HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 02, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, September 2, 2010 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Michael Timmermans regarding request for exemption from noise by- law until 3 a.m. on long weekends during sumer months to host comping / concert events. Item 8(a) (b)7:15 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal - regarding Estherville Stones and other related matters. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Five Year Review of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005". File: A16 (b)Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Dealing with Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Your Municipality". File: A16 (c)Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held August 17, 2010. File: C06 (d)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. 5-20 21 23-27 29-30 31-37 Page 1 of 99 Council Agenda September 2, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS File: E00 (e)Correspondence dated August 12, 2010 from Elgin County OPP regarding "An Open Letter to the People of Ontario from OPP Commissioner Chris D. Lewis". File: P17 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 1.Correspondence and Reports 2.PUBLIC MEETING 1.Public Meeting (a)7:30 p.m. - Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning - to consider a rezoning application and draft Zoning By-Law Z583-2010 for the MacNeil Subdivision, Port Burwell. 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3.Staff Presentation (a)Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. File: D14.JOLYNN2 4.Public Comments 5.Council Comments and Questions 39 41-55 Page 2 of 99 Council Agenda September 2, 2010 Page 6.Adjournment 7.Disposition of Item 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Correspondence dated August 16, 2010 from Michael Timmermans requesting exemption from the Noise By-Law until 3 a.m. on long weekends during the summer months. File: P01 (b)Staff Report P2010-011 regarding Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. File: P16 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending August 8 and August 22, 2010 totaling $60,841.91 amd $59,310.75 respectively. (b)Correspondence dated August 8, 2010 from Randy Bradfield requesting to place a memorial bench in Port Burwell. File: C13 (c)Staff Report C2010-10 regarding Restricted Acts after Nomination Day - Project Objibwa. File: L04 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Ontario Small Waterworks Asistance Program (OSWAP 3). File: F11 (b)Staff Memorandum regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Study Update. File: E08 57 59-61 63-86 87 89-90 91-92 93-96 Page 3 of 99 Council Agenda September 2, 2010 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010. (c)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law Z583-2010 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Jo-Lynn) (b)By-law 2010-086 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 97-98 99 Page 4 of 99 COTJNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville August 12,2010 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Public Meeting - Planning (Zoning) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipalþ of Bayham was held on Thursday, August 12, 2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier, Ed Ketchabaw and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill, Fire Chief / By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch and Treasurer Denis Duguay were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECTJNIARY INTER"EST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 15, 2010. 2010-324 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held July 15, 2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED (b) Minutes of the special meeting of Council held July 29,2010. 20t0-325 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the minutes of the special meeting of Council held July 29,2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page I of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 5 of 99 Council Minutes August I2,20I0 (c) Added Item(s) 20t0-326 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT in accordance with Section 2l of Procedural ByJaw 2002-93, request for exemption from Noise By-law submitted by Wilma Berkel and Wanda Hoshal as a delegation be added to the agenda as items 8(h) anc 4(b) respectively." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Duncan McPhail regarding International Plowing Match Final Approach Information Tour Mr. McPhail advised that the plans and fundraising efforts for the Elgin-St. Thomas Intemational Plowing Match to be held September 2l -25 are being successfully implemented. He added that there is a good complement of exhibitors siguing up. He requested assistance of Bayham public works staff to install and take down snow fencing. Council gave permission for Henry Mezenberg, chair of the tented city committee to contact Gerry LeMa¡ Manager of Public W'orks to make arrangements for staff assistance from Bayham. 2010-327 Moved by Councillor Seconded by Councillor "TIIAT correspondence from Duncan McPhail, Chairman of the International Plowing Match be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) 7:10 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal Mrs. Hoshal advised that she had been in contact with Mr. Robinson of the contracted firm for the Glen Erie Line bank stabilizationproject. She commented that the firm will preserve as many of the markers as they find. Observers will attend the site. She questioned what mode of transportation the municipality has proposed to transport the markers to the Estherville site. She noted that volunteers are available to help and a local truckerhas offered a flatbed trailer, front end loader, carivas straps andbinders. Mrs. Hoshal inquired when the Shippy and Leach markers would be permanentlyplaced at the Old Eden cemetery as the group would like to hold a commemoration service. She said they were currently sitting on cradles. Page 2 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 6 of 99 Council Minutes August I2,20I0 Mrs. Hoshal and Councillor Taylor requested to be advised when the Esthen¡ille markers are to be lifted out of the ravine. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Copy of resolution passed June 14, 2010 by The Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth regarding a petition in opposition to the HST. File: ClO (b) Copy of correspondence sent to Association of Municipalities of Ontario by The Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth regarding "presumptive legislation for firefighters". File: C10 (c) Correspondence dated August 4,2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding'Highlights of the June 2010 Board Meeting". File: 401 (d) Correspondence dated July 9, 2010 from Ontario Coaliltion for Better Child Care and Canadian Union of Public Employees regarding "Awareness Day recognizing Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Staff'. File: 401 (e) Correspondence received from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding ttMinimum Maintenance Standards Litigation Fund Well Accepted By Ontario Municipalities". File: A0l (Ð Correspondence dated August 4,2010 from Land Use Council regarding "Monitoring the Conservation Ontario Coorporation". File: 416 (g) Corespondence received August 4,2010 from Citizenship and Tmmigration Canada regarding "Multiculturalism Progra:n". File: 416 (h) Correspondence dated July 21, 2010 f¡om County of Elgin regarding "Ontario Good Roads Association Minimum Maintenance Standards Litigation Fund". File: 416 (Ð Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held July 7,2010. File: 416 C) Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meetings held May 27 andfuly 2I, 2010. File: C06 (k) Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held August3,20l0. File: C06 (l) Correspondence dated June 2010 regarding "Preparing Source Protection Plans". File: E00 (m) Correspondence dated Jiuly 12,2010 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry Funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2010 Program Year". (n) Newsletter f¡om Carolinian Canada Coalition regarding "Lake Erie CoastalZone Program". File: R06 Page 3 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 7 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 2010-328 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(n) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 1. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS (a) StaffReport D20I0-24 regarding MacNeil Subdivision Port Burwell Subdivision Agreement. File: D12.08 20r0-329 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor'W Casier "TIIAT StaffReportD20lù-z4 regarding a subdivision agreement with Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. be received; AND THAT authorizing Bylaw 2010- 084 be presented for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport D20I0-25 regarding Dyck Severance El1/10. File: D10.10 The Planning Co-ordinator advised that the applicants have completed the process to acquire the First Alley lands and that the completion of the legal documentation is anticipated prior to consideration by the Land Division Committee. Should this not be the case, the Committee may defer the application until it is. 2010-330 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT StaffReportD20lû-2s regarding Dyck Severance be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 811/10, submitted by Peter and Eva Dyclç be approved subject to the following amendment: . With the merger of Part l with Parts 2 & 3 of Plan 11R-9220 that the severed parcel be comprised of Parts 1 & 2 of PlanllR-9220 with a frontage of 23.4 metres Page 4 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 8 of 99 CouncilMinutes August 12,2010 by a depth of 94.35 metres to comply with frontage and lot size requirements for the creation of a lot in the Village Residential (R1) Zone And subject to the following conditions: l. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. Water and Sewer Services Permit 3. Road Access Permit 4. a grading plan 5. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality Councillor Tøylor noted hìs oppositìon to decisions made bøsed on assessment mapping not necessdríly being conect and requested a recorded vote fn Favour Oooosed Møyor Acre Coancillor Taylor Councillor Casier Depuly Mayor Evønìtskì Councillor Ketchabaw Motion Canied on a vote of 4 to I in favour (c) StaffReport D2010-26 regarding Blondeel Severance E39/10. File: D10.10 20r0-33t Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport D2010-26 regarding Blondeel Severance be received; AND THÄT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 839/10, submitted by Blondeel Nursery Inc., be approved subject to the following amendment: . The severance boundary is revised to be consistent with the "Villages" and "Residential" designations and zoning boundary applicable to the Village of Straffordville AND subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality" Councillor Taylor noted his opposilíon to decísíons made based on øssessment mappíng not necessarily being coruect and requested a recorded vote Page 5 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 9 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 In Favour Mayor Acre Coancìllor Casier Deputy Mayor Evanitskì Councíllor Ketchabaw Oooosed Councìllor Taylor Motion Carried on a vote of 4 - I in favour 2. PUBLIC MEETING 20r0-332 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. PUBLIC MEETING (a) 7:30 p.m. - Peters Rezoning - to change the zoning on a parcel of land from the Agriculture (Al) 7-one to the site-specific Agricultural (Al-24) Zone for the proposed development of a woodworking facilþ. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. STAF'F PRESENTATION (a) StaffReport D2010-23 regarding Peters Rezoning þ¡¿ft lening By-law 2582-2010. File: Dl4 The Report was presented by the Planning Co-ordinator. She advised that the rezoning application does comply with exist'.g policies and that staffand the planning consultant recommend approval subject to site plan approval to address noise, dust control, parking and buffering. She advised that letters of concem have been received and were attached to the report. In the additional memo provided, the planner suggested that Council request a Certificate of Approval for Noise from the Ministry of the Envi¡onment to address noise concems. ffoe planning Co-ordinator advised that the applicant Mr. Bemhard Peters and concerned neighbours were in attendance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Robert Vallee identified that there is no definition of "small-scale" operation and suggested that it would be larger than a site previously approved on Vienna Line. Page 6 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 10 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 He objected to the business being considered as secondary to the agricultural operation. He suggested rather that the agricultural operation was secondary and not related to the woodworking business, estimated to operate 40 to 60 hours per week. Mr. Vallee added that he had visited Mr. Peters' current business site on Hacienda Road and noticed the large doors being left open and no apparent efforts to control dust or noise. He questioned: Would the proposed building incorporate soundproofing? and How do you regulate keeping doors closed? He suggested the Municipality put by-laws in place to regulate and enforce rather than having to contact the Ministry of the Envi¡onment. Mr. Vallee commented that there is land in the Municipality zoned for manufacturing and industry and that it is Council's responsibility to encourage use of properly zoned lands. He added that Mr. Peters demonshated disregard for the environment by buming material in an outdoor fumace that creates a great deal of smoke. Mr. Vallee also noticed that sawdust or shavings were dumped in the nearby ditch. Mr. Vallee suggested it might be appropriate for Council to wait until a County Offrcial Plan is in place to make a decision. He admitted that Council needed to consider an increase to the tax base versus quahty of life for the neighbours. He suggested approval of the application would send the wrong message to ratepayers. When people purchase land surrounded by A1 lands they expect agricultural activities not manufacturing or industrial use. 5. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND OUESTIONS Deputy Mayor Evanitski concurred with statements made by Mr. Vallee. He noted that such small operations when successful are under pressure to grow and this creates qualrty of life issues. He added that Council likes to help local businesses, however need to consider what attracts people to live here. He inquired as to what was done with simila¡ operations west of Eden and at the comer of Light Line and Plank Road. Councillor Taylor questioned whether there were any concerns or complaints from neighbours of similar businesses. He asked whether it fits the Provincial Policy Statements when agriculture becomes secondary to a business like woodworking. Deputy Mayor Evanitski added that there are areas in Bayham zoned for Manufacturing and Industrial uses and suggested staff discuss with Mr. Peters more appropriate properties that might be better suited to the proposal. Councillor Casier acknowledged his support of comments from the Deputy Mayor and Mr. Vallee. The Planning Co-ordinator advised that secondary use is based on scale of use of the property, the scale of economics is not applicable. An Agricultural Home Occupation is permitted in the AI Zone but is limited to 70 square metres of space. This proposed operation is larger and requires specific zoningregulations to limit size and scale. Woodworking and carpentry occupations are listed in the Zoning By-law as permitted Agricultural Home Occupations. Page 7 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 11 of 99 7. Council Minutes August 12,2010 Councillor Ketchabaw acknowledged his support of the Deputy Mayor's comments. He noted that noise control under an MOE certificate of approval is not satisfactory and that the accessory use does not support agriculture. Mr. Vallee requested to be kept infonned. The Planning Co-ordinator advised that deferring the application with no date requires that the application be re-circulated to agencies, neighbours advised and a notice placed in the newspaper, all being the same as the circulation requirements for the first public meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT 2010-333 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw TTTHAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 7:56 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DISPOSITION OF ITEM Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport D2010-23 regarding the Peters rezoning application be deferred." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRÄINAGE (a) StaffReport PR2010-08 regarding Conveyance to MNR - Part of Chatham Street. File: T09 Councillor Taylor noted that he receives a lot of complaints about the limited public access in the lakefront area of Chatham Street. He suggested that opening up the access to the easterly arca of the west beach could promote additional tourism. He added that the Provincial Park utilizes only one service connection for each water and sewer and suggested a delay in completion of the transfer of the lands to the Ministry of Natural Resources may provide an opportunity to open up discussion and for the Provincial Park to consider giving something back to the community. Deputy Mayor Evanitski suggested it could be an opportunity to talk with the province about a community parbrership with the Park. Direction was given for staff to ¿urange a meeting between Council representatives and the MNR for discussion. 7. Page 8 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 12 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 2010-335 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report PR¿010-08 regarding Conveyance to MNR - Part of Chatham Street be deferred.'r CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) StaffReport P2010-007 regarding Station #1 (Port Burwell) Replacement. File: Al9 2010-336 Moved by Deputy Mayor Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw tt1¡lfif StaffReport P2010-007 regarding Station #1 (Port Burwell) Replacement be received; THAT Council direct staff to move forward and hire Dawley Engineering to represent the Municipality of Bayham with the direction to provide all services as e¡tlined in the scope of work in the proposal they submitted July 21,2010; AI\D THAT the costs for the engineer shall be paid from the current reserve funds and the fee shall not exceed the $36,000 plus HST quoted." CARRIED I]NANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport P2010-009 regarding Mutual Assistance Agreements. File: P16 20t0-337 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport P2010-009 regarding a Mutual Assistance Agreement between all the Municipalities in Elgin and the City of St. Thomas be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-081, being a by-law to authorize a Mutual Assistance Agreement with Etgin County Municipalities and the City of St. Thomas, be presented to Council for enactment.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport P2010-008 regarding Automatic Aid Agreements. File: P16 Page 9 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 13 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 2010-338 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport P2010-008 regarding Automatic Aid Fire Agreements with the Town of Tillsonburg and The Township of South West Oxford be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-079 and 2010-080, being by-laws to enter in an Automatic Aid Agreement with the Town of Tillsonburg and the Township of South West Oxford, respectively, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (d) Building Permit Report for month ending July 31, 2010. File: P10 2010-339 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Building Permit Report for month ending July 31, 2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Correspondence dated August 4,2010 from Lpn Acre requesting an exemption from the Noise By-law for an outdoor wedding reception. File: P01 20r0-340 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor Evanitski ''TIIÁ.T correspondence from Lynn Acre be received; AND THÄT Council approves an exemption from By-Law 2001-57, to regulate and control noise Saturday August 2lr20l0 until 1 a.m. August22r20l0, for an outdoor wedding reception being held at 53443 Heritage Line.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Corespondence dated Jluly 21,2010 from Pam Cole and Kent Therrien regarding use of Memorial Park for a wedding ceremony October 2,2010. File: Cl3 2010-341 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier Page 10 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 14 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 "TIIAT correspondence dated July 21,2010 from Pam Cole and Kent Therrien regarding use of Memorial Park for a wedding ceremony be received; Aì{D THAT permission be granted to use the Memorial Park in Port Burwell on Saturday, October 2,2010 between 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. subject to: o provision of proof of liability insurance coverage naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured, in the amount of $2 million, and o clean up and repair of any damage to the park area be the responsibility of the organizers.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) StaffReport PR2010-09 regarding Vienna Community Centre - Required Repairs. File: Al9 2010-342 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report PR2010-09 regarding Vienna Community Centre - Required Repairs be received; AND TIIAT staff be authorized to proceed to retain engineering assistance to initiate required works at the Vienna Community Centre." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (h) Correspondence from Wihna Berkel requesting an exemption from the Noise By-law for an outdoor wedding reception. File: P01 20t0-343 Moved by Deputy Mayor Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT correspondence from Wilma Berkel be received; AND THAT Council approves an exemption from By-Law 2001-57, to regulate and control noise Saturday August 21,2010 until I a.m. August22,20l0, for an outdoor wedding reception being held at 9594 Somers Road." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #8780 to Cheque #8925 inclusive, except Cheques #8782,#8774, #8681 and#8922 totaling 9553,092.20 and Payroll Disbursements for Page 11 of16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 15 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 the period ending July I I and July 25,2010 totaling $61,620.83 and $60,552.69 respectively. Regarding cheque # 8842, it was suggested that electricity to the Vienna Library is not needed and should be shut off. 20t0-344 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIÁ.T Cheque Register being Cheque #8780 to Cheque #8925 inclusive, except Cheques #8782,#8774, #8681 and#8922 totaling $553,092.20 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 11 and July 25,2010 totaling $61,620.83 and $60,552.69 respectively be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport F2010-05 regarding Financial Report for the period ending July 31, 2010. File: F03 Regarding cheque # 8842, it was suggested that electricity to the Vienna Library is not needed and should be shut off. 20r0-345 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport F2010-05 regarding Half Yearly Financial Report for the period ending July 31,2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport F2010-06 regarding Water Financial Plan. File: F03 2010-346 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT StaffReport F2010-06 regarding Water Financial Plan be received; THAT Council approve the mandatory Water Financial Plan prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.; AND THAT the financial plan for the Municipality of Bayham be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (O.Reg. 453107, Section 3(1)6), and also to the Ministry of the Environment, satisfying the requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Äct. (SDWA Section 32(5)ü))." Page 12 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 16 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (d) Correspondence dated July 15, 2010 from Lori King and Wendy Chilcott regarding "fundraising for the construction of a new pavilion in the Corinth municipal park". File: C13 The Treasu¡er advised that the Municipality could administer community raised funds for a pavilion at the Corinth Park, however noted that that no monies could be retumed to the donors should the work not go forward. 20r0-347 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT correspondence dated July 15, 2010 from Lori King and Wendy Chilcott regarding fundraising for the construction of a new pavilion in the Corinth municipal park be received; THAT Council consider support of the project during 2011 budget discussions; AND THAT Council supports municipal administration of funds raised on behalf of the community group." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (e) Conespondence dated August 6,2010 from Marion Paterson (SANYA) regarding use of Municipal sign. File: C13 20t0-348 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the correspondence from Marion Paterson requesting use of the Municipal sign be received; AND THAT Council grants permission to use the sign as requested, subject to Municipal needs." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY (Ð Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held July 14,2010. File: C06 2010-349 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Page 13 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 17 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 "THAT Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held July l4r20l0 be received.r' CARRIED TINANMOUSLY (g) StaffReport C2010-09 regarding Advance Voting Dates. File: C07 2010-350 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT Staff report C2010-09 regarding the Municipal Election 2010 be received; THÁ.T Bylaw 2010-083, being a bylaw to provide for advance votes to be held prior to voting day, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (h) StaffMemorandum regarding TDMH Sand Plains Application - Plan for Seniors in Support of Age-Friendly Communities. File: Fll 2010-351 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski 'TTHAT Staff Memorandum regarding TDMII Sand Plains Application - Plan for Seniors in Support of Age-Friendly Communities be received / for information." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY (Ð StaffMemorandum regarding Potential Financing - Lighthouse Painting. File: Al9 20t0-352 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding Potential Financing - Lighthouse Painting be received; TIIAT CouncÍl accept the quote submitted by Excalibur Windows,I)oors & Siding in the amount of $41,301.50 inclusive of taxes; AND THAT the financing be from the Museum Capital Budget, the General Museum Reserve and the balance from Reserves." CARRIED LINANIMOUSLY Page 14 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 18 of 99 Council Minutes 10. ENVIRONMENT August 12,2010 11. COMMITTEE OF'THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 20t0-353 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at9z2l p.m. to discuss: o labour relations or employee negotiations.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 15,2010. (c) Confidential conespondence regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Volunteer Fire Service) (d) Out of Camera. 20r0-354 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Cameratt session at 9:31p.m." CARRIED L'NANIMOUSLY 12. BY.LÄ\ryS (a) By-Law 2010-076 A ByJaw to amend the Bayham Harbourfront Commiftss (b) By-Law 2010-077 A By-law to convey part of unopened road allowance (Chatham Street) - deferred (c) By-Law 2010-079 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Automatic Aid Tillsonburg) (d) By-Law 2010-080 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Automatic Aid South-West Oxford) (e) By-Law 2010-081 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Mutual Assistance) (Ð By-Law 2010-082 A By-law to further amend By-Law 2010-001 (appoint members to Boards and Committees) (g) By-Law 2010-083 A ByJaw to provide for advance votes prior to voting day (h) By-Law 2010-084 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc.) (Ð By-Law 2582-2010 A ByJaw to further amend By-Law 7A56-2003 (Peters) - deferred Page 15 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 19 of 99 Council Minutes August 12,2010 2010-355 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT By-Laws 2010-076,2010-079,2010-080, 2010-081, 2010-082, 2010-083 and 2010-084 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY û) By-law 2010-085 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 2010-3s6 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "That confirming By-law 2010-085 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.tr CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 2010-357 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TÍIAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 9:33 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 16 of 16 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010.Page 20 of 99 5 Arþ Ministty ol Municipat Altairs unicipates .l-V- and Housing,;r::;:;n,rorningPoticy ¡ovinciatæ tFOntafiO 777 Bay Street, l4th Floor 777, rue Bay, ltP élage Toronto 0N MlÊ 2E5 Toronto 0N M5Ê 2E5 Tel.416 185-6014 Té1.416 585-6014 hx416 585-6870 Téléc.416 ı85-6870 August 19,2010 Dear Clerk: RE: Five Year Review of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 Further to our June 4, 2010 letter sent to your municipality, we are writing to inform you that the deadline for providing your municipality's feedback on the five year review of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 (PPS) has been extended from August 31, 2010 to October 29,2010. Further information about the PPS Review is available online at www.ontario.calPPS. lnformation regarding the review of the PPS is also posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Environmental Registry at www.ebr.gov.on.ca. lf you have any questíons, please contact Kyle Maclntyre, Team Lead, Provincial Planning Policy Branch at 416-585-6014. Sincerely, Audrey Bennett Director Provincial Planning Policy Branch Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Five Year Review of the Page 21 of 99 Page 22 of 99 5 è!L Mlnistry of Natunl Resources 615 John Street North Aylmer ON NsH 2S8 Teli 519-773-9241 Fax 519-773-9014 Mlnlstère des Richesses naturelles 615, rue John Nord Aylmer ON NsH 2S8Tél: 519-773-9241 Téléc: 519-773.9014 August 19, 2010 Memo to: All Municipalities in Aylmer District RE: Dealing with Human-Wildlife Gonflicts in Your Municipality Ontario is fortunate to have an abundance of healthy ecosystems that support a rich diversity of wildlife. Wth the large number of people in Southwestern Ontario, encounterc with wildlife occur on a regular basis. Generally these encounters are valued by the public, adding to their appreciation of the province's natural heritage. Occasionally, these interactions result in conflicts or concerns. ln lhe past few years, municipalities have been involved in responding to wildlife conflicts, either on behalf of ratepayers or as managers of municipallyowned lands. This letter is intended to provide you with information to assist in making decisions and/or taking action with respect to the management of human- wildlife conflicts and the protection of property. The Minístry of Natural Resources (MNR) is committed to working with municipalities and the public to support the development of community-based solutions for dealing with problem wildlife in urban and rural areas. MNR in most instances does not provide direct animal control services but does provide information to help educate the public on how to prevent and resolve conflicrts. MNR also provides legal mechanisms through our legislation for the control of problem animals where required. One of the key sources of information provided by MNR is the Living with Wildlife website: The site provides links to he provincialwildlife conflict strategies, the Bear Wise program, and a number of fact sheets and other government resources. Attached is information on topics that have been of recent localinterest. You are encouraged to explore the website, review the recommendations provided in the strategies and to look at ways to address human-wildlife conflict management situations within your jurisdiction. MNR will be meeting with police forces this fall to discuss our mutual roles and responsibilities in managing human-wildlife conflicts. lf there was sufficient interest, we would be prepared to organize similar municipal workshops to discuss wildlife issues and our programs. lf this would be of interest to you, please respond to Deane Waite, Bear Technician, Clinton, by September 10, 2010. Deane can be reached at deane.waite@ontario.ca or 51 9482-3361. Thank you for your efforts to assist with the management of human-wildlife conflicts. Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Dealing with Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Page 23 of 99 Human-Wildlife Conflicts in your Municipality August 201 0 Living with Wildlife lnformation The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) recently led the development of strategies to prevent and manage human-wildlife conflicts in Ontario and human-deer conflicts in Southern Ontario in partnership with other Ministries, agencies and stakeholders. The strategies were released to the public in May 2008. Discussions on implementation of the strategies are coordinated by an lnter-ministerial Steering Gommittee which oversees the Human-Wildlife Conflict Advisory Group. This group is a multi-stakeholder advisory group which has discussed issues related to: feeding wildlife, wildlife control agents, beavers, BearWise, coyotes in urban and rural areas, and compensation for the agricultural community. MNR is committed to working with municipalities and community groups to develop communiÇ-based solutions that resolve h uman-wildlife confl icts. Agency Roles MNR:. Provision of information on best practices, including prevention and ways to deter wildlife in both urban and ruralsettings.. lnforming landowners of their legal options under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA), including the use of licensed trappers and animal control agents (including issuing authorizations).. Providing appropriate agency referrals. MUNICIPALITIES:. Provision of public safety (usually local police).o Managing conflict situations on municipal lands.o Assisting ratepayers by directing them to sources of information to help resolve their problems.o ln certain instances, municipalities may request MNR authorization to provide compensation to hunters or trappers for the removal of problem coyotes. OMAFRA:o Leading ministry related to compensation programs available to farmers impacted by wildlife. Landowners and Protection of Propertyo The FWCA makes provisions for the protection of property.. lf a landowner (or the municipality on municipal land) believes on reasonable grounds that wildlife is damaging or about to damage the landowne/s property, the landowner may on their own land harass, capture or kill the wildlife for the purpose of deterring it from damaging their property. Page I of4 Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Dealing with Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Page 24 of 99 Human-Wildlife Conflicts in your Municipatity August 2010 o The landowner may use an agent to harass, capture or kill under the above act if the "agent" is authorized by the ministry.. Any deterrent measures must not cause wildlife unnecessary suffering and only as necessary to protect the property. This provision does not include the mere presence of wildlife, there must be reasonable grounds that they are or are about to damage property.. There are exceptions to the above provisions for deer, waterfowl, and species at risk. Black Bearso The Ontario bear population is estimated at approximately 75,000 to100,000 animals. The closest sustainable population to this area is the Bruce Peninsula.o Bears establish large home ranges to satisff their biological needs of food, water, shelter and space. Juvenile male bears (less than 5 years old) wander extensively in their search for a home range, often up to several hundred kilometres. Almost always it is juvenile males that we encounter in southwestern Ontario. These iuvenile bears are afraid of humans and usually run away when encountered.o A bear's entire existence is centered around food to prepare for their winter hibemation. Consequently, prevention of conflict needs to focus on removing potential sources of food:. Remove all outside food including pet food dishes and bird feeders.. Store garbage in a garage or other secure garbage container.. Clean up BBQ's by buming off the grease on the grill and emptying the grease tray.o MNR's Bear Wise program has four cornerstone components of education and awareness, prevention, reporting and response. lnformation can be found on our website: www.ontario.calbearwiseo ln southwestern Ontario, MNR is interested in monitoring the presence of bears'and we encourage the reporting of sightings through the Bear Wise reporting line 1-866- 514-2327.o MNR will notify local media, police and municipalities when the presence of a bear is verified.o Encounters can range from the mere sighting of a bear as it passes through the area to a more interactive encounter. For first time sightings, MNR will provide an educational message about living with black bears including attractant management for food sources.o For any circumstances where a bear has caused minor property damage and does not pose an immediate threat, MNR will assist the landowner to develop a strategy of attractant management of the area and provide education relevant to prevention of further encounters.o Where there is a chronic or persistent problem and a greater likelihood of potential threat MNR's response will be to recommend the use of deterrents and in extreme cases relocation may be considered depending upon the site specific circumstance.o ln all instances, if public safety is a concern the local police should be contacted immediately. ln such a case, the police provide first response and are the onsite authority in charge of the bear incident. Page2 of 4 Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Dealing with Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Page 25 of 99 Human-Wildlife Conflicts in your Municipality August 2010 Eastern Goyoteso ln the 1800's, the coyote ranged through the western plains of North America. Genetic evidence shows that the eastern coyote commonly found in Ontario is an eastem wolf crossed naturally with a western coyote - thus the eastern coyote is a hybrid. Eastern coyotes in Ontario average 30-45 lbs, although they can appear to be larger.. Coyotes may take sicUinjured deer and have been known to take sheep and calves, however they mainly feed on small mammals, fruit and vegetables.o Landowners having livestock predation conflicts with coyotes can employ agents as described above in the section on Protection of Property.o Compensation for the loss of livestock is available to farmers through a program of the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs. More information on their programs can be found on their website: htþ:/Áruww.omafra.gov.on.ca. Municipalities may be authorized by MNR to provide compensation to hunters or trappers as an incentive to resolve site specific cases of livestock predation.. Coyotes can be hunted year-round but are usually only pursued in the winter when their fur is of value.o Bounties or the indiscriminate payment for the killing of animals anywhere and anytime is illegal under the FWCA. Bounties have proven ineffective at resolving livestock predation issues. MNR now uses an incentive program to assist farmers with livestock predation conflicts caused by wildlife.o More information on coyotes can be found on our website: http:/Álrww. mnr. gov.on.calen/Business/FW2ColumnSubP agel27 1326. html Gougarso Historically cougars ranged through eastern North America including Ontario. The last'confirmed occunencê ¡n Ontario of a native cougar in the wild was in 1884. The eastem cougar is protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).o While the cougar has virtually disappeared from eastern Canada, western populations appear stable and there are signs that they may be moving east and repopulating former ranges.o MNR occasionally receives reports from the public of possible cougar sightings. Most reports of cougar sightings turn out to be other animals, or there is a lack of physical evidence to confirm a cougar.. Cougars are known to be kept in captivity by individuals as pets, in zoos and in other educational facilities. Sightings could also be as a result of animals that escape or are released into the wild.o MNR investigates credible reported cougar sightings in Ontario.o ln all instances, if public safety is a concern the local police should be contacted immediately. Page 3 of4 Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Dealing with Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Page 26 of 99 Human-Wildlife Conflicts in your Municipality August 2010 White-tailed Deer. The deer population in southern Ontario has been quite healthy and abundant. Management techniques such as extended hunting seasons and liberal additional hunting seals have helped to keep populations in balance.o Deer sometimes wander into urban areas and cause damage to property (eating flowers and garden vegetables) or can cause public safeÇ concerns (motor-vehicle accidents).. High deer population densities and a predominance of hþh value agricultural crops in southern Ontario have resulted in the recognition that there are some circumstances where deer controlwill be required.o The FWCA makes provision, in extreme cases, to allow landowners to obtain deer removal authorizations. The purpose of the authorization is to provide landowners and managers with an effective tool to allow for the harassment or removal of deer that are causing significant damage, when other reasonable methods to prevent damage are ineffective.o Deer removal authorizations in agricultural areas are not approved during the regular hunting season. lnstead, landowners are encouraged to allow deer hunting activities on their property to help reduce local high density populations.o More prevention ideas and materials can be found on the MNR website: www.mnr.gov.on.ca by typing'white-tailed deer' in Search. For further information: Ben Hindmarsh, Sr. Fish & Wildlife Technical Specialist AYLMER 519-7734711 be n. h indm a rsh(@ontario. ca Amelia Argue, Sr. Fish & Wildlife Technical Specialist CHATHAM 519-3U-1425 amel ia. arg ue@ontario.ca Page4 of 4 Correspondence dated August 19, 2010 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Dealing with Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Page 27 of 99 Page 28 of 99 t-.\) C UG Bayham Harbourfront Committee Minutes of Meeting held at Municipal Office,9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Ontario August 17,2010 7:00 pm Present: Brenda Martin, Ron Bradfield, Barry Vy'ade, Ron Flick, Ray Talbot, Doug Lester and Mark Taylor Regrets : Heinz Vogelsang, Craig Gregson Also Present: Kyle Kruger, Ed Bradfreld Guests: Alan Montgomery, Ian Raven, Melissa Raven, Dan McNeil 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None 3. Approval of Minutes The August3,2010 minutes were reviewed. MOTION: Moved by Ron Bradfield Seconded by Ray Talbot That the Harbourfront Committee minutes of August 3,2010 be adopted as circulated. Canied 4. Project Ojibwa Update/Discussion Elgin Military Museum representatives Alan Montgomery and Ian Raven were in attendance and regarding Project Ojibwa. Mr. Raven introduced Melissa Raven of BMT Fleet Technology, and Dan McNeil from Port Stanley in Central Elgin. Mr. Raven advised that the Marine Museum Board had met the previous Saturday, and had selected the Bayham proposal to move forward with. He also noted that Mr. Attdy Wills of BMT will be visiting the proposed Port Burwell site Friday to examine the site and begin the detailed plans and estimates. He further advised that with the assistance of Mr. Wade a meeting had been held in Hamilton with a company that may be able to carry out some of the work for moving the sub. Based on discussions, there may be the ability to use a barge and reduce dredging needs. Discussions noted that the barge with dimensions of 40 ftby 325 ft may need only 6 ft to 8 ft of draft. With the structures around the harbour, a width of 60 feet may need dredging. There was various discussion regarding dredging requirements, processes, and approvals. It was again suggested that on-site discussions with the project engineer may help clarifr the area required to be dredged, and confirm whether a process such as prop-washing may be possible. Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held August 17, 2010. Page 29 of 99 However with the information now available, some of the approval process may be able to be initiated. It was noted that an estimate of the costs is also necessary to fuither discussions. It was also noted that a topographic survey is required very shortly, and that promotional efforts need to continue, with the possibility of a billboard at the site, banners, and updated pamphlets. It was also suggested that promotion of the progress of the submarine move and an arrival event should be considered. 5. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by Ray Talbot Seconded by Mark Taylor That the Harbourfront Committee meeting of August 17,2010 be adjoumed at 8:40 pm. Carried Note: Next meeting Tuesday September 7,2010 at 6:30 pm at Schooners Restaurant (leading into the Otter Valtey Chamber of Commerce meeting at 7:00 pm). Chairman Secretary Date Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held August 17, 2010. Page 30 of 99 DN¡NKING WATER SöûRöÈ'þÈoîËcriöN FOR CLEAN LAKE ERIE 5oURcE PROTE(TION RE6!ON LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTEGTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, July 8, 2010 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, July 8, 2010 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administratíon Centre,400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present:C. Ashbaugh, Chair; H. Cornwell, P. General, R. Haggart, J. Harrison, A. Henry, K. Hunsberger, *R. Krueger, *J. Laird, L Macdonald, D. Murray, J.Oliver, D. Parker, L. Penin, G. Rae, T. Schmidt, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, D. Woolcott, M. Wales, W. Wright- Cascaden Members Regrets: M. Ceschí-Smith, M. Goldberg, B. LaForme, C. Martin, Proxy Representatives: K. Hagan (M. Ceschi-Smith) Liaisons: A. Dale, Source Protection Authority Liaison; K. Tumer, Provincial Liaison; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA;Tom Marks, KCCA; S. Martyn, CCCA; Gommittee: Staff: K. Smale, CCCA M. Anderson, GRCA; l. Bielaska, KCCA; S. Brocklebank, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; E. Hodgins, Region of Waterloo; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; L. Moczarski, KCCA T. Ryan, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; M. Sherran, County of Oxford; A. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA N. Chaloner, G. Padusenko (Golder)Also Present: 1. Gall to Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum - 17 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 of members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. 3. Chairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: . The Lake Erie Region Management Committee met on July 7,2010 at the Long Point Region Conservation Authority office in Tillsonburg. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. Page 31 of 99 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee July 8, 2010 Page 2 . On June 25 the Grand River Conservation Authority held their General Meeting at Byng lsland Conservation Area to celebrate Byng's 50h anniversary . Forthcoming vulnerability information sessions will take place in Brant on July 13 and Grand Valley on July 20. 4. Review of Agenda Moved by: L. Perrín Seconded by: D. Murray carried unanimously THAT the agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of July 8, 2010 be approved as distributed. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minrdes of Previous Meeting - June 24,2010 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting June 24, 2010 be approved as distributed. 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations a) lnternational Plowing Match -lzabela Bielaska, KCCA Kettle Creek Conservation Authority in partnership with Catfish Creek Conservation Authority, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority and Long Point Conservation Authority will have a display tent at the 2010 Elgin-St. Thomas lnternational Plowing Match from Tuesday, September 21 to September 25 (8:30 am to 5:30 pm). The purpose of the tent will be educating the public regarding Source Water Protection. lf any Source Protection Committee members are interested in volunteering, please complete the volunteer sheet and submit it to Luiza Moczarski or lzabela Bielaska by July 30, 2010. * R. Krueger and J. Laird joined the meeting at 1:40. 9. Gorrespondence b) Copies for Members None Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. Page 32 of 99 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee July 8, 2010 c) Not Copied Page 3 None 10. Reports a) SPC-07-10-01 Stewardship Update (verbal) T. Ryan noted that there have been 291 projects reflecting $1.2 million in grant dollars disbursed to date. Some municipalities have taken on larger projects such as well decommissioning and connecting residents to municipal service. There are $330,000 of allocated projects not reflected in the summary. The 2007-09 funds are fully allocated, and there are $380,500 of the 2009-10 funds left to be allocated. The remaining funds are being reserved for areas that have not had suffìcient opportunity to take advantage of the stewardship program and have therefore had a lower uptake. The next step will be for the committee to review prioritization of significant threats. An application for the Early Response program will be due to the Ministry of the Environment by the end of September. To qualify for Early Response funding, an activity must be a significant threat. M. Wales noted that septic systems represent a signifìcant portion of the uptake and asked if it is expected that the Ministry of the Environment will be removing septic systems from the early response program. K. Turner responded that to her knowledge septic systems are eligible for the Early Response Program, but indicated that she will follow up and confirm. b) SPC-07-10-02 Staffing Update (verbal) M. Keller introduced Sue Brocklebank and provided an overview of Sue's experience and background, noting that Sue brings valuable knowledge and experience to the program. c) SPC-07-10-03 lncidentalThreats M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-07-10-03. J. Oliver asked if the 375 incidental occurences of commercial fertilizers identifìed in Norfolk County at the June 24 meeting will be removed from the mail-out list. M. Keller confirmed that these occurrences were removed from the table, and notification letters will not be sent for these incidental threats. D. Parker identified that for the storage of heating oil, an insurance company inspection should make the threat negligible. M. Keller responded that the assessment of threat reduction measures will be addressed through the plan development. T. Schmidt pointed out that it is the development of effective policies that will be imperative. The infrastructure that is new now will age and in 20 years could become a threat again unless there are effective policies established. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. Page 33 of 99 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee July 8, 2010 Page 4 Res. No. 52-10 Movedby: B. Ungar Seconded by: W. Wright-Cascaden carried unanimously THAT incidentatthreats on residential properfies will not be enumerated in fhe assessment report and an explanatory note be included to explain that these significant drinking water threats are likely occurring in the source protection area, as a reminder that these threats will need to be addressed in the source protection plan. d) SPC-07-10-04 Brant County Vulnerability, Threats and lssues G. Zwiers provided an overview of Report SPC-07-10-04 Brant County Vulnerability, Threats and lssues. T. Schmidt noted that the wellhead protection area delineation for Paris is quite large and overlapping a well in Ayr in the Region of Waterloo. He suggested it may be worthwhile to review this delineation. G. Zwiers identified that the Paris wellhead protection area was established on the basis that the aquifer is bedrock and the well is run conservatively; the pumping rates are much larger than current use. T. Schmidt pointed out that the operational parameters seem excessively conservative and noted that the Region of Waterloo Middleton well has similar parameters, seryices ten times as many residents, and has a less extensive wellhead protection area. He expressed concern regarding impacting large areas that don't need to be impacted and asked that the delineation be reviewed. L. Minshall identífied that this can be further investigated, and identifìed that the vulnerability score in the 25 year time of travel is extremely low; there will be no significant threats. T. Schmidt responded that regardless of whether there are significant threats, there should be consistency between the degree of conservatism H. Cornwell noted that the Paris well is not the only well with a very large wellhead protection area, and pointed out that the Norwich wells are similar. D. Murray commented that nitrate concentrations from septic systems were identified in St. George and noted that St. George ís serviced by a wastewater treatment plant. G. Padusenko advised that the septic systems identified are in a rural area outside of St. George. D. Parker identified that there is an airport in Brant County, and expressed concern that deicer is not listed as a threat. G. Zwiers responded that the airport is outside of the wellhead protection area; the location of the deicing may not occur in the wellhead protection area. D. Parker expressed concern regarding threats falling through the cracks because of where the delineation line is established. J. Harrison pointed out that the recommended resolution is to include the information in the draft Assessment Report, and suggested that this can be taken into consideration as the process moves forward. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. Page 34 of 99 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee July 8, 2010 Page 5 Res. No. 53-10 Moved by: T. Schmidt Seconded by: J. Harríson carrîed unanímously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to incorporate components of the report: Draft Source Protection Vulnerability, /ssues and Threats Assessment (Golder, 2010) into the Grand River Source Protection Assessment Report. e) SPC-07-10-05 Significant Threats Property Owner Notification Letter M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-07-10-05 Significant Threats Property Owner Notification Letter. There were no questions or comments. Res. No. 5+10 Movedby: R. Krueger Seconded hy: D. Murray carríed unanímously THAT Report SPC-07-10-05 Significant Threats Property Owner Notification Letter be received for information. f) SPC-07-10-06 Long Point Region Draft Assessment Report M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-07-10-06 Long Point Region Draft Assessment Report. J. Hanison identifìed that one of the most egregious threats to the Lehman Reservoir, Highway 3, has not been identified as a significant threat. Highway 3 passes over the reservoir and an accident would immediately pollute the reservoir. He pointed out that the City of Brantford has identified the Highway 403 bridge as a significant threat and elaborated that transportation corridors are not included but can be identified as a significant threat if the Source Protection Committee deems it to be so. J. Hanison stated that he believes Highway 3 is as much a threat to the Lehman Reservoir as the Highway 403 bridge is to Brantford. He expressed he believes this is a significant issue and stated that if the final Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report does not identify Highway 3 as a significant threat to the Lehman reservoir he will oppose it vigorously. M. Keller suggested that there is a process in place by which the committee can apply to have a transportation corridor included. The process necessitates, however, that the contaminant be identified. J. Harrison suggested identifying everything that can be transported by truck. L. Minshall added that the Cataraqui Region Source Protection Committee has recently addressed transport conidors and received approval for something similar. This will provide a basis for further investigation regarding how other regions are addressing transportation corridors. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. Page 35 of 99 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee July 8, 2010 Page 6 A. Henry identified that the lack of inclusion of transportation corridors is a significant flaw in this process. K. Turner advised that the resolution is the process by which the committee can request inclusion. She elaborated that in the new Source Protection Plan Regulation there is a clause that allows the committee to write policies about updating spill prevention and spill contingency into the plan. Res. IVo. 55-10 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approve the Draft Long Point Source Protection Area Assessment Report for public consultation. g) SPC-07-10-07 Grand River First Draft Assessment Report M. Keller summarized that the Grand River First Draft Assessment Report is forthcoming. All systems have been presented with the exception of Ohsweken, which will be presented at the next meeting. Sections of the first draft Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report will be distributed to members as they are available. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings l. Macdonald refened to the list of Source Protection Committee members to be made available at the public meetings and asked members what information they would like on the sheet. A. Henry pointed out that the committee members' names are on the website. J. Oliver noted that the members' names, which group they represent and by whom they were appointed are also listed in the Assessment Reports. J. Laird pointed out that consistency of messaging to public is imperative and suggested that the more generic questions should go through the Grand River Conservation Authority wfiereas industry specific questions, for example can go to the representative. D. Murray concurred, noting that he would prefer the response be unifíed. Further, because D. Murray represents 17 municipalities, he noted the volume of inquiries may be excessive in this instance. l. Macdonald identified that while outgoing information should be uniform, he feels that he would like to receive incoming information directly. B. Ungar suggested a generic e-mail address be used to contact members, and staff can direct the correspondence to the conect person. D. Schultz indicated that the website has info@sourcewater.ca, which could be used for this purpose. C. Ashbaugh noted that staff will develop a handout and have it available at the next public meeting. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. Page 36 of 99 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec'tion Committee July 8, 2010 Page 7 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period None 13. Closed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursda¡ August 12,2010, l:00 pm GRCA Administration Gentre, 400 Clyde Road, Gambridge, ON 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of July 8, 2010 adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Moved by: G. Rae Seconded by: D. Parker Carried unanimously Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8, 2010. Page 37 of 99 Page 38 of 99 5 DATE: August 12, P lfFROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP 2010 An Open Letter to the people of Ontario from OPP Commissioner Ghris D. Lewis I am truly honoured to have been selected to serve as the Commissioner of the OPP. During my 32 years with the OPP, I have had the great fortune to serve in all four OPP Command areas in every rank in the north, south, east and west. I have learned that how we deliver policing services continues to change rapidly as we adapt to the law enforcement environment of today. What hasn't changed is the need for the unique relationships we have forged - and continue to forge and enhance - in order to serve Ontarians to the best of our abilities. The OPP will continue to place a priority on working with community leaders, community groups and service clubs, government agencies, social service agencies, law enforcement agencies at all levels and the private sector in an integrated manner in order to maximize our effectiveness and our efficiency. The OPP's internationally-recognized ProvincialTraffic Safety Program and focussing on the primary causal factors for collisions - aggressive driving, drinking and driving, and seatbelts - will continue to be a priority. I am a firm believer in continuous improvement and look forward to implementing further strategies to enhance community policing, crime abatement, and crime prevention. Our approach to the ever-expanding and borderless world of organized crime will continue to be intelligence-led. We will use this same intelligence-led approach to target crime at the street level within our local communities. Under my direction, the OPP will continue to build upon its hard-eamed reputation of delivering professional policing services to the Ontario's diverse communities. I am extremely proud of the women and men of the OPP - both uniform and civilian and the core values that they exemplify day in and day out. We will all be mindful of the trust that you have placed in us, which we cannot afford to - and will not - take for granted. Thank you for your support and trust in me as OPP Commissíoner. Together we will continue to provide the very best policing service possible to the people of Ontario. Yours truly, Chris D. Lewis Biography and photograph of Commissioner Lewis avallable at www.opp.ca/ecms/index.php?id=22 Contact: lnspector Dave Ross 705-329-6874 -30- Correspondence dated August 12, 2010 from Elgin County OPP regarding "An Open Letter to the People of Ontario from OPP Page 39 of 99 Page 40 of 99 to .d, CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk SUBJECT: Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning Public Meeting 7:30pm Purpose To consider arezoning application and draftZoning By-law 2583-2010 for the MacNeil Subdivision, Port Burwell. Background A rezoning application was received from Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. for the property known as the MacNeil Subdivision. The lands are located on Elizabeth Street in Port Burwell. The subject lands are designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential-7 Holding lRl -7(h)l in the ZoningByJaw No. 2456-2003. Purpose and Effect The purpose of the amendment is to change the zoning on a 2.1hectarc (5.2 aue) parcel of land situated on the east side of Elizabeth Street, north of Wellington Street in Port Burwell. The amendment will change the regulations of the existing Residential - Holding [Rl-7(h)] Zone. The holding provision may also be removed as part of the amendment subject to the subdivision agreement being executed. The effect of this amendment would be to allow for a29-Iot residential draft approved plan of subdivision to be developed on lots that have smaller than the minimum lot frontage and smaller than the minimum lot area for residential development. Staff & Planner Comments As the developer's surveyor began to prepare the final plan of subdivision drawing, it was realized that an amendment was necessary in order to accommodate all 29\ots. The draft approved subdivision plan shows hve lots with less than the minimum permitted lot area and fourteen lots located around the bulb of the cul-de-sacs with less than the minimum permitted frontage. The current Rl-7(h) zoning requires a minimum 450 m2 areaandminimum 12.5 metre frontage. The amendment requests a minimum 400 -t lot area andminimum I I metre frontage to accommodate the varying sizes of all 29 lots. For information, lot frontage around the bulb of the cul-de-sac is measured 6 metres back from the front lot line. DATE: August 27,2010 FILE: D14.JOLYNN2 NUMBER¿ D2010-27 Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 41 of 99 Staff Repo rt D20 I 0 -27 Jo-Lynn page2 Staff and the planner are supportive of the rezoning for the reduced frontages and lot areas. As well, the removal of the holding can be supported due to the registering of the approved subdivision agreement on title as of August27,2010 as Instrument CT60669. At the time of writing this report, no written comments from the public have been received. Attachments l. Rezoning Application 2. Draft.Zoning By-law 2583-2010 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "THAT StaffReportDz0l0-z7 regarding the Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. rezoning be received; AND THAT the zoning of those lands located in Plan 30 Unnumbered Block 2 Registered Plan 11R4369 Part 2 be changed from site-specific Village Residential -7 Holding [R1-7(h)] to revised site-specific Residentiù - 7 Zone (R1-7); AND THAT ZoningBylaw 2583-2010 be presented for enactment." Respectfully submitted, ing Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 42 of 99 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Phone (519) 866-5521 Fax (519) 866-3884 APPLICATION FORAMENDMENT TO THE ZONING BY.LAW OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM This application must be filed with the Planning Coordinator/ Deputy Clerk or designate of the Municipality of Bayham along with a cheque for the required amount. The applicant should retain one copy for their records. The information in this form must be completed in full. This mandatory information must be provided with a fee or $f¡!@ (ZoningBy-law Amendment or Temporary Use Zoning By-law) o, L!!A (Temporary Use Zoning ByJaw Renewal) o, [ru(ZoningAmendment to Remove llolding Provision). If the application is not completed in full, the application will be returned. IAilE,-l\rrn ?¡rá shall assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited amount related to the said application and understand and agree that for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of this signed application. I also agree to Property Owner FOR OFFICE USE ONLY accept all costs as Dnun ?oø , Aeør'rr, AMouNr RE.ET'ED . 4øo*DArE REcEIvED ' Ju L / 7^ /" FrLE No: ,\ t/ . Jo tv,,t A DATE ADOPTED BY COUNCIL: Prepared April 2007 Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 43 of 99 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application Page2 1. Registered Owner's Name: Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Address: P.O. Box 215. Brantford. ON N3T 5M8 Phone No. (Home): Fax: Business: 519-752-2399 Email: Lot and Concession (if applicable): Are there any other holders of mortgages, charges or other encumbrances of the Subject Lands? If so provide the names and addresses of such persons. 2. Applicant / Authorized Agent: David Roe Civic Planning Solutions Inc. Address: 599 Larch Street. Delhi. ON N4B 347 Telephone No.: 519-582--1174 Fax: 519-582-4616 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: RegisteredOwner ( ) Applicant/AuthorizedAgent (x ) 3. Legal Description of the land for which the amendment is requested: Concession: I Lot: 13 Reference Plan No:Part Lot: Street and Municipal Address No.: Elizabeth Street What is the size of property which is subject to this Äpplication? Area:21.47ha Frontage:794.65m Depth: When were the subject lands acquired by the current owner? 4. Existing Official Plan Designation: Residential How does the application conform to the Official Plan? Use permitted in the official plan 102.78m Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 44 of 99 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application 5. Existing Zoning By-law Classification: Rl (h) \ilhat are the current uses ofthe subject lands? Vacant Page 3 If known, provide the length of time these uses have continued on this property. If there are any existing buildings or structures on the subject lands provide the following information: Type Front Lot Sid" lot Lin. Rear Lot Line Height Dimensions Line Setback Setbacks Setback If known, provide the dates in which each of these buitdings were constructed. 6. What is the Nature and Extent of the Rezoning? Permit reduction in minimum lot area and lot frontage Propose min, lot rrea - 400m2, min lot frontage - 11.0m 7. Why is the rezoning being requested? To accommodate draft plan of subdivision 8. Does the proposed Zoning ByJaw amendment implement a growth boundary NO Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 45 of 99 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application adjustment of a settlement area? Page 4 If so, attach separately justification or information for the request based on the current Official Plan policies or associated Official Plan amendment. 9. Does the proposed amendment remove land from an area of employment? If so, attach separately justification or information for the request based on the current Ofhcial Plan policies or associated Official Plan amendment. 10. Description of proposed development for which this amendment is requested (i.e. permitted uses, buildings or structures to be erected. (Be Specifïc) The draft approved subdivision has 29 lots a few located on the cul-de-sacs do not meet the minimum frontage and several lots do not meet the min. lot area requirements For any proposed buildings or structures on the subject lands provide the following information: Type Front Lot Side Lot Line Rear Lot Line Height Dimensions Line Setback Setbacks Setback 11. Services existing or proposed for the subject lands: Please indicate with a y' Water Supply Existing proposed Municipal PipedWaterSupply ( x ) ( ) PrivateDrilledWell ( ) ( ) PrivateDugWell ( ) ( ) CommunalWell ( ) ( ) Lake or other Surface Water Body ( ) ( ) NO Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 46 of 99 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application Page 5 Other ()() Sewage Disposal Existing Proposed MunicipalSanitarySewers ( x ) ( ) IndividualSepticSystem ( ) ( ) CommunalSystem ( ) ( ) Privy()() other()() Note: If the proposed development is on a private or communal system and generate more than 4500 litres of effluent per day, the applicant must include a servicing options report and a hydrogeological report. Are these reports attached? If not, where can they be found? Storm Drainage Provisions: As per conditions of draft plan approval Proposed Outlet: 12. How will the property be accessed? Provincial Highway( ) CountyRoad( ) MunicipalRoad-maintainedallyear(x ) MunicipalRoad-seasonallymaintained( ) Right-of-way( ) Water( ) If access is by water, do the parking and docking facilities exist, and what is the nearest public road? Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 47 of 99 Mun ic ipal ity of B ayham Zoning By-law Amendment App I ication 13. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application under the Planning Act for: PlanofSubdivision( x) Consent( x) Zoning By-law Amendment ( x ) Ministers Zoning Order ( ) If yes to any of the above, indicate the file number and status of the application. Page 6 14. How is the proposed amendment consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2005? The proposed uses are permitted within a settlement area 15. Are the subject lands within area designated under any Provinciat Plan(s)? If the answer is yes, does the proposed amendment conform to the Provincial Plan(s)? L7. The Owner is required to attach the following information with the application and it will form part of the application. Applications will not be accepted without the following. (a) ^'-l"i:ï:";"::î;_:_::",ïfi:ä;"n" subjec"ands showing the location, size and type of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, indicating their setbacks from all lot lines, the location of driveways, parking or loading spaces, landscaping areas, planting strips, and other uses; ' the approximate location of all natural and artifìcial features (buildings, railways, roads, Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 48 of 99 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application PageT watercourses, drainage ditches, banks of rivers or streams, wetlands, wooded areas, wells and septic tanks) that are on the subject lands, adjacent to the subject lands, or in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application; the current uses ofthe land that is adjacent to the subject land; the location, width, and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating where it is an unopened road allowance, a public traveled road, a private road, or a right-of- way; the location of the parking and docking facilities to be used (if access will be by water only); the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. (b) V/ritten comments from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit, Long Point Region Conservation Authority and Ministry of Transportation (if applicable). (c) If a private sewage system is necessary, pre-consultation with the Chief Building Official is required about the approval process 18. If this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's written authorization must accompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation acting without an agent or solicitor the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal if any must be affixed. 19. Additional Information as required by Council 20. If this application is to accommodate the consent of a surplus farm dwelling, please provide the followin g inform ation : Date surplus farm dwelling was erected: Please provide the assessment roll number, location, and zoning of the farm parcel with which the subject lands is being consolidated. Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 49 of 99 of (iÐ Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Amendment Application Page 8 I / We, David Roe , of the , in the cou.nty of Norfolk 1'orvn/f orvnship/C ity/V illage etc. , do solemnly declare: Municipality Name Counl¡,Narrre (Ð thatl lWe am I are the Agent(s) of the lands described above that to the best of my / our knowledge and belief, all of the information and statements given in this application and in all exhibits transmitted are true. (iii)that I /we hereby appoint to act as an Agent on my/our behalf in all aspects of this application. And I / We make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath, and by virtue of the "Canødø Evìdence Act". DECLARED BEFORE ME at the: flût,,c,,on¿t ,,/ o¡2/H*m in the CountylRegion of E¿a-,,,1 this â 2 nl /dayof Jacy' 20 /o issioner, etc.ù1.\RGARET UNDERHILL' a Commlslo¡etr Cúg Deputy Clerk ofthe Corporatio¡ ofthe Municipality of BaYùan Owner / Agent Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 50 of 99 --@- I I 15l16 I I LoTs REGISlERED I_t ___J ELIZABETH SÍREET DRAFT PLAN OF SUSDIVISION OF PART OF THE UNNUMBERED BLOCK NORTH-EAST OF ELIZABETH AND WELLINGTON REGISTERED PLÀN No. 50 VILLAGE OF PORI BURWELL ORIGINALLY PART 0F Lol t¡, CoNCESS|oN I GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COUNTY OF ELGIN SURVEYOR'S CqTIFICAIE tsUUeF zz I wÊsT tsUúeF: JJ = g 3 9 5 2Èaâ ab _l Ët at 3r _t I s .d.8. g :c I È t ¡i HE lË I ô I L þ Ë xa6Þ ott¡Rto uþ wû* THE PLANNING ACI I'N SEC. 5O(Z) c ¡El ruN e SlE ?W ( ¡ñLM¿ nlsrMtÀ I slrrwt rùrc4 ¡nE. NrÆY wm NOTES r &uСr 0¡t t¡üÆúút wrlmv rEwu Mn*r ar lr¿ rmucrd c ¿rzMürn4t ¡þ r4Lr&toil rn!1Î ¡^vtilc Añ Ètv¡m¡ ç þ2 et irE scHrDUu ¡-. to ãyÐw MM ¡r?ó ntlul ¡i ?oW OWNERS CHTIFICÂIE DRAFT PLAN L.A. GIRARD ENGINEERING (ONTARIO) LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2t2 MÂrN snEEr WE6¡ P,o. 80¡ 255 orEÞvruE. oNr^ilo NoJ lRo TEL: l-519-879-ó875 FÂx: ts519-S79-ó556 -f I É -l -tå -l 26 ÈUts = =doFoÀ ,/7 ( I 'rlrq I ELTZFEETH lNo ñ¡sroew¡L I Â6RICÚLIURÁL S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 2 7 r e g a r d i n g J o - L y n n P t . B u r w e l l I n c . R e z o n i n g . P a g e 5 1 o f 9 9 L 2 3 4 5 6 .7 B 9 L0 l_1 I_2 13 L4 15 16 L7 1_8 x9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 f,,;Fo"htq¿ &r"-//.o ,n z/Ø, m L "L// ,a/" B9-1.390 05 Jul-y 2O-l,A Fart of, tF¡e Unnurnibered Block, North-East. of, El- j.zabeth and lileJ-lington Streets, Registered Pl-an 30, Village of Port Burwe11, County of Elgin. I,OT FRONTAGE AREA ? Ro<- 12.500 12.500 12. s00 12.500 11.71.9 11 .31-0 I tr .397 11.368 LL.396 11.945 7L -842 1.2 -500 12 - 5tû 12.500 12.500 t2.504 12.500 !.2.50t 1,2.500 11.133Ir.t96 11_.370 1_1_.654 11.400 1_1,.766 11.133 1.2.500 12. 500 12 .500 * * * * * * * 449 "92 sqrn 450.08 sqm 450.24 sqm 610.94 sqrn 154.71 sqm LLl9.49 sqm 736. tr 7 sqrn 5I3.72 sqm72t.95 sqm 884.73 sqn 545.4! sqm 450.00 sqm 450.00 sqm 450.00 sgm 450.00 sqn 450.00 sqm 450.00 sqn 45û.00 sqm 44A -2.8 sqm - 419.62 sqm - 743.89 sqn'11.5.82 sqm 527.99 sqm 721.9'l sqm 75A .49 sqrn 425.L3 sqm - 444.29 sqm - 453-91 sqm 453.93 sqn * * * * * * * * Measured 6 rnetres back frorn front lot l-1ne al-ong line centre-l-ine front to centrel-ine rear perpendicular to centrel-ine. Sqm - square metres 5177.'/¿/,fÇr)r¡¿¿/.7-Tt ¡t,; Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 52 of 99 AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER rüe, Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc., are the Owners of the lands that are the subject of the attached planning application. Iù/e hereby authorize David Roe to act as our Agent to make this application and to provide any Jo-Lynn Ft. Burwell Inc. /ú4¿øtø I have power to bind the corporation Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 53 of 99 THE CORPORATION OF THE "il+:ilìi'tr9å3å;ff* JO.LYI\IN BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No.7A56'2003, AS AMENDEI) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation ofthe Municipalþ of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By- lawNo. 2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003 , as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "I", Map No. 6, by removing the holding [h] symbol from the Village Residential (Rl-7thl) Zone, on those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked R1-7 on Schedule "4" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THAT By-law No. 2456-2003,as amended, is hereby further amended by amending subsection I0.12.7,by modifring the subsection as follows: " 10.12.7 DefinedArea RI-7 as shown on Schedule I, Map 6 to this By-law Minímum LotArea 400 m' I I metres " 3) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been frled with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TTME THIS 2'd DAY OF September 2010. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 2"d DAY OF September 2010. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF September2010. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 54 of 99 rúAP 81 This is Schedule "4" to By-low No Z5B3-2010, possed the 2nd doy of September 2O1O. N/AYOR CLERK MAP 81 MAP No. 6 PORT BURWELL MAP 15 FUUEtsû rotsO \urli_Ji r . l-''A T i t_i: SCHEDULE -' I,'-.. i\ 'l' I a WLLIAM S-TREET HANNA STREET Staff Report D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. Page 55 of 99 Page 56 of 99 Brenda Gibbons From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: m ike@outbackcamping.ca Monday, August 16,2010 5:59 PM Brenda Gibbons Gord Roesch request to be on sept 2nd council agenda Brenda, we woul-d l-ike to be on the agenda to discuss my request for a focation specific noise extension, Location: Outback camping, 6679 woodworth rd, port burwell, ontario. we request an extensj-on till 3:00am on J-ong weekends durring the sumrner months to host camping/concert events. dates include sept, 3,4,5 20L0. May,20,2I ,22,207I .june, 30, july, I,2, 201L.july, 29,30,31,, 201-1, sepL 2,3,4, 2011- (The day after each of these dates is a stat holiday or the day falls on a weekend, meaning most peopl-e have the day off) we wil-l continue to keep noise off at 11:00pn on every other day of the year and befeave this is a fair compromise. since r^¡e are hosting such events, we expect anywhere from 500-2000 peopl-e on the property at one time. therefor we believe this is necessary to run a succesfull business as this many poeple tend to tal-k and sit by the there campfires (insisting on playing music) . . . l¡'le have a designated area where people can pJ-ay music behind soundproofed walfs keeping the general noise in the rest of the camp quiet. These events will help bayham county and the rest of the community by increasing tourism in the area. 1500 people, spend an avg. of $40 per person, at restourants, verj-ety stores, hardware storesr Çâs stations, beer,/liquer stores, gift shops, towing companies, beach activities, etc. equalling 6000 peopl-e/yr or $240,000/yr.Vüill this money help the businesses in elgin county grow,/stay open? If the business in the area can stay profitabl-e and stay open, woufdn't that give the rest of the community a better standard of living? cl-oser restourants, cl-oser gas stations, etc. thanks Mi-ke, 5 1 9- 67 1- 66s3 Correspondence dated August 16, 2010 from Michael Timmermans requesting exemption from the Noise By-Law until 3 Page 57 of 99 Page 58 of 99 TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gord Roesch - Fire Chief SUBJECT: Self Contained Breathing Apparatus DATE: August 30, 2010 FILE: NUMBER: P2010-011 Purpose This report is to provide Council with a recommendation to replace the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services current compliment of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. Background For several years the Fire Department has planned to replace the twenty-four (24) SCBA and spare bottles in 2011. Monies have been set aside in reserves and for this replacement. Chief Groeneveld anticipated a cost of approximately $131,000. Unfortunately the cost of SCBA over the past few years has increased significantly. Currently Fire Department reserves have approximately $117,000 earmarked for apparatus and SCBA. Presently the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services use a mix of different SCBA. Our packs are approximately twenty (20) years old and we have bottles over thirty (30) years old. Our packs no longer meet the requirements for SCBA as found in NFPA 1981 - Standard on Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for Emergency Services, 2007 Edition. ln my Semi-Annual Report (P2010-006) I referenced Ministry of Labour charges were laid against the Municipality of Meaford. Specifically the Municipality *failed to take the reasonable precaution of providing equipment that would allow two firefighters fo breathe from one cylinder without compromising úhe seals on their face masks, namely: transfill hoses (extra air-supply connections) or a Rapid lnteruention Team pack containing both transfill hose and a spare breathing air cylinder." Currently we can't take this reasonable precaution because our equipment isn't capable and we are using different types of SCBA between stations. lf a similar incident occurred in Bayham we would face the same charge. The purchase of new SCBA and the addition of Rapid lntervention Kit's will make us compliant immediately. Staff Report P2010-011 regarding Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. Page 59 of 99 Staff Comments There are two distríbuters for Southern Ontario representing MSA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. AJ Stone Company and Areo-Fire. Early budget estimates that I have received for the replacement of the SCBA (NFPA 1981 & 1982 complianfl are as follows: 1. 4500 psi M7 Firehawk SCBA (without air bottle)- $4995 each 2. Carbon Fiber 4500 psi, 30 min. bottle - $1095 each ln order to replace our current compliment of SCBA and have a spare cylinder for each pack it would cost approximately $172,440 +HST. I have evaluated our needs and determined that we do not need twenty-four QQ packs if we purchase a face piece for each firefighter. NFPA 1901 - Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, 2009 Edition states that we need one for each seat on each apparatus. Using that standard we require a minimum of sixteen (16) packs and a spare cylinder for each. I have determined that the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services can safely operate with eighteen (18) SCBA providing we supply each firefighter his/her own face piece and we provide two (2) RIT kits. This in itself represents a significant cost reduction. Working with a company from Ontario (AJ Stone Company), we can secure the above listed equipment at a significant savings if we act quickly. l've had talks with AJ Stone regarding budget costing in order to prepare the 2011 budget documents for council. AJ Stone has SCBA with air cylinders and spare cylinders in stock and they are looking to move them prior to their year-end. They have offered them to us at a cost of $4400 per pack including eighteen (18) carbon fiber 30 min. air cylinders. The total cost including masks for all firefighters, fit testing (mandatory), eighteen (18) spare air cylinders and two (2) RIT kits is $110,426 +HST ($124,781 .38). Using the budget numbers supplied by Areo-Fire it would cost $129,600 +HST and that does not include the additional masks, mandatory fit testing or RIT kits. The savings to the Municipality of Bayham will be approximately $40,000 if we purchase the equipment now. Utilizing the reserve account will leave us with a shortfall of approximately $7500 for the 2010 budget yeat. The current capital schedule calls for a transfer of funds to that account in the amount of $85,000 in 2011. Attachments None Staff Report P2010-011 regarding Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. Page 60 of 99 Recommendations 1. That council amend the 2010 budget to allow the Bayham Fire and Emergency Service to purchase new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, Rapid Intervention Kits and Firefighter Facepieces including fit testing as outlined in the quote from AJ Stone and Company for the total price of $110,426 +HST by utilizing funds from Fire Department reserves. Gord Roesch Fire Chief Respectfu lly submitted,Reviewed By: Staff Report P2010-011 regarding Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. Page 61 of 99 Page 62 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM o7t14t2010 I 321.55 008935 o7n1i2010 I 22.16 008935 0712112010 I 117.98 008935 0712112010 I 25.63 008935 08/06/2010 9:264M ,ti:,;,;,,,=.j,,i:.,:l-ll.ll-=il':::1'i¡:,li:Ëi:iilitl.:i I :,:-:,1:!nJ,$cei,,;i.ï,i¡.¡¡;¡:,1¡9.t!-e,g-qe:: Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 08/06/2010 OOí337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM storms AD - STORMS O7lOgl2O10 I 33.90 008926 swimming AD - SWIMMING 08103120'10 I 33.90 008926 ChequeAmount- 67.80 001061 BoBLozoN canada day expenses HELIUM, BALLOONS O6I2U2O1O I 92.10 008927 Cheque Amount - 92.10 OOO123 BONNIE BRADFIELD canada day expenses CAI.IADA DAY EXPENSES 06i/30/2010 I 23.36 008928 Cheque Amount - 23.36 æ0141 CAIN'SAUTO SALES &SERMCE 8504 REPATR T|RE 07t09t2010 I 16.95 008929 8506 TNSTALL TRATLER H|TCH 07t09t2010 I 421.09 008929 8513 LOF o7nu2010 I 50.39 008929 8563 TNSTALL H|TCH 07t20t2010 ¡ 261.06 @8929 Gheque Amount - 749.49 OOO175 CEDAR SIGNS 18864 STEEL 07t27t2010 1 1,225.24 008930 1886s POST BRACKETS, BRACKETS O7n7tm10 I 565.25 008930 Cheque Amount - 1,790.49 000220 c.,DL 5848 WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL O7nOnO10 I 2M-23 008931 Cheque Amount - 204.23 OOO1OO CORPORATE EXPRESS 25543198 LEXMARKCARTRTDIGES O7t28/2010 I 108.46 008932 Cheque Amount - 108.46 OO1714 DANIELLE & RYAN MURRAY 0495 S|-AB CAKES - CANADA DAY O6t30t2010 I 90.00 008933 Cheque Amount - 90.00 OOO25O DEL€AC SALES LIMITED 211988 SUPPLIES O7|OA2010 I 345.03 008934 Gheque Amount- 345.03 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS36443 SUPPLIES ONTIS36632 PART ONTIS36M4 PARTS ONTIS36648 GLASS Cheque Amount - 487.32 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 63 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 08/06/2010 0712612010 I Cheque Arnount - oaMl2010 I Cheque Amount - 0711612010 I Cheque Amount - 0713012010 I Cheque Amount - 07i28l2010 I Cheque Amount - 0710712010 I Cheque Amount - 07119t2010 I Cheque Amount- oao5t2010 I Cheque Amount - 0712912010 I 08/06/2010 9:264M 2U.69 008936 2U.69 799.54 008937 799.54 41.75 008938 41.75 267.66 008939 Cheque Amount - O@5I8 I(WK KOPY PRINTING 't7180 NEWSLETTER, BUSTNESS CARDS O7f28t2010 I OOO339 FIRESERVICE MAAIAGEMENT LTD 420906 SU|TCLEA,ilNG 000446 JACKIEBOOTLE Jull$4u915/10 001716 JA t COLLTNS baskets MANAGER FEES, PLANNER HANGING BASKETS OOO54{I LLOYD MCQUIGGAN & SONS O.IO79O HL3 STONE 000556 LONG'S TRUCKING 010907 CHTPPTNG OO.I55O MARYALICE HAT{SON program supplies KIDS PROGRAM SUPPLIES 001715 ONTARIO PLOWT\4EN'S ASSOCIATION admission EXHIBITOR ADMISSION 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD tN00111459 HL3 STONE 267.66 1,2U.67 1,2U.67 1,107.40 008941 1,107.40 43.30 Cheque Amount - 000614 MOBIL STRIPING & SVVEEPING LTD 31067 BERMTNG - NOVA SCOTTA L|NE 07t13t2010 31087 BERMING. EDEN LINE 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED 07116f20'to Ju|E2420041 uTtLtTtEs - s.c.c. 43.30 12,600.91 008943 8,900.16 æ8943 21,501.O7 u.77 008944 008945 008946 008947 u.77 323.18 323.18 1.202.81 Cheque Amount - OOI¿I83 PARTSMASTER CATIADA 50034526 ANTI-SPATTER, SOCKETS, WHEEI O7I21I2O1O I 1,202.81 596.47 Cheque Amount - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 64 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0810612010 OOO71O PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE 8265 TISSUES OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD o&lo/.l2o'to r 33.89 008948 Cheque Amount - o7t23t2010 I 08/06/2010 9:26AM 008949 33.89 25.11409268612 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 237388 237389 237390 supplies - s.c.c. COURIER SERVICE JULY'10 CLEANING JULY'IO CLEANING - V.C.C. JULY'10 CLEANINê S.C.C. SUPPLIES FOR S.C.C. BIG "O" FILTER, COUPLER BIG'O" PERF PUBLIC MTG - OAKLEY ZONING PUBLIC MTG - MOORE ZONING PUBLIC MTG - OAKLEY ZONING APPOINTMENTS - AUDIT COMM PUBLIC MTG. PETERS ZONING Cheque Amount -25.'11 940.00 008950 481.00 008950 1,053.00 008950 13.64 008950 0713112010 0713012010 0713112010 0712612010 OOO747 REID'S PRECAST CEMENT PRODUCT Cheque Amount -2,487.æ 307.68 008951 136.73 008951 7662 7664 001482 SUN MEDIACORPORATION DW0505't238 DW05056711 DW05062891 DWo5085039 DW0508æ78 07l't912010 0711912010 Cheque Amount -444.41 204.25 008952 2U.25 008952 246.58 008952 219.81 008952 209.50 008952 0411612010 0/'t3012010 0511212010 07rci/2010 0712312010 I I I I I 001418 TELUS 0158947626366368 CELLPHONE-EROLOSON 015894762024 DOLI.AR POOLSAVINGS Cheque Amount -1,084.39 2U.29 008953 -189.35 008953 282.03 008953 42.il 008953 38.70 008953 101.33 008953 44.86 008953 44.86 008953 47.80 008953 261.91 0089s3 85.55 008953 54.0'1 008953 44.86 008953 o6t27t2010 06t27t2010 o6t27t2010 06t27t2010 0612712010 0612712010 0612712010 06t27t2010 0612712010 0612712010 06t27t2010 06127t20'lo 0612712010 I c I I I I I I I I I I I 015894762024t2005876 CELL PHONE - G ROESCH o'15894762024t617't156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 01589476202416171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 015894762024/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 01585476202416365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 015894762024t6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 1 015894762024/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 01589476202416366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762024t6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762024/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 01589476202419021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY Cheque Amount -'1,093.39 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 65 of 99 PCK1716 SIGNALS OOO953 VIENNAHOME CENTERLTD 353590 PAINTBRUSHES, ROLLERS 353680 HAMMERS, ROOFING NAILS MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 08/06/2010 0810112010 I Cheque Amount- 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 353749 3s3883 334033 314131 3il461 354541 354563 07106120'to 0710812010 07lo9l20't0 07t13t2010 0711512010 07t1712010 07t2712010 07t29no10 07t30t2010 603.73 21.44 008955 23.92 0089s5 15.80 008955 24.81 008955 12.62 @8955 90.40 008955 108.46 008955 18.7',t @8955 158.09 008955 08/06t2010 008956 9:264M 603.73 MARKÍNG PAINT BULBS HEX BOLTS, WASHERS FLOURESCENÍTUBES SEALER, SANDPAPER, BRUSH SE' POSTS POSTS 001713 WOODSTOCKTELECOM LTD. 7591 TELEPHONES Cheque Amount - o7t30t2010 I Cheque Amount-508.s0 Cheque Run Total -æ,150.90 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 66 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0810612010 REFUND MINOR VARIANCE DEPO: O5/31/2OIO I 1,000.00 Cheque Amount-1,000.00 Cheque Run Total -r,000.00 08/06/2010 001684 JOHN FROESE o22 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 67 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 @0742 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 21842 July remit JULY'10 REMIT 21&42Ju¡eremit JUNE'10REM|T MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 08/06/2010 08/062010 l0:444M 008958 008958 0713112010 I 0613012010 I 61.48 61.¿ltl Cheque Amount -122-9fì Cheque Run Total - Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 68 of 99 2010.06.(x 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 012610 Report Date: 08/06/2010 08/06/2010 9:584M Accounts Payable Voided Gheque Fiscal Year: 2010 Posted By: SANDRA Posting Pd.: 8 Posting Date: 0810612010 01410G1030 General bank 01{10G1950 Accounts Payable Trade CDÍST dq never cashed lost in mail CDIST chq never cashed lost in mail Void Chq:8606 JOHN FROESE Void Chq:8606 JOHN FROESE Total Deblts Total Credits Net Posting Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 69 of 99 Page I ofl Sandra Maertens From: Denis Duguay Sent: Tuesday, August03, 2010 11:304M To: Sandra Maertens Subject: you can re-issue John Froese a new cheque I put a stop payment on it Denis Duguay Treasurer dduguay@bayham.on.ca Phone: (519)866-5521 Fax: (519)866-3884 Y^ Notice of Confìdentiality: The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. lf you received this in error, please contact the sender immediately by retum electronic transmission and then immediately delete this transmission, including all attachments, without copying, distributing or disclosing same. Avis de confidentialité: L'information transmise est strictement réservée à la personne ou à I'organisme auquel elle est adressée et peut être de nature confidentielle. Toute lecture, retransmission, divulgation ou autre utilisation de cette information, ou toute action prise sur la foi de cette information, par des personnes ou organismes autres que son destinataire est interdite. Si vous avez reçu cette information par erreur, veuillez contacter son expéditeur immédiatement par retour du courrier électronique puis supprimer cette information, y compris toutes pièces jointes, sans en avoir copié, divulgué ou diffusé le contenu. 8/3120r0 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 70 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- O8l12l2O1O 0811212010 3:39PM 008960 008961 008962 008963 0089et 008965 008966 008967 008967 008968 008969 008970 OOOO18 A.G HAYTER CONTRACTING LTD cætld.1 OO@23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD J062367 PEASTONE,TOPSOIL @139I AFFORDABLEPORTABLES SMITH DRAIN BRANCH NO.7 o6128120'to I 36,640.01 008959 Cheque Amount - 0713012010 I 36,640.01 580.01 Cheque Amount - f7885 OOOO33 AGLINE 1211973 UNIT RENTAL. INTERP CENTRE O7ß1T2O1O I BELT OOOO78 AYLMER GARDENCENTRE 236 OOOO8I AYLMERTIRE 0000067350 @1717 BAILEYSCOTT reimburse expenses HAT.¡GING BASKETS REPAIRTIRE KIDS PROGRAI/ ITEMS OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SATES & SERVICE 8606 LOF 000220 CJDL 5879 5885 PORT BURWELL EAST PIER OOO2O1 COLEMAN EQUIPMENT INC 206538 BEARINGS, KNI\ÆS OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 25604085 LEXMARKCARTRIDGES OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC Cheque Amount - o8to9t20'to I Cheque Amount - REPAIRWATERSHUTOFFBOX O7I29I2O'IO I 580.01 146.90 Cheque Amount - 0810512010 I 146.90 104.11 Cheque Amount - 06/30/2010 I 10/..11 576.30 Cheque Amount - 07t26t2010 I 576.30 123.31 Cheque Arnount - oao3l2010 I 123.31 49.69 Cheque A¡nount - 0712712010 I 49.69 44.O1 Cheque Amount - SEPTAGERECEIVINGSATION OAO4I2O1O 08t04t20'to 44.01 207.38 2.660.43 Cheque Amount- 07t21t2010 I 2,867.81 339.66 339.66 135.64 135.64 1,186.5011543 Gheque Amount -1,186.50 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 71 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 90s0 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0811212010 0710912010 07109t2010 0710912010 07t1?,2010 0712112010 0712112010 0712112010 0712812010 07t28t2010 Cheque Amount - 0811012010 I Cheque Amount - 07126t2010 0711512010 Cheque Amount - 0712112010 I Cheque Amount - 081't212010 3:39PM 001690 DOWLER-IGRN 141090 141091 141092 .t41103 141202 141203 14',t204 141280 14128'l REG GAS RD DIESEL DYE DIESEL REG GAS REG GAS DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL REG GAS DYE DIESEL I I I I I I I I I 24.76 008971 887.66 008971 410.22 008971 1,094.83 008971 1,179.29 008971 æ7.46 008971 1,852.32 008971 779.87 008971 734.99 008971 OOO283 ED MATTHE\A/IS CARPENTRY 247739 REPAIRSTO FENCE æ1239 GREAT I.AKES NEW HOLI.AND INC 2913T FILTERS mower 3PT HITCH MOWER OO1538 GROUND EFFECTS I.ANDSCAPE & DESIGN 794.10 185.43 008973 9,435.50 008973 7,611.40 794.10 008972 008974 008975 Cheque Amount - 305 CEMETERY CARE & YARD CLEANI O7I3OI2O1O I OOO99I HORVATHAUTOPARTS 202320 TOOLSALE OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Aug0657l - ¿14066 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER 9,620.93 2.960.60 2,960.60 7.89 4u91265G91004 ,Aug1885G12458 4u91897144Q27 4u918971-52001 4u925240-95021 Aug2525O-12302 4u92879940004 4u93485341007 4u943850-12451 4u950250-12458 4u956450-1 2330 4u962760-43000 UTILITIES - PUMP#8 UTILITIES - LIBRARY UTILITIES . METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES. RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES. PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - PUMP#1 UTILITIES - BEACH WSHRMS UTILITIES . CENTENNIAL PARK UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT I.AUNCH UTILITIES - E,C.C. 0810512010 o810312010 08/03/2010 0810512010 0810312010 0810312010 0810312010 08t03t2010 0810512010 0810312010 0810312010 08/03/2010 oglo3l2010 08105/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.89 43.12 008976 114.42 008976 180.48 008976 40.65 008976 85.70 008976 224.01 008976 279.77 008976 309.27 008976 133.42 008976 313.61 008976 211.83 008976 93.64 008976 263.1't 008976 77.38 008976Aug6B850 - 12275 UTILITIES - PB GARAGE Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 72 of 99 4u97525G12272 UTILITIES - PB LIGHTHOUSE 0810312010 I 52.03 008976 Aug8777O-20012 UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM 08lO3l2O1O I U4ß8 008976 4u99385G12278 UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL 0810312010 I 172.08 008976 Aug9385G9'1019 UTILITIES - PUMP#7 0810312010 I 68.69 008976 4u993970-20342 UTILITIES - V.C.C. OBlO3l2OlO I 2,094.59 008976 Cheque Amount - 5,102.78 001425 JACK GRANGER EXCAVATING 20'10.06.04 6.3 9050 260 000466 JtMMtJONS 3r'.187 34495 34496 24', u' MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0811212010 08Í12120'10 3:39PM CHIPPED STONE 08/05/2010 I 1,186.50 008977 Cheque Amount - 1,186.50 uNlT RENTAL - CANADA DAY o7t01t2010 I 1 1 1.87 008978 MONTHLY UN|T RENTAL 07t31t2010 I 814.73 008978 UNIT RENTAL - BALL DIAMOND O7I31I2O1O I I16.39 008978 Cheque Amount - 'l',U2.99 OOO51O KIáSSEN AUTO PARTS 1-62247 DUCT TAPE 07t27t2010 I 7.66 008979 1-62414 oSRAM H324V70W 07t2912010 I 25.20 008979 Cheque Amount - 32.86 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 15982 OCCUPANCYSENSOR OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY 0810412010 I 607.57 008980 Cheque Amount -607.57 POP BATTERY 0711012010 I 22.51 008981 o7130120'to I 4.51 008981 Cheque Amount - 27.02 OO.155O MARYALICE HANSON reimburse expense KIDS PROGRAM SUPPLIES O8l11l2O1O I 37.56 008982 Cheque Amount - 37.56 001480 NEWRO SALES (2004) LTD 67280 COMPLETE REBUILD ON ABS PUN O7t26t2010 I 1,541.32 008983 Cheaue Amount - 1,541 .32 OOOMT NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 139004 GARBAGE D|SPOSAL 07t31t2010 I 40J7533 008984 Cheque Amount - 40,775.83 OO129O PETE FRIESEN TRUCKING 498765 CHTPP|NG OOO71O PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE 0810312010 I 1,107.40 008985 Cheque Amount - 'l',107 .4O Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 73 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0811212010 OBl12l2O10 3:39PM 8132 8137 8't39 8146 81 51 8152 8160 8166 8167 8168 8174 8180 8181 8188 8191 8197 8203 8210 8216 8219 8222 8224 8226 8227 8233 8236 8237 8240 8241 8242 8249 GARBAGE BAGS TISSUES GRASS SEED PRIMER, BRUSHES PAPER TOWELS, TISSUES GLOVES, VARSOL TAPE, MOP HANDLE, GAR BAGS DRILL SILfCONE BRUSHES, REFILLS SEAT SHEARS PAPER TOWELS, TISSUES SAFETY GLASSES, GLOVES, TAPE RUST PAINT NAPKIN LINERS, PAPER TOWELS CAUTION SIGNS PAPERTOWELS PAINT, BRUSHES PAINT BRUSHES SINGLE CUT KEY VARSOL FLANGES, TEES, ELBOWS CHAULKING PAINT, BRUSHES GARBAGE BAGS, CABLE TIES, PIN STAPLES SILICONE SEAL CABLE TIES, SCREWS GARBAGE BAGS 25.98 008986 33.89 008986 28.08 008986 24.98 008986 153.65 008986 37.11 008986 40.62 008986 6.77 008986 11.27 008986 13.9 008986 28.24 008986 13.55 008986 93.77 008986 49.00 008986 39.22 008986 680.90 008986 37.27 008986 59.88 008986 49.69 008986 38.41 008986 12.42 008986 -2.59 008986 24.85 008986 17.76 008986 4.28 008986 2032 008986 35.54 008986 4.73 008986 4.51 008986 35.38 008986 25.98 008986 07t05t2010 0710712010 0710712010 0710812010 0710812010 0710912010 07112/2010 0711312010 0711312010 0711312010 0711412010 0711612010 0711612010 07119t2010 0712012010 07121120't0 0712312010 0712612010 0712612010 0712712010 07127t2010 07127120't0 07t2712010 0712712010 072A2UO 07t28t2010 0712912010 07t29t2010 0713012010 0713012010 0713112010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c I I I I I I I I I OOO733 R&R REFRIGERATION 3055 A/C MAINTENENCE - EDISON 3057 REPAÍ R ON A/C - EDISON OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Ju14516050004037598 BATTERIES 000806 SGS CANADA INC Cheque Amount -I,649.00 304.54 008987 389.85 008987 07t21t2010 0712112010 Cheque Amount - 0710612010 I 694.39 9.89 008988 989Cheque Amount - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 74 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0811212010 0811212010 3:39PM ,10ø.39216 I-AB FEES 10439217 LAB FEES 0712812010 I 280.24 008989 0712812010 I 81.36 008989 o7l28l20',to I 620.37 008989 0712912010 I 129.95 008989 07t29t2010 I 632.80 008989 0712912010 I 163.85 008989 Cheque Amount - 1,908.57 0711612010 I U.42 008994 07115t2010 I 22.59 008994 10439218 LAB FEES 10439686 LAB FEES 10439687 t.AB FEES 10439688 1-AB FEES OOI2O5 SHRED.IT 006249012 PURGEFILES 08/06/20't0 I u.75 008990 Cheque Amount - U.75 001257 TERANET ENTERPRISES INC. lNV001 1641 ONTARIO PARCEL ASSESSMENT 08t06t2010 I I ,864.50 008991 Cheque Amount - 1,864.50 OOO914 TOWNSHIP SOUTH-WEST OXFORD 201044.12577 CROSSETT DRATN - NEWTTLE OAel2010 I 306.77 008992 20104+12579 CROSSETT DRAIN - NEWTTLE O8t12t2010 I 320.19 008992 ChequeAmount- 626.96 OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK1727 PROV|DE FI-AGMAN 0A10t2010 I 904.00 008993 Cheque Arnount -904.00 OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. 181010391 QU|CK LTNKS, CHATN 181025062 CHLORTNE ChequeAmount- 57.01 OOO932 UNDERHILLFARMSUPPLYLTD 223435 HA|R ptN#6 08110t2010 I 10.98 008995 ChequeAmount- 10.98 OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD 0000183389 REPA|RA/C 07t29t2010 I 108.25 008996 0000183392 REPLACE COMPRESSOR ASSY O7t29t2010 I 1,068.55 008996 0000'183402 BRAKE ADJUSTMENT, CHECK A/C 0712912010 I 91 1 .46 008996 0000183411 REPLACE BRAKE CHAMBER 07t29t2010 I 150.09 008996 0000183424 REPA|RA|R LEAK 07t30t2010 I 569.19 008996 Cheque Amount - 2,807.54 000966 WEBER'S WELDING & MFG 14599 I-ABOUR FOR MOWER REPA|RS 08t1112010 I 33.90 008997 Cheque Amount -33.90 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 75 of 99 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 76 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0811912010 0811912010 2:12PM 001667 1457199 oNTAR|O tNC credit reimburse CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNT 0811712010 I 4,575.63 008998 Cheque Amount - 4,575.63 OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD J062446 CRUSHEDSTONE 07t30t2010 I 331.55 008999 Cheque Amount- 331.55 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 0000155101 couNTyMAps 07t26t2010 I 418.10 009000 0000155365 AUDTT COMMTTTEE AD o7t30t2010 I 19.58 009000 ChequeAmount- 437.68 OO1719 BARBARA BALTHES 027 REFUND PARTIAL REZONTNG FEE 08t18t2010 I 450.00 009001 ChequeAmount- 450.00 000.156 CANADIAN PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD '1425392 COUPL|NGS, ptpE 08t04t2010 I 122.13 009002 Cheque Amount - 122-13 OOO199 COCA-COLA BOTTLING LTD 75889903 PREMTX 07t26t2010 I 558.22 009003 Cheque Amount - 558.22 001432 CULLTGAN H10333505I5 UNIT RENTAL 0810112010 I 29.32 009004 Cheque Amount - 29.32 OOO25O DEL.BAC SALES LIMITED 212624 SUppLtES 0712912010 I 575.72 009005 Cheque Amount - 575.72 OO17O8 EASTLINK 4u9519866s521 MONTHLY TELEPHONE O8lO1l2OlO I 1,324.83 009006 4u95198744054 INTERP CENTRE -TELEPHONE OBl01l2O1O I 140.66 009006 4u98127522450011345 INTERNET-OFFICE OBl10l201O I 91.47 009006 4u98127522450039965 INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM OBl10l2O10 I 51.92 009006 4u98127522450050'103 INTERNET - GARAGE 08l1ol2910 I 30.45 009006 Cheque Amount - 1,639.33 OO'1721 EXCALIBUR WNDOWS, DOORS, SIDING resolution DEPOSIT OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS36965 PARTS ONTIS36969 GLOVES 0811812010 I 15,000.00 009007 Cheque Amount - 15,000.00 0810312010 I 11.32 009008 08t03t2010 I 28.70 009008 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 77 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - OBl19l2O10 oNTts36999 PARTS 0810412010 I 152.27 009008 Gheaue Amount -192.29 1,000.00 OO172O FRANKAND ANNA ENNS 0811912010 2:12PM 009009028 OOI718 FRANKENNS deposit refund OO127O GORDROESCH reimburse purcfrase 4u968860{80'15 4u98659G87008 Aug87elGl5034 'l-60673 1-61757 1-61864 't-61936 1{.2175 REFUND MINOR VARIANCE DEPOI O8I18I2O1O I Cheque Amount - SEV\TER WORK DEPOSIT REFUND O8I18I2O1O I Cheque Amount - OCEANID RDC & FUEL 0811712010 I Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 5,il0.00 009010 5,640.00 4,538.60 009011 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 4UG73394-81003 UTILITIES - PUMP#3 4u900240 - 14793 UTILITIES - GARAGE AugOl181 - 23005 UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE 4u90646048880 4u91266G62007 4u91577348016 4u92526GO9578 4u935795 - 43000 UTILITIES - PUMP#6 4u950370 - 20077 UTILITIES - VIENNA LIBRARY Ang5399$93004 UTILITIES - PUMPÍÉ4 Aug6277O - 20225 UTILITIES - VIENNA MMEM PARK UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY UTILITIES - MED CENTRE UTILITIES - PUMP#5 UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES - FIREHALL UTILITIES -PUMP#2 uTtLtTtEs - s.c.c. SEALS KIT PARTS SUPER ENAMEL HARDENER 0811212010 08109t2010 08/06/2010 0811',v2010 o8l11no10 08/11t2010 o8,t't112010 08/0€/2010 0€|/06i/2010 0811z2o',t0 08/06/2010 0811112010 o811112010 0811112010 4,538.60 69.78 009012 499.33 009012 87.80 009012 332.74 009012 107.38 009012 390.66 009012 356.37 009012 634.59 009012 40.36 009012 51.56 009012 123.13 009012 408.78 009012 253.U 009012 1.084.99 009012 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - OOO437 ISW SYSTEMS & SERVICES 3383 WIRING FOR TRAINING CENTRE O8I15I2O1O I Cheque Amount - 000466 JIMMIJONS 34587 RENTAL UNITS 0713112010 I Cheque Amount - OOO51O KI-ASSEN AUTO PARTS 380.81 226.0O 4,440.81 380.81 009013 009014 07109t2010 07122t2010 07t23t2010 0712312010 07t2712010 226.O0 5.54 009015 34.76 009015 37.01 009015 17 .56 009015 65.96 009015 I I I I I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 78 of 99 20'10.06.04 6.3 9050 1-62275 1€2555 7759 7773 MINIATURE I.AMP RUST NOT COUPLINGS DRAIN MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- O8119120'lO 0811912010 2:12PM Cheque Amount - 194.28 000610 MINISTER OF FINANCE seminar FORWARD FOCUS ON FINANCE Ogl18l2019 I 60.00 0090,16 Cheque Amount - 60.00 000622 MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN DFS 07/10 NEWSPAPER ADS 08rt62010 I 158.79 009017 ChequeAmount- 158.79 000635 NEOPOST CANADA LIMITED 1779085 SERVTCE CONTRACT 08t.t7t2010 I 395.50 009018 ChequeAmount- 395.50 æ0710 PORT BURVVELL HOME HARDWARE 8163 WRENCH, BROOM o7t'13t2010 I 19.19 009019 Cheque Amount- 19.19 OOO716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 09526136 CYLTNDER RENTAL 07130t2010 I 27.55 009020 Cheque Amount -27.55 OOO747 REID'S PRE€AST CEMENT PRODUCT 0712812010 I 23.62 009015 0713012010 I 9.83 009015 0811712010 I 79.55 009021 0811812010 I 117.52 009021 Cheque Amount - 197.01 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000607288 ANSWERTNG SERVTCE 08t15t2010 I 84.69 009022 0000607636 o\ÆRCALLS, HOL|DAY FEE 08t15t20't0 I 43.08 009022 Cheque Amount - 127.77 001418 TELUS 0158947626366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF F|RE DEPT 07127t2010 I 44.86 009023 015894762025 DOLLAR POOL SAV|NGS 07127t2010 C -173.15 009023 015894762025' ACCOUNTCHARGES 07t27t2010 I 20.00 009023 01589476202512005876 CELL PHONE - G ROESCH 07t2712010 I 277.96 009023 015894762025t6171156 CELL PHONE - c LEMAY 07t27t2010 I 48.57 009023 01589476202516171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 0712712010 I 38.70 009023 015894762025/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 07t2712010 I 51.27 009023 01589476202516365709 CELL PHONE - PB F|RE DEPT 07t27t2010 I M.86 009023 01589476202516365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT r 07t27t2010 I 44.86 009023 015894762025/6366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFTELD O7t27t2010 I 381.75 009023 01s89476202516366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 07t27t2010 I 177.94 009023 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 79 of 99 20't0.06.04 6.3 90s0 1ù184 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED 4u927}2106'19G9754 Aug27}2'1062434725 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Gheque Register- O8l19l2O1O 07t27t20'to 0712712010 0712712010 0€/05/2010 08lo5l20'to 08/05/2010 o8,t0512010 Cheque Amount - ou12f2010 08/1?,2010 0811912010 2:12PM 015894762025163694fl CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762025/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 0'15894762025/9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEqT 2 01 6242498023 1234æ1 4 MOB| LE H I GH SPEED 0't6242498023/6366069 CELL PHONE - B KNTFTON 016242498023t6780758 MOBTLE H|GH SPEED 01 6242498023t67 817 43 MOB| LE Ht cH SPEED 000913 Tot/vì¡sHtP oF MA|_.AH|DE 47.23 009023 51.25 009023 44.86 009023 41.75 009023 27.77 009023 41.75 009023 41.75 009023 Cheque Amount - MOLENCE&HARASSMENTTRNG 08|/06/2010 I 1,253.98 704.56 UTILITIES. E.C.C. UTILITIES. PUMP#I 704.56 24.40 009025 22.19 009025 OOO945 VANBREE DRAINAGE & BULLDOZING certificate No.3 DRAIN NO.I OO1O53 WALMSLEYBROS. LTD 4346 ASPHALT Cheque Amount- 0612512010 I 34,684.51 009026 Cheque Amount - 001609 WALKER DAIRY INC. 026 REFUND PARTIAL REZONING FEE 0811612010 I 34,684.51 1.500.00 009027 009028 009029 ChequeAmount- 07t30t20'to I 1,500.00 550.54 Gheque Amount - WILSON'S LAWN¡ CARE Fimming TRIMMING OF BRUSH - PI-AQUES OA17AO1O I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 56.50 80,114.92 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 80 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0811912010 0811912010 OOO981 WLSON'S LAWN CARE July'l0landscaping JULì l0I-ANDSCAPING 0713112010 I 2,271.30 Cheque Amount -2,271.30 Cheque Run Total -2,271.30 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 81 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0812512010 0812512010 1:34PM OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD J062il3 001722 ALTCE CSTNOS 029 RECYCLED ASPHALT 0713012010 I 92.16 009031 Cheque Amount -92.16 Cheque Amount - REFUND ZONING FEE 0811912010 I 143.00 009032 Cheque Amount - 143.00 OOI337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM edisonfest ad EDISON FEST o6t19t2010 I 33.71 009033 Cheque Amount - 33.71 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 3795 SNOVVPLOWTRATNTNG O8t23t2010 I 8,098.20 009034 Cheque Amount - 8,098.20 000175 CEDAR S|GNS 19050 STREET SIGN o8t18t2010 I 329.09 009035 Cheque Amount - 329.09 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 25669574 ENVELOPES, STTCKYNOTES 08118t2010 I 63.57 009036 Cheque Amount - 63.57 0æ224 D.PETERS PAVING INC 10180 PAVTNG - BEST L|NE 08t05t2010 I 13,787.13 009037 Cheque Amount - 13,787.13 0ú,0282 ED BRADFIELD workboots'10 WORKBOOTS OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS37249 SHOVEL 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90347895 ALUM SULFATE 0812012010 I 124.29 009038 Cheque Amount - 124.29 0811212010 I 45.18 009039 45.18 0810912010 I 604.70 009040 ChequeAmount- 604.70 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 4u92539GO7266 UTILITIES - VIENNA STL 0811812010 I 659.55 009041 4u925390-55002 UTILITIES - PB STL HWY 19 0811812010 I 1,929.97 009041 4u950221{5009 UTILITIES - TREATMENT PI-ANT 0812012010 I 5,517.12 009041 4u96239G22001 UTILITIES - STRAFF STL 0811812010 I 1,223.63 009041 Aus62790-07266 UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL 08118120'10 I 218.24 009041 4u981590-07297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL o9l18l2010 I 650.42 009041 4u987790{7295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL OBl18l2O10 I 273.89 009041 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 82 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0812512010 Cheque Amount - 0812512010 l:34PM 009042 009043 000217 |B|GROUP 234093 CONSULTING FEES ROAD CHIPPING SEPTEMBER'IO REMIT SEPTEMBER'10 REMIT 07/23nú0 r 't0,472.82 1,8'14.93 001608 INNER BAY DRAGLINES INC 2688 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 100701458 100701642 Cheque Amount - 08t17120't0 I 1,814.93 1,152.60 Cheque Amount -'t,152.60 5,443.86 009044 3,681.10 009044 0811312010 0811312010 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN 10110543114 10110544107 101 10544159 10110552140 101't0552789 I 0't 10552820 10110553232 101 10556255 101 10556309 101 10556548 't0110556876 10110557852 10't 10559289 10110560223 101 10560609 1 01 1 0560937 10',110561214 101 10561498 1 01 10561499 10't I 0561508 10110562027 I 01 I 0562828 10110563118 101 10563675 Cheque Amount - 0610312010 0610712010 06/16/2010 0710712010 07t09t2010 07t0912010 0711012010 0712212010 07122t2010 07123120'10 07t24t2010 07t28t2010 08103120'lo 08/06/201 0 o8lo7l20'to 0810912010 0811012010 0811112010 08t11t2010 0811112010 0811312010 0811612010 08117t2010 08t19/2010 9,124.96 9.58 009045 8.28 009045 77.15 009045 12.27 009045 5.77 @9045 38.83 009045 7.42 009045 8.49 009045 37.22 009045 6.75 009045 11.25 009045 8.44 009045 't0.14 009045 3.99 009045 21.94 009045 4.50 009045 8.49 009045 3.99 009045 4.50 009045 8.28 009045 8.49 009045 7.49 009045 7.49 009045 7.49 009045 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OO1O24 OTTERVALLEY/PORT BURWELL Cheque Amount -328.24 1.500.00 009046tub daze festival TUB DAZE FESTIVAL o8t23t2010 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 83 of 99 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Jul 4516050000954'119 Ju145f60500 009541 19 MUNICIPALIWOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0812512010 Cheque Amount- ABl25l201O l:34PM 009047 009047 æ9(X8 OffXXg 009050 009051 009052 009053 009054 PHONFJAI.TSWERI NG MACH INE CERTIFICATION COURSE 0711012010 0712712010 1,500.00 28.24 559.35 000660 RELIA¡.ICE HOME COMFORT 0066310304721018419 UNIT RENTAL - E.C.C. Cheque Amount - 0811112010 I 587.59 31.08 001213 RICKVARRO material purcfiase MATERIALS PURCHASED Cheque Amount - o8123f2010 I 31.08 196.80 OOO8O8 S.I.E. MILLWRIGHT AND MAINTENANCE 5280 REPAIR OOO849 STRAFFORDVILLE COMMUNITY watermelonfest'10 WATERMELONFEST OOO945 VANBREE DRAINAGE & BULLDOZING 10092 RELEASEOFHOLDBACK 000986 WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURAI.¡CE 1625314 Jul'10 JULYIO PREMIUM OOO99O ZAP'S TREE AND LAWN SERVICE 00001542 REMOVETREE ChequeAmount- o7n9DO10 I 't96.80 4,932.45 Cheque Amount- 08t23f2010 I 4,932.4s 1,500.00 Cheque Amount - 08t17t2010 I 1,500.00 1,7ß.95 Cheque Amount - 08113120'to I 't,748.95 150.29 Cheque Amount - 08117120'to I 150.29 r,678.05 ChequeAmount-1,678.05 Cheque Run Total -58,539.79 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll Page 84 of 99 SORI{ TIUNICIPALTTY OF BAYHA}I TOT PACKETS . 2 CURRENT FEDL TAX 8,638.59 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT L,925,74 QPIP CAN PEN 4,592.84 QC PEN QC I{SF 0N EHT I , 150 .53 I{B IìET NL HAPSET T0T STATS L6,307 .40 CHEQUES DEPoSTTS 44,378.04 US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY 44,378.04 RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRÊ GST HST GRAND TOT 60 ,685 .44 138 .47 r8.00 60,84L.9L ITEI{ UNITS SALARIED I¡/oRKPAYS Zo PAY ADVICE FOLD 42 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECI{NOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT CO}tPANY TOTALS ADJUST -CR CURRENT TOTAL E,63E.59 L ,925.74 4,692.54 1,150,53 L6,307 .40 44 ,378. 04 44,378.04 60 ,685 .44 L78.47 18.00 60,A4L.9L SERVICE CHARGES RUN: AUc 10 2010 N0: C PAGE: 260 HST REG: 100057413 RTooo4 C0HPANY PAcE: 5 DEBIT DATE: AUG 11, zOLo DATE 0F PAY: AUc 13, 20lo YTD TOTAL 136,332.93 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 30,710.10 EI coNl QPIP 75,819. 00 CAN PEN QC PEN QC l.lsF L7,OE7 .57 ON EHT H8 IIET NL I.{APSET 289,9L9.60 T0T STATS 37,447.8L CI{EQUES 895,26L .30 DEPOSITS US DEPS 50. OO DED DEPS 632,759 .LL TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 892,678.7L TOT PAYROL 2,326.L0 SERV CHRG 88.95 6sT 7L.L5 I{ST 895,L64.9L GRAND TOT UNITS I CHARGE 47 .93 ADJUST -DR YTD ADJUST ITEI{ PAYROLL RUNS CHARGE 33.00 9.24 ANALYSIS OF I TEI{ HOURLY TIORKPAYS COURIER FEE Lta.47 UNITS 22 t CHARGE 56,30 L2.OO 60,84L,9L DEBIT INFORI{ATI0N: 0OS OEt02 101t923 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 8 9 2 6 t o C h e q u e # 9 0 5 4 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e # 8 6 0 6 t o t a l i n g $ 3 0 6 , 1 0 2 . 0 6 a n d P a y r o l l P a g e 8 5 o f 9 9 SORl¡l I.,IUNICIPALITY OF BAYHATI TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT FEDL TAX 8,294.03 NR TAX PROV TAX El coNT L,732.49 QPIP CAN PEN 4,20L.26 QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT L,L27 .L4 I.IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS L8,354,92 CHEQUES DEPoSÍTS 43,799.36 US DEPS DED DEPS T0T NPAY 43,799 .36 RRSP RTI ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECIINOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORTCOI.IPANY TOIALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT IOTAL E,294.03 L ,732 .49 4,20L.26 L,L27 .L4 L5,3Ê4.92 4l ,799 .36 43,799 .36 59,t54.2A L38.47 1E.00 59,310.75 OF SERVICE CHARGES RUN: AUG 24 ?OLO NO: E PAGE: 388 HST REG: 100057413 RT0004 C0I{PANY PAGE: 3 DEEIT DATE: AUc 25, 2010 DATE OF PAY¡ AUG 27, 2010 ADJUST -DR YTD ADJUSÎ IIEI,I PAYROLL RUT{S YTD IOTAL L46 , 626 .9 6 32,442.59 7A,O20.26 L8,L84.7L 275,274.52 37 ,447.8L 619 ,060.66 50.00 67 6 ,558 .47 95L ,832.99 2,464.87 E8.95 89. 15 954 ,475. é6 UNITS 1 lOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOI I TEI'I SALARIED t.loRKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD 69 ,L64.28 138.47 16.00 59 ,sLO.7S UNITS CHARGE 20 55.00 42 9.24 ANALYS I S I lEII HOURLY }'ORKPAYS COURTER FEE L38.47 UNTTS CHARGE 22 56.30 1 12.00 FEDL TAX NR IAX PROV TAX ET CONT QPIP CAI{ PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EI{T I{B HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HSl GRAND TOl CHARGE 47.93 TOTAL S,/C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT fS 89,310.75 DEBIT tNFoR}iATl0N: 003 05102 lo1l923 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 8 9 2 6 t o C h e q u e # 9 0 5 4 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e # 8 6 0 6 t o t a l i n g $ 3 0 6 , 1 0 2 . 0 6 a n d P a y r o l l P a g e 8 6 o f 9 9 q C-l) Subject: Memorial Benches Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 06:34:03 -0700 Bayham, I would like to establish a memorial bench somewhere in Port Burwell in memory of my parents qiff & Edna Bradfield who were village residence for nearly 50 years. Most cities, towns and víllages allow memory benches to be placed along main streets, walking trails, beaches and parks to accomodate tourists in memory of past residents. Any assistance in how to proceed and move this forward would be appreciated. Suggestions would be along main street where tourist can stop for ice cream and enjoy the view or at the light house or museum. Thanks for any assitance you can provide Randy Bradfìeld 778.7876.3046 Subject RE: Memorial Benches Hi Lynda, Thanks for your reply and placing my request on the next Council agenda 2 Sep 10. I was beginning to think my 8 aug email went off into cyber space somewhere.....or more likely my del and enter keys are too close together... Further to my request to establish a memorial bench in Port Burwell given the exciting news surrounding the upcoming tourist attractíon (Ojibwa) to be located in Bayham at Port Burwell I would like to suggest the placement of my parents memorial bench be located somewhere near the attraction and or shops or possibly in a park like setting around the attraction for a number of reasons; 1....my parents lived and worked their entire life in Port Burwell raising 5 children there , 2....I have 27 years military service to Canada with the Canadian Forces and 5 of those years directly serving the Canadian Navy, I can think of no better place where I would like to see my parents memorial bench located, 3,...for an onsite location, I am willing to donate $100.00 per year to the Ojibwa project with an initial donation of $500 ín advance to cover the first 5 years . 4...given the wondeful families that Port Burwell and Bayham have raised over the past decades I suspect once this idea is approved and Ín place more famílÍes will consider the same gesture to honour their loved as a lasting memorial to those gone on before us and hence could generate additional donations to this interesting Bayham attraction for each bench placement. In closing Lynda this could be a win/win for all concerned. It will not only serve the many tourist who will flock to this Bayham attraction with a interesting place to rest and reflect while enjoying a beverage or ice cream but could also provide some yearly donation to assist in the upkeep of this attraction not to mention it will most certainly provide a lasting memorial for those who were the very fabric of that communiity that are no long with us to witness this wonderfull rejuvination of this Lake Erie village. Thanks again for your tíme best wishes Randy Bradfield Correspondence dated August 8, 2010 from Randy Bradfield requesting to place a memorial bench in Port Burwell. Page 87 of 99 Page 88 of 99 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO:Mayor & Members of Council DATE: August 27,2010 FILE:FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Restricted Acts afterNomination Day - Project Ojibwa NUMBER: C2010-10 PT]RPOSE This report is to advise Council of acts that are restricted after nomination day that may affect Project Ojibwa and of potential authorization for staff to proceed for arrangements respecting the project. BACKGROT]I[D The Municipal Act provides that Council may not undertake certain acts after nomination day, if "the new council will include less that three quarters of the members of the out-going council." Acts restricted include making any expenditures or incurring any liability which exceeds $50,000. This does not apply if the liability was included in the most recent budget adopted before nomination day. Given the current nominations filed, and the stated intentions of current members, it is expected that Council will be subject to these restrictions following nomination day September 10,2010. Of consideration for this restriction is the progression of Project Ojibwa. Approval processes to permit dredging required to facilitate the project are underway, and requests for estimates issued. However, as of the date of this report it is not expected that such a:rangements will be in place, nor will lease agreements with the Elgin Military Museum be available, prior to nomination day. The costs for dredging are currently estimated to be well in excess of $500,000 and could range to $1,000,000 or more. These expenditures are not included in the current municipal budget. STAFF COMMENTS Currently, the available period to carry out dredging at the Port Burwell harbour ends October lst, 2010. lnquiries are being made regarding extension, but from past input, this appears unlikely. As such, any works to occur will need to be completed through September. However, a number of items to proceed with dredging are not in place, including the retention of a contractor(s). In order to be able to proceed in September, it is suggested that Council would need to amend the approved budget to include the project, and authority to approve contractors for the project would need to be delegated to staff. It should also be noted that the dredging works may need to proceed prior to finalizing all lease a:rangements with the Elgin Military Museum. STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS Goal #l - Practice responsible f,rnancial management Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere RECOMMENDATION 1. That the approved 2010 Municipal Budget - Capital, be amended to include the Port Burwell harbour dredging project, at a cost of $1,000,000, and that financing be designated from future properly lease payments. .../ continued Staff Report C2010-10 regarding Restricted Acts after Nomination Day - Project Objibwa. Page 89 of 99 Staff Report C2010-10 regarding Restricted Acts after Nomination Day - Project Objibwa. Page 90 of 99 1o TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT Mayor & Members of Council Kyle Kruger, Administrator Ontario Small Waterworks Assistance Program (OSWAP 3) NUMBER: E2010-10 PURPOSE This report is to advise Council of the recently announced Ontario Small Waterworks Assistance Program (Phase 3) and to provide information on potential projects for application. BACKGROT]ND On August 16th, the Province announced the third phase of the Ontario Small Waterworks Assistance Program. Phase 3 of the program will provide up to $75 million in capital funding over 4 years to municipalities and local service boards that own small residential drinking water or wastewater systems (5,000 and fewer residents). Grants under this program will be two-thirds funding and will be awarded on a competitive application basis. There will be two intakes for the program, with deadlines of February 15,2011 and February 15,2012. The overall stated intent is to avoid the need for infrastructure expansions and help reduce operating costs. More specifically, the focus is for improved conservation and efficiency of existing water and wastewater systems, by reducing amounts of water or wastewater treated or reducing energy use. Each municipality may submit only one application per intake. The amount of approved grants will be two-thirds of the project costs. STAFF COMMENTS Staff have had a very quick review of potential projects immediately available, and a couple have been identified. Discussion though has centred on the potential to apply for required works for the Richmond water system. The following are brief notes on the options identified: 1. Richmond Water System Capital Works As Council is well awate, an examination of capital improvements to the Richmond Water System pursuant to Orders issued by the MOE is well underway. The most recent estimate for a solution to treatment issues totals approximately $405,000. Staffhave held discussions with Stantec engineers, and it is likely that components for the project can be included that would assist in meeting the stated goal of the program to reduce water treatment and/or energy use. There may be some additional cost, but there would still be significant cost benefit to the users. However, there are issues regarding eligibility for this system. The program criteria identifies only municipal or Local Service Board systems - private systems are ineligible. MPP Steve Peters office has been in contact with Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure representatives in regard to this issue. Feedback has suggested that if an application is submitted, it would be reviewed. 2. Wastewater Treatment Plant Power Factor Capacitor Bank The installation of a capacitor bank for the sewage treatment plant is estimated to save approx. $2,000 per year in hydro costs by adjusting the hydro power factor from 80% to 95Yo. The estimate for this project is $15,000 and is already included in the 2010 capital budget. DATE: September 2,2010 FILE: Fll ,../ continued Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Ontario Small Waterworks Asistance Program (OSWAP 3). Page 91 of 99 3. Scada for Port Burwell and Vienna Main Water Meters Joining the Port Burwell and Vienna main water meters into the existing Secondary V/ater system scada would provide real time flow monitoring, which would greatly assist in leak detection, and therefore help reduce water losses. This project would be a shared project with the Secondary System. Initial estimates for the project are 550,000. Summar.v Of the potential projects immediately identifîed, application for the Richmond water system provides the greatest potential financial benefit (in terms of capital grant amounts), however it also has a very high risk of being rejected due to eligibilþ issues. The other projects noted meet with the program goals and clearly fit the program eligibility, but are for lesser capital amounts. Staff suggest pursuing the Richmond system project, with submission well ahead of the deadline of February 2011. If opinion can be obtained regarding eligibility prior to the deadline, and Richmond is deemed ineligible, perhaps application for an altemative project can be submitted (note: this may be precluded by the criteria regarding single application only). Other identified projects can then be pursued for the second round, February 2012. RECOMMENDATION That Staffbe authorized to prepare the necessary documentation for application for supply and treatment system changes for the Richmond V/ater System under the Ontario Small Waterworks Assistance Program Phase 3. Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Ontario Small Waterworks Asistance Program (OSWAP 3). Page 92 of 99 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Richmond Water Hydrogeological Study Update DATE: August 30,2010 FILE: É ÒA For Council's information and update, staff would advise that quotations have proceeded, and Hayden Water Wells has been approved to undertake the water supply well construction and testing portion of the overall Hydrogeological Study being carried out by Stantec Consulting. Please see the attached report dated August 27 ,2010 from Stantec for the details. The quotations received are well within the project budget as submitted and outlined in Report E2010-06. Staff Memorandum regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Study Update. Page 93 of 99 Stantec Consulting Ltd. 800 - 1 71 Queens Avenue London ON N6A 5J7 Tel: (519) 645-2007 Fax: (519) 645-6575 Stantec August 27,2010 File: 1655-00615 The Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Reference: Village of Richmond - Request for Quotation, Water Supply Well Construction and Testing Quotations for the above-noted project were received on Thursday, August 19, 2010. A total of three (3) quotations were submitted prior to closing. Table 1 summarizes the quotation prices received for the baseline program (Tasks 1 to 3). Table I - Summary of Quotations Submitted Contractor TotalContract Pricel (incl. H.S.T.l +/-LowestBid Rank HAYDEN WATER WELLS $18,69s.85 $0.00 1 J.B. WILSON & SON $31,825.32 s13,129.47 2 MERVIN JONES DRILLING LTD.$40.203.14 $21.507.29 3 Note:1. Excludes costs associated with contingency items, however a review of the unit rates provided by Hayden Water Wells indicates lower costs for each contingency item in comparison to the other quotations received. At the time of the bid review, arithmetic errors were noted in the quotations received from Mervin Jones Drilling Ltd. and J.B. Wilson & Son between unit costs and the extension of the estimated quantity and quoted unit price. Those errors were corrected by accepting the total item cost provided. ln addition, a large discrepancy was observed between bids for work related to the supply and installation of a temporary test pump (Task 3, ltem 1) and performance of the continuous 24 hour constant rate pumping test (Task 3, ltem 2). As part of the quotation review, Stantec contacted each bidder to confirm prices for the items in question. ln each case, the bidder was not made aware of the prices received from the other firms submitting quotations. From these discussions, the following changes to the base bids were made: . Task 3, ltem l: o J.B. Wilson & Son: Revised price from $2,350 to $985,o Mervin Jones Drilling Ltd: No change to price quoted, ando Hayden Water Wells: No change to price quoted. Note: Discrepancy with this item reflects further clarifìcation that pump to be installed is temporary only, not permanent. Staff Memorandum regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Study Update. Page 94 of 99 Stantec August 27,2010 Page 2 of 2 Reference: Víllage of Richmond - Request for Quotation, Water Supply Well Gonstruction and Testing . Task 3, ltem 2: o No changes to lump sum price submitted by each bidder. Based on the results of the quotation opening, Hayden Water Wells submitted the lowest bid. Following modifications to the unit costs for Task 3, ltems 1 and 2, the price submitted by Hayden Water Wells remained the lowest. A copy of the quotation summary for each bid is attached to this letter. We are familiar with Hayden Water Wells and have worked with them recently on the construction of an irrigation well for the Thames Valley District School Board servicing Medway High School in Arva, Ontario. We are also aware of Hayden's experience in the general area of the proposed program. On the basis of the foregoing and upon the Municipality's criterion for acceptance of quotations, we find no reason why the Municipality should reject the quotation of Hayden Water Wells who are the lowest bid. Yours truly, Stantec Consulting Ltd. Nelson Oliveira, P. Eng. Associate, Environmental lnfrastructure Attachments: QuotationSummarySpreadsheet Staff Memorandum regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Study Update. Page 95 of 99 Hayden Water Wells Mervin Jones Drilling Ltd.J.B. Wilson & Sons I ask Descr¡ption quanùtY Unit Cost $,rm Total Cost Un¡t Cost $/m Total Cost Unit Cost I otat Cost 1 /lob¡l¡zation / Demobil¡zation Lump sum $0 00 $0 00 $1,000 00 )rilling and construction of 152 mm ô inch) diameter test well. )onstruction must be in ac€ordanæ vith Ontario Regulation 903. 1 65 m overburden + 10 m bedrock $1 1 5.00 $8.625.00 $124 64 $9.348 00 s122 65 $9,1 99.00 )erformance of variable-rate )umping test (step test), cons¡st¡ng o our (4) steps of 30 minutes. Lump sum $395 00 $800 00 $2,800 00 f necessary, abandonment of the est well Abandonment must be in ¡ccordance with Ontario Regulat¡on 103. I 65 m overburden + 10 m bedrock $16 00 $1 ,200.00 $33.52 $2,514.00 $28 00 $2,100 00 ìub-Total (Task 1)$1 0,220.00 $r2,662.00 $1s,099.00 2 )rilling and construction of 50 mm (2 nch) d¡ameter bedrock monitoring vell to same depth as test well. 1 65 m overburden +'10 m bedÍock $63.00 $4,725.00 $1 1 8.06 s8,856 00 $1 01.73 $7.630.00 )evelopment of monitoring wêll to a ;and free cond¡fion.1 hr $0 00 $160.00 $200.00 lub-Total fTask 2l $4,725.00 $9.016.00 $7,830.00 3 iupply and instâll a pump into test vell capable of a pumping at a rate o tt least 4 Us (63 GPM). Lump sum $350.00 $4,000.00 $985.00 têrform a cont¡nuous, congtant âte pump¡ng test on the ¡roduction well over the duration ¡f 24 hou¡s. Lump sum $1,2s0.00 s9,600.00 $4,100,00 )isinfection of production well ollow¡ng the completjon of the )ump¡ng lest. Lump sum $0 00 $300 00 $1 50 00 ìub-Total (Taôk 3)$1,600.00 $r3,900.00 ss,235.00 .OTAL TENDER PRICE (PART A ONLY)s1 6,s45.00 535,578.00 $28,1 64.00 IST (13% of Subtotal Contrect Price)$2,150 85 $4,625 14 $3,661 32 OTAL CONTRACT PRICE (PART A ONLY)$1 8,695 85 $40,203 I 4 s31 ,825.32 ìoencv ltems ,n¡t cost to drill and construct additional test l/ell in accordance with O Req 903 (Task 1 )1 s1 1 5.00 $'t24 E4 $121 59 Jnit cost to decommission add¡tional test well 1 accordance with O,Reg 903 (Task 1)1 $t6 00 $33 52 s28 00 )r¡ll and construct overburden monitoring well r accordance w¡th O Reg 903 (Task 2)1 40 m overburden $63,00 $2,520.00 $90 00 $3,ô00 00 $72 18 $4,500 00 xtend the pumprng test from 24 hours to 72 Lump sum $2 050.00 $1 9 200.00 $7 464 00 S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g R i c h m o n d W a t e r H y d r o g e o l o g i c a l S t u d y U p d a t e . P a g e 9 6 o f 9 9 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2583-2010 JO.LYNN BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LA\il No.Z456-2003, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation ofthe Municipalþ of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By- law No. 2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: I ) THAT ByJaw No. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "I", Map No. 6, byremovingthe holding [h] symbol fromthe Village Residential (Rl-7thl) Zone, onthose lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked R1-7 on Schedule "4" to this ByJaw, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THAT By-lawNo. 2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending subsection 10.12.7,by modifting the subsection as follows: "ulu I 0. I 2.7. I Defined Area R1-7 as shown on Schedule I, Map 6 to this By-løw Minimum LotArea 400 m2 Minimum Lot Frontape , ,r"o^' 3) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 2nd DAY OF September 2010. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 2"dDAY OF September2010. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF September 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law Z583-2010 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Jo-Lynn) Page 97 of 99 N/AP 81 Ttris is Schedule "A" to By-low No Z5A3 2010, possed the 2nd doy of September 2010 I'/AY'OR CLTRI( iVAP 81 qì MAP 15 Êú EÊ IÊ m N ts tÊ ro l _l WILLIAM STREII SCHEDULE 'I' By-Law Z583-2010 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Jo-Lynn) Page 98 of 99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-086 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COTJNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 2, 2O1O WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municþal Act,200l S.O.2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND \ilHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200l, the powers of Council are to be exercised bybyJaw; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meetingbe confirmed and adopted bybyJaw. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held September 2,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayh¿ìm are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and afExing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 2"d day of September,2010. MÄ.YOR CLERK By-law 2010-086 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 99 of 99