HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 16, 2011 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, June 16, 2011 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the special meeting of Council held May 31, 2011. (b)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011. (c)Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 6, 2011. (d)Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 9, 2011. (e)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - John Regan, General Manager and Rhonda Stewart, Executive Assistant from the Elgin Business Resource Centre regarding "Updates from Elgin Business Resource Centre and Exploring Opportunities with Elgin Business Resource Centre" (b)7:30 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding isues of Estherville previously discussed at Council along with other matters. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)AMO Breaking News dated June 1, 2011 regarding "Bill 181 Passes Third Reading Mandatory Retirement at age 60 for Ontario's Salaried Firefighters". File: A01 (b)Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. File: A16 5-8 9-16 17-19 21-41 43 45-51 Page 1 of 313 Council Agenda June 16, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (c)Edison Museum Building Committee minutes of meeting held May 30, 2011. File: C06 (d)Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held May 12, 2011. File: C06 (e)Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television transmission to the London market" File: C10 (f)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. File: E00 (g)Correspondence dated June 13, 2011 from Ross and Martha Andrews regarding "Waste Collection Scheduling". File: C13 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". File: D10.11 MacDonald (b)Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56-58/11". File: D10.11 Breedon (c)Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". File: D10.11 Soreny Farms (d)Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42-45/11". File: D10.11 Soreny Farms (e)Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50-53/11". File: D10.11 Szorenyi 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Event Road Closure Request Form from Port Burwell Historical Society regarding "Canada Day Celebrations". File: R06 (b)Event Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville Community Committee regarding "Straffordville Watermelon Fest." File: R06 53 55-56 57-64 65-75 77 79-90 91-108 109-121 123-138 139-156 157-158 159-160 Page 2 of 313 Council Agenda June 16, 2011 Page 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending May 31, 2011. File: P10 (b)Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". File: P01 (c)Correspondence dated May 31, 2011 from Ontario Early Years Centre Elgin- Middlesex-London regarding "Summer Park Program". File: C13 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending May 29, 2011 totaling $63,029.42. (b)Staff Report F2011-04 regarding "Council Remuneration & Expenses". File: F03.03 (c)Discussion regarding "Ongoing Policing Service Increases". (d)Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from Paul Andriekus regarding"Harmony Acres Line Race Track". File: C13 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". File: E08 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011. (c)Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Elgin Military Museum) 161 163-256 257 259-268 269 271 273-291 Page 3 of 313 Council Agenda June 16, 2011 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (d)Discussion regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (CUPE Contract) (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2011-049 A By-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement (Norfolk Disposal Services Limited) (b)By-Law 2011-051 A By-law to repeal By-Law No. 378 of the former Village of Port Burwell, being a By-law to Prohibit the Discharge of Firearms (c)By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System) (d)By-Law 2011-055 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 293 295 297-312 313 Page 4 of 313 COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Tuesda¡ May 31,2011 7:00 PM Council Chambers The special meeting of Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Tuesday, May 31, 20ll at the Vienna Community Centre. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wayre Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. There were approximately sixty members of the community, as well as Council, staff and representatives from the Elgin Military Museum present. 1. CALL TO ORDER Call to Order- Mayor Ens welcomed everyone and introduced members of the Elgin Military Museum Board, Executive Director Ian Raven, member Lynn Acre and President Deborah Jarvis. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. ADMINISTRATION (a) Information and updates regarding "Project Ojibwa". Mayor Paul Ens stated that the purpose of the meeting was to inform residents and interested persons that the Municipality was offering the Elgin Military Museum land for the placement of the Ojibwa and in retum the Museum would pay the full cost of the required dredging. He provided a brief overview of the Ojibwa project and steps taken by the Municipality in order for the project to proceed since August 2010 forward. The Mayor then opened the meeting for questions focused on the project. Q. Carol Wood questioned what happened to the idea to purchase a dredge to clean out the harbour and the opportunity to lease it out to other local ports. A. Mayor Ens responded that the Municipality is not in a position to spend a lot of money, the capacity of the equipment was borderline and may not be able to meet the short timeframe to have the work comFleted. Q. Paul Wood suggested the opportunity to purchase a dredge to complete the work and then lease the equipment out was a no brainer. A. Mayor þ¡s smFhasizedthe need to ssmplete the work quickly. Page 1 of4 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held May 31, 2011.Page 5 of 313 Council Budget Meeting Minutes INlay 3l,20ll Q. Sharon Heatherington questioned what if the dredging doesn't get done in time. A. Mr. Raven responded that the sub could be held in Hamilton. Dredging costs are to be bome by the Museum and must be to a depth of 10 feet. Equipment for the move is coming from across North America. Q. Honor Wassing asked if approval has been given to use a suction dredge. A. Adminishator Kyle Kmger advised that there are several agencies involved for in- water disposal of dredgeate and approval is not expected until the end of June. Brian Riggs is providing additional information required for a Request for Proposals to go out soon. Q. Ray Maddox questioned whether there is enough money çsming in to pay for a dredge, will the dredge make money and what's this doing for Bayham? A. Mayor Ens advised that the meeting is not about buyrng a dredge. Q. Ray Talbot noted that the harbour will silt in after the sub arrives and the equipment will be required to maintain the harbour so American visitors will come in from across the lake. A. Deputy Mayor Taylor stated that it isn't practical to purchase a dredge at three quarters of a million dollars when it is not known whether it can be used. Mr. Talbot suggested he would leam to operate the dredge and would operate it at no cost ifpurchased. Q. Bruce Bolland questioned the transfer of the property and under who's ownership the land is. He suggested the Municipalitypurchase lands from the numbered company. A. Mayor Ens noted that land values vary based on uses. He added that the Municipality owns the property where the sub will sit and is considering a transfer to the Military Museum in retum for the cost of the dredging. Ian Raven added that ownership by the Museum (a non-profit organization) is necessary to carry the debt load. A transfer is a simpler process. Q. John Bastis questioned whether there is any sale value to the removed silt. A. Mayor Ens responded that there is a mixture of soil tlpes which are of little value unless dried out. It's cheaper to dispose in water. The Ministry wants it placed out farther and soundings are being done in the lake to determine the best area for placement so as not to create a mountain. Q. Paul Wood questioned the time-line required to do the dredging. A. Mayor Ens confirmed that dredging is a time consuming process and noted that the approval authorities didn't support the first proposal. Q. lvfr. Wood asked whether an offer to hold the dredge for purchase was possible. A. Mayor Ens responded that the Harbourfront Committee did have an offer to hold equipment until April l5th. Page2 of 4 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held May 31, 2011.Page 6 of 313 Council Budget Meeting Minutes May 31,2011 Q. Chuck Buchanan questioned if approvals were granted, could the Municipality purchase a dredge as well as hire another to complete work in a shorter time? A. Mayor Ens commented that might be something to look at. Mayor Ens requested a show of hands for support to give the lands for the Ojibwa to the Military Museum in retum for the dredging. A majority of those present responded favourably. Q. Bob I-ozonquestioned proposed work and timelines to be met. A. Mr. Ravin responded that divers have been working to determine the depth required to permit the sub to enter the harbour. The scale can be cleaned f¡om the sub in the Nova Scotia harbour, however, if removed after arrival it must be treated as hazardous waste. He added that commihent has been made to North American based dollies and equipment contractors necessary for the move. Q. Ron Bradfield asked whether the sub has been released by the Navy. A. lvfr. Ravin responded that the sub has not been officially released, however, they have permitted the removal of parts. He advised the same conhactor has been hired as moved the Chicoutimi. Q. Mr. Wood questioned the curing time for the cement cradles. A. Mr. Ravin advised 28 days, however there are additives that can make it cure more quickly - timelines are tight but doable. Rick V/assing commented that he was surprised how much power the Minisûry has. Mr. Raven commented that local authorities have been supportive. The project has been ongoing for two years, the announcement of the award of the sub to Bayham was on Jtme22,2010, howeve¡ documents were not signed until March 17,2011. 4. BY.LÄW (a) By-Law 2}ll-045 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 20tt-240 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT confirming By-Law 20tl-045 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 3 of4 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held May 31, 2011.Page 7 of 313 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held May 31, 2011.Page 8 of 313 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville June 2,2011 7:00 PM The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, June 2,2011in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill and Water Wastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CÄLL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECI]NIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF' None. 3. APPROVAL OF'MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regularmeeting of Council held May 19,201I. 20rt-243 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held May l9,20ll be approved as circulated.'l CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (b) Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held May 25,2011. 20ll-244 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor ilTHAT the minutes of the budget meeting of Council held May 25,20llbe approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (c) Added Item(s) Page 1 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 9 of 313 Council Minutes 4. DELEGATIONS June 02, 201 I 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Heads Up Alert dated May 25,2011 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "MTO announces support for the collection of municipal bridge data". File: 401 (b) Correspondence dated tr.f¡ay 26,2011 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Minimum Maintenance Standards Litigation - Status Report". File: A0l (c) Correspondence dated ll.4Lay 17,2011 from Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters regarding "Ontario Family þi5hing Week". File: 401 (d) Correspondence received May 25,2011 from Canada Post regarding "Canadian Union of Postal Workers". File: 401 (e) Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held May ll,20ll. File: C06 (Ð OtterValley Chamber of Commerce minutes ofmeeting held May 3, 2011. File: C06 (g) Copy of resolution passed lllay 20,2011by The Corporation of the United Townships of Head, Clara &Maria regarding "Municipal Elections Act, Section 80". File: C10 (h) Copy of correspondence sent to the Minister of Energy from The Corporation of the Town of Thessalon regarding "Standards for the Maintenance and Occupancy of Property". File: C10 (Ð Correspondence dated MLay 27,2011 from Township of North Stormont regarding "Resolution on the wildfires that ravaged the community of Slave Lakg Alberüa". File: C10 C) Correspondence from Inf¡astructure Ontario regarding "P3 Canada Fund Intake Information". File: Fll (k) Correspondence dated May 2011 from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Ontario Medal For Good Citizenship". File: M02 Page 2 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 10 of 313 Council Minutes Jvne02,20ll (1) Ontario Provincial Police News Release dated May 25,2011 regarding "What Causes Crashes". File: P17 (m) Correspondence from Minister Responsible for Seniors regarding "Seniors'Month". File: 416 20tt-245 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT information items 5(a) throught 5(m) be received for information; THAT Council supports the resolution of the United Township of Head, Clara and Maria regarding Section 80 of the Municipal Elections Act; TIIAT Council endorse the resolution passed by the Town of Thessalon regarding Standards for the Maintenance and Occupancy of Property." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECR.EATION & TOURISM (a) StaffReport D2}ll-2lregarding "Grewal Development Agreement & By-Law". File: LO4.GREW 20tt-246 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT By-Law No. 2011-47, being a By-Iaw to authorize the execution of a I)evelopment Agreement between Nariender Grewal and the Municipalilty of Bayham pertaining to municipal sanitary servicing, be presented to Council for enactment.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Request for discussion regarding "Noise By-Law and Outback Camping". The Administrator confirmed that several noise complaints had been received regarding the Victoria Day weekend. He added that the maffer has been discussed with the OPP and that Council would be kept apprised. Page 3 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 11 of 313 Council Minutes June 02, 2011 (b) Correspondance dated May 19, 2011 from St. Paul's Port Burwell / Vienna United Church regarding "Use of Vienna Park". File: C13 In regard to provision of sufficient picnic tables, it was suggested that the group be advised of the municipal assistance application process 20rr-247 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT permission be granted to St. Paul's Port Burwell / Vienna United Church to use the Vienna Memorial Park on Sunday, June 26,2011 between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. subject to: o provision of proof of liability insurance coverage naming the Municipality of Bayham as additional insured, in the amount of $2 million and o clean up and repair of any damage to the park area be the responsibility of the organizers; AND THAT the Public Works department ensure the placement of 20 picnic tables at the park as requested." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffMemorandum regarding "Update - Raccoon Control Item". File: P14 The Administrator noted that approved designated bodies permitted to dispose of nuisance animals include pest control companies who charge between $100 and $150 per call. The OPP have advised that they will not be responding to such calls unless there is an immediate public safety concem. Council requested that steps be taken to repeal the Port Burwell by-law that restricts use of fi¡earms in the village. 20tt-248 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT StaffMemorandum regarding Update - Raccoon Control Item be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRÄTION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Registerbeing Cheque #10492 to Cheque #10545 totaling $94,666.68 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending May 15, 2011 totaling $52,316.80. 20tt-249 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier Page 4 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 12 of 313 Council Minutes June 02, 2011 "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #10492 to Cheque #10545 inclusive totaling $94,666.68 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending May 15, 2011 totaling $52,316.80 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Søff Memorandum C2OII-07 regarding "Straffordville Community Committee Lottery Licensing". File: P09 20tt-250 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I' THAT Staff Memorandum C20lt-07 regarding Straffordville Community Committee Lottery Licensing be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Harbourf¡ont Committee - Additional Dredge Infomration. Mr. Underwood advised that he received information earlier in the day regarding the equipment required to provide additional capacity for dredging. He was requested to forward it to the Municipality and that the matter be added to the agenda for the budget meeting being held June 6th. IO. EI\¡^WRONMENT (a) Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending March 31,201I. File: 808 20tt-251 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and Call Ins for period ending March 3lr20ll be received for information.f' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Quarteù Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending March 31,2011. File: E08 The Water/TVastewater Superintendent advised that the elimination of water testing for the Medical Centre, Municipal offrce and Library in Straf;fordville would help reduce operating costs. Page 5 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 13 of 313 Council Minutes June 02,2011 20LL-252 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick 'TTHAT Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending March 3l,20ll be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending March 31,201I. File: 808 20rt-253 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and Call Ins for the period ending March 3lr20ll be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Port Burwell Wastewater Treabnent Plant Annual Compliance Summary and Call Ins for the period ending March 31,2011. File: E08 20tt-2s4 Moved by Councillor'W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Annual Compliance Summary and Call Ins for the period ending March 3lr20ll be received for information.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In camera. 20rt-2s5 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an rrln Camerat' Session of Committee of the Whole at8z25 p.m. to discuss: . a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY Page 6 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 14 of 313 Council Minutes June02,20ll (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 19, 20ll . (c) Verbal Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. @lgin Military Museum land lease) (d) Verbal Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Harbour divestiture) (e) out of camera. 20rt-256 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 9:17 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 20lI-043 A By-Law to assume and establish lands (Soper Road) (b) By-Law 20II-046 A By-Law to designate an area to which the water works shall be provided and to establish fees to recover the cost of said works (Port Burwell and Vienna úlater llorks Fee By-Law) (c) By-Law 2}ll-047 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Sewer Services Development Agreement (Nariender Grew al) 20rr-2s7 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT By-Laws 2011443,2011-046 and 2011-047 beread a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) By-Law 20ll-048 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 20tt-2s8 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor \M Casier 'TTHAT confirming By-Law 2011-048 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 7 of 8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 15 of 313 Council Minutes June 02,2011 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 20Lt-259 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by CouncillorT Southwick I'THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 9:19 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 8 of8 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2, 2011.Page 16 of 313 BUDGET MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville June 9,2011 7:00 PM The sixth 2011 budget meeting of the Council of the Municipalþ of Bayham was held on Thursday, June 9, 2011 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Clerk Lynda Millard and Treasurer Denis Duguay. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ANDIHE GDNERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. 2O1l DRAF'T BUDGET (a) StaffReportF20ll-05 regarding "BudgetReductions 2011". File: F05.11 The Treasurer advised that the cost of the upgrade of the electrical panel at the food booth on the east beach in the amount of $2,300 has been added to the budget. The incorporation of the reductions supported at the last meeting bring the tax rate increase to 2.3Yo. Handouts on Municipal Assistance applications and StaffMemorandums regarding Cemetery Marker Foundations were circulated. The applications for cash donations were considered and support determined for a total of $3,920. The balance to be disbursed at a later date. Festivals and Events support was deferred pending clarification for Canada Day and Edison Fest. It was suggested that $35,000 be placed in a reserve for a recycling depot, to be taken from the proposed Jackson Line project. It was suggested that the proposed fuehall should be downsized to cut the cost and a final design taken to a public meeting. It was noted that all recently built halls visited had incorporated heated floors. Staffcomments regarding new development fees for the installation of new süeet lights and sidewalks as conditions of severances were requested. The $2,000 transfer to the Edison Museum building reserve was cut. Clarification regarding fundraising and the transfer to reserve was requested. Page 1 of3 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 9, 2011.Page 17 of 313 Budget Meeting Minutes June 09, 201 I It was suggested that two picnic tables and cooking fire pits ($300) be placed by volunteers along Water Street near the Otter Creek in Vienna. Placement of a plaque at the Estherville cemetery was discussed. The Staff memorandum, previously circulated, on placement of recovered cemetery marker foundations was referred to a future meeting. It was noted that the Elgin Health Unit is promoting local walking tails and may have funding assistance available. A review of the reductions to the operating budget resulted in a further cut for inactive cemetery improvement of $2,500 and Museums Bayham $15,000. The nextbudget meeting was scheduled for Thursday, June 16th at 6:00 p.m. (b) Municipal Cash Assistance 20rL-264 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "TIIAT Council directs municipal cash assistance as follows: Bayham Community Initiatives $500 Elgin County Plowmenrs Association $200 Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce $200 Port Burwell Community Chitdcare Centre $500 Port Burwell Historical Society $350 Straffordville Community Committee $1,170 Tillsonburg & Distric Multi-Service $500 lst Straffordville BPSC (Scouts) $500 CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 4. BY-LAW (a) ByJaw 2OIl-052 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 20tt-265 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick I'THAT confirming Bylaw 20ll-052 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page2 of3 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 9, 2011.Page 18 of 313 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 9, 2011.Page 19 of 313 Page 20 of 313 E lgtn Business E Resource Centre Building Communities - one idea at a time! John Regan, Ec. D (f) General Manager 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 1 o f 3 1 3 V¡sion: Facilitating Prosperity, Strengthening Communities ission: To provide business resources, and to be a catalyst in strengthening our c mmunities 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 2 o f 3 1 3 "Small businesses are the of our economY." o Employ 48% of the total private sector labour force 200,000 small businesses created in Canada last year representing 37% of all jobs created engrne 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 3 o f 3 1 3 Unemployment Rates St. Thomas I2.0o/o to I4.5% Elgin County (with St. Thomas)9 .0o/o to 10.7% 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 4 o f 3 1 3 Core Services Business Cou nsel I i n g/Trai n i ng Access to Capital- Lender Sand Plains Development Fund Com mu nity Economic Development Self Employment Benefits Program Summer Company Business lncu bation 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 5 o f 3 1 3 Business Counselling Success rate: Elgin BRC's statistics indicate that 7I% of the businesses started during the period from 1998 to 2009 and received the benefit of our services are still operating. 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 6 o f 3 1 3 Access to Cap¡tal- Loans Lender of Last Resort Leverage to Commercial Loans up to Sf 50,000 - Continual Counselling No pay out fees Lender 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 7 o f 3 1 3 SANTD PIATNS Community Deuelopment Fund Patient Ca pita I Prime plus 2% 3 year term L0 year Amortization No lnterest / No Payments Loans up to 5250,000 Program runs until March 20L2 www.sandplains.ca 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 8 o f 3 1 3 25 20 35 3() 15 L0 o3o1 s EBRCTOTAL NUMBER OF LOANSADV¡\NCED INCLUDING SAND PLAINS ln 2008, Elgin CFDC loaned out S785,484to 24 businesses ln 2009, Elgin CFDC loaned out S1,249,948 to 29 businesses ln 2010, Elgin CFDC loaned out 53,357,000 to 35 businesses 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 2 9 o f 3 1 3 E EBRCJOBS CREATED 2009 gJOBS MAIhTAINED 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 0 o f 3 1 3 2009 N EBRC BTJSIIIESSES CREATED 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 1 o f 3 1 3 Com mu nity Economic Development Strengthening our communities through economic and social development initiatives to enhance the overall quality of life and prosperity of Elgin County residents 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 2 o f 3 1 3 Com m u nity Economic Development o Arts and Cookery Bank Caso Station Buy Local Buy Fresh Map Biz Expo I ., ;¿w YOUR BUSINNSS EXPOSURE STARTS HERE 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 3 o f 3 1 3 Self Employment Benefits Program (sEB) El (Employment lnsurance Eligible) - 42 weeks of contributions Business Concepts Business Planning Workshops Business Counselling 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 4 o f 3 1 3 fl c:\Documents and settings\kmonis.ElGlNCFDC\Desktop\IcE cREATIVe\PowERpoINTS\power point slide sBECjpg SBEC OBJECTIVES o Assist new entrepreneurs ¡n the evaluation o Provide stability and support to existing early-stage small bus¡nesses (operating less than 5 years w¡th up to 10 employees) and help ¡mprove success rates and start up process o Promote and encourage entrepreneurship as a viable career option by developing entrepreneurial skills, qualities and opportunities for Onta rio's youth 15 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 5 o f 3 1 3 fl C:\Documents and Settings\lmonis.ELGINCFDC\Desktop\ICE CREATIVe\POWERPOINTS\power point slide SBECjpg SUMMER COMPANY A Ministry of Ontario Youth Program SSOOO in Grants available Must be between ages L5-29 Must be returning to school Business training and counselling Mentorship program succEss! . L2 Summer Companies started in 2009 . 13 Summer Companies started in 2010 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 6 o f 3 1 3 ELEVATING SMALL BUSINESSES TO A NEW LEVEL OF SUCCESS WHAT IS ICE? o lt's a mixed-use incubator that delivers essential services to small businesses o ICE takes businesses from garages and basements and gives them a place to accelerate o Set up to help different types of business: retail, electronics, bio-tech , ã9, and culinary 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 7 o f 3 1 3 A BUSINESS RESOURCE GATEWAY ICE prov¡des small businesses with services to succeed: o administrative, €ducation, flexible work spac€, offices, mentoring o investors, pa rtners, lega I a nd accou nting counselling, marketing assista nce, management advice 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 8 o f 3 1 3 WORKING TOGETHER FOR CLIENTS å.ä -!n.rL- -r-,¡rr ,tL ELGIN BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTRE A fümmunity Fuures f)cvclopnr€nt Co.pomtion lnE rNNovAïoNcENrRE l\¡L FoRENTREPRENEURs 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 3 9 o f 3 1 3 Explori ng Opportu nities Small Business Enterpr¡se Centre Satellite - Opportunity for Economic Development Summer Company Program Off¡ces - Opportunity for Youth Entrepreneurship EBRC information flyer included with tax b¡ll 7 : 0 5 p . m . - J o h n R e g a n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a n d R h o n d a S t e w a r t , E x e c u t i v e A s s i s t a n t f r o m t h e E l g i n B u s i n e s s R e s o u r c e C e n t r e P a g e 4 0 o f 3 1 3 rttco .IþtItlo5d 7:05 p.m. - John Regan, General Manager and Rhonda Stewart, Executive Assistant from the Elgin Business Resource Centre Page 41 of 313 Page 42 of 313 5 Subject: AMO Breaking News - Bill 181 ÊlO I TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE CLERK AND COUNCIL June 1,2011 B¡ll 181 Passes Third Reading Mandatory Retirement at age 60 for Ontario's Salaried Firefighters Highlights: B¡ll 181, An Act to Amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, was passed at the Legislature, after Third Reading. B¡ll 181 allows mandatory retirement at age 60 for the Province's salaried firefighters, standardizing retirement age across Ontario. The changes will not apply to volunteer firefighters. The new legislation will require municipalities that do not already have a mandatory retirement age for firefighters to negotiate a new retirement provision into their collective agreements within two years. AMO Analysis: AMO is pleased that Bill 181 does not apply to volunteer firefighters who make up a significant part of rural and northern fire departments across the Province. B¡ll 181 provides that fire departments may consider full-time firefighters 60 years or older who wish to continue employment if there is no undue hardship to the employer. However, they must take into account the costs and health and safety requirements of doing so. Municipal employers will ultimately incur the cost of creating and training firefighters for new positions where fire departments have deemed it appropriate to do so. This could negatively affect other municipal employees and provoke labour relations issues that the municipalities would be required to fund. AMO is still concerned about the Labour Board's remedial powers pursuant to section 46.2(5) (d), which require the employer to reinstate and compensate a firefighter when the Labour Board has determined that the union has failed to fulfill its duty of fair representation. Where this occurs, municipalities will be required to compensate the firefighter, rather than the union doing so. Bill 181 may generate additional labour relations activities forthe municipal employer. AMO will monitor closely any litigation that may ensue because of Bill 181 and keep its members apprised. AMO Contact: Monika Turner, Director of Policy, at email: mturner@amo.on.ca or 416-971-9856 ext. 318 PLEASE NOTE AMO Breaking News will be broadcast to the member municipality's council, administrator and clerk. Recipients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff as required. We have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast lists in order to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the management of our various broadcast lists. DISCLAIMER These are final versions of AMO documents. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record. AMO Breaking News dated June 1, 2011 regarding "Bill 181 Passes Third Reading Mandatory Retirement at age 60 for Page 43 of 313 Page 44 of 313 5 Atø LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS - MINUTES May 4, 2011 (as approved at the Board of Directors meeting held June 1, 2011) Members in attendance: L. Bartlett, R. Chambers, B. Chanyi, M.Columbus, R. Geysens, E. Ketchabaw and R. Sackrider. Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, D. Holmes, J. Maxwell, J. Robertson, H. Surette, C. Jacques and D. Mclachlan. Regrets: D. Beres, C. Grice and D. Travale. The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm Wednesday, May 4th, 2011. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS None DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None DEPUTATIONS None MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A-69 moved: M. Columbus seconded: R. Chambers THAT the mínutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting held Aprit dn, 2011 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING None REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES MOTION A-70 moved: M. Columbus seconded: B. Chanyi That the minutes from the Backus Advisory Board meeting of February ztd, 2011 be FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Robert Chambers, Betty Chanyi, Michael Columbus Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Ed Ketchabaw, Ron Sackrider, Dennis Travale - t- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. Page 45 of 313 received as information. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE None DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS a) MID-MONTH CONFIRMATION MOTION A-71 moved: R. Chambers seconded: B. Chanyí That the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the following Mid-Month Development Applications: A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnþrterence with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06), NC-12/1 1 HC-9/1 I NC-13/1 1 B. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. CARRIED b) NEW APPLTCATTONS The Planning Department requested approvalfor eight applications. MOTION A-72 moved by: E. Ketchabaw seconded: B. Chanyi That the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approves the following Development Applications: A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterterence with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (B.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06), NC-14/11 HC-10/11 NC-15/11 NC-16/11BA-2111 HC-11111 HC-12111 BA-3/11 B. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Robert Chambers, Betty Chanyi, Michael Columbus Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Ed Ketchabaw, Ron Sackrider, Dennis Travale -2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. Page 46 of 313 CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) GALENDAR REVTEW The Education programs were very busy in April. Four of the five parks opened May 1't for the 2011 season. May 27'n lo 29'n is the Long Point Carolinian Nature Fest. Many events and presentations are scheduled, some with advance registration required. MOTION A-73 moved by: R. Chambers seconded: M. Columbus That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the May Calendar Review Report as information. CARRIED b) BUDGET PERFORMANCE AS AT MARCH 31,2011 No changes in the projections for both revenue and expenditures are anticipated at this time. The Manager of Corporate Services fielded questions with the majority revolving around the outstanding capital projects. ln 2010, all capital projects were deferred to evaluate the impact of the strategic plan review. MOTION A-74 moved by: E. Ketchabaw seconded: B. Chanyi That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the l"t quarter Budget Pertormance report for information. CARRIED MOTION 4.75 moved by: B. Chanyi seconded: L. Bartlett That the LPRCA Board of Directors approves proceeding with the 2011 capital budget; That staff defer replacement of the Education Centre roof for more information; And that metal be used for the homestead office roof. CARRIED c) DRAFT AMENDED LONG POINT REGION SOURCE PROTECTION AUTHORITY ASSESSMENT REPORT The Source Water Technician explained the process to date and the role LPRCA plays in the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee, which is made up of fourconservation authorities - Grand River, Kettle Creek, Catfish Creek and Long Point Region. The amended report includes updated water threats, revised vulnerability scores and mapping, as well as, added text for clarity. Packages were recently mailed to affected landowners and a public meeting is scheduled for May )m in Simcoe. The GM noted that two letters have been sent from the LPRCA Board to the Province regarding compensation for FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Robert Chambers, Betty Chanyi, Michael Columbus Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Ed Ketchabaw, Ron Sackrider, Dennis Travale -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. Page 47 of 313 affected landowners and he will be attending an upcoming meeting to discuss the issue further. MOTION A-76 moved by: E. Ketchabaw seconded: B. Chanyi That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Draft Amended Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Update report as information. CARRIED d) FLOOD COORDTNATORS' MEETTNG LPRCA hosted a meeting for Flood Coordinators on May gth. Staff representing municipal Emergency Services, Drainage and Public Works were in attendance. The plan is to make this an annual event. MOTION A-77 moved by: M. Columbus seconded: B. Chanyi That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Flood Coordinators' Meeting Follow- Up report as information. CARRIED e) WATERSHED CONDITIONS The Manager of Watershed Seruices noted that it has been a very wet March and April and the total precipitation recorded for April was 1 47.2mm,72/o above the long-term average. Thé wind storm April 28th raised Lake Erie 1.5 metres in three hours éending water over piers and Hastings Drive in Long Point. MOTION A-78 moved by: R. Chambers seconded: B. Chanyi THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Watershed Conditions Update report as information. CARRIED f) WELLTNGTON PARK WATER QUAL|TY PUBLTC PRESENTATTON The Lands & Waters Supervisor is presenting at a public meeting tonight, as technical support to Norfolk County, information on the water quality of the Lynn River Watershed and the Wellington Park restoration. MOTION A-79 moved by: B. Chanyi seconded: M. Columbus THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Wellington Park Public Presentation on Water Quality staff report as information. CARRIED FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Robert Chambers, Betty Chanyi, Michael Columbus Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Ed Ketchabaw, Ron Sackrider, Dennis Travale -4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. Page 48 of 313 g) CARBON SEQUESTRATTON STUDY - TOWER PROPOSAL Professor Altaf Arain has been conducting his research since 2002 and has been looking for a hardwood stand to further his research. A suitable LPRCA síte in a working forest has been located and plans are to erect a 40{oot tower. Professor Arain currently has a monitoring station in Turkey Point. MOTION A.8O moved by: E. Ketchabaw seconded: B. Chanyi That the LPRCA Board of Directors grants permission to McMaster University for the placement of a carbon sequestration and weather station monitoring tower on LPRCA property located within the South Walsingham Sand Ridges Forest. CARRIED h) AMENDMENTS TO ONTARTO REGULATTON 97t04 Proposed changes to the regulations have now been approved. The main purpose of the amendments is to streamline the permitting process. A follow-up report will be brought forth at a later date. No questions from the Board. MOTION 4.81 moved by: B. Chanyi seconded: E. Ketchabaw THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Amendments to Ontario Regulation 178/06 report as information. CARRIED ¡) 2011 CHRTSTMAS OPERATTNG SCHEDULE Staff will need to save two vacation days for the Christmas holiday. The General Manager, Field Superintendent, Manager of Watershed Services, Lands & Waters Supervisor and Field Technician are on call for emergencies over the holidays. The water level gauges are regularly monitored, including over the holiday, by phone. MOTION 4.82 moved by: E. Ketchabaw seconded: M. Columbus That the LPRCA Board of Directors closes operations (except for emergency response) from December 24111 to January 2112 inclusive, AND that staff working at that time be granted one complimentary day off with pay; AND that staff be required to utilize two (2) 2O11 vacation days during the closure períod or take unpaid leave - along with three statutory holidays. CARRIED FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Robert Ghambers, Betty Chanyi, Michael Columbus Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Ed Ketchabaw, Ron Sackrider, Dennis Travale -5- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. Page 49 of 313 MOTION A-83 moved by: R. Chambers seconded: E. Ketchabaw That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to dr.scuss; ! the security of the property of the Conseruation Authority; ! personal matters about an identífiable individual, including Conseruation Authority employees. CARRIED MOTION A-84 moved by: E. Ketchabaw seconded by: M. Golumbus That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera"session. CARRIED MOTION A-85 moved by: R. Chambers seconded by: B. Chanyi THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves offering Justin Miller, resource Planning Assistant an additional 3 working days a week from May 9, 2011 to September 2, 2011. CARRIED MOTION A-86 moved by: M. Golumbus seconded by: R. Geysens That the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the confidentialstaff report regarding a property matter as presented by staff at the May 41n, 201 I Board of Directors meeting as information. CARRIED MOTION A-87 moved by: E. Ketchabaw seconded by: L. Bartlett That the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the confidentialverbal report regarding a personnel matter as presented by the General Manager at the May 4", 2011 Board of Directors meeting as information. CARRIED The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:40 pm. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Robert Ghambers, Betty Chanyi, Michael Columbus Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Ed Ketchabaw, Ron Sackrider, Dennis Travale -6- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. Page 50 of 313 Ron Sackrider Vice-Chairman Dana McLachlan Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Robert Ghambers, Betty Chanyi, Michael Columbus Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Ed Ketchabaw, Ron Sackrider, Dennis Travale -7- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held May 4, 2011. Page 51 of 313 Page 52 of 313 r-,) CoG EDISON MUSEUM BUILDING COMMITTEE May 30,2011 Attendance: Jean'Woon, Lynn & Lew Acre, Ray Maddox, Cheryl Peters, Lynda Millard, Mat Schafer & Harris Teall. Call to Order: J.'Woon called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Agenda: There was no formal written agenda, with the main purpose of this meeting to discuss whether or not we should/could use an existing pack barn for our new Edison Museum. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None Fundraising Dinner Dance 2010: J.W'oon reported that we realizedSl377.96 profit from this event, which is slightly more than 2009's Murder Mystery. J.Woon suggested that this year (2011) we keep the same theme (50's Sock Hop) and hire the same band (Back to the 50's) and use the same menu with greater quantities of food. Everyone agreed. Prior to 2012 f,tndraiser, we may wish to change the theme. ...(Country & western?) Possible I)onation of Pack Barn for New Edison Museum: Harris Teall explained that he has located a vacant 40'X 80' pack barn, which is at risk of falling into the lake due to erosion. The owner is willing to donate it to Museums Bayham, but we would have to carefully dismantle it, move it and rebuild it on site at an estimated cost of $50,000. Bill Knifton, Bayham's Building lnspector has advised that an Engineer's review is needed ($600-$800) to see if it would be suitable for a public building and could be upgraded to meet all existing standards. Lew Acre noted that specific kinds of wood cannot be re-used in public buildings. Lew also noted that even if we rebuild the barn to its existing size and shape, we'd still need engineered drawings to satisff the municipal requirements. Jean reminded the members that our biggest concem is to preserve the artefacts from deteriorating from the humidity and was hopeful that heated cernent slab floor, providing radiant heat would solve this dilemma. Ray Maddox worried that without a basement this design would not meet the future needs of the museum and the Bayham Historical Society. He would like Steelway Industries to quote on a new steel structure. Lew rerninded evelyone that the donated barn would have to meet accessibility standards with handicapped washrooms, doors etc. Mat Schafer agreed with Ray, and would like to receive Steelway's quote on a 40' X 80' engineered plan, with cost estimate to build to public standards. Ray asked for an additional quote to include a second floor, in lieu of a basement. Everyone agreed that it would be worthwhile having an engineer's opinion on the feasibility of using the donated pack bam and with using our existing funds for this report. Next Steps: Jean wìll contacl lohn Spríet to arrange an ínspectíon of the pack børn. Jean wíll contact Steelway to rcquest costs & ídeasfor engíneered drawíngs. fean wíll dírect student staff to seek contact ínformationfor øll exìsting corporatíons who have connectíons w¡th Edíson's patents so letters of appeal can be sent oul Next meeting: At the call of the chair. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Edison Museum Building Committee minutes of meeting held May 30, 2011. Page 53 of 313 Page 54 of 313 ç BAYHAM HrsroRrcAr socrETY ( o ( MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM p.o. Box 160, STRAFFoRDVTLLE, ON. N0' 1Y0 May L2,2011. PRESENT: Robert & Jeanette Heil, Cheryl Peters, Harris Teall, Bob Graham, Etole Mc Cann, Barb Ouellette, Corky Ouellette, Ray Maddox, Dorothy Godby, Betty Lou Wallington, Liz Ball, Sandy Sage & Alex Collins. President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at 7:30, welcoming members and guests. A motion to accept the minutes of April L4,2011 was made by Corky Ouellette, 2nd. by Bob Graham Motion carried. GUEST SPEAKER: Our speaker Doug Dennis could not make it tonight. PRESIDENT'S REPORT & MUSEUMS BAYHAM REPORT & CEMETERY REPORT: Ray repofted that Corky Ouellette went with him and visited some inactive cemeteries in Bayham. The stone repaired with Gorilla Glue held up to thew winter weather. The inactive cemeteries in Bayham are Estheruille, Firby, Best, Goshen, Hemlock, Richmond, Straffordville, Eden, Edison, Vienna and Ridge Road. The newly organized Cemetery board has asked council for $10,000. for repairs in these cemeteries. SECRETARY'S REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported that students were interviewed and hired some hired for Museums Bayham. The tickets are printed for the light bulb race as per the new regulations. The Corinth Craft & Car Show is being held on June 25 at the Community of Christ Church Cheryl remind everyone to come and join in. Barb & CorÇ will man our table from 10:00 to 12:00 and Robeft & Jeannette Heil as well as Bruce & Janet Bolin will help out after that. She still has not heard if we will get the Seruice Canada Grant. Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held May 12, 2011. File: C06 Page 55 of 313 TREASURERS REPORT: Robert Heil repofted as follows. Opening Balance.... .......$4569.74Expenses. .......$ t73B.7L (Computer) $ 74.45 (supplies) $ 15.00 (car & craft show)Credits:.... .......$ 80.00 (Mary Gladwin Donation) Membership fees..... ......$ 35.00 Business Account... ...... $ 128.84 Share Account... $ 75.00 Petty Cash........ $ 1.09 Motion to accept the treasurers report was made by Sandy Sage 2no. By Dorothy Godby. Motion carried PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Our Cheryl Peters spoke to Robin Barker James and he has offered to let us hold our September meeting at his Museum and he will make us a war time favorite, Berger Stew if we like. He will give us a tour and slide show. We will all meet at the Eden Community Center and go on to the Museum from there. REFRESHMENTS : June 9 the meeting will be held at the Edison Museum, it will be a pot luck picnic. Please bring extra food as we are hosting members of the Elgin Historical Society. Plates, cups and cutlery will be provided. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Dorothy Godby Reported that our minutes were in the Tllsonburg and Aylmer paper. MYSTERY OBJECT: NEXT MEETING: June 9, 2011 at 6:00 PM at the Edison Museum, please remember each person must bring $2:00 for the donation bucket. Please feel free to bring a friend. MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING: Corky Ouellette and seconded by Barb Ouellette . Motion carried. Date Secretary President Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held May 12, 2011. File: C06 Page 56 of 313 1 Cto 300 DufferinAvenue P.O. Box 5035 London,0N N6A4L9 L.qrf"o^n May31,2011 G. T. Hopcroft Direclor, I ntergovemmental and Com munity Liaison I hereby certiff that the Municipal Council. at its session held on May 30, 2O11 resolved: 5. That, on the recommendation of the Direstor of lntergovemmental and Community Liaison, the folfowing acfions be underûaken in response to the anticipated shutdown of tt¡e Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) television transmitter in London: (a) the Mayor BE REQUESTED towriteto the CBC requesting reconsideration of theirdecision to shut down their over the air television transmission to .the London market without installing ovêr he air digital transmission to replace it; (b) the Mayor BE REQUESTED to write to the Federal Minister iesponsible for oversight of the Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to request rêconsideration of the CBG's decis'lon noted in (a), above; (c) other Souûiwestem Ontario municipalities affected by this decision, as,well as the Souhwest Economic Alliance, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, lhe London Economic Development Corporation and local school boards, BE REQUESTED to support London's requesf (d) local and area Members of Parliament and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario BE REQUESTEDTo supportthe City's request; it being noted thatthe City of London is designated as a French language service proúder in the areas of Ontario Works and housing by virtue of its role as Consolidated Munícipal Service Manager in those areas; (e) London delegates attending the FCM Annual General Meeting BE REQUESTEDtcadwc#onhb' ' matter during the appropriate policy sessions in June; (0 this matter BEADDED to the agenda forthe next Special Meeting of the Finance and Adminisûation Committee with local Members of Parliament; (S) the Director of lntergove¡mental and Community Liaison BE REQUESTED to investigate what stepìs can be takên to appeal the CBC's decision to the CRTC; and (h) the Director of lntergovemmental and Community Liaison BE REQUESTED to provide an update on this matter to lhe Finance and Administration Committee at its meeting on July 20,2011; it being noted that the Finance and AdmÍnistration Committee heard the aftached presentat¡on ftom David L. Winter, President, PW Consulting with respect to this matter. (201 1:M11-00) (5/14IFAC) C. Saunders City Clerk /hw cc: D. L. Winter, PW Consulting, 854 Queenborough Crescent, London, ON N6G 5K2 P. \Mite; President and CEO, London Economic Development Corporation Association of Municipalities of Ontario, 200 University Ave., Suite 801, Toronto, ON MsH 3Co Southwest Econor-nicAlliance, 73 Albert Street, Skatford, ON.NsA 3K2 The Corporation ofthe City of London Office: 519€61-2500 ext. 4599 Fax 5196614t!92 wvrrw. london.ca Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 57 of 313 Thames Valley Distric{ School Board, 1250 Dundas Street, PO Box 5888, London, ON N5W 5P2 London Distdct Catholic Scfrool Board, PO Box æ74,5200 Wellington Road South, London, ON The Honourable Deb Matthews, by email The Honourable Chris Bentley, by emaif The Honourable Steve Peters, by email Khalil Ramal, by email Ed Holder, by email S. Truppe, by email l. Mathyssen, by email J. Preston, by email F. Urbshott, Adelaide Metcalfe, by email L. deBoer, Lucan Biddulph, by email S. Troyer-Boyd, Middlesex Centse, by email J. ïedeman, North Middlesex, by email J. Newitt, Southwest Middlesex, by email A. Toth, Strathroy-Caradoc, by email M. Lewis, Thames Centre, by email Mllage of Newbury, by email F. Bell, Township of Blandford-Blenheim, by email J. Carswell, Township of East Zona-Tavistock, by email M. M. Graves, Township of Norwich, by email M. E. Greb, Township of South-West Oxford, by email D. W. MacLeod, Township oÍZotra, by email M. Paley, Town of lngersoll, by emâil M. Graves, Town of Tillsonburg, by email L. Garishore, City of Woodstock, by email N. lrving, Town of Aylmer, by email L. Millard, Munícipality of Bayham, by email D. N. Leitch, Municipality of Central Elgin, by email K. Loveland, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich, by email M. R. Casavecchia, Malhide Township, by email W. Graves, City of St Thomas, by email D. Ethier, Southwold Township, by email N. Bryant, Municipalþ of West Elgin, by email' K. Bunting, Middlesex County, by email B. Tabor, Oxford County, by email Elgin County, by email L. Wolfe, Municipality of Bluewater, by email M. Di Lullo, Municipalþ of South Huron, by email J. McLachlan, Municipality of Huron East, by email. B. A. Wlson, County Office, by email C. Case, Township of Brooke-Alvinston, by email M. Schnare, Township of Dawn-Euphemia, by email F. Jackson- Kettle and Stony Foint, by email F. Woods, Township of Warwick, by email C. McKenzie, MunicipaliÇ of Lambton Shores, by email S. Thiffeautt, County Office, by email G. Schwendingeç Township of Perth East, by email T. lvanyshyn, Township of Perth South, by email R. Brindley, Seperated Town of St. Mart's, by email J. Thomson, City of Skatford, by email S. Cronin, Municipality of West Perth, by emaif K. A. O'Rourke, County Office, by email S. Duke, Township of Wellesley, by email B. McLeod, Township of Wlmot, by email M. Foumier, City of Kitchener, by email Mayor Fontana Councillor Polhill Councillor Armstrong Councillor Swan Councillor Orser Gouncillor Baecttler Councillor Branscombe Councillor M. Brown Councillor Hubert The Coçoration of the Cþ of London Office: 5 19661-2500 ext 4599 Fax:519661-4892 www. london.ca Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 58 of 313 Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 59 of 313 tSl0sl2otl CBC Leaving London Power Point about Saving CBC The Big Change to Digital Why ls Television Going Digitat . Only areas in the Country that have a population over 300 000 will be forced to convert . lt Works with the old Rabbit ears, and the picture is HD qualiÇ and Dolby 5.1 sound . The Digital change allows lower power broadcasts to maintain the same coverage resulting in energy savings. . Government is selling off the unused Spectrum to Cell and Wireless Internet Companies Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 60 of 313 7810s120L7 Who will be affected Anyone who wants to watch TV over the air (with an antenna or rabbit ears There is an estimation that 30 000 households in London could be affected. (lt could be more with Students) anyone who wants to get rid of satellite or cable come the digital transition. ln LA, since converting to DTV, half a million homes have added antennas for OTA. The Big Change to Digital Examples of Digital Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 61 of 313 t8l0sl20Lt Local Television Stations Affected ::..=f- Radio-Canada and CBC are Shutting down August 31 2011 qEæE¡--æ - É È_+'_r_ oÊ - -EF - _-___a @' b.@ _ l5F:H @ æb d h.ffi 6hL*.¡htd rh..Éa d br dgu d-b -lgdühFlltr- wE ü EpF Þ ft &rq6 ¡¡td h éffit' Wq? R{l&qtuú Þtuhú¡d€{¡rdb ffi dA{4t,æ1. Êstu *|¡1.*.ædd rffih & ¡ rdf ho$!ú þùh ù-q{ -ld.bffi.&SEFffi k h ffi - hrñard .d. ú ú ú aFcrtrtu I t6fr|ldE@TÉ úúEgËttr.ã1. kllæÞhææffi1WffiÉ-- lirædgdbñwffi. Ml ho&edt¡.Wü EFnþñ? ffi ú trÉÉ{hd€6 F)dñ r- Flfu Þ l¡üæqûh- f f ÉF¡a€dtu ¡ ffiHffi dlñ4FilffiËl¡*h m¡*gÐæ*p Ébdar¡fdAEd3l,ã1. Yoú dlldb dq. ãiÉEhrË?dñdtu.Ë Ë*hþHF& d útrcq llqÞ bt.& Éh F¡È wE&lñ.-È6bffikñffi fF .ffibbd.d úbdw.pdd bffi !yÉ dq.. lFhh Lñ dl&i -@búW(ùffi5-d b9 drydd- d*tu). Fd¡|dþ {WÞ.cùctóÉhÉÞæÈ.frE@ldfu. r. |w p h aÈ|ffidurñbd4ry, F fl tuþ*üæ-Ú€É#rdFq*bdrylqd r A{É1, ãr.Y@ e É dbCq.qdE h ddËh db ffi h db& d¡4@Td& Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 62 of 313 t8/os/2017 @ Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 63 of 313 tslosl2ott W¡th CBC not available not OTA What Will be affected . CBC is a publicly owned broadcaster (Which is funded by Canadian Tax Dollars). Hockey Night in Canada. Nationali Dragon's Den. Rick Mercer Report. Little Mosque on the Prai¡:ie. The Nature of Things. French CBC will not be available as well - London is known as a bilingualCity, but we will not have a' nãtional broadcaster in French in this City Copy of Resolution dated May 31, 2011 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the air television Page 64 of 313 ,DRINKIN6 WATERSıtiRöÈ'þörËcrïöN kÒÒ LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, May 5,2011 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, May 5, 2011 atthe Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Office, 400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present: C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, H. Comwell, M. Goldberg, A. Henry, *K. Hunsberger, R. Krueger, G. Montour, D. Murray, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Perrin, T. Schmidt, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, M. Wales, P. Wilson, D. Woolcott, W. Wríght-Cascaden Members Regrets: P. General, R. Haggart, J. Harrison, C. King, J. Laird, l. Macdonald Proxy Representatives: *P. Busatto (J. Laird), A. Davidson (R. Haggart), A. Henry (1. Macdonald), *Carolyn King (C. King) Liaisons:L. Ross, Provincial Liaison; J. Mitchell, Source Protection Authority Liaison; D. Young, Public Health Liaison Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA; J. Farwell, GRCA; S. Martyn, CCCA; Committee: C. Murray, KCCA; R. Sackrider, LPRCA; K. Smale, CCCA; E. VanHooren, KCCA S. Brocklebank, GRCA; S. Cooke, GRCA; N. Davy, GRCA; B. Fields, County of Norfolk; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; F. Natolochny, GRCA; T. Ryan, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; M. Silverio, City of Hamilton; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; E. Stahl, GRCA; H. Waite, County of Oxford;4. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA 1. Call to Order C. Ashbaugh called the meetíng to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum - 17 Members Constitute a Quorum (2ß of members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 65 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 5, 20ll Page2 3. Chairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: - The Long Point Region Assessment Report has been approved. During the Chairs' teleconference it was noted that seven assessment reports have been approved to date. Of these seven, three are from the Lake Erie Region. - The Lake Erie Region Management Commlttee meeting was held at Catfish Creek Gonservation Authority on April 27. There was discussion regarding a Conservation Ontario financial summary for the Source Protection Regions. C. Ashbaugh noted that he was impressed with how efficiently the Lake Erie Region is operating. - George Montour, a new Source Protection Committee member from the Six Nations council, was welcomed. - The first of twelve scheduled public meetings was held May 4 in Guelph. Three specific topics were addressed: one was relative to quarry issues in Guelph, one was a lengthy dissertation on nitrate issues in hamlets with new construction, and one was a recorded statement from a member of the agricultural community regarding the continuation and enhancement of the Stewardship Program. A second public meeting will be held tonight in Paris; members are encouraged to attend at least one of the public consultation meetings. * K. Hunsbergerjoined the meeting at 1:10. - The Waterloo Wellington Children's groundwater festival will be held May 30 to June 3 at the Doon Children's Museum. 4. Review of Agenda Moved by: D. Parker Seconded by: M. Wales carried unanimously THAT the agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of May 5, 2011 be approved as distributed. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - April 14,2011 Moved by: R. Krueger Seconded hy: A. Henry carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting April 14, 2011 be approved as distributed. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 66 of 313 Mindes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 5,2011 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations * Carolyn King joined the meeting al1:12. Page 3 a) Achieving the Objectives of the Clean Water Act M. Keller provided an overview of the objectives of the Source Protection Program, which included a summary of mandatory and optional content of the Source Protection Plan, tools to address/prevent significant threats, the policy development process and timelines. * Peter Busatto joined the meeting at 1:23. G. Montour noted that, although he appreciates the work being put into this program, a First Nations community such as the Six Nations of the Grand River falls under federal legislation. The lack of support from the federal govemment makes it difficult for First Nations to contribute to the solution. 9. Gorrespondence a) Copies for Members i) Conespondence from lan Smith, Director, Source Protection Programs Branch, Ministry of the Environment to Craig Ashbaugh, Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Chair Re: Approval of the Proposed Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report b) Not Copied None Res. IVo. 32-11 Moved by: J. Oliver Seconded by: B. Ungar carried unanimously THAT the correspondence be received for information. 10. Reports a) SPG-Il-05-01 Onsite Sewage System Discussion Paper E. Stahl provided an overview of the discussion paper for onsite sewage systems. D. Murray requested clarification regarding the prescribed instruments and the Ministry of the Environment's involvement in approval of larger systems, noting that municipalities are running into situations where, in order for a landowner to receive approval for a larger onsite sewage systems, they require either an agreement signed with local municipality for which substantial securities are required by the owners, or an assessment of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 67 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee May 5, 20ll Page 4 wastewater treatment plant's capacity to accommodate their waste. E. Stahl responded that reducing the capacity of those systems can be included as a condition of a Certificate of Approval under the prescribed instrument tool. lnvestigations can also be included under this tool if that is a concern. D. Munay noted that municipalities are not part of the approval process, and they are reluctant to set aside capacity in their wastewater treatment plants and to be assigned this responsibiliÇ. H. Cornwell noted that the document refers to consistency across the Lake Erie Region, but wondered if the goal should be consistency across the province. M. Keller responded that the program has been structured to allow local committees to make local decisions, although there is collaboration between source protection regions where municipalities overlap regions. Consistency will be a challenge not only between source protection regions, but also throughout the Lake Erie Region. D. Parker pointed out that the future policy options list set-back distances from municipal wells and suggested that it should work both ways; there should also be set-back distance required for the installation of new wells. He also suggested that if campgrounds are not on municipal water, their septic system should not be included in the threats assessment. lf their wells are not included in the process, nor should their septic systems be included. L. Penin pointed out that a campground's septic system may be in an area that has an impact on a municipal well. A. Henry suggested that there are two separate issues; a septic at a campground may or may not be a threat to its own water supply or it may be a threat to a municipal water supply. D. Munay asked for clarification of the definition of a small system versus a large system and asked how Belwood Lake, for example, would be defined. L. Ross clarifìed that if there is one legal piece of land, such as a trailer park or campground, where there would be multiple systems on that piece of land, the capacity is a combined capacity under those circumstances. R. Seibel pointed out that his understanding of the Grand River Conservation Authority cottage lot program is that the cottages are on conservation authority land, which is a fairly large parcel. M. Keller reminded members that this property is relevant only if it is in a vulnerable area. L. Perrin asked if properties are subjected to mandatory inspections through the building code irrespective of the vulnerability. M. Keller responded that the mandatory inspection program is targeted to systems that have been identified as significant drinking water threats in approved assessment reports. lf the property has not been identified as significant drinking water threat, it would not be subjected to the mandatory inspection program. C. King observed that part of the proposed future policy options includes educating and training property owners regarding how to maintain and use their septic systems, and asked if the lack of landowner knowledge regarding proper septic maintenance was primarily for small septic systems. E. Stahl replied affirmatively. G. Montour pointed out that Six Nations of the Grand River are looking at these problems, noting that overcrowding is a large concem in their tenitory. He suggested that research in terms of communal septic systems has been favourable because communal systems are easier to control and monitor. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 68 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 5,2011 Res. lVo. 33-11 Moved by: B. Ungar Secondedby: R. Serbel Page 5 carríed unanímously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee release the Onsife Sewage Sysfems Drscussion Paper to municipalities for source protection pl a n n i ng purposes. b) SPC-If -05-02 Residential Heating Oil Discussion Paper E. Stahl provided an overview of the discussion paper for residential heating oil. B. Ungar asked how many of the 150 significant threats in WHPA-A are inground tanks. E. Stahl responded that this level of detail of the threats investigation is not yet available. D. Parker asked if the threats in Grand Valley and East Luther are an instance where the well was drilled after the houses were built and reiterated that municipal wells should also have a set-back distance from houses. L. Ross responded that it is not within the Source Protection Committee's purview to identify where a municipality locates a well. Although they can make this suggestion outside of the source protection plan, it cannot be included in the plan. She further elaborated that the new well is not the threat, the activity is the threat. D. Parker responded that implementing set-backs for municipal wells would be a way to ensure that future threats do not exist. L. Ross responded that a well is not a threat, and could not be considered as a future threat. She noted that, although the committee can do other things outside of the source protection plan, the Clean Water Act is not the mechanism for this. A. Henry identified that the precautionary measures necessary for siting a well are addressed elsewhere; one of the requirements for locating a site for a municipal well is a risk assessment. lf there were numerous threats on a site, flags would be raised during the risk assessment. M. Goldberg expressed concem that a gap in the source protection process may have been identified regarding the lack of prescribed instruments for this industry. lf there are no prescribed instruments at the Source Protection Committee's disposal, it depends on peoples' good will. He expressed concern that if the owners are left as the trigger for an inspection, and there is a cost, the inspection would not happen and there could be leaks. He stated that many threats are due to leaking underground storage tanks, and asked if that is cunently covered under the stewardship program and, if not, are there potential changes that could be made fairly quickly. M. Keller responded that, under the cunent stewardship program, Early Response is to address significant threats, so if an activity has been identified as a significant threat, it would be eligible. He cautioned, however, that there is also competition from 8,000 other threats for the funding. T. Ryan along with representatives from the source protection committee are working to identify how that funding should be used to address threats in the Lake Erie Region. L. Ross added that the TSSA is not a prescribed instrument because they do not have terms and conditions, so there is no instrument to prescribe. However, Part lV tools are at the committee's disposal for this type of threat. A. Henry noted that he had understood that there is a regulation under which a leaking fuel tank would fall once discovered. L. Ross responded that she believes that is in the TSSA legislation and the Environmental Protection Act would cover the spill once it enters the natural environment. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 69 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee May 5, 2011 Page 6 B. Ungar noted that the challenge this and other committees willface will be underground tanks on abandoned properties that they are unaware of; he suggested that thís should be considered by the committee. M. Ceschi-Smith noted that there are a significant number in Grand Valley. She pointed out that a majority of the sewage spills also come from Grand Valley and suggested that there is a large issue in Grand Valley from a water perspective. L. Ross pointed out that the Environmental Protection Act is site specific. As such, the source protection committee can look at spill contingency plan policies and education and outreach on spill related response. R. Seibel suggested that the Ontario Energy Board has previously allowed gas companies to put gas into areas where it is otherwise uneconomical. He suggested that it may be possible to get permission to put a gas line through. D. Woolcott commented that the bulk fuel suppliers have become very diligent at looking at tanks and rejecting filling tanks that are not safe. There is significant pressure on the fuel supplier to refuse to fill unsafe tanks. Referring to the comments regarding Grand Valley, he noted that in any town there could be a fuel tank in a residential areai it cannot be assumed that because there is a gas line, there is no fuel tank. He identified that not everyone prefers gas, propane, or geothermal energy. He noted that there may also be businesses that require constant power and have generators with fuel storage. People have various reasons for why they have fuel storage, and hooking up to gas is not necessarily the only altemative. He noted that the TSSA can be quite heavy handed, and fuel distribution companies are much more diligent than we realize because there is a tremendous liability that falls on them. M. Keller noted that there have been considerable changes in the discussion papers since they were presented last month, and asked members for any comments regarding how useful they think the discussion papers will be moving forward and whether an appropriate balance has been achieved meeting both the needs of the source protection committee and municipalities. M. Goldberg suggested that it would be useful to have how many significant threats are represented by a particular issue at the front of the document. M. Keller noted that this information is provided in Table 1, but it can also be placed at the front. D. Parker asked if any comments members have made will be incorporated into the document. W. Wright-Cascaden responded that any changes to the proposed discussion paper that members would like to see should be proposed and moved as an amendment. Once the committee passes the resolution supporting the use of the document, the project team will not go back and make changes. Whatever comes out of this committee meeting is what will be shared with the municipalities. J. Oliver referred to D. Woolcott's point regarding suppliers and distributors and suggested that an important target may have been missed. Moved by: J. Oliver Seconded by: M. Goldberg carried unanimously THAT text be added to the Residential Heating Oil Drscussion Paper to identify suppliers and distributors, including truck drivers, as one of the Res. Â/o. 34-11 Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 70 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee May 5, 20ll Page 7 targeted groups relative to possible tools and policies in the drscussr'on paper. M. Wales pointed out that many subjects were discussed on both discussion papers, and asked how those should be addressed. M. Goldberg suggested that he would like to see the stewardship program improved to include making funding available for residential heating oil home inspections. M. Keller reiterated that the Early Response program must address significant threats. A. Henry added that the province is funding capital$pe work more so than operating type work. He suggested that the province would be unlikely to pay for annual ongoing inspections which would be considered a home ownership activity. M. Goldberg pointed out that a leaking fuel tank is difficult to identify, especially if the fuel tank has been leaking for a long time. T. Schmidt stated that the committee could ask the province to pay for whatever they want, but that does not mean the province will provide that funding; the committee should ask themselves if the request would get them any further as a committee. He also cautioned that policies and programs may, in future, fall onto other agencies, such as municipalities. lt may not be necessary to duplicate processes when there are already policies and laws in place to dealwith fueltanks. W. Wright-Cascaden noted that it sounds as though underground tanks are more significant in terms of being a threat because the leaks are more difficult to identify. At this point, it might be usefulto identify inground tanks as a priority. H. Cornwell asked if numerous oil tanks are leaking underground would be considered a condition. L. Ross responded that, if there are that many tanks leaking, it is a threat and a condition. However, there are more tools for threats and fewer tools available for conditions, so it is better to deal with ¡t as threat. C. King asked how the suggested policies apply to the future. M. Keller responded that the policies would still apply to a future home owner. L. Ross added that in vulnerable areas where the storage of fuel does not currently exist but could be a threat, restrictions could include policies for risk management plans and require certain things to be done such as only above grade storage tanks. Res.IVo. 35-11 Moved by: D. Parker Seconded by: L.Penin carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commiftee release the Residential heating Ol/ Drscussion Paper to municipalities for source protection planning purposes 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings None Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 71 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Gommittee May 5,2011 12. Other Business a) Question and Answer Period Page I None b) Melanc{hon Township Quarry M. Goldberg stated that because he could not attend the April 14 meeting, he asked that this item be added to the May 5 agenda. The comment period for the proposed quarry, which was initially until the end of April, has now been extended to mid-August. He asked that this item be brought to the committee because he has heard that this giant quarry will be located right at the source water of the Grand River. He suggested that, this being the source water protection committee, it seems relevant for this committee to discuss whether it has the potential to be a significant threat. A. Henry recognized that the proposed quarry is outside the jurisdictional boundaries of this committee; however, he noted that those boundaries are based on surface water. He asked if there is a process for the source protection committee to review the application and make recommendations. M. Keller responded that an application review is cunently being done by the Grand River Conservation Authority, who will comment to the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority with respect to the application. F. Natolochny advised that there is cunently not a process by which the source protection committee would provide comments directly. Conservation authority staff have undertaken an initial review of the applícation, and the commenting period has been extended to July 11. Gonservation authority staff will comment directly to the Ministry of Natural Resources on the application. He advised that he is not aware of how this committee would be directly involved in the application review process at this time. The comments which were submitted by the Grand River Conservation Authori$ indicate a number of outstanding technical questions forwhich they are awaiting a response. J. Oliver suggested that an immediate action he would like to see the source protection committee take would be to ask the neighbouring source protection region in which the proposed quarry is being located what action they plan to take. Notwithstanding what F. Natolochny has said, he stated that he sees no reason why the source protection committee cannot comment or endorse comments, and add their voice to the many others on the matter. M. Keller responded that he could investigate what the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee is doing. He advised that G. Zwiers can provide a map which would demonstrate the location of the closest municipal drinking water system in the Lake Erie Region to provide a groundwater perspective and determine with more certainty whether there may be any potential impact on a municipal drinking water system in the Lake Erie Region. G. Zwiers showed a map of the closest municipal well to the proposed quarry site and noted that the quarry would be 10.5 km to nearest well. M. Goldberg asked if the proposed site is near the source of the Grand River. G. Zwiers responded that the Grand River Conservation Authority's position is that it is outside of Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 72 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee May 5,2011 Page 9 the Grand River watershed, and the groundwater information thus far indicates it is outside of the groundwater influence of the watershed as well. R. Seibel asked what the cone of influence for the quarry would be. G. Zwiers responded that the proponent is estimating less than 1 metre drawdown within 100 m of the quarry face; however, the proponent has not provided the estimated drawdown in the absence of mitigative efforts. M. Wales noted that the largest challenge with this project is what remains unknown. lt is difficult to know where the cone of influence might be; the quarry will be several hundred feet in the water table, with tens of millions of litres of water being pumped every day forever. lnespective of whether this committee can have an influence or whether it affects the Grand River watershed, some type of comment should be made. Land is being taken out of food production, and material is likely to be exported out of the country. Although it is not within the boundaries of the source protection committee, morally some type of comment should be made. T. Schmidt agreed that, as individuals, some type of comment could be submitted; but pointed out that any authority the source protection committee has, is given by the province. The authority the province has given the source protection committees is not meant to deal with this type of application. The Grand River Conservation Authority board perhaps has the authority to comment on this, but not the source protection committee. D. Parker noted that the application states that the property would be rehabilitated for agricultural use and expressed doubt that the land would be useful for agriculture after extraction 150 feet down. He pointed out that if the water being pumped out is returned to the Grand River system that would be fine, but if they pump it into the Nottawasaga Valley watershed, Kítchener and Brantford's water takings could be affected. D. Murray concurred with T. Schmidt regarding the purpose of the committee; however, he is concerned that there will be an impact to source water. He asked if it makes sense to support the comments the Grand River Conservation Authority is putting forward, which may add some strength to the comments. F. Natolochny pointed out that the timeframe for receiving a response could be up to two years, although the conservation authority is hoping for a response sooner. Another submission will be sent before the July 11 extension deadline. A. Henry suggested that this is a lengthy process from start to finish, and there will be opportunities where this commíttee may or may not have authority or jurisdiction to comment. lf there is no identifiable source water issue, then he suggests the committee support the Grand River Conservation Authority's comments. M. Goldberg noted that any application under the Natural Resources or Aggregate Act is typically sent to the conservation authorities for comment, but they are not sent to the source protection committee for comment. He suggested L. Ross take this back to the Ministry of the Environment, and for the time being, the committee could write to the source protection committee in the neighbouring region and see if they have considered this as a water quantity threat. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 73 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee May 5,2011 Page l0 C. King noted that the Mississaugas of the New Credit are concerned with the mega quarry approach that was proposed as best practice by the Ontario govemment; they have informally shared these comments with the Ministry of Natural Resources. R. Seibel pointed out that aggregate activities are restricted in so many places, that, by default, this is what is being encouraged. Farmland outside of protected areas is, in effect, where the province has pushed the industry. L. Ross pointed out that from the perspective of the Clean Water Act and source protection policies this is not within the cunent scope. lf this quarry does affect a groundwater supply, it could be included in a future assessment report. Res. Â/o. 36-11 Moved by: M. Wales Seconded by: M. Ceschi-Smith carried unanimously THAT the GRCA comments and technicalreview which were submitted to the Ministry of NaturalResources on April 26, 2011 be senf to the Soufh Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee, AND THAT the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee be asked if they have considered the impact of water quantity as a result of the proposed quarry in their Source Protection Region. Res. Ä/o. 37-11 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Source Protection Committee support the Grand River Conseruation Authority's request for additional information as stated in their letter submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources on April 26, 2011. W. Wright-Cascaden asked if, based on the information available and requested, staff will be in a position to determine if the quarry has the potential to be a significant drinking water quantity threat. G. Zwiers responded that it does not cunently fall in a vulnerable area. M. Keller added that there is currently no Tier 3 water budget in this area. As such, there will not be any significant drinking water quantity threats there, nor will there be in the foreseeable future. L. Ross suggested that the Chair of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee could contact Nottawasaga Valley to find out if they have a wellhead protection area that will be affected, in which case the Lake Erie Region may be affected. * P. Busatto left at 3:15 pm. c) Placement of Fill R. Seibel refened to an article regarding the placement of fill which was distributed electronically and noted that this is a follow-up regarding the committee's request to the Ministry of Environment pertaining to the type of fìll being placed at aggregate operations. He noted that fill is being placed in areas of the watershed that are somewhat Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 74 of 313 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protec{ion Gommittee May 5, 2011 Page ll placed unregulated and untested and whatuncontrolled. The article details fill being municipalities are doing about it. M. Keller asked F. Natolochny to provide further background. F. Natolochny referred to the Aggregate Resources Act and stated that, if fill is being brought in under the aggregate license, it is exempt under Conservation Authorities Act. Although the Conservation Authorities can comment to the Ministry of Natural Resources, they have no active engagement in the placement of that fill. What they have found in the recent past, is a large quantity of fill is coming from the greater Toronto Area and being dumped in farm fields, which is a major concern for Conservation Authorities and municipalities. ln response, municipalities have been upgrading site grading control bylaws, and the Conservation Authority has been actively working with the municipalities in this regard. R. Seibel pointed out that the source protection committee does not have any policies that he is aware of that would restrict this $pe of fill in wellhead protection areas. M. Keller responded that there has been no development of any policy with regards to infill. R. Seibel stated that he sees that as a gap. L. Ross pointed out that the import of fill soils is not a prescribed threat, and as such, there would have to be an application to the Ministry of the Environment to have it considered as local threat. A. Henry pointed out that any fill material placed on land has to meet regulatory requirements. lt is not the act of placing fill that is the threat; it is what else is in that fìll that would be a threat. 13. Closed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, June 2, 2011, l:00 pm Grand River Conservation Authority, 400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON 15. Adjourn Moved by: D. Parker Seconded hy: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of May 5,2011 be adjourned. The meeting adjoumed at 3:45 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5, 2011. Page 75 of 313 Page 76 of 313 Correspondence dated June 13, 2011 from Ross and Martha Andrews regarding "Waste Collection Scheduling". Page 77 of 313 Page 78 of 313 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: June 10,2011 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: D10.11 MacDonald SUBJECT: MacDonald Consents Es4lll 8.855111 NUMBER: D20Ll-22 Purpose To consider two consent applications proposing lot additions within the Village of Vienna. Background Consent applications \ryere received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by John Robert MacDonald proposing to sever a parcel 0.5856 hectare (1.45 acre) and a 0.453 hectare (1.12 acre) parcel, both to be added to adjacent properties to the east. The subject land is located on the west side of Centre Street, north of Vienna Line and Pea¡l Street. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the OfEcial Plan and zonedVillage Residential (Rl) in the Zoning ByJaw No.2456-2003. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on Jlurlre29,20ll. Staff & Planner Comments The applications propose to sever and add lands to existing residential properties for the purpose of settling his mother's estate. Mr. MacDonald is severing the property he owns to add equal shares to each ofthe sisters' properties adjacent to his. The Official Plan policies permit consents for lot additions provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the Ofñcial andZonrngBy-law. Staffand the planner have reviewed the applications and other than noting that all three properties will be irregularly shaped, have no objections to the consents as all three parcels comply with the ZorungBy-law and Official Plan policies. At the time of writing this rqlort, no public comments have been received. Attachments l. Consent Applications E54l11 8.E55ltl 2. IBI Group memorandum dated June 6, 2011 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 79 of 313 Staff Repo ft D20l I -22 MacDonald RECOMMENDATION Page2 'TIIAT Council recommend to the Etgin County Land Division Committee the two consent applications 854/11 & 855/11, submitted by John Robert MacDonald, be granted with each application subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. Letter of Undertaking providing for the consolidation of the severed parcel with the adjacent property as per the application Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk Respectfully submitted, Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 80 of 313 iiiiiÏ:''ii AppucAroN FoRcoNSEm *# +6,ai ; ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE rr) i Address Telephone Number Name of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent Address 6q/zltþr6>tzTelephone Number f l c¿ g7 - g p ft¡ Óct/t¿ttvriantv oN z -/S' el7 Please speciff to whom all communications should be sent: owners 1/Solicitor ( )Agent ( ) (a) Type and purpose ofproposed transactioh: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: charge \'/ addition to a lot lease easement other purpose conection of title (b) Name of person(s), if known, fo whom land or interest in land is to be transfered, leased or charged: 4. (a) Location of land: uunicipatrt¡ \AY HArv't Concession No. lf a lot addition, identiff the lands to which the parcel will be added:(c) Lot(s) No. P*fl4 "l tor t,q .Wqs¡ Registered Näme of street í/b - J - ¿l 1&Ètt( Jr street No. . (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? ' Yes ( ) No ( ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenánt and its effect: 5. ,Rescription of land intended to be sèvered: (Accurate Measurements in Metric)(p rrontase ' 2.2.îom Depth 113.?8-,leR nrea O" f€ f6 '9¿ Existing u"e ßæt dt ^/ ,q l (tfu.o-^tr) proposed use lZe r, rlr nh n / (t¡"n ,tr Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: c/+'a/T' 6. : Description of land intended to be retained:r,i'lüåri.l t'Ð1'16 qß Frontage ' Existing Use 38 , B2- *,oeptn *æ (1fzß nrea H# r*A fzot, d-¿ n/ ,o I proposed use íZz,¡, c/t.^ú n,/ Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Englnærlng 450 Sunset Dr¡ve SL lhomas, On N5R 5V1 Phone: 519 631-1460 W,elginrounty.on.€ I ho'a sø t?. , ocnf Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 81 of 313 7 I -2- Number of new lots proposed (not íncluding retained lots)+ Type of access for proposed and retained rot: (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highwäy Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained I N ( ):lfi'åiüï"' ñ/'' () () Water accbss ( ) lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on themainlánd? (specify) 9. What tyæ of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT be available? Publiclyownedand m ^ ( ) Privately owned and J\ I t )Privatelyownedand ,t'( ) Lake or other water body Other means (specifu) () 10. what type of sewage disposar ís proposed: (check appropriate space)TYPE. PROPOSED LOT Privy ( ) Other means (speciß7) When willwater supply and sewage disposal what is the Existing officiar pran designationls), if.any. of the suijeer ran6rtuo,ùji*l' -' Flas the subject land ever been the s-ubject of an applíiation fo¡approval of a plan ofsubdivísion or a consent underthe eaínin! ncn' ' yes (Ø-"'ño r ) unksubdivísion or a consent un¿ertrè nã'nni;é'Ãt? ""Ë.'tö'"n'ìvo t I unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application lf this app-lication is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has beenchanged from the original applícation, ' .'iJ o 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this 13. 14. 15. Yes()No( "{ holding? Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 82 of 313 -3- . (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name lr,/ / n Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultraneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes t{l No ( ) 18. ls the subject land cunently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes () No (4 lf Yes; and known, specifrT the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land cunently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amendment,. Ministe/s zoning order amendment, minor vfance, or apprwal of a plan of subdivisÍon? Yes () No (ú ' lf Yes, and known, specifiT the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1),of the Planning Act? Yes Vl No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No(V) ' lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; ; ..-. : , . , 'r , - the boundaries and dimensions of any lånd owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current' owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial'features on the subject land and . adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as . buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage.ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating . whether it is än unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right. ofway; . - if access to the subject laird is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking .facilitiês to be used; the.location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 83 of 313 ftrn/m-/o/u 4 J *un$lA,PPL¡cAtoN FoR coNsENT s $ /1'11 rø authority ELGIN COUNTY I-AND DIVISION COMMTTTEE -lç ' fh Address Telêphone Number Name of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent Address t/. Telephone Number Please speciff to whom all communications should be sent ' ,/ Owners (¡/) Solicitor ( ) Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transactioh: '(check appropriate space) . Transfer: creation of a new lot Othen charge addition to a lot easement lease correction of title (o)!31-eo¡o"diÏÏ"ï:.ndorinterestinland¡s-tqbetransferred,leasedor charged: IC Qo^ ç (c) . lf a.lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: :tr z Qç tz ¡ 4. (a) Location of land: Munícipatit¡ BAYtitø Goncession No. Lot(s) No. p'r."f þr rc ulatt "l Éegistered ptan Name of Street Cla lz Street No.fl1 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenànt and its effect: Description fËff{to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) .'Frontage oeptn 3oc.0 ^Area û"4f! ilu Existing Use '.f,)Roseo use Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the.lanà to besevered: Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measuiêments in Metric)'Frontase , A8.82 oeptn lTE ,'lf Area _0, fû 56 un Existing l)se '?-¿J,Ol t^7,of proposedUse fZ¿s, ,ltu--f ¡^ / Number and use or o"l:"n"i:l:':',l"tl"#iïilbe retained: Engheedng 450 Su¡set Drive St Thomas,0n NSR 5V1 Phone: 5ß 631-1460 w.elg¡ruunty.on.@ Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 84 of 313 7 8: .-2- Ñumberof new rots proposed (not incruding retained tots) æ 'Type of access for proposed and retained rot (check appropriate space) 9. What tyæ of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned an{.operated piped water system PROPOSED LOT Privately.owned.and operated individual well., o ¡ ¡ ¡ Privately owned and operated communal well/v/ fr Lake or other water body Other means (specify) 10. what type of sewage'disposar is proposed: (check appropriate space) ry PRoPOsEp LoT . Privy ( ) Ofher means (speciff) 11. ' When willwater supply and sewage disposal 12. what is the Existing officiar pran designation(s), if any, of the subject rand? () () () () (í ( ). () () be available? 14. 13. What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? lî:"tll"T^fi"-1!1lg-,uyu.r been the s_q¡jeqt of aT apptication foryapprovat of a ptan of . s u b ii'i. üä'" :ffi ;"Ài'"frî ü"" Èï"i;;'Ãff P 0 1' îä': i'll*o'î,ï' it î t' ir ;ln own ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the file number and the decision made on the application lf this application is.a reisubmission of a previous.consent application, describe how it has beenchanged from the original appli ;ation '. - " Has the owner prêVíously severed.àny land irom this holding? Yes ( ) No (t/) 15. 16. Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 85 of 313 17. 18. -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) ís Yes, please indicate previous seveÍances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultraneously with this'application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future?./Yes (V) No ( ) ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for apryoval? Yed()No(ú lf Yes, and known, specifo the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. 20. 21. ls the subject land cunently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Ministe/s zoning order amendment, minor varynce, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (V{ lf Yes., and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application ls the appli'cation consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) ,of the PlanningAct? ,/ Yes (f No() ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ). No (V1 lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the sgþjçot,land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; i I c;..;;..,,.,,*.. .,,,., ,,.,. - the boundaries and dimensions äf àriy iånd owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the.subject land; - the distance betwee¡i the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridgä; - the location of allland previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the cunent owner of the subject land; l.fea d ïil as wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - ...the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - thç location, width and 4ame of any roads within or abutting the'subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a publíc travelled road, aprivate road or a ñght of q'ray; .- if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be úsed; - the locaiio¡ and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 86 of 313 0 250m 500m Scole 1 : 12,000 VIENNA MAP No. 2 Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 87 of 313 AePt *7 ¡4PP¿r caft c,ì oLnooot-1 'ı 1 1F SKETC}I fLLUSTRATNG PROPOSED BOUNDARY ADJUSTIT,IENÏPÁRT OF LOT 'Oì/ÍEST OF CEI'ITR€ STREET REGISTERED PLAN 54 (MLLAGE OF V¡ENNA) MUNICIPALÍfi OF BAYHAÀ{ COUNry OF ELGIN F{+, . MErRrc (Nor ro sc,+ffi I I I ¡ I I I I I I J$.ì ,s 6ÈKEö { ù¿rLì uolz\t oq\Uî.\2\l=*Ê t)T:å-Etso-' qo !Lì \D (o. *iåys",- -.R t";"^W:,-sressr $s/xl APRTL 25, 20tl l(rvl HUSTED SURtgt+¡cl ¡_rO, rr¡ t-etr¡ .U KM LTD.L¡ND tl-t455s REFEFE$C€: FÍ..8 ETtl" êF4c¡¿47roru #,/ esf/, " 4p,e¿tcnvo,,t f? zSs-/zI F.L¡ ù¡ o(F u) I',Er I o :t .l/) -F "ããr-NgrE PARCÊL PARCEL @ @o rluE To gE ADDED ro enncu @ ro es eooro ro eancel @ Io BE RËTAINED_ PARCELì REï+ _ TO BE SEVERÉD ã 6 Ê'ÙEl.El) Pß EÙ Io {L SLV c:\NB¡4r\wRHæt0\rt-t4i5.d¡i. zs/oa/2o11 llS GÕA llou-se S hed Ga-ra-5e Tr -u lrhr (cort l) S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 2 2 r e g a r d i n g " M a c D o n a l d C o n s e n t s E 5 4 / 1 1 & E 5 5 / 1 1 " . P a g e 8 8 o f 3 1 3 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 fax 5'f 9 4729354. Memorandum To/Aftention From Subject Municipality of Bayham Date June 6, 2011 Tamara Tannis, MCP, MCIP/RPP Project No UU-510 Consent Applications 85411'l and E55/11 R Lt 10 West of Centre; 23 Centre Street, Menna MacDonald Purpose To sever one property into three (3) parcels in the hamlet of Menna and convey two of these parcels to two abutting lots and retain one of the parcels. Subject Lands The subject lands are designated'Mllage'in the Official Plan and zoned Mllage Residential(R1) in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. The subject parcel is located on the west side of Centre Street in the Village of Vienna and north of Menna Line and Pearl Street. The subject parcel to be severed has a lot frontage of 38.8 metres, a lot depth of approximately 202 metres and an area of approximately 1.6 ha. Proposed Severance/Conveyan ce Application E5/,I'll will sever an area of land that is 0.58 ha in area (approximately 23 m wide and 144 m deep) from the subject parcel and convey it to lands identified as 'CT 68437' (landowners: Hamilton) that is 0.127 ha in area. The total lot area willthen be 0.713 ha forthe 'CT 68437' parcel. This lot will retain its existing lot frontage of 22.86 m, but will increase its lot depth from approximately 59 m to approximately 180 m. Application E55l11will sever an area that is 0,543 ha in area (approximately 29 m wideby 202 m deep) from the subject parcel and convey it to lands identified as 'E388131' (landowners: Cole) that is 0.1326 ha in area. The total lot area of the'E388131'parcelwill become 0.59 ha in area. This lot will retain its lot frontage of 20.'12 m, but will increase its lot depth from approximately 69 m to almost 200 m. The resulting 'retained' lands will be 0.5956 ha in area with a lot frontage of 38.82 ha and an approximate lot depth of 180 m. IBI Group is a group of f¡rms provid¡ng profess¡onal services and ¡s df¡lieted with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 89 of 313 lBl Group llemorandum Municipality of Bayham - June 6, 2011 All of the parcels involved meet the R1 zoning requirements for lot area (800 m2); lot frontage (20 m); and lot depth (40 m), although all lots will have irregular shapes. Official Plan & Zoning By-law 2.456-2003 Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes ... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-lau/'. The subject conveyances and resulting parcel formations meet the R1 zoning requirements of the Municipality Zoning By-law 2456-2003. Gonclusion The subject three parcels meet the requirements of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. Mm(is IBIGROUP Tamara Tannis, MCP, uclprRpp Consulting Planner to Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2011-22 regarding "MacDonald Consents E54/11 & E55/11". Page 90 of 313 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Breedon Consents E56-58/l I DATE: June 10,2011 FILE: DI0.11 Breedon NUMBER: D20ll-23 Purpose To consider three consent applications proposing creation of new lots in the Hamlet of Richmond. Background Consent applications were received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Brian and Theresa Breedon proposing to sever three parcels: 856111 - 4874 m' (7.2 acre) E57l11 - 1980 m2 70.49 acre¡ E58/1 | - 15637 m2 13.86 acres) Retaining 36 hectares (88.3 acres) The subject land is located on the north side of Heritage Line, west of Richmond Road in the Hamlet of Richmond. The subject land is designated "Hamlets" and "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential (HR) and Agriculture (41) in the Zoning By-law No. 2456- 2003. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the applications on J:uulre29,20ll. Staff & Planner Comments Application E56ll1 proposes to create a Hamlet Residential lot that complies with the HR zone regulations; however, it creates a lot (retained lot) which does not meet the zoning requirements for lot area or lot frontage of the HR (lands closest to Heritage Line) or Al (lands north of the HR lands) Zones. It proposes 22 metres at the road to a depth of 15 metres then narrowing to 10.5- metre laneway to access the rear farmlands. As referenced in the planner's report, the intent of "lot frontage" regulations in the ZoningBy-law represent minimum lot widths rather than provision of lands for vehicular access/egress as was interpreted by the applicant. Zontng regulations regarding side yard width, rear and front yard setbacks supports this. Staff would suggest realigning the westerly lot line to obtain the 22-metre width for the retained lands to comply with the HR lot frontage zone regulations. Application E57lll proposes a barn and shed will be removed. Application 858/11 proposes the existing residence, garage, shed to remain. The proposed lots meet the zoning requirements of the Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone and can be supported subject to conditions such as municipal lot assessments to determine soil suitability for private septic systems, written conltrmation from the County for access to County Road 38 and rezoning to remove the holding provision. Other suggested conditions are included in the recoÍtmendation to Council. Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 91 of 313 Staff Report D20ll-22 MacDonald Page2 At the time of writing this report, no public comments have been received. Attachments l. Aerial Mapping 2. Consent Application E56lll 3. Consent ApplicationsB1Tlll and E58/11 (Page 1 and sketch only) 4. IBI Group memorandum dated June 6, 2011 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. Recommendation "THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Application 856/11, submitted by Brian and Theresa Breedon, not be supported as presented as it does not comply with the municipal zoning by-law; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Applications E57l11 and 858/11, submitted by Brian and Theresa Breedon, be granted with each application subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality 3. municipal lot assessments subject to municipal approval 4. grading plan for the entire lands subject to municipal approval 5. water quantity testing report subject to provincial standards 6. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content subject to provincial standards 7. County of Elgin confirmation of permitted access to County Road 38 8. rezoning to remove the "holding" provision subject to Conditions 3-7 being satisfied Respectfully submitted, Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 92 of 313 Breedo Conse ts 4l 14 Her¡tage Line, Richmond Legend Local Arterial Highways ¡ Parcels 1: 3,053 o2 0 0.08 0.2 Kilometers,l O Latitude Geographics Group Ltd This map is a user generated stat¡c output from an lnternet mappìng site and is for reference only Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurale, current, or otheMise reliable THIS fu1AP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 2 3 r e g a r d i n g " B r e e d o n C o n s e n t s E 5 6 - 5 8 / 1 1 " . P a g e 9 3 o f 3 1 3 ry6¡e1o$aþ$lovat ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Telephone Number Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners (,-J- Solicitor ( )Agent ( ) (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: \/' - creation of a new lot Other: charge addition to a lot easement correction of title other purpose fitYorrucAroN FoR coNSE*, F..,* "6 6lttl'11 T lease (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transfened, leased or (c) If a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: charged: 4. (a)Location of land: Municipatity concession N" Uó¡+J. of+jl"dirq Lot(s) No. Vqff ,"( lt | - Registered ptan No. Name of stt*t f.,ì¿.rrlaúe [^f n¿ street No. (b) Are there any easementsór restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) l¡o ( r,f lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of lqnd inte4ded to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric)' t .^rre¡crt¡.\at--!¡^flsæ{(Ll6r-Frontage , tr Depth 38ñ Exísting us" Vacant Proposed Use Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and severed: 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accu;fg $easurements in Metric) Z1 ,1b Frontage Area æ +4"-c+. Existing Use Number and a l-kønitW Proposed Use" J!t{l-el?24 use of buildings and strucYures on the land to be retained: Area ¿-ffi1? land to be Engínee¡lng 450 Sunset Drive St Thomas,0n NsR 5V1 Phone: 519 631-1460 M.elg¡neunty.on,æ .t¡¡ bo È*oi"4 l' Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 94 of 313 -2-7. Number or new tots proposed (not inctudins retained tots) _l_4 I ofS dç A¿ f .ed 8. ' Type of access for proposed and retained lot (check appropriate space) () It plo,pot"^d access-is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities. are available on themainland? (specifr7) 9. What typ'e of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access ryPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (speciff) PROPOSED LOT () 6/f () () () TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year 10. PROPOSED LOT () t+/l () () RETAINED LOT () (r4 () () ( ( ( ( ( rt{ () () What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privatefy owned'and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) ) ) 11. 12.What is the,Existing Official plan designation(s), .-1 J) when willwater suppry and sewage disposal services be avairable? if any, of.the subject land? 13. What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? 14.!":11,q subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of aplan ofsubdivision oraconsentunderthe ptahningAct?'' véj f )--- ñ;' ã4'-üilnown 1 ¡ If Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application l5' If.this application is a re-submission of a previous consent appiication, describe how it has beenchanged from the original application (a) Has the owner previously severed any land Yes() from this holding? Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 95 of 313 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, oi considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes Vf No () 18. ls the subject land cunently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes () No çl lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amendment, MinisteÉs zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes () No V'f lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1),of the Planning No (dAct?yes (l 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No \Á lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH:' The applícation shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously seúered from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificialfeatures on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the oþinion of the applicant may affect the appliCation, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a fight ofway; - ¡f access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 96 of 313 -4- 23. The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the- Gorporation of the._County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purfose ofSite inspections with respect to this application. 24. 'lhe ApplicanUOwner/Agent here d in thisApplication pursuant to Section to provide for Freedom of lnformation and LocalBoards. 0 Dated atthe ï1o¡, ryrJ of tni" 6W day of AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION solemnly declare that allthe information contained in this application is true, and lM/e make thissolemn declaration cons_cientiously believing it to be true, an'd knowing that it is of the same force andeffect as if made under oath and by virtue ot tne cRl,¡RdR Evloeruce ncr. DECLARED before me at the in the 20ll *"1.P lf this application is tor on authorization must ffthe agentor solicitor, the app n offic , mustbe affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be-filed, together with one copy of ttre sketch descríbed,with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - - $750.00 in cash or by cheque made payabte to TREASURER, couNry oF ELGTN An additional fee of 9250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. STGNATURE OF AppLtcANT(S), SOL|CITOR OR Ñ f cot, Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 97 of 313 APPENDIX "A' The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for Consent", the 'following information be completed for all applications: L Are there any bams locqted within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() No(,4 lf the answer is 'YES' are these barns:i) Now used for livestock?ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes Yes ()()()()No No NOTE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMUI.A ONE DATA SHEET TO GALCUI-ATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON.FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calcfilate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate loÍ NI,AME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT coNc. T|LI-ABLE HECTARES (where livestock facitity tocated) Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Man ure Systr )m Housing System check type IDAIRYlo cowslo Heifers lo catves Tie Stall Free Stall Loose BEEF0 Cows0 Calves0 Feeders0 40G.7s0 tb.0 400-1100 tb.0 750-1100 tb. Open llc & Barn Total Confine- ment SWlNE0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings 0 Feeders POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters MINK - Females Caged On Floor HORSES Sl{trFP - Pqmc P, Frr¡aa RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MÂNTIRtr .qTôPA¡1tr. DRY SEMISOLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above Grouno uñGã'Ta-nt Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 98 of 313 -<-- óo.tfi II Ee t?,ç -ä AREAS AREA 6 PARI I: AREA OF PTRT 2i AREA f PARÎ *ARE fPARCEL tAcREr) 72 -"*ro E EvEÐ ñ -**p^iÉE n¡E=rrÞ ¡anok 6rtoo IJ ß¡ %_"\l ,f ElËc FÄffiffiË,THF,..ff**. '1.,/ ¡åÈ s 6 / i"L 1 Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 99 of 313 @ :5Y rtl : APPLICAT¡ON FOR CONSENT Address Telephone Number Name of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent Address Telephone Number Please spec¡ty to whom all communications should be sent: own rs çy' soticitor ( )Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transactioh: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: charge' leaseaddition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest ín land is to be transferred, leased or charged: tltnkn or;^ A *lì"y hn,v: (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: 4. (a) Location of land: correction of title Municipality Qal Jrayra . Concession ruo.-[/ Lot(s) No. (à't ¡! itt Resistered ptan No. No',lt^ #nti+ U Name of Street llLfi Street No. Are there any easements ór restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No kl lf Yes, describe the easement or covenänt and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Mehic) h (b) Frontage Existing Use severed: oeptn Q0 Wl Proposed Use 6. iþ,n d sh¿,t lrn>1k l" ç* ,t^¿w{ _ Proposed Use E¡giree1¡ıg 450 Suñt Drive SLThomas,On NsRSV1 Phone: 519 631-1460 ww.elgin€unty.on.æ Description of land intended to bê retained: (Accurqtçffe4purements Frontase %t . \Lg¡¡t oeptn .Æ ñ Vyaul¿ Existins u"" Lo*tfu*ha!- Þ{alt + Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 100 of 313 ånEAS ¡t(EËt m _tEÁltcE AREA oF PARf I: AREA OF PARÎ Z AREA OF PARI & AREA OF PARCE. I ACRES)odfi¡l ç ECt ñ -,*rÍ,Esr/Ð RXì -*p^RcE roG¡Er¡rro Q.u rPîsr r-rlgolirc I C'lË $; t/VæDS \ it þt Ks 6)-uett{ -9Pf<-t lof D æ¡I ElÊc ËffiHS*,EH[f#"F-* Z lTL I Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 101 of 313 @ Telephone Number Name of owner's sol¡citor or authorized agent Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( .e/ Solicitor ( )Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose ofproposed transaction: (check appropriate space) addition to a lot easement Other: charge lease co¡rection of title other purpose (b) Name of percon(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: -tl^be" a alttc hw,t (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: Transfer: creation of a new lot MAY 1 E 2tI11 Name'of approval Address 4. (a) concession N". ^lð4,h É-'fAlb/-U Registered Plan No. Name of street l-tøVt7a{z l¿ rti, Street No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( Vl lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Existins u"" 9 ryW*Åilgdt útL proposed u"3 s'16{r A @ú Number and usJof buildings and structures (both existing and proposea¡ ln tne land to be severed: 6. Descriptionöf land intended to be in Metric)Fl,r^¿rt=ru Frontage Existing Use Proposed Use Number and use of buildings and struètdres on the land to be retained: Depth County of Elgln Eng¡neering Sery¡ceg 450 Sunset Drive St. thomas, 0n NsR 5V1 Phone: 519- 631-1460 w.elgin€unty.on.€ t Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 102 of 313 ;Pll-ì-ñ --+ æ t¡ÞD 7- -*rr E sErEÐ N -*p ictr-þEicr^lÞ- H k&ß w @ we,lt ktl æF'cM1oæ¡.E\r.ò- _ EtÈc Ëffi#ßË¡çHåf#nHF**,,* ffi"'8/Ll- Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 103 of 313 þmotJ frl or D¿on*,,",.,-T-o Sc4qr-á ?,tf--o"-ca¿ Orucf MUNICIPALITY OT BAYHAM SCHEDULE 'E' MAP 30 tüAP 38 0 100m 2OOm Scole 1 : 5000 HR(h) I M2 HR(h) Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 104 of 313 l8l Group 203-350 Oxfo¡d Sheet West LondonON N6H lT3 Canada tel 5194727328 f¿x 519 47293il Memorandum To/Attention From Subject Municipality of Bayham Date June 6, 20ll Tamara Tannis, MCP, MCIP/RPP Proiect No 3404-509 Applications for Conser¡t (E56/11 to E58/11) Heritaç Line, Richmond Breedon Purpose To sever and create four residentÍal bts from a parcel of land bcated on the north side of Heritaç Line, west of Richmond Road, in the Hamlet of Richmond. Subject Lands The subject lands are designated'Hamlets" and "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential Holding (HR+) and Agrbultural (Af ) in Zoning ByJaw No.245ê2003. The lands to be severed are approximately 2.25 ha in area wtrile the retained farm land will be approximately 36 ha in area. The three consent applications propose the following lot dimensions: The consent applications are unclear regarding whicfr lands are being 'retained': r AppticatÍon E56/11 states that the retained parcel wilf have a 150 m lot frontaç, a lot depth of 903.8 m and a lot area of 37.76 ha. lt will contain the existing dwelling unit, a garage, 2 sheds, as well as a bam and a shed that will be removed. o Application F:57111 states that the retained parcel will contain the dwelling unit, a garage and 2 sheds. The retained lot will have a 128 m lot frontage (22 m shorterthan E56/11 states), a lot depth of 904 m and an area of 37.6 ha. E56/fi E57 111 E58rlt lBl crdrp b a group of firms providíng professional services ard is aff¡liated with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 105 of 313 lBl Group llemorandum Munic¡pality of Bayham - June 6, æ11 o Application E58/11 states that the retained parcel w¡ll have a 22 m lot frontage, a lot depth of 1,051 m and a lot area of 36 ha. ln this application the severed lands will have a lot frontage of 106 m, a lot depth of 91 m, and a lot area of 15, 637 m2. The severed lands contain a dwelling unit, a garage and 2 sheds that will remain. Site Context A portion of the subject lands are situated within the hamlet of Richmond, while the majority of the land is located within the agricultural area north of the hamlet. To the wesl and abutting the subject property, are lands zoned lnstitutional that contain a cemetery. To the south, across Heritrage Line, are single detached dwellings that are zoned Hamlet Residential (HR). To the east are properties zoned Hamlet Residential (HR)- To the north, are agricultural lands that are zoned Agricuttural (41). OfficialPlan Section of the Official Plan states that consents will generally be discouraged and will only be granted when it is clearly not in the interest that a plan of subdivision be registered. OVên ttrat only three lots are proposed within the hamlet boundary area and one residential lot is proposed in the agricultural lands to the north of lhe hamlet, consents are subject to the Official Plan's c¡nsents criteria as follows: 4.3.2-5.6 a. lmoact to municioal servicino: The proposed severed lots would be individually serviced aø not require any extension of municipal infrastructure servicing. The Municipality shall ensure thai any other existing or proposed municipal services (including garbage pick-up, storm and surface drainage, roads, sídewalks, and street lighting) are adeqúate to serve the proposed development. b. Frontaqe on a oublic road: The three lots have legal frontage and access to Heritage t-¡ne, a paved County Road. The fourth retained tot does not meet the minimum lot frontagè requirements of the HR zone or the A1 zone (see below Zoning By-law section). c. lnfillino: 'consenfs should have the effect of infîlling in existing developed areas and not of extending the Hamtet area unduty." The proposed severed lands fulfill the aspect of 'infilling' ás they are directly opposite existing residential development on the south side of Heritaç Line and located within the boundary of the hamlet. The retained land extends the Hamlet area unduly by way of proposing the construction of a new dwelling unit on an Agriculture (Al ) zoned parcel with access to the public road by way of a proþsed 10.5 mêtre alleyway between a proposed residential use on the east side and the lnstitutional use on the west side. The A1 zone also permits a supplementary dwelling unit. The A1 'ret¡ained' parcel is not within the boundary of the hamlet of Richmond. d. Aporopriate size for orooosed use of Iands: The three proposed severed lots exceed the m¡n¡rnum required lot area of 1390m2 in the HR zone, but the fourth does not meet the minimum tot frontage regulations of the A1 zone. The Municipality should have the applicants confirm that the two lot areas (Severance Sketch: Parts 2 and 3) are suitable forindividual potable water and sanitary servicing gíven the soil conditions in the local area. e. Access via internal roads: There are no existing or long-term internal roads planned for this area of the Hamlet of Richmond. Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 106 of 313 l8l Group llemorandum Mun¡c¡pality of Bayùam - June 6, 2011 Traffic Hazards: There would not appear to be any trafüc hazards created by the creation of four new driveways along this portion of Heritage Line (a County Road) given the number of existing driveways in the vicinity. However, the Gounty will confirm this to be the case as part of the consent process. Access to interior lands: The consents propose separate lot frontages along Heritage Line ranging between 22 and 106 mete widths. The nanowest frontage of 22 m, the 'retained lands', narrows to 10.5 metes to provide access to the interior agriculture lands zoned A1 which requires a minimum lotfrontage of 150 m Consents for mortoaqe. estate and boundarv adiustments: This policy is not relevant to this application. Zoning ByJaw The Hamlet ResidentialZone (HR) requires a minimum lot area of 1390 m" and a minimum lot frontage of 22 metres where no potable water/sanitary sewage servicing is provided- The Agricultural (41) zone requires a minimum lot area of 20 ha and a minimum lot frontage of 150 m. The A1 zone permits one new single detached dwelling on a vacant lot subject to all other applicable regulations of the ByJaw, as well as one supplementary farm dwelling to the farm operation- Two of the proposed severed lots (E57l11; E58/11) meet the zoning requirements of the Hamlet Residential (HR)zone. Although the severed lot irientified on E56/11 meets the zoning requirements, it creates a lot (the 'retained lot') which does not meet the zoning requirements of the Al zone. Because the majority of the retained lands are zoned A1, the Al regulations apply. The minimum lot frontage on a public roadway for the A1 zone is 150 m. Section 4.1 8 Street Frontage of Building Lots applies: "no person shall erect a building..., unless the lot or parcel to be so used-.. abuts or fronts on a public street or public road, and is maintained by such authority." The intent of 'bt frontage' regulations in Zoning ByJaw represent minimum lot widths rather than provísion of lands for vehicular accessi/egress as has been inteçreted by the applicant. The ruling is implicit rather than explicit. The side yard width regulations provide support for this interpretation. The A1 sideyard width is 3 metres, while the front yard setback is 15 m. Conclusion Based on the review of the Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations the consents to sever E57l11 (Parl2 on severance sketch) and E58/11 (Part 3 on severance sketch) are acceptable subject to the following: a. W¡itten confirmation from the Municipality that the proposed lot sizes are suitable for on-site servicing gíven soil conditions in the area; b. Written confirmation from the County Engineer that development of the retained lands for agricultural and residential purposes will not create any traffic hazards on Heritage Line;and c. Written confirmation from he County Engineer that there is sufficient loi width on the 'retained' farm lands for vehicular acc€ss from Heritage Line to the 36 ha of farm land north of the severed parcels. f. g. h_ Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 107 of 313 l8l Group llemorandum Municipafity of Bayôam - June 6, 201 I The lands will be subject to rezoning to remove the holding provision from those lands that are zoned Hamlet Residential Holding (HR-h) within the hamlet of Richmond once confirmation is provided that the lot areas are sufficient for on-site servicing. The consent to sever E56/11 (Part I on Plan) cannot be approved, as the 'retained' parcel will not meet the lot frontage regulations of either the HR or A1 zones. ¡BI GROUP Tamara Tannis, MCP, McIP/RPP Consulting Planner to Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2011-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56- 58/11". Page 108 of 313 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Soreny Farms Consent E{llll DATE: June l0,20ll FILE: D10.11 Soreny Farms NUMBER:D20ll-24 Purpose To consider a consent application for the creation of a new lot in the Village of Straffordville. Background A consent application was received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Soreny Farms Limited to sever a parcel 0.72hectare (1.8 acre) and retain a 60.7 hectare (150 acre) parcel. The subject land is located on the north side of Third Street road allowance at the corner of Elgin Süeet, west of Plank Road in the Village of Straffordville. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zonedVillage Residential-Holding (Rl-h) in the Zomng ByJaw No. 2456-2003 . Elgtn County Land Division Committee will consider the application on Jrne29,20Il. The owner is proposing to sever a parcel for the purpose of hansferring ownership to the Straffordville Evangelical Mennonite Church to construct a church. Staff & Planner Comments The entire subject lands are identified as part of Registered Plan 205 inthe village of Straffordville. The owner proposes consolidating several "lots" with the "Elgin Street" road allowance north of Third Street to create one building lot. Staff and the planner have reviewed the application and have concerns with the proposal. The planner's memo explains that street allowances on registered plans are designed and intended for future development as streets. She further explains that to approve the consolidation of lots and street allowances, a Registered Plan must be deemed as not a registered plan by passing a By-law. Records show this has not been done to Plan 205. Legal opinion was obtained from the municipal solicitor and his findings support the opinion of staff and the planner. Streets set out on registered plans are dedicated at the time of registration as "highways". Street allowances belong to the municþality and would have to be closed by by- law before it could be used for any other purpose than as a "highway''. The "Elgin Street" allowance cannot be incorporated into this consent application. Staff recommends the application be amended to exclude street allowances. A future suitable application would require conditions that may include a Development Agreement for the development of Third Street to provide the required25 metres frontage for the proposed Institutional use, proof of potable water, a grading plan, storm water management plan and Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 109 of 313 StaffReport D2011-20 Soreny Farms Page2 municipal drain connection, $500 parkland dedication fee, final survey, Road Access permit and rezoning to remove the "holding" provision. The parcel is serviced with a sanitary sewer stub to the property line installed in2002. Attachments 1. Aerial map 2. Consent ApplicationB4Tlll 3. IBI Merno dated lllay26,20Il Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION *TIIAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent application ß,41111, submitted by Soreny Farms Limited, be amended and resubmitted for consideration.tt Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 110 of 313 liunlo+rli¡¡ otfuvhyn Soreny Farms Limited Consent E41 I 11 ,ftr I Notes Third Street, Straffordville Legend Local Arterial Highways ,A/r, r ) '(- t1v' 'u Jc¡qLc -/c "'/ i ]-tct 1 . 3,143 o.2 0.08 0 2 Kilometers -' ':=: ' @ Latitude Geographics Group Ltd This map is a user generated static output from an lnternet mapp¡ng site and is for reference only Data layers that appear on thts map may or may nol be accurate current, or otheMise reliable THIS IIIAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 0 S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 2 4 r e g a r d i n g " S o r e n y F a r m s C o n s e n t E 4 1 / 1 1 " . P a g e 1 1 1 o f 3 1 3 ElgrnCoun ty *pucAnoN FoR coNsENr 4 L*tlt' '1. Name'of approval authority 2. NameofOwner Address Å ê;b=.o Telephone Number Addtess Telephone Number' ,,.,,,,r ,é, Please speciff to whorn all communirations should be sent Agent rS ban"sadion: (check appropdate space) Transfen sealbn of a new lot Other charge . .. .additionbakÉ lease easement conec.tion of tiüe drerpuçose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to wtrom lard or interest in lard is to be ùansfened, leased or charged: (c) lf a lot addition, identiff üre hnds b vutrieJr ü¡e pãrcel will be added: Goncession no.3 loJ tr Lot(s) No.Plan No. &o{ . Name of ó4,sueet t¡o. (b) Ars here any correnants afiec{ing he subject land? ot¡rneÆ (X) soticibr ( ) G)'lfipeand purpose of proposec l,&to Yes( ) No(þ lf Yes, describe lhe easement or covenant and iF efrect: 5. Descriptioh of land intended to be senrercd: (Acarate Measuæmenß in Metic) Fronhge , F*) oeptt ,9ét -os(8t.o1,)Nu yo=- Existing Uæ t*lnCìrelfr!.r- / _ -, proposed Use . . 1./ ^.y'J./:-kl¿no / Ngmberand *éliUu¡t¿¡ngs and str¡dr,¡res (boür oristing and proposed) on ü¡e tand to besevered: 6. Descñption of land intended to be retained: (Accurate t{gggrlç.ryrecb in Metric) Frontase / í/ ,eô_(:":'tÈ"o* ;;;"ÅtfiP') A,e^ &_ Þtisting Use 450 Sunslt ttiE SÌlhomas,0n NSR5V1 Phom:51963114610wwdlitffty,o,o Name of ou¡nels solicitor or authorized agent and str¡cù.¡res on ü¡e hnd to be reÞirÉ:Nurnber and use Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 112 of 313 7. 8. -2- Number of new lots proposed (not inctuding rehined lots)€ Type of access for propased and rehined lot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintrained allyear ' Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public rcad RightOf Way Water access ft n¡o.nos.e-c access-is by water, what boat docking and pârking faciri[es.are ar¡airabre on themainland? (speciff) 9; What tyæ of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water syctem Pdvately owned and operated i¡idfuidualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or otherwater body Other means (speoit) PRO?O.SED_LOT () (yl () () RETAINED LOT () () Whattype of seuage disposalis proposed: (check appropriate space)TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Pulncly ovyned and openated sanihry sewage system Privately ov,ned and operabd indMduatseptic tank Pdvately owned and operated communalseptic system Pdvy Oher means. (speciff) 11. lM¡en will water suppry and sewage disposar seMces be avaitabre? (y) () () () () () 12.if an¡ ofthe subject land? lf this application is a rèsubmlssion of a prevtous consent application, describe how it has beenchanged from the original applicalÍon Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 113 of 313 -3- (b) lf the ánswer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to orryner Use of parcel lir- k^l.l Date parcel created .,. . . JaaA .. 17. ls the owner, solícitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously. with this application, or eonsideríng applying for additional consenb in the future? Yes (V)No () 18. ls the subject land cunently the subject of a proposed ofñcial plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (y,) lf Yes, and known, speciff the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land cunenüy the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Min'ste¡'s zoning order amendment, mínor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ()No V) lf Yes, and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the ACû application consistent wiüt policy statemenb issued under subsection 3(1) ,of the Planning No() wit¡in an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? No V) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and thepart fiat ís to be retained; - fie boundaries and dimensions of any iand orned by the owner of the subject tand andthat abuts the subject land; - the distance betu¡een the subject tand and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location sf all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the cunent of the subject t"noi, "ll.n"*rar and arrificiar,features on the subject rand and opinion of the applicant may affect the applícation, such as weuands, wooded "r""",'nä1l3tnï:fr"ri#jå?se ditches' riverorstream banks, - the existing use(s) on adjacenilands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicatingwhether it is an unopened road allówance, a public traveilù roao, iprvatá io"o ðiääghtof wa¡4 - if access to the subject land is by water onty, the location of ttre parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Yes W ls the subject land Yes() 2't. Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 114 of 313 -4- 23, The Owner/Appli,cant/Agent hereby authorizes Land Dþision Commlüee membeæ and the C-orporation of the County of Flgll staff to enter onto tre subjed property for the purpose ofSite inspections with respect to this appli rtion. 24. TheAp d Ìn thís for lo provide Boards. Local --íDatedatthe /ò Ò/)2trt útrct ofthe - ln the County of in the solemnly. declare that all tha informalion contained ln this applicaüon is tue, and lpe make thissolemn declaration conscienliousþ believing-it t ¡J tuà, áã ffiUvÌö tiat ft ls of the same force andefiect as ir made under oarh ano Éy virt¡è "id'' ıá¡AöÀEviöÉñöËicr. DECIjRED before me atthe__l'\u) n of souctToR oB AUTHORTZED AGENTfrBt ø nLL ¿^v o¡ ftla.J ne¡rs wÌthout agent l, if any, must It is required that one copy of fris application befled, togetherwiür one copy of the sketch described,with the responsible peréón, accomþãnU ¡yã fee ot_ $750.00 in .cash or b¡¡chequé madé payabre to TREASURER, couNTy oF ELcrN An add¡Tonal feb of 02s0,00 r,úifl be charged for: affrxing the consent stâmp. : Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 115 of 313 The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addîtion to the Applícation for Consenf, the following informatlon be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any bams located within 300 metes of the qrbjed of this application?Yes() NoM) lf the answer is YESIr are these barns:i) Now used for livestocld Yes ( ) No ( )¡D Capable of being used for livestocl(? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE: lf you ansrvered "YES" to #1. PLEASIE GOMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW APPENDD(gÆ' TOBE.GOMPLEIEI} BYAPPLIG.AIÙr NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHlP LOT coNc. TILLABLE HECTARES (wtrere livestod< facility located) ln order to calct¡late the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility withln 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: Ma,rimum Housing Gapacfty Number perYear Housing System check type 0 400-750 tb. SWINE0 Souls0 Boars0 Weanlings 0 l-aying Hens0 Breeder Floc*0 Pullets Chicken Broilers Turkey Broilers Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters Open Lot ¡ ïotal & Bam I Confine- Caged , On Floor Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided pit Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 116 of 313 AUTHORlzANON (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Dlvision Commitee Coryoralion of the Gounty of Elgin Desuiption and Location of Subject l¡nds: th ì ro('nuf +S/ 'ao4,/- ,,,^^tfl{k(!,i,g#iht{il,#r*"r ry rrcn¡r än appilErr¡on on my Dena¡f tt the County of Bgin ßl 3?ff?l "" nry_behatf. ar any hearing(s) or u¡ã aóp¡rcat-on; tr) provldeany ir¡formatlon or msbdal required Uyùre t-anO'appliølion. and Divísion Gommiüee relevant to the oateaatte ,í,-/¿,at n ___ . oî --a 3 . tt'i' ¿Q/<Ê d^vxw2orl -.føfcttvw Please Print Names in Block Letters Belorv Sþnahrres il!:i":iå]:"rm is onlv to be used for applications, whidr are to be sisned by someone other than Qrecf q, Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 117 of 313 S.v¿c.J Lol (Sea Slc--Lek i ¿\ti âøtea.¡lãeæ-o*"_¿e.,jI-- mR¿'loin./ Po"..l Pcn-v i o*t5 !'¿1¡¿çanê?-' lë *4 l /1Eib ,=Jon.u5 ì'' f{<.}.;- To 4o"*rl 4" ln.l ol,u),ìoh \ ,sov?Ñol. *o Se^(q @'"* Mar 14, 2011 0 6lt tlo ¡S 2A 3i¡5 390 nûËffi cmdld usftg plans and dmnn€nts pr¡rpoûes only. Ttrb ts nda plan dsurwy. Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 118 of 313 I / @ @ C?Ð sl$ "f'"1;ı ,dr> rìb o.rLoI ls0+.o" Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 119 of 313 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H lT3 Canada 519 4727328 519 47293il tel fax Memorandum To/Attention From Subject Municipalþ of Bayham Tama¡a Tannis, MCP, MCIPIRPP Date Project No May26,2011 3404-505 Soreny Farms: Consent Application No. E4llll Lots 14, 15, 16, N/S Third Street, Registered Plan 205 Lots 18, 19,20, S/S Fourth StreeÇ Registered Plan 205 Straffordville Purpose The landowners have applied to sever a 7 ,284 m2 parcel of land from a 6l ha parcel located on the north side of Third Steet in the village of Straffordville. The subject lands are designated Residential in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan and are zoned Village Residential Holding (Rl-h), Schedule 'F', Map No. l, in the Municipality of 7-onngByJaw 2456-2003. The Rl zone requires ¿ minimul¡ lot a¡ea of 900 m2, ¿ minimum lot fronøge of 20 m and a minimum lot depth of 45 m. Subject Lands: Registered Plan 205 The I:nd Registry identifies the subject lands on PIN35345-0189 as being Lots 14, 15 and 16 on the north side of Third Steet,Irts 18, 19 and 20 on the south side of Fourth Steet, and aportion of Elgin Steet between Third and Fourth Streets, Registered Plan 205. I¡ts 14, 15, 18 and 19 each have lot frontages of 20.12 m, while L,ots 16 and20have27 m lot frontages. Elgin Street's road allowance width is 20.L2 mon Registered Plan 205. In the severance applicatioq the applicants have identifred a combined lot frontage on Third Street to be 87.43 m which is 20 metres wider than the 67.4 m width resulting from combining Lots 14 to 16 with the Elgin Street road allowance aloug Third Steet. Lots 14, 15, 16, 18, 19and20havelotdepths of 40.23 nr,or5metreslessthanrequiredbythecurrentRl zo'le. Required Action To approve the proposed redesigned parcel fabric on Registered Plan 205, that consolidates 6 lots inûo one and takes a portion of the Elgin Street road allowance, Council may deem that Registered Plan 205 is not a registered plan by passing a By-law. As a resulq there may be less of an issue of severing those lands identified as "Elgin Street". Removal of Straffordville lands from Registered Pl¿n 205 If Council so. chooses, it may pass a By-law to deem Registered Pl an 205 as not to be a registered plan of zubdivision fcr the purpose of Section 50(4) of the Planning Act: 50(4) . -The council of a local municipality may by byJaw designate any plan of subdivisior¡ or part thereof, that has been registered for eight yeÍ¡rs or more, which shall be deemed not to be a registered plan of subdivision for the puq)oses ofsubsection (3). 1983, c. 1, s. 49 (4). IBI Gtoup is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 120 of 313 IBI Group Memorendum Municipality of Bayham - May 26, 201 I Should Council decide to dee,m Registered Plan 205 as not a registered plarU Shaffordville will be subject to incremental lot severance applications that may lack cohesive lot and road configurations. Conclusion That Council refirse approval of Consent Application E4l-l I as the landowners have not referenced Registered Plan 205 and assumed that Elgin Street maybe consolidated with ' Lots 14, 15 16, 18, 19 and 20 on Third and Fourth Streets. Council should seek legal opinion as to the proposed conveyance and consolidation ofElgin Street road allowance with Lots 14 to 16 and Lots l8 to 20. \ ,r/s IBIGROT'P Tamar¿ Tannis, MCP, MCF/RPP Consulting Planner to Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2011-24 regarding "Soreny Farms Consent E41/11". Page 121 of 313 Page 122 of 313 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYIIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Soreny Farms Consents 842-45lll DATE: June 10,2011 FILE: D10.11 SorenyFarms NUMBERtD20II-25 Purpose To consider four consent applications for the creation of lots in the Village of Straffordville. Background Four consent applications were received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Soreny Farms Limited to sever four parcels ranging from 1100 m2 (11840 sq.ft.) to 1168 m2 (12572 sq.ft.) retain approximately 60 hectares (150 acre) parcel. The subject land is located north of Donnelly Drive with the proposed lots fronting on to the unopened Donnelly Drive street allowance, east of Duke Street in the Village of Straffordville. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zonedVillage Residential-Holding (Rl-h) in the Zonrng By-law N o. 245 6 -2003 . Elgin County Land Division Committee deferred the applications on l|.lay 26,2011 atthe request of the municipality to provide opportunity for municipal consideration. Staff & Planner Comments Staff and the planner have reviewed the applications. The planner suggests a couple of options in considering the applications: Part -lot Control and removal of Straffordville lands from Registered Plan 205. Both options are available to Council with further investigation and process required. Legal opinion suggests that the process of consent to consider lot creation is the only practical way that boundaries can be changed. Again the legal opinion is that the street allowance is the property of the municþality and has to be taken in to account in the lot layout, which the applications presented asE42-45/71rccogmze the DonnellyDrive street allowance and suggest the lots front on to the allowance. Donnelly Drive east of Duke Street is identified as an unopened street allowance on Registered Plan 205. Therefore, the owner will be required to develop the street allowance to municipal street standards through a Development Agreement. The municipal sewer terminates at the north end of the developed portion of Duke Street. The owner will be responsible for extending the sewer main easterly along Donnelly Drive street allowance to service the lots by means of an engineered plan and Ministry of the Environment Certificate of Approval. A sidewalk on the north side of Donnelly Drive will be required and the installation of a street light at the corner of Donnelly Drive and Duke Street. Street development, sidewalk and streetlight requirements and the sewer extension will be included in a Development Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 123 of 313 Staff Report D20Il-25 Soreny Farms Page2 Agreement between the owner and the municipality. The applicant will also be required to provide proof of potable water through water quality and quantity testing for each lot. Lot development will also require an overall grading plan and a storm water management plan with a municipal drain connection. Additional conditions of the consent are listed in the staff recommendation. Attachments 1. Aerial map 2. Consent Application E42lll 3. Consent ApplicationsE43-45111 (first page only) 4. IBI memo dated I|l{ay 26,2011 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 2 Ensure reliable, well-maintained and secure infrastructure Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices RECOMMENDATION "THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent applicationsE42-45lll, submitted by Soreny Farms Limited, be granted each subject to conditions: 1. 2. 3. Development Agreement with the municipality water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards stormwater management plan with an engineered municipal drain connection grading plan subject to municipal approval final suruey provided to the municipality $500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication purchase of civic numbering signage rezoning to remove the "holding" provision subject to conditions 1-5 Revierved by, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Respectfully submitted, Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 124 of 313 S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 2 5 r e g a r d i n g " S o r e n y F a r m s C o n s e n t s E 4 2 - 4 5 / 1 1 " . P a g e 1 2 5 o f 3 1 3 La* I APPUCATION FORCONSETg r¡Sd '^-"4p / L ntn"ã use fu rì¿¿./-/-rr.o/ , Lr1ffi Address f" ê;U'e Telephone Number Address f" &bt"n B"nnu# ê-o,nn Please speciff b whom all communicatiors should be sent Ovnersffi Sonribr( ) Agent( ) (a) Type and purpose of prcposed hansadim: (deck appropñate space) (c) Frontage Existing Use Othen charge lease Dqryül 4S/ l, Arca Derün i r rëf)'t: iä7 ' ^Nea /,{ô a-,_ (b) Are herc any easemenb or ráùid¡ve covenanb afieding üre subjec.t land? Yes( )No (X FYes, describe the eæenrent or corcnant and'tb efiecL 5. Desøiption of lald ¡rþnded to be særed: (Accr¡rab Measurcments in Meüic) FronÞge Þ<isting Use Proposed Use . . Nt¡mber and use severed: and sür¡cü¡rcs (boü exiding and proposed) on tre land to be Descdplion of hnd intended to be retafi{: ,(Acorrate n4i:.g:erents in Mebic)(t9z+'rø^1 ¿tso Sußet ùiE SL'nmes' ñ NsRsvr PhffG 5rg æ1.1460twlltÐnty.æ Name ofOwner 'or,úrrq 4//3- --/Transfen L/ cfeãlion of a nen lotæ . , .Addition to a lot easement conection of title ofterpupæe (b) Name of pøson(s), if knorn, to whom lald or ¡nter€st in land is to be tansfened, leased or charged: 4. (a) Location of land: MunirÍpaþ Raf Lrrr . Goncession No. Lot(s) No. L>t"l t Pl L¿* 3 Res¡stered ptan Àt*L r Registered Plan No. åL{ Name ofSteet lf a lot addition, identiff the hnds b wt¡idr üre parcd will be added: Numberand use-of and str¡cû¡res on üe land to be ¡eþied: Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 126 of 313 -2- 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. Number of new lob proposed (not including reþined lots) _ I Type of access for proposed and retained tot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained allyear ' Municipal road, seasonally mainhlned Other public road Right Of Way Water access lf proposed access_is by urater, what boat docking and pârklng facilities. are available on themainland? (specrff) 9. What type of water suppfy is proposed: (chedr appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water s¡atem Privately owned and operaÞd iridlvidualwell Privately owned and operated communat well Lake or otherwater body Other means (specitr) PROPOSED-LOT () w)() () RFfAINED LOT () () () () 10. what type of sewage dbposar is proposed: (check appropriate space)TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and operated sanihry sanrage system Pdvately owned and operated indMduat septic tank Pdv.ately owned and operated communalseptic system Prir/y Other means (specrfy) (p () () () Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? What is he Zoning, .if an¡ of üre subjed land? lf this applicalion is a résubm'lssion of a previous consent apptication, describe how it has beenchanged from ü¡e orþinatapplicalion . t -rrÈv!r'"r Yt 16. (a) Has fte owner previously severcd any land,ftom üris hotding? Yes (/t ' No t )., ' Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 127 of 313 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous sevèrances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel F.;r- I'oL( Date parcelcreated J-an¿> 17. ls the owner, solícitor, or agent applying for additional consents on thls holding simultaneously with this application, or considering epplyrng for addilional consents in the future? Yes Nl No () 18. ls the sùbject land cunently the subject of a proposed offcial plan or official plan amendment that has been submitþd to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (Y) lf Yes, and known, speciff the Ministry file number and status of the applícation 19. ls the subject land cunenüy the subject of an application fur a zoning bylaw amendment, Ministels zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ()No (X) lf Yes, and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent wtür policy statemenb issued under subsection 3(1),of the Planning Act? Yes (X,No() 21. ls the subject land wihin an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No (y lf yes, does the application cpnform to or conflict with the applicable prcvincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundanþs and dimensions of any land owned by the orrner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance betrteen the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, suc.h as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land prevlously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the cunent owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all nah¡ral and artificial,features on the subject land and adjacent lands fiat in the opinion of $e applicant may affectthe application, such as buildings, railuaa¡rs, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or steam banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacentlands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public favelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - if acress to the subject land is by trnter only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 128 of 313 23. '4' Divbion Commiüee members and ü¡e the subled property for the pupose of 24. de Dated atüre ,/o¿zt n ü.'i, oQ/5f . o.yor tt^.J STGMTUREoTÃpp@, Pl tC tlhrt e Szok'an i t in he aayot AanJ AFFrDAvrroRSì^/.RNrrr,*^rlìd"-f ;',-if"rí:ri-;l'fii*f ii'á"u*"t^^ solemsotem tugrand l/ì/Ve make this efred H * of $e same force and DECLARED befoÞ ne atthe thls Zore^q IJ :ffitl It iswith b€ filed' logeüerwith one copy of the skebh described,a fee of- $750'00 iñ -cash or byctreque madg. payabg to TREASURER, couNTy oF ELGTN An ad-ditionalfeàof $250.00uii[ be CIaEø for@ng be ànsentsâmp. : ini¡u¡qûh'bGqteflË- ÊomtSuüTJiÈÍifrd$Hr Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 129 of 313 APPENDIX "Atr The C.ounty of Elgin Land Divisíon Committee requires that, in addition to the ?pplication for Consenfl, the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there.any bams located within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yesþt''No() lf the answer is YES'are $¡ese barns:i) Now used for livestock?ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes() NoÒlYes() No}<la LOT ]ELEPHONE coNc.TOWNSHIP T|L|-ABLE HECTARES (wtrere livestock facility located) NOTE: lfyou answered "YES'to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT AcRlcqLJuBA! CODE OF P.BACT|CE FORMUT-A ONE DATA SHEET TOc¡l-CUUre tHe UI¡¡l¡v¡U¡t¡ o¡SreHCe Sep¡mriOt¡ REOU¡newlErilrS FOR NON,FARII| USES ESTABUSHTNG ORiEXpANp¡Nc tN CLOSE PROXMITY TO EXISTING LTVESTOCK BU¡LDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located oñ a separate lot: Maximum Housing Capacfty Number per Year Housing System check type 0 Calves0 Feeders0 40G.750 tb.0 400-1 100 tb. POULTRY 0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters & Bam I Confine- Gaged , On Floor Govered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided pit Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 130 of 313 /lp r, lu, l|J il ¡¡ I l: ++rM I {' ,flo, tltu t, '¿J Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 131 of 313 4 p t.i. l. S"'tereJ 'Lols See sk¿{cAa t mRd¿*J P"..-t Pleuì o*> S€$erat'¿*' o+ h 3*1. tÁ '/ ./ (t' .,/ ,/ /t\ @t".*t " Mar 14, 2011 oírdH rd¡tg dðrE and dGr.nenb¡¡pe mly. Thb b rü e Han dg¡næy. Teranet Custorner Service Genbe: 140{Þ208-5263 fToronfn: 41 6-?ßt}t I onì Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 132 of 313 L"*2 APRl{ ätu@497 LL 1. 2. Deseiptilon of hnd intended gtr_teF¡nø: (Accr¡rate Meagu¡epenF in Meûic) Frontase ,3Æ5î1-W æpt ;rry,.(#'^) erea /-{Ò a,- ós Existing Use Number and *"!ói Uuif¿¡ngs and sür¡dr¡rcs (bottr eústing and proposed) on fre land to be severed: Exisling Use l-hrì cu //t^ra- I 450SmsetIttE SLlhomæ,0n N5RSVl Phwí9431-14ô0üÍrdEhdrùÐ.o ElgmCounty orrucAro* FoR coNsENr ^ëfl- Name'ofapprovalauthority ELGINCOUNIY.LANDDMSION.COMMITTEE Name of Ovvner Address Ço ê,' Telephone Number Name of ome/s solicitonorauü¡orÍd agent' Telephone Number' Please spedff to vytrom all communicalions should be senE ovners (þ soticibr ( )Agent ( ) (a) Type and purpose {nrono.seO tansacäm: (check apprcpdate space) Transfen,,,,,/,,,.crealionofanewlot Othen -charge . .Addition to a lot lease easemer¡t corection of title oñer purpose (b) Name of person(s), if knorn, to wtrom land or inþrest in tar¡d is to be bansfened, leased or . charged: U k¡ac¡J n (c) lf a lcÉ addilion, identiffthe hnds to which the parcelwill be added: 4. (a)Location of land: Mun¡c¡pafity Ra-qÀa rn Goncession No. Lor(s) No. P+ t-^4" ail Resisbred phn Vl¿.L tr No. Jôf Nameof Sbeet. L",nr..ú.1., 1 ,.i- , SteetNo. þ) Arc therc any easements or resûic{ive covenanb affeding üre sugect tand? Yes ( ¡ tto fi) lf Yes, desc¡ibe he easement or coænant ar¡d its effect Desøiption of land ¡nbrded to be severed: (Accur# Measurernenb in Meüic) Frontase 44,,3_ Fr Wt 4ç// Areå {:bn*s Number and use of buÍldings and süt¡cù¡rcs on the hnd to be rebT¡nø: Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 133 of 313 Lof3 B r* 4,'/-ltJ * APfìl1 2û11 ELGIi{ 1. 2. 3. (a) T¡pe and purpose of.nronased bansadion: (check apprcpriate space) Transfen y' crea¡on of a new lot Othen charge E I grnil t å-r E-i ty AppucAroN FoR coNsENr = . ..gddition to a lot lease easement correctíon of title .other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or ir¡terest in land is to be transfened, leased or charged: / ln k.no^s n (c) lf a lot addition, identiff the lands to wtrich the parcel will be added: a 4. (a) Municipaþ Lot(s) No.Reg'stered Plan No. JO{ . Name of Street.Ao¡Le //v. (b) Are there any easements or resfoictive covenants affeding the subject land? Yes( )to fl tf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Descdption of land intended to be severcd: (Accr.rrate Measurcments in Metic) Frontage Existing Use Numbgr and use severed: and stt¡c-tures (both oristing and proposed) on the land to be -- ., ,.-- -: V¿ncool ---- -. ,=,. o *"j:::l_" rand intended : : r?Bl1$ (e"* o|e Measurem?gÞ. ljl $"ui"lFrontâse ,3An2i-'ff"deø _i Existing u" lJerion/Jån¿"/ pro¡Proposed Use Depù 4S// r^ . - Area //ÒÒ s¿. m. Propose¿use 3.s ì clnn\l* I Name'ofapprovalauthority ELGINCOUNry-LAN.QDMSIONSOMMITTFE Name of ovwrels solicitor or authorized agent Addre*s Ço (; úso.' Bnnn Telephone Number Please speciff to whom all communications should be sent owners fi) Solicitor'( )Agent ( ) Area 45O SuMt Driw SLTþrc,O¡ NsRSVl Phon€: 519 531.1460 w¡lg¡rcounty.m.6 Name of Owner Address Ç¿ &ìb"o Telephone Number æ Number and use'ıf buildings and stt¡ctures on the land to be Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 134 of 313 tË ¿Ë /^4 4 alLt, Telephone Number' .., Please speciff to wtrom all communicalions strould be ser¡t Ovners fr) Solldbr ( )Agent ( ) (a) Tyæ and purpose of proposed tansac{ion: (dred< appropriate space) Transfer ., ,,4. , , creatbn of a new lot Oü¡en charge . .. .êdditiontoalot e¿sement oúerpurpose conection of tiüe (b) Name of percon(s), if known, to whom land or ir¡tercS in land b to be bansferæd, leased or charged: 4. (a) Locatitm of land: Muniripafity .tr Lot(s) No.RegbtercdPlanNo. 9o{ , Name of Sùeet .Donn e t 1. IrìV<, Steet No. þ) Æe therc any easemenb or resùidirrc corcnanb ffing the subject land? Yes ( ) no qa [Yes, describeüe easementorcovenant and its efrect 5. Description of land ¡nþndedto be severed: (Accr¡rate Measuæmenb in Meüic) Frontage E:tisting Use :3Ò Depú 4.<// Area Proposed use . .l(¿s)/¿t*lì+l Nr¡mberand rce severed: 6. Desuiprton of hnd inÞnded to Frontage Existing Use Number and ra-l ¿¡50SuËctDrÌF SLÌroíË,ù NsRSVl PtFnG| 5r$æ1-1460wrlÉanvsê frltuot e *.BÈ.& EI gmCou n ry AppucAroN FoR coNfr; l. 2. Name'of appronal authority Name ofOwner Address f, ûós"q Telephone Number Name of oume¡'s solicitor or auhoñzed agent Addrcss Ço Ûb*n Bern"y'/ êroo^* S (c) retained: Accurde 2î) o"pu i. Use lf a lot addition, irlentify the lands b wtrhh tre parcd will be added: and str¡dures (bdr otiding and proposed) on the land to be buildings and süt¡cû¡rcs on üre hnd b be in Metdc) Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 135 of 313 lBl Group 203 - 350 Oxford StGet West London ON N6H lT3 Canada tel 5194727328 fax 5194729354 To/Attention From Subject Municipalityof Bayham Tamara Tannis, MCP, MCIP/RPP Date May26,20ll ProjectNo 3404-505 Memorandum SorenyFarms: Consent Applications No. E42lll toB45/l\ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, I l, Block F, Donnelly Drive, Registered Plan 205 Straffordville Purpose The landowners have applied to sever four parcels of land from an approximate 6l ha parcel in the village of Straffordville. The four consent applications provide the following proposed lot dimensions for each application: Subject L¡nds: The subject lands are part of Block F, Registered Plan 205. The lands are designated Residential in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan and a¡e zoned Village Residential Holding (Rl-h), Schedule 'F', Map No. 1, in the Municipality 6f l6ning By-law 7A56-2003. The R1 zone requires a minimum lot area of 900 m2, a minimum lot frontage of 20 m and a minimum lot depth of 45 m. The proposed applications meet the regulations of the Rl zone. Registered Plan 205 The submitted survey map, prepared by Kin Husted Suneying Lt4 identifies the subject lands as being comprised of seven lots on Block F, Registered Plan 205: Lots 1, 2,3,4,5, 10 and 11. The propefy's PIN35345-0189, Ontario I:nd Registry, also identifies the subject lands as Lots I to 11, Block F, Plan 205. Lotsl,2,3havefrontagesalongDonnellyDrive.Lot4hasfrontagealongbothDonnellyDriveand Duke Steet. Lot 5 fronts onto Duke Steet, while Lots l0 and 11 front Wellinglon Street. All streets are unopened road allowances. According to the measurements identified on Block F, Registered Plan 205: Lot I has a lot frontage of 37 .8 m; I-ats 2,3 and 4 have lot frontages of 20.12 m; Lot 5 has a lot frontage of 17 m; Lot 10 has a lot frontage of 20.12 m; and l,ot l1 has a lot frontage of 25 m. Lot depths for Lots I to 5 are 40.2 m" while Lots l0 and 11 have approximate lot depths of 85.3 m- All lots meet ús minimu6lot frontages of the Rl zone, with the exception of Lot 5 which is 3 m less than required. Lots 1 to 5 do not meet the 45 m lot depth requirement of the curent Rl zone, but are deemed to be legal, non-conforrning. Applicetion Proposed Lot Frontege (m)Proposed Lot Depth (m)Proposed Lot Area (mJ E42ltt 25.91DonnellyDr 45.11 Duke St 45.t1 1,168 E 43m 24.38 45.t1 1,100 E 44m'24.38 45.tt 1,100 E 45ttt 25.30 45.11 1,041 IBI Group is a group offirms providing professional services and is affrliated with IBI Group Architects Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 136 of 313 IBI Group Memor¡ndum Municipality of Bayham - May 26, 201I Analysis The 4 consent applications to sever 4 parcels of land from a larger tact of land is not tlre appropriate application at this time. The subject lands a¡e subject to the lot configuration of Block F in Registered Plan 205. The landowners are proposing lot line readjushents rather than the creation of 4 new lots. As a resulq the current proposed lot realignment creates a remnant lot in Block F that \Mill not meet the minimum Rl lot frontage requirement in the Rl zone (Lot 5, Block F, Registered Plan 205). The appropriate request would follow the following logic for each application: o 842/ll takes portions of land from Lots 3 and 5, Block F and conveys them to Lot 4, Block F, Registered Plan 205; . EA3lll requiresthatpolions oflÃtz,Lot5 andl¡t l0beconveyedûoI¡t3,BlockF, Registered Plan 205; o F44/ll requires that portions of I-ot l, l0 and I I be conveyed to Lot 2; and c E4SlLl conveys a portion of L,ot 1l to Lot l, Block F, Registered Plm205. Required Action Council has two approaches to resolve the proposed applications. One approach would be to pass a By- law deeming the registered plan @egistered Plan 205) to not be a plan of subdivision The second approach would require that the landowners apply for Part-Lot Control exemption, wherein Block F, Plan 205 would be exempt from Part I¡t Control (i.e. permit the lots to be realigned). This would require that the lot line readjustments would have to conform to the current lot arealfrontage/depth requirements of the current Rl zone regulations. Part-lot Control Part Lot Control Exemption ByJaws are normally used to permit the fi¡rther subdivision of existing lots in a registered plan into smaller parcels (e.g. for townhomes). It is also used to permit the creation of lot lines within a Block on a registered plan of zubdivision- The Planning Act, Section 50(7) authorizes municipalities ûo pass byJaws to permit whole blocls and lots within registered plans to be further divided. Council ¡nay pass a byJaw exempting land situaæd in a Registered Plan from part-lot control to allow the division of these lands into smaller parcels, make minor boundary adjustments, or establish maintenance easements by way of a Reference Plan. Exempting land situated in a registered plan from part lot control would allow a reference plan that çhanges existing lots lines to be registered on title. The subject lands would propose 'minor boundary adjustments'. Some municipalities do not permit part lot contol applications for lot line readjushents in approved subdivision plans. Removal of Straffordville lands from Registered Plan 205 If Council so chooses, it may pass a By-law to de€,n Registered Plan 205 as not to be a registered plan of suMivision for the purpose of Section 50(4) of the Planning Act: 50(4) DesiCnation ofplans of subdivision not deemed registered. - The council of a local municipalþ may by byJaw designate anyplan of subdivision, or part thereof, that has been registered for eight years or more, wtrich shall be deemed not to be a registered plan of subdivision for the puq)oses ofsubsection (3). 1983, c. l, s.49 (4). Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 137 of 313 IBI Group Memonndum Municipality of Bayham - May 26, 201I Should Council decide to dee,m Registered Plan 205 as not a registered plan, the village of Straffordville may be subject to ongoing, incremenüal lot severance applications' Conclusion The current applications reflect lot line readjustuents within a registered Block It may be that Council could exempt the Block from Part Lot Control, to permit the realignment of the lot lines within the block This would effilue that any new lot formation would meet the Rl zone regulations and that no remnaût piece of land would be created (such as the current sevenance applications create). A time limit is normally given to this form of application (e.g. I to 3 years). The Part Lot Conbol ByJaw exemption would be registered on title for the subject lands. Or, Council could deem Registered Plan 205 to not be a registered plan for the village of ShafFordville. In such a case, Council may then require the landowners to submit a plan of subdivision for the subject lands to ensure conformity with the current OfEcial Plan and Zoning By-law, as well as meet the municipal servicing requirements. Such an approach would allow the Municipality (through Municipal Affairs & Housing/County of Elgin) to request a Subdivision Agreement. Council should refuse çproval of Consent AFplications 842-ll through E45- 1 I until such time as they have received legal advice and./or decided on which method they would prefer to take, the deeming the plan to be not registered or to exempt the lands from Part Lot Contol. ír1s IBI GROTJP Tamara fannis, MCP, MCIP/RPP Consulting Planner to Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2011-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents E42- 45/11". Page 138 of 313 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Szorenyi Consents 850-53/1 1 DATE: June 10, 2011 FILE: Dl0.ll Szorenyi NUMBERI D20lI-26 Purpose To consider four consent applications for the creation of lots in the Village of Straffordville. Background Four consent ceived from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by sever four parcels ranging in size from 901 n| çO.ZZ acre) to 1026 m2 (0.2 6.244 hectare (40.1 acre) parcel. The subject land is located north of Heritage Line west side of Sand¡own Road in the Village of Straffordville. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential-Holding (Rl- h) in the Zontng By-law No.2456-2003. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on June29,20ll. Staff & Planner Comments The entire subject lands are identified as part of Registered Plan 205 in the village of Straffordville. The owner proposes consolidating parts of several "lots" and incorporating a portion of the "Donnelly Drive" road allowance that extends westerly from Old Chapel Street to Sand¡own Road. Staff and the planner have reviewed the applications and have concerns with the proposals. The planner's memo explains that street allowances on registered plans are designed and intended for future development as streets. She further explains that to approve the consolidation of lots and street allowances, a Registered Plan must be deemed as not a registered plan by passing a By-law or by passing a Part-lot Control Exemption by-law to permit further subdivisions of existing lots in a registered plan of subdivision. Records show this has not been done to Plan 205. Legal opinion was obtained from the municipal solicitor and his findings support the opinion of staff and the planner. Streets set out on registered plans are dedicated at the time of registration as "highways". Street allowances belong to the municipality and would have to be closed by by- law before it could be used for any other purpose than as a "highway". The "Donnelly Drive" allowance cannot be incorporated into the E50/11 and E5l/11 consent applications. Legal opinion supports the two approaches suggested by the planner but suggests that consent is possible and is considered the practical approach to recreate lots from a registered plan. Staff recommends application E50/11 be refused on the basis of proposing inclusion of the municipally owned street allowance. Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 139 of 313 Staff Report D20II-26 Szorenyi Page 2 Application Esllll - sketch indicates inclusion of a portion of Donnelly Drive street allowance. The application would have to be amended to not include a portion of the street allowance while maintaining a minimum frontage of 20 metres. ApplicationsB12lll and E53/11 would require conditions that may include proof of potable water, a grading plan, storm water management plan and municipal drain connection, $500 parkland dedication fee, final survey, civic numbering signage, Road Access Permit, Sewer Services Permit and rezoning to remove the "holding" provision. Attachments 1. Aerial map 2. Consent Application E50/11 3. Consent Applications E5l/11-53111 (first page only) 4. IBI Memo dated May 26,2011 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION rr1¡{df Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee the following: THAT consent application E50/11, submitted by Michele Szorenyi, be refused on the basis that Registered Plan 205 66Donnelly Drive" street allowance cannot be included in the consent; AND THAT consent application 851/11, submitted by Michele Szorenyi, be granted subject to conditions: 1. confirmation of lot dimensions showing Donnelly Drive street allowance is not included and maintain the required minimum frontage of 20 metres 2. water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards 3. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards 4. stormwater management plan with an engineered municipal drain connection 5. grading plan subject to municipal approval 6. Sewer Services permit 7. Road Access permit 8. final surwey provided to the municipality 9. $500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication 10. purchase of civic numbering signage 11. rezoning to remove the "holding" provision subject to conditions 1-6 AND THAT consent applications 852/11 and 853/11, submitted by Michele Szorenyi, be granted each subject to conditions: 1. water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 140 of 313 Staff Report D20ll-26 Szorenyi Page 3 2. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards 3. stormwater management plan with an engineered municipal drain connection 4. grading plan subject to municipal approval 5. Sewer Services permit 6. Road Access permit 7. final survey provided to the municipality 8. $500 cash-inJieu of parkland dedication 9. purchase of civic numbering signage 10. rezoning to remove the "holding" provision subject to conditions 1-6 Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 141 of 313 S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 2 6 r e g a r d i n g " S z o r e n y i C o n s e n t s E 5 0 - 5 3 / 1 1 " . P a g e 1 4 2 o f 3 1 3 1.+ / PR 1 g 2011 oF ELGIil 1. 2. Elgr"tlnty*pucAroN FoRcoNsE-&,8 #, Ð -l Ll, Owners( ) Solicfbr'( ) Ager*(X 3. (a) Type and purpose o)nrcnosø bansac,tÍon: (check appropriate space) Transfe¡: .crcation of a new tot Othen charge Name'ofapprovalauhority ELGIN COUNIYI*AN.D,DMSI9hI,COMM|TTEE Name of Or¡vner f "\ r ch¿.[<- '\za(e-¡t Address f" ê;Át"" &^^"4 oo^ * S.o.¿-/ì//son bo Telephone Number ON Nameofoune¡'s solicitororautroÍzed agenti l4ic Ç" (-., G. Szo"e* ¡ 4/1 t _ Address f" (;k"n G^r'*szorenqì Teteplrone Number' -fl 7 --?y').-.?1 {Í ONN t43 Please speciff to whor "ll *rrunications should be sent . .addition to a lot easement lease conection of title oüer purpose (b) Name of percon(s), if knovun, to wtrom land or interest in land is to be ûansfened, teased or charged: (c) lf a bt addition, identify the lands b wtrictr üre parcel will be added: (a) Location of land: Municipafrty Goncesston tlo.-B lroL L Lot(s) No.Registered Plan No. JoS-. Name of Sbeet.S St¡eet No. þ) Are fterc any easemenb or resûidive correnanb deding tre subject tand? Yes( )No Ø tf Yes, describe the easerær¡t or corcnant ard its efiect: 5. Description of land ¡nþnded to be severed: (Acarrate Measurcrnenb in Meûic) Fronbge Existing Use Depttr 4( o<Arca Proposed Use . severed: Description of land intendedto be ebrned: (Acurrate Mg#,F,Bç in måtic¡Fronrase /o!o ,g4 ^. D"ü ;;n;!I':tff:J *r- _ø'44 L-fn _- Exist:ng Use 45OSuærtOriE St'Ihomæ,On NSRSVI Pìúê:5rg 6:[.1460 rw,ìTdE¡Ht¡nVÐ.€ Number and use Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 143 of 313 7. L 11. 2- Number of new lots proposed (not including rehined lots)---- t-'-- Type of access for proposed and rebined lot (ctreck appropdate sspace) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year' Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road RishtOf Way Wateraccess lf p¡o.posg-d access-is by water, what boat docking and pârking facilities.are avaitable on themainland? (speciff) 9, What gæ of water supply is proposed: (ctrec* appropriate space) TYPE Publícly owned and openated piped water syetem Privately owned and operated ¡ñdMdualwell Privately owned and operated communatwell Lake or otherwaterbody Other means (specrfy) PROegSEo_LOT () (y) () () Ø 10.Whattype of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space)TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and openate{ saniÞrysewage system fdyately owned and operated indMduatseptio tank fr.i,v.gtely owned and operated communal septic system PrÍvy Other means (speciff) \M¡en willwatersupply and sewage dlsposalseMces be available? (A () () () () () 12. What is the Ð<isting l Plan desþnatÍon(s), if any, of the subject land? 13.if.any, of the-subjec.t land? lf tt¡ls applicalion is a rçsubmission of a prevíous consent application, describe how it has beenchanged fiom the origínal appticatiôn Has the owner previously severed any tand.frrom thls hotding? vps .(Fl 16. Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 144 of 313 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated .- ... tqql 17. ls the owner, solícitor, or agent applying for additional qonsents on this holding simultaneously. with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ( X,No () 18. ls the subject land cunently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (X1 lf Yes, and known, speciff the Mínistry file number and status of the applícation 19. lsthe subject land cunently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Ministe/s zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approvat of ã plan of subdivision? Yes ()No O4 lf Yes, and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statemenb issued under subsection 3(1),of $e planning Act? Yes No() 21. ls the subject land wihin an area desþnated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No (y lf yes, does the applicatíon conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and thepart that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dìmensions of any iand owned by the owner of the subject land andthat abuts the subjed land; - the distance between the subjec't tand and the nearest township lot line or landmark, suchas a railway crossing or bridge: - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the cunentthe subject land; and ch as st the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; the location. width and name of any roads within or abuüing the subject land, indicatingwhether it is an unopened road ailówance, a pubtíc tavèliñ ñd, ;;riåe road or a rightofway; if access.to the subject land is by rrtrater only, the location of the parking and boat dockingfacilities to be used: the location and nature of any easement afiecting the subject rand. Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 145 of 313 -4- 23. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby authorizes Land Division Commiüee members and the G.orporation of the.9ounty ol Ftqn staff ûo g1rter ontro the subjec.t property for the purposJ ofSite Ínspections ryith resped to this applicaffon. 24. d in thÍs to provide Boards. Local 20 ll STGNATURE OF APPLTCANT(SI 14i.k^-'i solemnly declare that a d in his appllcation .s tue, and l/ìA/e make thissoremn decraration con gJ me, ã-rã.ñd;;ù.,;t il is of the same force andeffect as if made under cAt.ledÁEvtöËñöËnðr. DECIáRED beforc me atü¡e OR e_ Ç76'-e n¡ i 3e AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI.ARATION in the ui" I L] 20 1l Pûi¡td0r6,trGbü¡.mdhÍtWìneÍË6!úffi. E)çiBDGÊrü1,ãll¿ agent must It is required ü¡at one copy of üis application be fited, togetherwih one copy of the sketch descríbed,with the responsibte perèón, accom'pãm"¿îvä r"" oi_ --- -' '-'-' -"i ' $75o.Oo iñ.cash or b¡¡chequè made'pa¡abte to TRÉASURER, couirry oF ELcrN Anad4itionalfebof$250.0orri¡i¡ecnargeaforafrxinÛ.thetnsentstamp. o ,A Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 146 of 313 APPENDIX "Atr The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the lApplication for Consenf, the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are lhere any bams loçted within 300 metres of the sgbjec,t of this application?Yes() No(Xù lf the answer is YES/are these barns:i) Now used for livestock?¡D Capable of being used for livestock? Yes Yes ()()()()No No NorE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BECOMPLETED. BYAPPUCATùT ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following ínformation is required for each livestockfacilig wÍthin 300 metres of the proposed severance and located oñ a separate lot NAME TELTPHONE TOWNSHIP ïLI-ABLE HECTARES (wtrere livestod< fac¡lity locâted) LOT coNc. Maximum Housing Capacig Number perYear Housing System check type BEEF 0 Cows0 Calves0 Feeders0 40G750 tb.0 400-1 100 tb. SWINE 0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings POULTRY 0 Laying Hens Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens Open [ot ¡ Total & Bam I Confine- Caged , On Floor Open Pile Oþen Pile l Govered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided pit Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 147 of 313 AUTHORIZAT!ON (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land DÍvision Committee Corporation of the Gounty of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: lM/e, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize (1) make an application on my behalf to fte county of Elgin Land Division committee;(2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the aiplicaüän; and(3) provideany information or materiafnrquired bythe Land Division Gommitee retevant to theapplication. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Datedatthe /.ò^)n . of th¡, /Ð4 ¿^vot IWL âPril 20 // Signature of Witness Si-nafure ofOwñer Sþnature of lA/ib¡ess Sí nature of Owner NorE: This.form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other thanthe ownerþ). S-ft¿^flo.À,ti Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 148 of 313 f,+] Ëo/3-Ê *- Ze¡,¡ ãt--- S.*.el Lfs\\LG.-gl..l"L a \ ¡så*- ir. ro",{¿ts 'lo ¡a,,.¿"rl )n !*-+ oli¿;oto by -?o4T Ø ffi hjof +', s ,ot* @***. Mar 14, 2011 0__ 65 130 tE b 3E 3I n !Éri dnpiled tdry plans and doofienbppces oly. Thls b not a t1àn of $rvey. Teranet customer service cente: 1€oGzog-5263 (roronb: 416-360-1190) Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 149 of 313 (NOT TRÀVELÉD) Lof 5 Loi 4 'i LoTrs!-*l"r^l Lor3lLof2¡Lo77 DONNELLY DRIVE (FOFMERLY DUfTON SÍFEET) (NOT TRAVELED) giglüH tttßïtìAw ãilnÞ ¡¡Er@tEtols t âro + tsl¡¡ H È- at, at¡¡Jt¡¡ Ét- t'.oz. t-.ùl 1¡¡trt a¡, JI PIRT G IOXS a 4 t2 âlO rtPnfCmE¡Jffi (Ffm snEEtta.æK c 1lotÞItf, Þt-t-o É.>ø =nVt4Ët¡.flq= ¿Ëln¿ tllz t .-e,Ë I i"ll9ItôlsIIf,l*l.Þ Ir E I -J *s'o"o Lo-Í 4lLof 3lLoT 2 \anr el"*'1 I \ I ¡ II '*"I rrs{oo. | "tor^ " I TALEOÍ ROAE (HEFIT"À6E !.INÉ} COTJNÍY ROAÐ.38. tc lür!¡tÐ s.RrEl$o LD. . ofirm uto s.RtEl|mI hEryaIL l¡.E¡¡ Cû¡, r€ !a¡¡!¡a¡{-n '.¡ll{Ð S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 2 6 r e g a r d i n g " S z o r e n y i C o n s e n t s E 5 0 - 5 3 / 1 1 " . P a g e 1 5 0 o f 3 1 3 Lof 2 APPUCATION FOR CONSENT ffi.r.,ì.i r - ' å$ x zxill g 2. NameofOwner Address % ê Telephone Number Name of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent Address % (,'l Telephone Number'6,t?= 742-3L{T Please speciff to whom all communications should be sent Owners( ) Solicitor( ) Agent(X) 3. (a) Type and purpose ofproposed tansadion: (check appropriate space)./Transfen l,/ creation of a new lot - addition to a lot easement conection of title .other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transfened, leased or charged: ltn kn¿u¿n (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: 4. (a) Location of land: Municipaþ concession ¡lo. R/rrJ ( Registered Plan No. Jns- Name of Street .S u/ulo":Street No. (b) Are there any easeme-nb or restictive covenants affecting the subject land? Othen charge Lot(s) No. Yes ( ) no ryt tfYes, describetheeasementorcovenantand itseffect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metic) Frontage 1o.,,i Depflr- /f, lR - Area a4^ - n . Existins u"e .&..r,2^/h"^.(. ... Number and use of buildings and str¡ctures (boür o<isting and proposed) on the land to besevered: Desoiption of land intended tobe retained: (Accurate Meaprrreme,¡6 i¡ Metric)E¡^-r^-^ I ¿.1,¡ f) ^ (l lgs'.sa^) Existing Use H._qr,'c+/l^ro / Number and useYf buíldings and stt¡ctures Proposeo tJse l4arìcu/y'¿,rn /. 'trea /L.J/4 Lcârns 45OSußet DriE St'fhomæ,0n N5R5V1 Phme:519 631.1460 ww¡lgn{ounty,on.€ ELGIN COUNW.LAND DMSION.COMMITTEE -'u- on fte land to be retained: Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 151 of 313 LoLS Address 2o ê;þ-son Telephone Number Name of ou¡ne/s solicitor or auüoized agent Addrcss â ê,1t" Telephone Number, Please speciff b whorn alloommunicaf¡ons shouH be se¡t Owne¡s (' ) Sol¡citor ( ) Agedt çX,) lease corec{ion of tiüe oüerpuçose (b) Name of percon(s), if knorn, towhonr tand orir¡tercSin lar¡d isb behansfened, leased orchaged: Goncession no. Rltc-L.L Lot(s) No.Regbbred Phn No. 3o{ . No.,---_ - aftcliæ the subject tand? Yes ( ) No (X [yes, describe üre easenrer¡t or corcnant and iF efrect: 5' Descdptíon of land inbrded to be seræred: (Accüratê lueasurerner¡b in Metic) Frontage Exiding Use f)ærytt .<ö.71 Area Proposed Use severed: Desc¡iption of land ¡nbnded b be etained: (Accurlate Ueasuç1r.tin.l,,få'ii¡ 450surEdùip *ffigtf¿il' Ef rucsharrn.ffi (c) 4. (a) (b) APR 1 g 2011 3' (a) Type and purpose o[nroposed bansadion: (cùed< appropriaÞ space) TransÞn , ,i , , .qealionofanarlot Other ctraçe --. additionbalot æement lf a lot addltion, ideffi the hnds b wh¡dl üe parod will be added: on the land to be rebined: Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 152 of 313 r.{r iì ¡ g ;iJì l Lu*/ ¡irt F 'i'fr 5 g zÍ. Ir - Name'ofapprovalauhority ELGINCOUNÍY_|.ANDDMSION.COMM|TTEE Name of Onrner t. 2. Address 9" A'k" TelephoneNumber ,,r*,,ç; x.çt+=.+ y - ulu tv'ttr'//'' Name of orne¡'s solicltor or auüodzed agent Address îoê;1"u, Ennne -¡/Áu,Jo* Telephone Number ... .f/3 =,X-/2 -3^f. f taluVle +r/S J Please speciff to whom allcommunicalions should be sent owners( ) Soticiþr'( ) AgefiXl (a) Type and puçose of prcposed bansacfion: (check apprcpriate space) Transfen ,, Y,,,.creationoúanewlot Ohe¡: charge .- 'addiüonbalot easement lease conection of tiUe oher purpoae (b) Name of person(s), if knomr, to whom land or ¡r¡bresil in land is b be bansfened, leased or charged: /t'lnKn^¿/lf) (c) lf a haddition,the hnds b wtridr ttre parcelwill be added: i cnb/e 4. (a)Location of land: Jê (b) Frontage Existing Use Description of hnd intended to be Eta¡ned: (Accurate Measurernents inFmnl¡æ /4n,?1 ^--r ' , -i t Vlss's#fù Municipa[ty Lot(slNoPltE )) !.13 Reg¡stered plan No. 2Oç Name of Street.\ anafrlhr¿ n /lo/. Sûeet No.. Arc therc "ty *rãlt or rcsüidÌne corænants afrecüng the subjed land? Yes ( I no gXl fiyes, descnbeüreeasementorcorænantand itseffect 5. Description of land ¡nþndd to be senrered:(Accurate Measuremenb in Meüic) Gonæssion No. [?/Òc¿ C DrelÍdn -<2.27 Aræ /oté se.n. Propqsed Use , severed: Frontagp Deeth ',rrid,^kV"'frå lL. j4,l l-ec-àn.s. Þdsting Use 45f¡ Suìset DdË SLlhqDæ.0n NsRStl Phonc í9631.14@ìÌilcttlqftry.m,€ Numberand uslof and stn¡cù,¡rcs on the land to be rltained: Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 153 of 313 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada 519 4727328 519 4729354 tel fax Memorandum To/Attention From Subject Municipality of Bayham Tamara fanni5, MCP, MCIP/RPP Date May 26,2011 ProjectNo 3404-505 Soreny Farms: Consent Applications No. E50/11 to E53l11 Lots 2, 3,4,5,12, 13, Block C, Registered Plan 205 Sand¡own Road, Donnelly Drive, Mill Street, Sfaffordville Purpose The landowners have applied to sever four parcels of land from an approximate 17 ha parcel in the village of Straffordville. The four consent applications provide the following proposed lot dimensions for each: Subject Lands: The subject lands a¡e part of Block C, Registered Plan 205. The subject lands are desigaated Residential in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan and are zoned Village Residential Holding (Rl-h), Schedule 'F', Map No. l, in the Municipality of Zonin9By-law 2A56-2003. The Rl zone requires a minimum lot area of 900 m', a minimum lot frontage of 20 m and a minimum lot depth of 45 m. Registered Plan 205 The submitted suwey map, prepared byKim Husted Suweying Ltd, identifies the subject lands as being comprised of a portion of the road allowance of Donnelly Drive and six lots on Block C, Registered Plan 205, those being: Lots 2,3,4,5, 12 and.13. The Land Registry PIN35345-0183 identifies the subject land as Lots 1 to 13, Block C, Plan 205. Lots 2 and 3 have frontages along Donnelly Drive. Lot 4 has frontage along both Donnelly Drive and Sandytown Road. Lot 5 fronts onto Sandytown Road, while Lots 12 and 13 front Mill Street. All streets are unopened road allowances. Sandytown Road is a road allowance betweenLots I23 and 124 (PIN35345-0166). According to the measurements identified on Block C, Registered Plan 205: Donnelly Drive Road allowance has a width of 20.11 m; Lot 2has a lot frontage of 20.11 m; Lots 3 and4 have lot frontages of I4.9 m; Lot 5 has a lot frontage o120.9 m; and Lots 12 and 13 have lot frontages of 17 m. Lot depths for Lots 2 to 5 and Lots 10 and ll are 40.2 m. Only Lots 2 and 5 meet the minimum lot frontages of the Rl zone. All of these lots do not meet the 45 m lot depth requi¡ement of the current Rl zone. IBI Group is a group of frrns providing professioml sewices and is afñliated with IBI Group Architects Applicetion Proposed Lot Frontage (m)Proposed Lot Depth (m)Proposed Lot Area (m) E 50/11 20.17 (lot created in Donnelly Dr road allowance) 45 901 E 51/11 20.t7 48.13 942 F,52ltt 20.17 50.21 984 E 53/11 20.l',t s2.29 1,026 Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 154 of 313 IBI Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - May 26, 2011 Analysis The 4 consent applications to sever 4 parcels ofland from a larger tract ofland is not the appropriate application at this time. The subject lands are subject to the lot configuration of Block F in Registered Plan 205. The landowners are proposing lot line readjustrnents rather than the creation of 4 new lots. As a result, the current proposed lot realignment creates a remnant lot in Block C that will not meet the minimum Rl lot depth requirement in the Rl zone (I¡t 13, Block C, Registered Plan 205). The appropriate request would follow the following logic for each application: . E50/1 I t¿kes a portion of the Donnelly Drive road allowance, Block C, Registered Plan 205 where Donnelly Drive connects with Sand¡own Road o Eíl/ll requiresportionsofLots 2,3 and4 andaportionoftheDonnellyDriveroadallowance, Block C, Registered Plan205 to create a new parcel with frontage along Sandytown Road; o E52lll requires that portions of Lots 2,3 arLd 4 be consolidated to create a parcel fronting Sandytown Road; and o E53/11, requires that portions of Lots 2,3 and 4 and Lots 12 and 13 be conveyed to Lot 5, Block C, Registered Plan 205. The result of these lot line readjustments are potentially 3 parcels that do not meet ¡þs 2ening requirements of the Rl zone including: . Lot 2: a sliver of land that should be conveyed to Lot 1, Block C, Reg. Plan 205); ¡ Lot 13 where halfofthe lot depth has been removed; and . Lot 12 where a portion of land should be conveyed to Lot 5, Block C. Required Action Council has two approaches to resolve the proposed applications. One approach would be to pass a By- law deeming the registered plan (Registered Plan 205) to not be a plan of subdivision. The second approach would require that the landowners apply for Part-Lot Confrol exemption, wherein Block F, Plan 205 would be exempt from Part Lot Control (i.e. permit the lots to be realigned). This would require that the lot line readjustments would have to conform to the current lot arealfrontage/depth requi¡ements of the current Rl zone regulations, but would also allow the creation of a lot on the 'unopened road allowance.' Part-lot Control Part Lot Control Exemption By-laws are normally used to permit the further subdivision of existing lots in a registered plan into smaller parcels (e.g. for townhomes). It is also used to perrnit the creation of lot lines within a Block on a registered plan of subdivision. The Planning lcl, Section 50(7) authorizes municipalities to pass byJaws to permit whole blocks and lots within ¡çg¡s¡"red plans to be further divided. Council may pass a by-law exempting land situated in a Registered Plan from part-lot conhol to allow the division of these lands into smaller parcels, make minor boundary adjustments, or establish maintenance easements by way of a Reference Plan. Exempting land situated in a registered plan from part lot control would allow a reference plan that changes existing lots lines to be registered on title. The subject lands would propose 'minor boundary adjustments'. Some municipalities do not permit part lot control applications for lot line readjustments in approved subdivision plans. Removal of Straffordville lands from Registered Plan 205 Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 155 of 313 IBI Group Memorendum Municipality of Bayham - May 26, 201 I If Council so chooses, it may pass a By-law to deem Registered Plan205 as not to be a registered plan of subdivision for the purpose of Section 50(4) of the Planning Act: 50(4) . -The council of a local municipality may by by-law designate any plan of subdivision, or part thereof, that has been registered for eight years or more, which shall be deemed not to be a registered plan of subdivision for the purposes ofsubsection (3). 1983, c. 1, s. 49 (4). Should Council decide to deem Registered Plan 205 as not a registered plan, village of Straflordville may be subject to incremental lot severance applications. Conclusion The current applications reflect lot line readjustments within a registered Block. It may be that Council could exempt the Block from Part Lot Control, to permit the realignment of the lot lines within the block. This would ensure that any new lot formation would meet the Rl zone regulations and that no road allowance would be used nor remnant piece of land would be created (such as the current severance applications create). A time limit is nonnally given to this form of application (e.g. I to 3 years). The Part Lot Control By-law exemption would be registered on title for the subject lands. Or, Council could deem Registered Plan 205 to not be a registered plan for the village of Straffordville. In such a case, Council may then require the landowners to submit a plan of subdivision for the subject lands to eosure conformity with the cr¡rrent Offrcial Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations, as well as meet the municipal servici.g requirements. Such an approach would allow the Municipality (through Municipal Affairs & Housing/County of Elgin) to request a Subdivision Agreement. Council should refuse approval of Consent Applications E50-11 through E53-l I until such time as they have received legal advice and/or decided on which method they would prefer to take (deeming the plan to be not registered or to exempt the lands from Part Lot Connol). frls IBI GROT'P Tamara Tannis, MCP, MCP/RPP Consulting Planner to Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2011-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50- 53/11". Page 156 of 313 7 EVENT ROAD CLOSURE RBOUEST FORM Name of Organization Making Request - Name of Special Event - Date of Special Event - Start-time of Event -l/ .4m Finish -/ 2 /Uaan, Route - (Also nrovide mapì /,; Maximum Number of people expected to attend - Any Special Needs - Ontario Provincial Pol ice 42696 John Wise Line R.R. # 5 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3S9 Phone: 519-631-2920 Fax: 519-631-2923 Cell; 519-878-6029 Elgin-St. Thomas EMS Duty Manager Fax: 519-637-3484 Phone: 5194374098 Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch 80 Concession Street East Tillsonburg, ON N4G - 428 Phone: Sl 9-842-2905 (non-emergency #) Faxl-519-842-2190 Central Ambulance Communications Centre l5l0 Woodcock Street, Suite #20 London,ON N6H5Sl Phone: 519-661-1784 Fax 519-661-1799 Specifïc Request (Road Closure, Traffic Control etc.) - Applicant Organization's & Signature ( 2 Event Road Closure Request Form from Port Burwell Historical Society regarding "Canada Day Celebrations". Page 157 of 313 I g g PORT BURWELL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ¡ 0 -@ { E v e n t R o a d C l o s u r e R e q u e s t F o r m f r o m P o r t B u r w e l l H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y r e g a r d i n g " C a n a d a D a y C e l e b r a t i o n s " . P a g e 1 5 8 o f 3 1 3 1 Name rcf Orgenlr.nrloo Þl¡kl¡g Réquest - Nrme of speciet Event - S+ro{Fo",L ; \[e Luo{. ,nrne\¿rn Êr D¡te of Specirl f-vent -1f)+*^.. - \\n,'"1e ú \t Route - (Atso orovide mrot .¡LrL" g-__[t":*"__ :sLæ"t__jd C+\_g¿_ _(i¡q¿ì t.+a5tì. _¿agt -l-gJ1-_or, J.leri{o.ge_ : Ër11$l_a-_P*r K, .lt t0rcu Strrt-timc of Eveur - 17 a¡o'__..-. Fi¡ish - _lg_:¿gp"r___ \c cle; , c:leen¡hq of Mulmurn Number of people expected to ettend ãæso :;[l'*¡. e^l þ'î, Any Speci¡l Needs -ñro Apglicrnf Orgarizrti¡p' s Authoriaed & $ignature _ ft{unicipel Representetive Slgnrture - O¡tario Pror¡incial police 42û96lolu¡ Wisc Lrne R.F, * -s St. lìor¡ras. Onrano Nip 3S9 TPhoue. si9.ó31-?920y' l;ax: 5 t 9{3 1-2923 CelÈ; 5l9.g7E-6029 Elgln-St. T'homas tìMS pug'Managcr y'Far: 5¡9.632-3484 Phot¡e: 519-ó37-309S Til I sonburg F'r.re Ðrspaich 80 Concession Strecl L.ast Tillsonburg, ON N4G - 4ZB Phonc: 5lt)-842-2905 (non^emerger:c]¡ #/ y'Fax:519..E42-2190 Central Arnbuiance Commurucatiorus Cenue L 5l0 Woodcock Streer, Suuc #20 Lo¡¡don, ON NóH SSI Phonc: 519-óói.1784 lìax: 5lg-óói-l?grt Event Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville Community Committee regarding "Straffordville Watermelon Fest." Page 159 of 313 HAMI--T OF STRAFFOROVfLLE TOI¡/NSHIP OF EA.YHAM l'tap'l- cffrtL J. pEttEvEaE LrMttEo Gottttl?rx, atffitÚ tttwt!)o.oafrÞ :: -_::: Ê4orctoÞ t \¡aa B.rrerña¡Jftiil;lllËLÀt aolD¡! ! f -- -t í-- I -f ["*Jj { lÉ \å tË ! E v e n t R o a d C l o s u r e R e q u e s t F o r m f r o m S t r a f f o r d v i l l e C o m m u n i t y C o m m i t t e e r e g a r d i n g " S t r a f f o r d v i l l e W a t e r m e l o n F e s t . " P a g e 1 6 0 o f 3 1 3 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of Mav 2011 File: PlO Jun-02-2011 No.Date Roll #Permit Holder Property Description Building Tvpe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 24 3-Mav 0-002-15310 Mill Hill Canada Inc 7057 Plank Road one storey house w/ roofed over Dorch 272lsq ft 164,000 1500.0(375.01 25 3-Mav 0-007-l 1700 Wall-Ex Inc 9240 Richmond Road rerrlace exisfino smfic svstm 5-000 375.0( 26 5-May 0-006-18400 Reddecooo. Heinrich I 1590 Plank Road relocate existins detached earaee 568so ft 2.000 97.0C 27 5-May 0-006-18702 Banman, Peter I 1563 Plank Road install storase shed in backyard l92sq ft 3.00(80.0c 28 5-May 0-001-09500 Woodwofh. Joanne 4899 Plank Road construct patio deck extension 224sq ft 6.00(80 0c 29 5-Mav 0-004-12510 Anderson. James 58 132 Heritaee Line construct storage shed 836sq ft 15.00(481.0( 30 9-May 0-008-l 05 l 0 Fehr. John 53526 Calton Line :eDlace existins seotic field bed 2.00(265.0( 31 l2-May 0-002-05500 Petierew. Randall 6423 Plank Road :onstruct natio deck 3 I 2so ft 3.50C 80.0( 32 l7-Mav 0-004-10419 Rocheleau. Leon 56886 Heritase Line )onstruct Datio deck 224sq ft 1.50(80.0( 33 20-Mav 0-004-l 0421 leters, Jacob 56906 Heriase Line :onshuct patio deck 400sq ft 2.50(80.0( 34 20-Mav 0-04-13300 Friesen, Heinrich 10060 Plank Road interior renos & add one storey addition 6l6sq ft 40.00(522.0(375.0( 35 24-Mav l-006-06s20 Peters, Bernard 10528 Plank Road :onstruct oole barn l920so ft 15,00(541.0( 36 25-Mav l-006-l l70l Manicom. Don ll98l PlankRoad install storase shed l20so ft 2,30(80.0( 37 27-Mav )-006-l l 701 Manicom- Don 11981 PlankRoad lonstruct Datio deck to existins mobile 240so ft 3,00(80.0( 38 27-Mav )-006-06520 Peters. Bernhard 10528 Plank Road ronshuct two patio decks to exisitine house 2,50(80.0( 39 27-Mav ¿-001-06500 dniva¡o lnvestments Ltd 25 Victoria Street install bathroom in exisitine house 40so ft 4-00(150.0( Mav-ll 271300 3.931.00 1390.0( ¿011 YEARTO DATE 9s2.8ss 12.698.00 24E0.0( Mav-l0 E6s.9s(7.E00.00 1125.0( 2OIO YEAR TO DATE 2_093-86(19-981.00 22sO.01 Prepared by: sM6/10/2011 excel\monthly\buildper Reviewed by: B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g M a y 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 1 6 1 o f 3 1 3 Page 162 of 313 ç(J P.r C4 iltÞt June 7, 2011 Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors Municipality of Bayham Straffordville, Ontario Dear Sirs, Due to recent events and subsequent complaints for noise at Outback Camping, l'm writing to request amendments to the noise by-law in hopes of saving both time and tax payer money. We all know issues with noise at Outback Camping, and its predecessor Country Camping, have been on- going for years - I believe it's time to do something about it in order to make the situation both easier to police, and better for everyone involved. We propose the by-law be amended to include measureable standards in order to clearly define whether a complaint is just opinion - or a nuisance - or whether there is substantiated fact to support an actual by-law breach. Attached please find the noise by-laws from both Toronto and London. Although obviously Toronto is not very representative of our rural realities ... the document outlines how to measure, the equipment necessary and defines the measurements for different sources and locations. The London document (Page 6) shows that their measureable is 90 db 100 from the source property. The London document also defines community festivals that are exempt from the by-law - and specifies the definition of a community festival ... and how one can apply for such designation (including the merits of the festivalto the community, economic benefits, etc.) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 163 of 313 We realize changing opinions about Outback Camping is a continuous uphill battle - and that many of you have been so badgered by Chris Churchill that it's difficult to see past her negativity, but trust that as Council, you will remain open minded to hear our justifications for amending the by-law; - Local businesses that make a substantial income from Outback Camping include; the McGee's of Port Bunrell who are contracted almost every weekend, Sunshine Restaurant who catered May 24fr's backstage rider requirements for bands, Affordable Portables from Belmont, Wilson landscaping, Castles Hardware, Aylmer Express for printing and advertising, Studers for ice, a local wood supplier, and a water supplier. These contracts alone total over SS0,OOO.OO WITHOUT INCLUDING THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE CAMPERS AT LOCAL BUSINESSES. As previously sent, but attached again for the Chamber of Commerce's benefit, that economic activity is estimated at over 51,000,000 over the summer. lf Outback closes down, this income source will disappear for these members of the community. Do you honestly believe all of Outback's neighbours combined generate this amount of business? - From what I understand, ¡t costs the tax payers of Bayham SSS0 every time the OPP come to investigate a complaint. lf it was proven we were below the designated allowable DB within a designated point of reception ... the Municipality could prove the complaints were just opinion - and/or nuisance. - Outback events are becoming main stream and commercial. Port Bunruell benefìts from this. On May 24ú weekend we were covered by A Channel and by FM 96 ... all saying Port Burwetl's name. We now have sponsorship interest and the Beat in Kitchener is on board to promote the July 1r weekend. lt ¡s no longer a biker hang out with crazy naked people. Events like Sarnia Bayfest, Hiawatha and Troudeau Park also cater to this lucrative market. - Many police themselves don't understand the comptaints. On May 24th weekend we asked an officer responding to a complaint at 2:00 a.m. if he heard anything from the front gate. He responded he didn't hear anything, however, because he had received 3 complaints ... they had to pursue it. - We are worried that with the neighbour calling "wolf' so often, if something serious actually happened where we needed their assistance, they'd ignore it. - St. John's Ambulance don't understand what the problem is. A member of St. John's camped overnight on the May 24th weekend and said he expected it to be a lot noisier. Their team said they thought the crowd was friendly and engaging ... completely opposite to what they were warned they might encounter. Raymond Ormorande's phone number is (519) 673-9979 it you would like to hear his story first hand. - An Officer with Team Leader Brian Watson was pleased we were searching cars for glass and being so diligent with our entrance procedures. The police were invited on site to do walk throughs - something the previous owner wouldn't allow. Again, their motivation for wanting to come on site was at the result of the never ending complaints specifically from one neighbour. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 164 of 313 - Nothing we do will appease the Churchill's. I believe this issue is personalfor her. I think she will miss the drama if Outback closes down. Country Camping was there before they bought their property. Both the previous owner and Mike have offered to buy her property, offered compensation, and even offered to pay for her to go elsewhere for the designated event weekends. She has, admittedly, refused all. ln fact, I witnessed Mike Timmermans asking what he could do to make her happy. Her response was "there is really nothing you can do." - Outback will cease to operate after this summer if something isn't done. That means all economic benefits to area businesses will cease. - Although the Churchill's say they are inconvenienced and uncomfortable for the long weekends of the summer - they have made Mike's (the owner's) life uncomfortable for 365 days of the year. The neighbours (we assume) have damaged directional signage, have recently dug posts on his property and started to erect a fence without permission, tried to drain his pool, dumped garbage on his lawn and various other acts of mischief. No formal complaints have been made because we do not wish to inflame the situation any further. However, every time Mike walks out of his house, or drives home after 11:00 p.m. with his stereo on in his truck - there is a possibility of a compla¡nt - not to mention the on-going negative campaign against him and his business. Try living under that kind of microscope. Instead of putting up roadblocks for Outback Camping, we believe that ¡f the Municipality supported this growing income generi¡t¡ng business - the promotional tourism opportunities and benefits would be tremendous. There is no reason Port Bururell couldn't have an event site like that of Sarnia Bayfest, or Hiawatha, or Troudeau Park. All of these enterprises started out as private ventures ... and, specifically in the case of Sarnia Bayfest, has now become a community supported not for profìt. Port Bunruell needs every ounce of help it can get. The choice is yours ... take advantage of an opportun¡ty to create and support a potentially lucrative economic driver - or give all area businesses the message that Bayham is closed for business. Opportunity is not "Yours" - Opportunity is Lost. Please help area businesses by making the noise by-law fair, equitable - and measureable. Thanks for your time and consideration. Karen Cummings c.c. Mike Timmermans Team Leader Brian Watson, OPP (thru Amy Uren) Administrator Kyle Kruger Clerk Lynda Millard Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 165 of 313 Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce President, Rainey Weisler Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 166 of 313 Noise By-law PW-12 - Enacted May 4,2009 - ln Force July 1, 2009 This by-law b printed under and by authority of the Councll of the City of London, Ontario, Canada Dlsclaimer: The îailow¡ng ænælidat¡on ls an eleúotúc reproduc,tion made eva¡laüe fü hlünalion oaly, lt ,s not an ofrclal llarslr,n of the byJaw. Tln îønat may be d¡trqent, and plans, plci)res, othu gnphìcs t lext mdy be m¡sshrg ú altered, The Cfry of Lorrdú dæs not watant the aæuacy ot this deúonlc rcrsf¡n. This ænddafion @nnot be dís,¡¡buled ü uæd 1ü æmmeftlal putpoæs. lt mdy be uæd fü útot prpoæs only f yu rcpeat th¡s disdalmer end ihe notíce of æpyrighL Officbl vers:,ons of àtl bylaws æn be obþíned frqn the C¡ty Clê¡k's Depatunenl by cal I ìng (1 -51 9) -661 1tu5. Copyflght 2001 LondonGANADA Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 167 of 313 Bill No.217 2009 By-law No. Pll/-12 A by-law to provide for the Regulation and Prohibition of Noise. WHEREAS secfion 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 , S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, prcvides that a municipality has the capacity, rþhts, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Ac{; AND WHEREAS subsedion 10(1) of lhe Municipal Act, 2@l prcvides that a municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public; AND WHEREAS subsedion 10(2) of lhe Municipal Aq 2AU provides that a municipality may pass by-lauæ respecÍirg: in paragraph 5, Economic, social and environmental uæll-.being of the municipality; in paragraph 6, Health, safety and well-being of persons; in paragraph 7, Services and things that the municipality is authorized to prcvide under subsection (1); in paragraph 8, Protec{ion of persors and prcperty; in paragraph 9, Animals; in paragraph 9, Structures induding fences and sþns; AND WHEREAS sedion 129 of the Municipal Act, 2W1 provides that, wÍthout limiting sections 9 and 10 of the Ad, a municipality may: (a) prohibit and regulate with respecf to noise, vibration, odour, dust and outdoor illumination, induding indoor lighting that can be seen outdoors; and (b) prohibit the matters described in dause (a) unless a permit is obtained from the municipalþ for those matters and may impose conditions for obtaining, continuing to hold and renewing the permit, indudirg requiring the submission of plans; AND WHEREAS section 128 o1 lhe Municípal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may prchibit and regulate with respect to public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of Council are or could become public nuisances; AND WHEREAS in the opinion of Council for the City of London, certain kinds of noise are or could become a public nuisance; AND WHEREAS subsecfion 391(1) of lhe Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may impose fees and drarges on persons, (a) for services or aclivitiæ provided or done by or on behalf of it;(b) for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board; and,(c) for the use of its properly induding properly under its contrcl; AND WHEREAS sedion 444 of lhe Municipal Act, 2@1 pmvides that the municipality may make an order requiring the person wtro contravened the by-law or who caused or permitted the contravention or the ou¡ner or occupier of the land on which the contravention occuned to discontinue the contravening activity, and any person wto contravenes such an order is guilty of an offence; AND WHEREAS secfion 447.8 of the Municipal Act,20ol prcvides that a by-laur of a municipality made under this or any other Act may,(a) adopt by reference, in wtple or in part, with sucfr changes as the council considers appropriate, any code, standard, procedure or regulation as it stands at a specific date, as it stands at the time of adoption or as amended from time to time; and(b) require compliance with any code, standard, procedure or regulation so adopted; AND WHEREAS sedion 195 of the Híghway Tratric Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8 prcvides in seclion 195 that 'lf a provision of a municipal by-law passed by the council of a municipality...for regulating noise...created by the operation of motor vehicles on the highways...is inconsistent with this Act or the regulations, the provision of the bylaw shall be deemed to be repealed upon the inconsistency arising"; AND WHEREAS sec{ion 179 of the Environmental Protection Acl R.S.O. '1990, c. E.19 provides in sedion 179 'Where a conflict appears between any provisions of this Act or the regulations and any other Act or regulation in a matter related to the natural environment or a matter specifically dealt with in this Act or the regulations, the provision of this Act or the regulations shall prevail'; Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 168 of 313 THEREFORE the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the City of London enacts as follows: PART I DEFINITIONS1.1 For the purpose of this by{aw: "Agricultural Operation' has he same meaning as contained inlhe Farming and Food Ptoducüon fuotection Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, C. 1, as amended, or any successor þislation; ?nimal" rneans any member of the animal kingdom, other than a human, and without limiting the çnerality of the foregoing, includes dogs, cats, and birds; "Cit/ means The Corporation of the City of London; 'Community Event (Classl)' means: the Westem FairAssociation's annual week-lorg Westem Fair held at the Westem Faiçrounds; the annual week{ong orientation events and campus life events that are held on campus at the University of Westem Ontario and afüliated colleges; and the annual uæek-long orientation events and campus life events that are held on campus at Fanshawe College; 'Community Event (Class 2)" means: an event open to the public, induding a public fair, public exhibition, public celebrat¡on, publ¡c sport¡rìg event, public concert; or a univeaity or college event; or a scfrool board event. A Community Event (Class 2) does not indude a Sæcial Event or a Community Event (Class 1); "Comtrudion' indudes erec{ion, alteration, repair, dismanting, demolition, stn¡ctural maintenance, painting, moving, land dearing. earth moving, grading, excavating, the laying of pipe and conduit whether above or below ground level, street and highway building, concreting, equipment installation and alteration and the struc{ural installation of construdion components and materials in any form for any purpose, and indudes any uork in connection therewith; 'Conveyance' includes a vehide and any other device employed to transport a person or persons or goods ftom place to place but do€s not indude any sucfr device or vehide if operated only within the premíses of a person; 'Council'means the Council forthe City; 'Hearings Committee" means a person or body that has beefl delegated the poryer or duty to hold a hearirB or provide an opportun¡ty to be heard forthe purposes of this By-law; 'Manager of By-law Enforcemenf means the Manager of By-law Enforcement for the CiÇ, or his or her designate; "Municipalit/ means the land within the geographic limit of the City of London; 'Normal Farm Pradice' has the same meaning as contained inlhe Farming and Food Production Protecl¡on Ad, 1998, S.O. 1998, C. 1, as amended, or any successor legislation; 'Point of Reception" rneans any point on the premises where sound originating from other than those premises is received; 'Residential Area" means aîy area of the Municipality where residential use is permitted under the provisions of lhe City's Zoning Bylawfrom time to time, indudirg but not limited to land zoned R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, or R1l; 'Rural Area' means land in the Municipality zoned AG, AGC, or UR from time to time under the City's Zoning Bylaw; 'Special Evenf means a Special Event as dellned in the City's Special Events Policies and Procedures Manual, and that is recognized by the City æ a special event; 'Stationary Source' means a source of sound r,r/hicfi does not normally move from place to place, and includes the premises of a peæon as one stationary source unless the dominant source of sound on those premises is Construclion or a Conveyance; 1.2 Any uord or term not defined in this By-law, that is defined in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Publication Noise Pollution Control NPG101, 1O2, 103,'l0/., 115,205, 206,2'15 or 232 (as set out in Part 3 of this By-law) shall have the meaníng ascribed to it in such NPC Publication. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 169 of 313 PART 2 - QUAUTATIVE NOISE PROHIBIT|ONS General Prohibition 2.1 No person shall make, cause or permit an unreasonable noise, or a noise that is likely to disturb the inhabitants. Prohibitions - deemed 2.2 W¡thout limiting the generality of secfion 2.1 of this By-law, the provisions of secfions 2.3 through 2.4 shall be deemed to be unreasonable noise, or noise that is likely to disturb the inhabitants. Prohibitions - deemed - any time, any location 2.3 At any time or location in the Municipality: Vehicle - Wamlng Device - Unreasonable Period (a) the soundirg of any bell, hom, siren or other waming device on any rnotor vehide or vehide for an unnecessary or unreasonable perio<t of time, except when permitted by la¡r; Vehicle - Disrepair - Maladjustment (b) the grating, gdnding or rattling sound caused by the condition of disrepair or maladjustrnent of any rnotor vehicle or vehide or part or accessory thereof; Vehicle - Load - lmproperly Secured (c) the sound created by the operation of any motor vehide, trailer or other vehide b€ting material, artides or thirgs that are loaded upon suctr vehide in such manner as to create excessive noise; Vehicle - Exhaust- except through mufiling device (d) the sound from the discfraçe into the open air of the exhaust of any steam erpine, intemal combustion ergíne (induding the engine of any motor vehide), or pneumatic device without an effedive exhaust or intake muffling device in good r¡vorking order and in corstant operation that prevenb excessive noises that are loud or explosive; Vehicle - Speakers (e) the sound from or created by any radio, amplifier, loud speaker, public address system, or equiprnent, device or instrument that emib sound when the same is used or operated ftom any motor vehide, trailer or vehide trat is dearly audible at least 8 rretres (25 feeQ from the vehicle; Atbacting attention - to Performance - Advertising (f) the sound fr,om or created by any inlrument radio, amplification device, loud speaker, public address system, equipment or device that emits sound wtpn the same is used or operated for the purpose of advertising or for attracting attention to any performance or sale, show or display of goods or services and projeds suctr sound into any street or other public place; Whisüe - attached to boiler- other mechanism (g) the sound frrom any steam whistle or air whistle attached to or used in connec{ion with a boiler or other machine or mechanism, except for the purpose of giving notice of the time to commence or cease worlç or as a waming of danger; Alarm-Waming Device (h) the sounding of any alarm, bell, hom, siren or other waming device for an unrìecessary or unreasonable period of time. Prohlbitions - deemed - Residential Area 2.4 At the specified times and dearly audible at a Point of Reception in a Residential Area: Animal - any time(a) the persistent sound by any Animal under the care, control or ownership of the person that is dearly audible at a Point of Reception in a Residential Area at any time; Amplified Sound - television - stereo - speakers - amplifiers - any time (b) the sound created by any elecÍronic device or group of connecfed elecfronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers or other eleclremechanical transducers intended for the produclion, reprodudion or amplification of sound, including but not limited to a radio, television, amplifier, loud speaker, public address system, sound equipment, that is dearly audible at a Point of Reception in a Residential Area at any time; Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 170 of 313 Shouting, Yelling, Loud Hooting, Loud Whistling, Loud Singing - any time(c) any shouting, yelling, loud hooting, loud whistling or loud singing that is dearly audible at a Point of Reception in a Residential Area at any time; Construction - Excavation - 6 p.m. to 7 a.m.(d) lhe noise arising from Construction that is dearly audible at a Point of Reception in a Residential Area between 6:00 p.m. and 7:ff) a.m. of the following day (or 9:00 a.m. if the following day is Sunday); Firearms - discharge - 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.(e) the sound caused by the discharge of any gun or other firearm, air gun, springgun of any dass or type that is dearly audible at a Point of Reception in a Residential Area between 9:ü) p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the foflowing day (or 9:00 a.m. if the following day is Sunday), except if lawfully discharged by a peace officer in the performance of their duties; Power Equipment- use - l0 p.m. to 7 a.m.(f) the sound caused by the use or operation of a la¡mmower, chain-saw, leaf-blower, or any other sucfr rnisegenerating tool or device that is dearly audible at a Point of Reception in a Residential Area between 10:il) p.m. øÍ any day and 7:fi) a.m. of the next follouring day (or 9:ü) a.m. if the following day is Sunday). PART 3 - OUANT]TATIVE NOISE - STATONARY SOURCES ADOPTION OF STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES 3.1 The folloadng Ontario Ministry of Environment Publications (NPC - Noise Polltrtion Contrcl) standards and procedures are adopted and incorporated by reference into this by-law: NPC 101 - Technical Definitions, as set out in the Ministry of the Environment's 'Model MunicipalNoise ControlBy-lan, Final Report, August 1978"; NPC 102 - lnstrumentation, as set out in the Ministry of the Environment's 'Model Municipal Noise Control Bylaw Fínal Report, August 1978"; NPC 103 - Procedures, as set out in the Ministry of the Environments 'Model Municipal Noise Control By-law, Final Report, August 1978"; NPC 104 - Sound Level Adjustments, æ set out in the Ministry of the Environments'Model Municipal Noise Contrcl By-laur, Final Report, August 1978'; NPC 1 15 - Construdrbn Equipment, as set out in the Ministry of the Environmenfs'Model Municipal Noise Control By{aw, Final Report, At¡gust 1978'; NPC 205 - Sound Level Umits for Stationary Sources in Class I & 2 Areæ (Urban), dated October 1995; NPC 206 - Sound Levels Due to Road Traffic, dated October 1995; NPC 216 - Residential Air Conditioning Devices, dated Oc*ober 1993; NPC 232 - Sound Level Limits for Staüonary Souræs in Class 3 Areas (Rural), dated Odober 1995 QUANTITATIVE NOISE PROHIBIT|ONS 3.2 No person shall emit rr cause or permit the emission of sound from a Stationary Source sudr hat the levd of sound from that source at the Point of Reception: (a) in a Residential Area exceeds the applicable sound level limit prescribed in publication NPG205- Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class 1 & 2 Areas (Urban), dated Odober 1995; or (b) in a Rural Area exceeds the applicable sound level limit prescribed in publication NPC- 232 - Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class 3 Areas (Rural), dated Odober 1995; or (c) in a Residential Area exceeds the applicable sound level limit presøibed in publication NPG216 - ResidentialAir Conditioning Devices, dated October 1993. 3.3 lffhere a source of sound is subjeci to moré than one subsedion in section 3.2, the least restridive provision shall prevail. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 171 of 313 PART ¿l - TEMPORARY NOISE PERMIT - CONSTRUCTION - COMMUNITY EVENT ICLASS 2l Application for a Temporary Noise Permit 4.1 (1) Any person may submit an application for a temporary noise permit for Construdion or for a Community Event (Class 2). (2) The application in subseciion (1) shall be made in writing to the Manager of By-law Enforcement, and shall contain all of the following: (a) the name and address of the applicant; (b) a desøiption of the event and ho¡r it meets the definition of Community Event (Class 2) or Construction; (c) the location of the event or ac{ivity for rvñicfr the temporary noise permit is sought; (d) a desøiption of the source of sound and þvel of sound for whicft the ternporary rrcise permit is sought; (e) the times of day, and the period of time (not in excess of six months) for which the temporary noise permit is sought; (0 the rcasons wtry the temporary noise permit should be granted; (g) a statement of the steps, if any, planned or presently being taken to minimize the noise or sound; (h) a ron-refundable application fee of $75.00; and (i) a temporary roise permit fee of $100.00, refundable if the application is not approved. (3) The following porer and authority 's delegated to the Manager of Bylaw Enforcement with respecÍ to Consbr¡c{ion or a Community Event (Class 2): (a) to'ssue a temporary noise permit; and (b) to refuse to issue, cancel, revoke or suspend a temporary rnise permit, and to impose conditions (induding special conditions) on a temporary rnise permit. (4) ln making his or her determination under subseciion (3), the Manager of By-lavtr Enforcement shall: (i) determine whether the event falls within the deflnition of Construclion or Community Event (Class 2); (ii) consider any negdive effec{s the issuance of the temporary noise permit may have on neighbouring prcperties or on the Cíty; (iii) consider any benefits the issuance of ttre temporary roise permit may have for neighbouring prcærties or for the City; (iv) consider any prwious violations of this By-law or temporary noise permÍt conditions by the applicant; and (v) consider anything the Manager of Bylaar Enforcement reasonably considers relevant. (5) (a) The Manager of By-lar¡r Enforcement may impose conditions on a temporary noise permit induding but not limited to: (i) the type and volume of sounds that may be made; (ii) the times during wtrictr sounds may be made; (¡0 the date of expiry of the temporary noise permit (rrct in excess of six months); (iv) requiring the posting of seorrity prior to the activity; and (v) that the applicant, City staff or a prcfessional engineer monitor the sound levels resulting from the event or adivity and require a report of the findings of the engineer be f¡led with tte Manager of By-law Enforcement within 30 da¡æ of the event or adivity, all at the applicant's expense. (b) The Manager of By-law Enforcement shall impose conditions on a temporary noise permit for Community Event (Class 2) with resped to: (i) the volume of amplified sound that may be made; and (ii) the tirnes during whicl¡ sounds may be made. (c) The minimum conditions that the Manager of By-law Enforcement shall impose under subsection (5[b) are: (i) the volume of amplified sound that may be made shall not exceed a sound pressure of at most 90 decibels beyond at least 30m (10O feet) from the source of the amplified sound; and (ii) the times during wtridr sound may be made shall be limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. at the earliest and to 11 :00 p.m. at the latest. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 172 of 313 (6) Where the Manager of By-lar Enforcement has made a decision under subsec{ion (3Xb), he or she shall give written notice of that decision to the applicant by regular mail to the last known address of that person. The written notice shall:(a) set out the grounds for the decision;(b) give reasonable partiorlars of the grounds;(c) be signed by the Manager of By-law Enforcement;(d) state that the applicant is entítled to a hearing by the Headngs Committee if the applícant delivers to the City Clerk a request for a hearing within 10 days after the notice is given, and pays the appeal fee of $150. (7) Where no appeal is received within 10 days after the notice is given, the decision of the Manager of By-law Enforcernent shall be fìnal. (8) The Manager of By{arar Enforcement shall report to Council annually on the ternporary noise permits issued and refused. Hearings Committee (9) Where the applicant requests a headng in accordarrce with subsecfion (6[d), the Hearings Committee shall hold a hearing ín accordance with the Statutory Povnrc and Prccedure Act. (10) The Statutuy Powerc tuocedure Ac't, except sect¡-ors 17,17.1.18 and 19, applies to the Hearings Committee. (1 1) Subsedlons (4) and (5) of this By-law apply with necessary rnodifications to the Hearings C;ommittee. The Hearings Committee shall recommend to Council that a temporary noise permit be issued (irduding imposing any conditions), or that a temporary noise permit be refused. (f 2) Upon receiving the recommendation of the Hearings Committee, Council may direct the Manager of Bylaw Enforcement to issue tlrc temporary noise permit (including imposing any conditions), or refuse to issue the temporary noise permit. Temporary Nolse Permit Expiry 4.2 Any temporary noise permit issued under this ByJaw shall expire on the date sd out on the temporary noise permit, or if no date'rs set out on the temporary noise permit forty+ight hours after its issuance. Breach of Terms or Gonditions 4.3 Breach by the holder of the ternporary rnise permit of any of its terms or conditions shall renderthe temporary noise permit null and void. Offence - Fail to Comply with Terms and Gonditions 4.4 No holder of a temporary noisg permit shall fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the temporary noise permit. PART 5 - ENFORCEMENT ORDERS Order to Discontinue Activity5.1 lf a municipal laur enforcement ofücer or a London Police Service police officer is satisfied that this bylaw has been contravened, the ofücer may make an order, known as an Order to Discontinue Aclivity, requiring the person who contravened the by-law, or who caused or permitted the contravention, or the owner or ocorpier of the land on wh¡ch the contravention occuned, to discontinue the contravention. Order to Discontinue Activity - particulars 5.2 An Order to Discontinue Adivity shall set out: (a) the municipal address of the properly on whicfr the contravention occuned; (b) the dateofthe contraventron; (c) the reasonable partioJars of the contravention of the bylaw; and (d) the date by whictr there must be compliance with the order. Order to Discontinue Activity - service5.3 The Order to Discontinue ActiviÇ may be served personally on the person to whom it is directed or by regular maíl to the last known address of that person, in which case it shall be deemed to have been given on the third day after it is mailed. Service on a corporation can be effected by registered mail to the corporate mailing address. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 173 of 313 Contravention of Order5.4 No person shall contravene an Order to Discontinue Activity. lnspection Fee 5.5 (1) Where the municipal law enforcement officer determines that an adivlty prcducing noise or sound is not in compliance with this by-lan or with an Order to Discontinue AcÍivity, the fee or chage set out in the applicable Fees and Charges By-law for inspear-on may be imposed on the owner, person responsible for the noise or sound, ortemporary rrcise permit holder. (2) The fees imposed constitute a debt of the peæon to he City. The City Treasurer may add fees to the tax roll and collecf them in the same manner as municipal taxes on any prcærty for which all the owìers are responsible for payirg the fees. Hinder or Obstruct5.6 No person shall hinder or obstrucl, or attempt to hinder or obstruct, any person who is exercising a porer or performing a duty under this By-law, induding carrying out an impection. By-law Enforcement- London Police Service - enforce5.7 This by-law may be enforced by a City municipal laur enforcernent ofücer or a London Police SeMce police ofücer. PART 6. EXEMPTIONS 6.1 Despite any pmvision of this By-law, this By-law shall not apply to the following sounds arising from: Police - Flre Services - Ambulance (a) a vehide of the London Police Service, provincial or federal police, London Fire Services, or ambulance, while in performance of their duty; Raihray - Airport - operations (b) any activity that b integral to the operation of any railway or airport within the legislative authority of Parliament Public Necessity - Emergency (c) a matter of public necess'rty or public emergency; City Equipment- Gity Snow Removal - Road Cleaning Equipment - etc (d) the operation of mactrines and equipment by or on behalf of the City, induding but not limited to snow removal equipment, road deaning equipment, grass cuttirg orfield maintenance equipment tree and shrub pruning and mulching equipment, painting machines for crcsswalks and highways; Garbage & Recycling Collec'tion / Disposal - Gity (e) the collec-tion or disposal of garbage, waste or recyclable material by or on behalf of the C¡ty; Signalling Devices (0 signalling devices utilZed as traffic and pedestrian control devices at intersectíons and crosswalks; Gity Gonstnrction Projects (g) the operation of equipment in conjundion with CÍty Construc{ion projeds, City general maintenance projeds, and City emergency maintenance projects; Fireworks - Pyrotechnics (h) the discfraçe of consumer firevrorks, display firarvorks or pyrotechnic special effecfs firer¡rorks if sucfr disóaçe complies with the City's Fireulorks Bylaw; Bells - Glocks - Religious - Gity (i) bells, cfrimes, carillons or docks associated with religious or public buildings or uses; lndustrial Use in lndusbial Zone fi) adivities ftom industrial uses located in lands zoned for industrial use if sound is in accordance with the terms and conditions of a valid Certificate of Approval, provisional Certificate of Approval or other approval issued under the EnvÍronmental Protectìon Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.19, where such approval addresses sound as a source of contamination; Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 174 of 313 Normal Farm Practice (k) acfivities as part of a Normal Farm Practice and canied on as part of an Agriolltural Operation; Public Utilities (l) operation of macfrinery by or on behalf of a public utility where vrork needs to be done to minimize service intemlptions; Work Approval Permit - Strcets By-law (m)operation of construction equipment wtrere the City has issued a Work Approval Permit under the Streets By{aw and in issuing sucfi permit the City requires the uork to be done to minim2e trafüc impacfs; Public election - gathering - aufüorized (n) the use in a reasonable manner of any apparatus or mechanism for the amplification of lhe human voice or of music in a public park or any other commodious space in connection with any public eledion meeting or other lawful gathering between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.; Special Event - compliance with Special Events Policy Manual (o) a Special Event but only if it is in compliance with the City's SpecÍal Events Policy and Prccedures Manual; Gommunity Event (Glass l) - compliance wlth Gommunlty Event (Class l) Policy (p) a Community Event (Class 1) but only if it is in compliance with the City's Community Event (Class l) Noise Policy; Permit - Gonsûuction - Community Event (Class 2) (q) Corstruction or a Community Event (Class 2) forwhicfr a valid temporary noise permit hæ been issued, but only if the terms and conditions of the temporary noise permit are complied with; Parade - band - authorized (r) a military or other band in a parade if the parade is operating under written permission of the City; Tradesman - pllng call - legitimacy - moderation (s) any narræboy, pedlar, harruker or petty tradesman plying his calling legitimately and moderately; Snow Removal - Private Property (t) the use in a reasonable manner of vehides and equipment rvten utilized for the dearing and the removal of snow from private properly; Animals-Gity-Police (u) an Animal under the care or control of the City, induding but not limited to those located at Storybook Gardens, and animals underthe care or control of London Police Sen¡ice or provincial or federal police. 6.2 Despite any prov'sion of this By-law, this By-law shall not apply where: (a) a sound's from a facility that has been designed, developed, buil[ operated and maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions of a valid Certifìcate of Approval, provisional Certificate of Approval or other approval issued under the Environmental Protec'tion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.19, where sucf¡ approval addresses sound as a source of contamination; or (b) an order or permit has been issued under the Envíronmental Protection Actlhal addresses the sound as a souroe of cont¡amination. PART 7. PENALTY 7 .1 (1) Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-lal is guilty of an offence. (2) A director or officer of a corporation who knowingly conoræ in the contravention of this By-law is guilty of an ofence. 7.2 Any person convided underthis By-law is liable:(a) upon a first conviction, to a minimum fine of $f 75.00 and a maximum fìne of $5,@0.@;(b) upon a subsequent conviction, to a minimum fine of $500.ff) and a maximum fine of $10,000.00. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 175 of 313 7.3 Dæpite section 7.2, where the person convicted is a corporation, the corporation is liable,(a) upon a first convidion, to a minimum fine of $175 and a maximum fine of not more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,0@.); and(b) upon any subsequent convidion, to a minimum fine $1000 and a maximum fine of not rnore than Tuænty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000). 7.4 lf this by-law is contravened and a convidion entered, in addition to any oher remedy and to any penalty impoeed by the by-law, the court in wñicfr the convic'tion has been entered and any court of competent jurisdicfion thereafter may make an order pohibiting the continuation or repetition of the ofience by the person convic'ted. PART 8- MISCELIáNEOUS 8.1 Bylaw PW-4 and any amendments thereto are hereby repealed. 8.2 This by-law may be refened to as the'Noise Bylad. 8.3 This by-laur shall come into force and effect on July 1, 2009. PASSED in Open Councjl May 4, 20(Þ. Anne Marie DeCiæBest Mayor Kevin Bain City Clerk First Reading - May 4, 2009 Second Reading -May 4,2009 Third Reading - May 4, 2009 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 176 of 313 Authority: Planning and Transportation Committee Report No. 5, Clause No. 1, as adopted by City of Toronto Council on May 21, 22 and 23, 2002, and Notice of Motion J(3), moved by Councillor Pantalone, seconded by Councillor Mihevc, as adopted by City of Toronto Council on October 29 , 30 and 31, 2002 Enacted by Council: February 7, 2003 CITY OF TORONTO BY-LAW No. 111-2003 To repeal ByJaw No.476-2002 and to reenact City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 591, Noise. WHEREAS it is in the public interest to reduce the noise level in the city, so as to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety, welfare and the peace and quiet of the inhabitants of the City, and WHEREAS, the making, creation or maintenance of excessive and unreasonable noises within the City affects and is a detiment to public health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and the prosperity of the people of the City; and WHEREAS Council has authority to pass this by-law under section 129 of the Municipal Act,2001; WHEREAS the approval of the Minister of the Envi¡onment was never obtained for ByJaw No. 476-2002 and consequently it is not in force; The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. By-law No. 476-2002 is repealed. 2. Except for the purposes set out in section 3, the following by-laws are repealed: A. By-lawNo. 7l-89 of the formerBorough of EastYorh as amended. B. Chapter 174, Noise, of the Municipal Code of the former City of Etobicoke. C. By-law Nos. 31857 and,3l3l7 of the former City of North York, as amended. D. ByJaw Nos. 16575 and24389 of the former City of Scarborougl¡ as amended. E. A¡ticle I, Noise Restrictions Generally, of Chapter 241, Noise, of the Municipal Code of the forrner City of Toronto. F. Chapter 895, Noise, and Chapter 896, Noise - Unusual - Likely to Disturb, of the Municipal Code of the former City of York. 3. Where a person is alleged to have contravened a by-law listed in section 2 before the date this by-law comes into force, the by-law listed in section I continues to apply for the Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 177 of 313 2 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 purposes of any enforcement proceedings brought against the person until the proceedings have been concluded. 4. The Cþ of Toronto Municipal Code is amended by adding the following as Chapter 591, Noise: Chapter 591 NOISE t#;t*9,"""""t" S 591-1. Interpretation. A. In this chapter, all the words which are of a technical nature shall have the meanings specified for them in Publication NPC-101 - "Technical Definitions". B. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: COMMISSIONER - the Commissioner of Urban Development Services or his or her designate. CONSTRUCTION - Includes erection, alteration, rcpar, dismantling, demolition, stn¡ctural maintenance, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating, the laying of pipe and conduit whether above or below ground level, street and highway building, application of concrete, equipment installation and alteration and the structural installation of construction components and materials in any form or for any purpose, and includes any work in connection therewith. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - Any equipment or device designed and intended for use in construction, or material handling, including but not limited to, hand tools, power tools, air compressors, pile drivers, pneumatic or hydraulic tools, bulldozers, tractors, excavators, trenchers, cranes, derricks, loaders, scrapers, pavers, generators, off-highway haulers or trucks, ditchers, compactors and rollers, pumps, concrete mixers, graders, or other material handling equipment. CONIVEYANCE - Includes a vehicle and any other device employed to transport a person or persons or goods from place to place, but does not include any such device or vehicle if operated within the premises of a person. HIGIIWAY - Includes ¿ çsmmor and public highway, street, avenue, parkwa¡ drivewa¡ square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle desigued and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage ofconveyances. INHABITANTS - One or more persons who reside in the City. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 178 of 313 3 CiW of Toronto By-law No. I 11-2003 MOTOR VEHICLE - Includes an automobile, motorcycle, and any other vehicle propelled or driven other than by muscular power; but does not include the cars of electric or steam railways, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farrn tactor, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road-building machine within the meaning of the Highway Trffic Act; NOISE - Unwanted sound. PLACE OF WORSHIP - A building dedicated to religious worship and includes a church, synagogue, temple, mosque, monastery or convent. POINT OF RECEPTION - Any point on the premises of a person where noise originating from other than those premises is received. POWER DEVICE - Any powered device used in the servicing, maintenance or repair of property except devices driven by muscular power only and snow blowers. PROPERTY - A building or structure or part of a building or stnrcture, and includes the lands appurtenant thereto and all mobile homes, mobile buildings or mobile structures and vacant land. PUBLICATION - A specifred publication of the Minisbry of the Environment which is listed in Schedule A at the end of this chapter. STATIONARY SOURCE - A source of sound which does not normally move from place to place and includes the premises of a person as one stationary source, unless the dominant source of sound on those premises is construction or a conveyance. C. 7-ones. In this chapter, the following terms shall have the ms¡nings indicated: QLJIET ZONE - Any property within the municipality used as a hospital, retirement home, nursing home, senior citizens residence, or other similar use. RESIDENTIAL AREA - Any property within the municipality which is zoned for residential uses by an applicable zoning by-law or which is used in whole or in part for human habitation. D. A copy of every publication listed in Schedule A at the end of this chapter is attached to and fomrs part of this chapter. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 179 of 313 4 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 ""#ltf,""ll'"", $ 591-2. General prohibition. No person shall make, cause or permit noise or vibration, at any time, which is likely to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoynent, comfort or convenience of the inhabitants of the City. S 591-3. Specific prohibitions. No person shall emit or cause or permit the emission of sound resulting from an act listed below if the sound is clearly audible at a point of reception: A. Racing of any motor vehicle other than in a racing event regulated by law. B. The operation of a motor vehicle in such a way that the tires squeal. C. The operation of a vehicle, engine, motor, construction equipment, or pneumatic device without an effective exhaust, intake-muffling device or other sound attenuation device of a type specified by the manufacturer, which is in good working order, and in constant operation. D. The operation of a vehicle or a vehicle with a trailer resulting in banging, clanking, squealing or other like sounds due to improperly secured load or equipment, or inadequate maintenance. E. The operation of a vehicle hom or other wanring device except where required or authorized by law or in accordance with good safety practices. $ 5914. Prohibitions by time and place. A. No person shall emit or cause or permit the emission of sound resulting from any act listed in the table below if clearly audible at a point of reception located in a prescribed area of the municipality within a prohibited time shown for such an area. B. Prohibited periods of time. The prohibited periods of time as described in the table below shall be as follows: (1) 7:00 p.m. one day to 7:00 a.m. the next da¡ 9:00 a.m. Sundays and statutory holidays. (2) 9:00 p.m. one day to 7:00 a.m. the next day, 9:00 a.m. Sundays and statutory holidays. (3) 11:00 p.m. one day to 7:00 a.m. the next da¡ 9:00 a.m. Sundays and statutory holidays. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 180 of 313 5 Cityof Toronto ByJawNo. 111-2003 (4) (5) (6) (7) 7:00 p.m. one day to 7:00 a.m. the next day, and all day Sunday and statutory holidays. 9:00 p.m. one day to 7:00 a.m. the next day, and all day Sunday and statutory holidays. 7:00 p.m. one day to 9:00 a.m. the next day; and all day Sunday and statutory holidays. 7:00 p.m. one day to 7:00 a.m. the next day, 9:00 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidays. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 181 of 313 6 City of Toronto By-law No. 1l I-2003 TABLE - PROHIBITIONS BY TIME AND PLACE Type of Act Prohibited Period of Time Quiet Zone Residential Area l. The operation of an engine or motor which is, is used in, or is intended for use in, a toy or a model or replica of any device, which model or replica has no function other than amusement and which is not a conveyance. At all times B.(2) 2. The operation of any electronic device or a gtoup of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers or other electro-mechanical transducers, and intended for the production, reproduction or amplification of sound, other than a security alarm. At all times B.(3) 3. The venting, release or pressure reliefofair, steam or other gaseous material, products or compound from any autoclave, boiler pressure vessel, pipe, valve, machine, device or system, other than fumace vents. At all times B.(3) 4. Loading, unloading, delivering, packing, unpacking, or otherwise handling any containers, products or materials. B.(4)B.(3) 5. The operation of construction equipment.B.(7)B.(7) 6. The operation of anypower device.B.(l)B.(2) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 182 of 313 7 City of Toronto By-law No. I 1 l-2003 Type of Act Prohibited Period of Time Quiet Zone Residential Area 7. Operation or use of any tool or device for domestic puq)oses, except power devices and snow blowers. B.(6)B.(2) 8. Activation of a security alarm resulting in sound for a duration in excess of 5 minutes. At all times At all times 9. Vehicle repairs At all times B.(5) 10. Playing of music At all times B.(3) S 591-5. General limitations on sound levels due to stationary sources. A. No person shall emit or cause or permit the emission of sound from a stationary source such that the level of sound from that source at a point of reception located in a quiet zone or residential area exceeds the applicable sound level limit prescribed in Publication NPC-205 - "Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class I & 2 Areas (Urban)". B. Subsection A shall not apply to residential air conditioning devices regulated under $ el-6. $ 591-6. Limitation on sound levels for residential air conditioners. A. No person shall emit or cause or permit the emission of sound from the operation of a residential air conditioning device of a tlpe referred to in Publication NPC-216 - "Residential Air Conditioning Devices", resulting in a sotrnd level at a point of reception located in a quiet zone or residential area in excess of the applicable sound level limit set out in Publication NPC-216 - "Residential Ai¡ Conditioning Devices". B. No person shall emit or cause or permit the emission of any sound from any air conditioning device of a type referred to in Publication NPC-216 - "Residential Air Conditioning Devices" unless one of the following applies: (1) The device was manufactured prior to January lst,1979. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 183 of 313 8 City of Toronto By-law No. I I I-2003 (2) The device bears a label affxed by the manufacturer or distributor which states the year of manufacture and that the device when new complied with the sound emission standa¡d set out in Publication NPC-216 "Residential Air Conditioning Devices", as applicable to that t¡'pe of device and date of manufacture. (3) The owner, operator, manufacturer or distributor provides proof that the device when new complied with the sound emission standard set out in Publication NPC-216 "Residential Air Conditioning Devices", as applicable to that type of air conditioner and date of manufacture. S 591-7. Disturbing religious ceremony in a place of worship. No person shall make, cause or permit the emission of sound that disturbs a religious ceremony in aplace of worship. S 591-8. Most restrictive provision applies. Where a source of sound is subject to more than one provision of this article, the most restrictive provision shall apply. S 591-9. Exemption; public safety and highways. Despite any other provision of this chapter, it shall be lawful to emit or cause or permit the emission of sound in connection with measures undertaken for: A. The immediate health, safety or welfare of the inhabitants of the City under emergency ci¡cumstances. B. Any emergency requiring immediate action for the constn¡ction, preservation, restoration or demolition of any highway. S 591-10. Grant of exemption by Council. A. Despite anything contained in this article, any person may, no later than 90 days prior to the date for which the exemption is being requested, submit an application to the Commis5ioner for an exemption from any of the provisions of this article. B. The application mentioned in subsection A shall be made in writing, be accompanied by payment of the fees set out in ç 441-I2A, and shall contain all of the following: (l) The name and address of the applicant. (2) The location of the event or activity for which the exemption is sought. (3) A description of the source of sound for which the exemption is sought. (4) A statement of the particular provision or provisions of this article from which the exemption is sought. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 184 of 313 C. D. E. 9 City of Toronto By-law No. 11 l-2003 (5) The period of time, of a duration not in excess of six months, for which the exemption is sought. (6) The reasons why the exemption should be granted. (7) A statement of the steps, if any, planned or presently being taken to bring about compliance with this article. Upon receipt of an application containing all of the information outlined in subsection B, the Commissioner shall prepare a report recommending whether an exemption should be granted or refused and the terms and conditions which should be imposed upon the applicant if the exemption is granted. The Commissioner shall forward a copy of the report to the appropriate Community Council and to the applicant at the address shown on the application by prepaid regular mail. Publication of notice. (l)The applicant shall, at his or her expense, cause a notice of the application to be published in a newspaper of general ci¡culation within the municipality at least 14 days prior to the meeting of the Community Council at which the application is to be considered, and shall provide proof of publication to the satisfaction of the Commissioner prior to the application þsing considered by Community Council. The notice referred to in subsection (1) shall be in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner and shall contain the information required by subsections B(1)-(7) and indicate the date upon which it is intended that the application will be considered by Community Council. F.Decision. (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) Community Council shall recommend to Council whether to grant or refuse the exemption, including any terms or conditions. Council may, by resolution, refuse to grant the exemption or may grant the exemption applied for or any exemption of lesser effect and any exemption granted shall speciff the time period, not in excess of six months, during which it is effective and may contain such terms and conditions as Council sees fit. Council may require, as a condition of approval, that City staff or a professional engineer monitor the sound levels resulting from the event or activity. Where Council requires that the applicant engage the services of a professional engineer to undertake the monitoring of the sound levels resulting f¡om the event or activity, a report of the findings prepared by the engineer shall be frled with the Commissioner within 30 days of the event or activity. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 185 of 313 t0 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 (5) Where Council requires monitoring of sound levels resulting from the event or activity, the monitoring shall be conducted at the applicant's expense. The charges payable for monitoring by City staffare set out in $441-128. G. Breach by the applicant of any of the terms or conditions of an exemption granted by Council or the failure of the applicant to pay any required fee shall render the exemption null and void. H. Despite anything contained in this section, where an application for an exemption is made by the City or any of its agencies, boards or commissions: (l) The application and report shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Community Council by the Cþ department, agency, board or commission seeking the exemption. (2) The application fee in subsection B shall not apply. (3) The requirement to publish notice of the application shall not apply. S 591-11. Offence. Any person who contravenes any provision of this article is guilty of an offence". 5. The schedule and publications attached to this by-law shall form part of Chapter 591, Noise. ENACTED AND PASSED this Tthday ofFebruary A.D. 2003. CASE OOTES, ULLI S. WATKISS Deputy Mayor City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 186 of 313 l1 CiWof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 SCHEDULE A TO CHAPTER 591, NOrSE Publications Forming Part of this Chapter PublicationNPc-lOl Technical Definitions Publication NPC-102 Instrumentation Publication NPC-103 Procedures PublicationNPc-l04 Sound Level Adjustments PublicationNPC-20s Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class I &2 Areas (Urban) PublicationNPC-206 Sound Levels Due to Road Traffic PublicationNPc-216 Residential Air Conditioning Devices Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 187 of 313 t2 Cþ of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 Publicåtlon HPC-101. Tcchnical Dcflnlt'lons t.Technlcal len¡inolocv ¡nd Strndards Ttæ folloring.teñrinology md standlds shall ôe usrd for tlu purposes of any ilol¡c Contrrl By-Lar macted puñ¡urnt to Ttæ Environ- Ent l Prot€eÈtql Ast rnd all Prôllc¡tions of tlç llofse Pollution Control'Sectlon of t'le Poìlutlon Control Erlnch of _thc ¡lihlstry of lhe Enyironænt. thc definlHon of eny tcdrnlc¡l ¡ord uscd ln such 9y-Law or this or ¡ny such Publlcation rnd not hcrcÍn defincd ¡ha'll.òê thê definltlon rpp'qâring ln ttc applicaÞlÊ Pôlicatlon of ttr Canadlrn Standards Assoclatlon (CSA), thê ¡crican l{ational St¡nderds lnstltutê (AllSI), tftê Int.m.tlonal Organlzrtlon for StandartlzatJon (tSO), tlæ lntcnrtlonal Electrotcct¡nlc¡l Cmis¡lon (¡EC), tùe Socicty of Autmotf'vc Englnccrs (SÆ), or tfre lbchlnerl ¡¡rd Eqsiprcnt llã¡ufrctr¡ær= Associatlon of C¡n¡da (]G|{AC): Acoustic Callbrator ' An 'Acoustf.c C¡llbrator" is ¡n rlcctro-¡rechanlcal or ¡:chanfc¡l devlcc lntcnd€d for tlæ c¿llbration of sound lcvcl æters anå æeting the spcciflcatlo¡u of Prôlfcation tPC-102 - .Instnæntåtion. for Acoustic Callbrators. A-fei qhtinq 'A.xelghting" ls thc frcquency rrlghtfng chrrrq¿êrîstîs as .¡pccfffcd in IEC 123 or IEC 179 ud intended to åpproxinate tJte rrlatfve scnsltlvlty of the nonÉl huoan car tq diffe¡.ent frcquencies (pitches) of sound. A-relohtcd Souird Prcssurc level Tlæ "Þ*lghted sourd grÊssme lcvcl' ls tlre sourd prÈssure lcvel ædifled by appltcrtion oi tlre A-rclghtlng. It ls ælsured in decibels, A-rcfghted, and.denoted dBA. Bc¡tlno 'Eertlng¡ ls ttÉ ch¡ract¿ristic of r sourd xhicû hrs an audibìe cyeìlcally va¡ring ¡ound level. c¡ru:ied òy tìhe intÊraction of ùro Sounds of ol¡pst the saræ.frequency. Bi¡zzinq Sounds A'bu"lnE sound" ls ¡ sound rhlch is draracterlzed by the prcsence of a larç n¡¡ber of relðted dlscrete hanrpnics ln its frequency spectn¡î. Thesc h¡rænlcs togßther $ith thc fundanentå'l frequency Pmduce ¡ sound xtrlch subjectively is tenæd a 'buzz'. Exanples ¡re sounds fr¡6 ¿ þ,'=s¡ or a chain bax. (t ) (21 (3) (4) (s) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 188 of 313 13 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 (5) Declbel Thc 'decibe'lo ls t dlnenilonlcss ti:asuæ of sound lev¿l or sound pressu¡c lcvel; see sound pr.cssuæ lcvcl. (7) Effeqtive Sound Pressurr Tþ 'effcstivc gormd Prcssr¡æ' at a point is the root-æan squa¡Ê value of thÊ inst¡ntancous sot¡td PnassuFer ovcr ! tlæ interual, at ttn polnt mder considcr¡tlon rs óetlcted rith a sound level ætèr æetinE the r:quirtænts of P.l¡btf- cation !¡PC-IOZ - Iristrrmi¡tion. (8) Eouivalcnt Sound Level Ttr "cgulvrlcnt so¡¡nd lcvcì' soætiæs denoted L*' is tùe valuc of ttæ constanÈ ¡or¡nd lcvel vttlch roultl rcsult in åCosurÊ to üË sac totÂl A,{Ëtght¿d cnêrgy as.rculd thc sæcificd tfu-yary¡ng ¡o¡rd, lf t¡ê constånt somd hvel perslsted over !n cqual tiæ interval. ¡t fs EssuËd Ín d8l\. TI¡e ¡atlrcnatical definition of cquivalênt sound level (L*) for rn lntcrval dcfincd rs occr¡pying the perlod betuetn ùro Points in tine q and þ is: L*. ro rosro +E ,i.l V dt Hherc p(t) ls tlre tiæ vErying A-rÊlghted sound ptssu¡t and pr.is the l=feæncc prrssuæ of 20 rP¡- (9) Fast RrsDonse "Fast rrsponse' is a d¡rrlc charrcærfstlc settlng of a soulË lcyel'æter æcting ttrc appl{c¡ble specfficatfons of Publication !lPÈ102 - Instn¡:nt¡tion. (Iû) Fr.eoucncv Tlæ 'frcqucncy' of a periodic quentity is t¡e il¡Eb.r of tlæs üat the quantlty rcÞe¿ts ftsclf in r rnit intGRal of tiæ. Tlre sntt of ¡c¿sutgænt ls l¡ert (Hz) rhich is ttË sa^fi: as cycles per second. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 189 of 313 l4 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 l11l Ccneral Puroosc'Sound LÉyr'¡ ¡lêtlr A 'Ceneral Purposc Sound Levcl llcter' ls a sound level ¡ntcr which ccts thc speclflcitlons of Publlc¡tion XPC-IOZ - Instru:nt¿tion, fpr General PurposÊ Sound Lcvel ileter:. (12) l¡npuìse Rcsponse 'Irçulsc response" fs r dynrøic ch¡r¡cteristlc setting of ! sound levcl æter æetTng the specificatlons of Publtcatlon 1{PC-102 - Instnænt¡tÍon, for lçulsc Sound LËYÊI tþtcrs. (r¡) !æcj-:!9-8s4. An ninpulsive sormd' is a slngle P¡rssurrÊ pulse or r singlc bur:t of pressure pulses' ¡s defined by IEC I79Â' First supptccnt to IEC 179, Sectiom 3.1 rnd 3.2. (14) lmulsc Somd Lcveì The -lqulse sor¡nd lcvcl" ls tltc sound ìevel of ¡n lnpulsive somd ¡s ¡easu¡'cd nith an l4ulse Sound Level lþter set to ilpulse Esponse. It is Éasulld ln A+reighted decibels, denotcd tl8AI. (15) looulse Sormd Lerèl l{etcr An rlpulse Sound Level l{e,!er' ls a so¡¡nd level æter rhlch neets the specifications of Prôlicatlon f{PC-'102 - lnstnænta- tlon, for l¡pulse Sound Leveì ilet€rs. (16) lnteoratinq Sound Lcvel llet¿r Ân 'Intrgrating Sourd Levrl tleter' ls a sound lcwl ætcr ¡hich ls capablc of Þrlng used to derlve the ¡qr¡lvalcnt sound'level (r;) ano rùlch æets'the sÞeclficatlons'pf Pub.lic¡tion tiPC-102 - lnstrrænt¡tion, for T¡9e I lntcantfng' Sound Levcl lletcrc. (rz) The 'Logarittuulc llean l4ulse Sound Leve'!"' soætittÊs denot€d \¡' of l{ lqu]sÍve sounds, is ten tiDei ttre'logartthn'to.t}re b¿se l0 of t]É rr{tlætis æan of ttfl to tlË poff of 'one tenth tfE fnpulse sormd lcvcl of cach lqulsive soutd. Algcbraically, lt can be ¡rltten as: f d¡A¡i/lo dsA¡?/'to h¡ . r0 ros.,s L+ ,to I + ¡0 ...*ro*t*"ol ] rherc, d&41t, dBAIZ, ....dBA¡il, are t¡e N inpulse sound lcvels. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 190 of 313 l5 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 (ì8) ovcrprcs¡urc Tlc "ovcrlnssuren ¡t À ælnt duç to ¡î lcoustlc tllst¡¡tÖütcc ls ttË lnsttntåncous diffcæncc rt tàat polnt bcùêcn t¡ê Ptü pr.cssuriE durlng thc dlst¡xÈlnce and tlrc eobient ræspharic pressu¡Ê. Tlæ u¡lt of æasurcænt ls the pascal . One pascrl' rbÞrcvla.t¡d P¡, ls,tåc 5aæ'ts on€ nr¡rton ær Squrrr ætrr' rbbreYiatcd l¡/o2. (19) Ovcrprrssu¡c Lcvcl TlË "ovaArcssurc ì!vcl" fs *nty tlfËs ttæ logarltÚn to thc b¡sc 'tO oi t¡e ratio of üre peak P¡êssuæ to Èlæ reference prÊssurr of 20 uPa. (20) Peat P¡æfclc Velocltv Thc "pcrk p¡rticlc veloeity' ls tlc n¡lu.o lnst¡ntaæoüs veiocity c¡pcrlcnåed bJ t¡e P.rtic'tcs of ¡ ædlr¡r ntrcn sêt fnto translent vibraæry Etion. Ttris can þ derived ¡s tlæ ognltúrle of thc vcctor ¡ro of thr:c orthogonal con- pomnts ¡nd ls ærsurcd Jn cnls. (21) Peak Pr¿sbt¡re Lcvel llet¿ctor A rPc¡k PrcsruÉ Lcvel Det¿ctor' ts a dcvice caP¿ble of æesurinE perk pæssut.c or P¡lssrrrË level peralt¡tf ons ln rir rnd rl¡lch Eets the'sæcJfic¡tlo¡s of Pólfcation l{PC-ì02 - Instnæntatlon, for Pcak Pæssu¡r Lcvcl Detcctors. (æ) !sËl¡-!es4-!s€!- Ttre'x percentlle sound lcvcl'. rhsigated Lx, ls tln souìd levcl cxc¡c¡le<l'r pcrìesnt of r sPcqlfled Èlæ pcriod. lt l! ' æasurcd ln d8A. (23) Qu¡si-Stc¡dv læuìslvr Somd 'Quasi-sttady l4ulsiv= Sound' ls-¡ sequcnqe of lopulsivc sounds cmltted fro¡r tjrc sa¡Ë sorrrc!, havlng a tl¡re lntcrval of lcss tnan 0.5 s bct¡Gcî succrsslrc l4ulslvu ¡ot¡tds. (24) Slox Responsc "Slor rcsponsc" ls a 4ynlsic chår¡etêrlstlc sêttlng ûf ¡ ¡ound ìevc't ætlr æêting thc rpplicable sPecifications of Publlcation l{PC-ì@ - Instn¡æntåtlon. (25) Sotmd 'sormdu ls ¡n osclllatlon ln pæssuhÊ. str!Êssr Particle d{sgìaccrcnt or Particlc vcloclty,'ln ¡ ¡rdlrn ïlth intlñlal forccs (c.g. clastic, vissous), or tlre supcrposftlon of suth propàgatld oscillatìons, rhich nay cause an rudftory sênsa- tion. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 191 of 313 t6 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 (26) Sound lcvel "Sosnd levcl' is thc A{r€ightcd sound ¡essur.e level . (27) Sound Lcvel lletcr Á "sou¡rd levcl æter' ls an lnstnænt which is s¿nsTllve to and celibrated for the rElsursìËnt of sound. (28) Sound Prg'sge The -sound prêssure" fs the lnstlntanèous dfffersncc beüæen üre act¡,¡al'pressure'¡nd tàe avêrage or b¡rometric p¡essunÊ at a given loc¡tio4. lhe untt of rErsurEneít is the nicropascal ( uPa) which i¡ the saúr ¡s ¡ ¡nicronæton p€r sguaÊ ætrc ( utt/¡rZ). (23) Sound Prcssure Lavel . The "sound pr¡Êssurc level' ls arenty tli¡cs tfie. logarithn to the base ì0 of the ?atio of tjre cffcctive pr¡êssure (p) of a sound to the ràfercnce prrssure (C) of 2O uPa. Thus thc sound pressur.t level in dB ='20 togl' Ër. (¡o) Igtelj.U. A 'tonen or ¡ 'tonal sound" is rny sound rhicl¡ can be distinctly identifleil thrcugh the sensation of pitch. (31) Vibnation "Yibratlon' ls a tenporal and spatial oscfllation of dlsplrcs¡ênt. velocity or acäleration ìn a solid ædir.rr. (32) VJbr¡tion Yeìocigr Oetgctor A 'Yibr¡tion Yclocity'Detector" is ¡ devlce wùich ls capablê of neasuring viÞration velocity and xtrich ÍEets the specifications of Publicetion llPC-l@ - Instrr.æntation, for Y{bration Yelocity . Detectors. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 192 of 313 t7 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 Publ f crtl on HPÈl D2 lnstrlftrntation l. Scooe Ttrls Publlcation slts out urlnl¡¡¡n spcsfflcatlons. for equl¡nnt usêd for ù¡e nr€ðsurenrnt of sound ¡nd vibratlon. For ¡Þst of the sÐecl- ficatlons the ¡ntêrnåtl o¡al Elcctrotechnical @r¡ission (lEC ) recor¡ændcd standånds ¡23 (FlËt cdltton l95l), ¡79 (Sccood cúitlon 1973) ¡nd l79A (First supplcnent to ¡Ec 179, publ'ished 1973) havc been tdoÞteó. ln 3oæ cascs, tlrcse standards lre lændÊd or augmnted for grcatcr prc- cision. ÍA¡LE IO2.I 2. Tcchnlcal Dcftnttions TlÊ tccltnÍcal terns used in tl¡is Publication ¡rc deffned ln ttp ¡æclficatfons thcnselvcs or ln Pub'licatfon HPC-101'- lechnlcal Definltiohs. nPc-'t02 Sectlon 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 Typc of lnstr¡¡æít €eneral Purposc Sor¡nd.Lcvrl l{cter 'fupulse Sound LevçI l.letcr Þeak Pr=ssuæ Level 0etcctor f¡çe f lntcErating Sound Lwcl tleter llDe A tntegratlng Sund Larel l{cter Vlbratlon Ycloclty octcctor Acoustlc Callþrator AÞpl ication llon-irpulsi vc sounds I[pulsive sounds Peak pressure Þerturtatims Yarying sounds of lon crest factor Varyfng sorrnds of hlgh crest f¡ctor Pcrk vîÞrition vetocity in ¡oliås CallÞratlon of sgufd lÊee? atttrs Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 193 of 313 l8 City of Toronto By-law No. 1 I l -2003 3. Gcnaraì ?uÞose Sound Level l{etcr {r) ¿EPS, A'Êc¡æral Purpose So¡¡nd Lcvcl t{eter l¡ ¡ Sornd lcvcl ¡:ter ilrich ls lntcnrlcd to bc rrsed for qhe æåsurqrcnt of non- lnpul slvc aounds, rl üout t{gltlficttlt A:clEhtcd tçoustlc rncrgy aDovc 2000 tl¡. (e) Speeü!.gig A ¡ourd lcvel ætcr Úrich æ€ts tlrc follodnE sg€cifieatloîs ls r &ncral PurPose Sound Levcl Hctêr: (¡) tË sound lrrEl'æt¡r, lncluding r qicr¡Phoæ cquiÞ- ped ritfi r vlr¡dsc¡ren ¡hrll æct tltc specificat'lons of IEC 123, excrpt that' in.rddition to Ëêttng ttË spcciflcations of sr¡Dcl¡r¡se 5-2 tþrrof, ?he ricro- phone of tlrc sound levcl æt¡r sh¡ll ¡lso ælt tltc ¡æcifie¡tions of subcl¡usc 5.2 iærded by tJrc sub- stìtutioñ tircrrin of rn lnglc of lncidenca of =30o lnstead of *9Oo, !3 lt ttleÉfn rPË.n3, ¡¡td by tjre substitution of T¡blc 102-2 hclçof fnstc¡d of T¡bìc ì ' !s lt thcrÊin ¡PPcaE; (b) tlrc sound l:vel ætc¡ shall l¡rcorporlt€ A-neighting' rñich fs sp¡elficd tn IEC 123 ¡5 oPtionôl¡, (e) tJ: ¡ound lcvcl ætcr slrall h¡vc ¡ ¡riniu¡t ¡¡sable rlngÊ of scnsitivity of fto¡ ¡10 dBA to 100 dBA and ft ¡h¡ll r-¡d to an acturicy of:1.0 dB oYrr tåat rrn9c: (d) ¡ vlnGcæcn ¡l¡ll bc lnst l.lcd on tie ricrophonê .nd shalt not affêct by n¡'e tl¡¡n I dB thc toìcrancÊ pr'È- scriþêd ln clruses (r) ¡nd (c)¡ .(c) tfp sotnd 'tcyel rËtcrr incìudlng r cicroplmc cqulpæd Ylt¡t a vindsct'ccn, ¡h¡ll, ¡drcn oFraþd in ttn pnesencc of rind, indiqtc r vlnd-lnduced sound lcvcl not ln c¡cess of tlle relcv¡ng valuc ìlstcd ln TaDlc 102-3. 4. læulsc Soynd Level llct¡r lìl PurDosr An l4ulse So¡¡r¡l Level ltetcr is t 5orlrd lcvel ¡etcr välch is lntcntlctl to be ssd for the æasû.lfcît of rny 3ouìds' ln- cludlng sounds for rhfch a Gcneral Putaose Sq¡nd Level l{ctcr uay be ¡¡sed. (2ì SEêciflcatlons A sound lcv¡l ¡:tar rhlcft æêÈs üê foltotrinE spcclfiot{ots ls ¡n Inpuìse Sound Levcl l{etcr: (a)' the sound level æicr, lncluding r nricrrophone :quiPPed trlth e r.lr¡dscrìêen, shalì æet the sPecificatio¡s of a 6enera'l Purpose Sound Lcvel llet¿r¡ Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 194 of 313 t9 City of Toronto By-law No. 11I-2003 t¡ìê sofid l¡vel ætff; lncludlng ¡ rlcrcPlænc cqufPæd r{th r rlndscrrcn' ¡hall Ect thê.sæclficatiotì3 of IEC 179 ¡nd IEC l79A, ¡uPpìørpnt to IEC 179. ínctuding tlË optloßt chrractÊrlstics Entlonéd ln s¡òclause 4.5 of IEC l79A; tltc ¡ound lcyel ætcr ¡hal¡ {icorPoratc A'ruigiting rs spcclllÊd ln IEC 179. Prtk Prrssurr LIYÊI Dctêctor ll ) Pr¡roosr A PGrk PÉs5urt lcvcl Deæctor f3 a sc¡Íld lcvcl çetrr ;hlch ls lntstdêd to bc ¡s.d for tlr rlasuFgnent of gcak Frc¡suFê pêrt¡rrtltlm¡ ln ¡lr. 1l* våls. lndlcltcd by thls d¿vlce is Dot ln avÊràgË of tjlê 9rÊssurt IGYGI Pcrt¡làåt1ons. (2) so€ciflcltlons A soud lcvel ctcr rl¡ich æcts tlhc follo*ing speclficltlons ls a Peäk Pl.rs3uæ LeYÊ'¡ oêtÊctor (ttrc fcaturrs of tl¡ls de- vlcc ¡nc lncorPorrtc{ ln rn l4ulsc Sourd Levc'l lþter rs specificd ln têctloñ 4 rùovc): (t) tllr nic¡lpltmt of thê ¡ound hv:ì ctcr, üÉn aqulpPed Ílth I rlndsc|ttn' shall perfon rlthln ¡ tolctance of :l dB tlrrcughout thê fæquèncy rrngê of fFoo 5 Ìlz to 31.5 tü ln ütc clFc|úståncês r¡ld cordJtio¡3 for use ¡êt out fn T.blc ì of IEC 179; (D) tÞ 3ouìd ¡Gvêl'ætcr rttho¡¡t tjtê ¡lic¡Dphone th¡'ll bê c¡Prblc of Provfding ìlnc¡r rcsPonsr rs specffied in subclrusc 4.5 of IEC t79, *it¡ln I tolêrrncÊ of :l dB tJrrurghout thc fÊquc¡cy rrnç of froo 5 llz to 15 kllz¡ (c) t¡e ¡ound ìcvcì æter ¡hall lncoraorate thc optionll dìrr¡ctcrlstics ¡pcclffc<l ln ¡r¡bcl¡use 4.5 of IEC l79A; (d) dE ¡ou¡rd ìcvcl Etrr ¡h¡ll Elt tfìr spcciflcatiorìs ' ¡Gt out ln IEC 179 cl¡r¡sc 3, slôclsuJcs 4-1,4.2,4'4, 4.5, 4.7' 4.8, clrusc 5' 3uöcla¡¡s¿3 6-2, 6.3' 6.4' 5'5' 6.8, 6.9, 7.1 tlrrough 7.9, 7.1¡' 8.1, 8-2. 8'3' 8.6 tàtÞugh 8.9. ¡nd the.gFoprirt¿ rpcclflcatlons of¡ì.usc lO. TtD€ B IntlEratino Sound Llvrl -lbtcr ll I Purîose (a) An lntrgratlng Sottill Lavêl t€tlr ls r sound level ¡eter yhich l5 lntcndcd to bG used for tJle æasurãEnt of souñd o{êr a pcrlod oi tlæ' suci th¡t ÈtE cqulvåleñt aound leveì (L*) of ttc souttd oay bc obtalncd- {¡) fh-Typc I tntlgÍr¡tlng Sor¡rd l,¡vcl !{rt r ls sæc{fled vith sufflclcnt dyn¡sic ranç rnd rÊasuæÍtnt ¡rccislon to reasut.c cqulvrlent ¡ound lcvcls of çrærrl somds thât cxclcd ìlrltå!'lons 3et'out ln thls by-lar. (c) Etthcr ¡. T¡lÞe A or T¡ryc B tnt grrtlng Sound Lcvcl lteter nav b€ usrd for Dst suc¡ r9Plications, but ¡ TJDg A Intlgr¡ting soûnd LÊval t{êter n¡9t Þ usèd Yhên tñc sound undQr sÈJdy (b) (c) 6. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 195 of 313 20 City of Toronto By-law No. l l l-2003 (3) ls Qu¡sl-Stlrdy lrpulsfve So¡nd 3 rt¡d 4) or rlrn thê opcratlonrl ¡f0 dB. (scc FC-103 - P¡tcedu'cs' dpanic ranç gn eatlY cxcÊeds e) Ge¡craì Descrlotlon 1tæ tolerarces spccffled fbr the rlcrcphone. rcightlng and rlPllflcr of r Ρrye B IntcErrting.Sound Lcvcl lleær ¡ril the s!æ es ttrosc specified for a Êelrcral PurTosc Sormd Lrvel lþtcr ln sectfon 3 of tlrls Publlcaütoo. Tte coqutatimal PorÈions of the lnstncnt E¡st opÊrate rithin a net accur¿cy of ål dB lbr tlæ perlods of 20 rinutrs to onc lpur over r {ynamic rangc of rt lcast ¿t0 dB rltñ têst sigl'lals having I cttst factor (rs dcffned ln IEC l79A) ¡p to 3. ¡n oPcratoÞactivatd 3rritch ls includcrd to fnhlblt tlr tniegnÈ'lon furction rlonc ¡nd' ff üle ¡ystcn lncludcs ¡n clapscd-tlæ clocß, to lnhlblt boti ttE integr.- tim ud tiæ sr@tion functlons. Spcclfleatlons . A somd ìevel ætcr ràldt æcts tjlâ'follo*ing sPtclf.is¡tions is ¿ Trri I Integrating Sound Lcttl lþtar: (¡) tlË lnstn¡Ert rill çncraìly be a coóln¡tion of uicrophonc' a4llflcr, &cigñtlng nêtorkr co4¡¡t¡tion circuit to 'o¡tain the integral .gf thê ærn squ!æ A.æightcd Pressune' disphy rnd ¡ Eans of inhibiting tþ lntcgmtfon' but æy vary fittu tÛrc ¡Dovc arcvlded th¡t lt ËÉot'Es the ¡aæ fmst{ons rlthln tl|lc tolerances 5êt out bÊlol; tlre irìstnæot æy include coqutetlonaì cirruitra to calc¡¡- lrte and dtsplqy tJre cqulvaled sourd lcvcl dii:ct'ly; (c) ttu ricrcphone of tþ lnstnæÉ shall æet the spccifications of clausc 5 of IEC 123' crcegt that, ln rdditton to æ€t- lng tln spcclficatlons of sròcl¡r¡se 5.2 tÞr:of' tlc ¡ticro' ghånc slull ¡ìso æet tlrc spcclflcatlons'öf stóclause 5-2 ¡i:n¿e¿ by ttrê 3ústit¡¡tlon llrercln of m rngl: of insidencc of r ¡OP lnstæd of t !100, rs lt thcrcln ¡PPê¡ñS, rnd by tjrc sr¡bstitution of Table l@-2 tær'cof lnsteôd of 1aôle I' . 15 lt tler.cin !Þp€r'rs¡ (d) r vlndsaner slglì bt instlllÊd on thc sisrspñotæ dûriûg oærttlon rtd shalì not Úfcct by ærc thu¡ I dB tlp to¡crrnce prcscribcrl ln clause.(c) ; ttæ sormd lcvcl ¡pÈr, incl.dlng r nicrophone cqulpæd vlth ¡ rlndscæcn, shall, ¡ien operated in tlÉ prËsenec of rind' in- dic¡te r rlnd-tnduccd ¡om¡t lcvel not fn ê¡ccss of tie relevant value lfst¡d ln Tablc l@-3. the A-nelghtlng neùrorl shrll Eêt tÚre ¡pcclflcatiäns of f¡ble ti rnd Figur.e I of IEC 123; the arçllfler shall æct the spccificatfons of s¡Éclauses 7.2,7.3 and 7.ll'of tEC 123: (b) (c) (f) (E) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 196 of 313 2l City of Toronto ByJaw No. I 1l-2003 (h) (ì) (i) (k) for G¡ch ¡?nsitlvlty sêtting of the instruìlnt thc lapllficr sh¡ll ha've a poci hrnd]lng capaclty ¡t'¡c¡st tO dB 3Êatrr th¡n t¡c n rifiÍ so.¡¡nd level specifictl for Ùràt sensltfvity sêttlng; {f üe c!4utatloî clrcult ls of tùe sa4ling (dlgf tå:) t}"c. vhcn operùtfng in conJhctlon rftt the ricrophonc' Hindscæen' A-rælgtrtlng netork rnd trpllficr' lt shatl gcnc'rate a rlgeì prcportlonal to th! iÊan square A-vclghtad PressurÊ nlth a I 10.25 3 e¡ponenti.ì rvÜrging tir€ constânti the coqutåtlon clrcult shàlì lntêgraÈ the tcan squan A-rclgrlrted pFêssuFe ¡nd.shall be caPEbl¿ of dolng so on c¡ch sensltfv{ty sctting fpr ¡ ¡¡inin¡¡¡ of 6 filnutcs rt ür EÀ¡l[a ¡or¡rd lcvel speclfied for t'tr¡t sensltfvity settingi lf ttæ coqrrtation clrcult fs tot ePàbl. of æetlng the s6clflcatlon of clrusc (J) vlt¡ the æf¿trncc thereJn to '6 øinutesn càangcd to '60 rninutes'1, tlren tl¡c dcvlce sh¡ll bc provided riüì ¡ ælns to lîdlcate to the oærltor ùihcn the lntêgrrtlon 4påbillty hås bcên cxcêeded; lf the coEputåtlonal clrcuit ls of tlË sa4llng (dfgital) t¡rge, :anpling shàtl tåke place !t lcrst bdcê Pcr ¡ccond; thê corput t'lon circult shall operaæ oYCr tlË usabl? dma¡lc nnge of ttì€ fnstruÉnt vitlr a llne¡rf ty' of rl dB for any ¡ound vtth r ratio of peak P¡ÊssuFe to r00t dean squa¡Ê prrs3ur.ê ug to 3 (cr:st factor ç to 3)i ¡n operator\¡ctlv¡tcd ¡ritch sh¡ll be provfdcd to lnh{òlt lätlgrâtlon or, lf the lnstlìrmít hås an intem¿l êllPscd tlme clocl, to fnhlblt Doth fntqÛraÈlon rnd rcc¡n¡latlon of tJæ; the coóln¡tlon of rl¡¡dscrccn, nic¡'ophonc. .A-Ëlghtlng neùot, a¡p'llficr ¡td coqutltion sirrl¡Jt shall h¡ve ¡ usabìc d¡manlc rrngc lrtcnd'lng at lr¿st froo 50 dBA to 90 rßA rnd thc unuf¡ct¡,rer sh¡lì s9eelfy thc useòl! d¡aric range; thr lnstnænt my bc provided ¡d1å ¡orc than one 3lnsltlvlty tettlng rnd the EnufacÈ¡trêF ¡h¡ll sÞccffy tle sinin¡n rnd nxl¡¡¡'ln9ut tound lcval foi .tch ¡lttsltlvity sêttingi lf ttp u¡xlou¡ 3ourd ìcy.l Ðec{flcd for my srnsitivlty settlng ls lcss tll.r 100 dBA, ttÊ sy3trl! shåll lnclude ¡ æahs of lndlcatlng to th! oPêr¡tor thtt thê ExÍn¡m lnPut sound lcy.l for ttr¡t sensltfvity 3êtting has becn cxceeded ¡nd sucú indlc¡tlon sàålì Dc nint¡l¡æd untlì crncelled by t¡c opcrator; ttr¿ dlsÞì¡y sh¡ll lrdlcat clthcr, (J) ¡n output proportlø¡rl to thc lntegr¡trd nê¡n squ¡rr A-¡clghæd PrÊssuæ. or (fì) üre lntcgnatal lr¡n squârÊ A'tælghted PrËssurÊ d{yicled by the duråtlon of the Period of tfrne for Hfilch drc cquivalcnt sound 'levcl It t0 be dêtcmfned, or (1) (¡¡) (n) (o) rp) (q) (r) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 197 of 313 22 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 (tfl) thÊ cgulvalcnt sor¡od lcvcl for tþ pcriod of titc for wt¡ich tha cquiv¡lcnt 3oünd lcveì is to b€ dÊtrrrined; tt shal'l bc Posslblc !o rcld f¡on.ttre displry or to calcul¡tc f¡'on tht readÍng of ürc dtspìay, thc cqsivalcnt sound lcvel to r r:solution of cl dB over tlË usù'lt d¡aoic ranç of thc lnst¡rænt for int¿grlrion tïæs ftø20 rinutcs to 60 ninutes; if tlre lndlcatlon of tlre display l¡ ¡s described in ¡ubclluse (ii) or (líi) of chusc (r),.tiÊ insùrænt shtll incl¡¡de ¡n el¡pscd-tlæ clock; thc conpletc lnst¡rænt ¡tr¡ll follol tl¡c æco¡¡endations and lEet the spc,clficÊtlons of stôcì¡uses 7.4r 7-5,7-6' 7-7.7.g ¡n¿ 7.9 of. IEC 123; ¡nd thc lmtr¡¡:nt shrtl inclr¡de r !Êaß of dettnrining rtætjær the batttry of tl¡c insànænt lf any, lras sufficlcnt life to pe$t' prlper opcr.tlon for r perlod of tt least olu hour. Tv¡c A lntcoratino Sor,md Lc'æl llcter (l I Puroosc (¡) An tntcgrattng Sourd Lcvel lletar is r sourul'level ætcr rñlcà is lntcndcd þ bc ¡¡¡cd for tfrc Easu¡eænt of sound ovcrr e period of 'Hæ, ¡uclr ttr¡t tl¡c cquiv¿lcnt so¡nd ìcval (L.o) ot the sound æY Þ obt¡ined. (b) Ttc'f¡rpe B lntcArating Sor¡nd l¡wl ilctêr is spe€f ficd r{t'r sufflcic¡rt dy¡rauic nnç and ¡êasutt¡Ënt Preclsion to rË¡su¡e cqulvalcrt sound lcvcls of çnerål sotßds that.cfcecd linlt¡tions set oùt in tlti¡ by-ì¡r. (e) Eltler r Tfrpc A or r T¡çe I tntagrstinE Sound Levcl l'letêr ney be used for ¡pst sud¡ rp9ltc¿tisns, b¡¡t r T'?e A lntcarating Sound.Lcvel l{etsr Ìr<t.bê rscd rdrcn tte soi¡nd r¡rdcr s.t¡¡dy ls 'Quasi-Stcady t4ulslvc Sound (¡cc [PC-10:l - Procedures' Slctlons 3 rnd 4) or rhcn tlra opcrrtlonal d¡anic ranç grcat'ly cxceeds 40 d8. l2l 6cncr¡ì Dcscrlption the tolãaßls specifted for üre EicroDhonê, rcigrhting and ¡4tfficr of e Type À Intlgrâtiog Sornrt Levcì lict¿r rrr the s¡tæ ts tlrosc specified for ¡ Eeæral.PÚt?ose Sourd Lcvel lLtcr in section 3 of this Publication- Ttr con9utational portions of. tlre tnstrrænt n¡st oPtrate ritjrin ¡ ne! tccuracy of cl dB for tiÉ p€rlods of 20 ¡lnutes to onê hour ovcr a dyn¡ric range of lt lêast 8O dB rltlì têtt sign¡ls hrvlng r crest f¡ctÐr (as rtcflned in IEC l79A) uP to 5. An oær¡tor .sÈivatcd $'itch is lncluded t¡ inhiÞlt both the intcgnrtlon lnd tiË'suilråtion frmctions. (s) (t) (u) (v) 7. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 198 of 313 23 CiW of Toronto By-law No. l l l-2003 8. l3l Socclf{crtions Asoundlcvcìæterh'hichæetsthefoìlowingsPecffications fs a lype A lntcgrrtlng sound. Llvet lletcr: (a) tlre sound level æter sh¡ll æet thc spcc,ificatlons of r Type I tntcgrating Sound Lcvel lletcr; (b) '!lre lnstn¡¡nnt shtll be' Þ¡'ovided vltl¡ rn inter¡a'l . clapscd-time cloek; (c) for cach scnsittvity setting of t¡t itlstt¡lænt, tlê a¡plifer shall havc r 9o¡rer handling capacity !t letst l4.dB greâter tlrantcrc¡axiqnsoundlevclsgcclficdforthatsensitivlty setting¡ ' (d)thecoqutåtloncircultshallopcrrtrovcrther¡s¡blcdJ¡a¡nic riìnge of th€ ln¡trlænt Yith a llnearity of Êl dB for any sound uith t ratlo of Perk P¡Êssure to ro{¡t Etn squa¡l PrÊssure uP to 5 (CrÊst Factor rP to 5)¡ and (e)ttæcoóinrtionofrl¡rdscrccn..mlcr¡phone.A.elghtlngnrt¡rork' a¡Plificr üd corput¡Èlon circ¡¡lt slrall have r ¡¡sabìe d¡anf c rrnge lxtending at lcast frø 40 dBA to 120 dBA' Vibratlon Velocitv Detestor (1 ) Puroose A Yibrttion Ycloclty Detcetor 13 ! devlcc lntcnded to be uscd for tlre !Ë¡¡sure!Ént of the peel Particle vcloclty of ¡ ¡o'l1d surface. (z) '!æ!l!ssgs:. A rleVlcc rùlch æets tlre folloring sp€cifications ls a Yibrätlon Icloclty oetcetor: (a) tlrc device ¡trall include citlnr e transducÊr rhich res- por¡ds to thê total .vlüration veqto? or thÉc trlísduccl's rhich have tfieir axcs of nrimn-s€nsitlvlty nrtually orthoEonal sloi. (b) .rtrcrt tircc tansduccr:s lFe üsed to æasuF! thrcc nutually orttrogpnal cosPonants of vlbrationr ttre rcsponse of rny one of the transducêtr to vlbratfon ln thc plane noruì þ lts rxis of Brlrn sensltlvity shall be lcss tlran l(¡f of fts rcsponse to the sa¡n vlbration along lts axls of ¡axfu¡o sensitivityi (c) thê otrtPut of the devlca sha'll bc prtPo¡ttonal to the velocity of the surface on nhich tllc bansducêr fs, or tÌ¡ê transducÊns ane' æunted and tlre outpst of the device ¡h¡1] be fn ¡uch for¡r that the dcvlce lndlcatcs' or crn be ¡sed to calculate'' the Peak ParÈiclc vclocity ln tlc freqr¡ellcy ranç of f¡q 5 llz to 500 Hz ovGr a range of pcak particle vcloeity of fi'oar 0.25 cn/s to l0 øtls Hth a tolrancê of cìOf ¡ and Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 199 of 313 24 CiW of Toronto By-law No. l1l-2003 9. (d) .ft'shall bc possiöìe to field-callbratê tCË dcvlcc rltlr !n lccu"rcy of:5t utng cltficr ¡ raferrncc clectr{cal signrt ln serl:s vlth lùr cqulv¡lani F¡n¡duccr llçrdance or ¡ ¡efcrence vibr¡ñon sourcc. Acoustlc C¡llbr¡tor (l) Purposc An Acoustfc C¡llbr¡tor ls rn elcctl.o-echrnlcal or Ëchanicål devlcr rifeà prcducls ¡o¡¡rd of a lnûíì trcqucncy rnd rhlch. úcn coçlcd to ¡ sound lctd ætcr, prcduccs r FÊdJctablc rê¡ponsc in thc ¡or¡nd levcl ætc¡ if tlË somd lwcl i:tcr ls opcratlnE prcpcrly rt tñe calfbntloî fæql¡tîsJ. (z) lpedË@eu A devicc. c¡Þablc of prcducing somd, rúlch æ€ts tl: follorlng spcciffcations ls ¡n Acor¡t{c C¡lfbrrtor: (¡) tttc dcrlce shatl be crprble of bcing plrysical'ly rttachcd to . 3orlrd ldvel ætc¡ ln sr¡ch ¡ ny tt t th¿ d:vlcc ¡td thc sound lsvrl rrtcr ur 'rëousülcally couplcd'. tlËt l¡, soud froo thê dêvicÊ fs transqitted through t{rc ¡ir by ny of ¡ clr¡úer foræd þr tfrc rtt¡ctælit of tJæ devtce to tt|r Eicrophonc of tfte ¡o¡¡ld lcvel Ftcr; (b) thc dtyict ¡hall pr.od¡ce ¡ornd of r statÊd frcqucncy, rltùin r fi.cquørcy tolcrl¡ìce sf álz (c) thc ¡¡nufact¡ner of ttc dsvfcc shall Droyld¿ rlth ttc devlcc. üy .lata rcculrd ln orúcr to dltrtldnc thc-¡ound lcvcl rcading rhldr ¡hould bc lndlc¡tcd on ütc sound lcvcl æter ¡rñen c!,¡lùraÈd f¡r thosc rlcægôonc rnd so¡¡ttd lcvcl ætrf t!?cs vllf¡ ¡filch t¡ê Eil¡ñcùrrrr æco[Ends tC¡c tþylcc bc llsed. lllærc rddltional rcccssorics E¡st.be t¡scd to ptlvldè tCrls ¡or¡rd lcrrl æeding, ü! Enufact¡¡rrr sh¡ll statc that thcy E¡st be uscd¡ . (d) thc nxlqa tolcrurcc tn-thc ¡othd Dr-ss$Ê lcveì gÐeratêd by tln devlcc ñcn couplcrl to t¡c Dlcllphone slnll 4ply oycr rn rbsplærlc Drrsst¡r'r Èngc of 87 kPâ to 107 lP¡, and ¡lnll ör t0.5 dB ovcr üê'tlqerrtüê rurç of fïoo OoC tû ¡OpC rnd c¡.0 dB ovrr tÍê ttqcraturc ri¡ngê of frm -looc æ 50oG¡ (e) lf td¡c dcvice ls htttrf polcæd, naru for chctfng fùc bett€ry condltion shall óc lncludcd rltl tnc devic!¡ (f) tlc lollorlng rl¡ta ¡hatl be pr.ovldcd úith the .lêyice by tne Bnuftcû¡rÊrr (f ) ürc nocin¡l ¡ound pl.cssur.e lcvcl prcduccd, (ff ) ütc nmin¡l fi-qucncy rt h'àlcì tlæ rhvtce opciatcs, (llJ)tfrc trnges of temcr8ùrr€ üd lt@sphcric ptÊssuF! ovcr rñlch the dcvlce ls lntandcd to oæraæ, rnd t¡G aÞp'lictbìe overall sourd pr.essùrc level tolerance for th¿sc nnErs- Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 200 of 313 25 City of Toronto ByJaw No. 1l l-2003 TABLE 102.2 Penrissibl e Toì erances on t{i croPhone Sensi tl vi ty 0vcr an Ang'le of = 30o * coLltrùl A: Ttæ ¡¡icrophone is munted on the sound lcvel æter. ,F Coltllûl 8: Ttre ricrophone is physically separated -Ú:on tlre,-soUnd lcvel ret¡r Þut clectrieaìly connected tterÊto' TÁ8LE I02.3 llaxiu¡n tllnd Induced Sor¡nd Level tndlcation Uslng A-rreighting and Slor ResPonse (rhere avallable) Permisslblc loler¡nccs dB 8Ér $ .:ì+1-2 +l-C +l-10 Frequcncy Hz 31.5 - 500 l0m 2000 40ql æ00 Ar l¡:l !2 !4 lì0 tlind Speed dBA t5 km/h 20 k¡t/h ' 25 kn/h 4t 48 53 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 201 of 313 26 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 Puülication I¡PC-I03 Ptrtcglugæ ¡. Scooe This Pub¡icåtion csrprlses tåe varlous æesulnent prccedurrs to be uscd in connection rith otler Ptúlications rhich provide linlÈs or standatds for somd or vibr¡tion, Several of ttre proccdurcs rdopted rrt t¡þsê of n¡tioa¡?lJr or intêmationally rucogmized rçnclrs. Table 103-l llst¡ tìc tpasusÉnt procedurcs rlricà ¡æ lnciudcd in this Publlcatlon. TAELE IO}T Tcchnfc¡l lþfinltions Tþ t¿chnical terrs r¡scd in r pr.ocedurc sh¡ll have türa æaning given eltl¡er in thaÈ procedure or in PuölicaÈion lPc-101 - Tecñnical Definitions. ¿- 103 3 1 5 5 7 8 9 Tylc of Ëeaswtætt St€ådy or irpulsive sor,rrd Vtr?ing sound Sot¡nd rnd ribration fron blasting Pûfcr.Êd ¡æbilc constructlon equlrent Pnerntjc cqulpænt $all argines Trucls rith govcned' rlicsel engines Prccedurc - . ilinlstly llÍnistry .lfinlstry SA€ J88a IBIÀC SAE J¡046 csA 2107.22-r{ Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 202 of 313 27 City of Toronto By-law No. l1I-2003 3. Procrdure for lleasur.ãEnt of Stcrdv or ¡nflJlsive So¡rìd (l)(r)@ For th¿ purposcs of tJris pr-occdurc sor¡ncrs ean convcnfcntly be placcd ln four øtually c¡clr¡sivc ategoriês rs follm::(l) l4ulslve somds, otùer tt¡an Quasl-steady ¡çulsivc Sourds, sudr ås, but not liulttd to, thc sound frca gunstnts, ccrttin rxplosfve DCst control dcyiccs and ccrbln lndu¡trh'l ætrl ¡orklng opcratlons (c.g. forgl¡g, lnrn:rlng, ¡rnching; staFlng, cutting, . ionning ¡nd æuldlnE)¡(fl) Quail'-Stradt Iquìslvc Soundsr suct¡ !s, but not ll'lted t9r UrÊ so¡¡ad fron p¡ve{Ett b¡-aker:, rivctlng gnars, tn- rffecÈivery q¡ff¡cd rntÊr'na¡ c'É.*tron önglnes or irr cffectlvely n¡ffled rir coqæssors ;(lll) h¡:zing soundsr such ls, but r¡ot li¡rited to, üË.somdsfru posltlye dlsplrccært Þloier¡, ct¡aln sa¡rs, suill' coù¡jtton grgines tnd 'concnte finf sher:¡ (iv) ¡ll othcr sounds. (b) ÀDÞlfcltion Thfs prrcedurr app]lcs to rærsurt*nts rt a point of ,tception of: (i) sor¡rd of a tJDe æntioned in category (i) or (tt) ot cl¡¡sc (a)¡ ¡¡rd (ll) sourd of I t¡4e æntioned in c¡tegor¡cs (fii) or (iv) ofcl¡use.(a); rñidr ls alrays higher than thc pcruissible levcl or rùlcù, xtren üre sound ls prcsetttr docs not vrry in lcrçl over a ntnge of mre than 6 dB during,the perfod of observation. (2) Instn!Ëntation (a) Sormd Level lht¡r (r) An lpuìse sor¡rd'Lever'Hêtcr shalr bc .oed for the mrsu¡e- ænt of ¡ound ln category (i), (ll) or (ilf) of clluse 3(l) (a). (lf)  Gørcr¿l Purpose sou¡d Lcvrl retcr shåll be used fpr üre !ËrsurÊæìt of soqrd ln catrEÐry (iv) or cr¡¡¡sc 3(1 ) (al. ¡OTE: An lnEg,rating Somd Lcvet lbtcr nay be used for ttc æasuræn! of sound ln category (lv¡ 6¡ clause 3(l)(r), but thc procedurr set out ln sectlon 4 - p¡lclduË for lleasuæsrt of Yanr¡ng Ssrod E¡st !e uscd. Cal lbrator An AEoustfc C¡ltbra'tor sh¡ll bc sed., lllndscrrcn A rindsc¡ccn sl¡rll be uscd in. all outdoor q!¡surrÊ[rntt. (b) (c) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 203 of 313 28 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 (3)!|ÊesûËicttt Locatl on For sound transEltttd sollly thrcugh air' thc !Ëasurc[rnt 'location sh¿ll & one or lrlrÊ of tnc folìoring points of FÊception: (¡) r loc¡tfon out.oT-dootr xfterl a peton ny be exposcd to tte sound¡ or (b) the Plane of ¡n Êxtcrior door or rlndor of a rcon ln rtrfsh e pemon lray b€ cxPoscd to the ¡ornd' rlrcrt tl¡c door or vindol is open. lJse of lnstrr¡æntåtion la) Bettlrv Chcck If tJrc sound lcvcl ætcr ls battery porerud the condition ol the battery shrl1 bë checked.aftcr thc tutcr h¡s bêln rttoued to'waro r¡p rnd stablllze. 1þ btttery condftÍon shall be æcheckld ¡t l€¡st once per hour-during a ¡crles of æ¡s¡t¡.caents ¡nd at tàe conclusion of such neasureßËnts' Thc ætcr shåll not be rscd unlcss the b¿tæry condition is confir'¡rát to be xlthin the range rtc@rnd€d by tln nanu- f¡cÈ¡¡rei for ProPer oPcrution- (b) C¡Iibration Th¿ so¡¡nd 'tcvcl ætcr shal¡ be calibrated ¡ftar tlæ æter has Þêen ¡llo¡cd to rañr up úd st¡billzq¡t lcast mce .pcr hour during r serics of ¡rËisurgænts üd at tJË conclu- sion of sudr æasu'cænts. (c).@ tleasuruænts shrll be takcn using tlæ fol'lodng rêsPonse settinbs:(i) I¡pglEe-&s¡slse-(g4U Tlæ t4ulsc resPon'se ¡nd A'¡çlghttng shall be ¡¡cd foÞ i4ulstvc sound in categota (i) of clarsc 3 (1)(a)' An 'l4ulse hold' facility æy bc rsed lf ¡vailablc on the ¡etcr. (ii) Slor Responsc (dBA) Ttæ slor rdsponsc rod A-reightfng slull bc uscd for sor¡rd in categprlcs (ii)' (iir) or (iv) sf cl¿usc 3 (l)(a). (d)@ lll Rêflectlvc Surfaces the øfcrcplrone shall be locaæd not ltss tlr¡n I n ¡bove tlre grornd, not lcss than I .o frcn any sound Eflestivc sur-facÊ !¡ccPt for tlìc Put?oses of clausr 3(3)(b) and not'lcss th¡n rrTì's lqlgtt fi¡n-ttrc body of the Pêrson operattng tlrr !Êtcr. llot ml.e tll¡n one peri¡on' other than the opcrltor of tlre ¡ttrr' sha¡l bê trlthln 7 m of tjlc ¡ricrophone ¡nd that pct'son strall be behind t¡Ê opcr8tor of the æter. (4) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 204 of 313 29 City of Toronto By-law No. 11I-2003 ' For thÊ crsc of cl¡¡¡se 3(3)(b) tñe n{crcpione shalt b¿ in tåe ¡lddlc of ù¡e rpertuæ located not less tlun 15 c¡¡ frcn tlÉ vlndon fran or door fru:. (li ) Hicrophone Oricntatlon 'The dic¡optpne ¡hall be orlent¡d such tlr¡t the sound to be æasurcd ls lncident rt an rngle ¡=coæ'ndcd by the n'l crophoræ ranufactr¡ær for fl attest frequcncy rresponsc in I frec ficld. (c) lþasureíËnt - Slor R¿ssonse (l) Readincs Tatm For sound fd cateEorlcs (lf), (iff) or (fv) of clausc' ¡ (l)(a), a niniøa of tiræc ob3ervatlons ritlr a ¡rlniuúl oösêrî.tlon tiæ of'15 s cactr shaÌí ¡c mde. T1æ obscned rverrgc rcedlng for cach of tlæ obsenations shall be rþt d rs ¡ell rs tlæ nlni¡rn and tfte na:im¡a of '$e range of sound levels durlng sach obscmtion g€riod.' If tt¡e diffcnncc Þebrccn roy ho obserttd average neadings ls ¡ater.tn¡n 3 dB, r ¡rinin¡o of six obscrvations shalì þc ndc. . For thc purposê of ¡dJr¡st¡rnts for lÉerûrit- !tcncy ttr€-duratlon of tJrc sormd fn ¡ny on! t¡o'ur ¡hall be ¡rotcd. (it) !e!!¡g:-&reg!4. llc arlth¡etic æ¡n of tåe obsert:d avÊr¿ge rcadlnç shall be reportcd, rcunded tD tjre nearest declùel. Adiust- ænts for lnter¡ittence and quallty of sóund slrall be nde ln accor{ancc ritlr Publication l{PC-104 - Sor¡rd Lcvel AdJusænts, and the rcsult shall bc æportd. The Ësul.t ls tlre one hourequivalent sound level (L*) of tln sould undcr study for rny qne hour period durinE vhlch thc rÊadings ¡erc t¿kcn PuBUant t0 ¡ubclaúsc (i). (1ii)¡llde Yarlatfon of Sormd t¡rels If, ln mklng observttions PuÉuant to sLùclausc (f ), dreæ is a difference of ære than 6 dB beù¡een tjp lorrst and high"st values of t¡c obseryÊd ranges of sound lcvels, tlris prccedurc shell not be æed ¡¡nìess thc lo¡rr lirlt of each such ranç is above tfic rari¡um permissfblc lcirel . Irsterd' tlre procedurr set q¡t in Scctlon ¡l - Prcc¿durc for lþasurc¡rnt of Vtrying Sound at a polnt of rcceptlon, sln'll be æcd. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 205 of 313 30 City of Toronto By-law No. l l I-2003 (f)IteasuraEût :.!Ípuìse ResDonsê - tÊaurît l@ulsrs fll RÊrdinos T¡lltri For sornd tn cltegory (i) of clausc 3 ('¡) (¡) mt lcss ttln 20 l¡Ðulscs shatl be æ¡sured rlthin ¡ @ntinuous p€t'iod of 20 minut¿s ¡nd cactr æ¡surrElìt þkcn sh¡ll Þ æportal. l{{l Extêrìslon of Tl¡e LtEË r ¡rinfarm of 20 lÐul¡es c.nnot be æqsured within ¡ coniln¡ous Þcriod of 20 rlnutcs Pursuant to subcl¡use (l) tàê t'læ pcriod ny be Htrndêd to 2 hour¡ lf ¡n i4ulsc occltlïld ln cadl of tåê for¡r consrcutf Yr pÊriods of fiv¡ !¡inutr3 cach during thc lnltl¡l 20 rin¡¡te Elasurê' lr!ìt perlod. lllllLcv¿l Rcoort¿d Tlæ Logaritffic lbrn t4ulsc Sound lrvcl (tttt) of tlte 20 or ær'e æ.¡urt¡slts ¡hått ba c¡lcul¡æd ând tÛ- Port d to thc ncrÊst dcclbcl. this þrr{tirnlc }lern tçulsc Sound Levcl ls ¡ vallrl rnd êffêctivÊ sound level for ttv one horn'pcriod rluring ràlch æadings ¡:æ úkcn Pur¡u.nt to subclrusês (f ) md (if )- tlersur.aËnt - t¡pulsc Rlspoßê - Slnqlc Errnt 'R¿¡df¡qs Takcn rnd Reporæd For lqul¡lw ¡ot¡nds in cÂtegory (i) af cl¡usc 3(l)(¿)' tt¡at occur ùs rfnglc, sceolngly lúePaldant rv6ts not noræÎly æasurrbl¿ ûsing tlre pmccdule sêt oüt fn cle¡¡se (tJ tor frtgucnt lûPulscs, c¡dr l4u1s¿ ¡hrll bc fndependcntly ¡casuæd ¡nd c¡dr lçulse ¡ou¡d tcvcl rÊported to tJË nrlltst &clbêI. Yrrlltf on ln'C¡l lh,ration llèasr¡rænts ¡h¡tl ¡o! Dc.rePortcd ff tþ sormd lcv¿l ætr c¡libr¡tlm has chuged ¡pæ ü¡¡n 0-5 ttB fron tj¡:' pævious cllib'ratlon. - lleathcr Cdldftlois ll) ttf¡d llelsuËænts sh¡ll not bc trþn rñlê3s th! *ind-induccd ¡o¿md ìcvrl ls mrc th¡n l0 dB belor the æasrrcd 'lcvpls' R€flEôc! should Þc Edê to Publieation lfc-102 - ¡nstn¡- rEnt¡tlon, prrtlcuìarly Trbìe 102-3- lii) HffiidltY tþrtur!ænts str¡'tl not be t¡kan lf the re]¡tlvc humidf ty i5 åbove thê nxiun for rtrich tl¡e æter sPccificat{on is . $Jarrntred by the Enufâctu¡'¡r (riorully 903). llll lPÉclottltlon lleåsúæænts shrll îot be t¡ken during prcclpltåtion' fivl lcn¡ocr¡ùrc lbr3ura!Ënts ih!'ll not bc t¡kcn rÛæn tlre ¡fr tãnPcrÛture ls outsldê tic ranç fo" Yñich tlÉ tPlcification of the instruGnt ls EoaranÞcd Þy the !.'lurtaçturer. (Norl8lly' only the loYrr tê4€ratl¡l.Ê li¡rit is significant.) (s) (h) (l ) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 206 of 313 31 CiW of Toronto Bylaw No. 111-2003 (5) Docuæntatlon The follor¡iag t.eprcscnts thc niniu¡r lnforntion rhich shall bc con- ain€d in r rcport of ¡n lnvestigatlon rhclt üre rbove procedurc vas çed. (Adaæcd fTom CSA. 2107.2-1973 llethods for, thc tGasu:rcnt' of Somd Pr.cssur= Lcvels. ) (a) Acoustic Envir¡n¡ænt (l) þcation rnd descript{on of sound'sourccs. (lf ) Diænsioned sk¿tch includlng ptrotoEraphs, if possib'le, of tåe. loc¡Ëion of tJ¡c sound source and tl¡e point of r:ceptfon, shorlng ell bulldinSr t¡res, gtrustrrËs rnd u¡y otìèr souú rcflccÈlve surfac¡s. (llf )Plyslcal tld toægr+hical deserlption of tie ground ' s¡rrfacc (lv).|{eteorological conditions pr.cvalling ¡t t¡e ti!Ë of tie lnvestig¡tion including approxiuate local rind spced ln'ln/h, rind direction, air teryeratr¡¡e ln 0C, appt:lætc rclatlve h¡qidity .nd exænt of cloud cover. (b) . lnstn+entatlon All the cqulpnt uscd for nkfng somd lcv¿l rneasuæGnts slull be llstcd, {ncluding: (f ) type, ædel end serial nlóer of ¡ound level æter;'(li) type, ædel ind serlal nrder of dcæphone; (iii)b/pe' ædcl and serl¡l nrdcr of Acoustic Calibrator; (tv) txtcnston cables ud ¡dditf'on¡l ¡¡pllfier, lf rscd. (c) Acor¡sticaì Oata 'The æasur.eæ¡rt details shall be êscrlbcd, including: (f ) tàe loc¡tion of tj¡e ricrtphone, .cfng r slatch lf ræessäryi (li) æasurænts or EedinEs'obtaincd, pr:fcrably listert f n t¡Þulrr fo'rr, rrfercncing location qì e ¡þtch or Dap, . tlæ pcriods fnvolved, rnd ælcvant data r.e$rirÊd for mklng calatlations¡ (lli)adjusUænts mdc for quaìlf of sourd or tntcn¡ittence; (iv) details of any calculations¡ (v) cooparlson rrith rpplic¿ble sormd level linits, standarts or ryidelf nes. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 207 of 313 32 City of Toronto ByJaw No. 111-2003 4. Prrc¿tlut'c for l€rsürÊrEnt of Varvíno Sôund(l) (¡) 9!.tÉ!Ís4!e!. for tlic Dnrgosls of ll¡is grccedurc.somds c¡n convcniently ôr'pl¡c.d ln four Eru¡lllj/ c¡clusfvc c¡telprlcs rs follors: (f ) fçulsive ¡otmds, oth.r UËn Qu¡si-St ådy tqul¡ivc Sortrlds, such rs, but not ltEttrd to, tlË ¡oond frûr gullshots, clrtain c:glosive pêst contl?l devices rnd. cÊrtaln industrirl Ëtå'l ïorking ogentlons (e.9. for¡fng, hanrnrlng, punchlng, stãÐlng. cuttlngr formlng rnd muldlng)¡ (ii) Qursl-Stcady lqulsivc Scx¡nds, sueh !s, but not li¡nited tq, ú{Ë ¡ol!ìd froo pàyeænt brc¡kcrs, riyrtiÍE guns I lncfltctfvely E¡fflad f¡tcrn¡l co,óustion cngims or trrcflcctivcly E fflêd rlr coqrcssors¡ (ífl)buzinE ¡ounds, sudr !s, but not linited to thc sound ñur posltlve displacænt blorer:. dr¡fn s¡xs. s¡¡all c¡¡ôustion rrtgtnes rnd @ncrrt! finislErs3 (lv) ¡ìl othêr ¡ound3. (b) Aoollc¡tion Thls PÉccdurt ¡pp'tfcs to ËrsuæGnts at r point of reccptioir of co¡rtinuo¡¡s or lntèr¡rittrnt sollld æ'ltloîed l'n category (il), (fli) or (iv) of clansc'(e). (2) Instnrent¡tlon (a) lntcoratlno Sound,Lcæl ]let¿r An lntcEnting Sormd Lcvel lbt¿r sluìl bê uscd'rlrich is ¡pÞroÞri¡tc for the so¡Dd to br æ¡suæd: (f ) Efttær r l¡'pc A or T¡rpc I tnæirating Sormd L¿vei tleter Ey bc used for tüe E¡srm¡oq¡t of ¡ou¡d ln catagory (ly) of cl¡rac 4(t)(a)¡ (if ) .A.Typc .A 'Intc¡rnting Sqrad Lêycl -lþt¿i .sÌ¡¡ìl be .rscd for tlæ æasur.:qrt of ¡or¡nd in crt gÞrics (ii) or (iÍt) of cl¡¡¡sc a(t)(r). (¡) Ell¡nto¡ A¡ ¡coust{c C¡llbrrþr ¡l¡all òc ¡¡scd. (c) Tlnrtscæcrt A yfurdscæcn ¡tull ic r¡scd ln rll outdoor lElsuæænts. (3) l{easurcænt Loc¡tíon (a) @-soum! For ¡ound transûitt€d solely througrh tir, the æasureænt locltict slull àe orre or E¡r of tlc follo*tng polnts of æception: (l) r loc¡tlon out-of-doons xlìeæ r Dcñson Ejr be ¿xposcd to the ¡ound¡ or (fi) t¡E plrne of ¡n ?xtcrior'door o¡ rindq'¡ of a rcon in rùlcft r pêrso¡ ty bê axposcd to Èlre gound, rhere the door or rlndor ls open. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 208 of 313 33 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 (4.l use of ¡nsü.læntåtion (al Blttlrv Cl!êct If tÅê ¡ntÊgñtlnó Somd Lcvel l{cicr 16ê5 ! b.tt!rt' thc condltloß of tiê òttt f,y ¡h¡ll Þ chêck d brfoæ ê¿ch Eåsr¡rtrstt. a¡td Ërsülæni sh¡]] not æGncr unlcss t'lrc ' battery hrs ¡ufflclcm llfG rcmltl{ng þ P.tlrit ProP.r oP!r¡- tioî lbr ¡ Period of,¡t 'lctst otìc hoür. lb) Ctllbtttlon 1Þ'lnægrrtlng Somd Lcvcl tGtcr ¡lrrll bc c!ìlÞratê.| Þfot€ tnd lttÊr .âcl¡ æasuttænt Dcrlod. (c) J@Ës@ggffl RÊflrctlvr Surfrces TlÉ ¡lsroghonc s¡nì¡ òa locr¿d not lêss tùln I ¡ lòovÊ t{rc ryorad' not lcss tà¡n I n fTm ¡ny sourd rê- fltctfvÊ surfac! êræpt for tË F¡t?oses of subclausc a(3Xt)(ff ) ¡nd rÞÈ lcss tlun rru's ìcngrth f¡'on tlte Èody of thc Dêl'3oll oPenting tlË æt!r. llqt ært tj¡an onr plfìsoo' otlrcr tlun thc oærrtor of thê Ftã. ¡hrll bc rlthl¡ 7 ¡ of ilr ¡lcroplon¿ ¡¡d th¡t Pêl'¡on rhrll b' Þhind ttË oPcntor'of thc !itêr- For tJæ c¡sc of ¡ú- cl¡¡¡sc ¿l(3X¡)(if) ttte Elsr¡Þlrone 3h¡ll b. fn tåe riddlc of t{Ë r9ã-Ut¡l locrtad noÈ lr$ fd¡¡n 15 c¡t ft@ ltÉ ú¡rdon fiæ or doorfi¡æ. ( f I I llicr¡ohonê fH€tttttf on Tte cieropl¡orc $rtt be orlc¡tt d ¡ucì th.t tlE 3ound 10. t æ¡s¡¡ltd $ frFidãtt lt ñ ]rglc ncoren&d þ tne ' ElcmPlrm E¡itrftct¡¡ttr for fl.ttlst fitquatlcy rêsponse ln l.fi=e flcìd. (dl Extrinêo¡¡s Sôr¡rols ' ItËn lElsurlng thc so¡nd frst I ¡ourc!' ltÌtlg!'atfon ¡hall fru tlæ to tlc'òG irùibtt d'by tùe oPsrator lGdlÀtely ¡rþn lûc ¡ccelvrd ¡oud l¡ døin¡tcd by ¡ound ftsD ¡ soÚrcÊ olùcr lÚr¡n thÊ sout'ÊÊ un&r st¡¡dy ¡nd lt ¡lull rccln lnhlbltcd rhílc ¡r¡ch ¡ cûnd{tlon Dcr=lsts lnd for rt:êrst l0 ¡econds ttrcrr¡ftrr. Uhllt lnt!tr?gton ls túlbltãt tcË'rlrPsêd ti¡Ë l¡sed to'calcul¡tr thê aquivÀlc!ìt ¡osnd lcvcl shåll tþt b' rllorc¡l to ¡csd¡lrtê. (r) l$¡e. If t¡! ¡ntcaÍltlng Suard Lèrel l{et¿r 13 not Pl'ovldcd rlti ¡n lntêruì clapscd-tlæ clock. làc o9crttor 3hàll rcqs¡¡¡tê thc cl¡Èed tlæ durlng tñr æ.3uttæ¡t Pctlort by æans of r stoÈÍatch or otlËr tiæ Elsur{ng &vlcl. lf) . Rêrdlnos liÌ Stât{onrrv Soutr' tltËn ærsuring tlp ¡q¡nd fFofi r tt¡tionaE ¡or¡rcer ælsurt!:ìts to ba u3êd fn crlculrting lt¡u'lÙ ¡h'll be tåktn durlng r contlnuo¡¡¡ Dcrlod not ln cxcc¡s of qtc ho¡r and, for gnloscs of crlcul¡tlon üd tlporttng of Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 209 of 313 34 City of Toronto By-law No. I I l-2003 (s) (h) rÊ3ults, tlrc lccuùlrtad eìrpcd tflt of ¡EåsuFlrEnt ås obtalncd ln lccordtnc! rlth cllssê (d) fr drüEd to be one hour if thc accrri¡lrtêd tlÉ ls 20 Eínutês or mrr. l{eùsuæænts contålnlng lnforation fr!î rn rcq¡u¡'latcd tlæ perlod of lcs¡ lñrn 20 F¡nutÊs !É lnrufflcirnt flr pu?oscs of crlculrtfng t¡rê cqúlyrllnt ¡oun¡t lcveì (L*) ot r ¡tltiomrl ¡ourcÊ. (ll) Ro¡d Tnfffc lloisc Sourcrs tahcn ærsuring ttrc ¡or¡rd ùur r¡¡d tr¡lÈfic the rccurul¡tèd clrpscd tlc obtllnd ln ¡ccort¡ncc xlth cìruse (d) ¡h¡ll noÈ be l¿ss tårn ùrent, ¡lnuæ¡ ¡nd the ¡ct¡¡¡l rcqn¡ì¡ted c]!ps!d tlæ of ¡ersurrænt shrll be r¡scd for pur?oscs of calculation. AdJusùænts á4iusær¡ts for qua'llty of 3ol'ld 3hall ùe'rade ln rccordrnce rlth Publlcrtlon IFC-'lof -.Sound Lrvcl A¡ljusænts ñd thê r-sult rcportad. flo ¡djusænt ¡h¡ll !e nde for intlnnlttrnce. Yrrfltloî fn Clltbntlon A ærsuttclt ¡hall Dot !c æponcd lf lJr Integrrtlng Sound Level åetcr i¿llbrrtlor ¡fter thc æ¡surc¡cnt period ls ærc tàrn 0.5 rl8 rllffcrcnt frÞn tùåt bcforc tln Ersr¡æEnt æ¡rccd. Lêaüìêr. Corditions (f) ïrnil llersu'trËnts slull Dot ôê Eê ml!33 tlË rind-induccd ¡ormd lcvcl fs ælr Itlln l0 dB bc'lor the ¡Eâsurrd ìevels. Refaænc¿ ¡lnuld bc Ede to Pr¡bllc¡tlon nPc-102-InstnnEntà- tion ¡rú parùlculæly T¡blc.102-3. (lf ). Hr¡¡idlty Itast¡r.crËnts ¡lr¡lì not tê t¡þn ff ftìe rclrtive huridity ls tbovc thê Exlù¡D for rt¡lch tùê.æter sÉêelficrtion ls gnranntcca by thc ranufrctrncr (ær¡lly 9ü). (rfi).EeÞ!ÊÊ!s¡. l{êasutwrts shrll not òê trþn during pæcipftôtlon. (iv) IæcE Íeúutænts sùall rpt Þ taþn ¡ùên tha air t!úæraù¡r! ls oútsi.lc tìh€ r.¡g€ for rùlch th. ¡prclflcrtJon of tàe fnstnEnt is guarrntecd by thc nnufacturcr. (ltoraatry, only tlre ìorer tcopcraù¡rc lioit ls ¡fgníficant ) Re¡dfnos ReDoÉld (f) For somd froû a ¡tåtfonaty sol¡¡ca. the v¡luc to bc ttportrd brscd on ælsurcænts Dé aü¡Îlng tlìc rcqE¡l.æd Glrpr?d tlæ of æ rlnstts or ¡o¡c ¡nd the tlË pcriod for calculrtion rùló l¡ oDe hour ls, aftcr ¡dJr¡stÈnt ln ¡c¡¡rdance rltfi cl¡¡se (l)' urc oin hor,¡r cqulya'lcnt ¡ound level (L*) of tie'saund llldcr study for rry otæ hour pcrlod ú¡r{ng rhtch æ.suËltnÈ Hrl¡e t¡ken putsu.nt to subclruse 4(4)(f)(l). (i ) (i) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 210 of 313 35 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 (s) .(fl) For ¡o¡¡rd ftla'rctd tr¡fficr tàe vduc to be rcporÈd b¡scd on lErsurænts nadc durlng thc rcc¡'d¡- lrtcd clapscd tiæ of 20 ninutcs or Dr¡e ud the tiæ ærfod for crlculaÈlon rhlch ls thc rctual !ÊsuÈl- ìrtrd tlapscd tlæ' ls tlrc crc hour cqulvalcnt ¡ound lcvcl (t *) ot tltc sourd unêr ttut for rny oæ l¡our ærlod durlng rùldt m¡sutucnÈ ¡cæ trkcn pur:uant t3 ¡rôcl¡lsr' 4(4)(f)(rl). (frl)rùc oæ tpur cqulvalcnt ¡ou¡ú tevcl (t*) lnrrt m 'rcPortÊd to tàc Ëræst d€sfbcl. lbeæntâtion Ttre follærlng ¡Êp¡Êsents thc ¡inln¡r lnformtlon rhich stnll b€ conttlæd ln a æport of rn lnvcstlgtion ntcrr ltrc ¡bove p'roccdurt ras usrd' (A¡taPt d fr¡o CSA ZfO7.2-1973 lGt¡þds for ür lþ¡suæ¡çnt of Sound Prts¡r¡tt teYel¡. ) (a) Acoustlc E¡viænEmt (i) Locttlon rnd descriptton of gomd ¡ources' (tl) A flst of thc types of e¡<tr¡¡reous ¡¡oi¡c ¡ources ¡lrich c¡uscd inttgration to Þ inhlbitcd during ætsu¡roanL (ill)Dlcruioncd skctch lneluding Photograths, {f possible' of dtc loc¡tion of the so¡od lou'cÊ üd.tjË Point of æccption' shorlng rll bulldings' ttlts' stn¡ct¡trcs end rny otlrcr so¡lltl tlflcctlve surf¡e¿s- (iv) Ptualc¡l ¡i¡ø toægnphical descriPtion of tlæ ground surfacc' (v) tletlotltogtcal condiülons prevalllng ¡t the tlæ of tle inyestigrtlo¡rtrrcludingÞpl.orl¡ntelocaìrtr¡dsPcedlnln/h' rind dlrcctton' rlr trûgcnt¡¡lt fn gC, ¡pPt¡xlÉt¿ rclative . hlEidlu ütd Gxtcttt of cloud covcr. lb) InstñGrtåtlon A}tt¡cGqulæntuscdfornklngsorndlcvellæasur.eæntsshall be listcd. includfng: (f) tü?e, Þdcl e¡d ¡cri¡l n¡¡ôcr of ¡Íttgrtting Sound Lcvel lletcri (if ) tlDtr ¡od¿l ¡¡d ¡erirl nrder of qtcr¡Phom; (iil)tyPe' ædel u¡d ¡crl¡l ¡rd¿r of Aæt¡sËlc C¡'ltbrator; (lv) cxtcnsion cablcs ¡¡rd rrlditional ¡çllficr' ff us:d' (c) Acoustical Data Tþ æasutænt det¿tls strall þ dÊssribêd' lncluding: (i) tlË loc¡tion of dæ ¡tcrtphoner ¡¡siag a sketdl tf îÊcÊss!Ìr3 (if ) thê contin¡¡ot¡s tiæ Deriod of obscwltion; (iif )the ¡ccrø¡latad elapsed tlæ of ltasu¡ÊËnt follodng tÍre procedurt of cì¡usÊs 4(4)(d) and (e): Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 211 of 313 36 City of Toronto ByJaw No. 1l l-2003 (iv) t'le Intcarating Sound Lcvel ltetcr E¡ding or outPut .nd rny.othcr rrlcvrnt oita rrqulrcd for calculatlons¡ '(v) rdjustmnts mdc for quallty of s.ound; (vi) deulls of ¡ll celculatlons¡ (vii)tjr¿ cquivalcnt ¡ound lcvcl¡ obt¡lncd' Prcferdbly listed in labul¡r forn, refercnclng locaÈlon .on 3 sketch or ßpi (vlii)co¡paiision rltlr æptic¡bl: somd Icvel ll¡¡lts' standards or guidcllncs. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 212 of 313 of Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 5. ProcÊduæ for lbr¡ur.:¡çnt of Sound ¡nd Vlbr¡tion @!¡¡!l¡g-9es¡¡!lons (l) Appllcation This proccdur= rpplics to t¡e æesu!Ënt of sound (concussion) ¡nd vlöratlon dæ to bìastlng opcrations. (2) Sound (a) J¡:@9qg!.eg (i ) lGasurinq Dcvlcc A Pc¡k PÊssurc Level Detector slall be uscd. (rr) g!.!!Egr An Acoustlc Callbrator slall bc used. (iii)utn¿æ. A rlndscrccn sha]l be used lñ all outdoor æasurcûtnts- fb) lþrsurrnent Location Tlç æa¡urætt locatloh sh¡lt bc tt a Polnt of recePtion out-of-doors r¡ithin 7 n of r bullding: (c) Use of lnstnæntation . (i) Battrrv C¡Eck If tCre.æ¡sqrlng devlce'ls battÊrï Porercd' tjte con- ditlon of t¡e baËtery shall te óeekcd ¡ftcr tÞ d+ vicc has becn rllo¡td to rdr¡ uP end staÞilizc rnd alter c¡dt æ¡suæíËnt ¡qs been ¡¡F. Ïlæ device shall not Þe used unìcss tJre battery condìtion ls con- flræd to Þ rithin the ranç ncoænded by the Enufacù¡rcr for ptopcr opcratlon. (rr) !g!l!EËe!, The æasurlng Gvice shall be c¿llbraed ¡ftcr lt ' lras bear rlìa¡ed to rart up rr¡d st¡blllzs rnd rftcr cach æasursænt h¡s becn Edê. (ril)!E!:rëË¡g' TIE æasuring devicc stull be sct to rcad tltc peak PFessurÊ lcvel using ìlncar ËsPonse ud ¡ 'ltold' facility, lf avallaDle. (d) Instru¡:nt Confíquration (f ) Reflêctivr Surfaces Ttc uicrophoræ strall !e locatcd not lcss tåan 'l' n above tå¿ lnpund, not lcss tlan I a fi'orn any sound r:flcstive surfacc and not less th¡n rm's lcngrÈh fltt't¡t body of tlÞ person operattng the derice. ilot ærr than onc Person, otlcr th¿n the oPtrator of the ætcr, ¡ha'lì be rlthin 7 ¡r of tjle ulcrophone rill that pcrson shalt be ò€htnd the oPerator of tlte æter. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 213 of 313 38 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 (3) (ll ) Hlcr¡ohonê oriêntrtion llc nlcroptpnc shrll be orlcntcd sudì C¡¡at tlp con- 'cUsslon satc to bc rPrsuÌtd ls incldcnt at !n ¡nElê reco¡endcd by tht FlctlDhonê Enufrcturcr for flsttest frceræncy ¡esponse in a fi.ec field. (r) Rcadinqs fi) Peak Pr.cssure Level thc vrlue of pe¡k pFrssuFê lcYel æportcd shall be grlven to t{le mræEt dcclbcl. (lí) Uarlatlon in C¡llbration A æ.rur.ært sh¡ll not be æponad lf the æter al'ibratiqî lftêr thc æisunænt i3 Þtt Ùr¿n 0.5 rß ¡fiffcrcnt fron th¿t òefoæ fltc E!sutrÊ!!nt. { li i lBâttêFY D.t¿rior¡tl on A æesurænt sÞ'll tot bc ¡rporÈcd lf tfte battêrlt co¡últlon ¡f'tcr tl¡e æasurænt l¡ not ¡t'lthin the rrngq ¡ÊcoûrËnderl by tcË ¡üufact¡¡rcr for prcper opcrrtlon. lf) llcather Coflditloís (r) Hind t{eàsúretEnts ¡loll not Dc rcportad rnìass the vlnd- i¡duccd sormd prcssure lcveì i¡ Dtt tÞn l0 dB bllor tìe æ¡3urtd pcat prcssurr lcvcl. Refer- ãcG 3lþuld tc n¿e ü P¡ôIlcttion l¡PG-lOZ - tnst¡u- --¡cntation. (ri) H'giditv. tleasuraÈnts ¡t¡¡ll not be takcn lf lic rcletlvc hutidity ls abovt ttre ¡axi¡¡¡¡t for rhfch tÞ EtÊr specificrtion .ls g¡arrntccd by t¡e Enûftctl¡ær (¡rr@'lly 90t). (rrllElslgEEts lle¡¡uriæ¡ts ¡hall not bc t¡kc¡ tlgrinE DrcclPitation- llvl l:æcratr¡rr ttåsutænt5 shål'l not bê trkt¡ úcn thc rlr trnpera- ' tr¡tt ls ouÈside thc.ranç fot rtrich tlre æt¿r sPecffi- c¡tion is g¡¡arantêcd by tlt onufaqÞntr. (tlormlly mly t{tc 1o¡êr ttnPGraü¡æ tlúlt t¡ sigrific¡nt.) @ f r) lnstrræntåtion (l) lþasurino Devicc A YlÞratlon Uelocity ¡letcctor ¡lr.l1 be usêd. (tt)@. An clectrical rtfetuce sigal of knfü voltlge rnd fæqucttcy sh¡ll Þ uscd ln tjt¡'ffcld for call- bration of tl¡c Vlbratlon Yeloclty Detector crcludìng tlrê tr¡nsducêr. A refcrcnce vlbr¡tlon sourcr shall bc uscd for laboratory c¡lfbr¡tion of thê colPlêtt fibrrÈion l€ìocity Detæþr. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 214 of 313 39 CiW of Toronto By-law No. I 1 1-2003 (b) t'lelsurËEnt Locrtlon Yibrttion æasurrær¡ts snall'bc Éde tt r point of rrccp- tlon insfde r ùuilding òelor gtrde or lcss täan I n above gnrde, prcfeilòly on a bascsrt floor close to an outsf de colllrr. (c) !E¡f-I¡:@E!-s.(l) Þtærv Cnccr If thc æasurlng dcvlcc ls b¡ttary Pffiæd, tåc Êon: dftlon of tl¡e Þattcry ¡h¡l'l be ctæckcd rfter tlæ devlce has bem,rlloned to y¡r'D up md sa5ltlze ¡nd rfùer cach.æasurrænt has.ùccn nde. Tlc devlcc shÀìl noÈ Dc lscd mlcss tñc b¡tt ry confition ls confin¡d to Þe rlü¡in dn rutç ËcmËnded Þy the rnufactuær for proper operatlon. (rr) !g!lE!.eq Ficld crllbrrtlon slall bc carrlcd out Þcforc ¡ltd rftÊr c¡ch æasnrsrt. t-rôonto¡a c¡llbr¡tion of tlË cooplcte Yibratlon Yelocity Detector rs usrd ln ürc ficld, lncluding the transduolr, shall bÊ crrr¡cd o¡rt not ìess tlran once pcr calcndar JGtr rnd tJte rcsuìts'cÊrtifiêd. (d) I¡rstn¡:nt Confiql''atlon (l) þuntfnq The trusduccr stnll be'rffi:cd to e part sf thê 3tructur so rs to pFÊvent Dvlcr¡t of tln transducêr r.el¡tlve to the stn¡sù¡rr.. Tlre pt-fcrred sùr¡stural clcsrt is t{re baseænt floor ls lndicattd fn clrusc (b). (ti)@ If tlrcc ttctor cotrponerrÈs qf vibratlon rr'tociqr rr: æcordcd fndlvidualìy, lt ls prcferablc to orlcnt tle trrnsducaæ such lrnt tâe rûrrc rrcs of æasu¡lrnent are (a) wtl¡.¡t, (b) rediat (elor¡g ¡ horizontal tine Jolning ttrê ìocltfon of ljrc bllst to drc loe¿tion of ærsurrstt) rnd, (c) trarsverse (along a horfzontal linc rt right angìes to tttc linc Joining the location of ttre bhst to t¡ê locatloa gf æaswtæît). (e) Readlnqs(t)@ The peak particle veloctty fn c¡ls stulì be rcPottcd. (tt)@ A çasurroeot shall not bc r:Fo¡*cd tf c¿llbr¡tion tftcr thc oiasuæærrt is rcr¡a thü 5f diffcrcflt fr¡u ttat Þfo¡e the æasutænt. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 215 of 313 40 Cityof Toronto ByJawNo. llI-2003 tirilE!@  桡uæænt sh¡ll not De reported lf the b¡ttêtT condltlon lfter the ærsuæænt is ¡ot rithln the range rÈeonn:nded by tlre nnufrcturcr fbr prcpcr oPcr¡tlon. (¿) &s@sg the follorlng re¡.esrnts tlre niniu¡r lnforntlon rhich ¡h¡lì be conaf ned in a r:port of m lmcstlgntlon úeæ tlË rbovc proccdurc ns used. (¡ì Dcscriotion of Aæa (i) location rtd êscrtPtlon of the blrstlng opcntlon' (il) lliqrsioned skctch including plþtogrrPhs' lf poislble. ' of t¡e locrtion of tt¡ê bllsting opcratlon' the naàttst pruises rnd tlre ¡Ëlslr¡loent loc¡tlon. (iii)D$criptfon of tÜ¡e Drqu¡æît loc¡tlon. (iv) Plrysical ¡nd toPogr4ñicaì ¡lcscrlPtion of ttte gloørd surface.' (v) þtlorologlctl condftlons ¡t t'hc tiæ of tlre fnvestl- gatlon, tncludlng ¡PPtlrintc rln( spccd ln h/h' rind ditlction, afr tcrperaù¡rr in degrrces celslts' rpp,rrrfmé rtletive huíridlty. rlegrtc of cloud cover rnd rtretter, or not r cönditlm of tlæraì invcr:ion prcvailcd. . (b)¡@. Atl tåÊ lquipætlt r¡sed for mklng round lnd vlbr¡tion !Ëåsurænts ¡halt bê. listeà,'f ncluding: (l) trpê' ædcl and ¡erlal nrder of Peak Pns¡ur: Lcvel Detcqtor; (tl) tJtpê, Fdel üd ¡erial n¡d¿r of uic¡¡Phone¡ (lil)tyPêr ætlcì rnd ¡erial nr¡úer of Acoustlc C¡librator; (iv) rlndsen¡n; (v) cxtcnslon ca.blcs r¡rd rdditional rqlifiers' lf used; (vl) tltpe' ædcl rnd ¡¿rl¡l nr¡ôcr of vlbratfon Velosity Detêctor¡ (vii)turc, Ddtl ¡nd :cdät nuòer of transduc¿rs' (vlll) tJTe' odel ¡nd scrirl n¡óer of vlbration calibrator' fcl Sot¡nd rnd Ylbratlon fÞta Tle æ¡surrocnt de¿Èlls sh¡lt bc descrlÞd' fncluding: (f ) drc locatlon drer- æa¡urtænts nÉ't¡k¡n, the tiæ pcrtod involved ¡nd ttre orlantltlon of lnstñæntation rslng a ¡ketch' if necessarìr¡ (ii) details of all c¿lcula-tionsi (i{f)ütc pealt Prassurc lcrel in dB ¡nd/or pcrk particlc velocltY in etVs¡ (lv) coqarl¡on vitlr applicrülc Dêek ftssuæ lfnlts md/or peak Particle. velocltY llnlts. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 216 of 313 4t City of Toronto By-law No. 11I-2003 5. Erterlor Souncf Lcv¡l l{êasurc!Ênt Prcccd¡¡rc For Pmrad llobllc Construction Equlpænt - SAE J88a SAE ,¡88¡ Rccæ¡ded Praetlcc ls rdoptcd þy tJtc ttinlstry víû ttc folloring chanç: lllære AI{SI T¡Ac I sound lcvcl æter spcclffc¿tlon ls.rgfcrred to, rr,frrrrcê stall be nde instead to Ptóllcrtioî ¡EC-179 (.1973) for Prtcision souú level Etrt:. (Êcneral Pu4ose Sounrt Lcvtì tletcr) 7. HEI{AC lcst C¡rlc För:.ttrc l4e¡surænt of Sound Frcu P¡cumtlc Equlætt ïl€ l{ÐlAc Tcst Còde ior ¡tr tErsurrsrt 0f Sourd F¡oo Pnc@tic Equip¡Ëot i¡ rdoptcd by tlre ltintstty rlü tùe follwlng rüitional r.equinænt: For ærssæænt of pcranssiw nchlæs tlre sornd levcl ætcr ¡sed ¡l¡ll nct the specificetio¡u of IEC Publications 179 rnd l79A (1973). (lupulse Sormd Level tGter) 8. Extcrior Somd Lcvcl lþasøtri.nt Pr.occduæ For Sell Enqlne PoÍlred Equtpcnt - SAE J 1046 SAE J lft46 - R¡comended PracÊice, ls tdopæd by tlte iltnjstra *ith üe follonlng clanges:. (t) thcre AllSI T¡pc l.sound lcvcl æt¡r specificrtion is rsfemcd to, rcfcrtncc shalì be rÊde instetd to IEC P¡¡blications 179 . ¡nd 179 (1973). (I¡pul¡c Sq¡É lwcì llstcr) (2) Rcplrce clu¡sc 3.1.1 rlth t¡¡c follaing: the siniu¡¡ distslons of u¡e æa¡rrcstt zone ltt defincd. l¡ ? path of trr'ycl 1.2 ¡ rids by 14 n long plrrs u ¡dJaccnt rrua lnvlng tlc Þ¡se rlong tfic cdæ of ItE path of tnvÊl rnd ttre rpex'7 n frÐ the EidPoint of tl¡e base. (3) Rcpìrce Fig. 'l rith Fig. 103-l' lær'eof.'(a) 'ln Scctlon 3.3 lþ¡surrqtts, rll re'fcrc¡¡ccs to 25 ft. shall bc clunged to 7 ¡. 9. Proccduæ for llc¡surcrant of the l4¡¡iq¡n E¡ct¿rlor Somd Level of Strtlonrrr În¡cks vlür 6ov¿¡¡cd Dlescl Enqincs-CSA 2107.22'lfl9Z (1) CSA n07.2-11¡97? st¡îd¿rd ls tdoPÈd Þt t¡e llinfstry rith tfæ folìo*lng chanç: A €cncr¡l PurTose Sound Lctll lletcr sh¡ll be used. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 217 of 313 42 City of Toronto By-law No. I I l-2003 4¡@!CN¡ På:E R R = 30 D MD{D¡}I SAUtf¡S¡æ. ts EIA 550/Þ?{4U ESr StE CDIG:¡GE¡RDEICN loR EETERÞR æCriD fEfrEL lcAsElEltÎ ErG. ¡Olr Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 218 of 313 43 City of Toronto By-law No. I I 1-2003 TASLE 104-I AdJusænt for Intcn¡ittancc û¡ration of Soud tn flnc lbur (fiinütês)AdJusüÉnt 40-60 æ-æ t0-19 5- 9 3- 4 ¡- 2 lcss tl¡an I 0 3 6 9 12 t5 n ¡ Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 219 of 313 44 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 Publicatfon llPC-lOt Sou¡d Lcvcl Adiusænts l. Scooe This Publication r=fcru to tÌÉ tdjusÙænt of ¡ ¡ormd l:vel' obtlined fotìorinE thc ptlccduæs set out in citl¡cr scction 3 'or 4 bf tPC-103 - Pr¡ccdures. 2. I@¡s Ttæ technical tÊms used fn thls ?rôlication are defincd in Pubìtc¡- tion ilPC-lOl - Tcclwrical Definltions. 3. lnterûittcnce tî r sor¡rd is iræñûittéît, the follo¡ring adissænt shall Þ sub- tracted froo the observed vrluc: MJusænt - 't0 lo9.,O + Hlrere x ls tjre fraction of rn hour for *ùich tlìe sound perslsts- ' Such sourd lewl rdiusærts rrc approxioatgd in T¡ble 104-l . 4. Adjustænt for Speclal Qualltv of Sound (t) Iæll!¿If a sound has a pronounccd ¡udlb'l¡ tonal qualtty such as a rhi¡rc, scrrech, bua, or hrm ttcn ttre observcd valr¡e shall Þe increased bY 5. (2) 9¡slls-le¡lEllsns If ¡ ¡ou¡d has an ludfble cJrclie v¡riation ln ¡ound ìcvel such rs Þeatlng or otlrer ùtplitudc rcduìEÈion tlen the observed val¡æ shall ùe inc¡'c¡sed by 5. (¡)@ If a sound is Quasi-St¿ady l¡Pulsive Sound then tjre'obsened value slrall ùe incrcased bY 10. (4) Ong Adjusbnt Onlv An ¡djust¡Ent ¡ay ùe oade ùrdcr mc only of subsÊctions (l)' (2) rnd (3), provldÍng t¡¡t, lf ¡lôscction (3) lpPlics' it shall be .used in P,æferrnce to subsection (l) or s¡ôsection (2). Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 220 of 313 SOUND LEVEL LIMITS FOR STATIONARY SOURCES IN GLASS I &2AREAS (URBAN) PUBLICATION NPC-205 ocToBER 1995 @ ontario Ministry of the Environment Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 221 of 313 46 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 Cette publication technique n'est disponible qu'en angla¡s. Gopyright: Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1995 This publication may be reproduced for non- com mercial purposes with appropriate attribution. tsBN 0-77784922-4 PIBS 340ôE Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 222 of 313 47 City of Toronto ByJaw No. 111-2003 @Ontario MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Sound Level Limlts for Stationary Sources in Glass 1 &2 Areas (Urban) Publication NPG-205 October 1995 This Pubttcation estabtishes s)nd tevd timits Íor slationaty souræs suú as industríal and commetcial esúrö/blmenls or anciltary hanspñatlon facilitlæ, affecting pcints ú rcæplion in Class I end 2 A¡eas (Uñan). lt replaæs Publiælion NPGloí'Sbt¡onary &wæs' of the "Model Municìpal Noise Øntrcl By-l-aw, Fitpl Report, August 1978'. TABLE OF COIITENTS l. scoPE ... - 1 - 2. REFERENCES .... -2- 3. TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS ........ -2- 4. ESTABLISHMENTOFLIMITS-OBJECTIVE ......... -3. 5. BACKGROUNDSOUNDLEVELS ....3- 6. SOUN uRcES. ........-3-lll Sources :........ -3-lzt ......... -3' 7. PROCEDURES ... -4- 8. SOUNDLEVELLIMITS-GENERAL .........4. 9. SOUNDLEVELLIMITS.SPECIFICIMPULSIVESOUNDS ... ......... .4. 10. SOUND LEVEL UMITS - PEST CONTROL DEVICES . . . . , . , . . .4 - 11. PROHIBTÏON-PESTCONTROLDEVICES ......... -5- 12. PRE-EMPT|ON ....-5- 13. EXCLUSTON ......-5- A.I. GENERAL ..... -41. ß\2- APPLICATION ..'Al- A.3. STATTONARYSOURCES ....... -41-(l) lncluded Sot¡rces -A l -l2t ExcludedSor¡roes ....... -A2- A.4. PREDICTABLEWORSTCASEIMPACT ....A-2- À5. DEFINIT|ONS ... -A3- SCOPE This Publicatim establishes sound level limits for stationary sources sucå es induslrlal and commerdal estab The li 14ú of sound in cornpliance wlth Section 9 of the Envirormental Prctection Act, and under ttp povisions of the Aggregate Resources Acl and the Envirormental Assessment Ad. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 223 of 313 48 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 @Ontario MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT This Publication does not address sound and vibration produced by blasting: blasting in quâríes and surfacê mines ls considered in Reference m. The Publication includes an Annex, which provides additional details, delinitiøs and rationale forthe sound level limits. 2, REFERENCES Reference is made to the following ¡tblications: f1] NPGl0l -Technlcal Definitions 14 NPC102 - lnstrumentation t3l NPC103 - Prccedures l4l NPGIO4 - Sound Level Adjustments t61 NPG2O6 - Sound Levels due to Road Traffic m NPGí19 - Blasting l8l NPC2I6 - Res¡dential Air Conditloning D€v¡ces t9] NPC232 - Sound Lanel Límlts for Stationary Sources in qass 3 Areas (Rural) t10l NPG23ÍI - lnformalion to bo Subm¡tted for Appro¿al of Statíonary Sources of Sourd 114 ORNAMENT, Ontario Road No'se fuialysis lvlelhod for Env¡ronment and Transportation, T€chnical Docr¡ment, Ontario M¡nistry of the Envlronment, ISBN 0-77296376, 1989 References [1] to [4] and fll can be falrd in the Model Municiæl Noise Control By-Larr, Ontario Ministryof the Eruircnmenl, Final Repod, August 1978. 3. TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS "Ambient sound levd" mears Background sound level. "Backgrotnd sottnd þvel'- 3s the sound levd that is present in the ervlronment Foduced by noise sourcas other than the source under impacl assessrnent Highly intr¡dve drort duration ncise caused by a source sucñ as an aircraft fly+ver or a bain passôy is excluded from the detennination of the background sound letrel. "Class 1 Area' mear6 an eroa s,lth an acoustical envi¡onment þicd of a major population centre, where lhe bac*gro.rnd nolse ls dominated by the urban hum. Publicatlon NPC-205 October 1995 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 224 of 313 49 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 @Ontario 1. 5. 6. MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT "Class 2 Area" means an area with an acoustical environment lhat has SJal¡t¡es repres€ntaÜve of both Class 1 and Oass 3 Areas, and ín wtlich a low amb¡ent sound level, normally occuring only bet\¡veen ?3:00 and 07:00 hours in Class f Areas, will typically be realized as early as 19:00 hours. Other characte¡istics wh¡ch may indicate the pres€noe of a Class 2 Area include: o absence of u¡òan hum between 19:00 and æ;00 hours:o evening backgroundsound level defined bynatural env¡ronmentand infrequenthumanactivity: and. no clearly aud¡ble sound fionr Sationary s(xrces olher thân from thoae under impact ass6sment. 'Class 3 Area' means a rural ar€a with an acoustical envlronment lhat is dominated by nafural sounds having little or no rcad faffic, such as the following: . a emall community with less than 1fiþ pog¡lation;. agricuhu¡al area;. a rural recreational area such as a cottage or a resort area; or. e wildemess area. Other technical terms are dellned in Reference [1] and in the fuurex to Publication NPG205. ESTABLISHMENT OF LIMITS . OBJECTIVE The sound level limit at a point of reception must be established based on the p¡irrcíple of 'predictable worst case' noisa impacl. ln general, ttre limit is given by the background sound level at the point of receptlon. The sor¡nd level limit must represent the minimum background sound level that occurs or is likely to occurduring tfn operation of the stationary source under impact assessment. BACKGROUND SOUND LEVELS The time lnterval betuæen the backgurnd sound Þvel measurement end the mea$rement of lhe gound level prodrJced by the stationary source under impect essessmênt slrot¡ld be mlnlmized as much es poss¡ble. Preferably, the two meas¡æmentrs stþuld be canied out within one hour of each olher' SOUND LEI'ELS DUE TO STATIONARY SOURCES (f ) Complalnt lny€stlgatlon of Statlonary Sourcê3 The One Hour Equivalent Sound Level (Ç) and/or ttre Logadthmic Mean lmpulse Sond Level (l*r) produced by the lationary sources shall bè obtalned by measur€ment performed in accordance with Section 7. background sound level of lhe natural environment is at a maximum. t2t Publlcatlon NPG205 October 1995 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 225 of 313 50 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 @ Ontario 7. MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT PROCEDURES All sound lerrel meas¡rements and calculatlons shall be made in accordance with References [3], [6lan<t tf 2]. Sound from exl$ing adjacent lelionary sources may be included in the determination of the background One Hour Equivalent Sound Level (k) ¡f such stationary sources of sound are not under consideration for noise abatemént by the Munlclpality or the Ministry of Envircnmenl and Energy. SOUND LA'EL UMIIS. GENERAL (1) For impulsive sound, other than Quasl-Steady lmpulsive Sound, from a stataonary source, lhe sound level limit expressed in terms of the Logarithmic Mean lmpulse Sornd Level (l*,r) isthe background One Hour Equivalent Sound Level (1.") tyøcally caused by road traffic as obtained puæuant to Sect¡m 6 for that ¡Ínt of reception. (2) For sound from a stationary source, induding QuaslSteady lmpulsive Sound but not irìcluding other impulsive sound, the so¡nd level limit expressed ln terms dthe One HourEquivalent Sound Level (ç) is the background One Hour Equivalent Sound Level (Ç) typically caused by rcad faffìc as obtained Wrsuant to Section 6 for that pcint of receplion. SOUND LEVEL UMITS. SPECIFIC IMPULSIVE SOUNDS (1) For impuldve sound, other tñan Quasi€teady lmpulsive Sound, fiom a statiørary source which is an induslrial metal uorking operation (indr.lding but not limited to foqing, hammering, puncfi¡ng, stamping, cutting, forming and moulding), the sourd level limit at a point of reception expressed in terms of lhe Logariürmic Mean lmpulse Sound Level (l*r) is 60 dBAl, if the lationary source u,ere operaling before January 1, 1980, and othenvise ls 50 dBAl. (21 For imgrls¡ve 6ound, other than Quasi-Steady lmgrlsive Sound, from a stationary sou¡ce ufiich is the discharge of firearms on the premlses of a licensed gun dub, the sound lêvel l¡mit at a point of reception expæssed ¡n t€rms of the Logarithmic Mean lmpulse Sound Level (l*r,) is: c 7O dBAl lf th€ gun club u,ere operating before January 1, 1980; o¡. 50 dBAl if the gun club began to operate after January 1, 1980; or. th€ [ü prior to expansion, alteration or cotwersion. (3) For impulsive sound, other than Quasl€teady lmpulsive Sound, from a stationary source which is not a Has{ing operation ln a surface mine or quarry, dnrac{erized by impulses wtrich are so lnfrequent lhat they cannot rrcrmalty be measured usirB the prccedure for freqænt impulses of Reference [3] the sound level l¡mit et a polnt of recept¡on expressed in terms of the lmpulse sound l€vel ¡s 100 dBAl, SOUNO LEVEL LIMITS. PEST CONTROL DEVICES (1) For impulsive sound, other than Quasi€teady lmpulslve Sound, from a pest conùol device emfloyed solely to protect growing crops, the sound lwd limit at a point of r€cept¡on expressed in terms of the Logadthmic Mean lmpulse Sound Lwel (1.,s) is 70 dBAl. (2) Forsor¡nd, lrcluding Quasi-Stea{ lmpulsive Sound but not lncluding otler impulsive sound, from a pest contol devica employed solely to protect growing crcps, the sound level l¡mit at a ¡Ínt of reception expressed in tems of the One Hour Equivalent Sot¡nd Level (l..") is 60 dBA. Publ¡cat¡on NPC-205 October 1995 10. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 226 of 313 51 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 @ Ontario MINISTRY OF THE EI'IVIRONMENT 1.I. PROI{IB¡TION. PESÎ CONTROL DEVICES Tho operation of a pêst confol device employed solely to proteci growing crops outdoors during the hours of darkness, sunset to sunrise, is prohiþited. 12. PRE.EMPTION The least restrictive sound level limit of Sections 8, 9 and 10 applies- 13. EXCLUSION No restictions apfly b e stationary soufce resuldng ln a one Ho.rr Equ rithmic Mean lmpulse Sót¡ä¿ t-eva ([rf lo',rær lhan the m nímum values for 2orl1' TABLE 2O+I tllnlmum Value¡ of Onc Hour \ or L* bv Tlme of Dav One l'lour Ç (dBA) or Lur (dBAl) Time of Day Class I Aæa Class 2 Area 0700 - f900 50 50 1900 - 2300 47 45 2300 - 0700 45 45 Xry21,lS Publlcatlon NPG205 Oc{ober 1995 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 227 of 313 52 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 @Ontario MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Annex to Publication NPG-205 Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class 1 &2 A¡eas (Urban) Octobor 1995 ÀI. GENERÁL ln general, noises are annoying because they ars heard over and above the level of the socalled "backgrcund" or bunounding envirmmental ncise dimate at a particrlar locat¡on. The standard for environmental noise acceptability of stationary sources is therefore o<pressed as the difference belu¡een noise fom the sourco and lhe background noise. The backgrwnd rrise ls essentially made ç of the road traffic noise wtrich c¡eates an "uröan hum'. lt may also include contributions from existing lndustry or cornm€rcial activity. adjacent to the stationary source under invesiigation. Contributions of these secondary mise sources aæ corsldercd to be a part of urban hum and may b€ lnduded in the measurcments or calcr¡lation of the background sound levels. provided that they are not under cons¡deretíon for mise abatement by the Municipality or the Minisùy d Environment and Energy. The sound level tim¡ts sp€cified ln Seclion I of Publication NPGæs represent the gen€r8l limitation m noise produced by stationary sources, Some ncises, horvever, are annoying no matter where or ln what kind of env¡ronment they exlst, High level impulsive noises represent a special category and, consequently, are restricted by an àbsolute limäation. Sections 9 and l0 of this Publication provide øiteria of acceptatility for specific impulsive nciso sourc€s. A-2. APPLICATION Thø limits presented in Publicalion NPC-205 are deigned for the control of noise fiorn sourcss located in industrial, commercial or psidential areas. The limits apply to points of rec€ption located in Class I and Class 2 Þ¡eas- Sound level limits contained in Publicatbn NPG205 do rrct apply to the exduded noise sources l¡sted in Sedion 4.3.(2) and ndther do they apdy to any equltrnent, apparatus or device used in agniculture for food crop seeding, cfremical sprey¡ng or harvestrng. ln addition, several specifrc nclise sources have been addressed ln separate Publications Limib for res¡dential alr conditloners are contalned in Publication NP92l6 - Residential Alr Conditionlrq Devices, Reference [8] and the limits for blasting operat¡ons in guaries and surface minæ ae contaíned in Publk=tion NPG1l9 - Blastlng, Reference ffl. A3.. STATIONARYSOURCES The objective of the definítion of a slatonary source of sor¡nd is to address sources sucfi as i¡tdusùial and commerc¡al es{ablishments or ancillary transportation facilities. ln order to further darify the scope of the definition, thefollowing list ldentifiesexamples of ¡nslallations, equ¡pment, activitiesorfacilitiesthat are indded arid those that are excluded as siationary sources. lncluded Sources lndividual stalionary sources sudr as: Heating, ventilating and air conditionlng (HVAC) equipment; Rotating machinery; lmpac{ing mechan¡cal souroes; Generators; Bumers; Grain dryers. (t) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 228 of 313 53 CiW of Toronto By-law No. l l l-2003 @Ontario (2',t MINISTRY OF THE EM//RONMENT Facilities, usually comprising many sources of sound. ln this câse, the statimary source is under$ood lo encompass all thã ac*ivities tãfing ptace within the prop€rty boundary of the facility. The folloring are examples of such facilities: lndustrial facilities; Commercial facil¡t¡es; Anc¡llary transærtat¡on fecilitles; Aggregate extraction facilities; Warehousing facllities; Ma¡ntenance and repair facilities: Snow d¡sposal sites; Routine loading and unloading facilities (slpermarkets, assembly plants' etc.). Other sourcgs such es: Car washes; Race trac*s; Firearm Rangos. Excluded Soürc€s Secific sourcæs or faciliües: Construction ac{ivilies; Transportation conidors, i.e. roaô¡reys and railways; Reridential air conditioning devices lncludlng alr conditloners and heat Ênnps; Gas stations; Auditory waming devices requiæd or authorized by law or ln accordanc€ with good safety prac{ices; Occasónal movèment of vehicles on the property sucfr as ínfrequent delivery of goods to convenience stores, fast food rBstaurants. etc. Olher noise sources, normal The op€rat¡on ofaud the blowing of hons est¡c Poì,v€r tools, radios and as domestic quaræls, ncisy parties, etc; Ñoise resulling from gathering of People at fac¡l¡ties such as restaurants and ærks- Ac,tivities related to essential of public facilities s¡ch as but not llmited to roadrvays, pafks and sewers, inctuding ning, mad repair and ma¡ntenanc€, lawn mowing and maintenanoe. sêwæe remov PREDICTABLE WORST CASE ITIPACT lhe detefm¡nation of t should establist¡ the should reflect a plann slationary source. It ls important to emphadze that the "predi level of the source is highest; it means tha the applicable limit at night may be laryer ¡"l. Annex to Publlcatlon NPG205 October 1995 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 229 of 313 54 City of Toronto By-law No. 11L-2003 @Ontario MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT A"5. DEF]NITIONS ln the ¡nterpretation of Publicalion NPC-205, lhe following definilions are of particular r€levance: - AncillarvTransoortationFacil¡ties 'Ancillarytrarsportation facilities'mean subsidiary locat¡onswh€re operations and ac{ivities associated with the housing of bansportation equipment (or personnel) take place. Examples of anc¡llary bansportation facilities include, h¡t ar€ not l¡m¡ted to, substatlons, vehicle 6{orage and maintenance facilities, fans, fan and vent shafts, mecùanical equipment plants, emergency services buildings, etc; Constn¡clion "Construct¡on" inclr¡des erection, alterat¡on, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, painting, moving, land dearing, earlh mov¡ng, whetñerabore orbelot ground level, sfeet and h alteration and the stn¡ctural ins{allation of consùu purpose, and includes any uork in connect¡on ürerewih: "construct¡on'exdudes activit¡es assoc¡ated with the operation at waste and snow disposal sites; means any equipm€nt ordev¡ce designed and intended for uso in construc'tion, ding but nol limited to, air cornpressors, pile drivers. pneumatic or hydraullc tools, bulldozers, tac{ots, excavalors, fenche¡s, cranes, derricks, loaders, scrapers, pavers, gsri€rators, off-highway haulers or trucks, ditcfìers, compactors and rcllers, pumps, ooncr€te mixers, graders' or other material handling equipment; Convevarrce "Conveyance" indudes a vehicle and any olher devlce employed to fansport a p€rEon oÍ persons or goods from plac€ to plac€ but does not irclude any such device or vehlcle lf operated only within the premises of a person: H¡ohwav 'Hlghway" lncludes a common ue, parkway. drivervay, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle desig the gemrd public for the passâge of vehides; llotor Vehicle 'iotorvehide" indudes an ar¡tomobile, molorcyde,and any othervehide propelled or dríven othen¡ise lhan by mus(lJlar pow€r, but does not indude thE cars of diesel, elec't¡ic or steam railways, or other motor vehlcles running only upon rails, or a motorized sno¡ vehide, baction engine, fam lråctor. selfaropelled lmplement of husbandry or road-build¡ng machine within the meaning of lhe Hightmy Traffic Act: Motorized Convevance "lvlıtøzø @rìveyarrce" means e corìveyance prçelled or driven otherwise than by musculañ gravitational or wlnd po'rren Noise 'Ncise" means unwanted sound; Point of Receotion 'Po¡ntıa recept¡on'means any point on the premises of a person wher€ sound orvibraüon originating from otlrer lhan lhose premises is received. Annex to Publication NPC-205 Octobsr 1995 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 230 of 313 55 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 @Ontario MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT y'aces of worship. For equipmenUfadllties prçosed on premises zucfi as nursingy'retiremont homes, rental res¡denc€s, hospitals, and sclþols, the point of rscêption may be located on the same premises; Stationarv Source qstalionary sourt€' means a source of sor.lnd whk*r doas not normally mwe from place lo-place and includes the premises of a pe¡son as ons stationary sourc€, unless th€ dominant source of sound on those premises is conslruc{ion or a conveyanc€; Urban Hum means 4gregate sound of many unidentifiable, mostly road haffic related no¡s€ sourcos- rsBN c7778-49224 PIBS 34068þtã. tgg!¡ Anncx to Publlcatlon NPG205 Octobor 1995 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 231 of 313 56 Citv of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 SOUND LEVELS DUE TO ROAD TRAFFIC PUBLICATION NPC-206 ocroBER 1995 @ ontario Ministryof Environment and Energy Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 232 of 313 57 CiW of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 Gette publication technique n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Copyright: Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1995 This publication may be reproduced for non- com merci al purposes with appropriate attribution. fsBN 0-77784923-2 P|BS 3ø¡OTE Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 233 of 313 58 City of Toronto By-law No. ll l-2003 @ Ontario MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Sound Levels due to Road Traffic Publication NPC-206 Octobêr 19f¡5 This Pubtiætion cteætibes the methods to detem¡ne the eguivalent øund lavel produæd by oad traifrc. lt replaces Pubtiætion NPèl(ß'þund Levdsof RædTnñc"of the'MdelMunicipalNoiseCøtttol By-Law, FinalReput, Augusl 1978". r. scoPE This Publication descríbes the methods to determinethe One Hour Equivalent Sor.¡nd Level (Ç) of sound caused by roãd trafi¡c. The road ùaff¡c sor.¡nd level is us€d to defin€ sound level lim¡ts for the purposes of complaint investigation or approval of stationary sources of sound. The methods apply at a point of receptim in any community wher€ th€ backgmund sound lovel is dom¡nat€d by thê sound of road traffic, r€feÍed to as'urban hum*. Hþhly intrusive short duration nc¡ise caused by a source such asan aircrafl flyover or a tain pass-by is arduded from th€ detennination of ffs background sound level. 2. REFERENCES Reference is made to lh€ following publications: t1l NPGlOf - Technical Def¡nitioos aA NPGI02 - lnstrumentation I3l NPC103 - Procedures t51 NPG205 - Sound Level Limlts for Stationery Sources ln Class I & 2 Areas (tjfban) t1f] ORNAMENT, Ontario Road Noise Anslyris Method for Env¡ronmerìt and Transportat¡on, Tecñdcal Doo¡ment Ontario Minlstry of the Envircnment ISBN 0-7729€376, 1989 References þl to [3] cen be found in the ModeLMunicipal Noise Contml By-Larr, Ontario Minidry of the Envlronment, Final Report, August '1978. 3, TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS 'Ambient sound level' means Background sound level; 'Backgrcund sound level' is the sot¡nd level that is present ¡n lhs environment, produced by nolse sources other than the source under impact assessment. H¡ghly intn¡sive short duraliofl noise caused by a sourcê sucfì as an airc¡aft flyover or a train pass-by is excluded fiom the determination of the background sound level; Oürer tecfrrical terms are defined in Reference [] 1, SOUND LEì/ELS DUE TO ROAD TRAFFIC Depending on the application, the Oræ Horr Equivalent Sound Level (ç) of road trafi¡c strall b€ obtained eister by measurement or by calculatíon. The folloring procedures shall be used for complaint inves{igtion and for the approval of stationary sources: Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 234 of 313 59 City of Toronto By-law No. I I l-2003 @Ontario lky21,1n (r) MINISTRY OF THE ENWRONMENT ured or calculaled. be canied out using ent of varylng sound described in Reference [31. other. The calcr¡lation of ltre el (Ç) of road baffic shall be bas€d on th€ Íaff¡c flons obsewed on the traffic r¡<ise is audiHe at the polnt of æceplion' with¡n me hor.¡r of ttæ stat¡onary source is measured. The calculation procedure is deocribecl in Reference fl 11. Approval of Stallonary Soutrcer Mãàs.¡rements of the Oñe Hour Equivalent Sound Level (Ç of rcad traffic shall be canied olt following procedures for the measur€ment of varying sound clescribed in Reference [3]. Results of the measurement of lhe One Hou the princlple of þredic{âble ìilorst case' nois€ during the trcur wtpn the differenc€ betnæen impact assessrnent and ttre sound level due to rcad haffic is largest. th€ baE's of haff¡c flows pointofrccept¡on. Th€ baflic shall rcflect the described ln Reference [1 11. l2l tsBN G777&492$2 PIBS 3407E Publlc¡llon NPG206 October 1095 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 235 of 313 60 City of Toronto By-law No. 1 I l-2003 RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONING DEVICES PUBLICATION NPC-216 1 993 MINISTRY OF ENV¡RONMENT AND ENERGY Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 236 of 313 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 237 of 313 62 City of Toronto By-law No. I I 1-2003 t. 2. 3. 4. TABLE OF CO¡.ITEN:IS Scope. -I- References - l - Technical Definitions -2- Sound l-evel Limis for Air Conditioning Devices - 3 - (Ð General Sound l¡vel Limit - 3 - (2) Esablishment of tbe Genenl Sound Iævet Limit - 4 - (3) Specific Sound Level Limis - 4 - Sound Iævels from Insalled Air Conditioning Devices - 5 - Sound Enission Sanda¡ds - 7 - 5. 6' AI{NEK 4.1. SoundlevelMeasuremenE-Summary .-A1- A.2, Soundlævellimits....; ...-A1- 4.3. Complaint Investigetion - A2 - A.4, Insallation of Air Conditioning Der¡ices - A 3 - 4.5. SoundEmissionStanda¡ds ....-i{,3- Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 238 of 313 63 City of Toronto ByJaw No. 111-2003 h¡blicetion NPC-21ó Residenti¡l Air Condltloning Devices l. Scope This Publication sets sound lwel lirris and sound emission sEnd¿rds for residential ai¡ conditioning devicÊs including heat pumps insballed in u¡tan a¡eas of Onario. 2. References Reference is Esde to the followíng publications, or ¡er¡isions thereof: tll NPC-101 - Technical Definitions 12) NPC-102 - Instrumentation t3l NPC-103 - Procedures 't41 NPC-104 - Sound l:vel Adjustments tq MC-206 - Sound lævels due to Road Traffic tlg] ORNAI{ENT, Ontario Road Noise Analysis Method for Environment and Tranqporbtion, Tecbnical DocummÇ OnArio Ministry of the Enviro¡ment, ISBN G Tn9-6376 (1989). llzJ Suney of Or¡tdoor Air Conditioner Noise, Final R€port. RAC R€Port #458G, Ontario Ministry of the Environmentr ISBN G'Tn9-9094-8 (1991). t13l Environmcntal Noise Guidetines for the Installation of Residential Air Conditioning Devices, onArio Ministry of Enyi¡. onment and Eûergy, ISBN 0-7778-l6Læ (L994). t14l ARf Staridard 270 - U. Sound Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment. tlÐ ARr Sta¡dafd 275 - U; Application of sound x¿ted outdoor uniary Equipment. - Ai¡'Coa¡tido¡i¡g rnd ReÊi¡sntioo løri¡rr., ¡1301 No¡rh Frirñx D¡ivc, Suib 425, Arl¡t8roú,V^X2293 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 239 of 313 64 City of Toronto By-law No. l1l-2003 tlq] AI\ISI Stadard 512.32 - 1990. Discrae-Frequency and Narrow-Ba¡d Noise Sources in Rwerbcration Rooms, Precision Merhods for the Det€rminâtioû of Sound Power I¡vels. Refeænces tU to tq are also part of the Model Municipal Noise Control By-Iaw, Ontario Ministry of the Environment. 3. Te¿nicd iDefinitiotrs "Ambient souad level" is the sound level that is plesent in the environmenÇ prodüced by noise sourccs other than the source under ir¡pact assessment. See Backgrcuûd sound lwel; 'Bacþround souud leveln mcans Ambient sonnd level; nClass 1 Arra" meatrs an area with an acoustical environmst tpical of a m4jor ¡ppulation cenEe, where the bacþ¡pund noise is domin¡ted by the urban hum. "Class 2 ¿A,¡ea" means an a¡ea with an acoustical e¡vironment that has qualities rcprescnative of both Class 1 and Class 3 Areas, and in which a low ambie,nt rcund level, normally occuniug only between 23:00 and 07:00 horns i¡ Class I Areas, will t¡pically be rezfrizd as early as 19:00 hou¡s. Other characæristics which may indicaæ the prescnce of a Ctass 2 Arez, include: o absence of uröan hum betwecn 19:00 and 23:00 houn; . ambient soufid level is defined by natural environment and infrequent human activity; and o 'no clea¡ly audible sound from sationary sources'other than from those uuder cp¡side¡ation- ' Io lhe cod.! of tb¡¡ h¡blb¡dood tc r¡¡¡orqr þurc€r ¡ndâr cæid¡oio¡ æ a¡ideori¡l ¡h coodiriooi¡g dcvicc¡. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 240 of 313 65 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 'Class 3 A¡e¿" means an a¡ea wittt a¡ acoustical envi¡onment that is dominated by natural sounds t¡2ical of agricult¡¡ral or wilderness a¡eas and having littte or no road traffic, such as thc following: a small community wiü less th¡n 1000 population; fern land or land zoned n¡ral or agriculUual; a rural ¡ecreational a¡ea srich as a cottage or a rcsort arez;i or .- ia wudemesg al€a Sound I¿vel Ilnits for Air Conditionine Devices Either the geneml sound levcl lir¡it in Sec.tion 4.(1) or the qpecific sound lcvel limit in Section 4.(3) shall alply !o an air conditioning device. The less restrictive of these twô limits shâll prevail. General Sound lævel Limit The general sound level linit (shov4_in Taþ1e_21&1 and detcrrnined in accordanc¿ with Section 4.(2) is 5 dBA geater tb¡n a one hou cquivalent sound level (I*.) caused by road traffic at the point of rece,ption during the period of 07:00 to 2l:00 hours. The qpecific hour is to be deterurined by the noise control officer based on the assessmeot of annoyance by thc complainant. TABLE 21G1 GHìTBAL SOI]ND LEVEL LIMIT a a a o 4. (1) All Ai¡ Conditioning Der¡ices Area Tlpe r.. (dBA) Class 1 and Class 2 Oñc Hour Equivalent Sound Iævel (lJ of road traffic plus 5 dBA mqil¡ur€d during the period of 07:00 o 21:00 hours Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 241 of 313 66 Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 111-2003 Q) (3) Esøblishment of the Gene¡al Sound Level Limit The gencral sor¡nd level liñit shâil be esÞblished thfougù measurements or calculation of the one rlour Equivalent sound L€vel (LJ caused by road tafEc as obained pursuant to Reference [6] at the point of rece,ption. Specific Sound Içvel Limíts Speciûc sound level ümits a¡e identified in Table 2L62 for tc/o t)?es of residential air conditioning devices'as minim¡¡¡1 limits of compliance. TABTß,2LG2 SPECE'IC SOT]¡ÍD LE\/IEL LIIVÍITS Wbcû thÊ doviccs e¡ç mqrlctory ¡çq¿þmcots for ¡oisc contsol iD thc iDþdor liviag çaccs of uew l¡¡d r¡se dcvclopomte, thc ryæific sou¡d lovcl linit !¡ 6r¡¿ [6¡¡ l.. = 55 dBA. Cennal Air Conditioning Devices \ili¡dow or Through-the-Wall Air C.onditioning Devices Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 242 of 313 67 Cityof Toronto By-law No. lll-2003 Sound l¿vels from Installed Air ConditioninE Devices To deærmine if an insÞlled air conditioni¡g dcvicccomplies with thc sormd level limits, the sound lwel due to the device must be measured following thc procedure described in Rèference [3]. the procedure asi'mes that thc measu€d sor¡nd is dominated by the source under investigation (air conditioning darice). To ensue ürat the mEtsur€d sound is dominated by the air cooititioning device, sor¡nd ler¡el measureme¡¡ts must be'carricd out separafely with, and without the devicc in operation- The measurement of the bacþouud sound level, i.e. withot¡t the air ónditioning device operating, is caried out h accorda¡ce with theprocedure describcd in Refercoce [3]. If) the châñge in sound level measured s€,par¿tdy with, and withoirt the air conditioning device operating is less tba¡l l0 dBA, a cor¡ection shall be nar{e to deternrine the contribution of the cxisting bacþrcuud sound þvcls to the overall measured sound lo¡el.- Table 2163 provides correction values.and a cxample of the calculation. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 243 of 313 68 City of Toronto By-law No. l l l-2003 TABLE21G3 CONDITTONING DEVTCE FIIOM THE BACKGROTJIìD SOI'ND LEIITEL Change in dBA of Sound I¡r'el tü/ith and Sñthout UDit in OPcration Conectioo in dBA to Be Subtracted from Highø Sound I¡vel to Obr^in Sound I¡vel from Device 10 or more 0 7 to9 1 4to6 2 3 3 2 4 t 6 0 10 Example: Sound level without unit ín operation Sou¡d þvel wtth u¡tit ln oPeration Change Co¡rectlon from Table = 45dBA = f)dBA = sdBA = 2 atBA Unit sound level = fl)-) = /AdBA Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 244 of 313 69 Cþ of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 Sound Enission Standards Table2l64 gives the soud c,mission sbnda¡ds for new residential ccntral air conditioning devices. T^B:-E 2t6l SOT]ND EMISSION STANDARDS FOR RESIpENTIAL Cm.ITRAL AIR CONDmONI¡tc DEVICES Meas¡rercat poceeua as per Rofcrcoce [14]. Dafc of lvfanufachue lvfa¡rimum ARI Standard' Sound Rating @els) 'AftÆ l99d.r2-31 and. Before 19924141 After l99l-12-31 and Before 195-01-01 (tladcr discossion wÍat thê i¡dustrt to rsscss thc fcrsibitity of reôætion.) BTUH = British Ttermal Unit for an Hour Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 245 of 313 70 City of Toronto By-law No. l l l-2003 ANNIX EXPT,AI{ATORY NOIES TO PTIBLICATTON NPC.216 RESIDE¡ITIAL AIR CO¡{DITIONING DEVICES 4.1. Sound I¿vel Measurements - Summary Verification of compliance of the air conditioner and heat pump unis with the souud brrel limits ca¡r be accomplished tbmugh measuf€meûts using a ProP€dy calibrated sound level meûer which Eeeß tbe required sta¡dad specifications' Detâils of the irstrument specifications are included ia Refercnce pl. The measurcments shâll be performed outdoors at a scnsitive locatioo on neighbouring residential property in the vicinity of the ai¡ cooditioning device, whe¡e the sound of the device may cause annoyance. Tpicalty this would be a patio or a window. The measuremetrts nay also be requfued at a point of rece'ption in the plane of an open. window facing the unit þ ensure that the sotrod tevel at troise sensitive indoor spaces in a neighbouring residence is uot in cxces of the guideline limifs. Details of the measurcment procedure a¡e included in Reference [3]. L2. Sound I¿vel Limits People's tesponse to noiæ varies depending upon the community's, as well as the indiviô¡al's economic and social relationship to the source. Thc sormd level limits for air conditioner and heat pump noiæ were esablishcd based on the resuls of sociological $weys oflargenumbersofpeopleandreprrescntwhatisconsideredtobetheonsetofsipifica¡t degradation of the noisc enví¡onment ¡elative to th€ erpcctations of the general population' The sormd level limits arc rec¡,ptor oriented, i.c. they apply at any noise sensitive location wifhií a class 2 or class 1 ik€a (as defüred in NPC-2lO at which sound ftom the air conditioning device may cause a¡noyârce. The specific limits shown in Table2lf.i2 are expressed in terms of the one hour eguivalent sound lwel L*, and æPly to feceptor locations in class 1 and class 2 Areas. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 246 of 313 7I Cityof Toronto By-lawNo. 11t-2003 A separatc limit ap'plies to those rec€ptor locations i¡ Class I Ar€8s where the unit was a rnandaüory requirement for noise coûEol of the interior living qpace in new bnd use developments. A preemption in the forn of a gEneral-liUit applies in an area of a relatively hiCh bac.kgro¡nd noise caused by road üafñc as shown in Table 21É1. In accordance with this precmption, the cxisting bacþround sound lwel, if highgr than the limis in Table2lfi2' r€,pr€,scnts the qiterion of acccptability for the ai¡ conditioning dcvice operarion. In addition' rhe geaeral lipits âr€ in'cr€åsed by 5 dBA for any hou¡ from 07:00 to 21:00 borr¡s. Thc period of assessment was chosen in accord¡¡ce with the ftrdings of a sociological suwey condusted in 1990, Reference [12]. 4.3. Comolaint Investisetion Investigators of a complaint agrins¡ installed air conditioning devices must caûy out sou¡d level measr¡¡cminb at the æc€ptor location(s). The measurements afe to be made in accordance with meúods ideûdfied in Section 4.1. the operating sound of tbe ai¡ conditioning device and the baclrground rcund consisting of the ¡oad traffic noise must be measr¡¡ed at the same location, separately. \ilhile the bacþround sound lane!-is measrEed the ai¡ conditiøring.device must be turned off. Contibutions from aircrafr' and rail ¡oise sor¡lses roust be inhibited at all times. Unatended measuremeûts afe trot ¡ecommended. Atmoqpheric conditions may have sigrificant i¡fluecce on the ambient sound levels, for details sec Referance [3]. The sound level of an insalted air conditioning do'ice may be calculated f¡om thc sound levels measu¡ed'wÍth the device operating (dwice plus bacþround noise) and s'ithout it operating (bacþround only). Thepocedure is describcd in Section 5. A correction valuc is determined between thæe twb sound lo,els. Sr.rbtracting this correction from the higber sound level (measured with he device in operation) gives the sorrnd level due to tbe ai¡ conditioning device itsef. See Table 2163. Detcrniration ôf the road trañc sound level is to be made by thenoise control offtcer based . on tåe ass€ssrneût of thc annoyance by the complainant{$. Tlre time of hþtrcst anno}¡aDce witbin the time period of 07:00 to 21:00 is to fatt in the selected one hour of the ¡oad traffc noisc. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 247 of 313 72 Cþ of Toronto By-law No. 11I-2003 A.4. I¡stallation of Air Conditioning Devic¿s h¡rchasers and insallers of air conditioning devices have to be cognizaat of the MOEE guideline on the Sound Emission Sta¡dards listed in Table 216-4. Further explanation of the . standards is provided in Section 4.5. Only uits neeting the requirements of Table 2164 may be installed in Ooario. For guidance on the sclection, location or sound rating of the air conditioning devices or for the method to estimaæ tlre sound lwels, installers should rcfer ûo Refercnce [13]. Installation of units that a¡e in compliance with ttre sound emission sta¡dard must also be i¡ compliance with the point of reception sound level limits, i.e. conplying with the least restrictive sound lwel limit of Tables 2IÇl and2lG2. If the calculated sound level of tl¡e unit is in excess of the qpecific sound level limi¡ (f¿þlg 2lG2), the general sound level limit is to be determined. If both limits a¡e exceeded by the calcr¡Iated levels then alteration is needed in one or mo¡e of the following: the:size or make of unit, its location or the q'pe of noisc reducing insbllation trcam€nt (use of ba¡rier or enclosure). Owners of inshlled uniæ producing a sound lerrel in excess of the sound level limiti will be required to reduce the noise of the unit, when faced with complaints. Noise abatement is more expensive a¡rd less cost effective than a proper installation. 4.5. Sound Emission St¡¡dards In cont¡ast to the sound level limits which apply at the point of reception, sound cmission .st¿nda¡ds are source oriented, a¡d a¡e based on the concept of sound power lwel which is a basic measure of the acoustic ouÞut of e noise source. Ine sor¡nd level of the ai¡ conditioner or heat pump at e rcceptor location depends on matry factors such as distance separation, u¡it's orientation with reqect ùo the receptor, pres€nce of shielding objects or strucû¡æs, interveoing te¡rain, topography and ground cover betwee¡t the uuit end rcceptor, æ well as on atmospheric conditions, atl of which arc inde, endent of the actr¡al sound emission of the unit. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 248 of 313 73 City of Toronto By-law No. 111-2003 Sound ¡nwer on the other hand is a fundametrtal propcrty of the acoustic source alone and is, therefore, an imporønt absolute parameær which is widely used for rating and souad rcurces. The rating of air conditioner a¡d heat pump equipment is designated as the ARI Sound Rating (SR) a¡d is provided by the manufacturer of the device. The Sound Rating is based on laboratory tests performed at Statrdard Rating Conditions in accordance with References [14] and [1O. The SR is an indicator of the sound power larel of the equipmenÇ the lower the SR, the lower the sound power of the air conditioner or heat pump. Sound Emission Sta¡da¡ds in Table 2LÇ4 agply to ceotral air conditioning devices only and not for window or through-tbe-wall units. . The. maximum acceptable ARI SÞ¡dard Sound Ratiags shown in Table 216*4 are set in accorda¡ce with the date of manufacture. Two Sound Emission Standa¡ds, 8.0 and 7.6 bels are specified for air conditioner and heat pump units ma¡ufactu¡ed during 1991, and during 1992 through 1994 respectively. The Sound Emission Sandard applies to units tbat a¡e sized at 38,900 BTIIH capacity or less. 1}e emision limis projected after 1994 are under discussion with the industry to assess fte feasibility of reduction. SR. ir r rooc cortccæd Ä-wei¡ùtcd æuod povcr lovel, ergerd ia Þb. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 249 of 313 tt ,' Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 250 of 313 The Economic lmpact of Outback Gamp¡ng in Southwestern Ontario in 2011 This report was generated by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism's TREIM model. April 20,2011 Note: The Ministry of Tourism does not take any responsibility for inputs that the user has provided, nor for the interpretation of the results. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 251 of 313 l. lntroduction This report provides an estimate of the economic impact that Outback Camping is expected to have on Ontario's economy, in terms of Gross Domestic Product, employment and taxes generated. The analysis is based on the following information the user has provided to the MTR's Tourism Regional Economic lmpact Model: Given that the detailed breakdown of spending by the above visitors on category, such as transportation, accommodation, etc. is not available from the user, the TREIM utllized the average expenditure of visitors in Southwestem Ontario with characteristics closest to those provided by the user from Statistics Canada's 2004 Canadian Travel Survey and the InternationalTravel Survey to generate the detailed spending as followings ( in dollars ): Travel Services $t Public Transoortation $30,08Í Private Transoortation - Rental $3,28( Private Transoortation - Ooeration $199,15¿ Local Transoortation $2,192 Accommodation $205,47( Food & Beveraqe - At Stores $122,821 Food & Beveraoe - At Restaurants/Bars $217.80( Recreation & Entertainment $128,93ç Retail- Clothino $107,34r Retail- Other $s5,24f Total s1.O72.32t Total Number of Visitors Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 252 of 313 The user also has selected the following parameters:o The visits take place in Southwestem Ontario in 2011o The impact is to be shown for Southwestem Ontario and for Rest of Ontario. lnduced lmpacts of household spending are included. lnduced impacts of business investment are included. The economic environment is as follows: Baseline 2007 2008 2009 2010 20',1 Ontario RealGDP lol"chanoel 1.66%2.11%2.73o/o 2.92o/o 3.OOo/o Ontario CPI lol"chanoeì 2.53o/o 1.84o/o 1.960/o 2.15o/o 1.88o/o Ontario Population fol"chanoel 0.69%0.78%0.87o/o 0.83o/o 0.77% ontario Unemolovment Rate 6.52o/o 6.38%5.98%5.650/o 5.07% Govemment of Canada 3 month T- BillRate 4.45%4.78%4.77%4.650/o 4.49% Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 253 of 313 2. Summary of Findings Table l. Economic lmpacts of Outback Camping in Southwestern Ontario in 2011 ( in dollars ) Southwestern Ontario Rest of Ontario Total Visitors' Spending s 1,072,328 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Direct I472,537 $ 41,558 lndirect $ 98,360 $ 66,435 lnduced $ 100,231 $ 69,396 Total $ 671,128 $ 177,389 Labour lncome Direct $ 296,936 $ 29,329 lndirect $ 69,879 $ 46,994 Induced $ ô4,592 $ 43,721 Total $ 431,408 $ 120,045 Employment (Jobs) Direct 9 1 lndirect 1 1 Induced 1 1 Total 11 2 Direct Taxes Federal $ 131,498 $ 9,094 Provincial $ 125,503 $ 6,826 Municipal $ e52 $88 Total $ 257,953 $ 16,008 Total Taxes Federal $ 196,095 s37,425 Províncial $ 162,369 $ 28,845 Municipal $2,152 $7,145 Total $ 360,615 973,414 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 254 of 313 Table 2. Economic lmpacts of Outback Gamping in Southwestern Ontario on GDP by industry ( in dollars ) Direct GDP TotalGDP Direct GDP TotalGDP Croo and Animal Production $2.822 $ 4,567 $ 736 $ 2,214 Forestrv. Fishino and Huntinq $33 $ 260 $25 $ 480 Minino and Oiland Gas Extraction $0 $ 453 $0 $ 82s Utilities $0 $ 11,479 $o $ 3,463 Construction $o $ 13,355 $0 $ 3,637 Manufacturinq $ 12,282 821,392 $ 19,084 $ 45,280 Wholesale Trade $ I1,862 $ 21,763 $ 6,025 $ 14,907 RetailTrade $ 52,811 $ 71,679 $0 $ 9,100 Other Transportation and Warehousino $ 21,989 $ 29,351 $ 6,941 $ 13,904 Ground Passenger Transportation lexcl. Rail) $ 1,900 $ 3,039 $ 400 $ 1,150 lnformation and Cultural lndustries $ 2,946 $ 11,837 $ 495 $ 8,207 Other Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rentinq and Leasino $0 $ 39,746 $o $ 20,546 Car Rentinq and Leasinq $ 1,802 $ 2,628 $0 $ 851 Owner Occuoied Housino $0 $ 19,160 $0 $4,U7 Professional, Scientific and Technical Servíces $0 $ 12,489 $0 $ 11,396 Other Administrative and Other Suooort Services $0 $ 7,082 $0 $ 5,077 TravelAqencies $0 $o $0 $o Education Services $zzt $726 $0 $ 2sz Health Care and Social Assistance $0 $ 4,202 $0 $ I,954 Arts, Entertainment and Recreation $ 45,299 $ 47,985 $ 756 $2,288 Accommodation Services $ 137,309 $ r38,539 $ 2,375 $ 3,824 Food & Beveraoe Servíces $æ,877 $ 68,270 $ 4,276 $ 7,100 Other Services (Except Public Administration) $742 $ 6,806 $o $ 3,148 Operating, Office, Cafeteria, and Laboratorv Suoolies $0 $0 $0 $o Travel & Entertainment, Advertisino & Promotion $0 $0 $o $o Transoortation Maroins $0 $0 $0 $o Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households $ 3,548 $ 7,631 $o $ 1,263 Government Sector $ 4,295 $ 10,186 $0 $ 2,938 Net Indirect Taxes on Production $0 $ 767 $0 s6.772 Total $ 472,537 $ 671,128 $ 41,558 $ 177,389 Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 255 of 313 Appendix: The Economic lmpact of Visits in Southwestem Ontario and other Ontario regions: since no Ontario region is economically self-sustaining, in order to produce the goods and services demanded by its visitors, it w¡ll need to import some goods and services from other regions. As sucfr, some of the economic benefits of the visitors'spending in Southwestem Ontario will spill over to other Ontario regions, such as the one you have selected as 'additional". lf the second column of Table 1 contiains only zeros, then that means that Southwestem Ontario does not trade with that region. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): value of goods and services produced by labour and capital located within a country (or region), regardless of nationality of labour or ownership. This GDP is measured at market prices. Tourism GDP refers to the GDP generated in those businesses that directly produce or provide goods and services for travelers. Direct impact: refers to the impact generated in businesses or sectors that produce or provide goods and services diredly to travelers, e.g. accommodations, restaurants, recreations, travel agents, transportiation and retail enterprises etc. Direct impact on GDP, employment and tax revenues is also called tourism GDP, tourism employment and tourism tax revenues. lndirect impact: refers to the impact resulting from the expansion of demand from businesses or sec'tors directly produce or provide goods and services to travelers, to other businesses or sectors. lnduced impact: refers to the impact associated with the re-spending of labour income and /or profits earned in the industries that serve travelers directly and indirectly. Employment: refers to number of jobs, include full-time, part-time, seasonal employment, as wellas both employed and selfcmployed. Federal tax revenues: include personal income tax, corporate income tax, commodity tax (GST, gas tax, excise tax, excise duty, air tax and trading profits) and payroll deduction that collected by the federal govemment. Provincial tax revenues: include personal income tax, corporate income tax, commodity tax (PST, gas tiax, liquor gallonage tax, amusement tax and trading profits) and employer health tax that collected by Ontario provincial government. Municipaltax revenues: include business and personal property taxes that collected by the municipalities. Collection, however, does not follow immediately the consumption or production of goods and services in a municipality by visitors (as is the case with GST or personal income taxes). Rather, these taxes show the percent of the total properly taxes collected by a municipality that can be attributed to tourism because of tourismis contribution to the economic activity of the municipality and hence its tax base. lndustry: The industry follows Statistics Canada's 1997 North America lndustry Classification System (NAICS) Input-Output small aggregation industry classification. Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". Page 256 of 313 85131/2811 11:14 fil?4 P.002/002To:'l5198883884From:flEYt ?ô Otz I Þontario Ìry{ay31,2071 Municipality of Bayham 934/.P1ânkRoa4 PO Box 160 Staffordville, ON NOJ lYO To Whom ltMay Concem: Thc Onta¡io Early Years Cc,ntrc would like to obtain park pe,rmíts to use green space in order to bring our ftee program "Summe,r Park Program' into the Straffordville Community Pa¡t aæin this summer. The program would run on Friday mornings commencing July 8,2011 until August 26,2011from 9:30-11:30 am (weather pernittíng). We bring our own supplies and do notrequire any special equipment. Bybringing ourprogram to this publio area again, wehope to increase erposure to the commrmity so that fmilies can ba.efit ûom the programs that we ofrer. We curreirtly are running aprcgram ûom Strafrordville Public School rluring the school months. If you have any quostions or oonc€rns, pleaso contact me at (519) 631-9496, ext,242, Thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerel¡ Progrm Supeivisor, Ontario Early Years Centre Elgin-Mddlesor-London Correspondence dated May 31, 2011 from Ontario Early Years Centre Elgin-Middlesex-London regarding "Summer Park Page 257 of 313 Page 258 of 313 20'10.1't.19 6.3 90s0 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 06t01t201't I 223.47 010549 0610112011 I 85.98 010549 0610212011 12:53PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0610212011 OOOI54 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 2878 WATER BOTTLES - OFFTCE 05t3',v2011 I 40.00 010546 ChequeArnount- 40.00 OOO156 CANADIAN PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD T428r'¡00 CARTRTDGES, ASSEMBLY 05t09t2011 I 558.68 010547 Cheque Amount- 558.68 OOO177 CHARLES BUCHANAN folding cart FOLDING CARTS 0512512011 I 45.18 010548 Cheque Amount -45.18 OOO179 CHERYLPETERS edisonfest SUPPLIES edisonfest supplies SUPPLIES Cheque Amount - 309.45 00í826 CHRISSYS CORNER STOR 6 MEALS FORTRATNTNG O5t30t2011 I 840.08 010550 Cheque Amount - 840.08 001584 COCO PAVTNG tNC. 13250990 QPR, ENVIROFEE 000218 CUPELOCAL35 May'1l remit UNION DUES OOO25O DEL.BAC SALES LIMITED 05t20t2011 I 1,438.04 010551 Cheque Amount - 1,438.04 o513',v201't I 375.56 010552 Cheque Amount - 375.56 220575 DTSHWASHER - V.C.C.05120120'11 I 8,454.66 010553 Cheque Amount - 8,454.66 001386 DOTSYS - DAN CANDYSTAND edisonfest FACE PAINTER - EDISONFEST 0610112011 I 497.20 010554 Cheque Amount - 497.20 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC f-10500{ HYDRAULTC HOSE, CRTMPS 05t31t201',t I 105.46 010555 Cheque Amount- 105.46 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000138838 MARKTNG PA|NT, VALVES 05t27t2011 I 383.07 010556 Cheque Amount - 383.07 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90406387 ALUM SULFATE 0511312011 I 736.37 010557 Cheque Amount - 736.37 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 259 of 313 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC May25390-07266 UTILITIES-VIENNASTL May 25390 - 5s002 UTILITIES - PT BUR STL HWY 19 May43018 - 26008 UTILITIES - PT BURWELL STL May 5022'l - 05009 UTILITIES - SEWAGE PLANT May 62396 -22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL May 62790 - 072æ UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL May 81590 - 07297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL May 87790 - 07295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL 2010.1 1.19 6.3 9050 000446 JACKIE RINGI.AND salt OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16E47 OO147O LEANNWALSH 10110623715 10110623793 MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0610212011 0512012011 0512012011 0512012011 0512012011 o5t20t201'l 05t20120't1 05t20t2011 o5120120't1 0610212011 l2:53PM I I I I I I I I 616.74 010558 1,785.87 010558 21.16 010558 5,554.85 010ss8 '1,123.54 010558 200.53 010558 610.78 010558 262.24 010558 Cheque Amount - SALT.V.C.C.0513112011 Cheque Amount - REPAIR A/C UNIT - LIBRARY o512012011 I Cheque Amount - 27.57 296.63 010560 10,'t75.71 27.57 010559 010561 010561 SNACKS. STEVE PETERS MTG SNACKS - STEVE PETERS MTG 05t27t2011 05127t2011 296.63 9.52 12.48 Cheque Amount - 001592 MIKE ABELL ELECTRIC INC. 8292567 REPLACEPHOTOCELLS-LIGHTH( A524NOÍ I Cheque Amount - 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM J. Beçen SEWER DEBENTURE PYMT 051261201'l Cheque Amount - 000631 NATHAN DAWLEY JTAG lnstuclor JTAG INSTRUCTOR 06t01f20't1 I Cheque Amount - 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED 22.00 366.82 0't0562 366.82 3,034.89 010563 3,034.89 170.00 010564 MayÊ12378-01 MayE14212-O'l MayE2238O-0'l MayF24200-01 MayE45407 - 01 MayE45409 - 01 MayE45410 - 01 MayE5l600 - 01 MayF19290 - 01 UTILITIES. FIREHALL UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES - PUMP#5 uTrLtTrES - S.C.C. UTILITIES. OFFICE UTILITIES -PUMP#2 UTILITIES. LIBRARY UTILITIES - GARAGE UTILITIES - EDISON 05t19t2011 05119t2011 o5t',t9t2011 05t19t2011 0Et't9t2011 o511912011 05t19t201',| 05119120't1 0512012011 170.00 19s.72 010565 105.01 010565 1'13.35 010565 189.74 010565 1U.75 010565 59.57 010565 28.33 010565 154.66 010565 117.96 010565 I I I I I I I I I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 260 of 313 2010.1't.19 6.3 9050 MayF20600 - 0l MayF26864 - 01 MayG06305 - 01 MayG06307 - 01 MayG15700 - 01 000658 oMERS 04100 Ap/1 I 001537 RON CAIRNS JTAG tsaining 001829 SCOTTYS PTZZA baining 000806 SGSCANADAINC 't0508135 10508't36 10508137 10508138 't0508139 10508140 10508141 10508142 10508810 1050881 I 10508812 r050983'l MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0610212011 06102120'11 l2:53PM uTrLtTrES - V.C.C. UTILITIES - PUMP#6 UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - OPP OFFICE ost20t201'l 0512012011 05120120't1 05t2012011 051201201'l 42.37 010565 32.98 010565 92.04 010565 140.63 010565 19.68 010s65 I I I I I Cheque Amount - 051311201't IAPRIL2O1l REMIT JTAGTRAINING MEALS FORTRAINING [.AB FEES LAB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES I-AB FEES I.AB FEES LAB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES 1.AB FEES Cheque Amount - 0610112011 I 12,3U.14 170.00 1,456.79 123U.14 010566 010567 010568 010570 010572 Cheque Amount - os13012011 170.00 114.42 Cheque Amount - 0513012011 0513012011 0513012011 051301201'l 05130t2011 o5130t2011 ost30t2011 05130t2011 0513012011 0513012011 0513012011 0513012011 1',t4.42 311.88 010569 33.90 010569 49.72 0't0569 16.95 010569 238.43 010569 16.95 010569 16.95 010569 56.50 010s€9 893.28 010s69 73.45 010569 265.55 010569 180.24 010569 I I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - OO143/. STANTECCONSULTING LTD. s65621 RTCHMOND COMMUNTTYWATER O5t't3t201't I Cheque Amount - OOO853 STRAFFORDVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL AD-YEARBOOK YEARBOOKAD OOI539 SUPERAIR BOUNCE RENTALS 0610212011 I 0610112011 2,153.80 488.73 4æ.73 55.00 0't0571 Cheque Amount -55.00 701.71389AIR BOUNCE RENTAL Cheque Amount -701.7'l Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 261 of 313 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06102f2011 0512612011 I Cheque Amount - 05t30t20't1 I ChequeAmount- odün011 I Cheque Amount- 04,to9t2011 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 0610A2ú1 12:53PM 010573 010574 010576 OOIOO2 TILLSONBURG FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT 16446 EXflNGUISHERS @18/,2 TONYHIETIGMP baining supplies TRAINING SUPPLIES OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPAI{Y PCK1954 SIGNALS 000986 WORKPL.ACE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314Ma¡/11 MAYIl REMIT 98.82 53.76 53.76 638.92 010575 638.92 2,443.28 2,443.28 ,18,586.74 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 262 of 313 20'r0.1r.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0610912011 06/09/2011 2:1OPM OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD JO6552O SCREENEDTOPSOIL 05t3112011 101.70 010577 Cheque Amount - OOOO33 AGLINE 6201917 6202002 6202197 6202æ5 0512612011 0512712011 0513112011 o6to8t201'l 10't.70 85.55 010578 3.83 010578 170.10 010578 65.44 010578 I I I I OO1018 AYLMER SUBMARINE 359376 SUBMRAP PI.ATTER V-BELT V-BELT ROLLER, PIN, OIL QUICK LOCKS INSTALL TIRE INSTALL TIRE TIRE REPAIR LOF LOF LOF. ROTATE TIRES MUNICIPAL LEGISLATION EDISONFEST SUPPLIES DIESEL DYED REG GAS REG GAS REG GAS DYE DIESEL DYE DIESEL ROAD DIESEL DYE DIESEL REG GAS Cheque Amount - og1a20'11 324.92 483.08 010579 010582 0l 0s83 OOOO8I AYLMER TIRE 0000076778 0000076779 10177 10206 10229 10308 000167 CARSWELL 7457943 OOO179 CHERYL PETERS edison supplies 001690 DOVV|_ER-KARN 362430 362431 362490 362533 36253/. 362s84 362585 362679 362680 Cheque Amount -483.08 65.65 010580 1,099.15 010580 06103t2011 0610312011 OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERMCE Cheque Amount -1,164.80 22.60 010581 44.01 0't0581 48.53 010581 102.77 010581 05105t2011 05110120't1 05113t201',| 05t26t2011 I I I I Cheque Amount - 0ø.|1912011 217.91 25't.00 Cheque Amount - 061022011 251.00 1 58.1 9 Cheque Amount -158.r 9 241.49 010584 741.45 010584 662.89 010s84 660.53 010584 1,078.19 010584 426.53 010584 1,116.99 010584 789.66 010584 1,275.84 010584 0510412011 05104t2011 05110t2011 05113t20',t1 0511312011 0s11812011 05l't812011 0512712011 0512712011 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 263 of 313 2010.1 1.19 6.3 9050 OO17O8 EASTLINK 5'198744054Jun OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000162059 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTls44406 oNTts44685 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0610912011 Cheque Amount - TELEPHONE.INTERPCENTRE 0610112011 Cheque Amount - MONTHLY RENTAL 0610112011 I Cheque Amount - 06/09/2011 2:10PM 6,993.57 112.76 010585 112.76 114.70 010586 SUPPLIES GLOVES 05t19t20't1 05t27t2011 114.70 28.52 010587 26.44 010587 OOI239 GREAT I.AKES NEW HOLL.AND INC 51881T FILTERS, BATTERY, BI.ADES æ72T FILTERS 6085T BELT. SPRING 001538 GROUND EFFECTS LANDSCAPE & DESIGN Gheque Amount -54.96 879.85 010588 365.85 010588 161.96 010588 05130t20't1 05t25t20't1 051261201',| 334 Cheque Amount -1,407.66 2.870.20 0'10589 OOO991 HORVATHAUTOPARTS 208038 210/;6',1 210612 210613 21066,7 2f0960 210963 2110s4 21 1060 CEMETERY MAINTENANCE GLOVES CUTTER GLO\ÆS CREDIT. GLOVES GLOVES GREASE INJECTOR PART STROBE LIGHT UNIVERSALSOCKET 05t28t2011 r Cheque Amount -2,870.20 33.88 010590 40.68 0í0590 30.10 010590 -1s.05 010590 30.33 010590 5.05 010590 60.68 010s90 180.80 010590 16.10 0'f 0590 03t07t2011 05t11t2011 0s116120't1 05116120't1 0511712011 0512512011 05125t2011 05127t2011 05127t2011 I I I c I I I I I 0@427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC JunO1'18'l - 23005 Jun18850 - 12458 Jun18971 -44027 Jun1897l -5200'l Jun2524O - 95021 Jun25250 -12302 Jun28799 - 40004 Jun34853 - 01007 UTILITIES.INFO CENTRE UTILTIIES. PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES. RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES. PUMP#1 UTILITIES. BEACH WASHROOMS Cheque Amount -382.57 4't.19 010591 147.63 010591 43.32 010591 9r.11 010s91 382.09 010591 1.3',t 010591 385.93 010591 107.03 010591 ooToolzor t 06106t20't1 0610612011 0610612011 0610612011 06106t2011 06/06/201 r 0610612011 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 264 of 313 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 Jun43850 - 12451 Jun50250-12458 Jun5645G12330 Jun62760 - 43000 JunBT770 -20012 Jun93850 - 12278 Jun93970 - 20342 000217 tBrcRouP 252156 @0458 JASON SHELLY repair 000466 JIMMIJONS 36316 3631 7 OOO51O KLASSENAUTO PARTS 14352 1444æ 1€4510 1€4535 1€5041 145227 't46192 1€7093 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 061091201'l 0610912011 2:l0PM UTILITIES - PB CENTEN PARK UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT L.AUNCH UTILITIES. E.C.C. UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL uTrLtTrEs -v.c.c. CONSULTING FEES REIMBURSE REPAIR MONTHLY UNIT RE].{TALS UNIT RENTAL - INTERP CENTRE 0610612011 06t06t20't1 06t06t2011 06/062011 06t0612011 0610f,1201'l o6t06t2011 78.88 010591 85.03 010591 50.53 010591 113.15 0'10591 69.07 010591 190.55 01059'l 488.56 010591 Cheque Amount - 05127t20't1 I 2,275.38 2,089.75 010592 010596 Cheque Amount - trj10912011 I 2,089.75 Tn.o8 010593 Cheque Amount -777.08 976.32 010594 161.59 010594 05t16t2011 gil16nof SWTCH ALARM, LAMP CONNECTOR FUSE HOLDER, SWITCH, ROCKER TIES BRUSH otL SMOG HOSE, SPLICER Gheque Amount -1,137.91 19.38 010595 44.36 010595 2.s7 010595 't1.92 010595 10.81 010595 4.03 010595 69.96 010595 5.62 010595 051031201'l 05t04t2011 o5lul2011 05104t2011 0510912011 0511112011 0512012011 o5131120't1 OOO548 LLOYD MCQUIGGAN & SONS 075671 HAULING WNTER SAND OOO555 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION 2nd qrtr levy 2ND QUARTER LE\A/ OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 1 l94l 911S|GN Cheque Amount - o5l3'U2011 I 168.65 1,437.19 Cheque Amount - 06t08t2011 I 1,437.19 1't,086.75 010597 Gheque Amount - 06107t20't1 I 11,086.75 50.85 0't0598 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED Cheque Amount - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 265 of 313 2010.'Í.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0610912011 0610912011 2:10PM MayG06210 - 01 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY 05120120'11 I 49.91 010599 MayG40407 - 01 UTILITIES - PB GARAGE 05120120'11 I 49.91 010599 Cheque Amount - 99.82 001844 PETER&EVADYCK 20 - tull retund SEWER PERMIT DEPOSIT 06102120't1 I 5,403.37 010600 Cheque Amount - 5,403.37 000716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11433838 CYLINDERRENTAL OOO743 RBCROYALBANK May451 6 0500(M037580 II¡TEREST May451 605000403 7580ANNUAL FEE May4s'l 605000448 5284 INTEREST 0512712011 I 25.39 0't060'l Cheque Amount - 25.39 0512712011 I 24.11 010602 0510112011 I 12.00 010602 0512712011 I 13.87 010602 ChequeAmount- 49.98 001843 REBECCADYGOS reimburse daim CIAIM FOR DAMAGE - 9317 PtANf 0610312011 I 250.00 010603 Cheque Amount- '250.00 OOO752 RESQTECH SYSTEMS INC 00011740 REAR WARNTNG LtcHT 04t302:011 I 120.91 010604 Cheque Amount - 120.91 000768 ROBERTRONSON 58481 VIENNA EDISONFEST o6lo4l20't1 r 19s.00 0'10605 GhequeAmount- 195.00 OOI106 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES 900197781 FRE|GHT B|OX|DE O5t30t201't I 3,900.1s 010606 Cheque Amount - 3,900.15 000856 STREIB TRUCKING LTD 4273 BRTDGE WASHTNG 05t01t2011 I 7,299.80 010607 4274 BRTDGE WASHTNG 05t01t2011 I 4,723.40 010607 Cheque Amount - 12,023.20 OOO93O TSCSTORES L.P. l8't030055 BATTERTES, CHLORTNE 05t12t20't1 I 33.88 010608 181038813 CLEANER 0st05t2011 I 11.85 010608 181038861 ptpE, COUPL|NGS, F|TT|NGS 05/05/20fi I 23.88 010608 Gheque Amount - 69.61 OOO953 VIENNAHOMECENTERLTD 363519 RAKE 0510212011 I 22.59 010609 05/04120'11 I 7.33 010609FILE363601 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 266 of 313 2010,'t 1 .19 6.3 9050 363887 34t029 36,1062 34t165 3ô4310 3U327 3æ3/.3 34K19 364722 364863 36/an 364907 SPARK PLUG GARBAGE BAGS CONCRETE MIX POSTS BRUSHES CONCRETE MIX CONCRETE MIX SUPPLIES STAIN, BRUSHES PAINT TRAY, LINERS, ROLLER SOAP. STAIN INSECT REPELLENT 3.72 010609 35.01 010609 12.4',t 010609 133.U 010609 6.77 010609 58.62 010609 22.54 010609 31.09 010609 67.75 010609 18.36 010609 78.26 010609 12.98 010609 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Gheque Register - 0610S12011 0610912011 2:10PM 0511012011 05n2noÍ 0511312011 0511612011 05t1812011 o5l19li¿011 05t19t20't1 0512012011 0512712011 0st3012011 05t30t2011 05t31f2011 OOO957 VOTH SALES &SERVICE LTD 0000185481 0000185497 000018s506 0000185541 0000185600 OIL FILTER, FILTERS FUELMATER SEPARATOR ADJUST BRAKES PART REPAIR REARAXLE Cheque Amount- 0511612011 0511812011 05n8no11 0512412011 0513112011 510.77 47.30 010610 22.43 0'10610 23.65 010610 6.7't 010610 1,273.11 010610 I I I I I Cheque Arnount -1,373.20 Cheque Run Total -57,682.98 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the Page 267 of 313 sORT¡' HUNICIPALIiY OF BAYHAH ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORTCOIIPANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 10, I40.07 2,37L.44 5,224.46 1,t78.61 I8,9I4.58 43,966.A2 43,966.82 62,AgL.40 130.99 17.05 63,029.42 SERVICE CHARGES RUN: l{AY 31 201I N0: A PAGE: 9L7 HST REG: 10005741S RTooo4 C0I{PANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: JUN l, 201I DATE 0F PAY: JUN 5, 20Il YTD TOTAL I07,5I5.80 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 23,002.54 EI CoNT QPIP 52,56L.30 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 1 I ,568.39 oil EHT 1{B HET NL HAPSET L94,646.03 TOT STATS CHEQUES 454,4t5.38 DEP0SITS US DEPS DED DEPS 454,4L5.3A TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 649,06I.4L TOT PAYROL 2,066.L2 SERV CHRG GST 264.5A HST 65I ,396. I I GRAND TOT UNITS CHARGE | 47.93 TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 10,I40.07 2.37L.44 5,224.46 r,178.6r 18,9I1.58 43,966.82 q3,966 -82 62,A8L.40 130.99 17.05 63,029.42 ADJUST - DR FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QP IP CAN PENqC PEN QC HSF ON EI{T I{B HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYR.OL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT YTD ADJUST CHARGE ITEI{ 29.7O PAYR,OLL RUNS 12.00 ITEI{ UNITS CHARGE SALARIED I{ORKPAYS 20 35.00 PAY ADVICE FOLD 58 E.36 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT ¡S ANALYSIS OF ITEI{ HOURLY }¡ORKPAYS COURIER FEE 150.99 UNITS I8 I 63,O29.42 DEBIT INFORIIATION: 005 05I02 l0II925 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 1 0 5 4 6 t o C h e q u e # 1 0 6 1 0 i n c l u s i v e , t o t a l i n g $ 1 0 6 , 2 6 9 . 7 2 a n d P a y r o l l D i s b u r s e m e n t s f o r t h e P a g e 2 6 8 o f 3 1 3 a-\Y CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Denis Duguay, Treasurer SUBJECT: Council Remuneration & Expenses DATE: June 6,2011 FILE: F03.03 NUMBERz F20ll-04 Background Comments Pursuant to section 284(l) of the Municipal Act,200l, a Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for all the Members of Council is to be submitted each year to Council for information purposes. Rernuneration was made to council under the authority of s.283 of the Municipal Act. Itemized below are the remuneration and expenses for each Member of Council for the year 2010. Expenses include mileage paid to individual councilors. Taxable Expenses Conference & Mileage Reimbursements $ 4,831.44 $ 129.60 53,623.04 $ 1,655.63 $ 3086.46 S t,747.43 s3052.92 $ 1,409.93 $ 3052.92 s t,526.93 $ 201.3r $117.42 $ 23.40 s14,912.59 S 6,492.92 THAT StufÍReport F2011-08 be receívedfor ínformatíon Lynn Acre CliffEvanitski Mark Taylor Ed Ketchabaw V/ayne Casier Paul Enns Tom Southwick Total Recommendation: s 9,662.64 $ 7,246.08 $ 6,240.00 $ 6,105.84 $ 6,105.84 $ 402.61 s 234.84 $ 35,997.85 Staff Report F2011-04 regarding "Council Remuneration & Expenses". Page 269 of 313 Page 270 of 313 ? Subject: Re: Harmony Acres Line Race Track Mayor Paul Ens My name is PaulAndriekus and I live at 53450 Harmony Acres Line R.R.# 4 Aylmer Ontario NsH 2R3. I called into the Township Office today and asked how and if possible to have a reduced speed limit sign put on my road. There is no sign at present and I would like to see a speed limit of 50 to 40 km per hour posted. I was told to contact you and to send along a letter. I hope this e-mailwill suffice. I have been living here now for a little more than three years and there is a large amount of 4-wheelers and motor dirt bikes and at times cars that will race by my home at high speeds. The no exit road is not paved but gravel. The winter months is not to bad but during the summer I like to have my windows open to allow fresh air to enter. When these vehicles race by the dust cloud carries over into my home. Not to mention the gravel that flies up the noise and the road haying tole g¡qdeQ on a regular bases. These 4-wheelers and a few cars have no resþect for the people who live on this road and are using it as their personal race track. Now I do not know if the lower speed limit sign will work or not. But if they do not slow down, it will at least give police officers a chance to warn them to slow now and to have road legal vehicles and safety equipment when using this public road way. I thankyou Mayor Ens for taking the time out and seeing if there is anything that could be done to resolve my problem on Harmony Acres Line. lf you have any questions please call or e-mail me anytime day or night. Sincerely PaulAndriekus LPA@AMTELECOM.NET 519 765-1852 Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from Paul Andriekus regarding"Harmony Acres Line Race Track". Page 271 of 313 Page 272 of 313 /\ LÕà CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham DATE: June 10, 2011 FILE: E NUMBER: E2011-03 Purpose This report is to recommend a transfer agreement with the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System to transfer two sections of waterline. Background The issue of ownership of two sections of watermain has come to light as a result of new drinking water legislation. New regulations require owners to have operational plans that identiff system limits, interconnectivity to other systems, and the methods in place to ensure the protection of the system. During the preparation of these documents, it has been identified that a portion of the water system that the municipality operates appears to be identified in the PBASV/SS transfer documents from the MOE as part of the Secondary system. Staff Comments Staff met some time ago with Township of Malahide staff (the administering Municipality for the Secondary system), to discuss the issue and the most appropriate resolution. Several options regarding ownership and operations were discussed, including: . PBASWSS could continue to be the owner of the subject lines and operate using the current contractor (OCWA) . PBASWSS could continue to be the owner of the subject lines and operate under contract with the Municipality . The lines could be transferred to the Municipality In evaluating the alternatives, it was noted significant changes to both the municipal and Secondary system operations would be needed to implement the first two options. The subject lines have been operated by the Municipality since the system was transfened by the MOE in 1998, and have been incorporated in to the Municipal PSAB calculations and financial plans. The actual Order issued by the province in 1998 is very unclear regarding boundaries etc., and pursuing the transfer per the third option will provide an opportunity to very clearly delineate the Secondary vs local water system boundaries. For these reasons, staff are recommending the third option be pursued. For clarity, the description of the works that would be transferred are as follows: The description of assets below is meant to identiff all known Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Systems assets east of 5 metres east of the E038 concrete meter and 5 metres north of the V00l valve chamber as transferred by Transfer Order Port Burwell Area W1/1998 Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 273 of 313 Report E20ll-02 _) _ Section I - being the transmission main and all related appurtenances directly connected to the transmission main which runs from Nova Scotia Line to Chatham Street in the Municipality of Bayham. Specifically, the section of 10" (250 millimeter) diameter transmission main commences 5 metres easterly of the E0314/001 concrete meter and valve chamber extending approximately 0.9 kilometers to Chatham Street, Port Burwell. Section 2 - being the transmission main and all related appurtenances directly connected to the transmission main which runs along Plank Road from Port Burwell to Vienna in the Municipality of Bayham. Specifically, the section of 10" (250 millimeter) diameter transmission main commencing at Victoria Street, Port Burwell and extending approximately 3.4 kilometers to North Street, Vienna. A sketch is also provided for reference. An agreement has been prepared and is attached to this report that would implement Option #3. This agreement has been reviewed and approved by the Secondary Water System Board. Options 1. PBASWSS could continue to be the owner of the subject lines and operate using the current contractor (OCWA) 2. PBASWSS could continue to be the owner of the subject lines and operate under contract with the Municipality 3. The lines could be transferred to the Municipality Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure GoaI#4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Attachments 1. Sketch of subject water mains 2. Draft By-law No. 2011-053, to Authorize an Agreement with the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management for the transfer of Certain Assets. Recommendation That Draft By-law No. 2011-053, being a by-law to Authorize aî Agreement with the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management for the transfer of Certain Assets be presented to Council for enactment. Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 274 of 313 S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 3 r e g a r d i n g " W a t e r S y s t e m T r a n s f e r A g r e e m e n t - S e c o n d a r y S y s t e m a n d B a y h a m " . P a g e 2 7 5 o f 3 1 3 CORPORATION OF TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-0s3 A BY-LA\il TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND TIIE CORPORATION OF'THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM, THE coRPoRÁ.TroN oF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHTDE, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN' as represented by the PORT BURWELL AREA SECONDARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM JOINT BOARD OF'MANAGEMENT WHEREAS by Transfer Order made pursuant to the Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997, the Ontario Clean Water Agency transferred the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System to the Port Bu¡well Secondary'Water Supply System Joint Board of Management. AI\D \ryHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement with the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board to transfer certain assets. NOW THEREF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule 664" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16TH DAY OF' JUNE,20tt. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 276 of 313 This Agreement made this day of ,2010, BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUN¡CIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN; as represented by the PORT BURWELL AREA SECONDARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM JOINT BOARD OF MANAGEMENT (the "Transferors") -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (the "Transferee") WHEREAS by Transfer Order made pursuant to the MunicipalWater and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997, and dated November 29th, 2OOO, a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "A", the Ontario Clean Water Agency transferred the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System (the "System") to the Transferors; AND WHEREAS the Transferors are the owners of and are responsible, through the Joint Board of Management, for the operation of the System; AND WHEREAS the Transferees have and continue to administer, under the direction of the Transferors and the Joint Board of Management, a portion of the System which is more particularly described in Schedule "8" attached hereto; AND WHEREAS the Transferors have determined that it is in the best interests of the System as a whole and of the System users to transfer to the Transferee all right, title, ownership and responsibility to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "8" and the Transferee wishes to accept from the Transferors all right, title, ownership and responsibility to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "8"; Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 277 of 313 NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the sum of $1.00 now paid by each of the parties to the other and in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. Defined Terms and Schedules 1.1 Defined Terms. For the purposes of this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, in addition to any other terms defined herein, the following terms shall have the respective meanings set out below (and any grammatical variations thereof shall have the corresponding meanings): (a) "Board" means the Joint Board of Management of the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System; (b) "Current Assets" means those assets of the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "8" as at the close of business on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date which would, in accordance with GAAP, be classified, and included in the balance sheet of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as current assets of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham relating to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "B" as at such time; (c) "Current Liabilities" means those liabilities of the portíon of the System as set forth in Schedule "B" as at the close of business on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date which would, Ín accordance with GAAP, be classified, and included in the balance sheet of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, as current liabilities of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham relating to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "8" as at such time; (d) "Effective Date" means theprl referred to in the last paragraph of Section 3.1 (e) "Excluded Assets" means all those assets and in Schedule "C"; (f) "Excluded Liabilities" means those liabilities Transferors described in Schedule "C"; (g) "Transferred Assets" has the meaning attributed 3.1 provided always that the term "Transferred exclude the Excluded Assets; 1.2 Schedules. The following Schedules are attached to and form part of this agreement: Schedule uA' - Transfer Order for the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Schedule "8" - Transferred Assets Schedule "Cu - Excluded Assets and Liabilities , and provided that the deliveries have been made; property listed or described and obligations of the to such term in Section Assets" shall expressly Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 278 of 313 2. Purpose and Principles 2.1 Primary Purpose and Principles. The primary purpose of this agreement is to transfer the ownership of and the responsibility for, and the governance, operation and management of the portion of the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System as detailed in Schedule "8" hereto (the "Transferred Assets"), from the Transferors to the Transferees as of the Effective Date, with no disruption to the operation thereof in relation to or arising out of the said transfer. 2.2 Good Faith. Both parties agree to (and shall cause those under their direction and control to) take all necessary steps and proceedings to give full effect to the aforesaid purpose and to act in good faith in carrying out their respective responsibilities hereunder so as to achieve the aforesaid purpose. The parties agree to co-operate fully with each other to further the purpose of this agreement and all applicable government laws and regulations. 3. Transfer by the Transferors to the Transferee 3.1 Transfer by the Transferors (1) Subject to the terms hereof and any applicable government laws and regulations, effective on the Effective Date, the Transferors hereby: (a) transfer and convey to the Transferee all of the Transferors' right, title and interest in and to all of the assets and property of every kind and description used in connection with or relating to the Transferred Assets, including, without limitation, the following:(i) all pipelines, equipment and machinery, appurtenances and accessories thereto (including all computer hardware and software); and (ii) the full benefit of all contracts and other arrangements for goods and/or services; all such assets and property being herein collectively called the "Transferred Assets", provided that it is expressly agreed and acknowledged that the Transferred Assets shall exclude the Excluded Assets. The parties hereby acknowledge and agree that there are no reserves whatsoever associated with the Transferred Assets and, as such, no reserves will be transferred to the Transferee. 3.2 Assumption of Responsibilities by the Transferee (1) Subject to the terms hereof, and as of the Effective Date, the Transferee shall become the sole owner of the Transferred Assets and shall, from and after the Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 279 of 313 Effective Date, assume sole responsibility for the operation, maintenance, management and replacement of the Transferred Assets and hereby agrees to operate, maintain, replace and otherwise administer the Transferred Assets in accordance with all applicable legislation and regulations, including, but not limited to those prescribed in and under the Safe Drínkíng WaterAct, 2002 (Ontario). (2) For greater certainty, the Transferee shall, from and after the Effectíve Date, have all of the Transferors' rights, obligations and responsibilities (whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent) in respect of the ownership, operation, maintenance, management and replacement of the Transferred Assets and including, without limitation, responsibility for the payment of all debts, liabilities and obligations (whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent) heretofore or hereafter arising from the operation, use, maintenance and enhancement of the Transferred Assets, and the Transferee expressly assumes all such debts, liabilities and obligations, whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent and agrees to pay and/or observe all such debts, liabilities and obligations. (4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the Transferee shall have no responsibility or liability in respect of any of the Excluded Liabilities. 4. Representations of the Parties 4. 1 Transferors Representations (1) The Transferors are all validly subsisting municipal corporations and the System is a secondary water supply system transferred to the Transferors by Order made under the Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997. (2) This agreement and all agreements, instruments and other documents executed and delivered by the Transferors pursuant to this agreement have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Transferors and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Transferors, enforceable against the Transferors by the Transferee in accordance with the respective terms thereof. 4.2 Transferees Representations (1) The Transferee is a validly subsisting municipal corporation duly underthe laws of the Province of Ontario. (2) This agreement and all agreements, instruments and other documents executed and delivered by the Transferee pursuant to this agreement have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Transferee and constitute a legal, Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 280 of 313 valid and binding obligations of the Transferee, enforceable against the Transferee by the Transferors in accordance with the respective terms thereof. 4.3 Survival of Representations and Covenants. The representations and covenants of the partíes contained in this agreement shall survive the execution and delivery of this agreement and, notwithstanding such execution and delivery and notwithstanding any investigation or enquiries made by or on behalf of the other party, shall continue in full force and effect for the benefit of the other party forever. 5. Indemnities 5.1 lndemnification by the Transferors. The Transferors covenant and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Transferee from and against any and all Losses which may be sutfered or incurred by the Transferee as a result or by reason of: (a) subject to Section 4.3, any breach by the Transferors, or any inaccuracy or untruth, of any representation or warranty of the Transferors contained in this agreement; (b) any breach or non-performance by the Transferors of any of its covenants contained in this agreement or in any agreement, instrument or other document delivered by the Transferors in connection with this agreement (save for any .breach or nonperformance of any such covenant which has been waived by the Transferee in writing); and (c) the Excluded Liabilities. 5.2 lndemnification by the Transferee. The Transferee covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Transferors from and against any and all Losses which may be suffered or incurred by the Transferors as a result or by reason of: (a) subject to Section 4.3, any breach by the Transferee, or any inaccuracy or untruth, of any representation or warranty of the Transferee contained in this agreement; (b) any claims which may be made against the Transferee with respect to the Contracts or any other debts, liabilities or obligations assumed by the Transferee hereunder; and (c) any breach or non-performance by the Transferee of any of its covenants contained in this agreement or in any agreement, instrument or other document delivered by the Transferee in connection with this agreement (save for any breach or nonperformance of any such covenant which has been waived by the Transferors in writing). 5.3 lndemnification Procedure (1) The Transferee shall give written notice to the Transferors (the "Transferee Notice") as soon as reasonably possible of any claims asèerted by third parties for which the Transferors may be liable pursuant to this Article. The Transferee Notice shall provide reasonable particulars of all such claims. Within twenty days of delivery Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 281 of 313 of the Transferee Notice, the Transferors shall deliver written notice to the Transferee (the "Transferors Notice") electing to: (a) at its sole expense, participate in any negotiations with respect to such claims, provided that the Transferee shall continue to have carriage of the proceedings with respect to such claims; or (b) at its sole expense, take over carriage of the proceedings with respect to such claims, provided that the Transferee shall be entitled to participate in any negotiations with respect thereto. (2) Failure by the Transferee to give the Transferee Notice shall not relieve the Transferors from any liability it shall otherwise have in respect of such claims, except to the extent the Transferors are actually prejudiced by such failure to provide notice. The Transferee will fully co-operate with the Transferors and its solicitors in any proceedings with respect to any such claims and the Transferors shall fully co- operate with the Transferee and its solicitors in any proceedings with respect to such clairns. In the event that the Transferee has carriage of the claims and shall be unable to obtain timely advice from the Transferors with respect to any matter relating to such claims, the Transferee shall be entitled to deal with same in such manner as it, in the reasonable exercise of its judgment, deems appropriate. ln the event that the Transferors have carriage of the claims and the Transferors shall be unable to obtain timely advice from the Transferee with respect to any matter relating to such claims, the Transferors shall be entitled to deal with same in such manner as it, in the reasonable exercise of its judgment, deems appropriate. The party having carriage of any of the said claims shall act in good faith and with due diligence and dispatch to defend, prosecute, negotiate or resolve such claim. 5.4 Remedy. lt is understood and agreed that the sole recourse or remedy of a party hereto in the event of a breach or incorrectness of any of the representations or warranties contained Article 4 hereof shall be to exercise its rights and recourses pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Article 5. 6. Arbitration 6.1 General. The provisions of this Article shall apply in the event of a dispute arising out of this agreement. The proceedings herein contemplated shall be commenced by the party (herein called the "lnitiating Party") desiring resolution or arbitration in the manner herein provided giving a notice in writing to the other party (the "Recipient") pursuant to Section 10.1 or 10.2. 6.2 Expert. The lnitiating Party may give a notice in writing to the Recipient, requiring a meeting of the parties. Within fifteen days of the delivery of the said notice, the parties shall meet to consider whether they wish to have the dispute in question resolved by a person generally recognized in the field as having familiarity with and expertise in the matter which is the subject of the dispute (the "Expert") and if so, to agree in writing upon the person to be the Expert for such purpose, the Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 282 of 313 terms of reference to the Expert and the procedure relating to such reference, whereupon, the matter in dispute shall be resolved by the Expert agreed upon by the parties and, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the decision of such Expert shall be final and binding on the parties hereto and no appeal shall lie therefrom and the expenses and costs of the arbitration shall be at the discretion of such Expert. lf the parties shall not agree that an Expert shall resolve the matter in dispute or if they fail to agree on a person to be the Expert or the terms of reference or procedure, as aforesaid, or if the process set out in this Section cannot be completed in accordance with the agreed terms of reference because of the failure of the Expert to perform in accordance with the same or if the parties do not agree to amend such terms of reference as necessary, the parties shall proceed to arbitration in accordance with the following provisions of this Article. 6.3 Appointment of Arbitrator (1) The lnitiating Party shall give a notice in writing to the "Recipient", which notice shall state the name of an arbitrator (the "First Arbitrator") nominated by the lnitiating Party. Within seven days after receipt of such notice, the Recipient shall give Notice to the Initiating Party of the name of an arbitrator nominated by the Recipient (the "Second Arbitrator"). After the Second Arbitrator has been so appointed, the two arbitrators shall appoint a third arbitrator (the "Third Arbitrator") as soon as possible, and ín any event within fourteen days after the Second Arbitrator has been so appointed, and the Third Arbitrator shall pass upon the particular matter in dispute. e) ft the Second Arbitrator is not so appointed, the First Arbitrator shall act as sole arbitrator. (3) ¡f the First Arbitrator and the Second Arbitrator do not so appoint the Third Arbitrator, either the lnitiating Party or the Recipient may apply to a Judge of the Ontario Court (General Division) to appoint an arbitrator (the "Court-Appointed Arbitrator") pursuant to the Arbitration Act, 1991 (Ontario) and the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1991 (Ontario) shall apply to any such court application pursuant to this Section. (4) For the purposes of the following provisions of this Article, the "Deciding Arbitrator" means: (a) the Third Arbitrator appointed pursuant to Section 6.3(1), if so appointed; (b) the First Arbitrator, if Section 6.3(2) is applicable; or (c) the Court-Appointed Arbitrator appointed pursuant to Section 6.3(3) The Deciding Arbitrator shall act as sole arbitrator hereunder and shall pass upon the matter in dispute pursuant to this Section. Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 283 of 313 6.4 Qualification. Each arbitrator nominated or appointed pursuant to Section 6.3 shall be qualified by education and training to pass upon the particular question in dispute and shall be impartial. 6.5 Place of Hearing. The arbitration shall proceed in the Township of Malahide, in the Province of Ontario. 6.6 Procedure. The arbitration procedure shall be agreed to by the parties and set out in an arbitration agreement or, failing such agreement, determined by the Deciding Arbitrator. The arbitration shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration Act, l99l (Ontario) in accordance with the following provisions: (a) the Deciding Arbitrator shall proceed immediately to hear and determine the question or questions in dispute and each party shall have the right to make representations to the Deciding Arbitrator concerning the subject- matter of the arbitration; (b) the Deciding Arbitrator shall have the power to proceed with the arbitration and to deliver his or her award notwithstanding the default by any party in respect of any procedural order made by the Deciding Arbitrator; and (c) both the expenses and the costs of the arbitration shall be in the discretion of the Deciding Arbitrator. 6.7 Decision and Reasons (1) The decision and reasons therefore of the Deciding Arbitrator shall be made within thirty days after the appointment of the Deciding Arbitrator, subject to any reasonable delay due to unforeseen circumstances. (2) The decision and reasons therefore of the Deciding Arbitrator shall be in writing and signed by him or her and shall be delivered to each of the parties hereto and shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto as to any question or questions so submitted to arbitration and the parties shall be bound by such decision and perform the terms and conditions thereof, and no appeal shall lie from such decision. (3) No reporter will be necessary at the arbitration. (4) Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be rendered in any court having jurisd iction. 6.8 Prerequisite to Gourt Action. Commencement and completion of the arbitration proceedings contemplated by this Article shall be a condition precedent to the commencement of an action at law or in equity in respect of the matter required to be arbitrated. Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 284 of 313 7. Records 7.1 Personnel and Other Records. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the Transferee already has possession of all records relating to the operation and maintenance of the portion of the System set forth in Schedule B/the Transferred Assets. 8. General and Other Provisions 8.1 lnterpretation. The division of this agreement into Articles, Sections and Sections and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this agreement. Unless otherwise indicated, any reference in this agreement to any Article, Section, Subsection or Schedule refers to the specified Article, Section, Subsection or Schedule to this agreement. The parties hereto acknowledge that their respective legal counsel have reviewed and participated in settling the terms of this agreement, and that any rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguity is to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be applicable in the interpretation of this agreement. 8.2 Gender and Number. ln this agreement, words importing the singular number only shall include the plural and vice versa, words importing gender shall include all genders and words importing persons shall include individuals, corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, associations, trusts, unincorporated and all other forms of business organizations, governments, regulatory and governmental agencies, commissions, departments and instrumentalities. 8.3 Schedules. All Schedules annexed hereto shall form an integral part of this agreement and are incorporated herein by reference. 8.4 Notices. All notices or other communications by the terms hereof required or permitted to be given by one party to another shall be given in writing by personal or courier delivery or by facsimile transmission addressed to such other party and delivered or transmitted to such other party as follows: (a)to the Transferors, at: Attention: Fax: (b) to the Transferee, at: c/o The Corporation of the Township of Malahide 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Stratfordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Michelle Casavecchia, CAO/Clerk 519-773-5334 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 285 of 313 Attention: Fax: Kyle Kruger, Administrator 519-866-3884 or at such other address as may be given by any of them to the others in writing from time to time and such notices or other communications shall be deemed to have been received when delivered, or, if sent by facsimile transmission, on the next day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or Ontario statutory holiday) following the date of successful transmission. 8.9 Further Assurances. Each party hereto covenants and agrees to sign such other and further documents, agreements, instruments and provide such assurances and things as may be reasonably requested by the other party, and to cause such meetings to be held, resolutions passed and by-laws enacted, exercise their vote and inftuence, do and perform and cause to be done and performed such further and other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to accomplish or better effect the terms of this agreement. 8.10 Severability. lf any provision of this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby and such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be severable from the remainder of this agreement. 8.11 Survival. All indemnity obligations hereunder shall survive the termination of this agreement. 8.12 Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 8.13 Time of Essence. Time shall be of the essence of this agreement and of every part hereof and no extension or variation of this agreement shall operate as a waiver of this provision. 8.14 Entire Agreement. This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to all of the matters herein. This agreement may not be modified, altered or amended, nor may any provisions hereof or rights hereunder be waived except by instrument in writing signed by the party against which the enforcement of such modification, alteration, amendment or waiver is sought. 8.15 No Limit on Board. Nothing in thís agreement is intended to limit the Board in any way in fulfilling its statutory obligations and meeting all Governmental Requirements. Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 286 of 313 8.16 Governmental Requirements. This entire agreement is subject to any Governmental Requirements which the Transferee and the Transferor are obliged to meet. 8.17 Enurement. This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED as of the date noted above. The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Bayham, The Corporation Of The Township Of Malahide, The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Central Elgin, As Represented By The Port BurwellArea Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board Of Management Per: Dave Mennill, Mayor Per: Michelle Casavecchia, CAO/Clerk We have authori$ to bind the Transferors. The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Per: Per: Kyle Kruger, Administrator We have authority to bind the Transferee. Paul Ens, Mayor Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 287 of 313 Schedule '3A" - Transfer Order for the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 288 of 313 tllaníoipal Watcr and Sa'nage TransførAct' 1997 Secfion 2 TtansferOrdsrfor the PORT EURWELL Añ,EA SECON'DARYWATER SUFPLY SYSTEFJI Tnansfer Orde¡ Port Burwell Areia Vr/1f1 998 Tu; Tire Corporation of the hlmicipaliç vf Eayham . Adrninislratuf - Treosurer, Atlention: $uz¿nna l'4antel And Io: Tne Corporatiôl't ol thÊ l¿llrllcipality of Çenlrat ElËin /\drninis lf a tof/Gle rk, Attenliofl ; f\en G, $ h*ttt The Corporation of the i o*'nsnip of L{alahide AdrninisÛator/tlerk, Attenlion: Randalt R' Millärd (tre'lr{un iciraliti=s') Whereasths Or,t¿rio Clesn Waterfigency ßhe T\uencf) is the owner of the Port Burweli Area Seconclary Water Srrpply Sy.stern (ihe 'Systern') dcscribed in Sche'Jule B; Whereas the Agency is rosp+nsibfe foÍ the operation of tl"c Syttcrn; Whcreâs Ttæ fgl¡n¡E¡-y of ttc EnvÍrcnrnent {lhê "Mlnlst'y'Xthe successor [u tlre Mittísb¡ cf Enviunrnent anC Energyl gnve notice oi tlre propæal to issue th¡s I rÊnsfer Order lo the ldu.ricipalities on the l3Ê day of N'¡vcmbcr' lfl98; W'lsrsag no submissiors ì,tere ec+ive¿J; Pursuenttosubsection2(1JOf th+ MvtticipalVtatera¡d Sevvuge TmilSlarAct,l!!17 i¡4t/yÁSfA). the worl$, prcpert¡es and ass€ls açAu¡fed Þy ttre Êruvitlue luf tltê pufposc äf tlrc SystËm, includirrg årry otherassçts, liabitities, Íghts and.obhgaliorts qltte^.^. t Aqency, (exr:epl âs pro;,¡¡¿eit Eelo,.z or in orders undçr sec;tion l0_or.sut:s.ectþp*fie,i of ,T$ail"ro#r:lm:nsferred joinrty to the Munici¡xtftie+. efrecrive rhs.-{ tt16y r'¡ Ti¡is Tl.an*fer Order does not lransfer ãny chaÌtels used by the Agency in connccticn vJnh fre operation of the System- Thn title to such chsliels retnairls guveltttxJ L¡y llte êßreÊn¡ent underv¿hich thc liystnrn i's operateC lrom timett'r firne' Purçuart to s.,beeËtion 2(5) of MV¿ÅSTA. certain liabilities aie ¡tot fans[erreC, but all otfier liabilities ancl obligaiinns of the A$ency ur it+ preel+r:+ssnr* with res¡:erl tr fhe Systcm (other than the Àgency's uontinued obligulíon lo opera[e thetn under sadioÍ 7 of IçIWASTA) are transÉered joíntly to the lvl-rnicipalities. Fage 1 af l1 Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 289 of 313 Schedule "8" - Transferred Assets Description of the works compromising the transfer of assets: The description of assets below is meant to identify all known Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System assets east of 5 meters east of the E038 concrete meter and 5 meters north of V001 valve chamber as transferred by Transfer Order Port Bunrell Area W1/1998 Section I - being the transmission main and all related appurtenances directly connected to the transmission main which runs from Nova Scotia Line to Ghatham Street in the Municipality of Bayham. Specifically, the section of 10" (250 millimeter) diameter transmission main commencing 5 meters easterly of the E03l/V001 concrete meter and valve chamber extending approximately 0.9 kilometers to Ghatham Street, Port Burwell Section 2 - being the transmission main and all related appurtenances directly connected to the transmission main which runs along Plank Road from Port Bu¡vell to Vienna in the Municipality of Bayham. Specifically, the section of 10" (250 millimeter) diameter transmission main commencing at Victoria Street, Port Burwell and extending approximately 3.4 kilometers to North Street, Vienna Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 290 of 313 Schedule "C" - Excluded Assets and Liabilities N/A Staff Report E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". Page 291 of 313 Page 292 of 313 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-049 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE RENEWAL OF AN AGREEMENT BET\ilEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AI\D NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES LIMITED FOR THE PROVISION OF \ilEEKLY COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF RECYCLABLES, \ryEEKLY COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WASTE AND BULK COLLECTION BINS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did pass By-law 2001-51 and By-law 2001-52 on May 17, 200I authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute agreements for the weekly collection and disposal of residential & commercial waste and bulk collection bins with Norfolk Disposal Services Limited and the weekly collection and disposal of recyclables with McQ Handling Inc., respectively, in the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by resolutions of Council dated January 17, 2002 and January 9, 2003 approve assignment of the McQ Handling Inc. contract for recycling to BFI Catadaand subsequently to Norfolk Disposal Services Inc. for the remainder of the term to expire i|i4ay 22,2006; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By-laws No. 2006-025,2007-I13, and 2009-049 to extend such contracts, as amended, for further periods to end June l,20ll; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of fuither extending such contracts with Norfolk Disposal Services Limited for a further period to expire April 30, 2012. NO\il THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the Agreements between and the Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk Disposal Services Limited, as assigned and amended, be extended for a further term to end April 30, 2012. 2. THAT all other terms and conditions of the assigned agreements, as amended, be and remain in effect; 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16TH DAY OF JUNE 2012. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-049 A By-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement (Norfolk Disposal Services Limited) Page 293 of 313 Page 294 of 313 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJI\üCIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2011-051 A Bylaw to repeal By-Law No. 378 of the former Village of Port Burwell, being a Bylaw to Prohibit the Discharge of Firearms \ryHEREAS the former Village of Port Burwell passed By-lawNo. 378 April 12th, 1982,to prohibit the discharge of firearms within the Village; AflD WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems is necessary and expedientto repeal the said By-law. THEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. l. That By-law 378, being a By-law to prohibit the discharge of firearms passed by the former Village of Port Burwell Apnl 12,1982be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon fìnal passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AI{D FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JTINE 2OII. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-051 A By-law to repeal By-Law No. 378 of the former Village of Port Burwell, being a By-law to Prohibit the Page 295 of 313 Page 296 of 313 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-053 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BET\ilEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM, THE CORPORATTON OF THE TO\illlSHIP OF MALAHTDE, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN, AS represented by the PORT BURWELL AREA SECONDARY \ilATER SUPPLY SYSTEM JOINT BOARD OF MANAGEMENT WHEREAS by Transfer Order made pursuant to the Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997,the Ontario Clean Water Agency transferred the Port Burwell Secondary'Water Supply System to the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement with the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board to transfer certain assets. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16TH DAY OF JUNE,20lt. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 297 of 313 This Agreement made this day of ,2010, BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALIW OF CENTRAL ELGIN, as represented by the PORT BURWELL AREA SECONDARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM JOINT BOARD OF MANAGEMENT (the "Transferors") -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (the "Transferee") WHEREAS by Transfer Order made pursuant to the MunicipalWater and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997, and dated November 29th, 2000, a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "A", the Ontario Clean Water Agency transferred the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System (the "System") to the Transferors; AND WHEREAS the Transferors are the owners of and are responsible, through the Joint Board of Management, for the operation of the System; AND WHEREAS the Transferees have and continue to administer, under the direction of the Transferors and the Joint Board of Management, a portion of the System which is more particularly described in Schedule "B" attached hereto; AND WHEREAS the Transferors have determined that it is in the best interests of the System as a whole and of the System users to transfer to the Transferee all right, title, ownership and responsibility to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "B" and the Transferee wishes to accept from the Transferors all right, title, ownership and responsibility to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "8"; By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 298 of 313 NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the sum of $1.00 now paid by each of the parties to the other and in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Defined Terms and Schedules 1.1 Defined Terms. For the purposes of this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, in addition to any other terms defined herein, the following terms shall have the respective meanings set out below (and any grammatical variations thereof shall have the corresponding meanings): (a) "Board" means the Joint Board of Management of the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System; (b) "Current Assets" means those assets of the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "8" as at the close of business on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date which would, in accordance with GAAP, be classified, and included in the balance sheet of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as current assets of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham relating to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "B" as at such time; (c) "Current Liabilities" means those liabilities of the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "8" as at the close of business on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date which would, in accordance with GAAP, be classified, and included in the balance sheet of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, as current liabilities of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham relating to the portion of the System as set forth in Schedule "B" as at such time; (d) "Effective Date" means therurt , and provided that the deliveries referred to in the last paragraph of Section 3.1 have been made; (e) "Excluded Assets" means all those assets and property listed or described in Schedule "C"' (f) "Excluded Liabilities" means those liabilities and obligations of the Transferors described in Schedule "C"; (g) "Transferred Assets" has the meaning attributed to such term in Section 3.1 provided always that the term "Transferred Assets" shall expressly exclude the Excluded Assets; 1.2 Schedules. The following Schedules are attached to and form part of this agreement: Schedule "4" - Transfer Order for the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Schedule uB" - Transferred Assets Schedule "C'- Excluded Assets and Liabilities By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 299 of 313 2. Purpose and Principles 2.1 Pnmary Purpose and Principles. The primary purpose of this agreement is to transfer the ownership of and the responsibility for, and the governance, operation and management of the portion of the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System as detailed in Schedule "8" hereto (the "Transferred Assets"), from the Transferors to the Transferees as of the Effective Date, with no disruption to the operation thereof in relation to or arising out of the said transfer. 2.2 Good Faith. Both parties agree to (and shall cause those under their direction and control to) take all necessary steps and proceedings to give full effect to the aforesaid purpose and to act in good faith in carrying out their respective responsibilities hereunder so as to achieve the aforesaid purpose. The parties agree to co-operate fully with each other to further the purpose of this agreement and all applicable government laws and regulations. 3. Transfer by the Transferors to the Transferee 3.1 Transfer by the Transferors (1) Subject to the terms hereof and any applicable government laws and regulations, effective on the Effective Date, the Transferors hereby: (a) transfer and convey to the Transferee all of the Transferors' right, title and interest in and to all of the assets and property of every kind and description used in connection with or relating to the Transferred Assets, including, without limitation, the following:(i) all pipelines, equipment and machinery, appurtenances and accessories thereto (including all computer hardware and software); and (ii) the full benefit of all contracts and other arrangements for goods and/or services; all such assets and property being herein collectively called the "Transferred Assets", provided that it is expressly agreed and acknowledged that the Transferred Assets shall exclude the Excluded Assets. The parties hereby acknowledge and agree that there are no reserves whatsoever associated with the Transferred Assets and, as such, no reserves will be transferred to the Transferee. 3.2 Assumption of Responsibilities by the Transferee (1) Subject to the terms hereof, and as of the Effective Date, the Transferee shall become the sole owner of the Transferred Assets and shall, from and after the By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 300 of 313 Effective Date, assume sole responsibility for the operation, maintenance, management and replacement of the Transferred Assets and hereby agrees to operate, maintain, replace and otherwise administer the Transferred Assets in accordance with all applicable legislation and regulations, including, but not limited to those prescribed in and under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 (Ontario). (2) For greater certainty, the Transferee shall, from and after the Effective Date, have all of the Transferors' rights, obligations and responsibilities (whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent) in respect of the ownership, operation, maintenance, management and replacement of the Transferred Assets and including, without limitation, responsibility for the payment of all debts, liabilities and obligations (whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent) heretofore or hereafter arising from the operation, use, maintenance and enhancement of the Transferred Assets, and the Transferee expressly assumes all such debts, liabilities and obligations, whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent and agrees to pay and/or observe all such debts, liabilities and obligations. (4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the Transferee shall have no responsibility or liability in respect of any of the Excluded Liabilities. 4. Representations of the Parties 4. 1 Transferors Representations (1) The Transferors are all validly subsisting municipal corporations and the System is a secondary water supply system transferred to the Transferors by Order made under the Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997. (2) This agreement and all agreements, instruments and other documents executed and delivered by the Transferors pursuant to this agreement have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Transferors and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Transferors, enforceable against the Transferors by the Transferee in accordance with the respective terms thereof. 4.2 T ransferees Re prese ntati ons (1) The Transferee is a validly subsisting municipal corporation duly under the laws of the Province of Ontario. (2) This agreement and all agreements, instruments and other documents executed and delivered by the Transferee pursuant to this agreement have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Transferee and constitute a legal, By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 301 of 313 valid and binding obligations of the Transferee, enforceable against the Transferee by the Transferors in accordance with the respective terms thereof. 4.3 Survival of Representations and Govenants. The representations and covenants of the partíes contained in this agreement shall survive the execution and delivery of this agreement and, notwithstanding such execution and delivery and notwithstanding any investigation or enquiries made by or on behalf of the other party, shall continue in full force and effect for the benefit of the other party forever. 5. lndemnities 5.1 lndemnification by the Transferors. The Transferors covenant and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Transferee from and against any and all Losses which may be suffered or incurred by the Transferee as a result or by reason of: (a) subject to Section 4.3, any breach by the Transferors, or any inaccuracy or untruth, of any representation or warranty of the Transferors contained in this agreement; (b) any breach or non-performance by the Transferors of any of its covenants contained in this agreement or in any agreement, instrument or other document delivered by the Transferors in connection with this agreement (save for any .breach or nonperformance of any such covenant which has been waived by the Transferee in writing); and (c) the Excluded Liabilities. 5.2 lndemnification by the Transferee. The Transferee covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Transferors from and against any and all Losses which may be suffered or incurred by the Transferors as a result or by reason of: (a) subject to Section 4.3, any breach by the Transferee, or any inaccuracy or untruth, of any representation or warranty of the Transferee contained in this agreement; (b) any claims which may be made against the Transferee with respect to the Contracts or any other debts, liabilities or obligations assumed by the Transferee hereunder; and (c) any breach or non-performance by the Transferee of any of its covenants contained in this agreement or in any agreement, instrument or other document delivered by the Transferee in connection with this agreement (save for any breach or nonperformance of any such covenant which has been waived by the Transferors in writing). 5.3 lndemnification Procedure (1) The Transferee shall give written notice to the Transferors (the "Transferee Notice") as soon as reasonably possible of any claims asserted by third parties for which the Transferors may be liabfe pursuant to this Article. The Transferee Notice shall provide reasonable particulars of all such claims. Within twenty days of delivery By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 302 of 313 of the Transferee Notice, the Transferors shall deliver written notice to the Transferee (the "Transferors Notice") electing to: (a) at its sole expense, participate in any negotiations with respect to such claims, provided that the Transferee shall continue to have carriage of the proceedings with respect to such claims; or (b) at its sole expense, take over carriage of the proceedings with respect to such claims, provided that the Transferee shall be entitled to participate in any negotiations with respect thereto. (2) Failure by the Transferee to give the Transferee Notice shall not relieve the Transferors from any liability it shall otherwise have in respect of such claims, except to the extent the Transferors are actually prejudiced by such failure to provide notice. The Transferee will fully co-operate with the Transferors and its solicitors in any proceedings with respect to any such claims and the Transferors shall fully co- operate with the Transferee and its solicitors in any proceedings with respect to such claims. In the event that the Transferee has carriage of the claims and shall be unable to obtain timely advice from the Transferors with respect to any matter relating to such claims, the Transferee shall be entitled to deal with same in such manner as it, in the reasonable exercise of its judgment, deems appropriate. ln the event that the Transferors have carriage of the claims and the Transferors shall be unable to obtain timely advice from the Transferee with respect to any matter relating to such claims, the Transferors shall be entitled to deal with same in such manner as it, in the reasonable exercise of its judgment, deems appropriate. The party having carriage of any of the said claims shall act in good faith and with due diligence and dispatch to defend, prosecute, negotiate or resolve such claim. 5.4 Remedy. lt is understood and agreed that the sole recourse or remedy of a party hereto in the event of a breach or incorrectness of any of the representations or warranties contained Article 4 hereof shall be to exercise its rights and recourses pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Article 5. 6. Arbitration 6.1 General. The provisions of this Article shall apply in the event of a dispute arising out of this agreement. The proceedings herein contemplated shall be commenced by the party (herein called the "lnitiating Party") desiring resolution or arbitration in the manner herein provided giving a notice in writing to the other party (the "Recipient") pursuant to Section 10.1 or 10.2. 6.2 Expert. The lnitiating Party may give a notice in writing to the Recipient, requiring a meeting of the parties. Within fifteen days of the delivery of the said notice, the parties shall meet to consider whether they wish to have the dispute in question resolved by a person generally recognized in the field as having familiarity with and expertise in the matter which is the subject of the dispute (the "Expert") and if so, to agree in writing upon the person to be the Expert for such purpose, the By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 303 of 313 terms of reference to the Expert and the procedure relating to such reference, whereupon, the matter in dispute shall be resolved by the Expert agreed upon by the parties and, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the decision of such Expert shall be final and binding on the parties hereto and no appeal shall lie therefrom and the expenses and costs of the arbitration shall be at the discretion of such Expert. lf the parties shall not agree that an Expert shall resolve the matter in dispute or if they fail to agree on a person to be the Expert or the terms of reference or procedure, as aforesaid, or if the process set out in this Section cannot be completed in accordance with the agreed terms of reference because of the failure of the Expert to perform in accordance with the same or if the parties do not agree to amend such terms of reference as necessary, the parties shall proceed to arbitration in accordance with the following provisions of this Article. 6.3 Appointment of Arbitrator (1) The lnitiating Party shall give a notice in writing to the "Recipient", which notice shall state the name of an arbitrator (the "First Arbitrator") nominated by the lnitiating Party, Within seven days after receipt of such notice, the Recipient shall give Notice to the lnitiating Party of the name of an arbitrator nominated by the Recipient (the "Second Arbitrator"). After the Second Arbitrator has been so appointed, the two arbitrators shall appoint a third arbitrator (the "Third Arbitrator") as soon as possible, and in any event within fourteen days after the Second Arbitrator has been so appointed, and the Third Arbitrator shall pass upon the particular matter in dispute. (2) lf the Second Arbitrator is not so appointed, the First Arbitrator shall act as sole arbitrator. (3) lf the First Arbitrator and the Second Arbitrator do not so appoint the Third Arbitrator, either the lnitiating Party or the Recipient may apply to a Judge of the Ontario Court (General Division) to appoint an arbitrator (the "Court-Appointed Arbitrator") pursuant to the Arbitration Act, 1991 (Ontario) and the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1991 (Ontario) shall apply to any such court application pursuant to this Section. (4) For the purposes of the following provisions of this Article, the "Deciding Arbitrator" means: (a) the Third Arbitrator appointed pursuant to Section 6.3(1), if so appointed; (b) the Fírst Arbitrator, if Sectíon 6.3(2) is applicable; or (c) the Court-Appointed Arbitrator appointed pursuant to Section 6.3(3) The Deciding Arbitrator shall act as sole arbitrator hereunder and shall pass upon the matter in dispute pursuant to this Section. By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 304 of 313 6.4 Qualification. Each arbitrator nominated or appointed pursuant to Section 6.3 shall be qualified by education and training to pass upon the particular question in dispute and shall be impartial. 6.5 Place of Hearing. The arbitration shall proceed in the Township of Malahide, in the Province of Ontario. 6.6 Procedure. The arbitration procedure shall be agreed to by the parties and set out in an arbitration agreement or, failing such agreement, determined by the Deciding Arbitrator. The arbitration shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration Act, l99l (Ontario) in accordance with the following provisions: (a) the Deciding Arbitrator shall proceed immediately to hear and determine the question or questions in dispute and each party shall have the right to make representations to the Deciding Arbitrator concerning the subject- matter of the arbitration; (b) the Deciding Arbitrator shall have the power to proceed with the arbitration and to deliver his or her award notwithstanding the default by any party in respect of any procedural order made by the Deciding Arbitrator; and (c) both the expenses and the costs of the arbitration shall be in the discretion of the Deciding Arbitrator. 6.7 Decision and Reasons (1) The decision and reasons therefore of the Deciding Arbitratorshall be made within thirty days after the appointment of the Deciding Arbitrator, subject to any reasonable delay due to unforeseen circumstances. (2) The decision and reasons therefore of the Deciding Arbitrator shall be in writing and signed by him or her and shall be delivered to each of the parties hereto and shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto as to any question or questions so submitted to arbitration and the parties shall be bound by such decision and perform the terms and conditions thereof, and no appeal shall lie from such decision. (3) No reporter will be necessary at the arbitration. (4) Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be rendered in any court having jurisdiction. 6.8 Prerequisite to Court Action. Commencement and completion of the arbitration proceedings contemplated by this Article shall be a condition precedent to the commencement of an action at law or in equity in respect of the matter required to be arbitrated. By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 305 of 313 7. Records 7.1 Personnel and Other Records. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the Transferee already has possession of all records relating to the operation and maintenance of the portion of the System set forth in Schedule B/the Transferred Assets. 8. General and Other Provisions 8.1 lnterpretation. The division of this agreement into Articles, Sections and Sections and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this agreement. Unless othenruise indicated, any reference in this agreement to any Article, Section, Subsection or Schedule refers to the specified Article, Section, Subsection or Schedule to this agreement. The parties hereto acknowledge that their respective legal counsel have reviewed and participated in settling the terms of this agreement, and that any rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguity is to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be applicable in the interpretation of this agreement. 8.2 Gender and Number. ln this agreement, words importing the singular number only shall include the plural and vice versa, words importing gender shall include all genders and words importing persons shall include individuals, corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, associations, trusts, unincorporated and all other forms of business organizations, governments, regulatory and governmental agencies, commissions, departments and instrumentalities. 8.3 Schedules. All Schedules annexed hereto shall form an integral part of this agreement and are incorporated herein by reference. 8.4 Notices. All notices or other communications by the terms hereof required or permitted to be given by one party to another shall be given in writing by personal or courier delivery or by facsimile transmission addressed to such other party and delivered or transmitted to such other party as follows: (a)to the Transferors, at: Attention: Fax: (b) to the Transferee, at: c/o The Corporation of the Township of Malahide 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Michelle Casavecchia, CAO/Clerk 519-773-5334 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 306 of 313 Attention: Fax: Kyle Kruger, Administrator 519-866-3884 or at such other address as may be given by any of them to the others in writing from time to time and such notices or other communications shall be deemed to have been received when delivered, or, if sent by facsimile transmission, on the next day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or Ontario statutory holiday) following the date of successful transmission. 8.9 Further Assurances. Each party hereto covenants and agrees to sign such other and further documents, agreements, instruments and provide such assurances and things as may be reasonably requested by the other party, and to cause such meetings to be held, resolutions passed and by-laws enacted, exercise their vote and influence, do and perform and cause to be done and performed such further and other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to accomplish or better effect the terms of this agreement. 8.10 Severability. lf any provision of this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby and such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be severable from the remainder of this agreement. 8.11 Survival. All indemnity obligations hereunder shall survive the termination of this agreement. 8.12 Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 8.13 Time of Essence. Time shall be of the essence of this agreement and of every part hereof and no extension or variation of this agreement shall operate as a waiver of this provision. 8.14 Entire Agreement. This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to all of the matters herein. This agreement may not be modified, altered or amended, nor may any provisions hereof or rights hereunder be waived except by instrument in writing signed by the pafty against which the enforcement of such modification, alteration, amendment or waiver is sought. 8.15 No Limit on Board. Nothing in this agreement is intended to limit the Board in any way in fulfilling its statutory obligations and meeting all Governmental Requirements. By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 307 of 313 8.16 Governmental Requirements. This entire agreement is subject to any Governmental Requirements which the Transferee and the Transferor are obliged to meet. 8.17 Enurement. This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED as of the date noted above. The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Bayham, The Corporation Of The Township Of Malahide, The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Central Elgin, As Represented By The Port BurwellArea Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board Of Management Per: Dave Mennill, Mayor Per: Michelle Casavecchia, CAO/Clerk We have authority to bind the Transferors. The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Per: Paul Ens, Mayor Per: Kyle Kruger, Administrator We have authority to bind the Transferee. By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 308 of 313 Schedule ¡'A" - Transfer Order for the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 309 of 313 ñlaníoìpal Wcter and Servage Trañsfer Ac[ l99T Secüon 2 Tlansfer OrdPr for the PORT BURWELL åREA SECOHDARYWATER SUFPLY SYSTEIII Transfer Order Port Burwell Anna V'/1/1998 Tu: The Corporation of the hlmicipaliç c'f Eayharn Adrninislralçr - T¡ ¡rlsurer, Atlention: Suzan na l'4antel And lr.¡: The Corporat¡ôtl of the ùlmlcipali(y af CerrLal Elgin Âdrninislrâtof/Glerk, Attenlion; Kert G "SÌ*¡tt The Corporation of the lofln$nlp of L{alahide Adrninisüatoritlerk, Attenlion: Randall R' Millard ( t,re'lrl un iciral ities'') Whereas tþe Ontario Clesn WaterAgency [ìhe iAqencf) is the owner of the Port Burwcll Area $econclary Water,SrrppTy Systbrn (the ".System') dcscribed in Sche'Jule B; Whereas the Agency is r+sponsible for the operation of tf c $yctcrn; Wheress Ilæ fylin¡rtry of tj.le EnvirçnriÊnl (the "Mlnlst{'XÛre suÇt€ssfrr lo the Mirrisbl' .rf Envionrnent an,l Ênergy¡ gave notice oÏ the proposal to Íssuo th¡s I /Énsfer Otder lo the lt¡luaicipsl¡ües on the 13î day of Novcmber' 1998: Wrerees no submissions $rere lêúêiverJ; Fursuant to subsectiun 2(1) of th+ Mutticipa,r Vlaler and Senuge Tmnslar Act, 1g!17 iptyÁSIA). the worfis, pmperTies ånd assots acQuir€d by the Pruvitrue lut tlre ¡]ul-Pt)se- rly otlìêr âssets, liabilities, dghts and oblrgatiorts glthe-.-. eiJ belovl or in 0rders undcriection l0 or subsectio-nu2f6J of nsferred jointly to the Municipalitje+. effective thn¿5f tg¡'t tt¡ T¡is Trtn+fer Order does not transfer any chattels used by the ,Agency in conn+cticn v¡lth Íe operation of the Syutem- Thn titlc to such chattels rerrlairrs guverrtuJ L¡y []re A0re€rnent t¡ndçr v¡hich thc Syshrn is operateC lrom time tcr tlrne. pursuart to slbsectian 2(5) of Mt¡VÁSIA. certain liabilities are nol lransfelreC, but all otfier liabilities and obligaiiinns nl the Érflency or il+ pred+ces*rrr* with res¡e.cf Ì:: fhe Sy*tcm (other than the Àgenc¡,'s uuntinued oblìgatíon tr: o¡renrte [h+m under ÊÊction 7 ol IIWASTA) are transferred jointly to the lv'l.rnicipalities. Page 1 of 11 By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 310 of 313 Schedule r¡8" - Transferred Assets Description of the works compromising the transfer of assets: The description of assets below is meant to identify all known Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System assets east of 5 meters east of the E038 concrete meter and 5 meters north of V001 valve chamber as transferred by Transfer Order Port Burwell Area W1/1998 Section I - being the transmission main and all related appurtenances directly connected to the transmission main which runs from Nova Scotia Line to Chatham Street in the Municipality of Bayham. Specifically, the section of 10" (250 millimeter) diameter transmission main commencing 5 meters easterly of the E03l/V001 concrete meter and valve chamber extending approximately 0.9 kilometers to Chatham Street, Port Burwell Section 2 - being the transmission main and all related appurtenances directly connected to the transmission main which runs along Plank Road from Port Burwell to Vienna in the Municipality of Bayham. Specifically, the section of 10" (250 millimeter) diameter transmission main commencing at Victoria Street, Port Burwell and extending approximately 3.4 kilometers to North Street, Vienna By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 311 of 313 Schedule "C" - Excluded Assets and Liabilities N/A By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply Page 312 of 313 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-055 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JT]NE 16,20II \ilHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municþal Act,200l S.O. 2001, Chapter 21,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200l, the powers of Council are to be exercised byby-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE THE COTTNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recoÍrmendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held June 16,2011 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byJaw. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affrxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this l6thday of June, 2011. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-055 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 313 of 313