HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 17, 2009 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville September 17, 2009 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, 2009. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. Doug Lester representing Chamber of Commerce regarding Bayham - Elgin Business Expo update and invitation and request for use of Municipal sign to advertise. (b)7:15 p.m. Doug Lester regarding Harbour Committee Update, Request for Council to budget for ongoing harbour maintenance and to establish a formal Municipal Harbour Committee. (c)7:25 p.m. Matthew Redsell regarding Windmills and Zoning. (Item 8d) (d)7:35 p.m. Wanda Hoshall regarding Estherville Cemetery 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Copy of resolution passed July 27, 2009 by the Town of Amherstburg regarding MPAC Evaluation of Solar energy Development". File: C10 9-19 21-22 Page 1 of 329 Council Agenda September 17, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (b)Copy of resolution passed July 13, 2009 by the Town of New Tecumseth regarding "Harmonization of Taxes". File: C10 (c)Correspondence dated August 12, 31, September 3 and 10 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Welcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment", "Survey on Active Transportation Policy in Ontario", "Funding for Broadband in Rural and Northern Ontario Available" and "Continuous Improvement Fund". File: A01 (d)Correspondence dated September 2, 1009 from Local Authority Services Ltd. regarding "New Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Program Now Available to all Ontario Municipalities". File: A01 (e)LAS / MFOA Event Reminder regarding "Municipal Investment Basics Seminars". File: F12 (f)Ontario Good Roads Association Heads Up Alert regarding "Public Review Period: Accessible Built Environment Standard". File: A01 (g)Correspondence dated September 1, 2009 from the Canadian Union of Public Employees Ontario and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care regarding "Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day". File: A01 (h)Correspondence received September 4, 2009 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence". File: A16 / M02 (i)Correspondence dated August 24, 2009 from Ministry of the Environment regarding "setback distances for wind turbines". File: A16 (j)Correspondence dated August 24, 2009 from Ministry of Environment regarding "the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement". File: A16 23 25-29 31 33-34 35 37-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 Page 2 of 329 Council Agenda September 17, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (k)Correspondence dated August 28, 2009 from Ministry of Labour regarding "extending presumptive coverage for volunteer and part-time firefighters". File: A16 (l)Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held August 12, 2009. File: C06 (m)Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held June 11, 2009. File: C06 (n)Notice of Information session being held October 14, 2009 at the St. Thomas Seniors Centre regarding "a collaborative approach to reducing poverty". File: A04 (o)News Release dated August 15, 2009 regarding "Rodney Stafford's 3400 km Ride For Tori". File: C13 (p)Correspondence received August 27, 2009 regarding "Restorative Justice Week 2009". File: C13 (q)OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regarding various incidents. File: P17 (r)Correspondence dated August 19, 2009 from AIM PowerGen regarding "Wind Turbines". File: D03 (s)Correspondence dated August 26, 2009 from Hydro One regarding "Great Refrigerator Roundup Program". File: E06 (t)Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit newsletter dated Summer 2009 regarding "Lifestyle Link". File: M07 (u)Public Sector Group of Funds (the One Funds) Quarterly Update for 2nd Quarter 2009. File: F12 47 49-52 53-54 55 57-58 59 61-70 71-74 75-76 77-80 81-85 Page 3 of 329 Council Agenda September 17, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (v)Correspondence dated September 10, 2009 from Charles Beer regarding "Update - Review of the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act". File: L11 (w)Elgin County Matters newsletter dated September 2009. File: A16 (x)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 6, 2009. File: E00 (y)Copy of correspondence dated August 18, 2009 from Land Use Council to the Honorable Donna Cansfield regarding "proposed species habitat regulation". File: A16 (z)Correspondence dated August 27, 2009 from Community Schools Alliance regarding "Community Schools Alliance Resolution". File: A01 (aa)Correspondence dated September 8, 2009 from Lupus Foundation of Ontario regarding "October is Lupus Awareness Month". File: A01 (ab)Royal Canadian Legion invitation to Mayor and Members of Council regarding "Legion Week". File: C13 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Correspondence dated September 14, 2009 and Report from Norfolk County regarding "Ontario's South Coast Tourism Region". File: A16 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 87 89-92 93-99 101-103 105-106 107 109 111-116 Page 4 of 329 Council Agenda September 17, 2009 Page 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report PW2009-17 regarding Salt Contract 2009 - 2011. File: L04 (b)Staff Memorandum regarding Glen Erie Line Stabilization Works - Scope and Observer(s). File: T04 (c)Discussion regarding traffic concerns and request for Elgin County to install reduced speed limit signage along Eden Line (County Rd 44) in the Hamlet of North Hall between Hwy 3 and Culloden Road. 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending August 31, 2009. File: P10 (b)Staff Report P2009-027 regarding Open Air Burning By-law. File: P01 (c)Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and Designated Substances. File: A20 (d)Correspondence from Matthew Redsell regarding "Small residential windmills". File: C13 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive, except Cheques #7054 and #7127 totaling $266,939.85 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Sept. 6, 2009 totaling $44,050.87. Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Aug. 9 & 23, 2009 not available at time of publishing. (b)Staff Report F2009-38 regarding Water Infrastructure Project. File: L04 117-118 119 121 123-126 127-136 137-140 141-155 157-161 Page 5 of 329 Council Agenda September 17, 2009 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (c)Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to September 10, 2009. File: F03 (d)Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Municipal Association regarding "changing the term of office from four year to two year for Board of Directors, Chair and Vice-Chairs". File: A04 (e)Correspondence received August 5, 2009 from Jon Krohe requesting permission to hold a wedding ceremony at Memorial Park in Port Burwell September 25, 2010. File: C13 (f)Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Agreement. File: F05 (g)Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "2009 LPRCA Planning and Regulatory User Fees and Permitting Process". File: A16 (h)Correspondence and invoice from Town of Aylmer regarding "Doors Open East Elgin". File: A04 (i)Staff Report F2009-40 regarding RED and CAF Fund Agreements. File: F05 (j)Memorandum C2009-12 regarding Marriage Officiant. File: L04 (k)Staff Report C2009-021 regarding Museum Mission & Vision. File: A01 (l)Request for discussion regarding Thames Valley School Bus issues. 10.ENVIRONMENT 163-202 203-214 215 217-220 221-230 231-232 233-235 237-238 239-241 Page 6 of 329 Council Agenda September 17, 2009 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 3, 2009. (c)Confidential memo regarding litigation or potential litigation. (d)Confidential verbal report regarding labour relations. (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Infrastructure Stimulus Fund) (b)By-Law 2009-108 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a loan agreement (Royal Bank of Canada) (c)By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Rural Economic Development Program) (d)By-Law 2009-110 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2006-003 (Goverance and Structure for the Museums Bayham Board) (e)By-Law 2009-111 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 243-288 289-292 293-326 327 329 Page 7 of 329 Page 8 of 329 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORÄ.TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville September 3, 2009 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, September 3,2009 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski was absent. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill, Fire Chief / By-Law Enforcement Offrcer Paul Groeneveld and Chief Building Oflicial / Drainage Superintendent Bill Knifton were in attendance to present their respective repofs. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECTJNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13,2009. 2009-434 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw TTTHAT the minutes of the regular meeting held Äugust L3' 2009 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) There were no items added to the agenda. 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery M¡s. Hoshal noted that: . in two weeks the group will have been keeping its vigil at the Esthervillle Cemetery for a full year. ¡ she understood that Mr. T. Csinos had appeared in court for a second time on August 28th, . the cucumber grading station had continued in operation for 28 days. She Page I of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 9 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 suggested that should the maximum fine of $700,000 not be imposed, next year he will carry on. o she had not received a written report from staff on the status as requested at the last meeting. o two years previous Mr. Csinos had demanded Council enforce the municipal property standards by-law. . the group was not "out to get" Mr. Csinos. . the cemetery site is larger than the fenced area which markers demonstrate only 3 burials within 17 yean. . the Boundaries Act can be utilized to determine the property lines through an for a $410 application fee. Mrs. Hoshal commented that the group had cut back shrubs, cleaned up the site and painted the fence. She suggested survey stakes had been uncovered indicating a loss of 60' of cemetery properly along the road allowance. She encouraged Council to appoint members of the group to an Estherville Cemetery committee, in order for them to be covered by the municipal insurance and to permit the group on site to watch for more markers when the contractor is conducting the st¿bilization project for the County of Elgin next year. M¡s. Hoshal was advised there was no new information and a written report had not been requested by Council. Mrs. Hoshal introduced Mr. Basil Nevill who spoke about his experiences upon being hired about 50 years previous by the Township of Bayham to remove trees and spray weeds and brush along the road allowances and cemetery fence lines. He remembered gravesites as being outside the cunentþ fenced Estherville area. He noted his disappointrnent in the lack of care afforded cemeteries at that time. 7:43 p.m. - Jan Collins and John Pedersen regarding properly issues. (delayed due to previous delegation) Mr. Pederson asked why he was now receiving a tor bill for previously unassessed property he had purchased. It was suggested that although the property was divided by the road, it had been previously assessed with the property across from it. When it was suveyed, legally separated and purchased, it became a parcel on its own and hence a separate assessment and tax notice. It was suggested that discussion with MPAC regarding the assessment amount or an appeal be undertaken by the owners to have the value reduced for the 2010 tax year. (b) Page2 of ll Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 10 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 Additional comments from the floor were received. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Verbal update regarding Estherville Cemetery. (b) Copy of resolution passed August 4,2009 f¡om Township of Madawaska Valley regarding Home Care Service and additional Personal Support Workers. File: ClO (c) Notice of workshop for community leaders in Ontario interested in leanring about starting and strenghening community gardens in their municipalities being held October 6,2009 in London. File: 404 (d) Correspondence dated August 12 and 14, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding 'AMO Welcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment" and "Waste Electronics and Elechical Equipment (WEEE)". File:A,16 (e) Correspondence dated August 13,2009 from Joy Russell regarding "Hospital Closure in Fort Erie". File: C13 (Ð Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of Directors Meeting held July 8, 2009. File: A16 (g) Lake Erie Source Protection Region rWater Services Technical Group minutes of meeting held July 23,2009. File: E00 2009-43s Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT information items 5(a) through 5(g) be received for information." CARNED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANMNG. DEVELOPMENT. R.ECREATION & TOURISM (a) Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applications E50/09 E5r/09. File: D10.09 TEICHROEB Page 3 of 11 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 11 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 2009-436 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier *THAT StaffReport D2009-36 regarding Consent Äpplications 850/09 and 851/09 Teichroeb be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance applications E50/09 and E51/09, submitted by Sara and Cornelius Teichroeb, be approved subject to conditions: 1. $500 cash-in-lieu ofparkland dedication fee for each created lot 2. water quantity testing report for each lot meeting the Provincial standards3. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content for each lot meeting the Provincial standards 4. municipal lot assessment on each created lot 5. lot grading plan 6. copy ofthe final survey Councíllor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessmenú mappìng not necessørìly being conect and reqaested a ¡ecorded vote. In Favour Opoosed Mayor Acre Councìllor Taylor Councillor Casier Councillor Ketchabøw Motion Canied on a recorded vote of 3 to 1 in favour 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) StaffReport PW2009-16 regarding Half Ton Tender. File: F18 2009-437 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'THAT StaffReport PW2009-16 regarding Half Ton Tender be received; ÄND THAT staffbe authorized to acquire the 2007 Dodge pickup from Cain Äuto Sales and Service as quoted on August 19r2009". CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page4of1l Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 12 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 (b) Correspondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7,2009 f¡om Norfolk County regarding "Winter Drain". (Deputy Mayor appointed at last meeting, however due to conflict alternate to be appointed) File: E09 2009-438 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Notice of Drainage Works from Norfolk County regarding "Winter I)rain" be received; AND TIIAT Mathew Schafer be appointed to the joint Court of Revision tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 16,2009 at 9:30 a.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Request from Councillor Taylor to discuss the boundaries of Estherville Cemetery. Staff were requested to seek details under the Boundaries Act. (b) Draft By-law 2009-l0l regarding MNR Staffas By-law Enforcement Officers. 2009-439 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'TTHAT By-Law 2009-101 be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport P2009-029 regarding Fire Master Plan RFP. File: P16 2009-M0 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffReport P2009-029 regarding Fire Master Plan RFP be received; AND THAT By-Law 2009-102, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter Page 5 of 1l Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 13 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 into an agreement with Peter Corfield and Associates to develop a Fire Master Plan, at a cost of $10,845, as per proposal dated July 24,2009, subject to provision ofa certificate ofinsurance and clearance certificate from WSIB, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) StaffReport H2009-009 regarding Municipal Health and Safety Policy. File: ,A'09 2009-441 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THÄT StaffReport H2009-009 regarding Municipal Health and Safety Policy be received; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham approves the Health and Safety Policy Statement as presented.f' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMII\ISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusive, except Cheque #6961 totaling $554,103.69. Payroll Disbursements not available at this time. 2009-442 Moved by Councillor E Ketchab Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Cheque Register being Cheques ffi954 to Cheque #7065 inclusive, except Cheque #6961totaling $554,103.69 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: L04 2009-M3 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport ß2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan be received; Page6ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 14 of 329 Council Minutes (c) September 3,2009 (d) AND TIIAT By-Law 2009-103 being a By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce be presented to Council for enactment.rl CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Staff Report C2009-0 I 8 regarding Infrastructure Needs Studies. File: D02 2009-444 Movedby Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier 'ITHAT StaffReport C2009-018 regarding Infrastructure Needs Studies be received; A¡ID TIIAT the implementation plan for municipal infrastructure needs studies be adopted as follows: Service Area l)ates Provider Estimated Budeet Bulldings 2010 Engineer $ 17'000 Rolling Stock 2010 In-house $ - Roads 20ll Engineer $ 25'000 Bridges and Culverts 20ll In-house $ - Storm Sewers 2012 Engineer $ 20'000 Sidew¡lks 2012 In-house $ - Sanitary Sewers 2012 In-house $ - Water 2013 In-house $ - Street Lights 2013 In-house $ - ITÆarks Equipment on-going In-house $ '.t' CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY StaffReport PR2009-16 regarding East Pier Repairs and Budget. File: L14 2009-44s Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport PIU¿009-16 regarding East Pier Repairs and Budget be received; Page 7 of ll Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 15 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 AND THAT staff be authorized to retain CJDL Consulting Engineers to evaluate the east pier and to make recommendations for maintenance / repairs at an estimated cost of $20,0fi), subject to provision of a certificate of insurance and a clearance certificate from WSIB." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) staff Report c2oo9-t7 regarding silt¿tion Study - Port Burwell Harbour. File: D06 2009-446 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport C2009-17 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwell Harbour be received; AI\D THAT Shoreplan Engineering be retained to conduct a Siltation Study for the Port Burwell harbour area, as outlined in their proposal dated May 5, 2009, subject to cost sharing on a 50/50 basis with Small Craft Harbours at the quoted cost of $24,500 subject to provision of a certificate of insurance and a clearance certificate from WSIB." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð staffReport c2009-019 regarding Bayham community centre Rental. File: C13 / 401 2009-M7 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport c2009419 regarding Bayham comnunity centre Rental be received; AND THAT By-Laws 2009-l04,being a byJaw to further amend rates and fees By-Law 2005-102 and 2009-105, being a by-law to amend the Janitorial Agreement with Ramona Peidl respectivel¡ be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 8 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 16 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 File: Fl1 2009-448 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'TTHAT StaffReport C2009-020 regarding Museums & Technology Fund be received; A¡ID THAT Council directs staffto take the necessary steps to prepare and submit an application to the Ministry of Culture under the Museums & Technology Fund, including arrangements necessary for partnering with the appropriate organizations, up to a maximum total cost of $100,000.'l CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT 11. COMMTTTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2009-M9 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole ú9216 p.m. to discuss: . litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 13,2009. (c) ConfidentialMemorandumregardingpotentialliøgation. (d) Out of Camera. 2009-450 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Committee of the whole do now rise from the rfln cameratt session at 9:35 p.m." Page9ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 17 of 329 Council Minutes September 3,2009 CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2009-101 A By-Law to Repeal amended By-Law 2007-059 (MNR Statr) (b) By-Law 2009-102 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agleement (Corfield) (c) By-Law 2009-103 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (cIBC) (d) By-Law 2009-104 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2005-t02 (Rates and Fees) (e) By-Law 2009-105 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2009-025 (Peidl Agreement) 2009-451 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT By-Laws 2009-101, 2009-102,2009-103, 2009'104 and 2009-105 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed.fr CARRIED LINANIMOUSLY (Ð By-Law 2009-106 A By-Law to confinn all actions of Council 2009-4s2 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT confirming By-Law 2009-106 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2009-453 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw Page 10 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 18 of 329 I'THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 9:36 p.m." CARRIED IJNANIMOUSLY Page 11 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 3, ...Page 19 of 329 Page 20 of 329 Ito W,be @æporstion oÍ E'Ilt "6,strn of ØmtSeßtbilrg Pamela Malott Ghief Administrative Officer prnal ott6Dam herstbu rs. ca August 31st, 2009 Attention: Clerk's Department RE: MPAG Evaluation of Solar Energy Development Pleased be advised of the following motion of the Council of the Town of Amherstburg on Monday July 27ü, 2009: Wnene¡S the Province established the Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP) and subsequenüy, the Green Energy and Green Economy Act to promote the development of wind, water, solar and biomass power projects; and WHEAREAS the Province committed to a balanced and sustainable property assessment system for he renewable energy sector; and WHEAREAS the Province committed to consult with municipalities, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) and the enargy ge¡eration sector to ensure that the property tax treatment of rener¡r¡able energy facilities remains fair and consistent, promoting the development of green energy; and WHEREAS the Solar lndustry offers unique, clean energy technology to Ontario; and WHEREAS tte Ontario market for solar energy is at an early stage of maturity with very little operating solar capacity whích wanants a fair approach to Properly Assessment to foster wider adoption of this proven technology; and WHEREAS the cunent valuation method is unfair and burdensome in that the entire property area of the development is assessed at a Full lndustrial Rate; THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED that we, The Council of the Town of Amherstburg, appeal to the Province of Ontario, Minisüy of Finance, to continue consultations with Municipalities and the Solar lndustry to reach a fair and equitable property assessment valuation method;and 271sANÐw,.*.Y.ioåiTr*X;HåHü'J8,T*ro*,oNsvzAs Phone: t519] 73ffi12 Fax; [519] 73Ê54G1 TTY: {519} 73F986O Copy of resolution passed July 27, 2009 by the Town of Amher...Page 21 of 329 FURTHER,that until such agreement is reached that assessment be derived by totaling the area of all solar panels in a project to determine PV surface area; and that the PV coverage area (approximately 2Ùo/ol be assessed at a full lndustrial Rate and the balance of the area at a Vacant lndusfial land rate: and BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, The Council of the Town of Amherstburg, request that AMO lobby the Province of Ontario on our behalf and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Bruce Grozier MP, Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and all Municipalities in Ontario requesting their support. Pamela Halott Ghief Administrative Ofücer Cc: Bruce Crozier, MPP Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance AMO Association of Municipalities of Ontario Copy of resolution passed July 27, 2009 by the Town of Amher...Page 22 of 329 The Corporation of the Town of MaílíngAddress: P.O. Box 910 Alliston, Ontario LgR IAINew Tecumseth AD MINISTNA TION DE PA RTMENT Adminßtrøíon Centre l0lletlingtonSL E. AllMoa Ontario August 12,2009 (' t ò Íl/eb Addr ess : wt w. town. neh)tecumseth, on c a Em aíl: clerl@jown netttt ecwns d h o¡t c ø Phone: (705) 435-6219 or (905) 729-0057 Far: (705) 435-2873 SUBJECT: The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing All Ontario Municipalities HARMONIZATION OF TAXES Please be advised that Councit for the Town of New Tecumseth passed the following resolution on July 13, 2009 and is seeking support from all Ontario Municipalities: WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has proposed to harmonize the Goods and Seryices Tax with the Provincial Sales Tax effective July 1,20101' AND WHEREAS considerable concern has been raised by residents and businesses over the negative financial impacts that will occur as a result; AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has considered amendments to the proposal and has further made changes'to the original proposal; THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of New Tecumseth advise the provincial government of its concern that efforts be made to minimize the financial impact and additional tax on taxpayers and businesses; AND FURTHER BE lT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to consider that the GST and PST harmonization not include any items, goods or services that are currently subject to only one of the taxes not be subiect to the other, so that no new taxation is created; AND FURTHER BE lT RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to allOntario Municipalities for their consideration and support. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, Clerl</Manager of Administration & Economic Development cc: Mayor and Members of Council Copy of resolution passed July 13, 2009 by the Town of New T...Page 23 of 329 Page 24 of 329 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-619'l E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNIGATION ALERT No: 09/060 To the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE TNFoRMAiloN coNrAcr: Ausust 12,2oos li?åi3i,lifri' AMorsenior Poricv Advisor AMO Welcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment lssue: On August 11, 2009, the Divisional Court released its unanimous decis¡on regarding the Toronto Bank Towers. The Court found that the Assessment Review Board's interpretation of "current value" and "fee simple if unencumbered" is wrong in law. Background: The Court's decision upholds the Municipal Property Assessment Gorporation's (MPAC) longstanding practice of including a tenant's leasehold improvements in determining office tower property values. Given the province wide implications of this decision, the municipalities of Atikokan, Brant, Ear Falls, Goderich, Lambton, Lincoln, Ottawa, Quinte West, Red Lake, Sarnia, South Bruce Peninsula, and Windsor were intervenors in the case. In 2008, MPAC and the City of Toronto sought leave to appeal the interim decision of the Assessment Review Board on the City of Toronto Bank Tower ruling. On November 14,2008, the Divisional Court granted leave to appeal the decision of the Assessment Review Board. In response to an appeal by the bank tower owners, yesterday's second Divisional Couft decision. The Court found the Board's determination that required buildings to be assessed as vacant, undermines the purpose of assessment. ln reaching this conclusion, the Court states that, "fo value fhese Bank Towers on the basrs that they are vacant, when all (parties) agree that that is an entirely hypothetical scenarío, is to significantly underualue them compared to other real property... ". The Court concluded that the Board's, "interpretation does not promote the Iegislative purpose". lf the Board's decision had been upheld, it would have significant implications for municipal assessment bases across the province. After the first Board decision, AMO wrote to the Minister of Finance urging that the government clarify assessment practices. Although a positive development at this time, a further appeal of this decision by those representing the bank towers is possible within the next l5 days. Action: For your information. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. uunic¡par¡âl:î?åi?:,ii aHo l--tr tåJJ 1-1 Correspondence dated August 12, 31, September 3 and 10 from ...Page 25 of 329 MEMBER COMMUNICATION Fyr No:0s-r13 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (4'16) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca - tL To the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrACr: Ausust 3r,200e Î.1"åT5r:i1¿3ål'"I??'l",oo"''o' Survey on Active Transportation Policy in Ontario lssue: Municipal lnput requested - Survey on Active Transportation Policy in Ontario Background: The Share the Road Cycling Coalition, a non-profit group focused on cycling and active transportation policy in Ontario, is conducting a brief online survey of experts in the fields of municipal affairs, planning, active transportation, advocacy, law enforcement, and economic development. They are seeking the input of municipalities on topics that will help Share the Road to develop an active transportation public policy framework for the provincial government. Ontario does not have a defined public policy framework for cycling and this survey seeks feedback from municipalities in order to define possible areas for involvement by the province. The results of this survey will be used to present options to the provincial government, and to frame discussions at the upcoming Ontario Bike Summit in Waterloo, September 21-22 where a number of municipalities will be represented. The Bike Summit will also have presentations by international and Canadian speakers on active transportation and workshops related to best practices in cycling and active transportation master planning. The survey is being conducted on behalf of Share the Road by the national research firm Strategic Communications, Inc. Municipalities will be receiving an e-mail regarding the survey in the next few days. lndividual responses will be kept confidential. For more information on The Share the Road Cycling Coalition or the Ontario Bike Summit in Waterloo, September 21-22,2009, please visit: htto://www.sharetheroad.cal. This information is available in the Policy /ssues sectíon of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. M unicípariâ::î?ä'lî:.ii aìlo1-1 Correspondence dated August 12, 31, September 3 and 10 from ...Page 26 of 329 MEMBER COMMUNICATION 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3CG Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca ALERT No: 09/063 To the attention of the Clerk and Council September 3, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Craig Reid , AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-98s6 ext 334 þ-E EJJ Funding for Broadband in Rural and Northern Ontario Available lssue: The federal and provincialfunding programs for rural and northern broadband development are open for applications until October 23,2009. Background: The federal government's Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians and the provincial government's Building Broadband in Rural and Northern Ontario have begun accept¡ng funding applications. The application period is open until 4:00 p.m. EST, October 23,2009. Established as part of the federal stimulus package, the Broadband Canada program provides $225 million for projects which help to bring broadband connectivity to unserved and underserved areas. The program will províde up to 50 per cent of the eligíble costs for successfu I broad band projects. The Government of Ontario's Building Broadband in Rural and Northem Ontario program has committed $32.75 million for Ontario projects approved under the federal Broadband Canada program. Successful Broadband Canada projects can have up to one-third of the eligible project costs funded by the Ontario government. Applications are required for both programs. Eligible applicants include: private sector companies, consortiums, not-for-profit organizations, municipalities, First Nations communities and provincial/territorial entities that can build and operate broadband infrastructure. The Building Broadband in Rural and No¡thern Ontario program is separate from Ontario's Rural Connections program. For further information, please see: Building Broadband in Rural and Northern Ontario - http://www.omafra.qov.on.calenglish/rural/bbrno/index. htm 1-2 uun¡c¡par¡tl:î?äiT:.ii ^hlo Correspondence dated August 12, 31, September 3 and 10 from ...Page 27 of 329 Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians - htt p ://www. i c. g c. cale i c/s ite/7 1 9. n sf/e n g/ho m e Or contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Rural Community Development Branch at: 1 -888-588-4 1 1 1 or Bui ld ingB road band @ontario.ca Action: AMO will continue to keep members informed of infrastructure developments. This information is available in the Policy /ssues secfibn of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Þtr tåJJ 2-2 Mun¡c¡par¡t::ïäii:.ii allo Correspondence dated August 12, 31, September 3 and 10 from ...Page 28 of 329 MEMBER COMMUNICATION Fyt No:0e-114 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca - tL To the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrAGr: september 10, 200e lü?Îiîis[ï:isrenior PoricvAdvisor Continuous lmprovement Fund (ClF) lssue: The Contínuous lmprovement fund (ClF) has $13.5 million available to invest in 2009. Background: The Gontinuous lmprovement Fund (ClF) provides grants and loans to municipalities to execute projects that will increase the efficiency of municipal Blue Box recycling and help boost system effectiveness. The CIF started up in January 2008 and has a three year mandate to direct funding support to projects that will: . identify and implement best practices;. examine and test emerging technologies;. employ innovative solutions to increase blue box materials marketed; ando pronìote gains in cost-effectiveness that can be implemented province-wide. The CIF has issued their 1't edition of the Continuous lmprovement Fund's e-newsletter which is attached for your viewing. This newsletter provides information on projects that CIF has been working on with communities across Ontario. CIF advises that $13.4 million has been allocated to projects already but there still remains $13.5 million available to invest in 2009. Cf F is in the process of developing the 2010 Operations Plan and you are encouraged to discuss your ideas with CIF staff who are named in the attached e-newsletter or to discuss them directly with the AMO appointed municipal representatives on the Municipal lndustry Policy Committee, who are listed below: Sherry Arcaro - 705-775-2737 Ext. 317 - sarcaro@county.oeterborouoh.on.ca Mifena Avramovic - 416-971-9856 Ext.342 - milena@amo.on.ca Craig Bartlett - 906-668-7711 Ext. 3561 - craio.bartlett@durham.ca Linda Churchill (alternate) - 519-883-5100 Ert. 8421 - clinda@waterloo.on.ca Ríck Clow - 613-394-6266 - rick@ouinterecyclinq.org Action FYI This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. 1-1 uun¡c¡par¡r,41:ïJäi?:"9i Allo Correspondence dated August 12, 31, September 3 and 10 from ...Page 29 of 329 Page 30 of 329 MUNICATION FYr No: oe-oo3 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-98s6 | Fax: (416) 9716191 E+nail: amo@amo.on.c:¡ ro the attention of the clerk and Gouncil 53å,i3ff,'[."E$rï?:f,3*'*Ï,*".September 2,2009 1+to¡ szr-éaæ ext 357 sygßey@a¡noç¡_ea New Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Program Now Available to all Ontario Municipalities LocalAuthority Services (LAS) is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Essex Energy to offer a tum-key solar photovoltaic program now available to all municipal facilities across the province. TheLASSol¿rrPhotovoltaic?rogramincludescompleteprojec that includesselac€æ)Êdesign=ndiesta requirements, and completing legal contracts with the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to purchase the generated power under the Feed-ln Tariff (FlT) program for 20 years under very attractive rates. LAS is offering municipalities three ways in which to participate: 1. Joint Equity (Ownership is shared between 3d party equity providers and host municipality) 2. Sole Proprietorship (Host municipality solely own installation after program managers install and connect to the grid) 3. Rooftop Lease (Host municipality rents available roof space to the program managers who install and operate the panel installation) Solar PV is the most versatile renewable energy technology because it can be installed in almost any location. A solar PV project uses anywhere from twenty panels to thousands of panels depending on the project's size. The LAS Solar Photovoltaic Program installs solar projects on rooftops that meet the basic criteria to support solar panels. Municipalities have a wonderful opportunity to leverage cunent infrastructure projects and funds such as the Federal Gas Tax to invest in energy projects such as this that offer them long-term economic and environmental benefits. To obtain an Expression of lnterest (EOl) Form or to learn more about how your municipality can leverage Ontario's Green Energy and Green Economy Acf to generate renewable power and much needed additional revenue visit the Solar Photovoltaic Proqram page on the Energy Services Division website 1'1 Îfu Local Authority services Ltd. Correspondence dated September 2, 1009 from Local Authority ...Page 31 of 329 Page 32 of 329 TO THE TMMEDIATE ATTENTTON OF THE CLERK, COUNCIL AND GREEN TEAM Attached is an LAS/MFOA Event Reminder: - Municipal Investment Basics Seminars Recent sessions in London and Kingston attracted almost 60 attendees ! ! ! Upcoming sessions scheduled for: Richmond Hiff (Sept. 15)' Sudbury (Sept. 30), and Thunder Bay (Oct. ]-4) About the Event: This one-day education seminar is perfect for both El-ected Officials as wel-l as Municipal Staff involved in finance or seni-or administration functions. This is a great opportunity to enhance your understanding of the range of investment options avail-able to Ontario municipalities. Key benefits for efected officiafs: - Develop your understanding of the complexities of cash fl-ow management in a muni-cipality - Share ideas and solutions rel-ated to the chal-l-enges of managing public money - Enhance your understanding of investment markets and investment tlpes from both a municipaf and a personal perspective - Learn how Èo maximize the benefit of every publj-c doÌlar through the use of appropriate investments Session topics incl-ude: - Developing a municipal- investment policy and a diversifj-ed investment portfolio - Leveraging investments to plan for longer term infrastructure proj ects - Review of Money Market, Bond and Equity investment options - Municipal investment guidelines... and much more! LAS / MFOA Event Reminder regarding "Municipal Investment Ba...Page 33 of 329 If you have problems opening the attachment(s) please cal-l AMO at (416) 971_-9856. AMO communications wil-l- be broadcast to the municipality's administrator and clerk. Recipients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff and el-ected official-s as required. Vile have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast l-ists in order to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the management of our various broadcast lists. DISCLAIMER These are final- versions of AMO documents. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record LAS / MFOA Event Reminder regarding "Municipal Investment Ba...Page 34 of 329 )i Heads UP keeping me¡¡rbers inîormed. lú&4_@o/m"August 27,2009 Pusl¡c Revlew PsR¡oo: Accessrslr Bu¡rr Eruvrno¡¡me¡¡r SttruoaRo The Ontario government released the initial proposed Accessible Built Environment Standard for a public review period. Public review period is available until Friday, October 16, 2009. For further details, please go to htto://www.mcss.eov.on.calmcss/enslish/pillars/accessibilitvOntario/ OGRA's response to these documents will be posted on the website and we will continue to keep our members informed. A summary of the initial standard is available on our website beneath News and lnformation. ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOGIATION 6355 KENNEDY ROAD, UNIT#2, MISSISSAUGA, ON LsT2L5 TEL: 905-795-2555 FAX: 905-795-2660 EMAIL: info@ogra.org u Alert Ontario Good Roads Association Heads Up Alert regarding "Pub...Page 35 of 329 Page 36 of 329 5 305 Milner Ave, Suite 801 Scarborough, ON M1B 3V4 Phone: 416-299-9739 ¡ Fax: 41 6-299-3480 Web: cupe.on.ca E-mail: cupeont@web.net September 1,2009 To Mayors and Councils, We are writing to ask that you and your Council endorse a day of recognition for the many people who work providing care to children in your community. Last year a record number of municipalities proclaimed and celebrated this day of appreciation, and it was a great a success. The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and our other labour partners representing chiid care workers across Ontario are asking that Wednesday October 2i; 20Q9 be proclaimed as Chíld Care llorker & Eørþ Childhood Educøtor Appreciøtion Day in accordance with the attached resolution. N{any groups are recognized by way of Municipal Resolution, Such a day allows the community to recognize the work of various groups and to acknowledge the contributions they make in the lives of communify members, lvlany children, families and communities benefit from the work of child care workers. Child care also contributes to the economíc life of communities. Research shows the many economic benefits accrued from affordable, accessible high quality child care. This benefit comes from the number of people employed in the child care industry ancl because the availability of child care allows parents to work and to contribute to the economic life of society, Even if your Council does not issue official proclamations, there are many ways for your municipalrty to participaie in and celebrate this special day. kr this case, we ask your Council sponsor public announcements, display our Ðosters and dishibute pins, Many mumcipaiities also organize everrts anC contests for the day or have Councillors or the Mayor participate in events hosLed by child care centres within the municipality. A list of ideas and exampies is attached. W-e hope that your proclamation of this clay of appreciation, or your active support, will encourage and promote a day of community recognition for child care workers. Please fax the attached order to request posters and pins to help you raise awareness and celebrate. Please advise us of yoru participation in this day of recognition so that we can aclceowledge your community's role in celebrating child care workers across Ontario on October 21't. Please direct any corespondence o¡r proclamations ancVor celebration activities to the attention of Katþ Johnson, by mail: CUPE,305 Milner Ave., Suite 800, Scarborough, ON MlB 3V4, or by fax: 416-292-2839. Thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely, hol gaEr^ Sid Ryan, President, CUPE Ontario cc: CMSMs/DSSABs Tracy Saarikoski, President, OCBCC :us/ cope49l Correspondence dated September 1, 2009 from the Canadian Uni...Page 37 of 329 9th Annual Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day October 2\ 2OO9 What f our CovuvwwwLtu Caw Þo The Week of the Ch¡ld will be celebrated in communities across Canada from October !9 - 23, 2009, As a complement to this exciting week of events, we will be setting aside October 2!, 2009 to celebrate Child Carc Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day. Trained and knowledgeable child care staff is the most important element in quality child care. Studies show that child care providers play a key role in shaping children's social, physical, emotional and cognitive development. This is a great oppotunity for local Governments to recognize and show their appreciation by taking the lead in organizing Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day. . To hetp you make the Day visible in your cornmunity here are some ways you can pafticipate and examples fiom local Government sponsored events in previous years: : *' Support the resolution declaring October 21 Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day. * Visit a child care centre and meet ell the impoftant people working hard to provide quality child care and eai'ly learning envircnmenB, and let them know how important they are in rnaking chiid care rvork! * Distriirute buttons and posters - call or e-mail us for your FREE materials or fax using the enclosed order form. Ëxamples of ¡rast locat government celetlrations: * Bought carnations for staff working in child care centres. * Hosted an appreciation dinner including a motivational guest speaker and also sponsored a full day workshop - all at no cost to front líne staff. * Distributed t¡uttons and posters to all child care centres and treated Child Care Workers and ËCE staff to a healthy breakfast. Also displayed posters and promoted Child Care Worker and ECE Appreciation Day at centres during the Week of the Ch¡ld. * Had each centre nominate one educator/child care worker to be added to a list of names that were read by the Mayor, along with the resolution. * Recognized each early childhood educator and child care worker with a long stemmed rose and a chocolate thank you bar. CMSM donated some funding and each individual program chipped in as well, This is just a short list of activities - there are many things you can do to recognize and celebrate the valuable role child care workers play in the lives of children, families and communities, Please contact the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (416-538-0628 x2ltoll-free 1-800-594-7574 x2, or email at andrea@childcareontario.org) for further information, posters, buttons and certificates of appreciation, :us/cope49t Correspondence dated September 1, 2009 from the Canadian Uni...Page 38 of 329 gth Annual Ch¡ld Gare Worker & Early Ch ¡ ldhood Ed ucator Appreciation Day October 21 ,2009 Resolution Whereas thirty six years of research confirms the benefìts of high quality child care for young children's intellectual, emotional, social and physical development and later life outcomes; and Whereas child care promotes the well-being of children and responds to the needs of parents, child care workers and the broader community by supporting quality of life so that citizens can fully participate in and contribute to the economic and social life of their community; and Whereas recent studies clearly show trained and knowledgeable Early Childhood Educators and child care workers are the most important element in quality child care, and further that good wages and working conditions are associated with higher job satisfaction and morale, lower staff turnover all of which predict higher quality care Therefore Be lt Resolved that October 21, 2009 be designated the 9th annual "Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day" in recognition of the influence, dedication and commitment of child care workers to children, their families and quality of life of the community. :us/ cope491 Correspondence dated September 1, 2009 from the Canadian Uni...Page 39 of 329 . :¡ f .* Ch¡ld Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day October 2\ 2OOg 0ctscc ÇOMSEE Theme "Proud to Work in Early Learning and Child Care" Materials Request Form Quantities are limited so please order only what you need! Please send the following items: #Buttons_ #Posters A template Ceftificate of Appreciation will be automatically sent with each request. Narne:Tel.# ,,Ë Organization (if applicable): Address: City:Prov.Postal Code: Ëmail Address: Fax: Mail: E-Mail: Return this form by October 9 to: 416-538-6737 OCBCC, 489 College St., Suite 206, Toronto, ON M6G 145 i nfo@ch i ldca reontario. o rg Correspondence dated September 1, 2009 from the Canadian Uni...Page 40 of 329 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Office of the Deputy Minister 77 Grenville Street, 11lh Floor Toronio, Ontario M7A 183 Tel: 41 6 326-3101 Fax: 416 326-3106 Ministère de I'Agriculture, de I'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales Bureau du sous-ministre 77, rue Grenville, 1 1" étage Toronto lOntario) M7A 183 Té1.: 416 326-31O1 Téléc.: 416 326-3106 ,12¿ / lt oe* ' Please sltare the enclosed resources with staff members who are responsiblefor economic development in your municipdlity. D ear Chief Administrative Ofhcer/Clerk/Treasurer : To recognize and foster the spirit of irurovation that thrives in Ontario's agricultural sector, the Ontario goverrìment established the Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence lri'2Ð06 to reward outstanding agriculture and agri-food innovators. This five-year,52.5 million award program encourages the development and recognition of innovations that add value to existing products, create jobs and drive economic growth on our farms and in,our rural communities. Each year, up to 55 regional innovations will be recognized. Regional winners will receive a plaq-ue, a farm-gate sign, various promotional material and $5,000. The top two innovations will be chosen from among the regional winners to receive either the Minister's Award valued at up to $50,000, or the Premier's Award valued at up to $100,000. inhe first three years of this program \¡/ere very successful. More than 550 individuals and businesses applied to the program outlining their ideas, inventions and imovations. With your help, we can generate more applications and make this year even better. IndMduals or groups representing agri-food businesses and organizations are invited to submit applications. To be eligible, at least one of the applicants must be a farmer. The innovation must have been developed and in use on an Ontario farm or in the planning stages of development with a business plan toward implementation within the agriculture and agri-food sector. The innovation must also have potential for use on a broader basis and demonsfate a positive effect on the agricultural indus.try. Details on eligibility, innovation categories, assessment criteria, application process and selection process can be found in the enclosed 2009 ApplicationÀ{ominatíon Guidebook MinisFy Headquarters: I Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 Bureau principal du ministère: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph (Ontario) N1G 4Y2 Pick Ontario Freshness Cueillez la ftaîcheur de I'Ontario #?f ..,/2 Correspondence received September 4, 2009 from Ministry of A...Page 41 of 329 Municipalities Page2 The enclosed materials have been developed to make people awate of the opportunities provided by this award. I ask that you encourage outstanding agriculture and agri-food innovators to submit an application/nomination by the deadline of 5 pm on November 16,2009. Should you require additional resources, please contact the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at I -87 7 -424- I 3 00 or ag. info. o mafra@ontario.ca. I am also pleased to enclose a copy of a brochure that highlights the winners of the 2008 Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to learning about agri-food innovations in your community. Sincerely, ftt36+ George Zegarac Deputy Minister Enclosures Correspondence received September 4, 2009 from Ministry of A...Page 42 of 329 Ministry of the Envlronment Office of the Minister 135 St. Clair Ave. West 12th Floor Toronto ON M4V 1P5 Tel (416) 314-6790 Fax (416) 314-6748 Ministère de I'Env¡ronnement Bureau du ministre 135, avenue St. Clair ouest 1 2" étage Toronto ON M4V lP5 Tér (416) 314-6790 Téléc (416) 314-6748 I' ENV1283MC-2009-3213 August 24,2009 Her Worship Lynn Acre Mayor Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayor Acre: Thank you for your letter of May 25, 2009 with regard to the Council for the Municipality of Bayham's concerns about for setback distances for wind turbines. I apologize for the delay in responding. On May 14,2009,the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009, was passed in the Ontario Legislature. The Act is groundbreaking in its bold series of coordinated actions that will both enhance economic activity and reduce our impact on our climate. The Act will do this by making it easier to bring renewable energy projects on-line, and by fostering a culture of conservation through initiatives aimed at helping homeowners, governments, schools and industrial employers transition to lower, more efficient energy use. The province is creating a coordinated approach to approvals for renewable energy projects that will reduce duplication, provide certainty with respect to provincial standards, and ensure transparency and public review as projects proceed. The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has designated a Renewable Energy Facilitator for the purpose of facilitating the development of renewable energy projects by offering support and guidance to project proponents. It is proposed that wind turbines would not be permitted less than 550 metres from the nearest dwelling and this minimum setback would increase with the number and loudness of turbines. This would be measured from the base of the turbine to the point of reception. It is also proposed that there would be setback distances from all roads, railways and property side and rear lot lines. 0761G (0901)100% Bêcycled Chlorin€ Frê€. Mada ¡n Canadâ 2 Correspondence dated August 24, 2009 from Ministry of the En...Page 43 of 329 Her Worship Lynn Acre Page 2. The Ministry of the Environment is committed to an open, collaborative process that will:-ler.d t and the environment. I would like to assure you that we will take your comments into consideration prior to finalizing our renewable energy approval. Thank you for bringing the Council of Bayham's comments and concerns to my attention. The Honourable Steve Peters MPP-Elgin-Middles ex-London ohn Gerretsen Correspondence dated August 24, 2009 from Ministry of the En...Page 44 of 329 Ministry of the Envlronment Office of the Minister 135 St. Clair Ave. West 12th Floor Toronto ON M4V 1P5 Tel (416) 314-6790 Fax (416) 314-6748 August 24,2009 Her Worship Lynn Acre Mayor Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Minlstère de I'Environnement Bureau du ministre 135, avenüe St. Clair ouest 1 2" étage Toronto ON M4V 1P5 Tér (416) 314-67s0 Téléc (416) 314-6748 Ontario ENV1283MC-2009-3484 Alb Dear Mayor Acre: The Honourable Steve Peters; MPP for Elgin-Middlesex-London, forwarded a copy of Mrs. Lynda Millard's letter of June 29, 2009 regarding Bayham's Council resolution rupporiing the City of London's resolution about the potential economic impacts which -ây U. associateówith intra-basin transfers and/or connecting channels on the Regional Water Supply System. As you may be aware, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), in conjqnction with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), is in the process of implementing the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement. A proposal paper seeking input from the public and stakeholders on measures that will help prote9t itré Creat Lakes, including intra-basin transfer requirements, was released on August 5, 2009. The proposed measures outlined in the proposal paper will allow OnJario to play a leadership rote in implernenting the Agreement and meeting its commitments to the eight U.S. Great Lakes States and Quebec. In the proposal paper, the province is proposing to include both the upstream and downstreãm connécting channels in the watershed of each Great Lake, as specif,red in the Agreement and in the Safeguarding and Sustaining Ontario's Watey Act, 2007. The Crty of London's Lake Huron Water Supply pipeline involves anintra-basin transfer,'as defined by the Agreement. The própos itpup"t offers options to approaching intra-basin transfers, including issues relatingto meeting the return flow criterion. We are seeking feedback on these proposals and we encourage you to provide comments on the paper. The paper cari be found on the Environmental Registry at www.ebr.gov.on.ca under posting #010-6350. I want to assure you that it is not our intention to put the'City of London or neighbouring municipalities that are on the same regional water supply system in an economically disadvantaged position. @ 0761G (0901)1OO% Ræyclsd Chlorine Fre€. Mado in Canada 2 Correspondence dated August 24, 2009 from Ministry of Enviro...Page 45 of 329 Her Worship Lynn Acre Page2. The City of London's Regional Water Supply staff, as members of Agreement Advisory Panel and the Municipal Sector Working Group, have rnade valuable contributions to implementing the Great lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement. We also would like to acknowledge the effort that the Regional Water staff have made in working with the MOE and the MNR on the issue of London's water transfer and in discussions of regulations to implement the Agreement. We look forward to continued communication and collaboration as the province moves towards full implementation of the Agreement. I trust this information is helpful. Gerretsen ister Ftt. Lynda Millard, CMO Clerk, Municipality of Bayham The Honourable Donna Cansfield Minister of Natural Resources The Honourable Steve Peters, MPP Elgin Middlesex- London Correspondence dated August 24, 2009 from Ministry of Enviro...Page 46 of 329 Ministry of Labour Office of the Minister Ministère du Travail Bureau du ministre AIL 400 University Avenue 14h Floor Toronto ON M7A 1T7 Tel: 4'16 326-7600 Fax: 416 326-1449 AUo 2 I 2009 400, avenue University 14" étage Toronto ON M7A 1T7 Té1. : 416 326-7600 Téléc. : 416326-1449 Ms. Lynda Millard Clerk The Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road PO Box 160 S traffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Dear Ms. Millard: Mr. Steve Peters, MPP for Elgin-Middlesex-London, has forwarded me a copy of your letter regarding the Municipality of Bayham's support for extending presumptive coverage for volunteer and part{ime firefighters under the lhrkplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Our govemment values the hard work and dedication of all firefighters. As the Premier has said, "I don't know that there are words strong or eloquent enough to capture the courage it takes to put oneself in harm's way in order to keep others safe." As you know, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Presumptions for Firefighters), 2007, was passed on May 3,2001 . The legislation allows for the identification, through regulation, of specific diseases or heart injuries of firefighters that would be presumed to be work-related for workers' compensation purposes, unless the contrary is shown. A regulation containing criteria was established in2007 for full-time firefighters. The Ministry of Labour has conducted consultations regarding volunteer and part-time firefighters, and fire investigators. Discussions continue regarding how best to move forward on this issue. Thank you for writing about this important matter. Sincerely, Peter Fonseca Minister c: Mr. Steve Peters, MPP, Elgin-Middlesex-London Correspondence dated August 28, 2009 from Ministry of Labour...Page 47 of 329 Page 48 of 329 ('(:( MUSEUMS BAYIIAM Minutes of Aug.12,2009 Meeting Committee Room, Bayham Municipal Office Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hicke¡ Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Brian Masschaele, Mat Schafer Regrets: Rosilee Peto, Ron Bradfield, Cheryl Peters, Jean'Woon. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None 3. AGENDA: was approved as presented. 4. MINUTES: It was moved by L.Acre and seconded by C.Buchanan that the 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Email message of gratitude from student Bethany Sharpe. 6. MATTERS OUT OF THE MINUTES: A) Edison Museum Building Committee: It was moved by R.Maddox and seconded b)¡ B.Masschaele that Museums Bayham supports the resolution b]¡ the Edison Museum Building Committee to accept the quote from retained to raise monies for the construction of the new museum. Motion Carried. B) Great Lakes Car Ferries book: It was moved by C.Buchanan and Carried. C) Beef Hoist Repairs: R.Maddox expressed concern with the aesthetic appearance of the re,pairs. B.Hickey agreed to discuss work with contractor E.Matthews. D) ) Property Line Clarification: The chairman has spoken with K.Kruger regarding a request for a property line survey of the Marine Museum. He was advised that if our new neigbbours want a survey, they must provide it. If they want us to share in the cost of a new fence, they must request it in writing. However, it was noted that a survey is usually done with any property purchase so it should already be done. Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held August 12, 2009...Page 49 of 329 Museums Bayham August 72,2009 Page2 E) Marine Museum Report: 6.8.1) Painting bathroom floor: It was moved by R.Maddox and seconded b)¡ C.Buchanan that the students be directed to paint the bathroom floorblue. Motion Canied. 6.8.2) New Mirror for Sutherland Display Case: Recently improvements were made to the structure of the case and the colouring of the display. It was moved by C.Buchanan and seconded by M.Schafer that a new mirror for the display case be purchased at the approx. cost of $12. Motion Canied. 6.8.3) Replacement Light Bulbs: The local hardware store is no longer able to supply the tlpe of bulbs needed. B.Hickey will seek out suitable replacements elsewhere. 6.8.4) Blue Carpeting: The removal of the compressors into the display shed has left a good space for our Ashtabula display. Unfonunately the compressors have leaked oil onto the cement floor, which cannot be scrubbed clean. The students have suggested a piece of blue carpeting to cover the spot. It was moved by R.Maddox and seconded by C.Buchanan Motion Carried. 6.E.5) Signage for Display Shed: Since visitors are unaware that there are artefacts stored in the display shed, it was decided that a plaque needs to be placed there describing the artefacts within. It was moved by purchase a plaque for the display shed. Motion Carried. 6. 8.6) Railway Museum Lens offer: B.Masschaele offered to have curator M.Baker inspect the lens to see if they are appropriate for our collection. (On Aug. 14, 09 M.Baker determíned that the lens were actually street traffic light lens, not railway nor líghthouse lens, and thereþre were not appropriateþr our collection.) 6.8.7) Surplus Electronics: A list of surplus/broken electronics were identified by the students. R.Maddox volunteered to deliver computer towers to local youth for recycling and to dispose of the remainder. 6.E.8) Flagpole: The donated flagrole from the Pt.Burwell cenotaph will replace the existing broken flag¡lole. Smaller flags will be used to ensure that they don't tear on the crossbeam. Plans have been made for a deeper, more stable base. Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held August 12, 2009...Page 50 of 329 Museums Bayham Au9.12,2009 Page3 F. Edison Museum Report: 6.F.1) Water Stains on Ceiling: It was moved by M.Schafer and seconded byR.Maddox that E.Matthews be asked to inspect the water stains on the ceiling of the Bayham Historical Societv Room. the Invention Room and the upstairs hallwa)¡ and to quote on cost to repair water damage. Motion Carried. 6.F.2) Damage to Storage Shed: R.Maddox reported that thebase of the storage shed is being damaged byroutine lawn maintenance. Bayham public works department will be notified. 6.F.3) Gazebo Painting: The chairman will direct the students to paint the gazebo. 7. NEW BUSINESS A: Sign re Lou Stewart conservation officer: B.Hickeyhas a sign for Mr. Lou Stewart, who was a local conservation officer. He will attempt to local menrbers of the Stewart family to see if they want the sign, if not then it will be oftered to the Provincial park and MNR. B: Original Bathtub from cross-lake trip: For many years this item was stored in our Marine Museum. It is presently sitting outdoors on the lawn of Ed Matthews. B.Hickey will approach E.Matthews to see if he would like it stored in the Display Shed with a plaque to describe its local historical significance. C: Surplus Compressor: Since we have had no inquiries regarding the compressor we've advertised across Ontario, mernbers discussed selling it for parts at the Historical Society's Flea Market or for scrap metal. R.Maddox will check with his brother-in-law who deals in antiques. D: Capital Budget for 2010: Our treasurer has requested capital budgets for 2010, 2011, 2012. After some brainstorming, it was decided that committee members should visit their museums and make a list of capital projects to be brought to the Sept. committee meeting. 8. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday Septønber 9,2009 at7:}}pm@Municipal Offrce. 9. ADJOURNMENT: The chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held August 12, 2009...Page 51 of 329 Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held August 12, 2009...Page 52 of 329 BAYTIAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY EDISON MUSETIM _ VIENNA IUNE TI,2OO9. PRESENT: , Cheryl Peters, Shirley Brackenbury, Marion Maddox, Ray Maddox, Barb Ouellette, Corky Ouellette, Donna Baldwin, Bill Baldwin, Arvilla Beckett, Harris Teall, Robert Heil, Jeanette Heil, Alex Collins, Bob Graham, Etoile Mc Cann, Sandy Sage, Tom and Dorothy Godby. PICNIC: President Ray Maddox welcomed members & guests at 6:00 P M, Ray said grace and we all enjoyed a pot luck dinner with lots of great food. V/e enjoyed the singing of Cindy Franklin. A motion to accept the minutes of May 71,2009 was made by Corþ Ouellette 2nd. BySandra Sage - Motion carried. PRESIDENTS REPORT: Ray has requested an executive meeting be held. Donna Baldwin has offered the use of he. horne for the meeting set for June 30th 2009 at 7:00 PM. SECRETARIES REPORT: Cheryl reported that's she has received a donation from Honor 'Wassing through V/anda Hoshal. The donation is a large "Bread Basket" that comes from Bayham. Ms. V/assing has some family history on the item. A motion to accept the bread basket was made by Donna Baldwin, 2no.by Harris Teall. Motion carried. Donna Baldwin has donated some books to the BHS. A motion was made to accept the books by Co.ky Ouellette, 2"0 by Bob Graham. Motion carried. (Collection, use and care of Historical photographs- Township of Bayham list of Voters 1965- Bayham- 1851 names from census.) Cheryl will put together the forms for both donations. TREASURERS REPORT: Robert Heil reported as follows. Checking-- ---------$2559.39 Lottery $ 128.84 Petty Cash ----------$ 1.09 Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held June...Page 53 of 329 As of May 31't. 2009. Motion to accept the treasurers report was made by Dorotþ Godby, 2"o.By Bob Graham. Motion carried. Robert Heil reported that the Municipality of Bayham had turned down his request to use the Bayham logo for the Bayham Historical Society. He has sugessted that we have a contest for school age students to make a logo for the BHS . Robert will put together rules, regulation and ages for the next meeting. HARVEST TEA REPORT: Barb Ouellette reported that there will be a meeting at her home in Eden to discuss details every one is welcome. Sandy Sage has suggested that we move the Tea to the Community of Christ Church near Corinth as many folks travel from here and it is very well known. The church has just undergone renovations and one of the benefits would be complete acsess without stairs or an elavator, it is wheelchair accesable. The meeting at Barb's will be on June22,2009 at 7:00 PM. PROGRAM DIRECTOR : September speaker is Cliff Evanitski who will talk about the Otter Creek Water Shed. Robert Heil will be our speaker for October he will talk about the Vienna Masons Lodge237. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Donna Baldwin reported that our write-up was in both the Aylmer and Tillsonburg paper and were very nicely covered. SOCIAL DIRECTOR: The refreshments will be done by Cheryl Peters. NEXT MEETING: September 10,2009 at the Municipality of Bayham Office at7:30. Motion to close the meeting was made by Bob Graham and2"d. By Corky Ouellette - Motion carried. DATE: Secretary President Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held June...Page 54 of 329 receiving soc¡ol rote in lhe London oreo, including Elgin & 'This.wos one of the highest rotes in the country*. every Ontorio household betwe en $2,299 Join us on Wednesdqy, Oclober l4rh from 8:30 q.m. to noon qt the Sl. Thomqs Seniors Centre, to leorn obout how you ond your orgonizotion con porticipote in o new communiiy initiotive looking of o colloborolive opprooch to reducing poverty. Speciol guesl speoker: Hon. Deb Motthews, M.P.P., Minister of Children ond Youth Services who will discuss Ontorio's Poverty Reduction Strolegy ond how we con oct locolly. Continento/breokfosf ond lighl refreshmenfs will be provided. Pfeose R.S.V.P. by Fridoy, October 2nd to Erin Woolley by emoil of ewoolley@sffhomosunitedwoy.co or by phone of 519-631-3171 A speciol thonk you lo the generosity of our evenf sponsors: PUBLIC HEALTH : '.: |l Jrn AUniredrùay initiativefundedthrough thegl 5 onta¡ioTrilliumFoundation THE OHTARTo TRILLIUIT FoUNDATION UnlËed$fÞg of ElgirtSt. Thomas LA FoNÞATtox TR¡L Lrurt DE L'ot{taRto Notice of Information session being held October 14, 2009 at...Page 55 of 329 Page 56 of 329 C_ \'¡ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August lsrh, 2009 MURDERED CHILD'S DAD CYCLES TO EDMONTON TO RAISE FUNDS/AWARENESS FOR .CHILD FIND' EYE-ZON lnc. Powers Rodney Stofford's 3400 km Ride "ForTori" Woodstock, ON - After the trogic obduciion ond murder of B yeor-old Victorio Stofford eorlier this yeor, o long seorch ensued for her remoins, culminoting in funerol services for her Ìn lote July. lmmediotely ofterwords, Rodney Stofford decided he needed to soy goodbye in his own woy. With on ombitious gool of o cross-country bicycle trek from Woodstock, Ontorio to Edmonton, Alberto, Rodney hos undertoken o trip of some 3400 kilometres through some of Conodo's most densely populoted - ond its most desolote - oreos. His purpose - portly to roise oworeness for Child Find so thot others moy be spored the brutol roller-cooster ride thot begins with the loss of o child, ond "probobly never reolly ends". More centrol io his mission is his need to soy goodbye to Victorio on his own Terms. He will cycle to Edmonton, where the bicycle thot corries him west will be ouctioned for chority, then heod to the mountoins of Josper to releose o single purple bolloon info lhe sky, in honour of Tori's fovourite colour. ond in memory of hoppier times during o fomily trip to the oreo o yeor eorlier. ln order to roise the profile of the trip, ond moke donotions os simple os possible, EYE-ZON lnc., o Conodion GPS Locotion-bosed Services compony, hos outfitted Rodney with o smoll, lightweight personol frocker, ond creoted o web sile where it con be viewed. This device ollows onyone, onywhere in the world, to visit www.eye-zon.com ond see Rodney's precise locotion, his doily or overoll progress to dote, donote, or even leove notes of encourogement in o simple ond eosy to use formot. "We cought o news sTory soying Rodney wos ottempting this trip", soys Richord Wonoll, PresÌdent of EYE-ZON. "We immediotely understood thot he wos going lo need some support, ond thot we could help him roise oworeness exponentiolly if people could feel involved, ond trock his journey. With the device's emergency "find me" button, ond our obility to locote him so precisely, we olso knew we could help keep him sofe. EYE-ZON's gool is thoi nothing of volue is ever lost; most importontly, our children." "This technology con get o child home sofe", soys Rodney Stofford. "Ihey're our future, ond we've got to prolect them." A member of the EYE-ZON senior teom is olso currenlly octing os Rodney's support vehicle through Northern Ontorio, ond into Monitobo. "Fron Colemon, Huntsville, Ontorio Deputy Moyor, issues o chollenge to oll the Moyors ond Councillors from cities ond Towns olong the route to geï out ond support this couse, ond help roise funds & oworeness" odds Mr. Stofford. "We hod o greot reception there in Huntsville, ond we're reolly hoping it just continues to romp up right ocross the country. Whether you're o porent or not, kids ore everybody's couse." News Release dated August 15, 2009 regarding "Rodney Staffor...Page 57 of 329 'Child Find' is o choritoble orgonizotion dedicoted to lhe personol sofety of oll children. For more info contoct John Duront, Exec. Dir., Child Find Ontorio (905) 712-3463, or john@childfindontorio.co 'EYE-ZON lnc.' is o Conodion-owned technology compony focused on the eosy ond discreet monitoring, protection ond irocking of ony person, pet, or high-volue osset, lhrough ils line-up of speciolized products ond services. For more info contoct Richord Worroll ot (905) 660-1552;or rwonoll@eye-zon.com News Release dated August 15, 2009 regarding "Rodney Staffor...Page 58 of 329 Cornrnunities Responding to Hurnan Nceds RESTORATIVE JUSTICE WEEK ::OIiT¡ C \", It gives me great pleasure to call upon all Mayors, Reeves, Councillors and community leaders from across Canada to proclaim Restorative Justice Week 2009. The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has been an active partner in the restorative justice community for more than a decade and has been proud to provide leadership to the annual celebration since 1996. Restorative Justice Week 2009 will be held within Canada, and throughout the world, from November 15th to November 22"d. Thetheme is "Communities Responding to Human Needs", which focuses on sharing the concrete leaming and results that have come from the growing experience of practitioners and stakeholders in the application of a restorative justice approach and processes. In 2008,there were 167 towns and cities across Canada, representing almost 40o/o of the Canadianpopulation, who proclaimed Restorative Justice Week. Things you could do as leaders in your community include the following: o Declare / proclaim Restorative Justice'Week 2009. The following link provides a printable version of a proclamation form: ; o Host a town hall meeting to promote an awareness of how restorative justice is expressed in your communities; o Promote an open, respectful dialogue in an effort to help members of your community deal with issues such as community safety and relationship deterioration caused by conflict, in order to nurture the healing process; o Challenge your community partners to create a local planning committee for Restorative Justice .Week 2009 activities; . Invite a guest speaker(s) from your community, who is involved in restorative justice, to share their perspectives or contact CSC's Restorative Justice Division for speakers to come to your event at: Municipal participation in previous years has been a great success and we hope to build on that this year with your support. Please let us know if your city, town or village is planning an event or proclaiming Restorative Justice Week 2009. We would like to recognise your participation in our national report. It would be appreciated if you could fax a copy of the proclamation or the minutes of the meeting declaring/proclaiming Restorative Justice V/eek 2009. Please include your contact information to the attention of Carol-Anne Grenier at (613) 943-2171. Don Head Commissioner Correspondence received August 27, 2009 regarding "Restorati...Page 59 of 329 Page 60 of 329 -t \ o.F.F. ^/ lø Ournnro PnovrNcrAt PoLICE PortcE PRovINCIALE DE t'Ot¡tRnro l.[nws Rnrnnsn/ CouvtuNleuÉ FROM/DE:ELG¡N COUNTY OPP DATE: 26 Aug,2009 YOUTH ARRESTED IN SPRINGWATER CONSERVATION CAMPGROUND LURING INCIDENT (ELGIN COUNTY) Last evening the 25th of August, 2OO9 Elgin County OPP Criminal lnvestigations Unit arrested a 12year old male, a resident of Central Elgin, in relation to this incident. As a result of the excellent media coverage police received numerous tips from the public. Some information received was critical in the identification and arrest of the youth. Police began looking for an unidentified 12-14 year old male Sunday afternoon the 23'd of August, 2OOg after he allegedly lured a 6 year old girl into a washroom at the Springwater Conservation Area Campground and exposed himself. Based on a description of the suspect and his bicycle an extensive search and canvass of the campground and surrounding area was conducted. A media release seeking the public's assistance was also fonruarded to media outlets. "lt was through the co-operation with the media and subsequent information obtained that we were able to identify the suspect with such swiftness. We would like to thank the media for their assistance in this investigation. Parents can breathe a sigh of relief and continue to use the Springwater Conservation Area Campground without concern, "stated lnspector Ryan Cox, Elgin County OPP Detachment Commander. The youth has been charged with; 1. Failing to Comply with Conditions of Release contrary to section 145(5.1) of the Criminal Code. 2. Sexual Assault contrary to section 271 of the Criminal Code. The youth is scheduled to appear in St.Thomas Court on the 26th of August, 2009 for a bail hearing. OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 61 of 329 ONrnnro Pnovrr.¡ctnr Poucr Pouca PRovINcIALE DE r'OurRnlo Nnws Rnrnnsn/ COtttlr,tUNIQUÉ OriginatRelease from 24 Aug 09 -POLICE LOOKING FOR SUSPECT lN LURING INCIDENT (ELGIN COUNTY) - Elgin County OPP is looking for the public's assrsfance in identifying a suspecf involved in a luring incident which occurred on the 23'd of August, 2009 at the Springwater Conse¡yation Area Campground (West Campground.) Central Elgin. At approximately 1:11pm police received a reporf that a seven (7) year old girl had been approached by a young male and asked to go into the woods. The seven year old female declined. She was approached again about a half hour later by the same male, she again declined and then reported the incident to her mother who in turn reported it to park staff. Park staff contacted police and while on route to the park, police received a second complaint from park staff. Park staff reported that a second female, this time a six (6) year old had been in the area of the main playground when she was approached and enticed into the female washroom with the promise of candy by the same male involved in the first incident. Once inside the washroom the girl was taken into a stall where the male exposed himself to the female. The male was interrupted by another child entering the washroom looking for the six year old female. He then departed the washroom. Elgin County OPP Detachment members as well as the Elgin County OPP Criminat tnvestigations Unit canvassed the park as well as conducting an extensive search for the suspecf. At the time of the incident the park was very busy with many day use campers, horseshoe toumament, hikers and tenters using the campground. The suspect is described as; White Male Twelve (12) to fou¡fieen (14) years old 5'4'to 5'6" tall Skinny Build Shod light brown hair Wearing a black t-shi¡t with white on it, no description of pants/shorts. Wearing a red bike helmet or has red on the helmet. Suspecf was riding a bicycle which rs descnöed as; BMX Style Green in colourwith white lettering on it Sfunf pegs on the front and rear wheels. Anyone with information peftaining to this incidenf rs asked to call the Elgin County OPP at 519- 631-2920 or Crime Sfoppers at 1-800-222-8477 OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 62 of 329 óLò ONrnnto PnovrNctn Poucn Poucr PRovTNCIALE DE t'O¡¡r¡uo Nnws Rnrnnsn/ CotntrtuNleuÉ Please visit the OPP 100'n Anniversary website at www.opp100.ca for information about upcoming events, updates, images, video and other information relating to the OPP 100th Anniversary. "Veuillez visiter le site web pour le 100e anniversaire de I'OPP à www.opp100.ca pour des informations sur les événements prochains, mises à jour, photos, vidéos et autres informations concernants le 100e anniversaire -30- Contact: Constable Troy Garlson Elgin County OPP Media Relations/Community Seruices Officer Phone: 519-631-2920 Pager: l-888-808-7195 OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 63 of 329 OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 64 of 329 #àR 5 Oxrnnro PnovrNcter PoucE Poucn PRovINcIALE DE t'O¡qr.Anto Npws Rrrnnsn/ CouvruNleuÉ F ¡-> FROM/DE:ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE:O9 Sep, 2009 JUST ANOTHER WEEKEND (ELGIN COUNTY) This past Labour Day weekend was pretty much like any other summer weekend in Elgin County. Police did not see a tremendous rise in calls for service and responded to the typical amount of callwhich is approximately one hundred and fifty. Brief Summary of lncidents: 1. lmpaired Driving/Over 80 - four incidents resulting in four lmpaired Driving/Over 80 charges. One notable incident resulted in a27 year old London, ON man being arrested and charged with Care and Control of a Motor Vehicle while Over 80 after police observed a parked vehicle and subject urinating at the side of the road. At the time police were on patrol in the area of Springwater Rd and John Wise Line, Malahide Twp aroun d 5:27pm on the 6th of September, 2009 when they came across the male and his vehicle. As a result of the investigation the male was anested and charged with Care and Control of a Motor Vehicle while lmpaired and Care and Controlwhile Over 80. 2. Two (2) Break and Enter lncidents. ln one incident a garage of a residence on 2nd Line, Southwold Twp was entered during the daytime on the 7h oÍ September, 2009. Small hand tools and a small amount of alcohol was taken. 3. Three (3) Liquor Licence Act incidents in which one resulted in a 26 year old St.Thomas man being arrested and charge with public intoxication. 4. R.|.D.E. - Total Vehicles Checked = 05 Sep 09 - Carlow Rd, Port Stanley, 140 Vehícles checked with two Highway Traffic Act Warnings. - Vienna Line and Woodworth Rd, Bayham Twp, 50 vehicles checked with one Highway Traffic Act Warning. - Colborne St. Port St. Port Stanley, 56 Vehicles checked resulting in one 3 day drivers licence suspension for a road side reading of between 50 and 100. OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 65 of 329 x\ Oxr.rnro PnovrNcrnr Portcn Pouce PRovINcTALE DE t'ONt.lnto Nrws Rnrpnsn/ CoutrruNleuÉ 06 Sep 09 - Water Tower Line Rd and Turner Rd, Central Elgin , only two vehicle checked as units were called away to a domestic dispute. 07 Sep 09 - Carlow Rd, Port Stanley, 125 Vehicles checked resulting in 3 Highway Traffic Act charges and 3 Highway Traffic Act warnings. COMMUNITY POLICING COMMITTEE RETURNS TO BAYHAM After a few years of inactivity the BAYHAM COMMUNITY POLICING COMMITTEE will be starting up again in Bayham this fall. Made up of interested and concerned citizens who work together with our local police service to identify and resolve mutual community policing issues and to ensure a safe and secure community. The committee will consist of a police liaison and a representative group of community volunteers formed to provide consultation on issues identified by the committee, the police or the community itself. The Committee acts as a link or liaison between the police and the community. Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday October 7 at 7:00pm at the Bayham Municipal Offices. Those interested in participating are asked to contact Doug Lester at 519-874-4477. Please visit the Opp tOO* Anniversary website at www.opp100.ca for information about upcoming events, updates, images, video and other information relating to the OPP 100th Anniversary. 'Veuillez visiter le site web pour le 1 00e anniversaire de I'OPP à www.opo100.ca pour des informations sur les événements prochains, mises à jour, photos, vidéos et autres informations concemants le 100e anniversaire -30- Contact: Gonstable Troy Garlson Elgin County OPP Media Relations/Community Services Officer Phone: 519-631-2920 Pager: 1-888-808-7195 OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 66 of 329 h Our¡,nro Pr.ovrNctnr Porrcr, PoucE PRovINcIALE DE t'ONt¡,nIo Ftt Nrws Rsrnnsn/ CouuuNleuÉ FROM/DE:ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE: 09 Sep, 2009 MEDIA EVENT (ELGIN COUNTY) ELGIN COUNTY OPP will be unveiling their newest crime prevention tool the Crime Prevention Mobile Message Display Trailer, this Friday the 11th of September 2009 at 3:00pm at the Elgin County OPP Detachment. The trailer mounted display will be used to display Crime Prevention Messages in targeted areas throughout Elgin County in an effort to deter or prevent profit motivated crimes. "The display was obtained through a grant from the Ministry of the Attorney General - Civil Remedies Grant Program. " stated Inspector Ryan Cox, Elgin County OPP's Detachment Commander. He went on to state that " The initiative and display will allow us to get specific crime prevention messages out to a targeted areas thereby reducing or detouring particular crimes from happening in that area. lt will also hopefully encourage the public to report criminal activities and to be more crime prevention minded." Members of the media are invited to attend this event. Elgin County OPP Detachment is located at 42696 John Wise Line, St.Thomas, ON Please visit the Opp tOOt Anniversary website at www.opo100.ca for information about upcoming events, updates, images, video and other information relating to the OPP 100th Anniversary. 'Veuillez visiter le site web pour le 100e anniversaire de I'OPP à www.oppl 00.ca pour des informations sur les événements prochains, mises à jour, photos, vidéos et autres informations concemants le 100e anniversaire -30- Contact: Constable Troy Carlson Elgin Gounty OPP Media Relations/Community Services Officer Phone: 519-631-2920 Pager: l-888-808-7195 OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 67 of 329 Page 68 of 329 é¡!-a> Owrnnro PnovtNclel PorrcE Poucr PRovINcIALE DE r'ONranto Nnws Rnrnnsn/ CouuuNleuÉ FROM/DE:ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE:11 Sep,2009 DRIVER FLEES SCENE OF COLLISION (ELGIN COUNTY) - Police had country block cordoned off and contained for nearly three hours yesterday afternoon searching for the driver involved a motor vehicle collision who fled the scene. The incident began on the 10h of September, 2009 at approximately 2:08pm when Elgin OPP received report of a motor vehicle collision at Talbot Line just west of Ron McNeil Line, Southwold Twp (just east of Talbotville). lt was reported that there was a two vehicle collision and one of the driver's had fled into a near-by cornfield. At the time of the collision a black Pontiac Sunfire was traveling westbound on Talbot Line reportedly weaving all over the road. The vehicle entered into oncoming traffic, forcing a tractor/trailer onto the shoulder to avoid a collision. As the tractor/trailer began to return to the roadway to avoid going into the ditch, the Pontiac ran into the very rear portion of the trailer, side-swiping it. The tractor/trailer received damage to some of the rear tires, but was able to be driven away from the scene. The driver was uninjured. The Pontiac spun severaltimes and stopped facing northbound in the westbound lanes. Both of the front airbags deployed. Several witnesses say there was only a lone male driver in the vehicle. The driver exited out of the vehicle via the passenger side door and ran into a cornfield. The Pontiac had significant driver side damage. The driver is described as being a white male, heaqy set, with short brown hair, 5'8", wearing a white t-shirt and light shorts. The male possibly had a head injury. He was reported to be stumbling as he entered into the field. Police contacted the registered owner of the vehicle who discovered that the vehicle was missing from the property and appeared to have been stolen. Police conducted an extensive search of the area using K9 and the OPP Emergency Response Team. The driver was not located. OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 69 of 329 #,x\ ONr.lnro Pnovrncl.tr Porrcr PoucE PRoVINCIALE DE t'ONtlnlo NBws Rnrnnsn/ CouuuNleuÉ Elgin OPP at 519-631-Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to callthe 2920 or Crime Stopper at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) Please visit the Opp tOOh Anniversary website at www.oop100.ca for information about upcoming events, updates, images, video and other information relating to the OPP 100th Anniversary. "Veuillez visiter le site web pour le 100e anniversaire de I'OPP à www.opp100.ca pour des informations sur les événements prochains, mises à jour, photos, vidéos et autres informations concemants le 100e anniversaire -30. Gontact: Gonstable Troy Garlson Elgin County OPP Media Relations/Gommunity Services Officer Phone: 519-631-2920 Pager: l-888-808-7195 OPP News Releases dated Aug. 26, Sept. 9 & 11, 2009 regardin...Page 70 of 329 WIN D TURBINES (ARE SAFE, CLEAN ADDtilONS TO ONTAR|O',S ELECTRTC ENERGY SUPPLY) DID YOU KNOW THAT (ANT|- WrND STATEMENTS ARE UTRONG AND GENERALTY VERy MrSLEÃDING) The following is a response to another anti - wind circulation dated July 2009 . many people who welcomed wind turbines in our neighbourhood are now reporting negative health effects or other discomfort ! llfRONG ! WHO ARE THESE "MANY PEOPLE" ... "NOW REPORTING NEGATIVE HEALTH EFFECTS OR OTHER DISC0MFORTS"? Those who have been identified often have preexisting health issues and general negativism. The over whelming response to an areas wind power development is very positive!l AND: There are no clinical or epidemiological studies that have found wind turbines cause health problems. . proper health studies of the effects on people who live near wind - turbines were never done ! IIIRONG ! WIND TURBINES HAVE BEEN GENERATING CLEAN ELECTRIC POWER IN MOST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND THE US FOR OVER FORTY YEARS. Numerous related reports and more recent health and epidemiological studies as well as peer reviewed academic studies have not found a causal linkage between wind turbines and ill health. (This material is available on line - see below). A recent well researched local study done by The Chatham - Kent, Health and Family Services, Public Health Unit, Dr. David Colby ( July 2, 2008) concludes that there are no adverse health effects from turbines. Dr Colby states "...opposition to wind farms on the basis of potential adverse health consequences is not justified by evidence." . property values near wind - turbines have gone down since they were put into operation! tlrRoNG ! Property values in general have declined in recent years and so have agricultural land prices particularly where there are limitations to crop and land use alternatives. Land values associated with turbines have increased because of the known guaranteed revenue stream. Lands adjacent to turbines are either not affected or have had marginal decline in isolated cases due to market fluctuations or in some very isolated cases were a design issue has been identified. Such known cases have been resolved. o rotatint wind turbine blades do kill birds and bats I RIGHT - BUT ! Detailed bird studies pre, during and post construction of Erie Shores and adjacent Frogmore, Cultus and Clear Creek (contained in the required Environmental lmpact Study for all wind project developments) by Dr. Ross James, past Ornithologist at the Royal Ontario Museum confirms mortality of birds (3 per turbine per year ) and bats ( five per turbine per year) are extraordinarily low when compared to the number of bird and bat deaths from area cats, sprays and poisons, cars and those encountering Correspondence dated August 19, 2009 from AIM PowerGen regar...Page 71 of 329 2 glass windows . Area landowners who regularly are on their fields and around the turbines also confirm the insignificant impact the turbines have on such mortality levels. Further, flocks of birds that annually feed on left over field corn, grains etc continue to frequent the fields in and around the turbines. 18 properties, 3 kms around Clear Creek, have been listed for sale and are not selling ! lf,fRONG ! Records will show that there have also been area properties that have sold when priced according to present market conditions based on realistic area land values and area circumstances. Properties that are over - priced don't sell in any market and certainly not in a depressed market. Area lands that are being eroded by Lake Erie or are subject to unpleasant odors, or traffic noise also will be less likely to sell when there are more acceptable options, competitively priced properties for prospective clients. Efficiency of wind - turbines is only between 5% and35% | MISLEAITING ! lf current wind technology was so "inefficient" why is wind power the fastest growing source of electrical energy in the world? Noise levels are determined using a computer model! UIRONG ! Noise levels from all turbine manufactures are determined by independent testing using a range if extremely sophisticated audio measuring devices under a wide variety of real field situations and certified by government officials. Such tests are conducted by manufactures and testing agencies in real "field situations", laboratories and understandably as in all modern day research, "computer modeling" is utilized. Since January 2009 Ontario has produced too much electricity! lf,fRONG ! Ontario produces only the electric power demanded every micro second and consumed by the market. Electric power for home and industry is not stored. There has been a significant reduction in demand this year for electricity because of the cooler summer, the economic slow - down, plant closures and reduced manufacturing. The federal and provincial program to educate the public on energy conservation measures has also contributed to less electric energy consumption. Wind power is "first call power" that when being generated is feed into the Ontario grid to meet the demand at that specific time thus reducing dependency on other electric power production sources such as coal. The Ontario Government recognizes a problem and is now suggesting a setback from residences 550 m (1800ft) wRoNG ! There is not a "problem" with the current regulations related to setback when a project is properly designed and constructed. The current regulations as determined by the Ministry Of The Environment (and based on recommendations of the World Health Organization) were generally based on a decibel level the equivalent to the sound you would hear from " a quite refrigerator and you're in your living room". (35 - 40 Dbs) Most TVs or radios are some 60 Db (higher with teen agers) and ambient wind noise around trees and homes on a windy day can be as high as 100 Dbs and higher depending on wind velocity. How about those unregulated motorcycles! Noise levels are established through independent study on the types of turbines being used in a particular project. Because each turbine manufacturer and turbine type has a different noise quotient the setback correspondingly should vary to achieve the desired Db level of 35 - 40 Db. ln some projects 300m - 350m - 400m setback from non participating residences is more than sufficient to meet that base noise level. The current proposed single setback regulation form Correspondence dated August 19, 2009 from AIM PowerGen regar...Page 72 of 329 non participating residences, (participating landowners are not included) of 550m is not based on scientific nor justifiable studies. These wind turbines are not made in Canada, which doesn't create any jobs or help our economy ! II'RONG ! lnitially wind turbines used on the first Canadian wind projects were from the world's largest manufacturer in Denmark (VESTAS) and from General Electric Wind (GE) of The United States using Germany designs and engineering. Europe's leadership in research and development has enabled many sub industries to now manufacture various components such as blades (Ontario) and tower components (Quebec and Saskatchewan). AAER lnc. of Bromonte Quebec recently opened a production plant facility to produce wind turbines for the North American market. There are multi millions of dollars of wind industry related investment being made across Canada and most definitely in Ontario! Construction activity and ongoing local project management and support services as well as resulting municipal tax returns and local economic stimulation are real and well known. Don't take our word for it. Speak to any municipal leaders who are familiar with the economic details of their municipality. A foreign company owns and operates the wind turbines ! UIRONG ! AIM PowerGen is a Canadian subsidiary of a British company, Renewable Energy Generation (REG). lt recently bought the energy holdings of a Canadian Company, The Probyn Group of Toronto. (Ford of Canada is a US subsidiary and is a major contributor to Ontario's economy as well!) AIM PowerGen operates Frogmore, Cultus and Clear Creek projects in Norfolk County and Mohawk Point in Haldimand County with technical assistance from VESTAS technicians and other support staff who all live locally. Each provincial wind project is different in terms of who "owns it". Erie Shores Wind Farm I is owned by the Canadian division of MacQuarie Power of Australia. The manager and some ten employees daily deal with various supportfunctions and all live in the local area. The largest Ontario wind farm, Melancthon land ll, near Shelbourne Ontario is operated by tech staff in the local area and is owned by Canadian Hydro Developers of Alberta. We, the Ontario taxpayers, are paying for these turbines, while others are reaping the profits! urRONG! Ontario taxpayers are only paying a portion of the real costs of their electric power production costs. Look at your Utility Bill and you will see that you are paying some 5.057 per Kw and some 5.067 after a threshold. ln addition you are paying fees for provincial and local distribution AND DEBT REDUCTIONI That DEBT PAYMENT is intended to pay down the difference between what we in Ontario pay and what is being spent to provide consistent, reliable power to you and fellow Ontarians. The Provincial Government recently cancelled the intended building of a some S30,000,000,000.00 (30 billion dollar) expansion to Ontario's nuclear power production as it would be on top of the existing some 525,000,000,000.00 (25 billion dollar) provincial power debt. Wind Power is privately financed (not through the use of Government grants) with many projects being built after a public bidding process that resulted in a fixed per kw price of some S.09 for earlier projects. Frogmore, Cultus and Clear Creek (in Norfolk County) and other Standard Offer Projects (SOS) ¡n Ontario are at some 5.13 cents. All are very competitive with the real costs of alternative electric power sources in Ontario. Competitive, certainly when compared to the real, much higher costs of coal(including known medical and adverse health costs) and the staggering real Correspondence dated August 19, 2009 from AIM PowerGen regar...Page 73 of 329 4 cost of nuclear power construction, operat¡on, reconstruction or demolition after some 20 years. Gas fired electric power production and coal are subject to world market prices and who knows where they will be over say the next 20 years!! Unfortunately there are no more Niagara Falls type water power resources to be tapped. !!! lt is time to remind our Politic¡ans to protect us !!! WRONG AGAIN !!! Our politicians do NOT need to protect us from wind power. Current stipulations are more than enough. Their greater concern has been focused on the elimination of Ontario's COAL fired electric power plants by 20L2in an effort to reduce harmful carbon emissions and reduce the continual risks of CTIMATE CHANGE. Ontario has established the terms of the GREEN ENERGY ACT so that green sources of power can be used to supplement the electric power needs of Ontario. IT IS ALSO WORTH !}IENTIONING THAT THE DEVELOPMENT OF IIIIND POulER IS NOW THE TASTEST GROUIING SOURGE OF ELEGÎRIG POU'ER PRODUGTION . IN THE U'ORLD!! It ¡s reasonable then to assume some people (the world over) have the use of wind power as a supplement to electric energy production - RIGHT! Some who are opposed and often know little about the real facts are VERY VERY UIRONG!! For more information: Go to ryi@ and generally get WRONG information OR Go to Wi4pglrySI@ and www.canwea.ca for peer reviewed RIGHT information buy leadíng authorities AIM PowerGen: 19 Au8ust 2009 Correspondence dated August 19, 2009 from AIM PowerGen regar...Page 74 of 329 August 26,2009 Mr. Kyle Kruger CAO Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mr, Kruger, Re: Great Refrigerator R.oundup Program E o6 Hydro One Networks continues to promote The Great Refrigerator Roundup program as a valuable service and an energy conservation initiative. Available to residential and farm customers across Ontario, the Great Refrigerator Roundup offersfree in-home pickup and disposal of older, operating refrigerators and freezers. All reusable materials from these refrigerators and freezers are recycled (such as the metals and plastic) and a bare minimum is sent to landfill sites. Particular attention is paid to the chemicals used in some refrigerants and insulation that are significant atmospheric pollutants and responsible for ozoîe depletion and global warming. These are being contained and destroyed in accordance with all government standards and regulations. Eligible appliances must meet the following criteria. o Refrigerators and freezers must be in working condition, a minimum of 15 years old, and between 10 and 27 cubic feet in size; o If at least one of the above items is being picked up, window air conditioners or de- humidifiers that are in working condition and are at least 10 years old can be picked up at the same time. Customers can arrange appointments either online or by telephone. Detailed program information, and appointment scheduling, can be found through: .W(HydrooneNetwork'senergyconservationwebsite),or o (Ontario Power Authority's program website), o or calling l-877-797-9473. Correspondence dated August 26, 2009 from Hydro One regardin...Page 75 of 329 Since the program was launched in July 2007 to the beginning of June 2009,94 Hydro One customers from your municipality have participated in the Great Refrigerator Roundup progrÍrm. Overall, nearly 60,000 Hydro One customers have participated in appliance pickup programs so far. 'We appreciate your support and want to offer you materials you can use, should you wish to communicate directly with your residents about this program. The followiîg camera- ready materials are available in electronic format: . an advertisement that could be published in municipal resident newsletters, or placed on your website, o a bill insert that could be included in any upcoming municipal resident mailings (copy attached - English and French artwork available) . a poster that could be used in municipal offrces or other municipally owned buildings, such as arenas, community centres, or libraries o a design for a billboard or large banner Please e-mail me at the address below to obtain any of these materials. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks againfor your support. Regards, Ian Campbell Program Manager, Conservation Hydro One Networks 483 Bay Street, 14ft Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5 Ian. Campbell@hydroone. com P.S. For information on all Hydro One energy conservation programs please visit www.PowerSaver.ca Correspondence dated August 26, 2009 from Hydro One regardin...Page 76 of 329 99 Edward St. St.Thomas, ON, NsP IY8 Telephone: 631-9900 Fax:633-0468 www.elginhealth.on.ca Buy Local Food! It's in season. lt's fresh. Reduce the carbon footprint by buying locally. Keep your money circultatíng within our community. Pick up your Eat Fresh! Buy Local!map at public health, your local library or tourism office. Food Trends The economic situation continues to dominate the news. St.Thomas and Elgin County have certainly felt the effects of this recession. The economic situation impacts many parts of our lives including what we eat. Different eating trends begin to emerge during tough economic times. Grocery stores tend to thrive at the expense of restaurants. Fast food restaurants tend to sell better over their higher priced counterpafts. Home cooking and cheap convenience foods become more popular while organic products and more luxury grocery items may be bought less. Roadside and weekend farmer's markets will continue to draw crowds as they are perceived to be good quality for a better price. Consumers may also preferto "buy local" supporting their own community. Bargain hunting can absolutely Ímpact health. Numerous studies have linked obesity and unhealthy eating patterns to lower incomes. ln an effort to cut food costs, it is feared that families may buy less fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, in favour of cheaper options high in sugar, fat and calories. Recession pounds refers to weight gain resulting from diet changes typical of harder economic times. According to the results of a recent national study released by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, almost half of Canadians say they are going without fresh, healthy food because it is too expensive. Dr. Beth Abramson, Heart and Stroke Foundation spokeswoman and cardiologist, said this report should serve as a wakeup call. "Healthy eating is in danger of being out of reach for many Canadians, a problem which may only get worse given the current downturn in the economyÍ I Good - For-You Menu Foods for Under $l OATS -A dollar will buy you many heafi, high fibre breaKasts. EGGS - Buying a dozen eggs works out to $0.17 per egg, making them one of the cheapest and most versatile sources of protein. SWEEI POTATOES - Eaten with the skin on, they contain almost half a day's worth of vitamin C, and are a good source of potassium and an excellent source of beta carotene. NUTS - Full of good-for-you fat, essential fatty acids, vitamin E and protein. ::ñ'J:'"as90.16! Õork week. reat source of protein, fibre, folate and manganese. Dried beans are less expensive than canned beans but require f¿¡ mnro nroneratinn tir¡g. BROCCOLI- Low in calories and c O calcium, vitamins A and C, potassi Ç " ^TUNA -An inexpensive source of d versatile. fl tV Choose light tuna like 'skipjack'. PEANUT BUTTER - Just 2 tablespoons replaces the nutritional ,r ¡¡ power of a much more expensive serving of meat. ffiF¡All prices are from a local grocery store. üÈ Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit newsletter dated Summer ...Page 77 of 329 LIFESTYLE LINK AC T I VE EE¡trIñf ' e'Jii:iTiTi;:i dæBFHEIffiMffi Within Elgin County there are hundreds of independent groups that offer sport, recreation and leisure opportunities. The Active Elgin Coalition saw the need for a comprehensive website and guide that includes all ways to be active in the community in the hopes that more people will start being active more often. The site allows you to search by geographical area, by age group, or by program. For example: A family in Gentral Elgin looking forWalking/Hiking programs: ACTIVITIES - 4 activities found (2 of a) Are you looking for activities and programs to keep your kids busy? Elgin St.Thomas Public Health, City of St.Thomas Parks and Recreation,YWCA of St.Thomas- Elgin, West Elgin Community Heath Centre, East Elgin Community Complex, Healthy at Heart Elgin are please to announce Active Elgin. A website and print guide of all sport, recreation and leisure opportunities is available within both the City of St. Thomas and County of Elgín. The Active Elgin Guide was included in the January 16th edition of the Elgin County Market. Guides are also available at local libraries, municipal offices and each Activity Name: Walking and HikingTrails Gategory: Wa I ki n g/H i ki ng Region(sl: Central (St. Thomas, Central Elgin, Southwold, Fingal, Poft Stanley, Shedden, and Spafta), East (Malahide, Bayham, Aylmer, Bel,mont, Port Bruce, Port Burwell, Springfield, Straffordville, Vien na), West ( Dutton/Du nwich a nd West Elgi n, West Lorne, Rodney, Wallacetown, and Dutton) Age(s): All Ages, Family Cost: Annual membership: $10 - seniors, $15 - adult, $20 - family Details: We organize more than 60 walks/year that are open to the public, maintain the 41 km Elgin HikingTrail from Port Stanley to the Elgin Middlesex border at Southdale line, and promote safe hiking. Website: wvvw.el gi n h i ki n gtrai l.o rg Contact: Brian Wilsdon, 519-633-3064 Contact this organization (sample website Iink) Location: Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, 44015 Ferguson Line, St.Thomas. Click here for map (sample website link) Activity Name: Hawkwatchi ng, bi rdwatch i ng and walking Category: Wa I ki n g/H i ki ng Region(sl: Gentral (St. Thomas, Central Elgin, Southwold, Fingal, Port Stanley, Shedden, and Sparta) Age(sl AllAges, Family Cost: Free Details: On-site education program about hawks and hawk migration. Hawkwatching, birdwatching and walking along Hawk Cliff Road are some of the activities available. Activities are funded through Hawk Cliff memberships and donations/grants. Website: wr¡¡w. ez I i n k. cal-t h e b row n s/H a wkC I iff/i n d ex. ht m ELGIN HIKINGTRAIL CLUB HAWK CLIFF HAWKWATCH Look for your guide or go online, wwwact¡veelg¡n.ca to find the wonderful programs that are offered in your community. Sexual Health Clinics hours have changed. For new times, check www.elginhealth.on.ca Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit newsletter dated Summer ...Page 78 of 329 The Secret is Out: The All-ln-One Solution aoaooaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Wishes: lncrease activity level to achieve a healthy weighfand.feel great, save help the environment, be a role model for children, and make your community safer. All-in-one solution: Active Tra n s po rtati o n Active transportation is any form of activity, such as walking, jogging and cycling that you can use to travel instead of using a ¿ Choosing Sunscreen vehicle. For example, walking or cycling to work, school, the rñall, ,t' or a friend's house. Everyone should try ¡tl You will notice remarkable results in how much better you will look and feel, the money you will save in gas, and the impact you will have on others. Did you know? Canadians average 2000 car trips a year of less than 3 km.These trips can easily be replaced by cycling or walking. ln fact, trips of 5 km or less have been repeatedly shown to be quicker by cycling than by driving. It's important for individuals to make the change to incorporate active transpoftation into their lives. However, ¡t is also essential for communities, workplaces and schools to help support active transportation. We live in a car-centered society that prevents us from being more active, but if we're all part of the solution then we can make a difference - one trip at a time. For more ínformation on how you can incorporate active transportation ínto your Iifestyle, workplace, schoolor community, contact Darrell Jutzí at EIgin St.Thomas Public Health at 519-631-3159 ext. 249. Words to look for on the label... Broad Spectrum Protection from UVA & UVB rays Waterproof - especia I ly for chi ld ren Oil-free-for anyone whose skin has a tendency to Sweatproof-especially for athletes or outdoor workers SPF 3O+-This is a good starting Sun Protection Factor for anyone 18 years or younger, outdoor workers or someone whose interests (sports, gardening, etc.)take them outside regularly. Photostablizer-An ingredient that helps keeps sunscreen from breaking down in the heat and light. Make your sunscreen work for you.... Apply to any skin not covered by clothes 20 minutes before going outdoors.. Be generous-a whole handful is recommended per application.. Don't forget your neck, ears, nose, the backs of your legs and tops of feet.. Use a lip balm SPF 30 on your lips.. Re-apply every 2-3 hours, immediately after swimming, or whenever sweating a lot. lf sunscreen gíves you rash.... Try a hypoallergenic sunscreen that has no perfumes, colours or additives.. Check the ingredients label for aloe vera.This ingredient lengthens the shelf life of sunscreen. Choose a preparation without aloe vera leaves or juice and try it on a small area of skin to see if Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit newsletter dated Summer ...Page 79 of 329 NEWS IN BRIEF garden? Consider donating extra produce to your local food bank. Food banks across Elgin County vary in their ability to store and distribute fresh produce' Please call them directly or call Elgin St.Thomas Public Health at 519-631-3159 ext.246 to obtain their hours of oPeration. Caring Cupboard .'....'.'.....519-633-5308 Salvaiion Army 519-631-3206 Christ Anglican Church Port Stan|ey.......,......'. .......'519-782-3122 Corner Cupboard Aylmer..... ...'..."519-773-2351 Helping Hand Food Bank Tillsonburg............... ........'..519-6883434 Tick Facts People who chew tobacco become as addicted to nicotine as smokers.They can be tempted to switch from chewing to smoking tobacco. 8-10 dips or chews a day provide the same amount of nicotine as smoking 30-40 cigarettes a day' There are over 3000 chemicals including 28 that cause cancer in chewing tobacco' . Tiny bugs-about the size of a sesame seed . Need a host to staY alive o Like to live in tall grass . Move slowly and like to h¡tch rides on peoPle or animals Ticks can transmit LYme disease if they are attached to a person for 36 to 48 hours' How can I avo¡d tick bites? . Cover up when you go outside by wearing long sleeves and Pants.o lt is easier to spot a tick if you wear light coloured clothing.. Wear closed footwear and socks' Avoid wearing sandals. . Brush off your clothing and pets before you go inside'o Put a tick and flea collar on your pet. . Avoid visiting tick-infested areas' . Remove brush and tall grasses from your yard' . Walk in the centre of trails to avoid contact with How to remove a tick: o Grasp the body of the tick with tweezers' . TrY not to. squeeze the tick. o Pull it straight out. o Wash the wound and apply an antiseptic' o Save the tick in a clean, closed jar' . Your doctor or public health unit may send the tick awaY to be identified. Signs of lnfection After aTick Bite . Chills . Sore muscles & joints . Fatigue If you develop symptoms' seek medical attentíon' Chewtobacco users run 50 times the risk of developing certain forms of oral caleel At least half of all chew users will develoP leukoplakia, a pre-cancerous disease of the mouth, Half of all oral cancer victims will die within five years.. Fever . Headache .Weakness . Red 'bulls-eye' like rash Chew Facts Elgin St. Thomas Public Health 99 Edwaid Street, St. Thomas, ON N5P 1Y8 phone: S19.G31-9900 rofi frãet 1.800-92á-0096 Fax: 519'633'0468 Voicemail: 519'631'3159 www.el ginhealth.on.ca Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit newsletter dated Summer ...Page 80 of 329 One r The Public Sectar Group of Funds znd Quafter zsÐg Pe#crrnance Report Public Sector Group of Funds (the One Funds) Quarterly Updat...Page 81 of 329 Continuing a trend that began in 2006, at June 30, 2009 the total Q2 One Funds closing balance exceeded the Q2 2008 closing balance by SSSNa -representinga20.2Yoyear-over-year increase. The Money Market Fund Q2 closing balance surpassed all similar Q2 ending balances for the preceding eight years. Q2 closing balances for the Money Market, Bond, Equity and Universe Corporate Bond Funds were S298M, Sr¿svl and 559M and S8M respectively. One Fund 2nd Quarter Closing Balances (Miilions 5) I I r I -I I I z I I I rl a 35û6 S+so 3{6 $æq 3tcÉ $25o lffi 3r5u $rñ 9so 9o ,unrg1 ivnc Q Jrñroe' Julì.üg The below chart illustrates that continued strong participation in the first half of 20O9, has yielded a One Funds Q2 average total balance that is greater than each of the previous eight years. Average One Funds Total Q2 Balance (S Millions) $ eoo 500 400 Efxt 200 100 o lvnr DB Junro4 Junr (,É Jrrcté' Jitloo7 rlrlonrur¡a.let lËond cEquútv ruËË IEtãl IIII IrI III ü-t+ Public Sector Group of Funds (the One Funds) Quarterly Updat...Page 82 of 329 Participation in the Equity Fund continues to be led by larger municipalities, although the Fund is equally useful for all municipalities with longer term investment objectives. For the one year period ending June 30, 2009, an additional 3 municipalities began investing in the Fund - all with populations of >100,000. The total investment in the fund increased over the year from S38tvl at Q2 2008 to $SStvl at Q2 2009. This represents a TL{oincrease. Fund value at June 30, 2009 is up S20.1M or StYo from the June 2008 closing value. A second municipal investor made a deposit in the Universe Corporate Bond Fund during Q2. This S3M ¡nvestment brought total investment to SAM. nt June 30, 2009, the original investment is valued at S8.3M. The overall prospectus for this Fund continues to be very positive. Equitv Fund - tnvestment Participation by Population (as at June 30, 20091 Population #of Municipalities %ol Municipalities lnvestments (S's Millions)% of Total DepositPer Muni Total Less than 5,000 7 8.33%0.3 0.3 o.470/6 5,001to 25,000 0 o.oo%0.0 0.0 o.oo% 25,OOt to 50,000 0 o.oo%0.0 0.0 o.oo% 50,001 to 100,000 3 25.O0%1.6 4.8 8.L4o/o 100,000 +8 66.67%6.8 54.L 9L.39% Sub-Total L2 too.o0%4.9 59.2 100.00% UCB Fund - lnvestment Participation by Population (as at June 30, 20091 Population #of Municipalities %of Municipalities tnvestments (S's Millions)% of Total DepositPer Muni Total Less than 5,000 0 o.oo%0.0 0.0 0.00% 5,001to 25,000 1 50.ooo/,5.2 5.2 63.06% 25,001to 50,000 0 0.00%0.0 0.0 o.oo% 50,001to 100,000 0 o.oo%0.0 0.0 0.00% 100,000 +L 50.00%3.1 3.1 36.94% Sub-Total 2 L00.oo%4.2 8.3 100.00% ,tI Public Sector Group of Funds (the One Funds) Quarterly Updat...Page 83 of 329 At June 2009 the Bond Fund had outperformed any one year month end period since 2006. The one year returns for April, May and June (Q2 2009) were 7.44%, 6.89% and 7.3OTo respectively. One year Bond Fund returns for all months ending in 2006 through Q2 2009 are illustrated in this chart. One year Fund returns ending in Q2 2009 continued a trend of strong performance compared to previous years, with returns being stronger than any period since Ql 2004. Bond Fund One Year Returns for months ending in 2006, 2OO7,2008 and Q2 2009 I I I I I I ={? II I I I I t I 9* vh r* {È$+*Ê l¡005 r?ün c2ffi lãn9 Similarly, two year Bond Fund returns have continued to improve in the second quarter. Returns for months ending in Q2 2009 were 6.53% (April), 6.7OYo (May), and 6.690/o (June), which surpassed all two year Fund returns since Q4 2OO2. Bond Fund Two Year Returns for months ending in 2006, 2007,2008 and Q2 2009 ?t¡ sddó$ ÉtÊ # ¡î* t* s€ rF {f-É ç+Sds-d€f -- I ilIilIrlt Ir II -I }IIt fIr - - t ¿ tl{ffi IzIF7 IHËT Public Sector Group of Funds (the One Funds) Quarterly Updat...Page 84 of 329 This product was launched in August 2008. With a longer-term investment horizon of four to ten years, municipalities find the Universe Corporate Bond Fund suitable for: Long-term reserves funds, perpetualand trust funds, as well as development charge receipts not required in the short term. The Fund achieved a nine month annualized return of 10.03% at the end of Q2 2009. The chart below illustrates the 2009 month end nominal returns for the Universe Corporate Bond Fund. Following one negative return in January the Fund has performed strongly in all months. The cumulative nominal return for the first half of 2009 was 6.36%. Universe Corporate Bond Fund Returns (Nominal Returns for Months ending in 2009) 2-ffi IIIII Public Sector Group of Funds (the One Funds) Quarterly Updat...Page 85 of 329 Page 86 of 329 From : Beer, Charles (CSS) [mailto:Charles.Beer@ontario.ca] Sent: September 10, 2009 L2:L7 PM i r r Subject Update - Review of the Accessibility for On arians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Greetings, I am writing to provide you with an update on my Review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). Over the summer I have met with a number of stakeholders from a wide range of sectors. The next stage of the Review involves public meetings. These will be held in Sudbury on October 1, 2009, in Ottawa on October 6, 2009, in Toronto on October 14,2009 and in London on October 20, 2009. Please see the detailed instructions on how to participate and register for the public meetings below: ticipate ln addition to public meetings, I will be accepting written submissions. Please see the detailed instructions on how to send in your written submission. I look forward to hearing from Ontarians to help guide me on this important Review. lf you want to contact me directly I can be reached at charles.beer@ontario.ca Regards, Charles Beer, lndependent Reviewer Correspondence dated September 10, 2009 from Charles Beer re...Page 87 of 329 Page 88 of 329 Elgrnte"¡ lrI Matters Elgin County Wins AMO, AMCTO Awards Through a partnership agreement with Elgin County, the Region of Durham's Provincial Offences Collection Team has been actively pursuing defaulted fines on behalf of the County. This arrangement has led to an increase in revenue for both municipalities and improved service to residents. In zoo8, more than $5oo,ooo was collected in defaulted fines, an 8/o increase over zoo7. In recognition of this achievement, Elgin County and the Region of Durham were jointly awarded a P.J. MarshallAward Certificate of Merit at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) annual convention in Ottawa inAugust. Warden Graham Warwick and CAO Mark McDonald accepted the awa¡d on behalfofthe County. The P. J. Marshall Award is presented annually through a competitive process to honour municipal governments demonstrating excellence in using VOL. 3 No. 2 September 2009 innovative approaches to improve capital and/or operating effi cienry and to generate effectiveness in providing public services and facilities through alternative service delivery initiatives and partnerships. Previously, in June, Jennifer Ford, Financial Anaþt for the County of Elgin, and the Region of Durham's Joel Nicholson, Supervisor of Provincial Offences Act (POA) Collections attended the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) annual Contínued on page 4 Works to Safeguard Small and Rural Schools John R. Wilson, Elgin County councillor and Mayor of the Township of Malahide, is a founding member of the Executive Committee of the Community Schools Alliance (CSA), a group formed in July, zoog by Ontario municipalities concerned with the closure of small and rural schools and the negative ef;fect such closures inevitably have on the socio- economic well-being of those communities. In a CSA media release dated July ro, zoo9, Continued on page 4 Elgin County Council Responds to Hipson lnquest Findings At its May 2,6, zoog meeting Elgin County Council decided to pursue a prudent, "practical approach" to remedying problen'rs and concerns identified in a coroner's inquest into the tragic death of crane operator Michael Hipson on Glen Erie Line in Bayham in January zoo6, and in a report on the maintenance of County roads prepared byAECOM Canada Ltd. In implementing its "practical approach'l Council rvill: . Negotiate a new agreenlent betlveen the County and its loner tier municipalities for maintenance of County loads u4rich will incorporate significant revisions to the existing agreement adoptecl ten years ago. These revisions r,vill include frnancial incentives to rewarcl fully compliant municipalities and clear guidelines outlinirrg minimun standards for service delivery' contìnued on page 3 Elgin County Matters newsletter dated September 2009. File:...Page 89 of 329 L_ grnPage 2 Support Available for Victims of Elder Abuse Throughout the world, abuse and neglect of older persons is largely under-recognized or treated as an unspoken problem. Unfortunately, no community or country in the world is immune from this public health and human rights crisis. The mistreatment of older adults is any action or inaction by a person in a position of trust which causes harm to an older adult. Mistreatment includes: financial (most common); physical; emotional/psychological; neglect and violation of rights. It is estimated that between 4o/o -too/o of adults over the age of 65 will experience some form of mistreatment or neglect. That is approximately rzoo seniors in Elgin County. An estimated 8o% of mistreatment is never reported. Barriers to reporting mistreatment include fear of more abuse; embarrassment; mistaken feelings of having caused the abuse; and fear of what will happen to them and/or the abuser. It is crucial that seniors know there is a safe, anonymous, confidential number to call for help with mistreatment. The free and confidential Seniors Supp ort H elpline þ-87 7 -33r-889 r ; Monday- Friday, 9am-5pm) is staffed by trained and caring volunteers who provide supportive listening and information on a variety of issues including abuse. Callers do not have to give their names or any personal information, and help is offered in a form and at a pace the caller is comfortable with. If a caller chooses to continue living with his or her abuser, information on how to stay safe will be provided. If a caller wants to end the mistreatment, a plan that the senior helps create will be implemented. In addition to the Seniors Support Helpline, several mechanisms a¡e in place to assist older adults who are abused or at risk of abuse in Elgin County. The Elgin Elder Abuse Resource Committee comprises concerned seniors and individuals from various health, social, legal, financial and police services. The Case Consultation Committee is a group of professionals that provide their knowledge and expertise on difficult cases of abuse. The Speakers September 2009 ()¡tti¡t: or:cai'iir¡l oi l,\.írt¡'lrj [:kJr-ti /\l.tIts{; l\w¿ttg¡]ilss ['¡¿t,i, Jitrte: I lt, )()()c:. iì'jl'l' Slu','¡- I)e?is. F-lgiit (:rti tili¡ Wai t.[r]it (.)¡¿l'¡¿:rrt !4i¿¡ir,'iilr. ¡¡¡tri (IíIJ't¡íÍ.,;i'l ttit¡¡tat:i\.1j:tvoj (,tiiiBa¡ wit:!: lit:i¡x:ii ¡frlrr fi!ìr.ìrll¿rilve.s f't'O¡ri ilÌl' ['l;1rit t:lt!t:' ¡'ltliis¿r llt'¡rll/¡l;t: i')t¡ì¡iií'ttllr,:t: rjedi¡at;; ¿: tr:rl tr'ta;¡tlt-' iiÉ:i' ¡titsrtí.t:{l in ftr.tttl ttf Vit!ie.vvit,:vt llr;t¡lc: i¡t Sl /l;oli¿rs. ili lit:!¡t /¿ìlsrl íJi!'â/'r]¡';(-rss of L I i Ì,, r:o t r ) t t tLLttliy issi ti-: Bureau offers presentations, training, community-wide workshops as well as resource materials. For more information or to access these services, please call t-877-33t-889t. Residents of Elgin County need to know that help is available for older adults who are mistreated and neglected. If you are being mistreated or you are concerned about an older adult in your community, please call the Senior Support Helpline at: t-877-33r-889r Monday to Frida¡ 9am-5pm. I Warden Warwíck and councillors srgn waste drsposal agreement, May, 2009. The agræment, between the CounA of ElSin, its const¡tuent munic¡pal¡ties and the CIA of Toronto allows munlcipalities to "opt- ¡n" at any future date to acce$s waste drsposal servlces at the Clty of Ioronto's Green Lane landfrllsite at a pre determined prlæ. I Mqtters Elgin County Matters newsletter dated September 2009. File:...Page 90 of 329 September 2009 Elgin County United Way Special Events Calendar,2OO9 The zoog Warden's Charity Golf Tournament, held June rz, zoog at the Kettle Creek Golf Course, Port Stanley, was a great success! Thanks to the uo golfers, 7 Gold Sponsors,3 Silver Sponsors, 13 Bronze Sponsors and manyvolunteerswho participated, a total of $ro,z5o was raised for United Way. A few golf towels and Titleist l.D(T Tour golf ballswith the County's new logo are still available for sale, and would make great stocking stuffers: glo.oo per towel or sleeve of 3 golf balls. County staffand füends enjoyed a fun-fiIled evening at the Dine Around Port StanleyTheatre Event held on luly zz, zoo9. The evening started offwith appetizers at the Kettle Creek Inn and M.E. & Suzie's, followed by the opening night of iA Bench in the Sun', presented bythe Port Stanley Festival Theatre. The evening was topped off with dessert at Windjammers. Two lucþ winners were the recipients of some lovelydoorprizes thatwere donated especially for this event. Thanks to everyone who participated! Our upcoming Payroll Deductions campaþ will feature gift baskets worth over groo to be won as well as our ever popular Days OffWith Pay promotion. Dont be left out - fill outyour form and retum it immediately. If you signed up to be a perpetual donor last yea¡, thank you in advance - your names will be entered into the appropriate d¡aws. If you wish to increase your donations, please let us know by filling out a newdonor card. Fall is quicklyapproaching and the ECLIWSEC group is getting ready for another year of fun social and fundraising events foryou, your family and friends. ElgrnCounty Matters Page 3 Left to ritht, Corríe Shivak (staff), Mary Van Roesta/, Warden Graham Warwick, Mary Cosyns, and Yvonne Gavey (staff) enjoy the day at the 2009 Warden's Charity Golf Tournament. Save The Date for these Upcoming Special Events: November zß,zoo9 -Annual Christmas Party, St. Anne's Centre, St. Thomas. AllWelcome. Cost $z5.oo perperson. Cocktails, Dinner, Comedian - Chuck Byrn and Dance - DJ. Chris Triska. fune 17, 2olo - The zoro Warden's Charity Golf Tournament is an event not to be missed. Limited spaces available; all proceeds to Elgin-St. Thomas United Way. StayTtrned: ECUWSEC is considering hosting another fundraiser for United Waywhich will be held in late October or earþ November zoo9. More information to follow. For more information or if you are interested in volunteering or have any suggestions please contact ecuwsec@elþ-county.on.ca or call 5r9-63r-t46o ext 456. T Response to Hipson lnquest contÌnuect rrom page 1 . llet.rin .r grouncl engineelit-tg consultirrg finn to concluct a gcotechuic.rl suncy of high prior it1' Countl' r'o.rcls ancl to ctevelop.r perrnit s)'stcn-ì to contlol orerrveiqh t arrd ovet'size vehicles. ' Use an existing sz5oM \\'ilìtct' contlol conlirrgcncy fund to pay fbr the cost of inr¡:rlcrtentitrg thc County's pt'o¡rosccl "plactical .rp¡,lloach'l . ÌJirc.r qualít1' assurcrnce technici.rn to ensulc lou'er tiel nrunici pality compl iance r,r ith County'stanclarcts fbr roacl l-n.rin tencl oce.'['hc qual i t;, assln'ance techn ician u'oLtld har c- the .ruthoritl' to .rpprove pa),rneuts to nrunici pal i ties subjcct to theil cotrpliatrcc u'ith nr in i mu rl to.td nr.ti lrtcfl .l rlc€ sta nclalds. County Cou¡rcil is conficlent that tlr i s pr'.rct i c.rl a pp lo.rc h rvil I .rcl cl ress the leconr urendatiorrs containecl in the I lipson lnc¡uest report at a cost th.rt is.rffbrd.rblc. \41hen compalccì to the ostinr.rtecl costs of firl I i nrplement.rtion of the .\f:CO M stucll' recornrnencl.rtiotrs, [his strateg)' u'ill ensul'e public satbty .rtrc pronrotc thc cff'cctivc .rtrcl effi cicrrt rnailr terr.rncc of' thc Count; r'oad netvr olk rvh ile s.rr inq hurrclrccls of thousands of doll.l's. I Elgin County Matters newsletter dated September 2009. File:...Page 91 of 329 Community Schools Alliance continued rrom page i- Councillol Wilson makes this point emphatically in noting that 'A community school is part of a community's infrastructure. Closing that school is like ripping out the municipal water supply." The Alliance is petitioning fol the implementation of a "smart moratorium" on disputed school closures to allolv the Ontario Ministry of Education, school boards and municipalities to collaboratively develop long-term plans and policies to address the problem of declining enrolments, ensure equitable funding for rural and small community schools, adopt a more transParent and accountable school-closure decision process and gualantee the light to appeal such decisions, and mandate that community organizations and municipalities be consulted and actively involved in all decisions regarding student accommodation. Ontario Minister of Education I(athleen Wynne met \vith the CSA Executire Committee duling the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) annual conference in Ottaw'a in mid-August, zoog to discuss the "smart moratoLium" proposal and other issues of mutual concern. More infolmation is available orrline at http ://rvu'rv. comnuniryschoolsalliance.ca/. I Page 4 Matters which represents county library systems in the province, indicate that a facility of z,ooo square feet or more is appropriate based on current statistics such as population served and circulation levels. The new Springfield librarywill be strategically placed as part ofa larger complex providing access to a diversiÇ of community services, events and attractions. The Township of Malahide has already notified the Elgin CountyArchives and Elgin CountyMuseum of the intention to create a historical displayarea in the new building's lobby to celebrate the community's rich history. Plans also include space for service kiosks which will complement information resources provided by the library through initiatives such as Service Ontario. The library's resources and equipment will furthermore be of great benefit in the event ofa dedared emergency in the Township, as the new cofirmunity centre will serve as a shelter in such situations. I September 2009 Elgin County Awards Contìnued from page 7 convention to accept the zoog E.A. DanbyAward in the Municipal Finance category for municipalities with a population of 2o,ooo or more. The E.A. Danby Award is presented annually to a municipality that demonstrates, through a specific initiative, a willingness to employ innovative techniques, and is able to demonstrate tangible results affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the municipal corporation. Elgin CountyWarden Graham Warwick noted, with reference to the 8"4,. Danby Awa¡d, that "Oneof Elgin County's corporate goals is to develop partnerships, and this award is proof that innovative practices can lead to outstanding performance improvements. Weare delighted to share this award with the Region of Durham.' T New Libra ry for Springfield in 2OtO The Elgin County Libraryis planning the relocation of its Springfield branch to the new "Malahide Community Place" complex currently being designed and constructed bythe Township of Malahide. With a tentative opening date of April 1, 2olo, the new library will comprise 2,ooo square feet of leased space, a significant expansion from the r,2oo square feet that the library currently occupies. The librarywill also haveaccess to meeting rooms for programming PUrposes. While the current library has served the communityverywell and has produced award winning results, there is a clear need for more space to facilitate public programming such as children's story time, "Teen Zones", more public access computers and to increase the size of the collection. Benchmarks provided by the Administrators of Rural-Urban Public Libraries of Ontario (ARUPLO), an organization Elgin County Matters newsletter dated September 2009. File:...Page 92 of 329 ÞruNK]NG WATERSıüÉiÈ'þÈoîËöiöN EÒ Ò I.AKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, August 6, 2009 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at the Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club, 320 Carlow Road, Port Stanley, ON. Members Present:C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, H. Comwell, R. Haggart, *J. Harrison, A. Henry, K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, J. Laird, L Macdonald, D. Munay, D. Parker, L. Penin, T. Schmidt, R. Seibel, M. Wales, W. Wright-Cascaden P. General, M. Goldberg, B. LaForme, C. Martin, J. Oliver, G. Rae, B. Ungar, D. Woolcott B. Fields (J. Oliver), N. Fueten (M. Goldberg), T. Schmidt (G. Rae) K. Fairman, Provincial Liaison; A. Dale, Source Protection Authority Liaison Region Management T. Marks, KCCA;S. Martyn, CCCA Committee: Staff: Members Regrets: Proxy Representatives : Liaisons: Also Present: P. Dragunas, CCCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; S. Glauser, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; T. Ryan, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA;A. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA A. Davidson, County of Brant; F. Dennison, Port Stanley News.com; T. Duong, MOE; G. Ounapuu, Lotowater; E. Soldo, City of St. Thomas; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; A. Zietsma, County of Oxford l. Gall to Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. Roll Gall and Certification of Quorum - l7 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 of members) The Recording Secretary called the rolland certified quorum. 3. Ghairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: . The committee's bi-annual attendance summary was distributed to members; C. Ashbaugh noted that overall committee attendance has been excellent. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meet...Page 93 of 329 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 6,2009 Page 2 o Committee members toured the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant prior to the meeting; G. Ashbaugh thanked those hosting the site visits and stated that the tours have been informative and beneficialfor committee members. ¡ Katie Fairman was introduced and welcomed. She has served as the committee's interim provincial liaison officer for July and August. G. Ashbaugh introduced and welcomed Tu Van Duong, who has been assigned as the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee's provincial liaison for the next eleven months. 4. Review of Agenda Movedby: A.Henry Seconded by: M. Ceschi-Smith carried unanimously THAT the agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of August 6, 2009 be approved. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - July 9, 2009 Moved by: L. Perrin Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting of July 9, 2009 be approved as circulated. 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations None 9. Correspondence a) Copied None b) Not Copied None Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meet...Page 94 of 329 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 6,2009 Page 3 10. Reports a) SPC-08-09-01 Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program Update T. Ryan summarized report SPC-08-09-01 noting Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship progress to date and program amendments moving forward. A. Henry expressed concem that the Early Actions funding is being spent prior to development of the threats assessments and inventories. He asked if there will still be funding available for known threats once the assessment reports are complete. T. Ryan responded that there have been discussions with the Ministry regarding aligning the stewardship program with the threats assessments. Cunently, the Ministry is taking a 'no-regrets' approach with the Early Actions program until 2011. A. Henry reiterated that the disconnect between stewardship funding and significant threats is disconcerting. D. Murray commented that in Centre Wellington and Southgate, the stewardship program provided funding support to address municipal water quality through private well decommissioning. He advised that the Early Actions program was very effective for these municipalities. Res. Â/o. 28-09 Moved by: M. Ceschi-Smith Seconded by: A. Henry carried unanimously THAT Report SPC-08-09-01 Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program Update be received as information. b) SPC-08-09-02 Assessment Report Update S. Glauser provided a summary of the Assessment Report progress to date. He noted that on page one, paragraph four'The deadlines of May llth and July 13th 2009' should read "2010". J. Laird asked if it is expected that the technical work will be in the public domain when the vulnerability analysis and threats assessment reports are brought forward for endorsement. S. Glauser responded that the final reports would be in the public domain once the municipality has endorsed the release of the technical reports to the Source Protection Gommittee; however, the method of municipal endorsement would be left to the municipality's discretion. Res. Â/o. 29-09 Moved by: D. Murray Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee endorse the proposed process and timelines to compile the first Assessment Reports for the Catfish Creek, Grand River, Kettle Creek and Long Point Region Source Protection Areas. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meet...Page 95 of 329 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee August 6,2009 Page 4 c) SPG-08-09-03 Village of Belmont Vulnerability Analysis G. Zwiers provided an overview of the Vulnerability Analysis for the water supply in the Village of Belmont. M. Wales noted the increase in vulnerability to the east of the Village of Belmont (Figures 2 and 3) and asked about contributing factoæ. G. Zwiers responded that to his knowledge, no significant unique geological features increased the vulnerability; it is most likely that this area was closer to the vulnerability calculation threshold than its sunounding area, and when the calculations were completed, the section noted crossed the threshold into a medium vulnerability. l. Macdonald noted that the Belmont water supply is a straightforward study, but suggested that for other technical studies, fìeld verification could modify the vulnerability. L. Minshall replied affirmatively, elaborating that if, for example, there was a broad well decommissioning, such as in the Town of Southgate, experts may choose to revisit the vulnerability scoring and assign the area a lower vulnerability. She stated that the content of the assessment report can be modifìed to a reasonable extent prior to public release, and to a more limited extent after public release. After the first submission of the assessment reports, the documents can be amended in 2011. L Macdonald emphasized that 'ground truthing' will be important if restrictions are expected to be placed on a property. * J. Hanison depañed at 1:55 pm. D. Parker asked if there are any cemeteries in the two year time of travel of the Belmont Wellhead Protection Area. L. Minshall advised that the cunent presentation refers to the vulnerability of the wellhead protection area. lnformation pertaining to threats and issues is currently being collected by consultants and will be presented to members as it becomes available. R. Haggart inquired if a caveat to assist with public interpretation of the maps and technical documentation will be developed. L. Minshall responded that a caveat has been included with the maps for the water budget stress assessment; however, the vulnerability and threats assessments are more intuitive and not as likely to be misinterpreted. A. Dale requested clarification regarding whether a pit or quarry is taken into consideration in the vulnerability analysis or threats assessment. G. Zwiers responded that the effects of aggregate extraction are taken into consideration in the vulnerability analysis. Aggregate extraction increases the vulnerability of the area, because a protective layer of the aquifer is being removed. Operational factors of aggregate extraction, such as fuelstorage, are taken into consideration in the threats assessment. L. Perrin pointed out threats are not always straightforward; what could be perceived as a threat may not necessarily be a threat. The committee will need to work hard to educate the public on how vulnerability and threats are determined. L. Minshall replied affirmatively and suggested that R. Haggart's concem regarding public misinterpretation Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meet...Page 96 of 329 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee August 6, 2009 Res. fVo. 30-09 Moved by: R. Krueger Seconded by: A. Henry Page 5 of the technical information will need to be addressed from a risk communication perspective when the threats and issues are available for public consultation. carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to make the information in the report entitled Belmont Village - Source Protection Study - Vulnerability Analysis (Dillon, 2009) available to the public, and incorporate the components into the Kettle Creek Source P rote ction Area Asses s me nt Re port. d) SPG-08-09-04 Source Protection Plan Discussion Paper L. Minshall provided an overview of report SPC-07-09-04 Source Protection Plan Discussion Paper and summarized feedback from the Water Services Technical Group and Planning Director's Group. A. Henry asked if the province is favouring a prescriptive approach as opposed to a voluntary approach in the discussion paper. L. Minshall responded that she does not believe that there is an implied preference; the regulation enables regulatory tools, which is why there may seem to be a focus on a more prescriptive approach. A. Henry suggested that provincial tools seem to overlap existing tools, and asked if there is any consideration being given to amalgamating the tools. L. Minshall responded that each of the tools fulfills a different purpose. K. Fairman elaborated that the provincial instruments will allow the committees to target specific activities as they relate to the threats, whereas municipal planning tools, such as official plans and zoning bylaws, address land use designations. The Ministry's instruments will provide risk management tools which will address the land use activity as opposed to the land use designation. l. Macdonald advised that although he understands the hesitation to include rationale in the source protection plans, it will be necessary to have the rationale documented and available for defense in some form. L. Minshall concurred, and elaborated that rationale in the source protection plan would require careful development and consideration of wording, which would be more time consuming than simply documenting the rationale as background information. R. Haggart requested confirmation that the Clean Water Act regulations will ovenule planning regulations. L. Minshall responded that for significant threats, the Clean Water Act does take precedence. T. Schmidt extended caution; the Region of Waterloo has tried to address threats in its planning uses, but it is not well received by businesses due to limited land use and reduced land value. He suggested that an effective approach for industries may be the development of best management practices. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meet...Page 97 of 329 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 6,2009 Page 6 Res. No. 31-09 Moved by: L. Perrin Seconded by: D. Murray carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee incorporate the comments provided by the Municipal Water Services Technical Group and Municipal Planning Directors Group into the Committee's submissr'on to the province on the Source Protection Plan Discussion Paper. R. Krueger asked if there has been any discussion regarding compensation when prohibition is the outcome. L. Minshall responded that the Clean Water Act states there will not be compensation unless it meets criteria set out in the Expropriation Act. She suggested that when developing the source protection plans, the committee will need to take into consideration that prohibition will not take compensation into consideration. D. Munay asked if there is an appeal process for affected landowners. L. Minshall responded that landowners can appeal the policies that affect them. K. Fairman elaborated that those affected by the policies can request to have a hearing officer from the Minister of the Environment to hear their case. The timing and method of appealwillvary depending on the type of policy that is recommended. A. Dale asked how a pit or quarry owner can modify their business approach to reduce impact. L. Minshall responded that the source protection plan will address activities that are threats. The increase in vulnerability will affect future land use activities and perhaps pit rehabilitatíon plans. W. Wright-Cascaden elaborated that zoning for aggregate operations is different than other land uses; aggregate sites are zoned at the time they get their license; which provides more opportunity to assess aggregate zoning applications in relation to the Clean Water Act. The zoning for an aggregate site is not in the 20 year official plan; it is based on a per application basis. N. Fueten asked if the work of the committee considers the development of unserviced areas to reduce the impact of well and septic installation. L. Minshall replied that this is not addressed in the Clean Water Act. K. Fairman reminded members that the MOE is receiving feedback on these tools and using the feedback to further develop the proposed regulations. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings None 12. OtherBusl a) Question and Answer Period A. Henry advised that there is a ministry workshop on September 10 that poses a scheduling conflict for surface water system administrators. C. Ashbaugh replied that there is a tour and venue already scheduled for September 10 and suggested that proxies be assigned. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meet...Page 98 of 329 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee August 6,2009 Page7 13. Glosed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, September 10, 2009, l:00 pm, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food - 1283 Blueline Road, Simcoe, Ontario 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of August 6, 2009 adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meet...Page 99 of 329 Page 100 of 329 t1) LAIVD USE COUNCIL "ødvocatìng socíø|, economic and envìronmental balsnce ín government legßløtìon øffecting lønd" August 18,2009 The Honorable Donna Cansfield, MPP, Minister Ministry of Natural Resources Room 6630, Whitney Block 99 V/ellesley Street, West Toronto, Ontario, M7A lW3 f\ r i., by Registered Mail Minister: We acknowledge, with thanks, your July 22\etterregarding our June l2th appealto delay legislative approval ofproposed species habitat regulations pending wider public consultation, First ofñcially mentioned in June, 2008, details of these regulations were not unveiled until May 15,2009 and then only on an Internet site announcing they would be submitted for government ratification by June 30,2009 and requesting interim comment by June 15. To this foreshortened schedule was added one hastily convened "stakeholder" meeting on May 25 in down-town Toronto. There serious reservations were expressed by many of the 60 attending delegates about thrust and direction of the regulations, the announcement that no further public meetings on the subject would be convened, the urban site chosen to introduce land use constraints directly impacting rural citizens and the inadequately advertised process by which these directives were being fast-tracked into legislation. Having no information to the contrary, we presume the regulations in question have been approved, our appeal notwithstanding. If so, we ask to be advised whether such approval included anyrecommended habitat protocols recorded on any EBR Registry web site or in any public forum since 2007. As advised in our Jlurrre l2letter, an Intemet report never challenged by your Ministry confirms that ESA 2007 was drafted in 2005 by a cartel of five professional lobbyists eighteen months before it was released on an EBR site as an MNR "discussion paper". Promptly endorsed by a partisan Review Panel, the proposed Act was then tabled at two invitation-only workshops in the spring of 2008 as conducted by paid consultants skilled at posting consensus where little, if an¡ existed. These were followed by a telephone conference call during which MNR officials advised a 9-point ESA addendum ratified by the attending participants would certainly earn Ministerial comment, apledge then and since seemingly discredited by loud silence. That addendum addressed long-standing landowner issues and outlined their fair and sensible resolution. Even at this late date it deserves acknowledgement if not resurrection. 'We note MNR is said to be proud of its Endangered Species Act. But assurances that its staff"spent a year consulting with a broad range of stakeholders" appear to under-state the foregoing sequence of events. Or, alternatively, perhaps refers only to extensive private time spent with the special interest groups that initiated ESA 2007. Meanwhile, in an MNR written list of 20 recommendations arising from the three group discussions of which we are aware, a strong focus emerges on chronic lack of balanced, effective and timely landowner consultation and communication by that Ministry. Copy of correspondence dated August 18, 2009 from Land Use C...Page 101 of 329 Page2 ln approving statutes that directly impact private propert¡ the Ontario govemment invariably references its prior consultation with a "broad range of stakeholders". Thus, byunspecified number and generic definition, are Non-Govemment Organizations, many operating under charitable tax exempt status, invited in advance to sway political decisions leading to economic sanctions on land they don't own. The 5th Edition of the Canadian Law Dictionary describes "stakeholder" as " a thírd pafi chosen by two or more persons to keep in deposít property or money the ríght or possessíon of whích ís ín dßpute and to delíver the property or money to the one who establíshes the rìght to ít'. The right of land in Ontario was indisputably establishe.d by contract with the British Crown over a hundred years ago and no third party has since been "chosen" or is in any way authorized to hold it "in deposit". The term "stakeholder" does not therefore properly describe professional intervener groups who participate at government invitation in discussions that affect use and value of privately owned land. Indeed, there are, or should be, two classes of participants in such discussions. The primary one holds legal title to his or her land, pays property taxes, is often burdened with a substantial mortgage and, in many instances, relies on that land for a livelihood. The other has no contractual patent, financial investment or proprietary interest whatever in lands targeted for government controls. That secondary participants are able to induce those controls on private land is now a matter of record. That they are routinely favored with consultative preference, financial support and committee appointments from Onta¡io government agencies to the detriment of primary participants are a wide spread perception if not a matter of fact. With respect, Minister Cansfield, we contend MNR should introduce and maintain in all land use protocols, consultations and legislation a clear distinction between these two classes of interested participants. Folks who own and cultivate land are "landowners' by name and function and should be identified as such. Those who heþ manipulate use and value of other people's propert¡ all the while citing the otherwise commendable goal of environmental protection, are Non-Govemment Organizations by title and influential lobbyists by profession and should be identified as one or the other or both. Municþal govemments and an increasingly anxious public are understandably concerned about the Orwellian pressures inherent in implementation and enforcement of ESA 2007. Some examples: Blending that legislation, which denies right of appeal and right of compensation for production and equity losses arising from provincial policy, with other government statutes; branding vast tracts of private property as wildlife habitat; obligating landowners to recognize allegedily endangered species of plants, animals, and birds in order to protect the lives and habitat of such species as a no-charge public service and without any specific definition of what actually constitutes "protection". These stresses are compounded by the prospect of million dollar fines with concurrent penitentiary sentences for violators charged under the "strict liability''provision of the ESA. In legal terms this translates as "guilty until proven innocent", a complete negation of the reverse principle, the very comerstone of English common law. In the ESA that interpretation is supposedly relieved by the faint hope of a "due diligence" defense. But that option may require the accused to retain, at his or her expense, whatever courtroom counsel is considered necessary and whatever number of witnesses is deemed adequate to prove an alleged ESA infraction was either unintentional or non-existent. While defendant cost of a due diligence defense is likely to far exceed the resources of many landowners, we can be sure public funding of appointed MNR prosecutors would never be similarly constrained. Copy of correspondence dated August 18, 2009 from Land Use C...Page 102 of 329 Page 3 As previously advised, the Land Use Council (LUC) is a "coalition of coalitions" mandated to investigate and publish positive and negative consequences of government statutes affecting use and value of privately owned land. Current research includes, but is not limited to, risk insurance against production and equity losses attributable to not only acts of God but acts of government as well. To that end, the results of ongoing enquiries regarding insurability of losses arising from implementation and enforcement of ESA 2007 will be of interest to landowners across Ontario. Some months ago we asked Premier McGuinty to direct prepared land use queries of general interest to the appropriate Queen's Park agency for departmental attention. We appreciate his co-operation in routing the first three of these to a provincial Cabinet Minister who recentþ provided us with a detailed reply. In the event subsequent LUC queries filed with Premier McGuinty are forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Resources we trust a response to same will be forthcoming at your earliest convenience. We can think of no better way to encourage and record useful dialogue between the Ontario government and its land-owning constituents. Thanks for your time and patience in reviewing these rernarks. An acknowledgernent is requested and will be appreciated.. Yours truly Bruce Pearse, Chair Land Use Council 16190 Highways 7 &,12 Sunderland, Ontario, LOC lHO Phone: 705-357 -3054 / Fax: 705-357 -3963 FoodChoìn I Holion RegÍon FederalÍonof Agriculture I Ontario londownersÁssociolion Onlorio Properly and Envîronmenlql Rþhfs Nlionce I Peel Dittrict Federoiîon of AgrÎcvllure E-Mail: landusecouncil@gmail.com Web Pøge: www.landusecouncil@gmail.com Copy of correspondence dated August 18, 2009 from Land Use C...Page 103 of 329 Page 104 of 329 s DougReycraft Chair, Community Schools Alliance 399 Ridout Street North, Inndon, Ontario N6A 2P1 519-287-2015 r ey c r o ft@ sy m p a t i c o. c a www, comm unitys ch ool salli ance. ca /1 ut Thursday, August 27, 2009 RE: Community Schools Alliance Resolution Dear Municipal Colleagues, On behalf of the founding Executive Committee of the Community Schools Alliance, I am writing to thank municipalities across Ontario for the overwhelming support of the Community Schools Alliance and to encourage those municipalities that have not already done so to support the attached Community Schools Alliance resolution. During the AMO Conference, a standing room only crowd of over 200 Community Schools Allliance attendees sent a strong message to Minister Wynne that we believe our community schools are vital pieces of our public infrastructure and that our schools are as important to our communities as the municipal infrastructure for water, transportation and recreation that we build and maintain. We took this message directly to Education Minister Wynne during a recent meeting and in response to our concerns, the Minister provided us with a draft policy entitled "Encouraging Facility Partnerships". While this policy is an important first step in addressing some of our concems, it falls short of addressing our collective goal of protecting this vital component of our public infrastructure. As a result, we need your help to encourage the Minister to implement a "smart moratorium" on disputed school closures by passing the attached resolution if you have not already done so. The goal of the 'smart moratorium" is to provide time for the Ministry, school boards and municipalities to work together to develop policies addressing issues such as planning for declining enrolments, a mutually agreed upon Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) process, a review of funding to ruraland small community schools and establishing a working relationship between municipalities and school boards that is transparent and accountable. I thank you for your attention to this request and if you would like to leam more about the Community Schools Alliance or if you would like to review any of the materials that I have referenced please visit our website at www.com m un ityschoolsa ll iance.ca. Yours truly, QnØ""r Doug Reycraft Chair, Community Schools Alliance Mayor, Municipality of Southwest Middlesex Correspondence dated August 27, 2009 from Community Schools ...Page 105 of 329 The Community Schools Alliance encourages your council to adopt the following resolution. Please forward a copy of your resolution to The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Education, Mowat Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2, Canada and the Community Schoo/s Alliance, 399 Ridouf Sfreef N, London, Ontario, N6A 2P1, reycraft@mdlsx.ca DRAFT RESOLUTION WHEREAS communities across Ontario are concerned with the Accommodation Review Committee process and the impact this flawed process has on the socio- economic fabric of our municipalities; AND WHEREAS many schools are the hubs of their communities, a better accommodation review system is needed to address the educationalfacility needs of our residents; AND WHEREAS a system to address the educationalfacility needs in Ontario must ensure that school boards and municipal councils partner on decisions regarding education infrastructure; AND WHEREAS greater accountability for school board decisions is needed; AND WHEREAS a thorough review of the governance model for school accommodation decisions must include an opportunity to appeal these decisions; AND WHEREAS the accommodation review process should respect and value the input of students, parents, the community and municipality; THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario be petitioned to implement a'smart moratorium'on disputed school closings to provide the opportunity for the Ministry of Education, school boards and municipalities to work together to develop policies addressing such issues as planning for declining enrolments, a mutually agreed upon Accommodation Review Committee process, a review of funding to rural and small community schools, and transparency and accountability between municipalities and school boards. Correspondence dated August 27, 2009 from Community Schools ...Page 106 of 329 us Honorary Patron: The Hon. David C. Onley Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Lupus Foundation of Ontario 294 Ridge Road N Box 687 Ridgeway ON LOS 1N0 (800) 368-8377 ON Only \ (eOs) 8e4-4611w (e}s)8e4-4616 eS lupusont@vaxxine.com Website: wwwvaxxine. com/lupus Serving Ontario since 1977 (Inc.) September B, 2009 Mayor & Council Members Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Box 160 Staffordville 0N NOi 'lYO Re: "Ocfober is Lupus Awareness Month" Dear Mayor & Council Members: flo/ Lupus Foundation of Ontario has been serving the citizens of Ontario for the past 33 years. During this time, we have noticed an alarming increase in the numbers of those seeking information for their health concerns. Many requests are from parents of yourlg children and adolescents who have been positively diagnosed with systemic lupus. We would like to request that you read our Proclamation during a Council meeting to inform all in youl community that lupus is a serious illness that, unfortunately, many are still unaware of. We receive no funding from govelnmental sources and our public awareness campaigns are most eff,rcient through grass roots initiatives. There are many Ontarians who have been diagnosed with lupus throughout our province. By reading our Proclamation during your meeting and by declaring October as Lupus Awøreness Month, you will greatly assist our Foundation in educating all citizens that our Foundation exists and that help is just a telephone call away. Each month, over 250,000 hits are recorded on our website. Through personal and corporate donations, Memoriam contributions and membership fees, we have donated in excess of $ 1,400,000 over the years for much-needed and valued research. Your assistance with this awareness initiative will allow us to help others to help themselves. Thank you. Very t Kathy W'orking together to conquer lupus Charitable Registration Number I 0764 9410 RR000r Correspondence dated September 8, 2009 from Lupus Foundation...Page 107 of 329 Page 108 of 329 ?¿e Ra?Á/ 0az.a¿¿an /,eq.¿aro eo¿at4z¿ ?d//or, 3,øt4¿ S I ou¿& le .úe¿¿to 74e4 aøtl. p,ta4n & qta¿d¿¿ ¿aqrrq ar ¿l¿ rú/nrn &4irâ4/ a¿ l0:45t1,?/1, ?fc O¡ø*q ee/æ4nit/ /4a ¿ertut Aez¿ q'¿fl /ihtØ d¿ etatr¿¿ ll ?0e anal¿ 6e /aø¿e¿ to áarc vntt d¿fclr¿ f¿&¿ ecÆ,r.lo Please R.S.y.P to Sonja Oslach, Commiftee Chair at 519-773-5221 Royal Canadian Legion invitation to Mayor and Members of Cou...Page 109 of 329 Page 110 of 329 September 14, 2009 Lynda Millard, Clerk Municipallty of Bayham 9344 Pfank Road, Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 f milla rd@bayham.on.ca ,+tL lÐ RE: ONTARIO,S SOUTH COAST TOURISM REGION Norfolk Gounty Councilapproved this resolution at its meeting on September B, 200g: THAT Nortok County Councll supporl the eslab/ish ment of Ontario's Soufh Coasl as an offlcìal Tourism RegÍan wÌthín the Provincv of Qntario, ìncluding Norfo/k County, Haldimand County, Elgin County and any othermunîcìpality on or adjacent to Lake Erie that wisl¡es to pafticÌpate; AND THAT Norfolk County Councíl circulate fis decr'sion to Etgin Counly, Haldimand county, and the munlcipalitias of chatham-Kent, Township of waÌnfleet, cíty of Paft calbome, Town of Foft Er¡e, Region of Niagara, Essex County, City of Wndson Town of Amherstburg, Iown of Essex, Toutn of KîngsviÍle, Town of Laheshore, Town of LaSalle, Municipality af Leaminglon, Town of Tecumseh, and ather municipalitieswithin fñe Soufh CentralOnlarÌo Reglon ISCORJ. AND THAT Norfol( Counly Councll authon\e the Mayor to write the Minister of Tourism expressfng the municipality's desire to pa¡ticipate fully in the Ontarío's Soufá Coasú offícíal tourísm region, Attached is a copy of Norfolk County Staff Report PED O9{9, -Ontario's South Coast Tourism Region", for your information. Please share this resolution with your munîcípal council with the aim of passing a similar resolutíon supporting lhe establishmenl of Ontario's South Coast as an'0ff¡cialTourism Region within the P¡ovince of Ontario. lf you have any questions, please contact me at (519) 420-5870 ext 1238 or email clark. hoskin(@norfolkcountv.ca. sincerely, Clark Hoskin Manager, Tourism & Economic Development Nofolk County Att. Norfolk Ceun$ Tourlsm & Économlc Developnrent 50 kel Streef, Sinrcoe, Ontario NJY IR9 Ca¡ada Phoner 519.426.9497. Toll Free: I-800-699-9038 . Fax:5t9-426,9649 Email: business@norfolkcounty.ca ' tourism@rrorfolkcounty,ea . far,ms@norfolkcounty,ca rvww.norfolkbusinees"cs.wwn¿notfclktouris¡n.sa.wlrv.no¡folkfnuns,eonr Correspondence dated September 14, 2009 and Report from Norf...Page 111 of 329 Page 112 of 329 FO"46 - Dec 12, 2@8 "tN GAMERA" f:] BUDGET AMENDMENT E IT.ITRODUGTION / BAGKGROUND: The Ontaño Ministry of Tourism eleased the Ontario Toudsm Compe{itiveness Study in February 2@9, a lopic on whiclt Norfolk County Coundl has been updated in two infonnation memo6 eíncethatdate. Norfolk County had provided input to the study prooess prior to its publlcation. The final repqt specifically recommended the establishment of tourism regions. At e reeent meeting, lhe Toun'sm & Eænomic Development Advisory Board recommerded that Norfolk Counly Coundl formalize Ìts support for Ìnclusion of Norfolk County in an oficíal .Ontario's South Goast" lourism regiør, Erdorsement of the advisory board's recommendatìon is the sub.iect of thÍs report. DÍSGUSSION T ANALYSIS For too long, lesser known destinations wfth quality, unhue tourísrn experiences have been overlooked by a povincial tourism marketing structure lhat excfudes all but the ieon destinations (Nlagara, Toronto, etc,) and produd advocated by politically conneded sector assodations (spas, inns, resorts,elc-). Norfolk County has been a lead partrær in the Ontariols South Coast Toudsm Alliance for several years, whíctt ounently indudes Norfolk, Haldimand County and Eþin County. The three cq¡ntbs cunently undertake a modest regional tourism market¡rg plan, induding the mairfenance of a joint website at vvww.glosouthcoast.ca, Reæntly. the lhree Counties reeeived a grant from the lvlinistry of Tourism's Tourism Development Furrd for an organÌzational plan for the Ontariors South CoastTourism AllÍanæ. COUNCIL.IÑ4OMMITTEE: RES. NO. Approved Approved wíth Amendmenls Other Apgoved Approved with Amendments Other PAGE 1 OF4 REPORT NO. PED 09-89 ARTMEI.¡T: Planning & Economic Development DATE PRËP.AREII: August 10,2009 "COUNCIL{N-COMMITTEE" MEETING DATE¡ Se SUBJECT: ONTARIO'S SOUTH COAST TOURISITI REGION Christopher D. Balrd, Ec. D. For more information call: 519*42S5870 ext 1348 CTÅTL Clark Hoskin, Manager Tourisrn & Economlc Developrnent Divisíon For more infurmation call: 519426-5870 ext ,[ Correspondence dated September 14, 2009 and Report from Norf...Page 113 of 329 Planning & Economic Development page 2 ol 4 Report No. pED og-gg DISCUSSION / ANALYSIS fcontinuedl This spring, representatives of the Ontariors South Coast Tourism Allíance met in St. Thomas to discuss the Ontario.Tourism Competitiveness Study and upcoming regional meetings organized by the,Ministry of Tourism in May, A representative of Chattrah-Kenioulrism atso joinäd thã meetinj, and expressed a desire to partnerwith Norfolk, Elgín and Hafdimand to ensure úd the provínce recognízes Qntario's South Coast as an offioial tourism region. Exploration of partnerships with other communities, including Windsor-Essex and municîpatities in Niagara Region, was also disoussed. The implicatíons of recognizing Ontario's South Coast as an ofücial tourism region are considerable. TheOntarío netvrrork of DestinationMarketi e provínce through llæregulari also be asked tJcany out a number of other functions, suoh as regional marketing and padcaging, quality of service/experience, researcMnfonnation, worKoree develçment, and investmeát and-proCud Oevàtopñrent, Thg.recognjtion cf onlario'a South Coast urould be a preferable outcome than the option curenlly proposed ^Ul nu Minlstry of Touñsm, which would be to create a "Great Lakes Festivat áegion" inctuá¡irg Þeñh, Wellington, Waterloo, Guelph, London, MiCdlesex, Oxford, Elgin, Haldimard and Uorfóf. k Counly and other smaller communities the bsequent impÍementation plans will be pa is a than 500 people in Norfolk Gounty, it is a our Representiatives of Norfolk County afiended regional consultation meetings organized by ttæ Ministry of Tourism in May, and partícipated in the discussion around how to determlne thä boundaiíes and rolei of Tourism Rqion DMMOs. The consensus of the group was that existirç partnershipa and alliances should be honoured end nurtured. The Ministry of Tourism continues to review-ilie feedbaók I has received ard is expected to announce its diredion later this year. At its meelilg onJune 10, 2009, Norfofk County's Tourism & Economic DevelopmentAdvisory Boardpassed the following resolutíonl lvloved by Mn fãlenn] Ma:rshall THAT the Tourîsm & Economic Development Advisory Eoard recommend that Norfotk County Counei! suppart fl¡e establisà ment of Onlanb's Souftr boast as an officíal Tourism RegÌon within ths Province of Ontado, íncludîng NorfalkCaung, HaldÌmand County, Etgin Go-unty and any ather municipality a_n.orldjacent to Lake Eríe that wfsñes to participaie, in iesponse-fo Recommendatîon #2 of the Anþrío Tourism Gompetîttveness Sfudy unde¡taken by the Ministry al Taurism. AND THAT Notfolk County Councit cireulate rfs decísion to Etgin County, Haldimand Gounty, and the municipalitíes of Chalham-Rent, Iownshþ of WatnfteeL City oi pad Colþome, fauin of lort Erie. Region of Niagara, Essex Caunty, CW of Windsor, Town- af Amherstburg, Town of Essex, Town of Kngsvìlle, Town of Lahe.såore" Town of LaSalle, Municipatity of Leamington, and tha Town of Tecumseh. ANÐ THAT Na¡folk Coun\y Council aulhorize the Mayortowrite the Ministerof Taurìsm expressrng the municipality'e deslre to paúicipate fuíly ín the Ontario's Soufl¡ Coast afficíal tourism region, CARRIED. Correspondence dated September 14, 2009 and Report from Norf...Page 114 of 329 Planninq & Economic Development Pase 3 of 4 Report No. PED 09'89 DISGUSSION I ANALYSIS {contlnued) Circulation of this resolution to other partners in the South Central Ontario Region (SCOR) municipal partnership may be advantageous. Staff will inform those municipalities of Gouneil's decision, as well. The Tourism lndustry Association of Ontario (TIAO) has expressed conoerns generally about the establíshment of tourism regions, in relation to the funding and mandate of said regions and their goyernance structures. Regardless of how the regions are administered, the development of clearly defined boundaries of clusters of tourism communities remains an important step fonrard in the development of Ontario's tourism sector. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IM PLICATIONS; N/A TREASURY / FINANCIAL GOIIIMENTS: As there are no direot financial implications ae a result of supporting the Norfotk Cåun$'s TourÏsm & Economic Developrnent Advisory Board's resolutions, staff concur with the recommendatlons. STAFFING / IEGAL IMPLICATIONô: N/A CORPORATE STRATEG]C PLAN LINKAGE: Thie initiative refers diredly to the Strategic Direction #l - "Economio Prosperity - To deliver programs lo retaln, grow and attract business and industry in all sectors of our econorny*: . GoalA- Retain and Grotrv Existing Business & lndustryr Goal B - Support the DÍversification of the Agri-Eusiness Sector. Goal G - Attract and Facilitate New Business and lndustry This initiatíve also refers to the Strategic Direction #5 - "Community Values & ldentity - To engage our dìverse communities and volunteêrsn: e Goal I - Foster Support for Boards and Gommunity Based Projects¡ Goalt - Suppott the Diversity of ourCommunity The 2009 Business Plan for the Planning & Economic Development Deparlment includes the following references to this proJect, including \rvork with South Coast parlners on joint marketing initiatives" and "complete a Destination Development Strategy'. GONGLUSIQN: The recognition by the Provine.e of Ontario of "Ontario's South Coast" as a tourism region is key to the ongoing development of the tourism industry in Norfollt County. Norfolk Gounty Council's endorsement of this direction wÌll send a clear m€ssage of cooperatíon and enthusiasm to the Provínce- Correspondence dated September 14, 2009 and Report from Norf...Page 115 of 329 PlAnnilg & Economic DeveloÞment Pase 4 of4 Report No. PED 09-89 RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Staff Report PED û9-89, Ontario's South Coast Tourism Region, be received as information; AND TI"IAT Norfofk Counly Council support the estabfishment of Ontariofs South Coast as an official Tourisrn Reglon within the Frovince of Ontario, lncluding Norfolk Counfy, Haldimand County, Elgin County and any other municipality on or acljacentto Lake Erie that wiehes to participate; AND THAT Nofolk County Council circulate its decision to Elgin County, Haldimand County, and the municipalities of Chatham-Kent, Township of Wainfleet, City of Port Colborne, lown of Fort Erie, Region of Niaqara, Essex County, Gity of \fi/indsor, Town of Amherstburg, Town of Essex, Town of Kingsville, Town of Lakeshore, Town of LaSalle, Municipality of Leamirgton, Town of Tecumseh, and other municípalitÍes within the South Gentral Ontario Region (SCOR). ANÐ THAT Norfolk Gounty Council authorize the Mayor to write the Minister of Tourism expressing the municipalityls desíre to particípate fully in lhe ontario's South Coåst aÍlic¡al tourism region. ATTAC}IMENTS: None Correspondence dated September 14, 2009 and Report from Norf...Page 116 of 329 7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works SUBJECT: Salt Contract for 2009 -2011 DATE: September 17, 2009 FILE: L zt / NUMBER: PW 2009-17 Purpose This report is to present recommendations from the Manager of Public Works regarding the an extension of the contract with Sifto Salt for each of the next two years with the Municipality of Bayham Background Council has discussed a desire to ensure that the Municipality can fulfill its requirements of salt through the winter months thereby keeping the streets safe in our municipality. Some years ago the Municipality of Bayham saw the advantage ofjoining with the City of London in order to procure the best possible price for salt in a bulk means. Several municipalities in Elgin County did not show such foresight and are now paying approximately 20 % greater price on the supply of salt as opposed to the Municipality of Bayham. The foresight to partner in with a larger community is one that many smaller municipalities are finding very advantageous both in supply and naturally in price. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates a preference to ensure the supply of salt to our crews for the winter season and ensure that we have the materials required to keep the roadways safe. Therefore I would suggest we continue the contract with Sifto Salt for the next several winter seasons. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) subsection 3 we have meet this parameter of the priorities with this By-Law ensure a standard system for the Municipal roadways. Attachments l. Summation of Price increased from Sifto Salt Strategic Plan Goal(s) l. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT staff be authorized to accept the prices received from Sifto Salt and continue the contract for the next two years as stated in the correspondence from Karen English of the City of London Public Works Staff Report PW2009-17 regarding Salt Contract 2009 - 2011. ...Page 117 of 329 Salt Contract Gerry Lemay Page I of2 From: Ed Bradfield Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:46 AM To: Gerry Lemay Subject: FW: Salt Contract lmportance: High From: English, Karen fmailto:kenglish@london,ca] Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:03 AM To: ñruilson@town.aylmer.on.ca; swoolley@twp,southwold.on.ca; Hoogstra, Mike; price@city,st-thomas.on.ca; Gwen Tracey; Mike Thorn; Ed Bradfield; halcorn@uwo.ca; msture@thamescentre.on,ca; rgillies@cou nty.middlesex.on.ca Cc: Kim Wood Subject: Salt Contract ImpoÊance: High The City has negotiated a contract extension with Sifto Salt for each of the next two years. Rather than their proposed 4.5o/o increase for one year, we were able to secure a 3% increase for the 200912010 season and a 3% increase for 2010t2011. The original tender allowed for up to four one year extensions and it's in the best interests of the participating agencies to commit to the two year extension. The prices are $59.55 per metric tonne delivered for 200912010 and $61 .40 per metric tonne delivered for 2010120'l l, applicable taxes extra. Kim, our recommendation goes to Board of Control on the 16th of September and we should have Council approval on the 22nd. I wiil forward our (the City's) revised contract record at that time showing the negotiated changes. Thank you. Karen Karen English, CPPB Procurement Officer P. 519-661-2500 ext. 4519 F.519-661-5030 9/8/2009 Staff Report PW2009-17 regarding Salt Contract 2009 - 2011. ...Page 118 of 329 7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM TO: STAFF MEMORAI\DT]M Mayor & Members of Council DATE: September 9,2009 F'ILE: fÒ \FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Glen Erie Line Stabilization Works - Scope and Observer(s) At its September 3rd meeting, Council has requested information regarding the scope of works planned by the County in the rehabilitation of the slope east of the bridge on Glen Erie Drive (planned for Spring 2010), and whether there may be an opportunity for an observer to attend near the site to observe as the works proceed. Staff contacted County of Elgin staff, and received information generally as follows: Scope of works: The intent is for the creek to be moved away from the road to prevent future erosion of the toe of the slope and thereby help in the future road stability. Some vegetation will be removed from the north side slope and fill added so that the slope will be flattened to 3:1. When the fill is added to the side slopes, benches (approximately 0.5 meters wide by 0.5 high) will be cut into the side of the slope. This will permit the new fill to be kneaded into the existing road side fill, so that the two separate fill sections will then act as one mass rather than two separate masses. Observer: As was suggested at the September meeting, having an observer does create some problems under the safety rules in Ontario. OHSA roughly states that the contractor must control the site for all safety violations. If a person visits the site then he must abide by the contractors rules for safety which are heavily influenced by the OHSA. The County could ask the contractor if a person could sit and watch the constructions activities, however the contractor may or may not agree - that would depend on the specific contractor. County staff believe that most contractors would agree with certain caveats (ie: not be in an area near construction equipment or activity, have all personal safety equipment, vacate the area at the wishes of the contractor at his discretion, etc...) It was suggested contractors would probably agree daily on places to sit and observe. Staff Memorandum regarding Glen Erie Line Stabilization Work...Page 119 of 329 Page 120 of 329 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of August 2009 File: PlO Sep-02-2009 No.Datc Roll #Permlt Holder Property Descrlptlon Buildlng Tvoe Value i Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 77 4-Aue 0-003-r4300 VunicipaliW of Bayham 8354 Plank Road construct coverall storage barn 4800sq ft 150.000 75.0( 78 5-Aus 4-001-2172Q Bersen. Herman 5 Centre Sheet construct one storey house w/ open deck l073sq ft t25.000 729.0(175.0( 79 6-Aus 0-004-29300 Ebert. Janice 55541 Main Street constn¡ct wood patio deck at back ofhouse 394so 4,000 75.0( 80 O-Aue 0-007-08500 3iesbrecht. Nettie )349 Richmond Road construct one storey attached saraee 780sq ft 15-00(434.0( 81 l-Aue 0-002-l 7000 Iherrien, Gilles i6220 Lisht Line install insulation & finishes to farm dwellins 7.00(I 3l .0( 82 l-Aue 0-005-l I I 85 Deming. Brad 54065 Best Line constructroom above qaraqe & decks 320so ft 10.00(372.0( 83 l -Aus 0-003-06800 Merkley, Richard 56723 Jackson Line lonstn¡ct one storey storage barn I 920sq ft 20.00(517.0c 84 2-Aue 0-007-03700 Coelho, Bonnie Ball 1960 Beattie Road ronstruct one storey storagebarn l536sq fì 20.00(428 0C 85 3-Aue ¿-002-00300 PK Conskuction Inc I Chatham Sheet rne storey septase receivins station & tank 48 I sa 329-59Í 253.0( 86 7-Aus 1005-0230lsDlit Guenther. Gerhard 54493 Eden Line ¡onstruct one storey house w/att saraee 241 9so ft 150.00(1263.0(350.0( 87 25-Aue 2-001 -34200 Guenther Homes Inc 37 Wellineton Street tonstruct deck from 2nd floor to e¡ade 54 sq ft 3.50(75.0( 88 25-Aus )-005-02001 Janzen. Eddv t0085 Culloden Road install pitched roof over mobile home 925sq ft 7.50(t 35.0( 89 26-Aue 0-006-04300 lurenas. Peter 10122 Sandytown Road construct sunroom addition 378so ft to house 15.00(249.0( 90 27-Als 2-00r -34200 Guenther Homes Inc.17 Wellineton Sheet construct exterior balcony over front porch 63sq ft 4,50(75.0( 91 28-Aus 0-007-02905 Waeler. Jacob Richmond Road constn¡ct one storev housel 728so ft w/ att sarase 150.00(945,0(350.0( 92 3l -Aus 0-007-078 I 0 Peters. Abraham 54571 Ottersate Line )ne storey addition 291 2so ft to farm storaee blde 20,00(745.0( Auqust-09 1.031,098 6.50r.00 E75.0( 2OO9 YEARTO DATE 5.948.048 38.062.00 6200.0( Ausust-O8 434-80f 3.817.00 600.0( 2OOE YEARTO DATE 5-880.49's0-589.00 5400.0( sM9/14/2009 excel\monthly\buildper Prepared by: B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 . F i . . . P a g e 1 2 1 o f 3 2 9 Page 122 of 329 È CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: September 17 ,2009 FROM: Paul Groeneveld FILE: PÐ t Fire Chief/CEMC SUBJECT: Open Air Burning By-law NUMBERz P2009-027 Purpose: Provide information to Council regarding the municipality's open air burning byJaw and options for the disposal of old tobacco kilns. Backsround: Municipal By-law 2006-047 In 2006 the municipality enacted By-law 2006-047 to regulate the setting of fires (open-air burning) in the municipality. The By-law permits open air burning in rural areas provided the property owner obtains a burning permit from the Fire Chief (Municipality). Persons are prohibited from burning all materials other than . Wood and wood by-products that have not been chemically treated or painted or stained . tühite or brown: paper and cardboard for the purposes of starting an authorized fire . Dry: brush, stumps, hay, straw, and grass and other dry yard or natural agricultural materials but not including animal wastes and parts of animals unless such animals are diseased . Natural or petroleum gases or liquids used as appliance fuels . Charcoal materials intended for BBQ use . Other clean burning combustible materials that may be specifically approved by the Fire Chief or hisÆrer designate ÆyJaw also provides-forothe+safeÊy issues-sueh asdistaneeJo buildings both-oceupied-and- non-occupied, wind direction, size of pile to be burned and time of day. Staff Report P2009-027 regarding Open Air Burning By-law. F...Page 123 of 329 Municipal Scan Staff contacted neighboring municipalities to ascertain their requirements for burning of old kilns. Municinalitv Open Air Burnine - Old Kilns Central Elein Removal of asphalt shinsles. tar paper, foam and knocked down Malahide Removal of asohalt shineles Norfolk Removal of asphalt shingles, tar paper, foam and knocked down Norwich Removal of asphalt shingles and tar paper siding Southwest Oxford Removal of asphalt shingles and tar paper siding Bayham Removal of asphalt shingles. tar paper and knocked down Ministry of Environment In June 2009 staff contacted the Ministry of the Environment regarding the permitting of buming old kilns. The MOE provided a letter dated July 17, 2001 (attached) sent to the previous Fire Chief outlining the MOE's views and concerns with permitting the burning of old tobacco kilns. Burn Permits Staff currently issues permits for the burning of old tobacco kilns provided the roof shingles and tarpaper siding and other non-approved materials are removed, and the structure is knocked down prior to burning. There is no cost for a burn permit. Legal Staff contacted the municipality's legal advisor regarding the permitting of burning of old kilns and petroleum-based products (e.g. shingles). Staff received the following response: "If the burning results in fugitive emissions which could impair the environment, then the owner doing this could be charged by the MOE. The Municipality could be charged for "permitting" the discharge, if the By-law purports to allow this activity, particularly under the circumstances described" Staff Comments: Options for Disposal of Old Tobacco Kilns The following options are available for the disposal of old tobacco kilns: . Burn after shingles, tarpaper and non-approved materials are removed . Burn with non-approved materials . Demolition and buried on site . Demolition and transported to local landfill Staff Report P2009-027 regarding Open Air Burning By-law. F...Page 124 of 329 General Staff recognizes there are costs associated with the removal of non-approved materials prior to burning or demolition and burying materials. Staff has witnessed non-approved materials being removed by a hi-hoe prior to demolition and burning. If persons were pennitted to burn non-approved materials he/she would be subject to potential intervention by the MOE and any subsequent enforcement activities. If the municipality permits such burning it could also be held liable. In addition the public may view the Municipality as being environmentally unfriendly by permitting the buming of old kilns with shingles and tarpaper attached. The requirement to obtain a burn permit is to reduce the number of calls to the fire department as a result of persons buming waste materials, such as brush and yard waste, without notifuing the fire department in advance. Direct staff to draft an amendment to By-law 2006-047 for consideration by Council to permit the burning of non-approved materials (e.g. shingles and tarpaper) by a person disposing of an old tobacco kiln. Direct staff to draft a by-Iaw for consideration by Council to exempt a person from By-law 2006-047 when burning an old tobacco kiln. No action at this time. Strateeic Plan Goal(s) Goal#4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Goal#7 - Promote excellence in environmentol stewardship Recommendation "THAT Staff Report2009-027 be received for information" Respectfully submitted, 2. 3. Fire Chief Staff Report P2009-027 regarding Open Air Burning By-law. F...Page 125 of 329 ø6lssl2øø9 12:36 519-873-4533 MiniÊtry of thâ Envhþnment M¡nlslâra d€ l'Énvironnemcnt 559 ExÊter Rd. 2"'Flr, 568 chem¡n Exêter' 2ê êtáge Lândon ON N6E lL3 Londôn ON N6E 1L3 Tel (51e,473-5OOO Têl (519) 873-5OOO1-aOO-265-7ê72 1-AOù29ã'7e72 Fax (519) A73-5O2O lelec (519) A7E.6O2o Iuly 17,2001 LONDON DIST FFICE PAGE ø2/ø2 @ ontario Mr, Sam Taylor Fire ChiefEmøgenøy Meæutæ Coordjnatot BayhamFire Deparffient. P.O. Box 160 9344 Pla¡k Road Staffordvillg ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear lt¡f¡. Taylor: This is in rçly to yinr letter of July 4, 2001 conèeming the buming of obacco kil¡rs throughout southwestem Out¿¡io. Ihere is no permit or licerrce required Êom this Ministry for the situation þu outliaed in yow Ietter. Ag¡icr¡ltural bumings are æsessed bythe Ministry's field staffo¡ a siæ-by-siæ basis, and our decision ûo ir te¡ve,nc depends on whethø we think there is an adverso cffect. For tbis reason, we noimally advise resideuts who take issue with these activities to contast our toll-Êee numbor at the Spills Action Centre (l-800-268-6060). However, we acknowledge that the¡e are better methods of dealíng with derelict buildingp. Thcsebuildinç meybe dcuolished" and thcmatcrials biuicdwithinthe bou¡ds of the fa¡m unit Disposal at an approved landfill is also an option. There may be provisions in the Municþal Act which emable municipalities to contol open-air bumirg, I would suggest thÂt the Township contact the London Office oftûe Minisky of Munioipal Affairs and Housing at (519) 87340201 l-800-265-4736 for advice' I tnrst that this will be of æsistance. Should you have any questions, pleaso co.ntact Dave Thompson, lhe Bnvi¡onmental Officer for your area at (519) 873-5029. Sincerely, 4î^?Uâ¿á'ø Micheline Riopelle Directo¡ Southwestern Region b.c,c,; D. Thourpson Staff Report P2009-027 regarding Open Air Burning By-law. F...Page 126 of 329 7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\DT]M TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: September 8,2009 FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator FILE: SUBJECT: Eden Community Centre Repairs and Designated Substances At the Council meeting July 16, 2009, Council received correspondence from the Eden and Area Community Centre group, as well as report PR2009-14. A copy of both are attached. At that meeting, Council directed as follows: "THAT Correspondence dated July 16, 2009 from Eden & Area Community Centre regarding operation of Eden and Area Community Centre be received; AND THAT Staff be directed to meet with the Community Centre Committee to discuss remediation options for the asbestos issue." Staff have had some further discussion with representatives from the Community Centre group, and unfortunately, there appears to be no option regarding removal of asbestos material beyond the municipality retaining a properly certified contractor. Additionally, Council had asked some questions regarding phasing in the repairs listed in previous reports. Staff would suggest that those reports provide phasing of the works as is best available. Those items that are identified as building and/or fire code issues should be corrected as soon as is practical. Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 127 of 329 lt l Eden & A¡ea Community Centre 56967 Eden Line Eden, Ontario NOJ IHO July 16, 2009 The Corporation of the Municipality ofBayham 9344PlankRoad, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ TYO Dear Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Council Members, We, the members of the Eden and Area Community Centre and other interested citizens are writing to confirm our desire to continue to keep operating the Eden and Area Community Centre as a Community Centre run by us. In regards to matters presented to us and previously discussed, we propose that the Municipality of Bayham remove the asbestos, replace the piping, replace the old water heater, and fix the valves, as soon as possible. As per the attached sheet from the lease you have with us - Section 6 Municipality's Covenants Part b Heating and Air Conditioning, we would appreciate your attention to fulfilling your duties stated there. This will also help to accomplish #2 of your strategic plan goals to ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure, that was stated in the Staff Report givør to the Eden and fuea Community Centre executive by Kyle Knrger at the May 79,2009 meeting with us. Immediate attention is required to remove the asbestos and replacing the piping; as cold weather will soon be upon us again and we will need heat to function in the building. Once you have fulfilled your obligations by removing the asbestos, replacing the piping, replacing the old water heater and füing the valves, we would oversee the installation ofthe ceiling tiles that you supply us with that meet the proper specifications of the Building and Fire Codes, Another important reason for the Municipalþ of Bayham to retain the building and to bring it up to Fire and Building Code is its potential use as an emergency shelter for the north end of Bayharn (Ward #3). There is presentþ no other suitable building that could be used in the event of disasters, examples being tornadoes, chemical fires, snow and ice storms. With the fact that there are two trailer parks in close proximity to Eden, and they are often subject to terrible damage if a tornado goes through an are4 the Eden and Area Community Centre might be required to provide an emergency shelter. Also the fact that our weather is becoming more unpredictable and the winds stronger every year this may be another point to consider. The continued use of the building run by a public, community group but owned by the Municipality would inzure that the building would be available to be used in the event that a disaster did occur. Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 128 of 329 âz. The dynamics within and around Eden have been changing. There have been new houses built to the east and west of Eden, and there is the potential for many more houses to be built to the north and south of Eden. To the west of Eden, North Hall has many new homes. It would a shame to lose the building just when it may be needed the most. With such a gteat increase in people and the probability of even more people to come, the potential for use of the Eden and Are¿ Community Centre also increases. The building has been a part of Eden's history for forty-nine years. The building as Eden Public School turned out many fine individuals. In the future it may be one of a few examples in Ontario of what a four roomed school looked like. Presently the Eden and Area Community Centre holds plaques with the names of some of Eden's finest athletes 04 and it could hold even more items of Eden's history. Some of the people who have attended the Eden Reunion have pictures of Eden as it once was and photographs of people who once lived here. Many would probably donate copies of their pictures. It has the potential to be a place where some of Eden's history may be stored, but even more importantly where it could be displayed where both locals and visitors can see it. It has for a long time been a part of Eden's history and continues to make history through the various events held at the Eden and Are¿ Community Centre. Therefore we see no reason why needed repairs can't be done and let it continue to be part of Eden's history, as our Community Centre. These are some reasons why we think that the Eden and Area Community Centre should continue with the needed repairs and upgrades made to the building so that it meets Fire and Building Codes. To help do what is required to bring the building up to codes and to practice responsible financial management, which was the #l strategic plan goal stated in the same Staff Report previously cited, we understand that there is infrastructure money available for updating facilities and that grants can be applied for by the Municipality. The Municipalþ could apply for infrastructure grants to offset the costs of fixing the building. If the Eden and Area Community Centre was to be designated an emergency shelter, would there be grants available that could be applied for? We propose that the staff at the Municipalþ who specialize in doing this, set about investigating these possibilities and whatever other ideas they might have, and put the wheels in motion for securing these grants to help minimize the costs to the taxpayers of Bayharn, for bringing the Eden and A¡ea Community Centre up to Fire and Building Codes. We also understand from a Bayham resident, who is in the construction business, that since we are a volunteer group that does make money and with the kind of work that needs to be done to the building, we stand a chance of securing a Trillium Grant. He is willing to help us do the paper work and guide us through the process in hopes of securing a Trillium Grant. If we secured a Trillium Grant, that grant money would also go to lowering the cost of bringing the building up to Fire and Building Code; thereby, making the infrastructure more reliable, better maintained and more s€cure and lowering the cost to the Municipality which would practice financial responsibility. The Trillium Grant would meet both ofthe goals stated in the Staff Report, We understand that grants take time to come through or we might not secure one at all. So we propose that we take things one step at a time and get the things done that need to be done right awry - those being the asbestos removed, the piping replaced, the water heater replaced and the Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 129 of 329 3. valves fixed. Then if the Fire Chief and Building Inspector would set up a time line when things need to be done by, that would give us a chance to see what things \rye can help do with your support, and the things that the Municipality will have to do without any help from us. Some things still need to be clarified for us, besides the time structure. The matter of handicap washrooms is one ofthem. We have an offer from an engineer to draw up handicap washroom plans. However we still do not see why we have to have two handicap washrooms.Many places have only one handicap washroom. It is marked "Ilandicap" and only people that are handicap - male or female - use that one. Why do we need to have two? If we have one unisex handicap wasluoor4 that way the person assisting the handicap person can go in with him or her and not be worried about what gender they are. For example, if a husband is with a wife that needs assistance, does he go in the male or female washroom? If it is just designated for the handicap and is unisex, it doesn't m¿tter. It is more practical and one handicap wash¡oom would cost a lot less than two. Doing only one handicap, unisex washroom would be the financially responsible thing to do, if only one me€ts the requirements ofthe codes and the law. Also we would like to know if the handicap washroom(s) idare not going to be in the other wash¡ooms, do we have to have an engineer, do plans for those two washrooms too, or can we just fix them up? We have five toilets already purchased and paid for, waiting to be put in. We have people who volunteered to help put them i4 and we hope to proceed as planned as soon as we have input from you. The toilets were a cast that we had already assumed. New toilets would definitely improve the wash¡ooms. They would look better, work properly, use less water, not leak or sweat in the heat making the floors wet, and not run all the time. Before this whole matter aros€, we were already using our own money and initiative to help maintain and improve the infiastructure ofthe building which is one of your goals. Please do remember that we do pay our bills - hydro, gas, setryer, snow removal - as is our agreement with you. We have so far run with a profit. We have kept our costs to the municipality at a minimum. The only expenses that we are aware of are: the original cost of the building and parkland, the driveway which you paved, and the roof which you fixed. Like all ofuq the building is getting older - its birth date was 196l - and all of us know that buildings take care, and that repairs must be done either on a regular basis or all at one time. The building itself has only cost the repair of the roof The fact that the building's function changed from that of a school to a Community Centre, is one reason why costs have to be incurred to bring the building up to Fire and Building Codes that are required for a Community Centre. With required repairs, the building can continue to be a Communþ Centre for us, a harbinger of history for the village, and potentially a haven in times of disaster if it is designated an emetgency shelter. Now we provide aplacewhere people can me€ú to have meetings, have churc[ play cards, have special events, have breakfast with their friends, have zuppers, bake sales, yard sales, etc. We provide a place that people can rent at an affordable price for all kinds of : parties - birthday, anniversary, Christmas, New Year; showers - bridal, baby; reunions - the old timers, famil¡ school. It has even been used for a wedding reception, for funeral luncheons, for a voting statiorq and numerous other functions. It is a building that has had many va¡ied uses and we would like to see it continue to be a used and be a useful part of Eden itself and the area surrounding Eden. Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 130 of 329 4. In conclusion, since our resources financially are limited, we will help do what we can do, mostly through providing some labor, and purchasing materials with your advice and financial backing if you wish, when some items may be purchased at a lower cost by us than if they were tendered and purchased by the Municipality. We'll help do things where we are qualified and/or able to do them. We have given reasons why the Community Centre is an asset to the people of Eden and the surrounding areA and in the future how it could be potørtially more. This is what we propose for your consideration in deciding whether to let us continue using the building as a Community Centre. Yours truly, The Members ofthe Eden & Area Community Centre and Interested Citizens Post Script: We would appreciate knowing your decision about our continued use ofthe building as a Community Centre as soon as possible. This would allow us to reassure the people who come for brealdast the first Saturday of each month that we will be open. We will also be able to reassure people planning to book or who have already booked the Community Centre that we will be available for their event. We will be able to proceed with planning our fund raisers. Therefore, a speedy reply would be truly appreciated, Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 131 of 329 (6) (b) MTIMCIPALITY'S COVENAI\TTS The Municþality conve,nants withthe CENTRE as follows: HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING - dr:ring the term of this lease, wheneve¡ heat or cooling air conditioning is reasonably required, except during the making of repairs to heat or air condition the Premises so æ to keep them at a reasonable temperature; but if the Muûicipality defaults in so doing, it shall not be liable to the CENTRE or to any peßon whom the CENTRE may pemrit to enter the Premises for any damage including indirect or consequential damage or damages for personal discomfort or illness arising out of or resulting form default. The Municipality will, on determining that repairs are required to the heating or cooling air conditioning equipment, precede to complete such repairs with due diligence; MUMCIPALITY' S COYENAI\ITS The Municipality convenants with the CENTRE as follows: HEATING AlrlD AIR CONDITIONING - drning the term of this lease, whenever heat or cooling air conditioning is reasonably required except during the making ofrepairs to heat or air condition the Premises so as to keep them at a reasonable temperatwe; but if the Municipality defaults in so doing, it shall not be liable to the CENTRE or to any p€rson r¡ùom the CENTR.E maypemrit to enterthe Premises forany damage including indirect or corsequential damage or damages for personal discomfort or illness arising out of or resulting form default. The Municipality will, on determining that repairs are required to the heating or cooling air conditioning equipment, precede to complete such repairs with due diligence; (6) (b) Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 132 of 329 JU.n - t? loq åoo q - 3bÏ TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator DATE: June 12,2009 FILE: AAO NUMBER: PR2009-14 :g È1, ii ti 3' iì 3J h' i j lii SUBJECT: Eden Commwrity Centre - Repairs and Designated Substances Purpose This report is further to Report PR2009-11, regarding Eden and Area Community Centre building repairs/improvements and the results of a designated substances survey' Bacþround Council considered Report PR2009-11 in May of this year, which outlined results of a Designated Substances inspection, and inspections carried out by the municipal CBO and Fire Chief. A copy of that report is attached. After considering the information, including the maintenance, Council authorized staff to initiate Centre regarding the continued use of the building. Staff and several Council members met with the Community Centre representàtives May 19th. Staff provided copies of the involved reports and some information from the Ministry of Labour about óbligations respecting designated substances. There was discussion of the information and Community Centre representatives indicated stong desire to continue with the building. Questions were raised regarding what would be done with the buitding and property should it close. At the close of the meeting, it was agreed that the group would review the information supplied and provide their comments *d/or questions. A subsequent meeting was held involving the Fire Chief and CBO, and the group sought clarification regarding a number of the items identified as deficient and"/or in need of repair. Interest was expressed in reducing costs by carrying out works with local volunteers/donations where practical. Staff Comments At the time of uniting this report, the Eden and Area Community Centre group has not yet submitted comments, including a list of works that they may undertake. This is expected prior to the upcoming Council meeting. As mentioned, the intent of the group is to continue use of the building as a community centre, and have certain works canied out by volunteers. Staffwould continue to provide assistanceiguidance as needed. In regard to designated substances, removal etc. would be required to proceed as outlined in the previous report, and the necessary asbestos management plan would also need to be finalized. At this time, two basic options exist - proceed with repairs to the facility, or terminate the use and dispose of (sell or demolish) the building. In the case of a sale of the building, seve¡al issues would need to be addressed, such as parking areas etc., however the Municipality would be able to retain the majority of the park area. Estimates have not been produced for the costs of any demolition. immediate and medium term costs for building discussions with the Eden and Area Community Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 133 of 329 raëe z Options L Commence with removal of asbestos as recommended in the Designated Substances Survey, and other immediately required repairs þlumbing etc.), and develop Asbestos Management Plan in accordance with regulations. 2. lrutiate steps to dispose of the building. Attachments 1. Copy of Report PR2009-1 I Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #l - P¡actice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrasructure Recommendation THAT Report PR2009-14 be ¡eceived, and Council provide any further direction to staff' Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 134 of 329 TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle lhrger, Administrator DATE: April30,2009 FILE: IIÍUMBER: PR2009-11 oo11 SIIBJECT: Eden Community Cente - Repairs and Designated Substances Purpose This repof is to provide further information regarding Eden and Area Community Centre building repairs/improvements and the results of a designated substances survey. Bacþround In February 2009, Council considered infonnation received e¡flining concerns regarding the location of asbestos in the Eden Community Cente. The issue was discovered upon responding to requests from the Eden the heating systemlhot water tank, and to conside 2008' council di¡ecæd that staff proceed with building to assess other capital needVcompliance issues. The CBO and Fire Chief undertook inspections in late February. Staff received the Designated Substances Suwey April 29ttr, 2009. StaffComments The Designated Substances Survey results did ide findings presented in February. Since a.sbesto building is subject to requirements for an asbestos that certain asbestos material is in fair to poor co certain other designated substances have been identified, however these a¡e not ¡ecommended for removal, but rathır will require notice and work practices in accordance with various regulations when the materials are disturbed (construction/demolition/disposal). In regard to an a.sbestos management program, the following are the general requirements: a) Prepare and maintain on the premises a record of the location of the asbestos containing material b) Give any other person who is an occupier of the building written notíce of any information in the record that relate to the area occupied by the person c) Give any employer with whom the owner arranges or contracts for work written notice of the inforrration in the record, if the work i) may involve material mentioned in the record, or ii) may be canied on in close proximity to such material and may dish¡rb it d) Advise the worJgrs gmplgyed þr_ ttre_ o_wner who work in ttlg building of the information in the record if the workers may do work that i) involves material mentioned in the record, or ii) is to be carried on in close proximity to sucb material aod may disturb it e) Establish and maintain for the training and instruction of every worker employed by the o$'ner who works in the building and may do work in clause d), a program dealing with Ð the haza¡ds of asbestos exposure Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 135 of 329 raÉc ¿ ÎQPr Spment and clothing to be used and wom whenii) the use, cìare, -¿ CrpoSU doing the work iii) personal hygiene to be observed when doing the work Ð the measures and procedures prescribed by regulation Ð lnspect the material mentioned and update the survey at reasonable intervals (annualþ) or whenever the owner becomes aware of new information relating to matters within the survey. The staff inspections of the building did identifr significant other capital repairVworks'that the building will require in the nea¡ fr¡ture and works to comply with current fire code requirements. These items range from small maintenance (ie: painting) to extensive renovations (ie: accessible washroom facilities, window replace,men! exterior doors, soffilfacia repair). Estimates to carry out immediate requirements are as follows (information from local contactors and/or staff): Replacement of ceiling tiles - $ 17,000 Doors,miscellaneous -$ 10,000 Removal of asbestos and reinsulation ofplumbing - $ 36,800 Replacement of conhol valves, new water heater - $ I1,500 to $15,900 These estimates include only immediate items. Estimates have not been sought for the items such as accessible wash¡ooms etc. previously mentioned. In addition, staff have just been informed of recent additional roof leaks at the building. At this time, staffare reviewing whether repairs may fall within the warranties from the repairs done in 2007. Options 1. Commence with removal of asbestos as recommended in the Designated Substances Surve¡ and othe¡ immediaæly required repairs þlumbing etc.), and develop Asbestos Management Plan in accordance with re gulations. 2. Intttiate discussions with the Eden and fuea Community Cente regarding the continued use of the building. Attachments 1. Memo of CBO Febn¡ary 24,2009 2. Memo of Fire Chief February 25,2009 3. Exfract from Designated Substances Survey Ma¡ch 25,2009 - Recommendations section Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensue reliable, well maintained and secure infrasrucflre Recommendation TFIAT staffbe authorizedlojnitiate discussisns with the,Eden and .A,rea Community Cenhe regarding the continued use of the building. Staff Memorandum regarding Eden Community Centre Repairs and...Page 136 of 329 a This article was originally written by me neaily 2007. C I ) Please copy and distribute to : Lynn Acre, CliffEvanitski, Mark Taylor,Wayne Casier, Ed Ketchabaw Bill Knifton, Kyle Knrger and Paul Groeneveld. Also sent to Al Spicer, Around about Bayhanr, Aylmer express Sean Hurley and interested parties etc. Matthew J Redsell P.O. box 18 Port Burwell Ontario NOJ lT0 Sept ll 2009 A discussion of changes to the Municipal zoning for the installation of small residential windmills to generate owners electricity. heamblc. For most people the thought of a windmill is something one purchases at a windmill dealer and then hires a contractor. A good dealer of windmills will examine the needs ofthe prospective home by arølyzingthe elect¡ical needs then suggest a system of solar cells and a windmill. The prospective customer will be shocked at the expense of a system so the first thing that must occur is to conserve and reduce the enersr being used. There is also regularmaintenance to consider. And if enough research is done one discovers that alternate enerry is never going to fülfill our every need and that life in our future on renewable energy will be very different from our present day. I have lived off of solar cells for about three years and understand the nature of days without much electricity and then to make use of the energy when the sun shines. I have studied self sufficiency daily for over 3 years. Building a windmill is an extension of my desire to pioneer and share in a sustainable lifestyle while maintaining the need to have those items that produce electricity, heat or energy easily built and maint¿ined by the home mechanic. The amount of power that one can expect f¡om a windmill depends on the blade diameter. For example a blade of I meter in a lOm (22 mph) per second wind may produce 70 watts. A blade of 2 meters in a l0 m/second wind may produce 280 watts. You will notice that twice the blade diameter yields four times the energy. To give you an idea of energy use consider that a hair dryer easily uses over 1200 watts! I have built my own windmill from the plans of Hugh Piggot, a world recognized windmill builder, and recommended as the most reliable. This is a well researched heavy duty construction made to last and has been fabricated in many countries around the world. And the best thing about it is that all the parts are easily available locally. Correspondence from Matthew Redsell regarding "Small residen...Page 137 of 329 Guidelines to consider in allowing windmills on any zoning: *The main issue is to have a quiet operation for residential use . If a windmill is built conectly it should have a tip speed ratio of less than 7 to reduce noise and a blade diameter of greater tl:rln 2 meters and less than 5 meters. A number of store purchased windmills have very diameter small blades and rely on a high wind speed to operate. These are usually not suitable in a residential area nor have a very good record of longevity. *The second issue is to recommend a guyed gin pole tower so that the windmill can be easily lowered should extreme weather conditions be imminent or that it can be easily serviced. * Placement of the tower should be considered to give a short distance to the house to avoid energy loss since the voltages used are usually under 24 volts. The placement of the tower should not be placed according to wtrere it would fall since a well designed guyed tower will not fall down. All electrical wires should be buried. *Goy wires should be clearly marked to avoid people running into them and have some setback from property lines. Guy wire anchors are usually %the tower height and in sets of four per level ( three to four sets in 70 ft) . *height of the tower shotrld allow for clearance over trees and other objects upwind of the \Mindmill by about 20 ft. A set of guidelines for the tower plans should be submitted and compared to towers already in use. Having an engineers approval does not necessarily provide one with suitability of the tower especially if they a¡e not familiar \Mith \Mindmill towers; far better to have those who know towers approve certain criteria such as certain tube diameters, suggested guy wires and anchor points for certain blade diameters. A suggested one tower length from any power lines would be prudent. The tower should have at least 10 ft from the gro'.rn<lto the bottom-of the-windmill blades. *The gin pole tower should be able to be taken down entirely withinthe property lines. Correspondence from Matthew Redsell regarding "Small residen...Page 138 of 329 POINTS TO THINK ABOUT It is important to have a set of guidelines that are backed by careful thought and good reasoning. Do not just adopt other municipalities guidelines' Requiring the tower to be at least one length from nearest owners dwelling does not make much sense and only contributes to energy losses due to long distances and perhaps the placing the tower in a most unfavorable site, and if the tower should fall on ã hons" it will at least not fall on anyone and will certainly not destroy the house and the people inside. Do not limit resident windmills by their rated power output. This is a wildly unreliable number. It is better to limit the diameter of the blades to wrder 3 meters and a tip speed ratio of less than 7. Some neighbours may object to the sight of a windmill. This should not be an issue when\Me are striving to e¡plore renewable energy. The sight of tv ante,lrnas, electrical lines and poles are cert¿inly more of an eyesore. Consider which you would rather have in your back yard, a windmill or a coal fued generator? Do not limit the choice of windmills to those manufactured and for sale in stores. Many of the residential windmills available have not proven reliable. Encourage those interested inwindmills to seek others who have successfully completed windmills inthe local area. Windmills run at lowvoltages that are non haza¡dous to humans. Typically 12 or 24 volts are used. What is most important are wire sizes and the distances the electricity must travel so good planning is necessary and should not be hampered by long set backs. A set of guidelines is better than a rigid set of rules. Otu own building inspector should have the ability to judge the merits of each installation. Correspondence from Matthew Redsell regarding "Small residen...Page 139 of 329 The submission for a residential windmill to the building inspector should have the following: A diagram and dimensions of the windmill from the manufacturer or builder. A diagram of the tower with specific sizes for all the parts including the anchors. A diagram of the electrical layout showing an electrical or mechanical braking system (wires are all crossed to stop the blades) A plan of the placement of the tower within the property. The building inqpector should see the completed windmill before it is put up on the tower. The building inspector is not certiffing thatthe windmill is safe or workable. He may suggest other possibilities but he does however have the right to not allow the windmill should he find good reasons that do not fulfill the above guidelines. The e,lrtire project is the responsibility of the builder, owner and or contractor and they will be held reqponsible. Correspondence from Matthew Redsell regarding "Small residen...Page 140 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 000220 CJDL 528/. 5288 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 09/03/2009 1:00PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/03/2009 OOOO31 ADT SECURITY SERV¡CES CANADA 21821015 REPI-ACE THE MA|N PANEL 08t20t2009 r 151.73 007066 Cheque Amount - 151.73 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM scfrool bus ad SCHOOL BUS AD 08/31/2009 I 31.50 007067 Cheque Amount - 31.50 OOOI58 CANADIAN TODS LIMITED 6019870 EDTSON MUSEUM / ATTRACTIONS 08/01/2009 I 481.96 007068 6019871 LOGO - LTGHTHOUSE 08/01/2009 r 481.96 007068 6019872 LOGO - MARTNE MUSEUM 08t01t2009 I 481.96 007068 Cheque Amount - 1,445.æ RESEARCH FOR COMM ADJ FUNO 08t25t2009 I 1,204.88 007069 CENTRESTREETDRAIN-VIENNA 0A2612009 I 1,522.50 æ7069 Cheque Amount - 2,727.38 OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 10807 CLEAN PUMPSTATTON 08t17t2009 I 551.25 007070 Cheque Amount - 551.25 OOO282 EDBRADFIELD eyeweâr GI-ASSES - |¡YNE BRADFIELD 09rcA2009 I 223.95 OO7O71 Cheque Amount - 223.95 001565 EMCOCORPORATTON 54009'10-01 GATES, VALVE STEMS 08t27t2009 I 3,743.69 007072 540106040 MATERTALS FORWEATERWORKS 08/2712009 I 1,114.69 007072 Cheque Amount - 4,858.38 OOO348 FRAMPTON MAILING SYSTEMS 2628Á POSTAGE TAPES, CARTRTDGE 08nA2009 I 2U.71 007073 Cheque Amount - 2U.71 001457 FRED&SUSAN HERMANN 0{03{5500 RETMBURSE TAX PAYMENT O9|O'U2009 I 662.01 007074 0-003{6300 REIMBURSE TAX PAYMENT 09/01/2009 I 1,515.87 007074 Cheque Amount - 2,177.88 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Aug 50221{5009 UTILITIES - SEWAGE PLANT 0812012009 I 4,314.07 007075 Cheque Amount - 4,314.07 000446 JACKIE BOOTLE Augl5-Sep15'0g MANAGER FEES 08t31t2009 I 791.66 007076 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 141 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Tyæ Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.o7.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 09/03/2009 Cheque Amount - OOO555 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION 05214b 3RD QUARTER - SEPTEMBER 0112312009 I OO155O MARYALICE HANSON reimburse purchase KIDS PROGRAM SUPPLIES 000619 MUNICIPAL HEALTH & SAFETY Confined Space Enby COURSE - CONFINED SPACE course register BASIC CHAINSAW OPERATOR Cheque Amount - 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED Cheque Amount - 08t31t2009 I 09/03/2009 1:00PM 007077 007078 791.66 't 1,015.50 1 I,015.50 45.50 Cheque Amount -45.50 u'1.25 007079 236-25 æ7079 09/03/2009 091o212009 4u981237841 4u9E1421241 Aug E2238G01 Aug E2420G01 Atrg E45407{1 Ar.r9 E4540901 Aug E4541G01 Aug E51@0{1 Aug F1929GO1 Aug F20@GO1 Aug F26864-01 Aug G06210{1 Aug G06305-01 Aug G0630741 Aug G1570GO1 Aus G4040741 OOO727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD UTILITIES - STRAF FIREHALL UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES. PUMP#5 uTtLtTtES - S.C.C. UTILITIES. OFFICE UTILITIES -PUMP#2 UTILITIES. LIBRARY UTILITIES - GAR/{GE UTILITIES. EDISON uTtLtTtEs - v.c.c. UTILITIES. PUMP#6 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES . MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES. PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - PB WORKS YARD 0812012009 o812012009 0u20t200.9 0812012009 08t20t2009 08l/20t2009 0812012009 0812012009 0el21n009 0812112009 08t21t2009 0812112009 08t21t2009 0812112009 0el21t2009 08t21t2009 577.50 17.41 007080 13.4',t 007080 12.08 007080 69.59 007080 33.81 007080 12.08 007080 12.08 007080 20.08 007080 12.08 007080 34.80 007080 27.03 007080 12.08 007080 12.08 007080 12.08 007080 12.08 007080 't2.08 007080 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - 0812112009 r406015865 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 237355 237356 237357 OOO774 RON BRADFIELD reimburse purchase COURIERSERMCE AUG'09 CLEANING AUG'09 CLEANING - S.C.C. AUAG'09 CLEANING. V.C.C. Cheque Amount -68.06 940.00 007082 637.00 007082 583.00 007082 08t31t2009 0813112009 08/31/2009 I I I 324.85 68.06 007081 007083 Cheque Amount -2,160.00 30.50BULB FOR INTERP CENTRE 0812412009 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 142 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09i03/2009 Cheque Amount - 0812612009 08t2612009 08t2612009 0812712009 0812712009 Cheque Amount - 09/03/2009 1:00PM 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10371581 10371582 10371583 10372115 '10372116 OOI418 TELUS o't58947620',t4 LAB FEES I.AB FEES LAB FEES I-AB FEES LAB FEES I I I I I 30.50 331.80 007084 71.40 007084 175.35 007084 299.25 007084 876.23 007084 DOLI.AR POOL SAVINGS 0158947620',t412005876 CELL PHONE - P GROENE\ÆLD 015894162014/6171156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 01s894762014/6197656 CELL PHONE -A SWANCE 015894762014/6365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 01589476201416365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 1 015894762014/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 01æ9476201416366198 CELL PHONE - E BMDFIELD 01589476201416366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762014/63694& CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762014/66899s5 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 0't589476201419021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS OEPT 2 0el27t2009 0812712009 0812712009 08127t2009 08/27n009 08t27t2009 ou2712009 0812712009 08//27/2009 08127t2009 08/27/2009 0812712009 1,754.03 -193.95 007085 56.¿14 007085 45.82 007085 49.66 æ7085 44.86 007085 44-97 007085 44.86 007085 278.96 007085 220.08 007085 50.94 007085 52.38 007085 44.86 007085 c I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - OO158O TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD mutual aid meeting DEPUW & CHIEFS MEETING O8l27l2OOg I Cheque Amount - OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK1,í88 SIGNALS 000969 WESTBURNE RUDDYONTARIO 2892297 HARTINGMALEINSERT 2892298 BULBS 09/0't/2009 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 739.88 45.00 007086 007087 45.00 560.98 0812512009 08t25t2009 560.98 132.10 007088 59.66 007088 19't.76 35,071.95 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 143 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Amount Cheque Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/10/2009 000009 8/3002 oNTARlo lNc 11051062 HAULINGGRAVEL 08t2a2009 I 6,400.77 007089 Cheque Amount - 6,4@.77 001559 A-CAi¡i11422809 oNTARTO LTD 3087 SEV1ÆR VTDEO - EDEN & VTENNA 08t25t2009 I 315.00 007090 Cheque Amount - 315.00 OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD J058527 GRA\ÆL 0713112009 t 2,897.37 007091 J058659 STONE 0812A2009 t 787.66 007091 J058660 GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE 0812812009 I 4.902.08 007091 J058661 GRAVEL 0812812009 I 27,623.67 00709'l Cheque Amount- 36,210.78 OOOO3O ADAMSWANCE footwear REIMBURSE - BOOTS 09/09/2009 I 200.00 007092 ChequeAmount- 200.00 OO1391 AFFORDABLE PORTABLES 15'169 UN|T RENTAL - TNTERP CENTRE 08/31/2009 I 136.50 007093 Cheque Amount- 136.50 OOOO33 AGLINE 't198484 BUSHINGS 08t14t2009 I 67.01 007094 Cheque Amount - 67.01 000036 AGRO SPRAY LIMITED 170'110 T-BOLT CráMPS 09/01/2009 I 13.29 007095 Cheque Amount - 13.29 001587 ANNIE REODEKOPP reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I 'l 1 1.56 007096 Cheque Amount - 1'1 1.56 @1583 AUTO PARTS CENTRES 6528513 PRESSURE WASH HOSE, COUPLil 08t25t2009 I 174.34 007097 Cheque Amount -174.34 OOOO91 BARRY R. CARD 212012-25 LEGALFEES 212013-25 LEGALFEES 21201+25 LEGALFEES Cheque Amount - 1,596.42 OOO14I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 6618 BRAKE SWlrCH, WRING 0812612009 I 228.92 007099 09/01/2009 I 149.10 007098 09/01/2009 I 149.10 007098 09t0112009 I 1,298.22 007098 09/10/2009 11:284M Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 144 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOLWATER 2-1U5 2-1385 2-1425 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 09/10/2009 09/10/2009 11:284M WATER BOTTLES WATER BOTTLES WATER BOTTLES Cheque Amount - 228.92 08tMt2009 r 48.00 007100 08/11/2009 r 16.00 007100 08t18t2009 I 32.00 007100 Cheque Amount - 96.00 000175 CEDAR STGNS 16362 CHECKERBOARD S|GN 0812612009 I 494.15 007101 Cheque Amount-494.15 000220 GJDL 5255 5257 SEPTAGE RECE|V|NG STATION 0812412009 I 3,856.34 007102 BAYHAM WATER SYS RENEWAL O8I24I2OO9 I 6,401.22 OO71O2 Cheque Amount - 10,257.56 001584 COCO PAVTNG rNC. 13011988 ASPHALT o8l't3t2009 I 2,114.51 007103 Cheque Amount- 2,114.51 OOO1OO CORPORATE EXPRESS 23300024 LEXMARK CARTRTDGES 09/01/2009 I 131.71 007104 Cheque Amount - 131.71 000218 CUPELOCAL35 Aug'09 remit UNION DUES 0U3112009 I 358.02 007105 ChequeAmount- 358.02 OO159O DIANEVANBRIDGER reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I 62.53 @7106 ChequeAmount- 62.53 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC f-919184 WASHER HOSE, CRTMPS 0A21/2009 I 25.s9 007107 f-91927-0 STEEL BODY, MALE CONNECT 0812112009 I 94.16 007107 t-919974 COUPLERS, CONNECTORS 08/2512009 I 90.32 007107 f-91997-r CONNECTOR, NUT ELBOWS 08t2612009 I 49.16 007107 t-920234 STEEL BODY 0812612009 I 80.73 007107 t-922304 CR|MPS, HOSES 0910412009 I 148.79 007107 Cheque Amount - 488.75 00028/. EDRoLosoN glasses GLASSES - ALIDA ROLOSON 0813112009 I 275.00 007108 Cheque Amount - 275.00 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000't53776 MONTHLY RENTAL 09/01/2009 I 106.58 007109 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 145 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Gheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/10/2009 09/10/2009 11:284M Cheque Amount- 106.58 OOO3O5 ELIZABETHBERGEN reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I 50.00 007110 ChequeAmount- 50.00 000316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD T051835 SMOOTH DRUM ROLLER 08/31/2009 I 4,285.49 007111 T051936 ROTO HAMMER, CARB Btr 08t2112009 I 24.86 007111 T052005 ASPHALT ROLLER 08/31/2009 I 458.56 00711'l Cheque Amount - 4,768.91 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000134493 BRASS SADDLES, ADAPTERS, CUI 08/31/2009 I 5,118.8't 007112 Cheque Amount - 5,118.81 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS28553 R.ATCHET 08t25t2009 I 16.27 007113 Cheque Amount - 16.27 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1s18449872 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 0910312009 I 235.88 007114 ChequeAmount- 235.88 001239 GREAT I-AKES NEW HOLL.AND INC 521817 TNSTALL MOUNTTNG FRAME 08112J2009 t 2,771.U 007115 522088 CHANGE FTLTERS 08/26il2009 I 490.37 007115 Cheque Amount - 3,261.41 OO1O27 GREEN LEAAGCENTERINC 000098801 ct-AMPS, HOSES, F|TTTNGS 0812412009 r 1,092.09 007r'16 Cheque Amount - 1,092.09 001585 HELEN COLAFRANCESCHI reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I 121.85 007117 Cheque Amount - 121.85 001258 HENNESSYGIBSON HOGAN 51728 LEGAL FEES 08/05/2009 I 477.88 007118 Cheque Amount -477.88 OOO99I HORVATH AUTO PARTS 194003 GLOVES 08125t2009 t 31.62 007119 09/0't/2009 I 'f 36.73 0071 19194269VINYL DECALS ChequeAmount- 168.35 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Sep 6276G43000 UTILITIES - E.C.C. 0910112009 I 116.29 007120 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 146 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 Sept 18971-44027 Sept 18971-52001 sep 2879940ff)4 000217 ¡BTGROUP 213379 215363 001586 JAMES LAKING reimburse credit 000466 JtMMtJONS 32052 32053 32133 001581 JOHN GUENTHER 070698 OOO481 JONIVANATTER reimburse credit 1-35542 1-36434 1-3U42 1-36666 1-36693 1-37076 'l-37077 1-37176 6469 6474 6528 6556 6567 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 09/10/2009 09/10/2009 11:284M UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES. PUMP#I 0910212009 09t0?/2009 09/01/2009 38.21 007120 42.66 007120 242.49 007120 Cheque Amount -439.65 7,476.17 007121 410.03 0f)7121 08l2'U2009 08/21n009 MONTHLY UNIT RENTALS UNIT RENTAL - MEM PARK UNIT RENTAL. WTRMLN FEST CONSULTING FEES FEASIBILITY STUDY CREDIT ON WATER ACCT BRICK REPAIR ON OFFICE olL BATTERY PARTS REFRIGERANT REFRIGERANT, SEAI-ANT BATTERIES BATTERIES - CREDIT WRETIES REPI.ACE BALL JOINT LOF INSTALLTIRES REPAIR EXHAUST LOF, BRAKE LIGHT Cheque Amount - 09/09/2009 I 7,886.20 12.73 007122 Cheque Amount -12.73 617.40 007123 139.65 007123 504.00 007123 oa31/2OOg 0813112009 08/31t2009 I I I Cheque Amount - 0812012009 I 1,261.O5 8,925.00 007124 oo7't27 007127 007127 007127 007127 007127 007127 007127 007127 007127 007127 o07127 Cheque Amount -8,925.00 35.85 007125CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I Cheque Amount - 000506 KIM HUSTED SUR\ÆYING LTD 09€653 JOB 0S8653 SUR\ÆY REF P|-AN 08/13/2009 I Cheque Amount - OOO51O KI.ASSEN AUTO PARTS 35.85 6,656.25 007126 08/06/2009 o$t't712009 08t't7t2009 08/19/2009 0812012009 08t25t2009 0812512009 0812612009 08/05/2009 08/06/2009 08/1 3/2009 08t18t2009 0811912009 6,656.25 45.73 85.87 33.92 11.02 22.25 320.22 -27.12 8.58 731.16 47.41 7M.25 90.81 76.79 v <-nctàr (<-r::(^i I I I I I I c I I I I I I OOr'rÙ ct nO ú-<.f Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 147 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 0@513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC '14877 14879 OOO235 LIPPERT & WRIGHT FUELS LTD. 58463 58464 602'14 60215 61037 6't038 61039 62068 62069 62089 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 09/10/2009 Cheque Amount - REPLACE I-AMPS IN WARNING LIG 08/29/2009 CONNECT POLE LIGHT O8I29I2OO9 Cheque Arnount - 09/10/2009 11:284M 2,2't0.89 325.50 N7128 594.30 007128 DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS ULS DIESEL DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS ULS DIESEL SAND SEAL, COLDMIX COLDMIX 0€|/05/2009 08/05/2009 08t14t2009 o811412009 o8]/2012009 0812012009 08t2012009 08/28/2009 08128/2009 08t28t2009 919.80 853.07 007129 776.58 007129 853.92 007129 800.38 007129 1,032.61 007129 637.77 007129 741.41 007129 509.39 007129 756.08 007',129 880.¿18 æ7129 OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY 049 GAS OOO6IO MINISTER OF FINAAICE 51 1639 000658 oMERS 04100 Aug'09 000665 ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION Ed BradfÌeld 2009 sNow scHooL 001582 OTTERGATE SMALL ENGINES 876 RECOIL SPRING 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD Cheque Amount - 08/15/2009 I Cheque Amount - SALE OF LANO. ONT GAZETTE O8I24I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - o8l3'v2009 I Cheque Amount- AUGUST'09 REMIT 08/31/2009 r Cheque Amount - 7,U1.69 42.70 007130 42.70 1s7.50 007131 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 120463 GARBAGEDISPOSAL 157.50 37,582.23 oo7132 007134 37,582.23 13,858.88 007133 09/09/2009 I 13,858.88 1,386.00 Cheque Amount - o8l't3t2009 I I,386.00 33.85 007135 tN00105026 tN00105100 Cheque Amount -33.85 4,401 .58 007136 1,740.20 007136 0812612009 o812812009 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 148 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Amount Cheque Number 2009.07 .22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/10/2009 Cheque Amount - 6,141.78 001589 OYINLOYA I-AWAL reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I 60.03 007137 Cheque Amount - 60.03 001588 PETERWELER reimbuæe credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I 86.97 007138 Cheque Amount - 86.97 OOO7O4 PETERSPLUMBING 759 REAPIR TOILET - PT BUR LIBR OU2712009 I 74.96 007139 Cheque Amount - 74.96 001554 R&T TAX MANAGEMENT INC. P071409237 RECOVERYOFSALESTAX 0711412009 I 68.19 007140 Cheque Amount - 68.19 OOO738 RANDALLUNTCH CO401 course FIRE COLLEGE COURSE 09/09/2009 I 733.70 007141 Cheque Amount - 733.70 @0747 REID'S PRE€AST CEMENT PRODUCT 6108 BrG O FTLTER 08t1712009 I 63.28 007142 6192 BrG O FILTER, COUPLER 08117120n/9 I 65.71 007142 Cheque Amount - 128.99 001489 SOFALVI DOORSYSTEMS 1492 REPLACE STEM STEEL ROLLER OA28I20ú9 ' 'II2.2O 007143 Cheque Amount- 172.20 OOO857 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT 940830 SV\ÆEPER 0812812009 I 22,713.00 007144 Cheque Amount - 22,713.OO 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION x11233443 BAYHAM FEATURE O8l14l20É,9 I 88.20 007145 x11233444 BAYHAM FEATURE 08n4n009 I 8t1.20 007í45 x1t234769 SALE OF LAND 08/19/2009 I 335.16 007145 x1t234796 BY-LAW- NOTTCE OF PASSTNG 08/19/2009 t 243.05 007145 09/10/2009 l1:284M 000870 TBSC 2656 2657 Cheque Amount - 754.61 oHECK & PROCESS PAGER 0813112009 I 128.82 007146 CHECK & PROCESS PAGER 08t3112009 I 10.17 007146 OO1OO2 TILLSONBURG FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT Cheque Amount -138.99 Page 6 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 149 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Amount Cheque Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 09/10/2009 't2371 RECHARGE EXTINGUISHERS O8I3'II2OO9 I 70.40 007147 Cheque Amount - 70.40 OO12OO TODD MCMILLAN reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 09/09/2009 I 28.53 007148 Cheque Amount - 28.53 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 09{20 JULY 2009 WATER 0812812009 I 27,185.90 007149 0$64 |NFO TECHNOLOGY - SEPT 03111t2009 I 258.30 007149 Cheque Amount - 27,44420 001549 TRI COUNTYRESOURCES 4802 MULCH 0811712009 I 78.75 007150 Cheque Amount - 78.75 000926 TROWASSOCIATES INC. 9904rs253 PHASE I ENMRASSESSMENT 08/18/2009 r 933.91 007151 ChequeAmount- 933.91 OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. 181020362 SHOVELS 0812712009 I 66.64 007152 181029447 NOZZLE, WAND ASSEMBLY 0A2012009 I 55.35 007152 ChequeAmount- 121.99 OOO932 UNDERHILL FARM SUPPLY LTD 2't0919 LAWI¡ SEED 0A1A2009 I 176.28 007153 Cheque Amount -176.28 OOO947 VANDENBRINK FARM EQUIPMENT INC P149571 TINES 08/10/2009 I 320.20 007154 Cheque Amount - 320.20 OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD 0000180836 MUD FI-AP 0U28t2009 I 33.90 0071s5 0000180885 MUDFLAPS, BRACKETS 0813112009 I 79.08 007155 0@0180889 P|PE SEAI-ANT, AtR LEAK 08/31/2009 I 225.37 007155 0000180903 TIE 08/31/2009 I 27.11 007155 Cheque Amount - 365.46 OOO981 WILSON'S LAWN CARE Aug'09 AUG'O9I-ANDSCAPING 0813'tl200g t 2,7s1.00 007'156 Cheque Amount - 2,751.00 000986 WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314 Aug'09 AUGUST'09 REMIT o8t31t2009 I 2.M5.41 007157 09/10/2009 1l:284M Cheque Amount - 2,045.41 Page 7 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 150 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 OOO99O ZAP'S TREE AND LAWN SERVICE 00@1360 STUMP REMOVAL 0A2312009 I 1,496.25 007158 Cheque Amount - 1,49fì.25 Cheque Run Total - 231,306.92 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 09/10/2009 l1:284M Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - Ogll0l200g lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Tyæ Amount Number Page 8 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 151 of 329 2æs.07.226.3 e050 MUN|C|PAL|TY OF BAYHAM 09/10/2009 1:10PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- Ogl10l200g lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number OOOS25 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCKI¿149 SIGNALS o7t01t2009 I 560.98 007159 ChequeAmount- 560.98 Cheque Run Total - 560.98 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 152 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 009891 Report Date: 09/10/2009 09/10/2009 2:29PM Account Source Description Ref Amount Accounts Payable Voided Cheque Posted By: SANDRA FiscalYear: 2009 Posting Pd.: 9 Posting Date: 09/10/2009 01410G1030 General bank CDIST other vendor invoices ind Void Chq: 7127 2,210.89 KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 01-010G1950 Accounts Payable Trade CDIST other vendor invoices ind Void Chq: 7127 -2,210.89 KI.ASSEN AUTO PARTS Total Debits 2,210.89 Total Credits -2.2'10.89 Net Posting 0.00 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 153 of 329 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 OOO141 CAIN'SAUTO SALES& SERVICE 6469 64.74 6528 6556 6567 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/10/2009 09/10/2009 2:46PM 08t/05/2009 08/06/2009 0u1312009 08r/18[2009 08/192009 731.16 007í60 47.41 007160 7il.25 007160 90.81 007160 76.79 007160 I I I I I OOO51O KI.ASSEN AUTO PARTS 1-35542 1-36/.3/. 1-3æ42 1-36666 1-36693 1-37076 1-37077 1-37176 6469 6469a æ74 ù474a 6528 6528a 6556 6556a 6567 6567a REPLACE BALL JOINT LOF INSTALL TIRES REPAIR EXHAUST LOF, REPAIR EMERG BRAKE olL BATTERY PARTS REFRIGERA¡\¡T REFRIGERANT, SEALANT BATTERIES BATTERIES. CREDIT WRETIES REPI.ACE BALL JOINT REVERSE ENTRY LOF REVERSE ENTRY INSTALL TIRES REVERSE ENTRY REPAIR EXHAUST RE\ÆRSE ENTRY LOF. BRAKE LIGHT REVERSE ENTRY Cheque Arnount -1,7',t0.42 45.73 007161 85.87 007161 33.92 007161 11.02 007161 22.25 007161 32022 007161 -27.',12 007161 8.58 007161 731.16 007161 -731.16 007161 47.41 007161 47.41 007161 7æ.25 007161 -7æ.25 007161 90.81 007161 -90.81 007161 76.79 007161 -76.79 007161 08/06/2009 08/17t2009 08/17/2009 08/'t9/2009 0a2u2009 0u2512009 0u2512009 08t26t2009 08/05/2009 08r/05/2009 08/0d2009 08/0€i/2009 08|/13/2009 08/13/2009 08/18/2009 0a18/2009 08/19f2009 08/19/2009 I I I I I I c I I c I c I c I c I c Cheque Amount -500.47 Cheque Run Total -2.210.89 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7066 to Cheque #7161 inclusive...Page 154 of 329 EORb' HUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAì.I IOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 9, r50.39 \/ ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT CO}IPANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 9, 130 .59 L,420.49 5,551.50 I , 146.95- 15,049.1I 44,OOO.87 50.00 44,O50.87 / E9 ,O99 -9A 150.85 7 .54 59 ,258.35 t ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES ITEI.I UNITS CHARGE SALARIED WORKPAYS 21 55.59 PAY ADVICE FOLD 45 9.46 I50.83 RUN: SEP I 2009 N0: F PAGE: ?99 GST REG: 100057413 RT0004 CO}IPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: SEP 9, 2OO9 DATE OF PAY: SEP ll, 2009 YTD TOTAL L72,750.63 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 34,55I.55 EI CONT QPIP 85,933.88 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 20,218.55 0N EHT HB HET NL HAPSET 3L3,254.57 TOT STATS É6,607.50 CHEQUES 733,779 .79 DEPoSITS US DEPS 95O.OO DED DEPS 79t.337 .29 T0T NPAY RRSP RTI I,LO4,59L.A6 TOT PAYROL 2,755.94 SERV CHRG 157.80 GST PST L,LO7 ,445.60 GRAND TOT UNITS CHARGE 22 54.98 1 12.00 ADJUST-DR YTD ADJUST I TEI.I HOURLY lIORKPAYS COURIER FEE FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT ].IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT L,420.49 3,551.50 L ,L46.93 r5,049.1r 44,OOO -A7 50.00 44,OEO.A7 Ê9,O99.9A 150.83 7 .54 59,258.55 ITEH UNITS CHARGE R.o.E. FoRilS 10 15.00 PAYROLL RUNS I" 46.00 TOÎAL S./C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS 59,258-35 DEBIT INFORI,IATIoN: 003 05102 I01I923 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 7 0 6 6 t o C h e q u e # 7 1 6 1 i n c l u s i v e . . . P a g e 1 5 5 o f 3 2 9 Page 156 of 329 CORPORATION OF THE MI.]1\ICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, CGA SUBJECT: Water Infrastructure Project DATE: September 10, 2009 FILE: AC¡+ NUMBER: F2009-38 Purpose: To enter into a loan agreement with Royal Bank of Canada for the financing arrangements for the water infrastructure project. Background: The municipality has passed two by-laws during 2009 with credit provisions for different purposes. The first, by-law 2009-003, is for temporary borrowing for operations in the event that the municipality experiences a cash flow shortfall prior to collecting property taxes for the year. The second, by-law 2009-095, is the interim financing of the water infrastructure renewal proj ect. Discussion: RBC has provided a loan agreement incorporating our various credit facilities into one document. Once this agreement is in place, the municipahty will be able to draw funds to finance the water infrastructure renewal project. Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management. Recommendations: TFIAT by-law 2009-108 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a loan agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Royal Bank of Canada be presented to council for enactment. Respectfully submitted,Reviewed by, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, CGA Treasurer Staff Report F2009-38 regarding Water Infrastructure Project...Page 157 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2009-108 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND ROYAL BANK OF CANADA \ilHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham passed by-law 2009-003 to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31,2009; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham passed by-law 2009-095 to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances to meet expenditures made in connection with the water infrastructure renewal project; AND \ryHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary and expedient to enter into a loan agreement with the Royal Bank of Canada; NOW THEREF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\üS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law, between Royal Bank of Canadaand the Municipality of Bayham; 2. TIIAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2009-38 regarding Water Infrastructure Project...Page 158 of 329 El RBC $Sl Royal Bank r¡t¡g. @ Rpoisrererl trÂdcmârk ofRov¡l Rank nÊfan¡d¡ RRC Rnvel Renk is â res¡sterFi rarlem¡rk nlRoval Benk ¡fCane¡la ROYAL BANK OF CANADA LOAN AGREEMENT FORM 460 (Rev 09/2008) DATE: August 4,2009 BORROWER: I SRF: CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I 855834693 ADDRESS (Street, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) PO BOX 160, 9344 PLANK RD STRAFFORDVILLE, ON NOJIYO Royal Bank of Canada (the "Bank") hereby confirms to the undersigned (the "Borrower") the following credit facilities (the "Credit Facilities"), banking services and other products subject to the terms and conditions set forth below and in the standard terms provided herewith (collectively the "Agreement"). The Credit Facilities are made available at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank may cancel or restrict availability of any unutilized portion of these facilities at any time and from time to time. CREDIT FACILITIES Revolving demand facility in the amount of $700,000.00, available by way of RBP based loans, Business account # 1011923 Transit # 05102 Minimum retained balance $0.00 Revolved by the Borrower in increments of $5,000.00 Interest rate: RBP + 0.00o/o per annum. Interest payable monthly, in arrears, on the same day each month as determined by the Bank. Margined: Yes [ ] No [X] VISA business to a maximum of 520,000.00 governed by this Agreement and separate agreement(s) with the Bank. In the eyent of a conflict between agreements, the separate agreement(s) will govern. Revolving demand facility in the amount of $2,200,000.00, available by way of RBP based loans' Business account # 1011923 Transit # 05102 Minimum retained balance $0.00 Revolved by the Borrower in increments of $5,000.00 Interest rate: RBP + 0.00yo per annum. Interest payable monthly, in arrears, on the same day each month as determined by the Bank. Margined: Yes [ ] No [X] SECURITY Security for the Borrowings and all other obligations of the Borrower to the Bank (collectively, the "Security"), shall include: a) Ontario Municipal Corporations temporary borrowing by-law on the Bank's form 348 signed by the Borrower supported by Ontario Municipal Corporations statement by treasurer re: borrowing on the Bank's form 349 signed by the Treasurer; b) Letter Agreement re: borrowing By-law signed by the Borrower. FEES N/A Staff Report F2009-38 regarding Water Infrastructure Project...Page 159 of 329 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The Bonower will provide to the Bank: a) Annual accountant prepared and aud¡ted financial statements not later than 210 days after each fiscal year end; b) Such other financial and operating statements and reports as and when the Bank may reasonably requrre. EVENTS OF DEFAULT Without affecting or limiting the right of the Bank to terminate or demand payment of, or to cancel or restrict availability of any unutilized portion of any demand or other discretionary facilþ, each Event of Default shall entitle the Bank, in its sole discretion, to cancel any Credit Facilities, demand immediate repayment in full of any amounts outstanding under any term facility, together with outstanding accrued interest and any other indebtedness under or with respect to any term facility, and to realize on all or any portion ofany Security. The term Event of Default has the meaning set out in the Loan Agreement Standard Terms (Form 472) and includes, without limitation, each of i) failure of the Borrower to pay any principal, interest or other amount when due pursuant to this Agreement, ii) failure of the Borrower to observe any covenant, condition or provision contained in this Agreement or in any documentation relating hereto or to the Security and iii) if in the opinion of the Bank there is a material adverse change in the f,rnancial condition, ownership structure or composition or operation of the Borrower, or any Guarantor if applicable. BUSINESS LOAN INSURANCE PLAN This group creditor insurance program, underwritten by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, is offered to borrowers and provides life and disability insurance on eligible owner(s)/partner(s)/management of the Borrower for the Borrowings. To apply for this insurance, a Business Loan Insurance Plan Application (form 3460) must be completed for each proposed insured. This plan is subject to terms, conditions, exclusions and eligibility restrictions. Please see the Business Loan Insurance Plan Certificate of Insurance for full details. Business Loan Insurance Plan premiums, if applicable, are taken with your scheduled loan payments. In the case of blended payments of principal and interest, as premiums fluctuate based on various factors such as, by way of example, the age of the insured and changes to the insured loan balance, a part of the premium payment may be deducted and taken from the scheduled blended loan payment with the result that the amortization period may increase in the case of any such loan to which this coverage applies. Refer to the Business Loan Insurance Plan application (form 3460 Eng or 53460 Fr) for further explanation and disclosure. The Borrower(s), by signing below, acknowledges that life and disabilþ insurance for Borrowings'was offered under the Business Loan Insurance Plan, and that: (X) Any applications for this insurance have been made and may be subject to approval, as outlined in the Certificate of Insurance which the Borrower has received. ) The offer of insurance has been waived. ) The owner(s)/partner(s)/management of the Borrower(s) are ineligible for this insurance (under 18 or over age 64), or the credit facilities, banking services or other products provided for in this Agreement are not eligible for this insurance. ) The Borrowings currently have Business Loan Insurance Plan coverage, and no increase in coverage has been requested. If there aÍe arly discrepancies between the insurance information above, and the Business Loan Insurance Plan documents regarding the Borrowings, the Business Loan Insurance Plan documents govern. STANDARD TERMS The following standard terms have been provided to the Borrower: I Form 472 (0612008) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - Standard Terms Form 473 (09/2006) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - Margined Account Standard Terms Form 475 (09/2006) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - Financial Covenants Standard Terms Form476 (09/2006) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - FEF Contract Standard Terms tx Staff Report F2009-38 regarding Water Infrastructure Project...Page 160 of 329 ACCEPTANCE This Agreement is open for acceptance until September 30, 2009, after which date it will be null and void, unless extended in writing by the Bank. ROYAL Per: BANK OF CANADA Name: Bruce Kendrick Title: Account Manager Phone: 519-842-6944 CONFIRMATION & ACCEPTANCE The Borrower (i) confirms that it has received a copy of the Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement Standard Terms, form472 (06/2008), as well as all other standard terms which are herein above shown as having been delivered to the Borrower, all of which are incorporated in and form an integral part of this Agreement; and (ii) accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement including all terms and conditions contained in such standard terms. Confirmed, accepted and agreed this day of 20 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Per: Name: Title: Per: Name: Title: Per: Name: Title: Staff Report F2009-38 regarding Water Infrastructure Project...Page 161 of 329 Page 162 of 329 CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: September ll, 2009 FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer FILE: F 03 SUBJECT: Financial Report NUMBERI F2009-39 Background Comments Please find attached the detailed financial report to September 10, 2009 for council's information. The detailed capital report has been updated for your information. Strateeic Goal(s) Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management. Recommendation That Støff Report F2009-39 regardínglinøncial reporling be received. Respectfully submitted, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, CGA Treasurer Encl. Reviewed by, Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 163 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date Actuali Account Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget REPORT SUMMARY 01-O5.IO GENERALTAXATION O1-0520 OTHER REVENUES 01-0530 COUNTYTAXATION O1-0540 PUBLIC SCHOOL TAXATION O1-0550 SEPARATE SCHOOLTAXATION 01-1010 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 0l-1020 couNclL O1-2010 FIRE DEPARTMENT 01-2020 POLTCESERVTCES 01-2040 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION & CONTRO O1-2050 BY-IáW ENFORCEMENT 01-2510 ROADS 01-2520 ROADS - WINTER CONTROL 01-3010 WATER SYSTEM O,I-3020 SEWAGE SYSTEM O1-3030 WASTE DISPOSAL O1-3510 HEALTH SERVICES 01-4510 PARKS & RECREATION 014520 COMMUNITY CENTRE-STRAFF O1-4530 COMMUNITY CENTRE-VIENNA 01.4535 EDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE O1-4540 LIBRARIES 01-4550 MUSEUMS BAYHAM O1-5010 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT O1-5012 BUSINESS & COMMERCE 01-5015 TOURISM & MARKETING O1-5020 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 01-5510 CAPITAL O1-5520 CASH REQUIREMENTS Fund 01 Total Revenue OI.O51O GENERALTAXATION O1-0530 COUNTYTAXATION O1-0540 PUBLIC SCHOOL TAXATION O1-0550 SEPARATE SCHOOLTAXATION O1.101O GENERALGOVERNMENT 01-1020 couNctL 01-2010 FIRE DEPARTMENT 01-2020 POLTCE SERVTCES 2,702,389.58 991,973.'17 2,428,036.3',1 I ,1 86,098.39 169,190.03 39,957.02 206.62 4,881.87 89,662.02 51,899.00 17,661 .50 198,168 78 9,917.73 345,'190.93 353,789.39 31,301.66 72,748.50 'I ,1 50.00 9,188.58 5,610.00 3,873.63 33,011.76 29,344 86 27,48',t.94 600 00 5,360.00 18,915.19 628,1 59.00 488j25.27 99.20 2,724,256.00 72.41 1,370,001.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107.03 37,333.00 0.00 0.00 46.49 10,500.00 112.08 80,000.00 77.12 67,300.00 66.02 26,750.00 53.75 368,696.00 '100.18 9,900.00 68.33 505,184.00 64.33 549,944 00 't07.94 29,000.00 0.00 0.00 44.23 2,600.00 54.05 17,000.00 53.43 10,500.00 50.34 7,695.00 51 .73 63,816.00 112.82 26,010.00 107.77 25,500.00 58.25 1,030.00 82.46 6,500.00 178.38 10,604.00 14.79 4,247,188.00 113.28 430,900.00 9,943,892.73 2,055.78 1,211,262.00 598,368.00 88,910 00 383,787.44 48,909.30 2'15,855.81 411,147.65 93.56 10,628,207.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71.01 540,501.00 67.08 72,915.00 65.28 330,662.00 58.40 704,047.00 36Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 164 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fìscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 1'110912009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget O1-2030 CONSERVATIONAUTHORITY 01.2O4O PROTECTIVE INSPECTION & CONTRO O1-2050 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 01-2510 ROADS O'I-2520 ROADS - WINTER CONTROL 01-2540 STREET LIGHTS 01-3010 WATER SYSTEM 01-3020 SEWAGE SYSTEM O1-3030 WASTE DISPOSAL O1-3510 HEALTH SERVICES O1-3520 CEMETERIES 01-4010 GENERALASSISTANCE 01-4510 PARKS & RECREATION 01.4520 COMMUNITY CENTRE-STRAFF 014530 COMMUNITY CENTRE-VIENNA O1-4535 EDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 01-4540 LIBRARIES 01.4550 MUSEUMS BAYHAM O1-5010 PI.ANNING & DEVELOPMENT 01-5012 BUSINESS & COMMERCE 01.5015 TOURISM & MARKETING O1-5020 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 01-5510 CAPTTAL 01-5520 CASH REQUIREMENTS Fund 0í Total Expenditure Fund 01 Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Report Total Revenue Report Total Expenditure Report Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 36,176.00 54,526.93 41,532.34 1,001,074.08 65,394.48 37,402.86 247,409.40 242,947.07 301,527.52 87,946.74 5,827.89 6,256.00 39,1 38.66 41,196.78 29,870.79 7,730.75 16,512 57 65,117.27 73,364.85 2,983.58 30,330.41 25,722.09 952,637.70 626.00 't00.00 36,176.00 59.09 92,284.00 59.42 69,897.00 84 59 1,183,438 00 55.72 1 17,355.00 77.15 48,480.00 48.97 505,183 00 44.18 549,94s.00 ô9.04 436,732 00 921.29 9,546.00 35.32 16,500.00 80.21 7,800.00 69.99 55,922.00 59.18 69,616.00 57.69 51,774.00 47 .65 '16,225.00 69.57 23,734 00 69.91 93,144.00 73.80 99,406.00 93.24 3,200.00 64.46 47,055 00 91.23 28,196.00 22.08 4,314,974.00 0.06 I,103,500.00 6,373,548 74 59.97 10,628,207.00 3,570,343.99 0.00 0.00 9,943,892.73 6,373,548.74 93.56 10,628,207.00 59.97 10,628,207.00 3,570,343.99 000 0.00 Page 37 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 165 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 YearTo Date Ac,tualAccount Description Budget Pc't Used Total Budget Fund: 0l General Category: 0??? O51O GENERAL TAXATION Revenue 01-0510-4010 Residential & Farm 01 -051 0-4020 Multi-Residential 01-0510-4030 Commercial Unoccupied 01-0510-4040 Commercial Occupied 01-0510-4050 lndustrial Unoccupied 01-0510-4060 lndustrial Occupied 01-0510-4070 Pipelines 01-05104080 Farmlands 01-0510-4090 Managed Forests Total Revenue Expense 01 -051 0-5620 Tax Adjustments 01 -051 0-5630 Assessment Charges Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 2,092,560.71 44,892.73 8,597.01 199,415.49 1,961.41 95,953.47 49,064.93 209,189.84 753.99 76.81 2,724,256.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,702,389.58 99.20 2,724,256.00 1,980.78 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,055.78 000 0.00 2,700,333.80 99.12 2,724,256.00 Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 166 of 329 2009 07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11109/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date Ac,tualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget O52O OTHER REVENUES Revenue 01-05204110 Grants & Subsidies 01-05204120 Sundry Revenue 01 -052041 30 lnterest on Taxes - Cunent 01-0520-4140 lnterest on Taxes - Prior 01-0520-4150 lnvestment income 01 -0520-41 80 Prior Year Surplus(Deficit) Total Revenue Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 99',t,973.17 72.41 1,370,001.00 991 ,973.17 72.41 1,370,001.00 895,500.00 2,721.82 20,667.96 38,989.20 4,094.19 30,000.00 75.00 1,194,001.00 136.09 2,000.00 64.59 32,000.00 92.83 42,000.00 5.85 70,000.00 100.00 30,000.00 Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 167 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Budget Pct Used Total Budget O53O COUNTY TAXATION Revenue 01-0530-4010 County - Residential 01-05304020 County - Multi-Residential 01-0530-4030 County - Commercial Unoccupied 0l -0530-4040 County - Commercial Occupied 01-0530-4050 County - lndustrial Unoccupied 01-0530-4060 County - lndustrial Occupied 01-0530-4070 County - Pipelines 01-0530-4080 County - Farmlands 01-0530-4090 County - Menaged Forests Total Revenue Expense 01-0530-51 00 County Tax Requisitions Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 2,428,036.31 1,2',11,262.00 1,211,262 00 1,216,774.31 1,903,589.61 40,837.53 7,695.89 150,763.44 't,742.63 87,805.19 44,632.89 190,283.25 685.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 168 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11t09t2009 9:364M Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Ac{ual Budget Pct Used Total Budget O54O PUBLIC SCHOOL TAXATION Revenue 01-0540-4010 Pub Sch - Residential 01-0540-4020 Pub Sch - Multi-Residential 01-0540-4030 Pub Sch - Commercial Unoccup 01-0540-4040 Pub Sch - Commercial Occup 0l-0540-4050 Pub Sch - lndustrial Unoccup 01-0540-4060 Pub Sch - lndustrial Occup 01-0540-4070 Pub Sch - Pipelines 01-0540-4080 Pub Sch - Farmlands 01-0540-4090 Pub Sch - Managed Forests Total Revenue Expense 01-0540-5100 Pub Sch Tax Requisitions Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 1,186,098.39 598,368.00 598,368.00 0.00 0.00 587,730 39 0.00 762,'t',t8.95 7,296.07 8,466.43 't44,254 61 2,811.22 125,8671'l 60,711.67 74,322.69 249.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 169 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Ac,tual Budget Pct Used Total Budget O55O SEPARATE SCHOOL TAXATION Revenue 01-0550-4010 Sep Sch - Residential 0l-0550-4020 Sep Sch - Multi-Residential 01-0550-4030 Sep Sch - Commercial Unoccup 0l-0550-4040 Sep Sch - Commercial Occup 01-0550-4050 Sep Sch - lndustrial Unoccup 01-0550-4060 Sep Sch - lndustrial Occup 01-0550'4070 Sep Sch - Pipelines 01-0550-4080 Sep Sch - Farmlands 01-0550-4090 Sep Sch - Managed Forests Total Revenue Expense 01-0550-5100 Sep Sch Tax Requisitions Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 169,190.03 88,910.00 88,910.00 80,280.03 5,577,091.70 136.22 4,094,257.OO 59,602 30 2',t9.20 2,471.55 42,792 57 819 35 37,412.92 17,995.64 7,830.05 46.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000000 Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 170 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period "l To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 lllOgl2OOg 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 YearTo Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget Category: 1??? 1 01O GENERAL GOVERNMENT Revenue 0'l-1010-4110 Grants & Subsidies 01 -10'10-4120 Tax Certificates 01-1010-4130 Fees & Service Charges 01-1010-4140 Lottery Licences 01-1010-4190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-1010-5100 Salaries & Wages 01 -10í0-51 I 0 Stetutory Benefìts 01-1010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-1010-5140 Payroll Service Charge 01-'1010-5145 Bank Service Charges 01-1 010-5160 lnternet Charges 01-1010-5170 Supplies 01 -101 0-51 80 Computer Support 01-1010-5185 lT & GIS Support 01-1010-5210 Utilities 01 -1010-5220 Subscriptions & Publications 01-'1 010-5240 Advertising 01-1010-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01-1010-5260 Auditing Fees 01 -'1010-527 O Building Maintenance 01-1010-5280 Equipment Ma¡ntenance 01-1010-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -1 010-5300 lnsurance 01-1010-5305 lnsurance Deductibles 01-1010-5310 Legal Fees 01-1010-5320 Postage & Courier 01-1010-5330 Training & Education 01-1010-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-1010-5350 Travel 01-1010-5360 Telephone 01-1010-5370 Sundry Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 15.00 5,541.70 22,',128.25 4,189.07 8,083.00 0.00 79.'t7 105.37 59.84 346.46 000 7,000.00 21,000.00 7,000.00 2,333.00 39,957.02 107.03 37,333.00 222,177.06 20,531.29 32,198.88 2,646.44 960.54 629.60 6,871.97 8,696.11 0.00 5,429.97 475.33 570.87 2,042.70 7,983.00 11,333.48 9,271.89 1,184.04 17,377.'t3 1,151.50 2,'108.80 7,340.60 2,0'16.78 150.00 2,824.88 5,422.16 12,392.42 74.04 62.20 71.53 75.61 73.89 68.58 74.70 38.82 0.00 58.58 66.95 57.09 90.79 98.56 94.45 69.71 94.72 99.30 I't.52 84.35 64.79 67.23 3.75 54.85 72.1'l 4'13.08 300,083.00 33,009.00 45,012.00 3,500.00 I,300.00 918.00 9,200.00 22A00.00 13,200.00 9,270.00 710.00 I,000.00 2,250.00 8,100.00 12,000.00 13,300.00 1,250.00 17,500.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 11,330.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 5,150.00 7,519.00 3,000.00 383,787.44 71.01 540,501.00 (343,830 42)68.33 (s03,168.00) Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 171 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 1020 couNctL Revenue 01-1 020-41 30 Sundry Revenue Total Revenue Expense 01-1020-5100 Salaries & Wages 0l-1020-51'10 Statutory Benefits 01-1020-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01-1020-5260 Profl Serv/Council Directed 01-1020-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-1020-5350 Travel 0l-1020-5370 Sundry 01 -1020-5410 Election Expense Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 206.62 0.00 0.00 206.62 000 0.00 38,044.44 2,086 08 0.00 1,779.95 5,953.77 391.50 453.56 200.00 69.1 0 69.54 0.00 000 85 05 19.58 90.7',\ 5.71 55,061.00 3,000.00 1,854.00 0.00 7,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 3,500.00 48,909.30 67.08 72,915.00 (48,702.68)66.79 (72,915.00) (392,533.10)68.14 (576,083.00) Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 172 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 1'1109/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget Category: 2??? 2O1O FIRE DEPARTMENT Revenue 01-2010-4130 Fees & Servicæ Charges 01-2010-4180 Donations 01-20104190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 3,150.00 1,731.87 0.00 126.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 8,000.00 4,881.87 46 49 10,500.00 01-2010-5100 Salaries & Wages 01 -2010-5'102 FireFighters Remuneration 01-2010-51 05 Emergency Planning Wages 0í-2010-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01 -201 O-51 20 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-2010-5130 Un¡forms 01-2010-5150 Supplies - Emergency Op Centre 01-2010-5160 Supplies - Medical Response 01-2010-5165 Supplies - Municipal Water Consumption 01-2010-5170 Supplies - Office 01-2010-5'175 Equipment Purchase - Operating 01-2010-5180 Equipment Purchase - Protective 01 -2010-521 0 Ut¡lities 01 -201 0-5240 Advertising 01-2010-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01 -2010-5270 Building Maintenance 01 -2010-527 5 Cleaning Supplies 0'l -20'10-5280 Equ ipment Maintenance 01 -20'10-5285 Communications Eq Maintenance 01 -2010-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -201 0-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-2010-5300 lnsurance 01-2010-5310 Legal 01-2010-5320 Postage & Courier 01-2010-5330 Training & Education - Fire 01-2010-5335 Training & Education - Emergency Planning 01-2010-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-2010-5350 Travel 01 -2010-5360 Telephone - Stations 01-2010-5365 Telephone - Chief 01-2010-5370 Sundry 01-2010-5420 Fire Prevention Expense 01 -2010-5425 Public Education 01-2010-5430 911 Dispatching 01-2010-5440 911 Other 01-2010-5450 Automatic Aid Contract 45,738.46 53,488.41 3,529.00 8,573.35 6,285.89 258.67 0.00 '103.62 0.00 1,221.19 2,009.92 7,814.28 11,625.55 0.00 450.00 1,898.20 '144.43 528.53 3,405 14 2,175 36 3,369.12 20,949.28 000 937.44 21,081.29 000 864.77 3,055.02 1 ,910.75 471.79 460.75 350.61 1 ,1 56.37 11,998.62 000 0.00 73.83 64.14 41.96 74.62 59.56 34 49 000 0.00 000 122.12 23 65 91 93 64.50 0.00 62 07 31 .64 28.89 17.62 68.10 72.51 59.47 100.41 0.00 78.',12 97.60 000 28.83 81 .47 63.69 78 63 576 15.58 115.64 71.68 0.00 0.00 61,948.00 83,394.00 8,411.00 11,489.00 10,554.00 750.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 18,025.00 500.00 725.00 6,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 5,000 00 3,000.00 5,665.00 20,863.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 21,600.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,750.00 3,000.00 600.00 8,000.00 2,250 00 1,000.00 16,738 00 4,000.00 2,700.00 215,855.81 65 28 330,662.00 (210,973.94) Page 65.90 (320,162.00) Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 173 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 lllOgl2OOg 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date Ac'tualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 2020 POLTCE SERVTGES Revenue 01 -2020-4120 POA Revenues 01-2020-4130 Sundry 01 -2020-4190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01 -2020-5210 Utilities 01 -2020-527 O Building Maintenance 0'l -2020-5290 Grou nds Maintenance 01-2020-5300 lnsurance 01 -2020-5360 Telephone O'l -2020-5450 Service Contract 01 -2020-5460 Police Services Board Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 89,662.02 112.08 80,000.00 411,147.65 704,047.00 (321,485.63)51.52 (624,047.00) 80,864.07 8,797.95 0.00 269.55 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 677.35 0.00 235.91 168.00 't15.24 406,701,84 3,249.31 21.92 3,090.00 0.00 500.00 94.36 250.00 1 00.00 168.00 19.2',t 600.00 58.40 696,439.00 108 31 3,000.00 58 40 Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 174 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Account Description Actual Budget Pct Used Total Budget 2O3O CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Expense 0l-2030-5460 Conservation Authority Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 36,176.00 1 00.00 36,1 76.00 36,176.00 100.00 36,176.00 (36,176.00)1 00.00 (36,1 76.00) Page 10 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 175 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M I R""ount I Description 2O4(l PROTECTIVE INSPECTION & CONTRO Revenue 01-2040-4130 Building Permits 01-2040-4140 Septic System Permits & PDC's 01 -20404150 Sundry Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01-2040-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-2040-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01 -2040-5'120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-2040-5170 Supplies 01-2040-5175 Enforcement Costs 01 -2040-5220 Subscriptions & Publication 01 -2040-5240 Advertising 01-2040-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01 -2040-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-2040-5300 lnsurance 01-2040-5310 Legal Fees 01-2040-5330 Training & Education 01 -2040-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-2040-5350 Travel 01-2040-5360 Telephone 01-2040-5370 Sundry 01 -2040-551 0 Administrative Overhead Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date Actual 45,774.00 6,125.00 0.00 Budget Pct Used Total Budget 76.29 60,000.00 87.50 7,000.00 0.00 300.00 51,899 00 77.'12 67,300.00 38,612.87 3,709.42 6,786.98 45.17 9.s9 75.00 0.00 200.00 222.86 902.00 0.00 55.00 9'18.75 60.75 246.98 81.56 2,600.00 64.44 56.28 75.51 4.88 0.00 30.00 0.00 50.00 2',1.70 100.00 0.00 2.20 36.75 6.75 45.74 5.29 100.00 59,920.00 6,591.00 8,988.00 925.00 0.00 250.00 200.00 400.00 1,027.00 902.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 900.00 540.00 1,541.00 2,600.00 54,526.93 59.09 92,284.00 (2,627.93)10.52 (24,984.00) Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 176 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 lllOgl2OOg 9:364M | ¡""ornt 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualDescription Budget Pct Used Total Budget 2O5O BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT Revenue 01-20504120 Dog Tag Sales 01-2050-4130 Administration Fees 01-2050-41 50 Recoverable Costs Total Revenue Expense 01-2050-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-2050-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01 -2050-51 20 Non-Statutory Benef¡ts 01-2050-5150 Health & Safety Supplies 0l -2050-5170 Supplies 01 -2050-517 5 Enforcement Costs 01 -2050-5240 Advertising 01-2050-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01 -2050-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-2050-5300 lnsurance 01-2050-5310 Legal Fees 01-2050-5330 Training & Education 01-2050-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-2050-5350 Travel 01-2050-5370 Sundry 01-2050-5450 Service Contract 01-2050-5470 Dog Tags - Licensing Agent 0'l-2050-5475 Dog Tags - Supplies Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 16,919.00 50.00 692.50 85.67 19,750.00 0.00 0.00 9.89 7,000.00 17,661 .50 66.02 26,750.00 14,330.47 1,304.49 2,448.08 0.00 364.47 1,540.72 000 389.00 792.47 902.00 8,1 01 .38 415.00 474.00 0.00 30.26 10,440.00 0.00 0.00 52.62 43.54 59.93 0.00 242.98 38.52 0.00 75.53 52.83 100.00 202.53 20.75 31.60 0.00 0.00 67.35 0.00 0.00 27,234.00 2,996.00 4,085.00 200.00 150.00 4,000.00 515.00 515.00 I,500.00 902.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 300.00 0.00 15,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 4',t,532.34 59.42 69,897.00 (23,870.84)55 32 (43,',147.00) Page 12 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 177 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 l1l0gl209g 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 YearTo Date ActualAccountDescription 2510 ROADS Revenue 01-251041'10 Grants & Subsidies 01-25'10-4120 Sundry 01-2510-4130 Service Charges 01 -2510-4'140 Permit Fees Total Revenue Expense 01-2510-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-251 0-51 10 Statutory Benefits 0'l -251 0-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-2510-5130 Clothing Allowance 01 -2510-5170 Materials 01-2510-5180 Fuel Clearing 01-2510-5185 Vehicle Repairs-Clearing,Other 01 -25'l 0-521 0 Utilities 01 -251 0-5240 Advertising 01-2510-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01 -251 0-5270 Building Maintenance 01 -25'l 0-527 5 Equipment Maintenance 01 -2510-5290 Drainage Assessments - Materials 01-2510-5300 lnsurance 01-2510-5310 Legal Fees 01-2510-5330 Training & Education 01-2510-5340 Conferences & Seminars 0l-2510-5350 Travel 01-2510-5360 Telephone 01-25'10-5370 Sundry 01-2510-6100 Truck I - Salaries & Wages 01-2510-6109 Truck 1 - Fuel 01 -2510-61 '1 0 Truck 1 - Repairs & Maintenanc 0 l-2510-61 l2 Truck 2 - Repairs & Maintenance 01-251 0-61 'l 3 Truck 2 - Fuel 01-2510-6120 Truck 4 - Salaries & Wages 01-2510-6129 Truck 4 - Fuel 01-2510-6130 Truck 4 - Repairs & Maintenanc 01-2510-6140 Truck 5 - Salaries & Wages 01-2510-6149 Truck 5 - Fuel 01-2510-6150 Truck 5 - Repairs & Maintenanc 0'l-2510-6160 Deere Tractor 12 - Wages 01-25'10-6170 Deere Tractor 12 - Repairs & Maint 01-2510-6200 Grader 6 - Wages 01-2510-6209 Grader6 - Fuel 01-2510-6210 Grader 6 - Repairs & Mainten 01 -25'10-6220 Grader 7 - Wages 01 -2510-6229 Grader 7 - Fuel 0 l-251 0-6230 Grader 7 - Repairs & Maintenan 01-25'10-6240 Case Loader 13 - Wages 01-2510-6249 Case Loader 13 - Fuel 186,825 21 9,743 57 160 00 1,440 00 Budget Pct Used Total Budget 50.67 368,696.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 198,168.78 53.75 368,696.00 1',t7,781.31 31,982.60 54,218.23 478.30 3,184.94 42,361.38 12.90 16,301 .67 872.92 0.00 16,882.62 11,114.12 840.00 44,589.00 0.00 2,130.00 4,668.86 192.60 1,868.52 2,438.43 552 68 1,561.00 1,393.77 411.74 't75.07 827.42 3,223.02 15,598.83 81 .72 4.30 2,315.03 433.68 4,298.5'l 983.46 2,649.06 3,302.91 2,823.10 372.13 2,603 59 408.60 2,209.17 82.36 143,000.00 67.08 47,678.00 85.32 63,545.00 12.49 3,830.00 33.53 9,500.00 41.33 102,500.00 0.26 5,000.00 79.13 20,600.00 349.17 250.00 0.00 250.00 140.69 12,000.00 277.85 4,000.00 12.00 7,000.00 100 00 44,589.00 0.00 500.00 23.67 9,000.00 311.26 1,500.00 38.52 500.00 74.74 2,500.00 243.84 1,000.00 3.25 17,000.00 0.00 0.00't.35 103,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 178 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 1110912009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccountDescription Budget Pct Used Total Budgel 01 -251 0-6250 01 -251 0-6269 01-2510-6270 0 t -251 0-6280 01 -251 0-6289 01 -251 0-6290 01 -251 0-6300 01 -251 0-631 0 01 -251 0-6320 01 -251 0-6329 01 -251 0-6330 01 -251 0-6340 01 -251 0-6350 01 -251 0-6389 01 -251 0-6390 01 -251 0-6409 01 -251 0-641 0 01-2510-6420 01-2510-6429 01 -251 0-6430 01-2510-6440 01-2510-6449 01 -251 0-6450 01-2510-7400 01-2510-74'tO 01-2510-7450 01-2510-7460 01 -251 0-7500 01-2510-7510 01-2510-7520 01 -251 0-7530 01 -251 0-7600 01-2510-7610 01-2510-7620 01 -251 0-7630 01 -251 0-7650 01 -251 0-7660 01-2510-7700 01-2510-7710 01 -251 0-7800 01-25't0-7810 01 -25 1 0-7850 01 -251 0-7860 0r -251 0-7900 01-2510-7950 01 -251 0-8000 01 -251 0-801 0 Case Loader 13 - Repairs & Mainte Truck 14 - Fuel Truck '14 - Repairs & Maintena Deere Backhoel0 - Wages Deere Backhoe 10 - Fuel Deere Backhoe 10 - Repairs & Main Tractor & Mower 11 - Wages Tractor & Mower 11 - Repairs Truck 8 - Wages Truck I - Fuel Truck 8 - Repairs & Maintenance Bulldozer 15 - Wages Bulldozer 15 - Repairs & Maintenance Truck 17 - Fuel Truck 17 - Repairs & Maintenance Truck 9 - Fuel Truck 9 - Repeirs & Maintenance Truck 3- Wages Truck 3 - Fuel Truck 3- Repairs & Maintenance Truck 9 - Wages Truck 9 - Fuel Truck 9 - Repairs & Maintenance Bridge Maintenance - Wages Bridge Maintenance - Material Culvert Maintenance - Wages Culvert Maintenance - Material Weed/Brush/Ditch - Wages Weed/Brush/Ditch - Material Catch Basins - Wages Catch Basins - Material Hardtop Maintenance - Wages Hardtop Maintenance - Material Loosetop Maintenance - Wages Loosetop Maintenance - Materials Grading - Wages Grading - Material Dust Control - Wages Dust Control - Material Safety Devices - Wages Safety Devices - Material Sidewalk Maintenance - Wages Sidewalk Maintenance - Materia CN Crossing Safety Devices Road Names County Roads - Wages County Roads - Materials 1,921 87 70 56 142.46 180.70 374.62 1,634.25 542.46 671.44 1,422.47 2,789.02 21,642.21 1,474.72 124.43 1,106.02 2,056.01 807.93 2,356.08 1,206.78 3,295.32 '1 8,1 1 6.30 163.44 3,689.98 3,ô76.81 2,888.84 4,611.75 9,701.62 13,002.73 16,187.35 14,445.40 6,866.67 8,466.56 11,331.62 26,471.26 10,652.58 45,866.24 5,946.27 701.25 4,835.61 0.00 5,791.25 12,836.02 457.26 578.07 3,739.77 2,456.12 72,935.53 252,691.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 288 88 1,000.00 92.24 5,000.00 97 .02 10,000.00 118.21 1l,000.00 83.01 19,500.00 78.08 18,500.00 68.67 10,000.00 423.33 2,000.00 1',t9.28 9,500.00 129 13 20,500.00 266.31 4,000 00 131.05 35,000.00 33.03 18,000.00 0.00 0 00 60 45 8,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 64.35 9,000 00 91 69 '14,000 00 22.86 2,000.00 9.63 6,000.00 83.1 I 4,500.00 54.58 4,500.00 91.17 80,000.00 87.53 288,696.00 Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 1,001,074.08 84.59 1,183,438.00 98.5s (814,742.00)(802,905 30) Page 14 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 179 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 lllïgl20ïg 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009YearTo Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 2520 ROADS - WINTER CONTROL Revenue 0'l-25204110 Grants & Subsidies Total Revenue Expense 01-2520-5'100 Salaries & Wages 01 -2520-517 O Materials 01 -2520-5280 Equipment Maintenance 0'l-2520-5370 Sundry 01-2520-5520 Service Contract - ft Burwell 01-2520-5530 Service Contract - Vienna 01-2520-5540 Service Contract - Straff 01-2520-5550 Service Contract - Eden 01-2520-5555 Service Contract - Richmond 01-2520-5560 Service Contract - Sidewalks Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 9,9'17.73 100.18 9,900 00 9,917.73 100 18 9,900.00 65,394.48 55.72 '117,355.00 (55,476.75)51 63 (107,455.00) 13,308.98 29,574.53 4,669.72 0.00 4,677.OO 3,105.00 3,576.00 1,685.00 2,627.00 2,171.25 50.12 73.94 23.95 0.00 51.97 62.10 79.47 56.1 7 105.08 31.02 26,555.00 40,000.00 19,500.00 300.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 7,000.00 Page 15 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 180 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 1110912009 9:364M I I Account 2008 Year Total 2009 YearTo Date Ac'tualDescription Budget Pct Used Total Budget 2540 STREET LIGHTS Expense 01-2540-5520 SLA Port Burwell 01-2540-5530 SLA Vienna 01-2540-5540 SLA Straffordville 01-2540-5550 SLA Eden 01-2540-5560 SLA Corinth 01-2540-5570 SLA Richmond Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 14,612.02 4,338.92 8,847.80 6,109.97 1,403.37 2,090.78 90.42 71.60 62.57 100.82 46.32 69.00 16,160.00 6,060.00 14,140.00 6,060.00 3,030.00 3,030.00 37.402.86 77.15 48,480.00 (37,402.86)77.'t5 (48,480.00) (1,490,919.25)73.84 (2,019,193.00) Page 16 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 181 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009YearTo Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget Gategory: 3??? 3O1O WATER SYSTEM Revenue 01 -30'l 0401 0 Water revenues 01-3010-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-3010-4120 Water Meters 01-3010-4140 Water Connect Chgs Vienna 0l -3010-41 50 Water penalties Total Revenue Expense 01-3010-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-301 0-51 1 0 Statutory Benefìts 01-3010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-3010-5170 Supplies 01-3010-5175 Tools and Equipment 01-3010-5180 Lab Fees 01-3010-5210 Utilities 01 -301 0-5240 Advertising 01-3010-5250 Association Fees 01-3010-5260 Auditing Fees 01-3010-5280 System Maintenance 01-3010-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-3010-5300 lnsurance 01-3010-5330 Training & Education 01-3010-5335 Licences 01-3010-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-3010-5360 Telephone 01-3010-5370 Sundry 0'1 -301 0-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01 -301 0-5410 Water Quality Management 01-3010-5450 Service Contract - Secondary System 01-3010-551 0 Administrative Overhead 01 -3010-5520 Water Supply 01 -301 0-5620 Water adjustments Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 293,025.58 40,041.55 1,750 00 5,658.01 4,715.79 59 63 491,384.00 0.00 0.00 '116 67 1,500.00 100.00 5,658.00 71.00 6,642.00 345,190.93 68.33 505,184.00 56,571 01 5,036.76 7,457.02 1,359.44 1,593.00 3,531.00 1 ,336.1 5 223.18 475.00 1,717 00 3,475.45 595.50 676 00 1,332.62 0.00 1,739.12 876.87 0.00 0.00 525 00 103,747.83 4,848 00 44,493 07 5,800 38 77.73 72,779.00 62.94 8,003.00 68.30 10,9'18.00 33.65 4,040.00 132.75 1,200.00 41.13 8,585 00 68.91 1,939.00 110.49 202.00 94.06 505 00 1 00.00 1 ,717 .00 36.58 9,500.00 49.13 1,2't2.OO 100.00 676.00 102.51 I,300.00 0.00 600.00 49.69 3,500 00 1 15.68 758.00 0.00 101.00 0 00 65,000.00 21.00 2,500 00 48.56 213,667.00 100.00 4,848 00 48.56 91,633.00 0.00 0 00 247,409.40 48.97 505,183.00 97,781.53 9,778,153.00 1.00 Page 17 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 182 of 329 2009 07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 '1 1/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 YearTo Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 3O2O SEWAGE SYSTEM Revenue 01-3020-4010 Sewer revenues 01-3020-4125 lnvestment lncome - Sewer Fund 01 -3020-41 30 Septage receiving Charges 01-3020-4150 Sewer penalties Total Revenue Expense 01-3020-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-3020-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-3020-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-3020-5130 Clothing Allowance 01-3020-5170 Supplies - Plant 01-3020-5175 Supplies - Collection 01-3020-5180 Lab Fees 01-3020-5190 Chemicals 01-3020-5210 Ut¡l¡ties - Plant 01-3020-5211 Utilities - Collection System 01-3020-5215 Property taxes 01 -3020-5240 Advertising 01-3020-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01-3020-5260 Auditing Fees 01 -3020-527 O Building/Plant Maintenance 01 -3020-527 5 Odour Control 01 -3020-5280 System Maintenance 01-3020-5285 Equipment Mtce - Plant 01-3020-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-3020-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01 -3020-5300 Sludge Haulage/Disposal 01-3020-5305 lnsurance 01-3020-5330 Training & Education 01-3020-5335 Licences 01 -3020-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-3020-5350 Travel 01-3020-5360 Telephone 01-3020-5370 Sundry 01 -3020-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01 -3020-551 0 Administrative Overhead Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 353,789.39 64.33 549,944.00 242,947.07 44j8 549,945.00 110,842.32 (11,084,232.00)(1.00) 350,986.02 0.00 000 2,80337 66.89 524,698.00 0.00 r 1,000.00 0.00 9,500.00 59.07 4,746.00 91 ,670.10 8,864.94 10,578.89 459.',t1 't,704.39 500.72 6,246.52 3,798.32 40,460.10 15,674.35 2,229.00 190.42 0.00 1,750.00 2,720.88 14,928.29 14,248.52 2,213.00 465.00 596.76 11,397.00 0.00 325.00 75.00 1,',t76.62 212.85 2,361.29 0.00 0.00 8,100.00 67.80 59.60 52.16 65.59 77.47 58.91 78.08 65.49 68.79 60.87 50.54 95.21 0.00 100.00 22.67 60.93 142.49 13.41 21.14 49 73 67.04 0.00 16.25 37.50 29.42 133.03 73.79 0.00 0.00 100.00 135,201.00 14,873.00 20,281.00 700.00 2,200.00 850 00 8,000 00 5,800 00 58,813 00 25,750.00 4,410.00 200.00 120.00 1,750.00 12,000.00 24,500.00 10,000.00 16,500.00 2,200.00 1,200.00 17,000.00 5,664.00 2,000.00 200.00 4,000.00 160.00 3,200.00 100.00 164,1 73.00 8,100.00 Page 18 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 183 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date Ac{ualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 3O3O WASTE DISPOSAL Revenue 01-3030-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-3030-4120 Sundry Total Revenue Expense 01-3030-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-3030-5240 Advertising 01-3030-5450 Service Contract - Waste Dispo 01-3030-5455 Recycling Service Contract 01-3030-5460 Large ltem/Hazardous Waste Day Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 31,301.66 0.00 130.42 24,000.00 0 00 5,000.00 31,301.66 't07.94 29,000.00 2,163.37 261.76 174,579.42 102,203.63 22,319.34 70.0't 3,090.00 87.25 300.00 69.79 250,146.00 65.64 155,695.00 81.16 27,501.00 301,527.52 69 04 436,732.00 (270,225.86)66.28 (407,732.00) Page 19 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 184 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11l0gt2ÛOg 9:364M Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Budget Pct Used Total Budget 3510 HEALTH SERVICES Revenue 01-3510-41 10 Grants & Subsidies Total Revenue Expense 01-3510-5100 Salaries & Wages 0 l-3510-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-3510-5t20 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-3510-5170 Supplies 01-3510-5210 Utilities 01-3510-5270 Building Maintenancæ 01-3510-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-351 0-5300 lnsurance 01-35'10-5370 Sundry 01-3510-5450 Health Needs Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 72,748.50 000 0.00 72,748.50 0.00 0.00 60,396.43 5,484 23 8,652 98 64.12 2,785.54 2J33.67 908.1 0 1,826.00 95.67 5,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.61 106.68 90.81 100.00 15.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4j20.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,826.00 600.00 0.00 87,946.74 921.29 9,546.00 (15,198.24)159.21 (9,546.00) Page 20 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 185 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 1'll09l200g 9:364M 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Account Description Actual Budget Pct Used Total Budget 3520 CEMETERIES Expense 01 -3520-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -3520-5370 Sundry/lnterest Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 5,827.89 (5,827.89)(16,500.00) (82,628.14',)19.05 (433,778.00) 39 31 639 21 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 186 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 {1lASl2OO9 9:364M 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Account Description Actual Budget Pc{ Used Total Budget Categoryz 4??? 401 O GENERAL ASSISTANCE Expense 01401 0-5590 General Assistance Grants Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 80.21 7,800.00 80.21 7,800.00 (6,256.00)80.21 (7,800.00) Page 22 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 187 of 329 2009.o7 22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 l1109/2009 9:364M I o""o,n,Description 2008 Year Total 2009YearTo Date Ac,tual I Budget Pct Used Total Budget I 4510 PARKS & RECREATION Revenue 01-4510-4110 Grants & Subsidies Total Revenue Expense 01-451 0-51 00 Salar¡es & Wages 01-4510-5105 Wages - Festival Support 01-4510-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-4510-5170 Supplies 01-4510-5210 Utilities 01 451 0-5240 Advertising 01 4510-527 O Building Maintenance 01 -4510-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01-4510-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-4510-5300 lnsurance 014510-5370 Sundry 01-4510-5590 General Assistance 01-4510-5600 Canada Day Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures I ,1 50.00 44.23 2,600.00 1 ,1 50.00 2,600.00 15,078.29 479.60 0.00 0.00 2,430.08 224.76 0.00 1,902.05 I,O72.OO 9,455.00 298.42 0.00 1 ,1 98.46 69.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 78.64 224.76 0.00 380.41 60.28 100.00 59.68 0.00 108.95 21,795.00 0.00 3,992.00 500.00 3,090.00 100.00 '1,000.00 500.00 13,390.00 9,455.00 500.00 500.00 1,100.00 39,138.66 69.99 55,922.00 (37,e88.66)71.24 (53,322.00) Page 23 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 188 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 4520 COMMUNITY CENTRE.STRAFF Revenue 01-45204120 Sundry Revenue 01-4520-4130 Rentals 01-4520-4140 Mix Total Revenue Expense 014520-5100 Salaries & Wages 01 -4520-5'1 1 O Statutory Benefits 014520-5170 Supplies 01-4520-5210 Utilities 01 4520-5240 Advertising 01 4520-527 O Building Maintenance 01 -4520-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01 4520-5290 Grounds Maintenance 014520-5300 lnsurance 014520-5360 Telephone 01-4520-5370 Sundry 01-4520-5450 Service Contract Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 9,188.58 54.05 17,000.00 41J96.78 59.18 69,616.00 (32,008.20)60 83 (52,616.00) 62.33 7,830.00 1,296.25 0.00 0.00 62.64 '12,500.00 28.81 4,500.00 7,538.58 437.6s 1,990.23 13,342.86 64.00 615.48 956.77 3,072.25 4,436.00 289 41 370.55 8,083.00 69.22 51.19 39.80 61.69 0.00 18.65 31.89 55.86 100.00 144.7',\ 41.17 58.1 3 10,890.00 855.00 5,000.00 21,630.00 0.00 3,300 00 3,000.00 5,500.00 4,436.00 200.00 900.00 13,905.00 Page 24 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 189 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11l09l209g 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 4530 COMMUNITY CENTRE.VIENNA Revenue 01-4530-4130 Rentals Total Revenue Expense 01-4530-5100 Management Contract 0'14530-5170 Supplies 01-4530-5210 Utilities 01-4530-5240 Advertising 01 -4530-5270 Building Maintenance 0l -4530-5280 Equipment Maintenance 0l4530-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-4530-5300 lnsurance 0 l-4530-5360 Telephone 01-4530-5370 Sundry 01-4530-5450 Service Contract Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expendítures 5,610.00 53.43 10,500.00 5,610.00 53.43 10,500.00 29,870.79 57.69 51,774.00 (24,260.79)58.78 (41,274.00) 7,095.77 705.1 I 6,737.87 64.00 2,48'1.67 983.20 2,292.70 4,436.00 325.44 121.96 4,627.00 74.69 35.26 50.32 0.00 53.95 32.77 65.51 100.00 33.90 24.39 46.79 9,500.00 2,000.00 13,390.00 0.00 4,600.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 4,436.00 960.00 500.00 9,888.00 Page 25 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 190 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 'l1lO9l2OO9 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 4535 EDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Revenue 01-4535'4130 Rentals Total Revenue Expense 01-4535-51 80 Equipment Maintenance 01-4535-5210 Utilities 01-4535-5270 Building Maintenance 01-4535-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01.4535-5300 lnsurance Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 3,873.63 3,873.63 7,695.00 7,730.75 47.65 16,225.00 (3,857.12)45.22 (8,530 00) 50.34 7,695.00 50 34 0.00 4,820.75 0.00 880.00 2,030.00 0.00 72.01 0.00 44.00 100.00 2,000.00 6,695.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 2,030.00 Page 26 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 191 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 4540 LIBRARIES Revenue 01-45404130 Lease Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01 4540-52'10 Utilities 01 -4540-5270 Building Maintenance 01'4540-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -4540-5300 lnsurance Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 33,01 1.76 51 .73 63,816.00 33,011.76 51 .73 63,816.00 7,472.65 5,293.10 1,592.82 2,154.00 65.95 11,330.00 68.30 7,750.00 63.71 2,500.00 100.00 2J54.00 16,512.57 69.57 23,734.00 16,499.19 41.16 40,082.00 Page 27 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 192 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 '1110912009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 4550 MUSEUMS BAYHAM Revenue 01-4550-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-4550-4120 Sundry 01 -4550-41 30 Admissions 01-4550-4170 Children's Programs 01-4550-4180 Fundraising 01-4550-4185 Donations 01 -4550-41 90 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 014550-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-4550-5110 Statutory Benefits 01-4550-5170 Supplies 0l-4550-5180 Fundraising expense 0l-4550-5190 Children's Programs 01-4550-5210 Utilities 01 -4550-5240 Advertising 01-4550-5245 Marketing 01-4550-5250 Memberships (EON) 01 -4550-527 O Building Maintenance 01-4550-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01-4550-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -4550-5300 lnsurance 01 -4550-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-4550-5350 Travel 0'l -4550-5360 Telephone 014550-5370 Sundry 01-4550-5400 Transfer to Reserves 01-4550-5450 Contracted Services 01 -4550-5600 Special Project 01-4550-5610 Special Events Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 18,591.19 687.01 6,670.93 448.00 935.00 2,012.73 0.00 245.92 17',\.75 83.39 89.60 12.38 '134.18 0.00 7,560.00 400.00 8,000.00 500.00 7,550.00 1,500.00 500.00 29,344.86 112.82 26,010.00 38,504.06 3,084.20 513.41 '1,661.28 326.94 6,017.99 't,529.76 0.00 135.00 6,946.70 '178.20 I,933.41 2,596.00 0.00 0.00 1,352.38 66.36 0.00 0.00 27't.58 0.00 101 .1 1 79.22 25.67 41 .79 65.39 46 74 50.99 0.00 24.55 '119.77 11.88 55.24 100.00 0.00 0.00 90.1 6 6.64 0.00 0.00 54.32 0.00 38,080.00 3,893.00 2,000.00 3,975.00 500.00 12,875.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 550.00 5,800.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 2,596.00 400.00 400.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 5,075.00 3,000.00 500.00 500 00 65,117.27 69.91 93,'144.00 (35,772.41)53.29 (67,134.00) (123,643.99)64.87 (190,594.00) Page 28 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 193 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11l09l200g 9:364M Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Budget Pct Used Total Budget Categoryl 5??? 5O1O PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Revenue 01-5010-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-50104120 Sundry Revenue 01-50104130 Zoning Certificates 01-5010-4140 Zoning Charges 01-5010-4150 OPA Fees 0l-5010-4160 MinorVariance Fees 01-5010-4170 Site Plan Fees 01-5010-4180 Plan of Subdivision Fees 01-5010-4190 Development Agreement Fees Total Revenue Expense 01 -5010-5'100 Salaries & Wages 01 -5010-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-5010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-5010-5'1 70 Supplies 0'l-501 0-5240 Advertising 01-5010-5250 Association & Membership Fees 0l-5010-5310 Legal Fees 01-5010-5320 Postege & Courier 01 -501 0-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-5010-5350 Travel 01-5010-5370 Sundry 01-5010-5450 Consulting Fees Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 6,289.00 123.00 1,365.00 17,704.94 (1,000.00) 1,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68 25 147.54 (50.00) 33.33 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 27,481.94 107.77 25,500.00 37,396.14 3,558.56 6,261.67 0.00 2,850.48 320.00 8,624.00 '192.69 0.00 153.45 0.00 14,007.86 70.25 60.77 78.42 0.00 63.34 96.97 287.47 96.35 0.00 76.73 0.00 60.90 53,235.00 5,856.00 7,985.00 400.00 4,500.00 330.00 3,000.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 2s,000.00 73,364.85 73 80 99,406.00 (45,882.91)62.08 (73,906.00) Page 29 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 194 of 329 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 '11109/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 YearTo Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 5012 BUSINESS & COMMERCE Revenue O1-50124'l7O Lease Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01 -5012-521 0 Utilities 01 -501 2-5240 Advertising 01 -50'l 2-527 0 Beautification 01 -50'12-5290 Grounds Maintenance Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 600 00 58.25 1,030.00 600.00 58.25 1,030.00 0.00 352.72 1,830.11 800 75 0.00 176.36 73 20 0.00 500.00 200.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,983.58 9324 3,200.00 (2,383.58)'109.84 (2,170.00) Page 30 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 195 of 329 2009.o7.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 9 Ending SEP 30,2009 11/09/2009 9:364M 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date ActualAccount Description Budget Pct Used Total Budget 5015 TOURISM & MARKETING Revenue 01-501541 l0 Grants & Subsidies 01 -501 5-4120 Sundry Revenues 01-5015-4170 Lease Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01-5015-5100 Salaries & Wages 01 -5015-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-5015-5210 Utilities 01-5015-5215 lnterpretive Centre Operations 01-501 5-5230 Brochures 01 -501 5-5240 Advertising 01-5015-5245 Promotional ltems 01-5015-5250 Associations & Memberships 01-5015-5260 Festivals 01 -501 5-527 O Beautifi cation 01-5015-5290 Beach Maintenance 01-5015-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-5015-5350 Travel 01-5015-5370 Sundry 01 -501 5-5600 Special Projects Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 5,360.00 30,330.41 64.46 47,055.00 (24,970.41)61.57 (40,555.00) 2,500.00 1,060.00 1,800.00 71.43 0.00 60.00 3,s00.00 0.00 3,000.00 82.46 6 500 00 9,292 59 3',18.42 4,693 67 965.73 1,985.84 5,829.70 0.00 130.00 3,184.00 544.32 2,770.39 0.00 '15.75 600.00 0.00 1 06.1 4 0.00 69.02 24.45 66.19 72.87 0.00 28.89 79.60 90.72 34.63 0.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 8,755 00 0.00 6,800.00 3,950 00 3,000 00 8,000 00 500 00 450 00 4,000 00 600 00 8,000.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 2,500 00 Page 31 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 196 of 329 2409.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period I Ending SEP 30,2009 l1l0gl200g 9:364M Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Budget Pcl Used Total Budget 5O2O ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Revenue 01-50204í 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-50204140 Tile Drain Charges Total Revenue Expense 01-5020-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-5020-5102 Richmond Water - Wages 01-5020-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-5020-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-5020-51 70 Supplies/Stock 01-5020-5260 Professional Services 01 -5020-527 O Water Sampling 01-5020-5380 Tile Drain Debt Charges Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 178.38 '10,604.00 25,722.09 s1.23 28,196.00 (17,592.00) 11,165.32 680.80 1,072.14 't,649.32 0.00 3,895.00 1,656.00 5,603.51 78.85 0.00 68.86 77.65 0.00 389.50 55.20 99.99 14,161.00 0.00 I,557.00 2,124.0O 750.00 I,000.00 3,000.00 5,604.00 Page Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 197 of 329 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2008 Unlin¡nced or NotesProiecf{cfunl to Drte Reserue Alloc Budqet Revenues Source - Comnuter Enriomenl t0,225 I 2,00c 15 sale oflaotoo t0 t50 comDuter rcsewe - Mmicioal offce- somd svstem 5.00c Vehicles - Pumper/rescue mit Building 110,0!! 1 330,675 1 it0 4,91 4,61 tue¡ppg¡q!¡s r9s- Port Bwell Station 25,000 l 1,000 Maj o r E_qlip m en! Ren era I Pagers (10) Radios Bunker Geæ 4,eiil ¿¡ìil füe com eouio res fi¡e com¡n equiD res 3,334 louioment Purcbose - Pickup Truck 30.00( - Sweeoer for loader 21.708 ló-00t 21.708 road eouio ¡es - Tractor Mower 89,4'18 70,00(89,478 road eouiD res - Hot Patcher 25.00( - trench box split with ilw 3.333 - sale ofeouiDmeût 2.07 {sDhalt Proiects - Eden/Schafer intersection 30.00c - Alwtrd Sheet 402 25,00c - Green l,ine lsectionsl 30,00c - Jackson Line west fsections)30,00c - Newton Street Milton to Victoria)10 00r lravel ProiecLs - Tollsate &isht to Tuûiel)3.061 50.000 Murav ( I albot to Eden)2-007 30.00c - Somers lEden to south end)30-00c - Owl Caee Line (culvef)6 629 Tar & Chio Resurface - Boms Road llisht to Câltonl 32.000 - Best (Cutloden to Talbot)50,000 New Tar & Chio Surface - Mitchell Road lJackson to Heritse)102.296 90.000 \02.296 road construction res - Tolìsate (Calton to Lidil)24,647 ó0,000 24-64'l road construction res - Lisht Line (comDlete 2008)3 1.043 r0,000 3r,043 road construction res Ither - Guard rails (700 ft)r s-000 - Works Buildine 2s 00 - Salt Containment Shed 90.353 t80.000 46.000 infia reserve 44,353 gas tax fesere ìidewalks - New 20,000 ìtreet Liehts 1a ÁÃ1 I fì ônfl 1v09t2009 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 198 of 329 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2008 PLojeet Actuel to Date Reserue Alloc Budqet Notes Revenues Source new ms æ reouired 10.00( - Hvdrânl R 3,80( - a,rh Sf^ñ/R^d Pênlr 6.00( - main water valve replâcemenl 35^00( - otters edqe metef reDlacement 5.94(6,00(5.940 water reserve - trench box - solit between wâter.waste & roads 3.33: 25 1.909 2.t62.845 450 :endss hench & roads 333: rebuilds 20,00(4.868 sewer reserve stoooers for manholes in flood area 7 15,00(7290 sewer reserve Union St DùnD stâtion reoairs 9 r 0.00(9,688 sewer reseroe ætuator 600 UVrebuild 17 22,oo|17.719 sewef feserve Black Bridee main 32,00( air blower rebuilds 5 3,60(s.92 sewer reserve hytlro su¡ge protection at plant 15,00r 5,80( 2,50( Continsencv Pmos - aêñtâûê ré.êiuiño faßìlitu 64-6s5 490-3'.t2 64,655 mexnended 08 Car port, soffit 10,000 - Pl¡w rnnd e 40.00c - Richmond 2.9't7 2,971 rark rcs fimd - Vienna Buildins 30.000 - ShaffBlds rmf 6-54( (irrvchôrô 109 - Ec Dev - Sims 1?-90( lWind Towe¡ Kiosk 1,30( Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 199 of 329 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2008 Proiect Actual to Date Reserve Alloc Budset Notes Revenues Source - Asset Managemenl 14,873 8.65(865 COMRIF - Official Plan review t2,340 5,00( - Zonins review 10,00( Sewer caDac¡ty study \-4t7 1,417 sewer reserye SCC. Enersv cons Srudy. initiatives 7,50( - VCC- chairs 3.411 l-50()hairs & tables - VCC- oaint main hall 6 00( - Cemeteû sims 2.298 5.00(2298 mexoended 08 - Cultural Plan Comoletion 2.462 Beach oarkine baniers l-20( Beach oroiects ie oath I 99t - Picnic Tables (15)/beach equipment 2,r34 2,60( - Fe¡sihilitv st¡rdv annlication 6.283 - LPRCA soecial oroiect 7 886 7.88( - New Drainase works 4.874 19,30(4.87 4 mexpended 08 - Moore Bridge 864 - Enviromental assess (Fabco)889 9s3.206 0 4.314.974 628.159 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 200 of 329 Proiect - Resewe for Working Capital - Trfto Comp. Reserve - Apparatus Reserve allocation - Annual Remuneration resewe - Building renewal reserve - Major equipment reserve - Vehicle Reserve - Vehicle Resewe - Gas Tax Reserve - EquipmentReserve - Road Reconstruetion Resewe Actual to Date Cash Requirements 2008 Budget 219,943 25,000 Notes 7,824 2 I 5,856 t0,493 Revenues - Trail Improvements (reserve) - Park Improvements - Playground Equipment - Reserve - Reserve - Building Renewal Reserve 2,300 Friends ofEdison - donation Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 201 of 329 Proiect Actual to Date Cash Requirements 2008 Budget 1,103,500 Revenues Notes TOTAL 19,035 donations 496,779 Staff Report F2009-39 regarding Financial Report to Septembe...Page 202 of 329 Rural Ontario Municipal Association Representing Rural Ontario September 2,2009 Brenda Gibbons Ad m inistrative Assistant Municipality of Bayham P.O, Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Dear Ms. Gibbons: Thank you for sending ROMA a copy of your resolution dated May 12,2009, regarding changing the term of office from a four-year to a two-year term for its Board of Directors, Chair and Vice-Chairs. The process to amend is set out in the enclosed Rules and Procedures for the Conduct and Operation of ROMA. It specifies that any amendment to a rule of procedure can only occur at an Annual General Meeting. lt also provides that a petition of any five ROMA members if received by the ROMA Board not less than 30 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting would put a proposal for amendment before the AGM. After receiving this petition, we would be place a motion in this regard before the next ROMA Annual General Meeting, which will occur on February 23 at the 2010 OGRA/ROMA Conference. Feel free to contact me for further correspondence on this issue. Thank you for your interest and continued membership in ROMA. Yours truly, l- flü'*,f',.,\Pt Allen Taylor ROMA Chair Rural Section of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3C6 Website: www.roma.on.ca E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca Toll-Free: 1-877-426-6527 * Tel: (416) 971-9856 * Fax: (416)971-6191 Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 203 of 329 Page 204 of 329 RULES AND PROCEDURE FOR THB CONDUCT AND OPERATION OF TIIE ROMA (THE RURAL SECTTON OF AMO) OF TIIE ASSOCIATION OF' MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO Approved at the ROMA Annual General Meeting OGRA/ROMA Conference FEBRUARY 27,2007 Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 205 of 329 TABLE OF CONTENTS NAME OBJECTS I{EAD OFFICE MEMBERSHIP OF ROMA OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS BOARD TREASURER DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS AND THE ROMA BOARD COMMITTEES ANNUAT MEETING SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS AMENDMENT OF THE RULES OF PROCEDIIRE PAGE l 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page9 Page 9 Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 206 of 329 1. NAME This section, to be known as the Rural Ontario Municipal Association, referred to hereinafter as ROMA, shall be recognized as the Rural Section of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, hereinafter referred to as AMO. If it appears thatapart of the following Policy Statement is in conflict with the governing rules of AMO, the interpretation of the AMO By-laws are to have precedence. 2. OBJECTS ROMA agrees with and will promote the AMO By-laws and will attempt to provide an effective avenue for the expression of the rural municipal view-point to other levels of government anil other appropriate bodies. 3. HEAD OFFICE The offices of ROMA shall be at the AMO offices and meetings shall be held at that location or such other place as shall be determined by the ROMA Board. 4. MEMBERSHIP OF ROMA (a) Qualified members of ROMA shall be those Ontario municipalities that deem themselves to have a rural interest. (b) Associate Members Associate Members shall be any persons or groups interested in municipal affairs, who through related experience may make a contribution to the benefit of the Section, and who are admitted by the ROMA Board. Such associate members shall have the privilege of the floor at the Annual Conferences, but will not be entitled to vote nor shall they be entitled to have any representative elected to any office of ROMA. (c) Honorary Life Members The ROMA Board by resolution, may name persons to be honorary members of ROMA. An honorary member may participate in proceedings but shall not be entitled to a vote except in the case where such honorary member is a representative from a member municipality. 5. OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS (a) Officers Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 207 of 329 (b) The Officers shall be: the Char.,1't Vice-Chair, 2nd Vice-Chair,Immediate Past Chair, Board Treasurer and the Chair of the AMO Rural Caucus. Board (Ð 1. 2. J. There shall be a ROMA Board which will be comprised of the following: The Officers. A representative of each of the nine designated Zones of the Section as elected in February. Such elected members of the Rural Caucus on the AMO Board of Directors as are not already members of the ROMA Board by virtue of 1) and 2) above. The ROMA Board may at the first meeting following the Annual General Meeting of ROMA name an additional qualifred person to the Board who shall be known as the Member atLarge. (iÐ (c) Elections (iiÐ The Zone Representatives shall be elected at the Annual Conference immediately following each municipal election and shall hold office for aperiod offouryears. At the meeting held at the conclusion of the Annual Conference, or at the first regular Board Meeting held thereafter, the Board shall choose from its number, persons to serve as the Chairperson of the Board, and as the first and second Vice-Chairpersons of the Board and such persons shall serve in that position for a period of one year at a time. The Rural Caucus of the AMO Board shall consist of such number of persons as shall be determined by the AMO By-laws. Vacancies In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of Chair or 1't Vice-Chair, the next ranking officer shall fill the vacancy and the ¡sm¿ining vacancy among the Officers shall be frlled by the appointment of the Board f¡om among its members. Vacancies in the remaining Board shall be frlled by the Board by appointment from among the members of the Zone inwhich the vacancy occurs. If, in the opinion of the Board, the remaining term of office is such that it does not warrant appointment, then the vacancy may (Ð (iÐ (d) 4 Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 208 of 329 remain until the next Annual Conference, at which time it shall be filled through the election process. 6. BOARD TREASURER (a) The Board Treasurer shall be appointed by and hold offrce at the direction - of the ROMA Board. The Board Treasurer shall be a member of the ROMA Board and shall be charged with the general financial affairs of the Section. (b) The Board Treasurer shall receive an honorarium, the amount of which shall be determined by the ROMA Board annually. (c) The Board Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for ROMA and shall see to the general administration of the budget. The Board Treasurer shall cause to be presented annually to the ROMA Annual Conference, a statement of revenues and expenditures. 7. DUTIES OF' THE OF'F'ICERS AND TIIE ROMA BOARI) (a) It shall be the duty of the ROMA Board to put into effect the will of AMO as expressed by by-law or resolution at the A¡nual General Meeting or any other special meeting of the membership. (b) In administering the affairs, the ROMA Board shall respect the AMO By- laws and shall be supportive of the directions and intent as expressed therein. (c) The ROMA Board Chairperson shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the delegates and of the Board. The Chair shall also be charged with the management and supervision of the affairs of the ROMA Board. (d) Meetings (Ð The Board shall meet at the time of and prior to the ROMA annual meeting and shall hold such other meetings as may be called for by the Chair. In the absence of the Chair, or in the case of a vacaîcy in the office, the meeting shall be called by the next ranking Officer of the Section on the direction, in writing, of the majority of the members of the Board. (iÐ At least five days notice of the time, place and purpose of all meetings of the ROMA Board shall be given to each member of the ROMA Board. Such notice may be given in person, by telephone or by mail, or by email of fax. Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 209 of 329 (e) (Ð Upon notification of a meeting, as noted above, a majority of the ROMA Board members shall constitute a quorum at such meetings. The ROMA Board shall have the power to approve budgeted expenditures or such other expenditures, the monies for which have been arranged by the ROMA Board and necessary to carr¡r out the business or general welfare. The ROMA Board may enter into agteements for special projects within the limits of the f,rscal arrangements. The ROMA Board shall at its fust meeting following the Annual Meeting or as soon thereafter as possible, name those members who shall represent the Association on other activities or on any committee on which it is necessary or advantageous to have members appointed. Expenses of ROMA Board Members The Board may authorize the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by persons acting on behalf of ROMA when such expenses are not assumed by a municipality or other organization or agency. The Board shall not be reimbursed for attending the Annual Meeting of ROMA or AMO. COMMITTEES Chair's Committee There shall be a Chair's Committee consisting of the Off,rcers of the ROMA Board. The Chair's Committee shall be the goveming body between meetings of the Board and shall report all business transacted at its meetings to the next meeting of the Board. The powers of the Chafu's Committee shall exclude those powers assigned to the Board with respect to the fiscal policies of ROMA. Special Committees The ROMA Board may annually appoint such special committees as it deems to be necessary and in the general interest of ROMA and its membership. A resolution to appoint such a committee shall include the terms of reference for the proposed committee, the name of the person to act as Chair, as well as the names of the persons to serve as members of the committee. The Board may delegate its authority with respect to the appointment of committee (e) (h) (Ð 8. (a) (b) Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 210 of 329 personnel to the Chair or the Chair's Committee. A quorum of any special committee shall be the majority of the members appointed. 9. ANNUAL MEETING General There shall be an Annual Meeting of ROMA which shall take place at the Annual Conference and at least thirty days notice shall be given to the mémbership of such dates and place designated for holding the Annual Meeting. Representation (Voting delegates) Each qualified member municipality shall be entitled to send such representatives to the Annual Conference as the member municipal council may appoint and each delegate so authorized to affend shall be entitled, upon payment of a registration fee, to the privilege of the floor and shall be entitled to vote. Quorum At all Annual Meetings, those voting delegates present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of ROMA business. Voting at Annual Meeting (Ð Voting shall be by a show of hands of those entitled to vote and the Chair's decision as to whether or not a motion is won or lost is final, unless immediately upon the decision of the Chair being declared, ten or more voting delegates then present, by standing, demand a standing vote, whereupon the Chair shall put again the same question to the Annual Meeting to be decided by a count of . those standing in favour of and against the motion. The results of a standing vote shall be final, Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chair of the session may at any time order that the maffer before the Amual Meeting be determined by standing vote. (iÐ In all cases where the votes ofthe delegates thenpresent are equal for and against the question, the motion shall be lost, and it shall be the duty of the Chair to so decla¡e. (iiÐ In addition to the foregoing, the ROMA Board may establish additional procedures to facilitate the orderly procedure of ROMA business during the Annual Meeting. Any such additional procedures shall not conflict with these Rules of Procedure. (a) (b) (c) (d) Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 211 of 329 10. (e) Nominations and Elections (Ð Not less than three months prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, the Board shall ensure that a call for nominations is sent out to the membership. (iÐ Nominations are to be received not later than 30.days prior to the holding of the Annual General Meeting and no nominations will be accepted thereafter. (iiÐ SubjecJ to the foregoing, ROMA shall prescribe the manner of receiving nominations, holding elections, including the forms to be used, the method of voting and such rules and procedures pertaining thereto, so as to ensure the fai¡ and proper conduct of nominations and elections. Copies of the procedures as prescribed by the ROMA Board shall be distributed to the delegates prior to the Annual Meeting together with a Nominations Report. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS (b) (c) (a) (d) (e) Special General Meetings of ROMA may be called at any time by a majority vote of the ROMA Board and the ROMA Board shall call such a meeting on receipt of a request in writing speciffing the nature of the business to be transacted and submitted by at least fifty (50) of the members in good standing for the current year. A notice shall be sent to every member of ROMA at least two weeks before the time appointed by the Board for a Special General Meeting and such notice shall speciff the place where such meeting shall be held and the nature of business to be transacted and no other business shall be transacted at such Special General Meeting. At any Special General Meeting, those voting delegates present shall constitute a quorum. A decision of a Special General Meeting shall have the same force and effect as a decision taken at an Annual Meeting. All voting rights, voting procedures and so forth, as are generally contained within the Rules of Procedure relating to Annual Meetings of ROMA shall be in force during any such Special General Meeting, except that the Board may prescribe that voting on questions shall be by ballot. The manner of holding such balloting, including the forms to be used, the method of voting and the rules of procedure pertaining thereto, shall be Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 212 of 329 11. prescribed by the Board and shall be distributed to the delegates upon registration at such Special General Meetings. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS (a) Fiscal Year Unless otherwise ordered by the ROMA Board, the fiscal year of ROMA shall commence on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December in each year. Association Zones (Ð For the purposes of ROMA, the Province of Ontario shall be divided into membership zones as may be determined by the ROMA Board from time to time, and as ratified by the members of ROMA at the next succeeding Annual Meeting. (iÐ For the purposes of the Annual Meeting or any Special General Meeting, a list and description of the ROMA Zones shall be distributed to the delegates upon the call for nominations. t2.AMENDMENT OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE (b) (a) (b) The Rules of Procedure of ROMA may be amended, supplemented or repealed only at an A¡nual Meeting of ROMA. Proposals for amendment, supplement or repeal may be introduced at the Annual Meeting by either resolution of the ROMA Board or by petition of any five members of ROMA but only if not less than thirly (30) days notice of the proposal or proposals has been given to the ROMA Board. Upon the coming into force of these Rules of Procedure, all former Policy Statements of ROMA shall cease to have any effect but nothing herein shall derogate from the validity of anything done under their authority. (c) Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 213 of 329 10 Correspondence dated September 2, 2009 from Rural Ontario Mu...Page 214 of 329 ? Municipal Offrce Attention: Lynda Millard 9344PlankRd, Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Lt3 To the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, My name is Jon Krohe and I am asking for permission for a wedding ceremony at Memorial Park in Port Burwell. I was born and raised in the areaand remember Port Burwell being avery special place for my family. The date for the ceremony would be for the 25n of September 2010 and would take place approximately at 3pm. The ceremony would be roughly a half an hour. In attendance there will be approximately 150 people. There would most likely be some music at the beginning and at the end of the ceremony. My bride to be (Erin Winter from Ilderton) and I will be traveling to South Koreato teach English from August 12th 2009 toAugust 20ú 20rc. Therefore the easiest way of contacting us will be via email. My email address is jkrohe@gmail.com. My parents still live in the area and if you need to talk with someone over the phone their number is 519 913 1779. Their mailing address is as follows, Ed and Evelyn Krohe 51159 Calton Line Aylmer, ON NsH 2R5 If you require any further information please feel free to email me at jkrohe@gmail.com. Erin and I look forward to hearing from you, Kind Regards, Jon Krohe Correspondence received August 5, 2009 from Jon Krohe reques...Page 215 of 329 Page 216 of 329 1 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT : Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Agreement DATE: September 8,2009 FILE: F05 NUMBERz F2009-37 Purpose This report is to recommend the execution of an agreement with the Province of Ontario regarding funding under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund (Carson Line Bridge Project). Background As Council is aware, the Municipality has been successful obtaining funding for its Carson Line Bridge Project under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. As a condition to receiving the funds, a Contribution Agreement between the Municipality and the Province of Ontario is required. Staff Comments Staff have reviewed the agreement and do not see any major concerns. A draft by-law is attached to this report for Council consideration to approve the agreement. Attachments Draft ByJaw No. 2009-107, to approve a contribution agreement with the Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario Strateeic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT By-Law No. 2009-107, being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario regarding the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund be presented to Council for enactment. tully submitted, Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund...Page 217 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\ry NO.2009-107 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE AND MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS REGARDING THE INFRASTRUCTURE STIMULUS FUND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham submitted application for funding to the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has received confirmation of conditional funding support under the program for the Carson Line Bridge project subject to the completion of the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Contribution Agreement; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into the said Contribution Agreement; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the Mayor and Administrator be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario for the provision of funding under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund...Page 218 of 329 THIS AGREEMENT made in quadruplicate as of the day of B E T W E E N: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN lN RIGHT OF ONTARIO, as represented by the Minister of Energy and lnfrastructure AND: and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs (referred to herein jointly as "Ontarion and as "OMAFRA' in the latter case) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYI{AM (referred to herein as the "Recipienf) WHEREAS the Government of Canada has established a $4 billion lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund (lSF) under Canada's Economic Plan to mitigate against the impacts of therglobal economic recession by increasing the total amount of construction activity to proþcts that can start and be substantially completed in fiscal years 2009-2010 and2OlO-2011; AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario also recognizes the impacts of the global economic recession on the Province of Ontario and is actively mitigating againsïthose impacts by increasing the total amount of construction activity to projects that can sta¡t and be substantially completed in fiscal years 2009-201O and 2010-201 1; AND WHEREAS the purpose of the lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund Contribution'Agreement ("Agreemenf') is directed at capital projects that involve moveable or non-moveable assets, constructed, rehabilitated, or improved, in whole or in paft; AND WHEREAS this Agreement defines the terms and conditions of a financial contribution from the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario to assist with projects under ISF which is being administered by the Government of Ontario; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements,hêrein contained and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties covenant and agree as follows: This Agreement, including: Schedule "Æ - GeneralTerms and Conditions Schedule "ff - Descriptíon of the Project(s) Schedule "C" - Eligible and lneligible Costs Schedule "D" - Project Financial Assistance Schedule "E" - Government of Canada Requirements Schedule "F" - Additional Provisions Schedule "G" - Communications Requirements Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund...Page 219 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement Schedule "H" - Expenditure and Job Creation Repoñ Schedule "1" - Claims and Progress Statement Schedule "J" - Final Report Schedule "l( - Solemn Declaration of SubstantialGompletion Schedule "L" - Aboriginal Consultation Protocol constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect tothe subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and agreements. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Government of Ontario and the Recipient have respectively executed and delivered this Agreement on the date set out above. HER MAJESW THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of Energy and lnfrastructure by: Name: The Honourable George Smitherman Date Title: Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and lnfrastructure and by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs by: Name: The Honourable Leona Dombrowsky Date Title: Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs RECIPIENT'S NAME: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM by: Name: Lynn Acre Title: Mayor Affix Corporate Seal Date Name: Kyle Kruger Title: Administrator l/we have authority to bind the Recipient Date Page 2o144 Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund...Page 220 of 329 -î Long Point Region Conservation Authority RR#3, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K2 . Tel: (519) 428-4623 . Fax: (519) 428-1520 E-mail: conservation@lprca.on.ca . Web Site: www.lprca.on.ca File: 3.3. I Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd P.O. Box 160 Staffordville, ON NOJ lYO August 31,2009 RE: 2009 LPRCA Planning and Regulatory User Fees and Permitting Process Dear Municipal Partner, Please see the attached schedule of the 2009 Planning and Regulatory user fees that was passed at the Long Point Region Conseruation Authority (LPRCA) Board of Directors meeting held Wednesday, July 8th, 2009. The fee schedule is effective immediately and is subject to change. Staff was also directed by the Board of Directors at this meeting to ensure that the proper permitting process is followed. From various complaints and violations that have recently occurred, it has been brought to staffls attention that building permits have been issued prior to receiving a Section 28 permit under Ontario Regulation 178/06 from LPRCA. It is our understanding that prior to the issuance of a building permit that under the building code all other applicable laws must be addressed. Staff does not want to expose the building department to liabilities and as such would respectfully request that building permits are not issued prior to a Section 28 permit being issued. An additional issue that was brought forward involved the assurance of what LPRCA is approving and what the building departments are receiving from the proponents is in fact the same thing. To rectify this situation staff from the Conservation Authority will scan the documents received and send them via email to the appropriate office, thereby eliminating the potential to have the plans modified moving between offices. LPRCA will continue to strive to make this process as effective and efficient as possible. LPRCA certainly appreciates the role of partnerships and working together on such initiatives. LPRCA staff looks forward to building on our partnership and will continue to support the valuable works that our municipal partners execute. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact myself at ext. 231; hsurette@lprca.on.ca or Bonnie Bravener, Resource Technician at ext. 233; bbravener@lprca.on.ca. Sincerely, Heather Surette Manager, Watershed Services /rî € 6i{iîili'ó Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 221 of 329 Page 222 of 329 LPRCA Fee ScteouLE FoR rxe OHrlR'o Pte¡tutua Acr The following fees have been approved by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority's (LPRCA) Board of Directors and are required to be paid by the proponent in order for LPRCA staff to review an application under the Ontario Planning Acf. The Authority's fee schedule needs to be read in conjunction with the General ñloúes for all Application Fees that follow. All fees subject to change without notice. Aoolication Tvoe Fee Subdivision and Vacant Land Condominium Base Fee - $50.00 per lot Maximum Fee - $3000.00 Major red-line revision - $500.00 Minor red-line revision - $200.00 Clearance letter for phases - $200.00 per phase Official Plan Amendment Major - $300.00 (technical review required) Minor - $200.00 Zoning By-Law Amendment Major - $300.00 (technical review required) Minor - $200.00 Combined OP/Zoning By-Law Amendment Major - $450.00 Minor - $300.00 Consent (Severance)Major - $300.00 (multiple lots/application) Minor - $200.00 (single loUapplication) Variance Major - $200.00 (1 site visit and/or 1 report) Minor - $150.00 (1 site visit) Site Plan Approval Application Major - $300.00 (technical review required) Minor - $200.00 Complex Application (OPNZClSite Plan) $600.00 Page 1 of6 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 223 of 329 Description Fee Scoped Environmental lmpact Studies for proposed mitigation measures related to any natural heritage features and functions. $200.00 Comprehensive Environmental lmpact Studies for proposed mitigation measures related to any natural heritage features. $500.00 Scoped lmpact Studies and proposed mitigation measures for any proposal that is potentially impacted by natural hazards (riverine flooding, riverine slope stability, meander belt or wetland, shoreline protection). $200.00 Comprehensive lmpact Studies and proposed mitigation measures for any proposal that is potentially impacted by natural hazards (riverine flooding, riverine slope stability, general slope stability).$500.00 Stormwater Management Studies and proposed facilities. This fee includes review of all Phases of SWM plans from preliminary or conceptual to final engineering design (quality, quantity, erosion control). $500.00 Subwatershed Study/Master Drainage Plan or Tributary Study $500.00 Any combination of two of the above Sum of the two less $100.00 Any combination of three of the above Sum of the three less $200.00 Any combination of four or more of the above Sum of the four or more less $300.00 Aoolno¡¡rl Tecx¡¡¡cnl RepoRr Revrew Fees UruoeR THE Orurtruo Pteuuwa Acr Page 2 of 6 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 224 of 329 LPRCA Fee ScxeoulE FoR Onrrnro Recumron 178/06: The following fees have been approved by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority's (LPRCA) Board of Directors and are required to be paid by the proponent in order for LPRCA staff to review an application for Ontario Regulation 178106 made under Section 28 of the Conseruation Authorities Acf: Development, lnterference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses. The Authority's fee schedule needs to be read in conjunction with the General Noúes for all Application Fees that follow. All fees subject to change without notice. DeveloplvlENT AN D I ¡¡ren¡eneNcE wtrH Werlnruos Reoulated Activitv Fee Minoro Non-habitable ancillary structures (fences, decks, docks, sheds, garages, gazebos and pools)o Additions that do not increase the livable area and do not exceed 50% ofthe original gross floor areao Perimeter walls or crawl spaceso Placing of fill and/or grading. New ponds $150.00 New or replacement structures Additions equal to or greater than 50% of the original gross floor area o Basements o Placing of fill and/or grading accompanied by a site grading plan/engineered drawings $250.00 (1 site inspection) $45O.OO (1 site inspection and/or I report or engineered drawings) $600.00 (2 site inspections and/or I report or engineered drawings) Page 3 of 6 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 225 of 329 AlrenlroNs ro SHoneules AND Wlrencounses Requlated Activitv Fee Dredging and cleanouts Replacement culvert of the same size as original Erosion protection works not requiring engineering drawings Maintenance work on existing structures Private watercourse crossing Placinq/removal of fill and/or qradinq $150.00 Major. Channel realignmento New culverts. Bridges ( new/re p la ce me nVreco n stru cti o n )o Erosion protection works requiring engineering drawingso Golf courseso Placing/removal of fill and/or grading accompanied by a site grading plan/eng ineered d rawings $250.00 (1 site inspection) $450.00 (1 site inspection and/or 1 report or engineered drawings) $600.00 (2 site inspections and/or 1 report or engineered drawings) Violation Notice and Applications Where Work Has Proceeded Without Authorizations Double Fee Permit Revisions 50% of original Permit renewal or extension Nofe: Only applicable if:o Applied for prior to expiration date. No modifications are proposed (changes to the plan will require a full review and the schedule of fees in effect at that time will apply). Policies or regulations have not been modified since the permit was issued $75.00 Page 4 of 6 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 226 of 329 Orxen Fees AssoctATED wtrt PuRr,rNrNG AND Reounronv SeRvtces Activity Fee Property lnquiryo Solicitor, Realtor or other requests for detailed property information. $75.00 $f 50.00 (with 1 site inspection) GIS Mapping Seruices. Tiff or Sid orthoimagery Â/oúe: a data sharing agreement is required. Digital orthoimagery entire watershed (DVD in Sid format) Noúe: a data sharing agreement is requiredo Hard copy of orthoimagery Hard copy or PDF map of orthoimagery including LPRCA owned data. LPRCA owned data. Note: a data sharing agreement is required LPRCA watershed owned data. þ¡þ: a data sharing agreement is required $50.00/tile (-40 km2) $500.00 $5.00 (8% x 111 $10.00 (11 x17l $25.00 (8'/" x 111 $50.00 initial processing fee plus $10.00 per lot $3000.00 (orthoimagery extra) IVofe: Shipping and Applicable Taxes Extra Photocopies Administration Fee plus printing charges (Shipping and GST extra):. $0.10/pg black and white. $0.50/pg colour Page 5 of 6 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 227 of 329 Geruenel Nores Fon Au Appucrrroru Fees 1. The minimum permit fee of $150 will be paid at the time of filing an application with LPRCA. ln the event that the application is placed in a higher category, the difference in fees must be paid prior to issuing a permit. 2. All applicable taxes are included.3. All permits are issued for two years unless othenruise specified.4. For the purpose of this fee schedule, Scoped Studies are generally recommended in situations where the nature of the natural heritage feature or hazard is well documented, similar development has been previously proposed, modeled and analyzed, impacts are not anticipated due to the location or nature of the proposed development, and mitigation options have been developed.5. For the purpose of this fee schedule, Comprehensive Studies are generally recommended in situations which are more complex, where information is lacking, or where the risk or significance of the impact is high.6. lt is strongly recommended that the proponent pre-consult with LPRCA and the municipality prior to preparation of the detailed technical report.7. The fees for technical report review include one comprehensive report review and one revised report review. The Authority reserves the right to charge a processing fee or additional technical report fees for additional reviews.8. Fees for multiple applications made for the same parcel within one year will be discounted as follows: a) First application - full fee per lot/application b) Additional applications - 50o/o of full fee per loUapplication9. Where a Section 28 permit approval is required in addition to the Planning Act approval, the fee may be discounted. 10, LPRCA reserves the right to waive the application fee or reduce the fee on a case by case basis. 11. LPRCA reserves the right to levy supplementary fees should the review require a substantially greater level of effort than covered by the standard categories above. 12. Projects carried out by LPRCA or under the supervision of LPRCA Healthy Watershed Services program may be exempt from this fee schedule. 13. All planning applications carried out by or on behalf of a Municipality will be exempt from any fees. 14. This fee schedule is effective as of July 9th, 2009 and LPRCA reserves the right to revise this fee schedule at any time without notice to adequately cover the costs to provide the service. 15. Fees can be paid at the administration office by credit card, debit, cash or cheque (made out to Long Point Region Conservation Authority) or over the phone by credit card. Page 6 of 6 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 228 of 329 Long Point Region Conservation Authority 146 Radical Rd., RR#3 Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K2 phone: (519) 4284623 fax: (519) 428-'1520 e-mail: bbravener@lprca.on.ca website: www.lprca.on.ca PERMIT APPLICATION REGULATION OF DEVELOPMENT, INTERFERENCE WITH WETLANDS AND ALTERATIONS TO SHORELINES AND WATERCOURSES (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06) Landowner's Name: Mailing Address: Tel. (Bus.): Tel. (Home): Fax: Applicant's Name:Tel. (Bus.): Mailing Address:Tel. (Home): Fax: NOTE= lf the applicant is not the same as the landowner, written authorization by the landowner is required and must be submitted with the application. Location of Application Property:Lot: Conc/Plan:Municipality: Municipal Address: Tax Assessment Roll #: APPLICATION TO: (Check allappropriate boxes)r Place, dump, or remove filla Site grading¡ Construct a new building or structurer Alter or renovate an existing building or structure¡ Construct erosion control or shoreline protection¡ Construct a pondr Construct new or replace existing watercourse crossing - public (eg. right-of-way)¡ Construct new or replace existing watercourse crossing - private (eg. farm, foot path)¡ Construct new or replace existing dams Storm water outfallr Diversion of waterr Other (please describe) Purpose of Proposed Works: PROPOSED START DATE:PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE: I understand that the information contained in this application form is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that the statf of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) will undertake a detailed inspection of the subject lands as part of the application process. NOTE: lnsufficient information may delay the processing of your application. This application does not relieve the applicant of the obligation to secure any and all other necessary approvals. Signature Page I of2 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 229 of 329 SPECIFICATIONS OF PROPOSED WORKS This application must be accompanied by a location map, a detailed site plan, other related desígn drawings as required by the Conservation Authority, and payment of a processing fee as determined by the Conservation Authority (fees subject to change without notice). The detailed site plan must include: 1. Location of property in relation to roads (ie. distance from known intersection). 2. Details of the type and intended location and dimensions of proposed fill, construction or watercourse alteration. 3. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures on the property and a survey plan (sketch) with lot dimensions. 4. The elevations of existing buildings and grades, and the proposed elevations of buildings and grades after development. 5. A plan of the area showing plan view and cross section details of the proposed alteration, including a description of the methods to be used in carrying out the alteration and a statement of the purpose of the alteration. 6. Any additional information pertaining to the proposed works, such as sediment and erosion control plans, drainage information and other technical reports. NOTES A qualified Ontario Land Surveyor may be required to provide the geodetic elevations. A qualified engineer may be required to design the proposed work, Authority staff should be contacted to provide applicant with exact requirements for the subject proposal. Page2 of2 Correspondence dated August 31, 2009 from Long Point Region ...Page 230 of 329 Subject:Doors Open East Elgin announcement Museums Bayham members....are we sufficiently covered for Doors Open East Elgin on Sept..26? Perhaps we shoul-d have a schedule so that everyone doesnrt volunteer at the same time. Rosilee...are you interested in volunteering for a few hours at one of the museums? Lynda and KyIe, do you think that Dillon Hallowell would volunteer at the fnterpretive Centre to get his mandatory voJ-unteer hours for school?Can you contact him? Hello to all participants of Doors Open East Etgin 2009 Septernber 26th is fast approaching and our committee would like to provide you with information that you wiJ-1 require to have a successful day. 1. Every site must display banners etc. that are provJ-ded by Doors Open Ontario. Our committee is putting a package together with all Èhe materj-al that you will need for theevent. (maps, guest registers, etc.) A package will be delivered to each venue approximately L week before the event, by a committee member. AIso, they will be abte to answer any questions that you may have. ' 2. All sites must have a guest register (provided in the package), so that al-I visitors can sign it. This is required by Doors Open Ontario, so that they have accurate informatj-on about where the visitors are from and how they heard about this event. A committee member will come and pick up the register as well as the banners etc. a few daysafter the event. 3. It is suggested to have a table for the guest register along with a volunteer to greet visitors and make sure that they sign in. 4. Make sure that you have enough volunteers or staff to assist you throughouÈ the day. Hours are 10am-5pm as advertised in the Doors Open guide. If staffing is an issue, please contact a committee member and we will ask if there are any students that need communityhours and our willing to assist. 5. You are welcome to customize your venue with "special" activities, refreshments, brochures etc. that you feel would make it a more rewarding experience for visitors. Any advertising must have the Doors Open logo on it as well as the full name of the event. (Doors Open East Elgin 2009l. 6. Should you have any questions or problems on the day of the eventr 1lou may contact meat 519-773-8083 (ho¡ne) or 519-670-2287 (cell). AII participants are invited to attend our next Doors Open meeting to have any questions or concerns addressed. It is scheduled for September 16th at7 p.m. at Aylmer Town Hall in the Council Chambers. Thank you for participating! Mary French Chair, Doors Open East Elgin Correspondence and invoice from Town of Aylmer regarding "Do...Page 231 of 329 q TOWN OF AYLMER 46 TALBOT STREET WEST AYLMER ON NsH IJ7 M ,,t ni c''Y:t'l 'ìYBillto: T-oMúffiry OF BAYHAM 9344 PLANK ROAD P.O.BOX #160 STRAFFORDVILLE ON NOJ 1YO INVOICE tvc06726 Tvpe Date 9t4t2009 Paqe 1 Purchase Order lD Customer lD Salesperson lD Shipping Method Pavment Terms lD BAYHAM 01 DELIVERY Net 30 Quant¡ty Item Number Description UOfM Discount Unit Price Ext. Price 100 DOORS OPEN CONTRIBUTIC Each $0.00 $500.00 $500 00 Subtotal $500.00 DOORS OPEN CONTRIBUTION FOR 2008 DUE UPON RECEIPT THANK YOU Misc $o.oo Tax $0.00 Freiqht $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Total $500.00 Correspondence and invoice from Town of Aylmer regarding "Do...Page 232 of 329 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: RED and CAF Fund Agreements DATE: September 14, 2009 FILE: F05 NUMBER: F2009-40 Purpose This report is to recommend the execution of an agreement with the Province of Ontario regarding funding under the Rural Economic Development (RED) Fund and the Government of Canada under the Community Adjustment (CAF) Fund (Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study). Backsround As Council is aware, the Municipality has been successful obtaining funding for a Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study under the provincial RED program ($115,000) and the federal Community Adjustment fund ($92,000). As a condition to receiving the funds, an Agreement between the Municipality and the Province of Ontario is required for RED, and a Letter of Offer is forthcoming for CAF funding. Staff Comments The total project cost is estimated at $230,000, plus some in-king works from our local partner in the project, the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce. Based on the estimate, the municipal share of the project totals $23,000. Staff have sent letters to various area municipalities seeking assistance with this cost. To date, we have a pledge from the County of Oxford of l0%o. Staff have reviewed the agreement with the Province, and do not see any major concerns. A draft by-law is attached to this report for Council consideration to approve the agreement. In regard to CAF funding, staff are advised a Letter of Offer is forthcoming. Given the tight timelines for CAF (the project must be completed for March 2010), staff suggest a resolution confirming the intent to proceed be adopted, and that Council acknowledge commencement of an RFP process to conclude by mid- October. Attachments . Draft By-law No. 2009-109, to approve an agreement with the Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario and the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce (RED Funding). Strateeie Plan Goallsl Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere Recommendation THAT By-Law No. 2009-109, being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham, Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario regarding the Rural Economic Development Fund be presented to Council for enactment, AND THAT Council confirm by resolution its intent to proceed with the Ferry Service Feasibility and and intent to access CAF funding for the project. Staff Report F2009-40 regarding RED and CAF Fund Agreements....Page 233 of 329 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 4th Floor 1 Stone Road West Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 Tel: (519) 826-6838 Fax: (519) 826-4336 Ministère de I'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales 4" étage 1 Stone Road West Guelph (Ontario) N1G 4Y2 Té1.: (519) 826-6838 Téléc.: (519) 826-4336 ntario Our File: 4683 Dear Mr. Kruger: Further to our discussion, your project "Lake Erie Ferry Border Crossing Project" has been approved for funding under the Rural Economic Development program' Enclosed are three copies of the Agreement for your signature. Original signatures of the individuals who have authority to sign on behalf of their organizations are required for all parties on all copies. Please have all copies of the Agreement executed by all the parties and returned to my atteniion within 30 days from the date of mailing of this letter. I will ensure that all copies of the Agreement are signed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and your cópies are returned to you promptly. In addition to the information provided in Section 8 of the application, part of the due diligence process is to confirm the legal name and status of the lead applicant and the partners. Please submit constituting documents confirming legal name and status of all project partners. A by- law authorizingthe municipality to enter into an agreement with the province must also be provided and as per Section 14.2 of the Agreement please provide proof of insurance coverage for each signing partner. Please note that copies of the Agreement on which changes have been made by hand will not be accepted for execution by OMAFRA. Should the Ministry authorize changes to the Agreement, revised Agreements will be issued to you by OMAFRA. Should you have any questions regarding the Agreement, please contact me at (519) 826-6838 or by email at Lynda.Goullay@ontario.ca Rural Community Development Branch September 4,2009 Mr. Kyle Kruger, CAO Municipality of Bayham 9344PlankRoad, P,O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Ministry Headquarters: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario NIG 4Y2 Bureau principal du ministère: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph (Ontario) N1G 4Y2 Pick Ontario Freshness Cueillez la fraîcheur de l'Ontario '"$e- Gourlay Analyst Staff Report F2009-40 regarding RED and CAF Fund Agreements....Page 234 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-109 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BET\ryEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS REGARDING THE RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham submitted application for funding to the Rural Economic Development Program; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has received confirmation of funding support under the program for the Intemational Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study project subject to the completion of the necessary Agreement; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into the said Agreement; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Administrator be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and formingpart of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham, the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario for the provision of funding under the Rural Economic Development Program regarding the Intemational Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2009-40 regarding RED and CAF Fund Agreements....Page 235 of 329 Page 236 of 329 I MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MEMORANDUM DATE: EPTEMBER 3, 2 09 TO: Council FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk RE: Marriage Officiant NUMBERz C2009-12 At the August 13,2009 meeting, Council directed that staff meet with Marion Rogers to discuss details for the conduct of civil marriage solernnization. Administrator Kruger and I met with Ms. Rogers on August 3l't and discussed what preferences Ms Rogers had in mind, options available and what staff deemed appropriate. It was agreed that there is no need to offer marriage licenses for sale at this time. Ms. Rogers indicated that she was not interested in being a wedding co-ordinator or planner. All parties are agreeable to a contract of employment for marriage officiant services for the municipality, with a rate of pay based on an annual rate or a per service fee. Officiant training would be required for the Clerk and Ms. Rogers prior to engagement Ms. Rogers would be required to perform marriage services only, and would be paid at a rate that would cover associated costs i.e. telephone long distance charges and photocopies. She would report to the Clerk on a regular / as needed basis and complete the necessary documentation for marriage registration purposes. The Clerk would delegate her statutory powers to perform Marriage Officiant services only to Ms. Rogers with Council support. The services could only be conducted within the boundaries of the Municipality. In case of absence, no back-up service to conduct wedding services would be provided by the Municipality. Memorandum C2009-12 regarding Marriage Officiant. File: L0...Page 237 of 329 The agreernent would be reviewed on a regular one or two year basis, or as appropriate. Other marriage officiants could be appointed subject to Council approval. The marriage officiant would be permitted to wear appropriate and tasteful costume while performing the service at the request of the parties involved. Recommendation: Should Council be supportive of this endeavlour, staff be directed to take the necessary actions to put these services in place. Respectfully submitted \.____/ \Xr" ¿*\^r\ JG-p Memorandum C2009-12 regarding Marriage Officiant. File: L0...Page 238 of 329 I THE CORPORÄTION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk SIIBJECT: MuseumMission & Vision DÄTE: September ll, 2009 FILE: 401 NIJMBER: C2009-021 Purpose To provide recommendations by the Museums Bayham Board to Council for consideration regarding a revised mission and vision for the Edison Museum of Vienna. Bacþround The Edison and Marine Museums committees were joined together :rl.2006 and established by Council as the Museums Bayham Board under Bylaw 2006-003 for the operation of the respective museums. This by-law included the mandate for Museums Bayham and the Mission statement for each site as follows: Museums Bavham Mand¡te Museums Bayham exists to educate the citizens of Bayham and the community beyond about the history of the Bayham area. This includes Port Burwell and its lighthouse in relation to the local and marine heritage of the Great Lakes, and also Vienna's Canadian connectionto the Thomas Alva Edison famil)' heritage, fostering an appreciation for the relationship of Bayham's past to its present and future development. To this end, Museums Bayham collects, records, preserves, researches, shares, promotes and presents exhibits and interprets docunrents and artifacts related to the history of Bayham. Marine Museum & Lighthouse Mission The Ma¡ine Museum and Liehthouse have been established to serve the inhabitants of Port Burwell and the Bayham area, with a strong appeal to tourists visiting the region. The museum collection will focus on marine documentation and artifacts that illustrate the relationships between marine life on the Great Lakes together with domestic and commercial life of the Village as a port on Lake Erie. Edison Museum Mission The Edison Museum has been established to promote recognition of the extent and impact of Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor, on the local area, and world wide, by his many inventions and family artifacts on display, and promote and preserve the historical artifacts and records of the Bayham area and its inhabitants. Staff Comments In utilizing the mission statement for the Edison Museum for promotion and fundraising pulposes, the wording of the current mission statement has been found to be very difficult to work with. It is very wordy yet doesn't say what it needs to say to make its point. As the building committee moves forward in their efforts to raise funds for the new Edison facility, new promotional information materials will be required. In order to be ready for this step, the Board has discussed and recommend a change for Council's consideration and approval. Staff Report C2009-021 regarding Museum Mission & Vision. F...Page 239 of 329 Staff Report MB 2009-13 -2-September 8,2009 A Vision statement for the Edison Museum was also discussed and developed. 1. Proposed Mission The Edison Museum has been established to preserve, protect and promote the heritage of the people of the Bayham area and emphasize the "Canadian Connection" of the Vienna Edison family to Thomas Alva Edison, the Inventor, and recognizethe extent and impact of his inventions worldwide. 2. Proposed Vision To establish and manage an environmentally controlled community facility in which to carry out functions and programs, ensure the preservation of the collection, including heritage of Edison inventions and family artifacts for the benefit of the inhabitants of, and visitors to, the Vienna / Bayham area. Recommendation "That StalfReport C 2009-021 be received; That Councíl approves the recommendøtíonsfrom the Museums Bayhøm Board regardíng the Edíson Museum of Wenna míssion and vìsíon; And That By-law # 2009-110, being a by-law to further amend By-law 2006-003, be presented to Councílfor enactmenl" Respectfully submitted Reviewedby Staff Report C2009-021 regarding Museum Mission & Vision. F...Page 240 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 2009.110 Being a By-law to Further Amend By-law 2006-003 A By-law Establishing Governance and Structure for the Museums Bayham Board WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by ByJaw 2006-003 establish a Board to be responsible for the maintenance, service, promotion and operation of the Port Burwell Marine Museum & Lighthouse and the Edison Museum of Vierura located in and under the jurisdiction of the municipality; AND WHEREÄS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did, by By- laws 2006-058 and 2008-042, amend ByJaw 2006-003; AI\D WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous that ByJaw 2006-003 be further amended and approved by By-law; THF.¡¡¡pORE BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. TIIÄT ByJaw 2006-003 under Schedule "A" Section 2,Mandatq be deleted as follows: "The Edison Museum has been established to promote recognition of the extent and impact of Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor, on the local area, and world wide, by his many inventions and family artifacts on display, and promote and preserve the historical artifacts and records of the Bayham area and its inhabitants;" and replaced as follows with: "The Edison Museum has been established to preserve, protect and promote the heritage of the people of the Bayham area and emphasize the "Canadian Connection" of the Vienna Edison family to Thomas Alva Edisor¡ the Invento¡, and recognize the extent and impact of his inventions worldwide. " 2. TIIAT under Schedula"N', Section 2.lbe added as follows: "2.1 Vision The Vision for the Edison Muszum of Vienna is to establish and nurnage an envi¡onmentally controlled community facilþ in which to carry out functions and programs, ensure the preservation of the collection, including heritage of Edison inventions and family artifacts for the benefit of the inhabitants of, and visitors to, the Vienna / Bayham area." 1. TIIÄT in all other respects ByJaw 2006-003, as amended, be hereby confirrned and remains unchanged; 2. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER2OOg MAYOR CLERK Staff Report C2009-021 regarding Museum Mission & Vision. F...Page 241 of 329 Page 242 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-107 A BY.LA\il TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AIID HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE AND MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS REGARDING THE INFRASTRUCTURE STIMULUS FUND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham submitted application for funding to the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund; AND \ilHEREAS the Municipality has received confirmation of conditional funding support under the program for the Carson Line Bridge project subject to the completion of the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Contribution Agreement; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into the said Contribution Agreement; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Administrator be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario for the provision of funding under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 243 of 329 Page 244 of 329 THIS AGREEMENT made in quadruplicate as of the day of B E T W E E N: HER MAJESTY THE OUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO, as represented by the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure AND: and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs (referred to herein jointly as "Ontario" and as "OMAFRÆ in the latter case) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM (referred to herein as the "Recipient") WHEREAS the Government of Canada has established a $4 billion lnfrastructureStimulus Fund (lSF) under Canada's Economic Plan to mitigate against the impacts of the:global economic recession by increasing the total amount of construction activity to proþcts that can staft and be substantially completed in fiscal years 2009-2010 and 2010-201 1; AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario also recognizes the impacts of the global economic recession on the Province of Ontario and is actively mitigating agairtst;those impacts by increasing the total amount of construction activity to projects that can start and be substantialfy completed in fiscalyears 2009-201O and 2O10-2O11; AND WHEREAS the purpose of the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Contribution'Agreement (.Agreemenf') is directed at capital projects that involve moveable or non-moveable assets, constructed, rehabilitated, or improved, in whole or in part; AND WHEREAS this Agreement defines the terms and conditions of a financialcontribution from the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario to assist with projects under ISF which is being administered by the Government of Ontario; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements,herein contained and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties covenant and agree as follows: This Agreement, including: Schedule "4" - GeneralTerms and Conditions Schedule "ff - Description of the Proiect(s) Schedule "C" - Eligible and lneligible Costs Schedule "D" - Proiect FinancíalAssistance Schedule "P - Government of Canada Requirements Schedule "F - Add¡tional Provisions Schedule "G" - Communications Requirements By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 245 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement Schedule "H" - Expenditure and Job Creation Report Schedule "1" - Claims and Progress Statement Schedule I" - Final Report Schedule'l( - Solemn Declaration of Substantial Completion Schedule "L" - Aboriginal Consultation Protocol constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and agreements. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Government of Ontario and the Recipient have respectively executed and delivered this Agreement on the date set out above. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN R¡GHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of Energy and lnfrastructure by: Name: The Honourable George Smitherman Date Title: Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and lnfrastructure and by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs by: Name: The Honourable Leona Dombrowsky Date Title: Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs RECIPIENT'S NAME: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM by: Name: Lynn Acre Title: Mayor Affix Corporate Seal Date Name: Kyle Kruger Title: Administrator l/we have authority to bind the Recipient Date Page 2 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 246 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE " A" GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 Definitions. When used in this Agreement (including the cover and execution pages and all of the Schedules), the following terms shall have the meanings ascríbed to them below unless the subject matter or context is inconsistent therewith: "Aboriginal Group(s)" includes the lndian, lnuit and the Métis peoples of Canada or any other group that has legally been recognized as holding Aboriginal or treaty rights under section 35 of lhe Constitution Act, 1982. "Adjust the Financial Assistance" means adjust or terminate the Financial Assistance on the Project or the amount of financial assistance for any other of the Recipient's Project(s) under the lSF, or any other provincial program(s) or initiative(s) (either current or future), and/or require repayment for some or all of the Financial Assistance for the Project in an amount to be determined by OMAFRA and within the period specified by OMAFRA. "Agreemenf means this lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund Contribution Agreement, íncludíng the cover and execution pages and all of the Schedules, and all amendments made hereto in accordance with the provisions hereof. "Allowable Financial Assistance" has the meaning given to it in Section 8.1 of Schedule "4" . "Asset" means any moveable or non-moveable asset, constructed, rehabilitated, or improved, in whole or in pafi, with FinancialAssistance contributed by the Government of Ganada and the Government of Ontario under this Agreement. "Business DayÈ means any day on which Government of Ontario offices generally are open for business in the Province of Ontario. "Claim and Progress Statemenf has the meaning given to it in Section 6.3 of Schedule "A". 'Glaims Submission" has the meaning given to it in Section 6.3 of Schedule "4". "Class of Asset" means aa) Local Government Asset;b) Not-For-Profit Private Sector Asset;c) For-Profit Private Sector Asset; ord) ProvincialAsset. "Communication Requirements" means the communication requirements set out in Schedule "G", or as directed by OMAFRA from time to time. "Gonsultanf means any consultant, engineer, contracto¡ project manager, architect or other seryice provider, as the case may be, retained by the Recipient to undertake any part of the work related to the Project. "Contracfl means a contract between a Recipient and a third party at arm's length whereby the Page 3 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 247 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement latter agrees to provide a product or service to the Project in return for financial consideration that may be claimed as an Eligible Cost. "Crown Agencyr means a Crown agency as defined in the Crown Agency Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.48, as amended. "Eligible Costs" means the costs so described under Part C.1 of Schedule oC" and Schedule tr- "End of Financial Assistance Date" means March 31, 201 1. "Environmental Contaminant" means any hazardous or toxic substance or material includíng, without limitation, products of waste, contaminants, pollutants, dangerous substances, noxious substances, toxic substances, hazardous wastes and flammable, explosive or improperly handled f riable materials. "Environmental Laws" means allapplicable federal, provincial or municipal laws, regulations, by-laws, orders, rules, policies or guidelínes respecting the protection of the natural environment, public or occupational health or safety, and the manufacture, importation, handling, transportation, storage, disposaland treatment of Environmental Contaminants. and include, without limitation, Ihe EnvironmentalProtection Acl R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 19, as amended, the EnvironmentalAssessment Acf, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 18, as amended, the Ontario Water ResourcesAcf, R.S.O. 1990, c. O. 40, as amendedhhe Canadian Envíronmental Protection Act 1999, S.C. 1999, c. 33, as amended, Ihe Canadian EnvironmentalAssessment Act, S.C. 1992, c.37, as amended, the Fisheries Acf, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-14, as amended and lhe Navigable Waters Protection Acl R.S.C. 1985, c. N-22, as amended. "Event of Default" has the meaning given to it in Section 15.1 of Schedule "A". "Expenditure and Job Creation Reporf has the meaning given to it in Section 6.2 of Schedule "4" and Schedule "H". "Expiration Date" means March 31,2012. "Federal Licensed Marks" has the meaning given to it in Section 5 of Schedule "E'. "Federal Maximum Financial Assistance" has the meaning set out in Schedule oD". "Final Report'has the meaning given to it in Section 6.4 of Schedule "4". "Final Report Date" means April 1 5,2011. "Financial Assistance" means the funds paid to the Recipient pursuant to this Agreement. "Fiscal Yeaf means the period beginning on April 1 of a year and ending on March 31 of the following year. "For-Profit Private Sector Assef means an Asset that is owned, or will be owned, by a for- profit private sector entity. Government of Canada" means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada. Page 4 oÍ 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 248 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement "Government of Ontario" means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario. "lnfrastructureo means publicly or privately owned capital assets in Ontario for public use or benefit. 'lndemnified Parties' means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, Her Ministers, directors, officers, agents, appointees and employees and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, Her Ministers, directors, officers, agents, appointees and employees. "lneligible Costs" means the costs so described under PaftC.2 of Schedule "C". "Licensed Marks" has the meaning given to it in Section 13 of Schedule "A". "Local Government Asset" means an asset that is owned, or will be owned, by a local or regional govemment established under the laws of Ontario. "Local Services Board" means a Local Services Board established under the Norlhern Seruices Boards Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.L.28, as amended. "Maximum Financial Assistance" has the meaning set out in Section 4.6 and Schedule "D". "Not-For-Profit Private Sector Asset" means an Asset that is owned, or will be owned, by a not-for-profit private sector entity. "Ontario Maximum Financial Assistance" has the meaning set out in Schedule "D". "Project'means the project or projects as described in Schedule "ff. "Project Completion Date" means March 31, 2011. "Project Construction Start Date" has the meaning given to it in Schedule "8". "Project Status Report" has the meaning given to it in Section 6.1 of Schedule "A'. "Provincial Asset" means an Asset that is owned, or will be owned, by the Government of Ontario or by a public sector body that is established by or under Ontario statute or by or under regulation. rRecipienf has the meaning given to it on the first page of this Agreement. "Solemn Declaration of Substantial Completion" is referred to in Section 6.5 and Schedule "K',. "Substantially Gompleted" has the same meaning as and shall be determined in accordance with "substantially performed in subsection 2(1) of the Construction Lien Acf, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.30, as amended, and "substantial completion" shall have a corresponding meaning. "Tefm" has the same meaning set out in Section 2.1. "Total Eligible Costs" has the meaning set out in Schedule "V. Page 5 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 249 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement 1.2 Herein, efc. The words'herein", "hereof and "hereundef and other words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular schedule, afticle, section, paragraph or other subdivision of this Agreement. 1.3 Currency. Any reference to currency is to Canadian currency and any amount advanced, paid or calculated is to be advanced, paid or calculated in Canadian currency. 1.4 Sfafufes. Any reference to a statute is to such statute and to the regulations made pursuant to such statute as such statute and regulations may at any time be amended or modified and in effect and to any statute or regulations that may be passed that have the effect of supplementing or superseding such statute or regulations. 1.5 Gender, singular, efc. Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine or neutralgender and words in the singular include the plural, and vice versa. 1.6 OMAFRA Approvals. Any reference to, or requirement for, OMAFRA's approval in this Agreement or in any schedule hereto shall be deemed to require the prior and express written approval of OMAFRA. SECTION 2 TERM OF AGREEMENT 2-1 Term. Subject to any extension or termination of this Agreement or the survival of any of the provisions of this Agreement pursuant to the provisions contained herein, thís Agreement shall be in effect from the date set out on the first page of this Agreement, up to and including the Expiration Date (the ''Ferm"). 2.2 End of Fínancial Assistance Date. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement and regardless of the Project's state of completion, the Government of Ontario shall not be obligated to provide Financial Assistance under this Agreement for any costs incurred after the End of Financial Assistance Date. The Recipient will be responsible for any fínancial obligations after that date related to the Project or this Agreement. 2.3 Project Completion Date. The Recipient shall complete the Project by the Project Completion Date. The Government of Ontario shall not be obligated to provide Financial Assistance under this Agreement for any costs incurred after the Project Completion Date. The Recipient will be responsible for any risks and obligations to complete the Project if the Recipient fails to complete the Project by the Project Completion Date. The Recipíent will also be responsible for completing the Project as soon as possible after the Project Completion Date. SECTION 3 ELIGIBLE COSTS 3.1 Eligible Cosfs. For a cost to be eligible for Financial Assistance pursuant to this Agreement (an "Eligible Gosfl), the cost must be included in Schedulê"C, Part C.1, except where otherwise expressly approved in writing by OMAFRA. For greater certainty, where Schedule "8" identifies a portion of the works that are specifically excluded from the description of the Project under this Agreement, the costs associated with that portion of the works are not eligible for FinancialAssistance. 3.2 Discretion of OMAFRA, Subject to Section 3.1, the eligibility of any costs not listed in Page 6 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 250 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement Part C.1 of Schedule "C" will be determined in accordance with the policies and guidelines (if any) established by OMAFRA to administer the lSF. The final determination of the eligibility of any costs claimed is at the sole and absolute discretion of OMAFRA. 3,3 Retention of Receìpts The Recipient shall retain all accounts, documents and records of payments related to Eligible Costs including, without limitation, invoices and receipts, for audit purposes and such supporting documentation must be available to OMAFRA when requested and shall be retained until six (6) years after the Substantial Completion of the Project, any extension thereof or for such period as OMAFRA in its sole discretion may, in writing, direct. 3.4 lneligible Gosts. Notwithstanding anything else contained herein, the costs that are not eligible for FinancialAssistance pursuant to this Agreement are set out in Part C.2 of Schedule "C" ("lneligible Costs"). 3.5 Deemed lneligible, The Recipient acknowledges that the Government of Ontario's FiscalYear ends on March 31 in each year, and that should a cost not be submitted by the Recipient for payment of Financial Assistance before March 31 of the year following the Fiscal Year in which it was incurred, such cost may be deemed, at OMAFRA's sole and absolute discretion, ineligible for Financial Assistance. SECTION 4 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 4.1 Use of Financial Assistance. The Financial Assistance is intended for and shall be used only for Eligible Costs incurred by the Recipient. 4.2 Basís of Payout of Financial Assistance. The FinancialAssistance will be provided by OMAFRA to the Recipient on the basis set out in Schedule "D". 4.3 Reporting. The Recipient is required to submit Project Status Reports and Expenditure and Job Creation Reports to OMAFRA pursuant to Section 6.1 and Section 6.2 ot Schedule "4" prior to OMAFBA releasing any Financial Assistance. 4.4 Financial Assistance Advanced. Based on submitted Expenditure and Job Creation Report projections demonstrating that Eligible Costs will be incurred in 200$10, OMAFRA may provide to the Recipient up To 25"/" of Eligible Costs expected to be incurred in 2009-10 prior to OMAFRA receiving evidence that the associated Eligible Costs have already been incurred by the Recipient (the "advance payment(s)"). The Recípient is required to submit invoices demonstrating full use of the advanced payments in subsequent Claim and Progress Statements to OMAFRA. Fufther Eligible Costs incurred in 2009-10 will only be reimbursed following the Recipient's submission of invoices to OMAFRA and showing the full use of the advanced payment. lf the Recipient is unable to provide invoices by March 31, 2O1O demonstrating full-use of the advanced payment, the Government of Ontario retains the right to demand repayment of any unused FinancialAssistance. Based on submitted Expenditure and Job Creation Report proiections demonstrating that Eligible Costs will be íncurred ín 2010-11, OMAFRA may provide to the Recipient up Ío 25"/" of Eligible Costs expected to be incurred in 2010-11 prior to OMAFRA receiving evidence that the associated Eligible Costs have already been incurred by the Recipient PageT of M By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 251 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement (the Turther advance payment(s)"). The Recipient is required to submit invoices demonstrating full use of the further advanced payments in subsequent Claim and Progress Statements to OMAFRA. All other Eligible Costs incurred will only be reimbursed followíng the Recipient's submission of invoices to OMAFRA and showing the full use of the further advanced payment. lf the Recipient is unable to provide invoices by March 31,2011 demonstrating full-use of the further advanced payment, the Government of Ontario retains the right to demand repayment of any unused Financial Assistance. 4.5 Deposit of Financial Assistance In Canadian Financial lnstitution and Interest on Financial Assistance Advanced. All Financial Assistance provided, including any advanced or further advance payments as well as all interest earned thereon, shall be deemed to remain the property of the Government of Ontario and must be held by the Recipient for the Government of Ontario in an interest bearing account in the name of the Recipient at a Canadian financial institution, pending payment of Eligible Costs. The amount of interest earned (if any) shall be reported to OMAFRA. lf the Recipient earns any interest on the advanced Financial Assistance:a) OMAFRA may deduct an amount equal to the interest from any other instalments of Financial Assistance; orb) The Recipient shall pay an amount equal to the Ínterest to OMAFRA if directed by OMAFRA. 4.6 Maxímum Financial Assisfance. The total amount of FinancialAssistance provided to the Recipient shall in any event be no greater than the Maximum Financial Assistance figure set out in Schedule "D". 4.7 Excess Financial Assistance, The Recipient shall immediately notify OMAFRA should the Project require less than the Total Eligible Costs to be Substantially Completed, or where additíonal funding is secured from other government sources such that the total funds available to the Recipient for the Project (including the Financial Assistance) exceed the Maximum FinancialAssistance. OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the Financial Assistance on the Project. 4.8 lnterdependent Projects, Where implementation of a Project is dependent on completion of a project by others and the interdependent project is not completed by others in whole or in part, OMAFRA may, in its sole discretion and absolute, Adjust the Financial Assistance for the Project. 4.9 Recipient Not Carrying out Project The Recipient shall immediately notify OMAFRA if it does not intend to carry out any Project in whole or in part as specified in Schedule "8" hereto, in which case OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the Financial Assistance for the Project. 4,10 New lnformation. ln the event of new information, errors, omissions or other circumstances affecting the determination of the amount of FinancialAssistance under this Agreement, OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the Financial Assistance for the Project. 4.11 Alternatives to Project lf the Recipient becomes aware of any means of completing either the Project's objective or the Project itself that are more cost effective, the Recipient shall immediately notify OMAFRA, in which case OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the FinancialAssistance. Likewise, if OMAFRA Page 8 ol 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 252 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement becomes aware of any alternative means of completing either the Project's objective or the Project itself that are more cost effective, the Recipient wilt be notifíed and OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the Financial Assistance. 4.12 Transfer of Financial Assistance between Projects. The Recipient shall not transfer Financial Assistance assigned to one Project to another Project listed in Schedule B hereto without the express written consent of OMAFRA. 4.13 Goods and Services Tax. The Financial Assistance is based on the net amount of Goods and Services Tax to be paid by the Recipient pursuant to the Excise Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. E-l5, as amended, net of any applicable rebates. lf and when the Harmonized Sales Tax is phased in within the Province of Ontario, the Financial Assistance will be based on the net amount of the Harmonized Sales Tax to be paid by the Recipient, net of any applicable rebates. 4.14 Withholding Payment. OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, withhold payment of Financial Assistance where the Recipient is in default in obtaining any necessary permits, approvals or licenses applicable to the Project or is in default of compliance with any provisions of this Agreement or any and all applicable federal, provincial or municipal laws, and all rules, regulations, by-laws, notices, orders, approvals, directives, protocols, polícies and guidelines. 4.15 Financial Assistance upon Expiry. Without limiting any rights OMAFRA has under this Agreement, at law or in equity, OMAFRA shall have the right to be repaid by the Recipient, in whole or in part, for Financial Assistance advanced and unspent by the Recipient for a Project that has not been completed by the Project Completion Date. 4.16 Limitation on Payment of Financial Assistance. Notwithstanding section 4.4 of this Agreement, OMAFRA may choose not to advance any Financial Assistance to the Recipient until the Recipient provides the insurance certificate or other documents provided for in section 9 of Schedule "A'. 4.17 lnsufÍicient Funds Províded by the Legislature of Canada, lf, in the opinion of the Government of Ontario, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Government of Canada does not provide sufficient funds to continue the Financial Assistance for any Fiscal Year during whích this Agreement is in effect, the Government of Ontario may terminate this Agreement in accordance with the terms specified in Section 15.5 of Schedule "A". SECTION 5 PROJECT AWARD, CONSULTATTONS W|TH ABORTGTNAL GROUP(S), MANAGEMENT AND COMPLETION 5.1 Recipient Fully Responsible. The Recipient shall be fully responsible for the undertaking, implementation and completion of the Project and shall retain any and all Consultants reasonably required to undertake a project of the size, scope and complexity of the Project. Where implementation of the Project is dependent on completion of a project by others, the Recipient shallbe fully responsible for obtaining any assurances that it may require from others in relation tothe implementation of the Project by the Recipient. 5.2 Government oÍ Ontario Not Responsible for lmplementation. The Government of Page 9 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 253 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement Ontario shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever for the undeftaking, implementation and completion of the Project or any interdependent project of others unless the Project relates to a ProvincialAsset. 5.3 Government of Ontario Not Responsible for Costs, efc. The Government of Ontario shall not be responsible for any costs associated with the operation, maintenance and repair of the Project nor for any claims, proceedings or judgments arising from the tender and bidding process, unless the Project relates to a ProvincialAsset. 5,4 Consultatíons with Aboriginal Group(s). The Recipient agrees to be bound by the terms of the Aboriginal Consultation Protocol set out in Schedule "L". 5.5 Behaviour of Recípienf. The Recipient shall at all times carry out the Project in an economical and businesslike manner, in accordance with this Agreement subject to any reasonable changes that OMAFRA may agree to or require from time to time in writing. 5.6 Competitive Process, The Recipient shall acquire and manage its equipment, services and supplies, including any construction component, required for the Project through a transparent, competitive process that ensures the best value for the Financial Assistance expended. Where the Recipient is a municipal entity, the Recipient shallfollow its procurement policies as required by the Municipal Act, 2001,2001, S.O. c. 25, as amended or, for the City of Toronto, the City of Toronto Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 11, Schd. A, as amended. Where the Recipient is a not-for-profit private sector entity, a for- profit private sector entity or a Local Seruices Board, the Recipient shall ensure that for equipment, services and supplies, the estimated cost of which exceeds $25,000.00, the Recipient shall obtain at least three written quotes unless OMAFRA gives prior written approval. The requirement for a competitive process for municipal Recipients, not-for- profit private sector Recipients, for-profit private sector Recipients or Local Services Board Recipients may be waived with prior written approval by OMAFRA if: a) the equipment, services and supplies the Flecipient is purchasing is specialized and is not readily available; or b) the Recipient has recently researched the market for a similar purchase and knows prevailing market costs for the equipment, seruices or supplies purchased. 5.7 Trade Agreemenfs. lf the Recipient is subject to any provincial or federal trade agreements to which the Government of Ontario is a party, the Recipient shall comply with the applicable requirements of such trade agreements. In particular, and without limitation, if the Recipient is subject to Annex 502.4 of the Agreement on lnternalTrade, the Recipient shall comply with all of the applicable requirements of that Annex. ln the event of any conflict between the requirements of Sections 5.6 of Schedule "4" and the requirements of this Section 5.7, the requirements referenced in thís Section 5.7 shall apply. 5.8 Final Claim. The Recipient shall submit its final claims for all costs incurred by the End of FinancialAssistance Date with the required documentation, including the Final Repoft as per Section 6.4 of Schedule "4", for approval, cost reviews, audits (including any value for money audits that OMAFRA may decide to undertake in its sole and absolute discretion) within 90 days following the Substantial Completion of the Project and no later than the Final Report Date, which date is earlier, or such later date as is specified in Page 1O of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 254 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement writing by OMAFRA. Upon completion of the cost revÍews, audits and settlement, OMAFRA shall not be obligated to consider any further claims in relation to the Project. The Recipient shall also submit, upon request by OMAFRA, any documentation required for approval, cost reviews and audits. 5.9 Commencement of Project, The Recipient shall begin the Project within sixty (60) days of the Project construction start date, as per Schedule B, or such other period as OMAFRA may allow, failing which this Agreement may be terminated pursuant to Section 15. 5.10 Contracts. The Recipient shall ensure that all Contracts: a) are consistent and do not conflict with this Agreement; b) incorporate the relevant provisions of this Agreement to the fullest extent possible; c) be consistent with all policies and procedures the Government of Canada ancUor the Government of Ontario may provide to the Recípient in relation the ISF; d) are awarded and managed: (í) in a way that is transparent, competitive and consistent with value for money principles; and(íi) in accordance with any policies and procedures the Government of Ontario may provide to the Recípient; e) require that the parties thereto comply with any and all applicable federal, provincial or municipal laws, and all rules, regulations, by-laws, notices, orders, approvals, directives, policies, protocols and guidelines; and Ð authorize the Governments of Canada and Ontario of to collect, use and disclose information and data gathered by parties, perform audits and monitor the Project as they see fit. SECTION 6 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Proiect Sfafus Bepoft. The Recipient shallsubmit monthly Project Status Reports in the format prescribed by OMAFRA including such information as estimated percentage of project completion, tender call dates, tender award dates, forecast and actual construction start and end dates, and all other information respecting the progress of the Project that may be requested by OMAFRA or of which the Recipient becomes aware that may affect the Project's timely completion. ln addition, and without limitation by the communications requirements set out else wherein this Agreement, the Recipient shallalso submit copies of all communications andpublic information materials relatedtothe Projectwith the Project Status Reports. 6.2 Expenditure and Job Creation Bepoft. The Recipient shall, at a minimum, submit to OMAFRA a quarterly Expenditure and Job Creation Report, as set out in Schedule "H" hereto and which may be amended by OMAFRA from time to time, for each Project Page 11 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 255 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement listed in Schedule "8", to OMAFRA on or before May 15, August 15, November 15 and February 15 for each FiscalYear. 6.3 Ctaims Submission. All Recipient Claim Submissions shall include, but are not limited to, the following repofi: Claim and Progress Sfafemenf, The Recipient shall provide OMAFRA with a duly executed report in the form set out in Schedule "1" ("Claim and Progress Statemenfl) that shall contain information to allow OMAFRA to assess the progress of the Project and OMAFRA may amend the Glaims and Progress Statement from time to time, as well as the eligibility of that pottion of the Project for which disbursement is being requested and the individual Project tasks and milestones. 6.4 Finat Report.Within 90 days of the Project becoming Substantially Completed and no later than the Final Report Date, or such later date as is specified in writing by OMAFRA, the Recipient shall submit a final report (the "Final Reporf as set out in Schedule "J") for the Project to OMAFRA in a manner satisfactory to OMAFRA and the Recipient shall follow such administrative procedures as are specified from time to time by OMAFRA. Upon acceptance of the Final Report and the processing of final claims, OMAFRA shall not be obligated to consider any further claims in relation to the Project. 6.5 Solemn Declaration of Substantial Completion. Within ninety (90) days of the Project becoming Substantially Completed and no later than the Final Report Date, or such later date as is specified in writing by OMAFRA, the Recipient shall submit a fully executed Solemn Declaration of Substantial Completion, as set out by Schedule "K', for all Projects for which Eligible Costs have been claimed. sEcTloN 7 RECORDS AND AUDIT 7.1 Separate Records. The Recipient shall maintain separate records and documentation for each Project listed in Schedule "8" and shall keep all records and documentation for six (6) years after the submission of the final claims referred to in Section 5.9 of Schedule "4". 7.2 Provide Becords to OMAFHA. The Recipient shall provide to OMAFRA, upon request and at the Recipient's expense (including but not limited to photocopy¡ng, electronic media, transportation and postage, associated staff time, information retrieval and other office expenses), all records and documentation (including invoice summaries and certified statement of final costs) of the Recipient and its auditors, Consultants relating to the Project or any other project(s) of the Recipient under the lSF, or any other Government of Ontario program(s), for the purposes of cost reviews, audits (including any value for money audits that OMAFRA may decide to undertake in its sole and absolute discretion) settlement, as may be required by OMAFRA, of the Project or any other project(s) of the Recipient under the lSF, or any other Government of Ontario program(s). Such material shall be provided in a form and manner satisfactory to OMAFRA. 7.3 Erternal Auditor. OMAFRA may require the assistance of an external auditor to carry out a review of the material referred to in Sections 7.1 and7.2 of Schedule "4". lf so, the Page 12 ol 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 256 of 329 I SF Contribution Agreement Recipient shall, upon request, retain an external auditor acceptable to OMAFRA at the Recipient's sole expense. The Recipient shall ensure that any auditor who conducts a financial or program review pursuant to this section of the Agreement or otherwise, provides a copy of the report to OMAFRA for its consideration at the same time that the report is given to the Recipient. 7.4 Auditor General oî Canada. The Auditor General of Canada, may, at the Auditor General of Canada's cost, conduct an audit with respect to the use of Financial Assistance under this Agreement. For the purposes of facilitating such inquiry, the Recipient shall release to OMAFRA upon request and in a timely manner, for the purpose of releasing to the Auditor General of Canada: all records held by the Recipient, or by agents or contractors of the Recipient, relating to this Agreement and/or the Financial Assistance; and such further information and explanations as the Auditor General, or anyone actíng on behalf of the Auditor General may request relating to any part of this Agreement of the use of Financial Assistance. 7.5 Auditor General of Ontario. The Auditor General of Ontario, may, at the Auditor General of Ontario's cost, conduct an audit with respect to the use of Financial Assistance under this Agreement. For the purposes of facilitating such inquiry, the Recipient shall release to OMAFRA upon request and in a timely manner, for the purpose of releasing to the Auditor General of Ontario: all records held by the Recipient, or by agents or Contractors of the Recipíent, relating to this Agreement and/or the FinancialAssistance; and such further information and explanations as the Auditor General, or anyone acting on behalf of the Auditor General may request relating to the Financial Assistance. 7.6 lnformation. The Recipient shall supply to OMAFRA, upon request, such information in respect of the Project and its results including, without limitation, all Contracts and agreements related to the Project and all plans and specifications related to the Project, as OMAFRA may require. The Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario, their respective agents and employees, including the Auditor General's Office, shall be allowed access to the Recipient's premises and staff and to the Project site at all reasonable times to (i) inspect the progress and monitor the Project; (ii) perform cost revíews and audits on the Project; and (iii) complete any other auditing or monitoring that may be reasonably requíred in relatíon to the project. 7.7 lnformatÍon Condition Precedent for Payment. lt, in the opinion of OMAFRA, any of the information requirements of this Sectíon 7 are not met, OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, require the information as a condition precedent to any payment in relation to the Project(s) of the Recipient under the lSF, or any other provinciaL program(s) (either current or future). ln addition, OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the FinancialAssistance for the project. SECTION 8 OVERPAYMENT AND FAILURE TO SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE CONTRACT WITHIN TIMELINES 8.1 Allowable Financíal Assistance, FinancialAssistance paid to the Recipient prior to the submission of a Final Report in accordance with Section 5.9 of Schedule 3" shall not be construed as a final determination of the amount of FinancialAssistance applicable to the Project. Upon conducting a final cost review or audit of the Project, OMAFRA will determine the final amount of Financial Assistance on the Project (the "Allowable Page 13 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 257 of 329 I SF Contribution Agreement Financial Assistance"). For certainty, the allowable Financial Assistance shall not exceed the Maximum Financial Assistance. The Recipient agrees to repay to OMAFRA, upon receipt of a written demand and within the period specified by OMAFRA, that portion of the Financial Assistance that exceeds the Allowable Financial Assistance applicable to the Project (an "overpayment'), as determined by OMAFRA, as well as any Financial Assistance used for a purpose other than that stated in the terms of this Agreement, as determined by OMAFRA. 8.2 Deduction of Overpayment. OMAFRA may deduct any overpayments of Financial Assistance for the Project from financial assistance payable on any other Project(s) of the Recipient under the ISF or any other Government of Ontario program(s) and/or Government of Canada program(s) that are delivered by the Government Ontario on behalf of the Government of Canada (either current or future). Any overpayment made on any other Project(s) of the Recipient under the ISF or any other Government of Ontario program(s) (either current or future) may in turn be deducted from Fínancial Assistance payable on the Project. 8.3 Interest on Overpayment OMAFRA reserves the right to demand interest on any overpayment owing by the Recipient under the terms of this Agreement at the then current interest rate charged by the Government of Ontario on accounts receivable. The Recipient shall pay the amount of interest owing upon receipt of a written demand and within the period specified by OMAFRA. 8.4 Recovery of Financial Assistance. Where Eligible Costs committed to a Project have not been incurred, OMAFRA may withdraw any unspent Financial Assistance for the Project if it has not started construction on its scheduled staft date or if a Project has stafted construction but for which progress is not to the satisfaction of Ontario. SECTION 9 INSURANCE AND BONDING 9.1 lnsurance. The Recipient represents and warrants that it has, and shall maintain in full force and effect for the term of the Agreement, at its own cost and expense, with insurers having a secure A.M. Best rating of B+ or greater, or the equivalent, all the necessary and appropriate insurance that a prudent person carrying out a project similar to the Project would maintain, including commercial general liabiliÇ insurance on an occurrence basis for third party bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, to an inclusive limit of not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence. The commercial general liability insurance policy shall include the following: (i} the lndemnified Parties as additionalinsureds with respect to liability arising in the course of performance of the Recipient's obligations under, or otherwise in connection with, the Agreement; (ii) a cross liability clause; (ii¡) contractual liability coverage; and (vii) a 30 day written notice of cancellation, termination or material change. 9-2 Proof of lnsurance. The Recipient shall provide OMAFRA with certificates of insurance, or other proof as may be requested by OMAFRA, that confirms the insurance Page 14 ot 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 258 of 329 ISF Contributíon Agreement coverage as provided for in Section 9.1 of Schedule "4". Upon the request of OMAFRA, the Recipient shall make available to OMAFRA a copy of each insurance policy. 9.3 Bonding. The Recipient shall put in effect and maintain in fullforce and effect or cause to be put into effect and maintained in fullforce and effect during the term of this Agreement. a) a performance bond in the amount of 100% of the Contract price for any construction Contract related to the Project and which is for an amount greater than $150,000.00 covering the pedormance of that construction Contract and the correction of any deficiencies; and b) a labour and material payment bond in the amount of 50% of the Contract price for any construction Contract related to the Project and which is for an amount greater than $150,000.00 covering the payment for labour, material or both. 9.4 Alternatives, reduction or waiver. Notwithstanding the requirements set out in Section 9.3, in the event that the Recipient provides a written business case to obtain approval to put into effect and maintain an alternative form of security or to reduce or eliminate the bonds for construction Contracts of $350,000.00 or less, OMAFRA, in its sole discretion, may accept an alternative form of security, reduce or waive the bonding requírements in whole or in pafi. SECTION 1O INDEMNITY 10.1 lndemnified Pa¡ties Not Liable. ln no event shallthe lndemnified Parties be liable for: a) any bodily injury, death or property damage to the Recipient, its employees, agents, or Consultants or for any claim, demand or action by any third parg against the Recipient, its employees, agents, or Consultants, arising out of or in any way related to the Canada-Ontario lnfrastructure Stímulus Fund Agreement or this Agreement or the Project; or b) any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, or any loss of use, revenue or profit to the Recipient, its employees, agents, or Consultants arisíng out of or in any way related to the Canada-Ontario lnfrastructure Stimulus Fund Agreement or this Agreement or the Project. 1O.2 Recipient to lndemnify. Where the Recipient is a municipality, a not-for-profit private sector entity, a for-profit private sector ent¡ty or a Local Services Board, the Recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the lndemnified Parties from and against all suits, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, actions, causes of action and losses (including, without limitation, reasonable legal expenses and any claim for lien made pursuant to the Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 199q c. C.30, as amended and for any and all liability for damages to property and injury to persons (including death) which the lndemnified Parties may incur, otherwise than by reason of their own negligence or wilful misconduct, as a result of or arising out of or in relation to: (a) the performance of this Agreement or any breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Recipient, its officers, seruants, employees, agents and Gonsultants, or by a third party, and any of its officers, employees, servants or agents; (b) the ongoing operation, maintenance and repair of the infrastructure resulting from the Project; or (c) any omission or other wilful or negligent Page 15 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 259 of 329 ISF Contríbution Agreement act of the Recipient, a third party, their respective employees, officers, servants or agents. 10.3 Fu¡ther Indemnity. The Recipient further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the lndemnified Pafties, for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, or any loss of use, revenue or profit, which the lndemnified Pafties may incur, otherwise than by reason of their own negligence or wilful misconduct, as a result of or arising out of or in relation to: (a) the performance of this Agreement or any breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Recipient, its officers, servants, employees, agents and Consultants, or by a third party, and any of its officers, employees, selvants or agents; (b) the ongoing operation, maintenance and repair of the infrastructure resulting from the Project; or (c) any omission or other wilful or negligent act of the Recipient, a third party, their respective employees, officers, seruants or agents. SECTION 11 TRANSFER AND OPERATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE 11.1 Transfer oÍ Ownersåþ. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Governments of Canada and Ontario, the Recipient will retaín title to, and ownership of, the Asset resulting from the Project(s) for at least five (5) years after the completion of the Project(s). 11.2 Bepayment ln the event that at any time wíthin five (5) years from the date of completion of the Project(s), the Recipient sells, leases, encumbers or othenruise disposes of, directly or indirectly, any Asset constructed, rehabilitated or improved, in whole or in pad, with the Financial Asslstance, other than to Canada, Ontario, a Local Government, or a Crown corporation of Ontario that is the latter's agent for the purpose of implementing this Agreement, the Recipient hereby undeftakes to repay the Governments of Canada and Ontario, on demand, a proportionate amount of the Financial Assistance, as follows: Where Project asset is sold, leased, encumbered or disoosed of: Repayment of contribution lin current dollars) Within 2 Years after Proiect completion 100y" Between 2 and 5 Years after Proiect completion 55"/" 5 Years after Proiect completion OY" 11.3 11.4 Notice. At any time during the five (5) years foltowing the date of completion of the Project, the Recipient agrees to notify OMAFRA in writing of any transaction triggering the above-mentioned repayment in section 11.2 ol Schedule "Æ, at least one hundred eighty (180) days in advance. Deduction îrom Financial Assistance, OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, deduct the amount of Financlal Assistance to be repaid by the Recipient under Section 1'1.2 of Schedule "A" from FinancialAssistance payable by the Government of Ontario to the Recipient on any other project(s) of the Recipient under the ISF or any other Government of Ontario program(s) (either current or future) and provide that money to the Governments of Canada ancl/or Ontario. Revenue from Assets. The Recipient must identify to OMAFRA when an Asset in any given Fiscal Year generates revenues that exceed its costs, including operating costs, alternative financing partnerships or public-private partnerships costs and provisions for future life cycle costs and where the intent of revenue generation was not identified in Page 16 ol 44 11.5 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 260 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement the application. Within the first five (5) complete Fiscal Years following the Substantial Completion of a Project, OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, deem the amount of revenue from that Project that is proportionalto the Government of Canada's and the Government of Ontario's Financial Assistance to the total cost of the Asset to be an overpayment of FinancialAssistance (the "deemed overpaymenf). The Recipient shall pay OMAFRA, upon request, the deemed overpayment,. 11.6 Ásset Operation, The Asset established with the Financial Assistance under this Agreement shall be used, maintained and operated for a period of at least one half of the expected useful life of the Asset after Substantial Completion of the Project as set out in Schedule "fl. Any contravention of this provision shall give OMAFRA the right to recover a portion or all of the Financial Assistance to those Project(s) provided under this Agreement. SECTION 12 CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CONFIDENTIALITY 12.1 No Conflict of lnteresf. The Recipient and its Consultants and any of their respective advisors, partners, directors, officers, employees, agents, sub-contractors, and volunteers shall not engage in any activity or provide any seruices where such activity or the provisíon of such seruices creates a conflict of interest (actually or potentially, as determined in the sole and absolute opinion of OMAFRA) with the provision of seruices under this Agreement. The RecipÍent acknowledges and agrees that it shall be a conflict of interest for it to use confidential information of the Government of Ontario that is relevant to the Project or otherwise where OMAFRA has not expressly authorized such use in writing. For greater certainty, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a conflict of interest includes a situation where anyone associated with the Recipient is able to benefit financially from the Project or where such a person owns or has an interest in an organization that is carrying out work related to the Project. 12.2 Disclose Potentíal Conflict of Interest. The Recipient shall disclose to OMAFRA without delay any actual or potential situation that may be reasonably interpreted as either a conflict of interest or a potential conflict of interest. 12.3 Freedom of lnformation and Protection of Privacy Act The Recipient acknowledges that the Freedom of Information and Protection of Prívacy Acl R.S.O. 199O, c. F.31, as amended binds the Ontario Government. SECTION 13 RECOGNITION 13.1 Lìcensed Marks. The Recipient acknowledges that the Governments of Canada and Ontario are, will be or may be the owner of certain distinguishing marks comprised of designs, trademarks and official marks which have come or will come to be associated with the ISF (all such current and future marks, being the "Licensed Marks"). 13.2 Acknowledgement in Advertising and Publicity, The Recipient agrees to acknowledge the FinancialAssistance of the Governments of Canada and Ontario to the Project in all advertising and publicity relating to the Project and in any construction signs and in any temporary or permanent tributes to Project donors by adhering to the Communications Requirements as per Schedule "G". Page 17 ot 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 261 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement 13.3 llse of Licensed Marks. ln consideration of receiving the FinancialAssistance, the Recipient agrees to use the Licensed Marks as follows: a) the Recipient agrees to strictly use the Licensed Marks only as prescribed by the Communications Requirements and not to use any other mark or trademark in combination with any of the Licensed Marks without the prior written approval of the Governments of Canada and Ontario, or their delegates responsible for administering the lSF. The Recipient agrees that ¡t will not alter, modify, dilute or otherwise misuse the Licensed Marks; b) the Recipient agrees to submit to the Governments of Canada and Ontario, or their delegates responsible for administering the lSF, copies of any advertisements or promotional materials containing the Licensed Marks for approval prior to any use thereof and to remove therefrom either any reference to the Licensed Marks or any element that may from time to time and upon reasonable notice be required; c) the Recipient agrees that it will not state or imply, directly or indirectly, that the Recipient or the Recipient's activities, other than those permitted by this Agreement, are supported, endorsed, or sponsored by the Governments of Canada and Ontario, or their delegates responsible for administering the ISF and shall, upon notification, express disclaimers to that effect; and d) the Recipient agrees to promptly inform the Governments of Canada Ontario, or their delegates responsible for administering the ISF of any suspected infringement of any Licensed Marks by a third party. 13.4 Cease llsing Licensed Marks. Whether or not the Recipient is in breach of this Agreement, forthwith upon any receipt by the Recipient of a written direction from the Governments of Canada and Ontario, or their delegates responsible for administering the lSF, the Recipient shall cease using the Licensed Marks, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, will remove all signage and remove from circulation any use or reference to the Licensed Marks. SECTION 14 COVENANTS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 14.1 General. The Recipient covenants, represents and warrants to the Government of Ontario that: a) it is conducting and shallconduct its business in compliance with all applicable federal, provincialand municipal laws, and all rules, regulations, by-laws, notices, orders, approvals, directives, protocols, policies and guidelines; b) it is conductíng and shall carry on its business in compliance with all Government of Canada requirements as outlined in Schedule "E'; c) it has authority and any necessary approvalto enter into this Agreement and to carry out its terms; d) it has or will apply for all permits, approvals, and licenses which are required in Page 18 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 262 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement order to carry out the Project; e) it validly exists as a legal entity with full power to perform and obserue allof the terms and conditions of this Agreement; f) where applicable, it has passed by-laws required to undertake the Project; g) it is now and will continue to be compliant with all Environmental Laws; h) it owns or has a long-term lease (inclusive of any renewals) for the lands on which the lnfrastructure is or will be located that expires no earlier than five (5) years following Project completion; i) provided that the Recipíent is not a municipality or a Crown Agency, A. it is not a non-resident of Canada within the meaning of the lncome Tax Act (Canada); B. is either a corporation, a paftnership or a sole proprietorship validly in existence; and C. is registered and qualified to do business wherever necessary to carry out the Project; j) it has the experience, financial health and ability to carry out this Project; k) if the Recipient is a municipality, local board or a Crown agency, it has the legislative authority to carry out the Project; l) all information provided during the ISF application process remains true, correct and complete in every respect except as set out to the contrary herein; and m) notify OMAFRA of all other sources of funding for each Project contained in Schedule "8" of this Agreement that may reduce the level of Financial Assistance the Recipient would be eligible to receive under this Agreement. 14.2 Governance. The Recipient represents, warrants and covenants that, it has, and shall maintain for the period during which this Agreement is in effect, by-laws or other legally necessary instruments to: a) establish the expected code of conduct and ethical responsibilities at all levels of the Recipient's organization; b) establish procedures to ensure the ongoing effective functioning of the Recipient; c) establish decision-making mechanisms; d) provide for the prudent and effective management of the Financial Assistance: e) establish procedures to enable the successful completion of the Project; f) establish procedures to enable the timely identification of risks tothe completion Page '19 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 263 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement of the Project and strategies to address the identified risks; g) establish procedures to enable the preparation and delivery of all reports required under this Agreement; and h) responsible for other matters as the Recipient considers necessary to ensure that the Recipient carries out its obligations under the Agreement. 14.3 Representations and Warranties True Condition Precedent for Payment Upon request, the Recipient shall provide OMAFRA with proof of the matters referred to in this Section. lt is a condition precedent to any payment under this Agreement that the representations and warranties under this Section are true at the time of payment and that the RecipÍent is not in default of compliance with any terms of this Agreement. Where this is not the case, OMAFRA may, in its sole discretion, Adjust the Financial Assistance for the Project. SECTION 15 DEFAULT, ENFORCEMENT AND TERMINATION 15.1 Event of Default. Each and every one of the following events is an "Event of Defaulfl: a) if in the opinion of OMAFBA, the Recipient fails to conform or comply with any term or covenant contained in this Agreement to be performed or complied with by the Recipient; b) if in the opinion of the OMAFRA any representation or warranty made by the Recipient in this Agreement or any ceftificate delivered to OMAFRA pursuant hereto shall be materially untrue in any respect; c) if an order shall be made or an effective resolution passed for the winding up, or liquidation or dissolution of the Recipient or the Recipient is othenruise dissolved or ceases to carry on its operation; d) if the Recipient uses any of the Financial Assistance for a purpose not authorized by this Agreement without the prior written consent of OMAFRA; e) if the Recipient admits in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, voluntarily suspends transactions of its usual business, becomes insolvent, bankrupt, makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or a receiver or manager, court appointed or otherwise, is appointed for its assets or if the Recipient takes the benefit of any statute from time to time in force relating to bankrupts or insolvent debtors; Ð if in the opiníon of OMAFRA a material adverse change occurs such that the viability of the Recipient as a going concern is threatened in the opinion of the OMAFRA, acting reasonably; g) if in the opinion of the OMAFRA, the Recipient ceases to operate; h) if the Recipient fails to begin the Project within sixty (60) days of the Project construction start date, as per Schedule B, or such period as OMAFRA may allow,, or, in the opinion of OMAFRA, the Recipient has failed to proceed Page20 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 264 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement diligently with the Project or abandons the Project in whole or in pad, or the Recipient is otherwise in default in carrying out any of the terms, conditions or obligations of this Agreement, except where such failure is due to causes which, in the opinion of OMAFRA are beyond the controlof the Recipient; i) ¡f the Recipient has submitted false or misleading information to OMAFRA; or j) the Recipient ancUor any of its Consultants ancl/or any of their respective advisors, partners, directors, officers, employees, agents, sub-contractors and volunteers has breached the requirements of Section 12 oÍ Schedule "A'. 15.2 Waiver. OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, at any time, waive any Event of Default which may have occurred provided that no such waiver extends to, or be taken in any manner whatsoever to affect, any subsequent Event of Default or the right to remedies resulting therefrom, and that no such waiver shall be, or shall be deemed to constitute, a waiver of such Event of Default unless such waiver is in writing from OMAFRA. 15.3 Remedies on Default. Notwithstanding any other rights which the Government of Ontario may have under this Agreement, if an Event of Default has occurred, the Government of Ontario shall have the following remedies provided only that in the case of an Event of Default which, in the opinion of OMAFRA in its sole and absolute discretion, is curable, OMAFRA has first given written notice of the Event of Default to the Recipient and the Recipient has failed to correct the Event of Default within 30 Business Days or such period of time as OMAFRA may consent to in writing: a) OMAFRA shall have no fufther obligation to provide any FinancialAssistance for the Project; b) the Government of Ontario may, at its option, terminate this Agreement immediately or may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the Financial Assistance. The total amount of Financial Assistance paid to the Recipient to the date of termination shall be immediately due and payable by the Recipient and bear interest at the then-current interest rate charged by the Government of Ontario on accounts receivable; and c) the Government of Ontario may avail itself of any of its legal remedies that ít may deem appropriate. 15.4 Additional Remedies. ln addition to the remedies described in Section 15.3, the Government of Ontario may commence such legal action or proceedings as it, in its sole and absolute discretion, may deem expedient, without any additional notice under this Agreement. The rights and remedies of the Government of Ontario hereunder are cumulative and in addition to, and not in substitution for, all other rights or remedies otherwise available to the Government of Ontario. 15.5 Termination Without Cause. Notwithstanding anything else contained herein, the Government of Ontario reserves the right toterminate this Agreement without cause upon such conditions as the Government of Ontario may require, with a minimum of th¡rty (30) Business Days written notice to the Recipient. lf the Government of Ontario terminates this Agreement prior to its Expiration Date, the Government of Ontario, subject to all of the Government of Ontario's rights under this Agreement, including, Page 21 ot 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 265 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement without limitation, its right to Adjust the Financial Assistance prior to its expiration, shall only be responsible for the payment of Financial Assistance on the portion of the Project completed and Eligible Costs already incurred and paid at the time of such termination, provided that the Recipient provides a report to OMAFRA that meets the requirements of a Claims and Progress Statement and OMAFRA has sufficient funds appropriated by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Such report must be received by OMAFRA within ninety (90) Business Days of notice of termination being given to the Recipient pursuant to this Section. SECTION 16 NOTICE 16.1 Notice. Any demand, notice or communication to be made or given hereunder shall be in writing and may be made or given by personal delivery or mailed by first class registered mail, postage prepaid or by transmittal by facsimile, telecopy, email or other electronic means of communication addressed to the respective parties as follows at the addresses set out in Schedule "F or to such other person, address, facsimile number, telecopy number or email address as either party may from time to time notify the other in accordance with this Section. Any demand, notice or communication made or given by personal delivery shall be conclusively deemed to have been given on the day of actual delivery thereof. Any demand, notice or communication made or given by facsimile, email or other electronic means of communication, if made or given at a time when it would be received by the Recipient during its normal business hours on a Business Day, shall be deemed to be received at the time it is sent; otherwise, such electronic communicatíon shall be deemed to be received on the first Business Day following the transmittalthereof. Any demand, notice or communication maíled by registered mail shall be deemed to have been received three (3) Business Days following the day on whích it was mailed. 16.2 Bepresentatives. The individuals identified pursuant to Schedule "F" will, in the first instance, act as the Government of Ontario's or the Recipient's, as the case may be, representative for the purpose of implementing this Agreement. SECTION 17 MISCELLANEOUS 17.1 Terms Binding. The Recipient shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that its officers, directors, partners, employees, agents, sub-contractors and Consultants shall be bound to observe all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to all covenants, representations and warranties set out hereln. The Recipient shall include in all of its Contract(s) terms and conditions similar to and not less favourable to the Government of Ontario than the terms and conditions of this Agreement to the extent that they are applicable to the work subcontracted, including but not limited to the requirements of SectionT of Schedule "4". 17.2 Time Is of the Essence, ln the pedormance and obseruance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, time is of the essence and no extension or variation of this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of this provision. 17.3 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns. Page22ot 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 266 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement 17.4 Severabílity. The validity or enforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions hereof and such invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be deemed to be severable. 17.5 No Waiver. The failure by the Government of Ontario to insist in one or more instances on performance by the Recipíent of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of the Government of Ontario's right to require further performance of any such terms or conditions, and the obligations of the Recipient with respect to such performance shall continue in fullforce and effect. 17.6 Divisíon oî Agreemenf. The division of this Agreement into Schedules, articles, sections, clauses, paragraphs and the inseftion of headings are for the convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement. 17.7 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable in Ontario. 17.8 Survival. The following Schedules, sections and provisions of this Agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination hereof: Section 4 (Financial Assistance), Section 6 (Reporting Requirements), Section 7 (Records and Audit), Section I (Overpayment and Failure to Substantially Complete Contract Within Timelines), Section 10 (lndemnity), Section 1 1 (Transfer and Operation of lnfrastructure), Section 12 (Conflict of lnterest and Confidentialíty), Section 13 Recognition), Section 14 (Covenants, Representations and Warranties), Section 15 (Default, Enforcement and Termination), and Section 17.11 (lnterest) of Schedule "A"; Schedule "E"; Schedule "F' (useful life of Project lnfrastructure); and Schedule "G" (the Recipient's obligation to maintain a permanent plaque in cases where it is necessary to install a permanent plaque). 17.9 No Assígnment. The Recipient shall not assign any aspect of this Agreement. The Government of Ontario may assign this Agreement on written notice to the Recipient. 17.10 No Amendment This Agreement shall not be varied or amended except by a document in writing, dated and signed on behalf of the Government of Ontario and the Recipient. 17.11 lnterest. OMAFRA reserves the right to demand interest on any repayment of Financial Assistance owing by the Recipient under the terms of this Agreement at the then-cunent interest rate charged by the Government of Ontario on accounts receivable. The Recipient shallpay the amount of interest owing upon receipt of a written demand and within the period specified by OMAFRA. 17.12 Government of Ontario and Hecipient lndependenf, Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute the Recipient an employee, selvant, agent, partner of or in joint venture with the Government of Ontariofor any purpose whatsoever. 17.13 RecipÍent Cannot Represent Government of Canada or Government of Ontario. The provision of Financial Assistance to the Recipient pursuant to this Agreement is for the sole purpose of, and is limited to, carrying out the Project. The Recipient warrants and agrees that under no circumstances shall it enter into any Contract or commitment in the name of or on behalf of the Governments of Canada ancl/or Ontario. The Page 23 oI 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 267 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement Recipient acknowledges and agrees that it is not by the terms of this Agreement or otherwise, granted any right or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of or in the name of the Governments of Canada and/or Ontario, to act as an agent of the Governments of Canada and/or Ontario, or to bind the Governments of Canada and/or Ontario in any manner whatsoever other than as specifically provided in this Agreement. 17.14 Consultants. The Government of Ontario acknowledges that, in connection with carrying out the Project, the Recipient may engage one or more Consultants. The Government of Ontario acknowledges and agrees that the Recipient shall have the sole authority and responsibility for such employees, agents or Consultants, including their hiring and termination. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the Recipient shall be responsible for all acts and actions of the Recipient's employees, agents and Consultants and that all such acts and actions shall be treated as actions of the Recipient for the purposes of this Agreement. 17.15 Lobbyists and Agent Fees. The Recipient warrants that any person hired, for payment, or to speak or correspond with any employee or other person representing the Recipient, concerning any matter relating to the contribution under this Agreement or any benefit hereunder and who is required pursuant to the Lobbying Act, as amended, is registered pursuant to the Lobbying Acf. The Recipient also warrants that it has not and nor will it make a payment or other compensation to any legal entity that is contingent upon or is calculated upon the contribution hereunder or negotiating the whole or any part of the terms of this Agreement. 17-16 Cooperation for non-Ontario Government Recipienfs. The Recipient and the Government of Ontarío agree to cooperate with one another and will be frank, candid and timely when dealing with one another and will endeavour to facilitate the implementation of this Agreement. 17.17 Data. The Recipient agrees that the Government of Ontario may, in its sole discretion, gather and compile information and data required under this Agreement and disclose such information and data to the Government of Canada. 17.18 Priority. Where there is a conflict between one or more of the Schedules of this Agreement, the following order of prioríty shall apply: Schedule "Æ, Schedule "C", Schedule "8" and all other Schedules. 17.19 Entire Agreemenf. The Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between Government of Ontario and the Recipient with respect to the subject matter contained in the Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and/or agreements. - END OF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Page 24 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 268 of 329 ISF Contriþution Agreement SCHEDULE ..B' DESCRTPTTON OF THE PROJECT(S) FILE NUMBER PROJECT TITLE PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT CONSTRUCTION START DATE ABORIGINAL CONSULTAT¡ON SCHEDULE L 754 Carson Line Bridge The Municipality of Bayham proposes improvements to the Carson Line Bridge decking and end treatments as well as installation to improve safety for traffic and extend the life of the bridge. 07lo1/2009 L1 Page 25 of 44 B y - L a w 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 7 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a . . . P a g e 2 6 9 o f 3 2 9 I SF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "C" ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE COSTS ELIGIBLE COSTS C.1. Subject to Section C.2, Eligible Costs will be all dírect costs that are in OMAFRA's opinion properly and reasonably incurred and paid by the Recipient under a Contract for goods or services necessary for the implementation of the Project. Eligible Costs will include only the following: a) the capital costs of constructing, rehabilitating or improving, in whole or in part, a tangible capital asset, as defined and determined by OMAFRA; b) the costs of joint communication activities (press releases, press conferences, translation, etc.) and road signage recognition as described in Schedule "G"; c) all planning (including plans and specifications) and assessment costs such as the costs of environmental planning, surueying, engineering, architectural superuision, testing and management consulting seruices; d) the costs of engineering and environmental reviews, including environmental assessments and follow-up programs as defined in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the costs of remedial activities, mitigation measures and follow- up identified in any environmental assessment; e) the costs of Project-related signage, lighting, Project markings and utility adjustments; f) costs of consulting with Aboriginal Group(s), including the translation of documents into languages spoken by the interested Aboriginal Group(s); g) the costs of developing and implementing innovative techniques for carrying out the Project, as determined by OMAFRA; h) Recipient audit and evaluation costs as specified in this Agreement, wíth the exception of costs related to the retaining of an external auditor; and i) other costs that, ln the sole opinion of OMAFRA, are considered to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of the Project and have been approved in writing prior to being incurred. C.2. INELIGIBLE COSTS The following costs are ineligible for FinancialAssistance: a) costs incurred prior to June 5, 2009; b) costs incurred after the Project Completion Date; Page 26 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 270 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement c) d) e) land acquisition, leasing land, buildings, equipment and other facilities, real estate fees and related costs; financing charges, legalfees, and loan interest payments (including those related to easements (e.9. surueys)); the value of any goods and services which are received through donations or in kind; employee wages and benefits, overhead costs as well as other direct or indirect operating, maintenance and administrative costs incurred by the Recipient for the Project, and more specifically costs relating to seruices delivered directly by permanent employees of the Recipient; meal, hospitality or incidental expenses of Consultants; and provincialsales tax, the GST and, if and when implemented the Harmonized Sales Tax for which the Recipient is eligible for a rebate, and any other costs eligible for rebates. s) h) Page 27 of M By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 271 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "D" PROJECT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT NUMBER* TOTAL ELlGIBI.E cosrs ONTARIO MAXIMUM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FEDEBAL MAXIMUM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAXIMUM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 754 $97,200 $32,400 $32.400 $64,800 OMAFRA will hold back 10% of the Maximum FinancialAssistance, the release of which shall be contingent on acceptance of the Recipient's Final Report detailing the progress and status of the Project and substantiating that the Project has been Substantially Completed. Such report must contain the information required in the Final Report as set out in Section 6.3 of Schedule "Æ of this Agreement. OMAFRA is not obligated to pay interest on the holdback or any other payments under this Agreement. Page2Sot 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 272 of 329 I SF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "E" GOVERNMENT OF CANADA REQUIREMENTS OMAFRA and the Recipient agree to the following Government of Canada Requirements: 1. The Recípient acknowledges and agrees that the amount of Financial Assistance being provided by OMAFRA is dependent on the Government of Ontario receiving funds for the Project from the Government of Canada. Should the Government of Ontario not receive the funds it expects to receive in relation to the Project from the Government of Canada, OMAFRA may, in its sole and absolute discretion, Adjust the Financial Assistance being provided to the Recipient pursuant to this Agreement (including, without limitation, requirlng repayment of FinancialAssistance already paid to the Recipient). 2. The Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Government of Canada, its officers, servants, employees or agents, from and against all claims and demands, loss, damages, costs, expenses, actions, suits or other proceedings by whomsoever made, sustained, brought, prosecuted, threatened to be brought or prosecuted in any manner, based upon, occasioned by any injury to persons, damage to or loss or destruction of property, economic loss or infringement of rights caused by or arising directly or indirectly from: a) the Project being funded by this Agreement; b) the pedormance of this Agreement or the breach of any term or condition of this Agreement by the Recipient, its officers, employees and agents, or by a third party, its officers, employees or agents; c) any omission or other willful or negligent act of the Recipient, its employees, officers or agents; Except to the extent to which such claims and demands, losses costs, damages, actions, suits or other proceedings relate to the act or negligence of an officer, employee or agent of Canada in the pedormance of his or her duties. 3. The Recipient fufther agrees to indemnify and hold the Government of Canada, its directors, officers, employees and agents, for any incidental, indirect, special or consequent¡al damages, or any loss of use, revenue or profit, which the Government of Canada, its directors, officers, employees and agents may incur, otherwise than by reason of their own negligence or wilful misconduct, as a result of or arising out of or in relation to any breach by the Recipient of the terms of this Agreement, or the Recipient's own negligence or wilful misconduct. 4. The Recipient acknowledges that the provisions of the Access to lnformationAcf (Canada) and the Privacy Acf (Canada) and regulations thereunder bind the Government of Canada. 5. The Recipient acknowledges that the Government of Canada is or will be the owner of certain distinguishing marks comprised of designs, trademarks and officia! marks in relation to ISF (the "Federal Llcensed Marks") and the Recipient is subject to the requirements of Section 13 (Communication and Recognition) of this Agreement, with appropriate changes, Page29 ol44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 273 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement in relation to the Federal Licensed Marks. 6. No member of the House of Commons or of the Senate of Canada shall be admitted to any share or part of any Contract, agreement or commission made pursuant to this Agreement or to any benefit arising therefrom. 7. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Agreement, all obligations of the Government of Canada incurred by virtue of this Agreement shall be subject to the Financial Administratíon Acf (Canada). 8. Pursuant to the requirements of the Canadian Envíronmental Assessment Act, the Recipient willfollow the general environmental mitigation measures outlined in the document entitled "screening under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Acf and any Project-specific environmental mitigation measures as communicated to the Recipient by the Government of Canada. 9. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the Government of Canada may, in its sole discretion, exercise OMAFRA's right to monitor the Project, perform audits and/or gather data pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 10. The Recipient warrants that: a) it has not, nor has any person on its behalf, paid or provided or agree to pay or provide, to any person, directly or indirectly, a commission, contingency fee or any other consideration (whether monetary or otherwise) that is dependant upon the execution of the Agreement or the person arranging a meeting with any Public Office Holder as defined in the Lobbying Act; b) it will not, during the term of this Agreement, pay or provide or agree to pay or provide to any person, directly or indirectly, a commission, contingency fee or any other consideration (whether monetary or otherwise) that is dependant upon the person arranging a meeting with any Public Office Holder; c) any person who, for consideration, directly or Indirectly, communicated with or arranged a meeting with any Public Office Holder, in respect of any aspect of this Agreement, prior to the execution of the Agreement, was in compliance with all requirements of the Lobbying Act, d) any person who, for consideration, directly or indirectly, during the term of this Agreement and in respect of any aspect of this Agreement, communicates with or arranges a meeting with any Public Office Holder will be in compliance with all requirements of the Lobbying Act and e) at all relevant time the Recipient has been, is and will remain in compliance with the Lobbying Act. Page 30 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 274 of 329 I SF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "F'' ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS The Government of Ontario and the Recipient agree to the following additional provisions: 1. Further to Section 16 of Schedule "4", notice can be given at the following addresses: (a) lf to OMAFRA: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 1 Stone Road West, 4th Floor Guelph, Ontarío N1G 4Y2 Phone: 1-888-466-2372Fax: (519) 826-4336 E-Mail: bcf.cc@ontario.ca Attention: Dino Radocchia, Manager (b) lf to the Recipient: Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO Attention: Kyle Kruger, Administrator 2- Other provisions: 3. Other Reporting Requirements: 4. Useful Life of Project lnfrastructure: [i.e., no. of years] Page3l of44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 275 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE ¡fG'' COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS Unless specified otherwise in Schedule "FP, for the purposes of this Schedule "G" the Recipient shall follow these communications requirements. Purpose of Schedule This Schedule describes the Recipient's responsibilities and financialobligations involved in the joint communications activities and products for the Project to recognize the contributions of the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario and the Recipient. General Principles The Recípient agrees to work with ISF officials and other paftners to undertake communication activities for the Project in an open, effective and proactive manner, ensuring equal recognition of all parties making a significant financial contribution to the Project. All parties making a significant financial contribution to the Project will receive equal recognition and prominence when logos, symbols, flags and other Çpes of identification are incorporated into events, signs and plaques unless OMAFRA specifies otherwise. Allevents, signs and plaques willfollow these Communications Requirements and any other requirements that may be specified by OMAFRA from time to time. Both official languages will be used for public information, signs and plaques in accordance with lhe Officiat Languages Act. The Recipient may produce information kits, brochures, public repods and Web pages providing information on the Project and Agreement for private-sector interest groups, contractors and members of the public. The Recipient will consult with the Governments of Canada and Ontario in preparing the content and look of all such material. All communications referencing the Governments of Canada and Ontario must be approved. Events The Recipient agrees that all Project-related milestone events, such as groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies, will be organized in cooperation with the Governments of Canada and Ontario and any other parties making a signifícant financial contribution to the Project. The Recipient will coordinate a mutually agreeable venue, date and time for the event in light of the availability of all participants. Unless agreed to in advance, no event should take place without at least fifteen (15) working days' notice to all Parties. The Recipient may invite other elected officials and members of council. The Recipient should also invite local interested parties, such as contractors, architects, labour groups, and community leaders as early as possible, and in consultation with the Governments of Canada and Ontario, prior to the event. Page 32 oÍ 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 276 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement All written communications (invitations, public seruice announcements, posters, etc.) must lndicate that the Project received FinancialAssistance from the Governments of Canada and Ontario under the lSF. The Governments of Canada and Ontario will assist the Recipient in developing an agenda, news release, etc. All parties will approve and receive final copies. Federal, provincial and municipalflags should also be on display at all ISF events. The Table of Precedence for Canada, as established by Canadian Heritage (http//www.pch.gc.calpgm/ceem-ccecl/prtcl/precedence-eng.cfm), or some other mutually acceptable protocol should be respected. Siqns and Plaques The Recipient agrees to produce and installtemporary and permanent Project signage to communicate the nature of the Project and the involvement of the Governments of Canada and Ontario and the Recipient, as outlined in the ISF Style Guide. Generally, the Recipient must ensure that the design, wording and specifications for signage are in accordance with federal and provincial visual identity guidelines, available on the ISF website at www.BOFontario.ca. Temporary signs must be removed within 90 days of project completion. Eliqible Gosts The Recípient will pay the costs of preparing and delivering communications activities and products, including the organization of special events and the production of signage. These costs are deemed to be Eligible Costs under the Agreement as specified below. For the purposes of events, Eligible Costs include the following: o Printing and mailing invitations. Light refreshments, such as coffee, tea, juice, donuts, muffins, snacks. Draping for plaque unveiling. Project materialfor display and/or media kit. Temporary signageo Rentals such as:. flagpoles. stage. chairs. podium. PAsystem The cost of certain items such as alcoholic beverages, china, tents, waiters, guest mileage or transportation, wine glasses, lamps, tea wagons, plants, photographers and gifts are not Eligible Costs. For the purposes of signage, Eligible Costs include the following: Page 33 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 277 of 329 B y - L a w 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 7 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a . . . P a g e 2 7 8 o f 3 2 9 ISF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "H" EXPENDITURE AND JOB CREATION REPORT Expg.nd itp¡s- FoÊaa.qf T.ã. tile ,lqb- -G-ieated /$sslained Ïab ls Recipþnt Name: Filei Nt¡mbor: Þ(P EÈIÞiTUB-E- A Ñ d. JøÊ,CR EATTO.ù R.EPORT' bé máde oflhè tcÊd numbel ôf {ie:liqrêft rRea dthç:p¡pgraab plp.cçe ee!.trqt.therQ?oeda ífipniqgñÞ¡matkn Íra.rEr*raged,,pÍease triaY--rãAu-su* r9. €lrlÞf oyÊe.sl{ho.arê r'eo*ing on,ti¡s p¡oje.c! (FO. 3)'4l 5) 6'. 7t s) 9lì Page 35 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 279 of 329 I SF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "I'' Claim and Proqress Statement þ.or-rt-r¡o d. Fql lnfrastructur€ Stlmulus Fund (lSFl Cl¡lm:dnd Piógiês8 St¡itemênt Le Fondg de Ethnulatlo.n de I'lnfrástructurê (FSl)i DemqnCe ôt ço¡ptp rendy de8 prqgrès ft Zi ¡r.phÐ t/N 0lala¡aþD catry ft corr rð ttgdrlþd n h Mptha w tù Fú$aE ¡td q(t nd.r Jddta rp, a dapi..r dacldl ¡dûr {ap.¡tu finbób{ cûfür[.r a ?dañ. û lffiiìrÙi. I PL!ú.lt ÊtrìÌ.+¡tniñt fiilir aga LlrilûqflùH3od clihc¡aiù ^ì8t'uti.a..ìl f¡¡r¡lB t ?fa&[plúidr:æ0ö¡úrÈ]l iS¡ ¡¡qlð ¡c ¡rctr¡ä¿ htñ.lnvoloa Ðout" b n P ddt ¡tÒ iohþr¡aó, dàm là Ìiffi.i* d. l. t!.tqr.. Page 36 of 44 B y - L a w 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 7 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a . . . P a g e 2 8 0 o f 3 2 9 ISF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "J" FINAL REPORT Canadä þoilttrio rNOf Ë It he dãl costs æ ¡hæ táeqdriegi pþaqg 'REtfARoUE: Site cotadwt esì æ æ.¡,â.pâ1eúoq iúéri*a d)t est¡n6 pqr.m de6râtÉgûie9 ct-OessE. w¡lle tldr]Þuæ dpkdùftJëtãt poûrcløü es @G lnfrastf ucture Sllmulus Fund (lSF) Le Fondsde stlmulatlon de I'tnfrastructure ifsti cefüfy háÌtu Emed p@¡9ct hë bæn @nffi f,t atærdamÊüüì üp tiúË*uùh Güqì¡Jrje ano m+ Wrærå æpæ¡l+a tirenüned *umenxlitisàbn Þá sdsâcbr¡yddædãdthdiWport@Ìdes ad ecqds aoaáa¡ls Mìh éd3 sì1,été âitBc!¿eà * Éçdì æqeÍaþlæ et qÞ læ f¿.ùæe á.dorúænls Page 37 ol 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 281 of 329 I SF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE "K' SOLEMN DECLARATION OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Canad'ä lnfrastructu re Stimu lus Fund (lSFf Le Fonds de stimuiation del'infrasfrucfure (FSÐ SoLEMN DECLARATION OF S.UBSTAN'II.AI COMFLETON ln the matter of lhe Agreement entered into betqeer, Her Èlajesty the,Queen ¡n rigttt of Ontario, as represented by the Minister d E¡ergy and lnfr?rçfucture. ând lhe Mifilgtçrot egridifture Fgod and Rural Affairs, cn_, 2009, l, a Registered (Engneer orArch¡ted) in the Province of Ontario, do solemnly declare as follow$ 1. That I am the eparÙnaù,itlganlzaton), and as such have kn füdavit 2. That Agre debcn 3. That the \¡alue (ddlar amomt) of substantiall¡¡ eompleted work on the Project' by'Marefi 3r,201't is (dıllarsì. 4. Thatthewort: a- dalÐ; b. was srÐervised and inspeded by qualified Staft c. conloms r,vith he plans, specificatíons ànd,'ghér cfoqrtnentaton.fpithe'rprk; and d, conforms with applicable environmental leg¡slalion; ánd qpp¡çriatemitigatim meáslres have beerì implemented. Dectare.d at (cityl, iri the Province oJ Ontario üiisr - dary, df 29_. (s!!¡nature) lrlame: Tite: Vr/iù'ìèss h¡am* T:¡tle Page 38 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 282 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement SCHEDULE ¡fL'' ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION PROTOCOL PART L.I 1.0 Responsibilities of the Recipient 1.1 The Recipient shall immediately notify Ontario: (i) of contact by any Aboriginal Groups regarding the Project; or (ii) if any Aboriginal archaeological resources are discovered ín the course of the Project, and in either case, Ontario may direct the Recipient to take such actions, including without limitation suspension of the Project, as Ontario may require. The Recipient shall comply with Ontario's direction. 1.2 The Recipient shall provide in any contracts with third parties for the Recipient's right and ability to respond to direction from Ontario as Ontario may provide in accordance with section 1.1. PART L.2. 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this Aboriginal Consultation Protocol is to set out the responsibilities of Ontario and the Recipient in relation to consultation with Aboriginal Groups on the Project, and to delegate procedural aspects of consultation from Ontario to the Recipient. 1.1 Definitions For the purposes of this Schedule L.: "S. 35 Duty' means any duty Ontario may have to consult and, where appropriate, accommodate Aboriginal Groups in relation to the Project flowing from Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1 982. 2.O Responsibilities of Ontario 2.1 Ontario is responsible for: (i) determining the Aboriginal Groups to be consulted in relation to the Project, if any, and advising the Recipient of same; (¡i) the preliminary and ongoing assessment of the depth of consultation required with the Aboriginal Groups; Page 39 ot 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 283 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement at its discretion, delegating procedural aspects of consultation to the Recipient pursuant to this Agreement; directing the Recipient to take such actions, including without limitation suspension of the Project, as Ontario may require; satisfying itself, where it is necessary to do so, that the consultation process in relation to the Project has been adequate and the Recipient is in compliance with this Agreement; and satisfying itself, where any Aboriginal or treaty rights and asserted rights of Aboriginal Groups require accommodation, that Aboriginal Groups are appropriately accommodated in relation to the Project . 3.0 Responsibilities of the Recipient 3.1 The Recipient hereby acknowledges that, for the purposes of any S. 35 Duty borne by Ontario, the Recipient is Ontario's delegate and in this capacity is responsible for carrying out the procedural aspects of consultation delegated to it by Ontario pursuant to this Agreement. 3.2 The Recipient is responsible for: (i) giving notice to the Aboriginal Groups regarding the Project, if such notice has not already been given by the Recipient or Ontario; (¡¡) informing the Aboriginal Groups about the Project and providing to the Aborigínal Groups a full description of the Project unless such description has been previously provided to them; (iii) following up with the Aboriginal Groups in an appropriate manner to ensure that Aboriginal Groups are aware of the opportunity to express comments and concerns about the Project, including any concerns regarding adverse impacts on hunting, trapping, fishing, plant harvestíng or on burial grounds or archaeologlcal sites of cultural significance to the Aboriginal Community; (¡v) informing the Aboriginal Groups of the regulatory and approval processes that apply to the Project of which the Recipient is aware after reasonable inquiry; (v) maintaining the Aboriginal Groups on the Recipient's mailing lists of interested pafties for environmental assessment and other purposes and providing to the Aboriginal Groups all notices and communications that the Recipient provides to interested parties and any notice of completion; (vi) making all reasonable efforts to build a positive relationship with the Aboriginal Groups in relatíon to the Project; (vii) providing the Aboriginal Groups with reasonable opportunities to meet with appropriate representatives of the Recipient and meeting with the Aboriginal Groups Page 4O ol M (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 284 of 329 I SF Contributíon Agreement to discuss the Project; (viii) if appropriate, providing reasonable financial assistance to Aboriginal Groups to permit effective pafticipation in consultation processes for the Project; (x) considering comments provided by the Aboriginal Groups regarding the potential impacts of the Project on Aboriginal or treaty rights or assefted rights, including adverse impacts on hunting, trapping, fishing, plant harvesting or on burial grounds or archaeological sites of cultural significance to an Aboriginal Community, or on other interests, or any other concerns or issues regarding the Project; (x¡) answering any questions to the extent of the Recipient's ability and receiving comments from the Aboriginal Groups, notifying Ontario of the nature of the questions or comments received and maintaining a chart showing the issues raised by the Aboriginal Groups and any responses the Recipient has provided; (xii) where an Aboriginal Community asks questions regarding the Project directly of Ontario, providing Ontario with the information reasonably necessary to answer the inquiry, upon Ontario's request; (xiii) subject to section 3.2 (xiv), where appropriate, discussing with the Aboriginal Groups potential accommodation, including mitigation of potential impacts on Aboriginal or treaty rights, assefted rights or associated interests regarding the Project and repofiing to Ontario any comments or questions from the Aboriginal Groups that relate to potential accommodation or mitigation of potential impacts; (xiv) consultíng with Ontario during all discussions with Aboriginal Groups regarding accommodation measures, íf applicable, and presenting to Ontario for the purposes of section 2-1 (v'¡ hereof, the results of such discussions prior to implementing any applicable accommodation measures; and (xv) complying with Ontario's direction to take any actions, including without limitatíon suspension of the Project, as Ontario may require. 3.3 The Recipient hereby acknowledges that, notwithstandíng Section 3.1 above, Ontario, any provincial ministry having an approval role in relation to the Project, or any responsible regulatory body, offícial, or provincial decision-maker, may participate in the matters and processes enumerated therein as they deem necessary. 3.4 The Recipient willcarry out the following functions in relation to record keeping, information sharing and reporting to Ontario: (¡) provide to Ontario, upon request, complete and accurate copies of all documents provided to the Aboriginal Groups in relation to the Project; (¡¡) keep reasonable business records of all its activities in relation to consultation and provide Ontario with complete and accurate copies of such records upon request; (iii) provide Ontario with timely notice of any Recipient mailings to, or Recipient Page 41 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 285 of 329 I SF Contributíon Agreement meetings with, the representatives of any Aboriginal Community in relation to the Project; (¡v) immediately notify Ontario of any contact by any Aboriginal Groups regarding the Project and provide copies to Ontario of any documentation received from Aboriginal Groups; (v) advise Ontario in a timely manner of any potential adverse impact of the Project on Aboriginal or treaty rights or asserted rights of which it becomes aware; (v¡) immediately notify Ontario if any Aboriginal archaeological resources are discovered in the course of the Proiect; (vii) provide Ontario with summary reports or briefings on all of its activities in relation to consultation with Aboriginal Groups, as may be requested by Ontario; and (viii) if applicable, advise Ontario if the Recipient and an Aboríginal Community propose to enter into an agreement directed at mitigating or compensating for any impacts of the Project on Aboríginal or treaty rights or asserted rights. 3.5 The Recipient shall, upon request lend assistance to Ontario by filing records and other appropriate evidence of the activities unde¡taken both by Ontario and by the Recipient in consulting with Aboriginal Groups in relation to the Project, attending any regulatory or other hearings, and making both written and oral submissions, as appropriate, regarding the fulfillment of Aboriginal consultation responsibilities by Ontario and by the Recipient, to the relevant regulatory or judicial decision-makers. 4.0 No lmplicit Acknowledgement 4.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an admission, acknowledgment, agreement or concession by Ontario or the Recipient, that a S. 35 Duty applies in relation to the Project, nor that any responsibility set out herein is, under the Constitution of Canada, necessarily a mandatory aspect or requirement of any S. 35 Duty, nor that a particular aspect of consultation referred to in Section 3.1 hereof is an aspect of the S- 35 Duty that could not have lawfully been delegated to the Recipient had the Parties so agreed. 5.0 General 5.1 This Agreement shall be construed consistently with but does not substitute for any requirements or procedures in relation to Aboriginal consultation or the S. 35 Duty that may be imposed by a ministry, board, agency or other regulatory decision-maker acting pursuant to laws and regulations. Such decision-makers may have additional obligations or requirements. Nonetheless, the intent of Ontario is to promote coordination among provincial ministries, boards and agencies with roles in consulting with Aboriginal Groups so that the responsibilities outlined in this Agreement may be fulfilled efficiently and in a manner that avoids, to the extent possible, duplication of effort by Aboriginal Groups, the Recipient, Ontario, and provincial ministries, boards, agencies and other regulatory decision-makers' Page 42of44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 286 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement 6.0 Notice and Contact 6.1 All notices to Ontario peftaining to this Schedule shall be in writing and shall be given by facsimile or other means of electronic transmission or by hand or courier delivery. Any notlce to Ontario shall be addressed as follows: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs 1 Stone Road West, 4th Floor Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 Phone: 1-888-466-2372Fax: (519) 826-4336 Email: bcf.cc@ontario.ca Attention: Dino Radocchia, Manager Page 43 of 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 287 of 329 ISF Contribution Agreement Page 44 oI 44 By-Law 2009-107 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 288 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2009-108 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF LOAN AGREEMENT BET\ilEEN THE MTII\ICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND ROYAL BANK OF CANADA \ilHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham passed by-law 2009-003 to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31,2009; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham passed byJaw 2009-095 to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances to meet expenditures made in connection with the water infrastructure renewal project; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary and expedient to enter into a loan agreement with the Royal Bank of Canada; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law, between Royal Bank of Canadaand the Municipality of Bayham; 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-108 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 289 of 329 Æl RBC ffi.Roral Bank o Rcoiclêrei rrrdemârk nfRnval B¡nk nfCan¡rl¡ RBC Rnv¡l Bank is ¡ reoisterel rartemark ofRovat R¡nk nfCan¡da ROYAL BANK OF CANADA LOAN AGREEMENT FORM 460 (Rev 09/2008) DATE: August 4,2009 BORROWER: I SRF: CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I 855834693 ADDRESS (Street, CþlTown, Province, Postal Code) PO BOX 160, 9344 PLANK RD STRAFFORDVILLE. ON NOJIYO Royal Bank of Canada (the "Bank") hereby confirms to the undersigned (the "Borrorver") the following credit facilities (the "Credit Facilities"), banking services and other products subject to the terms and conditions set forth below and in the standard terms provided herewith (collectively the "Agreement"). The Credit Facilities are made available at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank may cancel or restrict availability of any unutilized portion of these facilities at any time and from time to time. CREDIT FACILITIES Revolving demand facility in the amount of $700,000.00, available by way of RBP based loans, Business account # l0ll923 Transit # 05102 Minimum retained balance $0.00 Revolved by the Borrower in increments of $5,000.00 Interest rate: RBP + 0.00% per annum. Interest payable monthly, in arrears, on the same day each month as determined by the Bank. Margined: Yes [ ] No [X] VISA business to a maximum of $20,000.00 governed by this Agreement and separate agreement(s) with the Bank. In the event of a conflict between agreements, the separate agreement(s) will govern. Revolving demand facility in the amount of $2,200,000.00, available by way of RBP based loans, Business account # 1011923 Transit # 05102 Minimum retained balance $0.00 Revolved by the Borrower in increments of $5,000.00 Interest rate: RBP + 0.0A% per annum. Interest payable monthly, in arrears, on the same day each month as determined by the Bank. Margined: Yes [ ] No [X] SECURITY Security for the Borrowings and all other obligations of the Borrower to the Bank (collectively, the "Security"), shall include: a) Ontario Municipal Corporations temporary borrowing by-law on the Bank's form 348 signed by the Bonower supported by Ontario Municipal Corporations statement by treasurer re: bonowing on the Bank's form 349 signed by the Treasurer; b) Letter Agreement re: borrowing By-law signed by the Borrower. FEES N/A By-Law 2009-108 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 290 of 329 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The Borrower will provide to the Bank: a) Annualaccountant prepared and audited financialstatements not later than 210 days after each fiscal year end; b) Such other financial and operating statements and reports as and when the Bank may reasonably require. EVENTS OF DEFAULT Without affecting or limiting the right of the Bank to terminate or demand payment ol or to cancel or restrict availability of any unutilized portion of, any demand or other discretionary facility, each Event of Default shall entitle the Bank, in its sole discretion, to cancel any Credit Facilities, demand immediate repayment in full of any amounts outstanding under any term facility, together with outstanding accrued interest and any other indebtedness under or with respect to any term facility, and to realize on all or any portion ofany Security. The term Event of Default has the meaning set out in the Loan Agreement Standard Terms (Form 472) and includes, without limitation, each of i) failure of the Borrower to pay any principal, interest or other amount when due pursuant to this Agreement, ii) failure of the Borrower to observe any covenant, condition or provision contained in this Agreement or in any documentation relating hereto or to the Securþ and iii) if in the opinion of the Bank there is a material adverse change in the financial condition, ownership structure or composition or operation of the Borrower, or any Guarantor if applicable. BUSINESS LOAN INSURANCE PLAN This group creditor insurance program, underwritten by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, is offered to borrowers and provides life and disability insurance on eligible owner(s)/partner(s)/management of the Borrower for the Borrowings. To apply for this insurance, a Business Loan Insurance Plan Application (form 3460) must be completed for each proposed insured. This plan is subject to terms, conditions, exclusions and eligibility restrictions. Please see the Business Loan Insurance Plan Certificate of Insurance for full details. Business Loan Insurance Plan premiums, if applicable, are taken with your scheduled loan payments. In the case of blended payments of principal and hterest, as premiums fluctuate based on various factors such as, by way of example, the age of the insured and changes to the insured loan balance, a part of the premium payment may be deducted and taken from the scheduled blended loan payment with the result that the amortization period may increase in the case ofany such loan to which this coverage applies. Refer to the Business Loan Insurance Plan application (form 3460 Eng or 53460 Fr) for further explanation and disclosure. The Borrower(s), by signing below, acknowledges that life and disability insurance for Borrowings was offered under the Business Loan Insurance Plan, and that: (X) Any applications for this insurance have been made and may be subject to approval, as outlined in the Certifrcate of Insurance which the Borrower has received. ( ) The offer of insurance has been waived. ( ) The owner(s)/partner(s)/management of the Borrower(s) are ineligible for this insurance (under l8 or over age 64), orthe credit facilities, banking services or other products provided for in this Agreement are not eligible for this insurance. ( ) The Borrowings currently have Business Loan Insurance Plan coverage, and no increase in coverage has been requested. If there are aîy discrepancies between the insurance information above, and the Business Loan Insurance Plan documents regarding the Borrowings, the Business Loan Insurance Plan documents govern. STANDARD TERMS The following standard terms have been provided to the Borrower: I Form 472 (06/2008) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - Standard Terms Form 473 (0912006) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - Margined Account Standard Terms Form475 (09/2006) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - Financial Covenants Standard Terms Form 476 (09/2006) Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement - FEF Contract Standard Terms t t t t By-Law 2009-108 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 291 of 329 ACCEPTANCE This Agreement is open for acceptance until September 30, 2009, after which date it will be null and void, unless extended in writing by the Bank. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Per: Name: Bruce Kendrick Title: Account Manager Phone: 519-842-6944 CONFIRMATION & ACCEPTANCE The Borrower (i) conhrms that it has received a copy of the Royal Bank of Canada Loan Agreement Standard Terms, form 472 (06/2008), as well as all other standard terms which are herein above shown as having been delivered to the Borrower, all of which are incorporated in and form an integral part of this Agreement; and (ii) accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement including all terms and conditions contained in such standard terms. Confirmed, accepted and agreed this _ day of 20 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Per: Name: Title: Per: Name: Title: Per: Name: Title: By-Law 2009-108 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 292 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2009-109 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS REGARDING THE RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham submitted application for funding to the Rural Economic Development Program; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has received confirmation of funding support under the program for the Intemational Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study project subject to the completion of the necessary Agreement; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into the said Agreement; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Administrator be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipahty of Bayham, the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario for the provision of funding under the Rural Economic Development Program regarding the International Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study. 2. THAT this byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ITth DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 293 of 329 Page 294 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 THE AGREEMENT effective as of the 8th day of July, 2009. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of Agr¡culture, Food and Rural Affairs ("oMAFRA") -and- The Corporat¡on of the Municipality of Bayham Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce (the "Recipient") Background: OMAFRA has established the Rural Economic Development Program to address barriers to economic growth, and ensure that Ontario's small towns and rural communities remain viable, healthy and vibrant places in which to live, work and invest; The Recipient has applied to OMAFRA for funds to assist the Recipient in carrying out the Project and OMAFRA wishes to provide such funds. Consideration: ln consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is expressly acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1. lnterpretation. For the purposes of interpretation: a) words in the singular include the plural and vice-versa; b) words in one gender include all genders; c) the background and the headings do not form part of the Agreement; they are for reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of the Agreement; d) any reference to dollars or currency shall be to Canadian dollars and currency; and e) "include", "includes" and "including" shall not denote an exhaustive list. 1.2. Definitions. ln the Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings: "Agreement" means this agreement entered into between OMAFRA and the Recipient and includes all of the schedules listed in section 27.1. By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 295 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 "Budget" means the budget attached to the Agreement as Schedule "8". "Claim Submission" means the claim submission attached to the Agreement as Schedule C. "Completion Date" means the expiration of the agreement as described in section 3.1 and shall expire no later than six (6) months following the project end date of June 30, 2O1O; "Effective Date" means the date set out at the top of the Agreement. "Eligible Gosts" means those expendituies incurred after the Effective Date and prior to the Project End Date related directly to the Project and identified as Eligible Costs in the Budget. "Event of Default" has the meaning ascribed to it in section 14.1 . "Force Majeure" has the meaning ascribed to it in Article 25. "Funding Yearl' means: a) the period commencing on the Effective Date and ending on the following March 31; and b) if there are Funding Years subsequent to the Funding Year in (a), the period commencing on April 1 following the end of the previous Funding Year and ending on the following March 31. "Funds" means the money provided by the Province to the Recipient pursuant to the Agreement. "GST" means goods and services tax pursuant to the Excise Tax Act (Canada). "tndemnified Parties" means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, Her Ministers, agents, appointees and employees. "Maximum Funds" means'$1 1 5,000; "Notice" means a notice as provided for in Article 18. "Parties" means OMAFRA and the Recipient. "Party" means either OMAFRA or the Recipient. "Project" means the undertaking described in Schedule "4". "Project End Date" means June 30, 2010; "Reports" has the meaning ascribed to it in Article 7. By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 296 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 "Timelines" means the Project schedule set out in Schedule "8". "Wind Down Costs" means the Recipient's reasonable costs to wind down the Project. ARTICLE 2. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS 2.1. General. The Recipient represenls, warrants and covenants that: a) it is, and shall continue to be for the term of the Agreement, a validly existing legal entity with full power to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement; b) it has, and shall continue to have for the term of the Agreement, the experience and expertise necessary to carry out the Project; and c) any information the Recipient provided to OMAFRA in support of its request for funds (including information relating to any eligibility requirements) was true and complete at the time the Recipient provided it, and shall continue to be true and complete for the term of the Agreement in every respect. 2.2. Execution of Agreement. The Recipient represents and warrants that: a) it has the full power and authority to enter into the Agreement; and b) it has taken all necessary actions to authorize the execution of the Agreement including passing a municipal by-law authorízing the Recipient to entei into the Agreement with OMAFRA. 2.3. Governance. The Recipient represents, warrants and covenants that, it has; and shall maintain for the period during which the Agreement is in effect, by-laws or other legally necessary instruments to: a) establish the expected code of conduct and ethical responsibilities at all levels of the Recipient's organization; b) establish procedures to ensure the ongoing effective functioning of the Recipient; c) establish decision-making mechanisms; d) provide for the prudent and effective management of the Funds; e) establish procedures to enable the successful completion of the Project; f) establish procedures to enable the timely identification of risks to the completion of the Project and strategies to address the identified risks; g) establish procedures to enable the preparation and delivery of all Reports required pursuant to Article 7: and h) deal with such other matters as the Recipient considers necessary to ensure that the Recipient carries out its obligations under the Agreement. By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 297 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 2.4. Supporting Documentat¡on. Upon request, the Recipient shall provide OMAFRA with proof of the matters referred to in Article 2. ARTICLE 3. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT 3.1. Term. The Agreement shall commence on July 8, 2009 and shall expire on December 31,2010 unless terminated earlier pursuant to Article 12, Article 13 or Article 14. ARTICLE 4. FUNDS AND CARRYING OUT THE PROJECT 4.1. Funds Provided. OMAFRA shall: a) provide fifty percent (50%) of the Recipient's Eligible Costs actually incurred up to the Maximum Funds to the Recipient for the purpose of carrying out the Project b) provide the Funds to the Recipient in accordance with the payment schedule attached to the Agreement as Schedule "8"; and c) deposit the Funds into an account designated by the Recipient provided that the account: i) resides at a Canadian financial institution; and ii) is in the name of the Recipient. 4.2. Limitation on Payment of Funds. Despite section 4.1, OMAFRA: a) shall not provide any Funds to the Recipient until the Recipient provides the insurance cerlificate or other documents provided for in section 11.2; b) is not obligated to provide instalments of Funds until it is satisfied with the progress of the Project; c) may adjust the amount of Funds it provides to the Recipient in any Funding Year based upon OMAFRA's assessment of the information contained in the Reports; d) shall not be required to provide Funds unless OMAFRA determines that the cost or expense claimed by the Recipient is: (i) reasonable (ii) directly related to the components of the Project as described in Schedule "4"; (iii) specifically identified as an Eligible Cost for the Project as set out in Schedule '8"; (iv) incurred after the Approval Date and no later than the Project End Date; and (v) an actual cash outlay to third parties acting at arm's length that can be documented through original invoices or proofs of payment; By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 298 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 e) shall not be required to provide Funds unless a completed Claim Submission has been submitted to OMAFRA; and f) shall not be required to provide Funds unless all evidence of payment of an Eligible Cost and such supporting documentation as may be required by OMAFRA have been submitted to OMAFRA. 4.3. Appropriation. Despite sections 4.1 and 4.2 and pursuant to the provisions of the Financial Administration Act (Ontario), as amended, if OMAFRA does not receive the necessary appropriation from the Ontario Legislature for any payment OMAFRA is obligated to make under the Agreement, OMAFRA shall not be obligated to make the payment and OMAFRA may, pursuant to section 13.1, terminate the Agreement or may reduce the amount of the Funds and, in consultation with the Recipient, change the Project. 4.4. Use of Funding and Project. The Recipient shall: a) carry out the Project; i) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement; and ii) in compliance with all federal and provincial laws or regulations, all municipal by-laws, and any other orders, rules or by-laws related to any aspect of the Project; b) use the Funds only for the purpose of carrying out the Project; and c) spend the Funds only in accordance with the Budget. 4.5. No Changes. The Recipient shall: a) not make any changes to the Project, the Timelines and/or the Budget without' the prior written consent of OMAFRA; and b) abide by the terms and conditions OMAFRA may require pursuant to any consent. 4.6. lnterest Bearing Account. lf OMAFRA provides Funds to the Recipient prior to the Recipient's immediate need for the Funds the Recipient shall place the Funds in an interest bearing account in the name of the Recipient at a Canadian financial institution. 4.7. Maximum Funds. The Recipient acknowledges that the Funds available to it pursuant to the Agreement shall not exceed the Maximum Funds. 4.8. lnterest. lf the Recipient earns any interest on the Funds: (a) OMAFRA may deduct an amount equal to the interest from any further instalments of Funds; or (b) the Recipient shall pay an amount equal to the interest to OMAFRA as By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 299 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 directed by OMAFRA 4.9. GST. The Recipient shall not use the Funds for any GST costs. 4.10. Hold Back. OMAFRA may hold back up to ten percent (10%) of any payment of Funds. otherwise payable pursuant to this Agreement until the completion of the Project to the satisfaction of OMAFRA and the submission of a Final Report that is satisfactory to OMAFRA ARTICLE 5. ACQUISITION OF GOODS AND SERVICES, AND DISPOSAL OF ASSETS 5.1. Acquisition. lf the Recipient acquires supplies, equipment or services with the Funds or if the Recipient is seeking reimbursement from the Funds for supplies, equipment or services that it has already acquired, it shall do so or must have done so through a process that promotes the best value for the Funds it spends. For equipment, services and supplies, the cost of which exceeds $25,000.00, the Recipients shall ensure that at least three (3) written quotes are or were obtained unless it obtains the prior written consent of OMAFRA and: a) the expertise being purchased is specialized and is not readily available; or b) the market has previously been researched for a similar purchase and prevailing market costs for the equipment, services or supplies are known 5.2. Disposal. The Recipient shall not, without OMAFRA's prior written consent, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any assets purchased with Funds, or for which Funds were provided, the cost of which exceeded ßf;" of the Maximum Funds provided at the time of purchase. ARTICLE 6. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 6.1. No Conflict of lnterest. The Recipient shall carry out the Project and use the Funds without an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest. 6.2. Conflict of lnterest lncludes. For the purposes of this Article, a conflict of interest includes any circumstances where: a) the Recipíent; or b) any person who has the capacity to influence the Recipient's decisions; has outside commitments, relationships or financial interests that could, or could be seen to, interfere with the Recipient's objective, unbiased and impartialjudgment relating to the Project and the use of the Funds. 6.3. Disclosure to Province. The Recipient shall: a) disclose to OMAFRA without delay any situation that a reasonable person would interpret as an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest; and 6 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 300 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No.4683 b) comply with any terms and conditions that OMAFRA may prescribe as a result of the disclosure. ARTICLE 7. REPORTING, ACCOUNTING AND REVIEW 7.1. a) b) Preparation and Submission. The Recipient shall: submit to OMAFRA at the address provided in Section 18.1, all Reports in accordance with the timelines and content requirements set out in Schedules "C", "E" and "F'or in a form as specified by OMAFRA from time to time; submit to OMAFRA at the address provided in Section 18.1, any other reports requested by OMAFRA in accordance with timeline and content requirements specified by OMAFRA; c) ensure that all Reports and other reports are completed to the satisfaction of OMAFRA; and d) ensure that all Reports and other reports are signed on behalf of the Recipient by an authorized signing officer. 7.2. Record Maintenance. The Recipient shall keep and maintain: a) all financial records (including invoices) relating to the Funds or otherwise to the Project in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles; and b) all non-financial documents and records relating to the Funds or othen¡rise to the Project. 7.3. lnspection. OMAFRA, its authorized representatives or an independent auditor identified by OMAFRA may, at its own expense, upon twenty-four hours' Notice to the Recipient and during normal business hours, enter upon the Recipient's premises to review the progress of the Project and the Recipient's expenditure of the Funds, and for these purposes OMAFRA, its authorized representatives or an independent auditor identified by OMAFRA, may: a) inspect and copy the records and documents referred to in section 7.2; and b) conduct an audit or investigation of the Recipient in respect of the expenditure of the Funds and/or Project. 7.4. Disclosure. To assist in respect of the rights set out in Section 7.3, the Recipient shall disclose any information reasonably requested by OMAFRA, its authorized representatives or an independent auditor identified by OMAFRA, and shall do so in a form reasonably requested by OMAFRA, its authorized representatives or an independent auditor identified by OMAFRA, as the case may be. 7.5. No Control Over Unrelated lnformation. No provision of the Agreement shall be construed so as to give OMAFRA any control whatsoever over the Recipient's By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 301 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry.File No.4683 documentation or information that is not related to the Project or to the expenditure of Funds. 7.6. Auditor General. For greater certainty, OMAFRA's rights under this Article are in addition to any rights provided to the Auditor General pursuant to section 9(1) of the Auditor G en e ral Acf (Ontario). ARTICLE 8. CREDIT 8.1. 8.2. Acknowledge Support. Unless othenryise directed by OMAFRA, the Recipient shall, in a form approved by OMAFRA, acknowledge the support of OMAFRA in any publication of any kind, written or oral, relating to the Project. Publication. lf the Recipient publishes any material of any kind, written or oral, relating to the Project, the Recipient shall indicate in the material that the views expressed in the material are the views of the Recipient and do not necessarily reflect those of OMAFRA. ARTICLE 9. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY 9.1.FIPPA. The Recipient acknowledges that OMAFRA is bound by the Freedom ot lnformation and Protection ol Privacy Acf (Ontario), as amended from time to time, and that any information provided to OMAFRA in connection with the Project or otherwise in connection with the Agreement is subject to disclosure in accordance with that Act. ARTICLE 10. INDEMNITY 10.1. lndemnification. The Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the lndemnified Parties from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and expenses (including legal, expert and consultant fees), causes of action, actions, claims, demands, lawsuits or other proceedings, (collectively, "Claims"), by whomever made, sustained, incurred, brought or prosecuted, in any way arising out of or in connection with the Project or otherwise in connection with the Agreement, unless solely caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of OMAFRA. ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE 11.1. Recipient's lnsurance. The Recipient represents and warrants that it has, and shall maintain for the term of the Agreement, at its own cost and expense, with insurers having a secure A.M. Best rating of B+ or greater, or the equivalent, all the necessary and appropriate insurance that a prudent person carrying out a project similar to the Project would maintain, including commercial general liability insurance on an occurrence basis for third party bodily injury, personal injury and property By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 302 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 damage, to an inclusive limit of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence. The policy shall include the following: i) the lndemnified Parties as additional insureds with respect to liability arising in the course of performance of the Recipient's obligations under, or otheruise in connection with, the Agreement; ii) a cross-liability clause; iii) products and completed operations liability iv) contractual liability coverage; v) tenants legal liability (for premises/building leases only) vi) non-owned automobile coverage with blanket contractual and physical damage coverage for hired automobiles vii) a valid WSIB Clearance Certificate, or employers Liability and Voluntary Compensation, whichever applies viii) 30 day written notice of cancellation, termination or material change. 11.2. Proof of lnsurance. The Recipient shall provide OMAFRA with certificates of insurance or other proof as may be requested by OMAFRA, that confirms the insurance coverage as provided for in section 11.1. Upon the request of OMAFRA, the Recipient shall make available to OMAFRA a copy of each insurance policy. ARTICLE 12. TERMINATION ON NOTICE . 12.1. Termination on Notice. OMAFRA may terrninate the Agreement at any time upon giving at least 30 days' Notice to the Recipient. 12.2. Consequences of Termination. lf OMAFRA terminates the Agreement pursuant to section 12.1, OMAFRA may: a) cancel all further instalments of Funds; b) demand the repayment of any Funds remaining in the possession or under the control of the Recipient; and c) determine the Wind Down Costs, and: i) permit the Recipient to offset the Wind Down Costs against the amount the Recipient owes pursuant to subsection 12.2(b); and/or ii) subject to section 4.8, provide Funds to the Recipient to cover the Wind Down Costs. By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 303 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 ARTICLE 13. TERMINATION WHERE NO APPROPRIATION 13.1 . Termination Where No Appropriation. lf , as provided for in section 4.3, OMAFRA does not regeive the necessary appropriation from the Ontario Legislature for any payment OMAFRA is obligated to make under the Agreement, OMAFRA may terminate the Agreement immediately by giving Notice to the Recipient. 13.2. Gonsequences of Term.ination. lf OMAFRA terminates the Agreement pursuant to section 13.1, OMAFRA may: a) cancel allfurther instalments of Funds; 13.3. No Additional Funds. For purposes of clarity, if the Wind Down Costs exceed the Funds remaining in the possession or under the control of the Recipient, OMAFRA shall not provide additional Funds to the Recipient. ARTICLE 14. EVENT OF DEFAULT, CORRECTIVE ACTION AND TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT 14.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an "Event of Default": a) in the opinion of OMAFRA the Recipient has knowingly provided false or misleading information regarding its request for funds or in any other communication with OMAFRA; b) in the opinion of OMAFRA the Recipient breaches any material requirement of the Agreement, including failing to do any of the following in accordance with the terms of the Agreement: i) carry out the Project; ii) use or spend Funds; and/or i¡i) provide Reports; c) the nature of the Recipient's operations, or its corporate status, changes so that it no longer meets one or more of the applicable eligibility requirements of the program under which OMAFRA provides the Funds; d) the Recipient makes an assignment, proposal, compromise, or arrangement for the benefit of creditors, or is petitioned into bankruptcy, or files for the appointment of a receiver; e) the Recipient ceases to operate and Ð an event of Force Majeure continues for a period of 60 days or more. 14.2. Corrective Action. lf an Event of Default occurs OMAFRA may, at any time, take one or more of the following actions: 10 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 304 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No.4683 a) initiate any action OMAFRA considers necessary in order to facilitate the successful cont¡nuation or completion of the Project; b) suspend the payment of Funds for such period as OMAFRA determines appropriate; c) reduce the amount of the Funds; d) cancel allfurther payment of Funds; e) demand the repayment of any Funds remaining in the possession or under the control of the Recipient; D demand the repayment of an amount equal to any Funds the Recipient used for purposes not agreed upon by OMAFRA; g) demand the repayment of an amount equal to any Funds OMAFRA provided to the Recipient; and/or h) terminate the Agreement immediately upon giving Notice to the Recipient. 14.3. Opportunity to Remedy. ln addition. to its rights provided for in section 14.2, OMAFRA may provide the Recipient an opportunity to remedy the Event of Default by providing Notice to the Recipient: a) of the particulars of the Event of Default; and b) of the period of time within which the Recipient is required to remedy the Event of Default. 14.4. Recipient not Remedying. lf OMAFRA has provided the Recipient with an opportunity to remedy the Event of Default pursuant to section 14.3 and: a) the Recipient does not remedy the Event of Default within the time period specified in the Notice; b) it becomes apparent to OMAFRA that the Recipient cannot completely remedy the Event of Default within the time specified in the Notice or such further period of time as OMAFRA considers reasonable; or c) the Recipient is not proceeding to remedy the Event of Default in a way that is satisfactory to OMAFRA. OMAFRA may initiate any one or more of the actions provided for in subsections 14.2(d), (e), (f), (g), and (h). 14.5. Effective Date. The effective date of any termination under this Article shall be the last day of the Notice period, the last day of any subsequent Notice period or immediately, whichever applies. 11 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 305 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 ARTICLE 15. FUNDS AT THE END OF A FUNDING YEAR 15.1 . Funds at the End of a Funding Year. Without limiting any rights of OMAFRA under Article 14, if the Recipient has not spent all of the Funds allocated for the Funding Year as provided for in the Budget, OMAFRA may: a) demand the return to OMAFRA of the unspent Funds; or b) adjust the amount of any further instalments of Funds accordingly. ARTICLE 16. FUNDS UPON EXPIRY 16.1. Funds Upon Expiry. Without limiting any rights of OMAFRA underArticle 14, the Recipient shall, upon expiry of the Agreement, return to OMAFRA any Funds remaining in its possession or under its control. ARTICLE 17. REPAYMENT 17.1. Debt Due. lf the Recipient owes any moneys, including any Funds, to OMAFRA, whether their return or repayment has been demanded by OMAFRA or not, such moneys shall be deemed to be a debt due and owing to OMAFRA by the Recipient, and the Recipient shall pay or return the amount to OMAFRA immediately unless OMAFRA directs otherwise. 17.2. lnterest Rate. OMAFRA may charge the Recipient interest on any moneys owing by the Recipient at the then current interest rate charged by the Province of Ontario on accounts receivable. 17.3. Gheque Payable To. The Recipient shall pay any moneys owing to OMAFRA by cheque payable to the "Ontario Minister of Finance" and mailed to OMAFRA at the address provided in section 18.1. ARTICLE 18. NOTICE 18.1 . Notice in Writing and Addressed. Notice shall be in writing and shall be delivered by postage-prepaid mail, personal delivery or facsimile, and shall be addressed to, OMAFRA and the Recipient respectively, as set out below: To OMAFRA:To the Recipient: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs Rural Community Dev. Branch 1 Stone Road West, 4NW Guelph ON, N1G 4Y2 Attention: Manager Fax: 51 9-826-4336 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Mr. Kyle Kruger, CAO Phone: 51 9-866-5521 Fax: 51 9-866-3884 12 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 306 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No.4683 Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 3ô Port Burwell, Ontario NOJ 1T0 Attention: Mr. Doug Lester, President Phone: 519-874-4477 Fax: 519-874-4477 18.2. Notice Given. Notice shall be deemed to have been received: a) in the case of postage-prepaid mail, five (5) business days after such Notice is mailed; or b) in the case of personal delivery or facsimile, one (1) business day after such Notice is received by the other Party. 1 8.3. Postal Disruption. Despite subsection 18.2(a), in the event of a postal disruption, a) Notice by postage-prepaid mail shall not be deemed to be received; and b) the Party giving Notice shall provide Notice by personal delivery or by facsimile. ARTICLE 19. SEVERAtsILITY OF PROVISIONS 19.1. Invalidity or Unenforceability of Any Provision. The invalidiÇ or unenforceability of any provision of the Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of the Agreement. Any invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed'to be severed. ARTICLE 20, WAIVER 20.1. Waivers in Writing. lf a Party fails to comply with any term of the Agreement, that Party may only rely on a waiver of the other Pafty if the other Party has provided a written waiver in accordance with the Notice provisions in Article 18. Any waiver must refer to a specific failure to comply and shall not have the etfect of waiving any subsequent failures to comply. ARTICLE 21. INDEPENDENT PARTIES 21.1. Parties lndependent. The Recipient acknowledges that it is not an agent, joint venturer, partner or employee of OMAFRA and the Recipient shall not take any actions that could establish or imply such a relationship. 13 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 307 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 ARTICLE 22. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT OR FUNDS 22.1. No Assignment. The Recipient shall not assign any part of the Agreement or any Funds without the prior written consent of OMAFRA which OMAFRA may, in its sole discretion, provide or withhold. 22.2. Enurement. The Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and .permitted assigns. ARTICLE 23. GOVERNING LAW 23.1. Agreement Governed By. The Agreement and the rights, obligations and relations of the Parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the applicable federal laws of Canada. Any actions or proceedings arising in connection with the Agreement shall be conducted in Ontario. ARTICLE 24. FURTHER ASSURANCES 24.1. Agreement into Effect. The Parties shall do or cause to be done all acts or things necessary to implement and carry into effect the terms of the Agreement to its full extent. ARTICLE 25. CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND THE CONTROL OF EITHER PARTY 25.1. Force Majeure Means. For the purposes of the Agreement, "Force Majeure" means an event that is: a) beyond the reasonable control of a Party; and b) makes a Party's performance of its obligations under the Agreement impossible or so impracticable as reasonably to be considered impossible in the circumstances. 25.2. Force Majeure lncludes. Force Majeure includes: a) infectious diseases, war, riots and civil disorder; b) storm, flood, earthquake or other severely adverse weather conditions; c) confiscation or other similar action by government agencies; d) lawful act by a public authority; and, e) strikes, lockouts and other labour actions, if such events meet the test set out in section 25.1. t4 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 308 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 25.3. a) Force Majeure Shall Not lnclude. Force Majeure shall not includè: any event that is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a Party or such Party's agents or employees; any event that a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected to:b) ¡) take into account at the time of the execution of the Agreement; and ii) avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations under the Agreement; or 25.4. Failure to Fulfil Obligations. Subject to section 14.1(f), the failure of either Party to fulfil any of its obligations under the Agreement shall not be considered to be a breach of, or Event of Default under, the Agreement to the extent that such failure to fulfill the obligation arose from an event of Force Majeure, if the Party affected by such an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the terms and conditions of the Agreement. ARTICLE 26. SURVIVAL 26.1. Survival. The provisions in Article 1, sections 4.7(b), 5.2,7.1 (to the extent that the Recipient has not provided the Reports/reports), 7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,7.6, Articles I and10, sections 12.2, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1,14.2 (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g), 14.4, Articles 16,17,18,19,23,27 and 28, and all cross-referenced provisions and Schedules shall continue in full force and effect for a period of seven years from the date of expiry or termination of the Agreement ARTICLE 27. SCHEDULES 27.1. Schedules. The Agreement includes the following schedules: a) Schedule A - Project Description; b) Schedule B - Budget and Project Cost Schedule; c) Schedule C - Claim Submission; d) Schedule D - Financial Assistance; e) Schedule E - Expenditure Forecast Repoft; and Ð Schedule F - Final Report. ARTICLE 28. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 28.1. Entire Agreement. The Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained in the Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and agreements. 15 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 309 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 28.2. Modification of Agreement. The Agreement may only be amended by a iruritten agreement duly executed by the Parties. ARTICLE 29. COUNTERPARTS 29.1. The Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The Parties have executed the Agreement on the dates set out below. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs by: Name: Title: Minister of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs Name: Title: l/we have authority to bind the Recipient Name: Title: l/we have authority to bind the Recipient Date RECIPIENT'S NAME: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham by: Date Date ló By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 310 of 329 Ru¡al Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 RECIPIENT'S NAME: Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce by: Name: Title: l/we have authority to bind the Recipient Date T7 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 311 of 329 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 312 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No. 4683 SCHEDULE ffA'' PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Municipality of Bayham and Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce will undertake two studies to determine the market feasibility and the impact of a ferry service from Port Bunruell in the Municipality of Bayham to Fairport Harbour, Ohio. The Market Demand Study, Phase 1 will determine if there is sufficient economic benefit to the transportation industry for commercial ferry service between these two ports. The lmpact Study, Phase 2, will undertake an evaluation of the economic, community and environmental impact as well as the effects of a terminal in Port Bunruell and the connecting road links through settlement areas to Highway 401. 18 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 313 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Ministry File No, 4683 SCHEDULE "BU BUDGET (Total Eliqible Costs) Budqet) must equalAnnual Total ect Cost Schedule Description of Projected Expenditures Approved. Budget 1. Feasibi $120,000 3. Communications and Public Relations Administration $230,000Total Eligible Costs Cost Schedule Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct - Dec Annual Total $172,500 r9 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 314 of 329 Rural Econom ic D evelopm ent Program M inistry Fite No, 4683 SCHEDULE"C" CLAIM SUBMISSION ln accordance with terms of the Agreement, the Recipients shall provide to the Ministry a Claim Suþmission (as set out in Schedule "C" Parts 1 and2), including original invoices and proofs of payment. Claims for payment are considered to be incomplete without both parts attached. 20 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 315 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Glaim Submission Pa¡t I -Progress RePort File No.Project Title: Claim No.Period Covered:Due Date: ACTIVITIES FOR THIS REPORT: RESUITS ,SSUES WHICH MAY IMPACT ON THE PROJECT'S SUCCESS AND TIMING FOR COMPLETION? SIGNATURE Project Representative:Date: 2I By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 316 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Authorized Official : Glaim Submission Part2 - Claim Report Name of Project Representative I Date the costs claamed are el¡gible costs and ¡n æmplranæ w¡th the provincial lega¡ agreemenl S¡gnature Part I - Proiect lnformation File No.Project Title:Completion Date: Claim No.Period Covered:RED % Reimbursement Final Cla¡m (Yes/ No) Part2 - New lnvoices Attach lnvoices and Proofs of Payment as listed above and send to.' Rural Economic Development Program Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 4th Floor, 1 Stone Road W., Guelph, ON N1G 4Y2 22 B y - l a w 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 9 A B y - l a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a . . . P a g e 3 1 7 o f 3 2 9 SCHEDULE IID'' FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Total Eligible Gosts: Ontario Maximum Financial Assistance: $230,000 $1 15,000 The Ministry will hold back 1O% of the Maximum Financial Assistance, the release of which shall be contingent on submission of the Recipient's Final Performance Report detailing the progress and status of the Project and substantiating that the Project has been substantially performed. The Ministry is not obligated to pay interest on the holdback or any other payments under this Agreement. MINISTRY COLLABORATES WITH CLIENT ON AN APPROPRIATE PROJECT SCHEDULE 23 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 318 of 329 SCHEDULE"E" EXPENDITURE FORECAST REPORT 24 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 319 of 329 RED Expenditure Forecast Due Date: Contact: Fax #: Proiect lnformation: :ile #: )roiect T¡tle: )roiect Complet¡on Date: Current Forecast: *" Alt ligures above reflect the Tolal Eligible Project Costs, f;O-[ the amount of RED funding to be received Please only complete the following section ¡f the ¡nformation above is no longer accurate IMPORTANT TO NOTE: i)lfyouagreew¡thlhe"CurrentForecasl"(i e youexpecttoincurexpensesasoutlinedinthecurrentforecast),pleasesignthedeclarationbelowandreturn the spreadsheet by mail or fax However, if your forecast of expenses has changed you must complete the ''RED Funding Transfer Requesl" chart Similarly, if you require an extension to the project completion date (refer to Project lnformation sect¡on) please prov¡de the new date and the rationale in comment area provided Once completed, please sign the declaration at the bottom ofthe spreadsheet and return by mail, fax or email 2) All requests will be reviewed by RED program management lJnless you rece¡ve written approval from your RED analyst, movement of funds across fiscal years or extending fhe project completion date is not permitted. Your RED analyst with contact you with further details 3) Cosls should be entered based on the accruaì accounting method Therefore, costs should be entered ¡n the quader in which they were/are going to be incurred, nol when they were/are going to be paid 4) The "Forecasted Total" must not exceed the "Total Approved Eligible Costs " Declaration: I certify that the financial information contained within this report ¡s true and accurate to the best of my knowledge Costs related to our approved Rural Economic Development Program project w¡ll be incurred for the amount on the schedule as ¡ndicated above ÐÞc'ìtar¡o RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (RED} PROGRAM 25 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 320 of 329 SCHEDULE "F" FINAL REPORT ln accordance with Article 7 of the Agreement, Recipients must provide a Final Report which meets the requirements listed below. On or before 90 days after the final claim has been submitted, a Final Report must be submitted to OMAFRA which shall include, but is not limited to: a) a detailed summary of the results of the Project achieved to the date of the Final Report including Performance Measures; b) the details of any variance from the Project (Schedule "4"), the Budget (Schedule "8") and/or the Project Schedule c) a final Financial Statement (including Declaration) showing all Eligible Costs incurred and paid; and The format for the Final Repod is attached. t 26 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 321 of 329 Rural Economic Development Program Final Report File: Date Approved: Project Title: Recipient: Contact: Telephone: Total Project Gosts: Funding Approved: Start Date: End Date: [Click here and type File Number] [Click here and insert date approved] [Glick here and type Proiect title] "[Click here for Recipient's Organization]" [List contact name & title] [List co-applicant's organization name] IList co-applicant's address] "IList Recipient's phone number]" $[Type Total Cost Amount] $[Type TotalAmount approved ] [Click here and insed start date] [Click here and insert end date] Section 1. Summary of Project and Results 27 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 322 of 329 Detailed Results and Performance Measures The following table must be completed with the results of your project. Not all measures will be applicable to your Project (leave blank). Please use both qualitative measures (e.9. improvements made, awareness, efficiencies gained, etc.) and quantitative measures (e.9., number of activities/events, number of materials distributed, etc.) that demonstrate the impact of your project. Please include how you measured the results. Project Deliverables Short-Term Results or Outcomes Long-Term Results or Outcomes Measurement Number of jobs created, retained or upgraded Amount of new investment in the community and/or the Ontario business climate Contributed to revitalized communitv or downtown Contributes to improved access to community health care services Contributes to skills training and/or enhancement Number of new alliances and/or partnerships Number of community groups involved or benefiting from your project Number of innovative products/services or technologies for rural Ontario 28 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 323 of 329 Project Deliverables Short-Term Results or Outcomes Long-Term Results or Outcomes Measurement Number of tools, information and/or resources for rural economic development Number of barriers to economic development overcome Other measures 29 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 324 of 329 Financial Statement Rural Economic Development Program Project File # For the period from to Sources of Funds Partners 1 2 3 4 Other orivate contributions 1 2 Other oublic contributions 1 2 RED Prooram Claim # Claim # Claim # Claim # 10% Holdback Total sources of Funds Uses of Funds I 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 Excess of Actual Spendinq over Budgel 1+/-) Total uses of Funds 30 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 325 of 329 [Þontario Rural Economic Development Program DECLARATION We have reviewed and approved the attached financial statement for the Proiect, as it relates to fhose aspects which concern the our rote, and hereby declare that to the best of our knowledge, during the period covered by the financial statements, we were not in breach or violation of any of the covenant contained in the Agreement. Signed by the Recipients and dated this day of ,200-. lnsert Legal Name of Recipient 31 By-law 2009-109 A By-law to authorize the execution of a...Page 326 of 329 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 2009.110 Being a By-law to Further Amend By-law 2006-003 A By-law Establishing Governance and Structure for the Museums Bayham Board WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by ByJaw 2006-003 establish a Board to be responsible for the maintenance, service, promotion and operation of the Port Burwell Marine Museum & Lighthouse and the Edison Museum of Vienna located in and under the jurisdiction of the municipality; AI\[D WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did, by By- laws 2006-058 and 2008-042, amend By-law 2006-003; AltD WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous that By-law 2006-003 be further amended and approved by By-law; THTTIEFORB BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. TIIAT By-law 2006-003 under Schedule "A" section 2,Mandate, be deleted as follows: "The Edison Museum has been established to promote recognition of the extent and impact of Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor, on the local area, and world wide, by his many inventions and family artifacts on displa¡ and promote and preserve the historical artifacts and records of the Bayham area and its inhabitants;" and replaced as follows with: "The Edison Museum has been established to preserve, protect and promote the heritage of the people of the Bayham area and emphasize the "Canadian Connection" of the Vienna Edison family to Thomas Alva Edison, the Inventor, and recognize the extent and impact of his inventions worldwide." 2. THAT under Schedula"N', Section 2.lbe added as follows: "2.1 Vision The Vision for the Edison Museum of Vienna is to establish and rnÍrnage an environmentally controlled community facility in which to carry out functions and programs, ensure the preservation of the collection, including heritage of Edison inventions and family artifacts for the benefit of the inhabitants of, and visitors to, the Vienna / Bayham atea." 1. THAT in all other respects By-law 2006-003, as amended, be hereby confirrned and remains unchanged; 2. TIIAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF'SEPTEMBER 2OO9 MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2009-110 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2006-00...Page 327 of 329 Page 328 of 329 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LA\il NO.2009-111 A BY-LA\il TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING IIELD SEPTEMBER 17, 2OO9 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act,200l S.O. 2001, Chapter 2Í,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municþal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. TIIEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held Septernber 17,2009 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byJaw. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this lTthday of September 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-111 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Counc...Page 329 of 329