HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 13, 2011 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville January 13, 2011 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Kim Husted regarding "Survey Mapping" (b)7:35 p.m. - Vienna Citizens Group regarding "Public Meeting January 19 concerning The Vienna Town Hall" (c)7:40 p.m. - Jan Collins regarding "New uses and expansion of Vienna Park and demolition of derelict buildings in the Vienna downtown core" (d)7:50 p.m. - Shelley Scott regarding "Richmond Water" 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Municipality of Huron East, City of Belleville, Township of Gillies, Township of North Frontenac, Town of Rainy River, County of Essex, Township of Malahide, Township of Enniskillen, Township of Mapleton and Township of Pickle Lake. File: A01 / C10 (b)Correspondence dated December 20, 2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Stimulus Deadline Extension". File: A01 7-18 19 21-31 33 Page 1 of 159 Council Agenda January 13, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (c)Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding "New Deadline for Completing Infrastructure Stimulus Projects". File: A16 (d)Correspondence dated December 21, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Report of the OGRA Nominating Committee". File: A01 (e)Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Operation Clean Sweep regarding "Pitch-In Ontario". File: A01 (f)Correspondence dated November 30, 2010 from Rural Ontario Institute regarding "Steps to Leadership Program" File: A01 (g)Notice received December 15, 2010 regarding "ROMA/OGRA 2011 Delegation Request". File: A04 (h)Correspondence dated December 9, 2010 from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "2010 Enumeration Update". File: A16 (i)Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held December 7, 2010. File: C06 (j)Emergency Management Program Committee minutes of meeting held December 14, 2010. File: C06 (k)Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held December 14, 2010. File: C06 (l)Correspondence dated December 17, 2010 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry Funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2010 Program Year". File: E07 (m)East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. File: M07 (n)Correspondence dated January 4, 2011 from Living History Multimedia Association regarding "Ontario Visual Heritage Project". File: R01 (o)Correspondence dated December 22, 2010 from Statistics Canada regarding "National Household Survey". 35-36 37-39 41-44 45-49 51 53-55 57-58 59-60 61-62 63 65-72 73 75-78 Page 2 of 159 Council Agenda January 13, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS File: C07 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 1.Correspondence and Reports 2.PUBLIC MEETING (a)ITEM TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL FURTHER NOTIFICATION. (PREVIOUSLY DEFERRED FROM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD OCTOBER 7, NOVEMBER 4, NOVEMBER 18 AND DECEMBER 16, 2010) 1.Public Meeting (a)7:30 P.M. - Graydon Rezoning - Zoning by-law amendment application proposing the rezoning of property located at Part Lot 13, Concession 9, 56084 Talbot Line. 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2010-31 regarding "Graydon Rezoning". File: D14.GRAY10 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions Page 3 of 159 Council Agenda January 13, 2011 Page 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report DR2011-001 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Provisional By-Law 3rd Reading / Award Contract". File: E09 (b)Correspondence dated December 13, 2010 from County of Elgin regarding "Culloden Road Speed Zone". File C02 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending December 31, 2010. File: P10 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending December 12 and December 26, 2010 totaling $55,789.55 and $52,841.36 respectively. (b)Correspondence dated December 17, 2010 from St. Thomas Public Library regarding "Revitalization Project". File: C13 (c)Draft Letter addressed to Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "2010 Municipal Elelction - Preliminary List of Electors". File: A16 (d)Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". File: C12 10.ENVIRONMENT 79-83 85 87 89-111 113 115 117-123 Page 4 of 159 Council Agenda January 13, 2011 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. (c)Confidential Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the muinicipality or local board (Harbour Facilities) (d)Confidential Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Project Ojibwa) (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) (b)By-Law 2011-001 A By-Law to appoint members (Boards & Committees) (c)By-Law 2011-002 A By-Law to execute an agreement (Bartley Municipal Drain) (d)By-Law 2011-003 A By-Law to exempt from taxation (Royal Canadian Legion Post Branch 524) (e)By-Law 2011-004 A By-Law to provide for an Interim Tax Levy (f)By-Law 2011-005 A By-Law to authorize borrowing to meet current expenditures (g)By-Law 2011-006 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 125-140 141-145 147-149 151 153-154 155-157 159 Page 5 of 159 Page 6 of 159 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville I)ecember 16,2010 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Public Meeting - Drainage The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, December 16, 2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwicþ Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Unde¡hill and Fire úief /By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECTTNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF' None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF'AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 2,2010. 20t0-499 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier TTTHAT the minutes of the regular meeting held December 2,2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) There were no items added to the agenda. 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - CliffEvanitski from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "2011 Budget". Item 9þ) Cliff Evanitski, General Manager, LPRCA presented the proposed operating and capiøl budget for 201 1 . He referred to the consolidated budget srunmary page which confirmed the 3.5% levy increase. He noted that $377,000 had been drawn from reserves to hold this rate during the current economic downturn. He advised that in 2010, 3,000 trees had been planted in Bayham. Rock's Mill was decommissioned and would improve water quality throughout the watershed. He added that any letters supporting provincial funding would be appreciated. Page I of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 7 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 (b) 7:20 p.m. - Mary Craig regarding "Survey Mapping". Mary Craig (Taylor) raised her ongoing issues in regard to conflicting survey mapping of road allowances and properties adjacent to Estherville Cemetery and Plank Road and particularly as it affected her property in Vienna. Comments supported use of current stamped and registered surveys for municipal purposes and the possibility of making an applicationunder the Boundaries Act. Deputy Mayor Taylor and Councillor Southwick agreed to provide any assistance to Ms Craig they could. (c) 7:40 p.m. - Mat Redsell - regarding "The Concept of Powerdown". Matthew Redsell made his presentation and encouraged Council and others to seek altematives to the use of fossil fuels in all aspects of their daily activities. (d) 7:50 p.m. - Otter Valley Naturalists regarding "East Beach Drainage Project". John Glass, Ron Allense,n and Joe Stephenson were in attendance to present an overview of their organization's proposal to improve, reshape and enhance the drainage ditch at the east beach in Port Burwell. Mr. Glass advised that the group has approached the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources for their expertise and formal approvals and are seeking permission and a letter of endorsement from the Municipality so that they mayproceed in their fundraising efforts. The proposed cost of the project is between $10,000 and $15,000. It is proposed that funds will be raised from Federal and Provincial programs and charitable foundations such as Elgin Stewardship Council, TD Friends of the Environment, Home Depot and Evergreen Foundations. 2010-500 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports the East Beach I)rainage Project proposed by the Otter Valley Naturalists; AND THAT staff be directed to provide a letter of endorsement; AND THAT Deputy Mayor Taylor act as the liaison." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) 8:05 p.m. - Tom McHugh, President & CEO of Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital regarding "Public Relations". Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Board Chairrnan Erwin Hawel introduced Peg Andrews Board member and Tom McHugh, President and CEO. Ms. Andrews çsmmented on patient safety and standards and advised that the new CT scanner is used for the Emergency Room and in-patients. Wait time funding has been received and the diabetes program extended to thirtyusers. She noted that good equipment is necessary to maintain high standards and services and attract and retain quality medical staff. She also advised of the Patient Declaration of Values (rights and responsibilities) of patients. Page2 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 8 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 Tom McHugh commented on the push for integration of hospital services with Woodstock General Hospital and noted that small acute care hospitals are providing care close to home. This helps relieves pressures on London hospiøls. TDMH works with partners including Woodstock to improve and deliver cost-effective solutions, share surgical on-call and chemotherapy planning. He outlined the four phases of the ten year Capital Redevelopment plan at a total project cost of $ 126 million. TDMH currently has $ I 5M in reserve to cover the local cost. The Foundation recently hired new staffto raise funds for this Tri-County (Elgin-Oxford- Norfolk) initiative. 2010-501 Moved by Councillor W Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports, in principle, the proposed redevelopment plan for the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital as presented.ff CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð 8:30 p.m. - Ian Raven and Alan Montgomery from Elgin Military Museum regarding "OJIBWA update". Ian Raven, Executive Director, Elgin Military Museum, Rick Morgan (who worked on the Ojibwa in 1965-68) and Alan Montgomery were present. Mr. Raven outlined some of the progress made to date: shape of the submarine staked out on the property, signage placed, engineers, surveyors and cradle designers all working toward sub placement. A 3-tier fundraising effort is being put in place: 1) community memorial brick sales; 2) ship's company sale of memberships; 3) competition for development of major corporate sponsors. Mr. Raven advised that a lot of background work has been done, is slowing down and is expected to start up again in January by addressinSzonìng, site plan and lease arrangements. The St. Lawrence Seaway is scheduled to close down and re-open March 26,2011. Utilizing a barge to tow the sub will minimize costs while safety and timing of the move is critical. The project will lose three months due to the seasonal closure of the Seaway. It was projected the move wouldn't take place until spring and will take the vessel and the barge 2 -3 weeks to get to Hamilton, subject to availability of the equipment. Mr. Raven noted that it is important to have a good base for the foundation and cradles for the sub. Contracting an engineer to know what is undemeath through soil testing to Page3 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 9 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 the bedrock i5 important to the stability of the sub. The cradles need to be custom fit to the sub prior to the arrival. It was agreed that the public needs to be kept informed, however, cost estimates and quotes are not yet available. Mr. Raven noted that it is intended that any costs to the Military Museum or the Municipality þs rrinimìzed. It was suggested that a community public meeting be held in January. It was suggested that Mr. Raven and the Administrator discuss and determine what studies may be needed. Letters of suppof to the Federal govemment by the municipality, its neighbours and the public are encouraged. Extension of the Community Adjushnent Fund deadline is also critical to the project. 20t0-502 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by DeputyMayor M Taylor "THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports the efforts of the Elgin Military Museum to have the Ojibwa project proceed; AND THAT the Federal Government take the necessary steps to extend the deadline for use of the Community Adjustment Fund dollars and release the funds in a timely manner." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Association of Municipalities of Ontario news release dated November 30, 2010 regarding "Gove¡ment will make changes to welfare but Special Diet Allowance stays for now". File: A0l (b) Correspondence dated December I,20L0 from Communities in Bloom regarding "Annual Mayors' Green Connections Event". File: .A.01 Mayor Ens requested and it was agreed that this item be forwarded to the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce for consideration. (c) Correspondence dated November 30,2010 from Ontario Building Ofñcials Association regarding "Annual Meeting and Training Session". File: 404 (d) Correspondence received December 8, 2010 from Citizenship and Immigration Canada regarding "Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism". File: 416 (e) Correspondence dated November 26,2010 from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "Update - MPAC Activities". File: 416 Page 4 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 10 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 Deputy Mayor Taylor requested and it was agreed that staff prepare a letter to MPAC raising concerns with the cuffency and accuracy of the Voters' List for the recent municipal election and seeking suggestions for suitable solutions. (Ð Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held November 30, 2010. File: C06 (g) Correspondence received December 8, 2010 from Mary Ward regarding "Budget & Estherville Cemetery". File: C13 It was agreed that the letter be considered during budget discussion. (h) Elgin Federation of Agriculture Fall 2010 newsleffer. File: M07 2010-503 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT information items 5(a) through 5(h) be received for information." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 1. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS (a) StaffReport D2010-037 regarding "Peters Subdivision Rezoning Application". File: DI4.PETERS 20t0-504 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THÄT StaffReport D2010-037 regarding the Peters rezoning be received; AìID THAT the zoning on lands owned by Abraham and Emma Peters, Iocated in Part Lot 7 Concession 8, known as Country View Estates subdivision, be changed from Hamlet Residential-Holding tHR(h)l to Hamlet Residential (HR) in Bayham Tnning Bylaw 7456-2003, as amended ; AND THAT ZontngBylaw 2586-2010 be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence received December 8, 2010 f¡om Oxford County regarding "Tillsonburg Van Norman Industrial Area Community Improvement Plan". File: Fl1 The Administrator suggested that will be no impact on Bayham and did not have any concerns. It was agreed that staff send correspondence requesting that communication be re-established between Bayham and Tillsonburg Councils. 2010-505 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier Page 5 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 11 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 "THÄT correspondence from Oxford County regarding Tillsonburg Van Norman Industrial Area Community Improvement Plan be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. PUBLIC MEETING (A) ITEM TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JA¡{UARY l3,20ll AT 7:30 P.M. (PREVIOUSLY DEF'ERRED FROM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD OCTOBER 7, NOVEMBER 4 AND NOVEMBER 18,2010) PUBLIC MEETING 7:30 p.m. - Graydon fteTening - Zonngby-law amendment applicationproposing the ¡e2sning ofproperty located at Part Lot 13, Concession 9, 56084 Talbot Line. Staff Report D20 1 0-3 I regarding Graydon Rezoning. File: D14 It was noted that the meeting regarding the Graydon property for rezoning purposes has been further deferred until January 13,20Il at7:30 p.m. No persons in attendance indicated an interest or signed the attendance sheet. 7. 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit report for month ending November 30, 2010. File: P10 2010-506 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "TIIAT Building Permit report for month ending November 30r 2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #9594 to Cheque #9671inclusive, except Cheque #9192 totaling $144,458.66 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending November 28, 2010, 201 0 totalin g $91,994.7 4. 20t0-s07 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #9594 to Cheque #9671inclusive, except Cheque #9192 totaling $144,458.ó6 and Payroll l)isbursements for the period ending November 28,2010 totaling $91,994.74 be approved." CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated November 16,2010 from Long Point Region Conservation Authorityregarding"2011DraftLPRCABudget". (deferredfromDecember2,2010) File: 416 Page 6 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 12 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 2010-508 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Long PoÍnt Region Conservation Authority 20ll Draft LPRCA Budget be received for information; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports the LPRCA budget and the proposed Municipal levy as presented.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Correspondence dated November 5,2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Appointnent of Board Representative - Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management". (deferuedfrom December 2, 2010) File: Cl2 2010-509 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT correspondence from Township of Malahide be received; AI\D THAT Tom Southwick be appointed as Board Representative and Wayne Casier be appointed as alternate Board Representative to the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management.ff CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Correspondence dated November 23,2010 from County of Elgin regarding "Replacement of Member on the Elgin County Land Division Committee". (deferred from December 2, 2010) Flle: Cl2 In regard to Land Division Qsmmi6ee, it was noted that any individual may submit comments to the Committee in support of or against applications. 2010-510 Moved by Councillor Vy' Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT correspondence from County of Elgin be received; AND TIIAT Brent Stewart be nominated for consideration to fill a position on the Elgin County Land Division Committee." CARRIED I.]NANIMOUSLY (e) Correspondence dated November 26,2010 from Lpn Acre regarding "Appointment to Elgin Municipal Association". (defenedfrom December 2, 2010) File: C12 2010-51 I Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick PageT of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 13 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 ''THAT correspondence from Lynn Acre be received; AND THÄT Leann Walsh be appointed to the Elgin Municipal Association." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Joint Cemetery Board draft minutes of meeting held November 23,2010. File: C06 2010-512 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick ''THAT Joint Cemetery Board draft minutes of meeting held November 23r20l0be received; AND THAT the request for Council to set aside $10,000 for upgrades to inactive cemeteries be considered during the 2011 budget deliberations." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) Correspondence dated November 30, 2010 f¡om Sean Hurley regarding "abandoned garage in Vienna". File: Cl3 It was agreed that staff have the building secured to ensure it is not a safety hazard. Costs may be added to the tax roll. It was noted that there is no funding for rehabilitation of Brownfields, however, the province may forgive thei¡ tax portion (education). Staff were requested to investigate the process necessary in order to have the building demolished. 2010-513 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick 'TTHAT correspondence from Sean Hurley regarding abandoned g r^ge in Vienna be received; AND THAT staff investigate the process to demolish the building." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (h) Memorandum C2010-09 regarding "Volunteer Awards". File: M02 2010-st4 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Memorandum C2010-09 regarding Volunteer Awards be received; Al\ÍD THAT Stan Rushton be nominated for the Ontario Volunteer Service Award.tt CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY Page 8 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 14 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 (Ð StaffReport PW2010-17 regarding "Waste Recycling Strategy and Integrated Waste Management Plan". File: Fll 2010-515 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report PW2010-17 regarding Waste Recycling Strategy and Integrated Waste Management Plan be received; AND THAT the contract for the development of a Waste Recycling Plan for the municipal blue box recycling program be awarded to 2cg Waste Management ConsultÍng Services Inc., at a total cost of $44,850.00 (plus applicable taxes), subject to the approval of the Township of Malahide and the Municipality of Central Elgin as partnering municipalities. AND THAT subject to the approval of the Township of Malahide and the Municipality of Central Elgin as partnering municipalities 2cg Waste Management Consulting Services Inc. be awarded a contract in the amount of $15,000 for the development of an integrated Waste Management Plan, with the Municipality of Bayham's share being 1/3 of the total costs. AND THAT Council appoint two members of Council, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, and two staff, Kyle Kruger and Gerry LeMay, to the joint steering committee for the projects." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (t) StaffReport L2010-02 regarding "Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2011". File: L5.1 2010-516 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier I'THAT StaffReport L2010-02 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2011 be received; AND THAT the 2011 Municipal insurance program be obtained from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. in accordance with the offer to renew dated December 12,2010.' at a total premium of $105,744 plus applicable taxes." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (k) Request for discussion regarding "Mapping Concerns". The Administrator advised that an applicant is responsible for costs associated with the implementation of the Boundaries Act. If the Act is initiated by the Director, the province could pay or the Director can award costs, it is not automatic. Involvement of the road authority would include the County of Elgin. It was agreed that staff re-circulate infomration and what it takes to initiate the Act to Council. Page9 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 15 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 2010-517 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THÄT Staff bring back information in regard to an application under the Boundaries Act and what it takes to initiate the process." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (l) Request for discussion regarding "Port Burwell Harbour". Councillor Southwick requested re-opening of habour divestiture discussion with the Federal government. The Administrator advised that staffhad recently met with Small Craft Harbours representatives and that a report will be provided for an upcoming Council meeting. He said the report would include confidential information and would need to be discussed in closed session. It was suggested that all divestiture options, including divestiture to a separate entity, also be considered. It was noted that the Harbourfront Committss is looking at harbour maintenance options. MOTION TO EXTEND LENGTH OF MEETING 2010-518 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT in accordance with Section 12 of Prodecural By-law 2002-93, Council shall deal with business until 12 a.m. at its meeting of I)ecember 16,2010." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) Verbal updated regarding "Richmond Water System". The Administrator provided an update on the status of the Richmond water system. He noted that the high sodium levels are not regulated by the Clean Water Act however, the Health Unit would support fuIl or partial treatment of the sodium at the source. At least partial treahent to reduce sodium must be done. If treaünent is provided for at individual households, a permanent advisory would be put in place. Treatment at the source (option 1) would cost $63,000 to install. Option 2 at individual households (under the sink) would cost $2,000 per household. The Environmental Assessment process would be followed, basic information provided, options, capital and operating costs identified, and public comments received through a public meeting. It was suggested that water samples from the well be made available. Staff was requested to arrange a public meeting in January. Page 10 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 16 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 11. COMMITTEE OF'THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2010-519 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an rfln Camerat' Session of Committee of the Whole atllz2í p.m. to discuss: o labour relations or employee negotiations; o litþation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board." CARRIED T'NANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 18, 2010. (c) Confidential correspondence regarding labour relations or employee negotiations - public complaint. (d) Confidential report regarding litigation or potential litigation, Property Standards Enforcement - Unlicenced Vehicles 48 Strachan Street. (e) Out of Camera. 2010-520 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 11:55 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2010-521 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT staff rescind the current tÍckets issued to Mr. Redsell and suspend all current enforcement activities that are ongoing with by-Law 2002-091' THAT Council review how by-laws are enforced (pro-active or on complaint) and what issues constiture a violation in Bayham's Yard Maintenance By-Law; AND THAT Council direct staff to complete a technical review of By-Law 2002- 09." CARRIED LTNANIMOUSLY Page l1 of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 17 of 159 Council Minutes December 16,2010 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2586-2010 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 7A56-2003 (Peters) 2010-522 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor 'TTHAT By-Law 2586-2010 be read a firsÇ second and third time and fÏnally passed.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) By-Law 2010-1ll A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 20t0-s23 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "That confirming By-Law 2010-111 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 2010-s24 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwi TTTHAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 12:00 4.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 12 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2010. Page 18 of 159 Greetings to Mayor Ens, Deputy Mayor Taylor, Councillors Casier, Ketchabaw, and Southwick, Staff Members and Audience Members. Myname is Shelley Scott and I have come to you as a concemed member of the Richmond CommunityWater Inc. 'We arc at the start of aNew Year and has anything changed or been decide.d with regard to our situation? No. This situation is critical to the members of our community. We are being charged $152. bi-monthly and we have nothing to indicate what this charge is covering. With the New Year come added expenses for the water users. We are not only responsible for the amount the Municipality charges but also the approximately $380. annual fee to cover expenses already incurred to meet requirements of the Ministry of the Environment. It is my understanding that there are members who are in arrears to the system approximately $7,000. (not including arrears to the Municipality). 'We were of the belief that the Municipality would be providing members with an up-to- date report and we have received nothing. As far as we know this money could be going towards snow removal or street repairs for StrafFordville. Before this rate was established was there not a report made by staff with estimates of what expenses were expected ie a budget? Any Board receives a written report as to how the budget is proceeding do you not? You are in control of our system and we, as owners request a written report for the year 2070 be provided to each and every member by the end of January. I was personally at the final council meeting for Mayor Lynn Acre and at that meeting the Richmond'Water was discussed. What happened to the suggestions given at that time? I would further like to request that the Bayham Council hold a meeting with Stantec, representatives of the Ministry of the Environment and the members of the Richmond Community Water at the Municþal Building ¿Ìs soon as possible to advise us what is going to be done to resolve this situation. There has been a well drilled at the pump house site that to my understanding has high levels of sodium (which is not meeting M.O.E. standards) and this was a cost to the system of $10,000. or more and is only a step in added expenses. Again, this information has only come by the rumor mill, not a rqlort from the Municipality. Is it true? \ilhat steps are being taken? We need to know. W'e expect council to provide us with a date for the meeting I have requested by the end of the month. Thank you for your support and efforts on our behalf. 7:50 p.m. - Shelley Scott regarding "Richmond Water"Page 19 of 159 Page 20 of 159 - Alcoholand Gaming Gommission of Ontario 90 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 200 Toronto ON M2N 044 Commission des alcohols et des jeux de l'Ontario 90, avenue Sheppard Est Bureau 200 Toronto ON M2N 044 ÈÒ ) rt/lUNIOIP,qLITY ÛF SAYHAM November 30, 2010 Her Worship Lynn Acre Mayor, Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lY0 EÜE DEC Dear Mayor Acre, Thank you for your letter of November 4,2010 regarding the licensing process for penny auctions held undet abazaat licence. The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for administering the lottery licensing system in Ontario, in partnershíp with municipalities. As such, the AGCO establishes lottery licensing rules and policies through Terms and Conditions and the Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM). When possible, the AGCO provides administrative relief to the licensing process for licensees and municipal licensing authorities, which was a stated goal of the 2005 Modernization of Charitable Gaming lnitiative. However, the AGCO must achieve balance between administrative relief and the appropriate levels of accountability required to maintain the integrity of the lottery licensing regulatory framework. The LLPM details lottery licensing rules and policies in detail, and is updated semi- annually to reflect changes made to the lottery licensing framework. A review of the LLPM is currently undenruay, and the updated version will be released to municipal licensing authorities in winter 2011. The concerns you expressed in relation to the licensing procedure for small penny raffles held under abazaar licence will be taken into consideration during the review and update of the LLPM. Thank you again for writing, and please feel free to contact me directly a|416-326- 3137 if you have any further questions in this regard. Sincerely, Frank Cuda Manager of Gaming Registration, Lotteries Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 21 of 159 R HURON EAST MUNICIPALITY OF HURON EAST P.O. Box 610,72 Main Street South, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 Tel: 519-527-0160 Fax: 519-527-2561 www.huroneast.com J ack M cLac hl an, Cl etu-Admi n istrator j rm cl a ch I a n @h u ro n e a st. com Brad Knight, Trcasurer-Finance Manager bkn i g ht@h u ro n e a st. co m December Ith,2010. E DECl¿ c/Õ M U N l0lFêqtliY ti F li,li'ijÄflfr RE: Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Pennv Sales We wish to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence to the AGCO Head Office regarding lottery licence requirements for local penny sales. This matter was referred to Huron East Council at their Inaugural meeting held December 7Th,2010. As a result of the information provided and Council discussion, the following motion was passed. It was duly moved and seconded: That Council of the Municipality of Huron East support the Municipality of Bayham in their request to the AGCO Head Ofirce for amendments to the current regulations to ease the administration on lottery licence requirements for local penny sales. Motion Carried. Trusting this action of Council will be of assistance. If we can provide any funher assistance in regards to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours truly, nn:L/ !": Ë Municipality of Bayham, PO Box 160,9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontari o. NOJ lYO Attention: Mayor Lynn Acre J. R. Mclachlan, Clerk-Administrator. JRMja Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 22 of 159 5 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 61 3-968-6481 FAX 613-967-3206 169 FRONT STREET BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO K8N 2Y8 DE[. t t 4-¿o l\{ U l,iitii.',41; ; ir iiF [i¡ì ill.{i{;,¡i RE:Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales 8.c.4.f. Belleville Citv Council Meetino. December 13. 2010 Please be advised that at the Council Meeting of December 13, 2010, Council passed a resolution to "receive" your correspondence. To "receive" means Council will take no fufther action regarding this matter and your correspondence will remain on file with the City Clerk's Department. I trust this is sufficient. C. Oram, AMCT, CMO r of Corporate Services/City Clerk JCO/nh @itl ot TßeLLebiLLt December 16,2010 Mayor Lynne Acre Municipality of Bayham PO Box 160, 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ '1Y0 Dear Mayor Acre: Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 23 of 159 DEC-16-eØ1Ø L4t41,From: LAØ7473Ø767 Pasett/t TOWNSHIP OF GILLIES RR#l, l0e2 Hr¡ry. 595, Kakabêke FaltÊ, ontario PoT 1w0 Tel: (807) 475-3185 . Fax (807) 473-0767 E-Mail: qillies@tbavtel.net . www.qilliestownshío.ca Reeve; Rlck Kieri ClerkfTreasurer: Karen Caren December 16, 2010 ACGO Head Office Licensing and Registration Branch 90 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 200 Toronto ON MzN 044 Dear ACGO: Councillors: Rudy Buitenhuis William Groenheide Henry Jantunen L I o LindaTurk At the regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Gillies held on December 13,2Q10, Gouncil passed the following resolution: Resolution 201O/,192: Moved by William Groenheide Seconded by Henry Jantunen BE lT RESOLVED THAT that the Councilfor the Township of Gillies hereby endorses the resolution of the Municipality of Bayham respecting an amendment to Bazaar L¡cense requirements to exempt small local penny auctions, or alternatively to allow an overall declaration of total prize value, iather than a detaíled listing of every pr¡ze and value ín order to obtain a license. CARRIED Sincerely, Karen Garen Clerk-Treasurer cc Municipality of Bayham Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 24 of 159 Tel: December 10,2010 6648 Road 506 P.O. Box 97,Plevna, Ontario KOH 2M0 (613) 479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953 Fax: (613) 479-2352 www.northfrontenac.ca Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road Strafford, ON NOJ 1YO (to M U Nlü IF¿1 i lîy åi,r g,rr i'l{,q t¡i Attention: Lynn Acre, Mayor Dear Ms. Acre: RE: Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales At our most recent Council meeting, December 9,2010, Council of the Township of North Frontenac passed the following Resolution to support a Request for Support made by your municipality; Moved by Gouncillor Hunter, Seconded by Councillor Good #640-10 BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac supports the Municipality of Bayham in suggesting the AGCO amend the Bazaar Licence requirements to either exempt small local penny sales entirely, or in the alternative, an overall declaration of total prize value only be required to obtain a licence; AND THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Municipality of Bayham; AGCO; Scott Reid, MP and Randy Hillier, MPP Carried lf you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, Brenda Defosse Clerk BD/tmm c.c. Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Scott Reid, MP Randy Hillier, MPP Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 25 of 159 DEC/20/2010Æ0N 05:43 Plr,f Township Rainy River F,{)( No, 807 852 3553 PO Box 488 201 Atwood Avenue RainyRiver, ON PO1M ILO MOT-ICN MOVED P, 002/002 Office Phone: (807) 852-3244 Clerk Phone: (807) 852-3978 Fax: (807) 852^3553 Email: rainyriver@tbaytel.net 'Wcbsite: www.rain¡rivcr. oa Qza DATE: December 13.2010 MOTION: 10-235 "That the Town Council of the Town of Rainy River-hereby supports the Municipality of Bayham in seeking amendments to the Bazaar Licence requirements to either exempt small local penny sales entirely, or alternatively, requiring onJy a.u overall declaration oftotal prize value to obtain a licence." SECONDED BY ABSTAIN AYES NAYES B. ANDERSON G. ARMSTRONG D. EWALD G. MARCHUK M. MCALÍSTER CARR|ED ,/ DEFEATED ve.NC)'7 R OR ACTING MAYOR in the heart of Ontario's Sunsct Couatry Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 26 of 159 Corporatíon of the County of Essex Oftìce of the Director of Councíl ServìcedClerk Mary S. Brennan,8.A., C.M.O. Direaor of Council Semìces/Clerk December 20,20LO Via email: bayham@bayham.on.ca Ms. Lynn Acre, Mayor Municipality of Bayham PO Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOl 1Y0 Dear Ms. Acre: Re: Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales The following resolution was adopted by Essex County Council at their December 15, 2010 meeting: 32O-1O Moved by Mr. Fazio Seconded by Mr. Meloche THAT Essex County Council support the resolution from the Municipality of Bayham. --CARRIED Yours truly, 'h'lan^y ß^J-^''^') (l Mary Brennan, Director of Council Services/Clerk MB:sw Attachment cc: AGCO Head Office, Licensing and Registration Branch, 90 Sheppard Ave. E., Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M2N 044 360 Fairview Ave. West, Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6 - (519) 776-6441 Ext. 335 - Fax (51 9) 776-4455 TTY 1 -87 7 -624- 4832 - E-mail : m bren nan@countyofessex. on. ca Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 27 of 159 87 John Street Soulh, Aylmer, Ontorio N5H 2C3 Telephone: 519 -7 7 3-5344 Fox:519-773-5334 www.mqlohide.co A proud trddit¡on, a brightfuture. December 22,2010. Municipality of the Township of Bayham, P. O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO Dear Sirs: RE: Penny Sale Requirements. ,l¡:i\l At its regular meeting held on December 16,2010, the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Malahide enacted the following resolution: THAT the letter from the Municipality of Bayham to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) request¡ng the amendment to amend the licensing requ¡rements for penny sales be supported; AND THAT a copy of this resolut¡on be forwarded to the Municipality of Bayham, MPP Steve Peters and the AGCO office. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE \nA&â". *,J-Ð-- M. CASAVECCHIA, D.P.A., C.M.O., CMM III Ch ief Adm inistrative Officer/Clerk Copy - MPP Steve Peters - AGCO Head Office MtcHEr-rE M. CASAVECCI{tA Chief Administrotive Off iceriClerk rncosovecchio@molohide, co susAN E. wttsoN Director of Finonce swilson@molohide.co Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 28 of 159 TOWNSHIP OF ENNISKILLEN 4465 ROKEBY LINE RR#1 PETROLIA! ONTARIO NON IRO PHONE (519) 882-2490 Duncan McTavish Admi nistrator-C lerk/Treasurer Mike Cumming Road Superintendent Mike Young, Public works Water O.R.O./Sewer FAX (s19) 882-3335 December 23 2010 J¡qru - 4 Ztil Mayor Lynn Acre Municipality of Bayham Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Dear Mayor Acre, Re: Lottery license requirements- Local Penny Sales The Council of the Township of Enniskillen passed a resolution at its meeting of Decembet 22 20t0 supporting the position of the Council of Bayham requesting that small local lotteries be exempted from the lfU¡Jtt¡F,.jiít ì, Ff i 'ib ,¡,.,, |-..- t ,.; requirement of a license. Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 29 of 159 Township of Mapleton 16, P.O. Box 160, Drayton, ON NOC 1P0 . Fax: 519-638-5113 . Toll Free: 1-800-385-7248 www.mapleton.ca Efi JAI'I MUüf ÛlFÅt lîï¡ t f Ûíi'íl'å'4';t¡1 Dear Sir or Madame: RE: LOTTERY LICENCE REOUIREMENTS - LOCAL PENNY SALES Ptease be advised at the December 14th,2O1O Township of Mapleton Council meeting, the following resolution was carried: "THAT Mapleton Township Council hereby supports Municipality of Bayham's correspondence dated November 4, 2010 in regards Lottery Licence Requirements for Local Penny Sa/es' AND FURTHER THAT the Municipality of Beyham be notified of our support." Attached for your convenience is a copy of the correspondence Council reviewed. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the office. Regards, 7275 Sideroad Phone: 51 9-638-331 3 December 21,2010 Municipality of Bayham P.O Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville. ON NOJ 1Y0 Úfu'w zn/o-c,,y.-- Barb Schellenberger Deputy Clerk Encl. Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 30 of 159 THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKLE LAKE RESOTUTIOiN December 14,2010 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT Council for thè,/Township of Pickle Lake hereby agrees to support the Mr:nicipality of Bayhaur's suggestion thatBazaar Licence requirements be amended to either exempt small local penny sales entirely, or in the alternative, an overall declaration oftotal prìze value only be required to obtain a licence; AND FIIRTIIER TIIAT a copy of this resolution be sent to our MPP, AGCO and Municipality of Bayham- CERTIFIED COPY TOWNSHIP OF PICKLE LAKE DECLARATION OF INTEREST DISPOSITION OF' RESOLUTION Responses regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales" from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Page 31 of 159 Page 32 of 159 S AolSubject: AMO breaking news (1) re Stimulus deadline extension TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE CLERK AND COUNCIL December 20,2010 New lnformation on Stimulus Deadline Extension: What Proponents Need To Know and Do As AMO has reported previously to members, the governments of Canada and Ontario have agreed to extend the infrastructure stimulus deadline to October 31, 2011. The deadline extension is available for all projects in four infrastructure stimulus programs including: the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund; the Building Canada Fund Communities Component Top-Up; the Recreational lnfrastructure Canada/Ontario Recreation Program; and the Knowledge Infrastructure Program. Canada and Ontario have published additional information to help Ontario proponents understand how to request an extension. In order to receive an extension, it is mandatory for proponents to submit a written request for an extension with supporting documentation no later than Januant 17. 2011. However, there are a number of criteria projects must meet in order to qualify for the extension. All proponents with unfinished projects will be receiving a lefter with more detailed information from the Ganada-Ontario Joint Management Gommittee Ghairs. To find out if your project qualifies for the extension and for more information on what you have to do, please visit the Ministry of Infrastructure's website: http://moi.oov.on.calen/infrastructure/stimulusdeadline.asp. PLEASE NOTE AMO Breaking News will be broadcast to the member municipality's council, administrator and clerk. Recipients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff as required. We have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast lists in order to ensure accuracy and efüciency in the management of our various broadcast lists. DISCLAIMER These are final versions of AMO documents. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record. Correspondence dated December 20, 2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Stimulus Deadline Extension". Page 33 of 159 Page 34 of 159 -J FCM*"'xfitÈ*. JAN-1 ,- ¡--¡ A Joint Messagefrom Infrastructure Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities RE: New Deadline for Completing Infrastructure Stimulus Projects Since the 2009launch of the Economic Action Plan (EAP), the Government of Canada has committed funding to thousands of municipal, provincial and territorial infrastructure projects across the country. This temporary funding was designed to keep Canadians working and boost economic activity to help the country recover from the global economic crisis. Together, the federal govenìment, provinces, territories and the FCM have built a stimulus partnership that has helped municipaiities put federal stimulus dollars to work in their own communities. As a result, federal stimulus investments are improving municipal roads, bridges, water systems and hockey rinks across Canada, and municipalities are co-funding projects that will create tens of thousands ofjobs. Two years after its launch, the stimulus investments have had a tremendous impact. Canada's economic recovery is leading the way among G8 countries. FCM members, along with provinces and territories, are reportingthat the vast majority of their EAP projects are on schedule. However, some projects are facing challenging circumstances. To support its partners, the federal government recently announced an extension to the completion date for infrastructure projects from March3l,2}ll to October 31, 2011. The extension will give municipalities an additional construction season to finish projects and turn stimulus dollars into jobs. The extension applies to projects under four EAP programs: the lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund (ISF), the Top-up to the Building Canada Communities Component (CC Top-up), the Knowledge lnfrastructure Program (KIP) and the Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program (RInC). FCM and other partners had called for flexibility on the completion deadline, to ensure that municipalities and other recipients would have time to finish the small percentage of projects that are running behind schedule. The deadline extension is the federal government's response to this request. Mtiilllll ür B;IYt'|AM l2 Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding "New Deadline for Completing Page 35 of 159 FC M åît*gt,åL iãî'ffi^[È,s* The federal govemment will work through provinces and territories to manage the extension. To qualiff for the extension, municipalities will be asked to provide some information about their project and meet a few basic conditions. To qualiff, your projects must be underway and a claim for eligible costs incurred prior to March 3l,20ll must be submitted. The federal government will not provide funding for any work that is not completed prior to October 3l,20lL You can find more information about the conditions of the extension at www.creatingiobs.gc.ca, or by contacting your provincial/territorial govemment. The deadline extension will continue the economic benefits of the work underway in your community. As the funding has already been set aside and committed to these projects, there will be no additional costs to taxpayers. The extension simply allows some extra time to finish projects and continue putting stimulus dollars to work in the economy. The deadline extension is a responsible approach that is good for the economy, good for communities and good for Canadians. FCM and the federal government look forward to continuing to work together through the successful completion of the stimulus plan and into the future. ú-efu Chuck Strahl Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Hans Cunningham President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding "New Deadline for Completing Page 36 of 159 s Aol trtñtTAFrttrt G¡CICItr' F¡CIAtrIS¡ ASE¡CrCrATrCtñr 6355 KENNEDY ROAD, UNIT 2 MISS{SSAUGA, ONIAFì}O Lsf 2L5 TELEPHONE 90s-795-2555 FAX 905-795-266'0 wwvr.ogra.orgil¡, Êth o í0" /lf oa to ø a í'tte,r December 21,2010 To the Head & Members of Council: Re: Report of the OGRA Nominating Committee The OGRA Nominating Commiftee met on December 21,2010 and recommended a slate of candidates to the Board of Directors. The Board ratified the report as presented. The recommended slate is as follona: The following cunent Boards members do not have to be re-elected to the'Board and willautomatically assume the following positions effective March 2,20'11: Northern Zone Rick Champagne, Councillor Townshio of East Fenis John MacEachern, Mayor Townshio of Manitouwadqe SouthwestZone Tom Bateman, County Engineer County of Essex John Parsons, Division Manager, Transportation & Roadside Operations Citv of London Joanne Vanderheyden, Mayor Townshio of Strathrov-Caradoc South Central Zone Damian Albanese, Director, Transportation Division Reqional Municioalitv of Peel Doug Beffort, Councillor Town of Caledon Southeast Zone Craig Davidson, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Municipality of Hastino Hiqhlands Steve Desroches, Gouncillor Citv of Ottawa Jim McDonell, Mayor Townshio of South Glenoarrv Toronto Robert Burlie, Manage¡ Road Operations Citv of Toronto Mark Grimes, Councillor Citv of Toronto Correspondence dated December 21, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Report of the OGRA Nominating Page 37 of 159 President - John Curley, Councillor, City of Timmins 1s V¡ce President - Alan Korell, Managing Director/City Engineering, City of North Bay lmmediate Past President - J. Paul Johnson, Operations Manager, Coun$ of Wdlington The above willserve on the 2011-2012 Board of Directors making a total of 15 on the Board. The above slate of candidates will be ratified at the Annual Conference to be held in February, 2011. lf any municipal member would still like to put their name fonrard for a position on the Board of Directors they must fill out and return the attached Nomination Form. All nominations must be posûnarked or received by fax or e-mail no later than January 21, 2011 and sent to: Eric Rutherford, Chair Nominating Committee 6355 Kennedy Road Unit 2, Mississauga, Ontario LsT 2L5 Fax 905-795-2660E-mail: info@pqra.oro Please be advised that if any additional nominations are received by the deadline noted that an election will be required at the ROMA/OGRA Gombined Gonference. Any questions regarding the Nomination process or serving on the Board of Directors can be directed to the undersigned at ioe@oora.oro. Yours truly, J. W. Tiemay, Executive Director c. Eric Rutherford, Chair, Nominating Committee Correspondence dated December 21, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Report of the OGRA Nominating Page 38 of 159 C'NTAFIICl G¡CIC'Þ HCIAÞE Ag9ClclAllC'N 6355 KENNEDY ROAD, UNIT 2 MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO LsT 215 TELEPHONE 90'79$2555 FÆ( 905-79S2660 NOMINATION/GONSENT FORM Please Prínt Gandidate lo¡ 2011-2012 OGRA Board of Directors Name Position Municipality Nominated by Name Position Municipali$ Seconded by Name Position Gandidate's Consent Municipality Gandidate's Signature Date This form must be received by fax 905-795-2660, e-mail (info@ogra.org) or mail to Unit 2, 6355 Kennedy Road, Mississauga, Ont. LsT 2L5 to the attention of Eric Rutherford, Ghair of the Nominating Committee, by 4:00 p.m. on January 21,2011. Correspondence dated December 21, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Report of the OGRA Nominating Page 39 of 159 Page 40 of 159 - ì, 2i!;i Dear ltead and Memben of Council Thanks to atl of our PITCH-IN ONTARIO MUNICIPAL Pafticipants for 2010! Addison,AilsaCraig,Ajax,Alexandria,Alliston,Almonte,Amherstburg,Amherswiew,Ancaster,Angus,Ariss,Amprior,Athens,Atikokan,Aurora,Bala,Balmerton,Ba ncroft,Banie,Barryleây,Bayfield,Beamsville,Beardmore,BelleRiver,Belleville,Blenhelm,BlindRiver,Bloomfield,BlueMountains,Bolton,Bonfield,Borden,Bowm abogie,CaledonEast,Caledonia,Callander,Cambridge,Campbellford,Cannington,CarletonPlace,Garlisle,Cavan,Chapleau,Charing Claremont,Clinton,Cococonk,Cobourg,CoeHill,Coldwater,Cornwall,Cottam,Courice,Creemore,DeepRiver,Delhi,Delta,Dorchester, nchurch,Dundas,Dutton,Egbert,ElkLake,ElliotLake,Elora,Embrun,Emsdale,Englehart,Erieau,Etobicoke,Fauquier,Fergus,Fishervil anoque,êardenRiveCGarsin,Georgetown,Georgina,Glenbumie,Gloucester,GoldenLake,Gravenhurst,Greenwood,Grimsby,Guelph,Hageæville,Haliburton, Hamìtton,Hampton,Hanover,Hartington,Hawkestone,Hearst,Hillsdale,Hollandcentre,HollandLanding,Huntsville,lgnace,lngersoll,lnnisfil,lroquois,Kapuskasing,Kemptville,Kenihyorth,Kenora,Keswick,Kettleby,Killaloe,Kincardine, r,Langton,Lansdowne,Lasalle,Lea ñrington,Lindsay,Lisle,Listowel,London,Longlac,Lucan,Madoc,Magne ,Marathon,Markdale,Markham,Mar mora,Mattawa,Maynooth,Merrickville,Metcalfe,Midland,Mildmay,Millgrove,Mil ley,MountAlbert,MountForest,Mur¡ll o,Nepeen,NestorFallsNewHamburg,NewLiskeard,Newcastle,Newmarket,NiagaraFalls,Nipigon,Norland,NorthBay,NorthYork,Oakville,Omemee,Orangeville, Oriliia,Orieans,Oro,Osgoode,Oshawa,Ottawa,OwenSound,Pakenham,Palmerston,Pads,ParrySouird,Pembroke,Penetanguishene,Pe¡th,Peterborough,Petr olia,Pickering,PickleLake,PointEdr¡¡ard,PortCarling,Portcolborne,PortElgin,PortLambton,PortPerry,Powassan,Prescott,Queensville,RainyRiver,Ravenna,R edRock,Redóridge,Renfrew,Richmond,Richmond,Hill,Ridgeway,Ripley,RiverValfey,Rockwood,Rodney,Russell,Samia,SaultSteMarie,Savantlake,Scarborough,Schreiber,sãar'orth,shannonville,ShantyBay,shelbume,siouxLookout tCatharin ei,StQharles,StGeorge,StMarys,St.Thomas,Stella,Stirling,Stittsville,Stone ter,Tema gami,TerraceBay,Thámesville,Thombury,Thorndale,Thornhill,Thomton,Thorold, ton,Trout óreek,Union,Uníonville,Utterson,Uxbridge,Vaughan,Verner,Vic{oriaHarbour,Walford,Walkerton,Warkworth,Warminster,WasagaBeach,Waterdown,Waterfor d,Waterloo,Wawa,Wellesley,WestLorne,Whitby,WhiteLake,Whitney,Willowdale,Windsor,Woodbridge,Woodstock,Woodville,Wyoming, Join in PITCH-IN Week 2011 and get your commun¡ty on the list of clean, and green commun¡ties in Canada! Graffitti? Overflowing dumpsters? Littered paths and sidewalks? lllegaldump sites? All of these are signs of a community in need of a 20 Minute Makeover! Just one of the many activities of PITCH-IN Week! Get involved and support the volunteers in your community who participate each year by becoming a Municipaf Patron and utilizing all of PITCH-IN ONTARIO's resources. How can your commun¡ty become involved?o One way is by becoming e Patron* of PITCH-IN ONTARIO. o Register your community in PITCH-IN Week at www.pitch-in.ca after January 15,2011 o Hold a 20 ilinute Makeovero Kickoff your activ¡ties with a Fastest Broom Contest o Hold a Litter Audit - see how your mun¡cipal¡ty can become more carbon neutral. With continued ft-nancial support and ¡nvolvement by Ontario municipafities we wili truly make our prov¡nce the THE CLEAN AND GREEN ONTARIO that we are so proud of! Help us continue to help your PITCH-IN volunteers ! Become a Patron* of PITCH-IN ONTARIO today ! "The City's involvement in PTTCH-IN CANADA Week, Opention: Clean Sweep, is a benefrt to the community as it prcvidel assr.sfance in city-wide ctean-ups, builds upon Communities In Bloom initiatives and promotes envi¡onmental'awarcness. Thís enhances both the u¡ban and natural environment and develops a strcng sense of community pride and rcsponsibility. The estimated value.. of our PITCH-IN volunteerc' houts in 83¿10,000 to 8612,000." Sandra Knnc, City of Oshawa. *Patron fees are populat¡on based - see overl PITCH-IN ONTARIO.... VOLUNTEERS ,,V ACTION!! Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Operation Clean Sweep regarding "Pitch-In Ontario". Page 41 of 159 Fr+dø THE COST OF BEGOMING A PATRON OF PITCHJN The cost is dependent on your communig's oooulation. That makes it fair for all and enables even the smallest villages or hamlets to become a patrcn. . Population of your Community 1-500 501 - 1000 1001 -2500 2501 - 5,000 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 25,000 25,ü1 - 50,000 50,001 - 100,000 100,001 - 250,000 250,001 - 500,000 500,00ûÈ Patron's Fee $125 $175 8225 $ 350. $ 425. $ 5ı0. $ 675. $ 750. $ 1250. $ 1500. $ 2o@. November 0!) PATRON APPLICATION Name of Community.... Mailing Address.... Cityffown/Village ...............Province/Tenitory ............. Postal Gode Telephone () .........;.................... Fax () Contact Percon Email Communit¡lts Website nnrrn . Population taken from (year) .........census Amount of Fee Enclosed (see cnarlfar applicable nte) We nd an invoice. Our Purchase Order Number is ............... .. (please athch PO) Send this Form to: PITGH{N CANADA National Offi ce, Box ¡l50ll, Ocean Park PO, WHITE ROCK BC, V4A 9L1 Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Operation Clean Sweep regarding "Pitch-In Ontario". Page 42 of 159 ú{E ßEf,t':EçIlS Of ßEIr\fE A"Alß,ontof "IICH-1x{ clean up and beautify your neighbourhoods eduente about the- impoñance of indivíduat rcsponsibility for taking care of their environment un&ñake projects and campaigns enæunge prc+ycling, and living by the 4 R's tifestyle tefuse, reduce, teuse, and recycle pafticipate attyear ¡ound in projects that save your Council money and invests in your communi{s futurc o o accests to Patron Secure Section of the PITCH-IN vrebsite to download free materials/ aCCestS tO PatrOn SecUre SeCtion o1 the Pl I UH-IN Vì€DSIê Io oownpao Tr€,e matelrarÜ includingo d-etailed Action + Communications Plan for PITCH-IN CANADAWeek o Communications and Action Plan for The 2ùMinute Makeover o The Civic Pride Program, a comprehensive, vear-round, litter control and waste management program (manual, workshop materials, DVD, use of logo, etc...) / rþht to use thl P|TCH]Ñ trademarks including the PITCH-IN, CIVIC PRIDE and The 2G Minute Makæver logosr' purchase the orfficial SEMAINE PITCHJN WEEK flag at a reduced price of $75./ free registration in the The NationalCivic Pride Recognition Progrcm r' youroommunity listed and linked on the PITCHJN CANADAWebsite as a { äcce"s to p[CH-lN CANADA staff as you desþn local litter control + beautification programs *For Your Local Volunteerc: to free PITCH-IN Week garbage/recycling bags for volunteers (must apply by March 15)* Ènsure tlat pifCruru Week can continr¡e as a reEource for your community groups, so they receive dear recydingbagsand theyellow waste removal bags! you mþht also want to clreck otf hese other PITCH{N CANADA materials and programs for your statr, yqir Council and the volunteers in your community, all available as FREE downloads ftom pitch4n.ca. eæActive Schools. Green Shopper. Shoreline Cban-up. Fastest Broom Contest ( a great kick-offfor PITCH-|N week!). Tra$h-A-Thons. Pollution Counts. ReTHINK Educational Unit. Posters, colouring Books, Adion Projects brthe Environment 2010 Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Operation Clean Sweep regarding "Pitch-In Ontario". Page 43 of 159 TO SEND THE REGISTRATION BE PROCESSED. PLEASE FORM IN WITH YOUR PATRON APPLICATION TO Title l. Email(print CLEARLY pleasel) Name (MrlMrs/Ms) Organization Name STREET DELIVERY ADDRESS: Delivery Address Village/Town/City_ Province Postal Code Tel:(Fax:( ) I 2. lnformation about YOUR Organization: Number of people who will partioipate in your campaign (this information is very important as it assists us in deciding how many free materials to send you) 3. Are you organizing any environmental education activities?(p/ease tick yes or no) Ql Yes n No ! ll yes, please tick off below: (check off as many as apply) 01 ! Litterless Lunch Program 06 tr Planting - trees/flowers 10 D Green Shoppèr Program 07 E Poster Contest 11 tr Pollution Counl 08 ! Stream Restoration Project 12 | Cell Phone Rdcycling Program 04 tr Hab¡tat Restoration Projec't 09 tr Display(s)13 tl Energy Conseruation Prog. 05 ! SpeakerA/ideo/Presentation 14 ! Other (pls describe in box below) Please provide brief description of the educational projec(s) above, including DATES: (use separate sl¡eef if required - we like to leam about your activities so fhaf we can pass along ideas onto others! We love pictures, but they cannot be retumed). Date(s): Details: (use separate sheet if reqd) 4. ffill you be organizing a clean-up event? (please tick yes or na) Q2 Yes ¡ No ! lf ¡res, please tick off area(s) you plan to clean-up: (chec? off as many as apply) 01 tr Sehoolyard 05 n Sh.orelineM/atenray 09 n Wildlife/Conservation Area 04 [ Ravine 08 D Cemetery/Churchyard '12 D Other (please spec¡fy)_ Date(s) of your Glean-Up Profec(s)? Please prov¡de more detaìls about your clean:up pro¡ec(s): (use separate sheef if requircd - we like to leam about your activities so ffiaf we can pass project ideas onto others! We love pictures, but they cannot be rctumed) 5. Are other schools/sectionsfunlts/organlzations/clubs involved ln your campalgn? Yes tr No tr lf YËS": LIST ALL SCHOOLS/SECTIONS/IJNITS/ORGANIZATIONS/CLUBS, OTHER THAN YOUR OWN, who are participating, We want to recognlze everyone for their contributionl Please attach separate cheet ff necessary. Please do not include recalled groups. lf you wish to dlscuss coordinating grouBs please contact l-isa Davis, Program Manager at lisa@pitch-in.ca 02 Il Recycling Project 03 n Composting Project 02 n Neighbourhood 06 | HighwaylRoad 03 t ParldPlayground 07 ! Business 10 tr Tra¡l 11 tr Sports Fields Correspondence received January 4, 2011 from Operation Clean Sweep regarding "Pitch-In Ontario". Page 44 of 159 ROI ñY$+i..ffÈrA*o 5653 Highway # 6 N, R.R. # 5, Guelph, ON N1H 6J2 Phone:519-826-4?O4 Fax: 519- 826-4208 info@ruratonta rioinstitute.ca www.rura lonta rioinstitute.ca November 30, 2010 Kyle Kruger Administrator Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road PO Box 160 Straffordville ON. NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mr. Kruger, We would like make you aware of a community leadership development program currently available through the Rural Ontario lnstitute - Sfeps to Leadership. A limited number of local delivery opportunities can be supported by a partnership with us over the next two years and we are looking for potentíal host organizations across all regions of rural Ontario. ln an effort to raise awareness and connect with potential interested partners please direct the enclosed information to the most appropriate staff member or committee of Council so they may consider the opportunity. The relevance is broad so it could include those who may be working with community partners to build leadership, improve community engagement or those seeking to establish broader partnerships with volunteer organizations in your community (e.9. the Economic Development, Leisure Services committee or Youth Council). It is not necessary that the municipality act as the lead partner for Sfeps fo Leadershþ, so please feel free to pass this along to other organizations you believe may be interested. lt is our experience that this program is most successful when the municipality and organizations such as the Community Futures Development Corporation, United Way, or Federation of Agriculture work together to support the program in their area. Sfeps to Leadership - is a three-tiered suite of leadership development sessions created specifícally with rural Ontario communities in mind. There are both core and customizable components. One important feature is the engagement of existing leaders in local organizations who work with a paid coordinator to deliver the program. There is a community investment required to make the program successful and the total cost is offset by a considerable subsidy from the program itself. Please find enclosed program information with more details. lf you have questions feelfree to call Alicia Evans, Project Manager- Leadership Programs, Rural Ontario lnstitute at 519-826-4204. Correspondence dated November 30, 2010 from Rural Ontario Institute regarding "Steps to Leadership Program" Page 45 of 159 This suite of programs WILL enhance and build the skills of leaders within your community. We encourage you to consider it as a worthwhile capacity building tool for your municipality. Your help in getting this information to the appropriate individuals within your community is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Rob Black Chief Executive Officer Rural Ontario lnstitute Ú-Au'6Q-Òa-- Alicia Evans Project Manager Rural Ontario lnstitute Correspondence dated November 30, 2010 from Rural Ontario Institute regarding "Steps to Leadership Program" Page 46 of 159 Building Strong lndividuals to Build Strong Rural Communities Seeking Community Partners! lf you want to build strong leaders in your rural community consider becoming a partner with Steps to Leadership. We are currently seeking partnerships with 8 local organizations representing ruraI communities/ regions from across Ontario. What is Steps to Leadership? Steps to Leodership is a package of three leadership programs that devetops leaders who are setf-aware, strengthens their innate and learned abilities, and engages them to take action for positive change in their organization or community. The three program components in Steps to Leadership are: Step Up to Leadership - 25 young adutts (ages 1 6-25), 18 hours - inspirational and empowering workshop where young adutts learn to recognize their leadership abitities and potentiat, discover their passion, are inspired and empowered to take action in their community, and devetop a personal leadership ptan for action. This workshop is delivered by the wortd renowned youth organization, Me to We Leadership. LeodingEdge: FirstSteps - 25 participants (al[ ages), 18 hours - a series of core and optional modules focused on persona[ leadership devetopment (understanding more about your setf as a leader, your interpersonal and conftict styles, learning how to work in groups, decision-making with facititation skilts, presentation skitts). These modutes are delivered by leaders from within your own community. Leading Edge: Next Steps - 25 participants (at[ ages), 18 hours - a series of core and optionaI modules focused on community leadership development (exploring what makes a heatthy community, understanding community development, analyzing your community, community strategic planning, gaining community support, youth engagement, partnerships and collaborations). These modules are delivered by leaders from within your own community. Participants can choose to take part in one, two or all three of the Steps to Leadership components. At the end of the program between 25 and 75 individuals in your community witt feel and be more resourceful, setf-aware and community aware Correspondence dated November 30, 2010 from Rural Ontario Institute regarding "Steps to Leadership Program" Page 47 of 159 leaders. They witt have a plan and a record of reftection to guide future leadership choices. How do I access the Steps to Leadership program package? To bring the Steps to Leadership program package to your community or region the fottowing is needed: . A lead partner organization or sponsor within the community. A community investment of 510,000 The lead partner organization wi[[ also commit to finding a quatified [oca[ coordinator who witl be paid and trained by the program (assistance with finding the coordinator is availabte) and bringing together a Steering Committee made up of individuals from sectors representative of the community (to assist the coordinator). What do I receive as a community partner? Our community partners receive the fotlowing: . A paid, trained [oca[ coordinator to administer the program elements. Facilitators and finances for meals and accommodations for the participants in the Step Up to Leadership component. Al[ program curriculum, materials and professional instructors' fees for the Leading Edge programs. Project marketing and communications to attract participation and engagement. Project administration support (online registrations, ongoing guidance for the Local Coordinator and Steering Committee) How is the Program Funded? Steps to Leadership is a collaborative initiative of the Rural Ontario lnstitute, 4-H Ontario and Foundation for Rural Living with funding provided in part by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricutturat Adaptation Councit. The entire program package, including the three program components, project administration, marketing and outreach, is valued at over S40,000:. 57.5% (over $23,000) from Steps to Leadership. 25% (51O,OOO¡ from the community investment. 17.57o (57,OOO¡ from the participant registration fees How to Apply We witl be accepting four community partners in 2011 and four community partners in 2012. We are looking for a range of types of lead/sponsoring organizations from various parts of Ontario (regional initiatives are encouraged). lf you are interested in Correspondence dated November 30, 2010 from Rural Ontario Institute regarding "Steps to Leadership Program" Page 48 of 159 being a partner, ptease submit a brief expression of interest to Alicia Evans at aevans@ruratontarioinstitute.ca. Decisions regarding the finaI community partners for 2011 and 2010 witt be made by the Steps to Leadership Steering Committee following the closing date. The closing dates for the expressions of interest are: 2011 intake - Friday, March 11,2011 2012 intake - Wednesday, November 30,2011 Please feel free to contact Aticia at any time to discuss how you can bring Steps to Leadership to your community. Aticia Evans Project Manager Steps to Leadership 519-826-4704 aevans@ru ralontarioi nstitute. ca www. stepstoleadershi p. ca "Our lvlission Statement is 'to improve lives and build community in Chatham-Kent '. Steps to Leadership provided an excellent opportunity for us to fulfill our mission. One gentleman who attended the second session was recruited to our Board of Directors and another young woman who participated in both sessions joined our fundraising committee and is now co-chairing our 2010 United Way campaign! We are very pleosed to hove been approached to partner with ROI on the Súeps to Leadership progrom, and are |ooking forward to co-hosting the program again next yeer." Karen Kirkwood-Whyte Executive Director, United Way of Chatham-Kent Correspondence dated November 30, 2010 from Rural Ontario Institute regarding "Steps to Leadership Program" Page 49 of 159 Page 50 of 159 Notice received December 15, 2010 regarding "ROMA/OGRA 2011 Delegation Request". Page 51 of 159 Page 52 of 159 _) MUNItrIPAL PREPERTY ASSESEiMENT GORPORATIEN December 9,2010 To: From: Subject: All Heads of Council Ontario Municipalities Dan Mathieson Chair, MPAC Board of Directors 2010 Enumeration Update As the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's (MPAC) new Board Chair and as Mayor of the City of Stratford, I certainly appreciate the importance of the Enumeration products and services provided by MPAC during an election year. I would like to take this opportunity to provide new and returning members of municipal council with an overview of MPAC's activities undertaken in support ofthe recent elections. Based on consultation with municipal stakeholders followingbhe2006 Municipal Enumeration, MPAC made a number of improvements to its Enumeration processes for 2010 including an increased focus on sharing information with municipalities and improving the quality of our Enumeration products and services. Central to MPAC's Enumeration activities is the delivery of the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) and Voter Notification File (VNF) to municipalities across Ontario. As required by legislation, the PLE may only contain the names of those individuals who meet the following eligibility requirements : o 18 years ofage (as ofelection day); o Canadian citizenship; and. . ownership or occupation of property within the jurisdiction, or the spouse of such. In preparing for our 2010 PLE/VNF delivery, MPAC took a number of steps to confirm and improve elector information, including: o a datamatching process with the National Registry of Electors (NROE) to populate statistical information (i.e., more than 900,000 date of birth updates), identiffing deceased individuals and confirming citizenship for 1.2 million individuals; o targeted mailing of approximately 2.4 million Municipal Enumeration Forms (MEF) which included all households with one or more individuals with unconfirmed citizenship and those properties where a match was not found with the NROE; Office of the Chain c,/o Municipal Property Assessment Cot'poration 13O5 Pickering Pankway, Pickering, ON L1V 3P2 f:519.271.0250 ext 236 F: 9O5.831.OO4O www.mpac.Ga Fonm No LH4OOIA Correspondence dated December 9, 2010 from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "2010 Enumeration Page 53 of 159 All Heads of Council December 9,2010 Page2 of3 website materials explaining the importance of retuming MEFs including an interactive form, video and frequently asked questions; outreach to tenant associations to increase awareness and encourage the return of MEFs; and, o participation at conferences, Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario election and Enumeration training sessions and one-on-one visits with municipal staff working on Enumeration. The MEF was updated in 2010 to include a simple three (3) step process with instructions on how to complete and return the form to MPAC by the deadline of June 1,2070. The changes we received through returned MEFs were processed and included in the PLE provided to municipalities. Unfortunately, returning MEFs to MPAC is not mandatory and many forms were not returned or returned late. Any changes contained in the late forms could not be included on the PLE/VNF or the Exceptions File and Exceptions File and Elector Differences Found Report (EDFR) delivered to municipalities. Confirming citizenship was central to our efforts this year. As mentioned earlier, we undertook a data matching process with the NROE to confirm citizenship. ln addition, of the 2.4 million MEFs mailed this year, approximately 808,000 forms were specifically mailed to households with one or more unconfirmed citizenships. Any updates we received through this mailing were reflected on the PLE. However, it should be noted that the return rate for these 808,000 forms was25%io. Changes to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, made it possible for MPAC to offer variable PLE/VNF delivery date options to municipalities this year. These dates were later than the previous delivery date of July 3l in an election year. The new delivery date option and an Election Day scheduled two (2) weeks earlier than previous years created an opportunity for the 2010 Voters' List to contain more timely information. The timeliness of the data contained in the 2010 PLE was also impacted by changes resulting from property sales and occupant moves that traditionally peak in the suÍlmer months. We update our tenant information through our annual Tenant Information Program for multi- residential properties with seven or more units. The updates we received through this program were provided to municipalities through an EDFR provided to municipal clerks in September. The MunÌcipal Elections Act, l996,permits the Municipal Clerk to make further revision to the PLE provided by MPAC. The PLE, along with any additional changes made by the Clerk, then becomes the Voters' List. Provincially, the EDFR delivered to Clerks in September provided: Office of the Chair" c,/o Municipal Pnoperty Assessment Cot"ponation 13O5 Pickening Parkway, Pickering, ON L1V 3P2 T:519.271.0250 ext 236 F: 9O5.831.OO4O wwwmpac.Ga Fonm No LH4OOZA Correspondence dated December 9, 2010 from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "2010 Enumeration Page 54 of 159 All Heads of Council December 9,2010 Page 3 of3 o approximately 320,000 additional names; o 220,000 deletions; and, o 190,600 changed records (includes mailing addresses, school support, etc.). Following the elections in October, our focus has now shifted to processing Voters' List revisions from municipalities. Direction from the Govemment requires that municipalities provide MPAC with all revisions 30 days following the election. We are committed to processing these Voter Revision Forms by the legislated deadline of March 37,2011. 'We are also continuing our outreach to municipalities with the delivery of the Municipal Status Report - Enumeration. Delivered to Municipal Clerks across Ontario in November, this report provides key Enumeration metrics at both the provincial and municipal level. We remain committed to sharing information with you and answering any questions that you may have. If you do have questions about our Enumeration activities, including the 2010 PLE/VNF, please do not hesitate to contact your local Municipal Relations Representative, Greg Martino, Director, Valuation and Customer Relations, Residential and Farm Properties at 905 837-6243 or I 877 635-6722, extension 6243 or Arthur Anderson, Director, Municipal Relations, at 905 837-6993 or 1 877 635-6722,extension6993. Yours truly, Dan Mathieson Chair, MPAC Board of Directors Copy MPAC Board of Directors Carl Isenburg, President and Chief Administrative Officer, MPAC Paul Galaski, Vice-President, Valuation and Customer Relations, Residential and Farm Properties, MPAC Arthur Anderson Greg Martino Municipal Relations Representatives, MPAC Municipal Liaison Sub-Group, Elections Municipal Clerks Office of the Chair c,/o Municipal Property Assessment Cot'ponation 13O5 Pickering Parkway, Pickering, ON L1V 3P2 f:519.?71.0250 exb 236 F: 9O5.831.OO4O www.mpac.ca Fonm No LH4OO2A Correspondence dated December 9, 2010 from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "2010 Enumeration Page 55 of 159 Page 56 of 159 ê ( oê Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce Meeting of December 7 ,2010 Location: Schooner's Galley, Port Burwell Minutes Present Doug Lester, Cheryl Lester, Liz Underhill, Katþ Gregson, Ron Bradfield, Bonnie Bradfield, Brenda Martin, Mike Hawley, Bob Lozon, Nancy Lozotr, Sherry Hetherington, Earl Shea, Ian Almond, Brenda Almond, Peter Murray, Pattie Steip, Jeff Taylor, Allan Spicer, Jan Collins, John Pederson, Mike Garry, Frank Voth, Jim Hevenor, Peggy McBain, Rainey Weisler, Rick Weisler, Trish Huber, Nancy Row, Am Row. Guests: Carol Nichols, Russell Blaise, Tom Southwick, Eva Southwick Regrets: Lynn Acre, Ron Flick, Mayor Paul Ens Welcome of members and guests. Ferry Update from Russell Blaise Doug Lester introduced Russell Blaise as the owner of Lake Erie Ferry Inc. and asked him to give a brief update on his efforts to set up aferry from Canada to the U.S.A. Russell informed the group that he is still confident that he can establish a viable Ferry Service. He now hopes to travel from Poft Burwell to Conneaut, Ohio. Doug thanked Mr. Blaise for his presentation. Doug returned to the regular agend4 however, Ron Bradfield asked to return to the ferry discussion and introduced the following motion: Moved by Ron Bradfield, Seconded by Allan Spicer- "That the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce endorses the proposal by Lake Erie Ferry (Captain Russell Blais) to establish a cross Lake Erie Ferry from Port Burwell Harbour to USA. And that the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce forward this resolution to the Municipality of Bayham Council and request the Municipality of Bayham to take the lead role in promoting the proposal for this Cross Lake Erie ferry to MP Joe Preston, MPP Steve Peters, and the surrounding municipalities of Malahide, Aylmer, Tillsonburg, Ingersoll, V/oodstock and the Counties of Elgin, Oxford and Norfolk. And that the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce forward copies of this resolution to the Aylmer, St. Thomas, Ingersoll, Woodstock and Tillsonburg Chambers of Commerce requesting their support" This led to a lengthy discussion that involved the CPCS study, Chamber purpose, notice of motion, reminiscence regarding Port Burwell's former affluence, and whether it is appropriate to support a specific business proposal versus a business concept. In the end, the motion was tabled until the New Year by a vote of l1 to 5. Approval of Minutes Adoption of November 2,2010 The spelling of Danielle needs to be corrected. It was moved by Brenda Martin and seconded by Bob Lozon that the minutes from the November 2,2010 meeting be accepted with corrections. Motion carried. Treasurer's Report Doug reported a bank balance of 3,989.22. He handed out the report detailing the income and expenses from November 30 to December 7 ,2010 and discussed the contents. It was moved by Liz Underhill and seconded by Jeff Taylor to accept the Treasurer's report. Motion carried. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held December 7, 2010. Page 57 of 159 Report from Nominating Committee The recommended slate of Officers and Directors for 201I are: President - Rainey Weisler; Vice President - Lynn Acre; Secretary/Treasurer - Earl Shea; Member Emeritus - Ron Flick ( Ron will be entering year two of the newly defined 2 year term) Directors that will be beginning a two year term are Tom Benner and Jeff Taylor. Directors entering the second year of their term are Frank Voth and Brenda Martin. Mike Hawley will be continuing in the role of recording Administrator with some added financial and banking responsibilities. Any member can be nominated for a position up until 3 days before the next meeting and must have the support of 3 members. Comments from outgoing President, Doug Lester Doug commented that tonight's discussion has been quite lively. Doug would like to thank everyone for the challenges that the position brought and the friendships and encouragement that came with them. The OVCC has helped the North and the South work together and it was only possible through everyone's participation and a willingness to take the high road to support the area and not just ourselves. All Chambers are unique and the OVCC has come a long way in a short period of time. The most important goal of the Chamber is to encourage networking between the members and provide recommendations for fellow businesses. Doug thanked Katþ Gregson for hosting the Chamber meetings. Doug presented Kathy with a book on Elgin's history donated from Mayor Paul Ens. The common purpose is to keep the Chamber moving forward and everyone here should be proud to be a member. Other Items Jabez Therapy Ranch will be holding a fundraising dinner January 27ú atschooner's Galley from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Please join them. Door prize donations will be welcomed. For more information or to donate a door prize call519-874-1168 The Historical Society's event will be at 7:00 pm March 19,201I at the Parish Hall in Port Burwell where author Steven Duff will speak about his book Hunter of Dreams. This book tells the story of the work of abolitionist Alexander Ross in bringing American slaves to freedom in Canada. Mr. Duff will be reading a passage from his book describing the landing of fugitive slaves in Port Burwell about 150 years ago. Tickets will be available from historical society members. Door prize donations will be welcomed. Jan Collins mentioned the Christmas activities in the park on December I l. Doug Lester will send out a separate email with the details. There will be a public forum in Vienna at the Old Town Hall January 19,2011 to save the building. Adjournment Moved by Ian Almond that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Meeting adjoumed at 8:0lpm. Next Meeting Tuesday, January 4,2011,7:00 p.m. at Schooner's Galley in Port Burwell. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held December 7, 2010. Page 58 of 159 5 c06 Municipality of Bayham Emergency Management Program Committee Minutes Meeting Date: December 14,2010 Location: Municipal Office, 9344PlaÍkRoad, Straffordville Attendees: Gord Roesch, Chairperson / Fire Chief / CEMC Kyle Kruger, Adminishator Lynda Millard, Clerk Paul Ens, Mayor 'Wayne Casier, Councillor Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk Ed Roloson, Water /'Wastewater Superintendent Adam Swance, Water / Wastewater Operator Call to Order: 10:25 hrs. Purpose of Meeting: CEMC reviewed the purpose of the meeting as being to review Emergency Response Plan and identiff areas that require improvements. Review of Meeting Minutes: The minutes of November 24,2008 were distributed and reviewed. The 2009 minutes had not been located at the time of this meeting. It was discussed that certain suggestions and required improvements brought forward at the meeting of 2008 were still outstanding and will be addressed. Review and Post Exercise Review: EOC Kits: Members identified various items missing from the kits. CEMC requested members review the individual roles and advise additional items to be included in kits. Kits will be updated and stored in the EOC cabinet. Timeline for feedback is to be by the end ofJanuary, 2011. EOC Telephone Testing: Emergency landlines are not currently in operation. CEMC explained the current process for activation of lines. CEMC committed to discuss more ideal arrangements with telephone service provider and to explore alternate telecommunication arrangements. FAX: It was identified that a dedicated fax line for emergency purposes would be abeneficial tool. CEMC committed to investigate. Computer Testing: CEMC identified the importance of computer access in the EOC as being necessary to get messages out and required information in. Administrator Kruger outlined issues with the present computer system in the EOC. Radio Testing System: The system was tested earlier in the day by the CEMC and found to be working well. Emergency Management Program Committee minutes of meeting held December 14, 2010. Page 59 of 159 Outgoing Faxes: The Clerk advised faxes were sent, however responses were not received in the requested manner. It was again noted that an additional fax line would be beneficial. Other Items: Mayor Ens suggested an intemal contact list be included in the binder. CEMC committed to include an updated list of Municipal staffcontact information. Mayor Ens also noted contact numbers for other municipalities appear to be out of date. CEMC advised staffis currently in process of updating contact information. EOC Setup & Layout: The current EOC setup and layout was discussed. CEMC described alternate setups that may be more appropriate. An updated floor plan is to be prepared and inserted in each box. The need for additional phone lines was identified with a line designated for each major department along with lines designated for extemal agencies. CEMC committed to discuss options and costing with telecommunication service providers. IJazarll and Risk Identification Review: CEMC reviewed hazard and risk assessrlent as outlined in the binder. Members were asked to review and suggest amendments as appropriate. Critical Infrastructure Review : CEMC noted the Critical lnfrastructure appears to remain the same. Nothing new has been added at this point. Emergency Response Plan: CEMC outlined items to be addressed due to recent changes in provincial requirements. The updated Emergency Response Plan will incorporate changes as per the current Provincial Doctrine and will be available to mernbers in 2011 for comment. Training 20l0l20llz This exercise covers the required training. CEMC requested all members advise individual training completed along with future training requirements felt to be beneficial. CEMC committed to provide list of additional training available. Public Education and Awareness Program - 201012011: CEMC advised current process for Public Education which will continue for 2011. Open Discussion: CEMC advised a review and update of Community Committee members is required and will take place early in 2011 followed by an annual update to maintain current. The role of the Head of Council after an emergency is declared was discussed. Meeting Adjourned: 11:10 hrs Emergency Management Program Committee minutes of meeting held December 14, 2010. Page 60 of 159 ) Bayham Harbourfront Committee MINUTES Held at Municipal Office, 9344PlankRoad, Straffordville, Ont. December 14,2010 7:00 pm Present: Brenda Martin, Ron Bradheld, Ron Flick, Ray Talbot, Barry Wade, Doug Lester, Craig Gregson, Mark Taylor. Regrets: Heinz Vogelsang, Also Present: Lynn Acre, Ed Bradfield, Kyle Kruger, Tom Southwick Guests: Glen Underwood Call to Order: The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None At this time Doug Lester disclosed that he is moving to Aylmer in January. His home in Port Burwell is on the market. Once it sells, he will no longer be a Bayham ratepayer. He asked that this be kept in mind when new committee members are being appointed. Approval of the Minutes Canied. Dredging: BACKGROUND HISTORY On Aug.10 Bayham submitted a proposal to DFO to dredge to 8 foot depth, specifically for Project Ojibwa. In Sept. a meeting was held with DFO, MNR & EMM to discuss. Bayham was told that a full, written proposal was needed prior to approval. Specifics requested are the type of dredging, depth and details of disposal of dredgate. Bayham has already completed sampling within harbour and creek. DISCUSSION A written estimate from Ross Dudley, based on depths that we gave, totals $393,300.00. ( Outer harbour $128,800 + Pier area$147,200 + creek area $117.300) Ron Bradfield knows of a company from the New Brunswick who claim to be able to suction dredge for less than $8/cubic metre, which includes cost of moving in and out. FINANCING OPTIONS Dundee Energy needs a full business plan, including cost of regular maintenance, who will do the maintenance, training costs, insurance etc., before they will commit funding. There is still a strong possibility of partnering with Central Elgin to purchase or hire a dredge. ACTION For 201 1 the priority will just be to dredge enough to satisfu Dundee Energy. Kyle Kruger will prepare a formal proposal for this scope of work, with assistance from the committee, and submit to DFO for approval. (o ¿ 1. ) J. 4. Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held December 14, 2010. Page 61 of 159 5. 2 If DFO requests more detailed engineering or fisheries questions, council will be requested to hire Brian Riggs to finish the proposal. It was noted that DFO will require council's commitment to finance this dredging before they will approve. Regarding the purchase of our own suction dredge, it was decided that for 2011, someone be hired to complete the work. ln the meantime, we will estimate the amount of material needed to be removed for annual maintenance, and then prepare a dredging plan with costs for council's budgeting process. Grants \ilorkgroup Update: Glen Underwood reported that there is a March deadline for a Trillium grant. It was decided to apply for the Cabana, resurfacing the pier and sculptures. It was noted that Elgin Business Resource Centre just announced $2 million for economic development projects. Barry Wade volunteered to investigate the qualifications. Pier Engineering Analysis: C.Demyere Assoc. has just submitted a draft report complete with estimates and "phasing in" options. After Kyle has submitted comments, the final report will be sent. Other Business: Project Ojibwa [Ipdate: Lynn Acre reported that Hettle Marine in Hamilton have now submitted written quotes for the new scope of the business plan, which includes barging the sub all the way from Halifax. Kyle Kruger reported that the f,rrst meeting with EMM and staff was held on Dec.13 to discuss possible lease arrangements. b) Downtown Revitalizatìon opportunities:Barry v/ade reported that he will invite a professor from Fanshawe College to attend the next meeting. Adjournment & Next Meeting Date: It was moved bv Ron Bradfield and January 11. 2011 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal office. Motion Carried. 6. 7. 8. Chairperson Secretary Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held December 14, 2010. Page 62 of 159 _5 Thinking beyond the box Stewardship Ontario BAYHAM, MUN ICIPALITY OF P.O Box L60 Straffordville QC NOJ 1YO December 17,zOtO I Í',t ii David Merriman lnterim Executive Director, Waste Diversion Ontario www.wdo.ca RE lndustry funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2010 Program Year Dear Mayor and Members of Council: packaging and printed paper companies, represented by Stewardship Ontario, fulfill their responsibilities to fund 50%of the net cost of the residential Blue Box recycling program by making cash payments to municipalities on a quarterly basis. Stewardship Ontario and Waste Diversi are pleased to enclose the first quarterly payment for the 2010 program year. The total payments distributed to municipalities in this quarter exceed St0 mill¡on. For the 2010 program year, Stewardship Ontario will distribute a total of 565.6 million in cash to Ontario municipalities on behalf of the companies that are responsible for packaging and printed paper under the Blue Box Program. This brings the total cash payment from industry to municipalities to 5310.1 million since the program began in 2004. ln addition to the direct cash payments, municipalities benefit from other linked support programs. The first is "in-kind" advertising space made available annually by Ontario daily and community newspapers that are members of the Canadian Newspaper Association and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association. ln 2010, these newspapers are making available 5t.+ million in advertising space, which has been allocated to municipalities throughout the province. Since the launch of the program, advertising space valued at about 5tt mill¡on has been dedicated to promoting local municipal waste diversion programs. ln another linked program, Stewardship Ontario continues to work with municipalities to complete projects that receive financial support under the Effectiveness and Efficiency (E&E) Fund and its successor, the Continuous lmprovement Fund (ClF). These funds serve our shared interest in achieving continuous improvements in the performance of Ontario's renowned Blue Box recycling system. By providing direct support to municipalities for recycling and with the additional initiatives to help municipalities explore and implement efficiency opportunities, municipal taxpayers and consumers of printed papers and packaging enjoy continued access to convenient recycling opportunities. To find out more about these programs, we invite you to visit the websites shown below. Sincerely, Å"*6ú Gemma Zecchini CEO, Stewardship Ontario www.stewa rdshiponta rio.ca Correspondence dated December 17, 2010 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry Funding for Municipal Blue Box Page 63 of 159 Page 64 of 159 :.' INSIDE a: . .:' Board of Management ': ' EECC Staff Listing and Pro{ìle . . Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities -,., Facility Rentals ,t:, Ice Rentals :.1 Show it Offfor Skate Canada Contest ':,1 Trivia Contest ',:. Program Hours Youth Day Camp 5 Speed Skating 6 JumpStart Skate A Thon 7 2010 Family New Year's Eve PartY I FOR MORE INFORMATION EAST ELGIN COMMUNITY COMPLEI 531 Talbot Street Wast Avlmer. Ontario N5H 2T9 Phone: (519) 773-5631 Fax: (519) 773-5755 tklacha n @ eastelsincomm u nitvconr Plex.ca www. eastelginco mm u n itvcom plex.ca Administration Office - Business Hours Mondav to Fridav 8:30a.m. to 5:00p.m. To book the fac¡l¡tv or make an ¡ce rental, contact the East Elsin Communitv Comolex durinq Adtt1hlEtlqUg! Office - Business Hours. Methods of pavment accepted: c VISA, MasterCard, American Express tast Elqin Communitv Complex - Holidav Hours Admin¡strat¡on Office December 24. 2010 - Closed at 1 1:00a m December 25 2010 - Closed December 26 2010 - Closed DeÇembet 27 2010 - Closed December 28, 201 0 - Closed December 31 , 201 0 - Closed at 1 1 00a m January 1, 20f i - Closed Januar):2011 Closed B u ¡ldin g December 24, 201 0 - Closed at 1 1 004 m December 25, 2010 Closed December 26, 2010 Closed (Open at 6:1Op m for Aylmer M¡not Hockey Assoc¡aiion Reunion Game & Dance) December 31 2010 - Closed at 1 1 004 m (open at 6:00p,m for Family New Year's Eve Parfy) Janlary 1,201'l Closed January 3, 201 1 Closed - Open at 5:00p m for regular evening rentais 'W onlerfu t T xy er í.enc e s... The East Elgin Community Complex is an integral part of the AYlmer and Malahide communities. Our clean and well kept facility is the home of the annual Canada DaY and Family New Year's Eve celebrations, which are very successful events and attract thousands of visitors to our area. The Complex also provides several spofts and recreational opportunities, as well as other community oriented activities for our residents. Through the continued cooperation and comrnitfilent between the Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide, we look forward to many more wonderful experiences in the coming years. Respectfully, ful-øry lFrencfi Past Board Chair futur e Oyl artunít íe s... As we close out another year, it's great to reflect on our past successes, while looking fon¡vard to future opportunities. Over 120 regular customers chose the East Elgin Community ComPlex for their summer ice rentals and programs. Both the local community and patrons from other commun¡ties have enjoyed our programs and events. with the popularity of our rental skates, we have recently added '11 pairs! Staff are busy preparlng for the 7th Annual Family New Year's Eve Party and the many tournaments and competitions on the schedule. We welcome back the competitors of the LloYd Ogilvie Memorial Synchronized Skating Competition. An estimated 1,000 skaters will invade our community in January! Looking forward to 2011 Íheresa I{facñan General Manager 'The only way of ftnding the lirni¡.s of the possib/e is going beyond them into the impossible". Arthur C. Scott C o tutptLx Ì{ n ws DECEMBER 2oto OÍIiciul Nctvslefter./'or fhe Ecr Elgin Communifi' Complex East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 65 of 159 Page 2 Compfex J{ews BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Pete Barbour Jim Jenkins Scott Lewis Arthur Oslach Mike Phillimore, Chairman Todd Sprague, Vice Chairman Paul Toth STAFF Theresa Klachan Generol Monoger Ken Nesbitt Chief Operoto r I Leo d H o nd Michael Kingswood Foc¡l¡ty OÞerctot Il jamie Benner Focilíty Operotor ll Gerard Hartel Focility OÞerotor I Dillon Learn Port Time Operotor Todd Sawyer Port Time OÞerctor Keith Orchard On Coll Operotor Dave Freeman Mointenonce Lisa Dahm Focility Coordinotor Leanne Feeney Progrom Coord¡notor Marg Smith Admissions Attendont The Complex hosted the Western Mustangs Men's Hockey Team vs. the Czech Republic U20 Hocl<ey Team game on September I l, 20 1 0. Meet One of Our Ken Nesbitt Stoff: Married to his wife Laurie for 28 years, Ken, Laurie and their daughters Stephanie and Kendra live in Bayham Township. Ken grew up in the Aylmer area and after graduating from East Elgin Secondary School, Ken attended Sir Sanford Fleming College in Peterborough. Ken has been employed with the Town of Aylmer since 199 l, working both at the East Elgin Memorial Community Centre and Town of Aylmer Parks Department. Ken enjoys the modern, multi purpose facility, with interesting activities that occur at the Complex. "You never know what event may happen next", says Ken. Although Ken's career finds him in an arena full time, he also spends his personal time in one, volunte-ering with the Tillsonburg Ringette Association and is this season's Tournament Chair. When not taking his girls to their sporting activities, Ken is an avid dragon boat competitor. Ken brings a wealth of experience to the East Elgin Community Complex overseeing the refrigeratìon plant and asiociated systems. Congiatulations to Ken and the Facility Operators on the excellent ice at the Complex! We receive many compliments from our customers on our ice conditions. Conestogo College Co op Experience CherylAbell The oldest daughter of Jeffand Laurie Abell, with two brothers, Cheryl grew up on her family farm in Malahide Township. CherTl attended Summers Corners Public School and East Elgin Secondary School and is now purluing her post secondary education in Recreation and Leisure Services at Conestoga College. No stranger to the Complex, Cheryl has played hockey with both Aylmer Minor Hocl<ey Associatión and B.A.D, Girls Hockey Assóciàtion and continues to play hocl<ey at Conestoga College. Cheryl has also experienced the event side of the Complex through catering with Belmont Town Restaurant. ln 20 10, Cheryl worked as a camp counselor at Onondaga Farms for the Tim Horton Children's Foundation. "l absolutely loved working for the foundation as a camp counselor. lt was a great experience and I met so many amazing kids and people", says Cheryl. Cheryl chose the East Elgin Community Complex for her co op placement because she wanted to learn more about a local recreation facility, programs offered and the administrative aspect of operating a facility. Cheryl has been a great asset to the Complex. With her infectious sense of humour, Cheryl has developed a wonderful rapport with customers and co worl<ers. We wish Cheryl the best of luck as she completes her program! Çorfl[vertising anl Oqry ortunitie s, contdct : ttltz.re s ø K[ac frnn (p) (s t Ð 7 7 3 -5 6 3 1 RinlcBoar[s - Ice fusarfacer - Score Cfocfu - Ice Logos - S?tecfut(Eoents: CønalacDal, Famiþ îtew (ear's (Epe EAST ELGIN COMMIJIIITY COMPLEX East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 66 of 159 BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT AT THE EAST ELGIN COMMUNITY COMPLEX The East Elgin Community Complex is available for Civic Receptions & Banquets - Meetings & Conventions Hockey Tournaments & Recreational Activities - Cultural & Entertainment Events Let us assisl you lo make your evenl a memorable one To bookyour petsonal oppo¡nlment to tour lhelacil¡ty and answer qll your questions, contact (5 I 9) 77 3-563 l lce Rental lnquiries (p) (srs) 773-s63L tklacha n@eastelgincom mu nitycom plex.ca To check ice availability, visit: www.eastelgincommu nitycomplex.ca TOURNAMENTS December 27 to 30,2010 March I 8 to 20, 20 I I March 3l to April 3, 20 I I TOURNAMENT February 4 to ó, 20 I I AYLMER SPITFIRES IUNIOR "C'' HOCKEY Cotch the Aaion... Home Games Saturday, December 18, 20 l0 - 7:30p.m. Saturday,January 15,201 I - 7:30p.m. Wednesday, January 19, 20 I I - 7l l5p.m. Srcurday, January 29, 20 I I - 7:30p.m. www,aylmersPitfires.com COMPETITIONS Lloyd Ogilvie Memorial Synchronized Skating Competition January 22 to 23,201 I Skate Canada Western Ontario High School Skating lnvitational March 8, 20 I I "SHOW IT OFF FOR SKATE CANADA'' GONTEST Top Prize-1 Day Skating Seminar with Kurt Browning Vote for Aylmer Skating Club @ www.skatecanada'ca 320 (voting closes December 31,20'10) TRIVIA Complete and submit to the EECC Administratlon Office by January 31, 2O1,1,for a door prize draw of one hour of free summer ice. Opening Day: Name of Arenas: Summer 201-1 lce Rental Rate: Game with Disks: Name of Program Coordinator: Name: Phone #: Email: Compfex 5fews Page 3 EÁ,ST ELGIN COMMT]NITY COMPLEX East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 67 of 159 GÐ For More lnformation: Phone: (51,9) 773-563L tklachan@eastelgincomm unitycomplex.ca aaaf aaarp Comrûunlttt Cornplat f Wl NTER 20 10-201 1- September 1, 201.0 to M arch 31. 20111 ner¡is ed x2tcr,tæ)rr ADDITIONAL PROGRAM HOURS: TIM I-{ORTONS FREE PUBLIC SI(ATING Decembêr 17,2010 5:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. TIM HORTONS FREE PUELIC SI(ATING December 19,2010 1:00p.m. to 2:30p.m. TIM HORTONS FREE PUBLIC SI(ATING Decêmbêr 20,2010 9:00a.m. to A1:00ã.m. 1:00o.m. to 3:00o.m. TIM HORTONS FREE PUBLIC SKATING December 2L,aOLCI 11:30a.m. to 1:30p.m. 2:45p.m. to 4:45p.m. TIM HORTONS FREE PUBLIC SI(ATING December 72,zOtO 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. 2:45o.m. to 4:45D.m. TIM HORTONS FREE PUELIC SKqTING December æ,2010 11:30a.m. to 1:30p.m. 2:45o.m. to 4:15Þ.m. TIM HORTONS FREE PUELIC SI(ATING January 2, 2011[1:00p.m. to 2:30p.m. PA DAY PUBLIC SI(ATING JanuarV 14, 2011 10:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. FAMILY SI(ATE J¿nuary28,ZOLL 5:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. FAMILY SKATE February25,20U.5:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. EASTUNK FREEMARCbI EREAK PUBUC SI(ATING March 14,2O1.1 10:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. EASÍLINK FREE MARCTI EREAK PUEUC SKATING March 15,2011 11:30a.m. to 1:30p.m. È¡{5IUNK FREEMARqI EI(EAK PUEUC 5I(ATIN¡G March 16,2011 9:00a.m. to lL:00a.m EASTLINK FREEMARC}I BREAK PUBUC SKATING March 17,2011 11:3ûa.m. to 1:30p.m. EASTLINK FREE MAREI EREAK PUEUC SKATING March 18,2011 10:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. FAMILY SI(ATE March 25,2û11 5:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. YOUTH DAY CAMP PROGRAM: Starting Septem be( 12, ?fLO January 16, 2011-JuFnpst6rt Sk6te A February 6 13 Maró 20 10:30a.m. to 1l-iæa,m. East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 68 of 159 it \'l'l,t-d,z< For more information or registration forms, contact: EAST ELGIN COMMUNIW COMPLEX (p) s1e-773-5631 (fl sts-773-s7ss wwr,rr.eastel gi ncom m u n itycom plex.ca Em a i I : ff eeney@ eastel gi ncom m u n itycom plex.ca EAST ELGIN CO}TNIUNITY COI\ÍPLEX East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 69 of 159 YoL'T F{ EASÍ EL6IA' SïffiTi r{ö FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT; East Elgin Community Complex 53L Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON NsH 2Tg (p) (sle)773-s63L (f ) (s1s) 773-s7s5 lfeeney@eastelgincom m u n itycom plex.ca www.eastel gi ncom m u n itycom plex,ca Ðevelopment of 'bøsic skøting skills'with a speed skating context. Will huild your skating ond improve your performance in any ice event. Sesslon:Thursday, January 6, 20l.L to March 3L,201L Cancelled: March 17, 207L 5:00p.m. to 5:50p.m. Srro (includes 510 OSSA Membership) 6 years + Timet Fees: Age: Try it Out: Monday, December 2O,ZOLO 5:OOp.m. to 6r0Op.m, Free! Mini Meet: Thursday, March 3t,2OtL 5:00p,m. to 8:00p.m, (schedule to follow) Program lncludes: Ll. week session - L hour ice time per week Mini Meet Session End Celebration Awards - Ontario Speed Skating Association pins Ontario Speed Skating Association Membership PROGRAM SPONSORS G EAST ELGIN Communítg Complex CANADA East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 70 of 159 Support Ecst Elgin Jumpslorl progrom by pcrticipoting in o Skqte-t¡-Thon fundrsiser, in order to help "give o child o sporting chance this New Yeor". Rqise pledges <rs qn individuol or in q €g group to don<rte to the locol Jumpstart Chopter. '. -..': : es lrrcltrrlr:: ttng .," C}^Ì lt) : .-.;ù,-.;Grancl prizc firr lltc top irr<livirlual and group .'., ' 'firndraiscrs .r' Ðoor Prizcs 'tt'Hot Cttocrllirtc i -' .-'' .'.. rt .-¡AcC l)iltlllllìg ¡ yuru lìrvtlrilc sllorts jcrscy <tl tcanl colors t<t I y,,rrr Spilit ol S¡grtl What is Jumpstart? ,;,.,' . Canad.ian Tire Jumpstart is a chæitable : ' - program that helps provide chjldrar ages 4-18 with a chamè'to participate in organized sports and recrealional activities:bi provicling fina¡Lcial assistance for registration and equiprt-rint costs Why Help? 'to date, 182 chjld¡en have been helped locally tluougþ.thii' program. Local firnding for children in the Aylmer, Mdshide and Bayharn commrurity, since, 2005 has reached $23r 75q, V/ithout the support of this : would miss out on the chance a¡rd recrealion. Sports and re healthy clevelopmørt of chldren in order Lo assist in q{ryI4g lile skills, self-esteem ancl confidence. ; -. .' PledgeForms are available atthe EastElgln Community Complex! Eosl Elgin Commun¡ty Complex 531 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, Ontario NsH 2T9 For more informolion contoct Cheryl Abell of: 519-773-5631 co bell@eo stelg incornnrunitycomplex.co i i ;-Þ ì,.=; 1 ' G> ÊA5f ELGIN tçmnuníta (ornpl+:i from the Canadian Tire Foundation for Families that helps kids in need partic¡paie in organized sporis and recreational activities like hockey, soccer and swimming. For more EAST ELGIN COMVIUNITY COMPLEX East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 71 of 159 Ð b .) -/.// ,/ /c loI-:"1 ( )¡eTe Th¿nli You to f)ur' Sponsors Kinsmen Arenq .?. t à:, < ::/ Public SkoÏing tRenlol skoles ore crvoiloble for $2/poir* .",l,rr*Q) gã"å- Ðqte: Ðeæmßø 3! ,2úîü 9ímø: (t:ûûpm t* 9:túpm Eostlink Areno F ¡ asl EA.rr Ëlå"þ I Ë*lfuÍ{ Dolsy the Clown & Friends . Vol the Snoke Lody Crofts & Cornivol Gomes . Foce PoinTing Collon Condy & lnfloloble's 531-f-albot St. \¡/est Aylmer, OtJ N5H 2T9 (P) s19-773-s631 (F) 5re-773-s7ss \¡vr \4'. ea Ste l g r n com m u n rtrTcom p l ex. ca lfeeney@eastelg i ncomnr u n itycom plex.ca a1' , .- $10.00 Per Fomily East Elgin Community Complex newsletter dated December 2010. Page 72 of 159 Cntaric Visual 4January2oll ', Ro' Dear t\^1* Pn*r E,^s I am writing to you to introduce you to the Living History Multimedia Association (IHMA) and an exciting project that is getting started in your area- The LHMA is a non-profrt organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of ontario's local history through educational à¿ "ot"rtri"i"g multimedia documentaries. The LHMA's onta¡io visual Heritage CountY, Norfolk Chatham-Kent, Ontario Visual Heritage project is completing The Land Bstween, which s¡amines the natural and cultural heritage of the transition zone between the canadian shield and the st. Lawrence Lowlands. You can check out these projects and more information on the website: www.vizualheritage'ca' The LHMA is pleased to announce its newest project Rural Raids and Divided Loyalties - Southwestern Ontario and the War of 1g12. This 3-part dócumentary series will tell the little-known story of the devastating American raids upon a large'ly undefended 9pp"r canadian peninsula (now southwestem ontario) in the waning days of the war of lsl2 ;d the lasting etrèıts these raids h¡ upon the area's inhabitants' The LHMA is working with many of the muserrns ana m:unicipalities in Southwestern ontairo, from Windsor to Hamilton, to produce this series. The LHMA has received an $85,000 grant from the ontario Trillium Foundation and additional ñrnding from the following sources for this project: the sand Ptains community Development Fund, Windsor-Essex Tourism, Chatham-Kent Tourism Middlesex n- County, Br +L^ rr-, Fanshawe pioneer village, Norfolk Militia, the King's company 1812 Re-enacÙnent souP, the upper Thames Military Re-enactnent ıciety, and the Western Corridor War of 1812 Bicentennial Alliance' TheLHMAwilbeannogncingthisexcitingprojectatamediaeventonTuesday,January 11û,2011,at 10:30 anr at Eldon House Museum (481 Rideout street North) in London- we are grateful for the support that we've received from organizations-and mrrnicipalities in Southwestem Ontario, and are "".y **"it"d about b.ingng this unique and worthwhile project to life' Karen Dearlove Executive Director Living History Multimedia Association karen@visualheritage. ca Living History Multimedia Association (LHMA) and the ontario visual Heritage Project (ovHP) 130 Gillin Road, Brantford, ON N3P 1X5 Correspondence dated January 4, 2011 from Living History Multimedia Association regarding "Ontario Visual Heritage Page 73 of 159 Page 74 of 159 5 l*l 3515å'î 3s5å'"0" Ontario Regional Census Centre 25 St. ClairAve. East, Suite 1000 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M8 w\rvw.census201 1.gc.ca December 22,2010 Centre régional du recensement de l'Ontario 25, av. St. Clair Est, bureau 1000 Toronto (Ontario) M4T lM8 www.recensement20l 1. gc.ca Jiril Dear Mayor Ens, ô R¡llñ,tra\il.ilrt.r i: I am pleased to inform you that the 20ll Census and the new National Household Survey (NHS) will be held in llday 2011. I am writing to seek your support in our campaign to encourage the participation of all residents of your municipality. 'We also need your help to raise awareness of available jobs in the census. Population estimates obtained from the census are used to allocate transfer payments from the federal government to the province and from the province to municipalities. Obtaining every resident's participation is key to ensuring your municipality gets the data that are needed to plan, develop and evaluate municipal programs and services such as schools, daycarc, police and fire services, public transportation services, and housing and roads. In the coming weeks, a member of our communications team will contact your office to discuss ways in which we can work together. Some ideas include: - Offrcial Declaration of Census month; - Census web button on municipal website(s) with a hyperlink to our on-line application for employment (www.census2O 1 1.gc.ca); - Inserts in newsletters, bulletins, calendars, invoices;- Posters in municipal facilities. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Gretchen Gordon, by e-mail at Gretchen.Gordon@statcan.sc.ca, or by telephone at 416-973-9763. Thank in advance for your time and consideration. I Region 4 ",, '. ? G*''...0 C¿nad'ä Correspondence dated December 22, 2010 from Statistics Canada regarding "National Household Survey". Page 75 of 159 CENSUS O RECENSEMENT About the census Every five years Statistics Canada conducts a census. The next Census of Canada will take place in May 2011. Why is the census important? When you complete your census questionnaire you are providing important information that will be used in making decisions-for your neighbourhood, your community, your province, and the country as a whole. Communities depend on census information when planning for new schools, roads, waterworks, public transit, and police and fire services. Town planners use census information on households and families to plan current and future housing needs, health care, and day-care centres. Population estimates obtained from the census are used to allocate transfer payments from the federal government to the provinces and territories and from the provinces to municipalities. As a decennial census, data from the 2011 Census will be used to determine the number of Members of Parliament. Who is included in the census? The census includes every person living in Canada, as well as Canadians who are abroad, either on a military base, attached to a diplomatic mission, or at sea or in port aboard Canadian-registered merchant vessels, Persons in Canada including those holding a temporary resident permit, study permit or work permit, and their dependents, are also part of the census. www.census2O 11,9c,ca I*I 8:iäJ:' 851'ååå"" aussi disponible en français Can Correspondence dated December 22, 2010 from Statistics Canada regarding "National Household Survey". Page 76 of 159 The 2O11 Census online Starting in May 21tt, households can choose the convenience of completing their census questionnaire online. It is an easy, secure and convenient option that can be used anywhere, anytime. No pre-registration or lengthy download processes are required. The 2011 Census In early May, households will receive either a letter or a questionnaire pactage. The letter replaces the traditional paper questionnaire to encourage respondents to complete the questionnaire online. The Internet response target has increased from 20o/o in 2006 to 4Oo/o- in 2011, All households will be asked to complete ten questions on basic topics such as. relationship to Person 1, age, sex, marital status, language and consent to future release of personal information. The 2011 Census will also include a series of mail and telephone reminders to encourage households to complete their questionnaires during May 2011. This will ensure better quality data and reduce costs associated with follow-up. For the first time, the questions normally asked on the census long form will be asked in the National Household Survey, Questionnaires for t his voluntary survey will be distributed approximately four weeks after the census. www.census201 1,qc.ca au.ssi dispotrible en françai.s Correspondence dated December 22, 2010 from Statistics Canada regarding "National Household Survey". Page 77 of 159 Emplois ou recensemenl 35,000 iobs offoss Cqnoda Period of employment eorly Morch lo end of July (sro dote vories by ossignment) Rote of poy: 514.72 Ìo S18.04 per hour plus oufiorized expenses Hours of work: flexible, bul musl commiT To ot leosl 20 hours per week Requirement: mu$ be '18 yeors of oge or over 35 000 emplois ù trovers Ie Cqnodo Période de I'emploi : debut mors d lo fin iuiller (lo dote de débuT de l'emploi vorie selon'lo t0che) Toux de rémunérotion : 14,72 5 0 .l8,04 5 l'heure plus les dêpenses oulorisées Heures de trovoil : flexibles, mois doit s'engoger o lrovoiller ou moins 20 heures por semoine Exigence : doil ovoir l8 ons ou plus Apply now f tell o friend www.census20l I .gc.cc l-866-773-201 I - JT[: l-800-3ó3 -l629 Postulez dès moinle nsnl f Dites-le ù un om¡ www.recensementz0 I I .gc.co t-866-77 3-201 I - ATS : I -800-3ó 3-7 629 Statistics Canada Statistique Canadal*I Can Correspondence dated December 22, 2010 from Statistics Canada regarding "National Household Survey". Page 78 of 159 16) CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM STAF'F REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January l3r20ll FROM: Drainage Superintendent REPORT: DR¿011-001 SUBJECT: Bartley Municipal Drain Provisionat By-Law 3'd Reading / Award Contract Purpose: This report is to provide for giving 3d reading to Provisional By-Law No. 2010-100 and to recommend acceptance of the lowest complete tender bid for the provision of drainage works for the Bartley Municipal Drain. Bacþround: On Thursday October 7,2010, in accordance with Section 78 of the Drainager4cf, R.S.O.1990, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham adopted Engineer Report #209138 dated August 31,2010 as prepared by Spriet Associates for the Bartley Municþal Drain. Provisional By-Law No. 2010-100 was gtven lst and 2"d readings on Novemb er 4,2070. On December 2,2010, the Court of Revision hearing took place. There were no appeals to assessments. The assessments as per the Engineer's Report # 209138 dated August 37 , 2010 from Spriet Associates were confirmed. Section 48(l) of the Drainage Act makes provision for anyone wishing to appeal to the Tribunal to do so within 40 days of acceptance of the Engineer's report. Section 54(l) of the Drainage Act makes provision for anyone wishing to appeal to the Tribunal to do so within 2l days from the Court of Revision hearing. Tender forms were prepared by the Engineers, Spriet Associates. The Tender Invite Notice provided for a closing date of January l0,20ll at 72 noon. The following tenders were received by closing: l. VanBree Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd ( received Tender Form & certified cheque in the amount of $3300.00) tender in the amount of $29,435.00 (plus Hst), to commence work on or before January 24,2011 and to complete work on or before February 24, 20t1. 2. A.G. Ilayter Contracting Ltd ( received Tender Form & certified cheque in the amount of $3795.00) tender in the amount of $33,575.00 (plus Hst), to coÍrmence work on or before I|l.4.ay 24,2011 and to complete the work on or before June 30,2011 /2 Staff Report DR2011-001 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Provisional By-Law 3rd Reading / Award Contract". Page 79 of 159 Staff Report #DR2011-001 January 13, 2011 3. V an Gorp Drainage and Excayating ( received Tender Form & certified cheque in the amount of $3619.50) tender in the amount of $36,195.00 (plus Hst), to commence work on or before February 7,2011 and to complete the work on or before June 30, 20tl 4. Wall - Ex Inc (received Tender Form & certified cheque in the amount of $6650.05) tender in the amount of $58,850.00 (plus Hst), to commence work on or before January 17,20Il and to complete the work on orbefore June 30 20ll Staff Comments: The municipality has not received any notice of anyone appealing to the Tribunal in regards to this drainage proposal. The engineer's estimated cost for the construction of the works as contained within the report is $31,100. The lowest tender bid is 5olo less than the Engineer's estimate. Spriet Associates has reviewed the Tender bids and has confirmed that the bids are valid. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal#5: Develop a new and improved infraskucture network Recommendations: *TIIAT Staff ReportDRi¿011-001 be received; AND THAT Provisional By-Law #2010-100, being a By-Law to provide for drainage works in the Municipality of Bayham for the construction of the Bartley Municipal Drain be presented to Council for third reading and enactment; AflD TIIAT Council accept the tender for provision of drainage works set out in the Form of Tender for the Bartley Municipal Drain, as submitted by Van Bree Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd., in the amount of $291435.00 (excluding taxes), with work to commence on or before January 24r20ll and to be completed on or before February 24,2011; AND THAT By-law 20ll-002 authorÍzing the execution of contract documents be presented to Council for enactment.t' Respectfully submitted,Reviewed age Su Staff Report DR2011-001 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Provisional By-Law 3rd Reading / Award Contract". Page 80 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2011-002 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE TIIE MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT \ilITII VAN BREE DRAINAGE & BALLDOZING LTD. FOR THE PROVISION OF DRAINAGE \ilORKS FOR THE BARTLEY MT]NICIPAL DRAIN IN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM PT]RSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF TIIE DRAINAGE ACT, CHAPTER D.t7, R.S.O. 1990 AS AMENDED. WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into and execute a contract on behalf of the Municipality, for the provision of drainage works of the Bartley Municþal Drain based on and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender accepted; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham (the "Municipality'') desires to enter into an agreement with VanBree Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd. for construction of the Bartley Municþal Drain in accordance with the Contract as prepared by Spriet Associates; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Municipality enter into and execute an agreement with VanBree Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd. for construction of the Bartley Municipal Drain in accordance with the Contract attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this By-Law; 2. TIIAT the Mayor and the Clerk of the Municipality are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Municipality to execute all documents as may be required to give eflect to these presents. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY oF JANUARY 2011. Mayor Clerk Staff Report DR2011-001 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Provisional By-Law 3rd Reading / Award Contract". Page 81 of 159 Page 2 of 3 Revised November, 2000 fO: Mayorand Council: RE: Gonstruction ot Sirs: FORM OF TENDER AND AGREEMENT FORM OF TENDER Mrnicinalitu of Bavham The undersigned, having carefully examined he drawings, specifications and location of ûre work and undeatanding all conditions hereby offers to enter into a conbact to consFuct the said work for üe said Municipalig, complete and ready br use in accordance wih drawings and specifications on file at he office of the Municipality or Engineer, which drawings and specifications form the basis of the proposal br he following pnces: To Wit COVERED PORTION 1. a) Supply of Materials b) Supply of Labour and Equipment Barflav f)rain SuÞTotal Plus H.S.T. 13% TOTAL TENDER COVERED PORTION We understand that the Municipality may accept tenders for the complete works or a portion thereof as set out above and that the lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.ry (a) A Certified cheque of $.?.?.ã4 representing he bid deposit as specified in the lnformation for Tenderers. (b) A Certificate of Clearance from the Workplace Safety and lnsurance Board stating that all compensation has been paid. l'*''/t+|" nce work on or before /......... anato fully oomplete the work on or ;::: (c) lf an excavator is listed ín (b) above, it wi sections of closed drain: Provisional ltems: Conbactor to be paid as follows on tibutary drain connections that are not noted on drawings: ' Where existing tile is connected to new drain, then the price per connectíon shall be $50.00 plus material c¡st of prefabricated wyes or tees when required. (lhe $50.00 includes supply of up to a 3m length of tile, or tubing to make connections). ' The c¡nnec{ions in excess of 3m shall be paid for at úre rate of $8.00/m for 100mm (4") dia. and $10.00/m for 150mm (6") dia. All the above prices include the supply of materials. (Seal if lncorporated)(Seal) Staff Report DR2011-001 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Provisional By-Law 3rd Reading / Award Contract". Page 82 of 159 EXTENT OF WORK BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 209138 MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTTON (CONSTRUCTTON) One 6 meter length of 550mm dia., 2.0mm thickness aluminized outlet pipe (with rodent gate): Supply lnstallation at tile oudet with quarry stone riprap protec'tion around pipe and across end of ditch (Approx. 6mt quarry stone requ¡red) lnstallation of the following sewer pipe on a crushed stone bedding: 247 meters of 375mm (f 5) H.D.P.E. Boss sewer pipe Supply of the above listed pípe Supply and delivery of l9mm crushed stone (þprox. 100 tonnes) Supply and install three 600mmx600mm standard catchbasins including grates, berms and ditching Supply and install one 1200mm día. manhole at Sta.0+076 Cross connecf existing drain with new manhole using 10 meters - 300mm H.D.P.E. pipe on stone bedding Restoration of lawn areas with imported topsoil and seed Sta.0+006 to Sta.0+076 NOTE: The Extent of Work is to be attached to the Tender Form. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO: ..24^) 4 t¿è 2.<.2--->..e ¿ ,4'¿ .=, .¡1u' - nn-'- r,- ./ --- .v.: a NOTE: Page 3 of 3 August 31,2010 laêO L.S. ót€ n us. alÇÇ *t.s. 7 o 70 æL.g. /?5o - t.s. 4t¿É æ ts. arÐ27to ts. crÐgaa L.s. 'ê¿a 4 L.s. ,ê2v -)-..-'-.-, -?2. s',ts - á ¿z -sê..// FAXNO: 3'¿ > - I zz'Tëë¿ This "Extent of Work" form has been prepared forthe convenience of the Contractor and he ¡s to use this summary in conjunction with the plan and profile, tenderform and standard specifications available fromtheClerktotenderthisproject. lncaseofanyincons¡stencyorconflictbetweenthedrawingsand this "Extent of Work", the drawings shall take precedence over the "Extent of Work'. Staff Report DR2011-001 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain Provisional By-Law 3rd Reading / Award Contract". Page 83 of 159 Page 84 of 159 7 ElgrnCounty d\ 1- çu .' , j eFrc0 ' .i rìJt December 13,2010 Mayor and Council Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayor and Council: Please be advised that Elgin County Council at its December 9,2010 meeting, passed the following resolution: "THAT the existing speed zone by-law be amended to change the existing S0km/hr reduced speed zone on Culloden Road (County Road #46) through North Hall to 60 km/hr. - Carried. (signed) Warden Dave Mennill" The amendment to the bylaw will make the reduced speed zone in your municipality consistent with the other posted zone of 60 km/hr. lf you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, Administrative Services Coord inator cc Elgin Ontario Provincial Police Elgin County Engineering Services County of Elgin Adminlst.ative Servlces 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, On NsR 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 www.el gi n-county.on.ca Pro(ressive by Nature Correspondence dated December 13, 2010 from County of Elgin regarding "Culloden Road Speed Zone". Page 85 of 159 Page 86 of 159 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of December 2010 File: PlO Jan-02-2011 No.Date Roll #Permit llolder Property Description Building Tvpe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee t40 l-Dec )-006-02000 Froese, Isaak 55903 Maole Grove Line construct one storey implement shed 4640sq ft 20.000 tl42.o( l4l l-Dec 0-003-l 1200 Iupper. Melvin i6374 Jackson Line lonstruct hooped fabric storase barn 14.975 195.0( 142 8-Dec 4-001-11800 Weeda, John I I Elm Sfreet interior renovations - convert church to residential 20,000 280.0( t43 l6-Dec 0-004-07500 lall. Bill 54141 Maple Grove Line install roofover existing corn storase pit 3584so ft 14,00(75.0( December-10 6E.97s 1.692.00 0.0f ¿O1O YEAR TO DATE 8.216.941 65.758.00 6225.01 December-09 348.E0r 2.903.00 350.0( ¿OO9 YEARTO DATE 9,076.342 64.177.00 1r800.0( sM1/10/201I excel\monthly\buildper B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 8 7 o f 1 5 9 Page 88 of 159 39766 POWERTOOL 1?/10i2010 I 112.97 009672 Cheque Amount - 112.97 OO139I AFFORDABLEPORTABLES 19394 UNIT RENTAL - INTERP CENTRE 11130t20't} I 40.96 009673 Cheque Amount - 40.96 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 0000157980 zoNtNG - WEEDA 11t30t2010 I 90.17 009674 l9 SUBSCR|PT|ON 12t13t2010 I 38.85 009674 Cheque Amount - 129.02 OOO12O BRAD VALKO RECEIPT DRIVERS MEDICAL 1,/1412010 I 75.00 009675 Cheque Amount- 75.00 000156 CANADIAN PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 T426686 CARTRIDGES T426866 CARTRIDGES MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211612010 1211612010 2:47PM 1112312010 I 491.55 009676 '1210812010 I 491.55 009676 Cheque Amount - 983.10 OO'1294 CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY 1N029652 FIRST AlD, O)ffGEN ADM|N|STRA] 11t29t2010 I 5,750.00 009677 Cheque Amount - 5,750.00 000220 CJDL 6152 WATER CApACtTy STUDY 12tO712010 I 2,29'1.08 009678 Cheque Amount - 2,291.08 000193 o|-AYTON COLL\ÆR workboots 2010 WORKBOOTS 12113120'tO I 200.00 009679 ChequeAmount- 200.00 OOO2O5 CONSEIL SCOI-AIRE DE DISTRICT DeC10 SCHOOL LEVY O9l15l2O'lO I 1,685.00 009680 Cheque Amount - 1,685.00 000206 CONSEIL SCOLAIRE PUBLIC DU DeClO SCHOOLLE\ r 0911512010 I 640.00 009681 Cheque Amount - 640.00 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 2651434 DAYPLANNERS 12t09t2010 I 57.59 009682 Cheque Amount- 57.59 OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN 4th quarter levy 4TH QUARTER LE\ l 1211512010 I 683,606.14 009683 001647 1255475 oNTAR|O LTD Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 89 of 159 lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type : Amount Number tN000027551 DECEMBER',lo pOLtCE SERVICES 12t10t2010 I 59,570.46 009683 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211612010 1211612010 2:47PM Cheque Amount - 743,176.60 001432 CULLIGAN 11033350515 UN|T RENTAL - S.C.C.12/0il2010 I 29.32 009684 Cheque Amount - 29.32 OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 11847 FLUSH CATCHBASTNS, DRATNS 11t23t2010 I 949.20 009685 Cheque Amount - 949.20 001690 DOV\|LER{(ARN 142411 142412 142413 142469 11130t2010 I 26.56 009689 1210112010 I 't14.70 009689 REG GAS DYE DIESEL ROAD DIESEL REG GAS 11125120'tO I 1,022.76 009686 1112512010 I 431.47 009686 1112512010 r 862.89 009686 11t30t2010 I 1.644.34 009686 Cheque Amount - 3,961.46 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC 272 HOSE, CRtMpS l2to6t2o10 I 161.76 009687 l-05352-0 HOSE, CRtMpS 12J07t2010 I 48.83 009687 Cheque Amount - 210.59 OO17O8 EASTLINK Dec5198665521 MONTHLYTELEPHONE 12t01t2010 I 1,309.91 009688 Dec5198744054 SEASONAL DISCONNECT 12J01t2010 I 98.3.t oo9æB Cheque Amount - 1,408.22 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000159735 LtQUtD CHLORTNE OOOO1598O7 MONTHLYRENTAL Cheque Amount - 141.26 OOO3OO ELGIN ROAD SUPERVISORS 1-2011 MEMBERSHTP DUES 12t13t2010 I 32o.OO 009690 Cheque Amount - 320.00 001792 ENVTREATMENT SYSTEMS INC. 2588 SPARE PARTS FOR UV SYSTEM 11t30t2010 I 1,073.50 009691 Cheque Amount - 1,073.50 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTrs39989 GLOVES, TAPE MEASURE 11t24t20't! t 117.32 009692 Cheque Amount - 1'17.32 OO1O87 FRANZ & HELENAPETERS credit reimburse CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUN-I 1211012010 f 931.56 009693 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 90 of 159 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211612010 lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date ,'Type Amount Number Cheque Amount -931.56 202.52 OOO357 G&KSERVICESCANADAINC 1s18632528 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 1UO9I2O1O I 009694 Cheque Amount - 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL 90371233 ALUM SULFATE 11119120',t0 I 009695 Cheque Amount - OO127O GORDROESCH computers food for haining Cheque Amount - 001795 HEINRICH SCHMITT refund GRADING DEPOSIT REFUND 1211612010 I 009697 Cheque Amount - OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Dec00240 - 14793 UTILITIES - cAR/qcE Dec0118l - 23005 UTILITIES - INFO CENTRE Dec06460 - 08880 UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY Dec0657l - 44066 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER Dec12650 - 91004 UTILITIES - PUMP#8 Dec12660 - 62007 UTILITIES - MED BLDG . Dec15773 - 68016 UTILITIES - PUMP#S Dec18850 - 12458 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY Dec18971 -44027 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER Dec1897l - 5200'l UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP Dæ25240 -95021 UTILITIES - RICHMOND RD PUMP Dec2525O-12302 UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE Dec25260 - 09578 UTILITIES - OFFICE Dec28799 - 40004 UTILITIES - PUMP#1 Dec34853 - 01007 UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS Dec35795 - 43000 UTILITIES - PUMP#6 Dec43850 -'12451 UTILITIES - CENTENNIAL PARK Dec50250 - 12458 UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM Dec50370 - 20077 UTILITIES - VIENNA LIBRARY Dec53993 - 93004 UTILITIES - PUMP#,Í Dec56450 - 12330 UTILITIES - BOAT LAUNCH Decô2760 - 43000 UTILITIES - E.C.C. De6277O -20225 UTILITIES - VIENNA MEM PARK Dec68850 - 12275 UTILITIES - PB PUBLIC WORKS 1211612010 2:47PM 202.52 619.10 619.10 465.30 009696 r5s.33 009696 REIMBURSE FOR COMPUTERS 1AßI2O1O REIMBURSE FOOD FOR TRAINING 1Z13I2O1O 1210712010 1210112010 1'J0912010 't2t06t2010 1?,0312010 12/0912010 1i/1012010 't210112010 1?/0lt2010 12J02i2010 lAUPO'|O 12t0312010 12t10t2010 12101t2010 1210112010 1210712010 12r'01/2010 140112010 12106t2010 1?/1012010 1?/0U2010 1?/0112010 '12t06t2010 1210312010 620.63 500.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 500.00 557.99 009698 41.00 009698 233.88 009698 43.99 009698 124.39 009698 85.76 009698 415.15 009698 51.82 009698 41.90 009698 87.88 009698 268.45 009698 2U.43 009698 500.48 009698 263.76 009698 79.72 009698 520.00 009698 76.18 009698 85.61 009698 41.00 009698 54.87 009698 42.19 009698 137.53 009698 131.00 009698 138.53 009698 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 91 of 159 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date .Type ¡Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 000438 ITTW&WW 501041 1l Dec68860 - 08015 urlLlrlEs - FIREHALL 1210912010 I 331.79 009698 Dec73394 - 81003 UTILITIES - PUMP#3 1A10t2010 t 77.71 009698 Dec75250 - 12272 urlLlrlEs - LlcHTHousE 12t03t2010 I 54.6s 009699 Dec86590 - 87008 UTILITIES -PUMP#2 12t10t2010 I 290.74 009698 Dec87640 - 15034 UTILITIES - S.C.C. 12/10t2010 I 4g2.St 009698 Deû7770 -20012 urlLlrlEs - EDlsoN MUSEUM 12to1t2o1o I 2o3.s7 009698 Dec93850 - 12278 urlllrlEs - PB FIREHALL 12101t2010 I 15s.70 009698 Dec93850 - 91019 UTILITIES - PUMP#7 12tO3t2O'tO I 71.71 00969g Dec93970 -20U2 UTILITIES-V.C.C. 12/¡0112010 I 391.24 009698 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1211612010 1211612010 2:47PM Cheque Amount - 7,3'16.75 001794 JOHN V\EEDA 048 REFUND ZONTNG DEPOS|T 12t15t2010 I 53o.OO OO97oO GhequeAmount- 530.00 001796 JOSEPH PENNER REFUND REFUND GRADING DEPOSIT 12116,2010 I 5OO.OO OO97O1 ChequeAmount- 500.00 OO114O LANCE CORMIER payroll PAYROLL 1211012010 I 3,873.96 009704 1?/1U2010 I 5,443.86 009704 Cheque Amount - 9,317.82 Cheque Amount - 6,367.19 SUBMERS|BLE PUMP, KtT 11t17t2010 I 7,316.75 009699 1Aß12010 r 692.64 009702 Cheque Amount - 692.æ OOO552 LONDON DISTRICT CATHOLIC Dec''10 SCHOOL LE\¡/ 09¡,|S/2O1O I 42.BZB.OO OO97O3 Cheque Amount - 42,878.00 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 100724035 JANUARY'1I REMIT 100724233 JANUARY'1I REMIT OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 11515 STGNS 12110120't0 I 45.20 009705 Cheque Amount - 45.20 000635 NEOPOST CANADA LIMITED 1799763 CANADA POST RATE CHANGE 12t03t2010 I 197.75 009706 Cheque Amount - '197.75 001480 NEWRO SALES (2004) LTD 67794 SEWAGE pUMp 11t17120't0 I 3,186.27 oo97o7 Cheque Amount - 3,186-27 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 92 of 159 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount ,Number 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211612010 1211612010 2:47PM l50l 16 001790 oACETT 772449 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 1113012010 I 39,U3.42 009708 Cheque Amount - 39,U3.42 MEMBERSHIP DUES 12101t2010 I 224.51 009709 Cheque Amount - 224.51 000657 OMEGACONTRACTORS ¿f€¡f09!04 CERT|F|CATE NO.4 11130t2010 I 138,260.il OO97IO Cheque Amount - 138,260.64 000665 ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION 49597 2O1I MEMBERSHIP 1210712010 I 723.73 009711 Cheque Amount - 723.73 000690 PAULENS council pay COUNCIL PAY 12t1512010 I 590.65 009712 ChequeAmount- 590.65 000706 PITNEY BOV\ES 569930110843 SERMCE PLAN 't2107t2010 I 574.16 009713 Cheque Amount - 574-'16 OOOT1O PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE 8681 ANTIFREEZE, CIRCUIT TESTER 11t04t20'tÙ I 38.56 oo97t4 8701 LtcHTS 11t11t2010 I 31.59 009714 8706 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 1'tl16t2}1} I 39.¿m 009714 8719 LtcHTS 11t19t2010 I 63.23 009714 8721 PARTS 't1t19t2010 I 21.46 009714 8729 FLOOD LtcHTS 11t23t2010 I 33.88 009714 8731 FLOOD LtcHTS 11t24t2010 I 33.88 009714 8732 LTGHTS 11t24t2010 C €3.23 009714 873/. coRDS 11t24t2010 I 49.70 009714 8735 CORDS, LtcHTS 11t24t2010 C -81.31 009714 8738 LtcHTS, FLOOD LtcHTS 11t25t2010 I 93.70 009714 8742 LtcHTS 11t26t2010 I 181.85 009714 8743 LTGHTS 11t26t2010 C _31.59 009714 8744 LtcHTS 11t26t2010 I 63.23 009714 Cheque Amount - 474.35 001791 REBECCAANDZYGMUNTDYGOS 047 REFUND SITE PLAN DEPOSTT 12t\9t2o1o I '|,OOO.OO 009715 OOO747 REID'S PRE.CAST CEMENT PRODUCT Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 93 of 159 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Regíster - 12/162010 1211612010 2:47PM lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number : 7979 7983 81 76 001213 RICKVARRO INTERNET INSTALL 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10464373 104æ375 104È1376 10465034 10466098 RISER SURGACE INLET BOSS 2OOO, COUPLERS I NTERNET I NSTALI.ATION LAB FEES TAB FEES LAB FEES LAB FEES I.AB FEES CARSON BRIDGE REPAIR 11t18t2010 11t1912010 1110912010 50.85 009716 8'r.36 009716 769.76 009716 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT 0066310304721018Dec UNIT RENTAL - E.C.C. Dec005 5148374214837 HEATER RENTAL - MED BLDG Cheque Amount -901.97 31.08 009717 36.78 009717 1210812010 1?,1312010 Cheque Amount - 1211012010 I 67.86 255.00 009718 009720 Gheque Amount -2s5.00 473.47 009719 169.50 009719 2il.25 009719 900.05 009719 97.18 009719 .l1.n612010 1112612010 11t26t2010 1112912010 11t29t2010 I I I I I 001793 SONTERLAN CORPORATION l0-CAR-ES-24 Cheque Amount - 12109t2010 I 1,894.45 423.75 001786 SPRING VALLEY AUTO & MARINE 14898 OOI434 STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. 524717 001418 TELUS 015894762029 ANNUAL SAFETY 12/1512010 I Cheque Amount -460.06 RICHMONDCOMMUNITYWATER 1AO9I2O1O I 2,823.40 009722 Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount -423.75 460.06 009721 015894762029' DOLIáR POOL SAVINGS OTHER CHARGES o'15894762029t2005876 CELL PHONE - G ROESCH 015894762029t6171156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 015894762029t6171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 015894762029t6197656 CEL PHONE - A SWANCE 015894t762029t6365709 CELL PHONE - pB F|RE DEPT 0'1589476202916365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT I 01589476202916366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 01589476202916366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762029t6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 1112712010 1'v2712010 11t27t20'tÙ 1112712010 't1t27t2010 1',v2712010 1'll27lzo',to 11t27t2010 1112712010 11127t2010 11t27t2010 c I I I I I I I I I I 2,823.40 -148.89 009723 27.41 009723 321.91 009723 50.06 009723 38.70 009723 50.06 009723 44.86 009723 44.86 009723 45.09 009723 301.07 009723 337.60 009723 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 94 of 159 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211612010 11127t2010 11127t2010 11127t2010 1210st2010 1?/05t2010 1211612010 2:47PM 015894762029/6369464 CELL PHONE _ K KRUGER 015894762029/6689955 CELL PHONE _ B BUTLER 015894762029t9021249 CELL PHONE _'ROADS DEPT 2 I I I I I 48.87 009723 81.13 009723 44.86 00s723 120.91 009723 34.25 009723 016242498027 0't6242498027 MOBILE HIGH SPEED CELLPHONE-BKNIFTON OOO879 THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL Dec'10 OO'I784 TOM SOUTHWCK council pay SCHOOL LE\A/ Cheque Amount - 09t15t2010 I '1,M2.75 314,752.00 009724 009725 009726 Cheque Amount - 1415t20'lo I 314,752.00 u7.30COUNCIL PAY Cheque Amount - OOO9,I3 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 1ù243 BU|LD|NG tNSpECTtON SERVTCES 12t10t2o.to I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total -1,341,977.67 347.30 160.05 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 95 of 159 Cheque Date Typg , Amount 20r0.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1212312010 1212312010 10:524M 000008 407 ETR 82665¿f445Nov TOLLCHARGES 1A1A2U0 I 23.36 009727 Cheque Amount - 23.36 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 57 cERTtFtCATtON RENEWAL 12t1312010 I 197.75 009728 Cheque Amount -'t97.75 OOO1I3 BOBBARTLETT 30997 31072 GLASSES. WENDY BARTLETT 12IO7I2O1O I 143.00 009729 G|-ASSES - BOB BARTLETT 1,J15t2010 I 261.50 009729 ChequeAmount- 404.50 OOO153 CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF 173697 HANDOUT 12t06t2010 I 91.46 oo973o Cheque Amount - 91.46 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 1414 BOTTLED WATER - S.C.C. 11t19t2o't1 I 64.00 009731 1666 WATER BOTTLES 12t14t2010 I 4o.oo 009731 ChequeAmount- 104.00 OOO195 CLIFF EVANITSKI mileage - council MILEAGE 12l1sl2o1o I 24s.to oo9z32 Cheque Amount - 245.70 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 26558953 ApprBOOK, RULED pApER 12t15t2010 I 91.66 009733 ChequeAmount- 91.66 000218 cuPE LoCAL 35 Not10 remit uNloN DUES 11t3ot2o1o I 406.07 009734 ChequeAmount- 406.07 OO17O8 EASTLINK 8127522450005842Dec INTERNET- FTREHALL 12t12t2o10 I s1.92 00973s 81275224s0011345Dec INTERNET-OFF|CE 12t12t2010 I 91.47 oo973s 8127522450017417Dec INTERNET-F|REHALL 12t1a2o1o I s1.92 009735 8127522450031459Dec INTERNET - EDISON MUSEUM 12112t2010 I s1.92 009735 8127522450039965Dec INTERNET-MARINEMUSEUM 12112t20'tT I s1.92 OO973S 8127522450050103Dec INTERNET-GARAGE 1211212010 I a4.49 oogz3s ChequeAmount- 383.63 OOO282 EDBRADFIELD service award SERVICE AWARD OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 12122/2010 I 250.00 009736 Cheque Amount -250.00 Page 'l Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 96 of 159 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1212312010 0000159968 LtQUtD CHLORTNE 1211612010 I 53.11 009737 ChequeAmount- 53.11 OOO357 G& K SERMCES CANADA INC 't518637855 SHOP TOV!|ELS, FLOOR MATS 12t23t2010 t 202.33 009738 Cheque Amount - 202.33 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Dec25390 -072æ UTILITIES - VIENNA STREETLTGHT 12t16t2010 I 668.46 009739 Dec25390 - 55002 uÏLtÏES - pB Hvry l9 12t1612010 I ,t,922.77 009739 Deo4301&26008 urlllÏEs - srRAF srL 'tz16t2o1o I 79.38 009739 De60221- 05009 uTlLlTlEs - TREATMENT pf-ANT 12t16t2010 I 4,282.70 009739 Dec623'96 - 22001 urlLllEs - srRAF srL 1aßt2o1o I 1,218.9s 009739 Dec62790 - 07266 UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL 12J16t2010 I 217.27 009739 Dec81590 - 07297 urlllrtEs - EDEN srl 12t16t20'to I 660.68 009739 Dec87790 -07295 urlLlrlEs - coRtNTH srL 12t'l6t2o1o I 2uA5 009739 Cheque Amount - 9,333.06 000446 JACKIEBOOTLE DeclSJanl5'11 MANAGERFEES 12t23t2010 I 791.66 009740 Cheque Amount - 791.66 000565 LYNN ACRE mileage - council MILEAGE 12115t2010 I 129.60 009741 ChequeAmount- 129.60 OOO58O MARKTAYLOR mileage - council MILEAGE 000617, MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN 101105908.t4 SUPPLTES 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM money order MONEY ORDER - MOE 1211512010 I 337.50 009742 ChequeAmount- 337.50 1211412010 I 23.24 009743 Cheque Amount - 23.24 1212212010 I 105.50 0097M Cheque Amount - 105.50 000658 oMERS 04100 Nov"lO NOVEMBER ''t0 REMtr 11lgot2o1o I 23J70.67 009749 Cheque Amount - 23,770.67 OOO727 PUROIáTOR COURIER LTD 410689868 COURTER SERVTCE 12t10t2010 I 17.92 009746 Cheque Amount - 17.92 OOO744 REALTAXINC 31082 SWET Up FTLES 005-18900 12t16t2010 I 452.00 OOg747 12123120'10 l0:52AM Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 97 of 159 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1212312010 lnvoice Cheque Cheque 1212312010 l0:524M 31083 31084 31085 31806 sET UP FTLES 002401-34400 12t16t2010 t 4s2.OO OOg747 sET UP FTLES 002{01-26000 12t16t2010 I 452.00 009747 sET UP FILES 002-001-26300 12t16t2010 I 452.00 009747 sET UP FTLES 002{0't-29001 12t16t2010 I 452.00 OOg747 12116t2010 I 376.83 009753 1?/16120't0 I 22.22 009753 Cheque Amount - 2,260.00 00'r205 sHRED-tT 006249017 PURGEFILES 1212212010 I U.75 009743 Cheque Amount - U.7S 001111 SOUTH CENTRALONTARIO membership renerval 2011 MEMBERSH|P 12t2212010 I 2s.oo 009249 Cheque Amount- 25.00 000826 SOUTHWEST CHAPTER OF THE OBOA registration coNFLlcT RESOLUTTON couRsE 12t21t2010 I l75.OO OO975O ChequeAmount- 175.00 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000613971 3 MONTH RENTAL 12t15t2010 I 57.63 009751 0000614211 ANSWERING SERVTCE 12t15t2010 I 84.69 009751 Cheque Amount - 142.32 001482 SUN MEDIACORPORATION DW5158004 SEEK|NG VOLUNTEERS 12t}6t2o1o I 167.æ oos752 Cheque Amount -167.64 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Dæ273-21061969754 UTtLtTtES- E.C.C. Dæ27321062430725 UTtLtTtES - pUMp#1 00í't6l WAYNE CASTER mileage - council MILEAGE ChequeAmount- 399.05 1?11512010 I 117.00 009754 Cheque Amount - 117.00 000986 WORKPI.ACE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314 Nor'1O NOVEMBER'io REMtr 11t3ot2o1o I 349.29 oog7ss Cheque Amount - 349.79 Cheque Run Total - 40,683.27 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 98 of 159 2010,11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0110612011 1:05PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110612011 OOO745 RECEIVERGENERAL payolf PAYROLL 12t3',U2010 I 10,020.51 009756 Cheque Amount - '10,020.51 Cheque Run Total - 10,020.51 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 99 of 159 20r0.r'1.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01107120'11 011O712011 '12:41PM 000009 8/.3002 oNTARto tNc 1282 128/. OOOO3O ADAM SWANCE payroll HAULING SAND HAULING SAND 12/21nO10 I 3,265.41 009757 12/2312010 I 614.24 009757 Cheque Amount - 3,879.65 1/3112ú0 I 123.02 009762 1?/0U2010 I 70.50 009765 1?/09t2010 C -15.58 009765 PAYROLL 12J3112010 I 162.63 009758 ChequeAmount- 162.63 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 306 CERT|F|CAT|ON RENEWAL 't2t13t2010 I 197.75 009759 Cheque Amount - 197.75 OOOOTO ATKINSON, DAVIES INC 0029835 WATERMATN, VIENNA 1113012010 I 265.55 009760 Cheque Amount- 265.55 OOOO81 AYLMER TIRE 0000072337 REPATR PASSENGER T|RE 1211312010 I 24.97 009761 0000072417 REPATR REAR TRACTOR T|RE 1A15t2010 I 1,069.78 009761 0000072558 TUBELESS TRUCKTTRE 12t20t2010 t 48.13 009761 0000072678 REPATR TIRES 1212812010 I 420.36 009761 Cheque Amount - 1,563.24 OOO12O BRAD VALKO payroll Cheque Amount - 123.02 OOO141 CAIN'SAUTOSALES&SERVICE 920't LOF 11ßA2010 I 44.01 009763 9282 LOF, TNSTALLTTRES 11t2U2010 I 1,742.92 009763 9257 LOF, ROTATE TTRES 11t24t2010 I 63.79 009763 9332 SHOP SUPPL|ES, AtR FÍLTER 11t30t2010 I 201.56 009763 Cheque Amount - 2,052.28 OOOI6O CANON CANADAINC. 6621189 QUARTERLY METER B|LL|NG 1?,28t2010 I 398.20 0097il ChequeAmount- 398.20 OOO175 CEDAR SIGNS 20106 20108 Cheque Amount - 54.92 00123'I CENTRAL ELGIN FIRE RESCUE o14t10 woRK oRDER FROM SPECTRUM 12t17t2010 I 30.53 009766 PAYROLL STREET SIGNS CREDIT ON DELIVERY Cheque Amount -30.53 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 100 of 159 lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01107 12011 0110712011 12:41PM 001521 Ct-AtMSPRO tNC, 53640{05056 CSTNOS 1i/13t2010 r 1.081.00 009767 ChequeAmount- 1,081.00 OOO193 CLAYTONCOLLVER 9307 G|.ASSES - CI-AYTON COLLVER 1A21/2010 I 263.50 009768 payroll PAYROLL 12t31t2010 I 141.75 009768 Cheque Amount - 405.25 OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 11916 CLEAN SAN|TARY SEWERS 12123t2010 I 4,983.30 009769 Cheque Amount - 4,983.30 001798 DENIS DUGUAY payroll OO11IO DOUGANDERSON payroll 000001 DPoc postage 1?/3112010 I 151.16 009770 Cheque Amount - PAYROLL 12/31/2010 I 135.63 009771 Cheque Amount -135.63 12131t2010 I 3,390.00 009772 Cheque Amount - 3,390.00 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l{5807-0 HYDRAUL|C HOSE, CRtMpS 12t22t2010 I 194.94 009773 Cheque Amount - 1çX.94 000275 E.O.N. ASSOCTATTON 201l membership 2011 MEMBERSHIP - PORT BURWI 1212112010 I 35.00 009774 membership 2011 2011 MEMBERSHIP - EDISON 12121120'10 I 35.00 009774 ChequeAmount- 70.00 OOO282 ED BRADFIELD 'payroll PAYROLL Cheque Amount - 171.97 OOO283 ED MATTHEWS CARPENTRY 292462 pB L|BRARY StcN REpAtR 12t06t2010 I U.75 009776 292463 GAZEBO REPA|RS 12t06t2010 I 333.35 009776 2924æ CHAULKTNG, TREE TR|MM|NG 1A06t2010 I 96.0s 009776 Cheque Amount -514.15 00028/. EDRoLosoN 'payroll PAYROLL POSTAGE 151.16 1213'|12010 t 17'1.97 009775 1U3112010 I 243.97 009777PAYROLL Cheque Amount - 243.97 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 101 of 159 2010.1 1.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110712011 lnvoice lnvoieæ Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount NumberNumber 0016II EDWARDS DOOR SYSTEMS LTD 00000í1280 sERVtcE DooRS 't1t30t2010 I 932.25 009778 000001'1346 REPLACE SHAFT & BEARTNG 1A21/2010 I 1,332.M 009778 LDN4894 SERMCE TNDUSTRTAL OOORS 1A30t2010 I 326.80 009778 Cheque Amount - 2,591.09 OOO316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD T055918 HAMMER OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS4O231 CAUTION TAPE ONTIS4O4O6 PARTS 001637 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 12J0312010 I 37.29 009779 Cheque Amount -37.29 Cheque Amount -177.93 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL W377121 ALUM SULFATE 12/02/2010 I 21.13 009780 1U10n010 I 156.80 009780 1?/0812010 I 2,074.32 009781 12J2312010 I 3,680.18 009781 Cheque Amount - 5,754.50 1212012010 I 622.49 009782 Cheque Amount - 622.49 1213',v2010 I 228.ß 009783 Cheque Amount - 228.46 1?/31/2010 I 209.08 009784 01107120'11 12:41PM 90187 9024s 001493 GERRYLEMAY payroll 001270 GORDROESCH payroll GEOMELT GEOMELT S3O PAYROLL PAYROLL ChequeAmount- 209.08 000386 GRAHAM SCOTT ENNS Cheque Arnount - 13,U2.5O OOO395 H. BROEREQUIPMENT 159529 CO|L. TUBE EXHAUST 11t05t2010 I 131.67 009786 Cheque Amount - 131.67 OOO991 HORVATHAUTOPARTS 205513 PARTS 11t25t2010 I 123.80 009787 206091 WRE BRUSHES 1A21nO10 t 27.05 009787 Cheque Amount -150.85 OOO498 KEN SPROUL 5149 1213112010 I 4.113.20 009788SNOWPLOWNG Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 102 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110712011 Cheque Amount - 1213112010 I Cheque Amount - 0110712011 12:41PM 009789 OOO5O1 KEVIN BRADFIELD payrcll OOO5IO KI-ASSEN AUTO PARTS 49.43 6.72 009790 35.74 009790 18.66 009790 50.00 009790 9.33 009790 13.24 009790 25.92 009790 15.81 009790 77.77 009790 17.05 009790 13.62 009790 11.20 009790 106.19 009790 56.24 009790 6.83 009790 '15.61 009790 19.28 009790 40.14 009790 3.91 009790 5.46 009790 47.39 009790 12.14 009790 10.38 009790 5.34 009790 24.35 009790 PAYROLL 4,'t13.20 49.43 1-72797 1-72978 1-72987 1-730't2 ,t-73023 1-73107 l-73186 1-73258 1-73324 1-73506 1-73508 1-73820 1-73869 1-73903 1-73969 l-73990 'l-74015 1-7¿1065 1-743il 1-74359 1-7438/- 1-74455 1-74458 1-74461 1-74563 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16360 1636.1 16362 16363 16364 16365 16372 16373 EXT BAR WIRE TOGGLE OIL GUAGE BRASS, SQUARE HEAD POWEROUTLET SNOWBRUSH BULB SNOWBRUSH WPER FILTER TOGGLE GREASE GUN, GREASE, MARKER FUEL FILTER, FILTER FUSE FILTER GLO\ÆS GLOVES FUSE HOLDER TRAILER PL CLEANER, ARMORALL, FRESHENE GASKET MAKER, SHRINKTUBE TR CONNECT, BULBS PANEL BULBS, MINIATURE I-AMP 12101120',t0 12103t2010 1U0312010 1,J0/,|2010 1?/04t2010 1U06r2010 1?,07i2010 1?/07/2010 12t08t2010 12J10t2010 1211012010 1U14t2010 12t15t2010 1211512010 1?J1612010 12t16t2010 121't612010 1211712010 12n112010 1421n010 1U2z2010 142/2010 12122J2010 12/22120'tO 't2t24t2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PB STREETLIGHTS VIENNA STREETLIGHT REPAIR STRAF STREETLIGHT REPAIR EDEN STREETLIGHT REPAIR CORINTH STREETLIGHT REPAIR RÍCHMOND STREETLIGHT REPAIF EDEN STREETLIGHT REPAIR PB STREETLIGHT REPAIR Cheque Amount -6/.8.32 1,682.92 009791 548.14 009791 244.58 00979'1 3U:t5 009791 122.29 009791 122.29 009791 404.79 009791 207.04 009791 1211612010 12t16t2010 121'1612010 1211612010 1211612010 1U1612010 12122t20'tO 1212212010 Cheque Cheque Amount , Number Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 103 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01107120'11 0110712011 12:41PM 16374 16393 OOO519 KYLE KRUGER payroll CHECK & REPAIR LIGHTING PB BALL PARK LIGHTING UTILITIES. FIREHALL UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES. PUMP#s UTILITIES - S.C.C. UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES - PUMP#2 UTILITIES - LIBRARY UTILITIES - GARAGE UTILITIES . EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES. V.C.C. UTILITÍES - PUMP#6 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES. PB MUSEUM UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - PB WORKS GARAGE 12t22t2010 12J30t20'10 1,493.88 009791 2,291.37 009791 Cheque Amount - PAYROLL 12t31t2010 I Cheque Amount - 001797 LAURA MARGARET KING reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAXACCT 1?/2912010 r Cheque Amount - 001316 LONDON EMPLOYEE JAN67851í JAN, FEB, MARCH CONSULTATTO¡, 12l1St2O1O I 2æ.37 200.00 7,501.45 280.37 009792 009793 009794 009795 009796 009798 200.00 340.28 000564 LYNDA MILLARD 'pafoll PAYROLL OOO574 MARGARET UNDERHILL payroll PAYROLL 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED DecE12378-01 Dec81421241 DecE2238H1 DecE2420O41 DecE45407-01 DecE45409-01 DecE4541G01 DecE5160G0'l DecF1929G0l DecF20600-0'l DecF268644l DecG062'1G01 DecG0630S0l DecG06307{1 DecGl570G01 DecG40407{l Cheque Amount - 12t3'U2010 I 340.28 't85.88 Cheque Amount - 1U31120'tO I 185.88 16s.94 Cheque Amount -165.94 770.41 009797 300.¿16 009797 19.70 009797 568.51 009797 412.90 009797 16.00 009797 98.98 009797 1,590.22 009797 13.00 009797 42.56 009797 17.49 009797 198.35 009797 467.01 009797 581.51 009797 13.00 009797 469.73 009797 12118/20'tO 12t1U20'tO 1U1812010 12118t2010 1U18/2010 121'tu2010 12t1&2010 12118r20'tÙ 1?,19t2010 1211912010 12/19t2010 121't912010 121't912010 1,/19t2010 1211912010 12J1912010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OOOEIT NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES Cheque Amount -5,579.83 38,954.62150355GARBAGE DISPOSAL 1?/31/2010 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 104 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 10712011 Cheque Amount - 38,954.62 001158 ONTARIOPLUMBING 1740 2011 MEMBERSHTP DUES 12t13t2010 I 60.00 009799 Cheque Amount - 60.00 000685 PATWATTERS payroll ChequeAmount- 106.61 OOO716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 10286380 CYLINDERRENTAL 11t26t2010 I 23.47 009801 Cheque Amount - 23.47 OOO735 R.G. RYCKMAN TRUCKING LTD 1529 WINTER SAND 12t31t2010 I 508.50 009802 Cheque Amount - 508.50 001532 RELISH ELGIN vG-28 TOURTSM ADVERTTSTNG 12t29t2010 I 1,127.18 009803 Cheque Amount - 1,127.18 OOO77O RODGER MARTIN #11 Nov'10 NO\ÆMBER'10 K-9 CONTROL 'l'll30l20'10 I 1,243.00 009804 #'l2Dec'10 DECEMBER'10 K-9 CONTROL 1213'll2O1O I 1,299.50 009804 Cheque Amount - 2,542.50 OOO783 ROYAL FENCE LIMITED PAYROLL 12/3112010 I 106.61 009800 0110712011 12:41PM Cheque Amount - 3,265.47 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10470988 LAB FEES 1A24t2010 I 296.06 009806 10470989 LAB FEES 12t24t2010 I -238.43 009806 10470990 LAB FEES 12t24t20'lo f 236.17 009806 10471518 LAB FEES 12t29t2010 I 791.00 009800 ChequeAmount- 1,561.66 OOO814 SIFTO CANADA CORP 72213554 BULK COARSE H|GHWAY 1A08t201Ù I 5,179.37 009807 72213955 BULK COARSE HTGHWAY 12t09t20't0 t 2,625.42 009807 42966 GUIDE RAIL REPAIRS 42567 GUIDE RAIL REPAIRS 72214338 72215140 72217747 1211612010 I 1,556.18 009805 12t1612010 t 1,709.29 009805 BULK COARSE HTGHWAY 1A10t2010 r 3,002.85 009807 BULK COARSE HTGHWAY 12/14t2010 I 10,s76.58 009807 BULK HTGHWAY COARSE 1?/21/2010 I 5,359.76 009807 001786 SPRING VALLEYAUTO & MARINE Cheque Amount - 26,743.98 Page 6 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 105 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01107 12011 144891 ANNUAL SAFETY 12t01t20'to I 594.09 oo98o8 144900 ANNUALSAFEW 12t17t2010 I 6s6.08 OO98O8 161852 REP|ACE LtcHT BULBS 1A21/2010 I 549.18 oo98o8 16'1853 ANNUAL SAFEW 1A28t2010 I 991.19 oo98o8 161854 ANNUAL SAFETY 12t27t20't\ I 503.57 oo98o8 161855 REPI-ACE BATTERY & EMERG Ltc 1z28120't} I 1.603.80 OO98o8 Cheque Amount - 4,897.91 OOO992 STAUFFER MOTORS LIMITED 5008504 B|-ACK GRTLL 1212212010 I 152.55 009809 Cheque Amount -152.55 001599 STEVEADAMS payroll PAYROLL 12131t2010 I 38.58 009810 ChequeAmount- 38.58 OOO893 TILLSONBURG COMMERCIAL PRINTER 31246 2011 DOG LTCENCE FLYERS 12t24t2010 I 2il.25 oo981.l 11t08t2010 I 52.07 009817 1110912010 I 't0.'15 009817 0110712011 12:41PM 001369 TILLSONBURG FIRE & 1G0058 1G0066 35U29 POSTS 358486 PAINTBRUSHES Cheque Amount - 254.25 D|SPATCH SERVTCE 3RD & 4TH QI 12t2'U2010 I 9,156.46 009812 DISPATCH SERVTCE JAN - MAR'11 12t2112010 I 4,578.23 0098.12 ChequeAmount- 13,734.69 OO157I TOVV¡¡ OF TILLSONBURG 1293 REPATRREARDUMPVALVE 12t06t2010 I 130.52 009813 ChequeAmount- 130.52 OOO9I3 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 10422 NO\ÆMBER 2010 WATER 12t21t2010 I 21,3U.73 oo98.t4 1ù242 DOORS OPEN 2011 12t!7t2o1o I 565.00 009814 1È249 ROPE RESCUE - S KRISTENSEN 12t15t2010 I 1,785.84 009814 Cheque Amount - 23,685.57 OOO942 VALLEY BTADES LIMITED 139932 BLAFES, BOLTS, NUTS, SPRTNGS 12t15t2010 I 3,569.55 009815 '140070 RUNNERS, H|GHWEAR 12t20t2010 I 2,363.96 009815 Cheque Amount - 5,933.51 OOO943 VALLEYVARIEW 0318 FIRE DEPT. GAS 1211412010 I 371.00 009816 Cheque Amount -371.00 OOO953 MENNAHOME CENTERLTD Page 7 Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 106 of 159 Invoice Cheque ' Cheque 2010.'t1.19 6.3 9050 3585't0 35871 I 358773 358775 358816 358850 359005 359085 359130 359218 359243 359285 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110712011 1110912010 1111512010 1111612010 1111612010 1111712010 11t17t2010 11122t2010 11t24t2010 1112512010 1112912010 11129120'10 1113012010 Cheque Amount - 1'llou2010 11102t2010 1110412010 11108t2010 1111212010 1111212010 1l11a2010 1111712010 11t23t2010 1'112312010 1112312010 11t25t2010 't112512010 1Aîil2Ù',tÙ 121O6t2010 12t06t2010 12107t2010 12t07t20'tO 1210812010 12110t2010 1211312010 1U16t2010 1211812010 1212012010 1212112010 12t2312010 0110712011 12:41PM FELT PAPER, ROOF TAR CABLE TIES CONCRETE MIX POSTS CAULKING GUN, KNIVES LIGHT BULBS PIPE STICK GFI LINKS SEAL PAINT LINKS JUNCTION BOX, RECEPTACLE WRE JUNCTION BOX LINE AIR, UNION DUST SHIELD BACK UP LIGHT ADAPTORTO PIPE JUNCTION BOX, RECEPTICAL SOCKET PRONGS TERMIMLRINGS. SWTCH RËCEPTACLE EMISSIONS TEST CHECKTIRES BOLTS CABLE TIES, FITTINGS WPER BI.ADE HYDRAULIC HOSE, HOSE END RED LED LIGHT HUB CAPS LED TAIL LIGHT RUBBER HOSE, FITTINGS FILTERS, DRAIN VALVE RESERVOIR, FITTINGS OIL FILTERS VVIPERS, BACKUP ALARM, LIGHT WORK I-AMPS 89.81 009817 5.98 009817 27.05 009817 158.09 009817 69.95 0098í7 42.33 009817 2.59 009817 29.36 009817 16.88 009817 10.26 009817 56.47 009817 37.92 009817 I I I I I I I I I I I I OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD 0000184063 00001840at 0000'184076 0000184091 0000184'fi9 ooo018/.I24 0000184't25 00001 841 55 0000184208 0000184210 000018421 I 0000184238 0000184241 0000184296 0000184324 0000't8432s 0000'184326 0000184329 0000184333 0000184350 0000184355 0000184404 000018441 r 0000184420 0000184426 0000184440 608.91 44.02 009818 19.78 009818 11.29 009818 40.86 009818 39.55 009818 13.55 009818 2.83 0098'18 45.15 009818 40.63 009818 28.25 009818 -20.32 009818 73.45 æ9818 78.82 009818 'to.12 @9818 74.49 009818 24.8s 009818 61.0s 009818 16.95 009818 90.38 009818 41.U 009818 20.u 009818 46.16 009818 797.U 009818 53.52 009818 75.66 009818 89.24 009818 I I I I I I I I f I c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 107 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 OO1O59 WLLIAM KNIFTON payroll PAYROLL @0990 ZAP'S TREE AND I.AWN SERVICE 00001629 TREEREMOVAL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110712011 O1lO7l20'11 12:41PM 0000184441 FUEL/WATERSEPERATOR 1A23t2010 I 15.46 009818 0000184456 swTcH 1A28t2010 I 118.51 oo98l8 0000184465 ptccyBACK KtT 12t28t2010 I 140.96 009818 0000184467 JUNCTTON BOX, HOSES, BOLTS 12t28t20't} I 361.75 oo98t8 Cheque Amount - 2,457.28 000969 VVESTBURNE RUDDY ONTARIO 3924298 FLOURESCENTLTGHTS 12t2U2010 I 65.59 009819 ChequeAmount- 65.59 1U31t2010 I 215.03 009820 Cheque Amount - 215.03 'ti/31t2010 I 186.45 009821 ChequeAmount- 186.45 Cheque Run Total - 190,505.53 Page I Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 108 of 159 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0110712011 1:17PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01107120'11 000981 wLSON',S LA\¡Vt\ CARE Oct'10 OCTOBER'1o LAÀIDSCAPING 1013112010 I 2,271.30 009822 Sepf '10 SEPT ''|0I-ANDSCAPING 09/30/2010 I 2,27'1.30 009822 Cheque Amount - 4,542.æ Cheque Run Total - 4,542.æ Page 'l Cheque Register being Cheque #9672 to Cheque #9822 inclusive totaling $1,397,224.05 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 109 of 159 SORW MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI.I TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 9 ,74r.3L ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COMPANY TOTALS ADJ UST - CR CURRENT TOTAL 9 ,74r -sL (154 -37 2,L47 .L4 L,r22.35 L3 ,469 . L7 2,4t7 .90 39 ,700.22 42,LLA.L2 É5,5a7 .29 L7A.99 23.27 55,789 .55 OF SERVICE CHARGESANALYS I S ITEH SALARIED t¡ToRKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD L78.99 RUN: DEC L4 20L0 N0: C PAGE: 170 HST REG: 1000574I3 RT0004 COMPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: DEC 15, 2010 DATE 0F PAY: DEc 17 ' ?OLo YTD TOTAL 2L4,747 .7L FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 40 ,604.L2 EI CoNT SPIP LOO,4A4.06 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 27,L58.25 0N EHT MB HET NL IIAPSET 342,994.L4 TOT STATS 79,605.09 CHEQUES 948,558.58 DEP0STTS US DEPS 50. OO DED DEPS L,O27 ,993.67 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI I,4I0,987.81 TOT PAYROL 3,579.7A SERV CHRG 88.95 GST 234.14 HST T,4L4,490.68 GRAND TOT FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT MB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT ITEI{ R.O.E. FORHS PAYROLL RUNS 458.37 2,L47 .L4 L,r22.35 L3,469.L7 2,4L7 .90 39 ,700 -22 42,LL8.L2 5É,587 .29 L7A.99 23.27 55,789 .55 ADJ UST - DR CHARGE 3.t2 47 .93 UNITS CHARGE 18 29 -70 62 L3.64 YTD ADJUST ITEII HOURLY WORKPAYS COURIER FEE UNITS 2 I UNITS 44 t CHARGE 72.60 I2.00 TOTAL S/C SUBJECT TO I{ST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DÊBIT IS 55,749.55 DEBIT INFoRIIATI0N: 003 05I02 1011925 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 6 7 2 t o C h e q u e # 9 8 2 2 i n c l u s i v e t o t a l i n g $ 1 , 3 9 7 , 2 2 4 . 0 5 a n d P a y r o l l D i s b u r s e m e n t s f o r t h e p e r i o d P a g e 1 1 0 o f 1 5 9 ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COì{PANY TOTALS ADJ UST - CR CURRENT TOTAL I ,755 .69 L ,97L.45 4,627 .98 995.56 I6,350.68 36,554.85 36,354.85 52 , 685 .53 137.90 17.93 5?,84L.36 SERVICE CHARGES RUN: DEC 51 2010 No: PAGE: HST REG: 100057415 RToo04 COHPANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: DEC 51, 2010 DATE 0F PAY: JAN 5, 20tl YTD TOTAL 4,755.69 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX L,97L.45 EI CONT QP IP 4,627,98 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 995.56 0N EHT I.IB HET NL HAPSET 16,550.ó8 T0T STATS CHEQUES 56,334 . 85 DEP0S ITS US DEPS DED DEPS 36,554.85 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 52,685.53 T0T PAYRoL I57.90 SERV CHRG GST 17.93 HST 52,A4L.36 GRAND TOT CHARGE 47 .93 20.00 G 7 EORW HUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI{ TOT PACKETS - CURRENT 8,755.69 2 ADJUST-DR 20.00 20.00 CHARGE 55.00 6,e2 YTD ADJUST FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPTP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT HB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPO S ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT L ,97I.45 4,627 .98 995 .56 16,550 .68 56,554.85 36,554.85 52,éA5.53 117.90 ' 17.95 52,82L.36 ITEH UNITS SALARIED WORKPAYS ?O PAY ADVICE FOLD 5I TOTAL S,/C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS ANALYSIS OF I TEI.I H0URLY t¡JoRKPAYS COURIER FEE I57.90 UNITS 1I I CHARGE ITEI{ UNITS I8. 15 PAYROLL RUNS I 12. OO STOP PI.IT CORHIER LANCE J THE ABOVE ANALYSIS RUN DATE ITEI{ DEC 22 ?OLO STOP PI.IT CORHIER LANC 82,84L.36 DEBIT INFORIíATI0N: 003 O5I02 10tt9Zs INCLUDES UNCOLLECTED FEES FOR THESE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED SERVICES./ITE}IS CHARGE RUN DATE 20.00 UNITS I TEf,,I UNITS CHARGE C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 6 7 2 t o C h e q u e # 9 8 2 2 i n c l u s i v e t o t a l i n g $ 1 , 3 9 7 , 2 2 4 . 0 5 a n d P a y r o l l D i s b u r s e m e n t s f o r t h e p e r i o d P a g e 1 1 1 o f 1 5 9 Page 112 of 159 St. Thomas Public L¡brary 153 Curtis Street, ST. THOMAS, Ontario, NsP 327 Tel: (519) 631-6050 Fax: (519) 631-1987 r¡vww. st-thom as. I i brary. on. ca December 17,2010 Mayor Paul Ens and Council Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 M U Fl I ü tF;'rtlTY û F fi AYllÊ,M Dear Mayor and Council: More than 850 people visit St. Thomas Public Library every day and more than 25o/o reside outside the City of St. Thomas. Many of our users live in the townships and surrounding area. Though Elgin County provides excellent collections, services and programs through its many rural branches, the City library provides a unique service, and greater breadth and depth of resources that was rated by an outside consultant as among "the best collection seen to date." St. Thomas Public Library's Revitalization Project will be undenruay shortly to enhance space and services for children, and to provide expanded services to everyone, from second career seekers, young students and adult learners. ln support of our Revitalization Project, our lmagine fundraising campaign aims to raise $100,000 by March 31", 201 1 . We would appreciate your consideration of our request for support in the 2011 budget at a rate of $1 per resident. lf you would like a presentation for your council during budget discussions, St. Thomas Public Library representatives will be most pleased to attend at your convenience. lf you would like more information on our Revítalization Project, please contact Heather Robinson at the library, or for information on the campaign, contact Greg Grondin or Terry Carroll. We already partner with Elgin County Library on a number of initiatives, including the Growing with Books project which provides a book and library card to families with newborn babies, and we share, with Oxford County, an e-services specialist who is developing virtual training for libraries in Ontario. We have also provided, and are continuing to provide, technical assistance to each other on initiatives such as downloading audio books, and digitization of archival material. We look fon¡rard to working together in the provision of the best possible library services to all our residents. Sincerely ËTEIVH DEC I 1 ?010 c /3 / gz4*( Greg Grondin Co-Chair lmagine Campaign á/& Co-Chair lmagine Campaign Correspondence dated December 17, 2010 from St. Thomas Public Library regarding "Revitalization Project". Page 113 of 159 Page 114 of 159 Å /¿ January l0,20ll Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Regional Assessment Ofhce 4380 V/ellington Road South London ON N6E 342 Attention: Brenda Slater Dear Ms. Slater Re: 2010 Municipal Election- Preliminary List of Electors Our Council has requested that concerns regarding the currency and accuracy of the preliminary list of electors for the Municipality of Bayham for the recent municipal election be brought to your attention. As you are aware, there were over 200 additions / corrections / deletions required prior to Bayham electors receiving a ballot. These requests for changes came from both property owners and tenants. I'm sure this dilemma is not unique to Bayham. Although MPAC and municipal staff strive to achieve better public satisfaction with the resulting voters list, we still have much to accomplish in this regard and need to continue in our joint eflorts to find and implement suitable solutions. If you have any suggestions to obtain better customer satisfaction in this area, it would be greatly appreciated. Yours truly Mrs. LyndaMillard, CMO Clerk File: C07 c20rt-002 Draft Letter addressed to Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding "2010 Municipal Elelction - Preliminary List Page 115 of 159 Page 116 of 159 I THE CORPORATION OF THE M{JNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 10,2077 FROM: Clerk, Lynda Millard FILE: C.l2 SUBJECT z 201 I Committee/Board Appointrnents NUMBER : C2011 -00 I Purpose: To provide information to assist Council in making appointmørts to Committees and Boards. Background: Appointments to the various boards and committees of Council are confirmed on an annual basis. Upon Council's direction, staffplaced a volunteer recruiftnent ad in the local newspapers and posted it on municipal bulletins boa¡ds and website. There was a very limited response. Staff Comments: The attached draft By-law 2011-001 confirms volunteers previously serving and/or those willing to participate on the various boards and committees of Council for 2017. rWilliam Underhill's term on the Property Standards Committee expired December 31/10. He has been contacted and is willing to accept a further three-year term expiringin2013. Former Mayor, Lynn Acre has indicated interest in appointnent to the Museums Bayham Board, the rWind Interpretive Centre Workgroup and the Bayham Harbourfront Committee. Ron Bradfield has indicated additional interest in appointment to the Wind Interpretive Centre Workgroup. Two applications have been received for the one position as member at large for the Community Centres Committee. This will be forwarded to the Committee for recommendation back to Council at the Februarymeeting. Staff appointees maybe amended at Council's discretion. 2011 Council member appointments are to be confirmed. Council members should consider whether other changes, if any, are in order. Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". Page 117 of 159 Staff Report c2011-001 Board & Committee Appointments -7 _ Current Council members who were appointees in the previous term were as follows: Community Centres Wayne Casier & Ed Ketchabaw Community at Lar ge Member Paul Ens Museums Bayham alternate Mark Taylor Joint Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail Committee Cenotaph Committee Mark Taylor Ed Ketchabaw alternate Mark Taylor Bayham Historical Society alternate Ed Ketchabaw Property Standards Committee Ed Ketchabaw Harbourfront Committee Mark Taylor Municþal/Bayham Chamber of Commerce Liaison Committee Mark Taylor Recommendation: 'THAT Staff Report C2011-001 regardíng Committee / Boørd Appointments be receìved; AND THAT By-law 2011-001, beíng a by-law to appoínt members to the various boørds and commíttees of CouncìL, as dìscussed, be presented to Councílfor enactmenl" Strateeic Plan Goals Goal # 3 GoaI# 4 Goal # 6 Create a positive business atmosphere Be dedicated to service excellence Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices Attachment By-law 201l-001 Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". Page 118 of 159 THE CORPORATION OT' TIIE MT'NICIPALITY OF' BAYIIAM BY-LAW 2011-001 A BY.LAW TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF'TITT' MI]MCIPALITY WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Baytram is desirous to appoint persons to Boa¡ds and Committees for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to appoint such persons by byJaw; THN¡¡¡PORE TIIE COTJNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLO\MS: 1. TIIAT tlre following persons be and are hereby appointed to act as mernbers of the following Boards and Committees of the Municipality of Bayham: (a) Committee of Adjustment Responsibility of Council Secretary-treasurer Planning Co-ordinator, Margaret Underhill (b) Community Centres Committee Vienna Lions Clubs Representative William Gheyse,n, or alternate Süaffordville Lions Clubs Representative Roy Stewart or alternate Community at Lar ge Members Vacant Diane Squires Vienna Community Ce,ntre Manager Jacqueline B. Bootle (non-voting) Straffordville Community Centre Managers Jackie DeClercq (non-voting) Secretary & Staff Resource Lynda Milla¡d (c) Cemetery Boards Bayham Joint Cemetery Board One rqtrese,ntative from each individual Cemetery Board (as appointed by each Board) plus Council Secretary & Staff Resource LyndaMillard Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". Page 119 of 159 BlL20n -001 -2-Committee Appointments Individual Cemetery Boards StraffordvÍlle Gerald Taylor / Al Stewart / William Underhill Bre,nt Stewart, Perry Grant & Francis Underhill Joe Neville / Murray Wisson & Jim Tait (Secretary-Treasurer) Eden James Tait (Secretary-Treasurer) / Hugh Howey / Herwin (Corþ) Ouellette lorraine Backus / Ray Maddox Calton Robert Davies (Chairman) I Tracey Davies (Secretary-Treasurer) Roger James / Stan James / Wilhelm Siemens / Isaak Banman /Peter Nuefeld Peter Froese / Cheryl James Guysboro Elizabeth Ball (Chairmar) /YeraMay Dickfiout / Bonnie Ball Coelho /DanRayson Emery Silvefhorn / Douglas Dennis / Joseph N DiclÍrout Smuck Robert Gregson (Chairman) Tom Godb y / J oan Gregson (Secretary-Treasurer) Dobbie George Scott / Mark Elliott lB.rad Swance/Jim Tupper James Elliott (Secretary-Treasurer) / Redvers Conod (Chairman & Joint Board Rep) BayhamWest Larry Milmine (Chairman) / Ralph Carter (Secretary-Treasurer) / Edward Carter Marlene Carter Best (Corinth) George Beard / George Beard Jr. I (Vacant) (d) Museums Bayham Board Three (3) year term (to expire 20Il): / ChuylPeters Brian Masschaele @rofessional Heritage Facility Representative) Three (3) year term (to expire 2012): Ron Bradfield / Jean'Woon / Mathew Schafer Anna Schafer Three (3) ]¡ear term (expires 2013): Bev Hickey / Ray Maddox (Bayham Historical Society Representative / Charles Buchanan (Port Burwell Historical Society Representative) I L'ynn Acre Council Representative :Alternate: Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". Page 120 of 159 BlL20tt-001 -3-Committee Appointments StaffLiason / Resource Lynda Millard (e) Joint Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail Commi6se (Bayham / Tillsonburg) / (Alternate )Council: StaffResource Kyle Knrger (Ð Wind fnterpretive Centre Workgroup (reports dírectþ to Councìl) Marnie Sebok / Ian Almond / Dennis Haggerty/Lynn Acre Jim Wilgar/ Ron Bradfield / Mark Wales or alternate - Malatride Appointee) (Bayham Council Representative) StaffLiason/Resource Kyle Kruger (g) Bayham Cenotaph Committee William Gheysen / Rick Postill / Tom Kirkpatrick / Jackie Van Leeuwen Andy Eveland Council (or) Alternate (h) Bayham Historical Society Council (or) Alternate (Ð Long Point Region Conservation Authority (represe,nting Bayham & Malahide-term expires 2014) Ed Ketchabaw (i) Elgin Area Primary \ilater Supply System Joint Board of Management (Representing Aylmer, Malahide & Bayham) Jack Couckuyt, Mayor, Town ofAylmer (or) Peter Barbour Councillor, Town of Aylmer (alternate) (k) Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management Council Tom Southwick (or) Wayne Casier (alternate) (l) Etdn Trans Canada Trail Committee Council Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". Page 121 of 159 B/L 20ll-001 -4-Committee Appointrnents (m) Elgn Group Joint Police Services Board Council Wayne Casier (the elected member representing Bayharn and Malahide 2010 - 2014 term represented by Bayham) (n) Community Emergency Management Program Committee Council (altemate) CEMC / Fire Service Gordon Roesch Transportation Company (Hazardous Materials) Sean Cammaert (Future Transfer) (oÐ Industry (Hazardous Materials) Public V/orks Deparbnent WaterAMaste Water Department Economic Development Land Use Planning Conservation Authority MNRÆrovincial Parks O.P.P. Operations Manager Andrew Sebok (Underhill Farm Supply) Gerry LeMay (or alternate) Edwa¡d Roloson Kyle Kruger Margaret Underhill Cliff Evanitski (or altemate) Pa¡k Manager (or alternate) Kyle Cronk (or alternate) (o) Property Standards Committee for terms to expire as follows: Council Member November 30,2014 Rate,payer Mernbers December 3l,20ll AliceVallee Decernber 31,2012 Jim Hevenor Decenrber 31,2013 William Underhill Secretary Brenda Gibbons (p) Harbourfront Committee (reports dírecþ to Councíl - 9 mernbers) Brenda Martin / Doug Lester i Ray Talbot / Ron Bradfield / Ron Flick CraigGregson / Barry Wade / Lynn Acre Council Representative (1 or more) / Staff support Ed Bradfi eld (q) MunicþaUBayham Chamber of Commerce Liaison Commiflss Council Representatives (2) : Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". Page 122 of 159 B/L 2011-001 Committee Appointments (r) Aylmer & Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Liason Committee Council Representative: (Ð Elgrn Municipal Association Municipal Representative: Leann Walsh 2. TIIAT the Mayor be ex-officio mernber of any committee and have the rights of any regulm committeemernbeç 3. THAT the term of these appoinfinents shall be for a one-year term, excqlt the Joint Police Services Boa¡d and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority representative for Bayham & Malahide which shall be for a term ending December 31,2014, and that appointees shall remain in office until respective successors are appointed by Council; 4. TIIAT appointnørts By-law 2010-001, and all amendments thereto, be repealed; 5. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ßnI DAY OF JANUARY 2OII. -5- MAYOR CLERI( Staff Report C2011-001 regarding "2011 Committee / Board Appointments". Page 123 of 159 Page 124 of 159 THE CORFORATION OF TIIE MI.]MCIPALITY OF BAYTIAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-100 A PROVISIONAL BY.LAW TO PROVIDE FOR DRAINAGE \ryORKS IN TTM MI.INICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM IN TTM COUNTY OF ELGIN KNOWN AS TTM BARTLEY MTJMCIPAL DRAIN WTIEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the Council of the Municipality of Bayham in the county of Elgin in accordance with Section #4 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O.1990, requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by drainage works: o Part Lots 6 - 9, Concessions 8 & 9, Municipality of Bayham AND WIßREAS, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham has procured Engineer Report No. 209138, prepared by Spriet Associates, dated August 31,2010, which is attached hereto as Schedule t'At', and forms part of this By-I-aw. AND WIIEREAS the estimated total cost of reconstructing the drainage worls referred to as the Bartþ Municipal Drain is $45,330.00 and is to be paid directly to the contractor by the affected landowners Abraham Peters and Emma Peters (Assessment Roll #3441-000{05-0230t) as the subdividers of the proposed lots for which this drain is required; AND WIßREAS $0.00 is the amount to be contributed by the Municipalþ of Bayham for administration costs/roads assessment associated with the reconstruction of the drainage works known as the Bartley Municipal Drain; AND WIIEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable and a revised assessment schedule for future maintenance is needed; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. Engineer Report No. 209138, dated August 31, 2010 and attached hereto, is hereby adopted and the drainage works and assessment revision as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith. 2.L The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation, the amount of $45,330.00, being the amount necessary for reconstruction of the drainage works. 2.2 The Corporation may arrange for the issue of debentures on its behalf for the amount borrowed less the total amount of, (a) grants received under Section #85 of the Act; O) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality; By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 125 of 159 3. 4. 5. By-law No. 2010-1ü)-2-November 4r 2010 (c) monies paid under Subsection #6I(3) of the Act; and (d) monies assessed in and payable by another municipality, and such debentures shall be made payable within five (5) years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by a chartered bank of Canada. A special equal rate suffrcient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the attached Schedule "4" to be collected in the same Íunner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for five (5) years after the passing of this by-law. For paying the amount of $45,330.00 being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality, a special rate suffrcient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable propefy in the Municipality of Bayham in each year for five (5) years after the passing of this Provisional By-law to be collected in the same nunner and at the same time as other taxes are collected. All assessments of $250.00 or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed. This ByJaw comes into force on the passing thereof and rnay be cited as the "Bartley Municipal Drain'. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4h day of November 2010. Provisionally adopted this 4h day of November 2010. CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this day of 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 126 of 159 COURT OF REVISION - MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Corporation of the Municipality of Baytram for considering and determining ofAppeals to the said Court of Revision to the Assessment of By-law #2010-100 will be held in Council Chanrbers at THE BAYHAM MTTNICIPAL OITICE in Süaffordville on Decernber 2,2010 at 8:00 p.m. All notices of assessment appeal by an owner shall be served on the Clerk of the Municipality AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR to the first sitting of the Court. Date of mailing Ò CLERK By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 127 of 159 BARTLEY DRA¡N Municipality of Bayham SPRIET ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS &ABCHITECTS 155 York Sueet London, Onlario lsA 148 Tel. (519) 672-4'100 Fa.x (519) 'ßXl-C151 E-mâ¡ I MAI.@SFREÍ.ONCA Job No. 209138 August 31,2010 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 128 of 159 London, Ontario August 31,2010 BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham To the Mayor and Council of the MunicÍpality of Bayham Mayor and Council: We are pleased to present or report on the reconstruction of the Bartley Municipal Drain serving parts of Lots 6-9, Concessions I and 9 in the Municipality of Bayham. AUTHORIZATION This report was prepared pursuant to Section 78 of the Drainage Act. lnstructions were received from your Municipality with respect to a motion of Council in accordance with Section I of the Drainage Act. The work was initiated by a request signed by an affected landowner. HISTORY The Bartley Drain was last reconstructed pursuant to a report submitted by J.R. Spriet, P.Eng. dated June 20, 1978 and consisted of the reconstruction and extension of the Bartley Drain. The work contained approximately 332 lineal feet of open ditch and approximately 3685 lineal feet of concrete tile ranging in size from 6" to 12" in diameter. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS A site meeting was held with respect to the project and through later discussions the requesting landowner indícated he intended to build a residential subdivision in Lot 7, Concession 8 and would require an improved outlet for the subdivisíon as well as the relocation of a portion of the drain to accommodate potential lots. It was also indicated that, as a condition of severance, a new Schedules of Assessment for Maintenance should be prepared due to the numerous lot severances the developer has undertaken in the past. A field investigation and survey was completed and upon reviewing our findings, we note the following: . that the existing tile in the Bartley Drain from the open ditch in Lot 6, Concession I to approximately the half lot line of Lot 7, Concession I will require relocating and upsizing to today's standards By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 129 of 159 2 EXISTING DRAINAGE COND¡TIONS (cont'd) preliminary design, cost estimates and assessments were prepared and an informal public meeting was heldto review the findings and preliminary proposals. Further input and requests were piovided by the affected owners at that time and it was decided to proceed with the report based on this. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The proposed drain was designed, with respect to capacity, using the Drainage Coefficient method contained in the "DRAINAGE GUIDE FOR ONTARIO", Publication 29 by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The Drainage Coefficient defines a depth of water that cán be iemoved in a 24 hour period and is expressed in millimeters per 24 hours. The coefficient used for the Main Drain was 38mm. We would like to point out that there have been indications of sandy soil conditions, but no formal soil investigation has been made' All of the proposed work has been generally designed an! snll] be constructed in accordance with the óestct¡ AND coNSTRUcTloN cUIDELINES FoR WORK UNDER THE DRAINAGE ACT. RECOMMENDATIONS We are therefore recommending the following: . that the existing closed Bartley Drain be reconstructed from the open ditch in Lot 6 to the east side of the proposed subdivision, a distance of 253lineal meters . that the drain be constructed with sealed sewer pipe to prevent tree roots from entering the drain . that the drain be constructed on a crushed stone bedding with filter wrap to prevent the drain from settling . that the existing 300mm dia. tile drain installed under the 1978 report remain a municipal drain irom the open ditch and across the lands of L. & A. Matthews (Roll. No. 5-023-02) to serve as an overflow drain in times of severe flooding . that the proposed outlet structure, stormwater management pond and storm drain along Street 'A' tb be installed as part of the subdivision, be incorporated as part of the municipal drain ànd be referred to as Branch 'B' . that catchbasins be installed along the course of the drain to alleviate surface flows and provide access to the drain . that the existing Bartley Drain from Sta.0+076 to Sta.0+265 be officially abandoned from municipal status pursuant to section 19 of the Drainage Act By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 130 of 159 3 RECOMMENDATIONS (cont'd) ln accordance with the principals of Section M(2) of the Drainage Act, the existing surface waterway along the route of the tile drain shall be part of the drainage works for future maintenance. The width available for the waterway shall be equal to the maintenance working width as noted on the Gontract Drawings. We have reviewed the existing Schedules of Assessment for the Bartley Drain and found them to be out-of-date and unfair due to property splits and changes in land use, the watershed and drainage conditions. We therefore recommend that new schedules be included as part of this report for future maintenance purposes. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES There are no significant wetlands or sensitive areas within the affected watershed area or along the route of the drains. The proposed construction of the Bartley Drain includes quarry stone outlet protection and suface inlets which greatly help reduce the overland surface flows and any subsequent erosion. A temporary flow check of straw bales or silt fencing is to be installed in the ditch downstream of the tile outlet for the duration of the construction. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WORK The proposed work consists of approximately 263 lineal meters of 375mm (15") H.D.P.E. plastic pipe including related appurtenances and the incorporation of 182lineal meters of 300mm (12") to 525mm (21") storm drain. SCHEDULES Four schedules are attached hereto and form Allowances, Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate, Schedule Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance. part of this report, being Schedule 'A' - 'C' - Assessment for Construction and Schedule 'A' - Allowances. ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, allowances are þrovided for right-of-way and damages to lands and crops along the route of the drain as defined below. Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate. This schedule provides for a detailed cost estimate of the proposed work which is in the amount of $45,330.00. This estimate includes engineering and administrative costs associated with this project. Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. This schedule outlines the distribution of the total estimated cost of constructíon over the roads and lands which are involved. Schedule'D'-AssessmentforMaintenance. lnaccordancewithSection3SoftheDrainage Act, this schedule outlines the distribution of future repair and/or maintenance costs for portions of, or the entire drainage works. By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 131 of 159 4 SCHEDULES (cont'd) Drawing No. 1 , Job No. 209138 and specifications form part of this repod. They show and describe in detail the location and extent of the work to be done and the lands which are affected. ALLOWANGES DAMAGES: Section 30 of the Drainage Act provides for the compensation to landowners along the drain for damages to lands and crops caused by the construction of the drain. The amounts granted are based on the following: a) for closed drain installed with wheel machine or backhoe - $1,833.00/ha. This base rate is multiplied by the hectares derived from the working wídths shown on the plans and the applicable lengths. RIGHT-OF-WAY: Section 29 of the Drainage Act provides for an allowance to the owners whose land must be used for the construction, repair, or future maintenance of a drainage works. For tile drains where the owners will be able to continue to use the land, the allowance provides for the right to enter upon such lands, and at various times for the purpose of inspecting such drain, removing obstructions, and making repairs. Also, the allowance provides for the restrictions imposed on those lands to protect the right-of-way from obstruction or derogation. The amounts granted for right-of-way on tile drains is based on 20% of value of the land designated for future maintenance. Therefore, the amounts granted are based on $1,800.00/ha. These values are multiplied by the hectares derived from the width granted for future maintenance and the applicable lengths. ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS ln accordance with the Drainage Act, lands that make use of a drainage works are liable for assessment for part of the cost of constructing and maintaining the system. These assessments are known as benefii and outlet liability as set out under Sections 22 and 23 of the Act. BENEFIT as defined in the Drainage Act means the advantages to any lands, roads, buildings or other structures from the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a drainage works such as will result in a higher market value or increased crop production or improved appearance or better control of surface or sub-surface water, or any other advantages relating to the betterment of lands, roads, buildings or other structures. OUTLET liability is assessed to lands or roads that may make use of a drainage works as an outlet either directly or indirectly through the medÍum of any other drainage works or of a swale, ravine, creek or watercourse. By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 132 of 159 5 ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS (cont'd) ln addition, a Public Utility or Road Authority shall be assessed for and pay allthe increased cost to a drainage works due to the construction and operation of the Public Utility or Road Authority. This may be shown as either benefit or special assessment. ASSESSMENT We assess the entire cost of this report to the developer of the Subdivision, A. & E. Peters (Roll No. 5-023-01). lt is to be noted that the cost of this report is not eligible for the Provincial Agricultural Grant. MAINTENANCE Upon completion of construction, all owners are hereby made aware of Sections 80, 82 and 83 of the Drainage Act which forbid the obstruction of, damage or injury to, and pollution of a municipaldrain. After completion, the entire Bartley Drain including the existing drain installed under the 1 978 report shall be maintained by the Municipality of Bayham at the expense of all upstream lands and roads assessed in Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance and in the same relative proportions, until such time as the assessment is changed under the Drainage Act. The above existing portions of the drain shallbe maintained in accordance with the grades and dimensions set out in the plans and specifications contained in the report by J.R. Spriet, P. Eng. dated June 20, 1978. Respectfully submitted, ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED SJS By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 133 of 159 SCHEDULE 'A' - ALLOWANCES BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, we determine the allowances payable to owners entitled thereto as follows: Section 29 Section 30 COTCeSSþtr¡ tOr nOL MAIN DRAIN. CLOSED PORTION 6 5-020-10(4. & S. Burwell) $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.007 050-023-02(L. & A. Mathews) 120.00 220.00 340.00 I I I 8 I 7 Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters 50.007 Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters 10.007 Lot I - Severance - A. & E. Peters 190.00 50.00 10.00 190.00 TotalAllowances $ 380.00 $ 240.00 $ 620.00 TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION $ OZO.OO BFIANCH '' 8 " I I 7 Lot4-Severance-4.&E.Peters$ 120.00 $ $ 120.007 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) 90.00 90.00 TotalAllowances $ 210.00 $ $ 210.00 TOTALALLOWANCES ON THE BRANCH " 8 " TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE BARTLEY DRAIN $ 210.00 $ 830.00 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 134 of 159 SCHEDULE'B' - COST ESTIMATE BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham We have made an estimate of the cost of the proposed work which is outlined in detail as follows: MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTTON (CONSTRUGTION) One 6 meter length of 550mm dia., 2.Omm thickness aluminized outlet pipe (with rodent gate): Supply lnstallation at tile outlet with quarry stone rip-rap protection around pipe and across end of ditch (Approx. 6m' quarry stone required) lnstallation of the following sewer pipe on a crushed stone bedding: 247 meters of 375mm (15") H.D.P.E. Boss sewer pipe Supply of the above listed pipe Supply and delivery of 19mm crushed stone (Approx. 100 tonnes) Supply and installthree 600mmx600mm standard catchbasins including grates, berms and ditching Supply and install one 1200mm dia. manhole at Sta.0+076 Cross connect existing drain with new manhole using 10 meters - 300mm H.D.P.E. pipe on stone bedding Restoration of lawn areas with imported topsoil and seed Sta.0+006 to Sta.0+076 Tile connections and contingencies Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act ADMINISTRATION Survey, Plan and Report Assistance and Expenses Supervision and Final lnspection TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 45,330.00 $ 600.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 9,300.00 $ 9,100.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 830.00 $ 11,230.00 $ 670.00 $ 1,500.00 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 135 of 159 SCHEDULE'C' - ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION BARTLEY DRAIN MuniciPalitY of BaYham Job No. 209138 August 31,2010 We assess the entire cost of this report to the Developer, A. & E. Peters owner of property Roll No. 5-023-01 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE BARTLEY DRAIN $45,330.00 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 136 of 159 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 209138 HECTARES CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) August 31,2010 PERCENTAGE OF MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN. OPEN PORTION I*8 *B *8 *B *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 I*8 *8 I I*8 *8 I '9*9 I 6 0.81 7 0.66 7 0.13 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.38 7 0.38 7 0.40 7 0.11 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.40 7 6.81 7 1.10 I 0.83 8 0.12 8 2.41 8 0.77 8&9 5.43 8&9 1.34 9 2.71 9 1.04 I 2.38 20.20 olo 1.20 0.30 1.30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.20 1.00 11.30 2.30 1.80 0.30 4.10 1.60 9.20 2.30 6.90 2.20 =1'3:=== ::::!-= 10.50 7o 11.80 ='j::=== 25.2 To 5-020-10(4. & S. Burwell) 050-023-02(1. & A. Mathews) 050-023-04(J. Ham) Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 8 - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) 5-023-20(The Corinth Mennonite Curch) 5-027 -29(Mennonite Church in Christ) 5-029-01(D. & G. Holden) 5-025(P. Fehr) 5-031-02(8. L'Etoile) 5-031(U. & L. Vantyghem) 5-031-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5-085-01(Future Transfer Co. lnc) 5-085(T. & J. Cox) 5-08È1O(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON I-ANDS Eden Line 1.09 Highway No. 3 1.75 Street'A' 0.38 County of Elgin Ministry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN . OPEN PORTION 100.0 % By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 137 of 159 10 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE (Cont'd) BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 "8*8 *8 I '8*8 I I*8 '8 I '9*9 I 7 0.61 7 0.13 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.38 7 0.38 7 0.40 7 0.11 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.40 7 6.81 7 1.10 8 0.83 I 0.12 I 2.41 I 0.77 8&9 5.43 8&9 1.34 I 2.71 9 '1.04 I 2.38 2.20 o/o 0.60 0.70 0.20 0.20 0.20 2.',|0 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.30 11.10 2.20 1.90 0.20 7.40 1.60 15.70 5.90 12.40 3.00 =:11== :::=!= '12.60 0/o 9.90 =lÍl== !]-:2=!= 050-023-02(1. & A. Mathews) 050-023-04(J. Ham) Lot 4 - Severance -4. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 8 - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) 5-023-20(T he Corinth Men nonite Curch) 5-027 -20(Mennonite Church in Christ) 5-029-01(D. & G. Holden) 5-025(P. Fehr) 5-031-02(8. L'Etoile) 5-031(U. & L. Vantyghem) 5-031-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5-085-01(Future Transfer Co. lnc) 5-085(T. & J. Cox) 5-086-1 0(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS Eden Line Highway No. 3 Street 'A' County of Elgin Ministry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham 1.09 1.75 0.38 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN. GLOSED PORTION 100.0 % By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 138 of 159 SGHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE (Cont'd) BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST BFÙANGH " B " II *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 I 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.10 7 0.12 7 0.32 7 0.11 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.06 7 1.69 '11.60 % 9.50 4.00 3.50 3.40 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.10 37.20 70.2 % --====== 29.80 % 29.8 o/o ======= Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters LotS-Severance-A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) Street'A' TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS 0.38 Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BFIANCH " B " Note: All the above lands noted with an asterik are classifled as Non-agricultural 100.0 % By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Municipal Drain - Third Reading) Page 139 of 159 lB.M ur il noÂo úE Ir'tt t ï, ffi./ | ng-ttzt\4 |GENERAL NÕTE9 \-1u 15m ã I-1 AIN DRAINPROFILE 9C*Et |Æltl @ ,/ ^ '^-^* v d Fc.úre o¡rlo JM Æ 4ú1d104rÈI E @ors SL cær¡r erÆar ro fE our rccN ru{ üfrlw! sùltr i ¡*ffiùdrrÆffiô aL s[rar l ffi m 'o crr &Éilro GÑTllDN AÞ R F4IÉô A{IIGIE {'æ rcrG fo rE Éfrñ cLo9ED tORrtOñ5 .râ c l' N rr FdarN*ffio!Þe , aLarc]W@ehræÆ ür{rÉorN€cæÆrur¡*crh c 5 &nrEmr 4 rM[¿R rf óuf,4Mroármrrur trì f@ráro*ufllrDdÊr* ræÆ d)Nuyr0*Eólæoro&qcæ[dr@ÆEùrf ccr4ÀJ'rE ú r{ør&ræ41 6raLrE ñEd^eÐñdbr \ læo NcorE¡nLE I é'tMx ry R'dffio ¿da 4fúr6 af MorLE æ¿lwrurÆæmErÉ!]mrf ÆtrprE ù¡@rf ËRæ tfr ]f, 4rM1 ru !l@ Wr) ó-oþ-ro ^.5gffu CRUSI-IED gTONE ÞEÞDING DETAILH.D-P.E. gEUJER PIPE $ Q Ë ÞETAIL PLAN UJATER9I]EÞ PLAN *Àt¿ I L@ -/\ 5 =-=----ñ BARTLEY DRAIN MUNTCIPALITY OF BAYHAM sÀ{lù ;l¡Ç$: PLÂN ' PROFILE B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 1 0 0 A P r o v i s i o n a l B y - L a w t o p r o v i d e f o r D r a i n a g e W o r k s ( B a r t l e y M u n i c i p a l D r a i n - T h i r d R e a d i n g ) P a g e 1 4 0 o f 1 5 9 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 20t 1-001 A BY.LAW TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF TIIE MTJNICIPALITY WHEREAS the Council of the Municþality of Bayham is desirous to appoint persons to Boards and Committees for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to appoint such persons bybyJaw; TIIEREFORE THE COTINCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the following persons be and are hereby appointed to act as mernbers of the following Boards and Committees of the MunicipalityofBayham: (a) Committee of Adjustment Responsibility of Council Secretary-treasurer Planning Co-ordinator, Margaret Underhill (b) Community Centres Committee Council Vienna Lions Clubs Representative William Gheysen, or alternate Straf|ordville Lions Clubs Representative Roy Stewart or altemate Community at Lar ge Members Vacant Diane Squires Vienna Community Centre Manager Jacqueline B. Bootle (non-voting) StrafFordville Community Centre Managers Jackie DeClercq (non-voting) Secretary & Staff Resource Lynda Millard (c) Cemetery Boards Bayham Joint Cemetery Board One representative from each individual Cemetery Board (as appointed by each Board) plus Council Secretary & Staff Resource Lynda Millard By-Law 2011-001 A By-Law to appoint members (Boards & Committees) Page 141 of 159 B,lL2011-001 -2-Committee Appointments Individual Cemetery Boards Straffordville Gerald Taylor / Al Stewart / William Underhill Brent Stewart, Perry Grant & Francis Underhill Joe Neville / Murray Wisson & Jim Tait (Secretary -Treasurer) Eden James Tait (Secretary-Treasurer) / Hugh Howey / Herwin (Corþ) Ouellette Lorraine Backus / Ray Maddox Calton Robert Davies (Chairman) I Tracey Davies (Secretary-Treasurer) Roger James / Stan James / \Milhelm Siemens / Isaak Banman / Peter Nuefeld Peter Froese I Cheryl James Guysboro Elizabeth Ball (Chairman) / Vera May Dickhout / Bonnie Ball Coelho I Dan Rayson Emery Silverthorn / Douglas Dennis / Joseph N Dickhout Smuck Robert Gregson (Chairman) Tom Godby I JoanGregson (Secretary-Treasurer) Dobbie George Scott / Mark Elliott lBrad Swance/ Jim Tupper James Elliott (Secretary-Treasurer) / Redvers Conod (Chairman & Joint Board Rep) BayhamWest Larry Milmine (Chairman) / Ralph Carter (Secretary-Treasurer) / Edward Carter Marlene Carter Best (Corinth) George Beard / George Beard Jr. /(Vacant) (d) Museums Bayham Board Three (3) year term (to expire 2071): I Chuyl Peters Brian Masschaele (Professional Heritage Facility Representative) Three (3) year term (to expire 2012): Ron Bradfield / Jean Woon / Mathew Schafer Anna Schafer Three (3) year term (expires 2013): Bev Hickey / Ray Maddox (Bayham Historical Society Representative / Charles Buchanan (Port Burwell Historical Society Representative) / Lynn Acre Council Representative :Alternate: By-Law 2011-001 A By-Law to appoint members (Boards & Committees) Page 142 of 159 BlL20tt-001 -J-Committee Appointments StaffLiàson / Resource Lynda Millard (e) Joint Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail Committee @ayham / Tillsonburg) / (Altemate )Council: StaffResource Kyle Kruger (Ð Wind Interpretive Centre Workgroup (reports directly to Councíl) Mamie Sebok / Ian Almond / Dennis HaggertylLynn Acre Jim rü/ilgar / Ron Bradfield / Mark'Wales or alternate - Malahide Appointee) (Bayham Council Representative) Staff Liason / Resource Kyle Kruger (g) Bayham Cenotaph Committee \Milliam Gheysen / Rick Postill / Tom Kirþatrick / Jackie Van Leeuwen Andy Eveland Council (or) Alternate (h) Bayham Historical Society Council (or) Altemate (Ð Long Point Region Conservation Authority (representing Bayham & Malatride-term expires 2014) Ed Ketchabaw C) Elgin Area Primary'Water Supply System Joint Board of Management (Representing Aylmer, Malahide & Bayham) Jack Couckuyt, Mayor, Town of Aylmer (or) Peter Barbour Councillor, Town of Aylmer (alternate) (k) Port Burwell Secondary \Mater Supply System Joint Board of Management Council Tom Southwick (or) Wayne Casier (altemate) 0) Etgln Trans Canada Trail Committee Council By-Law 2011-001 A By-Law to appoint members (Boards & Committees) Page 143 of 159 B/L 201l-001 -4-Committee Appointments (m) Elgln Group Joint Police Services Board Council Wayne Casier (the elected mernb€r representing Bayham and Malahide 2010 - 2014 term represented by Bayham) (n) Community Emergency Management Program Committee Council (or)(alternate) CEMC / Fire Service Gordon Roesch Transportation Company (Hazardous Materials) Sean Cammaert (Future Transfer) Industry (Hazardous Materials) Public Works Department 'WaterÆVaste Water Departrnent Economic Development Land Use Planning Conservation Authority MNRÆrovincial Parks O.P.P. Operations Manager (o) Property Standards Committee for terms to expire as follows: Council Member November 30,2014 Rate,payer Mernbers Decernber 31,2071 Alice Vallee December 3I,2012 Jim Hevenor Decernber 31,2013 WilliamUnderhill Secretary Brenda Gibbons (p) Harbourfront Commiffee (reports dírectþ to Councíl - 9 members) Brenda Martin / Doug Lester / Ray Talbot / Ron Bradfield / Ron Flick Craig Gregson lBarry V/ade / Lynn Acre Council Representative (l or more) / Staff support Ed Bradfield (Ð Municipal/Bayham Chamber of Commerce Liaison Committee Andrew Sebok (Underhill Farm Supply) Gerry LeMay (or alternate) Edward Roloson Kyle Kruger Margaret Underhill Cliff Evanitski (or altemate) Park Manager (or altemate) Kyle Cronk (or alternate) Council Representatives (2): By-Law 2011-001 A By-Law to appoint members (Boards & Committees) Page 144 of 159 BlL2011-001 Committee Appointments (r) Aylmer & Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Liason Committee Council Representative : (s) Elgin Municipal Association Municipal Representative: Leann Walsh 2. TIIAT the Mayor be ex-officio mernber of any committee and have ttre rights of any regular committee mernber; 3. TIIAT the term of these appointments shall be for a one-year term, except the Joint Police Services Board and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority representative for Bayham & Malahide which shall be for a term ending December 31,2014, and that appointees shall remain in office until respective successors are appointed by Council; 4. TIIAT appointrnents By-law 2010-001, and all amendments thereto, be repealed; 5. TIIAT this by-law shall come into force and take eflect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOI\D AI\D TIIIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13M DAY OF JANUARY 2OII. -5- MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-001 A By-Law to appoint members (Boards & Committees) Page 145 of 159 Page 146 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-002 BEING A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE TIIE MAYOR AIYD CLERK TO EXECUTE AI\ AGREEMENT WITII VAN BREE DRÄINAGE & BULLDOZING LTD. FOR TIIE PROVISION OF DRAINAGE WORKS FOR THE BARTLEY MTTNICIPAL DRAIN IN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM PT'RSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF TIIE DRAINAGE ACT, CHAPTER D.17, R.S.O. 1990 AS AMENDED. \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Municþality of Bayham deems it expedient to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into and execute a contract on behalf of the Municipality for the provision of drainage works of the Bartley Municipal Drain based on and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender accepted; AND \ilHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham (the "Municþality'') desires to enter into an agreement with VanBree Drainage & BulldozingLtd. for construction of the Bartley Municipal Drain in accordance with the Contract as prepared by Spriet Associates; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Municþality enter into and execute an agreement with VanBree Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd. for construction of the Bartley Municipal Drain in accordance with the Contract attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this By-Law; 2. TIIAT the Mayor and the Clerk of the Municipality archereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Municipality to execute all documents as may be required to give effect to these presents. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into fulI force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY oF JANUARY 2011. Mayor Clerk By-Law 2011-002 A By-Law to execute an agreement (Bartley Municipal Drain) Page 147 of 159 Page 2 of 3 Revised November, 2000 TO: Mayor and Council: RE: Construction of: Sirs: FORM OF TENDER AND AGREEMENT FORM OF TENDER Mrnininalitu of Ravham The undersigned, having carefully examined the drawíngs, specifications and locat¡on of the work and understanding all conditions hereby offers to enter into a contmct to construct the said work for the said Municipality, complete and ready for use in accordance with drawings and specificat¡ons on file at he office of the Municipality or Engineer, which drawings and specifications form the basis of the proposaf for the following pnces: To Wit: COVERED PORTION 1. a) Supply of Materials b) Supply of Labour and Equipment Barllav Drain SuFTotal Plus H.S.T. 13% TOTAL TENDER COVERED PORTION We understand that the Municipality may accept tenders for the complete works or a portion thereof as set out above and that the lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. The Tender shall enclose the followino: or before OFFERED ON BEHALF OF THE CONTRACTOR L/'tu, /iE¿¿ 4Ez¡¿¿ç¿' C O M PANY N AME:,þ...a,.. ¿3 a k.+. a.ç..a t +i á.. I /.. 2 . 7¿'z ADDRESS:../a z -/.*).< e,¿e o zéo aa .., /. *. n.*.,, s-. t.<.... 7. *;rz i 7 r.. 2 è,.'.. þ- n..r) r t " ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF THE MUNICIPALITY M4YOR........... c1ERK............ DATE............... (Seal if lncorporated)(Seal) By-Law 2011-002 A By-Law to execute an agreement (Bartley Municipal Drain) Page 148 of 159 Page 3 of 3 EXTENT OF WORK BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 209138 August 31,2010 MA|N DRATN - CLOSED PORTTON (GONSTRUCTION) One 6 meter length of 550mm dia., 2.0mm thickness aluminized outlet pipe (with rodent gate): Supply beA L.S. lnstallation at tile outlet with quarry stone rip-rap protectÍon around pipe and across end . ,¿ ¡a of ditch (Approx. 6m' quarry stone requ¡red) o t5 L.S' lnstallation of the following sewer pipe on a crushed stone bedding: 247 meters of 375mm (15) H.D.P.E. Boss sewer pipe Supply of the above listed pipe Supply and delivery of 19mm crushed stone (Approx. 100 tonnes) Restoration of lawn areas with imported topsoil and seed Sta.0+006 to Sta.0+076 Supply and install three 600mmx600mm standard catchbasins including grates, berms and - a?oitòriiñs 4lê5 -- t.s. Supply and instrall one 1200mm dia. manhole at Sta.0+076 ctÐ27¿Ð L.s. 3åäriÍ,liii"xistinsdrainwithnewmanholeusinsl0meters-300mmH.D.P.E.pipeon gg,'- ts. /g¿a "- t.s. NOTE: The Extent of Work is to be attached to the Tender Form. ¿.24¿¿ 4 4¿ è ¿2a: --¿.--s-.oè ¿"1'-¿'= COMPANY NAME: /íe----ao¿¿^;ç z-..- .-¿2 ADDRESS:'7Ò 2 q - )-,.- --.-, -?z , TELEPHONENO: ^-/t - á ¿2 -36// FAXNO: s-z>-'-z¿.-7èac, NOTE: This "Extent of Work" form has been prepared for the convenience of the Contractor and he is to use this summary in conjunction with the plan and profile, tenderform and standard specifications available from the Clerk to tender this project. ln case of any inconsistency or conflict between the drawings and this "Extent of Work", the drawings shall take precedence over the "Extent of Work". By-Law 2011-002 A By-Law to execute an agreement (Bartley Municipal Drain) Page 149 of 159 Page 150 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-003 A BY-LAW TO EXEMPT FROM TAXATTON, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AI\D EDUCATION PURPOSE, FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEEDING IO YEARS, TIIOSE PREMISES ACTUALLY USED AND OCCUPIED AS A CLUB HOUSE BY PERSONS WHO SERVED WITH TIIE ARMED FORCES OF HER MAJESTY OR HER MAJESTY'S ALLIES IN AII'Y \MAR \ilIIEREAS the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1990, c.A.3l (the Act) under Section 6.1 (1) (2) provides that a municipality may pass by-laws exempting land used and occupied as a memorial home, club house, or athletic gtounds by persons who served in the armed forces of His or Her Majesty or an ally of His or Her Majesty in any war is exempt for taxation except for local improvements and education purposes. AND \MHEREAS the Royal Canadian Legion, Post Branch 524,located within the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham qualifies as a veteran organization of persons who served in the Armed Forces of Her Majesty or Her Majesty's Allies in any war, TIIEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. TIIAT the Post Branch 524 of the Royal Canadian Legion located at 40 Wellington Street, Port Burwell shall be 100% exempt from Municþal (lower tier) taxes, excqlt for local improvements and school putposes, for a period not to exceed 10 years, commencing with the year z}l},provided that an application is made to the Treasurer on an annual basis. 2. THAT this byJaw come into effect commencing January 7,2010 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 13 day of January, 20fi.. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-003 A By-Law to exempt from taxation (Royal Canadian Legion Post Branch 524) Page 151 of 159 Page 152 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-004 A BY.LA\il TO PROVIDE FOR A¡[ INTERIM TAX LEVY WIIEREAS Section 317 of The Municipal Act, 2001, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001, as amended, provides for an interim levy for 20ll on the assessment of property in the municipality rateable for local municipal purposes, subject to certain restrictions; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable and expedient that such a levy should be made; TIIEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That for the year 2011, the interim tax levying amounts to be levied, raised and collected on all real property taxable within the residential, farmland, pipeline, multi-residential, commercial and industrial classes, and liable to pay the same according to the last revised assessment roll, shall be fifty (50) percent (%) of the total amount of annualised taxes for municipal and school purposes levied on the property for the previous year, that is for the year 2010. 2. The said interim tax levying amounts shall be due and payable in two instalments at the Municipality of Bayham Office at 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, on or before the following dates: FIRST INSTALMENT SECOND INSTALMENT Notice of such taxes due shall be sent by first class mail by the Tax Collector to those persons or firms liable for the payment of taxes. 5. That a charge as a penalty of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any outstanding taxes levied in2Dll shall be made on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, until December 3l't 2011, and any such additional amount shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if it had been originally imposed with and formed part of such levy. 6. That interest of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any taxes due and unpaid after December 31, 2011, shall be charged on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which the default continues. 7. That taxes may be levied, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law on the assessment of property that is added to the assessment roll after this byJaw is passed. February 25,2011 May 27,2011 By-Law 2011-004 A By-Law to provide for an Interim Tax Levy Page 153 of 159 8. That the provisions of the Municipal Act with respect to the levy of the yearly rates and the collection of taxes apply mutatis mutandis to the levy of rates and collection of taxes under this by-law. 9. That this byJaw shall become effective as of the lst day of January, 2011. READ A FIRST AI\D SECOND TIME this 13th day of January 2011. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 13th day of January 2011. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-004 A By-Law to provide for an Interim Tax Levy Page 154 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-005 BEING A BY-LA\il TO AUTHORIZE BORRO\üING FROM TIME TO TIME TO MEET CURRENT EXPENDITURES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 201L. WHEREAS the Municipal Act. 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, s.407, provides authority for a council byJaw to authorize tønporaryborrowing, until taxes are collected, and until other revenuss are received, to meet the current expenditures of the municþality for the year, AND WHEREAS the total amount which maybe borrowed from all sources at any one time to meet the current expenditures of the municipality, except with the approval of the Ontario Municþal Board, is limited by Section 407 of the Municþal Act, 2001. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Borrowing Authority fnstruments Lenders Limit on Borrowing 1) The head of council and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance during the year 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the curent year) such sums as may be necessary to meet, until the taxes are collected, and until other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the municipality and the other amounts that are set out in section 407 of the Municipal Act, 2001. 2) A promissory note or bankers' acceptance made under Section I shall be signed by the head of council or such other person as is authorized by byJaw to sign it and by the Treasurer. 3) The lenders from whom amounts maybe borrowed under authority of this by-law shall be the Royal Bank of Canada and such other lender(s) and reserve funds of the municþality as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Council. 4) The total amount which maybe borrowed at any one time under this by-law, together with the total of any similarborrowings that have notbeen repaid, shall not exceed, from January lst until september 30th of the current year, 50 percent of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. Such borrowing shall not exceed, from October 1st until December 31st of the current yeat,25 percent of the said estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. For pu{poses of this by-law, the estimated revenues of the municipality shall not include revenues derivable or derived from By-Law 2011-005 A By-Law to authorize borrowing to meet current expenditures Page 155 of 159 Borrowing Documents Required 'When Estimates Not Adopted Charge on Revenues and Directive to Treasurer Effective Date e) s) 6) 7) 8) (a) bonowings or issues of debentures, or (b) a surplus, including arrears of levies, or (c) a transfer from the capital fund, reserve funds or reserves. The Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borrowed under this byJaw, ensure that the lender is or has been furnished with a certified copy of this by-law, a certified copy of the resolution mentioned in Section 3 determining the lender if applicable and a copy of the estimates of the corporation adopted for the current year and also showing the total of any other amounts borrowed from any and all sources under authority of Section 407 ofthe Municipal Act, 2001 that have not been repaid. If the estimates for the current year have not been adopted at the time an amount is borrowed under this byJaw. (a) the limitation on total borrowing shall be calculated for the time being upon the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimated adopted for the previous year, and (b) the copy furnished under Section 5 shall show the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the previous year. All or any sums borrowed under this by-law shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the municþality for the curent year and for any preceding years as when such revenues are received but such charge does not defeat or affect and is subject to any prior charge then subsisting in favour of any other lender. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all or any sums borrowed under this by-law, together with interest thereon, all or any of the money hereafter collected or received, either on account ofor realized in respect ofthe taxes levied for the curent year and preceding years or from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. This byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon date of passing. By-Law 2011-005 A By-Law to authorize borrowing to meet current expenditures Page 156 of 159 Read a first, second and third time and finatly passed this 13th day of January 2011. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-005 A By-Law to authorize borrowing to meet current expenditures Page 157 of 159 Page 158 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2011-006 A BY-LA\il TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COTINCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF'BAYIIAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JAI\UARY I3,2OII WHEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the MunicipalAct,2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 21,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to . be exercisedbybyJaw; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE THE COTINCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\üS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held January 13,20ll is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and afüxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 13th day of Januaryr 20ll. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-006 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 159 of 159