu of taxes Amounts requisitioned 6. TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS General Land Buildings Vehicles Machinery and equipment Land improvements fnfrastructure Plants and facilities Roads Underground and other networks Machinery and equipment r,362,866 2,415,005 - 23.069 1.362.866 2.438.073 Net BookValue 2009 2008 $$ 916,444 916,444 1,016,077 890,314 860,673 565,249 259,008 261,280 250,878 167,475 319681217 4,049,969 28,233,410 28,505,090 16,612,364 15,981,247 1.182.387 1.133.871 53,299,458 52,470,939 718.322 74.779 54.017-780 52.545.718 County $ Assets under construction For additional information, see the Consolidated Schedule of Tangible Capital Assets (Schedule 1). During the year there were no write-downs of assets (2008 - $nil). In addition, roads and underground networks contributed to the Municipality totalled $nil (2008 - $nil) and were capitalized at their fair value at the time of receipt. - lt - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 165 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31,2009 7. ACCUMULATED SURPLUS The accumulated surplus balance is comprised of current fund, capital discretionary reserve funds, unfunded liabilities to be recovered in tangible capital assets. Operating fund Municipality Cemetery boards Benefiting landowners Invested in tangible capital assets Capital tund Reserves Reserve funds AMOUNTS TO BE RECOVERED Net long-term debt ACCUMULATED SURPLUS fund, balances in reserves and the future and investrnent in 100,822 30,000 98,845 88,524(.167.e77) (96.801) 31,690 2I,723 54,017,780 52,545,718 (1,47t,980) 594,789 3,5031492 3,294,937 9ll.3t4 930,552 56,992,296 57,387,719 t581.03î (770.992\ 56,411,259 56.616.727 RESERVES AND RESERVE FUI\DS CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Reserves set aside for specific purposes by Council: - for working capital - for capital purposes - for waterworks purposes - for rate stabilization - forotherpurposes Total reserves Reserve funds set aside for specific purposes by Council: - for water system - for construction of sanitary sewers - for recreation and cultural service purposes - forotherpurposes Total reserve funds 394,153 1,415,328 458,323 602,670 633,018 3.503.492 103,622 691,047 109,666 6.979 gtl.3l4 384,153 r,487,644 289,1.45 602,670 531.325 3.294,937 102,563 730,644 90,366 6.979 930.552 12- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 166 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2009 8. TRUST FUNDS Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to $228,800 (2008 - $225,879) have been included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet nor have their operations been included in Consolidated Statement of Operations. 9. DEFERRED REVENUE . OBLIGATORY RESERVE FUNDS A requirement of the public sector accounting principles of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants is that obligatory reserve funds be reported as deferred revenue. This requirement is in place as provincial legislation restricts how these funds may be used and under certain circumstances these funds may be refunded. The balances in the obligatory reserve funds of the Municipality are summarized below: not the 2008 s 2009 $ Development Charges Gasoline tax Parkland 10. BUDGET FIGURES The operating budget approved by the council of the The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham for 2009 is reflected on the consolidated statement of operations. The budgets established for capital invesûnent in tangible capiøl assets are on a project-oriented basis, the costs of which may be carried out over one or more years and, therefore, may not be comparable with current year's actual expenditure amounts. As well, the Municipality does not budget activity within Reserve and Reserve Funds, with the exception being those transactions, which affect either operations or capital invesûnents. Budget figures have been reclassified for the purposes of these financial statements to comply with PSAB reporting requirements. 11. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES As at December 31, 2009 certain legal actions are pending against the municipality. An estimate of any contingency cannot be made since the outcome of these matters is indeterminate at this time. -13- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 167 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2009 12. PUBLIC SECTOR SALARY DISCLOSURE Ln2009, no employees were paid a salary, as defined in the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996, of $100,000 or more by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 2008 $ 2009 $ Current fund expenses by object: Salaries, \¡/ages and employees benefits Long-tenn debt interest expense Materials Contracted services Rents and financial expenses Amortization expense Extemal transfers to others 1,757,199 1,708,461 45,420 52,227 2,437,013 1,711,084 1,219,329 1,250,549 5,194 1,344,045 1,250,469 36.273 37.181 _6,844,4ß _6_999971 14. SEGMENTED INFORMATION The Municipality of Bayham is a diversified municipal government institution that provides a wide range of services to its citizens, including fire, roads, sewer and water. For management reporting purposes the Govemment's operations and activities are organized and reported by Fund. Funds were created for the purpose of recording specific activities to attain certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. Municipal services are provided by deparhents and their activities are reported in these funds. Certain departments that have been separately disclosed in the segmented information, along with the services they provided, are as follows. Public Works The Public Works department is responsible for the delivery of municipal public works services related to the planning, development and maintenance of roadway systems, the maintenance of parking and open space, and street lighting. The Water and Waste Funds The water and wastewater departrnent provides drinking water to citizens of the municipality, as well as, collection and treatment of wastewater. This department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of both systems in accordance with government regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act and other pieces of legislation. 14- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 168 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2009 ls. SEGMENTED TNFORMATTON (CONTTNUED) Other funds and Corporation This segment includes the remaining departments and activities of the Corporation. Some of the larger activities in this segment include general government, fire, police, public health services, recreation and cultural services, planning and development and solid waste collection and disposal. For each reported segment, revenues and expenses represent both amounts that are directþ attributable to the segment and amounts that are allocated on a reasonable basis. Therefore, certain allocation methodologies are employed in the preparation of segnented financial information. The General Revenue Fund reports on municipal services that are funded primarily by taxation such as property and business tax revenues. Taxation and payments-in-lieu of taxes are apportioned to General Revenue Fund services based on the Fund's net surplus. Certain govemment transfers, transfer from other funds, and other revenues have been appofioned based on a percentage of budgeted expenses. The accounting policies used in these segments are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements as disclosed in Note 1. For additional information see the Consolidated Schedule of Segment Disclosure and Schedule of Segment Disclosure. 16. COMPARATTVE CONSOLDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FIGTJRES The comparative consolidated financial statements have been reclassified from statements previously presented to reflect the restatement of items described in Note 2 as well as to conform to the presentation of the 2009 consolidated financial statements. -15- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 169 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Consolidated Schedule of Segment Disclosure Year Ended December 31.2009 Water and Waste Funds $ 988,860 40,042 244.14s 1.273.047 248,407 44,1r0 565,731 rg,67g 38r,964 1.258.891 14.1s6 1,369,277 21,697 520,126_ 1.91r.090 515,629 917,380 2r,243 843,806 2.298-058 t386-968) Roads $ Other Funds & Total Corporation Consolidated $$ 1,326,222 2,69í499 333,188 1,343,735 r,503,756 2,063,924 291.702 535.847 3.4s4.868 6.639.00s 993,163 1,757,199 1,310 45,420 953,902 2,437,013 1,184,600 1,224,522 118,276 1,344,046 36.273 36.273 3.287.524 6.844.473 167.344 1205.468) REVENUE Taxation Sales of service and regulatory fees Government transfer Other EXPENSES Salaries, wages and employee benefits Long-tenn debt interest expense Materials Contracted services Amortization Transfer to others ANNUAL SITRPLUS -16- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 170 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Consolidated Schedule of Segment Disclosure Year Ended December 31.2008 REVENUE Taxation Sales of service and regulatory fees Govemment transfer Other EXPENSES Salaries, wages and employee benefits Long-term debt interest expense Materials Contracted services Amortization Transfer to others A.NNUAL SURPLUS Water and Waste Funds $ 950,905 3,900 385,443 r.340.248 253,379 50,600 353,965 16,270 375,122 1.049.336 290.9t2 Roads $ 923,760 17,392 I,435,606 3.190 2.379.948 475,683 610,339 99,295 757,924 t.943.241 _436303_ Other Funds & Corporation $ r,7L0,473 296,109 r,493,927 238.796 3.729.305 979,399 1,627 746,780 1,134,984 r17,423 37.rgt 3.017-394 7rt.9rl Total Consolidated $ 2,634,233 1,264,406 2,923,433 627.429 7.449,501 1,708,461 52,227 1,711,084 1,250,549 1,250,469 37.18r 6.009.971 1.439.530 -17 - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 171 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Schedule of Segment Disclosure Year Ended December 31.2009 WATER AND WASTE WATER Revenue Sales ofservices and regulatory fees Government transfers Benefiting land owners Other Total Revenues Expenses Salaries, wages and employees benefrts Long-term debt interest expense Materials Contracted senrices, rents and financial expenses Amortization Total Expenditures Annual Surplus @elicit) ROADS Revenue Taxation Sales of services and regulatory fees Government transfers Other Total Revenues Expenses Salaries, wages and employees benefits Materials Contracted services Amortization Total Expenditures Annual @eficit) Surplus UnauditedBudget Actual 2009 2009 $$ r,038,470 988,860 - 40,042 206,397 221,514 11.000 22.631 1..255.867 1.273,047 262,755 248,407 44,110 44,110 825,955 565,731 17,000 18,679 - 381.964 1,.t49.820 1,258.891 -196-0n- -UJs6 UnauditedBudget Actual 2009 2009 $$ 1,369,277 1,369,277 - 21,687 498,368 520,126 1,867 -645 1.911.090 472,608 515,629 760,665 917,380 31,000 21,243 - 843,806 1.264.273 2.298.058 _6$3n __13E6.e68) Actual 2008 $ 950,905 3,900 268,795 116.648 t.340.248 253,379 50,600 353,965 16,270 375.t22 r.049.336 290.912 Actual 2008 $ 923,760 17,392 r,435,606 3.190 2,379-948 475,683 610,339 99,295 757.924 1.943.241 436.707 -18- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2009 and Auditors' Report. Page 172 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Consolidated Schedule of Tangible Capital Assets Year Ended December 31,2009 ASSET TYPE Infrastructure Rel¡ted Land Buildings/Building Improvements Machinery and Equipment Linear - Roadways Linear - Sewer and Water Services Infrastructure Related Total General Caoital Land Land Improvements Building/BuiIding Improvements Machinery and Equipment Vehicle General Capital Total Total Capital Assets Sub-Total Work In Progress Total Tangible Capital Assets Opening Historical Cost Bala¡ce Jan l/2009 187,256 5,079,521 2,027,687 37,5 10,498 I 8.978.914 63.783.876 916,444 469,901 2,170,696 37f ,386 975.416 4.905.E43 68.6E9.719 74.779 68.764.49t 2009 Acouisitions 60,290 197,665 430,635 830.074 1.518.664 9ó,t15 173,659 22,825 361.301 653.900 2.172.s64 Á^7, a,41Æ _2JIÍ,107 2009 Disposals 2009 Write-Offs Ending Historical Cost Balance Dec 3 l/2009 187,2s6 5,139,81 I 2,221,3s6 37 ,941,133 19.E08.988 6s.29E.544 916,M4 566,016 2,344,3ss 396,211 1.276.M6 s.499.472 70.79E.016 718-322 71.516.338 Opening Accumulated Amortization Balance lan 112009 1,216,808 893,8 I 6 9,005,408 2.997.667 14.1 13.699 302,426 1,280,382 lt2,l06 410.167 2.105.081 16.21E.7E0 16.218.780 2009 Disoosals 2009 Amortization - 60.271 60.271 64.267 64.267 - t42,042 149,149 702,315 198.957 1.192.463 12,712 47,896 25,097 65.877 151.582 1.344.04s 134¿.04SÉ : Ending EndingAccumulated Net Amortization Book 2009 Balance Value Write-Offs Dec 3l/2009 Dec 3ll2009 - tE1,2S6 1,358,850 3,7E0,961 1,038,969 I,IE2,3E7 9,707,723 28,233,410 3.t96.624 16.612.364 15.302.166 49.996.378 - 916,44431s,138 250,E7E 1,328,278 1,016,017t37,203 2s9,00E415.773 860.673 2.196.392 3.303.080 17.498.55E 53.299.4s8 - 7t8.322 Ji!2!,iiq --5Lq!2?!!q -19 - C o n s o l i d a t e d F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s f o r t h e y e a r e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 a n d A u d i t o r s ' R e p o r t . P a g e 1 7 3 o f 1 8 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Consolidated Schedule of Tangibte Capital Assets Year-ended December 31. 2008 Opening Historical Cost Balance Jan l/2008 174,609 5,079,466 2,07s,s61 36,719,070 18.937.471 63.006.177 916,444 4s3,638 2,139,790 283,239 986.61 I 4,779.722 67.7E5.E99 49.429 67.835.328 2008 Acouisitions 16,263 30,906 107,203 Ending Opening Historical Accumulated Cost Amortization2008 2008 Balance Balance 2008 2008Disoosals Write-Offs Dec 3ll2008 Jan l/2008 Disnosals Amortization Ending EndingAccumulated NetAmortization Book2008 Balance Value Write-Offs Dec 3l/2008 Dec 3ll2008 916,444- 302,426 167,475- 1,280,382 890,314- I 12,106 261,2E0 ASSET TYPE Infrastructu re Related Land Buildings/Building Improvements Machinery and Equipment Linear - Roadways Linear - Seward and Water Services Infrastructure Related Total General Caoital Land Land Improvements Buildings/Building Improvements Machinery and Equipment Vehicle General Capital Total Total Capital Assets Sub-Total Work In Progress Total Tangible Capital Assets t2,647 187,256 _ 187256s5 5,079,521 1,074,555 - 142,253 _ t,2t6,808 3,E62,71371,s33 119,407 - 2,027,687 884,048 82,434 s2,202 - 893,816 1,133,E71771,428 37,510,498 8,322,236 - 683,172 _ 9,005,408 2E,505,0904l.Mf - - 18.978.914 2.798.523 - lgg.l44 - 2.997.667 ß:.gE1.247 E97.106 ll9,407 - 63.7E3.876 13.079.362 82.434 l.116.77l - 14.113.699 49.670,177 17,Os6 - 916,444- 469,901 290,308- 2,170,696 t,222,572- 373,3E6 109,480 - tr,ttt - 57,810 17,0s6 t9,68226.363 37.558 - 975.416 394.247 28.168 44.088 410.167 565.249 1E0.735 54.614 - 4.905.E43 2.016.607 45.224 133.69E - 2.10s.0E1 2.E00.162 1.077.E41 174.021 - 6E.6E9.719 15.095.969 121.65E 1.250.469 - 16.21E.7E0 52.470.939 25'350 - - 74.779 - - - - - 14.779 1.103.191 174.021 J 6t.764.49E 1s.095.969 l27.6sE 1.250.469 - 16.21E.780 52.s4s.718::: ::::: -20 - C o n s o l i d a t e d F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s f o r t h e y e a r e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 a n d A u d i t o r s ' R e p o r t . P a g e 1 7 4 o f 1 8 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-104 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO.2002-93, BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A COUNCIL PROCEDURAL BY.LAW WHEREAS Subsection23S (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended provides that every Council and local boa¡d shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling place and proceedings of meetings; AND WHEREAS Subsection23S (2.1) of the said Act provides that the procedure by-law shall provide for the public notice of meetings; AND \ilHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by ByJaw 2007-120 amend Procedural By-law No. 2002-93; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to further amend Procedural By-law 2002-93; NO\il THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT By-law No. 2002-93 being a Procedural By-law for the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, be and the same is hereby fuither amended by deleting Section 5 and inserting the following: "5. The Inaugural Meeting of Council shall take place at 7:ü)_p,m. on the first Thursday of December following the election." 2. THAT in all other respects ByJaw No. 2002-93, as arnended, be and the same is hereby confirmed; 3. THAT this ByJaw shall come into force and eflect upon the date if its enactment. READ A FIRST, ASECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-104 A By-Law to amend Council Procedural By-Law 2002-93 Page 175 of 183 Page 176 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2010-105 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE TIIE EXECUTION OF A LICENCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AI\D 1498975 ONTARIO INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WORKS WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a licence agreement to permit the location of an uriderground electrical connection for solar panels across lands described as the unopened road allowance between lots 20 and2l in concession 2 of the Municipality of Bayham. NOW THERET'ORE THE COT]NCIL OX'THE CORPORATION OF'THE MI]NICIPALITY OX'BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: L. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Licence Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this byJaw between 1498975 Ontario Lrc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the placement of underground power lines. 2. THAT By-law No. 2010-094, passed October 21, 2010, be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2OIO. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-105 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 177 of 183 THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT is made this lSth day ofNovember, 2010. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF TÉIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor") OF THE FIRST PART -and- 1498975 ONTARIO INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Licensee is constructing a solar power project on the lands described as Concession 2,PtLot2l, N/S Concession Road I in the Muricipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 2I, Concession 2, known as Stafford Road, in the Municipality of Bayham (the "Lands"); IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and other good and valuable consideration the parties agree as follows: Grant of Licence 1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee the non-exclusive use of the Lands for the purposes hereinafter set forth, for the period of twenty (20) years, commencing October 21,2010: a) The Licensee hereby accepts the Lands in their condition as of the date hereof and shall not call upon the Licensor to do or pay for any work or supply any equipment to make the Lands more suitable for the proposed use by the Licensee hereunder. b) The Licensee shall pay the Licensor Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable in advance, as a licence fee upon the commencement of this Agreement. c) The Lands may be used for the purpose of locating "Equipment" consisting of underground power lines for the connection of solar panels and any incidental apparatus approved by the Licensor. By-Law 2010-105 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 178 of 183 4- Covenants bv Licensee 2. The Licensee covenants with the Licensor: a) To pay the licence fee set out in clause 1. b) To pay tores (including local improvements) and all rates, licence fees and other charges imposed on or with respect to the Lands as same become due. c) To use the Lands only for the purposes of the Equipment and not to erect any buildings or structures on the Lands. d) To maintain the appearance of the Lands in a neat, clean and well-kept manner appropriate to the condition of the land. e) To install, maintain and repair the Equipment at its own expense. Ð To ensure that no refuse, litter, garbage or loose or objectionable material accumulates in or about the Lands. g) To ensure that no trees are removed and no grade changes are carried out. h) To provide and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars with respect to its use of the Lands dwing the full term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, naming the Licensor as an additional insured, and to provide a certificate evidencing same, prior to execution of this Agreement and as required by the Licensor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such public liability insurance shall contain provisions for cross-liability, severability of interests, and no cancellations or alterations without the consent of the Licensor. Ð Not to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Licensor, which consent may be unreasonably withheld. j) To leave the Lands in substantially the same condition by removing the Equipment from the Lands, at the expiry of this Agreement as they were at the coÍrmencement of this Agreement. k) To comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws, rules, regulations and by-laws and to hold the Licensor harmless from the consequences of its failure to do so. By-Law 2010-105 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 179 of 183 -5- Installation, Repairs and Replacement 3. The Licensee may install, repair or replace the Equipment, provided that: It applies to the Licensor for approval to install such equipment; It provides drawings or specifications required by the Licensor for the purpose of reviewing the suitability of the Equipment; It proceeds in accordance with the approval given under the supervision of the Licensor; It compensates the Licensor for any expense inc ned by the Licensor in the course of approval or supervision; Damage occasioned by the installation or removal of the Equipment will be repaired by the Licensee at its own expense forthwith. Indemnity 4. The Licensee shall at all times indemnift and save harmless the Licensor from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, charges, expenses, actions and other proceedings (including those in connection with workers' compensation or any similar or successor arrangement) made, brought against, suffered by or imposed on the Licensor to fulfill any part of its obligations under this Agreement or for any reason whatsoever or in respect of any loss, damage or injury (including injury resulting in death): a) To any person or property (including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, employees, contractors, agents and property of the Licensor) directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or sustained by reason of the occupation or use of the Lands, or any operation in connection therewith or any fixtures or chattels thereon, or b) To any person while on adjoining lands of the Licensor in the course of that person's entry onto or exit from the Lands. Exclusion of Liabilitv 5. The Licensor shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any personal injuries that may be suffered or sustained by any person who may be on the Lands or for any loss of or damage or injury to property belonging to the Licensee or any other person unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the Licensor's negligence or default or the negligence or default of those for whom the Licensor is in law responsible. a) b) c) d) e) By-Law 2010-105 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 180 of 183 -6- Hold Harmless Oblieation 6. The Licensee shall fully indemnit and save harmless the Licensor from and against all construction liens and related costs and other claims in connection with all work performed by or for the Licensee on the Lands, and shall promptþ remove all registered claims from title. Default 7. If the Licensee defaults in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, the Licensor shall give written notice to the Licensee of such default giving the Licensee ThiÉy (30) days to remedy such default, failing which the Licensor may terminate this Licence and the Licensee shall then forthwith remove its chattels and fixtures, if any,.from the Lands and shall restore the Lands to the condition in which they were at the commencement of this Agreement. Notice 8. Any notice required to be given to the Licensor under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufhciently given if delivered to the Licensor or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to it at: Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Any notice required to be given to the Licensee under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensee or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the Licensee at: 1498975 Ontario Inc. C/o Luc Dujardiin R.R. #2 Vienna, ON NOJ lZO or at such other address as the Licensee may in writing designate. In either case, such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date of its delivery or in the case of mailing five (5) business days after it is delivered to the post office. By-Law 2010-105 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 181 of 183 -7- Successors 9. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit ol and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and (where permitted) assigns and may be registered on title at the option of either party. IN WITNESS V/HEREOF the parties have affrxed their respective corporate seals attested by the hands of their respective offrcers duly authorizedtnthat behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MT]MCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ) ) Per: ) Mayor ) ) Per: ) Clerk 1498975 ONTARIO INC. ) I have authority to bind the Corporation ) ) Per: By-Law 2010-105 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement (1498975 Ontario Inc.) Page 182 of 183 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-106 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETTNG HELD NOYEMBER 18, 2010 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act,200l S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþality; AND \ilIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COTTNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held November 18, 2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and afüxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 18th day of Novemberr2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-106 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 183 of 183