HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 17, 2011 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, February 17, 2011 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011. (b)Minutes of the special meeting of Council held February 8, 2011. (c)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:00 p.m. - Steve Evans, Manager of Planning, County of Elgin and Nick McDonald of Meridian Planning Consultants regarding "County Official Plan". (b)7:45 p.m. - Rob Thompson regarding "Water Infrastructure Fees". (c)8:15 p.m. - Captain Russell Blais regarding "Ferry Service" 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence dated January 27, 2011 from Elgin St. Thomas United Way regarding "2010 Community Social Report for St. Thomas and Elgin County". File: A01 (b)Correspondence received February 7, 2011 from Ombudsman Ontario regarding "Open Municipal Meetings in Ontario". File: A01 (c)Invitation to attend the Long Point Region Conservation Authority's Annual General Meeting. File: A16 7-17 19-23 25 27-28 29-31 33 35 Page 1 of 215 Council Agenda February 17, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (d)Bayham Hictorical Society minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. File: C06 (e)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. File: C06 (f)Correspondence dated January 25, 2011 from Town of Aylmer regarding "Elgin Military Museum - Support for Project Ojibwa". File: C10/D06 (g)Correspondence dated February 7, 2011 from Township of Malahide regarding "Ojibwa Project". File: C10/D06 (h)Copy of correspondence dated January 31, 2011 from County of Elgin to Joe Preston, MP regarding "Project Ojibwa". File: C10/D06 (i)Correspondence dated January 27, 2011 from Township of Uxbridge regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales". File: C10/P09 (j)Correspondence dated February 1, 2011 from County of Lennox & Addington regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Sales". File: C10/P09 (k)Correspondence from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding "Elgin Area Water Supply System Pipeline Twinning and HELP Clean Water". File: E08 (l)News Release dated February 8, 2011 from Elgin County OPP regarding "Stay Safe....Stay Inside Your Ride". File: P17 (m)Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". File: R02 (n)Correspondence received February 10, 2011 from Pitch-In Canada regarding "2011Operation Clean Sweep Campaign". File: A01 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 37-39 41-51 53 55 57 59 61 63-64 65 67-80 81 Page 2 of 215 Council Agenda February 17, 2011 Page 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner (b)Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen (c)Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report PW2011-04 regarding "Clarke Bridge Update". File: T06 (b)Staff Report DR2011-002 regarding "Richmond Outlet Drain Revised Schedule D". File: E09 (c)Staff Report DR2011-003 regarding "Otters Edge Drain Revised Schedule D". File: E09 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By-Law" (Opportunity for public comments). File: P10 (b)Building Permit Report for month ending January 31, 2011. File: P10 (c)Copy of letter dated January 25, 2011 from Elgin Group Police Services Board to Township of Southwold regarding "Accident Investigations". File: P17 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending February 6, 2011 totaling $58,630.00. (b)Staff Report F2011-03 regarding "Water Infrastructure Project". File: F05.09 83-91 93-108 109-126 127-128 129-132 133-135 137-151 153 155-158 159-169 171-174 Page 3 of 215 Council Agenda February 17, 2011 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (c)Staff Report F2011-04 regarding "Public Works Credit Card". File: F04 (d)Staff Report C2011-03 regarding "Civil Marriage Officiant Services Renewal". File: L12 (e)Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Surveyor". File: S09 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Staff Report E2011-02 regarding "Waste Management Services". File: E07 (b)Correspondence dated February 11, 2011 from Richmond Community Water Inc. regarding "Ownership of Richmond Community Water Inc.". File: C13 / E08 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011. (c)Confidential Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Medical Services Building). (d)Confidential Report (verbal) regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Harbour Facililties). (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2011-008 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an employment agreement (Rogers) (b)By-Law 2011-009 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an employment agreement (Wharram) (c)By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer connection permits and inspections 175 177-180 181-186 187-188 189 191 193 195-208 Page 4 of 215 Council Agenda February 17, 2011 Page 12.BY-LAWS (d)By-Law 2011-020 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2008-023 (Richmond Outlet Drain) (e)By-Law 2011-021 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2008-084 (Otter's Edge Municipal Drain) (f)By-Law 2011-022 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 209-211 213-214 215 Page 5 of 215 Page 6 of 215 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville February 3,2011 7:00 PM The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, February 3,2011 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Walme Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lpda Millard. Public V/orks Manager Gerry LeMa¡ Fire Chief / By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch, and Treasurer Denis Duguay were in attendance to present their respective rqrorts. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECTJNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERÄL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meetings of Council held January 13, 2}ll and January 20, 20tt. 20tt-041 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held January 13,2011 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 20tt-042 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held January 20,2011 be approved as circulated.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) 20rt-043 Moved by Depufy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by CouncillorW Casier Page I ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 7 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,2011 "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93, Staff Report P2011-006 regarding PPE Replacementbe added to the agenda as items 8(c)." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Vienna Citizens Group regarding "Savirig the Vienna Town Hall and requesting Council consider avenues for funding". Ms. Collins thanked Council for use ofthe Chambers to hold the public meeting to "Save the Vienna Town Hall" in January. She advised that there is public interest and that she has been in contact with the Ontario Trillium Foundation about the group's current progtess and consideration of a grant re-application. She requested financial support for part of the cost of an Engineering study. Council was requested and agreed to provide staffassistance to seek Trillium funding for the proposed study. There was consensus that minimal heat in the building be maintained to prevent further deterioration as recommended by Dennis Vass, P Eng. of the Ventin Group. The Administrator advised that flrnds in the 2010 buàget regarding the building were f¡om the library building reserve. It was noted that cost estimates would need to be updated to re-file an application with the OTF. (b) 8:10 p.m. - Rob Thompson regarding "Water Infrastructure F."ri d"f"o"d to the February lTthmeeting. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Correspondence dated January 25,2}ll from the Municipality of Central Elgin regarding "Ojibwa Proj ect". File: C10 (b) Correspondence dated January 25,2}lt from Township of Southwold regarding "Resolution of Support - Ojibwa". File: C10 (c) Correspondence dated January 18, 2011 from Township of East Ferris regarding "Resolution - Bazaar Licence requirements". File: C10Æ09 (d) Correspondence dated January 2l,2}ll from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "MSC material or pamFhlets". File: 401 (e) Correspondence dated January 18,2}ll from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding "Ontario Heritage Week 20ll - February 2l - 27". File: 401 Page 2 of 17 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 8 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,2011 (Ð Correspondence dated January 4,2011 from Envi¡onment Canada regarding "2OlO Lakewide Management Plan Annual Report". File: .4'16 (g) Correspondence dated January 19,2}ll from Long Point Region Consen¡ation Authority to Oxford County regarding "LPRCA Board Restructuring". File: .4.16 (h) Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held January 13,2011. File: C06 (Ð Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held Novemb er 17,2010. File: C06 (t) Correspondence dated January 18, 2011 from Town of Tillsonburg regarding "Resolution to endorse appointments". File: C12 (k) Conespondence dated January 25,2}ll from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "Elgin Group Police Services Board Members". File: Cl2 (1) Correspondence dated January 20,20Il from Mary Craig regarding "Survey Mapping". File: Cl3 (m) Correspondence dated January 23,2}ll from Captain Russell Blais regarding "Ferry Service Port Burwell to USA". File: D06 Council noted that staff re-confirmed the previous resolution passed by Council on June 29 , 2009 withMr. Blais. (n) News Release dated January 27,2}ll from Grand River Conservation Authority regarding "Money available to landowners to protect drinking water sources". File: E00 (o) Correspondence dated January 18,2011 from Stantec Consulting Ltd. regarding "Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the Lake Huron Primary Water Transmission Main f¡yinning - Notice of Second Public Information Centre". File: 800 (p) Correspondence received January Iï,2OIL from Ministry of the Environment regarding "Update on Clean Water Act,2006 - Completion of assessment reports". File: E00 (Ð Elgin County OPP News Releases dated January 24,20L1 and January 3l,20Il regarding "various items". File: P17 Page 3 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 9 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,2011 20tt-044 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT information items 5(a) through 5 (q) be received for information.rl CARRIED I.JNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) SúaffReport PW201l-01 regarding "Energy Audit - Municipal Equipment". File: V0l/409 20Lt-045 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT StaffReport PW2011-01 regarding Energy Audit-Municipal Equipment be received for information; AI\D THAT the Green Policy attached to the report be adopted." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport PW2011-02 regarding "Infrastructure Inspections & Preventative Maintenance Program". File: T05/409 20tr-046 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport PW2011-02 be received; AND TIIAT the Infrastructure Inspections and Preventative Maintenance Program as outlined in Staff Report PW2011-02 be approved." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReportPW20ll-03 regarding "Driveway Policy". File: T06/409 20rr-047 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor Vy' Casier "THAT Staff Report PW2011-03 be received; AND THAT the Driveway Policy attached to StaffReport PW2011-03 be approved.tt Page4ofl1 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 10 of 215 Council Minutes CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY February 03,2011 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Correspondence dated January 3l,2Ol1 from Trinity Anglican Church requesting use of Memorial Park for "Jazz Vesper Seryice". File: C13 20tt-048 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT the correspondence dated January 3lr20ll from Trinity Anglican Church be received; AND THAT permission be granted to use the Memorial Parkin Port Burwell on Saturday, July 9,2011 between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. subject to: o provision of proof of liability insurance coverage naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured, Ín the amount of $2 million and o clean up and repair of any damage to the park area be the responsibility of the organizers.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport P2OII-007 regarding "Exotic Animals". File: POl The By-law Enforcement OfFrcer advised that there are no regulations in place should Council choose to approve the exemption requested by Mr. Gregg Deming for his cougar. It was also noted that any recommendations for such regulations would require significant additional research. He added that a private member's bill is currently being considered by the Province. Following discussion it was evident that only negative feed back f¡om the public has been received. 20tt-049 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT StaffReport P2011-007 regarding Exotic Animals be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport P2011-006 regarding "PPE Replacement". File: P16 201 1-050 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report P2011-006 regarding PPE Replacement be received; Page 5 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 11 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,2011 AND TIIAT Council approves the replacement of firefighter Personal Protective Equipment utilizÍng funds in the amount of $50,000 from fire department reserves." CARRMD UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINAIICE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Registerbeing Cheque #9854 to Cheque #9936 inclusive totaling 5339,730.34 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending January 23, 20Il totaling $56,47 5.25. 2011-0sl Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT Cheque Register being Cheque #9854 to Cheque #9936 inclusive totaling $339,730.34 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending January 23,2011, totaling $56,475.25 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated January 20,2011 from County of Elgin regarding "Capital Redevelopment Proposal St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital". File: C10 20rt-052 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT correspondence dated January 20r20ll from the Counfy of Elgin regarding Capital Redevelopment Proposal St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital be received' AÀID THAT the Municipality of Bayham supports the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital's rebuilding campaign and direct staff to forward a letter of support to the Honourable Deb Matthews." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport F2011-01 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.11 The Treasurer noted that a memorandum identifying new information and a modification of water and sewer rates was circulated to Council. He noted that the revised sewer connection count will add 36 new units to the total users. A refined application for water rates affect some multiple unit establishments (trailer parks, multi residences) resulting in an increase of 53 connections. Utilizing the current rate stn¡cture and application results in a projected increase for the water rate of 2o/o and the sewer rate 8Yo for 2011. Council supported a two-month grace period for the additional units identified and that letters go out to advise the affected users. Page6of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 12 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,2011 201 1-053 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT StaffReport F2011-01 regarding Water and Sewer Rates be received; Al\{D THAT By-Law 20ll-016, being a by-law to further amend By-Law 2004-015, being a by-law to set water and sewer rates be presented to Council for enactment; AND FURTHER THAT monthly base charges on additional units identified as outlined in report F2011-01 be implemented effective with the May bi-monthly billing." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) ShffReport F2}Il-}2regarding "Municipal Data Bridge Collection - Funding". File: F05 20tt-054 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT Staff Report ß2011-02 regarding Municipal Data Bridge Collection - Funding be received TIIAT Staffbe authorized to proceed with the Bridge Änalysis project in accordance with the estimate submitted by Spriet and Associates in the amount of $7,000 and to proceed with application to the Ontario Good Roads Association for Municipal Bridge Data Collection. " CARRIED I.JNANIMOUSLY 201 1-055 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham hereby supports the application to the O.G.RA. for funding for the purpose of collecting, collating, compiling, and formatting bridge asset and condition data, and agrees to submit bridge asset and condition data for inclusion in Municipal Data Works by March 3lr20ll.'l CARRIED T]NANMOUSLY (e) SbffReport C2Oll-04 regarding "Fence Viewer Appointments". File: Cl2 20tt-0s6 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THÄT Staff ReportC20ll-04 regarding Fence Viewer Appointments be received; PageT ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 13 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,2011 AND THAT By-Law 2011-010, being a by-law to appoint members to the Fence Viewer Committee for a term to expire l)ecember 31r2014, be presented to Council for enactment.rt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Memorandum Cz}ll-lzregarding "Council Meeting Schedule". File: .4.09 20tI-057 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Memorandum C2011-02 regarding Council Meeting Schedule be received; ÄND THAT the 2011 monthly Council meetings for March and August be held March 10 and 24 anìl August 4 and 18." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (g) Draft By-Law 20Il-Ol2 amending Appoinhents By-Law 20ll-001. Refer to ltem r2(b) 201 1-058 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor I'THAT Council appoint Tom Southwick to the Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail Committee; AI\D THAT Mayor Ens be appointed as the alternate." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) Draft Community Centres Commi¡1ss minutes of meeting held January 3l,2}ll. File: C06 Draft By-Law 2011-013 Management Contract Vienna Community Centre Refer to Item 12(c) Draft By-Laws 2011-014 and 2011-015 Janitorial Contract Renewals Refer to ltems 12(d) and 12(e) Draft By-Law 20lI-0I7 Management Back-Up Services Contract Renewal Refer to Item l2(g) 201 1-059 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT the Draft Community Centres Committee minutes of meeting held January 3l,20ll be received; Page 8 of 11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 14 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,20II TIIAT Council approves the appointment of Lynn Prues as the additional community member at large for the Committee; TIIAT By-Law 2011-013 being a by-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement with Jackie Bootle for management of the Vienna Community Centre, By-Law 20ll-014 and 2011-015 being by-laws to authorize the renewal of agreements with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services for the Bayham and Vienna Community Centres and, By-Law 20ll-017, being a by-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement with Ramona Peidl for management back-up services for the Vienna and Bayham Community Centres be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. EI\¡-YIRONMENT (a) SbffReport E2011-001 regarding Household Hazardous Waste lLarge Item Disposal. File: E09 2011-060 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report 82011-001 regarding Household Hazardous Waste I Large Item Disposal be received; AND THAT the 2011 Household Hazardous Waste and Large Item Drop-off Day be arranged for Saturday, May 28r20ll and that Clean Harbors Canada Inc. be retained to manage the Hazardous Waste Drop-off collection and disposal." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In camera. 201 1-061 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera'r Session of Committee of the Whole at 9:53 p.m. to discuss: . a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 13, 20Il and January 20,2011. Page9ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 15 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,2011 (c) Confidential Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Harbour Facilities) (d) Confidential report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Medical Services Building) (e) out of camera. 20tt-062 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 10:40 p.m." CARRIED I'NANMOUSLY 20tl-063 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Ín accordance with Section 12 of Procedural By-Law 2002-93, Council shall deal with business until ll p.m. at its meeting of February 3,2011." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2011-010 A By-Law to appoint Fence Viewers and to set out the Remuneration (b) By-Law 20ll-Ol2 A By-Law 16 amend By-Law 2011-001 appointing members to Boards and Committees (c) By-Law 2011-013 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an agreement for management of the Vienna Community Centre (Bootle) (d) By-Law 2OLl-Ol4 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an agreement for Janitorial Services for the Bayham Community Centre (Peidl) (e) By-Law 2011-015 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an agrement for Janitorial Services for the Vienna Community Centre (Peidl) (Ð By-Law 20II-016 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2OO4-OI5 (Waterand Sewer Rates) (g) By-law 2Oll-0I7 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an agreement for Back-up Services forthe Vienna and Bayham Community Centres (Peidl) 20tl-064 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier Page 10 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 16 of 215 Council Minutes February 03,201I 'TTHAT By-Laws 2011-010, 20ll-012,2011-013, 20ll-014,2011-015,2011-016 and 2011-017 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (h) By-Law 201 1-01 8 A ByJaw to confi¡:r all actions of Council 201 t-065 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor TTTHAT confirming By-Law 2011-018 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 20tt-066 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjournedat10:42 p.m." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 11 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 3, 2011.Page 17 of 215 Page 18 of 215 COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Held at RICHMOI\D UNITED CHURCH 53895 Church Streef Richmond Tuesday, February 8, 2011 7:00 p.nt. The special meeting of Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Tuesday, February 8 20ll atRichmond United Church. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wa¡me Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Knrger and Clerk L¡mda Millard. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECTJNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. PRESENTATION (a) Stantec Consulting regarding Richmond Water Project Update and Options A Power Point presentation was made by Neil Oliviera, Stantec Following the presentation, Mayor Ens opened the meeting up to questions from the public. There were approximately thirty in attendance. John Scott asked how long the water was allowed to run before the sodium test was taken. N Oliviera responded the water was allowed to run. It was tested again in a few weeks and more testing will be done. Q Would another well have less sodium if this area is all served by the same aquifer? A Results may vary. Q Lynn Acre asked how soon results of the grant application would be known? Can the project proceed without approval? A Administrator Kruger advised that the application has to be submitted yet. The deadline is February lsth. It will take several months before decisions are made by OMAFRA and it depends on the number of applications received. Council has requested a delegation with the MOE and OMAFRA at the Ontario Good Roads Association Conference to discuss the Richmond situation. He added that the funding progrcm is intended to increase efficiencies such as reduce water loss and/or energy consumption. These key factors must be emphasized such as use of more efficient water pumps and larger water storage tanks to reduce energy spikes. Page I of5 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held February 8, 2011.Page 19 of 215 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08, 2011 Q Can the MOE influence OMAFRA as to where the funding is di¡ected? A Mr. Kruger responded that the MOE could give written general support for this project. Confirmation for the delegation with OMAFRA has yet to be confinned. MOE representative Shawna Bourne was requested to provide a letter of strong recommendation that this application be supported. The OGRA conference is at the end of February and the MOE needs to ensure safe drinking water and make sure this project is a priority and goes forward. Q Will reverse osmosis help to reduce the amount of salt in test results? A N Oliviera responded that it is 97-98% effective. Q Is every gallon freated byreverse osmosis? A In some cases water can be blended to reduce concentrations. If the source is a GUDI well (Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water), the water must be ñrlly treated. There are different options for treatnent of sodium. Q Is the estimated cost of $61 ,000 for reverse osmosis included in the original estimate of $400,000 under Option 4 for seeking an altemative well source? A Yes Q Can work proceed on a new well without affecting the grant application? A N Oliviera responded that it's uncertain. It's best not to jump forward and loose the benefit of the grant by having work done ahead without approval. Q Lynn Acre questioned what happens if we proceed to treat the sodium, reduce operating costs and retunn to Richmond Water System Inc and then find former volunteer operators are no longer willing to resume operations. Will costs stay up? A N Oliviera suggested there are online and remote methods of monitoring the system that can reduce operator expense. Shawna Boume, MOE, commented that who ultimately owns the water system creates a different perspective and impacts the future of the system. Most funding is available to municipalities only, not privately owned systems. Administrator Kruger noted that the OSWAP is the only program currently available for municipalities. The next round would be in February 2012. He noted that it is a decision of the Richmond community through the Board whether they wish to retain ownership and pursue the design of a simple and less costly operated system. It was noted that the Municipality owns the Port Burwell and Vienna Water Systems. Q Paul Ward asked how Richmond users were making out paying the Municipal costs and what the procedures are taken for non-payment. A Administrator Kruger said there were no huge issues at this time. The Municipality is providing reasonable pay options. Page 2 of 5 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held February 8, 2011.Page 20 of 215 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08, 2011 P Ward stated some users can't afford the costs being incurred and suggested something needs to be done. Q Kelly Brackenbury questioned costs for upgrades, what's the best route, there's already a municipal loan. A Administrator Kruger noted that additional upgrades are factors when determining ownership. Concems were raised that 2010 unpaid water costs would be added to the tax bill and people would lose their homes if they failed to pay. It was noted that outstanding amounts would be brought to Council within the year. The water system costs are to be selÊfinancing by users as is currently in place for Port Burwell and Vienna users. It was noted that Regulation 459 regarding ground water source has been in place for eleven years without any changes. When there is new scientific data the rules get changed. Q John Scott questioned how long it would be before the distribution system had to be replaced. A Shawna Boume, MOE, commsnfsd that there is currently no set time when distribution piping must be replaced. Theresa Breedon advised that she and her husband's property have a good existing well with no sodium at the northem boundary of the village. They are willing to have thei¡ well tested and if satisfactory offer it to service the village. Max Wa¡d noted that he no longer can undertake the testing requirements and is willing to have the Municipality take the system over. It was noted that users would make a decision through their Water Board executive. Q Tim Carrell questioned whether a decision was needed by February 14th. A Adminis¡¿16r Kruger commented that as much detail as possible will be provided in the grant application. Ownership could impact the application. Paul Ward suggested they vote now. A vote was declined by others present. Administrator Kruger stated it is up to the community users how they want the system to be mn. There are options for them to contemplate. It could remain in private ownership and operation contracted out or done by volunteers (which is the least expensive). Sue Ward suggested that the Richmond Water System has no options to collect outstanding aÍears. Page 3 of5 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held February 8, 2011.Page 21 of 215 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08, 2011 Adminisû'ator Kruger responded that the Municipality does cut off the water service for non-payment- only consumption costs stop, the monthly flat fee still applies. Q Sue Sawatzky questioned what would happen if another well was drilled near the pumF house and it was good. A N. Oliveira responded that if it was a non-GUDI well, ultra violet disinfection only would be required. The water would be piped to the pump house and distributed through the existing system. It is uncertain whether another well would be good or what the life cycle of reverse osmosis equipment would be. Q Steve Dunn questioned whether a permit to take water was required and what the cost would be for water. A N Oliviera responded that there is a license fee and water use is tracked, however, he was not aware of any user rate. Shawna Boume, MOE, commsnfsd that there is a fee for a business that bottles water for sale. She was not aware of any costs for farm use. Adminis¡¿1or Kruger noted that if there is a change in direction, the Board needs to confirm with the Municipality sooner rather than later. The Board of the Richmond Water System needs to communicate back if they wish to invest in a different well location. Q Shelley Scoff asked if the system was handed over to the Municipality would the loan be forgiven? A Admini5¡¿1er Kruger reminded attendees that the costs stay with the users. Q Sue rüard questioned if the land and the treafrnent system are worth anything? A Mr. Kruger responded that whatever costs are incurred are the responsibility of the users and the system is user pay. Tim Carrell suggested Richmond Water Inc Board meet to make a decision and requested a couple of Council members attend. It was suggested that municipal staff would be a better resource, however Mayor Ens agreed to attend. Q Elsie Acre questioned whether there is any potential for grants. A Adminis¡¿1or Kruger commsnfsd there are none right now, however, there may be more opportunity for municipal grants than for private systems. Shawna Bourne, MOE, suggested a new opportunity through the Source Water Protection progrcm. Administrator Knrger noted that it is private, however, it may not be applicable to the Richmond situation. Page 4 of5 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held February 8, 2011.Page 22 of 215 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08, 2011 4. BY-LAW (a) By-Law 2011-019 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 20rl-067 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by De,puty Mayor M Taylor I'THAT confirming By-Law 2011-019 be read a first second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 2011-068 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:43 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 5 of5 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held February 8, 2011.Page 23 of 215 Page 24 of 215 Subjecü RE: County Official Plan Hi Lynda, Thanks for accommodating us at 7:00. We will not be bringing any handouts or making a power point presentation to Council. We will follow a shoft agenda as follows: 1. Introduction of the Project2. Describe the work program 3. Identify issues and obtain feedback4. Obtain feedback on how the Official Plan could support the objectives of the Municipality This will be the first of two meetings planned with your Council to discuss the County Official Plan P@ect. A second meeting will be scheduled later this year to discuss the draft Official Plan and obtain Council's input. Nick McDonald from Meridian Planning Consultants and myself will attend. We look forward to meeting with you and Council next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Regards Steve Evans Manager of Planning County of Elgin seva ns(ôelo in-co u nW.on. ca 7:00 p.m. - Steve Evans, Manager of Planning, County of Elgin and Nick McDonald of Meridian Planning Consultants regarding Page 25 of 215 Page 26 of 215 7& D Ønsufting 54117 Bestline ßR4), Ayl-.t, Ontario, N5H2R3 Ph:519-866-3930 Fx 5L9-866-3798 E-mail: rthompson@changeair.com To: Lynda Millard Subject: Water Infrastructure Council Meeting on Feb. 3 I am requesting that I be added to the agenda for the Feb. 3 council meeting to discuss the'Water Infrastructure Fees. I am the current owner of an apartment complex on32 & 36 Futon St. in Vienna and need to discuss with council the $20,800.00 proposed 'Water Infrastructure Fees that currently I would be charged. This was discussed with council approx 8 months ago and was told I would be contacted and invited to a future council meeting to "Put this issue to bed". Please have me added to the agenda. Attached is the letter sent to Kyle Kruger and council 2 months ago. Thanks, Rob Thompson, C.E.T. +clz 7:45 p.m. - Rob Thompson regarding "Water Infrastructure Fees". Page 27 of 215 f& DØnwlting 54117 Best Line (RRa), Aylmer, Ontario, N5H2R3 Ph: 519-866-3930 Fx 519-866-3798 E-mail rthompson@changeair.com To: Kyle Kruger & Council Subject: Water lnfrastructure It has been 6 months since I was at the last council meeting to discuss the "Water Infrastructure Renewal" rates. I was told I would be contacted and invited to a future council meeting to "Put this issue to bed". It has been months with "No" contact from council. Please contact me when this can be discussed. Below is the original letter that was sent to council: I am the current owner of the apartment complex on32 & 36 Fulton St. in Vienna. After receiving the information letter explaining the "'Water Infrastructure Renewal" I was concerned with the bold text stating, "Properties with multiple connections will receive multiple charges". To clariff this statement, I made a phone call to Kyle Kruger . I explained to Kyle that I was the owner of 16 apartments on 32&36 Fulton St. and was concerned with the wording of the letter. His explanation was that if you have 16 apartments, you have 16 connections and you will be billed at the approximate rate of $1,300.00 each. If this is the case, I will be billed $20,800.00. A bill of $20,800.00 in my opinion, is unreasonable and not affordable for a small business trying to survive in Vienna. This property is NO different than any residential property, where there is only one connection at the curb per building, NOT sixteen connections as explained by Kyle. If there were sixteen different connections and increased labour and material from the contractor to complete sixteen connections, I would then understand why I would be paying sixteen different fees. What is the policy for muti-residential? What is the policy for Trailer Parks? I am requesting council to review this proposed policy and billing to ensure fairness for all. There are two buildings involved, and therefore there should ONLY be billed 2 connection fees. Please contact me when you have reviewed this letter and if you need any clarification. Thanks,þr; Rob Thompson, C.E.T. 7:45 p.m. - Rob Thompson regarding "Water Infrastructure Fees". Page 28 of 215 OntEr.o q-lrf lgnd¡troa l¡,llryr \ I l,.âl'en Êù/rr4arron -yr do l'Òot.,,o êrs Mayor Paul Ens Bayham Municipal Office l 9344PlankRoad, P.O. Box 160 , Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 ' | ,, r,, nt' ' l ' i ' t1Ò / January 27,2011L.' Dear Mr. Ens: Enclosed please find a copy of the 2010 Community Social Report for St. Thomas and Elgin County. This report was coÍìmissioned by the Community Matters Collaborative, led by the Elgin-St. Thomas United Way. Information on such quality of life indicators as employment, housing statistics, transpofiation resources, and EQAO examples are contained in the report. We feel that this resource may be useful to you in your work. 'We encourage you to share it with others, and offer to send you additional copies if you feel that the¡' would be beneficial to your organization - please call 519-63 l-3171 if you wish to request additional copies. My thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for funding this initiative. Sincerely, M,A¿t 4o, %nuronr"(m", L Elgin-St. Thomas United Way Chair, Community Matters Correspondence dated January 27, 2011 from Elgin St. Thomas United Way regarding "2010 Community Social Report for St. Page 29 of 215 Introduction: Poverty is a devastating social condition that has negative implications for mental healthl'2'3'4, physical healths'6'7, community cohesion8'e, and the economy. Single industry towns pepper Ontario. Some of these are based on resource extraction (Sudbury (nickel and copper), Elliot Lake (uranium), Cobalt (cobalt), Timmins (zinc and gold, etc.), some are based around product refinery (e.g,, Hamilton (steel)), some are based around shipping (e.g., Sault Ste. Marie (railroad and seaway)), and some are based largely around manufacturing (St. Thomas, Oshawa, Cambridge, and Woodstock (automotive)). What's problematic for a single industry town is that if it hasn't diversified the job pool, when a large employer decides to close down their operation, individuals and families often have no option but to move to find employment. ln the meantime, the unemployed face their usual expenses while relying on financial support from social programs to pay their bills. ln March of 2009, Daimler closed their Sterling Truck plant in St. Thomas, with resulting job losses for 7OO employees and additional impacts for supplier companies.to ln 20LL, Ford will be closing their St. Thomas Assembly plant, resulting in L400 job losses. One automotive industry analyst estimates that about 2500 jobs will be lost in the auto parts supply industry resultant from this plant closure, and as many as 10,000 jobs in total may be lost in the aftermath of the plant closure. 11 Quality of Life lndicators Education & Training Health Transportation Employment & lncome Crime & Safety 1 Mcleod and Shanahan, "Poverty, Parenting and Children's Mental Health." 2 Patel and Kleinman, "Poverty and common mental disorders in developing countries." 3 Leventhal and Brooks-Gunn, "Movingto Opportunity: an Experimental Study of Neighbourhood Effects on Mental Health." o Weich and Lewis, "Poverty, unemployment, and common mental disorders: population based cohort study." t Patrick et al., "Poverty, Health Services, and Health Status in Rural America." 6 U. Helmert, A. Mielck, and S. Shea, "Poverty, health and nutrition in Germany." 7 Wagstaff, "Poverty and health sector inequalities." 8 Kawachi and Kennedy, "Health and social cohesion: why care about income inequality?." t Coburn, "lncome inequality, social cohesion, and the health status of populations: the role of neo-liberalism." t0 Canadian Auto Workers, "CAW Local L001 Members Approve Closure Agreement at St. Thomas Truck Plant." 11 Canadian Press, "St. Thomas plant closure may doom 10,000 jobs." a Ç' Ç, 6, (, 6 Ç, ( Ç t= Ç c Çt't c ( t Çtt (, (. Ç q t c' c c c e ¿ c- c- c c Ç- c e, C 7 ? ? ?- ? 7 7 c e e e e e e e ç Correspondence dated January 27, 2011 from Elgin St. Thomas United Way regarding "2010 Community Social Report for St. Page 30 of 215 .J ) J ¿ a I t a, I a J 4 ) I n ) 'Òt I { ¿ J J Ji .l J rl t) 4 4 ) 4 I ¿ I ) a 1 ,¿ I ) ) ) ; -a lt 4 ) 2 ) 4 .) ) ) Community Matters: An Overview Community Matters was a collaborative effort of several community agencies, led by the Elgin- St. Thomas United Way. ln 2OO5,17 small United Ways received Trillium funding to do extensive community consultations to identify unmet needs and gaps in the community. The United Way was doing this in order to move from the traditional role of fundraising and allocations to a year round focus on Community lmpact, ln 2005, eight community consultations were held, followed by town hall meetings in each municipality in Elgin County, Four priority issues were identified: Transportation, Medical & Mental Health, Youth, and Poverty. The mandate of the Community Matters Collaborative Group was to develop new or enhanced programming around these four priority areas. The agencies that were involved in the collaborative were: Salvation Army, Canadian Red Cross, YWCA St. Thomas-Elgin, St. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works, Canadian Mental Health Association, Elgin-St, Thomas Youth Employment Counselling Centre, Mennonite Community Services, St. Thomas & District Labour Council, West Elgin Community Health Centre, Thames Valley District School Board, and Elgin-St. Thomas Public Health. Three action groups were then created; Food Security Action Group, Transportation Action Group, and Housing & Homeless Action Group. The Collaborative then worked with other community groups that were already addressing four priority areas: Elgin Adult Council for Education, Training & Employment, Elgin Health Services Council, Mental Health and Addictions Network, and Focus Fairview. The funding for the Collaborative has since expired, but many groups established by the Community Matters Collaboration have stated that they plan to remain active in their work for the community, To view past newsletters and accomplishments of the Community Matters initiative, please view the website at www,comm unitvmatte rs. moon'[ruit.com. The Elgin-St. Thomas United Way is grateful to the many agencies, community volunteers, and residents who attended meetings and shared input, experience and resources to make this project possible. All of you demonstrated care, compassion, and the commitment to make constructive change happen in your community for those who need it most. To request any additional copies of this 20L0 Social Report, please contact the Elgin-St. Thomas United Way at 5t9-63L-317 L or via email at office@stthomasunitedway'ca, Correspondence dated January 27, 2011 from Elgin St. Thomas United Way regarding "2010 Community Social Report for St. Page 31 of 215 Page 32 of 215 5o, Ombudsman()l'l lAiì1t., Ournnlo's W,rrcsooc CsrrN DE GARDE o¡ r-'ONrnRlo To the Clerk and Council, Re: Open Municipal Meetings in Ontario As you are aware, in accordance with the Municipal Act, 200l,with a few narrow exceptions, municipalities in Ontario must conduct their council, local board and committee meetings in public. Since January l, 2008, members of the public have had the opportunity to complain about any municipal meeting they think may have been improperly closed. The Ontario Ombudsman investigates these complaints in all municipalities except those that have appointed another investigator. For over two years, the Ombudsman's Open Meeting Law Enforcement Team (OMLET) has acted as a dedicated resource for reviewing and investigating closed meeting complaints, as well as educating the public and municipalities about open meeting requirements. In light of the recent changes to many municipal councils after last year's elections, we are prorriding all councils with copies of our Second Fdition of the Sunshine I ow Handbook, for thei-r information and reference. The handbook reflects our experience as the investigator for closed meeting complaints since January 2008. It includes frequently asked questions, excerpts from relevant legislation, and tips and legal references. We have enclosed one copy for each councillor, plus a few additional copies. The Handbook, additional information about our Office and open meeting investigations as well as our reports on OMLET investigations, are all posted online in English and French on our website - www.ombudsman.on.ca (see the "Publications" section). If your municipality is interested in having a presentation from a member of our OMLET team on information about the Sunshine Law or if you wish to request additional copies of our Handbook, please contact our Director of Communications, Linda Williamson, at lwilliamson@ombudsman.on.ca, or 47 6 - 5 86 -3 426. Yours truly, André Marin Ombudsman Encl. ! tttl Correspondence received February 7, 2011 from Ombudsman Ontario regarding "Open Municipal Meetings in Ontario". Page 33 of 215 Page 34 of 215 5A/t You are invited to attend the Long Point Region Conservation AuthoritY's Annual General Meeting Friday, February 25,201L. 1:30 Pm LPRCA Ad mi nistration Office 4 Elm St., Tillsonburg Guest Speaker: Eleanor rüfood, renowned motivat¡onal humourist Eleanor uses her own experiences about farm life to help us see the l¡ghter side of things. LPRCA ANNUAL MEETING Invitation to attend the Long Point Region Conservation Authority's Annual General Meeting. Page 35 of 215 Page 36 of 215 5 BAYH^M HrsroRrcAl socIETY c c 6 MI]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160, STRAFFORDVILLE, ON. NOJ 1Y0 January 13,2011. PRESENT: Robert & Jeanette Heil, Cheryl Peters, Mary E Newland, Arvilla Beckett, Hanis Teall, Bob Gratram, Barb Ouellette, Corky Ouellette, Ray Maddox, Marion Maddox, Dorothy Godby and Ross Andrews. President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at7:3D,welcoming members and guests. Amotion to accept the minutes of 2010 was made by ,2od. By . Motion carried. (no minutes were available) GUEST SPEAKER: All members discussed what things added to Bayham's development. Dorotþ Godby wrote the following ideas on the white out board. Tobacco Saw Mills-Red pine & White pine Ship building The Plank Road Settlers (Talbot, Simcoe and Ryerson etc.) Railroad Wa¡ of 1812 Big Otter water way (had old cabin sites along it's banks for many years) Brickmaking Cheese Factories Post Offices-Postal Service Churches and Temperance Halls Trading Posts-Tänneries (furs) Fishing Black Smiths (leather works) Sugar Beets Schools Natural Gas After an animated discussion Ray Maddox asked us what we thought the three main things that helped Bayham develop. Ray thought they were Tobacco, Red Pine & Ship Building. Harris Teall added Fishing & Arvilla Beckett added the Railroad. It was decided that the three main things that developed Bayham are. Milling & Shipping Red & rühite Pine Tobacco Fishing Bayham Hictorical Society minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 37 of 215 The three things that will help Bayham develop in the cunent day are: Museums & Tourism-with the Edison Museum, Ma¡ine Museum, Wind lnterpretive Center and the addition of the Ojibwa coming to Bayham in the near future. FIea Market-The Park in Vienna would be a great place for a large seasonal flea market and local farmers market. The old buildings that are derelict would have to be removed to make parking space and make the area around the Pa¡k more presentable. Seniors Center-with an aging population many members feel this would be a great idea so seniors do not have to travel long distances. PRESENTÄTION-Jan Collins of the Vienna Citizens Group asked ifthe Bayharn Historical Society would give tax receipts for donations for the Old Town Hall as vre are a non-profit organization. She has okay ed it with Kyle Kruger if we agree and now needs our permission. Ray said that we would but any donations would have to be properly handled and all paper work done in a correct mannef. Jan invited us to attend a meeting in support of the Vienna Citizens Group's effort to save the Old Town Hall. It will be held in Council Chambers on January 19,20ll at 7:00 P.M. PRESIDENT|S REPORT & MUSEUMS BAYHAM REPORT: Ray reminded everyone that elections of executives is coming up. We will hold an executive meeting at Corþ & Barb Ouellette's home on January 18, 2011. Ray spoke of the Pioneer Cemetery Group and howthey are waiting to see if a kind of cement for grave stone repair will hold over the winter, some stones have been repaired with it in 2010. Mary Newland has 10 copies of the Corinth Tweedsmuir Books left and asked if the BHS would like to purchase them for $5.00 each to give to our speakers. MOTION:A Motion was made by Ray Maddox to buy l0 Corinth Tweedmuir books from Mary Newland for $5.00 each, 2nd. By Ross Andrews. Motion carried. SECRETARYTS REPORT: Cheryl Peters apologized for not getting the minutes out for November and December as she was working very long houls, they will be caught up as soon as possible. We are sad to have lost one of our founding members Donna Baldwin who passed away after a brief illness. Our BHS Tea which will be held at the Corinth Chrnch will be in honor of Donnq one of her care workers suggested \ile v/ear hats as Donna would love that, The details will be put together at our BHS Tea Meeting. Cheryl received a copy of Donna Baldwin's book "Body f¡om Soul" for the Bayham Historical Society. Cheryl also reported that she will have a schedule for the Tillsonburg Home & Rec Show for the next meeting. It was also noted that we need our new Brochures before the Show. Bayham Hictorical Society minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 38 of 215 TREASIIRERS REPORT: Robert Heil reported as follows. Opening balance..... ...94y'.44.41 Expenses . . .............None December 3 I Closing balance.....$ 4444.41 Business Account.... .. $ 128.84 Share Account............................. $ 70.00 Petty Cash $ 1.09 A motion to accept the treasurers report was made by Robert Heil 2nd. By Bob Graham. Motion carried. PROGRAM DIRECTOR:OIu speaker for February l0,20ll \¡rill be RossAndrews and Mr. Taylor who received one of the first heart transplants REX'RESHMENTS:Marion Maddox and Barb Ouellette will bring refreshments to the Feb. 10 meeting. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR:Donna Baldwin (Dorotþ Godby has agreed to step in) MYSTERY OBJECT: Hanis Teall brought a Skate sharpener from the 1940's. Corky Ouellette guessed what it is. NEXT MEETING:February l0,20ll at7:30 at the Municipality of Bayham Office. MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING: Made by Corky Ouellette and seconded by Robert Heil.. Motion carried. Bayham Hictorical Society minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 39 of 215 Page 40 of 215 DRINKINC, WATERSıûÉöÈ'þÈorËöïöN 5 C of' LAKE ERIE SOURCE PROTECT¡ON RE6ION LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, January 13, 2011 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, January 13,2011 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Centre,400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present: C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, H. Cornwell, M. Goldberg,*R. Haggart, J. Harrison, A. Henry, K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, J. Laird, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Penin, T. Schmidt, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, D. Woolcott, M. Wales, W. Wright-Cascaden Members Regrets:P. General, B. LaForme, C. Martin, D. Murray, L Macdonald, P. Wilson Proxy Representatives: A. Henry (1. Macdonald), L. Penin (D. Murray), T. Schmidt (P. Wilson) Liaisons:K. Turner, Provincial Liaison; Jane Mitchell, Source Protection Authori$ Liaison; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA; J. Farwell, GRCA;S. Martyn, CCGA;Gommittee: R. Sackrider, LPRCA; E. VanHooren, KCCA Also Present: D. Belanger, City of Guelph; S. Brocklebank, GRCA; S. Gooke, GRCA; A. Davidson, County of Brant; J. Deter, GRCA; P. Dragunas, CCCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; B. Fields, Norfolk County; E. Hodgins, Region of Waterloo; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; T. Ryan, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; M. Silverio, City of Hamilton; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; E. Stahl, GRCA; H, Waite, County of Oxford; A. Wong, GRCA D. Young, New Hamburg 1. Callto Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Gertification of Quorum - 16 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 of members) *re-appointment pending council resolution The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 41 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Committee January 13,2011 Page 2 3. Ghairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: o Source Protection is now entering its final and most critical component with the upcoming culmination of the Source Protection Pfans. The timelines and the tasks that are forthcoming will be challenging; there are only 20 months left for the development of four Source Protection Plans. lt is anticipated that Source Protection Committee members will be more actively involved from this point forward. . Since the last Source Protection Committee meeting, the Source Protection Planning Project Team has met severaltimes and has continued to work on moving the discussion papers forward. . The membership of the Lake Erie Region Management Committee has recently undergone some changes. The new Region Management Committee members will be introduced at the next meeting, when the new members are in attendance and can be properly introduced. 4. Review of Agenda The revised agenda was reviewed and approved as distributed. Moved by: D. Parker Seconded by: A. Henry carried unanimously THAT the revised agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of January 13, 2011 be approved as distributed. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt w¡th. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - November 4,2010 R. Seibel noted that on page 3 of the minutes, in the second last paragraph, he stated 'aquitard" as opposed to "aquife/'. A. Henry noted that as a follow up to item 9. on page 3 of the minutes, he was advised by K. Turner that she received the reviewe/s comments which provide more context for the Kettle Creek approval letter. He asked that the response be noted for the minutes. K. Turner noted that she has received the reviewe/s comments regarding stream elements for the IPZ-2 and read the following parag raphs: Comment on IPZ-2 delineation: "Figure 4-18: This figure shows the IPZ-I and IPZ-2 delineation. For onshore component of IPZ-2, there are two small streams or channels that are not included in IPZ-2. The beginning and the end of these streams are included in IPZ-2 but not the entire Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 42 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Gommittee January 13,2011 Page 3 sfreams. Those sfreams are located at U-shape of IPZ-2. lMhat is rationale for excluding the entire streams?" SPPB reviewer Analysrs; The AR does not provide any explanation on why these two streams were excluded even though the beginning and the end portions of those sfreams are included in IPZ-2. Therefore, the AR should include an explanation of this situation. lt should be noted that all water courses including storm-sewer sysfems that are within the chosen time of travel should be included in the IPZ-2. lf the beginning and the end of the sfreams are in the IPZ-2, the entire sfreams contribute water to the intake within the chosen time of travel. lf these two streams are included in IPZ-2, appropriate sefbacks should be applied. Without providing explanation on this, it appears the exclusion of these areas rs rnconsrstent with the technicalrules. K. Turner noted that she will provide the reviewer's cpmments to A. Henry and M. Kelfer. A. Henry stated that if the beginning and end of the streams are part of the IPZ-2 delineation, the middle portion should also be included in the IPZ-Z C. Ashbaugh noted that this will be further investigated and followed-up at the next meeting. Moved by: M. Wales Seconded by: J. Olíver carried unanimously THAT the amended minutes of the previous meeting November 4, 2010 be approved. 7. Hearing of Delegations None Presentations None Correspondence a) Copies for Members i) Correspondence to Craig Ashbaugh, Chair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment Re: Catfish Creek Source Protection Area Updated Work Plan ii) Correspondence to Craig Ashbaugh, Chair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment Re: Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Updated Work Plan iii) Correspondence to Craig Ashbaugh, Chaír, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection 9. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 43 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee January 13,2011 Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment Re: Long Point Region Source Protection Area Updated Work Plan iv) Correspondence to Craig Ashbaugh, Chair, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment Re: Grand River Source Protection Area Updated Work Plan b) Not Copied None Page 4 Res. /Vo. 01-11 Moved by: A. Henry Seconded by: M. Ceschi-Smith carried unanimously THAT the correspondence be received for information. 10. Reports a) SPG-Il-01-01 Progress on Updated Assessment Reports M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-01-01. R. Seibel asked for e¡nfirmation regarding the proposed submission date of July 6 for the Long Poínt Region Updated Assessment Report, noting that the Mínistry of the Environment has identified they will not accept updated assessment reports after June 2011. M. Keller confirmed that the date is conectly noted on the timeline; because of the timing of the Long Point Region Source Protection Authority meeting, July 6 is the earliest date the Long Point Region Updated Assessment Report will be available for submission. M. Keller noted that he will, however, confirm if this is acceptable to the Ministry of the Environment. M. Goldberg asked if the Tier 3 for Guelph and the Region of Waterloo are expected to be complete in time for the updated assessment reports. M. Keller identified that the Tier 3 studies will not be complete in time for inclusion in the first round of updated assessment reports. J. Etienne confirmed that the Tier 3 studies for the City of Guelph are expected to be complete for 2011; there is a peer review meeting to assess status in February. The Region of Waterloo Tier 3 work will extend into 2012. J. Oliver asked if the Long Point Region Tier 3 studies would also be included in subsequent updates. J. Etienne replied that the Long Point Region Tier 3 studies will also continue until2012. Res. lVo. 02-11 Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee reschedule the April 7,2011 committee meeting to April 14,2011 to accommodate the May 31,2011 timeline for submission of the Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Proposed Updated Assessment Report to the Ministry of the Environment. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 44 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee January 13,2011 Res. lVo. 03-11 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: L. Perrin Page 5 carried unanimously THAT Report 11-01-01 Progress on Updated Assessment Reports be received for i nformation. b) SPC-f l-0l-02 Update on Policy Development Process M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-01-02 Updated on Policy Development Process. T. Schmidt summarized that the end result from the project team will be a series of discussion papers listing available tools for various threats. M. Keller replied affirmatively, adding that there will also be a matrix listing the tools for the various threats. T. Schmidt requested confirmation that no decisions are being made by this group regarding source protection planning policy tools; this group is merely assembling an assessment of the source protection planning tools available. M. Keller replied affirmatively. T. Schmidt questioned the value that the proposed broad public consultation would provide in the proposed policy development process. M. Keller responded that the proposed broader consultation is intended to serve a purpose similar to the vulnerability meetings, noting that it is better to communicate with the public as early as possible so people understand the options as early as possible. T. Schmidt suggested that the proposed public consultation meeting would be held too early in the process for the public to be able to provide meaningful input and suggested it may be more productive to make the prescribed threat summary tables available for comment on the intemet. W. Wright-Cascaden clarified that the first step is to assemble the document and to provide background information so the public will know what tools are available to deal with the threats. The proposed meetings would be similar to the information sessions provided prior to the consultation of the assessment reports. The intention is to give people an update regarding the tools that may apply to their situation, as opposed to waiting until the municipalities have developed the policies. T. Schmidt stated that staff will not be in a position to answer the public's questions, noting the purpose of the meetings could only be for dissemination of information. He suggested that the attendance would be very low. W. Wright-Cascaden asked at what point the public should be included. T. Schmidt expressed concern that the assessment of policy tools is not being done at a provincial level to ensure consistency across the province, noting that; as a result, the potential diversíty of policy throughout the province is a concern. However, locally, he suggested that the public may be best consulted when there is a proposed list of tools, so that they could then see the refined list, assess how it would apply to their situation and provide their comments on that basis. M. Goldberg expressed agreement with waiting to consult until there is a more focused list of proposed tools, noting that it is difficult to get the public involved unless it affects them personally. M. Goldberg asked if a consultant has been chosen from the request for proposal process. M. Keller responded that there was only one submission. M. Goldberg identified that he is not surprised, noting that from a consultant's perspective, having the request Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 45 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Committee January 13,2011 Res.lVo. 0+11 Moved by: L. Perrin Seconded by: T. Schmidt Page 6 for proposal consultation period take place over the holidays implied that someone had already been preselected, and that there wasn't really the intention of a competition. He suggested that the proposal should be taken back out for consultation. J. Oliver suggested that the public consultation is a good idea, noting that those interested would be landowners who have been previously contacted. J. Oliver asked how large the discussion papers may be. M. Keller responded that, at the moment it is expected the discussion papers will have two to four pages of condensed information and numerous references with tables attached. J. Oliver asked why the member for Haldimand County has not yet been determined. M. Keller replied that there has been dialoþue with Haldimand County with respect to sending a representative for the project team, but there has not yet been a decision regarding who the representative will be. M. Keller elaborated that Haldimand County does not have any significant drinking water threats, so their involvement will be in a broader context. J. Oliver noted that he will follow up and remind Haldimand County that they have the opportunity to appoint someone. T. Schmidt asked that the team bring information back to the Source Protection Committee regarding what they intend to do for the public consultation. M. Keller noted that this is a very preliminary introduction, and more information will be forthcoming. R. Haggart commented that he appreciates the opportunity for committee members to participate in the workshops and asked that members be given as much notice as possible. He further noted that he supports T. Schmidt's concern regarding consistency for the source protection plans, noting that the policies should not have a significant variance between municipalities. carried unanimously THAT Repoft SPC-11-01-02 Progress Update on Policy Development Process be received for information. c) SPG-I l-01-03 Optional Content for Source Protection Plans M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-01-03 Optional Policies for Source Protection Plans. M. Ceschi-Smith noted that she was glad to see conditions Íncluded in the recommended optional policies, but asked if there is a component addressing training opportunities for spills prevention. M. Keller responded that the regulation permits the inclusion of updates to spill prevention and spill contingency plans or emergency response plans, and does not specify what those policies would entail. He noted that the proposed recommendation is to identify which policies would be brought forward to discuss at the next level of detail. J. Oliver asked if the spill prevention and spill contingency plans or emergency response plans along highways would exclude wastewater treatment plants, noting that the wastewater treatment plants are not listed. K. Turner clarified that a spill from a Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 46 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee January 13,2011 Page 7 wastewater treatment plant could be addressed under one of the provincíal lists of threats. M. Keller elaborated that spills from a wastewater treatment plant could be addressed as part of the mandatory threat policy if identified as significant; otherwise, for moderate or low threats, the policy is optional. A. Henry asked if moderate or low threats are required to have monitoring policies. K. Tumer responded that monitoring for moderate and low threats are mandatory only where advisable. Res. ll/o. 0&11 Moved by: A. Henry Seconded by: B. Ungar carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee include in the fìrst source protection plans: 1. Policies on conditions that have been identified as significant drinking water threats in the Assessmenf Reports; 2. Policies to update spill prevention, spill contingency or emergency response plans along highways, railways or shipping lanes in lPZs or WHPAs; 3. Policies to govern transpori pathways; 4. Policies for the monitoring of moderate and low threats in specific situations; 5. Anything that willassisf in understanding the plan; and 6. Dafes for when the policies take effect. AND THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee at this time not include in the first source protection plans: 1. Policies for moderate and low drinking water threats; 2. Policies for incentive programs or education and outreach programs for drinking water sysfems outside of the Terms of Reference; and 3. Policies foy data collection for climate change. d) SPC-1f -01-04 Addressing Potential Threats Related to the lntroduction of Contaminants in the Post-Extraction Phase of Aggregate Operations M. Keller provided an overvíew of Report SPC-11-01-04 Options for Addressing Threats from Agg regate Extraction. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 47 of 215 Mintfes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee January 13,2011 Page 8 D. Parker stated that he is doubtful that there are many gravel pits or quarries within a two year time of travel in the region and suggested that a mountain has been made out of a molehill on this issue. R. Seibel advised that, although the report summary is very good, he is concerned that the recommendation is too broad. He suggested that the recommendation increases the scope to all aggregate operations in the Lake Erie Region and noted that the entire Norfolk sand plain is a vulnerable area. The wording of the recommendation removes the context of a local threat. He also noted that there is a factual enor in the fìrst paragraph on the top of page three referring to the use of draglines at gravel pits. He clarified that for most operations with underwater extractions, a dragline cannot cause the groundwater to flow there on a permanent basis. He noted that there are times when the site is shut down, such as on weekends, wtìen the water is moving offsite. He noted that if there were fuel storage at the edge of such a pond, and if there were a leak, the contamination would move offsite. K. Turner stated that the letter of application for the threat would need to include a map specifying which aggregate operations are being considered. J. Laird said that although she understands the concern regarding the scope of the recommendation, she noted that there is a direct link between the introduction of contaminants and vulnerable areas, which eliminates any area where those two factors are not combined. The wording of the recommendation describes the method for identification of areas that would be highlighted in the mapping; vulnerable areas with potential for introduction of contaminants. M. Goldberg identified that although he is prepared to vote in favour of the recommendation, he would like to point out to the Director of the Source Protection Program at the Ministry of the Environment through his provincial representative that he does not think that the Ministry is taking a precautionary approach on this issue. The statement of environmental values under the Environmental Bill of Rights states the precautionary principle must be used, and this needs to be pointed out. The Ministry is bound to operate within the statement of environmental values and this is not being done. K. Turner responded that this concern has been identified as an oversight in the Clean Water Act, and it would require a change in the Act to rectify. Because the Clean Water Act will not be changed, this is an alternative method to address these potential threats. A. Henry pointed out that this flaw is not specific to pits and quarries and that the broader scope of the flaw needs to be addressed. The Clean Water Act fails to address all activities which change the vulnerability of an intake or wellhead protection area. T. Schmidt noted that it is not so much the introduction of contaminants, but the activities that we should be concemed about and develop policies for. M. Keller elaborated that we are restricted by what the Clean Water Act allows us to include as a local threat. There has been a precedent decision by the Ministry ín that they approved an application by another source protection region for a local threat with respect to the introduction of contaminants from the congregation of waterfowl near surface water bodies. That leads staff to use similar language. As an example, staff are considering Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 48 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee January 13,2011 Res. Âlo. 06-11 Res. Ä/o. 07-11 Page 9 the post closure operation of an aggregate site where a pond could be formed and as such the introduction of contaminants to the pond could create a risk to the groundwater which supplies a municipal supply well. Potential policies to address this risk could include that the pond be lined to protect the groundwater from becoming potentially contaminated. T. Schmidt emphasized that it is the vulnerability that had changed, and that is what needs to be addressed. M. Keller suggested that, in response to R. Seibel's comment regarding the breadth of the recommendation; the word 'specific' could be included in the recommendation. J. Laird suggested that the wording of the recommendation already accomplishes the appropriate scope; because the words 'vulnerable areas' and 'contaminants' are linked, only sites where those two factors co-exist would be identified, and where they do not come together, they would not fall under this recommendation. R. Seibel pointed out that the communication to the Ministry that the committee previously approved was very specific. J. Oliver identified that the recommendation would only be relevant to an aggregate extraction operation of a specific wellhead protection area of a specific water supply. He can only think of one extraction operation within close proximity to wellhead protection area in the Long Point Region. As such, he is not concerned that this will capture too much of the Lake Erie Region. M. Keller suggested that he could connect the recommendation to where there is a municipal drinking water supply. M. Goldberg asked if this resolution could be tabled to the next meeting. M. Keller identified that the difficulty is that there would then be insufficient time to get approval to have it included in the updated assessment report. J. Laird suggested replacing 'Lake Erie Region" with "municipal drinking water supply". Moved by: J. Laird Seconded by: L. Perrin 79 in favour, 1 opposd THAT the motion of Report SPC-11-01-04 be amended from: ...operations within vulnerable areas of the Lake Erie Reoion as a local threat under Technical Rule 119, and To: ...operations within vulnerable areas of a municipal drinkinq water supplv as a local threat under Technical Rule 119 Moved hy: J. Laird Seconded by: L. Perrin 79 in favour, 1 opposed THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commíttee direct staff to apply to the Director to identify the introduction of contaminants during the post ertraction phase of aggregate operations within vulnerable areas of a Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 49 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee January 13,2011 Page 10 threat under Technical Rulemunicipal drinking water supply as a local 119, and THAT the activity, circumstance, contaminants, frequency, and method of release be provided to the Director of the Source Protection Programs Branch of the Ministry of the Environment so that hazard scores for the activity can be established. e) SPC-Il-01-05 Advisability of Transportation Corridors as a Local Threat M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-01-05 Advisability of Transportation Corridors as a LocalThreat. B. Ungar observed that there is no mention of a railroad as a transportation conidor and asked if staff had considered this. M. Keller responded that railway lines were not investigated in detail. D. Parker recalled that Paul General's concern regarding sewer lines running under the Grand River was what initiated this concern and asked why they are not addressed in the report. M. Keller replied that sewage lines are included in the list of prescribed drinking water threats. He further noted that for pipelines, there is a specific resolution from a previous meeting regarding applying to the Ministry to include pipelines as a local threat. A. Henry pointed out that shipping lanes have also not been considered. M. Keller responded that shipping lanes were also not part of the analysis as there is very limited scope as to potential policies addressing federally regulated activities. M. Goldberg asked what the rationale is for waiting for a municipality or First Nations to request the inclusion of the transportation conidor as a local threat. M. Keller responded that the recommendation is to not apply to have the transportation of specifìc substances along certain routes included as a threat to local source waters unless however, a municipality or First Nations community prefers otherwise. Res. IVo. 08-11 Moved by: J. Oliver Seconded by: W. Wright-Cascaden 74 in favour, 5 opposd THAT the Lake Erie Source Protection Committee not apply to have the transpoñation of specific suósfances along ceñain routes as drinking water threats to local source waters as per Technical Rule 119 unless a municipality or First Nation so desires. THAT the Lake Erie Source Protection Committee include in the source protection plans policies to update spill prevention, spill contingency or emergency response plans to address transportation threats. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 50 of 215 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee January 13,2011 Page ll 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings John Harrison asked if there has been any follow up regarding members of the committee who have repeated absences. C. Ashbaugh suggested that there has been some follow up; they are working through the concern and hope to have a resolution before the next meeting. 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period None 13. Closed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, Februârv 3, 2011, 1:00 pm GRCA Administration Gentre, 400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of January 13,2011 adjoumed at 4:05 p.m. Moved by: J. Laird Seconded by: D. Parker carried unanimously Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approved minutes of meeting held January 13, 2011. Page 51 of 215 Page 52 of 215 Proud Heritage. Bright Future. The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street, West, Aylmer, Ontario N5H U7 Offìce: 519-773-3164 Fan: 519-765-lM6 www.aylmer.ca c r o/ boG January 25,2011 Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 RE: Elqin Militarv Museum - Support for Proiect Oiibwa At its meeting held on January 24,2011, Aylmer Town Council received a communication dated January 17,2011 seeking support for the Elgin Military Museum's efforts for Project Ojibwa. Town Council resolved: Resolution No. 42-11 Moved by Councillor J. Wright and seconded by Councillor P. Barbour: That the following actions be taken with respect to the resolution received from the Municipality of Bayham about the Ojibwa project: (a) That the Town of Aylmer supports the efforts of the Elgin Military Museum to have the Ojibwa project proceed; and further, (b) That the Town requests the Federal Government to take the necessary steps to extend the deadline for the use of the Community Adjustment Fund dollars and release the funds in a timely manner. The motion is Carried. Sincerely, Clerk, Town of Aylmer cc The Elgin Military Museum, 30 Talbot St, St Thomas ON NsP 143 Joe Preston, MP, London-Middlesex-Elgin M. Heather Adams, Administrator J. Reynaert, Director of Finance and Human Resources Correspondence dated January 25, 2011 from Town of Aylmer regarding "Elgin Military Museum - Support for Project Ojibwa". Page 53 of 215 Page 54 of 215 87 John Street South, Aylmer, Ontqrio N5H 2C3 Telephone: 519-7 7 3-5344 Fox: 5 I 9-773-5334 www.molohide.cq ¿eTOWl{Sll lP't A proud fiadit¡on, a brightfuture. 5 eølLot' February 7,2011. Municipality of the Township of Bayham, P. O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO Dear Sirs: RE: Ojibwa Project At its regular meeting held on February 3,2011, the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Malahide enacted the following resolution: THAT the Malahide Township Council supports the efforts of the Municipality of Bayham and the Elgin Military Museum to have the Ojibwa pro¡ect proceed; AND THAT the request of Bayham for financial assistance for the project be deferred to the 20ll budget deliberat¡ons. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE M. CASAVECCHIA, D.P.A., C.M.O., CMM III C h ief Adm in istrative Officer/Clerk \\malahidets.local\usersfiles$\diana\diana's files\Michelle - 201 1\bayham - ojibwa project - feb 7.doc MICHETLE M. CASAVECCI{IA Chief Administroïive Off icer/Clerk mcosovecchio@molohide. co susAN E. wtrsoN Direclor of Finonce swilson@molohide,co Correspondence dated February 7, 2011 from Township of Malahide regarding "Ojibwa Project". Page 55 of 215 Page 56 of 215 ElgrnCounty Office of the Warden January 31,2011 Mr. Joe Preston, M.P. Elg in-Midd lesex-London 24 First Avenue, Unit 2 St. Thomas, ON NsR 4M5 Dear Mssrs. Preston and Peters: Mr. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-M idd lesex-London Suite 201, West Wing 750 Talbot Street St. Thomas, ON NsP 1E2 5 Cro / ooc' County of Elgin Adminlstratlve Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas, On NsR 5V1 Phonei 519-631-1460 w\,vw. elgincou nty.on.ca Re: Project Ojibwa Please be advised that Elgin County Council at its January 25,2011 meeting passed the following resolution: "THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin supports the Municipality of Bayham's resolution showing their support of the Elgin Military Museum's efforls to proceed with the Ojibwa project and their request for the federal government to extend the deadline for use of the Community Adjustment Fund dollars. - Carried. (signed) Warden Dave Mennill" A copy of the resolution from the Municipality of Bayham is enclosed for reference. We look forward to your response. Yours truly, Enclosure cc Municipality of Bayham Elgin Military Museum ave Mennill, Protressive by Nature Copy of correspondence dated January 31, 2011 from County of Elgin to Joe Preston, MP regarding "Project Ojibwa". Page 57 of 215 Page 58 of 215 5 Uxbridge In The Qegionol Ìfuicipality ol'Dmhm January 27,2011 Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Flank Road Straffordvil le, Ontario NOJ 1YO Tovn llall 51 Torcnlo ótreet óoutl Þ.O. Dox 19O Uxbridge, ON [9P 1n Telephone (9O5) 852-9181 Íacsturile (9O||, 8m-9674 V'eb wv.Lovn.uxbride.on.ca ; i,, ^?() i' Attention: Lynn Acre, Mayor RE: LOTTERY LIGENCE REQUIREMENTS - LOCAL PENNY SALES TOWNSHIP FILE NO. GR.3O3 Please be advised that during the General Purpose & Administration Committee Meeting of January 17th, 2011 , the following motion was carried; THAT the Finance, Administration and Emergency Services Committee support the request of the Municipality of Bayham to the Licensing & Registration Branch of the ACGO to either exempt Local Penny Sales from licencing requirements or, at least, reduce the administrative requirements thereof. I trust yor-r will find the above to be satisfactory. Yours truly, Clerk lljr cc: Honourable John O'Toole, MPP Correspondence dated January 27, 2011 from Township of Uxbridge regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Page 59 of 215 Page 60 of 215 5 oro/Pû1 county of Lennox & Addington February I,2071 Lynn Acre, Mayor Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 760,9344 Plank Road Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO Dear Mayor Acre: Please be advised that the Council of the County of Lennox and Addington endorsed the following resolution at its regular monthly meeting held January 26,2011.: That the November 4, 2010 - resolution re: Lottery Licence Requirements - Local Penny Søles (Municipality of Bayham) be endorsed. CARRIED (signed) Warden Henry Hogg I trust that County Council's support may be beneficial to your municipality's pursuit of this matter. Sincerely, ïzlt Lany Keech Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk ADM I N ISTRATIVE SERVICES 97 THOMAS ST. E., Napanee, Onta¡io KZR4B9 tel:613.354.4883 fax: 613.354.31l2 www.lennox-addington.on.ca Correspondence dated February 1, 2011 from County of Lennox & Addington regarding "Lottery Licence Requirements - Page 61 of 215 Page 62 of 215 Eo8 HELP Clean Water is a regional funded initiative that will serve the needs of more than 500,000 people, HELP Clean Water delivers a strategic, long-term infrastructure program that ensures a sustainable high quality water supply for the region while protecting the natural environment and conseruing energy. This infrastructure program will benefit the entire region environmentally and economically over the next 30-50 years. The HELP Clean Water initiative will be implemented in phases over the next 20 years with the first phase being undertaken between 2010 and2014 at a total estimated cost of $150 million for nine project components of the HELP initiative, Upto $100 million in funding will be provided equally between the governments of Canada and Ontario through the Canada Building Fund, 5 Hunoru Elct¡t Loruooru Pno¡ecr OAaanWatot The Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System supplies drinking water to the CiÇ of London, City of St. Thomas, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Southwold, Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide. The Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System seruices seven other municipalities. Elgin Area Transmission Pipeline Twinn¡ng Initiative One of the nine HELP Clean Water initiatives is the Elgin Area Transmission Pipeline Twinning, The water main is being upgraded in size to accommodate the anticipated long-term demand for municipal water, to take advantage of the capacity of the water treatment plant to distribute water and to address the issue of aging infrastructure. The original pipeline was constructed in 1966 and consists of approximately 15 km of 750 mm concrete pressure pipe, The estimated cost is $23. 1 million. Two-thirds of the funding for this project has been provided by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario under the Building Canada Fund and the HELP Clean Water Initiative. Lake Huron Pipeline Twinning Did you knol t.... o The Elgin Water Treatment Facility can treat 91 million litres of water per day? o The average production is 53 million litres per day. Elgin Water Treatment Facility Correspondence from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding "Elgin Area Water Supply System Pipeline Twinning and Page 63 of 215 Elgin Area Water Supply System Pipeline Twinning Elgi ea Primary Water Supply System Project Description: The Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System (EAPWSS) is twinning the existing water supply pipeline from the Elgin Area Water Treatment facility on Dexter Line to the Elgin Middlesex Booster Pump Station and Reservoir northeast of the Ciiy of St, Thomas. This project is funded in paft through the HELP Clean Water Initiative and the Building Canada Fund, with contributions from the Governments of Canada and Ontario, The design of the new pipeline is now complete and Agency approvals and landowner agreements are being executed. Commencement of Construction : Construction will occur in two phases: Phase I: starts in February at the Beaver Creek watercourse and Highway 3/CN railway crossrng areas Phase II: Full pipeline construction starts in the early spring (weather and soil conditions permitting). Two construction crews will work northward. One will begin at the Water Treatment Plant on Dexter Line, and one at John Wise Line. Project Contact and Information: To learn more about the project, subscribe to receive project notifications, or to communicate concerns/ please call t-877 -950-2929 or email eapwss,service@aecom.com. Visit our website at http://www.watersupply.london.ca, ÆcoM lr,n&¡n Correspondence from Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System regarding "Elgin Area Water Supply System Pipeline Twinning and Page 64 of 215 5 ptl Ontario Provincial Police Police provinciale de I'Ontario News Release/ FROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP Communiqué DATE: 08 FEB 11 ..STAY SAFE...STAY INSIDE YOUR RIDE" (ELGIN COUNTY) -Members of the Elgin County OPP are again reminding all motorists to use EXTREME caution when getting out of their vehicles and walking around on any highway. The most important concern of any driver must always be their own personal SAFETY. Getting out of a vehicle to check a flattened tire or to check for damage to one's vehicle on a highway is extremely dangerous. Every attempt should be made to safety drive to the nearest exit or rest area before getting out of any vehicle is considered. The safest spot to be if you become suddenly stranded or involved in a collision on a major highway is inside your vehicle. The vehicle acts like a protective shell that can keep you safe from other vehicles or flying debris that can kill you. Motorists are all encouraged to carry cell phones or call-police signs which can be used if they become stranded or involved in a collision on a major highway. Police advise motorists to call from inside your vehicle and not to get out of the vehicle unless your life is in jeopardy. Simple rules for safety if you become stranded or involved in a collision; . Get your vehicle well off the traveled portion of the road if possible.o Activate your hazard lights.o Contact the Police by dialling 911 or displaying a call-police sign.. Stay inside your vehicle if it is safe to do so. Only trained professionals should ever venture outside the safety of a vehicle on major and/or secondary highways. The inherent risks of being outside your vehicle are too many. Stay safe...Stay lnside Your Ride! -30- Gontact: Constable Troy Garlson Elgin Gounty OPP Media Relations/Community Services Phone: 519-631-2920 Ext. 5450 Pager: 1-888-808-7195 News Release dated February 8, 2011 from Elgin County OPP regarding "Stay Safe....Stay Inside Your Ride". Page 65 of 215 Page 66 of 215 5 (o¿- REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Sandi Loponen Library Coordinator, Community and Cultural Services DATE: January 10th,2011 SUBJECT: 2010 Library Usage and Statistics Report INTRODUGTION: This report provides Councilwith metrics that illustrate usage trends at the 10 library branches in Elgin County compared to the previous year. Figures include general circulation of materials, downloadable collections, public computer use, interlibrary loan services, reference services, and membership numbers. DISGUSSION: The following highlights in library usage can be derived from this report: o Circulation activity at the Bayham branch (Straffordville) increased by 26.6% in 2O1O and has experienced a total increase of 40% since the closure of the Vienna branch in 2009. Bayham Library has now surpassed Port Stanley as the third busiest branch in the system, despite the fact that it is open for only 28 hours while Port Stanley is open 39.5 hours. Since Port Stanley's service hours are adequately meeting the needs of its community, the library would like to explore additional open hours at Bayham. Pending direction from Council, staff will bring forward a detailed report to examine service hours at Bayham and, by association, the number of staff hours required to service the significant growth in usage at this location. . Aylmer continues to serve as the library's busiest branch, accounting for 32o/o of the library system's total of 281,103 circulation transactions. o System-wide circulation increased by 2.1o/o. o 31 ,345 sessions of public computer use were logged in 2010. o The library continues to register more than 2,000 new members each year with an active cardholder population of 13,391 , up 2.60/o from 2009. . Programs and tours accommodated 15,281 participants in 2010. . The number of hold requests placed on library materials increased by 22.4o/o in 20101o 42,548. Growth in this area suggests that more patrons are enjoying the convenience of requesting materials and being contacted by phone or e- mailwhen the item arrives. Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 67 of 215 GONCLUSION: The attached report informs Council of statistics that summarize use of Elgin County Library collections and services in 2010. Increases in total circulation activity suggest that residents are continuing to turn to free access to resources including the internet, books, movies and music as they choose to borrow instead of buy materials for leisure and research. Of particular concern in 2011 will be the examination of open hours at the Bayham branch in Straffordville to keep up with rapidly growing demand in this community and the ongoing exploration of creative ways to support heavy usage in Aylmer. Public libraries have witnessed a general trend in increased demand for self- service options such as downloadable collections and greater flexibility with online library account management. Last year, the library reported the addition of a shared downloadable audiobook collection in August 2009. In November 2010, the library introduced a shared downloadable eBook collection. These services are funded in large part by the Ontario Ministry of Culture & Tourism. ln addition to the download statistics cited in the attached report, staff have noted anecdotally an increase in questions related to downloading titles and transferring them to portable reading and listening devices. Staff will continue to monitor demand for self-serve options and seek low-cost opportunities to provide additional services in this area. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the "2010 Library Usage and Statistics Report" dated January 1}th, 2011 be received and filed as information; and THAT staff be directed to conduct a detailed examination of Bayham Library's open hours and the staffing complement required to meet increased community demands identified in this report. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission So"'t-' Lryrr- Sandi Loponen Library Coordinator âN_q Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services Mark G. McDonald Chief Ad ministrative Officer Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 68 of 215 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: January lth,2011 SUBJECT: Library Branch Construction Policy Update INTRODUCTION: Gounty Council last approved a "Library Branch Construction Policy" in February 1999 which specifies the procedure to be taken by lower-tier municipalities in the event that a new, expanded or relocated library facility is proposed. This comprehensive policy represented a significant step-forward in clarifying roles and responsibilities of each party in the location of library facilities. The passage of time and new planning considerations now make it prudent to update the policy. This report proposes that County Council adopt an updated "Library Branch Construction Policy" effective immediately. DISCUSSION: Elgin County Council last revised the "Library Branch Construction Policy" in February 1999. This policy, attached as "Appendix A" to this report, outlines notice and approval procedures to be taken in the event that a lower-tier municipality wishes to construct a new, expanded or relocated library facility. Furthermore, it makes provision for an interest-free loan of up to $50,000 to be provided by the County to assist the municipality with capital costs. This policy was developed in response to discrepancies about respective roles and responsibilities of the County and its lower-tier partners in the provision of library services and specifically the location of branches. Since that time, the County has largely achieved its goal of standardizing all leases with lower-tier partners and the Port Stanley Festival Theatre (the owner of the Port Stanley Library). This too has helped to eliminate many of the discrepancies regarding respective roles and responsibilities while establishing equity wíthin leasing rates across the County. The exception remains the Aylmer Library which continues to be governed by a 40 year lease signed with the Town of Aylmer in 1980. The passage of time and new planning considerations make it prudent to revise this policy. Attached to this report is a revised policy for Council's adoption. The following are highlights of revisions being proposed in comparison to the 1999 policy: Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 69 of 215 Facility Size When the original policy was adopted, there were no clear provincial guidelines to assess the proper amount of space for a facility in relation to the population served. Such guidelines now exist for multi-branch, County systems and adherence to these guidelines are now formally referenced in the policy. Specific Locations Ultimately, the decision on a specific location for a library lies with the municipality. Nevertheless, staff feel that the County should play a pro-active role in determining the appropriate location within the community for a library branch, stating a clear preference to "downtown" locations as referenced in municipal cultural planning models promoted by the province. Furthermore, synergies with mixed-use facilities such as community centres should be encouraged as the "cross-pollination" has many benefits to both parties. Limits Per Gouncil Term Previously only one library could be redeveloped/constructed within the three- year term of Council. An amendment is required given that Council now has a four year-term. Staff feel that this requirement should be relaxed to allow for the redevelopmenUconstruction of a maxímum of one branch per year. lnterest Free Loan Amount The previous policy offered the ability to obtain an interest-free loan of up to $50,000 from the County for the construction or renovation of facilities. The ability to obtain such a loan is an excellent practice and should be continued but the amount should be increased to account for inflation. Staff recommend that the maximum amount now stand at $100,000 payable over a period of up to 10 years. Eligibility It should be stressed throughout the policy that it applies only to municipal- partners who renovate or construct library facilities. Any third-parties who may wish to lease space to the County for the purposes of providing space for library services will be treated separately and on a case-by-case basis. CONGLUSION: The support of the County's municipalitíes in the operation of library facilities over the years has generally been very positive. Municipalities have taken a very pro- active role in the construction and administration of local branches and in many ways, Elgin County is a model of how a cooperative library system should work, something worth acknowledging as the library celebrates 75 years of such cooperationin2011. The attached "Library Branch Construction Policy" will guide County Council and municipal partners when opportunities arise to expand Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 70 of 215 or construct new library facilities for the benefit of the public. However, it must be stressed that the process to expand, renovate or relocate a library facility starts with the Municipality which is in the best position to determine the community's support for such a project, the ideal location for such a facility and capacity to finance the project in relation to other priorities in the community. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the "Library Branch Construction Policy" dated January 2011 as attached to this report be hereby adopted; AND THAT the previous version of this policy (revised February 1999) be hereby rescinded. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission ê,,1\_€_ Brian Masschaele Mark G. McDonald Director of Community and Chief Administrative Officer Cultural Services Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 71 of 215 LIBRARY BRANCH CONSTRUCTION POL¡CY (January 2011) SCOPE The following shall constitute the policy of the County of Elgin to be followed in considering any participation it will have with any Municipality represented on County Council in the renovation, relocation or expansion of Library facilities anyrruhere in the County. This policy applies to capital construction or relocation of library facilities only. Operational issues and related costs pertaining to each facility are addressed in respective leases signed for each facility. New, expanded or relocated branches will require a new operational lease based on the standard "Elgin County Library Municipal Library Lease" with no exceptions. FACILITY SIZE The square footage of new, expanded or relocated library facilities will adhere, wherever possible, to "Guidelines for Rural/Urban Public Library Systems", as amended from time to time by the Administrators of Rural and Urban Public Libraries of Ontario (ARUPLO) in which the Elgin County Library is a voting member. The following are current guidelines for the size of library facilities (excluding utility rooms): . Small Branches (Branches serving from 1,000 - 5,000 population): 2,500 sq. ft. - 3,500 sq. ft. or .7 sq. ft. per capita o Medium Branches (Branches serving from 5,000-10,000 population): 3,000 sq. ft. - 7,000 sq. ft. or.7 sq. ft. per capita o Large Branches (Branches serving from 10,000-35,000 population): 7,000 sq. ft. - 21,OOO sq. ft. or .6 sq. ft. per capita LOCATION Locations on main thoroughfares or "downtown" locations in population centres will be preferred. Co-location with other community services will be preferred. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS In all cases, Municipalities shall strive to set the highest standards in terms of public accessibility, including compliance with provincial accessibility legislation. ln any calendar year, the construction of one new Library will be allowed. An lnterest Free Loan request from the County for constructing new libraries will not exceed $100,000.00 repayable within ten years. All requests for new Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 72 of 215 libraries, expansion of libraries or relocation of libraries in the following year must be received by Council no later than December of each year for budgeting purposes. Any request received after December 31't will be considered for the following year. County Council reserves the right to deny such a loan for fínancial reasons. ACTIONS INITIATED BY THE MUNICIPALITY AND THE COUNTY 1.0 The Municipality shall determine if, in the opinion of their Council, there is a need for a new Library, expansion of a Library or a relocation of a Library. A review of ARUPLO guidelines and input of the County's Director of Community and Cultural Services (or designate) is strongly encouraged in this process. 2.0 lf the answer is yes, the Municipality shall issue a "Letter of lntent" to the County C.A.O. and Director of Community and Cultural Services, outlining the following information : 2.01 The address and description of the proposed site and building to be constructed, expanded or relocated. 2.02 The approximate interior gross area of the new building, expanded building or relocated buibing. 2.03 The approximate size of the area designated to be for Library use. 2.04 Approximate loan requested from the County (not to exceed $100,000.00). 2.05 The proposed date to commence construction. The Director of Community and Cultural Services shall forward the proposal to County Council. County Council shall consider the proposal (Letter of lntent) and notify the Municipality of its decision. lf acceptable, and County Council determines that it wishes to participate in a new Library facility, expanded Library facility, or relocated Library facility, a Letter of lntent detailing the arrangements will be signed by the C.A.O. of the County of Elgin and the Municipality. The Munícipality, at its expense, shall cause plans and specification of the Library premises to be prepared and sent to the Director of Community and Cultural Services who will forward to County Council for approval. The plans and specifications must include the information set out in this policy and if required may include a request for an lnterest Free Loan, not to exceed $100,000.00. 3.0 4.0 5.0 Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 73 of 215 6.0 7.0 The plan and specifications must include: 5.01 The address and description of the proposed site and building to be constructed, expanded or relocated building. 5.02 The interior gross area of the new building, expanded building or relocated building. 5.03 The size of the area designated to be for library use. 5.04 Construction timetables. 5.05 Approximate move in date for library staff. 5.06 Cost of construction or renovation including mechanicals. 5.07 Confirmation of interior fittings required for library use (such as custom millwork). These fittings are to be included in construction costs and are to be paid by the municipality. Additional furnishings for library use are the responsibility of the County. 5.08 Architect's fees (if applicable). 5.09 lnterim financing cost (if applicable). 5.10 Source of funding for project. 5.11 Request for an lnterest Free Loan (not to exceed $100,000.00) indicating when the loan will be required. The loan must be repaid within ten years of being issued. 5.12 The Director of Community and Cultural Services shall forward the proposal to County Council with a recommendation on acceptance. At such time, the Director shall recommend that a new "Elgin County Library Municipal Library Lease" be established, outlining the anticipated costs of said lease to the library's annual operating budget and establishing a deadline to execute the lease. Should an interest-free loan be requested and approved, the Director of Financial Services shall be authorized to issue a loan agreement with terms stating that the loan is payable within a ten year period upon execution. County Council reserves the right to deny such a loan for financial reasons. Both Parties shall be responsible for their own legal costs in the negotiation and/or drafting of any Lease or Loan Agreement. The Municipality shall be the owner of the land and building. Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Library Reports". Page 74 of 215 ElgrnCounty Library L¡brary Usage and Statistics Report20l 0 Sandi Loponen, Library Coordinator C o r r e s p o n d e n c e f r o m C o u n t y o f E l g i n r e g a r d i n g " L i b r a r y R e p o r t s " . P a g e 7 5 o f 2 1 5 201 0 Girculation Activity by Branch 32% 10% Aylmer Bayham tr Belmont tr Dutton f Pt Bunruell Pt Stanley Rodney I Shedden r Springfield West Lorne 6% C o r r e s p o n d e n c e f r o m C o u n t y o f E l g i n r e g a r d i n g " L i b r a r y R e p o r t s " . P a g e 7 6 o f 2 1 5 Library Gatalogue Pageviews Library Catalogue Visitors 2010 27,500 27,OOO 26,500 26,000 25,500 25,000 24,500 24,000 23,500 23,000 2010 Online Catalogue Use Pageviews 75,484 Visits 27,222 Catalogue Pageview 2009 Online Catalogue Use Pageviews 65,473 Visits 24,646 lncrease is 15.3% Catalogue Visit lncrease is 10.5% Down loadable Col lections Number of eAudiobooks available for download: Number of eAudiobook downloads in 2010: Number of eBooks available for download: Number of eBooks downloads in 2010: * Nofe: Downloadable eBooks were introduced in the last quafter of 2010 8,020 1,301 4,728 340 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e f r o m C o u n t y o f E l g i n r e g a r d i n g " L i b r a r y R e p o r t s " . P a g e 7 7 o f 2 1 5 lnterlibrary Loan Activity 2010 lnterlibrary Loans 2009 Interlibrary Loans 8 500 I 400 I 300 8 200 I 100 I 000 7 900 7 800 7 700 7 600 2010 Received 4,808 Shipped 3,615 TOTAL 8,423 Received 4,490 Shipped 3,412 TOTAL 7,902 lnterlibrary Loan lncrease of 6.6% Reference & Readers' Advisory Questions2010 7,416 2009 8,671 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e f r o m C o u n t y o f E l g i n r e g a r d i n g " L i b r a r y R e p o r t s " . P a g e 7 8 o f 2 1 5 2009 Holds Placed on Materials Placed in L¡brary I Placed Online C o r r e s p o n d e n c e f r o m C o u n t y o f E l g i n r e g a r d i n g " L i b r a r y R e p o r t s " . P a g e 7 9 o f 2 1 5 13,400 13,300 13,200 1 3,1 00 13,000 12,900 12,800 Number of Library Cardholders 2010 2010 Member Activities Active Cardholders New Registrations Program/Tour Attendanc Public Access Computer Sessions 13,391 2,003 15,281 31,34s 2009 Member Activities Active Cardholders New Registrations Program/Tour Attendance Public Access Computer Sessions 13,057 2,141 16,748 31,353 Library Cardholder lncrease of 2.60/o C o r r e s p o n d e n c e f r o m C o u n t y o f E l g i n r e g a r d i n g " L i b r a r y R e p o r t s " . P a g e 8 0 o f 2 1 5 5PITCH.IN CANADA JOIN CANADA'S LARGEST ANNUAL CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN TI1E 44''' ANNUAL PITCH-IN CANADA WEEK! From April 18-24,2011, over half a million Canadians will participate in PITCH-IN CANADA WEEKI Be a part of the 2011 Operation: Clean Sweep campaign in your community! Erther organtze your own cleanup campaign, educational activìty, or community beautification project or join a local municipal campargn It is easy and free to register! Registration deadline March 1 5, 2011 1) Go to www.pitch-in.ca 2) CIick on PITCH-IN CANADA WEEK 3) Fill out all the necessary information including your name, your organìzation and your project details. 4) Receive in the mail your FREE official PITCH-lN WEEK recycling and waste removal bags 5) Complete your project and submit your entry into our Most Unusual Litterbug or Heaviest Litter Collection Contests. Do your part and PITCH-IN from April 18-241 Adt For more information Visit us at www.pitch-in.ca or contact our national office at1-877-4-PITCH-|N or email pitch-in @ pitch-in.ca. 5114 il(c) Municipality of Bayham Head and Members of Council BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE ON NOJ lYO CANADA. POSTES CANADA Postage pâld Pon pâyé Addressed Méd¡aposte Adma¡l avec adresse 65'10841 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e r e c e i v e d F e b r u a r y 1 0 , 2 0 1 1 f r o m P i t c h - I n C a n a d a r e g a r d i n g " 2 0 1 1 O p e r a t i o n C l e a n S w e e p C a m p a i g n " . P a g e 8 1 o f 2 1 5 Page 82 of 215 CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM : Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Penner Consent E8/11 DATE: February ll,20lI FILE: D10.11Penner NUMBER:D20ll-04 Purpose To consider a consent application for creation of a lot through the division of a semi-detached dwelling. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Willy Penner and Isaak Penner to sever a parcel 429.84 m2 10.10 acre) and retain a 427.14r* (0.11 acre) parcel. The subject land is located in the northeast cornsr of Old Chapel Street and Main Street in the Village of Straffordville. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential (Rl) in the Zoning By-law No.2.456-2003. The owners constructed and completed a serni-detached dwelling on the subject lands in the fall of 2010 with the intent of severing it for individual ownership. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on March 10,2017. Staff & Planner Comments Staffand planner reviewed this application for proposed lot size, lot coverage and setbacks, servicing and access requirements. This newly constructed semi-detached residence has the required setbacks, individual wells, individual sanitary sewer connections, sqrarate driveways and civic numbering. The reduced lot size and increased lot coverage was addressed through a minor variance granted in July 2010 (A- 04110) for: . Relief from Section 10.23 - Minimum Lot Area to allow the erection of a semi-detached dwelling with lot areas of approximately 400 sq.m. for each unit, whereas 900 sq.m. is required for a standard lot area o Relief from Section 10.6 - Maximum Lot Coverage to allow the erection of a semi- detached dwelling with an overall lot coverage of 35.2o/o, where a maximum of 30% is permitted in the Village Residential (Rl) Zone. Staffand the planner have one additional issue that was not realized and addressed in the minor variance application in July. The newly created lots will have2l metres depth, where 45 metres is the minimum required de,pth for a Rl lot. A variance is required. The variance can be supported as the proposal maintains the intent of the Village Residential (Rl) Zone designation. Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 83 of 215 Staff Report D2071-04 Penner Page2 Conditions for the consent include a further minor variance application, copy of the final survey and the cash-inJieu parkland dedication fee for one created lot. Attachments l. Consent Application E8/ll 2. IBI Group Memorandum date.d February 15,20ll Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION 66TIfAT StaffReport D2011-04 regarding the Penner consent be received; AND TIIAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committss fþ¿1 consent application E8/11, submitted by Willy Penner and Isaak Penner, be granted subject to conditions: 1. minor variance for reduced lot depth 2. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 3. $500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication fee by,Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 84 of 215 pËí o z zott *,Ê-l g Á Telephone Númber' 4t 4 1 1 1 1tl\\ Address Address Telephone Number Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owne¡s ('/) Solicitor ( ) Agent ( )' ÀSkns (a) Typé and purpose of proposed transactioh:. (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot addition to a lot easement other purpose Other: charge lease correction of title (c) 4. (a) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: identify the lands to which the parcelwill be added: Location of land: MunicipalitV 8ql \...ot,-ì Concession No. Lot(s) No. C Registered plan No.2o< Name ot street 0 t J Cgz, / Street No. 1? 3 O (b) Are there any easements or reötrictive covenants affecting the subject land? ) Yes ( ) no (J ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenànt and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Ac Frontage f 1.9 rn Depth Existing Use rr¡ïJ,..fr*^./ Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to besevered: 6. Description of land intended to bê retained:' (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage Ð.a"24 t.t Depth â I z,,r ¡¡sa Lllì . l{ S, "n Existing Use (...'J.¿f;" I proposed lJse 8<sr.e..r.{,,1o Í - 450 Sunset Dr¡ve St.Thomas,On NsR5V1 Phone: 519 631-1460 ww.elg¡n-county.on.ca Number and use of buildings and'structures on the land to be retained: Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 85 of 215 7. 8. -2- Number of new tots proposed (not including retained lots) I Type of access for proposed and retained IoÍ (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained allyear ' Municipal roaQ j seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and þafting facilities.are available on themainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (specifr7) PROPOSED LOT () rJl () () 10.what type of sewage disposar is proposed: (check appropriate space)wPE pRoposED Lor Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septictank l1-v.1telV owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specifr7) when will water suppry and sewage disposar services be avairabre? t¡l () () () 11. 12. 13. 't4 Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? 15.lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has beenchanged from the original application '. - Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 86 of 215 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: . Grantee s name . Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this applicátion, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ( ) No (/)' 18'lsthesuÞjectIandcurrentlythesubjectofaproposedofficialplanorofficialptanamendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes () No tll lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning bylaw amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or.gpproyal of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (/) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) ,of the Planning Act? Yes t.ll No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (V) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial.features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areasr well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 87 of 215 -4- 24. The Owner/Applicant/Agenthereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and theG.orporation of the County of Elgin-staff to enter onto the ru¡¡ã"t prop"rty for the pripðr. ãtSite inspections with respect to this application. The ApplicanVOwner/Agent here contained in thisApplication pursuant to Section ro'irreeàôniðilñroimation ano ,n"X""1$¡:jilt'0"Boards. AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lÂrVe DECLARED before me at the in the County of of the solemnly declare that allthe information contained in this is true, and lArve make thissolemn declaration conscientiously believint 4ro Þg 1lqg ing that it is of the same force andeffect as if made under Oath and by virtue o"ttie CANAD CE ACT, in the this lf this application is tor onauthorization must lf theor solicitor, the a'pp n offic agent be affixed' rr vrrre ' must' oF APPLTCANT(S), SOLIC|TOR OR saol Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 88 of 215 APPENDIX "Ail The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the'Application for Consent', the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns loc.ated within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() lilo(V) If the answer is "YES" are these barns:i) Now used for livestock?ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes()Yes()No()No() NOTE: lf you answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT NAME TELEPHONE coNc.TOWNSHIP LOT TILLABLE HECTARES (where tivestock facitity tocated) AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MIN¡MUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON.FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILD]NGS ln order to calcfilate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located oñ a separate lot: Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year 0 Feeders0 400-750lb.0 400-1100 tb. POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Ghicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters Caged , On Floor Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 89 of 215 LVC,É.ñ0 U-w¿tl @'fuoøcd $-ßcu;¡¿ 1*F ilt,i, ^,'1,.., (e4*/¿- J Brfu[ $ AId C*1al s r 1 g'lt I ù.J d -ë*, ô.) ?' Ac5 ê oøb'bl--+f+ h¡ÊÇ'0Ê -+ Ë-t letiå'nh"\ S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P e n n e r C o n s e n t E 8 / 1 1 . F i l e : D 1 0 . 1 1 P e n n e r P a g e 9 0 o f 2 1 5 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON NOH'lT3 Canada tel 5194727328 lax 51947293il To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date Project No Steno February 15,2011 3405-500 dd 1. 2. 3. 7¿r1 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Memorandum Penner - Application for Consent (88111) - 9250 Old Chapel Street, Village of Straffordville) We have completed our review of the applications for consent submitted by Willy & lsaak Penner in support of their proposal to sever a lot with an existing semi-detached dwelling into two separate lots measuring 430 m2 (4625 ft'?) and 427 m2 (4600 ft'z) each in area. The subject lands are located on the northeast corner of Old Chapel Street and Main Street, in the Village of Straffordville. The subject lands are designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential (R1) in Zoning ByJaw No.2456-2003. A minor variance to Z456-2003 was passed in June 2010 (A-04110) to accommodate the development of the semi{etached dwelling, which allowed for minimum lot areas of 400 m2 each, and maximum lot coverage of 35.2% each. Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents may be permitted for minor boundary adjustments provided that the severed and retained lots comply with the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The 'Residential" designation permits the development of two- unit dwellings to ensure housing stock diversity, and the aforementioned minor variance was approved to support the development in compliance with the Zoning By-law Based on our review of the application in conjunction with the Official Plan policies and the recently approved minor variance for the subject lands we can support the proposed consent. However, due to an oversight at the time the variances were granted, an additional variance will also be required as a condition of severance to recognize a reduced minimum lot depth of 21 metres, where 45 metres is required. lBl Group is a group of fìrms providing professional serv¡ces and ¡s affiliated with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2011-04 regarding "Penner Consent E8/11. File: D10.11 Penner Page 91 of 215 Page 92 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 93 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 94 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 95 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 96 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 97 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 98 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 99 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 100 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 101 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 102 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 103 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 104 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 105 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 106 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 107 of 215 Staff Report D2011-05 regarding Friesen Consent E5/11. File: D10.11 Friesen Page 108 of 215 L(c') CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Graydon Consent El2lll DATE: February ll,201l FILE: DlO.ll Graydon NUMBER: D2011-06 Purpose To consider a consent application for creation of a lot. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Brian and Betty Lou Graydon to sever a parcel l.62hectare (4.0 acre) and retain a 18.6 hectare (45.9 acre) parcel. The subject land is located on the east side of Bayham Drive, south of Talbot Line (Prov.Hwy 3). The subject land is designated "Agriculture","Hazafdlands" and "A.N.S.I (Area ofNatural and Scientific Interest)" in the Offrcial Plan and zoned Agriculture (Al ) in the ZonrngByJaw No. 2456-2003. The owner proposes to sever and convey the 4-aqeparcel to a business that will establish an agriculturally related business that will also provide sales, service and installation of barn and grain handling equipment - i.e. steel grain bins. Parts and equipment will also be sold from this site. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on March 10,2011. Staff & Planner Comments The subject lands are currently under Ministry consideration in our S-year OfEcial Plan Review for re-designation from "Agriculture" to "Industrial". If Ministry approved, this area will be considered an extension of Bayham's Industrial Park. Staff and our planner considers the consent application premature, as the lands are subject to changes in our new Official Plan. In our planner's opinion, the proposed industrial use currently does not comply with the policies of our Official Plan or the Provincial Policy Statement 2005 definition for"Agriculture-related uses: means thosefarm-related commercial andfarm-related industrial uses that are small scale and directly related to thefarm operation and are required in close proximity to thefarm operation." The planner recoÍrmends deferral of the proposed consent and/or development of that proposed operation on those lands until there is certainty on the land use designation in the OP. The definition of "agriculture-related uses" does not support what he is proposing. Such uses are required to be small-scale, directly related to a farm operation, and required in close proximity to a farm operation. This sounds like a large-scale standalone operation. Staffand the planner suggest the application be deferred until confirmation from the Ministry on the Industrial designation on those lands. Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 109 of 215 StaffReport D2011-06 Graydon Page2 The applicant's planner has a diflering opinion and explains in the justification report attached to the application. He states the"Agricuhural uses and those directly related to agriculture are the primary uses permitted within the Agricultural designation". He goes on to say that he is "satisfied that the proposed use is directly related to agriculture and is small scale and is required to be in close proximity to its farm customer base." Should Council be of the opinion that the proposal meets the intent of the Ofñcial Plan policies and the PPS 2005 definition of agricultural-related uses and is comfortable moving forward pending the Ministry decision, there a¡e several conditions that would be recommended for this consent: - conceptual plan of subdivision similar to what is requested for the remaining industrial lands north of Talbot Line - development agreernent for road upgrades. The road as it is now cannot support more than the current residential and agricultural trafñc so the conditions would include construction upgrades to Bayham Drive to accommodate this and future industrial uses. The upgrades would include the intersection at Talbot Line (Hwy 3), as it cannot accommodate transport truck/trailer traffic. The applicant would have to consult with Ministry of Transportation on their requirements, as well as, enter into a Development Agreement with the municþality, which may include a roads needs study. - stormwater management plan for the entire lands in I-ot2l to ensure proper drainage. The applicant must be aware of the A.N.S.I. located in the southerly portion of the land" Other conditions would include a road access permit for access to the proposed parcel, the parkland dedication fee, acopy of the final survey and rezoning application to permit the industrial commercial use. At the time of writing this report the memorandum from IBI Group was not available for copy. Options: l. Council reconìmend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent application El2lll be deferred at the March l0,20ll meeting 2. Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that the consent application be granted subject to conditions: 1. Conceptual Plan of Subdivision for lands in Lot 21, subject to municipal approval 2. Development Agreement with the municipality for Bayham Drive construction upgrades 3. Stormwater Management Plan for the entire lands in I-at2l, subject to municipal approval 4. $500 cash in lieu parkland dedication fee 5. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 6. rezoting 7. road access permit for the severed parcel Attachments 1. GIS Aerial Map - Con 11 Part Lots 20 and2l 2. Consent ApplicationBl2lll with Justification Report from D. Roe dated Feb.11/11 3. IBI Group Memorandum dated February 14,2011 (not available at time of printing) Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 110 of 215 Staff Report D201 1-06 Graydon Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION Page 3 66TIIAT StaffReport D2011-06 regarding the Graydon consent be received; AND TIIAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent application F'lzlll, submitted by Brian and Betty Lou Graydon be deferred at the March 10, 2011 meeting." Respectfully submitted, Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 111 of 215 S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 r e g a r d i n g G r a y d o n C o n s e n t E 1 2 / 1 1 . F i l e : D 1 0 . 1 1 G r a y d o n P a g e 1 1 2 o f 2 1 5 ! i'lÉ; I U'j rÊù ù 3 ?ùi1 AppucAnoN FoRcoNSErilr ffi **,ffi 3 p /t-ll GF SLûIN ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Brian Gravdon and Betty Lou Gravdon 57547 Talbot Line, Tillsonburo, ON. N4G 4G8 Telephone Number 519-688-8'147 fax519-842-6557 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent David Roe, Civic Planninq Solutions lnc Address 599 Larch Street, Ðelhi. ON N4B 347 Telephone Number 519-582-1174 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( )Agent ( x ) SignstoOwner 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other:charge lease correction of title addition to a lot other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: Name of Owner Address easement 4. (a) Location of land: Municipality Bavham Concession No.11 Lot(s) No. 20and21 Registered Plan No. _ Name of Street Bavham Drive Street No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( x ) lf yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 22Bm Depth 142m Area 1.62ha Existing Use Aoricultural proposed Use lndustrial Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to besevered: 6. Description of land intended to be ¡etained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage / r"t zt- ¿zsr\r"t zo - Depth /:gþrnflosm Are Existing ur" \nqr¡"rttur"J eroposk Us/Aqricuttural Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 113 of 215 7. 8. -2- Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) Type of access for proposed and retained lot (check appropriate space) One TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () (x ) () () () () RETAINED LOT () ( x) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () RETAINED LOT () (x ) () () RETAINED LOT () ( x) () () '10. what type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communalseptic system Privy Other means (specify) () (x ) () () 11' when will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land?12. What is the 14 13. What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a plan of SubdivisionoraConsentundertheptanningAct? yes ( ) No (x ) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15' lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has beenchanged from the original application 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? No (x ) -3- Yes() Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 114 of 215 ' . . (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (x ) No ( ) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ( ) No (x) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of ã ptan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (x ) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincialplan or plans?yes ( ) No (x ) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shalr be accompanied by a sketch showing the foilowing: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and thepart that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land andthat abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, suchas a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the currentowner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land andadjacent lands that in the opinion of the appticant måt ;ff;ct the appticät¡on, suãn ãsbuildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditthes, river oi åtru"r oänr.., - wetlands,woodedareas,wellandseptictanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and na.me of any roads within.or abutting the subject land, indicatingwhether it is an unopened road allówance, a public travelleã road, a private road or a rightof way; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat dockingfacilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. 4 Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 115 of 215 23, The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the Municipalitv of Central Elqin this 20 11 SIGNATURE F APPLTCANT(S), SOL|CITOR OR AUTHORTZED AGENT AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION IAA/e David Roe of the in the County of__N_grfqlk Mu¡icipalitv of Central Eloin of solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and l¡//e make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force andeffect as if made under oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCÈ Acr. DECLARED before me at the in the tni. jd dayor Évr-rOn,l 20 Signature lf this application is solicitor on the owner,sauthorization must tion. lf the acting without agentor so-licitor, the app by an offic he seal, if any, mustbe affixed. It is required that one copy of this application beJiled, together with one copy of the sketch described,with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of _ - $500.00 in cash or by cheque made payabre to TREASURER, couNTy oF ELGIN An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. s^usanltarne-e@ñEl 9"lTebqf 'ì "'"'diuùffi i;iïËffi # ¡"l rï;ounty of Esrn, Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 116 of 215 Thé County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for Consent", the, following information be completed for all applications: 1 ' Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes ( ) No (x) lf the answer is "YES" are these barns:i) Now used for livestock? yes ( ) No ( )¡¡) Capable of being used for livestock? yes ( ) ruo ( I NorE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AqBrc.9,LIgRAL CODE OF PRACT|CE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO cal-_cu!.4re rHe rvuMmun¡ olsrt¡lce sepÃRffi PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOGK BUILDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestockfacility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located oñ a separate lot: TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) LOT CONC. Type of Livestock Maximum Housing capacity Manure system Housing system Numbe¡ per Year Liquid Semi- Dry ctrect< tyþe DAIRY $ Cows $ Heifers Tie Free LooseStall Stall 0 BEEF $ Cows $ Calves Open Lot Total & Barn Confine- mentFeeders 400-750 tb. 400-1 100 tb.0 750-1 1 SWINE $ Sows Q Boars $ Weanlings 0 POULTRY Caged On FloorLaying Hens { Breeder Flock Q Pullets $ Ghicken Broilers $ Turkey Broilers Q Turkey Hens v turKey toms Q Roasters MINK - Females HORSES SHEEP-Rams&Ewes RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open pile SEMI-SOL|D Open piteLIQUID Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided pit Above GrounA UncovereO fant Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 117 of 215 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: Lots 20 and 21. Concession 1 1 Bavham lAlVe, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize David Roe (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee;(2) appear on my behatf at any hearing(s) of the aþplication; and (3) provide any information or material required by ihe LanO Division Committee relevant to theapplication. (Agents Name/Names) Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the Municipalitv pf Norfolk Countv to: (Agents CityÆown of Residence) of Bavham this / 7 t1 day of 20// . Signature of \Mtness Signature of Owner NoTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other thanthe owner(s) Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 118 of 215 (ltn<^rl,¡, Cou*'e.et{ll (en+ 7 u ¿-/ (tl"l, sl,"à @ uo*" Qf - clr*no'\ -t-= CNR. ñ-J",""r"J Wt:t To,u'+ os fr /(s"'uí+øq y'ar.t n7- ry,,8 lal6o-lt Lrn¿ @ |orL.rf,*lE lt ù 1{0," it*-lÚ @ @ -à n ztì1.n J ,@G .) I CoaátèÐa¡a L \ ^:"o,nr*,\ b""e1¿) :-_: u-4?.:"Æru @l'co^nr^",r|./ A*l /è7_ ,, bonehoose _, c.tØf\¿nor* I Co^. e . /%/ Òß,.e - èo lFrt teyt ¿eÉ E F"-lr^y ; @ 's/lÅT i y'ol 1o be",*< ìr{*rlr,ul Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 119 of 215 i Justification Report Piepared by David Roe MCIP, RPP Re: Brian and Betty Lou Graydon Severance and Zoning By-law Amendment Part Lot 21, Concession 1 1 (Bayham) Elgin County 1.Introduction I have been retained by Brian and Betty Lou Graydon, to assist with the preparation of the required applications for a severance and an amendment to the Zoning By-law and to assess these applications with respect to the Provincial Policy Statement (2005) and the Municipality of Bayham Otficial Plan. 2. INVOLVEMENT/TASKS CARRIED OUT ln my capacity as a professional planner, I have discussed this matter with statf from the municipality. . Review of the supporting material provided by the applicant. . Attended the site. Reviewed all applicable planning documents including:the Provincial Planning Statement (2005) and the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan Preparation of this Justification Report 3. BACKGROUND Subject Propefi The subject lands are located in Lot 21, Concession 11, Municipality of Bayham. The parcel to be severed and rezoned is 1.62 ha in area and has a frontage oÍ 228 metres along Bayham Line. The site and parcel to be severed is presentfy vacant and is used for agricultural purposes. lt is anticipated that buildings necessary to accommodate the new business will be constructed. The retained agricultural parcelwill continue to be used for agricultural purposes. Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 120 of 215 z Description of the Application The applicant has applied for a severance and zoning by-law amendment application on a site specific basis to allow for the establishment of an agriculturally related business, which will provide sales, service and installation of barn and grain handling equipment. Parts and equipment will also be sold from this site. The primary market area will be Elgin, Oxford and Norfolk counties. There will be some outside storage of rhaterials and equipment. The use will be a dry industry, as only domestic water and sewage will be required for employees. 4. Planning Analysis a) Provincial Policy Statement - 2005 (PPS) 2.3 Agriculture 2.3.1 Prime agriculturalareas are areas where prime agriculturallands predominate. Specialty crop areas shall be given the highest priority for protection, followed by Classes 1,2 and 3 soils, in this order of priority. 2.3.3 Permitted Uses ln prime agriculturalareas, permitted uses and activities are: agriculturaluses, secondary uses and agriculture-related uses. approaches which achieve the same objective. New land uses, including the creation of lots, and new or expanding livestock facilities shallcomply with the minimum distance separation formulae. 2.3.4 Lot Creation and Lot Adjustments 2-3.4.1 Lot creation in prime agricultural areas is discouraged and may only be permitted for: a. agriculturaluses, provided that the lots are of a size appropriate for the type of agricultural use(s) common in the area and are sufficiently large to maintain flexibility for future changes in the type or size of agricultural operations; b. seruices: c. a residence surplus to a farming operation as a result of farm consolidation, provided that the planning authority ensures that new residential dwellings are Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 121 of 215 3 prohibited on any vacant remnant parcel of farmland created by the severance. The approach used to ensure that no new residentialdwellings are permitted on the remnant parcel may be recommended by the Province, or based on municipal approaches which achieve the same objective; and d. infrastructure, where the facility or corridor cannot be accommodated through the use of easements or rights-of-way. Ag ricultu re-relaied uses : means those farm-related commercial and farm-related industrial uses that are proximiV to the farm operation. Planning Comments: Under the PPS policies, the subject lands are defined as Prime Agricultural Areas. lt is my opinion that the proposed use of the subject lands are to be considered to be a agriculturally related use and therefore, conform to the intent of the PPS, provided the proposed use is considered to be smallscale,and will not have a negative impact on surrounding agriculture. I am satisfied that there is a sound basis to consider the proposed use to be a small scale agriculturally related use, as the proposed use will be confined to only 1.62 ha within the Prime Agricultural Area. lt is my opinion that the severance and the use of the proposed parcel will not have a negative impact on the retained lands or adjacent agricultural parcels. MDS is not an issue for these applications. We are not anticipating objections from neighbouring property owners. I am satisfied that the proposal is consistent with the policies of the PPS. b) Municipality of Bayham Official Plan 4.2.2 Agriculture Land Use Agricultural uses will be permitted and encouraged in the Agriculture designation. Agriculture-related uses and secondary uses will also be permitted in the Agriculture designation provide they are compatible with the agriculture uses and do not contribute to land use conflicts. Farm Related lndustrial and Commercial Uses The Municipality shall permit in the area designated Agriculture the establishment of farm-related industrial and commercial activities as described in Section which ls small scale and directly related to a farm operation and required in close proximity to the farm operation. Only dry far-related industrial and commercial uses will be permitted. A dry use shall be defined as a use that does not require water for cooling, washing and processing and whose subsurface sanitary sewage disposal systems are used solely for Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 122 of 215 4 domestic waste generated by employees. The establishment of farm-related industrial and commercial uses that serve the needs of the farming community and are necessary in proximity to agricultural activity shall be permitted in areas designated Agriculture provided they do not create a land use conflict with agricultural uses. Although these uses should be directed to urban areas in the Municipality, they may be permitted in the Agriculture designation subject to approval of a zoning by-law amendment. The general principle to be considered in the development and zoning of farm related industrial and commercial uses as described in the Section are as follows: a)The Zoning By-law shall provide separate sets of zone regulations for farm-related industrialand commercial uses. These regulations should prescribe a low building to lot ratio; b)Uses which create adverse off site environment etfects such as air pollution, noise, odour, or generate excessive solid or liquid wastes eíther in volume or toxicity will not be permitted; c)The proposed potable water treatment and supply system; method of sanitary sewage collection, treatment and disposal; solid waste disposal and any emissions to the environment shall meet the requirements of, and where necessary, be approved by the Ministry of the Environment or its delegated authority; d)Adequate off-street parking will be provided to accommodate customers and employees, however, the use should not generate high volumes of vehicular traffic; e)The proposed use will comply with the MDS 1, and adequate buffering shall be provide between the farm related industrial or commercial area and adjacent to uses to prevent land use conflicts. Planning comments: The subject lands are designated Agricultural by the Otficial Plan. Agricultural uses and those directly related to agriculture are the primary uses permitted within the Agricultural designation. I am satisfied that the proposed use is directly related to agriculture and is small scale and is required to be in close proximity its farm iustomer base. I am satisfied that no environmental or servicing issues will arise. I am satisfied that the proposed severance and zoning by-law amendment complies with the intent of Official Plan policies. Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 123 of 215 5. CONCLUSTONS It is my professional planning opinion that the proposalfor a severance to permit the agriculturally related use set out in the planning applications can be supported for the reasons set out in this report. DATED at Nodolk County this 1 l th day of February, 2011. , MCIP, RPP Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 124 of 215 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727324 fax 519 4729354 To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date February 14,2011 Project No 3/;04-498 Steno mp 1. 2. 4. Memorandum Graydon - Proposed Consent (Part Lot 21, Concession 1 1) We have completed our review of the application for consent and additional planning material submitted by Brian & Betty Lou Graydon, to sever a1.62 hectare (4.0 acre) vacant parcel of land for the purposes of creating a new lot for industrial purposes. The subject lands are part of a 13.74 hectare (34 acre) vacant parcel of agricultural land currently used for cash crop farming but intended for long{erm industrial use on that portion of the property that is north of a wooded tributary of the Provincially Significant Big Otter Creek Life Science Area of Natural and Scientific lnterest (ANSI). The subject lands are located at the intersection of Bayham Drive and Provincial Highway No. 3 in Part Lot 21, Concession 11 . The subject lands are designated "Agricultural" in the current Official Plan, and zoned Agricultural (A1) in Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. Official Plan Amendment No. 10 intends to designate a portion of the subject lands as 'lndustrial'. lt was adopted by Council on Decembe¡ 17,2009 but has yet to receive final approval from the Province, Currently there is no certainty that the Prgvince will support the redesignation of the lands, as the subject lands have previously been identified by the Province as an issue in terms of both a) justiflcation of these lands being removed from a prime agricultural area; and b) whether the background research provided by the Municipality supports additional designated industrial lands, given that portions of Bayham lndustrial Park to the immediate north remain vacant. The Province is currently preparing the final modifications of OPA #10, but no date for issuance of final approval is available. The applicant's planner has submitted a report indicating that the consent is intended for an agricultural related industrial use and therefore may be permitted within the context of the current "Agriculture" land use designation. Regardless of land use designation, it is our opinion that any application for consent or rezoning for industrial purposes is premature at this location. This opinion is based on recent development proposals within the Bayham lndustrial Park and subsequent concerns lBl Group is a group of fìrms providing professional services and ¡s affiliêted with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 125 of 215 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - February '14,2011 from both the Ministry of Transportation and the Municipality regarding the traffic impact impact of any new industrial development ¡n the area on both the intersection of Bayham Drive and Provincial Hwy #3, as well as Bayham Drive itself (ie. capacity for handling industrial truck loads, turning radii). 5. We would strongly recommend that the Municipality request Elgin Land Division Committee to defer this application until matters relating to Official Plan land use designation and traffìc/road impacts are fully addressed to the satisfaction of the Province and the Municipality. 7¿11 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J:\3404!498 Graydon_BlP_south\PTMgraydø2011 42-1 4 docuol 1 {2-'l s\DD Staff Report D2011-06 regarding Graydon Consent E12/11. File: D10.11 Graydon Page 126 of 215 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: February l7,20II FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works FILE: SUBJECT: Clarke Bridge Update NUMBER: PW 2011-04 Purpose This report from the Manager of Public Works regarding the update information regarding the Clarke Road Bridge in the Municipality of Bayham. Background The Municipality of Bayham presently has both north and south entrances to the Clarke Bridge blocked off due to the fact the bridge is inoperable. Since July 13, 2010 the bridge was rendered inoperable by an overloaded vehicle driving on the bridge surface collapsing the east side of the bridge. Letters were written to our insurance company as well as the guilty party advising the Municipality will take steps to hold the guilty party responsible for the damages. The Municipalities insurance company has advised us that we are covered for the damages and will act on our behalf. Our insurance company has asked that we obtain Request for Proposals from our Engineering firm with reference to the repair of the bridge. Several weeks ago we received a letter from our Insurance agent advising the Municipal Insurance would ensure the bridge would be reinstated. Staff Comments The Manager of Public 'Works has taken steps to contact Spriet Associates to comprise a tender for the completion of a bailey bridge to replace the present bridge during the summer construction period. Spriet Associates has completed the survey on the bridge and has a costing for the bridge reinstatement giving the Municipality a fair option with the construction of a new bridge where the present bridge is located. 'We expect the Request for Proposal to be tendered shortly and we have advised our insurance company of an estimate of the costing. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) Attachments: Correspondence from Municipality of Bayham Insurance Company Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1 . Goal #2 A well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Staff Memorandum 20lI-04 be received. Reviewed By. ì nçb Respectfully submitted, Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works Staff Report PW2011-04 regarding "Clarke Bridge Update". File: T06 Page 127 of 215 Letter Page I of I Ëpg ¿ ilJ TE Ê i.ìATi.G i'i AL F] É +'Ji? A¡4È +FIü iJ F å eìiv::+:o¡i .Si ËClt{ February 3,2011 Our File No: 53640-009463 CBD Attention: Gerry Lemay Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Staffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 RE: Loss Location: Clarke Rd. Bridge Date of Loss: Juþ 13' 2010 Our Insured: Municipality of Bayham DearMr. Lemay, ' As you are atryare we have received a replacement cost estimate for the replacement of the bridge on Clarke Rd. withinthe Municipality of Bayham. Your property policy affords coverage on an All Risks basis, subject to exclusions. This loss does not fail within any of the policy's exclusions, therefore this loss would be covered under the policy subject to your $5000.00 deductible. If you have any further questions or concerns in regards to the above, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Kind Regards, Carolyn Duncan International Programs Group SCM Insurance Services 120 Adelaide St. W., Suite 2401 Toronto ON M5H 1T1 P. 416-777-4470 x308 F.416-360-7335 c arolyn.dunc an@scm. ca CDicd fite://C:\Documents and Settings\Gerry\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 0410212011 Staff Report PW2011-04 regarding "Clarke Bridge Update". File: T06 Page 128 of 215 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Drainage Superintendent SUBJECT: Richmond Outlet Drain Revised Schedule "D" DATE: February l7,20ll REPORT: DR¿011-002 Purpose: This report is to inform Council of a discrepancyin Engineering Report for the Richmond Outlet Drain and to provide a revised maintenance assessment schedule to address the discrepancy. Bacþround: On February 28,2008 Council gave 3d reading to the Provisional By-Law No. 2008-023 with regards to the Engineers Report No. 205207 from Spriet Associates. Staff Comments: While Staff was preparing an assessment spreadsheet for future drain maintenance it was discovered that Schedule"D" of the Engineer's report had a math error in the assessments. This error was relayed to Spriet Associates. Spriet Associates made the correction in Schedule "D" and submitted a revised Schedule "D" with a revised date of January 28, 20ll . It will be necessary to pass a byJaw to recognize the revised Schedule "D" so that future drain maintenance costs can be properly shared on the land owners in the drain's watershed Recommendations: *THAT Staff Report DRi¿011-002 be received; AND THAT By-Law #2011-020, being a By-Law to provide a revised Schedule "I)" for the Richmond Outlet Drain Engineers Report No. 205207 from Spriet Associates be presented to Council for enactment.tt Respectfu lly submitted, Bill Knifton Staff Report DR2011-002 regarding "Richmond Outlet Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 129 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 20tt-020 AMEI\DING BY-LAW #2008-023 as amended by 2008-085 BEING A BY.LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE RICHMOIYD OUTLET DRAIN WHEREAS the Corporation of the enacted on the 3d day of July 2008 provided for and for the levy assessments upon lands and roads to which the Richmond Outlet Drainage worls is chargeable; WHEREAS Council did by By-law 2008-085, passed the 4ú day of Septenrber 2008, reapportion the assessme,nt for maint€,nance Schedule 'D'; }YHEREAS it has beeir deemed that the assessme,nt for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated Deceinber 31,2007 attached to the Engineer's Rqort #205207 is incorrect; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to replace the assessment for mainte,nance Schedule 'D' dated Deceurber 31,2007 with the attached Schedule 'D' dated January 28,2011; NO\ry THEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the assessment formaintenaûce Schedule 'D' dated Dece,mber 31,2007 attached to By-law 2008-023, be repealed and replaced with the assessme,nt for maintenance S chedule' D' dated J arnary 28, 20 | I attachd hereto; 2. THAT the apportioned costs of any future maintenance work authorized by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham and carried out under the zupervision of the Drainage Superintende,nt on the Richmond Outlet Drain shall reflect the reapportionme,nt in amending By-law 2008-085; 3. THAT in all other respects By-law 2008-023 be hereby confirmed until such time as Council accqrts a new Engineer's Report assessing this portion of the Richmond Outlet Drain; 4. THAT this By-law comes into full force and effect upon the passing thereof. Read a firs! second and third time and finallypassed this 17ú dayof February 2}ll. Mayor Clerk Staff Report DR2011-002 regarding "Richmond Outlet Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 130 of 215 SCHEDULE'D' -ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE RICHMOND OUTLET DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 205207 Revised : January 28,2011 December 31,2007 PERCENTAGE OFHECTARES CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTE}.IANCE COST MAIN DRAIN * N.T.R. Pt. 't09 0.47* N.T.R. Pt-109, 110 4.40* N.T.R. Pt 110 3.53 N.T.R. Pr 110 0.101 N.T.R. Pr 110 0.580* N.T.R. Pt 111 O.21 N.T.R. Pr. 111 0.079 N.T.R. Pt 111 0.100 N.T.R. PL 111 0.037 N.T.R. Pr 111 0.040 N.T.R. PL lll 0.040 N.T.R. Pr 111 0.083* s.T.R. PL 110 11.16 s.T.R. Pr 110 0.372 s.T.R. Pt.110, 111 0.186 ' s.T.R. PL1l0, 111 8.47* s.T.R. Pfi10, 111 3.92's.TR. Pt 111 0.162 s:ÏR. PL 111 0.162 s.T.R. Pr 111 0-162 s.T.R. PL 111 0.081 s.T.R. Pt 111 0.194 s.T.R. Pt 111 0.113 s.T.R. Pr 111 0.085 s.T.R. Pr fil 0.190 s.T.R. Pt lll 0-263 s.T.R. Pr 111 0.227 s.T.R. Pr. ll1 0-117 s.T.R. Pr llt 0.150 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0-150 s-T.R. Pt" 1f I 0.150 s.T.R. PL t11 0.150 s.T.R. PL 111 0.124 s.T.R. PL 111 0.082 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.300 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.186 S-T.R. Pt 111 0.1,{0 s.T.R. Pt. fll 0.150 s.T.R. Pr. 111 0.176 s.T.R. Pt 111 0.170 007-øs00 (P- & K Wall) o.2O % 007452-20 (L.G. & S"4. McEacfrren) 1.80 007-052-10 (C. A S. Teicfrroeb) 1.50 007{5G0O O.& M.Giesbrecfrt) O.2O 007-079{0 (Rictrmond Cemetery Trustees) 0.20 æ7{52{0 (8.G. & T. Breedon) 0.30 o.20007{8040 (O. Stanat) 007{81{0 (1.E. & B.L. Acre) 2.80 007482{0 (C. Szvetecz) 0.10 007-083{Ð (K.C. & P.G. Emerson) 0.10 007{84-00 (P. Knelsen) 0.10 007{8il0 (1.& N.Gesbrecht) O.2O 00742G00 (1.D. & L.E. Mitmine) 4.60 007-12c-.10 (1.D. & H.B. Thiessen) 0.80 W7-12æ2(M.J. DyksÍa) 0.40 A0742942 (571515 Ontario Ltd.) 3.50 00742906 (J.M. & J.S- Walker) 1.60 007:12S00 (R.T. OlneÍI 0.30 007-12440 (J. A K. Peters) 0.30 007-123{Ð (A.M. Crouse) O.SO 007-122û (1.M. Crouse) O.2O æ7-121fi (P.G. Bartsc-tr & H.H.lftelsen) 0.40 007-12O{n (C.S. Brackenbury) O.2O 007-119{0 (A &J: Janzen) O2O 007-11&{þ (R.G. Doughtingrton & L.E. t}oughtington) 0.40 æ7-117-çA (Doughtington & Doughtington Pipe Organ Sen 0.50 ffi7-117-92 (¡.M. &W-1. Gibbons) 0.50 007-117-90 (D.G. A A. Wiebe) 0.20 007429125 (571515 Ontario lnc.) 0.30 æ7429.20 (571515 Ontario lnc.) 0.30 007-02915 (P. & A. Driedger) 0.30 007-029-10 (S.M. Gibbons) 0.30 007{29-05 (571515 Ontario lnc.) O.2O 007-11742 (J.F. A K-F. Fehr) O.2o 007-117{0 (1.D. & J.M. Símpson) 0.60 007-116{0 (J. Vanderloo) 0.40 007-11m6 (4. Canoll) 0.30 007-114-00 (H. & J. Schmitt) 0.30 007-11æ1 (N.4. & C.A. Macaulay) 0.40 007-11+00 (G.D. Simpson) 0.40 Staff Report DR2011-002 regarding "Richmond Outlet Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 131 of 215 SCHEDULE ' D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTEMNCE (Confd) RICHMOND OUTLETDRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLLNo. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST HAIN DRAIN (cor¡fdl 10 S.T.R Pt 111 0.194 007-110-00 O.G. & T.L Morse) S.T.R. Pt 111 0.162 007-11&20 (CA.P. & M.C. Huard) S.T.R. Pt. 111 0.103 007-108{0 (P.D. Brooks) S.T.R. Pt. lll ' 0.243 007-109{0 (United Church of Canada) S.T.R. Pt 111 0.291 007-110{1 (W.R.l.Morse) S.T.R. Pt. 111 0-162 007-11$æ (C. & K Hildebrant) S.T.R. PL 1ll 0.073 007-112{0 (J. & K Feh| S.T.R. PL l'11 0.121 007-111{0 (J.1. & A.M. Dunn) S.T.R. Pt. l1l 0.065 æ7-10&00 (G.R. Horvath) S.T.R. Pt. l1l O.O77 007-10240 (R.1. & J.M. Ganett) S.T.R. Pt. 111 0.097 æ7-101{0 (R.4. & D.S. Newelf) S.T.R. Pt I 11 0.301 007-10040 (M.8. A S.E. Ward)S.T.R- PL 111 0.110 007-099{0 (N. Thiessen) S-T.R. PL111& 112 0.283 00749&00 (Municipalþ of Bayham) S.T.R. Pt.111& 112 0.029 007-10ffi (E.C. Acre) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS 0.40 0.30 o.20 0.50 0.60 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.10 o.20 0.20 0.60 o.20 0.60 0.10 30.70 0/o Heritage Une Richmond Road Ghurch Street John Street James Street Plank Road z31 0.87 0.41 0.31 0.02 0.m3 County of Elgin County of Elgin Municipa lity. of Bayham Municipality of Bayham Municipalig of Bayham Municipality of Bayham il.40 7.60 4.00 3.00 0.30 69.30 % 100.0 % TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSTIENT FOR IIAINTENANCE OF IIAIìI DRAIN IIOTE: Allof the above lands noted with an asterisk, are dassified as agriculfural. Staff Report DR2011-002 regarding "Richmond Outlet Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 132 of 215 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Drainage Superintendent SUBJECT: Otters Edge Drain Revised Schedule 6'D" DATE: February l7,20ll REPORT: DR¿011-003 Purpose: This report is to inform Council of a discrepancy in Engineering Report for the Otters Edge Drain and to provide a revised maintenance assessment schedule to address the discrepancy. Background: On Novemb er 6,2008 Council gave 3d reading to the Provisional By-Law No. 2008-084 with regards to the Engineers Report No. 206065 from Spriet Associates. Staff Comments: While Staffwas preparing an assessment spreadsheet for future drain maintenance it was discovered that Schedule"D" of the Engineer's report had a math error in the assessments. This error was relayed to Spriet Associates. Spriet Associates made the correction in Schedule "D" a¡d submitted a revised Schedule "D" with a revised date of February 3, 2071. It will be necessary to pass a byJaw to recognize the revised Schedule "D" so that future drain maintenance costs can be properly shared on the land owners in the drain's watershed Recommendations: *TIIAT Staff Report DR2011-003 be received; AND TIIAT By-Law #2011-021, being a By-Law to provide a revised Schedule "I)" for the Otters Edge Drain Engineers Report No.206065 from Spriet Associates be presented to Council for enactment.tt Respectfully submiffed, 1-) ,/lÞrr; BiII l(nifton Staff Report DR2011-003 regarding "Otters Edge Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 133 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF' THE MI]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LA\ry 20tt-02l AMENDING BY-LAW #2008.084 BEINGA BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR TIIE OTTER'S EDGE MTJNICIPAL DRAIN WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham by By-law #2008-084 eiracted on the 6ú day of Nove¡nber 2008 provided for the coostuctiott of the Otter's Edge Municipal Drai4 and for the loy assessrreirts upon lands and roads to which the Otter's Edge Municipal Drainage worls is chargeable; WHEREAS it has been deerned that the assessm€nt for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated June 26,2008 attached to the Fngineer's Report #206M5 is incorrec{; At\tD WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now dee,ms itnecessaryto replace the assessment formaintenance Schedule'D' dated !tne26,2008 with the attached Schedule 'D' dated February 3,2011; NOW TIIEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THF' MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ITTREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. TEAT the assessme,nt formaintenance Schedule'D' dated Jvrc26,2008 attached to ByJaw 2008-084, be repøled and replaced with the assessme,lrt formainte,nance Schedule çD' dated February 3,2011attached hereto; 2. THAT in all other respects By-law 2008-084 be hereby confir:ned until such time as Council accepts a new Engineer's Report assessing this portion of the Otter's Edge Municipal Drain; 3. THAT this By-law comes into full force and effect upon the passing thereof. Read a fißq second and third time and firallypassed this 17ú day ofFebruary 2}ll. Mayor CIerk Staff Report DR2011-003 regarding "Otters Edge Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 134 of 215 SCHEDULE'D' . ASSESSMËNT FOR ñiIAINTENANCE OTTERS EDGE DRAIN Municipality of Bayham Job No. 2m065 ,2 r3 0-28' 2 13 0.13z 13 261 '2 130.æ PþnkRoad Gravd Roae,ay Rét¡iiSd: Feb.3, 2011 Assêssmer¡t SplÍt Jan. 29, 2009 June 26, 2@8 4.90 % 1.æ 28.30 3.70 38.3 9i 50-60 % 11.10 61-7A olo l00ll % 13.50'% 5,80 1e.90 % 58.00 7o 2.:.70 æ.70 Vo 100.0 % HECTARES PERCËNTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) II¡üNIEi{ANçE COST .$AIN DRAIN TOTALÁSSESSMENT Oß¡ I¡¡IDS :PþT Road l.G¡ County of Elgin Grwd RÕaöráray . 031 Munftipa[¡tyof Bayham TITAL ASSESS M ENT O N ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMEiTT FOR llA¡NTEt'tANCE OF THE iliAIN DRAIN ERANCH 'No.l- 2 13 0¿a 01{9ã(O,ttel$ EdgeBrdes Lüu ' Z, l3 0.13 01.005{1(8. crtxnfield) TOTAL ASs ESSñ|E¡¡T C[.] l-AN Ds 0;59 Counþ of EþinO31 Munlcr*palitgdBaifiEm TOTAL ÁSSESSMENT ON ROADS TO.TAL ASSESSi{EN.T FOR.IIAII.ÍTEI.TANGE OF BRANCH "No.l' Staff Report DR2011-003 regarding "Otters Edge Drain Revised Schedule D". Page 135 of 215 Page 136 of 215 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council Date: FROM: Bill ltuifton, Chief Building Ofïicial Report: SUBJECT: BuildingBy-Law tr'ebruary l7r20ll P2011-005 Purpose: The purpose of this report is to hold a public meeting in regards to increasing the permit fees by amending the Building By-Law Bacþround: On January 20,2011 Council directed staff to prepare an amending by-law to the existing Building By-Law to provide an increase in the Building Permit fees. Staff Comments As per last staffreport on present building permit fees and increased operating expenses to the Building Department. A new By-Law No. 2001-011 has been prepared for council's approval and enactment. The fee structure for building permits has been increased by approximately 5%o for all categories. A flat rate fee of $200.00 has been added for issuance of an Occupancy Permit for residential dwelling units. Attached is the proposed Building By-Law No. 2011-011 that will replace the existing Building By-Law No. 2007-023 as amended. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal#l : Practice responsible financial management. Recommendations: *THAT Staff Report P2011-005 regarding the Building By-Law amendment be received" "AND THAT Council enact proposed By-law #2011-011being a By-law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permiÇ septic systems, sewer connection permits and inspections" Respectfully submitted, Chief BuildindOffici Bill Knifton 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 137 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MIINICIPALTTY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2011411 A By-law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer connection pennits and inspections and to repeal By-Law No. 2ffi7423, as amended WIIEREAS Section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992 empowers municipal Councils to pass by- laws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections. AI\D \ryIIEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of enacting a byJaw under Section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992. TIIEREFORE TIIE COTJNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYTIAM ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS. I. SHORT TITLE 1.1 This By-law may be cited as "The Building By-law". 2. DEF'IMTIONS 2.I nActn meâns the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended. 2.2 "Buildingn means; (a) a stnrcture occupying an area greater than 10 squ¡ue metres consisting of a wall, roof and floor, or any one or more of them, or a stnrctural system serving the function thereof, including atl plumbing, works, fixtures and service systems appurtenant thereto. It does not include the rqrlacement of roofing metal or shingles nor minor repairs providing the structural system is not involved or altered. O) A structure occupying an a¡ea of 10 square metres or less that contains plumbing, including the plumbing appurtenant thereto, (c) Plumbing not located in a structure, (c.1) a sewage system; or (d) structures designated in the building code. 2.3 "Building Code" means the regulations made under Section 34 of the Act. 2.4 "Chief Building Offrcial" means the Chief Building Offrcial appointed by the By- law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham for the purpose of enforcement of the Act. 2.5 "Corporation" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 138 of 215 By-Law 20ll4Il -2- 2.6 "Farm Building" means a farm building as defined in the Building Code. 2.7 "Pernit" means written permission or written authorization from the Chief Building Official to perfonn work regulated by this byJaw and the Act. 2.8 "Plumbing" means plumbing as defined in Section 1(1) of the Act. 3. DUTIF.S AND POWERS OF TTIE AUTTIORITY HAVING JTruSDICTION. 3.1 The Authority having jurisdiction shall administer this byJaw and keep records of all applications received, permits and orders issued, inspections and tests made, and shall retain copies of all papers and documents connected with the administration of this by-law, which will forrn part of the public records. 3.2 The Authority having jurisdiction may: 3.2.1 Enter any building or premises at a reasonable time for the purpose of administering or enforcing this byJaw. 3.2.2 Cause a written notice to be delivered to the owner of any property directing him to correct any condition where in the opinion of the Authority having Jurisdiction, that conditions constitute a violation of this byJaw. 3.2.3 Order the owner to stop work on the building, if it is proceeding in contravention of this by-law or if it is an u¡safe condition. 3.2.4 Direct that tests of materials, devices, construction methods, structural assemblies or foundation conditions be rnade, or suf,ficient evidence or proof be submitted at the eq)ense of the owner, where such evidence or proof is necessary to deterurine whether the material, device, construction or foundation condition meets the requirements of this by-law. 3.2.5 Revoke or refuse to issue a permit where, in its opinion, the results of tests referred to clauses 3.2.4 ne not satisfactory. 3.2.6 Order the removal of any building erected or placed in violation of this by-law. 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 139 of 215 By-Law 2011{11 -3- 4. PERMITS 4.I Classes of Pennits with respect to the Construction of Buildings shall be as set out below: 4.1.t Building Permit - Required under subsection 8(1) of the Act. -may include sewage systems and /or plumbing and/or fann buildings and/or heating, ventilation and air conditioning permir. 4.1.2 Plumbing Permit - Formerly issued under by-laws made under the Ontario Water Resources Act. May be classed under building permit. 4.1.3 Conditional Permit - Authorized under subsection 8(3) of the Act. 4.L.4 Change of Use Permit - Required under subsection 10(1) of the Act. 4.L.5 Demolition Permit - Required under subsection 8(1) of the Act. 4.2 To obtain a perrrit the owner or his authorized agent shall file an application in writing on the form prescribed by the Chief Building Ofñcial, and pay the fee prescribed for such permit. 4.3 Except as otherwise permitted by the Ctrief Building OfEcial, every applicant shall: 4.3.L Identiff and describe in detail the work and proposed occupancy to be covered by the permit for which the application is made; 4.3.2 Describe the land on which the work is done, by a description that will readily identiff and locate the building lot; 4.4 Except as otherwise permitted by the Chief Building OfEcial, every Application shall: 4.4.1 State the valuation of the proposed work including materials, the labour, and be accompanied by the required fee; 4.4.2 Søte the nâmes, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner, authorized agent, architect, engineer, or other designer and constructor, and; 4.4.3 Be accompanied by a written acknowledgement of the owner that he has retained an architect or professional engineer to carry out the field review of the construction where required by the Building Code, and; 4.4.4 Be signed by the owner or his authorized agent who shall certiff the truth of the contents of the application. 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 140 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 4.5 Where a permit has not been issued and the inforrnation in an application changes, the applicant shall notiff the Chief Building Otficial in writing of the changes. 4.6 An application for a permit may be deemed to have been abandoned and cancelled six (6) months after the date of filing, unless such application is being seriously proceeded with. 4.6.1 Where the construction of the building is, in the opinion of the Chief Building Official substantially suspended or discontinued for a period of more than one yeÍrr, the Chief Building Offrcial may revoke a permit. 4.7 No owner or authorized agent shall move any buildings into or within the Municipality of Bayham without first obtaining a Building Construction Permit and Moving Permit. 5. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 5.1 'When required by the Chief Building Offrcial, every applicant shall furnish suffrcient plans, specifications, documents and other information, including design calculations, to enable the Chief Building Official to determine whether the proposed construction, demolition, or change of use conforms to the Act and the Building Code, and any other applicable law. 5.2 When required by the Chief Building Official, every applicant shall furnish a site plan. Such site plan shall: 5.2.1 Indicate the lot size and dimernions of the property; 5.2.2 Show the dimensions of any building existing and proposed and its relationship to adjoining 6uildings, parking spaces and their location, off street loading areas, location of driveways, landscaped areas, signs, fences and all other structures, drains and such other information as the Chief Building Offrcial may require. 5.2.3 Indicate the proposed lot coverage; 5.2.4 Indicate the existing and frnished grades and fi¡st floor elevations referenced to an established datum at or adjacent to the site in respect of which the application is made; 5.2.5 Show information relative to drainage; 5.2.6 Be prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) Professional Engineer licensed to practice Engineering in the Province of Ontario, when grades, elevations and drainage is provided on the site plan. 4- 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 141 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -5- The as-constructed top of foundation wall elevation shall be verified by an OLS or Engineer and written verification of the as-constructed top of foundation elevation shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official stating the as- constructed elevation is within reasonable tolerance of the proposed top of foundation wall elevation. Structurat framing of the building shall not coûrmence until such written verificationhas been received by the Chief Building Offrcial. The as-constructed finish grades, building elevation surface drainage of the building lot shall be verified by an OLS or Engineer a¡rd written verification of such grades and elevations shall be submitted to the Chief Building Offrcial. The frnish grades and elevations shall be within reasonable tolerance ofthe proposed grades, elevations and surface drainage. The letter of grading confirrnation shall be referred to as a grading certificate. Reasonable tolerance shall be considered to be plus or minus 150mm (six inches). In lieu of separate specifications, the Chief Building Official may allow the essential information to be shown on the plans; Plans submitted shall be legible and be drawn to scale upon paper or such other suit¿ble and durable material as the Chief Building Official may require. Plans and specifications furnished according to this By-Law or otherwise required by the Act become the property of the municipality and will be disposed of or retained in accordance with relevant legislation. Where a permit has been issued, application shall be made in writing to the Chief Building Official for any revision of the permit before any change is made. 'Where application is made for a demolition permit under subsection 8(1) of the Act, the application shall: 5.7.1 Contain the information required by clauses 4.3.1to 4.4.4. 5.7.2 Be accompanied by satisfactory proof that arrangements have been made with the proper authorities for the cutting offand plugging of all water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone or other utilities and services. 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 142 of 215 By-I-aw 2011411 4- Where application is made for a conditional permit under subsection 8(3) of the Act, the application shall: 5.8.1 Contain the information required by clauses 4.3.1to 4.4.4 5.8.2 Contain such other information, plans and specifications concerning the complete project as the Chief Building Official may require. 5.8.3 State tlre reasons why the applicant believes that unreasonable delays in constmction would occur if a conditional permit is not granted. 5.8.4 State the rrccessary approvals, which must be obtåined in respect of the proposed building and the time in which such approvals were obtained. 5.8.5 State tlre time in which plans and specifications of the complete building will be filed with the Chief Building Offrcial. Every application for a change of use permit issued under subsection 10(1) of the Act shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official, and shall: 5.9.1 Describe the building in which the occupancy is to be changed, by a description tbat will readily identiff and locate the building. 5.9.2 Identiff a¡d describe in detail the current and prop,osed occupancies of the building or part of a building for which the application is made. 5.9.3 Include plans and specifications which show the current and proposed occupancy of all parts of the building, and which contain suffrcient information to establish compliance with the requirements of the Building Code, including: floor plans; details of wall, ceiling and roof assemblies identiffing required fire resist¿nce ratings and load bearings capacities. 5.9.4 Be accompanied by the required fee. 5.9.5 State the name, address and telephone number of the owner. 5.9.6 Be signed by the owner or his or her authorized agent who shall c.eftrry the truth of the contents of the application. 5.8 5.9 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 143 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -7- 5.10 Where an application for a permit or for authorization to make a material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a permit was issued, contains an equivalent material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested, the following information shall be provided: 5.10.1 A description of the proposed material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested. 5.L0.2 Any applicable provisions of the Building Code. 5.10.3 Evidence that the proposed material, system or building desþ will provide the level of performance required by the Building Code.6.0 FEES 6.1 Fees for a required pennit shall be set out in Schedule "An to this by-law and are due and payable upon submission of an application for a permit. 6.1.1 Fees payable in respect of an application for a change of use permit under Subsection 10(1) of the Act are based on a flat rate of $80.00 as set out in Schedule "4". 6.I.2 Occupancy Pennits for residential dwelling units shall have a flat rate fee of $200.00 6.2 Where the fees are based on the cost or valuation of the proposed work regulated by the perrnit, including the cost of all material, labour, equipment, overhead and professional and related services. The Chief Building Official may place valuation on the cost of the work ad the applicant shall pay the prescribed fee before the issuance of the pennit. 6.3 The pennit fee may be recovered if tlre project is abandoned with a refund as set out in Schedule'B' 6.4 A refundable security deposit in the amount of $1500.00 shall be paid to tlre Municipality of Bayham at the time of building permit application. The deposit is to assure total completion of work required under the permit taken. The deposit will be held without interest tmtil final inspection; the permit is closed and then will be returned in full. The security deposit will be required for building permits for construction of all dwelling units, all engineered buildings and to any building with an estimated construction value of $100,000 or more. 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 144 of 215 By-I^aw 2011-011 -8- 7.0 TIME OF NOTICE OF INSPECTION, RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES OF TIIE OWNERS 7.1 The Person to whom the permit has been issued shall notiff the Chief Building Official of: 7.L.1 The proposed commencement of construction of the building, two or more working days prior to the commencement thereof; 7.L.2 Any of the stages of construction specified in the building code, two or more working days in advance; 7.1.3 The completion of construction before occupation, within two working days prior to occupation of the building; 7 .I.4 The change in the class of occupancy of any building, or part thereof. 8. SEWAGE SYSTEM PERMITS 8.1 Sewage Systems covered by the Ontario Building Code are those systems with a desþ capacity less than 10,000 litres per day and which serve one lot. 8.2 A pennit to connect to the Municipal Sewage System is required and the submission of plans detailing location slopes and materials used in the installation. An application will also be completed and an inspection of the new installation prior to back filling is required. If an existing septic system is to be abandoned to connect to the sewer, the following steps must be taken: (1) previously used septic tanlqs must be puuped out by a licensed pumpout operator (2) previously used septic tanks must be filld with sand, earth or broken down and bacldlled or removed and properly disposed of. 9. ENF'ORCEMENT OF THE ACT AND REGTJLATTONS 9.1 As of April 6,1998, septic standards enforcement became the responsibilþ of the Municipality as part of their enforcement of the Building Code. 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 145 of 215 By-Law 201f411 -9- 10. PROVISION FOR OFTENCES 10.1 Any person who contravenes any provision of the Building Code Act, or the regulations of any by-law passed under the authority of the Building Code Act, is guilty of an offence and, upon summary conviction is liable to a fine or imprisonment, as provided by the Building Code Act. 11. BY.LA\ryS REPEALED 11.1 That ByJaw 2N7-U23 arid all amendments regulating construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections be hereby repealed. 12. EFTECT lz.t This By-I-aw shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FTRST, SECOND AND THrRD TIME AND FTNALLY PASSED THIS 17rh DAY OF trEBRI.]RARY 2OII. MAYOR CLERK 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 146 of 215 SCHEDULE UAII TO BY-LAW NO. 2011411 1. RESIDENTIAL BTJILDINGS a) New Single Family Dwellings $80.00 flat plus Multiple Dwellings $0.48 per sq. foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements. Structures in 1(b) will be an additional $0.48 per sq. foot b) Garages, caq)orts, indoor swimming pools & accessory $80 flat ptus buildings over 500sq ft, solariums, and any roofed $0.48 per sq. foot over decks or porches, etc c) Decks, ramps, wood stoves $80.00 flat Carports d) To construct an accessory building up to 500 sq ft $80.00 flat e) Renovations of accessory buildings & residences $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value Ð Residential, privately owned outdoor swimming pools: 1. Inflated Pool $55.00 2. Above-Ground Pool (Base of pool at ground level) $55.00 3. On-Ground Pool @elow ground level and with a $185.00 top elevation of a minimum of six (6) inches 4. In-Ground Pool (Top elevation of pool is at grade) $185.00 2. AGRICT]LTTJRAL BT]N,DINGS a) Kilns - Tobacco Silo & Manure Tanl$ $80.00 flat Bunk Houses b) Corn Cribs $80.00 flat Steel Granaries Hooped Barns c) Renovations to Farm Buildings $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per thousand 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 147 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -1 1- Farm Buildings and Additions With a building area up to 60Om2 (6460 sq ft) Farm Buildings and Additions With a building area exceeding 600m2 (6a60 sq ft) 3. COMMERCIALII\DUSTRIAL,INSTITUTIONALBTJILDINGS a) New or Additions With a building area up to 60Om2 (6460 sq ft) b) New or Additions V/ith a building a¡ea exceeding 60Om2 (6460 sq ft) c) Renovations of buildings & accessory buildings d) Other structures such as public pools, silos, wind towers, grain dryers, etc IVtrSCELLANEOUS (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling on a farm & trailer park d) e) $80.00 flat plus $0.24 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $0.16 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $0.24 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $0.16 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value $80.00 flat plus $0.48 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus any conditions laid out by Council $80.00 flat plus any conditions laid out by Council 4. (b) (c) Modular Homes Temporary Mobile Homes (for supplementary fann dwellings) @enewable every 1-3 years at a cost of $80.00 for each term.) Temporary Mobile Homes (used on site while residence is under construction) (d) 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 148 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -12- (e) Existing buildings and houses moved to a new site $80.00 flat plus $0.48 per sq. foot Additions to these moved-in structures at the $0.¿g per sq. foot time of move Additions to these moved-in structures at another time $80.00 flat plus $0.48 per sq. foot (Ð The Chief Building Offrcial may authorize the transfer of a pennit to another contractor if the perrrit holder gives written pennission. The fee for this service is a minimum $80.00 flat 5. DEMOLMONPERMITS a) Buildings loc¿ted on a farm are exempt b) Partial demolition projects for any part of buildings under the categories of Assembly Occupancy, Industrial and Institutional Buildings shall be reviewed by an architect or professional engineer providing a report with respect to the aflects of the demolition on the remaining parts of the structure or structures. c) Permit Schedule for Demolition: 1) Assembly Occupancy $80.00 flat 2) Institutional $80.00 flat 3) Industrial $80.00 flat 4) Mercantile $80.00 flat 5) Residential & Accessory $80.00 flat 6. EXCEPTIONS Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling $80.00 flat under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place 1. Change of use pennit $80.00 flat 2. Conditional permit as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5.9 to 5.9.5 fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law. 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 149 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -13- 7. SEPTIC SYSTEMS Class 1- are exempt as per Section (c) of Division C of the Ontario Building Code Class 2 - A greywater system, which can only receive greywater waste. Fee $180.00 Class 3 - A cesspool system, which can only receive waste from a Class 1 system. Fee $180.00 Class 4 - A leaching bed system, which accepts both human waste and greywater waste. Fee $375.00 Class 5 - A sanitary sewage system with an on-site holding tank for sanitary sewage produced on-site prior to removal by a haulage service provider; it can accept both human body waste and greywater. Fee $375.00 Leaching Beds - can only be used in soils with percolation times greater than 1 minute and less than 125 minutes Fee $375.00 Absorption Trench - shall have gravity flow up to 500 feet of distribution pipe and beyond that it will require a distribution chamber with a pump to pressurize the system. Fee $375.00 Filter beds - the total daily design sanitary sewage flow shall not exceed 5000 L where the treatment unit is a septic tank, or 10,000 L where the treatment unit is another treatment unit described in Article,Division B of the Ontario Building Code Fee $375.00 Repairs to: Field beds, tanks and additions to freld beds X'ee $265.00 I,ot Assessments - to be issued by and to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official as a condition of lot development Fee $80.00 Sewage Connection Permit 8. PLT]MBING PERMIT Fee $185.00 Base $12.00 + $6.00 per fixture 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 150 of 215 By-Law 20tl4lt -14- SCIIEDULE T'8" TO BY-LA\ry NO. 2011411 REf,'TJNDS: Pursuant to Part 6 of this By-Law, the permit fees ttrat may be refunded shall be a percentage of the fees payable under this By-Law, calculated by the Chief Building Offrciat as follows: a) 90 percent if administrative functions only have been performed; b) 80 percent if administrative and zoning functions have been performed; c) 60 percent if administrative, zoning and plan examination functions have been performed; d) 50 percent if tlre pennit has been issued and no field inspections have been perfonned subsequent to permit issuance; e) a $80.00 fee for each field inspection that has been performed after the perrnit has been issued will be deducted from all refunds; Ð If the calculated refund is less thanthe minimum $80.00 flat rate, no refund shall be made of the fees paid. 8:00 p.m. - Staff Report P2011-005 regarding "Building By- Law" (Opportunity for public comments). Page 151 of 215 Page 152 of 215 Municipalify of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of January 20ll File: PlO Feb-02-2011 No.Date Roll #Permit Holder Property Description Building Tvoe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee I l2-Ja¡1-001-19544 Redekop. Henrv 48 Centre Street insûall woodburnins stove and chimnev 2.000 75.0C Ianuarv-l1 2.000 7s.00 0.0( 2O1T YEARTODATE 2.000 75.00 0.0( Ianuary-l0 430-00(3-974.00 250.0( 2O1O YEARTO DATE 430.00(3.974.00 250.00 sM2/9l20lt exceltrnonthly\buil dper B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g J a n u a r y 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 1 5 3 o f 2 1 5 Page 154 of 215 a ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD Chair Doug Gunn fi7 Tel. (519) 631-1460 Ext. 161 Fax (519) 633-7661 Res. (519) 631-0700 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Municipality of Bayham Municipality of Central Elgin Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich Municipality of West Elgin Township of Malahide Township of Southwold January 25,2011 Township of Southwold 35663 Fingal Line Fingal, ON NOL 1K0 Dear Mayor and Members of Council: Thank you for your resolution dated January 12,2011 regarding the authori2ation ol a Township of Southwold employee to conduct an investigation at an accident scene, in cooperation with OPP, and the correspondence dated January 11,2011, sent to Elgin Group Police Services Board representative Doug Gunn regarding the same issue. Please be advised the request was discussed at the January 18,2011 meeting of the Elgin Group Police Services Board and the attached resolution was passed. OPP Commander Brad Fishleigh will be responding directly to you about the request. ln addition, he has proposed to attend a coming meeting of the Elgin County Roads Supervisors to outline protocol at accident scenes, for the benefit of municipal staff. lf you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Secretary/Administrator c.c. B. Fishleigh, St. Thomas OPP Commander Partner Mu nicipalities Enclosure Copy of letter dated January 25, 2011 from Elgin Group Police Services Board to Township of Southwold regarding "Accident Page 155 of 215 ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2011 Moved by Casier Seconded by Ferguson THAT in regard to Correspondence ltem #8 the Commander be directed to reply in writing tothe municipalities with the OPP's position on this matter; and, THAT the Commander attend the February 18,2011 meeting of the local Roads Supervísors to explain the expectations and protocols in accident investigations' - Carried. Signed Chair D. Gunn Copy of letter dated January 25, 2011 from Elgin Group Police Services Board to Township of Southwold regarding "Accident Page 156 of 215 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD 35669 FÍngal Line Fingal, ON NOL 1K0 phone: (519) 76s_20r0 E m a Ì t : s o u t h w o r d @,i,î ; "! i i fllfi ;'f !"! January 11,2011 Attn: Doug Gunn, police Services Board Re: Accìdent lnvestigations Dear Mr. Gunn: is cognizant of the fact tha ppropriate signage, and mostour defense. As well, the conditions. respecú the privacy of any in As I am sure you can appreciate, documenting information as quickþ as possible ís essentjal foriåi:äji,i,qi:i3ils;îifü,Hi3|.góóJo,fıns;in ih;-;,,;tii; iä*;üi"îr;;k you for your SÍncerely, L.,Ð', James Mclntyre Mayor cc. Scott Woolley, public Works Superintendent Copy of letter dated January 25, 2011 from Elgin Group Police Services Board to Township of Southwold regarding "Accident Page 157 of 215 llftl arr atr+TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD OFFICE OF THE CLERK 35663 Fingal Line Fingal, ON NoL 1K0 Phone: (519) 769-2010 Fax: (519) 769-2837 Em aî h cao@fwp.so uthw old -on. ca TOr FROM: DATE: RË: ELG¡N COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES Donna Ethier, GAO/Clerk Township of Southwold. January 12,2011 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL Please be advised that the Southwold Council at it's Regular Meeting of Monday January 10,2011, passed the following resolution: 2011-05 That a letter be sent to the Police Service Board requesting the cooperation of the OPP with respect to permitting an authorized employee of the Township of Southwold (Public Works Superíntendent and/or designate) to conduct an investigation within the parameters of an accident scene; And further that the resolution be forwarded to Elgin County municipalities for endorsement. GARRIED Copy of letter dated January 25, 2011 from Elgin Group Police Services Board to Township of Southwold regarding "Accident Page 158 of 215 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM2010.11.19 6.3 9050 Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- O2lO3l2O11 001456 A¡'A GENER/{ VVELDING & REPAIR 11032310 CHATN,CONVEYOR 0112712011 I 953.69 009937 GhequeAmount- 953.69 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM 180 AD - CARBON MONOXTDE O1nA20f I 33.90 009938 Cheque Amount - 33.90 0@075 AYLMER EXPRESS OOOO159O81 TRAINING MAI,IUALS OOOO81 AYLMER TIRE 0@0073243 INSTALLTIRE o'tf21f2011 t 1,892.75 009939 01t2212011 I 501.28 009940 Cheque Amount - 501.28 OO1231 CENTRAL ELGIN FIRE RESCUE 035/10 SPECTRUM INVOICE 0112712011 I 695.29 009941 OU03|2O11 3:34PM 000220 CJDL 6272 6293 6294 Cheque Arnount - 1,892.75 ChequeAmount- 695.29 EAST P|ER REMEDTATTON O'U1712011 I 2,639.23 009942 WATER D|STR|BUTTON CAPACTTY 0¡12612011 I 6,905.43 009912 WATERSYSTEM RENEWAL 01127t2011 I 650.86 009942 Cheque Amount- 10,195.52 @1012 CLEARTECH ¡NDUSTRIES INC. 446701 SJC ROSSGELTRIODE o'U't31201't r 1,065.00 009943 Cheque Amount - 1,065.00 OO18O1 CLIFFAND MARLENENOELS 05 REFUND PARTTAL ZONTNG DEPOS 1,/3'U2010 r 1,200.00 009914 Cheque Amount - l,200.(X) æ0212 COUNTYOF ELGIN tN000028430 PoLtcE sERVtcEs BoARD 2010 1A31f2010 I 2,765.00 æ9945 Gheque Amount - 2,765.00 æ1288 FARMINGTON MECHANICAL INC. 007843 SS VALVES AND FITT|NGS 0110512011 I 971.61 009946 Cheque Amount - 971.61 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTts4l't16 HOLE SAW 011171201',1 I 20.98 0099Í7 CheqùeAmount- 20.98 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90381824 ALUM SULFATE 01l'1312011 I 678.27 009948 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 159 of 215 2010.1 I .19 6.3 9050 001270 GORD ROESCH OAFC conference Jan E45407-01 Jan E4540901 JanE 51600{1 JanF'19290{'l JanF206@{l JanF268Bl4'l JanG0621G01 JanG06305-0'l JanQXXl0T{'l JanG15700{1 JanG40407{l JanuE12378-01 JanuE1421241 JanuE22380{1 JanuE2420041 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210312011 Cheque Amount - REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONFEREI 01I3'II2O11 02t03t2011 3:34PM 009949 009950 678.27 819.25 Cheque A,mount - OO18OO LEMON'S AUTO DIAGNOSTICS FAN CLUTCH, REPAIR 01t3112011 Cheque Amount - OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 11586 VINYL LETTERING 0112712011 I Cheque Amount - æ1¿I81 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYER PENSION MC000027 MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION 0111412011 Cheque Amount - 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED JanuaryE454l0-01 UTILITIES-LIBR/ARY 01t21t2011 0112112011 o112112011 011222011 01122120't1 o1na2u1 0112312011 01f2312011 oil23noí 01t2312011 01123t2011 0112112011 01121t2011 01t21t2011 01t21t2011 01t21t2011 Cheque Amount - 000657 OMEGACONTRACTORS 4BIO9{5 VIENNAWATER RENEWAL PROG OAOU2O11 I Cheque Amount - 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRA\ÆL LTD lN00l 14927 PRE COLDMIXCRS 011261201'l 8274 819.25 u9.73 u9.73 2A.25 009951 UTILITIES. OFFICE UTILITIES. PUMP#2 UTILITIES - GARAGE UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM uïLtTrEs - v.c.c. UTILITIES - PUMP#6 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES. MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES. PB GARAGE UTILITIES - FIREHALL UTILITIES. MED BLDG UTILITIES - PUMP#s uTrLrTtES - S.C.C. '135.74 5,49.70 009953 'f 4.00 009953 2,132.89 0099s3 116.58 009953 42.79 009953 15.38 00æ53 272.15 009fì53 ffi.45 009953 710.71 @9953 14.00 009953 492.35 009953 928.05 009953 384.07 009953 16.10 00æ53 814.76 009953 147.54 009953 28.25 135.74 009952 009954 009955 7,19't.52 68,008.87 68,008.87 197.75 001483 PARTSMASTER CANADA Cheque Amount -197.75 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 160 of 215 lnvoice Cheque 2010.11.',tg 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0210312011 50035984 EZ GLIDE TAPERING, ZIRCORUND 0111912011 I 381.47 009956 50036039 DURAWELD FLUX CORE 0112412011 I 216.ú 009956 Cheque Amount- 598.11 OOI8O2 PETERWELER 04 REFUND PARTTAL ZONING DEPOS 12t31t2010 r 520.00 0099s7 Cheque Amount- 520.00 001537 RON CATRNS TFPScourse TFPSCOURSE 000814 SIFTO CAI¡ADA CORP 01t26t2011 r 255.00 009958 Cheque Amount- 255.00 BULK COARSE HTGHWAY 0112112011 r 5,325.07 0099s9 BULK COARSE HTGHWAY 0112412011 r 5,1s2.30 009959 Cheque Amount - '10,47f .37 OO1O1O TOURISM LONDON 6220 2O1I MEMBERSHIP 01t17t2011 r 113.00 009960 Cheque Amount - l'13.00 OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK1858 STGNALS 02i0112011 I 638.92 009961 Cheque Amount - 638.92 000930 TScsToREsL.P. 181010818 HYDRAULTC OtL o'U21t2011 I 98.29 009962 Cheque Amount -98.29 001324 UNDERHILLBROS 87738 87742 87744 87747 87749 72224563 722245ß5 0111712011 I 367.25 009963 01t20t2011 I 146.90 009963 0112412011 I 183.63 009963 0112512011 I 293.81 009963 0112612011 I 293.81 009963 0210312011 3:34PM SNOWPLOWNG SNOWPLOWNG SNOV\TPLOWING SNOV1IPLOWING SNOWPLOWNG Cheque Amount - 1,285.40 OOO982 WILTSIE TRUCK BODIES LTD 24234 FILLER, BREATHERASSEMBLY 0112612011 I 33.29 009964 Cheque Amount -33.29 Cheque Run Total - 111,723.78 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 161 of 215 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 001647 125il75 oNTARTO LTD 672329 TOWELS 1A1612010 I 36.15 009965 672787 NOZZLE, COUPLING 1U2912010 I 17.49 009965 673623 WHrrE CHALK, CHALK BRUSH 01107f2011 I 6.94 009965 finance cfrarge FINANCE CHARGE 0'|'13il2011 I 1.07 009965 Cheque Amount -6't.65 000009 8/.3002 oNTARro tNc 1295 HAULING SA¡.¡D 13OO HAULING SAI\¡D Cheque Amount - 3,438.95 OOOO27 ACCESS FASTENERS & SUPPLY LTD 00æ120802 LOCI(WASHERS, SCREWPINS OUOlnOf I 327.81 009967 Cheque Amount - 327.81 OOOO44 ALISAR AGGREGATES INC 2003ø'572 WINTER SAI'¡D o1131f2o11 I 9,226.09 009968 Cheque Amount - 9,226.09 OOOO78 AYLMER GARDEN CENTRE SNOVWLOWNG 01131f2011 I 5,288.40 009969 Cheque Amount - 5,2æ.40 @OO9I BARRY R. CARD 21201}4.2 LEGALSERVICES oao1/2011 t 2'17.53 009970 Cheque Amount - 217.53 OOOO97 BAYHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY 201141 20Il MEMBERSH|P O2l0A20f I 50.æ 009971 ChequeAmount- 50.00 OO17O3 BILL HAMMOND faining WAGES &TRAINING oa0a2ú1 r 500.00 009972 ChequeAmount- 500.00 001471 BLUEWAVE ENERGY 40923373339367 DRUM DEPOSIT OA04r2ú1 C -113.00 009973 4092337339366 orL. DRUM DEPOSIT OAU|2011 1 U2.28 009973 Cheque Amount - 729.28 OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 9558 LOF 01111120',t1 I 44.01 009974 9572 REPI-ACE WNDSHTELD 0il1u20fi I 326.57 009974 9593 LOF. ROTATE TIRES 01117120't1 I 63.79 009974 9626 REP|áCETIRE, PADS, ROTOR O',U2412011 J 1,702.32 009974 9667 LOF 0113'112011 I 44.01 009974 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 02lïgl2ï11 OAOgl2011 3:01PM 01t31t2011 I 1,858.20 009966 o2to712011 I 1,580.75 009966 14 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 162 of 215 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 OO128O CANADIAN MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION 9463 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 2æ57754 26916972 26929330 000263 DINGLE LINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210912011 Cheque Amount - o2tosl2011 3:01PM 009975 009976 009976 009076 0099r/ 009977 009977 2,',t80.70 113.002011I MEMBERSHIP 01t26t2011 I Cheque Amount - FTLES 12/02/2010 STAPLER, STICKY NOTES, PI.ANN O2IO4I2O11 TONER, MONTHLY INDEX 02]0712011 Cheque Amount - 113.00 163.81 79.73 128.20 1063 1081 1082 001690 DOWLER-KARN 142æ5 142806 142835 1428æ 142æ7 142908 142909 142929 142956 142957 142958 142974 142993 142994 143033 143034 REPI.ACE SIOE PUMP HINGE HEX BOLTS, NUTS REPAIR GRADERWNG BAR REG GAS RD DIESEL RD DIESEL RD DIESEL REG GAS DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL RD DIESEL REG GAS DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL RD DIESEL DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL REG GAS RD DIESEL Cheque Amount - 0111112011 01t2612011 01t2u2011 371.74 2,761.30 135.80 250.23 I I I 01t05t2011 0110512011 oiloTnor 01t10t2011 oil13l20fi 0111312011 0'v13t2011 01t17t20't1 01t19t2011 0111912011 01119120't1 0112112011 01t24t2011 o'u2412011 0'v2612011 0112612011 3,147.33 1,457.24 2,066.26 1,415.46 1,7t5.00 1,104.91 952.36 2,336.17 2,173.83 938.31 620.91 1,117.90 1,095.79 525.73 2,136.2'l 800.58 745.65 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009978 009f¡78 009978 009978 009978 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC Cheque Amount - o2l0a20r 21,262.31 105.37t-06887{ OOO274 E.L.M. CHAPTER 20.I1 MEMBERSHIP OO17O8 EASTLINK REDUCER, CRIMPS, HOSE Cheque Amount - o2t09t2011 105.37 175.00 009979 0099802O1I MEMBERSHIP Cheque Amount -175.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 163 of 215 2010.'t1.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210912011 Febs198665521 MONTHLY TELEPHONE 0Uo1l2o1't I 1,325.63 009981 ChequeArnount- 1,325.63 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000160587 MONTHLY RENTAL O2t01t2011 I 1',t4.70 009982 0000160624 R|GHMOND COMM WATER OUO3|2011 r 989.32 009982 Cheque Amount - 1,104.02 OO18O4 FIRE FACTS INCORPORATED couRsE |NVESTTGAT|ON & CERT COURSE 0210912011 t 1,237.35 009983 Cheque Amount- '1,237.35 001637 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 90343 GEOMELTS3O ozær2Ùfi a 2,020.46 009984 Cheque Amount - 2,020.46 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CAA¡ADA INC 't518654051 SHOP TOVVELS, FLOOR MATS OAO3|2011 I 211.93 009985 Cheque Amount - 21'1.93 001245 GEORGIAN FIREGEAR SERVICE sl-10052 BUNKER GEAR CLEANTNG 0112412011 I 70.17 009986 Cheque Amount - 70.17 æ1270 GORD ROESCH wages & mileage WAGES & MILEAGE FOR TRAININ< O2|OU2O11 I 500.00 009987 ChequeAmount- 500.00 OOOÍ|9I HORVATH AUTO PARTS 206619 TtE WRAP, SHRTNKTUBE O1h8r20fi I 73.02 009988 206990 o|LER 0?/0U2011 I 31.72 009988 207002 BLUESHETLD I 0z0'U2011 I 118.42 009988 Cheque Amount - 223.16 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Feb01 181-23005 UTILITIES - ITERP CENTRE 0A0U2011 I 41 .27 009989 Feb12650-91004 UTILITIES - PUMP#8 OAOU2011 I 138.34 009989 Feb1885G'12458 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY OAOA2Ofi I 141.21 009989 Feb1897144027 UTILITIES - METER CHA¡I,,IBER 02/022ú1 1 47.57 009989 Feb1897l-52001 UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP oAoA2ú1 I 111.67 009989 Feb25240-95021 UTILITIES - RICHMOND RD PUMP 0U0A2ü1 I 537.04 009989 Feb2879940004 UTILITIES - PUMP#1 0U0Z2011 I 430.97 009Í189 Feb34853{1007 UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS OAOA2Of I 52.60 009989 FeM385G'12451 UTILITIES - PB CENTENNIAI- PARK 02102!2011 t 73.12 009989 Feb5025G12458 UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM OUïA2Ofi I 204.86 009989 Feb56450-12330 UTILITIES - BOAT LAUNCH 02/0212011 I 75.09 009989 O2l0gl2011 3:01PM Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 164 of 215 201 0.1 I .19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - O2lÙgl2011 0i/02t201'l 0?/02/20'11 o2!02120't1 oa0a2ú1 o2lo2f201'l 021091201'1 3:01PM Feb62760-43@0 Feb75250-'12272 Feb8777ù20012 Feb9385G12278 Feb9397ù203/2 ooo217 |B|GROUP 243716 OO178O JAMIE PILKEY 31432 3't486 OOO5IO KLASSEN AUTO PARTS uTrLrTrEs - E.c.c. UTILITIES . PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL uTtLtTtEs - v.c.c. I I I I I 82.50 00æ89 æ.28 009989 172.86 009989 203.98 009989 u2.11 009989 GLASSES GI.ASSES - ZACHARY PILKEY Cheque Amount - 1,/31t2010 rCONSULTING FEES AC'C BOX FILTER, OIL BLADE FUSE HOLDER TIP TAP PLUG RAIN.X WASHER FLU¡D WASHER FLUID WPERS V-BELTS DRILL BIT PUNCH SET BLADES, WPERS AGC BOXES Cheque Amount -705.46 256.20 009991 206.00 009991 oaúP011 02t0712011 3,219.47 705.46 009990 009993 009995 1-751ß 1-7518/. 't-75246 1-75286 1-75432 1-75553 1-75561 't-75599 'l-7æ27 1-75827 1-75872 't-76127 1-76180 1-7W7 1-76895 01t05t2011 0110612011 o'Uo6t2011 01t07t2011 01110120't1 0111212011 úna2Ùtl ol/1?/20Í una2ü1 01t15t2011 01117120',11 01t19t201'l 0112012011 01t29t2011 o'v31t2011 Cheque Amount -462.20 2.60 009992 75.99 009992 13.42 009992 't0.37 009992 8.80 009992 7.50 009992 12.66 009992 6.76 009992 13.51 009992 u.10 009f¡92 10.68 009992 17.58 0099S2 19.18 009992 53.70 009992 5.20 009992 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Arnount - OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16463 PUMP OVERLOADING &TRIPPING 0112512011 Cheque Amount - OOO518 ](WIK KOPY PRINTING 41169 PAPER, NEWSLETTERS, CARDS 0112712011 Cheque Amount - 000526 LAEMERS TRUCKING LTD 0113112011 292.05 220.35 220.35 908.59 009994 908.59 11,712.45Jan'11 JANUARY SNOWPLOWNG Cheque Amount -11,712.45 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 165 of 215 2010.1',t.19 6.3 9050 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES I 521 50 GARBAGE DISPOSAL OOOTIO PORTBURWELL HOME HARDWARE 8805 GARBAGE BAGS 8809 STAPLES MUNICIPALIÏY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210912011 0210912011 3:01PM 011311201',t r 37,412.66 009996 8810 8813 8814 881s 8816 8819 8826 OOO727 PUROIáTOR COURIER LTD 4l I 168379 OOO737 RAMONA PEÍDL 876306 876307 876308 supplies s.c.c. DETERGENT FLOOD LIGHT PADLOCK FOAM COUPLER WNDEXCLEANER, BRUSH PLUG COURIER SERVICE JAN'Il CLEANING JAN'1 1 CLEAI.IING S.C.C. JAN'LL CLEAI.I ING V.C.C. SUPPLIES I.AB FEES LAB FEES I.AB FEES LAB FEES LAB FEES I.AB FEES Cheque Amount - 01t0512011 0110612011 01110t201'l 0111012011 oil1a20f oil1a20f 0111312011 úna2orl o'tf20t2011 37,412.66 25.98 009997 4.73 009997 9.02 009æ7 -20.33 009997 16.92 009997 23.71 009997 8.25 009997 22.92 009997 18.07 009997 I I I c I I I I I Cheque Amount - 0112812011 I 109.27 3,554.88 009998 010000 36.24 Cheque Amount -36.24 940.00 009999 't,443.50 009999 1,141.50 009999 29.88 00999f) 01131t2011 01l3'U2011 0113112011 011191201'l I I I I Cheque Amount - OOO755 RICHMOND UNITED CHURCH RENTAL CHURCH BASEMENTRENTALFOF O2IO9I2O11 Cheque Amount - 000796 SANDS CAI{ADA lNC./Ar.¡cUS 00667754 DEFIB PADS Cheque Amount - 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10477101 10ø.77102 10477103 10477104 '10/.77671 10477672 OO17O2 SHAWNAYMER instructor wages 't25.00 02t08t20't1 125.00 180.57 01000r 01t27t2011 o'v2712011 01t27t2011 0'v2712011 o'v28120't1 01t28t20't1 180.57 308.49 010002 254.25 010002 151.42 010002 934.51 010002 124.30 010002 163.85 010002 Cheque Amount - WAGES & MILEAGE FORTRAININ( OUO8I2O11 1,936.82 629.00 010003 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 166 of 215 ChequeAmount- 629.00 OO1106 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES 900101246 BIOX|DE 1?/3112010 I 3,910.93 010004 Cheque Amount - 3,910.93 OOO814 SIFTO CANADA CORP 72226123 BULK HtcHWAy COARSE 01t27t2011 I 5,207.82 010005 7222æ39 BULK H|GHWAY COARSE 01t29t2011 I 5,257.76 010005 Cheque Amount - ',l0,465.58 æ1482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION DW05186033 PUBLIC MEETTNG - PETERS 01t29f2011 I 213.12 010006 Cheque Amount - 213.12 OO1O91 TBN DISTRIBUTERS LIMITED ¡f&l-733SO WINDSHIELD O2tO7t2O11 I 305.10 010007 ChequeAmount- 305.10 OO18O3 THOMASMEDLAND payment retum TAX PAYMENT RETURN OAO7PO11 I 1,000.00 0'10008 Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 OOO924 TRILLIUM MUNICIPAL SUPPLY 3328 TEMPERATURE SENSOR OZOA2011 I 7U.23 010009 Cheque Amount - 7U.23 OOO93O TSCSTORESL.P. 181039838 HOTST/PULLER VVEB, CABLE O'v31t2011 I 180.78 010010 Cheque Amount -180.78 OO1324 UNDERHILLBROS 87751 SNOWPLOWNG 01t31t2011 I 403.98 01001I ChequeAmount- 403.98 OOO932 UNDERHILL FARM SUPPLY LTD 226æ8 BAGS FERTILIZER 0110612011 I 45.20 010012 Cheque Amount - 45.20 OOO942 VALLEY BIáDES LIMITED 141381 SNOW BI-ADE, BOLTS , NUTS 01t31t2011 I 2.769.91 010013 Cheque Amount - 2,769.91 OOO953 VIENNAHOME CENTER LTD 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 360080 MAILBOXES 360103 PLYWOOD MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210912011 0210912011 3:01PM 360129 360404 WASHERS GFCI OUTLET 011041201't I 37.27 010014 01105t2011 I 22.07 010014 0110612011 I 1.46 010014 0111712011 I 14.68 010014 Page 6 Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 167 of 215 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 360441 360514 360718 360737 360769 MAILBOXES STEP IADDER, 9V BATTERY KEYS CUT KEYS CUT HOSE GUNS. HOSE, CONNECTOR MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - OA09|2O11 0111u2011 011201201'l o1n720't1 üna20f 01131f2011 Cheque Amount - 02lùgl2Ù11 3:0lPM I I I I I 55.90 010014 54.56 010014 4.50 010014 8.99 010014 67.19 010014 OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERMCE LTD 0000184s31 00@184584 0000184602 0000184614 00@184663 0000184666 0000184687 0000184694 WRE, BULB WNDSHIELD WASHER. LIGHT BOLTS, NUTS HEATED MIRROR COMPLETE SERVICE REPI-ACE STEER AXLE COMPLETE SERVICE COMPLETE SERVICE 0110f,t2011 01t't5t2011 01[20f201'l 0112412011 01t31t20't1 01131120't1 o'tf31t20't1 01131f2011 2æ.62 24.86 010015 30.28 0100'15 7.18 010015 28.24 010015 641.03 010015 1,297.æ 010015 555.29 010015 ô69.06 010015 000969 WESTBURNERUDDYONTARIO 3977459 NYLON PLUG Cheque Amount - 0112412011 I 3.253.54 4{t.50 010016 000981 wtLsoN's l-AwN oARE Dec'lOsnowremonl DEC'1OSNOWPLOWNG-VIENNA Dec'10 snowplovring DEC'10 SNOWPLOWNG - PB December20l0 DECEMBER'10 SNOW REMOVAL Cheque Amount -48.s0 508.50 010017 1,U2.43 010017 1,652.63 010017 1z31n010 12131f20't0 1,/31f2010 I I I Cheque Amount -3,203.56 Cheque Run Total -'t42,193.% Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9937 to Cheque #10017 inclusive, except Cheque #9902 totaling $253,063.04 and Payroll Page 168 of 215 80Rt¡l I'IUNICIPALfTY oF BAYHAH ÏOT PACKETS - 2 CURRE NT FEDL TAX 10,899.71 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CoNT 2,L7r.?4 QPIP CAN PËN Ë,L47 .Ë2 QC PEN QC I{SF ON EHT I,095.37 fiB HET NL HAPSET T0T STATS 19,313.84 CI{EQUES DEPoSITS 38,81 I .82 US DEPS DED DEPS T0l NPAY 38,81 1 .82 RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHR6 6sT HST GRANÞ TOT 5A,L28.66 331.52 58. 02 58,515. 00 I TËH SALARIED U¡ORKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD TAX FORM RUN UNITS 20 50 I TOTAL S/C SUBJECT TO HST fS ÏOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS 'V ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOÊIES DAILY UPPATE REPORT COI{PANY TOTALS ADJUST- CR CURRENT TOTAL 1 0,899.71 2,L7L.24 8,L47.82 L ,998.37 L9,3L3.84 38,81 1 .82 38,811.82 68,L28.66 446.32 58. 02 58,630 . 00 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES RI.JN : FEB I 201I N0 : D PAGE; 268 HST REG: 100057413 RT0004 C0MPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: FEB 9, ?OLL DATE 0F PAY: FËB 11, 20Ll ADJUST -DR 115.00 118.00 CHARGE ITE}I ı3.00 HOURLY WORKPAYS 6.64 COURIER FEE 54. OO ANNUAL I.IAINTENANCE YTD ADJUST CHARGE ITËM L6.5O PAYROLL RUNS 24.O0 BASIC TAX FORHS 115.00 YTD TOTAL 30,LO7 .60 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX é,247 .48 EI CoNT QPIPL5,006.96 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 3,L59.22 0N EHT I.IB HET NL HAPSET 64,620.86 T0T STATS CHEQUE S L49 ,2L1.77 DEPoSITS US DËPS DED DEPS L49,213.77 IOT NPAY RRSP RTI 203,734.63 T0T PAYRoL 940 , 09 SERV CIIRG GST L22.2L HST 204,796.93 GRAND T0T UNITS 10 2 UNITS I 8t CHARGE 47 .93 L69 .29 RUN DATE JAN 5T 2OII THE ABOVE ANALYSIS ITEM ANNUAL T.IAINTENANCE 446.32 58'630.00 DEBIT INFoRHATI0N! 005 05102 1011923 INCLUDES UNCOLLECTED FEES FOR TIIËSE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED SERVTCES,/ITEI'IS CHARGE RUN DATE I TEH COURIER FEE UNITS 1 CHAR6E 12.00 UN ITS 115.00 FEB 02 2OI1 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 9 3 7 t o C h e q u e # 1 0 0 1 7 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e # 9 9 0 2 t o t a l i n g $ 2 5 3 , 0 6 3 . 0 4 a n d P a y r o l l P a g e 1 6 9 o f 2 1 5 Page 170 of 215 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: February 17,2011 FROM: Denis Duguay, Treasurer FILE: F05.09 SUBJECT: Water Lrfrastructure Project NUMBER: F2011-03 Purpose: This report is to obtain Council direction to proceed with distributing the cost of the water renewal project. Background The municþality undertook a substantial project with the aid of the federal and provincial govemments to revitalizethe water infrastructure in Port Burwell and Vienna. The initial estimate for the project utilized for the BCF grant application was $2,600,000. Initial calculations by staff, based on distribution of costs on a per unit basis, resulted in an estimated cost of $1,300 per unit. Tender prices subsequently received for the project came in at$' 2,162,845. The federal and provincial governments had committed to providing 213 or $1,441,896 towards the project, resulting in a municþal share that would have been $720,948. Preliminary considerations by Council also directed a $125,000 transfer from existing reserves to offset the costs to be recovered from those served by the system. The project is now complete, and the final cost of the project is $2,122,252. After finalizing eligible grant amounts, the municþality's responsibilityis $736,972.78 Therefore, the total costs to be recovered from system users, after applying the transfer of $125,000 from reserves, is ffL1;!@l!1. The municipality will now need to proceed with the levy of those costs for the system users. For information also, Council did previously direct that residents be permitted an option for payment arrangements over a 10 year period. Staff Report F2011-03 regarding "Water Infrastructure Project". File: F05.09 Page 171 of 215 -2- Staff Comment Lo ng-te rm P ay ment Arr ong ement s As mentioned above, Council did previously opt for a 10-year repayment term to reflect the longer life-span of the infrastructure being upgraded as well as to keep the loan financially viable for the users of the water systern. Currently, rates for lO-year loans are approximately 5.00% (subject to market changes). Also, Infrastructure Ontario provides low-interest loans to municipalities, typically in the same interest range. Upon approval of the method of distribution of costs considered in this report, staff will also investigate the most economical option for loan arrangements. Distribution of Costs Option I -PerUnit One option available is that the funds be collected on an equal basis per unit for each unit within the water system. There are approximately 830 units on the water distribution system. Each unit would be charged approximately 5737.32 one time cost, the total costs maybe distributed in one billing at the end of the project to the owners of the properties connected to the water system, or they could debenture the cost over 10 years, this equates to $95.51 per year. Alternatively, these fimds maybe collected as a special charge on the properly owners' tax bills Option 2 - Byproperty Total costs may also be distributed based on one property one invoice. With this option the total cost would have to be distributed on 715 properties compared to 830 units. Under this option every property would have the same cost as a single unit property, regardless of number of units The Total associated cost per property would be $855.91 As in option #1 the total costs maybe distributed in one billing at the end of the project to the owners of the properties connected to the water system, or could debenfure the cost over 10 years, this equates to $110.84 per year ¿rssuming percentage oî 5%o. Alternativel¡ these funds maybe collected as a special charge on the property owners' tax bills. 3.52 35 unit cost S5,898.s6 8 unit cost 52O,644.96 28 unit cost Staff Report F2011-03 regarding "Water Infrastructure Project". File: F05.09 Page 172 of 215 -3- Option 3 - Cost associated to a Unit scale Staff has developed another option to distribute the cost associated with the water renewal project. Option #3 would look at multþle units on aproperty and associate a scaled down cost for every additional units. Based on a percentage on every additional unit located on the property, the percentage used in this calculation is informational and can be revised as per council's direction. Staffhas used a 50% scale down version for the calculation. Property owners that have multiple units on their property would benefit from this option compared to option #1. In this option a property owner that has 8 units would see a cost breakdown as follows; The first unit would have a full cost of $820.34 and 50Yo for every additional unit on their property at a cost of $410.17. As in option #1 the total costs maybe distributed in one billing at the end of the project to the owners of the properties connected to the water system, or could debenture the cost over 10 years, this equates to $106.24 per year. Alternatively, these funds maybe collected as a special charge on the property owners' tax bills. Conclusion: In reviewing all the information, staffsuggests that the funds be collected on an equal basis per unit as outlined in Option #1. In part, the basis for this suggestion is that the system upgrades benefit the system as a whole, and are not generally tied to individual property services. In a simila¡ fashion, past and future individual service saddles etc. are repaired/replaced with costs borne across the system, not as a direct cost to the affected property. These arrangements would also correspond with the current billing practice for on-going operational costs. Additionally, it is suggested that council also set the date of payment option be received by June 30,2011 to allow stafftime to make necessary arrangernents for loans etc. for those opting for the l0 year payment plan. Fist payments under that option will need to be added to property tax accounts for August, 2011. Lastl¡ staffalso suggests that arrangement be included for the collection of similar capital fees on undeveloped/vacantparcels that are currently serviced at such time as the property is developed. 820.34 + (L7.5 * 820.34) = st5,t76.27 36 unit cost * 820.34) = 53,691.52 8 unit cost 820.34+(13.5*820.=Stt,gg¿.gt 28 unit cost Staff Report F2011-03 regarding "Water Infrastructure Project". File: F05.09 Page 173 of 215 -4- Strategic PIan: Goal # 1 Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Goal #3 Promote excellence in environmental stewardship Recommendation: That Council direct staffto prepare the necessary by-law to implement Option #1 in Report F20l l-03, and including additional collection for serviced vacant lands at the time of development. That Council direct staff to make the necessary arrangements for the deadline on payment arrangements at June 30,2011, with the option of a 10 year payment term. That Council direct staff to prepare the necessaryby-laws to arrange long term financing as outlined. Respectfully submitted,Reviewed b¡ Staff Report F2011-03 regarding "Water Infrastructure Project". File: F05.09 Page 174 of 215 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Denis Duguay, Treasurer SUBJECT: Public'Works Credit card DATE: February l7,20ll FILE: NUMBER: F 11-04 Purpose: This report is to obtain council direction to proceed with the application for a credit card. Background: On a weekly basis staff receives requests to pay small invoices incurred by the public works department. These small amounts end up being more expensive to generate a cheque then the actual cost of the invoice. Staff Comment: Staff would like the authorization to have the public works manager be approved for a credit card for the municipalþ use only with a limit of 2,000.00 to eliminate generating cheques under $100.00. Public works manager would be responsible to submit all credit card transactions in a timelymanner with the appropriate expense account. Strategic Plan: Goal # 1 Practice responsible financial management Recommendation: THATpublic works manager receíve ø credit cørd on the behalf of the munícìpality with a límít of 82,000.00 to elímínate smøll ìnvoíces. Reviewed by, Staff Report F2011-04 regarding "Public Works Credit Card". File: F04 Page 175 of 215 Page 176 of 215 g THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Mernbers of Council DATE: Januaryl8, 20l l FROM: LyndaMillard, Clerk FILE: Ll2 SUBJECT: Civil Marriage Officiant Services Renewal NUMBER: C2011-03 PURPOSE This report is provided to recommend renewal of agreements with persons to conduct local civil marriage officiant services for the Municipality. BACKGROT]ND In March 2010, Council authorized the conduct of civil marriage services by the Municipality and entered into contract employment agreements with Marion Rogers and Jack C. Wharram Jr. for the provision of those services. Council also supported the Clerk in the delegation of her authority to conduct these services. Payment of the costs to conduct the services a¡e derived from the fees collected. One service was conducted in2070. Provision of the services was intended to provide a service that would increase interest in and bring people to Bayham. It was not intended that the services be a significant revenue generator. The marriage officiant contracts are due to expire in March 2011. STAFF COMMENTS Both service providers have been contacted and are agreeable to renewal of their contracts for a further one year period. ByJaws authorizing the renewal of the agreements are provided for Council's consideration. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere GoaI# 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choiceç RECOMMENDATION *THAT Staff ReportC20ll-03 be received; THAT 2011-008, being a by-Iaw to authorize renewal of an agreement with Marion F. Rogers for the provision of marriage officiant services, be presented to Council for enactment; Staff Report C2011-03 regarding "Civil Marriage Officiant Services Renewal". Page 177 of 215 Report C20II-03 AND TIIAT By-law 2011-009, being a by-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement with Jack C. 'Wharram Jr. for the provision of marriage officiant services be presented to Council for enactment.tt Respectfully submitted Reviewedby Attachs: By-law 2011-008 Authorize Employment Agreement Renewal (Rogers) By-law 2011-009 Authorize Employment Agreement Renewal (Whanam) -2- Staff Report C2011-03 regarding "Civil Marriage Officiant Services Renewal". Page 178 of 215 TIIE CORPORATION OF' TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\ü NO.2011-008 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE RENEWAL OF A¡t EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT F'OR TIIE PROVISION OF' CTVIL MARRIAGE OF'FICIANT SERVICES BETWEEN TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM AI\D MARION FAITH ROGERS WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Baytam did on March 4, 2011 pass By-law 2010-018, to e¡rter into an employment agreement with Marion Faith Rogers fortheprovision of civil marriage officiant services forthe MunicipalityofBayham; Al[D \ryHEREAS ttre Municipality of Baytram is desirous of renewing the agreement, for civil marriage officiant services for a further one-year term; TIIEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the employnent agreeme,nt between the Municipality of Bayham and Marion Faith Rogers for the provision of civil maniage officiant services be renewed for a further one yearterm ending March 14,2012; 2. THAT in all otherrespects By-law 2010-018 and the Agreemeirt attached thereto are hereby confirmed; 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2011. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report C2011-03 regarding "Civil Marriage Officiant Services Renewal". Page 179 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-009 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE RENE\ilAL OF' AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF' CTWL M^{RRIAGE OFT'ICIANT SERVICES BETWEEN TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AI[I) JACK C. WIIARRAM JR. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham did on March 4, 2011 pass ByJaw 2010-019, to enter into an employme,nt agreement with Jack C. Wha¡ram Jr.for the provision of civil marriage officiant serr¡ices for the Municipality of Bayham; AllD IYHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of re,newing the agreement for civil marriage officiant services for a fri¡her one-year term; THEREFORE THE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the employment agree,rnent between the Municipality of Bayham and Jack C. Wharram Jr.for the provision of civil marriage officiant services be renewed for a further one year term ending March 14,2012; 2. THAT in all other respects ByJaw 2010-019 and the Agreeme,nt attached thereto are hereby confirmed; 3. THAT this byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A F'IRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF F'EBRUARY 2011. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report C2011-03 regarding "Civil Marriage Officiant Services Renewal". Page 180 of 215 q CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Boundaries Act - Surveyor DATE: February l4,20ll FILE: So f This is further to direction by Council at its January 20th meeting as follows: "THAT the Municipality of Bayham make application under the Boundaries Act regarding the Estherville Cemetery property in the vicinity of the Glen Erie Line and Plank Road." Staff have been in contact with a London based surveyor, AGM Surveying. This company was selected based on its experience with the Boundaries Act, and based on a desire expressed to staff that the company retained not have prior history with surveys in the immediate area. Staff met with Drew Annable of AGM on February lst, to review the background of the issue, provide initial information, and discuss the appropriate process. Based on the information provided, AGM was requested to provide a budget for the project. Staff have now received the budget as attached. The research./survey portion is considerably more than had been previously estimated, at $6,000 plus $800 in disbursements. Additionally, the application itself would be an additional $1.300 plus $250 in disbursements. These fees do not include hearing costs if such is required. At this time, staffare seeking direction to proceed with AGM surveying, pursuant to the work plan/budget dated February ll,20ll. Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Surveyor". File: S09 Page 181 of 215 S U RVEYI N G . E I'l G lÀl E E R I I'lG Bv Email Onlv ß paoes to kkruqeíıbavham.on.ca) February 71,2011 Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Stratfordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Kyle S. Kruger, C.M.O. Administrator RE: Estherville (Old Port Burwell) Cemetery Part of Lot 12, Concession 2 (Twp. of Bayham) - Municipality of Bayham Proposal for Boundaries Act Survey of the Easterly Boundary Kyle, thank you for meeting with me on February I't and outlining the background for the issues involved with the location of the Easterly boundary of the Estherville Cemetery and providing me with associated material from your files. It has given me a full understanding of what will be involved in doing a Boundaries Act Survey to determine the true location of the boundary in question. I have reviewed the material and provide you the following summary of the stages involved with the survey and an estimate of the fees for each stage. Research Our research will include the following: 1. A full Land Registry Office search of the title for both the Cemetery propefy and for the property to the East (Csinos). The search will go right back to the Crown Patent and will include a review of the deed desuþtions for both properties, right from the very first deed for each. 2. A search for all legal surveys in the vicinity of the properties, including plans, field notes and reports. This will include all surveys for Highway 19 and all private surveys. 3. A detailed review of all material provided by yourself. 4. A meeting at the municipal offices with any interested parties. This can be facilitated by a public notice issued by you as Administrator, inviting all interested parties to appear at a designated time. These people would be requested to contact you for appointments and a schedule wiil be made for 20 minute interviews each, between me and the party, Estimated Fee -$2.000. olus $300 disbursements, plus HST ARCHIBALD,GRAY & MCKAY (} 3514WhiieOakRoad,L0ndon,ontarioCanadaNoE279 llel (519)685-5300 / Fu(519)685-5303 / agmlon@agm.on.ca / www.agm.on.ca Page I of3 Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Surveyor". File: S09 Page 182 of 215 Preliminary Survey The preliminary survey will include a held survey to measure and review the ground evidence and to establish the boundary on the ground. This establishment would come about after a full review and assessment of all evidence gathered, both from the research stage and from the ground evidence measured. The location established would be the one that I am prepared to defend in a Boundaries Act submission, A plan would be prepared showing the boundary location, the fences, the Csinos' bam and the stone cairn. It would also show all evidence that was used during the course of the survey. A report will be prepared of the survey and the report and the plan (being adraft.of the Boundaries Act Plan) will be delivered to you with a verbal explanation of our findings. Estimated f,'ee -$500 disbursements, plus HST Boundaries Act Application and Hearing It is very difficult to estimate the fee involved here. After the submission of the application and plan, the Ministry will circulate the draft Boundaries Act plan for comments and objections. If the¡e are no objections then there will not be a hearing so the cost will be much less. A very rough estimation of what the fees may be is as follows: Our fees for all of our work will be based on the actual time and disburseménts that will be incured at each stage. Our hourly rates are as follows: Field Crew - $145.00/hr Researching, Calculating/CAD Drafting - $ 86.00/hr Ontario Land Surveyor - $160'00/hr Disbursements - at cost Estimate of Fees for Application -$1,300, plus $250 disbursements, plus HST Estimate of Fees for Hearing Preparation -$1,280/day, plus disbursements, plus IIST Í to 2 davs anticipated) Estimate of Fees for Hearing Attendance -$1,280/day, plus disbursements, plus HST ll to 3 davs anticinated) Page 2 of3 Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Surveyor". File: S09 Page 183 of 215 Kyle, from our conversation at our meeting lrealize that the total fees estimated here is a fair amount higher than you anticipated. As you can see from my CV attached, I have had quite a bit of experience with Boundaries Act and Land Titles Act surveys (both are quite similar and usually involve hearings). From this, I believe that my estimate of the time and disbursements that will be involved with this survey is quite realistic. I thank you for the opportunity to provide this survey proposal. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to call. In the meantime I look forward to hearing back from you. If you would like us to proceed please sign back below. Yours truly, Archibald, Gray & McKay Ltd. I:lDocVDAlESTIWTElBayham - Esthenille Cemetery esl doc I authorize Archibald, Gray &, McKay Ltd. to proceed. MunicipalÍty of Bayham Per: Kyle S. Kruger, C.M.O. Administrator J. D. Annable Ontario Land Surveyor Page 3 of3 Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Surveyor". File: S09 Page 184 of 215 PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM VITAE JEFFREY DREW ÄNNABLE Ontarío Land SumeYor PROF'ESSIONAL PROFILE ¡ Commissioned as an Ontario Land Surveyor on June 24,1977 by the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors; ¡ Employed by Archibald, Gray & McKay Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors: Part time from 1965 to 1971while attending university; Full time from 1972 to the present; ¡ Became shareholder and partner of Archibald, Gray & McKay Ltd. Octobet 12,1979; o Served on the elected Board of Directors (known as the Council) of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors from 1997 to 1997; r President of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors for the 1995/96 term; ¡ Served on various Committees of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors: past member Planning for Professional Development Committee past member Standards Task Force past member Role of the Surveyor Committee past member Standards Committee past member and Chairperson of the Fees Information Committee past member Practice Advisory Committee past assistant to the Academic and Experience Requirements Committee past member Public Awareness Committee . past member Nominations Committee current member Discipline Committee current Chair of the Annual Meeting Committee; o Provided seminar paper on "The Surveyors Dilemma" - (the subject of conflicting evidence when determining a boundary) to the members of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors at their 1984 Annual Meeting; ¡ Lectured on behalf of the Association of ontario Land surveyors to: student surveyors survey technicians Fanshawe College law clerk students Student lawyers at the Bar Admission coutses provided in London, Ontario; o Current member, past director and Chaþerson of the Southwestern Regional Group Chapter of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors; . completed business management course provided by Unique Management Consultants; ¡ completed business management and marketing course provided by W.A' Gilbert & Associates; Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Surveyor". File: S09 Page 185 of 215 Attended various seminars presented by the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors about legal and technical surveying as well as survey business matters; Current member and Past President of the Rotary Club of London - Lambeth' As well as the normal cadastral and technical surveys Ihat are done on a daily basis, the following court action surveys have been completed: . Boundaries Act surveys done on all of the municipal streets for the Town of Bayfield in Huron County, which-included numerous public meetings to resolve issues' This project was staged in sections and completed over a3 to 4 year period in the early 1980's to accommodate budgets; o February 1 98 1, Boundaries Act # BA- I 847 - surveyor and expert witness at a hearing on behalf of The Township of Westminster who was objecting to the limit of a road allowance that was the subject of the application; o January, 1983, Bounda¡ies Act # BA-2039 - surveyor and expert witness for the applicant who was having problems with a neighbour over a boundary in Aylmer; o November, 1983, Boundaries Act#BÃ-2102 - surveyor and expert witness for the applicant who was having problems with a neighbour over a boundary in Granton; o September, 1985, Boundaries Act # BA-2229 - surveyor and expert witness for the applicant who was having problems with a neighbour over a boundary in London; o April, 1993, Bopndaries Act#BÃ-2537 - surveyoï and expert witness for the applicant *ho *ur having problems with a neighbour over aboundary in Lambeth; o Septemb eg lggî,Bouhdaries Act # BA-2553 - surveyor and expert witness for the objector who was having problems with a neighbour over a boundary in Lambeth; o April, 1997, Reference Plan # 33R-12900 - surveyor and expert witness for the applicant foì a Land Titles Hearing over a section of disputed land in the Township of Caradoc; ¡ September, 2001, Reference Plan # 33R-14700 - surveyor and expert witness for the applicant for a Land Titles Hearing over a strip of disputed land in London; o October,207I,- surveyor and expert witness for an objector for a Land Titles Hearing over a strip of disputed land in Port Stanley 2 Staff Memorandum regarding "Boundaries Act - Surveyor". File: S09 Page 186 of 215 to[,) [.u'; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT:'Waste Management Services DATE: February 10,2011 FILE: E NUMBERzE20ll-02 Purpose This report is to recommend extending current arrangements for Waste Management Services. Background The Municipality currently contracts with Norfolk Disposal for waste and recycling collection and disposal services. The contracts include the following service areasl o 'Waste Disposal o Collection of Residential Waste o Collection of Commercial Waste o Collection from Bulk Bins (V/aste) o Collection and Disposal of Recyclables (Weekly) The original contracts were for afle-year term that expired }i4ay 2006. The Municipality awarded the waste and recycling contracts separately, to take advantage of the lowest tenders for each. In addition to costs, service levels were a consideration Council also undertook in awarding the contracts. Council has subsequently approved renewals that extend the current contract to June l,20ll. In considering the extensions, Council has sought comparative pricing, as well as examining service options such as bi-weekly recycling. Staff Comments Discussions on various waste management issues have been continuing with area municipalities over the last several years. At issue currently with this service, besides the contract expiry, is the coÍìmencement of the municipal Integrated V/aste Management Plan process. Council recently approved undertaking this review in partnership with Malahide and Central Elgin, and it is expected to be completed in September/October 2011. It is suggested that the review will be used by Council to help determine the types and levels of waste management services to be provided, and therefore consideration for tendering for a new contract should be deferred until completion of that study. In addition, the possible co-operation of several Elgin municipalities for joint tendering of waste management services remains open, and consideration should be given to establishing a contract expiry that generally coincides with those other municipalities. Initial discussions with several area municipalities have suggested anangingfor an expiry ranging from January to April 2012. Staff therefore have obtained a proposal from our current service provider for a further contract extension. We have received confirmation that they are in agreement with extending the current arrangements to either January or April, 2012. No adjustments to the contract are proposed, and therefore costs will remain at current levels (subject only to the annual inflation factor included in the current contract). Staff Report E2011-02 regarding "Waste Management Services". File: E07 Page 187 of 215 Report E20ll-02 _7 _ Options The following are options available to Council relative to the contracts expiring in June: . Extend Current Collection and Disposal Contracts . Tender for Services . Tender (or request quotations) for any portion of services (for example, recycling services) Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Goal#l - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship Recommendation That Council authorize the extension of contracts with Norfolk Disposal Services Limited, for the provision of weekly Waste Disposal, Collection of Residential and Commercial waste, bulk collection bins, and for the provision of weekly collection and disposal of recyclables, as outlined in Report E20ll-02, for a period to expire no later than April 30,2012. Respectfully Staff Report E2011-02 regarding "Waste Management Services". File: E07 Page 188 of 215 Richmond Community Water Inc. Municipality of Bayham Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO February ll,20l7 Attention: Kyle Kruser. CAO Dear Mayor Ens and Council, Please be advised that the following resolution was passed at a meeting of the owners of Richmond Community Water Inc. held on Sunday February 11,2011. It should be noted that 58Yo of the owners (29 households) attended this meeting and participated in the discussion and vote. Moved by Pøul Wørd Seconded by Joan Dykstra That the ownershìp of Ríchmond Communíty Water Inc. be surrendered to the Municipality of Bøy høm. Motion Camied We wish to acknowledge the support and assistance provided by the Municipality of Bayham to the users of Richmond Community Water Inc. throughout this stressful transition. Your flexibility and understanding is very much appreciated. Yours truly, Rick Garrett Chairman lc cÖ lLoT Correspondence dated February 11, 2011 from Richmond Community Water Inc. regarding "Ownership of Richmond Page 189 of 215 Page 190 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2011-008 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE TIIE RENE\üAL OF AII EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF CTVIL MARRIAGE OFFICIANT SERVICES BETWEEN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AIID MARION FAITII ROGERS \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham did on March 4, 2011 pass By-law 2010-018, to enter into an employment agreement with Marion Faith Rogers for the provision of civil marriage officiant services for the Municipality of Bayham; Af[D WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of renewing the agreement, for civil mariage officiant services for a further one-year term; THEREFORE TIIE COTINCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the employment agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Marion Faith Rogers for the provision of civil marriage officiant services be renewed for a further one year term ending March 74,2012; 2. THAT in all other respects By-law 2010-018 and the Agreement attached thereto are hereby confirmed; 3. THAT this by-law shall come into fullforce and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME A¡ID FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2OII. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-008 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 191 of 215 Page 192 of 215 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-009 A BY-LA\il TO AUTIIORIZE TIIE RENEWAL OF AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR TIIE PROVISION OF CIVIL MARRIAGE OFFICIANT SERVICES BETWEEN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM AND JACK C. WIIARRAM JR. WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did on March 4, 2011 pass By-law 2010-019, to enter into an employment agreement with Jack C. \ilharam Jr.for theprovision of civil marriage officiant services for the Municþality of Bayham; AND WIIEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of renewing the agreement, for civil marriage officiant services for a further one-year term; TIIEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the ernployment agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Jack C. Wharram Jr.for the provision of civil mariage officiant services be renewed for a further one year term ending March 14,2012; 2. TIIAT in all other respects By-law 2010-019 and the Agreement attached thereto are hereby confirmed; 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 17TII DAY OF FEBRUARY 2OII. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-009 A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 193 of 215 Page 194 of 215 TIIE CORPORATION OF TTIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011411 A By-law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer connection permits and Ínspections and to repeal By-Law No. 2ü)7-023, as amended WIIEREAS Section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992 empowers municipal Councils to pass by- laws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections. AI\D WIIEREAS the Council of the Municipalþ of Bayham is desi¡ous of enacting a byJaw under Section 7 of the Building Code Act, L992. THEREFORE THE COI.]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF'THE MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. SHORT TITLE 1.1 This By-law may be cited as "The Building By-law". 2. DEFINITIONS 2.I "Act" means the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended. 2.2 "Building" means; (a) a structure occupying an area greater than 10 squrre metres consisting of a wall, roof and floor, or any one or more of them, or a structural system serving the function thereof, including all plumbing, works, fxtures and service systems appurtenant thereto. It does not include the replacement of roofing metal or shingles nor minor repairs providing the structural system is not involved or altered. (b) A structure occupying an area of 10 square metres or less that contains plumbing, including the plumbing apputrenant thereto, (c) Plumbing not located in a structure, (c.1) a sewage system; or (d) structures designated in the building code. 2.3 "Building Code" means the regulations made under Section 34 of the Act. 2.4 "Chief Building Offrcial" means the Chief Building Offrcial appointed by the By- law of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham for the purpose of enforcement of the Act. 2.5 "Corporation" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 195 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -2- 2.6 "Farm Building" means a farm building as defined in the Building Code. 2.7 "Permit" means written permission or written authorization from the Chief Building Offrcial to perform work regulated by this by-law and the Act. 2.8 "Plumbing" means plumbing as defined in Section 1(1) of the Act. 3. DUTIES AND POWERS OF TTIE AUTHORITY HAVING JTJRISDICTION. 3.1 The Authorþ having jurisdiction shall administer this byJaw and keep records of all applications received, permits and orders issued, inspections and tests made, and shall retain copies of all papers and documents connected with the administration of this by-law, which will form part of the public records. 3.2 The Authority having jurisdiction may: 3.2.I Enter any building or premises at a reasonable time for the purpose of administering or enforcing this byJaw. 3.2.2 Cause a written notice to be delivered to the owner of any properly directing him to correct any condition where in the opinion of the Authority having Jurisdiction, that conditions constitute a violation of this by-law. 3.2.3 Order the owner to stop work on the building, if it is proceeding in contravention of this by-law or if it is an unsafe condition. 3.2.4 Direct that tests of materials, devices, construction methods, structural assemblies or foundation conditions be made, or suffrcient evidence or proof be submitted at the expense of the owner, where such evidence or proof is necessary to determine whether the material, device, construction or foundation condition meets the requirements of this byJaw. 3.2.5 Revoke or refuse to issue a permit where, in its opinion, the results of tests referred to clauses 3.2.4 are not satisfactory. 3.2.6 Order the removal of any building erected or placed in violation of this byJaw. By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 196 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -3- 4. PERMITS 4.t Classes of Permits with respect to the Construction of Buildings shall be as set out below: 4.I.1 Building Permit - Required under subsection 8(1) of the Act. -may include sewage systems and /or plumbing and/or farm buildings and/or heating, ventilation and air conditioning permits. 4.I.2 Plumbing Permit - Formerþ issued under byJaws made under the Ontario Water Resources Act. May be classed under building permit. 4.I.3 Conditional Permit - Authorized under subsection 8(3) of the Act. 4.I.4 Change of Use Permit - Required under subsection 10(1) of the Act. 4.I.5 Demolition Permit - Required under subsection 8(1) of the Act. 4.2 To obtain a permit the owner or his authorized agent shall file an application in writing on the form prescribed by the Chief Building Offrcial, and pay the fee prescribed for such permit. 4.3 Except as otherwise permitted by the Chief Building Offrcial, every applicant shall: 4.3.1 Identi$ and describe in detail the work and proposed occupancy to be covered by the permit for which the application is made; 4.3.2 Describe the land on which the work is done, by a description that will readily identiff and locate the building lot; 4.4 Except as otherwise permitted by the Chief Building Offrcial, every Application shall: 4.4.L State the valuation of the proposed work including materials, the labour, and be accompanied by the required fee; 4.4.2 State the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner, authorized agent, architect, engineer, or other designer and constructor, and; 4.4.3 Be accompanied by a written acknowledgement of the owner that he has retained an architect or professional engineer to carry out the field review of the construction where required by the Building Code, and; 4.4.4 Be signed by the owner or his authorized agent who shall certiff the truth of the contents of the application. By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 197 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -4- 4.5 Where a permit has not been issued and the information in an application changes, the applicant shall notiry the Chief Building Offrcial in writing of the changes. 4.6 An application for a permit may be deemed to have been abandoned and cancelled six (6) months after the date of filing, unless such application is being seriously proceeded with. 4.6.I Where the construction of the building is, in the opinion of the Chief Building Offrcial substantially suspended or discontinued for a period of more than one year, the Chief Building Offrcial may revoke a permit. 4.7 No owner or authorized agent shall move any buildings into or within the Municipality of Bayham without fust obtaining a Building Construction Permit and Moving Permit. 5. PLANS AND SPECIFTCATIONS When required by the Chief Building Offrcial, every applicant shall furnish suffrcient plans, specifications, documents and other information, including design calculations, to enable the Chief Building Official to determine whether the proposed construction, demolition, or change of use conforms to the Act and the Building Code, and any other applicable law. When required by the Chief Building Offrcial, every applicant shall furnish a site plan. Such site plan shall: 5.2.1 Indicate the lot size and dimensions of the property; 5.2.2 Show the dimensions of any building existing and proposed and its relationship to adjoining buildings, parking spaces and their location, off street loading areas, location of driveways, landscaped areas, signs, fences and all other structures, drains and such other information as the Chief Building Official may require. 5.2.3 Indicate the proposed lot coverage; 5.2.4 Indicate the existing and finished grades and first floor elevations referenced to an established datum at or adjacent to the site in respect of which the application is made; 5.2.5 Show information relative to drainage; 5.2.6 Be prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) Professional Engineer licensed to practice Engineering in the Province of Ontario, when grades, elevations and drainage is provided on the site plan. 5.1 5.2 By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 198 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 5.5 -5- 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.7 The as-constructed top of foundation wall elevation shall be verified by an OLS or Engineer and written verification of the as-constructed top of foundation elevation shall be submitted to the Chief Building Offrcial stating the as- constructed elevation is within reasonable tolerance of the proposed top of foundation wall elevation. Structural framing of the building shall not coûlmence until such written verification has been received by the Chief Building Offrcial. The as-constructed finish grades, building elevation surface drainage of the building lot shall be verified by an OLS or Engineer and written verification of such grades and elevations shall be submitted to the Chief Building Offrcial. The finish grades and elevations shall be within reasonable tolerance ofthe proposed grades, elevations and surface drainage. The letter of grading confirmation shall be referred to as a grading certificate. Reasonable tolerance shall be considered to be plus or minus 150mm (six inches). In lieu of separate specifications, the Chief Building Offrcial may allow the essential information to be shown on the plans; Plans submitted shall be legible and be drawn to scale upon paper or such other suitable and durable material as the Chief Building Offrcial may require. Plans and specifications furnished according to this By-Law or otherwise required by the Act become the property of the municipalþ and will be disposed of or retained in accordance with relevant legislation. 'Where a permit has been issued, application shall be made in writing to the Chief Building Offrcial for any revision of the permit before any change is made. Where application is made for a demolition permit under subsection 8(1) of the Act, the application shall: 5.7.I Contain the information required by clauses 4.3.I to 4.4.4. 5.7.2 Be accompanied by satisfactory proof that arrangements have been made with the proper authorities for the cutting off and plugging of all water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone or other utilities and services. By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 199 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -6- Where application is made for a conditional permit under subsection 8(3) of the Act, the application shall: 5.8.1 Contain the information required by clauses 4.3.I to 4.4.4 5.8.2 Contain such other information, plans and specifications concerning the complete project as the Chief Building Official may require. 5.8.3 State the reasons why the applicant believes that unreasonable delays in construction would occur if a conditional permit is not granted. 5.8.4 State ttre necessary approvals, which must be obtained in respect of the proposed building and the time in which such approvals were obtained. 5.8.5 State the time in which plans and specifications of the complete building will be filed with the Chief Building Official. Every application for a change of use permit issued under subsection 10(1) of the Act shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official, and shall: 5.9.1 Describe the building in which the occupancy is to be changed, by a descrþion that will readily identiff and locate the building. 5.9.2 Identiff and describe in detail the current and proposed occupancies of the building or part of a building for which the application is made. 5.9.3 Include plans and specifications which show the curtent and proposed occupancy of all parts of the building, and which contain suffrcient information to establish compliance with the requirements of the Building Code, including: floor plans; details of wall, ceiling and roof assemblies identifying required fire resistance ratings and load bearings capacities. 5.9.4 Be accompanied by the required fee. 5.9.5 State ttre name, address and telephone number of the owner. 5.9.6 Be signed by the owner or his or her authorized agent who shall certiû/ the truth of the contents of the application. 5.8 5.9 By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 200 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -7- 5.10 Where an application for a permit or for authorization to make a material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a permit was issued, contains an equivalent material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested, the following information shall be provided: 5.10.1 A description of the proposed material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested. 5.L0.2 Any applicable provisions of the Building Code. 5.10.3 Evidence that the proposed material, system or building design will provide the level of performance required by the Building Code.6.0 FEES 6.1 Fees for a required permit shall be set out in Schedule "4" to this by-law and are due and payable upon submission of an application for a permit. 6. 1.1 Fees payable in respect of an application for a change of use permit under Subsection 10(1) of the Act are based on a flat rate of $80.00 as set out in Schedule "4". 6.L.2 Occupancy Permits for residential dwelling units shall have a flat rate fee of $200.00 6.2 Where the fees are based on the cost or valuation of the proposed work regulated by the permit, including the cost of all material, labour, equipment, overhead and professional and related services. The Chief Building Offrcial may place valuation on the cost of the work and the applicant shall pay the prescribed fee before the issuance of the permit. 6.3 The permit fee may be recovered if the project is abandoned with a refund as set out in Schedule'8" 6.4 A refundable security deposit in the amount of $1500.00 shall be paid to the Municipality of Bayham at the time of building permit application. The deposit is to assure toøl completion of work required under the permit taken. The deposit will be held without interest until final inspection; the permit is closed and then will be returned in full. The security deposit will be required for building permits for construction of all dwelling units, all engineered buildings and to any building with an estimated construction value of $100,000 or more. By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 201 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 7,0 TIME OF NOTICE OF INSPECTION, RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES OF TIIE OWNERS 7.L The Person to whom the permit has been issued shall notiff the Chief Building Offrcial of: 7.I.1 The proposed commencement of construction of the building, two or more working days prior to the commencement thereof; 7.1.2 Any of the stages of construction specified in the building code, two or more working days in advance; 7 .I.3 The completion of construction before occupation, within two working days prior to occupation of the building; 7 .L.4 The change in the class of occupancy of any building, or part thereof. 8. SE\ryAGE SYSTEM PERMITS 8.1 Sewage Systems covered by the Ontario Building Code are those systems with a design capacity less than 10,000litres per day and which serve one lot. 8.2 A permit to connect to the Municipal Sewage System is required and the submission of plans detailing location slopes and materials used in the installation. An application will also be completed and an inspection of the new installation prior to back filling is required. If an existing septic system is to be abandoned to connect to the sewer, the following steps must be taken: (1) previously used septic tanks must be pumped out by a licensed pumpout operator (2) previously used septic tanla must be filled with sand, earth or broken down and bacldrlled or removed and properly disposed of. 9. ENFORCEMENT OF'THE ACT AND REGT]LATIONS 9.I As of April 6, 1998, septic standards enforcement became the responsibility of the Municipality as part of their enforcement of the Building Code. -8- By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 202 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 10. PROVISION FOR OFTENCES 10.1 Any person who contravenes any provision of the Building Code Act, or the regulations of any byJaw passed under the authority of the Building Code Act, is guilty of an offence and, upon sunmary conviction is liable to a fine or imprisonment, as provided by the Building Code Act. 11. BY.LAWS REPEALED 11.1 That By-law 2æ7-023 and all amendments regulating construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections be hereby repealed. 12. EFTECT Lz.l This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME AI\D NNALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF TEBRURARY 2OII. MAYOR CLERK -9- By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 203 of 215 SCHEDTJLE IIAII TO BY-LA\ry NO. 2011-011 1. RBSIDENTIAL BTIILDINGS a) New Single Family Dwellings $80.00 flat plus Multiple Dwellings $0.48 per sq. foot Additions to Dwellings Living area to include finished areas in basements. Structures in 1(b) will be an additional $0.48 per sq. foot b) Garages, carports, indoor swimming pools & accessory $80 flat plus buildings over 500sq ft, solariums, and any roofed $0.48 per sq. foot over decks or porches, etc c) Decks, ramps, wood stoves $80.00 flat Carports d) To construct an accessory building up to 500 sq ft $80.00 flat e) Renovations of accessory buildings & residences $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value Ð Residential, privately owned outdoor swimming pools: 1. Inflated Pool $55.00 2. Above-Ground Pool @ase of pool at ground level) $55.00 3. On-Ground Pool @elow ground level and with a $185.00 top elevation of a minimum of six (6) inches 4. In-Ground Pool (Top elevation of pool is at grade) $185.00 2. AGRICIJLTT]RALBT]ILDINGS a) Kilns - Tobacco Silo & Manure Tants $80.00 flat Bunk Houses b) Corn Cribs $80.00 flat Steel Granaries Hooped Barns c) Renovations to Farm Buildings $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per thousand By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 204 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 (b) (c) -11- Farm Buildings and Additions \Mith a building area up to 60om2 (6460 sq ft) Farm Buildings and Additions With a building area exceeding 60Om2 (6460 sq ft) 3. COMMERCIALINDUSTRIAL.INSTITUTIONALBTJII,DINGS a) New or Additions V/ith a building area up to 600m2 (6460 sq ft) b) New or Additions With a building area exceeding 60Om2 (6460 sq ft) c) Renovations of buildings & accessory buildings d) Other structures such as public pools, silos, wind towers, grain dryers, etc MISCELLANEOUS (a) Mobile Homes - as a second dwelling on a farm & trailer park d)$80.00 flat plus $0.24 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $0.16 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $0.24 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $0.16 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value $80.00 flat plus $8.50 per $1000 construction value $80.00 flat plus $0.48 per sq. foot $80.00 flat plus any conditions laid out by Council $80.00 flat plus any conditions laid out by Council 4. Modular Homes Temporary Mobile Homes (for supplementary farm dwellings) @enewable every 1-3 years at a cost of $80.00 for each term.) Temporary Mobile Homes (used on site while residence is under construction) (d) By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 205 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -12- (e) Existing buildings and houses moved to a new site $80.00 flat plus $0.48 per sq. foot Additions to these moved-in structures at the $0.48 per sq. foot time of move Additions to these moved-in structures at another time $80.00 flat plus $0.48 per sq. foot (Ð The Chief Building Offrcial may authorize the transfer of a permit to another contractor if the permit holder gives written permission. The fee for this service is a minimum $80.00 flat 5. DEMOLITION PERMITS a) Buildings located on a farm are exempt b) Partial demolition projects for any part of buildings under the categories of Assembly Occupancy, Industrial and Institutional Buildings shall be reviewed by an architect or professional engineer providing a report with respect to the affects of the demolition on the remaining parts of the structure or structures. c) Permit Schedule for Demolition: 1) Assembly Occupancy 2) Institutional 3) Industrial 4) Mercantile 5) Residential & Accessory 6. EXCEPTIONS $80.00 flat $80.00 flat $80.00 flat $80.00 flat $80.00 flat Inspections carried out for construction or installations falling $80.00 flat under the Building Code that do not have a building permit in place 1. Change of use permit $80.00 flat 2. Conditional permit as required under subsection 8(3) of the Act, and meeting the requirements of 5.9 to 5.9.5 fees for the complete project are required based on the applicable fee schedule in this by-law. By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 206 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -13- 7. SEPTIC SYSTEMS Class 1- are exempt as per Section (c) of Division C of the Ontario Building Code Class 2 - A greywater system, which can only receive greywater waste. Fee $180.00 Class 3 - A cesspool system, which can only receive waste from a Class 1 system. Fee $180.00 Class 4 - A leaching bed system, which accepts both human waste and greywater waste. Fee $375.00 Class 5 - A sanitary sewage system with an on-site holding tank for sanitary sewage produced on-site prior to removal by a haulage service provider; it can accept both human body waste and greywater. tr'ee $375.00 Leaching Beds - can only be used in soils with percolation times greater than 1 minute and less than 125 minutes tr'ee $375.00 Absorption Trench - shall have gravþ flow up to 500 feet of distribution pipe and beyond that it will require a distribution chamber with a pump to pressurize the system. Fee $375.00 Filter beds - the total daily design sanitary sewage flow shall not exceed 5000 L where the treatment unit is a septic tank, or 10,000 L where the treatment unit is another treatment unit described in Article,Division B of the Ontario Building Code Repairs to: Fee $375'oo Field beds, tanks and additions to held beds Fee $265.00 Lot Assessments - to be issued by and to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Offrcial as a condition of lot development Fee $80.00 Sewage Connection Permit 8. PLUMBING PERMIT tr'ee $185.00 Base $12.00 + $6.00 per fxture By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 207 of 215 By-Law 2011-011 -14- SCHEDULE '68'' TO BY-LAW NO. 2011411 REF'T]NDS: Pursuant to Part 6 of this By-Law, the permit fees that may be refunded shall be a percentage of the fees payable under this By-Law, calculated by the Chief Building Official as follows: a) 90 percent if administrative functions only have been performed; b) 80 percent if administrative and zoning functions have been performed; c) 60 percent if administrative, zoning and plan examination functions have been performed; d) 50 percent if the permit has been issued and no field inspections have been performed subsequent to permit issuance; e) a $80.00 fee for each field inspection that has been performed after the permit has been issued will be deducted from all refunds; Ð If the calculated refund is less than the minimum $80.00 flat rate, no refund shall be made of the fees paid. By-Law 2011-011 A By-Law to regulate building construction, demolition, change of use permits, septic systems, sewer Page 208 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LA\M 20tl-020 AMENDING BY-LAW #2008-023 as amended by 2008-085 BEING A BY.LA}V TO PROVIDE FOR THE RICHMOND OUTLET DRAIN IVIIEREAS the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham by By-law #2008-023 enacted on the 3d day of July 20-08 provided for the construction of the Richmond Outlet Drain; and for the levy assessments upon lands and roads to which the Richmond Outlet Drainage works is chargeable; \ilIIEREAS Council did by By-law 2008-085, passed the 4ft day of Septernber 2008, reapportion the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D'; \ilHEREAS it has been deemed that the assessme,nt for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated December 31,2007 attached to the Engineer's Report #205207 is incorrect; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to replace the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated December 31,2007 with the attached Schedule 'D' dated January 28,2011; NO\ü THEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLO\üS: 1. TIIAT the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated December 31,2007 attached to By-law 2008-023,be repealed and replaced with the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated January 28,2011 attached hereto; 2. THAT the apportioned costs of any future maintenance work authorized by the Council of the Municþality of Bayham and carried out under the supervision of the Drainage Superintendent on the Richmond Outlet Drain shall reflect the reapportionment in amending ByJaw 2008-085; 3. THAT in all other respects By-law 2008-023 be hereby confirmed until such time as Council accepts a new Engineer's Re,port assessing this portion of the Richmond Outlet Drain; 4. THAT this By-law comes into full force and effect upon the passing thereof. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this lTth day of February 2011. Mayor Clerk By-Law 2011-020 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2008- 023 (Richmond Outlet Drain) Page 209 of 215 SCHEDULE'D' - ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE RICHMOND OUTLET DRAIN ülunicipality of Bayham Job No. 205207 Revised : January 28, 2011 December 31,2007 HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN N.T.R. Pt. 109 0.47 N.T.R. R.109, 110 4.40 N.T.R. Pt, 110 3.53 N.T.R. Pr. 110 0.101 N.T.R. Pr 110 0.580 N.T.R. Pr. 111 0,21 N.T.R. Pr. 111 0.079 N.T.R. Pt. 111 0.100N.T.R. PL 111 0.037 N.T.R. Pt. 111 0.040 N.T.R. Pr 111 0.040 N.T.R. Pr. 111 0.083 s.T.R. Pr. 110 11.16 s.T.R. Pr 110 0.372 s.T.R. P1.110, 111 0.186 s.T.R. Pt.l10, 111 8.47 s.T.R. Pr.110, 111 3.92 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.162 s:T.R. Pr 111 0.162 s.T.R. Pr. 111 0.162 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.081 s.T.R. Pt. 11'l 0.194 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.113 s.T.R. Pt 111 0.085 s.ïR. Pr. 111 0.190 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.263 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.227 s.T.R. R. 111 0.117 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.150 s.T.R. Pr. l1l 0.150 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.150 s.T.R. Pr. 111 0.150 s.T.R. Pr. 111 0.124 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.082 s.T.R. Pr. 111 0.300s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.186 s.T.R. Pt. 11r 0.140 s.T.R. Pt. lll 0.150 s.T.R. Pr. 111 0-176 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0_',170 007-04s00 (P. & K Wall) O.20 % 007452-20 (L.G. & S.A. McEachren) 1.80 007-052-10 (C. & S. Teichroeb) 1.50 00745G.00 [f.4 M.Giesbrecht) 0.20 007-07900 (Ricimond Cemetery Trustees) O.2O 007452-00 (8.G. & T. Breedon) 0.30 0.20007-08G00 (O. Stanat) 007-081-00 (1.E. & B.L. Acre) 2.8O 007482-00 (C. Szvetecz) 0.10 007-083-00 (K.C. & P.G. Emerson) O.tO 007{84-00 (P. Knelsen) 0.10 007{8il0 (1,& N.Gesbrecht) 0.20 007-02ffi0 (1.D. & L.E. Milmine) 4.60 007-125-'10 (1.D. & H.B. Thiessen) 0.80 007-12æ2 (M.J. Dykstra) 0.40 007429{,2 (571515 Ontario Ltd.) 3.50 00742906 (J.M. & J.S. Walker) 1.60 007-12s00 (R.T. OlnéV) 0.30 007-12+oO (J. & K. Peters) 0.30 007-12340 (4.M. Crouse) 0.30 007-12240 (L.M. Crouse) 0.20 OO7-121ú (P.G. Bartsch & H.H. Knelsen) 0.40 007-12040 (C.S. Brackenbury) O.2O 007-119-00 (4. & J. Janzen) 0.20 007-118{0 (R.G. Doughtingrton & L.E. Doughtington) 0.40 007-117-94 (Doughtington & Doughtington Pipe Organ Sen 0.50 007-117-92 (1.M. & W.L. G¡bbons) O.SO 007-117-90 (D.G. &4. Wiebe) 0.20 007-02925 (571515 Ontario lnc.) 0,30 007{29.20 (571515 Ontario lnc.) 0.30 007-02915 (P. & A. DriedgeQ 0.30 007-029-10 (S.M. Gibbons) 0.30 007-02$.05 (571515 Ontario lnc.) O.2O OO7-'117-O2 (J.F. A K.F. Fehr) O.2O 007-117-00 (1.D. & J.M. Simpson) 0.60 007-11640 (J. Vanderloo) 0.40 007-11il6 (A. Canoll) 0.30 007-11440 (H. e J. Schmitt) 0.30 007-11m1 (N.4. & C.A. Macaulay) 0.40 007-11S00 (G.D. Simpson) 0.40 By-Law 2011-020 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2008- 023 (Richmond Outlet Drain) Page 210 of 215 SCHEDULE ' D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE (Confd) RICHMOND OUTLETDRAIN Municipality of Bayham HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLLNo. (OWNER) MA¡NTENANCE COST MAIN DRAIN (Gonfd) 10 s.T.R. Pr. 111 0.194 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.162 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.103 s.T.R. Pt. 111 '0.243 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.291 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.162 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.073 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0121 s.T.R. R. 111 0.065 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.077 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.097 s.T.R. Pt. r11 0.301 s.T.R. Pt. 111 0.110 s.T.R. Pt1',t1& 112 0.283 s.T.R. Pt.111& 112 0.029 007-1 10-00 O.G. & T.L. Morse) 007-11}.20 (C.A.P. & M.C. Huard) 007-108-00 (P.D. Brooks) 007-109{0 (UnÍted Church of Canada) 007-1 1O-01 (W.R.l. Morse) 007-11300 (C. & K. Hildebrant) 007-11240 (J. & K. Fehr) 007-111-00 (J.1. & A.M. Dunn) 007-1 0$00 (G.R. Horvath) 007-102{0 (R.L. & J.M. Ganett) 007-101-00 (R.4. A D.S. Newell) 007-100-00 (M.8. & S.E. Ward) 007-09S00 (N. Thiessen) 007-09&00 (Municipality of Bayham) 007-10s00 (E.C. AcrÐ 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.50 0.60 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.60 0.20 0.60 =31:== !Y_!_l: u.40 7.æ 4.00 3.00 0.30 69.30 % 100.0 % TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS Heritage Une 2.31 County of Elgin Richmond Road 0.87 County of Elgin Ghurch Street 0.41 Municipalig of Bayham John Street 0.31 Municipality of Bayham James Street O.O2 Municipalig of Bayham Plank Road 0.003 Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR IIIAINTENANCE OF IIIAIITI DRAIN NOTE: All of the above lands noted with an asterisk, are classified as agricultural. By-Law 2011-020 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2008- 023 (Richmond Outlet Drain) Page 211 of 215 Page 212 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 20tt-021 AMENDING BY.LA\il #2008.084 BEING A BY.LAW TO PROVIDE FOR TIIE OTTER'S EDGE MT]NICIPAL DRAIN \ilIIEREAS the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham by By-law #2008-084 enacted on the 6ú day of Nove,nrber 2008 provided for the constuction of the Otter's Edge Municipal Drain; and for the levy assessments upon lands and roads to which the Otter's Edge Municipal Drainage works is chargeable; WIIEREAS it has been deerned that the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated June 26,2008 attachedto the Engineer's Rçort #206065 is incorrect; AI\D LIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to replace the assessment for maintenance Schedule 'D' dated Jvrre 26,2008 wittr the attached Schedule'D' dated February 3,2011; NO}Y TIIEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. TIIAT the assessment formaintenance Schedule 'D' dated Jwre26,2008 attached to By-law 2008-084, be re,pealed and replaced with the assessment for maintenance Schedule'D' dated February 3,2011 attached hereto; 2. TIIAT in all other respects By-law 2008-084 be hereby confirmed until such time as Council accepts a new Engineer's Report assessing this portion of the Otter's Edge Municþal Drain; 3. TIIAT this ByJaw comes into full force and effect upon the passing thereof. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 17ú day of Febru ary 2011. Mayor Clerk By-Law 2011-021 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2008-084 (Otter's Edge Municipal Drain) Page 213 of 215 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OTTER'S EDGE DRAIN Municipallty of Bayham Job No. 206065 Plank Road 1.09 County of Elgin Gravel Roadway . 0.31 Municipality of Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS f 3 0.28 01-095(Otte/s Edge Estates Ltd.) 13 0.13 01-09544(8. Greenfield) 13 2.61 01-096(J. Underhill) 13 0.29 01-09745(8. Heímbuch) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON I-ANDS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE MAIN DRAIN Revised: Feb.3,2011 Assessment Split Jan. 29, 2009 June 26, 2008 4.90 o/o '1.40 28.30 3.70 38.3 % 50.60 % 11.10 61.70 olo 100.0 0/6 13.50 o/o 5.80 19.30 % 58.00 % 22.70 80.70 % t00.0 % HECTARES PERCENTAGE OF CON. LoT AFFEOTED - -BALLXq-(QI¡-INERI MAINTENANCE GOST MAIN DRAIN ,2 *2 2*2 2*2 BRANGH "No.l" Plank Road GravelRoadway TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON I.ANDS 01-095(Otter'S Edge Estates Ltd.) 01 -095-04(8^ Greenfield) County of Elgin Municipality of Bayham 13 0.28 13 0.13 0.59 0.31 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BRANCH "No. l" By-Law 2011-021 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2008-084 (Otter's Edge Municipal Drain) Page 214 of 215 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-022 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETTNG rrELD FEBRUARY 17, 20ll WIIEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municipal Act,2007 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200I, the powers of Council are to be exercised bybyJaw; Af[D WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meetingbe confirmed and adopted bybyJaw. THEREFORE THE COI]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held February 17,201I is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME and finally passed this 17th day of February,20ll. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-022 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 215 of 215