HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 21, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding placement of returned markers to Estherville and plaque. (b)7:15 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding rules and regulations dealing with church penny sales. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence dated August 25, 2010 from Town of Petrolia regarding resolution passed at meeting of Council held August 23, 2010. File: C10 (b)Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Measurement Program". File: A16 (c)Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Elgin Offerings Committee regarding "donation towards the draw at the Elgin Offerings booth at the 2010 International Plowing Match". File: A16 (d)Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held August 4, 2010. 5-14 15-16 17-32 33 35-39 Page 1 of 181 Council Agenda October 21, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS File: A16 (e)Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held October 12, 2010. File: C06 (f)Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held September 9, 2010. File: C06 (g)Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held October 13, 2010. File: C06 (h)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. File: E00 (i)Correspondence dated October 14, 2010 from Museums Bayham regarding "Painting of the Lighthouse Port Burwell". File: C13 (j)Correspondence dated September 30, 2010 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2010 Program Year". File: E07 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Report dated October 12, 2010 from Planning Consultant, IBI Group, regarding "Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review". File: D00 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". File: E09 (b)Staff Report PR2010-11 regarding "Designation of Lands as Part of Road System - Soper Road". File: T09 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES 41-43 45-46 47-49 51-59 61 63 65-68 69-77 79-81 Page 2 of 181 Council Agenda October 21, 2010 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending October 3, 2010 totaling $50,260.48. (b)Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". File: L04 (c)Staff Report PW2010-18 regarding "Continuous Improvement Fund - Letter of Agreement". File: F11 (d)Staff Memorandum regarding "Placement of Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line". File: S09 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30, 2010. File: E08 (b)Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2010. File: E08 (c)Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. File: E08 (d)Quarterly Compliance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. File: E08 (e)Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Transfer of Review Program". File: U10 (f)Correspondence dated October 6, 2010 from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding "Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Twinning of Primary Water Transmission Main". File: E08 83-94 95-102 103-104 105-106 107-112 113-115 117-123 125-127 129-132 133-134 Page 3 of 181 Council Agenda October 21, 2010 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-092 A By-law to assume and establish lands (Soper Road) (b)By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) (c)By-Law 2010-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) (d)By-Law 2010-095 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Underhill Bros.) (e)By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) (f)By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) (g)By-Law 2010-098 A By-law to appoint a Livestock Valuer (h)By-Law 2010-099 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 135 137-146 147-152 153-160 161-170 171-177 179 181 Page 4 of 181 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville October 07,2010 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Public Meeting - Planning (7,oning) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, October 7, 2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acrq Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wa¡me Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Milla¡d. Chief Building Oflicial /Drarnage Superintendent Bill Knifton and Public Works Manager Gerry LeMay were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECT'NIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regularmeeting of Council held September 16,2010. 2010-394 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT the minutes of the regular meeting held September 16,2010 be approved as circulated.tf CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (b) Added ltem(s) None. 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. -'Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville rededication and stones. This delegation was defered to the next Council meeting. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) News Release dated September 2010 from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "50 Ontario communities honoured at20l0 Communities in Bloom Ontario Awards". File: 401 (b) Correspondence dated September 14,2010 from the Corporation of the County of Huron regarding "domestic content requirements". File: 416 Page 1 of10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 5 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 (c) Conespondence dated September 24,20L0 from the Township of Malahide regarding "Joint Compliance Audit Committee". File: 416 (d) Bayham Harbourfront Comml6ss minutes of meeting held September 14,2010. File: C06 (e) Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held September 15,2020. File: C06 (Ð Correspondence dated September 29,2010 from Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce regarding "Bayham-Elgin Business Expo Cancelled for 2010". File: C13 (g) Conespondence dated September 23,2010 from Union Gas regarding "Application with the Ontario Energy Board". File: E06 (h) Correspondence dated September 28,2010 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affain regarding "Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innvoation Excellence". (applicationforms øvailable at the Municipal Office) File: M02 2010-395 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor 'TTHAT information items 5(a) through 5(h) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 1. CORRESPONDENCE A¡ID REPORTS (a) StaffReport D2010-32 regarding Froese Severance 845/10. File: D10.10 Froese The Administrator noted that an updated sketch of the property had been provided. He added that the owner has indicated the size of the greenhouse will be reduced to comply with setback requirements, and noted the proposed conditions allow for removal or relocation. Confinnation of laneway access off Plank Road by the County of Elgin has been included as a condition. The well is to remain with the retained parcel. No other concerns were raised. 2010-396 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffReportD20l0-3z regarding the Froese severance be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application E45i10, submitted by Dan and Tina Froese, be amended: Page 2 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 6 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 . to indicate where the septic field bed system is located servicing the office and garden centre to ensure that it is located wholly within the proposed severed lot boundaries . to indicate the location of the county road access for the pole barn on the retained lands . to indicate the location of the pump house stated to be on the retained lands AI\D THAT subject to the amendments Council recommends the approval of the application subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality 3. removal of the greenhouse in its entirety or relocated and/or reduced in size in accordance with the Agricultural (41) Zone regulations or Rural Commercial (RC) Zone regulations 4. confirmation of approved access to County Road 19 @lank Road) for the pole barn on the retained lands." CARRIED (b) StaffReport D2010-33 regarding Peters SubdivisionNorth Hall Subdivision Agreement. File: D12.08 PETERS The Administrator advised of amendments to the subdivision agreement as follows: Section 6 to reflect a"2year service contract"; Section 14 "Physical components of .... plantings." was added; Section 23(y) fte protection wording was revised to be generic. Councillor Taylor questioned whether hydro servicing would be below gtound, to which he was advised that this is not a requirement. 2010-397 Moved by Councillor'W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT StaffReport D2010-33 regarding a subdivision agreement with Abraham and Emma Peters be received; AND TIIAT authorizing By-law 2010- 090 as amended be presented for enactment.t' CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY 2. PUBLIC MEETING (A) ITEM TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2010 AT 7:30 P.M. Page 3 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 7 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 PUBLIC MEETING 7:30 p.m. - Graydon fts26ning - zoningby-law amendment application proposing the rezoning of properfy located at Part Lot 13, Concession 9,56084 Talbot Line. Staff Report D20 1 0-3 I regarding Graydon f,szenin g. File: D14 It was noted that the meeting regarding the Graydon property for rezoning purposes has been deferred until November 4th at 7:30 p.m. Any persons in attendance for the public meeting were invited to sign the attendance sheet. No one responded. 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) StaffReport D2010-009 regarding Bartley Municipal Drain. File: E09 2010-398 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffReport DR2010-009 regarding the Bartley Municipal Drain be received; THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the receipt of Report #209138 dated August 31,2010 for the Bartley Municipal I)rain, as prepared by the Engineer, Spriet Associates, and filed with the Clerk on September 20,2010; TIIAT Council set a date for the Public Meeting to be held on November 4,2010 at 8:00 p.m. to consider the Report; AND THAT Staffbe directed to mail a Notice of Public Meeting and Report to all persons assessed to this drainage works, and in accordance with the Drainage Act." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport PW2010-18 regarding Pavement Edger. File: T06 Public 'Works Manager noted that the proposed equipment would help preserve the edge of the pavement. The equipment would be cost effective and would be used immediately. It was noted that both the capital and operating expenditures, including winter control, are currently on budget. 20r0-399 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report PW 2010-18 regarding Pavement Edger be received; Page 4 of l0 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 8 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 AND THAT Council direct staff to purhcase a pavement edger from AMI Ättachments, Elmira, Ontario in the amount of $5,750.00 excluding applicable taxes.rt CARRIED (c) StaffReport PW20l0-19 regarding Clarke Bridge Update. File: T04 As width for farm equipment has not been an issue, it was noted that a one lane bridge is being considered for a replacement. Beneficial changes to access may be an option depending on cost and results of the claim being pursued by the insurance company on behalf of the municipality. 20t0400 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor TTTHAT StaffReport PW 2010-19 regarding Clarke Bridge Update be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) StaffReport PW20I0-20 regarding Winter Control Contracts 20L0/201l. File: L04 The Manager of Public Works recommended that contracts be awarded to the same contractors for services as previously provided, subject to minimal cost changes. 20r0401 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report PW2010-20 regarding Winter Control Contracts 20l0l20ll be received; THAT quotes be accepted as recommended; AND THAT contracts be prepared for Council approval." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (e) StaffMemorandum regarding MNR Meeting - Conveyance of Part of Chatham Street. StaffReport PR2010-08 regarding Conveyance to MNR - Part of Chatham Street (deferred from August 12,2010 meeting). File: T09 Page 5 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 9 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 The Administrator noted that there are no plans to restrict access to the Boardwalk. Co- ordination of maintenance efforts with the Municipality is welcomed to improve local accessibility. Vehicles and pedestrians must access through the designated entrance. Pedestrians will not be required to pay admission. Visitors may park by the boardwalk and walk to the entrance for beach access. Park offrcials are being diligent in protecting the naturalized dune area. 20t0-402 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffMemorandum regarding MNR Meeting - Conveyance of Part of Chatham Street be received; AI\D THAT By-Law 2010-077, being a by-law to convey part of the road allowance between lots 10 and 11 in Concession 1 of the Municipality of Bayham designated as Part 5 on Plan llR-2446, be presented to Council for enactment.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SER\rICES (a) Building Permit Report for month ending September 30, 2010. File: PlO 20r0403 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor TTTIIAT Building Permit Report for month ending September 30,2010 be received for information." CARRIED I]NANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence from Bayham Community Policing Committee regarding "Port Bu¡well intersection of Robinson and Wellington Streets". File: C13 Staffwas requested to seek reconsideration for the 50 km per hour speed limit on Eden Line in the vicinity of Culloden Road and clarification regarding the speed limit in Corinth from the County of Elgin. Consideration of improvements in proximity to the bridges in Vienna by the County is also to be sought. 20t0-404 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT correspondence from Bayham Community Policing Committee regarding Port Burwell intersection of Robinson and Wellington Streets be received; Page 6 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 10 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 AND THAT the request to consider a stoplight or lit crosswalk at that corner be referred to the County of Elgin for consideration." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Correspondence from The Royal Canadian lægion, Port Burwell regarding "Remembrance Day Parade". File: R06 2010-405 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT Correspondence dated September 29,2010 from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 524Port Burwell be received; THÄT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham approves the request by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 524Port Burwell for permission to use the streets within Port Burwell for the Armistice Day Parade to be held Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 2:00 p.m., subject to the provision of proof of liability insurance coverage in the amount of $2 million; THAT Wellington, Robinson and Pitt Streets from the Legion to the Cenotaph be temporarily closed during the parade between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m.; THAT the County of Elgin be requested to approve use of Wellington Street from Victoria to Robinson; AND TIIAT the Bayham Public Works SuperÍntendent be directed to provide the necessary provisions for traflic control and safety.tl CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque#9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling $1,322,391.68 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending September 19, 2010 totaling $50,332. I 0. 20t0-406 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'f TIIAT Cheque Register being Cheque #9122 to Cheque #9227 inclusive, except Cheques #9120 totaling 81,322,391.68 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending September 19,2010 totaling $50,332.10 be approved.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 7 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 11 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 (b) Correspondence received October 1,2010 from County of Elgin regarding "Installation of Tourism Signage". File: 416 The County is to be advised of corections required to new signage recently placed. 2010-4Q7 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Correspondence from the County of Elgin regardng installation of Tourism Signage be received; AI\D TIIAT Council approves the request for Public Works staffto install tourism signage, when requested by the County of Elgin, as per the the fees outlined in the correspondence.fr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffMemorandum regarding Letter from Jo-Lpn Pt. Burwell Inc. re fts2ening Fees. File: D14 2010-408 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffMemorandum regarding letter from Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell be received for infomation; AND THAT the second zoning application application fees of $1000 be refunded to Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Correspondence dated September 21,2010 from Ontario Energy Board regarding "Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Rule." File: E06 20r0-409 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT corresponcence from Ontario Energy Board regarding Amendments to the Gas Distribution Access Rule be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 8 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 12 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 (e) StaffMemorandum regarding East Elgin Mapping Parhrership - Potential Inclusion of County of Elgin. File: L04 20t0-410 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier I'THAT StaffMemorandum regarding East Elgin Mapping Partnership - Potential Inclusion of County of Elgin be received for information.fr CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (Ð Verbal staff update regarding Intemational Plowing Match volunteer recognition. Recognition of volunteers assisting with promotion at the Intemational Plowing Match is to include those who worked at the Bayham display booth as well as those volunteering on behalf of the museums exhibits. 20t04tt Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski TTTHAT International Plowing Match volunteers on behalf of Bayham be invited to and recognized at the Volunteer Appreciation Night being held Thursday, November 25 atthe Bayham Community Centre at 7:00 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) StaffReport E2010-10 regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Assessment Update. File: E08 It was noted that test results for sodium and chloride exceed acceptable guidelines and treabnent is difficult and costly. It was suggested that comments on the test results be sought from the Ministry of the Envi¡onment and the Health Unit. 2010-4t2 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski " TIIAT Staff Report E2010-10 regarding Richmond Water Hydrogeological Assessment Update be received; AND THAT staff be authorized to consult representatives of the Richmond Communþ \Mater Inc. Board regarding preferred options for the Richmond Water hydrogeological assessment. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 9 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 13 of 181 Council Minutes October 07,2010 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held Septemb er 16, 2010 were defered. 12. BY.LAWS (a) By-Law 2010-077 A By-Law to conveypart of unopened road allowance (Chatham StreeQ (b) By-Law 2010-090 A By-Law to authorize a subdivision agreement (Peters) 2010-413 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier I'THAT By-Laws 2010477 and 2010-090 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) By-law 2010-091 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 20t0-414 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw frThat confirming By-Law 2010-091 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2010-415 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:34 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR YrnÀ,- '-.,'¿CLERK Page 10 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 7, 2010.Page 14 of 181 5%*;%-*u"/ Cefetratíng oar gferítage. Irwestíng ín Our fuhue August 25th,2010 Ministry of Tourism and Culture Hearst Block 9th Floor 900 Bay Street TORONTO, ON M7A2EI M. Dianne CAO MDC/KK cc Small Municipalities in Ontario (to MUN!ülP,lLlTY ûF B,qYHAM Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Council of the Town of Petrolia held Monday, August 23'd,2070 the following resolution was passed: "TIIAT the contract with Canadian TODS Ltd. to place two signs on Highway 402 b e cancelled ; AND FURTHER that a letter be sent to the Ministry of Tourism objecting to criteria used to access costs of signage on Provincial Highways to promote small towns throughout Ontario." PHoNE (519) 882.2350 r¡x (519) 882.3373 THEATRE ruro 1.800.7 17.7 694 wl¡/rv. town.petrolia. on. ca 411 Greenfield Street . P.O. BoxI270 . Petrolia, ON NON 1R0 Correspondence dated August 25, 2010 from Town of Petrolia regarding resolution passed at meeting of Council held August 23, Page 15 of 181 ni lj ;\ Town of Petrolia to Council To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Scott Gawley, Director of Corporate Services/Treasurer Date: August 23,2010 SUBJECT: Advertising onHwy.402 BÄ.CI(GROI]ND: At the June7,2010 Council meeting a report was presented to reduce the size of the signs on Hwy. 402based on the cost of $753.00 per year. The application was filed based council approval, however the application for the smaller sign was denied by Canadian TODS Ltd as the we met the criteria for the small town population of under 10,000, however we were over the 30,000 tourists attacted to the Town annually. When questioned as of today no municipality has met the criteria to qualifi for the reduce fee sign. It is recommended that Council write the Ministry of Tourism about the criteria to advertise on the Provincial Highway's andthatthe intent of promoting the small towns as a tourists destination is not working. The resolution of lvne 7,2010 be withdrawn, based on the cost of $7,800 per year to have signage on the Hwy 402. STRATEGIC PLAN LINI(: Financial viability BITDGET IMPACT: Reduction in the annual advertising budget - $753.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: ft is recommended: That the contract with Canadian TODS Ltd. to place two signs on Hwy 402 be cancelled and further that a letter be sent to the Ministry of Tourism objecting to criteria used to access qosts of signage on Provincial Highway to promote small towns throughout Dave Menzies Director of Community M. Dianne"Caryn c.A.o.Director of Corporate Services/Treasurer Correspondence dated August 25, 2010 from Town of Petrolia regarding resolution passed at meeting of Council held August 23, Page 16 of 181 5 Mlnlstry ol Munlclpal Atfalrs and Houslng Office of the Min¡ster TT7 Bay Slreet, 17h Floor Toronto ON MsG 2E5 Tel. 41ô 585 7000 Fax 416 585 6470 www.ontario.caiMAH September 29,2010 Ministère des Affalres municipales et du Logement Bureau du ministre 777, rue Bay, 1 / étage Toronto ON MsG 2Es Tét. 416 585 7000 Téléc. 416 585 6470 www.ontario.calMAH 1 0-3804 Dear Heads of Council: The Municipal Performance Measurement Program continues to contribute to improved municipal service delivery in Ontario by providing a standardized set of efficiency and' effectíveness per¡formance measures for key service areas. I am pleased to provide you with the 2010 reporting requirements. The attached mater¡al sets out the 2010 requirements, which remain unchanged from 2009 Municipal Performance Measurement Program reporting requirements. By reporting results to the public, Ontario municipalities are achieving a level of transparency and accountability that has gained both national and international recognition. Also, data from the program is being used by the Ontario Municipal Knowledge Network as a starting point to identify innovative municipal ideas, and discover better practices that are then shared with mun¡cipalities. This a partnership funded by the province and administered by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) with a mandate to enable information sharing to improve municipal services, and to be a forum for developing linkages and dialogue among municipal officials. To benefit from the work of the Ontario Municipal Knowledge Network, I encourage you to visit the website at www.omkn.ca. I also invite municipalities to subscribe to the Municipal lnformation Data and Analysis System (MIDAS), AMO's web-based software tool for the municipal sector. MIDAS provides municipalities with free access to Municipal Performance Measurement Program and Financial lnformation Return data to enable staff to perform year-over-year comparisons of your municipality's data and to generate comparisons with other municipalities of your choice. MIDAS has boosted municipal capacity to use data for making more informed decisions about municipal management. Please e-mail AMO directly at Ml DASadmin @ amo.on.ca to receive your MIDAS password, ln addition to the 2010 Municipal Performance Measurement Program requirements, I am pleased to give you advance notice with respect to the program for the 2011 municipal reporting year. The ministry listened when municipalities said they needed more lead time to begin collecting data for new program measures. Today, I am informing you of new Municipal Performance Measurement Program measures in the building services area. The new measures were developed in partnersh¡p with municipal service area experts and senior level representatives of municipalities and professional associations. /2 Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 17 of 181 -2- Heads of Council Definitions of categories for building services will be posted on the Financial lnformation Return home page at http://csconramp.mah.gov.on.ca/firA\lelcome.htm. The draft 2011 Financial lnformation Return schedules for efficiency and effectiveness measures will include the new measures and will be posted on this website. Your local Municipal Services Office in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing can help staff with any questions about completing the schedules for the Financial lnformation Return and Municipal Performance Measurement Program, or staff can e-mail: FlR.mah@ontario.ca. The ministry continues to review municipally supported housing measures for inclusion in the Municipal Performance Measurement Program in the future. Thank you for your on-going dedication and work in building strong communities across Ontario. Attachments c: Chief Administrative Officers Municipal Clerks and Treasurers MPMP Advisory Committee Members Bartolucci, MPP, Sudbury Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 18 of 181 t List of Measures for 2OlO Reporting year CHART 2O1O Measures Municipal PeÉormance Measurement program (MpMp) GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1.1 a) Operating costs for governance and corporate management as a percentage of total municipal operating costs. b) Total costs for governance and corporate management as a percentage of total municipal costs.* PROTECTION Fire 2.t a) Operating costs for fire services per $1,000 of assessment. b) Total costs for fire services per 91,000 of assessment.* 2.2 Number of residential fire related civilian injuries per 1,000 persons. 2.3 Number of residential fire related civilian injuries averaged over 5 years per 1,000 persons. 2.4 Number of residential fire related civillan fatalities per 1,000 persons. 2.5 Number of residential fire related civilian fatalities averaged over 5 years per 1,000 persons, 2.6 Number of residential structural fires per 1,000 households. Total costs means operating costs as defined by MPMP plus lnterest on long term debt and amortization on tangible capltal assets as reported in the Financlal Information Return. Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 19 of 181 Police 3.1 a) Operating costs for police services per person. b) Total costs for police services per person.* 3.2 Violent crime rate per 1,000 persons. 3.3 Property crime rate per 1,000 persons. 3.4 Total crime rate per 1,000 persons (Crlminal Code offences, excludlng traffic). 3.5 Youth crime rate per 1,000 youths. TRANSPORTATION Roadways 4.7 a) Operating costs for paved (hard top) roads per lane kllometre. b) Total costs for paved (hard top) roads per lane kilometre.* 4.2 a) Operating costs for unpaved (loose top) roads per lane kilometre. b) Total costs for unpaved (loose top) roads per lane kilometre.* 4.3 a) Operatlng costs for bridges and culverts per square metre of surface area. b) Total costs for bridges and culverts per square metre of surface area.* 4.4 a) Operating costs for winter maintenance of roadways per lane kilometre maintained in winter. b) Total costs for winter maintenance of roadways per lane kilometre maintained in winter.* 4.5 Percentage of paved lane kllometres where the condition is rated as good to very good. 4.6 Percentage of bridges and culverts where the condition is rated as good to very good. 4.7 Percentage of winter events where the response met or exceeded locally determlned munlcipal service levels for road malntenance. 2 Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 20 of 181 Transit 5,1 a) Operating costs for conventional transit per regular service passenger trip. b) Total costs for conventional transit per regular service passenger trip.* 5.2 Number of conventional transit passenger trips per person in the ,".i." ur.u in a year, ENVIRONMENT Wastewater 6.1 a) Operating costs for the collection/conveyance of wastewater per kilometre of wastewater main. b) Total costs for the collection/conveyance of wastewater per kilometre of wastewater main.* 6.2 a) Operating costs for the treatment and disposal of wastewater per megalitre. b) Total costs for the treatment and disposal of wastewater per megalitre.* 6.3 a) Operating costs for the collection/conveyance, treatment, and disposal of wastewater per megalitre (integrated system). b) Total costs for the collection/conveyance, treatment, and disposal of wastewater per megalitre (integrated system).* 6.4 Number of wastewater main backups per 100 kilometres of wastewater main in a year. 6.5 Percentage of wastewater estimated to have by-passed treatment. Storm water 7.7 a) Operatlng costs for urban storm water management (collection, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system, b) Total costs for urban storm water management (collection, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system,* Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 21 of 181 7.2 a) Operating costs for rural storm water management (collection, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system. b) Total costs for rural storm water. management (collectlon, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system.x Drinking water 8.1 a) Operating costs for the treatment of drinking water per megalitre. b) Total costs for the treatment of drinking water per megalitre.* 8.2 a) Operating costs for the distribution/transmission of drinking water per kilometre of water distribution pipe. b) Total costs for the distribution/transmission of drinking water per kilometre of water distribution pipe.* 8.3 a) Operating costs for the treatment and distribution/transmission of drinking water per megalitre (integrated system). b) Total costs for the treatment and distribution/transmission of drinking water per megalitre (integrated system).* 8.4 Weighted number of days when a boil water advisory issued by the medical officer of health, applicable to a municipal water supply, was in effect. 8.5 Number of water main breaks per 100 kilometres of water distribution pipe in a year. Solid Waste 9.1 a) Operating costs for garbage collectlon per tonne or per household. b) Total costs for garbage collection per tonne or per household.* 9.2 a) Operating costs for garbage disposal per tonne or per household. b) Total costs for garbage disposal per tonne or per household.* 4 Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 22 of 181 9.3 a) Operating costs for solid waste diversion per tonne or per household. b) Total costs for solid waste diversion per tonne or per household.* 9.4 a) Average operating costs for solid waste management (collection, disposal and diversion) per tonne or per household. b) Average total costs for solid waste management (collection, disposal and diversion) per tonne or per household.* 9.5 Number of complaints received in a year concerning the collection of garbage and recycled materials per 1,000 households. 9.6 Total number of solid waste management facilities owned by the municipality with a Ministry of Environment certificate of approval. 9.7 Number of days per year when a Ministry of Environment compliance order for remediation concerning an air or groundwater standard was in effect for a municipally owned solid waste management facility, by facility. 9.8 Percentage of residential solid waste diverted for recycling. 9.9 Percentage of residential solid waste diverted for recycling (based on combined residential and ICI tonnage). PARKS AND RECREATION 10.1 a) Operating costs for parks per person. b) Total costs for parks per person.x ro.2 a) Operating costs for recreation programs per person. b) Total costs for recreation programs per person.* 10.3 a) Operating costs for recreation facilities per person. b) Total costs for recreation facilities per person,x Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 23 of 181 to.4 a) Operating costs for recreation programs and recreation facilities per person (Subtotal). b) Total costs for recreation programs and recreation facilities per person (Subtotal).* 10.5 Total kilometres of trails and total kilometres of trails per 1,000 persons. 10.6' Hectares of open space and hectares of open space per 1,000 persons (municipally owned). 70.7 Total participant hours for recreation programs per 1,000 persons. 10.8 Square metres of indoor recreation facilities and square metres of indoor recreation facilities per 1,000 persons (municipally owned). 10.9 Square metres of outdoor recreation facility space and square metres of outdoor recreation facility space per 1,000 persons (municipally owned). TIBRARY SERVICES 11.1 a) Operating costs for llbrary seùices per person. b) Total costs for library services per person.* 7L.2 a) Operating costs for library services per use. b) Total costs for library services per use.* 11.3 Library uses per person. 7L.4 Electronic library uses as a percentage of total llbrary uses. 11.5 Non-electronic library uses as a percentage of total library uses. LAND USE PLANNING 72.7 Percentage of new residentlal units located within settlement areas. 72.2 Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re- designated for other uses during the reporting year. Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 24 of 181 t2.3 Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re- designated for other uses relative to the base year of 2000. L2.4 Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses during the reporting year. 12.5 Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses since January 1, 2000, Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 25 of 181 Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 26 of 181 t '!¡ Schedule for 2OfO RepoÉing year SCHEDULE MUNICIPAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Designated by the Minister under Section 299 oÍ the l'lunicipat Act, 2OO7 (the "Act") PROVISION AND PUBLICATION OF DESIGNATED MUNICIPAL INFORMATION Performance measurement information 1. (1) A municipality shall in respect of each municipal fiscal year provide to the Minister and publish for the taxpayers of the municipality the performance measurement information designated in the attached chart (the "chart"). The chart forms part of this Schedule. (2) The information provided by a munlcipality under subsection (1) shall include performance measurement information for any local board of the municipality that provides a public utillty, and any planning board, transit commission or police services board of the municipality. (3) This section does not require an entity described in clause (a), (b), (c) or (d) of subsection 299 (1) of the Act to provide performance measurement information directly to the Minister or to taxpayers. Timing for provision and publication of information 2. (1) A municipality shall provide the information required by section 1 to the Minister not later than six months after the last day of the fiscal year to which the information relates. (2) A municipality shall publish the information requíred by section 1 not later than nine months after the last day of the fiscal year to which the information relates. Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 27 of 181 tli' Included information' Publ¡cat¡on and notlce to ministry 3. (t) A municipality at a min¡mum shall include w¡th the information published under section 1, (a) the name of each performance measure in the chart and the fiscal year to which it relates; and (b) the result generated for the measure by the electronic financial information return software of the Ministry, after the munlcipality submits the relevant performance measure information to the Minister. (2) A municipality shall pubtish the information referred to in subsection (1) through one or more of the following methods, (a) a direct mailing to taxpayers or households; (b) an insert with the property tax blll; (c) in local newspaperc or advertising periodicals; or (d) posting the information on the Internet. (3) A municlpality shall, as soon as reasonably possible after publishing the information under subsection (2), provide the following to the Regional Director of the Municipal Services Office of the Ministry for the region that includes the municipality: 1. The date of publication. 2. The method or methods of publication that the municipality used. Financial information return 4. A municipality shall provide to the Minister the information required by section 1 by reportlng that information in those schedules or lines in the municipality's financial information return for the relevant municipal fiscal year that correspond to the service or function performance measurement categories designated in the chart. Board or commlss¡on Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 28 of 181 "l 5. (1) A board or commission of a municipality shall make available for review by a municipality any performance measurement information designated in the chart related to services or functions supplied in respect of the municipality by the board or commission in a fiscal year. (2) In this subsection, "board or commission" means a local board that provides a public utility, and a planning board, transit commission or police services board. Service or function not supplied 6, Despite section 1, if a municipality does not supply a service or function at any time in a fiscal year, the municipality is not required to provide or publish information related to that service or function designated in the chart for the fiscal year. Definitions 7. In this Schedule, "Minister" means the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; "Ministry" means the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; "supply" means supply pursuant to a statute, bylaw or resolution or an arrangement or agreement with any person or municipality, and "supplied" has a corresponding meaning, In force 8. This Schedule comes into force January t, z9tl for the 2010 fiscal year. Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 29 of 181 I Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 30 of 181 PROPOSED LIST OF MEASURES FOR BUILDING SERVICES FOR THE 2011 REPORTING VEAR Efficiency Measures 1.1 a) Operating costs for building permits and inspections services per $1,000 of construction activity (based on permits issued) b) Total costs for building permits and inspections services per $1,000 of construction act¡v¡ty (based on permits issued) Effectiveness Measure 1.2 Median number of days to review a complete building permit application and issue a permit or not issue a permit, and provide all reasons for refusal: a) Category 1: Houses (houses not exceeding 3 storeys/600 square metres) Reference: provincial standard is 10 working days b) Category 2: Small Buildings (small commercial/industrial not exceeding 3 storeyV600 square metres) Reference: provincialstandard is 15 working days c) Category 3: Large Buildings (large residential/commercial/industriaU institutional) Reference: provincial standard is 20 working days d) Category 4: Complex Buildings (post disaster buildings, including hospitals, power/water, f i relpolice/E MS, com m un ications) Reference: provincial standard is 30 working days Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 31 of 181 ¡ Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Municipal Performance Page 32 of 181 -J Proud Heritage. Bright Future. The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street, West, Aylmer, Ontario N5H U7 Office: 519-773-3164 Fax 5I9-765-L446 www.aylmer.ca SePtember 29, 2010 Lynda Millard Municipal Office The Museums of BaYham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1YO Dear Lynda, we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your generous donation towards the draw at the Elgin Offerings booth at the 2010 International Plowing Match' As you know, our objective was to have a draw for a wonderful tourism package that would entice visitors or residents to experience more of Elgin óounty, Our hope is that they will return and share their experiences with others. The event was well attended by many people from this area, and afar' Volunteers at the booth were able to promote your business and also point out on the Elgin County map where you and the other participating destinations were located. The draw took place on Wednesday September 29,2010' The winner of the package was vince and Nancy van Hooydonk from Tillsonburg. Again thanks for your contribution in promoting Elgin County! Sincerely, Mayor Robert Habkirk On behalf of the Elgin Offerings Committee Correspondence dated September 29, 2010 from Elgin Offerings Committee regarding "donation towards the draw at the Elgin Page 33 of 181 Page 34 of 181 Atç LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS - MINUTES August 4,2010 (as approved at the Board meeting held October 6, 2010) Members in attendance: L. Bartlett, P. Black, L. Chanda, P. Ens, P. Lee, R. Sackrider and B. Sloat. Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J. Robertson, D. Holmes, J. Maxwell, B Hodi, C. Jacques, K. Brown and D. Mclachlan. Special Guests: Lee Brown Marsh Scholarship winners and their families. Regrets: R. Geysens, J. Hunt and S. Lamb. The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm Wednesday, August 4th, 2010 in the Education Centre at Backus Heritage Conservation Area. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS None DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None PRESENTATIONS a) Leighton & Betty Brown Scholarship Winners L. Chanda gave a brief history of the Scholarship noting that it was established in 2006 and that donations to date total $100 000. This allowed for three scholarships of $1000 each to be awarded in 2010. Chair, B. Sloat was then called upon to present the scholarships to William Bouck, Kelsey Chapman and Tabitha Goodale. Each student was given the opportunity to state their chosen field, goals and future plans. Each one also expressed their thanks for the scholarship. b) Tom & Muriel Millar - 27 Years of Dedicated Service to Long Point Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Milla r did not make it to the meeting but Chairman Sloat noted their commitment and expressed appreciation on behalf of the Board. They will be presented with their plaque at a later date. After the presentation, all special guests left the meeting. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held August 4, 2010. Page 35 of 181 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A-124 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Dlrectors regular meeting ireld July 7th,2010 be adopted as circulated. BUSINESS ARISING a) 2011 Budget Timetable The GM has investigated and found that this Board is empowered to pass the 2011 budget. He noted that all current Board appointments expire November 29'n, 2010, therefore, at the scheduled December lttBoard meeting no motions can be passed. The GM will conduct further research to see if a December 1tt meeting is warranted and when municipalities plan on completing member appointments to schedule LPRCA elections. He will present a report at an upcoming meeting. The Chair read the motion and Board Members discussed giving the staff more time. Staff will review the timeline and adjust as needed while still meeting deadlines. MOTION A-125 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the staff report regarding the 2011 Budget Process Timeline; AND THAT staff be directed to implement the timeline as presented at the August 4th, 2010 Board of Directors' meeting. b) EnforcementTraining The issue of enforcement was brought forth at the last meeting. D. Holmes has secured one space for training for either Section 28 or Section 29 with Conservation Ontario in early 2011. Staff suggested that it would be most beneficial to have a staff member attend training for Section 28 Regulations. MOTION A-126 moved by P. Ens, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the staff report dated July 26tn,2010 regarding enforcement training for Conservation Area Staff as information; AND THAT Conservation Ontario's Regulations training position for LPRCA be dedicated to Section 28. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES None CORRESPONDENCE FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -9- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held August 4, 2010. Page 36 of 181 a) Township of Norwich re: LPRGA Appointments The GM has been reviewing the LPRCA Board restructuring process completed 10 years ago in part due to the Red-Tape Bill and the formation of Halidmand and Norfolk counties. The Board was decreased from 14 to the current 10 members. The make-up of the Board was calculated based on a formula produced at the time. The GM has contacted the province for input and will report back to the Board in October. MOTION A-127 moved by P. Lee, seconded by P. Ens and carríed that the LPRCA Board of Directors direct staff to prepare a board restructuring report as per Norwich Township's request; AND THAT the report includes the various options for its consideration. MOTION A-128 moved by P. Ens, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that correspondence outlinedln the Board of Direct,ors' Agenda of August 4th, 2010 be received for information. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS a) NEW APPLICATIONS An updated report was distributed. The Planning Department requested approval for a total of seven applications and one amended application under Section 28 Regulations. Board Members again requested more details regarding the locations i.e. the 911 address. Staff was directed to develop an application template to include a privacy waiver. MOTION A-129 moved by P. Lee, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approves the following Development Applications: A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06), HC-23/10 NC-64/10 HC-24fi0NC-67/10 NC-66/10 BA-5/10 NC-68/10 HC-1 1/10*Amendment B. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related regulations FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held August 4, 2010. Page 37 of 181 NEW BUSINESS a) GALENDAR REVTEW This months'calendar includes August and September as there is no meeting in September. LPRCA is exhibiting at two new events this year, Forest Fest 2010 and A Community Celebration of Long Point's Nature. Tomorrow begins the public comment open h with Oxford at the LPRCA office. is Friday, August 27th and the Me She also highlighted the lnternational Plowing Match in September where LPRCA is one of five CA's exhibiting as a group using Source Water Protection as the theme. L. Chanda invited allto the Percñ Fish Fry ãt eHCn August 28th sponsored by the BAB. MOTION A-130 moved by P. Ens, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the AugusUSeptember Calendar Review Report for information. b) GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT The GM reported that he made a presentation to ALUS notifying them that they would be receiving a letter of endorsement from Conservation Ontario. The Efficiency Study draft report will be ready next week and a final report will be ready by the end of August. The Rocks Mill contract has been awarded and will be completed as soon as possible. Members commented on the Grand Opening event. All enjoyed the presentation by the guest speaker, Peter Annin. MOTION A-131 moved by P. Ens, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the General Manager's Report for July 2010 as information. c) PARKS SOFTWARE J. Maxwell reviewed the CAMIS program Everest, the key advantages and the comparison programs. The Board asked for a greater tracking component for marketing purposes and requested a demonstration. MOTION A-132 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the staff report regarding the Campground Reservation Systems; AND THAT staff be directed to negotiate the terms of a contract with CAMIS for implementation of the EVEREST system at LPRCA for the 2011 campground season. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat - 4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held August 4, 2010. Page 38 of 181 d) WATERSHED UPDATE C. Jacques summarized the conditions for the past month. Precipitation was normal or slightly above average. Air temperatures were 1e degree higher than normal and 4e higher than last July. The upcomíng three months are forecast to be warmer and wetter than normal. The Big Otter is approaching Level 1 re: low water. Water levels as of June show that the ground water was a little lower than normal and Lake Erie is below the long-term average by about 4". MOTION A-133 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives staff's verbalWatershed Report Update for information. The Parks Subcommittee met this morning. B. Sloat reported that it has been a great experience to date. MOTION A-134 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to discuss: ! the security of the property of the Conservation Authority;! personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Conservation Authority employees. MOTION A-136 moved by L. Chanda, seconded by L. Barlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera" session. MOTION A-137 moved by R. Sackrider, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the GM's confidential verbal report regarding a personnel matter. MOTION A-138 moved by P. Black, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the GM's confidentialverbal report regarding a property matter. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:55pm. Buck Sloat Chairman Dana McLachlan Admin istrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -5- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held August 4, 2010. Page 39 of 181 Page 40 of 181 5 Cot Bayham Harbourfront Committee Minutes of Meeting held at Municipal Office,9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Ontario October 12,2010 7:00 pm Present: Brenda Martin, Ron Bradfield, Ron Flick, Ray Talbot, Barry Wade, Doug Lester Regrets: Heinz Vogelsang,Craig Gregson, Mark Taylor Also Present: Lynn Acre, Ed Bradfield, and Kyle Kruger Guests: Alan Montgomery, Glen Underwood 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None 3. Approval of Minutes The September 14,2010 minutes were reviewed. MOTION: Moved by Ray Talbot Seconded by Ron Flick That the Harbourfront Committee minutes of September 14,2010 be adopted as circulated. Carried 4. Delegation - Glen Underwood The Chairman introduced Mr. Glen Underwood and advised of his experience in project management. Mr. Underwood outlined his background in project construction management and advised he is interested in volunteering to assist the Committee in putting together proposals/business plans. Committee members clarihed that the projects could include beautification projects andlor dredging. Related to this, Committee members were also advised Mr. Earl Shea is also interested in assisting, and has been a member of the Trillium Fund review team in the past. Committee members discussed possible projects and grants and the need to establish priorities. In regard to dredging, opinion was expressed that a local company is likely quite willing to contribute to dredging if they can be shown they can use the harbour. There was more discussion regarding the need to prepare a business plan. It was agreed that Mr. Wade would co-ordinate a meeting with Mr. Underwood and Mr. Shea to discuss grant opportunities, and that a sub-group consisting of Ron Bradfield, Doug Lester, Ray Talbot, Ron Flick, and Glen Underwood would meet to examine dredging options/plans. Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held October 12, 2010. Page 41 of 181 5. Dredging 20l0l20ll To add to the discussion of dredging already completed, staff updated Committee members on discussions with a private company to carry out some dredging to obtain the materials for fill. 6. Pier Analysis Update and 2010 Pier Improvements It was noted that the report is still not completed. 7. 2011 Budget and Projects Committee members further discussed potential projects for 2011. Maintenance dredging, pier resurfacing, and pier beautification were noted as the priorities. It was also noted that budgets may be largely committed with Project Ojibwa It was suggested thataminimum of $20,000 be budgeted for dredging, and that pier resurfacing was dependent on the outstanding engineering report. Mr. Wade agreed to obtain pricing for the cabana concept for the pier. It was also noted that examination of other concepts such as partnership with Fanshawe for arlwork and other grants could continue. 8. Other Business a) Otter Valley Naturalists Committee members were advised of a letter received from the Otter Valley Naturalists seeking support for a habitat project/beautification opportunity at the east beach. The committee reviewed the general proposal to create a natural pond area at the drainage outlet east of the current washroom facilities. It was noted that the group has had preliminary discussion with MNR and LPRCA, and that the intent is to fund the project through grant progfams. There was discussion that a concept drawing would be helpful, and discussion that grant applications should not be in competition with other Harbourfront Committee initiatives. Its was suggested the applicable grant programs would be different sources. It was also suggested that the group be invited to attend a future meeting. MOTION: Moved by Doug Lester Seconded by Ray Talbot That the Harbourfront Committee support the Beach Habitat Project as presented by the Otter Valley Naturalists. Carried b) Canada Post Seal Committee members were circulated a draft of a seal for the Port Burwell post office featuring Project Ojibwa. c) Village display signs Committee members were shown a number of designs and samples for metal decorative signs that could be placed on hydro poles in the various villages/hamlets, obtained from Ontario Laser Cutting. It was noted that the company is donating the signs, but that there would be a small cost of approximately $2.50 per sign for powder coating. There was discussion of possible placements, uses, designs, number and colours. It was agreed that a sample for each village be obtained to review, utilizing colours to match existing entrance signs where possible. Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held October 12, 2010. Page 42 of 181 d) Project Ojibwa Elgin Military Museum representative Alan Montgomery was in attendance and provided an update regarding Project Ojibwa. Committee members were updated on requirements for an EA to the satisfaction of Public Works Canada, issues regarding the actual transport being worked on, and fundraising proceeding, particularly the buy-a-brick fundraiser. In response to questions, the Committee was advised that the timing of the actual move is not confirmed at this time. 9. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by Ron Bradfield Seconded by Ray Talbot That the Harbourfront Committee meeting of October 12,2010 be adjourned at 8:35 pm. Canied Note: Next meeting Tuesday November 912010 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal Offices. Chairman Secretary Date Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held October 12, 2010. Page 43 of 181 Page 44 of 181 _9 BAYHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160, STRAFFORDVILLE, ON. NoJ 1Y0 (_ öL September 9, 2010. PRESENT: Alex Collins, Cheryl Peters, Bob Graham, Sandy Sage, Ray Maddox, Robert & Jeanette Heil, CorÇ & Barb Ouellette, Donna Baldwin, Harris Teall, Mary Newland, Shirley Brackenbury, Tom & Dorothy Godby and John Gould. President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM, welcoming members and quests. A motion to accept the minutes of June 10, 2010 was made by Alex Collins, 2nd. By Corky Ouellette. Motion carried. GUEST SPEAKER: Robeft Heil spoke on working with the Lefty Weeks collection. It is a very large collection consisting mostly of newspaper afticles many without dates. Ray & Jeanette with the help of Ray Maddox are working at the Edison Museum cataloging, sorting, and placing items and photos in acid free sleeves. The Weeks family bible contains many bifths and deaths of the family. Some of the articles started in 1932 and Robeft was able to date some from the St. Thomas Library. Gordy's (Lefty) father was a barber and Lefty played in Kingston in 1935 and Kirkland Lake in 1939. Robeft is working on the Weeks family tree as well but would like to contact the Weeks family to get more information for his research. It is a huge undertaking. Ray thanked Robeft. PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Ray Maddox had to leave early and Robert Heil stepped up to take his place. Robeft has a letter asking for any info on the war of 1812 ¡f anyone has something please let him know. Reverend John Gould asked if we would be interested in the donation of a picture of his grandfather. The Gould Hall in Corinth was named after him, John will bring it to the next meeting. The BHS computer is getting very outdated and Cheryl will find out if we can get some updated equÍpment from the Municipality. TEA REPORT: Barb Ouelette and other members held a meetíng to discuss our annual tea. Our theme this year is "Heard it through the "Grape Vine" it will be on October 16, 2010 at the Community of Christ Church on the corner of Eden Line & Cullodin Road. (same place as last year) We are looking for items for our silent auction and door prizes, anyone who would like to donate items please let Barb or Cheryl know. We also need help setting up and taking down and men if Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held September 9, 2010. Page 45 of 181 you help take down we will be glad to feed you.. Cheryl is looking into getting High School students to help out while doing student volunteer hours. Would members please donate cookies, square or goodies for the tea, we will make the sandwiches at the church as per the Health Depaftment codes. This is our only fundraiser so please pith in & help with labor or food, last year was a huge success and we hope to do it again this year. SECRETARYS REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported that the Edison Museum has a limited print for sale and all money made from its sale will go to the new museum fund. Any one who would like to purchase one can get hold of her. ALL MEMBERS - Our speaker for September 9,20L0 is any member who would like to tell us stories of the International Plowing Match 2010 or any other IPM's from the past. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Donna Baldwin - many members saw it in the newspaper. SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Barb Ouellette and Cheryl Peters will bring refreshments for our September meeting. MYSTERY OBJECT Harris Teall brought a chicken killer made of aluminum & looks similar to a pair of pliers. It has a flat side & the blade paft is put in the chicken's open mouth and it goes into the brain killing the chicken instantly. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on November 11, 2010 at the Municipality of Bayham Office at 7:30 PM. Please feel free to bring a friend. CLOSE MEETING: A motion to close the meeting was made bySandy Sage, 2nd. By Jeanette Heil -Motion carried. Date President Secretary Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held September 9, 2010. Page 46 of 181 MUSEUMS BAYTIAM Minutes of October 13, 2010 Meeting Bayham Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hickey, Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Ron Bradfield, Brian Masschaele, Jean Woon, Cheryl Peters , Mat Schafer, Anna Schafer. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm DECLARATION OF PECIINIARY INTEREST: None AGENDA: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by C.Buchanan that the agendabe approved with additions. Motion Carried. MINUTES: It was moved by C.Buchanan and seconded by J.W'oon Motion Carried. CORRESPONDENCE: REPORTS: A) Marine Museum Report: 6.4.1) Red, White & Blue "OPEN" flags: Chairman B.Hickeyreported that he has purchased a 3 x 5 foot flag for $15. A stafffor mounting the flag is available for $19. He will bring both to the next meeting for board review and approval. 6.A.2) Lighthouse Painting: Excaliber'Windows and Doors arrived on Sept. 13 and began on Sept. 14. First they removed the oil based red paint. Then they spent two days pressure washing the entire building. Next they replaced any railings and pieces of damaged siding with custom-made pieces. Then they capped all of the windows with aluminium hoods and sealed them tight. This will preserve the life of the window frames. Next they applied a special primer coat of paint, followed by a thermal coat of paint and finally the liquid vinyl siding was applied. To finish things off they applied three coats of special red paint for all the trim. It was noted that clean beach sand was added to the red paint on the front steps, to create a slip-free surface. We have been assured that future power washing of the building will not harm the surface. C.Buchanan took photos at various stages of the surface treatment. It was moved by R.Bradfield and seconded by J.'Woon that the chairman send a letter of appreciation to Bayham Council for finding the extra funds needed to go forward with this proiect in 2010. Motion Carried. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held October 13, 2010. File: C06 Page 47 of 181 6.8. Museums Bayham October 13,2010 2 6.4.3) I)onation of Great Lake Vessel Model by Sharon Moore: After viewing our Marine Museum, Mrs. Sharon Moore has offered to donate an 87 inch long model of a great lake vessel, built by her late husband Gerald Moore from akit. The model took 5 years to build and the donation includes a case and stand. It was moved by C.Buchanan and seconded by Sharon Moore. Motion Camied. B.Hickey agreed to pick up the model and have the appropriate paperwork completed by the donor. 6.A.4) Potential Donation of metal lanterns by Railway Hall of Fame: board members reviewed Photos of metal lantems. Also photos of a framed display of 4 ships were reviewed. The board declined from accepting the metal lanterns unless some history could be found to lend some marine connection. It was moved by B.Masschaele and seconded by Railway Hall of Fame. Motion Carried. 6.4.5) Potential Donation of Ashtabula postcard from Doug Anguish: Mr. Anguish is willing to donate this postcard in return for any information regarding his United Empire Loyalist ancestors. Even though we already own several nice copies of Ashtabula postcards, Ray Maddox agreed to investigate the Anguish familyname in an eflort to assist Mr. Anguish. Edison Museum Report: 6.8.1) Gingerbread Bracket Trim: The chairman recently awarded the job of supplying and installing the gingerbread trim to Ed Mathews at $65 each. The project has not yet been completed. 6.8.2) Flagpole: Examination of the pole has determined that it can be lowered to the ground on hinges for easy painting. The extra flagtrlole, which is currently stored at R.Bradfield's marina, can be erected at the Edison Museum to fly an American flag. 6.8.3) I)onation of Edison Console by Steve Williams: Mr. Williams has decided to loan the console to the Railway Museum until2Dl2.He would like to make the donation to our new Edison museum once it has been built. In regards to his family's charitable foundation, J.Vy'oon agreed to prepare a wriffen request for a cash donation for the new museum. 6.B.4) Replacement of Coloured Glass in Window: Aylmer Glass & Mirror have replaced the piece of coloured glass in the window. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held October 13, 2010. File: C06 Page 48 of 181 Museums Bayham October 13,2010 3 6.C. New Edison Building Committee: Chairman J.\Moon distributed books of tickets for the 2010 Fundraiser. This year it will be a Dinner Dance rather than a Murder Mystery Dinner. The Silent Auction will proceed as usual. Tickets are $30 each for a fresh fish dinner. A live 50's style band and a DJ will provide music for the dance. Donations are needed for the Silent Auction. The date is SaturdayNovember 20,2070. 7. MATTERS OUT OF THE MINUTES: a)IPM Antiques & Heritage Tent: C.Buchanan and B.Hickey thanked all members who volunteered at the IPM in either the Antiques and Heritage Tent and the Elgin County Tent. Both tents received special recognition in the Times Journal newspaper. b) Update on IIMCS Ojibwa: On September 20 ameeting was held with the Navy in Ottawa, rather than wait for them to plan a trip to Pt.Burwell. The class I EA is nearing completion. Engineers are working on the Load Bearing Capacity study. The sub is still in Dartmouth. She mayhave to wait until spring to make the trip to Pt.Burwell. Fundraising efforts have already begun. Granite bricks can be purchased for $125 each with the name of a veteran engraved on it. These bricks will be formed into a decorative wall near the sub. The chairmanmentioned a recent article in the London Free Press entitled "Transporting submarine a challenge". Committee members were pleased to hear from Alan Montgomery that things are still moving forward. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A) Budget 2011: Committee members reviewed and discussed the draft budget as submitted by clerk L.Millard. It was moved by C.Peters and seconded by J.'Woon that we accept the draft 2011 budget with amendments. Motion Canied. Instead of buying 2 printers, extra laptop computers would be preferred. The $500 allotted to contracted services to be used to enhance the wages of a "summer staff supervisor" who would oversee, monitor and direct the duties of the other summer students. Under "Maintenance Details" add 81,000þr new sffits and brackets. B) New Commíttee Member: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by C.Peters that we accept Anna Schafer as a member of Museums Ba]¡ham effective immediatel)¡. Motion Ca:ried. 9. NEXT MEETING: 'WednesdayNovember l0 2010 at7:00 pm Municipal office. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by R.Bradfield that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 Dm. Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held October 13, 2010. File: C06 Page 49 of 181 Page 50 of 181 DNINKING WATER SıüRöÈ'þRbîi:cr-röN ÂCT FOR CLEAN WATER 5 áoò LAKE ERIE SoURCE PROTE<TION REóION LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECT¡ON COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, September 2, 2010 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, September 2, 2010 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Centre, 400 Clyde Road, Gambridge, ON. Members Present:M. Wales, Chair; H. Cornwell, P. General, M. Goldberg, J. Hanison, A. Henry, K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, D. Murray, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Perrin, T. Schmidt, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, D. Woolcott, W. Wright-Cascaden C. Ashbaugh, M. Ceschi-Smith, R. Haggart, J. Laird, B. LaForme, l. Macdonald, C. Martin, P. Wilson M. Goldberg (M. Ceschi-Smith and Roy Haggart), T. Schmidt (P. Wilson), B. Ungar (1. Macdonald) K. TL¡rner, Provincial Liaison; P. Emerson, Source Protection Authority Liaison; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Members Regrets: Proxy Representatives: Liaisons: Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA;T. Marks, KCCA; K. Smale, CCCA Committee: M. Anderson, GRCA; S. Brocklebank, GRCA; S. Cooke, GRCA; J. Deter, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; B. Fields, Norfolk County; L. Heyming, GRCA; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; T. Ryan, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; H. Waite, County of Oxford; A. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA 1. Callto Order M. Wales called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. 2. Roll Gall and Certification of Quorum - 17 Members Gonstitute a Quorum (213 oi members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. 3. Ghairman's Remarks M. Wales welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 51 of 181 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee September 2,2010 Page 2 . The Grand River Source Protection Authority has appoínted Phil Wilson as an interim public service representative on the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee following the resignation of Geoff Rae. P. Wilson has previously served as a proxy for G. Rae when he was unable to attend. . Members were provided with information regarding the Grand River Watershed Awards which will take place Thursday, September 16 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Grand River Conservation Authority as well as the Grand River Water Forum which is taking place September 17 at the Grand River Conservation Authority. 4. Review of Agenda The agenda was reviewed, and it was noted that eorrespondence was added from lan Smith, Director of the Source Protection Programs branch of the Ministry of the Environment. Report SPC-09-10-02, Brantford Special Projects Application was withdrawn; and the late starter report SPC-0$'10-03 Early Response Prioritization was distributed to members with a revised agenda. Moved by: A. Henry Seconded by: D. Murray carried unanimously THAT the revised agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of September 2, 2010 be approved. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declaratíons of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - Augus{ 12,2010 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: D. Parker carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting August 12, 2010 be ap prove d as d i stri buted. 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations None 9. Correspondence a) Copies for Members Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 52 of 181 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee September 2,2010 Page 3 i) Conespondence from Kate Turner, MOE Liaison, to Craig Ashbaugh, Chair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Re: Septic Systems - Concems Regarding Threats Assessment & Stewardship Funding ii) Conespondence from Kate Turner, MOE Liaison, to Craig Ashbaugh, Chair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee, Re: Pipelines As Threats ii¡) Conespondence from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch to Craig Ashbaugh, Chair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Re: Aggregate Extraction D. Parker referred to correspondence item ii) and wondered if there is a method for the Source Protectíon Committee to address specific pipeline concerns. K. Tumer responded that specific concerns of the committee, such as a pipeline of concern, can be added to the assessment report as a threat by the committee. D. Woolcott noted that the jurisdiction of pipelines and their exemption from regulations can be problematic for policy development. He noted it may be most effective to focus on the response and communication protocols within and between municipalities in the event of a spill or leak. T. Schmidt concurred that, at the request of the Source Protection Committee, municipalities can develop and implement a spills response plan. lf the municipality is aware of a threat to their drinking water supply, they would want to have a spills response plan developed. M. Wales asked K. Turner if it is possible for the Source Protection Committee to add a policy, such as a spills response plan, to the Source Protection Plan if it has not been included in the Assessment Report. K. Turner responded that a threat or issue must be identified in the Assessment Report for a Source Protection Planning policy to be developed. She suggested that the committee may want to consider including any additional threats and issues of concern in the amended Assessment Report to ensure that a policy can be developed moving forward. H. Cornwell wondered what the requirements are for pipeline companies to check for corrosion and ensure that the pipelines are ín good condition. P. General identified that pipelines, including sewage pipes, crossing the river have always been problematic. Although the age and condition of the pipelines are a significant factor, he would like to see more work done on the pipelines, not only for oils and gases, but also for sewage. B. Ungar put forward a motion that the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee submit an application to the Director of the Source Protection Programs branch at the Ministry of the Environment to include pipelines in the Catfish Creek, Kettle Creek, Long Point Region and Grand River Assessment Reports as a threat to drinking water in wellhead protection areas with high vulnerability. R. Krueger expressed that he is surprised that a pipeline has not been considered as the handling and storage of a fuel. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 53 of 181 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Committee September 2,2010 Res. /Vo. 62-10 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: R. Krueger Page 4 carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee submit an application to the Director of the Source Protection Programs branch at the Ministry of the Environment to include pipelines in the Catfish Creek, Kettle Creek, Long Point Region and Grand RiverAssessment Reporfs as a local threat to drinking water in wellhead protection areas and intake protection zones with high vulnerability. J. Oliver referred to correspondence item i) and asked if there are changes being made to the building code to require compulsory maintenance to septic systems. K. Tumer responded that only septic systems identifìed Ín vulnerable areas will be subject to compulsory maintenance through the building code and noted that the amendments to the building code were reflective of the Clean Water Act. K. Turner refened to conespondence item iii) and noted that the letter responding to this committee's request that aggregate extraction which breaches an aquitard be considered a signifìcant threat was finalized this morning and has been distributed with the revised agenda. She noted that the Ministry of the Environment's position on aggregates has not changed; aggregate extraction is still seen affecting the vulnerability but is not considered a threat. M. Goldberg expressed that he feels the Ministry of the Environment's response is unacceptable and noted that although the committee could identify this as a threat in the Assessment Report, there would be no point in doing so if the Director will not approve the submission. He pointed out that the letter from the Ministry states that if a municipality becomes aware of a new transport pathway, they shall notify the Source Protection Authority and the Source Protection Committee. M. Goldberg identified the misalignment between the guidance of the Ministry and the practices, noting that this committee sent the request to the Director because the municipality advised the Source Protection Committee that the extraction had breached the aquitard and opened a means for pathogens to get into the city's water supply. He further noted that the Stewardship Program also speaks to the importance of closing transport pathways which supports the point that the activity of opening a pathway for pathogens to enter is a threat to drinking water. M. Goldberg expressed that he would like to further pursue this issue with lan Smith, as he feel it is a serious concem. R. Seibel reminded members that although D. Belanger from the City of Guelph did advise the Source Protection Committee about the issue of the aquitard being breached, the committee did not receive a hard copy of the information. He would like to request that the City of Guelph provide that information. M. Goldberg noted that discussions with the aggregate company, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the City of Guelph are ongoing, and suggested the City of Guelph may have not provided the information because the discussions have not been finalized. K. Tumer suggested that she could arrange a meeting with lan Smith. L. Penin suggested that the Source Protection Committee could invite lan Smith to the next Source Protection Committee meeting so the committee can participate in the discussion. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 54 of 181 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee September 2,2010 Page 5 J. Oliver added that he sees merit in a smaller meeting before inviting lan Smith to a Source Protection Committee meeting, but requested that a staff designate would also participate in such a meeting. J. Hanison noted that it is irrelevant how we communicate; it is not Mr. Smith and the Minister of the Environment making these decisions. The MOE has no means to fight with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Transportation regarding what can be included in Source Protection Planning. M. Goldberg noted that he would, nonetheless, like to meet with lan Smith, and agreed that he would like to have Source Protection staff attend. He noted that Janet Laird may also wish to attend on behalf of the City of Guelph. W. Wright-Cascaden identified that a meeting is important, and noted that our Chairman should also attend as the formal representative of the committee. B. Ungar suggested that, to be fair, the member representing the aggregate industry should also attend. R. Seibel concurred and requested that there either be a meeting with balanced representation of committee members, or just staff attend the meeting. K. Turner agreed to anange a meeting with lan Smith prior to the next Source Protection Committee meeting. M. Wales asked if the committee would like K. Turner to also ask lan Smith to attend a Source Protection Committee meeting. J. Oliver felt that it may be best to wait and assess the success of the smaller meeting of delegates. A. Henry pointed out that if there is an activity that could increase the vulnerabilíty of a water supply; the focus is not solely on the aggregate industry. He asked what powers a Source Protection Committee has if the municipality advises the Source Protection Committee that there is an activity that increases that vulnerability of the water supply, but this activity has been approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Transportation and/or the Ministry of the Environment. He noted that wells, sandpoints, and geothermal wells are all activities that could lead to increasing the vulnerability. He identified that the Source Protection Committee's power to eliminate these threats to vulnerability is toothless. T. Schmidt identified that although wells also increase the vulnerability, there is legislation that requires the proper decommissioning of wells. Once an aggregate pit has been opened, however, it cannot be restored back to what it was. Although he understands the need for aggregate extraction, it is important to be cognizant of the irreversibility of the aggregate extraction. T. Schmidt noted that the letter from lan Smith does not properly recognize the permanence of what is created by aggregate extraction and suggested that the activity requires a higher level of scrutiny than what is suggested in the letter. L. Minshall noted that the primary concern for the City of Guelph is that the act of breaching the aquitard allows surface water and associated pathogens into aquifer. She emphasized that there is a difference between a threat and anything associated with vulnerability. Our request to consider a local threat was the acknowledgement that the activity of breaching an aquitard which then releases pathogens to the aquifer. lt will be important to express our concerns in that context. The Clean Water Act does not allow vulnerability to be the same as threats. Although the concern regarding increasing the vulnerability is a valid comment, there is nothing the Director can do, because Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 55 of 181 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee September 2,2010 Page 6 vulnerability and threats are separate in the Clean Water Act. lf we are concerned about a local threat, it will be imperative to focus on the act of releasing a surface water threat to the aquifer due to a breach in the aquitard. R. Seibel pointed out that proper rehabilitation is something that is within this committee's purview The committee can make recommendations regarding policies for various rehabilitative land uses once an aggregate site has closed its operations. K. Tumer refened to A. Henry's point regarding the committee's inability to address the increased vulnerability created by transport pathways and suggested that after the vulnerability is reassessed, if the vulnerability of the area has increased, new activities will become signifìcant threats. The Source Protection Committee would then have power to address those significant threats. A. Henry concuned, but pointed out that this approach is reactive as opposed to proactive. J. Oliver requested clarification regarding who would be attending the meeting with lan Smith. lt was decided that Craig Ashbaugh, Mark Goldberg, Richard Seibel and Martin Keller would attend. Res. Â/o. 63-10 Moved by: H. Cornwell Seconded by: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the correspondence be received as information. b) Not Copied None 10. Reports a) SPC-09-10-01 Long Point Region Draft Assessment Report Public Gomments M. Keller provided an overviewof Report SPC-0S10-01. D. Parker referred to the letter from Holcim and asked if a farmer were to send a letter saying that the potential threats identifíed on their property were not taking place, would they be given the same credibility. M. Keller responded that, ultimately, no matter which sector, the objective is to make site visits. However, at this stage of the assessment process, the approach is to accept the information when provided with the intent to follow up for verification. J. Hanison wondered if there is some regulatory responsibility for people to provide the Source Protection Committee with accurate information. J. Oliver pointed out that the watershed characterization report was largely a desktop exercise, and that the purpose of the consultation meetings is to get the property owners' feedback. He suggested that at this point the committee assume the information provided is accurate, regardless of sector. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 56 of 181 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Gommittee September 2,2010 Page 7 M. Wales further noted that the feedback is part of public record. lf parties were to inaccurately report the activities on their property, and they were to have a spill or contaminate the water, those parties would have a very difficult time demonstrating due diligence. Res. lVo. 6+10 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: R. Serbel carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to make the recommended changes to the Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessmenf Repoft in response to comments received during the consultation period on the Draft Assessmenf Report. b) SPC-09-10-02 Brantford Special Projects Application (Withdrawn) M. Wales noted that although the request for funding to the Ministry of the Environment was withdrawn by the City of Brantford, City Council announced this moming that the project will continue, and the City of Brantford will be funding the balance of the project. M. Wales wondered to what extent the replacement of the control gates would reduce the leakage of water from the Grand River into the inlet of Holmedale Canal. A. Henry responded that, from engineering perspective, it would be diffìcult to achieve 100o/o, bnt the project would certainly improve the extent of leakage. T. Schmidt identified that the City of Brantford IPZ-2 was based primarily on the length of time it would take their staff to response to incidents and asked if the lPZ-2 will be amended as a result of this project. M. Keller responded that this will need to be revisited once the project is completed. M. Wales asked what the timeline is for project completion. M. Keller responded that the project would not likely be completed in time for inclusion in the updated Assessment Report. M. Goldberg asked that, as the report had been withdraw from the agenda, that the discussion for this item be deferred until M. Ceschi-Smith is in attendance and noted that she would likely be able to answer many of these questions. c) SPC-09-10-03 Early Response Prioritization A. Henry asked for clarification regarding the difference between Early Actions and Early Response. T. Ryan responded that there are three phases to the Stewardship Program. The first phase focused on the 100 m zone, the second phase focused on the two year time of travel and the third phase is Early Response, which will focus on the signifìcant threats identified in the Assessment Reports. The Ministry of the Environment is asking the Source Protection Committees to prioritize the funding distribution for the Early Response program. T. Ryan provided an overview of Report SPC-09-10-03. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 57 of 181 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee September 2,2010 Page I J. Oliver asked if the Early Response program will share costs with landowners as the Early Action program does. T. Ryan responded that, as with the Early Action program, the Early Response program is cost shared with the landowner. J. Oliver commented that the Lake Erie Region promoted and delivered the Early Actions program quite well. He then asked for clarification regarding which areas are eligible for funding through the Early Response program. T. Ryan responded that significant threats are eligible for the program, although the 100 m zone is proposed to be given priority. There will be a committee for Early Response application review. One of the principles will be to prioritize applications with the limited funds that will be available. It will be extremely important to be judicious and set priorities; although all significant threats would be eligible, funding is limited. M. Goldberg questioned why the application period is so short and requested clarification regarding what the committee is being asked to do. T. Ryan explained that the Ministry of the Environment needs to have the prioritization to the Minister of the Environment by the end of this year. Although staff have known about the requirement for this application for some time, they could not prepare for the application process until the Assessment Report was complete with the list of significant threats. There are some regions that will not be able to apply, because they cannot compile the required information in time for the deadline. T. Ryan explained that staff are asking members to adopt the principles proposed to manage the Early Response program. J. Hanison requested confirmation that the proposed principles are altemate principles, not cumulative. T. Ryan replied affirmatively. J. Hanison asked if there will be a separate report to the Source Protection Committee requesting approval of a proposed subcommittee for the Early Response funding application review T. Ryan replied affirmatively. D. Parker asked if the request for funds will be based on a desktop estimate at this point. T. Ryan replied affirmatively, noting that the threats information will be drawn from the Assessment Report. She elaborated that because the initial Assessment Report was a desktop exercise, some of the threats may already be following best practices and will not require assistance from the Early Response program; there is still some verification work to be done. T. Schmidt advised that, in general, he accepts the proposed principles, but noted that in the summary of significant threats he would suggest that E.Coli is not a top priority. He elaborated that, because bacteria and E.Coli are inherent in surface water, Early Response funding would not be well used to reduce this threat; it is inherent in surface water. A. Henry asked if staff are recommending that only one Source Protection Committee member sit on the review committee as Chair, and suggested that it may be prudent to have a Chair and Vice-Chair. T. Ryan replied that staff will take this suggestion under advisement and will prepare a report to address the committee's suggestions. M. Keller identified that E.Coli was included in the summary of significant threats in error. Even though the City of Branford has identified E.Coli as an issue, there is Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 58 of 181 Minrfes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee September 2,2010 Page 9 cunently no issue contributing area so no threats contributing to the E.Coli issue have been identified. Res. lVo. 65-10 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee endorse the principles outlined in the report that will guide the prioritization of prcjects that are funded through Ontario's Early Response program. ll. Business Arising from Previous Meetings None 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period None 13. Glosed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting Thursday, October 7,2010,1:00 pm Long Point Region Conservation Authority, 4 Elm Street, Tillsonburg, ON 15. Adjourn Moved hy: J Harrison Seconded by: L. Perrin carrÍed unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of September 2, 2010 be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held September 2, 2010. Page 59 of 181 Page 60 of 181 5 ñÉt tt¿ iÞå-- rEeË€ry F-fi- Bar 64 fu&rqrgË ftbdÐ- t¡ÀÍ a û¿rËt?t t l1t ^-l'-¡¡tà¿ÀutFær l+,¿Þrtt- å,tffii€ipäiry ûiËryim F.û^Bor t6û Ë*afecdvi¡tuì@i+ Ì{üJ lYÛ üeaMayrrdCarædl: .es of håäerirss Ëayhars" I uñsritd iíhe ¡b tate thit oiipämiiy tG ihæt iirc Ivlaycr *ndmembers of Baytrar Cormcíf alsng wíth iñe siafrofthe rnr¡oieipåf office for ep*+@*F f@ e+ rxsesry frffi *p*y br the eíatíng Õf th Líght blrs¿ i* PÈút Bttrwetl. The paíntíng is now eotnpleted and guaranteed for 25 years and ttre light house loots grca¿ I re¿tiæìtìì€s alaræ trdtæe*Þcnt*c¡rpæ; hrtfu-l{i¡¡e¡m iimdbdio¡¡* it n¡æ úc- rigùt ehoice becausÊ ¡[s {igftifroüse h q beenpafuled a nrrmlrsr of times ove¡ tÍe past few ycaËd ee ur{Ët ûevs l&tsd vsf'Íwg 'lãffi- ya{¡ d ûärç-€ilitr far scdd4 Sis øffi impmvaimt h'a rsy popultr siF ia or¡r anr{ we frope thÊ invesfuÊnt was wo¡fi. iL st Y" Bev Fliekry Correspondence dated October 14, 2010 from Museums Bayham regarding "Painting of the Lighthouse Port Burwell". Page 61 of 181 Page 62 of 181 ir Thinking beyond the box Stewardship Ontario BAYHAM, MUNICIPALITY OF P.O Box 160 qc NoJ 1Y0 September 30, 2010 RE: lndustry funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2010 Program Year Dear Mayor and Members of Council: Packaging and printed paper companies, represented by Stewardship Ontario, fulfill their responsibilities to fund 50%of the net cost of the residential Blue Box recycling program by making cash payments to municipalities on a quarterly basis. Stewardship Ontario and Waste Diversion are pleased to enclose the second quarterly payment for the 201-0 program year. The total payments distributed to municipalities in this quarter exceed $t0 million. For the 2010 program year, Stewardship Ontario will distribute a total of $65.6 million in cash to Ontario municipalities on behalf of the companies that are responsible for packaging and printed paper under the Blue Box Program. This brings the total cash payment from industry to municipalities to 5310.1 million since the program began in2OO4. ln addition to the direct cash payments, municipalities benefit from other linked support programs. The first is "in-kind" advertising space made available annually by Ontario daily and community newspapers that are members of the Canadian Newspaper Association and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association. ln 2Ol-0, these newspapers are maing available S1.4 million in advertising space, which has been allocated to municipalities throughout the province. Since the launch of the program, advertising space valued at about 511 mill¡on has been dedicated to promoting local municipal waste diversion programs. ln another linked program, Stewardship Ontario continues to work with municipalities to complete projects that receive financial support under the Effectiveness and Efficiency (E&E) Fund and its successor, the Continuous lmprovement Fund (ClF). These funds serve our shared interest in achieving continuous improvements in the performance of Ontario's renowned Blue Box recycling system. By providing direct support to municipalities for recycling and with the additional initiatives to help municipalities explore and implement efficiency opportunities, municipal taxpayers and consumers of printed papers and packaging enjoy continued access to convenient recycling opportunities. To find out more about these programs, we invite you to visit the websites shown below. Sincerely, Å*6b &^d*6* Gemma Zecchini CEO, Stewardship Ontario r¡Vr¡rlr,rr cf ct¡Va rd çh i nnnf a rin ¡a Glenda Gies Executive Director, Waste Diversion Ontario rvurw wdn ra Correspondence dated September 30, 2010 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry funding for Municipal Blue Box Page 63 of 181 Page 64 of 181 (" \oolBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 'lT3 Canada tel 5194727328 fax 5'19 472 9354 Memorandum To/Attention From Date October 12,2010 Project No 3404 Municipality of Bayham Kyle Kruger, Administrator \Mlliam Pol, MCIP, RPP Planning Consultant to the Municipality of Bayham cc Subject Steno Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review The following memo is prepared in response to a request from the Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing dated August 30, 2010 on possible changes to the Provincial Policy Statement 2005 (PPS 2005). This request is mandated by the Planninq Act, where the Ministry invites comments on the need to revise the PPS 2005. The key questions are as follows: . What policies of the current PPS are working effectively? . Are there policies that need clarification or refinement? e Are there policies that are no longer needed? . Are there new policies areas or issues that the Province needs to provide land use planning direction on? . Are there any other comments about the PPS? The following comments are presented in response to these questions. lBl Group staff also attended a Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing workshop on September 9, 2010. At that workshop land use planners, consultants, members of the public and municipaf staff, discussed the above-noted questions. We engaged with MMAH staff and participants, discussing the unique land use planning challenges of rural and small town Ontario. 1. What policies of the cunent PPS are working effectively? The Municipality has experienced challenges where the provincial staff appear to focus on particular policy ínterpretations that limit the ability for local policy interpretation and applicatíon within the overall context of the PPS. An example is the OMAFM interpretation of farm related commercial and industrial activities which are limited to serving one specific farm parcel. For the most part the PPS 2005 provides effective land use policy direction from the Province. 2. Are there policies that need clarification or refinement? Section '1.0 Building Strong Communities Section 1, Building Strong Communities, requires refinements in order to distinguish between growing urbanized regions where there is ability to direct growth in comparison to rural slow growth communities like Bayham where there is less choice from applicants on where growth lBl Group is a group of firms providing professional serv¡ces and is aff¡liated with lBl Group Architects rm Report dated October 12, 2010 from Planning Consultant, IBI Group, regarding "Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review". Page 65 of 181 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham Kyle Kruger- Octobet 12,2010 and investment are made. The Municipality encourages growth in appropriate areas in order to support a sustainable community. . Policy requirements in 'f .1.3.9 for settlement area expansion which require comprehensive reviews regardless of the scale of the settlement area apply equally to urbanizing and slow growth communities. This creates a barrier to future growth and development. Comprehensive reviews should be done by the upper tier municipality or the Province where they are the approval authority and allow for minor settlement area, infilling, rounding out and expansions without the review in slow growth areas. . Section - encourages intensification and redevelopment of existing built up areas. While these policies are supported, development seldom takes this form in rural municipalities because of the availability of large undeveloped areas. People seeking to invest in rural communities rarely choose intensive forms of housing or brownfield redevelopment sites because the form and character of the area is predominantly single detached dwellings on larger lots. . Policy allows more than 5 lots in rural areas of municipalities. This policy should be amended to allow a limited amount of residential infill on appropriate infrastructure which may be on private or partial municipal services in settlement areas of municipalities where it meets other policy requirements. This may allow limited infill and minor expansion to designated settlement areas into surrounding prime agricultural areas without the comprehensive review. Section 2.0 Wise Use and Management of Resources . Policies for agriculture related uses in Section regarding the creation of lots for such uses as grain elevators which generate significant noise, traffic and emissions may not be compatible with the residential uses located in hamlets or villages. Policy to direct these activities to settlement areas is very difficult to implement because of other Ministry of the Environment setback requirements and Policy 1.7.1 e) to prevent adverse effects in relatively small settlement areas. . The PPS should clarify the interpretation of farm operation as OMAFRA has two different interpretations depending on the policy. ln Section the farm operation relates to one farm parcel in an operation for an agriculture related use. Based on the likely small scale there is little need to sever these agriculture related uses. ln contrast, Section, the farm operation may include several parcels that are managed as one farm operation for the purpose of disposing of a surplus dwelling. The definition of agriculture related uses should be amended to allow agricultural related services to more than one farm parcel provided it is small scale and directly related to several farm operations and allow for the creation of these lots. Section 4.0 lmplementation and lnterpretation ln Section 4.0, it is clear that the PPS is to be read in its entirety. Section 4.5 identifies the Official Plan, locally adopted, as the most important vehicle to implement the Policy. This Section should be amended to acknowledge and provide greater support to the importance of local municipal decisions within the overall intent of the PPS. . Since the adoption of the 2005 PPS there has been a plethora of provincial policy and regulatory initiatives in a range of subject areas. The establishment of legislation and regulations such as the Nutrient Management and Green Energy Acts. These initiatives create a challenge and frustrate local decision makers. One example is the Green Energy Act, where the development of new sensitive land uses is not prohibited within Report dated October 12, 2010 from Planning Consultant, IBI Group, regarding "Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review". Page 66 of 181 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham Kyle Kruger - Octobet 12,2010 the noise separation distance or the minimum 550 meters established for the wind farm. This conflicts with Official Plan policies and zoning regulations that require sensitive land uses to adhere to similar setback requirements as industrial, commercial or farm operations with significant impacts. The Province should consider amendments to the Acts and/or regulations to minimize the possible conflict between provincial and local land use related legislation. 3. Are there any policies that are no longer needed? The Municipality has no suggestions to delete policies. 4. Are there new policy areas orl'ssues fhaú the Province needs to provide land use planning direction on? . Provincial Policy direction addressing climate change is required to support municipal planning decisions. Municipalities will be making decísion to manage the significant cfimate change impacts, related to agriculture, more frequent severe weather events and the potential introduction of invasive plant and animal species. Policy guidance for local decisions can help identify and address these issues. . New and revised policies are needed to recognize the slower growth municipalities and the need to balance increasing municipal demands for service with a slow growing investment in rural residential, commercialand industrial activities. The Province needs to provide flexibility to allow limited expansions of existing settlement areas where there is demonstrated soil and water capacity to accommodate these expansions. 5. What additional support material is needed to implementthe PPS? . There has been increasing awareness and sensitivity to the interests of the First Nations throughout Ontario. Their interests have been identified by the Ontario Government while the liaison consultation and response to their interest is often left to the municipal governments. The Province needs further direction and consultation with the First Nations to ensure standard protocols are considered for First Nations interests and local governments are not immobilized because these considerations. . The Municipality has experienced lengthy delays in responses from MMAH and their partner ministries. These delays to adopt Official Plan amendments, reviewing background planning material and making decisions, discourages investments in the community and encourages investments elsewhere. The Province should consider approaches that streamline decision making through the one window and allow more local decision making autonomy within the broad framework of the PPS. Local Council recognizes the need to create a sustainable community that responds to changes in the demographics, the agriculture industry, the economy and climate. . The ability to create sustainable communities is linked to the funding and policy making strategies of other levels of government. Specifically, the funding and allocation of resources for education, health and long term care have a profound impact on rural communities. Schools are often the education, recreation and community centre hub of rural communities. The closure of elementary and high schools weakens their ability to retain and attract residents and remain sustainable. Policíes and decisions by the Ministry of Education and local school boards should be consistent with the PPS to maintain and create sustainable communities based on the facilities, lands and programming available at public schools. Similar to the education investments, the availability medical services and long term care for elderly, are important supports to a sustainable rural community. Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Health should Report dated October 12, 2010 from Planning Consultant, IBI Group, regarding "Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review". Page 67 of 181 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham Kyle Kruger- October '12,2010 make decisions which align, support and reinforce munic¡pal land use planning policy decisions. The PPS must integrate all provincial ministry policy and investment decisions in order to fulfill the overall Vision of the Ontario Land Use Planning System. Response to MMAH We recommend that Municipal Council review and add related issues for submission to MMAH. A written response should be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing no later than October 30, 2010. lBl Group staff would be pleased to attend a Council meeting to discuss this response to the Provincial Policy Statement 2005 review. We recognize any changes to the PPS will be made after the current Official Plan Review. IBIGROUP William Pol, MPA, MCIP, RPP Planning Consultant to the Municipality of Bayham J13404\0 0 General\2 0 Cores - Cl¡entuo1o\PTMkruger-pps_review2o10-10-06 docx Report dated October 12, 2010 from Planning Consultant, IBI Group, regarding "Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review". Page 68 of 181 87 John Street South. Aylmer, Ontorio N5H 2C3 Telephone: 519-7 7 3-5344 Fox:519-773-5334 www,molohlde.co rÄiîËöi A proud trad¡t¡on, a brightJuture. r*.lF-!t,-ì1¿f.,'-'i ! | É !r i, .i'- t, . ,i ,. ','¡ I - L: i. ¡ :.- Ì "i ii-':' 'ì !.r ii--_;1 October 8,2010 RE: CAROLINE DAVIS DRAIN ü f;T 1 !¡ 7.11i Dear Property Owners: ln accordance with Section a1() of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended, I wish to advise that the enclosed Engineer's Report regarding the Caroline Davis Drain has been filed with the Township on October 8, 2010, and this report will be considered by the members of Council at their meeting to be held: Date: October 2'1,2010Time: 8:00 pm Location: GouncilChambers,MunicipalOffice 87 John Street, South Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2C3 The appointed engineer will present the Report to Council, discuss construction alternatives and recommendations whether to proceed with the improvements and, if so, how to proceed. Following the meeting, the Council Members will decide on the acceptance of the Report. Comments will be received from anyone affected by the project. Please note that this is the timeto discuss deficiencies in the Report and not specific assessment rates. The Assessment Schedule will be dealt with at a Court of Revision meeting, which is at a subsequent meeting (yet to be determined). lf you have any inquiries, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Yours very truly, û^/r,' X, Å u*rrt* lt TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE JOHN BROWN Drainage Superintendent JB:th Enclosure MICHELLE M. CASAVECCHIA Chief Administrotive Off icer/Clerk mcosovecchio@molohide. co SUSAN E. WILSON Director of Finonce swilson@molohide,co Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 69 of 181 CAROLINE DAVIS DRAIN Township of Malahide SPRIET ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & AßCHITECTS f55 York Street London, Ontario NOA 148 Tel (519) 6724100 Fax (519) ¡133-935.i E-nìâìl MArL@sPRrEroN cA Job No. 207046 October 8, 2010 Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 70 of 181 London, Ontario October 8, 2010 CAROLINE DAVIS DRAIN Township of Malahide ïo the Mayor and Council of the Township of Malahide Mayor and Council: We are pleased to present our report on the construction of the Caroline Davis Municipal Drain serving parts of Lots 32 to 35, Concessions 3 and 4 in the Township of Malahide. AUTHORIZATION This reporl was prepared pursuant to Section 4 of the Drainage Act. lnstructions were received from your Municipality with respect to a motion of Council in accordance with Section I of the Drainage Act. The work was initiated by a petition signed by the owners of properties Roll No. 20-1 14(1279105 Ontario Ltd.) and Roll No. 2O-217 (Riverbend Farms) whose lands contain over 60 percent of the lands in the area requiring drainage. DRAINAGE AREA The total watershed area contains approximately 129 hectares. The area requiring drainage is described as Lot 35, Concesson 3, property Roll No. 20-114 and Lots 33-35, Concession 4, property Roll No. 20-217. HISTORY There are presently no municipal drains serving the area requiring drainage. The watershed area is bounded by the Heffer Municipal Drain I 977 in Concession 4 to the west and the John Wise Line Drain in Concession 4 to the north. There is a County Road 43 Municipal Drain along Richmond Road which outlets into the open portion of this proposed municipal drain. lt serves lands and roads in both Malahide and the Municipality of Bayham. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS Two site meetings were held with respect to the two petitions and a field investigation and survey were completed. Upon reviewing our findings, we note the following: . that the private tile drain in the 1279105 Ontario Ltd. property, Lot 3, Concession 3, does not provide adequate drainage as evidenced by prolonged surface flooding just south of Calton Line . that the property of Riverbend Farms just north of Calton Line, Lot 35, Concession 4, also experiences the same surface flooding Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 71 of 181 EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS (cont'd) . that the sub-drain pipe crossing under Calton Line, Elgin Road No. 45, is in poor structural condition that the private ditch in the 1279105 Ontario Ltd. property, which provides an outlet for the County Road 43 Drain and the existing private tile, requires improvements that flooding occurs at the rear of several existing residential lots either side of Calton Line to the west of Calton Line Preliminary design, cost estimates and assessments were prepared and two informal public meetings were held to review the findings and preliminary proposals. Further input and requests were provided by the affected owners at that time and at later dates. DESIGN CONS¡DERATIONS The proposed drain was designed, with respect to capacity, using the Drainage Coefficient method contained in the "DRAINAGE GUIDE FOR ONTARIO", Publication 29 by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs. The Drainage Coefficient defines a depth of water that can be removed in a 24 hour period and is expressed in millimeters per 24 hours. The coefficient used was 18mm per 24 hours. All of the proposed work has been generally designed and shall be constructed in accordance with the DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES FOR WORK UNDER THE DRAINAGE ACT. RECOMMENDATIONS We are therefore recommending the followtng: . that the existing open drain south of the existing and proposed tile drain be improved and incorporated as a municipal drain . that a new municipaltile drain be constructed, in the farm lands of 1279105 Ontario Ltd. and Riverbend Farms, to provide an adequate outlet for these properties and the Elgin County Road No. 45 . that two branch drains be constructed to serve the residential properties along the south side of Calton Line lf areas of poor soil are encountered at the time of construction south of Calton Line, it may become necessary to install the tile on crushed stone bedding wrapped with geotextile or substitute plastic filter tile through such areas. The additional costs of such work would be an extra to the project. It is recommended that basement, cellar, or crawlspace drains be directed to a sump and then discharged onto the ground surface well away from foundations and septic systems. Similarly, downspouts from eavestroughs should be directed onto the ground surface well away from foundations and septic systems. ln this way, the water can infiltrate into the ground or be directed by overland flow via swales to the new drain. Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 72 of 181 3 RECOMMENDAT¡ONS (cont'd) lf any dwelling owner should desire to connect these drains to the new outlet drain, then it is suggested that they not be directly connected to the drains. Rather it is suggested that such a connection be made by an indirect method such as by sump pump with an open air connection such as a mini-catchbasin, crushed stone filled excavation connected to a storm P.D.G. and should include a check valve. lt is noted that there is still a risk of flooding even with indirect methods of connection and any/all responsibility shall be borne by the owner. ENVIRON M ENTAL CONSI DERATIONS AN D M ITIGATION M EAS U RES Based on the information available, there are no significant wetlands, sensitive areas or endangered species within the affected watershed area or along the route of the drains. The proposed construction of the Caroline Davis Drain includes quarry stone outlet protection and surface inlets which greatly help reduce the overland surface flows and any subsequent erosion. A temporary flow check of straw bales or silt fencing is to be installed in the ditch downstream of the tile outlet for the duration of the construction SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WORK The proposed work consists of approxim ately 726lineal meters of open ditch cleanout and approximately 938 lineal meters of 200mm (8") to 600mm (24") concrete field tile and sewer pipe including related appurtenances and drain connections. SCHEDULES Four schedules are attached hereto and form part of this report, being Schedule 'A' - Allowances, Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate, Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction and Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance. Schedule'A' - Allowances. ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, allowances are provided for right-of-way and damages to lands and crops along the route of the drain. Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate. This schedule provides for a detailed cost estimate of the proposed work which is in the amount of $l 1 8,700.00 . This estimate includes engineering and administrative costs associated with this project. Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. This schedule outlines the distribution of the total estimated cost of construction over the roads and lands which are involved. Schedule'D'-AssessmentforMaintenance. lnaccordancewithSection3SoftheDrainage Act, this schedule outlines the distribution of future repair and/or maintenance costs for portions of, or the entire drainage works. Drawing No. 1 , Job No. 207046 and specifications form part of this report. They show and describe in detail the location and extent of the work to be done and the lands which are affected. Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 73 of 181 ALLOWANCES DAMAGES: Section 30 of the Drainage Act provides for the compensation to landowners along the drain for damages to lands and crops caused by the construction of the drain. The amount granted are based on the following: a) for closed drain installed with wheel machine or backhoe - $1,833.00/ha. b) for open ditch work with excavated material levelled adjacent to drain - $2,480.00/ha. These base rates are multiplied by the hectares derived from the working widths shown on the plans and the applicable lengths. RIGHT-OF-WAY: Section 29 of the Drainage Act provides for an allowance to the owners whose land must be used for the construction, repair, or future maintenance of a drainage works. For tile drains where the owners will be able to continue to use the land, the allowance provides for the right to enter upon such lands, and at various times for the purpose of inspecting such drain, removing obstructions, and making repairs. Also, the allowance provides for the restrictions imposed on those lands to protect the right-of-way from obstruction or derogation. The amounts granted for right-of-way on tile drains is based on 20% of value of the land designated for future maintenance. Therefore, the amounts granted are based on $2,500.00/ha. through cropped lands. These values are multiplied by the hectares derived from the width granted for future maintenance and the applicable lengths. For open ditches, the allowance provides for the loss of land due to the construction provided for in the reporl. The amounts granted are based on the value of the land, and the rate used was $12,500.00/ha. When any buffer strip is incorporated and/or created, the allowance granted is for any land beyond a 1.8 meter width deemed to have always been pad of the drain. ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS ln accordance with the Drainage Act, lands that make use of a drainage works are liable for assessment for parl of the cost of constructing and maintaining the system. These assessments are known as benefit and outlet liability as set out under Sections 22,23,24 and 26 of the Act. BENEFIT as defined in the Drainage Act means the advantages to any lands, roads, buildings or other structures from the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a drainage works such as will result in a higher market value or increased crop production or improved appearance or better control of surface or sub-surface water, or any other advantages relating to the betterment of lands, roads, buildings or other structures. OUTLET liability is assessed to lands or roads that may make use of a drainage works as an outlet either directly or indirectly through the medium of any other drainage works or of a swale, ravine, creek or watercourse. ln addition, a Public Utility or Road Authority shall be assessed for and pay allthe increased cost to a drainage works due to the construction and operation of the Public Utility or Road Authority. This may be shown as either benefit or special assessment. Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 74 of 181 5 ASSESSMENT A modified "Todgham Method'was used to calculate the assessments shown on Schedule'C'-AssessmentforConstruction. Thisentailedbreakingdownthecostsofthedraininto sections along its route. The costs are then separated into Benefit and Outlet costs. The Benefit cost is distributed to those properties receiving benefit as defined under "Assessment Definitions", with such properties usually being located along or close to the route of the drain. The Outlet Costs are distributed to all propertíes within the watershed area of that section on an adjusted basis. The areas are adjusted for location along that section, and relative run-off rates. Due to their different relative run-off rates, forested lands have been assessed for outlet at lower rates than cleared lands. Also, roads and residential properties, have been assessed for outlet at higher rates than cleared farm lands. The actual cost of the work involving this report, is to be assessed on a pro-rata basis against the lands and roads liable for assessment for benefit and outlet as shown in detail below on Schedule'C' - Assessment for Construction. The Special Assessments shall be levied as noted in the Section "Special Assessment". SPECIAL ASSESSMENT In accordance with Section 26 of the Drainage Act, a Special Assessment has been made against the County of Elgin being the increased cost to the drainage work for boring a new sub- drain across their road allowance on the Main Drain, due to the construction and operation of County Road No. 45. The SpecialAssessment shall be made up of the actual cost of this work and both the final and estimated values of the Special Assessment are to be calculated as follows: Less Equivalent Drain Cost (Fixed)Drain Cost of Work Plus Administration P/us H.S. f. SpecialCosf and lnterest Assessmenf Main Drain $1s,s00 $1,600 $2,500 $400 $14,600 The above special assessment shall not apply for future maintenance purposes. lf any additional work is required to the drainage works due to the existence of buried utilities such as gas pipe lines, communications cables, etc. or if any of the utilities require relocation or repair, then the extra costs incurred shall be borne by the utility involved in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of the Drainage Act. GRANTS ln accordance with the provisions of Section 85 of the Drainage Act, a grant may be available for assessments against privately owned parcels of land which are used for agricultural purposes and eligible for the Farm Properly Class Tax rate. Assessments to agricultural lands are based on an agricultural standard 37mm design. Section 88 of the Drainage Act directs the Municipality to make application for this grant upon certification of completion of this drain. The Municipality will then deduct the grant from the assessments prior to collecting the final assessments. Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 75 of 181 b MAINTENANCE Upon completion of construction, all owners are hereby made aware of Sections 80, 82 and 83 of the Drainage Act which forbid the obstruction of, damage or injury to, and pollution of a municipal drain. After completion, the Caroline Davis Drain shall be maintained by the Township of Malahide at the expense of all upstream lands and roads assessed in Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance and in the same relative proportions, until such time as the assessment is changed under the Drainage Act. Respectfully subm itted, SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 76 of 181 SCHEDULE 'C'- ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION (Cont'd) CAROLINE DAVIS DRAIN Township of Malahide HECTARES CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL MAIN DRAIN - OPEN PORTION (Cont'd) Municioality of Bayham 11 *3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1 "3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1 "3Pt. 1 "3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1 "3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1*3Pt. 1 3 Pr 1,2& 3 3 Pr. 1 0.'19 008-064-00 (F. & S. Zacharias) 0.26 008-063-02 (P, & M. Friesen) O.27 008-063-04 (P. & N. Thiessen) 0.27 008-063-06 (R. A A. Reimer) 0.27 008-063-08 (J. & T. Friesen) 0.21 008-063-10 (E. & J. Keszier) 0.36 008-063-25 (B. Krahn) 0.28 008-063-27 (4. & M. Thiessen) 0.28 008-063-30 (S. Fink) 0.28 008-063-32 (G. Johnston, J. Player) 0.28 008-063-34 (P. & K. Wall) 0.28 008-063-36 (1. & E. Wall) 0.28 008-063-38 (J. & S. Redecop) 3.6 008-063-00 (D. Walcarius) 1.0 008-062-00 (M. Nasswetter) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE MAIN DRAIN . OPEN PORTION IN THE MUNICIPAL]TY OF BAYHAM TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE MAIN DRAIN . OPEN PORTION 16.00 $ 17.00 17.00 17.O0 17.00 14.00 23.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 152.00 43.00 16.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 14.00 23.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 152.O0 43.00 424.00 $424.OO 424.00 $ 10,100.00 Correspondence dated October 8, 2010 from Township of Malahide regarding "Caroline Davis Drain". Page 77 of 181 Page 78 of 181 1 CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Designation of Lands as Part of Road System - Soper Road DATE: October 18,2010 FILE: T09 NUMBER: PR20l0-l I Purpose This report is in regard to the designation of lands abutting Soper Road as part of the Municipal public highway system. Background Staff have received information from Michael Szorenyi, solicitor for Franz and Susana Hildebrandt, regarding a potential outstanding designation of lands as part of the road system. The issue has arisen as a result of the conveyance of property owned by his client. At issue is one parcel identified as Part 10 of Plan 11R-6564. ln 1997, John and Lillian Wiggers applied to the Elgin County Land Division Committee for consent to sever parcels of land for residential development. In 1997, as a condition of consent the Township entered into a Development Agreement with the Wiggers for lands in Part Lot 15 Concession 3 and Park Lots I,2,3 and 4 Plan 17 designated as Parts 1-10 on Reference Plan 11R-6564. The Development Agreement included the requirement that the transfer title/deed to the Township, Part l0 on Reference Plan 11R-6564 for road widening on Centre Road (now named Soper Road) and improvements. The transfer was completed and appropriately registered at the registry office. The attached sketch outlines the parcels in question. Staff Comments Staff have a copy of the deed transferring this parcel to the former Township, dated June 20, 1997 and finally registered July 3, 1997. Given the information available regarding Part l0 it is reasonable to conclude that the transfer was for road widening purposes. The lands have not been dedicated as part of the road system, and as a result the abutting properties do not have frontage on the road system. The dedication ofthe subject lands as part ofthe public road system therefore appears appropriate. Attachments l. Sketch - Part 10 Plan 11R-6564 2. Draft By-law No. 2009-092, to assume and establish lands in the Municipality of Bayham as part of the open public highway system (Soper Road) Strategic PIan Goal(s) 1. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure 2. Goal #4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Recommendation "THAT draft By-law No. 2009-092,being a By-law to assume and establish lands in the Municipality of Bayham as part of the open public highway system (Soper Road) be presented to Council for enactment." Underhill, Deputy Clerk Staff Report PR2010-11 regarding "Designation of Lands as Part of Road System - Soper Road". Page 79 of 181 ocr-La-zØtø Lt,L6 G B G S 5L9A42SøøL g42 ã Eo o !ò F q 'iE ÞFI Pô at .-ll'ág Et z lF" FI'¡ lã lu l* 8 E t: lël5lr lelôI 5ñ1â tr- oì u h.c,c G¡@,G'âgÉé VI{r'vrI Irtrq-+* ;I(à È'ffi' TOTAL P.Ø2 Staff Report PR2010-11 regarding "Designation of Lands as Part of Road System - Soper Road". Page 80 of 181 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-092 A BY.LAW TO ASSUME AND ESTABLISH LANDS IN THE MUNICIALITY OF BAYHAM AS PART OF THE OPEN PUBLIC HIGHWAY SYSTEM (soPER ROAD) WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham acquired property for the purpose of improving andlor widening the municipal road known as Soper Road; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham desires to establish the said parcel of land as part of the open public highway system of the Municipality pursuant to Section 3I(2) of the Municipal Act,200l, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended. THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TTTE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. THAT the parcel of land listed below and situated in the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin be and the same are hereby assumed and established as part of the open public highway system of the Municipalþ of Bayham: Description Part of Park Lots 1,2,3 and 4, west of Centre Street, Registered Plan No. 17, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Part 10 on Plan 11R-6564 Public Hiehwav Soper Road 2. THAT this by-law shall take effect upon the date of its registration in the Land Titles Registry for the Registry Division of Elgin (f{o. 11). 3. THAT the Clerk or designate is hereby authorized to amend the parcel designation noted in this By-law, if necessary upon registration of this By-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND TIME AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21.1 DAY OF OCTOBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report PR2010-11 regarding "Designation of Lands as Part of Road System - Soper Road". Page 81 of 181 Page 82 of 181 20'10.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM 1010712010 3:21PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- lOlOTl2OlO OOOO3O ADAM SWANCE boots 2O1O BOOTS 1010412010 I 200.00 009228 coveralls 2010 COVERALLS 1010412010 I 57.62 009228 Cheque Amount - 257.62 001734 AMI ATTACHMENTS INC 25943 SHOULDERTNG RETRTEVER D|SC 0912912010 t 227.13 009229 Cheque Amount - 227.13 001735 ANGIE RUNCIMAN reimburse credit; CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 1010612010 I 250.00 009230 ChequeAmount- 250.00 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM 129 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK 1010112010 I 33.90 009231 Cheque Amount - 33.90 OOOO79 AYLMER GLASS & MIRROR 1182s REMOVE 2 CLEAR GLÂSS PTECES 0912112010 I 135.04 009232 ChequeAmount- 135.04 OOOO8I AYLMER TIRE 0000068874 I-AWNMOWER TIRE REPAIR 0911312010 I 16.s0 009233 0000069038 REpAtR TUBELESS TRUCK T|RE 0911712010 r 5',1.96 009233 Cheque Amount - 68.46 OOOI4I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 8949 LOF 000218 cuPE LOCAL 35 Aug'10 remit UNION DUES 09t2112010 I 44.01 009234 10to7t2010 I 388.34 009235 Cheque Amount - 388.34 000262 DONNAMCCORD contacts CONTACT LENS 09t2312010 I 84.00 009236 Cheque Amount - 84.00 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-03498-O CRIMPS, UNION, HOSE 1010512010 t 25.74 009237 Cheque Amount - 25.74 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER oooo159oo3 MoNTHLY RENTAL 1010112010 I 114.70 009238 Cheque Amount - '114.70 OOO3I6 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD T055212 ROLLER 0912412010 I 379.96 009239 Cheque Amount - 44.01 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 83 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 1010712010 3:21PM T055288 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTrs38r32 oNTts38530 ROTARY HAMMER 0913012010 38.42 009239 Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount -86.69 001287 FESTIVALS & EVENTS ONTARIO 13144 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 0911312010 I 395,50 009241 Cheque Amount - MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1OlO7l2O10 HAND CLEANER RUBBER STRAPS, CABLE TIES 09t1st2010 09129t2010 4't8.38 67.66 009240 19.03 009240 OOO357 G&KSERVICESCANADAINC 1518606097 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS O9I3OI2O1O I 001737 GLASSFORD MOTORS LTD. truck purchase TRUCK PURCHASE OOO99I HORVATH AUTO PARTS 203916 RACK, BAR OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Ocr 56450 -'12330 UTILITIES - BOAT I-AUNCH Cheque Amount - 't0t07t2010 I 192.57 25,6r',5.U 395.50 192.57 009242 009243 009244 Cheque Amount - 0911712010 I 25,æ5.54 485.45 Oct01181 -23005 Oct12650 - 91004 Oct18850 -'12458 Oct1897l -44027 oci¿5240-95021 Oct50250 -'12458 Oct75250 - 12272 oci9TTto -20012 Oct93850 - 12278 OcK,3850 - 91019 UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE UTILITIES - PUMP#8 UTILITIES. PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES . MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES. PUMP#7 Cheque Amount -485.45 45.40 009245 64.68 009245 26.38 009245 197.57 009245 42.04 009245 246.92 009245 223.50 009245 30.81 009245 442.99 009245 214.00 009245 68.96 009245 88.05 009245 404.73 009245 'tol01l2010 10t01t2010 'tot0'112010 10lo'u2010 't0t01t2010 1010112010 1010112010 1010112010 10to'U2010 10t01t2010 1010112010 10t0112010 10t01t2010 October18971-52001 UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP oct93970 -20342 UTILITIES. V.C.C. 001558 JOE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT INC. P07953 KNIVES, NUTS PO8O13 KNIVES OOO51O KLASSENAUTO PARTS Cheque Amount -2,116.03 207.32 009246 188.70 009246 0912112010 0912212010 Cheque Amount -396.02 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 84 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 10107120'lO 10107120'10 3:21PM 1-57524 1-5796r l€1280 1-63778 1€5369 1-65601 1S5638 1+,5771 't-65776 1-66668 1-67304 1-67639 1-67651 1€7661 TOWELS, OIL GLOVES, TOWELS otL BATTERIES MAGNET HIGH TEMP SPEAKER GENO PACKS FILTER GREASE ARMORALL TERMINAL COUPLER 06t04120't0 I 80.32 009247 06/09/2010 I 92.35 009247 0711612010 I 62.92 009247 08t13t2010 I 32.09 009247 0910112010 I 7.12 009247 09/03/2010 I 12.U 009247 0910312010 I 23.35 009247 SEALS, GASKET MAKER 0910712010 t 20.54 009247 0910712010 I 6.78 009247 0911612010 I 19.50 009247 o9t23t2010 I 25.02 009247 o9t28t2010 I 17.12 009247 09t28t2010 I 5.'13 009247 09t2812010 I 12.02 009247 Cheque Amount - 416'90 OOO5I8 KWIK KOPY PRINTING 22917 COPY PAPER 0913012010 I 231.61 009248 Cheque Amount - 231.61 OO147O LEANNWALSH reimburse materials MATERIALS FOR IPM 1010412010 I 901.29 009249 Cheque Amount - 901.29 OOI316 LONDON EMPLOYEE sepr678510 OCT-DEC CONSULTATIONS 0911512010 I u0.28 009250 Cheque Amount - 340.28 OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY 9 VOLT BATTERIES 09t23120'to I 12.41 009251 Cheque Amount - 12.41 001736 MCAP SERVICE CORPORATION reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNT 'lOlO7l2O1O I 622.83 009252 Cheque Amount - 622.83 OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 11151 BANNERS FOR IPM DISPLAY 0812012010 I 813.60 009253 Cheque Amount- 813.60 00062I MUNICIPAL WORLD INC lNooo8o784 voTlNG MATERIALS 0912512010 I 1,838.77 009254 Cheque Amount - 1,838.77 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 1010512010 I 115,939.00 009255 37 034 SEWER LOAN Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 85 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1010712010 Cheque Amount - 115'939.00 000642 NOELSCONSTRUCTION 900916 POUR STDEWALK - RTCHMOND 0912212010 I 20,850.34 009256 Cheque Amount - 20,850.U 000645 NORFOLKCOUNTY 14549 SURFACE TREATMENT 09t2312010 I 128,267.68 009257 000658 oMERS 04100Aug'10 AUGUST"I0 REMIT 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD tN00113041 HL3 rN00113062 Ht2 1N00113096 HL2 tN00113139 Hl2 OOO716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 09888852 CYLINDER RENTAL OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 'l1l07l2010 3:21PM Cheque Amount - 128,267'æ 10107t2010 I 13,037.28 009258 ChequeAmount- 20.00 09129t2010 I 8,151.39 009261 09t30120'10 I 5,052.04 009261 '1010112010 I 7,476.77 009261 1010412010 I 8,734.38 009261 Cheque Amount - 129.56 09t2412010 I 23.15 009264 Cheque Amount - 13,037.28 001543 OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE F2o1o-033 CLEANING FEE REFUND 10t0612010 I 100'00 009259 Cheque Amount - '100.00 001733 OXFORD COUNTY ROAD SUPERVISORS meeting registration SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING 1OlOSl2010 I 20.00 009260 Cheque Amount - 29,4'14,58 OOO7O4 PETERS PLUMBING 946 REAPIR TOILET AT MED BLDG 0912412010 I 95.80 009262 Cheque Amount - 95.80 OOOTIO PORTBURWELLHOME HARDWARE 8417FERTlLlzER09l0,ll2o10l15.81009263 8430 GLoVES, RoLLERS, LINER o9to3t2o1o l 34.67 009263 8436 GASKET, BALLcocK 09t07t2010 l 30.92 009263 tøs4CABLE'CL|PS09/09/201014.70009263 8483 HOOKS 0911512010 t 4'51 009263 8497BATTER|ESo9t16l201ol12.97009263 8504GARBAGEBAGSo9l17l2o10l25.98009263 Cheque Amount - 23.15 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 86 of 181 Cheque Cheque 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1010712010 237394 SEPT1o CLEANTNG 09/30/2010 I 940.00 009265 237395 SPETTo CLF¡NING - V.C.C. 09/30/2010 I 676.00 009265 237396 SEPT'1o CLEANING -S.C.C. 09/30/2010 I 1,170.00 009265 cleaner CLEANER 0912U2010 I 43.48 009265 Cheque Amount - 2,829.48 OOO743 RBC ROYAL BANK 4u945160500 009541 19 GPS CITY Sep451 6050004037580 INTEREST Cheque Amount - 245.95 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10451275 10451276 10451277 10451962 10452620 I.AB FEES tAB FEES LAB FEES I.AB FEES t.AB FEES 0812712010 I 237.85 009266 09127t2010 I 8.10 009266 09/08/2010 I 301.71 009267 0912812010 I 351.43 009267 09t28t2010 t 226.00 009267 09129120'10 I 1,100.06 009267 0912912010 I 190.97 009267 10lOTl2O10 3:21PM Cheque Amount - 2,170.17 OO12O5 SHRED-IT 006249014 PURGE FILES 1010112010 I u.75 009268 Cheque Amount - U.75 OOO831 SPORTSWOOD PRINTING 11034 MTDDLESEX-ELGIN MAP 0912312010 I 163.85 009269 Cheque Amount- 163.85 OOO841 STATE CHEMICAL LTD 94779666 HAND SANTTTZERS 0912112010 I 258.77 009270 Gheque Amount - 258.77 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION DW05112948 ELECTIONS 0911712010 I 415.6',1 009271 DW05112949 PUBLIC MEETING - GRAYDON 0911712010 I 209.50 00927',1 DW05114021 ELECTTON AD 0911712010 I 702.86 009271 Cheque Amount - 'l,327 .97 001732 TIM'S DIVING SUPPLIES 547662 KNIVES 0913012010 I 488.16 009272 Cheque Amount - 488.16 OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK1765 STGNALS 1010112010 I 603.73 009273 Cheque Amount - 603.73 OOO932 UNDERHILL FARM SUPPLY LTD 224249 LAWN SEED 0910212010 I 149.16 009274 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 87 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 INTEREST OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD 00001trt577 0000183545 0000183046 0@0r83648 000018H'655 00001836ô7 000018rit710 0000'r€8732 0000183772 0000183799 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1Ol07l2O1O 1010712010 Cheque Amount - 10t0712010 3:2lPM 009274 FILTERS OIL FILTER MUFFLER HANGER, MUFFLER CI-AMP MUFFLER CIáIUPS. EXHAUST DRAIN VALVE WCABLE BATTERIES, GLANDHAND RUBBEÍ AIR FILTER CHECKBRAKES JUNCTION BOX 0812512A10 09/0a20't0 09tou2010 09l0u¿0'to 09t03120't0 09107120't0 09n8n010 09t20t2014 09/'2712010 09t28120'to 1æ.25 ¿14.50 @9275 35.23 A09275 104.99 009275 41.65 009275 63.27 009275 11.29 009275 329.94 009275 1U.C2 009275 88.94 009275 11.29 009275 Cheque Amount - OO1O59 WILLIAM KNIFTON conference OBOACONFERENCE EXPENSES 'l0l07l2010 I OOO99O ZAP'S TREE AND LAWI\¡ SERVICE Gheque Amount - 1010512010 I 1U05a0',t0 r 679.68 2,582.05 009277 5,045.45 009277 00001575 00001576 TREE REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL Cheque Amount -7,627.50 009276 Cheque Run Total -361,890.48 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 88 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 10114120'10 000026 ABS PUMPS CORP. CANADA 809333 REPAIR KlT, CHANGÊ OIL 09/30/2010 I 6,328.00 009278 Cheque Amount - 6,328.00 OO139I AFFORDABLE PORTABLES 18705 uNtT RENTAL - tNTERp CENTRE 09/30/2010 I 1¿16.90 009279 Cheque Amount - 146.90 OOOO33 AGLINE 1213337 1213789 BI.ADES HYDRAULICS 09t10t2010 t 74.31 009280 09t2212010 I 222.01 009280 1011412010 2:57PM Cheque Amount - 2%.32 OOOO91 BARRYR.CARD 212013.38 LEGAL SERVICES 1010412010 I 412.45 009281 Cheque Amount - 412.45 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 26062543 MARKERS, PAPER, POST ITS 10112t2010 t 't27.03 009282 Cheque Amount - '127.03 OOO2'12 COUNTY OF ELGIN tNoooo26187 poLtcE sERVtcES OCl1o 't0t06t2010 I 59,570.46 009283 Cheque Amount - 59,570.46 000218 cuPE LOCAL3S Sept1O remit UNION DUES OOO254 DENNIS ODORJAN reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCT 101't412010 I 388.66 009284 ChequeAmount- 388.66 10t0812010 I 6,689.73 009285 Cheque Amount - 6,689'73 OO,I7O8 EASTLINK Oct5198665521 MONTHLY TELEPHONE 1010112010 I 1,309.'12 009286 Oct5198744054 TELEPHONE - INTERP CENTRE 1OlO1l2O'10 I 69.91 009286 Cheque Amount - 1,379.03 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000137369 AIRVALVES, CLAMPS 1010412010 I 1,567.42 009287 Cheque Amount - 1,567.42 001721 EXCALIBUR WINDOWS, DOORS, SIDING 689130 LIGHTHOUSE 10113t2010 I 27130s2 009288 Cheque Amount - 27,130.92 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL 90360353 ALUM SULFATE 0913012010 I 607.24 009289 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 89 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 001245 GEORGIAN FIREGEAR SERVICE MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 10114120'10 Cheque Amount - 0912712010 09t2912010 Cheque Amount - 1011412010 2:57PM 607.24 2U.20 009290 289.62 009290 st-9884 st-9886 OO1O25 HILLVIEW SMALL ENGINES BUNKER GEAR BUNKER GEAR PARTS PARTS FORTRIMMER 0711612010 09t3012010 573.82 129.50 009291 198.95 009291 397 470 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 328.45 522.37 009292 43.99 009292 302.78 009292 606.28 009292 541.36 009292 41.00 009292 62.æ 009292 124.66 009292 80.63 009292 Cheque Amount - Oct0024G14793 Oct0657l - 44066 Oct28799 - 40004 Oct34853 - 01007 Oct35795 - 43000 Oct50370 - 20077 Oct62760 - 43000 Oct62770 -20225 Oct68850 - 12275 000466 JIMMI JONS 35244 35245 35250 UTILITIES. GARAGE UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - PUMP#1 UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES - PUMP#6 UTILITIES - VIENNA LIBRARY UTILITIES - E.C.C. UTILITIES. VIENNA MEM PARK UTILITIES - PB PUBLIC WORKS 1010712010 1010512010 10t0612010 10t0612010 't0t0612010 10t06120't0 1010512010 1010612010 10t05t2010 UNIT RENTALS UNIT RENTAL - PB BALL PARK UNIT RENTAL - EAST BEACH Cheque Amount -2,325.71 1,466.51 158.29 1',t1.87 0913012010 0913012010 09t3012010 1,736.67 281.81 009293 009293 009293 009294 009295 009295 009295 009295 009296 001558 JOE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT INC. P08224 KNIVES OOOSIO KLASSEN AUTO PARTS Cheque Amount - 1010112010 I Cheque Amount - 0912012010 09t2112010 09t2212010 0912412010 281.81 189.00 32.09 382.53 75.48 166960 1-67021 1-67213 1-67374 000658 oMERS 04100Sept'10 SEAT COVER LONG LIFE BATTERIES BACK RACK AIR TANK SEPT'IO REMIT Cheque Amount - 10t1412010 I 679.10 13,617.06 001483 PARTSMASTERCANADA Cheque Amount -'t3,617.06 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 90 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 50035106 OOO71O PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1011412010 LUBE, FI.ASHBACK ARRESTORS 09/30/2010 Cheque Amount - 1011412010 2:57PM 401.30 009297 8459 8507 8522 8527 OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD TOILET TISSUES CONNECTORS BATTERIES CABLE TIES COURIER SERVICE COURIER SERVICE Cheque Amount - 09t1012010 o9l't712010 09122i2010 0912312010 401.30 7.88 8.58 10.16 7.88 009298 009298 009298 009298 009299 009299 009300 009301 009303 009304 009304 Page 34.50 25.32 80.90 409886329 409961621 0912412010 1010112010 001738 R.J. BURNSIDE & ASSOCIATES LIMITED MSOO19OI8.OOOO-I ROUTEPATROLMANAGER OOO747 REID'S PRE-CAST CEMENT PRODUCT 7830 001418 TELUS STEEL CULVERT COUPLER 0910812010 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount - 09t2112010 I 106.22 14,031.78 Cheque Amount -14,031.78 62.87 015891762027 DOLI.AR POOL SAVINGS 01589/.:76202712005876 CELL PHONE - G ROESCH 01589476202716171156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 01589476202716171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 015894762027/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 01589476202716365709 CELL PHONE. PB FIRE DEPT 01589476202716365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT I 015894762027/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 015894762027/6366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 01589476202716366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762027/6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762027/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 01589476202719021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 09t2712010 0912712010 0912712010 09t2712010 0912712010 0912712010 09t2712010 09t2712010 0s12712010 09t27120',10 0912712010 0912712010 0912712010 62.87 -194.80 009302 245.02 009302 43.73 009302 38.93 009302 50.45 009302 M.86 009302 45.65 009302 44.86 009302 313.38 009302 190.47 009302 47.35 009302 52.83 009302 44.86 009302 c I I I I I I I I I I I I 001739 TERRY FOX CANCER RESEARCH donation - Nezezon lN MEMORY OF JOHN NEZEZON Cheque Amount - 1011412010 I 967.59 75.00 Cheque Amount - OOlOO2 TILLSONBURG FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT 14849 v.c.c. SEMIANNUAL INSPECTION 0910212010 14850 s.c.c. SEMIANNUAL INSPECTION 0910212010 75.00 316.83 3 t6.83 Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 91 of 181 2010.08.06 6.3 9050 OOO93O TSCSTORESL.P. 18f 019352 CHLORINE 181037559 CHLORINE 181038380 INSULATION, TUBING 000S86 WORKPI-ACE SAFEW & INSUR/qNCE 1625314Sepf10 SEPTIO REMIT MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Reglster - 1011412010 Cheque Arnount - 1011412010 2:57PM 009305 009305 009305 633.6ô 22.59 22.59 25.35 09/09/2010 I o9nu2010 I o9t2912010 I Cheque Amount - o9l1'U2010 I 70.53 1.930.30 ChequeAmount-1,930.30 Cheque Run Total - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 92 of 181 001418 TELUS 015894762027-63ô9481 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Gheque Register - 1U14n0l0 ß114f2010 3:31PM 6.r6 6.16 Cheque Register being Cheque #9228 to Cheque #9307 inclusive totaling $504,397.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 93 of 181 SORW I{UNICIPALITY OF BAYHA}I TOT PACKETS - i;. ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COI.IPANY TOTALS ADJUST- CR CURRENT TOTAL .8,L96.94 L , L46 .85 2,953.34 942.42 L3,279 -85 36,828.31 56,828.31 50,107,86 I55. 06 L7 .56 50,260.4A ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES RUN: OCT 5 2010 No: A PAGE: 1157 HST REG: 100057415 RTO004 COHPANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: OCT 6, 2O!O DATE 0F PAY: OCT 8, 2010 YTD TOTAL 171 ,549.35 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 36,497 .30 Er CoNT QPIP 44,244-60 CAN PEN QC PEN QC IISF 2L,272.92 0N EHT Tf B HET NL HAPSET 3L7 ,564.L5 TOT STATS 37 ,447.4L CHEQUES 757,5L8.47 DEPOSITS US DEPS 50. OO DED DEPS 795,0L6.68 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI I,LL?,580.83 TOT PAYROL ?,865.55 SERV CHRG 88.95 GST L4L.25 HST L,LL',676.3A GRAND TOT FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT HB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CIIEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT ITEI'I R. O. E. FORTIS PAYROLL RUNS CURRENT E,L96.94 L,L46.45 2,953.34 942.42 L3,279 -55 56,828.31 36.828.51 50 , t 07.86 I35.06 L7 .56 50,260.4A ADJUST -DR YTD ADJUST ITEI.I HOURLY }'ORKPAYS COURIER FEE UN ITS II I CHARGE L7.L6 47.93 UNITS 20 CHARGE 33.00 6.A2 UNITS 11 t CHARGE I8.15 r2.00 I TEI{ SALARIED t¡¡0RKPAYS TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS PAY ADVICE FOLD 31 135.06 50'260.4A DEBIT INFORÌ,|ATI0N: 005 05I02 I0II925 IS C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 2 2 8 t o C h e q u e # 9 3 0 7 i n c l u s i v e t o t a l i n g $ 5 0 4 , 3 9 7 . 1 7 a n d P a y r o l l D i s b u r s e m e n t s f o r t h e p e r i o d P a g e 9 4 o f 1 8 1 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\DUM TO: Mayor and Members of Council DATE: October 15, 2010 FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator FILE: SUBJECT: Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties NUMBER: PR2010-10 Purpose: This report is to recommend a Licence Agreement with Mr. Lucien Dujardin to permit the installation of power lines across certain municipal properties. Background: On September 16, 2010, the municipality received the attached letter from Mr. Lucien Dujardin seeking permission for the installation of underground power lines to connect a microfit solar power project. The power lines would cross the unopened road allowance between lots 20 and 27 in Concession 2, andthe former rail lands jointly owned with the Town of Tillsonburg in Concession 2. Staff Comments: Staff reviewed the request, and suggest that permission via a licence agreement would be the most simple method to proceed with any arrangements. A draft agreement has been prepared, which provides for a 2}-year licence term with the licencee responsible for items including restoration of lands after construction, provision of liability insurance and indemnities, and provision of necessary equipment details. The draft was circulated to Mr. Dujardin for his review and comment, and he advises he wishes to proceed. The draft has also been forwarded to the Town of Tillsonburg for review and comment (relative to the rail lands) and we are awaiting their response. Should the Municipality fuither pursue this item, the issue of compensation should be considered. No policy exists for this type of land use permission currently. Given the small area impacted, a rate based on area would likely not be appropriate. For the agreement as drafted, staff have suggested a nominal sum of $500, sufficient to recover general administrative costs for the agreement. At this time, Council may consider proceeding with agreement regarding the road allowance portion of the request. At such time as comment is received from the Town of Tillsonburg, agreement for the former rail lands may be appropriate. Attachments 1. Letter received September 16,2010 from Lucien Dujardin. 2. Draft By-law No. 2010-094, to authorize the Execution of a Licence Agreement with Ludeb Inc. for the Installation of Electrical Works. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere Goal#7 - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship Recommendation That draft By-law No. 2010-094, to authorize the Execution of a Licence Agreement with Ludeb Inc. for the Installation of Electrical Works be presented to Council for enactment. le Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 95 of 181 ECEIVET çFP 1 6 7010J August 14,2070 MUIII0IPÁI.ITY OF B/lY H l{lul Municipality of Bayham attentionKyle Kruger Re: Permission to cross road allowance and power corridor (formerþ railway corridor) with an underground power line for the purposes of conneclngamicrofit solar project to the local distribution company. (Hydro One) 1- I am constructing a 10 kw sola¡ system on lot 21 concession 2 Bayham and need to cross the closed road that is owned by Bayham to get over to lot 20 where the system will connect to the Hydro one distribution system. I am asking permission to burry a 4/O USE I90 electrical wire across the road allowance. 2-Iamconstructing a 10 kw solar system on lot 16 Concession 2 Bayham south of the power corridor and need to cross the power corridor underground with a 4/O USE I90 electrical wire where the wire will continue on to the Hydro one Disfübution system. Could you please let me know on the steps I need take in order to be able to bury my power line across the road allowance and the po\ryer corridor. Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 96 of 181 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2010-094 A BY.LA\il TO AUTI{ORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LICENCE AGREEMENT BET\ryEEN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND LUDEB INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WORKS \ryHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a licence agreement to permit the location of an underground electrical connection, for solar panels across lands described as the unopened road allowance between lots 20 and2l in concession 2 of the Municipality of Bayham. NO\ry THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MIJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Licence Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between Ludeb Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the placement of underground power lines. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21ST DAY OF OCTOBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 97 of 181 THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT is made this 2lst day of October, 2010. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor") OF THE FIRST PART -and- LUDEB INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Licensee is the registered owner of the lands described as Concession 2, Pt Lot 21, N/S Concession Road I in the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 2, known as Stafford Road, in the Municipality of Bayham (the "Lands"); IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and other good and valuable consideration the parties agree as follows: Grant of Licence 1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee the non-exclusive use of the Lands for the purposes hereinafter set forth, for the period of twenty (20) years, commencing October 27,2010: a) The Licensee hereby accepts the Lands in their condition as of the date hereof and shall not call upon the Licensor to do or pay for any work or supply any equipment to make the Lands more suitable for the proposed use by the Licensee hereunder. b) The Licensee shall pay the Licensor Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable in advance, as a licence fee upon the commencement of this Agreement. c) The Lands may be used for the purpose of locating "Equipment" consisting of underground power lines for the connection of solar panels and any incidental apparatus approved by the Licensor. Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 98 of 181 -3- Covenants bv Licensee 2. The Licensee covenants with the Licensor: a) To pay the licence fee set out in clause 1. b) To pay taxes (including local improvements) and all rates, licence fees and other charges imposed on or with respect to the Lands as same become due. c) To use the Lands only for the purposes of the Equipment and not to erect any buildings or structures on the Lands. d) To maintain the appearance of the Lands in a neat, clean and well-kept manner appropriate to the condition of the land. e) To install, maintain and repair the Equipment at its own expense. Ð To ensure that no refuse, litter, garbage or loose or objectionable material accumulates in or about the Lands. g) To ensure that no trees are removed and no grade changes are carried out. h) To provide and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars with respect to its use of the Lands during the full term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, naming the Licensor as an additional insured, and to provide a certificate evidencing same, prior to execution of this Agreement and as required by the Licensor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such public liability insurance shall contain provisions for cross-liability, severability of interests, and no cancellations or alterations without the consent of the Licensor. Ð Not to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Licensor, which consent may be unreasonably withheld. j) To leave the Lands in substantially the same condition by removing the Equipment from the Lands, at the expiry of this Agreement as they were at the commencement of this Agreement. k) To comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws, rules, regulations and by-laws and to hold the Licensor harmless from the consequences of its failure to do so. Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 99 of 181 -4- Installation. Repairs and Replacement J.The Licensee may install, repair or replace the Equipment, provided that: It applies to the Licensor for approval to install such equipment; It provides drawings or specifications required by the Licensor for the purpose of reviewing the suitability of the Equipment; It proceeds in accordance with the approval given under the supervision of the Licensor; It compensates the Licensor for expense incurred by the Licensor in the course of approval or supervision; Damage occasioned by the installation or removal of the Equipment will be repaired by the Licensee at its own expense forthwith. Indemnity 4. The Licensee shall at all times indemnifr and save harmless the Licensor from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, charges, expenses, actions and other proceedings (including those in connection with workers' compensation or any similar or successor arrangement) made, brought against, suffered by or imposed on the Licensor to fulfilt any part of its obligations under this Agreement or for any reason whatsoever or in respect of any loss, damage or injury (including injury resulting in death): a) To any person or property (including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, employees, contractors, agents and property of the Licensor) directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or sustained by reason of the occupation or use of the Lands, or any operation in connection therewith or any fixtures or chattels thereon, or b) To any person while on adjoining lands of the Licensor in the course of that person's entry onto or exit from the Lands. Exclusion of Liability 5. The Licensor shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any personal injuries that may be suffered or sustained by any person who may be on the Lands or for any loss of or damage or injury to property belonging to the Licensee or any other person unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the Licensor's negligence or default or the negligence or default of those for whom the Licensor is in law responsible. a) b) c) d) e) Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 100 of 181 -5- Hold Harmless Oblisation 6. The Licensee shall fully indemniff and save harmless the Licensor from and against all construction liens and related costs and other claims in connection with all work performed by or for the Licensee on the Lands, and shall promptly remove all registered claims from title. Default 7. If the Licensee defaults in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, the Licensor shall give written notice to the Licensee of such default giving the Licensee Thirty (30) days to remedy such default, failing which the Licensor may terminate this Licence and the Licensee shall then forthwith remove its chattels and fixtures, if any, from the Lands and shall restore the Lands to the condition in which they were at the coÍrmencement of this Agreement. Notice 8. Any notice required to be given to the Licensor under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensor or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to it at: Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ IYO Any notice required to be given to the Licensee under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensee or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the Licensee at: Ludeb Inc. C/o Luc Dujardiin R.R. #2 Vienna, ON NOJ lZO or at such other address as the Licensee may in writing designate. In either case, such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date of its delivery or in the case of mailing five (5) business days after it is delivered to the post office. Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 101 of 181 -6- Successors 9. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and (where permitted) assigns and may be registered on title at the option of either party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their respective corporate seals attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorizedinthat behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELTVERED ) in the presence of ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ) ) Per: ) Mayor ) ) Per: ) Clerk LUDEB INC. ) ) Per: ) Staff Report PR2010-10 regarding "Request to Install Power Line Across Municipal Properties". Page 102 of 181 q CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Continuous Improvement Fund - Letter of Agteement DATE: October 15,2010 FILE: Fll NUMBER: PW20l0-18 Purpose This report is further to report PW20l0-17 regarding a Waste Recycling Strategy project and application to the Continuous Improvement Fund. Background Council previously considered the preparation of a W'aste Recycling Strategy and application for funding under the Continuous Improvement Fund. After consideration, Council authorized staffto proceed with joint anangements with the Township of Malahide and Municipalrty of Central Elgin for a joint Waste Recycling Plan project, application to the Continuous Improvement Fund, and call for proposals for a Consultant to develop ajoint V/aste Recycling Plan. StaffComments Councils for all three municipalities have now approved proceeding jointly for this project, and staff have met and issued the appropriate Request for Proposals. Information and recommendations on the results of the RFP will be reported to Council in November following review of proposals received. As well, the Continuous Improvement Fund has approved the joint funding request. A Letter or Agreement with WDO is required to secure such funding. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management Goal #7 - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship Attachments l. Letter of Agreement - Continuous Improvement Fund Recommendation That Staff be authorized to execute the Continuous Improvement Fund Letter of Agreement as attached to Report PV/2010-018 on behalf of the Municipality of Bayham. ,../ continued Staff Report PW2010-18 regarding "Continuous Improvement Fund - Letter of Agreement". Page 103 of 181 Letter of Agreement Continuous Improvement Fund Project #294 REVISED Multi-Municipal Waste Recycling Plan Development Agreement The Township of Malahide, acting as the project lead, agrees on behalf ofthe Municipalities of Bayham and Central Elgin, to undertake, manage and complete the development of a co-operative Waste Recycling Plan for the Township of Malahide and the Municipalities of Bayham and Central Elgin's blue box recycling programs. The CIF will provide support for the Township of Malahide and the Municipalities of Bayham and Central Elgin to undertake and complete this co-operative project. The CIF will fund up to 90% of the costs, to a maximum limit of 545,000 (plus 1.8%oinlieu ofnon refundable HST) to the Township of Malahide. All costs incurred in excess of the above stated limit will be bome by the participating municipalities. The CIF funding support for this project is provided under the following conditions: 1. The Municipalities shall devote a sufficient amount of stafftime and other resources to carry out the Project in accordance with parameters set out in Attachment I Guidelines for CIF Support. 2. The Municipalities assume the full responsibility for the production and completion of a public co- operative waste recycling plan. A final copy of the plan is to be submitted to the CIF. The CIF will have the right to post or use, in whole or in part, the documents produced under this Agreement in relation to the Project. 3. The Municipalities shall recognize and state in an appropriate manner, the support offered by WDO and Stewardship Ontario, through the CIF, concerning the Project. The following shall be incorporated into the final plan: This Project has been delivered with the assistance of Waste Diversion Ontario's Continuous Improvement Fund, afundfinanced by Ontario municipalities and stewards of blue boxwaste in Ontario. Notwithstanding this support, the views expressed are the views of the author(s), and lV'aste Diversion Ontario and Stewardship Ontario accept no responsibilityþr these views. Representative ofthe Township of Malahide Representative of the Municipality of Bayham Date:Date: Representative of the Municipality of Central Elgin Date: Return to: Email : andycampbel l@wdo.ca or Fax: (866) 472-0107 Attention: Mr. Andy Campbell Staff Report PW2010-18 regarding "Continuous Improvement Fund - Letter of Agreement". Page 104 of 181 Staff Memorandum regarding "Placement of Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line". Page 105 of 181 Staff Memorandum regarding "Placement of Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line". Page 106 of 181 Quarterly Report for The Bayham Water Distribution System for the period ending September 30,2010 Watenrorks # 260004748 Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the first quarter's water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Compliance With Provincial Requlations: The Municipality of Bayham water system is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for EnvironmentalAnalytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts peÉorming the test methods. . Operation by Licensed Operators: The water distribution system is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act. Licensing means that an individual meets the educatíon and experience requirements and has successfully passed the certification exam. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30, 2010. Page 107 of 181 . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 17OlO3 and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Svstem lnformation: Facility Name: Bayham Water Distribution System Gontact: Municipal Location: Municipality of Bayham Water and Wastewater Superintendent: Ed Roloson ( overall responsible operator ) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler, Adam Swance, and Charlie Johnston Service Area: Port Burwelland Vienna Service Population: 2500 Operational Description: Bayham Water System is serviced by the Elgin Area Water System. lncluding the Municipalities of Central Elgin and Malahide. Raw Water Source: Lake Erie Treated Water: Elgin Area Water System Disinfection Method: Gas chlorination at Elgin Area Water Plant Secondary Disinfection Method: The sodium hypochlorite is residual and flow paced at the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Rechlorination Facility. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30, 2010. Page 108 of 181 Section 4 - Analytical Test Results: Micro biological Parameters July August September Quarter Summarv MAC / IMAC lotal Coliform IFU/100mls tlumber of Samoles 15 15 15 45 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 vlin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Goli Gount IFU/100mls Number of Samples 15 15 15 45 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 {eterotrophic )late Count / Sackoround \umber of Samples l5 15 l5 45 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vlin / Max 500/200 cFU lxceedences 0 0 0 0 lesamole l-ypical Source of 3ontamination vlicrobial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come fron reptic systems, agricultural livestock operations, wildlife, and wastewater reatment olants. ]omments: Samples are collected weekly from the Port Bunrvell Works Yard, Port Burwell ffastewater Treatment Plant and in Vienna at the Vienna Home Centre. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30, 2010. Page 109 of 181 Operational Parameters July August September Quarter summary MAC/IMAC Ghlorine Residual Free Number of Samples 15 15 15 45 Min/Max 0.97- 1.35 0.61 - r.63 0.76 - 1.27 0.61 - 1.63 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Exceedances 0 0 0 0 Comments Operational Parameters July August September Quarter summarv MAC/IMAC Ghlorine Residual Free ldailv ) Daily chlorine testing is completed at the extremities of Vienna & Pt. Burwell. Number of Samoles 62 62 60 184 0 0 0 0 Min/Max. mg/l Port Bunuell o.43 - 0.92 0.35 - 0.73 0.40 - 0.70 0.35 -0.92 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Min/Max. mg/l Vienna 0.35 - 1.22 0.20 - 0.66 0.20 --0.46 0.20 -1.22 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Section 5 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse results during this time period. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30, 2010. Page 110 of 181 Parameter Compound MAC or IMAC Trihalomethanes louarterlv) 47 uglL Port Burwell 51 uq/L Vienna 100 ug/L Lead Pb (tested in 2no & 3td ouarter )0.58 - 3.45 ug/L 10 ug/L MAC Section 6 - List of all Compounds Detected in Analvsis of Water Samples: Section 7 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAG - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAC - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Coliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occuning rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Gount (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending September 30, 2010. Page 111 of 181 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Gollection 10t18t2010 1Facility: Bayham Water DistributionWorks: 12600047481-BayhamWaterDistributionMonth: July-10 to September-1O Date Category Details CALL INS FOR 3rd QUARTER 2010 There were no call outs for the 3rd Quarter of 2010 Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t f o r t h e B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m a n d C a l l I n s f o r p e r i o d e n d i n g S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 . P a g e 1 1 2 o f 1 8 1 Quarterly Report for The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2010 Straffordville Gommunity Centre Bayham Medical Centre Bayham Municipal Office Straffordville Library Straffordville Firehall Eden & Area Gommunity Gentre Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the second quarter water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Gompliance With Provincial Requlations: The well systems listed above are operated ín accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: Sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 318/08, and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards are fully complied with. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 113 of 181 . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Analvtical Test Results: lllicro biological tarameters July August September Quarter Summarv MAC / IMAC fotal Coliform :ounts/100mls rlumber of Samples 12 12 r8 42 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 \4in / Max Absent ixceedences 0 I 0 0 Resample I Fecal Goliform or E-Coli Count :ounts/100mls rlumber of Samoles 12 12 r8 42 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 úÍn / Max Absent fxceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Absent Heterotrophic Plate Gount & 3ackground lount No longer required under new resulation rlumber of Samples 0 0 0 0 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 \lin / Max 500 Counts/ml 200 Counts/ml ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 114 of 181 Section 4 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there was one microbiological adverse result during this time period at the Eden Community Centre however re- sampling resulted in compliance. . All facilities are posted non-potable and bottled water is provided. Section 6 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAG - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Goliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Parameter Compound MAC or IMAG Nitrates No longer required to be tested under new rezulation 10 mg/L MAC Sodium As above 20 molL MAC Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 115 of 181 Page 116 of 181 Quarterly Report for The Richmond Community Water System for the period ending September 30,2010 Waterworks # 260074854 Section I - lntroduction: This report is a quarterly summary of water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Compliance With Provincial Requlations: The Richmond Gommunity Water System is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Operation by Licensed Operators: The Richmond Water System is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the ceftification exams. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 117 of 181 . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by the Ont. Regulation 170103 and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Svstem lnformation: Facility Name: Richmond Community Water System Municipal Location: Richmond Gontact: Water and Wastewater Superintendent: Ed Roloson ( overall responsible operator ) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler, Adam Swance, Charlie Johnston Service Area: Community of Richmond servicing 51 residents Operational Description: Non-Municipal year round residential drinking water system. Raw Water Source: Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GUDr) Disinfection Method: Sodium hypochlorite flow paced with raw water pumping. Secondary Disinfection Method: Ultra violet light Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 118 of 181 Section 4 - Analytical Test Results: Distribution, Raw, Plant [íicro biological Parameters July August September MAC / IMAC Free Chlorine residual ranoe o.78 - 1.46 o.s4 - 1.32 0.58 - 3.00 fotal Coliform IFU/100m1 {umber of Samoles l0 8 14 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 vlin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Coli Gount IFU/100m1 tlumber of Samoles l0 8 14 Number of )etectable Results 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 {eterotrophic Plate Gount / Backqround tlumber of Samples r0 8 t4 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 Min / Max 500/200 cFU ixceedences 0 0 0 lesample Iypical Source of Sontamination Vicrobial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come from septic ;ystems, aqricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. Somments: Samoles are collected weeklv from the east and west distribution blow offs. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 119 of 181 Operational Parameters Raw Water July August September MAC/IMAC TotaI Coliform/ E.Coli CFU/100mL East well tl7l35 Westwell 6419 East well 19516 V/est well t7sl4 East well 8713 V/est well 7010 Turbidity NTU Number of Samples / Value 31 samples (range) o.27-2.95 31 samples (range) o.28 -3.41 30 samples (range) 0.26 - 5.70 Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 120 of 181 Operational Parameters Treatment Plant Water July August September MAG/IMAG Daily Free Ghlorine Residuals and Turbidity samples (total) 124 124 120 Turbidity NTU 1 NTU East Turbidity EastCL2 0.09 - 0.53 t.t3 - 1.67 0.09 - 0.36 0.96 - 1.74 0.08 - 9.88 0.86 -2.17 West Turbidity West CL2 0.08 - 0.41 1.10 - 1.85 0.09 - 0.43 1.04 - 1.72 0.12-9.36 t.o4 -2.80 Total Flows East Distribution West Distribution I 13040 gal avg. daily: 3646 gaI 108670 gal avg. daily: 3505 gal 96620 gal avg. daily: 3Il7 gal 120040 gal avg. daily: 3872 gal 82520 gal avg. daily: 2751 gal 88560 gal avg. daily: 2952 gal Section 5 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampl¡ng that there were no adverse results during this time period. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 121 of 181 Parameter Compound MAC or IMAC Trihalomethanes (quarterlv) East Distributíon 21 uglL West Distribution 22 uolL 100 ug/L Lead Pb (tested in 2nd & 3'd quarter ) 0.26 - 8.78 ug/L 10 ug/L MAC Nitrates (quarterly)East Well 9.17 mg/L West Well 9.46 mg/L 10 mg/L Section 6 - List of all Gompounds Detected in Analvsis of Water Samples: Section 7 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAC - Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Coliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occuning rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending September 30, 2010. Page 122 of 181 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Gollection 10t18t2010 1 Facility: Works: Month: 9l2l2O1O Oper. Highlight Operational Note: Regular Time = 8 AM to 4:30 PM Rain Event Power Failure/Outage Richmond Community Water lnc. 12600748541 - Richmond Community Water July-10 to September-10 OPERATION EVENTS AND CALL INS FOR 3rd QUARTER 2010 Details Call ln - Total Hours -13 - Received callof no water in Richmond distribution. Upon arrival, low level in the tanks (approx. 0.68 m high). Checked the well sites and the raw water tank at the bottom of the gulley. They were fine but the raw water pump had failed. Replaced the raw water pump with the spare. Ran the raw water pump continuously to fill up both treated tanks before starting up the distribution pumps. After pressure and flow was re-established in the distribution, flushed east and west blow-offs, collected free chlorine residuals and samples. Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t f o r t h e R i c h m o n d C o m m u n i t y W a t e r S y s t e m a n d C a l l I n s f o r t h e p e r i o d e n d i n g S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 . P a g e 1 2 3 o f 1 8 1 Page 124 of 181 Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment PIant Municipality of Bayham Annual Compliance Summary Year: 2010 Works # i 't1ooo13l9 Populat¡on Served: 2460 Design Avg Flow (m3): 1060 FLOWS È'IUUIIEMIUAL UZ UEMANU SUSPENDED SULIIJt'PHOSPHORUS EFFLUÈN I sEP I AGÈ RECEIVAGE VOLUMES m' 2009 Total Avg. Day Max Day Flow Flow Flow Avg. Raw Avg. Raw Avg. Eff. Avg. Load CBOD CBOD CBOD CBOD Avg. Raw Avg. Eff. Avg. Loadss ss ss Avg. Raw Avg. Eff. Avg. Loed Phos. Phos. Phos. Avg. Eff, Avg. Load Avg. En. Avg' ts1 NH¡ + NH. NH! + NH1 Nitratê _ N¡trite Geo. Mean Month m3 m3 m3 lmdrLl lkdrdavl lmorLì lko/dâvl /mñrlì ,ñdfll lkdrdrvl lmdrLl lmorLl fko/dâvl 2000 119.62 500 299 2725 7.90 472 654 0ô0 0.36 0 19 0.11 16 35 0.12 February March 13524 483.0 ô02 0 19't54 660 5 897 0 248 3 1 19 93 4.50 2.'t7 2r4 0 167.77 5 80 3.83 381.8 6 50 3.'t4 2948 880 58r 7.55 0 50 0.24 5.35 0 38 025 0 54 0 26 '17.73 0.',13 1 98 'l .31 't1 87 0 15 359 5 38 7.48 Apr¡l May 20705 714.0 1438.0 21307 7U7 1040 0 17ô 8 12624 3.00 214 170.0 124 90 220 '1.62 1898 580 4.14 191.2 390 287 5.74 0.26 0.19 5.08 0 30 022 I 63 ',l '10 'l u.el u zó o.47 o 35 lO 56 0.'t7 t39 537 759 June Julv 18708 ô45.1 r 111 0 20271 654.0 793 o 189.8 't22 44 2.O0 134.8 88.16 2 30 29 50 246.3 3 30 2.13 2060 480 314 7.08 383 o.28 0.18 0 13 0 09 067 043 95ð u.ub 1 55 1.01 5.60 0 07 4972 5 11 7.89 174 175 61August Sêotember 19597 632.2 818.0 17C00 596 7 69í O 3032 191.ô8 2.20 139 2423 '1445A 280 1 67 2086.6 290 1.83 't5420 330 1.97 11.97 7.92 0.16 0.10 o 56 0.33 185 117 414 uut 1.43 o 85 I 46 0.19 5.09 5ô6 788 Octoþer November December '-'_ AVERAGE 217 2 133 S2 3 31 2.O7 601.22 5.21 3.31 6.7E 0.35 s.zz 1.15 0.71 10.58 0.1¡+36.'19 533 773 MAXIMUM tia^aì tllt m 303.2 191.68 5.80 3.83 2086.60 E.8o -- 5¡r rr.97 i 0.60 0.36 r -e8 I -31 11.73 0.28 5 66 7.98 CRITERIA Aor 16 - Nov 30 1060.0 < 15 1590 15 15.90 < 1.0 ; 1.0ı <2 2.16 CRITERIA Dec I - Aor l5 r060.0 < l5 15.90 t5 15.90 < i.0 ' 1.06 <5 530 non9 ITEETS Concentretion Criterie YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Yea OBJECTIVES i < 10 10.60 l0 10.60 < 0.75 0.80 < I 1.06 150.00 ôR.rFelrvFs loÂn û < 10 l0 60 t0 ,t0.60 < 0.75 0.80 < 3 3.18 150-00 I > 5 Rea3on3 for fs¡lure , Other Problemr:Remgd¡al Act¡ons: Effluent di3charge to tho Big Otter Creek Q u a r t e r l y C o m p l i a n c e S u m m a r y f o r t h e P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t a n d C a l l I n s f o r t h e p e r i o d e n d i n g S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , P a g e 1 2 5 o f 1 8 1 Page 126 of 181 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Collection Port Burwell Wastewater Tr s [1 10001 31 9] - Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant July-10 to September-10 CALL INS FOR 3rd QUARTER 2010 Details 10t18t2010 1 Facility: Works: Month: 7 l9l201o Oper. Highlight 7 12212010 Oper. Highlight 7 12912010 Oper. Highlight 8121 12010 Oper. Highlight 9l1Ol2O1O Oper. Highlight Call In - 2 hours -High High LevelAlarm at Pump Station #3. Tested pumps, acknouvledge and reset alarm. Call ln - 2 hours -Lory Low LevelAlarm at Pump Station lf4. Tested pumps, acknowledge and reset alarm. Operational High Flows (Weather)Power Failure/Outage Q u a r t e r l y C o m p l i a n c e S u m m a r y f o r t h e P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t a n d C a l l I n s f o r t h e p e r i o d e n d i n g S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , P a g e 1 2 7 o f 1 8 1 Page 128 of 181 Ministry of the Environment Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St Clair Avenue West Floor 124 Toronto ON M4V 1L5 Tel.: 416 314-8001 Fax: 416 3'14-8452 September 28,2010 Clerk Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 Straffordville Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Dear Sir/Madam: )() Ministère de I'Environnement Direction des évaluations et des autorisations environnementales 2, avenue St. Clair Ouest Étage 12A Toronto ON M4V 115 Tél-:416 3'14-8001 Téléc : 416 314-8452 RE: lnvitation to Join the Transfer of Review Program The purpose of this letter is to introduce the Ministry cf the Environment's (MOE) Transfer of Review Program (Program) and to invite your municipality to join and become a partner in this program. Transfer of Review Program Overview The Transfer of Review Program was init¡ated in 1978. lt began with twelve upper tier municipalities and currently includes twenty-nine upper, lower, and s¡ngle tier municipalities. Currently, over 1,100 Certificates of Approval are issued annually under this Program with the support of the participating municipalities. The Transfer of Review Program is a voluntary program and designed to benefit the applicants for Certificates of Approval, participating municipal partners and the MOE. The benefits of the Program include improved timeliness and a more efficient process for Certificates of Approval issued under section 53 of the Ontario Water Resources,Acf (OWRA) and under Part V of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 (SDWA) for certain types of water and sewage works. Service cost recovery is pad of the Program, as the padicipating municipal partner receives and retains the application fees normally paid to the MOE. Note that the legislated responsibilities of the MOE remain unchanged under this Program. The Transfer of Review Program covers a limited number of water and sewage works with predictable environmental impacts. The types of works covered by the program depend on individual agreements between the MOE and a participating municipal authority. Typically, the types of Certificates of Approva! issued under the Program include the followrng.. watermains, . water booster pumping stations,o storm and sanitary sewers (except new stormwater outfalls),o sewâ9ê pumping stations, and. forcemains (except those pumping directly to a sewage treatment plant). Some participating municipal authorities also include specific types of stormwater management works, which control stormwater quantity and/or provide basic quality control only (i.e., 60% total suspended solids removal). Details regarding the specific types of works and the participating municipal authorities currently under the Transfer of Review Program are listed in the attached Table A. Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Transfer of Review Program". Page 129 of 181 -2 Under the Transfer of Review Program, a designated participating municipal authority receives and reviews application and supporting documentation for a Certificate of Approval, prior to submission to the MOE for approval. The participating municipal authority retains the fees submitted with the Certificate of Approval application that would normally be paid to the MOE. The participating municipal authority's role is to complete an administrative and technical review of the application information, attach a completed checklist, generate a letter of recommendation for approval for the consideration of the MOE Director, and produce a draft Certificate of Approval that will be submitted along with the application documentation to the MOE. The MOE then reviews all the application documentation and completes the process to issue the Certificate of Approval. How to Join the Program Municipalities interested in joining the Transfer of Review Program should send a letter of interest to the MOE. ln a letter of interest please include the list of works that the municipal authority intends to review (i.e., watermains, storm sewers; etc.), an anticipated number of applications per year based on the municipality's growth plan, and the description of the engineering capability of municipal staff (staff name, position title and P.E.O. number). The MOE will assess the municipality's engineering capability and, if found satisfactory, the municipality will be accepted into the Program by way of an acceptance letter from the MOE. The acceptance letter will outline the municipality's roles and responsibilities as described above together with a list of the types of works the municipality will be authorized to review under the Transfer of Review Program. Should you require clarifications or wish to discuss joining the Transfer of Review Program, please contact Alice Verbaas at (416) 314-8341. Yours sincerely, Jennifer Barolet M.Eng., P.Eng. Supervisor, Wastewater Approvals Unit Director s 5A OntarioWater ResourcesAcf Certificate of Approval Review Section Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch attachment c. District Manager, local MOE District Offrce Doris Dumais, Director, Ceftificate of Approval Program Karlene Chang, Supervisor, Application Processing Unit Sherif Hegazy, Supervisor, Streamlined Review Unit Alice Verbaas, Senior Program Support Coordinator, Program Services Section Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Transfer of Review Program". Page 130 of 181 - 3- Attachment - Table I Participating Municipal Authorities and Types of Works Under the Transfer of Review Program The types of works covered under the Transfer of Review Program are indicated in Table 1 below for each participating municipal partner. Types of Works Reviewed Type A - includes: watermains, water booster pumping stations, storm and sanitary sewers (except for new stormwater outfalls), sewage pumping stations and forcemains (except for those pumping directly to a sewage treatment plant) and some types of stormwater management works. Type B - includes stormwater management works limited to works which control stormwater quantity and/or provide basic quality control only (i.e., 60% total suspended solids removal) and which discharge to either the existing stormwater management collection system, a stormwater management works, a ditch, a swale or a municipal drain. Stormwater management works which discharge to a ditch, swale or municipal drain that are included in the Transfer of Review Program also require clearance from the local Conservation Authority. Stormwater management works are excluded from the Transfer of Review Program if: . the works discharge to a 'natural' receiving watercourse, stream, river or lake; . effluent quality criteria and/or monitoring requirements are established; . the works are proposed to be located on "industrial land" or to drain "industrial land", as defined by Ontario Regulation 525198; . the works relate to infiltration of the stored stormwater into the ground; and . the works propose to collect/store and discharge stormwater containing substances or pollutants detrimentalto the environment or human health. Stormwater management works excluded from the Transfer of Review Program require submission of the Certificate of Approval application directly to the Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch of the MOE for review and processing. Type C - these upper-tier municipalities provide Transfer of Review seruices for their respective lower-tier municipalities Type D - includes additional types of sewage works specified in an expanded Transfer of Review Program agreement. MDWP&L: Some municipalities have been issued a Municipal Drinking Water Permit and Licence as indicated (MDWP&L). Consequently, Certificates of Approval are no longer required for these municipalities for watermains, minor modifications or equipment with emissions to the atmosphere that are part of a municipal water system which as been issued a Drinking Water Permit and Licence. By fall 2011 all municipalities will have been issued a Municipal Drinking Water Permit and Licence. Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Transfer of Review Program". Page 131 of 181 4 Table I Participating MunicipalAuthorities and Types of Works under the Transfer of Review Program Municipal Authority Program Partner A B c D {MDWP&L} The Corporation of the City of Barrie X X X The Corporation of the City of Brantford X X The Corporation of the Municipality of Ghatham-Kent X The Regional Municipality of Durham X x X x Citv of Greater Sudbury X X The Corporaiion of the Ciiy of Guelph The Regional Municipality of Halton X X X Citv of Hamilton X X The Corporation of the City of Kingston X The Corporation of the City of London X X The Corporation of the Town of Markham X X X The District Municipalitv of Muskoka X X X The Regional Municipality of Niagara X X The Corporation of Norfolk Gounty X X The Corporation of the City of North Bay X X The Corporation of the City of Orillia X X City of Ottawa X X The Regional Municipality of Peel (includes stormwater manaqement wo¡ks in Citv of Mississauqa onlv) X X X X Peterborough Utilities Services lnc. (dinking water systems onlv) X The Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill X X X The Corporation of the City of Sault St. Marie (sewaoe works) X PUC Services lnc. (in (drinkino water svstems) Sault Ste. Marie) The Corporation of the Township of St. Clair (includes watermains and storm & sanitarv sewers (no pumpinq sfafions)) X The Corporation of the Citv of Thunder Bav X X The Corporation of the City of Timmins X City of Toronto X X X X The Regional Municipality of Waterloo X X The Regional Municipality of York (excludes works in the Town of Mafuham and the Town of Richmond Hill) X X X x Correspondence dated September 28, 2010 from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Transfer of Review Program". Page 132 of 181 /Ò Elgin Area Primary Water Suppfy System ' 't l'r'i .i l i;,-rLi !., I t '.) t... ,fo€ i' : .1 . 1; ' October 6, 2OIO Reference:Etgin Area Primary Water Supply System Twinning of Primary Water Transmission Main The Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System has progressed on the planning and design stages for the twinning of the primary water transmission main project for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System. Attached for your information is a copy of the notice inviting local landowners to a meeting to review draft easement agreements for construction. Should you have any questions about this project, please contact the undersigned at your convenrence. Brian Lima, P. Eng Capital Projects Manager Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System c/o City of London Regional Water Supply Division 235 North Centre Road London, ON N5X 4E7 Cc: Andrew Henry Correspondence dated October 6, 2010 from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding "Elgin Area Primary Water Page 133 of 181 NOTICE OF LOCAL LANDOWNER MEETING TO REVIEW CONSTRUCTION Pipeline Twinning - Elgin Area Water Supply System Elgin Area Primary lvater Supply System DRAFT EASEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR Project Description: The Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System (EAPWSS) is twinning the existing water supply pipeline from the Elgin Area Water Treatment Facility on Dexter Line to the Terminal Reservoir and Pump Station on the east side of St. Thomas. The EAPWSS supplies potable municipal water to the City's of London and St. Thomas, the Municipalities of Bayham, Central Elgin and Southwold, the Town of Aylmer, and the Township of Malahide. Pipeline twinning design is now complete with construction in 201 1 . It is imporlant you and/or your representatives attend a meeting where owners and farmers along the pipeline route can collectively hear about the draft easement agreement to be used for this project. lndividuals will have two weeks to submit their comments on the easement agreement framework. One-on-one easement negotiations with the Elgin Area Water Board will begin in mid-November and continue until March 201 1. DATE: November 3,2010 TIME: 6:30-9PM Presentation at 7 PM followed by o Question & Answer session PLACE: St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School, Cafeteria 100 Bill Martyn Parkway, St. Thomas, ON, NsR 647 Project Contact and lnformation: To learn more about the project or to communicate and concerns you have please call 1-877-950-2929 or email eaowss.service @ aecom.com. Visit our website at http://www.watersupolv.london.cal. Correspondence dated October 6, 2010 from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding "Elgin Area Primary Water Page 134 of 181 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-092 A BY.LAW TO ASSUME AND ESTABLISH LANDS IN THE MUNICIALITY OF BAYHAM AS PART OF THE OPEN PUBLIC HIGH\üAY SYSTEM (soPER ROAD) WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham acquired property for the pu{pose of improving and/or widening the municipal road known as Soper Road; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham desires to establish the said parcel of land as part of the open public highway system of the Municipality pursuant to Section 3l(2) of the Municipal Act,200l, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended. THEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]I\üCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the parcel of land listed below and situated in the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin be and the same are hereby assumed and established as part of the open public highway system of the Municipality of Bayham: Description Part of Park Lots 1,2,3 and 4, west of Centre Street, Registered Plan No. 17, Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as Part 10 on Plan 11R-6564 Public Hiehwav Soper Road 2. THAT this by-law shall take effect upon the date of its registration in the Land Titles Registry for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11). 3. THAT the Clerk or designate is hereby authorized to amend the parcel designation noted in this By-law, if necessary upon registration of this By-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND TIME AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21.t DAY OF OCTOBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-092 A By-law to assume and establish lands (Soper Road) Page 135 of 181 Page 136 of 181 TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-093 A BY.LA}V TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITII LAEMERS TRUCKING LIMITED FOR THE PROVISION OF \ilINTER CONTROL SERVICES IN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municþality; AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby accepts the proposal submitted by Laemers Trucking Limited for the provision of winter control maintenance activities in the Municipality of Bayham; TIIEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\MS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule"^Ã" and forming part of this byJaw between Laemers Trucking Limited and the Municipality of Bayham for the provision of winter control maintenance. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 21't DAY oF ocToBER 2010. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) Page 137 of 181 20L0t20tt Winter Schedule MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM 9344 Ptank Road Straffordville, Ontario (sr9)-86Gss21 Quotation for Winter Control Services (Snowplowing Sanding) We hereby offer to furnish all the material and labour necessary for the completion of the work described in the contract documents at the following hourþ rates (exclusive of taxes) Service Schedule rrAlrr Schedule tt[2tt Schedule 'rA3rr Hourly Rate _$60_ _$60 _$60 Note: See attached Schedules for details of service areas By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) Page 138 of 181 Schedule "A" to ByJaw 2010-093 THIS ÄGREEMENT made in triplicate this 21't day of OCTOBER,2010. BETWEEN Laemers Trucking Limited Herein referred to as "The Contractor" OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Herein referred to as "the Municipality'' OF THE SECOND PART WIIEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Agreement for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. NOW TIIIS Ä.GREEMENT \üITNESSETII AS FOLLOWS: 1) The Contractor hereby convenants to supply the required materials and perform the specified maintenance activity listed above within the standard, policies and procedures normally followed by the Municipality and more specifically described as follows: . overnight snorvfall exceeding 2 inches (50 mm) of accumulation will be removed by 9:00 a.m. on the following day .snorvfall during the day will be attended to at the discretion of the Manager Public Works / Operations Supervisor .will provide a log of activities, in prescribed form, at the request of the Manager Public Works / Operations Supervisor. 2) The Contractor shall, during the entire term of the AgreemenÇ provide and keep in force for the benefit of the Municipality, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $ 210001000 naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured. 3) The Contractor shall furnish the Municipality of Bayham, upon execution of this AgreemenÇ copies of the certificates of insurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions ofParagraph 5. 4) The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Municþalify and their employees from all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise directly or indirectþ by reason of requirement of this AgreemenÇ save and except from damage caused by the negligence of the Municþalify or their employees. 5) The Contractor shall fumish to the Municipality, upon the execution of this Agreement a Clearance Certificate issued by the'Workplace Safety & Insurance Board which waives its rights under Section 11(3), R.S.O. 1990 of the Workers Compensation Act to hold the Municipality liable for any liability of the Contractor for assessments and levies owing to the \üorkplace Safety & Compensation Board 6) During the currency of the AgreemenÇ either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding the aspect of the maintenance activity which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Parties. If the Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereof, such differences shall be determined by Arbitration. 7) This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon thirty (30) days written notice. Paragraph lr2 and. Schedules "A.lrA.2 and 4.3" may be amended by mutual agreement of both Parties. By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) Page 139 of 181 8) e) Contractor must adhere to the Minimum Maintenance Standards as outlined by The Municipal Act. Vehicles, ploughs, sanding/salting or sidewalk equipment shall be inspected by the Manager Public Works and / or Operations Supervisor regarding the abilify to work through the winter season plowing, sanding, salting roads or sidewalks and the decision of the Manager Public Works and / or Operations Supervisor shall be final. Operators shall have the appropriate license and class to operate the vehicle they are operating and shall surrender their license at any time as inspected by the Public Works Department. Operators shall have met the requirements of time off and a second or relief operator shall be ready to work in the event the initial operator has worked the total hours allowed under the legislation. The contractor shall be on sight ready to work within 30 min¡1ss of notification by the Police, Answering Service or Public \ilorks Department. Inability to adhere to this may result in request for a second contractor to perform the duties at the cost of the contractor who was originally asked to do the contract. This Agreement shall ensure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors when attached to and confirmed by By-Law of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham and signing by the Contractor and shall not be assigned without the consent of both Parties. This Agreement shall be in effect from the 21't day of October ,2010 to the 15th day of April, 2011. The Municþatity reserves the right and the Contractor agrees to allow the Municipality the option of renewal for a further one (1) year term with all conditions contained herein in force. The Contractor hereby convenants and agrees to provide \ilinter Control maintenance activity described as snowplowing and sanding for the Municþality on facilities, sidewalks and sections of highway in the Municipality as described on Schedules "4.1,A,.2 and 4.3" for the term of the contract as set out in Paragraph 13. 10) 11) t2) 13) 14) IN WITNESS WHEREOF TIIE CORPORATE SEAL OF'THE MI]NICIPALITY IS HERET]NTO AFFIXED AND ATTESTED BY THE PROPER SIGNING OFFICERS THEREOF AUTHORIZATION THE CONTRACTOR Date Date THE CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Mayor Date Clerk Date By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) Page 140 of 181 Schedule " A.l" (Contractor - Laemers Trucking Limited) PORT BURWELL STREETS @lowing,Sanding)- Fay Sheet - Libbye Sheet - Libbye Avenue - Burwell Street - Tennyson Street - Southey Sheet - Cowper Street - Homer Street - Addison Street - Hurley Street - Howard Street - William Street - Newton Sheet - Hannah Street - Waterloo Street - Pitt Street - Brock Street - Erieus Street - Strachan Street - Shakespeare Street - Milton Street - Bodsworth Lane - Victoria Street (Pitt to V/ellington) - Elizabeth Street - McCord Lane PER IIOUR $60.00 By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) Page 141 of 181 á** P\:-¡-R=*--{>-,I ç PORT BURWELL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM LAKE ERIE B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 3 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( L a e m e r s T r u c k i n g L i m i t e d ) P a g e 1 4 2 o f 1 8 1 Schedule "A.2 (Contractor - Laemers Truking Limited) STRAFF ORDVILLE STREETS ( Snowplowing, sanding) - Arthur Street - Main Street - Hesch Street - V/ardwalk Line - Donnelly Drive - First Street - Second Street - Third Street - Fourth Street - Fifth Street - Old Chapel Street - Duke Sheet - Elgrn Street - Short Street - 'West Street - East Street - CPR Laneway - Garnham Street - Alward Street - Garner Road (Heritage to Wardwalk) PER HOUR $60.00 By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) Page 143 of 181 "{+ STRAFFORDVILLE BAYHAII/I il9 ( I -' ."\., IVIUNIGIPALIT r OF B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 3 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( L a e m e r s T r u c k i n g L i m i t e d ) P a g e 1 4 4 o f 1 8 1 PER. EOTJR $6CI.00 By-Law 2010-093 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Laemers Trucking Limited) Page 145 of 181 û ï VI ENNA MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAIVI B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 3 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( L a e m e r s T r u c k i n g L i m i t e d ) P a g e 1 4 6 o f 1 8 1 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-094 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LICENCE AGREEMENT BET\ilEEN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM A}tD LUDEB INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL \ryORKS WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a licence agreement to permit the location of an underground electrical connection Ì for solar panels across lands described as the unopened road allowance between lots 20 and2l in concession 2 of the Municipality of Bayham. NO\il TIIERET'ORE TI{E COT]NCIL OX'THE CORPORATION OF'THE MTJIüCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOIüS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Licence Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between Ludeb Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the placement of underground power lines. 2. THAT this byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21ST DAY OF'OCTOBER 201-0. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) Page 147 of 181 THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT is made this 21st day of October,2010. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor") OF THE FIRST PART -and- LUDEB INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART 'WHEREAS the Licensee is the registered owner of the lands described as Concession 2,PtLot 21, N/S Concession Road 1 in the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 2, known as Stafford Road, in the Municipalþ of Bayham (the "Lands"); IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and other good and valuable consideration the parties agree as follows: Grant of Licence 1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee the non-exclusive use of the Lands for the purposes hereinafter set forth, for the period of twenty (20) years, commencing October 2I,2010: a) The Licensee hereby accepts the Lands in their condition as of the date hereof and shall not call upon the Licensor to do or pay for any work or supply any equipment to make the Lands more suitable for the proposed use by the Licensee hereunder. The Licensee shall pay the Licensor Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable rn advance, as a licence fee upon the commencement of this Agreement. The Lands may be used for the purpose of locating "Equipment" consisting of underground power lines for the connection of solar panels and any incidental apparatus approved by the Licensor. b) c) By-Law 2010-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) Page 148 of 181 -3- Covcnants by Licensee 2. The Licensee covenants with the Licensor: a) To pay the licence fee set out in clause l. b) To pay taxes (including local improvements) and all rates, licence fees and other charges imposed on or with respect to the Lands as same become due. c) To use the Lands only for the purposes of the Equipment and not to erect any buildings or structures on the Lands. d) To maintain the appearance of the Lands in a neat, clean and well-kept manner appropriate to the condition of the land. e) To install, maintain and repair the Equipment at its own expense. Ð To ensure that no refuse, litter, garbage or loose or objectionable material accumulates in or about the Lands. g) To ensure that no trees are removed and no grade changes are carried out. h) To provide and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars with respect to its use of the Lands during the fuIl term of this Agreement and any extension thereot naming the Licensor as an additional insured, and to provide a certificate evidencing same, prior to execution of this Agteement and as required by the Licensor. Without limiting the generalrty of the foregoing, such public liability insurance shall contain provisions for cross-liability, severability of interests, and no cancellations or alterations without the consent of the Licensor. Ð Not to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Licensor, which consent may be unreasonably withheld. j) To leave the Lands in substantially the same condition by removing the Equipment from the Lands, at the expiry of this Agreement as they were at the coÍrmencement of this Agreement. k) To comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws, rules, regulations and by-laws and to hold the Licensor harmless from the consequences of its failure to do so. By-Law 2010-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) Page 149 of 181 4- Installation, Repairs and Replacement 3. The Licensee may install, repair or replace the Equipment, provided that: a) It applies to the Licensor for approval to install such equipment; b) It provides drawings or specifications required by the Licensor for the purpose of reviewing the suitability of the Equipment; c) It proceeds in accordance with the approval given under the supervision of the Licensor; d) It compensates the Licensor for any expense incurred by the Licensor in the course . ofapproval or supervision; e) Damage occasioned by the installation or removal of the Equipment will be repaired by the Licensee at its own expense forthwith. Indemnitv 4. The Licensee shall at all times indemnifi and save harmless the Licensor from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, charges, expenses, actions and other proceedings (including those in connection with workers' compensation or any similar or successor arrangement) made, brought against, suffered by or imposed on the Licensor to fulfiII any part of its obligations under this Agreement or for any reason whatsoever or in respect of any loss, damage or injury (including injuty resulting in death): a) To any person or property (including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, employees, contractors, agents and property of the Licensor) directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or sustained by reason of the occupation or use of the Lands, or any operation in connection therewith or any fixtures or chattels thereon, or b) To any person while on adjoining lands of the Licensor in the course of that person's entry onto or exit from the Lands. Exclusion of Liabilitv 5. The Licensor shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any personal injuries that may be suffered or sustained by any person who may be on the Lands or for any loss of or damage or injury to property belonging to the Licensee or any other person unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the Licensor's negligence or default or the negligence or default of those for whom the Licensor is in law responsible' By-Law 2010-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) Page 150 of 181 -5- Hold Harmless Oblieation 6. The Licensee shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Licensor from and against all construction liens and related costs and other claims in connection with all work performed by or for the Licensee on the Lands, and shall promptly remove all registered claims from title. Default 7. If the Licensee defaults in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, the Licensor shall give written notice to the Licensee of such default giving the Licensee Thifty (30) days to remedy such default, failing which the Licensor may terminate this Licence and the Licensee shall then forthwith remove its chattels and fixtures, if any, from the Lands and shall restore the Lands to the condition in which they were at the coÍrmencement of this Agteement. Notice 8. Any notice required to be given to the Licensor under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficientþ given if delivered to the Licensor or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to it at: Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Any notice required to be given to the Licensee under the terms of this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Licensee or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the Licensee at: Ludeb Inc. C/o Luc Dujardiin R.R. #2 Vienna, ON NOJ lZO or at such other address as the Licensee may in writing designate. In either case, such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date of its delivery or in the case of mailing five (5) business days after it is delivered to the post office. By-Law 2010-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) Page 151 of 181 -6- Successors g. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and (where permitted) assigns and may be registered on title at the option of either party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affrxed their respective corporate seals attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorizedinthat behalf' SIGNED, SEALED AND DELTVERED ) in the presence of ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ) ) Per: ) Mayor ) ) Per: ) Clerk LUDEB INC. ) ) Per: ) By-Law 2010-094 A By-law to authorize the execution of a licence agreement (Ludeb Inc.) Page 152 of 181 THE CORPORÁ.TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-09s A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF'A CONTRACT WITII T]NDERHILL BROS. FOR TIIE PROVISION OF' WINTER CONTROL SERVICES IN TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF'BAYIIAM WIIERJAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham hereby accepts the proposal submitted by Underhill Bros. for the provision of winter control maintenance activities in the Municipalityof Bayham; THEREF'ORE TIIE COTJNCIL OF'THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule"N' and formingpüt of this by-law between Underhill Bros. and the Municþality of Bayham for the provision of winter control maintenance. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 21.t DAY oF ocToBER 2010. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2010-095 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Underhill Bros.) Page 153 of 181 2010t20lt \ilinter Schedule MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYIIAM 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, C)ntario (s1e)-866-ss21 Quotation for Winter Control Services (Snowplowing Sanding) 'We hereby offer to furnish all the material and labour necessary for the completion of the work described in the contract documents at the following hourþ rates (exclusive of taxes) Service Schedule rrA4rr Hourly Rate $65 Note: See attached Schedules for details of service areas By-Law 2010-095 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Underhill Bros.) Page 154 of 181 Schedule "A'to ByJøw 2010-095 THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 21't day of OCTOBE& 2010. BETWEEN Underhill Bros. Herein referred to as "The Conhactor" OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Herein referred to as "the Municipality'' OF THE SECOND PART \ilHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Agreønent for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETII AS FOLLO\ilS: 1) The Contractor hereby convenants to supply the required materials and perform the specified maintenance activity listed above within the standard, policies and procedures normally followed by the Municipality and more specifically described as follows: . overnight snorvfall exceeding 2 inches (50 mm) of accumulation will be removed by 9:00 a.m. on the following day .snowfall during the day will be attended to at the discretion of the Manager Public Works / Operations Supervisor .will provide a log of activities, in prescribed form, at the request of the Manager Public Works / Operations Supervisor. 2) The Contractor shall, during the entire term of the AgreemenÇ provide and keep in force for the benefit of the Municipality, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $ 21000,000 naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured. 3) The Contractor shall furnish the Municþality of Bayham, upon execution of this Agreemenf copies of the certilÌcates of insurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 5. 4) The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality and their employees from all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise directþ or indirectly by reason of requirement of this AgreemenÇ save and except from damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or their employees. 5) The Contractor shall furnish to the Municipality, upon the execution of this AgreemenÇ a Clearance Certificate issued by the Workplace Safety & fnsurance Board which waives its rights under Section 11(3), R.S.O. 1990 of the Workers Compensation Act to hold the Municipatity liable for any liability of the Contractor for assessments and levies owing to the \ilorkplace Safety & Compensation Board 6) During the currency of the AgreemenÇ either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding the aspect of the maintenance activity which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Parties. If the Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereof, such differences shall be determined by Arbitration. 7) This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon thirty (30) days written notice. Paragraph lr2 rnd. Schedule $A.4" may be amended by mutual agreement of both Parties. By-Law 2010-095 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Underhill Bros.) Page 155 of 181 8) e) Contractor must adhere to the Minimum Maintenance Standar¿s ¿5 ouflined by The Municipal Act. Vehicles, ploughs, sanding/salting or sidewalk equipment shall be inspected by the Manager Public Works and / or Operations Supervisor regarding the ability to work through the winter season plowing, sanding, salting roads or sidewalks and the decision of the Manager Public'Works and / or Operations Supervisor shall be final. Operators shall have the appropriate license and class to operate the vehicle they are operating and shall surrender their license at any time as inspected by the Public Works Department. Operators shall have met the requirements of time off and a second or relief operator shall be ready to work in the event the initial operator has worked the total hours allowed under the legislation. The contractor shall be on sight ready to work within 30 minutes of notification by the Police, Answering Service or Public Works Department. Inability to adhere to this may result in request for a second contractor to perform the duties at the cost of the contractor who was originally asked to do the contract. This Agreement shall ensure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors when attached to and confirmed by By-Law of the Council of the Municþality of Bayham and signing by the Contractor and shall not be assigned wÍthout the consent of both Parties. ThÍs Agreement shall be in effect from the 21't day of October, 2010 to the 15th day of April, 2011. The Municþality reserves the right and the Contractor agrees to allow the Municipality the option of renewal for a further one (1) year term with all conditions contained herein in force. The Contractor hereby convenants and agrees to provide \ilinter Control maintenance activity described as snowplowing and sanding for the Municipality on facilities, sidewalks and sections of highway in the Municipality as described on Schedule '(A.4" for the term of the contract as set out in Paragraph 13. 10) t2) l3) 11) t4) IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE CORPORATE SEAL OF THE MT]NICIPALITY IS ITERETJNTO AFFIXED AND ATTESTED BY THE PROPER SIGNING OFFICERS THEREOF AUTHORIZATION THE CONTRACTOR Date Date THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Mayor Date Clerk Date By-Law 2010-095 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Underhill Bros.) Page 156 of 181 Schedule '(A.4" (Contractor - Underhill Bros.) STRAF FORDVILLE PARKING LOTS (Snowplowing, sanding) - Municipal Office/LibraryÆump Station #2 - Community Centre - Firehall - Medical Centre - Pump Station # 5 - Pumping Station (8971Plank Road and 56826 Heritage Line) PER IIOUR $65.00 VIENNA PARKING LOTS Location - Community Centre - Library Parking - Pump Station # 6 PER IIOUR $65.00 PORT BT]RWELL PARKING LOTS Location - Sewage Treatment Plant - I Chatham Street - Marine Museum - 18 Robinson Street - Firehall Parking- 24Pitt Street - Pump Stations (Brock and Union) - LibraryParking -2lPitt Street PERIIOUR $65.00 By-Law 2010-095 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Underhill Bros.) Page 157 of 181 .-J Iq t -- 'to\ tl I I ìI J CI -ä-¡d\f èì >"))..) -z'./4 ,=t/-'-"ê--='.t-ttoÑ l^lvF{Á,Vg '\¡r\o.\ . -r, 'd, d0,{,Il-lvdlClNnn -'--.._._/j H-[ f il/\f,HOIJYHTSI \ q \*f 1\')\ "L) B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 5 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( U n d e r h i l l B r o s . ) P a g e 1 5 8 o f 1 8 1 -R*\^,^.11^.Þ ? Ò \ I IVIUNICIPALITY OF BAYHA¡ t2 r\g\ Lo-)pt- .> II- B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 5 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( U n d e r h i l l B r o s . ) P a g e 1 5 9 o f 1 8 1 PORT B MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAN $¿çr b I )-r B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 5 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( U n d e r h i l l B r o s . ) P a g e 1 6 0 o f 1 8 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAIV NO.2010-096 A BY-LA\il TO AUTIIORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT \ilITII \ilILSON LAWN CARE FOR THE PROVISION OF WINTER CONTROL SERVICES IN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby accepts the proposal submitted by Wilson Lawn Care for the provision of winter control maintenance activities in the Municipality of Bayham; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF'TIIE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule".Ã" and forming part of this by-law between Wilson Lawn Care and the Municþality of Bayham for the provision of winter control maintenance. 2. TIIAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21.t DAY oF ocToBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) Page 161 of 181 2010t2011 Winter Schedule MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario (s1e)-866-ss21 Quotation for Winter Control Services (Snowplowing Sanding) We hereby offer to furnish all the material and labour necessary for the completion of the work described in the contract documents at the following hourly rates (exclusive of taxes) Service Schedule rrA5rr Hourly Rate $45 Note: See attached Schedules for details of serryice areas By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) Page 162 of 181 Schedule ßA" to ByJaw 2010-096 THIS AGREEMENT made in trþlicate this 21't day of OCTOBER,2010. BETWEEN Wilson Lawn Care Herein referred to as "The Contractor" OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Herein referred to as "the Municipality'' OF THE SECOND PART \ilIIEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Agreement for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLO\ilS: 1) The Contractor hereby convenants to supply the required materÍals and perform the specified maintenance activity listed above within the standard, policies and procedures normally followed by the Municipality and more specifically described as follows: . overnight snowfall exceeding 2 inches (50 mm) of accumulation will be removed by 9:00 a.m. on the following day .snorvfall during the day wiII be attended to at the discretion of the Manager Public Works / Operations Supervisor .will provide a log of activities, in prescribed form, at the request of the Manager Public Works / Operations Supervisor. 2) The Contractor shall, during the entire term of the Agreemenf provide and keep ín force for the benefÌt of the Municipality, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $ 210001000 naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured. 3) The Contractor shall furnish the Municipality of Bayham, upon execution of this AgreemenÇ copies of the certificates of Ínsurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 5. 4) The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality and their employees from all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise directþ or indirectþ by reason of requirement of this AgreemenÇ save and except from damage caused by the negligence of the Municþality or their employees. 5) The Contractor shall furnish to the Municipality, upon the execution of this Agreemenf a Clearance Certificate issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board which waives its rights under Section 11(3), R.S.O. 1990 of the Workers Compensation Act to hold the Municþality liable for any liability of the Contractor for assessments and levies owing to the Workplace Safety & Compensation Board 6) During the currency of the AgreemenÇ either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding the aspect of the maintenance activity which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Parties. If the Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereof, such differences shall be determined by Arbitration. 7) This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon thirty (30) days written notice. Paragraph tr2 and Schedule *4.5" may be amended by mutual agreement of both Parties. By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) Page 163 of 181 8) e) Contractor must adhere to the Minimum Maintenance Standards as outlined by The Municipal Act. Vehicles, ploughs, sanding/salting or sidewalk equipment shall be Ínspected by the Manager Public Works and / or Operations Supervisor regarding the ability to work through the winter season plowing, sanding, salting roads or sidewalks and the decision of the Manager Public Works and / or Operations Supervisor shall be fìnal. Operators shall have the appropriate license and class to operate the vehicle they are operating and shall surrender their license at any time as inspected by the Public \ilorks Department. Operators shall have met the requirements of time off and a second or relief operator shall be ready to work in the event the initial operator has worked the total hours allowed under the legislation. The contractor shall be on sight ready to work within 30 minutes of notification by the Police, Answering Service or Public Works Department. Inability to adhere to this may result in request for a second contractor to perform the duties at the cost of the contractor who was originally asked to do the contract. This Agreement shall ensure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors when attached to and confirmed by By-Law of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham and signing by the Contractor and shall not be assigned without the consent of both Parties. This Agreement shall be in effect from the 21't day of October, 2010 to the 15th day of April, 2011. The Municipality reserves the right and the Contractor agrees to allow the Municipatity the option of renewal for a further one (1) year term with all conditions contained herein in force. The Contractor hereby convenants and agrees to provide \ilinter Control maintenance activity described as snowplowing and sanding for the Municipality on facilities, sidewalks and sections of highway in the Municipality as described on Schedule *,4..5" for the term of the contract as set out in Paragraph 13. 10) 11) 13) t2) t4) IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE CORPORATE SEAL OF THE MI]NICIPALITY IS HERET]NTO AFFIXED AI\D ÄTTESTED BY THE PROPER SIGNING OFFICERS THEREOF AUTHORIZATION THE CONTRACTOR Date Date THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Mayor Date CIerk Date By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) Page 164 of 181 Schedule "A.5" (Contractor - Wilson Lawn Care) STRAFFORDVILLE FACILITIES (Snowplowing, sanding) Community Centre Entrances/Sidewalks - Exit doors east and west side - Sidewalk from west entrance to parking lot - Sidewalk and steps from east entrance to parking lot - Sidewalk from east doors to loading ramp - Sidewalk from north doors to west parking lot - Sidewalk from north doors to north main sidewalk Medical Centre Entrances- Front entrance door and steps to main sidewalk - Sidewalk from back door leading to front door Municipal Ofüce Entrances - Side entrance sidewalk leading to parking lot - Front door leading to side parking lot - Side door leading around to side parking lot and front door Library Entrances and Sidewalks - Both from stqls and entrance doors - Side entrance door - Front ramp leading to parking lot side Straffordville Fire Hall Entrance - Entrance doors front and rear PERIIOUR $45.00 By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) Page 165 of 181 Schedule'64.5t' PORT BURWELL SIDEWALKS A¡ID FACILITIES Marine Museum (18 Robinson) -Sidewalk (Robinson) Parkette -Sidewalk (Erieus and Pitt) Basketball Court -Sidewalk (Erieus) Librar.v(2l Pitt) - Sidewalk(Erieus and Pitt) Gazebo(Erieus St) -Sidewalk (Erieus) Community Policing Ofïice(29 V/ellington) -Sidewalks (V/ellington and Erieus) and Entrances Port Burwell Fire Hall -Sidewalk and Entrances Other Sidewalks - Bridge St. South Side - Robinson St.(Erieus to Pitt) - Robinson St. rWest Side (Bridge to Pitt) - Wellington St Norttr Side (Robinson to Victoria) - Erieus St West Side (Wellington to Pitt) - Victoria St West Side (Wellington to Robinson) - \Mellington St South Side ( Victoria to Elizabeth) PERIIOUR $45.00 STRAFFORDVILLE SIDEWALKS (Snowplowing, sanding) Community Centre - Sidewalk - Heritage Line(Old Chapel to Sandytown) Medical Centre - Sidewalk (Plank) Parkette - Sidewalk (Plank and Heritage) Other Sidewalks- East Side Plank Road ( Third St to School) - East Side Plank Road (School to end of sidewalk) - North Side Heritage Line (Plank Road to East Street) - South Side Heritage Line (Plank Road to end westerly) - Plank RoadÆIeritage Line Intersection (Northwest Comer) - East side -Sandytown Road from Heritage southerly to the end PER IIOUR $45.00 By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) Page 166 of 181 Schedule r6A.5tt VIENNA T'ACILITIES Community Centre - 26 Fulton - All EnfrancesÆxits including wheelchair ramp - Sidewalk in front of ø"itity (Plank Rd) Museum- 14 Snow She - Enhance/sidewalk (as requested only) - Sidewalk (beside museum only along Fulton) PBR HOrrR $4s.00 VIENNA SIDEWALKS (Snowplowing, sanding)- North/West side of Plank Road from bridge to bridge , inclusive PERIIOUR $45.00 By-Law 2010-096 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Wilson Lawn Care) Page 167 of 181 l¡¡ I {PORT BURWELL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM : €--ì s-\r\ e \i, o f *€_ .J ,\ u ?, å* zJr Y r ß-- ..-Àct-'\ ,\ \ ./*l ,(Ctl. )Qr ,k \CI 'ï I 5 1 o/ i d ¿ LAKE ERIE B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 6 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( W i l s o n L a w n C a r e ) P a g e 1 6 8 o f 1 8 1 /,8, (Èß /14 / ilI{Ñ)\\7 f Ll.!!s\ñ*t)\ r \D ì-o) rl-è\l \r\Ì¡a /L..o'r1tl \ \ -Yì=)Þ (.r-r' 3] f IACHOIJVHIS P I Uì' Ç7\\- == r 'ç B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 6 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( W i l s o n L a w n C a r e ) P a g e 1 6 9 o f 1 8 1 ,, =\-\ 1'. å<L5"-\\¿> 0 ï TVTUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI B y - L a w 2 0 1 0 - 0 9 6 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a c o n t r a c t ( W i l s o n L a w n C a r e ) P a g e 1 7 0 o f 1 8 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO.2010-097 A BY.LA\ü TO AUTIIORIZE TIIE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT \ilITII AYLMER GARDEN CENTRE F'OR THE PROVISION OF WINTER CONTROL SERVICES IN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municþality; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby accepts the proposal submitted by Aylmer Garden Centre for the provision of winter control maintenance activities in the Municipality of Bayham; THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF'THE MTJNICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\MS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between Aylmer Garden Centre and the Municipalþ of Bayham for the provision of winter control maintenance. 2. TIIAT this byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FTRST, SECOM AND TIITRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED Trrrs 21't DAY OF OCTOBER 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) Page 171 of 181 2010l20tl Winter Schedule MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario (s1e)-866-ss21 Quotation for Winter Control Services (Snowplowing' Sanding) We hereby offer to furnish all the material and labour necessary for the completíon of the work described in the contract documents at the following hourþ rates (exclusive of taxes) Service Schedule rrA6rr Hourly Rate _$65 Note: See attached Schedules for details of service areas By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) Page 172 of 181 Schedule "A" to By-løw 2010-097 THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 2L't day of OCTOBE& 2010. BETWEEN Aylmer Garden Centre Herein referred to as "The Contractor" OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Herein referred to as "the Municipality" OF THE SECOND PART WIIEREAS the Municþality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Agreement for contracted winter control maintenance activities to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. NOW THIS AGREEMENT \ilITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1) The Contractor hereby convenants to supply the required materials and perform the specified maintenance activity listed above within the standard, policies and procedures normally followed by the Municipality and more specifically described as follows: . overnight snorvfall exceeding 2 inches (50 mm) of accumulation will be removed by 9:00 a.m. on the following day .snorvfall during the day will be attended to at the discretion of the Manager Public 'Works / Operations Supervisor .will provide a log of activities, in prescribed form, at the request of the Manager Public Works / Operations Supervisor. 2) The Contractor shall , during the entire term of the Agreement, provide and keep in force for the benefit of the Municipality, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $ 210001000 ¡¿ming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured. 3) The Contractor shall furnish the Municipality of Bayham, upon execution of this AgreemenÇ copies of the certificates of insurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 5. 4) The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality and their employees from all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise directþ or indirectþ by reason of requirement of this AgreemenÇ save and except from damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or their employees. 5) The Contractor shall furnish to the Municipality, upon the execution of this AgreemenÇ a Clearance CertifÌcate issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board which waives its rights under Section 11(3), R.S.O. 1990 of the Workers Compensation Act to hold the Municipality liable for any liability of the Contractor for assessments and levies owing to the \üorkplace Safety & Compensation Board 6) During the currency of the AgreemenÇ either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding the aspect of the maintenance activity which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Parties. If the Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereof, such differences shall be determined by Arbitration. 7) This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon thirty (30) days written notice. Paragraph 1r2 and Schedule "A.6" may be amended by mutual agreement of both Parties. By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) Page 173 of 181 8) e) Contractor must adhere to the Minimum Maintenance Standards as outlined by The Municipal Act. Vehicles, ploughs, sanding/salting or sidewalk equipment shall be inspected by the Manager Public \Morks and / or Operations Supervisor regarding the ability to work through the winter season plowing, sanding, salting roads or sidewalks and the decision of the Manager Public Works and / or Operations Supervisor shall be final. Operators shall have the appropriate license and class to operate the vehicle they are operating and shall surrender their license at any time as inspected by the Public'Works Department. Operators shall have met the requirements of time off and a second or relief operator shall be ready to work in the event the initial operator has worked the total hours allowed under the legislation. The contractor shall be on sight ready to work within 30 minutes of notification by the Police, Answering Service or Public \Morks Department. Inability to adhere to this may result in request for a second contractor to perform the duties at the cost of the contractor who was originally asked to do the contract. This Agreement shall ensure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors when attached to and confirmed by By-Law of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham and signing by the Contractor and shall not be assigned without the consent of both Parties. This Agreement shall be in effect from the 21't day of October r2010 to the 15th day of April, 2011. The Municipality reserves the right and the Contractor agrees to allow the Municipality the option of renewal for a further one (1) year term with all conditions contained herein in force. The Contractor hereby convenants and agrees to provide Winter Control maintenance activity described as snowplowing and sanding for the Municipality on facilties, sidewalks and sections of highway in the Municipality as described on Schedule "A.6" for the term of the contract as set out in Paragraph 13. 10) 11) t2) 13) t4) IN \ilITNESS WIIEREOF THE CORPORATE SEAL OF THE MT'NICIPALITY IS HERET]NTO AFFD(ED AND ATTESTED BY THE PROPER SIGNING OFF'ICERS THEREOF AUTHORIZATION THE CONTRACTOR Date Date THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Mayor Date Clerk Date By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) Page 174 of 181 Schedule "A.6" (Contractor - Aylmer Garden Centre) EDEN STREETS (Snowplowing, sanding) - Gray Street - Travis Street EDEN FACILITIES (Snowplowing, sanding) Location Eden and Area Community Cenhe - 56967 Eden Line - Sidewalk (Eden Line) Mailboxes - 57016 Eden Line - Sidewalks (Eden Line and Plank Road) - Pickup area Pump Station #l - 11403 Plank Road - Entrance PERIIOUR $65.00 RICIIMOND STREETS ( Snowplowing, sanding) - Church Street - John Street - Richmond Road - James Street - Hoover Valley Road PERIIOUR $65.00 By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) Page 175 of 181 h-¿- €Òeat Ct'¡- Pork I c¡t' scALE l "= 4oo' HAMLET OF EDEN TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM CYRIL J. DEMEYERE LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS f ILLSONBURG , ONÍARIO By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) Page 176 of 181 -æ?:< i i- I ¿ RICHMOND ¿'.> 1J \ By-Law 2010-097 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contract (Aylmer Garden Centre) Page 177 of 181 Page 178 of 181 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MT]NICIPALITY OX' BAYHAM BY-LAW 2010-098 A BY.LA\M TO APPOINT A LIVESTOCK VALUER FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF BÄ.YHAM IVHEREAS the Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.24 states that the Council of every municipality shall appoint one or more persons as valuers of livestock and poultry for the purposes of the Act; AND WHEREAS a Municipahty may appoint employees as may be necessary for the purposes of the corporation or for carrying into effect any Act or the Legislature or ByJaw and for fixing their remuneration and prescribing their duties; NOW THEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. THAT Gord Roesch, ByJaw Enforcement Off,rcer for the Municipality be appointed as Livestock Valuer for the Municipality of Bayham, and shall be responsible for administering the provisions of the Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990,c.L.24. 2. AND THAT this By-law come into full force and affect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21ST DAY OF OCTOBER 2010.. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-098 A By-law to appoint a Livestock Valuer Page 179 of 181 Page 180 of 181 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LA\M NO. 2010-099 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COTJNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM FOR THE REGTILAR MEETTNG HELD OCTOBER 21,2010 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by byJaw; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meetingbe confirmed and adopted bybyJaw. THEREFORE TIIE COI]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held October 21,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 21't day of October,2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-099 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 181 of 181