HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 04, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville November 4, 2010 7:00 p.m. 7:20 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) 8:00 p.m. - Public Meeting - (Drainage) Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence dated October 18, 2010 from Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation regarding "2009 - 2010 Annual Report". (full report available at Municipal Office) File: A01 (b)Correspondence dated October 18, 2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Welcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment". File: A01 (c)Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Nominations for 2011 - 2012 Board of Directors". File A01 (d)Correspondence dated October 14, 2010 from The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation regarding "The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation - 2009 Annual Report" (full report available at Municipal Office). File: D05 7-14 15-16 17 19-21 23 Page 1 of 109 Council Agenda November 4, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (e)Correspondence received October 19, 2010 from Elgin St. Thomas Public Health regarding "Community Health Status Report". File: E06 (f)Correspondence dated October 2010 from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Nominations for the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism in Ontario". File: M02 (g) Correspondence dated October 27, 2010 from Elgin County OPP regarding "Don't Wait Till Spring To Check Your Vacation Home". File: P17 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 1.Correspondence and Reports 2.PUBLIC MEETING 1.Public Meeting (a)7:20 p.m. - Weeda Rezoning - zoning by-law amendment application proposing to change the zoning on a parcel of land from the Institutuinal (I) Zone to the Village Residential (R1) Zone to allow the conversion of an existing church to a single unit residential dwelling. 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA 25 27 29-30 31-45 Page 2 of 109 Council Agenda November 4, 2010 Page 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 3.PUBLIC MEETING (a)ITEM TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 18, 2010 AT 8:00 P.M. (PREVIOUSLY DEFERRED FROM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD OCTOBER 7, 2010) 1.Public Meeting (a)7:30 p.m. - Graydon Rezoning - Zoning by-law amendment application proposing the rezoning of property located at Part Lot 13, Concession 9, 56084 Talbot Line. 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2010-31 regarding Graydon Rezoning. File: D14.GRAY10 4.Public Comments Page 3 of 109 Council Agenda November 4, 2010 Page 5.Council Comments and Questions 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 1.Correspondence and Reports (a)Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 and Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville (Lions) Santa Claus Parade Committee regarding "Annual Santa Claus Parade". File: T09 (b)Correspondence dated October 22, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain Court of Revision". File: E09 2.PUBLIC MEETING 1.Public Meeting (a)8:00 p.m. - Bartley Municipal Drain - to consider Spriet Associates Engineer's Report #209138 dated August 31, 2010. (Full report attached in Section 12 By-Law 2010-100) 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3.Staff Presentation 47-50 51-53 Page 4 of 109 Council Agenda November 4, 2010 Page 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending October 31, 2010. File: P10 (b)Correspondence dated October 18 from Vienna Lioness Club regarding "Christmas Craft Show and Sale". File: C13 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending October 17, 2010 totaling $51,677.53. (b)Staff Memorandum regarding "Draft Letter to AGCO re: Penny Sales". File: P09 (c)Correspondence received October 26, 2010 from Rob Thompson regarding "Water Infrastructure". File: C13 55-60 61 63 65-78 79-80 81 Page 5 of 109 Council Agenda November 4, 2010 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (d)Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held October 28, 2010 and draft By-Law 2010-102. Items 5(d) and 5(e) request Council action. File: C06 (e)Verbal update regarding "Ojibwa". 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Verbal update regarding "Richmond Water System". 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law Z585-2010 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Weeda) (b)By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second reading only (c)By-Law 2010-101 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2010-001 (appoint members to Boards and Committees) (d)By-Law 2010-102 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2005-102 (imposing rates and fees) (e)By-Law 2010-103 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 83-86 87-88 89-104 105 107 109 Page 6 of 109 COT]NCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville October 21,2010 7:00 PM The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursda¡ October 21,2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. 'Water /'Wastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson was in attendance to present his report. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECI]NIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held Octob er 7 ,2010. 2010-416 Moved by Councillor V/ Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT the minutes of the regular meeting held October 712010 be approved as circulated.tt CARzuED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) There were no items added to the agenda. 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - V/anda Hoshal regarding placement of returned markers to Estherville and plaque. Wanda Hoshal advised that the group was satisfied with the rêvised version of the layout for placement of the cemetery marker foundations. O) 7:15 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding rules and regulations dealing with church penny sales. Wanda Hoshal noted her objections to the provincial regulations pertaining to the conduct of penny sales under the Alcohol and Gaming legislation. Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 7 of 109 Council Minutes October 21,2010 Council agreed that the requirements are onerous and requested staff to prepare correspondence opposing penny sale licensing requirements and requesting the province to reconsider the legislation for Council's support at the next meeting. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS la) Correspondence dated August 25,2010 from Town of Petrolia regarding resolution passed at meeting of Council held August23,2010. File: C10 (b) Correspo of Municipal Affairs and Housing Program". File: 416 (c) Correspondence dated September 29,2010 from Elgin Offerings Committee regarding "donationtowards the draw at the Elgin Offerings booth at the 2010 International Plowing Match". File: A16 (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held August 4,2010. File: A16 (e) Bayham Harbourfont Committee minutes of meeting held October 12,2010. File: C06 (Ð Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held September 9,2010. File: C06 (g) Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held October 13, 2010. File: C06 (h) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committes minutes of meeting held September 2, 20t0. File: E00 li) Correspondence dated October 14,2010 from Museums Bayham regarding "Painting of the Lighthouse Port Burwell". File: C13 (i) Correspondence dated September 30,2010 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2010 Program Year". File: E07 2010-417 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(D be received for information.rr CARRIED UNANMOUSLY Page 2 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 8 of 109 Council Minutes October 2L,2010 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM (a) Report dated Octobet 12,2010 from Planning Consultant,IBI Group, regarding "Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review". File: D00 20t0-4r8 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT the Memorandum dated October 12,2010 from IBI Group regarding Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review be received / for information; AI\D TIIÁ,T comments be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as provided in the Memorandum." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Ca¡oline Davis Drain'. File: E09 20t0-419 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'THAT Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding Caroline Davis Drain be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport PR2010-l l regarding "Designation of Lands as Part of Road System - Soper Road". File: T09 2010-420 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport PR¿010-11 regarding Designation of Lands as Part of Road System - Soper Road be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-092,- being a By-law to assume and establish lands in the Municipality of Bayham as part of the open public highway system (Soper Road) be presented to Council for enactment.r' CARRIED Page 3 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 9 of 109 Council Minutes 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES October 21,2010 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling 5504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending October 3, 2010 totaling $50,260.48. 2010-421 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling 5504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending October 3,2010 totaling $50,260.48 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffRe,port PR2010-10 regarding "Re,quest to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". File: L04 2010-422 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport PR2010-10 regarding Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-094,being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement with Ludeb Inc. for the Installation of Electrical Works be presented to council for enactment.rf CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport PV/2010-18 regarding "Continuous Improvement Fund - Letter of Agreement". File: Fll 20t0-423 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier I'THAT StaffReport PW2010-18 regarding Continuous Improvement Fund - Letter of Agreement be received; Page 4 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 10 of 109 Council Minutes October 21,2010 AND THAT Staffbe authorized to execute the continuous Improvement fund Letter of Agreement as attached to Report PW2010-018 on behalf of the Municipality of Bayham." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (d) StaffMemorandum regarding "Placement of Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - GlenErie Line". File: S09 20t0-424 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffMemorandum regarding Placement of Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line be received / for information.r' CARRIED UNANMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30, 2010. File: E08 2010-425 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30,2010 be received for information.'f CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending September 30,2010. File: E08 2010-426 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential \ilells for the period ending September 30,2010 be received for information.rf CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 5 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 11 of 109 Council Minutes October 2L,20I0 (c) Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30,2010. File: E08 20t0-427 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski I'THAT Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30,2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Quaferly Compliance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant and Call Ins for the period ending September 30,2010. File: E08 2010-428 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'THAT Quarterly Compliance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant and Call Ins for the period ending September 30,2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Correspondence dated September 28,2010 from Ministry of the Envi¡onment regarding "Transfer of Review Program". File: U10 2010-429 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT correspondence dated September 28,2010 from Ministry of the Environment regarding Transfer of Review Program be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Correspondence dated October 6,2010 from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding "Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Twinning of Primary Water Transmission Main". File: E08 20t0-430 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor Page 6 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 12 of 109 Council Minutes October 2I,2010 "TIIAT correspondence dated October 6,2010 from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding Etgin Area Primary Water Supply System Twinning of Primary Water Transmission Main be received for information." CARRIED I'NANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE There were no closed session items. 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2OIO-092 A By-law to assume and establish lands (Soper Road) (b) By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) (c) By-Law 2OlO-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) (d) By-Law 2010-095 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Underhill Bros.) (e) By-Law 2010-096 A ByJaw to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) (Ð By-Iaw 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) (g) By-Law 2010-098 A Bylaw to appoint a Livestock Valuer 2010-431 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT By-Laws 2010-092,2010-093, 2010-094,2010-095, 2010-096,2010-097 and 2010-098 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) By-Iaw 2Ol0-099 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 20t0-432 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT confirming By-Law 2010-099 be read a fÌrsÇ second and third time and finally passed.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 7 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 13 of 109 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2010.Page 14 of 109 5 Ao¡ Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation 68 Scollard Street,Suìte 201 Toronto, ON M5R 1G2 Tel: 41 6-960-0001 Fax: 41 6-960-0030 www.g reenbelt.caPossibility grows here. October 18, 2010 ULI Dear Friend of the Greenbelt,f,# t¡'iil f if:i å,'îin û i fi iiTii,,r,;Ti Enclosed please find our 2009-2010 Annual Report. This is the fifth time we are reporting on how we invest our funds to enrich Ontario's Greenbelt. During this past year the Greenbelt celebrated its 5th anniversary. This milestone was marked through a series of events which are highlighted in the enclosed Report. The anniversary was celebrated across the Greenbelt by communities as diverse as its land, from skating and hiking near the Niagara Escarpment to a Hoe Down Dance in the Holland Marsh. We continue to plant the seeds and nurture the buds of public engagement on Greenbelt issues through a multitude of efforts. lt is not surprising then, to see public understanding of the Green belt's im portance becoming mainstream among Ontaria ns. Through our grants program we are proud to have supported many important and dynamic projects during this past year. Take a minute to read through the grant descriptions and the accomplishments of our Greenbelt partners. For the past three years our Annual Report has received awards for excellence in communications from the Council on Foundations, the global philanthropic association for foundations. This year's report has taken a new direction and we invite your comments on the changes. With much to reflect on, we look forward to five more years and many more celebrations along the way. Burkhard Mausberg President Correspondence dated October 18, 2010 from Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation regarding "2009 - 2010 Annual Report". Page 15 of 109 Celebrating F¡ve Years of Possibilities Message From the Chair The Foundation recently marked the fifth anniversary of the àreenbelt with a wondeifrl purty. lt gave us a chance to celebrate some of the successes of the last five years, and marvel at how far we have come. The polls we take every year tell us that the Greenbelt enjoys wide- spread and strong Public support There is a growing appreciation that Ontario are Precious and that we m once we took for granted. A significant aspect of the Foundation's work has been supporting agr'rÉulture and increasing both demand and markets for local food' À-r,rong local food system is now emerging with the promise of better iÃcomes for farmers, more sustainable farming practices, less' transportation of food, and a more robust connection between our.ìti", and the Greenbelt which sustains them'The momentum is building, and the signs'of change are all around us'We see it in Loblaw's recent campaign arou ld local food' We see it in the ıro*ing reach of Locaì- Food Plus's certification standards for írirrinãOt" agricultural products. We see it in the Holland Marsh Growers, Assıciation,s decision to shift much of its production towards local food markets. We see it in the many restaurants that embrace local food ingredients and in the ever-increasing number of farmers, markets. There is a sense that values and practices are beginning to shift. Of course, it's not only about food. To me, one of the most exciting developments is the growing movement towards a bigger' better Greenbelt. This spring Toronto City Council made the unanimous decision to ã¿¿ the public lands in 'the Humber and Don River t;i;;t to the Greenbelt: a powerful signal and a step r4rhich will sirengthen the Greenbelt's connection to Lake Ontario' There is ,trong inter"st in municipalities like Markham, Mississauga and Oakvile in participating in the Greenbelt's growth' These develop- ments speak to how compelling the Greenbelt has become - in a mere five years it has moved from an audacious untested idea to a concept so potent that those outside it now seek to join' leading. collective conviction as citizens in its enduring importance' thoughtful, dynamic board of directors' Sandy Houston Chair Correspondence dated October 18, 2010 from Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation regarding "2009 - 2010 Annual Report". Page 16 of 109 J É)o 1 Subject: AMO Vlel-comes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment TO THE TMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE CLERK AND COUNCIL October 18, 201-0 AMO V'Ielcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment Issue: On October 15, 2010, the Ontario Court of Appeal rel-eased its decision regarding the Toronto Bank Towers. Background: The City of Toronto and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) were successful- respondents. The Court's decision upholds MPAC's longstandj-ng practice of including a tenant I s .l-easehold improvements in determining office tower property values. Given the province wide implications of this decision, others intervened in the case. fn a unanimous decision, the Court of Appeal agreed with an earl-ier August 2009 rul-ing of the Divisional- Court on al-l- aspects of the l-ower court's findings with respect to the l-aw. The Court also confirmed that the office towers are to be assessed in accordance with the income approach using market rents and all-owing for only a normal- vacancy rate. The Court of Appeal returned the matter to the same panel- of the Assessment Review Board and instructed that Board to determine the assessed values of the bank towers by foJ-Iowing the guidance received from the Divisionaf Court and the Court of Appeal. Although a positive devefopment at this time, a further appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeal .l-ies to the Supreme Court of Canada with l-eave. The deadline for seeking leave to appeal is 60 days from the date of the decision and AMO wifl- advise whether an appeal is l-aunched. AMO Contact: Matthew Wilson, Senior Policy Advisor - mwil-sonGamo.on.ca <mail-to:mwilsonGamo.on.ca> - (416) 971-9856 Ext. 323. PLEASE NOTE AMO Breaking News wil-l- be broadcast to the member municipality's council-, administrator and cferk. Recipients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff as required. We have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast lists in order to ensure accuracy and effi-ciency in the management of our various broadcast l-ists . DISCLAIMER These are final- versions of AMO documents. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the efectronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official- record. Correspondence dated October 18, 2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Welcomes Court Page 17 of 109 Page 18 of 109 Ocfober26- 2010 To the Head & Members of Council:øør*@i,'t¡r* Pursuant to Section 25 d the Constitution of the Ontario Good Roads Association, the Nominating Committee shall report to the Annual Conference its nominations for 12 directors. The follo¡ving members d the Board will automatically serve on the 2011-2012 Board of Directors in the folloring capacity: John Curley, Councillor, City of Timmins Alan Korell, Managing Director/Gity Engineer, City of North Bay lmmediate Past President J. Paul Johnson, Operations Manager, County of Wellingûon Those nominated bythe Nominating Gommittee shallbe selected fiom OGRA's municipal membership pursuant to the requirements for geographic representation contained ln Section 11 of the Constitrfion, and so far as possible maintaining an equal balance between elected and appointed representatives. A full copy of the Constitution can be viewed on the OGRA weÞsite: htb :ûlvww.ogra.oro/About/constitution.aso. The following inotmbent Directoæ have put theír name forward wishing to continue to represent their respectÍve Zones: Norft (2 to be elected) Rick Champagne Councillor, Tomship of East Fenis Southwest (3 to be elected) President ldMce-President Craig Davidson CAO/Clerk Municipality of Hasting Hþhlands Tom Bateman County Engineer County Essex John Parsons Division Manager, Transportation & Rædside Operations City of London South Gentral (2 to be elected) Damian Albanese Director, Transportiation Division Regional Municipality of Peel Southeast (3 to be elected) Joanne Vanderheyden Mayor Townshi p of Strathroy€anadoc Steve Desroches Councillor City of Ottawa 4ot Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Nominations for 2011 - 2012 Page 19 of 109 Toronto (2 to be elected) -GouneÍllor i City of Toonto City of Toronto One vacanry will exist in each d the Northem, South Gentral and South East zones. The Norürem Zone consists of the municipalities in the Districts dAlgoma, Cocfirane, Kenora, Manitoulin lsland, Nipissirp, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, and Timiskaming, the City of Gre¿ter Sudbury, and municipalities in and induding the District of Muskoka. The South CentralZone consists of the municipalities in and including the Counties of Dr¡fferin, Grey, Simcoe, and Wellington, ard municipalities in and irrcluding the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Halton, Niagara, Peeland York, and the Gity of Hamilton. The Souür East Zone consists of municipalities in and including the Counties of Frontenac, Haliburton, Hastings, Lanark, Leeds and Grenville, Lennox and Addington, Northumberland, Peterborough, Prescoü and Russell, Prince Edward, Renftew, and Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, and the Cities of lGwartha Lakes and Ottawa. Any OGRA municipal member interested in being considered as a candidate for a position on the Board of Directors must complete the attached Nomination Consentform and submit italong with theirrésumé to tte attention dthe Chairof the Nominating Committee by no later than Noræmber 26,2010. Fax your information to 905-79S2660, e-mailto info@ogra.org or mallto OGRA, 6355 Kennedy Road, Unit 2, Mississauga, Ortario LsT 2L5 The Nominating Committee will meet in Novemberto rccommend a slate of Ofücers and Diredors to the rrembership. The members of the Committee are: Chaic Eric Rutherford, OGRA lmmediate Past President Members: Damian Albanese, OGRA Director Tom Bateman OGRA Dirccfor Craig Davidson, OGRA Direcúor Davkl Leckie, OGRA Past President Any queslions regarding the Nomination process or serving on the Board of Directors can be direcÍed to the undersigned atiqg@gge.g¡g. Yours fnly, J. W. Tiemay, Executive Director c: Eric Rutherford, Chair, Nominating Committee Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Nominations for 2011 - 2012 Page 20 of 109 C'NTAll¡C' G¡CIC'EI ]TC'AÞg ABS¡C¡GIATIClN 6355 KENNEDY ROAD, UNIT 2 MISSISSAUGA" ONTARIO LsT 215 NOMI NATION/CONSENT FORM Please Print Gandidate Íor 2011-2012 OGRA Board of Direc'tors Name Municipality Nominated by Name Position Municipality Seconded by Name Position Gandidate's Gonsent Municipality Candidate's Signature This form must be received by fax 905-795-2660, e<trail fioe@ogra.org) or mail to Unit 2, 6355 Kennedy Road, Mississauga, Ont. LsT 2L5 to the attention of David Leckie, Ghair of the Nominating Commlttee, by 4:00 p.m. on November 26, 2010. Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Nominations for 2011 - 2012 Page 21 of 109 Page 22 of 109 5 Tne Orur¡nro AocReerre ResouRces CoRpoRATtoN l00l Crnupun Ave. SurrE 103, BURLTNGToN, ON LZL 524 Ter: (905) 319-7424 Tol-t- FRee: l-866-308-6272 Fax: (905) 319-7423 www,toarc.com October 14,2010 Ò o5 Gz"' Attention: Clerk/Chief Administrative Officer Dear Sir or Madam: Re: On behalf of the Board of Directors, I enclose for your information, the 2009 Annual Report of The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation. The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation (TOARC) was created in 1997 to act as Trustee for the Aggregate Resources Trust which carries out many functions formerly undertaken by the Ministry of Natural Resources, including the collection of aggregate licence fees and the disbursement of those monies to municipal government. The enclosed report includes a detailed account of the Corporation's financial affairs for 2009, as well as information on various rehabilitation and research initiatives undertaken through the MAAP program as part of the Trust purposes. I hope you enjoy the 2009 Annual Report, and encourage you to circulate it among members of your council. I draw your attention to a sampling of photographs (pgs. 05,22,24,30 & 35) that show former extraction sites that have reverted on their own to productive ecosystems. Yours truly, David J. St President Correspondence dated October 14, 2010 from The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation regarding "The Ontario Page 23 of 109 Page 24 of 109 5 b¿ Subject Community Health Status Report - Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Dear Partners of Elgin St. Thomas Public Health We have recently completed a comprehensive report on the status of health of residents of St. Thomas and Elgin County. lt can be found on our website www.eleinhealth.on.ca underthe Reports section in Community Health Status. You can also download the report directly using this link Topic areas in the report range from the social determinants of health to chronic disease and injury, reproductive health and early development to communicable disease and environmental health. Some indicators examine health outcomes while others depict health behaviours. By assessing trends over time and comparing local estimates with provincial averages, this report identifies challenges and successes with respect to the health of the St. Thomas and Elgin County population. The report is in PDF format and the Table of Contents is linked to corresponding sections in the document. You can easily navigate to the section of interest by clicking on the appropriate title in Table of Contents. We hope that you find this document useful in your own planning. Thanks Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Correspondence received October 19, 2010 from Elgin St. Thomas Public Health regarding "Community Health Status Page 25 of 109 Page 26 of 109 5 Minlstry of GitizenshiP and lmmigration Minister oth Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 2Rg Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Mlnistère des Affaires civiques et de I'lmmigration Ministre ô'étage 400, avenue University Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Té1.: (416) 325-6200 Téléc.: (416) 325-6195 October 2010 ô1 Dear friends, It is my pleasure to send out the call for nom¡nations for the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism in Ontario. Volunteers play a significant role in leading and supporting services in their communities; they lay the foundafion fol a strong and dynamic prov¡nce. This award recognizes exceptional leâdership, innovation and creativ¡ty in voluntarism and commun¡ty service. Recipients of this award can ¡nclude individual volunteers, volunteer groups, businesses and other organizat¡ons which have made outstanding contributions to their communities and the province. Do you know an individual or group that makes an outstanding contribution? You may wish to con-sider nominating them for this award. Nomination forms and additional information are avai¡able on the Ministry of Citizenship and lmmigration website at www.ontario.calhonoursandawards or by phone at 416-31 4-7526, toll free 1'877-832'8622, TTY 41 6-327-2391. Deadline for nominations is December 5. 2010. I hope you will take this opportunity to ensure that volunteers rece¡ve the recognition they deserve. Sincerely,D Dr. Eric Hoskins Mínister Correspondence dated October 2010 from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Nominations for the June Callwood Page 27 of 109 Page 28 of 109 5 Prr FROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE: 27OCT10 DON'T WAIT TILL SPRING TO CHECK YOUR VACATION HOME (ELGIN COUNTY) - Every spring the OPP responds to numerous calls from cottage and/or trailer owners reporting that their vacation home has been broken into. The OPP continue to educate the public on the importance of properly shutting down your vacation home and frequent checking in on your property to help reduce the number of break-ins and thefts. Police are advising all vacation property owners to ensure that all valuable items and alcohol are removed from the premises. Small appliances and alcohol are often targeted by thieves as they are easy to steal and equally easy to fence for cash and drugs. Homes should be properly locked at alltimes. Using the attached document, home owners can post the CRIME PROOFED poster on their door. This poster alerts thieves that the vacation property has been crime proofed and all items of value have been removed. (The Crime Proofed poster and Project Winterize was development by and has been adapted with the permission of the Upper Thames River Conservations Authority) <<CRIME PROOFED.pdf>> The OPP encourage property owners to make frequent checks of their vacation property during the "off-season" to ensure everything is secure. lf travel time limits the number of opportunities to check in, arrangements should be made with a trusted friend or campground afüliate who will randomly check your property for you. This tried and tested method is the best deterrent against crime. The OPP continue to appealto persons living in and around trailer parks and/or cottages to report any and all suspicious activity to police when it happens. The OPP will remain committed to cottage and trailer security and maintain the Cottage Watch Program. For more information on this program and many others visit www.opp.ca. Predictable is Preventable! -30- Contact: Gonstable Troy Garlson Elgin Gounty OPP Media Relations/Community Services Phone: 519-631-2920 Ext. 5450 Pager: 1-888-808-7195 Correspondence dated October 27, 2010 from Elgin County Page 29 of 109 Thi¡ property hcs been crime proofed. The ownert hqve remoued qll item¡ of vqlue, etpeciqlly; ALCHOL MEDICATION' ELEgTRONIC' IEwELLERY TOOL' MONEY FOOD FLAMMABLE LIQUID' Trerporterr will be prorecqted. Correspondence dated October 27, 2010 from Elgin County Page 30 of 109 CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Members of Council DATE: Oct.29,2010 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: Dl4.WEEDA SUBJECT: Weeda Rezoning NUMBER: D2010-034 Draft Zoning By-law 2585-2010 Public Meeting 7:20pm on November 4' 2010 Purpose To consider a Rezoning Application and draft.Zoning By-law 2585-2010. Background John Weeda and John V/iebe have submitted a zoningby-law amendment application proposing the rezoning of a church on the their property located on the west side Elm Street, south of Fulton Street in Village of Vienna, municipally addressed 11 Elm Street. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Offrcial Plan and zoned Institutional (I) Zone in the Zoning By-law. Purpose and Effect The purpose of this amendment is to change the zoning on a Il27 .5 m2 (0.3 acre) parcel of land from the Institutional (I) Zone to the Village Residential (R1) Zone inthe Zoning By-law 2456-2003. The effect of this amendment would allow the conversion of an existing church to a single unit residential dwelling on the subject lands. Staff & Planner Comments Staff and the planner have reviewed the proposal to rezone to residential use and would have no objection. There are no concerns regarding servicing as existing municipal water and municipal sanitary sewer service the property. The conversion to residential is consistent with the "Residential" land use policies of the Off,rcial Plan. Despite the public notice indicating site-specific regulations suggested, it was determined upon review that no site-specific regulations are required as the existing building meets the regulations of the Rl Zone. At the time of completing this report, no written comments have been received from property owners in the vicinity of the subject lands. Attachments 1. RezoningApplication 2. IBI Group memorandum dated October 73,2010 3. DraftZoning By-law 2585-2010 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "THAT Staff Report D2010-034 regarding the Weeda and Wiebe rezoning application be received; Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 31 of 109 Staff Report D20 1 0-034'Weeda Page2 AND TIIAT the zoning of those lands located in Lot 7 Plan 54,11Elm Street, be changed from Institutional (I) to Village Residentiat (R1) Zone to permit the conversion of an existing church to a single unit residential dwelling; AND THAT ZoningBy-law 2585-2010 be presented for enactment." Respectfully submitted, Underhill, Planning Coordinator Reviewed by, Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 32 of 109 MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Phone (519) 866-5521 Fax (519) 866-3884 APPLICÄTION FOR AMENDMENT TO TIIE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM This application must be filed with the Planning Coordinator/ Deputy Cterk or designate of the Municipality of Bayham along with a cheque for the required amount. The applicant should retain one copy for their records. The in full. This mandatory information must be provided with a fee r Temporary Use ZoningBy-law) o, 8.!-5A (Temporary Use Zoning By-law Renewal) or (Tnntng Amendment to Remove Holding Provision). If the application Ís not completed in full, the application will be returned. I/lryE,shall assume responsibility for any additionàfcosts'excãeding the deposited amorint related to the said application and understand and agree that for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of this signed application. I also agree to accept all costs as rendered. Property Owner OFFICE USE ONLY Prepared April 2007 Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 33 of 109 Municipality of Balram Zoning By-law Amendment Application Page2 / Registeredowner'sName: =Shn. klgrr0e * =rþrrúft òìAb¿ Address:l,lo PhoneNo. GIofil/ -bax: Elnail: Lot and Concession (if applicable): Are there any other holders of mortgages, charges or other encumbrances of the Subject Lands? If so provide the names and addresses of such persons. ne2 Applicant / Authorized Agent: Add¡ess: Telephone No.:Fax: Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Registered Owner ( ) Applicant / Authorized Agent ( ) Legal Description of the land for which the amendment is requested: q Concession: \ T nf. ReferencePlanNo: SI Partlot: 7 Street and Municipal Address No.: What is the size of property which is subject to this Application? Area: J*Klfn,a; Fronrage: @Depth: When were the subject lands acquired by the current owner? ,.? Existing OffÏcial Plan Designation: ii n éltf t'4 L. How does the application conform to the OfficialPlan? 4. Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 34 of 109 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application Page 3 ,t Existing T,oningByJaw Classification: ln"-t +*+.owJ (-) ' Wh", are the current uses of the subject lands? If known, provide the length of time these uses have continued on this property. If there are any existing buildings or structures on the subject lands provide the following information: Ty?e Front Lot Side Lot Line Rear Lot Line Line Setback Setbacks Setback DimensionsHeight ESIf Â.'cr f hq,[d,5 Ê \rn S,l,r-J, 4,lrn Vvn ñ+ocaX,,$d 9l rn å 6^\Srn 3' .<,S* l,ñ What is the Nature and Extent of the Rezoning? ,7( Why is the rezoning being requested? Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 35 of 109 Municipality of Bayhan Zoning ByJaw Amendment Application Page4 I Does the proposed T.oningBy-law amendment implement a growth boundary adjustment of a settlement area? If so, attach separateþ justification or information for the request based on the current Official Plan policies or associated Official Plan amendment. "Y Does the proposed amendment remove land from an area of employment? If so, attach separateþjustification or infonnation for the request based on the current Official Planpolicies or associated Official Plan amendment. ,( Description of proposed development for which this amendment is requested (i.e. permitted uses,- buildings or structures to be erected. (Be Specific) r\o^o . For any proposed buildings or structures on the subject lands provide the following information: T)æe Front Lot Side Lot Line Rear Lot Line Height Dimensions Line Setback Setbacks Setback tl Services existing or proposed for the subject lands: Please indicate with a / Water Supply Existing ProPosed Municipal Piped Water Supply ()(l ( ><) PrivateDrilledWell ( ) ( ) PrivateDugWell ( ) ( ) CommunalWell ( ) ( ) Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 36 of 109 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application Lake o¡ other Surface WaterBody Other Page 5 () () () () Sewage Disposal Municipal Sanitary Sewers Individual Septic System Communal System Privy Other X,rXr () () () () Existing Proposed () () () () Note: If the proposed development is on a private or communal system and generate more than 4500 litres of effluent per da¡ the ãppücant must include a servicing options report and a hydrogeological report. Are these reports attached? If not, where can they be found? Storm Drainage Provisions: Proposed Outlet: ,/ How wiü the property be accessed , ,o /r, iC Provincial Highway ( ) Counfy Road ( ) MunicipalRoad-seasonallymaintained( ) Right-of-way( ) Water( ) If access is by water, do the parking and docking facilities exist, and what is the nearest public road? Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 37 of 109 Municipality of Bayham Zonìng By-law Amendment Application yI. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application under the Planning Act for: Plan of Subdivision ( ) Consent ( ) ZonngBy-lawAmendment( ) MinistersZnitngOrder( ) If yes to any of the above, indicate the file number and status of the application. Page 6 14. How is the proposed amendment consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2005? .W Are the subject lands within area designated under any Provincial Plan(s)? If the answer is yes, does the proposed amendment conform to the Provincial Plan(s)? ñ The Owner is required to attach the following information with the application and it will form part of the application. Äpplications will not be accepted without the following. (a) ^'ii,:':::::":, ""î::-:îJ":ï;""subjec'frandssh'wing the location, size andtype of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, indicating their setbacks from all lot lines, the location of driveways, parking or loading spaces, landscaping areas, planting strips, and other uses; r\O Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 38 of 109 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application PageT the approximate location of all natural and artificial features (buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, banks of rivers or streams, wetlands, wooded areas, wells and septic tanks) thal areon the subject lands, adjacent to the subject lands, or in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application; the current uses ofthe land that is adjacent to the subject land; the location, width, and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating where it is an unopened road allowancg a public traveled road a private road, or a right- of-way; the location of the parking and docking facilities to be used (if access will be by water only); (b) (c) o the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Written comments from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit ,LongPoint Region Conservation Authority andMinistry of Transportation (if applicable). If a private sewage system is necessary pre-consultation with the Chief Building Official is required about the approval process Ñ If this application Ís signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an a- authorizttionmust accompany the application. If the applicant is a agent or solicitor the application must be signed by an officer of the must be affixed. ¡l maitional Information as required by Council If this application is to accommodate following information: Date su4rlus farm dwelling was erected: Please provide the assessment roll number, location, and lands is being consolidated. of a surplus farm dwelling, please provide the the farm parcel with which the subject Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 39 of 109 Municipality of Bayhan Znning By-law Amendment Application Page 8 fo h^ Lni t toln l¿h".. t¡J t'¿h¿, orthe l]A u n ì . ip o- ii+v 'l'ow¡r,"1'orlnship¡Cit)','VÍlìtrg,: etc. (Ð (ü) I/We, of , in the county of , do solemnly declare: that l(ffiÐ-í"ãn. owner(s) of the lands described above that to the best of my /@^on edge and belief, all of the information and statements given in this application and in all exhibits transmitted are true. (iiÐ that I /we hereby a to act as an Agent on my/our behalf in all aspects of this application. And I / We make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oat\ and by virtue of t}ie "Cønada Evídence Act". DECLARED BEFORE ME at the: lltlurt ¿iza /tit/ "r , t in the countylRe *î * , " ,f ,, , _ ,ott dayor .ç/'*¿.- /'/ 20 /o /otu ræenqls/^ tlrcþ Deputy Clerl of thc Corloldol ofür Mn!¡cipality of BryùsE _,_j Nanre ñJr"N*" MARGARET UNDERHIII. r Con¡nhdocro cfgCommissioner, etc. Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 40 of 109 ß¿sd¡nh"t L- Ð- E- r-l Pøø+¡t I ¡ i-l I al ''---läfl' -'r'--:r --- l luto" Ije"^l Li*-, sb.B JL on. ) Chorcj.r [t,n Sice-r ÂOq Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 41 of 109 Memorandum lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H lT3 Canada tel 5194727328 lax 5'19 4729354 To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date October 13,2010 Project No 3404 - 488 Steno m Weeda Proposed Rezoning (Lot 7,11 Elm Street, Village of Vienna) We have completed our review of the Zoning By-law amendment application submitted by John Weeda and Johan Wiebe in support of their proposal to convert an existing church into a single detached residential dwelling on a 1127.5 m2 (0.3 acre) parcel of land. The subject lands are located on the west side of Elm Street, south of Fulton Street, in the Village of Vienna. The subject lands are designated 'Residential" in the Official Plan and zoned'lnstitutional'(l) Zone in Zoning By-law #2456-2003. The subject lands are characterized as generally flat with some minor sloping afong the southerly side lot line. There is an 8.5 m2 (102tt2) shed located near the rear corner of the subject lands, and the 183.6 m2 (1976.3fF) church building located at the centre of the property. The subject lands are located within an established residential area, and are bounded by single detached dwellings in all directions. A row of mature trees is located along the northerly side lot line, but should not be impacted any matters associated with the proposed rezoning. 3. Section a) of the Offìcial Plan outlines the criteria for proposals for new single detached dwellings within the 'Residential' land use designation. Our analysis of these criteria is as follows: a. Lot frontage. depth and size: The proposed severed lotg would all comply with the minimum frontage regulations (20m required, 20.5m existing), the minimum lot depth regulations (40m required, 55m existing), and the minimum lot area (800 m'zrequired, 1127'5m2 existing). b. Natural features: There are no natural heritage features on the lands of note that warrant protection through layout of the site. c. Design: The subject lands are of a size that will be able to accommodate on- site landscaping and are representing reuse of existing building stock. lBl Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects 1. 2. Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 42 of 109 lBl Group Memorandum Munlcipality of Bayham - October '13, 2010 d. Ooen space: This policy refers to plans for residential subdivisions and as such is not relevant to this application. e. Adjacent and surrounding land use: The proposal is compatible with surrounding land uses which consist entirely of residential uses on similar sized lots fronting on Elm Street. f . Facilities and services: The building is currently connected to the existing municipal water and municipal sanitary sewage systems. The Municipality shall ensure that existing or proposed municipal services (including garbage pick-up, storm and surface drainage, roads, sidewalks, and street lighting) are adequate to serve the proposed dwelling. g. Storm drainaoe: Given the existing developed nature of the site, storm drainage should not likely be an issue. A grading plan may be required to address any concerns of drainage as a result of changes to the site such as the new drivewaY installation. h. Vehicufar access: Vehicular access is proposed through the construction of a new driveway on the south-east corner of the lot. lt is not expected to cause any interruption to the flow and safety of passing vehicular and pedestrian traffic. i. The Plannino Act: This policy refers to plans for residential subdivisions and as such is not relevant to this application. 4. Based on our analysis, we would have no objection to rezoning of the lands for residential purposes. The proposed conversion from an institutional use to a residential use is consistent with the 'Residential' land use policies of the Official Plan. The subject lands should be rezoned to the Village Residential (R1) Zone, and the buildings currently meet all of the regulations of the R1 Zone in Zoning Bylaw #2456-2O03, with no site-specific regulations required as indicated in the public notice. tr/ IBI GROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J13404\488 Weeda\PTMweeda20 f 0-'l 0{8.docU01 0l 0-1 3\DD Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 43 of 109 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z58s-2010 WEEDA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No.Z456-2003' AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend ZoningBy-law No. 2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council ofthe Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) TIIAT By-lawNo. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "H", Map No. 2, by deleting from the Institutional (l) Zone and addingto the Village Residential @1) Zone those lands which are outlined in heavy solid lines and marked "R1" on Schedule "4" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THIS By-law comes into force: a) V/here no notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME TI{IS 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2O1O READ A SECOND TIME THIS 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2O1O READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4'h DAY OF NOVEMBER 2O1O MAYOR CLERK Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 44 of 109 thrs : Scheduiei':¡ .-585-2010. ¡l,ly r,f |rovemLre¡ By - low the 4tl¡ O 250m 500m Scole .1 : 12,000 VIENNA MAP No. 2 BA'IHAM ,H'SCHEDULE Staff Report D2010-034 regarding Weeda Rezoning. File: D14.WEEDA Page 45 of 109 Page 46 of 109 tø1 MU¡IIOIPÂtITY OF gÃYFIAM October 26,2010 Mayor Council Members 9344 Plank Road, P.O.Box # 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayo d Council Members, ANNUAL SANTA CLAUS PARADE Please find attached the Map of the Parade route and other documents as requested. The date of the parade is December 7L'h'@ LO:3Oam, starting at the Public School. I trust all appropriate documents are in place for our Parade. If not, please advise me, so that I can follow-up. Thank you for your on-going support of this very special event in our Municipality for the children and everyone. Sincerel¡ Shirley Biro Secretary-Treasurer Straffordville (Lions) Santa Claus Parade Committee ó5 TRILLIUM DRIVE TILLSONBURG. ON N4G 5S8 Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 and Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville (Lions) Santa Claus Parade Page 47 of 109 REOUEST F'ORM lThis form must be submitted to Council at least 6 weeks prior to event) Name of Organization Making Request -S.,.'lnor). tor*,/fr. Name of Special Event -S/ r"{|..J u,' I le S-.ñi C I .u. Po.oá 1 D.p^.-/ur //, ,9oio Snt,.6-¿DAyDate of Special Event - Start-time of Event -/0,'3 0 *7n Finish - /,' Dô /,zt . Route - (Also provide map) - 5 ee ñta-P o-1,I ac-he ¿L (Ðf*,hon, onl /ut¿'(a 13ënS tj'or lra ,'ri - I l,ou-- o",f' Specific Request (Roa-d Closure, Traffic Cqntrol^çtc.) - !f,.,?l- /'fu (t-îr 7Zo:l¿); ù: :4' f"a¿.-sÌrtàns ¡ j" drre,l Maximum Number of people expected to affend - {O¿; Any Special Needs boue, Applicant Organizafion's Authoriz^ed Member Name Sl', , il", Jc i.o &Signatur" ---,+"L;?.= Zí¿- Municþal Representative Signature - Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch 80 Concession Street East Ontario Provincial Police l-eT[¿n 42696 John Wise Line Se n-t fo R.R.#S OPl , , Tillsonburg,ONN4c-4zï St. Thomas, OntarioN5P 3S9 0Ú'as/to Phone: 5lg-842-2g05 (non-emergency#) Phone: 5Ig-63L-2920 5B Fax:519-842-2lg} Fax: 519-63I-2923 Cell: 519-878-6029 Elgin-St. Thomas EMS DutyManager Fax: 519-637-3484 Phone: 519-637-3098 Central Ambulance Communications Centre 1510 Woodcock Street, Suite #20 London, ON N6H 5S1 Phone: 519-66I-1784 Fax: 519-66I-1799 2 Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 and Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville (Lions) Santa Claus Parade Page 48 of 109 Page2 Upon Council approval, a copy of this notice and the map submitted will be provided by the Municþatity to the following: GerryLeMa¡ Manager of Public Works ClaytonWatters, Engineer Municþality of Bayham County of Elgin Box 160 Straffordville, ONNOJ lYO 450 SunsetDrive Phone: 519-866-5521 Fax 866-3884 St. Thomaq ON N5R 5Vl ne: 519-631-1460 Fax: 519-633-7661 Fire Chief Municipalþof Bayham Box 160, Straffordville, ONNOJ lYO Phone: 519-866-552I Fax: 866-3884 File: Formd Event Notice-Road Close Correspondence dated October 26, 2010 and Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville (Lions) Santa Claus Parade Page 49 of 109 JTRAFFORDVILLE SoAzn Arort âtoÞE ),olO /ö.t 3or+jn. '{þ::/-"-e..-... i ¡' -':- ,' "\. ,ùi,1 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d O c t o b e r 2 6 , 2 0 1 0 a n d R o a d C l o s u r e R e q u e s t F o r m f r o m S t r a f f o r d v i l l e ( L i o n s ) S a n t a C l a u s P a r a d e P a g e 5 0 o f 1 0 9 7 d'eTOWNSll lPqAfAltlDt A proud tradition, a brightfuture. 87 John Sireet South, Aylmer, Ontqrio N5H 2C3 Telephone: 519-77 3-5344 Fox: 5 I 9-773-5334 www.molohide.co m October 22,2010 Date: Time: Location: John Brown Drainage Superintendent Enclosure CAROLINE DAVIS DRAIN COURT OF REVISION November 18,2010 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Municipal OffTce 87 John Street, South, Aylmer, Ontario. NsH 2C3 r,i Eo9 Dear Property Owner: Please be advised that the Municipal Council has given two readings to the attached Drainage Improvement By-law 10-70. The Council will conduct a Court of Revision relative to this drain as noted below: If you object to the assessment schedule you may do so by filing a notice with the Clerk not later than ten days prior to the first sitting of the Court of Revision. Such notice is to be filed by November 8, 2010. Ifyou have any inquiries, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE MICHEtI.E M. CASAVECCHIA Chief Administioiive Off icer/Clerk mcosovecchio@molohide.co susAN E. wtLsoN Director of Finonce swilson@molohide,co Correspondence dated October 22, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain Court of Revision". Page 51 of 109 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE DRAINAGE BY-LAW NO. 10-70 Drainage AcL R. S.O. 1990, c. D17 Reg. 300i81, s.1, Form 6 Being a By-law to provide for a drainage works on the Caroline Davis Drain in the Township of Malahide, '" "".::::':.of Ersin ber of owners have petitioned the Council of the ounty of Elgin in accordance with the provisions of hat the following lands and roads may be drained Lot 32 to 35, Concession 3 and 4 ln the Township of Malahide ln the County of Elgin AND Lotlto3 Concession 3 ln the Municipality of Bayham ln the County of Elgin AND WHEREAS the councir to¡ lfre Township of Marahide has procured a repoftmade by spriet Associates and the report is attached hereto and forms part ofthis by-law. AND wHEREAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage works is $1 18,700.00. AND WHEREAS $1 '18,700.00 is the amount to be contributed by the municipatityfor construction of the drainage works. AND WHEREAS 9118,700.00 is being assessed in the Township of Marahide ínthe County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS the council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area isdesirable. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THETOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE UNDER THE DRAINAGE ACT ENACTS ASFOLLOWS: Correspondence dated October 22, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain Court of Revision". Page 52 of 109 The report dated october 8,2010, and attached hereto is herebyadopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set rortÈ ¡shereby authorized, and shail be compreted in accordance therewith. (a) The corporation of the Township of Marahide may borrow onthe credit of the Corporation the amount of $ltA,ZOO.OObeing the amount necessary for construction of the drainage works. (b) The corporation may issue debentures for the amount borrowed less the total amount of, Grants received under section gS of the Act; Commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality; Moneys paid under subsection 61(3) of the Act; and Moneys assessed in and payable by another municipality, And such debentures shall be made payable within fiveyears from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by The OntarioMunicipal lmprovement Corporation on the date of sale ofsuch debentures. A special equal amount rate sufficient to redeem the principal andinterest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands äno roads aswest forth in the schedule to be collected in the same manner and atthe same time as other taxes are coilected in each year for rive yãars after the passing of this by-law. All assessments of $200.00 or less are payable in the first year inwhich the assessment is imposed. This ByJaw comes into force on the passing thereof and may be citedas "Caroline Davis Drain". READ A FTRST AND SECOND T|ME THrs 21st day of october, 2010. Clerk READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd day of December, 2010. 1 2. I lt iii IV (c) 3. 5. Mayor Clerk Correspondence dated October 22, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain Court of Revision". Page 53 of 109 Page 54 of 109 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM TO:November 412010 DRi¿O10-010FROM: Drainage Superintendent Report: SUBJECT: Bartley Municipal Drain Public Meeting Purpose: The purpose of this report is to hold a Public Meeting to consider Spriet Associates Engineer's Report # 209138 dated August 31, 2010, as received by the Clerk on Septemb er 20,2070. Bacþround: On April 6,2009 the Clerk received a Petition for Drainage W'orks from Abraham Peters for land he owns known as Lot 7, Concession 8. On April 76,2009 Council appointed Spriet Associates to prepare a preliminary report under the Drainage Act, for consideration of drainage for the affected lands. The Bartley Municipal Drain already drains this lands, however the location of the main drain would interfere with the lot alignment of Mr. Peters proposed residential subdivision. On June 18,2009 an on-site meeting was held with respect to this proposed drainage works. The meeting was attended by:o Abratram Peterso Ivan Webero JeffDerrseki ( MTO). Elias Martino Doug Pattersono J.M. Spriet ( Spriet Associates). Gerry LeMay ( Bayham Road Manager)o Bill Knifton ( Bayham Drainage Superintendent) The proposed drain relocation was discussed with those in attendance. There were no concerns brought forward at that time. On July 15,2070 an information meeting was held at the Bayham Municipal Offices to review the proposed drainage works. This meeting was attended by Abratram Peters, Ada Mathews, J.M. Spriet and Bill Knifton. Mr. Spriet outlined the proposed location of the municipal drain and answered any questions brought forward. There were no concems at that time, so Mr. Spriet could proceed with completing the Engineering design of the drain. STAFF REPORT Mayor & Members of Council Date: Staff Report DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 Page 55 of 109 StaffReport DR20l0-010 4 November 2010 On October 7, 2010 Council decided to proceed with Notices under the Drainage .det ¿nd directed the Clerk to mail a Notice of Public Meeting to all interested parties. A Notice of Public Meeting dated October 8, 2010, pursuant to Chapter Dl7, Section 4l of the Drainage Act was prepared; and this Notice confirmed that the Municipality--rvfl hold a Public Meeting on Thursday November 412010 at 8:00 p.m. to consider the proposed construction of the tile drain known as the Bartley Municipal Drain. The Notice of Public Meeting and a copy of the Engineer's Report was mailed to: (a) Every landowner within the area requiring drainage (as referenced in the report). (b) County of Elgin (Peter Dutchak's attention) (c) Municipality of Bayham's Road Manager Gerry LeMay (d) AnV pubic utility or road authority that may be affected (specifically, Amtelecom Inc., NRG, Hydro One). (e) Long Point Region Conservation Authority. (Ð The Minisry of Natural Resources (Aylmer Brancþ. (d) The Minister, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Pursuant to Section #42 of the Drainage Act,Courncil of the initiating municipality shall give an opportunity to any person to withdrawal from the petition, sigr the petition or speak to the matter. If, at the end of such Council meeting, the petition contains a sufñcient number of names to comply with Sectionll4, the Council may proceed to adopt the report by giving two readings by Council to the Provisional ByJaw and set the date for the first sitting of the Court of Revision. In addition, any owner of land assessed for maintenance or repair may appeal from the assessment contained in the Bartley Drain Report # 209138, which was served upon them by regularmail on October 8,2010. Staff Comments Following the engineer's presentation at the Public Meeting, landowners and all other af[ected parties are given the opportunity to voice their concerns relating to any aspect of the report. If for any reason the report should be reconsidered, Council may refer the report back to the engineer. In addition landowners in the area requiring drainage shall be given an opportunity to withdraw or add their names to the petition. This shall include affected Municþalities if their lands or roads are within the area requiring drainage. If the petition does comply with Section 4, Council may proceed to adopt the report by giving two readings to the attached Provisional By-Law. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal#5: Develop a new and improved infrastructure network Staff Report DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 Page 56 of 109 Staff Report DR20 1 0-0 I 0 4 November 2010 Recommendations: THAT in accordance with Sections 44Jro 46 of the Drainage AcÇ Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts Spriet Associates report #209138 dated August 3112010, referred to as the "Bartley Drain" report; AND THAT Provisional By-taw #20L0 - 100 be given first and second reading; AND THAT the Clerk be directed to distribute copies of the Provisional By-law and Notice of the time and place of the first sitting of the Court of Revision to the affected parties pursuant to Section 46 (2) of the Drainage Act; AND TIIAT a date of Decemb er 2,2010 at 8:00 p.m. be set for the first sitting of the Court of Revision. Respectfully submitted, Drainage Suþerin Bill Knifton Staff Report DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 Page 57 of 109 TTIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-100 A PROVISIONAL BY-LA\ry TO PROVIDE FOR DRAINAGE \ryORKS IN TTIE MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM IN TIIE COI,JNTY OF ELGIN KNOWN AS TTIE BARTLEY MI.JNICIPAL DRAIN WHEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the Council of the Municipality of Bayham in the county of Elgin in accordance with Section #4 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O.1990, requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by drainage works: o Part Lots 6 - 9, Concessions I & 9, Municipality of Bayham AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Municipalþ of Bayham has procured Engineer Report No. 209138, prepared by Spriet Associates, dated August 3L, 2010, which is attached hereto as Schedule (',4.", and forms part of this By-Law. AND \mmREAS the estimated total cost of reconstructing the drainage works referred to as the Bartley Municipal Drain is $45,330.00 and is to be paid directþ to the contractor by the affected landowners Abraham Peters and Emma Peters (Assessment Roll #34-01-000-005-02301) as the subdividers of the proposed lots for which this drain is required; AND WIIEREAS $0.00 is the amount to be contributed by the Municipality of Bayham for administration costs/roads assessment associated with the reconstruction of the drainage works known as the Bartley Municipal Drain; AND WIIEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable and a revised assessment schedule for future maintenance is needed; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipalþ of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. Engineer Report No. 209138, dated August 3t, 2010 and attached hereto, is hereby adopted and the drainage works and assessment revision as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith. 2.1 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation, the amourt of $45,330.00, being the amount necessary for reconstruction of the drainage works. 2.2 The Corporation may arrange for the issue of debentures on its behalf for the amount borrowed less the total amount of, (a) grants received under Section #85 of the Act; (b) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality; Staff Report DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 Page 58 of 109 3. By-law No. 2010-1ü)-2-November 4,20L0 (c) monies paid under Subsection #6I(3) of the Act; and (d) monies assessed in and payable by another municipalþ, and such debentures shall be made payable within five (5) years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by a chartered bank ofCanada. A special equal rate sufhcient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the attached Schedule "4" to be collected in the same ûutnner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for five (5) years after the passing of this by-law. For paying the amount of $45,330.00 being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality, a special rate suffrcient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Municipalþ of Bayham in each year for five (5) years after the passing of this Provisional By-law to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected. All assessments of $250.00 or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed. This ByJaw comes into force on Municipal Drain'. the passing thereof and may be cited as the "Bartley READ A f,'IRST AI{D SECOND TIME this 4h day of November 2010. Provisionally adopted this 46 day of November 2010. MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this day of 2010. 4. 5. 6. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 Page 59 of 109 COT]RT OF REVISION - MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham for considering and determining of Appeals to the said Court of Revision to the Assessment of ByJaw #2010-100 will be held in Council Charnbers at THE BAYIIAM MIINICIPAL OFFICE in Shaffordville on Decenrber 2,2010 at 8:00 p.m. All notices of assessment appeal by an owner shall be served on the Clerk of the Municþalþ AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR to the first sitting ofthe Court. Date of mailing CLERK Staff Report DR2010-010 regarding "Bartley Municipal Drain". File: E09 Page 60 of 109 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of October 2010 File: PlO Nov-02-2010 No.Date Roll #Permit Holder Property I)escription Building Tvpe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee t12 8-Oct l-00s-12200 Benoig Patrick I 1404 Culloden Road construct pole ba¡n 2800sq ft l 10,000 719.00 l13 8-Oct l-003-0s000 Rockley, Kristi 55807 Jackson Line construct one storey bam for ridine arena l2800so 194.000 1995.00 tl4 l3-Oct l-004-10421 Wagler Homes 56906 Heritase Line )ne storey house w/ attached eamse l948so ft 145_000 1041.00 175.00 115 l4-Oct )-006-09ó00 Jandham, Edgar 11045 Bayham Norfolk Rd nstall greenhouse 5400sq ft I l -000 75.00 116 l4-Oct J-004-12600 Silverthom, Joe 58152 Heritaee Line )onstruct one storey pole bam 800sq ft l0-000 259.00 tl7 l4-Oc1 2-001-12400 Sutherland, William 14 Strachan Sheet lemolish existing house. construct one storev house I 40-000 1030.00 ll8 l8-Oct l-005-02108 Ash Design Build 54241 Shady Lane )onshuct shed dormer to garage roof l00sq ft I 5.000 215.00 119 20-Oct 2-001-30700 1684610 Ontario Ltd 33 Pitt Sheet Unit 37 rdd deck to existing mobile home 84sq ft 500 75.00 120 21-Oct 4-001 -02100 Guest, Jack 6354 Plank Road )onstuct detached garase 680so fr 16.00c 388 00 121 22-Oct 4-001-19544 Redecop, Henry 48 Centre Street rne storey house w/ att qarase 2727ss ft. & oorch 20.00c 1424.00 175.00 r22 22-Oct )-007-02200 Iohnston, Shawn 8436 Richmond Road )onstruct two storey addition to house 572sq ft 15.00c 363.00 123 25-Oct c-003-l 5005 Davidson. Chris 8909 Tollsate Road ronstruct storage barn l440sq ft t0-00c 406.00 124 25-Oct D-005-02020 Burwell, Randy 10390 Culloden Road )ne storey detached accessorv buildins 444so ft 3^00c 75.00 l2s 25-Oct 2-00r-43600 Foster, Clarence 2l Chatham Street )ne storey bedroom addition to house 224so ft 2.00c 178.00 126 28-Oct )-004-2 r 50 l Collins, Pahick 56410 Heritaee Line :onstruct roofextension over deck 256so ft 700 193.00 127 29-Oct )-006-09200 White, Alberr 57515 Eden Line 'einforce existing bam rooffor sola¡ oanel 1.20c 85.00 128 29-Oct l-002-l 53 10 Weber- Mark 7057 Plank Road lemolish existing house 8-00c 75.00 October-10 701,400 8,s96.00 350.00 ¿O1O YEAR TO DATE 7.310.566 56,837.00 447s.00 October-09 1.285.500 r0.241.00 192s.00 ¿OO9 YEAR TO DATE 8.165.048 56,825.00 10225.00 sMl0/29120 r 0 excel\rnonthly\bui ldper Prepared by: B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g O c t o b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 6 1 o f 1 0 9 Page 62 of 109 Q= VIENNA TIONESS CI.UB C/O Deboroh Vindosius PO Box 21 Port Burwell, ON NOJ ITO MUNICIIPALITV ûT $AYHAM October 18,2010 Municipality of Bayham PO Box 160 g3M Plank Road Straffordville ON Dear Council Members, Our'not for profit' Lioness Club is hosting a Christmas craft show and sale on Sun- day, November 14,2010 at Vienna Community Gentre in Menna, ON. The doors will open at 10:00am and the display will run to 3:00pm. Cost is $2.00 per person with children under l0 being admitted free. There will be door prizes every half hour and a tea room set up for refreshments. We would really appreciate it if information about our event could be posted on the community sign in front of your office sometime close to the date of the show. Thank you for your consideration! Sincerely yours, ./ //('t* l/-^/,"';* Deborah Vindasius Correspondence dated October 18 from Vienna Lioness Club regarding "Christmas Craft Show and Sale". Page 63 of 109 Page 64 of 109 Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1012112010 '1012112010 3:11PM 001372 lST STRAFFORDVILLE BPSC assistance 2010 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 1012112010 I 500.00 009308 Cheque Amount- 500.00 OOOO12 A & L CANADA I-ABORATORIES INC. 1796473 TESTS 09t30t2010 t 9,017.40 009309 Cheque Amount - I,017.40 OOOO31 ADT SECURITY SERVICES CANADA 44307786 AI-ARM SYSTEM - EDTSON 10t18t2010 I 392.56 009310 ChequeAmount- 392.56 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 0000156477 VOTERS LIST, HELP WANTED, 09t30t2010 I 446.12 009311 00001567't9 ELECTTON MANUALS O9t30t2010 I 325.44 009311 Cheque Amount - 771.56 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 1050 WATER BOTTLES 09t21t2010 I 40.00 0093.t2 IOSI WATER BOTTLES - MED BLDG O9I21I2O1O I 8.OO 009312 936 WATER BOTTLES 09t07t2010 I 48.00 009312 Cheque Amount - 96.00 OOOI6O CANON CANADAINC. 6566368 METER BILLING 000't7l cBsc CAP|TAL tNc 3513669 COPIER RENTAL 10t08t2010 I 638.39 009313 Cheque Amount -638.39 1011112010 I 1.294.98 009314 OO1206 CHRIS MARTIN red cross Cheque Amount - 1,294.98 INSTRUCTOR TRA|N|NG 't0t19t2010 I 382.50 009315 ChequeAmount- 382.50 OOOI83 CHRIS MCQUIGGAN red cross INSTRUCTOR TRAINING 1011912010 I 382.50 009316 ChequeAmount- 382.50 001432 CULLIGAN J'1033350515 UN|T RENTAL - S.C.C. 10t01t2010 I 29.32 009317 Cheque Amount - 29.32 OOO2O9 EAST ELGIN COMMUNITYASSISTANCE assistance 2010 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 1012112010 I 1 ,000.00 009318 OO17O8 EASTLINK Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 65 of 109 2010.08.06 6.3 90s0 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 10121t2010 1012112010 3:11PM Cheque Cheque Amount Number 812752245001 i34SOct 812752245003,t45gOct 8127522450039965Oct 8127522450050103Oct OOO282 ED BRADFIELD @urse expense OOO284 ED ROLOSON purcfrase INTERNET - OFFICE INTERNET - EDISON INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM INTERNET - GARAGE 10110t2010 10110120'to 10t10t2010 10t10t2010 91 .47 009319 51.92 009319 51.92 009319 30.45 009319 I I I I Cheque Amount - REIMBURSE COURSE EXPENSES 1OI18I2O1O I Cheque Arnount - REIMBURSE PURCHASE 10118t2010 I Cheque Amount - 30.00 108.46 225.76 30.00 009320 009321 009324 009325 009326 009328 108.46 OOO297 ELGIN COUNTY PLOWMEN'S ASSOC assistance 2010 OO,I555 FRANKLINSHELTERS 210 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC I 51 861 I 369 001777 HAYDEN WATER WELLS CO INC 2010-28 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC OO1 538 GROUND EFFECTS LANDSCAPE & DESIGN MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 10t21t2010 I Cheque Amount - RENTAL OF CANOPY. EDISONFES O7IO1I2O1O I Cheque Amount - SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 1OI14I2O1O I Cheque Amount - CEMETERY MAINTENANCE 09/30/2010 I Cheque Amount - 200.00 009322 200.00 500.00 009323 500.00 202.33 319 202.33 2,779.80 ROTARY DRILLED TEST WELL O9I2OI2O1O I 2,779.80 10,525.95 Oct06460-08880 Octl2660-62007 Oct15773-680'16 Oct25260-09578 Oct68860-08015 Oct86590-87008 Oct87640-15034 001262 JO.LYNN CONSTRUCTION UTILITIES - LIBRARY UTILITIES. MED BLDG UTILITIES - PUMP#s UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES. STRAF FIRE UTILITIES -PUMP#2 uTrLrTtEs - s.c.c. Cheque Amount - 10t12t2010 10t't2t2010 't0t12t2010 10112t2010 10t12t2010 10t12t2010 10t12t2010 10,525.95 311.62 009327 97.75 009327 379.12 009327 450.63 009327 420.55 009327 242.33 009327 1,334.86 009327 I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - REFUND REZONING APP FEE 1011912010 r 3,236.86 I,500.00038 Cheque Amount -1.500.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 66 of 109 Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1012112010 OO,I776 JOSEPH AND HOLLY SILVERTHORN o37 REFUND M|NOR VARTANCE DEPO| 10t19t2010 I 1,000.00 009329 1012112010 3:11PM ChequeAmount- 382.50 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16154 TNSTALL CAPACTTOR BANK 10t04t2010 I 16,950.00 009332 OOOSOO KEVIN BAKER red cross OOO5O4 KEVIN KITCHING red cross 001140 I-ANCE CORMTER red cross 000685 PATWATTERS 301 18 Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 TNSTRUCTOR TRA|NTNG 10t19t2010 I 382.50 009330 Cheque Amount - 382.50 TNSTRUCTOR TRATNTNG 10t19t2010 I 382.50 009331 Cheque Amount - 16,950.00 TNSTRUCTOR TRA|N|NG 10t19t2010 r 382.50 009333 10t20t2010 I 108.45 009335 Cheque Amount - 225.00 EYEGLASSES - WENDY WATTERS O9I29I2O1O I 275.00 OO934O Cheque Amount- 382.50 000621 MUNICIPAL WORLD INC 1N00081088 ELECTTONS SUPPLTES 10t12t2010 t 327.03 009334 subscript renewal SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 1010112010 I 167.81 009334 Cheque Amount - 494.U 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM PetÇCash Oct PETTYCASH Cheque Amount - 108.45 000634 NEBS BUSINESS FORMS LIMITED 210100447ù2 LASER CHEQUES & ENVELOPES 1011312010 I 758.18 009336 Cheque Amount - 758.18 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 143005 GARBAGE D|SPOSAL 09130t2010 I 41,322.24 009337 Cheque Amount - 41,322.24 000658 oMERS EMC123 O41OOO INTEREST 1011812010 I 19.28 009338 Cheque Amount - 19.28 001543 OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE assistance 2010 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 1012112010 I 225.00 009339 Cheque Amount - 275.00 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 67 of 109 lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 10t08t2010 I 6.07 009346 0912012010 I 21.17 009346 1012112010 3:11PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1012112010 001129 PETERREDDECOPP red cross INSTRUCTOR TRAINING 10/l92O1O I 382.50 009341 Cheque Amount - 382.50 OO1031 PORT BURWELL COMMUNITY assistance 2010 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 1012112010 I 500.00 009342 Cheque Amount - 500.00 OOO7O9 PORT BURWELL HISTORICAL assistance 2010 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 1012112010 I 500.00 009343 Cheque Amount - 500.00 OOO727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 410033697 COURTER SERVTCE 1010812010 I 30.87 0093,14 Cheque Amount - 30.87 OOO742 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 21842 Aug10 AUGUST'IO REMIT 0813112010 I 62.92 009345 21842 Sep'10 SEPTEMBER '10 REMIT 0913012010 I 62.92 009345 Cheque Amount -125.U OOO743 RBCROYALBANK 45í6050000954101Oct INTEREST 45160500009541 l9Sept 407 ETR 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT 00663103047210'l8Oct UNIT RENTAL - E.C.C. Cheque Amount - 27.24 10t12t2010 I 31.55 009347 ChequeAmount- 31.55 OO13O5 SOLPI.AN REVIEW 152681-10 SUBSCRTPTTON RENEWAL 10t12t2010 I 56.00 009348 Cheque Amount - 56.00 OOO832 SPRIETASSOCIATES 10-0536 BARTLEY DRAIN 0813112010 I 13,M7.00 009349 Cheque Amount - 13,M7.00 001434 STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. 505190 RICHMOND COMMUNTTY WATER 1010712010 I 7.285.29 009350 Cheque Amount - 7,285.29 OOO849 STRAFFORDVILLE COMMUNITY assistance 2010 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 1012112010 I 'l ,000.00 009351 Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 001775 STRAFFORDVILLE UNITED CHURCH donation - Barclay lN MEMORY OF JACK BARCLAY 1011812010 I 75.00 009352 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 68 of 109 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 001418 TELUS 016242498025 016242498025', OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED 27ç210619Ê9754oct 273-2106 24U0725Oct MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register-'1012112010 Cheque Amount - 1012112010 3:'ll PM 009353 009353 009354 009355 009356 10t05t2010 10t0512010 75.00 120.91 36.60 OOO89O TILLSONBURG & DRISTRICT assistance 2010 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE OOO913 TOVVI\SHIP OF MAI.AHIDE l0-016 JULY&AUGUST WATER OOO922 TREVORTAYLOR red cross INSTRUCTOR TRAINING MOBILE HIGH SPEED CELLPHONE-BKNIFTON UTILITIES. E.C.C. UTILITIES - PUMP#1 Cheque Amount- 10t21t2010 I 157.51 500.00 Cheque Amount - 09t3012010 I 500.00 61,186.04 Cheque Amount - 1011912010 I 61,186.04 382.50 Cheque Amount-382.50 2ôU 009357 22.21 009357 10t1912010 1011912010 Cheque Amount -48.85 Cheque Run Total -'t81,851.05 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 69 of 109 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 J063274 J063397 J06352t4 J063545 J063546 J063573 J063574 001647 12554750NTARIO LTD 5275 SPRAYER OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATESLTD 0912812010 I 32.19 009358 Cheque Amount -32.19 SCREENED TOPSO|L, GRAVEL 09/30/2010 I 1,278.03 009359 09/30/20't0 I 3,086.80 009359 09t30t2010 I 8,347.73 009359 0913012010 I 8,596.17 009359 09t3012010 I 18,990.80 009359 10t21t2010 t 8,315.42 009359 10t21t2010 r 3,46s.00 009359 GRAVEL GRAVEL GRAVEL GRAVEL GRAVEL GRAVEL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 10128120'10 1012812010 12:47PM ChequeAmount- 52,079.95 OOOO34 AGO INDUSTRIES INC 43't854 TRAFFTC SAFETY CLOTHES 1011412010 I 434.43 009360 ChequeAmount - 434.43 OOOO38 AIR LIQUIDE CANADA INC. 39137066 CYLTNDER GAS 0913012010 I 71.19 009361 Cheque Amount - 71.19 001755 ALEXBEARD F2010-039 DOOR ATTENDANTS/REGTSTRARS 10t26t2010 r 160.00 009362 Cheque Amount - 160.00 001759 ALLYSON DECLERCQ F2010-039 ELECTTON - DRO 1012612010 I 205.00 009363 Cheque Amount - 205.00 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD wínter school BALANCE OWING ON COURSE 1012212010 I 69.20 009364 ChequeAmount- 69.20 001762 BARBARA PATTERSON F2010-039 ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 1012612010 I 185.00 009365 Cheque Amount -185.00 OOO175 CEDARSIGNS 19518 1 9543 Cheque Amount - 279.'14 OOO177 CHARLESBUCHANAN F2010-039 ELECTTON - DRO 1012612010 I 205.00 009367 stGN - SKATEBOARD PARK 1010712010 I 120.70 009366 STREET SIGN - MCCORD LANE 1011212010 I 158.44 009366 205 00 001748 CTNDYSMTTH Cheque Amount - Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 70 of 109 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1012812010 ELECTTON-ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I Cheque Amount - PORT BURWELL EAST PIER 1OI18I2O1O WATERDISTRIBUTIONSTUDY 1OI18I2O1O '10128120'10 12:47PM 185.00 009368 185.00 4,207.65 009369 't,562.23 009369 5,769.88 75.00 009370 75.00 135.00 009371 F2010439 000220 CJDL 6029 6036 OO1TI3 CONNIE FOSTER F2010439 ELECTION - RESERVES F20r0-039 001749 DEBBIE HAYWARD F2010-039 ELECTTON-DRO Cheque Amount - 10126t2010 I OOO2O8 CORINTH COMMUNITY OF Cheque Amount - 't0t26t2010 IELECTION . VOTING PI.ACE Cheque Amount - OOO224 D.PETERS PAVING INC,10272 PAVING, PATCH ON EAST ST 1OIO7I2O1O I Cheque Amount - 001742 DARYAROUSSEAU F2010-039 ELECTTON -ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL ßn6nÙ10 I Cheque Amount - OO177O DAWNAROESNER F2O1GO39 DOORATTENDANTS/REGISTRARS 10/26/2010 I 135.00 12,497.80 12,497.80 185.00 009373 Cheque Amount - 10126/2010 I 160.00 205.00 185.00 160.00 009374 009375 009376 oo9377 009378 009379 Cheque Amount - 001766 DEBORAH VINDASIUS F2010-039 ELECTTON -ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I Gheque Amount - 00'1746 DIANNE DOWLING MACPHERSON F2010-039 DOORATTENANTS/REGISTRARS 1012612010 I Cheque Amount - 000263 DINGLE LINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 1O1O REAPIR TAILGATE & FLOOR, TART 10106/2010 I Cheque Amount - 00177'I DOROTHY HEITMAN F2010-039 ELECTTON -ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I 205.00 185.00 185.00 160.00 160.00 4,891.60 4,891.60 185.00 001690 DOWLER.KARN Cheque Amount - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 71 of 109 lnvoíce Date Type 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 251721 251722 361781 361782 361835 361 836 361837 361900 361 901 F2010-039 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000137387 0000137456 0000137462 0000137481 0000137482 00001 37483 OOO334 FASTENAL CANADA oNTts38661 oNTts38718 001756 FAYE JOHNSON MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1012812010 0911312010 09t't3t2010 09109t2010 09/09/2010 09t22t2010 0912212010 09t2212010 09t29t2010 09t29t2010 Cheque Amount - 1011912010 I Cheque Amount - 1012612010 I Cheque Amount - 1012812010 12:47PM REG GAS DIESEL DYED REG GAS DIESEL DYED ROAD DIESEL DIESEL DYED REG GAS REG GAS DIESEL DYED ELECTION - DRO TAPE, PASTE REPAIR CLAMPS, PAINT SADDLE, BALL CURB INSERT SERV. BOX WITH REPAIR LID PLUGS, SADDLE 367.13 009380 152.49 009380 1,052.97 009380 693.42 009380 2,021.91 009380 944.25 009380 943.58 009380 930.48 009380 452.03 009380 OOO285 EDEN &AREACOMMUNITYCENTRE F2010-039 001769 EGGELINAKERS F2010-039 001565 EMCOCORPORATTON 5404241-00 OOO3,I6 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD T055338 ASPHALT ROLLER 001758 EUGENE NAKONECZNYJ ELECTION . VOTING PI.ACE 1012612010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTTON-ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I Cheque Amount - GASKET, JOINTS, BOLT PACK 1OI2OI2O1O I Cheque Amount - 7,558.26 135.00 009381 185.00 3,865.96 135.00 185.00 009382 009383 009384 009385 3,865.96 907.39 907.39 205.00 10t07t2010 10115t2010 10/1512010 1012112010 1012112010 10t2112010 205.00 328.27 009386 216.96 009386 2,485.14 009386 346.91 009386 221.48 009386 1,206.84 009386 SHOVELS SAW HOLE, PARTS Cheque Amount -4,805.60 36.21 009387 106.01 009387 1010412010 1010612010 Cheque Amount -142.22 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 72 of 109 Cheque Cheque Amount Number F2010-039 ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I 185.00 009388 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1012812010 1012812010 12:47PM ChequeAmount- 185.00 OO1239 GREAT I.AKES NEW HOLI.AND INC 3637T tGNtTtON SWTTCH 09t03t2010 I 71.50 009389 3767Í BLADE, SKID/SHOE, NUTS, BOLTS 09t28t2010 I 390.42 009389 3832T SK|D/SHOE 10t04t2010 I 46.73 009389 Cheque Amount - 508.65 001731 HICKS MORLEY HAMILTON STEWART 207781 LEGALSERVICES 001774 HILDAKNAAP F2O1GO39 ELECTION - DRO 1012512010 I 1,228.88 009390 Cheque Amount - 1.228.88 1012612010 I 205.00 009391 ChequeAmount- 205.00 OOO99I HORVATH AUTO PARTS 204237 QUTCK BOND KtT 10t01t2010 I 21.41 009392 204284 GLOVES, pAtNT, GREASE 10t05t2010 I 115.25 009392 Cheque Amount - 136.66 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Oct25390-07266 UTILITIES - VIENNA STL 1011912010 I 661.1 1 009393 Oct25390-55002 UTILITIES - PB STL HVUr 19 ßfi92010 I 1,934.54 009393 Oct50221-05009 UTILITIES - TREATMENT PI-ANT 1012012010 I 3,942.01 009393 Oct6239G22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL 1011912010 I 1,226.52 009393 Oct6279047266 UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL 1011912010 I 218.76 009393 Oct81590-07297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL 1011912010 I 651.96 009393 Oct87790-07295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL 1011912010 I 274.54 009393 Cheque Amount - 8,909.44 001362 ICOMPASS TECHNOLOGIES 10522 SERVTCE AGREEMENT 10t25t2010 I 4,237.50 009394 Cheque Amount - 4,237.50 OOO444 J/E BEARING AND MACHINE LTD 270913 BEARTNGS 10to7t2010 I 26.37 009395 Cheque Amount - 26.37 000446 JACKIE BOOTLE F2010-039 ELECTTON - DRO 't0t26t2010 I 205.00 009396 Cheque Amount - 205.00 OOO447 JACKIE DECLERCQ F2010-039 ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFFTCTAL 10t26t2010 I 185.00 009397 Cheque Amount - 185.00 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 73 of 109 Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 000461 JEAN WOON F2010-039 OO17U JENNIFERSANDHAM F2010-039 001763 JtM TA|T F201G039 001760 JOAN DYKSTRA F2010-039 001761 JOAN I.AUR F2010-039 MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1012812010 ELECTION - DRO 10t26t2010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTION - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTION - DRO 10t26t2010 I Cheque Amount - DOORATTENDANTS/REGISTRARS 1012612010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTION - DRO 10126t2010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|CIAL 10t26t2010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I Gheque Amount - ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 1ot26t2o1o I Cheque Amount - ELECTION - DRO 10126t2010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTION - DRO 10126t2010 I Cheque Amount - ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 1ol26t2o1o I Cheque Amount - 08t04t2010 I 1012812010 12:47PM 205.00 009398 205.00 185.00 009399 185.00 205.00 205.00 160.00 't60.00 205.00 009402 205.00 185.00 009403 185.00 185.00 185.00 185.00 185.00 205.00 009406 205.O0 205.00 009407 205.00 185.00 009408 185.00 372.89 009409 009400 009401 009404 009405 OOI75O JOANRONSON F2010-039 OO175I JOSELYNAPPLEFORD F2010-039 001744 JUDYLYNNPOTTS F201 0-039 001772 KARENJONES F201 0_039 OO174I KAREN JULIAN F20.t0_039 001752 KATHLEEN MCBRIDE F201 0-039 001426 KELCOM - LONDON 32486GKW OO174O KIM MILLARD MIKE HANDSET Cheque Amount -372.89 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 74 of 109 20r0.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 10128120'10 1012812010 12:47PM F2010-039 ELECTTON-DRO 1012612010 I 205.00 009410 ChequeAmount- 205.00 000507 KtM TA|T F2010-039 ELECTTON - DRO 10t26t2010 I 205.00 009411 ChequeAmount- 205.00 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16186 REPLACE FLOAT SWTTCH 10t13t2010 I 1,545.42 009412 Cheque Amount - 1,545.42 001757 LIZ MATHEWS F2010-039 ELECTION - ASSTSTANT/OFF|CIAL 10t26t2010 r 185.00 009413 ChequeAmount- 185.00 001745 LYNN PRUES F2010-039 ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I 185.00 009414 ChequeArnount- 185.00 001768 MARYGIESBRECHT F20'10-039 ELECTTON - RESERVES 10t26t2010 I 75.00 009415 ChequeAmount- 75.00 OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 11402 ALUMTNUM BLUE StcNS 10t28t20't0 I 90.40 009416 Cheque Amount - 90.40 001753 NANCY MITCHELL F2010-039 ELECTION - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I 't85.00 009417 Cheque Amount - 185.00 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD tN00113268 HL2 tN00113308 HL2 tN00113352 HL2 1N00113389 HL2 1010712010 I 8,772.43 009418 1010812010 I 7,346.18 009418 10112t20't0 I 7,182.68 009418 10rt312010 I 7,418.16 009418 Cheque Amount - 30,719.45 OO112O PATZIMMER F2010-039 ELECTION - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I 185.00 009419 Cheque Amount - 185.00 001116 PAUI.AVEREECKEN F2010-039 ELECTTON - RESERVES 10t26t2010 I 75.00 009420 Cheque Amount - 75.00 001754 PAULINE BROOKS F20'10-039 ELECTION - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I 185.00 009421 Page 6 Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 75 of 109 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1012812010 Cheque Amount - 185.00 001114 PHYLLIS KETCHABAW F2010-039 ELECTTON - DRO 1012612010 I 205.00 009422 ChequeAmount- 205.00 OOO718 PRINCESSAUTO 789233 SCREWDRTVER SET, PLTERS 1011412010 I 196.50 009423 Cheque Amount - 196.50 001767 RHONDAWALCARIUS F2010-039 DOOR ATTENDANTS/REGTSTRARS 10t26t2010 I 160.00 009424 ChequeAmount- 160.00 001743 STAN RUSHTON F2010-039 ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t2612010 I 185.00 009425 Cheque Amount - 185.00 001122 SUE WARD F2010-039 ELECTTON-DRO 10t2612010 I 205.00 009426 Cheque Amount- 205.00 000861 SUSAN GILLIS F2010-039 ELECTTON - ASSTSTANT/OFF|C|AL 10t26t2010 I 185.00 009427 Cheque Amount - 185.00 OOO924 TRILLIUM MUNICIPAL SUPPLY 3230 TEMPERATURE SENSOR 1010712010 I 732.'15 009428 Cheque Amount - 732.15 001747 VALERIEVEPY F2010-039 ELECTTON - DRO 1012612010 I 205.00 009429 ChequeAmount- 205.00 OOO942 VALLEY BI.ADES LIMITED 138539 GMDER BI.ADES 10t15t2010 r 1,502.90 009430 Cheque Amount - 1,502.90 OOO953 VIENNA HOME CENTER LTD 356699 SEWER P|PE, COUPLERS 0912312010 I 39.04 009431 356741 WATERSTOP 0912412010 I 31.63 009431 356817 POSTS 09t2712010 I 152.14 009431 356857 GAP STOP 0912812010 I 7.90 009431 Cheque Amount - 230.71 000960 WANDA GILLIS F2010-039 ELECTTON ASSTSTANT / OFFtCtALt 10t26t2010 I 185.00 009432 1012812010 12:47PM Cheque Amount - 185.00 Page 7 Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 76 of 109 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 000966 WEBER'S WELDING & MFG ,14824 MOUNTING LED LIGHT MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1012812010 1012712010 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 1012812010 152,353.58 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9308 to Cheque #9433 inclusive totaling $334,204.63 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 77 of 109 SORW HUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAH TOT PACKETS . 2 CURRENT FEDL TAX 4,547.05 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CoNT 1,055.87 QPIP cAN PEN 2,854-78 QC PEN QC HSF 0N EHT 1 ,005.37 MB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS L3,46L.O7 CHEQUES DEPOSITS 38,078.7L US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY 3A,O7A.7L RRSP RTI ADJ UST - DR ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT CO}IPANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 4,547 .05 L 055.87 2,854.74 I ,005.37 L3,46L.07 58,078.71 3A , O7A.7L 51 ,559 .78 L?L.90 15.85 5L,677 .53 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES RUN: OCT 19 2010 N0: H PAGE: 58I HST REG: 100057415 RT0004 COHPANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: oCT 20, 20L0 DATE 0F PAY: OCT 22, 20Lo YTD ADJUST YTD TOTAL I80,096.38 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 37 ,55L.I7 EI CONT QPIP 91 ,099.58 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 22,278.29 0N EHT MB HET NL HAPSET 33L,025.22 TOT STATS 37,447.8L CHEQUES 795,597 .54 DEP0STTS US DEPS 50. OO DEÐ DEPS 833,095.59 T0T NPAY RRSP RTI L,L64,I2O.6L TOT PAYROL 2,9A7 .25 SERV CHRG 88.95 GST 157.10 HST L 'L67 ,353.9 1 CRAND TOT TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT RUN DATE ocT 07 2010 5L ,539.78 117.90 15.85 5t ,675.55 4.00 4.OO ITE].I UN ITS CHARGE SALARIED UIORKPAYS ZO 33.00 PAY ADVICE FOLD 31 6.42 TOTAL S,/C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS ITEI.I H0URLY I¡ToRKPAYS COURIER FEE r2r ,90 5L,677-53 DEBIT INFoRiIATION: 003 05102 I0II925 INCLUDES UNCOLLECTED FEES FOR THESE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED SERVICES./ITEI'IS CHARGE RUN DATE 4.00 THE ABOVE ANALYSIS ITEH O 9 - 2 9FAL LCAI.IPA I GNDE L I UNITS CHARGE ITEH UNITS CHARGE 11 I8. 15 PAYROLL RUNS L 47 .93 I 12. OO O9-29FALLCAI'IPAIGNDELIVERY 4. OO UNITS I TEM UNITS CHARGE C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 3 0 8 t o C h e q u e # 9 4 3 3 i n c l u s i v e t o t a l i n g $ 3 3 4 , 2 0 4 . 6 3 a n d P a y r o l l D i s b u r s e m e n t s f o r t h e p e r i o d P a g e 7 8 o f 1 0 9 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Draft Letter to AGCO re: Penny Sales DATE: October 29,2010 X.ILE: Poq As was requested at the October 21,2010 Council meeting, attached is a d¡aft letter for consideration, seeking changes in provincial lottery licence regulations to ease the burden on small local penny sales. Staff Memorandum regarding "Draft Letter to AGCO re: Penny Sales". Page 79 of 109 November 4,201,0 AGCO Head Offrce Licensing and Registration Branch 90 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 200 Toronto, ON M2N OA4 Re: Lotterv Licence Requirements - Local Pennv Sales Council for the Municipality of Bayham has received concerns from local charitable/church groups that existing lottery licence requirements for small local events, particularly penny sales, are extremely onerous. For small local groups, the administrative burden to comply with existing regulations is more than their volunteer memberships can manage. These groups are concerned that with such requirements, their fundraising functions cannot continue, and their continued existence is then threatened. Council shares these concerns, and is therefore seeking amendments to current regulations to ease the administration. Specifically regarding penny sales, regulations now require each and every prize be detailed and valuations established. This requirement applies to all penny sales, including those with total prize values less than $500. Local small penny sales often have a large number of donated prizes, with very low valuations each, and as mentioned the need to list all prizes can be extremely onerous. Bayham Council is therefore suggesting that Bazaar Licence requirements be amended to either exempt small local penny sales entirely, or in the alternative, an overall declaration of total prize value only be required to obtain a licence. Your consideration regarding this matter would be most appreciated. Yours truly Lynn Acre Mayor Staff Memorandum regarding "Draft Letter to AGCO re: Penny Sales". Page 80 of 109 7 ct>T&DØnwfting 54117 Bestline (RR4), Aylmer, Ontario, N5H2R3 Ph: 519-866-3930 F>c 519-866-3798 E-mail rthompson@changeair.com ;i- t, ) i::' i ii To: Kyle Kruger & Council Subject: Water lnfrastructure ?, r-ì zû1.,1 It has been 6 months since I was at the last council meeting to discuss the "Water lnfrastructure Renewal" rates. I was told I would be contacted and invited to a future council meeting to "Put this issue to bed". It has been months with "No" contact from council. Please contact me when this can be discussed. Below is the original letter that was sent to council: I am the current owner of the apartment complex on32 & 36 Fulton St. in Vienna. After receiving the information letter explaining the "Water Infrastructure Renewal" I was concemed with the bold text stating, "Properties with multiple connections will receive multiple charges". To clariff this statement, I made a phone call to Kyle Kruger . I explained to Kyle that I was the owner of 16 apartments on 328.36 Fulton St. and was concerned with the wording of the letter. His explanation was that if you have 16 apartments, you have 16 connections and you will be billed at the approximate rate of $1,300.00 each. If this is the case, I will be billed $20,800.00. A bill of $20,800.00 in my opinion, is unreasonable and not affordable for a small business trying to survive in Vienna. This property is NO different than any residential property, where there is only one connection at the curb per building, NOT sixteen connections as explained by Kyle. If there were sixteen different connections and increased labour and material from the contractor to complete sixteen connections, I would then understand why I would be paying sixteen different fees. What is the policy for muti-residential? What is the policy for Trailer Parks? I am requesting council to review this proposed policy and billing to ensure fairness for all. There are two buildings involved, and therefore there should ONLY be billed 2 connection fees. Please contact me when you have reviewed this letter and if you need any clarification. Thanks, Rob Thompson, C.E.T. Correspondence received October 26, 2010 from Rob Thompson regarding "Water Infrastructure". Page 81 of 109 Page 82 of 109 ? CoçMINUTES Bayham Community Centres Committee Committee Room. Bavham Municipal Offìce 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville ON Thursday October 28, 2010 7:30 p.m. Present: Councillors W'ayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Vienna Lions Club representative William Gheysen, Straffordville Lions Club representative Roy Stewart, Members atLarge Diane Squires and Paul Ens, Bayham Community Centre Manager Jackie Declerq, Vienna Community Centre Manager Jackie Bootle and Secretary Lynda Millard. 1. Call to Order The Chairman called the meeting to order at7:30 pm. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. Minutes of the meeting held May 27,2010 MovedbyP Ens Seconded by Wm Gheysen "That the minutes of the meeting held May 27r2010 be approved as circulated." Carried 4. Business from Minutes The Secretary advised that the upgrades at the north-east corner step/loading dock at Vienna Community Centre have been completed. Repairs to the Vienna Community Centre men's washroom heater at a cost of $440, lightbulb receptacles inside & outside repairs are to be completed by Morse Electric. Jackie D advised that Mike V/ells is expected to begin the bar and kitchen serving bar upgrades soon. 5. Reports & Correspondence (a) Managers 2010 updated Rental Reports (i) Vienna was received. (ii) Straffordville was not available. (b) Fire Code Inspection dated June 14110 at the Vienna Community Centre - received It was noted that some additional funds have been included in the capital budget to make the required upgrades. It was noted that an Engineer will be required to provide drawings and inspections. Bill advised that the Lions Club has offered to contribute labour to undertake the upgrades to the downstairs bar area. (c) Email correspondence dated J:une2ll0 from Ron Ball regarding Straffordville thermostats & notice that the BCC duct enclosure needs rebuilding - received A quote for the repairs has been requested from Ed Matthews Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held October 28, 2010 and draft By-Law 2010-102. Items 5(d) Page 83 of 109 (d) Jackie DeClercq advised there would be no Guide meetings this year at the hall. She was requested to check all the baseboard heaters periodically to ensure they rernain shut off. Correspondence from Jake Siemens, Church at Vienna requesting special rental rate for use of the Vienna Community Centre beginning in November through about six months. MovedbyWm Gheysen Secondedby Roy Stewart 6'That the Bayham Community Centres Committee recommends to Council that a discounted rental rate of 25o/o be set for the congregation of the Church at Vienna, c/o Jake Siemens, for use of the Vienna Community Centre for services to be held Sundays and \Mednesdays beginning in November 2010, subject to current bookings; And That the arrangements be reviewed in six months.' Carried Correspondence from Lena Kovacs, C & C Dancing requesting special rate for use of Vienna Community Centre Monday and Thursday nights for 90 minutes each. Moved by Roy Stewart Seconded by P Ens '(That the Bayham Community Centres Committee offer use of the Vienna Community Centre to C & C Dance for bi-weekly dance fitrress classes at the fee rate of $50 per night on a six month trial basis." Carried 2010 Operating Budget to October 21,2010 - received for information. 201I draft Operating & Capital Budget Concern was noted that the extent of the Municþality's contribution to community use through the fee waivers granted and no charge for funerals are not reflected in the budget documents. It was suggested that the front wall at Straflordville be painted part way up from the floor to cover recent patching. It was agreed that six new tables be considered for purchase once the budget is passed. It was noted that re,pairs need to be made to better attach the seats and backs of some chairs with longer screws. Moved by D Squires Seconded by Wm Gheysen "That the draft Operating and Capital budgets lor 2011, as discussed, be recommended to Council for consideration." Carried (e) (Ð (e) Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held October 28, 2010 and draft By-Law 2010-102. Items 5(d) Page 84 of 109 6.Other Business Jackie D noted that the carpet installed when the stage was extended does not butt up to the wall and it appears it maybe coming apart. Lynda will contact Ed Matthews. The Public'Works Manager is to be requested to look into repairs to ensure the outside handrails at the east side entrance to the kitchen are rqrlaced and secured to prevent further vandalism. It is believed that vandalism at the hall and park is being done by senior public school students. It was suggested that the brush in the wooded areas be cleaned up and removed as a deterrent. Lynda was requested to check where the dividers went that were removed by the Public Works Department from the Viennahall. It was noted that volunteer appointrnents to committees for 2011 will be forthcoming and it was suggested that an applicant from the Mennonite community be encouraged to participate. Concerns from Committes Members and/or Managers none Committee of the Whole Closed Session (a) Minutes of closed session meeting held March 2512010 (defened) Next meeting date and adjournment Moved by D Squires Seconded by Wm Gheysen "That the meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p.m., to meet again on Thursda¡ January 27,2010 at the Municipal OfIice Committee Room at7z30 p.m., or at the call of the Chairman.tt Canied Chairman Date approved: 7. 9. Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held October 28, 2010 and draft By-Law 2010-102. Items 5(d) Page 85 of 109 IIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2010-102 BEING A BY.LAW TO FI]RTHER AMEND BY.LAW 2OO5'IO2 IMPOSING RATES AND F'EES WHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local Municipalitymaybyby-law, impose specific rates and fees to be charged for municipal services. AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- law 2005-102 adopt a schedule of rates and fees for municipal services; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- laws 2008-024,2009-104 and 2009-124 amend the schedule of rates and fees for municipal services; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it expedient to fi,rther amend ByJaw 2005-102 in regard to the Bayham Community Centre; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham deems it necessary to further amend the schedule of rates and fees for such services; AND WHEREAS Council is desirous that adoption of such amendmentbe byby-law; THEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF'THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THÄ.T By-law 2005-102, Schedule "A", as amended, be further amended to include the following under Community Centre Rental Fees Vienna: o a discounted rental rate of 25Yobe set for the congregation of the Church at Vienna c/o Jake Siemens; o that a fee rate of $50 per night for C & C Dance; 2. THAT effective upon final passing of ByJaw 2010-102, the Schedule of Rates and Fees set out in Schedule "A" attached to By-law 2005-702, as amended, shall remain in effect until further amended or rescinded. 3. AND TIIAT in all otherrespects By-law 2005-102 be hereby confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 4TH DAY OFNO\rEMBER 2OIO. MAYOR CLERI( Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held October 28, 2010 and draft By-Law 2010-102. Items 5(d) Page 86 of 109 THE CORPORA,TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2585-2010 WEEDA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No.Z456-2003' AS AMENDEI) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No.2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-lawNo. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "H", Map No. 2, by deleting from the Institutional (I) Zone and addingto the Village Residential (R1) Zone those lands which are outlined in heavy solid lines and marked "R1" on Schedule "4" to this ByJaw, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been frled with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2O1O READ A SECOND TIME THIS 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2O1O READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4,h DAY OF NOVEMBER 2O1O MAYOR CLERK By-Law Z585-2010 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Weeda) Page 87 of 109 \lAr irR V,jlrl(-.lPALiT'r Ca BAì'HAM SCHEDULE 'H' 0 250m 500m Scole 1 : 12,000 VIENNA MAP NO. 2 By-Law Z585-2010 A By-Law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Weeda) Page 88 of 109 TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYTIAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-100 A PROVISIONAL BY.LA\ry TO PROYIDE FOR DRAINAGE WORKS IN TTIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM IN TTTE COT'NTY OF ELGIN KNOWN AS TTM BARTLEY MTJMCIPAL DRAIN WIIEREAS the requisite number of owners have petitioned the Council of the Municipality of Bayham in the county of Elgin in accordance with Section #4 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O.1990, requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by drainage works: o Part Lots 6 - 9, Concessions I & 9, Municipality of Bayham AND WIIEREAS, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham has procured Engineer Report No. 209138, prepared by Spriet Associates, dated August 31,2010, which is attached hereto as Schedule ttAt', and forms part of this By-Law. AND WTIEREAS the estimated total cost of reconstructing the drainage worls referred to as the Bartþ Municipal Drain is $45,330.00 and is to be paid directþ to the contractor by the affected landowners Abraham Peters and Emma Peters (Assessment Roll #34{1{00-005-0230I) as the subdividers of the proposed lots for which this drain is required; AND WHEREAS $0.00 is the amount to be contributed by the Municipality of Bayham for administration costs/roads assessment associated with the reconstruction of the drainage works known as the Bartley Municipal Drain; AND WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable and a revised assessment schedule for future maintenance is needed; NOW TIIEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. Engineer Report No. 209138, dated August 3I, 20lO and att¿ched hereto, is hereby adopted and the drainage works and assessment revision as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith. 2.1 The Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation, the amount of $45,330.00, being the amount necessary for reconstruction of the drainage works. 2.2 The Corporation may arrange for the issue of debentures on its behalf for the amount borrowed less the total amount of, (a) graûts received under Section #85 of the Act; O) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipalþ; By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 89 of 109 By-law No. 2010-100 -2-November 4,2Ã10 (c) monies paid under Subsection #61(3) of the Act; and (d) monies assessed in and payable by another municipality, and such debentures shall be made payable within five (5) years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not higher than the rate charged by a chartered bank ofCanada. 3. A special equal rate suffrcient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the attached Schedule "4" to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for five (5) years after the passing of this byJaw. 4. For paying the amount of $45,330.00 being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality, a special rate sufEcient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Municipalrty of Bayham in each year for five (5) years after the passing of this Provisional ByJaw to be collected in the same ruurner and at the same time as other taxes are collected. 5. All assessments of $250.00 or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed. 6. This By-law comes into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as the 'Bartley Municipal Drain'. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME frris 4h day of November 2010. Provisionatly adopted ttis 4û day of November 20L0. MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this day of 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 90 of 109 COI]RT OF REVISION - MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bay4ram for considering and determining of Appeals to the said Court of Revision to the Assessment of By-law #2010-100 will be held in Council Cha¡nbers at THE BAYHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICE in Stuaffordville on December 2,2010 at 8:00 p.m. All notices of assessment appeal by an owner shall be served on the Clerk of the Municipality AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR to the first sitting of the Court. Date of mailing CLERI( By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 91 of 109 BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham SPRIET ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS &ABCHITECTS 1 55 York Steet London. Onlario I'16A 148 Tel. (519) 6724100 Far (519),1í}}93s1 E-ma¡l MAI.@SPREf.OÀICâ Job No. 209138 August 31,2010 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 92 of 109 London, Ontario August 31,2010 BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham To the Mayor and Council of the Municipality of Bayham Mayor and Council: We are pleased to present or report on the reconstruction of the Bartley Municipal Drain serving parts of Lots 6-9, Concessions 8 and 9 in the Municipality of Bayham. AUTHORIZATION This report was prepared pursuant to Section 78 of the Drainage Act. lnstructions were received from your Municipality with respect to a motion of Council in accordance with Section I of the Drainage Act. The work was initiated by a request signed by an affected landowner. HISTORY The Bartley Drain was last reconstructed pursuant to a report submitted by J.R. Spriet, P.Eng. dated June 20, 1978 and consisted of the reconstruction and extension of the Bartley Drain. The work contained approximately 332 lineal feet of open ditch and approximately 3685 lineal feet of concrete tile ranging in size from 6" to 12" in diameter. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS A site meeting was held with respect to the project and through later discussions the requesting landowner índicated he intended to build a residential subdivision in Lot 7, Concession 8 and would require an improved outlet forthe subdivision as well as the relocation of a portion of the drain to accommodate potential lots. It was also indicated that, as a condition of severance, a new Schedules of Assessment for Maintenance should be prepared due to the numerous lot severances the developer has undertaken in the past. A field investigation and survey was completed and upon reviewing our findings, we note the following: . that the existing tile in the Bartley Drain from the open ditch in Lot 6, Concession 8 to approximately the half lot line of Lot 7, Concession I will require relocating and upsizing to today's standards By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 93 of 109 2 EXISTING DRATNAGE CONDITIONS (cont'd) preliminary design, cost estimates and assessments were prepared and an informal public meeting was heldto review the findings and preliminary proposals. Further input and requests were piovided by the affected owners at that time and it was decided to proceed with the report based on this. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The proposed drain was designed, with respect to capacity, using the Drainage Coefficient method contained in the "DRAINAGE GUIDE FOR ONTARIO", Publication 29 by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The Drainage Coefficient defines a depth of water that can be removed in a 24 hour period and is expressed in millimeters per 24 hours. The coefficient used for the Main Drain was 38mm. We would like to point out that there have been indications of sandy soil conditions, but no formal soil investigation has been made' All of the proposed work has been generally designed "nq _t?l-l be constructed in accordance with the OeSlCt¡ AND CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES FOR WORK UNDER THE DRA]NAGE ACT. RECOMMENDATIONS We are therefore recommending the following: . that the existing closed Bartley Drain be reconstructed from the open ditch in Lot 6 to the east side of the proposed subdivision, a distance of 253lineal meters . that the drain be constructed with sealed sewer pipe to prevent tree roots from entering the drain . that the drain be constructed on a crushed stone bedding with filterwrap to prevent the drain from settling . that the existing 300mm dia. tile drain installed under the 1978 report remain a municipal drain irom the open ditch and across the lands of L. & A. Matthews (Roll' No. 5-023-02) to serve as an overflow drain in times of severe flooding . thatthe proposed outletstructure, stormwatermanagement pond and storm drain along Street 'A' tb be installed as part of the subdivision, be incorporated as part of the municipal drain and be referred to as Branch'B' . that catchbasins be installed along the course of the drain to alleviate surface flows and provide access to the drain . that the existing Bartley Drain from Sta.0+076 to Sta.0+265 be officially abandoned from municipal status pursuant to section 19 of the Drainage Act By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 94 of 109 3 RECOMMENDATIONS (cont'd) ln accordance with the principals of Section M(2) of the Drainage Act, the existing surface waterway along the route of the tile drain shall be part of the drainage works for future maintenance. The width available for the waterway shall be equal to the maintenance working width as noted on the Contract Drawings. We have reviewed the existing Schedules of Assessment for the Bartley Drain and found them to be out-of-date and unfair due to property splits and changes in land use, the watershed and draínage conditions. We therefore recommend that new schedules be included as part of this report for future maintenance purposes. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES There are no significant wetlands or sensitive areas within the affected watershed area or along the route of the drains. The proposed construction of the Bartley Drain includes quarry stone outlet protection and surface Ínlets which greatly help reduce the overland surface flows and any subsequent erosion. A temporary flow check of straw bales or silt fencing is to be installed in the ditch downstream of the tile outlet for the duration of the construction. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WORK The proposed work consists of approximately 263 lineal meters of 375mm (15") H.D.P.E. plastic pipe including related appurtenances and the incorporation of 182lineal meters of 300mm (12") to 525mm (21") storm drain. SCHEDULES Four schedules are attached hereto and form part of this report, being Schedule 'A' - Allowances, Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate, Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction and Schedule 'D'- Assessment for Maintenance. Schedule 'A' - Allowances. ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, allowances are þrovided for right-of-way and damages to lands and crops along the route of the drain as defined below. Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate. This schedule provides for a detailed cost estimate of the proposed work which is in the amount of $45,330.00. This estimate includes engineering and administrative costs associated with this project. Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. This schedule outlines the distribution of the total estimated cost of construction over the roads and lands which are involved. Schedule'D'-AssessmentforMaintenance. !naccordancewithSection33oftheDrainage Act, this schedule outlines the distribution of future repair and/or maintenance costs for portions of, or the entire drainage works. By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 95 of 109 4 SCHEDULES (cont'd) Drawing No. 1 , Job No. 209138 and specifications form part of this repoft. They show and describe in detail the location and extent of the work to be done and the lands which are affected. ALLOWANCES DAMAGES: Section 30 of the Drainage Act provides for the compensation to landowners along the drain for damages to lands and crops caused by the construction of the drain. The amounts granted are based on the following: a) for closed drain installed with wheel machine or backhoe - $1,833.00/ha. This base rate is multiplied by the hectares derived from the working widths shown on the plans and the applicable lengths. RIGHT-OF-WAY: Section 29 of the Drainage Act provides for an allowance to the owners whose land must be used for the constructíon, repair, or future maintenance of a drainage works. For tile drains where the owners will be able to continue to use the land, the allowance provides for the right to enter upon such lands, and at various times for the purpose of inspecting such drain, removing obstructions, and making repairs. Also, the allowance provides for the restrictions imposed on those lands to protect the right-of-way from obstruction or derogation. The amounts granted for right-of-way on tile drains is based on 20% of value of the land designated for future maintenance. Therefore, the amounts granted are based on $1,800.00/ha. These values are multiplied by the hectares derived from the width granted for future maintenance and the applicable lengths. ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS In accordance with the Drainage Act, lands that make use of a drainage works are liable for assessment for part of the cost of constructing and maintaining the system. These assessments are known as benefit and outlet liability as set out under Sections 22 and 23 of the Act. BENEFIT as defined in the Drainage Act means the advantages to any lands, roads, buildings or other structures from the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a drainage works such as will result in a higher market value or increased crop production or improved appearance or better control of surface or sub-surface water, or any other advantages relating to the betterment of lands, roads, buildings or other structures. OUTLET liability is assessed to lands or roads that may make use of a drainage works as an outlet either directly or indirectly through the medium of any other draínage works or of a swale, ravine, creek or watercourse. By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 96 of 109 5 ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS (cont'd) ln addition, a Public Utility or Road Authority shall be assessed for and pay allthe increased cost to a drainage works due to the construction and operation of the Public Utility or Road Authority. This may be shown as either benefit or special assessment. ASSESSMENT We assess the entire cost of this report to the developer of the Subdivision, A. & E. Peters (Roll No. 5-023-01). lt is to be noted that the cost of thÍs report is not eligible for the Provincial Agricultural Grant. MAINTENANCE Upon completion of construction, all owners are hereby made aware of Sections 80, 82 and 83 of the Drainage Act which forbíd the obstruction of, damage or injury to, and pollution of a municipaldrain. After completion, the entire Bartley Drain including the existing drain installed under the 1 978 report shall be maintained by the Municipality of Bayham at the expense of all upstream lands and roads assessed in Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance and in the same relative proportions, until such time as the assessment is changed under the Draínage Act. The above existing portions of the drain shallbe maintained in accordance with the grades and dimensions set out in the plans and specifications contained in the report by J.R. Spriet, P. Eng. dated June 20, 1978. Respectfully submitted, ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED sJs By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 97 of 109 SCHEDULE'A' - ALLOWANCES BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, we determine the allowances payable to owners entitled thereto as follows: Section 29 Section 30 CONCESSION LOT ROL TOTALS MAIN DRAIN. CLOSED PORTION I I I 8 I 6 7 7 7 7 5-020-10(4. & S. Bunruell) 050-023-02(1. & A. Mathews) Lot4 - Severance -4. & E. Peters LotT - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 8 - Severance - A. & E. Peters TotalAllowances $ 380.00 $ 240.00 $620.00 $ 10.00 $ 120.00 50.00 10.00 190.00 20.00 $ 220.00 30.00 340.00 50.00 10.00 190.00 TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE MAIN DRAIN . GLOSED PORTION BRANCH "B" 620.00 120.00 90.00 210.00 7 7 8 I Lot4 - Severance -4. & E. Peters 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) TotalAllowances $ 120.00 $ 90.00 $ 210.00 $ TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE TOTAL ALLOWANCES ON THE BFìANCH '' 8 " BARTLEY DRAIN $ $ 210.00 830.00 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 98 of 109 SCHEDULE'B' - COST ESTIMATE BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham We have made an estimate of the cost of the proposed work which is outlined in detail as follows: MA|N DRAIN - CLOSED PORTTON (CONSTRUCTION) One 6 meter length of 550mm dia., 2.0mm thickness aluminized outlet pipe (with rodent gate): Supply lnstallation at tile outlet with quarry stone rip-rap protection around pipe and across end of ditch (Approx. 6m" quarry stone required) lnstallation of the following sewer pipe on a crushed stone bedding: 247 meters of 375mm (15") H.D.P.E. Boss sewer pipe Supply of the above listed pipe Supply and delivery of 19mm crushed stone (Approx. 100 tonnes) Supply and installthree 600mmx600mm standard catchbasins including grates, berms and ditching Supply and install one 1200mm dia. manhole at Sta.0+076 Cross connect existing drain with new manhole using 10 meters - 300mm H.D.P.E. pipe on stone bedding Restoration of lawn areas with imported topsoil and seed Sta.0+006 to Sta.0+076 Tile connections and contingencies Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act ADMINISTRATION Survey, Plan and Report Assistance and Expenses Supervision and Final lnspection TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 45,330.00 $ 600.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 9,300.00 $ 9,100.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 1,000.00 $ '1,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 830.00 $ 11,230.00 $ 670.00 $ 1,500.00 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 99 of 109 SCHEDULE'C' - ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of BaYham Job No. 209138 We assess the entire cost of this report to the Developer, A. & E. Peters owner of property Roll No. 5-023-01 August 31,2010 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE BARTLEY DRAIN $45,330.00 By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 100 of 109 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 209138 HECTARES CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) August 31,2010 PERCENTAGE OF MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN . OPEN PORTION I*8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 r8 *8 *8 *8 *8 8*8 '8 I I*8 *8 8*9 *9 I 6 0.81 7 0.66 7 0.13 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.38 7 0.38 7 0.40 7 0.11 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.40 7 6.81 7 1.10 I 0.83 8 0.12 8 2.41 8 0.77 8&9 5.43 8&9 1.34 9 2.71 9 1.04 9 2.38 20.20 0/o 1.20 0.30 1.30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.20 1.00 11.30 2.30 1.80 0.30 4.',|0 1.60 9.20 2.30 6.90 2.20 =13:=== l-!-:2:!= 10.50 Yo 11.80 ='j::=== :::7Y-= 5-020-10(A. & S. Bunruell) 050-023-02(1. & A. Mathews) 050-023-04(J. Ham) Lot4-Severance-4. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot I - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-02340(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) 5-023-20(The Corinth Mennonite Curch) 5-027 -z0(Mennonite Church in Christ) 5-029-01(D. & G. Holden) 5-025(P. Fehr) 5-031-02(8. L'Etoile) 5-031(U. & L. Vantyghem) 5-031-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5-085-01(Future Transfer Co. lnc) 5-085(T. & J. Cox) 5-086-1 O(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON I.ANDS Eden Líne 1.09 Highway No. 3 1.75 Street A' 0.38 County of Elgin Ministry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN . OPEN PORTION 100.0 % By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 101 of 109 IO SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE (Cont'd) BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MA¡NTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN. CLOSED PORTION *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 r8 *8 I*8 *8 I I*8 *8 I*9 r9 I 7 0.61 7 0.13 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.38 7 0.38 7 0.40 7 0.11 7 0.10 7 0.09 7 0.40 7 6.81 7 1.10 I 0.83 I 0.12 8 2.41 I 0.77 8&9 5.43 8&9 1.34 9 2.71 9 1.04 I 2.38 2.20 olo 0.60 o.70 0.20 0.20 0.20 2.10 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.30 11.10 2.20 1.90 0.20 7.40 1.60 15.70 5.90 12.40 3.00 =:1:=== :::=v: 12.60 olo 9.90 1.40 050-023-02(1. & A. Mathews) 050-023-04(J. Ham) Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot B - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(A. & E. Peters) 5-023-20(The Corinth Mennonite Curch) 5-027 -20(Mennonite Church in Christ) 5-029-01(D. & G. Holden) 5-025(P. Fehr) 5-031-02(8. L'Etoile) 5-031(U. & L. Vantyghem) 5-031-04(J. & R. Tresselaar) 5-085-01(Future Transfer Co. lnc) 5-085(T. & J. Cox) 5-086-l O(Donck Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS Eden Line Highway No. 3 Street A' County of Elgin Ministry of Transportation Municipality of Bayham 1.09 1.75 0.38 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF MAIN DRAIN - GLOSED PORTION 23.9 To 100.0 % By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 102 of 109 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE (Cont'd) BARTLEY DRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST BRANGH 'B '' IT *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 *8 I 7 0.61 7 0.40 7 0.10 7 0.12 7 0.32 7 0.117 o.'to 7 0.09 7 0.06 7 1.69 11.60 % 9.50 4.00 3.50 3.40 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.10 37.20 70.2 % ======= 29.80 o/o 29.8 o/o ======= Lot 4 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 5 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 6 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot 7 - Severance - A. & E. Peters Lot I - Severance - A. & E. Peters 5-023-40(D. Haines & K. Emerson) 5-023-08(K. Emerson) 5-023-10(D. & B. Patterson) 5-023-05(R. Stafford) 5-023-01(4. & E. Peters) Street A' TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS 0.38 Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BFIANCH '' B '' Note: All the above lands noted with an asterik are classified as Non-agricultural 100.0 % By-Law 2010-100 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Bartley Municipal Drain) first and second Page 103 of 109 ET]üIT-F;ıE-I,/ L____!!f:!!t!!__NOTE6 u * F4srd dÉ a& / rf, wùDrH¡v&tr rotÉdú]dró@ErrE&Þrßs4r dÉt4 r# LM æñ4r &@ r0 rE DUil ÆCñCrft Æ C[A! þr lf, eþDfifr¡@¡daru! &r!M sL æ h r{r alE @ rE @ 4 tf, oÙer @ a ¡@Ú utr¡ú rEE4rr ru ro 1{ ru rdr rf, &4úrruIþFYrd¡mur[wMt 0d u úrf, Ù1r.u rdnÞÆ r rEE 6 A¿41€r N lLlvÂtn 4IU!Nt*wÞdrÆEurLrñ rE,cNErd ro þrrY !L uillrÉl ¡l@ M 'o st @il¿Dr*¡46 r @ rror rÃþÆNr&Ðx@Æ!uil'écrh^¿ nrE atffitùtowaw NERA l¡ø ìl----.---r i u I L-.J 2 J5m - {f . ,,.-,*"\ ll_ \ H,D,P.r. ,È t F v uÉlrErEroffiþRL4 e9'Arntr!'4ÆD¡cru , aLørM@4 rÁrÞÆSr{trOl@&qrr*crd ¿ ú 4trruO ¡r rE 4 4rü14 !r ÞÙ&lHNlwffIWEI r.rrarH4 L0M ru 4 r@Mun {crfll!þcr ¡ r*ilcrsrd srr rE 14|.afr.trr*drrou[clMroarGrffirÞrbMrr ¡.dtrD nır4trr tæf rá to4 Lr[LLrD ø¡ru lEmÆÐJgr EÆ O'EO rY drurà .i r#rþ F6 ro É ¡84Þ ildwuY r04 Erìæo þ@ æ[d I @Æ úfi Tdn^ r'N E M EAtur4M!NÌALrE æd^eæMdbr\ 5 I-1 ÁIN ÞRÄINPROFILE tuE W ltl,MwRt l, 9a //..,lmùrÃgutû DETAIL 4lrÊufF Ncæ4Þ dnE rñ 6 @IÚIâ S&DIIIæIffi ÍUIÆæWIE{mIIã@ r E arú sL 4 ærr¿Þ DY Ê arEt4 Æ ur 4 r¡D w t]Mr þ@[Mr¡ru]H 4lrilrhuL 4 aræo rf, ffir4 ús fld4r hñrtM Éþ rf,! ædæ rur[ æ AtrFrf,!¡Mrr É¡æm][arur LrórñÞ Û ı-@'o À¿rtrro 2) þ!{2 .) D .ffi@) Ð D ffi(ffil .) ú 'ffid(mfñ)Ð r¡ üiM(m) I D wiAd(F4 Ð Þd-€ o 'o) Á4!-d r.!m rD 6-dr-r0 0 ¿! affi 1r) !4-6 Èir{'F s) r4r-or ú) ó-øFæ ÈdnMftuH tð 1Ð r-ür-e Mf ffit ¡ cilr r$ r) .4.-ù rÐ F6 r.) FoÍ Ú) ÞNt-o rÙru ú).-o¡!-q J.rtEN n) rÐ-il m) !-s LOf a LOf a LOf t fl'¡:s.:lt*-.. \-,¿U ¡gÍ'*j,Ì.ji \ ì,{'{Þ,,És \,,.- ll -^7 BARTLEY DRAIN MUNTCIPALITY OF BAYHAM PLAN I PROFI IUAlER9I.IED PLANDElAILPLÄN B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 1 0 0 A P r o v i s i o n a l B y - L a w t o p r o v i d e f o r d r a i n a g e w o r k s ( B a r t l e y M u n i c i p a l D r a i n ) f i r s t a n d s e c o n d P a g e 1 0 4 o f 1 0 9 THE CORPORATION OF'TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-101 BEING A BY.LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2O1O.OO1 A BY.LAW APPOINTING MEMBERS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF THE MT]MCIPALITY \üIIEREAS the Council of the Municþality of Baytram did by By-law 2010-001 appoint persons to Boa¡ds and Committees for the purposes of the Corporation; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by ByJaw 2010-030, 2010-039, 2010-04.2 and 20 I 0-05 l, amend such by-law; AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to further amend such by-law; NOW TITEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the name Anna Schafer be added as a me,mber of the Museums Bayham Board; 2. TIIAT in all other respects, ByJaw 2010-001 as amended, is hereby confirmed and remains unchanged; 3. TIIAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOI{D AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TITIS 4TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-101 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2010- 001 (appoint members to Boards and Committees) Page 105 of 109 Page 106 of 109 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il 2010-102 BEING A BY-LA\ry TO F.I]RTHER AMEND BY-LA\il 2OO5.IO2 IMPOSING RATES AND FEES WHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local Municipality may by by-law, impose specific rates and fees to be charged for municipal services. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- law 2005-102 adopt a schedule of rates and fees for municipal services; AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- laws 2008-024,2009-104 and 2009-124 amend the schedule of rates and fees for municþal services; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it expedient to further amend ByJaw 2005-102 in regard to the Bayham Community Centre; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to further amend the schedule of rates and fees for such services; AND WIIEREAS Council is desirous that adoption of such amendment be by by-law; THEREFORE THE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT ByJaw 2005-102, Schedule "A", as amended, be further amended to include the followingunder Community Centre Rental Fees Vienna: o a discounted rental rate of 25%be set for the congregation of the Church at Vienna c/o Jake Siemens; o that a fee rate of $50 per night for C & C Dance; 2. TIIAT effective upon final passing of ByJaw 2010-102, the Schedule of Rates and Fees set out in Schedule "A" attached to ByJaw 2005-102, as amended, shall remain in eflect until further amended or rescinded. 3. AND THAT in all other respects By-law 2005-102 be hereby confirmed. READ A trIIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 4TH DÄY OF NOVEMBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-102 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2005- 102 (imposing rates and fees) Page 107 of 109 Page 108 of 109 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-103 A BY.LA\ü TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 4,2O1O WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised bybyJaw; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\üS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held Novemb er 4,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 4th day of November,2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-103 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 109 of 109