HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 15, 2009 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville January 15, 2009 7:00 p.m. Committee of Adjustment 6:30 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, 2008. (b Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a 7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal - regarding Estherville Cemetery. (b 7:15 p.m. - Matthew Redsell - slide presentation regarding the direction of the Municipality and sustainable type living. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a Copy of Resolution passed December 15, 2008 by the Council of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry regarding "financial assistance to cover funeral expenses for needy individuals". File: C10 (b Copy of resolution passed November 12, 2008 by the Township of South Stormont regarding "Bill 50, the Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008". File: C10 7-13 15 17 Page 1 of 287 Council Agenda January 15, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (c Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and January 9, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Releases Putting Out the Welcome Mat: Why Immigration Matters to Ontario's Municipalities", "Public Review Period for Draft Information and Communications Standard Extended to February 6, 2009", "URGENT - Ontario's Municipal Leadership in Federal Budget Consultations", "Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund Notices for 2009", "We Need Your Support of the AMO position on the Waste Diversion Act, the Blue Box Program Plan Review" and "Municipal Leaders Forum on Green Building". File: A01 (d Correspondence dated December 31, 2008 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Improved Energy Efficiency Standards for New Homes". File: A16 (e Draft minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting held November 21, 2008. File: C06 (f Copy of letter dated December 18, 2008 from Chris Bentley, M.P.P., London West to Tourism London regarding "funding for cultural programs under the Ministry of Culture's Cultural Strategic Investment Fund". File: A16/F11 (g Correspondence dated December 19, 2008 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Local Government Week". File: A01 (h Correspondence received from Township of Bonfield and Township of East Ferris seeking financial assistance to recover from flooding. File: C13 (i Newsletter from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Board Brief - Highlights from the Board of Directors". File: A01 (j Correspondence dated December 10, 2008 from Independent Electricity System Operator regarding "Ontario's electricity market". File: M07 (k "Lifestyle Link" Winter 2009 newsletter received January 8, 2009 from Elgin St. Thomas Public Health. File M07 19-32 33 35-37 39 41 43 45-47 49-53 55-58 Page 2 of 287 Council Agenda January 15, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (l Correspondence dated December 29, 2008 from Ministry of Natural Resources regarding "Information Session on the Endangered Species Act 2007". File: A16 (m Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held December 11, 2008. File: C06 (n Correspondence received from The Public Sector Group of Funds regarding "Universal Corporate Bond Fund". File A01 (o Correspondence dated January 5, 2009 from Elgin St. Thomas Public Health regarding "Active Elgin". File: M07 (p Correspondence dated January 7, 2009 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Agricultural Drainage Infrastructure Program, Upcoming Drainage Courses, Tile Loan Program". File: A16 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance application. File: D10.08/09 (b Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application. File: D10.08 (c Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application. File: D10.08 (d Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance application. File: D10.08 (e Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance application. File: D10.08 (f Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance application. File: D10.08 59 61-62 63-64 65 67-68 69-78 79-87 89-100 101-117 119-133 135-151 Page 3 of 287 Council Agenda January 15, 2009 Page 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a No items. 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a Building permit report for the month ending December 2008. File: P10 (b Staff Report P2009-001 regarding Emergency Management Program Annual Report. File: P16 (c Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Report - 2008. File: P16 (d Staff Report P2009-003 regarding By-law Enforcement Program 2008 Year End Report. File: P16 (e Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments. File: P16 (f Staff Memorandum PR2009-01 regarding County Land Acquisition - CP Rail Lands at Black Bridge. File: L07 (g Staff Memorandum regarding Sketch Dimensions - Csinos Property (Report C2008- 12). File: S09 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusive, totaling $271,563.64 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Dec 28, 2008 totaling $51,403.01. (b Staff Report F2009-01 regarding Yearly Update to Bylaws. File: F03 (c Staff Report F2009-02 regarding Council Remuneration & Expenses . File: F03.03 153 155-159 161-168 169-174 175-208 209-211 213-214 215-230 231-234 235 Page 4 of 287 Council Agenda January 15, 2009 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (d Copy of Correspondence dated December 9, 2008 from Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington to Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario regarding "Lottery Licensing - Request for Process Streamlining". File: P09 (e Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "Adult Basic Literacy program". File: A01 (f Correspondence received from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Volunteer Service Awards". File: M02 10.ENVIRONMENT (a No Items 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a In Camera. (b Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 18, 2009. (c Confidential Staff Report F2009-03 regarding Personal matter. (d Confidential Staff Memorandum regarding labour relations / employee negotiations. (e Confidential Staff Memorandum regarding labour relations / employee negotiations. (f Confidential Staff Report H2009-02 regarding labour relations / employee negotiations. [Addenda] (g Confidential Staff Report H2009-01 regarding labour relations / employee negotiations. (h Out of Camera. 237-238 239-248 249-250 Page 5 of 287 Council Agenda January 15, 2009 Page 12.BY-LAWS (a By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Management Program (b By-Law 2009-003 To authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures (c By-Law 2009-004 A By-Law to provide for an Interim Tax Levy (d By-Law 2009-005 A By-Law to authorize the conveyance of real property (Pt Lots 19 & 20 Conc North Gore) (e By-Law 2009-002 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a Adjournment 251-280 281-282 283 285 287 Page 6 of 287 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville December 18,2008 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, December 18, 2008 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, ÌVayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Vy'ater/TVastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson was in attendance to present his report. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at7 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECUNIARY INTEREST & TIIE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 4, 2008. 2008-596 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor I'THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held December 4,2008 be approved as circulated.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item 2008-597 Moved by W Casier Seconded bv C Evanitski 'f THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93.. a verbal report regarding the Richmond Water System and a Closed Session item regarding a personell matter be added to the agenda as items 10(d) and 11(d) respectively." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery Page I of7 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, ... Page 7 of 287 Council Minutes December 18.2008 Wanda Hoshal thanked Council for their patience regarding her Estherville cemetery questions. She inquired regarding the status and was advised by Mayor Acre that Council had approved securement of the dowser, Ms. Mae Leonard, subject to perrnission of the property owner Mr. TonytCsinos. The Administrator adviseùofinoresponse tohisletterrequesting permissiorrpdding that Ms. Leonard had not been approached pending that approval. Mrs. Hoshal questioned how long Council would wait for a response, whereon Council agreed until the next meeting scheduled for January 15/09. Staff are to advice Mr. Csinos of this. It was noted that the archaeological survey included only the fooþrint of the barn, not 15 feet beyond as recorded in a recent Aylmer Express article. Mapping was requested for the January meeting as measurements are not consistent. 5. INFORMA'TION ITEMS (a) Copy of Resolution passed November 19, 2008 by Township of South Stormont regarding "Bill 50, the Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008". File: C10 (b) Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Govemment Lays Ground Work for Reducing Poverty by Committing to25% Reduction in Child Poverty by 2013'. File: A0l (c) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 5. 2008. File C06 (d) Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held November 13, 2008. File: C06 (e) Bayham Health and Safety Committee minutes of meeting held November 19, 2008. File: C06 (Ð Correspondence received from the Stoyles family, Cindy's Angels expressing appreciation for the waiver of the hall rental fee for fundraising event. File: C13 2008-598 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor 'TTHAT information items 5(a) through 5(Ð be received for information.fr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLAI\NING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM Page2 of7 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, ... Page 8 of 287 Council Minutes December 18,2008 (a) Memo from IBI Group dated Novemb et 27 ,2008 - Follow Up to the Open House held October 29,2008 re: Official Plan 5 Year Review 2008-s99 Moved by C Evanitski Seconded by W Casier THAT the IBI Group Memo dated November 27,2008 regarding the Oflicial Plan 5 Year Review Open House be received for information." CARRIED LINANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) Staff Report DR2008-025 regarding Petition for Drainage (John Stewart). File: E09 2008-600 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor 'TTHAT Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the fïling with the Clerk of the Petition for drainage works by John Stewart on December 11,2009; AND THAT StaffReport DR2008-025 regarding the petition for drainage be received: AND THAT Council wishes to proceed with this matter and appoints Spriets Ässociates, Engineers, to prepare a premiminary report on the proposed drainage area, pursuant to Section 5 of the Drainage Act, for Council's consideration." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) No Items 9. F'INANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheques #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusive, except Cheques #5673 totaling $1,316,724.62 andPayroll Disbursements for the period ending Nov. 30, 2008 totaling$.51,760.27. 2008-601 Moved by M Taylor Seconded bv W Casier "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #5569 to Cheque #5680 inclusive, except Cheque #5673 totaling 51,316,724.62 and Payroll Disbursements for Pase 3 of7 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, ... Page 9 of 287 Council Minutes December 18,2008 the period ending Nov. 30, 2008 totaling $51,760.27 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "Long Point Region Conservation Authority Budget 2009'. 2008-602 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT correspondence dated December 5, 2008 from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding Authority Budget 2009 be received for information; CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (c) Staff Report L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2009. File: L5.1 2008-603 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by W Casier I'TIIAT StaffReport L2008-04 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2009 be received: AND THAT the 2009 Municipal insurance program be obtained from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. in accordance with the offer to renew dated December 11,2008, atatotalpremium of S106,018 plus applicable taxes.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Draft Community Centres minutes of meeting held December 11, 2008. Item 5(d) requires Council action. Draft By-Law 2008-I2I to renew agreement for Vienna Community Centre management services, draft By-Law 2008-122 to extend agreements with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services at the community centres. File: C06/C01 2008-604 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "TIIAT Draft Community Centres minutes of meeting held December 11, 2008 be received: AND THAT By-Law 2008-121 to renew agreement for Vienna Community Centre management services and By-Law 2008-122 to extend agreements with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services at the community centres be presented to Council for enactment." Page 4 of1 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, ... Page 10 of 287 Council Minutes December 18.2008 CARRIED I.]NANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) Quarterþ Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and call ins for period ending September 30, 2008. File: E08 2008-60s Moved by M Taylor Seconded by W Casier "THAT Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and call ins for period ending September 30, 2008 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Quarterþ Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2008. File: E08 2008-606 Movedby W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non- Residential Wells for the period ending September 30, 2008 be received for information.rf CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (c) Quarterþ Compliance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plan and call ins for the period ending September 30, 2008. File: E8 2008-607 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by'W Casier "THAT Quarterly ComplÍance Summary for the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant and call ins for the period ending September 30, 2008 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Verbal Report regarding the Richmond Water system. The Administrator advised that the current licensed operator for the Richmond Water System will require a short term back-up due to temporary hospitalization. Cunent staffing includes the one certified operator and one trained personell (will write his exam in January). Temporary assistance ûom the Municipality for Page 5 of7 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, ... Page 11 of 287 Council Minutes December 18,2008 emergency backup and approximately one hour daily operation checks is being requested. Council agreed to provide support under the existing agreement. 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera 2008-608 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 8:06 p.m. to discuss: o personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 4,2008. This item was withdrawn. (c) Closed session item regarding confidential legal matter. (d) Confidential verbal report regarding a personal matter. (e) Out of Camera 2008-609 Moved by M Taylor Seconded bv W Casier "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at8zl4 p.m." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY 12. BY.LÄWS (a) By-Law 2008-l2l A By-Law to authorize the renewal of an agreement (Bootle) (b) By-Law 2008-122 A By-Law to authorize the extension ofjanitorial agreements (Peidl) 2008-610 Movedby C Evanitski Seconded by M Taylor "THAT Bylaw 2008-l2l and 2008-122be rea'd a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 6 ofl Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, ... Page 12 of 287 Council Minutes December 18,2008 (c) By-Law 2008-123 A By-law to confinn all actions of Council 2008-61 1 Moved by M Taylor Seconded bv W Casier ''THAT confirming By-law 2008-123 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 2008-6t2 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:15 p.m." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY MAYOR t4^ ìo-^, o CLERK PageT of1 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 18, ... Page 13 of 287 Page 14 of 287 ..ã-n r {loq ,loo? - United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry 26Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario K6J 3P2 Telephone: 613 932-1515 The Council of the United Counties of Stormont,I)undas and Glengarry passed the following resolution on December 15, 2008. Your support of this resolution would be appreciated. Please send any resolution support to the Minister of Community and Social Services, with a copy to the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. Resolution No. 2008- 139 Moved by Deputy Mayor Rose Seconded by Mayor Barkley WHEREAS the City of Cornwall is Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) for the City of Comwall and United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry; and WIIEREAS payment for indigent funerals is a requirement of the CMSM under the Ontario Works Act; and WHEREAS recommended rates and guidelines for such payments are provided by the provincial Ministry of Community and Social Services; and WIIEREAS these rates were last reviewed and adjusted in 2005, and costs have been escalating to the point where funeral homes are unable to continue providing services at the existing rates; and WHEREAS the Ministry of Community and Social Services will only subsidize rndigent funerals for individuals who are receiving social assistance through Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program prior to their death, regardless oftheir financial situation. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry petitions the Ministry of Community and Social Services to request a review and appropriate adjustment of the recommended rates for indigent funerals, on behalf of CMSMs across the province. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ministry of Community and Social Services amend the currentpolicy to provide financial assistance to cover funeral expenses for all needy individuals, regardless of their age or whether or not they are receiving support through Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program, at the time of death. AND FIIRTHER that this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Community and Social Services, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, all municipalities in Ontario and local MPPs. Helen Thomson Clerk DISCLAIMER Th¡s maleial ¡s provided under contract as a paid seruice by lhe originaling organizalion and does not necessarily reflect the v¡ew or positbns of lhe Associalion of Municþalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, oíf icerc, directors or agents. Clo Copy of Resolution passed December 15, 2008 by the Council o... Page 15 of 287 Page 16 of 287 Jan r</oç AÒ6i cl¡ TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH STORMONT 4949 County Road No. 14 P.O. Box 340 lngleside, ON KOC 1M0 Phone: Fax: Email: Moved by: Seconded by: (613) 537-2362 (613) 537-81 13 info@southstormont. ca November 19,2008 To: All Municipalities in Ontario Re: Support Request The Council of the Township of South Stormont passed the following resolution on November 12,2008. Your support of this resolution would be appreciated. Please send any resolution of support to the Premier of Ontario, with a copy to the Township of South Stormont. Resolution #316/2008 Councillor Tammy Hart Councillor Cindy Woods Whereas B¡ll 50, the Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008 has now passed second reading in the legislature, And whereas this bill contains the first comprehensive changes in almost 90 years to lhe Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) Acf; And whereas highlights of Bill 50 include but is not limited to: standards of care for all animals, new provincial offences, authority for the OSPCA to inspect places, penalties, requirement for veterinarians, a number of modernizations to the law, and protection for current legal practices in agriculture, hunting and fishing; And whereas, and more specifically, there is a concern regarding the delegation of authority, accountability and transparency of OSPCA inspectors and its officers. Now therefore be it resolved that Council of the Township of South Stormont hereby respectfully requests the Government review, and amend as required, the powers granted to lnspectors through Bill 50. Furthermore, a copy of this motion be forwarded to Premier McGuinty, the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, MPP Jim Brownell, Association of Municipalities of Ontario and any other individual or association as deemed appropriate. Yours truly, 8øç dpTaan, cuo CAO/Clerk DISCIAIMER This material is provided under contracl as a paid seruÌce by the orþnating organÞation and does not necessarily reflect the view or posilr'ons of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), ifs subsidiary companies, oíficers, directors or agents. Copy of resolution passed November 12, 2008 by the Township ... Page 17 of 287 Page 18 of 287 A.,I 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3CG Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 08/061 To the attention of the Clerk and Council December 10, 2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION GONTACT: Petra Wolfbeiss, AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-9856 ext 329 þ É TJ.J -3AMO Releases "Puttíng Out the Welcome Mat: Why lmmigration Matters to Ontario's Municipalities" lssue: Municipalities are at the front lines of immigration in Ontario. To support their role, AMO has developed a paper exploring the municipal context in the attraction, retention and settlement of immigrants in Ontario's municipalities. The EEL Putting out the Welcome Mat: Why lmmigration Matters to Ontario's Municipalitieg provides considerations, strategies and recommendations as a toolkit for advocacy and planning on moving fonruard on progressive immigration policy and programs for AMO and municipalities. Background: As part of the ongoing work of the Municipal lmmigration Committee (MlC), AMO has developed a discussion paper that reflects the specific concerns of municipalities on issues related to immigration. The MIC was formed under Annex F of the 2005 Canada-Ontario lmmigration Agreement (COIA). AMO played a lead role in ensuring that the municipal voice would be heard in the discussions and development of immigration policy and programs in Ontario. While the MIC provides an important forum for dialogue between all orders of government on immigration issues, AMO believes that an exploration of the municipal context and issues in immigration is required. Emerging issues such as the changing global context and imminent labour pressures in Ontario - it is estimated that by 2010 Ontario's net labour force population growth will rely on immigration - as well as concern related to increasing poverty and poor outcomes for Ontario's newcomers -- confirmed the need for a municipal voice on the many issues surrounding immigration. Action: AMO will continue to work towards a better understanding of what is needed to make Ontario's communities welcoming. This includes continuing to work for policies that reflect the needs of our communities and newcomers and sustainable funding to assist municipalities in this effort. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Association of ^lla Municipalities of Ontario1-1 Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 19 of 287 AìTO Asmi¡lion ul Àlmkipalilhs of Ontrrio 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-ma¡l: amo@amo.on ca ALERT No: 08/060 HOI MEMBER COMMUNICATION To the attentíon of the Clerk and Council December 10, 2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Petra Wolfbeiss, AMO Senior Pol¡cy Advisor (416) 971-9856 ext 329 FE LUJ Public Draft lnformation Review Period for and Gommunications Standard Extended to February 6, 2009 lssue: Upon AMO's request, the Minister of Community and Social Services, Madeleine Meilleur has extended the public review period for the lnformation and Communications draft standard to February 6, 2009. Background: On November 17,2008, the Government released the draft lnformation and Communications standard for public review. The public review period was originally scheduled from November 17, 2008 to January 16, 2009. ln a letter to the Minister, AMO expressed its concern that the proposed timeframe eliminated the opportunity for broad municipal input on a policy that will have significant fiscal and social impacts on our communities. AMO requested that the review period be extended to February 6, 2009. The AODA, 2005, requires the Minister of Community and Social Services to develop accessibility standards that will remove barriers for people with disabilities. The standards are expected to apply to the public sector, including all municipalities in the province, as well as the not-for-profit and private sectors. They will address a full range of disabilities including physical, sensory, mental health, developmental and learning and will be implemented in phases leading to full accessibility in Ontario by 2025. Once completed, the standards will be introduced into legislation and therefore will become mandatory and enforced by the Province. 1-2 Association of AllOMunicipalities of Ontario Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 20 of 287 Below is the communication issued on December 8, 2008 by the Accessibility Directorate on the public review extension: Deadline for Public Review of the lnitial Proposed Accessrble Information and Commun ications Standard - Extended NOTICE: On November 17, the Ontario government released the proposed Accessible lnformation and Communications Standard for a 60-day public review period. The proposed standard outlines how businesses and organizations may be required to provide accessible public information in various formats such as online, print, verbal and digital. This notice is to inform you that the deadline to review and make comments on the lnitial Proposed Accessible lnformation and Communications Standard has been extended to February 6, 2009. lnput from stakeholders will be of great value when the committee finalizes this proposed standard. To review the proposed standard and to provide feedback, visit the Ministry of Community and Social Services'website at: English: French: For additional information or to find out about alternate methods of providing feedback, please call 1-888-482-4317 or toll-free TTY 1-888-335-6611. lf you require assistance to participate in this activity, please do not hesitate to call us. Action: AMO is urging its members to review the proposed standard and to provide comments to the Government. AMO is currently developing a response to the proposed standard. The response will be made available to AMO's membership via an ALERT. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at vtrttw.amo.on.ca F É tUJ 2-2 Association of AHOMunicipalities of Ontario Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 21 of 287 Aot 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971€191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT NO: 08/062 To the attention of the Clerk and Council December 15,2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Rosborough, AMO Director of Policy (4'16) 971-9856 ext 318 ÞtrHJ4URGENT - Ontario's Municipal Leadersh¡p in Federal Budget Gonsultations lssue: The federal government is undertaking consultations with Canadians in advance of its planned January 2009 Budget. Consultations are being undertaken by the Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, which will include a discussion of measures intended to stimulate the economy. Transport, lnfrastructure and Communities Minister John Baird will also be consulting on how to accelerate infrastructure funding within the federal Building Canada Fund (BCF) to improve infrastructure and create jobs in all parts of Canada. AMO member municipal governments are encouraged to add their voices to these consultations. Background: AMO met with Minister Baird in November to discuss ways to accelerate BCF Funding and followed up with a detailed letter to Minister Baird on December 4,2008, which is attached for your information. The letter included options that AMO believes will best help to accelerate current BCF investments in infrastructure: 1. lncrease the amount of funding for the current $200 million intake of the BCF Communities Component in Ontario (for communities under 100,000 population) which closed in late November; 2. Use BCF to support asset renewal projects that can be implemented quickly - not limiting funding to new projects; 3. lnitiate an open call for proposals for the BCF Major Projects category intended for projects exceeding $30 million; 4. Use Federal Gas Tax accountability mechanisms for all BCF projects in order to expedite projects - providing up-front funding of federal funds rather than reimbursement based on complex contribution agreements; and 5. A federal and provincial commitment to expedite decisions and the processes (e.9., environmental assessments) that relate to BCF projects. AMO is also reæmmending to the Minister of Finance that additional federal investment in infrastructure be provided to municipalities through the Federal Gas Tax. Federal Gas Tax investment leverages municipal own source investment and funds key projects while being fully accountable to tax payers. 1-2 Association of ^ìÍO Municipalities of Ontario Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 22 of 287 6. Provide additional infrastructure investment directly through the Federal Gas Tax funding. lncreasing federal infrastructure investment funding through this mechanism will allow construction-ready projects to proceed ahead of schedule, leverage municipal own-source investment and create jobs in every part of Ontario. AMO is also recommending that the Minister of Finance allocate new federal investment in Housing. lf additional federal investment is provided through a streamlíned funding program, Ontario municipalities will be well situated to quickly invest in housing, including housing renewaland energy retrofits, and in much-needed new affordable housing stock. This investment will help stabilize housing starts and the residential construction industry, secure jobs in the industry and among Canadian suppliers of housing materials. lt will result in reduced energy consumption in social housing and corresponding green house gas emission reductions and increase access to affordable housing for Canadians. 7. The federal government should work on an urgent basis with provinces, territories and municipalities to create a new, streamlined national housing program that supports affordable housing renewal and repairs, energy retro-fits and the creation of additional supply of affordable housing for Canadians. AMO believes that these measures meet the criteria for the design of effective stimulus policies outlined in the Department of Finance's consultation documents as follows: . Timely - stimulus when it's needed,. Maximum impact - stimulus that delivers.o Flexible in size and duration -- smart stimulus.o Consistent with Canada's long-term economic goals - stimulus that fìts the plan. Action: Heads of Council can write to the Ministers at the addresses below indicating support for AMO's recommendation to include these important budget measures that will help stimulate the economy, create jobs in Ontario, improve access to affordable housing and invest in the quality municipal infrastructure that serves as a foundation of the national economy. Þtr TJJJ4 The Honourable James M. Flaherty Minister of Finance Department of Fínance Canada 140 O'Connor Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5 The Honourable John Baird Minister of Transport, lnfrastructure and Communities Tower C - 330 Sparks St. Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5 Support for expanding infrastructure investment and additional investment in housing can also be provided on line at the Federal Department of Finance online consultation site at: Additional information regarding fiscal stimulus and the government's 2009 budget consultations is available at: http ://www.f i n.q c.calnews0 8/data/08- I 03 I e. htm I This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Association of ^FáO Municipalities of Ontario Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 23 of 287 AF-le il,fffltt:îî,.'i",onrario oFFtcE oF rHE pREstDENr Sent via fax 6113-995=0327 December 4,2008 The Honourable John Baird Miníster of Transport, lnfrastructure and Communities Place de Ville, Tower C, 29th Floor 330 Sparks Street Ottawa, ON KlA 0N5 I am writing to provide recommendations for the acceleration of Building Ganada Fund investment and particularly the $1 billion available for investment in the current year. There is strong consensus that significant infrastructure spending is a critically important economic stimulus. lf you combine the desire for countercyclical policy with the ned to address the infrastructure defìcit that has grown over the past decades, the case for significant and irnmediate infrastructure funding is even more compelling. I have enclosed options that AMO believes will best help you to accelerate the BCF investments in infrastructure. These include: 1 . lncreasing the amount of funding for the current intake of the BCF Communities Component, in part by rededicating the P3 envelope to the Communities Component; 2, Using BCF to support asset renewal projects that can be implemented quickly; 3. A callfor proposals for the BCF Major Projects category; 4. The use of Gas Tax accountability mechanisms for all BCF projects in order to expedite projects; and 5. A federaland provincial commitment to expedite decisions and the processes (e.9. environmental assessments) that relate to projects. I have also provided some background on infrastructure investments in Ontario from a recent study of Ontario municipal infrastructure done for the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review (PMFSDR) which included some of the most detailed to date economic and financial modeling anywhere.in the country on the state of municipal infrastructure . I have also included information on the accountability of the federal gas tax funding approach as a more efficient and effective and quality reporting approach. 200 Uníversity Ave.,Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada I E-mail:amo@amo.on.ca I www.amo.on.ca Tel: (41 6) 97'l-9856 | Fax: (41 6) 971-6191 lToll-free in Ontario: 1-877-426-6527 H Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 24 of 287 Context of Ontario Municipal lnfrastructure: The lnfrastructure Working Table of the recent Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review has revealed some startling facts about the state of municipal infrastructure in Ontario. Many of our infrastructure systems, including roads and bridges, transit, water, wastewater and stormwater; and solid waste management are nearing the end of their useful life and are in need of refurbishment or replacement. This inventory has not yet captured recreation and housing and other municipal facilities, but is a clear picture of overwhelming need. Ontario's municipalities annually spend a great deal of money, $3.9 billion, but not nearly enough to address the problem. According to this analysis, an additional $6 billion a year over the next ten years needs to be invested in municipal infrastructure in Ontario to address the accumulated municipal infrastructure deficit. Almost half of that amount needs to be invested in municipal roads and brídge systems that link communities and economies. The impact of this deficit on localeconomies, the provincial economy and the national economy is evident elq rqllglbe ignored. lnfrastructure lnvestment Gap Estimaúes for Ontario Municipalities Average Annual Estimates 2006 - 2045 ($2006M) rnvestment Need I '";JJm" I lrvestment Gap (first l0 vearsl Roads & Brldçs Water and WasÞwater Stonrnvaûer frans¡t lomerr¿ation \utñorities ìolidWæb l/lanagement Lifecyde lnfrastruct¡re lnlesÍnent DeficítEstinate Need (wer 10 yeaa) ($ millions) ($ rn¡llions) 2,671.1 935.8 844.3 1,n7.7 525.3 27.8 899.8 0.0 4.4 32 316.5 NA Gowth hvestrnent Il.leed i ($ mltiorsl ¡*"1 66r.31 *rl ?30.1 | o.ol n.4l Totd Annt¡al lnve$ment Need Estimate ($ millions) +2æ.5 2,783.3 787.9 1,629.9 7.6 393.9 ToÞl lnvestment Tænd (FlR Frue Year Average) ($ millions)* 't,ß0.2 ,520.t 106 563 NF 291 1 Totd ($ millions¡ 2:t98.2 1262.e 681.1 1,066.2 7.6 't02.8 Per Capita (s) n1l 104f 56.¡ 88_3 0.f 8.f Per hot¡sehold ($) 568.8 2j,6,7 138.5 216.7 t.o 20.9 IOTAL 5,261.5 2,244.6 2,355.1 9.861.1 3,942.î 5,918.f 490.1 1,n3.2 Nole: Solld Wäste Managemenl dala for curenl inveslrn€rr I âre lakén from Stal¡stic Can ada data (t2gi.1 miflion). 'FIR Data from 2001 lo 2005 The report revealed that Ontario communitíes have a significant shortfall in upkeep for existing assets, in addition to the needs in growing communities for infrastructure to accommodate the growth they are experiencing. This means there are a large number of municipal infrastructure systems in the province that would.be eligible candidates for accelerated funding under the Building Canada Fund (BCF). To the communities that are having difficulty paying for existing infrastructure, being able to unlock infrastructure dollars to renew and preserve assets will be as critical and as benefìcial economically as the funding of new projects and may in fact fit the local circumstances of 2 Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 25 of 287 smaller commun¡ties. ln many cases, there would be an opportunity to accelerate projects already within a municipal capital plan allowing investment to occur rapidly and without the delays associated wíth approval of major new projects. lf an accelerated infrastructure program included asset renewal, it would be able to spread the benefìts of infrastructure spending and economic stimulus quite wide. BGF Considerations: The key terms and conditions of the Building Canada Fund have been set out in agreements between the federal government and provinces and territories. According to the BCF Framework agreement in Ontario, the provincial and federal governments are expected to propose projects for funding under the Major lnfrastructure portion of the Fund. To date, municipalities do not have a clear means of proposing projects in this category. Even if they had, projects.must be worth $30 million or greater under the agreement, which by its nature means the Major lnfrastructure funds will be inaccessible to nrany srnaller municipalit'res. Those that can apply for the Smaller, more competitive Communities Component funding, must propose projects that are new or substantially re-built infrastructure to be eligible, eliminating some of their greatest needs, delayed upkeep, which extends the lifecycle of infrastructure - a most worthy investment when it comes to managing property taxpayer dollars. New projects will also need to be subjected to provincial and federalenvironmentalapprovals, substantially lengthening the implementation process. Despite these limitations, there are funds under the Building Canada Plan, such as the P3 Fund, or Gateways and Borders or even the P/T Base funding that could be more easily . flowed, without the need to amend existing agreements and could also be directed toward asset upkeep and renewal. The current practice in infrastructure programs whereby municipalities spend the monèy to complete work on an approved project and then submit expenses for reimbursement may create a problem in terms of translating federalfunding into shovels in the ground quickly. This problem may be compounded in light of the current availability of credit for upfront financing of projects. lt is also worth noting that an accelerated infrastructure funding program, if done under the cunent 1/3 contribution method contained in the BCF, could create a fiscal pressure for the provinces and territories by disrupting their established fiscal plans. lf this is the case, it could have implications for expediting projects and flowing funds. Additional flexibility in the sequencing of federal and pfovincial funds may be required and we encourage the federal government to bring flexibility to this. The ability for respective Ministers to jointly agree to changes within the BCF Agreement is a provision that should be fully explored to make accelerated investments. ln addition, utilizing the existing P3 allocation to enhance the Communities Component of the BCF will address the significant needs of this part of the Fund. 3 Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 26 of 287 Federal Gas Tax Funding Outcomes: Between 2005 and 2007, over $575 million in Federal Gas Tax revenues flowed to municipalities in Ontarío. By the end o'f 2007 , over $377 million of that revenue was invested in priority infrastructure projects across the province. These investments have primarily been focused on the rehabilitation and renewal of existing infrastructure as municipalities work diligently and methodically at addressing the highest infrastructure priority needs in their communities. This funding, the extension and permanency, is an extremely flexible and successfultoolfor municipal infrastructure investment that has leveraged significantly more in municipal contributions to infrastructure. As an example of the sort of returns generated in Ontario by the Federal Gas Tax revenues between 2005 and 2007, AMO calculated the real expenditures in Gas Tax funds in three priority categories: transportation; water and wastewater; and waste management. The federal contribution in these areas through the Federal Gas Tax Fund was $290 million between 2005 per more Inan investment. ln addition, these investments created approximately 10,000 new jobs and yielded over $1 18 million in federal tax revenues. lnvestments in other eligible categories would increase these numbers. The federal gas tax funding model is an important one. While other priorities may be put aside when municipalities are confronted by declining revenues, federal gas tax funded projects can proceed wíth a guaranteed predictable revenue'source. But the Federal Gas Tax agreement also includes a rigorous accountabilíty framework for Canadian's tax dollars. AMO, as the administrator of the agreement, and all municipalities annually undertake audits of both the financial management of the funds and compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. After three years of undertaking this type of accountability approach there has been no material non-complíance identified within AMO or Ontario municipalities. ln addition, AMO enforces compliance through withholding funds from municipalities until all reporting is submitted. Of the 443 municipal funding agreements AMO administers, less than 0.01% have not been paid their 2008 allocation pending submission of compliance audits. Federal staff have expressed a high degree of confidence in this reporting approach and outcomes. Expediting Decisions Expediting decisions must be part and parcel of streamlining and facilitating the acceleration of investments. Getting to 'yes' or'no' is important to municipal capital plan and budget planning cycles and finaniíng. More importantly, decisions need to be timed so that construction work can be arranged in time for the construction season, which in northern Ontario is different than southern Ontario. This needs to be normalized for every year of the BCF - to ensure the timing of federal and provincial decisions works for munícipal implementation. Municipal governments in Ontario must currently work with multiple approval processes, particularly EnvironmentalAssessment. Environmental considerations are important but the respective, siloed processes will not enhance acceleration of investment particularly in 2009 and 2010 and on a go forward basis given the significant needs outlined above. Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 27 of 287 Recommendation: The priority of deploying funding quickly and ensuring that projects are implemented as soon as possible means that the federal government needs to be innovative in its use of the BCF. The options presented by AMO are by no means mutually exclusive and the federal government could use all of them to accelerate infrastructure spending for a posítive economic, social and environmental impact. By far the simplest to implement would be the increase in the lntake 1 funding envelope under the BCF Communities Component. This would put projects quickly into actíon as municipalities have already applied and government revíew is now taking place. Coupling this with flowing the funding up-front and auditing after the fact and/or an asset renewal program would easily put many municÍpal projects across the province intg the pipeline for the 2009 construction season that might otherwise not get done. You should remember that with an upfront funding mechanism, municipalities are also likely to - - revefagHfler additional ínvestrnent and job creation. In light of the government coming forward with a budget in January 2009, additionalfederal funding can be used at that time to replenish the existing P3 component that was used to top- up the Communities Component. AMO recommends the government consider all of the above options to produce the desired economic effects in the Ontario economy in 2009 calendar year. ltrúst you willfind the information informative in guiding your decision. Peter Hume AMO President Attachment cc. The Right Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada The Hon. Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance Canada The Hon. Dwight Duncan, Ontario Minister of Finance Louis Ranger, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Transport, lnfrastructure and Communities The l-lon. George Smitherman, Ontario Minister of Energy and lnfrastructure Saad Rafi, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy and lnfrastructure Hon. Jim Watson, Ontario Minister of MunicipalAffairs and Housing John Burke, Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Jean Perrauh, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities Brock Carleton, Executive Director, Federation of Canadian Municipalities Executive Directors of Provincial and Territorial Associations Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 28 of 287 Option/Description Mechanism Analvsis Option I lncrease funding for the current intake of the BCF Communit¡es Component, in part by rededicating the P3 envelope The funding envelope for CC lntake 'l would be increased to fund a greater number of projects under the intake. The CC lntake 1 application period has just closed and indications are the number of projects and potent¡ally the dollar value of the projeds submitted are significaitly more than thelunding envelope, conSistent with thè fomeaCOMRlF program. The envelope for lntake 1 funding could be sign¡f¡cantly increased to fund a greater part, or even all of the proiects submitted, depending on their merits. The option has the advantage that applications have just been prepared by municipalities and submitted to the rev¡ew secretariat meaning that the municipalities that submitted projects are already in the plann¡ng stage to some degree and the review secretaríat are familiar with the merit's of each project and whether it meets the eligibility øiteria set out in the BCF. lt is likely that if projects were seleded that municipalities could begin work on them in 2009. ln light of the government coming forward with a b.udget in January 2009, additional federal funding can be used at that time to replen¡sh the existing P3 component that was used to top-up the Communities Component. Acêaç lâÞrtñ Option 2 Asset Renewal The federal government would open BCF to assef renewal projects and use some of the Gateways and Borders Fund to rehabilitate municipal road and bridge assets that connect to border infrastrudure. work and would result in the hiring of consulting services and contractors relatively quickly ancl usually without long and costly study. These would also .result in localjob creation. Using funds for asset renewal would also help to ofüet the huge municipal infrastructure deficit'and defened maintenance, if unbudgeted. This would rìæan that lifecycle work would be completed on munic¡pal assets before the need for decommissioning or rebuild, allowing morc funds to go toward new assets ¡n lhe long run. Use of the Gateways and Borders Fund to rehabilitate municipal assets serving as connectors to border infrastructure would result in overall better and more efficient operation of the borders and improve municipal assets, resutting in local iobs in border communities. Optlon 3 Major Component call for proposals The federal and provincial governments would issue an immediate call for proposals under the Major Component of the BCF Would initiate and expedite the MC process as the lnfrastrudure Committee has not yet met for Ontario. With expedited review, this could get shovels inlo the ground within 2009 on a handful of projects. However, the call would advantage those projecÍs that are curently ready to go and disadvantage those who were expecting more lead time and a more transparent process. Option 4 Use Federal Gas Tax accountabillty mechanísms for BCF projects Unspent 08{9 BCF funds to municipalities would go through the selection process in the BCF Frameworu CC Agreement, but funds would be flowed up-front with the GTF accountability used to ensure proper use. The projects would conform to the BCF criteria for major/cc projects and allow transpàrent selec{ion based on the conditlons set. ïme would be needed for municipal application, federal and provinchl review and selection, engineering and environmental studies for new projects, which would detract from the immediacy of the prolects. Funds flowing upfront and us¡ng the GTF accountability mechanisms would ensure that municipalities could spend money sooner, rather than the delays exper¡enced with submission of receipts for reimbursement. Alternative!, the Ontario Governrnent's recent experience with its Municipal lnfrastrudure lnvestrent lnitiative (Mlll) could also be a good exampÞ for the acc,elerated BCF accountability provisions. Underthis program, funding was Jlowed to chosen proJects that were planned by municipalities upfront and the government fetained the right to audit the municipality's use of the funding at a later date. Flowing two yeas offederalfunding in one yearcould create pressure on P/T jurisdictions to match it- 6 Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 29 of 287 Aot 200 Univers¡ty Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 9716'191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 08/063 To the attention of the clerk and council FoR MoRE INFoRMAÏoN coNrACr: December 16, 2008 li?åi8i1i'l'.iÆrS'nio'. Poricv Advisor Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund Notices for 2009 lssue: The Minist un€ed- índividual Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) final allocations for 2009. Background: On December 15, 2008, the Ministries of Finance and MunicipalAffairs and Housing wrote to Heads of Council and Treasurers with individual municipal allocations for 2009. These notices follow an earlier release of interim estimated minimum allocations for 2009 on November 14,2008. Over 230 municipalities will receive more than the amounts identified in November. As part of the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review, AMO was able to secure a further extension of the stable funding guarantee for municipalities in 2009. For 2009, this guarantee is called the "Combined Benefit Stable Funding Guarantee". A similar guarantee (known at times as "Additional One-Time Special Assistance") has been in place since the 2005 transition from the Community Reinvestment Fund to the OMPF. The "2009 Combined Benefit Stable Funding Guarantee" is calculated using a municipality's 2007 OMPF allocation (before uploading began) less the estimated value of the Ontario Drug Benefit upload which began in 2008, and the Ontario Disability Support Program Cost of Administration upload which begins in 2009. For 2009, the combined total value of OMPF and social assistance uploads will equal almost $949 million. As a result of the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review, by 2018, the combined total value of OMPF and social assistance uploads is estimated to be almost $2 Billion a year. Detailed allocation notices are available at: www.fin.qov.on.ca. Action: For your information. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. 1-1 Mun¡cipariâ::äãii:,i.i ^Þ'lO l--tr TTJJ4 Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 30 of 287 lìol 200 Un¡versity Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971-6',l91 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER GOMMUNICATION ALERT No: 08/064 ro the attention of the cterk and councit [,?,åyff:j:53$î;',"4ffX]],.T, o"oDecember 19, 2008 (416) 971-98s6 ext 342 We Need Your Support of the AMO position on the Waste Diversion Act and the Blue Box Program Plan Review lssue: êilovI begin the five year review of the Waste Diversion Act (WDA). He also directed Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) to conduct a review of the Blue Box Program Plan (BBPP). AMO has submitted responses to both of these requests. AMO needs your written comments to the Minister in support of both these positions. Background: The Ministry of the Environment is looking for feedback on the challenges associated with Ontario's waste diversion framework, the programs under it, and the proposed plan for moving forward. A number of consultation sessions have been held across the province and now the Ministry is looking for written submissions. AMO through its Waste Task Force, has developed responses to both of these reviews which are attached (please click here). You will note that both of the letters reflect very closely the position papers developed by AMO and supported by you, our members. The responses highlight municipal challenges and perspectives and will help shape any recommended changes to the WDA, the BBPP and the strategic waste management directions. We need you to advise the Minister and the WDO of the Environment in writing that you support these positions. Action: That your municipality supports the attached AMO positions with correspondence to the Minister of the Environment by January 15, 2009 for the WDA and by February 27 , 2009 for the BBPP. For responses to WDA, BBPP: Hon, John Gerretsen Minister of the Environment 12th Floor - 135 St ClairAvenue West Toronto ON M4V1P5 For responses to BBPP Only: Andy Pollock Hon. John Gerretsen Vice Chair Minister of the Environment Waste Diversion Ontario 12th Floor - 135 St. Clair Avenue West 45 Sheppard Avenue East - Suite 920 Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 Toronto, ON M2N swg l-tr TIJ -Å4 1-1 Assoc¡ation of Ah{OMunicipalities of Ontario Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 31 of 287 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto. ON MSH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6'191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca IÜ tLMEMBER COMMUNICATION FYI No:09/001 To the attention of the Clerk and Council January 9, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTAGT: Brian Rosborough, Director of Policy (416) 971-9856 ext 318 Municipal Leaders Forum on Green Building The Canadian Green Building Council, Greater Toronto Chapter is holding its 2009 Municipal penBuildinsnnf-äruaryffi Of . This event promises to be a half day unlike any other green building forum: They have taken the results and outcomes from all of the green building forums you've attended recently and put together an exciting panel comprising different facets of the municipal green building landscape. The goal is to expose the real challenges in building green at the mun¡cipal level and tackle them head on. Further details about this relevant and action-oriented event will be available next week. Registration information is available at the link below: Date: Wednesday, February 4,2009 Time: 8:30am to 12pm, optional luncheon and guest speaker to 1:30pm. Location: Black Creek Pioneer Village, Shoreham Drive, Toronto Cost: Free Space is limited. Register here: forum-on-green-bu i ld ing Sign up now and you'll become part of our advance email campaign - getting you up to speed on the hottest issues right now. This event is sponsored and endorsed by the Canada Green Building Council - Greater Toronto Chapter, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Greening Greater Toronto, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. For more Ínformation, contact Lyle Shipley Executive Director CaGBC - Greater Toronto Chapter lshipley@gta.cAoþc.org This information is available in the Policy lssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Association of ^Ila Municipalities of Ontario1-1 Correspondence dated December 10, 15, 16 and 19, 2008 and J... Page 32 of 287 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing IMPROVED ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS FOR NEW HOMES McGuinty Government's New Building Code Requirement Takes Effect NEWS December 31, 2008 Ontario is ensuring new homes in the province are more energy efficientwith a new requirement under the Building Code. Effective tomorrow, Ontario's Building Code will require near full-height insulation on foundation walls in all new home construction. The basement insulation requirement is the second step in a three-phase approach to energy efficiency brought in with the introduction of the 2006 Building Code. After 2011, further requirements will see houses with at least an EnerGuide 80 level of efficiency. EnerGuide 80 is a model energy rating system for houses developed and administered by Natural Resources Canada. QUOTES "Our new insulation requirement will ensure Ontario remains a leader in energy efficiency in new home construction. ltwillsupport the building of cleaner, greeher commun¡ties," said Jim Watson, Minister of MunicipalAffairs and Housing. "The Ontario Home Builders' Association recognizes the growing importance of energy efficiency in today's new home marketplace. OHBA has worked with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to ensure resources are available to assist builders and design professionals to meet the new requirements," said Frank Giannone, President, Ontario Home Builde rs' Association. OUICK FACTS . A typical new house constructed under a building permit applied for after December 31 , 2OOB will be 28 per cent more energy efficient than one built under the 1997 Building Code. . Energy efficient measures in the 2005 Building Code include more energy efficient windows, higher insulation levels in ceilings, walls and foundation walls, and high-efficiency gas and propane-fired furnaces. LEARN MORE About energy efficiency requirements in the 2005 Buildino Gode Download the Best Practice Guide for Full Heiqht Basenrent lnsulation Adam Grachnik, Minister's Office: 41 6-585-6492 James Douglas, Building and Development Branch, 416-585-7 17 4 ontar¡o.calmah.news Disponible en trançais Correspondence dated December 31, 2008 from Ministry of Muni... Page 33 of 287 Page 34 of 287 Minutes of ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD November 21,2008 'Cob The Elgin Group Police Services Board met at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 3:00 p.m. with the following in attendance: Tom Marks, Chairman John R. Wilson, Vice-Chair Kathleen Schaper, Board Member Douglas Gunn, Board Member Inspector Ryan Cox, OPP Sergeant Don Collins, OPP Elgin Support Manager Sandra Heffren, County Administrative Services & Acting Secretary/Administrator Duncan McPhail, Board Member (arrived 3:05 p.m.) Chair Marks called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. and welcomed new member Douglas Gunn to the Board. The Acting Secretary/Administrator administered the Oath of Office to Board Member Gunn. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Schaper Seconded by Wilson THAT the minutes of the meeting held on October 1,2008 be adopted. - Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniarv lnterest - None. Gorrespondence 1) lnspector Ryan Cox, Elgin County OPP, with Changes to Schedule of Fees (deferred from October 1" meeting). 2) Ken Loveland, Clerk Treasurer Administrator, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich, and Norma Bryant, Clerk, Municipality of West Elgin, with Appointment to Police Services Board. 3) Mary Smiley, President, OAPSB, with Membership Fee Schedule' D. McPhaìl arrived at 3:05 p.m. Draft minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeti... Page 35 of 287 Elgin Group Police Services Board November 21,2008 Correspondence ltem #3 K. Schaper noted that the expiry date on her membership information in incorrect. Staff will correct her expiry date to 12101109. Moved by McPhail Seconded by Schaper THAT membership in the OAPSB be renewed for 2009. - Carried. Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT Correspondence ltems #1 and 2 be received and filed. - Carried. Detachment Gommander's Report for September - October 2008 Sergeant Collins presented a greeting card to the Board thanking the members for the appreciation fish fry held in October. lnspector Cox highlighted aspects of the Detachment Commander's report and noted grants may available under the Civil Remedies for lllicit Actívities Act for community policing groups. An application is expected to be submitted for funding of a modernized speed sign. lnspector Cox will report further on the application's success. The Board requested staff to send a congratulatory letter, under Chair Marks signature, to Constable Brian Fisher on his retirement after 30 years with the OPP. Moved by McPhail Seconded by Schaper THAT the Detachment Commander's Report for September-October 2008 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by McPhai. Seconded by Schaper THAT we do now proceed ln-Camera at 3:30 p.m. to discuss the performance review of the detachment commander and enforcement matters. - Carried. Draft minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeti... Page 36 of 287 Elgin Group Police Services Board November 21.2008 lnspector Cox, Staff, Sergeant Collins and the Acting Secretary-Administrator were excused from the meeting at 3:30 p.m. while the board discussed the performance review of the Detachment Commander. Inspector Cox returned to the meeting at 3:50 p.m. to complete the review and other staff returned to the meeting at 3:53 p.m. Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT we do now rise at4'.13 p.m. without reporting. - Carried. New Business Estimated 2009 Policinq Costs - lnspector Cox handed out a letter from contract policing indicating the 2009 estimated policing costs would be $5,204,577. This amount includes a reduction of $273,925 for provincial services usage but will be reconciled at year end and may change upwards or downwards based on actuals. The estimate does not include the annual wage adjustment, which is unknown at this time. lnspector Cox explained the process for reconciling policing costs for Board Member Gunn. OCCOPS Traininq - January 7th, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Eleven neighbouring board members are coming so far and more are expected. Thus far, Board Members Gunn, Schaper, and Wilson plan to attend. Next Meetinq The next meeting will be held on Friday, January 16, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Adiournment Moved by Schaper Seconded by McPhail THAT we do now adjourn at 4:31 p.m. to meet again on January 16, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. - Carried. S. J. Heffren, Acti ng Secreta ry/Ad m i n istrator. Tom Marks, Chair. Draft minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeti... Page 37 of 287 Page 38 of 287 Chris Bentle'r', iI,F"P. I-r--nel<¡n lVesr December 18,2008 Taurism London 267 Dundas Street London, Ontario N6A 1H2 Dear John winston: flr t" \ F r t I am pleased to ínfomr you that the McGuinty gor:emment will provide $95û,000 for culÈural programs uncler the Minisfry of Culfure's Cultural Strategic Investment Fund (cs¡F). The CSIF is a Ministry of Culture grant designed to assist the development of ûntario's cultural sector. The program supports projects that will enhance Ontaria's cultt¡ratr developrnent and achieve economic and creative grolvth. To be eligible for this program the applicant must be a non-for-profit orgalization working in the arts, heritage or cultu¡al industrythat supports and deveÏops ths cultural seetor. The deadline for applications is January 7'h,2009. For more information ínterested organizations should reftr to the following Ministry website http:/lwww.culture, gov. on. calenglish/csiüinclex.htrnl or contact: Julie Leclerq Culture Programs Advisor Programs and Services Branch Ontario Ministry of Culture 4CI0 Univcrsity Ave-, 4th Floor Tomnto ON M7A 2R9 Telephoue; 416 314+120 Fax: 416 314-7175 Email: Jr¡Iie.Leclerc@ontaúo.ca I look forward to hearing f,rom ycru and wish you continaed success. You¡s Trnly, /î,0 trln4 Chris BenÉIey, M.P"P Lo*don West CBlwb I i {l¿se l,;Íe Rq¿! [i¡-.t, t.'nit 8. l¡nl]un. ON ¡i¿ici1Z8 * 1'- (å1l]J 657-312t F- låf i]) ¡i5l-l]568 Fì - cbenrfe.',.ntpi>.co{glilrc¡.:! oia,,¡¡: 1 Copy of letter dated December 18, 2008 from Chris Bentley, M... Page 39 of 287 Page 40 of 287 Þontano iii #$ Associalion of Municipalities of Ontarìo 08-3229 December 19,2008 Her Worship Mayor Lynn Acre and Council Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayor Acre and Council: âo t It is with great appreciation that we acknowledge your municipality's participation in Local Government Week, Thank you for the energy and resources you contributed to make local government real to the students, teachers and residents of your'community. The feedback we have received has been nothing but positive, and we congratulate you for your efforts. The municipal government impacts people directly. Your support has helped create awareness about how municipalities work, the responsibilities of municipal leaders, and how our young people can participate in their communities. We look forward to your participation in future celebrations of Local Government Week. Sincerely, ?J"Ë- Jim Watson Raymond D. Callery, CMO Peter HumeMínister President President MunicipalAffairs and Association of Municipal Association of MunicipalitiesHousing Managers, Clerks and of Ontario Treasurers of Ontario c: Mr. Kyle Kruger, Administrator Municipality of Bayham Ms. Lynda Millard, Clerk Municipality of Bayham Correspondence dated December 19, 2008 from Association of M... Page 41 of 287 Page 42 of 287 CA 365 Highway 531 Bonfield. ON. POH 1E0 CORPORATION OF THE TO}VIISHIP OF EAST FERRIS 390 Highway 94 Corbeil, ON. POH 1K0 c\3 To All Municipalities: On August 5ù this year a severe rainstorm caused localized flooding in the Townships of East Ferris and Bonfield. Numerous homeowners. farmers and small businesses have lost essential property. Our communrty has vigorously supported many worthwhile causes over the years and now we our reaching out to our fellow municipalities. The victims affected by this disaster need your help now more than ever to help them replace lrepair their necessities of day to day living. At the request of the Townships of East Ferris and Bonfield, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing declared the Townships of East Ferris and Bonfield a "Disaster Area" for the purpose of the Ontario Disaster Relief Program. This provides an opportunity to help your neighbours devastated by the flood. A joint volunteer committee has been appointed by the Townships of East Ferris and Bonfield to spearhead the local effort. The Disaster Relief Committee has set a tentative fundraising minimum target of $25,000 to provide assistance for homeowners, farmers and small businesses. The Province will contribute $2 for every local dollar raised to an amount necessary to settle all claims. Through our fundraising efforts, the Disaster Relief Committee is seeking financial assistance from every Municipality in the Province. Your help will make a huge difference in assisting the victims of our flood damages. A Financial contribution, payable to the Township of East Ferris (for the East Fenis\Bonfield Flood Relief Fund) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely,Sincerely, Narry McCarthy, Mayor Township of Bonfield DISCI.AIMER Th¡s mater¡al is provided under contract as a paid service by the orig¡nating organization and does not necessarily reflect the view or pos¡tions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontar¡o (AMO), its subsidiary companies, off¡cers, directors or agenrs William Vrebosch, Mayor Township of East Ferris Correspondence received from Township of Bonfield and Townsh... Page 43 of 287 Page 44 of 287 âo{ PRov¡luclnL Buoe ¡r 2009: Pne-Bu oc¡r CorusuLTAT¡oN David Leckie, OGRA President, attended a consultation with the Ontario Minister of Finance on December 15, 2008 and reiterated the need for sustainable funding for municipal infrastructure. The President also acknowledged the McGuinty Government's significant investment over the last year in our municipal roads and bridges. President Leckie also spoke to the need for a more streamlined a pprova ls process for i nfrastructure projects. OGRA's staff submission also voiced municipal concerns about the need for sustainable funding as well as continued and accelerated investment in our infrastructure. OGRA's pre-budget consultation submission is available on our website in the News and lnformation section on the Home page. To review the consultation process and to respond to the five questions posted on the Ministry of Finance website and submit comments, please go to http : //www.fin.eov.o n.cale nel ish/. Bnl118 - O¡¡rnn¡o PRopos¡s Beru on¡ Ceu- PnOrues AND oTHER WIRELESS DEVIcES WnIu DRIvIrue ln October, the Provincial Government proposed a ban on the use of hand-held devices to talk, text or e-mailwhile driving. OGRA Board and staff members will attend discussions on the regulations to be developed under Bill 118 and request that drivers of public works vehicles be exempt from the prohibitions. The following are exempt from the bill: ¡ GPS systems, . commercially-used logistical transportation tracking systems and o collision avoidance systems Currently, drivers of ambulances, fire department vehicles and police department vehicles are exempt. Transport Canada estimates that driver distraction is a contributing factor in about 20 per cent of all collisions. Drivers who use cellular phones are four times more likely to be in a crash than a driver who is focused on the road. OGRA does recognize that cellular phones and other wireless devices play a role in accidents, however, just as EMS rely on continuous communication, it is essentialthat municipal operations also have reliable, continuous communication. ln a statement made by OGRA's second vice- president, Paul Johnson "Winter Operations cannot safely operate without the use of two-way communication to give road and weather condition l/orlri,V þ," //*r,bþaú'ûL.a Newsletter from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Bo... Page 45 of 287 OG¡FIA E¡OAFIE, EIFIIEF NG,VEMBEFI zClOEl updates, report accidents, relay change of plough routes, etc. Wireless communication is our plough operator's life line to their fellow operators in times of crisis. lt is not possible to 'pull over' every time they need to reply or send out a radio call any more than it is for the EMS. Therefore, a point of clarification is required within the proposed legislation specifically exempting two-way radios or better still exempting municipal¡t¡es." OGRA will continue to update our members through the OGRAwebsite beneath News and lnformation on the home page. Po¡.rcy C-003: Pesstrue Gneoe FoR T.J. Menoruv AND ExAM R¡wRIre A policy on the passing grade for the T.J. Mahony Road School has been approved by the Board. The new passing grade requirement is 55% to be achieved on each of the Construction and Maintenance sections effective 2009. Exam rewrites are included in the policy change and further details of this policy have been posted in the News and lnformation section of our website www.ogra.org. Joe PosrING FEE The OGRA website offers members and non-members the opportunity to postjob openings on our career page, As one of the most searched pages on our website, we have implemented both a member and non-member posting fee. For further information, please refer to the Procedure and Request Form at http ://www.ogra.orqlCareers/careers.asp. Puru R¡tolruc AND CoNTRAcT Docuruerur lrurenpRrrenoN WoRKSHoP A proposal to implement a new two-day course was presented to the Member Services Committee on Thursday, November L3,2008. The workshop is targeted at frontline inspectors and contract administrators. The workshop was approved for implementation by the Board and willtake place in Mississauga on April 8 - 9, 2009. M¡¡¡Iru urvl Me¡rurerueNcE STANDARDS FoR StorwRlrs ln June 2008, the Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) Review Task Force completed its review of the Ontario Regulation 239/02and612/06 (City of Toronto) and sent a recommendation to MTO that the amendments be adopted. MTO Legislative Council is proceeding with the final draft of the review and if adopted will amend the existing regulations. The Board is recommending to the Minister of Transportation a proposed additional minimum standard for sidewalks for trip and fall incidents, non-winter, prepared by the Minimum Maintenance Standards Review Task Force, for inclusion in the proposed amendment to Ontario Regulation 239/O2 and 6L2/O6. //rrø'r/ þ," //,utuþailt'c Newsletter from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Bo... Page 46 of 287 CIGFIA E¡OAFIE! BFIIEF NOVEME¡ER EOOEì 2OOg OG RA/RO MA Corvl s¡ N eo Corur¡Reruc¡ The 2009 OGRA/ROMA Combined Conference will take place at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel from Februa ry 22 - 25, 2009. The conference program is in development and workshops, speakers and information rooms are being scheduled. Ministers and Keynote Speaker: o Premier Dalton McGuinty (invited) ¡ Hon. Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation (confirmed) o Hon. Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (confirmed) o Hon. Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (confirmed) o Hon. George Smitherman, Minister of Energy and I nfrastructure (confirmed) o Ontario PC Leader John Tory (invited) ¡ Ontario NDP Leader Howard Hampton (confirmed) o Keynote Speaker: Dr. Patrick Moore (confirmed) Workshop topics will include: o Biosolids o Toward a Growth Plan for Northern Ontario o Stewardship of Great Lakes Resources o Municipal Drains o Municipal DataWorks o Source Water Protection Funding o New Technologies for Bridges o Detecting and Preventing Bid-Rigging o Food Borne lllnesses o Broadband: A Different Road for Municipalities? o Buried Ut¡lities o AccessibilityStandards Development o Extending the Useful Life of a Road o Waste Diversion & Blue Box Funding Review lnformation Rooms: o Ontario Centre for Municipal Best Practices ¡ Municipal DataWorks o E-bidding o Species at Risk o lndependent Electricity System Operator Plus Ministers' Forum, Question Box and Awards Luncheon. Conference updates are posted to the OGRA and ROMA websites on a regular basis. Please visit www.ogra.org or www.roma.on.ca today for what's New with the 2009 oGRA/ROMA Combined Conference. 2OOE! CIGIFIA EICIAFIEI fptroto at the Ëop of page ll BACK ROW (LEFI TO RIGHT): Alan Korell, Man agíng DireclolCil Engineer, City of North Bay,John l{ledra, Diredo¡, Etobiæke Yotu Dístricl Transpftation Operations, City of Torcnto;Tom Bateman, County Enginee¡ Gounlyof Essex; KenHill, Mayor,Ior,røshþ of Russel/; Dave Farwet! Deputy Mayor, MunÍcipality of Grey Hìghlands; Donald J. McDonald, C,ounty Engineer, United Countiæ of Stormont, Dundas and Glenga¡ry; Rick Gham pagne, Øuncillor, Township of East Feris; Pal.Prcsldent, Jim Hanison, C,ouncillor, City oî Quinte Wesl; Joe Tiema¡ Executive Director, Ontario Good Roads Assocration FRONT ROW {LEFI IO RIGHT): llark Grimes, Councfll04 Cr'ly of Toronto; John Curley, Councillor, City of Tinmins: Firct Mce Presldent Eric Rr¡therford, ØunciW, Municipality ol Greenslone; Presldent Davld A. Leckie, DireclorofRoads &Tratspoilation, Cityof Londor;Joanne Vanderheyden, Deputy Mayor, Township of Strahroy-Caradoc; Sæond Vice President Paul Johnson, Operctions Manager, @unty of Welling{on; Damian Albanese, Direcfor, Trarsrytation Division, Regional û/tr/rr/ þ, //,u,b þ ail'ûbc Newsletter from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Bo... Page 47 of 287 Page 48 of 287 1-\ eso Power to Ontario, 0n Demand. lndependent Electricity System Operator 655 Bay Street Su¡te 410, P0 Box I Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K4 t 416 506 2800 t4 07 December 10, 2008 Dear Sir/Madam: As you may be aware, the price for electricity will change for many municipal facilities next year. Effective May 1,2009 those facilities that use more than 50 kilowatts of demand or 250,000 kilowatt hours per year (equivalent to a bill of approximately $2,000 per month) will move from the fixed price of electricity called the Regulated Price Plan to the market price. Many municipalities have already moved to market or hourly pricing to save money. I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the Independent Electricity System Operator's (IESO) 2009 Energy Management Calendar as well as the Ontario Reliability Outlook. The Calendar is designed to provide important price information about Ontario's electricity market and resources to help you make the most of your energy dollars. The more you understand your electricity usage and costs, the easier it is to find ways to save on your electricity bill. Also enclosed is the Ontario Reliability Outlooþ highlighting the significant progress that has been made to ensure the reliability of the power grid into the next decade. The province has seen more generation brought on-line, including a rapid expansion in renewable power such as wind, with more new generation on its way. These new sources of supply will allow coal to be successfully eliminated from Ontario's electricity supply mix. Greater efforts in conservation activities and enrolment in demand response programs will further assist the IESO in managing the demand and supply for electricity. Going forward, the electricity industry will need to remain focused on ensuring that transmission and generation projects are planned and implemented in time to meet future needs. If you, or your council members would like to learn more about the role of the IESO, the electricity market or making the move to hourly electricity pricing, a representative from the IESO would be happy to meet with you to discuss this in more detail. The IESO is responsible for managing Ontario's power system and operating the wholesale electricity market. If you have any questions about the role of the IESO or the 2009 Calendar, feel free to contact our Customer Relations Centre atL-888-448-7777, or at cu stom er.relations@i eso.ca. Sincerely, Terry Young SAVE THE DATE - The IESO and the Region of Peel have partnered to provide an Energy Management Conference designed for public sector organizations on April 20 and 21.,2009.For more information or to register visit www.energvmatterssummit.ca. Correspondence dated December 10, 2008 from Independent Elec... Page 49 of 287 www.teso ca EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The balance between demand and available supply in Ontario has improved considerably over the last number of years. Efforts to renew Ontario's electricity infrastructure and achieve the province's environmental targets have challenged the industry - yet these efforts are already providing tangible results with an improved reliability outlook in the near term. In this Outlook, the IESO has identified three priority areas for reliability - the changing supply picture, the challenges of operating a greener electricity system and the continuing need for transmission enhancements. While significant progress has been achieved on all these fronts, other new challenges are emerging. PRIORITY AREA #1: THE CHANGING SUPPLY PICTURE Ontario is well positioned for the phase-out of coal-fired generation by the end ol 2O14, Replacement capacity is either on-line or on schedule. ln the years following the coal phase-out, the province's next reliability challenge will be to carefully manage the renewal of its existing nuclear fleet. From today's perspective, the successful phase-out of all coal production in the province is achievable. Overall, almost 10,000 MW of new generation or demand management is in service or planned, comprising nuclear refurbishment, new natural gas generatiorç conservation and more than 1,400 MW of renewable generation projects. Together, these resources will aid in the balanc- ing of the provincial supply mix and support the reduction and eventual phase-out of existing coal generation. THE ONTARIO RELIABILITY OUTLOOK Correspondence dated December 10, 2008 from Independent Elec... Page 50 of 287 Progress toward these milestones has enabled the implementation of further emission restrictions for coal-powered generation at the beginning of 2009.8y 20t1, these limitations will significantly reduce coal-plant emissions and are structured so that the IESO can manage potential reliability impacts. There is a need, however, for the careful management of transmission operations as the Nanticoke Generating Station transitions away from coal-fired generation at a time when Units 7 and2 at the Bruce A Generating Station are planned to be reintroduced into service. Nanticoke provides critical voltage support to the transmission network, particularly along the 500 kV corridor between London and Toronto. The loss of the Nanticoke generation coupled with the increase in production from Bruce A and new renewable generation in the area will require the installation of shunt capacitor banks and interim reactive power support from the Nanticoke site. The development of gas-fired generation is rapidly providing replacement capacity and many of the operational capabilities offered Þy coal. Capacity from gas-fired facilities has surpassed coal generation in the province. Over the last year, the Greenfield Energy Centre and the first phase of the Portlands Energy Centre have been placed in service, providing 1,500 MW of capacity. Another 1,600 MW of gas supply is expected to become operational before the summer of 2009. As Ontario's electricity sector becomes more dependent on natural gas as a primary fuef the adequacy and security of the natural gas supply infrastructure becomes even more critical to the reliability of the electricity system. The IESO has been working with its partners inboth the gas and electricity industries to develop communication protocols and shared operational and planning studies. Beyond the coal shutdowr¡ a new challenge emerges - the need to refurbish or retire and replace aging nuclear units. Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure directives call for the amount of planned nuclear capacity be limited to 14000 MW over the next 20 years. To meet this objective, the majority of nuclear units will need to be refurbished or be replaced through new-build projects. All four 500 MW units at Pickering B will be nearing the end of their service lives, requiring an analysis of how best to maintain or replace INDEPENDENT ELECTRICITY SYSIE¡/i OPERATOR this capacity. Similarþ all four Bruce B units will reach the end of their service lives within the next decade. In addition, a decision is anticipated soon about which technology is to be used in the two new nuclear units on the Darlington site. These decisions will have significant impacts between 2015-2020 as many of these develop- ments will require major grid-related outage programs and new transmission capability. This convergence of decisions regarding Ontario's nuclear fleet will require intricate planning as some facilities are taken out of service, others are reintroduced, and still others are commissioned for the first time. This planning needs to take into account the opera- tional challenges that each option entails. PRIORITY AREA #2: OPERATING A GREENER ELECTRICITY SYSTEM A more sustainable, diverse and variable supply mix requires a more flexible and innovative approach to operating the electricity system. A new model for system operations is emerging - one that responds to production and consumpt¡on activity on a local level and then moves to meet remaining provincial electricity needs. A rapid transformation is taking place within Ontario's generation mix. New renewable resources with different operating characteris- tics are coming on-stream; generation is becoming increasingly dispersed and demand management is taking a more active role in providing reliability. Ontario now leads the country in wind power capacity, with over 700 MW of installed wind generation, and more to come. Production from these facilities has been strong with an average capacity factor of 30 per cent for the first 10 months of 2008. Ontario is extremely welþositioned to support the growth of wind generation in the province - with a diversity of potential sites. Given the intermittent nature of wind facilities, the IESO has been proactively working with others to address any impediments to additionaÌ wind integration. It is also looking at operational planning and forecasting issues. For example, winter forecasts will now incorporate higher capacity factors for wind generation, a reflection of wind's stronger performance at that time of the year. Correspondence dated December 10, 2008 from Independent Elec... Page 51 of 287 Providing the necessary flexibility and ramping capability within the new supply mix will be key. Supply must be continually balanced to meet the needs of the province and its interconnections. The IESO will be looking at ways to evolve these capabilities efficiently during this transformation. Increased distributed or embedded generation will also facilitate the growth of renewables in the province. Distributed generation can be more efficient in mitigating local reliability concerns and reducing power system losses. The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) has signed contracts for approximately 1,400 MW of distrib- uted generation - mostly through wind, solar and biomass projects - to be in place by 2011. Demand response (DR) programs that specifi- cally target load reduction during hours with tight supply cushions are beginning to take shapg signalling to consumers when those demand reductions are most needed. DR programs are maturìng, and in particular, the OPA's DR 3 program launched this fall is contracting with large customers to reduce load over 100 or 200 peak hours in a year. The struc- ' ture of this new program will also provide a highly reliable and verifiable supply resource. The innovation taking place to create a more sustainable supply mix needs to be matched with innovation in system operations. The IESO has been working with industry partners to develop a greater understanding of these new resources as well as what tools and standards are needed to effectively manage them. With many more players contributing to system reliability, a need for more centralized information gathering and co-ordination is emerging. In jurisdictions with significant amounts of renewable generatior¡ system control centres often have the ability to track production and consumption activity on a local level and then move to maintain reliability by directing large-scale generation to provide energy for the remaining demand. To be effective, this new approach to system operations would benefit from the co-ordinating influence of market prices and smart grid technologies. Wholesale electricity markets signal to consumers and producers when generation and demand response is needed the most - harmonizing all participants to work in ways that support reliability. A greener and more distributed electricity sector also requires advanced information technologies to enable the flow of information to and from the distribution level. Smart grid technologies extend the reach of system operations to the distribution system, enabling the system operator to understand how local consumption and production activity can impact the broader reliability picture. These same technologies (such as smart meters) also open the door for a broader group of consumers to respond to price signals and reduce their energy use during peak periods. The IESO is leading an industry forum to develop a vision for a smart grid in Ontario. The forum report will be released earþ in 2009. PRIORITY AREA #3: THE CONTINUING NEED FOR TRANSMISSION ENHANCEMENTS While significant progress is being made to revitalize the province's transmission system, the demands of the changing supply mix are accelerating. Additional transmission capac¡ty will be needed to support new generation from renewables and to address regional congestion concerns. Ontario's transmission infrastructure faces challenges on two fronts: an aging existing infrastructure and the need to adapt to the new demands of the changing supply mix. Work is proceeding on a number of important projects to address short-term needs. The conditional approval provided by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to proceed on the construction of a new 500 kV double-circuit line along the Bruce to Milton transmission corridor was an important milestone toward delivering the full capability of the two Bruce nuclear units that are being refurbished as well as new wind resources in the area. It is scheduled to be in service by the winter of 2011./12. Completion of the new Ontario/Quebec interconnection near Ottawa will increase import capability by an additional 1,250 MW when at full capacity. New.transfer capability is being planned for the North-South interface, which will relieve the restrictions on existing generating capacity and accommodate output from expanded hydro facilities on the Mattagami River. THE ONTARIO RELIABILITY OUTLOOK Correspondence dated December 10, 2008 from Independent Elec... Page 52 of 287 Hydro One has also identified sustainment capital investments totalling over $600 million to be completed during the next two years. These investments are required to maintain both the reliability and the continued availabili- ty of its aging transmission infrastructure. And while significant progress is being made in preparing transmission facilities for the increase of new supply, there remain a number of areas of concern. New transmission and generation reinforce- ments in the West GTA will come in service over the next two years and will greatly support reliability, yet the southerly part of this area still requires additional generation capacity. New peaking facilities in the Kitchener-Guelph- Cambridge area are needed to address supply constraints in that area. Congestion in Northern York Region is being addressed in part by a new transformer station to come in service in summer 2009 and through demand response. The need continues, however, for a peaking gas plant in the area. The OPA is procuring generation for all three regions. Pressures will also be placed on the transmis- sion system as a result of the growth of renew- able generation. A series of transmission lines is needed to support new wind capacity in areas that are either congested or located away from existing transmission facilities. For example, a line is being proposed to Manitoulin Island to accommodate new generation resources to be located on the island. Transmission enhancements will also be required to accommodate replacement nuclear capacity from the Darlington site. The existing right-of-way between the Bowmanville and Cherrywood transformer stations east of Toronto can accommodate a third 500kV transmission line. The installation of this new line, together with the development of the Oshawa Area Transformer Station, would then provide sufficient transfer capability to allow up to 3,600 MW of new generating capacity from Darlington. Given the pace of change, managing the system as some generation facilities are retired, new ones incorporated and new transmission facilities are constructe4 will require careful outage planning. Changing one component of the system, whether it is generation or transmis- sion, impacts the flows, limits and capabilities of all the other parts of the system. Switching, replacing, refurbishing or building new infra- structure cannot be done on an ad-hoc basis. It requires close co-ordination of all the elements impacted by the proposed changes. Through its outage management process, the IESO will work closely with Hydro One and other partners to ensure the reliable operation of the system during this period of significant change. ONTARIO WIND CAPACITY AND GENERATION (EXISTING AND PLANNED 2006-2009) - c¿pacity MwAnnual Energy 0utpulGWh 2000 1750 2000 1750 1500 1250 750 500 250 0 ls00 1250 1000 750 500 250 2006 (lVlarch-Dec) 2008 (Jan-Nov) INDEPENDENT ELECTRICITY SYSTEI\¡ OPERATOR 2009 Correspondence dated December 10, 2008 from Independent Elec... Page 53 of 287 Page 54 of 287 Smoke-Free Vehicles Best for Ch¡ldren ! On January 21"r 2009, the new Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act takes effect. Smoking inside a vehicle when a child under the age of 16 is present will be against the law. This legislation applies to anyone who travels inside the vehícle, whether they are a driver or a passenger. A $ZSO fine may be issued by police officers who find individuals smoking in cars with children present. This new law is primarily designed to Canadian Community results indicate that 47% youth aged 12-19 were exposed to second-hand smoke in the vehicle. Children are more vulnerable to the poisons of second-hand smoke because their immune systems are still developing. Smoking in the car puts children at increased risk of bronchitis, pneumonia and middle ear infections, SIDS or crib death, as well as cancer and heart disease in adulthood. Also children with asthma may have their symptoms worsen by traveling with someone who is smoking. Trying to Ouit? Elgin St.Thomas Public Health offers free self-help resources, brief one-on-one support and group quit smoking classes. - ONfÀ(fo --*q[t 99 Edward St. St.Thomas, ON, N5P 1Y8 Telephone: 631 -9900 Fax:633-0468 www.el g inhealth.on.ca Five Myths About Smoking in the Gar It's not harmfulto children in the car if: . Windows.are open. . Air fresheners or air filters are used. . Smoking occurs when kids aren't in the car. . Smoking happens only during short trips. . The smoker only takes a few puffs before butting out. Truth...Second-hand smoke in motorvehicles can be up to 27 times more concentrated than the air quality of a smoker's home and 20 times more toxic! smoke, a known to second-hand TI.lA]\l)( DAD ¡ SMOKE-FREE RIDE r For more information call 519-631-3159 ext. 304. Contact the Smokers' Helpline at 1-877-513-5333 or www.sm okershel pl i ne,ca. Other helpful websites: www.gosmokefree.ca www.smokefreeride.ca lf quitting seems impossible right now, plan ahead before driving with children. / Smoke outside, away from any cfrildren, before you get into the car. / Locr.your cigarettes in the trunk so you can't gel to them while driving. / Take a bottle of water or another non-alcoholic beverage with you. / Have sugarless gum, or mints with you. / Nicotine gum or a nicotine inhaler may be helpfulwhen coping with withdrawl.The nicotine in these products may help satisff your craving until you can stop for a break. Speak to your health care provider before using one of these products. "Lifestyle Link" Winter 2009 newsletter received January 8, ... Page 55 of 287 LIFESTYLE LINK Best Choice: Stainless Steel Water Bottles Everyday, wê hear more information on the The media bombards us with both reasons and new ways to become more environmentally friendly. Planet earth needs us to think more about what materials we use and how we dispose of them, One of the most recent controversies revolves around bottled water, particularly the single use bottle. An estimated 60 million plastic water bottles end up in our Canadian landfills each year! Most plastic products will have a recycling symbol with a number to indicate what type of plastic it is. Bottled water typically comes in a #1 plastic. This is considered one of the safer plastics if it is used as the product was intended. These water bottles are sold almost anywhere and are designed for one time use only. The narrow neck of the single use water bottle makes it difficult to adequately clean out any bacteria. Harsh soaps and hot water that may kill bacteria can also cause the plastic to break down and absorb into any other liquids put into the bottle. This plastic, if scratched or heated, may also have chemicals leak into whatever liquid is inside the bottle. One of the worst places to leave plastic water bottles is in vehicles as they can reach very high temperatures. Consider a stainless steel water bottle instead of plastic to avoid any worry of chemicals leaking into the water. There are many great sizes and colours available and stainless steel is more durable than aluminum and glass if the bottle gets dropped, Children are more vulnerable to toxic exposures because their immune systems are immature. For infants and toddlers, consider using a glass bottle or a stainless steel sippy cup. This also reduces the risk of exposure to the chemical, Bisphenol A, that is in some plastics used to make baby start to reduce your child's exposure to toxins is by avoiding plastic water bottles, especially the single use bottles. Tap water is generally a great option for refilling your reusable water container, lf you have any concerns about your water quality, contact a public health inspector at 519-631-9900. For more informatíon on plastics, please check out www.elginhealth.on.ca;. Click on "Health Information'! and then I'Health Hazard" on the left hand side. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a l a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a e a a ! a a t a a a a a a a oa HIDDEN EXPOSURE Reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals at home, work and play. Simple changes can lower the risk of illness. For more information, call Elgin St.Thomas Public Health at 51 9-631 -9900 or 1-800-922-0096 or visit: www.el g i n hea lth.on.ca www. hea lthyenvi ro n mentforkids.ca It's not too late for your flu shot! "Lifestyle Link" Winter 2009 newsletter received January 8, ... Page 56 of 287 nter 2009 Feeling Stressed? Take Control Whether we are aware of it or not, we all manage stress everyday-sometimes better than others. Many people think negatívely when they hear the word stress, but it can give us that needed push to accomplish our goals. Each of us react differently to stress, depending on the kind of stress, how much of it there is and over what length of time it is experienced. lf stress continues to buíld with no relief, it can certainly make a person unwell. lt ¡s ¡mpoftantto understand our own physical and emotional reactions to stress as well as what tri ggers those reactions. When you are feeling overwhelmed by stressors in your life, get back to basics. Pay special attention to making healthy food dloices, getting enough sleep and always look for the humour in tough situations. Surround yourself with people that have posítive attitudes who will liftyour spirits during stressful times. Avoid those persons that tend to magnify your stress' Regular physical activity during the higher stress times of your life can be an excellent way to shrink your stress level down to a more manageable level' Health Canada reports that regular physical activity and higher levels of fitness allows daily tasks to be accomplished with greater ease, comfort and less fatigue. A person, who is physically active on a regular basis, experiences increased energy levels, improved attitude and overall health' lt may also help you divide the stress in your life into smaller chunks that are easier to work through. Physical actívity can be as simple as walking each day and the rewards are priceless. Handling stress in an econom¡c downturn @ Pause but don't Panic - trY to understand what is haPPening but don't let the media catch You uP in the hype. lt may be best to turn off the news if it increases your stress' @ ldentify your financial stressors and maKe a plan. ; O Recognize how you deal with stress related to moneY. @ turn these challenging times into opportunities for real growth and change. @ nst for professional help -there are reputable financial Planners and credit counsellors available. You may also want to talk with Your health professional about personal counselling services. www.apa helpcenter. org "Lifestyle Link" Winter 2009 newsletter received January 8, ... Page 57 of 287 Mumps Catch-up Campaign M umpsdiseasejrincrea sin g a crossIanada a¡ d outbreaks are happening among students attending post-secondary institutions. Most post-secondary students have received only one dose of mumps vaccine, This may not provide i Youth Drug Use ¡ Know the facts about alcohol and other drugs. i Take a look at the following websites for facts I about specific drugs, and how to prevent andI reduce the harms related to alcohol and otheri drug use. With this information, you can educate ! your kids about the dangers of substance misuse enough protection. Therefore, siudenis born ; and help them to make good decisions' a between 1970 and 1993 should receive a second : dose of MMR vaccine for optimal protection, Mumps is a contagious viral infection that causes fever, headache, and painful swelling of the salivary glands. Possible complications from this disease include swelling of the brain (encephalitis or meningitis), temporary or permanent deafness and swelling of the testes or ovaries which may result in infertility. Mumps can be spread by close contact with oral and respiratory secretions from people infected with the mumps virus. 30% to 40% of people infected with the mumps virus develop swollen salivary glands about 40 to 50% develop respiratory symptoms similar to a cold, up to 20%o of infected people can be carriers and could potentially infect others unknowingly. Where can someone born between 1970 and 1993 rece¡ve a mumps vacc¡nation? ,/ Fanshawe College Elgin Campus, 120 B¡ll Maftyn Parkway, St.Thomas on February 1Oth, 2009.The clinic is free. ,/ St.Thomas Public Health,99 Edward Street, St.Thomas, the MMR vaccine will be available free of charge until March 31, 2009 during regular Thursday afternoon clinics - 1:30 to 4:00. BE SCREENED Fc¡'Iarlii [],:iecÌiorr anii Pi-eve rriiol: c:'Calrce r 'Testicular Elgín St, Thomas Public Health 99 Edward Street, St. Thomas, 0N N5P lY8 Phone:519-631-9900 Toll Free: 1-800-922-0096 Fax:519-633-0468 Voicemail:519-631-3159 www.elginhealth.on.ca "Lifestyle Link" Winter 2009 newsletter received January 8, ... Page 58 of 287 _") Ministry of Natural Resources 615 John Street North Aylmer ON NsH 2S8 Ministère des R¡chesses naturelles 615, rue John Nord Aylmer ON NsH 2SB r\NR December 29.2008 Dear Sir/Madam, On June 30, 2008, an updated Endangered Species Act 2007 (ESA 2007) came into effect in Ontario. This updated Act provides direction to all Ontarians on the classification, protection and stewardship of Species at Risk in Ontario You and your staff are invited to an information session (lunch provided) on the ESA 2007 on February 1'1,2009, in London, Ontario. This session is open to all municipal staff in the City of London; the City of St. Thomas; Middlesex County, including the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe, the Township of Lucan Biddulph, the Municipality of Middlesex Centre, the Village of Newbury, the Municipality of North Middlesex, the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex, the Township of Strathroy-Caradoc, and the Municipality of Thames Centre; and Elgin County, including the Town of Aylmer, the Municipality of Bayham, the Municipality of Central Elgin, the Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich, the Township of Malahide, the Township of Southwold, and the Municipality of West Elgin. This information session may be of particular interest to planners, biologists, engineers, and road/drainage superintendents. Councillors and Board members may also wish to attend. This session will:. Provide an overview of the ESA 2007 and current regulations under the Act;o Explain how the updated act relates to provincial planning policies; . Explain how other activities may be affected; and. Discuss implementation of the updated Act and ways we can work together to ensure compliance and promote the benefits of private land stewardship. Activities by your municipality, such as infrastructure projects, building construction and maintenance of rights-of-way and municipal drains may be affected by the ESA 2007. Therefore, it is important that the updated Act, including how it may or may not influence the activities mentioned above, is understood. Your local MNR District office would like to introduce the updated Act to you and discuss how MNR will work with you towards effective implementation of the provisions and policies of the ESA 2007. Please contact Heather Riddell at the Aylmer District Office at 519-773-4723 or heather.riddell@ontario.ca by February 2,2009, to confirm your attendance. Sincerely, Original signed by Dave Richards for Mitch Wilson on December 29, 2008 Mitch Wilson District Manager Ministry of Natural Resources, Aylmer District cc: Roxanne St. Martin - Regional SAR Biologist, MNR Bruce Curtis, Manager, Community Planning and Development, MSO - Southwestern, MMAH General Managers of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, St. Clair Region Conservation Authority, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, and Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Tel: 519-773-9241 Tél: 5'19-773-924'l Fax: 519-773-90'14 Téléc:519-773-9014 AT Correspondence dated December 29, 2008 from Ministry of Natu... Page 59 of 287 Page 60 of 287 MLE ,L,^ DECEMBER llTH. ,2008 C O 6 PRESENT: Harris Teall, Barb & Corþ Ouellette, Bill & Donna Baldwin, Arvilla Beckett, Mary Newland Marlene & Chuck Baldwin, Ross Andrews, Sandy Sage, Bob Gratram, Cheryl Peters, Ray Maddox, Betty Lou V/allington, Lynn Acre, Dorotþ Godby and Liz Ball President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at7:,30, welcoming members & guests. A motion to accept the minutes of November 13ü. 2008 was made by Dorothy Godby, 2o.by Corky Ouellette. Motion carried. PRESIDENTS REPORT: Ray reported that members are looking into the Black Cemetery. SECRETARIES REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported that she has received the Application for Municipal Assistance forms and has suggested that we stay with service in kind and not ask for any monetary assistance as she feels many groups will be asking for funds this year. Corky Ouellette made a motion to apply for service in kind only 2'd. By Betty Lou Wallinglon. Motion ca¡ried. There is only one Vienna Highlights book left and Cheryl asked if we could buy a few more to give to our guest speakers. The books are believed to cost $12.00 each. Donna Baldwin made a motion that we buy 6 books, 2t. By Dorothy Godby. Motion carried. Cheryl will send a thank you note to Joan M. who donated cups and saucers & Elsie Acre for the cups and saucers she donated. Dorothy Godby received a copy of "Evolution of Schools-from Quill to Compute¡ written by Evelyn McNeil which she has donated to the Bayharn Historical Society. The pages are not numbered but the book is complete, Cheryl will send her a thank you card. A motion to accept the Millie Wolfe papers dating back to the 1940's mostþ from the Corinth ¿uea was made by A¡r¿illa Beckett and 2od. By Lynn Acre. Motion carried. Cheryl will organize them and put them in plastic sleeves TREASURERS REPORT: Dorothy Godby reported as follows. Checking-- -----$3168.30 Lottery Account-------------$ 128.84 Petty cash- ----- $ 1.09 As ofNovember 30,2008. Motion to accept the Treasurers Report made by Dorothy Godby 2ou. By Corky Ouellette-Motion carried. PROGRAM DIRECTOR : If a speaker is needed in the new year Chuck Baldwin will speak on the Howey accident, Our speaker for January 8th. 2009 is CliffEvanitski who \ ¡ill talk about Pound Keepers, Fence Viewers and Road Maintenance in the earlv 1800's. Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held Dece... Page 61 of 287 ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Donna Baldwin reported that our write-up was in both the Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Mary Newland reported that she will bring the refreshments for January assisted by Marion Maddox. PROGRAM:ALL MEMBERS Some items members brought were, Mary Newland, a cast tractor, Bob Graham an iron, Sandy Sage a necklace she has had since she was a child, Ha¡ris Teall a cast iron house bank, Arvilla Beckett a dog bank that shoots a coin into a banel, Betty Lou Wallington a story of the Bahamas, Corky Ouellette a few knives from his knife collection, Donna Baldwin pichres of Walter Stansell that any one could take home, Chuck Baldwin an ox shoe, Liz Ball brought two old wooden games that she is donating to us (Harris Teall will take them home for repairs) and Cheryl Peters brought a mystery basket that held miniature items, knives, bottles, jars, clickers and more, all items are from her Grandmother and Great Grandmother and Ross Andrews brought a book of the Red Cross in Canada of which he is a member, I believe it is the order of St. John Cross that Ross is in the book for. Afterwards we enjoyed a feast of finger foods brought by all members. A door prize was won by Bill and Donna Baldwin. NEXT MEETING: January 8ú,2009 at the Municipality of Bayham Office at7:30. Motion to close the meeting by Betty Lou ÏVallington and 2o.By Sandy Sage - Motion carried Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held Dece... Page 62 of 287 5 (n) I nvestment Opportun ity High light One Funds - Universe Corporate Bond Fund Why lnvest in Corporate Bonds?4o t Ano Local Authority Services (l-AS) and MFOA/CHUMS launched a Universe Corporate Bond Fund (UCB Fund) in August 2008. This investment pool allows Ontario municipalities to access the higher yields paid by many of Canada's top corporations. This fund will help municipalities save for medium term community projects with less burden on the municipaltax base. With an investment horizon of 4+ years, municipalities will find the UCB Fund suitable for: '/ Long-term reserves and reserve funds,/ perpetual and trust funds, as required for cemetery funds '/ development charge receipts not required in the short term The UCB Fund is guaranteed regulatory compliant and offers far greater diversification than available and permitted bank products. When the fund was launched, the Fund Manager - Mclean Budden, suggested: oMarket conditions make this opportunity particularly exciting right now as many quality corpordte bonds are returníng higher inuementalyields than usual over Government of Canada bonds." Since the introduction of the Fund, others have continued to note that corporate bonds currently provide an attractive investment option: * Guardian Capital LP (One Funds Equity Fund Manager): Fixed lncome Update of September 30, 2008: "As interest rate spreads have been widening, we hove been adding to our overall credÍt exposure ond, currently, have an overweight position in Corporates in our core-oriented portfolÍos. We can expect to take out the substantial yield corry in the overweight position in Corporates (Ín some instonces, twice the yield relative to the underlying Canada bond). We expect credit spreads will compress, ond the portfolio will generote additional principal morket value gains relative to underlying Federol issues once this scenario unfolds. å Bob Gorman, Chief Portfolio Strategist - TD Waterhouse: Research Report released November 27,2OO8: "lnvestment grade corporate bonds wÍll outperform government issues in 2009. This will reflect three factors: Corporate spreads will stop widening as credit markets stabilize; corporate issues will offer a higher stream of income compared with government bonds; and there will be some reversal of the flight to quality as government bond yields increase modestly." Dec 2008 Correspondence received from The Public Sector Group of Fund... Page 63 of 287 ,rr_" q '*¡{ ñ"oto luÞt¡c ,ltÇo - ln developing this Fund, a competitive RFP process resulted in the selection of Mclean Budden as Fund Manager. McLean Budden also acts as managerforthe One Bond Fund and tookover management of the One Money Market Fund in 2007. The selection of allcorporate bonds held in the UCB Fund is determined by McLean Budden after a rigorous risk analysis process. As a result, the securities held in the UCB Fund represent a list of strong corporate credits issued in Canada by large and well known companies, both in Canada and abroad. ln 60 years of providing professional wealth management McLean Budden has never experienced a credit default. Their investment acumen served One Funds investors well through the asset back security crisis in the late summer of 2OO7. As Neither the One Money Market nor One Bond Fund held any of the'at risk'securities, neither Fund experienced realor potential losses encountered by many other investment professionals. lnvestment Guidelines for the One IJniverse Corporate Bond Fund are ovoilable on the One Funds Website as is a Fund Foct Sheet. Initially investment forms avoilable are avoilable on request. Universe Corporote Bond Fund instruction forms will soon be available to the website with other Available Forms' For More lnformation, please contact: Tom Bradbury MFOA/CHUMS Home Office (905) 304-4429 tbradburv(Ocogeco.ca Or visit: www.OneFunds.net The One Funds is a municipal pooted investment program designed specifically for the municipal sector thet has consistently provided strong rates of return, Esubtíshed in 1993, the funds are designed, developed and managed by municipalíties for municipalities. Jointly operated by LAS (a subsldla¡y of the Assoctatlon of Munlcipalltles of Onurlo) and CHUMS (a subsldÎary of the Munlcipal Flnance Officers' Assoclatlon of Ontarlo), the One Funds provide Onurio municipalities wíth access to a range of invutment optÌons unavailable to them directly, Jason Hagan LAS Program Goordinator (4rO) 971-9856 ext. 320 ihaoan(@amo.on.ca Current UCB Fund Holdings: Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia ctBc RBC TD Bank Canada Utilities Enbridge Pipelines Encana lnvestors Group TransCanada Pioe GE Capital HSBC Bank of Canada Honda Finance Canada Schlumberger Canada Wells Fargo Canada Correspondence received from The Public Sector Group of Fund... Page 64 of 287 N ST. THOMAS January 5,2009 Municipalify of Bayham 9344PlankRoad, P.O. Box #160 StraffordvilleON NOJ lYO !Y\D? To Whom It May Concern, Elgin St. Thomas Public Health is pleased to announce a new initiative - Active Elgin. The goal of Active Elgin is to increase the number of people participating in sport, leisure and recreation programming in the County of Elgin. Included in this package are 50 copies of the Active Elgin: Elgin County's Sport Recreation and Leisure Guide. 34,000 copies of this Guide are being distributed to households throughout the County on January 16ú. We would encourage you to please keep the Guide in a visible location for patrons to access and distribute however you see fit. The information contained within the Guide is also available online at wu.rv.active-ejgu¡e. If you know of any physical activity, recreation or sport programs within Elgin County that are not included in the Guide they can be added to the websile atanytime by logging onto the 'Submit your Activity' section of the website and will then be included in future editions of the Guide. This project was made possible through the support of our parbrers - CiIy of St. Thomas Parks and Recreation, YWCA of St. Thomas-Elgin, West Elgin Community Heath Centre, East Elgin Communrfy Complex, Healtþ at Heart Elgin and funding from The Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Province of Ontario. Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or require additional information by phone at (519) 631-9900 or via email at I'reartfgùelsinhealth.on.ca. Sincerely, Elgin St.Thomas Public Health 99 Edward Street,St.Thomas,ON N5P 1Y8 phone:519-ó31-9900 Toll Free 1-800-922-0096 Fax:519-633-0468 Voicemail:519-631-3159 www.elginhealth.on'ca Correspondence dated January 5, 2009 from Elgin St. Thomas P... Page 65 of 287 Page 66 of 287 I \ (t Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 3rd Floor I Stone Road West Guelph, Ontario NIG 4Y2 Tel: (5191 826-3552 Fax: (519) 826-3259 Ministère de I'Agriculture, de I'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales 3e étage 1. rue Stone ouest Guelph (Ontariol NIG 4Y2 Té1.: (5191 826-35t;2 Téléc.: {519} 826-32ti9 û /L lN4GF Environmental Management Branch Date: To: From: January 7,2009 Council, Clerk and Drainage Superintendent Sid Vander Veen, Drainage Coordinator Subject:1. AGRICULTURAL DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM 2. UPCOMING DRAINAGE COURSES 3. TILELOAN PROGRAM Please ensure that all those named above are made aware of this letter. 1. AGRICT]LTT]RAL DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTTIRE PROGRAM To claim grants for drainage activities completed under the Drainage Act in the 2008/09 year, it is very important that you read and understand the Agricultural Drainage Infrastructure Program (ADIP) policies. If you do not have a copy of these policies, contact me and I will email or send you a copy. Altematively, they can be accessed from the following website: www.omafra.gov.on.ca./english/landuse/drainaee.htm a,) Applyingfor 2008/09 Grants under the Draìnøge Act Ð Maintenance and Superintendent General: If your municipality employs an approved drainage superintendent and has received a drain maintenance and superintendent "allocation" from our Ministry earlier in this fiscal year, you are eligible to receive grants for the municipal cost of employing a drainage superintendent and for drain maintenance work undertaken by your drainage superintendent(s). These grant applications must be received by our Ministry by January 30, 2009. Grant application forms are available in hard copy or in an Excel spreadsheet. If you need either of these please contact Valerie Anderson at 519-826-3324 or valerie.i.anderson@ontario.ca . ii) o a list of all maintenance, repair and minor improvement projects completed in the year. Projects listed on the maintenance grant application don't need to be repeated on this list. Consider using the maintenance grant application form to list the other projects where grant is not being applied for. If no work was done in 2008, attach a statement to that effect to the application form. . a municipal map showing the location of all maintenance/repair work performed. . a copy ofthe drainage superintendent's time reports. At the deadline, if a submitted apptication is not complete, it will not be processed even if the supporting documentation is subsequently submitted. iii) Drain Maintenance Grants: Read Section 2.0 of the ADIP policies and if you have any guestions, please contact us. Your application for maintenance grant is not complete without the supporting information for one of the projects listed on the grant form. For a description of the supporting information, read ADIP policy 2.3(c). At the deadline, if a submÌtted application is Íncomplete' it wiil not be processed even if the supporting documentation is subsequently submitted. Ministry Headquarters: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario N'lG 4Y2 Bureau principal du ministère: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph (Onlario) N1G 4Y2 Pick Ontar¡o Freshness Cueillez la fraîcheur de I'Ontario -"$a- Correspondence dated January 7, 2009 from Ministry of Agricu... Page 67 of 287 2- iv) Grants for Construction/Improvement Projects: The deadline for submitting grant applications for construction/improvement projects is February 13' 2009. Any drain construction/improvement project where the engineer's report was submitted after July 28, 2004 is subject to Section I of the I\DIP policies. To be eligible for the grant, some portion of the property must be eligible fortffi¿r'nr'Property*ax=€las5:f,¿ Please remember that project funding is provided first to those projects who have submitted a "Drain Queue Notihcation" form (Read Section 1.7 of the ADIP policies). If any additional ADIP funding becomes available, grant applications will be processed in the order they appear on the queue. b) Planningfor the 2009/2010 Drainøge Act Gronts Program i) Maintenance and Superintendent: If yotr employ an approved drainage superintendent and intend to make use of the drain maintenance and srrperintendent grants in the upcoming fiscal year, please complete the attached form entitled "Drain Maintenance/Superintendent Grants Grant Allocation Request For Fiscal Year 2009110". Your allocation request must be received by our ministry on or before Februa¡v 27. 2009. You are advised to read ADIP policy 2.1 prior to completing the form. ii) Construction/Improvement Projects: Please read Section 1.7 of the ADIP policies. Once your municipality has given third reading to a by-law adopting an engineer's report for the construction or improvement of a municipal drain, you are strongly encouraged to complete and submit a "Drain Queue Notification" form. Even if, for any reason, your project is not funded in one fiscal year, it will maintain its position on the queue for the following fiscal year. A copy of the Queue Notification form is attached to this letter. 2. UPCOMING DRAINAGE COT]RSES Attached is a brochure that provides details on the Drainage Superintendents Course that will be held from March 2to 6,zClJig in Guelph. If your municipality intends to appoint an individual as their drainage superintendent, they must have successfully completed this course in order to be eligible to receive the drain maintenance and superintendent grants. Also auached is a brochure that provides details on a series of two one-day courses that will be held in Morrisburg, Grand Bend and Vineland in April/May. The first day is the "Rural Municipal Drainage Course" which provides a detailed overview of drainage law and Drainage Acl procedures. The second day is the "Calculating Drainage Assessments" Workshop. It explores problems and complications in calculating drainage assessments using information from existing drainage reports. 3. TILE LOAN PROGRAM:¡ Until further notice, Mr. Shane Tormey frorn OMAFRA is responsible for processing tile loans. He can be reached at 519-826-6369 or by email at shane.tormey@ontario.ca. o March l,20}g is the last date that we can process debentures in the 2008/09 fiscal year. Therefore, debentures must be submitted to us before F'ebruary 2012009. If this date is missed, no debentures can be purchased until the program is announced in the 2009/10 fiscal year. If you have any questions, please give me a call or email me at sid.vanderveen@ontario.ca. Sid Vander Veen, P. Eng. Drainage Coordinator Correspondence dated January 7, 2009 from Ministry of Agricu... Page 68 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 9,2009 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: D10.08/09 Drieghe SUBJECT: Drieghe Severance E94108 - Lot Addition NUMBERzD2009-02 Purpose To consider Consent Application F;94108 (Drieghe) for an addition to a lot. Background On May 15, 2008 Council considered and supported consent application F.20108 from Mark Drieghe, to sever 7716.1 m' (1.9 acres) containing a workshop and well from his agricultural lands to add to the adjacent Rural Residential property he owns containing his residence, barn and garage. The property is located on the north side of Light Line east of the Otter Valley Utility Corridor in Lot 18 Concession 4. Zontng By-law 2566-2008 was passed on August 7,2008 rezoning the proposed severed parcel from Agriculture (Al) to Rural Residential (RR) to be consistent with the lands it will merge with. The applicant completed a survey of the proposed severed parcel and it was realized that the measurements did not match the consent application. The Land Division Committee requires this new consent application E94108 with the correct measurements and the previous application will be withdrawn. The Land Division Committee has scheduled this new application for consideration on February 4,2009. Current Status In reviewing the new application, it was noted that the retained parcel's frontage was less than 150 metres, which would require a variance or rezoning. Discussions followed with the applicant's agent and the dimensions have been further amended to maintain 150.4 metres frontage on the retained parcel to be in compliance with the Agriculture (41) zoning regulations. Staff Comments Staff and the planner do not have any futher concems with this application. The change does not warrant any revision to the Zoning By-law 2566-2008 for the Rural Residential (RR) Zorung as it complies with Section 3.8 of the ZoningBy-law for zoning dimensions. The same conditions are recoÍrmended for this application as were on the original application except for the rezoning condition already satisfied. Attachments l. Consent application E94108 2. Revised Sketch dated Januarv 7.2009 2 Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 69 of 287 Staff Report D2009-01 Drieghe Page2 RECOMMENDATION *THAT Staff Report D2009-02 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 894/08, submitted by Mark Drieghe, with dimensions further amended as per sketch dated January 712009, be approved subject to: 1. a copy of the final survey provided to the municipality 2. Letter of Undertaking confirming the conveyance of the severed parcel to the adjacent property owned by Mark Drieghe identifred as assessment Roll # 34-01-000-002-16710, Concession 4Part Lot 18 RP11R4229 Part 1 subm Maigaret Underhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 70 of 287 L- Elgrn it- EJ g+ ¡08 APPLICATION FOR CONSENT ãffial authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Name of Owner Address l\iìark Drieohe Ã^nÂn liñhi I ine R R #1 \/ienna ôN NoJ 120 Telephone Number 519-866-3034 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent David Roe, Civic Planninq Solutions lnc. Address 5qq I ârch Streef Delhi ON N4B 347 Telephone Number 519-582-1174 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( )Agent ( X )signstoOwner (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Other: [ÊC 1 :i 2Û09 Transfer:creation of a new lot X addition to a lot easemenl cnarge lease correction of title (c) (a)Á other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: Mark lìrieohe lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: 56060 Liqht Line Assessment# 34-01-002'1671O Location of land: MunicipaliÇ Bavham Concession No. Lot(s) No.Registered Plan No. _ Lioht Line (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? No ( X ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Name of Street 55974 Street No. o.'t3 Frontage Area ù.&tha Existing Use Aqricultural Proposed Use Resiclential Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severeo: Existino shon encroachino dwellino o Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements ¡n Metric) 15o.4 Frontage t<r) ¿ +¿€-:4m Depth 922m ExistingUse Aqricultur¿Proposed Use Aoricultural Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: House barn and oaraoe 31 38 h¿. Area 3&.37ha Cù!nty Ðf EIÉrn Englneering serv¡ces 45O Sunset DÍve St Iiìomas,0n NsR 5V1 Phone: 519- 631'1460 !w/-elg¡n4ornly on-ca Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 71 of 287 -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) None 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other oublic road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () ( x) () () () () RETAINED LOT () ( x) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) Not applicable for lot TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individual well Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT () (x ) () () RETAINED LOT () (x) () () () ( x) () () 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) Not applicable for lot TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) When willwater supply and sewage disposal services be available? What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Aqricultural What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of SubdivisionoraConsentunderthePlanningAct? Yes ( x ) No ( ) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application E 20108 Approved May 23, 2008 lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? () ( )n/a () () 11. 12 13. 14. 15 16 Yes (x )No() Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 72 of 287 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Mark Drieqhe Relationship (if any) to owner Self Use of parcel Reeidcnfial Date parcel created 1991 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ()No (x ) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (x) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes (x ) No ( ) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application Parcel to be severed has been rezoned RR 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No ( x) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the paft that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used: - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 73 of 287 -4. 2g. The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation ofif'" Couñty of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this nppt6ätion pursuant tı Section e2(¡) ot Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Actto provide for'Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. of AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lA/Ve David Roe of the in the County of Norfolk solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and lM/e make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and bv vidue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. Signature )úsen Llranne üalloway, a .ìommissioner, etc. County 0f Eloin,10r fìe Corporaüon of Ìhe County 0f El0in. -Jorres January 6, 201'l lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. (s), soLrcrToR oR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARED before me at the Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 74 of 287 APPENDIX "A'' The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for Consent", the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes ( ) No (x) If the answer is "YES" are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE: lf you answered,,YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON.FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPAND¡NG IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP coNc. TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) LOT Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure System Housing System check type DAIRY 0 Cows 0 Heifers 0 Calves Tie Sta Free Stall Loose BEEF 0 Cows 0 Calves 0 Feeders 0 400-750 tb. 0 400-1 100 tb. 0 750-1100 tb. Open l-c & Barn fotal Confine- menl SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings 0 Feeders POULTRY 0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK - Females Caged On Floor HORSFS Sl{FtrÞ-PamcAFr¡¡ac RABBITS VFÀI CAI VtrS OTHER MÂNIIÞtr CTôÞÀêtr' DRY SEMI-SOLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 75 of 287 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the CountY of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: Lot 18 Concession 4 lANe, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize David Roe of Countv of Norfolk to: (Agents Name/Names) (Agents CityiTown of Residence) (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the ll¿a-r¿-L- of 8"'/-* Þ<--z*20 Ðda Signature of Witness Signature of Owner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 76 of 287 LOT 17 CONCESSION 4"'2,"9þiË,g riyà¿y oF BAYH LoT 19 CoNCESSTON 4 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM LOT 17 /;' -x"lÞ^ \ /_\t /i-'/ol /_s1 (ËÅ FORMER -! r *.-Orr':'' "7m ffiPØf- t vä ,ilh I tAi_fl\U'10l-r-rl t r" \G\Nñ l\{ R.f NÀt \- ./É ;Q./ Ag' / Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 77 of 287 D,<teCrA .f> \r>Ø<(nm LI(J LLz.OalXn =U) z_ = F- I m LL - o_r U)z. =rl ñ- Z. 7-aLIOz.tl r') =:< E.F- rtAXY \_/-J LIrr) r'I =¡- O- -{tl-- rrr-r XYVJL! lrl E , I t L¡J E.ll llN J !G^,ì ¿//VÀ /o^-<-\, \ (-/,4 ^__\ tLJ t?^.rvì-1 ae'Y;ffi TO BE SEVERE TO BE RETAINED PREVIOUSLY SEVERED CIOSOFTl 41 \WORl(200n08-8504.dwg, fi fr¿0OS 3:04:53 PM :\ Staff Report D2009-02 regarding Drieghe severance applicatio... Page 78 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Nurse Severance E90/08 - Lot Addition DATE: January 9,2009 FILE: D10.08 Nurse NUMBER: D2009-03 Purpose To consider consent Application E90/08 (Nurse) for an addition to a lot. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by David, Joan & Aaron Nurse proposing to sever a 1.1 t hectare (2.74 acres) portion from their property at7535 Plank Road and add it to their property at 56050 Calton Line, locatèd around the cornèr. The subject land is located on the west side of Plank Road, north of Calton Line, in Concession 5 Lot 15. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (Al) in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003 . The Land Division Committee has scheduled this application for consideration on February 4,2009. Staff Comments The proposed lot addition complies with the Official Plan and the ZoningBy-law. Staff and the planner do not have any outstanding concerns with this application. No rezoning is required. Attachments 1. Consent application E90/08 2. IBI Memo dated January 6,2009 RECOMMENDATION "THAT Staff Report D2009-03 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Etgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 890/08' submitted by David, Joan & Aaron Nurse, be approved subject to:1. a copy of the final survey provided to the municipality2. Letter of Undertaking confirming the merger of the severed parcel with the adjacent property owned by David and Joan Nurse, identified as assessment Roll # 34-01-000-003- 03400, Concession 5 Part Lot 15 Registered Plan 11R5144 Parts I & 2 apportionment of assessment for drainage as per the Draínage Acl requirements." Underhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk 3. Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 79 of 287 COUNTY OF ELGIN LANÞ DIVISION COMM¡TTEE r^ËviÈ 450 SUNSET DBIVE ST, THOMAS, ONTARIO NsR 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 t- lr-- ,tl rroN FoR CoNSENT "" ,".æ " ,a à I o g Name Name LAND D Address Telephone Number Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Michael G - sznreny.i , Groom ¡ s-nrenyi AddfeSS 25 Harvev Streel- - Ti l l-6ãíL,,-- Ontari ô N4G 3,r? Telephone Number 5l q-44 )-¿,)tr" /' Please specify to whom all communícations should be sent: o*n"r"6(W soficitor (4 Agent ( ) (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: charge addition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or (c) If a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: Municipality Ccncession No. Lot(s) No, I fí Registered Plan No. Name of street ?D-r¡.. h ar-à Street No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( I No |zf lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: V S. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric¡ \ " I I iì"¿to-..*r' Existing Use f-\q'ri¿'í.'\{-.*.¡rir! . Frontaqe -l 51.ı¡f Deoth---ñ7o--î.t\ ,,.ffi¿f,Le HLI,5.q'ı7,Tra nrea 3'lT acr"r. ct r ì*t lrar, J3t.3 Number and use of buildings and structures severed: (both existing and proposed) on the land to be V G. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) C) -t{ I f/*+-'¿t Frontage Existing Use 1. 2. lease correction of title 4. (a) "3Lt ^ Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 80 of 287 2 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) L Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial HighwaY Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access lf proposed access is bY water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) L What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) 10. TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individual well Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water bodv Other means (specify) svstem-J--- " ì What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septic tank 4' ( ) Privately owned and operated compunal septic RETAINED LOT () k) () () () ()Privy Other means (specify) 11-_ When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? Tn 1-hê nrôcêss of hci nn cnmn] cl- erl 12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Aqricultural 13.What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Aqricultural 14.Has the subject land ever bee+lhp subject of an applicatiófi'for approval of a PIan of Subdivision or a Consent undeËttie'Ptairhing Act?' , .YèS (o"x)ij' t' No ( ) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 1990 15. lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application No 10. (a) Has the o*nuI. pr"r/iouff 3JËåd any tand trom thíË'dðful.n'd.7 (x) -.-.J à.ts'i Þ NoYes() Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 81 of 287 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ( ) No (x) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ( ) No (x) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order. amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (x) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (x) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the paft that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the'subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and adificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, raílways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, ríver or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 82 of 287 -4- The owner/ApplicanvAgent hereby authorizes Land Division committee members and the Corporation of the couíÇ ãt rtjin'statr to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application' The ApplicanyOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Apptication pursuant tåéection S2(O) ot Bill 49, Chapter 63, S'O' 1989, being an ActTo provide for Freedom ot lntor,mãtioÀ and Pròtåction of Individual Privacy in Municipalíties and Local Boards. Dated at the -iã.r¡rr .ot -ñt lsnnLrv ng tnis f ÕÈ daY of 5irml<'rr^hwf 20 Cr€ AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lA/Ve solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and lAlVe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. of 6,urho"n^ in the CountY of DECLARED before me at the rTrnr^rn of Tillsonburq in the q"gr'!y 9I_!II".e - .- +¿1this I O' daY of september e1 ei 2008 ()Íof d c$ily, lof GR0w e sz0ns{Yl, tf this appticatíon is siff{B8ÏSläfr agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporatìon acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of tlte sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - @@¡ cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. LTCANT(S), SOLIC Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 83 of 287 APPENDIX "4" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for Consent", the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes ( ) No ë) lf the answer is "YES" are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE:lfyqlanswered ,,YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE BY APPLICANT AGRIGULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXIST¡NG LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE coNc.TOWNSHIP LOT TILLABLE HEGTARES (where livestock facility located) Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure Svstem Housing System check type DAIRY 0 Cows 0 Heifers0 Calves Tie Sta Free Stall Loose BEEF 0 Cows 0 Calves 0 Feeders 0 400-750 tb. 0 400-1 100 tb. 0 750-1 100 tb. Open l-c & Barn Total Confine- ment SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings 0 Feeders POULTRY 0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters [nlNK - Fomaleq Caged On Floor HôFISFS Sl{trtrÞ - Ramc ,Q Fr¡rae RARRIT.q t/trÀl nÀt \rtrq ôTI{trF¡ M^t\ll lÞtr CTôÞÀIîtr. DRY SEMI-SOLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 84 of 287 TL r (Ð Lü Ð anz c) Q.eÕ '¡- l-i¿ /._/c/ t""r- , \\\/ (Ð ¿i Þ¡i åå 2=, -;rgt 'vll ^,co!'rvîtLoy!r.j'"'( -.\"---ll- tì5.¡<r+'<- \5 --r 6rccr{1e-¡+ t-----:fIt^l I -Y¡le\\&k,,- , "'r ". "",:fft.: , EI ru.Dqj -ìD., veG) Â-jq tr Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 85 of 287 MEMO To: From: Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCtp, Rpp January 6, 2009 dd 3404-452 Steno: File No: Subject:lVurse - Proposed Lot Addition (pt. Lot 15, Conc. S, TggS ptank Road) 1) We have completed our review of the severance application (File Ego/og) submitted on behalf of Aaron, Joan & David Nurse in support of their proposal to sever 1.11 hectare (2.24 acres) of land located north of calton Line, and west of Plank Road, that is currenily part of an oversized estate residential lot' The purpose of the proposed severance is to remove the rear portion from an existing 1'52 hectare (3.75 acre) residential parcel of land that fronts onto plank Road, and convey it to a neighbouring residential property to the south that fronts onto calton Line. The effect of the consent application would be to reduce the rear amenity area of one residential lot while increasing the rear amenity area of another residential lot. Both the subject lands and the lands to which they are being conveyed are designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan, and zoned Agriculturat (A1) in Zoning By- law No. 2456-2003. 2) The proposed lot addition would result in no new lots being created, while the new tot areas for both lots would be 0'41 hectares (1 acre) for the retained lot on plank Road; and 1.g7 hectares (4.6 acres) for the newly configured lot on calton Line. Both areas are sufficient for the provision of private water and sewage treatmenudisposal systems. The retained lands would include one dwelling. The newly configured lot contains one dwelling, and one garage. There are no buildings or struutures on the large rear severed portion. The lands are characterized as estate residential and are landscaped with some wooded areas on the rear severed portion. surrounding land uses are characterized by a cluster of residential uses at the intersection of Plank Road and calton Road, shown on some maps as "Froggetts Corners", but not recognized as any type of setflement area in the official plan. Beyond this local area are agricultural uses in all directions. There are no significant natural heritage features or lands exhibiting natural hazards within the vicinity of the subject lands. 3) section 8'7'7 of the official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels compfy with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-taw,,. The principal function of the "Agriculture" designation of the official Plan ís to provide for the long-term protection Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 86 of 287 Municipality of Bayham January 6, 2009 and viability of agricultural uses by directing land uses which may cause conflicts with agriculture away from this designation. Permitted uses included agricultural uses, agriculture-related uses, and secondary uses, which may include surplus farm dwellings on separate lots. Given the A1 zoning on both residential lots subject to this application, it is likely these lots were created prior to any Official Plan or Zoning By-law regime applicable to the area and would therefore be considered legal non- conforming uses. Section 4.10 of the Zoning By-law states that the by-law shall not apply to prevent the use of land for legal non-conforming uses. ln addition, Section 413 of the Zoning By-law states that lots with less than the existing lot area or frontage may be developed for the use specified in the specific zone provided all other regulations are complied with. There is no new development associated with this application. Based on the aforementioned information and information provided to date, we do not object to the consent based on the following conditions of consent: a) That the proposed severed lands are merged on title with the lands to the south located on Calton Line and identified as Part 1 &2 oÍ Plan 11R-5144. -2- 4) 5) 7¿r',-l IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J:\3404\452 Nurse\PTMnurse2009{1 -06 doc\2009-01 47\DD Staff Report D2009-03 regarding Nurse severance application.... Page 87 of 287 Page 88 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF'REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 9,2009 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: D10.08 Sykes SUBJECT: Sykes Severance E91l08 - Lot Creation NUMBERzD2009-04 Purpose To consider Consent Application 891/08 (Sykes) for creation of a building lot. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Don Sykes proposing to sever and create two lots from one existing lot in Lot 25 east side Centre Street, north of Fulton Street in Vienna. The subject land is designated "Residential" in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential (R1) in the ZoningBy-lawNo. 2456-2003. The Land Division Committee has scheduled this application for consideration on February 4,2009. Staff Comments Recently Mr. Sykes purchased a portion of the "First Alley". The transaction has been completed and those lands are merged with Mr. Sykes Lot25. The severance application includes those lands in the parcel split. Proposing an additional building lot is consistent with development that has been happening in the surrounding area. The Lot 25 is serviced with water and sewer stubs in the northern portion. Staff confirms that municipal servicing, water and sewer capacity, is adequate to accommodate an additional lot. Staff recommends that a Development Agreement be required for the installation of those services in the southern portion. A grading plan is recommended to ensure proper surface drainage. Additionally, a Road Access permit is required for the additional driveway accesses to Centre Street. Other conditions are included as listed. Staff and the planner have no fuither concems with this application. Attachments 1 Consent application E9ll08 2. IBI Memo dated January 6,2009 RECOMMENDATION "THAT StaffReport D2009-04 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 891/08, submitted by Don Sykes, be approved subject to:1. a Development Agreement with the municipatity for the installation of the municipal water and sewer servicing to the created lot 2 Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 89 of 287 Staff Report D2009 -04 Sykes a grading plan submitted for municipal approval copy of the final survey submitted to the municipality $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality a Road Access Permit approved by the municipality 2. 3. 4. J. nderhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 90 of 287 GOUNTY OF ELGIN L.AND DIVISION COMMITTEE iìËî 1 I ?ti$ FLo Rrpa - N è\i | 5'i , -T- u "vtx st /a -I 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NsB 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 ,TION FOR CONSENT Ë9 :'s j. to,8; 1 2. Name of .ap,ÞIo,ve Name of'Oriuner"' ?o.Address Telenhone Number Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent <1o 3f- P-ßq g o w n-f -f t \-usq t'r Rv Ê(= c Ñ 5\q-èL+z-3¿58 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: E rnA r u owners(Y) soticitor( ) Agent( ¡ à@aoê€YÊrloo'<orn''/ -' 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: X,- creation of a new lot Other: charge leaseaddition to a lot easemenT correction of titlegE, s PLl.f \7-O Address Telephone Number other purposu =,Ë- tlt*ot"-L$= - (c) 4. (a) Name of person(s), if known, to whom Iand or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: lf a lot addition. identifv the lands to which the parcel will be added: Municipality BgY *ec"r Concession No. Lot(s) No. 25 Registered Plan No. - 5 + - Nameof Street CÉ¡s-rQ.E S. StreetNo. *o- âéit6oÉù oR xÑıwN (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) t¡o O() lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) 5'ôrù1+t t/Z Frontage 25. t.t rn . oe -.cr ?.5 Exisrins u." (Á:Ei?t"i'Î.q..d Number and use of buildings and structt severed: I rsE'r,.¡ trocne o Ñ fActr Lo< - (¡s ê( Brr r rs) 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Âr ,.r oa,'rJ-Frontage Æ-I*+r ?"i1t jfÉf-z==å?"€*. ? (b) ñol lNvCÈ u-( rN Location of land: Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 91 of 287 -2- '47. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) L g. Type of access for proposed and retained loÍ (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () ( r-'r () () () () RETAINED LOT () (¿f () () () () lf proposed.access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) L What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT(4 () () () (.¿t () (/ () RETAINED LOT (v) () () () RETAINED LOT (4 () () () 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communal septic sysrem Privy Other means (specify) 11. When willwater supply and sewage disposal seryices be available? r¡R-R€t¡¡u 12.What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? ?es,cr .N-Ttft<- 14. 15. 13. What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Has the subject land.ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision or a Consent under the Planning Act? Yes ( ) No ( N Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide.the.application file numbet and the decision made on the application If this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original applicationñlñ 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes()No r{t Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 92 of 287 (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationshíp (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17. Is the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applyíng for additional consents in the future? Yes () No (X) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? * Yes () No rV lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. Is the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (X) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act?6"Yes(lNo() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) NorV)- .'- \^/ lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and aftificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 93 of 287 .4- 2¡'. The Owner/ApplicanvAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation oi tt-r" Cóunï of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject pr:operty for the purpose of Síte inspections with respect to this application. 24. -lheApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Rppticätion pursuant tı Section S2(O) ot B¡ll 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Actlo provide for'Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities'and Local Boards. Dated atthe fyl{ ñr C r l¡1r- rTY of B¡1} H B v'-r o c-ra6€Ê 20 qb AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lArVe bs'"Jrluù 4' SYK€S of the ûn{N\cr€Rr.r-s y' of BRY,+r+r.-"in the County of €.t<t rJ solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application Îs true, and I/We make this solemn âeclaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by viftue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT' 3t DECLARED before me at the tvrsr.irsr Ptqt¡tY of l>ñYHê r^r in the cos wsY q É €-t-C t J this 3 I day of o c-T . 200R Signature Ì,iî),il#åi1,1,ïigimììiT.'*"' Municipality of Bayham. lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the appliqant is a corporation acting.without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one eopy of the sketch,described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNry OF ELGIN An additional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent'stamp. AppltCANT(S), SOLICITOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 94 of 287 The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in additÌon to the "Application for Consent", the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes() t'lo(X lf the answer is "YES"are these barns:i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( )ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON.FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROKMIry TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT CONC. TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facilitv located) Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Gapacity Number per Year Manure Svstem Housing System check type DAIRY 0 Cows 0 Heifers 0 Calves Tie Sta Free Stall Loose BEEF 0 Gows 0 Calves 0 Feeders 0 400-750 tb. 0 400-1100 tb. 0 750-1 100 tb. Open l-c & Barn Total Confine- ment SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings 0 Feeders POULTRY 0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK - Females Caged On Floor HORSES -qHtrtrP-RamqRFr¡rcc RARRITS VEAL CAI VtrS OTHER MÀNI IRtr STôÞÀIîtr. DRY SEMI-SOLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above GrounO UncovereO fanX Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 95 of 287 5YKE5 -ñPPtt câ-Tto,.r tra4 <odS6¡vl + 5'Éto-r ?5 - Kl;tsE(eD Pr.ct\ t" \¡, tu a¿rvl u)d ?4ailt V (vn c*r .a^,o) F ù, TU VJ 2o:Þ FsËroñ sçR€er <ÉNTR€- - =.-| 5r-q B ry\--. sr-tÞ-E-. * ts â ?a-Btìq qa-QÞ É'RST Èg_, lC',05 na \,JrDË- Eñ6:i B(3$ñÐRy q F- cl-:rì-rAt 3:I,, BA) Hêc"r _ tS ñL9ô wqgT g6q.!ory_ cts I-S5 '1= Þ .+n/08 Y \?- AN- uüo-PeÑEÀ- Roco 4-r-cow4r.J cã.- (P<;6Ltcc7 ou'ro€o) L6.éÉñ Þ ry *-:S-uÊão- s<rl É-€Ë-rè L51 ,':., ,,..,(nr vncn,.rr-) - ' Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 96 of 287 suRvÊY PR,to {?- sF trr RST: f\uù tC t f 4u rTY ffii.Hi^o' EAgl OF C€TNE SNEI ?.J Re $ ÊÊE "'ÊF"d'T'W'#'p,,- r- Ê/ Fßq n-' I ffi"i'Y* - o É BaY Hq rnt couNTY oF aGN h __.\:¡ IË q I ì"-¡Ë \\ ru-¡n.amlE rwÈñ¡t tñmffiLD. F E'--u-' SJR!€YOR'S C€nnnCAtE É- lEÉEãEr-"¡¡r=s-r ;t+E- Ets :aq Ef- få i.. ¿'tt\ ts Ë bfã Fbf 22 ltl t ,ø Lof l! -f$ Err¡ Ë /:rHi / I r;; //ë.E lbrzu t-* 2c5 lor ro , /.\ I ror zcf */ Lof I "ora!, Ef ttl5ì / I tel 2t F r.¡f r9r It-;;¡¡ . Alil 5fF'¿1 @Uffi þE 'J Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 97 of 287 MEMO To: From: Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date: Steno: File No: January 6, 2009 dd 3404-453 Subject: Sykes - Proposed Creation of a New Lot (Centre Sfreet, Village of Vienna) 1) We have completed our review of the application for consent (File E91/08) submitted on behalf of Donald Sykes to sever a parcelof land from a vacant lot measuring 4738.8 m2 (1.2 acres) on the east side of Centre Street, north of Fulton Street in the Village of Vienna. The proposed consent would create two (2) lots fronting Centre Street intended for single detached residential use, each measuring approximately 2370 m'? (0.6 acres) in area with 25.14 metres of lot frontage. The subject lands are designated "Residential" in the Official Plan, and zoned Village- Residential 1 (R1) in Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. 2) The subject lands include a registered lot (Lot 25) in R.P. #54 and also appear to include the unopened right-of-way labelled on assessment maps as First Alley. There are residential uses in all directions surrounding the subject lands. Most of the lots between Centre Street and Union Street are registered lots with similar lot frontages of 40 metres (132') and lot depths of 93 metres (305'). 3) Generally consents are granted where the policies of the Official Plan and regulations of the Zoning By-law can be complied with, and when it is clear that a subdivision agreement does not need to be entered lnto with the Municipality. Development of new residential uses in the Villages must be done so in accordance with the following criteria outlined in Section of the Official Plan. Failure to comply wíth any of the following criteria would require a formal plan of subdivision: a) Lot frontage. deoth and size: The proposed lots comply with the minimum frontage and area regulations of the R1 Zone, and are typical of lots found in the older parts of the Village further to the east. Lots immediately surrounding the subject lands are approximately twice the size of the proposed lot. However, the increased density is consistent with good planning principles to ensure that the designated urban areas are intensified and redeveloped to appropriate standards. b) Natural features: The subject lands are flat with no significant natural features that would warrant protection. Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 98 of 287 Municipality of Bayham January 6, 2009 c) Design: The subject lands are of a size that will be able to accommodate on-site landscaping, building form and orientation to achieve energy-saving measures. The proposed higher density of development ensures more cost-effective use of municipal services. d) Open soace: Dedication of open space should be acquired by cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. e) Adjacent and surrounding land use: The proposal is compatible with surrounding land uses which consist entirely of existing residential uses on various sized lots. f) Facilities and services: The proposed development will be required to connect to the municipal water system and sanitary sewage system. The Municipality shall ensure that existing or proposed municipal services (including potable water supply, sanitary sewage treatment and disposal, garbage pick-up, storm and surface drainage, roads, sidewalks, and street lighting) are adequate to serve the proposed development. Capacity within the Port Burwell sewage treatment plan must be confirmed prior to approval of the consents. g) Storm drainage: Due to the higher density, the Municipality's engineer should ensure that storm drainage will be accommodated on-site through natural surface flows. A grading plan may be required to address any concerns of drainage directed across proposed lot lines. h) Vehicular access: Access to the proposed lots will be via Centre Street, a paved local road. There do not appear to be any traffic-related hazards that would result from the creation of additional driveways in this location. However, it should be noted that Centre Street terminates north of the subject lands, and there are no other means of exiting Centre Street other than Fulton Street to the south. Our concern is that the proliferation of residential uses along Centre Street may lead to increased maintenance requirements and potential emergency vehicle access without proper turnaround facilities on a dead end street. i) The Planning Act: This policy refers to plans for residential subdivisions and as such is not relevant to this application. 4) Based on our review of the Offícial Plan and Zoning By-law we have no objection to the creation of two lots from one existing lot provided the following conditions are met: Written confirmation from the WaterMastewater Superintendent of adequate municipal services, with particular regard for sewage capacity; Written confirmation from the Public Works Superintendent that the current road configuration and carrying capacity is able to satisfy maintenance and emergency vehicle ingress/egress from Fulton Street. -2- Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 99 of 287 Municipality of Bayham - 3 . January 6, 2009 o Verification by the Municipality that the municipal right-of-way known as First Alley has been legally closed and conveyed to Lot 25. lf First Alley is still a municipal right-of- way, the applicants must adjust the dimensions of the proposed consent accordingly to ensure each lot has a minimum frontage of 20 metres to comply with the regulations of the R1 Zone. Allother comments in this memorandum would still apply 7¿r',J IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J:\3404\453 Sykes\PTMsykes2oog{ l{6 doc\200941 4^DD Staff Report D2009-04 regarding Sykes severance application.... Page 100 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 9,2009 FROM: Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk FILE: D10.08 Schwartz SUBJECT: Schwartz Severance E96108 - Farm Lot Creation NUMBER: D2009-05 Purpose To consider Consent Application E96108 (Schwartz) for creation of a lot. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Samuel and Mary Schwartz, who own a 55.81 hectare (137.9 acre) farm, proposing to sever an agricultural lot approximately 26.7 t hectares (66 acres) and retain 29 .l hectares (7 1 .9 acres) for their own agricultural use. The subject lands are located in Concession 8, Lots 1 and2,east side Springerhill Road, south side Eden Line. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" and "Hazard Lands" in the Official Plan and zoned large lot Agriculture (A1-A) in the ZoningBy-law No.2456- 2003. The Land Division Committee has scheduled this application for consideration on February 4,2009. Staff Comments The application proposes to create two farm parcels from one existing farm parcel and essentially create an additional residential lot. The planner and staff are concerned with the division of this agricultural parcel into smaller parcels with limited cultivatable land. The severed portion would contain approximately 6-7 hectares and the retained parcel would contain approximately 18-20 hectares of tillable land. The smaller acreages limit the types of agricultural uses that could be operated on each. This is amatler of provincial interest as well. The Provincial Policy Statement 2005, as well as our Official Plan, discourages the division of large farm parcels into smaller parcels to protect agricultural resources. The planner's memo outlines the criteria that would have to be considered and satisfied before such an application could be supported. Staff and the planner feel that this application does not satis$ the criteria for an agricultural land division. Therefore, staff recommends deferral to provide the applicantlagent opportunity to address the development matters expressed. Attachments 1. Consent application E96Æ8 2. Civic Planning Solutions memo dated January 2,2009 3. IBI Memo dated Januarv 6.2009 2 Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 101 of 287 Staff Repo rt D2009 -05 S chwartz Page2 RECOMMENDATION "THAT Staff Report D2009-05 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 896/08' submitted by Samuel and Mary Schwartz, be deferred to provide the applicant opportunity to address the outstanding development matters." Underhill, Planning C oordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 102 of 287 ülgtn ,*u Name of Owner Address Telephone Number AppLfcAroN FoR coNSENr. '& ' $ 't 708 I 2 Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Samuel and Marv Schwartz 53609 Eden Line, R.R. #4, Avlmer. ON N5H 2R3 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent David Roe Address 599 Larch Street. Delhi. ON N4B 347 TelephoneNumber 519-582-1174 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( )Agent ( x ) SignstoOwner 3. (a) Type and purpose ofproposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer;creation of a new lot Other: addition to a lot easement other purpose charge tease correction of title (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: Lerov Eicher (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: 5 4 (a) Location of land: Municipality Bavham Concession No. Lot(s) No.1 and2 Registered Plan No. Name of Street Eden Line Street No. 53609 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 195m Depth 823m Area 26.71ha ExistingUse Aqricultural Proposed Use Aqricultural Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: Vacant, Proposed new house and qreenhouse Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 360m Depth 730m Area 29.1ha Existing Use Aqricultural Proposed Use Aqricultural Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: House, shed and two barns o- County ol Elgln EnglneerinE S6rvlces 450 Sunsêt Drive SLThomas,0n NsR5V1 Phone:519 631-1460 ww.elgrn{ounty.on.ca Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 103 of 287 7. 8. -2- Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () () () RETAINED LOT .() ( x) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (speciff) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () RETAINED LOT () (x) () () RETAINED LOT () (x) () () 10.What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( )Privately owned and operated individual septictank (x ) Privately owned and operated communalseptic system Privy Other means (specifu) When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? \lVhen new house is built () () 11 12. What is the Existing Offìcial Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Aqricultural 13.What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? A1 14.Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision oraConsentunderthePlanningAct? Yes( ) No(x) Unknown( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? No (x )Yes( ) -3- Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 104 of 287 (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ( ) No (x) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ( ) No (x) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) 'No (x) If Yes, and known, speciñ7 the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (x) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelleã road, a private road or a right of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. 4 Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 105 of 287 23 24. The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Gommittee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the Municipalitv of Central Elqin of dayor brcnnno 20 08' AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lA/t/e David Roe of the in the County of Norfolk solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and lA¡Ve make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the Municioalitu of Central Elqin in the tris lSr day of Signature lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $500.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNry OF ELGIN An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. TURE OF APPLTCANT(S), SOL|CTTOR OR AUTHORTZED AGENT APPENDIX "A'' Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 106 of 287 The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for Consent", the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes (x) No ( ) lf the answer is "YES" are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes (x ) Yes (x ) No()No() NOTE: lf you answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW BY APPLICANT ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME Samuel Schwartz TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP Bavham coNc. I TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) LOT 1 and 2 lShc- Type of Livestock . Maximum Housing Gapacity Number per Year . Manure System Housing SYstem I Liquid Semi- Dry I check tYPeffi DAIRY $ Cows Q Heifersô Calves Tie FreeSta Stal Loose BEEF $ Gows Q Calves Q Feeders 0 400-750 rb. 0 400-1 100 rb.0 750-1100 tb. Open {ot& Bain SWINE $ Sows Q Boars Q Weanlings0 Feeders POULTRY $ Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock $ Pullets $ Chicken Broilers Q Turkey Broilers $ Turkey Hens Q Turkey Toms Q Roasters MINK - Females HORSES SI{EEP-Rams&Fwes Caged On Floor RABBITS VEAL CALVES ItoÐ a/'a- OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Ooen Pile t/¡vered f SEMI-SOLID Open Pile orage u ih Buc Walls Çovered lanK upen Eann Ðloeo rlt Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank LIQU!D Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 107 of 287 Minimum Distance Separation I (MDS l) Report MDS 1.0.0 2+Nov-2008 13:30 Page2 Cafculation #2 Samuel SchwarE. Adjacent Farm Contact lnfomation Samuel Swaru Fam Locat¡on County of Elgin City of SL Thomas Encroachlng Land Use Factor: Typê A Land Use Th¡s calculation is requlred forlhe purposes of a settlement area expanslon. Manure/Material Storage T¡pe: w. Líquid (treated manure/mater¡al), oulside, no cover FaclorA(OdoufPotential): 0.8 Fac{oÍ B (Nutrlent Units): 215 Factor D (Manure/MaterÍal Typo): 0,8 Factor E (Encroaching land Use): 1.1 Total Nubient Units: 27 Distance from neârest l¡vêslock buildíng'F (A x B x D x E): Dislânce from nearest permanent manurdmaterial storage'S'; Slgnature of Prêpa¡en Bill llrtfton, Bayham Requked Setþack Aotual Setback 150 m (493 ft) 150 m (493 ft) Date: @ ontar¡o Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 108 of 287 The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the 'Application for Consent", the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes (x) No ( ) lf the answer is "YES" are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? ¡¡) Capable of being used for livestock? NOTE: lf you answered ,,YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW BY APPLICANT ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME Joe Vandemunl TELEPHONE 773-31qJ' TOWNSHIP Malahide LOT 3V¡:l-coNc. B TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located)At au Yes (x ) No Yes (x) No ()() Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Gapacity Number oer Year Man uid rre Syste Semi- rm Housing System check type DAIRY :0 Cows Q Heifers <) Calves Tie Free Loose Stall r Stall I BEEF Q Cows Q Calves $ Feeders 0 400-750 rb. 0 400-1100 rb.C) 750-1100 lb. tdÐ a/Open t & Bar Jotal ìbnfin ment SWINE Q Sows Q Boars $ Weanlingsô Feeders POULTRY $ Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock Q Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers Q Turkey Broilers $ Turkey Hens Q Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK - Females HORSES SHEEP-Rams&Fwes Caged On Floor RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile v (¡vered l SEMI-5OLID Open Pile orage u lh Buc Wa ls LIQUID Covered lanK upen Eann Þloeo rlr Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 109 of 287 Minimum Distance Separation I (MDS l) Report MDS 1.0.0 24Nov-2008 13:38 Page 1 Application Date: 24-Nov-2008 Fíle Numben Preparer lnformatíon Bifl Knifton Bayham Applicant lnformation Joe Vandemunt County of Eþin City of SL Thomas Galculation #1 Adjacent Farm Contact lnformatlon Joe.Vandemunt Farm Location County of Elgln Clty of St, Thomas Encmaching land Use Facbr: Type A Land Use This calculation is required forlhe purposes of a settlement area expanslon. Manurs/Material Storage Type: V2, Solld. outs¡de, covered FaclorA(OdourPotenlial): 0.7 FaclorB (Nuùient Unlls): 3f6 Factor D (Manurc/Material Type): 0.7 Factor E (Encroadting Land Use): 1.1 TolâlNutrientunftF: 100 DISânceftom neárest llvestock buildíng'F (A x B x D x E): Distance from nearesf permanent manure/mabdal strcrage 'S': Sfgnature ofPreparer Blfl lúrlñon, Bayham Requked Setback Actual Sêtback 170 m (558 fl) 170 m (558 fr) folÊÎt¡ÎHE Uffi * @ ontario ûoft.lþdd b. ßúod boloF ''l,jrili.iit li-t:äl ù(r,,'vr;tl.'-.t¿.iì:; Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 110 of 287 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Descriptíon and Location of Subject Lands: Part Lots 1 and2. concession 8. Bavham lA/üe, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize David Roe of Norfolk Countv to: (Agents Name/Names)(Agents City/Town of Residence) (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or materíal required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated atthe Municipalitv of Bavham this 17 day of November 20 08 Signature of Owner AA ,A{fu-tq lvhvnù,,fu Sígnaluráof Ownér a Signature of Witness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 111 of 287 ______^ö.--'--'w 53609 Eden Line H - House B-Bsm W-Well S - Shed Sp - Septìc Severed ParcaN ,t REtained Pard\ //, Mäp Prodqc€d by: M¡lehlCr GIS OaÐr[ncot 0__ --19|- 21o _ g. os-o Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 112 of 287 ffVIC P}-ANÑTN6 STLUTTON5 TF.IC" Urbon & RurclLand tJse Pfanning 599 Lqrch Slreet, ùelhi, Ontoria N4B 347 Janu*ry 3, 2ût9 L*nd Division CcmmìtTce Çounty of Eþin 45û Su*set Þrirc St. Thomrs ON t{sft.5Vi Afentíon: Susân G¡lloway Dear Susan: $u&fECT: Frnn sptit seser¡nc+ * Lofs 1 rad 2' torce**icn $, (Br¡ùrn) $rmuel Scftr'qrtz I have been r€ts¡ned by !çlary and Sarnuel Sçhw¡rtz, to obtain appmvd to Slit their 5? 1r¿ ferïl !trfo tw9 paivels. lhe parcel to be severed cantsine 26.? fht *nd ii vacanl 't'tre ssvsred parcel wili ñe puruhased by Ixroy Ë,iohçr, Mrs. Sbhw*rtz.s åther ¿nd wÌll bs used to grow organic vegetables and flowers, commercially. Mr. Eicher rtill eonsbuct a ncw dwelling dd a gfee'*hcuse. lïre qrntains aho¡rse, two bams and ashed, wÉll continue to befarmed bytfte veal eaives. Täe lsnds e¡e loceted in t ots t and 1, Conee*sio¡r * (Buyh*m), along Eden Line ¿nd Spriugerhill Ro*d west ofürc hrmlet of North Hall. OVERYISW tF THE PRiOIOSÂt The purpole of üle severnnces is to pernit a splÍt of the f*rm pareel. Eott¡ Mr Sehwart; a*d lvï¿ Eieker âre ûld ûrder Ami¡h and do uot us€ modern fann equipment. The pro¡,rosed lot siz¿s are fann p*rsels orvnsd Íhc ÂmÍ¡h corr*ntirrit1.. Tlrere iç * locatø intkiç ¿rse af åIltde. OfiiqialPl$l The tar¡ds 8rË prcse$tly desþated *f¡nrtret and Ägricr:lturaf within the Ðsicinl Plan for theMunicipø t ¡ftçd ined ix Jh+officia} pt*n. An f revc Zcninû By:lew1 The.l^ands are presentþ zoned Agrieutturrl .4,I-4. by fbe Zo*lwgEy-l*w for the Municipalit3. of Beyham, An arnendr¡ent to thç zonjag byJarv rvill tre required tc reeene the l¿rds to Âí, *.hich David F. &a¿, i¿.C"I"P. È,.P.F.,Principcl Phone 5tg-5e?-t174 e¡îqi}:dfrf¿z@bellßet.cc Fcx Elg-58?.461f¡ Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 113 of 287 permil$ lst* ts h*vs * minimum lot area of?ê ha. 8*tfu Þarecls will exeecd the mininum lot fmntage requirements, PL.{NNING CTNSINERÁTIO¡{S Sifc Clra¡actçristies The *urroundirtg hand uses are agrie*lrurftI. There are seversl non-farm ¡elatd dweltingx focated nearby.'lhere ere tua lívestock bårfts rvhich eould impaet tkia pmposr!, the retq¡ncd ia*ds co*t*ins tn'o barns u¡¿d Éo housc veal cdves{nd flænç is s han¡ lçc¿ted west offhe partel to be serered which hcuscs beef cattle. talculnticn* using the MÐS fonnulae indícafe th{t these barns aæ well ercugh removed fmnr the parcel ta bE swcred ta pernril a new dxellftlg to be çonsfructed on the severÉd påff€¡. 'Future development or the sËvered parcel will utiliæ o¡ site privafe wells and reptíc systems. The existing dwe?ling rvill cÕfttiituè ts.utilÍec existÌng frciÌities. $tor¡n lVqterDrÈiqåge Existing dr*inage rvill mt bG impacted ts ¿ re$dt çf tkis sev¿:,n*nee. 'Rnãd Àccess The se¡¿ered pareel will sesË$ cnta Springerhill Road ¡nd the ætainsl pacel will continuç tc have gç+ess onúo Eeles Line. Na chs4gc* in *ccoss are aatÍeipøted" FI,AIì{FíING CÕ1I{MEITf ü Tbe proposed fann split sevsr*ncewi'll conform with tlts i*te*t of ihe Officid Plan ard Zoning By*lnw. lffe respectfutþ reque* úat the Land Division,Comrnittæ.çpmvo these seveFårlcss, RcspecÉfu I ly subrnitted, Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 114 of 287 MEMO To: Municipality of Bayham From: Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP cc: Date: Steno: File No: January 6, 2009 dd 3404-454 Subject: SchwarÞ - Proposed Creation of a New Lot (Pt Lot 1 & 2, Concession 8, Eden Line) 1)We have completed our review of the consent application submitted on behalf of Samuel & Mary Schwartz in support of his proposal to sever a 26.71 hectare (66 acre) portion of land for the purposes of creating a new farm parcel from an existing 56 hectare (138 acre) farm parcel. The subject lands are reverse L-shaped and located south and east of the intersection of Eden Line and Springer Hill Road, with frontage on both roads, in Part Lot 1 & 2, Concession 8. The subject lands are currently used for agricultural purposes, in the form of five cultivated fields representing approximately half of the overall parcel. The other halves of the lands are heavily wooded and bisect the cropped areas. Three of these fields are linked by internal farm access roads, while the smallest field fronting onto Springer Hill Road is not connected to the rest of the farm parcel due to a ravine which cuts through the wooded area near this field. The proposed severed parcel includes this small field as well as a large part of the wooded area to the rear of that field, and the furthest south-easterly field. By way of the straight lines illustrating the proposed northerly side lot line of this severed parcel, it also appears to propose a portion of the central field be severed from the retained farm parcel. The subject lands are designated "Agriculture" and "Hazard Lands" in the Official Plan and zoned Agricultural (41-A) which recognizes a minimum lotarea of 40 hectares. The proposed severance would resultin a26.71 hectare farm parcel and a 29.1 hectare farm parcel. Neither parcel would include a significant amount of cultivatable land without the removal of large portions of trees. The severed portion contains approximately 6-7 hectares of cultivated land, the majority of which is unaccessible across the large wooded area. The retained parcel contains approximately 18-20 hectares of cultivated land and also includes an existing dwelling, shed, and two barns. Surrounding land uses are generally agricultural / wooded in all directions, with some limited non- farm residential lots located at the intersection of Eden Line and Springer Hill Road. 2) Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 115 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -2-January 6, 2009 3)Section of the Official Plan states that the Municipality discourages the division of large farm parcels into smaller holdings and encourages continued farm use. Disassembling of agricultural land into more etficient farming units may be permitted with regard for the following: Unwarranted fragmentation: The proposed lot configurations do not have any regard for the operation of the farm as it currently exists. The severed portion includes two cultivated areas that are not currently or feasibly accessible from Springer Hill Road. Agricultural capability: The total area of cultivated farmland (24 - 27 hectares) may be suitable for some farming purposes as is, but would become more limited by the division into two separate farming operations. Agricultural flexibility: As above, the proposed farm sizes would be very limited in the types of agricultural uses that could be operated (ie. alternative livestock, horticultural, market vegetables, etc); Agricultural suitability to common types of farming in area: Cash crop and livestock farming dominate in the area. Both such types of farming include areas larger areas than currently exist on both the proposed retained and severed portions. Provincial interest: The Province has a strong interest in protecting agricultural resources and larger farm sizes. This proposal would impact on such interests by creating smaller parcels; Minimum area in Zoning By-law: The minimum lot area of the A1-A Zone is 40 hectares. Rezoning to the A1 Zone (minimum lot area - 20 hectares) would be required. Such rezoning is permitted only in specific circumstances subject to the above criteria; Minimum Distance Separation Formula 1: There is an existing beef cow operation to the northwest of the proposed retained lot and a veal operation on the proposed retained lands. MDS calculations indicate a required 170 metre setback and 150 metre setback respectively. The subject lands are located over 180 metres from the nearest livestock facility. Given the unique topographical characteristics, constraints and irregular configuration of the subject lands, the result of this consent would essentially create an additional lot for residential purposes. The application indicates a future dwelling and greenhouse are proposed for the severed lands and that due to cultural/religious reasons (ie Old Order Mennonite) such smaller lot sizes are suitable for the applicants farming practices. While a greenhouse operation may be a suitable agricultural use 4) Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 116 of 287 Municipality of Bayham - 3 - January 6, 2009 for the small southwesterly field, it does not legitimize the proposed boundary of the severed lot to include inaccessible fields. 5) Based on the above analysis, this application is premature. We strongly recommend the Municipality ask the Elgin Land Division Committee to defer this application until all development matters are resolved. Such matters include addressing all those areas of concern outlined in paragraph 3) of this memorandum. A Zoning By-law amendment would be required as part of this severance proposal. 7¿t'1 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J13404\49 Schwartz\PTMschwartz2oog{l 46 docu00941-08\DD Staff Report D2009-05 regarding Schwartz severance applicati... Page 117 of 287 Page 118 of 287 ( CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM : Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Rimnyak Severance 898/08 - Surplus Dwelling DATE: January 9,2009 FILE: D10.08 Rimnyak NUMBER: D2009-06 Purpose To consider Consent Application E98/08 (Rim"yaÐ for severing a surplus farm dwelling. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Bill Rimnyak proposing to sever a surplus farm dwelling parcel 0.56 hectares (1.38 acres). The subject lands are located in Concession 4, Lot 15, west side Plank Road, north of Light Line. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (Al) in the Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. The Land Division Committee has scheduled this application for consideration on February 4,2009. Staff Comments The Official Plan includes the criteria that"no more than one severance of a surplus dwelling shall be allowedfrom afarm parcel regardless of changes in boundary or ownership". The residential lot in the northeast corner was severed years ago but at the time of writing this report the applicant or agent has not confirmed the type or purpose for the severance of the dwelling. The application proposes to create a rural residential parcel containing one house, garage, small barn, shed and five bulk tobacco kilns. There is concem that by including the agricultural buildings there is potential for land use conflicts in the future. The recommendation is to reduce the severed parcel size so that the farm buildings remain with the farm parcel, as well as some of the cultivated lands. Should Council feel that these buildings would not cause conflicts, the recommendation is that the parcel still be reduced to maintain the highest amount of area with the retained lands for farming use. Considering the sketch and the layout of the buildings, there is opportunity to reduce the lot size to the minimum 4000 m2 (1 acre) lot area. In order to comply with the Agricultural (41) minimum lot area, the retained lands must be merged with the farm parcel to the west owned by Bill and Linda Rimnyak. Once merged with the abutting westerly lands, it will meet and exceed the 2O-hectare minimum requirement. In summary, staff is recommending the applicant provide confirmation of the creation of the residential lot in the northeast corner of the lands, reduce the severed lot area, confirm the merger of the retained lands with the abutting property, rezone, provide a survey and pay the parkland dedication fee. Attachments 1. Consent application E98/08 2. IBI Memo dated January 7.2009 2 Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 119 of 287 Staff Report D2009-06 Rimnyak RECOMMENDATION Page2 "THAT Staff Report D2009'06 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 898/08, submitted by Bill Rimnyak, be approved subject to: 1.written confirmation that no previous surplus farm dwellings have been severed from this farm parcel dimensions being amended to reduce the size of the severed parcel to 4000 m" lot area copy of the final survey submitted to the municipality $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality Letter of Undertaking confirming that the retained lands will merge with property owned by Wiltiam Sr. and Linda Rimnyak identilied as assessment roll # 34-01-000-002-14600 rezoning ofthe severed and retained parcels apportionment of assessment for drainage as per tbLe Drainøge Act reqtirements." 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Underhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 120 of 287 APPLIGATION FOR CONSENT S Í:l 2081 * authority ELGIN COUNTY t,AND DIVISION COMMITTEE Bill Rimnvak Address 6934 Boqus Road. R.R. #1, Vienna, ON NOJ 120 Telephone Number Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent David Roe Address 599 Larch Street Delhi. ON N4B 347 Telephone Number 519-582-1174 Please specifo to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( )Agent ( x ) SignstoOwner (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: X creation of a new lot Other: addition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged; Unknown charge lease correction of title 2008 (c) (a)4 lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: Location of land: Municipality Bayham Concession No. Lot(s) No. 15 Registered Plan No. Name of Street Plank Road _ Street No. 7057 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No (x ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and íts effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 75m Depth 80m Area 0.56ha ExistingUse Aqricultural Proposed Use Residential Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: ¡. . ,.lMttt, Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 300m Depth 430m Area 16.22ha ExistingUse Aqricultural Proposed Use Aqricultural Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Old Kiln (qreenhouse shown on air photo has been removed) Cúunty ol ElÉln Englneeilng Servlces 450 Sunset Ddve SL Thonìas. 0n NsR 5V1 Phone:519 631-1460 ì{w elgrn-county.on ca 5 o Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 121 of 287 -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) One 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintaíned Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () (x ) () () () () RETAINED LOT () (x ) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) L What type of water suppfy is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT () (x ) () () RETAINED LOT () ( )n/a () () RETAINED LOT () ( )n/a () () 10.What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septictank (x ) Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? Existino well and seotic svstem () () 12. \Mtat is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Aoricultural 13 14 What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? A1 Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision oraConsentunderthePlanningAct? Yes( ) No(x) Unknown( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application fìle number and the decision made on the application 15. lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes()No (x ) Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 122 of 287 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ( ) No (x ) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ( ) No (x ) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes (x) No ( ) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application Aoolication fo be submiffed 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (x ) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that ín the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a prívate road or a right of way; - íf access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 123 of 287 -4- 23. The Owner/ApplicanVAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject pioperty for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the Municipalitv of Central Elqin of AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lA/úe David Roe of the in the County of Norfolk solemnly declare that allthe ínformation contained in this application is true, and lAlVe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECI-ARED before me at the Municipalitv of Central Elqin in the th¡s lS$ day or Signature Signature ü,,äß'äiiålf ä;l' { qelr,-!:' ää ööiätiot or t,.coi¡ntv 0f E[irl' lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seã|, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this applicatíon be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $500.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, couNry oF ELGIN An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for afflxing the consent stamp. dayor .l\æ*tV 20Õ{ , SOLICITOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 124 of 287 The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the'Application for Consent', the 'following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes (x) No ( ) lf the answer is "YES' are these barns: i) Now used for livestock?ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes()Yes()No (x )No (x ) NOTE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW BY APPLICANT ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: TOWNSHIP TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) LOT TELEPHONE coNc. Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure Systemrid Semi- I Housing System check type Tie Free Loose stall ¡ stall I Open &B¿ Total ]bnfin ment SWINE Q Sows Q Boars Q Weanlings ô Feeders POULTRY $ Laying Hens Q Breeder Flock 0 Pullets Q Chicken Broilers Q Turkey Broilers Q Turkey Hens $ Turkey Toms $ Roasters MINK - Females HORSES SHEFP-RamcRFwce Caged On Floor RABBfTS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile ¡vered I e SEMI-SOLID open Pile orage vr th Buc WallsLtr¿utl-, r/overeo tanK 9pen tsann ìitoeo HtI Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 125 of 287 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: Part lot 15, concession 4, Bavham lA/Úe, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize David Roe Norfolk Countv (Agents Name/Names)(Agents CityÆown of Residence) (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the Municipalitv of Bavham day of November 20 08 Signature of \Mtness Signature of Owner Signature of Wtness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). to this ìgnature of Witness Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 126 of 287 H - House B-Bam S - Shecl GH - Greenhouse G - Garage K- Old Kitn BK - Bulk Kilns W-Well Sp- Septic Severed Parcel Retâined Parcêl \\ /// Elll-Rimny¡ik LotstS, Conoeôsion 4 (Bayhem) 7û57 Plank Road MAPI ùI.ffit Map Prodt¡c€d bf Meþhlds GIS DsFtrÛltsrú o2ûaû!01æ m 9S z0A N A Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 127 of 287 ftbp Pra{tuced hÊ Irlåþtür Gl g DepÉrtoÞnl ì.w ¡ÈE:' b: Ë E rt, + n8 709 Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 128 of 287 CTVTC PLÁNNIN6 5OIUTTON5 TNC. Urban & RurotLand Use P!ønning 599 Lsrch Straet, ûelhi" Ontqrio N4B 3Á7 PLA,NN:NG ¡IEPûRT Januar.v 2.2tù9 Sussn Cclloway Secre{ary Elgin Counly Land Ðívision Cornmittcs Coun{¡; of Elgi* 450 $u*sef Urive St.firoruas ON N5R5V1 üear Susan: SLIBJECT: fiurpl*s Ðwelling Seversnce- l,ot :5, Cancessian 4 {Beylam) Bill Rimuysk I h¿ve been retaincd by Bill Rimnyak to assisÉ in obtainíng tlre nccessary planning *pprovrl for the ævstârìce of a surplus ferm dr+rlfing. TÌ¡e lands me loc*ted in Lot 15, Concessìon 4 (Rayham), 7ü5? Plank *,oad" ÜYER}'TEW OP THD PRTPOSÄL ì'hc *pplicmt hm applied to sevçr a dwefÍing made surplus thlough f¿ra'r ccmsolidalion. The la¡¡ds are located in l,of I5, Concession 4 and a.re parl ofa |'6.7 ha. parecl fanned by lvlr.Rimnysk. Thc applicrutt arrd his rvife also øwn and residc ot the *hufiing farm, located on Bcgu.s Ro"r<l, wesÊ of the subj*et l¿nds. Their tottl f¿rm hctrdings excecd 6l lreetarcs, The pmcel ts bÉ severcd contsirs one drvelling house, c garsg€! small barn. a smeli sfi:rage bailding and five bulk tobacco kilils. 1'hr i+esterl¡ two hulk kilns will be re¡nsved. The rel.ained l¿¡¡ds ccnfain an old tcbacqo kiln, the greenhousr has been rtrnovcd" Mrs. Rimnyak's fl*.nte rvif I be adtJed to the title an drc refxined l¿nds sa th¿t fhe retained lands will me¡ge in tittro with the lands to ¡he west. OfficinlPlan 'fhe tands are prstently designated Agricufiure rvithín the ncw Offìeial Flan for the Municip*lit5 cf,Bayham. S€veranse of surplus farm dnellings are permitied by polteiss ccntained in t&c af?icìa! plæ- ,4rr 0fficial Plan amendment is not reqçired io approve this pn:posal. Zoflir¡g.Ft:l+rg 'l'he lands are presently zoncd ,{ I by the T.oning By-larr, fer thç Tawnship of ßa1,har*, Frior to approval of åüe severarce it wif I be reces.sary tû amend the Z*níng By-law as outlined ín thìs repÕrf" The proposcrd lat wíll nle€l thë æinimum requirements çfthc Rural Rcsiderrtial (RR) Þqvid F. Rse, tyì.C.ï.P. R.F.P.. Princípal Phone 5r9-5e?-1t74 erncif:dfrfez9beEnel.co Fûx 519-5¡92-4ó.16 I Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 129 of 287 Zune. $et backs for atl existlng buifdi*gs com¡rly with tfre provisi*ns of tl¡e zoning by-law. The rcfa¡ned lands will com¡rly with the requiremenfs of the l\gricultural {Âl } zone, rLAN¡f TIVG CONSI D B)R.åTIONS lVater$sgÞlr¿¡d scqrgç-Qi$gqsat T*re existing dwclling uÌilizes a u'ell &rd sep¡iê system. St{}fln W€ter Drâ¡nâ*e 'fhere ryill be no change in gradÍng resultírrg frCIr* rhís sevefi¡nÈc. Roe* AËsgse The propcscd lot fþont onts Flank Road, ir*ish ís s we[:-maintaine<tr, open and favelecJ p*blic rond. No change in ac¡ess is proposed foy this severencs. Ihe ctsscst livestock barn i¡ locaÍed over 3û0 mçtcr* wcst of the pro¡rosed k*. Conrplianse with MIS i* not an issuç Ín thís eåse. PLitNNtNG CüMIHßNTS it is thc writer'* opinitn, that the proposed sevërance conf,on*s with the intent of [he policies of ths OfÏìcial Plan. ft ís thercforc requested. that L*nd Divísion Ccmmittes âFprùvÊ ffue seversnce applicdior as subnrittod. Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 130 of 287 MEMO To: Municipality of Bayham From: æ: Derek Dudek, MClp, Rpp Date: Steno: File No: January 7,2009 dd 3404-455 Subject:Rimnyak'Proposed creation of a New Lot (pt Lo* 5, concessío n 4, prank Road) 1) i;::::j:,111|1.::' review or the consenr appricarion (Ee3/0s) submined on beharr or BiiltJenatr oI Etll Ï:::ï::::::l^i l,:_o::f",", to sever a 0.s6 hecrare (1.4 acre)portion of rand for rhe ou,.oo..lute purposes ;Ï::ïï::::,:: ll-::- residenriar rot from an existins 16 B hectare (41.5 acre) farm parcer.;;;.;r;,',.;",' ; riï i"lïi,Concession Á T}.^ ^,.L:^-a , ,=;";;';"i#'il:iiil:Anrinrllf¡rral /^.t\ i^ z--:-, à ,Agriculturat(A1) in Zoning By_law No. 2456-2003. 2) The subject lands are currently used for agricultural purposes in conjunction with other farm parcelsowned by the applicant' The proposed severance would result in a 16.2hectare farm parcel that isto be merged with an adjacent parcel to the west that fronts onto Bogus Road. The merge wouldresult in a lot area that exceeds the minimum 20 hectares required for the A1 zone. The proposedsevered lot would have a frontage of 75 metres, a depth of g0 metres, and wourd incrude a surprusfarm dwelling' a garage, barn, shed, five bulk tobacco kilns. The retained lands would include an oldtobacco kiln north of the proposed severed lot. surrounding rand uses are mainry agricurturar in everydirection with a number of non-farm residential lots along plank Road to the south and north. Thenortherly boundary of the Village of Vienna growth area ries approximate ry 4*ometres to the south.There are small woodlots to the south and northwest of the subject lands, but no areas that exhibitsignificant natural heritage characteristics or that may be subject to natural hazards. 3) section 4'2'1'12 outlines the policies for the severance of surprus farm dwe¡ings. rn order to seversurplus farm dwellings, two or more farm parcers must undergo consoridation. Farm consoridation isthe acquisition of additional farm parcels to operate as one farm operation. The appricants haveindicated that the lands will be merged with additional farm parcels to the immediate west of thesubject lands' ln addition, the official Plan ouflines twelve (12) additionat criteria which must befulfilled prior to the Municipality supporting this consent apprication. our anarysis of these criteria is asfollows: Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 131 of 287 Municipality of Bayham a) ln the opinion of Municipal council, a land use conflict shatt not þe created with agriculturat operations or other existing land uses in the immediate area of the subject lands. Recent aerial photography indicates large farm parcels in the area with several non-farm residential lots located both north and south of the proposed severed lot and the closest barn being located approximately 175 metres south of the proposed severed lot. lt is considered unlikely that the proposed severance would have any negative impacts on surrounding farming activities given the distance to farm buildings and established non-farm residential uses along this stretch of road. b) only one surplus farm dwetting may be severed pursuant to each corporate farm consolidation. The applicants are not pursuing any other surplus farm dwelling severances and there are no other dwellings located on the subject lands. c) A minimum of one existing farm dwelling within the "Agriculture" designation in the Municipality of Bayham must be retained by the proponent corporate farm operation, or a registered owner of the proponent corporate farm operation. Tthe parcel to the west in part Lot 14, Concession 4, to which the retained lands will be merged contains a dwelling that is owned by the appticants. d) No more than one severance of a surylus dwetting shalt be altowed from a farm parcet regardless of changes in boundary or ownership. A residential lot located to the northeast has been severed from this farm parcel in the past. Zoning indicates that it was created some time ago, however, the applicant should confirm that this was not created as a residence surplus to their farming --- operation. e) The severed tot with the surptus farm dwetting shail: i) be no larger than is necessaty to support a private sanitary sewage treatment and disposat system as determined by the appropriate approvat authority, and be seruiced by a potable water supply' The proposed severed lot is larger than the area required to accommodate private services and includes several buildings associated with the farming operation as well as some lands in cultivation' The proposed severed area should be reduced. -/ ¡¡) meet the provisions of the MDS 1. There are no livestock buildings or buildings capable of housing rivestock within 300 metres of the subject rands. i¡i) be rezoned in a Rurat Residentìat (RR) zone in the Zoning By-law of the Municipality ofBayham' The subject lands as shown would comply with all of the regulations of the RR Zone: f) The severed tot with the surptus farm dwetting may: i) include accessoty buitdings and structures if in the opinion of Municipat councit a land use conflict will not be created, where the properfy has been rezoned to prohibit the keeping of livestock' The proposed lot íncludes a garage, shed, barn, and five bulk tobacco kilns. As Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 132 of 287 previously noted the inclusion of these buildings has resurted in a large area proposed to besevered' presumably to make the severed lot more marketable. lt is our opinion that theshed' barn' and tobacco kilns should be located on the retained lands to avoid any potentialfuture land use conflicts associated with their use. 9) All parcets of property constituting the retained agricutturat tands shatt: i) comprise a totat minimum area of 20.0 hectares (50 acres) in the same name and titte. Theproposed retained farm parcel, once merged with the abutting westerly lands will exceed 20hectares. ¡i) meet the provisions of the Agricutturat (A1) Zone regulations of the Zoning ByJaw of theMunicipality of Bayham' The proposed retained lands would not meet the minimum lot areaouilined above. iii) be rezoned to prohibit the placement, development, or estabtishment of any additional type orform of residential dwetting units thereon, regardless of changes in propefty boundary orownership' The proposed retained lands shall be rezoned to the speciat Agricultural (A2)Zone, which prohibits new residential dwellings. 4) Based on the above comments we do not object to this consent to sever lands for a residence surplusto a farming operation based on the following conditions: ' llfi.*i. retained lands be merged on title with the adjacent tands owned by the o That the severed lands be rezoned Rural Residential (RR) and the retained lands berezoned specíal Agricultural (A2) to p.r,i¡ii ;* ;å;il".riat dweilings. r\l)J t)rLl/t/-l IBI GROUP Derek Dudek, MClp, Rpp Consulting planner to the Municipality of Bayham J:\3404\455 Rimnyak\plMrimnyak2O0g{.1 {7.doc\2OOSOl {Bu)D Staff Report D2009-06 regarding Rimnyak Severance applicatio... Page 133 of 287 Page 134 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Underhill Severance E86/08 - Lot addition DATE: January 9,2009 FILE: D10.08 Underhill NUMBERz D2009-07 Purpose To consider Consent Application E86/08 (Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd.) to sever for a lot addition. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd. proposing to sever a parcel 3.Zhectares (7.9 acres) containing 80 existing seasonal camp sites and add it to the abutting Otter's Edge Mobile Home Park property. The subject lands are located in Concession2Partlat 12, west side Plank Road, north of Glen Erie Line. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" with "Hazard Lands" in the Official Plan and zoned Special Agriculture (42) in the Zoning By-law No.2456-2003. The mobile home park lands are designated "Rural - Mobile Home Park" with"Hazard Lands" in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (Al) and site-specific Mobile Home (MH-l) limited to maximum lot area of 2.4 hectares (6.2 acres). Mr. Underhill purchased the subject lands in2004 and the Otter's Edge Estates Mobile Home Park in 2006. It was realized that the seasonal campground area, established sometime in 1965 by Alphonse and Mary Laemers, is located on his abutting farm parcel. He wishes to sever this area from the farm and add it to the mobile home park property to clear up the propertyboundaries and correct the zoning of the lands. The application was originally scheduled to be heard December 17,2008 and deferred at the municipality's request. The Land Division Committee has re-scheduled this application for consideration on February 4,2009. Staff Comments As the planner's memo states, our Official Plan permits consents if the lands subject to the consent conform to the Official Plan and theZonrngByJaw. A seasonal campground is not apermitted use in the Agriculture and Mobile Home Park Official Plan andZorungbyJaw designations. An Official Plan amendment and Rezoning would be required to proceed with this severance. More specific details regarding the water servicing and septic facilities are required. The Long Point Region Conservation Authority may be concerned with the location in the "Hazard Lands" designation and the close proximity to the Big Otter. The Land Division Committee circulated the consent application to the LPRCA but their comments are not available at this time. Staff would recommend a Site Plan Agreement to ascertain the exact campsite layout, road pattem, water and septic servicing. This information will be valuable to Emergency Services as well. Based on the planner's comments and those from staff, the recommended conditions of severance would include an Official Plan amendment,ZoningBy-law amendment and Site Plan Agreement. 2 Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 135 of 287 Staff Report D2009-07 J Underhill Farms Ltd. Attachments 1. Consent application E86/08 2. IBI Memo dated November 26, 2008 3. Otter's Edge Campground information dated received Dec 72,2008 RECOMMENDATION Page2 *TIIAT Staff Report D2009-07 be received; AND TIIAT Council recommends to the Etgin County Land Division Committee that severance appHcation 886/08, submitted by Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd., be approved subject to: 1. ) 3. 4. 5. 6. Official Plan amendment Tnntng By-law amendment Site Plan Control agreement copy of the final survey submitted to the municipality Letter of Undertaking confirming that the severed lands will merge with property owned by Otter's Edge Estates Ltd. identified as assessment roll # 34-01-000-001-09500 apportionment of assessment for drainage as per th'e Draínøge Act requirements." Underhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 136 of 287 COUNTY OF ELGIN 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5B 5V1 PHoNE (519) 031.1400 FAX (sl9) 633-7661 App'rcAroN FoR"o^{çg*F "t8 o /08 ãþprovalauthority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Janrnie UrÌderhíIl Far¡ns Ltd. R- R- * I pôr{- Rrrì,.m]] - clnl-¡rin- Nn,T ]TO TelePhone Number sL9-874-L232 Name of owneds solicitor or authorized agent Bnr.rê Tf- Farnell l Address ]?a .Itall-n+ s+raet eact, ååzJ¡¡er Cy¡Ëax'jO, NSH lJÉ TelephoneNumber 5L9-773-922L Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( x)Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose ofproposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: x N0\J 1 3 ?008 2. NameofOwner Address creation of a new lot addition to a lot easement other purpose Other: charge ' lease (c) 4. (a) correction of title (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: Otterrs Edge Estates Ltd. lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: Ht LT 12 & 13 CCIN 2 BAYtilM 4899 P1a¡ik Rd. 28 site nnhile hr¡np park Location of land: Municioalitv of Bayham Concession No. ra r"" .r-t ù Name of Street Street Yes ( ) t to 1" ¡ lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Existing gt" l'fobil-e Ho¡re.Park Proposed gsg l'fobile Hone Park Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: 80 seasonal canç: sites existing- no new buildjngs or strusbr¡res Proposed 6. Description "f )W).Æ"{Åobe retained: Øccy1ffl"ää.ilÊl: in wtetrþþt ;;:"¿,¿ffiÆk :,',.[:'YWi'ì i'E' ;i " I il" v E*,"" (ã /*, Exísting gss faJ'mland Proposed Use --farmland Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Vacant Fa:mland 5. Descriptí red: (AcsgLer|A?girry?:8il Metric) ^Fron Depth rryr Area J'z m Plan No. Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 137 of 287 -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots)None 8. Type ofaccess for proposed and retained lot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () (*) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) L What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individuaf well Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT (*) () () () RETAINED LOT (" ) () () () RETAINED LOT () (x) () () 10.What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) wPE PROPqSEp LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septictank (" ) Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) When wíllwater supply and sewage disposal services be available? .A.]-l Crrrre¡rflw arnì'l :h] a () () 11. '12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Ëhzard ìen¿lq-er¡l-ø]¡rìfi¡¡+ia¡ Dre¡'r- (Mil l4obile Holte Park 13.What is the Zoníng, if any, of the subject land? l"lcbile IICIIÞ Par.k - t (¡4r-1) & Agricultural AI Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of SubdivisionoraConsentunderthePlanningAct? Yes ( ) No (x) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes (X) Q',{t ^' tk-11?{No( ) Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 138 of 287 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate prev'ous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Gfantee's name llichelle Maclean Relationship (if any)to owner Use of parcel Residerrfi a l Date parcel created Et3/05 ¡aay 2005 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applyíng for additional consents in the future? Yes ()No (x) 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (x) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amend.ment, Ministefs zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No 0() lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any províncial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (x) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, raílways, roads, watercourses, draínage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existíng use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abuttíng the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 139 of 287 -4- 29. The Owner/ApplicanflAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin statf tó enæionto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application' 24. TheApplicanvowner/Agent here re of the information contained in this Apptication pursuant tı Section r 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI.ARATION _ of avl¡rer of the l,hinicipal-iÈy in the CountY of Erqj¡'- lAiVe of Bayhan Janmie tlnderhi 11 solemnly declare that allthe information contained in this application is true, and lA/Ve make-this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the cANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the Tbfr,rt of Avlær in the tnis /ik day of Signature A Commissioner, etc. lf this applicatíon is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompaíry theãpplication. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application muit be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, togetherwith one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 ín cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An addÌtionalfee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 140 of 287 APPENDIX "A' The Goung of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the "Application for Consent', the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() No(/) lf the answer is 'YES' are these barns:i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( )iD Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE: lf you answered ,,YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MTNIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN GLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT coNc. T|L|-ABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) Type of Lívestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Manure System Housing System check type DAIRY 0 Cows 0 Heifers 0 Calves Tie Stall Free Stall Loose 0 750-1100 tb. Open l-c & Bam Total Confine- ment SWINE0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings0 Feeders POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters MINK - Famaloc Caged On Floor I{ôFISFS Sl{trtrÞ-ÞamcLFrrroc RÄFIFIIT-q VEAI CAI VFS NTHtrFI ¡rl ^t\ll tÞE eTflÞ ^ r1tr. DRY SEMI-SOLID LIOUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 141 of 287 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: PT LT 12 @iT 2 MTJNICIPAI,IIY OF BACIüM lM/e, the undersígned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize Bruce ü1. Farnell of tåe frx^¡n of AyfnÞr to: (Agents City/Town of Residence)(Agents Name/Names) (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material required by the Land Division Gommittee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the Tq'/n 20 08 Signature of Witness Signature of Owner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s) of av]¡rer Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 142 of 287 ?It a * ?vui*¡t¡ilt -!9+( l.l = 4+ætu CT " Cr¿¿(owt¡ Õc -- flor.nu low(d 6lLú;.,.Q- tù*[ttEy'^ cß-l*Ò5 \-- LOT BÀYHAI\.1 [^*lr-d z ,, \-\ L tr '\É, z,z.(rlo ..Ê¡4rsf126, êt t,€go? z ù x\\ rwi tzt+-tsl k,? Co^\il"êt ot-o3t Tù ô,o I 6 z0g È LÖI ¿-ù'.l lfxla I ot'Iu I'1" I /Ë t+ fñ \J ô,Yl I I Lçr tl rS_( I !f-? I '( F ¿i806 -ì :È )¡ t¡ ôÀ1<' L ¿-r<l xt: ir ¿]¿f ^ Z&uqià ll¡tabi(¿ úqrv*r-4 Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 143 of 287 MEMO To: Municipality of Bayham From: Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP cc: Date: Steno: File No: November 26,2008 dd 3404-450 1. Subject Underhìll - Proposed Consent (Pañ Lot 72, Concession 2) for Addition to Neighbouring Lot We have completed our review of the consent application submitted on behalf of Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd. in support of his proposal to sever a 3.2 hectare (8 acre) portion of land and convey it to neighbouring parcel of land that currently measures 4.9 hectares (12.1 acres) in area. The proposed severed lands are currently used for 80 seasonal camp sites. The lands to which they would be conveyed are used for a 28 unit mobile home park, and likely other uses which have not been identified in the consent application. The proposed severed lands are located in Part Lol12, Concession 2, and the lands to which they would be conveyed are located in Part Lot 13, Concession 2, on the west side of Plank Road, north of Glen Erie Line. The subject lands are designated'Agriculture" with'Hazard Lands' in the Official Plan and zoned Special Agricultural (42). The parcel with the 28 unit mobile home park has a 'Rural - Mobile Home Park" land use designation and is zoned site-specific Mobile Home Park (MH-1) Zone. The site-specific zoning regulations permit a maximum lot area for the mobile home park of 2.5 hectares. This parcel of land also includes an area north of the mobile home park and adjacent to the Big Otter Creek that is zoned Agricultural (A1). The uses on this Al zoned parcel are not confirmed, but based on past aerial photography appear to have been used for some type of campground/seasonal travel trailer park as well. Generally, the subject lands are characterized as low-lying areas adjacent to the Big Otter Creek that are used for both the seasonal campground and agricultural uses which make up the remainder of the property to the south and west. There are no permanent residential dwellings located on the property, as the farm dwelling was previously severed as a surplus farm dwelling. The proposed severed parcel may include some actively farmed agricultural lands beyond those which are currently used for the seasonal campground purposes. It is our understanding based on discussions with Staff, that there may be outstanding concerns related to the use and servicing of the lands that are used for the seasonal campgrounds. There 2. 3. 4. Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 144 of 287 Municipality of Bayùam November 26, 2008 appear to be separately zoned areas used for seasonal campground purposes. One being the lands proposed to be severed, zoned 42, and the other being the lands zoned A1 directly north of the MH-1 Zone. lt is unknown if the campground was established illegally or is a legal non- conforming use predating the Official Plan and Zoning ByJaw regime. There may also mobile homes that are used on a year round basis, which would not be permitted in a seasonal campground and contravenes the area of the MH-1 Zone that provides a maximum area for the mobile home park at this location. Staff have also identified possible servicing issues andior unknowns which may contravene the servicing policies for both mobile home parks and seasonal traveltrailer parks, campgrounds found in the Official Plan, Section 8.7.3 of the Official Plan states that consents shall only be granted if the lands subject to consent are in conformity with the Official Plan and provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. The applicant must provide additional details relating to servicing, legal land use, and any proposed developments. ln addition, the Long Point Region Conservation Authority should be circulated on any proposed development applications associated with these lands given the underlying "Hazard Lands" designation that is applicable to all of the severed, retained, and adjacent lands in this general vicinity. Based on the above analysis, this application is premature. We strongly recommend the Municipality ask the Elgin Land Division Committee to defer this application until all development matters are resolved. An Official Plan amendment, Zoning ByJaw ãmendment and site plan control are required as part of this severance proposal. -2- 7¿t'tl IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 145 of 287 F ¡r 8.. 4.j'llf liiiüiilfF.qillf f . , Otter's Edge Estates has two components which would include 28 year round residential sites and 80 seasonal camping sites which are active from the 2"d weekend in May until the 2nd weekéndin October. The seasonal campground area is located down the hill along the Big Otter which is gated off from the residential area in the off season. The seasonal section is all hooked up to municipal water and uses Hydro One for 15 and 30 amp services to the trailers. The trailers all have there own holding tanks and there is one permanent washroom which also has a registered weeping bed. The residential area all uses Hydro One, Municipal water and have registered weeping beds. The purpose of this boundary adjustment is to clear up all boundaries as when we purchased Otters Edge this was not laid out properly. The campground ran onto our adjoining farm. This would make it easier for a possible future sale and for the breakdown of zoned land to be correct within the Municipality. We have no future plans of expanding the park however we would like the zoningto be corrected as a section of the seasonal campground is currently in an agricultural zone. This was the case when we purchased the farm and trailer park as well. Thanks So Much. Jammie Underhill Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 146 of 287 SrnrnnnnNr Rn: Pmr Lor 12& 13, Conc. 2, BlYnnm Ror,r, #34 01 000 001 09500 (run "Pnornnl") I, Alphonse Laemers, of the Town of Aylmer, state that: 1. I was the owner of the above described land, together with my wife, Mary Laemers, from August 15,1962, until May 7,1987, when I sold it to Paul and Maureen Durst. 2. During the time I owned the Property, I established a camp ground on part of the Property. My wife and I also lived in a house on the Property and we farmed part of it. 3. I rented camp sites on the river flats to people who kept their trailers on the sites during the surnmer months or for shorter periods of time. I opened and closed the park on the same schedule as the Provincial Park in Port Burwell. 4. I sold the Property to Durst. Initially the sites were serviced by water from two wells, one on the river flats and the other on the higher ground by the highway. The water was piped to each site. When the municipality installed a piped water supply along the road, I discontinued using the well, and hooked the water system to the municipal supply. 5. A common washroom facility was available for use by the campers. 6. Over the time I owned the Property the number of sites in use increased. Dersothis / / dayofDecember,2008. Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 147 of 287 Province of Ontario County of Lambton ' rlt ' STATUTORY DECLARATION ) In the matter of the lands being part of Lots ) t2 &,13, Concession 2, Municipality of ) Bayham, (Geographic Township of Bayham) ) County of Elgin WE' Paul William Durst & Maureen Gloria Durst, of the Township of St. Clair, County of Lambton, do hereby solemnly declare: 1. We bought this property in 1988 and were the owners of it until we sold it in 1994. 2, From October 1994 to the present time, we have held a mortgage on the propefy and we have always been aware of the use of the property. 3. The present use of the properly is as a mobile home park and a seasonal travel trailer campsite and the use has not changed since 1988 to the present. 4. There are about 45 seasonal travel trailer sites located on the lower part of the property on the river which are rented to customers on a seasonal basis. 5. When we bought the property in 1988, the lower part was then being used for seasonal travel trailer sites and from our observ from information received from the previous otryner, it was do believe that the use of ites since 1965 and hadthe lower part of the continued for about SWORN before me atthe Town of Petrolia I in the County of Lambton this 26th day of January 2006 ,.2 X-àrunzo ,G-,t A Commissioner, etc. Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 148 of 287 ',ú n mß r---l 't<r¡¡\ct l rñtEll (=):J úA'6u tr h tom til uúm E FA ßl'1 \ i t?, t I Iñ.r,'tí't, [Ãl I t.{r ¡.:lli I l(r ^ I r:l-n-¡e "'¿1_\,.!_*.,,8_ -iX_ \& Ë - Et4 ñ\x É ñ- *; )eis ß,esrdenirú{\ ñ - Roadun¡r: !--/*'^æ Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 149 of 287 NIl:o N 04' 23' 'tJ (s)87.6'CULIIVAÍED9ô---4---< ¡¡ 04EDGE OFer..<-L*jliz J ñ G}t\(') ¡:r [- lì \J !> U .-l-ïñ +(f€uz\J U1 z. UU? t- U') ìQ -),IJJ -Þ Lr: T: '> I -.o- I o oc f, o @ NORTH Lo-t 12 GEOgR,APJ-JJC CONCESS]ON 2 TOVYNSFJJP oF B¿\Y j-J¿\M I2 I - Lo-f 12 I ã-f 12 Ir3',HEH,".3Jì*' å#0,' I SEE DETAIL! n -{ N) 1 nrrf orvr s9u3 CONCESSJON 2TOWNS j-JJP oF BT\Y j-J,AM .ê az è/ .àì9,/ ^S^\,' l-e\' / "'\ *g IT=>unNr I Ër z6 ...'a, <50 9o .tx-.6 ./n 5.0, .o 'æ Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 150 of 287 æ¡NoRTH IdlF:o\CONCESSJCJÀJ 2 ÏOVYNS]-IJP OF s¿\Yj-I¿\M ==,*ril,li:4i: a- PARÍ 2 .S- 11R-2852 P.t.N. 35J22 - 0133 I È-' 94 LO-I 12 CONCESSJON 2GEOGRAPFI]C TCIWNSFJJP OF EÃYJ-I¿TV- = NN I o + 72 laLVt ie)_t ttl{líå',1;i U n P.t.N. ss.2z - or.r (R) - {Az 'Èt-a-l- gê,8 =o? a-È Ft ..*- -'ro{È i>en$-{ I : Ì\) ã ia ãe- iI,oit- 17'o^ê z-P | 9>. ' '.ì 05'20 00" vi .,s -Ì'y,73u Staff Report D2009-07 regarding Underhill Severance applicat... Page 151 of 287 Page 152 of 287 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of Dec 2008 File: PlO PfÐ Jan-02-2008 No.Date Roll #Permit Ilolder Property Description Building Tvoe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee t47 8-Dec 0-004-23104 'Waeler. Jacob 8347 Sandytown Road one storev house w/attached saraee I 728so ft 100.000 945.0(175.0( 148 9-Dec 0-003-08 1 I 0 Patten, Andrew 57265 Jackson Line install woodbumins stove in existins shop 1.000 75.0( t49 l1-Dec 0-004-09s50 Dalm Constn¡ction Ltd 56170 Heritaee Line rne storev detached oool house 203so ft 20.000 105.0( 150 11-Dec 0-006-05810 3ork. Geoffrev I 1259 Plank Road f,ne storey addition to rear ofhouse I 88so ft I1.30(186.0( 151 12-Dec 1-l-195O0split Dvck. Peter 35 Union Street one storey house w/attached saraqe 2364sq ft 140.00(1262.0(175.0( December-08 272300 2.573.00 350.0( 2OO8 YEARTO DA,TE 8.671.492 76.992.00 9375.0( December-07 1s.80(270-00 0.00 ¿OO7 YEARTO DATE 6.218.091 s9.10s.00 9225.0( sMt/2/2009 excel\monthly\buildper Prepared by: Building permit report for the month ending December 2008. ... Page 153 of 287 Page 154 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: Jan.15,2009 FROM: P. Groeneveld, Fire Chief/CEMC FILE: p16 SUBJECT: Emergency Management Program Annual Report NUMBER: p2009-001 Purpose Provide council with an update of the municipality's Emergency Management program activities in 2008. Background Forward Emergency Planning is an essential component for the Municipality's preparedness in responding to a significant emergency or disaster in the community. - The Public Awareness and Education component of the program provides information to residents to assist them in preparing for and becoming resilient to potential disasters or emergencies. The Emergency Management and civil protection Act requires, at a minimum, communities to develop an Emergency Management Program that meets the Essential Level components. Municipalities must conduct public education and awareness activities, an annual exercise, an annual review of the program and staff training to be in compliance with the maintenance requirements of the Essential Level prosram. Program Compliance The municipality forwarded their 2008 Statement of Completion, for the Essential Level program requirements, to EMO on November 25.200g. Annual Exercise Completed l|llIay 21,2008. The 2009 exercise will be held on March 3.2009. Training Annual training requirements were met on February 15,200g. staff will be proposing to conductthe200g training early in the New year. Staff Report P2009-001 regarding Emergency Management Progra... Page 155 of 287 Public Awareness On September 16, 2008 the local EMO Field Representative advised staff the municipality's emergency management program public a\¡/areness activities complied with the minimum requirements for the Essential Level Program for 2008. The Community Emergency Management Program Committee has developed an education and awareness plan for 2009. Committee The CEMPC held its annual meeting on November 24,2008. The committee reviewed the following and where applicable will provide recommendations for amendment to Council. A copy of the meeting minutes is attached. The CEMPC will be recommending to Council the following: Recommendation "THAT Staff Report P2009-001 regarding the Emergency Management Program Annual Report - 2008 be received for information". Respectfully submitted,Reviewed by, Staff Report P2009-001 regarding Emergency Management Progra... Page 156 of 287 Municipality of Bayham Emergency Manøgement Program Committee Minutes Meeting Date: November 24,2008 Location: Municipal ofÍice, 9344plaÍfr_Road, straffordville Attendees: Cliff Evanitski, Chairperson, LPRCA Kyle Kruger, Administrator Ed Roloson, Water/'Wastewater Superintendent Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk Paul Groeneveld, Fire Chief/CEMC Randy Hildebrandt, Max Underhill Farm Supply Ltd. Gerry Lemay, Manager of Public W'orks Regrets: Lynda Millard, Clerk Sean Cammaert, Future Transfer Co. lnc. Ontario Parks Representative Call to Order: 18:02 hrs. 2007 Minutes The2007 EMPC meeting minutes were distributed and reviewed. Errors in the content were brought forward for amendment. Motioned by Kyle Kruger, Second by Margaret Underhill to accept the minutes as amended. Carried. Discussion Items: Hazard. / Risk Identification Members reviewed the municipality's hazardand risk identification chart. Due to recent erosion and infrastructure failures in 2008 members agreed to amend to the current hazards and risks as follows: Staff Report P2009-001 regarding Emergency Management Progra... Page 157 of 287 Next Steps; CEMC amend Hazard/ Risk Identification Charr. Critical Infrastructure Review Members reviewed the municipalþ's Critical Infrastructure chart. Bayham Community Centre is listed twice. Next Steps.' CEMC to amend chart by removing duplicate entry. Emergency Response Plan CEMC proposed amendments to the Emergency Response Plan to better align the Plan to the Municipalþ's organizatíonal structure. Members reviewed and approved the proposed amendments pending changes to CCG and typos. The proposed revisions were reviewed by the St. Clair EMO Field Officer and endorsed. Next Steps: CEMC make amendments to the proposed plan as recommended and prepare report and By-law for Council approval. Community Partners LPRCA indicated a staff member will be assigned to participate as a member of the EMPC Next Steps: LPRCA to advise CEMC. Training In 2008 municipal staff attended various training sessions including: The municipality received sign off from EMO indicating the municipality met the minimum requirements for the Essential Level Emergency Management Program for 2008. Next Steps: N/A Public Education and Awareness CEMC distributed a list of 2008 Public Education and Awareness activities undertaken bv the municipality and staff. Staff Report P2009-001 regarding Emergency Management Progra... Page 158 of 287 CEMC distributed a2009 Public Education and Awareness Plan to all members for comment and suggestions. In September 2008 EMO signed off on the municipality's Public Education and Awareness Program and confirmed the municipality met the requirements for the Essential Level Emergency Management Program for 2008. Next Steps:NlA Annual Exercise A joint exercise with the County and other municipalities was conducted on May 21,2008. CEMC plans to hold 2009 exercise early in the year. Next Steps: CEMC to organize 2009 exercise. Extreme Weather Response Protocol CEMC proposed an extreme weather response plan for the Municipality to provide cooling and heating stations during extreme cold and hot weather conditions. Committee members reviewed and endorsed the plan. Next Steps: CEMC to update ERP Appendices to include plan. Flood Response Plan - Vienna The Municipality and LPRCA jointly prepared a flood model and plan for Vienna. The plan includes areas of concern for response, critical infrastructure and evacuation considerations should a flood occur in Vienna. The draft plan requires further mapping to include sewer manholes. In addition, LPRCA will be finalizingtheir study and will forward to the CEMC upon completion. Upon finalization of the LPRCA study and Flood Plan, water gauges will be installed on the bridge(s) in Viennaand areport prepared for Council for approval of the Plan. Next Steps: LPRCA to forward final report to CEMC. CEMC ftnalize Flood Plan and prepare report to Council. Meeting Adjourned: 18:45 hrs. Staff Report P2009-001 regarding Emergency Management Progra... Page 159 of 287 Page 160 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Fire Department Annual Report- 2008 NUMBER: P2009-002 Purpose Provide Council an overview of Fire Department activities for the fourth quarter and year-end for 2008. f ire I)epartment Forward The Fire Department continues to be progressive in the areas of Protection, Prevention and Public AwarenessÆducation. In 2008 the department introduced a number of Operating Guidelines (e.g. Use of Seat Belts, Operation of Fire Apparatus, Medical Response, etc), awarded tender for replacement of the Straffordville Station pump apparatus, installed a 10,000 gallon water storage tank on Edison Drive and consulted with two industrial facilities in the municipality for development of their emergency response and fire safety plans. In addition the Department continued developing the expertise of Specialty Team members of Auto Extrication, High-Angle Rope and Ice/Water Rescue teams. Members attended courses provided by third party training providers and attended Ontario Fire College endorsed programs. Development of expertise in these areas allows more effective use of department resources in specialty protection areas while maintaining an effective training program for other hre protection services (e.g. suppression, medical response, water supply, etc.). Firefrghter and Ofhcer training is integral to the long-term success of the Fire Department, enhances overall expertise and assists in facilitating Department professionalism. Firefighters continue to show a high level of interest to participate in training initiatives provided outside of department training sessions (e.g. Auto Extrication, Rope Rescue, Firefighter Survival and Fire College courses). Staff continues to provide fire safety inspections upon request, complaint and as a result of hre cause determination. The Department has a high level of firefighter professionalism, interest, attendance and participation. Further, camaraderie, training and working relationships between the stations is exceptional and promises to continue through 2009. Mayor & Members of Council P. Groeneveld. Fire Chief/CEMC DATE: January 15,2009 FILE: P16 Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 161 of 287 Response Activities The Fire Department responded to thirty-one (31) emergency incidents in the fourth quarter as compared to 20 in 2007 and36 in2006 for the same period. In 2008 the Department responded to a total of one hundred nineteen (l 19) emergency incidents as compared tol l3 in2007 and 130 in2006; slightly above the annual average since 2001 (1 1O/year). In 2008 Pt. Burwell responded to 55%o and Straffordville 45Yo of alI incidents. lncidents Attended By Station - 2008 Straffordville 122)" aÐ'"'ái:ï"" Incident Types Medical incidents represented 7l% (22) of the total responses for the fourth quarter. Patient symptoms initiating medical responses included "chest pain" (11) and "VSA" (1). Requests for assistance due to EMS Delay resulted in the department responding to six (6) incidents and one (1) at the request of EMS. During the fourth quarter the Department responded to 5 (16%) motor vehicle collisions and 4 (13%) fires. Fire incidents included responses as a result of downed hydro lines (2), a structure fire and flaring off of a gas well. Annual 4th Quarter lncident Volumes 40 35 €so 825'-2 20 Èrsi,oà 0 Yearly Incident Volumes 140 120 g 100 580 Ë60 40 20 0 lncidents Attended By Station - 4th Quarter Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 162 of 287 In 2008 medical incidents represented 58% (69) of all emergency incidents as comparedto 42Yo in 2007 and 47%o in 2006. Fire responses represented approximately I7%o of incidents as compared to 27o/o in2007 and26o/o in2006. 4th Quarter Incidents By Type - 2008 M/C (5) other (0) Fire (4) lncidents By Type - 2008 Other (5) 4o/o fvMc (25) 21o/o Port Burwell lncident Types - 2008 MVC (6) 9o/o Straffordville Inc¡dent Types - 2008 Ft¡e ('12) ' 22o/o MVC (1e) 35o/o Other (1) Economical Impact Total fire dollar loss for 2008 was approximately $215,000 as compared $370,000 in 2007 and $114.000 for 2006. Annual Fire Dollar Loss 1,000,000 800,000 Ë 600,000 Ä 40o,ooo 200,000 0 Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 163 of 287 Training In 2008 the department continued training in accordance with the Ontario Fire College Firefighter Training Curriculum. All firefighters received the Ontario Fire College Pump Operators Course provided by internal certihed Instructors. All firefighters will complete practical assessments in early 2009 and receive Ontario Fire College certificates confirming successful completion of the course. In addition, several firefighters attended external training courses such as Legislation Orientation, Fire Prevention and Education, Confined Space Awareness, Water and Ice Rescue, Firefighter Survival Training and other courses delivered by the Ontario Fire College. The Department utilizes a train-the-trainer approach for regular training sessions. Specialty Team members have received training from outside agencies or the Ontario Fire College and provide this training to members of their respective teams. Team members continue to dedicate one additional training session per month to maintain their expertise and conduct practical scenarios. In November the departments Training Committee established a bi-weekly training program and schedule for 2009. Public Education and Awareness The Department provides Public Education and Awareness to the community through presentations to community groups (e.g. Guides) and displays at various events (e.g. Watermelon Fest) throughout the year. In 2008 firefighters conducted Public Education and Awareness activities throughout the Municipality to groups and at various events such as: emergency planning. Fire Safetv Inspections In 2008 staff conducted three (3) frre safety inspections. All inspections were conducted upon the request of the property owner. The Municipality currently conducts Fire Safety Inspections on a complaint, request or post incident evaluation basis. In 2008 the municipality collected fire inspection fees totaling $150. Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 164 of 287 Bum Permits During the fourth quarter staff issued fifteen (15) bum permits. In 2008 a total of 119 permits were issued as compared to one hundred and onel01 in2007; anlSYo increase. The Burn Permit system continues to be an effective tool in keeping the number of incidents and complaints related to open air burning at a minimum. In 2008 the department responded to six (6) open-air burning incidents as a result of the permit holder violating conditions of the permit or burning without a permit. The following chart indicates the number of permits issued by month for the year 2007. Burn Permits Issued Annually 140 120 g 100 Eeoot60o!tÈ 40 20 0 06 07 08 Year Firefighter Attendance In the fourth quarter the average attendance at emergency incidents was 12 firefighters (3'd qtr. - 12.04).In 2008 the average attendance at incidents was 12.12 firefighters as comparedto 12.73 in 2007 and 11.6 in 2006. During the fourth quarter of 2008 Port Burwell averaged I 1.5 firefighters and Straffordville 16.1 firefighters per training session. In 2008 the average attendance at department training sessions was 13.8 firefighters as compared to 14.1 firefighters in2007 and12.45in2006. PortBurwellaveraged 12.45Q007 -12.0;2006- 10.5) and Straffordville ll.4 (2007 - 16.2;2006 - 14.4) firefighters per training session. During the fourth quarter of 2008 Port Burwell averaged 5.3 and Straffordville 7 .9 firefighters at apparatus checks. In 2008 Pt. Burwell averaged 6.5 (2007 - 6.4) firefighters at apparatus checks and Straffordville averaged 8.5 (2007 - 10.0) firefighters. 30 25 It(¡, 420 9, 815 E &ro tÈ 5 0 Burn Permits lssued - 2008 J FMAMJ JASOND Month Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 165 of 287 Automatic Aid From October to December the Southwest Oxford Fire Department, Brownsville Station was dispatched to one incident as part of the Automatic Aid Agreement. The incident was along the boarder between Southwest Oxford and in the Brownsville Fire Station response area. The Municipality was not invoiced by Southwest Oxford for this incident In 2008 Southwest Oxford Fire, Brownsville Station responded to 1 incident under the Automatic Aid agreement. In 2008 the municipality was invoiced for a total of $300 as compared to $900 in 2007. Annual Automatic Aid Agreement lncidents 9 I 7 -6qr-¡¡þÈ =4=g 2 'l 0 Automatic Aid Fees - Annual 8000 7000 6000 g 5000 I ¿ooooo 3ooo 2000 1 000 0 06 07 08 Year Mutual Aid In 2008 the department was not requested to assist another municipality at an emergency incident as part of the Elgin County Fire Department Mutual Aid System. During the fourth quarter Straffordville assisted Port Burwell at one structure fire. In 2008 the stations provided assistance to each other at seven (7) incidents as compared to nine (9) incidents in 2007 as part of the dual station response protocol or as requested by the primary station. Port Burwell assisted Straffordville at two (2) of the seven (7) incidents and Straffordville assisting Port Burwell at five (5). Ministry of Transportation The Department was not dispatched to any incidents on Provincial Highway 3 (Talbot Line) in the fourth quarter. In 2008 the department responded to two (2) incidents on provincial Highway 3 (Talbot Line) as compared to five (5) in 2007. The Ministry reimburses municipalities for responses on provincial highways. In 2008 the municipality received $2100 for responses on Highway 3 as compared to $9800 in2007. Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 166 of 287 MTO Fees Recieved - Annual 12000 1 0000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Firefi ghter Remuneration For the period from June - November 2008 the firefighter pay per point value was $10.14 as compared to $8.65 ($10.00) for the same periodin2}}7. The pay per point value did not negatively impact the Departments salary and wage allocation for 2008. Staffing As of December 31, 2008 the Departments current staffcompliment is 36 frefrghters plus 1 Auxiliary Firefighter. The Port Burwell station is one firefighter under their complement due to a resignation. Another firefighter (Captain) has advised he plans to retire at the end of the year. Annual June - Nov. Pay Per Point $ 10.5 l0 g e.5 oìetr ;1 B.s I 7.5 Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 167 of 287 The Fire Chief and members (3) of the Port Burwell station have completed phase one of the Firehghter interviewprocess. Interviews will be completed in January 2009 with appointment of members by February 2009. Recommendation "THAT Staff Report P2009-002 regarding the Fire Department Annual Report - 2008 be received for information" Staff Report P2009-002 regarding Fire Department Annual Repo... Page 168 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: P. Groeneveld. Bv-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: By-Law Enforcement Program 2008 Year End Report DATE: January 15,2009 FILE: P16 NUMBER: P2009-003 Purpose Provide Council an overview of the By-law Enforcement Program activities for the year ending December 2008. Bylaw Activities Do g Re gistration/Licensing In 2008 staff registered approximately 1052 dogs for 2008 a ten percent (10%) increase compared to 2007 . The municipality has licensed an average of 1081 dogs annually since 2005. As of December 31, 2008, based on2007 records, there is one (1) outstanding dog tag for 2008. The owner was charsed and convicted in November 2008 for failins to renew hislher dog license. Annual Dog Regístratíons 1140 1120 1100 1 080 1 060 I 040 1020 1 000 980 anco E .9 ctto É, Staff Report P2009-003 regarding By-law Enforcement Program ... Page 169 of 287 In 2008 the Municipality collected approximately $19,595 in dog licence fees as compared to 520,727 in2007 and $19,145 in2006. Since 2006 the municipality has generated revenues of an average of $ 1 9,670 annually in dog licence fees. Annual Dog Tag Revenues 21 000 20500 1 8s00 1 8000 2009 Dog Licensing Since November 1, 2008 staff have processed approximately one hundred seventy-four (174) dog licenses for 2009. Residents are offered a reduced fee ($5.00 savings) for early payment of dog licenses until January 3 l't. Dog Licensing Agent Since January 1,2008 the Agent sold 168 dog tags during his door-to-door visits to residents. As of September 30, 2008 a total of 153 tags were sold at the municipal offrce as a result of the Agents visits. The following chart indicates the number of tags sold annually as a result of the Agent's visit and the total cost incurred by the municipality for the Agent's services. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Tags Sold By Dog Licence Agent (February 1"'- March 31"')339 321 250 239 328 168 Tags Sold as a Result of Agent's visit (Office Purchases)238 168 097 154 94 153 Total Tags Sold By Agent 577 489 347 393 422 321 Dog Licence Agent Fees ($8 / Tag)$4,616 $3,912 82.776 $3,144 $3,376 $2,568 Canine Control The Municipality requested the Canine Control Agent pick up fifteen (15) dogs from October to December as compared to eight (8) for the same periodin2}}7. a 20000 tnã 1e500 =oo 19000 2 Staff Report P2009-003 regarding By-law Enforcement Program ... Page 170 of 287 Dogs lmpounded Annually 60 50 g-40 o630 b+r 20 10 0 Since January 1, 2008 the Agent has picked up thirly-eight (38) dogs as compared to fift¡ one (51) in2007 and forty-four (44) in2006. Canine Conhol costs from October to December were $1260 as compared to $2050 in2007 and $2200 in2006 for the same period. In 2008 themunicþality incuned Canine Control costs of $12,314 as compæed to $9100 in 2007 and $8650 in2006. The signific.ant increase is a result of increased Agent fees in 2008. Agent fees in 2009 are projected to be similar to 2008, as the Agent fees have not increased for 2009. Ganine Control Costs - Third Quarter 4000 3500 3000 2 2500I zooot rsoo 1000 500 0 Annual Canine GontrolAgent Costs 14000 12000 1 0000 Ë sooo E 6000 4000 2000 0 During the fourth quarter of 2008 the Dog Control Agent ananged adoption for four (4) dogs and owners claimed eight (8) of the dogs impounded. Since January 1, 2008 the Canine Control Agent was able to arrange adoption for eleven (11) dogs and owners claimed twenty (20) of the dogs impounded. Staff Report P2009-003 regarding By-law Enforcement Program ... Page 171 of 287 The following charts indicate the percentage of dogs adopted, redeemed by the owner or euthanized in accordance with the dog control by-law for dogs impounded in2007 and 2008. Dogs Adopted/Claimed - 2007 Dogs Adopted/Claimed - 2008 Other 18o/o Claimed 53Yo u, 'ı Èoo o :lÈ tt, G oo 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 Dog Control issues accounted for approximately 46% (12) of all complaints in the fourth quarter of 2008 (see chart below) as comparedto 48yo for the same periodin2007. 4 Claimed 55% Enforcement From October to December 2008 the Municipality received approximately twenty-six (26) complaints pertaining to various Municipal By-laws. In 2008 approximately one hundred fifty-nine (159) complaints were received and investigated by By-law Enforcement staff as compared to one hundred seventy-six (178) in 2007; a ten percent (10%) decrease. By-Law Complaints/Month - 2008 By-Law Complaints - Annual 30 ¿c 20 15 10 0 Staff Report P2009-003 regarding By-law Enforcement Program ... Page 172 of 287 By-Law lnquires - 4th Qtr. 2008 Yard Mtc (1 0) 8% Pty. Stds (1)_. 0% Parking (2) 23o/o In 2008 dog control complaints accounted for approximately 47% (751159) of all By-law complaints as comparedto 47Yo (83/178) in2007. By-Law Complaints - 2008 Other (24) 15o/o Yard Mtc. (27) 17o/o Pty. stds (12) 8o/o Dog (75)' 47o/o / a Parking (1 1) 7% I Garbage (10) 60/o By-law staff continues to contact owners in violation of a by-law, educate them of their responsibilities and apply appropriate enforcement action pursuant to the related by-law. Staff continues to monitor progress on compliance with "Notices of Violation" and "Notices of Non-Compliance" issued under the Property Standards and Yard Maintenance By-laws respectively. Staff exercised the municipality's authority under the Property Standards By-law to rectifi a safety concern at one property. Costs incurred by the municipality were applied to the property's tax assessment. 5 Staff Report P2009-003 regarding By-law Enforcement Program ... Page 173 of 287 Court Proceedings In 2008 staff issued a number of charges upon individuals violating the Dog Control By-law. Charges were initiated as a result of dogs running atlarge, failing to comply with a dangerous dog order and fail to renew dog licence for current year. In addition charges were issued to one resident for violating the Setting of Fires By-law and another resident for violating the municipality's ZoningBy-law. To date all charges have been before the courts with the following outcomes: Total fines issued by the courts related to the above charges were approximately $1,670.00. In 2008 the Municipality incurred approximately $8456.17 for legal representation related to the above charges. Legal fees are for representation for charges issued in2007 and 2008. Livestock Valuation In the fourth quarter of 2008 the Municipality's Livestock Valuer received one inquiry regarding livestock valuation related to coyotes killing livestock. The owner did not pursue compensation from the municipality. Recommendation TTIIAT Staff Report 2009-003 regarding the By-law Enforcement Program Annual Report for 2008 be received for information". 6 Respectfu lly submitted, Staff Report P2009-003 regarding By-law Enforcement Program ... Page 174 of 287 TO:Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 15,2009 FILE: P16 NUMBER: P2009-005 FROM: P. Groeneveld, Fire ChieflCEMC S UBJE CT : Emergency Response Pro gram Amendments Purpose Council to enact By-law #2009-001 to replace By-law #2006-113 being a By-law establishing an Emergency Management Program and Emergency Response Plan for the Municipality. Background The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act requires every municipality to develop and implement an emergency management program and by By-law adopt such program. Every municipality is required to develop an emergency plan for the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the procedures for employees of the municipality and other persons to respond to the emergency and adopt the emergency plan by By-law. Every municipality shall establish a committee or designate employees responsible for reviewing the emergency plan. The Municipality established an Emergency Management Program Committee (EMPC) consisting of municipal staff and members of the community. This Committee is delegated to review the municipality's emergency response plan, and critical infrastructure and hazar dl nsk as s es sments. On November 24,2008 the Emergency Management Program Committee (EMPC) held its annual meeting and reviewed the municipality's emergency response plan, critical infrastructure andhazard/risk assessments. Minutes of the meeting are attached for Councils perusal. Bayham Emergency Response Plan The EMPC reviewed the emergency response plan and proposes amendments to the plan to more align staff responsibilities outlined in the plan to reflect the current municipal or ganizational structure. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 175 of 287 ln addition, the Community Control Group membership consists of members of the municipal organizational structure with provisions to include any other agency or group deemed necessary to assist with responding to an emergoncy. Staff forwarded the proposed plan to the municipality's Emergency Management Ontario Field Officer for comment. The Field Officer endorsed the proposed plan as meeting the requirements of the Emergency Management and civil Protectíon Act. Staff Comments When municipality's first undertook steps to implement an emergencymanagement program theywere provided guidelines from EMO for development of emergencyresponse plans. The guidelines were generic to all municipalities and content was geared towards larger municipality with all services under its control. The original Bayham emergency response plan contained staff positions that are non- existent within the municipal organizational structure. The proposed emergency response plan will align municþal resources with the actual emergency response plan procedures. Ontions 1. Enact proposed ByJaw 2009-001 to replace ByJaw 2006-113. 2. No Action 3. Instruct staff to continue using the existing Emergency Response Plan prescribed under By-law 2006-113 Schedule "4". Recommendation *THAT staff Report P2009-005 regarding the Emergency Response Program Amendments be received for information" AND TIIAT Council enacts By-law 2009-001., Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by,Reviewed by, Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 176 of 287 Municipality of Bayham Emergency Management Program Gommittee Minutes Meeting Date: November 24,2008 Location: Municipal Office, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Attendees: Cliff Evanitski, Chairperson, LPRCA Kyle Kruger, Administrator Ed Roloson, WaterMastewater Superintendent Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk Paul Groeneveld, Fire Chief/CEMC Randy Hildebrandt, Max Underhill Farm Supply Ltd. Gerry Lemay, Manager of Public Works Regrets: Lynda Millard, Clerk Sean Cammaert, Future Transfer Co. Inc. Ontario Parks Representative Gall to Order: 18:02 hrs. 2007 Minutes The 2007 EMPC meeting minutes were distributed and reviewed. Errors in the content were brought forward for amendment. Motioned by Kyle Kruger, Second by Margaret Underhill to accept the minutes as amended. Carried. Discussion ltems: Hazard / Risk ldentification Members reviewed the municipality's hazard and risk identifícation chart. Due to recent erosion and infrastructure failures in 2008 members agreed to amend to the current hazards and risks as follows: to9 10 Nexf Sfeps: CEMC amend Hazard / Risk ldentification Chañ. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 177 of 287 Municipality of Bayham Emergency Management Program Committee Minutes Critical lnfrastructure Review Members reviewed the municipality's Critical Infrastructure chart. Bayham Community Centre is listed twice. Nexf Sfeps; CEMC to amend chart by removing duplicate entry. Emergency Response Plan CEMC proposed amendments to the Emergency Response Plan to better align the Plan to the Municipality's organizational structure. Members reviewed and approved the proposed amendments pending changes to CCG and typos. The proposed revisions were reviewed by the St. Clair EMO Field Officer and endorsed. Nexf Sfeps; CEMC make amendments to the proposed plan as recommended and prepare report and By-law for Council approval. Community Partners LPRCA indicated a staff member will be assigned to participate as a member of the EMPC Next Steps: LPRCA to advise CEMC. Traininq ln 2008 municipal staff attended various training sessions including: The municipality received sign off from EMO indicating the municipality met the minimum requirements for the Essential Level Emergency Management Program for 2008. Nexf Sfeps: N/A Public Education and Awareness CEMC distributed a list of 2008 Public Education and Awareness activities undertaken by the municipality and staff. 2 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 178 of 287 Municipality of Bayham Emergency Management Program Gommittee Minutes CEMC distributed a 2009 Public Education and Awareness Plan to all members for comment and suggestions. ln September 2008 EMO signed off on the municipality's Public Education and Awareness Program and confirmed the municipality met the requirements for the Essential Level Emergency Management Program for 2008. Nexf Sfeps: N/A Annual Exercise A joint exercise with the County and other municipalities was conducted on May 21,2009. CEMC plans to hold 2009 exercise early in the year. Nexf Sfeps: CEMC to organize 2009 exercise. Extreme Weather Response Protocol CEMC proposed an extreme weather response plan for the Municipality to provide cooling and heating stations during extreme cold and hot weather conditions. Committee members reviewed and endorsed the plan. Nexf Sfeps: CEMC to update ERP Appendices to include plan. Flood Response Plan - Vienna The Municipality and LPRCA jointly prepared a flood model and plan for Vienna. The plan includes areas of concern for response, critical infrastructure and evacuation considerations should a flood occur in Vienna. The draft plan requires further mapping to include sewer manholes. ln addition, LPRCA will be finalizing their study and wilf forward to the CEMC upon completion. Upon finalization of the LPRCA study and Flood Plan, water gauges will be installed on the bridge(s) in Vienna and a report prepared for Council for approval of the Plan. Nexf Sfeps: LPRCA to foruard final report to CEMC. CEMC finalize Flood Plan and prepare report to Council. Meeting Adjourned: 18:45 hrs. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 179 of 287 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MIJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\M NO. 2009-001 A BY-LAW REQUIRING AN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR TIIE PROTECTTON OF pIlBLrC SAFETY, EEALTTT, TFn' EÌ{VTRONMENT, TIIE CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTIJRE AND PROPERTY, AND TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC STABILITY A¡ID A DISASTER-RESILIENT COMMUNITY WHEREAS, Subsection 3 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990, Chapter E.9, as amended, which requires the development and implementation of an Emergency Management Program by Council; AND WIIEREAS, this Act requires the ønergency management program to conform to standards promulgated by Emergency Management Ontario in accordance with intemational best practices, including the four core components of emergency management, namely: mitigation/preventior¡ preparedness, response and recovery; and also makes provision for the municipality and council to develop and implement an emergency management program to protect public safety, public health, the environment, the critical infrastructure and propert¡ and to promote economic stability and a disaster- resilient community. AND WIIEREAS, this Act makes provision for the Head of Council to declare that an emergency exists in the community or in any part thereof and also provides the Head of Council with authority to take such action or make such orders as he/she considers necessary and are not contrary to law, to implement the emergency response plan and respond to ari emergency; A¡tD WHEREAS, the Act provides for the designation of one or more members of council who may exercise the powers and perform the duties of the head of Council during hislher absence or his/her inability to act; AND WIIEREAS, the Act authorizes employees of a community to respond to an emergency in accordance with the emergency response plan where an emergency exists but has not yet been decla¡ed to exist; NOW TIIEREFORE, be it resolved: l. TIIAT an Emergency Management Program be developed and implemented in accordance with the standards published by Emergency Management Ontario in accordance with intemational best practices; 2. THAT the Head of Council or designated altemate, as provided in the plan, be empowered to declare an emergency and implement the emergency response plan; 3. TIIAT certain appointed officials or theh designated altemates, as provided in the approved community emergency response plan are empowered to cause an emergency notification to be issued to members of the Community Control Group, and to respond to emergency in accordance with the emergency response plan where an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist; 4. TIIAT annually, the Bayham Community Emergency Program Committee will cause the emergency response plan to be reviewed and to make such changes to its appendices as a¡e considered appropriate while referring all other changes to Council for further review and approval. 5. TIIAT the emergency response plan attached hereto as Schedule "4" of this By-Law is hereby adopted. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 180 of 287 B/L2009-001 Page2 6. THAT the following By-Laws and any amendments thereto be rescinded:Þ By-Law2006-113 Þ Atry other By-Law pertaining to Emergency Managønent program and EmergencyResponse Plan for the Municipality of Bayham 7. THAT this By-law shall be enacted and of fuIl fo¡ce and effect upon final passing, READ A FIRST, SECOI\D AtlD THIRD TrME A|ID FTNALLY PASSED THIS 15mDAY orJÑuARy 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 181 of 287 rse Plan By-Law 2009-001 Schedule A November 2008 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 182 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Definitions.............. .............4 lntroduction........... .............7 The Authority..... ........7 The Aim. ...................7 General OverviewPopulation .................8Education ..................8 Medical Care. ............8 Protective Services. ..........,.......8 Public Utilities..... .. ....8Communications. ... .....9 Conservation Authority..... ............9 Emergency Medical Services. ......9 Declaration of an Emergency Action Prior to Declaration. . . ........... ........1 0 Municipal Emer9ency.............. ...............10 Termination of Emergency. .....11 Request for Provincial/Federal Assistance............ ........11 Gontrol Group Operations Emergency Operation Centre.. ......11 Communications Room......, ....................12 Operating Cycle....... .......12 Community Control Group Notification System ............12 Gommunity Gontrol Group.... ..........13 Community Control Group Responsibilities........ ...........13 Gomposition of the Community Control Group. .........,.15 Mayor/Acting Head of Council .................15Administrator.. ......15 Community Emergency Management Coordinator..... ..... 15 WaterMastewater Superintendent . .. ...15Clerk ....18 Deputy Clerk. .. ...18 Manager of Public Works... ............18 Fire Chief ....19Police... .......19 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 183 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 Public Utilities Representative. ... . 20 EMS (Ambulance) Representative... ....20 Health Unit.. ......21 Communications Manager .....21 Support & Advisory Staff Conservation Authority..... ....................21 Solicitor.,. .................21 Provincial Mínistry.. ...............21 Ontario Works. .....22 Canadian Red Cross ...............22 Radio Emergency Service (A.R.E.S.) ...................23 St. John Ambulance...... .....23 Salvation Army.. ...................23 Other Officials, Experts, or Representatives.. .........24 On-Site lncident Gommander............. .............24 Media and Public Relations ............ ...............25 The Emergency Information Officer..... ...................25 On-Site Media Spokesperson......... .........26 The Citizen Inquiry Representative........ ........,.........26 Public Information & lnquiry .....27 Evacuation P1annin9.............. ..........27 Recovery Planning, ..........27 Plan Review, Testing, and Maintenance.......... ..............27 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 184 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 DEFINITIONS Administrator An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Administrator of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Am bulance Representative A designated representative of the Central Ambulance Communications Centre and/or Ambulance Service. Citizen lnquiry Representative A person designated by Elgin County Ontario Works Agency responsible for establishing a Citizen Inquiry Service. Glerk An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Community Control Group (CGG) A designated group of individuals mandated to address the ongoing, or potentially expanding threat to the broader community, including health, safety and well being of persons; property and infrastructure; essential services; the environment; local economy, and to instill a level of confidence to the public. Gommunity Emergency Management Coordinator An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Community Emergency Management Coordinator of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Deputy Clerk An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Emergency "emergency" means a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or othenruise; ("situation d'urgence") Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990 Emergency Area A geographic area within which an emergency has occurred or is about to occur, and which has been identified, delineated and designated to receive emergency response actions. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 185 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 Emergency lnformation Officer (ElO) The Emergency lnformation Officer (ElO) will be appointed by the Community Control Group and is responsible for coordinating the dissemination of information to the media, broader community and stakeholders. Emergency Management Program Committee A management team appointed by Council to oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of the Municipality of Bayham emergency management program. Emergency Operations Gentre (EOC) A facility where the Community Control Group assembles to manage an emergency. Evacuation Centre A facility to provide shelter, food and other services to a group of people who have been evacuated from an emergency area. Fire Representative An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Fire Chief of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, or designated alternate. Head of Gouncil The elected Mayor or appointed Acting Mayor of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Health Representative The Elgin County Medical Officer of Health, or designated alternate. lnner Perimeter A restricted area in the immediate vicinity of the emergency area as established by the Emergency Site Manager. Access to the inner perimeter is restricted to those essential emergency personnel actively involved in response. Manager of Public Works An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Manager of Public Works of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Media lnformation Centre A facility or location near, but not in, the Emergency Operations Centre where the media may assemble for media releases and press conferences. Ontario Works Representative The County of Elgin/City of St. Thomas Director of Ontario Works or designated alternate. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 186 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 On-Site lncident Commander A public sector official or designate (usually fire, police, ambulance or public works) at the emergency area, responsible for coordinating resources and developing actions to resolve the emergency situation. On-Site Media Gentre A facility or location at or near the emergency area where the media may assemble for media releases and press conferences. On-Site Media Spokesperson A person appointed by the Emergency Site Manager to coordinate the expedient and accurate dissemination of information to the media from the On-Site Media Centre. Outer Perimeter A designated geographic area within the emergency area located directly adjacent to the inner perimeter and serving as a coordination and assembly point for essential emergency personnel and equipment. Reception Centre A reception centre is a facility usually located outside the emergency area and provides a place where evacuees can go to regíster, receive assistance for basic needs, information and referral to an evacuation center if required. Red Cross Representative A person designated by Canadian Red Cross responsible for supervising and coordinating all activities of the Canadian Red Cross during an emergency. WaterMastewater S upe ri ntende nt An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed WaterMastewater Superintendent of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. 6 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 187 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 INTRODUCTION THE PURPOSE The purpose of this plan is to provide elected officials, personnel, and emergency response agencies with an overview of the guidelines to their expected response and responsibilities to an emergency situation within the Municipality of Bayham, For this plan to be effective it is imperative all officials, departments and agencies be aware of their respective roles and be prepared to carry out their assigned responsibilities. For the purposes of this plan, "emergency" means a situation or an impending situation that constifufes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm fo persons or substansial damage to property and that rs caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or otherwise ("situation d'urgence. Emergency Management and Civil Protection Acf, R.S.O. 1990 While many emergencies could occur within the Municipality of Bayham, the most likely to occur are: THE AUTHORITY The Province of Ontario has passed the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, which provides for the development and implementation of an emergency management program by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham. This Act makes provision for the Head of Council to declare that an emergency exists in the municipality and also provídes the Head of Council with the authority to take such action or deliver such orders as he/she considers necessary, provided such action is not contrary to the laws which implement the emergency plan of the municipality. The Act also provides for the designation of one or more members of council who may exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Head of Council during his/her absence or inability to act. THE AIM The focus of this plan is to provide a guideline for the most effective response to an emergency situation in the Municipality of Bayham, and in so doing safeguard the health, safety, welfare and properly of its populace. This plan will govern the provision for requested services during an emergency. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 188 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM POPULATION The population of the municipality is: 6727 (Statistics Canada Census 2008). The number of households is estimated at 2305 (Statistics Canada Census 2008). EDUCATION The Municipality's educational facilities consist of two (2) elementary public schools and two (2) private schools. MEDICAL CARE The Municipality is serviced by the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, Elgin-St. Thomas General Hospital, one full-time physician office in Port Burwell and one nurse practitioner in Straffordville. PROTECTIYE SERY/CES The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department provides fire protection services. Ontario Provincial Police is contracted to provide law enforcement services. PUBLIC UTILITIES Electricity Hydro One provides electricity. Natural Gas Natural Resource Gas distributes natural gas to areas south of the Hamlet of Eden and Union Gas to areas north of the Hamlet of Eden. Municipal Water The Elgin Area Primary Water System provides potable water to municipalities within Elgin County, St. Thomas and London. The Municipality of Bayham is responsible for maintaining the distribution systems for the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna. Richmond Community Water lnc supplies potable water to residents located in the hamlet of Richmond. Other areas of the municipality rely on well water for potable water resources Sewer/Septic The Municipality of Bayham operates and maintains a sanitary sewer system for residents in the geographic boundaries of the villages of Port Bunruell, Straffordville and Vienna, and the hamlet of Eden. Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 189 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 COMMUNICATIONS Amtelecom and Bell Canada provide telephone and Internet service. Wireless phone service is provided by Rogers Communications, Bell Mobility and Telus. COIVSER VAT I O N AU T H O RITY Long Point Region Conservation Authority has jurisdiction over the waterways throughout the municipality. E M E RG E N CY M EDI CAt SERY'CES Emergency medical services and patient transportation services are provided primarily by Elgin-St. Thomas EMS (St. Thomas & Aylmer) and supplemented by both Oxford County EMS (Tillsonburg) and Norfolk County EMS (Langton) when necessary. 9 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 190 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 DECLARATION OF AN EMERGENCY ACTION PRIOR TO DECLARATION When an emergency exists, but has not yet been declared to exist, municipal employees may take such action(s) under this emergency plan as may be necessary to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the Municipality of Bayham. MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY The Head of Council of the Municipality of Bayham is responsible for declaring a municipal emergency exists within the geographic boundaries of the Municipality. This decision is made in consultation with other members of the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group. Upon such declaration, the Head of Council shall: 1. Notify the County Warden; 2. Notify the Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services through Emergency Management Ontario 3. Notify Municipality of Bayham Council members; and 4. Ensure the public, media, and neighboring municipal officials are advised of both the declaration and termination of an emergency. The Head of Council may request assistance from the County of Elgin, without activating the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan, by contacting the County Warden, County COA or County Community Emergency Management Coordinator. When a local emergency has been declared and municipal resources are deemed insufficient to control the emergency, the Head of Council may request the County Warden, County COA, County Community Emergency Management Coordinator or their alternates to activate the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan. For Coordination, if the emergency affects more than one Elgin County municipality, or one or more municipality(s) and the City of St. Thomas, the County Emergency Response Plan will be activated. Once the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan is activated, the Head of Council and designated staff representatives from the municipality will become members of the County of Elgin Community Control Group. The remaining staff from the Municipality of Bayham will form the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group and provide support to the Head of Council or the designated Senior Municipal Official, and carry out the roles and responsibilities of the Municipality of Bayham CCG/EOC. All decisions by the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group (as appropriate) affecting the lives and property of the inhabitants within the Municipality of Bayham shall be made in consultation with the Head of Council of the Municipality. 10 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 191 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 TERM I NATIO N O F EM E RG EN CY A municipal emergency may be declared terminated at any time by the: 1. Head of Council 2. Municipal Council, or 3. Premier of Ontario. Upon termination of a municipal emergency the Head of Council shall notify the: 1. County Warden 2. Municipality of Bayham Council members 3. Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services of Ontario through Emergency Management Ontario, and 4. Members of the public and media, and 5. Neighbouring municipal officials. REQUEST FOR PROVINCIAL / FEDERAL ASSISTANCE The municipality may request additional resources from the province if local resources, including resources available from bordering municipalities and/or the County of Elgin are insufficient to meet emergency requirements. The Ministry of the Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS), through Emergency Management Ontario, is the focal point for provincial assistance during an emergency. MCSCS should be notified if the threat of an emergency exists and shall be notified when an emergency has been declared. MCSCS will not take over and manage the emergency; it can provide liaison and coordination, and a central point for contact with other provincial ministries and the federal government if required. All requests for provincial and federal assistance should be directed through Emergency Management Ontario. coMMUNTTY CONTROL GROUP (CCG) OPERATTONS: EMERGENCY OPERATTON CENTRE (EOC) The Municipality shalf identify primary and alternate locations to establish an emergency operations center (EOC) for the CCG to assemble in the event of an emergency. The CCG will assemble at an EOC as designated by the Head of Council and Ad ministrator, or designates. CCG members shall assemble at the designated EOC when notified and determine if the site is an appropriate location for the CCG to conduct business appropriate for the type and location of the emergency area. lf this site is not appropriate, the CCG will choose an alternate location to conduct EOC business. 11 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 192 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 COMMUNICATIONS ROOM A separate communications room shall be established in close proximity to the designated EOC. CCG members should designate one or more persons as communicators, depending on the nature and scope of the emergency, to facilitate in-coming and out-going communications to assist CCG members as required. Communicators will be responsible for operating telephones and radios within the communications room and relaying information between their respective representatives on the CCG. OPERATING CYCLE The CCG shall meet regularly to share information and make decisions related to the emergency and contínuity of municipal business and services. The Administrator will be responsible for establishing the frequency of EOC meetings and agenda items. Meetings will be kept as brief as possible to allow CCG members to carry out their individual responsibilities. Each meeting of the CCG should include the following:o An assessment and prognosis of the emergency situationo The establishment of prioritieso The setting of objectiveso The determination of an action plan. Timelines for the implementation of assigned taskso Monitoring and reporting. When a meeting ends, each member of the CCG carries out their assigned tasks/objectives and gathers information for the next scheduled meeting. It is important all CCG members to function as a team to establísh the most effective response to the emergency situation. To enhance effectiveness CCG members should be relieved of their duties at regular intervals. COMMUNITY CONTROL GROUP NOTIFICATION SYSTEM The Head of Council, Administrator, Fire Chief, Manager of Public Works or WaterMaste Water Superintendent may activate the Emergency Notification System as established by the municipality. 12 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 193 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 coMMUNTTY CONTROL GROUP (CCG) The following municipal officials will make up the Municipality of Bayham CCGo Head of Gouncil. Administrator, or alternate. Gommunity Emergency Management Goordinator, or alternateo Manager of Public Works, or alternateo Water / Wastewater Superintendent, or alternate. Clerk, or alternateo Fire Chief, or alternate. Deputy Glerk, or alternate The CCG may function with only a limited number of persons depending upon the emergency. While the CCG may not require the presence of all persons listed as members of the CCG, all members of the CCG must be notified. The CCG may request assistance from one or more of the following agencies/organizations and include representatives in EOC operations:. Ontario Works / Canadian Red Cross. Health Unit. Conservation Authorityo Policeo Electricity Suppliero EMS / Ambulanceo Amateur Radio Emergency Service. Public Utilities. Additional personnel deemed necessary by the CCG (i.e. Provincial / Federal Ministry representatives, industrial representatives, school boards, legal, financial representatives). co M M u N ITY CO NT RO L c RO U p (CCG) RESPOw S t Br Ltfl ES Some or all of the following actions/decisions should be considered and dealt with by the CCG: . Determining the status of the emergency situation by acquiring and assessing information; . Advising Head of Council as to whether the declaration of an emergency is recommended; o Mobilizing emergency services, personnel and equipment; o Coordinating and providing emergency and municipal services and ensuring any actions necessary for the mitigation of the effects of the emergency arc taken, provided they are not contrary to law; . Coordinating and/or overseeing the evacuation of inhabitants considered to be in danger and establishing a Registration and lnquiry Centre to handle requests regarding evacuees; 13 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 194 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Arranging for services and equipment from local agencies not under municipal control, i.e. private contractors, volunteer agencies, services clubs; o Notifying and requestíng assistance from various levels of government and any public or private agencies not under Municipal control, as considered necessary; o Determining if additional volunteers are required and if appeals for volunteers are warranted; o Determining if additional transpoñation is required for evacuation or transport of persons and/or supplies; . Ensuring pertinent information regarding the emergency is promptly fonryarded for dissemination to the media and public; . Determining the need to establish advisory group(s) and/or sub-committees; . Authorizing expenditure of funds required to deal with the emergency for the preservation of life and health; o Maintaining a log outlining decisions made and actions taken, and submitting a summary of the log to the Administrator within one week of the termination of the emergency, as required; . Arranging for emergency accommodation and/or welfare services for residents temporarily evacuated from their homes; o Establishing a reporting and inquiry centre to handle individual requests concerning any aspect of the emergency; o Ensuring all emergency personnel are advised of the termination of the declared emergency; . Appointing an On-Site Incident Commander; o Ensuring Critical lncident Stress management resources are available to emergency responders; . Ensuring the emergency is reviewed and a recovery plan, if required, is in place before the local emergency is terminated; . Participating in the debriefing following the emergency; . Addressing the emotional trauma to the Community. COMPOSITION OF THE COMMUNITY CONTROL GROUP HEAD OF COUNCIL: The Head of Council will be responsible for the following duties: . lmplementing the Emergency Response Plan in response to a request for assistance from a member of the CCG, or emergency response agency; . Declaring an emergency to exist; o Declaring the emergency has terminated; 14 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 195 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Notifying the Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services via Emergency Management Ontario, of the declaration of an emergency, and termination of the emergency; . Making decisions, determining priorities, and issuÍng direction to the Heads of Departments; . Requesting assistance from senior levels of government and from constituent municipalities not involved with the emergency, when required; . Authorizing expenditures and the acquisition of equipment and personnel when necessary; . Approving and making news releases and public announcements in conjunction with the Emergency lnformation Officer (ElO); o Ensuring all members of the CCG are kept apprised of developments as soon as possible; . Ensure all members of Council apprised of the emergency and the municipality's response to the emergency; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. ADMINISTRATOR: The Administrator, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Ensuring all required members are present when the CCG is assembled; . Chairing meetings of the CCG; . Organizing and supervising the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) during the emergency, including arrangements for feeding and relief of Centre personnel; . Coordinating all operations within the EOC, including the scheduling of regular meetings; o Arranging for effective communications to and from the emergency site; . Providing security for the EOC, as required; o Providing identification cards to CCG members and suppoft staff; . Coordinating the maintenance and operation of feeding, sleeping, and meeting areas of the CCG, as required; . Maintaining a record of actions taken by the CCG in dealing with the emergency; . Compiling records of costs incurred as a result of emergency action; o Providing advice to the CCG on legal and financial matters; o Ensuring records of expenses are maintained for future claim purposes; . Ensuring the prompt payment and settlement of all legitimate invoices and claims incurred during an emergency; . Acting as principle staff officer to the Head of Council; . Coordinating and processing requests for human resources; 15 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 196 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 . Under the direction of the CCG, coordinating offers of and appeals for volunteers; . Selecting the most appropriate sites for the registration of human resources; . Ensuring records of human resources and administrative details are completed; . When volunteers are involved, ensuring Volunteer Registration Forms are completed and a copy of the form retained for Municipal records; . Ensuring identification cards are issued to volunteers and temporary employees, where practical; . Arranging for transpoftation of human resources to and from sites; . Obtaining assistance, if necessary, from Employment and lmmigration Canada, as well as other government departments, public and private agencies, and volunteer groups; . Compiling reports for council; . Regularly reviewing the contents of the Emergency Response Plan to ensure the plan is up to date and in conformity with Provincial procedures; . Organizing and coordinating training and participation in drills and exercises; . Reviewing the Ontario Disaster Relief Program directives on a regular basis; . Organizing any required debriefing sessions; o Act as Emergency lnformation Officer; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. co M M u N ITY E M E RG E N CY MAN AG E M E NT COO RD I N ATO R (CE M C) The CEMC, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Ensuring security is in place for the EOC and registration of CCG members; . Assisting in activating and arranging the EOC; . Ensuring CCG members have necessary ERP, resources, supplies, maps and equipment; o Providing advice and clarifications about the implementation details of the ERP; o Ensuring liaison with community support agencies; . Ensuring CERV coordination and liaison; . Ensuring the operating cycle is met by the CCG and related documentation is maintained and kept for future use; . Addressing any action items resulting from the activation of the ERP and keep CCG informed of implementation needs; o Ensuring records and logs are maintained by CCG members for the purpose of debriefing and post emergency reporting; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. 16 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 197 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 WAT E R / WAST EWAT E R SUPER'/VT E N D E NT The Water / Wastewater Superintendent, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Provide advise on water/wastewater related issues; . Arrange for assistance, equipment as necessary; o Liaison with appropriate provincial agencies as required; . Providing an On-Site lncident Commander, if required; . Maintaining and updating a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and equipment; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. CLERK The Clerk, or alternate, will be responsíble for the following duties: o Recording minutes of EOC business meetings; o Provide assistance/advise to Head of Council, Administrator and Department Heads as required; . Process documentation as required, e.g. Declaration of Emergency; o Act as EOC Chairperson/Manager in the absence of the Administrator; . Liaison with government agencies/officials, as directed; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. DEPUTY CLERK The Deputy Clerk, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Set up EOC upon activation of CCG; . Maintains an event board/log during EOC meetings; . Coordinates telecommunications systems for the EOC; . Provides assistance to the Administrator, as required; . Coordinates additional support staff for CCG members and EOC, as required; o Advises the CCG on issues related to zoning, planning, mapping, etc.; o Assumes Clerk duties in the absence of the Clerk: o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. MANAGER OF PUBLIC WORKS: The Manager of Public Works, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Providing advise or liaising with consultants to provide the CCG with advice on engineering matters; . Arranging for dispatch of staff and equipment to assist in responding to the emergency situation if required; . Maintaining liaíson with flood control, conservation and environmental authorities and preparing for relief or preventative measures; . Arranging for the clearing of emergency routes and the marking of obstacles if required; 17 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 198 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Arranging for engineering materials and equipment from the County and Provincial resources, from neighboring municipalities, and from private contractors when necessary; . Assísting fire fighting authorities in dealing with special hazards such as chemical spills, explosions or noxious fumes; o Establishing radio communications, if required, and calling on the services of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service; . Re-establishing essential road services at the end of the emergency period; . Ensuring roads are maintained and accessible during an emergency; . Providing an On-Site lncident Commander, if required; o Maintaining and updating a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and equipment; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. FIRE CHIEF: The Fire Chief, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Providing advice on fire fighting and rescue matters to the CCG; . Confirming local fire fighting, rescue and life saving resources are sufficient for the operational situation, and arranging for further assistance as required; . Providing advice to municipal depaftments to bring into play other equipment and skills needed to cope with the emergency; . Coordinating assistance from the Mutual Aid Fire System and Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario as required; . Determining if special equipment or supplies, not available can be located elsewhere and advising the CCG; . Coordinating assistance of fire equipment and personnel with other departments and agencies in large scale non-firefighting operations (rescue, first aid, casualty collection); . Liaising with the Ministry of the Environment on fires involving potentially dangerous materials; o Liaising with the Ministry of Natural Resources on forest fires; . Providing an On-Site lncident Commander if required; o Maintaining and updating a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and equÍpment; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. 18 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 199 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 POLICE: The Police Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Providing advice on police (law enforcement) matters to the CCG; . Arranging for assistance to local authorities in implementing traffic control to permit rapid movement of emergency equipment; . Coordinating police operations and responses with Municipal Service Departments and with neighboring police authorities; . Establishing security around the emergency area to control access and protect property; . Sealing off the area of concern, controlling and, if necessary, dispersing crowds within the emergency area; . Alerting persons endangered by the emergency and coordinating evacuation procedures; . Liaising with the Ontario Works Representative regarding the establishment and operation of evacuation and reception centres; . Providing for police services in evacuee centres, morgues, and other facilities, as required; o Liaising with other municipal, provincial or federal police agencies as required; . Informing the CCG on the actions take by the Police; o Providing an On-Site lncident Commander if required; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. PU B LI C UTt LtTt ES REPRESE/VTAT|VE (S) : . Providing the CCG with advice on utility (hydro, natural gas, telephone, etc.) matters; o Arranging for the dispatch of staff and equipment to assist in containing the emergency situation if required; . Maintaining liaison with public and private utility companies (hydro, gas, telephone, etc.) and making recommendations for discontinuation of any utilities, public or private, when necessary in the interest of public safety; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. EM S (AM BU LAN CE) REPRESENTATIVE : The Ambulance Representative or alternate will be responsible for the following duties: . Providing information on the movement of casualties from the emergency area; o Advising CCG on requirements for additional casualty transportation means, beyond ambulance resources; 19 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 200 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Provide additional medical resources as needed for casualty management at the emergency site, in consultation with the Medical On-Site Coordinators, and initiating requests for such with medical authorities; o Authorizing additional Ministry of Health resources required by any facility, which operates under the direction of the Ministry of Health in accordance with Ministry procedures; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. HEALTH UNIT: The Health Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Providing advise to the CCG on health matters; . Keeping the Health Unit staff informed; o Providing staff at each Evacuee Centre to assist the Manager of each Reception/ Evacuee Centre in public health matters, and in assisting evacuees; o Providing a 24 hour Nurse at each Evacuee Centre housing more the 50 evacuees; . Arranging for mass immunization where needed; . Arranging for precautions in regard to water supplies when warranted; o Notifying other agencies and senior levels of government about health related matters in the emergency; o Ensuring the safety of food supplies and the safe disposal of sewage and waste; . Ensuring adequate general sanitation and personal hygiene at emergency reception centres; . Ensuring proper burial of the dead; . Coordinating the response of health unit services and facilities; . Maintaining a log of all actions taken. Liaising with the local hospital representative to: . lmplement their respective Hospital Disaster Plan, if required; o Liaising with the Health and Ambulance Representatives with respect to hospital and medical matters, as required; . Evaluating requests for the provision of medical site teams/medical triage teams; . Liaising with the Ministry of Health, as appropriate. 20 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 201 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 COM M U N I CATION S MANAGER: A Communications Manager shall be appointed by the CCG and will be responsible for the following duties: . Provide the Administrator with reports on the emergency situation and any other pertinent information at regular intervals, or as requested; o Provide assistance to the communicators in relation to communications equipment problems, where possible and practical; . Coordinate and prioritize the flow of messages between the Communications Room and the Community Control Group members and other desired groups or locations; . Maintenance of a chronological log of significant communications and events; . Maintenance of a situation or status board, and; . Maintenance of a map(s) containing vital information related to the emergency; . When possible, establishing and ensuring telephone communication needs are provided to the EOC, emergency site, and anywhere else required; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. SUPPORT & ADVISORY STAFF: Staff from the following Support and Advisory Services may be required to provide support, logistics and advice to the CCG: THE CONSERVATION AUTHORITY WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR: . Providing advice on the abatement of flood emergencies; o Assisting in acquiring resources to assist in flood emergencies. THE SOLICITOR: The Solicitor for the Municipality will be responsible for:. The provision of advice to any member of the CCG on matters of a legal nature as they may apply to the actions of the Municipality in its response to the emergency, as required. PROVINCIAL MINISTRY: Provincial Ministry Representatives will be responsible for: . Providing advice on matters of Provincial concern to members of the CCG; o Assisting in the garner of resources; . Coordination of Provincial response agencies (E.M.O. responsibility). 21 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 202 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 ONTARIO WORKS REPRESE VTATIVE: The Ontario Works Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Providing advise to the CCG on Ontario Works matters; o According to the nature of the emergency, in consultation with the Red Cross, Salvation Army and St. John Ambulance, be prepared to assist municipalities in their efforts to support their residents whose lives have been impacted by the emergency with the provision of: o Emergency clothing to provide adequate protection from the elements, o Emergency lodging to provide adequate temporary accommodation for the homeless, . Registration and inquiry services to reunite families and to collect information and answer queries concerning the safety and whereabouts of missing persons, o Emergency feeding to sustain those without food or adequate food preparation facilities, Liaising with the Health Representative on areas of mutual concern required during operations in evacuee centres, and o Individual and family services to assist and counsel individuals and families in need and to provide special care to unattached children and dependent adults; o ln consultation with the Health Representative, establish an 'outreach program'for victims of the emergency; o Providing staff to operate Citizen lnquiry Centre; . Liaising with public and private nursing care homes as, required; o Notifying the Police of the number and locations of the Emergency Reception Centres; o Contacting and providing direction to volunteer agencies able to assist in welfare functions, such as Red Cross, Women's lnstitutes, etc.; o Notifying senior levels of government on Ontario Works matters in the emergency. CANADIAN RED GROSS; The Canadian Red Cross will receive requests for support from the Ontario Works Representative. The responsibilities of the Canadian Red Cross Representative during an emergency are to: . Activate the Canadian Red Cross emergency alert system; o Co-ordinate the Canadían Red Cross response in co-operation with the Ontario Works Representative, if an evacuation is required; o Provide registration and inquiry to meet the following objectives: 22 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 203 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 . Collect accurate and reliable information and answer inquiries as to the condition and whereabouts of disaster victims in co-operation with local hospitals and reception centres; and o Assist ín reuniting separated family members as quickly as conditions permit; . Operate an inquiry bureau to deal with national and international requests as directed by the Canadian Red Cross National office; . Set up and operate an evacuation centre, upon the request of the Ontario Works Representative; o Assist with first aid established at reception centres if required; o Ensure volunteers are properly registered so that Workplace Safety lnsurance coverage is provided during an emergency. RADTO EM ERGENCY SERVTCE (A.R.E.S.) : The Radio Emergency Service Representative will be responsible for: o Providing additional communication requirements to supplement the Municipality and emergency communications systems, as required; . Contacting other communications experts, as required. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE: The St. John Ambulance will receive requests for support from the Ontario Works or Ambulance Representative during an emergency to: . Activate the Division's emergency alert system; . Co-ordinate the Division's response in co-operation with the Health Representative; o Provide first aid; . Establish first aid posts at reception centres, as required; . Ensure volunteers are properly registered so Workplace Safety lnsurance Board coverage is provided during an emergency. S A LVAT I O N ARMY REPRESEA/TATIV E : The Salvation Army will receive requests from the Ontario Works Representative. The responsibilities of the Divisional Commander or alternate of the Salvation Army during an emergency are to: . Activate the Division's emergency alert system; . Coordinate the Division's response in cooperation with the Ontario Works Representative, if an evacuation is required; . Coordinate and feeding of personnel at the disaster site and reception centre; o Provide bedding and clothing, in cooperation with Ontario Works; o Provide and coordinate clergy assistance; 23 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 204 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Ensure volunteers are properly registered so Workplace Safety lnsurance Board coverage is provided during an emergency. OT H E R O F F I CI A LS, EX P E RTS, OR REPRESENT AT IVE S : Other Officials, Experts, or Representatives will be responsible for:. Any special advice or expeñise necessary to abate the emergency situation as required by the CCG. ON.SITE INCIDENT COMMANDER: The On-Site lncident Commander task is to coordinate resources and develop a strategy and action plan to resolve the emergency situation at the emergency area. Once appointed, the On-Site lncident Commander should be relieved of all other duties, and will remain in control of the scene unless the CCG deems it necessary to appoint a replacement. Some of the duties of an On-Site lncident Commander include: o Setting up a command post, and establishing regular communications with the other agencies on the site, and with the EOC; o Establishing authority and supervising all operations within the outer perimeters of the site; o ln consultation with all emergency response agencies at the emergency area, develop a response strategy and action plan to facilitate the efficient and effective response of emergency personnel and equipment to mitigate the impact to life and property in the emergency area1' . Organizing a management team and arranging a management cycle; o Determining the inner and outer perimeters, and ensuring they are set up; . Organizing the layout of the site; o Conferring with the heads of the other agencies at the site, to ascertain what is happening and what is needed; . Passing information on what is happening, and requests for resources to the EOC, and passing direction and information from the EOC to others at the site; . Directing and coordinating the activities of the response agencies at the site; o Determining what resources are necessary, and asking the EOC to provide them; . Arranging a system of relief, rest areas, food, etc., for site workers; . Ensuring worker and volunteer safety; . Arranging media visits to the site; . Planning ahead for site activities and the resources to support them; o Maintaining a log of all actions. 24 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 205 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS It is important to coordinate the release of accurate information or instructions to the news media, the public and individual requests for information concerning any aspect of the emergency. ln order to fulfill these functions during an emergency, the following positions may be established: o Emergency lnformation Officer. On-Site Media Spokesperson. County Citizen lnquiry Representative Depending on the scope of the emergency, there may be a need for an On-Site Media Centre near the emergency site, and an emergency information centre near, but not in, the EOC. ln some cases a joint media information centre may be more desirable. EM ERG E N CY I N FORMATIO N OFFI CER : The Emergency Information Officer (ElO) will be responsible for: . Establishing a communications link with the On-Site Media Spokesperson, the Citizen lnquiry Representative, and any other media coordinato(s) (i.e. Provincial, Federal, private industry, etc.) involved in the incident; o The dissemination of information, and planning for news releases at appointed times; . Ensuring all information released to the media and public is consistent and accurate; . Appointing an assistant to attend the On-Site Media lnformation Centre, and appointing any other personnel required; . Designating and coordinating a Media lnformation Centre for members of the media to assemble for the issuance of accurate media releases and authoritative instructions to the public; . Briefing the CCG on how the Media lnformation Centre will be set up; o Liaising regularly with the CCG to obtain the appropriate information for media releases, coordinate individual interviews, and organize press conferences; o Establishing telephone numbers for media inquiries and ensuring that the following are advised accordingly: o Media o CCGo Switchboard for Emergency Serviceso On-Site Media Spokespersono Municipal Citizen lnquiry Representatives. Any other appropriate persons, agencies, or businesses; o Providing direction and regular updates to the Citizen lnquiry Representative to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information is disseminated to the public; 25 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 206 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 . Ensuring all information released to the media and public is first approved by the Head of Council; o Monitoring news coverage and correcting any erroneous information; . Coordinating the release of ínformation with the On-site Media Spokesperson. O/V-S/ TE M E D I A SPOKESPERSO/V; lf necessary an On-Site Media Spokesperson shall be appointed by the On-Site lncident Commander and is responsible for: . Establishing a communication link and regular liaison with the Emergency lnformation Officer (ElO) at the EOC; . Responding to inquiries from the media pertaining to the scene only, and only after clearance by the EIO; . Redirecting all inquiries regarding decisions made by the CCG and the emergency as a whole to the Citizen lnquiry Representative; o Establishing and coordÍnating a media information centre in a safe, appropriate location, at or near the site, for the media to assemble; . Advising the following persons and agencies of the location and telephone number(s), as available, of the Site Media Information Center: . Media o CCGo Switchboard for Emergency Serviceso Municipal Citizen lnquiry Representativeso Any other appropriate persons, agencies, or businesses; . Ensuring media personnel arriving at the site are directed to the site information centre; . Where necessary and appropriate, coordinating media photograph sessions at the scene; . Coordinating on-scene interviews between emergency services personnel and the media. TH E CITIZEN I NQU I RY REPRESE/VTATIVE : The Citizen Inquiry Representative will be provided for by the Ontario Works Representative and shall be responsible for: . Establishing a Citizen lnquiry Service, including the appointment of personnel and designation of telephone lines; . lnforming the Emergency Information Officer of the establishment of the Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone number(s); . Advertising public information phone numbers through the media as quickly as possible, and advising 9-1-1 is not to be used as an inquiry line; . Apprising the affected emergency services and the CCG of the establishment of the Citizen lnquiry Service and designated telephone number(s); 26 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 207 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 Liaising with the EIO to obtain current information on the emergency; Responding to, and redirecting inquiries and reports from the public based upon information from the EIO; Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaining to the investigation of the emergency, deaths, injuries, or matters of personnel involved with or affected by the emergency to the appropriate emergency service; Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaÍning to persons who may be located in evacuation or reception centres to the registration and inquiry telephone number(s); Procuring staff to assist as required. PUBLIC INFORMATION & INQUIRY: Depending on availability, information concerning an emergency situation will be communicated to the public through a number of means. These include newspaper, radio, television, public addressing system, telephone, newsletter, and individual visitation. Where appropriate, public meetings will be held to provide information to members of the public concerning an emergency situation. Such meetings will be coordinated and conducted by the CCG. EVACUATION PLANNING ln an emergency, it may be necessary for residents to be temporarily evacuated. When such an evacuation is deemed necessary, one or more emergency reception centres may need to be opened in a safe area. The County of Efgin has an agreement with the Thames Valley District School Board, which guarantees their institutions may be used as temporary reception centres in the event of an emergency. RECOVERY PLANNING This plan assigns responsibilities and outlines activities that may be required to bring the municipality back to its pre-emergency state. The plan will be activated (in whole or part) at the direction of the CCG. This will be determined by the nature of the emergency and its aftermath, but will normally occur once the immediate response to the emergency has been completed. PLAN REVIEW TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE This plan shall be reviewed annually and, where necessary, shall be revised by the Emergency Management Program Committee. Each time the plan is revised, it must be foruarded to Council for approval; however, revisions to an appendix or minor administrative changes can be made without Council approval. The Municipality of Bayham's Emergency Management Program Committee will determine when exercises will be conducted to test the overall effectiveness of the plan and to provide training to the members of the Community Control Group. 27 Staff Report P2009-005 Emergency Response Program Amendments... Page 208 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDTJM TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: County Land Acquisition - CP Rail Lands at Black Bridge DATE: January 5,2009 FILE: | ') I NUMBER: PR2009-01 Purpose: This report is to finalize the conveyance of a portion of the former CP rail lands to the County of Elgin to facilitate repairs to the Black Bridge north of Straffordville. Background: In May of 2007, Council considered Staff Report PR2007-05 regarding a request from the County of Elgin to acquire portions of the former CP Rail lands at the Black Bridge to accommodate bridge repairs. After considering the request, Council adopted the following resolution: "THAT Staff Report PR2007-05 and the draft minutes of the Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Reueation Trail Committee meeting held April 15th be received; AND THAT staff be authorized to execute Agreements to Sell Land to the County of Elgin to convey lands as outlined in Report PR2007-05, subject to any procedures required pursuant to the Municipal Act and conditional upon the Municipality receiving confirmation that the lands will remain accessible for future utility use, and trail designation. " The lands (estimated at .06 hectares) were to be conveyed on the condition that they remain accessible for utilities and trail designation. The conveyance price was established at $7,000 per hectare, and all transfer costs were to be borne by the County of Elgin. Staff Comments: The County of Elgin has now completed final surveys to accommodate this transfer (final area approximately .085 hectares), and are intending to commence construction as soon as February, 2009. Attached therefore is draft By-law No. 2009-05 to authorize the conveyance of lands to the County. The Town of Tillsonburg has also been provided the necessary documents and has been requested to proceed with the transfer. In addition to the by-law, the lands need to be declared surplus and the sale advertised. Attachments 1. Draft By-lawNo. 2009-005, to authorize the conveyance of lands to the County of Elgin Recommendation That lands described as Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession North Gore, of the Municipality of Bayham, designated as Parts 1,2, and 3 on Registered Plan I 1R-8999, be declared surplus to the needs of the Municipality of Bayham. And That By-law No. 2009-05 to authorize the conveyance of real property in the Municipality of Bayham described as Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession North Gore, designated as Parts |, 2 and 3 on Plan l1R-8999, be presented to Council for enactment. Staff Memorandum PR2009-01 regarding County Land Acquisition... Page 209 of 287 tj:ù-- \s^Yo- f' l\. ¿- S'\Z\Ê. \-áånrva\ ñ :r,r, ot -4ftr ü .TË-}; x€") \ \\v \ .Nt? '";4:e.vþ t/"i$' - ,"d"t'- ^o!'..À 2 *a{o' t^t{oo, ":";:""'"[!:v's r**"'*t' erê ')^q9 _\<- \\ Y vö q.t\)tl- ìa i- 4,- / \ ,-f ôovr\ "ììè \ oa .o oÞoo^ ,g' "ldt 4/*ur* r\ r-ù ç '.4. 'ês obt /'//^ .4s ,( ç"!, l" -.-N,oo,í: ^^"-*l:eYJ ,/ .o¿'l''u - - - 14, "Jr 'êo d 5..1 /ìl /ìr çt Íé^f,¿a r1.1 ' '"", ''\ Staff Memorandum PR2009-01 regarding County Land Acquisition... Page 210 of 287 TTTE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-005 A BY.LA\il TO AUTIIORIZE THß COIIVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY IN TIIE MIJIVCIPALITY OX' BAYIIAM DESCRIBEI) AS PART OF LOTS 19 A¡fD 20, CONCESSION NORTH GORE' DESIGNATED AS P,A.RTS 1.2 AI\D 3 ON PLÀN 11R-8999 WHEREAS Section 8 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers, and privileges ofa natural person for the pu4lose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AllD \ilHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham and the Town of Tillsonburg are the owners of Iands described as part oftots 19 and2},ConcessionNorth Gore, designated as Pa¡ts 1,2 and 3 on Registered Plan I 1R-8999; AND WIIEREAS the Cor¡ncil of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of conveying such lands to the County of Elgin for the purpose of facilitating bridge repairs; NOW TIIEREFORE THE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]MCPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Clerk to execute documents as necessaql to effect the conveyance of lands described as Pa¡t of Lots 19 and20, Concession North Gore, designated as Partsl, 2 and3 on Plan l lR-8999 to the County of Elgin. 2, AND TIIAT this byJaw shall come into fi¡ll force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND F'TNALLY PASSED THIS 15TH DAY oFJA¡ruARY,2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Memorandum PR2009-01 regarding County Land Acquisition... Page 211 of 287 Page 212 of 287 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDI]M TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 7,2009 FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator FILE: '- ' ) ì SUBJECT: Sketch Dimensions - Csinos Property @eport C2008-12) At its'December 18,2008 meeting, Council considered report C2008-12 regarding the Port Burwell (Esterville) Cemetery status. Included with such report was an attachment entitled "Sketch - Area Proposed for Stage 3 Archeological Assessment" (copy attached). Concerns were raised regarding the dimensions on such sketch, as the internal dimensions did not match the external property boundaries. It should be noted that the sketch was provided for illustrative pu{poses, to outline the general area proposed for further archeological assessment. To clariff the source of information on the sketch, the dimensions were derived from an application for building permit on the property. Staff confirm the extemal boundary measurements provided match assessment roll information, as well as a 7973 survey of the subject lands on file, excepting the portion abutting Plank Road. This measurement is shown as 244.07 feet on the roll vs 243.9 feet on the sketch (a difference of 0.17 feet). Internal measurements are provided on applications for building permit for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with zoning setback requirements. These measurements are provided by the o\ryner, and the distance indicated from the barn to Plank Road is generally reflective of the distance to the traveled road surface, and not the property line as the sketch would indicate. Building department staff took field measurements on site at the time of construction, and anived at the following þlease note that these general measurements, not surveyed): Setback Plank Road (from centre line of road allowance) : 126 feet Setback Sideroad :74feet Setback Cemetery :34 feet Setback rearyard :44feet I hope this clarifies this matter for Council. Staff Memorandum regarding Sketch Dimensions - Csinos Proper... Page 213 of 287 Figure 2: Sltc Mop Showing Assesrment Results 243,v Plonk Rood (tlighwoy l9l 01020rll Mechonicqlly Stripped Areo (Born Floorf 0@ { 30 I Staff Memorandum regarding Sketch Dimensions - Csinos Proper... Page 214 of 287 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 000008 407 ETR 826654¿{45Dec TOLL CHARGES OOOO12 A& L CANADA ]-ABORATORIES INC. 1716781 SOILTESTS OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD JO563I7 GRAVEL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211812008 1?J12t2008 I Cheque Amount - 1113012008 I Cheque Amount - 1211812008 12:37PM 005681 005682 005683 005687 005688 005689 39.39 39.39 301.25 11t30t2008 I 30'1.25 r,508.39 OOOO33 AGLINE I 188639 001428 ANDYSTEYER 100660000 reimburse credit FILTERS, OIL CREDIT ON W/S ACCT CREDIT ON WATERACCT CERTIFICATION RENEW STAFFXMAS LUNCH WORKBOOTS DRIVERS MEDICAL Cheque Amount - 1111912008 I 005684 Cheque Amount -216.11 1211512008 I 15.56 005685 09/08/2008 r 15.56 005685 --¡eveæe¡t¡eque CHQ RETURNED.MO\ÆD---------J)9/O8/2O08---C -1556- --- 405685 Cheque Amount -15.56 't,838.19 000068 ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES 200$M-10718 2OO9 MEMBERSHIP 12t01t2008 r 005686 Cheque Amount - 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 1210412008 r 1,838.19 157.5030 OOOO92 BATTERY SUPPLY AYLMER 3234748 FILTER OO11M BERES'MEAT&GROCERY 75 OOO193 CLAYTONCOLLVER boots - re¡mburse medical Cheque Amount - 1211212008 I 157.50 '18.03 Cheque Amount - 12117t2008 r 18.03 279.11 Cheque Amount -279.1',l 87.01 005690 115.00 005690 OOO235 DAVE LIPPERTFUELS LTD 10072 10073 12499 12500 Cheque Amount - Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 215 of 287 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 14058 14059 235 7703061 DIESEL REG GAS REG GAS DIESEL DYED MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211812008 Cheque Amount - 1211812008 12:37PM 2,089.72 005691 555.78 00569',1 1,180.96 005691 537.48 005691 Cheque Amount - OOO255 DEREHAM FORGE 29271 PI.ACIUE, ENGRAVING 001026 DR, C. L. LEATHERDALE 1U09n008 r Cheque Amount - 062 cot-ABoRATtoN FEE - OCT'08 1iJ15t2008 I OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC I-86220-0 HYDRAULIC HOSES, CRIMPS t-862274 C|_AMPS, CRTMPS, HOSES 't2t09t2008 1?J09t2008 Cheque Amount - --0/00276 E.S. HUBBELL & SONS LIMITED 6026 WNG BLADE, NOSE PIECE OOO283 ED MATTHEWS CARPENTRY 1210312008 I Cheque Amount - 0101 r5 PB LIBRARY REPAIRS - CEILING 1,/1il2008 I Cheque Amount - OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS22995 BATTERIES 001335 FUTUREMED HEALTH CARE 11t28t2008 I Cheque Amount - 1290428 SUPPLIES 1210512008 I Cheque Amount - OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518351986 SHOP TOWELS. FLOOR MATS 'I2I11I2OO8 I Cheque Amount- 000376 GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH, reimburse overpaymen FILE#C08-1260 - BOGART 64.36 800,00 8,351.78 64.36 005692 005693 005695 005696 005698 005699 005700 005701 800.00 45.25 005694 103.88 005694 149.13 5,382.42 5,382.42 42.00 42.00 24.33 005697 24.33 27.12 27.12 r 90.34 12t16t2008 I 190.34 35.00 Cheque Amount - OOO377 GILLES THERRIEN 375 V.C.C. - EAVESTROUGH DRATN 12t1112008 r 35.00 168.00 OOO99í HORVATH AUTO PARTS Cheque Amount -168.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 216 of 287 2008.08.'t9 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211812008 1211812008 12:37PM 187017 I 871 00 187116 187621 1 00570005 1 005701 05 VINYL LETTERING HEADLIGHTS FLASHERS SUPPLIES DECEMBER'08 REMIT JAN'09 REMIT 't1t20t2008 1'v25t2008 1112512008 1211612008 18.08 005702 134.59 005702 s7.63 005702 76.32 005702 Cheoue Amount - 1210512008 12t10t2008 1211012008 1211012008 1211012008 12t11t2008 1210512008 1211012008 1211112008 12t10t2008 1211012008 286.62 367.07 '182.18 76.57 286.31 424.92 56.07 100.50 280.51 62.09 220.21 693.59 005703 005703 005703 005703 005703 005703 005703 005703 005703 005703 005703 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 00240-14793Dece UTILITIES-GARAGE 06460-08880Dece UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY 12660-62007Dece UTILITIES - MED BLDG 15773-68016Dece UTILITIES-PUMP#S 25260-09578Dece UTILITIES-OFFICE 53993-93004Deceq UTILITIES-PUMP#4 68850-12275Dece UTILITIES - PB GARAGE 68860-0801SDece UTILITIES - STRAF FIREHALL 73394-81003Dece UTILITIES-PUMP#3 86590-87008Dece UTILITIES-PUMP#2 87640-15034Dece UTILITIES-S.C.C. Cheque Amount - 001469 JACOB FROESE refund REFUND GRADING DEPOSIT 12t15t2008 I OOO518 KWIK KOPY PRINTING 23823 BUSINESSCARDS OO147O LEANNWALSH reimburse PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES 000569 M &LSUPPLY, FIRE&SAFETY 0000111419 cREDtT-CSAOUTLET OOOO1 1 .I440 CREDIT . QUICK CUT BLADE OOOOIl2OOO MASKWTH HEAD HARNESS 0000112424 ADAPTER 0000112440 4"ADAPTER OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 08114t2008 08t15t2008 1010812008 1112612008 11t27t2008 Cheque Amount - 12t12t2008 I 500.00 't58.14 2,750.02 500.00 005704 005705 005706 005707 005707 005707 005707 005707 005708 005708 Cheque Amount - 12t16t2008 I 158.14 821.57 Cheque Amount -821.57 -479.12 -33.85 241.17 ',l54.68 187.06 c c I I I Cheoue Amount -69.94 5,648.'t0 3,542.65 12t05t2008 12105t2008 OOO581 MARVIN'S ROOF REPAIR Cheque Amount -9,190.75 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 217 of 287 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211812008 EAVESTROUGH CLEANING 12t16t2008 Cheque Amount - OOO6IO MINISTER OF FINANCE 063 ELGI .I04 MOH REFUND 12t',t5t2008 I Cheque Amount - 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN 101 10416026 SUPPLIES 1211712008 I Cheque Amount - 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 103434 GARBAGEDISPOSAL 11t30t2008 I Cheque Amount - 001007 oETc licence app 000699 PERRYGRANT refund 000706 PITNEY BOWES 8685001 12957 LICENCE - A SWANCE 1211712008 I Cheque Amount - REFUND GRADING DEPOSIT 1U1512008 I COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE OOO7IO PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE 6.463 BATTERIES 6485 LIGHÎS 6490 GLOVES 6496 DUCTTAPE 6498 CORDS 6504 CORDS, LIGHTS, LED OOO727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 11t13t2008 1112012008 11t21t2008 1112612008 1112612008 11t2812008 12t18t2008 '12:37PM 777.00 005709 777.00 132.00 005710 132.00 41.21 00571 I 33,768.75 115.00 005713 41.21 33,768.75 005712 005716 005716 005716 005716 005716 005716 00571 7 005718 00571 I 0057r9 115.00 500.00 005714 Cheque Amount - 1210512008 I 500.00 574.16 005715 Cheque Amount -574.16 11.29 221.56 6.77 4.49 31.62 68.12 Cheque Amount - 403895s42 COURIER SERVICE 1?/1212008 I Cheque Amount - OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Dcrn4516Q50000954119 GARBAGE FLYERS - CAN POST 1U03|20OB Dece45160500009541fgDOGTAGFLYERS-CANPOST 1111012008 Cheque Amount - OOO77O RODGERMARTIN #11 NOV'08 K-9 CONTROL 343.85 30.ô4 30.64 304.00 32't.79 625.79 I,155.0011t30t20:08 I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 218 of 287 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211812008 Cheque Amount - OOO814 SIFTO CANADA INC 72106339 BULK HIGHWAY COARSE 72108446 BULKHIGHWAYCOARSE Cheque Amount - 1211812008 12:37PM 1210312008 1211012008 1 ,155.00 2,612.91 005720 4,913.89 005720 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 7,526.80 84.70 005721 57.63 005721 00000021 91 0000002443 2008-270-09925 2008-270-09926 OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. 18'1016640 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED 273-2106196-9754)ec ANSWERING SERVICE 3 MONTHS RENTAL SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS SNOW BROOMS 1211512008 121't5t2008 OOI418 TELUS 005894762005t9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS 000886 THERRIEN'S EXCAVATING 374 INSTALL TANK OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 08-304 BUILDING INSPECTOR OOO914 TOWNSHIP SOUTH-WEST OXFORD 01 5894762005 CELL PPHONE CHARGES 01589476200512005876 CELL PHONE - P GROENEVELD 015894762005/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 015894762005/6365709 CELL PHONE. PB FIRE DEPT 015894762005/6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS 015894762005/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 015894762005/6366,198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 0'15894762005/6366368 CELL pHONE E ROLOSON 015894762005/63694M CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762005/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 016242498003 CELLPHONE-BKNIFTON Cheoue Amount -142.33 36.95 005722 8.54 005722 69.55 005722 42.77 005722 36.95 005722 38.65 005722 36.95 005722 44.69 005722 42.77 005722 47.63 005722 46.84 005722 31.3'f 005722 1112712008 1112712008 11t27t2008 11t27t2008 11t27t2008 1112712008 1'.v27t2008 11127t2008 1',1t27t2008 11t27t2008 1112712008 1210512008 Cheque Amount - 12t11t2008 I 483.60 735.00 005723 Cheoue Amount - 1210912008 I 735.00 199.92 005724 Cheque Amount -'199.92 625.41 005725 2,225.50 005725 1211812008 12t18t2008 Cheoue Amount - 12115t2008 I 2,850.91 117.48 00s726 Cheque Amount -117.48 805.73 005727UTILITIES - E.C.C.12109t2008 I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 219 of 287 2008.08.r9 6.3 9050 273-2106243-0725ùec UTILITIES - PUMP#1 000966 WEBER'S WELDING & MFG 13074 PARTS MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211812008 1211812008 12:37PM Cheque Amount - 1U15t2008 I 823.58 193.76 Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total -u,723.84 Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 220 of 287 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 01/08/2009 1:33PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 OOOO34 AGO INDUSTRIES INC 373964 SAFETYCLOTHING 1211812008 I 3,19'1.72 005729 Cheque Amount - 3,191.72 000036 AGRO SPRAY LIMITED 167414 CHEMWASH TANK 12t09t2008 I 178.45 005730 Cheoue Amount - 178.45 001337 AROUNDABOUT BAYHAM 911 ad 911 AD 1212912008 I 30.00 005731 ChequeAmount- 30.00 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 408-89 RENEWAL - E BRADFTELD 12t04t2008 I 157.50 005732 Cheque Amount - '157.50 OOOO79 AYLMER GLASS & MIRROR 08974 TNSTALL WTNDOW F|LM 12t19t2008 I 2,400.00 005733 Cheque Amount - 2,400.00 OOOO81 AYLMER TIRE 0000049647 REPAIRTIRE 0000049895 T|RE DTSPOSAL Cheque Amount - 862.67 00127'I BRENDAGIBBONS course fees REIMBURSE COURSE FEES 1213'112008 I 320.25 005735 Cheoue Amount - 320.25 001473 C.I.E. CHAMPION INDUSTRIAL 013187 GRANULAR VALVE DRTVER 12t12t2008 I 389.85 005736 Cheque Amount - 389.85 OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 1U1812008 I 73.93 005734 1213012008 I 788.74 005734 1210312008 I 90.98 005737 't210412008 I 2,077.09 005737 1210812008 I 44.02 005737 12t10t2008 I 352.79 005737 4984 DRIVETRAIN 4987 TUNE-UP, E TEST 5000 LoF 5022 REAR TIRES Cheque Amount - 2,564.88 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 108778 WATER BOTTLES 12t31t2008 I 80.00 005738 Cheque Amount - 80.00 OOO160 CANONCANADAINC. 6088178 QUARTERLY BILLING 1211912008 I 542.80 005739 Cheoue Amount -542.80 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 221 of 287 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 01/08/2009 1:33PM OO123f CENTRAL ELGIN FIRE RESCUE o42to8 BATTERIES - FORD WATER TOWE '.t211712008 I 93,44 005740 Gheque Amount - 93.44 OOO.I91 CLASS A FIRE & RESCUE 23624 HEADLIGHTS 000218 CUPELOCAL3S Dec08 remit UNION DUES Cheque Amount - 2564.8 Pß1n008 I 370.88 005742 ChequeAmount- 370.88 OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 10302 HYDRO EXCAVATE, STORM SEWE 12108/2008 I 992.25 005743 '10349 VAC-OUTS 1212612008 I 2,945.25 005743 Cheque Amount - 3,937.50 OOO235 DAVE LIPPERT FUELS LTD 19394 GREASE 11t1312008 I 95.74 005744 Cheque Amount - 95.74 001329 DAVIDSON GENERAL REPAIR 114101 FUEL PUMP, REPAIRS 1212912008 I 764.55 005745 Cheque Amount - 764.55 OOO255 DEREHAM FORGE 29293 BRASS PT.ATES 1211712008 I 17.97 005746 Cheque Amount - 17.97 OOI475 DIANNE BOOTLE repairs CURTAIN REPAIRS - V.C.C. 1213112008 I 125.79 005747 Cheque Amount- 125.79 000263 DINGLE LINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 759 REPAIR SNOW PLOW 1211812008 I 1,711.65 005748 Cheque Amount - 1,711 .65 POSTAGE 12t3112008 I 1.050.00 005749 Cheque Amount - 1,050.00 001026 DR. C. L. LEATHERDALE oo2 Nov08 CoLLABoRATION FEE 1213112008 I 800.00 005750 ChequeAmount- 800.00 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-8641È0 HOSES, CRIMPS 1211712008 I 98.16 005751 f-86557-0 CRIMPS. HOSES 1212412008 I 32.99 005751 000001 DPoc 001 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 222 of 287 2008.08.r9 6.3 9050 000276 E.S. HUBBELL & SONS LIMITED 6080 6117 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 Cheque Amount - 0l/08/2009 1:33PM SIGN POSTS WNG BI.ADE, BOLTS 1U12t2008 1A23t2008 13'1.15 1,637.94 005752 2,581.99 005752 001179 EAGLE SIGNS & GRAPHICS 392 000284 ED ROLOSON 0008572D OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTts23200 oNTts232l2 oNTts23288 LETTERS GIáSSES PARTS EXIT SIGN PARTS Dec0'1181-23005 Dec'|2650-91004 Decl 8850-1 2458 Dec1897144027 Dec18971-52001 Dec25250-12302 Dec25390-07266 Dec25390-55002 Dec28799-40004 Dec34853-01007 DecA3850-12451 Cheque Amount - 1A0212008 r 4,219.93 67.47 005753 005754 005756 005757 005757 005758 Gheque Amount - 12t17t2008 r 67.47 275.00 Cheque Amount - 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90193659 ALUM SULFATE 000376 GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH, CO8-366 MOORE BRIDGE - SORENY File No.C0-1'148 LEGAL SERVICES OOO4I9 HOBARTFOOD EQUIPMENT 7712730 THERMOSTAT OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Gheque Amount - 1211012008 I 336.80 50r.30 Cheque Amount - 1212912008 12t03t2008 501.30 1,585.42 110.45 Cheque Amount - 12t29t2008 r 1,695.87 509.68 UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE UTILITIES - PUMP#8 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES - OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - VIENNA STL UTILIITIES - PB STL UTILITIES - PUMP#1 UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES - PB CENTEN PARK Cheque Amount -509.68 43.68 005759 124.37 005759 140.80 005759 39.04 00s759 96.97 005759 73.55 005759 526-8't 005759 1,5ô4.55 005759 220.45 005759 156.64 005759 75.97 005759 1U31t2008 1213',112008 12t31t2008 12t31t2008 1213112008 12131t2008 1211612008 1211612008 12t31t2008 1213112008 1213112008 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 223 of 287 Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 Dec5022l-05009 Dec50250-12458 DecS6450-1 2330 Dec€2396-22001 Dec62790-07266 Dec75250-12272 Dec81590-07297 Deeß7770-200'12 Dec87790-07295 Dec9385ù12278 Dec93850-91 01 9 Dec93970-20342 000217 tBtGROUP 200196 201372 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 01/08/2009 1:33PM UITILITIES - SEWER PLANT UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT IáUNCH UTILITIES - STRAF STL UTILITIES. RCHMD STL UTILITIES - PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - EDEN STL UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - CORINTH STL UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PUMP#7 UTILITIES - V.C.C. 4,041.69 005759 96.35 005759 48.87 005759 977.81 005759 173.47 005759 183.44 005759 469.36 005759 80.91 005759 171.07 005759 182.59 005759 69.60 005759 471.27 005759 1211612008 1213112008 12t31t2008 1211612008 1211612008 12t31t2008 '1211612008 12t31t2008 12t16t2008 12t31t2008 12t31t2008 12t31t2008 Cheque Amount -10,029.26 1,496.82 005760 1,787.10 005760 12t15t2008 12t19t2008 OOí435 JOHN CRAIG CONSULTING 08080803 OOO498 KEN SPROUL 381 I 000506 KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD Job 08-8367-1 OOO5IO KI.ASSEN AUTO PARTS Cheque Arnount - CONSULTING - STRATEGIC PLAN 1211812008 I Cheque Amount - SNOWPLOWING 1?,31t2008 I Cheque Amount - SURVEY PT LOT 17 CON 3&4 12t17t2008 I Cheque Amount - CONSULTING FEES FERRY FEASIBILITY STUDY olL BULB FILTERS O.RING BULBS SNOW BRUSH WIPERS Fl-ASHERS WIPERS CLAMP, SAW BLADES WIPERS 3,283.92 1,207.50 005761 1,207.50 3,963.75 005762 005763 3,963.75 3,641.05 I -1 8690 I -1 9061 1-19184 1-19188 I -1 9505 1-1 9630 1-19752 1-19787 1-19797 1-l 9940 I -1 9980 11129t2008 12t06t2008 12t09t2008 1210912008 12t15t2008 '12t17t2008 12118t2008 1211912008 1211912008 12t23t2008 12t23t2008 3,641.05 54.10 005764 8.28 005764 49.78 005764 2.83 005764 12.49 005764 11.25 005764 68.21 005764 21.29 005764 34.10 005764 12.73 005764 34.10 005764 Cheque Amount -309.1 6 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 224 of 287 12t26t2008 I Cheque Amount - 12t29t2008 I Cheoue Amount - 6394 REGISTRATION FIRE COLLEGE 1212412008 I Cheque Amount - 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 1O5OO2 GARBAGE DISPOSAL OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 14126 CHECKPOWERSUPPLY OOO517 KROWN RUSTCONTROL 05680 REPAIR 00061O MINISTER OF FINANCE E12378-01 Dece E14212-OlDece E2238041Decæ 824200-01Decæ E45407-0lDece E4540901Dece E4541 0-01 Dece E5'1600{lDece F1 9290-01 Dece F20600{1Dece F268M-01Dece G0621 0-01 Dece G06305-01 Dece G06307-0'l Dece G'15700-01Dece G40407-01 Dece MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 UTILITIES - FIREHALL 'I2rIgpOOÙ I UTILITIES - MED BLDG 1211812008 I uTtLtTtEs - PUMF#s 1211812008 I uTtLtTtES - S.C.C. 1211812008 I uTtLtTtEs - oFFtcE 12118t2008 I uTtLtTtES -PUMP#2 1211812008 I uTtLtTtEs - LTBRARY 12t18t2008 r UTILITIES - GARAGE 1211812008 I UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM 1211912008 I uTtLtTtES - V.C.C. 12t19t2008 I uTtLtTtES - PUMP#6 1211912008 I UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY 12I2OI2OO8 I UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM 12I2OI2OO8 I UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL 12I2OI2OO8 I uTtLtTtEs - PB OPp OFFTCE 12t20t2008 I UTILITIES - PB WORKS GARAGE 12I2OI2OO8 I Cheque Amount - 01/08/2009 1:33PM 294.00 005765 294.00 196.35 005766 196.35 450.00 005767 450.00 936.18 005768 319.75 005768 1 1.09 005768 526.54 005768 486.97 005768 1'1.34 005768 102.83 005768 1,982.77 005768 358.25 005768 40.77 005768 13.40 005768 154.11 005768 459.73 005768 558.16 005768 10.79 005768 198.43 005768 12t31t2008 I 6,171.11 33,491.84 005769 005770 005770 005771 005772 000658 oMERS 04100 Dec '08 EMC123 DEC'08 REMIT INTEREST - GROUP O41OOO Cheoue Amount -33,49'1.84 16,696.34 21.20 12t31t2008 12t't5t2008 000661 0NTAR|O ASSOCTATTON OF '09 membershio 2OO9 MEMBERSHIP OO1 476 POLLAR HIGHWAY PRODUCTS Cheque Amount - 1213112008 I 16,717.54 55.00 Cheque Amount -55.00 2,745.9040684 GEOMELT 12t11t2008 I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 225 of 287 OOO71O PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE 6478 TAPE 2008.08,19 6.3 9050 6480 6501 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 341381 341382 341383 BLEACH CAULK DEC'08 CLEANING DEC'08 S.C.C. CLEANING DEC'08 V.C.C. CLEANING MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 Gheque Amount - Cheque Amount - 12t15t2008 I Cheque Amount - 1U16t2048 r Cheque Amount - 1212612008 I Cheque Amount - 12t12t2008 r Cheque Amount - 12t31t2008 I Cheque Amount - 01/08/2009 1:33PM OOO716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 05869492 OXYGEN, ACETYLENE 000718 PR|NCESSAUTO 372634 PARTS OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD 404001894 COURIERSERVICE OOO733 R&RREFRIGERATION KITCHEN COOLER OOO735 R.G. RYCKMAN TRUCKING LTD 1442 HAULING 20.38 274.56 005774 155.24 274.56 159.24 005775 005776 005777 005778 005780 005782 005783 23.47 2694 23.47 173.25 173.25 1,529.85 OOO742 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 21842 - Dec '08 DEC'08 REMIT 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT Dec00551 48374214837 WATER HEATER RENTAL 001474 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY 141634 Cheque Amount - 12t31t2008 r Cheque Amount - 1211512008 I Cheque Amount - TWO DOOR COOLER - S.C.C.1211712008 I Cheque Amount - 2,590.00 62.02 62.02 31.50 005781 31.50 4,211.51 OOO77O RODGER MARTIN #12 Dec'08 DEC'08 K-9 CONTROL 4,2't',t.51 1,260.001213112008 I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 226 of 287 Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 000806 SGS CANADA INC 10326154 LAB FEES 10326155 LAB FEES 10326156 t-AB FES 10326723 LAB FEES MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110812009 01/08/2009 1:33PM Cheque Amount - 1,260.00 Cheque Amount - 1,074.15 OOOB14 SIFTO CANADA INC 72107641 BULK HTGHWAY COARSE 1210812008 I 5,028.09 005785 72109748 BULK HIGHWAY COARSE 1211312008 I 2,662.51 00578s 72110735 BULK HTGHWAY COARSE 1211712008 I 2,462.82 005785 72111937 BULK HTGHWAY COARSE 1211912008 I 5,064.63 005785 72',112664 BULK HTGHWAY COARSE ',1212212008 I 5,296.96 005785 Cheque Amount - 20,515.01 OO13O5 SOLPIáN REVIEW 152681-08 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 1213012008 I 52.50 005786 Cheque Amount - 52.50 OOO827 SOUTHWESTERN FIRE PROTECTION 1500 ANNUAL INSPECTION 1113012008 I 1'18.08 005787 Cheque Amount - 'l '18.08 OOO992 STAUFFER MOTORS LIMITED 57033 BULBS 1211212008 I 44.07 005788 Cheque Amount - 44.07 000866 TAB 11097347 F|LE POCKETS - LEGAL 1213112008 I 90.67 005789 Cheoue Amount- 90.67 001272 TAK MECHANICAL 722 000870 TBSC 2448 2449 HOSE CONNECTOR 12t31t2008 I 230.95 005790 12t23t2008 I 273.00 005784 1212312008 I '174.30 005784 1212312008 I 64.05 005784 1212412008 I 562.80 005784 ChequeAmount- 230.95 REPLACE MODE KNOB 1211712008 I 47.71 005791 TNSPECT, CLEAN, BATTERIES 1211712008 I 64.14 005791 ChequeAmount- 111.85 OOO874 TEAMTRUCKCENTRES A283020100 WIPER ASSY 1012812008 I 66.93 005792 A283040005 CREDIT - WIPER ASSY 1013012008 C -66.93 005792 4283660042 P|PE SOCKETS. PARTS 1213',112008 I 186.49 005792 Cheque Amount -186.49 Page 7 Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 227 of 287 Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 001418 TELUS 015894762006 000886 THERRIEN'S EXCAVATING 372 373 376 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 01/08/2009 1:33PM CELL PHONE LATE CHRG 01589476200612005876 CELL PHONE - P. GROENEVELD 01s894762006/6r97656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 015894762006/6365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 015894762006/6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 015894762006/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 015894762006/6366,198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762006/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762006/6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762006/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 01589476200619021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 12t27t2008 12t27t2008 12t2712008 12t27t2008 12t27t2008 12t27t2008 12t2712008 12t27t2008 1212712008 12t27t2008 12t27t2008 8.56 005793 53.34 005793 41.87 005793 36.95 005793 37.63 005793 36.95 005793 45.82 005793 45.93 005793 45.71 005793 52.94 005793 36.95 005793 DRAIN REPAIRS SNAKE DRAIN SNAKE CULVERTS SMITH DRAIN SMITH DRAIN SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING Cheque Amount -442.65 9,534.00 005794 635.25 005794 1,144.50 005794 12t11t2008 141112008 12t11t2008 001472 TILLSONBURG FLEET SERVICES 162 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 08-31 3 OOO914 TOWNSHIP SOUTH-WEST OXFORD REPAIR PRIMER MOTOR 1211812008 I Cheque Amount - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1211212008 I Cheque Amount - Cheoue Amount -11,313.75 267.34 1213112008 1213112008 72.24 4,720.23 7,455.22 267.34 72.24 005795 005796 005797 005797 005799 2008-276-10033 2008-27e-10034 001324 UNDERHILL BROS 1726 1727 1729 1730 1733 1735 871 35 Cheque Amount -12,175.45 220.50 005798 299.25 005798 315.00 005798 630.00 005798 189.00 005798 157.50 005798 283.50 005798 11t22t2008 12t07t2008 12t17t2008 12t19t2008 12t21t2008 1212212008 12t24t2008 OOO947 VANDENBRINK FARM EOUIPMENT INC Cheoue Amount -2,094.75 55.94P143755 FILTERS 121',t712008 I Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 228 of 287 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01/08/2009 Cheque Amount - 12t18t2008 r Cheque Amount - 01/08/2009 1:33PM 55 94 OOO954 VIKING CIVES LTD 2613578 OIL LEVEL GUAGE OOO957 VOTH SALES &SERVICE LTD 55.87 005800 00001 7871 5 0000178732 00001 78740 00001 78758 00001 78801 0000178824 0000178826 00001 78827 0000't78830 0000178831 0000178842 0000'178843 00001 78844 0000'178848 00001 78852 00001 78883 BLOWER MOTOR RAIN CAP PLOWWHIPS BATTERY, TIRE GUAGE RAIN CAP - CHROME FITTINGS, ANNUAL SAFETY EMISSIONS TEST FITTINGS. ANNUAL SAFETY SAFETY. EMISSIONS, REPAIR EMISSIONS TEST ANNUAL SAFETY AIR FILTER, SPARK PLUGS, OIL SAFETY & SERVICE ANNUAL SAFETY REPLACE ALTERNATOR FITTINGS, HOSE, ENDS 1210912008 12t10t2008 12t11t2008 12t15t2008 't211812008 12t22t2008 1212212008 12t22t2008 12t22t2008 12t22t2008 1212212008 12t22t2008 1212212008 1U2312008 12t23t2008 12t29t2008 55.87 't73.13 005801 20.30 005801 433.65 005801 't92.09 005801 47.45 005801 3,612.78 00580'l 68.25 005801 1,038.65 005801 689.21 005801 68.25 005801 2,178.73 005801 663.61 005801 2,832.33 005801 649.16 00580'l 425.74 00580í 190.69 005801 OOO98I WILSON'S LAWN CARE Nov'08 SNOW REMOVAL 000986 WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314 Dec08 PREMIUMS 1625314 December DEC'08 REMIT OOO99O ZAP'S TREE AND LAWN SERVICE OOOOI23O TREE REMOVAL Cheque Amount - 1112212008 I 13,284.02 425.25 005802 005804 Cheque Amount -425.25 67.87 005803 2.486.92 005803 12t't2t2008 12t13t2008 Cheque Amount - 1212212008 I 2,554.79 1j0250 Cheque Amount -1,102.50 Cheque Run Total -186,839.80 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 229 of 287 80Rl¡l I'IUNIcIpALITy OF BAYHAH TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT 4,962.20 ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIESDAILY UPDATE REPORTCO]'IPANY TOTALS ADJ UST - CR CURRENT TOTAL 4,96?.20 L ,79I.79 4,493.24 969 , 05 L6,?I6 .28 35,02r.94 50.00 35,O7L,94 5L,288.22 I09.52 5,47 5r,403.01 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES ADJUST -DR RUN: ÐEC S0 2008 N0: APAGEz l?67GST REG: I000574IS RTOO04 COMPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: DEC S0, Z00B DATE 0F PAY: JAN Z, ZOog YTD TOTAL 8,962.2O FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAXL,79t.79 EI CoNT QPIP4,493.24 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 969.05 0N EHT 1.IB HET NL HAPSET L6,2L6.28 TOT STATS CHEQUES 55,02I .94 DEPOSITS US DEPS 50. OO DED DEPS 35,07L.94 TOT NPAY RRSP KI I 5L,2AA,22 TOT PAYROL r09.52 SERV CHRG 5.47 cST PST 5I ,403. O I GRAND TOT UNITS I CHARGE 46.00 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV IAX EI CONI QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT I.IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT r ,79t.79 4 ,493.24 969. 05 L6,216.?8 35 , O2r .94 50.00 35,07t.94 5l ,288.2? 109.32 5 .47 5I ,403. 0 I YTD ADJUST I TEIl PAYROLL RUNS ITEH UNITS SALARIED T¡IORKPAYS 20 PAY ADVICE FOLD 3I TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS ITEH UNITSCHARGE 50.40 6.20 HOURLY WORKPAYS II COURIER FEE I 109.32 51,403.0I DEBIT INFORI'iATI0N: 00S CHARGE 16.72 10.00 05I02 10t1925 Cheque Register being Cheques #5681 to Cheque #5804 inclusiv... Page 230 of 287 â/ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAF'F REPORT TO: Mayor & Council DATE: January 7,2009 FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer FILE: F SUBJECT: Yearþ Update to Bylaws NUMBER: F2009-01 Background Comments In order to maintain certain municipal financial affairs for 2009, two By-Laws require enactment at the beginning of each fiscal year. These By-Laws deal with the establishment of the lnterim Tax Levy and the authorization of borrowing funds to meet expenditures before tax and other revenues are received. We have not been required to bonow funds since 2004, however it is prudent to have the facilities in place should the need arise. As alwavs. staff would inform council of the need to borrow as soon as possible. Recommendation: That Council consider and enact the attached By-Laws, namely; ByJaw 2008-04 -A Bylaw to provídefor an Interim Tax Levyfor 2009, ønd, By-Law 2008-03 -A By-law to øuthoríze borrowingfrom time to time lo meet current expenditures durìng theftscøl year endíng December 31, 2009. Suzanna Dieleman Mantel. CGA Treasurer Respectfully submitted, Kyle Staff Report F2009-01 regarding Yearly Update to Bylaws. Fi... Page 231 of 287 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-003 BEING ABY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE BORROWING FROMTIME TO TIME TO MEET CURRENT EXPENDITURES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR EI\IDING DECEMBER 31,2009. s.407, provides authoritY for a are collected, and until other municipality for the Year, AND WHEREAS the total amount which may be bonowed from all sources at any one time to meet the current expenditures of the municipality, except with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Boa¡d, is limited by Section 407 of the Municipal Act. NO\ry THEREFORE TIIE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORA.TION OX'THE MI]¡ÛCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: Borrowing Authority fnstruments Lenders Limit on Borrowing Borrowing I)ocuments Required l) The head ofCouncil and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance during the year 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the current year) such sums as may be necessary to meet, until the taxes are collected, and until other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the municipality and the other amounts that are set out in section 407 of the Municipal Act. 2) A promissory note or bankers' acceptance made under Section I shall be signed by the head ofCouncil or such other person as is authorized by by-law to sign it and by the Treasurer, 3) The lenders from whom amounts may be borrowed under authority of this by-law shall be the Royal Bank of Canada a¡rd such other lender(s) and reserve funds of the municipality as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Council. 4) The total amount which may be borrowed at ariy one time under this byJaw, together with the total of any similar borrowings that have not been repaid, shall not exceed, from January lst until September 30th ofthe current yea¡, 50 percent ofthe estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. Such borrowing shall not exceed, from October lst until December 31st ofthe current year,25 percent ofthe said estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. For purposes of this by-law, the estimated revenues of the municipalþ shall not include revenues derivable or derived from (a) borrowings or issues ofdebentures, or (b) a surplus, including anears of levies, or (c) a transfer from the capital fund, reserve funds or reserves. 5) The Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borowed under this by-law, ensure that the lender is or has been fumished with a certified copy of this byJaw, a certified copy of the resolution mentioned in Section 3 determining the lender if applicable and a copy of the estimates of the corporation adopted for the current year and also showing the total ofany other amounts borrowed from any and all sources under authority of Section 407 ofthe Municipal Act, 2001 that have not been repaid' Staff Report F2009-01 regarding Yearly Update to Bylaws. Fi... Page 232 of 287 When Estimates Not Adopted Charge on Revenues and Directive to Treasurer Effective Date e) 6) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-003 Page2 Ifthe estimates for the current year have not been adopted at the time an amount is borrowed under this by-law. (a) the limitation on total bonowing shatl be calculated for the time being upon the estimated revenues of the municipality as set fofh in the estimated adopted for the previous year' and O) the copy furnished under Section 5 shall show the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the previous year. All or any sums borrowed under this bylaw shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole ofthe revenues ofthe municipalþ for the current year and for any preceding years as when such revenues are received but such charge does not defeat or affect and is subject to any prior charge then subsisting in favow of any other lender. The Treaswer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all or any sums borrowed under this byJaw, together with interest thereon, all or any of the money hereafter collected or received, either on account ofor realized in respect ofthe taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such pulpose' This byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon date of passing. 7) 8) Read a first, second and third time and linally passed this 15th day of January 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2009-01 regarding Yearly Update to Bylaws. Fi... Page 233 of 287 THE CORPORATION OF' TI{E MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\ry NO. 2009-004 ABY-LAWTO PROVIDE FORAN INTERIM TAXLEVY \ilIIEREAS Section 317 of The Municipal Act,200I, Chapter 25, S.O.2001, as amended, provides for a¡r interim levy for 2009 on the assessment of property in the municipality rateable for local municipal pu{poses, subject to certain restrictions; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable and expedient that such a levy should be made; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That for the year 2009, the interim tax levying amounts to be levied, raised and collected on all real property taxable within the residential, farmland, pipeline, multi-residential, commercial and industrial classes, and liable to pay the same according to the last revised assessment roll, shall be fiffy (50) percent (%Q of the total amount of annualised taxes for municipal and school purposes levied on the propefy for the previous yeaÌ, that is for the year 2008. 2. The said interim tax levying amounts shall be due and payable in two instalments at the Municipality of Bayham Offrce at 9344 PIark Road, Straffordville, on or before the following dates: FIRST INSTALMENT SECOND INSTALMENT February 27,2008 May22,2008 Notice of such taxes due shall be sent by first class mail by the Tax Collector to those persons or firms liable for the payment of taxes. 5. That a charge as a penalty of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any outstanding taxes levied in 2009 shall be made on the first day of default and on the first day of eaci calenda¡ month thereafter in which default continues, until December 3l't 2009, arñ any such additional amount shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if it had been originally imposed with and formed part of such levy. 6. That interest of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any taxes due and unpaid after December 31, 2009, shall be charged on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which the default continues. 7. That taxes may be levied, in accordance with the provisions of this byJaw on the assessment of property that is added to the assessment roll after this byJaw is passed, 8. That the provisions of the Municipal Act with respect to the levy of the yearly rates and the collection of taxes apply mutatis mutandis to the levy of rates and collection of taxes under this byJaw. 9. That this byJaw shall become effective as ofthe lst day ofJanuary 2009' READ A X'IRST AND SECOND TIME this 15th day of January 2009. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of January 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2009-01 regarding Yearly Update to Bylaws. Fi... Page 234 of 287 9/ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer SUBJECT: Council Remuneration & Expenses DATE: January 7,2009 FILE: F03.03 NUMBERzF2009-02 Background Comments Pursuant to section 284(l) of the Municipal Ac!2007, a Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for all the Members of Council is to be submitted each year to Council for information purposes. Remuneration was made to council under the authority of s.283 of the Municipal Act. Itemized below are the remuneration and expenses for each Member of Council for the year 2007. Expenses include mileage paid to individual councilors. Lynn Acre Cliff Evanitski Mark Taylor Ed Ketchabaw Wayne Casier Taxable $10,456.13 $ 7,841.13 $ 6,099.00 $ 6,099.00 $ 6,099.00 s 36,594.26 Expenses $ 5,228.18 8 3,920.56 $ 3,049.50 $ 3,049.50 $ 3,049.50 s18,297.24Total Recommendation: TIIAT Staff Report F2009-02 be receivedfor information. Respectfully submitted, Dieleman Mantel, CGA Staff Report F2009-02 regarding Council Remuneration & Expen... Page 235 of 287 Page 236 of 287 December 9, 2008 Jean Mayor, CEO Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 90 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 200 Toronto, ON M2N 044 Dear Jean Mayor: RE: LOTTERY LlcENStNc - REQUEST FoR pRocESs srREAMLtNtNc FILE NO.: P09.cE At a meeting held on December 8, 2008, the Council of the Municípality of Clarington approved the following resolution #GPA-698-08 seeking your endorsement: 'WHEREAS The Executive Council, under the recommendation of the Lieutenant. Governor, issued Order in Council 1413t08 r,egarding lottery schemes; AND WHEREAS the Order in Council 1413t08 provides the Municipality the option to issue lottery licences provided that those licences are issued within the Regístrar's requírements, the proceeds from the lottery scheme will be used for a charitable objects or purposes providing a direct beneiit to the residents of Ontario, and the proposed event will be conducted in accordance with the Gaming Control Act, 1992 and its regulations; AND WHEREAS By-law 94-30, as amended, provides for the licensing of lottery events within the Municipality of Clarington; AND WHEREAS charitable organizations within our community rely heavily on volunteers from the community at large in crder to organlze théir various íunctions and activities; AND WHEREAS many of our charitable works within our community are funded through various lottery activities; AND WHEREAS the regulations set forth by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario are very onerous, strict and time consuming for the charitãble organizations and the lottery licensing officers wíthin the Municipal Clerk's Department; AND WHEREAS it is understood that these strict rules are enforced to ensure that the lottery proceeds are applied towards approved charitable works; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Copy of Correspondence dated December 9, 2008 from Corporati... Page 237 of 287 Jean Mayor CAG*mea C: Premier Dalton McGunity John O'Toole, MPP Durham Ontario Municipalities December 9, 2008 AND WHEREAS the charitable organizations are finding it increasingly difficult for their volunteers to take on the necessary functions to comply with the AGCO's Terms and Conditions respecting lottery events; AND WHEREAS in 2005 the AGCO initiated a project to modernize charitable gaming with the focus being on eight key areas for review including "streamlinig/simplifying administration"; AND WHEREAS staff have previously submitted comments and recommendations, in response to the AGCO's survey, a component of their modernizing project, proposing options for streamlining and simplifying the application and reporting process; AND WHEREAS no improvements have been made to streamline or simplify the application, reporting or administration processes respecting Break Open Tickets or Raffles; NOW THEREFOR BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington request the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to expedite its Modernization of Charitable Gaming Project, in particular the application, reporting and administration processes respecting Break Open Tickets and Raffles; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, John O'Toole, MPP, and all municipalities within Ontario seeking their endorsement. Yours truly, Copy of Correspondence dated December 9, 2008 from Corporati... Page 238 of 287 Phone: (519) 842-9000 Fax: (519) 8424727 Email: msc@ocl.net Tillsonburg & District Multi-Seruice Centre (MSC) The Livingston Centre 96 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 341 www.thelivi nqstoncentre.com December 15, 2008 Mayor Lynn Acre, Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 ' Dear Mayor, Councillors & Municipality Staff: Th¡rty years have gone by so quickly! As we enter our 31st year of operations, the Multi-Service Centre (MSG) would like to, once again, update you on the positive impact the Adult Basic Literacy program is having in the lives of Bayham residents. The MSC Adult Basic Literacy program has been a part of the Multi-Seruice Centre since 1987, and has provided 1 13,657 hours of direct assistance to students over those 21 years. One trend program personnel have witnessed over those years is the increasing importance of literacy skills linked to employability - especially noteworthy this year in light of local economic conditions. We are requesting your consideration in upcoming budget deliberations. The Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities funds a portion of the required budget. However, MSC Adult Basic Literacy must raise additional funds every year in order to meet needs. We attempt to raise those additional dollars (this year $39,387.00) through municipal grants (from some of our surrounding municipalities), fundraisers (e.9., the Food & Farce held every February), draws, and our annual donor campaign. The bulk of the dollars we raise goes toward providing instruction to students, volunteer support (recruitment, training, orientation, ongoing superuision) and the purchase of materials (tutor references and student library resources). The MSC Adult Basic Literacy program has 2.39 full-time equivalent staff and, at present, 71 volunteer tutors. The amount we need to fundraise to support AREA students, linked to the proportion of the students assisted so far from Bayham in 2008/09, would amount to $3.624.00. Any support you could provide would be appreciated. Please see the attached statistics sheet. Mission A community opanization committed to supporting personal independence through: e lnnovative and responsive resources o Pa¡fnerships and collaboration e Striving for excellence Vision Embracing Personal lndependence C Celebrating a Caríng Community Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 239 of 287 The base budget from the Ministry remains stable but has not increased for ten years - even though contact hours increased by 43o/o between fiscal year 2003104 and 2004/05 and demand remains high. Our Municipal Grants Presentation Team would be happy to make a presentation to Municipality of Bayham Council. Municipal dollars help us to diversify and leverage our funding base and we enjoy the opportunity to appear before Council, explain our needs, and answer any questions. ln an era of shrinking/status quo base budgets, local suppoft is truly valued. We certainly appreciated past support from Bayham over the years and hope that you will consider the MSC Adult Basic Literacy program in upcoming budget deliberations. Sincerely, :tor 7/t øt¡¡,ttn fanobrrb/.5/*' Maureen Vandenberghe Communications & DeveloPment CoordinatorM-l : C: Wendy Woodhouse, Adult Basic Literacy Coordinator (MSC) Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 240 of 287 Tllsonburg & D¡süict ber 2008: Adult Basic Number of Students *Hours of Service* 16 358.25 Comparison figures from fiscal year April 2007 to March 2008 (total geographic area served): " Number of Students: 187** Hours of Seruice: 6,926 Comparison figures from físcal year April 2008 to September 2008 (total geographic area served): " Number of Students: 150*" Hours of Seruice: 3.913,25 Program and Outcomes lnformat¡on Adult Basic Literacy (MSC) Program Stat¡st¡cs and Facts: Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, and as a result of the Oxford Literacy Community Planning process, which identified a need in the Woodstock area. Basic Skill Levels (LBS) are standards developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. There are five standards - roughly equivalent to grades 1 to 12. The MSC ABL program serves those clients that are primarily at levels 1 and 2. providing volunteer tutors to students, the program offers small classes, computer upgrading and on-line learning opportunities. and Universities funding. This is done through request for Municipal Grant suppoft, fundraising events, ticket sales and donations. financial assistance from Ontario Works upon program exit. Ë Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 241 of 287 Adult Basic Literacy Student Profile: Joseph Joseph has been working with a volunteer tutor since January of 2007. As a child, Joseph attended six years of schooling in Mexico, All instruction was in the German language. He has noted that, while he enjoyed learning, his school experience was not always positive. When he was able to secure employment, Joseph left school. Joseph has been in Canada for over 20 years and has been employed as a Farm Manager for L2 of those years. Joseph's responsibilities include all aspects of farm management: updating logs, compiling statistics, completing forms and safety information, and caring for the animals. Joseph enjoys his job and wishes to retain his employment. However, Joseph was finding it difficult to fulfill his employment obligations and felt that he would have more confidence if he could upgrade his literacy skills. Since January 2007, Joseph and his tutor have met regularly to work on literacy skills and workplace goals. Through the use of literacy resources and authentic workplace materials, Joseph is now more able to complete his job-related duties. He is also happy to report that upgrading literacy skills has allowed him to read notes left by his wife, read to his grandparents, follow a map/ and use his pager. All of these skills were once very difficult for Joseph to do without help from others. Joseph is grateful that he is now more independent. Joseph's employer has noted the positive difference in his literacy skills and has offered to reimburse Joseph for resources which he successfu I ly com pletes. Joseph's-success is motivating him to continue his literacy upgrading...both on the job and in daily life. 2 Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 242 of 287 Municipolity of Boyhom Municipol Gronl/Assislonce Applicolion Form A. Nome of Orgonizolion ond Moiling Address: Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre (in The Livingston Centre) 9ó Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg, ON N4G 3Al Conlocl Person: Moureen Vondenberghe Telephone: (5,l 9) 842-9008, exl. 270 Cotegofies of Requesl for Assislonce Finonciol Gront Fee Woiver Sioff Support Equipment/Moteriols Su pply lnsuronce Coveroge Use of Municipol Properly/Fociliiies Other Position: Communicotions & Development Coordinotor B.(check oppropriote boxes) :' ø (3,624.00) tr tr tr tr tr tr a a a a a a a C. Deloils of Requesl for Assislonce: Note: if this opplicotion includes ony ossistonce other thon direct finonciol gront, pleose outline detoils of request {i.e., type ond estimoted hours of stoff support; focilities to be used; dotes; etc.): Not opplicoble. D. Purpose of Gront/Assislonce: (i.e., services to be provided, donotions, etc.): Gront funds will be opplied directly to Boyhom residents receiving ossistqnce in the Adult Bosic Literocv progrom (see ottoched stotistics sheet). E. Orgonizolion Bockground: 1. Provide o brief oulllne of the orgonizofion indicqting if it is incorporoled os o non-profil orgonizolion: The lllsonourg & District Multi-Service Centre (hereofter refened to qs MSC) hos been operoting since 1978 - 30 yeors of operotion. The primory historicol purpose of fhe orgonizotion wos to ensure thot services were ovoiloble in the locql community for rurql ond smoll community residenls. The first seryices offered were in the oreos of informotion ond home support lo seniors. The present configurotion of services evolved over time (see #2 below). Coordinotion of other seryices (í.e., bringing other seryices into the community) hos been qnoiher importont historicol role of the ogency. The most recent qdditions to progromming include ihe Home qt losl (HAt) qnd Assisted living in the Community (AtCom) services. Home of Lost (HAL) is o free service for seniors (ó5+) to help them get sofely settled in qt home ofter q hospitol stoy or emergency room visii. The gool of 'Assisted Living', olso of no chorge to clients, is to help seniors remoin in their own homes. The orgonizotion is on incorporoted, registered chority. Municipol Gronl Applicotion Form: Boyhom, 09/10 lìllsonburg & Districl Multi-Service Centre Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 243 of 287 Adult Bosic Literocy (ABL) become o progrqm offered through ihe MSC storting in 1987, ofter o survey conducted in ,ì98ó demonstroted ihere wqs o need in this oreo for such progromming. A recent, comprehensive progrom review (by the core funder, the Ministry of Troining, Colleges ond Universities) found the ABL progrom to be operoting of o very high level ond described it os "q model for the Þrovince". 2. The generol objecfives/services of lhe orgonizofion: Mission: A community orgonizotion committed to supporting personol independence through: Vision: Embrocing Personol lndependence o Celebroting o Coring Community. The MSC provides the following progroms in three brood service oreqs: Adult Bosic Literqcv: One-on-One Tutoring, Smqll Groups (including the Literqcy Bridging lnitiotive), On-line Leorning (Alpho Route); Employment Counsellino & Emolovment Services: Resource Centre, Job Connect (youth), Adult Employment, Summer Jobs Service; qnd Home Support Services: Personol Support Services, Homemqking & Enqnds Service, Home/Yord Mqintenonce & Repoir, Meols on Wheels lFrozen Meols, Tronsporlotion (Wheelchoir & Non- wheelchoir), Foot ond Hond Core, Assisted Living in Supportive Housing (SH) & the Community (ALCom), Home ot Lost (HAL). 3. The number of volunteers porlicipoting in lhe orgonizolion: There continues to be over 200 volunieers (244in 2007 /08) involved in MSC octivities in the following oreos (oll ore screened ond receive orientotion/supervision):. Boord of Directors;o Meqls on Wheels (drivers ond runners);o Tronsportotion (drivers);. Foot Core clinic clinics (ossistonts to quolified delivery stoff);. Adult Bqsic Literocy (tutors - required to complete troining workshop; of present there ore Zl octive tutors);ondo Fundroising committees ond octivities. 4. Describe for whom the orgonizolion provides service: EI AII citizens - within the scope of progrom porometers ond funder guidelines in the tri-county oreo. ln the Adult Bosic Literqcy proorom: (the following ore provinciolly designoted requirements) students musl be residents of Ontorio; '19 yeors of oge or older (some exceptions opply for 17, 18 yeor olds if seeking employment ond there ore no other upgroding options ovoiloble); if individuqls qre second longuoge clients, they must be illiterote in their own longuoge ond students must be oble to communicote in orol English enough to be understood. The progrom focus is on providing Literocy Bosic Skill Levels (LBS) I ond 2 - there ore 5 levels developed by the Ministry of Troining, Colleges ond Universities roughly equivolent to grodes I to 12. There is on increosing emphosis on supporting employobility skills. tr A specific group tr A specific oreo Municipol Gront Applicotion Form: Boyhom, 09/10 lillsonburg & Dislricl Multi-Service Cenlre 2 Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 244 of 287 5. Describe the geogrophicol oreq in which the orgonizqlion operotes. The bulk of progromming is provided in the eosiern/south eostern portions of Elgin, the northern portion of Norfolk ond the southern holf of Oxford (with some exceptions). For some progroms, geogrophic scope of services is dependent upon funder guidelines ond expectotions os well os progrqm poromeiers. The Adult Bosic Literocy proorom provides progromming in the tri-county qreo. 6. Describe how the requesled gront funds will be ulilized within lhe orgonizotion. Funds will be directed toword Adult Bosic Literocy. The Adult Bqsic Literocy (ABL) progrom is portiolly funded by the Ministry of Troining, Colleges ond Universities. However, it hos olwoys been on historicol expectotion (on the port of the Ministry) thqt dollors must be leveroged with community support. This is the cqse in every community thot receives this type of funding. The requested gront will be directly opplied to the portion of the Adult Bosic Literocy budget thot we currently need to fund through gronts, donotions ond fundroising (equivolent to $39,000.00 onnuolly). Nine point fwo (9.2) percent of oll Adult Bosic Literocy progrom octivity from April to September, 2OO8 wos devoted to Boyhom students (1ó students, 358.25 hours of service). Boyhom gront dollors will be opplied directly to support those students: providing instruction ond volunteer support (recruitment, troining, orientotion, ongoing supervision) os well qs the purchose of mqteriols (tutor references, student librory resources, evoluotion tools). 7. Describe if the orgonizolion hqs requesled finqnciol qssislqnce in lhe lqsl l2 monlhs from olher government orgonizolions. Lisl qmounls received. Municipol gront funds, directed toword Adult Bosic Literocy, hove been received os follows in 2008:o Municipolity of Boyhom:. County of Elgin:. County of Norfolk. County of Oxfordo Township of South-West Oxford:o Townshio of Norwich: $0.00 $4,500.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $r,800.00 $e43.00 8. Describe lhe steps being token to increqse revenues (odmission fees, etc.). ln order to finonce progroms, which require community support (yeorly gool: $39,000.00), the MSC:o Appeols to locol municipolities every yeor (see #Z); o Holds o mojor fundroising event every Februory (the Food & Force on Feb. 21,2009) wilh the proceeds going toword Adult Bosic Literocy; . Orgonizes smoller fundroisers onnuolly (which includes speciol roffles); o Hos distributed loose cosh contoiners in the community; ond o Encouroges individuql ond group donotions. The Annuol Adult Bosic Liierocy Donor Compoign hqs o gool of roising $,l3,000.00 (we ore still in the midst of lhis compoign). We host on onnuol donor recognition recepiion of our Annuol Meeting every June. Note: there is no cost io students receiving literocy progrqmming. Students ore encouroged to purchose books, but there is on option to borrow books. Municipol Gront Applicolion Form: Boyhom, 09/10 Illsonburg & Dislrici Multi-Service Centre Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 245 of 287 9. Describe qny funding received from the Municipolity in prior yeors (ond how much). The omount received from Boyhom in yeors post is:o 2008o 2007. 2006. 2005o 2004:o 2003:. 2002:. 200]:o 2000:. 1999:. I 998:. 1997: $0.00 $0.00 $'r,220.00 $225.00 $1,000.00 $r,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $r00.00 $o 10. Describe whelher the orgonizqlion will ever be self'supporling. Pleqse refer to #8. The MSC intends to continue with qll efforts described in #8. The expectotion, on the port of the Ministry of Troining, Colleges ond Universities, is thot the community will support community progromming. 11. List lhe Execulive of lhe orgonizqlion.. Vol Foerster:. Suson Howe:. Morlene Pink: Choirperson Vice-Choirperson Executive Director 12. Submit qn eslimole of operoling revenues ond expendifures, for lhe orgonizolion's Adult Bosic Lilerocy progrqm, for lhe currenl fiscql yeor using the qtlqched form. Attoched. Dole: Ù-r', t5, zooS Nqme/Tille c Signolure(s): Telephone Number: (519) 842-9000 Municipol Gront Applicotion Form: Boyhom, 09/10 ïllsonburg & Disiricl Multi-Service Centre rg Applicqlion: Morlene Pink, Executive Directorr)\lb"þ) Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 246 of 287 Sources of Revenue From Operations (list separately) (lnclde ticket sales, user fees, fundraising events, service charges, etc.) Donations Statement of Revenues and Expenditures TILLSONBURG & DISTRICT MULTI.SERV¡CE CENTRE (name of organization) For the Year Ending March 31. 2008 2008/2009 Current Budget a Fundraising Program income Pay Equity Funding From Grants - include all municipal, provincial, federal ProvincialGrant Municipal Grants Other Total Revenues Expenditures Employmenht Costs: Waqes and benefits Administration Costs: (List separately) lnclude utilities, maintenance, supplies, repairs, permit fees, etc. Operating expenses Facility & equipment rent Proqram & office expenses Volunteer development Administrative costs Staff development Donations etc. List All: (lndividuals donations may be summarized Total Expenditures: Surplus/Deficit: Surplus/Deficit from prior year Cash on hand: 12.000 9,365 83,1 00 8,243 879 $ 120,587 1.987 7,548 16,967 5,179 2,376 6,576 1.219 131,852 200712008 Last Year Actuals $ 7,555 8,898 1,200 9,365 100,200 11,000 138.218 87,149 11,194 1,788 616 137.718 461 2.257 Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 247 of 287 '-u Correspondence dated December 15, 2008 from Tillsonburg & Di... Page 248 of 287 What are The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards? < vsa ( Honours and Awards Sk¡p to content PageT o12 FRANçAIS nÒL MINISTBY OF CITIZENSHIP ANt] IMMIEHATION I{EWS í PUBLICATIONS i CONTACTl*AEOUT THE I,IINISTRY HOI,IE > HOIIOURS AIID AWARDS > VSA LEARTI IIORE A About Honours e Awards r9 Ametlryst Awards ls H¡lary l.l. weston Scholarchlp â James Bartleman Aborlglnal Youth Cr€âUYe Wrfüng Awards Q ,une Galtwood Outstand¡ng Achlevement Award C LleutenantGovernor Communlty Volunteer Awards for Stud€nts 3 Uncoln l,l. Alexander Awards {9 ilewcomer Champlon Awards 5 ontario lledal for F¡reflghter Bravery !Ð ontarlo lledal for cood c¡t¡zenshlp O Ontarlo ltledal for Pol¡ce BraYery 13 Ontario lledal for Young volunteers ä Order of Ontãrlo ä S€nlor Ach¡evement Awards O sen¡oroftheYear O volunteer Servlce Awards Ü Canada Day tÐ Remembrance Day Ë Contact Us MINISTRY PROGRAI,IS Ð t¡v¡ng !n Ontar¡o l3 worklng ¡n ontario iÐ volunteerlsm ã Honours eAwards 'Search Advanced Search RESOURCES . News Release . ceremony Dates AWARD RECIPIEI{TS ë Aükokan tÐ Aylmer O Earrle ia Bellevllle O Brantford S chatham ê cobourg Ð oryden ã Fort Frances ê Hamllton I Q Ham¡lton 2 |c ttuntsvllle A Kngston #1 ã Klngston #2 ã Kítchener â tlndsay (D London O t{arkham |9 tllssissauga 3 iliagara Falls 1 ã Niagara Falls 2 ã North Bay {A Orlll¡a O oshawa {! ottawa I ã ottawa 2 J owen Sound lã Petawawa {! Peterborough ê sarnla HONOURS AI{D AWARDS What are The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards? The Ontar¡o Volunteer Service Awards honour the thousands of people who generously contribute their time as volunteers across Ontario. These awards are an ¡mportant way to recognize volunteers who have provided serv¡ce ovel many yeals. Who are the award r€c¡Plents? Volunteers play a very ¡mportant role in ourquality of l¡fe. They help to build safe, caring and v¡tal communities, and donate their t¡me to help others. In fact, Ontarians donate more than f¡ve million hours of thelr time each year to organízations and communities across the province' Who can rece¡ve this award? The Volunteer Service awards are given to people who volunteer thelr time to a single organization for several years. About the nomlnees... Youth nom¡nees: + Must be under 24 years old and have volunteered with one group for at least 2 consecutive years. Adult nom¡nees: + Must have volunteered w¡th one group for at least 5 consecut¡ve years + 9 levels are awarded - at 5. 10, f5,20,25,30+,40+, 50+ and 60+ years of continuous sewice Adult and Youth nominees: + Must not have received payment for their volunteer work + Must be act¡ve beyond simple membership in an organization , Must not have performed the serv¡ces as part of their regular business or professional duties, How are recipients selected? Recio¡ents ar The Min¡stry then ensures the ¡ rate, and that the nom¡nees are eligible for an award. A letter is sent to conf¡rm that the nominat¡on has been reviewed and accepted. How are the awards presented? @ htþ ://www. citizenship. gov.on. calenglish./honours/vsa/y8t2009 Correspondence received from Ministry of Citizenship and Imm... Page 249 of 287 what are The ontario volunteer service Awards? < vsa < Honours and Awards Page2 of2 tú sudbury Ë Thunder Bay ià Timmlns 13 ToÌonto I lO Toronto 2 I Toronto 3 Ð vlttorla lÐ w¡ndsor DOWÍ{LOAD Volunteer Service Awards g l{omlnation- Introduct¡on @lomlnatlon Form (PDF) â HTl,lL l{omlnation Form Recipients are awarded pins and personal certif¡cates at special ceremonies It Sault Ste. Harie across OntaÌio, Different pins and cert¡ficates honour a variety of years of â _ service. Each recipient ¡s inv¡ted with a guest. every organizaiiJn ílãii"ã'ting rg scarborough a recipient is also invited to br¡ng two representatives to the award ceÌemony. I stratford omes and hospita s What does the award symbol¡ze? The Volunteer Service Award is a stylized Tr¡llium. The Tríll¡um is the offic¡al flower of Ontario. Can I nominate someone? Only organizat¡ons can enter nominations for the Volunteer Service Awards, Any organization that has been providing service for five years or more can nominate up to seven volunteers. For example, nominations are recelved from: + Not-for-prof¡t and non-prof¡t organizat¡ons and assoclatÌons + Co-operatives + Boards and comm¡ssions i Businesses t' Government ministries that recruit volunteers å Arts, educat¡onal and correctional lnstitutions and schools When ls the deadline? Nomlnations must be received by the end ofJanuary every year How should nomlnations be submltted? Nom¡nations are usually accepted between November and January 25, When nominations are be¡ng accepted for th¡s year, you will find a nomination form on this webslte ln Uotn B PDF and HTHL formats, Where can I get more lnformation? Do you have questions about Ontario's recognit¡on programs? Contact us at the Ontar¡o Honours and Awards Secretariat, IACI( TO TOP HOI'IE ! SEARCH ¡ COilTACT US i FRANçAIS ¡ ONTARIO.CA R''-[rorta¡o This site is maintalned by the Government of Ontar¡o Prlvacy ¡ hportant llot¡ces @ Queen's Printer for OntaÌ¡o, 2OO7 Last Modifìed: Decèmber 6, 2007 http : I I www. citizenship. qov. on. ca./enslish./honours/vsa/U812009 Correspondence received from Ministry of Citizenship and Imm... Page 250 of 287 TEE CORPORÂTION OF TEE MI]MCIPALITY O[' BÀYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-001 A BY-LAW REQUIRING AN EMERGENCT MÄNAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR TEN PROTECTION OF PUBLIC SAtrETY, ENA,LTE THE EIYVIRONMENI, TEF'. CRITICAL INFRASTRUCÍT'RE A¡ID PROPERTY. AND TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC STABILITY AND Ä DISASTER-RESILIENT COMMT'NITY WHEREAS, Subsection 3 (l) of the Emergency Manag€ment and Civil Protection Act RSO 1990, Chapter E.9, as amended, which requires the development and imple,mentation of an Emøgency Management Program by Council; AND IVHEREAS, this Act requires Île energency manag€mmt program to co¡form to stada¡ds promulgated by Emergency Management Onh¡io in accordance with intemational best practices, including the four co¡e compon€dts of emergency manageme,nt, namelSr mitigation/preventior¡ preparedness, response and recovery; and , also makes provision for the municipality and council to deveþ and implement an emergency management program to protect public safety, public healt\ the enviroornent the critic¿l i¡fraseucture and property, aûd to promote economic stability and a disaster- resilieat community. A¡ID ]VEEREÄS, this Act makes provision for the Head of Council to decla¡e that an emergency exists in the commuaity or in any part thereof and also provides the Head of Council with authority to t¡ke such action or make such orders as he,/she considers necessary and a¡e not conbary to laq to implemeot the emergency response plan and respond to an e.oøgency; AND ÌYHEREAS, the Act provides for the designation of one o¡ more members of council who may exercise the powers and perform the duties ofthe head ofCouncil. during his/hø absence or his/her inability to acq AND WEEREAS, the Act autho¡izes e,oployees of a community to respond to an emergency in accordance with the emergency response plan where ¿¡ emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist; NOW TEEREFOR.E, be it resolved: 1. TEÄT an Emergency Maûagøtreot Program be dweloped and implem€nted irr accordance witl the standanls published by Emergenoy Maûagement Onta¡io in accordance with intønational best practices; 2. TEÄT the He¿d of Council or designated altemate, os provided in the plan, be empowered to declare an emergetcy aod implernent the e,rrergency response plan; 3. THÀT certain appointed officials or their designated altemates, as provided in the approved community emergency ¡eqronse plan are empowered to c¿use dr emerge,ncy notification to be issued to membeß of the Community Conhol Group, and to reqrond to e,rrerge,ncy in accordance with the einergency response plan where an ønergency exists but has not yet been declared to exisü 4. TEAT aanually, the Bayham Community Emergency Progmm Comnittee will cause the ernergency response plan to be reviewed and to make such changes to its appetrdices as are considered apptopriate while referring all other changes to Council for fr¡rther review and approval. 5. TEÀT the emergency response plân attached hereto as Sche.dule ".{' of this By-Law is hereby adopted. By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 251 of 287 B/L2009-001 Pègez 6. TEA.T the following By-Laws and any ametrdnents thereto be reschdedlÞ By-Iaw200G113 Þ Any othø By-Iaw pertaining to Emergercy Management Program and Bmøgenoy Response Plan for the Municipality ofBayham 7. THAT this By-law shall be enacted and of fi¡ll force and effect rryon ûnal passing. READ Ä IIRST. SECOND AND TEIRD TIME AND EINALLY PASSEI' TEIS 15EDÄY oFJÑuARY2OO9. I ¡ ¡ By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 252 of 287 rse Plan By-Law 2009-001 Schedule A November 2008 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 253 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Definitions.............. ..........4 lntroduction........... .........7 The Authority...,.. ......7 The Aim. ..................7 General OverviewPopulation ................8Education. .....,......,...8 Medical Care. .........8 Protective Services. .................8 Public Utilities..... ....,...............,8Communications. . .....9 Conservation Authority.... ..,..........9 Emergency Medical Services. ...........9 Declaration of an Emergency Action Priorto Declaration.............. ......10 Municipal Emer9ency.............. ..............10 Termination of Emergency.. ...................11 Request for Provincial/Federal Assistance............ .......11 Control Group Operations Emergency Operation Centre.. ..............11 Communications Room....... ...................12 Operating Cycle....... ......12 Community Control Group Notification System. ...........12 Community Control Group.... .........13 Community Control Group Responsibilities......... ..........13 Gomposition of the Gommunity Control Group.. ..........15 Mayor/Acting Head of Council ..........,.....15Administrator...,.. ........15 Community Emergency Management Coordinator.,. ... . ... 1 5 WaterMastewater Superintendent ... ... 15 Manager of Public Works... .,..........18 Fire Chief ..........19 Police.... ......19 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 254 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 Public Utilities Representative. ....20 EMS (Ambulance) Representative... "'.'20 Health Unit.. ."...21 Communications Manager ..'..21 Support & Advisory Staff Conservation Authority..... ......21 Solicitor... ................-21 Provincial Ministry.. -.'..............21 Ontario Works. ."".22 Canadian Red Cross ...-...........22 Radio Emergency Service (A.R.E.S.) ....."-....23 St. John Ambulance... . . . ". ... -23 Salvation Army.. .....23 Other Officials, Experts, or Representatives.. .........24 On-Site Incident Commander............ -.............24 Media and Public Relations ............ ...............25 The Emergency Information Officer..... ...---'............25 On-Site Media Spokesperson......... .........26 The Citizen Inquiry Representative....... .....-.-......--.-.26 Public Information & Inquiry .....27 Evacuation P1anning.............. ..........27 Recovery Planning. ..-....-..27 PIan Review, Testing, and Maintenance.......... ----..........27 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 255 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 DEFINITIONS Administrator An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Administrator of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Am bulance Representative A designated representative of the Central Ambulance Communications Centre and/or Ambulance Service. Gitizen lnquiry Representative A person designated by Elgin County Ontario Works Agency responsible for establishing a Citizen Inquiry Service. Clerk An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Gommunity Gontrol Group (CCG) A designated group of individuals mandated to address the ongoing, or potentially expanding threat to the broader community, including health, safety and well being of persons; property and infrastructure; essential services; the environment; local economy, and to instill a level of confidence to the public. Community Emergency Management Goordinator An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Community Emergency Management Coordinator of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Deputy Glerk An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Emergency "emergency" means a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or othenruise; ("situation d'urgence") Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990 Emergency Area A geographic area within which an emergency has occurred or is about to occur, and which has been identified, delineated and designated to receive emergency response actions. 4 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 256 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 Emergency lnformation Officer (ElO) The E]merg"ncy lnformation Officer (ElO) will be appointed by the Community Control Group and is résponsible for coordinating the dissemination of information to the media, broader community and stakeholders. Emergency Management Program Gommittee A mañagement teãm appointed by Council to oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of the Municipality of Bayham emergency management program. Emergency Operations Gentre (EOG) A facility where the Community Control Group assembles to manage an emergency. Evacuation Gentre A facility to provide shelter, food and other services to a group of people who have been evacuated from an emergency area. Fire Representative An empìoyee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Fire Chief of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, or designated alternate. Head of Gouncil The elected Mayor or appointed Acting Mayor of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Health Representative The Elgin County Medical Officer of Health, or designated alternate. lnner Perimeter A restricted area in the immediate vicinity of the emergency area as established by the Emergency Site Manager. Access to the inner perimeter is restricted to those essential emergency personnel actively involved in response. Manager of Public Works An elñployee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Manager of Public Works of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. Media Information Centre A facility or location near, but not in, the Emergency Operations Centre where the media may assemble for media releases and press conferences. Ontario Works Representative The County of Elgin/City of St. Thomas Director of Ontario Works or designated alternate. By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 257 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 On-Site lncident Commander A public sector official or designate (usually fire, police, ambulance or public works) at the emergency area, responsible for coordinating resources and developing actions to resolve the emergency situation. On-Site Media Gentre A facility or location at or near the emergency area where the media may assemble for medía releases and press conferences. On-Site Media Spokesperson A person appointed by the Emergency Site Manager to coordinate the expedient and accurate dissemination of information to the media from the On-Site Media Centre. Outer Perimeter A designated geographic area within the emergency area located directly adjacent to the inner perimeter and serving as a coordination and assembly point for essential emergency personnel and equipment. Reception Gentre A reception centre is a facility usually located outside the emergency area and provides a place where evacuees can go to register, receive assistance for basic needs, information and referral to an evacuation center if required. Red Cross Representative A person designated by Canadian Red Cross responsible for supervising and coordinating all activities of the Canadian Red Cross during an emergency. Wate rMastewater S uperi ntendent An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed WaterMastewater Superintendent of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate. By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 258 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 INTRODUCTION THE PURPOSE The purpose of this plan is to provide elected officials, personnel, and emergency response agencies with an overview of the guidelines to their expected response and responsibilitles to an emergency situation within the Municipality of Bayham. For this plan to be effective it is imperative all officials, departments and agencies be aware of their respective roles and be prepared to carry out their assigned responsibilities. For the purposes of this plan, "emergencf' means a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportíons that could result in seríous harm fo persons or substansial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a drsease or other heatth risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or othenvise ("situation d'urgence. Emergency Management and Cívíl Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990 While many emergencies could occur within the Municipality of Bayham, the most likely to occur are: THE AUTHORITY The Province of Ontario has passed the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1gg|, which provides for the development and implementation of an emergency management program by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham. This Act makes provision for the Head of Council to declare that an emergency exists in the municipality and also provides the Head of Council with the authority to take such action or deliver such orders as he/she considers necessary, provided such action is not contrary to the laws which implement the emergency plan of the municipality. The Act also provides for the designation of one or more members of council who may exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Head of Council during his/her absence or inability to act' THE AIM The focus of this plan is to provide a guideline for the most effective response to an emergency situation in the Municipality of Bayham, and in so doing safeguard the health, safety, wéfare and property of its populace. This plan will govern the provision for requested services during an emergency. By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 259 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM POPULATION The population of the municipality is: 6727 (Statistics Canada Census 2008). The number of households is estimated at 2305 (Statistics Canada Census 2008). EDUCATION The Municipality's educational facilities consist of two (2) elementary public schools and two (2) private schools. MEDICAL CARE The Municipality is serviced by the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, Elgin-St. Thomas General Hospital, one full-time physician office in Port Burwell and one nurse practitioner in Straffordvil le, PROTECTIYE SERY/CES The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department provides fire protection seruices. Ontario Provincial Police is contracted to provide law enforcement services. PUBLIC UTILITIES Electricity Hydro One provides electricity. Natural Gas Natural Resource Gas distributes natural gas to areas south of the Hamlet of Eden and Union Gas to areas north of the Hamlet of Eden. Municipal Water The Elgin Area Primary Water System provides potable water to municipalities within Elgin County, St. Thomas and London. The Municipality of Bayham is responsible for maintaining the distribution systems for the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna. Richmond Community Water lnc supplies potable water to residents located in the hamlet of Richmond. Other areas of the municipality rely on well water for potable water resources Sewer/Septic The Municipality of Bayham operates and maintains a sanitary sewer system for residents in the geographic boundaries of the villages of Port Burwell, Straffordville and Vienna, and the hamlet of Eden. By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 260 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 COMMUNICATIONS Amtelecom and Bell Canada provide telephone and Internet service. Wireless phone service is provided by Rogers Communications, Bell Mobility and Telus. CONSERVATI O N AU T H O RITY Long Point Region Conservation Authority has jurisdiction over the waterways throughout the municipality. E M E RG EN CY M E D I CAt SERY'CES Emergency medical services and patient transportation services are provided primarily by Elgin-St. Thomas EMS (St. Thomas & Aylmer) and supplemented by both Oxford County EMS (Tillsonburg) and Norfolk County EMS (Langton) when necessary. I By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 261 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 DECLARATION OF AN EMERGENCY ACTION PRIOR TO DECLARATION When an emergency exists, but has not yet been declared to exist, municipal employees may take such action(s) under this emergency plan as may be necessary to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the Municipality of Bayham. MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY The Head of Council of the Municipality of Bayham is responsible for declaring a municipal emergency exists within the geographic boundaries of the Munícipality. This decision is made in consultation with other members of the Municipalíty of Bayham Community Control Group. Upon such declaration, the Head of Council shall: 1. Notify the County Warden; 2. Notify the Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services through Emergency Management Ontario 3. Notify Municipality of Bayham Council members; and 4. Ensure the public, media, and neighboring municipal officials are advised of both the declaration and termination of an emergency. The Head of Council may request assistance from the County of Elgin, without activating the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan, by contacting the County Warden, County COA or County Community Emergency Management Coordinator. When a local emergency has been declared and municipal resources are deemed insufficíent to control the emergency, the Head of Council may request the County Warden, County COA, County Community Emergency Management Coordinator or their alternates to activate the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan. For Coordination, if the emergency affects more than one Elgin County municipality, or one or more municipality(s) and the City of St. Thomas, the County Emergency Response Plan will be activated. Once the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan is activated, the Head of Council and designated staff representatives from the municipality will become members of the County of Elgin Community Control Group. The remaining staff from the Municipality of Bayham will form the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group and provide support to the Head of Council or the designated Senior Municipal Official, and carry out the roles and responsibilities of the Municipality of Bayham CCG/EOC. All decisions by the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group (as appropriate) affecting the lives and property of the inhabitants within the Municipality of Bayham shall be made in consultation with the Head of Council of the Municipality. 10 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 262 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 TERMINATION OF EM ERGENCY A municipal emergency may be declared terminated at any time by the: 1. Head of Council 2. Municipal Council, or 3. Premier of Ontario. Upon termination of a municipal emergency the Head of Council shall notify the: 1. County Warden 2. Municípality of Bayham Council members 3. Minister oi Community Safety & Correctional Services of Ontario through Emergency Management Ontario, and 4. Members of the public and media, and 5. Neighbouring municipal officials. REQUEST FOR PROVINCIAL / FEDERAL ASSISTANCE The municipality may request additional resources from the province if local resources, including resouices available from bordering municipalities and/or the County of Elgin are insufficient to meet emergency requirements. The Ministry of the Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS), through Emergency Management Ontario, is the focal point for provincial assistance during an emergency. MCSôS should be notified if the threat of an emergency exists and shall be notified wñen an emergency has been declared. MCSCS will not take over and manage the emergency; it can frovide liaison and coordination, and a central point for contact with other provincial ministries and the federal government if required. All requests for provincial and federal assistance should be directed through Emergency Management Ontario. coMMUNlrY CONTROL GROUP (CCG) OPERATIONS: EMERGENCY OPERAT/,ON CENTRE (EOC) The Municipality shall identify primary and alternate locations to establish an emergency operations center (EOC) for the CCG to assemble in the event of an emergency. The CCG will assemble at an EOC as designated by the Head of Council and Administrator, or designates. CCG members shall assemble at the designated EOC when notified and determine if the site is an appropriate location for the CCG to conduct business appropriate for the type and location of the emergency area, lf this site is not appropriate, the CCG will choose an alternate location to conduct EOC business. 11 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 263 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 COMMUNICATIONS ROOM A separate communications room shall be established in close proximity to the designated EOC. CCG members should designate one or more persons as communicators, depending on the nature and scope of the emergency, to facilitate in-coming and out-going communications to assist CCG members as required. Communicators will be responsible for operating telephones and radios within the communications room and relaying information between their respective representatives on the CCG. OPERATING CYCLE The CCG shall meet regularly to share information and make decisions related to the emergency and continuity of municipal business and services. The Administrator will be responsible for establishing the frequency of EOC meetings and agenda items. Meetings will be kept as brief as possible to allow CCG members to carry out their individual responsibilities. Each meeting of the CCG should include the following:. An assessment and prognosis of the emergency situation. The establishment of priorities. The setting of objectives. The determination of an action plan. Timelines for the implementation of assigned taskso Monitoring and reporting. When a meeting ends, each member of the CCG carries out their assigned tasks/objectives and gathers information for the next scheduled meeting. It is important atl CCG members to function as a team to establish the most effective response to the emergency situation. To enhance effectiveness CCG members should be relieved of their duties at regular intervals. COMMUNITY CONTROL GROUP NOTIFIGATION SYSTEM The Head of Council, Administrator, Fire Chief, Manager of Public Works or WaterMaste Water Superintendent may activate the Emergency Notification System as established by the municipality. 12 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 264 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 GOMMUNITY CONTROL GROUP (CCG) The following municipal officials will make up the Municipality of Bayham CCG . Head of Council. Administrator, or alternate. Gommunity Emergency Management Goordinator, or alternate . Manager of Public Works, or alternate o Water / Wastewater Superintendent, or alternate . Clerk, or alternate. Fire Ghief, or alternate. DePutY Glerk, or alternate The CCG may function with onty a limited number of persons depending upon the emergency. Wn¡le the GCG máy not require the presence of all persons listed as members of the CCG, all members of the CCG must be notified. The CCG may request assistance from one or more of the following agencies/organizations and include representatives i n EOC operations : o Ontario Works / Canadian Red Cross . Health Unit. Conservation Authorityo Police. Electricity Supplier. EMS / Ambulance. Amateur Radio Emergency Service o Public Utilitieso Additional personnel deemed necessary by the CCG (i.e. Provincial / Federal Ministry representatives, industrial representatives, school boards, legal, fi nancial representatives). co M M It N trY CO NT RO L G RO U P (C CG) RESPO^,S I B t LIT t ES Some or all of the following actions/decisions should be considered and dealt with by the CCG: o Determining the status of the emergency situation by acquiring and assessing information; o Advising Head of Council as to whether the declaration of an emergency is recommended; . Mobilizing emergency services, personnel and equipment; . Coordinating and providing emergency and municipal services and ensuring any actions necéssary for the mitigation of the effects of the emergency are taken, provided they are not contrary to law; o Coordinating and/or overseeing the evacuation of inhabitants considered to be in danger and establishing a Registration and Inquiry Centre to handle requests regarding evacuees; 13 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 265 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Arranging for seruices and equipment from local agencies not under municipal control, i.e. private contractors, volunteer agencies, services clubs; . Notifying and requesting assistance from various levels of government and any public or private agencies not under Municipal control, as considered necessary; . Determining if additional volunteers are required and if appeals for volunteers are warranted; o Determining if additional transportation is required for evacuation or transport of persons and/or supplies; o Ensuring pertinent information regarding the emergency is promptly forwarded for dissemination to the media and public; o Determining the need to establish advisory group(s) and/or sub-committees; . Authorizing expenditure of funds required to deal with the emergency for the preservation of life and health; o Maintaining a log outlining decisions made and actions taken, and submitting a summary of the log to the Administrator within one week of the termination of the emergency, as required; o Arranging for emergency accommodation and/or welfare services for residents temporarily evacuated from their homes; o Establishing a reporting and inquiry centre to handle individual requests concerning any aspect of the emergency; o Ensuring all emergency personnel are advised of the termination of the declared emergency; . Appointing an On-Site lncident Commander; . Ensuring Critical lncident Stress management resources are available to emergency responders; o Ensuring the emergency is reviewed and a recovery plan, if required, is in place before the local emergency is terminated; o Participating in the debriefing following the emergency; . Addressing the emotionaltrauma to the Community. COMPOSITION OF THE COMMUN¡TY CONTROL GROUP HEAD OF COUNCIL: The Head of Council will be responsible for the following duties: . lmplementing the Emergency Response Plan in response to a request for assistance from a member of the CCG, or emergency response agency; o Declaring an emergency to exist; o Declaring the emergency has terminated; 14 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 266 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Notifying the Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services via Emergency Manágement Ontario, of the declaration of an emergency, and termination of the emergency; o Making decisions, determining priorities, and issuing direction to the Heads of Depadments; o Requesting assistance from senior levets of government and from constituent municipalities not involved with the emergency, when required; o Authorizing expenditures and the acquisition of equipment and personnel when necessary; . Approving and making news releases and public announcements in conjunction with the Emergency Information Officer (ElO); . Ensuring all members of the CCG are kept apprised of developments as soon as possible; o Ensure all members of Council apprised of the emergency and the municipality's response to the emergency; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. ADMINISTRATOR: The Administrator, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Ensuring all required members are present when the CCG is assembled; o Chairing meetings of the CCG; o Organizing and supervising the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) during the emergency, including arrangements for feeding and relief of Centre personnel; . Coordinating all operations within the EOC, including the scheduling of regular meetings; o Arranging for effective communications to and from the emergency site; o Providing security for the EOC, as required; . Providing identification cards to CCG members and support staff; o Coordinating the maintenance and operation of feeding, sleeping, and meeting areas of the CCG, as required; . Maintainíng a record of actions taken by the CCG in dealing with the emergency; . Compiling records of costs incurred as a result of emergency action; o Providing advice to the CCG on legal and financial matters; o Ensuring records of expenses are maintained for future claim purposes; o Ensuring the prompt payment and settlement of all legitimate invoices and claims incurred during an emergency; . Acting as principle staff officer to the Head of Council; o Coordinating and processing requests for human resources; 15 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 267 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 . Under the direction of the CCG, coordinating offers of and appeals for volunteers; . Selecting the most appropriate sites for the registration of human resources; o Ensuring records of human resources and administrative details are completed; . When volunteers are involved, ensuring Volunteer Registration Forms are completed and a copy of the form retained for Municipal records; . Ensuring identification cards are issued to volunteers and temporary employees, where practical; . Arranging for transportation of human resources to and from sites; o Obtaining assistance, if necessary, from Employment and lmmigration Canada, as well as other government departments, public and prívate agencies, and volunteer groups; . Compiling reports for council; o Regularly reviewing the contents of the Emergency Response Plan to ensure the plan is up to date and in conformity with Provincial procedures; o Organizing and coordinating training and participation in drills and exercises; . Reviewing the Ontario Disaster Relief Program directives on a regular basis; . Organizing any required debriefing sessions; o Act as Emergency lnformation Officer; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. co M M u N t TY E M E RG E N Cy M AN AG EM E NT CO O RD r N ATO R (CE M C) The CEMC, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Ensuring security is in place for the EOC and registration of CCG members; . Assisting in activating and arranging the EOC; o Ensuring CCG members have necessary ERP, resources, supplies, maps and equipment; o Providing advice and clarifications about the implementation details of the ERP; o Ensuring liaison with community support agencies; o Ensuring CERV coordination and liaison; o Ensuring the operating cycle is met by the CCG and related documentation is maintained and kept for future use; . Addressing any action items resulting from the activation of the ERP and keep CCG informed of implementation needs; o Ensuring records and logs are maintained by CCG members for the purpose of debriefing and post emergency reporting; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. 16 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 268 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 WATER / WASTEWATER SUPERINTENDENT The Water / Wastewater Superintendent, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Provide advise on water/wastewater related issues; . Arrange for assistance, equipment as necessary; o Liaison with appropriate provincial agencies as required; o Providing an On-Site Incident Commander, if required; o Maintaining and updating a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and equipment; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. CLERK The Clerk, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Recording minutes of EOC business meetings; . Provide assistance/advise to Head of Council, Administrator and Department Heads as required; . Process documentation as required, e.g. Declaration of Emergency; o Act as EOC Chairperson/Manager in the absence of the Administrator; o Liaison with government agencies/officials, as directed; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. DEPUTY CLERK The Deputy Clerk, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Set up EOC upon activation of CCG; . Maintains an event board/log during EOC meetings; . Coordinates telecommunications systems for the EOC; . Provides assistance to the Administrator, as required; . Coordinates additional support staff for CCG members and EOC, as required; . Advises the CCG on issues related to zoning, planning, mapping, etc.; o Assumes Clerk duties in the absence of the Clerk; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. MANAGER OF PUBLIC WORKS: The Manager of Public Works, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Providing advise or liaising with consultants to provide the CCG with advice on engineering matters; . Arranging for dispatch of staff and equipment to assist in responding to the emergency situation if required; . Maintaining liaison with flood control, conservation and environmental authorities and preparing for relief or preventative measures; o Arranging for the clearing of emergency routes and the marking of obstacles if required; 17 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 269 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 . Arranging for engineering materials and equipment from the County and Provincial resources, from neighboring municipalities, and from private contractors when necessary; . Assisting fire fighting authorities in dealing with special hazards such as chemical spills, explosions or noxious fumes; . Establishing radio communications, if required, and calling on the services of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service; . Re-establishing essential road services at the end of the emergency period; o Ensuring roads are maintained and accessible during an emergency; o Providing an On-Site lncident Commander, if required; . Maintaining and updating a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and equipment; o Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. FIRE CHIEF: The Fire Chief, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: o Providing advice on fire fighting and rescue matters to the CCG; . Confirming local fire fighting, rescue and life saving resources are sufficient for the operational situation, and arranging for fufther assistance as required; o Providing advice to municipal departments to bring into play other equipment and skills needed to cope with the emergency; . Coordinating assistance from the Mutual Aid Fire System and Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario as required; . Determining if special equipment or supplies, not available can be located elsewhere and advising the CCG; . Coordinating assistance of fire equipment and personnel with other departments and agencies in large scale non-firefighting operations (rescue, first aid, casualty collection); o Liaising with the Ministry of the Environment on fires involving potentially dangerous materials; . Liaising wíth the Ministry of Natural Resources on forest fires; o Providing an On-Site lncident Commander if required; . Maintaining and updating a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and equipment; . Maíntain a personal log of all actions taken. 18 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 270 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 POLICE: The Police Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Providing advice on police (law enforcement) matters to the CCG; o Arranging for assistance to local authorities in implementing traffic control to permit rapid movement of emergency equipment; . Coordinating police operations and responses with Municipal Service Departments and with neighboring police authorities; o Establishing security around the emergency area to control access and protect property; . Sealing off the area of concern, controlling and, if necessary, dispersing crowds within the emergency area; . Alerting persons endangered by the emergency and coordinating evacuation procedures; o Liaising with the Ontario Works Representative regarding the establishment and operation of evacuation and reception centres; . Providing for police services in evacuee centres, morgues, and other facilities, as required; . Liaising with other municipal, provincial or federal police agencies as required; . lnforming the GCG on the actions take by the Police; o Providing an On-Site Incident Commander if required; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. puBLIC UTILITIES REPRESE VTATIVE (S): o Providing the CCG with advice on utility (hydro, natural gas, telephone, etc.) matters; o Arranging for the dispatch of staff and equipment to assist in containing the emergency situation if required; o Maintaining liaison with public and private utility companies (hydro, gas, telephone, etc.) and making recommendations for discontinuation of any utilities, public or private, when necessary in the interest of public safety; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. E M S (AM B U LAN C E) REPRESE/VTAT I VE : The Ambulance Representative or alternate will be responsible for the following duties: . Providing information on the movement of casualties from the emergency area; . Advising CCG on requirements for additional casualty transportation means, beyond ambulance resources; 19 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 271 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Provide additional medical resources as needed for casualty management at the emergency site, in consultation with the Medical On-Site Coordinators, and initiating requests for such with medical authorities; o Authorizing additional Ministry of Health resources required by any facility, which operates under the direction of the Ministry of Health in accordance with Ministry procedures; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. HEALTH UNIT: The Health Representative, or alternate, wíll be responsible for the following duties: . Providing advise to the CCG on health matters; o Keeping the Health Unit staff informed; o Providing staff at each Evacuee Centre to assist the Manager of each Reception/ Evacuee Centre in public health matters, and in assisting evacuees; ¡ Providing a24hour Nurse at each Evacuee Centre housing more the 50 evacuees; o Ananging for mass immunization where needed; . Arranging for precautions in regard to water supplies when warranted; . Notifying other agencies and senior levels of government about health related matters in the emergency; o Ensuring the safety of food supplies and the safe disposal of sewage and waste; o Ensuring adequate general sanitation and personal hygiene at emergency reception centres; o Ensuring proper burial of the dead; . Coordinating the response of health unit services and facilities; . Maintaining a log of all actions taken. Liaising with the local hospital representative to: . lmplement their respective Hospital Disaster Plan, if required; . Liaising with the Health and Ambulance Representatives with respect to hospital and medical matters, as required; . Evaluating requests for the provision of medical site teams/medical triage teams; o Liaising with the Ministry of Health, as appropriate. 20 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 272 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 CO M MU N I CATIO N S MANAG ER : A Communications Manager shall be appointed by the CCG and will be responsible for the following duties: o Provide the Administrator with reports on the emergency situation and any other pertinent information at regular intervals, or as requested; o Provide assistance to the communicators in relation to communications equipment problems, where possible and practical; o Coordinate and prioritize the flow of messages between the Communications Room and the Community Control Group members and other desired groups or locations; . Maintenance of a chronological log of significant communications and events; o Maintenance of a situation or status board, and; . Maintenance of a map(s) containing vital information related to the emergency; . When possible, establishing and ensuring telephone communication needs are provided to the EOC, emergency site, and anywhere else required; . Maintain a personal log of all actions taken. SUPPORT & ADVISORY STAFF: Staff from the following Support and Advisory Services may be required to provide support, logistics and advice to the CCG: rHE CONSERVATION AUTHORITY WLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR: . Providing advice on the abatement of flood emergencies; . Assisting in acquiring resources to assist in flood emergencies. THE SOLICITOR: The Solicitor for the Municipality will be responsible for: . The provision of advice to any member of the CCG on matters of a legal nature as they may apply to the actions of the Municipality in its response to the emergency, as required. PROVINCIAL MINISTRY: Provincial Ministry Representatives will be responsible for: . Providing advice on matters of Provincial concern to members of the CCG; . Assisting in the garner of resources; . Coordination of Provincial response agencies (E.M.O. responsibility). 21 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 273 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 O NTARI O WO RKS REPRESETVTATIVE : The Ontario Works Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties: . Providing advise to the CCG on Ontario Works matters; o According to the nature of the emergency, in consultation with the Red Cross, Salvation Army and St. John Ambulance, be prepared to assist municipalities in their efforts to support their residents whose lives have been impacted by the emergency with the provision of: o Emergency clothing to provide adequate protection from the elements, o Emergency lodging to provide adequate temporary accommodation for the homeless, Registration and inquiry seryices to reunite families and to collect information and answer queries concerning the safety and whereabouts of missing persons, o Emergency feeding to sustain those without food or adequate food preparation facilities, o Liaising with the Health Representative on areas of mutual concern required during operations in evacuee centres, and o lndividual and family services to assist and counsel individuals and families in need and to provide special care to unattached children and dependent adults; . ln consultation with the Health Representative, establish an 'outreach program'for victims of the emergency; o Providing staff to operate Citizen lnquiry Centre; o Liaising with public and private nursing care homes as, required; . Notifying the Police of the number and locations of the Emergency Reception Centres; . Contacting and providing direction to volunteer agencies able to assist in welfare functions, such as Red Cross, Women's Instítutes, etc.; o Notifying senior levels of government on Ontario Works matters in the emergency. CANADIAN RED CROSS; The Canadian Red Cross will receive requests for support from the Ontario Works Representative. The responsibilities of the Canadian Red Cross Representative during an emergency are to: . Activate the Canadian Red Cross emergency alert system; . Co-ordinate the Canadian Red Cross response in co-operation with the Ontario Works Representative, if an evacuation is required; . Provide registration and inquiry to meet the following objectives: 22 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 274 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 . Collect accurate and reliable information and answer inquiries as to the condition and whereabouts of disaster victims in co-operation with local hospitals and reception centres; and . Assist in reuniting separated family members as quickly as conditions permit; o Operate an inquiry bureau to deal with national and international requests as directed by the Canadian Red Cross National office; . Set up and operate an evacuation centre, upon the request of the Ontario Works Representative; . Assist with first aid established at reception centres if required; o Ensure volunteers are properly registered so that Workplace Safety lnsurance coverage is provided during an emergency. RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE (A.R.E.S.) : The Radio Emergency Service Representative will be responsible for: o Providing additional communication requirements to supplement the Municipality and emergency communications systems, as required; . Contacting other communications experts, as required. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE: The St. John Ambulance will receive requests for support from the Ontario Works or Ambulance Representative during an emergency to: . Activate the Division's emergency alert system; . Co-ordinate the Division's response in co-operation with the Health Representative; o Provide first aid; o Establish first aid posts at reception centres, as required; . Ensure volunteers are properly registered so Workplace Safety lnsurance Board coverage is provided during an emergency. SALVATI O N ARMY REPRESE VTATIVE : The Salvation Army will receive requests from the Ontario Works Representative. The responsibilities of the Divisional Commander or alternate of the Salvation Army during an emergency are to: . Activate the Division's emergency aleÉ system; . Coordinate the Division's response in cooperation with the Ontario Works Representative, if an evacuation is required; o Coordinate and feeding of personnel at the disaster site and reception centre; o Provide bedding and clothing, in cooperation with Ontario Works; o Provide and coordinate clergy assistance; 23 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 275 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 . Ensure volunteers are properly registered so Workplace Safety Insurance Board coverage is provided during an emergency. OTH ER O F FI CIALS, EXP ERTS, OR REPRESEruTATIVES : Other Officials, Experts, or Representatives will be responsible for:o Any special advice or expertise necessary to abate the emergency situation as required by the CCG. O/V.S'TE I N CI D E NT CO M MAN D E R: The On-Site lncident Commander task is to coordinate resources and develop a strategy and action plan to resolve the emergency situation at the emergency area. Once appointed, the On-Site Incident Commander should be relieved of all other duties, and will remain in control of the scene unless the CCG deems it necessary to appoint a replacement. Some of the duties of an On-Site lncident Commander include: o Setting up a command post, and establishing regular communications with the other agencies on the site, and with the EOC; . Establishing authority and supervising all operations within the outer perimeters of the site; o In consultation with all emergency response agencies at the emergency area, develop a response strategy and action plan to facilitate the efficient and effective response of emergency personnel and equipment to mitigate the impact to life and property in the emergency area; o Organizing a management team and arranging a management cycle; . Determining the inner and outer perimeters, and ensuring they are set up; . Organizing the layout of the site; o Conferring with the heads of the other agencies at the site, to ascertain what is happening and what is needed; . Passing information on what is happening, and requests for resources to the EOC, and passing direction and information from the EOC to others at the site; o Directing and coordinating the activities of the response agencies at the site; o Determining what resources are necessary, and asking the EOC to provide them; o Arranging a system of relief, rest areas, food, etc., for site workers; . Ensuring worker and volunteer safety; . Arranging media visits to the site; o Planning ahead for site activities and the resources to support them; . Maintaining a log of all actions. 24 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 276 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS It is important to coordinate the release of accurate information or instructions to the news media, the public and individual requests for information concerning any aspect of the emergency. ln order to fulfill these functions during an emergeniy, the following positions may be established: o Emergency lnformation Officero On-Site Media Spokespersono County Citizen lnquiry Representative Depending on the scope of the emergency, there may be a need for an On-Site Media Centre near the emergency site, and an emergency information centre near, but not in, the EOC. ln some cases a joint media information centre may be more desirable. EMERGENCY INFORMATION OFFICER: The Emergency lnformation Officer (ElO) will be responsible for: o Establishing a communications link with the On-Site Media Spokesperson, the Citizen lnquiry Representative, and any other media coordinato(s) (i.e. Provincial, Federal, private industry, etc.) involved in the incident; o The dissemination of information, and planning for news releases at appointed times; o Ensuring all information released to the media and public is consistent and accurate; . Appointing an assistant to attend the On-Site Media lnformation Centre, and appointing any other personnel required; o Designating and coordinating a Media lnformation Centre for members of the media to assemble for the issuance of accurate media releases and authoritative instructions to the public; o Briefing the CCG on how the Media lnformation Centre will be set up; o Liaising regularly with the CCG to obtain the appropriate information for media releases, coordinate individual interviews, and organize press conferences; . Establishing telephone numbers for media inquiries and ensuring that the following are advised accordingly: . Media. CCG. Switchboard for Emergency Services. On-Site Medía Spokespersono Municipal Citizen lnquiry Representatives. Any other appropriate persons, agencies, or businesses; . Providing direction and regular updates to the Citizen lnquiry Representative to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information is disseminated to the public; 25 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 277 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 26 o Ensuring all information released to the media and public is first approved by the Head of Council; . Monitoring news coverage and correcting any erroneous information; . Coordinating the release of information with the On-site Media Spokesperson. O'V.S'TE M E D I A SPOKESPERSON; lf necessary an On-Site Media Spokesperson shall be appointed by the On-Site lncident Commander and is responsible for: o Establishing a communication link and regular liaison with the Emergency lnformation Officer (ElO) at the EOC; . Responding to inquiries from the media pertaining to the scene only, and only after clearance by the EIO; . Redirecting all inquiries regarding decisions made by the CCG and the emergency as a whole to the Citizen lnquiry Representative; o Establishing and coordinating a media information centre in a safe, appropriate location, at or near the site, for the media to assemble; o Advising the following persons and agencies of the location and telephone number(s), as available, of the Site Media lnformation Center: . Media. CCGo Switchboard for Emergency Services¡ Municipal Citizen lnquiry Representativeso Any other appropriate persons, agencies, or businesses; o Ensuring media personnel arriving at the site are directed to the site information centre; . Where necessary and appropriate, coordinating media photograph sessions at the scene; . Coordinating on-scene interviews between emergency services personnel and the media. TH E CITIZEN I NQU I RY REPRESENTATIVE : The Citizen lnquiry Representative will be provided for by the Ontario Works Representative and shall be responsible for: o Establishing a Citizen Inquiry Service, including the appointment of personnel and designation of telephone lines; . lnforming the Emergency Information Officer of the establishment of the Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone number(s); . Advertising public information phone numbers through the media as quickly as possible, and advising 9-l-1 is not to be used as an inquiry line; . Apprising the affected emergency services and the CCG of the establishment of the Citizen lnquiry Service and designated telephone number(s); By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 278 of 287 Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan - Revised 2008 o Liaising with the EIO to obtain current information on the emergency; o Responding to, and redirecting inquiries and reports from the public based upon information from the EIO; o Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaining to the investigation of the emergency, deaths, injuries, or matters of personnel involved with or affected by the emergency to the appropriate emergency service; . Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaining to persons who may be located in evacuation or reception centres to the registration and inquiry telephone number(s); o Procuring staff to assist as required. PUBLIC INFORMATION & INQUIRY: Depending on availability, information concerning an emergency situation will be communicated to the public through a number of means. These include newspaper, radio, television, public addressing system, telephone, newsletter, and individual visitation. Where appropriate, public meetings will be held to provide information to members of the public concerning an emergency situation. Such meetings will be coordinated and conducted by the CCG. EVACUATION PLANNING In an emergency, it may be necessary for residents to be temporarily evacuated. When such an evacuation is deemed necessary, one or more emergency reception centres may need to be opened in a safe area. The County of Elgin has an agreement with the Thames Valley District School Board, which guarantees their institutions may be used as temporary reception centres in the event of an emergency. RECOVERY PLANNING This ptan assigns responsibilities and outlines activities that may be required to bring the municipality báck to its pre-emergency state. The plan will be activated (in whole or paft) at the direótion of the CCG. This will be determined by the nature of the emergency and its aftermath, but will normally occur once the immediate response to the emergency has been completed, PLAN REVIEW TEST¡NG, AND MAINTENANCE This plan shatl be reviewed annually and, where necessary, shall be revised by the Emergency Management Program Committee. Each time the plan is revised, it must be forwarded to Council for approvaf; however, revisions to an appendix or minor admínistrative changes can be made without Council approval. The Municipality of Bayham's Emergency Management Program Committee will determine when exercises will be conducted to test the overall effectiveness of the plan and to provide training to the members of the Community Control Group. 27 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 279 of 287 By-Law 2009-001 A By-Law establishing an Emergency Manag... Page 280 of 287 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OX' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-003 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE BORROWING FROM TIME TO TIME TO MEET CURRENT EXPENDITURES DURING THE F'ISCAL YEARENDING DECEMBER 31,2009. WHEREAS the Municipal Act. 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, s.407, provides authority for a council by-law to authorize temporary bonowing, until taxes are collected, and until other revenues are received, to meet the current expenditures ofthe municipality for the year, AND WHEREAS the total amount which may be borrowed from all sources at any one time to meet the current expenditures of the municipality, except with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, is limited by Section 407 of the Municipal Act. NOW THEREF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OX'THE MI'NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: Borrowing Authority Instruments Lenders Limiton Borrowing Borrowing Documents Required l) The head ofCouncil and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance during the year 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the current year) such sums as may be necessary to meet, until the taxes are collected, and until other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the municipality and the other amounts that are set out in section 407 of the Municipal Act. 2) A promissory note or bankers' acceptance made under Section I shall be signed by the head ofCouncil or such other person as is authorized by by-law to sign it and by the Treasurer, 3) The lenders from whom amounts may be borrowed under authority ofthis byJaw shall be the Royal Bank ofCanada and such other lender(s) and reserve funds of the municipality as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Council. 4) The total amount which may be borrowed at ariy one time under this byJaw, together with the total of any simila¡ bonowings that have not been repaid, shall not exceed, from January lst until September 30th of the cunent year, 50 percent of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. Such borrowing shall not exceed, from October lst until December 3 lst ofthe current year, 25 percent ofthe said estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. For purposes of this byJaw, the estimated revenues ofthe municipality shall not include revenues derivable or derived from (a) bonowings or issues of debentures, or (b) a surplus, including arrears oflevies, or (c) a transfer from the capital fund, reserve funds or reserves. 5) The Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borrowed under this bylaw, ensure that the lender is or has been furnished with a certihed copy of this byJaw, a certified copy of the resolution mentioned in Section 3 determining the lender if applicable and a copy ofthe estimates ofthe corporation adopted for the current year and also showing the total of any other amounts borrowed from any and all sources under authority of Section 407 ofthe Municipal Act, 2001 that have not been repaid. By-Law 2009-003 To authorize borrowing from time to time... Page 281 of 287 When Estimates Not Adopted Charge on Revenues and Directive to Treasurer Effective Date e) 6) M{JNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-003 Page2 Ifthe estimates for the current year have not been adopted at the time an amount is borrowed under this byJaw. (a) the limitation on total bonowing shall be calculated for the time being upon the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimated adopted for the previous year, and O) the copy fumished under Section 5 shall show the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the previous year. All or any sums borrowed unde¡ this byJaw shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole ofthe revenues ofthe municipality for the current year and for any preceding years as when such revenues are received but such charge does not defeat or affect and is subject to any prior charge then subsisting in favour ofany other lender. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all or any sums borrowed under this byJaw, together with interest thereon, all or any of the money hereafter collected or received, either on account ofor realized in respect ofthe taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. This byJaw shall come into frrll force and effect upon date of passing. 7) 8) Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15rh day of January 2009, MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-003 To authorize borrowing from time to time... Page 282 of 287 THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OT' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-004 A BY-LA\ü TO PROVIDE F'ORAN INTERIM TAXLEVY WHEREAS Section 317 of The Municipal Act, 2001, Chapter 25, S.O' 2001, as amended, provides for an interim levy for 2009 on the assessment of property in the municipality rateable for local municipal purposes, subject to certain restrictions; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable and expedient that such a levy should be made; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: l. That for the year 2009, the interim tax levying amounts to be levied, raised and collected on all real property taxable within the residential, farmland, pipeline, multi-residential, commercial and industrial classes, and liable to pay the same according to the last revised assessment roll, shall be fifty (50) percent (7o) of the total amount of a¡rnualised taxes for municipal and school purposes levied on the property for the previous year, that is for the year 2008. 2. The said interim tæ< levying amounts shall be due and payable in two instalments at the Municipality of Bayham Ofhce at 9344 Plank Road, Straflordville, on or before the following dates: FIRSTINSTALMENT SECOND INSTALMENT February 27,2008 May22,2008 Notice of such taxes due shall be sent by first class mail by the To< Collector to those persons or firms liable for the payment of taxes. 5. That a charge as a penalty of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any outstanding taxes levied in 2009 shall be made on the fìrst day of default and on the hrst day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, until December 3ltt 2009, and any such additional amount shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if it had been originally imposed with and formed part of such levy. 6. That interest of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any taxes due and unpaid after December 31, 2009, shall be charged on the hrst day of each calenda¡ month thereafter in which the default continues. 7. That taxes may be levied, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law on the assessment ofproperty that is added to the assessment roll after this byJaw is passed. 8. That the provisions of the Municipal Act with respect to the levy of the yearly rates and the collection of taxes apply mutatis mutandis to the levy of rates and collection of to<es under this byJaw. 9. That this byJaw shall become effective as ofthe lst day ofJanuary, 2009. READ A FIRST AND SECO¡ID TIME this 15rh day of January 2009. READ A THIRD TIME AI\D F'INALLY PASSED this 15tb day of January 2009, MA,YOR CLERK By-Law 2009-004 A By-Law to provide for an Interim Tax L... Page 283 of 287 Page 284 of 287 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]MCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO.2009-00s A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZETI:TE COI{VEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY IN TITE M{'IVCIPALITY OF BAYTIAM DESCRIBED AS PART OF LOTS 19 AND 20, CONCESSION NORTH GORE, DESIGNATED AS PARTS 1,2 AND 3 ON PLAN 11R'8999 WIIEREAS Section I of the Municipal Ac! 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers, and privileges ofa natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND \ryHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham and the Town of Tillsonburg are the owners of lands described as part of lots 79 ^d20, Concession North Gore, designated as Parts 1,2 and3 on Registere.d Plan I I R-8999; AI\D WHEREAS the Council ofthe Municipatity of Bayham is desirous of conveying such lands to the County ofElgin for the purpose offacilitating bridge repairs; NOW TIIEREFORE TIIE COIJNCII, OT' TIIE CORPORATION OT' TIIE MTJMCPALITY OX' BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. TIIAT the Council of tbe Municipality of Bayham hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Clerk to execute documents as necessary to effect the conveyance of lands described as Part of l¡ts 19 and 20, Concession North Gore, designated as Pa¡tsl, 2 and3 on Plan I lR-8999 to the County of Elgin. 2. AI\D TIIAT this byJaw shall come into full force and ef[ectupon final passing. READ A ['IRST, SECOND AI\ID THIRD TIME AI\D FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 15TÏI DAY oFJANUARY,2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-005 A By-Law to authorize the conveyance of ... Page 285 of 287 Page 286 of 287 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MIJNICIPALITY OI' BAYHAM BY-LAWNO.2009-002 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF'TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MI'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR TIIE REGIJLAR MEETING HELD JA¡IUARY 15, 2OO9 WHEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapler 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipalitg AND WEEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municþal Act, 2001, the powers of Council a¡e to be exercised by byJaw; AltD WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE THE COIJNCIL OF'THT'- ç6¡¡P9R,4.TION OT'THE MUIüCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed arid other action by the Council at the regular meeting held January 1 5 , 2009 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TEAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and di¡ecte.d to do all things necessaryto give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. REÄD A F"IRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 15ù day of January 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-002 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Counc... Page 287 of 287