HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 20, 2011 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 13, 2011. (Not available at time of publishing) (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:00 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal presentation of donation to Museums Bayham (b)7:05 p.m. - Gregg Deming regarding Exotic Animal By-Law 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence received from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Ontario Agricultural Irrigation Conference". File: A04 (b)Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 12, 2010. File: A16 (c)Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held January 12, 2011. File: C06 (d)Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held January 11, 2011. File: C06 (e)Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held January 4, 2011. File: C06 5-6 7-10 11-13 15-16 17-19 Page 1 of 117 Council Agenda January 20, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (f)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. File: E00 (g)Correspondence received from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Second Extension of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem". File: M07 (h)Heads Up Alert from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Premier McGuinty Confims Attendance for the 2011 ROMA/OGRA Conbined Conference". File: A04 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos (b)Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball (c)Correspondence received from Town of Tillsonburg regarding "Tillsonburg VanNorman Industrial Area Community Improvement Plan Area". File: D00 (d)Correspondence received from Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce regarding "cross border ferry service". File: D06 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Staff Report P2011-001 regarding "Building Department Year End Report 2010". File: P10 (b)Staff Report P2011-001 regarding "Building Permit Fees". File: P10 21-28 29-30 31 33-45 47-57 59 61 63-64 65-67 Page 2 of 117 Council Agenda January 20, 2011 Page 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (c)Staff Report P2011-002 regarding "By-Law Yard Maintenance". File: P01 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9823 to Cheque #9853 inclusive totaling $47,185.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending January 9, 2011, 2011 totaling $36,850.32. (b)Notice regarding "ROMA/OGRA 2011 Delegation Request". File: A04 (c)Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Process Overview". File: S09 (d)Staff Report C2011-02 regarding "Council Service Recognition". File: A09 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending December 31, 2010. File: E08 (b)Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Directive Document (Inspection Report) for the Straffordville Community Centre. File: E08 (c)Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending December 31, 2010. File: E08 (d)Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Annual Compliance Summary, Call Ins and Biosolids Application Analysis for the period ending December 31, 2010. File: E08 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. 69-70 71-75 77 79-83 85-87 89-94 95-103 105-111 113-115 Page 3 of 117 Council Agenda January 20, 2011 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 13, 2011. (c)Confidential Report regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. (Tax Sale Properties) (d)Confidential Report regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municpality or local board. (Project Ojibwa) (e)Confidential Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Firefighter Training Attendance) (f)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2011-007 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 117 Page 4 of 117 ÉlQ.(- ricultural Elm Hurst lnn, lngersoll March 1- 3, 2OLL Your answer to all irrigation questions in just 3 days TUESDAY' MARCH 1. Drip kigation Coutse Ted Vander Çr'lik, Seniot hþation Engineer BC Ministry of Agdcultute Food and Fisheties is a top Notth American leader in kþation education. This course is speciûcally desþed for farmers and is suitable for those beginning in rlrip irþation and those who have some expedence but wa¡t to improve their management skills. This course includes the BC Trickle hþation Manual. Topics covered include: Bring a . Selecting the right system to match your farm conditions calculator & ¡ Plant watet tequitements a pencil . Filttation selection, monitoring system perfotmance WEDI{ESDAY, MARCH 2 - Featuring excellent speakets on hot irrigation topics ftom industry, OMAFRI,, Agticultue and,\gd-FoodCrnada, BC and Québec.. Fetigation: Equipment selection, How to calculate rates, The top 10 things to consider when making a fetþation proglam, grower panel o Efficient water use, ittigation scheduling, soil moisture monitodng: Equipment selection, Ontado schedulets, teseatch results, telemetry, gtowet panel ¡ !(/ater supply infrastructure: contingency planning, communal approaches, on-f¿rm infrast¡ucturer grower panel including a presentation on the Leamingtoo irigation pipeline THURSDAY, MARCH 3 - Permit to Take Water Workshop Have you worked through tlle new PTT\J7 application fotm? Get all the answets from George Sheatet, OF & VGA's watet expert. Leave with yout application form completed ready for mailing. Reduce frustt¿tion and multiple call backs during ptocessing. lrriglatlon Trade Show - all3 days: Meet with irrigation equipment suppliets, itrigation/soil moisture consultants, Permit to T¿ke Water consultants and water supply conttâctors. Certified Ctop,tdvisot credits applied fot. *Exlt 218 fiom Hwy. 401, turn North on Plank Llne Rd, Elm Hurst lnn on r¡ght hand slde. lrrigation Gonference Ministry of Agriculture, food and Rural Affairs Correspondence received from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Ontario Agricultural Irrigation Page 5 of 117 Ontario Agricultural Irrigation Conference March 1-3, 20ll Elm Hurst Inn, Ingersoll Your answer to øll írrìgatíon questíons in just 3 days Registration Form Complete all sections of this form. Please prtnt clearly in ink Name/Organization: Address:.City: Postal Code: Please select the course you want to registerfor. All pre-regßtrations include worlcshop materials & meals for day of regislration. All fees include HST. REGISTRATION FULL CONFERENCE DAY ONE ONLY l0:00 - 4:30 p.m. DAYTWO ONLY 9:00 - 5:30 p.m. DAY THREE ONLY 9:00- 2:00 p.m. Registration by February 24,2011 $200 $140 $8s $8s Registration ¿@¡ February 24,2017 Spaces limited $300 $200 $100 $100 Amount Payable $ Please complete the payment sectíon: Payment by: _ Cheque VISA Mastercard Do not send cash.Make cheque payable to "University of Guelph". Credit Card #: Expiry Date:Cardholder: Return completed registration form to: University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus Attn: Mary Margaret McDonald 120 Main Street East Ridgetown, ON NOP 2C0 Ph: 519-674-1500 ext 63592 Fax:51967+1512 Email: mmcdonal@ridgetownc.uoguel ph.ca Correspondence received from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Ontario Agricultural Irrigation Page 6 of 117 5 Atç LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS - MINUTES November 12th, 2o1o (as approved at the Board of Directors meeting held January 12,2011) Members in attendance: L. Bartlett, P. Black, L. Chanda, J. Hunt, S. Lamb, P. Lee and R. Sackrider. Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J. Robertson, J. Maxwell, D. Holmes, P. Gagnon and D. McLachlan. Regrets: P. Ens, R. Geysens and B. Sloat. The LPRCA Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 10:05am Friday, November 12th, 2010 in the Tillsonburg Administration Office Boardroom. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS None DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A-193 moved: S. Lamb seconded: P. Lee That the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting hetd November ld, 2010 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) EMPLOYEE VACATION CARRY-OVER REQUESTS MOTION A-194 moved by: S. Lamb seconded: P. Lee That the LPRCA Board of Directors authorizes the following employee to carry forward the following days of vacatíon into 2011: a) Janice Robertson - 13.5 days CARRIED FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 12, 2010. Page 7 of 117 b) SEASONAL STAFF APPRECTATTON MOTION A-195 moved by: L. Chanda seconded: P. Black That the LPRCA Board of Directors authorizes the purchase of a turkey or ham for staff employed this time of year. CARRIED c) BUDGET MOTION A-196 moved by: L. Bartlett seconded: L. Chanda That the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the 2011 draft budget meeting agenda. CARRIED The GM reviewed the action items from the meeting held September 17th,2010. 1) Development application repofts include the application received date - As of October 6tn, 2010 the Development Application staff report includes the application date. 2) Ar quality test at Tillsonburg Office - In progress. 3) Website update - Reported at the October 6'n, 2010 meeting. 4) Proposed camping fee increases - Completed and included in the 2011 budget binder Tabs C&E. 5) Reserves breakdown - Completed and distributed. 6) Budget voting information - Reported at the November 3'd, 2010 meeting. The GM then reviewed the changes made to the budget since the September 17th meeting. The suggested increase is approximately $26 000 in real dollars over last yeat. J. Maxwell was asked about the drawdown on reserves. She noted that if every project was completed there would be $344 000 remaining in reserves prior to the amount needed forthe 2011 budget. The GM was asked and he noted that on average, conseruation authorities receive 40% of their budgets from municipal levy, whereas, LPRCA would receive 29% ol its 2011 Budget from this source. Upon passing the draft budget, it is anticipated that the information will be forwarded to the member municipalities fór 30-day comment on Tuesday, November 16th, 2010. Th.erefore, the weighted vote willtake place with the new Board Wednesday, January 12'n,2011 - the first meeting of the year. Prior to the meeting, staff has proposed a briefing for new Board members tentatively ;cheduled for January 7'n,2011. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 12, 2010. Page 8 of 117 MOTION A-197 moved by: L. Chanda seconded: P. Lee That the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the following recommendations regarding LPRCA's 2011 Draft Operating and Capital budgets; That the draft 2011 budget requiring an increase in the general municipal levy of 2.5% overall compared to 2010 and requiring a drawdown from the Unrestricted Reserue in the net amount of $377 186, be circulated to member municipalities for review and comment; AND FURTHER that staff be directed to present the budget to member municipalities where possible. CARRIED MOTION A-198 moved by: P. Black seconded: P. Lee That the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the Conseruation Area Fee Schedules as presented at the November 1y'h, 2010 Board of Directors meeting. CARRIED MOTION A-199 moved by: J. Hunt seconded: S. Lamb That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to dLscuss; D a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Conseruation Authority. CARRIED MOTION A-201 moved by L. Bartlett seconded by S. Lamb That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera" session. CARRIED MOTION A-2O2 moved by L. Bartlett seconded by L. Chanda That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the General Manager's verbal report regarding NCC correspondence confirming closing details of the Backus Woods land transaction for information ; THAT the Board confirms the closing arrangemenfs as outlined in both the November 12h, 2010 letter from NCC, and theAgreement of Purchase and Sale signed by LPRCA in May of 2010; With a tentative closing date of February 14th, 2011. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 12, 2010. Page 9 of 117 CARRIED MOTION A-203 moved by P. Lee seconded by P. Black That the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the confidential verbal report regarding a property matter as presented by the General Manager at the November 12'n,2O1O Board of Directors'meeting as information. CARRIED The Vice-Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:40am. Ron Sackrider Vice-Chairman Dana Mclachlan Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 12, 2010. Page 10 of 117 óoL MUSEUMS BAYHAM Minutes of January l2,20ll Meeting Bayham Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hicke¡ Secretary- Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Ron Bradfield, Brian Masschaele, Jean Woon, Cheryl Peters, Mat Schafer, Anna Schafer, Mayor Paul Ens Regrets: Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan t. 2. 3. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm DECLARATION OF PECI]NIARY INTEREST: None AGENDA: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by R.Bradfield that the agenda be approved as presented. Motion Ca:ried. MINUTES: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by L.Acre Motion Carried. CORRESPONDENCE: None REPORTS: A) Marine Museum Report: 6.4.1) Donation of Great Lake Vessel Model by Sharon Moore: Chairman B.Hickey reported that a plaque has been placed on the case to recognize their donation using the wording as suggested by the Moore family and a letter of thanks has been sent to the Moore family 6.A.2) I)onation of Ship Photos by Railway llall of Fame: B.Hickey will pick up the framed photos in late January. 6.4.3) Christmas lights for Lighthouse: B.Hickey reported that he spent $87 for the purchase of new LED Christmas lights as directed. The lighthouse, anchor and storage shed all looked wonderful for the holidays. Some additional electrical work needed to be done to stop the breaker from blowing. Both Koolens Electric and Thomson Electric were contacted. Edison Museum Report: 6.8.1) Repairs to Brickwork: Although M.Schafer has contacted KC Emerson and has discovered who was hired to do past brick point work, he has been unable to connect with this craftsman. It was decided to approach some local craftsman from Tillsonburg instead. 6.8.2) Dehumidifier: B. Hickey reported that the dehumidifier has been emptied and unplugged for the winter months. 6.8. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held January 12, 2011. File: C06 Page 11 of 117 Museums Bayham January l2,20ll 2 6.C. New Edison Building Commiffee: No report 7. MATTERS OUT OF THE MINUTES: a) EON Meeting: C.Buchanan attended and will give a report later. The Chairman reminded the committee that Bayham will host the March 3,2011 EON meeting. It will be held at 9:30 am at the Municþal ofEce. J.'Woon will check with Mary Gladwin to see if they would like us to a:range for lunch at a local restaurant afterwards. b) Tillsonburg Home & Rec. Show: B.Hickeyreminded the committee that the annual show will be held March 25,26,27 and volunteers will be needed. c) Elgin Ilistorical & Genealogical Sociefy Christmas I)inner.' Six committee members attended a dinner on'Wed. Dec.8 at St.John's Anglican Church on Flora Street in St.Thomas. They enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner and were entertained by a talented harpist and percussionist duo. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A) 2011Election of Executive Officers nominated for the position of C/¡¿¿'rrr¿n. Motion Canied. Chairman be closed. Motion Carried. B.Hickey accepted the nomination nominatú, for the position of Vice-Chaìrman. Motion Carried. Chairman be closed. Motion Carried. Since C.Buchanan was absent, accqltance of this nomination is forthcoming. It was moved by C.Peters and seconded bv M.Schafer that Z.ynn lcr¿ be nominated for the position of ^S¿cr¿f¿ryr. Motion Canied. secretar,v be closed. Motion Carried. L.Acre accepted the nomination. B) 2011 Draft Operating Budget After reviewing the draft operating budget as submitted by Bayham staff; it was be approved with the following amendments: the "Grant Revenue" be increased Motion Carried. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held January 12, 2011. File: C06 Page 12 of 117 Museums Bayham January l2,20ll 3 C) Young Canada \ilorks Grants: It was noted that the deadline for applications for this funding is February 1,2011. The committee is confident that Lynda Milla¡d will submit the annual application as usual. D) St. Thomas Home/Garden & Outdoor Living Show: Since this show takes place the week following the Tillsonburg Show, it was decided to let the County of Elgin take the lead. Museums Bayham will collaborate with the CountyMuseum to determine what artefacts will be loaned for a display. E) Doors Open East Elgin 20112 This event is scheduled for Saturday September 24,2011. Museums Bayham participated h2009.It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by C.Peters that Museums Bayham participates in this event on20l1. Motion Carried. It was noted that councillor Tom Southwick is the Bayham rep on the organizing committee. 9. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday February 9,2011 at7:00 pm Municipal offrce. 10. ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by R.Maddox and seconded by J.'Woon that the meetingbe adjourned at 8:40 pm. Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held January 12, 2011. File: C06 Page 13 of 117 Page 14 of 117 5 CTL Bayham Harbourfront Committee MINUTES Held at Municipal Offrce, 9344PIankRoad, Straffordville, Ont. January 77,2011 7:00 pm Present: Brenda Martin, Ron Bradfield, Ron Flick, Ray Talbot, Barry Wade, Doug Lester, Craig Gregson, Mark Taylor, Lynn Acre. Regrets: Also Present: Ed Bradfield, Kyle Kruger, Paul Ens. Guests: Glen Underwood, Alan Montgomery 1. Call to Order: The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None 3. Approval of the Minutes It was moved by Lynn Acre and seconded by Ron Flick that the minutes of 4. Dredging: FUNDING: Doug Lester, Brenda Martin and Ron Bradheld traveled to Pt.Cobourg to discuss funding with Dundee Energy. Although Dundee Energy is very interested in using Pt.Burwell harbour, they are not willing to contribute large amounts for dredging equipment. They are only interested in using our harbour for their "service boats" which require a draft of 8 feet. Dundee will research the cost of user fees paid at other harbours to determine an amount they would be willing to contribute for using our harbour. An email from councillor Dan McNeil of Central Elgin states that there is no financial commitment from his municipality atthis time and suggests that this might qualifu for Elgin County's Economic Development budget. Elgin County's Manager of Economic Development, Allan Smith says that the County is currently promoting "The Ports of Elgin" in Cleveland for tourism. They would be willing to give us "letter of support" for any harbour or pier improvement funding applications. DREDGE QUOTES: A written quote from IMS in Kansas shows $569,619.00 to purchase a new suction dredge plus $11,800 for shipping. (US dollars). Carried. Our immediate needs appear to be to dredge to a sufhcient depth to maintain our commercial and sport fisherman as well as facilitate the arrival of HMCS Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held January 11, 2011. Page 15 of 117 5. Ojibwa. Glen Underwood has been working on a business plan for the dredging project. 2 Grants Workgroup Update: Sand Plqins Grant: Project Ojibwa has submitted an application and awaits an answer. Elgin County's Tourism Grant: Alan Smith will attend a future meeting to explain this funding and advise on what projects we may qualifr for. Rural Economic Development Grant: Applications have yet to be written. Trillium Grant: The group plan to submit our Cabana project as an application. Pier Engineering Analysis: Copies of CJDL's report were distributed to members. After some initial discussion, it was decided to defer any recommendations to council until members could fully study the options presented within the report. Other Business: Project Ojíbwa Update: Alan Montgomery reported that, with Barry Wade's help, CAF's questions have been answered. However new requests are received regularly. Fundraising activities continue. "Walk of Honour" brick sales and memberships to the Captain's Crew are going well. A contract with a professional fundraiser is near completion. Since the locks are not scheduled to reopen until March 26,that's the earliest that Rick Heddle can pass through with his barge to load up Ojibwa. In the meantime we will be preparing the site and engineering and building a temporary access road from the river's edge to the site. Adjournment & Next Meeting Date: It was moved by Ron Bradfield and seconded by Doug Lester that we adjourn at 8:36 pm to reconvene on Wednesday February 2. 2011 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal office. Motion Canied. 6. 7. 8. Chairperson Secretary Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held January 11, 2011. Page 16 of 117 5 Cob Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce Meeting of January 4,2011 Location: Schooner's Galley, Port Burwell Minutes Present Doug Lester, Cheryl Lester, Bob Lozon, Nancy Lozon, Sheny Hetherington, Tom Benner, Earl Shea, Rainey Weisler, Ian Almond, Brenda Almond, Ron Flick. Jim Hevenor, Jeff Taylor, Brenda Maftin, John Boland, Rachel Boland, Liz Underhill, Peter Murray, Mayor Paul Ens, Trish Huber, Lynn Acre, Ron Bradfield, Bonnie Bradfield, Frank Voth, Am Row, Mike Hawley, Jan Collins, John Pederson. Guests: Joe Preston, Dave March, PaulMarch, Tom Southwick, Cliff Dickinson Welcome of members and guests. Agenda Doug Lester asked for a revision to the agenda to add 8b Thanks from Doug and Ian. It was moved by Bob Lozon and secondedby Liz Underhill that the revision to the agenda be accepted. Approval of Minutes Adoption of December 7, 2010 The full motion from Ron Bradfield will be added and the spelling of Blais will be corrected. It was Ian Almond that made the motion to table the Feny motion until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Cheryl Lester. In the Report from the Norninating Committee the word "business" has been added to the statement - Any member can be nominated for a position up until 3 Business days before the next meeting. It was moved by Jeff Taylor and seconded by Liz Underhill that the minutes from the December 7 ,2010 meeting be accepted with corrections. Motion carried. Business Arising From The Minutes Doug set a l0 minute time limit to discuss the motion for the Ferry. AÍïer a brief discussion on the role of the Chamber, Doug mentioned that the St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce has policies in place that state their Chamber will endorse only ideas and not specific businesses. It was suggested that the new executive may wish to review if the OVCC needs similar written policies in place. After the motion was read Doug put the motion to a vote. There were 9 votes for and l0 votes against. Jim Hevenor motioned that correspondence be sent to Council indicating that the Chamber is in favor of a cross boarder ferry seruice from Port Burwell to Ohio and that council should actively review all ferry proposals. The motion was seconded by Jeff Taylor. All were in favour. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held January 4, 2011. Page 17 of 117 Treasurer's Report Doug reporled a bank balance of 53,367 .7 I . He handed out the report detailing the income and expenses from November 30.2010 to January 4.2011 and discussed the contents. It was moved by Ron Bradfield and seconded by Brenda Martin to accept the Treasurer's repoft. Motion was carried. Naming of Auditors Doug said an audit done by an accountant would cost approximately $900. What the Chamber was encouraged to do is to have an integrity audit done by 2 existing Chamber members. Ron Bradfield nominated Bob Lozon and Ian Almond. Both accept the nominations. Ron Bradfield motions for Bob Lozon and Ian Almond to be the auditor for 201 I and this was seconded by Brenda Martin. All were in favour. Nominating Committee Ian Almond thanks the nominating committee for all their hard work. The slate of Officers and Directors for 2011 are: President - Rainey'Weisler; Vice President - Lynn Acre; Secretary/Treasurer - Earl Shea; Member Emeritus - Ron Flick ( Ron will be entering year fwo of the newly defined 2 year term) Directors that will be beginning a two year term are Tom Benner and Jeff Taylor. Directors entering the second year of their term are Frank Voth and Brenda Martin. Installation of Officers All have accepted their nominations and Ian declared all positions to be acclaimed. Swearing In Mayor Ens swears in the new President, Vice President. and Executive Committee. Thanks Ian Almond gives a gift of appreciation to the past president Doug Lester. Doug gives a gift of appreciation to the outgoing Executives and DirectorsLiz Underhill, Jim Hevenor, and Ian Almond for all their past involvernent with the Chamber. President Elect's Comments Rainey thanked Doug for all his passion and hard w'ork and admits that he leaves some big shoes for her to fill. Rainey is looking forward to the task of President even though she is aware it will be a challenge for her and outside of her comfort zone. She is encouraged by the energy and dedication ofthis years' executive and the enthusiasm that all the members bring to the Chamber. Rainey encouraged all members to come next month with thoughts and ideas for the upcorning years' events. Mayor's Comments Mayor Ens wishes all a prosperous New Year. The OVCC is a great thing and he likes the factthat it continues to expand and is proactive. He comrnends allfortheircontinued efforls. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held January 4, 2011. Page 18 of 117 Other Items Membership in the Ontario Chamber of Commerce is due the end of January. The cost is based on last year's membership and will be $646.36 for 201L It was moved by Ian Almond and seconded by Ron Flick. Membership to the Canadian Chamber will be $195.90. It was moved by Ron Bradfield and seconded by Jan Collins. The renewal of the web hosting with Bluehost.com will be $190.80 for two years. It was moved by John Boland and seconded by Ron Flick. Upcoming Event - Jabez Therapy Ranch will be holding a fundraising dinner January 27rh atschooner's Galley from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Please join them. Door prize donations will be welcomed. For more information or to donate a door prize call 519- 874-1 168 Special Speaker - Joe Preston. MP, Elgin-Middlesex Joe wanted to give some advice from one business owner to another. He said to think about a succession plan and always try and encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in your staff. Someone needs to run the business when you are not there. Joe said you need to know your own strengths and hire the best for the rest. If you don't understand your limits you could be huÍing your own business by wasting money that could lead to its demise. Ask everyone for advice and do your homework so you can make informed decisions. Remember that Chambers are influential in government and working together is the right thing to do. Adjournment Moved by Ian Almond that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at7:59pm. Next Meeting Tuesday, February 1, 201 I, 7:00 p.m. at Schooner's Galley in Port Burwell. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held January 4, 2011. Page 19 of 117 Page 20 of 117 DnINKIN6 WATER OURCE PR ACT FOR CLEAN WATER I.AKE ER¡E 'OUR(EPRoTECTIoN RECION LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, Novembe¡ 4, 2010 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Centre,400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present:C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, H. Comwell, P. General,*M. Goldberg, J. Hanison, A. Henry, *K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, J. Laird, l. Macdonald, D. Murray, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Penin, R. Seibel, M. Wales, P. Wilson, *D. Woolcott, W. Wright-Cascaden Members Regrets: R. Haggart, B. LaForme, C. Martin, T. Schmidt, B. Ungar Proxy Representatives: R. Haggart (4. Davidson), T. Schmidt (E. Hodgins) Liaisons: K. Turner, Provincial Liaison; A. Dale, Source Protection Authority Liaison; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA;J. Farwell, GRCA;T. Marks, KCCA;Committee: K. Smale, CCCA Staff:S. Brocklebank, GRCA;S. Cooke, GRCA; N. Davy, GRCA; J. Deter, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; B. Fields, Norfolk County; K. Gagnon, Township of Guelph-Eramosa; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; K. Murch, GRCA; T. Ryan, GRGA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; E. Stahl, GRCA; H. Waite, County of Oxford; W. Wight, Haldimand County; A. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA 1. Callto Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum - l7 Members Cons{itute a Quorum (213 oi members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. 3. Ghairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: . Congratulations were extended to Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Conservation Authorities. They are two of the first three conservation authorities to have their assessment reports approved out of the 36 conservation authorities in Ontario. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 21 of 117 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Committee November 4,2010 Page 2 . Staff were thanked for their recent extra effort putting together the Grand River Assessment Report. . The work of The Lake Erie Region Municipal Water Services and Planning Directors Project Team has commenced. Wendy Wright-Cascaden is chairing this project team. * D. Woolcott joined the meeting at 1:08. . The MOE workshop was held in Brantford on November 2. There were a large number of committee members and municipal partners from the Lake Erie Region at the workshop. o Q. Ashbaugh noted that this meeting is the third anniversary of the first Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting. The process thus far has been very productive and collaborative with the exception of the last meeting. He stated that the last meeting got off{rack and it behooves us all to reflect on what transpired as a positive learning experience. As we enter into the planning phase it is unlikely to be consensus oriented all the time, but it is beneficial to focus in a collaborative manner. He noted that the minutes of the meeting are useful and detailed and encouraged members to revisit those minutes as a learning experience. J. Harrison stated that he found the last meeting very stimulating and he did not feel it was a derailment. * M. Goldberg anived at 1:12. 4. Review of Agenda The agenda was reviewed and sub-items 12 and 13 under item 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting will instead be addressed under agenda item 11. Busrness Arising from Previous Meetings. Moved by: D. Murray Seconded by: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the amended agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of November 4,2010 be approved. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minr¡tes of Previous Meeting - October 7,2010 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: J. Laird carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting October 7, 2010 be approved as distributed. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 22 of 117 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee November 4,2010 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations None Page 3 9. Correspondence a) Copies for Members i) Correspondence to Craig Ashbaugh, Ghair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee from the Ministry of the Environment Re: Catfish Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report Approval. ii) Correspondence to Craig Ashbaugh, Chair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee from the Ministry of the Environment Re: Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report Approval A. Henry refened to the second page, the second bullet in the Kettle Creek approval letter and asked for clarification regarding the exclusions of stream elements in the IPZ-2 for the Elgin Area Primary System. M. Keller advised that staff will review the comments in more depth for the updated assessment report and determine what needs to be done to address this comment. Res. Â/o. 75-10 Moved by: R. Krueger Secondedby: A.Henry carried unanimously THAT the correspondence be received as information. b) Not Copied None 10. Reports a) SPC-11-10-01 Grand River Source Protection Area Proposed Assessment Report M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-10-01. * K. Hunsberger joined the meeting at 1:23 pm. R. Seibel asked for clarification regarding the points identified on the second page of the report that could not be addressed. He asked if the intention was to address threats related to excavation activities in general, or just excavation activities that breach the aquitard. M. Keller noted that the latter is correct and that the wording should be clarified. J. Laird asked that the conespondence from the source protection committee to the Ministry of the Environment regarding excavation that breaches an aquitard and the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 23 of 117 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee November 4,2010 Page 4 Ministry of the Environment's response to that letter be appended to the submission of the Grand River Assessment Report, as it does reflect the committee's position. M. Ceschi-Smith referred to the E.coli and organic nitrogen for the City of Brantford and noted that, realizing there are no benchmaks, ongoing monitoring is an acceptable approach at this time. M. Goldberg advised that there was a discussion with l. Smith at the MOE training regarding possible solutions pertaining to aggregate extraction that breaches an aquifer. M. Keller elaborated that the discussion focused on what solutions may be possible under the specific framework of the Clean Water Act. Currently only anthropogenic activities are considered threats; therefore, increasing the vulnerability is not considered a threat. Addressing threats that may materialize once a specific quarry is closed may be an alternate approach to protect water sources that may be negatively impacted by aggregate extraction that breaches the aquitard. This would include consideration of the introduction of pathogens once the pumping stops and would include policies addressing the potentialthreats in the post closure plan. M. Goldberg stated that, if this recommendation is moved and seconded, he is prepared to vote against it. He noted that for the first three bullets on the second page of the report the data is not available, but there is sufficient information for the last three points. He emphasized that he feels we should ensure the report is conect before releasing it. At the training session he heard that 18 other source protection committees have not fìnalized their assessment reports, and suggested that we are not bound by the MOE timetable, we can have our own timetable. Although he commends M. Keller and staff for the updates and amendments to improve the report, it is not yet finished and he would like to wait untilthe report is ready. M. Keller commented that staff are working on addressing the outstanding points, and delaying this decision will not change anything because these items cannot be addressed any faster. He noted that this is why there is a process by which assessment reports can be updated. K. Tumer provided context noting that of the 18 assessment reports that have not been submitted, all are in the midst of public consultation, mostly in the proposed stage. Only two reports out of 20 are actually out of compliance with their timelines. R. Seibel asked what the timeline is for the updated assessment reports. M. Keller responded that the Act allows for an update to assessment reports any time the committee feels the information is out of date under Section 19. However, because it is the first round for the source protection program, the MOE will not accept an updated assessment report beyond June 2011 for items to be included in the first round of planning and policy development. The Lake Erie Region is planning to submit the updated assessment reports for all four source protection areas by June 2011. J. Hanison noted that he leamed at the MOE training that highways cannot be identified as a threat. However, when developing policy the highways to which a threat can occur can be included in the policy development, even though it has not been identified as a threat. M. Keller confirmed that the regulation was specifìcally amended to allow for policies to be included in the source protection plan to update spill prevention and spill Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 24 of 117 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec'tion Committee November 4,2010 Page 5 contingency plans or emergency response plans, without needing highways, railway lines or shipping lanes to be included in the assessment report as threats. D. Parker asked if the threats enumeration for the Marsville well was revisited. M. Keller noted that every single well and every single map was revisited to some degree. S. Brocklebank elaborated that the significant drinking water threats for Marsville did change slightly. D. Parker identifìed that he felt, as a local, that there was a large margin of enor on that well, and was therefore concemed for the rest of the wells. M. Keller reiterated that staff did revisit all wells, but noted that at this stage the studies have been a desktop exercise to identify the drinking water threats. He also noted that it will be important to remember that we are also to develop policy for future potential threats. J. Laird noted that conditions are optional content for the source protection plan and asked if the project team will be bringing a recommendation forward regarding inclusion of optional content. M. Keller responded that the project team intends to develop recommendations regarding the prioritization of optional content. There needs to be further consideration regarding the prioritization of resources and it will be at that point that the inclusion of Guelph's conditions would be discussed. A. Henry requested clarification regarding the committee's ability to pass policy regarding transportation corridors. He wondered how enforceable those policies would be in an area such as the Saint Lawrence Seaway, where the jurisdiction is federal. He questioned the benefit of being able to pass a policy if it has no effect. M. Keller noted that such policies are called strategic action policies; they can be included but have no legal force. K. Turner noted that while the actual conidor cannot be a threat, the committee can apply for specific substances in the corridor to be a threat and noted that other source protection committees have taken this approach. lf there are specific substances approved by the province as a threat, then the policy would be more binding. M. Goldberg requested an estimation of how long it will take for the three points of concern on the bottom of page two to be completed. M. Keller identified that although it is difficult to say, staff are planning to have these issues resolved in the next three months. With respect to road salt, there is specific work being done right now to establish a specific method, for transportation corridors and pipelines, it will be necessary to apply for threats to be identified as a local threat and establish a hazard score. For excavation activities breaching the aquitard, staff will investigate specific details regarding the proposed approach, and this could take a couple of months. M. Goldberg asked what the consequence would be of delaying the proposed assessment report a couple of months. K. Turner responded that, legally, this region would be out of compliance. She also noted that the August 2012 timeline for submission of the source protection plans will not change, so delaying the proposed assessment report may reduce the time that can be spent on planning. L. Minshall stated that there is no benefit to waiting. M. Keller reiterated that the work underway would not change, the concerns would not be resolved any faster, and it does not make sense to stop the process. W. Wright-Cascaden suggested that if the assessment report could identify these as outstanding matters that the committee is stíll addressing, this will identify these items as future amendments for the public. There appears to be no substantive benefit to delaying Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 25 of 117 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee November 4,2010 Res. No. 76-10 Page 6 this process. She further stated that, because policy development cannot begin until the assessment report is submitted, it would be especially detrimental for the Grand River assessment report, as it would mean that final thinking and idea development for optional content for committee would be delayed as a result. M. Keller noted that the first three points of the report have been specifically mentioned in the assessment report because they are required by the rules, the last three points, although not specifically mentioned, certainly could be. J. Laird supported the proposal that the last three bullets be highlighted in the assessment report submission so that the public and councils are aware that this content, although not included, will be included in the updated assessment report. M. Goldberg proposed an amendment to the motion that includes a proviso that the last three outstanding issues on page two be identified in the assessment report as outstanding issues that will be resolved. And the correspondence to and from the MOE regarding aggregate extraction breaching an aquitard be included. E. Hodgins pointed out that there should already been some text in the assessment report regarding the Region of Waterloo's method of calculating road salt application. He noted that each of these three issues comes up in a very different way, and the only issues of concem are the items where there has already been discussion with the Ministry of the Environment. He ís not sure what is to be gained by bringing it forward, and certainly does not feel all three should be brought forward. M. Keller confirmed that the application of road salt in the Region of Waterloo is explicitly highlighted in the assessment report in the Region of Waterloo's methodology section. C. Ashbaugh noted that the amendment would just require adding some text regarding excavation. R. Seibel asked that the full terminology that was used in the committee's original letter to the Ministry of the Environment also be used in the assessment report. He noted that it was not excavation activities in general to which the committee was opposed, it was excavation activities that breach an aquitard that is protecting a municipal drinking water supply. J. Laird concuned that using whatever language was used for the letter would be acceptable. Moved by: M. Goldberg Seconded hy: J. Laird 15 in favour, S opposed THAT the motion for report SPC-11-10-01 be amended to include a proviso that identifies aggregate ertraction activities that breach an aquitard protecting a municipal drinking water supply and transportation corridors and pipeline threats in the Grand River Proposed Assessmenf Report as outstanding rssues that will be resolved. AND THAT the motion for report SPC-I1-10-01 be amended to note that the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee's correspondence to and from the Ministry of the Environment regarding aggregate extraction breaching an aquitard will be attached to the assessrnent report submlssl'on. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 26 of 117 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee November 4,2010 Page 7 Res. tl/o. 77-10 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: E. Hodgins carried unanÍmously THAT the Grand River Source Protection Area Proposed Assessmenf Report be amended to include the identification of aggregate ertraction activities that breach an aquitard protecting a municipal drinking water supply and transportation conidors and pipeline threats as outstanding rssues that will be resolved, AND THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee's correspondence to and from the Ministry of the Environment regarding aggregate ertraction breaching an aquitard be attached to the assessmenf repoft submrssion, AND THAT the Proposed Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report be posted for the second consultation period stafting November 5 and ending on December 6, 2010; AND THAT the Proposed Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report be submitted to the Grand River Source Protection Authority, as required under Secfion 16 of the Clean Water Act, 2006. b) SPC-Il -10-02 Early Response Program Application Review Gommittee T. Ryan provided an overview of Report SPC-11-10-02. E. Hodgins suggested that if specific notices were going to be sent to the property owners that the conservation authority staff work with the municipalities. T. Ryan noted that conservation authority will continue to collaborate with municipal staff. Res. /Vo. 78-10 Moved by: E. Hodgins Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanímously THAT Report SPG1l-10-02 Early Response Program Application Review Committee be received for information. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings There was unfinished business from the October 7,2010 meeting due to a loss of quorum. 12. Other Busrness a) Question and Answer Period 13. Closed Meeting There were no questions or comments. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 27 of 117 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee November 4,2010 Page 8 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period J. Oliver refened to the Tier 3 water budget monitoring wells being installed in Long Point Region and asked what will happen to the wells once they are no longer required for this project. J. Etienne responded that when the project is complete there will be approximately 50 monitoring wells installed. He noted that although there are funds available in the program to decommission the wells, staff recognize there may be other valuable municipal uses for the wells such as sentinel wells for monitoring purposes. There will be discussions with the municipalities regarding any future use. There may be value in keeping some wells open while other wells will be decommissioned. * M. Goldberg left the meeting at2:25. A. Henry refened to the discussion today and in past meetings regarding land uses that increase the vulnerability of a wellhead protection area. He noted that the Act is silent on activities that change the vulnerability of an intake and asked if, in a broader sense, activities assocíated with vulnerability will be amended in the Act. He suggested that if it is not anticipated that this will be addressed in the near future, it behooves the committee to continue to push on this subject. M. Keller identified that the Ministry of the Envíronment is aware that this is an omission that should be addressed; however, there has not been any commitment or timeline regarding amending the Clean Water Act. A. Henry summarized that the MOE is aware that this is a flaw but is not prepared to address this right now. K. Turner concuned that this is her understanding. R. Krueger advised that some fairly new threats which the committee should become aware of are threats with hydrocarbons associated with aquifers. Two of these threats are hydrocarbon sequestration and marcellus shale, which is an extraction methodology that causes an explosion underground that liberates natural gas. These mining activities can expose threats through hydrocarbon contamination. 13. Closed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, January 13,2011, l:30 pm GRCA Administration Gentre, 400 Clyde Road, Gambridge, ON 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of November 4,2010 adjoumed at 2:30 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held November 4, 2010. Page 28 of 117 Subject: Second Extension of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem The Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (COA) is a long-standing framework through which the governments of Canada and Ontario work together and with other partners and Aboriginal Communities to restore, protect and conserve the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. COA helps the Government of Canada deliver on its commitments under the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWOA). The governments of Canada and the U.S. are currently in the process of negotiating amendments to the GLWQA. The current COA was signed on June 25,2007 with an initial expiry date of March 31,2010. The Agreement was extended for one year, after public comment, as an interim measure to allow the federal government more time to negotiate amendments to the GLWQA. lt is now set to expire on March 31, 2011. Because the GLWQA amendment process is ongoing and cannot be completed prior to the scheduled expiry of COA, the governments of Ontario and Canada are proposing a further extension of the term of COA through to June 24th,2012. Canada and Ontario will continue to collaborate with paftners on key long-term COA priorities like cleaning up Great Lakes Areas of Concern, making progress on protecting, restoring, and conserving native species and habitats, and reducing the amount of harmful pollutants going into the Lakes. As part of the additional extension, Canada and Ontario will continue to advance progress and achievements being made on the current COA commitments. Through the extension process, Canada and Ontario are also considering the following amendments to update some specific commitments under the current COA: o Harmful Pollutants - Canada and Ontario will share information from their respective chemical management programs to improve joint coordination of efforts in reducing harmful pollutants in the Great Lakes Basin. Nearshore Framework - Canada and Ontario will develop options and engage on a Canadian framework to assess and protect the aquatic ecosystem health of Great Lakes' nearshore. Stewardship Activities - Canada and Ontario will undertake an evaluation of the environmental and economic effectiveness of agricultural non-point Source best management practices, including an assessment of actions at the farm and watershed scale. Correspondence received from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Second Extension of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Page 29 of 117 lmplement Binational Cooperative Monitoring Programs - Canada and Ontario will undertake an intensive monitoring year for Lake Superior; and coordinate Canadian and U.S. federal, Ontario, and state monitoring and research initiatives based on research and monitoring priorities. lmplement the Aquatic lnvasive Species Complete Prevention Plan - Canada and Ontario will initiate the implementatíon of the "Aquatic lnvasive Species Complete Prevention Plan" to address aquatic invasive species issues in Lake Superior. Spills Prevention and Response - Canada and Ontario will strengthen their combined effectiveness for spill prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, including reviewing capabilities, roles and responsibilities. This will include assessing opportunities for enhancements to capabilities for responding to significant incidents or spills to air, land or water that could potentially impact the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem. On behalf of the Ministries of the Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, I would like to draw your attention to the Environmental Registry if you have any comments to submit. You may access the Proposal Notice at: http://www.ebr.gov.on.calERS-WEB- nguaqe=en lf you have any questions, please contact: Carolyn O'Neill Manager, Great Lakes Office Land and Water Policy Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment (416) 314-7833 Caro lyn. O' Nei I l@Ontario.ca Correspondence received from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Second Extension of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Page 30 of 117 5 Heads UP ldoåw@ January 17,2011 Cliquez ici pour la version française de ce signal d'alerte d'OGRA Premier McGuinty Confirms Attendance for the 2011 ROMA/OGRA Combined Gonference The Combined Conference Committee is pleased to announce that the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, will be speaking the morning of Monday, February 28 atthe 2011 ROMA/OGRA Combined Conference. ln addition to Premier McGuinty, the following individuals will also be providing keynote addresses: . Rahul Singh, Toronto paramedic and founder of GlobalMedic;. Peter Hume, President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario;. The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation;. The Honourable Carol Mitchell, Minister Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs;. Joel Salatin, Farmer, Polyface Farms Inc.;¡ Andrea Horwath, Leader, New Democratic Party of Ontario;. Tim Hudak, Leader, Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario;. Matthew Mendelsohn, Founding Director, Mowat Centre for Public Policy lnnovation; and o The Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of lnfrastructure. "This year's roster of keynote speakers is truly exceptional. The ideas put forward will benefit all of Ontario's municipalities," said PaulJohnson, OGRA President. To register for the 2011 Combined Conference and to check out the latest program updates in our virtual kit bag please visit www.ogra.orq. The mandate of the Ontario Good Roads Association is to represent the infrastructure interests of municipalities through advocacy, consultation, training and the delivery of identified services. ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION 6355 KENNEDY ROAD, UNIT#2, MISSISSAUGA, ON L5T 215 TEL: 905-795-2555 FAX: 905-795-2660 EMAIL: info@o{a.orí It Alert keeping members inf<rrmed. Ò Heads Up Alert from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Premier McGuinty Confims Attendance for the 2011 Page 31 of 117 Page 32 of 117 L CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk SUBJECT: Csinos Severance E58/10 DATE: January 13,20ll FILE: Dl0.10 Csinos NUMBER: D2011-01 Pur¡rose To consider a consent application for an addition to a lot. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Csinos Farms Ltd. proposing to sever a parcel 77001r2 (1.9 acre) and retain a36.3 hectare (90 acre) agricultural parcel. The subject lands are located on the east side Csinos Road, north of Lakeshore Line, Concession I Part I-ot 17. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoneÅ,Agriculture (Al) in the Zoning ByJaw No.2456-2003. The purpose of the consent is to convey lands to an adjacent residential property due to the location of the field bed servicing the residence being located on the proposed severed land. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on February 3,2011. Staff & Planner Comments Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes...are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-law." Staff and the planner have reviewed the application and are of the opinion that the proposal meets the Official Plan policies. To comply with the ZoningBy-law, however, rezoringof the severed portion to Rural Residential (RR) Zone is required for the zoningdesignation to be consistent with the lands to which it will merge. As the planner's report suggests, staff confirmed with the owner that the farm building pictured on the lands to be severed in the aerial analysis (most recent aerialphotos are from 2006) was demolished in 2008, foundation is pulled up and piled ready for removal when weather permits. Staffhas also confirmed that the location of the Rural Residential lot previously severed and to which the subject land is proposed to be conveyed is located correctly as per our zoning By-law Schedule "A" Map No. 82 and that MPAC's parcel data is incorrect. MPAC has been notified of the error. Attachments 1. Consent Application E58/10 2. GIS map 3. IBI Group Memorandum dated January 72,2011 Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 33 of 117 Staff ReportDzDll-01 Csinos Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION page2 *TIIAT Staff Report D2011-01 regarding the Csinos severance be received; AND TIIAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 858/10, submitted by Csinos Farms Ltd., be granted subject to conditions: 1. rezoning of the subject lands to Rural ResidentÍal (RR) Zone 2. copy of the final survey be provided to the municþality 3. Letter of Undertaking be provided to the municþality confirming the proposed severed lands will merge on title with the adjacent residential lot Respectfully submitted, Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 34 of 117 S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 0 1 r e g a r d i n g " C s i n o s S e v e r a n c e E 5 8 / 1 0 " . F i l e : D 1 0 . 1 0 C s i n o s P a g e 3 5 o f 1 1 7 '*ffilgmt. ruov t Ë-¿ess colh¡TYoFFlgU iÈ.;., APPLICATION FOR CONSENT* '{ t*-trffi *5#r"åû authority ELGIN COUNTY I.-AND DtVtStON COMMTTTEE 2. Name ofOwner Address Telephone Number Csr-os tfnz"ns Lrn Name of owne/s solicitor or authorízed agent Address Telephone Number Please specity to whom all communications should be sent: owners ({ Soticitor( )Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose ofproposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: charge L/ addition to a lot lease easement correction of title other purpose Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: ^ e nwo Dwpr+ êVe.n"vA . lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: Engnæ¡ing Serylc6 450 Sunset Drive SLThomas,On NsR5V1 Phone: 519 631-14ô0 ww.elg¡n€unty.on.æ (b) (c) 4. (a) /,K s- o B¿ Pnr, A- , ,* ,of r- ßl/#Sføooo ôo / ols to . Location of land: Municipality 1^r,*Concession No. Lot(s) No.l-t Registered Plan No. Street No.Name of Street (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes I '¡ No ( ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage / /4. b m Depth (p). ôb ,n Area O.2'7 ho- Existing lJse t4¿z*tct"'ur-.e € proposed use r4oorzow ro.R¿:sneunrrt Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage Z7y'.?rn, Oeptn ?e7.o/,,.'t nrea 3G-3Áa 5. (o Existing Use ,t4Aytt Ccr¿runøu Proposed lJse .+r14/ cuL-lu /<AL- Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: /-r/ (.(. Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 36 of 117 7. 8. -2- Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots)il/n h--ß oor,oJ Type of access for proposed and retained rot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year' Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access If proposed access js by water, what boat docking and parking facilities. are available on themainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (specify) RETAINED LOT () () () () 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( )Privately owned and operated individual septictank :-:---:,-------, ( ) ñ/nPrivately owned and operated communal septic RETAINED LOT () () () () system Privy Othei means (specify) When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? ¡/ /n () () 11. 12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? /|ûz¡ ¿nL-tu 14t5- is the Zoning, if any, of the '14. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision or a Consent underthe Planning Act? Yes ( { No ( ) Unknown ( ) 13. 15. lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application fJourL / ? Lo's on of a previous C¡1 -Ttolv ^Juìn lA efL UÐF^JaLLJA :application, describe how it has been changed from the original application ^)ı16. (a) Has the Yes ( owner previously severed any land from this holding? {No( ) Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 37 of 117 -3- (b) lf the. answer to (a) is Yres, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch andsupply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Slszryz Use of parcel Ret, ot*a,* Date parcelcreated /??A 17. ls the owner, sglicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the futùre? Yes ()No (t' 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? 22. Yes ()No (Y lf Yes, and known, specifrT the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ()No (tY lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate fìle number and status of the application ls the application consistent with policy statements issued unde¡ subsectíon 3(1),of the Planning Act? Yes (Y No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No ( +-- lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial'features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, draínage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - Íf access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 38 of 117 -4- 23. The owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and theCorporation of the. County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property tor irrÀ f uifose ofSite inspections with respect to this application. 24. TheAp iJi[iì."forBoards. Local Daied at the l7r,r^./tc/pt+L/-Tr ot lSqytnrn AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI.ARATION vwe Jo¡tn, Gtwos i r(ooto. C-st-os of lhe flt ru ¡cte.n-trt{ ot ßny¿øo', in the county of ¿jt*tnt solemnly declare that allthe information contained in this application is true, and lAffe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the flhptctPnct-rf of ß¡+yt+rqn 1 inthe Au*v aF lZ¿-ety' g'/+-day of N¿vsr,ßa<. ¿o this 20 / Aou. /Á'e aulÁ"')'! /" ¿';/ 7il" @rpera-h ir. . Deprty Clerk of the Coryontiol of tùe ME¿ic¡F¿¡itJ ofEey[åq lf this application is sígned by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owne/s authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of ttre sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additionalfee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. l/avu^rse* í etc. umcNr¡r UNDERIIIL!¡ ¡ conrnlsloncr, e{c Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 39 of 117 APPENDIX "A" The county of Elgin Land Division.committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for consent', thefollowing information be compteted tor- àrL åppl¡lãì¡onr, l. $re theregRfbams rocated within 300 metres of the subject of this apprication?Yes({ No() lf the answer is "yES; aie these bams:i) Now used for tivestock? yes ( ) No ( V ^ii) Capable of being used for tÍvestock? yes ( ) ü i;---- NorE: lfyou answered "yES" to #i. pLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLIGANT NAME ln order to calcL¡late the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestockfacility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located oñ a séfaiate tot: LOT TELEPHONE coNc.TOWNSHIP TILLABLE HECTARES (where tivestock facitity tocated) Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year 0 400-1100 tb. POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers Open lot I Total & Bam I Confine- Caged , On Floor Covered Tank Above GrounO Unco¡erøiãnf Below Ground Uncovered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 40 of 117 Le cego A - eo.ooosc I - RE'TAIñE.D I - sepT,c J - UrELL, . TRÞÉ -- ú - BRÊN __@t+urrrZ /_oT_/ G ftea tcuuruRE /nanÐf ßt¿s* s ø -ur"c*"¿6,JtftI{q få¿Mñ* u*v,"Ø â Pq.eulousl y sFuËu€RD I \q tv È\s \) c{ N \ N\ù!\( \ ^( o d f4 s ì (r} (.) ft LA t¿E s Ho Èe ,/-/ NE Ñ¿.rnsePy @ ss/1t/ffi ió. s h; <07 /7 PL,+N //R- c.t€e A crRtceLTLt pE lzdcn Nf S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 0 1 r e g a r d i n g " C s i n o s S e v e r a n c e E 5 8 / 1 0 " . F i l e : D 1 0 . 1 0 C s i n o s P a g e 4 1 o f 1 1 7 sri/lul¿uru tÍl 11:r,t tfr¡ rfÄÅ blv ünö Jüü4 üunicipalitv of Bayhan +' county Land Diyisi @ooiloot aEe 3t'o" ^î) loo(''l' É âto u'Oty .+=R 9r-?âAc. *ool_o45 LoT n oot-oT8 q8.ts Ac. oot-o.fs 5O.ooAc. 00Fo: 50.ooA Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 42 of 117 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 fax 519 472939 To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date January 12,2011 Project No 3404-489 Steno dd Memorandum Csinos Proposed Severance - Part Lot 17, Concession 1 1) We have reviewed the severance application (No. E58/10) submitted by Csinos Farms Ltd. to sever a7700 m2 (1.9 acre) parcel of land from an existing 37 hectare (91.4 acre) farm parcel. The purpose of the application is to convey the subject lands as a lot addition to an existing adjacent residential lot. The subject lands are located in Part Lot 17, Concession 1, on the east side of Csinos Road, north of Lakeshore Line. The subject lands are designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan, and zoned Agricultural (41) in Zoning By-law No. 2456- 2003. 2) The subject lands do not include any buildings, but do include a septic field bed on the northeast corner, which is used by the adjacent residential lot. The subject lands are a mixture of landscaped open space and mature vegetation, and do not include any actively farmed lands. Surrounding land uses include a mixture of wooded areas and agricultural fields in all directions. The proposed retained lands include an existing barn located just north of the previously severed parcel to which the subject lands will be conveyed. An additional residential parcel was previously severed parcel from the subject lands, which is located on the north side of the retained lands along Glen Erie Line. A tributary of the South Otter Creek generally forms the southern boundary of the subject lands. Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes ... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By- laW'. The principal function of the 'Agriculture" designation of the Official Plan is to protect and promote the current and long-term use of these lands for agriculture, agriculture-related, and secondary uses. The proposed severed lands are small in area and are not actively cropped; they are highlighted by a mix of landscaped open space and other forms of 3) 4) lBl Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with lBl Group Arch¡tects Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 43 of 117 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - January 12,2O11 5) 6) vegetation. ln addition, the retained lands will continue to be farmed without limitations imposed by the proposed consent; and still meet the m¡nimum lot area requirements (20 hectares) of the A1 Zone. Aerial analysis demonstrated that there is afatm building centrally located on the proposed severed parcel. The applicant has stated that the lands were vacant. Confirmation of this discrepancy would be required as a condition for consent. Furthermore, a secondary potential discrepancy was discovered through aerial analysis. The assessment parcel data, which is provided by MPAC, shows that the previously severed lot is 300m north of where it is demonstrated by the applicant. Further to the sketch provided by the applicant, the Zoning By-law Schedule '4" - Map No. 82 demonstrates the zone boundary for the lot in a location similar to that shown by the applicant. An attached sketch demonstrates the location of the parcel. Compared to the sketch provided by the applicant, it would appear that the parcel should be located further south where an existing residential dwelling can be found. Based on the preceding information, we have no objection to the application for consent based on the following criteria: a) Confirmation that the farm building is no longer located on the lands to be severed; b) Confirmation of the location of the lands which were previously severed and to which the subject lands are proposed to be conveyed; c) That the subject lands be merged on title with the residential lot to which it is being conveyed; d) That the subject lands be rezoned to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone 7) 7¿r'1 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J13404\489 Froese\PTl'lfroesezol0-1 0{4.docu01 1 {1 -12\DD Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 44 of 117 Application for Consent - 5B/1 0 (Csinos) Staff Report D2011-01 regarding "Csinos Severance E58/10". File: D10.10 Csinos Page 45 of 117 Page 46 of 117 b CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Ball Severance 860/10 DATE: January 14,20ll FILE: D10.10 Ball NUMBER: D20lI-02 Purpose To consider a consent application for an addition to a lot. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Audrey Ball proposing to sever a parcel 102 m2 (1100 ft2) and retain a2684 m2 10.66 acre; residential parcel. The subject land is located on the northwest side of the Alward Street road allowance, south of Heritage Line, Village of Straffordville. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Offrcial Plan and zoned Village Residential - Holding [Rl(h)] in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. The purpose of the consent is to convey land to the adjacent commercial property due to an encroachment of the garage past the current property line. Elgin County Land Division Committee to consider the application on February 3,2011. Staff & Planner Comments Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes...are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-law." Staff and the planner have reviewed the application and are of the opinion that the proposal meets the Official Plan policies. Regarding the ZoningBy-law, the land to be severed is zoned Village Residential-Holding [Rl(h)] while the land to which it will be conveyed is zoned Local Commercial (C2). The planner's memorandum outlines Section 3.8b) of the ZontngBy-law which provides for an interpretation of the zoning boundary relating to existing lot lines. The planner concludes that due to the minor nature of the lot adjustment the subject land is subject to an interpretation of the zoningboundary and rezoning is not required. The intent of the consent application is to accommodate the garage that crosses the current lot line. The proposed lot line allows for a2 metre side yard setback where the minimum setback for aC2 property abutting a residential zone is 4.5 metres. A minor variance application will be required as a condition of consent to address the reduced side yard setback. Staff and the planner would be able to support a minor variance given that the structure exists and the intent of the consent is to ensure that all buildings on the C2 parcel are all on the same parcel. It is understood that the purchasers of the retained lands do not wish to convey any more land to the Balls to bring the C2 zoned lands into compliance with the zoning by-law. Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 47 of 117 Staff Report D20 1 I -02 B all Attachments 1. Consent Application E60/10 2. GIS map 3. IBI Group Memorandum dated January l4,20ll Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION page2 "THAT Staff Report D2011-02 regarding the Ball severance be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application E60/10, submitted by Audrey Ball, be granted subject to conditions: 1. Minor Variance to recognize a reduced westerly side yard setback of the existing garage 2. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 3. Letter of Undertaking be provided to the municipality confirming the proposed severed land will merge on title with the adjacent commercial lot Respectfully subm Underhill Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 48 of 117 tYorrr'"ATroN FoR ..NSENT æ -*+6o /Lþ Address ,eb ıtt Telephone Number' Name of ôwne¡'s solicitor or authorized agent 6iu o . t o,,n., Address Telephone Number L6 4.1At/€'l çT. , ñ;LçoAtßul(t oL/rAAtc Nf6<Ut- (c,t) -vvz-1 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: owners (,{ Soticitor ( )Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transactioh: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Othen charge t/ addition to a lot lease easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: (c)lf a lot adciition, identiff the lands to which the parcelwill be added: Ett¡lt¡iê Ct¡,tl\ S d<¿¿e\ 4,1 Åuùt|é-f ga¿t ,trt\ L(Ê â.4L¿ At .îttou¡t ô¿¡,/ r,Tt¡acrrc) \k¿Tctl. conection of title ELGTN CqUNTy LANp DtVtStON COMMTTTEE (f,cl ^ y¿)¡,^ 3vzt òø-y 8,t¿L "J é¿é 4. (a) Location of land: Municipality B.¿ttun Concession No.s,f.'<, Lot(s) No. flt. i-r tzi- èC Registered Plan No. (b) Name of Street A¿untAt frtØl Street No. 1t¡* 1zg7 Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( ',/ lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect 5. Des .þv Existing Use 4¿s. ò¿ni-,¿,Proposed Use 4¿¡, ¡ í¡t¡,+ ¿ (0. Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be _ severed: Qa¡FCC' '"'i:ïä:'"wHJï:" ' F:isting Use s'_& brni Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: S un o t t Prn S,rtro,t *rñrru. ElglHdrlgSoßlcé 45O Sußet Drlve SLThomæ, 0n NsR svl Phone: 519.631-1460 w.elgíHunty.on.æ Òtù S¡<e 7c4 Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 49 of 117 7. 8. -2- Number of new lots proposed (not including ietained lots) Type of access for proposed and retained loÍ (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maíntained allyear ' Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system ' Privately owned and operated ind¡v¡dualwell Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (speciff) system Privy Other means (spegify) .. #wþ () () lf proposed access is by wate what boat docking and pärking facitit¡:es.are avaitabte :" *igmainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) 10' what type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT PROPOSED LOT () () () () rllA. When willwater supþlyãhA seùäge disposalservices be available? 12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Ítîtì¿^?t^ ¿ 13¡*Wh'at is.theZoning, 't "llj of the subject land? ßél t àe* rr¿ ¿ . 14. Has.the.subject land ever been the subject of an applícation for approval.of 4Flan'of. SubdMsion ora'Gonseilt undeî the Planning Act? Yris ( ) Ns Vl. ,.. Uñknown ( ) . . lf Yes, and kn.ow.n, provide the aþplication file nuinber and the de'iision made ón thê apþlication . ' 15. '}Fthis'applioation is a re-suþmjssion of a previous consent application, describe how it has been' changed frbm tlre original applÍcation ,tt ÍA. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land.from this holding? ''.. t ; i .Y.Ps ( )No .( ",f .,'.' Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 50 of 117 -3- (b) lf the.answerto (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and' supply the following information for each lot severed: . Grantee's name : Relationship (if any) to owner , , , I . ' . "Ube of Paicel ': . ' . '' Date parcelcreated 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent ?pplying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this applicát¡on, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ()No (,/) 18.IstheSubjectlàndc.r1¡e.n]lv.the9y9j9ctofa.proposedomciatplaorofficialplanamendment that has been submitted to the Ministerfor approval? Yes ()No (,4 lf Yes, and known, speciff the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land cunently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amendment, Ministe¡'s zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (,/Y lf Yes, and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the'application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1),of the Planning Act? Yes (4 No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No(t'.\ lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applícable províncial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the' part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land prevíously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the cunent owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial'features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether itis an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 51 of 117 24. The owner/Applicant/Agenttereby authorizes Land Division committee members and theGorporation of the couñty of elgin stafftó eier ontòir,ä ruË¡",it Ëö"rt¡, for the purpose ofSite inspections with respect to-thí" "ppl¡"utiàn. d in this to provide Local Dated at the 1¿,o.v ^t c-l this |¿at day of ,l/csast¡a¿K 20 to -4- AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI.ARATION lUle' (abncY la¿c otthe -¿qsrc ú,r¿¿rr DECI-ARED before me at the ío¿¿ of ft ¿¿ f¿trt à¿¿ ¡ inthe ku.,,n{ at of ß¿rø,a intheCounty of e-c6ut. solemnly declare that allthe information contained in thís application is true, and lrye make thissolemn declaration conscientiously belíeving it to be true, àhã fnòwing that it is of the sãmãtorce anoeffect as if made under oath and Éy virtue ıf the CANAEiA EVTDENCE Acr. lhis /l a day of 4)ttè/¿ttoQ 20 ro Signature signed by an agent or solicitor on ne/s agcompany the application. lf the without agent iication.must be signed b¡i an offic l, if any, rñust: ItÌs required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of tlre sketch described, with the respons.ible person, accompanied by a fee of - - $750.00 in.cabh or by'chequè made'payabte to TREAST/ßER,"GOUNTY oF ELelru , . . An ad.O.itional ieb of $25p.OO r¡ii¡i¡e charged for: affxing'the consent stamp. ... ; ... ' ' soltclTom Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 52 of 117 APPENDIX "A" The County of Elgin Land Division.Committee.requires that, in addition to the ?pplication for Consenf , thefollowing information be completed for all applicaiions: 1. fre there any bams locaþd within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() NoWf lf the answer is 'YES'âre these barns:i) Now used for l¡vestock?ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes Yes ()()()()No No TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT NAME NorE: lfyou answered "YES" to #f. pLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow FOR NON:E+BM.USFS ESTABLTSHTNG OR EXpANptNG tN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXIST¡NG LIVESTOCK BUILD¡ÑGS ln order to calct'¡late the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestockfacility within 300 metres of the proposed sevèrance and located oñ a sefarate lot TOWNSHIP T|L|-ABLE HECTARES (where tivestock facility tocated) LOT TELEPHONE coNc. Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Man ure Systt )m Housing System check type DAIRY0 Cows0 Heifers0 Calves Tie Stal Free Loose Stall BEEF0 Cows0 Calves0 Feede¡s0 400-750 tb.0 400-1100 tb.0 75G1100 tb Open l1r & Bam Total Confine. ment SWNE0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings0 Feede¡s POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Ghicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters Caged On Floor HORSES SI{FFP-RamcR Frucc RABBIT: VEAL CÅI VFS OTI.IFR MANIIRF STôRÀlltr. DRY SEMI-SOLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 53 of 117 S- tfieÞ G'6aßace ^J tí¿.r.1 r4c e(eouøt-¡y Lì./-1,-h ¡1'ê erJO-ê I)oO è¡At L. Rp 3Y) ít.tz.,t7t L rl¡ .lJ F( ùã É\ s3\trç sìql aÉq a \) I ì:. it.-Ll.s. /f'Z t\\ [\ ffi I id Bh ü^þPÊiletl,ÇD. *¿øn¡5 Sir¿g^- 7?.77 . k-s t\+a¡tae' UAIì¡Jîì ooq-o3't- oz çz.fJ .ft6Rrcu ¿;rvAAL ¿4^Jnç ìJJ. .:s Á ^ hl ffi .*$,t / 1, ø. j"..-' .í. . .. ..,'.':!:i: ':t,'..,i: 33 17 0 D'l- 031 i:l '¿i.Lî r{\ '1x'1n. 'GH F çnc t -Fao ,/ s il¿( tt rl6sút mo I I .l oo ll,:1Ì4 4 .t úr rno tfoo if.î Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 54 of 117 Ball Gonsent E60/10 - Alward Street, Straffordville ì' I rÐ I.,-t -t t I-ì rì Li-s" * irr-il*. ,t't ï |¡t ---t .t This map is a user generated stat¡c output from an lnternet mapping site and is for reference only Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate current, or otheM¡se reliable- THIS IV]AP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Notes Alward Street. Straffordville tsl t TI UTHWOLD 'iñonqór-x cdr J Legend Local Arterial H¡ghways Built Up Areas iVa ¡ /4, _al),'".r,,t lu )c'-: /t . ì^ ,/,, /or. rJ L/ ch t"/' 1.1,344 ñ'l_- ì:i-'\ -¡[.,, l,r5 ¡ [<rr: r rl¡o- û/ ,tSrhr¿ f!rcia 1(:L?'/\ 't S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 0 2 r e g a r d i n g " B a l l S e v e r a n c e E 6 0 / 1 0 " . F i l e : D 1 0 . 1 0 B a l l P a g e 5 5 o f 1 1 7 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H lT3 Canada tel 519 4727328 tax 5194729354 To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date January 14,2011 Project No 3404 - 489 Steno dd 1) 2) 3) 4) Memorandum Ball Proposed Severance - Part Lot 125 & 126, Concession SSTR We have reviewed the severance application (No. a 1O2m2 (1100 ft'?) parcel of land from an existin The subject lands are located in Part Lot 125 & side of Alward Street, in the Village of Straffordville in the Municipality of Bayham. The subject lands are designated "Residential" in the Official Plan, and zoned Village Residential (R1thl) with a holding provision in Zoning By-law No.2456-2003. The purpose of the consent is to convey the lands to an adjacent commercial property due to an encroachment of buildings on that site past the current property line. The subject lands are a 21m wide portion of land extending from the front to rear lot line, and are vacant with the exception of the aforementioned encroachments from the adjacent property. The lands to which the subject lands will be conveyed to are occupied by a dwelling, shed, garage and workshop. The remaining surrounding uses are characterized as vacant residential to the west, agricultural to the south, and residential to the east and north. Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes ... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By- law". The lands which are being severed are zoned Residential (R1[h]), while the lands to which they are being conveyed are zoned Local Commercial (C2). Rather than having the applicant submit an application for rezoning, Section 3.8b) of the Zoning By-law No. 2456- 2003 outlines that where a zone boundary is indicated as approximately following lot lines, such lot lines shall be deemed to be the said zone boundary. Due to the minor nature of the lBl Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 56 of 117 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - January 14,2O11 lot adjustment the subject lands are subject to an interpretat¡on of the zoning boundary through this section of the By-law. 5) However, upon completion of the proposed lot addition, the existing garage on the adjacent lands will be approximately 2 metres from the side yard, which is still less than required by the C2 Zone which states that the minimum side yard for lands abutting a residential zone is 4.5 metres. Given that the structure is existing and that the intent of the consent application is to ensure that the buildings on the C2 zoned parcel are all on the same parcel of land, we would be able to support a minor variance to the Zoning ByJaw to recognized the reduced side yard. lt is our understanding that the owners of the retained lands do not wish to convey any more land than is proposed in the application, which could be bring the C2 zoned lands into compliance with the Zoning By-law. 6) Based on the preceding information, we have no object to the application for consent based on the following criteria: a) That the applicant's obtain a minor variance to recognize a reduced westerly side yard setback requirement of 2.0 metres. 7¿r'1 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J13404\495 Ball\PTMballzol 1 {'l { 2.doc!20 1 141 14\DD Staff Report D2011-02 regarding "Ball Severance E60/10". File: D10.10 Ball Page 57 of 117 Page 58 of 117 IV Doo 3'n Mullclp¡l-lw: TowH or Tlllsotr¡BURG, DATE oF ADopfloN: J¡r,¡utny 10,2011 Locltlo¡l: Ttu-soteuRc VANNoRM¡¡¡ lruousrnnl DATE oF Nor¡ce: Jn¡lulRy 12,2011 AREA COMMUH¡WIUPNOVEMENTPLAN AppealPeRIooEIrIoIIrIc: FEBRUARY2,2011 ARen NOTICE OF ADOPTION With respect to a Community lmprovement Plan Section f 7(35) & 28(4) of the Planninq Act Take notice thatthe Council of the Town of Tillsonburg passed By-Law No. 3477 on January 1Oth, 201 1, to adopt a Community lmprovement Plan under Seótion 17(35) & 28(4) of thè Planning Act. Purpose and Effect of the Proposed VanNorman Industrial Area Gommunity lmprovement Plan: The VanNorman lndustrialArea Community lmprovement Plan outlines a range of potential municipal implementation measures, including economic incentive programs, which the Town of Tillsonburg may utilize to stimulate private investment in the VanNorman lndustrialArea and to facilitate the revitalization and health of this industrial area. When and How to File an Appeal: AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg not later than the Zno day of February ,2011 , a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the byJaw and the reasons in support of the objection. The appeal should be sent to the attention of the Clerk, Town of Tillsonburg, at the address shown below and it must, (1) Set out the specific part of the proposed plan to which the appeal applies, (2) Set out the reasons for the request for the appeal, and (3) Be accompanied by the fee described under the Ontario Municioal Board Act in the amount of $125.00 payable by certified cheque to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario. When is the Decision Final: The decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg is final if a Notice of Appeal is not received on or before the last date of appeal noted above. Getting Additional lnformation : A copy of the complete By-Law, the Community lmprovement Plan and background materials are available for public inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the Town of Tillsonburg, Corporate Offices at the address noted below: Donna Hemeryck, Clerk Town of Tillsonburg 200 Broadway,2nd Floor Tillsonburg ON N4G 5A7 Correspondence received from Town of Tillsonburg regarding "Tillsonburg VanNorman Industrial Area Community Improvement Page 59 of 117 Page 60 of 117 (. Ào(" {e., Y Poul Ens, Moyor, Municipolity of Boyhom 9344 Plonk Rood, Box I ó0 Stroffordville ON NOJ lY0 Deor Mr. Ens, The Otter Volley Chomber of Commerce held their first meeting of 20'l I on Jonuory 4tn in Port Burwell. An enthusiostic discussion wos hod regording the possibility of o cross boorder ferry service from Port Burwell, Ontorio to o porl in Ohio. Pleose be odvised thot lhe chomber members present during this meeting were unonimously in fovor of lhe Municipolity of Boyhom, ond specificolly the currenl Council to continue their investigotion ond considerotion into the possibilities of o cross loke ferry service from Port Burwell. lwould be interested in receiving ony updoted informotion you hove regording upcoming discussions or presenlotions thot the municipolity moy be involved in with regords to o ferry service so thot we con reloy this informotion lo the chomber members. Thonking you in odvonce for your time ond considerotion. Roiney Weisler, President, OVCC cc: Kyle Kruger, Administrotor OVCC, Box 36, Port Burwell, ON NOJ 1T0 ¡ (519) 866-3770 o www. ottervalleychamber. com Correspondence received from Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce regarding "cross border ferry service". Page 61 of 117 Page 62 of 117 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 20,2011 FROM: Billltuifton, Chief Building Official FILE: P-10 SUBJECT: Building Department Year End Report 2010 NUMBER: P-2011-001 Purnose: To advise Council of the Building Departments activities for the year 2010. Staff Comments: Despite the economic tumdown, Bayham residents continued to expand their properties, build a few new homes and make improvements to their present properties. There were 143 building permits issued during the course of 2010 in Bayham. Unfortunatel¡ there were very few new houses constructed in 2010. Only 15 permits were issued for new houses. That's way down from the usual 30 or so of that last few years. One factor for that was the lack of any decent buildable lots available. Many calls were received in the duration of 2010 asking about where are the buildable lots. However, people were not finding what they were looking for and many went to our neighbors to find new construction lots. On the up side of this, our farmers did very well for new building construction in 2010. There werc 26 permits issued for new farm buildings, with one new dairy bam with a construction value of $2.5 million. This is a record number of new farm buildings in one year for Bayham. Our small industrial, commercial and institutional sector had a little activity. There were 3 commercial buildings that made improvements or alterations. One Port Burwell restaurant added some needed washrooms. A snack bar conversion was done on an existing laundrymat to atlract more customers, and an existing dwelling unit in Straflordville was altered into a bake shop / tea room. Of the 143 permits the majority were residential additions and miscellaneous residential. Since residential permits were only 50% of the usual, our permit fee revenue was down from other years. The stats of 2010 and previous years are indicated on the following chart. Staff Report P2011-001 regarding "Building Department Year End Report 2010". Page 63 of 117 StaffReport P-201l-001 Recommendation: 1. That staff report # P 20ll-001 regarding the Building Department yearend repoÉ for 2010 be received. Buildins Permit Stats Year No.Permits Issued No. New IIomes No. New FarmBuildinss Permit Fees Construction Value 2010 143 15 26 $67.588 $8.396.941 2009 136 35 9 s73.s67 $9.076.348 2008 142 28 t2 s76.e92 s8.671-492 2007 119 30 5 $65.688 s6.218.091 2006 106 28 10 s67.959 s6.012.t20 2005 180 30 l2 $134.146 s18.s16.620 2004 133 2t l5 $40.136 s8.240.677 Respectfully submitted, Chief Building Official Staff Report P2011-001 regarding "Building Department Year End Report 2010". Page 64 of 117 CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council Date: January 20r20ll FROM: Bill Ituifton, Chief BuildÍng Official Report: P20ll-004 ?rqSUBJECT: Builrting permit Fees Purpose: The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the present Building Permit fees; suggest making amendments to the permit fee schedule for budget purposes and to keep in line with other municipalities in the area. Background: Staff Comments Attached is a chart showing some of the neighboring communities, and theirbuilding permit fees in comparison to Bayham's permit fees. As shown, Bayham's permit fees are low in comparison to others in the area. The Ministry of Municipal Aflairs and Housing who is in charge of the Ontario Building Code has amended the Code some time ago regarding the collection of fees. It is legislated that Municipality House Farm buildins Septic SYstem Plumbing Bayham S.qalft2+ Szs fs8/s1000) < 600m2 -5.22/nz+its > 600m2 - s.rslrtz + szs 5350 install S250 repair SsÆ¡xture + Sto Aylmer 51.00 /sq ft n/a n/a included with building oermit Norfolk Countv SlUSlooo s11ls1000 5350lnstall S6/fixture + 540 $325 repair Malahide 50.74/ft2 5o.2e/ft2 + 5120 5500 install or repair 58.so/fixture + Stzo Thames Centre 50.74lft2 5.oMlft2 5400 install 5200 repair included with building permit Staff Report P2011-001 regarding "Building Permit Fees". File: P10 Page 65 of 117 Staff Report P2011-004 20 January 2011 the fees collected by the Municipality for the issuance of Building Permits may be equal to the operating expenses incurred by the Building Department in administering the Building Code. If there are any revenues exceeding the operating expenses in any one year, the excess is to be put in a separate account and used by the Building Department in times when the expenses exceed the revenues. Revenues from Building Permit fees have not met the operating expenses for the Building Department. Buildins Permit Stats Year No. Permits Issued No. New Homes No. New Farm Buildinss Permit Fees Construction Value 2010 143 15 26 $67,588 $8.396.941 2009 t36 35 9 $73,567 s9.076.348 2008 r42 28 t2 s76,992 s8.671.492 2007 119 30 5 $ó5,ó88 $6,218,091 2006 106 28 l0 967,959 $6.012.120 2005 180 30 t2 5134,T46 $18.516.620 2004 133 21 15 $40,r36 s8.240.677 Using actual expenses incurred by the Building Department for 2010 and factoring in expected budget for 2011, the target income for Building Permit revenues should be $80,865.00. Using the average Permit fee revenues for the last three consecutive years, the permit fees revenue has been $72,715.00 In order to match permit fees with Building Dçartment operating costs, an increase in fees of 10% would provide permit revenue closer to the department operating costs. Note the projected department budget has not been used for the department overhead, but the actual department expenses and annual expense increases factored in. An example of a 10olo increase in permit fees for a new house would be an increase from $0.46/ft2 to $0.51/ft2. A review of the neighboring communities permit fees indicates that even with a l0o/o increase, the future permit fee for a new house in Bayham would still be substantially less than the fees in other nearby municipalities. Effective January 1,2011 the Ontario Building Code has been amended to require copies of all Building Permits for new houses to be forwarded to Tarion within 45 days of issuance of the permit. This has to be in the format acceptable to Tarion, which means another form of the Building Permit has to be filled in and sent to Tarion. In2012, the Ontario Building Code will be amended to require Occupancy Permits to be issued to all new homes at occupancy. The homes have to be completed prior to occupancy. It is envisioned that this new Code requirement will substantially increase the time spent by the Building Department in the administration and inspection of new homes. Besides from the extra paperwork of issuing an Occupancy Permit, it could be very onerous in enforcing the code regulation of not occupying a new home until an Occupancy Permit has been issued. For this reason, it is suggested that a flat rate fee of $200.00 be imposed for all new houses for an Staff Report P2011-001 regarding "Building Permit Fees". File: P10 Page 66 of 117 StaffReport P2011-004 20 Janrary20ll Occupancy Permit. This fee would be collected at the time of the issuance of a Building Permit for a new house and of course would come into effect on January 1,2012, when Occupancy Permits for new houses are mandatory. At present time, Occupancy Permits are only required to be issued on industrial, commercial and institutional buildings. Since we have very little of these type buildings in Bayham, the issuance of Occupancy Permits is of no relevance at this time. The present practice of allowing occupancy of an unfinished building with regards to new houses will cease on January 1,2012. If we impose a fee of $200.00 for an occupancy permit for a new house, then the target permit fee revenue could be reached by imposing a 5Yo increase in permit fees across the board. The increased administrative and inspection requirements for new houses, with extra forms to be sent to Tarion and Occupancy Permits to be issued justifies a fee to be imposed for an Occupancy Permit for a new house. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal#l : Practice responsible financial management. Recommendations: "THAT Staff Report P2011-002 regarding information on Building Permit Fees be receivedtt "And that Staff be instructed to provide an amended Building By-Law to recognize the proposed increase in Building Permit Fees" Respectfully submitted, Chief Building Bill Knifton Staff Report P2011-001 regarding "Building Permit Fees". File: P10 Page 67 of 117 Page 68 of 117 Í-) X CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPATIW OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Members of Council DATE: January L3,?OIL FROM: Gord Roesch By-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: By-Law Yard Maintenance FILE:Por NUMBER: P20LL-OO2 Purpose: To Provide Council with options for updating the Yard Maintenance By-law and further to review enforcement policy for Municipal By-laws. Background: Recent By-law enforcement activities have raised questions as to what the Municipality of Bayham is enforcing and as to the policy of complaint based inspection vs. proactive or routine inspections. The majority of the complaints received in Bayham are in reference to yard maintenance issues, dogs barking or dog tags. The current procedure for enforcement is as follows: t. Member of the public files a complaint or concern at the Municipal Office with staff. 2. The By-law Enforcement Officer will inspect the property and speak to the property owner. The identity of the complainant is kept confidential. 3. lf the property has a violation a letter will be sent explaining the issue in detail and providing a date for the property to become compliant. With noise, the date is immediate. 4. After the date given to the owner/tenant, there is a re-inspection. lf the property is still not up to standard additional enforcement actions are taken. They include a notice of violation or issuing tickets. Staff Comments: Yard Maintenance By-Law: o The current Yard Maintenance By-law was passed in2002 and is due for a review and update. o Recent By-law enforcement activities have raised quest¡ons on what matters are enforced in the Yard Maintenance By-law and how staff enforces all Municipal By-laws. OPTIONS: 1. Council establish a committee to review what matters shall be enforced in the Municipal Yard Maintenance By-law 2. Staff su¡vey other municipalities and report back to Council at a later date Staff Report P2011-002 regarding "By-Law Yard Maintenance". File: P01 Page 69 of 117 By-Law Enforcement: o Municipal By-laws are currently enforced on a complaint basis; there is no pro-active or routine enforcement. o This practice has recently resulted in accusations of unfair or targeted enforcement and harassment. OPTIONS: 1. Council establish a committee to review the type of enforcement in Bayham 2. Staff survey other municipalities and report back to Council with expected cost implications Technical Review: After the review is completed and the By-law is updated we must undertake a technical legal review to ensure that the By-law can be enforced successfully in court. Part of the Technical review must include a review of the Municipal Zoning By-law to ensure council direction is reflected in both documents. Strateeic Goals Goal #4 - Be Dedicated to Service Excellence Goal#7 - Provide excellence in environmental stewardship Recommendation: That staff report P2011-001 regarding By-law Enforcement in the Municipality of Bayham be received; AND THAT Council direct staff to establish a committee that will review the current Yard Maintenance By-law, By-law enforcement policy and procedures and report back to council with recommendations. Respectfu lly su bm itted, Gord Roesch By-Law Enforcement Officer Staff Report P2011-002 regarding "By-Law Yard Maintenance". File: P01 Page 70 of 117 2010.1't.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 1131201'l 0111312011 3:24PM 000010 911777 oNTAR|O L|M|TED '12360 INSTALL WIRING AT LIGHTHOUSE 1A20t2010 I 3'Í.83 009823 Cheque Arnount- 311.83 OOOO31 ADT SECURITY SERVICES CANADA 45370561 ALARM SYSTEM S.C.C. 01t13t2011 I 231.65 009824 ChequeAmount- 231.65 0000¿14 ALISARAGGREGATES INC 20034551 HAUL|NG WNTER SAND 12t31t2010 I 5,713.28 009825 Cheque Amount - 5,713.28 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 0000158605 REZONING NOT|CE, BOARDS 12t29t2010 I 132.89 009826 ChequeAmount- 132.89 OOOO91 BARRYR.CARD 212013{1 LEGAL SERVTCES 12t3112010 I 412.45 009827 Cheque Amount - 412.45 001271 BRENDAGIBBONS reimburse - flyers DOG FLYERS 0110512011 I 156.21 009828 Cheque Amount - 156.21 OOO14I CAIN'SAUTO SALES &SERVICE 9340 LOF, TRANS SERVTCE 1z0il2010 I 241]0 009829 9366 REP|-ACE BRAKE LTNES 1Aæt2010 I 1.092.40 009829 9374 WPERS 1?/0712010 I 29.27 009829 9385 LOF, REP|-ACE WPER B|-ADES 12t08t2010 I 74.98 009829 94:27 TNSTALL At{D BALANCE 1A14t2010 I 35s.90 009829 9484 TNSTALL USED TIRE 12t24t2010 I 33.90 009829 Cheque Amount - 1,828.15 OOO156 CANADIAN PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD T425276 F|LTER, MtC 07t23t2010 I 933.95 oo983o Cheque Amount -933.95 000220 CJDL 6183 6219 6220 622'l ChequeAmount- 13,994.34 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER OOOO160196 MONTHLY RENTAL o1lo1l20'11 I 114.70 009832 ELIZABETH STREET SUBDIVISION 12I3OI2O1O I 490.70 009831 EAST PIER REMEDTATTON 12t3'v2010 I 7,654.90 009831 WATER D|STR|BUT|ON CApACtTy 12131t2010 I 4,316.04 009831 SEPTAGE RECE|V|NG STATTON 1A31/2010 I 1,532.70 009831 Cheque Amount -114.70 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9823 to Cheque #9853 inclusive totaling $47,185.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 71 of 117 Cheque Cheque Amount Number OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 2010.11.19 6.3 90s0 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0111312011 0'U0412011 0110412011 0110412011 0110412011 01t0412011 01t04t20't1 0110412011 o'U04t201'l 01to4t2011 01lMl2011 01104t2011 0110412011 01lMl2011 0110412011 01104t20't1 0'U0412011 0111312011 3:24PM Jan0llSl - 23005 Jan12650 - 91004 Jan'18850 - 12458 Jan18971 -44027 Jan'|8971 - 52001 Jan2524O - 95021 Jan25250 - 12302 Jan34853 - 0'1007 Jan43850 -12451 Jan50250 -12458 Jan56450 - 12330 Jan75250 - 12272 Jan8777O - 20012 Jan93850 - 12278 Jan93850 - 9'f019 Jan93970 -20342 ooo217 tBtGROUP 241 650 UTILITIES . INTERP CENTRE UTILITIES - PUMP#8 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES . BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES. RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES - PB CENTENNIAL PARK UTILITIES . MARINE MUSÊUM UTILITIES - BOAT I.AUNCH UTILITIES . PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PUMP#7 uTtLtTtEs - v.c.c. 4r.00 009833 109.42 009833 139.04 009833 42.45 009833 110.89 009833 458.99 009833 245.55 009833 64.04 009833 75.96 009833 130.52 009833 83.36 009833 61.77 009833 178.64 009833 198.20 009833 68.75 009833 778.09 009833 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - 12124t2010 I 2,786.67 2,467.24 009834 009835 009837 009838 009839 CONSULTING FEES OOO5O9 KIWANIS CLUB OF TILLSONBURG 3048 BOOTH RENTALIOSA-1o9A OOO51O KLASSENAUTO PARTS Cheque Amount - 11t30t2010 I 2,467.24 450.00 1-70132 1-72474 SWTCH BATTERY TESTER, BATTERY Cheque Amount -450.00 15.90 009836 187.29 009836 10t28t2010 11126t20't0 OOO5,I3 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16392 V.C.C. . HRV REPAIR 000526 I.AEMERS TRUCKING LTD Dec'l0snowplowing SNOWPLOWNG OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 11524 MAGNETIC SIGNS 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Cheque Amount - 1213012010 I Cheque Amount - 12131t2010 I Cheque Amount - 1211512010 I Cheque Amount - 203.19 1,526.86 1,526.86 5,186.70 5,186.70 47.46 47.46 43.07 009840PAYROLLCPP & EI FOR 2OIO PAYROLL 12t31t2010 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9823 to Cheque #9853 inclusive totaling $47,185.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 72 of 117 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0111312011 lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date , Type Amount Number Cheque Amount - 000669 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL WATER ASSOC 201 I membership 2011MEMBERSHIP 001543 OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Cheque Amount - membership'11 2Oll MEMBERSHIP ollo'U2011 70.00 0098/.2 Cheque Amount -70.00 231.20 001323 PBS BUSINESS SYSTEMS 102715 TAX BILLS 01to6t20't1 009843 Cheque Amount - 000716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 1M94258 CYLINDER RENTALS OOO73O QUEENSWAYTIRE SERVICE LTD 12t31t2010 I 009844 Cheque Amount - o'U13t2011 3:24PM 01113t201'l 43.07 435.05 009841 435.05 23'1.20 27.94 27.91 494.38 0098451-56008 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 79653214 876303 876304 876305 WNCH PLOW RUG CLEANER RENTAL DEC'IO CLEANING S.C.C. CLEANING DEC'10 V.C.C. CLEANING DEC'10 1?/09t2010 I Cheque Amount -494.38 67.58 009846 1,109.00 009846 1,157.00 009846 851.50 009846 1213112010 12t31t2010 12131t2010 eß112010 I f I I OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Dec451 6 050004037580 INTEREST Dec45l 6 050004037598 BATTERI ES, CALCUI-ATOR 001418 TELUS 0'15894762030 DOLLAR POOL SAVINGS OTHER CHARGES015894762030', Cheque Amount -3,185.08 10.40 009847 27.55 009847 12l29t2010 1210712010 015894762030t2005876 CELL PHONE - c ROESCH 015894762030/6171156 CELL PHONE - c LEMAY 01589476203016171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 015894762030/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 015894762030/6365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 015894762030/6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 1 0,I5894762030/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 01589476203016366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762030/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON Cheque Amount -37.95 -197.26 009848 26.59 009848 186.20 009848 45.31 009848 38.70 009848 50.12 009848 44.86 009848 44.86 009848 44.86 009848 267.74 009848 112.76 009848 1212712010 12J2712010 12t27t2010 1U2712010 12127t20'lO 1212712010 1?J2712010 1?,27t2010 1212712010 1212712010 12t27t2010 c I I I I I I I I I I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9823 to Cheque #9853 inclusive totaling $47,185.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 73 of 117 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0111312011 01s894762030/6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 12t27t2010 t 49.M 009848 015894762030/6689955 CELL PHONE- B BUTLER 12127t2010 I 59.95 009848 0'15894762030t902't249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 12t27t2010 I 44.86 009848 ChequeAmount- 818.99 OO157,I TOWN OF TILLSONBURG 1311 GOVERNOR ,t2t22t2010 I 6æ.44 009849 Cheque Amount - 6æí4 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 1ù262 EAST ELGTN MApptNG 1A31n010 I 1,161.73 009850 Cheque Amount - 1,161.73 OOO914 TOWNSHIP SOUTH.WEST OXFORD 1lÈ2010 TWO \ÆH|CLES DTSPATCHEO 12t23t2010 I 820.00 009851 Cheque Amount -820.00 001324 UNDERHILLBROS 87709 87710 8771.1 87713 87718 Cheque Amount - 2,038.27 OOO953 VIENNAHOME CENTER LTD 359528 SPRUCE, DECK SCREWS, POSTS 12t10t2010 I 248.05 009853 359636 POSTS, MATLBOX 12t14t2010 I 256.00 009853 359800 POSTS 12t20t2010 I 151.51 009853 3s9832 DECK SCREWS 12t2'U2010 I 3.9t 009853 Cheque Amount -659.50 Cheque Run Total - 47,185.'17 0111312011 3:24PM SNOV1PLOWNG SNOWPLOWNG SNOWPLOWNG SNOWPLOWING SNOV\IPLOWNG 12110t2010 r 661.06 009852 1211012010 I 293.81 009852 1211012010 I 330.53 009852 1211312010 I 367.26 009852 1?l17i2010 I 385.61 009852 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #9823 to Cheque #9853 inclusive totaling $47,185.17 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 74 of 117 sORt.l HUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAH TOT PACKETS . CURRENT FEDL TAX 9 ,029.34 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CoNT L ,973.57 QPIP CAN PEN 4,657 .L6 QC PEN QC HSF 0N Er.{T 998.79 I.IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS L6,649.A6 CHEQUES DEPOSITS 36,LOz.22. US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY 36,L02.22 RRS P RTI ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COHPANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 8,795.69- 264.65 16,L25.32- ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES 2.L2 251 .80 5.97 524.54 36,LO?.22 36,LOz.22 36,626.76 L97.84 25.72 36,850 .52 UNITS CHARGE I I.56 L 47.93 155 58.25 YTD ADJUST I TE].I SALARIEÐ WORKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD RUN: JAN L2 20LL N0: A PAGE: 645 HST REG: I000574I5 RT0004 COHPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: JAN 12, ?OLL DÁTE 0F PAY: JAN 14, 20ll YTD TOTAL 9,020.34 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX L,973 -57 Er CoNT QPIP 4,479.7A CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 1,001.55 0N EHT MB HET NL HAPSET L6 ,475.2? TOT STATS CHEQUES 72,437 .07 DEPOSITS US DEPS DED DEPS 72,437 .07 T0T NPAY RRS P RTI 89,3L2-29 T0T PAYRoL 335.74 SERV CHRG GST 43.65 t{ST A9,69L.6A GRAND TOT UNITS CHARGE 20 55.00 30 6.60 ADJUST -DR CHARGE ITEI,I 50.00 R.0.E. FoRils 16.50 PAYROLL RUNS 24.O0 YE ADJUSTS L,97L -45- 4,405.36- 992.82- L6,r25.32- L6 , L25.32-TOT PAYROL SERV CIIRG GST HST GRAND TOT TTEH CO-YE RUN HOURLY U¡ORKPAYS COURIER FEE 52,752.OA L97 .A4 25.72 52 ,975.64 UNITS 1 10 2 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS RUN DATE ITEI.I JAN 05 2OII CO-YE RUN 197 .84 56'850.52 DEBIT INFORMATI0N: 005 05102 I0II925 THE ABOVE ANALYSIS INCLUDES UNCOLLECIED FEES FOR THESE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED SERVICES./ITEI,IS UNTTS CHARGE RUN DATE I 50.00 JAN 05 2011 I TEM COURIER FEE UNITS CHARGE r 12.00 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 8 2 3 t o C h e q u e # 9 8 5 3 i n c l u s i v e t o t a l i n g $ 4 7 , 1 8 5 . 1 7 a n d P a y r o l l D i s b u r s e m e n t s f o r t h e p e r i o d P a g e 7 5 o f 1 1 7 Page 76 of 117 ROMA/O GRA Municipal Dele gations Kyle Kruger =6U Page I of 1 Ao/ Subject FW: ROMA/OGRA Municipal Delegations From : DELEGAIONS (MAH) lmailto : Delegations.mah@ontario.ca] Sent: Wednesday, December 15,2010 1:09 PM i To: DELEGAIONS (MAH) Subject: ROMA/OGRA Municipal Delegations NOTICE TO ROMA/OGRA 2011 CONFERENCE DELEGATES THE DELEGATION REQUEST FORM HAS BEEN POSTED ON Ll NE AT http://www.mah.gov.on.cal The Ontario ministers' meetings with municipal delegates will be held on Monday, February 28 and Tuesday, March 1,2011 at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto. lf your municipality wishes to meet with a minister or parliamentary assistant, we encourage you to submit your delegation request form no later than January 27,2011. We ask that you complete an online request form. lf you are requesting a meeting with more than one minister, please complete ONE FORM PER REQUEST. Municipalities will be contacted by the respective ministries about their requests and, if applicable, the meeting time and location, approximately one week before the conference. Thank you. Contact: Suzan Krepostman Municipal Programs and Education Branch Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Telephone: (16) 585-6280 E-mail : suzan.krepostman@ontario.ça PS: French version of this notice is attached: <<Flash Fax_ROMA-OGRA_201 1 Early Requests - French.doc>> 05/01/2011 Notice regarding "ROMA/OGRA 2011 Delegation Request". File: A04 Page 77 of 117 Page 78 of 117 ? CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Boundaries Act - Process Overview DATE: January 14,2011 FILE: In regard to discussions of road boundaries and the Boundaries Act at the December 16th, 2010 Council meeting, Council requested staffprovide an overview of the process under the Act. Staffreviewed previous reports on this matter, and Report C2009-05 prepared October 7,2009 remains a valid overview. A follow-up up memorandum dated October 28,2009 was also provided. A copy of these reports are attached for information. Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Process Overview". Page 79 of 117 S*-!.-t ¡t i{i,:P-Ui+i TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Boundaries Act Outline DATE: October 7,2009 FILE: NUMBERz C2009-025 Purpose This report is to provide information regarding the process and potential costs regarding the Boundaries Act. Background The potential of initiating application under the Boundaries Act of Ontario was brought to Council attention for consideration by recent delegations about Estherville Cemetery. Council had initial discussions regarding potential application under the Act, and requested staff provide additional information about the process, potential costs, and implications of such an application. Staff Comments Staff have proceeded with a general review of the Act and its regulations, and sought input from a local solicitor and one local surveyor with experience with the Act. At this time, staff are awaiting comment from the local solicitor. Information contained in a Ministry of Consumer Services outline of the Act notes the purpose of the Boundaries Act is to determine and confirm the true position of one or more boundaries of a property, including those of a public highway. This is different from the determination of ownership, which can be pursued using the Land Titles Act and/or Certification of Titles Act. Process In very general terms, the following outlines the basic process under the Act: . Certain parties, including the Council of a municipality or owner(s) with an interest in a property may make application under the Boundaries Act. . The application should delineate the specific boundaries of a lot/instrument that are to be confrrmed. . The application must include: o Completed application form o Up to date survey (draft plan) prepared specifically for the Boundaries Act (with freld notes) o Copies of all existing plans and field notes (where issues relate to original crowTt survey - copy of original township plan, field notes, and patent) o Detailed title search of the subject lands and lands adjoining the boundary to be confirmed o Copies of all other relevant documents (including local histories, archives, air photos, etc.) o Surveyors report to present detailed history of the dispute (includes relevant surveys, title documents, occupational evidence, discussions with individuals, etc) Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Process Overview". Page 80 of 117 . The submission is initially reviewed by a Regional Surveyor (evaluation that plan is generally per requirements of Registry Act and Surveyors Act) . Applicant surveyor provides names boundary to be confrmed . Notice of Application is circulated. receipt of any obj ections . Where no objections are filed, the boundaries may be confirmed by the Director without a hearing (though staffunderstand a hearing is generally required) . Where objections are filed, a hearing is held with the Deputy Director of Titles to determine validity. The Director may specify any parties to the proceedings. Parties may introduce evidence and cross examine witnesses. The onus of proof is on the applicant to provide sufficient evidence of true location of boundary. . Decision is issued by Director. The Director may confirm the boundary per the application, flâY order the draft plan amended, or may dismiss the application on the basis that insufficient evidence has been presented. . Appeals to the Directors decision may be heard by Superior Court . If no objections/appeals are filed, or are subsequently disposed of the plan is registered atLand Registry Ofhce. Effect Simply put, the effect of a decision by the Director would be confirmation of a boundary (or boundaries) certified by the Director and registered at the Land Titles Office. These boundaries are then deemed to be the true boundaries of a property. Alternatively though, the Director could dismiss an application due to insufficient evidence. As noted in the Ministry guidelines, confirmation of a boundary does not necessarily define current ownership. Costs Costs for an process under the Boundaries Act are difficult to assess, since much is dependent on the complexity of the issue, history of the lands in question, and factors such as appeals filed. In discussions with others, it has been emphasized that the largest potential cost is in legal fees. Though legal representation is not technically required at a hearing, in practice it would be recommended. The following is a general estimation, though again staff note this is without input requested from the local solicitor (does not include estimation of staff costs for review/research of potential background information): Application fee under Boundaries Act - $410 þlus $1 for every parcel of land that touches the boundaries under application) Updated investigative survey - $1,500 to $2,000 Legal Fees (detailed legal search, title investigation) - $1,500 to $2,000 LegalFees (if hearing required) - $3,000 to $5,000 The Act provides that costs are borne by the applicant, however the Directoî may order the costs be paid by or to any party b the proceedings. It is highlighted that costs are not automatically awarded to a successful party. In regard to applications by a Municipality, the Act further states that the costs shall be bome by the municipality, and may be recovered by levy on the parcels in the application, excepting where the purpose is to confirm the boundary of a public highway. and addresses for parties with interest in lands adjoining Notice outlines purpose of application and time fixed for Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Process Overview". Page 81 of 117 Summary The first steps in any proceeding are the investigative survey and detailed title search/legal review. Based on information obtained, and identified or potential disagteement, a person/municipality could then determine the need for application under the Boundaries Act. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Recommendation THAT Report C2009-025 be received for information. Respectfu lly submitted, Kyle Kruger Administrator Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Process Overview". Page 82 of 117 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAF'F MEMORÄ.NDUM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Boundaries Act Legal lnput DATE: October 28,2009 F'ILE: At its October 15th meeting, Council deferred undertaking activity regarding Report C2009-025 in regard to the Boundaries Act, pending legal comment. Staff have had some general discussions with the solicitor about the Act, and it is suggested there is little to add to the report as drafted. In regard to research and a survey, those doing the investigative survey and title review will generally rely on information obtained at the local land registry offrce. Other sources that may assist such as previous snrvey field notes, aerial photographs, etc (if such exist) may also be used. Discussions regarding the purpose or benefit of proceeding with application under the Boundaries Act did not identifu a specific benefit from a legal perspective respecting the Estherville cemetery question, nor were any negative ramifications identified, excepting of course the potential costs. In regard to those costs, initial legal opinion is that the Municipality should enter into the process expecting to pay all costs. In summary, the suggestion put forward by the solicitor, if the process were considered by Council, would be to proceed with an investigative survey first, and depending on the findings, determine if there are any issues that may involve the Boundaries Act. Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Process Overview". Page 83 of 117 Page 84 of 117 q CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Council ServiceRecognition DATE: January 12,2017 FILE: NUMBERI C20Il-02 Purpose This report is to recommend a general policy regarding recognition for Council service. Background The community is and has been served by dedicated citizens who put their names forward for election(s) and serve as Council members. Over the years, as these individuals leave this service, there has been interest in recognizing their contributions, and some varying forms of such recognition. It has been suggested that a standard approach should be adopted by policy. Staff Comments As mentioned, there have been varied forms of recognition for departing Council members over the years. Often, the recognition is based on years of service, but other factors can have influence. There are many options available for a standard policy. In order however to provide for a simple, inexpensive, and equal form of recognition, staff suggest a basic plaque presentation to departing members, in thanks for their service and identifying the number of years service. These plaques would be presented to all departing members of Council at a small reception held shortly after each inaugural Council meeting (ie: first Council meeting in January). Alternatively, some form of gift can be included, at a maximum value determined by years of service. Such a policy might consider intervals based on terms on Council (in any capacity). At the completion of 5 terms service, some more permanent memento could be appropriate. Should the decision be to pursue this option, the following is a potential schedule: Terms of Service Recognition One Plaque plus gift to $100 value Two Plaque plus gift to $200 value Three Plaque plus gift to $300 value four Plaque plus gift to $400 value Five Plaque plus gift to $500 value It is suggested that a policy be implemented for 2011, to recognize members departing from the 2006- 2010 term, with a reception to be held as soon as it can be arranged. Staff Report C2011-02 regarding "Council Service Recognition". File: A09 Page 85 of 117 StaffReport C20ll-02 Page2 Attachments 1. Draft policy for Council service recognition. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Recommendation THAT Council adopt the policy for Council Seryice Recognition as attached to report C20ll-02. Staff Report C2011-02 regarding "Council Service Recognition". File: A09 Page 86 of 117 StaffReport C20lI-02 Page 3 Policy Council Seruice Recognition At the commencement of each new term of Council, all departing members of Council from the previous term shall be recognized by: l. Public recognition at a reception to the hosted by the Municipalþ at the first meeting in January following the municipal election, and 2. Presentation at such reception of a plaque commemorating their community service and identiffing their years of service on municipal Council. For the calculation of years of service, service on municipal Council following 1998 (amalgamation) shall be utilized. Where a member may have multþle terms that are not consecutive, the total years service for all terms served shall be utilized for each presentation. Staff Report C2011-02 regarding "Council Service Recognition". File: A09 Page 87 of 117 Page 88 of 117 loéol Quarterly Report for The Bayham Water Distribution System for the period ending December 31,2010 Watenvorks # 260004748 Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the first quarter's water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Compliance With Provincial Requlations: The Municipality of Bayham water system is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Operation by Licensed Operators: The water distribution system is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the certification exam. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending December 31, 2010. Page 89 of 117 . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 170103 and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Svstem Information: Facility Name: Bayham Water Distribution System Gontact: Municipal Location: Municipality of Bayham Water and Wastewater Superintendent: Ed Roloson ( overall responsible operator ) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler, Adam Swance, and Charlie Johnston Service Area: Port Burwell and Vienna Service Population: 2500 Operational Description: Bayham Water System is serviced by the Elgin Area Water System. lncluding the Municipalities of Central Elgin and Malahide. Raw Water Source: Lake Erie Treated Water: Elgin Area Water System Disinfection Method: Gas chlorination at Elgin Area Water Plant Secondary Disinfection Method: The sodium hypochlorite is residual and flow paced at the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Rechlorination Facility. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending December 31, 2010. Page 90 of 117 Section 4 - Analytical Test Results: Vlicro biological ¡arameters October November December Quarter Summarv MAC / IMAC fotalColiform IFU/100mls \umber of Samples 12 15 12 39 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent lxceedences 0 0 0 0 ìesample :ecal Coliform or E-Goli Count IFU/100mls {umber of Samples 12 15 12 39 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 {eterotrophic tlate Count / 3ackoround tlumber of Samples 12 15 12 39 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max 500/200 cFU lxceedences 0 0 0 0 ìesample l-ypical Source of lontamination Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come fron ;eptic systems, agricultural livestock operations, wildlife, and wastewatel ,reatment plants. ]omments: Samples are collected weekly from the Port BurwellWorks Yard, Port Burwell Nastewater Treatment Plant and in Vienna at the Vienna Home Centre. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending December 31, 2010. Page 91 of 117 Operational Parameters October November I)ecember Quarter summary MAC/IMAC Chlorine Residual Free Number of Samples 12 15 12 39 Min/Max 0.57- 1.60 0.95 - 1.44 1.O7 - 1.62 0.57 - 1.62 0.05 Min. Exceedances 0 0 0 0 Comments Operational Parameters October November I)ecember Quarter summary MAC/IMAC Chlorine Residual Free ldailv ) Daily chlorine testing is completed at the extremities of Vienna & Pt. Burwell. Number of Samples 62 60 62 184 0 0 0 0 Min/Max. mg/l Port Burwell 0.73 - 1.25 0.49 - 1.30 0.40 - 1.29 0.35 -0.92 0.05 Min. Min/Max. mg/l Vienna 0.21 -0.37 0.20 - 0.76 0.32 4.73 0.20 -1.22 0.05 Min. Section 5 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse results during this time period. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending December 31, 2010. Page 92 of 117 Parameter Compound MAC or IMAG Trihalomethanes (ouarterlv) 44 uglL 54 uq/L Port Burwell Vienna 100 ug/L Lead Pb (tested in 2no & 3'd ouarter )0.58 - 3.45 ug/L 10 ug/L MAC Section 6 - List of all Compounds Detected in Analvsis of Water Samples: Section 7 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAC - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Coliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Gount (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending December 31, 2010. Page 93 of 117 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Gollection 111412011 1Facility: Works: Month: Bayham Water Distribution 12600047 48.| - Bayham Water Distribution October-10 to December-10 CALL INS FOR 4th QUARTER 2OIO 101112010 ighlight 1Ol4l2O1O Oper. Highlight 12111 12010 Oper. Highlight Details I ln - t hours - Emergency water locates nea¡ 629T plank Road,hydro pole replacement OT - 3 hours - Leak on newly installed valve at the corner of Centre and Fulton Street in Vienna. Omega Contracting replaced the valve earlier in the day but had the wrong diameter gasket in place. Call ln - t hours - Emergency water locates near Plank Road and Chute line, Vienna ior hydro pole replacement Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t f o r t h e B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m a n d C a l l I n s f o r p e r i o d e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 . P a g e 9 4 o f 1 1 7 '?"t Quarterly Report for The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending December 31 ,2010 Straffordville Gommu nity Gentre Bayham Medical Centre Bayham Municipal Office Straffordville Library Straffordville Firehall Eden & Area Gommunity Gentre Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the second quarter water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Compliance With Provincial Requlations: The well systems listed above are operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: Sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 319/08, and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards are fully complied with. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 95 of 117 . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures:' To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Analvtical Test Results: ìlicro biological tarameters October November December Quarter Summarv MAC / IMAC lotal Coliform :ounts/100mls lumber of Samples 12 12 r8 42 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 vlin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Resamole Fecal Coliform or E-Goli Count :ounts/100mls \umber of Samoles 12 12 l8 42 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent fxceedences 0 0 0 0 lesample Absent Heterotrophic Plate Count & Background Gount No longer required under rew rezulation lumber of Samoles 0 0 0 0 lumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max 500 Counts/ml 200 Counts/ml fxceedences 0 0 0 0 Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 96 of 117 Section 4 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse microbiological test results during this time period. Section 6 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAG - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Coliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Gount (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Parameter Compound MAC or IMAG Nitrates No longer required to be tested under new rezulation 10 mg/L MAC Sodium As above 20 mo/L MAC Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 97 of 117 Page 98 of 117 Directive Document under ontario Regulation 319/08 Made pursuant to section 7 of O. Reg. 319/08 (Small Drinking Water Systems) made under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.s.o. lgg0 c. H.7 To: Mr. Ed Roloson P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO l, Ganesh Vallamkonda, a Public Health lnspector of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit direct the owner(s) and the operator(s) to follow the requirements and take the actions as specified in this Directive. The owner(s) and the operator(s) shall ensure that the small drinking water system is operated in accordance with the requirements of O. Reg. 319/08. On December 16, 2010,1 conducted a risk assessment on the small drinking water system Straffordville Community Centre located at 56169 Heritage Line, Bayham. Based on that risk assessment, I determined the requirements and actions specified in this Directive are necessary to ensure a safe water supply to the users. NOTICE - TAKE NOTICE THAT you have a right to request a review of this Directive or amendment by Dr. Frank Warsh, Acting Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit, pursuant to section 38 of O. Reg. 319/08 (Small Drinking Water Systems) made under the Health Protection and Promotion Act. The request must be made in writing and filed, by way of personal service, servíce by pre-paid registered mail or service by fax on the Medical Officer of Health noted above within seven (7) days after this Directive is served on you. Furthermore, the request shall include the portions of the Directive or amendment to the Directive in respect of which the review is requested; any submission that the applicant for the review wishes the Medical Officer of Health to consider; and an address for purposes of receiving the Medical Officer of Health's decision on the requested review. Elgin St. Thomas Fublic Health 9Q Edward Strest, Sl. Thomas, ON NsP 1Y8 Phone: 519631-9900 Toll Froe: 1-80G922{096 Fax: 51943&0468 Voicemait: 519-63i-9159. tyww.elginhealth.on.ca Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 99 of 117 The mailing address for Dr. Frank Warsh is as follows: Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit Attn: Dr. Frank Warsh Acting Medical Officer of Health 99 Edward Street St. Thomas, ON NsP 1Y8 Fax: 519-633-0468 AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT this Directive takes effect when it is served on you. A request for review does not result in a stay of this Directive. FAILURE to comply with this Directive is an offence under the Health Protection and Promotion Actfor which an individual may be liable upon conviction to a fine of not more than $5,000.00 and a municipality or other corporation may be liable upon conviction to a fine of not more than $25,000.00 for every day or part of each day on which the offence occurs or continues. Where a corporation, other than a board of health or a municipality, is convicted of an offence under this Act, each director of the corporation and each officer, employee or agent of the corporation who was in whole or in part responsible for the conduct of that part of the business of the corporation that gave rise to the offence, is guilty of an offence unless he or she satisfies the court that he or she took all reasonable care to prevent the commission of the offence. Ganesh Vallamkonda Public Health lnspector Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit Served Upon: Mr. Ed Roloson Hand delivered ,r, À 'UA Date/Time:lnurn*, t+ /t t 10,. t€a-,-,. Dated at St. Thomas this 17th day of January,2011 Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 100 of 117 PART I RISK CATEGORY 1 .0 Based on the risk assessment conducted on December 16, 2010, the Small Drinking Water System (SDWS) known as Straffordville Community Centre located at 56169 Heritage Line was assigned a Medium risk category. DESCRIPTION OF THE SDWS 1.1 This SDWS source is a Secure Ground. The SDWS consists of a drilled well (without a pit) and no distribution system. PART II TREATMENT SYSTEM 2.0 The owner(s) and the operator(s) shall ensure that: a. no temporary disinfection (i.e. shock chlorination of water supply) of the SDWS is performed unless it is conducted in accordance with the Procedure for Corrective Action for Systems Nof Currently Using Chlorine. PART III SAMPLING & TESTING 3.0 The owner(s) and the operator(s) shall ensure that the following samples are taken and that the following tests are conducted at the frequency that is indicated to ensure that the drinking water sample meets the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards: a. the sampling frequency for primary parameters (E. coliand total coliforms) is one sam pre "":";;:i;::" fo r rowi ns rocation : b. the sampling frequency for chemical testing (Sodium) is one sample every five years. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 101 of 117 PART IV POSTING OF WARNING SIGNAGE 4.0 The owner(s) and the operator(s) shall: a. post all taps with warning signs advising of the sodium concentration in the drinking water when the level is above 20mglL; b. once per month or as often as necessary, confirm that warning signs are still posted and can be easily read. PART V RECORDS 5.0 The owner(s) and the operator(s) shall: a. create a record for every check conducted to confirm that warning signs are still posted and in a good state of repair, the record shall include the date and time, the name of the person who conducted the check and the result of the check performed. PART VI OPERATOR TRAINING 6.0 The owne(s) and operator(s) shall be familiar with the Ontario Regulation 319/08 and specifically know the requirements under the following headings of the Ontario Regulation 319/ 08:o lnterpretation: general- s. 2o Intent to Supply Users - s. 5o Operation - s. 6o Reports - s. 9o Retention of Records - s. 10o Information to be Made Available to the Public - s. 11o Treatment - s. 13 and s. 14o Sampling - s. 17, s. 23, and s. 24o Microbiological Sampling and Testing - s. 25o Corrective Action - s. 26, s. 29, s. 30, and s. 35 6.1 The owner(s) and operator(s) shall be familiar with the content of the documents and fact sheets provided by the Health Department. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 102 of 117 ELGIN 5T. THOMAS PUBLIC HEATTH DRIN KING WATER ADVISORY To Consumers of Straffordville Community Centre 56169 Heritage Line Straffordville, Ontario Dr. Frank Warsh, Acting Medical Officer of Health, is advising users of the water system that recent test of the well indicate a sodium (salt) level of 41.9 mglL The Medical Officer of Health is notified when sodium (salt) concentration exceeds 20 mg/L. The aesthetic objective (when it is detectable by taste) for sodium in drinking water is 200 mg/L. For most people, excess sodium (salt) in the diet is not a problem since their kidneys get rid of the excess and it will not result in any apparent health effects. ln addition, the average intake of sodium (salt) from water is only a small fraction of that consumed in a normal diet. One major reason for issuing a Drinking Water Advisory for elevated levels of sodium (salt) is to inform individual suffering from hypertension, or congestive heart failure who may require a sodium-restricted diet, in which case, the intake of sodium (salt) from drinking water could become significant. Consult with your doctor if you are an individual on a sodium (salt) restricted diet for health reasons. This advisory measure is in place until results show sodium is under maximum concentration limits. Please contact the Health Protection Division of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit if further information is needed. Dr. Franklin Warsh, MD, CCFP Acting Medical Officer of Health January 14,2011 99 Edward Streot, St. Thomac, ON N5P lYB Phone: Itl$,631-9900 Toll Froc: 1-80ù922-0090 Fax: 61963$0468 Voicemail: 519€31-3159 Eþin St. Thomas Publlc Health Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending December 31, 2010 and Page 103 of 117 Page 104 of 117 lo ¿dl Quarterly Report for The Richmond Community Water System for the period ending December 31,2010 Watenryorks # 260074854 Section I - lntroduction: This report is a quarterly summary of water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Compliance With Provincial Requlations: The Richmond Community Water System is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Operation by Licensed Operators: The Richmond Water System is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the certification exams. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending December 31, 2010. Page 105 of 117 . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by the Ont. Regulation 170103 and the Ontario Drinking WaterStandards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Svstem lnformation: Facility Name: Richmond Community Water System Municipal Location: Richmond Contact: Water and Wastewater Superintendent: Ed Roloson ( overall responsible operator ) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler, Adam Swance, Charlie Johnston Service Area: Community of Richmond servícing 51 residents Operational Description: Non-Municipal year round residentialdrinking water system. Raw Water Source: Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GUDr) Disinfection Method: Sodium hypochlorite flow paced with raw water pumping. Secondary Disinfection Method: Ultra violet light Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending December 31, 2010. Page 106 of 117 Section 4 - Analytical Test Results: Distribution, Raw, Plant llicro biological )arameters October November December MAC / IMAC ¡ree Chlorine 'esidual ranqe 0.96 - 1.42 0.99 - r.52 r .05 - r.54 lotal Coliform IFU/100m1 \umber of Samoles 8 r0 I \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 Min / Max Absent lxceedences 0 0 0 ìesamole Fecal Goliform or E-Goli Gount 3FU/100m1 tlumber of Samoles 8 l0 8 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 {eterotrophic Plate Gount / Backqround tlumber of Samples 8 l0 8 lumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 Vlin / Max 500i200 cFU lxceedences 0 0 0 Resamole IypicalSource of lontamination Vlicrobial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come from septic ¡ystems, aqricultural livestock operations. and wildlife. lomments: Samples are collected weekly from the east and west distribution blow offs. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending December 31, 2010. Page 107 of 117 Operational Parameters Raw Water October November December MAC/IMAC Total Coliform/ E.CoIi CFU/100mr. East well 49/6 West well 80/0 East well 98t3 West well 6ll0 East well l4U2 West well 78/2 Turbidity NTU Number of Samples / Value 31 samples (range) 0.17-1.27 30 samples (range) 0.16 - 3.33 31 samples (range) 0.13 - 0.48 Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending December 31, 2010. Page 108 of 117 Operational Parameters Treatment Plant Water October November December MAC/IMAC Daily Free Ghlorine Residuals and Turbidity samples (total) 124 120 124 Turbidity NTU 1 NTU East Turbidity EastCL2 0.08 - 0.21 1.01- 1.66 0.06 - 0.45 0.91 - t.jt 0.07 - 0.36 0.93 - 1.97 West Turbidity West CL2 0.07 -0.s2 1.07 - 1.75 0.06 - 0.60 1.18 - 1.78 0.09 - 0.48 7.29 - 1.98 Total Flows East Distribution West Distribution 83860 gal avg. daily = 2705 gaI 89560 gal avg. daily: 2889 gal 83180 gal avg. daily: 2773 gal 87670 gal avg. daily: 2922 gal 86960 gal avg. daily: 2805 gal 99080 gal avg. daily = 3196 gal Section 5 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse results during this time per¡od. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending December 31, 2010. Page 109 of 117 Parameter Gompound MAC or IMAG Trihalomethanes (ouarterlv) East Distribution 16 ug/L West Distribution 15 uo/L 100 ug/L Lead Pb (tested ¡n 2nd & 3'd quarter ) 0.26 - 8.78 ug/L 10 ug/L MAC Nitrates (quarterly) East Well 10.2 mglL Resample=9.73 mg/L West Well 10.3 mg/L Resamole=9.78 mo/L 10 mg/L Section 6 - List of all Compounds Detected in Analvsis of Water Samples: Section 7 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAC - Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Goliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection. ' Fecal Goliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count. ' Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending December 31, 2010. Page 110 of 117 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Collection Richmond Community Water lnc. 126007 48541 - Richmond Community WaterOctober-10 to December-10 OPERATION EVENTS AND CALL INS FOR 4th QUARTER 2OIO 1t14t2011 I Facility: Works: Month: Operational Note: Regular Time = I AM to 4:30 PM Rain Event Power Failure/Outage Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t f o r t h e R i c h m o n d C o m m u n i t y W a t e r S y s t e m a n d C a l l I n s f o r t h e p e r i o d e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 . P a g e 1 1 1 o f 1 1 7 Page 112 of 117 Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Bayham Annual Gompliance Summary Year: 2010 Worlc #: ttoool3l9 Populadon S.rycd: 2160 D6lgn Avg Flow (m): IOGO NITROGEll AERIES RECEIVAGE vol.ufúEs 2009 Aw- EÍ- ^h.l-oâd ^vo- Ef- ^6 El \h. Lord Aw. ÊÍ. ^w. Ef-E. Colt bo oH cBoo caoD CBOD ss ss ss Phð.Phô¡-tllb.t Nltrt.Gú. tün 9€4_0 2m0 0:a 019 m20 ¿s 217 sla Âs la o.21 05¿o2a 17 73 ol3 ool 524 as7-o 5m 343 2gA AM I o.38 o25 ts 131 11 A7 o15 I Adll l¿38 0 3m 21t lm¡5.71 o-26 ô19 163 l16 lo El ı)atrytüoo)n 3.90 2Af 508 o-m o22 417 o35 to$1 llll0 1tà 2ß.3 3-30 214 708 o28 ota o67 o¿1 7376ô150æ6_0 ¡l-8ô 314 3ß3 ol3 oß 155 i 0.07 19 72 5ll 7-89 174 2.m 139 20aa-a 2S la3 11 97 o16 ôlo 1 117 114 007 28 00 53A 1.A2 175 89t 0 2n 147 192 ¡3S lq7 ?e)n 1.,ß 085 8,ú6 o19 5m 5*?aa 6,t 19414 627 2 763 0 153 5 s28 3m laa 492 à ¿s ,A'o12 o08 o70 ou ll m om atr 527 7qA Nffit mo 2m 1)A t.6a 5.70 0-3¡a o22 o16 olo t¿q nm ,1 7A2ûo09a I o7 t.9a ?31-72 a-33 0.61 1120 012 t2.62 5-32 IIq0.60 0.:!6 r-gË t inß <2 2t6 l5-m <15 l5s t.06 5.30 YES YES YES YFS YES YES <to lom <to lom 0.80 <l l -06 150 m 5<lo l0-60 lo lo ¡ñ 150-m 5 Rolaonr lor hllun, Oths Pþblm.:R.m.dl¡l Acllon¡: Elñril dlæhrrg.lo th. Blg Otl.r Cnot P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t A n n u a l C o m p l i a n c e S u m m a r y , C a l l I n s a n d B i o s o l i d s A p p l i c a t i o n A n a l y s i s f o r t h e P a g e 1 1 3 o f 1 1 7 Facility: Works: Month: Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Collection Port Bun¡¡ell Wastewater Tr s [1 10001319] - Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant October-10 to December-10 CALL INS FOR 4th QUARTER 2O1O Details 1t14t2011 1 Date 10/9/2010 Oper. 1 1 I 19l2O1O Oper. Highlight 1 1 12012010 Oper. Highlight 121241201 O Oper. Highlight Operational OT - 1.5 hours - Finished up the spreading of Bio-solids on the approved site. OT - 5 hours - Finishinq up the spreadins of Bio-solids on the approved site. High Flows (Weather)Power Failure/Outage P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t A n n u a l C o m p l i a n c e S u m m a r y , C a l l I n s a n d B i o s o l i d s A p p l i c a t i o n A n a l y s i s f o r t h e P a g e 1 1 4 o f 1 1 7 Sludge Co@nlEllon[--------ã?ool ñs,L Àltlc C¡dmluñ Cobålt Chrcmlum Copp€r Merury Molybdmum Nldd Lo.d Salônlum Zlncl---ıãl nct f ostl mø- f-----ilîãl 'ør E3.o¡- T-*-7ıl mgl l--irt5..-l rcl l---=ää -c/L T-t=r-l ,,cL f-i:i:4 "'o/r l-i==äî msÀ T-3:-ã4.s/¡ f-i/6-l 's,ts l: .ø*.l: .ø*o E .o,*n E@ 'nn*o Et -n^o @ 'r^o l:::::@ '*r*r E@'g,kc æ .s/re @ ns,,re AE€nlc cådmlum cobelt chmlfr coppôr M6Èry Molybd€num Nlctct Lo¡d s.t6nim ztÞl-- liol me,ts f-------El m¡rrs l-ıl ng,te l----¡ãııl 'Ets l----fu| .s*g l-==-?l .gag lffil .gre T-iÏãd 'e,Ìe l--i:r%l .ørs l-l=-ä ng,rg É me/rgtn noÂC ñg mñl p.rtg rcllda Sampls Dats: Novembêr 15, 2010 Fa]m Opelator: Underh¡ll Fams Slte # : $050è30 SitB #2 ToÞt Usbte Acros = 22 TotalAmountApptle¿:ffi Sample Ræu¡b Totrl Suspendod Sollds 31700 msrl lottl Ammomla t{tl! + ttH. 46 ñeÃ- NltrlteasN 1.9 ñsrl Nlttate ts N 2,8 mo¡- Nltrlte + Nltmte r! N 4,7 ñsn Potasllum 160 rnga-Ph6phoru3 '1690 ms/L E.Coll (cfur1ooml) 260,000 Maximum Alowâble Conc€ntEtion Appllcatlon Mothod : Top spæad with auto floatalion unlt- Date of Appllcatlon : Novembe|tg - 20, 2O,tO P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t A n n u a l C o m p l i a n c e S u m m a r y , C a l l I n s a n d B i o s o l i d s A p p l i c a t i o n A n a l y s i s f o r t h e P a g e 1 1 5 o f 1 1 7 Page 116 of 117 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\M NO. 2011-007 A BY-LA\il TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETTNG HELD JANUARY 20,2011 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act,200I S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþality; AllD \üIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municþal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recoÍlmendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held January 20,2011 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affrxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 20th day of Januaryr 20ll. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-007 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 117 of 117