HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 07, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville October 7, 2010 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville rededication and stones. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)News Release dated September 2010 from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "50 Ontario communities honoured at 2010 Communities in Bloom Ontario Awards". File: A01 (b)Correspondence dated September 14, 2010 from the Corporation of the County of Huron regarding "domestic content requirements". File: A16 (c)Correspondence dated September 24, 2010 from the Township of Malahide regarding "Joint Compliance Audit Committee". File: A16 (d)Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held September 14, 2010. File: C06 (e)Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held September 15, 2020. File: C06 7-15 17-20 21 23 25-26 27-30 Page 1 of 161 Council Agenda October 7, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (f)Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce regarding "Bayham-Elgin Business Expo Cancelled for 2010". File: C13 (g)Correspondence dated September 23, 2010 from Union Gas regarding "Application with the Ontario Energy Board". File: E06 (h)Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innvoation Excellence". (application forms available at the Municipal Office) File: M02 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 1.Correspondence and Reports (a)Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese (b)Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. File: D12.08 PETERS 2.PUBLIC MEETING (a)ITEM TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2010 AT 7:30 P.M. 1.Public Meeting (a)7:30 p.m. - Graydon Rezoning - zoning by-law amendment application proposing the rezoning of property located at Part Lot 13, Concession 9, 56084 Talbot Line. 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 31 33-35 37-38 39-48 49-69 Page 2 of 161 Council Agenda October 7, 2010 Page 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2010-31 regarding Graydon Rezoning. File: D14 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 (b)Staff Report PW2010-18 regarding Pavement Edger. File: T06 (c)Staff Report PW2010-19 regarding Clarke Bridge Update. File: T04 (d)Staff Report PW2010-20 regarding Winter Control Contracts 2010/2011. File: L04 (e)Staff Memorandum regarding MNR Meeting - Conveyance of Part of Chatham Street. Staff Report PR2010-08 regarding Conveyance to MNR - Part of Chatham Street (deferred from August 7, 2010 meeting). File: T09 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending September 30, 2010. File: P10 71-85 87-88 89 91-93 95-98 99 Page 3 of 161 Council Agenda October 7, 2010 Page 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (b)Correspondence from Bayham Community Policing Committee regarding "Port Burwell intersection of Robinson and Wellington Streets". File: C13 (c)Correspondence from The Royal Canadian Legion, Port Burwell regarding "Remembrance Day Parade". File: R06 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending September 19, 2010 totaling $50,332.10. (b)Correspondence received October 1, 2010 from County of Elgin regarding "Installation of Tourism Signage". File: A16 (c)Staff Memorandum regarding Letter from Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. re Rezoning Fees. File: D14 (d)Correspondence dated September 21, 2010 from Ontario Energy Board regarding "Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Rule." File: E06 (e)Staff Memorandum regarding East Elgin Mapping Partnership - Potential Inclusion of County of Elgin. File: L04 (f)Verbal staff update regarding International Plowing Match volunteer recognition. 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Assessment Update. File: E08 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 101 103 105-121 123 125-126 127-131 133-134 135-137 Page 4 of 161 Council Agenda October 7, 2010 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. (c)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-077 A By-Law to convey part of unopened road allowance (Chatham Street) (b)By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) (c)By-law 2010-091 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 139 141-160 161 Page 5 of 161 Page 6 of 161 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville September 16,2010 7:00 p.m. The regularmeeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, September 16,20L0 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Walme Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill and Fire Cbtef /By-Law Enforcement Offrcer Gord Roesch, were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATUR"E THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF'AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2,2010. 2010-375 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor I'THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held September 2,2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added ltem(s) 2010-376 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93, Request from Ray Talbot for delegation regarding skateboard park in Vienna, Request from Bayham Library for use of Municipal sign, Request from Councillor Taylor for discussion regarding meeting with MNR and Page I of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 7 of 161 Request from Otter Vatley Chamber of Commerce for use of Municipal sign be added to the agenda as items 4(b)' 9(f)' 9(g) and 9(h) respectively.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville and related topics. Mrs. Wanda Hoshal advised that a re-dedication service would be held for the Shippy and Leach monuments at the Old Eden Cemetery on September 23rd at 5:00 pm. Rev. John Gould, United Church, to preside. She noted that Council, staffand Steve Peters MPP are invited to attend. She suggested, rather than the scattered approach for placement of markers as presented in the staffmemorandum, that the recovered marker foundations be kept in a more centalized location and that all recovered stone segments be placed' Mrs. Hoshal noted that no report had been received from the Cemeteries Regulations Unit about the findings of the examination of surveys. It was agreed that group representatives work with staff to come up with a satisfactory solution forplacement of bases at Estherville. Mayor Acre advised that she was unable to attend the re-dedication. (b) 7: 15 p.m. - Ray Talbot regarding sketeboard park in Vienna' Mr. Ray Talbot was in attendance to request that Council place signage recognizing the contribution of Mrs. Ruth Horton as one of the leaders in the development of the Skate Park in Vienna. He suggested that the area of the skate park be named Ruth Horton Community Skate Park. He noted that the park volunteers and the Concemed Citizsns of Vienna group are in support. Council supported the idea and directed staffto work with Mr. Talbot to desigu and place appropriate signage. 5. INFORMÄTION ITEMS (a) Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter "The Elgin Advantage" dated September 2010. File: 416 lb) Correspondence received September 8,2010 from Correctional Service Canada regarding "Restorative Justice Week 2010". File: ,4.16 Page2 of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 8 of 161 (c) Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held June 10, 2010' File: C06 (d) Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 1l and September 8, 2010. File: C06 (e) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. File: E00 lfl Corespondence dated September 2,2010 from Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital regarding "Sand Plains Economic Development Fundu. File: Fll 20t0-377 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT information items 5(a) through 5 (Ð be recieved for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PL^ANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM (a) StaffReport D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40ll0. File: D10.10 Graydon The Planning Co-ordinator noted that rather than deferr¿I, provision of a conceptual plan could be imposed as a condition for approval of the severance application. She added that the conceptual plan would give Council less control over the development than a formal plan of subdivision. Councillor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. 20t0-378 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT StaffReport D2010-29 regarding the Graydon Severance 840/10 be received; AND TIIAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 840/10, submitted by Brian Graydon, be approved subject to: Page 3 of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 9 of 161 1. submission of a conceptual plan of subdivision for the munÍcipalityrs approval 2. $500 cash-inlieu of parkland dedication fee 3. purchase of a municipal address sign 4. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality." CARRIED (b) StaffReport D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. File: Dl I.DYGOS 20t0-379 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffReport D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / Bylaw 2010- 088 be received; AND THAT ByJaw No.2010-088, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Zygmunt and Rebecca Dygos and the Municipality of Bayham, be presented for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICULTUR.E & DRAINAGE 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Report for month ending August 31,2010- File: PlO 2010-380 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Building Permit Report for month ending August 31,2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. F'INANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Sept. 5, 2010 totaling $60,608. 14. 2010-381 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Page 4 of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 10 of 161 "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Sept 5,2010 totaling $60,608.14 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated September 7,2010 from Spriet Associates regarding "Corinth Pavilion". File: C13 Staffwas requested to send a thank you to Spriet Associates for thei¡ offer. 20t0-382 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT correspondence dated September 712010 from Spriet Associates regarding Corinth Pavilion be received; AND THAT Council accept the donation of necessary drawings and inspection and final certification for the Corinth Pavilion from Spriet Associates." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport PW20l0-17 regarding Waste Recycling Strategy - Continuous Improvement Fund. File: Fll 20r0-383 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT StaffReport PW2010-17 regarding Waste Recycling Strategy - Continuous Improvement tr'und be received; TIIÄT Staff be authorized to proceed with finalizing arrangements with the Township of Malahide and Municipality of Central Elgin for a joint Waste Recycling Plan project; subject to their concurrence to proceed with such a partnership; TIIAT Staffbe authorized to proceed with an application to the Continuous Improvement Fund for a Waste Recycling Plan project; AND THAT Staff be authorized to call for proposals for a Consultant to develop a Waste Recycling Plan for the municipal blue box recycling program, jointly with the Township of Malahide and Municipality of Central Elgin subject to their concurrence to proceed in partnership with Bayham.r' CARRIED UNANMOUSLY Page 5 of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 11 of 161 (d) StaffMemorandum regarding Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line. File: S09 2010-384 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line be deferred." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) StaffReport C2010-ll regarding Compliance Audit Committee Appointments. File: C07 2010-385 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT StaffReport C2010-11 regarding Compliance Audit Committee Appointments be received; AND TIIAT ByJaw 2010-087, being a by-law to appoint Patricia Miller, Amandeep Taneja, Andrew Wright, Christine Scrimgeour and Dr. Tim Cobban to the Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee for the 2010 Municipal Election, as required by the Municipal Elections Act,2006, as amended, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY lfl Corespondence dated September 11, 2010 fro f Municipal sign to advertise Amazing Race at Saturday, September 18 at l:45 p.m. File: C13 2010-386 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'TIIAT correspondence dated September 11' 2010 from Bayham Library requesting use of Municipal sign to advertise Amazing Race at the Bayham Library, Straffordville, Saturdag September 18 at 1:45 p.m. be approved subject to municipal needs." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 6 of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 12 of 161 (g) Request from Councillor Taylor for discussion regarding the2Tthmeeting with the MNR. Councillor Taylor suggested deferral of this item to the new Council. After discussion it was agteed that the meeting with MNR should proceed. (h) Conespondence from Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce requesting use of Municipal slgn. File: Cl3 20r0-387 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by De,puty Mayor C Evanitski "THAT correspondence dated September 1612010 from Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce requesting use of the Municipal sign be received; AI\D THAT Council grants permission to use the sign as requested, to advertise the All Candidates meeting on September 29th and 30th and the Bayham - Etgin Business Expo on October 23, subject to Municipal needs." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (Ð Members of council inquired about staff activity regarding by-law enforcement. 10. EI\¡WRONMENT 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2010-388 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'TIIAT the Council do now rise to enter into an I'In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at7z56 p.m. to discuss: o labour relations or employee negotiations.tr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010. PageT of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 13 of 161 (c) Confidential Repof regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Volunteer Fire Service) (d) out of camera. 2010-389 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor I'THÄT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 8:11p.m." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY 2010-390 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staffbe directed to forward correspondence, as prepared by Steve Goodwin." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2010-087 A By-law to appoint members to the Elgin Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee (b) By-Law 2010-088 A ByJaw to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) 2010-391 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor I'THAT By-Laws 2010-087 and 2010-088 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) By-Law 2010-089 A ByJaw to confirm all actions of Council 2010-392 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT confirming By-Law 2010-089 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY Page 8 of9 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 14 of 161 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 16, 2010. Page 15 of 161 Page 16 of 161 OMMUNITIES NüilIIðJK. A()\ NEWS RELEASE For immediate release to your local media. September,2010 Visit our website at www.cibontario.ca for more information or contact luIs. Lee Rozon - Execalive Direclor, CiB - Ontario toll-free at I-877-640-4005 or email cibontario@mountaincaþþ¡ct. 50 Ontario communities honoured at 2010 Communities in Bloom Ontario Awards Representatives of communities across Ontario were present in Sarnia on September24ú &25th,2010 to celebrate their achievements at the Ontario Communities in Bloom Awards Ceremonies. Each received a certificate and, where applicable, a Trillium Bloom Rating of Excellence and Special Mention of the community's remarkable attributes or projects. Nine communities were presented with Ont¿rio Special Category Awards in: Tidiness o Environmental Awareness o Community Involvement Natural & Cultural Heritage Conservation o Urban Forest Management Landscaped Areas o Floral Displays o Turf & Groundcovers o Park ReviAlization Communities in Bloom - Ontario, the Ontario Edition of the National Canadian Organization, is a non-profit Canadian organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community participation and the challenge of friendly competition. The program strives to improve the tidiness, appearance and visual appeal of Canada's neighbourhoods, parks, open spaces and streets through the imaginative use of flowers, plants and trees. A focus on envi¡onmental awareness and the preservation of heritage and culture is an integral part of its success resulting in an improved qualþ of life. Ontario Catesorv Award Winners CNTERIA AWARD SP ONSORED*/PRESENTED B Y KECIPIENT Tidiness +Trvstan Site Furnishinss Municioalitv of Lambton Shores Environmental Awareness +Association of Municipalities of Ontario - AMO Prince Edward County Community Greenspace - Picton Shire Hall Parkette Community Involvement Ciw of Samia Town of Lincoln Natural & Cultural Heritage Conservation *Ontario Small Urban Municipalities - OSI-IM Town of Goderich - Restoration of Goderich Lishthouse & Garden Urban Forest Management +International Society of A¡boriculture - Ontario Chapter City of Markham - Grandview Park Woodlot Restoration Landscaped Areas +Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association City of Sarnia - Samia Horticultural Societv Park Uocrade Floral Displays EXPO lformerly Garden EXPO) Cryatal Beach Beautihcation Committee - Crvstal Beach Streetscapine Program Turf& Groundcover CiB Ontario Municipality of North Glengarry- Beautification of Alexandria Town Hall Park Revitalization Ontario Parks Association - OPA City of Hamilton - Extreme Park Makeover News Release dated September 2010 from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "50 Ontario communities honoured at Page 17 of 161 CIB ONTARIO FULL PROGRAM_JADGED The CiB Full Program is for those who aspire to excel in the CiB Ontario Program and advance to the National and Intemational CiB Program. Two CiB Judges visit your community over a two day period using a comprehensive evaluation form will report on the particular features and projects that the community has undertaken and presented. The judges will offer constructive suggestions and recommendations, in each of the eight criteria areas of Tidiness, Environmental Awareness, Community Involvement, Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservation, Urban Forest Management, Landscaped Areas, Floral Displays, Turf & Groundcovers. COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM _ ONTARIO 2010 "Trillium Bloorn" Ratings fo¡ Provincial Edition Population Category Community 5,001 - 10,000 Municipalþ of Bluewater Municipality of South Huron 10,001 - 20,000 Municipalþ of Lambton Shores 20,001 - 50,000 Town of Lincoln 5 Blooms City of Cornwall 5 Blooms Scoring: 64% - 72.9% 3 Blooms; 73Yo to 81.9T, - 4 Blooms; 82olo or more - 5 Blooms Congratulations to the 21 O ants: Ctty of B".ttq -ity of eru-pto4 City of Dryden, Town of Essex, Cþ of Kawartha Lakes, City of Kingstoq City of Oshawa, City of Pembroke, City of Stratford, City of Toronto, City of Vaughan, Community of Glen Morris (County of Brant), Municipality of Chatham-Kent, Town of Aylmer, Town of Goderich, Town of Gravenhurst Town of lngersoll, Town of Minto, Town of rWhitby, CFB - Kingstoq CFB - Petawawa. These NationaVlnternational Finalists will receive their results at the national Communities in Bloom National Syrrposium and Awards to be held in Halifax, NS on October 27 to 30,2010. COMMUNITY SHOWCASE _ MEMBERSHIP CiB Ontario makes it easy for you to showcase your community and assist you in your efforts to promote all the great things in your community. Enjoy all the benefits of membership in the CiB Program in a 'Membership Only'' capacþ to help you in your efforts to maintain Communities in Bloom Ontario standards with ongoing membership, continued support and networking through CiB-O to keep up to date on current trends and practices. Participating Community Category Bloom Rating 4 Blooms 4 Blooms 5 Blooms Program Community Showcase Communþ Showcase Community Showcase Community Showcase Community Showcase Community Showcase Community Showcase Communþ Showcase Community Showcase Cityof London MembershiP City of Peterborough MembershiP Municipality of Red Lake Membership MunicipalþofsouthwestMiddlesex Membership Municipality of Trent Hills Membership Town of Carleton Place MembershiP Town of Fort Erie MembershiP Town of Huntsville MembershiP Township of Front of Yonge Membership News Release dated September 2010 from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "50 Ontario communities honoured at Page 18 of 161 COMMUNITY AWARD OF EXCELLENCE Showcase your community project! Do you have an outstanding project, event or organization that should receive special recopition? This program is suited to community groups with specific projects or geographical segments within a community who are interested in participating in the Communities in Bloom progfam. In partnership with Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association and Municipal Cultural Planning Inc., each project is evaluated by a jury of professionals based on Community Spirit, Innovative Ideas & Environmental Sustainability with one community selected as the winner of the CiB Ontario Award of Excellence. Program Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Award of Excellence Participating Community/Gro up City of Hamilton City of Hamilton City of Hamilton City of Markfiam City ofNiagara Falls - Park in the City Committee City of Samia City of Waterloo - University Downs Neighbourhood Association Crystal Beach Beautifrcation Committee Friends of Pelee Municipality of Kincardine Municipalþ of North Glengarry Municipality of Southwest Middlesex Prince Edward County Community Greenspace Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Town of Goderich Town of Huntsville Town of Wasaga Beach Project Community Clean Trailer Extreme Park Makeoverr Hamilton Trillium Awards Program Grandview Park Woodlot Restorationr Olympic Torch Run Legacy Trail: Revitalizing an Abandoned Rail Conidor Samia Horticultural Society Park Upgradeo Universþ Downs Park Playground Crystal Beach Streetscaping Progtam0 Beautification of Pelee Tiverlon Environmenlal Green School Project*** Beautification of Alexandria Town Hallr 2010 Open Garden Tour Picton Shire Hall Parketteo The Bear Carving Restoration of Goderich Lighthouse & Gardeno The Brunel Historic Lift Locks Renewal Project Schooner Town Heritage Site Restoration Church Park Rehabilitation Keeping Neustadt Blooming Award of Excellence TownshiF of Red Rock Award of Excellence Village ofNeustadt I Calegory Award Winners ***Congratulations to the 2010 Winner of the CiB Ontario Award of Excellence: MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Tiverton Environmental Green School Project News Release dated September 2010 from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "50 Ontario communities honoured at Page 19 of 161 ANNOUNCING Tll/O EXCITING EVENTS in partnership with L an ds cap e O nt ario H o rtíc ult ur øl Trade s A s s o cí ati o n We cordially invite all Mayors & Councillors to be our guest to the 3rd Annual Green Communities, Parks & Partnerships Event on Tuesday, January Il,20ll at Toronto Congtess Centre There is excitement in the air these days as Ontario Parks Assocìation, Communities in Bloom and Landscape Ontario have come together to Celebrate, Educate and Advocate for the "Enjoyment and Healthy Lifestyles' of our treasured parks and greenspace sector. These groups have over 150 years of collective greenspace and community leadership behind them. By combining their mandates, Ontario Parks Association's "Protecting Tomorrow Today,' Communities in Blooms' "People, Plants and Pride' and Landscape Ontario's "Green for Life," we can directly influence our sector's future, and enhance lives for those of all ages and abilities Green Communities, Parks & Partnerships event is designed to bring together over 200 municipal leaders, parks staff and community stakeholders to develop strategies encouraging people of all ages and abilities to enjoy gardening, recreational parks, parklands and landscapes. For your free invitation or more information, please call Lee Rozon, CiB Ontario al 1-877-6404005. Exciting news - Communities in Bloom Ontario in partnership with Landscape Ontario's Expo is very pleased to announce that the 2011 CiB Awards will be held at EXPO - Canada's largest fall trade show for lhe floral and garden industry! Expo is produced by Landscape Ontario in partnership - for the third year in a row - with Flowers Canada (Ontario) lnc., Master Gardeners of Ontario, Niagara Economic Development Corporation, The Canadian Academy of Floral Art (CAFA) and Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph. And for the first time ever, Expo will be the place to be for the Communities in Bloom Provincial Awards, at the Toronto Congress Centre in October 2011. The setting could not be more perfect and we extend an invitation for you to explore Expo 2010 on October 19-20, 2010. Expo connects more than 3,000 industry professionals - well-known retailers, greenhouse growers and nursery operators, garden centre owners, florists, gift and mass merchant retailers plus hundreds of landscape designers and interior plantscape professionals - in Canada's largest horticultural events. For the past two years, the show has been re-designed to focus on the opportunity for visitors to network with their peers and make new connections. Attend Expo 2010 and be inspired, network, learn new trends, see exc¡ting displays of vivid and fragrant floral displays! Register by October 1,2010 to attend FREE at www.gardenexpo.ca A very specíal thanks to oar Sponsors ønd Partners .s:r.J* PARTtrERS DOttntEUÍr0 åPOlfiìCñt ,d.h.h¡F åp-:¡r*çs' Æ*""t *tÉræt ¿¿{rllç+t*F: PIITXERS Mætcr Gardffic of Ontdio MurtciÞal Cutrurãl PlamÍcg lnc- Onta!ío Ho.ticultural Asoôíålion Onhrio Parl€ A$ociâlion Pårks úd Rær6titr Ontario Rursl Ontario Munic¡pal Asooídtion fûmedyCrvdt*úFbnIW Be our guest at Expo 2010 - register for free by Oct. 1,2010 News Release dated September 2010 from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "50 Ontario communities honoured at Page 20 of 161 Corporation of the 5 FHU COUNTY CLERK, Barbara L. Wilson, CMO 1 Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 bwi lson@ hu roncou ntv, ca 5 19-524-8394 (ext. 257) Fax 5L9-524-2O44 Ontario Power Authority, c/o microFlT Program, Suite 1600, 120 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1T1 epte 4'n, 010.EC EN FP2n2o'o u COPV A/u MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHA The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron passed a Motion at their Ninth Session on September 1't, 2010 directing that this letter be submitted to you. Council is requesting written confirmation of domestic content requirements from equipment suppliers or installers become mandatory at the time a system is ordered and approved to the Ontario Power Authority (OPA); as paft of the microFlT application process. Council is requesting that the OPA investigate making domestic content inspections of microFlT projects mandatory; and, also consider prequalifying Ontario suppliers and providing a list of companies and installers to potential applicants. As you are aware delays in the approval process are continuing to have a negative affect on the industry's ability to grow and create new jobs. The Corporation of the County of Huron is appealing to you to consider its requests as these matters have implications for agriculture and economic development in the County of Huron. Sincerely, - / ' ertuÊal"z"''¿ Barbara L. Wilson, CMO, County Clerk, County of Huron. c.c. The Honourable Carot Mitchell, Minister of Agriculture Food and Rural Aftairs þnewable Energy Facilitation Office (email REFO@ontario.ca) 1f,ll municipalities in Ontario Correspondence dated September 14, 2010 from the Corporation of the County of Huron regarding "domestic content Page 21 of 161 Page 22 of 161 09/24/20L0 FRr 11!53 rAx 519 773 5334 rwP OF 87 John Street South, Aylmer, Onlorio NsH 2C3 Telephone: 51 9-7 7 3-53 44 Fox: 519-773-5334 www.molohide.co MÀTAITIDE ++r I¿yþ¿¡, 5 Municipality of /tt QXoo1/oo1 m/iiäfüä"Í A proud tradition, a brightfuture. September 24,2010. MunicipalClerks of: Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin Municipality of Dutton/Dunwích Municipality of West Elgin Town of Aylmer Township of Southwold RE: . Joi4t Compliance Audit Gommittee " '' '':-,j'ii"'! ¡'j;':,i,,; Please be advised that the Malahide Township Council pasded ttre folloWing ' Resolution on September 16, 2010: :: ' . ,'l: "¡ti' ,:."'"::. THAT Report No. 10-23 entitled "Compliance Audit Committee Appointments" be rcceived; AND THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Elgin Election Joint Gompliance Audit Comm ittee:- Dr. Tim Cobban- Patricia Miller- Christene Scrimgeour- Amandeep Taneja- Andrew Wright ln addition, the Malahide Township Council enacted By-law No. 10-64 to formally appointthe above noted members to the Elgin Elect¡oñ Joint Compliance Audit Committee. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE UtWC¡a"",t",*-(^-,,2¿ M. CASAVECCHIA, D.P.A., C.M.O., CMM III Ch ief Ad m in istrative Officer/Clerk Nnalahide6.local\usersfles$Hiana\diana's ñles\Michelle - 201O\joint compliance audit committee - sept l6.doc -1 it -. MrcHEll¡ m. cASAvEccHtA Chief Adminishotive Officer/Clerk mcosovecch io@molohide. co susÄN E. w[soN Dkector of Finonce swilson@molohíde.co Correspondence dated September 24, 2010 from the Township of Malahide regarding "Joint Compliance Audit Committee". Page 23 of 161 Page 24 of 161 3 Bayham Harbourfront Committee gOØ Minutes of Meeting held at Schooners Landing, Port Burwell Ontario September 14,2010 7:00 pm Present: Brenda Martin, Ron Bradfield, Craig Gregson, Ron Flick, Ray Talbot, Doug Lester and Mark Taylor Regrets: Heinz Vogelsang, Barry Wade Also Present: Kyle Kruger, Ed Bradfield, Lynn Acre Guests: Alan Montgomery 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None 3. Approval of Minutes The Augus t 17 , 2010 and September 7 ,20 1 0 minutes were reviewed. It was noted that Lynn Acre was in attendance at the September 7 meeting. MOTION: Moved by Doug Lester Seconded by Ron Bradfield That the Harbourfront Committee minutes of August 17 , 2010 and Septemb er 7 , 2010 be adopted as circulated. Carried 4. Committee Membership - Secretary Lynn Acre volunteered to become a Committee member and assist as secretary to the Committee. MOTION: Moved by Ron Flick Seconded by Doug Lester That the Harbourfront Committee recommend to Council that Lynn Acre be appointed a member of the Committee. Carried 5. Dredging 2010 - Continued Works and Expanded Area Committee members reviewed and discussed information brought forward regarding the potential of purchasing a suction dredge. Information on a unit was circulated, the cost of which would be $126,000. It was noted that the local manufacturer also provides service to the LPRCA. It was also noted that there would be some additional cost for discharge hose etc. There was further discussion regarding other potential units that could be available, including used ones. It was suggested that there could be opportunity to partner with other port towns in the area, and some kind of demonstration could be arranged. There was further discussion that this is a possibility that should be considered further, and note that there may be more flexibility for a private consortium vs municipal ownership and operation. Ron Bradf,reld advised that he had approached Talisman Energy (now Dundee) about contributions for dredging, including the potential expanded areato the Talisman dock area. He Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held September 14, 2010. Page 25 of 161 6. was advised that they are willing to discuss the possibility, but need a firm proposal/costing. [t was also noted that spring works may be better received. There was discussion and questions regarding whether dredging at this time of year would have any benefit, and regarding any available "window" that regulations allowed in the spring. It was suggested this may not be the best time to invest in works. Staff outlined recent discussions with provincial and federal offrcials regarding Project Ojibwa, which indicated that works in DecemberlJanuary may be possible. It was noted that the agencies may consider a proposal if put forward. MOTION: Moved by Doug Lester Seconded by Ron Flick That a dredging project description be drafted with the assistance of Frank Laemers for an inner- harbour dredging project with a December/January timeframe. Carried 2011 Budget and Projects Staff outlined the usual municipal budget process and timelines, noting that staff complete the draft budget through October/1.{ovember. It was requested that the Committee consider and advise of proposed budget items in October. It was noted that the Committee had wanted to ensure that the pier improvements was not lost, and also that the priorities may be continued encouragement for pier improvements and dredging. There was discussion of approaches, including the implementation of smaller items over the winter period for items such as benches, and of the need for an overall development plan for the area, including the Ojibwa development. Other Business Proj ect Oj ibwa Update/Discussion Elgin Military Museum representative Alan Montgomery provided additional updates regarding Project Ojibwa. He advised they are now taking the more concrete next steps including completion of a Phase 1 EA for the sub footprint, and retention of an engineer for the site requirements. He advised they would be starting aggressive fundraising, and noted higher end fundraising is already started. Finally, he noted that they would be attending a meeting with Commander Finn in Ottawa next week. Documentary Mayor Acre advised that a documentary rcgarding Project Ojibwa would be aired on the A- Channel News Wednesday and Thursday nights. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by Ron Bradfield Seconded by Mark Taylor That the Harbourfront Committee meeting of September 15, 2010 be adjourned at 8:10 pm. Carried Note: Next meeting Tuesday October 12,2010 at 7 200 pm at the Municipal Offrces. 7. 8. Chairman Secretary Date Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held September 14, 2010. Page 26 of 161 ç Minutesof êOC ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD September 15,2010 The Elgin Group Police Services Board met at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 2:00 p.m. with the following in attendance: Tom Marks, Chairperson Doug Gunn, Board Member John R. Wilson, Board Member Kathleen Schaper, Board Member lnspector Brad Fishleigh, OPP, Elgin Detachment Commander Superintendent John Cain, OPP, Director of Operations, Western Region Headquarters Mark McDonald, Secretary/Administrator Susan McConnell, County Administrative Services Regrets: Duncan McPhail, Board Member The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Gunn Seconded by Schaper THAT the minutes of the meeting held on July 21,2010 be adopted. - Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniarv lnterest - None. Correspondence 1) Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin, resolution re: Kettle Creek Drive/Landon Lane intersection. 2) OPP Commissioner Chris D. Lewis, Office of the Commissioner, thanking the board for their kind words and support on his appointment of commissioner. 3) Joe Liscio, Director, Ministry of Finance, re: Ontario Status lndians Point of Sale exemption implementation and agency preparation and refunds. ln regard to correspondence item #1 from the Municipality of Central Elgin regarding speeding complaints from Kettle Creek Drive/Landon Lane intersection in Belmont, Fishleigh reported this item was discussed at a recent community policing meeting in Belmont. Police have undertaken a number of initiatives to address the issue, including radar tracking and enforcement. Police will continue to monitor the situation. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held September 15, 2020. Page 27 of 161 Elgin Group Police Services Board September 15,2010 Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT Correspondence ltems #1 -3 be received and filed. - Carried. The chair requested that minutes from all of the community policing meetings in Belmont be forwarded to the board. Reports Detachment Commander's Report for the months of July and August 2010 Highlights included: Fishleigh came on board August 3,2010 as Detachment Commander; the staff sergeant position has attracted 26 applicants with a short list of eight applicants to be interviewed the last week of September; Elgin County has received four new auxiliary officers; auxiliary patrol hours were down in July, due to a shortage of otficers; general incidences increased over the summer; break and enters increased in west Elgin. ln response to a question from the chair, Fishleigh confirmed that a canvas of the neighbourhood is a routine part of police investigations into break and enters. Fishleigh presented background on the reasons behind the increase in overtime hours. He said investigation into two fatalities, a current sexual assault investigation, an increase in sudden deaths, and the investigation into and issuance of two significant drug warrants, contributed to the overtime. Schaper asked if future reports could show comparisons with other similar-size detachments. Fishleigh noted that due to the nuances of detachments, comparisons were difficult to make. He distributed police reports from the Perth detachment for the board to consider as members review the format of the existing report. He asked members to come back to the next meeting with ideas. Moved by Gunn Seconded by Wilson THAT the Detachment Commander's Report for the months of July and August 2010 be received and filed. - Carried. New Business Update by Detachment Commander on Policinq for IPM (verbal) Fishleigh updated the board on costs and resources for policing at the lnternational Plowing Match (lPM). The priority is the safety and security of site and residents and Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held September 15, 2020. Page 28 of 161 Elgin Group Police Services Board 3 September 15,2010 visitors. Staffing will be supported by surrounding police detachments. The IPM will cover the costs of six officers per day and for overnight security. The OPP will have an exhibit at the site. The OPP pipes and drums, Gold Helmet motorcyclists, mounted equine unit and other participants will be in the IPM parade on September 21,2010. The auxiliary unit will participate in a recruitment display, as well as assist in staffing the lPM. A command post will also be set up which will provide all the dispatch for emergency services. Site commanders will be at the venue at all times Insurance Policv Revisited Lverbal) A report from Elgin County Director of Financial Services dated July 20, 2010, and deferred at the July 21, 2010 meeting, outlined costs to cover insurance for some of the Board members. Moved by Schaper Seconded by Wilson That the insurance coverage be reinstated for members. - Carried. New Fee For Criminal Checks (verbal) Fishleigh said that the OPP provincial policy states that volunteers were the only ones exempted from paying the fee for criminal checks. Cain noted that the policy may not apply to contract policing. Fishleigh will research the issue and bring information back to the board. Official notification of the new fee has not been issued by the OPP yet. Putnam Road lntersections (verbal) Wilson said there have been some problems at two locations at Putnam Road, including Lyons Road and Putnam. The media reported police were investigating the intersection. Fishleigh said he will check the accident reports. The Wilson Line and Putnam Road intersection was also discussed. St. Thomas Emerqencv Dispatch Laq Time (verbal) Gunn requested additional information on a dispatching issue where the dispatcher may have confused the Elgin 911 number with Chatham-Kent. The confusion caused a response delay of over two hours. Fishleigh will report back to Gunn. (The media left the meeting). Wilson provided information on construction of a new home by a ravine near Aylmer and the possibility of activity requiring law enforcement. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held September 15, 2020. Page 29 of 161 Elgin Group Police Services Board 4 September 15,2010 Adiournment Moved by Gunn Seconded by Schaper THAT we do now adjourn at 3:12 p.m. to meet again on November 17,2010 at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. M. G. McDonald, Secretary/Ad m in istrator. Tom Marks, Chair. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held September 15, 2020. Page 30 of 161 5 ct3 From : Doug Lester [ma ilto :d lester@eagletree.ca] Sent: September 29,20L011:51 AM To: Doug Lester Subject: Bayham-Elgin Business Expo Canceled for 2010 Members, In spite of a successful event last year and an enthusiastic Business Expo committee this year we do not have suffrcient interest/availability of local businesses to proceed with the Bayham-Elgin Business Expo scheduled for October 23. With the Plowing Match, Election, and other fall events it may be that this is not the right time for such an event. We will consider an April date in 2011. To our sponsors, thank you for your support. We will not require your financial assistance at this time, but hope you will consider supporting similar efforts in the future. For those exhibitors who have already registered we will refund your fees. Please pass the word on to your contacts. Thank you. Doug Lester, President, OVCC Togetherwe can malæ a diference Phone: 519-8744477 'Web: www.ottervallevcharnber.com Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce regarding "Bayham-Elgin Business Expo Page 31 of 161 Page 32 of 161 5 mr0ngas A Spectra Energy Company L (f€' MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM September 23,2010 VIA COURIER TO ALL Clerks of Municipalities Union Gas filed an application with the Ontario Energy Board on September 15, 2010 for an order or orders approving or f,rxingjust and reasonable rates and other charges for the sale, distribution, transmission and storage of gas effective January l,20lr. Enclosed is a copy of the application, as well as a copy of the Notice of Application issued by the ontario Energy Board on september 22,2010 under Docket No. EB-2010-0148. Çhtis Ripley Manager, Regulatory Applications Yours truly, Encl. Correspondence dated September 23, 2010 from Union Gas regarding "Application with the Ontario Energy Board". Page 33 of 161 Filed: 2010-09-15 EB-2010-0148 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARI) IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Energy Boa¡d Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.15 (Sched. B); AND IN THE MATTER OF an Application by Union Gas Limited, pursuant to section 36(1) of the Ontario Energt Board Ac[ 1998, for an order or orders approving or fixing just and reasonable rates and other charges for the sale, distribution, transmission and storage of gas as of January 1, 20rt. APPLICATION 1. Union Gas Limited ("Union") is a business corporation incorporated under the laws of the province of Ontario, with its head office in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. 2. Union conducts both an integrated natural gas utility business that combines the operations of distributing, transmitting and storing natural gas, and a non-utility storage business. 3. Union \ryas an applicant in a proceeding before the Board for an order of the Board approving or fixing a multi-year incentive rate ("IR") mechanism to determine rates for the regulated distribution, transmission and storage of natural gas. The Board assigned EB- 2007-0606 to Union's application. 4. Union filed a Settlement Agreement with the Board on January 3, 2008, and an Addendum to the Settlement Agreement on January I4,2A08 (collectively "Settlement"). The Board accepted the Settlement on January 17 ,2008 and issued additional decisions on this application on March 11 and July 31, 2008 dealing with the treatment of customer additions, tax changes and risk management under IR. Correspondence dated September 23, 2010 from Union Gas regarding "Application with the Ontario Energy Board". Page 34 of 161 5. - Page2 The approved Settlement set a multi-year incentive ratemaking framework for calendar years 2008 to 2012 inclusive. The framework includes a price cap index (PCÐ that is structured as PCI: I - X + Z+ Y + AU, where I is the inflation factor, X is the productivity factor, Zrcpresenis certain non-routine adjustments, Y represents certain predetermined pass-throughs and AU is an adjustment for changes in average use of gas. The IR mechanism approved for Union contemplatès the hling by Union of an application for Z factor adjustments, structural rate design changes or the pricing of new regulated services in a time frame that will enable these issues to be resolved in sufficient time to be reflected prospectively in the next year's rates. This requires the filing of a draft Rate Order with supporting documentation which reflects the impact of the PCI pricing formula (Y factors, Z factors, fixed monthly charge changes, and AU factor) so that a final Rate Order will be issued for implementation by January 7,2011. Union hereby applies to the Board, pursuant to section 36 of the Act and pursuant to the annual rate-setting process underlying the IR mechanism in the Settlement, for an order or orders approving or fixingjust and reasonable rates and other charges for the sale, distribution, transmission and storage of gas effective January 1,2071. Union further applies to the Board for all necessary orders and directions conceming pre- hearing and hearing procedures for the determination of this application. This application is supported by written evidence that will be filed with the Board and may be amended from time to time as circumstances may require. The persons affected by this application are the customers resident or located in the municipalities, police villages and Indian reserves served by Union, together with those to whom Union sells gas, or on whose behalf Union distributes, transmits or stores gas. It is impractical to set out in this application the names and addresses of such persons because they are too numerous. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Correspondence dated September 23, 2010 from Union Gas regarding "Application with the Ontario Energy Board". Page 35 of 161 Page 36 of 161 Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales Bureau du sous-ministre 77 , rue Grenville. 1 1" étage Toronto (Ontar¡o) M7A 183 Té1.: 41 6 326-3101 Téléc.: 416 326-3106 September 28,2010 Please share the enclosed reìources wíth staffmembers who are responsibtefor agri-þod innovation and economic development inyour municipality. Dear Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk/Treasurer: To recognize and foster the spirit of innovation that thrives in Ontario's agricultural sector, the Ontario government established the Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence in 2006 to reward outstanding agriculture and agri-food innovators. This five-year, $2.5-ririllion award program encourages the development and reóognition of innovations that add value to existing products, create jobs and drive economic growth on our farms and in our rural communities. Each year, up to 55 regional innovations will be recognized. Regional winners will rgceive a plaque, afarm-gate sign, various promotional materials and $5,000. The top two innovations will be chosen from among the regional winners to receive either the Minister's Award valued at up to $50,000, or the Premier's Award valued at up to $100,000. The first four years of this program were very successful. More than 700 individuals and businesses applied to the program outlining their ideas, inventions and innovations. With your help, we can generate more applications and make this year even better. Individuals or groups representing agri-food businesses and organizations are invited to submit applications. To be eligible, at least one of the applicants must be a farmer. The innovation must have been developed and in use on an Ontario farm or in the planning stages of develoþment with a plan toward implomentation within the agriculture and agri-food sector. The innovation must also have potential for use on a broader basis and demonstrate a positive effect on the agricultural industry. Details on eligibility, innovation categories, assessment criteria, the application process and selection process can be found in the enclosed 2010 Application/Nomination Guideb ook or at www. ontario. calagrifoodinnovation. -) Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affai¡s Office of the Deputy Minister 77 Grenville Street, 11fr Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 183 Tel: 41 6 326-3'l O1 Fax: 416 326-3106 Ministry Headquarters: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 Bureau principal du ministère: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph (Ontario) NlG 4Y2 ¡4o t ntar¡o Good Things Grow in Ontario A bonne terre, bons produits -M- l2 Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Premier's Award Page 37 of 161 Municipalities Page2 The enclosed materials have been developed to make people aware of the opportunities provided by this award. I ask that you encourage outstanding agriculture and agri-food innovators to submit an application/nomination by the deadline of 5 p.m. on November 15,2010. Should you require additional resources, please contact the Agricultural lnformation Contact Centre at I -87 7 -424-1300 or ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca. I am also pleased to enclose a copy of a brochure that highlights the winners of the 2009 Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to learning about agri-food innovations in your community. Sincerely, Enclosure Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Premier's Award Page 38 of 161 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Froese Severance E45ll0 DATE: October 1,2010 FILE: D10.10 Froese NUMBERI D2010-32 Purpose To consider a consent application for creation of a new lot. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Dan and Tina Froese proposing to sever a parcel 6272 sq.m. (1.55 acre) and retain approximately 34.4 hectare (85+ acre) agricultural parcel. The subject lands are municipally known as 8510 Plank Road, Concession STR Part Lot 124. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" in the.Official Plan and zoned Rural Commercial (RC) and Agriculture (Al) in the Zoning By-law N o. 24 5 6 -2003 . Staff & Planner Comments The portion of the subject land zoned Rural Commercial consists of 7000 m2 11.7 acres), formerly known as Blondeel Nursery Inc. New owners, Dan and Tina Froese wish to sever the Rural Commercial portion of land from their farm holding for the purpose of selling the lands to the persons operating the current garden & fruilvegetable market. In reviewing the application it was realized that information was missing from the application sketch - septic field bed location; location of the road access for the pole barn on the retained land; location of the pump house stated to be on the retained lands. Also, the sketch proposes the greenhouse attached to the pole barn straddle the lot line. A property line cannot divide a structure. Therefore, staff have included a condition to remove the greenhouse. In speaking with the owner, he indicated the lot line cannot be extended because he wishes to retain the pole bam and agrees to the removal of the greenhouse. The planner and staff support the application and the intent to separate the established rural commercial use from the surrounding farmlands. It is an existing use that is zoned separately and is consistent with our consent policies in the "Agriculture" designation. The subject lands are considered to be a conforming use within the Off,rcial Plan based on the existing approved zoning. With the recommended amendments and conditions, staff and the planner could support the severance proposal. Attachments 1. Consent ApplicationB4íll} 2. IBI Group Memorandum dated October 4,2010 Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 39 of 161 Staff Report D2010-32 Froese Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION page2 "TIIAT StaffReport D2010-32 regarding the Froese severance be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application E45ll0, submitted by Dan and Tina Froese, be amended: o to indicate where the septic field bed system is located servicing the office and garden centre to ensure that it is located wholly within the proposed severed lot boundaries o to indicate the location of the county road access for the pole barn on the retained lands o to indicate the location of the pump house stated to be on the retained lands AND THAT subject to the amendments Council recommends the approval of the application subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality 3. removal of the greenhouse in its entirety or relocated and/or reduced in size in accordance with the Agricultural (41) Zone regulations or Rural Commercial (RC) Zone regulations 4. confirmation of approved access to County Road 19 for the pole barn on the retained lands Reviewed by,Respectfully submitted, ng Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 40 of 161 APPLICATON FOR CONSENT iî4 s'lL{}i''f':' Name of öwne/s lolicltor or authódzed agent Address Tefephone Number Please siecify to whom all communlcations should be sent: Owners (X) Sotfcitor ( ){sent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed tansactioh: (check appropriate space) Tnansfer: V creation of a new lot - Other charge addition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest ln Iand is to be kansfened, leased or charged: (c) 4- (a) lease' conection of title lf a loi addition, idenüff the lands to which the parcel will be added: (b) Location of land: Municipality ConcesslonNo. <Tp Are there any easements or restrictlVe covenants affecting the subjeot land? Yes ( ¡ ttto !X) If Yes, descrÍbe the easement or covenànt and its effeot: Description of to bê retained:' (Accurate Measurements in Mefüc) Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Ü?-1?- r"¡- Frontase,4Lt-fr,%floepnwO.f{ ?7.q4þNe i "fS,ilg: Existing u"" €aoJe*¿en*or Proposed use Çnalett- Øm*etf Number and use of buildings and structures (both eisting and proposed) on the land to be sdvered; histing Use tlf! 7//"0çf) oeptn .?77;# tú - n.a ! l{ fre..c Proposed Use Number and use of buildings-and sh.lctures on the land to be retained: 0n Sôfllcat DrlvÊ Sllhom!å Qn NsR svl Phono:519' ô!1.tr460 wrvrY.ellfî{uBù.on¡r 7.Þ 0 HECEIVET] SEP O 7 2010 fi Á tftz 'Q 'de Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 41 of 161 7. 8. -2- Number of new lots proposeå (not includlirg rehlned tob) Type of access for proposed and reta¡nà lot (check appropnate spa; TYPE Provinctal Highway Munlcþal road, maintained alt year' Municipal road, seasonalþ máintained Other pubtic road Rþhtof Way Wateraccess illfi,Hìï "åi"i,f' by water, rivrrat boat docktng .ro o;¿ facitities,are avairabte :, ì" () (speciff) \Mat t¡pe of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space)TYÞE PROPOSEDLoT Publicly owned and operated piped water s¡ætem ' Prtuately owned and operated ¡tidiv¡dualwell Prfuately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other uater body Other means (speciff) () , (r0 ,( ) () 10.whattypa of sewage dlsposat îs proposed: (check appropriate space)TYPE PROPOSFpLoT Priw ( ) Other means (speciff) \^/hen wlll watø supply a¡d sewage dísposal services be avairabre? What is^the Exi.çting designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Zoning, if any the subject land? () () 11. Y te. {rg. .14. ' 15.ff this application ís a ftj-sqbmission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been ' changed from the originalappl ;ation '' -"- -'r-¡-r--¡--¡¡r r li ') C7 7 t '0Ãt Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 42 of 161 ' -3- (b) tf the.answer.lo (a) Þ Jes, elease tndicate previous severances on the requlred sketch and supply the follgwing inforrnation for each lot severed: .. Grantee's äame ' Relaüonsntp (ff äny) to qunår . . . -' '.' ' . . ' 'Use of parcel , ' pate parcel created 17. Iå th9 9wner,-solicltor, or agent applying for additional coñsents on this holding simulta¡eousty with this appllcáttion, or conside¡ing applylng for additional consents ln the future? : Yes ( ) No (ì0' 18. [sthe düþject !åno cr5re¡lV,ttre -sgÞJect of a,propose! dmäiur phn or ofiiclat phn amer.¡dmçnt :. ' that has been submitted to the Ministerfor appror¡af? ' . :' Yes () No (n lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministy fife number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land cunentlythe subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendmenl Ministe¡"s zoning order amendment, rninor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivlsion? Yes () No (X) lf Yes, and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application ú.20. Isthe'application conslstentwith polícystatemenbissued undersubsection 3(1)of the Planning- Act? Yes () No ( ) i 21. Is the subject land within an area designated under any provlncial plan or pfans? Yes() No@ lf yes, does the application conform to or conflictilrth the appllcable provlncial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompaníed by a sketch showÍng the following; - the þoundades and dimensions of the subject land, the partthat is to be severed and the part that is to be rêtained; - the boundaries and dimensîons of any land owned bythe owner of the subjeot land and that abub the subject land; - the dîstance between the subject land and the nearest toumship lot line or landmark, such as a raflway crossing or bridge: - the locatlon of all land previously severed from the parcel originally aoquired bythe cunent owner of the subjec't land; - the approximate losation of all natúrd and artificial'features on the subject land and adjacent lands that ln the opinion of the appllcant may affec,t the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, ulatercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjaceni lands; - the location, width and name of any roads withín or abuttíng the súbject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public tmvelled road, a private road or a right of uny; - if access to ihe subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilÍties to be used; - the location and nature of any easemerit affecting the subject land. c ') ç77h'0N l,TlHÁfl:Á ôllli 'Q 'dee Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 43 of 161 ¡f oat"catne N*s\ìc:gJ,þ * B? L*- , _ davof A a^o *" I - 23. 24. zo [Ð AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION n¡le Ðn y\ Fr¿l.sf 4+1,- ã¡esr . of the solemnly. declare that allthe information contained ln this application is true, and trye make thissolemn declaration consc'ientiously believint itto p! ru", ãñ'd'krñ*i;;tiat it is of the same force andefrect as Íf made under oath a¡rd Ëy Urtue oitnè cn¡¡nrjn zuöEñöËÀcr. DECIjRED before rne atthe agen! must, tÀlvlt I :Á 0l ft7 'a 'd0c ín the 0 '1 'c77h'ït\t Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 44 of 161 APPENDIX"A" . ]!.e c.oultv- ot Elgin l¡nd Dtulsion commlttee requires that, in addiflon to the þpllcation for consenf, ürefollowing information be completed fur all applicadfns: 1. Are there any bamo rocated wrthin 300 metres of the subject of thrs apprication? il",ì" SÈ*," ^ {È.f .',",n*e ba¡s:l) Novv used for livestocl(? I-"" ( ) No (X)¡i) Capabte of being uscd for livestock? Ves i i ñó iii NorE: lf you answered ,yES' to #1. pLEAsE coMpLFtE THE DATA sttEEr BELow TO BE COMPLETED BIAPPLICANT ln order to calcf¡late the minÌmum distance separatlon, the following information is required for eadr livestockfacllity witrin 300 metres of the proposed sevérancc a'nä to.aùilñ ä'.Ëiää. rot, TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP TILI-ABLE H ECTARES ffi ere livestock faclllty located) LOT coNc. Ma¡<imum Housing Capaclty Number per Year & Bam I Confine- Caged , On Floor Storage with BuckWalls Open Earth Sided pit I 'Å ç7./.þ '0N hlYlll:Á 0lfl/'R'das Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 45 of 161 llo. 422b P. IUep, 8, 2(Jl{J 9: I()AVI {I t\ a \ 1 P't6 t\''N ì..ô s 'A ürt lJÐ {t Ð 6 R SJ þ Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 46 of 161 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 fax 519 47293il To/Attention From GC Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date October 4,2010 Project No 3404 -489 Steno dd 1) 2) Memorandum Froese Proposed Severance - Part Lot 124, Concession STR (Expansion of Agricultural Lot) We have reviewed the severance application (No. 845110) submitted by Dan & Tina Froese to sever a 6280 m'?(1.55 acre) parcel of land from an existing 34.3 hectare (85 acre) farm parcel. The subject lands are located in Part Lot 124, Concession 6, on the east side of Plank Road, north of Jackson Line. The subject lands are designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan, and zoned Rural Commercial (RC) in Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. The purpose of the consent is to sever án existing commercial garden centre from the surrounding agricultural lands. The subject lands include an existing garden centre, otfice, and water pump house, totalling approximately 1100 m2 (11,840 ft2), or 17.SYo of the proposed lot area. Surrounding land uses include a residential lot to the south, and to the west on the opposite side of Plank Road; and agricultural fields to the north and east. The surrounding retained lands include an existing pole barn and greenhouse and were used up until recently as an outdoor plant nursery in support of the aforementioned garden centre. lt should be noted that the greenhouse straddles the proposed lot boundary and would need to be removed as part of any consent application at this location. There are no significant hydrological or natural heritage features within 170 metres of the proposed severed lot. 3) Section 8.7.3 of the Official Plan states that consents may only be granted that conform to the policies of the Official Plan. While the subject lands are designated "Agriculture" and would not conform to the land division policies of Section of the Official Plan, the Planning Act states under Section 24(4) that any by-law passed under Section 34 (ie. zoning) shall be conclusively deemed to be in conformity with the official plan on and after the day the by-law was passed. As such, in this instance the RC zoning was approved without appeal through the adoption of comprehensive Zoning By-law 2387 (former lBl Group is a group of fìrms providing professional services and is affìliated with lBl Group Arch¡tects Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 47 of 161 lBl Group Memorandum Mun¡cipality of Bayham - October 4, 2010 Township of Bayham, 1988) and the current Zoning By-law 2456-2003, and is therefore deemed to conform to the Official Plan. 4) The existing RC Zone ôefined area applicable to the subject lands on Map 41, indicates an approximate lot area of 7000 m2 (83m x 83m) and as such, the proposed consent of 6280 m2 (79.25m x 79.25m) is consistent with the current RC Zone boundary. Section 3.8 b) of the Zoning By-law would interpret the zone boundaries in accordance with the proposed consent drawing and would not require amending to reflect the minor reduction in the proposed lot boundary. 5) Based on the preceding review, we do not oppose the proposed consent subject to the following conditions: a) That the greenhouse indicated on application E 45/10 as bisecting the proposed rear lot line of the severed parcel be removed in its entirety; or relocated, and/or reduced in size in accordance with the provisions of the Agricultural (41) Zone. 7¿r',1 IBI GROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J13404\489 Froese\PTMfræse201 G1 0{4 dæ\201 0-l 0{4\DD Staff Report D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance E45/10. File: D10.10 Froese Page 48 of 161 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYT{AM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement DATE: Sep. 30,2010 FILE: Dl2.O8PETERS NUMBER: D2010-33 Purpose To consider a Subdivision Agreement for the Country View Estates, North Hall. Background Abraham and Emma Peters, owners of the Country View Estates Subdivision on Eden Line in the Hamlet of North Hall, wishes to enter into a subdivision agreement with the municipality. Mr. and Mrs. Peters are proposing a 5-lot subdivision and are now prepared to enter into an agreement with the municipality. MMAH draft approval file # 34-T-03001. Staff Comments Entering into an agreement is one of the conditions imposed by the Ministry to satisff prior to registration of the Plan of Subdivision. Staff have prepared a subdivision agreement based on the standard used for a previous subdivision project. Discussions took place with the property owner/developer and the resulting agreement is presented for Council's consideration. Applicable financial securities will be collected prior to registration of the Plan of Subdivision. Attachments 1. Draft By-law 2010- 090 - Subdivision Agreement attached as Schedule 6(4" Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 2 Ensure reliable, well-maintained and secure infrastructure. Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "TIIAT Staff Report D2010-33 regarding a subdivision agreement with Abraham and Emma Peters be received; AND THAT authorizing By-law 2010- 090 be presented for enactment." Planning Coordinator Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 49 of 161 THE CORPORATIONOÍ'THE MUNICIPALITY OFBAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2010 - 090 BEING A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZETHE SIGNING OF A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT BET\ryEEN ABRAIIAMAND EMMAPETERS AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OT'BAYHAM, TO PROVIDE T'OR TITE DEVELOPMENT OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION, KNO\ilN AS THE COUNTRY VIE\ry ESTATES, HAMLET O[' NORTH IIALL, MI]NICIPALITY OÍ' BAYHAM. THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: L THAT the agreement aflixed hereto as Schedule "4", being a subdivision agreement with Abraham and Emma Peters, is hereby approved and the Mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same. 2. THAT the agreement is to be registered at the Land Registry Office. READ AFirstand Secondtimethis -day of , 2010, READ A Third time and finally passed this - day of -, 2010' MAYOR CLERK Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 50 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. Schedule "4" to By-LawNo.2010- THIS SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT made in triplicate this BETWEEN: day of_ 2010. ABRAHAM AND EMMA PETERS Hereinafter called the "OWNER OR SUBDIVIDER" OF THE FIRST PART AND: THE CORPORATION OF THE MI.JNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the "CORPORATION" OF THE SECOND PART 'ù/HEREAS, the Owner or Subdivider proposes to subdivide and register a Plan of Subdivision on property described as Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 and Part I on RP 11R7900, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin; the said proposed Plan of Subdivision, being appended as Schedule "4" to this Agreement; AND V/HEREAS, this Agreement has been made as a condition of approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing of the Owner's or Subdivider's proposed Plan of Subdivision, MMAH File # 34-T-03001, named Country View Estates; AND WHEREAS, the Owner or Subdivider, has agreed with the Corporation to comply with their requirements with respect to the providing of services for the lands proposed to be subdivided and other matters hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, The Parties herein, in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars, of lawful money of Canada, by each to the other paid (the receipt whereof is hereby by each acknowledged), covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS: (a) "Owner or Subdivider" shall include the applicant for the approval of a Plan of Subdivision, and the registered owner or owners in fee simple of the land for which the subdivision is proposed and/or their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and in addition to its accepted meaning, shall mean and include an individual, an association, a partnership, or an incorporated company, and wherever the singular is used herein, it shall be construed as including the plural. (b) "Council" shall mean the Municipal Council of the Corporation. (c) "Engineer" shall mean the Engineer of the Corporation and/or any such Engineer(s) a¡¡ may be duly authorized and appointed by the Corporation. 2. SCOPEOFAGREEMENT The Owner or Subdivider agrees to complete at his own expense and in a good and workmanlike manner, for the Corporation, all the municipal services as hereinafter set forth to the satisfaction of the Corporation and to complete, perform, or make payment for such other matter as may be provided for herein. Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 51 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. CONSULTING ENGINEERS (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to retain a Professional Engineer as the Consulting Engineer of the Owner or Subdivider, to carry out all the necessary engineering and supervise the work required to be done for the development ofthe subdivision. Such Consulting Engineer or a successor thereto, shall continue to be retained until the work provided for in this agreement is completed and formally accepted by the Corporation. (b) The Owner or Subdivider agrees that in the preparation of contract plans and specifications, the following procedure will be followed by the Consulting Engineer: (Ð Design all the works covered by this Agreement. (iÐ Prepare plans, profiles and specifications for the said works and to submit detailed plans, profiles and specifications to the Corporation for approval prior to the installation of such works. (iiÐ Obtain, in conjunction with the Corporation, all the necessary approvals required prior to the construction of such works. (iv) Obtain the approval ofthe Corporation, for the Contractor(s) for the said works. (v) Provide full time inspections during the construction of underground services and part time inspections as necessary for the surface work. (vÐ Maintain all records of construction of the said works. (viÐ Supply to the Corporation mylar reproductions of all the works as constructed by the Contractor. The drawings shall be to the scale or scales established by the Corporation's Engineer. (viii) On completion of construction of the said works, to supply the Corporation with a certificate that the execution of the said works was in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. This certificate will not be valid until signed by the Corporation, and the Corporation's Engineer. (ix) Supervise the construction of any remedial work required by the Corporation. (c) The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation that no public services will be installed prior to receiving, in writing, approval of the detailed plans and specifications by the Corporation. LIENS The Owner or Subdivider shall cause to be discha¡ged any lien registered and/or filed with the Corporation, pursuant to the Constructìon Lien lcr, R.S.O. 1990, (Ontario) as amended, in respect to any ofthe works undertaken by the Owner or Subdivider, The Owner or Subdivider shall pay any legal costs, fees and disbursements howsoever incuned by the Corporation, in connection with any such lien, whether or not there are reasonable grounds for registration of the lien by the lien claimant. In the event the Owner or Subdivider fails to discharge any such lien or fails to pay any such cost, fees and disbursements, incurred by the Corporation in connection with such lien, the Corporation may make arrangements to discharge the lien by taking such actions as it see fits, acting in its sole discretion. If the Owner or Subdivider fails to reimburse the Corporation in connection with any costs incurred, pursuant to this paragraph, the Corporation shall have the right to realize on the Performance Guarantee provided by the Owner or Subdivider under paragaph 17 of this Agreement. -2- J. 4. Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 52 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. EASEMENTS Upon completion and acceptance of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner or Subdivider shall: (Ð dedicate the road allowance shown as Part 1, Reference Plan l1R-7900 on the draft Plan, as a Public Highway connecting to an open public road known as Eden Line (County Road 44); (iÐ provide the Corporation with such rights and easements as it may require for storm sewers, storm drainage and other utility purposes; (iii) provide Hydro One, Eastlink Inc, or Bell Canada, Union Gas and/or Natural Resource Gas with such easements as each of them may require for hydro, telephone, and television cable and natural gas utility purposes. Any such transfer, pursuant to (i) above, shall be in fee simple and for nominal consideration (i.e. One ($1.00) Dollar), in a form satisfactory to the Corporation's Solicitor, and title to such lands shall be good and free from all liens and encumbrances. The rights and easements granted pursuant to (ii) and (iii) above, shall be for nominal consideration (i.e. One ($1.00) Dollar), in a form satisfactory to the Grantee's Solicitor, and the title to lands over which the rights and easements are granted, shall be good and free from liens and encumbrances and ifrequired by the Grantee's Solicitor, the consent of the Committee of Adjustment, to such rights and easements shall be obtained by the Owner or Subdivider. The Owner or Subdivider, agrees that forthwith, after registration of any transfers of title, pursuant to (i) above, and any grant of rights and easements, pursuant to (ii) and (iii) above, it shall provide to the Transferee's Solicitor or Grantee's Solicitor, a Certificate of Opinion ofTitle ofthe lands in respect ofwhich such transfer and rights and easements are granted, in a form satisfactory to the Transferee's or Grantee's Solicitor, such Certificate or Opinion to be given by a Solicitor authorized to practice Law in the Province of Ontario. The Owner or Subdivider agrees to provide the Corporation with a mylar copy of the reference or survey plan designating the lands in respect ofwhich such transfers oftitle and grants or rights and easements are given. The lands to be transferred and the lands over which rights and easements are to be given, pursuant to Section 5 and (i) (ii) and iii) above, shall, on the registration ofthe Plan, be in a clean and tidy condition, graded as required, and ifnecessary, stabilized against erosion. After such lands or such rights and easements are so transfened, the Owner or Subdivider shall not use or permit the use of such lands for the storing oftopsoil or any excavated material or equipment except with the written consent of the Corporation, and in the event of default, the Corporation, after giving the Owner or Subdivider such notice as it considers reasonable, may remove such soil, material or equipment and the cost thereof shall be paid by the Owner or Subdivider to the Corporation. PRIVATE SEPTIC SYSTEM PERMITS Prior to issuance of a building permit on a lot within the plan of subdivision, the Lot Owner shall provide to the Municipality, to the satisfaction of the Municipality, the following: l. a sewage disposal report, prepared by a qualified engineer, indicating that specific recommendations regarding the specihc sewage disposal system for the lot, 2. confirmation that the system to be installed will be capable of reducing the nitrate levels to 24mgll, 3. a2}-year service contract with a qualified contractor to ensure the long term operation and maintenance of the system. -3- 5. 6. Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 53 of 161 7. Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. STORM SEWERS (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to construct a complete storm seriler system or systems, including storm connections to the street line where required, in the opinion of the Corporation, and catchbasins and leads to service all the lands in the said Plan of Subdivision, and adjacent road allowances, according to designs approved by the Corporation, and according to the specifications of the Corporation, in effect at the date hereof, and the Owner or Subdivider shall maintain them, including cleæing any blockages until they are formally accepted by the Corporation. Such sewers shall be constructed to an outlet or outlets according to designs approved by the Corporation and shall be of sufftcient size, depth and at locations within the limits of the subdivision or on adjacent road allowances, to service the subdivision, and any lands adjacent to the subdivision, which, in the opinion of the Corporation will require their use as trunk outlets. (b) The Owner or Subdivider agrees, at its expense, to construct and the Corporation to maintain a stormwater management system regulated through The Drqinage Act which is approved by all regulating agencies and which provides an adequate stormwater management system for all lands within the Plan. ROADS_PAVED The Owner or Subdivider agrees to construct all the roads as shown, on the said Plan of Subdivision, according to the proposed servicing schedule and specifications for paved roads of the Corporation in effect at the date hereof and to maintain them until the Corporation formally accepts them. The specifications for boulevard grading shall apply to existing streets adjacent to the said Plan ofSubdivision. ROAD GRADES. ETC. (a) Before actual construction begins proof must be furnished by the Owner or Subdivider or his/her agents that the road grades have been approved by a certified Ontario Land Surveyor or Engineer in order that the road bed, storm sewers and appurtenances will be laid to the proper grade. (b) rlVhen, in the written opinion ofthe Corporation, it is necessary to change the said road grades the Owner or Subdivider agrees to grade the road to sub-grade in the manner and at the time stipulated by the Corporation in accordance with the specifications of the Corporation, and to restore the streets to their original condition prior to the change in the grade. (c) GRADE The Owner or Subdivider agrees to grade, to the Corporation's specifìcations, to the full width, all road allowances as shown on the said Plan of Subdivision, prior to the installation or construction of the relevant municipal services provided for herein, The Owner or Subdivider fi,rther agrees to keep the boulevards clear and free of all materials and obstructions that might interfere with the installation of electric, telephone, gas or other utilities, The Owner or Subdivider will be responsible for any change in grade of any street up to I 50 feet from the proposed Plan of Subdivision where the change is reasonably necessary to service a street within the subdivision. CURBS AND GUTTERS The Owner or Subdivider agrees to construct rollover curbs and gutters on all the streets as shown on the said Plan of Subdivision and on all existing streeis adjacent to the said Plan of Subdivision, subject to Section 9 (a) of this agreement, according to the specifications ofthe Corporation in effect at the date hereof, and to maintain them until they are formally accepted by the Corporation. If any curb depressions are not located correctly with respect to a driveway, the Owner or Subdivider shall construct a curb 8. 9. l0 Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 54 of 161 ll. t2. Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. - 5 - depression in the correct location and replace the original according to the said specifications. SIDEWALKS Not required. PRIVATE WELLS The Owner or Subdivider shall advise all perspective purchasers in all offers ofpurchase and sale that individual wells are to be constructed and developed to ensure that ground water supplies are protected from contamination by septic systems, surface pollutants and meet the turbidity levels complying with the Ministry of the Environment's drinking water objectives. LOT GRADING. SODDING. LANDSCAPING (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to grade, provide top soil and sod the portion of the street allowances lying between the front property line of lots and the curb save and except any portion of the street allowance within the driveway. The Lot Owner shall sod or seed the front yard ofeach ofthe lot except for paved or planted areas, upon the completion of the construction of dwelling thereon. The Manager of Public Works must approve any exception to this requirement in writing, Said sodding must be in conformity with the grading control plan as set out on Schedule 'D' attached hereto. (b) Before house construction proceeds beyond the basement level, the Consulting Engineer or an Ontario Land Surveyor shall provide the Corporation with a certificate confirming the foundations are: (Ð in conformity with the footing and top of foundation wall elevations, shown on the approved Grading Plan; (iÐ sited entirely on the conect lot and conforms to the applicable Zoning By- Law. Site surveys are to be attached to the certificate. (Field notes in lieu of a siting survey will be accepted at this time to allow construction to proceed.) Certification of foundation elevations by the Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor shall be taken to mean conformity with the approved Grading Plan with a tolerance of 150 mm., and will include verification of top of foundation wall, any steps in the foundation (ifapplicable) and the garage sill. Non-conformance to either siting or foundation elevations shall be brought to the Corporation's attention for further direction, prior to proceeding with any further construction. The Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor shall then provide the Corporation with preliminary lot certificates advising that the lot grading conforms to the approved Grading Plan and is approved for sodding or seeding. Prior to the release of any lot grading conditions of this Subdivision Agreement, the Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor, shall provide final certification to the Corporation in the form of as-built elevations on the Grading Plan in accordance with the approved Plan ofSubdivision, (c) Upon the elevations and grades being established in accordance with this Agreement, the Owner or Subdivider, shall thereafter, maintain the same for so long as the Owner or Subdivider is the registered owner ofthe lot. 13. Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 55 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. The Parties agree that the Lot Grading Plan, attached hereto, and marked as Schedule "D" is a photographically reduced and un-initialled copy of the Lot Grading Plan, initialled by the parties on the execution of this Agreement and that such initialled Plan forms part of this Agreement, The Parties further agree that in the event that any part or parts of Schedule "D", are illegible or conflict with the initialled Plan from which it was made, the initialled Plan shall prevail. (d) If, in the opinion of the Corporation, the Owner or Subdivider has at any time during which the Owner or Subdivider is the registered owner of any lot within the Plan of Subdivision failed to establish or maintain any such grade or elevation as required by Paragraph 13 (c), the Corporation, may, after giving such notice to the Owner or Subdivider, as the case may be, enter and re-enter from time to time upon such lot with equipment, machinery, sod and frll, and do such works and remove anything from the lot as in the Corporation's opinion, may be necessary to remedy such default, and the costs thereof, shall be paid by the Owner or Subdivider, to the Corporation. (e) Where the Owner or Subdivider has sold a lot within the Plan of Subdivision, and in the, opinion of the Corporation, the Owner or Subdivider, or the subsequent owner has, at any time, failed to establish or maintain any grade or elevation required to be established or maintained by paragraph 13 (c), the Corporation may, after giving such notice to the subsequent Owner or Subdivider, as the case may be, enter and re-enter from time to time upon such lot with equipment, machinery, sod and fill and do such works and remove anything from the lot as in the Corporation's opinion may be necessary to remedy such default and the costs thereof, shall be paid by the subsequent Owner or Subdivider, to the Corporation, and if no lots are sold, it shall constitute a lien on the lot and interest shall be payable on the amount thereof at the rate of Fifteen percent (15%) per annum, commencing Fifteen (15) days after the mailing of the statement to the subsequent Owner or Subdivider, at his/her last known address. STORM WATERMANAGEMENT A final Stormwater Management report is to be submitted to the Municipality. The affected lands shall be incorporated in to and regulated by the Bartley Municipal Drain system wdetthe Drainage Act. ADMINISTRATION AND INSPECTION COSTS (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to pay to the Corporation all administrative costs incuned in connection with this Agreement, including legal and engineering costs. (b) All ofthe underground works installed shall be constructed and installed under the supervision ofinspectors approved by the Corporation. The Owner or Subdivider hereby agrees to pay all accounts of the Corporation in connection with the services of the said Inspectors. No work specified in the Agreement or in the speciflrcations shall be carried out unless there is an inspector to ensure that all work is being completed in accordance with specifications approved by the Corporation. FINANCIAL PAYMENTS - CAPITAL CHARGES Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the charges payable pursuant to this Paragraph 16 shall be payable by the Owner or Subdivider as specified. (a) PARKLANDDEDICATIONFEE -6- t4 t5. 16. Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 56 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-7- The Owner or Subdivider shall provide parkland dedication in the form ofcash-in- lieu $500.00 per lot. This value is to be $2500.00 for 5 lots and shall be collected prior to the registration ofthe plan of subdivision. (b) STREETLIGHTING No street lighting required. (c) ELECTRICAL DISTzuBUTION SYSTEM The Owner or Subdivider hereby agrees to construct a complete electrical system at his/her expense including all switches, junction boxes, transformers, wire, hydro service connections, and appurtenances, to the street line to service all lands in the said Plan of Subdivision, according to designs approved by Hydro One and according to its specifications which are in effect at the time of the installation of the system and not necessarily those in effect at the time of this Agreement, and to maintain them until they are formally accepted by Hydro One. Hydro One reserves the right to do the work and the Owner or Subdivider shall pay the total cost. The electrical system within the subdivision, shall be ofsufftcient size, depth and at a location to adequately service, in the opinion of Hydro One, the subdivision of any lands serviced through it and where it is necessary to extend the system within the subdivision, to the existing system, outside the subdivision, and any adjacent subdivisions, the size, depth and location of the extension müst be acceptable to Hydro One. Hydro One may connect or authorize the connection ofthe electrical system but the connection shall not constitute acceptance of the electrical system by Hydro One. All plans relating to the installation of the electrical system, appurtenances and services must be submitted to Hydro One for approval along with evidence that any væiances from their standards are acceptable by the Municipal Electric Association. (d) Lor FRoNTAGE AND CONNECTION CHARGES Frontage and connection charges do not apply. LIABILITY INSURANCE Before commencing any of the work provided for herein, the Owner or Subdivider, shall supply the Corporation with a Liability Insurance Policy in the amount of Five Million ($5,000,000) Dollars, and in a form satisfactory to the Corporation, indemnif,ing the Corporation, and thei¡ agents from any loss arising from claims for damages, injury or otherwise in connection with the work done by or on behalf of the Owner or Subdivider. In the event any renewal premium is not paid, the Corporation, in order to prevent the lapse of such liability insurance policy, may pay the renewal premium or premiums and the Owner or Subdivider, agrees to pay the cost of such renewal or renewals within Fourteen (14) days ofthe account therefore being rendered by the Corporation. The Owner or Subdivider shall provide written notice to the Corporation of the cancellation of the liability insurance policy, Twenty-One (21) days before the cancellation is to come into effect. PERF'ORMANCE GUARANTEE (a) As security for the construction and installation of services required by this Agreement, and prior to the release of the Plan of Subdivision, for registration, the Owner or Subdivider, shall supply the Corporation with security for performance and completion of all works required by this Agreement, in an amount which is Seventy-Five per cent (75Vù of the estimated cost of the works, as set out in Schedule "C", in the form of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit, from a chartered l7 18 Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 57 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. bank or other financial institution, satisfactory to the Corporation, expressed to be pursuant to this Agreement, and payable to the Corporation at any time or in part, from time to time, upon written notice from the Corporation, that the Owner or Subdivider, is in default under this Agreement, The said security shall be for the period of time set forth in Schedule "8" for the completion of the works. (b) The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation that after Fifty percent (50%) of the said works are completed, to the satisfaction of the Corporation, the amount of the security will be progressively reduced to the amount equal to the estimated cost of the uncompleted work, plus Twenty per cent (20%) as determined by the Corporation's Engineer. The reduction will be made after the receipt of the progress certificate from the Consulting Engineer, proof that the contractor has been paid, and approval by the Corporation. However, the said security will not be allowed to be reduced below Twenty-Five per ceît (25%) of the estimated cost of all works until all of the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Corporation's Engineer and the Corporation and the Owner or Subdivider, has provided a Letter of Credit for the Maintenance Guarantee. If staging is approved by Council, the above shall be applicable per stage. MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation that, upon completion of the various parts of the works and prior to acceptance by the Corporation, the Owner or Subdivider, will provide at his/her own expense, a Letter of Credit for the sum of Twenty- Five per cenl QSVo) of the actual cost of all the works still subject to the guarantee, to guarantee the workmanship and materials for a period of Two (2) years from the date of satisfactory completion of the work. OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING The Owner or Subdivider agrees that no building shall be occupied or used for any purpose in the subdivision until storm sewer and electricity are in operation, and in the opinion of the Corporation, capable of providing adequate service, The Owner or Subdivider further agrees that no building shall be occupied or used for any purpose in the subdivision until a base coat of asphalt has been installed on the road immediately in front of the building and extending to an existing municipal road, and to maintain vehiculæ access to the said building until the roads are formally accepted by the Corporation. TIME LIMIT FOR Iù/ORK AND GUARANTEE FOR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL Save as herein otherwise provided the Owner or Subdivider agrees to complete the work required under this Agreement within the Time Limits specified in the Schedule attached hereto as Schedule "B", and to guarantee the workmanship and materials for a period of Two (2) years from the date that the said works are approved, in writing, by the Corporation. Any work other than that specifically provided for in Schedule "8" shall be completed within the time limit provided for herein, for sidewalks, curbs and gutters and roads. The Owner or Subdivider shall, in the period prior to fìnal acceptance ofthe services or utilities to be constructed under this Agreement as soon as it is practicable after receiving written notice from the Corporation repair any damage caused to existing services or utilities by the implementation or performance of this Agreement or caused during the construction of dwelling units or other buildings on any part of the development. Should the Owner or Subdivider fail or neglect to carry out repairs or any other work required of this Agreement the Corporation may, in addition to any other rights or remedies it may have at law or in equþ, assert and exercise the rights provided for in Clawe22. -8- 19. 20 21. Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 58 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. UNCOMPLETED OR FAULTY S/ORK notified. The cost of such work shall be calculated by the Corporation whose decision shall be final. It is understood and agreed that the total costs shall include a management fee of Twenty per cent (20%) of all labour, material and machine time charges incurred to complete the work and further, a fee of thirty per cent (30%o) of the charges incurred for the dislocation and inconvenience caused to the Corporation as a result ofsuch default on the part of the Owner or Subdivider, it being hereby declared and agreed that the assuming by the Owner or Subdivider of the obligations imposed by this paragraph is one of the considerations without which the Corporation would not have executed this Agreement. It is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto that such entry upon the lands shall be as an agent for the Owner or Subdivider, and shall not be deemed for any purpose whatsoever as an acceptance ofthe said services by the Corporation. GENERAL PROVISIONS The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation: (a) REGISTRATION OF AGREEMENT The Owner or Subdivider agrees that this Agreement shall be registered by the Corporation's Solicitor upon the title to the lands within the plan of subdivision, and agrees to pay all solicitor's fees and disbursements incuned by the Corporation in respect to registration of this Agreement, forthwith, upon demand. (b) CONTTNUATION OF EXISTING SERVICES Where the construction of services herein involves a continuation of existing services to join into the same including adjustment of grades where necessary, such work to be completed in a good workmanlike manner and at the expense of the Owner or Subdivider. (c) PUBLIC LANDS _FILL AND DEBzuS To neither dump nor permit to be dumped any flrll or debris on, nor to remove or permit to be removed any fill from any public lands, other than the actual construction of roads in the subdivision without the written consent of the authority responsible for such lands. The Owner or Subdivider shall, on request, supply the Coçoration with an acknowledgement from such authority of the Owner or Subdivider's compliance with the terms of this clause. (d) OUALITATIVE OR OUANTITATIVE TESTS -9- 22 23 Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 59 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-10- The Corporation may have qualitative or quantitative tests made of any materials which have been or are proposed to be used in the construction of any services required by this Agreement and the cost of such tests shall be paid by the Owner or Subdivider within Fourteen (14) days of the account being rendered by the Corporation. RELOCATION OF SERVICES To pay the cost of relocating any existing services and utilities caused by the development work within Fourteen (14) days of the account for same being rendered by the Corporation. The Owner or Subdivider further agrees to similarly pay the cost of moving any services or utilities installed under this Agreement in driveways or so close thereto, in the opinion of the Corporation, as to interfere with the use of the driveway. TAXES That prior to the release of the plan for registration the Owner or Subdivider shall pay the taxes in frrll for all the lands included in the said Plan of Subdivision according to the last revised assessment roll, until the lands are assessed and billed as a registered plan. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS Prior to the release of the plan for registration, to prepay any outstanding local improvement charges which a¡e levied against any of the lands in the said plan of subdivision. SPECIFICATIONS Unless otherwise specified, any work required under this Agreement shall be according to the specifications ofthe Corporation. Any and all approval of plans and specifications by the Corporation does not relieve the Owner or Subdivider of responsibilþ for enors and omissions in the plans and specifications. It shall be tÏe responsibility of the Owner or Subdivider to supply any third party contractor with all nécessary information to compete the works contemplated under this Agreement. STREETS During the construction ofthe services and utilities required to be constructed under this Agreement and during the construction of any dwelling units to be constructed within the subdivision all streets within the development site, being Peters Court, shall be maintained in good repair and clean by the Owner or Subdivider but this obligation and liability of the Owner or Subdivider does not extend beyond the time of final acceptance. Until final acceptance the Owner or Subdivider shall be responsible to maintain the entrances to the site on the existing county road to ensure the roads are kept clean and free from dust and debris. STREET SIGNS Street signs and traffic control signs will be installed by the Municipalþ at the Owner's expense. LICENCE TO ENTER To retain a licence from any subsequent pwchaser ofthe aforesaid lands to enter upon such lands in order to comply with the provisions of this Agreement. (e) (h) (e) (Ð û) (Ð (k) Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 60 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.- 11 - SANDING. DUST CONTROL. SNO$ryICE REMOVAL FROM ROADS Prior to the Corporation assuming the services, the Owner or Subdivider agrees to provide, at their expense, dust and weed conhol. The Owner or Subdivider shall snowplow and sand any unpaved roads when required to provide and maintain safe and adequate vehicula¡ access to all occupied buildings. and s the subdivision base c n all frames and have elevation as the base coat of asphalt so they will not interfere with snowplowing operations. The Owner or Subdivision agrees that any service provided by the Municipality prior to formal acceptance of the roads by the Municipality shall not be deemed acceptance of the roads. SURVEY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Prior to the formal acceptance of the services and roadwork by the Corporation, to supply a statement by an Ontario Land Surveyor that, after the completion of the subdivision work, he has found all standard iron bars and survey monuments as they pertain to only vacant lots remaining on the date of the acceptance of the subdivision. INTEREST Interest at the per annum rate of Th'ree per cent (3%) points above the prime rate of the Corporation's bank shall be payable by the Owner or Subdivider, to the Corporation, on all sums of money payable herein, which are not paid on the due dates calculated from such due dates. The due dates of any sum of money shall be Fourteen (14) days after the date ofthe invoice. CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT In the event the plan of subdivision is not registered within one year from the date hereof, the Corporation may, at its option, on one month's notice to the Owner or Subdivider, declare this Agreement to be null and void. NOTICES Any notices required to be given hereunder may be given by registered mail, addressed to the other party at its address according to the most recent assessment roll and shall be effective as ofthe date ofthe deposit thereol in the Post Offrce. UNSOLD LOTS The Owner or Subdivider is to provide suitable weed control on any unsold lots. Failure to do so will result in the Corporation performing the work and assessing a charge or lien to the property. STAGING The Owner or Subdivider covenants and agtees that the construction of the subdivision will be completed in one phase with all of the required services provided by the Owner or Subdivider and the Owner or Subdivider may complete such services in accordance with Schedule "B". BUILDINGPERMITS The Owner or Subdivider covenants and agrees not to apply for any building permit for any building on the lands until the following pre-requisites have been satisfied: (1) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) G) G) Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 61 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-12- l. The Owner or Sudivider has provided confirmation of the engineered septic system plans and maintenance agreement as per Paragraph 6' 2. The Manager of Public Works has advised in writing that rough grading has been carried out to his/her satisfaction and that building permits may be issued in accordancc with the grading control plan attached hereto as Schedule 'D'; curb and gutter, storm water sewer systems and base coat of asphalt has been installed; all traflic and street signs have been installed' Exceptions to this condition may be permitted where, in the opinion of the Manager of Public \Morks, there are extenuating circumstances. In these cases, the Owner or Subdivider shall undertake protective and remedial measures to the satisfaction of the said Manager, All costs of such protective and remedial measures shall be bome by the Owner or Subdivider. 3. Hydro One has advised the Corporation in writing that the complete electrical system has been installed in accordance with this agreement and is capable of servicing the lands. Exceptions to this condition may be permitted in writing at the discretion of the Corporation. 4. The Owner or Subdivider has satisfied all the financial requirements under this agreement, SIGNAGE FORPROJECT The Owner or Subdivider is entitled to erect one sign at the property entrance to advertise the project. Any sign erected must conform to any municipal or county Sign By-laws. The sign must be kept in good repair at all times. TREE PLANTING The Owner or Subdivider shall plant one tre€ per lot in a location and of a kind and size approved in writing by the Manager of Public rMorks. Should any tree die within 12 months of planting the Owner or Subdivider shall replace the tree with a new tree as prescribed in this agreement. Trees are to be planted a minimum of I metre (3.3 feeQ behind the property line and located so as not to interfere with services and utilities at any time. SURT'ACE WATER MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION The Owner or Subdivider agtees to require the contractor to provide means to avoid ponding, erosion and/or flooding onto adjacent properties during construction and will continue until lots have been developed by means of erosion provisions such as silt fencing, straw bales and rough grading of undeveloped lots to maintain all surface water on developed property. DRIVEV/AYAPPROACHES The Owner or Subdivider shall pave all driveway approaches to the satisfaction of the Manager of Public Works upon the construction of the building serviced by any such driveway. If any dropped curb is not located conectly with respect to any driveway, the Owner shall construct a dropped curb in the correct location and shall fill in the original dropped curb in accordance with specifications. CENTRALIZED MAIL BOX i. The Owner or Subdivider shall make adequate provision for ace¡tralized mail box to the satisfaction of Canada Post and further agrees to: l. work with Canada Post to determine and provide a temporary suitable Centralized Mail box location which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs and boulevards are in place in the subdivision; (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 62 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-13- 2. install a concrete pad in accordance with the requirements of and in a location approved by Canada Post to faciliøte the placement of a community mail box; 3. identiff the pad above on the engineering drawings. Said pad is to be poured at the time of the curb installation within the subdivision. ii. The Owner or Subdivider shall include in all offers ofpurchase and sale a statement advising the prospective purchaser: 1. that the home mail delivery will be from a designated Centralized Mail Box 2. that the developers/owners a¡e responsible for officially notifling the purchasers of the exact Centralized Mail box location prior to the closing of any home sales. (y) FIRE PROTECTION The Owner or Subdivider agrees to provide for adequate fire protection through the purchase oftwo 1 I hp pumps suitable for frre suppression to be used by the municipal fire services. 24. The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation: (a) EXTENT OF WORK The extent of work shall be construed to consist of the labour and materials necessary for the construction in a good substantial, workmanlike manner of all the items required for the completion of the entire work consisting of all the items shown on the drawings which have been approved by the Corporation, and which shall be installed according to these specifications; also, ofall excavations, drains, sheathing, shoring, false-work, forms, tools, appliances, and materials necessary for the safe expeditious and effective execution of all temporary and permanent work. The Owner or Subdivider shall be responsible for obtaining the location of all other Utilities such as Electric Underground Cables, Telephone Conduits, Storm Sewer Catchbasins, Farm Drainage Tiles, Gas Mains and Services, etc., from the utility concemed, and must protect and/or repair same subject to the regulations of the particular service involved Excavations, backfilling and all work on Municipal Streets must have the approval of the Engineer and/or Corporation. Pavements, driveways, entrance to property, lawns, etc., must be replaced in as good condition as found. Barricades and lanterns must be installed on all works for the protection of vehicles and pedestrians and all precautions taken to minimize the risk of damage and inconvenience to others. All work shall be ca¡ried out so that it conforms to the regulations of the Trench Excavators Act, and the Worker's Compensation Board, as it pertains to the safe working conditions of the workers employed on the job. The Owner or Subdivider shall take full responsibility for pavement breaks, which must be approved by the Engineer and restored to the regulations applicable. The closing of roads due to the installation of services must have the approval of the Corporation's Engineer and the Owner or Subdivider, must observe all applicable regulations. In the absence of the Owner or Subdivider from the job (whether permanent or temporary), he/she shall provide and leave a competent and reliable agent or Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 63 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. foreman in charge and all notices communications, instructions, or orders given, sent, or served upon this person, shall be taken as served upon the Owner or Subdivider. (b) LrENS ORCLAIMS The Owner or Subdivider agrees that, upon applying for fiqal acceptance ofthe waterworks system in the said subdivision, to supply the Corporation with a Statutory Decla¡ation that all accounts for work and materials have been paid or provided or that there are no claims for liens or otherwise in connection with such work done or materials supplied on behalf of the Owner or Subdivider, in connection with the subdivision. 25. Schedules "4" tlrough "D" as listed are attached hereto: L Schedule "4" Plan of Subdivision 2. Schedule "B" Time Limits 3. Schedule "C" Estimated Costs of Works 4. Schedule "D" Lot Grading Plan All shall form part of this Agreement and time shall be of the essence with respect to items contained herein. 26. The Corporation shall be entitled to enforce the provisions ofthis agreement against the owner of the lands to which it applies, and subject to the provisions of the Land Titles Act against any and all subsequent owners ofthe lands. 27. The Owner or Subdivider may assign this Agreement only with the consent of the Corporation. 28. All parties hereto shall execute and deliver (or cause to be done, executed and delivered) all such further acts, documents and other assurances that may be reasonably required by the parties for the completion of the work contemplated by this Agreement. 29. The Owner or Subdivider shall advisc all perspective purchasers ofltems 6, 12 and13 of this Agreement and/or provide copy of this Agreement in all offers of purchase and sale. IN Ir¡YITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals, attested to by the hands of their proper officers in that behalf fully authorized. COUNTRY VIEW ESTATES Witness Abraham Peters Emma Peters THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Lynn Acre, Mayor Lynda Millard, Clerk Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 64 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. Earth Grading Underground Servicing - Storm Sewer Granular Roadbase Electrical and Utility Municipal Drain Relocation Curbs and Base Asphalt Surface Asphalt -,t5- Summer 2010 Fall2010 Fall 2010 Fall2010 Fall 2010 Spring 201 1 Summer 2012 Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 65 of 161 gox d¡dgffi*ðkoEEEw@þffi Jrn D-,ø,at',Ãt _-_P-.._:--?14'-Yîs- 3rvÞiJ¡¡@ s)tr¡{lo --L-5t---'--'-7i----' I f'' h---^Ð-.rÊi 3rþtlr}cÐ s¡n^3Ârrls Ad g,z n D¡'R qtffiGflu -6-rû--ÉE M .EE=FF: æ¡r¡-É ¡þE .It ^rxfu,tfvllÀwÐwalú M|3'ffiW I rþlss¡þt¿@ ¿ lo'l _Ð IJY¿ t€Et^t@fìs .Ð Nftd ¡iw¡to i '.'./I 4 t U) 3 ß .! ül !o' io t ---- - T t ÈÈ I It ¡ ioi:' l,-,- t-À r *. l'*I .-I i'% .aotet.if" , .ó S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 3 3 r e g a r d i n g P e t e r s S u b d i v i s i o n N o r t h H a l l S u b d i v i s i o n A g r e e m e n t . P a g e 6 6 o f 1 6 1 Counky Vlow E¡t¡ter Subd. Agmt. Earth Gradlng Underground Servioing- Storm Sewcr Gra¡ular Roadbaso Elecnical andUtilþ Municipal Drain Relocation Curùs andBase Asphalt Surfacc Alphalt Summer20l0 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fsll 2010 Fall 2010 Spring20ll Summer2012 Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 67 of 161 5c¡r€Dt^L E "C- "0924 22 Sepænber20l0 s t6,000 J.0!0 E!f99C COI'ì¡TRY VIEW E{IIATES ST'BI}TI4SION tlttMcIPALIrY Or B^r¡EAM 5 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS rþrap ø STM STDRM SEWER ROADtrrORK (265 m - Shoot rA', 9.2 n back to back ourb and guttø ) IMÎIAL ROANBASB 255 t Sßdlry @ t55/m lncl. topsoil rtdpplngn5 905 3t0 Ml¡ SI,RFACE ROADIVORK 250 TOTAI. T,STIMAIED INTERNAL SERVICING COSTS ; ¡nd SANTTARY SBWER - priv8lc ropdc rystcnr on cach lot by bulldén YAIEBMABS - privrlo wlb on orch lot by buildcn CJDL 32¡'l0 360- st6,000 ¡ 4,500 1,50o 6,000u0 $ 14,û25 4,950 26,245 9,920 ¡10,665 E,l90 4,800 5¡00 t,9E0 10,500 665¡42,000 42,000 S17,4,10 2,500 37,835 30,125 t,500 600 $90,000 PETER J. PENNB& P, BNO. CYRIL J, DBMBYERE LIMITED CONSTJLTTNG ENCINEEP.S TILISONBURG, ONTARIO, Staff Report D2010-33 regarding Peters Subdivision North Hall Subdivision Agreement. Page 68 of 161 I I ! f I I ¡ \ \ l\\ ,/'l'*'\ \ll \ ----Y-+------- .N L ç lr E F(' fi MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM cJDL'-Ëæhı..ñ r:ffi nilru GRADTNG Pr¡N/ IENERAL PtAN OF SERMCE: S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 3 3 r e g a r d i n g P e t e r s S u b d i v i s i o n N o r t h H a l l S u b d i v i s i o n A g r e e m e n t . P a g e 6 9 o f 1 6 1 Page 70 of 161 '/ Staff Report DR20 I 0-009 STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Drainage Superintendent SUBJECT: Bartley Municipal Drain 7 October 2010 Date: October 712010 Report: DR:¿010-009 CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM É o1 Purpose: The purpose of this report is to present to Council the Engineer's Report #209138 received from Spriet Associates dated August 3l , 2010 and filed with the Clerk on Septemb er 20, 2010. Bacþround: On April 6,2009 the Clerk received a Petition for Drainage Works from Abraham Peters for land he owns known as Lot 7, Concession 8. On April 16,2009 Council appointed Spriet Associates to prepare a preliminary report under the Drøinage Act, for consideration of drainage for the affected lands. The Bartley Municipal Drain aheady drains this lands, however the location of the main drain would interfere with the lot alignment of Mr. Peters proposed residential subdivision. On June 18, 2009 an on-site meeting was held with respect to this proposed drainage works. The meeting was attended by: o Abratram Peters o Ivan'Weber o JeffDerrseki ( MTO) o Elias Martin . Doug Patterson o J.M. Spriet ( Spriet Associates) o Gerry LeMay ( Bayham Road Manager) o Bill Knifton ( Bayham Drainage Superintendent) The proposed drain relocation was discussed with those in attendance. There were no c,oncerns brought forward at that time. On July 15,2010 an information meeting was held at the Bayham Municipal Offices to review the proposed drainage works. This meeting was attended by Abraham Peters, Ada Mathews, J.M. Spriet and Bill Knifton. Mr. Spriet outlined the proposed location of the municipal drain and answered any questions brought forward. There were no concerns at that time, so Mr. Spriet could proceed with completing the Engineering design of the drain. Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 71 of 161 StaffReport DR20l0-009 7 October 2010 Staff Comments An Engineer's report was filed with the Municipality on Septemb er 20, 2010. Council should now determine whether it wishes to proceed with Notices under the Drainage Act and direct the Clerk to send a copy of the Report and Notice of Public Meeting setting out the date of the Council meeting at which this report will be considered to: (a) Every landowner within the area requiring drainage. (b) Clerk of every other local municipality in which any land or road that is assessed for the drainage works, or for which compensation or other allowances have been provided in the report is situate. (c) Any pubic utility, railway company or road authority that may be affected. (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority. (e) The Ministry ofNatural Resources. (d) The Director, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal#5: Develop a new and improved infrastructure network Recommendations: THAT StaffReport DR2010-009 regarding the Bartley Municipal Drain be received; TIIAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the receipt of Report #209138 dated August 31,2010 for the Bartley Municipal Drain, as prepared by the Engineer, Spriet Associates, and filed with the Clerk on Septernber 20,2010; TIIAT Council set a date for the Public Meeting to be held on November 4,2010 at 8:00 p.m. to consider the Report; AND TIIAT Staffbe directe.d to mail aNotice of Public Meeting and Report to all persons assessed to this drainage works, and in accordance with the Drainage Act. Respectfully submitted, Bill Knifton Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 72 of 161 BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham SPR¡ET ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS &ABCHITECTS 1 55 York street London, Onlario l*16A 1AB Tel (519) 672-4100 Fax (sl9) '+tß.9B51 E-mâil M,An @SPRFT-ON-CA Job No. 209138 August 31,2010 Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 73 of 161 London, Ontario August 31,2010 BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham To the Mayor and Council of the Municipality of Bayham Mayor and Council: We are pleased to present or repod on the reconstruction of the Bartley Municipal Drain serving parts of Lots 6-9, Concessions I and 9 in the Municipality of Bayham. AUTHORIZATION This report was prepared pursuant to Section 78 of the Drainage Act. lnstructions were received from your Municipality with respect to a motion of Council in accordance with Section I of the Drainage Act. The work was initiated by a request signed by an affected landowner. HISTORY The Bartley Drain was last reconstructed pursuant to a report submitted by J.R. Spriet, P.Eng. dated June 20, 1978 and consisted of the reconstruction and extension of the Bartley Drain. The work contained approximately 332 linealfeet of open ditch and approximately 3685 lineal feet of concrete tile ranging in size from 6" to 12" in diameter. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS A site meeting was held with respect to the project and through later discussions the requesting landowner indicated he intended to build a residential subdivision in Lot 7, Concession I and would require an improved outlet forthe subdivision as well as the relocation of a portion of the drain to accommodate potential lots. It was also indicated that, as a condition of severance, a new Schedules of Assessment for Maintenance should be prepared due to the numerous lot severances the developer has undertaken in the past. A field investigation and survey was completed and upon reviewing our findings, we note the following: . that the existing tile in the Bartley Drain from the open ditch in Lot 6, Concession I to approximatelythe half lot line of Lot 7, Concession 8 will require relocating and upsizing to today's standards Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 74 of 161 2 EX¡STING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS (cont'd) Preliminary design, cost estimates and assessments were prepared and an informal public meeting was held to review the findings and preliminary proposals. Further input and requests were provided by the affected owners at that time and it was decided to proceed with the report based on this. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The proposed drain was designed, with respect to capacity, using the Drainage Coefficient method contained in the "DRAINAGE GUIDE FOR ONTARIO", Publication 29 by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The Drainage Coefficient defines a depth of water that can be removed in a 24 hour period and is expressed in millimeters per 24 hours. The coefficient used for the Main Drain was 38mm. We would like to point out that there have been indications of sandy soil conditions, but no formal soil investigation has been made. All of the proposed work has been generally designed and shall be constructed in accordance with the DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES FOR WORK UNDER THE DRAINAGE ACT. RECOMMENDATIONS We are therefore recommending the following: . that the existing closed Bartley Drain be reconstructed from the open ditch in Lot 6 to the east side of the proposed subdivision, a distance of 253 lineal meters . that the drain be constructed with sealed sewer pipe to prevent tree roots from entering the drain . that the drain be constructed on a crushed stone bedding with filterwrap to prevent the drain from settling . that the existing 300mm dia. tile drain installed under the 1978 report remain a municipal drain irom the open ditch and across the lands of L. & A. Matthews (Roll. No. 5-023-02) to serve as an overflow drain in times of severe flooding . thatthe proposed outletstructure, stormwatermanagement pond and storm drain along Street 'A' to be installed as part of the subdivision, be incorporated as part of the municipal drain and be referred to as Branch'B' . that catchbasins be installed along the course of the drain to alleviate surface flows and provide access to the drain . that the existing Bartley Drain from Sta.O+076 to Sta.0+265 be officially abandoned from municipal status pursuant to section 19 of the Drainage Act Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 75 of 161 3 RECOMMENDATIONS (cont'd) ln accordance with the principals of Section M(2) of the Drainage Act, the existing surface watenruay along the route of the tile drain shall be part of the drainage works for future maintenance. The width available for the watenruay shall be equal to the maintenance working width as noted on the Contract Drawings. We have reviewed the existing Schedules of Assessment for the Bartley Drain and found them to be out-of-date and unfair due to property splits and changes in land use, the watershed and drainage conditions. We therefore recommend that new schedules be included as part of this report for future maintenance purposes. ENVIRONM ENTAL GONSIDERATIONS AND MITIGATION MEASU RES There are no significant wetlands or sensitive areas within the affected watershed area or along the route of the drains. The proposed construction of the Bartley Drain includes quarry stone outlet protection and surface inlets which greatly help reduce the overland surface flows and any subsequent erosion. A temporary flow check of straw bales or silt fencing is to be installed in the ditch downstream of the tile outlet for the duration of the construction. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WORK The proposed work consists of approximately 263 lineal meters of 375mm (15") H.D.P.E. plastic pipe including related appurtenances and the incorporation of 182lineal meters of 300mm (12") to 525mm (21") storm drain. SCHEDULES Four schedules are attached hereto and form part of this report, being Schedule 'A' - Allowances, Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate, Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction and Schedule'D' - Assessment for Maintenance. Schedule 'A' - Allowances. ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, allowances are provided for right-of-way and damages to lands and crops along the route of the drain as defined below. Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate. This schedule provides for a detailed cost estimate of the proposed work which is in the amount of $45,330.00. This estimate includes engineering and administrative costs associated with this project. Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. This schedule outlines the distribution of the total estimated cost of construction over the roads and lands which are involved. Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance. ln accordance with Section 38 of the Drainage Act, this schedule outlines the distribution of future repair and/or maintenance costs for portions of, or the entire drainage works. Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 76 of 161 4 SCHEDULES (cont'd) Drawing No. 1, Job No. 209138 and specifications form part of this report. They show and describe in detail the location and extent of the work to be done and the lands which are affected. ALLOWANGES DAMAGES: Section 30 of the Drainage Act provides for the compensation to landowners along the drain for damages to lands and crops caused by the construction of the drain. The amounts granted are based on the following: a) for closed drain installed with wheel machine or backhoe - $1,833.00/ha. This base rate is multiplied by the hectares derived from the working widths shown on the plans and the applicable lengths. RIGHT-OF-WAY: Section 29 of the Drainage Act provides for an allowance to the owners whose land must be used for the construction, repair, or future maintenance of a drainage works. For tile drains where the owners will be able to continue to use the land, the allowance provides for the right to enter upon such lands, and at various times for the purpose of inspecting such drain, removing obstructions, and making repairs. Also, the allowance provides for the restrictions imposed on those lands to protect the right-of-way from obstruction or derogation. The amounts granted for right-of-way on tile drains is based on 2oo/o of value of the land designated for future maintenance. Therefore, the amounts granted are based on $1,800.00/ha. These values are multiplied by the hectares derived from the width granted for future maintenance and the applicable lengths. ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS ln accordance with the Drainage Act, lands that make use of a drainage works are liable for assessment for part of the cost of constructing and maintaining the system. These assessments are known as benefit and outlet liability as set out under Sections 22 and 23 of the Act. BENEFIT as defined in the Drainage Act means the advantages to any lands, roads, buildings or other structures from the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a drainage works such as will result in a higher market value or increased crop production or improved appearance or better control of surface or sub-surface water, or any other advantages relating to the betterment of lands, roads, buildings or other structures. OUTLET liability is assessed to lands or roads that may make use of a drainage works as an outlet either directly or indirectly through the medium of any other drainage works or of a swale, ravine, creek or watercourse. Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 77 of 161 5 ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS (cont'd) ln addition, a Public Utility or Road Authority shall be assessed for and pay allthe increased cost to a drainage works due to the construction and operation of the Public Utility or Road Authority. This may be shown as either benefit or special assessment. ASSESSMENT We assess the entire cost of this report to the developer of the Subdivision, A. & E. Peters (Roll No. 5-023-01). lt is to be noted that the cost of this report is not eligible forthe Provincial Agricultural Grant. MAINTENANGE Upon completion of construction, all owners are hereby made aware of Sections 80, 82 and 83 of the Drainage Act which forbid the obstruction of, damage or injury to, and pollution of a municipal drain, After completion, the entire Bartley Drain including the existing drain installed under the 1978 report shall be maintained by the Municipality of Bayham at the expense of all upstream lands and roads assessed in Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance and in the same relative proportions, until such time as the assessment is changed under the Drainage Act. The above existing portions of the drain shall be maintained in accordance with the grades and dimensions set out in the plans and specifications contained in the report by J.R. Spriet, P. Eng. dated June 20, 1978. Respectfully submitted, ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED sJs Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 78 of 161 SCHEDULE'A' - ALLOWANCES BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, we determine the allowances payable to owners entitled thereto as follows: Section 29 Section 30 MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION I B 8 I 8 6 7 7 7 7 5-020-10(A. & S. Bunrell) 050-023-02(1. & A, Mathews) Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 8 - Severance - A. & E. Peters TotalAllowances $ 10.00 $ 120.00 50.00 10.00 190.00 20.00 $ 220.00 30.00 340.00 50.00 10.00 190.00 BRANCH I I $ 380.00 $ 240.00 $620.00 TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE MAIN DRAIN . CLOSED PORTION $ 620.00 rrBrr Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters $ 120.00 $7 7 90.00 $ 120.00 90.00 TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE $ 210.00 $$ 210.00 2r0.00 830.00 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) TotalAllowances BFIANCH '' B '' BARTLEY DRAIN $ $ Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 79 of 161 SCHEDULE'B' - COST ESTIMATE BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham We have made an estimate of the cost of the proposed work which is outlined in detail as follows: MAIN DRATN - CLOSED PORTION (CONSTRUCTION) One 6 meter length of 550mm dia., 2.0mm thickness aluminized outlet pipe (with rodent gate): Supply lnstallation at tile outlet with quarry stone rip-rap protection around pipe and across end of ditch (Approx. 6m" quarry stone required) lnstallation of the following sewer pipe on a crushed stone bedding: 247 melers of 375mm (15") H.D.P.E. Boss sewer pipe Supply of the above listed pipe Supply and delivery of 19mm crushed stone (Approx. 100 tonnes) Supply and install three 600mmx600mm standard catchbasins including grates, berms and ditching Supply and install one 1200mm dia. manhole at Sta.0+076 Cross connect existing drain with new manhole using 10 meters - 300mm H.D.P.E. pipe on stone bedding Restoration of lawn areas with imported topsoiland seed Sta.0+006 to Sta.0+076 Tile connections and contingencies Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act ADMINISTRATION Survey, Plan and Report Assistance and Expenses Supervision and Final lnspection TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 45,330.00 $ 600.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 9,300.00 $ 9,100.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 830.00 $ 11,230.00 $ 670.00 $ 1,500.00 Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 80 of 161 SCHEDULE'C' - ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No.209138 We assess the entire cost of this report to the Developer, A. & E. Peters owner of property Roll No. 5-023-01 August 31,2010 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE BARTLEY DRAIN $45,330.00 Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 81 of 161 SCHEDULE 'D' - ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 209138 August 31,2010 PERCENTAGE OFHECTARES coN. Lor AFFEOTED ROLL No. (owNER) MATNTENANOE cosr MAIN DRAIN . OPEN PORTION I*8 "8*8 *8 *8 *8 "8*8 *8 *8 *8 I*8 *8 I I*8 *8 I*9 "9 I 6 0.81 7 0.66 7 0j3 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.38 7 0.38 7 0.40 7 0.11 7 010 7 0.09 7 0.40 7 6.81 7 1.10 I 0.83 8 0.12 8 2.41 I 0.77 8&9 5.43 8&9 1.34 I 2.71 I 1.04 I 2.38 5-020-10(4. & S. Bunvell) 050-023-02(1, & A. Mathews) 050-023-04(J. Ham) Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot I - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D, & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) 5-023-20(The Corinth Mennonite Curch) 5-027 -z9(Mennonite Chu rch in Christ) 5-029-01(D. & G. Holden) 5-025(P. Fehr) 5-031-02(8. L'Etoile) 5-031(U. & L. Vantyghem) 5-031-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5-085-01(Future Transfer Co. lnc) 5-085(T. & J. Cox) 5-086-1 0(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS 20.20 vo 1.20 0.30 1.30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.20 1.00 11.30 2.30 1.80 0.30 4.10 1.60 9.20 2.30 6.90 2.20 =1:9:== 74.8 o/o Eden Line Highway No. 3 Street A' Gounty of Elgin Ministry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham 1.09 1.75 0.38 10.50 Vo 11.80 2.90 25.2 VoTOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN - OPEN PORTION 100.0 olo Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 82 of 161 10 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE (Cont'd) BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN. CLOSED PORTION *8 "8*8 *8 *B *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 I*8 *8 I I*8 *8 I*9 *9 I 7 0.61 7 0.13 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.38 7 0.38 7 0.40 7 0.11 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.40 7 6.81 7 1.10 I 0.83 I 0.12 8 2.41 8 0.77 8&9 5.43 8&9 1.34 I 2.71 I 1.04 I 2.38 2.20 o/o 0.60 0.70 0.20 0.20 0.20 2.10 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.30 11.10 2.20 1.90 0.20 7.40 1.60 15.70 5.90 12.40 3.00 =u=Í:=== :::=::= 12.60 o/o 9.90 1.40 23.9 olo ======= 050-023-02(1. & A. Mathews) 050-023-04(J. Ham) Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot I - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) 5-023-20(The Corinth Mennonite Cu rch) 5-027 -2Ù(Mennonite Church in Christ) 5-029-01(D. & G. Holden) 5-025(P. Fehr) 5-031-02(B. L'Etoile) 5-031(U. & L. Vantyghem) 5-031-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5-085-01(Future Transfer Co. lnc) 5-085(T. & J. Cox) 5-086-1 O(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS Eden Line Highway No. 3 Street A' County of Elgin Ministry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham 1.09 1.75 0.38 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN - CLOSED PORTION 100.0 olo Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 83 of 161 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE (Cont'd) BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MATNTENANCE COST BRANCH '' B '' t1 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 "8 "8*8 *8 8 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 010 7 0j2 7 0.32 7 0.1',1 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.06 7 1.69 11.60 o/o 9.50 4.00 3.50 3.40 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.10 ':::_=== l!=3=? 29.80 o/o 29.8 o/o ======= Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot I - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) Street'A' TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS 0.38 Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BRANCH '' B '' Note: All the above lands noted with an asterik are classified as Non-agricultural 100.0 % Staff Report D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 Page 84 of 161 -tl'lj u * FcFclræ Þ¡rÉÞ JMM hr ro r{l ffir ÉøM*loærurÉw* r# LÆ9 ffirrElr &Jedr ro rE æN Ncñcrft Æ e{r þr flPffiuDB4ãüt4¡reûM&ru E¡4 ,[NÉ{ft8@48fuUrc ¡druÈürEWr æJ ¿d euLilrôro4LeEoÆ r ftË 6aøLd r ÉLlvard *M4rÉæÞ mN & *úr!riÌEdcatræ ro p¡r rreHriffiMûr¡4R r Er æ ró ¡E hréo Æ Nral¿o r @þ&r ùr¡ sdâ ^ ,c ¡ rE 4luf6 EIM q$ R ÑNER, ÞiM@ÑEþÐI Æ TE Æ6EO NÈ 4L P4IEô ULE4IW {æ GENERÅL NOTEg , uarc¡.& uL il ffi@Æ Éralæ rr &æ4c! úruarc¡.& uL il ffi@Æ Éralæ rr &æ4c! úfl *dâ c ó i \.J\ sà F,lAIN DRAINPROFILE 9êLÊ AR I M wRr 5ø / dø'@rrtr'Er,ù,d/ DETAIL }.{-D-PE- gEIllER PIPE -rri Erfi¡*frtir: @J@rÆoráwr 6r dtufn @Mur{ &raÂvdEFc¡ranódl.¡&r ro * éræD roeM ftlh r@Æ u]r *cr4 a r"r lÆ r/ Ì* @rürdsl éral rF æ 4¡eæM4 Êi \ !ffiÞ r4rrrM bÁ,r¿M/x !rR. frffiD Eù ¡/rE6rør4MLMÍU dtrMrÆæDußÈrE{@Ffrwd 1Ë ^tet ALæ.ærro9 êY rE cdrÙr4 Æ *L d raD ru 64trUF þ¡ÐNMP¡lltrþR @uúb ùtr 4 aæD rË dftrærtþr ftruBs ffi mÉfË4ERrElmrr Æ@ ffilE dú1 í) r-d!-20 13) $02t-20 ÊNlffi cHñ s d DElAIL PLAN &ÁLE LOf a Lol 1 i f, BARTLEY DRAIN MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM PLÄN ' PROFILE SPFIET AAAOCIATEAUJATER9I{ED PLAN S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 9 r e g a r d i n g B a r t l e y M u n i c i p a l D r a i n . F i l e : E 0 9 P a g e 8 5 o f 1 6 1 Page 86 of 161 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 1 STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works SUBJECT: Pavement Edger DATE: October 7,2010 -¿FILE: I ':4c NUMBER: PV/ 2010-18 Purpose This report is to present recommendations from the Manager of Public Works regarding the purchase of a pavement edger in order to pave the edges of the roadways throughout the Municipality. Background The Municipality of Bayham presently uses a system of placing the asphalt on the shoulder of the roadways by hand or by a tailgate asphalt spreading system. Placing the asphalt on the shoulders by hand is very labor intensive and cost prohibitive and placing the asphalt along the shoulders by our present tailgate spreader system is a means of accomplishing the end product but there is a great deal of waste asphalt is doing the edging by this means. The asphalt is placed on the edge of the roadways in order to eliminate shoulder drop-offs, alligatoring of the present asphalt which will eventually break away and cause concerns with the entire road infrastructure. Staff Comments The Manager of Public V/orks indicates a preference to the option as the amount of asphalt used to pave the edges of the present roadway is not wasted and the labor aspect is not a concern as the pavement edger attaches to one of our present tandem dump trucks allowing the crew to drive and place the asphalt on the areas eliminating deterioration. The finances would be reached by using monies left from our present capital equipment budget due to the fact the Road Patrol System came well under the quoted budget price. The pavement edger has a cost of approximately $ 5,750.00 excluding applicable taxes. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) Attachments 1. Summation of Bid Results Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Council direct staff to purchase a pavement edger from AMI Attachments, Elmira, Ontario. Manager of Public Works would recommend the pavement edger from AMI Attachments of Elmira, Ontario in the amount of $5,750.00 excluding applicable taxes. Public Works Staff Report PW2010-18 regarding Pavement Edger. File: T06 Page 87 of 161 2372Fo¡adale Road R.R.l, ELMIRA, ON N3B 2Zl HONE: (519) 669-0387 FAX: (519) 669'0597 GST NO: 86989 4618 RT0001 Ship To: Of Bayham 9344 Plank rd Staffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 51 9-866-5521 Date Jan '14,2010 Page 1 Quote Number oT4120 Quotation Municipality Of Bayham 9344 Plank rd Staffordville, ON, NOJ 1Y0 51986Ê5521 ; Refe¡ence \/trFlFtÄt PO Number GERRY Customer No, MUNl08 Salesperson BE Order Date lan 14 2î1O Ship Via sHônn5 Terms NtrTCN aty. O¡d. atv. Shp. ury. B/O Item Number Description LJnlt Price UOM Extended Price 1.0000 1.0000 0.000( 0.000( 1.000( 1.000( :G.PPPE :G-0925SR j Pot Hole Patcher/Pavement Edger Shouldering Retriever SHIPPING Allow 4 weeks for delivery 5,750.00 9,800.000000 ea ea 5,750.00 9,800.00 150.00 Tax Summary: GST PST 785.00 1,256.00 Comments:DO NOT PAY FROM THIS OUOTE Less lncluded Tax Order Discount Subtotal Total sales tax 0.00 0.00 15,700.00 2,041.00 Total order 17,741.00 Staff Report PW2010-18 regarding Pavement Edger. File: T06 Page 88 of 161 -7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: October 7,2010 FROM:GerryLeMay,ManagerPublicWorks FILE: -lr,'\ \)'ç'-1'' SUBJECT: Clarke Bridge Update NUMBER: PW 2010-19 Purpose This report from the Manager of Public Works regarding the update regarding progross on Clarke Road Bridge in the Municipality of Bayham. Background The Municipality of Bayham presently has both north and south entrances to the Clarke Bridge blocked off due to the fact the bridge is inoperable. Since July 13 of this year the bridge was rendered inoperable by an overloaded vehicle driving on the bridge surface collapsing the east side of the bridge. Letters were written to our insurance company as well as the guilty parly advising the Municipality will take steps to hold the guiþ party responsible for the damages. The Municipalities insurance company has advised us that we are covered for the damages and will act on our behalf. Our insurance company has asked that we obtain Request for Proposals from our Engineering firm with reference to the repair of the bridge. Staff Comments The Manager of Public V/orks has taken steps to contact Spriet Associates to comprise a request for proposal regarding the replacement of the bridge. Spriet Associates has completed the survey on the bridge and will cost the bridge structures reinstatement giving the Municipality several options such as realigning the bridge so the road can be straightened or placing the bridge in the present area where a new one lane bridge would be reinstalled. V/e expect the Request for Proposal to be tendered shortly in order to advise the other party of the costs. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) Strategic Plan Goal(s) l. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Staff Memorandum 2010-019 be received. Respectfully sub-rni Reviewed By. Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works Staff Report PW2010-19 regarding Clarke Bridge Update. File: T04 Page 89 of 161 Page 90 of 161 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: October 7,2010 FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works FILE: SUBJECT: V/inter Control Contracts 201012011 NUMBER: PW 2010-20 Purpose This initiate Winter Control contracts for 20101 2011 Winter Season. Background The Municipality last requested tenders for winter control for the 200512006 season, and based on bids received, awarded contracts for various service areas. The initial contracts provided for a renewal for the 200612007 season, and they were subsequently extended to 200712008. Pricing through this period remained as per the original tender, and only a couple of minor changes were made to the service areas (several new sidewalk locations were added by the Municipalþ). Since a new contractor had shown interest in the Winter Control a tender was drawn up for all to bid on. The price differentiation from the preceding year is very minimal as you may note most contractors stayed with the preceding years pricing. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates at the 2010 tender process drew very few contractors and fortunately this time we did not have to approach contractors to take certain streets we feel very fortunate. As a point of interest the cost approximately for snow removal would be $ 150 per hour as I note council had queried the costs in 2008. Fuel costs have stabilized which provides Council with some very positive pricing for Winter Control. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) subsection 3 we have meet this parameter of the priorities'with this By-Law ensure a standard system for the Municipal roadways. Attachments 1. Summation of Bid Results Strategic Plan Goal(s) l. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT staff be authorized to confirm contract arrangements for winter control services for the 20101 2ò1 1 season as outlined in Attachm ent # 2 to report 2010-20. Respectfully submitted, GerÐ, LeMay, Manager Public'Works Staff Report PW2010-20 regarding Winter Control Contracts 2010/2011. Page 91 of 161 Price Structure for 201012011 Winter Control Tender Contractor Berdan Paving Underhill Bros Laemers Aylmer Garden Ctr Wilson Lawn Care Schedule Bid A2 A6 A1 A2 A3 A4 A6 AI A2 A3 A4 Location Straffordville Eden Richmond Port Burwell Straffordville Vienna Parking Lot/Facilities Eden/Richmond Port Burwell Straffordville Vienna Parking Lot/Facilitie s Parkinglot/Facilities Eden/Richmond Sidewalks Comments $ 230lhr $ 130/hr $ 230lhr $ 65/hr $ 65/hr $ 65/hr $ 65/hr $ 65/hr $ 60/hr $ 60/hr $ 60/hr $ 60/hr 65lhr 65thr $ 45lhr A4 A6 $ $ A5 Staff Report PW2010-20 regarding Winter Control Contracts 2010/2011. Page 92 of 161 Staff Report PW2010-20 regarding Winter Control Contracts 2010/2011. Page 93 of 161 Page 94 of 161 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\DI]M TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: MNR Meeting - Conveyance of Part of Chatham Street DATE: September 28, 2070 FILE: '( O1 Council will recall that report PR20l0-08 regarding the completion of a transfer of part of Chatham Street to the Ministry of Natural Resources was deferred at the August 12,2010 Council meeting. Council had expressed a desire to meet with MNR representatives regarding community involvement, access to beach areas, etc. Representatives met with MNR staff on September 27th, and after discussions garnered the following information: Access to BoardwalkÆier area - There are no restrictions regarding access to the boardwalk area - Co-ordination with municipal public works is welcome regarding any grading/maintenance needs for the parking lot/entrance area. Access to Park Beach Area - Access to the park beach area is available, at no charge, for pedestrian trafftc provided that access is at an approved access point (the day use gates). Charges will apply to vehicular access only. MNR representatives outlined a number of reasons that park access can only be at the existing gate. Items including legislative needs, changes in philosophy for provincial park management, and perhaps most importantly habitat protection were outlined. Protection of the naturalized dune area was the issue most discussed, as the MNR sees this as an essential component of habitat protection. With access to the park and beach area from the boardwalk, the MNR has concems with damage to this area (erosion etc) from the development of paths, improper use, garbage, etc. Parlicipants at the meeting also discussed methods to provide this information to the public. There were suggestions for signage, and distribution of information through avenues such as municipal water bills and semi-annual newsletters. Staff Memorandum regarding MNR Meeting - Conveyance of Part of Chatham Street. Staff Report PR2010-08 regarding Page 95 of 161 Page 96 of 161 þ"4l^^,J Ô'-212a CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM : Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Conveyance to MNR - Part of Chatham Street DATE: Jriy28,2070 FILE: T09 NUMBER: PR2010-08 Purpose This report is to recommend the completion of a transfer of part of Chatham Street to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Background In 1983, the former Village of Port Burwell proceeded with the closure of part of the road allowance between lots l0 and 1l in Concession I (known as Chatham Street) southerly from the current location of the municipal sewage treatment plant. Files indicate the closure and conveyance of this section of road allowance (Part 5 Plan I lR-2446) was part of the consideration for the acquisition of land and construction of the treatment plant. Subsequentl¡ in approximately 2000, the Municipality also required easements on additional MNR lands for the purpose of the new exfiltration gallery for the treatment plant. At that time, MNR staff noted concems that the subject portion of Chatham Street had not been properly conveyed, and requested its completion as part of the land negotiations. At this time, it appears that the conveyance was not completed, and MNR has again requested it be completed. Staff Comments Given that negotiations appear to have confirmed to the MNR that the subject portion of Chatham Street would be closed and conveyed, staff suggest that the necessary transfers now be completed. The necessary documents have been prepared. There are no public notice requirements etc. as the closure itself was completed in 1983. Attachments 1. Copy of Plan 2. Draft By-law No. 2010-077,berng a by-law to convey part of the road allowance between Lots l0 and 11, Concession 1, designated as Part 5 on Plan llR-2446 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial managønent Recommendation "THAT By-law No. 2010-077,being a byJaw to convey part of the road allowance between lots 10 and 11 in Concession I of the Municipality of Bayham designated as Part 5 on Plan llR-2446,be presented to Council for enactment." Respectfully submitted, Kyle Kruger Administrator Staff Memorandum regarding MNR Meeting - Conveyance of Part of Chatham Street. Staff Report PR2010-08 regarding Page 97 of 161 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]MCIPALITY OF BAYHÄM BY-LAW 2010-077 BEING A BY.LAW CO¡IVEY PART OF THE T]NOPEI\ED ROAD ALLOWANCE DESCRIBED PART OF'CHATHAM STREET BEING TITE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 10 AND tl, CONCESSTON 1 OF TIrE MTJNTCTPALITY OF BAYITAM, IN Trm'. COTINTY OF' ELGIN, DESTGNATED AS PART 5 ON PLAN LIR-2446 \ilHEREAS Section 11 oftheMunicipal Act,200l, S.O.2001, c.25 as amendedprovides that a lower tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting Higþways, including parking and traffic onhigþways; AND WIIEREAS Section 8 ofthe said Municipal Act provides that a mwricipalityhas the capacity, rights, powers, and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authorityunder this or any other Act; AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the former Village of Port Burwell passed ByJaw No. 83- 03 January 24,1983 to stop up and close part of Chatham Stee! designatod as Part 5 on Plan ttF.-2446; AND WHEREAS the Council ofthe Corporation of the Municipalityof Baytram deerrs it expedielrt to convey the zubject lands to the Ministry of Natural Resources. TIIT'.REF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUMCIPALITY OF'BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Cterk to execute doctrments as necessary to effect the conveyance of lands described as PartoftheRoadAllowancebetweenl¡ts 10 and 11, Concession I oftheMunicipalityof Bayharn, designated as Part 5 on Plan llF.-2446 to the Minisüy of Natural Resources. 2. AND THAT this byJaw shall come into fi¡ll force and ef[ect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of October,2010. MAYOR CLERK Staff Memorandum regarding MNR Meeting - Conveyance of Part of Chatham Street. Staff Report PR2010-08 regarding Page 98 of 161 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of September 2010 D¡te:Oct-02-2010 File: PlO No.Date Roll#Permlt Holder Property Descriptlon Bullding Type Value Permlt Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 97 l-Seo 0-005-02001 Colwell, Randy 10085 Culloden Road constuct roofed over deck 288so ft 5.000 141.0( 98 2-Sep ¡-001-51200 Needham, Dorothy l0 Libbve Street :epalce existing septic holdine tank 2.000 250.0( 99 3-Sep )-004-21900 Merriam. Robert 55815 First Street :onstruct detached earase 480so ft l0-000 75.0C 100 3-Seo )-001-09501 Marian Homes Plank Road )ne storey modular home Vatt¿ched sarase 2380so 250.00(1415.0( 101 7-Seo )-005-13100 Sascho, Philip 54930 Best Line ]onsfruct two storey addition 960so ft to house 35.00(517.0(250.0( 102 8-Seo +-001-05900 Peters. Peter 15 Edison Drive ]onstruct storage sarage 280sq ft 4.00c 75.0( 103 l3-Seo l-004-10415 Froese. Guillermo 56846 Heritase Line ¡onstruct storage shed 384sq ft 4.00c 75.0C 104 l7-Sep )-004-34200 Dvsos. Rebecca 9317 Plank Road ¡onvert main floor blde from residential to comm 5.00c 2l I .0( 10s 20-Sep )-004-0l9ls Madill, Jon 8974 Plank Road install garden shed l60sq ft 3.00(75.0( 106 21-Sep )-004-28550 HildebrandL Wilhelm 55551 Main Sheet constnrct patio deck at rear ofhouse 420sq ft I,50(75.0( 107 22-SeD +-001-01900 Ihenian, Gilles 6346 Plank Road renovate portion ofbuilding to create2 bdrm aot 5-00(135.0( 108 23-Sep )-006-14700 Baldwin, Melvin 56411GreenLine consfruct pole barn 2592so ft 26-OO(671.0( 109 23-Sep +-001-22500 Pederson, John 2 Kine Street reapir side porch roof, add covered deck 280sq ft 2-00(208.0( 1r0 30-Sep r-002-15800 Martin, Steven 56009 Calton Line ¡eplacc fiont rcofed deck remove addition add deck l0-00(328.0( 111 30-Sep t-003-02304 FIam, John 54415 Eden Line install sarden shed 200so ft 4.00(75.0( September-l0 366.500 4.076.00 500.00 ¿O1O YEARTO DATE 6.609.166 48.241.00 4125.0( September-09 931-50f 8.522.00 2100.0( ¿OO9 YEÀR TO DATE 6.879.54r 46.584.00 8300.0( sMlO/4/2010 Prepared bY: excel\monthly\buildper Reviewedby: B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 9 9 o f 1 6 1 Page 100 of 161 g ôt= Boyhom Community Policing Committee, c/o Doug Lesfer, 12 Groce Court, Box 33, Port Burwell, ON NOJ 1T0 Municipolity of Boyhom PO Box I ó0 Stroffordville, Ont. NOJ lYO ATTN: Moyor Lynn Acre & Municipol Councillors I om wriling on beholf of the Boyhom Communily Policing Committee. This is o group ol 12 volunteers from lhe community seeking to roise oworeness of sofety ond security issues in our community. We hove been regulorly since October 2009. It hos been noted by members of our group thot the moin intersection in Porl Burwell of the corners of Robinson ond Wellinglon is becoming increosingly busy during summer weekends. lt is becoming o chollenge for pedeslrions ond molorisls. ln your plonning pleose consider o stoplight or lit crosswolk of thol corner. Sincerely,?ry& Doug Lester Correspondence from Bayham Community Policing Committee regarding "Port Burwell intersection of Robinson and Wellington Page 101 of 161 Page 102 of 161 SEP-29-1ø l,¡ED 11:36 KTENZLE s19474444t v RoL @le ßop¡t t¡n¡ùinn 1(rgíott Brench t?4 Port Burwell P,0. Box 171 Pt. Burwell, QN NOJ 1T0 phone f €19-874.4308 fax f -519€74.4308 September 29, 2010 MUN IC IPAL ITY OF BAY}IAM P.O. Box 160,9344 Flant< Road, Strafrordville, Ont. NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Kvle lft¡oa{ This letter is to inform you that we need to have Road Closure on Noromber 7th, 2010 as this is our RememÞrance Day Parade. We will be leaving from the Legion grounds at 2 P.M. Thanking you in advanoe. Yours truly, P. EI 1 Mrs. Ëlsie Wall Secretary Correspondence from The Royal Canadian Legion, Port Burwell regarding "Remembrance Day Parade". Page 103 of 161 Page 104 of 161 2010.06.ø 6.3 9050 655920 BATTERIES cfnqe FlNAl.lCE CHARGE OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD J062888 SCREENEDTOPSOIL J0629'14 GRAVEL 000026 ABS PUMPS CORP. CA¡¡iADA 809226 PUMP REPAIR OOOO31 ADT SECURITY SERVICES CAN¡ADA 43951202 ¡liì951203 OOOO33 AGLINE 1212209 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 0000155852 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09l'1612010 æt20t2010 0911412010 Cheque Amount - o8t3'U2010 I ChequeAmount- AI.ARM SYSTEM - MARINE MUSEU O9I14I2O1O AI.ARM SYSTEM - LIGHTHOUSE O9I14I2O1O KIT. CAP Cheque Amount - oa11nu0 I Cheque Amount - GAI\¡DIDATES, NOTTCE OF MTG 0813012010 I Cheque Amount - o9t10t2010 I ogt16t2010 2:2OPM 009122 æ9122 u.20 2.20 66.40 124.30 009123 1,575.38 009123 4,092.@ 452.00 (p9125 123.07 fiþ125 r,699.68 4.092.00 @9124 009f26 0æ127 009128 009't29 875.07 29.æ 29.83 170.86 OOO112 BLONDEELNURSERY reimburse tax TAX CREDIT OOO14I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 170.86 178.80 ChequeAmount- 8632 REPI.ACE BRAKE LINES, LOF O8/O32O1O I 178.80 207.71 001206 CHRIS MARTN bainíng per díem TRAINING Cheque Amount- 09113f2010 I 207.71 212.50 OOO2O5 CONSEIL SCOI-AIRE DE DISTRICT Sept'10 SCHOOLLE\tr 000206 CONSEIL SCOI.AIRË PUBLIC DU Sept'10 SCHOOL LE\¡r 000212 couNwoF ELGTN Cheque Amount - 09t15120't0 I 212.50 1,685.00 009131 Cheque Amount - 0911512010 I 1,685.00 640.00 009132 oo1æ7 125il75 oNTAR|O LTD Cheque Amount - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 105 of 161 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0911612010 09Í1612010 2:2OPM tN000024742 3RD QUARTER LE\ / 0810412010 I 638,604.00 009133 tN000025586 SEPT1o POLICE SERVICES 0910812010 I 59,570.46 009133 Cheque Amount- 698,174.46 OOO224 D.PETERS PAVING INC 10226 PATCH|NG AT PRESSEY L|NE 09t07t2010 I 452.00 009134 Cheque Amount - 452.00 @0272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC t-02682{ PRESSURE WASHER HOSE, CR|M 09t10t2010 I 43.73 009135 Cheque Amount - 43.73 OO17O8 EASTLINK Sep5198665521 MONTHLY TELEPHONE Ogl01l2O1O I 1,309.12 009136 Cheque Amount - 1,309.12 OOO316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD T055t0o ASPHALT BI-ADE 091',t012010 I 115.26 009137 Cheque Amount - 115.26 OOO334 FASTENAL CAMDA oNTts37784 EAR PLUGS, RESPIRATORS 09/022010 I 63.55 009138 Cheque Amount - 63.55 æ1270 GORD ROESCH course material REIMBURSE - COURSE MATERIAL 0911012010 I 293.66 009139 ChequeAmount- 293.66 001239 GREATLÂKES NEWHOLLAND INC 3348T BOLTS, Br-ADES, NUTS 0812612010 I 219.U 009140 ChequeAmount- 219.U OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC SeptO024G14793 UTILITIES - GARAGE 0910812010 I 280.70 009141 Sept0657l-44066 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER Ogl07l2!10 I 43.99 009141 Sept35795-43000 UTILITIES - PUMP#6 o9l08l2010 I 589.01 009141 Sept5037G20077 UTILITIES - MENNA LIBRARY 09/03/2010 I 41.00 009141 Sept62770-20225 UTILITIES - MENNA MEM PARK 0910312010 I 119.81 009141 Cheque Amount - '1,074.51 000217 tBtGROUP 234446 CONSULTING FEES 08t27t2010 I 4,365.42 009142 Cheque Amount - 4,365.42 OOO457 JAMES BATTIN IN TRUST credit on water acct CREDIT ON WATER ACCT Ogl10l2Ù10 I 336.04 009143 Cheque Amount -336.04 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 106 of 161 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 000466 JIMMIJONS 3r'.797 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16031 16063 160e1 16065 16066 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0911612010 UNIT RENTAL. WATERMELONFES O8/3Il2010 I 542.40 009144 Cheque Amount - 542.40 CoNNECT PUMP MOTOR æ13112010 I 415.U 009145 EDEN - STREEILIGHT REPAIR 0910712010 I 252.83 009145 STRAFF - STREETLTGHT REPATR 0910712010 I 1,018.75 009'145 MENNA - STREETLIGHT REPAIR O9IO7I2O1O I 251.19 009145 PORT BURWELL - STL REPAIR 0910712010 I 203.75 009145 09/16/2010 2:20PM Cheque Amount - 2,142.36 OOO552 LONDON DISTRICT CATHOLIC Sept'10 SCHOOL LE\ r 0911512010 I 42,878-00 009146 Cheque Amount - 42,878.00 00062I MUNICIPAL WORLD INC tN00080402 TREASURER RECETPT BOOKS 0910812010 I 74.46 009147 Cheque Amount - 74.46 000631 NATHAN DAV\[-EY haining perdiem TRAINING 0911312010 I 467.50 009148 ChequeAmount- 467.50 000669 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL WATER ASSOC seminar EDUCATION DAY Ogl15l2O1O I '180.80 009149 ChequeAmount- 180.80 001727 PAVESEAL LIMITED Ef-2W1ù1722 TRUCK MOUNTED PATCHMASTER O7t31t2010 I 9,136.05 009150 Cheque Amount - 9,136.05 OOO7O4 PETERS PLUMBING 933 SCC-LEAK o9loa2010 I 73.45 æ9151 Cheque Amount - 73.45 000706 PTTNEY BOVVES 935536754825 COMPREHENSTVE SERMCE 0910412010 I 574.16 009152 Cheque Amount - 574.16 OOOTIO PORTBURWELL HOME HARDWARE 8259 GARBAGE BAGS 08/03/2010 I 25.98 009153 8289 soAP, TlssuES, PAPER TOWELS 0811012010 I 204.47 009153 8292 PAINT, ROLLER, BRUSH 08/10/2010 I 21.74 009153 8302 colLs 0811112010 I 3.72 009153 8330 GARBAGE BAGS 0811612010 I 25.98 009'|53 83sl BYPASS LOPPER 0811912010 I 15.81 009153 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 107 of 161 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 8354 8392 8396 8r'.15 00010931 @1213 RICKVARRO baining per diem 00't537 RON CATRNS ûaining perdiem MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0911612010 09t1612010 2:20PM PAINT RAKES GARBAGE BAGS TISSUES, PAPER TOWELS SUPPLIES TRAINING 08/1912010 0812612010 08127120't0 08/3112010 '19.19 009153 40.66 009153 2s.98 0091s3 93.77 009153 I I I I OOO733 R& RREFRIGERATION 3069 REPAIRS TO UNIT AT S.C.C. 3072 ANNUAL MAINT. SCC & OFFICE @0752 RESQTECH SYSTEMS INC Cheque Amount -477.30 1,354.95 009154 510.99 009154 08119t2010 oel19t2010 Cheque Amount - 07t3112010 I 1,865.94 3/10.13 009'155 Cheque Amount - 0911312010 r 340.13 212.50 009156 Cheque Amount - 0911312010 I 212.50 212.50 009157TRAINING @0801 SCOTT KRISTENSEN ûaining perdiem TRAINING 001418 TELUS 015894762026 Cheque Amount - æt1312010 I 2',t2.50 510.00 009158 015894762026' DOLI-AR POOL SAMNGS LATE CHARGES 015894762026" CREDIT 01589476202612005876 CELL PHONE - G ROESCH 01589476202616',t71156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 01589476202616171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 015894762026t6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 01589476202616365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 0'1589476202616365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT I 015894762026/6366178 CELL PHONE. STRAF FIRE DEPT 01589476202616366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762026/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 01589476202616369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762026/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 015894762026t9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 Cheque Amount -510.00 -196.33 009159 21.27 009159 {.36 009159 195.31 009159 50.06 009159 38.70 009159 50.57 009159 44.86 009159 44.86 009159 44.86 009159 212.42 009159 236.75 009159 52.04 009159 51.92 009159 44.86 009159 0812712010 08127t20't0 08127120'to 08127120't0 0812712010 0812712010 0812712010 08127t2010 08t27t2010 0812712010 08127t2010 0812712010 0812712010 08t27t2010 08127120'lo c I c I I I I I I I I I I I I OOO879 THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL Cheque Amount -891.79 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 108 of 161 Sepf10 000930 TScsToREsL.P. 181o',t5124 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/l 6/201 0 2:2OPM 009161 SCHOOL LEVY ChequeAmount- 0415t2010 I 09/152010 I @142't W.O.W.W. CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS 000969 WESTBURNE RUDDY ONTARIO 366ô27S MINIATURE FUSE @1726 WLLIAIT RINGI-AND rcimburse credit CREDIT ON TÆ( ACCOUNT OOO98ô WORKPT.ACE SAFETY & INSURAI.ICE AIJGUST'10 REMIT 009164 CñequeAmount- Cheque Run Total - Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 109 of 161 Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 110 of 161 20't0.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- Ogl23l2010 001729 9117720NTAR|O INC o3o REFUNDZONTNG&M|NORVARIN 0912012010 I 1,627.00 009167 ChequeAmount- 0613012010 I Ogl23f2010 12:57PM 009168 OOOO.IS A.G HAYTER CONTRACTING LTD smith drain SMITH DRAIN BRANCH 7 OOOO19 A.J. STONE COMPANYLTD oo0oæ7221 SCBAAIR MASK OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD JO63O69 SCREENEDTOPSOIL OOO154 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 1,627.00 2,8ø,9.77 Cheque Amount - o9l'17120'lo I 2,8/'9.77 124,781.æ Cheque Amount - 08131120'10 I 124,781.æ 1,828.40 009170 711 714 836 OOO.I75 CEDARSIGNS 19298 OOO22O GJDL 5980 @1432 CULLIGAN l't0333$515 213951 000001 DPoc 031 postage WATER BOTTLES - S.C.C. WATER BOTTLES - OFFICE WASTER BOTTLES. OFFICE ChequeAmount- 0u10f2010 oaß120'10 08f2412010 1,828.40 80.00 009171 56.00 009171 40.00 009171 I I I Cheque Amount- o9n4no10 I 176.00 't70.43 0ú€172SIGNS EAST PIER REMEDIATION UNIT RENTAL- S.C.C. SUPPLIES POSTAGE BASKETBALL PAD - S.C.C. Cheque Amount - 0910712010 I 't70.43 3,493.40 009173 Cheque Amount - 09101120'to ¡ 3,493.40 29.32 009174 OOO25O DEL-BAC SALES LIMITED Cheque Amount - o9to9t20'to I 29.32 12s.71 Cheque Amount - 0912312010 I 125.7'l 3,390.00 009176 OOO279 EAST ELGIN CONCRETE FORMING Cheque Amount - o9l't512010 I 3,390.00 2,599.00 009'1779196 OO17O8 EASTLINK Sep8127 52245001 1 345 INTERNET Cheque Amount - o9rto2010 I 2,599.00 91.47 009178 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 111 of 161 Sep8127 52245003'1 459 I NTERNET - EDISON MUSEU M 5ep8127522450039965 INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM 5ep812752245005103 INTERNET - GARAGE OOO28IÍI ED MATTHEWS CARPENTRY 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 247746 247747 æ0357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518600837 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL 90354589 ALUMSULFATE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - Ogl23l2O1O 09t10t2010 0911012010 0911012010 09t01t2010 I Cheque Amount - 0912312010 12:57PM 009178 009178 009178 I I ! 104.87 51.92 30.45 Cheque Amount - HANDRAIL - RCHMNO UNITED CHI O9I17I2O1O RAMP CHAULKING AT V.C.C. O9I17I2O1O Cheque Amount - sHoP TOVIELS, FLOOR MATS 0911612010 I Cheque Amount - 278.71 103.58 009179 4æ.20 009179 192.57 591.13 563.78 192.57 009't80 009181 009'182 OO127O GORD ROESCH scba lettering Sep15773-680'15 Sep2526049578 Sep8659O€7008 Sep87ô4G15034 Sep06460{8880 Sept'|266G62007 Sept5399$93004 Sept6886GO8015 Sept73394-81003 000217 TBTGROUP 236/.14 000466 JIMMIJONS 34336 REIMBURSE EXPENSES UTILITIES. PUMP#s UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES. PUMP#2 uTtLtTtES - S.C.C. UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY UTILITIES. MED BLDG UTILITIES - PUMPát¿f UTILITIES - STRAF FIRE UTILITIES - PUMP#3 CONSULTING FEES UNIT RENTAL. TUB DAZE 09t17t2010 I 591.13 56.95 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Gheque Amount -56.95 4U.92 009183 674.93 009183 274.10 009183 1,894.73 009183 317.55 009183 123.36 009183 51.88 009183 435.U 009183 69.62 009183 0911312010 09t13t2010 09h312010 09t13t2010 0910912010 09109120't0 0911012010 0910912010 09110f2010 Cheque Amount - 09t1412010 I 4,306.93 4,324.68 009184 Cheque Amount - 0712612010 I 4,324.68 1,327.75 009185 001253 KETCHUM MANUFACTURING INC 11708 DOGTAGS OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC Cheque Amount - 09t20t2010 I 1,327.75 181.41 009186 Cheque Amount -181.41 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 112 of 161 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 16075 16076 001604 LEXISNEXIS CANADA INC. 1020æ74 OOO572 MANULIFE FINA¡,ICIAL 100706326 100706535 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0912312010 STRAFFSTREETLIGHTREPAIR 09/16/2010 STREETLIGHTREPAIR.VIENNA 09I'1612010 Cheque Amount - 2O1I BUILDINGCODE 0911412010 I Cheque Amount - Ogl23l2010 '12:57PM 009'187 009'187 009188 182.69 203.75 386.44 108.94 OCTOBER'10 REMIT OCTOBER'10 REMIT 09t1012010 ogt10t20'to 108.94 3,681.10 009189 5,¿143.86 009189 000617 MUDFORD FAi'ILY FOOD TOWN Cheque Arnount-9,124.X) 8.49 009190 8.49 009190 101 10561784 101 10563974 000658 oMERS Group #041ffX) 4¡9672652 409738592 0000608583 0000608826 0000609159 OOO832 SPRIETASSOCIATES 10-0494 I 0-0497 WATER, SUPPLIES WATER, SUPPLIES COURIER SERVICE COURIER SERVICE Cheque Amount- 09t16t2010 I ou't212010 0812012010 INTEREST 001543 OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE table reservation BUSINESS EXPO OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD Cheque Amount - 0912012010 I 53.74 20.00 16.98 53.74 009191 009192 009193 009193 009194 009194 Cheque Amount - æt03t2010 09110120'to 20.00 88.58 33.38 Cheque Amount - ogt13t2010 09t10f2010 121.96 35.93 3't.08 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT Sep0055148374214837 UNIT RENTAL - MED BLDG Sep006ô310304721018 UNIT RENTAL - E.C.C. OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD HOLIDAY FEE. CIMC HOLIDAY ANSWERING SERVICE 3 MONTHS RENTAL Gheque Amount -67.01 1 I .30 009195 84.69 009195 57.63 009195 09115t2010 o9t15t2010 0911512010 I I I SMITH DRAIN - BRANCH NO. 7 DRAIN NO.I Cheque Amount -'153.62 2,625.00 009'196 12,422.91 009196 06/30/2010 0613012010 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION Cheque Amount -15,047.91 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 113 of 161 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 DW05109581 DW05109582 354669 354686 354687 354901 355222 355235 355274 355324 355369 355695 355768 OOO981 WLSON'S IáWN CARE 2O1O VOTERS LIST ELECTIONS STAFF PRIMER CLEANER. SCREIA/DRI\ÆR POSTS FI-ASHLIGHT BATTERY MARKING PAINT CONCRETE MIX ARTISTS BRUSHES PIPE BUG B GONE SHOVEL, POSTS POSTS AUGUSTIO I.ANDSCAPING RICHMOND ROAD DRAIN WORK MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0512312010 09/03/2010 09/03/2010 Cheque Amount - 09/052010 09/05/2010 09/05/2010 09/05/2010 Ogn3l2ï10 12:57PM 009'197 009197 009198 009198 009198 009198 350.30 247.47 001418 TELUS 01 624249æ24123490'1 4 MOBÍ LE H I GH SPEED 016242498024/6366069 CELL PHONE - B KNIFTON 0't624249802416780758 MOBILE HIGH SPEED 016242498024Æ7817 43 MOBILE HIGH SPEED I I I I 597.77 41.75 28.93 41.75 43.06 Cheque Amount - OOO914 TOWNSHIP SOUTH-WEST OXFORD 67-20'10 PURCHASE FROM MCS - PAGERS 0911712010 I Cheque Amount - OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED S€p27$210619G975,4 UTILITIES - E.C.C. &p273-.210É,243Æ725 UTILITIES - PUMP#1 Cheque Amount- OOO953 VIENNAHOMECENTERLTD 155.49 't,639.63 009199 09tßr2u0 r 0911312010 I 1,639.63 26.59 009200 21-47 009200 0aæt2010 08/03/2010 08/04t2010 08/09/2010 ou17f2010 0811712010 08118f2010 08|/192010 0812012010 ou30l20'10 0813112010 48.06 28.24 12.41 93.34 10.'16 15.80 27.05 5.05 17.52 9.93 159.50 138.67 009201 009201 009201 009201 009201 009201 009201 009201 009201 009201 00920'l Cheque Amount -517.67 2,271.30 009202 7U-50 009202 o8t3'1t2010 0813'v2010 Aug'10 drainage work 000986 WORKPIáCE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314Sep PREMIUM OOO99O ZAP'S TREE AND H\¡/N SERVICE Cheque Amount - 09t10t20'to I 3,005.80 102.25 009203 Cheque Amount -102.25 1,452.05 00920400001561TREE REMOVAL 0911312010 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 114 of 161 Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 115 of 161 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09123f2010 IN MEMORYOF PAUL MILIáRD O9I23I2O1O I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - Ogl23l2010 l:35PM 75.00 OOO4O5 HEART&STROKE FOUNDATION Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 116 of 161 æ0505 KEYSTONE COMPUTER RESOURCES 20r000079 COMPLETE CARE 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED UTILITIES - VIENNA STREETLIGHT UTILITIES - PB STL HWY19 UTILITIES. STRAF STL UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL UTILITIES - EDEN STREETLIGHTS UTILITIES - CORINTH STL 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 00ís65 EMCO CORPORATION 5403931{0 0@322 EVANS UTILITY 0000137236 O0f/,27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - Ogl27 12010 TRAFFIC REP KIT, PARTS o9t1612010 I Cheque Amount - PARTS FOR VIENNA PROJECT O9I17I2O'IO I ChequeAmount- 09t2712010 9:264M 355.33 009206 355.33 5,549.05 009207 5,549.05 661.11 @9208 1,93/'.54 009208 1,226.52 @9208 218.76 @9208 6s't.96 009208 274.54 009208 4,5ô7.43 9,040.00 009209 9,040.00 't.93 1.93 57.13 009211 15.38 009211 72.51 '13.68 009212 13.68 19,999.93 æt1712010 o9117t20'to 09t17t2010 o9i17no10 ogt17no10 09t17n010 Cheque Amount - 0912012010 I Cheque Amount - 001550 MARYALICE HAI.¡SON kids'supplies SUPPL¡ES FOR KIDS PROGRAII æ127f2010 I SepE123784'l SepE22æ041 UTILITIES - FIREHALL UTIUTIES-PUMP#s Cheque Amount - 0911712010 I 09i1712010 I 000969 VìJESTBURNE RUDDY ONTARIO 3684298 MINIFUSES Cheque Amount - o9Ít0120'lo I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 117 of 161 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0913012010 09/30/2010 3:04PM OOOO19 A.J. STONE COMPANY LTD 0000097277 RED HELMETS 0912112010 t 746.77 æ9213 0000097334 ACCESSORY, FtT TESTING 0912412010 I 20.18 009213 Cheque Amount - 766.95 OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD J063135 TOPSO|L, ASPHALT 0912312010 I 212.95 0092',14 Cheque Amount - 212.95 OOOI6O CANON CANADA INC. 6548721 QUARTERLY METER B|LL|NG 0912012010 I 731.68 009215 Cheque Amount - 731.68 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC t432874 CRTMPS, HOSE, SLEEVES 0912A2010 I 99.09 009216 Cheque Amount - 99.09 OOI731 HICKS MORLEY HAMILTON STEWART 205650 PROFESSTONAL SERVTCES 09t2412010 I 1,425.50 009217 Cheque Amount - 1,425.50 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Sep50221{5009 UTILITIES - SEV\IER PLANT 0912012010 I 4,962.79 009218 Cheque Amount - 4,962.79 OOO44O JLHCOMPUTING computer REFURBISHED DELLTABLET Ogl29l2OlO I 1,7'96.70 009219 Cheque Amount - 1,796.70 000446 JACKIE BOOTLE Sepl$Oct15/10 MANAGERFEES Cheque Amount - 791.66 OO173O KARI SCHROYENS reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNT Ogl27l2O1O I U7S7 009221 Cheque Amount -347.97 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16111 16112 16113 16't14 161 l5 Cheque Amount - 6,489.53 OO147O LEANNWALSH office - supplies REIMBURSE FOR SUPPLIES 09/18/2010 I 73.0'1 009223 o9t27t2010 I 791.66 009220 NEW LTGHT - MTLTON & WATERLO O9t23t2010 I 988.75 009222 NEW LTGHT - 55 CHAPEL STREET 0912312010 I 1,481.90 009222 NEW LTGHT - 9248 EAST STREET 0912312010 I ',1,8/i0.25 009222 NEW LTGHT - 56874 EDEN LINE 0912312010 I 988.75 009222 NEW LTGHT - 54357 BEST LINE 0912312010 I '1,189.88 009222 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 118 of 161 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/3012010 Cheque Amount- 09/302010 3:04PM SepE'|42124'l SepE45410{1 SepF19290{'l SepF2060G01 SepF2686441 SepG(F21G01 SepG06307{1 SepGlST@{1 SepG4040741 SepE4ã407{l SepE4llO$Ol SepESl60GOl SeptC'Oæ0æf OOO845 STEVENVALKO reimburse (xXþ38 UN¡VERSITY OF GUELPH conference UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES - LIBRARY UTILITIES. EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES. V.C.C. UTILITIES. PUMP#6 UTILITIES. PB LIBRARY UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - PB WORKS GARAGE UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES. PUMP#2 UTILITIES. GARAGE UTILITIES. MARINE MUSEUM o9l't712010 0911712010 0911u2010 09/18X2010 09/182010 09/19/2010 09n9r20'to o9l't912010 09119120'lo o9l't72:010 o9l't7f2010 09117120'10 0s/192010 73.01 13.00 13.00 13.00 37.20 16.'t8 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 37.3',1 14.57 21.52 13.00 009224 009224 @9224 009224 009224 009224 009224 009224 @9224 0æ224 @9224 009224 æ9224 Gheque Arnount - 001434 STAAITEC CONSULTING LTD. 497559 RICHMOND COMMUNITYWATER O9lßr2010 I 230.78 4.U',t.37 0æ225 009226 ChequeAmount- REIMBURSE DAÀTAGE DEPOSIT æ118P.010 I DRAINAGE CONFERENCE Cheque Amount- o9t27t2010 I Cheque Arnount - Gheque Run Total - 4,341.37 290.00 290.@ 50.85 009227 50.85 22,610.83 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 119 of 161 i.æ.u6.3 soso MUN¡CIPALITYOF BAYHAM 09/f 62010 2:54PM General Ledger PostedBy: SANDRAAccounts PaYable Voided Gheque Fiscal Yeac 2010 Posting Summary Trace: 012999 Report Date: 09/16/2010 Date: 09/162010 01{10G1030 Ge¡eralbank O1{10G1950 Accounts Payable Trade CDIST cftange in vendor name CDIST ctrange in vendor name Vold Chq:9120 KEYSTONE COMPUTER RE Void Chq:9120 KEYSTONE COMPUTER RE Total Debits Total ûedits llet Posting r5.00 -15.00 15.00 -'t5.00 0.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Page 120 of 161 EORI{ HUNICIPALITY OF IAYHAI.I TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 8,094.É7 ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT. CO],IPANY TOTALS ADJUST.CR CURRENT TOTAL 8,094.â7 L,L87.2L 3,332,62 977,60 13,592.00 36,596,aL 36,E96.tL 50,1EE.31 127 .25 L6.54 50 ,332. 1 0 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES ITEi'I UNITS CHARGE HOURLY WORKPAYS 16 26.40 COURTER FÊE 1 12.00 RUN: SEP 21 ?OLO NO: E PAGE: 472 HST REGr 100057413 RTO004 C0i{PANY PAGE ¡ 5 DEBIT DATE¡ SEP 22, ?OLO DATE 0F PAY¡ SEP 24, 2010 ADJUST.DR YTD ADJUST I TETI PAYROLL RUNS YTD TOTAL L63,382.39 35,350 . 45 85,29L,26 20,290.âO 304,284.60 37 ,447.8L 720,690.16 E0.00 758,188.37 L ,062,472.97 2,71O.29 88.95 L23.69 1,065,415.90 UNITS I FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT I.IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CI{EQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RT¡ lOT PAYROL SERV CIìRG GST 1{ST GRAND TOT L,LA7.2L 1,t32.62 977 .60 13,592. 00 36,196.íL 36 ,896,3L 50,18E.51 L27 .28 L6.54 50,332.10 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPfP CAN PEN QC PEN QC l{SF ON EI.IT l,lB llET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRC GST HST CRAND TOT CHARGE 47.93 ITEI'I UNITS SALARIED I¡IoRKPAYS 20 PAY ADVICE FOLD 36 TOTAL S,/C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBTT IS CHARGE 33. 00 7.9? L27.28 50,332.10 DEBII INFoRÌ.|ATI0Ns 003 05102 1011923 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 1 2 2 t o C h e q u e # 9 2 2 7 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e s # 9 1 2 0 t o t a l i n g $ 1 , 3 2 2 , 3 9 1 . 6 8 a n d P a y r o l l P a g e 1 2 1 o f 1 6 1 Page 122 of 161 ElgrnCounty Kyle S. Kruger Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd, P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attn: Kyle S. Kruger On September 14th, 2010 Elgin County Council passed a resolution that in the spirit of coopeiation, County Council members would make the recommendation to their resiective municipál councils, that their roads departments install individual orders of Elgin County Tourism Signage. As part of an initial bulk order, appro4.imately 190 new Elgin County tourism signs have been erected on County roads. This program is ongoing and additional individual orders for tourism signage are expected to,be received. Additional applications for new tourism signs are expãcteO to be small in number, and, therefore are not expected to place great demands on municipal roads staff. Applications for tourism signage ú/ill be received and processed by the Economic Development Office. Engineering Services will then review and approve the locations, order the production of the signs, and contact the municipality where the sign is to be located. The municipality will then have two weeks, weather/seasonally permitting, in which to install the sign. Based on consultations with municipal staff, it was determined that the following fees will be paid by the County to each municipality for the installation of tourism signage: . lnstallation of a type one rural sign - $600. lnstallation of a type two urban sign- $300. lnstallation of a tab on an existing type one rural sign -$200 We request that you take this proposal to your next municipal council meeting and inform us of the outcome. T A General Manager of Economic Development The Gounty of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON NsR 5V1 Fax: 519-631 -4549 MI.'NICIPALITY YIlAM ECË OCT - A ta VI 2û10 County of Elgln Economlc Development 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, On NSR 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 www.elgincounty.ca Progressive by Nature Correspondence received October 1, 2010 from County of Elgin regarding "Installation of Tourism Signage". Page 123 of 161 Page 124 of 161 I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDT]M TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Letter from Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. re Rezoning Fees DATE: September 20, 2010 FILE: Àl* Jot-v rJ I Attached please find a letter dated September 2,2010 from Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. requesting refund of duplicate rezoning fees of $2,000. The letter outlines the reasons for the request and also cites concerns with time for reviews of electrical plans and Hydro One costs. Staff would like to provide some additional information regarding this request. Hydro Designs Staff are not clear on the delays cited. Municipal records indicate the following in regard to hydro plans: March 24,2009 - receipt of original hydro plan from L. Girard's offrce (engineer for Jo-Lynn) April 30,2009 - provision of approval of hydro plan to L. Girard April 29,2010 - receipt of revised hydro plan (phase one only) from L. Girard May 5, 2010 - provision of approval of revised hydro plan to L. Girard Rezoning The letter notes rezoning fees of $2,000. However, per policy, the "deposit" portion has been refunded on for the first application received and pending any appeals, is scheduled for the second application. The total application fees levied to Jo-Lynn Construction will then equal $2,000. Lastly, fees for removal of the "H" designation for the lands ($500 net fee) are not yet invoiced. Apr 3107 application fee $2000 collected Sep 17107 refunded $1000 deposit portion to Jo-Lynn Construction ** Total cost to Jo-Lynn Construction $1000 JluIy 22110 application fee $2000 collected Refund of $1000 deposit portion to Jo-Lynn Construction pending ** Total cost to Jo-Lynn Construction $1000 It was necessary to amend the zoning in 2007 in order for the draft plan of subdivision to be compliant with zoning. Jo-Lynn's agent completed the original application to match the R2 zoning of the former Village of Port Burwell. Review by the Municipal planning consultant provided a by-law with provisions based on what was proposed in the draft plan, but was intended not to reduce provisions any further than what was shown on the draft plan. The original draft by-law and accompanying staff report were shared with the applicant. Subsequently, def,rciencies in the zoning dimensions were realized when the surveyors were preparing the final subdivision plan in July 2010. The second rezoning process was completed to correct these deficiencies. Staff Memorandum regarding Letter from Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. re Rezoning Fees. Page 125 of 161 Jo.tYilil PT, BURWELT IJ{G. P-o-Elo>< 215 Elrantford ontarlo Ngr stvt€l3Cl1 Elrant Count¡z Fload #1e Te[ (51S752.2399 Fax (519Þ752.7S03 September 2,2010 Municipality of Bayham Town Council Subject: Refund of duplicate rezoning fees $2.000.00 I am writing to you as a frustrated small developer trying to get an old subdivision resurrected and on line for over 3 years now. I have been diligent in paying all my fees, LOC and pier reviews from other engineers, (as you have no one on staff) and now when I come to register the plan the surveyor found an enor in the zoningwording. I abeady paid once to have this rezoned and any errors should have been caught at that time by the municipality and it wasn't. I don't feel I should have to pay again. The same thing happened with Hydro One. The towns' pier review did not give the OK within 6 months time line and Hydro One charged for a redesign which I had to pay or they would not have proceeded. It is almost fall and I missed the 2010 building season because of delays and now must bare the cost to carry this project over the winter. Thank you for your understanding. JO-LYNN PT. BURV/ELL INC. President Staff Memorandum regarding Letter from Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. re Rezoning Fees. Page 126 of 161 q From: Jeanette [mailto:jeanette@amtelecom.net] | {r( ' Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 9:28 AM To: dwilson@malahide.ca; mcåsvecchia@malahide.ca; lynnacre@amtelecom.net; Sandra Maeftens; Kyle Kruger; Lynda Millard Cc: danielle@amtelecom.net; russ_monteith@hotmail.com Subject FW: OEB making changes to the GDAR Importance: High I am forwarding this to all you as I know the NRG Franchise Agreement between Malahide and NRG as well as Bayham and NRG are both up for renewal in the near future. lt would be benefìcial for your constituents who deal with NRG as their gas supplier to have each of you make your comments and recommendations to the OEB in regards to the attached Customer Service Amendments. I hope you will alltake the time to think about this and write to the OEB any comments and suggestions you may haven. Sincerely, Jeanette Brubacher Frc m : Jea nette [ma ilto :jea nette@a mtelecom. net] Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 11:39 AM To: marbaldw@yahoo.com; ceppsont@yahoo.ca; Heather Adams; Jack Couckuyt; johnvand@amtelecom.net; iwright@amtelecom.net; msfrench@amtelecom.net; mayor@town.aylmer.on.ca; Nancie lruing Cc: russ_monteith@hotmail.com; (danielle@amtelecom.net) Subject OEB making changes to the GDAR Importance: High Good Morning Everyone! I am wondering if the Town of Aylmer is planning on sending comments and recommendations to the OEB on the attached matter of changes to the Gas Distribution Access Rule. Currently there are really no rules surrounding customer service for Gas companies as we found out with NRG. The OEB is now taking the initiative to ensure that rules are in place for all Gas companies to abide by. I wanted to bring this to your attention and ask that the Town of Aylmer submit on behalf of their residents a letter outlining some Customer Service Standards for gas companies to abide by in Ontario. For many years Aylmer residents were unhappy with NRG, and here is our chance to stand up and make a difference and have a voice once again. Before we know it, NRG's franchise agreement will be up for renewal again, it is time NOW to stand up and ensure that changes are made so NRG cannot fall back to their old ways of practicing business in our area! Thanks, Jeanette Brubacher Correspondence dated September 21, 2010 from Ontario Energy Board regarding "Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Page 127 of 161 Ontario Energy Board P.O. Box 2319 271h. Floor 2300 Yonge Street Toronto ON M4P 1E4 Telephone: 416- 481-19ì7 Facsimile: 416-44G7ô56 Tollfree: 1-888€32€273 Gommission de l'Énergie de I'Ontario c.P.2319 27e êlage 2300, rue Yonge Toronto ON M4P lE4 Téléphone; 41È 481-1967 Télécopieur: 41 6- ¿140-765ô Numéro sans frais: 1-888632-6273 BY E.MAIL AND WEB POSTING September 21,2010 To: All Rate-Regulated Natural Gas Distributors Al I Participants i n EB-20 I 0 -0280, EB-2007-07 22, EB-2008-031 3 and E8-2008-0150 All Other lnterested Parties Re: Customer Service Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Rule Board File No.: EB-2010-0280 The purpose of this letter is to inform stakeholders that the Ontario Energy Board (the 'Board") will be seeking wr¡tten comments on future proposed amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Rule (the'GDAR') pertaining to customer service rules for gas distributors including customer servíce rules tailored to low-income customers. This initiative will result in development, where appropriate, of customer service standards applicable to all customers of natural gas distributors similar to those developed for customers of electricity distributors. The new rules are expected to provide greater protection and certa¡nty for customers while allowing natural gas distributors an appropriate measure of flexibility to allow them to account for operational considerations. This letter sets out the scope of the consultation and the approach that the Board intends to use to amend the GDAR and provides information on how interested stakeholders can participate in this consultation. Background On July 2, 2010 the Board issued final customer service rules that are intended to assist all electricity customers as part of its consultation on "Electricity Distributors: Customer Service, Rate Classification and Non-Payment Risk" (EB-2007-0722). ln its July 22,2010letter, the Board informed stakeholders about the future initiatives that the Board would undertake as part of its low-income energy assistance program Correspondence dated September 21, 2010 from Ontario Energy Board regarding "Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Page 128 of 161 _2_ Ontar¡o Energy Board including the development of rules for natural gas distributors similar to those developed for electricity distributors as part of EB-2007-0722, including customer service rules tailored to low-income customers. Scope As indicated above, the Board will develop customer service rules for natural gas distributors similar to those developed for electricity distributors including customer service rules tailored to low-income customers. Specifically, customer service rules are expected to be developed in the following areas: ¡. Bill issuance and payment; ii. Allocation of payments between gas and non{as charges;¡ii. Correction of billing errors;iv. Equal payment and equal bílling plans;v. Disconnection for non-payment;vi. Security deposits;vii. Arrears management programs; andviii. Management of customer accounts. Approach The Board is proposing to amend the GDAR by way of a notice and comment process and will be seeking written comments on the proposed amendments. Gost Awards Cost awards will be available to eligible persons under section 30 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 in respect of their participation in this consultation. Costs awarded will be recovered from all rate-regulated natural gas distributors based on their respective distribution revenues. Attachment A to this letter contains important information regarding cost awards for this consultation, including the process for making eligibility requests and objections. lnvitation to Participate and Filing lnstructions The Board encourages participation in this consultation process by all interested stakeholders. Those interested in participating should indicate their intent by letter addressed to the Board Secretary by October 5,2010. The letter should include a statement as to whether the participant wishes to request cost eligibility. All requests for cost eligibility must be accompanied by the information specified in Attachment A under the heading .Cost Award Eligibility'. Correspondence dated September 21, 2010 from Ontario Energy Board regarding "Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Page 129 of 161 _3_ Ontario Energy Board All filings to the Board in relation to this consultation must be addressed to the Board Secretary. Two paper copies of each filing must be provided. The Board asks that participants make every effort to provide an electronic copy of their filings in searchable/unrestricted Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format and to submit their filings through the Board's web portal at www.errr.oeb.gov.on.ca. A user lD is required to submit documents through the Board's web portal. lf you do not have a user lD, please visít the "e-filing services" webpage on the Board's website at www.oeb.gov.on.ca and fill out a user lD password request. Additionally, interested stakeholders are asked to follow the document naming conventions and document submission standards outlined in the document entitled RESS Documents Preparation - A Quick Guide also found on the "e- filing services' webpage. lf the Board's web portal is not available, electronic copies of filings may be filed by e-mail at boardsec@oeb.qov.on.ca. Those who do not have internet access should submit the electronic copy of their filing on CD. Filings must be received by 4:45 pm on the required date. They must quote file number EB-2010-0280 and include your name, postal address, telephone number and, if applicable, an e-mail address and fax number. All materials related to this consultation will be posted on the'Regulatory Proceedings" portion of the Board's website at www.oeb.oov.on.ca. The material will also be available for public inspection at the Board's office during normal business hours. Questions relating to this consultation should be directed to Beverley Jalfray at 416-440-8101 or by e-mail at Beverley.Jaffray@oeb.gov.on.ca. The Board's toll free number is 1-888-632-6273, and the Market Operations Hotline is 416440-7604. Yours truly, Original Signed By Kirsten Walli Board Secretary Attachment Correspondence dated September 21, 2010 from Ontario Energy Board regarding "Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Page 130 of 161 Attachment A Cost Awards Cost Award Eligibility The Board will determine eligibility for costs in accordance with tts Practice Direction on Cost Awards. Any person requesting cost eligibility must file with the Board a written submission to that effect by October 5,2010, identifying the nature of the person's interest in this consultation and the grounds on which the person believes that it is eligible for an award of costs (including addressing the Board's cost eligibility criteria as set out in section 3 of the Board's Practice Direction on Cost Awards). An explanation of any other funding to which the person has access must also be provided, as should the name and credentials of any lawyer, analyst or consultant that the person intends to retain, if known. All requests for cost eligibility will be posted on the Board's website. Rate-regulated electricity distributors will be provided with an opportunity to object to any of the requests for cost award eligibility. lf a distributor has any objections to any of the requests for cost eligibility, such objections must be filed with the Board by October 19,2010. Any objections will be posted on the Board's website. The Board will then make a final determination on the cost eligibility of the requesting participants. Activities Eligible for Gost Awards Cost awards will be available for provision of written comments. Eligible hours per participant and other information pertaining to cost wards related to this consultation will be issued at a later date. Cost Awards When determining the amount of the cost awards, the Board will apply the principles set out in section 5 of its Practice Direction on Cosf Awards. Groups representing the same interests or class of persons are expected to make every effort to coordinate their participation in this process. The Board will consider any lack of coordination when determining the amount of a cost award. The maximum hourly rates set out in the Board's Cost Awards Tariff will also be applied. The Board will use the process set out in section 12 of its Practice Direction on Cosf Awards to implement the payment of the cost awards. Therefore, the Board will act as a clearing house for all payments of cost awards in this process. For more information on this process, please see the Board's Practice Direction on Cost Awards and the October 27,2005letter regarding the rationale for the Board acting as a clearing house for the cost award payments. These documents can be found on the Board's website at www.oeb.gov.on.ca on the "Rules, Guidelines and Forms" webpage. Correspondence dated September 21, 2010 from Ontario Energy Board regarding "Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Page 131 of 161 Page 132 of 161 ? TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: East Elgin Mapping Partnership - Potential lnclusion of County of Elgin Council will recall that a partnership was formed with the Township of Malahide and the Town of Aylmer in 2009 to establish a joint GIS (mapping) system. The goup has been approached by County of Elgin staff for preliminary discussions ofjoining the group, primarily for planning pu{poses. Auached is a report prepared by staff at the Township of Malahide that outlines the discussions to date, and the initial response from staff of the existing partners respecting County "buy-in". Bayham staff concur with the information in the report. As noted in this report, this item is brought forward for information at this time. DATE: October 4,2010 FILE: CORPORATION OF'TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Staff Memorandum regarding East Elgin Mapping Partnership - Potential Inclusion of County of Elgin. Page 133 of 161 D¡ Aiioud tad¡tion, û btiEhciuautê. Report No: CS-10-21 Date: 15/09/2010 Attachments GIS Agreement November 6, 20(þ Gornmunity & Gorporate Seruices - East Elgin Mapping Partnership with the GounW of Elgin THAT Report No. GS-10-21 entitled Community & Corporate Services - East Elgin Mapping PartnershÍp with the County of Elgin be received. Actlon Recomfnended: / That Report No.GS-10-21 entitled Community & Gorporaie Services - East Elgin Mapping Partnership with the Gounty of Elgin be received. RepoÍE The purpose of this report is to present the East E (Malahide, Bayham & Aylmer)'with a request from the County of Elgin to of joining-as a partner' má fÀ*rJnip of Malahide was approãched earlie Evâns, Manager of planníng to aisess the state of thä GIS system and determine if the system was compatible with the County's long term mapping goals. The Township was invited to make a presentâtion to the Gountt's senior management team in July. ln Augu'st, Mr. Evans contacted ihe Township and expressed interest in explorÍng the poısibitity ıt¡oíning the parhership, I informed ,¡li. Evans that in order to allow new partners, all Ívee of t'ne dxiting-partners must agree to open up the agreement. On September 16, _2010.the fanners met to OËóuss the Countt'ã request. lt was agreed that negotiations with the County of Êþin should be undertaken to assess the feasibifity of the County joining the partnership' The East Elgin Mapping be charged $15,557..00 for tfrJin¡t¡aL Uu-y in, prli S+ n to $48'48/hour for the technician'siime'(this ra necessary). This is the same cost that the three original partners paid to form the partnership. requíred by the County are yet to be determined' This and the three partners' Once discussions have been nt and type of services has been identified a draft agreement will be brought lorward for the respective Council's consÍderation' This repori is for information proposes only, no further action is required at this time' Submitted by: Eugenio DiMeo Staff Memorandum regarding East Elgin Mapping Partnership - Potential Inclusion of County of Elgin. Page 134 of 161 TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT : Richmond'Water Hydro geolo gical Asses sment Update DATE: October 4,2010 FILE: NUMBER: E2010-10 Purpose This report is to provide an update on progtess and the Richmond W ater Hydro geolo gical Assessment. initiate next steps regarding initial results of Bacþround As Council will recall, Stantec Consulting Ltd. was retained in the spring to carry out the required hydrogeological assessment for the Richmond Water system, with estimated costs totaling $119,000 (including engineering fees at an upset cost of $43,250). Subsequent quotes for the water supply well construction and testing came in well within budget at approximately $19,000. Hayden Water Wells has now proceeded with the initial well exploration in Richmond, at a location near the existing pumphouse, and sampling results have now been obtained. The following is the brief received from Stantec: "'We've encountered a bit of a problem with regards to the water quality results for Richmond. Essentially, all water quality parameters related to safety were great, but chloride and sodium is exceptionally high at two to three times the aesthetic limit. The concem is that, at this high elevation, the water may actually have a saþ taste. Accordingly, I have discussed potential options with Stantec staffand have prepared the following overview of options for your review: ISSUE: The test well (TW1-10) drilled beside the existing pumphouse appears to have the yield available to more than meet the current and future water demands of the community (although this will have to be confirmed by performing a pumping test on the well). However, the potential issue with the well is not quantity, but quality. A water sample obtained from the test well has revealed that the water from the bedrock aquifer is characterized by high concentrations of chloride and sodium. A chloride concentration of 750 mgll was detected in the well water, exceeding the Ontario Drinking Water Objective (ODV/S) of 250 mglL. Similarly, a sodium concentration of 410 mglL was detected in the well water, exceeding the ODWS of 200 mglL. Although there were elevated concentrations of some other non-health related parameters (i.e., iron, manganese, sulphate), these concentrations can be lowered in the water before consumption using established treatment technologies. In the opinion of Stantec, we feel the Municipality has the following options to consider: OPTION 1 - Proceed with testing TV/l-10 with the objective of establishing this well as the municipal water supply source for the Richmond community PROS: . Based on hydrostratigraphic conditions (e.g., subsurface geology) and water quality testing results, Stantec is of the opinion that the well will likely be classified as Not GUDI; . Ample yield available to meet water demands of community (to be confirmed by pumping test); Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Assessment Update. Page 135 of 161 2 . Close proximity to existing pump house / treatment facility: less expenditure on infrastructure to hook up well to existing distribution / treatment system; . Well located on land already owned by the Municipality. CONS: . The current concentrations of chloride and sodium in the well water greatly exceed the ODV/S for these parameters and, as a result, the water is expected to have a detectable salty taste; . No established and/or inexpensive means of removing chloride and sodium from drinking water; . Sodium concentration exceeds the Ministry of Health objective of 20 mglL. The water would not be suitable for consumption by individuals suffering from hypertension, heart disease and/or are on a sodium-restricted diet. OPTION 2 - Proceed with drilling the second test well location (end of John Street approximately 100 m away from TW1-10) PROS: . Possibility of finding a sufficient yielding overburden (e.g., sand andlor gravel lens) or bedrock aquifer characteÅzed by more favorable water quality conditions; . Location still relatively close to existing pump house / treatment facility; . Test well could be used as a stand-by / back-up well to TW1-10 (or vice versa); . If better water quality is found, this water could be blended with water from TWl-10 to reduce overall chloride and sodium concentrations (in the event that the new test well produces less than optimum yields). CONS: . Moving to new drilling location does not guarantee that we will find geological / aquifer conditions that differ substantially from the TWl-10 location; . Increased future expenditure related to connecting the test well to existing infrastructure; . Lands where drilling will occur are privately owned and will require the Municipality to enter into an agreement with the land owner to operate the well on this land (e.g., financial compensation) OPTION 3 - Proceed with drilling the third test well location (park owned by Municipality) PROS: . Possibility of finding a sufhcient yielding overburden (e.g., sand and/or gravel lens) or bedrock aquifer characterized by more favorable water quality conditions; CONS: . Moving to new drilling location does not guarantee that we will hnd geological / aquifer conditions that differ substantially from the TWl-10 location; . Potential for substantial future expenditures related to connecting the test well to existing infrastructure, given the distance of this location from the TWl-10 location. OPTION 4 - Explore the possibility of using the Hoover-owned private well as the future supply well for the community. PROS: . Established well that is reported to produce yields more than sufficient to meet the current and future water demands of the community. Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Assessment Update. Page 136 of 161 aJ CONS: . Well is located in the floodplain of Big Otter Creek where the casing has historically been reported to become submerged under water during heavy precipitation events. The well will most certainly be classified as GUDI and, consequently, require a higher standard and costlier level of treatment; . Increased future expenditure related to connecting this private well to existing infrastructure; . Lands where drilting will occur are privately owned and will require the Municipality to enter into an agreement with the land owner to operate the well on this land (e.g., financial compensation); . Water quality of well has not been confirmed. Stantec personnel will be retuming to the Richmond community today to obtain water samples from the private wells ... (homeowner situated near the proposed third test well drilling location near the park; shallow overburden well) and Mr. Hoover (refer to Option 4), with these samples then being submitted to a lab for chemical analysis. We are hoping to use this information to get a better idea of how groundwater quality conditions vary throughout the subject area and, subsequently, use this information to assist with the evaluation of the aforementioned options and move forward with the project." Staff Comments At the time of writing this report, staff are still awaiting information regarding the additional samples collected, and additional input from the MOE and Health Unit that has been requested. In regard to costs, staff note that pursuant to the proposal from Hayden Water Wells, additional test wells as outlined in options 2 and 3 would have an additional cost of $8,000 to $10,000 each. Staff suggest that Council may wish to consider requesting input on the desired option from the Richmond Community Water board members, as the community members are the persons directly impacted by the resultant drinking water and costs. Attachments None Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Goal #4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Goal #5 - Develop a new and improved infrastructure network Recommendation THAT staff be authorized to consult representatives of the Richmond Community V/ater Inc. Board regarding preferred options for the Richmond Water hydrogeological assessment. v Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Assessment Update. Page 137 of 161 Page 138 of 161 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2010-077 BEING A BY-LAW COIIVEY PART OF TITE TJNOPEI{ED ROAD ALLOWANCE DESCRIBED PART OF'CIIATIIAM STREET BEING TITE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 10 AND rl, CONCESSION 1 OF TIm MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM, IN TIIE COUNTY OF ELGTN, DESIGNATED AS PART 5 ON PLAN tlR-2446 WIIEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended provides that a lower tier municipatity may pass by-laws respecting Highways, including parking and traffic onhigþways; AND \ilIIEREAS Section 8 ofthe said Municþal Act provides that a municipalityhas the capacity, rights, powers, and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Council ofthe former Village ofPort Burwell passed By-law No. 83- 03 January 24,1983 to stop up and close part of Chatham Steet designated as Part 5 on Plan ttF.-2446; AND WIIEREAS the Council ofthe Corporation of the Municipality of Baytram deems'it expedient to convey the subject lands to the Ministry of Natural Resources. THEREFORE THT', COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF'THE MTIMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Cor¡ncil of the Municipality of Bayham hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Clerk to execute docume,nts as necessary to effect the conveyance of lands described as Part of the Road Allowance betwee,n I¡ts l0 and 11, Concession 1 of the Municipatity of Bayham, designated as Part 5 onPlan llP.-2446 to theMinisbyofNatu¡al Resources. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of October,2010. 1. 2. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-077 A By-Law to convey part of unopened road allowance (Chatham Street) Page 139 of 161 Page 140 of 161 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIÂM BY-LAW NO.2010 - 090 BEING ABY-LA\il TO AUTHORIZF'THT' SIGNING OF A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT BETWEEN ABRAHAMAND EMMAPETERS AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM, TO PROVIDE FOR TIIE DEVELOPMENT OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION, I(I\TOW¡{ AS THE COUNTRY VIE\ry ESTATES' HAMLET OT'NORTH HALL, MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MLINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOIù/S: l. THAT the agreement affixed hereto as Schedule ",A'", being a subdivision agreement with Abraham and Emma Peters, is hereby approved and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same. 2. THAT the agreement is to be registered at the Land Registry Offìce. READ A First and Second time this _ day of , 2010. READ A Third time and finally passed this _ day of _, 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 141 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. Schedule "4" to By-LawNo. 2010- THIS SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT made in triplicate this - day of - 2010. BETWEEN: ABRAHAM AND EMMA PETERS Hereinafter called the'OTWNER OR SUBDIVIDER" OF THE FIRST PART AND: THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the *CORPORATION" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS, the Owner or Subdivider proposes to subdivide and register a Plan of Subdivision on property described as Part oflot 7 Concession 8 and Part I on RP 11R7900, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin; the said proposed Plan of Subdivision, being appended as Schedule "4" to this Agreement; AND V/HEREAS, this Agreement has been made as a condition of approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing of the Owner's or Subdivider's proposed Plan of Subdivision, MMAH File # 34-T-03001, named Country View Estates; AND rÃ/HEREAS, the Owner or Subdivider, has agreed with the Corporation to comply with their requirements with respect to the providing of services for the lands proposed to be subdivided and other matters hereinafter set fofh; NOW THEREFORE, The Parties herein, in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars, of lawful money of Canada, by each to the other paid (the receipt whereof is hereby by each acknowledged), covenant and agree \ryith the other as follows: I. DEFINITIONS: (a) "Owner or Subdivider" shall include the applicant for the approval of a Plan of Subdivision, and the registered o\ryner or owners in fee simple of the land for which the subdivision is proposed and/or their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and in addition to its accepted meaning, shall mean and include an individual, an association, a partnership, or an incorporated company, and wherever the singular is used herein, it shall be construed as including the plural. (b) "Council" shall mean the Municipal Council of the Corporation. (c) "Engineer" shall mean the Engineer of the Corporation and/or any such Engineer(s) as may be duly authorized and appointed by the Corporation. 2. SCOPEOFAGREEMENT The Owner or Subdivider agrees to complete at his own expense and in a good and workmanlike manner, for the Corporation, all the municipal services as hereinafter set fofh to the satisfaction of the Corporation and to complete, perform, or make payment for such other matter as may be provided for herein. By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 142 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. CONSULTING ENGINEERS (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to retain a Professional Engineer as the Consulting Engineer of the Owner or Subdivider, to carry out all the necessary engineering and supervise the work required to be done for the development ofthe subdivision. Such Consulting Engineer or a successor thereto, shall continue to be retained until the work provided for in this agreement is completed and formally accepted by the Corporation, (b) The Owner or Subdivider agrees that in the preparation of contract plans and specihcations, the following procedure will be followed by the Consulting Engineer: (Ð Design all the works covered by this Agreement. (ii) Prepare plans, profiles and specifications for the said works and to submit detailed plans, profiles and specifications to the Corporation for approval prior to the installation of such works. (iiÐ Obtain, in conjunction with the Corporation, all the necessary approvals required prior to the construction of such works. (iv) Obtain the approval of the Corporation, for the Contractor(s) for the said works. (v) Provide full time inspections during the construction of underground services and part time inspections as necessary for the surface work. (vi) Maintain all records of construction of the said works, (vii) Supply to the Corporation mylar reproductions of all the works as constructed by the Contractor, The drawings shall be to the scale or scales established by the Corporation's Engineer. (viii) On completion of construction of the said works, to supply the Corporation with a certificate that the execution of the said works was in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. This certificate will not be valid until signed by the Corporation, and the Corporation's Engineer. (ix) Supervise the construction of any remedial work required by the Corporation. (c) The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation that no public services will be installed prior to receiving, in writing, approval of the detailed plans and specifications by the Corporation. LIENS The Owner or Subdivider shall cause to be discha¡ged any lien registered and/or filed with the Corporation, pursuant to the Construction Lìen lct, R.S.O. 1990, (Ontario) as amended, in respect to any of the works undertaken by the Owner or Subdivider. The Owner or Subdivider shall pay any legal costs, fees and disbursements howsoever incuned by the Corporation, in connection with any such lien, whether or not there are reasonable grounds for registration of the lien by the lien claimant. In the event the Owner or Subdivider fails to discharge any such lien or fails to pay any such cost, fees and disbursements, incuned by the Corporation in connection with such lien, the Corporation may make arrangements to discharge the lien by taking such actions as it see fits, acting in its sole discretion, If the Owner or Subdivider fails to reimburse the Corporation in connection with any costs incuned, pursuant to this paragraph, the Corporation shall have the right to realize on the Performance Guarantee provided by the Owner or Subdivider under paragraph 17 of this Agreement. -2- By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 143 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. EASEMENTS Upon completion and acceptance of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner or Subdivider shall: (Ð dedicate the road allowance shown as Pert l, Reference Plan llR-7900 on the draft Plan, as a Public Highway connecting to an open public road known as Eden Line (County Road 44); (iÐ provide the Corporation with such rights and easements as it may require for storm sewers, storm drainage and other utility purposes; (iii) provide Hydro One, Eastlink Inc. or Bell Canada, Union Gas and/or Natural Resource Gas with such easements as each of them may require for hydro, telephone, and television cable and natural gas utility purposes. Any such transfer, pursuant to (i) above, shall be in fee simple and for nominal consideration (i.e. One ($1.00) Dollar), in a form satisfactory to the Corporation's Solicitor, and title to such lands shall be good and free from all liens and encumbrances. The righæ and easements granted pursuant to (ii) and (iii) above, shall be for nominal consideration (i.e. One ($1.001 Dollar), in a form satisfactory to the Grantee's Solicitor, and the title to lands over which the rights and easements are granted, shall be good and free from liens and encumbrances and ifrequired by the Grantee's Solicitor, the consent of the Committee of Adjustment, to such rights and easements shall be obtained by the Owner or Subdivider. The Owner or Subdivider, agrees that forthwith, after registration of any transfers of title, pursuant to (i) above, and any grant of rights and easements, pursuant to (ii) and (iii) above, it shall provide to the Transferee's Solicitor or Grantee's Solicitor, a Certificate of Opinion ofTitle ofthe lands in respect ofwhich such transfer and rights and easements are granted, in a form satisfactory to the Transferee's or Grantee's Solicitor, such Certificate or Opinion to be given by a Solicitor authorized to practice Law in the Province of Ontario. The Owner or Subdivider agrees to provide the Corporation with a mylar copy of the reference or survey plan designating the lands in respect ofwhich such transfers oftitle and grants or rights and easements are given. The lands to be transferred and the lands over which rights and easements are to be given, pursuant to Section 5 and (i) (iÐ and iii) above, shall, on the registration ofthe Plan, be in a clean and tidy condition, graded as required, and ifnecessary, stabilized against erosion. After such lands or such rights and easements are so transferred, the Owner or Subdivider shall not use or permit the use of such lands for the storing oftopsoil or any excavated material or equipment except with the written cons€nt of the Corporation, and in the event of default, the Corporation, after giving the Owner or Subdivider such notice as it considers reasonable, may remove such soil, material or equipment and the cost thereof shall be paid by the Owner or Subdivider to the Corporation. PRTVATE SEPTIC SYSTEM PERMITS Prior to issuance of a building permit on a lot within the plan of subdivision, the Lot Owner shall provide to the Municipalþ, to the satisfaction of the Municipality, the following: l. a sewage disposal report, prepared by a qualified engineer, indicating that specific recommendations regarding the specific sewage disposal system for the lot, 2. confirmation that the system to be installed will be capable of reducing the nitrate levels to 24mgll, 3, a20-yeat service contract with a qualified contractor to ensure the long term operation and maintenance of the system, -3- 5. By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 144 of 161 7 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. STORM SE'WERS (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to construct a complete storm sewer system or systems, including storm connections to the street line where required, in the opinion of the Corporation, and catchbasins and leads to service all the lands in the said Plan of Subdivision, and adjacent road allowances, according to designs approved by the Corporation, and according to the specifications of the Corporation, in effect at the date hereof, and the Owner or Subdivider shall maintain them, including clearing any blockages until they are formally accepted by the Corporation. Such sewers shall be constructed to an outlet or outlets according to designs approved by the Corporation and shall be of sufftcient size, depth and at locations within the limits of the subdivision or on adjacent road allowances, to service the subdivision, and any lands adjacent to the subdivision, which, in the opinion of the Corporation will require their use as trunk outlets. (b) The Owner or Subdivider agrees, at its expense, to construct and the Corporation to maintain a stormwater management system regulated through the Drqinqge Act which is approved by all regulating agencies and which provides an adequate storm\ì/ater management system for all lands within the Plan. ROADS -PAVED The Owner or Subdivider agrees to construct all the roads as shown, on the said Plan of Subdivision, according to the proposed servicing schedule and specifications for paved roads of the Corporation in effect at the date hereof and to maintain them until the Corporation formally accepts them. The specifications for boulevard grading shall apply to existing streets adjacent to the said Plan of Subdivision. ROAD GRADES. ETC. (a) Before actual construction begins proof must be fumished by the Owner or Subdivider or his/her agents that the road grades have been approved by a certified Ontario Land Surveyor or Engineer in order that the road bed, storm sewers and appurtenances will be laid to the proper grade. (b) When, in the written opinion of the Corporation, it is necessary to change the said road grades the Owner or Subdivider agrees to grade the road to sub-grade in the manner and at the time stipulated by the Corporation in accordance with the specifications of the Corporation, and to restore the streets to their original condition prior to the change in the grade. (c) GRADE The Owner or Subdivider agrees to grade, to the Corporation's specifications, to the fi¡ll width, all road allowances as shown on the said Plan of Subdivision, prior to the installation or construction ofthe relevant municipal services provided for herein. The Owner or Subdivider further agrees to keep the boulevards clear and free of all materials and obstructions that might interfere with the installation of electric, telephone, gas or other utilities. The Owner or Subdivider will be responsible for any change in grade of any street up to I 50 feet from the proposed Plan of Subdivision where the change is reasonably necessary to service a street within the subdivision. CURBS AND GUTTERS The Owner or Subdivider agrees to construct rollover curbs and gutters on all the streets as shown on the said Plan of Subdivision and on all existing streets adjacent to the said Plan of Subdivision, subject to Section 9 (a) of this agreement, according to the specifications ofthe Corporation in effect at the date hereot and to maintain them until they are formally accepted by the Corporation. If any curb depressions a¡e not located correctly with respect to a driveway, the Owner or Subdivider shall construct a curb 9. 10 By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 145 of 161 ll. t2. Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. - 5 - depression in the conect location and replace the original according to the said specifications. SIDEWALKS Not required. PRIVATE !üELLS The Owner or Subdivider shall advise all perspective purchasers in all offers ofpurchase and sale that individual wells are to be constructed and developed to ensure that ground water supplies are protected from contamination by septic systems, swface pollutants and meet the turbidity levels complying with the Ministry of the Environment's drinking water objectives. LOT GRADING. SODDING. LANDSCAPING (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to grade, provide top soil and sod the portion of the street allowances lying between the front property line of lots and the curb save and except any portion of the sheet allowance within the driveway. The Lot Owner shall sod or seed the front yard ofeach ofthe lot except for paved or planted a¡eas, upon the completion of the construction of dwelling thereon. The Manager of Public Works must approve any exception to this requirement in writing, Said sodding must be in conformity with the grading control plan as set out on Schedule 'D' atüached hereto. (b) Before house construction proceeds beyond the basement level, the Consulting Engineer or an Ontario Land Surveyor shall provide the Corporation with a certificate confirming the foundations are: (Ð in conformity with the footing and top of foundation wall elevations, shown on the approved Grading Plan; (iÐ sited entirely on the conect lot and conforms to the applicable Zoning By- Law. Site surveys a¡e to be attached to the certificate. (Field notes in lieu of a siting survey will be accepted at this time to allow construction to proceed.) Certification of foundation elevations by the Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor shall be taken to mean conformity with the approved Grading Plan with a tolerance of 150 mm., and will include verification of top of foundation wall, any steps in the foundation (ifapplicable) and the garage sill. Non-conformance to either siting or foundation elevations shall be brought to the Corporation's attention for further direction, prior to proceeding with any further construction. The Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor shall then provide the Corporation with preliminary lot certificates advising that the lot grading conforms to the approved Grading Plan and is approved for sodding or seeding. Prior to the release of any lot grading conditions of this Subdivision Agreement, the Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor, shall provide final certification to the Corporation in the form of as-built elevations on the Grading Plan in accordance with the approved Plan ofSubdivision. (c) Upon the elevations and grades being established in accordance with this Agreement, the Owner or Subdivider, shall thereafter, maintain the same for so long as the Owner or Subdivider is the registered owner of the lot. 13. By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 146 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. The Parties agree that the Lot Grading Plan, attached hereto, and marked as Schedule "D" is a photographically reduced and un-initialled copy of the Lot Grading Plan, initialled by the parties on the execution of this Agreement and that such initialled Plan forms part of this Agreement. The Pa¡ties further agree that in the event that any part or parts of Schedule "D", are illegible or conflict with the initialled Plan from which it was made, the initialled Plan shall prevail. (d) If, in the opinion of the Corporation, the Owner or Subdivider has at any time during which the Owner or Subdivider is the registered owner of any lot within the Plan ofSubdivision failed to establish or maintain any such grade or elevation as required by Paragraph 13 (c), the Corporation, may, after giving such notice to the Owner or Subdivider, as the case may be, enter and re-enter from time to time upon such lot with equipment, machinery, sod and fill, and do such works and remove anything from the lot as in the Corporation's opinion, may be necessary to remedy such default, and the costs thereof, shall be paid by the Owner or Subdivider, to the Corporation. (e) Where the Owner or Subdivider has sold a lot within the Plan of Subdivision, and in the. opinion of the Corporation, the Owner or Subdivider, or the subsequent owner has, at any time, failed to establish or maintain any grade or elevation required to be established or maintained by paragraph 13 (c), the Corporation may, after giving such notice to the subsequent Owner or Subdivider, as the case may be, enter and re-enter from time to time upon such lot with equipment, machinery, sod and fill and do such works and remove anything from the lot as in the Corporation's opinion may be necessary to remedy such default and the costs thereof, shall be paid by the subsequent Owner or Subdivider, to the Corporation, and if no lots are sold, it shall constitute a lien on the lot and interest shall be payable on the amount thereof at the rate of Fifteen percent (15%) per annum, commencing Fifteen (15) days after the mailing of the statement to the subsequent Owner or Subdivider, at his/her last known address. STORM WATERMANAGEMENT A final Stormwater Management report is to be submitted to the Municipality. The affected lands shall be incorporated in to and regulated by the Bartley Municipal Drain system under the Draínage Act. ADMINISTRATION AND INSPECTION COSTS (a) The Owner or Subdivider agrees to pay to the Corporation all administrative costs incuned in connection with this Agreement, including legal and engineering costs. (b) All ofthe underground works installed shall be constructed and installed under the supervision ofinspectors approved by the Corporation, The Owner or Subdivider hereby agrees to pay all accounts of the Corporation in connection with the services of the said Inspectors. No work specified in the Agreement or in the specifications shall be carried out unless there is an inspector to ensure that all work is being completed in accordance with specifications approved by the Corporation. FINANCIAL PAYMENTS _ CAPITAL CHARGES Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the charges payable pursuant to this Paragraph 16 shall be payable by the Owner or Subdivider as specified. (a) PARKLANDDEDICATIONFEE -6- 14. l5 16. By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 147 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-7- The Owner or Subdivider shall provide parkland dedication in the form ofcash-in- lieu $500.00 per lot. This value is to be $2500.00 for 5 lots and shall be collected prior to the registration ofthe plan of subdivision, (b) STREETLIGHTING No street lighting required. (c) ELECTRICALDISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM The Owner or Subdivider hereby agrees to construct a complete electrical system at his/Ìrer expense including all switches, junction boxes, transformers, wire, hydro service connections, and appurtenances, to the street line to service all lands in the said Plan of Subdivision, according to designs approved by Hydro One and according to its specifications which are in effect at the time of the installation of the system and not necessarily those in effect at the time of this Agreement, and to maintain them until they are formally accepted by Hydro One, Hydro One reserves the right to do the work and the Owner or Subdivider shall pay the total cost. The electrical system within the subdivision, shall be ofsuffrcient size, depth and at a location to adequately service, in the opinion ofHydro One, the subdivision ofany lands serviced through it and where it is necessary to extend the system within the subdivision, to the existing system, outside the subdivision, and any adjacent subdivisions, the size, depth and location ofthe extension must be acceptable to Hydro One. Hydro One may connect or authorize the connection ofthe electrical system but the connection shall not constitute acceptance of the electrical system by Hydro One. All plans relating to the installation of the electrical system, appurtenances and services must be submitted to Hydro One for approval along with evidence that any variances from their standards are acceptable by the Municipal Electric Association. (d) LOT FRONTAGE AND CONNECTION CHARGES Frontage and connection charges do not apply. LIABILITY INSURANCE Before commencing any of the work provided for herein, the Owner or Subdivider, shall supply the Corporation with a Liabilþ Insurance Policy in the amount of Five Million ($5,000,000) Dollars, and in a form satisfactory to the Corporation, indemni$ing the Corporation, and their agents from any loss arising from claims for damages, injury or otherwise in connection with the work done by or on behalf of the Owner or Subdivider. In the event any renewal premium is not paid, the Corporation, in order to prevent the lapse of such liability insurance policy, may pay the renewal premium or premiums and the Owner or Subdivider, agrees to pay the cost of such renewal or renewals within Fourteen (14) days ofthe account therefore being rendered by the Corporation. The Owner or Subdivider shall provide written notice to the Corporation of the cancellation of the liability insurance policy, Twenty-One (21) days before the cancellation is to come into effect. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (a) As security for the construction and installation of services required by this Agreement, and prior to the release of the Plan of Subdivision, for registration, the Owner or Subdivider, shall supply the Corporation with security for performance and completion of all works required by this Agreement, in an amount which is Seventy-Five per cent (75%) of the estimated cost of the works, as set out in Schedule "C", in the form of an Inevocable Letter of Credit, f¡om a chartered 17. 18. By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 148 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. bank or other financial institution, satisfactory to the Corporation, expressed to be pursuant to this Agreement, and payable to the Corporation at any time or in part, from time to time, upon written notice from the Corporation, that the Owner or Subdivider, is in default under this Agreement. The said security shall be for the period oftime set forth in Schedule "B" for the completion of the works. (b) The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation that after Fifty percent (50%) of the said works are completed, to the satisfaction of the Corporation, the amount of the security will be progressively reduced to the amount equal to the estimated cost of the uncompleted work, plus Twenty per cent Q0%) as determined by the Corporation's Engineer. The reduction will be made after the receipt of the progress certificate from the Consulting Engineer, proof that the contractor has been paid, and approval by the Corporation. However, the said security will not be allowed to be reduced below Twenty-Five per cent Q5%o) of the estimated cost of all works until all of the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Corporation's Engineer and the Corporation and the Owner or Subdivider, has provided a Letter of Credit for the Maintenance Guarantee. If staging is approved by Council, the above shall be applicable per stage. MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation that, upon completion of the various parts of the works and prior to acceptance by the Corporation, the Owner or Subdivider, will provide at his/her o\ryn expense, a Letter of Credit for the sum of Twenty- Five per cent QS%o) of the actual cost of all the works still subject to the guarantee, to guarantee the workmanship and materials for a period of Two (2) years from the date of satisfactory completion of the work. OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING The Owner or Subdivider agrees that no building shall be occupied or used for any purpose in the subdivision until storm sewer and electricity are in operation, and in the opinion of the Corporation, capable of providing adequate service. The Owner or Subdivider further agrees that no building shall be occupied or used for any purpose in the subdivision until a base coat of asphalt has been installed on the road immediately in front of the building and extending to an existing municipal road, and to maintain vehicula¡ access to the said building until the roads are formally accepted by the Corporation. TIME LIMIT FOR V/ORK AND GUARANTEE FOR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL Save as herein otherwise provided the Owner or Subdivider agrees to complete the work required under this Agreement within the Time Limits specified in the Schedule attached hereto as Schedule "8", and to guarantee the workmanship and materials for a period of Two (2) years from the date that the said works are approved, in writing, by the Corporation. Any work other than that specifically provided for in Schedule "B" shall be completed within the time limit provided for herein, for sidewalks, curbs and gutters and roads. The Owner or Subdivider shall, in the period prior to final acceptance ofthe services or utilities to be constructed under this Agreement as soon as it is practicable after receiving written notice from the Corporation repair any damage caused to existing services or utilities by the implementation or performance of this Agreement or caused during the construction of dwelling units or other buildings on any part of the development. Should the Owner or Subdivider fail or neglect to carry out repairs or any other work required of this Agreement the Corporation may, in addition to any other rights or remedies it may have at law or in equþ, assert and exercise the rights provided for in Clause22. -8- 19. 20. 21. By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 149 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. LINCOMPLETED OR FAULTY WORK shall have full authority and power to immediately purchase such materials, tools and machinery and to employ such workmen as in their opinion, shall be tequired for the proper completion of the said work, at the cost and expense of the Owner or Subdivider, or hisÆrer surety or both. In cases ofemergency, in the opinion ofthe Corporation, such work may be done without prior notice but the Owner or Subdivider shall forthwith be notified. The cost of such work shall be calculated by the Corporation whose decision shall be final. It is understood and agreed that the total costs shall include a management fee of Twenty per cent Q0%) of all labour, material and machine tirne charges incurred to complete the work and further, a fee of thirty per cent (30%) of the chæges incurred for the dislocation and inconvenience caused to the Corporation as a result ofsuch default on the part of the Owner or Subdivider, it being hereby declared and agreed that the assuming by the Owner or Subdivider of the obligations imposed by this paragraph is one of the considerations without which the Corporation would not have executed this Agreement. It is fufher understood and agreed between the parties hereto that such entry upon the lands shall be as an agent for the Owner or Subdivider, and shall not be deemed for any purpose whatsoever as an acceptance ofthe said services by the Corporation. GENERAL PROVISIONS The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation: (a) REGISTRATION OF AGREEMENT The Owner or Subdivider agees that this Agreement shall be registered by the Corporation's Solicitor upon the title to the lands within the plan of subdivision, and agrees to pay all solicitor's fees and disbwsements incurred by the Corporation in respect to registration of this Agreement, forthwith, upon demand. (b) CONTTNUATTON OF EXISTING SERVICES Where the construction of services herein involves a continuation of existing services to join into the same including adjustment of grades where necessary, such work to be completed in a good workmanlike manner and at the expense of the Owner or Subdivider. (c) PUBLIC LANDS - FILL AND DEBRIS To neither dump nor permit to be dumped any fill or debris on, nor to temove or permit to bs removed any fill from any public lands, other than the actual construction of roads in the subdivision without the written consent of the authority responsible for such lands. The Owner or Subdivider shall, on request, supply the Corporation with an acknowledgement from such authority of the Owner or Subdivider's compliance with the terms of this clause. (d) OUALITATIVE OR OUANTITATIVE TESTS -9- 22 23. By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 150 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-10- The Corporation may have qualitative or quantitative tests made of any materials which have been or are proposed to be used in the construction of any services required by this Agreement and the cost of such tests shall be paid by the Owner or Subdivider within Fourteen (14) days of the account being rendered by the Corporation. RELOCATION OF SERVICES To pay the cost of relocating any existing services and utilities caused by the development work within Fourteen (14) days of the account for same being rendered by the Corporation. The Owner or Subdivider further agrees to similarly pay the cost of moving any services or utilities installed under this Agreement in driveways or so close thereto, in the opinion of the Corporation, as to interfere with the use of the driveway. TAXES That prior to the release of the plan for registration the Owner or Subdivider shall pay the taxes in full for all the lands included in the said Plan of Subdivision according to the last revised assessment roll, until the lands are assessed and billed as a registered plan. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS Prior to the release of the plan for registration, to prepay any outstanding local improvement charges which a¡e levied against any of the lands in the said plan of subdivision. SPECIFICATIONS Unless otherwise specifìed, any work required under this Agteement shall be according to the specifications ofthe Corporation. Any and all approval of plans and specifications by the Corporation does not relieve the Owner or Subdivider of responsibility for enors and omissions in the plans and specifications. It shall be the responsibility of the Owner or Subdivider to supply any third party contractor with all ndcessary information to compete the works contemplated under this Agreement. STREETS During the construction of ths services and utilities required to be constructed under this Agreement and during the construction of any dwelling units to be constructed within the subdivision all streets within the development site, being Peters Court, shall be maintained in good repair and clean by the Owner or Subdivider but this obligation and liability of the Owner or Subdivider does not extend beyond the time of final acceptance. Until final acceptance the Owner or Subdivider shall be responsible to maintain the entrances to the site on the existing county road to ensure the roads are kept clean and free from dust and debris. STREET SIGNS Street signs and traffìc control signs will be installed by the Municipalþ at the Owner's expense. LICENCE TO ENTER To retain a licence from any subsequent purchaser ofthe aforesaid lands to enter upon such lands in order to comply with the provisions ofthis Agreement. (e) (Ð (e) (h) (Ð c) (k) By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 151 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. SANDING. DUST CONTROL. SNOIù//ICE REMOVAL FROM ROADS Prior to the Corporation assuming the services, the Owner or Subdivider agrees to provide, at their expense, dust and weed control. The Owner or Subdivider shall snowplow and sand any unpaved roads when required to provide and maintain safe and adequate vehicula¡ access to all occupied buildings. The Corporation agrees to snowplow and sand all paved roads in the subdivision upon completion by the owner of the base coat of asphalt and when all frames and covers for catchbasins and manholes have been set at the same elevation as the base coat of asphalt so they will not interfere with snowplowing operations. The Owner or Subdivision agrees that any service provided by the Municipalþ prior to formal acceptance of the roads by the Municipality shall not be deemed acceptance of the roads. SURVEY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Prior to the formal acceptance of the services and roadwork by the Corporation, to supply a statement by an Ontario Land Surveyor that, after the completion of the subdivision work, he has found all standard iron bars and survey monuments as they pertain to only vacant lots remaining on the date of the acceptance of the subdivision. INTEREST Interest at the per annum rate ofThree per cent (3%) points above the prime rate of the Corporation's bank shall be payable by the Owner or Subdivider, to the Corporation, on all sums of money payable herein, which are not paid on the due dates calculated from such due dates. The due dates ofany sum ofmoney shall be Fourteen (14) days after the date ofthe invoice. CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT In the event the plan of subdivision is not registered within one year from the date hereof, the Corporation may, at its option, on one month's notice to the Owner or Subdivider, declare this Agreement to be null and void. NOTICES Any notices required to be given hereunder may be given by registered mail, addressed to the other party at its address according to the most recent assessment roll and shall be effective as ofthc date ofthe deposit thereof, in the Post Offrce. I-INSOLD LOTS The Owner or Subdivider is to provide suitable weed control on any unsold lots. Failure to do so will result in the Corporation performing the work and assessing a charge or lien to the property. STAGING The Owner or Subdivider covenants and agrees that the construction of the subdivision will be completed in one phase with all of the required services provided by the Owner or Subdivider and the Owner or Subdivider may complete such services in accordance with Schedule "8". BUILDINGPERMITS The Owner or Subdivider covenants and agrees not to apply for any building permit for any building on the lands until the following pre-requisites have been satisfied: -11 0) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 152 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.- 12- l. The Owner or Sudivider has provided confrrmation of the engineered septic system plans and maintenance agreement as per Paragraph 6. 2. Tftrc Manager of Public rùy'orks has advised in writing that rough grading has been carried out to his/her satisfaction and that building permits may be issued in accordance with the grading control plan attached hereto as Schedule 'D'; curb and gutter, storm water sewer systems and base coat of asphalt has been installed; all traffic and street signs have been installed. Exceptions to this condition may be permitted where, in the opinion of the Manager of Public Works, there are extenuating circumstances. In these cases, the Owner or Subdivider shall undertake protective and remedial measures to the satisfaction of the said Manager. All costs of such protective and remedial measures shall be bome by the Owner or Subdivider. 3. Hydro One has advised the Corporation in writing that the complete electrical system has been installed in accordance with this agreement and is capable of servicing the lands. Exceptions to this condition may be permitted in writing at the discretion of the Corporation. 4. The Owner or Subdivider has satished all the financial requirements under this agreement. (t) STGNAGE FORPROJECT The Owner or Subdivider is entitled to erect one sigl at the property entrance to advertise the project. Any sign erected must conform to any municipal or county Sign ByJaws. The sign must be kept in good repair at all times. (u) TREE PLANTING The Owner or Subdivider shall plant one tree per lot in a location and of a kind and size approved in writing by the Manager of Public Works. Should any hee die within 12 months of planting the Owner or Subdivider shall replace the lree with a new hee as prescribed in this agreement. Trees are to be planted a minimum of 1 metre (3.3 feet) behind the property line and located so as not to interfere with services and utilities at any time. (v) SURFACEWATERMANAGEMENTDURINGCONSTRUCTION The Owner or Subdivider agrees to require the contractor to provide means to avoid ponding, erosion and/or flooding onto adjacent properties during construction and will continue until lots have been developed by means of erosion provisions such as silt fencing, straw bales and rough grading of undeveloped lots to maintain all surface water on developed property. (Ð DRIV .iüAY APPROACHES The Owner or Subdivider shall pave all driveway approaches to the satisfaction of the Manager of Public ìùy'orks upon the construction of the building serviced by any such driveway. If any dropped curb is not located correctly with respect to any driveway, the Owner shall construct a dropped curb in the coûect location and shall fill in the original dropped curb in accordance with specifications. (x) CENTRALIZED MAIL BoX i. The Owner or Subdivider shall make adequate provision for a centralized mail box to the satisfaction of Canada Post and further agrees to: L work with Canada Post to determine and provide a temporary suitable Centralized Mail box location which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs and bouleva¡ds are in place in the subdivision; By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 153 of 161 24. Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-13- 2. install a concrete pad in accordance with the requirements of, and in a location approved by Canada Post to facilitate the placement of a community mail box; 3. identiff the pad above on the engineering drawings' Said pad is to be poured at the time of the curb installation within the subdivision. ii, The Owner or Subdivider shall include in all offers ofpurchase and sale a statement advising the prospective purchaser: 1 that the home mail delivery will be from a designated Centralized Mail Box 2. that the developers/owners are responsible for officially notifling the purchasers of the exact Centralized Mail box location prior to the closing of any home sales. (y) FIREPROTECTION The Owner or Subdivider agrees to provide for adequate fire protection through the purchase oftwo I 8 hp pumps suitable for fire suppression to be used by the municipal fire services. The Owner or Subdivider agrees with the Corporation: (a) EXTENT OF WORK The extent of work shall be construed to consist of the labour and materials ûecessary for the construction in a good substantial, workmanlike manner of all the items required for the completion of the enti¡e work consisting of all the items shown on the drawings which have been approved by the Corporation, and which shall be installed according to these specifications; also, of all excavations, drains, sheathing, shoring, false-work, forms, tools, appliances, and materials necessary for the safe expeditious and effective execution of all temporary and permanent work. The Owner or Subdivider shall be responsible for obtaining the location of all other Utilities such as Electric Underground Cables, Telephone Conduits, Storm Sewer Catchbasins, Farm Drainage Tiles, Gas Mains and Services, etc., from the utilþ concerned, and must protect and/or repair same subject to the regulations of the particular service involved Excavations, backfilling and all work on Municipal Streets must have the approval of the Engineer and/or Corporation. Pavements, driveways, enhance to property, lawns, etc,, must be replaced in as good condition as found. Barricades and lantems must be installed on all works for the protection of vehicles and pedestrians and all precautions taken to minimize the risk of damage and inconvenience to others. All work shall be caried out so that it conforms to the regulations of the Trench Excovators Ac\, and the Worker's Compensation Board, as it pertains to the safe working conditions of the workers employed on the job. The Owner or Subdivider shall take fi.rll responsibility for pavement breaks, which must be approved by the Engineer and restored to the regulations applicable. The closing of roads due to the installation of services must have the approval of the Corporation's Engineer and the Owner or Subdivider, must observe all applicable regulations. In the absence of the Owner or Subdivider from the job (whether permanent or temporary), he/she shall provide and leave a competent and teliable agent or By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 154 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt.-14- foreman in charge and all notices communications, instructions, or orders given, sent, or served upon this person, shall be taken as served upon the Owner or Subdivider. (b) LIENS ORCLAIMS The Owner or Subdivider agrees that, upon applying for fi4al acceptance of the waterworks system in the said subdivision, to supply the Corporation with a Statutory Declaration that all accounts for work and materials have been paid or provided or that there are no claims for liens or otherwise in connection with such work done or materials supplied on behalf of the Owner or Subdivider, in connection with the subdivision. 25. Schedules "4" through "D" as listed are attached hereto: 1. Schedule "A" Plan of Subdivision 2. Schedule "B" Time Limits 3. Schedule "C" Estimated Costs of $/orks 4. Schedule "D" Lot Grading Plan All shall form part of this Agreement and time shall be of the essence with respect to items contained herein. 26. The Corporation shall be entitled to enforce the provisions ofthis agreement against the owner of the lands to which it applies, and subject to the provisions of the Land Titles Act against any and all subsequent owners ofthe lands. 27. The Owner or Subdivider may assign this Agreement only with the consent of the Corporation. 28. All parties hereto shall execute and deliver (or cause to be done, executed and delivered) all such further acts, documents and other assurances that may be reasonably required by the parties for the completion ofthe work contemplated by this Agreement. 29. The Owner or Subdivider shall advise all perspective pwchasers of Items 6, 12 and 13 of this Agreement and/or provide copy of this Agreement in all offers of purchase and sale. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereunto aflixed their corporate seals, attested to by the hands of their proper officers in that behalf fully authorized. COTINTRY VIEIü ESTATES rüitness Abraham Peters Emma Peters THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI.]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Lynn Acre, Mayor LyndaMillard, Clerk By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 155 of 161 Country View Estates Subd. Agmt. Earth Grading Underground Senicing - Storm Sewer Granular Roadbase Electrical and Utility Municipal Drain Relocation Curbs and Base Asphalt Surface Asphalt -15- Summer 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Spring 201 1 Summer 2012 I ( By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 156 of 161 Fro,{oi ¡h, oR¡Fr ÉÂr¡ oF sljBDfvsor{ PARÍ f LOT 7 coNc€sstol{ tww64w WMT 8^YlAt c(lJilTY f ¡L(lll Éü-t¡tæ æ úffiffitD ¡' ú 2tEÞw 44) .e,! .oj t _ì'tL'> Ètå \"- ì ¡¡ É gnlErcßi^S CER¡rtCArE-*-*'-'.;fi ,-''--;¿----. - --ltç-r oricrs cERrnc r€'î'Åä- F-h-.¿ ù¿ Mñ@relE*ffi56'd*rÆFAlø ¡"- t{\T (tr(ttç (il I 7. o: .ó """""t" ! Y-¡: I B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 0 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e a s u b d i v i s i o n a g r e e m e n t ( P e t e r s ) P a g e 1 5 7 o f 1 6 1 eþüolry t/bil¡ Eaffi ,$¡Þd, ÄdmL By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 158 of 161 CYRIL T. DEì]EYBÌß UtrITîBD 5cH€Dr^L g "c " ESTIMÂÌTN DflTRNÂL S.FI'VICtrTG COSTS COI'NRY VIE\T ESTATES SI'BDIVISION yIINICIPALTTY OE BAfr^M 5 SINGLE FAMILY f .OTS FOR MT'NICIPAL SECT'RTTY SAMTARY SEWER - p¡lv¡¡o rcpda rytcmr on o¡eh lot by bulldon WAIEBMAbI'pdrrtc wtllr on cach lot by buildcrs STORM\il¡.TBR MÀNAGEMENT & SS¡ÂI B rÞrap e STM STORM SES'ER bg¡Bde sl¡ñnlß@ ¡18 tular 'B' (300 mml @ t905 d 0¡anular 'B' (300 mmJ @ S29 310 n¡ G¡¡nula¡'A' (t00 mn) @ S32 $42,000 ROADWORK (265 n - Sts€€t 'A', 9.2 n b¡ck to b¡ck cu¡b ¡¡d guttor ) N¡ITIAL ROANNASB 255 m cxcavado_n ¡¡d gra$ng cxcl lot grsding @ 35t/m lncl. topsoil etdpplng 275 m of nbøde suMnlm râ Sl8 ¡ 4,500 1,500 6,000 u0 3200 _3.@. ¡t6,000 ¡t7,440 2,500 37,$5 30,t25 1,500 600 $90,000 0924 22 Septembcr 2010 ¡ t6,000 42,000 56,000 Jg000 $204,000 s t4û25 4,950 26,245 9,920 _e6a $56,000 Mlscellamu SI.'P.FACE ROADWORK 545mcurb&gutrcr@$32 fmc gnú49 329 1 HL E (50 mm) @ $l 15Ul . HL3 (35 mn) @ 8125 6 cahhbasln ¡dlustneñts lô S250 Mi¡ællmæw ÎOTAL F,STIMATED INTERNAL SERVICINC COSTS s¡ ud PETER J, PENNE& P. B'I.IC. CYRIL J. DEMEYERE LMTTED CONSTJLTINO ENOINEERS TILISONBURG, ONTARIO, CJDL CodúHq engln.ı By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) Page 159 of 161 r-:-li\ti \\li \l i-"--j i.=b- i!llit¡r.l--l c I tÌ MUNICIPALlTY OF BAYHAM GJDL "¡Ê"c.úiF .--19=:l: Huru GRADING PI-AN/ B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 0 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e a s u b d i v i s i o n a g r e e m e n t ( P e t e r s ) P a g e 1 6 0 o f 1 6 1 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2010-091 A BY-LA\ry TO CONF'IRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COT]NCIL OF'TIIE CORPORÄ.TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYIIAM F'OR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 7,2010 WHERJAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,2007, the powers of Council are to be exercised by byJaw; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COI]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLO\ilS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held October 7,2070 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME and finalty passed this 7th day of October, 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-law 2010-091 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 161 of 161