HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 18, 2009 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Committee of Adjustment - Minor Variance Application Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. Auditors Graham, Scott, Enns regarding 2008 Financial Statements and Auditors Report Item 9(b) (b)7:30 p.m. Mike Timmermans, Country Camping to provide details of upcoming event to be held at the campground. Item 9(g) 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Verbal update regarding Estherville Cemetery. (b)Copy of resolution passed June 2, 2009 by the Corporation of the Township of Bonnechere Valley regarding "annual grants for public libraries". File: C10 (c)Correspondence received from Wallaceburg Disaster Relief Committee regarding "financial assistance to assist victims of flood damages". 7-18 19 21 Page 1 of 291 Council Agenda June 18, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS File C10 (d)Copy of resolution passed May 25, 2009 by the Town of Fort Erie regarding "Petition Province to include hospitals under jurisdiction of Ombudsman". File: C10 (e)Copy of resolution passed May 19, 2009 by the City of Pickering regarding "Harmonized Sales Tax". File C10 (f)Copy of resolution passed May 25, 2009 by the Corporation of the Town of Hawkesbury regarding "Economic climate Investment and jobs". File C10 (g)Copy of resolution passed May 20, 2009 by the Municipality of Hastings Highlands regarding "emergency service during downed power lines". File: C10 (h)Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Needle Safety Regulatory Review", "Federal and Provincial Governments Commit $2.3 Billion to Municipal Infrastructure in Ontario", "Feed-in Tariff Contract Posted for Comment", "Count Me In! Community Challenge Now Underway", "Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing signs $1.2 billion Housing Agreement with Federal Government" and "Green Energy Act Planning Approval Regulation Consultations". A01 (i)Correspondence dated June 3, 2009 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Affordable Housing Strategy Consultations Launched McGuinty Government Seeks Input On Long-Term Plan". File: A16 (j)Bayham Health & Safety Committee minutes of meeting held Thursday, May 14, 2009. File: C06 (k)Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative regarding "The Mayors' Great Lakes Action Plan". File: A16 (l)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes of meeting held Thursday, May 7, 2009. File: E00 23-24 25-26 27 29 31-44 45-46 47 49-56 57-64 Page 2 of 291 Council Agenda June 18, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (m)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeting held Thursday, June 4, 2009. File: E00 (n)Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 6, 2009. File: A16 (o)Email correspondence from Community Futures Development Corporation of Middlesex County regarding "Small Business Internship Program". File: A16 (p)Correspondence dated June 3, 2009 from County of Elgin regarding "Elgin County and the Municipality of Durham Win A.M.C.T.O.'s E.A. Danby Award". File: A16 (q)Ontario Good Roads Association newsletter dated April 2009 regarding "Highlights from the Board of Directors". File: A01 (r)Ontario Chamber of Commerce "Focus" newsletter. File: A01 (s)South West Local Health Integration Network highlights - May 2009. File: A01 (t)Correspondence dated May 15, 2009 from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding "2009 Recognition programs". File: R01 (u)Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario regarding "Sport Funding Announcement". File: A16 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM [Addenda] (a)Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Refreshment Vehicles. (Report not available at time of publishing) File: P09 65-74 75-80 81-84 85 87-88 89-94 95 97 99-100 101-110 Page 3 of 291 Council Agenda June 18, 2009 Page 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (b)Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement E27/09. File: D10.09 (c)Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreement E37/09. File: D10.09 (d)Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Application E39/09. File: D10.09 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report DR2009-007 regarding Petition for Drainage from Jan Collins & John Pedersen. File: E09 (b)Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Hot Mix Transporter Tender. File: F18 (c)Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Works Garage. File: F18 (d)Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Salt Shed. File: F18 (e)Staff Report PW2009-15 regarding Sweepster Broom for Loader. File: F18 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Request from Councillor Taylor to discuss grave markers. 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusive, except Cheques #6581and #6305, totaling $135,088.72. Payroll Disbursements not available. (b)Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2008 and Auditors Report. 111-121 123-131 133-144 145-147 149-150 151-163 165-180 181-182 183-197 199-236 Page 4 of 291 Council Agenda June 18, 2009 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL File: F03 (c)Correspondence dated June 8, 2009 from Marion Rogers regarding "wedding licenses and wedding officiant" File: C13 (d)Correspondence from Elgin Community Futures Development Corporation regarding "Membership in the Corporation". File A16 (e)Staff Report C2009-12 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwell Harbour. File: E10 (f)Correspondence received June 15, 2009 from Mike Timmermans regarding upcoming event at Country Camping. File: C13 / L00 (g)Staff Report PR2009-14 regarding Eden Community Centre - Repairs and Designated Substances. File: A20 (h)Optimist request for noise by-law exemption for Tub Daze. 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the City of London regarding "Safegarding and Sustaining Ontario's Water Act". File: E00 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Out of Camera. (c)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. (d)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 7, 2009. 237-242 243 245 247 249-252 253-256 Page 5 of 291 Council Agenda June 18, 2009 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (e)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 21, 2009. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Matthews) (b)By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Cover- All Building Systems of Ontario) [Addenda] (c)By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles (not available at time of publishing) (d)By-Law 2009-087 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 257-267 269-282 283-290 291 Page 6 of 291 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, June 4,2009 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, June 4, 2009 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill and Treasurer Suzanna Dieleman Mantel were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTER"EST & THE GENERÁL NÄTURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of council held May 21,2009. In regard to the amendment to May 7th minutes at the last meeting, Councillor Taylor noted that it was intended that Mary Taylor be invited to the meeting also. 2009-296 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT the minutes of the regular meeting held May 21,2009 be approved as circulated.t' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item 2009-297 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93' confidential correspondence be added to the agenda as item Ll(b)." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page I of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 7 of 291 Council Minutes Jlur¿¡e4,2009 4. DELEGATIONS 7:05 p.m. John Regan, General Manager, Anne Kenny and Donna Lunn were in attendance to advise of the former Elgin Community Futures & Development Corporation name change to the'Elgin Business Resource Centre" and the services offered to the local business community. Mr. Regan provided a brief background history beginning with L.E.A.D. in 1986 through the ECFDC n L996 to the current Business Resource Centre. He noted that funding is provided through Industry Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities. Services include free counseling, a self- employment benefits progmm, business plan development and loans to existing or start-up businesses up to $250,000, He noted that municipalities are offered membership and invited Council to appoint the Mayor or a delegate to attend the upcoming Annual General Meeting. Ms. Donna Lunn outlined activities of the Economic Development branch including agriculture, rural and economic promotion through the'Eat Fresh, Buy Local" brochure, a culinary ûail and Farmers Market programs. Areas of marketing, branding, market research (who uses what? when etc), pursuit of value-added products (assisted by the Elgin Federation ofAgriculture), and a local food strategy are being investigated. She noted that priorities include creating employment and partnerships. Ms. Anne Kenny explained the Community Adjustment Funding program (CAF) is contributing $500,000 to assist in a labour force development shategy to ensure skills are available when opportunities arise. She noted that the $2.58 million loan program through Community Futures across Canada between 2003 and 2008 leveraged $1.65 for every dollar invested. Locally this program provided $4.28 per dollar invested. She added that he Elgin Business Resource Centre helps to promote the community and can assist with SEED money and business plans for local entrepreneurs. A brief video of some results of the Canada wide program was shown. 7:15 p.m. Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery Mrs. Hoshal noted correspondence from Steve Peters, MPP requesting action by Small Business and Consumer Services Minister Harinder Takhar. She identified additional Estherville Cemetery research she had undertaken and questioned what progress has been made by the Municipality. (a) (b) Page 2 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 8 of 291 Council Minutes Jul¡¡e 4,2009 It was noted that to proceed with rezoning under the Planning Act, a public meeting is required. Following further discussion, Council agreed to designate five minutes at Council meetings to allow a brief update on progress. (c) 7:30 p.m. Dan Wilson of Watson Economists regarding Item 9(b) PSAB Compliance Report Dan Wilson provided a power point presentation regarding the Public Sector Accounting Board 3 I 50 compliance requirements. Mr. Wilson explained that, beginninginâ0}9 municipalities must provide year-end financial statements based on full accrual accounting. He reviewed the various components of PSAB and the associated policies required to be adopted by Council. 5. INF'ORMATION ITEMS (a) Copy of Resolution passed May 19, 2009 by the Corporation of the Town of Smiths Falls regarding "petition to the Province to increase annual grant of library revenuett File: C10 (b) Copy of resolution passed Apnl23,2009 by the City of Ottawa regarding "Ontario Municipal Board decision". File: C10 (c) Correspondence dated l|lay 20,26 and29,2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Province Passes Green Energy Act", "lnvitation - Proposed Enhancements to the Ontario Dam Safety Program", "Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance Offers Regional Sport Tourism Workshops", Reminder: Labour Mobility Survey" and "AMO Comments on Long Term Care Homes Act Proposed Regulations". File: 401 (d) Conespondence dated May 15, 2009 from Township of South Stormont regarding "Request for simultaneous dispatch for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and Fire Response". File: ClO (e) Local Authority Services Ltd. newsletter dated May,2009 "Energy Newsflash". File A0l (Ð Conespondence dated May 20,2009 from Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario regarding "Further Update on OMERS Specified Plan Proposals". File: H02 (g) Correspondence dated May 20,2009 from Ministry of Culture regarding "Ontario Modemizing History Through New Technologies". page 3 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 9 of 291 Council Minutes Jwe 4,2009 File: Al6 (h) Correspondence dated May 13, 2009 f¡om lnformation and Privacy Commissioner / Ontario regarding "2008 Annual Report of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario". (full report available upon request) (Ð Correspondence dated May I I,2009 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "lnvitation for Applications for land securement fi:nding". File: Fll () Correspondence dated May 25,2009 from Town of Caledon regading "Mayors Support Free Trade When lt's Fair Trade". File: M0 (k) Copy of resolution passed lNlay 22,2009 by the Greater Toronto Area Countryside Mayors'Alliance regarding "Free Trade between the United States and Canada". File: C10 0) Correspondence dated May 2009 from Hon, Jim Karygiannis, M.P. Scarborough- Agincourt regarding "Bill C-319 an Act to amend the Moror Vehicle Safety Act (speed limiters)". File" A16 (m) Press Release dated May 29,2009 from Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex- London regarding "Funding for better buildings, better leaming". File: M07 (n) Correspondence received May 29,2009 from Danielle Ethier and Josh Sayers regarding "Southem Ontario's Population of Badgers". File: 401 (o) Correspondence dated May 25,2009 from Bradfield's Marina regarding "MartinlVlooseberger Fast Food Booth". File: Cl3 (p) Memorandum from Ontario Properly and Envi¡onmental Rights Alliance regarding "Species Habitat Regulations Emerging from Endangered Species Act (ESA) 2007. File 401 (Ð Email correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from Town of Fort Erie regarding "Community Built Hospital". File: C13 2009-298 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THÄT information items 5(a) through 5(q) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 4 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 10 of 291 Council Minutes June 4,2009 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM (a) Staff Report D2009-20 regarding Road Access and/or Water/Sewer Services Amended Policy and Permit. File: 409 2009-299 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier *THAT StaffReport D2009-20 regarding the Revised Road Access and Water/Sewer Services Policy and Permit be received; AND THAT a By-Law be prepared to adopt the revised Road Access and /or Water/ Sewer Services Permit policy and procedures as outlined in StaffReport D2009-20." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport D2009-17 regarding Draft Permit system for Concession Stands. File: P09 2009-300 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report D2009-17 regarding concession stands be received; AI\D THAT Council direct staff to proceed with a draft permit system." CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport D2009-21regarding "Agricultural" Land Use Policies. File: Dl4 2009-30r Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor C Evanitski "TIIAT Staff Report D2009-21 regarding "Agricultural" land use policies be received for information.t' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Memorandum dated May 25,2009 from IBI Group regarding "Green Energy Act 2009 Update". File: D08 / D14 Page 5 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 11 of 291 Council Minutes June 4,2009 2009-302 Moved by Councillor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Memorandum dated May 25,2009 from IBI Group regarding Green Energy Act 2009 Update be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE No items. 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit report for the month ending May 31,2009. File: PlO 2009-303 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor C Evanitski "THAT the Building permit report for the month ending May 31, 2009 be received for information. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffMemorandum regarding Billz2l, Worþlace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Presumptions for Firefighters) and correspondence dated April 29,May 5, 6 and 27,2009 from Town of Ingersoll, Township of Centre Wellington, Township of Woolwich andAmott & Dunlop. File: Cl0 2009-304 Moved by Councillor C Evaniski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports correspondence from Town of Ingersoll, Township of Centre Wellington, Township of Woolwich, Simcoe North, Wellington-Halton Hills and City of Pickering regarding Bill22l, Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Ãct2007 to include coverage for Volunteer and Part Time Firefighters (Presumptions for Firefighters) ". CARRIED Page 6 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 12 of 291 Council Minutes Jlulo¡e 4,2009 9" FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheques #6503 to Cheque #6562 inclusive totaling $ I 16,800.47 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending May I7 , 2009 totaling $57,433.08. 2009-30s Moved by Councillor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Cheque Register being Cheques #6503 to Cheque #6562 totaling $116,800.47 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending May lJ 2009 totaling $57,433.08 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report F2009-30 regarding PSAB Compliance Report. File: F06 2009-306 Moved by Councillor C Evaniski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report F2009-30 be received; AND that By-law 2009-080, being a by-law to establish tangible capital asset policies, be presented to Council for enactmenl" CARRIED T.INANIMOUSLY (c) Staff Report F2009-28 regarding Customer Service Accessibility Policy. File: 409 2009-307 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Report f,'2009-28 regarding Customer Service Accessibility Policy be received; AND THAT Bylaw 2009-079, being a by-law to establish customer service policies and procedures under the Accessibility For Onlarions With Disabilities Act, 2005, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (d) Staff Report F2009-31 regarding Financial Report. File: F03 PageT of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 13 of 291 Council Minutes Jtne 4,2009 2009-308 Moved by Councillor C Evaniski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw f 'TIIAT Staff Report F2009-31 regarding financial reporting be received." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY (e) Staff Report F2009-29 regarding Community Adjustrnent Fund Application. File: Fl1 2009-309 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor C Evanitski "THAT StaffReport ß2009-29 be received; AND THAT Council authorize staffto apply for funding under the Community Adjustment Fund for the Lake Erie Ferry Crossing feasibility and impact study as outlined in Report ß2009-29." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-310 Moved by Councillor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THÄT Council authorize staffto apply for funding under the Community Adjustment Fund for extension of water services to the communities of Straffordville and Eden. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Staff Report C2009-11 regarding NRG/Aylmer OEB Hearing - Franchise Agreement. File: E06 2009-3tt Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Report C2009-11 regarding the NRG/Aylmer OEB llearing be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) Staff Report PR2009-13 regarding Food Concession RFP - Municipal Beach. File: Dl0 Page 8 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 14 of 291 Council Minutes hne 4,2009 2009-3t2 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT Staff Report PR2009-13 be received; AND THAT ByJaw No.2009-082,to authot'ue the execution of an Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and C. Valerie Donnell for the provision of a concession food booth at the East Beach in Port Burwell in the MunicipalÍty of Bayham be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (h) Conespondence dated May 25,2009 from The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario regarding "Council Award for Outstanding Ontario Physicians". File: M02 2009-313 Moved by Councillor V/ Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Council seek letters, reports, testimonials, press clippings etc. from the community supporting the nomination of Dr. C.L. Leatherdale for the ttCouncil Award"; AND THAT the nomination documents be forwarded to the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario for consideration." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Email correspondence dated May 19,2009 from Sharon Lechner, CEO, Elgin-St. Thomas United Way regarding "United Way Kick-Off'. File: A0l 2009-314 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT email correspondence dated May L9,2009 from Sharon Lechner, CEO, Elgin-St. Thomas United Way regarding United Way Kick-Off be received for information; AND TIIAT the Municipality intends to participate in the chili contest." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (j) StaffMemorandum regarding Committee - Vienna Library / Former Town Hall, Page9 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 15 of 291 Council Minutes Jluun;e 4,2009 defened from May 7,2009 Council meeting. File: R02 2009-3rs Moved by Councillor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffMemorandum regarding Committee - Vienna Library / Former Town Hall be received' AND THAT Mayor Acre and Councillor Taylor be the Council representatives.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. EIIVIRONMENT (a) StaffReport 82009-08 regarding Waste Disposal Agreement - City of Toronto. File: L04 2009-3t6 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT StaffReport 82009-08 regarding Waste Disposal Agreement - City of Toronto be received; AND TIIAT By-law No. 2009-081, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Waste Disposal ,A,greement with the City of Toronto, County of Elgin, and Elgin Area Municipalities, be presented to Council for enactment.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2009-317 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camerarr Session of Committee of the Whole at 10:10 p.m. to discuss: . litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY Page 10 of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 16 of 291 Council Minutes Jtne 4,2009 (b) Confidential correspondence regarding legal matter. (c) Out of Camera. 2009-3 1 8 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session atl0z25 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2009-079 A By-law to Establish Customer Service Policies and Procedures (Accessibility) (b) By-Law 2009-080 A By-law to Establish Tangible Capital Asset Policies (c) By-Law 2009-081 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Waste Disposal) (d) By-Law 2009-082 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Donnell) 2009-319 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT By-Laws 2009-079,2009-080,2009-081 and 2009-082 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (e) By-Law 2009-083 A By-law to confirrn all actions of Council 2009-320 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THÄT confirming By-Law 2009-083 be read a firs! second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURÀIMENT (a) Adjournment 2009-321 Moved by Councillor W Casier Page 1l of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 17 of 291 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 2009. Page 18 of 291 The Corporøtion of the Township of Bonnechere Vølley Box 100,49 Bonnechere Street Easl Eganvílle, Ontarío K0I 1T0 RESOLUTION Døted this the 2nd døy of June 2009 Merv Buckwald Zig Mintha ¿_-) c/Ò MOWD BY:Cairine Cybulski SECONDED BY: Charlotte Neitzel WHEREAS public libraries have a strong role in literacy, innovation, community and prosperity in m unicipalities; AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Culture is currently updating its policies related to supporting public libraries as they wish to ensure that policies position public libraries for the future; AND WHEREAS the role of learning in Ontario's future knowledge-based economy grows, the informal learning systems of public libraries will be even more important. AND WHEREAS the library of the future will need to respond to a new social, technological and econom ic environment. AND WHEREAS municipalities are incurring the majority of costs associated with delivering library programming. AND WHEREAS those same municipalities bear the majority of the costs to build and maintain library facilities. AND WHEREAS the province has decreased its annual grants since 1985 from 15% of annual revenue lo 4o/o of annual revenue which continues to threaten the future of these engines of cultural and economic development. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Bonnechere Valley petitions that the Province increase its annual grants lo 15o/o of library revenue. AND FURTHER THAT a copy of the motion be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Aileen Carroll Minister of Culture, MPP Randy Hillier, the Ontario Library Service and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for circulation. Carried Orígínøl Sìgned By: MAYOR ZigMntha Recorded Vote Reouested: Charlotte Neitzel Bob Peltzer Cairine Cybulski DISCIAIMER This materbl ís provided under contrad as a paid seruice by the orþinating organization and does not necessarily reÍlect the view or post'tions of the Association of Municþalitrès of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, offrcers, directors oragents. Copy of resolution passed June 2, 2009 by the Corporation of... Page 19 of 291 Page 20 of 291 \ryALLACEBURG DISASTER RELIEF COMMITTEE To All Municipalities: On February l2th this year an ice jam caused localized flooding in the Southwestern Ontario community of lVallaceburg. Numerous homeowners and small businesses have lost essential property. Flood victims are discovering that the suffering caused by a disaster can continue for long after news of it disappears from the media. At a minimum, residents face the chore of cleaning up and repairing damage to their homes and businesses. At the request of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing declared the Municþality of Wallaceburg a "Disaster Area" for the purpose of the Ontario Disaster Relief Program. This provides an opportunity to help your neighbours devastated by the flood. A volunteer committee has been appointed by the Municipality of Chatham-Kent to spearhead the local effort. Disaster Relief Committee has set a tentative fundraising target of $41,500 to provide assistance for homeowners and small businesses. The Province will contribute up to $2 for every local dollar raised to an amount necessary to settle all eligible claims. The Wallaceburg Disaster Relief Committee is seeking financial assistance from all Municipalities in Ontario. Your help will make a huge difference in assisting the victims of our flood damages and all money raised together with the Provincial contribution will go to eligible claimants. Please make your financial contribution, payable to'Wallaceburg Relief Fund, c/o 786 Duflerin Ave. 'Wallaceburg, ON. N8A 2Y3 will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Robert Simpson Chairperson, Wallaceburg Disaster Relief Committee. Telephone 519-627 -1603 ext: 266 DISCLAIMER This material is prouided under contracl as a paid seruiæ by the orþinating organtzat¡on and does not necessar¡ly rellecl lhe v¡ew or posit¡ons of the ,Association of Municipalities of Ontan:o (AMO), its subsídia¡y companies, offrcers, direclors or agents. Correspondence received from Wallaceburg Disaster Relief Com... Page 21 of 291 Page 22 of 291 Legal and Legislative Services May 28,2OO9 To: All Municípalities in the Province of Ontario Re: Petition Province to include hospitals under Jurisdictíon of Ombudsman At the Council Meeting of May 25,2OO9, the following resolution was passed, respecting the above referenced matter: WHEREAS the Ombudsman is the 'citizen representative' and the Office of the Ombudsman is responsible for responding to complaints affecting govemment organizations save and except hospitals, long-term care facilities and children's aid societies, and WHEREAS the Office of the Ombudsman has been advocating since 1975 to include hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman, but to date, Ontario remains the ONLY Province in Canada who's Ombudsman has no jurisdiction over hospitals and long-term care facilities, and WHEREAS hospitals spend more that $20 billion in public money every year in Ontario, and WHEREAS whether overseeing the police, the military or the Provincial Govemment, Mr. Marin has stated one of the beliefs that's closest to his heãrt is ihat these bodies don't exist for their own ends. They exist to serve the public. The public also has great expectations of the checks and balances that exist to keep the system functioning as it should, and WHEREAS the historical reason for not including hospitals under the Ombudsman Act is extremely weak and is based on the fact they do not fall under the definition because they have their own elected boards, and WHEREAS a municipal "board of directors' is directly elected by the public and the hospital board is not, and WHEREAS the Office of the Ombudsman is quoted as saying, 'Ontario is the only province in Canada whose Ombudsman does not have a mandate to oversee hospitals. Despite this, the Ombudsman's Office receives many serious complaints about hospitals every year that cannot be investigated. A total of 276 complaints about hospitals were received in fiscal 2007-2008.", and WHEREAS the time has come for the Govemment of Ontario to include hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman Act to ensure a high level of health care, fiscal responsibility, accountability, openness and transparency; NOW THEREFORE BE tT RESOLVED by the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie that it hereby petitions the premier of Ontario to take the necessary steps in a timely manner to amend the Ombudsman Act to include hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman, and further THAT:ln the event the Premier responds negatively, the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie respectfully requests and expects a full and complete explanation as to why the Province will not amend the Act as requested, and further THAT:This resolution be circulated to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for support, and further THAT:The appropriate persons be so notified of this action. (CARRIED) l2 Copy of resolution passed May 25, 2009 by the Town of Fort E... Page 23 of 291 To All Municipalities in the Province of Ontario Page two Re: PetÍtion Province to include hospitals under jurisdiction of Ombudsman For your informatioû, h our letter to Ombudsmarl, Andre Marin, we commented we were hopeful: In closing, we are hopeful the timing is right for the Province to finally take action to include hospitals in the Ombudsman Act given the massive health care restructuring currently underway in Ontario. For your further information, in our letter to Premier Dalton McGuinty, the following commentarSr was added: Although the resolution speaks for itself, the timing could not be more prudent than now to include hospitals in the Ombudsman Act, especially with the uncertainty surrounding the massive restructuring of health services currently underway in Ontario. The public has no right of recourse to lodge complaints about hospital care or services, and to expect a fair and independent investigation. Such action leads to recommendations to improve care and services. Premier McGuinty, the LHIN Boards are famous for chanting "Right Care, at the Right Place, at the Right Time." We believe including hospitals in the Ombudsman Act will provide the "Right Voice, at the Right Place, at the Right Time." We thank you for your considerations herein and a¡e available to assist where appropriate. Please keep us informed of your progress in a realistic ma.nner and not through a form letter. As stated in tl.e resolution, in the event you determine not to move forward, Council respectfully requests and expects a full and complete explanation as to why tl e Province will not amend the Act as requested. In closing, your municipality has no doubt hea¡d of Fort Erie's frght to keep its hospital open. Now this frght is spreading across the Province directly affecting rural and northern hospitals and directly impacting urban hospitals. All of our efforts to date, combined with the efforts of many others, including the Alliance to Save Onta¡io's Small, Rural and Northern Hospitals, have failed to move the Premier or the Minister of Health. Rather than give up, we continue to search for fair, equal and timely access to health care in Ontario. We sincerely thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Perhaps if the Premier hears from hundreds of communities, he will at least move to amend the Ombudsman Act to ensure openness ard transparency of hospitals in the Province of Ontario. Yours very truly, Carolyn J. Kett, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Contact Information Carol¡rn J. Kett, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk Town of Fort Erie 1 Municipal Centre Drive Fort Erie, ON L2A 256 Phone: 905-871-16OO ext. 22LL Fax: 905-87 l-4O22 Email: cket@forterie. on. ca Copy of resolution passed May 25, 2009 by the Town of Fort E... Page 24 of 291 Cttq o{ CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Clerk's Division Division n5.420.4617 Facsimile 905.420.9685 clerks@city.pickering. on. ca Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canadã LMKT Dir¿cÉ Access 905.420.4660 Toll F¡ee I.866.683.27 60 cityofpickering.com ilË c E tv E JUN - ? 2009 Lto MtJNITIPALITY OF BAYHAM May 26, 2009 Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Avenue Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Subject: Notice of Motion Harmonized Sales Tax File. A-2200-001-09 The Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering cons¡dered the above matter at a meeting held on May 19, 2009 and the following motion was adopted: WHEREAS the economy in Canada and in the Province of Ontario is faced with an unstable clirnate and high unemployment rates; and WHEREAS peoples savings and portFolios have been drastically affected by the world econom¡c condition; and WHEREAS the Provincial Government recently announced the harmonization of the 5% GST and the 8% PST; and WHEREAS this harmonized sales tax will negatively impact all consumers, young and old, married or single, by implementing the proposed harmonized tax to almost all goods and services that were previously exempt from PST; and WHEREAS the 8% PST will be added to items such as, but not limited to, gasoline, hOme heating fuel, water, hydro, used cars, real estate commiss¡ons, home renovatíons, personal servíces, chiropractor, massage therapy, consultants; lawyers fees, prescriptions, registration fees and memberships for recreational services used by seniors and children. Copy of resolution passed May 19, 2009 by the City of Picker... Page 25 of 291 Notice of Motion: Harmonized Sales Tax May 26, 2009 Page 2 THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED that we, The Council of the City of Pickering, appeal to the Province of Ontario to stop the implementation of the proposed Provincial Harmonized Sales Tax untíl more public consultation and input is received; and BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, The Council of the City of Pickering, request that AMO lobby the Province of Ontario on our behalf, and that a copy of .this resolution be sent to all municipalities in Ontario requesting their support. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 905.420.4660 extension 2153. Yours truly ì>çoÞùeÀp DebiA. Wilcox, CMO, CMM lll City Clerk DW/lcr Copy: All Ontario Municipalities Chief Administrative Officer (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Copy of resolution passed May 19, 2009 by the City of Picker... Page 26 of 291 ofationI KEs 600, rue Higginson Street, Hawkesbury,0N K6A 1H1 Extrait de la réunion ordinaire du 25 mai 2009 Extract of the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 25, 2009 Conjonctu re économiq ue, réf . : lnvestissements et emolois R-2æ-09 Proposé par Sylvain DutÉ avec I'appuide Gilles Roch Greffe Attendu la conjoncture économique difficile que la province de I'Ontario et le pays vivent pÉsentement, et; Attendu la fermetuæ ef/ou le ralentissement des industries dans tous les secteuns économiques à havers le pays résultant en des pertes massives d'emplois, et; Attendu les répercussions sur l'économie locale que représente I'incertitude face à I'avenir, et; Attendu les investissements réalisés au couns des années par les différents paliens gouvemementaux afin d'aider les industries au pays à être plus compétitives sur le marché mondial. Qu'il soit résolu que la présente résolution soit acheminée aux municipalités de I'Ontario dans le but de faire pressions auprès des gouvemements fédéral et de I'Ontario pour que les investissements faits par les canadiens et canadiennes dans les industries soient protégés à long terme et soient garantis contre le déménagement hors pays ou une fermeture définitive des activités sans consultation des bailleuns de fonds, Adoptée. Economic climate. Re: lnvestment and iobs R.229.09 Moved by Sylvain Dubé Seconded by Gilles Roch Greffe Whereas the present precarious economic climate in the province of Ontario and throughout the country, and; Whereas the closing of and/or the slowing down of industries in all economic sectons throughout the country resulting in a massive loss of jobs, and; Whereas the impacts on local economy that represents the uncertainty about the future, and; YVhereas investments in recent years by various levels of govemment to help industries become more competitive in the intemational market. Be it resolved that this resolution be sent to Ontario municipalities for the purpose of lobbying the federal and Ontario Govemments to ensure that investments made by Canadians in industries be protected in a long term basis and be secured against being moved outside of the country or being permanently closed withoul consultation with Canadian investors. Carried. Christine Groulx Greffière/Clerk (613) 632-0106#2226 DISCIAIMER This material is prouided under contract as a paid seruice by the originating organization and does not necessarily reflect lhe view or positions of lhe Association of MunicipalitÌes of Ontario (AMO), iÍs subsidiary companies, officers, directors or agenls. Copy of resolution passed May 25, 2009 by the Corporation of... Page 27 of 291 Page 28 of 291 I\{unicipalitv of' HASTINGS HIGHLANDS Municipality of Hastings Highlands 33011 Hwy 62 N Box 130 Malmooth, ON KOL lcO Ronald J. Emond Mayor Municipal Offrce Tel: 613-338-2811 Fax: 613-338-3292 Toll Free: I-877 -338-28L8 Email: offrc@hastingshighlands. ca CtoP.O. Box 130 Maynooth, Ontario KOL 2SO Jlune 4,2009 County of Hastings Postal Bag 4400, 235 Pinnacle Street Belleville, Ontario K8N 3A9 Dear Sir/lvfadam: At an open meeting of the Council of the Municþality of Hastings Highlands held on May 20,2009, the following resolution was properly moved seconded and passed: FelllDalgleish: (196-2009) WHEREAS wind and storms regularly knock out power lines in our rural area; AND WHEREAS Hastings Highlands Fire Department is frequently called out to protect and secure the site from the danger of fallen power lines; AND WHEREAS these occurrences are on the rise, causing our firernen to remain at the scene, sometimes even overnight, while waiting for Hydro One crews to arrive; AND WHEREAS Hydro One is ultimately responsible for maintaining safety during downed power lines, the increasing costs to our Fire Department to provide this emergency service for Hydro One should not be bome by Hastings Highlands ratepayers; AND WHEREAS repeated requested to recover costs from Hydro One have been ignored; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Hydro One recognizes the emergency services provided by Hastings Highlands Fire Department and remit fair payment for services when requested bythe Municipality of Hastings Highlands; AND FURTHER THAT; this resolution be circulated to the County of Hastings, Municipalities, Fire Marshall, AMO and MPP Leona Dombrowsky with a request for support. Yours trul¡ I. Craig Davidson CAO/Clerk-Treasurer lbp Copy of resolution passed May 20, 2009 by the Municipality o... Page 29 of 291 Page 30 of 291 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3Co Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/042 Ftr EIJTo the attention of the Clerk and Council June 1, 2009 Needle Safety Regulatory Review Issue The Ministry of Labour (MOL) and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) are seeking municipal input regarding the extended use of safety-engineered needles or needleless systems (SENS) in workplaces and health care services. Background The Needle Safety Regulation has already been applied to hospitals, long-term care homes, psychiatric facilities, laboratories and specimen collection centres. The move to extend the use of SENS is to prevent needlestick injuries which can transmit serious blood-borne infectious diseases to health care workers including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HlV. The MOL identifies thousands of injuries per year to Ontario health care workers resulting in millions of dollars in costs. The MOL and MOHLTC are considering extending the regulation of SENS into a number of municipal service areas and are looking for input in how to apply the regulations to health care workers who provide services in places such as schools, community centres and emergency services. Some Ontario EMS providers are already voluntarily implementing SENS. The move is towards an industry standard which is being reached in the United States as well as Canada, specifically British Columbia, Alberta and Nova Scotia. Employers must pay for higher upfront costs of SENS and associated training; however, additional costs may be offset by the resulting reductions in needle-related employee injuries currently requiring WSIB ctaims. The cost of SENS is also expected to drop due to supply and demand as their use becomes the norm. Action The Ministry of Labour is taking stakeholder feedback until July 10, 2009. lnterested parties are invited to make written submissions concerning the proposal to extend the scope of the Needle Safety Regulation and the practicality of implementing the proposal. Please see the attached document for contact details and more information. This inþrmation is available ín the Policy Issues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. 1-4 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 31 of 291 ATTACHMENT Dear Valued Stakeholder: The Ministry of Labour (MOL) and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) are jointly consulting on a proposal to extend the scope of the Needle Safety Regulation to additional workplaces and health care services and would like to solicit your input. Needle Safety Regulation The Needle Safety Requlation (O. Reg. 474107) under the Occupational Health and Safety Acú is part of the government's efforts to support healthy work environments for Ontario's nurses and other health care workers. The Regulation currently applies to hospitals, long-term care homes, psychiatric facilities, laboratories and specimen collection centres. lt mandates the use of safety-engineered needles or needleless systems (SENs) to replace hollow-bore needles to protect health care workers from needlestick injuries. Needlestick injuries can transmit serious blood-borne infectious diseases to health care workers including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HlV. SENs have been designed with built-in safety features that eliminate or minimize the risk of a needle puncture to the health care worker (e.9. hinged needle cap, retractable needle), thereby protecting the user from a needlestick injury and exposure to blood-borne infectious diseases. To address patient care, availability and other issues, the Needle Safety Regulation provides several exceptions to the requirement to use SENs. A SEN is not required if: o A worker determines that the use of a SEN would pose a greater risk of harm to himself or herself, another worker or the patient than would a conventional hollow-bore needle.o An employer is unable, despite making a reasonable effort, to obtain a SEN that is appropriate for the work.o An emergency is declared or a situation exists that constitutes or may constitute a serious risk to public health, an employer's supplies of SENs have been exhausted, and postponing work would create a greater risk of harm than the risk of using a hollow-bore needle that is not a SEN. Proposal to Extend the Regulation to Other Health Gare Workplaces At this time, the MOL and the MOHLTC are jointly consulting on a proposal to extend the scope of the Needle Safety Regulation to other places where health care services involving the use of hollow- bore needles are provided to individuals, whether in medicalfacilities, private homes, public places or other locations. The MOL and the MOHLTC are seeking input from stakeholders regarding which additional places and health care services the regulation could cover and how to implement the regulation in these places and for these health care services. The planned effective date for implementation is April 1 ,2010. For example, the MOL and the MOHLTC are considering whether to extend the regulation to the following places where workers may use hollow-bore needles: 24 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 32 of 291 . Doctors'and dentists' offices and clinics;. Community Health Centres;. Public Health Units;. Family Health Teams;. Independent health facilities such as those providing cataract eye surgery or cosmetic procedures;. Cancer treatment clinics and hospices;. Blood donor clinics; and,. Other establishments where health care is provided by professionals regulated under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. The MOL and the MOHLTC are also seeking input from stakeholders on how to apply the regulation to workers, businesses and organizations that provide health care services and programs to individuals that involve the use of hollow-bore needles in places that are not traditionally considered health care facilities or locations. Examples include:. Home care services, including those provided through Community Care Access Centres; o Emergency medical services including ambulance services;. Public health programs such as immunizations in schools, businesses, community centres, retail malls;o Health support services to students in schools such as insulin injections; and, . Health care and first aid services to workers or individuals in industrial and other workplaces. How You Can Participate Stakeholder input is an essential part of the regulatory development process. lnvolving industry and labour stakeholders, health care professionals and other interested parties in developing potential changes to the regulation will help ensure effective implementation and prevent exposures of health care workers to needlestick injuries. lnterested parties are invited to make written submissions concerning the proposalto extend the scope of tlre Needle Safety Regulation and the practicality of implementing the proposal. Please submit your comments by July 10, 2009: Mail: Needle Safety Regulatory Review Ontario Ministry of Labour 400 UniversityAvenue, 12th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 1T7 Facsimile: 416 326-7650 E-mail: needlesafetv@ontario.ca A copy of O. Reg. 474107 can be found on the Government of Ontario's E-laws website at http://www.e-laws.gov.on.calhtml/regs/english/elaws reqs-070474 e.htm. For further information, please visit our website: www.labour.oov'on.ca. 3-4 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 33 of 291 Submissions and comments provided to the MOL are part of a public consultation to solicit views on a proposal to extend the application of the Needle Safety Regulation to additional health care workplaces and services. This process may involve disclosing materials, comments or summaries of them, to other interested parties during and after the public comment period. However, the Ministry will not disclose personal information, such as an individual's name and contact details, unless required by law. lf you have any questions regarding freedom of information or privacy matters, you may contact the MOL's Freedom of lnformation and Privacy office at (416) 326-7786. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, John Vander Doelen John Amodeo Director, Health and Safety Policy and Director, Health Sector Labour Market Policy Program Development Branch Branch Ministry of Labour Ministry of Health And Long-Term Care 44 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 34 of 291 MEMBER GOMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/043 F 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca l--tr ruJTo the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE TNFoRMAiloN GoNrAGr: June 5, 2009 craig Reid , AMo senior Policv Advisor (416) 971-9856 ext 334 Federal and Provincial Governments Commit $2.S Billion to Municipal lnfrastructure in Ontario Issue: lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund and Building Canada Fund - Communities Component funding for Ontario municipalities was announced today by the Governments of Canada and Ontario, totalling $3.4 billion when the one-third municipal contribution is added. Background: Federal Minister of Transport, lnfrastructure and Communities, the Honourable John Baird and Ontario Minister of Energy and lnfrastructure, the Honourable George Smitherman announced 1,373 successful projects for federal and provincial funding under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund (lSF) and the Building Canada Fund - Communities Component (BCF-CC). Community announcements for individual successful projects are being made by local Members of Parliament, Provincial Parliament and municipal councils over the coming days. ln Ontario, 425 municipalities submitted 2,700 project applications to the ISF for a total of $6 billion in project costs. Today's announcement commits $1.9 billion of federal and provincial support to Ontario municipalities under the lSF Íor 1,190 projects. When cost matched by municipalitíes, ISF projects will expend $2.79 billion in Ontario. Also announced were results of the second round of the BCF-CC which commits $408 million to 183 projects in Ontario communities with populations of 100,000 and under. With municipal contributions, $614 million will be invested under this program. Ontario municipalities made more than 420 applications with total funding in excess of $1 billion to the BCF-CC. The application window for these programs was announced on April 14,2009 with a deadline of May 1,2009. All projects supported by stimulus funding must be completed by March 31,2011. Action: Municipalities are asked to contact their local MP or MPP regarding project success. AMO will continue to advocate for long-term, sustainable funding for municípal infrastructure. 1-1 Mun¡cipd¡î::îiä'lî:.ii aHo Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 35 of 291 Ftr EJJ { MEMBER COMMUNICATION 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Farc (416) 971-619'l E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca ALERT No: 09/046 To the attention of the Clerk and Council FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrACr: June r0, 200e i.i,jiy;i-i¿#ä1LAS Enersv coordinator Feed-in Tariff Gontract Posted for Gomment lssue: Feed-in Tariff Contract posted for comment by Ontario Power Authority (OPA). Background: The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) has posted the draft Feed-in Tariff (FlT) contract along with its exhibits and definitions to the OPA's FIT website at the following link: Comments and feedback on the contract and associated documents are welcome until Friday, June 26,2009 and must be provided through the Submiss¡on tool of the OPA FIT website (www. powera uthority.on. ca./FlT). The FIT Contract and related documents - Draft June 8, 2009 are the legal contractual documents outlining the development of the facility, financial, operating and other obligations of renewable energy suppliers providing electricity under OPA Renewable Energy Feed-ln Tariff Program. A FIT program is a simpler way to contract for renewable energy generation. lt is simpler because of standardized program rules and standardized contracts, including standardized prices. Developers of renewable energy projects, including municipalities, would receive a FIT contract if they meet all program requirements. Action: AMO asks that members also copy Energy Services Coordinator, Scott Vokey (svokey(@amo.on.ca) on submissions to help inform our ongoing advocacy efforts. This information is avaílable in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. 1-1 uunic¡par¡îl:îiäiil.ii aHo Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 36 of 291 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MSH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971-619'l E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/045 To the attention of the Clerk and Council June 10,2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION GONTACT: Scott Vokey, AMO /l-AS Energy Coordinator (416) 971-9856 ext. 357 l--tr EIJ Count Me Inl Gommunity Ghallenge Now Underway lssue AMO is calling on all members to join the more than 30 municipalities already committed to participating in this summe/s Count Me ln!Community Challenge. Your involvement reinforces the vital role played by communities across the province when it comes to energy conservation. The challenge was launched on June 3 and will conclude with the Count Me ln! Community Challenge -Day on August 14h. Background The Count Me ln! Community Challenge is a three-month campaign starting with a launc! during Energy Conservation Week (May 17-23) and culminating on Friday August 14,2009. During this time, municipalities will promote a variety of energy conservation ideas within their cbmmunities in order to drive awareness and participation. Municipalities will compete for two awards:. Highest percentage drop in consumption on August l4 (calculated based on criteria established by IESO); and. Highest per capita participation in the Count Me ln pledge drive (using a percentage as of August 14 based on census information). Allwinners will be announced at the AMO Annual Conference in Ottawa on Wednesday, August 19,2009. More information is available in the attached Question and Answer Sheet as well as on the Count Me ln Website (http://www.countmeinontario.calAbout-The-Count-Me-ln- Challenoe/index.aspx ). Action Fill out the entry form and return it to the following address as soon as possible: i nfo(Ocou ntmeinontario.ca. This information is availabte in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. l-3 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 37 of 291 cou*¡þ^t The Count Me In! Community Challenge Q&A Whot is Energy Conservqlion Week? Ontorio's second provincewide Energy Conservotion Week ron from Moy l7 1o23,2009. It feotured o voriety of conservotion-oriented events in cities ond towns throughout the province. The Week wos the centrepiece of on overoll four-month compoign thot begon with o lounch in April ond culminotes with the provincewide "Count Me ln! Communily Chollenge Doy" on August l4tr. The overollobjective is to roise oworeness of, ond drive porticipotion in, energy conservotion ocross Ontorio. To leorn more obout Energy Conservotion Week ond "Count Me ln! Community Chollenge Doy", explore the website: counlmeinoniorio.co. Whot does "Counl Me ln!" meon? The theme for Energy Conservation Week this year is "Count Me In!" It's a pledge to take meaningful action to conserve energy in our everyday lives. Onørians are encouraged to count themselves in via an online pledge and to choose how they will conserve from a list of 100 energy saving ideas. Collectively, these stqrs save energy and money, reduce greenhouse emissions and contribute to a cleaner, healthier Onta¡io. Everyone is encouraged to share ideas, events and activities at countmeinontario.ca. What is "Count Me In! Community Challenge Drt''? The Community Chollenge Doy is the finol element of the overoll Energy Conservotion Week compoign. lf 's on August 14, which is the onniversory of the North Americon blockout in 2003. On Count Me ln! Communily Chollenge Doy, Ontorions ore encouroged to conserve energy throughout lhe doy. When you soy "Count Me ln!," you're committing to toke oction in o voriety of woys. By fulfilling your pledge on this doy, you con prove the power of individuol initiotives on the province's overollconservotion gools-the most ombitious in North Americq. lf your community hos chosen to porticipote in the Community Chollenge. you willolso contribute to its results. \ilhat is the "Count Me In! Community Challenge"? The Count Me tn! Community Challenge takes its name from Energy Conservation Week's Count Me In! theme. The Count Me In! Community Challenge culminates on Friday, August 14- the anniversary of the North American blackout in 2003. During this time, cities and towns across Ontario are being encouraged to promote a variety of energy conservation ideas within their communities to drive awareness and participation. Cities and towns will compete for two awards: l. Highest percentage drop in electricity consumption on August 14 2. Highest per capita participation in the Count Me In! pledge Who is organizing the "Count Me In! Community Challenge"? The Count Me In! Community Challenge is an initiative of the City of Woodstock, in collaboration with Ontario Power Authority, the Association of Municipalities of Onørio (AMO), the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Electricity Distributor's Association (EDA). In 2005, The City of Woodstock started the municipal Blackout Day Challenge, which this new province-wide event replaces. a. A. a. A. a. A. a. A. a. A. 2-3 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 38 of 291 a. How can my municipality take part in the Count Me In! Community Challenge? A. If your municipality wants to say "Count Us In!" for the Community Challenge, please explore counüneinontario.ca. There you'll find an entry form, information and the steps your community needs to take to join the challenge. You can also contact info@counüneinontario.ca for more information. a. Two challenges are identified-what do they involve specifically? One challenge is based on elecficity consumption. To take part, your community must contact its local electricity distribution company, or "LDC." LDCs have access to municipal meter data, which is needed for consumption measurement. To compete in this challenge, you'll need to confirm that your LDC will provide meter data to the IESO on Tuesda¡ August 18. Not all LDC meters allow them to separate out the usage of specific municipalities. The other challenge is based on the number of people in your community who take the Count Me In! pledge, which is available at countmeinontario.ca. h both cases, to participate and be counted in, your community will need to identiff a continuous point of contact for Challenge Day. This person will be the primary point of contact for all matters related to the Challenges between when you sign up and Challenge Day. a. How will the two challenges be measured? A. Every city or to\iln can enter in one or both of the two challenge categories. 1. Highest percentage drop in electricity consumption on August 14 To determine the winner, electricity use on Frida¡ August 14 from 08:00-20:00 will be compared to that used on, either Friday, August 7 or Thursda¡ August 13. Municipalities' savings will then be compared to the province-wide consumption changes to determine which one saved the most electricity. This method helps to factor out any impacts weather might have. The IESO will work with your LDC to ensure theyknow what data is required. 2. Highest per capita participation in the Count Me In! pledge. The challenge will award the greatest percent¿ge involvement by a participating community. This will be measured by the total number of online pledges over the community's population as of the most recent census data. a. Can municipalities get any support for their efforts while participating in the Communþ Challenges? A. Let us know what your municipality is doing by contacting info@Countrneinonørio.ca and we'll do our best to support your efforts. a. When will the winners be announced? A. Winners will be announced on Wednesda¡ August 19, 2009 at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Annual Conference in Ottawa. 3-3 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 39 of 291 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 40 of 291 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Farc (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/048 To the attention of the Cterk and Council FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrACr: June r0, 200e '' "'v i.i.åîyi'3sä¿åltnt"n'o'PdcvAdvisor Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Signs $1.2 billion Housing Agreement with Federal Government lssue: On Tuesday, June 9, 2009, Canada and Ontario officially signed an amendment to the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program that provides an additional $1.2 billion for affordable housing over the next two years. Background: On March 20,2009, Canada and Ontario announced a contribution of $600 million each in new funding for the extension of the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program to 2011. The $1.2 billion will fund the renovation of 50,000 social housing units and build 4,500 new affordable housing units. The provincial and federal governments have each invested in: . $352 million to repair social housing units and make them more energy efficient; . $185 million to create new affordable housing for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities; and. $87.5 million to extend the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program. The agreement features the following provisions which will assist municipalities in expediting projects since all funding must be allocated within the two year (by 2011) agreement timeline:. Potential municipal contributions (e.g., supplementary funding, donations of land, development charge waivers, reducing tax rates on multi-unit affordable housing units to the same level as single family units);. Expediting processes under municipal control (e.9., Planning Act approvals and issuance of building permits); o ldentifying local opportunities for conversion of housing units under development by the private sector to affordable rental units in this challenging economic environment; o Special sessions of council over summer 2009 to approve plans to build new affordable housing and repair existing social housing. The Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing will be working with Consolidated Municipal Service Managers on funding allocations and project approvals. Action: AMO will work with the Ministry of MunicipalAffairs on providing information to its members on the Agreement. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca' 1-1 uun¡c¡par¡îl:îîäii:r"i ^HO þ É. ruJ Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 41 of 291 Page 42 of 291 MEMBER COMMUNICATION TO the attention of the Cterk and CounCit FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrAcr: June i 1, 2009 åi.i Ylii¿åt'"iLAS Enersv coordinator Green Energy Act Planning Approval Regulation Gonsultations lssue: The province is proposing a one-window approvals process and standardized requirements for renewable energy projects. The government is seeking the public's input on approval requirements for renewable energy projects, including setbacks for wind, solar, hydro, biogas and biomass projects, which build on and strengthen the environmental and health protection components of current regulatory requirements. Background: Proposed approval requirements for renewable energy projects include the following: . Wind turbines would not be permitted less than 550 metres from the nearest dwelling, and this minimum setback would increase with the number and loudness of turbines. It is also proposed that wind turbines be set back from roadways and property lines, and there would be ongoing requirements to monitor and address low-frequency noise and vibrations.. Natural heritage features, such as significant wetlands or significant wildlife habitat, would be protected by a setback of 120 metres, with development only being able to move closer where there is a study demonstrating the ability to mitigate negative impacts. The province will hold information meetings in six locations across Ontario in June to get public input: rtr un¡c¡par¡âl:î?äiÏ:r'i ^Ho 200 Univers¡ty Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416)97'l-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca ftut ALERT No: 09/047 l--tr EJJ 1-2 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 43 of 291 June 15 - Ottawa Tudor Hall 3750 N. Bowesville Road June l8 - Thunder Bay Prosvita (Polish) Hall 610 Simpson Street June l8 - Chatham Club Lentina's 250 National Road June 22-Porl Elgin Rotary Hall Community Centre Saugeen Shores Recreation Complex 600 Tomlinson Drive June 24 - Sault Ste. Marie Croatian Hall 446 Second Line East June 25 - Toronto Ryerson University Ted Rogers School of Management Lecture Theatre - TRSl-067 575 Bay Street þtr EJJ Please visit the Ministry of the Environment's website for more information. Municipalities can also comment on the proposals of the Ministry of the Environment (proposed Renewable Energy Approval, search for 010-6516) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (proposed Approval and Permitting Requirements Document for Renewable Energy Projects, search for 010-6708), which will be posted on the Environmental Registry until July 24. In its submission to the Standing Committee on General Government on the proposed act, AMO suggested that a Municipal Services Permit be established through the proposed regulation to ensure the renewable energy approval process respect municipal interests and safeguard public health, safety, and the environment and with a view to appropriate enforcement and protection from liability for the municipality. AMO asks that members also copy Milena Avramovic (milena@amo.on.ca ) on submissions to help inform our ongoing advocacy efforts. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. uun¡c¡par¡tl:î?äii:.li aHo2-2 Correspondence dated June 1, 5, 10 and 11, 2009 from Associa... Page 44 of 291 NEWS Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing AFFORDABLE HOUSING STRATEGY CONSULTATIONS LAUNCHED I .. McGuinty Govemmenf Seeks lnput On Long-Term Plan NEWS June 3, 2009 Ontario is launching consultations on a long-term atfordable housing strategy that will improve access to adequate, suitable and affordable housing. Housing partners and the public are being asked for input on how to improve and streamline housing services. By visiting ontario.calhousinqstrateqv (http://www.mah.oov.on.calLTAHS/ENG/ltahs-eno,htmD, launched today, Ontarians interested in sharing their advice can learn more about the consultation process, dates and locations of public sessions and submit their input online. Developing a long-term affordable housing strategy is part ol Breaking the Cycle: Ontario's Poveñv Reduction Strateqv (http://www.qrowinostronqer.calenqlish/default.asp), which will reduce the number of children living in poverty by 25 per cent over 5 years - lifting 90,000 kids out of poverty - by boosting benefits for low-income families and enhancing publicly-funded education. QUOTES 'We want to hear creative ideas on how to make atfordable housing accessible to everyone who needs it. The Ontario government, together with our government partners and the housing sector, will look at ways to improve the delivery of housing programs."- Jim Watson, Minister of MunicipalAffairs and Housing 'Affordable housing is extremely important for ensuring the stability and well-being of Ontario's families. This another step forward in the implementation of our poverty reduction strategy and our efforts to improve the quality of life for all Ontarians."- Deb Matthews, Minister of Children and Youth Services QUICK FACTS o Ontario, in partnership with the federal government, has committed $1.2 billion for social and affordable housing infrastructure initiatives as part of Budget 2009. . As part of the Poverty Reduction Strategy the province has provided $100 million in grants to Service Managers to help them make urgent repairs to social housing. . Every new unit of affordable housing results in two years of construction jobs. Correspondence dated June 3, 2009 from Ministry of Municipal... Page 45 of 291 LEARN MORE . Download and read the consultation document (http://www.mah.gov.on.ca.page6403.aspx./) here.o Learn more about the Poverty Reduction Strateqv (http://www. g rowingstro noer.ca/e nolish/defa ult. a sp). Adam Graehnik, MinÍster Watson's Office, (416) 585-6492 ontario.calhousingstrategy Disponible en français Correspondence dated June 3, 2009 from Ministry of Municipal... Page 46 of 291 Bayham Health & Safety Committee Minutes Thursday, islay 14,2009 At 9:00 a.m. Committee Room Bayham Municipal Office Attendees: Sandra Maertens, Clayton Collver, Paul Groeneveld 1. Call to Order Paul Groeneveld called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. 2. Health & Safety Discussion - Student Orientation Museum students have been interviewed and hired. On May 11,2009 students attended the orientation program held by Lynda Millard. The orientation included videos, handouts, H&S review, and instructions for performing WHMIS on-line. S. Maertens introduced Customer Service. Student interviews for Public Works department has not yet taken place, but orientation will be done in the same manner with the inclusion of Groundskeeping Safety. Action: Public Works Manager Gerry LeMay will instruct the orientation for his department and include videos and workbooks on Groundskeeping. JHSC committee members C. Collver & S. Maertens will sit in on the orientation exercise to note any additions or changes that need to be included. 3. Site Inspections All three JHSC members will carry out annual site inspections on all municipal facilities, except fire stations, in June. 4. Municipal Training Program Draft program outline is currently being reviewed by Department Heads. 5. Asbestos Program Draft Asbestos Program is currently being developed. 6. Health & Safety fssues None 7. Adjournment & Date of Next Meeting Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. and will meet againFriday, August 28,2009 @9:00 a.m. rvd{ Bayham Health & Safety Committee minutes of meeting held Thu... Page 47 of 291 Page 48 of 291 (- J Great Lakee and 5t, Lawrencc C¡ties lnit¡ative Allian<e des villes des Gnnds Lac¡ et du 9aint-Laurent trl4ay 21,2009 Her Worship Mayor Lynn Acre Municipality ofBayham P.O.Box 160 - 9344 Plank Rd. Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO J '1it)t3 L Nr ii fl i iliPiiI iY fj i itlr ì'i1 /1iy! Dear Mayor Acre, On May 5tn, 2OOg, Ontario Mayors involved in the Canada-Ontario Agreement Memorandum of Cooperation (COA MOC) process presented their recommendations on G¡eat Lakes protection to the Ontario Ministers of Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Hon. John Gerretsen, the Hon. Donna Cansfield, and the Hon. Leona Dombrowsky. On this day, COA MOC Mayors and Ministers met at a Great Lakes Summit hosted by the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative and the Government of Ontario. Please find enclosed a four-page summary and list of recommendations from the report, At the Shoreline: A Mayors' Collaborative Action Plan to Protect the Great Lakes. At the heart of the Mayors' Great Lakes Action Plan is a call for collaboration among the three orders of government with responsibility for protecting the Great Lakes. Each govemment makes its own important contribution to Great Lakes protection. Ilowever, the federal and Ontario governments currently coordinate these activities separately from municipalities. Yet, with annual investments estimated at over $2 billion annually, municipalities arguably have the largest financial stake in Great Lakes protection. The Mayors' Great Lakes Action Plan calls for collaboration in five areas: 1. Create a municipal-provincial-federal Great Lakes table 2. Improve and promote beaches and natural shorelines 3. Attack nuisance and toxic algae 4. Reduce untreated sewage and stormwater discharges into the Great Lakes 5. Build a business case and measure results of Great Lakes investments The Mayors' Action Plan has already been received with enthusiasm. At the ftrst ever provincial-municipal Great Lakes Summit, Mayors and Ministers agreed to proceed with specific joint ventures such as a study on the economic benefits of Great Lakes -L7l' i'iorth srete srreer, suite 5oo. ciìicago, ,,,,?,r,r,,raJÍl,l;,;.tJ, 2o:r-45:i6 phone - (312) 553-43rJ5 fax i-.t'!.t1 Pet¿!5Õtì i,tiat¡:'t Òf -[h¿¡¡;i¿t ùcy Cna t iÌtcia! j t,,1 ital+, À.j¿ijr,; cí Chtr.a;!o l'..t|!'t.ji!)!; iir¡'ti,rl !ìi¡ir.s iìir,-r,¡ D:¡',,'¡i l','t,!1+t Á{;:¡ær c-.í lor.]r--i') i(t'ari'iiûÐ Can;tri,¿:r¡ Cl¡a¡r Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 49 of 291 investments. This is an exciting beginning to a long-term collaborative relationship between Great Lakes Mayors and the Ontario Government. Great Lakes Mayors would like to extend this relationship to include the federal government. Mayor Peterson, Chair of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, and Mayor Miller, honorary Canadian Chair, have sent a letter requesting a meeting with Federal Environment Minister Jim Prentice to discuss how best to work together in the future, and to propose a Great Lakes tripartite table. The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative is a binational coalition of over 60 mayors and other local officials that works actively with federal, state, provincial, tribal, and First Nation governments and other stakeholders to advance the protectìon, restoration and promotion of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River basin. If you would like to meet Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Mayors directly, please consider attending our annual conference in Trois Rivières, Québec from June 17-19,2009. For more information on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative annual conference, or to download the full report, At the Shoreline: A Mayors' Collaborative Action Plan to Protect the Greqt Lakes, please visit our website at www.glslcities.org. Together, we can make progress on Great Lakes protection. Sincerely, 6,/r*Er-or^- Lynn Peterson Mayor of Thunder Bay Chair, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative \,.^,.4 hi(*/ David Miller Mayor of Toronto Honorary Canadian Chair, Great Lakes and Enclosures 1l'7 lJorth Stâte Street, Sui.Le 5O0. Chlcago, llltnois 6(-1601 - (31-2) 201-451ô cl¡cne - (312) 553-4355 fax vrwtv glslcities org !-,..p¡.t P¿¡¿,5¿1:. Ltjar,¡t t¡i'[i,untje¡ ]¿y, CitatI , tr:hat.j ii'i |ûie:: lt)a;ia) Õf Cltic¿{-o F.Lti4iTtE LrrrtÉd 9I,îtr's a):târ/ i:E\.ttai lilt!!t-! í\'1a¡:o| çf !a¡3¡t¡;,, ïo'¿t')d¡ñÊ, Canat¡¡;:t Cl',a'¡ Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 50 of 291 Summary of Recommend"ations The Great Lakes Mayors' report oudines the components of their five point collaborative action plan and makes the following recommendations: ACTION 1: Create a municipal-provincial- federal Great Lakes Table 1 . 1 : Create a senior municipal-provi ncia l-federal Great Lakes Table, with Mayors and Miniscers meeting at leæt once â year, to report on progress, discuss ideas and move forward collaborarively on Great Lakes protection, 2.2:Workwith the provincial government to increase the support and funding for natural areas, waterfronts, trails and tourism along the Great Lakes, including che implemencacion of biodiversity and natural heritage plans and promotion of volunceer activiry for iocal shorcline clean-up activities. 2.3 : Work with municipal, provincial, federal governments and others to develop methods to foster peoplet awareness, connection and enjoynent of the Great Lakes, including a marketing and tourism program geared to identiS'ing the Great Lakes as a national treasure. ACTION 2: lmprove and Promote Beaches, Natural Areas, Waterfronts, Trails and Tourism 2.1: Develop a joint beaches strategy, wir}r a rarget dare of 2015 to have Ontario beaches open a minimum of 80% of the swimming season. 2.7.1: The joint beaches strategy would include, but nor be iimited ro: o Measures to improve beach management, assessments, and exchange of best practices, with funding supporr " Improved beach monitoring and monitoring methods, including predictive modelling and real cime beach qualiry indicators; increased monicoring frequency; increasing the number of Great Lakes beaches monitored and revised monitoring and posting criteria, with funding supPort e Measures to increase people's use and appreciation ofbeaches, e.g. through a beach certification program such as t}re Blue Flag program; and better public informadon on beach qualiry n Research on improving our understanding of rates of illness associaced with beach use. 2.7.2: Create a Beach Office within the provincial gov€rnment to lead development of the beaches strategy, in conjunction with a new Beaches Panel of provincial, federal and municipal governments and other interested groups. ACT¡ON 3: Attack Nuisance and Toxic Algae 3.1: 'llork with municipal, provincial, federal governmen[ and other partìes, undeltake a comprehensive algae control plan ro reduce phosphorus concentrations in the nearshore and tributaries to a levei that prevents nuisance growth of alga. 3.1.1: The algal control plan would: " Identify areas seriously affected by algae. o 'l7here necessâry, undertake research to establish the sources, arnounts and loadings of nurients to the watershed and nearshore in these areas. n Develop lakewide and local nutrient concrol plans. " Based on conclusions, implement control measures which give the greatest nealshore improvements. 3.7.2t Encourage the provincial government and others to increase research into algae growth and control measures, including: o Increasing the ranslation of current science into practical control measures. o Sharing and application oflessons learnt from existing research partnerships to other areas of the Lakes. " Supporting rhe development and implementation of innovative non-point source control measures. n Supporting and participating in new provincial and federal research to develop further Predictive Frameworks for Management of Cladophora Biomass and blue green toxic algae, MAYORS' COLLABORATIVE AOTION PLAN Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 51 of 291 :' :ì.::!;r,l:1,.a: ACTION 4: Reduce Untreated Sewage and Stormwater Discharges Entering the Great Lakes, in Light of Climate Change and Technical lnnovations 4.7: CaIl on the federal and provincial governments to assist and encourage municipalities, through policy guidance and technical ancl financial support, to develop and update their polludon conuol and prevention plans or other planning methods to reduce sewage discharges. 4.1.1: Calling on the provincial and federal government to adopt aggressive water conservation measutes including: a ban on the sale of wacer gtzzling 13 litre toilets and other inefficient appliances, develop a standardized/"model" water eficiency plan, support the development and implementation of municipal water efficiency plans and a public campaign on water conseryation, and other measures in cooperation with municipalities. 4.1.2: Municipalities working with federal and provincial governments on innovative funding options to accelerate projeccs to address combined sewer overflows. 4.7.3: Accelerating the current Ministry of Environment's was tewater review. 4.7.4: Encouraging che development and funding of new more innovacive methods of treating sewage. 4.1.5: Reviewing the need for the provincial or federal government to enhance low interest loans and other mechanisms to o\ilners to replace or upgrade leaking septic syscems. 4.2: Cell on rhe federal and provincial governments ro assist and encourage municipalities, through poliry guidance and financial support, to develop, update and implement their integrated scormwater master plans to adopt a nel / approach to stormwater management that prioritises reduction and reuse of stormwater over Íeâtment and retention. 4.2.1: Increase provincial and federal support for research, analysis, implementation and post implemencation monicoring on new and more innovative methods of stormwater contlol, which could result in new design standards, and the development of regulatory instruments to help advance the inrplementacion of at source measures, including 10 projects that apply the new approach by 20t1. 4.3: Call on the Federal Government and others to review and modify curtent infrastructure design criteria which no longer reflect the realiry of precipitation rates due to climate change. To increase the pace of adaptation co climate change by: ' Municipalities work with federal and provincial governments to collaborace on new tools to design and adapt infrastructure to be climate ready. ' Municipalides work with federal and provincial governments to develop and implement local climate change plans, including improved identification and response to local impacts and uanslating global scale climate change models to local scale impacts. ACTION 5: Build a Business Case and Measure Results from Great Lakes lnvestments 5.1: Municipalities work cogether with the provincial and federal government and others on economic studies of common Great Lakes shoreline activities, including economic modeling using local community input, both to develop the business case to drive investments in the Great Lakes and to measure the results of the investments made. Together, during the COA MOC ptocess, rile have identified some key areas of mutual interest on which to further collaborate and set goals for action. The Ontario municipal sector is interested in further defining the actions, projects, players and places to work cooperatively to carry out these recommendations. MAYOBS' COLLABORATIVE ACIION PLAN Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 52 of 291 At the Shoreline: A Mayors' Collaborative Action Plan to Protect the Great Lakes.#* On May 5ù,2009, the Great Lakes Mayors and Chairs Committee presented their report, At the Shoreline: A Mayors' Colkborøtiue Action Plan to Protect the Great Laþeí, to the Ontario Ministers of Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs at the first Provincial-Municipal Great Lakes Summit in Toronto. The report consists of a five point action plan and key recommendations to forge a stronger relationship and strategic coordination among the three orders of government to protect and promote the G¡eat Lakes. Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 53 of 291 ¡. 'Ð At the Shoreline' is the first Ontario Mayors' a¡d Chairs' report on the Great Lakes, and so represents a historic milestone, recognising the vital role cities, regions and towns play in protecting the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Mayors have a vested interest in the protection and promotion of the Great Lakes. Municipalities are responsible for providing people with drinking water; they own or operate beaches, waterfronts a¡rd natural areas; and they also manage stormwater and wastewater, that can have a direct impact on the Lakes. Mayors are also interested in maintaining the qualiry of the Great Lakes to promote local economic development and to enhance people's qualiry of life. Municipalities are collectively the largest financial contributors to the protection of Great Lakes. Local governments in Canada and the United States invest over $ 1 5 billion every year to protect and restore the Great Lakes a¡rd St. Lawrence River system. For all these reasons, Great Lakes Mayors recognize the importance of Great Lakes protection to the wellbeing of their communities. This protection is particularly important at the shoreline, where municipalities meet the water. The shoreline is where most people interact with the lakes and where their experience of the lakes is formed. The nearshore also plays a vital role in preserving a heaLthy environment for fish and other aquatic species. This Mayors' report grows from a new collaborative process between Ontario municipalities and the provincial Government established under the Great Lakes Canada Ontario Agreement Memorandum of Cooperation (COA MOC). The Agreement, signed last year between the Province of Onta¡io and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, establishes a municipal-provincial dialogue on Great Lakes issues of mutual interest, and creates a forum for Mayors to give their strategic advice to the provincial government for the upcoming negotiations of the Ca¡ada- Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (COA). \With the anticipated renegotiation of COA in 2010, now is the time for the three orders of government to reach âgreement on the most effective means to work together to protect the Great Lakes, including agreeing on priorities for action, strategic investments, sharing scientific and technical advice, and collaborating on resea¡ch and programs. --i d! :Êt-'É.*f¿ Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 54 of 291 The Mayors propose five areas of collaboration: I . Create a municipal-provincial-federal Great Lakes table The time has come for a new collaborative relationship among federal, provincial and municipal governments to reinvigorate and reorient Great Lakes protection for the benefit of the people who live and play at the shoreline. Currentl¡ there is no senior forum where federal, provincial and municipa1 governments come together to coordinate their Great Lakes protection activities and plan for the futu¡e. The Great Lakes Mayors are calling for a federal-provincial- municipal Great Lakes Täble that would serve to coordinate efforts and sha¡e vital information. The Grear Lakes MOC process has demonstrated the value of municipaì and provincial dialogue to help inform provincial planning for its Great Lakes strategy and to develop collaborative work like this action plan. 2. Improve and promote beaches and natural shorelines There may be no better 1vr/ây to strengthen the publict connection to the Great Lakes than to enhance and promote beaches and other shoreline activities such as wetlands, natu¡al areas and trails. Drawing more people to the shoreline can also boost local economies and contribute to healthier lifesryles. Vith a grearer share of Great Lakes shoreline than any other jurisdiction, it makes sense to promote Ontario as a major beach ald shoreline destination. While municipalities and local authorities play a large role in managing beaches and shoreline areas, we need to coordinate and collaborate with the provincial government to be successful in improving beaches and shoreline areas. The Mayors call for the development of a joint beaches strategy, with a target date of 201 5 to have Onta¡io beaches open a minimum of 80o/o of the swimming season. This target can be achieved through provincial -municipal collaboration on improved beaches management, enhanced monitoring techniques, and the promotion of public information on the state of Ontariot beaches. The Mayors would also like to work jointly with the provincial government to enhance, protect and promote other shoreline areas like ua-ils and wetlands. This would also bring more people to the shoreline, foster peoplet connection, appreciation and enjoyment, increase healthy lifestyles and promote local tourism. 3. Attack nuisance and toxic algae Pa¡ts of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and Georgian Bay are struggling with explosive growth of algae. Not only is it unsightly and smell¡ it can also clog industrial and municipal intake pipes, resulting in millions of dollars in costs, and can contribute to depreciating shoreline property values. There has been considerable research on the causes ofalgal growth, but less clear poliry direction and action to attack it. It is a complex problem that requires action at both the local and lake-wide level, requiring collaboration of all three orders of government and other partners. Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 55 of 291 The Mayors are calling for a comprehensive algae control plan to reduce nutrient concentrations ând to address other contributing factors to prevent nuisance growth of algae. The control plan should be based on solid science, which identifies the most signific¿nt sources of nutrients contributing to algaL growth. All governments need to work together and support new measures to reduce nutrient loadings and concentrations from these sources. 4. Reduce untreated sewage and stormwater discharges into the Great Lakes The Mayors support a significant reduction of untreated or inadequately treated sewage and contaminated stormwater being released into the Lakes. To achieve this will require increased collaboration, investments and new creative approaches from all three orders of government. The challenge is all the more daunting in the face of increased precipitation due to climate change, and urban intensificadon.'While increased investments in sewage treatment capacity will always be needed, there are also less capital intensive technical innovations that place the 6reat Laker and Sl. Lawrence C¡t¡ei lh¡t¡at¡ve Alliãn.ê dps v¡llêr des Grãnds Lã6 €t du Så¡nt-Låurênl emphasis on 'moving up the pipe', that is, reducing the flow of stormwater and sewage that enters the treatment system, bypasses or overflows from it after heavy rainfalls. The Great Lakes Mayors are calling on the federal a¡d provincial governments to work collaboratively with municipalities, by providing policy guidance, a¡rd technical and financial support, to adopt new approeches and innovations in their integrated stormwater management plans that prioritises reduction and reuse over treatment a¡d retention. This could include source controls, aggressive wâter conservation measures, and green infrastructure, among other techniques. This new'moving up the pipe' approach could also be incorporated into developing, updating and implementing pollution control and prevention plans and other methods to reduce untreated sewage discharges. Support is also needed to assist the municipal sector to develop and implement climate change action plars, and to adapt their stormwater and wastewater infrastructure design to climate change and to test new techniques. 5. Build a Business Case and Measure Results of Great Lakes investments At all three orders of government, there is a lack of solid information on the benefits of investments in projects and programs to improve the quality of the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Mayors would like to work together with the provincial and federal government and others on economic studies of the value of common Great Lakes shoreline acriviries, including economic modeling using community input in local a¡eas of the Great Lakes, both to develop the business case to drive investments in the Great Lakes and to measure the results of investments made. Great Lakes Mayors are committed to working in collaboration with their provincial and federal counterparts to ensure that people can enjoy the lakes and local communities c¿¡ thrive at their shoreline. The Mayors are eager to begin this collaboration in the five a¡eas identified in their Great Lakes Action Plan. -a =:11.,*i:), To view the full Mayors' report, including specif¡c recommendations, please view the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities lnitiative webs¡te at www.glslcities.org/ The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities lnitiative is a bi- national coalition of over 60 mayors and other local officials that works actively with federal, state, provincial, tribal, and First Nation governments and other stakeholders to advance the protection, restoration and promot¡on of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River basin. .â6 FSC Mixed Sources Product gmup ft om wclFrnrnaged forest¡, controlled ¡ourcei and recycledwood orfiber Ced no.5w-C0C-002369 ww.ßcorg O 1996 Forrl Stewârdship council Correspondence dated May 21, 2009 from Great Lakes and St. L... Page 56 of 291 ÐnrNKtN6 wRrgsSıüRöÈ'ÞùdrËöïöN ACT FOR CLEAN WATER LAKE ERIË 'OURCEPROTECTION REGION I.AKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, May 7,2009 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, May 7,2009 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Office, 400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, Ontario. Members Present:C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, M. Goldberg, R. Haggart, J. Harrison, A. Henry, K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, J. Laird, l. Macdonald, D. Murray, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Perrin, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, M. Wales, D. Woolcott, W. Wright-Cascaden H. Cornwell, P. General, B. LaForme, C. Martin, G. Rae, T. SchmidtMembers Regrets: Proxy Representatives: D. Goudreau (H. Comwell), E. Hodgins (T. Schmidt) Liaisons: Region Management Committee: Staff: Also Present: A. Dale, Source Protection Authority Liaison; D. Molnar Provincial Liaison; D. Quibell, Public Health Liaison C. Evanitski, LPRCA; T. Marks, KCCA; S. Martyn, CCCA; B. Sloat, LPRCA; K. Smale, CCCA J. Etienne, GRCA; S. Glauser, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; J. Robertson, LPRGA; T. Ryan, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; S. Shifflett, GRCA; G. Sousa, GRCA; S. Strynatka, GRCA; E. Vanhooren, KGCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA A. Davidson, Brant County; B. Fields, County of Norfolk; S. Kurli, Halton Region; G. Ounapuu, Lotowater; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas 1. Callto Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Gertification of Quorum - 17 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 oÍ members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. 3. Chairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted that the tour of the Region of Waterloo wellhead protection areas was very helpful in making a correlation between the sites and the maps. He thanked Eric Hodgins for organizing and providing the tour. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 57 of 291 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 7,2009 Page 2 4. Review of Agenda C. Ashbaugh noted that a revised agenda was distributed with additional correspondence in section 9. a) and two additional reports in section 10. entitled Terms of Reference Sfafus Update and Sfewardship Program Update. Moved by: B, Ungar Seconded by: L. Perrin carrid unanimously THAT the revised agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of May 7, 2009 be approved. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - April 2,2009 Moved by: J. Laird Seconded by: B, Ungar carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting of April 2, 2009 be approved as circulated. 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations a) Kettle/Gatfish/Long Point Region Tie¡ 2 Water Budget J. Etienne provided an update regarding the status of the Kettle, Catfìsh and Long Point Region Tier 2 Water Budget studies. A. Henry asked if there is data sharing between the Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resource Agreement, the Safeguarding and Sustaining Ontario's Water Act, and the Clean Water Act initiatives. L. Minshall responded that the Ministry of Natural Resources is involved with all of these initiatives, including the water budget. J. Harrison asked if members could obtain a hard copy of the water budget. J. Etienne replied that any members wishing a hard copy can submit a request to staff. J. Harrison summarized that the Norfolk sand plain is a significant recharge area. J. Etienne responded affirmatively, stating that the study was an opportunity to quantify the conclusion. J. Harrison asked if the stressed watersheds not moving forward to Tier 3 are those with no municipal water takings in the area. J. Etienne replied affirmatively, but clarified that the data collected will tie into other work and will provide valuable information elsewhere. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 58 of 291 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee May 7,2009 Page 3 M. Goldberg inquíred how ecological needs of the streams are taken into consideration in the water budget studies. L. Minshall replied that drought scenario models use the calculation 'percent demand over supply less reserve'. The reserve amount for a Tier 2 Water Budget is the amount to be left for ecological reasons. Tier 3 water budgets will assess the ecological impacts on particular streams and wetlands. D. Murray asked if permitted water takings were reviewed in the water budget studies as well as actual, and inquired why there is a significant difference between permitted and actual water takings. J. Etienne replied that the water budget studies looked at actual and planned water takings. There will be further investigation for areas where the potential is close to the threshold. L. Minshall further responded that permitted takings in areas like Norfolk County assume the water taking is occuning all year, when in reality the water takings may be only in the range of sixteen days per year. D. Murray commented that the permit to take water protocol appears to require a review. J. Laird asked how far into the future municipal water takings are projected. L. Minshall responded that the projections are for the duration of the official plan, usually 20-25 years. J. Laird expressed concern that the assumptions being used are not consistent. L. Minshall responded that while 25 years would be preferred, in order for the information to be official and defensible, it is tied into the Offìcial Plans. J. Oliver asked if there is a correlation between the Norfolk high use designations of Low, Medium and High water use and the Ministry's identification of Low, Moderate and Significant potential stress in the water budgets. L. Minshall replied that although the Ministry of the Environment hasn't identified what they plan to do with the Tier 2 studies, it is recognized that the water use thresholds are the same as those used for the designations; it is presumed that they correspond directly and that the water budget designations are a more detailed evaluation that considers actual water use instead of permitted. J. Oliver identified that all of Long Point Region, Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Source Protection Areas were high use designation. He advised that Norfolk County will be anxious to have this designation removed. He asked if Conservation Authorities and other affected municipalities are considering approaching the province, which would demonstrate a united front when requesting an expeditious review of the water use designations. L. Minshall advised that the Lake Erie Region will be promoting applying the province's decision region-wide. J. Oliver asked when the final report is expected to be submitted to the Minister. J. Etienne replied that the final report was just sent to the peer review team for final approval; he anticipates it will be ready for submission in a couple of weeks. D. Murray observed that the water budget seems to focus on municipal taking; he asked how many municipalities have a long range water use plan in place for water budget purposes. L. Minshall replied that the City of Guelph and the Region of Waterloo have a long range water use plan. Conservation Authority staff undertook a preliminary assessment of water required 25 years in future, taking into consideration capacity and long term planning. The assessment identified areas that were not a concem due to plan or supply, as well as areas of concern. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 59 of 291 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 7, 2009 Page 4 Municipalities whose supplies may pose a concern who do not have a plan are aware of their situation and some are moving forward with a long range water use plan. J. Oliver asked what a Tier 3 assessment entails. J. Etienne replied that the Lake Erie Region is participating in two of the four Tier 3 pilot projects. The Tier 3 water budget studies focus from the well outwards. The focus is on investigating what is happening around the well and ecologically in the system, and seeks to identify how that may impact the threshold for water taking around that well. Tier 3 water budget studies contain much of the same information as a Tier 2, but at the next level of detail; there is more borehole information, identifying specifìcally if there are any other studies done. The Terms of Reference for the Long Point Region Tier 3 studies are currently being drafted. J. Oliver asked if the Tier 3 studies are expected to be complete in time for submission of the Assessment Report. L. Minshall replied that the Ministry is not expecting that the Tier 3 studies will be completed for the first submission of the Assessment Report. The objective is to have the Tier 2 studies completed for the first assessment report. The Long Point Region Tier 3 studies are expected to commence by September 2009. The objective is to have the Tier 3 studies done in time to submit an amended assessment report when the source protection plan is submitted. 9. Gorrespondence C. Ashbaugh suggested that discussion pertaining to correspondence item 9. a) vi) be deferred until the June 4, 2009 Source Protection Committee meeting, when staff can provide context. a) Copied i)Correspondence from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment to Craig Ashbaugh Re: Ministry Modules for Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP) Correspondence from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment to Craig Ashbaugh and Alan Dale Re: Grand River Source Protection Area Terms of Reference Correspondence from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment to Craig Ashbaugh and Ron Sackrider Re: Long Point Region Source Protection Area Terms of Reference Correspondence from the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment to Craig Ashbaugh and Gerry Richer Re: Catfìsh Creek Source Protection Area Terms of Reference Approval Correspondence from the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment to Craig Ashbaugh and Conrad Wodrich Re: Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Terms of Reference Approval ii) ii¡) iv) v) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 60 of 291 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection GommitteeMay7,2009 Page 5 vi) Correspondence from Louisette Lanteigne to the Lake Erie Source Protection Committee Re: ldeas for Source Water Protection b) Not Copied None Res. lVo. 15-09 Moved by: R. Serþel Seconded by: L. PerrÍn carrÍd unanimously THAT the correspondence be received as information. 10. Reports a) SPC-05-09-01 Kettle/Gatfish/Long Point Region Tier 2 Water Budget Reports Res. /Vo. 16-09 Moved by: M. Goldberg Seconded by: M. Ceschí-Smith carried unanimously THAT Report SPC-0+09-01 Kettle/Catfish/Long Point Region Tier 2 Water Budget Reports be received as information. b) SPC-05-09-02 Summer Gommittee Meeting Schedule Res. /Vo. 17-09 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanÍmously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee adopt the following meeting schedule from July to December 2009: Meeting Date Time Location June 4,2009 1:00 pm ltalian Canadian Club, Guelph July 9, 2009 1:00 pm Offslte - TBD August 6, 2009 1:00 pm Offsite - TBD September 10, 2009 1:00 pm Offsite - TBD October 8,2009 1:00 pm GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge November 5, 2009 1:00 pm GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge December 3, 2009 1:00 pm GRCA Administration Centre, Cambridge c) SPC-05-09-03 Summer Meeting Locations and Tours The next Source Protection Committee tour is at the Guelph Wastewater Treatment Plant. The tour starts at 1 1:00 am. The committee will then meet at the ltalian Canadian Club in Guelph for lunch with the Source Protection Committee meeting commencing at 1:00 pm. Committee members are asked to please advise S. Glauser or T. Seguin if they do not plan to attend. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 61 of 291 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 7,2009 Page 6 A. Henry suggested that members be advised in advance if there are any restrictions pertaining clothing or footwear. J. Laird advised that close toed walking shoes are advisable for the Guelph Wastewater Treatment Plant. Res, /Vo. 18-09 Moved by: A. Henry Secondd by: J. Laird carrÍed unanimously THAT Report SPC-0F.09-03 Summer Meeting Locations and Tours be received as information. d) SPC-05-09-04 Terms of Reference Status Update S. Glauser provided an overview of the report, correspondence and timelines. E. Hodgins expressed concern with removing the Region of Waterloo systems from the Terms of Reference, and suggested this was not his understanding from previous conversations with the Ministry of the Environment. His understanding was that these systems were moving from planned to existing. L. Minshall asked D. Molnar if she could seek clarification. D. Molnar advised that the definition of planned is to ensure there is a definite point in the ground. The systems in Guelph and Waterloo are existing points because they were once used. Therefore they do exist, and would be required to go through the Source Protection Planning process. The Ministry and Source Protection Planning staff will seek clarification and the Ministry will provide a letter of clarification. B. Ungar asked if the systems in Norfolk County would also be included in this exception. S. Glauser responded that the Norfolk County well locations have not been definitively identified. The Norfolk systems will be removed from the Terms of Reference until there is more development for these planned systems. Res. Â/o. 19-09 Moved by: M. Wales Seconded by: J. Harrison carried unanimously THAT Report SPC-05-09-04 Terms of Reference Sfafus Update be received as information. e) SPC-05-09-05 Stewardship Program Update Stewardship Program letters to landowners and communications materials are now being mailed out. The response has been excellent; staff are awaiting Ministry of the Environment approval of a$1.2 million work plan for projects on approximately 63,000 parcels of land in the Lake Erie Region. J. Oliver asked if there has been any further development regarding tree planting and erosion control modules. T. Ryan responded that these modules are expected to be released in May 2009. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 62 of 291 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 7, 2009 Page 7 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings B. Ungar asked if the Ontario Soil and Crop lmprovement Association (OSCIA) responded to the request for information sharing between Stewardship program delivery partners. S. Glauser responded that the letter to request program revisions that would facilitate communication between the Stewardship Program delivery organizations was addressed to the Minister of the Environment. The Ministry is exþected to release new information pertaining to Stewardship program delivery in May. 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period M. Goldberg announced that the Wellington Water Watchers received a grant for $92,600 from the Ministry of the Environment. Their program is called "Message in a Bottle". The program seeks to deliver refìllable stainless steel water bottles at affordable prices to school-aged children in Wellington County and the surrounding area. lnside the bottle is a message regarding water conservation tips and action items. M. Goldberg extended his thanks to the Ministry for funding this initiative. 13. Closed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, June 4,2009,1:00 pm, Italian Canadian Glub, 135 Ferguson Street, Guelph, ON 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of May 7,2009 adjourned at 3:00 pm. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 63 of 291 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee draft minutes o... Page 64 of 291 Media Release: May 29,2009 at 4:30 p.m. 1"-Oo LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEET¡NG AGENDA Thursday, June 4,2009 l:00 p.m. Italian Canadian GIub of Guelph 135 Ferguson Road, Guelph, ON 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum - 17 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 of members) 3. Chairman's Remarks 4. Review of Agenda 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - May 7,2009 7. Hearing of Delegations 8. Presentations a) Guelph Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization Process, Gerry Wheeler, Optimization Program Facilitator b) Grand River Tier 2 Water Budget, James Etienne 9. Correspondence a) Copied None b) Not Copied None 10. Reports a) SPC-06-09-01 Grand River Tier 2 Water Budget ...............01b) SPC-06-09-02 Terms of Reference Update. ......03 c) SPC-06-09-03 Assessment Report Preparation Update...... verbal d) SPC-06-09-04 Background on Waterloo Moraine Review....................04 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 65 of 291 Agenda Lake Erie Region Source Protection GommitteeJune4,2009 Page2 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period 13. Closed Meeting 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, July 9, 2009, 1:00 pm, Paris Grand Country Club, 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario 15. Adjourn Regrets only to: Simon Glauser Telephone: (5f 9) 621-2763 ext.2303 Please provìde notification of proxy, if applicable, with regrets. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 66 of 291 01 LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE REPORT NO. SPC-06-09-01 DATE: June 4, 2009 TO: Members of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee SUBJECT: Grand River Tler 2 Water Budget Reports RECOMMENDATION: For information only. REPORT: As discussed at the April 2, 2009 meeting, the Source Protection Committee will be asked to adopt certain components of the Water Budget and Water Quantity Stress Assessment reports for inclusion in the Assessment Reports for each Source Protection Area. ln December of 2005, AquaResource lnc. (ARl) was selected to complete water budget and stress assessment work for the Grand River Watershed. The first phase of the Tier 2 Water Budget was completed in January of 2008. An interim report was posted on the Lake Erie Region Source Protection website following a peer review by a team of surface and groundwater professionals including: Dave Rudolph - University of Waterloo Hugh Whiteley - University of Guelph Chris Neville - S.S. Papadopoulos & Associates Eric Hodgins - Waterloo Region Dave Belanger - City of Guelph The second phase of work involving the development of a Water Quantity Stress Assessment has been completed by ARI and has been submitted for peer review. Although the Provincial Guidance documents for Tier 2 Water Quantity Stress Assessment were completed in 2006, this report stands as one of the first in the province to undergo peer review of the recommendations for further Tier 3 Water Budget projects and delineation of significant groundwater recharge areas. As a result, the Province has worked closely with ARI throughout this project to consider their questions and concerns, and the peer review team has prepared their comments using the most up to date interpretations of the guidance. The Province and the Grand River Conservation Authority are currently working with Waterloo Region and the City of Guelph on pilot Tier 3 studies. The Technical Rules identify the following specific components of the Tier 2 Water Budget that must be included in the Assessment Reports: Maps . Maps showing physiography, geology, surface water bodies, surlace water control structures, groundwater systems, wells and surface water intakes . Maps assessing the interactions between groundwater and surface water . Maps showing aquatic habitat dependant on water depth, flow and temperature Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 67 of 291 02 Tables . Surface water body flows and levels and groundwater system flows and levels . The maximum annual quantity that can lawfully be taken by each surface water intake and well o Existing and projected uses of water (including drinking water, wastewater treatment, agriculture, livestock, domestic, industrial, commercial) Descriptions o How land cover across the area affects groundwater and surface water . Trends related to the above noted maps, tables and descriptions . Climate of area (including historical trends, existing projections related to changes in climate) Other . ldentification of municipal drinking water systems requiring the development of a local area water budget using a Tier 3 Water Budget model ¡ Delineation of significant groundwater recharge areas ln order for the Source Protection Committee to adopt the water budget components necessary for preparation of the Assessment Reports, the Tier 2 Water Budget documents will be posted on the website for review. The lnterim Water Budget report is currently posted at http://www.sourcewater.calindex/document.cfm?Sec=7&Sub1=6&sub2=5. The Final Water Budget report, including revisions made since the posting of the interim report, and the Water Quantity Stress Assessment will be posted on the website following the fìnal signoff by the peer reviewers, which is expected to occur in June. A copy of the Peer Review Summary report, including the details of the peer review process, will also be posted on the website. A staff report, recommending adoption of the Water Budget components, will be brought to an upcoming meeting for the consideration of the Source Protection Committee. Prepared by:Approved by: James B. Etienne, P.Eng. Surface Water Manger Lorrie Minshall, P.Eng. Source Protection Program Director 2 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 68 of 291 03 LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE REPORTNO. SPC-06-09-02 DATE: June 4, 2009 TO: Members of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee SUBJECT: Terms of Reference Status Update RECOMMENDATION: For information only. REPORT: On May 11,2009, the Ministeds decision approving the Terms of Reference for the Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Source Protection Areas were posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Registry. This triggers the regulatory deadline for the submission of the Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Assessment Reports as May 11,2010 (one year after the approval of the Terms of Reference). As discussed at the May 7, 2009 Source Protection Committee meeting, staff have made corrections to the Long Point Region and Grand River Source Protection Area Terms of Reference. ln particular, the three (3) planned drinking water systems for Norfolk County, listed in Table A.4.2, have been removed from the Terms of Reference because it was determined that the systems do not meet the defìnition of either planned or existing systems under the Clean Water Act. Once the development of the systems has progressed to meet the definition of "planned", the systems will be added to the Terms of Reference, Assessment Report and Source Protection Plan. The City of Guelph and Region of Waterloo systems listed under Table A.4.2 of the Grand River Terms of Reference have been determined to meet the definition of "existing" municipal system. Subsequently, the three (3) Region of Waterloo systems and two (2) Guelph systems have been moved to Table A.4.1. lt should be noted that the two Guelph systems are part of the larger "Guelph Waterworks" system, which encompasses all of the wells and the surface water intake supplying the City, and therefore have been added to this system already listed in Table 4.4.1. The total number of City of Guelph systems shown in Table 4.4.1 has not changed. Staff re-submitted both the Long Point Region and Grand River Terms of Reference to the Ministry of the Environment on May 22,2009. lt is anticipated that the Minister's approval of the Terms of Reference will be received by mid-June 2009. This will result in an Assessment Report deadline for the Grand River and Long Point Region SPAs of mid-June 2010. The approved Terms of Reference for Kettle Creek and Catfish Creek SPAs, and revised Terms of Reference for Long Point Region and Grand River SPAs are posted on www.sourcewater.ca. Prepared by:Approved by: Simon Glauser, Source Protection Program Coordinator Lorrie Minshall, P.Eng. Source Protection Program Director B-1 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 69 of 291 o4 LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE REPORT NO.sPc-06-09-04 DATE: June 4, 2009 TO: Members of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee SUBJEGT: Background on Waterloo Moraine Review RECOMMENDATION: For information only. SUMMARY: On May 7, 2009, the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee received correspondence from Louisette Lanteigne regarding the importance of protecting recharge areas as part of source water protection. The correspondence coincides with the outcome of a two-year Provincial review of the legislation and policies in place to protect groundwater resources in the Waterloo, and Paris-Galt moraines. The province determined that existing provincial legislation and policy is suffìcient to protect these groundwater resources, and noted specifìcally that the Clean Water Act includes a component to protect significant groundwater recharge areas; although the extent to which these will be protected has yet to be determined since source protection plans will not be completed until 2012. This report provides some background as to how the Clean Water Act and regulations delineate and address significant groundwater recharge areas and the threats to drinking water sources found within them. Since Ms. Lanteigne's correspondence does not request a response or other action on the part of the Source Protection Committee, and the correspondence has already been received as information, it is recommended that no further action be taken at this time. REPORT: At the May 7,2009 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting, the committee received correspondence from Louisette Lanteigne. The correspondence included written submissions by Ms. Lanteigne and others on the importance of protecting groundwater resources and recharge areas. The correspondence coincides with the results of a two-year provincial review of the policies and legislation in place to protect the Waterloo and Paris- Galt moraine systems in the central portion of the Grand River watershed. The review was conducted in response to an Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Registry request made in July 2006 suggesting that a similar framework to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conseruation Act, 2001 is required to protect the Waterloo and Paris-Galt moraines, specifically from development and growth pressures in the Region of Waterloo. The provincial review consisted of reviewing existing legislation and policies relating to the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 70 of 291 05 protection of groundwater recharge, and assessed the potential policy gaps to determine the need for new policy to protect the groundwater and source water of the Waterloo and Paris- Galt moraines from impacts of development. The review also included an examination of the state of knowledge and existing data on the Waterloo and Paris-Galt moraines. The conclusions of the review state that no new provincial policies or legislation are required to further protect the Waterloo and Paris-Galt moraines. Existing policy and legislation, expressly the Provincial Policy Statement, Ontario Water Resources Act and the Clean Water Act, require the protection of groundwater recharge and source water in the Waterloo and Paris-Galt moraine. The review conclusions do state, however, that the level of protection provided by the Clean Water Act has yet to be determined since local source protection plans will not be completed untilAugust 2012. The review conclusions state that the Ministry of the Environment will: "...undertake, in collaboration or consultation with pañner ministrie,s, Frsf Nations and stakeholders, the development of guidance materials fo assrsú with the implementation of policies protecting hydrologic functions (e.9. policies in the Provincial Policy Statement). The Ministry of the Environment will establish a process with partner ministries, First Nations and stakeholders to determine the ertent and scope of guidance required." (EBR Review Response: Waterloo Moraine, April 2009, Ministry of the Environment, nes.pdf) The Grand River Conservation Authority and Regional Municipality of Waterloo were contacted during the review to discuss the issues and provide supplementary information for the review team. Source Protection Gommittee Position on Land Use Planning At the June 5, 2008 meeting, the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agreed to the position that "the committee does not have the mandate, or authority, to question municipal land use planning matters outside of the development of assessment reports and source protection plans, developed under the Clean Water Act, 2006. Where members of the public or other stakeholders disagree with a municipal land use planning matter, these concerns should be directed to the appropriate municipality.' The submissions included with the correspondence received on May 7,2009 refer to impacts of growth and land use pressures on the moraines. However, the correspondence does not refer to specific land use planning decisions made by municipalities or request a response or other action. Since the correspondence has been received for information, it is recommended that no further action be taken by the Committee at this time. Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas The following section describes how groundwater recharge areas are defined, assessed and protected under the Clean Water Act. (Please note that the references to the Act, regulations and rules are not necessarily exact words and have been paraphrased in many places to improve the readability of this report.) 2 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 71 of 291 06 Under the Clean Water Act, a 'significant groundwater recharge area' means an area within which it is desirable to regulate or monitor drinking water threats that may affect the recharge of an aquifer (O.Reg 287107 Section 1(1)). Section 15 (2) of the Clean Water Act requires that an assessment report: (d) identify all the significant groundwater recharge areas and highly vulnerable aquifers that are in the source protection area; (0 describe the drinking water issues relating to the quality and quanti$ of water in each of the vulnerable areas identified under clauses (d) and (e); (g) list, for each vulnerable area identified under clauses (d) and (e), (i) activities that are or would be drinking water threats, and (ii) conditions that result from past activities and that are drinking water threats; (h) identify, within each vulnerable area identified under clauses (d) and (e), (i) the areas where an activity listed under clause (g) is or would be a significant drinking water threat, and (ii) the areas where a condition listed under clause (g) is a significant drinking water threat. O. Reg. 287107 (General) Section 13 requires, in addition, that the assessment report list, for each vulnerable area identified under subclause 15(2) (d) and (e), r areas where activities or conditions resulting from past activities are or would be a moderate or low drinking water threat. . the circumstances in which the activity that is or would be a significant, moderate, or low drinking water threat, and . the number of locations at which a person is engaging in an activity that is a significant drinking water threat and the number of locations where a condition is a significant drinking water threat. The Technical Rules: Assessment Report, Rules 44-46, define how a 'significant groundwater recharge area' is to be delineated. The area that is a significant groundwater recharge area is to be delineated using the water budget models (described in Part lll of the rules) and with consideration of the topography, surficial geology, and how land cover affects groundwater and surface water. Water Quality Perspective The significant groundwater recharge area is to be subdivided according to groundwater vulnerability (intrinsic susceptibility to groundwater contamination) and assigned a vulnerability score ol 6, 4, or 2 where the groundwater vulnerability is high, medium, or low respectively (Rules 80-81 ). Because of the vulnerability scores attributed to significant groundwater recharge areas in the technical rules, a significant groundwater recharge area will have a vulnerability score no higher than 6. Therefore, significant threats will not be identifìed as a result of an activity or condition in a signifìcant groundwater recharge area. Conditions resulting from past activities Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 72 of 291 o7 as well as activities having a hazard score of 10 will be moderate threats in significant groundwater recharge areas having high vulnerability. For drinking water issues identified in a signifìcant groundwater recharge area, the description of the issue will ultimately include delineation of the area within which activities may contribute to the parameter in question, as well as the activities or conditions within that area that are associated with the parameter or pathogen (Rule 1 15). This information may not be available for the first assessment report, in which case a plan for ascertaining this information is required. Since the vulnerability score for the signifìcant groundwater recharge area will not be higher than 6, no activities or conditions associated with the drinking water issue identified for a non- municipal drinking water well located in a significant groundwater recharge area will be deemed a signifìcant threat. Water Quantitv Perspective Consideration for protection of groundwater recharge areas from a water quantity perspective is undertaken as part of the Tier 3 water quantity risk assessment for those subwatersheds that are identifìed as having a significant or moderate potential for stress during the Tier 2 stress assessment and also contain municipal residential drinking water systems. ln the Tier 3 water quantity risk assessment, the 'local area' is first delineated by combining the cones of influences resulting from the municipal drinking water well, the intersecting cones of influence of other water takings, and the area where the reduction in recharge would have a measurable impact on the cone of influence of the municipal drinking water well (Rules 53-54). This 'local area' is the focus for consideration of recharge, rather than the 'significant groundwater recharge area' defined for the protection of water quality (as described above). As a next step, the risk level of the local area is determined as significant, moderate or low depending on the exposure and tolerance level of the drinking water system (Rules 97-107). Exposure level is considered to be high if the quantity of water available on average or during a drought period would not be sufficient to meet the current or allocated quantity of water to be taken by those wells. Tolerance level is considered to be high if the drinking water system could, in all of the scenarios that are set out, meet the peak demands of users of the system, and low if this is not the case. The risk level is significant if the exposure level is high and the tolerance level is low. Then, an activity that reduces recharge to an aquifer is considered to be a signifìcant drinking water threat if the local area ís assessed to have a risk level of significant or if the reduction in recharge to the aquifer would cause the risk level of the area to move from moderate to significant (Rules 1 1 I -1 13). Since the Tier 3 studies in the Lake Erie Region have not yet reached a stage of defining 'local areas' or local areas with a risk level of significant or moderate, there are no available examples of situations where the source protection plan might address groundwater recharge protection from a quantity perspective. 4 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 73 of 291 08 Source Protection Plan As set out in Section 22 of the Clean Water Act, the source protection plan is to include: Policies intended to achieve the following objectives for every area identified in the assessment report as an area where an activity is or would be a significant drinking water threat: i. Ensuring that the activity never becomes a significant drinking water threat. ii. Ensuring that, if the activity is being engaged in, the activity ceases to be a significant drinking water threat. Policies governing the monitoring, in every area that is identified in the assessment report as an area where an activity is or would be a significant drinking water threat, of the activity. Policies governing the monitoring, in every area that is identified in the assessment report as an area where a condition is a significant drinking water threat, of the condition. Policies governing the monitoring of an activity or condition in other areas within a vulnerable area if the monitoring of the activity or condition is advisable to assist in preventing the activity or condition from becoming a significant drinking water threat. Policies governing the monitoring of a drinking water issue identified in the assessment report, if the monitoring of the drinking water issue is advisable. The source protection plan may also include: Policies that are intended to achieve the objective of ensuring that a condition that is a significant threat ceases to be a significant threat. Policies intended to address activities and conditions that are listed in the assessment report as drinking water threats but are not addressed by the policies that are required to be included in the plan. Prepared by:Prepared by: Simon Glauser, Lorrie Minshall, P.Eng. Source Protection Program Coordinator Source Protection Program Director 5 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee agenda of meeti... Page 74 of 291 5 LONG POINT REGION GONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF D¡RECTORS - MINUTES May 6,2009 (as approved at the Board Meeting held June 3, 2009) Members in attendance: R. Sackrider, P. Black, S. Lamb, B. Sloat, J. Hunt, L. Chanda. L. Bartlett, P. Lee, P. Ens and R. Geysens Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J. Robertson, H. Surette, Giuditta Poelzl and D. McLachlan. Regrets: D. Holmes The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at7:07 pm Wednesday, May 6h, 2OOg in the LPRCA Hay Creek office Boardroom. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS None DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None recorded. DEPUTATION JOHN DEWITT AND STEVE SGHEERS, REPRESENTATIVES, NORFOLK FOREST LANDSCAPE: J. DeWitt explained that the Norfolk Forest Landscape Network is an extension of the Forest Capital of Canada initiative and would consist of seven cornerstone partners including LPRCA uniting to share their common interest in woodlot management. lt is a networking opportunity that is based on past history but a commitment to the future. One component is to look at the ATV issue and possibly provide a trail system with a group that has insurance, resources to monitor, etc. Another issue for discussion is the EAB threat. The draft terms of reference was reviewed. The floorwas then opened for questions and discussion. MOTION A- 47 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the deputation by John DeWitt regarding the Norfolk Forest Landscape Network. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A - 48 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Black and carried that the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting held April I't, 20Og be adopted as circulated. FULL AUTHOR¡TY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -1- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 75 of 291 DEPUTATION STEVE SCHEERS, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY & CEMETARIES, NORFOLK COUNTY - GYPSY MOTH AND EAB UPDATE: S. Scheers reviewed the spraying program and what areas were treated. Fifty-two percent of the potentially high risk properties were sprayed over 10 days in the spring of 2008 with either Gypchek (made from infected moths) or BTk (virus). Altogether the woodlots sprayed suffered about 25% defoliation. The deputation fielded several questions from the Board. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES None. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES MOTION A - 49 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Black and carried that the minutes from the Lee Brown Mars-h Management Committee of December 22"d, 2OO8 and the Backus Advisory Board of March 18th, 2OO9 be received for information. CORRESPONDENCE H. Surette reviewed the R&T Norman issue re: potential flooding on their property after road works completed by Brant County. Staff has viewed the property but was unable to see the problem. As per the Hearing Board resolution LPRCA and Brant County are to discuss the issue. H. Surette is stilltrying to make arrangements with Brant County staff to discuss the matter. MOTION A - 50 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by P. Black and carried that correspondence outlined in the Board of Directors'Agenda of May 6h, 2OO9 be received for information. DEVELOPM ENT APPLICATIONS H. Surette noted that the Planning Department has been getting busy. There were thirteen applications. MOTION A - 5l moved by R. Geysens, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approve the following Development Applications; A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, Interference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178106) NC-16/09 NC-18/09 BU-1/09 NC-27/09 NC-17/09 NC-19/09 NC-22/09HC-4/09 NC-21/09 NC-23/09 FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 76 of 291 B. Approve, WITH CONDITIONS, the following development application for work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06), NC-24/09 NC-25/09 NC-26/09 C. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. NEW BUSINESS CALENDAR REVIEW J. Robertson noted that May is a busy month that includes the opening of LPRCA's parks, Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast, tree planting, Doors Open and the Leighton and Betty Brown Scholarship application deadline. Discussion arose as to the Scholarship presentation. The LBMMC asked that the presentation be changed and it has been decided that the August Board meeting will be moved to Backus for a BBQ and presentation. TREE MARKING PRESCRIPTION/OPERATING PLAN - CASSELTON TRACT - HAMMOND TRACT - ALLAN TRACT Staff noted that tree marking is being conducted as per the 2O-year Forest Management Plan and that 2009 forestry revenues are on track. MOTION A-52 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the tree-marking prescription/operating plan for the Casselton Tract 2OOB|2O09. MOTION A-53 moved by P. Black, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the tree-marking prescription/operating plan for the Hammond Tract 2O08l2OOg MOTION A-54 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the tree-marking prescription/operating plan for the Allan Tract 200812009 2OO9 CHRISTMAS OPERATING SCHEDULE As per past practice, the LPRCA office will shut down between Christmas and New Years Day. This year, staff will be required to bank two vacation days. MOTION A-55 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA ctoses operations (except for emergency response) from FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens' John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 77 of 291 December 25log to January 4/10 inclusive; AND that staff working at that time be granted one complimentary day off with pay; AND that staff be required to utilize two (2) 2009 vacation days during the closure period or take unpaid leave along with three statutory holidays. YEARS OF SERVICE RECOGNITION As per LPRCA policies, recognition is to be given to those staff and Board members for their years of service at the June Board meeting. Discussion arose regarding holding this event at either the Christmas dinner or the AGM. Staff is to review i.e. cutoff date. BUDGET PERFORMANCE AS AT MARCH 31,2OO9 Giuditta Poelzl was introduced as the Manager of Corporate Services and reviewed the projections to March 31't. Staff stated that there are no changes in the projections at this time. ONTARIO REGULATION I74106 MIND-MONTH APPROVAL OPTIONS After discussion, it was decided that email is the preferred method but some would like a phone call prior to the email being sent. MOTION A-56 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA adopt one of the following options for approving mid-month applications submitted for minor works under Ontario Regulation 178106: Regulation of Development, lnterference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses: 1. resDonses; 2. Mid-month fax: permission granted will be based on receiving 6 positive responses; 3. Mid-month combination of 1 and 2: permission granted will be based on receiving 6 positive responses; 4. Mid-month conference call; or, 5. Continue with the current approval process on a monthly basis. LPRCA SIGNING AUTHORIW MOTION A-57 moved by P. Lee, seconded by P. Black and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA authorizes that: A. Richard Faber be removed and Giuditta Poelzl, Manager, Corporate Services be added as the fourth duly appointed Authorized Officer for signing cheques and making investments on behalf of LPRCA, B. Richard Faber be removed and Giuditta Poelzl, Manager, Corporate Services be added as second Authorized Officer for Electronic Access to the LPRCA Bank FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 78 of 291 Accounts for the purposes of carrying out any Online Banking activities such as account review, statutory remittances and other bill paying activity. 2OO9 LPRCA RENTAL AGREEMENTS MOT¡ON A-58 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors authorizes the General Manager to issue a contract for the rental of the Rock's Mill Small Barn to Mr. Terry Smith; AND that the Port Burwell Marina Lease pay schedule for 2009-2013 be approved as per the GM's report of May 6th, 2OOg. Questions regarding Rock's Mill were answered by the GM. MEM BER/STAFF MILEAGE SURVEY The mileage rate has been 401 since 2006. G. Poelzl polled other CAs. She noted that the Treasury Board lists 521 as its rate and the CRA guideline deems 52$, as a reasonable rate. An informal poll of municipal rates was taken. MOTION A-59 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Black and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors authorizes the General Manager to request OMB approval to increase the rate for reimbursement to staff for approved business use of personal vehicles from $0.40 to $0.45 per kilometer effective June 1, 2009; AND that application be made to the Ontario Municipal Board to implement this same rate for members; AND that both take effect June 1,2009 NORFOLK I.ANDSCAPE NETWORK The Board members were asked to support the continued participation of LPRCA as a cornerstone partner in this spín off project of Forest Capital of Canada 2009. Discussion arose as to cost, as well as, the future role and potential obligations of the cornerstone partners. Staff assured Board members that any policy decisions regarding this initiative would be brought back for Board approval. MOTION A-60 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Black and carried that the Board of Directors supports the continued participation of LPRCA as a cornerstone partner with Norfolk County's 2009 Forest Capital of Canada initiative. MOTION A-61 moved by P. Black, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to discuss: ! personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Conservation Authority employees; MOTION A-65 moved by P. Black, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera" session. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -5- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 79 of 291 The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:29pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 3d, 2009. Buck Sloat Chairman Dana Mclachlan Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlefi, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -6- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 80 of 291 Page I of2 Lynda Millard At¿ From: Sandra Maertens Sent: Thursday, June I 1, 2009 9:10 AM To: Kyle Kruger; Lynda Millard Subject: FW: Small Business lnternship Program "I am very pleased to announce that the CFDC of Middlesex County has been contracted by Industry Canada to be a Delivery Agent for the Small Business Internship Program (SBIP). SBIP provides a grant of up to 75o/o of the costs of hiring an intern age 15-30 for full-time work (max. 35 hours per weeþ lor a 12 week placement in the area of e-commerce of information & communication technology (ICT). Applicants must be incorporated For-Profit businesses with less than 500 employees. The goal of the internship must be advance the e-commerce and ICT capacities of the company. The company selects its own intern and there is no limit to the number of interns that they may employ however, all placements must be completed before March 31,2010. The CFDC of Middlesex County has a total 50 placements it can approve. While we originally applied to be the delivery agent in London-Middlesex, and hold this area as our priority for the project, as we are the only delivery agent for the program south of Waterloo, we are opening up our placements to the greater regions that you all represent. I've attached to this email the summary, guidelines, and application form for the program. As we are hoping to have the first round of placements approved for a July lst start-date, time is of the essence. Therefore, please share these materials with any contacts or clients that you feel will qualify and be interested in applying. We are looking at second intake for internships beginning by Oct. lst and a final round beginning Jan. lst however, will be leaving the application process open to allow for a first-come, first-served approach to approving the total of 50 internship placements I've also attached a copy of the promotional poster for the program, and ask that you display this in your offices if at all possible to further encourage applications." This information can also be reviewed on our website at www.cfdcmiddlesex.on.ca Sincerely, Cara Cørøfl. lFinaBBA, cMsM General Manager CFDC of Middlesex County The Busíness Help Centre 22423 Jefferies Road, Unit 6 RR5 Komoka, ON NOL 1R0 Tel 519-641-6100 Fax 519-641-6288 Email: cfÌnn@cfdcmiddlesex.on.ca 5 6/ll/2009 Email correspondence from Community Futures Development Corp... Page 81 of 291 Page2 of2 www. cfdcmiddles ex.on. ca Ç c=* IQ-Y- t+\ 61tU2009 Email correspondence from Community Futures Development Corp... Page 82 of 291 L"-. - - .r-.-- --.Árl f-L THE BUSINESS HELP CENTRE Community Futures Development Corporation ß_ :r.of Middlesex County SMALL BUSINESS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (SBIP) ln partnership with lndustry Canada, Community Futures Development Corporation of Middlesex County offers a program that prwiOes support to small ánd medium-sized businesses to help them develop information and communication technologies (lTC) to increase thóii productivity and competitiveness. The program offers financial support to local businesses to allow them to hire a post secondary student under 30 years of age. Eligible beneficiary:{ Private commercial sector, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs);{ Must be incorporated. Eligible activities: Eligible activities are those directly related to youth intem employment, and involve one or more of the following activities: { Support E-business marketing and market research for the firm;r' lmprove clienUcustomer support for the firm using E-business and/or ITC;{ Enhance productivity of the firm using E-business and/or ITC;/ Enhance visibiliÇ of the firm using E-business and/or lTC. Non-eligible activities include:/ Projects aimed at supporting educational activities, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and promotional materials, magazines, guides, folders and training programs, are not eligible. iilß'itffi;lTn"o nn"n"iat assistance for the private sector SMEs. lt subsidizes wage expenses for youth intems up to age 30: r' During a predetermined period of 12to 14 weeks;r' For fulþtime employment of 30 hours to 35 hours per week (maximum 420 hours);/ 75 o/o of wages up to a maximum of $10,000 per intemship;/ lncluding statutory employee benefits. Applications to be forwarded to: Gommunitv'*î'rïr?::"¿:irR::îü'å*å:å:lgodresexGountv Komoka, Ontario NOL IRO Aul PRo¿Ecrs MUsr BE coMPLETED BEFoRE M¡ncl 3lst 2ol0. Any questions or concems regarding the application process for the Small Business lnternship Program may be directed to: S1é-641-6100 ext. 109, toil free 1-866-20S1188, fax 519-&f1-6288 or email businessoutreach@cfdcmiddlesex.on'ca sBtP 2009-2010 Email correspondence from Community Futures Development Corp... Page 83 of 291 i ¡ Email correspondence from Community Futures Development Corp... Page 84 of 291 lun, 3, 2009 l2:04PM County of Elein Media Refease June 3,2009 For immediate release Central Elgin, ON - On June 16th, 2OO9 Elgin County's Jennifer Ford, Financial Analyst and the Region of Durham's Joel Nicholson, Supervisor of Provincial Offences Act (POA) Collections will attend the Association of Municipal Clerk's and Treasurers (A.M,C.T.O) annual convention to accept the E.A. Danby Award in the Municipal Finance Category. Through a partnership agreement with Elgin County, the Region of Durham's Provincial Otfences Collection Team has been actively pursuing defaulted fines on behalf of Elgin County. This arrangernent has lead to an increase in revenue for both municipalities and a seamless seruice to residents. ln fact, in 2008 more than $500,000 was collected in defaulted fines representing an 87% increase in revenue over 2007. The AMCTO Awards Review Cqmmittee has chosen the 2009 E.A. Danby Award, in "Municipal Finance Category- for municipalities with a population of 20,000 or more," to be jointly awarded to Elgin and Durham. The E.A. Danby Award is presented annually to a municipality that demonstrates, through a specific initiative, a willingness to employ innovative techniques and is able to demonstrate tangible results of those effotts as they irnpact on the efficiency and effectlveness of the municipal corporation. Graham Wan¡vick, Warden of Elgin County, noted that, "One of Elgin County's corporate goals is to develop partnerships and this award is proof that innovative practices can lead to outstanding pedormance improvements, We are delighted to share this award with the Region of Durham." -30- For further information contact: Jennifer Ford, Financial Analyst (519) 631-1460 x107 jford@elg in-cou nty. on. ca N0,3280 P, 2/2 5 Counly of El$n 450 Sunset D¡ive St Thomas. 0ntarfo N5R 5V1 canada Pnons: 519-631-1460 www.el glncounly.on.ca Progresslvc by Nalurc Correspondence dated June 3, 2009 from County of Elgin regar... Page 85 of 291 Page 86 of 291 Ontario Good Road$; #,Vl/,/í'tc fi.on tl,ø floail ( 0,irotore P¡.nru ReaoING ANo CONTRACT ITTrRPRETATION The 2010 C.S. Anderson Road School will introduce the Plan Reading and Contract lnterpretation cou rse. Successfully piloted on March 23-24, the first course ran April 8-9 in Mississauga and gathered 25 participants representing municipalities, a utility company, MTO, contractors and a housing developer. The Member Services Committee agreed that the course content is pertinent to the C.S. Anderson Road School curriculum and approved the program to be offered at Guelph Road School in 2010. EnosroN AND SToTMENT Corurnol Federal and provincial agencies are looking to municipalities for resolution in management of erosion and sediment control on construction sites across the province. ln a recommendation made to the OGRA Board of Directors, staff will continue to investigate opportunities to engage the involved parties in the development process and construction industry to monitor and maintain erosion and sediment controls to mitigate silt deposits in lakes, rivers and streams. ln addition, OGRA and the Municipal Engineers Association are developing a fallworkshop on erosion and sediment control. Staff will be looking at inviting all parties involved in development and construction to the workshop and further details will be posted to www.ogra.org in the coming months. Nrw Arr¡ N ITY PRNrru ERSH I P The Member Services Committee heard a presentation from Jim Mackie, President and David Turney, General Manager, Fuels Safety On- Line lnc., on the requirement under the Technical Standards and Safety Act and the Liquid Fuels Handling Code stating those who refuel vehicles and equipment must be trained to do so. Fuels Safety On-Line lnc. has developed a series of online courses to meet this training need, and with Board's approval to partner with Fuels Safety, OGRA now offers Site Operator Training Course for Municipal Workers and Municipal L/n-/,io /"- ú/,,-,; ¡n/;fh o Ontario Good Roads Association newsletter dated April 2009 r... Page 87 of 291 Board Bríef contd... Attendant Training Course at a discounted rate for OGRA member municipalities. Since meeting with the Board, OGRA staff has investigated and extended our agreement to include classroom training. For information on the courses, affinity partnership and the regulation, please visit our website at www.ogra.org. AODA EIvIpI-OyMENT Accrss r B r LrrY Srnru DARD The Policy Committee heard a delegation from Andy Hynes, London Transit, representing AMO on AODA - Employment Accessibility Standard. Mr. Hynes spoke to the issue and the possible impacts on municipalities of the developed standards, which were released February L8,2009. As posted on the OGRA website, the deadline for submitting comments on the Employment Accessi bi I ity Sta nda rds Developm e nt Com m ittee's (SDC's) initial proposed Employment Accessibility Standard was May 22,2009. The Standards Development Committee will reconvene to review and consider the input received during the publíc review period. A finalized proposed standard will be presented to the government for consideration as future law. OGRA will continue to update our members through email and on our website. OGRA REPRESENTATION ON THE OSSGA SPCC¡ FICATIONS COVI M ITTI The Member Services Committee approved a staff recommendation that David Anderson, Project Manager, Asset Management, AECOM, be formally appointed as OGRA's representative on the Specifications Committee of the Ontario Stone Sand and GravelAssociation (OSSGA). Effective April 2009, Mr. Anderson will provide written feed back a n d recom m e ndations fol lowing each of the Specifications Committee meetings. 2009-70 OGRA Board Memberc os shown în pÍdure on pøge 7 BACK ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Tom Bateman, County Engineer, County of Essex; Craig Davídson, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer, Municipality of Hastings Highlands; John Niedra, Director, Etobicoke York District Transportation Operations, City of Toronto; Mark Grimes, Councillor, City of Toronto; Joanne Vanderheyden, Deputy Mayor, Township of Strathroy-Caradoc; Alan Korell, Managing Dírector/City Engineer, City of North Bay; Second Vice-President, John Curley, Councillor, City of Timmins; Ken Hill, Mayor, Township of Russell; Joe Tiernay, Executive Director, Ontario Good Roads Association FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): David Fawcett, Deputy Mayor, Municipality of Grey Highlands; Rick Champagne, Councillor, Township of East Ferris; Past-President, David A. Leckie, Director of Roads and Transportation, City of London; President, Eric Rutherford, Councillo[ Municipality of Greenstone; First Vice-President, Paul Johnson, Operations Manager, County of Wellington; Damian Albanese, Director, Transportation Division, Regional Munícipality of Peel, Steve Desroches, Councillor, City of Ottawa lrl-/-^ L- l/., -;.,¡^/;h'.. Ontario Good Roads Association newsletter dated April 2009 r... Page 88 of 291 ir I ln this edition Chamber lnfluence... ..............1 Ontario Legislature passes 2fl19 Budget - implementing key wins for OCC members!......................1 Accessibility Standards update .............2 Metrolinx: Study aims to expedite construction of Go Transit rail expansion projects .....................3 Buy America hurting Ontario businesses. ................4 Spotlight lnternational.............. ...............5 Canada looks to the WTO about US COOL requirements .............. ...............5 Canadian Environment Trade Mission to Hong Kong......... ........5 Ask the Trade Commissioner Service ......................6 Whafs new on Ventures... ....................6 Chamber lnfluence 2ntario legislature pdsses 2009 Eudget - implenenting key wins for QCC nemþers! The recently passed 2009 Provincial Budget, implements key reforms proposed by OCC members. ln short, businesses will save more money and have a heightened ability to invest within their communities and operations. Starting July 1st, 2010, businesses will pay L4% less in corporate income taxes; small businesses will save IïYo. By 2013, reductions in the general corporate tax rate will save businesses 29To in taxes. In addition, growing small and medium sized businesses will no longer face the small business surtax - the elimination of which has long been advocated for by the OCC. As a result, for every S100,000 in net income between 5500 thousand and St.S m¡ll¡on, business will pay 45% less income tax. Finally, the corporate minimum tax (CMT) was reduce d to 2.7%; more importantly, the exempt¡ons for small and medium sized businesses have been greatly expanded to exclude the majority of businesses from the CMT. The budget marks the government's continued implementation of OCC's Long Term Tax Strategy Package, first developed and approved by delegates at the 2004 Annual General Meeting and updated in 2007. This reform package, which called for a 'smart tax policy' included: 180 Dund¡r $treel f,,., Suíte 505 Torant6. Ontrr¡o M56 I 28 {16,¿tEz.s22z wtÍw.orc-ûn.ct lS0 900f Ce¡ttfled ONYARIO CHÂMB,ËR of COMM,f RCE úntâr¡o's 8u:it':s: Adr';:¡¡lr ONTAR¡O CHAMS*a af Côl\,îM€RCE 0ntarie's B!s¡nÊlt ÂÙ'!díàie Ontario Chamber of Commerce "Focus" newsletter. File: A01 Page 89 of 291 Fo 1. The elimination of capital taxes to reduce the cost of capital in Ontario; 2. The harmonization of provincial and federal corporate tax filings to eliminate red-tape and the paper burden of dealing with two tax processes and auditors; and, 3. The harmonization of provincial sales taxes with the federal GST to lower the cost of operating and investing in businesses. As indicated in last month's focus, the first two items have already been addressed by government in previous budgets. As a result, for every SZS m¡ll¡on in taxable capital, businesses will be saving $+5 thousand, annually. Moreover, harmonization of provincial and federal corporate tax fillings will save businesses SI.OO m¡ll¡on, annually - the bulk of which will accrue to small business. ln the 2009 budget, coupled with personal and income tax reduct¡ons, the government committed to the final component of the reform - the harmonizing of provincial sales taxes with the federal goods and services tax (GST). Harmonization will occur on July 1st, 2010, and will greatly improve business competitiveness in Ontario as well as reduce the red tape for business. Under the comprehensive reform called for by OCC members, and delivered by government, all will benefit in Ontario from harmonization. Please refer to the April 2@9 Focus for additional background or visit www.taxha rmonization.ca For further information please contact Derek Picard, senior Policy Analyst, derekpicard@occ'on'ca or 4L6-482-5222 ext.246. Accessibility Standards update All businesses will be directly affected by new Ontario rules governing how you, in every aspect of your business, must accommodate people with disabilities. Since the passage of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in 2005 the government has struck several public-private sector committees to assist in developing standards (which will be turned into regulation) for the AODA. A wide range of new rules are being created that will affect how you hire and manage your employees; communicate to your employees and customers, clients, suppliers; change or renovate your buildings and internal structures; and deliver quality customer service, all with the laudable intention of providing an appropriate working and business environment for people with disabilities. The OCC is actively representing members' views on several working committees that have been formed by the government to write these new rules. But the OCC is only one voice on these committees. ttO Dund:l Slnêt lV., Suite 505 loronts, ùrt¡ño M5G lZ8 ¡ff6,1E2,5222 www'ô€e-ôn,ôt fSO 9001 (¿rüllcd ONTÂRIO C*lAMâ€R of COlt'IMERCE Ðntal lo's 0us¡rie:s Âti'*¿r-a:l Ontario Chamber of Commerce "Focus" newsletter. File: A01 Page 90 of 291 Mare tT YouR BustNEss The Built Environment Standards are expected to go forward for public review and input by mid-June. The OCC urges all members to carefully review the draft Built Environment Standards to determine how they may affect your own business, and to provide the OCC and the government your opinions, including suggest¡ons on improving the language. We strongly believe it is in the best interests of all business people to educate yourselves on these new rules, as they will have profound impacts on your business operations and bottom line. For further information on the Accessibility Standards please contact Mary Hogarth, Senior Poliry A n a lyst, m a ryh oga rt h @ occ. o n. ca or 4t6- 482-5222 ext.233 Metrolinx: Study ains to expedire construction of Go lransìt rail expansron projects Addressing mounting congestion and easing commuter traffic across one of North America's busiest regions requires a bold and effective long range strategy. Congestion currently costs the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) 56 billion annually. Metrolinx's recent decision to study the electrificatÍon of its entire GO Transit rail system is indeed welcomed by the business community. This study is a positive step forward to easing commuters getting to and from work across the GTHA. Exploring environmentally sound and efficient alternatives to diesel powered trains currently in service will help mitigate anticipated concerns surrounding increased pollution of key Go Transit expansion projects. ln turn, this study aims to help expedite the construction of important projects that are integralto Metrolinx's RegionalTransportation Plan such as the expansion of the Georgetown rail corridor which includes the Union Station to Pearson Airport link. Go Transit has been providing commuter services throughout the GTHA for decades. Ridership has steadily increased from 2.5 million commuters in 1967 to over 55 million riders in 2008. Over 96 percent of train tr¡ps are made into and out of Union Station in downtown Toronto. Additional capacity on the Go Transit system is essential as the demand transit services increases, especially with the GTHA's share of Ontario's population projected to increase by 65.5 percent in 2O3L, or over one-half of the province's population. Fully electrified train systems have been used in many countries to transport commuters from suburbs to downtown cores for decades. Moving from diesel powered to electrified trains is said to help increase service efficiency as well as reduce pollution caused by dieseltrains. The OCC is encouraged that Metrolinx is exploring the integratíon of environmentally sound technology into Go Transit expansion strategies. This measure is one of many that must be considered as Metrolinx moves forward in rolling out its strategy to improve transportation across the GTHA. ln order to fulfill its mandate to implement its Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Metrolinx must also integrate land-use planning, a comprehensive goods movement strategy and be able to finance all t80 Dundr¡ Street W. Suite 505 Toranto, O¡f¡río M5G 128 416.¡tEU,5l2Z wìrw.a!t40n.cr fSO 9001 Ce¡üfl¡d ONTAR¡O CilÀ$8ER af CÔMMf RCE únlàr! o'g 8ui i nr-rr Ad:,::i¿ie OÑTÂßIO CIIAM8ER of CôMMERCE tlfl lârio'\ Businecs Âiiv¡câle Ontario Chamber of Commerce "Focus" newsletter. File: A01 Page 91 of 291 tt .,..'!, --.¿) -.) f.f projects listed in the (RTP). The OCC will continue to work with Metrolinx and other transportation stakeholders to ensure Ontario's transportation needs are met. The electrification study could commence as early as th¡s summer and be completed by winter 2010. For more information please v¡s¡t Metrol¡nx's website www. metrolinx.com. For further information please contact Sonia Mistry, Policy Analyst, soniamistry(ôocç.on.ç4, 416-482' 5222ext.24O. Buy,4merica hurting 0ntano bustnesses Ontario based manufacturers and suppliers are increasingly facing challenges when trying to win US sub- federal government contracts funded under the 5787 billion US economic st¡mulus package. Canadian and Ontario based companies for the most part have access to US federal procurement contracts as they are subject to ¡nternat¡onal agreements such as the as the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (AGP) and NAFTA. Since these agreements are enforced at the federal level, US state and municipal governments are not oblígated to abide by these free trade policies, thus shutting out Ontario based companies. Further compounding the impact of the Buy America provisions, is the fact that th¡rty-seven US states are members of the AGP while no Canadian provinces have signed on, meaning Canadian and Ontario companies have no right to reciprocity for state-level procurement projects. It is more important now that governments at all levels in Canada, engage in discussion about how to move forward on this serious issue. Ontario's manufacturers and suppliers are the province's leading exporters. According to the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) provincial exports of manufactured goods have grown 153% since 1990. They totalled 5L78.2 billion in2ffi2 and accounted of 76 percent of Ontario's total exports of goods and services that year. While recent figures indicate that the growth rate for this sector has significantly decreased, the manufacturing base is still an integral component to Ontar¡o's economy. ln2CÐ7, the goods produced by the manufacturing sector represented the largest segment of the total goods produced in Ontario at 18.8 percent. A significant amount of these goods were exported to our largest trading partner, the US. Some believe that similar measures to the "Buy America" provisions should be aggressively adopted and implemented by the Ontario government and municipal level governments. Alternatively, the OCC believes that encouraging increased protectionist measures will only hurt Ontario based companies further. lnstead, the OCC is urging that a dialogue be initiated with the federal, provincial and municipal governments, to work towards full reciprocity, allowing Ontario based companies gain access to the US procureme nt contracts. The OCC is currently working on this issue with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders. More details as to action or strategies will soon follow. 180 Drnd¡r Street W' Sü¡te 505 Toronto, OÍt¡t:o UsG lZ8 {I6.48r.5222 wYåÈ.0{]c.ûR.cÊ ÍS0 900f Cârdficd ONTARIQ C*IAMB€&. of CÖf¡tM€RCÉ Ontår¡ô'r 8¡JsrnÊ9J ÂCvdriàle Ontario Chamber of Commerce "Focus" newsletter. File: A01 Page 92 of 291 lf there are any questions or concerns regarding the "Buy America" provisions please contact Son¡a M istry, Po licy Ana lyst, son ia m istrylP occ.o n.ca, 4L6-482-5222 e>û. 24O. Spotlight lnternational Canada looks to the WTO about US COOL requirenents The federal Bovernment formally sought further consultations with the World Trade Organization (WTO) over the United States' country-of-origin (COOL) measures. Products covered under COOL include beef (including veal), lamb and pork; wild and farm raised fish and shellfísh; perishable commodities (fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables); macadamia nuts; pecans; ginseng; and, peanuts. The major impact so far has been on hog and cattle exports. COOL measures require that for a product to be marked a US product, all stages in the production activities (birth, rearing, and slaughtering) must be denoted on the label. This requirement in essence imposes costs at each stage of production. Processors may need to separate animals at their facilities, which also imply added costs. lndustry representatives already note that some US processors are foregoing Canadian products, to avoid separat¡ng production processes and record-keeping obligations or, are trying to buy them at a reduced price. Canada is using these consultations as an opportunity to clarify the rule and the additional labelling requirements. Concerns stem from a February 2009 open letter to US industry encouraging the use of strict labelling practices. This not only compounds the existing challenges, but also reduces the flexibility for Canadian firms, which was originally envisioned in the proposed ruling. For further information please contact Lesley Cole, lnternational Trade Consultant, leslevcole@occ.qn.c? or 4L6-482-5222 ext. 239. Canadian Envíronment Trade fultssion to Hong Kong Environment technology, equipment and products companies interested in expanding their business to China and Hong Kong should save the date to attend the Canadian Environment Trade Mission to Hong Kong from October 26 to November L,2OO9, sponsored in part by the OCC. This mission will help delegates to find: . Potential business partnership and research opportunities . Access to targeted business networks . First-hand market intelligence f80 Durd¿r Strcet lV., Srltê 505 Toronto,O*ãÌio M56 f ZE ¡fl6.{t¿.5222 fvvtw.oaa,trLCÊ f50 9001 €erdff¡d ONTÂRIO tl¡ÂMBER af COMMËRCE {lnlârìo's Eusir¡,:sr Adv¡:i¡le ONTARIO CHÂM8ÊR ¿f CÖMMER.CE tljntario': Bll5i11Êrt.ÀC..,r(atr Ontario Chamber of Commerce "Focus" newsletter. File: A01 Page 93 of 291 ìl Ftf Delegates can also take part in the concurrent Eco Expo Asia international trade fair and conference on environmental protection during October 28 - 3t,2009. This is the perfect platform for delegates to meet with industry players and potential clients from China, Hong Kong and Asia Pacific for exploring business opportunities and partnerships. For qualifying companies, the OCC will be able to assist companies with the cost under Export Market Access, our 50/50 cost sharing grant program r4/ww. ex pO rtaCçeSS. cê. For more information about the mission and Export Market Access, please contact Lesley Cole, lnternationalTrade Consultant at lesleJc.ole@occ.on.ca or 4L6-482-5222 ext 239. Ask the Trade Comnissioner Servtce CanadExport, the e-magazine of the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service is launching a new service called Ask the Trade Commissioner Service, where entrepreneurs can ask a business-related quest¡on and get an answer. For more information about this service please click on the following link To ask a question, you may send an email to canad.exoort@internationAl.gc.ca. what's new on ventures Canadian firms are encouraged to utilize Hong Kong as a vital platform into China in a webcast interview with Stockwell Day, the federal Minister of lnternational Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway. Minister Day was interviewed while on his recent visit to Hong Kong and shares his advice to Canadian firms. Click on the following link to access the post, Canada's Minister of lnternational Trade recommends Canadian companies to leverage the Hong Kong platform to explore the vast business opportunities of China" (http://venturqsdialoeue.caluncategorized/2009/835/) For more information about the Ventures blog, please contact Lesley Cole, lnternational Trade Co nsu lta nt at lesleyco le@ occ.on. ca or 4L6-482-5222 ext 239. t80 Durdèr Sl e€ìW.. Sü¡te 505 Tararito, ontrrfo il56 1 28 416,4E2.5222 $rYtwocc.on.ce lS0 900f Ce¡dfled ONTARIO CHÂM8€R of COMM€*CE rJr¡t¿rio'l Bdsrri*s Âdv¡lalt Ontario Chamber of Commerce "Focus" newsletter. File: A01 Page 94 of 291 201 Queens Avenue, Suite 700 ) London, Ontario N6A lJl Tel: 5 19 672-0445. Fax: 519 672-6562 Toll-free: I 866 294-5446 www.southwestlhin. on.ca South West LHIN Board of Directors Hiqhliqhts - Mav 2009 The South West Local Health lntegration Network (LHIN) Board of Directors met twice during the month of May. The Board Committee met on May 13th and the Board of Directors' meeting was held on May 27th. A Board to Board Engagement Session was held prior to the Board Committee meeting in Owen Sound with approximately 30 people in attendance, including LHIN board and staff members. Following a South West LHIN Board presentation, there was discussion about topics of interest including: Meeting highlights:o Receipt of the Emergency Department Human Resources Study Final Report. Approval of the allocation oÍ 2009110 unallocated community support services funding. Approval of the amended CEO Performance Objectives. Approval of the South West LHIN Audited Financial Statements dated March 31, 2009. Appointment of auditors Deloitte Touche for the flscal years April I , 2009 to March 31,2012. Receipt of the Grey Bruce Health Services External Review Final Report lnformation received:. lnformation/Status Updates from the Board Chair and Senior Leadership Team. Update regarding Ministry-LHIN Accountability Agreement refresh process . Update on Hospital Service Accountability Agreement process (2010-2012) . Ontario Diabetes Strategy Updateo ER/ALC quarterly Stocktake performance progress report PLEASE NOTE: be held on September 9th in Seaforth - further details to follow. Next Meetings: ** Board Committee (June 1dh - T¡ttsonburg)/Boàrd of Directors (June 24th - London)** lf you have any quesfions or require further information, please contact Sue Davey, Corporate Coordinator Phone : 51 9-640-256 I /1 -866-294-5446 or Email : Sue. Davey@ Ih i ns. on. ca South West Local Health Integration Network highlights - May... Page 95 of 291 Page 96 of 291 An agency of the Government of Ontario May 15,2009 Mayor Lynn Acre Municipalþ of Bayham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Dear Mayor Acre: dhrËtvË MAy 2 5 20t9 10 Adelaide Street East Toronto, Ontario MsC 1J3 Telephone: 41 6-325-5000Fax :416-325-5071 www. heritagetrust. on.ca (or 3¿I- MU¡JlûtFÊLtiy 13F ß,4 yHAM The Ontario Heritage Trust is pleased to invite your council to participate in our 2009 Recognition programs, including the Heritage Community Recognition program, Young Heritage Leaders program and Community Leadership program. As Chairman of the Trust, I appreciate the efforts of individuals, groups and communities who help preserve our unique and irreplaceable heritage treasures. With these recognition programs, municipal councils, regional councils, First Nation band councils and Métis community councils can recognize community efforts to preserve Ontario's heritage. Staff and volunteers can help identiff those who are making exceptional contributions to heritage conservation. I encourage you to work with your local Municipal Heritage Committee, Conservation Authority, historical societies, museums, land trusts and other local groups to identify individuals, groups, youth, and communities deserving of recognition. Enclosed are the brochures for our 2009 Recognition programs. The nomination deadline for all proerams is Friday. Julv 17.2009. The nomination forms are now available in electronic format at www.heritagetrust.on.ca. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Trust's Community Programs Officer at 416-314-4907 or reception@heitagetrust.on.ca. I encourage yow council to participate in these programs and recognize the work being done to preserve and promote heritage in your community. Yours truly, The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander Chairman Correspondence dated May 15, 2009 from Ontario Heritage Trus... Page 97 of 291 Page 98 of 291 Page 3 of35 1 -866-569-61 55 Sport Participation Takes Centre Stage ll rt" ToRoNTo, ONTARIO-(Marketwire - June 1, 2009) - The Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario announced an agreement today to fund sports programs for Ontarians, with a particular emphasis on enhancing opportunities for young people, Aboriginal Canadians and people at risk. Participating at the event were the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of State (Sport); the Honourable **>Margarett Best<**, Ontario **>Minister of Health Promotion<*;and James Boyce, Executive Director, Ontario Tennis Association. 'This agreement underlines the importance of partnerships to involve Canadians in sport and encourage Ganadians to live actively," said Minister of State Lunn. "Our Government is committed to promoting sport activities that benefit young people, Aboriginal communities, and all Canadians." "The Ontario government recognizes the significant role sport plays in leading healthy, active lives ," said **>Minister Best.<** 'Today's announcement is important to increase opportunities for participation in sport among Canadians and more particularly among our most under-represented groups." "Sport strengthens communities by bringing people of all backgrounds and ages together," said the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance and Member of Parliament (Whitby-Oshawa). 'Today's announcement is another example of how both governments are working to help Canadians embrace the power of sport." The Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario believe that participation in sport strengthens individuals by giving them opportunities to develop discipline, leadership, and teamwork skills. Under this agreement the Government of Canada and the Ontario government will each contribute $2.65 million for a total investment of $5.3 million over three years. Funding will go towards projects such as: - The Track and Field Fitness project which provides organized activity sessions for over 10,000 Aboriginal children and young people in 60 First Nations communities. - The Bridging the Gap Through School Sport project, which offers leadership training for senior students in the Physical Education Leadership course. - The Sports Camps for Kids initiative, which helps Boys and Girls Clubs across Ontario to offer customized sports camps to over 5,000 children and young people at risk. The Government of Canada is the single largest contributor to sport in this country. lt supports participation and excellence from the playground to the podium, with an annual investment of $166 million. 6/12/2009 Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the Government of Can... Page 99 of 291 The Province of Ontario is committed to increasing Ontarians'sport and physical activity participation levels and developing high performance athletes. The Ontario government provides over $23 million annually through a number of programs that support amateur sport in Ontario. (This news release is available on the lnternet at www.canadianheritage.gc.ca under Media Room. ) - END RELEASE - 07/06/2009 For further information: Office of the Honourable Gary Lunn, P.C., M.P. Minister of State (Sport) Michelle Yao 819-934-1 1 31 OR Office of the Honourable *ÞMargarett Best<**, MPP ontario **>Minister of Health Promotion<** Dipika Dameda 416-326-8/97 OR Canadian Heritage Media Relations 819-994-9101 1 -866-569-61 55 Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the Government of Can... Page 100 of 291 CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAF'F REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: June 11,2009 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: P09 SUBJECT: Draft License System for Refreshment Vehicles NUMBER: D2009-22 Draft By-law 2009-086 Purpose To consider a draft license system for refreshment vehicles in the municþality. Background At the June 4th regular Council meeting, staff was directed to proceed with a draft license system for concession stands. Please note that the term "concession stand'has been replaced with the term"refreshment vehicle" in the draft to clearly define our intent of the use being mobile and not a structure. Staff Comments Staff have drafted the attached Refreshment Vehicle License system for consideration. Staffattempted to maintain simplicity and clarity while capturing Council's intent. The license regulates the placement of refreshment vehicles on private property or municipal parklands with the intent to ensure public health, safety and maintain a positive business atmosphere. In regard to the draft license system, the main points included in the byJaw are regulations regarding: a) placement on cornmercially zonedprivate property or municþal parklands b) exemption to community festival participants c) refreshment vehicle condition d) healthunit compliance e) setbacks Ð waste management g) liability coverage h) non compliance Ð fee The recommended fee of $500 annually (as per Leamington's example) is intended to offset administrative costs for the processing of the permit, inspections and enforcement. Specifically, Item # 9 in the by-law, restricts the type of food/drink that can be offered for sale thus limiting the business to only the listed items. The Municþality of Leamington example includes the restriction intended to maintain the intent of selling "fast food" as opposed to a restaurant meal. By Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 101 of 291 Staff Report D2009 -22 Refreshment Vehicle Licensing Page2 including this, enforcement will be a concern for the municipality. It is at Council's discretion as to whether or not this restriction is necessary for our purposes. While preparing the draft, staff identified other issues to consider but did not include: o Parking -minimum parking space requirements as per the zoning byJaw requirements for a "Restaurant, eat-in or take-out" tlpe of use o Multiple I¡cations -licensing one refreshment vehicle owner to have multiple sites . Specific Fire Safety requirements/Propane certification o Road AllowanceÆublic Lands -placement of refreshment vehicles on all public lands, including roadsides and sidewalks As issues arise from the implementation of this license system, the byJaw may be revisited to make revisions at a future time. Attachments 1. Draft By-law 2009-086, being a ByJaw to License Refreshment Vehicles 2. Application for RefreshmentVehicle License 3. Licence Example - Municipal V/orld Form 417 -"Licence" Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere Goall4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Recommendation "TIIAT Staff ReportD2009-22 regarding licensing refreshment vehicles be received; AìID TIIAT By-law 2009-086, beÍng a By-law to License Refreshment Vehicles, be presented to Council for enactment.tt Underhill, Planning Coordinator Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 102 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW 2009 - 086 BEING A BY.LAW TO LICENSE REFRESHMENT VEHICLES IN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WIIEREAS Section 151(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25 authorizes a municipality to provide for a system of licenses with respect to a business within the municipality; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of licensing all refreshment vehicles; AND \ilIIEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local Municipality may by byJaw, impose specific rates and fees to be charged for municipal services. NOW TIIEREFORE BY ITS COT]NCIL THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this byJaw is to provide consumer protection and to protect the health and safety of its residents by exercising authority to regulate the operation of refreshment vehicles in the municipality. DEFINITIONS 2. In this ByJaw: a) "Refreshment vehicle" shall mean anyvehicle from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public and includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, carts, wagons, trailers and trucks, irrespective of the t¡pe of motive power employed to move the refreshment vehicle from one point to another GENERAL PROVISIONS 3. No person shall operate a Refreshment vehicle within the Municipality of Bayham unless a license has been issued under this By-law. 4. A Refreshment Vehicle may only be licensed for placement on private property or municipal parklands. Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 103 of 291 ByJaw 2009- 086 Page2 5. Notwithstanding Section 3 of this by-law, a person may operate a refreshment vehicle without a license if participating at a designated community festival, including Edison Fest - Vienna, CanadaDay - Port Burwell, Tub Daze - Port Burwell and \Matermelon Fest - Straffordville. 6. Refreshment vehicles may be situated on private property zoned for such commercial use as per the current municipal ZonrngByJaw. 7. Refreshment vehicles located on private property must provide written approval from the property owner. 8. No individual under eighteen (18) years of age may operate a refreshment vehicle. 9. Refreshment Vehicles are restricted to permit the sale of the following items: fish, sausages, hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, French fries, onion rings, popcom, packaged chips, ice cream, coflee, tea, bottled water, juices, milk and soft drinks. 10. All refreshment vehicles shall be of sufficiently sound construction to provide reasonable protection against dirt, dust, flies and other injurious matter or things. 11. The floor and walls of the refreshment vehicle shall be of impervious material, free of holes, cracks or crevices and the surface shall be readily washable and shall be kept clean and in good condition. 72. A photograph of the unit shall be provided with the application. 13. The refreshment vehicle shall meet all requirernents and regulations of the local health unit and written compliance shall be provided to the municipalityprior to the issuance of a license. 14. Every Refreshment Vehicle shall be equþed with a minimum of one 10 pound fire extinguisher containing extinguishing agent of sodium bi-carbonate, potassium bi-carbonate dry chemical or potassium carbonate solution. 15. Refreshment vehicles are required to observe aminimum 1.0 mefre setback from all property boundari es. 16. The refreshment vehicle shall be equipped with: a) a metal waste container with a self-closing lid which shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and emptied at least daily; or b) a disposable litter container which shall be replaced daily; and c) a suitable container for recyclable waste i.e. pop cans, plastic bottles, cardboard etc. Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 104 of 291 By-law 2009- 086 Page 3 and such containers shall be used for the responsible disposal of all waste. 17. The Licensee shall be responsible to comply with all applicable Bylaws and Provincial and Federal legislation and regulations and this license does not exempt the Licensee from any applicable statute, regulation, or code of any legislative, adminishative, or governmental authorit¡ including but not limited to, approvals under the T.S.S.A. and the Licensee shall obtain and pay for any and all required permits. 18. The Licensee of any refreshment vehicle shall have an insurance policy in force providing for comprehensive liability coverage in aminimum amount of $2,000,000. The Licensee shall provide proof of insurance at any time upon the request of the municipality. 19. A license issued under this by-law is not transferable. 20. Every refreshment vehicle Licensee shall prominently display the license at the refreshment vehicle at all times. 21. Where a license is revoked due to non-compliance, no refund of anypayment of fees paid by the applicant shall be made. 22. The license is valid up to December 3l't of the year issued with no fee reduction for any periods less than the year. 23. The license fee shall be as per Schedule "4" attached to and forming part of this by-law. PENALTY CLAUSE 24. Any person who contravenes any section of this by-law is guilty of an oflence and upon conviction is liable to a fine or penalty for each oflence, exclusive of cost as prescribed by the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990. ENFORCEMENT 25. A Municipal Law Enforcement Offtcer has the authority to enforce this by-law. 26. A MunicipalLaw Enforcement Ofñcer designated to perform inspections pursuant to this ByJaw may at all reasonable times, enter onto private land for the purposes of an inspection of the refreshment vehicle. 27. No person who has or is required to have a License under this By-law shall obstruct or hinder or permit the obstruction or hindrance of any inspection under this byJaw. Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 105 of 291 By-law 2009- 086 Page 4 EFF'ECTTVE 28. This By-law repeals and supersedes all other byJaws pertaining to the licensing of refreshment vehicles in the municipality. 29. This By-law shall take effect on the date of passing by Council and shall remain in effect until the date it is repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME AND FINALLY ENACTED THIS 18th DAY oF JUNE 2oog. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 106 of 291 By-law 2009- 086 CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM BY-LAW 2009 - 086 SCHEDULE'A' A¡INUAL LICENSE FEE: REFRESHMENT VEHICLE $500 annually Page 5 Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 107 of 291 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Ph. 519-866-5521 Fax 519-866-3884 APPLICATION FOR REFRESHMENT VEHICLE LICENCE (on private property or municipal parklands) BY-LAW 2009 - 086 LICENCE FEE: $5OO ANNUALLY REFRESHMENT VEIIICLE - shall mean any vehicle from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public and includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, carts, wagons, trailers and trucks, irrespective of the tlpe of motive power employed to move the refreshment vehicle from one point to another. Please contact the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit at 99 Edward Street, St. Thomas at 1-800-922-0096, with respect to this application. An inspection by the health unit may be required prior to sales from the refreshment vehicle. DATE:LICENCE NUMBER: ÐGIRY DATE: PLEASE ATTACH: Confirmation of minimum of $2,000,000. 00 comprehensive liability insurance Written proof of the property owner (s) permission for placement of a refreshment vehicle on private propert¡ Photograph of the refreshment vehicle PROPOSED LOCATION FOR REFRESHMENT VEHICLE: (Attach a map indicating the location on site, parking area, ingress/egress) HOURS OF OPERATION:DATES OF OPERATION: ACCESSORY ITEMS REQUIRED: REFRESHMENT VEHICLE NAME: owNER'S NAME (S): Street Address Tr T CitylTown/Village Postal Code Ontario TYPE OF FOOD TO BE SOLD: Home Ph #Cell Ph # Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 108 of 291 Refreshment Vehicle Licence Application Page2 PROPERTY OWNER NAME: Street Address Home Ph #Cell Ph # VWe hereby acknowledge that Uwe are responsible to comply with all applicable by-laws and Provincial and Federal legislation and regulations and this license does not exempt me/us from any applicable statute, regulation, or code of any legislative, administrative, or governmental authorit¡ including but not limited to, approvals under the T.S.S.A. and Vwe shall obtain and pay for any and all required permits. VWe hereby acknowledge that Vwe have been provided with a copy of and have read and understand the regulations as set out in the Municþality of Bayham By-law Number 2009 - 086. Signature of Applicant Signature of Applicant The ínformatíon provided ín this applícøtíon wíIl be avøílablefor public ínspectíon" OFFICE USE ONLY AMOUNT DUE: $500.00 DATE FEE PAID: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUSINESS LOCATION: RECEIPT NUMBER: OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING DESIGNATION: PERMITTED USE: E NO E YES PLANNING APPROVAL BY: COMMENTS: DATE: ADMINISTRATTVE SERVICE S DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE APPLICATION CIRCULATED: E BUILDING DEPARTMENT CoMMENTS E FIRE SERVICES C9MMENTS E HEALTH UNIT CoMMENTS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: t] PUBLIC WoRKS DEPARTMENT CoMMENTS DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 109 of 291 iftlunlclpal World* - Folm 417t lloy 1'.M. in Conodo, Municipal llorld Inc Mttltlcopy Fom - PRESS FIRMLY LICENCE Name of Municipality THE ABOVE-NAMED PERSON lS HEREBY LICENSED, pursuant and subject to municipal authority conferred under the. . . . . Act, to carry on the I Trade I catting f] Business E occupation I within the limits of the municipality. THE LICENSEE SHALL observe all by-laws, rules and regulations, matters and things as are, or may be enacted by the council of the municipality or its legally constituted police services board, as the case may be, as well as any other applicable law. Subject to revocation, this licence shall continue in force until . . , and no longer. lesuedat.... .this. ....dayof.... Llcencefeeof $.... . receivedthis.. ...dayof .... (seat) E at the following location The personal information on this licence forms part of a public record and will be used for the licensing and regulation records of the municipality For further information, please contact the Municipal Clerk or the Freedom of lnformation and Privacy Coordinator. trrnnrLl Staff Report D2009-22 regarding Draft License System for Ref... Page 110 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: June 12, 2009 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: D10.09 SCHR SUBJECT: Schroyens Consent Application 827109 NUMBERzD2009-23 Purpose To consider consent application 827109 Schroyens being an addition to a lot. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Kari Schroy.ttr ptoposing to sever for the purpose oian "addiiion to a lot" 1800 m2 (0.44 acres). The subject lands are located in Part Lot 125 Concession 6 STR, on the east side of East Street, south of Heritage Line, in the Village of Straffordville. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential (R1) in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. The Land Division Committee has scheduled this application for consideration on June 25,2009. Staff & Planner Comments The Official Plan policies permit consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes...are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan and the Zoning By-law". There is no proposed change in use and the existing use conforms to the policies. There are two accessory buildings present on the proposed severed lands - on workshop and one shed. Both structures are in contravention to the Zoning By-law for required setbacks, however, both are considered to be legal non-complying structures. It has been identified that the small shed is located on the utility corridor easement. The planner does suggest the removal or relocation of the shed to an alternative location. Staff and the planner have no objections to the proposed consent. Rezoning is not required. Recommended conditions would include: a final survey, apportionment of assessment for the Straffordville Municipal Drain, removal or relocation of the small shed and a Letter of Undertaking for the merger of the severed parcel with the parcel to the east owned by Wayne & Stacie DeJong. Attachments 1. Consent Application F.27109 2. IBI Group Memo dated l|lf.ay 29,2009 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "THAT Staff ReportD2009-23 be received; Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 111 of 291 Staff Report D2009 -23 Schroyens Page2 AND TIIAT Council recommends to the Etgin County Land Division Committee that severance application B,2ll09, submitted by Kari Schroyens, be approved subject to: 1. copy of a final suraey provided to the municipality 2. apportionment of assessment for drainage ¡s per the Drainase Act requirements 3. Letter of Undert¡Hng confirming the convey¡noe of the severed parcel to the edjacent property owned by Wayne ¡nd Stacie Dolong identified rs assessment Roll # 34-01-000-00+ 0240 4. the removal or reloc¡tion of the small shed from the identified easement ¡rea Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 112 of 291 MEMO To: Municipality of Bayham From: Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP cc: Date: Steno: File No: May 29, 2009 dd 3404-459 Subject:Scåroyens - Proposed Lot Addition (56439 Heritage Line, Straffordville) 1) We have completed our review of the severance application submitted on behalf of Kari Schroyens in support of her proposal to sever approximately 1800 sq m'z (0.4 acres) of land located on the east side of East Street, south of Heritage Line, in the Village of Straffordville, on an L-shaped property known municipally as 56439 Heritage Line. The proposed severance is for a rear/side yard lot addition to the neighbouring easterly residential lot for the purposes of expanding the yards and acquiring the buildings located on the rear portion of the subject lands. Both residential parcels are designated "Residential" in the Official Plan, and zoned Village Residential (R1) in Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. 2) The severed portion of the subject lands include two accessory buildings in the form of a large workshop located very near the lot line abutting East Street, and a small shed located at the southeast rear corner abutting the neighbouring transmission corridor. The retained portion of the subject lands would consist of a single-detached dwelling (owned by Schroyens) facing Heritage Line on a rectangular parcel of land. The newly configured lot to the east includes a single detached dwelling (owned by DeJong) which would gain a slightly larger westerly side yard and a large rear yard addition that is perpendicular to the current lot orientation, creating a T-shaped lot. Surrounding land uses are almost entirely residential along both sides of Heritage Line to both the west and east, as well as to the south on East Street. The aforementioned transmission corridor abuts the rear portion of the severed portion of the subject lands. 3) Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes ... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-lav/'. The principal function of the "Residential" designation of the Official Plan is to provide for residential development, as well as provide some limited small-scale service uses for the immediate area. There is no proposed change in use, and the existing residential uses conform to the intent of these policies. As such, it is our opinion that the proposed consent complies with the policies of the Official Plan. Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 113 of 291 Municipality of Bayham May 29, 2009 4) The proposed consent would result in an improved westerly side yard width for the DeJong property (approx. 2.2 metres) that does not negatively impact the easterly side yard of the Schroyens property. The existing accessory buildings are in contravention to Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003 in terms of their setback to lot lines. However, both buildings are legal non-complying structures and would not likely create any land use conflicts under the newly proposed lot configurations. However, the small shed is indicated as being located on an existing easement in favour of the abutting transmission corridor for unknown reasons. lf warranted by the nature of the easement, and given the size of the shed, Council may wish to request a condition to have the shed moved to an alternative location on the property. 5) Based on the aforementioned information, we would have no objection to the proposed consent application to facilitate a lot addition in accordance with the consent policies of the Official Plan and regulations of Zoning ByJaw #2456-2003, provided the severed lands are merged on title with the abutting residential lands. 7¿r'1 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham -2- J13404\459 Schroyens\PTMschroyens2009{5-27.doc\2009{6{1 \DD Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 114 of 291 ountyApp'cAroN FoR coNsENr ffi a+"': r0 g { ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. NameofOwner Addresslor jû I Telephone Number Name of owneds solicitor or authorized agent / fiÇ-9(ê -f¿ s 7 Please speciff to whom all communications should be sent: o*n"o dlf solicitor ( )asent 1f 3. (a) Type and purpose ofproposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot addition to a lot easement other purpose correctÍon of title (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charoed:' / * 9l*à D.l V, lf a lot addition, identiff the lands to which the parcelwill be added: nÁla¿ ¿ t/-¿rà fu Jì.LV. '(a¡J t ttß-çzr? Location of land: Municipality ß¿¿vâam Concession No.& Lot(s) No. M Registered Plan No. Name of Street /ernziar= 4àe Street No. ff233 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? yes Ozj No ( ) lf Ye¡n describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 4¿z¿ ,s o,tâ.t"" eP.zì, 5. Description of land Mêasurements.in Metric) Frontage 23.o? n Depth ?l'13¡n A¡ea o, tP Ac-¿la¡ca Existins use f"ç¡J*dà/Proposed Use {¿s.tL¿1-¿-/ Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: Òa ¿ ¿.r./<T,/zt aâ'lpf-a¿¿,r< K S /âP, â4 s.aiz- s 4 ¿ / 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 2/. l? m Depth 1//23n Arean <)'/ ïeclar¿s Existing us. %¿nZl Proposed use l.stf / 4à'/ Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Address fufEf Telephone Number- Other: charge ' lease (c) 4. (a) ul( a-/ ê cou.¡ty of Elg¡n Englreering Serylæs 450 Sunæt Drive Sl-Thomês,On NsR5V1 Phone: 519 631-1460 M-elginûunty.on.ø Progressive by Nature Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 115 of 291 -2- -\ 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including reta¡ned lots) A 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (speciff) system Privy Other means (specify) What type of sewage dispgsal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septictank ( ) Pdvately owned and operated communal septic PROPOSED LOT () () () () tzh () () /r//H RETAINED LOT (ñ () () () 11.When willwater supply and sewage disposal services be available? €. 12. What is the Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Q.*'n*'TrÉt<. What is the Zoning, if any, of the13. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an applicatíon for approval of a Plan of Subdívislon or a Consent under the Planning Act? Yes ( t')- No ( ) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application E/ô7/o-7 &avrex arl exet<e¡> lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application 16. (a) Has the owner preyiously severed any land from this holding? 15. Yes()No ( \.r Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 116 of 291 -3- (bI lf the answer to (a) ís Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Use of parcel Relationship (if any) to owner 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this appiication, or coñsiderin g applyinglr additional consents in the future? Yes () No (t/) 18. ls the subject land currentfy the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Date parcelcreated Yes ()No u4 lf Yes, and known, speciff the Ministry file number and status of the application 1g. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law- amend.ment, Minister,s zoning order amêndment, mino variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes () No (/) lf yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application ZO. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) ,of the Planning Act? /. Yes Gl No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes() Nott/l lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincíal plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaríes and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railwaY crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial'features on the subject land and adjacent lan¿s that in the opinion of the applicant may.affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, diainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existíng use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether ¡t ¡s an unopened road allówance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way; - if acóess to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 117 of 291 -4- The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Gorporation of ihe Gounty of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contaíned in this Application pursuant to Sectíon 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the ntfrfthis ê /day of 20 2/ úh7, v AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI.ARATION T(S), SOLTCITOR OR AUTHORTZED AGENT vw" ú/r/e R þa.Á./É o¡tn" ín the county ot fu ftéfZ/ solemnly declare that allthe information contained ín this application is true, and lM/e make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. Signature20 o7 ME!¡dp¿¡¡tJ of Be¡,ù¡!r. lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applícant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the applícant is a corporation acting without agent or solicítor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, íf any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch deseribed, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNry OF ELGIN An additional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. DECLARED before me at the Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 118 of 291 APPEND¡X "4" The Gounty of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the ?pplication for Gonsent', the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes() No(rl lf the answer ís'YES'are these bams:i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE: tf you answered ,,YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE GOMPLETED BYAPPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON.FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calct¡late the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT coNc. T|L!-ABLE HEGTARES (where livestock facility located) Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure System Housing System check type ïe Stall Free Stall Loose BEEF0 Cows0 Calves0 Feeders0 400-750 tb.0 40G1100 tb.0 750-1100 tb. Open l-c & Bam Total Confine- ment SWINE0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings0 Feeders POULTRY 0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters irllNl( - Famolac Caged On Floor t{ôftsF_s SlJtrtrÞ-Þamc.Q.Errrao RABBITS VFÀ¡ fìÂI VFS OTHER [,IÀNIIF¡tr CTôÞÂêtr. DRY SEMI€OLID LIOUID Open Pile Oþen Pile Covered Tank Govered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above Grouno uncovã-reo tant< Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 119 of 291 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: 'ß--l / n^' Zo //R -7q 7 1 - /¡rr,ø¡- z/--' mr'n.ø¡leir(/ of f"/ê.*, er,'úi al az¿^a lM/e, the undersigned,being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize û ' ' ?. Fsro u[- o¡ 5 rK,4 tz¡'aq0 ///¿-a to: (Agents Name/Names)(Agents CityÆown of Residence) (1) make an application on my behalf to the Gounty of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material required.by the Land Divísion Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the tni" @l ztrÁ o"i" ,4/r,/ 20 a? ' Signature of Witness Signature of Owner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 120 of 291 TALBOT ï(().AlJ (es' uoe)t)ERtÍ AsE J-JNE lsee ro$r*sr*p oF BÂ*AM ByLAw ee-r6) N 8J'47' Jo' w 11Fì-596 B RÎ t /,,] rt,:ie l..l ¿ SKETCH FOR SEWRANCEPART OF LOT I25 CONCESSION SOUTH OF TALBOT ROAD GEOGRAPHIC TOWSHIP OF BANLAM MUNICIPALITY OF BAìIIAM COUNTY OF ELGIN IÍ¡-Éoz \ t? l9 rtî( * ì-'l Lrl I Lul LL. i- LN \ \ \i \ãtLL\3Iilu) lor \äì.91=(\o' -â B {.i': /û S av +Y .8\* 'ÌT' CAUTION - IHIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY OR SIJRIEYOR'S REPORf AND SHALL NOf ÊE USED FORÌRANSACTION OR FINANCINC PURPOSES - OO NOT CONVEY FROM IHIS PLAN NOTES (r) - pRopERTr DtMENsoñs ARE As sHow{ oN DEpost.IEo PLAN fiR-747J AND HAVE NOf BÉEN VERIFIEO BY SUR\EY (2) - TO BE R&FAXeÐ SHOW\ AS SFvE-;i'9¡l (J) - 10 BE SE¡ÆRIO stlow! As îETr+rßça N EJ'57' 20" W .s.-ç' .,(, q\*.a,t ttø.fi¡&gs_,\ -\-ñ=Eì-ol\--l \ tf ¡ rrl\l l\ìl rà -t\tà tR P¿\Rf 2 11R-7 473 @ coernrcxr 2tlo7 KtM HUs'rED sunvEytNc LtD. Staff Report D2009-23 regarding Schroyens Consent Agreement ... Page 121 of 291 Page 122 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM TAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM : Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Hildebrandt Consent Application E37 I 09 DATE: June 12,2009 FILE: D10.09 HILD NUMBERz D2009-24 Purpose To consider consent application 837109 Hildebrandt for the creation of a new lot. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by John Hildebrandt and Wilhelm Hildebrandt proposing to sever and create a new lot being 7674 m2 (0.41 acres). The subject lands are located in Plan 205 Lots 5-6, south side of Main Street and west side Plank Road, in the Village of Straffordville. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Off,rcial Plan as a result of Official Plan Amendment No. 9 approved by the Minister and zoned Village Residential (Rl-S) as per ZoningBy-law 2563-2008 to amend Bayham Zoning By-law No. 2456- 2003. The Land Division Committee has scheduled this application for consideration on June 25,2009. Staff & Planner Comments This application follows previous planning applications for an Official Plan Amendment No. 9 By-law 2008-069, Ministry approved April 14, 2009 and Rezoning Application resulting inZonng By-law 2563-2008 passed ll4ay 21,2009. Concerns were addressed through the Official Plan Amendment and ZoningApplications. This consent application is the final step to the end result of creating one building lot. The rezoning proposal by the former o\vtrer of the property was based on creating two lots, a site- specific zoning was placed on the parcel to recognize the undersized lot size in the Village Residential (Rl) Zone. The current owner wishes to sever one lot and build on it himself and maintain ownership of the commercial land to the rear. The planner expressed concem with this proposal for one lot. The planner would encourage siting of the future dwelling to allow for an additional dwelling as originally intended as this intensification is encouraged in the Five Year OP Review provided there are no health or safety concerns. The planner encorrages the municipality to express this concem to the Elgin Land Division Committee. Recommended conditions for the creation of a lot are listed, including the apportionment of assessment for drainage due to the inclusion of this parcel in the Straffordville Municipal Drain watershed. Severance of the lot is also subject to a Sewer Services Permit for connection from the sewer main to the property line. Development of the lot will be subject to the municipal sewer frontage and connection charges. Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 123 of 291 Staff Report D2009-24 Hildebrandt Attachments 1. Consent Application E37109 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATIONS Page2 1. "THAT Staff Report D2009-024 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that the dimensions in severance application 837/09 be revised so as to permit the severance of one additional lot in support of the Offrcial Plan and ZoningBy-law policies of the municipality; A¡ID THAT the revised severance application 837109 be circulated for municipal comment." OR 2. "THAT Staff Report D2009-24 be received; AND TIIAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application F-37109, submitted by John Hildebrandt and Wilhelm Hildebrandt, be approved subject to: 1. copy of a final survey provided to the municipality 2. apportionment of assessment for drainage as per the Drainage Act requirements 3. 5500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication fee 4. providing water quality testing reports, including testing for nitrates and bacteria, to demonstrate potability for residential use providing water quantity testing report to demonstrate quantity for residential use Sewer Services Permit Lot Grading Plan" t. 6. 7. Respectfully submitted, Underhill Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 124 of 291 TION FOR CONSENT ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE John Hildebrandt and Wilhelm Hildebrandt .i,, _iË ii B z lQg c/o WJ Roofinq, P.O. Box 249 . Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 s'te- â2)- ÒVQß Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Davicl Roe Address 599 Larch Street. Delhi. ON N4B 347 Telephone Number 519-582-1174 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( )Agent ( x ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: X creation of a new lot Other: addition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or ¡nterest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: Unknown Name of Owner Address Telephone Number charge lease correction of title (c) lf a lot addition, identiff the lands to which the parcel will be added: 4. (a) Location of land: Plan 205, Lots 5-6, N/S Otter, S Erie Lots 3,4Ptz Plan 11R-1109 Municipality Bavham Concession No. Lot(s) No. see above Registered Plan No. Name of Street Street No. 9177 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 47.5 m Depth 39.3 m Area 1674m2 Existing Use Vacant Proposed Use Residential Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: Vacanf Proooseri new house Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 54.5 m Depth 88.3 m Area Existing Use Commercial Proposed Use Commercial Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Commercial buildino Cotnty ol Bgln Englnædng S€rvlÉs ,150 Suæet Dri€ SL lhonìas, On N5R 5V1 Phonë 519 631-1460 w.elginsunty,on.€ Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 125 of 291 -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) 8. Type of access for proposed and retaíned lot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () (x ) () () () () RETAINED LOT () (x ) () () () () lf proposed access ís by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (speciff) PROPOSED LOT () (x ) () () RETAINED LOT () (x ) () () RETAINED LOT (x ) () () () 10.What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem (x ) Privately owned and operated individual septictank ( ) Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? When house is consfnlcfed () () 12. W'¡at is the Existing Ofücíal Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Commercial and Residential 13. What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Residential 14. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision oraOonsentunderthePlanningAct? Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown ( x ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application : 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes()No (x ) Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 126 of 291 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additíonal consents in the future? Yes()No (x ) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ( x)No () lf Yes, and known, specifr the Ministry file number and status of the application Amendmenf No I annroved hv Minisfer 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes (x ) No ( ) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application Bv-law amendmenl annroved hv Municinalifu of Bavham 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (x ) lf yes, does the applícation conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way; - ¡f access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 127 of 291 -4- 23. The Owner/ApplicanVAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. The ApplicanVOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the Municipalitv of CentralElqin of AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI.ARATION lM/e David Roe of the in the County of Norfo!ß solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and lAtVe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the Municipalitv of in the Countv of Eloin uiis 2J k day of 20 ôq Signature lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owne/s authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $500.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for affixíng the consent stamp. Central Eloin ns Co0ordim ol$e County Éþ¡rrsJ¿nu y 6. 2011 Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 128 of 291 The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the Spplication for Consent", the following'information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any bams located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes ( ) No (x) lf the answer is "YES" are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( )iD Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW BY APPLICANT FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facilitywithin 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) coNc. Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure Systemrid Semi- I Housing System check type DAIRY $ Cows $ Heifers ô Calves Tie Free Loose Stall r Stall I Open &B¿ ïotal ;bnfin ment POULTRY $ Layíng Hens Q Breeder Flock $ Pullets $ Chicken Broilers $ Turkey Broilers $ Turkey Hens $ Turkey Toms Q Roasters MINK - Females HORSES SI{FFÞ - R¡mc P- Fu¡ac Caged On Floor RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile >vered Hile SEMI-SOLID Open Pile orage vr lh Euc WallsLtr{uru uovereo I anK upen trann ùtoeo Ht¡ Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 129 of 291 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description ând Location of Subject Lands: 0177 Plank Roari Bavham l/VVe, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize David Roe of Norfolk Countv to: (Agents Name/Names)(Agents City/Town of Residence) (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures of Witness Dated at the /Alt+<<-¿æ¿24 o¡ ß-+./* - rL/s of \Mtness Sígnature of Witness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). ./ ffinature of Owner Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 130 of 291 SEE AAP ß HERITAGE LINE a:o )¡¡À å4., C¡Jo rÂl!¿z +ì,, \q 'o¡l¡l -ot It! '-Ôö'o É-l .1-Cå ¡o lLt '{¡"1Ê,eo ft. 3r1- t? .8ê kl srt -tg ¿Êo È'l . an- l¿' 5¡,ÊÐ ?Ég t-5¡1- lÞ 1Û€O f!'l A-gil-¿o -5t?5 h.l Dt:lfl-Z? R-ã:¿3 k¿ .au- at1' 2* ôtF Muni,cipalfty of Bayham Plan 205, Lots 56, N/S Otter St. S Erie St. Lots 34 ù Part 2, Plan 11R-1109 Strafiorúvitre ' E-Eou¡e Y-Yac¡¡t C-C.onærcidBuilding & ".: -l.l?.,:f;:Èg) !rî ll.8.lt iifiãf,rEåH --o I o.-ror L-¡¡-i-o*. *.r"t".ra*ti - "9- i '--;'i'-ìi Æ*i[ I SryeredP"ro"l \\ Reta¡n:d ""r*, /// coN. s.T.R. rof 12+ Staff Report D2009-24 regarding Hildebrandt Consent Agreemen... Page 131 of 291 Page 132 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJE CT : GranlOakley Consent Application E3 9 I 09 DATE: June 12,2009 FILE: D10.09 OAKL NUMBERz D2009-25 Purpose To consider consent application E39109 Oakley for the addition to a lot. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Timothy Gránt and Sherri Oakley proposing to sevei and add a parcel being lll7.l m2 10.3 acres) to the adjacent property owned by Clifford Noels. The subject lands are located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Sandytown Road and Stewart Road on property known as 8506 Stewart Road. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" in the Offrcial Plan and zoned Agricultural (41), while the lands to which the parcel is being conveyed are zoned Rural Industrial (M2) in the Bayham ZoningBy- law No. 2456-2003. The Land Division Committee has scheduled this application for consideration on June 25,2009. Staff & Planner Comments The applicants propose to sever a parcel containing one steel clad barn and convey the lands to Mr. Noels. The lands to which the severed portion is being conveyed has a single detached dwelling, a small barn in the front yard appearing to be on public right-of-way and are zoned Rural Industrial (M2) to recognize a cemenlconcrete business. The Official Plan permits consents for minor boundary changes provided the severed and retained parcels comply with other policies of the OP and the Zoning By-law. The planner states that the proposed land uses and lot configurations would not comply with the Official Plan or Zonng By-law. He continues by stating", Where existing land uses do not conform to the policies of the Official Plan, the municipality may recognize them as specific uses in the zoning byJaw provided the zoning doesn't allow any change in use that would be detrimental to adjacent complying uses; doesn't constitute a danger or nuisance to surrounding uses; and provided that if the use is discontinuedfuture rezoning may only occur where the use is more in keeping with the intent of the Plan". It is the opinion of staff and the planner that supporting the application and recognizing the existing uses would not create a land use conflict with the surrounding agricultural uses. The application could be supported provided the consent is subject to a rezoning application to permit the existing land uses, buildings and structures on both parcels. It is not recommended to recognize the existing barn located on the public right-of-way but that it be relocated or removed to be compliance with the Zoning By- law. Removal is also required of the windows and debris located on the public right-of-way. Additionally, a site plan agreement is recommended between the owner of the northerly industrial lands and the municipality to address issues including fencing, buffering and outdoor storage. Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 133 of 291 Staff Report D2009-25 GranlOakley Attachments 1. Consent Application F,39109 2. IBI Group Memo dated June 8,2009 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION Page2 "THAT StaffReport D2009-25 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 839109, submitted by Timothy Grant and Sherri Oakley, be approved subject to: 1. copy of a final survey provided to the municipality 2. rezoning of the severed and retained parcels 3. Letter of Undertaking confirming the merger of the severed parcel with the property identified as Assessment Roll # 34-01-000-004-09201 4. Site Plan Agreement between the owner of the northerly industrial lands and the municipality 5. removal or relocation of the barn from the identified public right-of-way 6. removal of windows and debris from the identified public right-of-way Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 134 of 291 1. Name of approvalauthority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Nameof owner ír1,.'rnV Grn^tr Gr,..., /.+{qÅf Lr*,*ra òLt-Ð/ Address Telephone Number Name of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent D¿¡.lpS CIme.5nÑ Address Telephone Number t5lq\ 842- qù71 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: owners (.zf Solicitor ( I Agent ( )<rànJ' (a) TyíeJand purpose ofproposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new l9t addition to a lot Other: charge easement other purpose lease correction of title (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: rf: rot,add$kls.lrflt!,?l3Es to which th" T::].-l':" *ïr;(c) 4. (a) t Location of land: Municipality RnlUnrn Concession No. Lot(s) No. lå-2' Registered Plan No'tt Aq I rrf Name of Street -5f¿,Ð"al10 Street No. SlÒb (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? yes ( ) No (1 lf Yes, descríbe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: Frontage Description of land intended to be retained: Frontage (t aS ) ¡n-l n Depth Number and use of buildings and structures on the lqt{{lr?ï"Å1'To' Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: - Not¡'¡ ÞEScia\çòEÞ eFS I <r¿"r- er¡'o ß"c*l (-E*t:rtruò Þnc¿l \ Ôtù R-nls \ìi<-Blt++ I\buo Þf' BÐp ñS 450 Sunset Drive SLThomas,On NsR5V1 Phone: 519 631-1460 ww.elg¡n{ountY on.æ Courrty of Elgin Engireeflng serylceg Existing Use lllÉ3l-DÉl-)f' A\ Lò-t rù \\Q- æ++. Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 135 of 291 -2- 2:ãzÕ7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) jþeendqÊq4i,U 8. Type of access for proposed and retained loI (check appropriate space) ryPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) N/F TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (speciff) PROPOSED LOT () oll () () () (\d () () RETAINED LOT () (Y) () () IN/È . RETAINED LOT () ()4 x 10'What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) ryPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (speciff) () () 11. 12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? _fleXtca¿ntrZ6 and sewage disposal services be available? 13. 14. What is the Zoning, íf any, of the subject land? Aext c(^LauR€ (n ò Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for.approvat of a Plan of Subdivision or a Consent underthe Planning Act? Yes ( ) No (4 Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. lf this applicatíon is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed.from the original application 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes ( ) iNo (< Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 136 of 291 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the followìng information for each lot severed: Relationship (if anY) to owner Grantee's name Use of parcel Date parcelcreated 12. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this appiication, ór coñsiOer¡nö ãppty¡ng for additional consents in the future? Yes () No (1 1g. ls the subject land currently the subject of a propose_d official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (4 lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw- amend.ment' Minister's zoning order ãmändment, minor variance, or apPloval of a plan of subdivision? Yes () No (1 lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued uirder subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act?Yes () No (4 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (-f lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. sKErcH: ìEE ÈÈazg¡¡¿g pt-ârÙ \\R-æ++ The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railwaY crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent ¡an¿îif,at ¡n tle ôpinion of the applicant m.ay.affect the application, such as UuitOings, railways, roads, watercourses, diainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlanãs, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject la.nd, indicating whether ¡t ¡s ånìnıó"náã ro"¿ allówance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of waY; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 137 of 291 -4- The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation oiine Couñty of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Actfo provide for'Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalíties and Local Boards. Dated at the ùÀUñrq PaÞrû or ßAy r+e.n AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECIARATION of the {\Àvurc\ PAÞtÎ/ or {3Ar/llftrvr in the counry'ot E¡-urN solemnly declare that allthe information contained in thís application is true, and l/VVe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and hy virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECI-ARED before me at the ùl{rurq?#rtr.r or B*y*n,^ in the torurv otr El.t.',*) tnis 22ú) dayor ,ffi' 20 Dl Muieipatif of Be¡ùan lf this applicatíon is signed by an agent or solicítor on behalf of an applicant(s), the öwne/s authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporatíon acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of ttte sketch described, with the responsible persón, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00T4 cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGINt- -.'--.-,-/ ta 24. tnis .23 pD day of Sunw hcueY An addítional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 138 of 291 APPENDIX "4" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the ?pplication for Consent', the following information be completed for all applications: L Are lhere4ny bams located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes (/) No ( ) lf the answer is 'YES' are these barns: i) Now used for l¡vestock? Yes ( ) No 6¡¡) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes i i No (f NOTE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DTSTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON.FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calcf¡late the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: TOWNSHIP LOT TELEPHONE coNc. T|L|-ABLE HECTARES (where livestock facili$ located) MÀ/lE Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure System Housing System check type DAIRY 0 Gows 0 Heifers0 Calves Tie Stal Free Stall Loose BEEF 0 Cows 0 Calves 0 Feeders 0 40G750 tb. 0 400-1100 tb. 0 750-1100 tb. Open l-c & Bam Confine. ment SWINE0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings0 Feeders POULTRY 0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters MINK - Femalec Caged On Floor t{oRsFs Sl.lFtrÞ-ÞamcP'Frr¡ac F!ÂFIFIIT:. VEAI CÂI VFS oTt{trR IT'IÀNIIF¡tr CTôÞA11tr. DRY Open Pile Covered PileSEMI€OLID Open Pile Storage with Buck WallsLIQUID Covered Tank Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 139 of 291 ãÞ^rre__ -.----.-:oono._4Ge-^-* __ .-- *__- *"_€ ¡2.+C -!'' .>(¡;. !/J a''..¿ Ér 4.1 g q ^4¿-'c^/h.r< t^-Þ ze -c dIL ,) Å f_rñ ffi eú @ Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 140 of 291 @ @o I n n n ¿ È o OË l-- -SO-CLI <\_t :c Ï- Lu c0 OLu :EOEqOTz, Ln -72-ı= Ø .c)LD i- Liez.:cC)n-U Lr- (])_c) N t5' ì-.. O -ì r0 stB SSIE IB RIB(wr) (1 sB2) (P1) (P2) (M) (s) P.t_N_ rç) C)N z, -tLl- o L.l Lr. h_ì ì--e(9 Lr-ì îY, PARTS 1 ANO 2 COMPRISE ALL OF P.I.N. 35337 - 0228 PLAN OF SURWY OF PART OF LOT 125 CONCESSION NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD GEOORAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPALITY OF BAìtIAM COUNTY OF ELGIN SCALE- IINCH:40FEET IMPERIALBf,'T$'"%'"'itrHooïol'i'åS"iï,$åTï'fl oå"älJ8*å'o KIM HUSTED SUR\EYING LTD. SUR\EYOR'S CERTRCATE I CERTIFY ÏHAT (1) - 1HIS SUR\€Y AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WTH rHE SURVEYS ACT, IHE S1'R\€YORS ACT ANO 'IHE LAND ÏTLES ACT AND 'fHE REGULAÏONS MADE UNDER THEM (2) - TH|S SUR!€Y WAS COMPLE'ÍED ON rHE 20th DAY OF MAY, 2008I r^, JUNE 3O,2008 DATE NOÏES (T) - EEARINGS ARE ASIRONOMIC ANO ARE REFERRED TO IHE EASTERN LIMIT OF LOT .I25, CONCESSION NOR'IH OF TALBOT ROAD, GEOGRAPHIC ÍOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, AS SHOW}¡ ON DEPOSIIED PLAN 11R-42O5 HAVING A BEARING oF N 00'50' Jo" E LEGEND DENOIES SURVEY MOôIUMENI FOUND DENOIES SURIEY MONUMENT SEÏ OENOTES STANDARD IRON BAR DÈNÕÎÊS SHORT SfANDARD IRON BAR DENO'IES IRON BAR DENOIES ROUNO IRON BAR DENOÍES WIN€SS DENOIES KIM HUSTED SURVETNG LTD. DENOIES DEPOSIIED PLAN 11R_4205 DENO'IES DEPOSIIED PLAN 11R-841J DENO]ES MEASURED DENOIES SET DENOTES PROPERTY IDENTFIER NUMEER PLAN 11R- îî4/ RECEIVED AND DEPOSIIED ,o= Jul gS-'-]-ØL TY LAND REqS'ÍRAR FOR lHE LANO IIILES DIVISION OF ELGIN (No.11) I REQUIRE 1HIS PLAN TO BE DEPOSIIED UNDER THE LAND TILES ACT JUNE 30, 2008 JÆI¿ PART SCHEDULE KIM HUSTED SUR\EYING LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 30 HAR\EY STREET. TIII-SOÍ.{BURG Oi{TAR|O, N,rc S.rE PHONB 519-E,12-3638 FAX: 519-8,12-36J9 PROJECI OE-8306 REFERENCE: FF 6 o'tu5rN" Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 141 of 291 .U o- ooor)N T- to C)þc\0(s z4 lùF o C) 0( Ì- -=O ¿'= ctì --\ -t:q þ Lr- C0 O Lr_ -Ot-iiÈC):qz, Li):z/-Oo s ñULD {-) rLD¡à Ll-l rì 3L)YNz,ï¿OCI-; L) c( rÐ Ot.l Lr-ìL\I;u) Ì- O -t -t- É.oz. I P.r.N. 35J37 - 0227 ,."""t I rQt ,so"- 19- ! zs.Q,u þ.oo' ,oot' rO' f¡^-tr'I/l/,-\ ) ¡6) ño YIII Uo =_@ {9 ._rc\ i- az. ÇnC\T- LN Ï-o -lz LLI Lul /\l- LLì CLì ^6Ð Lr-l L)Z, =L) -ì-t o O o( LOT 123 GEOgRA PI]]C ÏO VYIVS,HIP 9¡. NCIfl r,I-J OF TA].E|CIT RCr¿\D B¿\ YI.]¿\M - (r) -r\iEç<ú[lr - ¡oTlErAsl.^coRNER oFLot ,r¿_-"9N;ËgståN, I1^L"grjtoAD-" on., ı."íi".i.ài,Bãoo L U o 'on oo z ;3H j -,.'¿ å*,1, " ï" .:i^f:? *;;ll E Fi J T ¿\ s E' "r-],r7E' o*..,ff ::::'":" - s Á s HDEN ED) EAYFlAt,t 8Í Atv 99 16) g pAR_r z ñ-aotæ-;o5=,roso,-lÞl & LTo(9Ø U!U =otsdN^-Éo2;]-ôfi- qloo9 i\tÂrñÞkîm¿lnn-n1m tu¡r IODMñ n 6/ lln ^M Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 142 of 291 MEMO To: Municipality of Bayham From: Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP cc: Date: Steno: File No: June 8, 2009 dd 3404-460 Subject: Oakley - Proposed Lot Addition, Pad Lot 123, Concession 7 (8506 Stewaft Road) f ) We have completed our review of the severance application submitted on behalf of Timothy & Sherri Oakley in support of their proposal to sever 1117.1 sq m'z (0.3 acres) of land located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Sandytown Road and Stewart Road on property known municipally as 8506 Stewart Road. The proposed severance is for a side yard lot addition which includes a large steel clad accessory building to be conveyed to the neighbouring industrial lot to the north. Both parcels are designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan. The lands to be severed are zoned Agricultural (A1), while the lands to which the parcel is being conveyed are zoned Rural lndustrial (M2) in Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. Both existing parcels can be characterized as small non-farm lots that have not been actively farmed for a period of time. 2) The large steel clad accessory building on the severed portion of the subject lands is approximately 225 m2 (2400 ft2) in area and is used for storage purposes. The application and recent aerial photography indicates the lands are used for outdoor storage purposes as well. The retained portion of the subject lands would include a single detached dwelling facing Stewart Road, with driveway access on both Stewart Road and Sandytown Road. The lands to which the severed portions are being conveyed are characterized by a single detached dwelling, as well as a small barn located in the front yard of the property, and on the public right-of-way. lt is not apparent as to why this lot has Rural lndustrial (M2) zoning, where the main purpose appears to be residential. lt is possible that the M2Zone symbolwas mistakenly placed on this parcel, but meant to recognize the steel clad building that is subject to this consent application. This is considered likely given that the owners of both parcels are related and the northerly landowner is involved in a cemenVconcrete business. The nearest natural features of any significance include a wooded tributary of the Little Otter Creek approximately 100 metres northeast of the subject lands. 3) Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes ... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-law". The principal Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 143 of 291 Municipality of Bayham June E, 2009 function of the "Agriculture" designation of the Official Plan is to provide for agricultural uses with limited non-farm uses that do not negat¡vely impact agricultural uses subject to specific policies. However, there is no proposed change in use, and the existing uses are either zoned for some form of industrial use or are considered legal non-conforming uses in the "Agriculture" designation. The proposed consent essentially exchanges lot configurations with any potential impacts being reversed between landowners. The proposed land uses and lot configurations would not comply with the Official Plan or Zoning By-law. Section 8.9 of the Official Plan outlines the policies of the Municipality of Bayham for non-conforming uses. Where existing land uses do not conform to the policies of the Official Plan, the Municipality may: l) Recognize them as specific uses in the Zoning By-law provided the zoning doesn't allow any change in use that would be detrimental to adjacent complying uses; doesn't constitute a danger or nuisance to surrounding uses; and provided that if the use is discontinued future rezoning may only occur where the use is more in keeping with the intent of the Plan; or i¡) Where it is not desirable to recognize existing land uses, such uses shall be zoned in accordance with the Official Plan It is our opinion that supporting the lot addition and recognizing any existing uses would not likely prove detrimental to any surrounding compliant agricultural uses. As such, we could support the consent application subject to the following: a rezoning application which permits the existing land uses, buildings and structures on both parcels of land. However, we would not encourage recognizing the existing barn on the northerly property in its current location through any site-specific rezoning. This barn should be removed, or moved to a location in compliance wíth the Zoning By-law A site plan application to address property specific issues in accordance with the Zoning By-law including fencing, buffering, outdoor storage, etc. 4) 5) 7¿t'1 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J13404\460 Oakley\PTMoakley2009-06{4.docU009{6{8\DO Staff Report D2009-25 regarding Grant/Oakley Consent Applica... Page 144 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council Date: June 18,2009 FROM: Drainage Superintendent File: DR2009-007 SUBJECT: Petition for Drainage from Jan Collins & John Pedersen Purpose: This report is to present to Council the Petition filed with the Clerk, of the Municþality of Bayham, on June 8, 2009. The petition is for a drainage works for lands owned by Jan Collins & John Pederson, being known as 2 King Street, Vienna, with a legal description as: Plan 54, Lots 4 and 5, Pt Lot 9, Pt Lots 1 to 3 s/s Kng, Lots V-Y, I lPt Lots 4 to 10. N/E \Mater. Background: Section 4(l) of the Drainage Act provides for a petition for the drainage by means of a drainage works of an area requiring drainage as described in the petition may be filed with the clerk of the local municipality in which the area is situate by: (a) The majority in number of the owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll of lands in the area, including the owners of any roads in the area: (b) The owner or owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of lands in the area rqlresenting at least 60/o of the hectarage in the area; (c) Where a drainage works is required for a road of part thereof, the engineer, road superintendent or person having jurisdiction over such road or part, despite subsection 61(5); (d) Where a drainage works is required for the drainage of lands used for agricultural purposes, the Director. The Drainage Act provides that Council must give consideration to the petition and, within thirty days (Section 5.1.a) of the filing, decide whether or not it will proceed. If Council decides not to proceed then written notice of its decision must be sent to each petitioner. A petitioner may appeal to the Ontario Drainage Tribunal if Council decides not to proceed, or if Council does not act on the petition within 30 days. It may be difficult for Council to make a decision on the validity of the petition as it is based on definition of the "area requiring drainage". Initially, the petitioner(s) define this area on the petition they submit, however the area must be defined by an engineer at the "on-site meeting" to determine the validity of the petition. Staff Report DR2009-007 regarding Petition for Drainage from... Page 145 of 291 Staff Report DR2009-007 June 18,2009 If the Municipality decides to proceed then written notice of its decision must be given to (Section 5.16): (a) each petitioner; (b) the Clerk of each local municþality that may be affected;(c) the Conservation Authority that may be affected;(d) the Ministry of Natural Resources;(e) The Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs. The Municþality must appoint an engineer within sixty days (Section 8.3) of giving notice to proceed. The choice of engineer is the decision of Council. When appointed by Council to prepare a report on the drainage work, the engineer is to file said report within six (6) months (Section 39.1) of the appointment. Following the appointment the engineer must (Section 9.1) cause the Municipal Clerk to send a written notice, speciffing the time and place of an "on-site meeting". The notice must be served seven days prior to the proposed site meeting. Staff Comments: The land in question is located in the village of Vienna, on the west side of Plank Road. A site visit with the proponents revealed that their lands receive surface water from Plank Road, via storm culverts under Plank Road that discharge onto their property. This land is lower than the surrounding roads on all sides, therefore, no water on their lands can outlet to the adjacent Otter Creek. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal#5: Develop a new and improved infrastructure network. Recommendations: TIIAT Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the filing with the Clerk of the Petition for drainage works by Jan Collins and John Pedersen. AND TIIAT Staff Report DR2009-002 regarding the petition for drainage and for drainage improvement be received. AND TIIAT Council wishes to proceed with this matter and appoints Spriets Associates, Engineers, to prepare a preliminary report on the proposed drainage area, pursuant to Section 5 of the Drainage AcÇ for Council's consideration. Respectfu lly submitted, Bitt Drainage Su Staff Report DR2009-007 regarding Petition for Drainage from... Page 146 of 291 1 Munlclp¡l World Llmlted. St. Thomãs, Ontarlo Form No. 236-A We, being owrlers, as- shown "r E Le tAJ PETITION FOR DRAINAGE WORK ( csvir rVby the last revised assessment roll, of lands in the in tneitluMt¿lØÁl-lY or. &,< y tnû , rer¡uirirrg ctrainage, rea more particularly described as follows:he a:r ?rn* 5Y LoTs v r/0 ?T l"r 9, / I?T LoTS that t s l)csc¡ibc thc arcu l:5, ntctcs and llou nrls, ttiv- lrr¡¡ ench lnt and pnrt rrf krl, ntrnrhcr of cortccs- sion or slrect, înd itcrcs tn enclt lot or ¡rnrt of lot. ÆknJ-rc-s+s N '1tt/G LoT hereby petìtion ,38 Aelps may be drained by means of a dra works. SIGNAT'URJi OF OWNER MUNICIPAI-I'TY Staff Report DR2009-007 regarding Petition for Drainage from... Page 147 of 291 Page 148 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works SUBJECT: Hot Mix Transporter Tender DATE: June 9,2009 FILE: F \< NUMBERzPW 2009-12 Purpose This report is to present recommendations from the Manager of Public Works regarding the tender from Heat Design Equipment for a Hot Mix Transporter for the Municipality of Bayham. Background Council has discussed a desire to ensure that the Municipality can fill potholes during both winter and summer months and the system allows the mixture to stay in the pothole thereby eliminating the cost of redoing the job with inferior products. The proposed basis of the acceptance of this tender is to ensure the Municipality has a most cost effective method of providing a smooth driving surface for the citizens of within the Municipality of Bayham. The Hot Mix Transporter will allow the Municipality to show a more environmentally consciences approach as we will use recycled asphalt in order to fill potholes and utility cuts through out the winter season. The Hot Mix Transporter will allow the Municipality to work with the machine through the summer and winter months making the costing more attractive than a single season machine. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates a preference to acquire the three year old Hot Mix Transporter from Heat Design Equipment Inc at a tender price of $13,000 plus applicable taxes. The 2009 budget amount is $25,000 for supply of Hot Mix Transporter. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) subsection 2 we have meet this parameter of the priorities with this By-Law ensure a standard system for the Municipal roadways. Attachments 1. Summation of Bid Results 2. Tenders Strategic Plan Goal(s) l. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Council authorize the acquisition of the Hot Mix Transporter from Heat Design Equipment Inc. in accordance with the tender submitted June 2, 2009, at a price of $ I 3,000 plus applicable taxes. Respectfully submitted,Reviewed B ll Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Hot Mix Transporter Tender.... Page 149 of 291 Company Heat Design Equip. Inc Heat Design Equip. Inc Marathon Equip. Inc Marathon Equip. Inc Cost $ 14,690.00 $ 26,295.10 $ 23,673.50 s 26,939.20 Age 3 years New New New 'Warranty One Year One Year One Year One Year Note: All prices include applicable taxes Staff Report PW2009-12 regarding Hot Mix Transporter Tender.... Page 150 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works SUBJECT: Steel Insulating Siding Works Garage DATE: June 9,2009 FILE: f \8 NUMBER: PV/ 2009-13 Purpose This report is to present recommendations from the Manager of Public Works regarding the tender from Ed Matthews Construction regarding the supply and installation of Steel Insulated Siding on the Public Works Garage. Background Council has discussed controlling the loss of heat and energy within the Municipalities buildings. Recently a report stated the Public V/orks Garage was inefficient in saving heating costs and the building should be insulated and have siding placed on it to save energy. Public Works wrote tenders asking for contractors to price insulation and steel siding on the building at 8354 Plank Road and herein are the results. We feel we should recover our costs in several years as we eliminate a very drafty and cold building and stop the heat from escaping into the outdoors through out the winter. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates a preference to ensure that the Public Works Building will fulfill our aims to decrease heat and energy loss, which has been evident the past several years. The repairs by Mr. Matthews's totals 526,431.76 plus applicable taxes. The 2009 budget includes an amount of $ 25,000 for renovation to Public Works Building. The Municipal Treasurer has applied for a grant, which may offset some of the cost of the renovations. This project falls within Goal # 1 (Practice responsible financial management) subsection 5 to initiate an energy audit of the building, and within Goal #7 (Promote excellence in environment stewardship) subsection 4 to implement green energy options for municipal facilities. Attachments Summation of Bid Results Tenders Draft By-Law No. 2009-084 To authorize the execution of a contract agreement with Ed Matthews Construction for the supply and installation of siding insulated siding. Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management 2. Goal #7 - Promote excellence in environment stewardship Recommendation TIIAT By-Law No. 2009-084, to authorize the execution of a contract agreement with Ed Matthews Construction for the supply and installation of steel insulated siding be presented to Council for enactment. 1. 2. 3. Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 151 of 291 Company Cost ComPlete WarrantY Ed Matthews Construction $ 291291.89 60 days Twenty Five Years D.\il Fehr Construction $ 38,640.00 7 days 12 months Note: All prices include applicable taxes Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 152 of 291 THE CORPORATION OT'THE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-084 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH ED MATTHEWS CONTSTRUCTION FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSULATED SIDING WHEREAS Ed Matthews Construction submitted the low tender, June 2nd, 2009 for the supply and installation of steel insulated siding on the municipal public works garage located at 8354 Plank Road; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham is desirous of entering into a contract agreement with Ed Matthews Construction to undertake the works in accordance with the said tender. THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OX'THE MT'NICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute a contract agreement with Ed Matthews Construction to undertake the supply and installation of steel insulated siding at 8354 Plank Road in accordance with the specifications and scope of work as outlined in the tender documents dated June 2, 2009 af a contract price of Twenty Six Thousand, Four Hundred, Thirty One Dolla¡s, Seventy Six Cents (526,431.76) exclusive of taxes. 2. TIIAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AI\D FINALLY PASSED THIS 18tü DAY OF JUNE, 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 153 of 291 THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM REQUEST FOR TENDER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSULATED S'D'NG ON THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE Proposals are invited by the Municipality of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until I l:00:59 (hr.:min.:sec.) a.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located in the Municipal Offices, 9344 Plank Rd, Straffordville, Ontario, on Tuesday, June 2, 2009. lM/e, the undersigned, having carefully read and considered the conditions and specifications for the supply and installation of steel insulated siding on the Public Works Garage do hereby offer to provide the goods and services as specified and described herein to The Municipality of Bayham for the following: Amount: Goods & Services Tax: Provincial Sales Tax: TOTAL AMOUNT: $ $ #,i q 6431,\ lo l3zl ,5 THE LOWEST OR ANY PROPOSAL OR ANY PART OF ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 154 of 291 TITLE ADDRE Page 2 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSIILATED S'D'NG ON THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE, 8354 Plank Road tf my/our tender is accepted, ltWe agree to provide complete fulfillment of this proposal call within 6? days from the date of notification of acceptance by The Municipality of Bayham. SIGNED TELEPHONE NO. 5n -R74 -1|T2-4 COMPANY NAME No. 5fg- tr?I- IL{zs P.S.T. Vendor's Permit No. -G.S.T. Registration No. I lo'tí - SzsF - RPcrÐl ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS DAY OF 2009. MAYOR CIW CLERK Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 155 of 291 truck,cab,chassis,plow&box1 -42 Page 3 CONDITIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS; 1. lf and wherever in the specifications a brand name, make, name of any manufacturer, trade name or vendor catalogue number is mentioned, it is for the purpose of establishing a grade or quality of goods and services, only, unless specified otherwise. Since the Municipality of Bayham does not wish to rule out other competition and equal brands or makes, the phrase "or approved equal" may be added. However, if goods and services other than the specified is bid, it is the vendor's responsibility to name such goods and services within his bid and to prove to the Municipality of Bayham that said goods and services is equal to the specifications and to submit brochures, samples and/or specifications in detail or item(s) bid. The Municipality of Bayham shall be the judge concerning the merits of tenders submitted. 2. ln the event of any discrepancy between the unit price and the extension(s), the unit price shall govern. GENERAL: 1. All questions respecting this tender call should be directed to Mr. Gerry LeMay, Public Works Manager, telephone 519-866-5521. 2. Taxes: Goods & Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax are applicable and shall be shown in the appropriate specified spaces for bidding purposes. 3. Telegraphic, telephone or facsimile tenders will not be accepted. 4. Tender may only be withdrawn prior to the closing date upon providing a written request. 5. Tender will be opened and read publicly and bidders may be present or be represented at all openings. 6. The tender declares that this tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of fígures or arrangement with any other person or persons making a proposal for the same goods and services, and is in all respects fair and without Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 156 of 291 7. collusion or fraud. The Municipality of Bayham is not liable for any costs incurred by the proposal in responding to this tender. Page 4 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) a) Responses or notations to a Tender Call which provides a condition of sale or any other attachment which alters the conditions or specifications, or makes it subordinate, may be cause for rejection, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham b) Points required or intended to be made to reflect changes herein shall be clearly set out in a separate letter, which shall be appended hereto. Tenders having any erasures or corrections shall be initialed by the tender in ink. All tenders shall be typewritten or filled in with pen and ink and bids shall be signed in ink. a) The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender, in whole or in part, to waive irregularities, minor variances and technicalities as determined suitable in the opinion of the Municipality of Bayham. b) The successful tender will be notified subsequent to the acceptance of such tender by the Municipality of Bayham. Such notification will be dispatched as promptly as possible from the date set for closing. All goods and services shall be delivered F.O.B. destination Straffordville, Ontario, and shall remain the property of the tender until a physical inspection is made and thereafter accepted to the satísfaction of the Municipality of Bayham in compliance with conditions and specifications described herein. All respective insurance coverage shall be the responsibility of the tender until acceptance is given by the Municipality of Bayham. Where the supply of goods are bid on by an out of town supplier, a collect telephone number is to be supplied. No extra charges will be permitted unless written authorization is obtained from the Municipality of Bayham. a) The total price and payment is to be shown and made in Canadian Funds; b) Cash discounts may be offered by the proposal for prompt payment of invoices but such cash discount will not be taken into consideration in determining which is the low tender unless such discount is based on payment of invoice not less than twenty (20) days after satisfactory delivery and/or the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 157 of 291 15. c) Unless othen¡rise specified, the Municipality of Bayham will make payment of accounts within thirty (30) days of either the date on which the goods and servíces have been accepted to the satisfaction of the Municipality, or the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. Page 5 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) Time shall be of the essence for any orders placed as a result of this tender. Failure of a tender to deliver within the time specified or within a reasonable time, as interpreted by the Municipality of Bayham, or failure to make replacements of rejected goods and services, when requested, will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to cancel such orders or any part thereof, without obligation, or will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to purchase in the open market to replace the goods and services rejected or not delivered. The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to authorize immediate purchases in the open market against rejections on any contract when necessary. On all such purchases, the Bidder agrees to promptly reimburse the Municipality of Bayham for the excess costs occasioned by such purchases. Such purchases may be deducted from the contract quantities. The tender warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in manufacturing, producing or selling the goods and services shipped or ordered as a result of this tender and the proposal agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any such violations. The tender agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any malfunction of the goods and services provided. The tender warrants that the goods and services supplied to the Municipality of Bayham conforms in all respects to the standards set forth by Federal and Provincial agencies and failure to comply with this conditions will be considered a breach of tender. The successful tender will not, without the written consent of the Municipality of Bayham, make any assignment or any subcontract for the execution of any goods and services hereby bid on. 20. Should the proposal find discrepancies in, or omissions from the conditions and specifications, or should he/she be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall notify the Admínistrator, who may, if necessary, send written addenda to all proposals. 16. 17. 18 19. Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 158 of 291 22. 21.No bidder is relieved from supplying all components necessary to render the goods and services fit for the use specified ín the governing documents merely because detailed conditions and specifications on the various components are not set out in the documents. Page 6 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) The submission of a signed tender document to the Municipality of Bayham shall be deemed to constitute an "lrrevocable Offer" which may be accepted, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham, by: a) written acknowledgement of acceptance, and/or b) contract in writing and upon such acceptance of the terms, responsibilities, and specifications herein set forth shall be confirmed and binding upon the Municipality of Bayham and the proposal. The failure of either party at any time to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way affect his/her right thereafter to enforce such provision or to seek damages for the breach thereof. Successful proposals, including those outside the Province of Ontario, agree that the rights of all parties shall be governed by the laws of Ontario. lt is agreed between the parties that neither party shall be held responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform his/her undertakings hereunder when such delay or failure is due to fires, strikes, floods, acts of God or the Queen's enemies, lawful acts of public authorities, or delays or defaults caused by common carriers, which cannot reasonably be foreseen or provided against. The submission of a tender shall be deemed proof that the proposal has satisfied himself/herself as to all the provisions of the tender, all the conditions which may be encountered, what goods and services he/she will be required to supply, or any other matter which may enter into the carrying out of the supply of goods and services referred to in the tender, and no claims will be entertained by the Municipality of Bayham based on the assertion by the tender that he/she was uninformed as to any of the requirements of the proposal. ln case of default of the proposal, the Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to procure the goods and services from other sources and any added expense will be charged to the undersigned tender. 23. 24. 25. 26.The bidder agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Bayham Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 159 of 291 and all Municipal officers, employees, servants and agents; officers, employees, servants and agents of its Boards and Commissions and volunteers, from all claims, costs, actions, suits, damages or expenses which may arise by reason of the execution of his/her tender or the performance of any of the terms of his/her tender or ín any way incidental to the tender. Page 7 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) 27. Thís indemnification shall also apply in respect of any claims for injuries or damages that may be sustained by the bidder or any of his employees during the performance and fulfillment of this tender. Should the Municipality of Bayham receive any demand or claim arising out of the performance of this tender, the bidder shall pay to the Municipality of Bayham such claims. The bidder shall also pay to the Municipality of Bayham any demand, cost, charge, damages or expenses which may be paid or incurred by the Municipality of Bayham or any of its servants, officers or agents in settlement of or on account of the payment for any loss, damages or expenses payable by the Municipality of Bayham or its officers, servants and agents, and any monies payable by the Bidder under the terms and conditions of this tender may be deducted from monies payable under this tender which are then remaining in the possession of the Municipality of Bayham on account of this tender, and to any court of competent jurisdiction as monies paid on behalf of the Bidder. 28. a) Bidder must use the tender form furnished by the Municipality of Bayham. Failure to comply may cause the tender to be rejected. b) Tender submissions, properly endorsed and sealed in the envelope provided for the purpose and clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until 1l:00:59 (hr.: min.: sec.) â.ñ., local time, as recorded on the clock located on the counter in the Municipal Building, 9344 Plank Rd, Straffordville, Ontario, on Tuesday June 2,2009. c) Bidder must be submitted by the specified time of closing to receive consideration of acceptance. - Bidder shall carry a minimum insurance of $ 2,000,000 and name the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured to their insurance policy during the length of the project. Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 160 of 291 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSULATED SIDING ON THE PUBLIC V/ORKS GARAGE AT 8354 PLANK ROAD DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS : Work involves installing new vertical steel siding over existing walls of old section of Works Building. - ( 1" insulation) - remove existing horizontal siding at end walls and make substrata good - remove existing Works Yards sign from front of building and set aside for reuso - All existing exterior light and electrical appurtenances to remain, to be worked around with appropriate flashing - Remove front door enclosure, and reinstall after siding is installed - Determine if existing door jam metal wrap is adequate for water tight connection with new wall cladding, if not, include price to remove and install new jam wrap to match Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 161 of 291 siding trim on all overhead doors - Install 1 X 3 horizontal funing strips at 24" spacing to all exterior walls, siding will extend from underside soffit to 6" above finished grade - Install 1" Styrofoam clad mate rigid foam insulation between furring strips Install vertical steel siding to furring strips. Use Vicwest Ultravic (E) 29GA Prepainted Cororite siding (color to be chosen by Manager of Public 'Works after price is verif,red) - Install all required corner mouldings, jmoulds around existing doors and windows etc. BTIILDING PERMIT Shall be responsibility of Municipality "*....(.... No FRIEGHT Shall be the responsibility of contractor y"r.....(.. No WARRANTY - State warranty period in months/ years for parts e5 Y Rs - State warranty period in months/years for service 3q YR.< - All warranty work F.O.B. Straffordville V"r....(-... No (Works Garage 8354 Plank Road) DELI\¡ERY - State the maximum number of calendar days required to deliver the order complete Speciff... .¿.A...Þ.*Í.5... Delivery to the site to be included Yes.. .¿....No Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 162 of 291 DEYIATIONS - If any of the specifications cannot be meet please provide information as to the reason for not meeting the request. Staff Report PW2009-13 regarding Steel Insulating Siding Wor... Page 163 of 291 Page 164 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works SUBJECT: Supply and Install Sand/Salt Shed DATE: June 9,2009 FILE: É I ß NUMBER: PW 2009-14 Purpose This report is to present recommendations from the Manager of Public Works regarding the tender from Cover-All Building Systems for the Supply and Installation of Sand/Salt Shed for the Municipality of B ayham. Background Council has discussed a desire to ensure that the Municipality of Bayham does not run out of materials during the winter months when sanding/salting of streets is imperative to provide a safe means of transportation for the citizens and visitors to Bayham. Presently our means of storing winter abrasives allows for very few storms and in the event of an elongated storm system we may not have the ability to supply materials on the roadways. The Mayor and Council have shown a very progressive nature in using materials, which are environmentally friendly and cost effective and now show foresight in allowing for storage of materials in the event of prolonged storms. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates a preference to ensure that the Cover-All Building will fulfill the claims. The Cover-All Building System tender totals S 720,470.80 plus applicable taxes. The 2009 budget amount is $ 180,000 for a sand/salt containment unit. Public Works will use approximately $ 25,000 in preparing the site for the sand/salt containment unit. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) subsection 3 we have meet this parameter of the priorities with this By-Law ensure a standard system for the Municipal roadways. Attachments Summation of Bid Results Tenders Draft By-Law No. 2009-085 To authorize the execution of an agreement with Cover-All Building Systems of Ontario for the supply and installation of a Sand/Salt shed. Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT By-Law No. 2009-085 to authonze the execution of an agreement with Cover-All Building Systems of Ontario for the supply and installation of a Sand/Salt Shed be presented to Council for enactment. 1. ,) J. Respectfully submitted, lic Works Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 165 of 291 Company Cost Age 'lVarranty Cover-All Building System 8126,494.34 New Fabric -10 years Truss - 15 years Storage Systems Constr. $ 1361447.50 New 10 years 5 years Storage System Constr. $ 157,500.00 New Note: All prices include applicable taxes Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 166 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-085 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF'A CONTRACT AGREEMENT }VITH COVER-ALL BTIILDING SYSTEMS OF ONTARIO FOR THE STJPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF A SAND/SALT SHED WIIEREAS Cover-All Building Systems of Ontario submitted the low tender, June 2nd, 2009 for the supply and installation of a sand and salt shed at the municipal public works garage located at 83 54 Plank Road; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a contract agreement with Cover-All Building Systems of Onta¡io to undertake the works in accordance with the said tender. THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute a contract agreement with Cover-All Building Systems of Ontario for the supply and installation of a sand and salt shed at 8354 Plank Road in accordance \Mith the specifications and scope of work as outlined in the tender documents dated June 2, 2009 at a contract price of One Hundred Twenty Thousand, Four Hundred, Seventy Dollars, Eighty Cents ($120,470.80) exclusive of taxes. 2. TIIAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF JUNE, 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 167 of 291 THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM REQUEST FOR TENDER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SAND/SALT SHED Proposals are invited by the Municipality of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until 11 :00:59 (hr.:min.:sec.) a.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located in the Municipal Offices, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0, on Tuesday, June 2,2009. l/ìtVe, the undersigned, with business premises at having carefully read and considered the conditions and specifications for the supply and installation of sand/salt storage shed do hereby offer to provide the goods and services as specified and described herein to The Municipality of Bayham for the following: ty'aé zt/ô Amount: Goods & Services Tax: Provincial Sales Tax: TOTAL AMOUNT: -g THE LOWEST OR ANY PROPOSAL OR ANY PART OF ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 168 of 291 Page 2 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SAND/SALT SHED If my/our tender is accepted, l/We agree to provide complete fulfillment of this proposal call within ¿4 days from the date of notification of acceptance by The Municipality of Bayham. SIGNED TELEPHoNE No. 5I ? - 528 - 2?ZZ FAX No. 5tç -.Ã- q - 287ôCOMPANY NAME 4n--, - /¿¿- TITLE ßrtt n,'r, ta,rtsr', 7.zr¡,//P.S.T. Vendor's Permit No.45Æ=5tg / ADDRESS Kß- * /c.S.T. Resistratio n No. 86? 032 2+6 xr 37é5 t 4rrtA¿rce-v , Zue.rn ,, ¿^ '7ttzt¿) ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS DAY OF , 2009. MAYOR CITY CLERK truck,cab,chassis,plow&box1 -42 Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 169 of 291 Page 3 CONDITIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. lf and wherever in the specifications a brand name, make, name of any manufacturer, trade name or vendor catalogue number is mentioned, it is for the purpose of establishing a grade or quality of goods and services, only, unless specified otherwise. Since the Municipality of Bayham does not wish to rule out other competition and equal brands or makes, the phrase "or approved equal" may be added. However, if goods and services other than the specified is bid, it is the vendor's responsibility to name such goods and services within his bid and to prove to the Municipality of Bayham that said goods and services is equal to the specifications and to submit brochures, samples and/or specifications in detail or item(s) bid. The Municipality of Bayham shall be the judge concerning the merits of tenders submitted. 2. ln the event of any discrepancy between the unit price and the extension(s), the unit price shall govern. GENERAL: 1. All questions respecting this tender call should be directed to Mr. Gerry LeMay, Public Works Manager, telephone 519-866-5521. 2. Taxes: Goods & Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax are applicable and shall be shown in the appropriate specified spaces for bidding purposes. 3. Telegraphic, telephone or facsimile tenders will not be accepted. 4. Tender may only be withdrawn prior to the closing date upon providing a written request. 5. Tender will be opened and read publicly and bidders may be present or be represented atãl openings. 6. The tender declares that this tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other person or persons making a proposal for the same goods and services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 7. The Municipality of Bayham is not liable for any costs incurred by the proposal in responding to this tender. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 170 of 291 L Page 4 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) a) Responses or notations to a Tender Call which provides a condition of sale or any other attachment which alters the conditions or specifications, or makes it subordinate, may be cause for rejection, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham b) Points required or intended to be made to reflect changes herein shall be clearly set out in a separate letter, which shall be appended hereto. Tenders having any erasures or corrections shall be initialed by the tender in ink. All tenders shall be typewritten or filled in with pen and ink and bids shall be signed in ink. a) The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender, in whole or in part, to waive irregularities, minor variances and technicalities as determined suitable in the opinion of the Municipality of Bayham. b) The successful tender will be notified subsequent to the acceptance of such tender by the Municipality of Bayham. Such notification will be dispatched as promptly as possible from the date set for closing. All goods and services shall be delivered F.O.B. destination Straffordville, Ontario, and shall remain the property of the tender until a physical inspection is made and thereafter accepted to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Bayham in compliance with conditions and specifications described herein.' All respective insurance coverage shall be the responsibility of the tender until acceptance is given by the Municipality of Bayham. Where the supply of goods are bid on by an out of town supplier, a collect telephone number is to be supplied. No extra charges will be permitted unless written authorization is obtained from the Municipality of Bayham. a) The total price and payment is to be shown and made in Canadian Funds; b) Cash discounts may be offered by the proposal for prompt payment of invoices but such cash discount will not be taken into consideration in determining which is the low tender unless such discount is based on payment of invoice not less than twenty (20) days after satisfactory delivery and/or the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. c) Unless otherwise specified, the Municipality of Bayham will make payment of accounts within thirty (30) days of either the date on which the goods and services have been accepted to the satisfaction of the Municipality, or the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I I r Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 171 of 291 Page 5 CONDITIONS GENEBAL; (Cont'd) 15. Time shall be of the essence for any orders placed as a result of this tender. Failure of a tender to deliver within the time specified or within a reasonable time, as interpreted by the Municipality of Bayham, or failure to make replacements of rejected goods and services, when requested, will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to cancel such orders or any part thereof, without obligation, or will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to purchase in the open market to replace the goods and services rejected or not delivered. The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to authorize immediate purchases in the open market against rejections on any contract when necessary. On all such purchases, the Bidder agrees to promptly reimburse the Municipality of Bayham for the excess costs occasioned by such purchases. Such purchases may be deducted from the contract quantities. 16. The tender warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in manufacturing, producing or selling the goods and services shipped or ordered as a result of this tender and the proposal agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any such violations. 17. The tender agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any malfunction of the goods and services provided. 18 The tender warrants that the goods and services supplied to the Municipality of Bayham conforms in all respects to the standards set forth by Federal and Provincial agencies and failure to comply with this conditions will be considered a breach of tender. 19. The successful tender will not, without the written consent of the Municipality of Bayham, make any assignment or any subcontract for the execution of any goods and services hereby bid on. 20. Should the proposal find discrepancies in, or omissions from the conditions and specifications, or should he/she be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall notify the Administrator, who may, if necessary, send written addenda to all proposals. 21. No bidder is relieved from supplying all components necessary to render the goods and services fit for the use specified in the governing documents merely because detailed conditions and specifications on the various components are not set out in the documents. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 172 of 291 23. Page 6 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) The submission of a signed tender document to the Municipality of Bayham shall be deemed to constitute an "lrrevocable Offer" which may be accepted, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham, by: a) written acknowledgement of acceptance, and/or b) contract in writing and upon such acceptance of the terms, responsibilities, and specifications herein set forth shall be confirmed and binding upon the Municipality of Bayham and the proposal. The failure of either party at any time to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way affect his/her right thereafter to enforce such provision or to seek damages for the breach thereof. Successful proposals, including those outside the Province of Ontario, agree that the rights of all parties shall be governed by the laws of Ontario. lt is agreed between the parties that neither party shall be held responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform his/her undertakings hereunder when such delay or failure is due to fires, strikes, floods, acts of God or the Queen's enemies, lawful acts of public authorities, or delays or defaults caused by common carriers, which cannot reasonably be foreseen or provided against. The submission of a tender shall be deemed proof that the proposal has satisfied himself/herself as to all the provisions of the tender, all the conditions which may be encountered, what goods and services he/she will be required to supply, or any other matter which may enter into the carrying out of the supply of goods and services referred to in the tender, and no claims will be entertained by the Municipality of Bayham based on the assertion by the tender that he/she was uninformed as to any of the requirements of the proposal. ln case of default of the proposal, the Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to procure the goods and services from other sources and any added expense will be charged to the undersigned tender. 26.The bidder agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Bayham and all Municipal officers, employees, servants and agents; officers, employees, servants and agents of its Boards and Commissions and volunteers, from all claims, costs, actions, suits, damages or expenses which may aríse by reason of the execution of his/her tender or the performance of any of the terms of his/her tender or in any way incidental to the tender. 24. 25. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 173 of 291 Page 7 CONDITIONS GENERAL: (Cont'd) 27. This indemnification shall also apply in respect of any claims for injuries or damages that may be sustained by the bidder or any of his employees during the performance and fulfillment of this tender. Should the Municipality of Bayham receive any demand or claim arising out of the performance of this tender, the bidder shall pay to the Municipality of Bayham such claims. The bidder shall also pay to the Municipality of Bayham any demand, cost, charge, damages or expenses which may be paid or incurred by the Municipality of Bayham or any of its servants, officers or agents in settlement of or on account of the payment for any loss, damages or expenses payable by the Municipality of Bayham or its officers, servants and agents, and any monies payable by the Bidder under the terms and conditions of this tender may be deducted from monies payable under this tender which are then remaining in the possession of the Municipality of Bayham on account of this tender, and to any court of competent jurisdiction as monies paid on behalf of the Bidder. 28. a) Bidder must use the tender form furnished by the Municipality of Bayham. Failure to comply may cause the tender to be rejected. b) Tender submissions, properly endorsed and sealed in the envelope provided for the purpose and clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until 11:00:59 (hr.: min.: sec.) a.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located on the counter in the Administrative Services Department (which time will be deemed to be taken as conclusive of the time), on Tuesday June 2, 2009. c) Bidder must be submitted by the specified time of closing to receive consideration of acceptance. 17. Bidder shall carry a minimum $ 2,000,000 insurance and name the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured to the policy while engaged in the project. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 174 of 291 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SPECIFTCATIONS FOR SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SAND/SALT SHED AT 8354 PLANK ROAD DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS : 1. DIMENSIONS Estimated dimensions 60 'X 80 ' 2. FOUNDATION Duraweavell I2.5 oz cover Color to be selected at later date Fabric included must be fire rated to meet Building code speclry ...é9-.|...tr ....f. 8' Yes ¿. No Yes...l. *o. 8' precast wall engineered for building delivered and assembled on site turvvrvs rvt vurru, y"r.....(-... No Must conform to current building code and Building Officials acceptance of engineering Yes.. .(.. No 3. COVERING Fabric must be warranted for 10 years y"r...( No Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 175 of 291 4. TRUSS Trusses must be warranted for a minimum of 15 years Building to have an approximate outside dimension of _60 feet in width and 80- feet in length. Building to include l-enclosed end wall and 1-end open. Yes...(.....No. Foundation to consist of an 8' high pre-cast wall foundation as per building requirements, mounted on compacted level site, site preparation by Municipality of Bayham Yes á No Building shall provide minimum 14 feet clearance on the side wall measured 4 feet in from the outside of the building plus the foundation wall height and shall have a minimum interior clearance at the centre of 30 feet plus the foundation height. Building truss arches are to be of Molten Zinc V/elded Triple Coated GatorshieldrM Corrosion protected Viper SteelrM providing a corrosion resistance of 2000 hours as per ASTM B 117-90. All welds are to be sandblasted and protected with molten zinc. Welds are to be in accordance with CSA Standing W41 .l certification. The manufacturer is to provide a 15 year pro-rata warranty against the chipping or flaking of the coating. Acceptable products: @ GätorshieldrM Tubing b.) Aluminum Steel tubing shall have structural and mechanical properties ASTM A-500 of 65 KSI (tension ultimate) and 55 KSI (yield). Continuous Structural V/ebbing to be welded between high tensile steel tubing that comprises the truss. Yes.. ...Y....No. Trusses to be mounted to minimum 4" by I0V2" steel base plate, using king pin connection. Yes......á...No.. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 176 of 291 All purlins supporting the structure shall be minimum2TlS inch and shall be manufactured using Viper steel with GatorshieldrM for maximum corrosion resistance and strength. Building fabric cover is to be 12.5 ounce Duraweave II Fire-rated of a 16 x 16 ppi woven high-density polyetþlene material, which shall have a 10 year pro- rated factory warranty. The building cover material is to be white on the underside with a choice of colours on the outside using Duraweave II FRrM polyethylene material, meeting ASTM E84 code requirements. Yes.. ..11.....No. Fabric cover shall be installed as separate panels between the trusses using an aluminum extrusion system affached to the outside of the steel truss framework, fabric panels to be maximum 20'-0" wide. The opposing seams must be overlapped and terminated as to create a weather seal between panels. The joints of the panels must cover the extrusion, as to not leave any extrusion exposed to the elements. Yes..á... No. The cover is to be held securely in place by a series of 10,00p pound lashing winches. Yes. . y'- . ...No All bids shall be accompanied by a current BMEC approval number and documentation as proof of Building Code compliance Section of the Ontario Building Code. The fabricator of the building of building components shall have successful experience during the past 5 years, and be regularly engaged in the fabrication of the type building meeting the requirements of this Section and shall show evidence of having an adequate manufacturing facility, equipment, and quality control equipment. The fabricator must provide evidence that they have produced and constructed a minimum of 10 such structures in the Province of Ontario in the last 3 yeaß. ,, Yes.. ..\¿....No. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 177 of 291 The structure supplier shall be a reputable manufacturer certified to ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems Standard; shall have a direct experience in the design, manufacture and installation of structures of the type specified herein; shall operate according to a comprehensive quality system and shall provide three references in use for at least 5 years. , Yes.. .{.... No. 5. ELECTRICAL -Shall be the responsibility of the Municipality 6. BTIILDING PERMIT Shall be responsibility of Municipality 7. FRIEGHT Shall be the responsibility of contractor 8. END #1 Please specify end #1 9.END#2 Please specify end# 2 1.0. VENTILATION Ventilation shall be (2) 24" X24" gable end vents included Fu'n/ specify... I e(.#.é. !...... Specify. ...Q.fâ.J.. No Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 178 of 291 11. SITE PREPARATION Shall be the responsibility of the Municipality 12. WARRANTY - State warranty period in months/ years for parts flS ?¿r- Sp¿'u ør 7aø¿+u - State warranty period in months/years for service Hs ?¿zz- sP¿< t,t/ 7pnltcr< - All wananty work F.O.B. Straffordville Yes...(..... No............ 1.3. DELIVERY - State the maximum number of calendar days required to deliver the order complete Specify..... ....é-A......... Delivery to the site to be included Yes.. ..L¿,...No. 14. DEVIATIONS - If any of the specifications cannot be met please provide information as to the reason for not meeting the request. Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 179 of 291 Please state the Municipalities or Business which have your structure (s) MunicipalitylBusiness Year of Construction l. K¿futont ot luttTaz¿¿o AÔê7 Z. t(A at oP /¿,/rt7ts:,/¿a Contact Ent zttp¿ c/q¿¿-///LL r,¿tla/7 2ôôt AooÊ æ66 2¿aê Sc"zz à/ø¿tgt 4on¿ ¿4a-l tus eø¿Af zøø/ þ4tc-Þ'tW7- Sf¿.tnla flNS. 2ê6 ?Te PLtr,',-nJ i0 oo7 7te flc-nr.) .,-r/ t 5ÊSô-J **{ Ct./ o, 7a¿ana Sr"ro s,a¿7 t¿a? Staff Report PW2009-14 regarding Supply and Install Sand/Sal... Page 180 of 291 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public W'orks SUBJECT: Sweepster Broom for Loader DATE: June 9,2009 FILE: [t t( NUMBER: PW 2009-15 Purpose This report is to present recommendations from the Manager of Public Works regarding the tender from Strongco Equipment for supply and deliver of Angle Broom for Municipal Loader Bacþround The Municipality of Bayham, like many others, is often plagued with a large amount of gravel in the intersections of their surface treated or asphalt roadways. Some municipalities' leave the stones in the intersection making this a concern for motorists. The Municipality of Bayham wishes to be proactive in this regard and place a broom on the front of the loader allowing the Public \ilorks Department to sweep these stones to the shoulder of the roadway eliminating any concerns. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates a preference to acquire an Angle Broom for the Loader as it will fulfrll the claims and does as he has witnessed in the past with a different machine. The recommended tender is from Strongco Equipment in the amount of $ 20,100 plus applicable taxes. The budget amount was $ 16,000 for the broom. Although we selected a broom more expensive than the lowest price alternative we feel the reasoning is due to a number of items. The V/ananty for the less expensive broom is half of the selected broom as well as the size of the selected broom is larger and will allow for less time on the road and less time working to clear each intersection. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) subsection 3 we have meet this parameter of the priorities with this By-Law ensure a standard system for the Municipal roadways. Attachments 1. Summation of Bid Results 2. Tenders Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Council authorize the acquisition of the Sweepster Angle Broom from Strongco Equipment Kyle Staff Report PW2009-15 regarding Sweepster Broom for Loader.... Page 181 of 291 Company Strongco Equipment G.C.Duke Equip. Ltd Eastern Farm Machinery Cost $ 22,713.00 $ 23,780.85 s 14,209.75 Warranty One Year One Year Six Months Age New New New Note: All prices include applicable taxes Staff Report PW2009-15 regarding Sweepster Broom for Loader.... Page 182 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06/04/2009 06/M/2009 9:524M OOOO6O ANNEX PUB. & PRINTING INC IN38463 SMOKE PUBLICATION 05t29t2009 I 120.38 006563 Cheque Amount - 120.38 OOO14I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 5912 REPATR RAD 05/0't/2009 I 230.34 006564 5945 LOF 05t07t2009 I 44.02 006564 5948 LOF 05t07t2009 I 48.54 006564 5954 REPAÍR STARTER WRES 05/08/2009 I 177.69 0065ô4 6056 TUBE INSTALLED 05t27t2009 I 28.20 006564 Cheque Arnount - 528.79 000220 oJDL 5155 SEPTAGE RECEIVING Cheque Amount - 2,2n 19 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 22732869 STORAGEBOXES,LtQUtDpApER 06/01/2009 I 97.19 006566 Cheque Amount- 97.19 000218 CUPELOCAL35 May'09 remit UNION DUES OSl31l2æ9 I 344.U 006567 Cheque Amount- 344.U OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 10557 CLEAN CHAMBERS @ PLANT 05/052009 I 1,543.50 006568 Cheque Amount - 1,543.50 001535 FLOWT,IETRIXTECHNICAL SERVICES 1 151 2009 WATER QUALTTY O5t20t2009 I I 36.45 006569 Cheque Amount - 136.45 OOO357 G& K SERMCES CANADA INC 1518409352 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS O5t28t2æ9 I 235.88 006570 ChequeAmount- 235.88 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90233265 ALUM SULFATE 0511812009 I 577.63 006571 Cheque Amount - 577.63 001527 GILMET FABRICATED PRODUCTS LTD. 1455 FABRTCATED LADDER BRACKET O5l2'U2009 I 135.35 006572 Cheque Amount - 135.35 OO1 538 GROUND EFFECTS LANDSCAPE & DESIGN 246 CLEAN UP DEBRTS 7491 PLANK Rt 05/2512009 I 514.50 006573 250 CEMETERY CARE & MATNTENANC 05/30/2009 I 1,596.00 006573 0512512009 I 2,277.19 006565 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 183 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 mso MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM 06/04/2009 9:52AM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06/04/2009 lnvoice Cheque Amount - 2,'110.50 OOO4I6 HETEK SOLUTIONS INC 1NV028599 oNS|TE CALTBTARTON & REPATR 05/15/2009 I 158.20 006574 Cheque Amount - 158.20 001536 KENNETH VANDENDOOL reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCT O5l27l2OOg I 612.14 006575 Cheque Amount - 612.14 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 14558 MENNA PUMPTNG STATTON O5t22t2009 r 136.50 006576 Cheque Amount - 136.50 OOO518 I(WK KOPY PRINTING 24291 UNPATD TAX B|LL SHEETS 05t24t2009 I 193.00 006577 24295 COPYPAPER 05t24t2009 I 189.80 006577 24326 COPYPAPER 06/03/2009 I 237.25 006577 ChequeAmount- 620.05 000526 I.AEMERS TRUCKING LTD 21100 NEVTLLE DRATN REPA|RS 04/30/2009 I 98.00 006578 ChequeAmount- 98.00 OOO555 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION 05214a 2NDQUARTER-JUNE O'lf23l2æ9 I 11,015.50 006579 ChequeAmount- 11,015.50 OO154O MEDIAWORLD 110ø.ONTARIO PARKS AD 05/06/2009 I 682.50 006580 ChequeAmount- 682.50 00061O MINISTER OF FINANCE 511528 SALE OF LAND AD\ÆRTTSEMENT 05t25t2009 I 157.50 006581 ISO No.233010 PICNICTABLE FRAMES Oil2íl20Æ,g I 1,920.72 006581 Cheque Amount - 2,078.22 OOO6I3 MLEOA2OO9CONFERENCE 30th annual GUELPH CONFERENCE 06/01/2009 I 249.00 006582 Cheque Amount - 249.00 001444 NANCYLOZON 3 BEACH WSHRM CLEANTNG MAY'o( 05/31/2009 I 810.00 006583 Cheque Amount - 810.00 001480 NEWRO SALES (2004) LTD 64876 SUMP PUMP, HOSES, NOZZLE 05/19/2009 I 3,282.65 0065M Cheque Amount - 3,282.65 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 184 of 291 OOOAIT NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 2009.05.0't 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06/04/2009 06/04/2009 9:524M I't3370 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 0513112009 I 47,828.87 006585 Cheque Amount - 47,828.87 OO153O NORTRAX P87402 PARTS MANUAL 05t20t2009 I 536.8't 006586 P87403 CYL|NDER KtT. HyD KtT 05120t2009 I 344.46 006586 P87404 GRTNGS 05r20t2009 I 13.02 006586 Cheque Amount - 894.29 000658 oMERS May'09 remit 04100 MAY'09 05/31/2009 I 12,552.11 006587 Cheque Amount - 12,552.11 000679 OXFORD SAT.¡D & GRA\EL LTD 1N00102698 PREM|UM COLDMX COARSE 05t26t2009 I 1,810.83 006588 Cheque Amount - 1,810.83 OOO7I6 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 06838939 CYLINDER LEASE OOO727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 405128715 COURTER SERVTCE 4051909,19 COURIER SERMCE 05t22t2009 I 246.11 006589 Cheque Amount -246.',t1 05/15/2009 I 73.80 006590 o5t22t2009 I 38.05 006590 Cheque Amount - 11 1 .85 001213 RICKVARRO milease FILLING SCBA BOTTLES 0610212009 I 128.00 006591 Cheque Amount - 128.00 001537 RON CATRMS training FIRST AID/CPR, TRAINING 06/01/2009 I 670.38 006592 ChequeAmount- 670.38 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10353668 láB FEES 05t26t2009 I 302.40 006593 10353669 l-AB FEES O5t26t2009 I 204.75 006593 103542s',1 LAB FEES 0512712009 I 810.61 006593 10354715 t-AB FEES o5t27l2æ9 I 163.80 006593 10354893 LAB FEES 0512712009 I 140.70 006593 Cheque Amount - 1,622.26 OO1106 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES t039625 B|OX|DE 001434 STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. 05/06/2009 I 3,620.52 006594 Cheque Amount - 3,620.52 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 185 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06/04/2009 379896 tNcENTtVE APPLTCATTON ASSTST 05t21t2009 I 1.143.07 006595 Cheque Amount - 1.143.07 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION x1l219061 SEPTAGE RECE|V|NG TENDER 05/08/2009 I 253.05 006596 x11219856 SALE OF LAND 0s/15/2009 I 335.16 006596 x11220659 FOOD BOOTH AD O5t20t2009 I 153.09 006596 Cheque Amount - 741.30 001539 SUPERAIR BOUNCE RENTALS 0610412009 9:524M AIR BOUNCE RENTAL 06/03/2009 r 450.00 006597 ChequeAmount- 450.00 MTLEAGE FOR TANK F|LL 06/022009 I 216.90 006598 50 OO12OO TODD MCMILI.AN tank fill Cheque Amount - 216.90 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 09€l tNFo TECHNOLOGY - JUNE 03t11t2009 I 258.30 006599 Cheque Amount - 258.30 OOO922 TREVORTAYLOR haining / ed TIERED RESPONSE TRAINING 06/01/2009 I 85.00 006600 Cheque Amount - 85.00 OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK1422 SIGMLS 06/01/2009 I 560.98 006601 Cheque Amount- 560.98 001216 WATSON A ASSOCTATES 15365 PSAB & ASSET MANAGEMENT 04/30/2009 I 1,4æ.71 006602 Cheque Amount - 1,4æ.71 000981 WLSON'S LAWII CARE Mar-Aprdean-up SIDEWALK SWEEPING, CLEAN-UP C/'IOU2OO9 I 1,059.75 006603 Mayl-May31/09 MAY GRASS CUTTING o5l31l2ÛOg I 2,751.00 006603 Cheque Amount - 3,810.75 000986 WORKPLACE SAFEW & INSURANCE May'09 remit ACCT#1625314 05/16/2009 I 1,895.40 006604 Cheque Amount - 1,895.40 Cheque Run Total - 107,961.59 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 186 of 291 2009.05.0't 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM 06/04/2009 l0:434M General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 009166 Report Date: 06/0¿112009 Accounts Payable Voided Gheque FiscalYear: 2009 PostedBy: SANDRA Posting Pd.: 6 Postins Date: 06104/2009 01410G.1030 Creneral bank 01{10&1950 Accounb Payable Trade CDIST same vendor, diff mail address CDIST same vendor, diff mail address Void Chq:6581 MINISTER OF FINANCE Vold Ghq:6581 MINISTEROF FINANCE Total Debits Total Gedits Net Posting 2,078.22 -2,078.22 2,078.22 -2.078.22 0.00 Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 187 of 291 2009.05.01 0.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06/04/2009 06/04/2009 1l:084M OOO6IO MINISTEROF FINANCE ISO No.2æO1O PICNICTABLE FRAÍI/IES o5t25næ9 I 1,920.72 Cheque Amount-1,920.72 Cheque Run Total -1,920.72 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 188 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 511528 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 06/04/2009 SALE OF I.AI.¡D AD\ERTÍSEMENT O5I25I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 06/042009 11:IOAM 157.50 157.50 157.50 000610 MINISTER OF FINA¡\¡CE Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 189 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06/08/2009 000376 GIBSON.LINTON,TOTH. 2009{67 MITCHELL RD RE-ALIGNMENT OdO8/2OO9 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 3,897.50 06/08/2009 l:11PM 3,897.50 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 190 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0611112009 001523 1047535oNTAR|O LTD 922406 TTRES 06/08/2009 I 23'1.00 006608 Cheque Amount - 231.W OO139I AFFORDABLE PORTABLES 14176 UN|T RENTAL - INTERP CENTRE 05t31t2009 I 136.s0 00€609 Cheque Amount - 136.50 OOOO34 AGO INDUSTRIES INC 387417 TRAFFTCSAFETYCLOTHTNG 06/03/2009 I 180.81 006610 ChequeAmount- 180.81 @0044 ALISARAGGREGATES INC 20033685 GRANUT-ARA o6to2t2æ9 I 1,6Tt.73 006611 Cheque Amount- 1,677.73 OOOO52 AMTELECOM COMMUNICATIONS June 00@257907 INTERNET- OFFICE 06/01/2009 I 81.85 006612 June 0060341982 INTERNET- EDISON MUSEUM 06/01¿2009 I 45,10 006612 June 0060408229 INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM 06/0l/2009 I 45.10 006612 June 00@493387 INTERNET - GARAGE 06/01/2009 I 28.30 006612 June 519866552'l MONTHLYTELEPHONE 06/01/2009 I 1,221.45 006612 June 5't987¿14054 TELEPHONE - INTERP CENTRE 06/01/2009 I 69.88 006612 Cheque Amount - 1,491.68 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAIVI bbq - ad AD RE: BARBEQUING 00/03/2009 I 31.50 006613 Cheque Amount -31.50 OOOO91 BARRYR.CARD 2120'12-22 LEGAL SERVICES 21201U22 LEGALSERVICES Cheque Amount - 372.75 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOLWATER May'o9 BOTTLED WATER osl26l2oos I 106.00 006615 Cheque Amount - 106.00 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 22758W NOTEBOOKS,PADS,TRANSFTLM 06tc/¡nÛO9 I 81.54 006616 ChequeAmount- 81.54 OOO272 DYNAIi/IIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC f-90063{ HYDRAULTC HOSES, CRtMpS 06ß412009 I 36.79 006617 Cheque Amount - 36.79 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000152519 MONTHLYRENTAL 06/01¿2009 I 106.58 006618 0611112009 1:06PM 0610212l}ô9 I 223.65 006614 0610212009 I 149.10 006614 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 191 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONT|526,142 oNTts2etTg oNTrs26554 oNTts26746 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06/1 1/2009 Cheque Amount - 0611112009 1:06PM CABLE TIES, PARTS SUPPLIES EXIT SIGN RATCHETS 0512512A09 05n7/2009 0512912009 06/082009 106.58 165.97 006619 36.31 006619 25.21 æ6619 68.08 006619 I I I I Cheque Amount - 05t29120t9 o9t10t20É,8 o9l21t20o8 295.57 197.00 €02.30 622.30 006620 006620 mô620 00662'l 00æ22 006624 006625 OOO345 FOREST CITY COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000371765 0002't608 0002't641 ooo2t7 tBtcRouP 210097 000466 JTMM|JONS 30988 KE].IWOOD BATTERY CREDIT INVOICE INSTALL RADIOS I c I Cheque Amount - æ1239 GREAT LAKES NEW HOLI-AND INC 520234 BOLT, WASHERS, B|_ADE, SPRING o5t27t2009 I Cheque Amount - OOO422 HORNSBY CANVAS &TARPAULIN LTD 16618 RENTALOFTRAININGMANNEQUII O5I29I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - OW27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC June 01181-23ü)5 UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE June 1265G91004 UTILITIES - PUMP#8 June'1885G12458 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY June 1897144027 UTILITIES - METER CHAIúBER June 18971-52001 UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP June 28799-40004 UTILITIES - PUMP# I June 56450-12330 UTILITIES - BOAT L.AUNCH June7525ù12272 UTILITIES - PB LTGHTHOUSE June8777ù20012 UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM June 9385G12278 UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL June 9385G91019 UTILITIES - PUMP# 7 June 9397G20342 UTILITIES - V.C.C. june 5025G12458 UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM june 62760-43000 UTILITIES - E.C.C. 17.00 316.34 316.34 56.50 o6t0z2009 0€i/03/2009 06/03/2009 o6toa2009 o€loa2009 0610212009 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 o6rca2009 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 06102/2009 06/03/2009 0610212009 I ¡ I I I I I I I I I I I I 56.50 7r.90 006623 123.32 ffþ623 115.09 006623 45.U 006623 8',t.77 006623 2U.U 006623 159.47 006623 33.05 006623 40.79 006623 113.49 006623 73.35 006623 1,275.72 006623 129.12 006623 1',t2.58 006623 Cheque Amount - COUNSULTING FEES - FERRY SR\ O5I22I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - 2,640.33 798.74 798.74 617.40MONTHLY UNIT RENTAL 05/18/2009 I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 192 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0611112009 3't124 UNITRENTAL.PTBURMEMPRK O5ß1NOO9 I 139.65 006625 Cheque Amount - 757.05 OOO5IO KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 1-28039 TORCH Ttp, PROPANE Ttp 05t01t2009 I 42.18 006626 1-2U88 FEELER, CONNECTOR 05/062009 I 24.87 006626 1-28778 COPPERPLUGS 05n1n009 I 6.49 006626 1-288r'.2 GLOVES, GELTW|ST 05t11t2009 I 31.50 006626 'l-29786 SPARK PLUGS O5t25ncß9 I 8.50 006626 1-30013 SPARK PLUGS, HD30 05t27t20f/9 I 17.04 006626 l-30078 GLO\ES o5t28t2009 I 't7.77 006626 Cheque Amount - 14{t.35 000609 MINISTER OF FINANCE 143!04-Jun-2009 DEBENTURE 200142 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD 1N00102404 ROUND STONE 1N00102¡105 ROUND STONE 000694 PAULGROENEVELD office supplies OFFICE SUPPLIES 06i/04/2009 I 2,980.59 @6627 Cheque Amount - 2,980.59 Cheque Amount - 3,119.52 0€/0s/2009 I 119.91 006629 Cheque Amount - 119.91 000699 PERRY GRAÌ.¡T mtg e,penses MUTUAL AID MTG - LUNCH 06/05/2009 I 59.'17 006630 ChequeAmount- 59.17 æ0737 RAII¿IONAPEIDL 34'1396 MAY'09 CLEANTNG 0sß1r2009 I 1,340.00 006631 341397 MAy'09 CLEANTNG - V.C.C. 05t31t2009 I 617.50 006631 341398 MAy'09 CLEANTNG - S.C.C. 05/31/2009 I 884.00 006631 Cheque Amount - 2,8/.1.50 0po747 REID'S PRE€AST CEMENT PRODUCT 5638 B|G"O"CULVERT 05/05¿2009 I 80.23 006632 5656 STEEL CULVERT COUPLER 05/06/2009 I 9.27 006632 Cheque Amount - 89.50 OO1¿I82 SUN MEDIACORPORATION x11220644 SALE OF I-AND 05t22t2009 I 249.01 006633 x11221427 TOURTST |NFO 05t29t2009 I 543.90 006633 x112214s3 BUSTNESS DIRECTORY - RENTALS 05t27t2009 I 129.15 006633 x11221454 BUSTNESS DIRECTORY - MUSEUM O5t27/2009 I 129.15 006633 06/11/2009 1:06PM 051141200€ t 2,653.M 006628 o5t't4t2009 I 466.08 006628 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 193 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 x1t221718 x'v221789 SALE OF [.AND ZONING BY.I-AW- HARMS DOLLAR POOLSAVINGS CREDIT MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0611112009 06/11/2009 l:06PM 05129t2009 05t27t2009 249.01 006633 243.05 006633 001418 TELUS 0158947626369464 CELL PHONE. K KRUGER Cheque Amount -1,543.27 45.26 006634 -19t.72 006634 4.24 006634 94.30 006634 46.16 006634 41.75 006634 36.95 006634 36.95 006634 36.95 006634 206.26 006634 162.28 006634 45.ß 006634 36.95 006434 01589476201'l 01589476201 I' 0sr27f2009 0512712009 o5t27t2009 051271200s 05t27n009 0512712009 o5t27t2009 0512712009 0512712009 05t27t2009 o5t2712009 0512712009 0512712009 I c c I I I I I I I I I I 0158947620I.I/2005876 CELL PHONE - P GROENEVELD 01589476201116't71156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 01589476201 1/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 01589476201 1/6365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIREDEPT 015894762011/6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT I 01589476201 I/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIREDEPT 015894762011/6366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762011/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 01589176201 r/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 0'158u762011p02't249 CELL PHONE - ROADS OEPT 2 000886 THERRIEN'S EXCAVATING 387 REPAIR ON NEVILLE DRAIN OO1OO2 TILLSONBURG FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT 11æ5 EXTINGUISHERS OOO895 TILLSONBURG HOME BUILDING 820508 BATTERIES 823992 BATTERIES Cheque Amount - 05/062009 I 594.33 514.s0 006635 m6636 Cheque Amount - 05n912009 I 514.50 28.25 Cheque Amount -28.25 180.66 006637 30.12 006637 05/08/2009 05122/2009 OOO953 VIENNAHOME CENTER LTD 336838 CONCRETE MIX 336985 MOTION SENSOR LIGHT, BULBS 337064 TAPE MEASURE, BATTERY 337608 BATTERIES 337699 SHOVELS, BOLTS, NUTS 337827 KEYSCUT 337924 CUTTTNG 338212 SPRAYPAINT, SAND PAPER Cheque Amount -210.78 67.63 006638 41.89 006638 42.92 006638 9.70 006638 198.07 006638 9.00 006638 383.75 006638 55.31 006638 05/01/2009 0510412009 05/06i/2009 05/16/2009 0512012009 0512212009 0st25t2009 05/30/2009 OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD Cheque Amount -808.27 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 194 of 291 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Rqister- 06/1 1/2009 06/112009 1:06PM FIXOIL LEAK, SEALS CHECKTRANSMISSION TAILGATE IáTCH CHAT.IGE FUEL & AIR FILTERS FILTERS, CHECK BRAKES I I I I I Cheque Amount - Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 195 of 291 2009.05.01 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 009226 Report Date: 0611112009 06/11/2009 l:40PM Accounts Payable Voided Gheque FiscalYear:2009 PostedBy: SANDRA Posting Pd.: 6 Posting Date: 06n1n009 01{100-1030 Generalbank 01{10G.1950 Accounb PayableTrade CDIST course cancellation GDIST course cancdlation Void Chq:6i105 TOWI.ISHI P OF MAJ-AH IDE Void Chq:6305 TOWI.¡SHI P OF MAI.AI-I IDE Total Debib Total Credits Net Posting 408.æ -108.30 0.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 196 of 291 æ0913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI-AHIDE MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 06/f 1/2009 06111/2009 1:50PM INFO TECHNOLOGY . APRIL MEDIA REIÂTIOT.IS COURSE COURSE CAI.,ICELI.ÂTI ON Cheque Register being Cheques #6563 to Cheque #6640 inclusiv... Page 197 of 291 Page 198 of 291 THF' CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYIIAM Consolidated Financial Statements I)ecember 31,2008 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 199 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31,2008 Table of Contents Auditors'Report Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities Consolidated Statement of Changes in Financial Position Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Schedule of Funds Consolidated Schedule of Seguent Disclosure - Current Fund Operations Schedule of Segment Disclosure - Current Fund Operations PAGE I 2 3 4 5-t2 13-15 t6-L7 18 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 200 of 291 CRAHAM SCOTT ENNSitp a cHAITI¡EO ACCOUNTANfS Williar A. Gnham' lohn M. Scotti Alan R BrÌ3' Midr¡el S. Stover' Roåe¡tt.f6ler4 ætryÀ C.opp larrc¡G. ffiricù' Phone; (51 9) 633-{r70t Fan (51 9) 633-7009 'Practking lhrou3h a plú¡siottd coryoraüon. St. Thomas, Ontario March 5,2009 450 S¡neet Drive, SL Tho¡nas, ON NSR 5Vf rvww.grahamscottentrs.com ATJDITORS' REPORT To the Members of Council,Inhabiønts and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham We have audited the consolidated balance sheet of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as at December 31, 2008 and the consolidated statement of financial activities and changes in financial position for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Municipality's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes ¿55e55ing the accounting principles used and signifrcant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. In our opinion, these consolidated fînancial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as at December 31, 2008 and the results of its operations and changes in financial position for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. q"a¿ar"t Scoø âontø l¿P CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Licensed Public Accountants -1- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 201 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As Ät December 31.2008 2007 $ 2008 $ ASSETS Financial Assets Cash and short term deposiæ Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Other current assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Liabilities Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds (note 7) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net long-terrn liabilities (note 4) MUMCIPAL POSITION FttND BALAI\CES (NOTE 5) Cunent fund þage 13) Capital tund þage 14) Reserves þage 15) Reserve funds þage 15) AMOTINTS TO BE RECOVERED From future revenues TOTAL MTJMCIPAL POSITION TOTAL LIABILITIES AI\D MUI\"ICIPAL POSITION 109,745 414,590 698.304 1.222,639 21,722 632,772 3,022,485 827.989 4,5041968 r.6e8.304) 3.806.664 52,728 550,760 1,957,987 604.5s0 3,166,025 1875.502) 2.290.523 s-029-303 3.833.1l4 See accompanyng notes to the consolidated financial statements. -2- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 202 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities Year Ended December 31.2008 2007 $ 2008 $ REVENUES Property taxation Taxation from other govemments User charges Government grants Contribution from developers Invesûnent income Penalties and interest on taxes Recoveries from benefiting landowners Other Total Revenues EXPEI\DITURES Current General govemment Protection to persons and properly Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total current expenditures Capital General goverrment Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environm ental services Health services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total capital expenditures Total Expenditures NET REVENUE S/(EXPENDTTURE S) Decrease in amounts to be recovered CIIANGE IN FUI\D BALANCES 2,593,978 50,255 1,452,928 2,923,433 70,074 123,836 78,712 306,153 33.960 7.623329 600,431 1,093'245 l,3gg1623 1,244,117 177,699 7,462 268,673 172.924 4.954,174 25,206 22,075 830,364 44,716 1,950 186,031 42.672 1.1s3.014 6.107,188 r.516,141 (.177.198) __133EJ4:! 2,460,937 47,9r0 1,362,275 2,380,876 48,038 98,702 69,840 272,171 66.926 6.807.67s 586,747 1,085,479 1,215,040 1,194,293 88,146 6,702 261,534 180.097 4.618.038 42,312 76,lll 779,364 47,489 3,157 228,877 60.396 1,237.706 5.85s.744 951.931 fl67.333\ 784.598æ See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. -3 - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 203 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Consolidated Statement of Changes in Financial Position Year Ended December 31.2008 2008 2007$s 1.516-l4t 951.931 OPERATIONS Net revenues Uses: Increase in taxes receivable Increase in accounts receivable Increase in other current assets Decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities Decrease in defe¡red revenue - obligatory reserve funds Sources: Decrease in taxes receivable Decrease in accounts receivable Decrease in other current assets Increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net change in cash from operations FINA¡ICING Long-term debt re,payment Net change in cash from financing NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUTVALENTS OPENING CASH AND CASH EQUWALENTS cLosrNG cAsH AND CASH EQUTVALENTS 36,$;- 36.s37 1.311.153 (.177.198) fl77-1981 1,133,955 2-847.181 3.981.136 - 53,754 2,392 156.801 212.947 1.098.6s1 (J67.333) (.167,333) 931,318 1.915-863 2.847 -l8l: See accompanymg notes to the consolidated financial statements. -4- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 204 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended l)ecember 31. 2008 The Municipalþ of Bayham is a municipality in the Province of Ontario. It conducts its operations guided by the provisions of provincial statutes such as the Municipal Act, Municipal Affairs Act and related legislation. 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICAIIT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham are prepared by management in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for local govemments as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Significant aspects of the accounting policies adopted by the Municipality are as follows: Reporting Entity The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets, liabilities, revenues, expenditures and fund balances of the reporting entity. The reporting entity is comprised of all organizations, committees and local boards accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources to the Municipalþ and which are owned or controlled by the Municipality. These financial statements include: - Various Community Centre Boards - Various Cemetery Boards - Museum Board Inter-deparbnental and inter-organizational transactions and balances between these organizations are eliminated. The following joint local board is not consolidated: (see Note 2 and 8) Elgin Area Primary Water Board Port Burwell Secondary Water System Fund Accounting Funds within the consolidated financial statements consist of current, capital and reserve funds. Transfers between funds a¡e recorded as adjustuents to the appropriate municipal fund balance. Trust funds and their related operations administered by the municipalþ are not included in these financial statements but are reported on separately on the Trust Funds Statement of Continuity and Balance Sheet. Capital Assets Expenditures made on capital assets are reported as capital expenditures on the statement of financial activities in the period incurred. -5- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 205 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2008 1. SUMMARY OF STGMFTCANT ACCOUNTING POLTCTES (CONTTNUED) Reserves and Reserve Funds Certain amounts, as approved by Municipal Council, are set aside in reserves and reserve frrnds for futr¡re operating and capital purposes. Transfers to and/or from reserves and reserve funds are an adjustrnent to the respective fund when approved. ' Government Transfers Government transfers arc rccoglrzed in the financial statements as revenues in the period in which events giving rise to the transfer occur providing the transfers are authorized, any eligibilþ criteria have been met, and reasonable estimates of the amounts can be made. Deferred Revenue Deferred revenues represent user charges and fees which have been collected but for which the related services have yet to be performed. These amounts will be recognized as revenues in the fiscal year the services are performed. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenditures during the period. Actual results could differ from ttrese estimates. 2. CONTRIBUTIONS TO UNCONSOLIDATED JOINT BOARDS Further to Note 1, the Municipality contributed $105,281 in the current year (2007 - S96,498) to the Elgin Area Primary Water Board. The Municipality is contingently liable or has çeffingent gains for its share of any deficiflsurplus, reserves/reserve funds and long-term liabilities which may arise or be incurred by the Elgin Area Primary Water Board. See Note 8 for further disclosure on the Elgin Area Water Board. -6- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 206 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MIIIVCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31,,2008 3. OPERATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN During 2008, requisitions were made by the school boards and the County of Elgin requiring the municipality to collect property taxes and payments in lieu of property taxes on thei¡ behalf. The amounts collected and remitted are summarized below: School Boards Countyss 1,374,561 2,290,022- 21.019 JÅzAÅfl J3JJ.W 4. Taxation and user charges Share of payments in lieu of taxes Amor¡nts requisitioned NET LONG-TERM LIABILITIES a) The balance of net long-terrn liabilities reported on the Consolidated Position is made up of the following: Total long-term liabilities incurred by the municipality, including those incurred on behalf of benefiting landowner Principal repalments are summarized as follows: 2009 2010 Statement of Financial 2008 2007$s 698.304 875.502 --2013 Beyond Total _$_ _L -$-Recoverable From -$- General tax revenue Benefrting landowners I 84.386 184.386É lllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllll-- -7 - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 207 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2008 4. NET LONG-TERM LrABrLrrrES (CONTTNUED) b) All long-term liabilities issued on or before December 31, 1992 have received approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Long-term liabilities issued after January 3I,1993 have been approved by by-law. The annual principal and interest pa5rments required to service these liabilities are within the annual debt repayrnent limit prescribed by the Minisûry of Municipal Affairs and Housing c) Interest expense on long-term liabilities in 2008 amounted to S 52,227 (2007 - $63,180) 5. MIJ}¡-ICIPAL FUND BALANCES ÄT THE EI\D OF TIIE YEAR The Municipality's fund balances are comprised of the following: For general reduction of taxation: Municipalþ Cemeteryboards Benefiting landowners For acquisition of fixed assets Reserves Reserve funds 2008 $ 30,000 88,523 196.8011 21,722 632,772 3,022,485 827.989 4.s04.968 2007 $ 72,294 90,236 n09^802) 52,728 550,760 1,957,987 604.550 3.166.025 6. TRUST FUI\DS Trust funds administered by the municipalþ amounting to $228,800 Q007 - 5225,879) have not been included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet nor have their operations been included in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. 8 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 208 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BÄYTIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2008 7. DEFERRED REVENUE - OBLIGATORY RESERVE FUNDS A requirement of the public sector accounting principles of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants is that obligatory reserve funds be reported as deferred revenue. This requirement is in place as provincial legislation restricts how these flrnds may be used and under certain ci¡cumstances these funds may be refunded. The balances in the obligatory reserve funds of the Municipality are summarized below: 2007 s 2008 $ Development Charges Gasoline tax Parkland Information received from the City of London as at December 31, 2008 8. CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION.CITY OF LONDON/ONTARIO CLEAN WATER In accordance with a service agreement entered into by the Municipality with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) the existing Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System is owned and operated by the Agency. The municipality is obligated to meet its share of the operating costs and deficits and repay its share of the long-term liabilities related to these projects. The municipaltty's share is based on its water consumption relative to that of the otherparticipating municipalities. As of September 1, 1998, the municipality has authorized the City of London to take over the administrative functions of the Primary Water Supply System including the issuance of debt to pay out the balance of debt and accumulated deficit of the participating nrunicipalities. Charges related to operating costs and debt servicing are recovered through the water rates levied by the Municipality. Accumulated Surplus indicates the following: Outstanding 2008 Debt Long-term Charges Liabilities PrimaryWater Supply System Contractual Obligation City of London _g3Ag- _7At3. _54.078 The operating surplus and long-tenn liabilities indicated above are not reflected in the accompanying financial statements. -9- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 209 of 291 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2008 9. BT]DGET FIGURES The Council of the Municipality of Bayham completes separate budget reviews for its operating and capital funds each year. The approved 2008 operating and capital budgets are reflected on the respective schedules of operations. Funding for the capital projects is made by transfers from reserve and operating funds, application of associated grants, and the use of other funds available to apply to capital projects. During 2008, Council approved transfers totaling $718,568 (2007 - 5740,573) from reserve and reserve funds for capital projects. As many capiøl projects are canied out over one or more years, the annualized budget infonnation on the Consolidated Schedule of Capital Operations represents the budget portion of expenditures for the current year only. 10. PUBLIC SECTOR SALARY DISCLOSTTRE In 2008, no employees were paid a salary, as defined in the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996, of $100,000 or more by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 2007 s 2008 $ Current fund expenditures by object: Salaries, wages and employees benefits Long-term debt interest expense Materials Contracted services Transfer to others 1,708,461 s2227 11621,925 1,534"380 37.181 _49s¿Lh 1,607,188 62,692 1,490,144 1,43L,090 26.924 j.61&038 -10- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 210 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31,2008 12. SEGMENTED INFORMATION The Municipality of Bayham is a diversified municipal govemment institution that provides a wide range of services to its citizens, including fre, roads, sewer and water. For management reporting purposes the Government's operations and activities are organized and reported by Fund. Funds were created for the purpose of recording specific activities to attain certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. Municipal services are provided by departments and their activities are reported in these funds. Certain deparhents that have been separately disclosed in the segmented information, along with the services they provided, are as follows. Public \ilorks The Public Works department is responsible for the delivery of municipal public works services related to the planning, development and maintenance of roadway systems, the maintenance of parking and open space, and street lighting. The Water and Waste Funds The water and wastewater deparhnent provides drinking water to citizens of the municipality, as well as, collection and treatment of wastewater. This department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of both systems in accordance with govemment regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act and other pieces of legislation. Other funds and Corporation This segment includes the remaining departments and activities of the Corporation. Some of the larger activities in this segment include general govenment, fÍe, police, public health services, recreation and cultural services, planning and development and solid waste collection and disposal. For each reported segment, revenues and expenses represent both amounts that are directly attributable to the segment and amounts that are allocated on a reasonable basis. Therefore, certain allocation methodologies are employed in the preparation of segmented financial information. The General Revenue Fund reports on municipal services that are funded primarily by taxation such as property and business tax revenues. Taxation and palments-inlieu of taxes are apportioned to General Revenue Fund services based on the Fund's net surplus. Certain govemment transfers, transfer from other funds, and other revenues have been apportioned based on a percentage of budgeted expenses. The accounting policies used in these segments are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements as disclosed in Note 2. For additional information see the Consolidated Schedule of Segment Disclosure - Current Fund Operations and Schedule of Segment Disclosure - Current Fund Operations. - 11- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 211 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31.2008 13. NEW ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS Recent accounting pronouncements with regard to Section 3150 of the Public Sector Accounting Board Handbook which requires govemments to record and amortize their tangible capiøl assets on their financial statements must be implemented by the Municipality for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2009. In addition, revenue from contributed assets and govemment grants and transfers relating to capital acquisitions will be included in income. The Municipality has currently finished compiling listings of all tangible assets. At this time approxinately fifty percent of historical costs and cumulative amortization values have been established but no asset category has been finished to completion. The Municipality has drafted proposed policies for capitalization and amortization and identified the software package they will be utilizing to track and amortize their tangible assets in future years. -12- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 212 of 291 TITF' CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Consolidated Schedule of Current Fund Operations Year Ended l)ecember 31, 2008 REVEI\UES Property taxation Taxation from other govenrments User charges Government grants Investrnent income Penalties and interest on taxes Recoveries from benefiting landowners Other Total Revenues EXPENDITT]RES General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total Expenditures NET REVENUES/(EXPENDITURES) FINANCING AI{D TRANSFERS Transfers to reserves and reserve funds Transfers to capital fund Debt principal repayment Net financing and transfers CIIANGE IN CTTRRENT FTJND BALANCE OPENING CT'RRENT FUND BALAI\ICE CLOSING CTTRRENT FUI\D BALANCE Unaudited Budget2008 2008s$ 2,566,631 2,583,978 50,255 50,255 1,287,756 1,247,014 L,708,429 1,857,058 60,000 121,262 70,000 78,712 227,993 243,754 10-379 14.445 s.981.443 6.196.478 597,498 600,431 1,233,607 11093245 1,293,617 11389,623 1,271,881 l,244rll7 92,094 177,699 7,700 71462 298,559 268,673 186-782 172,924 4-981.738 4,954.174 999.705 1.242304 (ts6,667) (306,108) (718,568) (790,004) (.t77.1e8) (177 Je8) (J,052,433) (l.273.310) (52,728) (31,000 52.728 52.728 : _zlJn 2007 s 2,460,937 47,910 1,306,545 1,780,143 85,024 69,840 249,314 3.908 6-003.621 586,747 1,085,479 1,215,040 1,194,293 88,146 6,702 261,534 180.097 4.6r8.038 1.385.s83 (355,596) (787,426) (.167.333) (1.310,355) 75,228 (.22.s00) s2.728: -13- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 213 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Consolidated Schedule of Capital Fund Operations Year Ended l)ecember 31.2008 REVENUES Govemment grants Contribution from developers Sale of assets Benefiting landowners Other Total Revenues EXPENDITURES General govemment Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environm ental services Health services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total Expenditures NET REVENUE S /(EXPET\DrTI,RE S) FINAI\CING AIID TRANSFERS Net transfers from (to) reserves and reserve funds Transfers from operating fund Net financing and transfers CHANGE IN CAPITAL FUI\D BALANCE OPEI\ING CAPITAL FT'ND BALANCE CLOSING CAPITAL FUND BÄLÄNCE Unaudited Budget2008 2008s$ 112,222 1,066,375 - 70,074 - 19,515 - 62,399 188.158 20s.914 300.380 1,424,277 36,100 25,206 14,000 22,075 708,543 830,364 573,500 44,716 5,000 1,950 l54,l4l 186,031 163.856 42,672 1.655.140 1.153.014 (,1.3s4.760\ 271.263 72,43t (979,255) 718.568 790.004 790-999 (189,2s1) (563,761) 82,012 550.760 s50.760 _lr!*00t) _632,12 2007 $ 600,733 16,498 63,018 22,857 s5.730 758.836 42,312 76,lrl 779,364 47,489 3,157 228,877 60.396 1.237.706 (478.870) 188,621 787.426 976.047 497,r77 53.583 sfl.760 -14- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 214 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Consolidated Schedule of Reserves and Reserve Funds Year Ended December 31,2008 2007 $ 2008 $ REVENUES Contribution from developers Investment income Net revenues FINANCING AI\D TRANSFERS Net transfers from (to) capital fund Net transfers from (to) cunent fund Net transfers CIIANGE IN RESERVE AI\D RESERVE FUND BALANCES OPEIIING RESERVE AI\D RESER\rE FUND BALANCE CLOSING RESERVE AND RESERVE FUI\D BALANCE ANALYZED AS FOLLOWS: Reserves set aside for specific puq)oses by Council: - for working capital - for capital puq)oses - for waterworks purposes - for rate stabilization - forotherpurposes Total reserves Reserve ftrnds set aside for specific putposes by Council: - for construction of sanitary sewers - for recreation and cultural service purposes - for other puryoses Total reserve ftrnds TOTAL RESER\rES AI\D RESERVE FUNDS 2.57¿ 2-574 979,255 306.108 1.285,363 1,287,937 2.s62.537 3.8s0.474 31,540 13.678 4s.2t8 (188,621) 355.506 166.975 212,193 2-350.344 _x52.5i1- 384,153 1,487,ø4 16,693 602,670 s31.325 3.022,485 730,ø4 90,366 6-979 827.989 3-8s0.474 374,153 551,201 (7,256) 611,670 428.2r9 l-957.987 530,3r4 67,539 6.697 604.s50 2.552.5i1- -15- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 215 of 291 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Consolidated Schedule of Segment Disclosure - Current Fund Operations Year Ended December 31.2008 Water and Waste Funds $ 950,905 3,900 227 -452 1.182.257 253,379 50,600 213,510 300,101 817.590 364,667 (364.6671 923,760 385,424 3.190 t.312.374 475,683 814,644 99,295_ 1.389.622 (77,248) JlLÆ Roads s OtherFunds & Total Corporation Consolidateds$ 1,710,473 21634,233 296,109 11247,014 1,467,734 1,857,058 227-531 458.173 3.701.847 6.196,478 979,399 1,708,461 1,627 52,227 593,771 1,621,925 1,134,984 1,534,380 37.181 37.181 2.746,962 4.954.174 954,885 1,242304 (q08.643) (1.273,310) _46.2n _6U)0é) REVENUE Taxation Sales of service and regulatory fees Govemment transfer Other EXPENSES Salaries, wages and employee benefits Long-tenn debt interest expense Materials Contracted sewices Transfer to others NET REVENUES (EXPENSE) BETORE FINANCING AI\D TRANSFERS FINANCING AI\D TRANSFERS NET REVENUE (Ð(PENSE) FOR TrrF'. YEAR -16- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 216 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT.INICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Consolidated Schedule of Segment Disclosure - Current Fund Operations December 31.2007 Water and Waste Funds s 920,782 20s.76; r.129.546 245,876 60,708 202,473 298,139_ 807.196 322.350 (322.3s0) 908,810 370,677 2.454 1.281.941 4r2,737 710,433 91,870_ r.21s.040 66.901 __6éS.! Roads s OtherFunds & Total Corporation Consolidated $$ 1,600,037 2,508,847 385,763 1,306,545 1,409,466 1,7801143 196.868 408.086 3.592.134 6.003,621 948,575 1,607,188 1,984 62,692 577,238 1,490,144 1,041,081 1,4311090 26.924 26.924 2.505.802 4.618.038 996.332 1.385,583 (e88.00s) (1.310.3ss) -&rU, -?ÃÆ REVENUE Taxation Sales of service and regulatory fees Govemment transfer Other EXPENSES Salaries, wages and employee benefits Long-temr debt interest expense Materials Contracted services Transfer to others NET REVENUES BEFORE FINANCING AI\D TRANSFERS FINANCING AND TRANSFERS NET REVENT'E (Ð(PENSE) FOR TrrE YEAR t7- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 217 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Schedule of Segment Disclosure -- Current Fund Operations Year Ended December 31,2008 WATERAND WASTE WATER Revenue Sales of services and regulatory fees Govenrment transfers Benefiting land owners Other Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries, wages and employees benefits Long-term debt interest expense Materials Contracted services Transfer to others ñ¡nds Principal repalment Total Expenditures Net Surplus @eficit) ROADS Revenue Taxation Govemment transfers Other Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries, wages and employees benefits Materials Contracted services Total Expenditures Net @eficit) Surplus UnauditedBudget Actual2008 2008s$ 1,015,598 950,905- 3,900 219,943 206,39710.000 21.0s5 t-245-541 1.182.257 254,422 253,379 50,600 50,600 243,896 213,510 302,280 300,101 225,000 195,324 169.343 169-343 r.245.541 1.182,257 UnauditedBudget Actual2008 2008s$ Actual 2007 s 920,782 206,964 1.800 r.129.546 245,876 60,708 202,473 298,139 163,1 15 159.235 1.129.546 Actual 2007 $ 1.293.617 1.312.374 508,930 475,683 700,187 814,644 84.500 99,295 1-293-617 1.389.622 - _1132481 923,760 369,857 923,760 385,424 3,190 908,810 370,677 2.454 r.281.941 412,737 710,433 91.870 1,215.040 66.901 -18- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 218 of 291 GRAHAM SCOTT E N N S¡.Lp a cHÀtrßrto accot ¡tt¡N¡s wffinÀGnh.d' þftn lt/t S.ôal' Ah.rÈÉrn' l,gcà*l S.fottre foücrtÀfdrt' l<{yÀCþpp t¡rçlGrq{cict' Ptone (519) 633-û700 f¡x (519) 6317üX, 'fndiúB ûGtrh. ¡oladond olporetim ,l5O S.rÉet frrirc, S¿ fhons, ON NSR SVl rtil.ßr¡harÊcot(errß¡oît May 27,2009 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 9344 PlankRoad Straffordville Onta¡io NOJ IYO Dear Members of Council: 'We have been engaged to audit the consolid¿ted financial statements of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham for the year ending December 31, 2008. Canadian generzþ accepted standards for audit engagements require that we cornmunicate the following infon¡ration with you in relation to your audit. Ev¡luetion of Internal Controls Audits include a review and evaluation of the system of internal conhols to assist in determining the level of reliance that may or should be placed on the system in assessing the nature and extent of audit procedures to be undertaken. Significant Accounting Principles Management is responsible for the appropriate selection and application of accounting policies. Our role is to re-view the appropriateress and application as part ofour audit. The accounting policies used by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are descriH in Note l, Summary of Significant Accounting policies, in the consolidated financial statements. There were no new accounting policies adopted or changes to the application of accounting policies of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham during the year. Significant Unusual Transactions We are not aware of any significant or unusual transactions entered into by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham that you should be informed about. Accounting Estimates Management is responsible for the accounting estimates included in consolidated financial stateme'lrts. Estimates and the related judgmelrts and assumptions are based on management's knowledge of the business and past experience about cu¡rent and future events. Our responsibility as auditors is to obtain sufñcient appropriate evidence to provide reasonable assr¡rance that management's accounting estimates are reasonable within the context of the consolidated financial statements as a whole. An audit includes perfonning appropriate procedures to veriff the: ¡ Calculation of accounting estimates; . Analyzing of key factors such as underlying management assumptions; 1. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 219 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham May 27,2O09 o Materiality of estimates individually and in the aggregate in ¡elation to the consolidated financial statements as a whole; o Estimate's sensitivity to variation and deviation from historical patterns; o Estimate's consistency with the entity's business plans; and o Other audit evidence. Disagreements with Management 'We are required to communicate any disagreements with management, whether or not resolved, about matters that are individually or in aggregate significant to the [Company's or Partnership's] consolidated financial statements or auditot's report. Disagreements may arise over: o Selection or application of accounting principles; o Assumptions and relatedjudgments for accounting estimates; o Financialstatementdisclosures; o Scope of the audit; or o Wording of the auditor's report. We are pleased to inform you that we had no disagreements with management during the course of our audit. Consultation with Other Account¡nts (Second Opinions) Management may consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters to obtain a nsecond opinion". When an e.ntity requests that a¡other accountant provide a written rqnrt or oral advice on the application of accounting principles to a specific transaction or the t¡pe of opinion that may be rendered on the entity's consolidated financial statements, we are required to ensure that tlre accountant has ensured that the reporting accountant has knowledge of all facts and circumstances and has conducted the engagement in accordance with Canadian generally accqrted auditing standa¡ds on the Reports on the Application of Accounting Principles. 'We a¡e not av¡are of any consultations that have taken place with other accountants. fssues Discussed The auditor generally discusses among other matters, the application of accounting pinciples and auditing standards, and fees, etc. with management in during the initial or recurring appointment of the auditor during the normal cor¡rse of business. There were no major issues discussed during orn audit with regards to our retention that were not in the nonnal course ofbusiness. Difficulties Encountered During the Audit 'We encountered no significant diffrculties during our audit that should be brougbt to the attention of the audit committee. We would like to note however that we did not audit the transactions of the Calton Cemetery Boar( as they would not provide management or our firm with the record for 2008. We shall be pleased to discuss with you frrther any matters mentioned above, at your convenience. This communication is prepared solely for the inforrnation of the audit committee and is not intended for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility to a third party who uses this communication 2. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 220 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham May 27,2009 To ensure there is a clear understanding and record of the matters discussed, we ask that members of the audit committee sign their acknowledgement in the spaces provided below. Should any member of the audit committee wish to discuss or review atry matter addressed in this letter or any other matters related to financial reporting, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Yours truly, GRAHAM. SCOTT o ENNS LLP Rafurîr /aatøc Robert Foster, C.A. Partner Acknowledgement of Audit Committee : We have read and reviewed the above disclosures and understand and agree with the comments therein: Signatures: Date: 3. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 221 of 291 'l Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 222 of 291 GRAHAM SCOTT ENNSLLp a cHÀttctEf, ^ccouilraNfs wi$¡mÀGr¡hür' ,oñ( M.5(oll' Abr*. kw5' M¡c{}¡cl S. slovË?" [oåcrt 8.fodeÊ sdry ^. Glopp ,úrc.G Hcric*' Phone: (51 9) 633-0700 6ax (51 9) 633-7{X}9 '?Ërt¡cint ûmtrh r profachnal orpøellon. 450 fuiset Dritt, St. thomac, ON NsR 5V1 rrww.SrahamcotteÍHß. coln January 5,2009 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Shaffordville Ontario NOJ lYO Dear Members of Council: 'We have been engaged to audit the consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham for the year ending December 31, 2008. Canadian generally accqrted auditing standards require that we communicate the following information with you in relation to your audit. Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial rqrorting. This includes the design and maintenance of accounting records, recording transactions, selecting and applying accounting policies, safeguarding ofassets andpreventing and detecting fraud and error. Our Responsibility as Auditors As stated in the engagement letter dated January 5, 2009, our responsibility as auditors of your organization is to express an opinion on whether the consolidated financial statements present faidy, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the organization in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. An audit is performed to obtain reasonable but not absolute assr¡rance as to whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. Due to the inherent limitations of an audit, there is an unavoidable risk that some misstatements of the consolidated financial statements will not be detected (particularly intentional misstatements concealed through collusion), even though the audit is properly planned and performed. Our audit includes: o Assessing the risk that the consolidated financial statements may contain misstatements that, individually or in the aggregate, are material to the consolidated financial statements taken as a whole; and r Examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. As part of our audit, we will obtain a sufficient understanding of the business and the internal control structure of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham to plan the audit. This will include management's assessment of: ¡ The risk that the consolidated financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud and error; and, o The internal controls put in place by management to address such risks. 'l . Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 223 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 Audit Committee Members' ResponsibÍlities The audit committee's role is to act in an objective, independent capacity as a liaison between the auditors, management and the board of directors, to ensure the auditors have a facility to consider and discuss govemance and audit issues with parties not directly responsible for operations. The audit committee's responsibilities include: o Being available to assist and provide di¡ection in the audit plaruring process when and where appropriate; o Meeting with the auditors as necessary and prior to release and approval of consolidated financial statements to review audit, disclosure and compliance issues; o Whe¡e necessary, reviewing matters raised by the auditors with appropriate levels of management, and reporting back to the auditors their findings; o Making known to the auditors any issues of disclosure, corporate govemance, fraud or illegal acts, non-compliance with laws or regulatory requirements that are known to them, where such matters may impact the consolidated financial statements or auditor's report; o Providing guidance and di¡ection to the auditors on any additional work they feel should be undertaken in response to issues raised or concems expressed; o Marking such enquiries as appropriate into the findings of the auditors with respect to corporate governance, management conduct, cooperation, infonnation flow and systems of intemal controls; and o Reviewing the draft consolidated financial statements prepared by management, including the presentation, disclosures and supporting notes and schedules, for accuracy, completeness and appropriateness, and approve same to be passed to directors for approval. Audit Approach Outlined below are certain aspects of our audit approach which are intended to help you in discharging your oversight responsibilities. Our general approach to the audit of The Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham is to assess the risks of material misstatement in the consolidated financial statements and then respond by designing audit procedures. Illegal Acts, Fraud, fntentional Misstatements and Errors Our auditing procedures, including tests of your accounting records, are limited to those considered necessary in the ci¡cumstances and would not necessarily disclose all illegal acts, fraud, intentional misstatements or errors should any exist. \ù/e will conduct the audit under Canadian generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), which include procedures to consider (based on the control environment, govemance structure and ci¡cumstances encountered during the audit), the potential likelihood of fraud and illegal acts occurring. These procedures are not designed to test for f¡audulent or illegal acts, nor would they necessarily detect such acts or recognize them as such, even if the effect of their consequences on the financial statements is material. However, should we become aware that an illegal or possible illegal act or an act of fraud may have occurred, other than one considered clearly inconsequential, we will communicate this information directly to the audit committee. 2. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 224 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 It is management's responsibility to detect and prevent illegal actions. If such acts are discovered or audit committee members become aware of ci¡cumstances under which the Company may have been involved in f¡audulent, illegal or regulatory non-compliance situations, such circumstances must be disclosed to us. Related Party Transactions During our audit, we conduct various tests and procedures to identiff transactions considered to involve related parties. Related parties exist when one parly has the ability to exercise, directly or indirectly, control, joint control or significant influence over the other. Two or more parties are related when they are subject to common control, joint control or common sigrrificant influence. Related parties also include management, directon and their immediate family members and companies with which these individuals have an economic interest. We will ensure that all related party transactions that were identified during the audit have been rqrresented by management to have been disclosed in the notes to consolidated financial statements, recorded in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and have been reviewed with you. All gains and losses occurring as a result of transactions with related parties have been recorded in accordance with the recommendations of Section 3840 of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook. Management has advised that no other related party transactions have occurred that have not been disclosed to us. The audit committee is required to advise us ifthey are aware ofor suspect any other related paly transactions have occurred which have not been disclosed in the consolidated financial statements. Risk-based Ou¡ risk-based approach focuses on obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence to reduce the risk of material misstatement in the consolidated financial statements to an appropriately low level. This means that we focus our audit work on higher risk areas that have a higher risk of being materially misstated. Materiality Materiality in an audit is used to: o Guide planning decisions on the nature and extent of our audit procedures; . Assess the sufficiency of the audit evidence gathered; and o Evaluate any misstatements found during our audit. Materiality is defined as: Materiality is the term used to describe the significance of financial st¿tement information to decision makers. An item of information, or an aggregate of items, is material if it is probable that its omission or misstatement would influence or change a decision. Materiality is a matter of professional judgment in the particular circumstances. We plan to use a materiality of $100,000. The materiality for last year's audit was $94,000. Audit Procedures In responding to our risk assessment, we will use a combination of tests of controls, tests of details and substantive analytical procedures. The objective of the tests of controls is to evaluate whether certain controls operated effectively. The objective of the tests of details is to detect material misstatements in the account balances and transaction streams. Substantive analytical procedures are used to identiff differences between recorded amounts and predictable expectations in larger volumes of transactions over time. 3. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 225 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5,2009 This communication is prepared solely for the information of the audit committee and is not intended for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility to a third paAy who uses this communication. Yours truly, GRÄHAM o SCOTT ¡ EI\NS LLP Ro4cnl Ta¿rø, Robert Foster, G.A. Partner Per:Title: 4. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 226 of 291 CRAHAM SCOTT ENNSLLp a WiH¡nA. Gnh¡m' ,ohnM Scoli^ Ahn& ãßE' Àl¡c{l*l s- Sleü+ Robert E. fo.tet' Bdty A. C¡topp larc¡G fteffct' Plpne:(519) 633-l)7il! fax: (5r9) 63!7009 .PËcflcLry ür@!h r pmfclml or1rel'm. January 5,2009 450 Sr¡rcet Dritc, St. Ihorn¡s, ON NSR 5Vl **rv.ErâhatrsûtteflÉ.com The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road S traffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Dear Council Members: The purpose of this letter is to outline the terms of our engagement to audit the consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham for the year ending December 31, 2008. Objective, scope and limitations Our statutory function as auditors of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is to report to the shareholders by expressing an opinion on The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham's annual consolidated financial statements. We will conduct our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards and will issue an audit report. An auditor conducting an audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards obtains reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements t¿ken as a whole are free of material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or eror. It is important to recognize that an auditor cannot obtain absolute assurance that material misstatements in the consolidated financial statements will be detected because of: (a) Factors such as use of judgment, and the use of testing of the data underlying the consolidated financial statements; (b) Inherent limitations of intemal control; and (c) The fact that much of the audit evidence available to the auditor is persuasive rather than conclusive in nature. Furthermore, because of the nature of fraud, including attempts at concealment through collusion and forgery, an audit designed and executed in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards may not detect a material f¡aud. Further, while effective intemal control reduces the likelihood that misstatements will occur and remain undetected, it does not eliminate that possibility. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that fraud, error and illegal acts, if present, will be detected when conducting an audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Unless unanticipated difficulties are encountered, our report will be substantially in the following forrn: 1. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 227 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 Auditorsr Report To the Members of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham We have audited the statement of financial position of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as at December 31, 2008 and the statements of financial activities, and change in financial position for the year then ended. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the municipality's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. 'We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall consolidated financial statements presentation. In our opinion, these financial statements present faidy, in all material respects, the financial position of the year as at December 31, 2008 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. St. Thomas, Ontario March 5,2009 Chartered Accounønt(s)l If our opinion on the financial statements is other than unqualified, we will discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to forrn, or have not fonned, an opinion, u/e may decline to express an opinion as a result of this engagement. Our Responsibilities We will perform the audit in accordance with Canadian generally accqrted auditing standards. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations and cash flows in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Accordingly, we will plan and perform our audit to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance of detecting fraud and errors that have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, including illegal acts whose consequences have a material effect on the consolidated hnancial statements. One of the underlying principles of the profession is a duty of confidentiality with respect to client affairs. Accordingly, except for information that is in or enters the public domain, we will not provide any third parry with confidential information concerning the affairs of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham without The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham's prior consent, unless required to do so by legal authority, or the Rules of P¡ofessional Conduct I Code of Ethics of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Onørio. We will communicate in writing to those having oversight responsibility for the financial reporting process the relationshiFs between our firm and The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham (including related entities) that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence. Further, we will confrm our independence with respect to The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. 2. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 228 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 The objective ofour audit is to obtain reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. However, if we identiù any of the following matters, they will be communicated to the appropriate level of management: (a) Misstatements, resulting from error, other than trivial errors; (b) Fraud or any information obtained that indicates that a fraud may exist; (c) Any evidence obtained that indicates that an illegal or possibly illegal act, other than one considered inconsequential, has occurred; (d) Significant weaknesses in the design or implementation of intemal conhol to prevent and detect fraud or error; and (e) Related party transactions identified by us that are not in the normal cor¡rse of operations and that involve significant judgments made by management conceming measurement or disclosu¡e. The matters communicated will be those that we identiff during the course of our audit. Audits do not usually identifr all matters that may be of interest to management in discharging its responsibilities. The type and significance of the matter to be communicated will determine the level of management to which the communication is directed. We will consider The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham's intemal control to identi$ types of potential misstatements, consider factors that affect the risks of material misstatement, and desígn the nature, timing and extent of frirther audit procedures. This consideration will not be suffrcient to enable us to render an opinion on the effectiveness ofinternal control over financial reporting. Use and Distribution of our Report The examination of the financial statements and the issuance of our audit opinion are solely for the use of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and those to whom our report is specifrcally addressed by us. rJ/e make no rqlresentations of any kind to any third parly in respect of these financial statements and we accqrt no responsibility for their use by any third party. Managementr s Responsibilities Management is responsible for: Financial statements (a) The preparation and fair presentation of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham's consolidated frnancial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles; (b) When differential reporting options have been used to present the consolidated financial statements, acknowledging that: (Ð The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham meets the criteria for using such reporting options; (ii) The owners have been appropriately informed of such reporting options; (iiÐ The owners' unanimous written consent has been obtained for each differential reporting option; and (iv) Such consent has not been withdrawn; 3. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 229 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 C omp I eten es s of info rma tion (a) Providing us with and making available complete financial records and related data, and copies of all minutes of meetings of shareholders, directors and committees of directors; (b) Providing us with information relating to any known or probable instances of non-compliance with legislative or regulatory requirements, including financial reporting requirements; (c) Providing us with information relating to any illegal or possibly illegal acts, and all facts related thereto; (d) Providing us with information regarding all related parties and related party transactions; Fraud and error (a) The design and implementation of internal control to prevent and detect fraud and error; (b) An assessment of the risk that the consolidated financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud; (c) Providing us with information relating to fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity involving: (Ð Management; (ii) Employees who have significant roles in internal control; or (iii) Others, where the fraud could have a non-trivial effect on the consolidated financial statements; (d) Providing us with information relating to any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity's consolidated financial statements communicated by employees, former employees, analysts, regulators or others; (e) Communicating its belief that the effects of any uncorrected consolidated financial statements misstatements aggregated during the audit are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the consolidated financial statements taken as a whole; Recognition, measurement and disclosure (a) Providing us with its assessment of the ¡easonableness of significant assumptions underþing fair value measurements and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements; (b) Providing us with any plans or intentions that may affect the carrying value or classification of assets or liabilities; (c) Providing us with information relating to the measurement and disclosure of transactions with related parties; (d) Providing us with an assessment of all areas of measurement uncertainty known to management that are required to be disclosed in accordance with Messurement Uncertainty, CICA Handbook - Accounting Section I 5 08 ; (e) Providing us with information relating to claims and possible claims, whether or not they have been discussed with The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham's legal counsel; (Ð Providing us with information relating to other liabilities and contingent gains or losses, including those associated with guarantees, whether written or oral, under which The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is contingently liable; (g) Providing us with information on whether The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham has satisfactory title to assets, liens or encumbrances on assets exist, or assets are pledged as collateral; 4. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 230 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 (h) Providing us with infomration relating to compliance with aspects of conhactual agreements that may affect the consolidated financial statements; (Ð Providing us with information conceming subsequent events; and (t) Providing us with representations on specific matters communicated to us during the engagement; Written confirmation of significant representations (a) Providing us with written confirmation of significant representations provided to us during the engagement on matters that are: (Ð Directþ related to items that are material, either individually or in the aggregate, to the consolidated financial statements; (ii) Not directþ related to items that are material to the consolidated financial statements but are significant, either individually or in the aggregate, to the engagement; and (iii) Relevant to your judgments or estimates that are material, either individually or in the aggregate, to the consolidated financial statements' We ask that our name be used only with ou¡ consent and that any information to which we have attached a communication be issued with that communication unless othetwise agreed to by us. Reproduction of Audit Report If reproduction or publication of ou¡ audit report (or reference to our report) is planned in an annual r"pott ot other document, including electronic filings or posting of the report on a website, a copy of the entire document should be submitted to us in sufficient time for our review before the publication or posting process begins. Management is responsible for the accurate reproduction of the financial statements, the auditor's report and other related information contained in an annual report or other public document (electronic or paper-based). This includes any incorporation by reference to either fr¡ll or summarized financial statements that we have audited. 'We are not required to read the information contained in your website, or to consider the consistency of other information in the electronic site with the original document. P reparation of Schedules We understand that you or your employees will prepare the following schedules and will locate the following documents for our use at the dates specified: a) Prepare various schedules and analyses before our engagement is planned to commence on March 16,2009; and b) Make various invoices and other documents available to our staff. This assistance will faciliøte our work and will help to minimize our costs. Any failure to provide these working papers or documents on a timely basis, may impede our services, and require us to suspend our services or withdraw from the engagement. Working Papers The working papers, files, other materials, reports and work created, developed or performed by us during the course of the engagement are the property of our Firm, constitute confidential information and will be retained by us in accordance with ou¡ Firm's policies and procedures. 5. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 231 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 File Inspections In accordance with professional regulations (and by Firm policy), our client files may periodically be reviewed by practice inspectors, including the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) and by other file quality reviewers to ensure that we are adhering to professional and Firm standards. File reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality of client infonnation. Governing Legislation This engagement letter is subject to and governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario. The Province of Ontario will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference conceming this engagement letter and any matter arising from it. Each pafy irrevocably waives any right it may have to object to any action being brought in those courts, to claim that the action has been brought in an inappropriate forum, or to claim that those courts do not have jurisdiction. Dispute Resolution You agree that: a) Any dispute that may arise regarding the meaning, performance or enforcement of this engagement will, prior to resorting to litigation, be submitted to mediation; and b) You will engage in the mediation process in good faith once a written request to mediate has been given by any party to the engagement. Any mediation initiated as a result of this engagement shall be administered within the Province of Ontario, according to its mediation rules, and any ensuing litigation shall be conducted within such province, according to provincial law. The results of any such mediation shall be binding only upon agreement of each party to be bound. The costs of any mediation proceeding shall be shared equally by the participating parties. Indemnity The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby agrees to indemnif, defend (by counsel retained and instructed by us), and hold harmless our firm and its partners, agents or employees, from and against any and all losses, costs (including solicitors' fees), damages, expenses, claims, demands or liabilities arising out ofor in consequence of: Ð The breach by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or its directors, officers, agents, or employees, of any of the covenants made by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham herein, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the misuse of, or the unauthorized dissemination o{ our engagement report or the financial statements in reference to which the engagement report is issued, or any other work product made available to you by our firm; and b) The services performed by us punuant to this engagement, unless, and to the extent that, such losses, costs, damages and expenses are found by a court ofcompetentjurisdiction to have been due to the negligence of our Firm. In the event that the matter is settled out of court, we will mutually agree on the extent of the indemnification to be provided by your company. We will use all reasonable efforts to complete the engagement as described in this letter within the agreed upon time frames. However, we shall not be liable for failures or delays in performance that arise f¡om causes beyond our control, including the untimely performance by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham of its obligations. 6. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 232 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 Fees Fees at Regular Billing Rates Our professional fees will be based on our regular billing rates plus di¡ect out-of-pocket expenses and applicable GST/HST and are due when rendered. Fees for any additional services will be established separately. Billing Ou¡ fees and costs will be billed monthly, and are payable upon receipt. Invoices unpaid 30 days past the billing date may be deemed delinquent, and are subject to an interest charge of I.0o/o per month. we reserve the right to suspend our services or to withdraw from this engagement in the event that any of our invoices are deemed delinquent. In the event that any collection action is required to collect unpaid balances due us, you agree to ¡eimburse us for our costs of collection, including lawyers' fees. Termination If we elect to terminate our services for nonpayment, or for any other reason provided for in this letter, our engagement will be deemed to have been completed upon written notification of termination, even if we have not completed our report. You will be obligated to compensate us for all time expended, and to reimburse us for all of our out-of-pocket costs, through the date of termination. Costs of Responding to Government or Legal Processes ln the event we are required to respond to a subpoena, court order, govemment agency, or other legal process for the production of documents and/or testimony relative to information \ry'e obt¿ined and/or prepared during the course of this engagement, you agree to compensate us at our normal hourþ rates for the time we expend in connection with such response, and to reimburse us for all of ou¡ out-of-pocket costs (including applicable GST/HST) incurred. Other Services In addition to the audit services referred to above, we will, as allowed by the Rules of Professional ConduclCode of Ethics, prepare your federal and provincial income tax returns and other special reports as required. Management will provide the information necessary to complete these returns/reports and wilt file them with the appropriate authorities on a timely basis. Use of Information It is acknowledged that we will have access to all personal infonnation in your custody that we require to complete our engagement. Ou¡ services are provided on the basis that: a) You rqrresent to us that management has obtained any required consents for collection, use and disclosure to us of personal information required under applicable privacy legislation; and b) We will hold all personal information in compliance with our Privacy Statement. The above tenns of our engagement will be effective from year to year until amended or terminated in writing. 7. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 233 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5,2009 If you have any questions about the contents of this letter, please raise them with us. If the services outlined are in acco¡dance with your requirements and if the above terms are accqltable to you, please sign the copy of this letter in the space provided and retun it to us. We appreciate the opportmity of continuing to be of service to your company. Yours trul¡ GRAHAM SCOTT ENNS LLP Roøettf /aUøt Robert Foster, C.A. Parürer The services and terms set out are as agreed. The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Signed Na:ne andTitle 8. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 234 of 291 CRAHAM SCOTT .I*Ì,'^:.'å.,^.,, w¡EìrnÀGnhil' ,oùn M. Scol!' A¡¡n R- ftlt¡' MlciælSSlcef fúcft B. fa.lcr¡ B.*y A. Gtopp laner(i f¡ederic*' Plpne: (519) 633-07ül fax: (5f 9' 633-7009 'Ptrüci.B ûü!h a proferrbnd æqrrtlon, 450 SqÉet Drivc, Sl. Tho¡n¡, ON NsR SVI xrtw. grahanrscottelffi 'c0ll1 January 5,2009 The Members of Council The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville Ontario NOJ IYO Dear Members of Council: We have been engaged to audit the consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham for the year ending December 31, 2008. Canadian generally accqlted auditing standards require that we communicate at least annually with you regarding all relationships between the company and ourselves that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence. In determining which relationships to rqrort, the standards require us to consider relevant rules and related interpretations prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Onta¡io and applicable legislation, covering such matters as: (a) Holding a financial interest, either directly or indirectly, in a client; (b) Holding a position, either directþ or indirectly, that gives the right or responsibility to exert significant influence over the financial or accounting policies of a client; (c) Personal or business relationships of immediate family, close relatives, partners or retired partners, either directþ or indirectþ, with a client; (d) Economic dependence on a client; and (e) Provision of selices in addition to the audit engagement. We have prepared the following comments to facilitate our discussion with you regarding independence matters arising since February 15, 2008. We are not aware of any relationships between the Municipality and ourselves that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, that have occurred from February 15, 2008 to January 5,2009. There have been no fees charged to the municipality for any service other than audit services during the period from February 15, 2008 to January 5,2009. 1. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 235 of 291 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham January 5, 2009 Canadian generally accepted standards for audit engagements requires that we confirm our independence to management or persons having oversight responsibility for the financial reporting process in the context of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Accordingly, we hereby confirm that we are independent with respect to the company within the meaning of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario as of January 5,2009. This report is intended solely for the use of the council, management and others within the Municipality and should not be used for any other purposes. Yours trul¡ GRAHAM. SCOTT ¡ ENNS LLP Rafu,r /auøt Robert Foster, C.A. Partner Per: Title: Title: Per: 2. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending Decemb... Page 236 of 291 Page I of6 ? Lynda Millard From: Rogers [rogers1651@amtelecom.net] Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 10:38 PM To: Lynda Millard Subject: Burwell wedding proposal MARTON FATTH ROGERS, M.A. (T) P.O. Box 3,35 Wellington Street Port Burwell, Ontario, NOJ lT0 (5re) 874-4286 rogers 1 65 1 @amtelecom. net June 5, 2009 To the Municipality of Bayham, Ontario Counsellors and Administrators: I respectfully request that you entertain two proposals. 1. That the Municipality of Bayham take measures to be able to issue marr¡age licenses and appoint a wedding officiant. 2.That the Municipality of Bayham hire myself for the sum of one dollar annually and appoint me as wedd¡ng officiant. ln support of these proposals, please find attached a rat¡onale for issuing licenses and appointing a wedding officiant, along with my resume for candidacy and a draft of needed services for the "Brides of Burwell." Please put these proposals forth as resolutions at your next Council meeting. Sincerely, Marion Rogers 6/9/2009 Correspondence dated June 8, 2009 from Marion Rogers regardi... Page 237 of 291 Page2 of6 Rationale for a Port Burwell, Bayham Wedding Project Over the course of many years, the economy in Port Burwell and Bayham has experienced significant decline. The reduced marketability of the tobacco industry, the decline of the harbour, and general economic woes have led to a reduction in employment opportunities. New industries have not been able to provide a sustained source of tax revenue or employment within the municipality. ln a declining economy, many luxuries are likely to suffer a decline, especially fossil-fuel dependent luxuries such as heavy engine motorcycles and pleasure boats. Tourists frequenting this area often use such vehicles. New projects are needed to rework the local economy and provide hope. Such projects would be most cost-effective and sustainable if they capitalize on local resources and skills. The following is a proposal for a project which fits the above description: "Brides of Burwell." B¡rth, death, taxes and marriage: all of the above seem to be here to stay. In days of shrinking dollars, consumers seek less expensive alternatives in many of their necessities. Affordable venues and arrangements will be in higher demand. Port Burwell and its sister communities in Bayham are in an excellent position to fill this market niche. Families who are reluctant to join their relatives as they marry in the Caribbean will be happy to keep their tax dollars local. The region offers scenery as inspiring as Niagara but with a lower price tag,combined with talented and available community members to take on the very wide variety of tasks involved in wedding staging. Some examples of what the municipatity can offer: bed and breakfast accommodation, outdoor locations (provincial and town parks, lighthouse, beach, lakeview hilltops) for ceremonies, indoor locations or areas to be enclosed for receptions with liquor (parish halls, museums, community centres, restaurants, barns, firehall), onstreet parking with transportation to wedding sites by classic car or horse and buggy, local musicians and dj's, caterers, photographers, florists...and the list goes on. An analysis of typical online wedding planners indicates that Bayham can provide almost all that is needed. The scope of employment likely to result from marketing Bayham and Port Burwell in particular as a wedding centre is substantial. Officiant and Marriage Licenses The two services currently not in place are those of: 1. Local capacity to issue 619/2009 Correspondence dated June 8, 2009 from Marion Rogers regardi... Page 238 of 291 Page 3 of6 marriage licenses and 2. a secular officiant to perform the wedding ceremonies. The Ontario provincial office of vital statistics has provision for local municipalities to issue marriage licenses and to appoint an individual as officiant if the municipality is so enabled. Gandidacy of Marion Rogers for the Position of Wedding Officiant I offer myself as candidate to be appointed as wedding officiant, based on my following attributes and skills: formal and informal public speaking reflective and intelligent highly organized with meticulous attention to detail experienced at carrying out paper work strong belief in the institution of maniage multi-lingual (English, Spanish, French) empathetic, discrete, ethical, dependable strong mediation skills creative and enthusiastic Experience Elementary and secondary occasional teacher, Thames Valley D.S.B. 2008 - present Elementary teacher, Upper Grand D.S.B., Hamilton Board of Education, Edmonton Board of Education, Ottawa Board of Education, Carleton Board of Education 1974-2007 lnstructor, University of Guelph, 1982-1983, Modern Languages Workshop provider in teaching methodology, Cameroon, lndonesia, Haiti, Canada 1988-1998 ,Actress, director, producer, various community theatres and dinner theatres 1985 - present Participant and chair, various school and school board committees, Guelph 1984 - 2006 President, musical theatre company, Guelph 1993 - 1996 President, religious congregation, 1981 - 1982 Choir mistress, 1988 - 1996 Sunday School teacher, 1970 - 1971 and 1 980 - 1 981 61912009 Correspondence dated June 8, 2009 from Marion Rogers regardi... Page 239 of 291 Page 4 of 6 Education lmprovisation, Second City, Toronto Teaching qualifications as Principal, FSL ll, Guidance ll McMaster Universi$, M.A.(T) 1990 Ottawa Teachers College 1974 Clark University, B.A. 1973 References Anne Lehoux, principal, John MacCrae P.S., Guelph 519-824-0028 Laurel Beechey, play producer, Theatre Tillsonburg, 842-9416 Gwynn Williams, resident of Port Burwell, 8744026 Debby Jakab, teacher, Edward Johnson P.S., Guelph, 519-787-0215 Dan Berry, professor, University of Waterloo, dberry@haifa.math.uwaterloo.ca Port Burwell, Bayham Wedding Project: lnitial Database of Services and Providers Service Provider Contact info Service details Cost Accommodation Grey Gables; individual bedrooms in private homes Beverages, local wines, liquor, bar service Cake and candy Rainey's mother Catering of wedding Nancy at Milton Towers; Kathy of Schooners; Rainey of Sunshine Cleaning arrangements Nancy Lozon Coordinator Couture; last minute touch-ups Decorations: hall, etc. Favours Floral arrangements 61912009 Correspondence dated June 8, 2009 from Marion Rogers regardi... Page 240 of 291 Page 5 of6 Hair Jewellery Makeup Manicure/pedicure Maps and tourist info Mun. Of Bayham Service Provider Contact info Service details Cost Massage Meals (not during wedding) Various restaurants and caterers Music; soloists, dj, musicians, instruments, other "Cheap & Easy DJ:" Eugene Schweertman 582-4001 Parking and local public transportation for guests: Limos, buggies , firetruck? Rentals: Photographic equipment; sound systems; tents; dishes, linens, cutlery, glasses, chairs, tables Security Spa treatments Special soaps, fragrances, potpourri Venues for ceremony outdoors: beach, parks, lighthouse, museums Venues for reception parish hall, scout hall, legion hall Washrooms and waste management -- original Message -From: Lynda Millard To: Rogers Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 8:47 AM Subject: RE: proposals for Bayham Municipality unable to open Please copy directly into the email. Thanks 6/9/2009 Correspondence dated June 8, 2009 from Marion Rogers regardi... Page 241 of 291 Page I ofl Lynda Millard From: Rogers [rogers1651@amtelecom.net] Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 2:19 PM To: Lynda Millard Subject: help me lift Bayhan's economy with wedding bells Dear Friends in Bayham, I am about to prepare a letter for the Bayham Council requesting that they appoint me as officiant for wedding celebrations. I would like to çt support from local residents, endorsing the concept of making Port Burwell a town for weddings ('The Brides of Burwell") and endorsing me to be appointed officiant. lf Council says it needs to be a municipality employee, I propose they hire me for $1 annually. My qualifications in a nutshell: teacher for over 30 years; multilingual; background in guidance; background in public speaking and theatre; background in spiritual ceremonies. lf you would like to support this, please send a message or phone some one on Council. Mavor Lvnn Acre Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski 519€66-3&rs 519€66-3487 CouncillorWard 1 MarkTaylor 519€42{535 CouncillorWard 2 Wayne Casier 519€66-5827 CouncillorWard 3 Ed Ketchabaw 519€66-3478 Please forward this to anyone you'd like on my behalf. I am also beginning to build a database of potential contributors to holding weddings here: caterers, accommodation, florist, etc.... please send me any names & contact info that might be relevant. The economy is in our favour: we can surely do weddings less expensively than the folk in Niagara! Thank you so much, Marion Rogers 8744286 rogersl 651 @amtelecom.net 619/2009 Correspondence dated June 8, 2009 from Marion Rogers regardi... Page 242 of 291 4't f "'t' Membership in the Corporation: (from by-laws of the Elgin Community Futures Development Corporation) l7.l Eligibility for Membership The following are eligible for membership in the Gorporation: a) The Directors of the Gorporation; b) the Mayor and Senior Administrator, or their designates, of the municipalities of: St. Thomas, Aylmer, Gentral Elgin, Bayham, Malahide, Southwold, Dutton-Dunwich and West Elgin; c) and any individual, corporation, partnership and other legal entity who is interested in furthering the objects of the Gorporation and whose application for admission as a member has received the approval of the Board of Directors. 17.2 Each member shall promptly be informed by the Secretary of his admission as a member. Only those individuals, corporations or partnerships who have expressed an interest in membership 30 days or more prior to the Annual General Meeting are entitled to vote thereat. Correspondence from Elgin Community Futures Development Corp... Page 243 of 291 Page 244 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Siltation Study - Port Burwell Harbour DATE: June 9,2009 FILE: [ \O NUMBERz C2009-12 Purpose This report is to advise Council of the outcome of inquiries regarding obtaining a Siltation study for the Port Burwell Harbour area. Background As a result of on-going discussions with DFO (Small Craft Harbours), and Council interest in siltation/current patterns at the harbour area, Council requested staff obtain estimates for a "Coastal Processes Sfudy". Staff made inquiries with several firms, and identified Shoreplan Engineering Limited as a qualifred firm. That firm was able to provide a proposal, which totals $24,500 plus taxes. Staff Comments The proposal as received has been shared with SCH for comments and input. SCH staff have indicated the proposal meets the needs as has been previously discussed, with perhaps very minor amendment to include more review/presentation of options. It has also been indicated that they would be in a position to share the costs of such a study on 50/50 basis. The 2009 municipal budget does not include provision for such a study. As such, should the municipality proceed, funding would be required from reserves andlor the 2010 capital program. At this time, only one proposal has been pursued. Though staff understand the number of qualified firms are very limited, other may also be able to provide proposals. Ontions 1. Proceed with the Siltation Study as proposed by Shoreplan Engineering (subject to agreement with scH). 2. Proceed with a formal call for proposals for a Siltation Study for the Port Burwell harbour area. 3. Defer consideration of the matter to the 2010 municipal budget discussions. Strateeic Plan Goal(sl Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere Recommendation THAT staff be authorized and directed to proceed with a formal call for proposals for a Siltation Study for the Port Burwell harbour area. Staff Report C2009-12 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwe... Page 245 of 291 Page 246 of 291 Brenda Gibbons Page 1 ofl q ct=(oÒ From: mike timmermans [miketimmermans@msn.com] Sent: Monday, June 15,20O910:22ÊrM To: Brenda Gibbons Subject: Country Camping Brenda, Thanks, for getting me in the scedule this thursay. As for the terms of the sale of the property (country camping) I own the land, Brian is renting it from me unltill september lst. I want to continue providing a safe and fun place for people to camp, relax, and hang out with friends. fírst we can discuss any possible issues we may have for the 2010 year and how we can avoid them. - Bring up past issues - Create solution to avoid these issues Second, I am hiring a company called show works, out of toronto. They have been running events for the past 30 years. (events such as bayfest) They are responsible for hiring bands and dj's, stage, lighting and sound. In order for show works to commit to a project they need to know that they won't get shut down befor the show even starts. - My plans are to hire them for saterday september 5th. - They need a Permit or Something saying bands/dj's are allowed to play from 3:00 pm till 11:00 pm See you at 7:30pm on thurday Mike Timmermons cell phone: 5t9-671-6653 Windows Live helps you keep up with all your friends, in one place. 6/15/2009 Correspondence received June 15, 2009 from Mike Timmermans r... Page 247 of 291 Page 248 of 291 TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Eden Community Centre - Repairs and Designated Substances DATE: Jvne12,2009 FILE: A ÂO NUMBER: PR2009-14 Purpose This report is further to Report PR2009-ll, regarding Eden and Area Community Centre building repairs/improvements and the results of a designated substances survey. Background Council considered Report PR2009-11 in May of this year, which outlined results of a Designated Substances inspection, and inspections carried out by the municipal CBO and Fire Chief. A copy of that report is attached. After considering the information, including the maintenance, Council authorized staff to initiate Centre regarding the continued use of the building. Staff and several Council members met with the Community Centre representatives May 19th. Staff provided copies of the involved reports and some information from the Ministry of Labour about obligations respecting designated substances. There was discussion of the information and Community Centre representatives indicated strong desire to continue with the building. Questions were raised regarding what would be done with the building and property should it close. At the close of the meeting, it was agreed that the group would review the information supplied and provide their comments and/or questions. A subsequent meeting was held involving the Fire Chief and CBO, and the group sought clarification regarding a number of the items identified as deficient and./or in need of repair. Interest was expressed in reducing costs by carrying out works with local volunteers/donations where practical. Staff Comments At the time of writing this report, the Eden and Area Community Centre group has not yet submitted comments, including a list of works that they may undertake. This is expected prior to the upcoming Council meeting. As mentioned, the intent of the group is to continue use of the building as a community centre, and have certain works carried out by volunteers. Staff would continue to provide assistance/guidance as needed. In regard to designated substances, removal etc. would be required to proceed as outlined in the previous report, and the necessary asbestos management plan would also need to be finalized. At this time, two basic options exist - proceed with repairs to the facility, or terminate the use and dispose of (sell or demolish) the building. In the case of a sale of the building, several issues would need to be addressed, such as parking areas etc., however the Municipality would be able to retain the majority of the park area. Estimates have not been produced for the costs of any demolition. immediate and medium term costs for building discussions with the Eden and Area Community Staff Report PR2009-14 regarding Eden Community Centre - Rep... Page 249 of 291 r4ér Options 1. Commence with removal of asbestos as recoÍtmended in the Designated Substances Survey, and other immediately required repairs (plumbing etc.), and develop Asbestos Management Plan in accordance with regulations. 2. Initiate steps to dispose of the building. Attachments l. Copy ofReport PR2009-1 I Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrasructure Recommendation THAT Report PR2009-14 be received, and Council provide any further direction to staff. Ivr{ubmitted, Staff Report PR2009-14 regarding Eden Community Centre - Rep... Page 250 of 291 TO: Mayor & Members of Council X'ROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator DATE: April30,2009 FILE: NIIMBER: PR2009-l IST BJECT: Eden Community Centre - Repairs and Designated Substances Purpose This report is to provide further information regarding Eden and Area Community Centre building repairs/improvements and the results of a designated substances survey. Background In February 2009, Council considered information received outlining concerns regarding the location of asbestos in the Eden Community Centre. The issue was discovered upon responding to requests from the Eden and Area Community Cenüe to undertake repairs to the heating system/hot water tank, and to consider repairs to ceilings damaged by roof leaks prior to 2008. Council directed that staff proceed with a Designated Substances Survey, and inspect the building to assess other capital needs/compliance issues. The CBO and Fire Chief undertook inspections in late February. Staff received the Designated Substances Survey April 29th, 2009. StaffComments The Designated Substances Survey results did identifr asbestos issues, largely as outlined in the draft frndings presented in February. Since asbestos containing materials have been confirmed, the building is subject to requirements for an asbestos management program. The report does recommend that certain asbestos material is in fair to poor condition, and should be repaired or removed. Also, certain other designated substances have been identified, however these are not recommended for removal, but rather will require notice and work practices in accordance with various regulations when the materials a¡e disturbed (construction/demolition/disposal). In regard to an asbestos management program, the following are the general requirements: a) Prepare and maintain on the premises a record of the location of the asbestos containing material b) Give any other person who is an occupier of the building written notice of any information in the record that relate to the area occupied by the person c) Give any employer with whom the owner arranges or contracts for work written notice of the information in the record, if the work, i) may involve material mentioned in the record, or ii) may be carried on in close proximity to such material and may disturb it d) Ad¡rise lLe workers gmployed by thg owner who work in the building of the information in the record, if the workers may do work that i) involves material mentioned in the record, or ii) is to be carried on in close proximity to such material and may distwb it e) Establish and maintain for the training and instruction of every worker employed by the owner who works in the building and may do work in clause d), a program dealing with i) the hazards ofasbestos exposure Staff Report PR2009-14 regarding Eden Community Centre - Rep... Page 251 of 291 r 4ée ii) the use, care, and dispos ment and clothing to be used and worn when doing the work iii) personal hygiene to be observed when doing the work iv) the measures and procedures prescribed by regulation Ð Inspect the material mentioned and update the survey at reasonable intervals (annually) or whenever the owner becomes aware of new information relating to matters within the survey. The staff inspections of the building did identiff significant other capital repairs/works- that the building will require in the nea¡ future and works to comply with current fire code requirements. These items range from small maintenance (ie: painting) to extensive renovations (ie: accessible wash¡oom facilities, window replacement, exterior doors, soffit/facia repair). Estimates to carry out immediate requirements are as¡ follows (information from local contractors and./or staff): Replacement of ceiling tiles - $ 17,000 Doors,miscellaneous -$ 10,000 Removal of asbestos and reinsulation ofplumbing - $ 36,800 Replacement ofcontrol valves, new waterheater . - $ t1,500 to $15,900 These estimates include only immediate items. Estimates have not been sought for the items such as accessible wash¡ooms etc. previously mentioned. In addition, staff have just been informed of recent additional roof leaks at the building. At this time, staffare reviewing whether repairs may fall within the wa¡ranties from the repairs done in 2007. Options l. Cornmence with removal of asbestos as recoÍlmended in the Designated Substances Survey, and other immediately required repairs (plumbing etc.), and develop Asbestos Management Plan in accordance with regulations. 2. Intiate discussions with the Eden and Area Community Centre regarding the continued use of the building. Attachments l. Memo of CBO February 24,2009 2. Memo of Fire Chief February 25,2009 3. Extract from Designated Substances Survey Ma¡ch 25,2009 - Recommendations section Strategic PIan Goa(s) Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrasructure Recommendation TJ{r{T staff+eauthorizedlojnitiate discussions with the Eden¿¡rd Area Communþ eentre regarding the continued use of the building. Staff Report PR2009-14 regarding Eden Community Centre - Rep... Page 252 of 291 300 Dufferin Avenue P.O. Box 5035 London, ON N6A 419 June 1, 2009 Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd., PO box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Kyle Kruger /t MU¡IICIPATITY O,F flAYHAM dË c E turü , ]5 200e RE: Safequardinq and Sustaining Ontario's Water Act On May 4,2OOg, London City Council requested that we seek your support. You may have already received a copy of the Council Resolution from our Clerk's Office, but we have attached an extra copy to this letter. Please assist us in having the connecting channel between Lake Huron and Lake Erie defined, by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment, as being common to both Great Lakes as was originally permitted in the Great Lakes Charter Annex implementation Agreement and the Act. lf we are unsuccessful in retaining this definition and an arbitrarybasin boundarythrough Sarnia is selected by MNR and MOE, the Lake Huron Water Supply System will be deemed as an "intra-basin" transfer with the following potential consequences: . for those of us south of the boundary, loss of investment in available capacity in the Lake Huron system for which many of us have paid debt charges for over 40 years, . London's future contributions to the Lake Huron Primary System for life cycle renewal will be proportionately reduced as London's demand is fixed, while other municipalities' takings increase with growth, thereby eroding the economies of scale that smaller municipalities have benefitted from over the years, ¡ limitíng intra-basin transfers from Lake Huron to current maximum day demands, thereby triggering an earlier than contemplated expansion of the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant, negating London's conservation efforts overthe last 10 years and offsetting our investment in the Southeast Reservoir construction intended to defer the Elgin Water Treatment Plant expansion, . Lake Huron member municipalities south of the intra-basin boundary may also be capped at their current maximum day with no obvious economically available alternative water supply - this may actually be a good thing permitting exemptions for those municipalities to expand their transfers, once they have proved through environmental assessments that there are no other viable options - the cost of these studies will be significantly greater that what has been previously required, The Corporation of the City of London Office 51 9.51 9-66'l -2500 ext. 5593 Fax 519.519-661-2354 rwelker@london.ca@city.london.on.ca mvlv. city. I ondon.on. ca Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the City of London re... Page 253 of 291 . partially negating the HELP Clean Water stimulus funding since works in excess of $100,000,000 will be required in transmission watermains as London draws proportionately more water from the Elgin system in the future - investment in full twinning of the Lake Huron pipeline for security reasons will never require the full capacity of the twinned pipeline in the foreseeable future, and o eroding southwestern Ontario's economic and competitive advantage of high quality water supply at affordable prices within Ontario and the surrounding states. Please join us in responding to MNR and MOE requesting that the connecting channel of the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River be defined as being common to Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Sincerely, --)øtu/{Ø- Roland Welker, P. Eng. Manager Water Engineering, City of London RW/cw Encl Cc: Andrew Henry, Division Manager - Regional Supply Pat McNally, General Manager of Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the City of London re... Page 254 of 291 300 Dufferin Avenue P.O. Box 5035 London, ON NôA419 London May5,2009 P. McNally General Manager of Environmentral and Engineering Serviceé and Gity Engineer I hereby certify that the Municipal Council, at its session held on May 4, 2ff)9 resolved: 8. That, on tle recommendation of the General Manager of Environment and Engineering Services and Clty Engineer, the following actions be taken wÌth respect to impending regulations under lhe Safeguarding and Su*aining Ontario's Water Ad (following the Great l-akes Charter Annex Agreement) and it potential impacts on London: (a) the Municipal Council BE ASKED to approrc the following resolution: WHEREAS the water treatnent plants serving üre Gity of London were originally constucted, owned and operated by the Province, prior to being hansfened to the member municipalities of the Joint Boards of Management AND WHEREAS the water intakes for the plants are desþned for capacity well in excess of what is cunenüy being withdrawn for the Great Lakes, representing a significant financial ¡nvesbnent in their ñ¡ture use; AND WHEREAS the rcent of its supply ftom Lak L¿ke uuron wóuj¿ require Plant expansions and iransmission and distibution pipes fronr the Eþin Area Primary Water Supply System causirq a financial hardship on the rate payers of the Gty of London; Al{D WHEREAS the City of London refums more urater to the Great Lakes basins han is absfacted from l-ake Hurôn and Lake Ede benefiting the downsbeam conditions ln the Thames River whi6 only slightly decreasing flows in the northem portion of the interconnec{ing waterway between Lake Huron and Lake Erie without any apparent consumptive use; At¡D WHEREAS it a significantwatershed such as the Great Lakes Basin derælopment impacts on the Cltv of London, and while vironment of ttle Great Lakes Basin based on growth plans for the City of London; nificanty reduced tts water taking from the- Gre¿t l5 peróent and should not be penalized by the rawàl .tom Lake Huron in the fr¡ture, given the rce; ' Tll,AT üe Corporation of the City of London between lake Huron and Lake Erie be considered ne in the watershed does not accurately porhy the (b) the civic Administration BE Boards of Managementfor the l¿ke Huron and Elgin Area sure the concems of the City of London are duly noted by of Natural Resourc'es and the Mínistry of the Environment The Comorat¡on of the City of London office: sì966t-z5oo elt 6479 Fax 5'19661-4892 wr¡r¡w.london.ca Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the City of London re... Page 255 of 291 (c) the Civic Adminisfation BE DIRECTED to provide information to.olr elected officials to further communicate "nJgã¡n sçpott for loot ivembers of Provincial Parliament on this important matter and to ensuie tite tì.itlre water supply for the C)ty of London remains affordable; and (d) the Munidpalities of the Lake Huron Primary water s_upp.!Y qnJ"P and the Bgin Area Primary WaterSup.plyS},stemBEASKEDtoexpresssupportforthisinitiative; I presentation was receiræd from nvironmental and öny engineer and the attactred fiom the DMsion ng, wiü respectto this matter' ( Y*#* City Glerk fyg oc: Chairand Members, lake Huron PrimaryWaterSupplyS¡ætem Cfrair and Members, Eþin Æea Primary Water Supply System Members of MunicÍpalities, Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System oN N5V5B9 -J. Stanford, Director of Environmental Progams and Solid Waste - A" Henry, Division Manager, RegbnalWaterSupply - R Wdker, Division Manager, Water Engineeting -J. Braâm, Divis'lon Manager, Water/Sewer Operations Abbotq DMsion Manager, Solftl Waste Management - P. Eþnnelly, Urban Watershed Manager The Corporatlon d the City of London Office:519€614100 Fa)c 519661-4892 council&com mitees@city.london.on.ca www.cÌty.london.on.ca Correspondence dated June 1, 2009 from the City of London re... Page 256 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\M NO. 2009-084 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH ED MATTHEWS CONTSTRUCTION FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSULATED SIDING \ilHEREAS Ed Matthews Construction submitted the low tender, June 2nd,2009 for the supply and installation of steel insulated siding on the municipal public works garage located at 8354 Plank Road; AND \üHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a contract agreement with Ed Matthews Construction to undertake the works in accordance with the said tender. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute a contract agreement with Ed Matthews Construction to undertake the supply and installation of steel insulated siding at 8354 Plank Road in accordance with the specifications and scope of work as outlined in the tender documents dated June 2, 2009 at a contract price of Twenty Six Thousand, Four Hundred, Thirty One Dollars, Seventy Six Cents ($26,431.76) exclusive of taxes. 2. THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF JUNE, 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 257 of 291 THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM REQUEST FOR TENDER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSULATED S'D''VG ON THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE Proposals are invited by the Municipality of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until 11:00:59 (hr.:min.:sec.) a.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located in the Municipal Offices, 9344 Plank Rd, Straffordville, Ontario, on Tuesday, June 2, 2009. lAy'r/e, the undersigned, having carefully read and considered the conditions and specifications for the supply and installation of steel insulated siding on the Public Works Garage do hereby offer to provide the goods and services as specified and described herein to The Municipality of Bayham for the following: l3zl ,5 Amount: Goods & Services Tax: Provincial Sales Tax: TOTAL AMOUNT: 1 ùir with business premises at THE LOWEST OR ANY PROPOSAL OR ANY PART OF ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 258 of 291 Page 2 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSULATED S'D'NG ON THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE, 8354 Plank Road lf my/our tender is accepted, l/We agree to provide complete fulfillment of this proposal call within 6î days from the date of notification of acceptance by The Municipality of Bayham. SIGNED TELEPHONE NO. stq -RU -1112-1 COMPANY NAME NO. 5 fq - 8?ú-f - L-l L-f ¿5 TITLE P.S.T. Vendor's Permit No. ADDRESS ßorf *=n?n+ c.S.T. Registration No. ,lo'tT - 3æ8 - RPorrll ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS DAY OF 2009. MAYOR CITY CLERK By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 259 of 291 truck, cab,chassis, plow&box'1 -42 Page 3 CONDITIONS SPECIAL PROVIS/ONS; 1. lf and wherever in the specificat¡ons a brand name, make, name of any manufacturer, trade name or vendor catalogue number is mentioned, it is for the purpose of establishing a grade or quality of goods and services, only, unless specified otherwise. Since the Municipality of Bayham does not wish to rule out other competition and equal brands or makes, the phrase "or approved equal" may be added. However, if goods and services other than the specified is bid, it is the vendor's responsibility to name such goods and services within his bid and to prove to the Municipality of Bayham that said goods and services is equal to the specifications and to submit brochures, samples and/or specifications in detail or item(s) bid. The Municipality of Bayham shall be the judge concerning the merits of tenders submitted. 2. ln the event of any discrepancy between the unit price and the extension(s), the unit price shall govern. GENERAL: 1. All questions respecting this tender call should be directed to Mr. Gerry LeMay, Public Works Manager, telephone 519-866-5521. 2. Taxes: Goods & Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax are applicable and shall be shown in the appropriate specified spaces for bidding purposes. 3. Telegraphic, telephone or facsimile tenders will not be accepted. 4. Tender may only be withdrawn prior to the closing date upon providing a written request. 5. Tender will be opened and read publicly and bidders may be present or be represented at all openings. 6. The tender declares that this tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other person or persons making a proposal for the same goods and services, and is in all respects fair and without By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 260 of 291 7. collusion or fraud. The Municipality of Bayham is not liable for any costs incurred by the proposal in responding to this tender. Page 4 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) a) Responses or notations to a Tender Call which provides a condition of sale or any other attachment which alters the conditions or specifications, or makes it subordinate, may be cause for rejection, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham b) Points required or intended to be made to reflect changes herein shall be clearly set out in a separate letter, which shall be appended hereto. Tenders having any erasures or corrections shall be initialed by the tender in ink. All tenders shall be typewritten or filled in with pen and ink and bids shall be signed in ink. a) The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender, in whole or in part, to waive irregularities, minor variances and technicalities as determined suitable in the opinion of the Municipality of Bayham. b) The successful tender will be notified subsequent to the acceptance of such tender by the Municipality of Bayham. Such notification will be dispatched as promptly as possible from the date set for closing. AII goods and services shall be delivered F.O.B. destination Straffordville, Ontario, and shall remain the property of the tender until a physical inspection is made and thereafter accepted to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Bayham in compliance with conditions and specifications described herein. All respective insurance coverage shall be the responsibility of the tender until acceptance is given by the Municipality of Bayham. Where the supply of goods are bid on by an out of town supplier, a collect telephone number is to be supplied. No extra charges will be permitted unless written authorization is obtained from the Municipality of Bayham. a) The total price and payment is to be shown and made in Canadian Funds; b) Cash discounts may be offered by the proposal for prompt payment of invoices but such cash discount will not be taken into consideration in determining which is the low tender unless such discount is based on payment of invoice not less than twenty (20) days after satisfactory delivery and/or the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. 8. o 10. 11 12. 13. 14. By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 261 of 291 c) Unless otherwise specified, the Municipality of Bayham will make payment of accounts within thirty (30) days of either the date on which the goods and services have been accepted to the satisfaction of the Municipality, or the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. Page 5 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) 15. Time shall be of the essence for any orders placed as a result of this tender. Failure of a tender to deliver within the time specified or within a reasonable time, as interpreted by the Municipality of Bayham, or failure to make replacements of rejected goods and services, when requested, will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to cancel such orders or any part thereof, without obligation, or will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to purchase in the open market to replace the goods and services rejected or not delivered. The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to authorize immediate purchases in the open market against rejections on any contract when necessary. On all such purchases, the Bidder agrees to promptly reimburse the Municipality of Bayham for the excess costs occasioned by such purchases. Such purchases may be deducted from the contract quantities. 16. The tender warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in manufacturing, producing or selling the goods and services shipped or ordered as a result of this tender and the proposal agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any such violations. 17. The tender agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any malfunction of the goods and services provided. 18 The tender warrants that the goods and services supplied to the Municipality of Bayham conforms in all respects to the standards set forth by Federal and Provincial agencies and failure to comply with this conditions will be considered a breach of tender. 19. The successful tender will not, without the written consent of the Municipality of Bayham, make any assignment or any subcontract for the execution of any goods and services hereby bid on. 20.Should the proposal find discrepancies in, or omissions from the conditions and specifications, or should he/she be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall notify the Administrator, who may, if necessary, send written addenda to all proposals. By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 262 of 291 21. No bidder is relieved from supplying all components necessary to render the goods and services fit for the use specified in the governing documents merely because detailed conditions and specifications on the various components are not set out in the documents. Page 6 COND¡TIONS GENERAL' (Cont'd) 22. The submission of a signed tender document to the Municipality of Bayham shall be deemed to constitute an "lrrevocable Offer" which may be accepted, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham, by: a) written acknowledgement of acceptance, and/or b) contract in writing and upon such acceptance of the terms, responsibilities, and specifications herein set forth shall be confirmed and binding upon the Municipality of Bayham and the proposal. 23. The failure of either party at any time to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way affect his/her right thereafter to enforce such provision or to seek damages for the breach thereof. Successful proposals, including those outside the Province of Ontario, agree that the rights of all parties shall be governed by the laws of Ontario. lt is agreed between the parties that neither party shall be held responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform his/her undertakings hereunder when such delay or failure is due to fires, strikes, floods, acts of God or the Queen's enemies, lawful acts of public authorities, or delays or defaults caused by common carriers, which cannot reasonably be foreseen or provided against. 24. The submission of a tender shall be deemed proof that the proposal has satisfied himself/herself as to all the provisions of the tender, all the conditions which may be encountered, what goods and services he/she will be required to supply, or any other matter which may enter into the carrying out of the supply of goods and services referred to in the tender, and no claims will be entertained by the Municipality of Bayham based on the asseftion by the tender that he/she was uninformed as to any of the requirements of the proposal. 25. ln case of default of the proposal, the Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to procure the goods and services from other sources and any added expense will be charged to the undersigned tender. 26.The bidder agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Bayham By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 263 of 291 and all Municipal officers, employees, servants and agents; officers, employees, servants and agents of its Boards and Commissions and volunteers, from all claims, costs, actions, suits, damages or expenses which may arise by reason of the execution of his/her tender or the performance of any of the terms of his/her tender or in any way incidental to the tender. Page 7 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) 27. This indemnification shall also apply in respect of any claims for injuries or damages that may be sustained by the bidder or any of his employees during the performance and fulfillment of this tender. Should the Municipality of Bayham receive any demand or claim arising out of the performance of this tender, the bidder shall pay to the Municipality of Bayham such claims. The bidder shall also pay to the Municipality of Bayham any demand, cost, charge, damages or expenses which may be paid or incurred by the Municipality of Bayham or any of its servants, officers or agents in settlement of or on account of the payment for any loss, damages or expenses payable by the Municipality of Bayham or its officers, servants and agents, and any monies payable by the Bidder under the terms and conditions of this tender may be deducted from monies payable under this tender which are then remaining in the possession of the Municipality of Bayham on account of this tender, and to any court of competent jurisdiction as monies paid on behalf of the Bidder. 28. a) Bidder must use the tender form furnished by the Municipality of Bayham. Failure to comply may cause the tender to be rejected. b) Tender submissions, properly endorsed and sealed in the envelope provided for the purpose and clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until 11:00:59 (hr.: min.: sec.) â.ffi., local time, as recorded on the clock located on the counter in the Municipal Building, 9344 Plank Rd, Straffordville, Ontario, on Tuesday June 2,2009. c) Bidder must be submitted by the specified time of closing to receive consideration of acceptance. - Bidder shall carry a minimum insurance of $ 2,000,000 and name the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured to their insurance policy during the length of the project. By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 264 of 291 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL INSULATED SIDING ON THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE AT 8354 PLANK ROAD DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS : Work involves installing new vertical steel siding over existing walls of old section of Works Building. - ( 1" insulation) - remove existing horizontal siding at end walls and make substrata good - remove existing Works Yards sign from front of building and set aside for reuso - All existing exterior light and electrical appurtenances to remain, to be worked around with appropriate flashing - Remove front door enclosure, and reinstall after siding is installed - Determine if existing door iam metal wrap is adequate for water tight connection with new wall cladding, if not, include price to remove and install new jam wrap to match By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 265 of 291 siding trim on all overhead doors - Install 1 X 3 horizontal furring strips at 24" spacing to all exterior walls, siding will extend from underside soff,rt to 6" above finished grade - Install 1" Styrofoam clad mate rigid foam insulation between funing strips - Install vertical steel siding to furring strips. Use Vicwest Ultravic (E) 2gc{Prepainted Cororite siding (color to be chosen by Man ager of Public Works after price is verified) - Install all required corner mouldings, jmoulds around existing doors and windows etc" BUILDING PERMIT ,/ Shall be responsibility of Municipality Yes....(....... No..... FRTEGHT ./ Shall be the responsibility of contractor Y "r.....(.... No................ WARRANTY - State warranty period in months/ years for parts e5 YRS - State warranty period in months/years for service å q V R.< - All warranty work F.O.B. Straffordville V"r....(.... No............ (\Morks Garage 8354 Plank Road) DELIVERY - State the maximum number of calendar days required to deliver the order complete Speciff... .¿.A...Þ.*Í.2.. Delivery to the site to be included By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 266 of 291 DEVIATIONS - If any of the specifications cannot be meet please provide information as to the reason for not meeting the request. By-Law 2009-084 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 267 of 291 Page 268 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-085 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH COVER-ALL BUILDING SYSTEMS OF ONTARIO FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF A SAIID/SALT SHED \üHEREAS Cover-All Building Systems of Ontario submitted the low tender, June 2nd, 2009 for the supply and installation of a sand and salt shed at the municipal public works garage located at 8354 Plank Road; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into a contract agreement with Cover-All Building Systems of Ontario to undertake the works in accordance with the said tender. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute a contract agreement with Cover-All Building Systems of Ontario for the supply and installation of a sand and salt shed at 8354 Plank Road in accordance with the specifications and scope of work as outlined in the tender documents dated June 2, 2009 at a contract price of One Hundred Twenty Thousand, Four Hundred, Seventy Dollars, Eighty Cents ($120,470.80) exclusive of taxes. 2. THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF JUNE,2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 269 of 291 THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM REQUEST FOR TENDER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SAND/SALT SHED Proposals are invited by the Municipality of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until l1:00:59 (hr.:min.:sec.) a.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located in the Municipal Offices , 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0, on Tuesday, June 2,2009. l/VVe, the undersigned, with business premises at ¿ 2//Ò having carefully read and considered the conditions and specifications for the supply and installation of sand/salt storage shed do hereby offer to provide the goods and services as specified and described herein to The Municipality of Bayham for the following: -ã Amount: Goods & Services Tax: Provincial Sales Tax: TOTAL AMOUNT: $ $ THE LOWEST OB ANY PROPOSAL OR ANY PART OF ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 270 of 291 Page 2 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SAND/SALT SHED lf my/our tender is accepted, l/We agree to provide complete fulfillment of this proposal call within days from the date of notification of acceptance by The Municipality of Bayham. SIGNED TELEpHoNE No. 5t? - 528 - 2?22 COMPANY NAME 4n-, - /¿¿FAX NO. TITLE ßrr', n,^rt tantsr', 7az,/7-P.S.T. Vendor's Permit No.ß é3=5?8 / ADDRESS KÊ * /c.S.T. Registratio n No. 8é7 032 2?6 ß7 37é5 I 4na¿r-c./ , Lue-z¿ ', e 'znztÒ ACCEPTANCË ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS DAY OF , 2009. MAYOR CITY CLERK truck,cab,chassis,plow&box1 -42 By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 271 of 291 Page 3 CONDITIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. lf and wherever in the specifications a brand name, make, name of any manufacturer, trade name or vendor catalogue number is mentioned, it is for the purpose of establishing a grade or quality of goods and services, only, unless specified otherwise. Since the Municipality of Bayham does not wish to rule out other competition and equal brands or makes, the phrase "or approved equal" may be added. However, if goods and services other than the specified is bid, it is the vendor's responsibility to name such goods and services within his bid and to prove to the Municipality of Bayham that said goods and services is equal to the specifications and to submit brochures, samples andior specifications in detail or item(s) bid. The Municipality of Bayham shall be the judge concerning the merits of tenders submitted. 2. ln the event of any discrepancy between the unit price and the extension(s), the unit price shall govern. GENERAL: 1. All questions respecting this tender call should be directed to Mr. Gerry LeMay, Public Works Manager, telephone 519-866-5521. 2. Taxes: Goods & Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax are applicable and shall be shown in the appropriate specified spaces for bidding purposes. 3. Telegraphic, telephone or facsimile tenders will not be accepted. 4. Tender may only be withdrawn prior to the closing date upon providing a written request. 5. Tender will be opened and read publicly and bidders may be present or be represented at all openings. 6. The tender declares that this tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other person or persons making a proposal for the same goods and services, and is ín all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 7. The Municipality of Bayham is not liable for any costs incurred by the proposal in responding to this tender. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 272 of 291 8. Page 4 CONDITIONS GENERAL: (Cont'd) a) Responses or notations to a Tender Call which provides a condition of sale or any other altachment which alters the conditions or specifications, or makes it subordinate, may be cause for rejection, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham b) Points required or intended to be made to reflect changes herein shall be clearly set out in a separate letter, which shall be appended hereto. Tenders having any erasures or corrections shall be initialed by the tender in ink. All tenders shall be typewritten or filled in with pen and ink and bids shall be signed in ink. a) The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender, in whole or in part, to waive irregularities, minor variances and technicalities as determined suitable in the opinion of the Municipality of Bayham. b) The successful tender will be notified subsequent to the acceptance of such tender by the Municipality of Bayham. Such notification will be dispatched as promptly as possible from the date set for closing. All goods and services shall be delivered F.O.B. destination Straffordville, Ontario, and shall remain the property of the tender until a physical inspection is made and thereafter accepted to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Bayham in compliance with conditions and specifications described herein. All respective insurance coverage shall be the responsibility of the tender until acceptance is given by the Municipality of Bayham. Where the supply of goods are bid on by an out of town supplier, a collect telephone number is to be supplied. No extra charges will be permitted unless written authorization is obtained from the Municipality of Bayham. a) The total price and payment is to be shown and made in Canadian Funds; b) Cash discounts may be offered by the proposal for prompt payment of invoices but such cash discount will not be taken into consideration in determining which is the low tender unless such discount is based on payment of invoice not less than twenty (20) days after satisfactory delivery andlor the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. c) Unless otherwise specified, the Municipality of Bayham will make payment of accounts within thirty (30) days of either the date on which the goods and services have been accepted to the satisfaction of the Municipality, or the date on which the invoice is received, whichever is later. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 273 of 291 Page 5 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) 15. Time shall be of the essence for any orders placed as a result of this tender. Failure of a tender to deliver within the time specified or within a reasonable time, as interpreted by the Municipality of Bayham, or failure to make replacements of rejected goods and services, when requested, will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to cancel such orders or any part thereof, without obligation, or will constitute authority for the Municipality of Bayham to purchase in the open market to replace the goods and services rejected or not delivered. The Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to authorize immediate purchases in the open market against rejections on any contract when necessary. On all such purchases, the Bidder agrees to promptly reimburse the Municipality of Bayham for the excess costs occasioned by such purchases. Such purchases may be deducted from the contract quantities. 16. The tender warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in manufacturing, producing or selling the goods and services shipped or ordered as a result of this tender and the proposal agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any such violations. 17. The tender agrees to hold the Municipality of Bayham harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any malfunction of the goods and services provided. 18 The tender warrants that the goods and services supplied to the Municipality of Bayham conforms in all respects to the standards set forlh by Federal and Provincial agencies and failure to comply with this conditions will be considered a breach of tender. 19. The successful tender will not, without the written consent of the Municipality of Bayham, make any assignment or any subcontract for the execution of any goods and services hereby bid on. 20. Should the proposal find discrepancies in, or omissions from the conditions and specifications, or should he/she be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall notify the Administrator, who may, if necessary, send written addenda to all proposals. 21. No bidder is relieved from supplying all components necessary to render the goods and services fit for the use specified in the governing documents merely because detailed conditions and specifications on the various components are not set out in the documents. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 274 of 291 22. 23. Page 6 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) The submission of a signed tender document to the Municipality of Bayham shall be deemed to constitute an "lrrevocable Offer" which may be accepted, at the option of the Municipality of Bayham, by: a) written acknowledgement of acceptance, and/or b) contract in writing and upon such acceptance of the terms, responsibilities, and specifications herein set forth shall be confirmed and binding upon the Municipality of Bayham and the proposal. The failure of either party at any time to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way affect his/her right thereafter to enforce such provision or to seek damages for the breach thereof. Successful proposals, including those outside the Province of Ontario, agree that the rights of all parties shall be governed by the laws of Ontario. lt is agreed between the parlies that neither party shall be held responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform his/her undertakings hereunder when such delay or failure is due to fires, strikes, floods, acts of God or the Queen's enemies, lawful acts of public authorities, or delays or defaults caused by common carriers, which cannot reasonably be foreseen or provided against. The submission of a tender shall be deemed proof that the proposal has satisfied himself/herself as to all the provisions of the tender, all the conditions which may be encountered, what goods and services he/she will be required to supply, or any other matter which may enter into the carrying out of the supply of goods and services referred to in the tender, and no claims will be entertained by the Municipality of Bayham based on the assertion by the tender that he/she was uninformed as to any of the requirements of the proposal. ln case of default of the proposal, the Municipality of Bayham reserves the right to procure the goods and services from other sources and any added expense will be charged to the undersigned tender. 26.The bidder agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Bayham and all Municipal officers, employees, servants and agents; officers, employees, servants and agents of its Boards and Commissions and volunteers, from all claims, costs, actions, suits, damages or expenses which may arise by reason of the execution of his/her tender or the performance of any of the terms of his/her tender or in any way incidental to the tender. 24. 25. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 275 of 291 Page 7 CONDITIONS GENERAL; (Cont'd) 27. This indemnification shall also apply in respect of any claims for injuries or damages that may be sustained by the bidder or any of his employees during the performance and fulfillment of this tender. Should the Municipality of Bayham receive any demand or claim arising out of the performance of this tender, the bidder shall pay to the Municipality of Bayham such claims. The bidder shall also pay to the Municipality of Bayham any demand, cost, charge, damages or expenses which may be paid or incurred by the Municipality of Bayham or any of its servants, officers or agents in settlement of or on account of the payment for any loss, damages or expenses payable by the Municipality of Bayham or its officers, servants and agents, and any monies payable by the Bidder under the terms and conditions of this tender may be deducted from monies payable under this tender which are then remaining in the possession of the Municipality of Bayham on account of this tender, and to any court of competent jurisdiction as monies paid on behalf of the Bidder. 28. a) Bidder must use the tender form furnished by the Municipality of Bayham. Failure to comply may cause the tender to be rejected. b) Tender submissions, properly endorsed and sealed in the envelope provided for the purpose and clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0, until 11:00:59 (hr.: min.: sec.) a.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located on the counter in the Administrative Services Department (which time will be deemed to be taken as conclusive of the time), on Tuesday June 2,2009. c) Bidder must be submitted by the specified time of closing to receive consideration of acceptance. 17. Bidder shall carry a minimum $ 2,000,000 insurance and name the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured to the policy while engaged in the project. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 276 of 291 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SAND/SALT SHED AT 8354 PLANK ROAD DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS : 1. DIMENSIONS Estimated dimensions 60 ' X 80 ' 2. FOUNDATION Duraweave ll 12.5 oz cover Color to be selected at later date Fabric included must be fire rated to meet Building code Fabric must be warranted for 10 years speciry ... é9..'....(.....9. 8' 8' precast wall engineered for building delivered and ./ assembled on site Yes.....!ll..... No........... Must conform to current building code and Building Officials acceptance of engineering Yes.. ./ .. No......... 3. COVERING By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 277 of 291 4. TRUSS Trusses must be warranted for a minimum of 15 years Building to have an approximate outside dimension of -60 feet in width and 80- feet in length. Building to include 1-enclosed end wall and 1-end open. Yes...(.....No. Foundation to consist of an 8' high pre-cast wall foundation as per building requirements, mounted on compacted level site, site preparation by Municipality of Bayham Building shall provide minimum 14 feet clearance on the side wall measured 4 feet in from the outside of the building plus the foundation wall height and shall have a minimum interior clearance at the centre of 30 feet plus the foundation height. Building truss arches are to be of Molten Zinc Welded Triple Coated GatorshieldrM Corrosion protected Viper SteelrM providing a corrosion resistance of 2000 hours as per ASTM B 117-90. All welds are to be sandblasted and protected with molten zinc. Welds are to be in accordance with CSA Standing W41 .I certification. The manufacturer is to provide a 15 year pro-rata warranty against the chipping or flaking of the coating. Acceotable oroducts: @ GåtorshieldrNr Tubing b.) Aluminum Yes á. *o Steel tubing shall have structural and mechanical properties ASTM A-500 of 65 KSI (tension ultimate) and 55 KSI (yield). Continuous Structural Webbing to be welded between high tensile steel tubing that comprises the truss. Yes.. ...Y....No. Trusses to be mounted to minimum 4" by I0V2" steel base plate, using king pin connection. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 278 of 291 All purlins supporting the structure shall be minimum 2718 inch and shall be manufactured using Viper steel with GatorshieldrM for maximum corrosion resistance and strength. Building fabric cover is to be 12.5 ounce Duraweave II Fire-rated of a 16 x 16 ppi woven high-density polyetþlene material, which shall have a 10 year pro- rated factory warranty. The building cover material is to be white on the underside with a choice of colours on the outside using Duraweave II FRrM polyethylene material, meeting ASTM E84 code requirements. Yes. . ..ú . . ..No. Fabric cover shall be installed as separate panels between the trusses using an aluminum extrusion system attached to the outside of the steel truss framework, fabric panels to be maximum 20'-0" wide. The opposing seams must be overlapped and terminated as to create a weather seal between panels. The joints of the panels must cover the extrusi-on, as to not leave any extrusion exposed to the elements. Yes. . á... No. . . The cover is to be held securely in place by a series of 10,000 pound lashing winches. Yes. . y'. . ...No All bids shall be accompanied by a current BMEC approval number and documentation as proof of Building Code compliance Section of the Ontario Building Code. The fabricator of the building of building components shall have successful experience during the past 5 years, and be regularly engaged in the fabrication of the type building meeting the requirements of this Section and shall show evidence of having an adequate manufacturing facility, equipment, and quality control equipment. The fabricator must provide evidence that they have produced and constructed a minimum of 10 such structures in the Province of Ontario in the tî"r-_t::Z ..No.. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 279 of 291 The structure supplier shall be a reputable manufacturer certified to ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems Standard; shall have a direct experience in the design, manufacture and installation of structures of the type specified herein; shall operate according to a comprehensive quality system and shall provide three references in use for at least 5 years. ¿ Yes.. .\4.... No. 5. ELECTRICAL -Shall be the responsibility of the Municipality ves.....y'. No 6. BUILDING PERMTT Shall be responsibility of Municipality 7. FRIEGHT Shall be the responsibility of contractor 8. END #1 Please specify end #1 9.END#2 Please specify end # 2 1.0. VENTILATION Ventilation shall be (2) 24" X24" gable end vents included v er....á. No................ f-u*/ Specify...l e'ntetz.sê. a . specify O.fâJ. Yes ,r/.. No By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 280 of 291 11. SITE PREPARATION Shall be the responsibility of the Municipality 12. WARRANTY - State warranty period in months/ years for parts ñS ?¿> Sp¿c- N zæa<- - State warranty period in months/years for service Hs PË7? sPëL t 't/ 7ë^/aâ<- - All warranty work F.O.B. Straffordville Yes...á..... No............ 13. DELIVERY - State the maximum number of calendar days required to deliver the order complete Specify.... .....é.A...... Delivery to the site to be included Yes.. ..L¿...No. 14. DEVIATIONS - If any of the specifications cannot be met please provide information as to the reason for not meeting the request. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 281 of 291 Please state the Municipalities or Business which have your structure (s) Municipality/Business Year of Construction l. Kghont o¡. lttttTz¿¿¿o 40Ô7 Z. Kæatd. k//17¿t(/¿a 2Õ¿t Aaol L¿/l¿ / L//2ø66 2¿oéS. fuA¿"1 ar N¿6¡,,t Contact Emtt / I rltptt C// a/Z¿_// / ¿-t/ 10. Rrør^l a)t âL ¿tu) S 2øo 7 Te pl.n,,-) ta¿ó lrt*/lezrzc. 1ôô?7re ilen,.oJ 2¿o?Bea{ C.r¿ tl¿¿*l:f Z¿¿-rZaa+ f Ø¿¿-þ'/cf7. SZ¿ynJtl /lî.JS. By-Law 2009-085 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a... Page 282 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il 2009 - 086 BEING A BY.LAW TO LICENSE REFRESHMENT VEHICLES IN THE MTINICIPALITY OF'BAYIIAM WIIEREAS Section 151(l) of the Municþal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25 authorizes a municþality to provide for a system of licenses with respect to a business within the municipality; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of licensing all refreshment vehicles; AND \ilHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local Municipalitymaybyby-law, impose specific rates and fees to be charged for municþal services. NOW TIIEREFORE BY ITS COTINCIL THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this byJaw is to provide consumer protection and to protect the health and safety of its residents by exercising authority to regulate the operation of refreshment vehicles in the municipality. DEFINITIONS 2. In this By-law: a) "Refreshment vehicle" shall mean any vehicle from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public and includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, carts, wagons, trailers and trucks, irrespective of the t¡pe of motive power employed to move the refreshment vehicle from one point to another GENERAL PROVISIONS 3. No person shall operate a Refreshment vehicle within the Municipality of Bayham unless a license has been issued under this By-law. 4. A Refreshment Vehicle may only be licensed for placement on private property or municipal parklands. By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 283 of 291 By-law 2009- 086 Page2 5. Notwithstanding Section 3 of this by-law, a person may operate a refreshment vehicle without a license if participating at a designated community festival, including Edison Fest - Vienna, Canada Day - Port Burwell, Tub Daze -Port Burwell and Watermelon Fest - Straffordville. 6. Refreshment vehicles may be situated on private property zoned for such commercial use as per the current municipal ZoningByJaw. 7. Refreshment vehicles located on private property must provide written approval from the property owner. 8. No individual under eighteen (18) years of age may operate a refreshment vehicle. 9. Refreshment Vehicles are restricted to permit the sale of the following items: fish, sausages, hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, French fries, onion rings, popcorn, packaged chips, ice cream, coffee, tea, bottled water, juices, milk and soft drinks. 10. All refreshment vehicles shall be of sufficiently sound construction to provide reasonable protection against dirt, dust, flies and other injurious matter or things. 11. The floor and walls of the refreshment vehicle shall be of impervious material, free of holes, cracks or crevices and the surface shall be readily washable and shall be kept clean and in good condition. 12. A photograph of the unit shall be provided with the application. 13. The refreshment vehicle shall meet all requirements and regulations of the local health unit and written compliance shall be provided to the municipalityprior to the issuance of a license. 14. Every Refreshment Vehicle shall be equippe.d with a minimum of one 10 pound fire extinguisher containing extinguishing agent of sodium bi-carbonate, potassium bi-carbonate dry chemical or potassium carbonate solution. 15. Refreshment vehicles are required to observe a minimum 1.0 metre setback from all property boundaries. 16. The refreshment vehicle shall be equipped with: a) a metal waste container with a self-closing lid which shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and emptied at least daily; or b) a disposable litter container which shall be replaced daily; and c) a suitable container for recyclable waste i.e. pop cans, plastic bottles, cardboard etc. By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 284 of 291 By-law 2009- 086 Page 3 and such containers shall be used for the responsible disposal of all waste. The Licensee shall be responsible to comply with all applicable By-laws and Provincial and Federal legislation and regulations and this license does not exempt the Licensee from any applicable statute, regulation, or code of any legislative, administrative, or governmental authorit¡ including but not limited to, approvals under the T.S.S.A. and the Licensee shall obtain and pay for any and all required permits. The Licensee of any refreshment vehicle shall have an insurance policy in force providing for comprehensive liability coverage in a minimum amount of $2,000,000. The Licensee shall provide proof of insurance at any time upon the request of the municipality. A license issued under this byJaw is not transferable. Every refreshment vehicle Licensee shall prominently display the license at the refreshment vehicle at all times. 21. 'Where a license is revoked due to non-compliance, no refund of anypayment of fees paid by the applicant shall be made. 22. The license is valid up to Decernber 3l't of the year issued with no fee reduction for any periods less than the year. 23. The license fee shall be as per Schedule "4" attached to and forming part of this by-law. PENALTY CLAUSE 24. Any person who contravenes any section of this by-law is guilty of an oflence and upon conviction is liable to a fine or penalty for each offence, exclusive of cost as prescribed by the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990. ENFORCEMENT 25. A Municipal Law Enforcernent Officer has the authority to enforce this by-law. 26. A MunicipalLaw Enforcement Officer designated to perform inspections pursuant to this By-law may at all reasonable times, enter onto private land for the purposes of an inspection of the refreshment vehicle. 27. No person who has or is required to have a License under this ByJaw shall obstruct or hinder or permit the obstruction or hindrance of any inspection under this by-law. 17. 18. 19. 20. By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 285 of 291 By-law 2009- 086 Page 4 EFFECTTVE 28. This By-law rqreals and supersedes all other byJaws pertaining to the licensing of refreshment vehicles in the municipality. 29. This By-law shall take effect on the date of passingby Council and shall remain in effect until the date it is repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY ENACTED THIS l8th DAY oF JUNE 2oog. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 286 of 291 By-law 2009- 086 CORPORATION OF' THE MTJNICIPÄLITY OF' BAYIIAM BY-LAW 2009 - 086 SCIIEDULE'A' AI\NUAL LICENSE F'EE: REFRESHMENT VEHICLE $500 annually Page 5 By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 287 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Ph. 519-866-5521 Fax 519-866-3884 APPLICATION FOR REFRESHMENT VEHICLE LICENCE (on private property or municipal parklands) BY-LAW 2009 - 086 LICENCE FEE: $5OO ANNUALLY REFRESHMENT VEIIICLE - shall mean any vehicle from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public and includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, carts, wagons, trailers and trucks, irrespective of the type of motive power employed to move the refreshment vehicle from one point to another. Please contact the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit at 99 Edward Street, St. Thomas atl-800-922-0096 with respect to this application. An inspection by the health unit may be required prior to sales from the refreshment vehicle. DATE:LICENCE NUMBER: EXPIRY DATE: PLEASE ATTACH: Confirmation of minimum of $2,000,000.00 comprehensive liability insurance Written proof of the property owner (s) permission for placement of a refreshment vehicle on private propert¡ Photograph of the refreshment vehicle PROPOSED LOCATION FOR REFRESHMENT VEHICLE: (Attach a map indicating the location on site, parking area, ingress/egress) DATES OF OPERATION: CitylTown/Village Postal Code Cell Ontario Ph# tr T tr HOURS OF OPERATION: ACCESSORY ITEMS REQUIRED: REFRESHMENT VEHICLE NAME: owNER',S NAME (S): Street Address TYPE OF FOOD TO BE SOLD: Home Ph # By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 288 of 291 Refreshment Vehicle Licence Application Page2 PROPERTY OWNER NAME: Street Address Home Ph #Cell Ph # VWe hereby acknowledge that Awe areresponsible to comply with all applicable byJaws and Provincial and Federal legislation and regulations and this license does not exempt me/us from any applicable statute, regulation, or code of any legislative, administrative, or govemmental authorit¡ including but not limited to, approvals under the T.S.S.A. and Vwe shall obtain and pay for any and all required permits. VWe hereby acknowledge that Vwe have been provided with a copy of and have read and understand the regulations as set out in the Municipality of Bayham By-law Number 2009 - 086. Signature of Applicant Signature of Applicant The ínformatíon províded ín lhis applicøtíon wíll be avaíIable for public ìnspectíon. OFFICE USE ONLY AMOUNT DUE: $500.00 DATE FEE PAID: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUSINESS LOCATION: RECEIPT NUMBER: OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING DESIGNATION: PERMITTED USE: f] NO E YES PLANNING APPROVAL BY: COMMENTS: DATE: ADMINISTRATTVE SERVICES DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: E HEALTH UNIT CoMMENTS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: DATE APPLICATION CIRCULATED: t_] BUILDING DEPARTMENT CoMMENTS DATE: E FIRE SERVICES CoMMENTS DATE: E PUBLIC woRKS DEPARTMENT CoMMENTS DATE: DATE: By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 289 of 291 ãtlunlcipal World* - Form 417 ' lhy I'.M. in Canodo, Municipol Wo¡ld Inc. Mrtlticopy Fom - PRESS FIRMLY LICENCE Name of Municipality THE ABOVE-NAMED PERSON lS HEREBY LICENSED, pursuant and subject to municipal authority conferred under the. . . . . Act, to carry on the f] Trade I catting I Business E Occupation of: E within the limits of the municipality. THE LICENSEE SHALL observe all by-laws, rules and regulations, matters and things as are, or may be enacted by the council of the municipality or its legally constituted police services board, as the case may be, as well as any other applicable law. Subject to revocation, this licence shall continue in force until . . , and no longer. lasuedat.... .this. ....dayof.... Llcencefeeof $ ..... receivedthis .....dayof .... (seal) E at the following location The personal ínformation on this licence forms part of a public record and will be used forthe licensing and regulation records of the municipality. For further information, please contact the Municipal Clerk or the Freedom of lnformation and Privacy Coordinator. trrflnlLl By-Law 2009-086 A By-Law to license refreshment vehicles... Page 290 of 291 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\M NO. 2009-087 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 18, 2009 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municþal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. TIIEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held June 18,2009 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and dfuected to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOIV) AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this lSthday of June 2009. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2009-087 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Counc... Page 291 of 291