HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 16, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, September 16, 2010 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville and related topics. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter "The Elgin Advantage" dated September 2010. File: A16 (b)Correspondence received September 8, 2010 from Correctional Service Canada regarding "Restorative Justice Week 2010". File: A16 (c)Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held June 10, 2010. File: C06 (d)Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 11 and September 8, 2010. File: C06 (e)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. File: E00 5-12 13-16 17 19-21 23-29 31-40 Page 1 of 115 Council Agenda September 16, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (f)Correspondence dated September 2, 2010 from Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital regarding "Sand Plains Economic Development Fund". File: F11 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon (b)Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. File: D11.DYGOS 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending August 31, 2010. File: P10 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Sept. 5, 2010 totaling $60,608.14. (b)Correspondence dated September 7, 2010 from Spriet Associates regarding "Corinth Pavilion". File: C13 (c)Staff Report PW2010-17 regarding Waste Recycling Strategy - Continuous Improvement Fund. File: F11 (d)Staff Memorandum regarding Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line. File: S09 41-42 43-53 55-72 73 75-87 89-90 91-92 93-94 Page 2 of 115 Council Agenda September 16, 2010 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (e)Staff Report C2010-11 regarding Compliance Audit Committee Appointments. File: C07 10.ENVIRONMENT 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 12, 2010. (c)Confidential Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Volunteer Fire Service) (d)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-087 A By-law to appoint members to the Elgin Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee (b)By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) (c)By-Law 2010-089 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 95-97 99 101-113 115 Page 3 of 115 Page 4 of 115 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville September 02,2010 7:00 pm 7:30 p.m. Public Meeting - Planning (Znning) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayharn was held on Thursday, Septernber 2, 2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk L>nda Millard. Fire Chief / By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch was in attendance to present his report. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECTJNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regularmeeting of Council held Augustlz,20l0. 2010-358 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT the minutes of the regular meeting held August 12,2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) 2010-359 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural ByJaw 2002'93, correspondence from Doug Lester requesting fee waivers to host an all candidates meeting be added to the agenda as items 9(d)." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page I of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 5 of 115 Council Minutes September 02,2010 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Michael Timmesl¿ps, Outback Camping, regarding request for exemption from noise by-law until 3 a.m. on long weekends during $lmer months to host camping / concert events. Item 8(a) Mr. Timmermans provided a handout that outlined community benefits he believed would result from visitors to his campgtounds. He suggested exemption from the noise by-law until 3:00 a.m. on the long holiday weekends throughout the summer would encor¡rage more visitors to stay at his site resulting in financial benefit to local businesses. When questioned, he indicated that he had approached some neighbours and they did not object to his proposal for exemption from the noise byJaw. He indicated his willingness to compromise by an exemption until l:00 or 2:00 a.m. It was noted that it was too late for Council to approve an exemption for this Labour Day weekend as public notice must be placed in a local ne$/spaper in advance u (b) 7:15 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal - regarding Estherville Stones and other related matters. Mrs. Hoshal noted that volunteers had moved the markers from the Glen Erie st¿þilization project to the Estherville cemetery. She suggested there are still more markers 150' frirther to the north of the project site, however, it is unsafe to remove them. She added that the pilgdms would like to have a plaque placed at the cemetery to identifu why the additional stones had not been relocated to Estherville. She agreed that the group would prepare draft wording for consideration. Mrs. Hoshal commented that the markers placed at the Old Eden cemetery needed to be repositioned to face west, similar to the e¡¡isfing ones. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Correspondence dated August 19,20L0 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Five Year Review of the Provincial Policy Statement 2005'. File: 416 (b) Correspondence dated August 19,2010 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Dealing with Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Your Municipality". File: 416 (c) Bayham Harbourfront Çommittee minutes of meeting held August 17 ,2010. File: C06 (d) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee Meeting minutes of meeting held July 8,2010. File: E00 (e) Correspondence dated August 12,2010 from Elgin County OPP regarding "An Open Page 2 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 6 of 115 Council Minutes September 02,2010 Letter to the People of Ontario from OPP Commissioner Chris D. Lewis". File: P17 2010-360 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'TTIIAT information items 5(a) through 5(e) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 1. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS 2. PUBLIC MEETING 20t0-36t Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by De,puty Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. PUBLIC MEETING (a) 7:30 p.m. - Jo-L1'nn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning - to consider a rezoning application and draft Zoning By-Law 2583-20L0 forthe MacNeil Subdivision, PortBurwell. 2. DECLARÄTION OF PECTJNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NÁ,TURE THEREOF None. 3. STAT'F PRESENTATION (a) StaffReport D2010-27 regarding Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. Rezoning. File: Dl4.JOLYNN2 The Report was presented by the Administrator. He noted that the Planning consultant and staff support the application. No comments f¡om the public were submitted. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. Page 3 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 7 of 115 Council Minutes September 02,2010 5. COTJNCIL COMMENTS AND OUESTIONS None. 6. ADJOURNMENT 2010-362 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 7:35 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. DISPOSITIONOFITEM 20t0-363 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReportD20l0-z7 regarding the Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc. rezoning be received; AND THAT the zoning of those lands located in Plan 30 Unnumbered Block 2 Registered Plan 11R4369 Part 2 be changed from site-specific Village Residential -7 Holding [R1-7(h)] to revised site-specific Residential - 7 Tnne (Rl-Ð; AND TIIAT ZoningBy-Iaw 2583-2010 be presented for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Correspondence dated August 16,2010 from Michael Timmermans requesting exemption from the Noise By-Law until 3 a.m. on long weekends during the summer months. File: P01 2010-364 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Tf TIIAT correspondence dated August 16,2010 from Michael Timmermans requesting exemption from the Noise By-Law until3 a.m. on long weekends during the summer months be received; Page 4 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 8 of 115 Council Minutes September 02,2010 AND THAT the appticant submit a formal application to the Municipality in April 2011 listing dates and times of events to be considered for exemption; A¡ID THAT the applicant comply with "I)etails of application for exemptionrr as outlined in By-Law 2001-57, including proof of publication." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport P2010-0ll regarding Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. File: P16 2010-365 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THA.T Staff Report P2010-011 regarding Self Contained Breathing Apparatus be received; AIID THAT Council amend the 2010 budget to allow the Bayham Fire and Emergency Service to purchase new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, Rapid Intervention Kits and Firefighter Facepieces including frt testing as outlined in the quote from AJ Stone and Company for the total price of $110,426 + HST by utilizing funds from Fire Department reserves.'r CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSOI\NEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque#8926 to Cheque #9054 ínclusive, except Cheque #8606 totaling S306,102.06 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending August 8 and August 22,2010 totaling $60,841.91 and $59,310.75 respectively. 2010-366 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT Cheque Register being Cheque #8926 to Cheque #9054 inclusive, except Cheque #S606 totaling $306,102.06 and Payroll I)isbursements for the period ending August I and August 22,2010 totaling $60,841.91 and $59'310.75 respectively be approved. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated August 8, 2010 from Randy Bradfield requesting to place a memorial bench in Port Burwell. File: Cl3 Page 5 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 9 of 115 Council Minutes September 02,20L0 20t0-367 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT correspondence dated August 8, 2010 from Randy Bradfield requesting to place a memorial bench in Port Burwell be received; TIIAT Council approves the request from Randy Bradfield to place a memorial bench in memory of his parents in Port Burwell; At\D TIIAT Mr. Bradfield make arrangements for the placement of the proposed bench with the Public Works Manager.'r CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport C2010-10 regarding Restricted Acts afterNomination Day - Project Ojibwa. File: L04 The Administrator advised that several issues preclude moving forward with Project Ojibwa by October. He suggested that the federal government consider extension of the Community Adjustnent Fund closing date as dredging and other details cannot be arranged prior to October lst. 2010-368 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THÄT StaffReport C2010-10 regarding Restricted Acts after Nomination Day - Project Ojibwa be received; THAT the approved 2010 Municipal Budget - Capital, be amended to include Project Ojibwa at a cost of $200,000, and that financing be designated from future property lease payments with specific components to be approved by Council." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Charnber of Commerce request for fee waiver of Bayham Community Centre to hold an all candidates meeting. File: Cl3 20r0-369 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw |'THAT correspondence from Doug Lester, Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce, requesting fee waivers for an all candidates meeting be received; Page 6 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 10 of 115 Council Minutes September 02,2010 AND TIIAT Council approves a fee waiver for use of the Bayham Community Centre on September 29 except for the cleaning fee of $60." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) StaffReport E2010-10 regarding Ontario Small Waterworks Asistance Program (oswAP 3). File: Fll 2010-370 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT StaffReport 82010-10 regarding Ontario Small Waterworks Assistance Program (OSWAP 3) be received; AI\D THAT Staffbe authorized to prepare the necessary documentation for application for supply and treatment system changes for the Richmond Water System under the Ontario Small Waterworks Assistance Program Phase 3." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffMemorandum regarding Ricbmond Water Hydrogeological Study Update. File: E08 2010-371 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT Staff Memorandum regarding Richmond Water llydrogeological Study Update be received for Ínformation." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE There were no In Camera items. 12. BY.LAWS (a) By-Law 2583-2010 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Jo-Lynn) 20t0-372 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw Page 7 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 11 of 115 Council Minutes September 02,2010 "THAT By-Law 2583-20l0rfurther amending By-Law 7A56-2003, be read a first second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED IJNANIMOUSLY (b) By-law 2010-086 A By-law to confinn all actions of Council 2010-373 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evantiski rrThat confirming Bylaw 2010-086 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 2010-374 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:19 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 8 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 2, 2010. Page 12 of 115 MBER 20 IO The STUDENTS SUCCESSFUL AT BEING BOSSES The 2010 summer has been great for Elgin County students! Once again, our students have given it their all and shown great initiative in starting their own businesses.The Elgin Business Resource Centre (E?.RS) and the SUmmefElgin/St.ThomasSmallBusiness --Cômpany Enterprise Centre (SBEC) boast one of the largest Summer Com- pany groups in Ontario, including one of the largest groups of high-school level kids! Even larger than London!This year,a record number of students applied to Summer Company and we proudly, had l4 students work through this summer's program. Every year; students are introduced to mentors, who volunteer time to answer questions and mal<e every student's summer business experience great. On August I I , students attended a Mentor Meeting at the EBRC to share experiences and get some helpful tips from mentors. Eric Loewen, EBRC Board of Directors Youth Directori is a former Summer Company graduate and now mentor. At this meeting, Eric made a special presentation on the art of good Communications Skills. The Summer Company businesses this year were quite varied. Many of our young entrepreneurs said they will continue with their enterprises part-time while at school. Elgin Summer Company businesses included: Digital Memories - JoshThiessen converts old photos to digal; digiølmemories@hotmail.com RY-LO ENTERPRISES - Ryan Lockner per{orms lawn maintenance; ry.lo.enterprises@gmail.com ELGIN BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTRE . Custom CritterCalqScott Monteith takes care of pets; localCCC@gmail.com. HARKNESS Lawn Care & Handyman Services; Tom Harkness; harl<nesslawn- care@gmail. com. Ca¡zelsTe- chie Repair; Taylor Carrt lpod/lphone glass repair; carzeyT4@yahoo,ca. Julia's Fine Art; Julia Castrogiovanni provides art lessons and murals; julia.castroO@gmail.com . D3 Dalton's D¡gital Ddgn; Dalton Risser performs computer tutoring/repairs; daltondigitaldesign@ gmail.com. Natalie's Art Studio; Natalie Castrogiovanni provides art lessons and murals; hey.nati@gmail.com Congratulations all students on your success this summer and all the best for the new school year! Success Story: PaulThistle of Elgin County Cycle 3 4Buy Local, Buy Fresh Recipe Meet the Staff Back, L-R:JoshThiessen, Ryan Lockner, Scott Monteith, and Tom Harkness. Front, L-R:Taylor CarçJulia Castrogiovanni, Dalton Risser, and Nacalie Cascrogiovanni. - - .¡-L -- --, ¡tl ,rß. l'A Conrrnunity Futures Dcvclopment Corporation www.elgincfdc.ca Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter "The Elgin Advantage" dated September 2010. Page 13 of 115 SMALL BUSINESSWEEK ocToBER 17 - 23,20 l0 Canada's National Small BusinessWeek celebrates the spirit of our entrepreneurs. Events across the country encourage local small businesses to participate and showcase their talents or services in tradeshows and educational events. On Wednesda¡ October 20, the St.Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Small Businss Sample Show at St.Anne's Centre.The EBRC will be there with our booth so be sure to stop by! The Sample Show will showcase St.Thomas's very best businesses and associations, with 56 exhibitors and four special hospitality/food services businsses. Admission is free. Come by and learn all about local small businesses and what they have to offer! Several prizes are available to be won valued at $ 100-$200 each.Tickets available for purchase at the show. Sample Show: October 70,4 - 7 p.t. St.Anne's Centre, St.Thomas CHECK OUT EBRC HOME. GROWN BUSINESSES The EBRC is a proud sponsor of the lnternational Plowing Match this September 2l-25.Join us! Stop by our booth to learn more about our services, meet staff, and learn about our homegrown successes right here in Elgin County. Our booth is located in the County of Elgin area in the ProgressiveTent. The hours of the IPM are 8:30 am to 5 p.; Tuesday to Saturday. See you there! The Elgin/St.Thomas Small Business Enterprise Cen- tre and the EBRC are proud to host Elgin's fìrst ever Bridges to Better Business Conference.The one-day conference will be held during Small Business Week on Thursda¡ October 2lat Malahide Community Place in Springfìeld. The conference will focus on helping local businesses marl<et themselves more effectively through the use of new, traditional, and social media.The day will offer a variety of seminars for attend- ees to choose from as well as well-known keynote spealcers delivering timely information. Don't miss it! The fee to attend is $50 and includes lunch. For more information or reg¡stration, contact Ronda at 5 I 9-ó33-7597 ext. 30. Bridges to Better Business Conference October 21,2010 Malahide Commun¡ty Place Springfield, Ontario å,slt Ë ^,,.i :,. ^ Bridges to Better Business N .lY--un f,t Ontario Sr. Tnor"res a DrstR¡c:T CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'['his Month NETWORKING WEDNESDAYS Join one of our NetworkingWednesday meetings and hear informative speal<ers deliver information you can use right away. Meetings are held at our offices at 300 South Edgeware Rd. the lastWednesday of every month from 5:00-6:30 pm. Registration is required. A $ l0 fee applies. Call 5 19-633-7597. UPCOMING MEETINGS: SEPTEMBER 29 - Pre-launch to eclub;ebusiness overview j'ôCfOggR 27 - Marketing through the seasons NOVEMBER 24 - Keeping records for the tax man Networking Wednesdays Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter "The Elgin Advantage" dated September 2010. Page 14 of 115 SUCCESS STORIES: DOING WHAT HE LIKES BEST - PAULTHISTLE lmagine your favourite hobby turned business. That's exactly what PaulThistle did when Formet lndustries initiated layoffs in September 2008. Paul witnessed the slowing economy and company down- sizing and took his severance hoping to start some- thing new when the layoffs occurred."l was tired of factory work anywa¡" says Paul,"When I heard about the Self-Employment Benefit Program, I decided to make a change." At Formet, Paul was an lndustrial Millwright with eight years at the plant. He also had more than 20 years behind him as a Millwright in Newfoundland's mining, paper mills, and hydroelectric industries. But through- out his career, Paul always found time to worl< on one of his true passions: riding and repairing motorcycles, As of Spring 2009, Paul had left factory life well behind to pursue his goal of operating a motorcycle shop, Elgin County Cycle.Toda¡ his shop is just two minutes from where Paul used to worl< at Formet. Paul visited the EBRC in January 2009 for counselling with Gordon Hall and entry into the SEB Program. "Taking the program was a huge leap of faith," Paul says."l'm in my fifties and the idea of striking out on my own was intimidating, but the program helped giving me steps on what to do and how to do it." Paul admits he had his own ideas about business and how to get started before entering the program."l thought I knew what I was doing, but the whole program un- dertaking was a complete revelation. Starting my own business was a bigger deal than I thought it was going to be," Paul adds. ln the SEB program Paul discovered the amount and type of insurance he needed, plus the environmental aspects and concerns that needed to be addressed when opening a business like his. Paul's business plan has also evolved since he opened his doors, concentrating more on motorcycle repairs and sales of used motorcycles than on the small en- gine repairs and retail sales as originally intended."The more business I received, the more I realized that I wanted to sell used bikes too," says Paul.With l7 motorcycles to his name, Paul thought that perhaps he should start to sell a few."But, I didnt want to be a curb-sider. I wanted to mal<e sure everything followed Paul Thistle of Elgin County Cycle works motorcycles.You can fìnd Paul's shop at l2 St.Thomas. website: the law and regulations and b!¡ild ?.J customers would recognize good Paul says. Paul completed his MôföÈçij Course, plus took another to ear:R, license from Ontario Motor cil (OMVIC) for legally buying and: torcycles. Paul also joined the Used G¡ Association of Ontario (UCDA),Whieli; helpful and supportive. To Paul's knowledge, there are no cycle shops in the local area, which business.And while he enjoys Paul is partial to vintage Japanese b least 25 years old.To his advantage; millwrighting experience with ence to make or repair those his own lathe and mill. Elgin County Cycle offers types of motorcycles and carburetor clean, tire change, adjustments, and complete tUhë,¡ The SEB (Self-Employment Benefìt) Prograrh Training Colleges and Universities. Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter "The Elgin Advantage" dated September 2010. Page 15 of 115 AUTUMN HARVESTVEAL STEW 2 tbsp vegetable oil 2 tsp dried oregano 3 C chicken stocl< 2 lb stewing veal, chopped I tsp dried thyme 4 ripe plum tomatoes chopped 3 carrots chopped l/2 tsp salt 4 small potatoes quartered 3 stalks celery chopped l/2 tsp pepper 3 C peeled & cubed squash 2 onions cut in chunks ll4 C all purpose flour Directions: ln large oven-proof pot, heat oil over medium heat. Brown meat.Add carrots, celery, onions, oregano, thyme, salt, and pepper. Stir for about 8 minutes.Whisk in flour and cook, stirring for I minute. Pour in stocl< and tomatoes and bring to a boil, scraping any brown bits stucl<to pot.Cover and bake in 325'F oven for one to I l/2 hours.Stir in potatoes and squash. Return to oven and bake, stirring occasionally for one hour longer or until veal and vegetables are very tender. lan & Connie Fosteç Elgin CountyVeal Producers,Aylmer. Flavours of Elgin IPM 20 l0 cookbook. Cookbook available at the EBRC. Marilyn Crewe, Community Economic Development Consultant at the EBRC can be reached at mcrewe@elgincfdc.ca or 5 I 9 -633 -7 597 extension 27. MEETTHE STAFF: cED CONSULTANT MARILYN CREWE Marilyn has been with the EBRC sinceAugust,2009. She orginally started in a Job Creation Partnership positon as the Newsletter Editor responsible for launching the fìrst edition of the Elgin Advantage. By December 2009, Marilyn had proven her value to the organization and was hired as Com- munity Economic Development (CED) consultant to take on a larger role and work on initiatives that promote partnersh¡ps with¡n the community. As CED consultant, Marilyn works with the EBRC team to develop workshops and conferences in the community that increase the presence of EBRC and its services.Though she has only been with the EBRC a short time, Marilyn has been integral to making projects happen, such as the Business Expo and the upcoming Bridges to Better Business Confer- ence."Part of my role is to identify potent¡al projects or activities which could lead to increased employment in the County.lt's a very rewarding position," says Marilyn. On behalf of the EBRC, Marilyn attends meetings, including Public Sector Liaison, Labour Force Development, andAylmer Economic Development Liaison Committee. --I-- --. ^rt ,rLß. The SEB (Self-Employment Benefìt) Program is funded through the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities.The Elgin Advantage is brought to you by the Elgin Business Resource Centre in cooperation with: l+l å3 Kùþmquepo lsio lf you would like to see a story covered in the Elgin Advantage, please let us know by forwarding your information to: 300 South Edgeware Rd StThomas, ON N5P 4Ll (5 f 9) ó33-7597 or dwebster@elgincfdc.ca www.elgincfdc.ca Limited ad space is available. Please call for rates. ELGIN BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTRE A Communiry Frrrurcs Dcvelopmrnt Corporation Can The EBRC is a proud sponsor of the Elgin-St.Thomas 20 I 0 lnternational Plowing Match: Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter "The Elgin Advantage" dated September 2010. Page 16 of 115 s I*I 83li'339""'service 8:ij3?"""ectionner Ottawa, Canada K1A OPg It gives me great pleasure to call upon all Mayors, Reeves, Councillors and community leaders from across Canada to proclaim Restorative Justice Week 2010. The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has been an active partner in the restorative justice community for more than a decade and has been proud to provide leadership to the annualcelebration since 1996. Restorative Justice Week 2010 will be held in Canada, and throughout the world, from November 14th - 2181 for the purpose of sharing the concrete learning and results that have come from the growing experience of practitioners and stakeholders in the application of a restorative justice approach and processes. The theme this year is "Reflexions Past, Present and Future", which acknowledges the beginning of a new decade as a good time to reflect on the growth and achievements of the past; to take stock of the present; and to set new objectives for the future. ln 2009, there were 164 towns and cities across Canada, representing almost 30% of the Canadian population, who proclaimed Restorative Justice Week. The provinces of British-Columbia, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia also proclaimed. You can see a list of the 2009 proclamations on our website at www.csc-scc.gc.caltexUri/rj2009/procO9-eng.shtml. Things you could do as leaders in your community include the following: . Declare / proclaim Restorative Justice Week 2010. Our website hosts a printable version of the proclamation form : www.csc-scc.gc.ca/texUri/rj201 0/genproc-eng.shtml : . Host a town hall meeting to promote an awareness of how restorative justice is expressed in your communities; . Promote an open, respectful dialogue in an effort to help members of your community deal with issues such as community safety and relationship deterioration caused by conflict, in order to nurture the healing process; . Challenge your community partners to create a local planning committee for Restorative Justice Week 2010 activities; . lnvite a guest speaker from your community, who is involved in restorative justice, to share their perspectives. Municipal participation in previous years has been a great success. This year, we hope to build on this success with your support. Please let us know if your city, town or village is planning an event or proclaiming Restorative Justice Week 2010. We would like to recognise your participation on our website and in our national report. Please fax a copy of the proclamation or the minutes of the meeting declaring/proclaiming Restorative Justice Week 2010, as well as your contact information, to the attention of Manon Buck at (6131943-217',1. Should you require someone to talk to your city council or if you would simply like more information, please contact CSC's Restorative Justice Division at RestorativeJusticeGDcsc-scc.qc.ca. Sincerely, Don Head Commissioner Correspondence received September 8, 2010 from Correctional Service Canada regarding "Restorative Justice Week 2010". Page 17 of 115 Page 18 of 115 5 Cc: ¿ BAYHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160, STRAFFORDVTLLE, ON. NoJ 1Y0 June 10,2010. PRESENT: Cheryl Peters, Bob Graham, Etoile Mc Cann, Ray & Marion Maddox, Robeft & Jeanette Heil, Corky & Barb Ouellette, Donna Baldwin, Alex Collins and Tom & Dorothy Godby Our meeting was held at the Edison Museum of Vienna, we had a delicious picnic meal brought by all members. President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM, welcoming members and quests. A motion to accept the minutes of ,May 13, 2010 was made by Barb Ouellette, 2"o.By Donna Baldwin Motion carried. PRESIDENTS REPORT: Ray spoke to Lynda Millard about the Bayham Historical Society supporting the Vienna Community Group in their bid to get the Sand Plains development Fund Grant to restore the old Vienna town hall built in 1852. The Vienna community Group would have to go through the Bayham Historical Society and the Vienna Community Group would be responsible for doing the paper work, we would have to work as a combined committee MOTION: A motion was made by Cheryl Peters for the Bayham Historical Society to become an add hock committee for the Vienna Commun¡ty Group to restore the old Vienna Town Hall built in 1852 with 2 members of the Bayham Historical Society on the Vienna Commun¡ty Group comm¡ttee. Any grant money rece¡ved would be put in a separate account under the Bayham Historical Society's name and called a "Restoration Fund". The Bayham Historical Society would monitor the cash flow as the building is restored as per the Municipality of Bayham's building codes. Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held June 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 19 of 115 The Bayham Historical Society will not take any legal or financial rcsponsibility Motion 2no. By Robert Heil Motion carried, TEA REPORT: Barb Ouelette and other members will hold a meeting to discuss our annual tea, any ladies who would like to come are welcome as we need all the input we can get. SECRETARYS REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported that She received a letter from the Municipality of Bayham and our Municipal Assistance Grant has been approved. We will receive the following: Use of the Municipal office for our meetings Storage space at the Edison Museum Use of the photocopier and supplied for minutes One used computer and accessories Corinth Craft and Car Show-Cheryl said she would set up the tables and bring items for them. Barb Ouellette will cover the table from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and Ray Maddox will cover from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. TREASURERS REPORT: Robert Heil repofted as follows. May 1, 2010---- ---.----$ 3668.25 Lottery Account-- -----.-$ L2B.B4 Petty Cash------ ---------$ 1.09 Share Account-- --------$ 70.00 EXPENCES: Insurance ............$ 350.00 Insurance Interest... .............$ 28.00 Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held June 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 20 of 115 Car Show-Corinth.... ...........$ 15.00 Edison Fest......... ..$ 250.00 INCOME: Family dues........ ............$ 15.00 CLOSING BALANCE AS OF MAY 31, 2010: $ 3055.25 Motion to accept the treasurers report was made by Robeft Heil, 2nd. By CorÇ Ouellette- Motion carried. ALL MEMBERS - Our speaker for September 9,20L0 is Robeft Heil who will speak on sorting and organizing the Weeks collection . ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: DONNA BAIdW|N SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Jeanette Heil will bring refreshments for our September meeting. MYSTERY OBJECT None this month. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on September 9, 2010 at the Municipality of Bayham Office at 7:30 PM. Please feel free to bring a friend. CLOSE MEETING: A motion to close the meeting was made by CorW Ouellette, 2*.By Jeanette Heil -Motion carried. Date President Secretary Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held June 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 21 of 115 Page 22 of 115 5 ( oG MUSEUMS BAYHAM Minutes of Augustllr2010 Meeting Bayham Municþal OfÏice, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hickey, Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Ron Bradfield, Brian Masschaele, Jean'Woon, , Mat Schafer Guests: Ian Raven-curator Elgin Military Museum, Alan Montgomery-project manager of Project Ojibwa. Regrets: Cheryl Peters 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None 3. A.GENDA: It was moved by R.Maddox and seconded by C.Buchanan that the agenda be approved as printed. Motion Carried. 4. MINUTES: It was moved by R.Bradfield and seconded by M.Schafer that the SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY ELGIN MILITARY MUSEUM Curator Ian Raven updated the committee on the status of Project Ojibwa. The Military Museum's board of directors will be making their decision on the location of the host community on Saturday August 14. In the event that Bayham (Port Burwell) should be chosen, they suggested that a potential merging of our Marine Museum with their Military Museum would be advantageous to us both. Potential benefits for Bayham include; full time staffprovided at no charge, full time curator provided at no charge, state-of-the-art facility to showcase our collection provided at no charge, adequate storage for our surplus collection and greater exposure for our collection and the "Pt. Burwell story". When asked how future management of the collection might work, it was suggested that while the current Museums Bayham committee should continue, a smaller liaison committee consisting of a few members from each of the Military Museum and Museums Bayham would meet to discuss our collections' management. A concem was raised about losing the "Bayham stoqy'' and getting swallowed up in the magnitude of the naval story. 'We were assured that all staff would be trained in order to knowledgably interpret our unique collection and that we would have input on how it was displayed and interpreted. A concern was raised that the new facility in Pt.Burwell would reduce our effective fundraising efforts for the new Edison Museum of Vienna. It was suggested that the large corporate donations being sought by the Military Museum would be aimed at major national defence contractors, which would probably not be targeted by the Edison Museum for sponsorship. Although no definite decision is required at this time, there was a general consensus that further investigation into the potential merging of museums was desirable. Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 11 and September 8, 2010. Page 23 of 115 Museums Bayham August 11,2010 2 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Email from Kirk Barons, requesting permission to sell booklet "Amish of Aylmer" in our museums. It was moved by B.Masschaele and seconded bv C.Buchanan that we offer instead to promote his booklet 6. REPORTS: A) Marine Museum Report: 6.4.1) Signage: C.Buchanan has repaired the damaged sandwich-board sign with enlarged lettering. He also purchased an electric, remote- controlled "OPEN" sign, which is now in place. Chairman B.Hickey was directed to get quotes for roadside "open" flags. C.Buchanan wondered about using an existing banner, which should be stored somewhere on site. 6.A.2) Lighthouse Painting: Since we only have $19,000 in our budget for painting the lighthouse, Bayham Council will consider various funding options to cover the extra $21,000 at the August 12 meeting. Excalibur's Windows and Doors have quoted $41,301.00 with a 25 year limited guarantee. It was noted that we need to "put our best face forward" on the lighthouse in light of the possible increase in tourism caused by Project Ojibwa. 6.4.3) Fence Repairs: E. Matthews re,placed wooden posts and pickets. 6.A.4) Flowers and Mulch: Unfortr¡nately both baskets of hanging flowers have died. The donated flowers and plants were not the tlpe needed for the flowerbed and so were not planted. The students suggest that it is too late in the season to put down new mulch. 6.4.5) Needed lfardware: As per stafPs request, C.Buchanan donated a DVD player and a computer mouse. 6.4.6) Lifeboat p¡ilings & Anchor Repairs: R.Bradfield noted that attention needs to be given to the railings on the lifeboat to avoid safety risks as well as securing the anchor in place. Monthty Student Report: A written report was discussed. 6.8. Edison Museum Report: 6.8.1) Gingerbread Bracket Trim: Rick Dykshorn's new quote is $55 each to supply. N.Dawley has quoted $75 each to supply. Ed Mathews quoted $65 each to supply and install. It was moved by R.Maddox and accept the lowest quote. Motion Carried. Chairman was directed to get a quote to paint the brackets from McCord. 6.B.2BeefHoist Repairs: C.Buchanan made the necessaryrepairs to the beef hoist. Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 11 and September 8, 2010. Page 24 of 115 Museums Bayham August ll,20l0 3 EDISON MUSEUM REPORT ( continued ) 6.8.3) Monthly Student Report: A writtenreport was discussed. both the Edison and Marine Museum student employees be approved as circulated. Motion Carried. 6.C. New Edison Building Committee: Chairman J.'Woon. At a previous sub- committee meeting, it was decided to hire a professional fundraiser to assist with this significant endeavour. 7. MATTERS OUT OF THE MINUTES: a) IPM Antiques & Heritage Tent: C.Buchananreported that Mary Gladwin from Oxford County Archives, has taken the chair on this committee. Minutes of the July 7 IPM Planning meeting were distributed. He shared a draft plan for the layout of the tent. Both the Edison and Marine Museums will be loaning artefacts for the displays. The windmill from the Erie Shores Wind Interpretive Centre may also be used. Volunteers are still needed. Volunteer forms must be filled out and submitted to the IPM Volunteer Committee. b) Scarborough Maps: The maps have been produced and will be displayed at the IPM. Although we may not sell them at the IPM, mail orders can be taken or people can be directed to purchase them at one of our museums. c): Ministry of Tourism and Culture Grants: The Ministry has advised L.Millard that a re-submission of our 2010 application would not likely be successful. As there is not time to create a new application, it was suggested that we wait for the next deadline. 8. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday September 8, 2010 at7:00 pm Municipal ofEce. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by R.Maddox that the meeting be adjoumed at 9:41 pm. Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 11 and September 8, 2010. Page 25 of 115 Page 26 of 115 Ctcé MUSEUMS BAYTIAM Minutes of September 8, 2010 Meeting Bayham Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hicke¡ Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Ron Bradfield, Brian Masschaele, Jean'Woon, Cheryl Peters, Guests: Anna Schafer. Regrets: Mat Schafer 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None 3. AGENDA: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by B.Masschaele that the agenda be approved as printed. Motion Carried. 4. MINUTES: It was moved bv J.Woon and seconded by C.Buchanan that the 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Email from Frank Prothero, of Pt.Stanley, congratulating us on the acquision of the HMCS Ojibwa. 6. REPORTS: A) Marine Museum Report: 6.4.1) Red, White & Blue íOPEN" flags: Chairman B'Hickey was directed to get quotes for roadside "open" flags. 6.A.2) Lighthouse Painting: On August 12, Bayham Council chose a funding option for the extra $21,000 needed to seal and coat the lighthouse with vinyl. Excalibur's Windows and Doors have been paid $15,000 down payment, and the work is to commence Sept.l3, 2010. 6.4.3) Fence Repairs: E. Matthews replaced wooden posts and pickets. Bayham Public Works Department removed the old material. Painting of the fence will commence in spring 2011. 6.A.4) Passport Winner Prize: The Port Burwell Provincial Park has donated 2 freenights camping for our passport winner. The winner has not yet been drawn. Finat Year End Student Report: A written report was discussed. 6.8. EdÍson Museum Report: 6.8.1) Gingerbread Bracket Trim: Rick Dykshom quoted $55 each to supply, N.Dawley quoted $75 each to supply, Ed Mathews quoted $65 each to supply and instalL Rick Dykshorn has been asked to submit a new quote to include installation. The Chairman has been authonzedto accept the lowest quote for the supply and installation. Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 11 and September 8, 2010. Page 27 of 115 Museums Bayham September 8,2010 6.8.2) Flagpole: A Vienna resident has complained about the terrible condition of our flagpole, which needs painting. There was some discussion regarding reconditioning the current flag¡lole so that it can be lowered for painting, then raised againby adding a hinge on the bottom. Also discussion followed regarding adding a flagtrlole for an American flag, to honour Thomas Edison's American heritage. The original pole from the Marine Museum is currentlybeing stored at Bradfield's Marina. be erected at the Edison Museum site for an American flag. Motion Carried. 6.8.3) Year End Student Report: A written report was discussed. Students have included recommendations for improvements for next year. These should be dealt with in spring 2011. There was discussion once again with hiring a mature student to act as supervisor for all other surìmer stafl since many do not perform well without direct supervision. Regarding slow computers, it was suggested that the Municipal IT specialist assess each computer at both sites to determine if they can be "defragged" or should be replaced. It was suggested that Municipal staff could bring in a tall ladder to replace the burned out light bulbs in the ceilings of the Edison Museum. It was likewise suggested that Municipal staffcould install the coloured glass panels in the Edison window, since they did it once already. It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by C.Peters that the written Year End as circulated. Motion Carried. 6.C. New Edison Building Committee: Chairman J.Woon. No Report 7. MATTERS OUT OF TIIE MINUTES: a)IPM Antiques & Ileritage Tent: C.Buchanan updated the committee on plans made to date. Copies of the IPM map were distributed. Volunteers are allowed to park in "Green Sticker" parking areas, which must be accessed from Yarmouth Centre Road. Once the Match starts, Yarmouth Centre Road can only be accessed from the south, not from Hwy #3. Volunteer Orientation will be held Saturday Septønber l1 at 9:00 am in the Lounge Tent. Breakfast is included. J.W'oon reported that she edited an article on Edison, which will accompany the display. b)Scarborough Maps: The maps have been produced and will be displayed at the IPM. Although we may not sell them at the IPM, mail orders can be taken or people can be directed to purchase them at one of our museums. It was moved by postage. Motion Carried. Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 11 and September 8, 2010. Page 28 of 115 Museums Bayham September 8,2010 3 c): Update on HMCS Ojibwa: On August 14 the Military Museum board of directors voted to locate the HMCS Ojibwa in Pt. Burwell, on Municipally owned land on the coal flats behind Home Hardware. Currently an Environmental Assessment for the fooþrint of the sub, plus a Load Bearing Capacity (LBC) study are being conducted by the Military Museum's engineers, along with a study regarding the flood plain for LPRCA. Once completed, the first instalment of CAF funding will be released. Then a concrete foundation can be poured and allowed to "cure". The sub is still in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia but must travel though the St. Lawrence Seaway before it closes for the winter, and will most likely spend the winter in Hamilton where it will be fitted with the mounting "saddles" and placed on abarge. In the spring of 2011 dredging will commence to reach an 8-foot depth in the outer harbour and inner creek. The barged sub will then be moved offof the barge and onto rubber-tired bogeys, which will move the sub into position on the concrete base. Representatives from the Navy are planning a trip to Pt.Burwell to meet us and to review the proposed site. Fundraising efforts have already begun, since there is a very real possibility that the sub may not be completely mounted by the CAF funding deadline of March 3l , 20ll . Any shortfalls in funding must be made up by the Military Museum's fundraising efforts. Chairman Hickey shared his recent experiences in Dartmouth where he visited the Ojibwa and was taken on a 2-hour tour inside the boat. He brought back many helpful names and contacts, which he will pass along to the project coordinator. L.Acre requested that the "Project Ojibwa" flag be raised in Pt.Burwell prior to the Navy's visit. B.Hickey volunteered to see that it was done once we leam the scheduled date for the visit. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A) 1911 Edison Console: J.rüoon and C.Peters traveled to St.Thomas to meet Steve V/ilson and to examine a potential artefact. The Edison Console is in good working condition and includes many cylinders all in excellent shape. It was noted that the Wilson familyhas formed a foundation, which we are encouraged to apply to for funding for our museums. J.'Woon agreed to make the application. Carried. B.Hickey volunteered to pick it up. J.Woon and C.Peters will look after the paperwork. 9. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday October 13,2010 at 7:00 pm Municipal office. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by R.Bradfield that the meeting be adjourned at 9:03 Dm. Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham minutes of meetings held August 11 and September 8, 2010. Page 29 of 115 Page 30 of 115 DN¡NKIN6 WATER ACT FOR CLEAN WATEF 5 LÒA LAKE ERIE 'oUR(EPROTECT¡ON RE6ION LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEET¡NG MINUTES Thursday, August'12, 2010 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee meeting held on Thursday, August 12, 2010 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Centre,400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present: C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, H. Comwell, P. General, M. Goldberg, R. Haggart, A. Henry, *K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Perrin, T. Schmidt, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, M. Wales, *D. Woolcott, W. Wright-Cascaden Members Regrets: J. Hanison, J. Laird, B. LaForme, L Macdonald, C. Martin, D. Munay, G. Rae, Proxy Representatives: R. Krueger (1. Macdonald), L. Perrin (D. Munay), P. Wilson (G. Rae) Liaisons: K. Tumer, Provincial Liaison; A. Dale, Source Protection Authority Liaison; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA;T. Marks, KCCA; S. Martyn, CCCA; Gommittee: K. Smale, CCCA, E. Vanhooren, KCCA Also Present: M. Anderson, GRCA; S. Brocklebank, GRCA; S. Cooke, GRCA; A. Davidson, GRCA; N. Davy, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; J. Farwell, GRCA; B. Fields, Norfolk County; E. Hodgins, Region of Waterloo; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA;T. Ryan, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; M. Sherran, County of Oxford; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; E. Stahl, GRCA; A. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA G. Ounapuu (Lotowater); n¡. Sherran (County of Oxford); Lynn Stafford (City of St. Thomas) 1. Gall to Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. Roll Gall and Certification of Quorum - 17 Members Constitute a Quorum Ql3 of members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 31 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 12,2010 Page2 3. Chairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: . Two public meetings for the Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report took place on August 5 in Tillsonburg and August 10 in Simcoe. . Paul Emerson will be retiring from the Grand River Conservation Authority and has accepted the position of Chief Administrative Officer with the Gounty of Brant. . Geoff Rae has accepted a position with the City of Hamilton and has resigned from the Source Protection Committee due to the change in municipal representation. . Eric Hodgins and Lonie Minshall will be accompanying representatives from the Ministry of the Environment as a delegation in China. They will be presenting the Source Protection initiatives currently underway in Ontario. * Don Woolcott joined the meeting at 1:05. 4. Review of Agenda The agenda was reviewed, and it was noted that a revised Report SPC-08-10-02, Six Nations of the Grand River Vulnerability, Threats and lssues was distributed. Movedby: A.Henry Seconded by: B. Ungar carried unanimously THAT the agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of August 12, 2010 be approved as revised. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnteres{ There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - July 8,2010 Movedby: A.Henry Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting July 8, 2010 be approved as distributed. 7. Hearing of Delegations None Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 32 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 12,2010 8. Presentations None Page 3 L Correspondence a) Copies for Members i) Correspondence from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment to Craig Ashbaugh and Lonie Minshall Re: Extension Request for Long Point Region and Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Reports. Res. Â/o. 56-10 Moved by: R. Krueger Seconded by: M. Ceschi-Smith carried unanimously THAT the correspondence be received as information. b) Not Copied None 10. Reports a) SPC-08-10-01 TransportationThreats M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-08-10-01. He noted that with the new regulation the committee can approve policies for transportation threats even if they have not included them in the Assessment Report. D. Woolcott asked if pipelines are considered a transportation corridor. K. Turner noted that she will investigate whether pipelines have been included as transportation corridors. A. Henry commented that local policies are not binding on provincial or federal highways. The SPC can create policies regarding transportation threats, but if a highway is not under municipaljurisdiction, that highway is excluded and the municipality has no ability to enforce a local policy. M. Keller agreed that local policies would not be binding on provincial highraays. A. Henry asked if anything could be done with respect to the Great Lakes and transportation threats. M. Keller replied that the committee can discuss this issue with the federal govemment. A. Henry stated that it is a limitation of the Source Protection Plan that it cannot create protection for highways or for the Great Lakes. K. Tumer mentioned that whether a policy is binding or not would depend on who it is directed at. She noted that the SPC can write policies to update spill prevention and spill contingency plans or emergency response plans without having identifìed any local transportation threats in the Assessment Report, and can provide recommendations to the province on best practice. A. Henry also noted that policies would need to address a specific threat which would mean knowing specific substances that are transported. M. Keller explained that the SPC Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 33 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee August 12,2010 Page 4 would have to pick a specific substance and could pick a worst case scenario as the basis for applying for a local transportation threat. W. Wright added that to place a berm requirement adjacent to províncial highways would be within the municipality's ability. *Ken Hunsbergerjoined the meeting at1:25. A. Henry noted that if or when a spill occurs, it will eventually get into the water courses or groundwater table and there is cunently a lack to properly account for transportation corridors as a threat. When finalizing the source protection plan, this is going to be an obvious flaw that the public will provide feedback on. M. Goldberg pointed out that the SPC previously considered non-stationary sources and he is not sure it is in the SPC's mandate. For the contaminants ín the discussed examples, the volume of traffic on the highway, the rate of salt application, tyæ of chemical must all be considered which triggers a number of possibilities and might be difficult to fit into the Source Protection Program. J. Oliver noted that if the SPC were to think back to last meeting when J. Harrison raised the initial concern for transportation conidors, his concem was specifically Highway 3 over the Lehman Dam. The Lehman Dam is a small confined physical area and it is under municipaljurisdiction. lt would be easy to put a policy (e.9., speed reduction) to mitigate the risk in this specific instance. J. Oliver reiterated that if the SPC does not address transportation conidors, it will be a major flaw in the plan. J. Oliver stated that he was disappointed that the recommendation for transportation conidors merely says that the'advisability of including...transportation threats...be further investigated." He expressed concem that the SPC may be beyond the point of whether or not the decision to include transportation corridors are advisable and that perhaps the SPC needs to look at this issue more definitely. J. Oliver asked if there would be adequate time to put this issue in an amended Assessment Report. M. Keller responded that there is no time to put the issue of transportation conidors into the draft or proposed Assessment Reports. However, M. Keller suggested that the next stage would be completing work for the amended Assessment Report by the end of the year and it is reasonable to include it at this point. L. Minshall noted that the word 'advisability' was used in the recommendation because of the volume of work that would be required to assess all of the transportation threats. ln the Cataraqui Region, she noted, the SPC looked at all roads and crossings and scoped them. The amount of work required to do this is quite large for Long Point Region and extremely large for the Grand River Watershed. lt is, therefore, worthwhile to discuss the scope of this issue. K. Tumer identified that the new regulation allows for non-binding policies for transportation corridors even if there are no threats identified. L. Minshall responded that the SPC would still need to discuss whether transportation threats are dealt with generally, or dealt with it as a scope of corridor size. J. Oliver responded that he had only been thinking of IPZ-1 and 2, and now he realizes that the WHPAs must also be considered. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 34 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee August 12,2010 Page 5 T. Schmidt proposed that the SPC needs to be careful of the approach taken, because there are other big issues in the watershed. There is the possibility of a spill in the watershed and it is not known what material it will be, but the appropriate protocols are for notification and response. lt may make sense in a focused area such as Highway 3 to have specific policies, but for the larger watershed it would be better to have broad policies, as opposed to trying to regulate individual materials. R. Krueger asked if the transportation of radioactive material has been considered a threat. K, Turner replied that the threat of radioactive materíal is not in the circumstances currently, so it would need to go through an application for a specific hazard rating. M. Goldberg noted that radioactive waste does get transported for nuclear power plants, and it is a concern in this region. Res. Il/o. 57-10 Moved by: M. Ceschi-Smíth Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the advisability of including at least one transportation threat in each Source Protection Area be further investigated and any resulting transportation threats be included in the amended assess/'nent reports in 201 1. b) SPC-08-10-02 Six Nations of the Grand River - lntake Protec'tion Zones Study Preliminary Vulnerability Scoring, Threats Assessment and lssues ldentification J. Etienne provided an overview of Report SPC-08-10-02. J. Oliver noted that the introduction to the report outlines that the work undertaken by the GRCA only relates to the off-reserve area of the intake protection zones while the Six Nations is conducting the assessment of the on-reserve area and asked if the information will be shared with the SPC at some point. L. Minshall responded that the anangement was that the GRCA would identify the intake protection zones and develop the threats inventory off-reserve while the Six Nations undergoes a parallel process of developing a threats inventory outside of the Glean Water Act. The Clean Water Act does not apply on-reserue and there is no requirement that the information ls included in the Assessment Report. P. General further elaborated that there is a parallel process and that early work can be viewed on www.sixnations.ca. More work needs to be done, but the Six Nations does intend to share the information with the SPC. C. Ashbaugh asked P. General to elaborate on the news that funding for a treatment plant for the Six Nations was received. P. General confirmed that funding was received for new treatment plant, with a larger, more modular system. The intake for this plant will be moved to upstream of the bridge. The new system will also have the capacity to service more residents. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 35 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Gommittee August 12,2010 Res. Â/o. 58-10 Moved by: M. Goldbery Secondedby: A.Henry Res. Â/o. 59-10 Page 6 A. Henry noted that he had a difficult time reconciling differences between the two versions of the report. A. Henry asked why paragraph two on page two (regarding the water treatment plant inability "of killing protozoa cysts such as giardia and cryptosporidium...") was deleted. J. Etienne replied that the report underwent a fluid editing process as the Assessment Report was being prepared. A. Henry expressed concern that an issue such as a WTP not dealing with protozoa was deleted from the report and asked that if there are any changes to updated reports that they be highlighted. J. Etienne responded that when he was generating the first copy of the report he cut and pasted information that was not to go into the report. S. Cooke added that the water treatment plant does chlorinate, which takes care of giardia. A. Henry disagreed that this was not the case unless there is sufficient contact time. S. Cooke replied that she was of the understanding that contact time and chlorination does help. A. Henry suggested that many systems do not have enough contact time. S. Cooke responded that the paragraph was removed in the effort of editing and flow for a tight deadline. T. Schmidt expressed concem that protozoa were not considered an lssue for Ohsweken. He suggested that, in the Grand River, protozoa is probably one of the biggest lssues and, form a treatment perspective, it is one of the most difficult to treat. S. Cooke responded that the lack of data is evident for Ohsweken. The lssues are classified as having a high uncertainty, and it is recommended that there be a more comprehensive sampling program. As for protozoa, S. Cooke agreed that they are likely lssues, but there is a lack of data to make this determination. T. Schmidt stated that the Region of Waterloo would be willing to share the drinking water quality information that they have, so that Six Nations can ensure the development of the water treatment plant that can properly address concems of the raw water. carríed unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to re-insert paragraph two on page two of the report SPC-08-10-02 regarding the water treatment plant. Moved by: M. Goldberg Secondedby: A.Henry carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to incorporate components of the report: "Six Nations of the Grand River - lntake Protection Zones Studf' (Stantec Consufting Ltd. June 2010) into the Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report, and make the results available to the public. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 36 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 12,2010 Page 7 c) SPC-08-10-03 IPZ-3lor Brantford Drinking Water lntake M. Anderson provided an overview of Report SPC-08-10-03. D. Parker asked why the list of dams has not been listed for any of the other studies. M. Anderson replied that dams are only considered for vulnerability when looking at the IPZ-1, and that the IPZ-3s were only recently delineated for the Grand River Watershed. Dams were taken into consideration for the delineation of the surface water intakes. D. Parker asked if the vulnerability scoring changed for upstream communities for IPZ-3 delineatíon. M. Anderson responded that the vulnerability score should not change significantly unless the intake was quite close. T. Schmidt noted that one of the issues with agricultural activity is that it is not one activity on any one farm, but the impact of the broad agricultural activity. Treatment can be provided for some activities and not for others, but it is not any one farm, it is the broad practice. Res. lVo. 6ù10 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to incorporate the delineation, vulnerability scoring and threat identification for the Brantford intake IPZ-3 into the Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report. d) SPC-08-10-04 Draft Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report M. Keller noted that the staff received comments with a fair amount of detail from the Ministry regarding the Long Point Region Assessment Report. Staff will be working on those comments for the September 2nd meeting of the SPC. M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-08-10-04 and he acknowledged that the committee has been given a tight timeline to review the report. M. Keller noted that if the Draft Assessment Report is approved, the public consultation closing date will be September 24th. There are five planned public consultation meetings and the last one in Brantford has been confirmed at Tranquility Hall (135 Francis Street). M. Keller acknowledged that the Paris WHPAs currently extend into the Region of Waterloo. Staff is working on this issue and it will now be addressed in the amended assessment repoÍ. He also indicated that the amended issues contributing area has been distributed. M. Keller noted that with respect to departures from the Technical Rules (Rule 15.1) staff is working through these and that the Region of Waterloo is working with the MOE on their differing approach to the calculation of impervious surfaces as it is a departure from the rules that is outside of the 15.1 Rule. A resolution to this will be included in the amended assessment report. Any quarries breaching the aquitard have not been Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 37 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 12,2010 Page 8 included in the cunent Assessment Report as a threat as response from MOE is still outstanding. The IPZ-3 for Ohsweken and Brantford will be included in the Assessment Report before posting, as well as the sections on the Great Lakes (chapter 17) and Climate Change (chapter 18) and conclusions (chapter 19). M. Goldberg asked why the MOE has not responded to the SPC's request regarding quarrying breaching the aquitard. K. Turner indicated that a response is imminent, and that the MOE had other related items that had to be addressed and responded to prior to that request. C. Ashbaugh noted he is comfortable for staff to complete the content and noted that the region is under tremendous time constraints. D. Parker noted that there is a typographical enor on page 6-10. The word should be 'Waldemar' as opposed to'Dundalk.' A. Henry stated that he tried to read as much as possible given the time and thanked staff for their hard work. However, he disagreed that there is a deadline that the SPC have to meet. A. Henry stated that he is not willing to sacrifice quality and work to achieve this in order for expediency. He realizes that the submission of the Assessment Report by December 23d is regulatory requirement, but the reality is there are no penalties. J. Oliver asked if it would help the concerns of some of the members to change the wording if the motion does not say 'approve' the document. He asked if the SPC could have a resolution that makes the document available for consultation without necessarily approving it. K. Tumer indicated that there was nothing in the regulation that required the official approval of the SPC for the draft consultation. \ /h Report would be im i 16th, but with the i:: way if it does not M. Goldberg commended staff on the job done to assemble the Grand River Assessment Report. He feels that the SPC is approving a draft report, is not approving the report in its final form and perhaps the motion could ensure to reflect those sentiments. M. Goldberg stated, however, that he has no intention of approving the Assessment Report in its final form until feedback is given by the MOE on identifying quarrying as a threat below the aquitard. A. Henry noted that if "approve" is not the best word it might be easier to "receive" the report and direct staff to proceed with the public consultation process. R. Haggart noted that approving a draft is not an approval of the document as it is not a final document. W. Wright added that the substance of the report is there and that it essentially only requires the final editing. J. Oliver suggested that the wording "the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee receive the Draft Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 38 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 12,2010 Page 9 and make available for Public Consultation' be used for the motion. L. Minshall noted that nothing in the regulation requires the word uapproved", but that it is wise to'receive' the draft report. Res. /Vo. 60-10 Moved by: J. Olíver Seconded by: B. Ungar carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee receive the Draft Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report and make available for Publ ic Consultation. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings K. Tumer clarifìed that there has been no change in guidance for septic systems to be removed from the Early Response Program. M. Wales requested that MOE provide a written statement that the province will not remove septic systems from the program. D. Parker asked if the Grand Valley is a GUDI well given that the WHPA-A for this well includes the Grand River. L. Minshall responded that it had been identified for GUDI investigation, but that it has been detennined that it is not a GUDI well. D. Parker asked if Waldemar drills an auxiliary well in a subdivision, and allows houses in WHPA-A, do the homeowners then have to upgrades to their septic systems. M. Keller responded that this is essentially a town r¡ater supply planning issue and a question for the town planners. 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period P. General clarified that the new water treatment plant in Ohsweken will be built firstly to improve the water treatment. Although it will have a larger capacity, the plant will not immediately begin to service more people;the pipes will be laid later in time. M. Goldberg asked T. Schmidt if the Region of Waterloo was planning a water pipeline to service its residents. T. Schmidt replied that it is common knowledge that the long term water strategy calls for other water source supplies and plans around 2035. Municipalities in the area, including Haldimand, Brantford, Six Nations and Brant County, are investigating the possibility of a pipeline should it become necessary. 13. Glosed Meeting Not applicable Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 39 of 115 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee August 12,2010 Page l0 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, September 2, 2010, l:00 pm GRCAAdministration Centre,400 Glyde Road, Cambridge, ON October meeting hosted by LPRGA in lllsonburg. 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meetíng of August 12,2010 adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held August 12, 2010. Page 40 of 115 TDMH 5 TILLSONBURC DISTRICT MEMORIAL TDMH is a community hospital commited to promoting health and providing exceptional patient care. HOSPITAL ft, September 2,20L0 Mr. Kyle Kruger Chief Administrative Officer Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plant Road Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOi lYO Dear Kyle: Thank you to all of the stakeholders who took the time to get together in June to plan for our application to the Sand Plains Economic Development Fund that would create a seniors plan for our region. You will see from the attached correspondence, from Tara Hagan, the Program Officer for the Sand Plains Community Development fund that, unfortunately, our project was deemed ineligible because it was not within the sectors identified as priorities for support (ie. Agribusiness and Food, Tourism, Green Products, Renewable Energy, Food Processing and Manufacturing). The lack of funding suppoft from the Sand Plains Community Development Fund will not preclude us from pursuing this impoftant initiative fufther and it would be my intent to work with paftners to seek other resources to do the work. Sincerely, 4^ Tom McHugh President and CEO 167 Rolph Street, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3Yg E-mail : mail @tillsonburghospital.on.ca Telephone (519) 842-3611 Fax (519) 842-6733 Website : www.tillsonburghospital.on.ca Correspondence dated September 2, 2010 from Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital regarding "Sand Plains Economic Page 41 of 115 From: Tara Hagan [THagan@sandplains.ca] Sent: August27,20L0 12:02 PM To: Tom McHugh Subject: Sand Plains Pre-proposal Feedback Hello Tom, Thank you for submitting your project pre-proposal Comprehensive Plan For Seniors (59-P001). After careful review, we have determined that your project is not eligible for the Sand Plains Community Development Fund. The pre-proposal was circulated to the Sand Plains policy advisors from Agriculture and AgriFood Canada, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Fed Dev Ontario. Comments were also provided from the Sand Plains Project Selection Committee. The pre- proposal was deemed ineligible for the Community Development Support component of the Sand Plains Community Development fund because it is not within the sectors identified as priorities for support. The following sectors are priorities for support: Agribusiness and Food, Tourism, Green Products, Renewable Energy, Food Processing and Manufacturing. The objective of the Sand Plains Community Development Fund is to assist ruralcommunities in the Sand Plains region to build a stronger, more diversified economy. Funding is targeted to community-based initiatives which support regional development, attract and retain people and investment, and stimulate business development and job creation. lf you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (519) 688-7263 or to I l-free t-877 -607 -7 263. Sincerely, Tara Hagan Program Officer Sand Plains Community Development Fund 7-877-607-7263 thagan @sa nd plains,ca Correspondence dated September 2, 2010 from Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital regarding "Sand Plains Economic Page 42 of 115 CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Graydon Severance E40ll0 DATE: September 13,2010 FILE: D10.10 Graydon NUMBERzD20l0-29 Purpose To consider a consent application for the creation of a new lot in the industrial park. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Brian Graydon proposing to sever 1.53 hectare (3.78 acre) and retain 17.74 hectare (43.8 acre) industrial and agricultural parcel. The subject lands are located on west side Bayham Drive. The subject lands are designated "Industrial" and "Agricultural" in the Official Plan and zoned Rural Industrial - Holding tM2-h)l) and Agriculture (41) in the Zonrng By-law No.2456-2003. The application is on the Septønber 30,2010 agenda for the Land Division Commiffee. Staff & Planner Comments The application is to create another industrial lot for the development of a warehousin/pnvate storage unit business. The Holding (h) provision is intended to restrict further development on the industrial lands until such time as a plan of subdivision and agreement is in place to ensure the proper development of the remaining lands. Section 8.7.3 of the Ofücial Plan states that consents will onlybe granted "when it is clear that a plan of subdivision need not be registered". It was the intention of these lands to develop as an industrial park to complønent the activity on the neighbouring Town of Tillsonburg lands. Four parcels have been severed from the "industrial park" lands through consent with the understanding that the lots would not impact the long-term development of the lands. The planner explains that outstanding issues warrant a plan of subdivision: l) large section of the interior lands are not accessible by current open public roads 2)larye portions of the industrial park are heavily vegetated. The owner has not demonstrated a long-term plan within the lands to ensure proper development. It is the planner's opinion that while we wish to encourage economic development, this consent cannot be supported due to the reasons above and there are too many unknown factors that might affect future lotting and road layout for the entirety of the industrial area. The planner cannot support the proposed consent. However, he proposes a revised development scenario based on one of the following approaches: Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 43 of 115 Staff Repo rt D20 I 0 -29 Graydon page2 o Preferred: a draft plan of subdivision for the remaining lands with support for the creation ofthe current proposed lot through consent o Alternative: submission of a conceptual plan of subdivision with no formal subdivision application showing the ultimate lot layout of the subject lands; less timely and expensive approach for the applicant, however, less control for the municipality for future development without a formal agreement Staffagree with the planner and are not comfortable with further consents prior to having an overall plan of development for the entire lands. Road layout, access, storm water management and drainage are serious concerns. Staffacknowledge the owner's intent to continue to promote future development for this property and agree that in order to address the expressed concems such as storm water management and drainage, that the minimum requirement be a conceptual plan of subdivision for the entire lands to ensure proper development. Attachments 1. Consent Application 840/10 2. ZonngMap Schedule".L" Map No. 2 3. IBIMemo dated September9,2010 Strategic PIan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION *THAT Staff Report D2010-29 be received; AND TIIAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application F"40ll0, submitted by Brian Graydon, be deferred until such time as a conceptual plan of subdivision is submitted to the municipality for consideration." Respectfully s ubmitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 44 of 115 COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PH0NE 519 631-1460 1. 2. Address Telephone Number f/7 - 689- 8// 7 P<x S-ft-gt< - 6ff- Name of owne/s solicitor or atfhorized agent Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners({ Solicitor( )Asent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfen / creation of a nðw lot Othec chaçe lease conection of title addition to a lot , easement ;. otherpupos",.' . . (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest ín land is to be transfened, leased or charged: L(rtKrtda¿n (c) lf a lot additÍon, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: APPL|GAT|ON FoR coNsENË{ m (a) Location of land: Concqsgion No. - (e[63b(e //Municipality Lot(s) No. /L 10 Rec¡¡sÈred Plàh No. Name of Street Street No. ¿' (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No (vz) lf Yes, deséribe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 67'ln Depth /d2,/ *, nrea f ,f? llo*^",. Existing Use Number and severed: Proposed Use .TnJ--*-,-/ 6. 'Description of land intended to be.retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontase /éL,-th f¡ëæta Depth [K,>-¿-nrea /7,7f l"*",*- Existing use Tn/*sfo,./ (á."nt Proposed tlse ln (*-f,o / Number and use of buíldings and structures on the land to be retained: n I Number and use of buildings.and structures (both'existing and proposed) on the land to be Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 45 of 115 -2- 7. Nuniber of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) I 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Ríght Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () v) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) ryPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately ovt¡ned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (specrfy) PROPOSED LOT () (v) () () () (v) () () RETAINED LOT () () () ñ¡nl 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary seu/age system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? utt(noutn 12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Tn'ln'f^ä1 14. 13. What is the Zoníng, if any, of the subject land? Has the subject land ever been the subjeet oi an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision or a Consent underthe Planning Act? Yes ( ) No (Ø Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 1S. lf this application is a re.submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been ' changed from the original application ila 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes V)No( ) Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 46 of 115 -3- (b) lf the.answerto (a) is Y-es, please indicate previous severances on the required sl<etch andsupply the following information for each loi severed: 17 ' ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simuttaneouslywith this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the futùre?yes Aû No (ó 18' ls the subject land c.u¡rently the subject of a proposed officíal plan or official plan amendmentthat has been submitted tothe Miniéterfor apprôval? Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Yes ()No V) lf Yes, and known, speciff the Ministry file number and status of the application 19' ls.the subject land curently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amendment,Ministe/s zoníng order amendment, minor variånce, or approval of à plän of su¡o¡vis¡onr Yes ()No (r) lf Yes, and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the planning Act? Yes V)No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No (/) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict wÍth the applibable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sl<etch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and thepart that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject'land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway.crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the cunent owner of the subject land; - thg approximate location of all natural and artiflcial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the applicãtion, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditôhes, river oi étream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allówance, a public travelleã road, iprivate ioaO or a rightofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the pafting and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 47 of 115 4- ì, ._, lO. Thå OwnelApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Gommittee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of .Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. The Applicant/Owner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of Information and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. fated at the lnn ot 1//-,/n-7 AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION 1¡y¡" ßn,*n 4 Gr-flo-, ottne f'/'-,à'Þ/* of -&-rcrÃo-,.-l in the GountY of F4'-, solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application.is true, and l/TVe make this solemn ãeclaration conscientiously believing ît to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the oANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECI-ARED before me atthe J tÐtÐ,r) inflre Gg-l¡ì- I ú) É ÚìcI:-C)&D this qil.day of 20 l-o- lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owneËs authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting wÌthout agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixéd. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $5OO.OO in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGINÉ An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 48 of 115 The county of Elgin Land Division.committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for consenfl, thefollowlng information be compteted for àil ãpdicáfàns: 1. Are ttr.erg anv bams located within 300 metres of the subject of ttris apprication?.Y-u"() No(Ø lf the answer is yES; aie these bams:i) Now used for lívestock? yes ( ) lr¡o ( )i¡) Capable of being used for tivestock? yes ( ) No ( ) NorE: lf you answered'yES'to #1. pLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPUCANT t\l,AME TELEPHONE coNc.TOWNSHIP LOT Tl LI-ABLE HECTARES (where tivestock Ëcílity located) FOR NO¡I-FI\RI\N.USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE ln order to calculate he minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each lpestockfacility wiürin 300 metes of the proposeo sevénance ano tocateo oñ ã sËpår,ate rot APPENDIX"A" Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Housing System check type BEEF0 Cows 0' Calves0 Feeders0 40G750 tb.0 400.1100 tb. SWNE 0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets Ghiclcen Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 TurkeyHens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters & Bam I Conñne. Caged , On Floor Above Grouna uncoffiñnr Below Ground Uncovered Tank Covered Pile Storage wit¡ Buck Walls Open Earh Sided Pit Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 49 of 115 Ieo*ofi¡7!.-lay lo.,o ç;./y' t Clza-utâ Mtt ¿ \J>t { c.i \aa þ\a è }Yl'ì \ s,\¡ \* \)\ {.a t'd -CÀ dq /*s N T lg c// J/ rtil,nrm Ro,i Rt"l. lot 2o c'll 'ft-r.t Tltc, *"&4o ¡to Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 50 of 115 (rôf5€J surn d oot"el LOï 18toT 17LOT 16 A1 CONCESSION M2 M2-7 LOT 19 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM *'' SGHEDULE 'A' 0 250m 500m 750m Scole,ñ: 12,500 MAP No. S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 2 9 r e g a r d i n g G r a y d o n S e v e r a n c e E 4 0 / 1 0 . F i l e : D 1 0 . 1 0 G r a y d o n P a g e 5 1 o f 1 1 5 !B! Group 203-350 Oxfod Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 5'19 4727328 fax 5194729354 To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date September 9, 2010 Project No 3404-486 Steno mp 1. 2. Memorandum Graydon - Proposed Consent (Part Lot 19 & 20, Concession 1 1) We have completed our review of the application for consent submitted by Brian R. Graydon, to sever a 1.53 hectare (3.8 acre) vacant parcel of land for the purposes of creating a new lot for an industrial warehouse and office uses. The subject lands are part of a 19.2 hectare (47.4 acre) vacant parcel of agricultural land currently used for cash crop farming but intended for long{erm industrial use on that portion of the property that is north of the railway tracks which bisects the property. The subject lands are located along the west side Bayham Drive south of Pressey Line in Lot 19 & 20, Concession 1 1 . The subject lands are designated 'lndustrial" in the Official Plan, and zoned Rural lndustrial - holding (M2thl) in Zoning By-law No.2456-2003. The holding (h) symbol, as per Section of the Official Plan, is intended to restrict development on the lands until such time as a plan of subdivision and subsequent subdivision agreement is entered into on the remainder of the lands designated 'lndustrial" to ensure they are developed properly. Furthermore, Section 8.7.3 of the Official Plan states that consents will only be granted "when it is clear that a plan of subdivision need not be registered'. The intent of the Official Plan when it was adopted was for these lands to develop as an industrial park to complement existing large-scale industrial activity in the neighbouring Town of Tillsonburg. ln the past, the owner has severed four parcels from this portion of the "industrial park" through the consent process, under the premises that the lots would not impact the long- term development of the lands. However, there are a number of issues related to the development of the lands designated 'lndustrial" at this location, which warrant a plan of subdivision being registered on the subject lands including: a. The large section of interior lands that could support additional industrial development but are not accessible by current open public roads; b. The large portions of the industrial park that are heavily vegetated; lBl Group is â group of fìrms providing professional serv¡ces and is affìl¡ated with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 52 of 115 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - September 9, 2010 4. 5. 6. The proponent has provided a sketch in support of the proposed consent, however no mention has been made ¡n regards to the lotting and road layout for the industrial area as a whole. A plan of subdivision has not been provided to demonstrate the long term plan within the lands. While we recognize the desire to encourage economic development, it is our opinion that as per the above outlined reasons, we cannot support this consent application. While development for the proposed uses, and in general the location outlined in the consent application may be suitable, there are too many unknown factors which might affect future lotting and road layout for the entirety of the industrial area. Based on our review of the Official Plan we cannot support the proposed consent at the current time. However, we would consider a revised development scenario that accommodates the intent of the proponent based on one of the following approaches: . fu1þrreg!; A draft plan of subdivision for the remainder of the subject lands, with support for the creation of the current proposed lot through the consent process that would allow for their development prior to the remainder of the area being developed; .@Submissionofaconceptualplanofsubdivisionwithnoformalsubdivision application outlining how the proposed consent will fit within the context of the ultimate lot layout of the subject lands. This approach would be less timely and expensive for the applicant, but gives the Municipality less control over the future development of the retained lands at this time, without any formal application.ì rl IBI GROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2010-29 regarding Graydon Severance E40/10. File: D10.10 Graydon Page 53 of 115 Page 54 of 115 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAF'F REPORT TO: Mayor and Council Members F ROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Dygos Site Plan AgreemenfBy-law 2010-089 DATE: September 13, 2010 FILE: Dl1.DYGOS NUMBER: D2010-30 Purpose To recommend approval of a Site Plan Agreement with Zygmunt and Rebecca Dygos. Background Zygmunt and Rebecca Dygos have applied to the municipality for a Site Plan Agreement for their property located at9317 Plank Road, Straffordville. The owners are proposing to develop the property into a bakery/tea room. The Dygos' property is designated "Commercial" in the Official Plan and zoned Central Business District/Village Residential (CllRl) in the Bayham ZonngByJaw 2456-2003. The purpose of the site plan agreement is to permit the development of the property in to a bakery/tea room business. The owners are planning to develop approximately 1090 sq.ft. into the kitchen, serving counter area and seating area for the new business. Staff Comments One issue that was a concern upon reviewing the proposal was the availability of the required off street parking spaces. The developed space and the one ¡esidential unit located upstairs require a total of eight (8) parking spaces. The owner will be able to accommodate four permanent spaces and one temporary space in the front of the business. The owner will determine prior to the one-year required site plan completion date whether or not the business will continue. Should the desire be to continue, the temporary space will be removed and four (4) additional spaces will be located at the rear of the building. Municipal staff have no further concenrs with the proposed site plan agreement and plan. The text of the site plan agreement is in accordance with the standard form of agreement previously approved by Council. The Agreement and authorizing By-law are presented to Council for enactment. Attachments 1. SitePlanApplication 2. Draft ByJaw 2010-0, Site Plan Agreønent attached as Schedule 'A' Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 3 - Create apositive business atmosphere Goal # 6 - Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices RECOMMENDATION "TIfAT Staff Report D2010-30 be received; Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 55 of 115 Staff Report D2010-30 Dygos Site Plan Page2 AND TIIAT By-law No. 2010-088, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Zygmunt and Rebecca Dygos and the Municþality of Bayham be presented for enactment.tt Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 56 of 115 FILENo, </,4 o7 REC'D: DATE APPLICATION'ONSID COMPLETE: FEE RECEIVED:$ 2ooo'* MUNrcrpALrry oF BAyHAM rtt¡ * ro 3 bs 3 -Ju.vlz/o SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION FORM The undersigned hereby request the Municipality of Bayham to consider a Site Plan Control application pursuant to Section 41 ofthe Planning Act on the lands hereinafter described. This application is accompanied by a fee of $2000 ($1 000 fee & $ 1000 deposit) by cash or cheque made payable to the Municþality of Bayham. 1. BACKGROIIND INF'ORMATION a) Applicant's Nane 4-b o.. o [Jr,,g o s I Zy l nvu^I DY joS Applicant'sMailingAddr"r" ß"/ lA 7 5+.oÇJ"rJr,//e rt/oJ- //¿ TelephoneNumber S / l - Y ó6 " 33 / FaxNumber b) Registered Owner (if other than applicant) Owner's Address TelephoneNumber Fax Number c) Location ofSubject Land LotNumber(s) / PlanNo.orConcession Ao5- Part Number(Ð ß L 11 m'ft/""lo" Reference Plan gll Address (if any) ?l : P/qn k RJ ' between d)Existing use of Subject properfy l^e-S)J.^*r./ e) Ð c) OfEcial PlanDesignation Co ¿t m e,î t'c a / Zoning By-law - Existing Zonin , ", ,/ß , The subject land is located on the - Requested Zontng n o rt e- Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 57 of 115 2. SITE INFORMATION a) Zoning Provisions Lot Frontage Lot Depth Lot Area Lot Coverage Front Yard $clb"e/- RearYa¡d 5¿lt"'/t Interior Side Ya¡d Exterio¡ Side Ya¡d (comer lot) Landscaped Open Space (%) z r7'ßX lo )o// E' PROPOSED No. ofParking Spaces I Total number of off-street parking spaces existing Number of off-sheet parking spaces proposed (include existing & proposed) Number of off-sheet loading facilities existing Number of off-street loading facilities proposed (include existing & proposed) b) Proposed Building Size: Ground Floor Area of Existing Buildings(s) Ground Floor Area of Propose.d Development Total Ground Floor A¡ea (including existing & proposed) Number of Storeys proposed Building Height Proposed Total Gross Floor Area Proposed (including existing and proposed) COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE: MIJLTIPLE F'AMILY RJSIDENTIAL Landscaped Area Conversion or Addition to Existing Amenity and/or Child¡en's Play Area Y UNITBREAßDOVN Type Bachelor One-Bedroom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom u ,1. e{t 5t 'gt 3. a) A,t' e.x iEl inn - sqm No Number of Floor area of Unit Type Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 58 of 115 3. a) COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE: - (cont'd) MULTIPLE F'AMILY RES - (cont'd) Other Facilities provided swimmingpool, etc.) play facilities, underground parking, games rooms' b)COMMERCIÀL/INDUSTRIAL/INSTITUTIO ALIOPEN SPACE OR OTHER USES (as applicable) No. of New Buildings Proposed ll/a o e - Conversion or Addition to Existing Building Yes o ' No- Describe Gross Floor Area (breakdown by type ofuse, eg. - office atea,telail, storage, manufacturing are4 etc.) a9d,, e. , ul¿. R .q,oo . e ,, r .]e i ) L2¿:h r¿c.¿a Seating Capacþ (forrest. or assemblyhall, etc,) Describe Type of Business Proposed ó<zY c - No.ofstaffProposed-Inrtíally 3-4' Infuture()yrs) é'Z Open Storage Required Yes No ./' Describe typg Phasing if any Ç lau¿ r5 Describe Tlpe of Use No. of Beds (if applicable) Gross Floor Area by Type of Use (eg. office, coÍrmon rooms, storage, etc.) Landscaped Area sqm If residential use proposed as part of, or accessory to commerciaUindustriaUopen space/other use, please specifuType Number of Unìts Floor øreø of anit Type Bachelor One-Bed¡oom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom lÌ4/"¡-,tctrc*trr/ of ßr+'l*mn ^n"er'u rrr'of €Lo-trJ . DO SOLEM¡ILY DECLARE THAT: All of the state,rnents contained in this application a¡e true and I make this solemn decla¡ation conscientiously believing it tò be true and laiowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and byvirtue of the Canada Evidence Act, nor/Datedthis ¿O day of -Jr.tv ,20__J9_ ; Etc. DECLARED before me at the //r/t¿ ru k | /r/L/-í/of ßCytnrrt, nthe 6^ttq æ Deputy Clerk ofthc Corporstiol ofthe Ätr¡chments: site pr"o contllTafilH$tttrðhä wirh schedure..A,, onty Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 59 of 115 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010 - 088 BEING A BY.LAW TO AUTIIORIZE TIIE EXECUTION OF A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ZYGMTJNT AND REBECCA DYGOS AI\D TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM WHEREAS subsection 4l(2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter P.l3 provides in part that where in an offrcial plan an area is shown or described as a proposed site plan control area, the council of the local municipality in which the proposed area is situate may, by by-law, designate the whole or any part of such area as a site plan control a¡ea. AND WHEREAS the Municþality of Bayham has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to Section 41 of the said Planning Act. AND WHEREAS zubsectional () of the said Planning Act provides in part that no person shall undertake any development in an a¡ea designated under subsection (2) unless the council of the municipality oç where a referral has been made under subsection (12), the Municþal Boa¡d has approved one or both, as the council may determine, of the following: l. Plans showing the location of all buildings and structures to be erected and showing the loc¿tion of all facilities and works to be provided in conjunction therewith and of all facilities and works required under clause (7) (a). AND \ryHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary e,lrter into a site plan agreement with Zygmunt and Rebecca Dygos. NO\il THEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORÄTION OF THE MT]MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENÄCTS A.S F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Zygmwft*d R"bo"u Dygos affixed hereto and forming part of this By-law as Schedule "A". 2. THAT the executed agreernent shalt be registered at the owne,r's expense under the proper Land Titles ReSstrY. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this - day of 2010. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this _ day of 2010. MA.YOR CLERK Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 60 of 115 SCffiDULE *.4." By-law 2010-088 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ZYGMT]NT AND REBECCA DYGOS 9317 Plank Road Plan 205 Blk McNaughton Pt Lot I RoIl # 34-01-000-004-34200 AND TIIE CORPORATION OF' THF' MI]MCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 61 of 115 THIS AGREEMENT made this l6th day of Se,ptember , 2010. BETWEEN: ZYGMUNT AND REBECCA DYGOS Hereinafter called the "O\illlER' OF'THE FIRST PART . AI\D - THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinaft er called the "MUNICIPALITY' OF'THE SECOND PART WEEREAS the Owner is the orvner in fee simple of the lands situate in the Municipality of Bayham, in the County of Elgin being Plan 205 Blk McNaughton Pt Lot 1, more particularly described in Attachment "4" attached hereto (and hereafter referred to as the "Lands'); AI\D \ilIIEREAS the Official Plan of the Municþalþ of Bayham in effect, designates the entirety of the Municipalþ as a site plan control area; AND \MHEREAS the Owner intends to develop lands in accordance with the Site Plan attached hereto, as Attachment *C" (and hereafter referred to as the "Plant'); AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham now deems it necessary to enter into a site plan agreement with Zygmunt and Rebecca Dygos (Morning Glory Bakery). NOW TIIEREFORE in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) of lawful money of Canada by each to the other paid (the receipt whereof is acknowledged by each), the Owner hereby covenants and agrees with the Municipality as follows: Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 62 of 115 1. The Owner agrees that no building permit will be available until the Plan has been approved by the Municþality, and further agrees that work will not coÍtmence prior to the issuance of the building permit. 2. The following Attachments, which are identified by the signatures of the parties to this Agreement, and which are attached hereto, are hereby made a part of this Agreement, as fully and to all intents and purposes as though recited in full herein: ATTACHMENT "A'- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT LANDS ATTACHMENI "B'. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ATTACHMENT "C'' . SITE PLAN AND SITE SERVICING PLAN 3. Attachment "4" hereto describes the lands affected by this Agreement. 4. Attachment "C" - Site Plan and Site Servicing Plan, shows: a) the location and height of all buildings and structures existing and/or to be erected; b) the location of vehicular entrances and exits; c) the location and provision of off-street vehicular loading and parking spaces (total of eight (8) parking spaces required), including driveways for emergency vehicles; d) walkways and all other means of pedestrian access; e) the location and provision of fences, trees and all ground cover or facilities for landscaping the lands and protecting the adjoining lands and shows the lighting including flood lighting, of the land or anybuilding or structure thereon; Ð the location and provision for the collection and storage of garbage and other waste material g) location of municipal sewer connection; h) building finished floor elevations (if deemed necessary by the Municipality); Ð other information as required bythe Municipality 5. The Owner agrees that the building or buildings will be erected or developed in accordance with the plan(s) approved, subject only to such changes as have received advance approval. 4 Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 63 of 115 6. 7. The Owner agrees that the site development and servicing will be in accordance with the plan(s) as approved, subject only to such changes as have received advance approval. The Owner further agrees that (as applicable): a) final grades and elevations will be established to the satisfaction of the Municipality. The Owner will provide proof of final grades and elevations certified by a professional land surveyor or civil engineer, prior to the final release of the Letter of Credit. (not applicable) b) all necessary provisions for service connections on site will be made to the satisfaction of the Municipality. c) construction work will be canied forward expeditiously in good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with good trade practice and so to cause a minimum of nuisance. d) all necessary precautions to avoid dust, noise and other nuisance and to provide for the public safety will, so fa¡ as possible, be taken and which comply with The Cons tntction Safety Act. e) all necessary care will be taken to see that mud and soil is not tracked or spilled onto any public street, and where such tracking occurs, the street shall be cleaned at the end of each working daY. Ð unless otherwise provided, all parking lots and walkways will be finished with hot-mix asphalt, concrete, gravel or paving stones to the satisfaction of the Municþality and have permanent bumper curbing along all parking a¡eas that abut the property limits. g) no topsoil shall be stocþiled on any other portion of the Owner's lands except those lands identified in Attachment "A" to this agreement; and all topsoil shall be stocþiled and maintained in a manner which allows for the maintenance of weeds; and the Municipality may go in and do the same at the Owner's expense, and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. h) stock-piling of snow will not be allowed on the site where it will constitute a hazañ. to public right-o f-waYs. Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 64 of 115 Ð the electrical servicing of the property shall be subject to the approval of Hydro One. j) upon failure by the Owner to do any act during the development period herein, that the public safety or convenience requires, in accordance with this Agreement, upon seven (7) days written notice, the Municipality, in addition to any other rernedy, may go in and do same at the Owner's expense, and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. k) the Municipality may treat any breach of this Agreernent as a breach of the Building By-Law, and upon twørty-four (24) hours written notice to the Owner, stop work until the breach is rectified. l) nothing in this Agreement constitutes waiver of the owner's duty to comply with anybyJaw of the Municþality or any other law. 8. The Owner shall: a) be responsible for consulting with Hydro One regarding any matters that relate to services provided by Hydro One. g. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any necessary approval from all regulatorybodies such as, but not limited to, the Long Point Region Conservation Authority, the Ministry of the Environment and the County of Elgin, as deemed necessary. 10. The Owner shall satisfy all the requirements in relation to the fire protection for the building(s) to the satisfaction of the Municipality's Fire Chief. 11. The Owne¡ agrees to pay for damages to public property including but not limited to municþal drain, ditches, street surfaces, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewer systems, which may occur during the period of construction. Any such repair may be undertaken by the Municipality at the expense of the Owner, within thirty (30) days notice. 12. Any and all lighting shall be installed and maintained so as to not, in the opinion of the Municipalit¡ interfere with the use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, or with the safe flow of traffic on abutting or adjacent streets. 6 Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 65 of 115 13.If the Ontario Building Code requires that an Architect or Professional Engineer or both, shall be responsible for the field review of any new building or extension, provided for in this Agreement, the Owner shall not occupy or use or permit to be occupied or used, any said new building or extension, until after an Architect or Professional Engineer has given to the Municipality, a letter addressed to the Municipalit¡ and signed by the said Architect or Professional Engineer, certiffing that all constuction and/or services on or in the said lands, required for this development or redevelopment, newly installed by the Owner in connection with this development or redevelopment, have been installed and/or constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Architect or Professional Engineer. 14. The Municipality, through its servants, offrcers and agents, including it's Chief Building Official, Fire Chief, and Municþal Engineer, may, from time to time, and at any time, e,nter on the premises of the Owner to inspect: a) the progress of development; b) the state of maintenance as provided for in this Agreement. 15.In the event of any servant, ofñcer or agent of the Municipality, determining, upon inspection, that the development is not proceeding in the strict accord with the plans and specifications filed, such servant, ofEcer or agent shall forthwith, place a notice requiring all work to be stopped upon the premises and forward a copy, by registered mail, to the Owner at the last known address, on the last revised assessment roll, and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency or deviation. 16. In the event of any servant, officer or agmt of the Municipality, upon inspection, be of the opinion that the state of maintenance is not satisfactory, such servant, officer or agent shall forthwith, forward notice of such opinion, by registered mail, to the Owner, at the last known address, and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency or appeal to the Council of the Municþality of Bayham, as hereinafter provided. 17. In the event that the Owner should disagree with the opinion of the servant, officer or agent of the Municipality, as to the state of mainte,nance, such Owner shall appear before the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, which after hearing the Owner, shall express its opinion as to whether the maintenance is satisfactory by resolution, which shall constitute a final determination of the matter. 18. In the event that the Owner shall fail to obey a stop work order issued under Section 17 hereof, the Owner recognizes the right of the Municipality to apply to the Courts for a restraining order. Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 66 of 115 19.In the event that an Owner shall fail to correct a deviation or deficiency after notice pursuant to Section 17 or after notice of an opinion, which the Council of the Municipality of Bayham determines is correct, under Section 17, the Council of the Municþality of Bayham, may by by-law, direct, on default of the matter or thing being done by the Owner, after two (2) week's notice, to it by registered mail, at the last known address of the Owner, pursuant to the last revised assessment roll of passage of such By- Law, that such matter or thing be done by the Municipality, at the expense of the Owner, which expense may be recoverable by action as municipal taxes, or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. 20. Unless otherwise authorized, in the event of the Owner wishing to change at any time, the buildings, stuctures or facilities described in Attachment "C", it shall make application to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, for approval, and shall not proceed with such change until approval is given by such Council, or in default by The Ontario Municþal Board, under the procedure set out in Section 4l of The Planning Act,1990, herein before referred to. 2l.The Owner agrees to pay to the Municipality all adminisfration costs incurred in connection with this Agreemen! and the fulfillment of this Agreement including legal, engineering and inspection costs. 22. LTABTLITY INSURANCE Before commencing any of the work provided for hereir¡ the Owner shall supply the Municipality with a Liability Insurance policy in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence, and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality, indemniffing the Municipality from any loss arising from claims for damages injury or otherwise, in connection with the work done by or on behalf of the owner of the development. The said policy shall be provided at the time of the signing of the Agreønent and remain in force, until the development is complete and all required documentation as per Article 15 has been filed with the Municþality. (not applicable) 23. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE The Owner hereby defines the completion date of this Agreement and project to be on or before Se,ptember 16. 2011. It will be the Owner's responsibility to require, in writing, an extension to this agreemenlproject, within sixty (60) days of the above stated completion date, should an extension be required. Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 67 of 115 As security for the performance and completion of all works required by this agreonent, the Owner shall supply the Municipality wittr a Letter of Credit, equal to nil The Letter of Credit will be based on the estimated cost of alterations to public property, roadway, curbs and gutters and drains, and any repairs for damages to public property, roadway, sidewalks, curbs and gutters and drains, plus all site specific components as defined by the Site Plan and Site Søvicing Plan, "Attachment "C", rilhich are approved under this Agreønent. The amount of the Letter of Credit shall be established by the Municþalþ. The irrevocable Letter of Credit from a Cha¡tered Bank expressed to be pursuant to this Agreeme,nt and payable to the Municipality at any time or in part, from time to time, upon written notice from the Municipalit¡ shall be provided at the time of signing of this Agreement, and shall remain in force, until Twelve (12) months following the completion of this project. 24. This Agreernent and the provisions thereof, do not give to the Owner or any person acquiring any interest in the said lands any rights against the Municipality with respect to the failure of the Owner to perform or fully perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence of the Owner in its performance of the said obligations. 2s.lnthe event that no constn¡ction on the said lands has commenced within one (1) year from the date of registration of this Agreement the Municipality may, at its option, on one month's notice to the o\ryner, declare this Agreement to be subject to re-negotiation, whereupon the Owner agrees that it will not undertake any construction on the said lands until this Agreement has been re- negotiated. 26.T\e Owner agrees that it will not call into question, directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever in law or in equity or before any administrative tribunal the right of the Municipalþ to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be pleaded af¡ an estoppels against the Owner in any case. 27.T\e Owner agrees on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to save harmless and indemnify the Municipality, from all losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses which may be claimed or recovered against the Municipality by any person or persons arising either directly or indirectly as a result of any action taken by the Owner, pursuant to this Agreement. 28. All facilities and matters required by this Agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Owner at its sole risk and expense to the satisfaction of the Municipality and in accordance with the standards determined by the Municipality and in default thereof, and 9 Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 68 of 115 without limiting other rernedies available to the Municþality, the provisions of Section 326 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, shall apply. 29. This Agreement shall be registered at the expense of the Owner, against the land to which it applies, and the Municipality shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Regßtry Act,to enforce its provisions against the Owner, named herein, and any and all subsequent Owners of the land. 30. A Certification of Compliance attached hereto as Attachment "8", shall be filed by the Owner, following completion of the development to ensure all details of the Site Plan Agreement have bee,n complied with. IN \MITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereupon, affixed their Corporate Seal, and duly attested to by thei¡ authorized signing officers in that behalf. V/it¡ress Owner -ZygmtntDygos Witness Owner - Rebecca Dygos THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Lynn Acre, Mayor Lynda Millard, Clerk 10 Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 69 of 115 Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 70 of 115 ATTACHMENT'8" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION : Municipal Address : 9317 Plank Road Owner(s): Zygmunt and Rebecca Dygos This docume,lrt se,lr¡es to certiff that the development project on the above noted lands has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of The Site Plan Agreement By-law No. DATED: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABO\rE DECLARATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Witness Owner -Zygm,ntDygos Witness Owner - Rebecca Dygos Address: Phone Number: T2 Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 71 of 115 _l_J _I-j__-!. 1,.-l- I IJL flr7ficvmgw o c ", Staff Report D2010-30 regarding Dygos Site Plan Agreement / By-law 2010-089. Page 72 of 115 MunicÍpality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of August 2010 File: PlO Sep-02-2010 No.Date Roll #Permlt Holder Property Descriptlon Building Tvpe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 8t 4-Aus 2-001 -07000 Wood. Victoria I Victoria Sheet install bathroom & interior renovations 352sq ft 10-000 195.0( 82 6-Aue 0-004-29200 Penner, Wilheim )250 Old Chapel Sheet one storey serni detached w/saraqe 3l32sq fr 280.000 1676.0(175.0( 83 0-Aue 0-003-l 3900 Schroyens. Frank 55016 Jackson Line lonstruct storage bam 9000sq ft 172.000 1565.0( 84 l-Aue 0-004-31000 Matthews, Ed 56169 Heritase Line )onstruct addition to stase - S.C.C.2.50(95.0( 85 l-Aus 0-005-005 I 2 Eicher, Leroy 10660 Sorinserhill Road ¡onstruct storaee barn 4000so ft 50.00(995.0( 86 2-Aue 0-005-03500 Berkel. Wilma 9594 Somers Road erect tent for temDoraw use for weddins 2400soft 2.00(75.0( 87 2-Alp )-005-04100 Wolfe. Charles I 1280 Sprineerhill Road ronstruct pole barn 960sq ft 15.00(296.0( 88 6-Aue )-004-l I 500 Guenther Homes Inc 57412 Heritase Line construct one storey house w/att garaee 3l lOsq ft 335.00(1596.0(350.0( 89 8-Aus l-002-l 7300 Friesen, Mark 56905 Calton Line reinforce barn rooffor solar Danel 21 5so ft 4.00(107.0( 90 8-Aue )-007-05100 Schipper, Da¡yl 53777 Talbot Line construct two bunker silos 8865so ft 80.00(75.0C 9l 23-Aus )-007-078 I 0 Peters, Abraham 54571 Ottereate Line conshuct roofover grain dryer 288sq ft 1.50(75.0C 92 23-Aue ¿-001-19000 Bouehner. Rov 25 Erieus Street consfruct detached garage ó40sq ft 16.00(369.0C 93 24-Ats ¿-001-08400 Epple. Danell 17 Milton Street one storey addition & renovations 297sq ft 15.00(269.0C 94 26-Aue )-006-17700 Swance Farms Limited 56436 Green Line nstall 2 srain bins I 0l 8sq ft 80.00(150.0( 95 30-Aus l-006-l I 701 [Iishwav Meadows Inc ll98l PlankRoad )onstn¡ct patio deck at existing mobile home 1.50(75.0( 96 30-Aus )-006-17000 Wall. Jacob 57792 Ca¡son Line :epair and restore roofover front porch 64sq ft 30(75.0( Ausust-l0 1.064.800 7.688.00 525.0( 2O1O YEARTO DATE 6.242.666 44.165.00 3625.0( Aueust-09 1.031-09t 6,501.00 875.0( 2OO9 YEAR TO DATE 5.948.04r 3E.062.00 6200.0( sM9/l3zolo PreParedbY: excel\monthly\buildper Reviewed by: B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 7 3 o f 1 1 5 Page 74 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0910212010 OOO121 BRADCRANEXINC 4529 BOOMTRUCK 0813012010 I 565.00 009055 ChequeAmount- 565.00 OOOÍ 54 CANADIAN KOOLWATER 466 WATER BOTTLES 0711312010 I 48.00 009056 593 WATER BOTTLES 07127120'10 I 48.00 009056 594 WATER BOTTLES - MED BLDG 0712712010 I 8.00 009056 Cheque Amount - 104.00 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 2s704296 PAPER, BINDINGS 0812412010 I 69.61 009057 ChequeAmount- 69.61 OOO2I2 COUNTY OF ELGIN tNoooo24747 AUGUSTIo POLICE SERVTCES 0810412010 I 51,975.53 009058 Cheque Amount - 5'l,975.53 000218 cuPE LocAL 35 June&July''10 UNION DUES 09to1t2010 I 585.27 009059 Gheque Amount - 585.27 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC t42367-O HYDRAULIC HOSE, CRIMPS 08/31/20'10 I 25.74 009060 Cheque Amount - 25.74 OOO279 EAST ELGIN CONCRETE FORMING 9060 POUR & FINISH PAD - S.C.C. 0811912010 I 84,718.36 00906í Cheque Amount - 84,718.36 OOO283 ED MATTHEWS CARPENTRY 247743 s.c.c. STAGE EXTENSION 0812712010 I 4,282.35 009062 Cheque Amount - 4,282.35 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS37275 SHOVEL ONTIS37292 PARTS Cheque Amount - 90.80 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518584950 sHoP TOVVELS, FLOOR MATS 0810512010 I 192.57 00909 1518590274 SHOP TOVVELS, FLOOR MATS 0811912010 I 192.57 009064 Cheque Amount - 385.14 001723 GEOSHACKCANADA 10954532 RECEIVER WITH CLAMP 0812312010 I 344.65 009065 0811312010 I 72.86 009063 08t16t2010 I 17.94 009063 0910212010 10:044M Cheque Amount - 344.65 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 75 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0910212010 0910212010 10:044M 001724 GIS NORTH 2010-6 zoNE CHANGES & WALL MAP 0812612010 I 420.00 009066 Cheque Arnount - 420.00 001239 GREAT I.AKES NEW HOLI.AND INC 50858T CHECK GEARBOX AND MODULES 08t1912010 I 2,861.89 009067 Cheque Amount - 2,861.89 000416 HETEK SOLUTIONS INC tNVO3377o oNSITE CALLIBRATION 0812012010 I 367.25 009068 Cheque Amount - 367.25 000446 JACKIEBOOTLE Augl$SeptlS/1o MANAGER FEES 0813112010 I 79'1.66 0æ069 Cheque Amount - 79'1.66 001711 JULIA}INE CERNA vacation pay VACATION PAY OglÙ2l2010 I 71.75 009070 Cheque Arnount - 71.75 OO155O MARYALICE HANSON kids supplies KIDS PROGRAM SUPPLIES OB||9|2O1O I 33.96 009071 ChequeAmount- 33.96 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED AugE12378{l UTILITIES - FIREHALL 0812212010 I 20.09 009072 Aug81421241 UTILITIES - MED BLD 08|2A2O1O I 13.00 OO9O72 AugE2238GO1 UTILITIES - PUMP#S 0812212010 I 17.76 009072 AugE454074'l UTILITIES - OFFICE 0812U2010 I 38.74 009072 4ugE454090't UTILITIES -PUMP#2 0812A2010 I '14.57 OO9o72 AugE45410{1 UTILITIES - LIBRARY OA22|2O10 I '13.00 OO9O72 AugE5l60G01 UTILITIES - GAR/{GE OU2A2O1O I 21'52 009072 AugF1929GOl UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM 0812312010 I 13.00 009072 Au9F2060G01 UTILITIES - V.C.C. 08n3l2O1O I 45.77 OO9O72 AugF26864{'t UTILITIES - PUMP#6 0812312010 I 14.57 009072 AugG06210{l UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY 0812312010 I 13-00 009072 AugG0630il't UTILITIES - PB MUSEUM 0812312010 I 13.00 009072 4ugG0630741 UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL 0812312010 I 13.00 009072 AugGl570041 UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE 0812312010 I 13'00 009072 AugG4M0741 UTILITIES - PB WORKS GARAGE 08123120'10 I 13.00 009072 Cheque Amount - 277.02 000658 oMERS 04100Jun/Jul'10 JUNE & JULY REMIT 0510112010 I 24,295.37 009073 Cheque Amount - 24,295.37 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 76 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09102n010 OOO783 ROYAL FENCE LIMITED 42506 GUIDE RAILS - MITCHELL RD 0812012010 I 7,587.95 009074 42509 GUARD RA|L REPA|RS - GLENERTE 08t12t2010 I 1,583.07 009074 Cheque Amount - 9,17'1.02 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10444883 LAB FEES 10,t4,1884 LAB FEES 10444885 láB FEES 10446338 LAB FEES 001205 sHRED-tr 006249013 PURGE FILES 08t2012010 I 92.66 009079 0812012010 I 136.73 009079 o8t31t2010 c -48.80 009079 0a2612010 I 383.07 009075 0812612010 I 318.66 009075 08t2612010 I 2il.25 009075 08/30/2010 I 755.97 009075 0910212010 10:044M Cheque Amount - 1,711.95 09ßa2010 I u.75 009076 Cheque Amount - U.75 OO1106 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES 900070634 SEALS, C'ASKETS, SHIMS 0A18|2O1O I 157-24 009077 Cheque Amount - 157.24 001434 STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. 490295 R|CHMOND COMMUNTTYWATER 0812012010 I 5,U1.79 009078 Cheque Amount - 5,U1.79 001482 SUN MEDIACORPORATION DWO51OO326 BAYHAM FEATURE DWO5IOO327 DISCO\ÆR BAYHAM credit CREDIT BAI-AI.ICE ChequeAmount- 180.59 OO1æ2 TILLSONBURG FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT 14476 TEST AIR CYLINDERS 0810312010 I 117.97 009080 Cheque Amount - 117.97 OOO913 TO\¡JNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 10-190 TNFORMATTON TECHNOLOGY 0811912010 I 431.38 009081 1G195 EAST ELGIN MAPPING PARTNERS O8I24I2O1O I 1,533.91 OO9O81 Cheque Amount - 1,965.29 OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK1741 SIGNALS 0910112010 I 603.73 009082 Cheque Amount - 603.73 001216 WATSON &ASSOCIATES 16940 WATER RATE UPDATE/PLAN 0713112010 I 3,995.12 009083 000966 WEBER'S WELDING & MFG Cheque Amount - 3,995.12 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 77 of 115 M UN ICIPALITY OF BAYHAT\,I Accounts Payable Royal Bank Gheque Registor - OglOZl2Ol0 Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 78 of 115 20't0.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/09/2010 09/09/2010 1:29PM 000009 u3002 oNTARro rNc 1173 1 183 1187 DELI\ÆR GRAVEL DELIVER GRAVEL HAULING GRAVEL Ogl01l2010 I 1,650.¿14 @9086 o9t0112010 I 479.55 009086 09/06/2010 I 1,187.31 009086 Cheque Amount - 320.98 Cheque Amount - 33.90 Cheque Amount - 1,186.23 Cheque Amount - 3,317.30 OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD J062783 SCREENEDTOPSOIL 0812412010 I 113.00 009087 ChequeAmount- 113.00 001391 AFFORDABLE PORTABLES '18335 UNIT RENTAL 0813112010 I 146.90 009088 Cheque Amount - 146.90 OOOOI4 ALISAR AGGREGATES INC 2OOU397 GRANUURA 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM buses SCHOOLBUSES-AD OOOO81 AYLMERTIRE 000006811I INSTALLTIRES OOOO9í BARRY R. CARD 212013-37 LEGALFEES 0813112010 I 320.98 009089 09102J2010 I 33.90 009090 oa18t2010 I 1,186.23 009091 09t01t2010 I 123.74 009092 Cheque Amount - 123.74 0@141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERMCE 8658 LOF 08/05/2010 I 44.01 009093 8663 LOF 08/06/2010 I 44.01 009093 8692 LOF, POV\ERSTEERING PUMP 0811',112010 I 428-15 009093 87'13 LOF 0811612010 I 44.01 009093 8769 LOF 0812412010 I 48.52 009093 8773 U-JOINT, BALL JOINT 0812412010 I 385.05 009093 Cheque Amount- 993.75 OOO175 CEDARSIGNS 19183 STEEL 09101120'10 I 72.95 009094 Cheque Arnount - 72.95 001725 CIBC MORTGAGES INC reimburse credit TAX CREDIT Ogl08l20'10 I 1,654.64 009095 001690 DOWLER-KARN Cheque Amount - 1,654.U Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 79 of 115 2010,06.04 6.3 9050 141361 141362 1690 251æ7 36r640 361641 361642 361688 361689 361690 REG GAS DYE DIESEL DYE DIESEL REG GAS DYE DIESEL RD DIESEL REG GAS RD DIESEL DYE DIESEL REG CIAS MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/09/2010 Ogl0gl2010 l:29PM Cheque Arnount - 7,987.82 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000158575 MONTHLY RENTAL CHARGE 0910112010 I 114.70 009097 Cheque Amount -114.70 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS3753,I CLEANER ONTIS37597 SHOVELS, WAND 0810512010 I 948.09 009096 0810512010 I 905.98 009096 0811312010 I 854.68 009096 0811312010 r 867.00 009096 0812312010 I 525.16 009096 08t23t2010 I 1,002.17 009096 08t2312010 I 861.14 009096 08t31t2010 I 313.91 009096 o8l3'U20'to I 573.62 009096 08t31t2010 I 1,136,07 009096 08t24t2010 I 33.83 009098 08t2612010 I 117.59 009098 Cheque Amount - 151.42 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CAI.¡ADA INC 151859s530 SHOP TOVVELS, FLOOR MATS O9|OA2010 I 192.57 009099 Cheque Amount - 192.57 000376 GIBSON BENNETT s1G834 SUBD|V|S|ON AGREEMENT 0812712010 I 498.67 æ9100 ChequeAmount- 498.67 001270 GORD ROESCH repairs ICE COMMANDER REPAIRS Ogl02l2010 I 1,243.00 009101 Cheque Amount - 1,243.00 001538 GROUND EFFECTS LANDSCAPE & DESIGN 311 CEMETERY CARE & MATNTENANC 08t31t2010 I 3,322.20 009102 Cheque Amount - 3,322.20 OO1O25 HILLVIEWSMALL ENGINES 368 FUEL F|LTER, WRE LEAD 0813112010 I 99.44 009103 Cheque Amount - 99.M OOU27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 0000158't45 MONTHLY RENTAL CHARGE 0810112010 I 114.70 009104 - Aug 01181-23005 UTILITIES - INFO CENTRE Aug '18850-12458 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY Aug 1897144027 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 80 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 Aug2524ù95021 Aug 2879940004 Aug 5025G12458 Aug 5ô45G12330 Aug 6276G43000 Ãtg87Tlù20012 Aug 9385G12278 Sept1265G910O4 Sept18971-52001 Sept2525G12302 Sept3,l853{'1007 Sept6885G12275 Sept75250-12272 Sept9385È91019 Sept93970-20342 09699363 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 237391 237392 237393 supplies - v.c.c. MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 09/09/2010 09/09/2010 1:29PM UTILITIES. RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES - PUMP#1 UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT LAUNCH uTrLrTrES - E.C.C. UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PUMP#TI UTILITIES. BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES . BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES. PB PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES. PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - PUMP#7 UTILITIES - V.C.C. 0813112010 0813112010 08/3112010 08/31/2010 08131120't0 0813'U2010 08t31t2010 0910212010 09toa2o'to 09l0u20'lo 09t02r2010 09t0212010 09t0u2010 09loa20'10 0910212010 226.U 009104 2æ.50 009104 256.26 009104 11.35 009104 274.28 009104 428.39 009104 268.89 009104 124.73 009104 88.05 009104 309.26 009104 139.33 009104 85.33 009104 54.69 009104 71.82 009104 748.71 009104 OOO51O KIASSENAUTO PARTS 1-63667 FUNNEL 1S5115 CONNECTOR OOO555 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION 05358' 3RDQUARTERLE\tr'10 æOET7 NORFOLKDISPOSALSERVICES 141023 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 000716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION CYLINDER RENTAL Cheque Amount -3,8'14.99 4.35 009105 9.30 009105 08h2/2010 o8t30t2010 Cheque Amount - o'v2712010 I 13.65 10,804.50 009106 Cheque Amount - 08ß112010 I 10,8M.50 41,806.21 Gheque Amount - 08t2712010 I 41,806.21 23.15 009107 009108 AUGUSTIO CLEANING AUGUST1O CLEANING - V.C.C. AUGUSTIO CLEANING - S.C.C. SUPPLIES - V.C.C. Cheque Amount -23.15 940.00 009í09 273.OO 009109 715.00 009109 4.28 009109 08131120'to o8t31nuo 0813112010 08t1812010 I I I I Cheque Amount - OOO743 RBCROYALBANK 45150s00040375804u9 OBOADELEGATE REGISTRATION 0712812010 4516 0500040375804u9 WOODEN FISH 08/06/2010 45160500 040375804u9 SERVICE CHARGE 0812712010 I I I 1,932.28 728.85 50.47 13.76 0091 10 0091 10 0091 10 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 81 of 115 451605000¿1037580 Ang MAGNETIC FISHING POLE æ0747 REID'S PRECAST CEMENT PRODUCT STEELCULVERT,COUPLERS 08/09/2010 7:798 CATCH BASINS 08/302010 2010.06.04 6.3 3050 OOOr/O RODGER MARTIN #7'.10 #8 "10 000966 ìA/EBER'SWELDING &MFG STEEL MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/092010 o€y06¿2010 Cheque Amount - 09/09/2010 1:29PM 42.4 009110 2,994.50 209.50 @9'l'13 209.50 27,ç152.28 009114 27,952.28 't49.16 009115 147.Æ 009115 1,110.60 20.36 009117 1',t4,437.9'l OO'Iß2 SUN MEDIACORPORATION DW05105871 VOTERS LIST m0913 TOWNSH|P OF fiIAl-Al-llDE 10-013 JUNE 2OIO WATER OOO932 UNDERHILLFARM SUPPLYLTD 223537 LAWlllSEED 223574 ¡-AWN SEED OOO957 VOTH SALES &SERVICE LTD JULY K-9 CONTROL AUGTJST K-9 CONTROL REPAIR HYDRAULIC HOSE REPAIROILLEAK EXHAT'ST, CI.AMPS Cheque Amount - oa27no10 I Cheque Amount - oa27no10 I I I I Cheque Amount - o9lo3l20'lo I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 82 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 90s0 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 09/09/2010 08t3112010 08t3112010 08t3112010 o8t3112010 08/31/2010 0813112010 o8t3'v2010 ou31120'10 0813112010 0813112010 o9lo2l20'10 0910?i2010 09t0212010 0910212010 09t02t2010 09toa2010 0910212010 09t0?J2010 09/09/2010 2:O7PM Aug 01 181-23005 Aug 1885G12458 Aug'1897144027 Au125240-95021 Aug 28799-40004 Aug 5025G12458 Aug 5645G12330 Aug 6276G43000 Aug8777ù20O12 Ar.rg 9385G12278 Sept1265G9l004 Sept1897l-52001 Sept2525G12302 Sept3485341007 Sept6885G12275 Sepl7525ù12272 Sept9385G91019 Sep€397G20342 UTILITIES - INFO CENTRE UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES. RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES - PUMP#1 UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT LAUNCH UTILITIES - E.C.C. UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PUMP#TI UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES - PB PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES - PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - PUMP#7 uïLrTlES - V.C.C. 105.5í 009118 200.44 009118 41.91 009118 226.U 009118 264.50 009118 256.26 009118 1 I .35 0091 18 274.28 æ9118 428.39 009118 268.89 009118 124.73 009118 88.05 009118 309.26 009'118 139.33 0091'18 85.33 009118 54.69 009118 71.82 009118 748.71 009118 Cheque Amount -3,700.29 Cheque Run Total -3,700.29 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 83 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 09/09/2010 08/u/2010 r Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 09/0912010 2:l lPM 114.70 0091't9 114.70 114.70 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000158145 MONTHLYRENTALCHARGE Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 84 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 OOO5O5 KEYSTONECOMPUTERRESOURCES sem¡nar SEMINAR OOOTIO PORT BURVVELL HOME HARDWARE MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0911012010 0911012010 I Cheque Amount - 09t1012010 15.00 8296 8297 8299 PAINT, TAPE, SAI.¡DING PAPER PAINTS CARPENTRY SUNDRIES SANDING BLOCKS, PAPER LIGHT PAINT 0811012010 0811012010 0u10t2010 o8l't812010 08r/1912010 0811912010 15.00 114.10 009121 12.41 009121 't1.25 009121 -19.81 009121 7.90 009121 38.41 009121 I I I c I I 8347 - credit 8352 8355 Cheque Amount-1il.26 Cheque Run Total -179.26 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 85 of 115 2010.06.04 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 012923 Report Date: 09/092010 09/09/2010 2:O2PM Accounts Payable Voided Cheque Fiscal Year: 2010 Posted By: SANDRA Posting Pd.: 9 Posting Date: 09109/2010 0l-010G1030 General bank 01410G1950 Accounts Pa¡ableTnde CDIST additonal vendorinv ind CDIST addltonal vendor inv lnd Vold Chq: 9104 HYDROONE NETì¡PRKS I Void Chq:91(X HYDRO ONE NETWORKS I Total Debits Total Crcdits Net Posting 3,814.99 -3,814.99 3,8r4.99 -3.814.99 0.00 Cheque Register being Cheque #9055 to Cheque #9121 inclusive, except Cheque #9104 totaling $312,116.18 and Payroll Page 86 of 115 soRl|l I.IUNICIPALf TY OF BAYHAI{ TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 8,630. E6 ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDAlE REPORTCOI{PANY TOlALS ADJUSÎ-CR CURRENT TOÎAL 8,630.86 L,720.65 3,958.38 L.L28,L9 15,t1E.08 45,033.59 45, 033.59 60,45L.67 13E.47 18.00 60,608.L4 ANALYSIS OF SERVfCE CHARGES RUN: SEP 7 20LO N0: H PAGE: 452 HST REG: 100057415 RTo004 CO}IPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: SEP 8, 2010 DATE 0F PAY: SEP 10, 2OLO ADJUST.DR UN¡ÎS CHARGE 22 36.30 I 12.00 YTD ADJUST ITEII PAYROLL RUNS YTD TOTAL 165,2Ê7.A2 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 34,t63.24 EI CONT QPIP81,958.64 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF L9,3L2.9O ON EHT IIB HET NL HAPSET 290,692.60 T0T STAÎS 47,447.AL CHEQUES 644,O94.25 DEPoSTTS US DEPS 50. OO DED DEPS 72L,592.06 TOT NPAY RRSP RTf L,OLz,284.66 TOT PAYROL 2,603.04 SERV CHRG 88.95 GST 107. t5 HST I ,015,083.60 GRAND T0T UNITS CHARGE L 47.93 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX ET CONT QPTP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EIIT MB HET NL HAPSET lOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEÞS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CI{Rê ôST HST GRAND TOT L ,72O ,68 5 r 958.58 1,128.19 15,418.08 45,Oi53.89 4E, 033 .59 60,48L.67 LsE.47 18.00 60,60E. 14 ITE¡I UNITS CHARCE SALAR¡ED WORKPAYS 29 53.00 PAY ADVICE FOLD 42 9.24 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS ¡ lEt{ HOURLY }lORKPAYS COURIER FEE r38.47 60,608.L4 DEBIT INFoRfiATfON: 003 05102 10I1923 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 9 0 5 5 t o C h e q u e # 9 1 2 1 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e # 9 1 0 4 t o t a l i n g $ 3 1 2 , 1 1 6 . 1 8 a n d P a y r o l l P a g e 8 7 o f 1 1 5 Page 88 of 115 I ct) September 7,2010 SPRIET ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS &ARCHITECTS .155 York Street London, Ontario N6A 1A8 Tel. (519)672-4100 Fax (51 9) 433-9351 E-mail: mail@spriet.on.ca wwwspriet.on.ca Mayor and Council Municipality of Bayham Box 160, 9334 Plank Road STRAFFORDVI LLE, Ontario NOJ 1YO Dear Mayor and Council.Re. Corinth Pavilion We noticed in the Aylmer Express an article about fundraising for a new Corinth Pavilion. We häVe provided drawings for picnic type pavilions in other Municipalities, usually wood framed with pre-painted metal roof, wood commerciäl trússes and.-!Mood posts and beams. As a donation to the project we are prepared to provide the necessary drawings and inspection and final certification at no charge to the community. We have had the pleasure of working forthe Municipalityof Bayham and its people formany years and it would be our pleasure to contribute our talents to the project. Yours truly, SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED A Mr.Spriet,. P-.:f¡9., QA;A : AMS:sis Encl: ASSOC\ATCS:A.IIi|. SPRIET . J.R. SPRIET . A.L. GIGUN . K. McILMURRAY . M.P. DEVOS . J.M. SPRIET . C.S. LIERMAN Correspondence dated September 7, 2010 from Spriet Associates regarding "Corinth Pavilion". Page 89 of 115 \ Bayham okays severunce to create new lot Bayham councillors on Aug. 12 gave their blessing to a sev- erance proposed by Peter and Eva Dyck that would create a new building lot on the west side of Union Street in Vienna. The severance must still be approved by the Elgin CountY land division committee. Planning Coordinator Mar- garet Underhill said a portion of First Alle¡ an undeveloped roadway in Vienna, was re- cently closed and being sold to neighbóurs, including the Dycks. Bayham councillors agreed August l2tlnat the municipaliry would act as a "bank" fot Corinth community fu ndraisers collecting money for a new pavilion in Corinth Park. They've defered until next year's budget discussion a re- quest to match with tax money the amount raised in the cam- paign for that pavilion. Lori King and Wendy Chilcott wrote to council, say- ing, "V/e certainly appreciate the investment the municipatity has made in the park in recent yeafs." The Dycks asked to sever part of their lot which, with the addition of alley land, would total 0.31 acres, from their 0.95- acre properfy. She recommended that coun- cil make its approval condi- tional on the alley land being conveyed to the Dycks and merged with the land to be sev- ered. Otherwise, she said, the new lot wouldn't have sufficient frontage to meet residential zon- ing requirements. Councillors agreed. A group of citizens wantedto raise money for a new paviÏon as "arì added asset" for that park. The park was already used by many groups for picnics, re- unions and family get-togethers, they wrote. They hoped to entice local contractors and suppliers to do- nate to the effort, they said. They understood the munici- pality faced difficult fi¡ancial decisions, but hoped councillors would see their way clear to support the pavilion in next yeal's budget. Bayham to hold rnoney for new Corinth paYilion LAKE ERIE REALTY SERVICES LIMITED Beal Estate Broker 519-773-3301 ' 519-773-8610 Fax RR 5, Aylmer, Ontario NsH 2R4 Office - 49189 Conservation Line Wed., September 1, 201O-AYLME EAST ELGI Sun. Sept 5.1-3 16:I CAVERLY RD Karyn Uddle* (40/10) NEIIT PRICE 3 bedroom,2 bath home on nicely landscaped lot with koi ponds and perennials. Large 3 car shop w¡th heat and hyitro included ... great opportunity for the hobbyist 0r car butf! $260,000. Sheri Andrews* (20/10) Superb courthouse location,2 + 1 bedrooms, 2 batìs - a lot of home in a smaller package! Great neighbourhood. $1 68,900. Sue Wiltsie.* www.suewiltsie.com (35/10) 31 ISABELST, 25 AGRES Spacious modern home plus 5ô x 24 garage and BB x 32 horse ban, pond and paddocks. Call M¡ke Down. (33/10) Betro-style fast food, i building. Gt pool & parl Jeneen Tol Tliis home r lorlhree br must to vieì,' (res) 519-6i This home to public a bedroo-ms, hched.gal yard. R'ooi Kevin Fergr - Lovely 2 b years ago, Mike Dowr Correspondence dated September 7, 2010 from Spriet Associates regarding "Corinth Pavilion". Page 90 of 115 ,7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAX'F'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: September 8, 2010 FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator FILE: Fll SUBJECT: Waste Recycling Strategy - Continuous Improvement Fund NUMBER: PW20l0-17 Purpose This report is to recommend proceeding with a Waste Recycling Strategy project and application to the Continuous Improvement Fund, jointly with the Township of Malahide. Bacþround Municipalities across Ontario are being encouraged to find measures to increase the effrciency and effectiveness of waste recycling programs. Waste Diversion Ontario has identified best practices through its annual Municipal Data call, and the completion of Waste Recycling Strategies are part of those best practices. The Continuous Improvement Fund has developed some resources for preparing these strategies, including guidebook/templates for municipal use. In addition, the CIF will also provide funding to municipalities to complete Waste Recycling Plans of 75Yo to a maximum of $15,000, or for joint plans 9}Yoto a maximum of $45,000. A Letter or Agreement with WDO is required to secure such funding. Staff Comments A Waste Recycling Strategy would assist the municipality in identifring our needs and goals and implementing future initiatives. With the current waste collection contract expiring in June 201I, it would be beneficial to develop such a strategy prior to issuing any tenders. Additionally, Municipalities without such a recycling strategy/plan will have their annual blue box funding from the WDO reduced. As there currently is no Municipal Staff in-house with the necessary qualifications to develop such a Waste Recycling Plan, staff have sought initial estimates for consulting services to complete a plan. Initial estimates for an individual plan are in the range of $20,000 to $25,000. As well, arrangements may be possible for the municipal portion (not financed by grants), to be ofÊset by "in-kind" works. Staff have also held preliminary discussions with other Elgin County municipalities regarding a joint plan/project. Malahide and Central Elgin staff have indicated a willingness to parhrer for such a project, however, such a partnership has not yet been approved by those respective Councils. Those staff will be presenting recommendations to their Councils through September also. As such, staff suggest pursuing the development of a Waste Recycling Strategy, in co-operation with the Township of Malahide and Municipalþ of Central Elgin. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #7 - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship .../ continued Staff Report PW2010-17 regarding Waste Recycling Strategy - Continuous Improvement Fund. Page 91 of 115 Recommendations That Staff be authorized to proceed with finalizing arrangements with the Township of Malatride and Municipality of Central Elgin for a joint Waste Recycling Plan project; subject to their concurrence to proceed with such a partnership; and That Staff be authorized to proceed with an application to the Continuous Improvement Fund for a Waste Recycling Planproject; and That Staffbe authorized to call for proposals for a Consultant to develop a Waste Recycling Plan for the municipal blue box recycling progftrm, jointþ with the Township of Malahide and Municipality of Central Elgin subject to their concuffence to proceed in partnership with Bayham. Staff Report PW2010-17 regarding Waste Recycling Strategy - Continuous Improvement Fund. Page 92 of 115 ,,-ì\-l t CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDT]M TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line DATE: September 10, 2010 FILE: ;t-l? As Council will recall, a number of cemetery marker bases were recovered during recent bank stabilization works along Glen Erie Line. Volunteers transported these bases to the Estherville Cemetery site. Staff have done a quick examination of the 19 bases recovered, and 7 have surnames inscribed. The remaining 12 do not appear to have any identification/information (staff though have not lifted the bases at the current location to examine all sides). The seven names identihed are: . Backhouse . McConnell . Haines . Merrill . Saxton . Snellgrove . Hollywood (though only the letters "OOD" are present) All of the identified names are consistent with surnames recorded on markers in the Estherville Cemetery. Therefore, it appears that placement of these bases within Estherville cemetery would be consistent. Staff did also take the step of consulting with the local genealogical society. A representative also suggested that any markers or bases that have surnames on them be placed somewhere within the cemetery grounds. In regard to the various bases that do not have any names inscribed, staff are unsure of the merits of placement of these within the cemetery. Similarly, there are approximately 57 markers that have been recovered by volunteers and placed around the existing cairn area. Again, though some of these have some inscriptions, they do not identifr any names or other historical information (ie: simply have "Father" or similar designation inscribed). Assuming that Council would like to place all of these monuments and markers displayed within the Estherville Cemetery area, Public Works staff have drafted the attached sketch of a potential layout, for consideration. The display would be on a simple gravel base, with some form of plaque outlining information (content to be determined). Staff Memorandum regarding Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line. Page 93 of 115 Staff Memorandum regarding Recovered Cemetery Marker Foundations - Glen Erie Line. Page 94 of 115 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: September 13,2010 FROM: LyndaMillard, Clerk FILE: C07 SUBJECT: Compliance Audit Committee Appointments NUMBER: C2010-11 PURPOSE To recommend the appointment of members to the Joint Elgin Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee. BACKGROUND In accordance with new Section 81.1 of Municipal Elections Act, 1996(MEA), Council passed By-law 2010-058 establishing the mandatory Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee and the terms of reference on June 17,2010. The terms of reference provides for a committee composed of three (3) to seven (7) members. COMMENTS Joint eflorts have been made by municipal staffin seeking suitable appointees to the committee. Advertisernents were placed and professionals such as auditors, accountants, lawyers, academics and other individuals having a familiarity with municipal election campaign financing rules were solicited. As efforts within Elgin County resulted in establishing only two applicants, interested appointees to the City of St. Thomas, City of London, Middlesex and Oxford County municþalities were also approache.d. The two Elgin applicants and three solicited by the City of London are listed and are recommended for appointment. o I)r. Tim Cobban - is an Assistant Professor for the Department of Political Science at The University of Western Ontario. He has aPhD inpolitical science and teaches in the Master of Public Administration program. He is very familiar with the Municipal Elections process. o Patricia Miller - is a Barrister & Solicitor, currentþ practicing as Legal Counsel in Oxford County. Her legal training and experience included many aspects of municipal law. She has knowledge and experience with working during provincial and municipal elections. o Çhristene Scrimgeour - is a Chartered Accountant and is familiar with the Municipal Act and the Municipal Elections Act. She is an auditor for a number of the municipalities. . Amandeep Taneja - is a Senior Financial Advisor with the CIBC Imperial Service, with knowledge in financial business maragement, auditing and compliance requirements. He has completed the CGA Advanced 4ü Level, as well as other accounting and finance prograrns. . Andrew Wright - is a lawyer at Siskinds LLP, in London. He specializes in Municipal Law. He is very familiar with the legislative requirements as they pertain to Municipal Elections. Staff Report C2010-11 regarding Compliance Audit Committee Appointments. Page 95 of 115 Report C201,0-Il RECOMMENDATION (TIIAT StaffReport C2010-11 be received; AND THAT By-law 2010-087, being a by-law to appoint Patricia Miller, Amandeep Taneja, Ändrew WrighÇ Christine Scrimgeour and Dr. Tim Cobban to the Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee for the 2010 Municþat Election, as required by the Municipal Elections AcÇ 2006, as amended, be presented to Council for enactment." Strategic Plan Goals: Goal # I Practice responsible financial management Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere Goal# 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Respectfully submitted Attach: F,lL20l0-087 -2- Reviewed by Millard, Clerk Staff Report C2010-11 regarding Compliance Audit Committee Appointments. Page 96 of 115 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il 2010-087 Being a By-law to appoint mernbers to the Elgin Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee in accordance with Sections 81 and 8l.l of the Municipal Electíons Act, 1996, as amended TWHEREAS subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended provides that amunicþal power shall be exercisedbyby-law; AND WHEREAS section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipalityhas the capacity, rigþts, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS subsection 10(1) of the Municþal Act, 2001 provides that amunicipalitymay provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public; AND WHEREAS section 81.1(1) ofthe Municipal Elections Act 2006, as amended requires Council to establish a Compliance Audit Committee; AND WHEREAS by By-law 2010-058 Council did establish the Terms of Reference for a Compliance Audit Committee; AND WHEREAS Council is desirous to appoint members to the Compliance Audit Committee in accordance with Section 270 of theMunicipal Act, 2001 with respect to the manner in which the municipality wilt try to ensure that it is accountable to the public for its actions and that its actions are tansparent to the public; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bay,ham deems it expedie,nt to appoint such persons by byJaw; THT'REF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF'THT'. CORPORATION OF'THF' MT]MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the following persons be and are hereby appointed to act as me,mbers of the Elgin Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee for the term December l, 2010 to Novernber 30,2014: Patricia Miller, Amandeep Taneja" Andrew Wright, Christene Scrimgeour, and Dr. Tim Cobban. 2. TIIAT this byJaw shall come into and take effect as ofthe date of its final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS I6TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2O1O MAYOR CLERK Staff Report C2010-11 regarding Compliance Audit Committee Appointments. Page 97 of 115 Page 98 of 115 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\ry 2010-087 Being a By-law to appoint members to the Elgin Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee in accordance with Sections 81 and 81.1 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended WHEREAS subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by byJaw; AND \VHEREAS section 9 of the Municipal Act,200l provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS subsection 10(l) of the Municipal Act,200l provides that amunicipalitymay provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public; AND WHEREAS section 8l.l(1) of the Municipal Elections Act,2006, as amended requires Council to establish a Compliance Audit Committee; AND WHEREAS by ByJaw 2010-058 Council did establish the Terms of Reference for a Compliance Audit Committee; AND \MHEREAS Council is desirous to appointmembers to the Compliance Audit Committee in accordance with Section 270 of the Municþal Act,200l with respect to the manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that it is accountable to the public for its actions and that its actions are transparent to the public; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to appoint suchpersons byby-law; TIIT'REFORE THE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THF' MT]MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following persons be and are hereby appointed to act as me,rnbers of the Elgin Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee for the term December 1, 2010 to November 30,2014: Patricia Miller, Amandeep Taneja, Andrew Wright, Christene Scrimgeour, and Dr. Tim Cobban. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into and take effect as of the date of its final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS I6M DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2O1O MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-087 A By-law to appoint members to the Elgin Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee Page 99 of 115 Page 100 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 101 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 102 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 103 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 104 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 105 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 106 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 107 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 108 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 109 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 110 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 111 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 112 of 115 By-Law 2010-088 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement (Dygos) Page 113 of 115 Page 114 of 115 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LÄ\il NO. 2010-089 A BY.LA\il TO CONF'IRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM F'OR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 16,2010 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the MunicipalAct,2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AI\D \üHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by byJaw; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deerns it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held September 16,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AI\D THIRD TIME and fìnally passed this 16th day of September,2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-089 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 115 of 115