HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 18, 2008 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville December 18, 2008 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, 2008. 4.DELEGATIONS (a 7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a Copy of Resolution passed November 19, 2008 by Township of South Stormont regarding "Bill 50, the Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008". File: C10 (b Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Government Lays Ground Work for Reducing Poverty by Committing to 25% Reduction in Child Poverty by 2013". File: A01 (c Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 5, 2008. File C06 (d Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held November 13, 2008. File: C06 5-13 15 17-19 21-25 27-29 Page 1 of 105 Council Agenda December 18, 2008 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (e Bayham Health and Safety Committee minutes of meeting held November 19, 2008. File: C06 (f Correspondence received from the Stoyles family, Cindy's Angels expressing appreciation for the waiver of the hall rental fee for fundraising event. File: C13 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a Memo from IBI Group dated November 27, 2008 - Follow Up to the Open House held October 29, 2008 re: Official Plan 5 Year Review 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a Staff Report DR2008-025 regarding Petition for Drainage (John Stewart). File: E09 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a No Items 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusive, except Cheques #5673 totaling $1,316,724.62 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Nov. 30, 2008 totaling $51,760.27. (b Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "Long Point Region Conservation Authority Budget 2009". (c Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2009. File: L5.1 (d Draft Community Centres minutes of meeting held December 11, 2008. Item 5(d) requires Council action. Draft By-Law 2008-121 to renew agreement for Vienna Community Centre management services, draft By-Law 2008-122 to extend 31-33 35 37-41 43-45 47-63 65-71 73-79 81-83 Page 2 of 105 Council Agenda December 18, 2008 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL agreements with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services at the community centres. File: C06/C01 10.ENVIRONMENT (a Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and call ins for period ending September 30, 2008. File: E08 (b Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2008. File: E08 (c Quarterly Compliance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plan and call ins for the period ending September 30, 2008. File: E8 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a In Camera (b Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 4, 2008. (c Closed session item regarding confidential legal matter. (d Out of Camera 12.BY-LAWS (a By-Law 2008-121 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an agreement (Bootle) (b By-Law 2008-122 A By-Law to authorize the extension of janitorial agreements (Peidl) (c By-Law 2008-123 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT 85-91 93-95 97-99 101 103 105 Page 3 of 105 Council Agenda December 18, 2008 Page 13.ADJOURNMENT (a Adjournment Page 4 of 105 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville I)ecember 4,2008 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, December 4,2008 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Administrative Assistant Brenda Gibbons. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at7 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECT]NIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF' None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held November 20,2008 2008-576 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 20, 2008 be approved as circulated." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery Mrs. Hoshal advised Council that she still has many unanswered questions regarding Estherville Cemetery records and results of the property search. Administrator Kyle Kruger advised receipt of a verbal report from the solicitor listing all property owners with actual report to follow. When asked about work being done by the Municipality, Mr. Kruger advised a report is scheduled for later in this meeting outlining staff progress. Mrs. Hoshal distributed to Council a letter from Mae Leonard offering her services for dowsing. In light of Mrs. Hoshal's questions, Council decided to proceed with presentation of item 9.1(J) at this time. Page 1 of8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 5 of 105 Council Minutes December 4,2008 (b) Staff Report C2008-12 regarding Old Port Burwell (Esterville) Cemetery 2008-s77 Moved by M Taylor Seconded bv W Casier e.1(i) TfTIIAT Staff Report C2008-12 regarding Otd Port Burwell @sterville) Cemetery be received; AND THAT Mae Leonard be retained to investigate the subject lands, subject to receipt of permission from the property otyner." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Copy of Resolution passed November I7,2008 by the City of Cambridge Council regarding "Property Tax Assessment". File: C10 (b) Emergency Management Program Committee minutes of meeting held November 24,2009. File: 402 (c) Conespondence dated November L9,24 and27,2008 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO - Ontario First Joint Annual MOU Statement", "Municipal Support of Climate Station Data Needed", "Government Releases Draft Information and Communications Standard" and "AMO Requests Extension on the Public Review Period for the Infonnation and Communications Standard". (d) Conespondence received November 18, 2008 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Municipal Cultural Planning". File 401 (e) Correspondence dated November 13, 2008 from, AIM PowerGen regarding "Erie Shores Wind Farm II West Bid" File D03 (Ð Certificate of Thanks from the Edison Museum of Vienna regarding "Murder Mystery". File M04 2008-578 Moved by W Casier Seconded by C Evanitski "TIIAT information items 5(a) through 5(Ð be received for information." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY Page 2 of8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 6 of 105 Council Minutes December 4.2008 6. PLA¡INING DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOTruSM No Items 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) Staff Report DR2008-024 regarding Petition for Drainage (Orchard Crest Farms). 2008-579 Moved by C Evanitski Seconded bv E Ketchabaw "THAT Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the filing with the Clerk of the Petition for drainage works by Mark Elliott of Orchard Crest Farms: AND TIIÄT StaffReport DR2008-024 regarding the petition for drainage be received: AND THAT Council wishes to proceed with this matter and appoints Spriets Associates, Engineers, to prepare a preliminary report on the proposed drainage area, pursuant to Section 5 of the Drainage Act, for Council's consideration. f ' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Report for the month ending November 30, 2008. File: Pl0 Administrator Kyle Kruger noted permif #135 contains inconect properly address description on the report. Initially address was listed as 41 Chapel Street and has since been corrected to 10528 Plank Road. 2008-580 Moved by C Evanitski Seconded bv W Casier "TIIAT the Building Permit report for the month ending November 30, 2008 be received for information.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINAI\CE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSO¡{NEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #5510 to Cheque #5568 inclusive, except Cheque #5536 totaling $228,908.87 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Nov. I 6, 2008 totaling $45,950. 66. 2008-581 Moved by W Casier Paee 3 of8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 7 of 105 Council Minutes December 4.2008 Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #5510 to Cheque #5568 inclusive, except Cheque #5536 totaling $228,908.87 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Nov. 16, 2008 totaling $45,950.66 be approved." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (b) Invoice dated Octobet 17,2008 submitted by Bayham West Cemetery requesting payment for tree removal. File: S09 2008-582 Moved by W Casier Seconded by C Evanitski 'TTHAT the invoice dated October 17. 2008 submitted bv Bavham West Cemetery be received; AND THAT Council approves the payment of $400.00 on behalf of the Bayham West Cemetery regarding tree removal.f' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Joint Cemetery Board Meeting Minutes of meeting held Tuesday, November 25, 2008. File: C06 2008-583 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT the Joint Cemetery Board Meeting minutes of meeting held Tuesday, November 2512008 be received; AND THAT Council consider restriction of the relocation of abandoned cemetery monuments in order to maintain actual gravesite locations as needed.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Staff Report C2008-10 regarding Economic Development - Chamber of Commerce. File: D00 2008-584 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT Staff Report C2008-10 regarding Economic Development - Page 4 of8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 8 of 105 Council Minutes December 4.2008 Chamber of Commerce be received: AND THAT Council endorse the establishment of a MunicipaVChamber of Commerce Liason Committee, and that 2 members of Council be appointed to represent the Municipality on this Committee. The Council Members will be Mayor Acre and Councillor Taylor.'f CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (e) Staff Report C2008-011 regarding Reappointment of Closed Meeting lnvestigator. File: 409 2008-58s Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by W Casier |'TI{AT Staff Report C2008-011 regarding Reappointment of Closed Meeting Investigator be received; AND THAT Mr. John Maddox (JGM Consulting) be reappointed as Closed Meeting Investigator for the Municipality of Bayham for a further one-year term (2009), and that draft By-Law No. 2008-ll7 be presented to Council for enactment.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Draft By-Law 2008-118 to further amend By-Law 2008-001 appointing members to boards and committees 2008-586 Moved by C Evanitski Seconded by W Casier "TIIAT By-Law No. 2008-118 regarding appointing members to boards and committees be presented to Council for enactment.rr CARzuED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Draft By-law 2008-080 to amend By-Law 2000-27 as amended to provide for the maintenance, management and conhol of Cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the Municipalþ of Bayham. 2008-587 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by W Casier "THAT By-Law No. 2008-080 regarding maintenance, management and control of Cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Bayham be presented to Council for enactment.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 5 of8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 9 of 105 Council Minutes December 4.2008 (h) Correspondence dated November 28,2008 from Eden & Area Community Centre requesting financial assistance to replace damaged ceilings. File: C13 2008-588 Moved by W Casier Seconded bv E Ketchabaw "TIIAT correspondence dated November 28,2008 from Eden & Area Communitv Centre be received: AND THA; Council direct staff to assess the damage and obtain quotes for repair.tt CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY (Ð Staff Report F2008-37 regarding Financial Report. File: F03 2008-589 Moved by W Casier Seconded bv E Ketchabaw "THAT Stum n.port F2008-37 regarding financial reporting be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. EI\¡'VIRONMENT (a) Staff Report 82008-05 regarding Richmond Water System Agreement. File: E08 2008-590 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by M Taylor "THAT Staff Report 82008-05 regarding Richmond Water System Agreement be received; AND THAT draft By-Law No 2008-120 to authorize an agreement with Richmond Community Water Inc. for the temporary provision of operation and maintenance services in emergency situations be presented to Council for enactment.tr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera 2008-591 Page 6 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 10 of 105 Council Minutes December 4,2008 Moved by W Casier Seconded bv E Ketchabaw ffTHAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Cameraf' Session of Committee of the Whole at 8:35 p.m. to discuss: o personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Out of Camera 2008-592 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by W Casier "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the 'rln Camera" session at8z49 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 16,2008. (d) Closed session minutes of the special closed session meeting held October 28, 2008. (e) Verbal Report regarding confidential personal matter. 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2008-080 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2000-27 (Maintenance, management and control of Cemeteries) (b) By-Law 2008- 116 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (iCompass) (c) By-Law 2008-lI7 A By-Law to reappoint investigator (JGM Consulting) (d) By-Law 2008-118 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2008-001 appointing members to boards and committees (e) By-Law 2008-120 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Richmond Community Water Inc.) 2008-593 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by M Taylor 'T THAT By-Laws 2008-080, 2008-1 16, 2008-117, 2008-1 18 and 2008-120 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 7 of8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 11 of 105 Council Minutes December 4,2008 (Ð By-Law 2008-119 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 2008-594 Moved by \M Casier Seconded by M Taylor T|THAT confirming By-Law 2008-119 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 2008-595 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by E Ketchabaw TTTHAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR CLERK Page 8 of8 Minutes of the regular meeeting of Council held December 4, ... Page 12 of 105 Page 13 of 105 Page 14 of 105 5 òec ie lo 3 2cto7' TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH STORMONT 4949 County Road No. 14 P.O. Box 340 lngleside, ON KOC 1M0 Phone: Fax: Email: Moved by: Seconded by: (613) 537-2362 (613) 537-81 13 info@southstormont.ca ('/ o November 19, 2008 To: All Municipalities in OntarioRe: Support Request The Council of the Township of South Stormont passed the following resolution on November 12,2008. Your support of this resolution would be appreciated. Please send any resolution of support to the Premier of Ontario, with a copy to the Township of South Stormont. Resolution #31612008 Councillor Tammy Hart Councillor Cindy Woods Whereas Bill 50, the Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008 has now passed second reading in the legislature, And whereas this bill contains the first comprehensive changes in almost 90 years to lhe Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) Act And whereas highlights of Bill 50 include but is not limited to: standards of care for all animals, new provincial offences, authority for the OSPCA to inspect places, penalties, requirement for veterinarians, a number of modernizations to the law, and protection for current legal practices in agriculture, hunting and fishing; And whereas, and more specifìcally, there is a concern regarding the delegation of authority, accountability and transparency of OSPCA inspectors and its officers. Now therefore be it resolved that Council of the Township of South Stormont hereby respectfully requests the Government review, and amend as required, the powers granted to lnspectors through Bill 50. Furthermore, a copy of this motion be forwarded to Premier McGuinty, the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, MPP Jim Brownell, Association of Municipalities of Ontario and any other individual or association as deemed appropriate. Yours truly, Senq l¿Øaat CMO CAO/Clerk DISCIAIMER This material is provided under contract as a paid seilice by fhe originating organizalion and does not necessarily reflect the view or pos¡t¡ons of the Association of Municþalilies of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, olf icers, directorc or agents. Copy of Resolution passed November 19, 2008 by Township of S... Page 15 of 105 Page 16 of 105 S 200 University Ave, Su¡te 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3Co Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca hot ALERT No: 08/059 òe" rr /o? åoo¡'' IBER COMMUNICATION To the attention of the Clerk and Council December 5,2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Petra Wolfbeiss, AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-9856 ext 329 ÞE ruJ Government Lays Ground Work for Reduc¡ng Poverty by Gommitting to 25o/o Reduction ¡n Ch¡ld Poverty by 2013 lssue: The Minister of Children and Youth Services, Deb Matthews, today released the government's broad based plan that provides the foundation for poverty reduction in Ontario and calls for a collaborative effort in meeting the government's target. Background: The government's poverty reduction strategy; Breakina the Cvcle. bolsters support in four key areas: the Ontario Child Benefit (OCB), Education and Early Learning, Building Stronger Communities and Smarter Government. The Minister emphasized the importance of provincial and federal investments as well as a growing economy as key components to meeting its "25 in 5" target (a 25% reduction in child poverty in 5 years). AMO's President, Peter Hume remarked, "AMO is pleased to see the Province take these bold and important steps. ln light of these uncertain economic times, it is more important than ever to have supports in place for our most vulnerable citizens. We are hopeful that the government remains committed to its target and we look forward to working with them in support of this effort. As we know, investments are the cornerstone of economic recovery." Some of the proposed new investments highlighted in the plan include: . An additional $230 million enhancement for the Ontario Child Benefit; . $5 million to annualize rent bank funding; . $5 million to establish a community opportunities fund; and . $3 million for social assistance rule changes. Association of ^lla Municipalities of Ontario1-2 Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Association of Mu... Page 17 of 105 The government called on the federal government and municipal governments to assist in the plan: . the federal government through increases to Employment lnsurance, . the Working lncome Tax Benefit, . child care and housing, and o municipal governments through access to transportation and recreation for low income children and families. AMO is pleased that the government supported our suggestion of implementing local partnerships between government, business and key stakeholders to directly address the issue of poverty in our communities. Additionally, we welcome changes to address the "welfare wall" by increasing supports to social assistance recipients through increased access to child care, increased earnings for post secondary students, and a more reasonable interval review process. These changes are not expected to have an impact on municipal costs. lnitiatives addressing child care and affordable housing will be released in 2009. AMO will be consulting with the government on the direction of both initiatives. Many of the initiatives in the government's plan align with the outcomes and direction of the Provincial Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review. President Hume observed that, "The Province has made important strides in advancing good public policy while simultaneously showing leadership on an issue that has required priority attention for too long." Action: AMO will monitor the development of the provincial plan and will ensure municipal engagement in key areas of interest. This includes alignment with the priorities and objectives of the Provincial Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. l'-E l."LJJ 2-2 Association of AllOMunicipalities of Ontario Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Association of Mu... Page 18 of 105 Page 19 of 105 Page 20 of 105 4"c., n /o? ã' ,/JI/^\.(__./ LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES - November 5, 20Q8 Members in attendance: R. Sackrider, P. Ens, P. Black, S. Lamb, B. Sloat, L. Bartlett, P. Lee, J. Hunt, L. Chanda and R. Geysens. Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, P. Gagnon, J. Robertson, B. Bravener, H. Surette, R. Faber and D. Mclachlan. Regrets: None The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 in the LPRCA Hay Creek office Boardroom. H. Surette was introduced to the Board as the Manager, Watershed Services. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS R. Geysens - Updated Correspondence from Norfolk County re: 2009 Municipal Levy DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None recorded. DEPUTATIONS JIM DOVER, SPOKESPERSON FOR FRIENDS OF SILVER LAKE: J. DOvET did NOt make the meeting but forwarded information for the Board Members. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A - S8 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by J. Hunt and carried that the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting held October 1tt, 2008 be adopted as circulated. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES None REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES MOTION A - 89 moved by B. Sloat, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the minutes from the Backus Advisory Board meetings of Septemb er 17th and Octobet 22nd, 2008 be received for information. CORRESPONDENCE FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -1- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 21 of 105 NORFOLK COUNTY RE: 2009 LPRCA LEVY Discussion arose regarding the Norfolk County resolution. Members asked the Manager, Corporate Services to calculate the meaning of the resolution in real dollars rather than percentages and report back to the Board. MOTION A-90 moved by L. Chanda, seconded by B. Sloat and carried that correspondence outlined in the Board of Directoré'Agenda of November 5th, 2008 (with additions) be received for information. PLANNING DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS . EMAIL REPORT MOTION A - gl moved by J. Hunt, seconded by R. Geysens and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approves the following Development Applications; A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178106) HC-21108 HC-22108 NC-73/08 NC-74/08 NC-75/08 NC-76/08 HC-24108 NC-77/08 B. that the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS - LATE OCTOBER Members requested that municipal addresses of the sites be added to future application approval documents. MOTION A-92 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Black and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approves the following Development Applications; A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178106) FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 22 of 105 HC-23/08 HC-26/08 B. that the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. SECTION 28 APPROVAL PROCESS FOLLOW.UP H. Surette requested Member feedback on the current approval process to move foruvard in developing formal Application Approval Policies. While most found the email system worked fine, others felt they preferred a hard copy as hand-held devices are becoming more common and are not necessarily conducive to reviewing documents. NEW BUSINESS 2OO8 3RD QUARTER BUDGET UPDATE R. Faber detailed the highlights. Planning and Tech fees are up due to increased activity. Forestry Revenues may not make the target. Funding for the Job Evaluation/ Pay Equity/Market Analysis project will be deferred to 1st quarter 2009 as well as the Financial lnformation System as one more system is needed for comparison. Members questioned the status of Wellington Park and Rock's Mill. P. Gagnon responded that applications for WECI funding for these projects had been declined twice and that staff will be reapplying in 2009. CALENDAR REVIEW J. Robertson noted the Trees Ontario / LPRCA sponsored workshop next TuesdaY, P. Gagnon will be on hand to discuss the LPRCA tree planting initiative. December 5th is the annual Christmas dinner beginning at 6pm. All were invited to the Festival of Trees event at Camp Trillium December 13rn. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT C. Evanitski focused on his attendance at the SOLEC Conference. This was a bi- national event held in Niagara Falls ON. Meetings were held with Environment Canada's Regional Director General, Ministry of Natural Resources officials and GRCA staff. He noted there is more emphasis on demonstrating to senior levels of government how CA initiatives relate to climate change. SEDIMENT POND PROPOSAL P. Gagnon explained the plan designed to reduce sedimentation of Long Point Bay. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 23 of 105 MOTION A - 93 moved by P. Black, seconded by J. Hunt and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the quote of $12,000.00 from Jim Granger Excavating to construct a sediment basin/wetland on Peter Penner's property as outlined in the staff report of November sth, 2008. SILVER LAKE RESTORATION INITIATIVE P. Gagnon attended a meeting with Norfolk County and the Friends of Silver Lake to discuss restoring Silver Lake. Flood control is one of LPRCA's mandates and Silver Lake could cause major flooding in the future if nothing is done. He discussed his recommendations of what could be done pending funding and the outcome of some outstanding issues. Members of Norfolk County Council advised that it could take years for some issues to be resolved so Norfolk County has set aside funds and will hire an engineer to asses the condition of the dam. MOTION A- 94 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors supports in principal providing staff support to the Silver Lake Restoration Project pending: 1) confirmation of ownership of Misner's Dam; 2) completion of an engineering study for Misner's Dam; 3) identification of property ownership as it applies to upstream landowners adjacent to Silver Lake; and 4) contacting of all necessary government agencies to ensure all permits are in place. PROPOSED WORLD BIOSPHERE EXPANSION C. Evanitski reviewed his report. lt was recommended that based on research LPRCA should hold off endorsing the expansion pending municipality and other stakeholders' responses. P. Black read a written statement as to why he supports endorsing the expansion. All agreed that the partnership between LPRCA and the Biosphere is a good one. C. Evanitski noted that senior staff concerns are not unfounded. Members discussed the issue at length. MOTION A- 95 moved by P. Lee, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the presentation from the Long Point World Biosphere Foundation for information; and THAT the request for a letter of support to include Backus Woods as part of an expanded World Biosphere be deferred pending greater community buy-in of the proposal. GETTING TO K(NO)W,2007-08 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIONER OF ONTARIO'S ANNUAL REPORT J. Robertson reviewed the annual report released by Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. According to Mr. Miller's report, there are five areas of FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 24 of 105 concern: climate change; Ontario's undervalued water; air quality; biodiversity and citizen involvement. Hard copies are available and electronic copies can be accessed online. A.D. LATORNELL SYMPOSIUM This annual conference is hosted by Conservation Ontario in Toronto. P. Gagnon will be a speaker this year and reviewed his presentation for the Board Members. MOTION A-96 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by B. Sloat and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the attendance of the Chair, GM and Paul Gagnon for the 15th Annual A.D. Latornell Conference. MOTION A-97 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to discuss:! the security of the property of the Conservation Authority;! personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Conservation Authority employees;I a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Conservation Authority; MOTION A-98 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera" session. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:52pm. Next meeting is scheduled for December 3rd. Ron Sackrider Chairman Dana Mclachlan Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -5- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 25 of 105 Page 26 of 105 Aec ¡6 /oä A áao8 '('o6 BAYHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY MT]MCIPAL OFFICE _ STRAFFORDVILLE NOVEMBER 13,2OO8 PRESENT: Harris Teall, Barb & CorLy Ouellette, Bill & Donna Baldwin, Arvilla Beckett, Mary Newland, Joyce & John Glass, Marlene & Chuck Baldwin, Ross and Martha Andrews, Sandy Sage, Bob Graham, Cheryl Peters, Ray Maddox, Betty Lou Wallington, Shirley Brackenbury , Alex Collins and Robin Barker-Janes. President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at7:30, welcoming members & guests. A motion to accept the minutes of October 9'h. 2008 ( with corrections )was made by Sandy Sage 2d. by Corþ Ouellette. Motion carried. GIIEST SPEAKER: Chuck Baldwin introduced our guest speaker Robin Barker-James a High School teacher and Historian who speaks about many wartime stories of home and abroad during WW I and WW 2, Mr. Barker-James spoke of how 200 Canadian soldiers a day died during the first world wa¡. Canadians vrere very süong and tough, hard drinkers and very hard driven fighters who were also very patriotic. These men wore wool kaki coats that were very heavy and when wet could add another 60 pounds of weight for them to carry. He also spoke on the terrible mustard gas used on soldiers and the devistating effects it had on the men. Miles of tunnels were dug out by hand and the soldiers lived in them for years while they fought in the war. A special on the History Channel this week was on the tunnels at Vimy Ridge and other areas and some of the footage of how tunnels work were taken at Robin Barker-James farm in Tillsonburg were he has many tunnels built and a world'war museum set up. Mr Barker-James brought along many artifacts of the \ilar as well as a po\iler point of war time photos. One item was a medical supply case that would hol glass containers of morphine, it has springs so that on being dropped the containers of opiates would not break. Soldiers would sometimes refi¡se to fight íf their was no morphine available as they knew what horrible wounds they might get while on the battle field. Ray spoke of the "Basket Men " he had seen in a Toronto hospital as a youg lad when his Grandfather took him along with him when he visited these unfortunate men, a sight never to be forgotten. John Glass thanked our speaker and noted thar his nephew had been a student of Robin Barker-James and truly enjoyed his classes. PRESIDENTS REPORT: Ray reported on the sea¡ch for the black cemetery , Chuck Baldwin has done quite a bit ofresearch and will help Ray. Chuck spoke of May Lenard who found agrcatmany bodies in an old cemetery site by using a dowsing rod. Ray also thanked Bob Gratram for cutting up and removing downed branches inthe Edison Cemetery. He also memtioned that the signage for this cemetery is not set in the right spots. SECRETARIES REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported that Dorotþ Godby has had her second catarac surgery and is doing well, she will send her a get well card from the BHS. She also repofed that Elsie Acre donated a large amount of cups and saucers for the 2009 Historical tea. Millie Wolfe donated a box full of papers pertaining to North Bayham which she will bring to the next meeting. BHS TEA REPORT: Barb Ouellette reported that the APPLE HARVEST TEA was a huge success, Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held November 1... Page 27 of 105 we cleared 91213/0 after expences. We had a fi.rll house and by adding an extra table it covered the cost of the Church tental and another table added payed for the food. We received a large fruit basket from Mudford's grocery store to be used for the door prize and a jug of apple cider from M&R Orchards used to serve hot cider, she will send out thanþou cards to them as well as to Cindy Franklin who sang a song and helped serye tea and clean up. The little girl who won the fruit basket has come every year and v'ras very pleased to win it. TREASURERS REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported for Dorotþ Godby as follows. 2003AppleHarvestTea-----------------Income----Tickets------- $700.00 Silent Auction------ $602.00 $1302.00 Expences{hurch Rental------$ 60.00 Supplies--- $ 28.66 $88.66 PROCEEDS $1213.40 Checking-- -----$3268.30 Petty cash- ------ $ 1.09 As of October, 31,2008. Motion to accept the Treasurers Report made by Donna Baldvrin 2"u. By Barb Ouellette-Motion carried. PROGRAM DIRECTOR : All Members For our Christmas meeting on December 116. All members bring an object to talk about or a story it can be Christrnas related or can be about what ever you choose We need a speaker for January, if anyone has an idea please let us know at the next meeting. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Donna Baldwin reported that our write-up was in both the Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Mary Newland reported that all members will bring goodies to share during our Christmas meeting. MYSTERY OBJECT: Harris Teall - A commercial fish net weight. NEXT MEETING: December 1l th. 2008 atthe Municipality of Bayham Offrce at7:30. Motion to close the meeting by Corþ Ouellette and Td. By Bob Graham - Motion carried Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held November 1... Page 28 of 105 Page 29 of 105 Page 30 of 105 te.- rg lof áooR Bayham Health & Safety Committee Minutes Wednesday, November 19, 2008 At 9:10 a.m. Committee Room Bayham Municipal Office Attendees: Sandra Maertens, Clayton Collver, Paul Groeneveld 1. Call to Order Paul Groeneveld called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. 2. Health & Safety l)iscussion - Asbestos Regulations The committee discussed Regulation278l01 regarding asbestos. The Municipality is responsible for identiffing buildings with potential for asbestos contamination and introducing policies and procedures for building identified as potentially contaminated with asbestos. Staff has contacted other municipalities in order to explore all options available. Staffto suggest two options: o Full Assessment on all municipal buildings and phase in the cost over a number of years o Assess buildings only when construction or renovations are scheduled. Action: P. Groeneveld will prepare report outlining options for CAO and Council. 3. Training o Annual WHMIS Refresher for all municipal employees is due. o Manager of Public 'Works Gerry LeMay may need to take a refresher in WHMIS. o Clafon Collver from Public'Works has completed training in Site Specific. Both levels are now complete and just waiting for certification from WSIB. Staff to follow up. o Committee members to recommend to Department Heads online training of V/HMIS for their staff. Department Heads should outline procedures for access to online site. Results are to be forwarded to supervisor upon completion. Training to be completed prior to December 31,2008. Action: S. Maertens to prepare procedures for completing WHMIS on line. 4. Other Orientation Prog¡am The committee reviewed the municipality's student employee orientation package. Committee members suggested the package be enhanced to include a c,X- Bayham Health and Safety Committee minutes of meeting held N... Page 31 of 105 written evaluation and formalized into an orientation progfam. The program should include the V/SIB process and reporting. Committee members suggest the municipality develop an orientation program for all employees related to the various positions (e.g. public works, administrative). Packages should be in a binder format and include instruction on the use of Timesheets, damage reporting, cash handling, and use of keys (security). An organízational structure should be outlined and a list of emergency contacts should be made available. Action: Committee to design a student and new hire orientation program that incorporates Basic Health & Safety. Speaking notes should be developed for presenters so that content and format is consistent. P. Groeneveld to discuss draft program with Department Heads and Council. Health and Safety Issues: Ileat Stress: The committee has been advised of a heat stress incident this past summer in Public'Works. The Committee suggests that supervisors make fluids available to employees during extreme heat conditions. Employees should be made aware to apply sunscreon during warmer weather and to increase level of fluids. Action: P. Groeneveld will forward recoÍtmendation to Gerry LeMa¡ Manager of Public Works for policy implementation. Eyewash Station: The eyewash station at the Public Works Garage has not been working properly for quite some time. Don Horton has made repairs to it, but still the unit is not working properly. Lime build-up seems to be the concern. Action: Item to be forwarded to Manager of Public Works. Pump Stations & Blower Room: Staff is concemed with the noise level in these areas. Presently there are no postings available to acknowledge noise levels. Action: Item to be forwarded to Water/IVastewater Superintendent. Working Alone - SnowplowsÆatrolling Public Works staff have raised concerns regarding working alone during the night shift. There has been a lack of reliability in cell phones due to "dead zones", and lack of communication on radio system when there is no buddy system in place. Committee suggests looking into schedules of neighbouring municipalities to see if radio contact can be made available during night shift, or to have more Bayham Health and Safety Committee minutes of meeting held N... Page 32 of 105 5. than one employee working during this shift. A written procedure should be developed by Department Head to support direction. Action: Item to be forwarded to CAO and Manager of Public'Works. Municipal Health and Safety Policy To date the municipality has approved a Health and Safety Policy. In addition, the Committee has drafted a number of operational policies and procedures for consideration by municipal staff. The committee discussed the Draft Policy.The operational policy and procedure component remains in draft form. Members suggested to develop two or there operational policy and procedures at a time for more timely review and approval. Committee suggested the following operational policy and procedures be initially drafted: o Traffic Control and Protection o Dead animal removal o Removing of manholes Action: Staff to continue review of procedures and follow up with Department Heads. Adjournment & Date of Next Meeting Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Secretarv Bayham Health and Safety Committee minutes of meeting held N... Page 33 of 105 Page 34 of 105 ' 0tû ¡elßt4 al ttre Sli/ø lon¿l+, h¿n¿lffú frnçrl¿ r*ttt¿ tib fo qnP'r"Á't ua /t"znfþlf "?pr¿"Í,¡"tt l* f*tln çlfut "el ç"tt"r"rr4 ?4¿ rl tla $SOO lîall "øißl þ ft M/I' luä¿rto'ì¿'i'nç eueilf. 'Û/txouçl t/to ut¿?Puú el tal*'t/nah' aná ,rç"-t "tl"ttt t¿b f*t ø, eü'!!'í¿ 4'4çef¿ ara,t anhherræá l/rù, WJ ol øathq eäouçh h 4eú¿ eh¿+ a&¿ /æ'/þ {antþ ø' o t r*/"tþt uaüfiffi t6çell4'"''lhørù ptt", ø2p itr. Plt* þ ø øut¿tê ¿P'¿"? tlt O/ø¿úna¿ l.loa¿inÊ¿. ßça¿tt,l/taÁ¿ ï*" þ,;tff-t t¡m ?4/, alß.r? t"ill' lll ç#t al aücrr¿, ara¿p etu¿ryfó ¿àøn¿"t øne tnnø' Correspondence received from the Stoyles family, Cindy's Ang... Page 35 of 105 Page 36 of 105 MEMO To: Mayor and Members of Council Municipality of Bayham From: Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date: Steno: File No: November 27,2008 dd 3404-409 Subject: Follow Up to Public Open House held October 29,2008 re: Official PIan 5 Year Review 1) The purpose of this memo is to provide Council with a status report on the Province's review of the draft Official Plan Five Year Review amendments; as well as provide a summary and follow-up recommendations based on the public open house for the OP Review held on October 29, 2008. The public open house allowed the public to view all of the proposed text and mapping changes that the Municipality is pursuing as part of the OP Review. The Public Open House fulfills the Planning Act requirements (Section 17[f6]) to give the public an opportunity to "review and ask questions" about the proposed amendment. 2) According to the sign-in sheets at the open house, 27 persons were in attendance. A brief presentation was given before allowing the public to view the draft text and map amendments freely. As a result of the open house, several requests and/or further revisions were brought forward. These are as follows: Section c) - The issue of whether this policy is redundant was asked to be addressed. The policy states that no more than one severance of a surplus farm dwelling shall be allowed from a farm parcel regardless of changes in boundary or ownership. The policy is meant to restrict the number of non-farm dwellings that could be severed from any one farm parcel and thereby limit the potential impacts on farming operations in the long-term. The resulting issue is that when a farmer purchases a parcel of land with two or more surplus dwellings on it, he can only sever one and is left to rent or remove any remaining dwellings. However, if the policy is removed there is a potential for a larger number of non-farm residential lots being established in prime agricultural areas. Given, that the policy maintains the intent of protecting agricultural land from non-farm uses, and that there are certain instances where allowing the severance of more than one dwelling would be desirable, it is not recommended to Memo from IBI Group dated November 27, 2008 - Follow Up to t... Page 37 of 105 Mayor and Members of Gouncil Municipality of Bayham 2 November 27, 2008 remove this clause. However, the clause could be reworded to impart flexibility under specific circumstances. A suggested rewording is as follows: "Generally, no more than one severance of a surplus farm dwelling shall be allowed from a farm parcel regardless of changes in boundary or ownership. Where a proponent demonstrates that there will be no impacts to surrounding agricultural uses, and in keeping with all other agricultural policies, Council may consider an additional severance of a surplus farm dwelling by site-specific amendment to the Zoning ByJaw." Schedule "4" Hamlet designation expansions (North Hall) - Requests were made by two landowners to extend the North Hall hamlet boundary southwards along Culloden Road on both the east and west sides of the road. The proposed changes would result in one additional one lot on the east side, and an additional 4-5 lots on the west side. Both proposals have merit, insomuch as they were originally considered for inclusion within the North Hall hamlet boundary. However, they are beyond the limits of existing development and may compromise our arguments for offsetting new growth boundaries with simultaneous re-designation of land for agricultural purposes. lt is important to remember that there is no quantitative justification for any growth boundary expansions. Should Council wish to pursue these additions, we could support their inclusion, but would consider them as final candidates for inclusion if the Province asks for reductions. Schedule "4" Special Policy Area No. 1 expansion (Elliot Road) Further requests were made to expand the Elliot Road Special Policy Area south of Talbot Line to include seven (7) existing residential lots and add sufficient lands for an additional two (2) residential lots at the south end of the Memo from IBI Group dated November 27, 2008 - Follow Up to t... Page 38 of 105 Mayor and Members of Gouncil Municipality of Bayham -3-November 27,2008 3) 4) extension fronting onto Elliot Road. We did not support thís extension as the two new proposed lots would be south of the limits of existing development. The impacts to surrounding agricultural uses would be minor insomuch as there are no livestock operat¡ons within the vicinity of the area, and the actual amount of cropland taken out of production is minor. Should Council wish to include these lands, the same provisos regarding the North Hall expansion above would be applicable (ie, final candidacy for growth). Schedule "A" minor changes - lt was noted that the Lakeshore Road right-of-way and corresponding County Road labelling are incorrect and will need to be revised. This is a technical matter and will be reflected in any future drafts. Schedule "B" Straffordville minor changes - lt was noted the Fifth Street public right-of- way is shown incorrectly; by not including the entire public portion east of what is currently shown. This will be corrected in future drafts. Also, there is a possible omission of an industrial property on Alward Street. The property is zoned Village lndustrial (M4), but designated "Residential" in the Official Plan. Given that the surrounding land uses are all residential, the long term intent may be for residential uses, while the zoning permits the existing uses to continue in the meantime. As such, further discussion with Council and the landowner should be undertaken before any changes occur. There is nothing preventing the landowner from pursuing industrial activities at the current time. It should also be noted that concern from one member of the public was raised over the inclusion of the New England Special Policy Area, citing potential traffic-related concerns, lt is our opinion that the existing driveways in the area, and the addition of approximately 4-5 new residential driveways in this area, will not have a negative impact on tratfic in this area. With respect to the current draft of the Official Plan amendments, the Province received the package for review on September 16, 2008. Follow-ups have indicated that the deadline for various ministry comments to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is December 20, 2008. We have requested that comments are forwarded to us as soon as they are received by MMAH staff. Memo from IBI Group dated November 27, 2008 - Follow Up to t... Page 39 of 105 Mayor and Members of Council Municipality of Bayfiam -4-November 27,2008 5) Based on the Provincial timelines, it is expected that we w¡ll have a clear indication as to when we may move forward with a public meeting and subsequent adoption of the Official Plan amendments early in the new year. 7¿t'Ll IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Gonsulting Planner to the Munieipality of Bayham J13404\409 OP Revieu^PTlvlfollow_upJroh2008-'1 1 I 8.doc\20081 1 -2nDD Memo from IBI Group dated November 27, 2008 - Follow Up to t... Page 40 of 105 Page 41 of 105 Page 42 of 105 \". ,t /.¡l àoof - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council Date: Dec 18, 2008 FROM: Drainage Superintendent File: DR2008-025 SUBJECT: Petition for Drainage ( John Stewart) €O1 Purpose: This report is to present to Council the Petition filed with the Clerk, of the Municipality of Bayham, on Dec 11, 2008. The petition is for a drainage works for lands owned by John Stewart. Background: Section 4(1) of the Drainage Act provides for a petition for the drainage by means of a drainage works of an arca requiring drainage as described in the petition may be filed with the clerk of the local municipality in which the areais situate by: (a) The majority in number of the owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll of lands in the area, including the owners of any roads in the area: (b) The owner or owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of lands in the area representing at least 600/o of the hectarage in the area; (c) Where a drainage works is required for a road of part thereof, the engineer, road superintendent or person having jurisdiction over such road or part, despite subsection 61(5); (d) Where a drainage works is required for the drainage of lands used for agricultural pu{poses, the Director. The Drainage Act provides that Council must give consideration to the petition and, within thirty days (Section 5.1.a) of the filing, decide whether or not it will proceed. If Council decides not to proceed then written notice of its decision must be sent to each petitioner. A petitioner may appeal to the Ontario Drainage Tribunal if Council decides not to proceed, or if Council does not act on the petition within 30 days. It may be difficult for Council to make a decision on the validity of the petition as it is based on definition of the "aÍea requiring drainage". Initiall¡ the petitioner(s) define this area on the petition they submit, however the area must be defined by an engineer at the "on-site meeting" to determine the validity of the petition. Staff Report DR2008-025 regarding Petition for Drainage (Joh... Page 43 of 105 Staff Report DR2008-025 December 18,2008 If the Municipality decides to proceed then written notice of its decision must be given to (Section 5.16): (a) eachpetitioner;(b) the Clerk of each local municþality that maybe affected;(c) the Conservation Authority that maybe affected;(d) the Ministry of Natural Resources;(e) The Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs. The Municipality must appoint an engineer within sixty days (Section 8.3) of giving notice to proceed. The choice of engineer is the decision of Council. When appointed by Council to prepare a report on the drainage work, the engineer is to file said report within six (6) months (Section 39.1) of the appointment. Following the appointment the engineer must (Section 9.1) cause the Municipal Clerk to send a written notice, specifying the time and place of an "on-site meeting". The notice must be served seven days prior to the proposed site meeting. Staff Comments: The land in question for drainage is Part of Lot 27 Con 9 in the Municþality of Bayham. The area requiring drainage is on the north side of Eden Line, west of the village of Eden. The petitioner is proposing to sever two sections of land for future residential development. A condition of severance is to provide adequate drainage, therefore, the petition for drainage through the Drainage Act is submitted. Recommendations: THAT Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the filing with the Clerk of the Petition for drainage works by John Stewart. AND THAT Staff Report DRjl008-025 regarding the petition for drainage be received. AND TIIAT Council wishes to proceed with this matter and appoints Spriets Associates, Engineers, to prepare a preliminary report on the proposed drainage area, pursuant to Section 5 of the Drainage Act, for Council's consideration. Respectfully submitted, Drainage Superìntendent Staff Report DR2008-025 regarding Petition for Drainage (Joh... Page 44 of 105 l; .. a-._t-_-:: nr.. 4 1 Îi": l:'t, i ¡-L!-;Munlclpðl World Ltmtted, St. -f homas, Ontarlo Form No, 236-A ,arrulPETITION FOR DRAINAGE \'iTORK We, being owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of lands in ttre zv\Up tc t P,4Ltd -ì"r ÞAf ltÀl'\ in r.he C o ur r-.f of ÉL 6-t sl , re<¡uirirrg clrairrage, hereby petition that the area more particularly described as rottows: ñ L(>l 2l r)cscribc rhc rrcr b¡,Coss Q , Tr+ú Sclrz ti t-Õ@lco ¡¡ o F lrttÎ Lol t f i . .,_,. ilLli,ì¡],$". ?ø" Poscq -cs T3É- r)oun(¡s, llv lrr¡ cach lotSø rI {-\-rLEô nnd ¡rirrt of lot, nunrbcr of co¡rccs- siorr o¡ slrect, and tcres in each lot or prìrt of lot. i-o(L Þflar¡r4cç oç -rt+t< AR€.A I may be draine4 by means of a drainage works. SIGNAT'URIi OF OWNER MUNICIPAI,I'I'Y Staff Report DR2008-025 regarding Petition for Drainage (Joh... Page 45 of 105 Page 46 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 '08 supp tax Dec'08 levy 000206 CONSEIL SCOLAIRE PUBLIC DU '08 supp tax Dec'08 levy MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1210412008 11t11t2008 r Cheque Amount - 11t24t2008 I Cheque Amount - 1111812008 I Cheque Amount - 11/06/2008 I Cheque Amount - 1010712008 I Cheque Amount - 1112812008 I Cheque Amount - 111'1812008 I Cheque Amount - 11t14t2008 I Cheque Amount - 2OOSSUPPLEMENTTAXRATE 12IO4I2OO8 SCHOOL LEVY 0911512008 Cheque Amount - 12t0412008 2:37PM 70.25 005569 OOOO12 A& L CANADA LABORATORIES INC. 8311417 SOIL TESTS OOOO18 A.G HAYTER CONTRACTING LTD Job No. 205207 000026 ABS CANADA 807020 RICHMOND OUTLET DRAIN REPAIR KIT, BEARINGS OOOO34 AGO INDUSTRIES INC 369575 SAFETYCLOTHING 001229 AYLMER & AREA CHAMBER AGM TICKET OOOO75 AYLMER EXPRESS renew subsøipt SUBSCRIPTION 001231 CENTRAL ELGIN FIRE RESCUE 034/08 NEWCARTECH COURSE OOO189 CITYTREASURER 78320 PUMPSAND HYDRAULICS OOO2O5 CONSEIL SCOLAIRE DE DISTRICT 46,305.00 925.82 70.25 46,305.00 005570 005571 005572 005573 005574 005576 925.82 351.77 744 351.77 40.00 40.00 38.85 38.85 168.00 005575 168.00 220.00 220.00 575.06 005577 1,063.98 005577 2OO8 SUPPLEMENT TAX RATES SCHOOL LEVY 1210412008 09/15/2008 c I 1,639,04 -30.08 005578 709.22 005578 Cheque Amount - OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN '08 supp tax 2008 SUPPLEMENT TAX RATES 1210412008 INOOOOIOSSo 4TH QUARTER LEVY 1111312008 679.14 45,008.80 005579 s66,508.00 005s79 OOO219 COYLE &GREERAWARDS Gheque Amount -611,516.80 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 47 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1210412008 11t24t2008 I Cheque Amount - 1'U30t2008 r Cheque Amount - 11t20t2008 I Cheque Amount - 1110912008 I Cheque Amount - 12t04t2008 r Cheque Amount - 1111812008 I Cheque Amount - 1210112008 I Cheque Amount - 1111912008 I Cheque Amount - I I I Cheque Amount - 1?/0312008 12t04t2008 Cheque Amount - 12t04t2008 2:37PM 005582 005583 005585 005586 05r0't5t 000218 cuPE LOCAL 35 OcUNov remit OO1O22 DELLCANADAINC. 707010002715330 OO1I10 DOUGANDERSON reimburse - boots 00000't DPoc 060 KEY CHAINS UNION DUES COMPUTER WORKBOOTS POSTAGE OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC t85721-0 CRIMPS. HOSES OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER OOOO15O1O3 MONTHLYRENTAL OO1016 FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 9397 CALIBRATETRUCKS OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS22il2 SUPPLIES ONTIS2273O HOLE SAW ONTIS228O5 GOGGLES 001457 FRED & SUSAN HERMANN refund MUNICIPAL DRAIN #1 BR'Æ reimburse øedit CREDIT ON TAX ACCT OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518346971 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 1'II27I2OO8 I Cheque Amount - 001458 GEORGE'S AUTO REPAIRS 474.62 470.62 686.66 00558'l 686.66 2,035.30 163.83 2,100.00 005584 2,100.00 126.59 126.59 106.58 106.58 435.05 005587 604.55 781.92 005589 1,054.06 005589 1,835.98 190.34 005590 190.34 62.15 005591I 06791/'S EMISSION TEST 12t02t2008 r Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 48 of 105 2008.08.r9 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1210412008 10679715 EMISSION TEST 1210212008 Cheque Amount - 001464 HEINZ &DEBRAMAEHLER reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCT 121A4120A8 I Cheque Amount - 001465 JACOB & ELISABETH BERGEN reimburse credit CREDITON TAXACCT 1210412008 r Cheque Amount - 001466 JANET&GLENNALLEN reimburse credit CREDITON TAXACCT 12t04t2008 I Cheque Amount - OO14I3 JOHAN & KATHARINA PENNER reimburse credit 001460 JOHN REIMER refund CREDITON TAXACCT 1210412008 I Cheque Amount - REFUND GRADING DEPOSIT 1Aæt2008 I Cheque Amount - 001462 JONATHON & KATHY-JO BLONDEEL reimburse øedit CREDIT ON TAXACCT 1U0412008 I Cheque Amount - OOO518 KWIK KOPY PRINTING 23787 GARBAGE COLLECTION FLYERS 12IO2I2OO8 I Cheque Amount - OOO5I9 KYLE KRUGER amct conf toll charge Cheque Amount - OOO529 LAND IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTORS lnv'10 CONFERENCE & 2009 MEMBERSH 't1t12t2}Og I Gheque Amount - OOO552 LONDON DISTRICT CATHOLIC 2OO8 SUPPLEMENT TAX RATE 12IO4I2OO8 36.75 1210412008 2:37PM 005592 005593 005594 005æ5 005596 005597 005598 005599 005599 005600 98.90 158.00 158.00 683.42 't00.00 150.50 150.50 500.00 500.00 375.r6 375.16 258.54 258.54 294.56 19.16 CONFERENCE 't210412008 407 TOLL CHARGE - MEETING 1111412008 SCHOOL LEVY 09/1 5/2008 Cheque Amount - 03t19t2008 I 313.72 256.50 c I OOO555 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION -05076 4TH QUARTER LEVY 39,929.32 12,096,00 005602 Cheque Amount -12,096.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 49 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1210412008 OOO574 MARGARET UNDERHILL receipts REIMBURSE - VOL AWARDS SUPP 1112812008 I Cheque Amount - 00061O MINISTER OF FINANCE licence plates LICENCE PLATES - RENEWAL 12IO4I2OO8 I Cheque Amount - 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN 1011041r363 SUPPLIES - VOL AWARDS 1'U2712008 I Cheque Amount - OOOEIS NORFOLKCOUNTY 9762 DRAIN MAINTENANCE 1112512008 I Cheque Amount - 000658 oMERS 04100 Oct/Nov 000685 PATWATTERS boots/coveralls reimburse 000694 PAULGROENEVELD chief conference 000692 PAULROY reimburse credit OCT/NOVREMIT 11t30t2008 I Cheque Amount - MID TERM CONFERENCE 1112812008 I Cheque Amount - CREDIT ON TAX ACCT Gheque Amount - OOOTIO PORTBURWELLHOME HARDWARE 6406 PRESSUREGUAGE 12t04t2008 005604 005605 00s606 005607 005609 2:37PM 56.22 005603 5,860.00 85.18 85.'18 909.75 909.75 28,'t31.29 BOOTS / COVERALLS DRIVERS MEDICAL 28,131.29 237.28 005608 't20.00 005608 Cheque Amount -357.28 587.09 12t0ø.t2008 I 587.09 114.01 005610 6419 6427 I I I 1 i OOO727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 403673994 ANTIFREEZE GLOVES COURIERSERMCE CREDIT ON TAXACCT CREDIT ON TAXACCT Cheque Amount - 11t14t2008 r 64.08 18.69 005612 001463 RICHARD & KAREN WOOD reimburse credit reimburse tax Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount -923.21 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 50 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1210412008 1?læ12008 I Cheque Amount - 1'/0412008 I Cheque Amount - I I I I Cheque Amount - 12t04t2008 2:37PM 001459 R|CK POSTTLL refund CREDIT ON WS ACCT OO146I RONALDALLENSEN reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAXACCT 194.39 0056'14 194.39 225.20 005615 000806 SGSCANADAtNC I 031 9636 1 031 9637 1 031 9638 10320249 OOO8I4 SÍFTO CANADA INC 72103352 72103490 LAB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES BULK HIGHWAY COARSE BULK HIGHWAY COARSE f 122/2008 1112412008 1,542.45 2,483.71 005617 5,299.56 005617 Cheque Amount - OO1O35 SMITH AND SON GROUNDS MAINTENANCE #6 Ocf08 CEMETERY CARE 11t28t2008 I Cheque Amount - 000826 SOUTHVVEST CHAPTER OF THE OBOA 190 2OO9 MEMBERSHIP FEES 1210212008 I Cheque Amount - OO1062 SPICERS BAKERYOFAYLMERLTD 005602 FULL SLAB CAKE - VOL AWARDS 1112812008 I Cheoue Amount - OOO879 THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL '08 supp tax Dec'08 levy Cheque Amount - OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 08-022 PB WATER SYSTEM - OCT'08 1112512008 I Cheque Amount - 001467 TYLERPELLETT reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCT 12t04t2008 r Cheque Amount - 001394 WALLIS RESIDENTIAL HOMES 7,783.27 1,680.00 005618 I,680.00 30.00 005619 30.00 35.95 005620 2OO8 SUPPLEMENT TAX RATES SCHOOL LEVY 1210412008 I 0911512008 I 35.95 6,028.59 005621 293,953.57 005621 005622 005623 25,680.06 854.52 854.52 005624cred¡t - tax REIMBURSE CREDIT 't2t04t2008 I 588.02 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 51 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 12104n008 1210412008 2:37PM 000986 WORKPI.ACE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314 remit OCT & NOV,0B REMTT OOO99O ZAP'S TREE AND LAWN SERVICE OOOOI2O4 TREE REMOVAL Cheque Amount - 11t16t2008 I Cheque Amount -1,958.25 Cheque Run Total -1,106,610.30 Cheque Amount - 11t30t2008 I 588,02 3,319.00 3,319.00 1,958.25 005626 Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 52 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211112008 000009 843002 oNTARro tNc 11050931 GRAVEL 12t0112008 I 1.444.9'1 005627 Cheque Amount - 1,444.91 OOOO19 A.J. STONE COMPANYLTD 0000088487 RESCUE ROPE 11t25t2008 I 154.53 005628 0000088559 STEEL CARABTNER 11t2712008 I 323.66 005628 0000088560 REscuE RopE 11t27t2008 I 176.18 005628 Cheque Amount - 654.37 OOOO44 ALISAR AGGREGATES INC 20033461 WTNTER SAND 11t30t2008 I 1,660.77 005629 Cheque Amount - 1,660.77 OOOO52 AMTELECOM COMMUNICATIONS 0060257907Dece INTERNET- OFFICE 1210112008 I 81.85 005630 0060341982Dece INTERNET- EDISON MUSEUM 1210112008 I 45.10 005630 0060408229Dece INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM 1210112008 I 45.10 005630 0060493387Dec INTERNET- GARAGE 1210112008 I 28.30 005630 519866349'lDece TELEPHONE - S.C.C. 1210112008 I 82.91 005630 5198665521Dece MONTHLY TELEPHONE 1210112008 I 1,208.42 005630 ChequeAmount- 1,49'1.68 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM - ad-winterweather WINTERIflÉ+TFÍER AD 1112812008 I 30.o0 005æ1 Cheoue Amount -30.00 OOOO9I BARRYR. CARD 212011-16 LEGAL SERVICES 212012-16 LEGAL SERVICES OO,I468 BRUCE HANSFORD 20 TREE REMOVAL 10t17t2008 I 420.00 005633 Cheque Amount - 420.00 OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 4756 WIPER & DOOR REPAIR 1110312008 I 136.46 005634 4783 BRAKES 11t07t2008 I 1,111.72 005634 4855 LOF 11t18t2008 I 44.02 005634 4884 T|RE REPATR 11t2012008 I '16.95 005634 4922 BRAKES, W|PERS, LOF 11t2512008 I 2,062.54 005634 Cheque Amount - 3,371.69 OOOI54 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 108699 WATER BOTTLES 1210112008 I 72.00 005635 1211112008 1:40PM 12t0112008 I 1,775.03 005632 12t01t2008 t 217.35 005632 Cheque Amount - 1,992.38 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 53 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 001206 CHRIS MARTIN purchase 000220 cJDL 4861 4891 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211112008 1211112008 1:40PM Cheque Amount -72.00 TRANSMISSION FLUID 't2l't0t2008 I 23.32 005636 Cheque Amount -23.32 SEPTAGE RECE|VTNG STATTON 11t2612008 I 3,840.32 005637 oENTRE STREET DRATN 12t01t2008 I 1.603.35 005637 Cheque Amount - 5,443.67 OOOI99 COCA-COLA BOTTLING LTD 5570461't PREMTX 11t17t2008 I 563.98 005638 ChequeAmount- 563.98 OOOlOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 21392190 PLANNERS, PENS, pApER CLtpS 11t21t2008 I 90.68 005639 Cheque Amount - 90.68 OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN #100 Edison Museum 2009 TOURISM MEMBERSHIP 11t19t2OOB I IOO.OO 005640 100 marine museum 2009 TouRlsM MEMBERSHIP 1111912008 I 100.00 005640 1N000010828 DECEMBER POLTCE SERVTCES 12t\2t2o\8 I 56.525.20 005640 Cheque Amount - 56,725.20 OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 10257 HYDRO EXCAVATE 11t14t2008 I 1,543.50 00s641 Cheque Amount - 1,543.50 OOO25O DEL-BAC SALES LIMITED 196'193 SUppLtES 12t15t2o18 I 405.90 005642 Cheque Amount- 405.90 OOO255 DEREHAM FORGE 29216 PLAQUES, BRASS PLATES 11t28t2o}B I 504.66 005643 Cheque Amount - 504.66 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS22975 EYEWASH BOWL ONTIS23O97 SAFETYGLASSES 001244 FIRE FIGHTING IN CANADA '09 subsøiption SUBSCRTPTTON 11t27t2008 I 339.91 005644 12t03t2008 I 4.05 005644 CheoueAmount- 343.96 12t10t2008 I 26.25 005645 Cheque Amount - 26.25 001227 FUTURETRANSFERCO, INC. 33259 MANTFOLD TEE, CLAMPS 11119t2008 I 62.18 005646 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 54 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211112008 1211112008 1:40PM Cheque Amount - 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90185476 ALUM SULFATE 0056471111412008 I 62.18 498.57 Cheque Amount - 000376 GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH, property purchase LOT 124 PARTS 1&3 Rp1 1R6242 1210912008 purchase property LOT 124 PARTS 2,5,&6 RPI l RS2l S l2lOgl2OOB Cheoue Amount - OOO391 GREG COLE purchase AIR CHISEL 12110t2008 I Cheque Amount - 001219 GROUP 3 SCREEN PRINT 5747 SIGN FOR EDISONFEST 1210312008 I Cheoue Amount - 001258 HENNESY GIBSON HOGAN 498.57 3,138.75 005648 3,138.75 005648 282.50 282.50 005650 6,277.50 282.50 005649 005651 005651 005651 50727 50728 50729 LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 11t26t2008 11t26t2008 1'112612008 282.50 388.80 431.92 407.23 Cheque Amount -1,227.95 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 0'1181-23005Dece UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE 0657144066Dece UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER 12650-9'1004Dece UTILITIES-PUMP#8 18850-12458Dece UTILITIES - PB L{BRARY 18971-44027Dece UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER 18971-52001Dece UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP 25250-12302Deæ UTILITIES - OPP BLDG 28799-40004Dece UTÍLITIES-PUMP#1 34853-01007Dec UTILITIES - BEACH WSHRMS 3579543000Dece UTILITIES - PUMP#6 43850-12451Dece UTILITIES - PB CENTENN PARK 50250-12458Dece UTILITÍES - MARTNE MUSEUM 50370-20077Dec¡e UTILITIES - VIENNA LTBRARY 56450-12330Dece UTILITIES - BOAT |-AUNCH 62770-20225Deæ UTILITIES - VIENNA MEM PARK 75250-'12272Deæ UTILITIES - PB LIGHTHOUSE 87770-20012Deæ UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM 93850-12278Dece UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL 93850-91019Dece UTILITIES-PUMP#7 12t01t2008 1210412008 12t02t2008 12t02t2008 12t01t2008 1210212008 12t03t2008 12101t2008 12t02t2008 1?J0412008 1210212008 12t02t2008 1210412008 1210312008 12t04t2008 12t02t2008 1210212008 1210212008 12t02t2008 60.32 005652 49.38 005652 119.70 005652 186.64 005652 38.80 005652 72.42 005652 10.43 005652 230.13 005652 180.64 005652 541.65 005652 17.20 005652 49.51 005652 165.35 005652 39.04 005652 114.45 005652 52.35 005652 70.06 005652 139.13 005652 63.19 005652 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 55 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211112008 93970-203420ece OOO498 KEN SPROUL 3757 uTtLtTtEs - v.c.c.1210212008 220.21 005652 SNOWPLOWING 11t30t2008 I 005653 Cheque Amount - 1211112008 1:40PM Cheque Amount -2,420.60 614.25 OOO51O KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 1-18015 1 -1 8069 1 -1 8085 1-181 55 1-18227 1-18347 1-'t8370 1-18443 1-18455 1-18469 1 -1 8540 1-18545 't-18657 1-18676 17144 1/1öö 1 7586 I 7590 17728 179',t8 17849 17897 17944 1 7959 OOO5I3 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 14034 14035 14036 14037 614.25 42.16 005654 23.68 005654 37.09 005654 56.41 005654 60.58 005654 2.60 005654 4.62 005654 17.77 005654 10.31 005654 16.54 005654 12.'19 005654 14.44 005654 101.54 005654 25.03 005654 40.87 005654 ENAMEL, GRAVELGUARD FILTER WIRES WIPER PARTS AGC BOX otL GLOVES PARTS WIRE TIE STRAPS SOCKET, FIáSH CLEANER, ARMORALL, PART BLADE, WASHER FLUID OIL. FILTER -f{101't2o0g T T2.41 BRUSH 11t10t2008 I 5.41 78.1 6 9.74 19.13 I 1.19 254.10 22.30 50.1'l THREAD, GREASE. BRAKECLEAN 11I1OI2OO8 I Cheque Amount - 11t18t2008 I 1111912008 I 11t19t2008 I 11120t2008 I 11121t2008 I 1'v24t2008 f 11t24t2008 I 1112512008 I 1112512008 I 11t25t2008 I 1112612008 I 11t26t2008 I 1',v28t2008 I '1112812008 I 1'.v01t2008 I GASKET MAKER GROMMETS TAPE LIGHTS, GROMMETS PLUG OIL STABILIZER BANNERS & DECORATIONS STL - PORT BURWELL STL - STRAFFORDVILLE STL - EDEN 11t12t2008 I 11114t2008 I 11t14t2008 I 1111512008 I 11117t2008 I 11117t2008 I 00565- 005654 005654 005654 005654 005654 005654 005654 005654 11t26t2008 1112812008 1'v28t2008 11128t2008 928.78 893.87 005655 299.69 005655 286.60 005655 953.00 005655 I I I I OO137O LAFARGE PAVING & CONSTRUCTION Cheque Amount -2,433.16 355.95 00565611139745ASPHALT11t27t2008 I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 56 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211112008 Cheque Amount - 1211112008 1:40PM OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY OI GAS - RESCUE UNIT 05 '08 COKE BOTTLES 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN 10110413924 SUPPLIES 000620 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 09 membership 2OO9 MEMBERSHIP 000627 MURRAYS HEATING & AIR 4211 001447 NOVACKS, 900194 000655 OHSCANADA TC: E09 428 SERVICE TO FURNACE PANTS, SHIRTS SUBSCRIPTION Cheque Amount - 12t08t2008 r 19.84 005658 Cheque Amount -19.84 100.001210812008 I 005659 Cheque Amount - 1112712008 I 206.85 005660 Cheque Amount -206.85 't1t07t2008 I 98.23 005661 Cheque Amount -98.23 't111212008 I 100.28 005662 355.95 40.00 005657 29.69 005657 69 69 100.00 000694 PAULGROENEVELD 043667 READERS-C. GROENEVELD 30.00 005663 000699 PERRYGRANT mileage OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 341378 341379 341 380 5108 51 l0 NOVOS CLEANING NOV'08 CLEANING - V.C.C. NOVOS CLEANING - S.C.C. CULVERT, COUPLERS CATCH BASIN. RISERS 1111U2008 r Gheque Amount - MILEAGE FOR FIRE DEPT BUSINE. PIA4I2OOï I Cheque Amount - 30.00 424.35 005664 005666 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Dece4Sl 60500009541 T6COMPUTER PARTS OOO747 REID'S PRE-CAST CEMENT PRODUCT Cheque Amount - 1210412008 r 3,109.00 142.80 Cheque Amount -142.80 811.93 005667 336.74 005667 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 57 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Regíster - 1211112008 51 16 RISERS 1110412008 I 133.34 005667 Cheque Amount - OOO8í4 SIFTO CANADA INC 72104617 BULK HIGHWAY COARSE 11t27t2008 I Cheque Amount - OOI2OO TODD MCMILLAN m¡leage 12t04t2008 I Cheque Amount - OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCKI296 SIGNALS 12t01t2008 I 005670 Cheque Amount - OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. 1810't3086 I 81 03861 I Cheque Amount -84.80 104,529.47 OOO945 VANBREE DRAINAGE & BULLDOZING certificate 2 LIGHT LINE CULVERT 1210912008 I 005672 Cheque Amount -104,529.47 11.30 OOO953 VIENNA HOME CENTER LTD 1,282.01 2,641.63 1211112008 1:40PM 005668 005669 2,641.63 50.40MILEAGE TO FILL SCBA CYL HEAVY DUTY HOSE FLASHLIGHTS. BROOM 50.40 560.98 11t25t2008 1112012008 560.98 39.54 005671 45.26 005671 00001 78595 331392 331437 331 589 331 652 331747 331824 332251 CAPS STONE MIX COUPLINGS, CEMENT MIX POST POSTS PLYWOOD, BRUSH, CEMENT MIX SEWER PIPE GLOVES 11126t2008 I 11t04t2008 11t05t2008 11t08t2008 1111012008 11t12t2008 1'U14t2008 1112612008 13.53 8.31 11.57 80.99 87.24 15.24 12.42 240.60 85.46 005673 005673 005673 005673 005673 005673 005673 005673 005674 inc\.<{..-d a r.¡o Ì4- 1 nrre ù,ø OOO954 VIKING CIVES LTD 26'12999 SEAL KtT OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD 00001 78369 00001 78376 00001 7841 8 0000178422 00001 78473 00001 78483 Cheque Amount - 11t28t2008 I MUD FLAPS, SHRINKTUBE FITTINGS SNOW PLOWWHIP HEATED MIRROR PARTS PRONGS, SILICONE, GROMMETS Cheque Amount -85.46 43.17 005675 5.79 005675 144.55 005675 37.28 005675 33.89 005675 37.91 005675 11103t2008 1110312008 1110712008 1110712008 1111312008 11t14t2008 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 58 of 105 2008,08.'t9 6.3 9050 OO1O59 WLLIAM KNIFTON membership MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Aecounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211'112008 1211112008 1:40PM MUFFLER CLAMP REPLACE PINION SEAL. OIL BROKEN COOI.ANT HOSE WRES, JUNCTION BOX REIMBURSE PAYMENT I I I I 000966 WEBER'S WELDING & MFG 1 3061 PIPE & VENTS FOR TANK 000969 WESTBURNE RUDDY ONTARIO 2274691 LTGHTS 2348324 BULBS 9722228 CREDTT |NVO|CE Cheque Amount - 12104t2008 I 2,316.07 1,590.87 005676 I I c 1,590.87 25.76 45.43 -37.58 005678 Gheque Amount - 12110t2008 r 33.6r 204.52 Cheque Amount -204.52 Cheque Run Total -210,114.32 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 59 of 105 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211112008 11126t2008 11t26t2008 1110412008 1110512008 't1t08t2008 11t10t2008 (n2/2008 11t14t2008 1112612008 1211112008 3:51PM 00001 78595 00001 78595a 331392 331437 331 589 331652 331747 331824 332251 CAPS REVERSE INVOICE STONE M¡X COUPLINGS, CEMENT MIX POST POSTS PLWVOOD, BRUSH, CEMENT MIX SEWER PIPE GLOVES 11.30 005679 -11,30 005679 13.53 005679 8.31 005679 11.57 005679 80.99 005679 87.24 005679 't5.24 005679 12.42 005679 I c I I I I I I I OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD 0000178s95 CAPS Cheque Amount - 11t26t2008 r 229.30 11 .30 005680 Cheque Amount -11.30 Cheque Run Total -240.60 OOO953 VIENNAHOME CENTER LTD I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 60 of 105 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 007857 Accounts Pa!¡able Voided Gheoue 0l-0100-1030 2008 12 12/11/2008 cDtsT 0l-010G1950 2008 12 l2tlll2008 cDtsT PostedBy SANDRA one invoiæ not heirs one invoiee not lheirs Void Chq: 5ô73 VIENNA HOME CENTER L Vold Ghq: 5673 MENNA HOME CENTER L Tôtel Debits Tohl Credits Net Postng Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 61 of 105 SORI{ IIUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAH TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 9 ,45? . t5 ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGTESDAILY UPDATE REPORlCO].IPANY TOTALS ADJ UST - CR CURRENT TOTAL 9,A5?.L5 389.60 | ,5t2 . A4 I ,055.06 L2 ,7A7 ,65 38,807.85 50.00 58,857.83 5L , 6q5 .4A I 09.52 8.47 5L ,7 60 .27 SERVICE CHARGES ADJUST -DR RUN: DEC 2 2008 N0: APAGE: I08IGST REG: 100057415 RT0OOq COHPANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: DEC S, 2008 DATE 0F PAY: DEC 5, ZOOS YTD TOTAL 232,34L.76 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 37 ,2A9.4A EI CONT QPIP95,45A.5q cAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 25,8O7 .93 0N EHT I..IB HET NL HAPSET 390,A97 .7L T0T STATS s8,847 .74 CHEQUES 956,7L5.25 DEPOSITS US DEPS I ,25O. OO DED DEPS 996,AL?.99 T0T NPAY RRSP RTI L,397 ,7LO.7O TOT PAYROL 3,L94.25 SERV CHRG 160.7A GST PST I ,59I , 065.73 GRAND TOT UNITS I CHARGE 46.00 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT 1'IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS I TS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT 589.60 L,5L2.84 I ,053. 06 L2,787 .65 38,807.85 50.00 38, 857. 83 5L , 645 .48 r09,52 4.47 5t ,7 60 .27 YTD ADJUST I TEI.I PAYROLL RUNS ITEI{ UNITS SALARIED WORKPAYS 19 PAY ADVICE FOLD 51 TOTAL S,/C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS CHARGE 28. 88 6.20 ANALYSIS OF I TEI{ l{oURLY l¡T0RKPAYS COURIER FEE r09.52 UNITS L2 1 CHARGE t4.24 10.00 5L,760.27 DEEIT INFORMATI0N: 003 05102 10I1925 Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusiv... Page 62 of 105 Page 63 of 105 Page 64 of 105 Long Point Region Conservation Authority AtÞ RR#3, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K2 . Tel: (519) 428-4623 . Fax: (519) 428-1520 E-mail: conservation@lprca.on.ca . Web Site: www.lprca.on.ca December 5, 2008 File 1.4.1 Lynda Millard, Clerk Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd, PO Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Lynda: Re: Lonq Point Reqion Conservation Authoritv Budset 2009 After careful consideration at its Budget Meeting of December 4h, 2008, the Board of Directors for the Long Point Region Conservation Authority approved the final 2009 Operating and Capital Budgets, attached as Appendix 1 and 2 respectively. The total individual 2009 levies for each Municipality are attached as Appendix 3 and represent a decrease in general operating support levels of on average 4.8 percent compared to the 2A08 approved Operating Budget. A municipality may appeal to the Mining and Lands Commissioner. The appeal must be commenced within 30 days after the municipality has received its notice from the Authority. The invoice for 2009 in the amount of $44 062 will be forwarded in early 2009 along with a payment schedule. Should you have any further questions please contact Mr. Rlchard Faber, the Manager, Corporate Services at519-4284623 ert.224 or myself. /Secretary-Treasurer. fñ Þ E'ñi"if i"ð cc Paul Ens Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region... Page 65 of 105 APPENDIX 1 Long Point Region Conservation Authority Approved 2009 Operating Budget CORPORATE SUMMARY 2008 Approved 2009 APPROVED o/o OF BUDGET Yo INCREASE PROGRAM Watershed Planning and Technical Services Watershed Flood Control Services Healthy Watershed Services Communication and Development Services Backus Heritage and Education Services Public Forest Lands Management Services Private Forest Lands Management Services Conservation Area Management Services Other Conservation and Land Management Services Corporate Services OBJECTS OF EXPENSES Staff Expenses Staff Related Expenses Materials and Supplies Purchased Services Equipment Other TOTAL EXPENDITURES SOURCES OF REVENUE Municipal Levy - Operating Provincial Grants/Subsidies Federal Grants/Subsidies User Fees Other - lnterest on lnvestments. Miscellaneous Community Support Contribution from Reserves TOTAL REVENUE $ 2,967,350 $3,138,005 $ e1 ,e12 $ $ 159,402 $ $ 202,291 $ $ 114,578 $ $ 401 ,618 $ $ 14e,515 $ $ 218,682 $ $ 472,783 $g 442,997 $ $ 713,572 $ 106,550 211,178 271,364 115,224 400,973 160,996 203,358 513,670 368,770 785,923 3o/o 7% 9% 4% 13o/o 5% 60/o 160/o 12% 25o/o 16% 32o/o 34% 1o/o 0% 8o/o -7% 9o/o -17Yo 10% 100% $ 1,559,294 $ $ 17,400 $ $ 742,474 $ $ 432,965 $ $ 78,000 $ $ 137,217 $ 1,725,813 18,300 733,888 443,473 39,971 55% 1% 23% 14% 1% 11o/o 5o/o -1o/o 2% -49o/o 176.560 60/o 29o/o $ 2,967,350 $3,138,005 100% $ 886,476 $ 175,500 $ 29,366 $ 1,371,237 $ 41,700 $ 445,085 $ 17,986 844,137 141,243 16,600 1,499,411 53,500 442,142 140,972 $ $ $ $ ù Þ Ð 27o/o 5% 'l% 48o/o -4.8o/o -20o/o -43% 9o/o 28%2% 14o/o 4o/o -1% 684% $ 2,967,300 $ 3,138,005 100o/o 5.8% Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region... Page 66 of 105 APPENDIX 2Long Point Region Gonservation AuthorityAPPROVED FIVE YEAR CAPITAL BUDGET 2OO9-20I3CORPORATE SUMMARY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS ECTS OF EXPENSES Wellington Park/Lake George (WEC|) Dam Project (WECI) Major Capital Projects Healthy Watershed Services Major Gapital Projects Roof Replacements Homestead Repaint Grist Mill Exterior Repaint Education Centre Exterior Repaint Education Centre lnterior Replace Ed. Centre Display Lighting Roof Replacement Education Centre Paint Exterior of Education Centre Backus Campsite lmprovements Replace Vault Toilets in Group Camp and Campground A Replace Vault Toilets in Campground D Upgrade 10 Campsites to Serviced GPS Unit Deer Creek - Hydro & Water lnstallation Haldimand - Upgrade Campsite Services Norfolk - Resurface Entrance Road Major Maintenance Projects - Parks Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region... Page 67 of 105 APPENDIX 2PROGRAMS AND PROJECTSECTS OF EXPENSES Vehicle and major equipment replacement Coroorate Services Financial lnformation System New Administration Building ESRI GIS Program Update SWOOP Digital Orthophotography Update Additional Temporary Office Facilities $ 190,000 $ 1,008,000 $ 400,000 MUNICIPAL LEVY - Gapital Grants - Provincial Grants - Federal Community Support Contribution from Reserves Other - TBD NOTES Municipal Levy: GIS Program Update ($3,OOO¡, Additional Office space ($10,000), Backus Upgrades ($130,000), Major VehicteiEquipment Replacement Reserves: GPS Unit ($Z,OOO¡, Backus Campsite lmprovements ($10,000), Conservation Parks Capital lmprovements ($2S,000) Community Support Backus Campsite lmprovements ($10,000) Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region... Page 68 of 105 APPENDIX 3 MUNICIPALITY OPERATING LEVY AMOUNTS CAPITAL TOTAL PER CAPITA LPRCA APPROVED 2OO9 MUNICIPAL LEVY - CONSOLIDATED Haldimand County Norfolk County Nonruich Twp. South-West Oxford Twp. Tillsonburg Total Oxford County Brant County Bayham Municipality Malahide Township lncrease over 2008 Per Capita lncrease over 2008 9122,240 $26,613 $148,852 $126,707 $432,674 $52,625 $18,323 $1 93,1 88 $49,239 $36,176 $27,619 $154,325 $94,312 $526,986 $11,521 $64,146 $3,976 $22,300 $42,110 $235,298 $10,733 $59,972 $7,886 544,062 10.56 9.76 9.35 10.71 10.71 11.88 7.69 10.08$6,152 $1 ,341 $7,4e3 $844,137 $184,000 $1,028,136 ($42,339) ($o'+t ¡ ($1o,ooo¡ ($0.16) ($58,33e) ($o.sz¡ Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region... Page 69 of 105 LPRCA APPROVED 2OO9 MUNICIPAL LEVY. OPERATING Amount of Percentage Municipalitl Year Levy Share of Total Lew* Amount of lncrease 2009 Over 2008 Haldimand County Norfolk County Oxford County* Brant County Bayham Municipality Malahide Township 85,910 90,917 97,671 132,335 126,707 295,031 309,476 329,255 459,068 432,674 139,531 145,772 147,085 200,434 1 93,1 88 32,522 34,638 36,948 51,037 49,239 25,178 26,376 26,924 37,181 36,176 4,663 4,896 4,691 6,421 6,152 14.74o/o 14.84o/o 15.20o/o 14.93% 15.01% 50.62Yo 50.57% 51.24% 51.79% 51.260/o 23.94% 23.82o/o 22.89% 22.61o/o 22.89o/o s.58% 5.66% 5.75o/o 5.76% 5.83% 4.32o/o 4.31o/o 4.19% 4.19o/o 4.29% 0.80% 0.80% 0.73o/o 0.72o/o 0.73o/o 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ($s,oza¡ ($26,3e4) ($7,246) ($1,798) (s1,oo5) ($26e) ($42,339ì " apportionment of levy % based on data provided annually by MNR and based on "CVAU within the watershed. Nofes: 2005 2006 2007 $5.71 per capita $6.03 per capita $6.29 per capita $8.69 per capita Oxford Cou ntv Anportion me nt: Norwich Twp. $ South-West Oxford Twp. .$ 52,625 18,323 122,2402008 2009 $8. t9 Tillsonburg Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region... Page 70 of 105 LPRCA APPROVED 2OO9 MUNICIPAL LEVY. CAPITAL Backus Heritaqe and Education Services Roof Replacement Education Centre Paint Exterior of Education Centre Replace Vault Toilets in Group Camp and Campground A Upgrade 10 Campsites to Serviced Other Conservation and Land Manaoement Services Vehicle and major equipment replacement Corporate Services ESRI GIS Program Update Additional Temporary Office Facilities TOTAL $ 6,154 $ 21,015 $ 2,567 $ eAO $ S,gso $ 22 $ 3,000 $ 7,505 $ 25,628 $ 3,131 $$ 3,002 $ lo,zsl $ 1.2s2 $ $ 6,755 $ 23,065 $ 2,818 $$ 2,252 $ 7,688 $ e39 $ 1,081 $ 7,232 $432 $ 2,893 $ 972 $ 6,509 $ 324 $ 2,170 $ 2,917 $ 2,143 $ 364 $5O,OO0 1,167 $ 857 $ 146 $20,000 2,625 $ 1,SZS $ SZA $45,000875 $ 643 $ 109 $15,000 2,392 $ 1,757 $ 299 $41,000 $ 450 $ 1,538 $$ 1,501 $ 5,126 $ 65$ 434$ 216 $ 1,446 $ 129 $ 429 $ 175 $ 583 $ 188 $ 626 $73 $ 10.000 $ 27,6't9 $ 94,312 $ 11,521 $3,976 $ 26,613 $ 10.733 $7,886 $ 1.341 $184.000 Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region... Page 71 of 105 Page 72 of 105 1".5/$ l CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Administrator SUBJECT: Municipal lnsurance Renewal -2009 DATE: December 15.2008 FILE: L.5.1 NUMBER: L2008-04 Purpose This report is to present and recommend the Municipal lnsurance Program and provider for 2009. Background The Municipality has purchased its insurance needs through Jardine Lloyd Thompson since 2006. Previous to2006, insurance had been with Frank Cowan Company Limited for a number of years. For the 2009 program, Jardine has provided a renewal with apremium of 5106,018, an increase of $1,612 (1.5%) from 2008. Jardine has also provided several options for program enhancements with applicable premium increases should Council be interested. Staff Comments lnsurance limits and deductibles are generally consistent with the 2008 insurance program, with a couple changes in coverage. The Marina Liability section has been altered respecting liability coverage, to clariff that primary liability coverage only applies ($5,000,000). Also, the Owned Automobile coverage will include replacement cots only for vehicles up to and including 20 years old. Older vehicles will be cash value. This does impact three current vehicles, two in the fire department, and one in public works. The fire vehicles impacted however, a¡e scheduled to be replaced in 2009. The Municipality last sought quotations for its insurance needs for the 2007 insurance program. It is suggested that competitive pricing be sought approximately every third year. Attachments 1. Summary of JLT Insurance Program 2009 (including option additions) Recommendations THAT the 2009 Municipal insurance program be obtained from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. in accordance with the offer to renew dated December 11, 2008, at a total premium of $106,018 plus applicable taxes. Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal ... Page 73 of 105 SUMMARY OF COVERAGE LIMITS, DEDUCTIBLES AND PREMIUMS Wrongful Dismissal Extension - reimbursement $250,000 per claim limit for legal expenses $250,000 annual aggregate Deductible, including adjusting expenses $10,000 All Losses per occurrence $10,000 Sewer backuP Per Claimant $5,000 Wrongful Dismissal puBltc oFFtctALs (ERRoRs & oMlssloNs) LlABlLlrY Name of lnsured: Policy Period: COVERAGE DESCRIPTION MUNICIPAL GENERAL LIABILITY Total limit of liability Total limit of liability/Annual Aggregate Deductible EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY Total limit of liability/Annual Aggregate Deductible INCIDENTAL MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Total limit of liability Deductible ABUSE/MOLESTATION Total limit of liability AnnualAggregate Deductible Gorporation of the Municipalitv of Bavham e Named lnsured LIMITS AND DEDUCTIBLES No GeneralAggregate $50,000,000 per occurrence - Primary $5,000,000 - Umbrella $45,000,000 - AnnualAggregate for Products and Completed Operations - Policy Limit $50,000,000 per claim - Primary $5,000,000 - Umbrella $45,000,000 $10,000 each claim $50,000,000 per claim - Primary $5,000,000 - Umbrella $45,000,000 $10,000 each claim No AnnualAggregate $50,000,000 each claim - Primary $5,000,000 - Umbrella $45,000,000 $10,000 each claim $250,000 per claim $500,000 $10,000 each claim Gonfirmation of employee background checks in order to bind this coverage. PageT oî34 Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal ... Page 74 of 105 SUMMARY OF COVERAGES - cont¡nued COVERAGE DESCRIPTION LIMITS AND DEDUCTIBLES LEGAL EXPENSE FOR STATUTE LAW lncluding CONFLICT OF INTEREST Limit per Claim $100,000AnnualAggregate $500,000Deductible $Nil MARINA LIABILITY Total limit of liability/AnnualAggregate $5,000,000$ 100,000 any one Pleasure craft $1,000,000 annual aggregate - pleasure craftDeductible $10,000 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAIRMENT LIABILITY Limit of Liability $2,500,000 any one claimAnnualAggregate $5,000,000 Self lnsured Retention, including allcosts and $10,000 expenses Subject to written confirmation of recent (within 6 months)successful testing or confirmation of removal, within 45 days of binding, of fuel storage tanks. OWNED AUTOMOBILE (including leased vehicles) - No AnnualAggregate Total limit of liability $50,000,000 per occurrence - Primary $5,000,000 - Umbrella $45,000,000 Liability Only 1932 Chevrolet- Bickle Pumper Loss or Damage - All Perils $5,000 Deductible OPCF2O Loss of Use $1,000 Limit applicable to Ten (10) Light Commercial Vehicles (.-l ercial, L i I Over 20 vears old - Actual Cash Value NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE - No AnnualAggregate Total limit of liability $50,000,000 per occurrence - Primary $5,000,000 - Umbrella $45,000,000Deductible $NlL S.E.F, 94 Limit for Physical Damage to Hired $250,000 Automobiles Deductible applicable to S.E.F. 94 $1,000 Page I of 34 Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal ... Page 75 of 105 SUMMARY OF COVERAGES - cont¡nued COMBINED PHYSICAL DAMAGE ALL PROPERTY- BROAD FORM Blanket Amount of lnsurance Boiler and Machinery - Limit per Accident Computer / Electronic Data Processing Fine Arts Valuable Papers Extra Expense Accounts Receivable Gross Rentals Electronic Media Expediting Expenses Contamination - Ammonia, Hazardous Substance (including PCB) Professional Fees Deductible COVERAGE DESCRIPTION COMPREHENSIVE CRIME Employee Dishonesty Form A Loss of Money (Broad Form) Money Orders & Counterfeit Paper Currency Depositors Forgery Audit Expenses Computer Transfer Fraud Deductible LIMITS AND DEDUCTIBLES $1,000,000 $200,000 $200,000 $1,000,000 $200,000 $200,000 $Nil $20,918,392 $20,918,392 $25,000 $129,079 $500,000 (lncluded in Blanket Amount) $500,000 (lncluded in Blanket Amount) $500,000 (lncluded in Blanket Amount) $500,000 (lncluded in Blanket Amount) $500,000 (lncluded in Blanket Amount) $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $5,000 except $1,000 applies to Computer / EDP $1,000 applies to Fine Arts $50,000 applies to Flood 3% of total loss or $100,000 minimum, whichever is greater, applies to Earthquake Page 9 of 34 Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal ... Page 76 of 105 SUMMARY OF COVERAGES - cont¡nued COVERAGE DESCRIPT'ON COVERAGE DESCRIPTION COUNCILLORS'ACCIDENT - Out-of-Province Emergency Medical Goverage included for Council Members plus Spousal coverage- Principal Sum $200,000, 24 Hour Basis Other Limits as outlíned in lnsurance Coverages Coverage for Seven (7) Council Members RISK MANAGEMENT ELECTED OFFICIAL, DIRECTORS AND lncluded DEPARTMENTAL SEMINARS coMMERc'^' ^T'i"ilä:5"'l"i{[fu*'n"ruded Total Annual Premium $106,018. plus applicable taxes Page 10 of34 Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal ... Page 77 of 105 OPTIONS AVAILABLE Additional Premium OPTION l. Gouncillors'Out of Province To increase the Trip duration from 15 $9f 0 Emergency Medical- days to 30 daYs including Spouse Based on Seven (7) Council Members OPTION 2. Gouncillors'Recovery PrincipalSum $5,000 based on $764 Assistance Plan Seven (7) council members OPTION 3. Gouncittors' Recovery lncrease Principal Sum from $5,000 to $1,195 Assistance Plan $10,000 based on Seven (7) council members OPTION 4. Volunteer Fire Fighters' Quote available on request Accident OPTION 5. Volunteer Fire Fighters' Quote available on request Recovery Assistance Plan OPTION 6. Volunteers'Accident Principalsum $750 OPTION 7. RiskeMAP Sofh¡rare and installation of RiskeMAP $1,000 Page 11 of34 Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal ... Page 78 of 105 Page 79 of 105 Page 80 of 105 MINUTES Bayham Community Centres Committee Bayham Municipal Office 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Thursday December 11, 2008 7:30 p.m. Present: Chairman / Councillor'Wayne Casier, Straffordville Lions Club representative Roy Stewart, Vienna Lions Club representative William Gheysen, Community Member at Large Paul Ens and Secretary Lynda Millard. Councillor Ed Ketchabaw, and Diane Squires arrived approximately 8:00 p.m. Absent: Bayham Community Centre Manager Jackie Ddlercq and Vienna Community Centre Manager Jackie Bootle. L. Call to Order Chairman Wayne Casier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary fnterest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. Minutes of the meeting held September 25,2008 Moved by P Ens Seconded by Wm Gheysen (That the minutes of the meeting hetd September 2512008 be approved as circulated." Canied 4. Business from Minutes & Staff Notes from October 22.2008 The Committee was advised that: ' A draft Energy Audit for Straffordville Community Centre Energy Audit has been received. A final report should be available soon. r SCC - water well supply samples have been coming in clear, no issues currently. Information from MOE is that new wells can take months to "clear" after an installation, so it seemed to them to be nothing out of the ordinary. ' Floors refinishing problems - the installer has been contacted and is still to affange to do a test area with Jackie Declercq. Concerns were raised that no holdback is required. Staffare to contact the contractor. r Rental Agreement review was deferred to next meeting; committee members to provide comments and suggestions. Draft Community Centres minutes of meeting held December 11,... Page 81 of 105 ' Drainage repairs at VCC - in discussion members suggested placement of fill along the north wall below the window level and sloped away about 3 feet would be suitable. They agreed that disturbing the existing soil would not be advisable and suggested adding topsoil and seeding it in the spring would help. Staff was requested to follow up with the CBO. I The refrigerator at the VCC has been replaced, however, the dishwasher thermostat has not been replaced yet. 5. Reports & Correspondence (a) Managers Rental Reports (i) Vienna N/A (ii) Straffordville distributed and received (b) 2008 Operating Budget to November 30, 2008 receiyed (c) 2009 Draft Budget received (d) Renewal of contracts with Ramona Peidland Jackie Bootle (to expire December 3ll08 and January 15/09 respectively) were discussed. Moved by P Ens Seconded by D Squires 3'That the contract with Jacquline Bootle for management services at the Vienna hall be recommended for renewal for a further one vear term." Carried Moved by P Ens Seconded by D Squires "That the existing contracts with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services at the Vienna and Bayham Community Centres be extended until January 31r2009." Carried (e) Replacement commercial refrigerator quote for the Straffordville hall was discussed. Moved by D Squires Seconded by Wm Gheysen "That at least one additional quote be obtained and that purchase of the most economical model price be authorized.t' Carried Draft Community Centres minutes of meeting held December 11,... Page 82 of 105 6. Concerns from Committee Members and./or Managers Vienna It was noted there is no minor in the mefi's washroom at Vienna. Bill is to work with Jackie to purchase one and have it installed. The Manager is to make arrangements to have the stage drapes taken down, repaired and re-hung. It was suggested that once repaired, signage be placed to advise renters to use the draperypull cords to open and close. Concerns were raised about cleaning complaints. It was agreed that incidents be documented and concerns forwarded to the Administrator. Unapproved access and use of the hall are being investigated. 7. Next meeting date and adjournment MovedbyE Ketchabaw SecondedbyD Squires "That the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 p.m., to meet again at the Bayham municipal office at7z30 p.m. on January 29,2009." Canied Chairman Date approved: Draft Community Centres minutes of meeting held December 11,... Page 83 of 105 Page 84 of 105 Quarterly Report for The Bayham Water Distribution System for the period ending September 30, 2008 Waterworks # 260004748 Section 1 - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the first quarter's water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Compliance With Provincial Resulations: The Municipality of Bayham water system is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods, . Operation by Licensed Operators: The water distribution system is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) Regulation 128104. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the certification exam. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System an... Page 85 of 105 . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a samplíng and analysis schedule required by the OWRA Regulation 170103, the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Svstem lnformation: Facility Name: Bayham Water Distributíon System Contact: Municipal Location: Municipality of Bayham Water and Wastewater Superintendent: Ed Roloson ( overall responsible operator ) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler & Adam Swance Service Area: Port Bunuell and Vienna Service Population: 2500 Operational Description: Bayham Water System is seruiced by the Elgin Area Water System, lncluding the Municipalities of Central Elgin and Malahide. Raw Water Source: Lake Erie Treated Water: Elgin Area Water System Disinfection Method: Gas chlorination at Elgin Area Water Plant Secondary Disinfection Method: The sodium hypochlorite is residual and flow paced at the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Rechlorination Facility, Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System an... Page 86 of 105 Section 4 - Analytical Test Results: ll/licro biological Parameters Ju ly August September Quarter Summary MAC / IMAC lotal Coliform IFU/100mls lumber of Samoles 9 12 12 33 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 vlin / Max Absent xceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Coli Count IFU/100mls ,,lumber of Samples 9 12 12 33 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 \4in / Max Absent lxceedences 0 0 0 0 {eterotrophic )late Gount / 3ackqround tlumber of Samoles 9 12 t2 33 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min / Max 500/200 cFU lxceedences 0 0 0 0 lesample Iypical Source of Sontamination Vlicrobial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come fron ;eptic systems, agricultural livestock operations, wildlife, and wastewater ,reatment plants. 3omments: Samples are collected weekly from the Port BurwellWorks Yard, Port Burwell tVastewater Treatment Plant and in Vienna at the Vienna Home Centre. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System an... Page 87 of 105 Operational Parameters July August September Quarter summary MAC/IMAC Chlorine Residual Free Number of Samoles I 12 12 33 Number of Detectable Results below Reg. requirements 0 0 0 0 Min/Max 0.82- 1.10 0.47- 1.18 0.73 - 0.91 0.47 - 1.18 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Exceedances 0 0 0 0 Comments Operational Parameters July August September Quarter summarv MAC/IMAC Ghlorine Residual Free (dailv ) Daily chlorine testing is done at the extremities of Vienna & Pt. Burwell. Number of Samples 62 62 60 184 Number of Detectable Results below Reg. requirements 0 0 0 0 Min/Max. mg/l Port Burwell 0.34 - 0.91 0.25 - 0.85 0.25 - 0.54 0.25 -0.91 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Min/Max. mg/l Vienna 0.20 - 0.93 0.43 - 0.76 0.20 -0.75 0.20 -0.93 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Section 5 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse results during this time period. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System an... Page 88 of 105 Parameter Gompound MAC or IMAC Trihalomethanes (quarterlv) 0.040 mg/L Poft Burwell 0.032 mo/L Vienna 0.100 mg/L Lead Pb (tested in 2no & 4th ouarter )0 - 1.3 ug/L 10 ug/L MAC Section 7 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAG - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Coliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System an... Page 89 of 105 Municipality of BayhamDaily Process Data Collection 12t11Facility:Works:Month:Bayham Water Distribution1260004748ì - Bayham Water DistributionJanuary-O8 to September-O8 CALL INS FOR lst QUARTER 2008 Highlight 211812008 Maintenance 311912008 Maintenance Details In - 2 hours - Performed emergency locates for Hydro One at 54 Line due to broken hydro pole to be replaced. Of - 2 hours - Checked out fire hydrant #12 damaged by Port Bun¡vell Fire Dept. during fire call. Unable to shut hydrant off. Gate valves left on and opened slightly to prevent from freezing up. OI - 2 hours - Replaced leaking water main valve on Robinson Street between Shakespeare and Strachan St. in Port Bunruell. CALL INS FOR 2nd QUARTER 2008 5/3/2008 Maintenance 51 412008 Oper. Highlight 511012008 Maintenance 512212008 Maintenance OT - 12 hours - Water ma along Nova Scotia Line. Repaired Flushed hydrants to release air from distribution system. OT - 4 hours - Collected bacti samples for main break and delivered them to lab in London. OT - 1.5 hours - Repaired service line leak at 34 Wellington St Port Bun¡vell. OT - 2 hours - Performed a number of curbstop replacements in Port Burwell and locating water main along Plank Road near Otter's Edge Trailer Park. CALL INS FOR 3rd QUARTER 2008 Date Category Details 71312008 Maintenance OT - I hour - Water main installation along Union Street in Vienna. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System an... Page 90 of 105 Page 91 of 105 Page 92 of 105 Quarterly Report for The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2008 Straffordvi lle Gommu n ity Centre Bayham Medical Centre Bayham Municipal Office Straffordville Library Straffordville Firehall Eden & Area Community Gentre Section I - Introduction: This report is a summ ary of the second quarter water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Gompliance With Provincial Requlations: The well systems listed above are operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the profíciency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: Sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 252105, and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards are fully complied with. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Resident... Page 93 of 105 . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Analvtical Test Results: [/licro biological Parameters July August September Quarter Summary MAC / IMAC Iotal Goliform :ounts/100mls rlumber of Samples 12 12 l8 42 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 úin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample =ecal Goliform or E-Goli Gount :ounts/100mls tlumber of Samoler 12 12 l8 42 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent fxceedences 0 0 0 0 ìesample Absent {eterotrophic tlate Gount & 3ackground lount No longer required under new rezulation {umber of Samples 0 0 0 0 \umber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vlin / Max 500 Counts/ml 200 Counts/mL lxceedences 0 0 0 0 Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Resident... Page 94 of 105 Section 4 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no microbiological adverse result during this time period. . All facilities are posted non-potable and bottled water is provided. Section 6 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAC - Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Goliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Parameter Gompound MAC or IMAG Nitrates No longer required to be tested under new rezulation 10 mg/L MAC Sodium As above 20 molL MAC Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Resident... Page 95 of 105 Page 96 of 105 Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Bayham Annual Gompliance Summary Year: Works # : Population Served: Design Avg Ftow (m3): 2008 1 10001 3t9 2460 I 060 FLOWS BIOCHEMICAL 02 DEMAND SUSPENDED SOLIOS PHOSPHORUS NITROGEN SERIES EFFLUENT Rece¡vinq 2008 Total Avo. Dav Max Dav Avo. Raw Avq. Raw Avq. Eff.Avq. Load Avq. Raw AvE. Eff.Avg. Load Avo. Raw Avo, Eff.Avq. Load Avq. Eff.Avo. Load Avo. Eff.Avq. Eff.E. Coli DO pH Stream Flow Flow Flow CBOD CBOD CBOD CBOD SS SS ss Ph09.Phos.Phos,NH3 + NH1 NH3 + NH.Nitrate Nitr¡te Geo. Mean Têmp. Month m3 m3 m3 lmq/L)(ks/day)fmo/Ll fko/davì lmo/Lì lmq/Ll (mq/L)(mq/L)ako/davl (mo/Ll (nq/L)lmo/Ll cnt/l00ml mq/L January 19873 685 3 951.0 160 0 '109 65 5.20 óco 133 6 550 377 506 0.48 033 123 084 15 41 034 o.62 Õoo 763 oz Februarv 20657 712.3 1411 0 123 I 88.1 I 550 392 152.8 7.40 5.27 4.73 058 041 132 094 13.82 020 52.30 o¿¿7.48 o2 March 25053 863 I 1907.0 259.2 223.92 580 501 328 0 7.80 6.74 6.70 0.38 0.33 429 371 5.57 025 27.47 5.70 7.57 42 April 23042 7946 1381.0 198.3 '157.57 5.80 461 201 5 4.80 381 ozJ 031 0.25 1.35 107 8.55 009 30.41 556 7.85 74 May 2'1018 724 I '1008.0 315.3 228.53 D.JU 457 119.3 5.30 384 908 0.28 o.20 0.50 0.36 10.82 o14 8.10 524 7.74 11 4 June 186/.7 M30 926.0 '183.6 11805 3.80 2.44 992.6 310 199 7.10 032 o2'l o22 0.14 98ô 0.16 23.57 5.19 7.14 171 Julv 18416 594 I 642.0 200 0 1'18 82 3.50 208 214.5 2.80 tbo 601 o.28 0.'17 03r 0t8 982 0.06 14.36 5.16 7 11 23.3 Auousl 18099 583 8 809.0 í86 3 108 76 3.50 2.04 159.8 4.50 ¿,o5 0.'18 011 010 006 10 5ô 0.06 5.05 5.'10 7.20 202 September 18505 616.8 832.0 25ô.0 157.90 400 247 212.6 3.70 2.28 6.71 v¿0.'t3 015 0.09 10.68 o.17 8.84 517 7.25 15.5 October November Decêmber AVERAGE 20367.5 691.0 1096.3 209.2 145.71 482 3.41 279.41 499 3.56 6.40 0.34 0.24 1.05 0.82 10.57 0.16 18.97 5.78 7.45 1l MAXIMUM 25053.0 863.9 't9{17.0 315.3 228.53 6.30 5.01 992.60 7.80 6.74 908 0.58 0.41 429 3.71 15.41 0.34 8.66 7.85 23.3 CRITERIA non-freez¡nq 1060 0 < 15 15.90 l5 15 90 < '1.0 r.06 <2 2.16 200 00 CRITERIA freez¡no 1060 0 <15 't5.90 t5 15.90 < 1.0 106 <5 5.30 none ,EETS Concêntration Crileria YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Ye3 OBJECTIVES non-freezinq 1060.0 <10 l0 60 10 't0.60 < 0.75 0.80 <1 106 150.00 >5 OBJECTIVES freezino t060.0 <10 10.60 't0 't0.60 < 0.75 0.80 <3 3.18 t50.00 >5 Reasons for fa¡lur€ / Other Problems:Remed¡al Act¡on3: Effluent discharge to thê B¡g Otter Creek Quarterly Compliance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater... Page 97 of 105 Page 98 of 105 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Gollection Port Burwell Wastewater Trs [1 10001319] - Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant July-O8 to September-08 12t11 Facility: Works: Month: CALL INS FOR 3rd QUARTER 2008 Highlight 7t18t2008 7t19t2008 7t19t2008 Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight 7 12612008 Oper. Highlight 7 127 l2OO8 Oper. Highlight 81512008 Oper. Highlight 8/9/2008 Oper. Highlight 812012008 Oper. Highlight 8121 l2OO8 Oper. Highlight 9/6/2008 Oper. Highlight 9l13l20OB Oper. Highlight 911312008 Oper. Highlight 9l14l2OO8 Oper. Highlight Details O-l -2 hours Performed sewer service installation requested at the end of the day for a job to begin next day. OT - 3 hours Performed observation and inspection of road bore sewer service installation at 56553 Heritage Line, Straffordville OT - 3.5 hours Finished up observations and inspection of road bore sewer service installation at 56553 Line, Straffordville. Operational I High Flows (weather) I Power Failure/Outage Call ln - 9:00 pm - Pumps #1 and #2 at Pump Station #4 tripped out. Came in and reset pumps and Quarterly Compliance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater... Page 99 of 105 Page 100 of 105 THE CORPORATION OF' TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAWNO.2008-l2r A BY-LA\ry TO AUTIIORIZE THE RENEWAL OF A¡[ AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM AI\D JACQUELTT\EB. BOOTLE FORMANÄGEMENT OF'THE VIENNA COMMI'NITY CENTRE WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did on December 1, 2005 enter into an agreement with Jacqueline B. Bootle for the provision of contracted management services at the Vienna Community Centre; AND \ilHEREAS Council did by ByJaws 2006-108 and2007-ll2 ¡enew the agreement with Jacqueline Bootle for further one-year terms; AND }VHEREAS Council did by ByJaw 2008-059 amend the agreernent to adjust the monthly price for contracted management services for the Vienna Community Centre to Seven Hundred Ninety-one Dolla¡s and Sixty-six Cents ($791.66) monthly effective January 11 2009." A¡ID IilHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desi¡ous of renewing the agreement, as amended, for conbacted management services at the Vienna Community Centre to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municþality for a further one-year term; TEEREF'ORE THE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPOR.A,TION OT'THE MIJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement between and the Municþality of Bayham and Jacqueline B. Bootle for the provision of management services at the Vienna Community Cenhe be renewed for a fr¡rther one yea.r term ending January 15,20L0; 2. THAT in all other respects By-law 2005-ll9 and the Agreement attached thereto, as rmended, are hereby confirmed; 3. TIIAT this byJaw shall come into full fo¡ce and effect upon final passing. READ Ä FIRST, SECOì\D AND THIRD TIME AND F'INALLY PÄSSED THIS 1STHDAY OFDECEMBER2OOS. ÆgH'' rrlr1 MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2008-121 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an ... Page 101 of 105 Page 102 of 105 THE CORPORÄ,TION OT' THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAWNO.2008-122 A BY-LAW TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THB'. MIJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ANI) Fo"H^#?låifP,J*"" JANITORIAL SERVICES AT TIIE \¡IENNA COMMT]NITY CENTRE AND AT THE BAYHAM (STRAFFORDVILLE) COMMI]NITY CENTRE Æ 4.8 r.j WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham did on December 1, 2005 enter into agreements with Ramona Peidl for the provision of Janitorial Services at the Vienna Community Centre and the Bayham (Straffordville) Community Centre; AND \ilHEREAS Council did by ByJaws 2006-109, 2007-110,2006-110 and 2007-111 renew the agreements with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services at the Vienna and Bayham Community Centres, respectively for further one-year terms to expire December 31, 2008; AND WIIEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of extending the existing agresments for contracted Janitorial Services at the Community Centres until Janua¡y 31,2009; THEREF'ORE THE COI]NCIL OF'TIIE CORPORATION OF'TIIE MIJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreements between and the Municþality of Bayham and Ramona Peidl for the provision ofJanitorial Services at the Vienna and Bayham (Straflordville) Community Centres be extended until January 31, 2009; 2. THAT in all otherrespects By-laws 2005-120 and2005-121 and the Agreements attached thereto, as renewed, are hereby confirmed; 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and efflect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOI\I) AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 18TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2008. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2008-122 A By-Law to authorize the extension of j... Page 103 of 105 Page 104 of 105 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF' BAYIIAM BY-LA\il NO .2008-123 .A. BY-LAIY TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COIJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TITE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHÄ.M FOR THE REGIJLAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER lE,2O()8 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O' 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200l, thepowers of Council a¡e to be exercised by byJaw; AND \ryIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation ofthe Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE TIIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLO\ilS: l. THAT the actions ofthe Council of the Corporation ofthe Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held December 18, 2008 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action ofthe Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finatty passed this 18rh day of December 2008. MAYOR DEPUTYCLERK By-Law 2008-123 A By-law to confirm all actions of Counc... Page 105 of 105