HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 13, 2009 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville August 13, 2009 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:15 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Verbal update regarding Estherville Cemetery. (b)Copy of resolution passed by Township of Woolwich June 30, 2009 regarding "Development Charges". File: C10 (c)Copy of resolution passed July 20, 2009 by Township of Huron-Kinloss regarding "Giant Hogweed". File: C10 (d)Copy of resolutions passed June 10, 2009 by City of Greater Sudbury regarding "Employment Insurance Reform" and "Proposed Workplace Fatalities Family Bill of Rights". 9-30 31 33 35-36 Page 1 of 265 Council Agenda August 13, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS File: C10 (e)Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Call for Applications for the Ontario Transportation Demand Management Municipal Grant Program", "Government Releases Draft Built Environment Standard Under the AODA for Public Review", "$7 Million for Drinking Water Stewardship Available", "AMO Encourages Municipalities to Join the Count Me In! Community Challenge"and "Creating Jobs: Delivering Results - 2nd Edition". File: A01 (f)South West Local Health Integration Network Board of Directors highlights of meetings held June and July 2009. File: S08 (g)Correspondence dated July 6, 2009 from Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation with results of public opinion poll and article regarding "range of possibilities found in Ontario's Greenbelt". File: A01 (h)Correspondence dated July 6, 2009 from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "grant for Adult Basic Literacy program". File: A01 (i)Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "2008 audited financial statements". File: A16 (j)Correspondence dated July 14, 2009 from Haldimand County Disaster Relief Committee regarding "Donation Request - Grand River Flood 2009". File: A16 (k)Correspondence dated June 30, 2009 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry funding for the Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2009 Program Year". File: E07 (l)Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profile: 2006 Demographic Report provided by Elgin St. Thomas Public Health. File: A01 37-45 47-49 51-70 71 73-85 87 89 91-97 Page 2 of 265 Council Agenda August 13, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (m)Announcement from The Forest Communities Program and partners regarding "Canadian Forest Communities Conference 2009: Trends and Opportunities". File: A04 (n)Invitation to preview the first Canadian showcase of "The Futures Game" being held September 10, 2009. File: A04 (o)Correspondence dated August 4, 2009 from Sport Alliance of Ontario regarding "Ontario Games Program". File: A01 (p)Copy of correspondence sent by Dalton McGuinty to Allan Lafontaine regarding "proposed single sales tax". File: A16 (q)News Release dated August 5, 2009 from Elgin County OPP regarding various incidents. File: P17 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Holding Provision. File: D14.GUEN 1.PUBLIC MEETING 1.Public Meeting (a)7:30p.m. - Rezoning Application: to change the zoning on a 17.5 hectare (43 acre) parcel of land from the Agriculture (A1) Zone to Agricultural - Temporary 2 (A1-T2) Zone submitted by Gerhard and Maria Dyck. 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 99 101 103 105-106 107-110 111-127 Page 3 of 265 Council Agenda August 13, 2009 Page 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementary Farm Dwelling. File: D14.DYCK 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Corespondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 2009 from Norfolk County regarding "Winter Drain". File: E09 (b)Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor. File: F18 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building permit report for month ending July 31, 2009. File: P10 (b)Staff Memorandum regarding parking Issues - MNR Parking Lot and Addison Street. File: P01 129-144 145-146 147-150 151 153-154 Page 4 of 265 Council Agenda August 13, 2009 Page 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (c)Staff Report P2009-022 regarding Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers. (deferred from July 16, 2009) File: P01 (d)Request from Councillor Taylor regarding "Demonstration of Boat based rescue service". (e)Email correspondence dated July 17, 2009 from Valerie Donnell regarding "Beach washrooms." File: C13 (f)Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held June 17, 2009. File: C06 (g)Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof Repairs. File: A20 (h)Staff Report C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee Requests. File: C0 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive, except Cheques #6923 and #6874 totaling $406,353.82 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 12 and July 26, 2009 totaling $62,323.30 and $61,999.27. (b)Staff Report F2009-36 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund - Not For Profit Projects. File: F11 (c)Request for use of Municipal sign regarding "Calton Hall Pork BBQ". File: C13 (d)Staff Memorandum regarding Report C2009-14 - Cemetery Markers Glen Erie Line. File: S09 (e)Staff Report C2009-016 regarding Marriage Officiant. File: C13 155-157 159 161-164 165-170 171-175 177-194 195 197-198 199-201 203-205 Page 5 of 265 Council Agenda August 13, 2009 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (f)Staff Memorandum regarding Volunteer Recognition Night 2009. File: M02 (g)Request from S.A.N.Y.A. (Spay And Neuter Your Animals) to use Municipal sign. File: C13 (h)Request from Museum Board for Council to consider enhancing the existing tourism signs to darken the word "discover" so that it more visible. (Deferred from July 16, 2009) 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the period ending June 30, 2009 and Call Outs. File: E08 (b)Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells Quarterly Report for the period ending June 30, 2009. File: E08 (c)Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Quarterly Report ending June 30, 2009 and Call Outs. File: E05 (d)Staff Report H2009-08 regarding Temporary Operator - Water Infrastructure Renewal Project. File: E08 (e)Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting Ltd. regarding "Schedule B Class EA - Shore Protection at the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant, Port Stanley". File: E08 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. 207-208 209 211-216 217-219 221-222 223-225 227-242 Page 6 of 265 Council Agenda August 13, 2009 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009. (c)Confidential Memorandum regarding potential acquisition or disposition of land. [Addenda] (d)Confidential Memorandum and Draft By-Law regarding personal matter. (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law Z572-2009 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Dyck) (b)By-Law Z573-2009 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Guenther) (c)By-Law 2009-089 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2007-059 (By-Law Enforcement Officers) (d)By-Law 2009-095 A By-Law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances to meet expenditures (Water Infrastructure Renewal Project) (e)By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Omega Contractors) (f)By-Law 2009-098 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT 243-244 245-246 247 249-250 251-263 265 Page 7 of 265 Page 8 of 265 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zonning) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, July 16, 2009 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Vy'ayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill, Public Works Manager Gerry LeMay, Fire Chief / By-Law Enforcement Officer Paul Groeneveld, Treasurer Suzanna Dieleman Mantel and Water / Wastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson were in attendance to present their respective repofs. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of council held June 18, 2009. 2009-352 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 18, 2009 be approved as circulated." CARRIED IJNANIMOUSLY (b) Minutes of the special meeting of council held June 29,2009. 2009-353 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT the minutes of the special meeting held June 29,2009 be approved as circulated." CARRIED T.INANIMOUSLY Page I of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 9 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 (c) Added Item(s) There were no items added to the agenda. 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:15 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery Item 5(a) Mrs. Hoshal noted that Chris Ferguson has been appointed as Acting Compliance Offrcer of the Cemeteries Regulation Unit of the Ministry of Small Business and Commercial Services and has agreed to review the Estherville file. She added that the Teall family of Digby Township in Nova Scotia has advised of family burials in Estherville and members are quite concerned about the current situation. She questioned: 1. what was being done regarding the markers discovered offGlen Erie Line and was advised of Staffreport under item 9(n) to be presented later in the meeting. 2. what are Council's plans to address the cucumber grading site which opened today and whether a padlock could be placed on the doors. She was advised no, and that enforcement of the Municipal Zonngby-law would proceed. (b) 8:30 p.m. - Scott Campbell, Solicitor, regarding confidential correspondence discussed in closed session. Item 11(g) Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor |'TIIAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 9:00 p.m. to discuss: o advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.'l CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier TTTIIAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Cameratt session at 9:35 p.m." CARRIED LINANIMOUSLY Page2 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 10 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 5. INT'ORMATION ITEMS (a) Verbal update regarding Estherville Cemetery. O) Copy of resolution passed June 23, 2009 by the County of Elgin regarding "Green Energy Act". File: C10 / 416 (c) Copy of resolution passed by the Township of Stirling-Rawdon regarding "Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Plan". File: C10 (d) Copy of resolution passed June 16, 2009 by the City of Welland regarding "Improved ñrnding model to enswe access to medical and health services". File: Cl0 (e) Copy of resolution passed June 3, 2009 by the Town of Innisfil regarding "Ontario's 2009 Budget - Hannonized Sales Tax Affects Electricity Rates Starting July 1,2010". File: C10 (Ð Conespondence dated June 15, 23,30 and July 9,2009 f¡om Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Lnportant Report on Early Learning Signals Direction Ontario Must Take for Future Prosperity", "Support for lnclusion of Animals in Municipal Emergency Plans", "WDO Used Ti¡e Plan Comes Into Effect September 1,2009u, "Municipal, Provincial, Federal, and Business Leaders Working Together", 'AMO Report to Members on June 2009 Board Meeting", "Count Me in Communþ Challenge Launch" and "Planning Act Survey". File: A0l (g) News Release dated May 14 and,25,2009 from Ted Arnott, MPP Wellington - Halton Hills regarding "Liberals vote against protection for volunteer firefighters" and "MPP Amott keeps up the fight for volunteer firefighters". File: 416 (h) Correspondence dated húy 2,2009 from Mat Redsell regarding "actions of local mrrnicipal council", additional correspondence regarding "P¡actical Star Gazingu. File: C13 (Ð Interpretive Centre Workgroup draft minutes of meeting held June l7 , 2009. File: C06 û) Edison Museum Building Committee draft minutes of meeting held June 17 , 2009. File:C06 (k) Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held April 30 and June 25,2009. Page3 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 11 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 File: C06 0) Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held June 10, 2009. File: C06 (Ð Cenotaph Committee draft minutes of meeting held June 25,2009. File: C06 (n) Conespondence dated June I l, 2009 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Drains Action Working Group". File: A16 (o) Elgin County OPP Media Release dated Jun 29109 regañng "Theft From Little Beach - Port Stanley", "R.I.D.E. Programs Elgin County" and "Break and Enter to Cottages in Port Stanley". File: Pl7 (p) LAS Communication dated June 22,2009 regarding "Municipalities Will Save 35% Through Electricity Program Purchase". File: aOl (Ð Conespondence dated June 17, 2009 from Play Works regarding "The Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program", (infonnation brochure available) File: R06 (r) Conespondence dated Jwe25,2009 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Wildlife Rabies Control Operations". File: A16 G) Conespondence dated June 15, 2009 from OMAFRA regarding "Ontario Proposes New Rules For Green Energy Projects McGuinty Govemment Invites Public Inputu. File:416 (t) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes of meeting held June 4,2009. File: E00 (u) News Release dated July 3/009 from Grand River Conservation Authority regarding "Province looking for public comment on discussion paper on drinking water source protection". File: E00 (v) Correspondence dated June 30, 2009 from Minister of Natural Resources regarding "resolution to increase funding to conservation authorities". File: A16 (w) Correspondence dated July 7,2009 from Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Page 4 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 12 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 Ontario regarding "OMERS Sponsors Corporation - Disposition of Conhibution and Benefit Proposals". File: F09 (x) Ontario Good Roads Association newsletter dated June 2009 regarding "Highlights from the Board of Directors". File: A0l (y) Conespondence from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation regarding "The Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program". File: A16 (z) Conespondence dated July I l, 2009 from Sean Hurley regarding "More Ferry Questions". File: C13 (aa) Conespondence dated June 4, 2009 from Ontario Federation of Agriculture regarding "visibility of 911 signs". File: Al6 It was suggested that property owners be encouraged, through the municipal newsletter, to ensure the 9- l- I signs on their properties a¡e kept visible. 2009-3s4 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(aa) be received for information.fr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM (a) Staff Report D2009-32 regarding Draft License System for Ref¡eshment Vehicles Draft By-law 2009-086. File: P09 2009-35s Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski *THAT Staff ReportD2009-32 regarding licensing refreshment vehicles be received; AI\D THAT Bylaw 2009-086 (section 9) be amended to include tacos and similar fast foods; AND THAT By-law 2009-086, as amended, being a By-law to License Page 5 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 13 of 265 (b) Council Minutes July 16,2009 Refreshment Vehicles, be presented to Council for enactment"" CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Draft By-Law 2009-088 being a by-law to adopt a road access and/or water/sewer services pennit policy & procedure. 2009-3s6 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT By-Law 2009-088 being a byJaw to adopt a road access and/or water/sewer services permit policy & procedure be presented to Council for enactment.rr CARRIED I.]NANIMOUSLY Staff Report D2009 -29 regarding Peters' North Hall Subdivision Application. File: DI2.PETERS 2009-357 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT StaffReport D2009-29 regarding the Peters' North Hall Subdivision application be received; AND THÄT Council supports the 5Jot subdivision application in principle; AND THAT Council request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing consider including the following suggested conditions of draft approval:o a final stormwater management plan to be submitted to the MunÍcipality and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority for review and approvalo completion of any necessary applications under the Draínage Act to provide a legal outlet for storm water use¡ submission of a linal lot grading and drainage plan to the satisfaction of the Municipalityo provision of an adequate water supply necessary for fire protection to the satisfaction of the Municipalityo that the subdivision agreement require the use of bio-filter septic systems capable of rcducing thc nitrate levels; a competent septic engineer shall design such systems and the subdivision agreement require owners to have a service (c) Page 6 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 14 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 contract to ensure that the system is operated properly.t' Councillor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made bøsed on øssessment mapping not necessarþ being cotect and requested ø recorded vote. fnFuvour Oooosed Mayor Acre Councillor Taylor Councíllor Casìer Deputy Mayor Evanítskí Councillor Ketchabøw Motion Carried on a recorded vote of 4 to I in favour (d) StaffReport D2009-30 regarding Peters Consent Application E75l08. File: D10.O9.PETERS 2009-358 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski *THAT StaffReport D2009-30 regarding Peters Consent Application 875/08 be received; AND THAT the "Memorandum of Understanding" along with the Security Deposit of $3ffi0 be acceptable to Council for the satisfying of the condition of consent as per the Elgin County Land Division Notice of Decision for Application 875/08 dated November 19,2008 pertaining to the apportionment of assessment for drainage as per the Drainage Act requirements; AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk for the Municipality be authorized to affix their signatures to said document." Councillor Tøylor noted his opposítíon lo decìsions made based on ussessment mapping not necessarily being coûecl however a ¡ecorded vote was not reqaested" CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (e) Staff Report D2009-31 regarding Heckman Consent Application Fl2l09. File: D10.09 HECKMAN 2009-3s9 Moved by Councillor W Casier PageT of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 15 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw *THAT Staff Report D2009-31 regarding Consent Application E42109 Heckman be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance applicationß42109, submitted by Colin and Teresa Heckman, be approved and is subject to: 1. $500 cash-inlieu ofparkland dedication fee 2. apportionment of assessment for drainage as per the Drøínage Act 3. water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards4. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards5. lot grading plan 6. copy of a final suryey provided to the municipality." CARRIED 1. PUBLIC MEETING 2009-360 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. Public Meetins (a) 7:30 p.m. - Rezoning Application: to change the zoning on a 5.9 hectare (14.5 acre) parcel of land from Agriculture (Al) Zone and the Special Agricultural (A2) Zone to a site-specific Agricultural (Al-##) submitted by Otter's Edge Estates/Jammie Underhill Farms. File: D14.OTTR 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. Staff Presentation (a) StaffReport D2009-28 regarding Otter's Edge Estates / Jammie Underhill Fanns Rezoning. File:DI4.OTTR PageS of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 16 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 The Planning Co-ordinator advised that Jammie Underhill, Bruce Farnell, solicitor for Mr. Underhill, and Derek Dudek, municipal planner, IBI Group, were in attendance. She advised that Long Pont Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding their concerns had been received and copied to Council after the agenda was published. Mr. Dudek confirmed comments and concerns raised at the time of the consent application. He noted that the MH zone permits the mobile home park, however, development outside this zone, though not permitted, has taken place over the years. Since the adoption of the Official Plan in 2001, development requires an Offrcial Plan Amendment to provide site plan control and servicing. The Long Point Region Conservation Authority has flooding concerns regarding the proximity of havel trailers in the seasonal campgrounds to the Big Otter Creek. Within the OP policies and the amendment process, trailers would be required to be located outside the flood areas for public protection and safety. Acceptance of the current situation would set a precedent for building now and asking for permission later. 4. Public Comments Mr. Farnell commented that the consideration for severance including conditions was granted without the requirement for an Oflicial Plan Amendment, adding that the type ofuse has not been changed. As the aerial photos do not identifr the boundaries, it is difficult to determine whether there has been an increase in the size of the land being utilized even though the number of sites has increased since 1960. Mr. Farnell reminded Council that the rezoning application is made to satisff the conditions set by the municipality as a requirement of the consent for severance and consolidates the Mobile Home Park and Seasonal Campground properties. Several Council members advised that they had attended the site and had concems about the 100 year flood plain and development that has been taking place there. D Dudek commented that much more information has been received than was provided at the time of the consent application. Hazard lands and servicing issues must be resolved before rezoning can take place. M Underhill stated that Lot 12 has not been proven to have legal non-conforming status. She added that the municipality must abide by its own and Provincial policy rules and cannot rezone something that is illegally established. Page9 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 17 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 Michelle Doherly commented that she had purchased part of Lot 12 from Jammie Underhill and wants the development to stay the same size as it already is. 5. Council Comments and Ouestions There were no further comments or questions. 6. Adiournment 2009-361 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 8:10 p.m.rf CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY 7. Disposition of Item 2009-362 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport D2009-28 regarding the Otter's Edge Estates and Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd. rezoning application be received; AND THAT the application to rezone a portion of the Otter's Edge Estates Ltd. and Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd. properties to a site-specific Agriculture to recognize an existing seasonal campground be deferred for further information." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICTILTURE & DRAINAGE (a) Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor. File: Fl8 2009-363 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor be received; Page I0 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 18 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 AND THAT Council authorize the acquisition of the Multi Use Tractor from Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. of Ontario in accordance with the tender submitted June 19, 2009 at a price of $89,012 plus taxes." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Report for month ending June 30, 2009. File: PlO 2009-364 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski rrTHÄT Building Permit Report for month ending June 30, 2009 be received for information." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport PR2009-15 regarding Straffordville Library Roof Repairs. File:420 Council requested additional quotes for the installation of steel roofing. 2009-365 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT StaffReport PR2009-15 regarding Straffordville Library Roof Repairs be deferred." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport P2009-021regarding Shaffordville Fire Station Heating Unit. File: Pl6 2009-366 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor " THAT Staff Report P2009 -021 regarding Straffordville Fire Station Heating Unit be received; AND TIIAT Staff be directed to proceed with replacement of the Straffordville Station apparatus bays heating unit as per Randy Laur Page ll of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 19 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 Burner Service quote ($10,630) and finance from the Fire Station and Communications Infrastructure Reserve subject to; provision of a certificate of insurance naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured, in the minimum amount of $2,000,000.00, and provision of a W.S.I.B. clearance certificate or equivalent. " CARRIED (d) StaffReport P2009-022 regarding Appointrnent of By-Law Enforcement Ofïicers. File: P01 This item was deferred. (e) StaffReport P2009-23 regarding Emergency Management Program Second Quarter Report. File: P16 2009-367 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor M Taylor *TIIAT Staff Report P2009-023 regarding the Emergency Management Program Second Quarter Report for 2009 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð StaffReport P2009-024 regarding By-Law Enforcement Program - 2009 2nd Quarter Report. File: P16 2009-368 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT Staff Report2009-024 regarding the Bylaw Enforcement Program 2nd Quarter Report 2009 (Aprit lst- June 30th¡ ue received for information." CARRIED IJNANIMOUSLY (Ð StafÊ File: P16 Page 12 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 20 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 2009-369 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT Staff Report2009-025 regarding Fire Department activities for the Second Quarter 2009 (April lst- June 30th¡ be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) Correspondence dated June 15, 2009 from Electrical Safety Authority regarding "Advisory regarding identified public safety concerns with street lights" and invitation to symposium on sheet lighting issues. 2009-370 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'TTHAT Correspondence dated June 15, 2009 from Electrical Safety Authority regarding public safety concerns with street lights and symposium on street lightÍng issues be received." CARRIED TTNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #664I to Cheque #6744 inclusive, totaling 51,167,236.23 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending May 31, June 14 and June 28,2009 totaling $59,881.75, $115,259.50 and $60,713.25 respectively. 2009-371 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #66/-l to Cheque #6744 inclusive, totaling 51,167,236.23 and Payroll Disbursements for the periods ending May 31, June 14 and June 28,2009 totaling $59,881.75, $115,259.50 and $60,713.25 respectively, be approved.rr CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport W009-10 regarding Septage Receiving. File: EOl Page13 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 21 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 2009-372 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Report 82009-10 regarding Septage Receiving be received; TIIAT the tender submitted by PK Construction Inc. be accepted; AND THAT by-law 2009-091 being a byJaw to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and PK Construction Inc. for the construction and installation ofa septage receiving facility at the wastewater treatment plant be presented to Council for enactment; AND THAT the provincial infrastructure fund be utilized for the septage receiving facility." CARRIED T.INANIMOUSLY (c) Staff Report 82009-09 and E2009- 11 regarding Water lnfrastructure Project. File:808 2009-373 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT StaffReport 82009-11 regarding Water Infrastructure Project be received; TIIAT the tender submitted by Omega Contractors Inc. be accepted; AND THAT staffbe directed to negotiate the final contract with Omega Contractors Inc. based on the tender and to draft the necessary by-laws for council's consideration." CARRIED I.]NANIMOUSLY (d) Staff Report F2009-34 regarding Financial Report for the period ending June 30, 2009. File: F03 2009-374 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffReport F2009-34 regarding Financial Report for the period Page 14 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 22 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 ending June 30,2ffi9 be received for information.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) St¿ff Report F2009-35 regarding Water Infrastructure Project Interim financing. File: E08 2009-375 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor TTTHAT StaffReport F2009-35 regarding Water Infrastructure Project be received; AND THAT staff be dÍrected to set up interim financing with RBC and to draft the necessary by-laws for council's consideration.r' CARRIED T.TNANIMOUSLY (Ð Staff Report F2009-33 regarding Playground Equipment. File: Fl I 2009-376 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport F2009-33 regarding Playground Equipment be received; AND TIIAT council direct staff to delay plans for the Vienna playground equipment and reallocate the 2009 budget dollars to provide new playground equipment in Eden." CARRIED T.iNANIMOUSLY (g) StaffReport C2009-013 regarding 2010 Election Voting & Questions. File: C07 2009-377 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor *THAT StaffReport C2009-013 regarding 2010 Election Voting & Questions be received; AND THAT Staff be authorized to pursue a vote-by-mail election system for implementation for the 2010 municipal election." Page 15 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 23 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 DEFEATED (h) StaffReport D2009-27 regarding SWOOP 2010 Orthophotography Project. File: D00 / L04 2009-378 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report D2009-27 regarding SWOOP 2010 Orthophotography Project be received; AND THAT Council authorize staff to submit a Letter of Intent to the Ministry of Natural Resources for participation in the Southwestern Ontario Orthophotography Project (SWOOP 2010) for imagery products." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Conespondence dated June 2009 from Canadian Union of Postal Workers regarding "Deregulation". File: A0l 2009-379 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski 'TTHAT Correspondence dated June 2009 from Canadian Union of Postal Workers regarding Deregulation be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY () Draft By-Law 2009-049 being a by-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement with Norfolk Disposal Services Limited. 2009-380 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski I'THAT By-Law 2009-049, being a by-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement with Norfolk Disposal Services Limited, be presented to Council for enactment rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 16 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 24 of 265 (k) Council Minutes July 16,2009 Conespondence dated June 19, 2009 regañing concerns from the Horticultural Society about flower gardens at the Port Bunvell Cenotaph and email advising of resignation of Shelley McGee from the Cenotaph Committee. File: Cl2 2009-381 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw ''THAT Correspondence dated June 19r 2009 regarding concerns from the Horticultural Society about flower gardens at the Port Burwell Cenotaph and email advising of resignation of Shelley McGee from the Cenotaph Committee be received; AND TIIAT By-Law 2009-092, being a by-law to amend By-Law 2009-006 beÍng a bylaw to appoint members to Boards and Committees of the Municipality, by presented to Council for enactment.'f CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Staff Report C2009-12 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwell Harbour (defened from Jun 18/09 meeting). File: E10 2009-382 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THÄT StaffReport C2009-12 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwell Harbour be received; AND THAT staff be authorized and directed to proceed with a formal call for proposals for a Siltation Study for the Port Burwell harbour area." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY Conespondence dated July 16, 2009 from Eden & A¡ea Community Centre regarding "desire to continue operating Eden and Area Community Centre" and StaffReport PR2009-14 regarding Eden Community Centre - Repairs and Designated Substances defened from June 18/09 meeting. File:420 Mrs. Kim Tait was in attendance regarding upgrades to the Eden & Area Community Centre. It was noted that the local volunteer group would like to undertake some of the repairs and questioned opportunities for grant funding including Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) and the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) funding. Mrs. Tait advised that they may have a resource person trained in asbestos removal and will contact and provide (l) (Ð Page l7 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 25 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 infonnation to staff. The group feels that the centre is well used and would like Council's support to keep it active. Staff was requested to meet with the group to discuss priorities and prepare an action plan. 2009-383 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Correspondence dated July 16,2009 from Eden & Area Community Centre regarding operation of Eden and Area Community Centre be received; AND THAT Staff be directed to meet with the Community Centre Committee to discuss remediation options for the asbestos issue." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (n) StaffReport C2009-14 regarding Cemetery Markers - Glen Erie Line was presented following the public meeting. File: S09 The Administrator advised the County of Elgin has approximately $300,000 in reserve for bank stabilization along the Glen Erie Line, however, has not yet scheduled the work. A survey would be required to determine whether the markers are within the road allowance or on private property. The cost to retrieve and remove 5 (approximate) identified markers is estimated at $15,000. Re-location / placement would be an additional cost. He added that there are no legal requirements to proceed in any way regarding disposal, removal or re-location of such markers. Council discussed what would be the least intrusive method of removal, whether they actually belong at the Estherville site, property ownership, re-location, survey, who would be responsible for associated costs, involvement of affected families, erosion, Long Point Region conservation Authority staffsupport and liabilþ. Staff was requested to inquire whether the markers could be removed by a crane and if so, the cost, and whether any groups or families were interested in undertaking andJor supporting the project. Staff was also asked to cont¿ct the adjacent property owner regarding access to the site. 2009-384 Moved by Councillor W Casier Page 18 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 26 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport C2009-14 regarding Cemetery Markers - Glen Erie Line be received for information." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (o) Request to investigate public parking at the lot behind the sewage treatment plant. Councillor Taylor reported that access to the lot behind the sewage treatment plant, the boardwalk and Addison Street has been restricted by Provincial Park staff. He added that Addison Street residents have complained of being ticketed for parking along the street. Persons, other than fishermen, wishing access to the park beach are being charged for a parking pass / admission. C Taylor noted that weeds and grass are 4 feet tall, 'ho trespassing" signage has been posted and the boardwalk is blocked off. He requested details regarding ownership of the property and access to the lake. The Administrator advised that Park ofTicials are appointed and authorized by a municipal by-law to ticket for specific parking issues on certain streets. Ms. Kathleen Steel questioned whether the municipalþ is responding to complaints from residents and was advised that the Property Standards / By-law Enforcement Ofïicer has been responding. Discussion included removal of no parking signs, installation of a new fence by Park to discourage illegal parking, enforcement by municipal st¿ff or the OPP and removal of parking restrictions on Addison Street. It was agreed that staff meet with the Park Superintendent to seek common ground regarding the concerns raised. (p) Draft By-Law 2009-094 being a By-Law to authorize the execution of a Government authorized requester agreement with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. 2009-385 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT By-Law 2009-094, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a government authorized requester agreement with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, be presented to Council for enactment." Page 19 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 27 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-386 Moved by Councillor M TaYlor Seconded by Councillor W Casier I'THAT in accordance with Section 12 of Procedural By-law 2002'93' council shall deal with business until 11 pm. at its meeting of July 16' 2009." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Request from Museum Board for Council to consider enhancing the existing tourism signs to darken the word "discover" so that it is more visible' This item was defened until the next meeting. 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) StaffReport E2009-010 regarding Infrastructure Preventative Maintenance. File: E01 2009-387 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M TaYlor THAT Staff Report 82009-010 regarding Infrastructure Preventative Maintenance and the summary of water and wastewater preventative maintenance be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE \ilIIOLE (a) In Camera. 2009-388 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT the Council do now rise to enter into an trln Camerat' Session of Committee of the Whole at 11:39 p.m. to discuss: Page20 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 28 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 r a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; . litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of council held June 18, 2009. (c) Closed session draft minutes of Communþ Centres meeting held June 25,2009. (d) Confidential Staff Report regarding potential acquisition or disposition of land. (e) Confidential Staff Report regarding litigation or potential litigation. (Ð Confidential memorandum regarding litigation or potential litigation. (g) Delegation - 8:30 p.m. regarding advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege (h) Out of Camera. 2009-389 Moved by Councillor M TaYlor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THA.T the Committee of the whole do now rise from the rrln camera" session úl2z0l4.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2009-049 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an agreement (Norfolk Disposal) (b) By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to License refreshment vehicles (c) By-law 2009-088 A By-Law to adopt a permit policy and procedure (road access / water/sewer services) (d) By-Law 2009-089 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2007-059 (Appointment of By-Law enforcement officers) No action (e) By-Law 2009-091 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement with PK Construction Inc. (Septage receiving facility) Page2l of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 29 of 265 Council Minutes July 16,2009 (Ð By-Law 2009-092 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2009-006 (Committee Members) (g) By-Law 2009-094 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Government authorized requester agreement (Ministry of Transportation) 2009-390 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT By-Laws 2009-049,2009-086, 2009-088, 2009-091' 2009-092 and 2009-094 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.fl CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) By-law 2009-093 A By-law to confinn all actions of Council 2009-39r Moved by Councillor M TaYlor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "That confirming ByJaw 2009-093 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT 2009-392 Moved by Councillor M TaYlor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 12:03 a.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR CLERK Page22 of22 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16, 2009...Page 30 of 265 DATE: TO: SUBJECT: ( tÒ The Gorporation of the Township of Woolwich P.O. Box 158,24 Ghurch Street West Elmira, Ontario N3B 226 Tel. (519) 669-1647 / Fax: (5r9) 669-1820 July 3, 2009 All Ontario Municipalities Resolution to request support for a review of Chapter 27, Sec, 5(2) of the Development Charges Acf 1997 On June 30, 2009, the Council of the Township of Woolwich passed the following resolution and respectfully requests support for this resolution by all municipalities in Ontario: WHEREAS development charges are collected fees levied on new development to help pay for the infrastructure required to service growth; AND WHEREAS development charges help finance capital projects that would otherwise be financed through property taxes or other means; AND WHEREAS Ghapter 27, Section 5 (2) of the Development Charges Acf 1997 states that, "The capital costs, determined under paragraph 7 ol subsection (l), must be reduced, in accordance with the regulations, to adjust for capital grants, subsidies and other contributions made to a municipality or that the council of the municipality anticipates will be made in respect of the capital costs"; AND WHEREAS municipalities in Ontario have recently been approved for grant funding under the lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund and Building Canada Fund for capital works that have development charge components; AND WHEREAS municipalities are unable to collect that development charge component when they receive funding from sources such as the lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund and Building Ganada Fund; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the Gouncil of the Township of Woolwich requests the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to conduct a review of Ghapter 27, Section 5 (2) of the Development Charges Act 1997 and make changes that would eliminate the requirement for municipalities to deduct grant funding received from eligible portion of development charges; AND FURTHER that this resolution be foruvarded to The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; Harold Albrecht, MP Kitchener-Conestoga; Leeanna Pendergast, MPP Kitchener-Gonestoga; and to all municipalities in Ontario for support. Copy of resolution passed by Township of Woolwich June 30, 2...Page 31 of 265 Page 32 of 265 the Corporation of the rownship of Huron-rinloss P.O. Box 130 21 Queen St. Ripley, Ontario NOG2RO Phone: (519) 395-3735 Fax: (519) 3954L07 E-mail : hurontwp@hurontel.on.ca 5 c-/ò FILE:'100 resolutions July 21, 2009 To All Ontario Municipalities Copy of Resolution#224 Please find a copy of the resolution adopted by the Township of Huron-Kinloss Council at its July 20th, 2OOg session. We request your support. GIANT 224HOGWEED / Moved by Murray Seconded by Abbott WHEREAS the weed known as Giant Hogweed has been located in numerous agricultural and residential locations throughout the Township of Huron-Kinloss; and WHEREAS Giant Hogweed can be a serious health haza¡d for humans when in contact with the human skin and has been implicated as a cause of severe dermatitis in a few susceptible individuals; and WHEREAS Giant Hogweed is not defined as a noxious weed under the Weed ControlAct R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 1096 and therefore any immediate actions to rid the area of the weed by an appointed weed inspector are limited; NOW THEREFORE lT BE RESOLVED THAT Huron-Kinloss Council, requests the Province of Ontario designate Giant Hogweed as one of the plants in the Schedule R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 1096 under the Weed Control Act so that immediate action to destroy by an appointed weed inspector can be taken. AND FURTHER THAT; this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario, Minister of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, AMO, MP, MPP, and the County of Bruce for their support. Carried. Copy of resolution passed July 20, 2009 by Township of Huron...Page 33 of 265 Page 34 of 265 City ofGreater Sudbury Ville du Gmnd Sudbury All Ontario Municipalities July 6, 2009 Re: Emplovment lnsurance Reform The following resolut¡on #2009-251 was passed by Council of the City of Greater Sudbury on June 10, 2009: WHEREAS a healthy unemployment insurance system is the most powerful of all economic stabilizers. ln the recessions of the early 1980s and 1990s, Unemployment lnsurance (Ul) prevented deeper, longer downturns and reduced the shock of job and Gross Domestic Product losses; AND WHEREAS we have entered a new economic crisis with a much weaker Employment lnsurance (El) system that provides benefits to only 40 percent of the unemployed; and there is a large regional discrepancy in El allocation that provides uneven coverage to workers across the country, and leaves many with fewer numbers of weeks and lower benefits; AND WHEREAS the federal government stopped contributing to El and diverted El premiums to other spending ($54 Billion between 1994 and 2007 instead of restoring El benefits); AND WHEREAS even the US government has shown leadership through major improvements in the duration of Ul benefits and a universal benefit top-up as part of a stimulus package to dealwith the crisis; AND WHEREAS 350,000 Canadians have been laid off since last October, and Canada currently has one of the least effective employment insurance systems and among the highest rates of poverty and income inequality in the Western world; AND WHEREAS there will be a negative fiscal impact on all municipalities if residents are unable to access El benefits or otherwise maintain incomes during this economic downturn, due to the increased reliance on locally provided social programs, THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT the City of Greater Sudbury call upon the Government of Canada to introduce the following changes to the Employment lnsurance system: 360 hours to qualify for El benefits in all regions of Canada; lncrease benefit duration to at least 50 weeks in all regions, and provide an additional year of "Special Extension" benefits if national unemployment exceeds 6.5% - paid from federalgeneral revenues; Extend El Part 1 benefits while a worker is in approved training; lncrease benefits to at least 60% of normal earnings, using workers' 12 best weeks, and raise the maximum; Suspend the calculation of severance pay for receiving El benefits, and eliminate the 2 week waiting period. AND THEREFORE BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for distribution and support from all municipalities in Ontario. Yours truly I llart r<.-) i-l i.) PO BOX5OO STN A 2OO BRADY STREE"T SUDBURYONP3A5P3 CPsOO SUCCA 2OO, RUE BRADY SIJDBURY ON P3A 5P3 705-67r-2489 www,greatersudbury.ca www.grandsudbury.ca 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. tfb Angie Haché, Cíty Clerk Copy of resolutions passed June 10, 2009 by City of Greater ...Page 35 of 265 Cityof Greater Sudbury Ville du Grand Sudbury July 6, 2009 All Ontario Municipalities Re: Prooosed Workolace Fatalities Familv Bill of Riqhts The following resolut¡on #2009-251was passed by Council of the City of Greater Sudbury on June 10, 2009: WHEREAS a Proposed Workplace Fatalities Family Bill of Rights would prov¡de fundamental information to the family of victims of workplace fatalities and serious injuries; AND WHEREAS such Bill of Rights would ensure that: l. Family members must have the right to designate a representative to act on their behalf in all matters related to the investigation and any follow-up legal actions related to the investigation. 2. Family members must be notified of all meetings, phone calls, hearings or other communications involving the accident investigation team and the employer, and be given the opportunity to participate in these events. 3. Family members must have the opportunity to recommend names of individuals to be interviewed by the accident investigation team and to submit questions to the investigators for response by the interviewees. Family members should be given the access to all transcripts of interview, affidavits, or written statements made by witnesses and others interviewed forthe investigation. 4. Family members must have the right to be kept routinely informed (no less than once every 14 days) by the Minister of Labour and their investigators on the progress of the incident investigation, including an estimate of when the investigation will be completed. 5. Family members should have access to all documents gathered and produced as part of the accident investigation, including records prepared by first responders, police and Ministry officials. Information mentioning the deceased family member's name and condition should not be redacted from documents provided to family members. All fees related to the production of document should be waived for family members. THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Greater Sudbury lends its full support to a Proposed Workplace Fatalities Family Bill of Rights; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for distribution and support from all municipalities in Ontario; The Honourable Peter Fonseca, Minister of Labour; The Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Community Safety and Conectional Services, and France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt. ) C r,> POBOX5OO STNA 2OO BRADY STREE'T SI,DBURY ON P3A 5P3 cP500 succA 2OO, RTJE BRADY STJDBURY ON P3A 5P3 705471-2489 www. greatcrsudbury,ca www.grandsxlbury.ca Yours truly I Uûrk Angie Haché Ci$ Clerk Itb Copy of resolutions passed June 10, 2009 by City of Greater ...Page 36 of 265 t 200 University Ave, Suite 801 à O , Toronto, ON M5H 3Co Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca FtrilJ MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No:09/055 To the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE TNFoRMAfloN coNrACr: Juty 15, 200e ¡.1"å3 fri:#å,3füf. Poricv Advisor Call for Applications for the Ontario Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Municipal Grant Program lssue: The Ministry of Transportation is now accepting applications for the 2009-2010 Ontario TDM Municipal Grant Program: A Program to Encourage Cycling, Walking, Transit, and Trip Reduction. Background: The grant program will provide financial assistance to Ontario municipalities for the development and implementation of TDM plans, programs, and services that promote alternatives to driving alone. lnitiatives funded through the grant program should do one or more of the following: ¡ Reduce the number of trips being made, especially during peak hours, through the use of incentives and disincentives;. Reduce daily vehicle kilometres traveled within a specific geographic area;¡ Promote transit and provide incentives to increase transit ridership; and¡ Promote TDM best practices and build understanding of the benefits of TDM. Details on the program are included in the invitation letter, along with copies of the Apolication Form and Application Guidelines and Requirements, can be found on the AMO web site at Program The deadline for receipt of applications is Fridav October 2. at 5:00 p.m. All completed application packages must be submitted either in person, by pre-paid courier or by registered mail, to: Ontario TDM Municipal Grant Program Urban Planning Office Transportation Planning Branch Ministry of Transportation 30th Floor - Suite 3000 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario MT A 2J8 Any questions regarding the program should be directed to the Ministry of Transportation's Urban Planning Office at: Tel: 416-585-7099 or 1-866-201-3207 (tollfree) - Email: TDMmunicipalgrantprogram@ontario.ca This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website atwww.amo.on.ca. 1-1 r¡un¡cipar¡îi:ïäii:'9'i ^Þ'lO Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from...Page 37 of 265 -5 ,4o t 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3Co Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Far (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca þ-tr EJJ MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/056 To the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN GoNrAGr: Jury 15, 200e irì[î y:,$åï¿åT3n."n,o' poricv Advisor Government Releases Draft Built Environment Standard Under the AO DA for Public Review lssue: On July 14,2009, the Government released the initial draft Employment Standard under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 for public review and comment. The public review period is until October 16, 2009. Background: The AODA, 2005, requires the Minister of Community and Social Services to develop accessibility standards that will remove barriers for people with disabilities. The standards are expected to apply to the public sector, including all municipalities in the Province, as well as the not-for-profit and private sectors. They will address a full range of disabilities including physical, sensory, mental health, developmental and learning and will be implemented in phases leading to full accessibility in Ontario by 2025. Once completed, the standards will be introduced into legislation and therefore will become mandatory and enforced by the Province. The lnitial Proposed Accessible Built Environment Standard was developed by an external Accessible Built Environment Standards Development Committee (SDC). This external committee included representatives from the disability community as well as the public and private sectors. The SDC's initial proposed standard is now posted for public review and feedback. The initial proposed standard does not necessarily reflect the point of view of the government. It is important to note that the government does not plan to impose requirements for retrofitting existing buildings at this time. Also, the government does not intend to require Ontarians to make their existing or new single family houses accessible at this time. The public review period to make comments on the SDC's lnitial Proposed Accessible Built Environment Standard is from July 14, 2009 to October 16, 2009. Once the public review period is over, the standards development committee will reconvene to consider your feedback. They may make changes to their initial proposed standard based on the feedback prior to finalizing a proposed standard for submission to the Minister of Community and Social Services. 1-2 Munic¡pariî::î?äii:"9'i ^llo Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from...Page 38 of 265 Those interested in reviewing the SDC's proposed standard or participating in the accessibility standards development process can find more information on the Ministry of Community and Social Services'website at: English: www.ontario.calcommunity French: www.o nta rio. calcommu nauta i res ln September, public consultation sessions will be conducted across the province. To participate in a consultation session please call 1 -888-482-4317 or toll-free TTY 1-888- 335-66 1 1, or email public. review@ol iverwyma n.com. Action: AMO is urging its members to review the proposed standard and to provide comments to the Government. Through the work of the AMO Built Environment Resource Team, AMO will be developing a response to the standard outlining municipal issues and concems. Once developed, AMO's concerns will be shared with the membership. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. 'unic¡par¡ä3:ïJäii:r"i ^HO l--tr EIJ { 2-2 Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from...Page 39 of 265 -J 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/057 To the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE 'NFoRMArloN coNrAGr: Jury 17, 200e ¡oïT $"ì:#y3"t8if' Poricv Advisor $7 Million for Drinking Water Stewardship Available lssue: The Ministry of the Environment's Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP) 2009-10 is now available for applications that take action on protecting municipal drinking water sources. Background: The ODWSP was created by the Clean Water Act, 2006 to provide financial assistance to eligible persons and groups interested in taking immediate actions to protect their sources of municipal drinking water supplies. Financial assistance in the amount of $14 million will be made available over the next two years until 2011. This year, $7 million in financial assistance is available for:o Education and Outreach;o Special Projects; and. Early Actions. Requests for grant proposals and applications for the Education and Outreach, Special Projects, and Early Actions components have been posted on the ministry's website at www.ontario.calcleanwater and specific applications and requirements for these components can be found under Requests for Grant Proposals. Municipalities interested in applying for assistance to carry out drinking water supply protection projects are encouraged to visit the website and apply for financial assistance. The MOE is currently providing financial assistance under the ODWSP for voluntary initiatives that help protect municipal drinking water sources. However, the Ministry advises that in the fall of 2009 the ODWSP will be undergoing a strategic shift to focus on providing financial assistance to those affected by the Act. As these persons will begin to be identified with the completion and release of assessment report technical information in the second half of 2009, and in order to accommodate this shift, the MOE may re-issue some or all of the Requests for Grant Proposals on its website. l-tr ÉJJ u unic¡par r4l:îiäii:.ii aìlo1-2 Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from...Page 40 of 265 Members may also be interested in reviewing MOE's discussion paper on the Requirements for the Content and Preparation of Source Protection Plans available at: http://www.ebr.qov.on.calERS-WEB-External/ under the EBR number P406E0013. The discussion paper includes the minimum content requirements for plans, approaches to policy development, monitoring, Great Lakes issues and consultation requirements. Municipalities are encouraged to engage their Source Protection Committees in the development of the Source Protection Plans, particularly as the plans may include requirements for municipalities such as implementation of Official Plan amendments and monitoring. Members who wish to comment on the discussion paper are asked to copy Craig Reid at AMO at creid@amo.on.ca. Action: Municipalities are encouraged to apply for funding for drinking water source protection funding. AMO will continue to keep members up-to-date on developments related to the Clean Water Act. This ínformation is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. l'- nt tJJJ 2-2 uun¡c¡par¡âl:î?äii:fi allo Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from...Page 41 of 265 Page 42 of 265 MEMBER COMMUNICATION 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971-619'l E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca ALERT No: 09/058 To the attention of the Clerk and Council July 28, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Scott Vokey , AMO/LAS Energy Coordinator (416) 971-9856 ext 357 tr EJJ { AMO Encourages Municipalities to Join the Gount Me ln! Gommunity Ghallenge To date, 74 municipalities and more than 12,000 Ontario res¡dents have accepted the Mayor of Woodstock's dare to participate in the Count Me ln! Community Challenge. These municipalities are compet¡ng to see who can:. Achieve the highest percentage drop in electricity use on August 14, 2009, ando lnspire the highest community participation, per capita, in a Count Me ln! pledge drive between now and August 14 (Dryden is leading this one so far). The winners of both competitions will be announced by Ontario's Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, George Smitherman, on the morning of Wednesday, August 16, at the 2009 AMO Conference in Ottawa. However, all participating municipalities are guaranteed to gain from their effort by reducing their electricity consumption on August 14, and by helping to provide residents with helpful advice that will last a lifetime. August 14 is the anniversary of the North American blackout of 2003 and the Community Challenge builds on a 'Blackout Challenge'that more and more municipalities have participated in each year. This year's competition is a joint initiative of the Ontario Power Authority (OPA), the City of Woodstock, AMO, the lndependent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Electricity Distributors Association (EDA). AMO encourages all municipalities to join the Challenge and engage their residents in its efforts. Please visit www.cou ntmeinonta rio.ca for details. It is easy for municipalities to join in and there are readymade tools to engage your residents, such as Facebook, Flickr and MySpace web pages, and on-line YouTube videos. Count Me In! will even email a reminder to its list of participants on August 12 make sure your residents are engaged on Challenge Day. Between July 31 and August 14, Woodstock Mayor Michael Harding will be available for radio interviews with participating municipal government leaders in communities across the province. lf you're interested in having some "radio banted' between your head of council and Mayor Harding, email i nfo@co untmei nonta rio.ca for more i nformation. Finally, if your municipality has anything planned for Challenge Day, Count Me ln! will help to feature it in province-wide media coverage. uunicipariîl:î?äiT:,ii ^llo1-1 Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from...Page 43 of 265 Page 44 of 265 MEMBER COMMUNICATION Fyt No:0e-0r1 200 University Ave, Suíte 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971€191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca E tL To the attention of the clerk and Gouncil FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrACr: Ausust 7,2OOs Î.'iållr]l¿Sriior PoricvAdvisor Creating Jobs: Delivering Resulfs - 2nd Edition lnfrastructure Canada has released the second edition, Volume 1, No. 2, Summer 2009, of its e-newsletter Creating Jobs: Delivering Resu/fs. lt reports to Canadians on the steps that the Government of Canada is taking to accelerate infrastructure funding and stimulate the economy through the infrastructure components of Canada's Economic Action Plan. The Government of Canada is working with provinces, territories and municipalities to speed up project funding, streamline approvals and get shovels in the ground faster. To view the newsletter in English: eno.html To view the newsletter in French: fra.html This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Association of llOMunicipalities of Ontario1-1 Correspondence dated July 15, 17, 28 and August 7, 2009 from...Page 45 of 265 Page 46 of 265 5 So( 201 Queens Avenue, Suite 700 London, Ontario N6A lJl Tel: 519 672-0445' Fax: 519 672-6562 Toll-free: I 866 294-5446 www. southwestlhin.on. ca South West LHIN Board of Directors Hiohliqhts - June 2009 ion Network (LHIN) Board of Directors met twice during the month of illsonburg on June 1Oth, 2OO9 and the Board of Directors' meeting was A Board to Board Engagement Session was held prior to the Board Committee meeting. Following a South West LHIN Board presentation, there was discussion about topics of interest including: Meeting highlights include:. Approvalof the catchment area, priority population, programs and service plan, staffing request and budget projection for the South East Grey Community Heath Centre. Approval of the catchment area, priority population, programs and services plan, staffing request and budget projection for the Woodstock and Area Communities Health Centre. Approval of the Ministry-LHIN Accountability Agreement (2007/10). Approvalof the South West LHIN Annual Business Plan (2009/10). Approval of the Diabetes Strategy service expansion recommendations to be forwarded to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Receipt of the South West LHIN Complex Continuing Care (CCC) and Rehabilitation Strategic Resources Final Report. Approval of the recommended allocation of 16 housing units to WOTCH and the allocation of funding for 2 full-time equivalent case workers to Addiction Services of Thames Valley for fiscal year 2009110 lnformation received includes:o Presentation from Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance on "Vision 2013".o lnformation/Status Updates from the Board Chair and Senior Leadership Team.o Update regarding the Long-Term Care Home RenewalStrategy.. lntegrated Health Service Plan Update and planning for Public Sessions (July and September). Next Meetings: ** Board of Directors (July 2/d - London)/ Board of Directors (August 2dh - Muncey)* Note: The Board Committee meetings for July & August have been cancelled lf you have any guesfions or require fu¡ther information, please contact Sue Davey, Corporate Coordinator Phone: 51 9-640-2561/1-866-294-5446 or Email: Sue.Davev(ılhins.on.ca South West Local Health Integration Network Board of Directo...Page 47 of 265 Page 48 of 265 5 201 Queens Avenue, Suite 700 3é? London, Ontario NóA lJl Tel: 519 672-0445. Fax: 519 672-6562 Toll-free: I 866 294-5446 www.southwestlhin.on.ca South West LHIN Board of Directors Meetinq Hiqhliqhts - Julv 2009 The South West LHIN Board of Directors met on July 22"d,2009 at the South West LHIN Office in London. A Board to Board Engagement Session was held prior to the Board of Directors' meeting. Following a South West LHIN Board presentation and update on current projects, there was discussion about topics of interest including: Board Meeting highlights include:. Support to the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Master Program and Program Development priorities.. Support to the London Health Sciences Centre: Proposal for an off Hospital Site Renal Care Unit in London.o Recommendation to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care for approval of the London Health Sciences Centre CT scanner. Acceptance of the 2008-10 Hospital Service Accountability Agreements for the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital and Woodstock General Hospital. Approval of the 2009/10 allocation of the Health lnfrastructure Renewal Fund (HIRF) for hospitals. lnformatíon received included:o Update from the Board Chair on current activities.o lntegrated Health Service Plan and LHIN public engagement sessions update.o Ontario Diabetes Strategy update. "*Nexf Meetings** Board of Directors - August 2dh, 2OOg (KiiKeeWanNiiKaan South West Heating Lodge, Muncey) Board Commiftee - September dh, 21og (Seafoñh) lf you have any questions or require further information, please contact Sue Davey, Corporate Coordinator P hone : 5 1 9-640-2561 /1 -866-294-5446 or Email : S u e. Davey(ı I h ins.on.ca South West Local Health Integration Network Board of Directo...Page 49 of 265 Page 50 of 265 5 fró t Possibility grows here. Frìends of the Greenbelt Foundation 68 Scoliard Street, Suite 201 Toronto, ON M5R 1G2 Tel:416-960 0001 Fax:416 960-0030 www.g reenbelt.ca July 6,2009 Dear Friend of the Greenbelt, Wrapping around the Golden Horseshoe, the Greenbelt is 1.8 million acres of poss¡bility to make Ontario a better place. The Greenbelt is a beneficial, valuable, and permanent feature, enhancing the quality of life for all residents of Ontario. As part of our mandate, the Foundation has conducted a series of polls with the help of Environics Research Group since 2005. These public opinion polls gage the interest and knowledge of Ontarians with regards to the Greenbelt. lt is important that we understand public opinion in order to ensure that funds are being spent in those areas they deem important. The latest poll was conducted in February 2009 and included 750 participants throughout the Greenbelt. Numbers were skewed in order to survey a larger percentage of rural, Greenbelt residents than those in the GTA. The latest findings are enclosed along with a recent article published in the April edition of Reader's Digest, the most read magazine in Canada and Ontario with a readership of 6.4 million people. The article profiles the success of the Holland Marsh and the Holland Marsh Growers' Association, a recent grantee of the Foundation. The poll and article showcase the range of possibilities found in Ontario's Greenbelt that help make it the world-leading Greenbelt it is today. Burkhard Mausberg President Correspondence dated July 6, 2009 from Friends of the Greenb...Page 51 of 265 ,,..] Out in a darnp Holland Marsh field, AIex Maka¡eoko clambers onto the catwalk Of DougVan Luyk's carrot harvester. The 56.year-old farmer 'grabs a freshlypicked carrot, wipes off the dirt and takes a bite. "Not bad," he holteÍs at Van Luyk, 41, in the cab. Makarenko and Van Luyk have worked in Holland Marsh-an area near Bradford, Ont., 50 kilometres north of Toronto, that extends 2,900 hectares-all their lives, growing staples including lettuce, carrots and onions in the rich muck. The hours are long, and external factors-soaring fertilizer prices, the dumping of low- cost produce into Ontario supermar- kets-affect everything that happens in this tightly knit community. But a new optimism is in the air. In 2005 the Ontario government created a 728,000-hectare "greenbelt," a pro- tected area around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) that reaches from Rice Lake, east of Toronto, north to Lake Simcoe, west beyond the Niagara Escarpment, and south to the lush Niagara fruit farms. While green zones surround cities such as Portland, Ore., and London, England, the GTA has the world's largest urban greenbelt. This greenbelt includes Holland Marsh, and in 2007 Makarenko began calling upon his approximately 60 farmer neighbours, organizing what is now the Holland Marsh Growers' Association, to promote their bounty in the GTA. "We're trying to feed the local people with our product," Makarenko says. The group was bankrolled by a $400,000 grant from the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation, set up by the Ontario government to help farm- ers in the rural regions skirting the GTA. According to one study, as of 2000 the 50,000 workers in what is now known as the greenbelt gener- ated $1.2 billion in farm income and $4.3 billion from related agribusi- nesses. Today, there are more than 2000 farms in the greenbelt, prod- ucing everything from grains, beefand fruit to specialty products such as Iamb, honey and cheese. The greenbelt was set up to con- tain urban sprawl and protect the headwaters of the rivers running through the GTA. Ontario's Green- belt PIan, established by the Green- belt Act, monitors the area for new urban development. Smart-growth advocates in Canada and abroad laud the strategy, but it has outraged some developers who had bought farmland to build malls and subdivisions. The new policies also deprived some farmers of the option of selling their Iand to developers. "When the green- belt was put in place, much of the farming community wasn't that keen on it," notes Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation President Burkhard Mausberg. "The old adage was A farmer lives poor and dies rich,' because they could sell their land." But with the new rules, adds Mausberg, "they were afraid they were going to live poor ønd die poor." What's become in- creasingly clear since 2005 is that the greenbelt can succeed only if its farm sector prospers. Fortunately, these urban- development restrictions coincide with several larger trends: burgeoning interest in organics, Iocally grown food and farmers' markets; ex- panding social and polit- ical ties between urban and farm communities. Doug Van Luyk has always farmed the rich muck of and mounting awareness Holland Marsh, within the GTA's greenbelt. of the environmental impact of im- the greenbelt. He's watched as fenced- porting food, such as from the emis- off estates and horse farms spring up sions from vehicles involved in on the back roads near his land. Both long-distance food transport.of these are acceptable, according to "Sales are up," says Rod McKay,58, the policies of the Greenbelt PIan, of Willowtree Farms, sitting at a pine since large numbers of buildings won't table in his farmhouse in Port Perry. be put up on otherwise arable land. McKay ard his wife, Marlene,56, grow But using the land like this strays far caulifloweç sweet corn and tomatoes. from the spirit of the greenbelt pol- Their ll7-hectare property is in the icy, which stresses the protection of greenbelt but isn't close to the built- agricuiture and natural resources. up areas.Despite their skepticism, the 'Alotoffarmla¡dshouidn'tbebuilt McKays are changing the way they on," says McKay. Yet he counts himself farm. They take a more judicious ap- among the doubters when it comes to proach to pesticide use, spraying only 99READER's DtcESr rd.ca o4lag C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 5 2 o f 2 6 5 'oronto travel and food author Mar arsues that the province should of toÏocal orsanic farmers to helo the garet ter tax reaks toÏocal organic farmers to help them ompete in the laFger market. when necessary. And last year they started selling locally raised specialty beef and pork at their own small mar- ket, on the farm. Response from cus- tomers was swift and enthusiastic. The McKays aren't the only greenbelt farmers experiencing a shift. Down in the Niagara fruit belt, Chris :fifth-generatiqn:'li ard environmentalþll'i ost- o his 23-hectar-e "r: ray- Ont. His farm-,, 1 use. \Mith its 6,300 for wine and t the greenbelt, , and the TWenty Mile Creek watershed, ' -disease. But despite all these improve- "'We're in all the sensitive areas, which,: ',nents, says OSCIA Program Manager makes it imperative that we follow A¡drew Graham, "if farms aren't prof- best-management practices," says itable, they're not sustainable." Mullet Koop.But most farming is low margin- Until 2002 Mullet Koop would thanks to low retail food costs-and spread about three tonnes of manure operators don't make enough to afford onto his fields every week to feed the such improvements on their own. The soil. But because his farm is in an en- amount we in Canada pay for food, vironmentally sensitive area, he has relative to our total personal spend- to be extra careful about contaminat- ing, is "the lowest of any country" says ing the spring runoff with excessive Lori Stahlbrand, founder and president nutrients, which could eventually find of Local Food PIus (LFP), a three-yea¡- their way from the surrounding wat- old nonprofit that promotes Ontario ers into Lake Ontario.foods to consumers in the GTA and to He received a combined $31,200- food retailers. Our outlay: ten Percent, in Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement compared with 15 to 20 percent in Eur- Association (OSCIA) cost-sharing ope and 30 percent or more in many programs and in grants from the parts of Asia.'As a result, our farmers Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation and the Niagara Peninsula Conserva- tion Authority-to help build a $54,000 concrete manure shed. Now he can store manure until the spring planting season, when farm soil most needs the nutrients-and when there's far less runoff. READER'5 DIGEST rd.ca o4lo9 are leaving farming and we're import- ing more and more food." One solution, according to a20O7 Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation report, would be for Ontario to en- courage new immigrants to take up farming-to help satisfy mount- ing domestic demand for ex- otic produce such as bitter melon, okra and green chilies. And a handful of co-ops have been negoti- ating to get smaller-opera- tion greenbelt farmers to sell shares in their businesses to Toronto residents who, in turn, agree to buy directly from those farms. For David Passafiume, the answer lies in organic farming. He ran a con- ventional strawberry farm in Rich- mond Hill, a¡d had become concerned about the potential health effects of the pesticides he used. Eight years ago he moved onto a ten-hectare plot in Markham; for the first five years, and as per organic-certifi cation standards, he planted hay to let the soil rid itself of chemicals and get replenished with natural pest-fighting organisms. Then he planted strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrants. After a "dismal" fi.rst year, business briskly picked up due to local media attention and peo- ple's curiosity about one of the area's first pick-your-own organic growers. Organic-certifr cation standards are demanding, and organic farming rep- resents a small fraction of greenbelt agricultural activity. That's why Stahlbrand and the LFP have worked with 120 Ontario farms and proces- sors-large and small-to obtain LFp certification. While relatively less stringent, it still assures consumers that produce is grown locally and ac- cording to sustainable methods. LFP- certified food costs about ten percent more than conventional food, but, as Stahlbrand observes, the premium "will go a long way towards making greenbelt agriculture vi- able." In addition to its other pursuits, LFP is working with public-sector institutions such as the Universþ ofToronto and the town of Markham to ensure their food service operations purchase LFP produce. "W'e're moving iato more than $I million in sales," says Stahl- bra¡d. "It's got huge growth potential." It remains to be seen whether Iocal food enthusiasts have the pur- chasing power to put greenbelt farm- ing on a more sustainable footing. But back on the well-tended frelds of Hol- la¡d Ma¡sh, Makarenko is determined that he and his neighbours will pros- per in this new environment. He's at the farm of his old friend Herman Gasko, who says supermarket chains buy Holland Marsh produce because customers are clamouring for local food. But, adds Gasko, "the chains go for cheap prices." Maka¡enko notes that stores in near- by Newmarket don't always stock Hol- Iand Marsh carrots. Then he adds, "We still have it good. We're trying to make a living; that's what it boils down to." r tol C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 5 3 o f 2 6 5 Page 54 of 265 Possibility grows here. Measuring the Poss¡bilities Greenbelt Public Awareness 2009 Environics poll sponsored by Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 5 5 o f 2 6 5 Key Results . Support for Ontario's Greenbelt is at a high at93o/o. ' The most important benefit of the Greenbelt is protecting the natural water systems (360/o) followed by protecting wildlife habitat ('l7o/o) and preserving agricultural lands (17o/o). ' Most encourag¡ng is that 91o/o of those surveyed agree that"The Greenbelt is one of the most important contributions of our generation to the future of Ontarioí The Fnends of the Greenbelt Foundation would like to acknowledge Environics Research Group and Vice President David MacDonald for all of their work and support. C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 5 6 o f 2 6 5 How concerned are you with the state of the natural environment in Ontario? Net:89o/o 92o/o 89o/o Findings: . The proportion who are concerned about the environment remains very high. . The proportion who are very concerned has declined from 47 percent to 40 percent since 2007. Key Differences: . More likely to be very concerned: . Women (47o/o) . Post-grads(45o/o) . Higher income (HHt580+ 57Zo) . Those supporting the Greenbelt(460/o) . Less likely to be very concerned: . Men (34o/o) - 18-29 (22o/o, down from 33% in 2007) lNot at all trNot very Dsomewhat ¡Very Jul 07 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 5 7 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. G reenbelVGreenbelt Plan Recycling/Composting Protect lakes/water Oak Ridges Moraine Drive Clean/car emissions Windmills/turbines Waste reduct./ Green bin Alternate energy sou rces Energy conservation Protect trees/forests Wildlife conservation Plastic bag fee New farming in¡tiat¡ves None DIVNA What programs, initiatives or government acts have you heard of if any, that w¡llprotect the natural environment in rural or agricultural spaces of land in Ontario? - All Respondents, mult¡ple responses Findings: . Unaided awareness of the Greenbelt outranks all other mentions, cited by 9 percent. . Nearly 4 in 10 (39o/o) cannot name an, and a quarter (25o/o) say'none'. Key Differences: . Middle age respondents (1 1olo) and high income earners (HHS80+, 15olo) are more likely to mention the Greenbelt. . Younger respondents(760/o) and those with incomes below S40k (75olo)are more likely to say'none'or'don't knowi C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 5 8 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. Before today, have you ever heard of the Greenbelt, the Greenbelt plan, or the Greenbelt Act in Ontario? Net:690lo Net:630lo Net:74olo Jul 07 nAided runaided Findings: . Combined aided and unaided awareness is the highest ever recorded, with 74 percent now aware of the Greenbelt. Key Differences: . Those more likelyto be aware of the Greenbelt include: . Those 50+ (79o/o). HHlSS}k+ (79o/o),. Those in rural areas (81olo),and. Those in Hamilton/Niagara/Brant (83olo) . Those less likely to be aware of the Greenbelt include: . Those 18-29 (60Vo) . lmmigrants (61olo) . Those in Toronto (67Vo) C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 5 9 o f 2 6 5 How familiar would you say you are with the issues and objectives of the Greenbelt? tr Not at all familiar o Not very familiar trsomewhat familiar ¡Verv familiar Findings: . One-third(32o/o) are very (60/o) or somewhat (260/o) familiar with the issues and objectives of the Greenbelt, in line with findings from 2005 and up from21O7. . A similar proportion say they are either not very (30olo) or not atall (37o/o)familiar. Key Differences: . Those more likely to say they are familiar with the íssues and objectives oÎ the'Greenbelt include: . Men more than women (360/ovs.28o/o) . Those 50+ more than those 18-29 (4lo/ovs. 18o/o) . Post-grad s (37o/o) . Those earning SgOf+ than those earning <S40K (38o/ois.29%o) . Those with unaided awareness (712o, up from 55o/o), or aided awareness (37o/o) . Those living in York/Durham/Simcoe (38olo). Dec 05 Net: 31olo Jul 07 Net:260lo Feb 09 Net:32olo C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 0 o f 2 6 5 Do you completely support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or completelyoppose the Greenbelt? trDon't Know rCompletely Oppose trsomewhat oppose trsomewhat support rCompletely support Findings: . Support for Ontario's Greenbelt is at a high with 93 percent now completely supporting (54o/o) or somewhat supporting (390lo) the Greenbelt. . Only 4 percent remain opposed. Key Differences: . As in 2007, support increases across all groups, but is especially higher amongst those 18-29 (59o/o completely support). . 610/o of those with unaided awareness and 58 percent of those with aided awareness completely support it. . Those in urban areas are more likely to completely support the Greenbelt than those in rural areas (55% vs.460/o),with those in rural areas more likely to somewhat support it than those in urban areas (460/o vs. 380/o). Dec 05 Net:92olo Jul 07 93o/o Feb 09 93o/o C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 1 o f 2 6 5 Do you completely support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or completelyoppose the Greenbelt? Completely Supp ort (54o/ol . Those aged 18-29 (59o/o) . University (57o/o) and Post-Grad s (59o/o) . Household income of $40-$60,000 (59o/o) . York/Durham/Simcoe (58olo) . Very concerned about environment (620lo) . Unaided (0t o/o) or aided (58olo) awareness of the Greenbelt . Very/somewhatfamiliar w¡th objectives of the Greenbelt (600/o) . Saw news stories (620/o) or advertising (610/o) Somewhat Su pport (39olo) . Women (41o/o),30-49 (43o/o) . Those w¡th child ren (42o/o) . Those with college/vocational education (44o/o) . Toronto (43o/o), rural (460/o) . Somewhat concerned about environment (45o/o) . Aided (49o/o) awareness of the Greenbelt . Not very/at all familiar with the objectives of the Greenbell(42o/o) C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 2 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. Please indicate whether each of thefollowing goals or benefits of the Greenbelt isimportant to you? Protecting the natural water systems Protecting wildlife habitats P rese rvi n g .n r'.ul:t¿tál Creation of a sinole. continuous beltria¡i Limiting urban sprawl Providing recreation opponunities Findings: . As in prior polls, significant support exists for each of the stated goals and benefits. Protecting the natural water systems, protecting wildlife habitats, and preserving agricultural lands have the strongest support. Key Differences: . Women, older respondents, those in rural areas, and those familiar with the Greenbelt are generally more likely to say each of these is very ¡mportant. rVery important DSomewhat C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 3 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. F-or yo.u personally, which of the following Greenbelt? is the most important benefit of the Findings: . Protecting the naturalwater systems is cited most frequently as the most important benefit of the Greenbelt, cited by 36 percent. Protecting wildlife habitats (17o/o) and preserving agricultural lands (17o/o) are mentioned next. Key Differences: . Those earning SAOk+ (4Oo/o), immigrants (4Oo/o), and those in rural areas (41o/o) are more likely to cite'protecting the natural water systeml . Women more than men cite'preserving ag ricu ltu ra I la nds' (20o/o vs. 1 4o/o) . Those aged 18-29 are more likely than those aged 50+ to cite'protecting wildlife habitats'. . Those with post-grad education more than those with H5/less cite'Protecting the natural water systems' (4Oo/o vs.29o/o) Protecting the natural water systems Protecting wild I ife habitats Preserving ugri.ul:Hrd Creation of a sinole. continuous beltrúai Limiting urban sprawl Providing recreation opportunities C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 4 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. ls the Greenbelt something that: i) is extremely importãnt to you personally ¡¡) ¡¡¡) iv) you really have no attachment to and no opinion about, or ou are o sed to is nice to have and know is there rYou are opposed to it trYou have no attachment to, no opinion about B ls nice to have and know is there r ls extremely important to Findings: . Almost half of respondents(45o/o) agree that the Greenbelt is extremely important to them personally, with a further 42 percent sayíng it is nice to have and know is there. Only 10 percent say they have no attachment to it, while 2 percent maintain they are opposed to ¡t. Key Differences: . Those more likely to say it is extremely important to them personally include those aged 50+ (41o/o), those familiar with the goals and objectives of the Greenbelt (59%), and those who are very concerned about the state of the environment(640/o). Feb 09 92o/o 87o/o Note: ln 2009 the third response was changed from "You really have no attachment to and don't really care much about the Greenbelti to "You really have no attachment to and no opinion about the Greenbelt." ln addition, a fourth response "You are opposed to it"was added. According to polling experts, the decline in respondents who agree that the Greenbelt"is extremely important to you personally"could be attributed to the addition of another option for respondents. Dec 05 Net:92olo Jul 07 10 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 5 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. Urban growth can be accommodated by making more efficient use of existing urban lands rather than allowing them to encroach on the Greenbelt The Greenbelt is one of the most important contributions of our generation to the future of Ontario Please indicate whether y.o,u coTpletely gg.ree,. somewhat agree, somewhat disagreeor completely disagree w¡th each'of thé foilowinq. .. 91o/o Findings: . A majority or near majority completely agrees with both of the statements. Up 4 percent from2007 and 2005, 91o/o of Ontarians completely agree (460/o) or somewhat agree (45Vo) that the Greenbelt is one of the most important contributions of our generation to the future of Ontario. Key Differences: . Those 50+ (620/o), those in rural areas (660/o), and those very familiar with the objectives of the Greenbelt are more likely to agree that urban growth can be accommodated by using existing lands more efficiently. . Those 5O+ (54o/o) and those with incomes below S40k (600lo) are more likely to agree that the Greenbelt is one of the most important contributions of our generation to the future of Ontario. rCompletely agree ûSomewhat agree t1 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 6 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. Conclus¡ons ' Results from the 2009 Friends of the Greenbelt Foundafion survey show a high level of support for the Greenbelt in Ontario. ' Overall awareness of the Greenbelt has increased significantly over time. The Greenbelt continues to be the most frequently cited top of mind program/initiative or government act to protect the environment and rural/ agricu ltu ra I la nds. ' Protecting the natural waterways remains the most highly valued benefit of the Greenbelt, with preserving agricultural lands and [rotecting wildlife habitats also highly valued. . Ontarians strongly agree that: . the Greenbelt should be protected from encroachment ' urban growth can be better accommodated by making more efficient use of existing lands, and . the Greenbelt represents a lasting legacy of this generation to the next. ' Certain groups are more likely to show a deeper level of engagement with the Greenbelt, including older residents, higher income/education residents, and those living in rural areas. However, younger residents and those in urban areas also express very high levels of support of the goals and benefits of the Greenbelt. t2 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 7 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. Methodology A total of 750 interviews were conducted by telephone between February 15-21,2009. A sample of this size can be considered accuratt to within +/-3.6 percentage points, 1 9 timesout of 20. A stratified sampling was employed with quotas set fbr each nñrni.iprlíty. fhe breakdown of the sample plan appears below: Region: Toronto (4'16) York Durham Dufferin Peel Halton Brant Hamilton Niagara Simcoe TOTAL Sample Size 200 90 60 50 BO 60 50 60 50 50 750 Target Target Urban Rural 200 0 846 537 33 17 773 564 428 564 446 35 15 680 70 t3 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 8 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. Reporting & Analysis Results in this report are analyzed by unweighted data, highlighting key differences by respondent demographics and awareness ıf tnã Greãnbelt. Consistently, for multi-item scales using 4-point agreement scales, few top 2- box differences (e.g. strongly agree + somewhat agree) were seen across most categories of respondents. To help the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation better understand where support and interest ¡s strongest, this report focuses on the differences among the top-box respondents (e.g. strongly agree). Users should remember that total agreement would include the second-box respondents as well. ïop Box {I E @ I Strongly agree Somewhatagree Somewhatdisag Strongly Disagree ln most charts the"Don't Knows"are suppressed, unless they account for more than 10o/o of responses ) ron-z Box 14 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 6 9 o f 2 6 5 Possibility grows here. Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation 68 Scollard Street, Suite 201 Toronto, ON MsR 1G2 info @ greenbelt.ca www.greenbelt.ca 15 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 6 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m F r i e n d s o f t h e G r e e n b . . . P a g e 7 0 o f 2 6 5 Phone: (519) 842-9000 Fax: (519) 8424727 Email: msc@ocl.net Tillsonburg & District Multi-service Gentre (MSC) The Livingston Centre 96 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 341 www.thelivi nqstoncentre.com Serving the Community Since 1978 Juty 6, 2009 Municipatity of Bayham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordvitte ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayor Acre (Lynn), C.M.O. Kruger (Kyte) & Bayham Councittors: On behatf of the Mutti-Service Centre (MSC), we woutd tike to extend a sincere thank you for your recent grant of 5500.00. These doltars witt go a tong way toward supporting students in ou¡r Adult Basic Literacy program. The Mutti-Service Centre has been providing community services since 1978 - 31 years of operationt We have moved and grown over the years from the house on Rolph Street to our current location in The Livingston Centre. One thing has not changed however - and that is our commitment to providing community based services and our gratefulness to the supporters and votunteers that have made that happen. Our primary focus remains providing needed ctient services. White we do receive regutar funding in some of our programming areas and activety fundraise, we encourage, need and appreciate donations/gifts such as you have provided. These funds/gifts attow us to commit to programs that require community support in order to meet budget requirements. They also atlow us to plan for future needs. Shoutd you have any comments or questions regarding your donation, ptease contact the MSC at 519-842-9008, ext. 270. lt's great to have support once again from Bayham!! Thank you for your investment in our services and the community in which our ctients reside. ilt ' 1; ,jliì ;' frot nû/r///'tu f' Maureen Vandenbe Communications &, Devetopment Coordinator emai[: mvandenberghe@oct. net MSC does not sell, rent or trade your information with any other organizations or individuals. lf you wish to be removed from our contact list please call 519-842.9000, ext. 270. Mission A community organization committed to suppod¡ng personal independence through: o lnnovative and responsive resources c Paftnerships and collaboration t Stiving for excellence V¡sion Embracing Perconal lndependence . Celebrat¡ng a Caring Community Correspondence dated July 6, 2009 from Tillsonburg & Distric...Page 71 of 265 Page 72 of 265 5-- Long Point Region Conservation Authority RR#3, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K2 . Tel: (519) 428-4623 . Fax: (519) 428-1520 E-mail: conservation @ lprca.on.ca . Web Site: www.lprca.on.ca June 9, 2009 File 1.4.1 Dear Member Municipality: A/6 Attached please find a copy of LPRCA's audited financial statements for 2008. lt will be noted we had total expenditures last year of $3,189,909. At year-end, LPRCA's reserve funds totaled $ 96,4,631. Please feelfree to direct any questions regarding the above to myself or Giuditta Poelzl, Manager of Corporate Services. Treasurer fñ € 8"ñ'ütr¡"d Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 73 of 265 1 Financial Statements of LONG POINT REGION CONS ERVATION AUTHO RITY Year ended December 31, 2008 Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 74 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY lndex to the Financial Statements Year ended December 31, 2008 AUDITORS'REPORT Statement of Financial Position Statement of Fund Balances Statement of Operations Statement of Gash Flow Notes to Financial Statements Corporate/Fixed Services Revenue and Expenditures Watershed Management Revenue and Expenditures Water Conservation Strategies Projects Revenue and Expenditures Community Relations/Outreach Revenue and Expenditures Backus Heritage Conservation Area Revenue and Expenditures Conservation Land Management - Forestry Revenue and Expenditures Conservation Land Management - Conservation Parks Revenue and Expenditures Other Projects Revenue and Expenditures Motor Pool Revenue and Expenditures Backus Heritage Village Trust Fund Revenue and Expenditures Leighton and Betg Brown Scholarship Trust Fund Revenue and Expenditures 1 2 3 4 Ã-o Schedules 1 2 3 4 5 6(A) 6(B) 7 I I 10 Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 75 of 265 KPMG LLP Chartered Accountants 115 King Street South 2nd Floor Waterloo ON N2J 543 Telephone (519) 747-8800 Fax (519) 747-8830 lnternet www kpmg.ca AUDITORS'REPORT To the Board of Directors of Long Point Region conservation Authority We have audited the statement of financial position of Long Point Region Conservation Authority as at December 31, 2008 and the statements of operations, fund balances and cash flow for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the AuthoriÇ's management, Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Except as explained in the following paragraph, we conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. ln common with many not-for-profit organizations, the Authority derives revenue from donations and sundry cash sources, the completeness of which is not susceptible of satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of the Authority and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to revenue, or excess of revenue over expenditures for the year and fund balances. ln our opinion, except for the etfect of adjustments, if any, which we might have determined to be necessary had we been able to satisfy ourselves concerning the completeness of donations and receipts from sundry cash sources referred to in the preceding paragraph, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Authority as at December 31, 2008 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. The prior year figures were audited by other auditors who expressed an opinion without reservation in their report, dated February 13, 2008. ,4h¿ '12'P Chartered Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants Waterloo, Canada January 21,2009 KPMG LLP is a Canadrãn [mited liabilrty partnershrp ånd a member l¡rm of lhe KPMG network of indapendent member lirms affil¡ated w¡th KPMG lnternattonal, a Sw¡ss cooperatrve. KPMG Canada provides serv¡ces to KPMG LLP Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 76 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2008, with comparative figures for 2Q07 2007 Current Assets Cash (note 3) lnvestments (note 4) Accounts receivable (note 5) Accrued interest Other receivables $ 209,458 1 ,158,040 93,955 72,531 21,396 $ 14,645 1,298,040 214,831 42,502 Total financial assets $ 1,545,270 1,570,018 Current Liabilities and Fund Balances Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue (note 6 Totalliabili Fund Balances lnternally restricted (note 7) Externally restricted (note 8) 165,480 405,1 59 570,639 808,015 166,616 55,205 301,979 $ I ,103,216 164,824 974,631 1,268,040 $ 1,545,270 $ 1,570,018 See accompanyíng notes to financial statements. Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 77 of 265 LONG PO¡NT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Statement of Operations Year ended December 31, 2008, with comparative figures tor 2007 Budget 2008 Actual 2008 Actual 2007 Revenue: Municipal levies: General Special Provincial - transfer payments Corporate/fixed services Watershed management Water conservation strategies Community relations/outreach Backus Heritage Conservation Area Conservation land management - forestry Conservation land management - conservation parks Other projects Motor pool Backus Heritage Village Trust Fund Leighton and Betty Brown Scholarship Trust Fund 886,476 200,000 68,240 41,700 164,195 212,245 4,443 301,414 479,165 747J26 84,303 101,067 885,391 10,000 68,240 53,171 54,601 168,701 2,000 290,890 351,ô01 776,052 115,942 112,972 2,820 4,119 642,574 99,733 68,240 79,681 154,874 149,774 269,862 606,711 737,985 186,268 107,932 5,052 22,839 Totalrevenue Expenditures: Corporate/fixed services Watershed management Water conservation strateg ies Gomm unity relations/outreach Backus Heritage Conservation Area Conservation land management - forestry Conservation land management - conservation parks Other projects Motor pool Backus Heritage Village Trust Fund Leighton and Betty Brown 3,290,364 1,138,212 511,314 227,291 105,065 420,818 567,1 93 638,769 204,303 157,985 2,896,500 627,516 221,843 143,757 97,913 426,601 567,602 685,478 239,753 174,299 1,330 3,131,525 532,021 467,281 159,808 84,768 381,688 440,436 597,712 249,760 152,649 1,973 Scholarship Trust Fund - 3,817 3,790 Total expenditures 3,970,850 3,189,909 3,071,886 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures $ (680,486)(293,409)59,639 See accompanying notes to financial statements. Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 78 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Statement of Fund Balances Year ended December 31, 2008, with comparative figures 1o¡ 2007 lnternally Externally Total Total Restricted Restricted 2008 2007 Fund balances, beginning of year Excess of revenue over expenditures $ 1,103,216 $ 164,924 $ 1,268,040 $ 1,209,401 (295,201) 1,792 (293,409) 59,639 Fund balances, end of year $ 808,015 $ 166,616 $ 974,631 $ 1,268,040 See accompanying notes to financial statements, Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 79 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Statement of Cash Flows Year ended December 31, 2008, with comparative figures for 20OT Cash provided by (used in): Operating activities: Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures Items not involving cash: Accounts receivable Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue Accrued interest Other receivables (293,409) $ 130,976 110,275 158,386 (30,029) 59,639 (37,587) 55,1 84 (130,191) lnvesting activities; Purchase of investments Proceeds on maturities of investments 1,386) (960,000) (52,955) (1,619,970) 525,000100.000 140,000 (1,094,870) lncrease ) in cash Cash, beginning of year 194,813 14,645 (1,147,825',) 1,162,470 $ 209,458 See accompanying notes to financial statements, Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 80 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Notes to Financial Statements Yearended December 31, 2008 1, Purpose of organization: The Long Point Region Conservation Authority (the "Authority") is established under the Conservation Authorities Act of Ontario and works with local communities, and other partners, to achieve the conservation, restoration, development and responsible management of our water, land and natural habitats through programs that balance hLrman, environmental and economic needs. The objectives of the Authority are as follows: a) To ensure that the Long Point Region watershed lands and waters are properly safeguarded, managed and restored. b) To protect, manage and restore watershed woodlands, wetlands and natural habitats, c) To develop and maintain programs that will protect life and property from natural hazards such as flooding and erosion. d) To provide opportunities for the public to enjoy, learn from and respect the watershed's natural and cultural environments. 2. Significant accounting policies: The financial statements of the Authority are prepared by management in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles for organizations operating in the local government sector as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Canadian lnstitute of Chartered Accountants. Significant aspects of the accounting policies adopted by the Authority are as follows: (a) Description of fund balances: The Authority maintains a General Fund where all revenues and expenses are recorded. At year end, the transactions are analyzed and the net assets allocated to the proper internally or externally restricted funds, lnternally restricted funds are those with restrictions imposed by the Board of Directors. lnternally restricted funds are as follows: (i) The Education Centre Maintenance Fund records the net revenue and expenditures for the maintenance of the Backus Conservation Education Centre. (ii) The OPG Forest Corridor Fund records the net revenue and expenditures related to the longterm monitoring of forest areas, (iii) The Memorial Woodlot Fund records the net revenue and expenditures related to the donations to MemorialWoodlot Fund and cost to Memorial Woodlot Fund at Backus. (iv) The LBWMA Capital Replacement Fund records the net revenue and expenditures related to capital replacements of LBWMA. (v) The Connecting Kids Fund records the net revenue and expenditures related to the Connecting Kids campaign in support of education programs at Backus. Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 81 of 265 . LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Notes to Financial Statements, continued Yearended December 31, 2008 2. Significant accounting policies (continued): (a) Description of fund balances (continued): (vi) The Administrative Office Building Fund records the net revenue and expenditures related to the expansion, renovation or building of office of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. (vii)Externally restricted funds are those with restrictions imposed by the individuals external to the Board of Directors. Externally restricted funds are as follows: - revenues and expenditures related to the Backus Heritage Village are recorded in the Backus Heritage Village Trust Fund - revenues and expenditures related to the Leighton and Betty Brown scholarships are recorded in the Leighton and Betty Brown Scholarship Fund. (b) Revenue recognition: The Authority follows the deferral method of accounting for contributions where unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue when received or receivable if the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured. Restricted contributions are deferred and recognized as revenue in the year in which the related expenditures are incurred. (c) Expenses: Expenses are reported on the accrual basis of accounting. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes expenditures in the period in which they are incurred and measurable as a result of receipt of goods or services and the creation of a legal obligation to pay. (d) lnvestments: lnvestments are composed of GlCs and T-Bills. All of the investments are classified as held- to-maturity investments and are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, The Board has the intention to hold the investments until maturity. (e) Capital expenditures: The cost of capital assets is expensed in the year of acquisition. (f) Donations: The Authority records cash donations as revenue in the year cash is received. Donated materials and services are recorded as a revenue and an expenditure when the fair market value of the material and services donated is verifiable, only to the extent the Authority has issued a charitable donation receipt for those materials and services. Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 82 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Notes to Financial Statements, continued Year ended December 31, 2008 2. Significant accounting policies (continued): (g) Use of estimates: The preparation of periodic financial statements occasionally requires management to make assumptions that affect reported amounts of certain assets and liabilities at the year-end date and certain revenue and expenditures for the year then ended. Actual amounts may differ from those estimates. 3. Cash: The cash balance is comprised of: 2007 lnternally restricted Externally restricted: Backus Heritage Village Leighton and Betty Brown Scholarship 202,001 3,256 4,201 1,403 2,618 10,624 209,459 lnvestments: The Authority holds short{erm GIC's and T-Bills. The investment balance is comprised of: 4, lnternally restricted Externally restricted : Backus Heritage Village Leighton and Betty Brown Scholarship $ 1,000,000 $ 54,500 103,540 1 ,150,000 54,500 93,540 $ 1,158,040 5. Accounts receivable: lnternally restricted Externally restricted: Leighton and Betty Brown Scholarship 83,855 g 214,831 - 3,542 $ 83,855 $ 218,373 Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 83 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Notes to Financial Statements, continued Yearended December 31, 2008 6. Deferred revenue: The Authority receives certain amounts principally from other public sector bodies, the proceeds of which may only be used in the conduct of certain programs or completion of specific work. Further, certain user charges and fees are collected, for which the related services have yet to be performed, These amounts are recognized as revenue when the related expenditures are incurred or services performed. 7. lnternally restricted funds: lnternally restricted funds are comprised of the following: Balance Transferbeginning from of year unrestricted Transfer Balanceto end unrestricted of year Education CentreMaintenance $ OPG Forest Corridor MemorialWoodlot Lee Brown Waterfowl M.A. Capital Replacement Connecting Kids Campaign Administrative Otfice Building Unrestricted Reserve 100,000 32,844 9,944 37,924 27,796 44,806 851,002 5,727 1,535 1,4_09 185,373 (14,OOO) (3,879) (471,366) 100,000 38,571 1 0,379 39,333 13,796 40,927 565,009 $ 1 ,103,216 194,044 $ (489,245)808,015 Externally restricted funds: Externally restricted funds are comprised of the following: Balance beginning of year Excess revenue over expenditures Transfer from (to) operations Balance end of year Backus Heritage Village $ Leighton and Betty Brown Scholarship 57,118 107,706 1,490 302 58,608 108,009 164,924 1.792 166,616 Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 84 of 265 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Notes to Financíal Statements, continued Year ended December 31, 2008 9. Donations - Backus Heritage Village Trust Fund: Donations of $1,000 or more, or a pledge of $200 a year for five years, will receive a lifetime membership on the Trust Fund Committee, This membership also allows the individual or organization a vote during the annual meeting of the Committee. There were $650 of these donations received during the year. 10. Donated land materialand services: The Authority received donated materials, property and services for the year ended December 31, 2008 of $7,000 (2007 - $1,200). This amount represents the difference between the estimated fair market value and other donated items, and the actual amount paid by the Authority for these items. The revenue and related expenditure (Schedule 5) with respect to the donated materials, property and services is set up in these financial statements only to the extent as described in note 2(f). The amount set up for the year ended December 31, 2008 is $7,000 (2007 - $1 ,200), I l. Pension agreements: The Authority makes contributions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS), which is a multi-employer plan, on behalf of full{ime members of staff and eligible part- time staff, The plan is a defined benefit pension plan, which specifies the amount of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees based on the length of service and rates of pay. 12. Budget figures - 2008 The 2008 budget figures included in these financial statements are those adopted by the Authority on March 13, 2008. The budget figures are unaudited, 13. Comparative figures: Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the financial statements presentation adopted in the year. Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Con...Page 85 of 265 Page 86 of 265 5 ât¿ On February 13, 2009 ice began to accumulate in the morfh of the Grand River. The ice created a natural dam and the river, which had been flowing into Lake Erie began to rise. As the river rose, the lives of families who lived along the river were drastically changed forever. Flood waters spilled over the banks of the Grand and flor¡æd through the communities of Dunnville, Cayuga and points in betnæen. Homes vrære destroyed, lives vr,ere devastated and families impacted beyond their ability to recoverwithout help. Estimates have pegged the financial loss at more than $1,800,000! Haldimand County asked the province to view the chaos and as a result the MÍnister of Municipal Affairs and Housing declared the region a "Disaster Area". The Haldimand Coun$ Disaster Relief Committee was struck and the task before the committee is significant. Our committee can do little to help people rebuild lives but ì/!e can try to mitigate the financial hardships facing many families. On behalf of that committee, I r,rould ask that your municipality, consider contriburtirg to our relief efforts. Respecffully, we are askirç if your community could assist our communrty with a donation of $250.00. Every dollar raised will be matctred by the province on an up to 2:1 ratio. Your consideration of our request vrould be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Bernie Corbett Chairman Haldimand County Disaster Relief Committee (e0s)774-67L7 DISCLAIMER This material is provided under conFact as a paid service by the originating organization and does not necessarily reflect the view or positions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companieg officers, directors or agents. Haldimand County Disaster Relief Committee 111- Broad Street East Dunnville, ON NlA 1E8 July 14,2009 Head of Council Administrator/Clerk Bemie Corbett, Chair Donation Request- Grand River Flood 2009 Memo Date: To: Cc: From: RE: Correspondence dated July 14, 2009 from Haldimand County Dis...Page 87 of 265 Page 88 of 265 June 30, 2009 THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM PO BOX 7609344 PLANK ROAD STRAFFORDVILLE ON NOJ 1YO CANADA Gemma Zecchini CEO-interim, Stewardship Ontario www.stewa rdshiponta rio.ca Å*6b &^d* 6,* RE:lndustry funding for the Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2009 Program Year Dear Mayor and Members of Council: Packaging and printed paper companies, represented by Stewardship Ontario, fulfill their responsibilities to fund 50% the net cost of the Blue Box recycling program by making cash payments to municipalities on a quarterly basis, Stewardship Ontario and Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) are pleased to enclose the first quarterly payment for the 2009 program year. The total payments distributed to municipalities in this quarter exceed S1S mill¡on. ln the 2009 program year, Stewardship Ontario will distríbute a total of 560 million in cash to Ontario municipalities of bàhalf of the packaging and printed paper companies, This brings the total cash payment from industry to municipalities to 5244.5 million since the program began in 2004. ln addition to the direct cash payments, municipalities benefit from four linked programs. The first is "in-kind" advertising space made available annually by Ontario's daily and community newspapers. This year the newspapers are making available 5g.g m¡llion in advertising space, which is allocated to municipalities throughout the province. Since the launch of the program, advertising space valued at about $L1 mill¡on has been dedicated to promoting municipal waste diversion programs. Stewardship Ontarío continues to work with municipalities to complete projects that received support under the Effectiveness and Efficiency {E&E) Fund and its successor, the Continuous lmprovement Fund (ClF), as part of our collective interest in achieving continuous improvements in the performance of Ontario's renowned Blue Box recycling system. By providing direct support to municipalities for recycling and with the additional initiatives to help municipalities examine efficiency opportunities, municipal taxpayers and consumers of printed papers and packaging enjoy continued access to convenient recycling opportunities. To find out more about these programs, we invite you to visit the websites shown below' Sincerely Glenda Gies Executive Director, Waste Diversion Ontario www,wdo.ca ' [) ,'t"t Correspondence dated June 30, 2009 from Stewardship Ontario ...Page 89 of 265 Page 90 of 265 D D ) ) ) ) ¡ ) ) ) ) ¡ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I I St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profile: 2006 Demogra ph ic Report Prepared by: Sarah Maaten, MSc and Kathryn Bocking, MSc April, 2009 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health 99 Edward Street, St. Thomas, ON NsP 1YB Phone: 519-631-9900 Toll Free: 1-80G922{096 Fax: 519{3}0468 Voicemail: 519-031-3159 wwwelginhealth.on.ca Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profil...Page 91 of 265 Table of Contents lntroduction Overøll Key Findíngs, Population Structure Table L: Demographic overview, by municipality,2OOt and 2006 Table 2: Elgin St. Thomas Public Health region demographic overview in comparison to surrounding health units, 2001 and 2006 Figure 1: Population growth, St. Thomas and Elgin Countyand Ontario,LgTtto 2016 Figure 2: Proportion of population by five year age groups, St. Thomas and Elgin County and Ontario,2006 7 2 5 6 7 8 9 Table 3: Population, by age group, by municipal¡ty, 2006 Table 4: Dependency ratio, by municipal¡ty, 2001 and 2006 Famíly Structure ond Households 10 10 72 13 T4 L5 16 16 Figure 3: Marital status in those aged Figure 4: Marital status in those aged 2006 L5 and older, St. Thomas and 15 and older, St. Thomas and Elgin County, Elgin County, 2006 L976to Table 5: Number and proportion of two parent and lone parent families, by municipality, 2006 Figure 5: Table 6: Household types, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 2006 Number and proportion of household types, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 2006 _ lmmigrotion, Lønguoge ond VisÍble Mínorities 79 Figure 6: Number and Figure 7: Year of immi Figure 8: Number and by municipality, 2006 proportion of i m m igrants, by m u nicipa lity, 2O06 gration, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 2006 proportion of people who speak a non-official language in the home, 20 20 22 Figure l-0: Number and proportion of people with mother tongue not English, by municipality,20O6 Figure LL: Number and proportion of people who are a visible minority, by municipal¡ty, 2006 DwellÍngs ilt Figure 9: Language other than English spoken at 2006 home, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 1986 to 24 24 26 27 28Figure L2: Proportion and number of rental dwellings, by municipality, 2006 Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profil...Page 92 of 265 Figure 13: Proportion of dwellings that are rentals, St. Thomas and Elgin County, t976lo 2006 Figure 14: Median household income and average household value, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 1981 to 2006 Figure 1.5:Average household value and median household income, by Health Unit region, 2006 Education Figure 16: Highest educational attainment for people aged 15 years and older, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 2006 Table 7: Highest Educational attainment for people aged 15 years and older, by municipality, 28 30 3L 33 34 342006 Figure L7: Highest educational attainment for people aged 15 years and older, bY gender, St. Thomas and Elgin CountY, 2006 Employment ond lJnPoíd Work Figure L8: Number and proportion of people unemployed, by municipality, Figure L9: Unemployment rate, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 1976 to 2006 Table 8: participation rate and unemployment rate of population aged 1-5 years and older, St' Thomas and Elgin County, L996,2001-,2006 Figure 20: Rate of participation in the work force, by gender, 5t. Thomas and Elgin County, 2006 _ 35 37 38 39 40 40I97Lto 2006 Figure 2L: Proportion peoPle aged 15 and older claiming unpaid work caring for children and seniors, by municipalitY, 2006 Figure 22: Mode of transportation to work, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 2006 lncome Figure 23: Median income after tax in all private households, by municipality, 2005 Figure 24: Median income after tax in one person households, by municipality, 2005 - 46 Figure 25: Median income after tax, by household type, 5t. Thomas and Elgin County, 2005 48 Table 9: Median income after tax for two parent and lone parent families, St. Thomas and 49Elgin County, 2005 Figure 26: Percent low income after tax, by municipality, 2005 Figure 27: Percent low income after tax, St. Thomas and Elgin County, 1995,2000,2005_ 50 52Appendix A: MunícÍPal Summaries 42 43 45 46 Ç a ÇI ;t Ç Ç C a o e C ÇII Ç C e 2 50 Appendix B: Delinitions of Terminology IV 60 Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profil...Page 93 of 265 D D D Dl D ) ¡I D ) ¡ ) Dt ¡ )II ) ) ) ) D ìt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) lntroduction The following profile presents a detailed demographic and socioeconomic picture of St. Thomas and Elgin County in 2006. The information in this report comes from the 2006 Census, considered the most comprehensive source of information of this kind. Census data is collected by Statistics Canada every five years and can be compared over time and across different geographic regions. Certain elements of this report incorporate earlier Census data to provide a historical context. Main components included in this report are population structure, family structure, households and dwellings, immigration, language, education, employment and income. Under each sub-heading there are tables and figures presenting information in two basic formats; numbers and proportions. Proportions are important in the comparison of areas of different population size. They are used to assess the similarity between groups. Numbers must also be considered to understand the magnitude of an issue. For instance, knowing there are 1,880 lone parents in St. Thomas compared to 200 in Bayham can be helpful when allocating of resources. After each table or figure there are a few bullet points highlighting the key findings. ln some cases there are interpretations of the findíngs. The report is structured to provide an overall view of St. Thomas and Elgin County as well as detailed information about each municipality. To provide provincial and peer group comparisons, St. Thomas and Elgin County is compared to Ontario and in some cases other health unit regions. Summaries of findings by municipality are found in Appendix A. These summaries provide specific information about each municipality in relation to other municipalities and the county. Overall, the findings show that areas of St. Thomas and Elgin County are diverse and dynamic, different from Ontario as a whole and varied across the many municipalities. --- 1 Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profil...Page 94 of 265 Overall Key Findings Population Structure ¡ Between 2001 and 2006, the population of St. Thomas and Elgin County grew by nearly five percent to 85,35L residents. r This growth rate was lower than the overall provincial rate of 6.6% during that period. r lt is projected that between 2006 and 2016, St. Thomas and Elgin County's population growth rate will more closely match the overall rate for ontario. ln 2006, St. Thomas and Elgin County had a higher proportion of younger (age 19 and younger) and older (aged 55 and older) residents compared to Ontario as a whole. These rates may mean fewer people were of working age and able to take part in the labour force during20O6. Family Structure and Households ¡ The proportion of married people in St. Thomas and Elgin County has decreased over time - from 67 .L% in 197 6 t o 58.5% in 2006. . At the same time, the proportion of divorced and single people (status at the time of the Census) has increased. ¡ While there was a lower proportion of single parent families in St. Thomas and Elgin County in 2006 compared to Ontario as a whole, the proportion of male single parents was actually higher than the Ontario average. lmmigration, Language and Visible Minorities r ln 2006, the greatest number of immigrants residing in St. Thomas and Elgin County lived in St. Thomas. . The proportion of immigrants in St. Thomas and Elgin County (L3.2%) was much lower than the proportion for Ontario as a whole (28'3%1. ¡ Three-quarters of the immigrants living in St. Thomas and Elgin County in 2006 had been there for at least 15 Years. . ln 2006 ,6.4yoof St. Thomas and Elgin County residents said they spoke a language other than English at home. eeooJJ ooeooo ooe e e o ¡ o o C o o o o o o C o Çt o oI o o o ¡ o C ¡ o o a o o c a 0 o eIII --2 Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profil...Page 95 of 265 t ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) r The proportion of visible minorities living in St. Thomas and Elgin County was nearly 10 times smaller than the proport¡on for Ontario. Dwellings r Housing costs grew more quickly than annual household incomes in St. Thomas and Elgin County between 1981 and 2006 which may indicate houses were less affordable in 2006 compared to 1981. ! However, on average people in St. Thomas and Elgin County had to spend less of their household income to purchase a home in comparison to those in surrounding health unit areas and Ontario overall. Education ln 2006, St. Thomas and Elgin County had a greater proportion of people who had not completed high school than Ontario. A trade certificate or college education was the most common type of post secondary education completed in St. Thomas and Elgin County. Men were more likely than women to have an apprenticeship or trade diploma and women were more likely than men to have college or university education. Employment and Unpaid Work ¡ ln 2006, the unemployment rate in St. Thomas and Elgin County was5.5To,less than that of Ontario (6.4%). Unemployment rates dropped substantially between t99L (9.3%) and 2006 (s.s%1. lncome ln 2005, median household income (after tax) was lower in St. Thomas and Elgin County (549,71!l than Ontario (S52,117). However, Southwold and Central Elgin both had median household incomes much greater than the Elgin and Ontario averages (approximately 560,400). St. Thomas and Elgin County in 2005 had a much smallerproportion of the population (6.2%) considered low-income compared to Ontario $f.L%|. The proportion of children in St. Thomas and Elgin County in the low-income category decreased substantially between L995 (15.7o/o) and 2005 (7.4o/ol. --3 Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profil...Page 96 of 265 ') ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I ) I I I Bayham ¡ The population of Bayham was 6,727 in 2006, up 5.5% from 2001. This rate was the second highest rate in St. Thomas and Elgin County, second to St. Thomas. r Bayham had one of the highest proportions of children under L5 but a low proportion of seniors compared to St. Thomas and Elgin County. This means there was a higher child dependency ratio for those aged 15 to 64 in Bayham compared to the other municipalities. . There was a higher proportion of households of couples with children in Bayham, compared to the county. I ln 2006 Bayham had one of the highest proportions (19.0%)of immigrants in the county (N=1,280). 28.3% of people in Bayham had a mother tongue language other than English. . 46.5% percent of people in Bayham do not have a high school education. The proportions of people with a high school certificate or higher are all lower compared to the county. . The unemployment rate in Bayham (7.L%l was the highest in St. Thomas and Elgin County in 2006. The participation rate was low (64.8% vs. 67 .9%l and it decreased between 1996 and 2006. ¡ The median household income after tax in 2005 in Bayham was lower than the county average (S46,069). r Bayham had a lower proportion of people (4.9%l and children (5.9%) in the low-income category than St. Thomas and Elgin County. -_ 59 Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profil...Page 97 of 265 Page 98 of 265 S #or conrÉnr.nc¡ ors cor-r.¡cr¡v¡rÉs roRrsnÈtrs CÂI¡ADIEÌINES 2 The Forest Communities Program and its partners are pleased to announce Canadian Forest Gommunities Conference 2009: Trends and Opportunities Come to the splendid new Vancouver lsland Conference Centre in Nanaimo on November 4-7,2009, to connect with others from across Canada who share your commitment to building vibrant and innovative communities. Join municipal and Aboriginal leaders, govemment agencies, industry partners, economic development officers, community groups and researchers to hear their success stories and help chart the course for your community for the 21't century. This is the place to be! Whether you are interested in bioenergy, eco-tourism, new wood-based businesses, non-timber forest products, innovative forest tenures, environmental goods and services, infrastructure or community engagement, you will have the opportunity to share experiences and explore new ideas with colleagues from across the country. For more information and updates, please visit www.fcc-ccf.ca, or contact the Conference Administrator at 1 -800-868-8776. Le Programme des collectivités forestières et ses partenaires sont ravis de vous annoncer la Conférence des collectivités forestières canadiennes 2009 : Tendances et opportunités Rendez-vous au splendide Centre des congrès de l'île de Vancouver, à Nanaimo, du 4 au7 novembre 2009 pour rencontrer des personnes de partout au Canada, elles aussi résolues à bâtir des collectivités bien vivantes et innovatrices. Vous y rencontrerez des dirigeants municipaux et autochtones, d'autres palierc gouvemementaux, des partenaires de I'industrie, des agents de développement économique, des groupes communautaires et des chercheurs et vous vous inspirerez des succès qu'ils ont obtenus pour vous aider à établir I'itinéraire de votre collectivité au cours du XXle siècle. C'est I'endroit tout indiqué! Que vos intérêts concernent la biomasse à des fins énergétiques, l'écotourisme, les marchés, les produits forestiers non ligneux, les modes novateurs de tenure forestière, les biens et services environnementaux, I'infrastructure, ou les fondements de I'engagement communautaire, vous aurez la chance de vous faire aller les méninges et échanger des idées avec des collègues de tout le pays. Pour plus d'information et d'actualités, veuillez vísiter www.fcc-ccf.ca ou communiquez avec I'Administratrice de la conférence au 1-800-868-8776. Announcement from The Forest Communities Program and partner...Page 99 of 265 Page 100 of 265 f2 Page2 of 2 .Í\c'Y The Onarlo Rural Councll andThe Centre for Rural Leadership ín partnerchip with lnnov¿tive Leadenhip Australh inúte you to ioin u¡ for an afterniron to: a a I I¡ a Ç a a a Ü a a a I a a Thursda¡ September 10" 2009 lS0 to 4O0 pm OMAFR Conference Centre I Stone RoadWesE Guelph, ON REGISTRATIOI{: funÊl€Èe dre Reg,btrtu'on Fom or¡4 ¡etøra ¡oThe Ceotre for Rurol Leadel:lrþhy {u d 5{.9€.2ó4208.email iia{o@ruroûeadetship.co oc b¡ ¡no, ro IOO 9oooc ßoadWb¡t Sune I05.6ueþft Ont*ø,NIG 5/,3. OVERYIEW: ïþc f.rt¡r¡6 O¿ñe b ¡n cr(<t(tç rcvir.,\ôrtshop tod ò¡r ¡t¡nr&tc¡ rlc¿¡r¡n8ful dþlo$ê rboot e cowrunþlregfo*l furue ath¡ hro rccooor hrçofürr contanpor*ry hsucr fhk rccnrrlo phrvilng ¡ppra¡dt hrr bcla rp{id wlô gar n¡ccc*s in tl¡e U& l.U, At.str¡fi¿ end IJSA The ¡rme pbyed ia ¡nnll rcmr ofier¡ p_coSe úre dr*rcè ro ry their hr¡rd ¡r <rfri¡¡l dechioæ mrlhr¡ drrt will sh¡p+ ¡ 25 ¡tr.r fuurt of r fpodredel ltgkrñ, Wfut wi| tñc impecr of decirÞar nudc todry hrve ofi d¡cá¡t¡¡rc of úrc coenrnuÉff/ægiocl thk Sovrrrso gircr ¡vu: <hencc to o$oæ du <4aüüry rnÚ povær of Täe F*ws Gomc qoncept.Thb hi¡hþ hærlcdve lnd prrdcþtory ¡rmc okc: r mry'&f¡<eted ¡nd fuegr¡ted vlcw of tlw ñ¡trre rnd rlbw3 Þe4icip.nB co tr€*lê *€ <*rrÄcrçel of dêclrlon-fluklñ8 rcrc¡¡ rhc communíqf-ccêrioflì¡c ¡nd ax¡mrment¿J dincos¡o¡u vÀ¡le ixorporrting Slobat nâaierul rnd ]oel &¡r¡es,Th-6 fuEEÈ¡ sjrñuht¡o{r ¡pptÞ¡clr ¡&l¡ axtra dcpdr end rr+ngrå to cornmrxriqlrt6bnrl phffrlry ofèfi3 rnd hclpr hocc locel Þrdcnfip end deciion mekiq rkíllr, WÞIO SHOULDATTEND? Le¡dcrs and ¡urrl ¡t¿t<aûrolder¡ ln Ontario who hew an inære* in building strong vibr:nt comrnunide¡, iocluding: ' Etected Proviocbl. R+giooal rnd Èlunidp*l offtcirisi Frodncbl, Re¿tand rnd Municipal *aff. Ë¡¡¡incss trnprorernent Asrochtions r Communiry Fuarres Dadognent Corpoation bo'ard¡ ¿nd srilr Ch¡mbers of Commcrce, Con¡erv¡tionÂuthoriÉes, rndVolunøry or Non-Proûc OrganhationsI Prorriacid go*-rnment ¡t¡fr *nd un¡\êr¡ide3 THE FUTURES GAME ...o Þowerful Éew *fitcl¡oÞ tool þr stimuloting meaningful @mmunity'diøløgue abaut the fi:ture. Visualize and explore plausible fub¡res over a 25 year period..-and engage peopfe, organiations ând commun¡ties in shaping their €)ìå/N future! 8t4t2009 Invitation to preview the first Canadian showcase of "The Fu...Page 101 of 265 Page 102 of 265 5 August 4,2009 Mayor Acre Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayor Acre, Spo,t Àlliance o{ Or,.t-tio AnaSpoRrTARIO rtot Be a Part of the ONTARIO GAMES PROGRAM Join the team of municipalities that are proud to say - "we've hosted the Ontario Games!" The spoñattiance is very excited to present a copy of our Ontario Games Bid Guidelines for the upcoming Games in2011-2013. The spoÍalliance delivers six multi-spoft Games showcasing Ontario's athletes and communities. We encourage you to review the enclosed Bid Guidelines and realize the benefits of being part of a great program. The following CD includes Bid Guidelines for: 2011 Ontario ParaSport Summer Games 2012 Ontario ParaSport Winter Games 2012 Ontario Winter Games 2012 Ontario Summer Games 2012 Onlario Senior Games - Actifest 2013 Ontario Senior Games - Winterfest The Bid Guidelines are a resource document to assist with bid preparations. Please note that sportaltiance staff would be happy to assist your community with any questions regarding the bid process! Be a part of the Ontario Games Program - and make a difference! 7-,4*,af*r Dr. Michael Murphy Chairman, Sport Alliance of Ontario The Games Program is delivered in partnership with: 3 Corcorde Gate f Toronto, Ontario, Can¿Ja Ð M3C 3N7 Gl, (41ó) 426-7000 Ð Fu*:(416)426-7381 f E-mail: info@sao.on.ca f w.'po.t"lliance.com Correspondence dated August 4, 2009 from Sport Alliance of O...Page 103 of 265 Page 104 of 265 3 The Prernier of Onlario L€gfslattve Burtdtng Queen's Park Ton¡nlo, OnteÍO M7A 141 May 22,2009 Le Premier ministre de I'Ontario Êdifice de I'Aeäemblèe léEHative Oueen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A 141 ¡ut Mr. Allan p.'Lafontaine F¡resident T:x Recovery Group 106-106 Dunlop Street Ëast Bafie, Ontario L4M 6H1 Dear Mr. LafonÞine: Thank you for writing, on behalF of the Ta< Recovery Group, regarding the proposedsingle' value-added sales Þx announced ¡n the 2o0g onbrlo Budget. I apprecÍate yourinput and lour words of support for our govemmenfls tax returm_ sinesses more than g-800 million per year in the single sales Þx, combined wfih our d cut in half Ontario,s marginal make Ontario one of the most terms of the Þxation of new relief measures that would support key ining, and would provide additÍonal r r years to Ontario famllles, Þusinesses and ..- 2 rÞ Copy of correspondence sent by Dalton McGuinty to Allan Lafo...Page 105 of 265 -2- Úu.nr you -again tbr writing' As ?lvrnys, I welcome )our input and look forward toworking with lour organiza ¡-on and othãi busin-eJ iead.rs to make our economy morecompetitive for Lhe benefit of ontario cihlzenJ ânã ¡usinesses. p¡äãsÀ ,i..pt my personalbest wishes and warm regards, Yours truly, Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honoumble Dwight Duncan Copy of correspondence sent by Dalton McGuinty to Allan Lafo...Page 106 of 265 5 ONr.nnro PnovrNcI¿,r Porrcr, PoucE PRovTNcIALE DE t'ONtnnto P(l Nsws Rnrnnsn/ Covttr,tuNleuÉ FROM/DE:ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE:05 Aug, 2009 MISCIEF IN SPARTA AREA (ELGIN COUNTY) - On the 2nd of August, 2009 around 11:11pm Elgin County OPP were called to the Tea Room, a local business in the Sparta area, Central Elgin in regards to graffiti which had been painted on the back of the building. Sometime between 8pm and 1Opm suspects targeted the business as well as a Bell Canada Service building with graffiti. Elgin County OPP is asking anyone with information to contact police at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). THEFT FROM VEHICLES Police responded to a report of a theft from a motor vehicle in the Scarlett Place address, Central Elgin. Sometime overnight on the 2"d of August, 2OOg suspect(s) smashed the rear window of a vehicle parked in a driveway and stole a laptop, lpod, and numerous articles of military clothing. ln a separate incident a car in the Washburn St. area, Central Elgin was entered and two sets of golf clubs stolen. ln yet another incident two purses were stolen from a vehicle parked at a Ron McNeil Line residence, Central Elgin. Money and cells phones as well a personal identification items were in the purses. Members of the public need to be reminded that they need to take some responsibility in protecting their own property. lt seems some vehicle owners in Elgin County continue to disregard police warnings and requests to lock their vehicles and remove valuables. Remove it - Lock lt - Or Lose lt! DRIVER RECEIVES THREE DAY SUSPENSION FOR BLOWING A "WARN'' While conducting a traffic stop on the 31't of July, 2OOg around 1Opm on Strachan St. Port Burwell, Bayham Twp. police found the driver to have been drinking. Police administered a road side screening device test and the driver registered a warning. As a result the driver was issued with a 3 day drivers Licence suspension. While conducting the investigation News Release dated August 5, 2009 from Elgin County OPP rega...Page 107 of 265 Oxr¡,nro PnovrNcr¿,r Poucr, Poucn PRovrNcrALE DE t'ONr,lnlo Nnws Rnrnnsn/ CoutntuNleuÉ the driver was also found to already be suspended, however the driver had not received notífication. The driver was issued with a notice of driver Licence suspension. LONG WEEKEND R.I.D.E Elgin County OPP conducted six R.l.D.E. programs this past long weekend and unfortunately made several arrests as a result of drivers drinking and driving. With the annual Tub Daze going on over the course of the long weekend police checked over 1550 vehicles in the Port Burwell area, Bayham Twp.. This resulted in four (4) drinking and driving charges, three (3) road side warnings issued, resulting in three day drivers Licence suspensions, two (2) Liquor Licence act charges and several Highway Traffic Act warnings. In one particular incident the driver of a motor vehicle was found to be three and a half times over the legal limit. Elgin County OPP also conducted R.l.D.E in the Clachan area, West Elgin. 223 vehicles were checked, two (2) road side warnings were issued resulting in three day drivers Licence suspensions. HIT AND RUN James DEARDEN, age 26 of Tillsonburg, ON was arrested and charged which numerous criminal offences after police were called to a hit and run on Robinson St. and Erieus St. Port Bunruell, Bayham Twp. on the 4th of August, 2009. The incident occurred at approximately 12:25am after police received a report that a red pick-up truck had struck a parked car in front of the calleds residence and then fled the scene. As a result of the investigation police located the vehicle and have charged DEARDEN with; 1. lmpaired Driving contrary to section 253(1) (a) of the Criminal Code. 2. Operating a Motor Vehicle while Over the Legal Limit (.08) contrary to section 253(1)(b) of the Criminal Code 3. Failing To Remain at the scene of an Accident contrary to section 252 of the Criminal Code. News Release dated August 5, 2009 from Elgin County OPP rega...Page 108 of 265 Hf \ (J_P-P_./ lØ Nnws Rnrnnsn/ CovttvtuNIQuÉ Sean ELKU, age 30, of Tillsonburg, ON. was also identified as being in the vehicle and has been charged with; 1. Failing to Comply with a Recognizance contrary to section 1a5(3) of the Criminal Code. TWO RESCUED - PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ¡NCIDENT PORT STANLEY On the 4th of August 2009 at 5:53pm members of the Elgin OPP, Thames EMS, and Centrat Elgin Fire Department attended big beach in Port Stanley in response to a male party that had been tossed off of his personalwatercraft and injured. Pof ice found that a 35 year old London, ON man and his friend, a 32 year old London, ON. man had launched their personal watercraft inside the protection of the break wall in Port Stanley Harbor. As the two entered open water outside of the break wall, they encountered very rough conditions and large waves. As they continued in the rough water both men were tossed off of the watercraft. The operator fought to stay afloat and was able to make his way to the nearby concrete pier. Due to the rough conditions, however, he was battered against the concrete pier by the large rolling waves. Both men were rescued by the on duty lifeguards in their rescue boat. The operator of the watercraft suffered multiple injuries and had to be transported to London Hospital by air ambulance. He is listed as having non-life threatening injuries. Due to a quick response by the Port Stanley Lifeguards, there were no lives lost in this incident. The investigation is continuing. Please visit the Opp t OOs Anniversary website at www.opp100.ca for information about upcoming events, updates, images, video and other information relating to the OPP 100th Anniversary. 'Veuillez visiter le site web pour le 100e anniversaire de I'OPP à www.oop100.ca pour des informations sur les événements prochains, mises à jour, photos, vidéos et autres informations concemants le 100e anniversaire -30- Gontact: Constable Troy Garlson Elgin Gounty OPP Media Relations/Community Services Officer Phone: 519-631-2920 Pager: l'888-808-7195 ONrnnro PnovrNcl¡,r PoucE PoucE PRovINcIALE DE t'ONr.lnto News Release dated August 5, 2009 from Elgin County OPP rega...Page 109 of 265 News Release dated August 5, 2009 from Elgin County OPP rega...Page 110 of 265 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Council Members DATE: August 6,2009 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: Dl4.GUEN SUBJECT: Guenther Rezone to Remove Holding Provision NUMBER: D2009-35 Background Gerhard and Susie Guenther have submitted an application to Rezone to Remove the Holding provision on their newly acquired property located in Concession 8 Part Lot 7 south side of Eden Line, west of Talbot Line (Hwy 3) in the Hamlet of North Hall. The subject land is designated "Hamlets" in the Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential-Holding tHR(h)l in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. The Guenthers purchased the property on July 17,2009 from Abraham and Emma Peters through Consent Application E7 5 I 08. Staff Comments The subject lands were recently severed from a larger parcel that several years prior were proposed to be developed by aplan of subdivision. The Holding provision was placed on the property at that time when the use was established but the details of the intensive development were not determined. The plan of subdivision for 42lots did not materializepartly due to the absence of support at the Ministry level for privately serviced subdivisions of that size. In 2008, Atkinson-Davies prepared a geotechnical report of the subject lands based on local testing and the potential higher residential intensification. The report indicated high nitrate levels in the area and recoÍrmends the installation of tertiary septic systems in the plan of subdivision. The applicants/owners are proposing to construct a single detached dwelling on the subject lands making the report irrelevant for such low intensification. The most appropriate septic system will be determined through a percolation teslsoil testing report. The applicants are required to show a potable water supply for a residence through water quality and quantity testing reports. These same requirements are required in obtaining a building permit. The applicants have provided these reports to the office. Additionally, in January 2009, the Committee of Adjustment granted a Minor Variance to the subject lands for relief from the Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone Section 9.3 - Minimum Lot Frontaee requirement of 22.0 metres (72.18 feet) to 20.3 metres (66.6 feet) frontage on Eden Line. Access to the subject lands will be from Eden Line. The Ministry of Transportation owns a l-foot reserve along the southerly lot line and will not grant any access to Highway 3 (Talbot Line). As part of the Offrcial Plan Review and the proposed reorganization of Hamlet boundaries, a portion of the subject lands are proposed for removal from the "Hamlets" designation and placed in the "Agriculture" designation and in the Agricultural (41) zone in the Zoning By-law. St¿ff is satisfied the proposed development of the property complies with planning policies and that the Holding provision can be removed. Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 111 of 265 Staff Report D2009-35 Guenther Attachments l. Rezoning To Remove Holding Application 2. IBI Group Memo dated July 29,2009 3. Draft By-law 2573-2009 RECOMMENDATION Page2 *THAT StaffReport D2009-35 regarding the Guenther rezoning be received; AND THAT the zoning on lands owned by Gerhard and Susie Guenther,located in Part LotT Concession I be changed from Hamlet Residential-Holding tHR(h)l to Hamlet Residential (HR) in Bayham ZoningBy-law 2456-2003, as amended; AND THAT ZoningBy-law 2573-2009 be presented to Council for enactment." Respectfully submitted, Underhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 112 of 265 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Phone (519) 866-5521 Fax (519) 866-3884 APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO TTM ZONING BY.LAW OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM This application must be filed with the Planning Coordinator/ Deputy Clerk or designate of the Municipality of Bayham along with a cheque for the required amounl The applicant should retain one copy for their records. The information in this form must be completed in full. This mandatory information must be provided withafee of t2@Q.(fnningByJawAmendmentorTemporaryUse TnntngBylaw) ortþA (Temporary Use Zoning ByJaw Renewal) or $lll[QnnngAmendment to Remove Hotding Provision). Ifthe rned. I/WE, assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited amount related to the said application and understand and agree additional coets shall be a condition of this signed application. I also agree to accept all owrer $n¡o Q-ue Acer¡t FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Prepared April 2007 Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 113 of 265 AUTHORIZATION OF' PURCIIASERS We, George and Susie Guenther, are the Purchasers of the lands that are the subject of the attached planning application. tüe hereby authorize David Roe to act as our Agent to make this application and to provide any ofour personal infonnation necessary for the processing ofthis application. Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 114 of 265 AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER We; Abratram and Emma Peters, are the Owners of the lands that are the subject of the attached planning application. We hereby authorize David Roe to act as our Agent to make this application and to provide any ofour personal information necessary for the processing ofthis application. Emma Peters f I Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 115 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Applicuion Page2 &rÁ"./i ,Dvt 6rrn*Áer f ¿rJtl Address: Phone No. (Home): Fax:Email: Lot and Concession (if applicable): Are there any other holders of mortgages, charges or other encumbrances of the Subject Lands? If so provide the names and addresses of such pen¡ons. 2. Applicant/ Authoriz¿d Agent:David Roe Address: 599 Larch St. Delhi, 0N N4B 347 Registered Owner's Name:- % 3t Eftaclt s144t6483+ surn"rr, (4/ 5n 5e/ K 3ót óÊ/Á"r/ 3. Telephone No.;519-582-LL74 Fax: Ptease specify to whom all communications should be sent: RegisæredOwner ( ) Applicant/AuthorizedAgent ( x) Legal Descriptíon of the land for which the amendment is requested: Concession: I Lot: 7 Reference Plan No:Part Lot: Street and Municipal Address No.:Eden Líne \ilhat is the siz¿ of property which is subject to this Application? Area: 4.73ha m Frontage:20 .5m When were the subject lands acquired by the current owner? 4.ExistingOftrcialPlanDesignation: Hamlet Depth:377 .9n How does the application conform to the Official Plan? Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 116 of 265 Municipaliry of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Applicæion 5. Existing Zoning By-law Classifïcation: HR ( h ) What are the current uses of the subject lands? V a c a n t Agricultural Page 3 If known, provide the length of time these uses have crntinued on this property. If there a¡e any existing buitdings or structures on the subject lands provide the following inforrnation: Type Front Lot Side Lot Line Rear Lot Line Height Dimensions Line Setback Setbacks Setback If knovrn, provide the dates in which each of these buildings were constructed. 6. What is the Nature and Extent of the Reznning? RemOval of Hnl d i ng Frovi s1on 7. Why is the rezoning being requested? Required to construct a nelt dwelling Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 117 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Applicuion 8. Does the proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment implement a growth boundary adjustment of a settlement area? Page4 no If so, attach separately justification or information for the request based on the current Offrcial Plan policies or associated Ofhcial Plan amendment. 9. Does the proposed amendment rcmove land from an area of employment? -n-o-If so, attach separately justification or information for the request based on fhe current Official Plan policies or associated Ofhcial Plan amendment. 10. Description of proposed development for which this amendment is requested (i.e. permitted uses, buildings or structuræ to be erected. (Be Specific) Construct a neÌt dwelling within provisions of the HR zone. For any proposed buildings or structures on the subject lands provide the following information: Type Frontlot Side Lot Line Rear [,ot Line Height Dimensions Line Setback Setbacks Setback 11. Services existing or proposed for the zubject lands: Please indicate with a r' Water Supply Municipal Piped Water Supply Privare Drilled v/ell Private Dug rWell CommunalWell Existing () () () () Proposed () ( t) () () Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 118 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application Page 5 Lake or other Surface Water Body Other Sewage Disposal Municipal Sanitary Sewers Individual Septic System Communal System Privy Other ( ( ) ) Existing () () () () () () () Proposed () (x ) () () () Note: If the proposed development is on a privaúe or communal system and generate more than 45(X) litres of eflluent per day, the applicant must include a servicing options report and a hydrogeologÍcal reporL Are these reports attached? If not, where can they be found? Storm Drainage Provisions: Proposed Outlet: as required by the nunicipality existing municipal drain 12. How will the property be accessed? ProvincialHighway ( ) CountyRoad( x ) MunicipalRoad-maintainedallyear( ) Municipal Road- seasonally maintained ( ) Right-of-way ( ) Water ( ) If access is by water, do the parking and docking facilities exist, and what is the nearest public road? Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 119 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application 13. Has the subject land ever been the zubject of an application under the Planning Act for: Plan of Subdivision ( ) Consent ( x) ZoningBy-law Amendment ( ) Ministers Tnning Order ( ) If yes to any of the aboye, indic¿te the file numb€r and status of the application. E7s/08 Page 6 14. How is the proposed amendment consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2fi)5? Resi dential use within settlement area 15. Are the subject lands within area desþnated under any Provincial Plan(sf If the answer is yes, does the propmed amendment conform to the Provincial Plan(s)? 17. The Owner is required to attach the following information with the application and it will form part of the application. Applications will not be accepted without the following. (a) A sketch based on an Onørio Land Surveyor description of the subject lands showing ¡ the boundaries and dimension of the subject lands; o the location, size and type of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, indicating their setbacks from all lot lines, the location of driveways, parking or loading spaces, landscaping areas, planting ships, and other uses; Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 120 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application PageT . the approximate location of all natural and artificial features þuildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, banks ofrivers or strearrui, wetlands, wooded areas, \ryells and septic tanks) that are on the subject lands, adjacent to ttre subject lands, or in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application; . the current uses of the land that is adjacent to the subject land; o the location, width, and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating where it is an unopened road allowance, a public traveled road, a private road, or a right-of- way; ¡ the location of the parking and docking facilities to be used (if access will be by water only); o the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. (b) Written comments from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit, Long Point Region Conservation Authority and Minisfy of Transportation (if applicable). (c) If a private sewage system is necessary, pre-consultation with the Chief Building Official is required about the approval process 18. If this application is sigred by en agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's written authorization must accompany the application If the applicant is a cor¡rcration acting without an agent or solicitor the application must be sþned by an olficer of the corporation and the seal íf any must be afñxed. 19. Additional Information as required by Council 20. If this application is to accommodate the consent of a surplus farm dwelling, please provide the following information: Date surplus farm dwelling was erected: Please provide the assessment roll number, location, and zoning of the farm parcel with which the subject lands is being consolidated. Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 121 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application David Roe I / \{e, of , ofthe irfunicipaliry Narne , in the4ounty of Norfolk Torvn/Township/City/Village ctc , do solemnly declare: Page 8 Courrtv Name Asent for(Ð that I / We am / are the oriÉrer(s) of the lands described above (ü) that to the best of my / our knowledge and belief, all of the information and statements given in this application and in all exhibits transmitted a¡e true. (llr_,that I /we hereby appoint to act as an Agent on mylour behalf in all aspects of this application. And I / We make this solemn declaration conscientiously belÍeving ¡t to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath, and by virûre of the "Cønada Evidcnce Act". DECLARED BEFORE ME at the: inthe County/Region of Eh r¡ lfril" dayof "?n 0q Owner / Agent A Commissioner, etc. of Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 122 of 265 I sù li* Gc!2l. Previoue Severances w I \ -\,r€Ìlr¿en\.^..*\-- "olc¡gebIs 7', 1q -.11.ry"Y æto src¡E, ül,sn¡¡[rmlsÐ stø/t¡tcÞt PARI OF LOT 7colrc€süot Il@,Prþ&'l,ggû4l'tAttr.nMqte 8^1ÌlAlil COIJNTY OF ELAN North Hall; llof E !oÄ¡ l(rl nÍE 61Jß!El|5 LD, E nr¡Elq s cËRllRCAlE¡ç{ Í-IEH¡ÐlñflJrqF ---ı-r'- -ãffi--. ,Previous Severance:'¡ oHitl'l ¡ rr,rË. S+=rE -, 5; Ë "rro* |'tr d¡" ED Agrlcultural Uaesl H-Houee l S-Shop : E T 7-SFy'.dsg, 9/23/2008 9:28:00 Alt S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 0 9 - 3 5 r e g a r d i n g G u e n t h e r R e z o n e t o R e m o v e H o . . . P a g e 1 2 3 o f 2 6 5 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 fax 5'1947293il To/Attention From GC Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date July 29, 2009 Project No 3r',05-464 Steno dd 1. 2. Memorandum Guenther - Part Lot 7, Concession 8, Eden Line, North Hall (Proposed removal of Holding Provision) We have completed our review of the application to amend the Zoning By-law submitted on behalf of Gerhard & Susie Guenther in support of a proposal to develop a single- detached residential dwelling on a 4.7 hectare (11.6 acre) parcel of land located on the south side of Eden Line, west of Talbot Líne, in the Hamlet of North Hall. The subject lands are designated 'Hamlets' in the Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential with a holding provision (HRthl) in Zoning By-law No.2456-2003. The subject lands are characterized as an irregular remnant agricultural parcel used for cash crop farming, with no buildings located on-site. Surrounding land uses consist of a Mennonite church and school on the north side of the property, vacant remnant agricultural parcels to the east and west, and larger agricultural parcels to the south, on the south side of Talbot Line. Generally there are residential uses to the west of the subject land frontage along Eden Line, and a mixture of residential, and service/highway commercial uses to the east centred around the intersection of Eden Line and Talbot Line' Section 8.16.1 of the Official Plan outlines the fìve (5) instances where holding (h) symbols can be utilized in the Zoning ByJaw. The specifÏc reason for the existing "h' symbol on the subject lands is outlined in subsection where the'use of land is established but where details of development have yet to be determined". The details in this instance relate to the subject lands previously proposed to be developed by plan of subdivision given their size. Since the time that the holdíng symbol was applied to these lands a number of issues have arisen that have changed the future development of these lands, notably the lack of support for developing a privately serviced subdivision at the Provincial level; the direction of the Municipality to focus growth and infrastructure in the Villages and Hamlets along the Plank Road corridor; and the proposed re-organization of Hamlet boundaries to reflect servicing constraints in the four western hamlets (Corinth, lBl Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with lBl Group Arch¡tects Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 124 of 265 lBl Group Memorandum Munic¡pality of Bayham - July 29, 2009 North Hall, Richmond, and Calton) and accommodate any new growth by infill type development. 4. As part of the ongoing Official Plan Review (OPR), the subject lands are proposed to be placed in the 'Agriculture" designation and subsequently would be likely placed in the Agricultural (A1) Zone in the Zoning By-law. Given that the current HR zoning and the likely future A1 zoning would both permit a single residential use, we would not have any objection to the proposed development. 5. As per Section 8.16.5 of the Official Plan, Council may pass an amendment to remove a holding (h) symbol under Section 36 of the Plannino Act. A public meeting is not required to remove a holding symbol, as the use of the lands has been previously established. However, Council must give notice of its intent to remove the holding (h) symbol. 7¿r'4 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J:\3404\464 Guenther\PTMguenthe¿009{7-29.doc\2009{7€'l \oD Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 125 of 265 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2573-2009 GUENTHER BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAIV No.7A56-2003, AS AMENDEI) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning ByJaw No. 245 6-2003, as amended; TIIEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: l) THAT ByJawNo. 2456-2003,as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "C" by deleting from the HamletResidential-holding (HR-h) Zone andaddingtotheHamletResidential QIR) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and ma¡ked HR on Schedule "A"tothis ByJaW which is attached to and forms part of this ByJaw. 2) THIS By-law shall come into force on the date of passing. READ A FIRST TIME TIIIS 13ü'DAY OF August 2009. READ A SECOND TIME THIS l3d'DAY OF August 2009. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY P.¡SSED TI{IS l3th DAY OF August 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 126 of 265 MAP iO -ã- 1l ! '''...( -o o\,... CULLODEI"I ROAD zo TJ{ I Staff Report D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Ho...Page 127 of 265 Page 128 of 265 CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Council Members DATE: August 6,2009 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: DI4.DYCK SUBJECT: Dyck Rezoning - Supplementary Farm Dwelling NUMBER:D2009-34 Public Meeting August 13,2009 at 7:30pm Background Gerhard and Maria Dyck have submitted an application to rezone their property located in Concession 7 NTR Part Lot 109, south side of Talbot Line (Hwy 3), east of Springer Hill Road. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (,A.1) in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. Purpose and Effect of Rezoning The purpose of the amendment is to change the zoning on a 17.5 hectare (43 acre) parcel of land from the Agriculture (41) Zoneto Agricultural - Temporary 2 (Al-T2) Zone. The effect of this amendment would be to permit the use of a mobile home as a dwelling for supplementary farrn labour, for a period not exceeding three (3) years. A temporary rezoning is required due to the undersized nature ofthe parcel. Staff and Planner Comments Mr. Dyck is in partnership with his brother operating a farm of approximately 950 acres. The farm operation relies on seasonal help for the cultivating and harvesting of cucumbers, asparagus, peppers, tomatoes and the farm also produces com and beans. This year the farm operation has 18 seasonal families to accommodate and the applicants require a mobile home to be located temporarily on their 17.47 hectare (43 acre) property. The applicants were advised that the mobile home is permitted for use only eight months of the year and cannot be used as a permanent residence. They have been advised to contact the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit for approvals and our Chief Building Official for a building permit. In our ZoningBy-law 2456-2003, a supplementary farm dwelling as defined "shqll mean a building or structure including q mobile home which is used or intended to be used by a bonafide farm operation for accommodating supplementaryfarm labour for a period not exceeding eight months in any one calendar year." OÍte supplementary farm dwelling is permitted on Agricultural (41) parcels greater than20 hectares in lot area. A temporary zoning is required on those Al parcels less than 20 hectares. Current Official Plan policies Section 8.15.3 c) permits the establishment of a mobile home as a supplementary farm dwelling for farm labour as a temporary use subject to the four criteria outlined in Section 8.15.4 of the Official Plan. In reviewing the application, it appears to comply with the four criteria. As Council is aware, proposed policies in the 5-Year Official Plan Review support the approach that supplementary farm dwellings are not permitted as-of-right on any parcel of land regardless of parcel size therefore an application must meet several criteria before being permitted through a Minor Variance to the Zoning By-law on a pennanent basis. Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 129 of 265 Staff Report D2009 -34 Dyck Page2 The planner supports the temporary rezoning as requested. Alternatively, the planner could support proceeding by way of a Minor Variance to permit one supplementary farm dwelling to avoid future zonrngby-law amendments based on the proposed Official Plan policies. Staff would recommend this application proceed as advertised and circulated as a rezoning for a temporary 3-year period. The 5-Year Official Plan Review is not complete and all proposed policy changes are subject to ministry approval. Other Comments The Ministry of Transportation provided comment dated JuIy 27,2009. The ministry has no objection to the approval of the application and wishes to advise the owners that: o Highway 3 is classified as a Controlled Access Highway and no new access will be granted o The mobile home that is to be placed in the property temporarily must be set back a minimum of 14 metres from the highway right-of-way limit. At the time of report preparation, no other public or agency comments have been received. Attachments l. RezoningApplication 2. IBI Group Memo dated Jluly 28,2009 3. Draft By-law 2572-2009 RECOMMENDATION "THAT StaffReport D2009-34 regarding the Dyck rezoning be received; AND THAT the zoning on lands owned by Gerhard and Maria Dyck, located in Part Lot 109 Concession 7 NTR be changed from Agriculture (41) to Agriculture - Temporary 2 (Al-T2) in Bayham ZoningBy-law 2,456-2003, as amended, to permit a supplementary farm dwelling for a period not exceeding three (3) years, ending August l3r20l21' AND THAT ZoningBy-law 2572-2009 be presented to Council for enactment." Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 130 of 265 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM P.O. Box 160 S traffordville, O ntario NOJ lYO Phone (519) 866-5521 Fax (519) 866-3884 APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM This application must be fited with the PlannÍng Coordinator/ Deputy Clerk or designate of the Municipality of Bayham along with a cheque for the required amount. The applicant should retain one copy for theÍr records. The inform4t-jgli¡+fp form must be completed in futl.must be provided with a fe ning By-law Amendment 81s00 (Temporary Use Zoning By-law Renewal) or 81500 (nningAmendment to Remove Holding Provision). If the application is not completed in full, the application will be returned. I/WE,G.rÁor/shall assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited a related to the said application and understand and agree that for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of this signed application. I also agree to accept all costs as rendered. Q erh a"ð Dy "t Property Owner ría îy ek Property Owner FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Prepared April 2007 Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 131 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application 1.Registered Owner's Name:@-rh<. ry' e oû o ri.t lr'.lr k Page 2 Address: PhoneNo. (Home)' þtÐ7¿S - SSef Business: Fax: Lot and Concession (if applicable): Are there any other holders of mortgages, charges or other encumbrances of the Subject Lands? If so provide the names and addresses of such persons. f'Jo 2. Applicant / Authorized Agent: Address: Telephone No.: nu*t Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Registered Owner ef Applicant / AttthonzedAgent ( ) 3.Legal Description of the land for which the amendment is requested: concession: -7 rot Po rl e,4. | .,1 I 09 Refe¡encePlanNo: llR.- StlO Partlot: lnq sr¡eetandMunicipalAdd¡essNo.: 5ö3Gf lq!rc[- \t ^* \ühat is the size of property which is subject to this Application? A¡ea: ll. 1l hr.,. - Frontage: When were the subject lands acquired by the current owner? 4.Existing Official Plan Designation: rl 15 - rßR How does the application conformto the Official Plan? Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 132 of 265 Municipality of Bayharn ZnnngBy-law Amendment Application 5. ExistingTnningByJawClassification: information: Type Page 3 Dimensions Sbø/Gí)+', t tbo -Çt What are the current uses of the subject lands? ff known, provide the length of time these uses have continued on this property. Ifthere are any exis{ing buildings or structures on the subject lands provide the following If known, provide the dates in which each of these buildings were constructed. 6. What is the Nature and Extent of the Rezoning? 7. \ilhy Ís the rezoning being requested? w 2. nd - a.coayn ruo cla{à1 þ lF 'ß,^ì /''r gna-/ c,tt¿v'/<ers Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 133 of 265 Municipality of Bayham ZonngBy-law Amendment Application 8. Does the proposed T,oningByJaw amendment implement a growth boundary adjustment of a settlement area? Page 4 NJO If so, attach separately justification or information for the request based on the current Official Plan policies or associated Official Plan amendment. Does the proposed amendment remove land from an area of employment? ' Ñ O If so, attach separately justification or information for the request based on the current Official Plan policies or associated Offrcial Plan amendment. 10. Description of proposed development for which this amendment is requested (i.e. permitted uses, buildings or structures to be erected. @e Specific) For any proposed buitdings or structures on the subject lands provide the following information: Twe Front Lot Side Lot Line Rear Lot Line Height Dimensions Line Setback Setbacls Setback hnuv l¡n:l o *1jo 4*s)q4 q4 (.s&r x /44. {,.o^ -þ* Ì Affi^--aa:3 .) 11. Services existing or proposed for the subject lands: Please indicate with a r' Water Supply Municipal Piped Water Supply Private Drilled Well Private Dug Well Communal lVell Existing () Proposed () r/t () () () () Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 134 of 265 Municipality ofBayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application Page 5 Lake or other Surface Water Body Other Sewage Disposal Municipal Sanitary Sewers Individual Septic System Communal System Privy Other ( /)',t uu- () () () () Existing () () () () Proposed () () () () Note: If the proposed development is on a private or communal system and generate more than 4500 Iitres of effluent per day, the applicant must include a servicing options report and a hydrogeological report. Are these reports attached? If not, where can they be found? Storm Drainage Provisions: Proposed Outlet: 12. How will the property be accessed? Provincial Highway (,4 CountyRoad ( )Municipal Road - maintained all year ( ) MunicipalRoad-seasonallymaintained( ) Right-of-way( ) Water( ) If access is by water, do the parking and docking facilities exist, and what is the nearest public road? Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 135 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Zoning ByJaw Amendment Application 13. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application under the Planning Act for: Plan of Subdivision ( ) Consent ( ) ZorungBy-law Amendment ( ) Ministers T,orungOrder ( ) If yes to any of the above, indicate the fite number and status of the application. Uhþnor,trn . Page 6 Í 14. How is the proposed amendment consistent with the Provincial Policy$tatement 2005? Are the subject lands within area desÍgnated under any Provinciat Plan(s)? If the answer is yes, does the proposed amendment conform to the Provincial Ptan(s)? f\lo 17. The Owner Ís required to attach the following information with the application and it will form part of the application. Applications will not be accepted without the following. (a) A sketch based on an Ontario Land Surveyor description of the subject lands showing ¡ the boundaries and dimension of the subject lands; ¡ the location, size and type of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, indicating their setbacks from all lot lines, the location of driveways, parking or loading spaces, landscaping areas, planting strips, and other uses; 15. Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 136 of 265 Municipality of Bayham T.onngByJaw Amendment Application Page 7 the approximate location of all natu¡al and artificial features ftuildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, banls of rivers or strearns, wetlands, wooded areas, wells and septic tanks) that are on the subject lands, adjacent to the subject lands, or in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application; the current uses ofthe land that is adjacent to the subject land; the location, width, and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating where it is an unopened road allowance, a public traveled road, apnvare road, or a right- of-way; the location of the parking and docking facilities to be used (if access will be by water only); ¡ the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Written comments from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit,LongPoint Region Conservation Authority and Ministry of Transportation (if applicable). If a private sewage system is necessary, pre-consultation with the Chief Building Offrcial is required about the approval process 18. If thÍs rpplication is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's written ¡uthorization must eccompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation acting without an agent or solicitor the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal if any must be affixed. 19. Additional fnformation as required by Council (b) (c) If this application is modate the consent of a surplus farm dwelling, please provide the following information : Date surplus farrn dwelling was erec Please provide the assessment roll number, lands is being consolidated. 20. and zontngof the farm parcel with which the subject Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 137 of 265 Municipality of Bayham ZonrngByJaw Amendment Application f/We,, of the Page 8 (Ð that I / We am / are the owner(s) of the lands described above (ÍÐ that to the best of my / our knowledge and belief, all of the information and statements given in this application and Ín all exhibits transmitted are true. (iiÐ that I /we hereby appoint to act as an Agent on my/our behalf in all aspects of this application. And I / \üe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oat\ and by virtue of the "Cønøda Evídence Actt'. DECLARED BEFORE ME at the: ,(ila, ì .,^aa./t /v of inthe CountylRegion of E/ç ,t tnis e?O* dayor =, fu /u 'ro Oq $.*:ilt] 9Pryutu" ¡ conul¡¡lo¡cr, ctsA Commissioner, "tøn"r* .i.-* ;.f ;T': I uoErtr Þputy Clerk of t[c Cor1o¡¡üo¡ ofûe "t #, in the county "t %, do solemnly declare: Muuicipalrty ofgayùao ,) Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 138 of 265 i N-+s M ì Ott lo .,. --il\-- !Lr J nòt9\ +isnã '\ ?O !t+U-lUw'lo d r,HSmcnç1 Q¡l lo1 f.r'-t t/i' l.ilfl JO dt¡1ç¡¡-ng_! 1s00+Ì! )-, ltsog L bor ¡91 .)" '.J t' I5l.l'Vào' \dðqls' oþq¿ -lrrþìi?9r.lt¡¿5 ?snoÉ fì )',1 1¡1.r I .t -tJ¿ 9 r-'-----lsàtcnolJl I,,LJ iitrl äl9l.llöS ü 3tôoH S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 0 9 - 3 4 r e g a r d i n g D y c k R e z o n i n g - S u p p l e m e n t a r . . . P a g e 1 3 9 o f 2 6 5 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 fax 519 47293il To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date July 28, 2009 Project No 3/.04 - 463 Steno dd 1) 2) Memorandum Dyck - Part Lot 109, NSTR, Springer Hill Road (Proposed Temporary Rezoning) We have completed our review of the Zoning By-law Amendment application by Gerhard & Maria Dyck in support of their proposal to permit a mobile home for seasonal farm labourers on a temporary basis for three years, on a 1 7.47 hectare (43 acre) farm parcel located in Part Lot 109, NSTR, on the southeast corner of Talbot Line and Springer Hill Road, in the Municipality of Bayham. The subject lands are designated "Agriculture" with "Hazard Lands'constraints in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (A1) in the Zoning By-law of the Municipality of Bayham. Temporary zoning is being requested as the subject lands are less than the required 20 hectares for a supplementary farm dwelling. As it pertains to the requirement for temporary rezoning for supplementary farm dwellings on parcels that are less than 20 hectares in lot area there have been discussions as part of the current Official Plan Review to consider an approach that allows for farmers to erecUplace such dwellings on a permanent basis. The proposed policies have been reviewed by Council and the Province with no further revisions and as such, we consider ít appropriate to review this applicatíon against these draft policies. 3) The proposed policies support an approach where supplementary Íarm dwellings are not permitted as-of-right on any parcel of land regardless of size, but must meet several criteria before being permitted through a minor variance to the Zoning By-law on a permanent basis. Such a dwelling may be permitted where the size and/or nature of the farm operation warrants additional dwellings for farm labour, where the operation includes any parcels owned, or owned in part by the applicant. Our review of the application in the context of the proposed Official Plan policies is as follows: lBl Group is a group of fims providing professional services and is affìliated with lBl Group Arch¡tects Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 140 of 265 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - July 28, 2009 b Need: ls there a need for such a dwelling based on the type, scale, and/or size of the farm operation. The applicants require farm help for the hand picking of cucumbers and other vegetable crops on over 385 hectares (950 acres) of land owned by themselves and other family members. Existino Dwellings: ls there justifìcation for permifting the proposed new dwelling, where existing on-site accommodations may exist. The applicants should provide a sworn declaration as to the number of expected non-family farm members to be accommodated within the proposed and any other existing supplementary farm dwellings on those parcels constituting the 385 hectares noted above. Location: The location of the proposed dwelling should utilize existing serutbes (driveways, wells, septic sysfems) where feasible and be sifed so as to not impact any surrounding land uses. Our review of the conceptual sketch provided by the applicants and the most recent aerial photographs indicates the trailer will be located in an area close to the existing cluster of farm buildings fronting onto Talbot Line. This area also appears to be suitably buffered from Talbot Line by two rows of trees and would not require any additional driveways. The proposed location adjacent to Talbot Line, is in our opinion the most suitable location for the dwelling, but may require a permit from the Ministry of Transportation to be located in this area. Size and Type: The proposed dwelling must meet building code requirements for public health and safety and should not be any larger than necessary to accommodate the needs of the farm help residing in the dwelling' The proposed mobile home is the preferred form of housing as it can be more easily removed from the property. The Chief Building Offícial should be satisfíed that the mobile home can meet public health and safety requirements. Seruices: The proponent must illustrate adequate water and sewage treatment and disposa/ seryices for the proposed dwelling. The application indicates a proposed new well and septic system for the mobile home which will require permits from the Municipality. Vehicular Access: The proponent should illustrate how the proposed dwelling will not contribute to any traffic-related hazards. The proposed dwelling is Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 141 of 265 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - July 28, 2009 located within close proximity to the existing farm buildings and an existing driveway which avoids the need for additional driveways. 4) Based on the aforementioned information, we could support the temporary rezoning as requested by the applicants, or alternatively a minor variance to the Zoning ByJaw to permit one (1) supplementary fatm dwelling on the property as an approach to avoid future temporary Zoning By-law amendments. Council may consider this process in anticipation of approval of the proposed Official Plan policies. 5) As per the proposed OP policies, we would also strongly encourage the use of an agreement to ensure the mobile home is used for its intended purpose. Matters to address for this particular application would include: . building location as per the conceptual plan; . annual inspection by the Municipality's CBO for public health reasons; . conditions of removal of the mobile home from the subject lands; and o period of occupancy of the dwelling. 7¿r"J 116T ^ ,/ A draft copy of such an agreement ís attached to this memorandum for Council and ¡-,-,6CHê) \ Staffs consideratíon. Yours truly IBI GROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municípality of Bayham J:\3404\463 Dyck\PTMdyck2009{7-28.doc\2009{7-31 \DD Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 142 of 265 THE CORPORÄTION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.ZS72-2009 DYCK BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No.7t456-2003, AS AMEI\DED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No. 7A5 6-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: l) THAT By-lawNo. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "A", Map No. 29,by deleting from the Agricultural (Al) 7-one and adding to the Agricultural - Temporary 2 (y',l.-fÐ Zone, those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked A1-T2 on Schedule "4" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THAT ByJaw No.2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 29 - Temporary (T) Zone, by adding the following new subsection: *29.4.15 A1-T2 as shown on Schedule "A", Map 29,for apenod not exceedingthree (3) year(s) ending August 13,2012." 3) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Boa¡d. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 13ú DAY OF August 2009. READ A SECOND TIME THIS l3th DAY OF August 2009. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13d'DAY OF August 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 143 of 265 dule "A'' to By-low 009, possed 'rlre lJth st 2009 0 250m 500r¡ - AP @ Staff Report D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementar...Page 144 of 265 ? July 7, 2009 Lynda Millard, Clerk Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO Dear Madam: As per our discussion, enclosed is the Winter Drain Reports and Notice of Drainage Works to be distributed to the Clerk, Drainage Superintendent, Manager of Roads and Court of Revision Member. As per the engineers report a copy of the Notice of Drainage Works and a report was mailed today to each property owner in the Municipality of Bayham. Norfolk County Council will meet at the Norfolk County Administration Building (Governor Simcoe Square), 50 Colborne Street South, Simcoe, in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 25,2009 at 5:00 p.m. It will be necessary for the Municipality of Bayham to appoint one member to the joint Court of Revision. The Court of Revision meeting has tentatively been set for Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. in the meeting room of Norfolk County Public Works & Environmental Services Offices at 183 Main Street of Delhi, Delhi. After the engineer's report has been approved by Council you will receive a copy of the provisional bylaw and Notice of Court of Revision that we will mail to each landowner and Court member for Bayham. lf you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at Ext. 1203 or by e-mai I at i ill. ostrowercha@ norfolkcountv. ca. il#;W Drainage Clerk "... t Bill Knifton, Drainage Superintendent Gerry LeMay, Manager of Roads G: LtrtoClerk.distribute. reports notice.doc Public Works & Environmental Services 185 Main Street of Delhi, Delhi, Ontario N4B 2M5 519-582-2100 519-428-0020 Fax: 5 1 9-582-457 1 EÒî r.ri!;11:il1i,,1 l¡ì',t l'l i i 'tt¡:li\ :\¡j'.:.'j ) '¡: ,: f : .' Corespondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 200...Page 145 of 265 NOTICE OF DRAINAGE WORKS Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, s.41(l) and (2), s' 76 and 78 Dear Sir/Madam: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Engineer appointed for the purpose did, flle at our offices his or her report respecting, Winter Drain AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the said Corporation of Norfolk County will meet at the Norfolk Gounty Administration Building (Governor Simcoe Square), 50 Colborne Street South, Simcoe, ON, in the Council Chambers on Tuesdav. Auqust 25. 2009 at 5:00 p.m., when the said report will be presented. At the rneeting consideration will be given to the design and location of the drainage works. Considàration will not be given to matters of allowances or assessment. Once Council adopts the drainage report, assessed owners wishing to appeal their assessment will have opportunity to do so at the Court of Revision, July 7, 2009 Date Consideration of report - The council of the initiating municipality at the meeting shall consider the report, and, where the drainage works is requested on petition, shall give an opportunity to any person who has signed the petition to withdraw from it by putting a withdrawal in writing, signing it and filing it with the clerk, and shall also give those present owning lands within the area requiring drainage who have not signed the petition an opportunity to do so, and should any of the lands or roads ôwned by the municipality within the area requiring drainage as described in the petition be assessed, the council may by resolution authorize the head of the municipality to sign the petition for the municipality, and such signature counts as that of one person in favour of the petition. Public Works & Environmental Services 183 Main Street of Delhi, Delhi, ON N4B 2M3 (519) 582-2100 (519) 428-0020 Fax: (519) 582-4571 Clerk/Manager of C Norfolk County Corespondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 200...Page 146 of 265 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works FILE: É t( SUBJECT: Multi Use Tractor NUMBER: PW 2009-16 Purpose This report is further to report PW 2009-16 as discussed at the July 16,2009 Council meeting for the supply and delivery of a used 2006 John Deere Tractor . Background The Municipality of Bayham Council considered report PV/ 2009-16 at its last meeting and approved with proceeding with the acquisition of a used 2006 John Deere Multi Use Tractor. Upon further discussions with the supplier, concerns regarding the equipment identification/inclusions in the tender document were identified. Staff Comments The recommended tender on report PW 2009-16 from Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. was in the amount of $ 88,350 plus applicable taxes and allowing a trade in value of $2,500 for our present tractor. Joe Johnson Equipment and has now advised of the fact they were not very clear in stating what was and what was not a "base machine". Leffers attached indicate clarification from Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. Manager of Public Works had taken the entire machine as a base machine. Therefore certain extras are included as earlier stated. The equipment now to be obtained would include base tractor of $ 61,350 plus a Tiger Mower priced at $ 27,000. Staff recommend that the equipment specified be obtained from Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. Price now is $88,350. I apologize for the misunderstanding. Attachments 1. Summation of Bid Results Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Council authorize the acquisition of the Multi Use Tractor from Joe Johnson Equipment Inc, of Ontario in accordance with the tender submitted June 19, 2009 and clarified August 4,2009 at a price of $ 88,350 plus taxes. c "d r"vtuy, MunuglrPublic Works ministrator Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor. File: ...Page 147 of 265 I Company Cost Age WarrantY Joe-Johnson-Equipment -$ 88,350.00 3 Years - Iwo Year Trade in Value for 1.985 Tractor - $ 2,500 Cubex Municipal Equip $ 1281516.27 New One Year Trade in Value for 1985 Tractor - $ 41700 Note: All prices do not include applicable taxes Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor. File: ...Page 148 of 265 Joe Environmental Municipal Equipment August 4,2009 The Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Attention: Mr. Gerry LeMay, Manager of Public Works Re:Tender for the supply of Multi Use Tractor Dear Mr. LeMay, Please accept this letter as clarification to our response for the above-mentioned tender, dated June 19,2009. In our response, we answered your tender specification with a new order, 2009 John Deere model 5101E limited tractor without any attachments included. We listed the attachments for this model of tractor on a separate price page, included with our tender submission. As an option, we included a summary I price page for our stock demonstration unit, which is a 2006 John Deere tractor fitted with a Tiger Corporation Bengal Series boom / flail mower - complete. We also listed the attachments for our demonstration unit on a separate price page, included with our tender submission. Mr. LeMay, we do apologize for any confusion we may have caused with our tender submission. Should you have any questions, require any additional information or would like to make arrangements to discuss our response in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, ßitf Kocñ Bill Koch, Regional Sales Manager BARRIE 2521 Bowman St Innìsfi1, ON L9S 3Vó Ph: (705) 733-7700 Fax: (705) 733-8800 CALGARY EDMONTON 9724 52d st. s E 4312 i4n Aue Calgary,AB Edmonton, AB T2C 2R5 T68 2K3 Ph: (403) 355-3414 Ph: (877) 438-0556 Fax: (403) 366-3277 Fax: (403) 366-3277 HALTFAX MONTREAL 25 Ilsley Ave 675 Lionel-Boulet Dartmouth, NS Vrennes, QC B3B IL5 J3X IP7 Ph: (902) 468-7700 Ph: (450) 652-0805 Fax: (902) 4ó8-7039 Fax: (450) 652-5031 www.JJEl.com OTTAIryA l05l Ages Dr Ottawa, ON KIG 6L3 ROCHESTER IryINNIPEG 62 LaGrange Ave l20l Grassmere Rd Rochester, NY West St. Paul, MB t4613 R4A 1C4 Ph: (613) 733-'7700 Ph: (58s) 2s4-7700 Ph: (204) 338-0556 Fax: (613)'133-0217 Fax: (585) 254-9122 Fax: (204) 338-055? JOrITSON Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor. File: ...Page 149 of 265 Joe Environmental Municipal Equipment June 17,2009 The Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Attention: Mr. Gerry LeMay, Manager of Public Works Re: Tender for the supply of Multi Use Tractor Dear Mr. LeMay, Thank you for providing Joe Johnson Equipment the opportunity to participate in The Municipality of Bayham's tender for the supply of one (1) Multi Use Tractor Please find enclosed our response for the above mentioned tender, which includes the following documents: 1) The answered tender specifications and price for a new, 2009 John Deere model 510lE Limited edition, 4-wheel drive tractor without any mowing attachments. 2) As an option, we have included a summary I price page for our stock 2006, demonstration unit, which is fitted with a Tiger Corporation Bengal Series boom I flaíl mower. 3) We have included a separate "price page for additional options" for both of the above- mentioned tractors, which will allow you to choose the attachments of your liking. Joe Johnson Equipment appreciates the opportunity to participate in Municipality of Bayham's tender for the supply of one (1) Multi Use Tractor and if we are favoured with an order, we will do our utmost to ensure your complete satisfaction with the both the John Deere and Tiger Corporation products. Should you have any questions, require any additional information or would like to make arrangements to discuss our response in detail, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, ØittKocñ Bill Koch, Regional Sales Manager BARRIE CALGARY EDMONTON 2521 Bowman St 9724 52"d St, S E 4312 ?4fr Ave Innisfil, ON Calgary, AB Edmonton, AB L9S 3V6 T2C2R5 T6B 2K3 Ph: (70s)733-7700 Ph: (403) 355-3414 Ph: (877) 438-05s6 Fax:(?05)733-8800 Fax:(403)366-32'17 Fax:(403)366-3277 HALIFAX MONTREAL 25 Ilsley Ave 675 Lionel-Boulet Da¡trnouth, NS Vrennes, QC B3B lL5 !3xln Ph: (902) 468-7700 Ph: (450) 652-0805 Fax: (902) 468-7039 Fax: (450) 652-5031 www.JJEl.com OTTA\ryA ROCHESTER IYINNIPD'G l05l Ages Dr ó2 LaGrange Ave l20l Græsmere Rd Ottawa, ON Rochester, NY West St. Paul, MB KIG 6L3 14613 R4A lC4 Ph: (613) 733-1700 Ph: (s85) 254-1100 Ph: (204) 338-0556 Fax: (613)733-0277 Fax: (585) 254-9122 Fax: (204) 338-0s57 JOrINSOT Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor. File: ...Page 150 of 265 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of JuIy 2009 Drte:Au9-02-2009 Filq PlO No.Date Roll #Permit Holder Property Description Bullding Tvne Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 56 6-Jul 0-007-01 700 Walker. John 8294 Richmond Road construct 2 storey broiler barn 9200sq ft 250.000 t 4s5.0( 5i 7-Jul 4-001 - 1 9508 Harder. John 33 Union Sheet construct 2733sq ft house ilatt sarase. oorch 250.000 t442.0(175.0( 58 8-Jul 0-001-05100 Duiardin, Lucien 56149 Glen Erie Line install 3 grain bins 33l5sq ft 27s.000 225.0C 59 9-Jul 0-003-08s02 Bueckert. Aaron 57902 Calton Line add shed addition to side ofexistins sarase 8 I 6so ft 5,00c 450.0( 60 9-Jul 0-004-27400 Bersen. Johan 55841 Fifth Street constn¡ct one storey addition 294sq fr & roof l5-00c 304.0t 6l 9-Jul 0-006-02300 Davis, Kathryn 56091 Maple Grove Line construct one storey house 2747sq ft w/att garage r54.00(1644.0(350.0t 62 1 0-Jul 4-001-20502 Banman, Johan 5 Pearl Street construct utilitv shed l68so ft 80c 75.0( 63 I O-Jul 2-001-30700 Slama- Lois 33 Pitt Sheet. Unit #38 patio deck to side of mobile home l20so ft I,50C '15.O( 64 l4-Jul 0-006-077 I 0 White, Albert i7179 Eden Line move house onto foundation. add earase & oorch 80-00(947.0( 65 I 5-Jul l-004-00200 Ens, Paul l94t Mitchell Road construct oole barn 2560so ft 35.00(664.0( 66 I 6-Jul l-005-02030 Hiebert, Jacob i4207 Eden Line construct house2964so ft w/att sarase & oorch t50.00(1518.0(350.0( 67 20-Jul )-002- I 7802split Redecop, Henry Iolleate Road construct 2178sq ft house Watt saraee & oorch 150.00(I 157.0(350.0( 68 20-Jul l-005-l r r 85 Dernine. Brad Best Line move house onto new foundation øatt garage 80.00('193.0(350.0( 69 22-Jul l-004-20800 Griss. Jefferv i6326 Heritase Line constn¡ct wood oatio deck l20so ft 75(75.0( 70 23-Jul )-004-l 8 l 00 Cain. Robert )240 Plank Road chanse use ofexistine blde to bakerv/café 2.00c 100.0( 7t 23-Jul )-001-05301 faylor. Isaac 1925 Stafford Road construct one storey storase shed l44sq ft 40c 75.0( 72 27-Jul {-l-19536snlit Wiebe. Heinrich 14 Cenhe Street conshuct 2 storw 2422sq ft house Watt sarase 200.00(1299.0t t75.0( 73 27-Jtl ¿-001-23800 Gregson. Katherine ]5 Robinson Street reolocate & renovate existine washrooms l00so ft 1,00(128.0( 74 28-Jul ¿-001 -l 3901 Guetter. Gil ) Strachan Sheet demolish existins house 3.00(75.0( 75 29-Jul ¿-001-49100 Dolson. Nathan 18 Addison Street rebuild front & back decks 24 sq ft, add new deck 2.50(91.0( 76 30-Jul )-004-34200 Dyqos. Rebecca )317 Plank Road nstall new rafters to existine roof 4-00(107.0( Iuly-09 1.659.950 12.699.00 1750.0( ¿OO9 YEARTO DATE 4-916-950 31561.00 5325.0( Iuly-OE 1.251.s0(t.253.00 1300.0( ¿OOEYEARTODATE s-445-691 38.s19.00 4800.00 sM8/6/2009 excel\monthly\buildper Pre,pared by: B u i l d i n g p e r m i t r e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g J u l y 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 . F i l e . . . P a g e 1 5 1 o f 2 6 5 Page 152 of 265 ( CORPORÄTION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAII{DT]M TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: ParHng Issues - MNR Parking Lot and Addison Street DATE: August 5,2009 F'ILE: Council has received some concern regarding recent initiatives of Port Burwell Provincial Park staff in regard to parking enforcement at both the MNR parking lot east of the municipal sewage treatment plant, and along Addison Street. At the July 16th, 2009 Council meeting, it was requested that staff meet with Park representatives. Staff met with Mr. Andrew Chambers, Superintendent for the Provincial Park, on July 30th, and would provide the following information: Addison Street Parking For background, the current parking regulations on Addison Street provide unrestricted parking on the east side, and prohibit parking on the west side between 1:00 am and 7:00 am. A quick review of past reports identifies that restrictions were put in place to address local resident concerns that parking by provincial park users interfered with resident access to parking, and also to assist the park in controlling unauthorized access/overnight guests. Park staff were subsequently appointed by-law enforcement officers for the pu{pose of parking enforcement on Addison, Libbye, Chatham, and Fay Streets, to allow for effective enforcement of these parking restrictions. It perhaps should be noted that subsequent to the July Council meeting, an email was received from an Addison Street resident supporting the current parking restrictions. Discussions with Park management identified that the issue of access is not solely an issue of fees, but also is a safety concern (i.e.: unaccounted for persons in emergencies, overcrowding, etc). A couple alternatives to parking restrictions were discussed, as follows: Fencing - park staff advised there are no plans for fencing along Addison Street currently, and would not be their preference. Besides cost, it was also suggested that significant clearing of the existing natural buffer (trees etc) between the Park and Addison Street residents would be required to install such fencing. Wrist Band Policy- park staff also advised such a policy is currently used only for specific events, and greater use throughout the season poses severe logistical problems and significant costs. It was noted that for one weekend alone the cost exceeds $700. MNR Parking Lot (east of sewage treatment plant) Parhng and access at the MNR lot located east of the municipal sewage treatment plant has been at issue a number of times over past years. For brief background, the parking lot was established by the MNR as part of the arrangements to facilitate the construction of the sewage treatment plant. The MNR provided lands for the construction of the plant and created the parking lot, in exchange for the closure of a portion Chatham Street and conveyance of those lands to the MNR. Though correspondence regarding the arrangements may leave some room for interpretation, the records do clearly demonstrate that the MNR undertook to provide and maintain the parking lot and ensure free local access to the boardwalk and pier area along the west side of the harbour. Staff Memorandum regarding parking Issues - MNR Parking Lot ...Page 153 of 265 Discussions with Parks staff clarifred that the park recently altered its approach to this parking area. Persons entering the parking area are met by staff, and asked if they are intending to access the park beach area. Persons who advise they are accessing the boardwalk/pier area are permitted to park without restriction. Persons who intend to solely access the beach area within the Provincial Park are required to obtain a day use permit. Parks staff advise there are a number of reasons for this new enforcement. Issues outlined that have resulted in these steps include: . Significant increase in parking/access, resulting in onerous administration for permits and lost revenue (noted that 149 vehicles entered in 5 hour period on one Sunday, 79 oî which were exclusively planning to access beach area). . Garbage and other sanitation issues at east end of park beach area . Issues with unleashed dogs and resultant sanitary and safety issues . Damage and garbage issues in naturalization (dune) area. The park has been promoting this area west of the boardwalk as a naturalization area for a number of years. Again, alternatives were discussed with Parks Staff, including: Fencing - it was suggested this is a costly option, and would still not address concerns some may have about their ability to access the beach area Parking Permits/restrictions (for fishing etc) - it was stated that this system (as put in place a few years ago) is cumbersome, especially with the increased trafhc recently, and is difficult to enforce (including issues with alcohol etc.) Establishment of Designated Entrance point - concern was expressed that to establish a gate at the beach would necessitate the full needs of a buitding, resources for cash collection, security etc. and again still restricts access. 2 Staff Memorandum regarding parking Issues - MNR Parking Lot ...Page 154 of 265 ,4ò CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STATTI REPORT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Mayor & Members of Council Fire Chief/CEMC/ By-law Enforcement Officer Appointment of By-Law Enforcement Officers DATE: IuIy 16,2009 FILE: P01 NUMBERz P2009-022 Purpose Council to enact proposed By-law 2009-089, amending Schedule "A", to appoint new Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) staff as By-law Enforcement Officers in order to enforce parking regulations along Addison Street, Libbye Avenue, Libbye Street, Chatham Street and Fay Street in the Village of Port Burwell. Background By-Law 2007-059 By-law 2007-059 appointed Ministry ofNatural Resource (Ontario Parks) staff as Municipal By-law Enforcement Officers to allow enforcement of parking violations in accordance with By-law 2001- 11 l, as amended. Schedule "4" lists the employees appointed to act in the capacity of By-Law Enforcement Offrcer for the Municipality of Bayham for the limited purpose of enforcement of Municipality of Bayham By- law 2001-111, as amended on the streets known as Addison Street, Libbye Avenue, Libbye Street, Chatham Street and Fay Street, Village of Port Burwell. MNR Staff Staff has been advised by MNR of recent employee changes at the Port Burwell Provincial Park. A new Assistant Park Superintendent was appointed in 2009. The Park Superintendent and two Park W'ardens remain on staff from 2008. Amended Schedule "4" lists the employees to be appointed By- law Enforcement Offrcers. Park staff has issued 2parkingviolation notices so far this season. Staff has been advised park staff will be enforcing parking violations as they are experiencing many offenders along the park boundary. Staff Report P2009-022 regarding Appointment of By-law Enfor...Page 155 of 265 Options 1. 2. 3. Enact proposed Bylaw 2009-089. Discontinue partnership with Ontario Parks. No Action. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Recommendation "That staff report #P2009-022 regarding Appointment of By-Law Enforcement Officers be received; AND THAT By-Law No.2009-089 being a Bylaw to further amend By-law #2007-059 be presented to Council for enactment." Respectfully submitted,Reviewed By, ger Staff Report P2009-022 regarding Appointment of By-law Enfor...Page 156 of 265 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-089 Beìng ø ByJøw to ømend ByJaw #2007-059 As amended by ByJaw #2008-063 WIIEREAS, on the 7ù day of June 2007 T\e Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham found it desirable to enact By-law #2007-059 to appoint Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) staffas Municipality of Bayham By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing provisions of ByJaw 2001-lll, as amended; AND WIIEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act 2001, R.S.O., 2001 Chapter,M.25, as amended, municipalities may appoint officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND \MIIEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham did by ByJaw #2008-063 amend By-law #2007-059, Schedule "4". AND WIIEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham deems it desirable to fuilher amend By-law #2007-059, Schedule "A"; NOW TIIEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: THAT, ByJaw #2007-059, Schedule "A" be further amended by substituting the following: Schedule "A" The Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) employees listed in this Schedule are hereby appo¡nted to act in the capac¡ty of By-Law Enforcement Officerfor the Municipality of Bayham for the limited purpose of enforcement of Municipality of Bayham By-law 2001-111, as amended, on the streets known as Addison Street, Libbye Avenue, Libbye Street, Chatham Street and Fay Street, Village of Port Bunruell. Name Position Chambers, Andrew Card, Rhonda Howey, Robert Pickersgill, Jeff Park Superintendent Assistant Park Superintendent Park Warden Park Warden AND TIIAT this ByJaw shall come into force and take effect immediatelyupon third and final reading thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 13th day of August 2009 MAYOR CLERK Staff Report P2009-022 regarding Appointment of By-law Enfor...Page 157 of 265 Page 158 of 265 Page I of2 Brenda Gibbons From: Kyle Kruger Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 2:18 PM To: Lynda Millard; Brenda Gibbons Subject: FW: Beach washrooms For august agenda. Kyle Kruger C,M.O. Administrator Municipality of Bayham Frcm: valerie donnell [mailto:clv2donnell@msn.com] Sent: July L7,2009 10:33 AM To: Kyle Kruger Subject RE: Beach washrooms Hi Kyle, Thanks for responding so quickly. There are some areas that I feel need to be addressed regarding the beach washrooms. I would come to council and discuss this with them at the next regualr meeting as they are not too pressing. One item in particular was the faucet in the mens washroom. The tap had been turned on by persons we will call children and the water was pooling in front of the door as you walk in. I have had the top of the tap removed and can't been turned on any longer unless it is re-installed. This has ended the problem of pooling water. For right now I hope to be able to keep the facility cared for and have talked to Lynda Millard about the paper needs. It seems the Hardware in Port Burwell doesn't have the boxes of toilet tissue any longer. Thanks Val > Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 Lt:.2O:.37 -04OO > From : KKruger@bayham.on.ca > Subject: RE: Beach washrooms > To: clv2donnell@msn.com > Hi Val, > I heard from Mark Taylor that you had some issue/questions regarding the > beach washrooms. Have these been resofved or is there something more > outstanding? > Thanks for any information, > Kyle 7/17/2009 Email correspondence dated July 17, 2009 from Valerie Donnel...Page 159 of 265 Page 160 of 265 <7 Minutes of ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD ( O á June 17,2009 The Elgin Group Police Services Board met at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 2:00 p,m. with the following in attendance: Tom Marks, Chairman John R. Wilson, Vice-Chair Douglas Gunn, Board Member Kathleen Schaper, Board Member (arrived 2:04 p.m.) Duncan McPhail, Board Member (arrived 2:04 p.m.) lnspector Ryan Cox, OPP Staff Sergeant lan Chappell, OPP Constable Troy Carlson, OPP Community Service and Media Relations Officer Mark McDonald, Secretary/Ad m in istrator Marilyn Payler, County Administrative Services Lynn Acre, Mayor of the Municipality of Bayham attended. Chair Marks called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. Deleqation lnspector Cox introduced Constable Troy Carlson to the Board. He has replaced Constable Michelle Smith as OPP Community Service and Media Relations Officer. Constable Carlson gave a brief description of his career with the OPP. He described the two-fold aspect of his position and how the community service part of his job involves interacting with the public at various County events which gives him the opportunity to promote safety. The media relations aspect involves keeping the media informed, as well as, alerting the public of any concerns that they should be made aware of. lnspector Cox also noted that Constable Carlson is the Liaison Officer for the Belmont Community Policing Group. Constable Carlson presented the New Educational Drug Display Board to the Board and thanked them for this purchase. He pointed out how useful a tool this board was for his presentations because it is up-to-date and has eye catching appeal. He will not only be using thís display board at his school presentations but also at other County events. Constable Carlson informed the Board that he is available 2417 and is willing to assist other media officers if an emergency situation arises. Chairman Marks thanked Constable Carlson for his presentation and he left al2:15 p.m, Adoption of Minutes Moved by Gunn Seconded by Schaper THAT the minutes of the meeting held on April 15, 2009 be adopted. - Carried. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held Ju...Page 161 of 265 -2 Disclosure of Pecuniarv lnterest - None. Correspondence 1) R. Millard, C.A.O./Clerk, Township of Malahide with approval of 2009 Proposed Operational Budget, 2009 Business Plan and 2008 Year End Report. 2) Hon. Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, with 2008-2009 fiscal year funding to help cover the following program costs:1. R.l.D.E. in the amount of $13,731 .88.2. Community Policing Partnerships in the amount of $15,000.00.3. Safer Communities - 1,000 Officers Partnership in the amount of $52,500.00. 3) Cheryl Jamieson, President of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards thankíng the board for $200.00 donation towards OAPSB Conference in City of Cornwall. 4) OAPSB Bulletin Board for June 2009. Moved by McPhail Seconded by Wilson THAT Correspondence ltems #1-4 be received and filed. - Carried. Detachment Gommander's Report for April/Mav 2009 lnspector Cox updated the Board on the most recent staffing changes at the detachment including the Auxiliary Unit. The 2008 Annual Report, 2009 Business Plan, 2008 Contract Reconciliation and 2009 PSB Budget were presented at each participating Municipal Council by lnspector Cox and a Board member. lnspector Cox also visited each Community Policing Group in the County and all groups are functioning well. There is interest in Port Burwellto start a Community Policing Group for that area. Unfortunately, the Community Policing Group in Dutton has disbanded. Staff Sergeant Chappell described the successful outcome of the Crime lnitiative which took place during the week of May 11-17th,2009. One of the objectives was to set the policing tone for the summer season. A number of officers were utilized from different detachments and this increased policing visibility in the various communities throughout the County proved to have a positive impact. lnspector Cox noted that the April/May break and enters are a concern and assaults are on the rise. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held Ju...Page 162 of 265 -3- Inspector Cox passed out a letter of appreciation from Gene Mooney from the St. Thomas Power and Sail Squadron commending the first rate actions of the OPP Marine Unit. lnspector Cox updated the Board on the delay in the new speed sign purchase. He noted that the hold up was the provincial government procurement rules for purchases over $25,000.00. Hopefully, within a month he will be able to obtain firm pricing and place the order. Staff Sergeant Chappell will be acting as the Police lncident Commander for the Wings and Wheels Air Show on June 2O-21"t,2009. All auxiliary officers, including some from the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford, will be on duty because of the anticipated volume of attendees. Auxiliary officers will also be utilized during other upcoming scheduled County summer events. Moved by McPhail Seconded by Wilson THAT the Detachment Commanders Report for April/May 2009 be received and filed, - Carried. ln-Camera Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT we do now proceed In-Camera at 2:38 pm to discuss a personal matter about an identifiable individual. - Carried. Moved by Wilson Seconded by Gunn THAT we do now rise at2:51 p.m. without reporting. -Carried. New Business M. McDonald explained that through the budget process the per diem rate for Police Services Board members increased from $1 10.00 to $150.00 a day in keeping with the rate used by County Council. ln the future the per diem rate for the PSB could be automatically adjusted to match that of the County. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held Ju...Page 163 of 265 -4- Moved by Schaper Seconded by McPhail THAT the per diem rate for Police Services Board members be adjusted to coincide with Elgin County Council's per diem rate with the same effective date. - Carried. J. Wilson noted that he had not received any donated bikes from the OPP for the Springfield Family Fun Day. He would like to see the available bikes divided between organizations and wanted to know if there was any policy regarding this. lnspector Cox apologized for this oversight and said he would look into it. Chairman Marks noting that this was a topic of discussion at the conference, asked if this Board has a Code of Conduct and if so, if it needed to be reviewed, This item will be added to the next PSB agenda. Next Meetinq The next meeting will be held on September 30, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. Adiournment Moved by Schaper Seconded by McPhail THAT we do now adjourn at 3:01 p.m. to meet again on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. M. G. McDonald, Secretary/Ad m in istrator. Tom Marks, Chair. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held Ju...Page 164 of 265 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: August ,2009 FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works FILE: iâ>Ô SUBJECT: Straffordville Library Roof Repairs NUMBER: PW 2009-12 Purpose This report is to provide information and recoÍrmend several options for a new roof for the Straffordville Library Builiding for the Municipality of Bayham. Background As a result of inspection of the roof of the Straffordville Library building, Public Works staff had, on Jwrc 25,2009 gained some pricing for asphalt shingles for the roof repairs. Council had requested that st¿ff also procure pricing for a steel roof. Our concern at this time is that roof leaks are very possible in the not to distant future. Staff have sought quotations for both asphalt shingled roof repairs as well as steel roof repairs. Two quotations were received, as follows (both are inclusive of taxes) Contractor Asphalt > Mark Fehr Construction $ 5,636.78 > Jenzen Exterior Renovating Inc. S 5,789.29 Staff Comments As mentioned, staff are concemed that a significant delay in the repairs may result in roof leaks and damage to the building. However, the repairs were not included in the 2009 budget. Should Council approve proceeding, financing of the works would be from the existing Libraries Reserve (current balance $ 50,000) Staff suggests proceeding with the lowest quote from Mark Fehr Construction and at Councils discretion either asphalt shingles or a steel roof. Options 1. Proceed with ihe lowest quote for repairs 2. Defer repairs Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management 2. Goal#2- Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT staff be authorized to proceed with Straffordville Library roof repairs as quoted by Mark Fehr Steel s tl,052.25 $ 11,788.40 Construction. Respectfu lly sub4qltted, GerryLeMa¡ Mahager Public Works Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof...Page 165 of 265 SIDING SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGH CONSTRUCTION DECKS ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS CUSTOMER: ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE: ( PHONE: ( MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ll 'l" [s \\ t" Material Cost GST Total Material Cost To install the above materials Labour Cost GST on Labour Total Labour Cost Grand Total Note: Materials to be paid in full upon delivery to worksite l\osB .ag THIS ESTIMATE IS VAIID FOR 30 DAYS**Note** Additional unforeseen repair work is charged out as $25.00 per man hour plus material cost.per Customer A :knowledgement -EXTERIOR SPECIA LIST' X Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof...Page 166 of 265 J anzen Exterior Ren ovating Inc' 55ó45 Heritage Ln. RR#l Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 5t9-Eóó5901 êaa ...¡ þfilewaY Strafordville Librry Estirnate Date Estimate # 22/0712009 187 Proþct Steel Roof t0274.67 513.73 Srp¡y t"¿,."t"tt p""tttl ¡ttel roof, Ridgec4, $/vall¡ Uni venÇ E"íí.i Screw¡ Strapping (,q,ll Matcr¡al and Labour Included ) Subtotal tro274'67L ftrrç*t"rrhc opportunity of providing yr¡u witlt this csdnatc TOtal sro'7'cn 40 GS].,HST NO. ¡'d 84t864895 Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof...Page 167 of 265 l.Ê,tlt i43.Yt;lè, TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gerry Læmay, Manager of Public Works SUBJECT: Straffordville Library Roof Repairs DATE: Jwrc25,2009 FILE: lao t,\-s+. I{UMBER: PR2009-15 Purpose This report is to provide information and recommend new shingles for the Straffordville library building. Bacþround As a result of a recent inspection of the Shaffordville library building, public works staff have identifred the current shingles a¡e in very poor condition. It is a concern that roof leaks are very possible in the near future. Staff therefore sought quotations in May 2009 for installation of new shingles. Two quotes were received, as follows (both are inclusive of taxes): . Mark Fehr Consfruction $5,636.78. Jenzen Exterior Renovating Inc. $5,789.29 StaffComments As mentioned, staff are concerned that a significant delay in the repairs may result in roof leaks and damage to the building. However, the repair was not included in the 2009 budget. Should Council approve proceeding, financing of the works would be from the existing Libraries Reserve (cunent balance $50,000). Staff suggest proceeding with the lowest quote, from Ma¡k Feh¡ Construction. Options l. Proceed with lowest quote for repairs 2. Investigate other roof material options (ie: steel roof) 3. Defer Repair Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT staff be authorized to proceed with Straffordville library roof repairs as quoted by Mark Fehr Construction at a cost of $5,636.78 inclusive of tæ<es. Manager of Public Works Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof...Page 168 of 265 ËCËiVE MAY 2 6 2009 gba*5/"2ø ROOFING SIDING WINDOWS CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS sIEE¿r. . SCFFIT<a!!!ls-/ ,o,,!â!r|!âru, SKYLIGHTS DOORS DECKS INSURANCE ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS CUSTOMER: ADDRESS: CITY: POSTAL CODE: ( PHONE: ( MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Material Cost GST Total Material Cost To install the above materials ' Labour CostQ\(an --Locr.rd. cturn'DRÉ GST on Labour ,,^c\qÀul ïn' Totat Labour Costlabwr( Grand Total Note: Materials to be oaid in Labour: THIS ESTIMATE IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof...Page 169 of 265 Ianzen Exterior Renovating Inc. 55e[5 Heritage I,n. RR#l Straffordville, ON NOI lYO 519-866-5901 Tarry LeMay Strafordville Library Estimate Date Estimate # 2810512009 131 Project 38.48 34.43 54.69 11.00 22.00 11.00 38.50 6.52 78.65 64.37 264.00 5.00Yo 3,578.64 137:t2 492.21 44.00 44.00 I1.00 154.00 149.96 314.60 257.48 330.00 275.68 30 year GAF Timberline shingles i¡stalled on a single story 4 to 7/12 pitch roof. Stafer Shingles on a single story 4 to 7/l2pitchroof. Seal-a-Ridge bundles installed on a single story 4 to Tll2pitchroof. 9" vinyl vents Cut-in vents 3'OR4'pipe collar 22" Y valley Aluminum eaves starter @aves) Ice and water shietd along first 3' ofeaves and along valleys Roll offelt paper þr'mping garbage GST on sales Subtotal $5,513.61 Total s5,78e'2e êeTrUQ-F Àln a/, 1 aÁl ao< Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof...Page 170 of 265 TITE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: August 10,2009 FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk FILE: C0 SUBJECT: Edison Building Committee Requests NUMBER: C2009-015 Purpose with requests for support from the Edison Museum of Vienna , please refer to copiés of the minutes of the June 17tr and July Background As Council is aware, a Feasiblity Study including conceptual plans for a new facility was developed and completed in April 2008 by Vilnis Cultural Design Works. The Committee wishes to proceed with the building project and have researched and discussed fundraising options. It is proposed that a professional fundraiser be recruited. As well, staff have researched funding support through the Cultural Spaces Canada and have had discussion with the Architect, Martin Lieftrebber regarding design details. Staff Comments In order to proceed with the building project, the Committee and Staff would agree that professional assistance with fundraising will be necessary for the project to succeed. It is also agreed that availability of specific design details would be necessary and beneficial in the development of an RFP and fundraising efforts. The Committee is seeking approval to: tr circulate an RFP to contract with a professional fundraiser to undertake fundraising initiatives on theirbehalf, and tr obtain preliminary design and outline speculations using the functions, spaces and sizes in the Feasibility Study and detailed in the draft minutes of the July29,2009 meeting. Strategic Plan Goals include: Goal # I Practice responsible furancial management Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere Goal # 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices Staff Report C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee R...Page 171 of 265 Report C2009-013 -2- Recommendation *TIIAT StaffReport C2009-015 be received; AND THAT Council approves the request from the Edison Museum Building Committee to circulate an RFP to contract with a professional fundraiser to undertake fundraising initiatives for the new facility building project; AND TIIAT Council approves the request to obtain preliminary design and outline speculations using the functions, spaces and sizes in the Feasibility Study from the Architect, as detailed, and approves the cost of same up to $5,000, excluding engineering, to be drawn from the Edison Museum Building Fund Reserve." Respectfully submitted Attachments Reviewed by Staff Report C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee R...Page 172 of 265 EDISON MUSEUM BUILDING COMMITTEE June 17,2009 Edison Museum of Vienna Attendance: Jean &Ted Woon, Lynn & Lew Acre, Ray Maddox, Bill Geysen, Cheryl Peters, Lynda Millard, Mat Schafer. Call to Order: J.Woon called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Agenda: accepted as presented. Motion Carried. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None Election of Chairman: It was moved by C.Peters and seconded by M.Schafer that Jean Woon be nominated for the position of Chairman. Motion Carried. J.Woon accepted the nomination. Appointment of Secretary: L.Acre volunteered to take the minutes for this meeting, and C.Peters agreed to take the minutes of the next meeting. Report of the Rural Development OffÌcer: J.Woon reported that there is currently 541,099.97 in our savings Íeserve. There is another $2,000 to be added from the former "Friends of Edison Museum" committee. J.Woon has been working on the Development Plan for grant applications. She distributed draft copies to members for revisions/comments etc., which are to be submitted via email asap. She also requested that each member submit a "biographical sketch" for the Development Plan via email. These to include educational background, employment experience, skills, associations etc. that pertain to our project. Fundraising Activities: Edison Fest raised approx. $2,000.00 After some brainstorming for possible 'þatrons" who might be recruited, it was soon obvious that a professional fundraiser was needed to assist with our goal to raise $3 Million. It was moved by professional fundraiser. Motion Carried. Lynn Acre will contact Elgin County and EECC and J.Woon will contact the Town of Tillsonburg to get names of fundraisers and to ask for any ternplates for RFP. Then J.V/oon will request quotes from them. Cultural Spaces Grant: From their application form, it appears that we need architectural & engineering studies plus preliminary designs before we can apply for any grants. Lew thinks that we already have these in our business plan. It was noted that we do not need an Environmental study. 9. Next Steps: L.Millard will contact Cultural Spaces rep to clarify what is meant by architectural & engineering studies. Lynn Acre and J.Woon will get names of professional fundraisers and templates for RFPs. J.Woon will request support from Museums Bayham for the possible hiring of a professional fundraiser. 10. New Business: New Edison Museum site needs to have some development to show that the project is still alive. Suggestions included adding picnic tables and a garbage can, and perhaps marking out the footprint of the new museum with paint. 11. Next meeting: At the call of the chair. 12. Adjournment: adjourned at 8:45pm. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chairman Secretary Staff Report C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee R...Page 173 of 265 -2- o North/South Section (short one) showing the floor to floor- ceiling- window heights, tr Four Elevations, tr One Exterior Perspective same view as before but showing more detail, o Two Interior Perspectives, o Outline Specifications; And that the Committee requests the Museums Bayham Committee to support the quote and recommend that Council approve the cost of same up to $5,000 excluding engineerin5, to be drawn from the Edison Museum Buitding Fund Reserye.t' Carried Due to the delay of the next Museums Bayham Committee meeting until August l2th,and that she and Cheryl would be away for that meeting, Jean 'Woon agreed to circulate the resolution by email to the Museums Bayham Committee for support. Notice of agreement of members was to be provided to Lynda and forwa¡ded to Council at the August l3th meeting for approval. 5. Next meeting to be at the call of the Chair. 6. Adjournment: It was moved by Mat Schafer and seconded by Ray Maddox that the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 pm. Chairman Secretary Staff Report C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee R...Page 174 of 265 EDISON MUSEUM BUILDING COMMITTEE Edison Museum #14 Snow StreeÇ Vienna FÍ July 29, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Mat Schafer, Ray Maddox, Cheryl Peters, Lynda Millard, Jean & Ted Woon. ABSENT: Mayor Lynn & Lew Acre, William Gheysen l. Call to Order: Jean Woon called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Agenda: It was moved by Ted'Woon and seconded by Mat Schafer that the agenda be accepted as presented. Motion carried. 3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None. 4. Report: Lynda reported that she and Kyle Kruger had spoken by conference phone with Rick Verrette and Sally Hahn of Cultural Spaces Canada regarding submission of an application for funding. It was confirmed that we do not yet meet the basic criteria to qualify for this funding. Criteria requirements are as for the provincial CMOG (Community Museums Operating Grant) such as completion of approved museum policies, number of hours open to the public and the hiring of a curatorial professional. Lynda added that she has also spoken with Bill Knifton, Chief Buildingn Official and been in touch with Martin Liefhebber, Breathe Architects, a particþant with Vilnis Design in completion of the Edison Museum of Vienna New Facility Feasibility Study regarding the building information requirements to proceed with a Request for Proposal. Martin suggested further development of preliminary design and outline specifications would put the Committee in a good position to move forward with the Request for Proposal (RFP) project. After much discussion, consensus was reached and the following resolution passed. It was moved by Mat Schafer and seconded by Ted rù/oon. "That the Edison Museum Building Committee supports the quote from Breathe Architects to develop a preliminary design and outline speculations using the functions, spaces and sizes as depicted on the concept plan contained in the Feasibility Study in Aprit 2008 by Vilnes Design; the preliminary design drawings to have a Yn" scale for later development of detailed design and preliminary contract drawings, being more specifically contained in the email from Martin Liefhebber, Achitect as follows: Staff Report C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee R...Page 175 of 265 Page 176 of 265 2009.05.0'1 6.3 9050 0000091510 REPAIR. MSA REPAIR OOOO52 AMTELECOM COMMUNICATIONS Ju|y5198665521 MONTHLYTELEPHONE @0073 AUTO PARTS PLUS 192996 PARTS MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - OTl2Sl2OOg 06i/302009 0712312009 1:03PM 006838 1,048.56 Cheque funount - o7lo1no09 I 1,04{t.56 1,225.æ Cheque Arnount - o7t17t2009 I 1,225.æ 97.98 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 00001¿16036 (Xno146695 Cheque Amount- TENDERS.SEPTAGE RECEIVING O5I27I2Ñ9 EDISON FEST, SALE OF LAI.¡D 0d30f2@9 97.98 74.09 006840 442.16 006840 000160 CANON CANADA INC. 6249141 METER BILLING 00017t cBscGAP|TAL lNc 28Ê.,2ß7 COPIERRENTAL Gheque Amount - o7lo9l2@9 I 516.25 839.14 006841 006844 006845 006846 006847 Cheque Amount - o7t11t2009 I 839.14 1,294.98 OOOI75 CEDARSIGNS 1581'l ls95l r5952 15953 SIGNS SIGNS SIGN SIGNS ChequeAmount- 06n9f2009 07t1420æ 07n4r2009 07n4n009 1,294.98 53.',14 006843 260.63 006843 13.01 006843 78.03 006843 I I I I Cheque Amount - OO123f CENTRAL ELGIN FIRE RESCUE OO1/09 RADIO LICENCING RENEWAL 06¿26T2009 I 4o4.81 44.28 OOO1OO CORPORATE EXPRESS 23037037 CD'S&CASES 0@212 COUNTYOF ELGIN INOOOOI5695 POLICE SERVICES JULY'09 Cheque Arnount- o7t17t2ñ9 ! 44.28 22.59 Cheque Amount - 07t10f2009 I 22.59 56,530.41 000218 CUPELOCAL3s June'09 remit Cheque Amount - 0612912009 I 56,530.41 537.03 OOOO19 AJ. STONE COMPA¡.IY LTD UNION DUES Cheque Amount -537.03 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 177 of 265 2009.05.0't 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0712312009 1:03PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12312009 OOO25O DEL.BAC SALES LIMITED 202082 TISSUES, PAPERTOWELS 0711712009 I 363.03 006848 ChequeAmount- 363.03 OOO283 ED MATTHEWS CARPENTRY DOOR INSTALLATION - V.C.C. 0612912009 I 820.00 006849 REPAIR COAT RM CNTR - V.C.C. 0612912009 I 90.85 006849 REAPIRS AT STRAF FIREHALL O6N9I2OO9 I 229.59 006&19 REPAIRS AT STRAF LIBRARY 0612912009 I 52.50 006849 Cheque Amount - 1,'|.9234 001565 EMCO CORPORATTON 5400645-00 MATERTAL FOR WATER WRKS REt 07t16t2009 I 129,302.96 006850 Cheque Amount - '129,302.96 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS27165 SUPPLIES o6t24t2@9 I 16.39 006851 Cheque Amount - 16.39 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518ø¡27064 FLOOR MATS, SHOP TOWELS O7l09l200g t 237.45 006852 Cheque Amount - 237.45 001538 GROUND EFFECTS IáNDSCAPE & DESIGN 255 CLFÁN UP - 45 SHAKESPEARE 07ß112009 I 84.00 006853 Cheque Amount - 84.00 OO0/,27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC July 2539G07266 UTILITIES - VIENNA STL 07fi72æ9 I 558.92 006854 July 2539G55002 UTILITIES - PB STL HWY 19 O7l17l200g I '1,648.52 006854 July 53993-93004 UTILITIES - PUMPff2 0711312009 I 47'æ 006854 July 6239G22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL O7/l72}09 I 1,036.43 006854 July 62790{7266 UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL 0711712009 I 185.03 006854 July 73394-81@3 UTILITIES - PUMP#3 0711312009 I 67.05 006854 July 8'1590{7297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL 0711712009 I 497.61 006854 July 87790{7295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL 07117f2oc/9 I '182.61 006854 Cheque Amount - 4,224.05 000217 IBTGROUP 210110 CONSULTING FEES Cheque Amount - 3,574.41 OOO5O4 KEVIN KITCHING reimburse purchases BUILDING SUPPLIES 06126f2009 I 532.70 006856 reverse amount REVERSE INCORRECT AMOUNT 0612612009 C -532.70 006856 supplies reimbursed REIMBURSE SUPPLY PURCHASE 0612612009 I 295.12 006856 010'139 010140 010141 o'to'l42 0612612009 I 3,574.4'1 006855 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 178 of 265 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 OOO51O KI.ASSEN AUTO PARTS 1-30329 1-30330 1-30400 1-3042s 1-30632 1-31261 1-32479 OOO5I3 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 14æ7 000536 LEEROYTAYLOR refund MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0712312009 Cheque Amount - 0712312009 1:03PM REGRI GERAT\¡T, PROSEAL GUAGE MAGNET WIRE TIES WRE TIES BOLTS PLUcns 06/01/2009 06/01/2009 06102f2009 æ10a2009 0610412009 a611212009 0612712009 295.12 30.33 006857 3',1.22 006857 7.12 006857 30.04 006857 't5.0'l 006857 5.30 006857 7.93 006857 Cheque Amount - REPAIR RECEPTACLE. CHIP WAG 0€/30/2009 I Cheque Amount - DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND O7IO2]2@9 I 126.95 94.45 006858 94.45 320.00 006859 OOO235 LIPPERT & ì¡/RIGHT FUELS LTD. 50726 50727 50728 5218/. 52185 52186 53544 53545 53546 000569 M&LSUPPLY oooo'114497 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL REG GAS ULS DIESEL DIESEL DYED ULS DIESEL REG GAS DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS DIESEL DYED ULSD ULS DIESEL PRO-BARS AUGUST'09 REMIT AUGUST'09 REMIT 06/08/2009 o0/0el/2009 06/08/2009 06/18/2009 06/18/2009 0d18/2009 0612912009 o6t29t20o9 06t29n009 Cheque Amount -320.00 983.57 006860 435.45 006860 720.il 006860 1,079.97 006860 938.52 006860 777.54 006860 947.00 006860 799.02 006860 1.0717.87 006860 Cheque Amount - 0612412009 I 7,759.48 659.26 006861 006863 100612949 100613120 Cheque Amount -659.26 6,012.29 006862 3,727.12 006862 07110t2009 0711012009 000609 MINISTER OF FINANCE 1435-09-Jul-2009 DEBENTURE 200241 00061O MINISTER OF FINANCE Cheque Amount - 07t09t2009 I 9,739.41 2,622.92 Cheque Amount -2,622.92 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 179 of 265 2009.05.0't 6.3 9050 036 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN 101 10456760 SUPPLIES 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERMCES 115152 000658 oMERS June'09 remit GARBAGE DISPOSAL O41OO - JUNE'09 REMIT OOO727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 405515152 COURIER SERVICE OOO742 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 21842 Juttl09 JULY'09 REMIT 0æ747 REID'S PRE-CAST CEMENT PRODUCT 5805 CATCH BASIN RISERS 6023 BIG "O'COUPLERS 6034 BIG'O" COUPLERS MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0712312009 MOHLTC FUNDING REPORT 07t13t2009 Cheque Amount - 0712312009 1:03PM 81 1.53 006864 81 1.53 7.97 00046506/09/2009 I Cheque Amount - 06/3012009 I 7.97 39,339.15 006866 006867 006868 006869 006872 006873 006873 006875 Cheque Amount - 06/30/2009 I 39,339.15 18,411.69 Gheque Amount - 0612612009 I 18,41 I .69 35.76 Cheque Amount - 07t22J2009 I 35.76 68.15 Cheque Amount -68.15 317.53 006870 79.55 006870 81.48 006870 0612j/2009 06n2J2009 06/15/2009 Cheque Amount - OOO752 RESQTECH SYSTEMS INC 0fi)09884 GRACE SUPERPASS MOTION 05/15/2009 I Cheque Amount - 001563 RIGGS ENGINEERING LTD. 09-80+1 i,NTCE DREDGING MEETING o7t0?J2009 I Cheque Arnount - OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 478.56 1,491.60 006871 1,491.60 615.30 07t15t2009 0711512009 615.30 12.30 u.70 0000501282 0000501363 001564 ST. LUKE'S GUILD reimburse OVERCALLS - JUNE 2OO9 ANSWERING SERVICE Cheque Amount - LOTTERY LICENCE - OVERPAYME O7I2OI2OO9 I Cheque Amount - 97.00 '19.92 000856 STREIB TRUCKING LTD 2OO7 BRIDGE WASHING 19.92 4,162.2004t3012009 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 180 of 265 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 OOlß2 SUN MEDIACORPORATION x1t226329 000870 TBsc 2600 001418 TELUS o't58947ô2012 @0886 THERRIEN'S EXCAVATING 393 394 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Jul 27T210619697&4 Jul273-21062434725 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12312009 BRIFGE WASHING - CTY BRIDGES 04130/2009 I 6,006.00 Cheque Amount -'10,168.20 228.U,PUBLIC MTG - J. UNDERHILL 06t26120æ I Cheque Amount -228.çA 't0.17CHECK & PROCESS PAGER 06n512009 I Cheque Amount - 0712312009 1:03PM 006876 006877 01æ94762012 DOL1¡R POOL SAVINGS CELL PHONE 0'1589476201?/2005876 CELL PHONE - P GROENE\ELD 015894:762012/6171156 CELL PHONE - G. LEMAY 01589476201216197656 CELL PHONE - A" SWANCE 0158947620.126365709 CELL PHONE . PB FIRE DEPT 01589476201216365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 1 015894:762012/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT O'I æ947 62012163661 98 CELL PHONE . E. BRADFIELD 0158947620126366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762Ût21636948r CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 0158947620126689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 0'1s89476201,/9021249 CELLPHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 01624249æ10 CELL PHONE. B KNIFTON 0612712009 ær27/2009 06t2il2009 æn72@9 06t27t2009 0612712009 06n7/200/9 æ12712009 06P712009 06t2712009 0612712009 0612712009 06127t2009 07lù5l2to9 10.'t7 -2M.17 006878 0.04 006878 69.5s 006878 43.11 006878 43.11 006878 36.95 006878 37.06 006878 36.95 006878 302.20 006878 't91.85 006878 51.30 @6878 44.',t3 006878 36.95 006878 31.95 006878 c I I I I I I I I I I I I I CULVERTS, CEMENT RISERS CATCH BASINS. WNTER DRAIN Cheque Amount -720.98 514.50 006879 850.50 006879 0612212009 06/1 512009 uTtLtTtEs - E.c.c. UTILITIES - PUMP#1 Cheque Amount -1,365.(X) 26.70 006880 18.90 006880 0711312009 07t13t2009 OOO953 VIENNAHOMECENTERLTD 338239 338390 3384't5 339199 339242 339416 SPRUCE SPRUCE BOLTS, PARTS BULBS SPRUCE POSTS KEYS CUT Cheque Amount -45.60 25.æ 006881 63.¿16 006881 118.83 006881 6.07 006881 42.00 006881 4.50 006881 06/01/2009 06/03/2009 06104t2009 06t19t2009 06122r'2009 06t2512009 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 181 of 265 OOO957 VOTHSALES&SERVICE LTD MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - OT l232:00g RAKES,ROLLERREFILL,TRAY O6¿2d2OO9 I Gheque Amount - 07l23n00g 1:03PM 006881 LIGHTS STEEL FABRICATION - FIRËHALL LIGHT REPAIR OIL LEAK ON DRIVE LINE REPAIRAIR LEAT( REPI.ACE Vì/hIEEL SEAL 289.47 33.87 006882 135.60 @68e2 3.96 006882 1,180.32 006882 361.23 0068æ 443.19 006882 000981 wLsoN's l-AwN oARE June'Gl billing JUN'æ I.AÍ\¡DSCAPING OOO98ô WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURAI.¡CE 1625314 June'09 JUNE O9 REMIT ChequeAmont- 0€i/302009 I 006883 006884 Cheque Amount- Cheque Run Total - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 182 of 265 Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 183 of 265 Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 184 of 265 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0713012009 0713012009 1:22PM 001337 AROUNDABOUT BAYHAM Aug ad - pools SWIMMING POOL AD 07128t2009 I 31.50 006888 Cheque Amount - 31.50 OO131I BERNHARD AND SARA HARMS 042 REFUNDOPA&ZON|NGDEPOSTT 07t24t2009 I 2,000.00 006889 Cheque Amount - 2,000.00 001299 BILL & LINDARIMNYAK 041 REFUND PARTIAL ZONING DEPOS 07t24t2009 I 773-00 006890 ChequeAmount- 773.00 001061 BOB LOZON Canada Day REIMBURSE EXPENSES O7l27l2OOg t 323.19 006891 Cheque Amount - 323.'|.9 OOO.I# CANADIAN KOOLWATER 2-1028 WATER BOTTLES - S.C.C. æt0A2009 I 40.00 006892 2-1061 BOTTLED WATER 06/09/2009 I 40.00 006892 2-1065 WATER BOTTLES, CUPS 06/09/2009 I 122.00 006892 2-1107 WATER BOTTLES 06/16/2009 I 50.00 006892 2-1133 WATER BOTTLES 06,t23t2009 I 32.00 006892 2-1135 WATER BOTTLES 06t23t2009 I 8.00 006892 Cheque Amount - 292.00 001567 COUNTY OF OXFORD ARCHI\ÆS pens GEL PEN, MARKER PENS 0711612@9 I 13.69 006893 ChequeAmount- 13.69 001443 DALM CONSTRUCTION refund deposits REFUND GRADING DEPOSITS O7l24l2OOg I 1,000.00 006894 Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 001329 DAMDSON GENERAL REPAIR 165322 REP|-ACE ALTERNATOR 07t28t2009 I 297.54 006895 Cheque Amount - 297.54 001565 EMCO CORPORATTON 540065'l{0 WATER WORKS MATERTAL 07t1712009 I 20,173.6í 006896 Cheque Amount - 20,173.61 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000133954 MARKTNG FLAGS, pAtNT 06/30/2009 I 908.52 006897 0000134070 coPpER PtpEs 0711412009 I 479.12 006897 Cheque Amount - 1,387.64 001288 FARMINGTON MECHANICAL INC. 007506 MA|N TAP ON P|PEL|NE O7t20t2009 I 420.00 006898 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 185 of 265 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0713012009 0713012009 1:22PM Cheque Amount - 420.00 OOO357 G&KSERVICESCANADAINC 1518432879 SHOP TOì/VELS. FLOOR MATS 07123t2009 I 235.88 006899 ChequeAmount- 235.88 001328 HI-TECH CONTROLS (LONDON) 9268 MTLLTRONTCS REPATR 07114t2009 I 1,959.99 006900 Cheque Amount - 1,959.99 OOO422 HORNSBY CA¡{VAS & TARPAULIN LTD 16684 SOCKETS, STUDS, CAPS 07t20t2009 I 66.25 006901 Cheque Amount - 66.25 @0ø.27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC July 5022145009 UTILITIES - SEV\IER PI-ANT 0712012009 I 4,024.61 006902 Cheque Amount - 4,024.61 000217 tBtGRouP 212933 CONSULTTNG FEES - FEAS|B|L|TY 07t17t2009 I 961.28 006903 Cheque Amount - 961.28 000446 JACKIE BOOTLE July 15/0941915/09 MANAGER FEES O7l29l2OOg I 791.66 006904 ChequeAmount- 791.66 OOO5IO KI.ASSEN AUTO PARTS 1-31061 GELTWST 06fi012009 I 14.74 006905 Cheque Amount -14.74 OOO518 I(WK KOPYPRINTING 24449 24453 FILE FOLDERS COPY PAPER o7t2u2w9 I 118.65 006906 07t23t2009 I 254.20 006906 Cheque Amount - 372.85 OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 10095 CEMETERY STGNS 0711612009 I 2,404.il 006907 Cheque Amount - \4M.il OOO6IO MINISTER OF FINANCE membership MEMBERSHIP FEES 07128t2009 I 250.00 006908 ChequeAmount- 250.00 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED July E12378{1 UT¡L|T|ES - STRAF FIREHALL 0711812009 I 20.17 006909 July E1421241 UTILITIES - MED BLDG 0711812009 I 13.43 006909 July E22380{1 UTILITIES - PUMP#S 07l'1812009 I 16.61 006909 July 82420041 UTILITIES - S.C.C. 0711812009 I 69.89 006909 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 186 of 265 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 13012009 0713012009 1:22PM July E45407{l July E45409O1 July E45410-0'l July E5160041 July Fl929GO1 July F2060GO1 July F26864{1 July G06210{1 July G06305-01 July G06307{l July G15700{l July G40407-0'l 40563n07 405702145 UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES - PUMP#2 UTILITIES - LIBRARY UTILITIES - GARAGE UTILITIES . EDISON MUSEUM uTtLtTtES -V.C.C. UTILITIES - PUMP#6 UTILITIES. PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - PB WORKS 33.90 006909 13.57 006909 12.08 006909 2't.57 006909 't2.08 006909 37.76 006909 15.10 006909 12.08 006909 18.81 006909 12.08 006909 12.08 006909 't2.08 006909 0711812009 07h8/2009 07t1812009 07n8r2009 07120t2009 0712012009 0712012009 07l2'v2009 07t2'v2009 07l21l2Ñ9 0712112009 07P1nOOg Cheque Amount - OO1O88 NU FARMS LIMITED 039 REFUND PARTIAL ZONING DEPOS O7I24I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD 333.29 311.00 006910 COURIERSERVICE COURIERSERVICE 0711012009 I 07t1712009 I 311.00 55.59 006911 59.82 00691'l OOO733 R&RREFRIGERATION 2826 COOLTNG UN|T - S.C.C. 001532 RELISH ELGIN 274 1/4 PAGE AD OOO752 RESQTECH SYSTEMS INC 00010018 LICENSING DOCUMENTS OO12O8 SAMUEL & MARY SCHWARTZ Cheque Amount - 07t10t2009 I Cheque Amount - 07t0912009 I Cheque Amount - 07t14t2009 I Cheque Amount - REFUND PARTIAL ZONING DEPOS O7I24I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - 203.49 '175.00 006913 115.41 203.49 006912 006915 175.00 28.25 006914 040 28.25 198.00 OOIl06 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES t039994 BIOX|DE 06t2212009 I 198.00 2,192.20 006916 Cheque Amount -2,192.20 Cheque Run Total -41,350.71 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 187 of 265 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 OOOO23 MROCAGGREGATES LTD J058r29 OOOO33 AGLINE 152430 152430' 000175 CEDARSTGNS 15984 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 08/06/2009 06/30/2009 I Cheque Amount - 08/06/2009 11:104M 17,772.55 006917 17,772.55 564.19 006918 110.4{t 006918 674.67 109.57 006919 '109.57 200.00 006920 200.00 291.18 006921 291-18 16.94 006922 86.78 006922 GRAVEL, STONE REPI.ACE BI.ADES, FILTERS GAGE WI-IEEL ARM REPAIR PARTS IáTEX GLOVES 0712712009 07t29t2009 Cheque Amount - OOO181 CHITTERS SEPTIC SERVICES U9672 PUMP GREASE TRAP AT V.C.C. 0612412009 I Cheque Amount - OOO2O1 COLEMAN EQUIPMENT INC 198791 KN|\ÆS 0611712009 I Cheque Amount - OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 23098168 PAPER-CANARY 23098262 PENS, NOTEBOOKS 07t30t2æ9 I Cheque Amount - CAUTION SLOWMOVING SIGN O7I17I2OO9 I 07t29l2@r9 0712912009 Cheque Amount- OOO212 COUNTYOFELGIN 2OO9-013 CULVERT REPAIRS. RCHMD ROA 0/.IO9I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - 001375 CRANBERRYKENNELS 56107 Heritage Line QUARA¡{TINE OF STRAY CAT Cheque Amount - OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC t-91105{)TANKTRUCK HOSE 0712012009 I Cheque Amount - @0316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD 103.72 2,529.21 2,529.21 260.00 260.00 42.83 006925 T051620 POLECHAINSAW T051658 SMOOTH DRUM ROLLER 0711712009 0713112009 42.83 50.85 006926 1,119.44 006926 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTts27661 oNTts278l9 Cheque Amount -1,170.29 23.95 006927 31.77 006927 07t1612009 07t23t2009 Cheque Amount -55.72 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 188 of 265 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 OOO339 FIRESERVICE MANAGEMENT LTD MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Regíster - 08/06/2009 0713012w9 I Cheque Amount - 08/06/2009 l1:104M 104.00 006928CLEANING SUITS 000346 FORM & BUILD SUPPLY INC 290470 GEOTEXTILE 001568 GEORGE FRIESEN refund deposit 0æ427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 07t24t2009 I Cheque Amount - REFUND GRADING DEPOSIT 0713112009 I Cheque Amount - 418939 1,466.45 500.00 104.00 1,466.45 006929 006930 006932 006933 006935 Jul 01181-23005 Jul 1265G91004 Jul 1885G12458 Jul 1897144027 Jul '18971-5200'l Jul 28799-40004 Ju|34853{1007 Jul4385G12541 Jul 50250-12458 Ju|5645G12330 Jul 6276G43000 Jul7525ù12272 Jul8777ù20012 Jul 9385G12278 Jul9385&910'19 Jul 9397G20342 UTILITIES - INFO CENTRÉ UTILITIES - PUMP#8 UTILITIES. PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES. PUMP#1 UTILÍTIES . BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES - PB CENTEN PARK UTILITIES. MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT LAUNCH UTILÍTIES - E.C.C. UTILITIES. LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES. EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES. PUMP#7 uTtLtTtEs -v.c.c. 07t31t2009 0713112009 07131f2009 07t3112009 07t31f2009 07ß1noo9 07ß1/2009 07t31t2W9 071312.009 071312.0Æ,9 07t31t2009 0713112009 07t31t2009 07ß112009 07ß112009 0713112009 500.00 63.48 006931 127.05 006931 177.47 006931 37.74 006931 9'r.60 00693f 250.N 00693'l 262.37 006931 130.34 006931 184.86 006931 52.48 006931 I't.71 006931 46.29 006931 162.10 006931 176.98 006931 67.10 006931 821.73 006931 OOO444 J/E BEARING AND MACHINE LTD 262825 BOLTS OOO518 KWIK KOPY PRINTING 24481 NEWSLETTER OOO548 LLOYD MCQUIGGAN &SONS O32MO HAULING GRAVEL 032443 HAULINGGRAVEL OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY Cheque Amount - o7t23t2009 I 2,743.70 172.66 Cheque Amount - 08/04/2009 I 172.æ 199.45 Cheque Amount -'t99.45 3,167.21 006934 3,199.20 006934 0710812009 0710812009 Cheque Amount-6,366.4't 36.820t'GAS - FIRE DEPT 06/06/2009 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 189 of 265 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 018 046 36 1N00104233 1N00104254 OOO734 R.A. PILKEY 15456 5818 5842 æ21 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10365870 10365871 10365872 10366375 10366376 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 08/06/2009 08/06/2009 11:104M GAS - RESCUE UNIT ROUND FILE & FILE HANDLE GAS - RESCUE UNIT GRANUAL STONE GRA\ÆL CATCH BASIN, GRATE COUPLERS, GRATE, BIG'O' BIG'O', STEEL CUL\ÆRT 07t11t2009 06/10/2009 07/302009 57.00 006935 20.20 006935 48.41 006935 000637 NEVILLEPROPANE 96 PROPANE 000679 OXFORD SAND &GRAVEL LTD Cheque Amount - 0612512009 I 162.43 67.20 006936 m6938 006940 006942 006943 Cheque Amount-67.20 220.16 006937 900.39 006937 0712312009 07f2412009 Cheque Amount - 0712012009 I 1,120.55 231.57NOZZLE,BOLTS, REPAIR OOO747 REID'S PRE€AST CEMENT PRODUCT Cheque Amount -231.57 366.12 006939 803.56 006939 932.52 006939 0612312009 0612912009 m,t1'/2009 I I I 000796 SANDS CANADA INCJANGUS 00662792 LATEX GLO\ES Cheque Amount - 0712912009 I 2,102.20 208.91 I.AB FEES I.AB FEES IáB FEES LAB FEES I.AB FEES Cheque Amount -208.91 385.35 006941 278.25 006941 96.60 006941 120.75 006941 703.50 006941 07128/2009 07f28/2009 07128t2009 0712912009 0712912009 I I I I I Cheque Amount - 001569 SIMON WAGLER HOMES INC refund deposit REFUND GRADING DEPOSIT 0713112009 I Cheque Amount - OO157O SUPERSHOPPERWEEKLYNEWS 1097 VACATION AT HOME - AD 07t29t2009 I Cheque Amount - 001418 TELUS 0'15894762013 015894762013', 1,5U.45 500.00 500.00 164.85 DOLLAR POOL SAVINGS OTHER CHARGES & CREDITS 0712712009 0712712009 164.85 -188.47 0069,14 13.15 0069,14 c I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 190 of 265 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 08/06/2009 11:104M Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 08/06/2009 015894762013/2005876 CELL PHONE - P. GROENEVELD O7l27l2ú9 I 52.75 006944 015894762013/6171156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 07127/2cr,9 I 50.79 0069,14 015894762013/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 07l27l2mg I 43.60 0069¿14 01589476201T6365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 0712712009 I 38.79 006944 015894762013/6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 1 07127n009 I 40.7'1 006944 0158947620't3/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 0712712009 I 38.79 006944 015894762013/6366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 0712712009 I 243.24 006944 0158%762013/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 0712712009 I 1s3.02 @6944 015894762013/6369464 CELLPHONE-KKRUGER 0712712009 I 50.66 006944 015894762013/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER O7l27næ9 I 45.97 006944 015894762013/9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 07127120119 I 38.79 006944 Cheque Amount - 621.79 OOI571 TOWN OFTILLSONBURG 570 WATER LEAKATTANK 0713112009 t 473.27 006945 Cheque Amount- 473.27 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.ATIIDE 0963 INFOTECHNOLOGY-AUGUST O3l11l20o9 I 258.30 006946 Cheque Amount - 258.æ OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPA¡.IY PCK1473 SIGNALS @0930 TSC STORES L.P. 18.1024896 FORESTRY KIT 18102æ02 STEEL POSTS o8/0't/2009 I 560.98 006947 ChequeAmount- 560.98 07t21f2009 r 56.49 006948 o7ß1nm9 I 270.97 006948 Cheque Amount - 327.46 @0944 VAN GORP FARM DRAINAGE LTD 5436 CATCH BASTNS, STEEL P|PE 07t29t2009 r 7,570.50 006949 Cheque Amount - 7,570.50 001285 VVEEDBUSTERS 4063 VVEEDSPRAY o7l212:AO9 I 225.75 006950 Cheque Amount - 225.75 001246 VVELLINGTON GAS & CONVENIENCE fire dept GAS 08/062009 I 620.51 006951 ChequeAmount- 620.51 000981 wLsoN's t-Awlt CARE Julyl-July 31/09 JULY'09 GRASS CUTTING O7l31l2ú9 I 2,751.00 006952 shaçening BLADE SHARPENING 06/30/2009 I 42.00 006952 Cheque Amount - 2,793.00 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 191 of 265 Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive...Page 192 of 265 SORW I.IUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAH TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 9 ,294.49 PAYROL \vr' CANADA ECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COI'IPANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 9,294.49 I ,9t5. 80 5,O22.64 | , L72 .9A L7 ,443.9L 44,646.77 50.00 44,696.77 ANALYSIS OF ITEì.I HOURLY WORKPAYS COURIER FEE I55.83 62,I80.6E I55.83 6.79 62,323.30 SERVICE CHARGES UNITS CHARGE 22 34.98 1 12.00 ADP LT RUN: JUL L4 2OO9 N0: A PAGE: I098 GST REG: I00057413 RTO004 COÌ,|PANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: JUL 15, 2009 DATE 0F PAY: JUL 17, 2009 YTD TOTAL L35,723.77 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 27 ,AO3.23 EI CoNT QPIP69,632.42 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 15,533.00 0N EHT I.IB HET NL HAPSET 244,69".42 TOT STATS 56,607.50 CHEQUES 554,276-37 DEPOSITS US DEPS 75O. OO DED DEPS 6LL,633.A7 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 460,326.29 T0T PAYRoL ",L94.3T SERV CHRG LO9.72 GST PST A62,630.32 GRAND TOT UNITS CHARGE I 46.00 ADJUST.DR FEDL IAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT t{B HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT r,993.80 5,O22 -64 L , L72 .9A 17,483. 9t 44,646.77 50.00 44 ,696 .77 62 , LAO .68 155. 85 6.79 62,323.s0 YTD ADJUST ITEH PAYROLL RUNS ITEI'I UNITS CHARGE SALARIED WORKPAYS 21 55.59 PAY ADVICE FOLD 43 9.46 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS 6?,323.3o DEBIT INFORHATION: 003 05102 10I1925 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 6 8 3 7 t o C h e q u e # 6 9 5 3 i n c l u s i v e . . . P a g e 1 9 3 o f 2 6 5 80Rl¡, l{UNICIpALITy OF BAyHAtl TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT FEDL TAX 9,324.90 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT t ,887. 08 QPIP cAN PEN 4,575.54 QC PEN QC HSF 0N EHT 1,176.98I{B HET NL HAPSET T0T STATS L6,964.50 CHEQUES DEPOSITS 44,A42.LS US DEPS DED DEPS 50. OO 10T NPAY .r4,892-L5 RRSP RTI ITEH UNITS CHARGE SALARIED WORKPAYS ?L 55.59 PAY ADVICE FOLD 43 9.46 TOTAL S,/C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS ,v ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORTCOHPANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 9,324.90 I , E87.08 4,575.54 L,L76.9E L6 ,964.50 4q,842.L5 50.00 44,892.L5 ANALYSIS OF ITEH HOURLY U'ORKPAYS COURIER FEE 155.85 6t,456.65 135.85 6.79 6L,999 .27 SERVICE CHARGES UNITS CHARGE 22 34-94 I 12.00 ADJUST-DR RUN: JUL 2A 2Og9 NO: A PAGE:1920 GST REG: I000574I3 RTO004 C0Ì{PANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: JUL 29, 2009 DATE 0F PAY: JUL 5I , 2OO9 YTD TOTAL L45,O4A.67 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 29,690.3L EI CONT QPTP 74,207 .96 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF L6,709.9A 0N EHT HB HET NL HAPSET 265,656.92 T0T STATS 56,607 .50 CHEQUES 599,118.52 DEPoSITS US DEPS 8OO. OO DED DEPS 656,826.O2 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 922,L4".94 TOT PAYROL 2,550.14 SERV CHRG I 16.5I GST PST 924,629.59 GRAND TOT UNITS CHARGE L 46-00 TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT 6L ,A56 .65 155.83 6.79 6L,999.27 YTD ADJUST I TEI{ PAYROLL RUNS 6L'999.27 DEBIT INFoRHATIoN: 005 05I02 101I925 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 6 8 3 7 t o C h e q u e # 6 9 5 3 i n c l u s i v e . . . P a g e 1 9 4 o f 2 6 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger SUBJECT: lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund - Not-For Profit Projects DATE: August 7,2009 FILE: Fl l NUMBER: F2009-36 Purpose This report is to recommend approval of an application under the new lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund - Not-for-Profit Intake regarding the Eden Community Centre. Backsround On July 28th, federal and provincial representatives announced the establishment of an Intake for Not- for-Profit organizations under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, with an application deadline of August 18th, 2009. The program will provide up to 1/3 funding from the federal government (up to ll2 in exceptional circumstances). The funding is matched by Ontario. Eligible recipients must be incorporated as a Not-for-Profit entity (possess an incorporation number), and the Program will give priority to the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure assets. Staff Comments Information on the program has been shared with the Eden and Area Community Centre. Representatives have indicated interest in making application for the various works identified as required for the Community Centre. Given that the building is municipally owned, staff and the Eden and Area Community Centre representatives are seeking Council approval to proceed. Strateeic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #6 - Provide and Encourage Attractive Lifestyle Choices Recommendation That council acknowledge and support application by the Eden and Area Community Centre for repairs to the Eden Community Centre building under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund - Not-for-Profit Intake. Staff Report F2009-36 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund...Page 195 of 265 Page 196 of 265 Page I of2 Lynda Millard From: Tracey Davies [davies@amtelecom.net] Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 11:04 PM To: Tracey Davies, Tri County Appraisal Subject: Calton Hall Pork BBQ on August 22 ( /3 Annual Calton Hall Pork BBa st 22 Dinner Sen¡ed to lùfaÍntain our ¡8oots Schoolhlruse 8t512009 6z3() to T3o pm Request for use of Municipal sign regarding "Calton Hall Por...Page 197 of 265 Page 2 of2 BBQ_WhnKlsehsn Entertainment by "The Next Generation of Country Music" Aduolnce Tíckets $tz At the Door $tS Chíldren urtder ro --- $8 ChíIdren uttder S ---.free 765-47L2 or any Calton HaIl Volunteer Tri County Appraisals & Coldwell Banker at Success Realty ste-76s-16e4 Homeoffice Tracey Davies Coldwell Banker at Success Realty 52 Talbot Street East Aylmer, ON N5H 1H4 tel : 5 19-765-4993 fax 5L9-765-4989 mobile:519-671-6918 tracey-davies@coldwel lbanker.ca davies@amtelecom. net www.traceydavies.ca 81512009 Request for use of Municipal sign regarding "Calton Hall Por...Page 198 of 265 '/ CORPORATION OF THE MUNTCIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\IDT]M TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Report C2009-14 - Cemetery Markers Glen Erie Line DATE: August 6,2009 FILE: Council received and deferred consideration of Report C2009-14 at its July l6th,2009 meeting, in order for staff to obtain costs for alternative methods to remove cemetery markers located at Glen Erie Line. Specifically, the potential use of a crane to remove the markers was to be investigated. Attached is information obtained by the Manager of Public V/orks in response to that request. It should also be noted that the County of Elgin has advised they plan rehabilitation of the slope east of the bridge, likely in Spring 2010. Tenders will likely proceed this fall. Removal of the approximately 5 identified markers can likely be done in concert with the County works, at relatively minor additional cost. Staff Memorandum regarding Report C2009-14 - Cemetery Marker...Page 199 of 265 Further to the Council Meeting of July 16,2009 we have investigated several methods of removing the stones from the toe of the slope of the roadway on Glen Erie Line. ) We have called in a crane operator who stated he could not remove the stones due to the fact hydro lines were present and made the removal impossible as well as very dangerous in working this close to high voltage lines. We had spoken with the homeowner in the region and he refuses to allow access to his property, as he is concerned with liability. à Our second thought was to traverse the waterway system with a flat bottomed boat, simply pick the stones from the bank and waterway and leave in the boat but the access through the area is impossible due to the vegetation and number of fallen trees. t A final thought is to simply place a basket from the roadway and winch the stones up the bank but due to the terrain we feel the stones would be broken before they arrive at the top of the hill. Here again we would be faced with reinstating the waterway and the bank Due to the number of trees in the way of a basket system this would be almost improbable that we would have the stones arrive at the top of the hill intact. Gerry LeMay Manager Public Works Staff Memorandum regarding Report C2009-14 - Cemetery Marker...Page 200 of 265 Approximate Costings to Remove Gravestone - Glen Erie Ln - This estimation will only encompass the removal of the existing five (5) or so stones which are present and easily seen. If excavation into the bank begins the price will increase dramatically. Contractor to remove stone $ 4,500 plus GST Silt fencing and restoration $ 7,500 plus GST Approval from working in watershed If Municipality does the work These rules must be adhered to $ 0 for permit -Sediment and erosion control such as erosion fences must be in place. Not working in a high flow event, which is at present time. Area where soil has been disturbed the sediment fences must remain until vegetation has been established. Use of vegetation or rock rubble or both as stabilization. In order to access permits the time frame is from 3 to 5 weeks. Surveying costs to ensure we are working on MunicipaVCounty property $ 2'500 plus GST Engineer on site to ensure the stabitity of toe of slope- give Engineering advice (Shoulder of road) $145 per hour Approximate Total $ 15,000 plus GST Staff Memorandum regarding Report C2009-14 - Cemetery Marker...Page 201 of 265 Page 202 of 265 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: August 5,2009 FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk FILE: C13 SUBJECT: Marriage Officiant NIIMBER: C2009-016 PURPOSE This report is provide Council with additional information in response to correspondence and a request from Marion Rogers that marriage licenses be issued by the municþality and to give consideration to hire and appoint her as a wedding ofEciant. BACKGROT]ND Although the Municipality of Bayham is permitted by The Marriage Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER M.3, Bayham does not currently issue Marriage Licenses. The following are excerpts from this Act or Regulations: Issuers 11. (1) Marriage licences may be issued by the clerk of every local municipality except a township. 2002, c.17, Sched. F, Table. Deputy issuers (3) An issuer may, with the approval in writing of the Minister or of the head of the council of the local municipality of which he or she is clerk, appoint in writing one or more deputies to act for him or her, and any such deputy while so acting has the power of the issuer appointing him or her. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.3, s. 11 (3); 2002, c.17, Sched. F, Table. Notice of appointment of deputy (a) The issuer shall, upon appointing a de,puty, forthwith transmit to the Minister a notice of the appointment, and of the name and official position of the person by whom the appointment has been approved, and the Minister may at any time cancel the appointment. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.3, s. 11 (4). Licence fees 1.1 (3) Subject to section 16 of the Act, an applicant for a licence shall pay a fee of $75 on the issue of the licence. O. Reg. 418/96, s. l. 5. (1) For each licence issued, the issuer of the licence shall remit $48 to the Minister of Finance and retain $27. O. Reg. 418/96, s. 3. (2) Where the issuer is the clerk of a municipality, the council of the municipality may commute the issuer's fees provided for in subsection (l) for a fixed sum payable annually by the municipality to the issuer, in which case the fees that would otherwise be retained by the issuer shall belong to the municipality. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 738, s. 5 (2). (3) Where the council and the issuer do not agree upon the amount of the commutation, the amount may be fixed by a judge. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 738, s. 5 (3). Staff Report C2009-016 regarding Marriage Officiant. File: ...Page 203 of 265 Report C2009-016 Who may solemnize marriage 20. (1) No person shall solemnize a marnage unless he or she is authorized by or under section24 or is registered under this section as a person authorized to solemnize marriage. R.S.O. 7990, c. M.3, s. 20 (1). Application for registration (2) Upon application the Minister may, subject to subsection (3), register any person as a person authorized to solemnize marriage. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.3, s. 20 (2). Who may be registered (to solemnize marriage (religious marriage) (3) No person shall be registered unless it appears to the Minister, (a) that the person has been ordained or appointed according to the rites and usages of the religious body to which he or she belongs, or is, by the rules of that religious body, deemed ordained or appointed; (b) that the person is duly recognized by the religious body to which he or she belongs as entitled to solemnize marriage according to its rites and usages; (c) that the religious body to which the person belongs is permanently established both as to the continuity of its existence and as to its rites and ceremonies; and (d) that the person is resident in er parish or pastoral charge in whole or in part in Ontario; provided that in the is in Ontario temporarily and who, if resident in Ontario, might be registered , the Minister may register him or her as authorized to solemnize marriage during a period to be fixed by the Minister. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.3, s. 20 (3). Civil marriage 24. (l) Ajudge, ajustice ofthe peace or any other person ofa class designated by the regulations may solemnize marriages under the authority of a licence. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.3, s. 24 (1). Note: On a dav to be named bv proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor. subsection (1) is repealed by the Statuteı of OntarÍo, 2002, chapter 25, section I and the foltowing súbstituted: ' ' CivÍI marriage (l) A judge, a justice of the peace, a marriage commissioner or any other person of a class designated by the regulations may solernnize marriages under the authority of a licence. 2002, c. 25, s. 1. See:2002, c.25, ss. 1,2. R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 738 Section 1.1 states 1.1 For the purposes of subsection 24 (1) of the Act, the clerk of a local municipality is authorized to solemnize marriages under the authority of a licence. O. Reg. 285/04, s. I. (civil) The Munícipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, C25 states: Clerk 228. (I) A municipality shall appoint a clerk whose duty it is, (a) to record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the council; (b) if required by any member present at a vote, to record the name and vote of every member voting on any matter or question; (c) to keep the originals or copies of all byJaws and of all minutes of the proceedings of the council; (d) to perform the other duties required under this Act or under any other Act; and (e) to perform such other duties as are assigned by the municipality. 2007, c. 25, s.228 (l). Deputy clerks (2) Amunicipality may appoint deputy clerks who have all the po\À/ers and duties of the clerk under this and any other Act. 2001, c.25, s.228 (2). Not required to be an employee (3) A clerk or deputy clerk is not required to be an employee of the municipality . 2001 , c. 25, s.228 (3). 2- Staff Report C2009-016 regarding Marriage Officiant. File: ...Page 204 of 265 Report C2009-016 -3 - Delegation (a) The clerk may delegate in writing to any person, other than a member of council, any of the clerk's powers and duties under this and any other Act. 200I, c.25, s.228 (4). Clerk retains polYers and duties (5) The clerk may continue to exercise the delegated powers and duties, despite the delegation. 2001, c.25, s. 228 (5). STAF'F COMMENTS the Registrar General has been contacted by telephone and has confirmed that the above as not yet been proclaimed. Neither are they aware of any plans to extend the authority to conduct civil marriage solemnization beyond a judge, a justice of the peace, the clerk of a local municipality or any other person of a class designated by the regulations under the authority of a licence. To summarize legislation, therefore municipal clerks have been delegated the authority to perform civil marriages under the Marriage Act. Further, the Clerk may delegate that power to another person pursuant to Section 228(4) of the Municipal Act. There is at least one example of a Council that has directed the implementation of civil marriage solernnization services under Regulation 285/04 (amending Reg 738) and the Marriage Act and supported the clerk in delegating her authority to appoint other individuals to conduct such services. In that case, Municipal staffare involved with the appointees and throughout the wedding planning process, making facililtybooking anangements and collecting a minimal fee. The municipalþ is currently looking at more formalized arrangements with the appointees, developing rules of engagement and a code of conduct. Often arrangements are for second marriages with smaller gatherings on private property. The municipal intent is to provide a service option to citizens, not to make money. Though it is possible for the Clerk to delegate the authority to conduct marriages, Council should be aware that staff do have concerns with the delegation of such duties and responsibilities to members of the public at large as the ultimate responsibility still remains with the Clerk. Also, concerns regarding liability remain and may need to be addressed. If this delegation were to proceed, staff would suggest at minimum that certain training would be required for such individual as well as, confirmation of liability and insurance considerations. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal # 3 Goal # 4 Goal# 6 Create a positive business atmosphere Be dedicated to service excellence Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices RECOMMENDATION "Provided for Council discussion and consideration." Respectfully submitted Reviewed by Staff Report C2009-016 regarding Marriage Officiant. File: ...Page 205 of 265 Page 206 of 265 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM MEMORANDUM DATE: Iuly24,2009 TO: Council FROM: Kyle Kruger RE: Volunteer Recognition Night 2009 NUMBER: C2009-07 The Vienna Community Centre has been tentatively booked for the evening of November 26th for the annual Volunteer Recognition Night. Last year the event was held at the Bayham Community Centre. As in years past, nominations will be requested for a 2009 Citizen of the Year and two (2) Community Volunteer Awards and one (1) Youth Volunteer Award. The deadline for nominations will be Friday November 6,2009. Staff recommends that Council confirm the date of November 26,2009 for the 2009 Volunteer Recognition Night so that notification can begin. Recognition Gifts Council has been hosting this event each year since 2005. It has been past practice to present each volunteer with a small token of appreciation. Each year it becomes a bigger challenge to come up with an original gift idea while staying within budget. A large amount of time is spent after the event attempting to present the gift to those who did not attend. Staff suggests a change to past practice. The suggestion is for Council to request of the newly appointed "Citizen of the Year" the name of their favourite "Registered Charity" so that the municipality could make a donation to that charity in their name. The donation amount would be equal to the purchase cost of gifts. In keeping with the volunteerism theme, the monies would benefit a volunteer organization. Format Additionally, the program has included recognition and gift for each person nominated for an award, and invitation and introduction of each and every volunteer on municipal boards, committees, and subcommittees. Though the recognition of volunteers is important for the municipality, the exercize in its current form is quite labour intensive, estimated at I week of full time work. Staff Memorandum regarding Volunteer Recognition Night 2009....Page 207 of 265 As well, there are many other dedicated individuals volunteering in the community who are not part of this recognition (ie: Lions and Optimist Clubs, etc). As an altemative format, Council may consider awards solely to successful nominees, and general invitation to all formal community volunteer organizations to a recognition event. The event itself could continue generally as the past several years, or could change to various possibilities, such as a summer community barbecue etc. RECOMMENDATION THAT Staff Memorandum C2009-07 regarding Volunteer Recognition Night 2009 be received; AND THAT Council confirm the 2009 Volunteer Recognition Night be held November 26, 2009 at 7:00pm at the Vienna Community Centre; Staff Memorandum regarding Volunteer Recognition Night 2009....Page 208 of 265 Aug. 10,2009 Council members, My non-profit organization S.A.N.Y.A (Spay And Neuter Your Animals) has been helping the Bayham community for a number of years now, taking in stray/unwanted cats, having them spayed/neutered, vaccinating them and then helping f,rnd good homes for them. Our annual S.A.N.Y.A fundraising yard sale was postponed earlier this year due to unforeseen circumstances. We are planning to have the event take place over the next couple of weeks, we are just not sure on the exact date. I would inform as soon as possible. It would be greatly appreciated if we could use the Municipal sign to advertise for this event. We need all the help we can get to advertise as it will not be held on the same day as in earlier years. The annual sale that we hold, helps pay for some of the costs mentioned above. All other monies come from donations and of course myself. Thank you for taking the time to consider this request. Yours truly, Marion Paterson 40 Shakespeare Port Burwell, ON NOJ 1TO 519-874-473s Request from S.A.N.Y.A. (Spay And Neuter Your Animals) to us...Page 209 of 265 Page 210 of 265 Quarterly Report for The Bayham Water Distribution System for the period ending June 30, 2009 Waterworks # 260004748 Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the first quarter's water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Gompliance With Provincial Requlations: The Municipality of Bayham water system is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analyticaltests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Operation by Licensed Operators: The water distribution system is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) Regulation 128104. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the ceilification exam. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the pe...Page 211 of 265 . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by the OWRA Regulation 170103, the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipalíty adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Svstem lnformation: Facility Name: Bayham Water Distribution System Contact: Municipal Location: Municipality of Bayham Water and Wastewater Superintendent: Ed Roloson ( overall responsible operator ) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler & Adam Swance Service Area: Port Burwelland Vienna Service Population: 2500 Operational Description: Bayham Water System is serviced by the Elgin Area Water System. lncluding the Municipalities of Central Elgin and Malahide. Raw Water Source: Lake Erie Treated Water: Elgin Area Water System Disinfection Method: Gas chlorination at Elgin Area Water Plant Secondary Disinfection Method: The sodium hypochlorite is residual and flow paced at the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Rechlorination Facility. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the pe...Page 212 of 265 Section 4 - Analytical Test Results: Micro biological Aoril Mav lune Quarterê..----,rt^f- ,ll'^ê lotal Coliform IFU/100mls tlumber of Samples 12 12 15 39 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 tlin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 lesample :ecal Goliform or E-Goli Count IFU/100mls lumber of Samples 12 '|'2 15 39 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 \4in / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Heterotrophic Plate Count / Backqround lumber of Samples 12 12 l5 39 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min / Max lxceedences 0 0 0 0 lesample fypical Source of lontamination Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come fron ;eptic systems, agricultural livestock operations, wildlife, and wastewatet :reatment olants. Somments: Samples are collected weekly from the Port BurwellWorks Yard, Port Burwell rVastewater Treatment Plant and in Vienna at the Vienna Home Centre. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the pe...Page 213 of 265 Operational Parameters April May June Quarter summary MAC/IMAC Ghlorine Residual Free Number of Samoles 12 12 15 39 Number of Detectable Results below Reg. requirements 0 0 0 0 Min/Max 0.82- 1.30 0.82- 1.08 0.65 - 1.27 0.65 - 1.30 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Exceedances 0 0 0 0 Comments Operational Parameters April May June Quarter summary MAC/IMAC Ghlorine Residual Free ldailv ) Daily chlorine testing is done at the extremities of Vienna & Pt. Burwell. Number of Samoles 60 62 60 182 Number of Detectable Results below Reg. requirements 0 0 0 0 Mín/Max. mg/l Port Burwell 0.42 - 1.22 0.48 - 0.79 0.39 - 0.76 o.39 -1.22 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Min/Max. mg/l Vienna 0.68 - 1.24 0.43 -O.74 0.35 -0.69 0.35 -1.24 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Section 5 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse results during this time period. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the pe...Page 214 of 265 Parameter Compound MAC or IMAC Trihalomethanes louarterlv) 0.0460 mg/L Port Burwell 0.0350 mo/L Vienna 0.100 mg/L Lead Pb (tested in 2no & 3'd ouarter )0 - 3.69 ug/L 10 ug/L MAC Section 6 . List of all Gompounds Detected in Analvsis of Water Samples: Section 7 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAG - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAC - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Goliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occuning rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Goliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Gount (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the pe...Page 215 of 265 Municipality of Bayham At7l2OO9 Daily Process Data Collection 1Facility: Bayham Water DistributionWorks: 12600047481-BayhamWaterDistributionMonth: January-O9 to June-O9 GALL INS FOR lst QUARTER 2009 Date Category Details 1l6l20o9oper.HighlightCallln.2hours-Shutoff shut off valve for the water meter. 111912009 Oper. Highlight Call ln - 2 hours - Erie Vu Trailer Park out of water due to water leak of the service line after the meter chamber. Turned down water valves to reduce water loss. Leak was captured be the meters. 112312009 Oper. Highlight Call ln - t hour - Turned back on water for Erie Vu Trailer Park after repair was made. CALL INS FOR 2nd QUARTER 2009 Date Category Details There were NO Call lns for the 2nd quarter of 2009. B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t f o r t h e p e . . . P a g e 2 1 6 o f 2 6 5 Quarterly Report for The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending June 30, 2009 Straffordville Community Gentre Bayham Medical Centre Bayham Municipal Office Straffordville Library Straffordville Firehall Eden & Area Community Gentre Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the second quarter water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Compliance With Provincial Requlations: The well systems listed above are operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: Sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 318/08 are fully complied with. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the MunicipalWastewater Treatment Plant. Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells Quarterly Repor...Page 217 of 265 . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Analvtical Test Results: Micro biological Parameters April May June Quarter Summarv MAC / IMAC lotal Coliform :ounts/100mls tlumber of Samples 12 12 l8 42 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Goliform or E-Goli Gount ;ounts/100mls rlumber of Samples 12 12 r8 42 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 tlin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 lesample Absent Heterotrophic Plate Count & Background Sount No longer required under new rezulatior {umber of Samoles 0 0 0 0 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 tlin / Max lxceedences 0 0 0 0 Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells Quarterly Repor...Page 218 of 265 Section 4 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no microbiological adverse result during this time period. o Allfacilities are posted non-potable and bottled water is provided. Section 6 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAG - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAG - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Goliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Parameter Gompound MAC or IMAG Nitrates No longer required to be tested under new rezulation 10 mg/L MAC Sodium As above 20 mslL MAC Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells Quarterly Repor...Page 219 of 265 Page 220 of 265 Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Bayham Annual Compliance Summary Year: Worbt: Populatlm Scmd: Dulgn Avg Flw(#): 2009 lt000l319 21û 1080 FLOTYS SUSPÊNDED PHOSPHORUS NITRC'GEN SERIES2009Tdrll{.x D¡y Avo. Rú ^Yo. R¡ú ^h- Ei-AY¡. E L Avo. Ldd ^vû- Rd lvd E Aw.ElL l^vo-Lo¡d ^vd-Elf-^và E F Côll DO 9HFldFldFldCBODCBôDCBôDcgcssssssPhd-Phd,Phø.lt{. + NH,Nlld.NlHt Gæ. taanñ3lmorllmorLllkollmrLlcnul0oml norl- J¿nu¡ry t8532 639 0 802 0 177.4 I t_GO 7 o.9ı 081 ô-75 o.77 521 512 72îF.t 21729 776 0 A)Bî n.o Itì:l-91 8-m aa1 20Aa â70 5.21'6_34 o9l o71 214 1.66 ll 33 oa1 ?M 1tt 7.2fMaElr2s242af1-1 1778 0 1M2 e5 l2 tm 610 896 7-m ßto 3.63 0.38 031 367 320 5ll o.22 o70 525 f27 ^ôñl 2nie 745 ß @i 1stt.3 121 19 6-80 3.21 167 a 9.ft 7.27 519 oil o26 177 134 882 o22 lm 5.14 f .24 MâY 20O6,4 ß91-9 lm7 0 312 5 21À 22 6.5()¡l.l¡117.3 t-80 ¡4 5.75 o21 î17 os o1q f .22 o27 oû2 553 f6t64t56E.3 6i¿2.O Ito-t 97 i7 ßm at1 l¿l ô 7.m ¡109 5S NT o1t o21 o12 lom o2\,t.61 5.56 715Julv Auourl Octôb.r Novambcr AVERÁGE 2î712-1 ,1t7 12tL5 5-07 155.33 t.30 tel 0.t7 132 1.ao 731MAXt¡rUt 25262.O Ezt-t 202t-o ß21 fi.80 f -41 0.9c lal 307 320 f45 CRITERI Àô? 16 - Nd 30 t0ß0-o <15 t5.90 < l5 108 <2 2L 200.00cRllFRtll06tt.0 <15 l5_m . li 90 10 lot 5.30 TEETS Conc.ntÉtlon Cdt.dr YFS YÊS YE3 YE3 YFl YES YES YES ôgJECÌVES toßo o <lo lo_m <to lam <0tt o-80 <l loß 150.00 >tl 1080-0 <to lom lñ to-co <o75 o¡o I t.l I ls oo >5 R...on¡ lor ftllun, Oth.r Pþbl6a:Rmadhl Ac{on.i Eñu.ntdlrch.r!. to th. Bl9 Oü.rCmk ñ c\ P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t e n d . . . P a g e 2 2 1 o f 2 6 5 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Collection Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant [1 1000f 319] - Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment PlantApril-O9 to June-O9 CALL INS FOR 2nd QUARTER 2009 Details 8t7t2009 1 Facility: Works: Month: 5n 12009 Oper. Highlight 5l'l 1 12009 Oper. Highlight 5121 l2OOg Oper. Highlight 512212009 Oper. Highlight 512812009 Oper. Highlight 61212009 Oper. Highlight 611 412009 Oper. Highlight 612012009 Oper. Highlight 612412009 Oper. Highlight 612512009 Oper. Highlight 612912009 Oper. Highlight Operational Call ln - I hour - Received Lo and LoLo Level alarms from Pump Station #1 acknowledged alarms. Call ln - t hour - Received Lo and LoLo Level alarms from Pump Station #l (Eden). Reset and (Eden). Reset and Call ln - I hour - Received Lo and Level Transmitter Failure alarms from Pump Station #1 (Eden). Reset and acknowledged alarms. Call ln - Received multiple alarms for Level Transmitter Failure from Pump Station #1 (Eden) Call ln - t hour - Received Lo and Level Transmitter Failure alarms from Pump Station #1 (Eden). Reset and acknowledged alarms. Call ln - 2.5 hours - Received Lo and HiHi Level alarms from Pump Station #1 (Eden). Reset and High Flows (Weather)Power Failure/Outage P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t e n d . . . P a g e 2 2 2 o f 2 6 5 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Temporary Operator - Water Infrastructure Renewal Project DATE: August 6,2009 FILE: NUMBER: H2009-08 Purpose This report is to recommend the retention of a Temporary Water/V/astewater Operator, and to present a proposed Letter of Understanding between the Municipality and CUPE Local 35.4 to facilitate the position. Background At the July 16th, 2009 meeting, Council approved proceeding with the tender from Omega Construction to proceed with the Water Infrastructure Renewal Project. Staff are proceeding to make hnal arrangements to commence this project, and at the same time are continuing to try to identiff opportunities to reduce the project costs. It has been identified that the approved tender (and all tenders received) include sub-contracting for daily sampling, testing etc. required throughout the project. The costs for this service are significant, estimated at $58,800 for the construction period. Staff are suggesting that we may be able to retain a trained individual (an OIT designation is the minimum qualification needed) who may then be able to carry out this work. As an additional consideration, the current collective agreement with CUPE does not contemplate a rate of pay for such a temporary position. As such, a Letter of Understanding with CUPE would be required. Staff Comment With the scope of work required as part of the Project, staff believe a trained individual could provide the sampling, chlorine testing etc. required, as well as support other works in the water/wastewater department. The estimated cost for such an individual, hired on a temporary basis as a municipal employee for the duration of the project, is $15,000 to $20,000 inclusive of supervision. This is based on a 4O-hour work week. As mentioned, the current collective agreement with CUPE does not include a rate of pay for a temporary position in the Water/Wastewater department. Therefore, the attached Letter of Understanding with CUPE has been negotiated, and is now presented for Council consideration. To confirm, the position would be in place only for the duration of this specific project. Attachments 1. Proposed Letter of Understanding - CUPE Staff Report H2009-08 regarding Temporary Operator - Water I...Page 223 of 265 2 Strategic Plan Goal: Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management. GoaI#2 - Ensure reliable, well-maintained and secure infrastructure. Recommendations: l. THAT the Letter of Understanding with CUPE Local35.4 as attached to Report H2009-08 be approved; 2. THAT staff be authorized to proceed with retaining a Temporary WaterlWastewater Operator for the duration of the 'Water Infrastructure Renewal Project. lly submiued, Staff Report H2009-08 regarding Temporary Operator - Water I...Page 224 of 265 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COPRORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES AND ITS LOCAL 35.4 It ís mutually agreed and understood between the parties, on a without precedent or prejudice basis, that due to the infrastructure grant provided through the "Build Canada Fund - Community Component" the Employer may hire on a temporary basis, an employee to assist the existing WaterMastewater employees in repair and operation of the municipal water and wastewater systems. The temporary employee, must have O.l.T. Certification in Water Distribution, and notwithstanding Schedule "A" of the Collective Agreement, will be paíd the rate of $15.65 during the temporary placement. This Letter wíll be deemed part of the Collective Agreement and is subject to the Grievance and Arbitration procedures as necessary. Signed this _ day of 2009. FOR THE UNIONFOR THE EMPLOYER DFljblcope49l Staff Report H2009-08 regarding Temporary Operator - Water I...Page 225 of 265 Page 226 of 265 Stantec Consulting Ltd. 800- 171 QueensAvenue London ON NOA 5J7 Tel: (519) 645-2007 Fax: (519) ô45€575 Stantec .t th .f'ìtl\JËr-. i.¡ U. i V t- ,iLji- r n 1tÛ$ July 15,2009 File: 165500486 Mr. Kyle Kruger Administrator Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plak Rd Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Kyle Kruger Dear Mr. Kruger: Reference: Schedule B Class EA - Shore Protection at the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant, Port Stanley Stantec Consulting Ltd. is undertaking a Schedule B - Municipal Class Environment Assessment (Class EA) for the City of London Regional Water Supply Division, on behalf of the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Board. The project concerns repairs and extension to shoreline protection Elgin Area water treatment plant located on the north shore of Lake Erie, approximately 4 km east of Port Stanley. The Class EA was initiated in February 2009 with a notice of commencement published in local newspapers, posted on the City of London website, and sent directly to agencies, departments and divisions in municipal, county, provincial, federal government ànd First Nations, including Walpole lsland First Nation and Caldwell First Nation that are expected to have an interest in the project. Local stakeholders and the conservation authority were contacted too. The notíce of commencement was sent to your office or residence. The Schedule B Class EA process entails two Phases; Phase 1- development of the problem statement, and Phase 2 - ldentification and evaluation of planning level solutíons to the problem and selection of a preferred alternative: As an update to our progress in the Class EA process, we provide you with a technical memorandum detailing; the problem statement, identífied altemative solutions to the problem, their evaluation, and a preliminary preferred alternative. A review of the local environment is also included in the technical memorandum. We would appreciate receiving your comments and concerns regarding the problem statement, alternative solutions, and preliminary preferred solution in writing. Also, please circulate this notíce to other parties within your agency, office or residence who may have an interest in this project. Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 227 of 265 Stanhc July 15, 2009 Page2ot2 Refercnce: Schedule B Glass EA - Shore Protectlon at the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant, Port Stanley Kindly provide your comments in writing to the undersigned on or before August 14,2009 when we intend to post the notice of completion and initiate the thirty{ay review period for the project file concerning this Schedule B Class EA. lf you have any questions or require further information, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. Nina Sampson, HBES, CEPIT Environmental Technician Tel: (519) 64s2007 Fax (519) 6456575 N ina. Sam pson@stantec.com Attachment: TechnicalMemorandum c. Brian Lima, Joint Board of Management Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 228 of 265 Stantec Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Shoreline Protection Technical Memorandum for Phases 1 and2 of the Class EA Process Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 229 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Table of Contents 1.0 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM - ELGIN WTP SHORELINE PROTECTION SCHEDULE B MUN|C|PAL CLASS EA............. ................1.1 1.1 TNTRODUCTTON ......................1.1 1.2 PHASE 1 _ PROBLEM STATEMENT ........1.1 1.3 ENVIRONMENT .....1.2 1.4 PHASE 2 - ALTERNATTVE SOLUTTONS ............... .....1.4 1.4.1 Alternative 1 - Do Nothing ........... Alternative 2 - Beach Nourishment ................ ................. 1 .5 1.4.3 Alternative 3 - Offshore Breakwater to Protect the Low Lift Head|and.............,.. 1.5 1.4.4 Alternative 4 - Repairs to and Extension of Existing Revetment. ......1.6 1.5 SELECTION OF PRELIMINARY PREFERRED SOLUTION ..........1.7 1.6 CONSULTATTON ....1.7 1.7 SUMMARY.......... ....1.8 List of Fiqures and lmaqes IMAGE 1: LOW LIFT STATION HEADLAND AND EAST SIDE AREA OF CONCERN..........1.1 FIGURE 1: EROSION RATE AT ELGIN WTP......... ...........1.2 FIGURE 2: NET DRIFT PATTERN lN LAKE ERIE AT PORT STANLEY ..............1.2 FIGURE 3: NEARSHORE BATHYMETRY ABOUT LOW LIFT HEADLAND ........1.3 FIGURE 4: KGCA REGULATION AREAS AT THE ELGIN WTP.......... .................1.4 List of Tables TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION EVALUATION .................1.8 List of Appendices APPENDIX A: AGENGY AND STAKEHOLDER CONTACT LIST Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 230 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION 1.0 Technical Memorandum - Elgin WTP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Glass EA 1.1 INTRODUCTION This technical memorandum addresses Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Municipal Class EA process for the Elgin WTP Shoreline Protection Project. This project is being undertaken as a Schedule B Municipal Class EA and concerns shoreline protection at the Elgin Water Treatment Plant (WTP) low-lift pumping station headland. A pre-design report by Stantec Consulting Ltd. and Riggs Engineering Ltd. (2006) outlining the situation and recommended maintenance for the low lift headland revetment, including recommended extension of the works to ensure continued long-term protection of the WTP infrastructure, is available in the project file. 1.2 PHASE 1 - PROBLEM STATEMENT On-going lake processes are threatening critical water supply infrastructure at the Elgin WTP located on the north share of Lake Erie about 4km east of Port Stanley. The existing revetment was built in the 1960s to protect the low-lift pumping station headland (lmage 1) has been outflanked on the easf srde by wave-induced scouring. Continuing erosion at this location threatens the tow tift pumping infrastructure, raw water supply line, and fhe access roadway. ln addition, the existing revetment has slumped on the west and south faces and those areas require repair to maintain their protective effectiveness. Ihe WTP serves a population of 105,000 in eight local municipalities, including portions of the City of London. lmage 1: Low Lift Station Headland and East Side Area of Concern Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 231 of 265 1.3 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Technical Memorandum - Elgin WTP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Class EA ENVIRONMENT The north shore of Lake Erie in this area is actively eroding clay and sand bluff, up to 30 m in height. The erosion rate is documented below (Figure 1). Figure 1: Erosion Rate at Elgin WTP The net longshore drift direction is west to east Figure 2. Nearshore substrates are typically a dynamic (moving) thin band of sand over stable clay. Figure 2: Net Drift Pattern in Lake Erie at Port Stanley The closest major tributary is Kettle Creek, approximately 4 km west. Local minor tributaries include Little Creek, approximately 2 km west, and Dexter Creek approximately 4 km east. Local bathymetry (Figure 3) shows that the areas of concern about the low-lift station headland are shallow (<lm)and in the wave-breaking zone. The zone is unstable and is actively eroding. The in-shore substrate is thin, moving band of sand over clay. 12 Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 232 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Technical Memorandum - Elgin WIP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Class EA m*ffi Figure 3: Nearshore Bathymetry About Low Lift Headland The location is within the jurisdiction of the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (KCCA).' Under Conservation Authorities Act, regulation 97/04, the KCCA has established regulated area zones (Regulation Area) along shore and up tributary for local watercourses (Figure 4) and it has a shoreline management plan for the north shore of Lake Erie within its jurisdiction. Shoreplan Engineering Limited, has been engaged to evaluate impacts of the preferred alternative solution on shoreline processes and fit with the KCCA shoreline management plan. There are no impacts on the plan. åg I 1.3 Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 233 of 265 Stantæ ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Technical Memorandum - Elgin WIP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Class EA Figure 4: KCGA Regulation Areas at the Elgin WTP The substrate of the in-shore zone is a thin, moving band of sand over clay providing an unstable shoreline environment that may provide habitat for various species of small forage fish (minnows, shiners, etc.) at various stages of life. Open water species may enter the zone to prey on the forage species as conditions permit. The WTP is flanked on east and west sides by farm properties extending to the Lake Erie shore that are under active cultivation. Dexter Line, a regional road connecting Port Burwell and Port Stanley fronts the WTP on the north side. 1.4 PHASE 2 - ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS The planning level alternatives follow: 1. Do Nothing 2. Beach Nourishment at Erosion Zone 1.4 Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 234 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Technical Memorandum - Elgin WTP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Class EA 3. Off-Shore Breakwater 4. Repair to Existing Revetment and Extension to Lake Erie Shoreline 1.4.1 Alternative 1 - Do Nothing This alternative involves retaining the existing structure as is, carrying out no improvements or expansions. As with all Class EAs, alternative solutions to the project must be reviewed against the "Do Nothing" alternative. The "Do Nothing" Alternative does not address the needs defined in the problem statement and therefore will not be carried forward for further review in this Class EA process. 1.4.2 Alternative 2 - Beach Nourishment Nourishment of the eroding area at the end of the east revetment with imported sand was initially proposed in a 1998 R.V. Anderson report, Shoreline Erosion at the Low Lift Pumping Sfaflon. lt was initially proposed as a maintenance measure to provide some protection untilthe revetment extension could be constructed. This alternative includes repair work to the existing revetment. PROS o Relatively inexpensive each installation. CONS o Not a long-term solution, must be replaced as previously deposited material erodes awayi o Not a stand-alone solution; and . Long term cumulative cost will be significant. This alternative does not provide a cost effective, long-term solution. lt is discarded from further consideration. 1.4.3 Alternative 3 - Offshore Breakwater to Protect the Low Lift Headland Alternative 3 entails installation of an offshore breakwater which would disperse strong water movement processes, protect the existing headland revetment from damaging impacts of large waves, and deflect scouring action further east along the shoreline away from the headland. This alternative includes repair work to the existing revetment. 1.5 Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 235 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Technical Memorandum - Elgin WTP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Class EA PROS ¡ Possible offshore fish habitat opportun¡t¡es; and o Provides a long term solution, CONS o Highest initial cost due to need for barges and on-water construction work; o Regulatory concerns (Navigable Waters); and o Possibly not provide adequate water movement protection since it will have to be situated far offshore to achieve depths to satisfy Navigable Waters depth concerns. Due to concerns for effectiveness at depths required to meet navigation requirement for Navigable Waters and distance offshore to meet those depths, this alternative will not be considered further. 1.4.4 Alternative 4 - Repairs to and Extension of Existing Revetment This alternative entails extension of the existing revetment along the east side of the low lift headland to a location on the Lake Erie shoreline to prevent further encroachment of the eroding scour zone toward the low lift station, roadway, and raw water supply pipeline. This alternative includes repair work to the existing revetment. PROS o Provides long-term erosion protection for the low lift station infrastructure; o Permanently stabilizes an actively eroding and unstable in-shore environment; o Provides long-term quality and diverse fish habitat; o No Navigable Waters concerns (based on similar situation at another location on same Lake Erie coast; o No adverse impacts on the KCCA shoreline management plan; ¡ All general considerations in MOE Guidance 8-6 (2005) Guidelines for Evaluating . Construction Activities lmpacting on Water Resources, Section 7 Marine Construction Projects can be satisfied: and o Moderate initial cost with no maintenance. 1.6 Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 236 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Technical Memorandum - Elgin WTP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Class EA CONS o Possible regulatory concerns relating to Fisheries Act, Section 35 (2) concerning alteration of fish habitat; and o Possible extension in future may be required in 20+ years. This alternative provides a long-term and cost effective solution to the problem and has therefore been carried forward and thus is considered the preliminary preferred solution. 1.5 SELECTION OF PRELIMINARY PREFERRED SOLUTION The Alternative Planning Solutions were reviewed and the following was concluded: ¡ Alternative 1 was previously discarded as detailed in Section 1.4.1; o Alternative 2 was discarded as a long-term, stand-alone solution is desired for this location; ¡ Alternative 3 was discarded due to the high initial cost and regulator concerns surrounding the construction of an offshore breakwater; and ¡ Alternative 4 provides a long-term, moderate cost alternative with only minor regulatory concerns and is therefore the preferred solution. I.6 CONSULTATION To date a formal letter initiating the Class EA process was sent to review agencies and stakeholders, including First Nations. ln addition,-a Notice of Commencement was published in two separate issues of the London Free Press. Appendix A contains a copy of the contact list. A second contact was made by courier with Walpole lsland First Nation (Bkejwanong Community) and the Caldwell First Nation providing both fìrst Nations groups with additional project information and requesting their comment on the proposed undertaking. Direct contact by phone has been established with Walpole lsland First Nation (Dean Jacobs). The courier package to Caldwell First Nation (Chief Louise Hillier) was received and signed for at the published band office address. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is the lead federal agency, coordinating federal input into the Class EA process, including the CEAA review and federal Fisheries Act considerations. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, MOE and the KCCA are also directly involved. 1.7 Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 237 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Technical Memorandum - Elgin WTP Shoreline Protection Schedule B Municipal Class EA 1.7 SUMMARY The following table summarizes the alternatives and associated pros and cons used to designate the primarily preferred solution. Table 1: Summarv of Alternative Solution Evaluation Alternative Pros Cons Gonclusion Alternative 1: Do Nothing No advantages identified Does not address identified problem Discarded Alternative 2: Beach Nourishment Each installation is relatively i nexpensive Not a long-term solution Not a stand-alone solution Long term cumulative cost will be significant Discarded Alternative 3: Offshore Breakwater Possible offshore fish habitat opportunities Long term solution Highest initial cost Regulatory concerns May not provide adequate water movement orotection Discarded Alternative 4: Repair and Extension of Existing Revetment Provides long-term erosion protection Permanently stabilizes in-shore environment Provides long-term quality and diverse fish habitat No Navigable Waters concerns Moderate initialcost with no maintenance Possible regulatory concerns relating to Fisheries Act Possible extension in future may be required in 20+ years Carried Forward as Preferred Solution 18 Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 238 of 265 Stantec ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHORELINE PROTECTION Appendix A: Agency and Stakeholder Contact List Correspondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting L...Page 239 of 265 165500486 Elgin Shoreline Protection Class EA Contact List lnteresl Aqencv T tle First Name Last Name Ovson T¡tle Acldress c¡tv Pr Postel Phone #:meil:ederal uepanment of lnd¡an and Northern Affairs or )ôn 3oswell ipecÌf¡c Claims Sranch ien¡or Claims \nalyst 10 Wellington St. Room 1310 :iattneau .lc (14 OH4 :ederal lepartment of lndian rnd Northem Affa¡rs r :rânk n Roy -¡tigation Vlanagemgnt and ìesolution Branch )ireclor 25 Eddy St 14th Floor, Rm 1496 Gat¡neau lc (1A 0H4 t:ð19 YY/.ó5ıZ ::819.997.1679 þyf@¡nac.qc.ca :ederel Vlin¡stry of the Attorney ìenêrâl ,¡S la fzimas \boriginal Legal ssues Off¡ce lrown Law Office - :iv¡l 720 Bay Street. 8th Floor foronto ]N ul5c 2K1 :ederal -:anadtan invironmental \ssessment Agency Vls _outse <nox )ntar¡o Reg¡on )ireclor i5 St. Clair Ave. E Toronto ]N ú4r 1M2 l:41 6.952. 1 576 ederal :isheries and Oceans lanada MT oe ie Laronde ;outhern Onlario )istrict - London )ffice :¡sh Hâbitat Siologist J Meg uf.-ondon )N 'lôE 2V2 :519.668.2132 :519.668.1772 jeLarondeJM@dfcmpo.gc.ca :ederal lransport Canada \ils luzanne ìhea {av¡gable Waters )rotection )rogram - Marine ;afety {avigable Waters )rotect¡on Officer 100 Front Street South iarnra ]N {7T 2M4 l:519.383.1 866 ::5 f9.383.1 989 ;heas@tc.gc.ca rrovincial fntar¡o Realty lorporation vlr lul¡us -¡ndsay trofessional ìervices ìeport¡ng Spec¡alis 1 Dundas St.W. Suite 2000 foronto )N l/lsc 215 l:416 327 .2768 ':416 212.'1131 u lius.lindsay@ontariorealty.ca )rov¡nc¡al úin¡stry of Abor¡ginal \ffa¡rs \4r y'lart n ìukavian \Þor¡grnal and ülinistry ìelationships lÍanch \dvisor I 60 Bloor Street Easl, gth :loor foronto )N '¡742F-6 | 416.326.4754 '.416.326.4017 trovinciel vlinistry of Natural ìesources Vls )arale¡gh rvrng \ylmer D¡strict \ct¡ng Districl )lenner ì15 John St.N.\ylmer )N ,,t5H 2S8 l:519.773.4732 =:519.773.9O'14 rrounc¡al vl¡n¡stry of Environmen ur ìon Sriff¡ths ;outhwestem ìeqion ìegional EA :ôôrdinãlôr 133 Exeter Rd -ondon )N ,l6E 113 : 51 9.873-501 5 on.gr¡ff ¡ths@ontario.ca )rovincial úrnrstry of Mun¡c¡pal \ffairs and Housing Vlr )ra¡g looper r'lun¡cipal Serv¡ce! )ffice- ìouthwestern \ss¡stant Planner ì59 Exeter Road, 2nd loor -ondon )N {6E 113 :519.873.4020 : 519 873.4018 lraig.cooper@ontario.ca rrovincial l/lin¡stry of Agricullure, :ood and Rural Affairs MT )rew lrinklaw iouthwestem )ntario lural Planner ì67 Exeter Road ondon ]N \¡6E 113 :519.873.4085 :519.826.3109 )rew.crinklaw@ontario ca rrov¡nciel vlinisiry of Transporlation \¡ls lathy 3¡esbrecht )lann¡ng and )es¡9n iupervisor- )nvironment ì59 Exeler Rd 3rd floor ondon )N 'r6E 113 l:519.873.4560 ::519 873.4600 )athy. g iesbrecht@ontario.ca rrov¡nc¡al vl¡n¡stry ofTourism Vls ,,lancy :allis ìegional Serv¡ces lranch-West ìeg¡on Tourism lndustry \dvisor )59 Exeter Rd. 2nd Floor -ondon )N \t6E 113 :)-tu.ð/J.44ðZ :519.873.4061 Page 1 of 3 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m S t a n t e c C o n s u l t i n g L . . . P a g e 2 4 0 o f 2 6 5 165500466 Elgin Shoreline Protection Class EA Contact List lnterest AqencV T tle F¡rst Name Last Name D¡vlsion T tle Address ctv PT Postål Phone #:ma¡l )rov¡nc¡el Vìinislry of Energy \ils letty Vlorgan )eputy M¡n¡stefs )ffice :xecutive Ass¡stant o the Deputy úlinister learst Block 4th Floor 90( lay St. loronto )N utTA 281 l: 416 327.6738 :.5't9.327-6755 )etty.morgan@ontar¡o.câ )rovinc¡al Vl¡nistry of Energy and nfraslructure Vls (ey ih¡elds ìtraleg¡c Pol¡cy lranch \ct¡ng Director :rost Building S. 7 )ueen's Park Cres 6th :loor foronto )N vtTA 1Y7 t:41 6.325.3349 ::4'16 325-8851 (elly.sh¡elds@ontario.câ )rov¡ncial vlinistry of Cutture \4s (arhy Slaser .;tlrzenshrp and mm¡9rat¡on ìeg¡onal Serv¡ces )oordinalor-West ìeg¡on tth Floor Su¡te 405, 30 )uke St w. (¡tchener )N !2H 3W5 t;519.571 .6051 ::51 9.578.1 632 (athy.glaser@ontar¡o.ca )rovinc¡el vlinistry of Culture \4r úlichael Johnson lulture Services Jnit tìanager tth Floor 400 University \ve Toronto )N vtTA 2R9 l:416.314.7144 ::416.2121802 nichael.johnsonl @onlar¡o.câ trov¡nc¡al Vlinistry of Publ¡c nfrastructure Renewel \ils ülartha freenberg nfrastructurê' )olicy and )lanning :xecul¡ve Assistanl Frost Bu¡lding S. 6th Floor 7 Queen's Park Cres. [oronto )N ulTA 1Y7 t:416 325.61 18 ::416.325 8851 nartha. greenberg @ontar¡o.ca )rov¡nciel Vlinistry of C¡t¡zenship, lulture and Recreat¡on \¡ea -erns \rchaeology and leritage Planning i59 Exeter Rd -ondon )N !6E 113 ocal (ettle Creek lonservation Authority rlr oe 3ordon >lanning & ìegulation ;upervisor 14015 Ferguson Line it. Thomas ]N \5P 3T3 t:519.631.1270 :: 519.631.5026 oe@kettlecreekconservatron.on. )a -ocal ln¡eda of the Thames lhief ìanda >hillips 2212 Elm Ave louthwold )N {01 2G0 '.519.6s2.3244 : 519.652.9287 -ocal Moraviân of the Thames lh¡ef freg )eters 14760 School House Line RR #3 fhamesville )N ,,roP 2K0 : 5'19.692.3936 : 519.692.5522 ¡peters@mnsi.net -ocal \lunsee.Delaware )hief )atrick Wadd¡love ìR #1 Muncey )N ,lOL'lY0 :519.289.5396 : 519.289 5156 -oæl Chippawas of the Thames lh¡ef (elly Riley ìR #1 \iluncey ]N ,lOL 1Y0 519.2E9.5555 519.289.2230 -ocal Bkejwanong Terrilory (Walpole lsland) lhief Joseph Silbert ìR #3 ^/allaceburg )N {84 4Kg -oc¿rl 3ounty of Elg¡n vlr llayton tvatters :nglneenng Services Vlanaqer of :nglneerlng 450 Sunset Dr¡ve St. Thomas ]N {5R 5V1 519.63'1.1460 519,631.4297 :waners@elgrn-county.on ca -ocal ülunicipal¡ty of Central :lqin vlr )onald -e¡tch lAo/clerk 450 Sunset Dr¡ve 1 st Floo St. Thomas fN {5R sV1 -ocal lity of St. Thomas Vlr Wendall Sraves City Clerk 545 Talbot St ìt- Thomas ]N {5P 3V7 T: 519 631.1680 F: 519.633.9019 vgraves@c¡ty.st-thomas.on ca -ocal Vlunicipality of Bayham \¡r (ye (ruger \dm¡n¡strator )344 Plak Rd Box 160 ;traffordville ON !0J 1Y0 T5 't 9_866.5521 F: 519.866.3884 (kruger@bayham.on.ca Page 2 of 3 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m S t a n t e c C o n s u l t i n g L . . . P a g e 2 4 1 o f 2 6 5 165500486 Elgin Shoreline Protection Class EA Contact List I nterest Aoencv Tirle Flrsl Name Last Name D¡v¡sion T tle Address c¡tv Pr Postal Phone #:mall -ocal lown of Alymer vls leather \dams \dm¡nislrator t6 Talbot St. W \lymer CN \¡5H 1J7 5't9.773.3164 51 9.765.1 446 ìadams@town.alymer.on.ca -ocal lownship of Malahide ulr ìandy 'r¡llard )AO/Clerk t7 John st s \lymer )N \¡5H 2C3 519.773.53/,4 5r9.773.5334 ca -ocal fown of Southmld Vls )onna :th¡er )AO/Clerk/ Deputy [reasurer 15663 F¡ngal Line :¡n9al )N \¡0L 1K0 519.769.2010 51 9.769.2837 -ocal lity of London t¡r rat úlcNally )ireclor - Weter :nvironment and ]00 Dufier¡n Ave Box t035 -ondon 3N {64 419 f:519.661.2500 :x 49E9 ::519.661.2354 )mcnally@london.ca -ocal rooertv OMer Steven van Farms lnc 13505 Dexter Line RR#1 Jnion )N {01 210 -ocal roDertv Owner irf- & Mfs-:rank & Patr¡c¡a lough 43771 Dexter Line RR#1 Union ON NOL 2LO:rank Arthur Page 3 of 3 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 0 9 f r o m S t a n t e c C o n s u l t i n g L . . . P a g e 2 4 2 o f 2 6 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Zs72-2009 DYCK BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No.2456-2003, AS AMENDED \YHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No.2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "4", Map No. 29,by deleting from the Agricultural (A1) Zone and adding to the Agricultural - Temporary 2 (Al-T2) Zone, those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked A1-T2 on Schedule "4" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THAT By-law No.2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 29 - Temporary (T) Zone, by adding the following new subsection: *29.4.75 Al-T2 as shown on Schedule "A", Map 29,for aperiod not exceedingthree (3) year(s) ending August 13,2012." 3) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been frled with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 13th DAY OF August 2009. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 13th DAY OF August 2009. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINA.LLY PÄ.SSED THIS 13th DAY OF August 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law Z572-2009 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2...Page 243 of 265 - Scole 1 : 12,54Ç) MAP No. 29 By-Law Z572-2009 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2...Page 244 of 265 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2573-2009 GUENTHER BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No.Z456-2003, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No.2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-lawNo. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby fuither amended by amending Schedule "C" by deleting from the Hamlet Residential - holding (HR-h) Zone andadding to the Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked HR on Schedule "A" to this By-law, which is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THIS By-law shall come into force on the date of passing. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 13th DAY OF August 2009. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 13th DAY OF August 2009. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS l3'h DAY OF August 2009. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law Z573-2009 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2...Page 245 of 265 a ''x Ul:l':' J) -)(_) --1 ---l i ---] .--- -t --.1--l .--.--__l B y - L a w Z 5 7 3 - 2 0 0 9 A B y - L a w t o f u r t h e r a m e n d B y - L a w Z 4 5 6 - 2 . . . P a g e 2 4 6 o f 2 6 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-089 Beìng a ByJaw to amend ByJaw #2007-059 As amended by ByJaw #2008-063 \üHEREAS, on the 7h day of June 2007 T\e Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham found it desirable to enact By-law #2007-059 to appoint Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) staffas Municipality of Bayham By-law Enforcement OfEcers for the purpose of enforcing provisions of ByJaw 2001-111, as amended; AND \üHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act 2001, R.S.O.,2001 Chapter,M.25, as amended, municipalities may appoint officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WIIEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham did by By-law #2008-063 amend By-law #2007-059, Schedule "4". AND WIIEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of theMunicipalityof Bayham deems it desirable to fuither amend ByJaw #2007-059, Schedule "4"; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: THAT, ByJaw #2007-059, Schedule "4" be further amended by substituting the following: Schedule "A" The Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) employees listed in this Schedule are hereby appointed to act in the capac¡ty of By-Law Enforcement Officer for the Municipality of Bayham for the limited purpose of enforcement of Municipality of Bayham By-law 2001-111, as amended, on the streets known as Addison Street, Libbye Avenue, Libbye Street, Ghatham Street and Fay Street, Village of Port Bunrell. Name Position Chambers, Andrew Card, Rhonda Howey, Robert Pickersgill, Jeff Park Superintendent Assistant Park Superintendent Park Warden Park Warden AND TIIAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect immediatelyupon third and final reading thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOI\D AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 13th day of August 2009 MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-089 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2007-...Page 247 of 265 Page 248 of 265 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-095 A BY.LAW AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF MONEY BY WAY OF TEMPORARY ADVANCES TO MEET EXPENDITURES MADE IN CONNECTION \ilITH THE \ilATER INFRASTRUCTURE RENE\ilAL PROJECT. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended authorizes a municipality to incur debt for municipal purposes and to enter prescribed financial agreements for such debt; AND \ilHEREAS the Municipality desires to obtain interim financing for the water infrastructure renewal project; AND \ilHEREAS the Royal Bank of Canada has agreed to provide such interim financing; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Borrowing Authority Instruments Lenders Limit on Borrowing Borrowing Documents Required 1) The head of Council and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance during and for the purposes of the water infrastructure renewal project such sums as may be necessary to meet the capital expenditures. 2) A promissory note or bankers' acceptance made under Section 1 shall be signed by the head of Council or such other person as is authorized by by-law to sign it and by the Treasurer. 3) The lenders from whom amounts may be borrowed under authority of this by-law shall be the Royal Bank of Canada. 4) The total amount which may be borrowed at arry one time under this by-law, shall not exceed the total estimated cost of the water infrastructure renewal project or $2,200,000. 5) The Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borrowed under this by-law, ensure that the lender is or has been furnished with a certified copy of this by-law and a copy of the estimates adopted for the current year and also showing the total of any other amounts borrowed from any and all sources under authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, that have not been repaid. By-Law 2009-095 A By-Law to authorize the borrowing of...Page 249 of 265 Charge on Revenues and Directive to Treasurer Effective Date 8) 6) 7) All or any sums borrowed under this by-law shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the municipality for the current year and for any preceding years as when such revenues are received but such charge does not defeat or affect and is subject to any prior charge then subsisting in favour of any other lender. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all or any sums borrowed under this by-law, together with interest thereon, all or any of the money hereafter collected or received, either on account ofor realized in respect ofthe taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon date of passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13th DAY OF AUGUST 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-095 A By-Law to authorize the borrowing of...Page 250 of 265 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-097 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND OMEGA CONTRACTORS INC. FOR THE PORT BUR\ilELL \ilATER INFRASTRUCTURE RENE\ilAL PROJECT WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for the Port Burwell water infrastructure renewal project; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby accepts the tender submitted by Omega Contractors Inc. for the Port Burwell water infrastructure renewal project; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between Omega Contractors Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the Port Burwell water infrastructure renewal proj ect. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TII DAY OF AUGUST,2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 251 of 265 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM V/ATER INFRA STRUCTURE RENEWAL FORM OF TEI\DER PORT BI]RWELL Gentlemen: VWe the undersigned have examined the locality and site of the proposed work, and all contract documents relating thereto, including the Drawings, Form of Tender, Information for Tenderers, Specifications, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, Form ofAgreement andAddendum/AddendaNo. 1 to No. 3 * hereby tender and offer in accordance therewith to enter into a contract within the prescribed time to construct the said works in strict accordance with the contract documents and such further detail drawings as may be supplied from time to time, and to furnish all materials, labour, tools, plant, matters and things necessary therefore complete and ready for use within the time specified for the total tender sum of One Million Eiehw One Thousand Eight Hundred One -------- -------XX Dollars (L_lJ8_1,80_!.00_), excluding GST, or such other sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the contract. *The Tenderer will insert here the numbers of the addenda received by him during the tender period and taken into account by him in preparing this tender. Form ofTender Page 1 of12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 252 of 265 SCFIEDULE OF TTEMSAND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART 1 WATERMAIN (Reference Specifications Part 2 Watermain and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE AMOLINT I.I FIRE HYDRANT REPLACEMENT INCLUDING ISOLATION VALVE, RESTRAINERS, VALVE BOX WITH STEM EXTENSION, CONNECTION TO MAIN, AND REMOVAL & DISPOSAL (OR SALVAGE) OF EXISTING FryDRANT, VALVE & VALVE BOX WFIERE TFIE MAIN IS LOCATED UNDER (a) CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ASPHALT INCL. GRANULAR BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SOD EACH IO (b) GRASS OR GRAVEL INCLUDING RESTORATION OF TOPSOI AND SOD EACH 27 1,2 REPLACE WATERMAIN VALVES INCLUDING VALVE BOX WITH STEM EXTENSION, ULTRA- FLEX COUPLERS AND REMOVAL & DISPOSAL (OR SALVAGE) OF EXISTING VALVE &VALVE BOX (a) 150mm ø LOCATED IN 3.655.00 36.550.00 2.482.00 67.014.00 i. CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ASPHALT INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPOSOL ANDSOD EACH 30 2.tt4.00 63.420.00 ii. GRAVEL/GRASS AREAS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOIL AND SOD EACH IO 1.846.00 18.460.00 (b) 200mm ø LOCATED IN i. CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ASPHALT INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND TOPSOL AND SOD EACH 2 2.114.00 4.228.00 ii. GRAVEL/GRASS AREAS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOIL AND SOD EACH 4 1.846.00 7.384.00 $197.0s6.00SUBTOTAL PART 1 - WATERMAIN Form ofTender Page 2 of 12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 253 of 265 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART I WÄTERMAIN @eference Specifications Part 2 Watermain and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OTY PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL CARRIED FORWARD (c) 250mm ø LOCATED IN i. CONCRETE SIDEWALK INCL. GRAN. BACKFTLL (PROV.) AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOLAND SOD EACH I $ 197.056.00 2.190.00 2.i90.00 ii. GRAVEL/GRASS AREAS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOIL AND SOD EACH 4 1.3 REPLACE MAIN STOP AND SERVICE SADDLE INCL. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING MAIN STOP WHERE MAIN IS LOCATED UNDER (a) CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ASPHALT INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOLANDSOD EACH 337 (b) GRAVEL OR GRASS rNCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SOD EACH 25 1.4 REPLACE CURB STOP INCLUDING ROD ADruSTABLE BOX, CONNECTION TO EXISTING SERVICE AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB STOP AND BOX IN CONCRETE SIDEWALK (ASPHALT) INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SOD GRAVEL OR GRASS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SOD EACH 43 EACH 319 SUBTOTAL PART 1 -WATERMAIN Form ofTender Page 3 of 12 (a) (b) 1.940.00 7.760.00 874.00 294.538.00 669.00 16.725.00 957.00 41.151.00 778.00 248.t82.00 $ 807.602.00 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 254 of 265 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BIIRWELL PART I WÄTERMAIN (Reference Specifications Part 2 \ilatermain and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D TINIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION I.INIT OTY PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL CARRIED FORWARD $ 807.602.00 1.5 REPLACE EXISTING WATER SERVICE MAXIMUM LENGTH 3.5m INCLUDING l5mm ø MAIN STOP, l5mm ø COPPER TYPE.K" SERVICE SADDLE, CURB STOP, ROD, ADJUSTABLE BOX, CONNECTION TO EXISTING SERVICE, RESTORATION OF TOPSOL & SOD AND INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING WATER SERVICE WHERE SERVICE IS LOCATED IN (a) CONCRETE SIDEWALK, ASPHALT ROAD/DRTVEWAY INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL (PROV.) EACH 3 s40.00 1.620.00 (b) GRAVEL OR GRASS (PROV.) EACH 10 s60.00 s.600.00 I.6 ADDITIONAL LENGTH OF WATER SERVICE OVER ITEM I.5 LENGTH (PAYMENT rN ADDITION TO ITEM 1.5) WHERE SERVICE IS LOCATED IN (a) UNDER SIDEWALK, ASPHALT ROAD/DRTVEWAY INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL m 30 51.00 1.530.00 (b) GRAVEL OR GRASS m 30 51.00 1.530.00 1.7 BORE WATER SERVICES L]NDER TREES SIDEWALK, ROADWORK, ETC. IF REQUESTED. PAYMENT WILL BE IN ADDTTTON TO rTEM r.s (PROV.) (a) UP TO 5 m LONG EACH 2 450.00 900.00 (b) ADDITIONAL LENGTH m 10 45.00 450.00 1.8 SEARCH FOR MAIN STOP OR CURB sToP rF NOT ENCOUNTERED (PROV.) (a) WITHIN 2 m OF TARGET EACH 2 328.00 656.00 (b) WITHIN 4 m OF TARGET EACH 2 420.00 840.00 SUBTOTAL PART 1-WATERMAIN $ 820.728.00 Form ofTender Page 4 of 12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 255 of 265 r.9 PART 1 WATERI\{AIN (Reference Specifications Part 2 Watermain and Supplementary Specifrcations) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OTY PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL CARRIED FORWARD SEARCH FOR, EXPOSE AND RESTRAIN $ 820.728.00 WATERMATN JOTNTS (PROV.) (a) 150 mm ø (b) 200 mm ø (c) 250 mm ø 1.IO REPAIR EXISTING WATERMAIN a) 150 mm ø - first 2.0 m b) 150 mm ø - each additional metere (to be paid in addition toltem 1.10 a) c) 200 mm ø - first 2.0 m d) 200 mm Ø - each additional metre (to be paid in addition to Item 1.10 c) e) 250 mm ø - first 2.0 m Ð 250 mm Ø -each additional metre (to be paid in addition to Item 1.10 e) 1.11 FLUSHING,CHLORINATING, TESTING, LAB WORK, INCL. EACH LICENSED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR (LEVEL t) MTNTMUM G.P.S. LOCATION OF ALL MAINSTOPS, CURB STOP, VALVES AND HYDRANTS SUPPLY AND INSTALL CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK AT HYDRANTS (PROV)EACH 42.00 1.596,00 TOTAL PART 1 WATERMAIN Form ofTender Page 5 of 12 EACH EACH EACH m EACH m EACH EACH EACH 5 I 1 685.00 690.00 720.00 3.42s.00 690.00 720.00 5 459.00 2.295.00 5 82.00 410.00 1 473.00 473.00 89.00 178.00 498.00 498.00 2 98.00 196.00 Lt2 1.13 38 $385J09J0 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 256 of 265 SCI{EDULE OF ITEMSAND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART 1 ROADWORI( (Reference Specifications Part 3 Roadwork and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OTY PRICE AMOUNT 2.1 GRANULAR'B' 2.2 GRANULAR'Æ 2.3 SAND 2.4 CONCRETE SIDEWALK INCLUDING EXCAVATION, SUPPLY AND PLACING 125 mm GRANULAR'A'BASE (a) 725 mm THICKNESS (b) 175 mm THICKNESS (c) INCREASE THICKNESS TO 300 mm @ CURB FACED SIDEWALK (SHALL BE PAID IN ADDITION TO (a) AND (b) 2.5 HAND FORMED CURB AND GUTTER TO MÄTCH EXISTING PROFILE 2.6 HOT-MIX ASPHALT (a) HL8 BASE 50 mm INCLUDING FINE GRADING PRIOR TO 2.7 2.8 2.9 PAVING (b) HL3 SURFACE 40 mm INCLUDING FINE GRADING PRIOR TO PAVING AND SHOULDERING TOPSOTLAND SOD (PROV.) CALCTUM CHLORTDE (PROV.) MECHANICALLY POWER SWEEPING oF ROADS (PROV.) 200 70 m2 m2 50 200 TONNE 19OO TONNE 9OO TONNE 4OO TONNE 380 TONNE m2 TONNE HR. SUB-TOTAL PART 2 8.20 3.280.00 $ 26.087.00 14.949.00 14.400.00 5.670.00 2.000.00 18.200.00 76.000.00 60.000.00 2.440.00 3.560.00 1.780.00 s 228.366.00 13.73 16.6t 72.00 81.00 40.00 91.00 200.00 200.00 t2.20 712.00 89.00 300 200 5.0 Form ofTender Page 6 of 12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 257 of 265 SCI{EDULE OF ITEMSAND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART I ROADWORI( @eference Specifications Part 3 Roadwork and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE AMOUNT SUB -TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 2,IO REMOVE TREES AND STUMPS (MEASURED I mABOVE GROUND), GRINDING STUMPS TO 0.3 m BELOW FINISTIED GRADE IS ACCEPTABLE WHERE POSSTBLE (PROV.) NOTE: TOWN MAY PROCEED WITH TREE REMOVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION (a) 0.1 m TO 0.3 m ø (b) 0.31 m TO 0.6 m ø (c) 0.61 m TO 0.9 m ø (d) 0.91 m TO 1.21mø 2.II COLD MIXASPHALT INCL. DrsPosAL (PROV.) 2.12 EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL OF POOR MATERIAL BEYOND TRENCH LIMITS AND REPLACEMENT WITH (a) SUITABLE ON SITE MATERIAL (PRov.) (b) GRANULAR'8', (PROV.) (c) SAND 2.13 ASPHALT MILLING 0.3+ m WIDE (PROV.) 2.14 REPAIREXISTING STORM SEWER (PROV.) (a) LESS THAN 200 mm ø (b) 200 mmø (c) 250 mm ø (d) 300 mm ø $ 228.366.00 Lin. M SUB-TOTALPART2 Form ofTender PageT of12 EACH EACH EACH EACH TONNE 730.00 960.00 1.080.00 1.200.00 289.00 28.00 32.00 42.00 48.00 s6.00 730,00 3.840.00 2.160.00 2.890.00 390.00 1.250.00 900.00 1.120.00 I 4 2 aJ l0 7.80 25.00 18.00 m3 m' m3 m m m m 50 50 50 40 l0 l0 10 10 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 258 of 265 SCI{EDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART I ROADWORK @eference Specifications Part 3 Roadwork and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE AMOUNT SUB-TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 8247.026.00 2.15 1.2 m x 2.4 m TEMPORARYPROJECT SIGNS AT THREE MAIN ENTRANCES TO PORT BURWELL. woRDrNG TO BE PROVTDED (PROV.) EACH 3 1.180.00 3.540.00 2.16 3.0 m WIDE - ITYDRANTACCESS INCLUDING 4.0 m LONG -375 mm ø HDPE CULVERT, 150 mm THICK GRANULAR'A' SURFACE, GRANULAR BACKFILLAND RESTORATION EACH 3 684.00 2.052.00 2.17 IF SEED IS ACCEPTABLE IN LIEU oF soD - CREDIT L/S ( ( s6.126.001 TOTAL PART 2 ROADWORK Sf96-ry-OO Form ofTender Page 8 of 12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 259 of 265 FORM OF TENDER SUMMARY_ PORT BURWELL PART 1 - WATERMAIN PART 2 . ROADWORK TOTAL TENDER PRICE (EXCLUDING GST) $ 88s.309.00 s 196.492.00 s 1.081.801.00 Amount of tender to be repeated in writing One Million Eig:htv One Thousand Eight Hundred One --XX Dollars PROVINCE OF ONTAzuO SALES TAX TO BE INCLUDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 29 OF THE INFORMATION FOR TENDERERS. Form ofTender Page9 of 12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 260 of 265 The Tenderer agrees to complete the works within a time to be known as the "Time for Completion" in the Information for Tenderers. The Tenderer agrees that this Tender is subject to a formal contract being prepared and executed. The Tenderer declares that no person, frrm or corporation other than the Tenderer has any interest in this Tender or in the proposed Contract for which this Tender is made. The Tenderer further declares that this Tender is made without any connection, comparison of figures, or affangements with, or knowledge of, any other corporation, firm or person making a Tender for the same work and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The Tenderer further declares that no offrcer or employee of the Municipality or of the Consulting Engineer is or will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party, partner, shareholder, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any of the monies to be derived therefrom. The Tenderer further agrees that, if this Tender is accepted by the Owner, 1) he will carry out additional or extra work (including the supplying of any additional materials or equipment pertaining thereto) or will delete any work as may be required by the Engineer in accordance with the Contract, 2) the carrying out of any work referred to in paragraph 1) above or the issuance by the Engineer of a Contract Change Order relating to such work or the acceptance by the Tenderer of such Contract phange Order shall not, except as expressly staled.in such Contract or of any_Contract waive or impair any of the terms of the Contract Change Order previously issued by the Engineer or any of the rights of the Owner or of the Engineer under the Contract 3) he will .pay tg.the Owner.(in addition to amounts payable UV 14. 9.*n".r in respect of site supervision of the work), the sums specified in the Contract as Liquidated Damages for each calendar day that the works under the Contract, as expressly modified by all Contract Change Orders issued by the Engineer, remain uncompleted after the expiry of the "Time for Completion specified in the Contract or such extended times for completion as may be allowed in writing by the Engineer, and 4) the prices applicable to work referred to in paragaph 1) above shall be determined as follows: a) the Schedule of Items and Prices shall apply where applicable; and b) if the Schedule of Items and Prices is inapplicable, the prices shall be determined in accordance with Section 103-3, Extra Work of the General Conditions. Form ofTender Page 10 of 12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 261 of 265 CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS The following is a list of subcontractors and suppliers which we proposed to employ for this project. SUBTRADE NAME OF SUBCONTRACTOR SCOPE OF WORK Asphalt Landscaping Concrete Granulars TCG A&MSod DPA Concrete Oxford S & G Dated at London this l5th dayoUoo9. Signature of Witness Signature ofTenderer OMEGA CONTRACTORS INC 4104 Breck Ave Address London. Ontario City, Town N6L IB5 Postal Code 5 I 9-652-61 88 5 1 9-652-5568 Telephone No.Fax No. Donald Ireland Contact Person (sEAL) NOTE: If the Tender is submitted by or on behalf of a corporation, it must be signed in the name of such corporation by the duly authorized offrcers and the seal of the corporation must be affrxed. If the Tender is submitted by or on behalf of an individual or a partnership, a seal must be afüxed opposite the signature of the individual or the partner. Form ofTender Page 11 of12 By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 262 of 265 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT MADE (in triplicate) this 13th day ofAugust 4.D., 2009. BETWEEN: OMEGA CONTRACTORS INC. Hereinafter called the "Contractor" OF THE FIRST PART, AND MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE SECOND PART. WITNESSETH that the Party of the First Part, for and in consideration of payment or payments specif,red in the tender for this work, hereby agrees to furnish all necessary machinery tools, equipment, supplies, labour and other means of construction, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, to do all the work as described hereafter, furnish all materials except as herein otherwise specified, and to complete such works in strict accordance with the plans, specifications, and tender therefore, all of which are to be read herewith and form parl of this present agreement as fully and completely to all intents and purpose as though all the stipul ltions thereof have been embodied herein. The work to be done is the WATER INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL. The Contractor agrees to do the work as and when directed to be done by the Engineer and to complete the same within a time to be known as the "Time of Completion" in the Information for Tenderers. The Contractor further agrees to pay to the Party of the Second Part, Two Hundred Dollars per day as liquidáted damages for every day beyond the expiration of the date of completion stated herein. The Contractor agrees that such monies may be deducted from any monies due on the expiry date or to become due to the Contractor from the operations under this agreement. In CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, said Party of the Second Part, agrees to pay to the Contractor for all work done in the manner provided by the specifications of this Contract, the unit prices on the tender. WITNESS the hand and seal of the Contractor and witness the Corporate Seal of the Owner under the hands of its proper offrcers in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) ) IN THE PRESENCE OF ) ) ) ) ) As to signature of Contractor OMEGA CONTRACTORS INC. Form ofTender Page 12 of 12 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of...Page 263 of 265 Page 264 of 265 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2009-098 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 13,2009 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municþal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,thepowers of a municipal corporation a¡e to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200l, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE TIIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held August 13, 2009 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affrxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this l3thday of August 2009. MA,YOR CLERK By-Law 2009-098 A By-law to confirm all actions of Cou...Page 265 of 265