HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 14, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Matthew Redsell regarding timing of agenda publishing (b)7:15 p.m. - Doug Lester representing the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce regarding International Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study (c)7:25 p.m. - Sean Hurley regarding International Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Copy of resolution passed December 8, 2009 by the Township of Mapleton regarding "Wind Energy Project". File: C10 (b)Correspondence dated December 15, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) Allocations Announcement". File: A01 (c)Heads Up Alert dated December 16, 2009 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Long Combination Vehicles operations". File: A01 7-18 19 21-22 23 25-26 27 Page 1 of 195 Council Agenda January 14, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (d)Correspondence dated December 7, 2009 from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding "Ontario Heritage Week 2010 - February 15 to 21". File A01 (e)Correspondence dated December 21, 2009 from Trans Canada Trail regarding "annual report and recent developments". File: A01 (f)Corresponce received from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "2010 Programs". File: A01 (g)Correspondence dated December 4, 2009 from Steve Peters, M.P.P. to the Minister of Finance regarding "Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund". File: A16 (h)Copy of correspondence dated December 8, 2009 from Ministry of the Environment to Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "Long Point Region High Use Watershed Designation". File: A16 (i)LPRCA Media Release dated December 14, 2009 regarding "LPRCA Will be Moving". File: A16 (j)Edison Museum Building Committee minutes of meeting held December 18, 2009. File: C06 (k)Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter dated January 2010. File: M07 (l)OPP news releases dated December 18, 2009 and January 5, 2010 regarding various items. File: P17 (m)South West Local Health Integration Network highlights of Board of Directors meeting held December 9, 2009. File: S08 (n)Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held December 10, 2009. File: C06 (o)Correspondence received January 11, 2010 from Village of Grand River, Ohio regarding "International Ferry Feasibility Study - Phase 1 Draft Report". File: D06 29-31 33-36 37-38 39 41 43 45 47-50 51-54 55 57-60 61-63 Page 2 of 195 Council Agenda January 14, 2010 Page 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc (b)Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report PW2010-01 regarding Year End Report. File: T06 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit report for month ending December 31, 2009. File: P10 (b)Staff Report P2009-037 regarding Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus. File: P16 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling $345,369.40 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending December 13, 2009 and December 27, 2009 totaling $87,393.31 and $47.256.06 respectively. (b)Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 (c)Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 (d)Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 (e)Staff Memorandum regarding Harbourfront Committee Membership. File: A01 (f)Staff Memorandum regarding Natural Gardens and Animal Control Advisory Group. File: A01 65-77 79-89 91-93 95 97-98 99-119 121-131 133-138 139-151 153 155 Page 3 of 195 Council Agenda January 14, 2010 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (g)Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held December 9, 2009. Council action required regarding item 7(d) map. File: C06 (h)Correspondence dated December 14, 2009 from the Township of Malahide and correspondence dated December 23, 2009 from the Town of Aylmer to the Township of Malahide regarding "Doors Open East Elgin". File: A16 (i)International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Office or on the Municipal website) File: F11 10.ENVIRONMENT 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009 (c)Confidential correspondence regarding labour relations. (d)Confidential verbal report regarding labour relations. (e)Confidential correspondence regarding litigation or potential litigation. (f)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-002 A By-Law to provide for an interim tax levy (b)By-Law 2010-003 A By-Law to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures (c)By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) (d)By-Law 2010-005 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2004-015 (water and sewer rates) 157-159 161-162 163-172 173-174 175-177 179-191 193-194 Page 4 of 195 Council Agenda January 14, 2010 Page 12.BY-LAWS (e)By-Law 2010-007 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 195 Page 5 of 195 Page 6 of 195 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday l)ecember 17, 2009 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. & 7240 p.m. - Public Meetings - Planning (7.onng) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, December 17,2009 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECT'NIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None - 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Added ltem(s) 2009-6rt Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93, request from Councillor Casier regarding accessory residential use in Commercial zones discussion, News Release regarding Community Adjustment funding and confÌdential correspondence regarding labour relations or employee negotiations be added to the agenda as items 6(a),9 (d) and 11(c) respectively.'f CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 3,2009. 2009-6t2 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held December 3,2009 be approved as amended." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page I of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 7 of 195 Council Minutes 4. DELEGATIONS December 17,2009 (a) 7:10 p.m. Mathew Redsell regarding Ferry Study Matthew Redsell presented information obtained from previous completed feasibility studies addressing concerns and disadvantages ofcross-border ferry service. (b) 7:20 p.m. Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery Mrs. Hoshal made reference to a prior meeting held December 14,2009 and added MPP Steve Peters will be available for a meeting regarding Estherville Cemetery. Mayor Acre advised a one hour meeting has been arranged to be held at the Bayham Municipal Office on January 8, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. 5. INFORM.A.TION ITEMS (a) Conespondence from The Regional Municipaliy of Durham regarding Town of Fort Erie Resolution. File: ClO (b) Copy of resolution passed November 23,2009 by Niagara-On-The-Lake regarding "benefit sharing agreement". File: C10 (c) Copy of resolution passed November 24,2009 by the County of Grey regarding "Bill 150 Green Energy and Green Economy Act". File: ClO (d) Copy of conespondence dated December 1,2009 from the Corporation of the City of Oshawa to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty regarding "Superintendents and Key Holders for Condominiums and Apartment Buildings". File: Cl0 (e) Copy of resolution passed October 27,2009 by the City of Kawartha Lakes regarding "Green Energy Act". File: ClO (Ð Correspondence dated November 30, December I,4,8 and 9, 2009 from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Ministry of the Envi¡onment Changes to Lead Sampling Requirements", "AMO Recognizes the Need for Affordable Access to Recreation for Ontarians", "Passage of Good Government Ac!2009 Means New Municipal Elections Rules To Take Effect", "The Auditor General's 2009 Report Highlights Human Services Spending and Bridge Infrastructure" and "Proposed Energy Consumer Protection Act". File: 401 (g) Conespondence received from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "2010 Urban Symposium". Page2 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 8 of 195 Council Minutes December 17,2009 File: 401 (h) Correspondence from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "2010 AMO Training & Development Series". File: 401 (Ð Correspondence dated December 7,2009 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding 'OGRA Response to 2009 Ontario Auditor General's Report - Bridges". File: 401 û) Correspondence dated December 1,2009 from Ministry of Tourism regarding "proposed tourism regions". File: 416 (k) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held November 4,2009. File: 416 0) Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held November 12,2009. File: C06 (m) The Elgin Advantage newsletter from Elgin Business Resource Centre regarding "Building Communities - One Idea at a Time". File: 416 (n) Correspondence from Grand River Conservation Authority regarding"Draft Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Assessment Reports now posted for Public Consultation". File: E00 (o) Conespondence dated December I,2009 from Land Use Council to Minister of Natural Resources regarding "Conservation Authorities". File: E00 (p) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commitee minutes of meeting held November 5,2009. File: E00 (Ð Correspondence dated December 7,9, l0 and 14, 2009 regarding various issues. File: Pl7 2009-613 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(q) be received for information.'f CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 3 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 9 of 195 Council Minutes December 17,2009 6. PLAI{NING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM (a) Request from Councillor Casier for discussion regarding accessory residential use in Commercial zones. Discussion was held regarding accessory residential use in basements in Commercial zones. Staffwas directed to prepare a report to present to Council. 1. PUBLIC MEETING 2009-614 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. Public Meeting (a) 7:30 p.m. Blondeel Rezoning - Lot Addition - to change the zoning on a parcel of land from the Rural Residential (RR) to the site-specific Rural Residential (RR-15) as a condition of approval by the Elgin County Land Division Committee associated with Consent Application E58/09. 2. I)eclaration of Pecuniarv Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. StaffPresentation (a) Staff Report D2009-M regarding Blondeel Rezoning - Lot Addition File:Dl4.BLON Report was presented by Margaret Underhill, Planning Co-ordinator. 4. Public Comments Harry McKillop questioned 2456-2003, the definition of a nutrient unit and what the final acreage would be. He expressed concenm with gtound water cantamination. Mr. McKillop's questions were answered by the Planning Co-ordinator. 5. Council Comments and Ouestions There were no Council comments or questions. 6. Adiournment Page 4 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 10 of 195 Council Minutes 2009-615 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 7:36 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. Disnosition of Item December 17,2009 Councillor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. 2009-616 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Staff Report D200944 regarding Blondeel Nursery Inc. rezoning application be received; AND THAT the zoning of those lands located at 8504 Plank Road in Concession 6 STR part Lot 124 owned by SiegfrÍed and Margaret Blondeel, subject to Elgin Counfy Land Division Consent Application 858/09, be changed from Rural Residential (RR) to Site-specific Rural Residential (RR-15) Zone, inclusive of the minor boundary adjustment, in the zoning byJaw 7456-2003; AND THAT ZoningByJaw 2574-2009 be presented for enactment." CARRIED 2. PUBLIC MEETING 2009-617 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." CARRIED NOT LINANIMOUSLY 1. Public Meetins (a) 7:42p.m. Otter's Edge Estates / Jammie Underhill Farms Rezoning - to Page 5 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 11 of 195 Council Minutes December 17,2009 change the zoning on a parcel of land from Agricultural (41) Zone and the Special Agricultural (A2)Zone to a site-specific Agricultural Zone. 2. Declaration of Pecuniarv Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. StaffPresentation (a) Staff Report D2009-45 regarding Otter's Edge Estates / Jammie Underhill Farms Rezoning. File: D14.OTTR Report was presented by Planning Co-ordinator, Margaret Underhill. 4. Public Comments There were no public questions or comments. 5. Council Comments and Ouestions There were no Council comments or questions. 6. Adiournment 2009-618 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Public Meeting be adjourned ú7:46 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. Disposition of ltem Councillor Taylor noted hß opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. 2009-619 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Report D200945 regarding the Otter's Edge Estates Inc. and Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd. rezoning application be received; AND TIIÄT notification requirements as per Section of the T,oningBylaw 7y'.56-2003 are met as there are no modifications to the proposed bylaw amendment only additional information presented; Page 6 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 12 of 195 Council Minutes December 17,2009 AND THAT the zoning of those lands located in Concession 2 PartLot12, subject to Elgin County Land Division Consent Application 886/08 owned by Jammie Underhill Farms Ltd., and those lands in Concession 2 Part Lot 13 owned by Otter's Edge Estates Ltd., be changed from the Special Agricultural (Ã2) Zone and the Agricultural (A'1) Zoneto a site-specific Agricultural (41-23) Zone in the Tnning bylaw 7A 5 6-2003 ; AND THAT T.oningBylaw 2575-2009 be presented for enactment." CARRIED 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) StaffMemorandum regarding Road Closure Application - Concession 5 and South Gore. File: T09 Councillor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. 2009-620 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski 'TTHAT Staff Memorandum regarding Road Closure Application - Concession 5 and South Gore be received; AI\D THAT Bylaw 2009-134, as amended, being a By-Lawto stop up, close and convey part of the unopened road allowance between Concession 5 and Concession South Gore in Lots 2 and 3, being parts I and 2 Plan 11R-9100 be presented to Council for enactment.fl CARRIED 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Report for the month ending November 30,2009. File: PlO 2009-62t Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski rrTHÄT Building Permit Report for the month ending November 30, 2009 be received for information.'r PageT of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 13 of 195 Council Minutes December 17,2009 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINAI{CE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #7612 to Cheque #7697 inclusive, except Cheques #7499 and#7594 totaling 5894,529.44 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending November 29, 2009 totaling $53,478.55. 2009-622 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw TIIAT Cheque Register being Cheque #7612 to Cheque #7697 inclusive, except Cheques #7499 and#7594 totaling 5894,529.44 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending November 29,2009 totaling $53,478.55 be approved.'f CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report E2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project. File: E08 2009-623 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT Staff Report 82009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project be received; THAT the tender submitted by Omega Contractors Inc. be accepted; AND TIIAT staff be directed to negotiate the final contract with Omega Contractors Inc. based on the tender and to draft the necessary by-laws for councilts consideratíon.tt CARRIED LTNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReportF2009-048 regarding Recreation lnfrastructure Agreement. File: F05 2009-624 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Page 8 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 14 of 195 Council Minutes December I7,2009 I'THAT Staff Report F2009-48 regarding Recreation Infrastructure Agreement be received; AND THAT By-Law 2009-138, being a bylaw to authorize an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario regarding the Recreation Infrastructure Canada program be presented to Council for enactment.r' CARRIED T.INANIMOUSLY (d) News Release regarding Community Adjustment funding. 2009-625 Moved by Councillor E Ketchab Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIÄ.T staff be authorized to proceed with applications to the CAF program second intake for completion of detailed engineering for the extension of water services to the communities of Straffordville and Eden, and for improvements and/or engineering services for the Richmond Water System." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIROIIMENT 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2009-626 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 8:20 p.m. to discuss: o personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees." CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY (b) Confidential conespondence regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. Page 9 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 15 of 195 Council Minutes December 17,2009 (c) Confidential conespondence regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (d) Out of Camera. 2009-627 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski 'fTHÄ,T the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 8:37 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-628 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the resignation of Paul Groeneveld, Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief effective January 8, 2010 be accepted with regret." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-629 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw . TTTHAT Perry Grant be appointed Äcting Fire Chief for the Municipality." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 2009-630 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski 'TTHAT the confidential correspondence regarding the retirement of Paul McQuiggan effective I)ecember 3112009 be received; AND THAT Council accept the resignation due to retirement of Paul McQuiggan and thank him for his many years of service to the Municipality of Bayham." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY.LAWS Page 10 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 16 of 195 Council Minutes December 17,2009 (a) By-Law 2574-2009 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2456-2003 (Blondeel) (b) By-Law 2575-2009 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2456-2003 (Otters Edge / Underhill) (c) By-Law 2009-134 A By-Law to Stop Up, Close and Convey Part of Unopened Road Allowance (second and third reading) (d) By-Law 2009-135 Amendment No. 10 to the Offrcial Plan (e) By-Law 2009-138 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Recreation Infrastructure Funding) 2009-631 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT By-Law 2009-134 be read a second and third time and finally passed; AND TIIAT By-Laws 2574-2009,2575-2009,2009-135 and 2009-138 be read a first second and third time and finally passed.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð By-Law 2009-139 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 2009-632 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "That confirming Bylaw 2009-139 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED T-INANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2009-633 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m.". Page 1l of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 17 of 195 Council Minutes CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY December 17,2009 MAYOR Luø^{f C Page 12 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17, 2009. Page 18 of 195 Please pass along to Brend¿ Mat Redsells presentation to Council Jan L4,2010 I am requesting that the agendas posted on the web site be moved forward to the Friday before to allow adequate time for not only the public but our councilors to research and discuss the the coming decisions with the voters of Bayham, When the agenda is published on the Tuesday two days before the council meeting it is not possible to request a presentation to respond to the issues. This makes it impossible to have any input on the the topics presented by the agenda. For example tonight the 95 page report report on the feasibility study is being presented which basically contains the information from the April 2009 rcport by the same company. A copy of this report has not been made public and our councilors are going to vote on whether to continue the feasibility study. The report is not available to the public and ifyou look atthe report it basically states that it is economic suicide for Bayham which is what I and many others who actually researched have said all along. Butthe general public is not awa¡e of the contents ofthis report and will not have the ability to comment on it before it is voted on, 7:05 p.m. - Matthew Redsell regarding timing of agenda publishing Page 19 of 195 Page 20 of 195 Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 3:23 PM To: Lynda Millard Subject: Delegation Status - Jan 14th Hi Lynda, I would like to apply for delegation status on the l4th to address council on the issue of the ferry report. My comments are are below. If it is too late for delegation status, please include my statement in the council packages. Thank you, Sean Hurley, Vienna, ON NOJ 1TO Madam Mayor, Members of Council, I would like to begin by acknowledging the professionalism of the report delivered by the consultants, CPCS, which was both clear and concise. I would also like to thank council for the wise decision to pay for this report and in doing so acknowledge that I, personally, was wrong to be in opposition to investing the dollars in conducting a market study. Having done so, however, I would suggest it is time that Bayham bring this chapter to a close. It is important, I think, to reiterate one of the final paragraphs of the consultant's report, specifically: In the case of the Port Burwell service, the financial support fof government] should cover around 40 percent of fixed cost in the first few years of service to ensure a reasonable market size at the early stage of development by keeping the ferry tariffs competitive with trucking. For the Cleveland service, this would a¡nount to $8 million for each year. There is no clear indication, however, that the service would survive once the period of financial support ends. Quoted in the Tillsonburg News, CPCS Vice-President Marc-Andre Roy said, "I don't want to sugar-coat anflhing, this is a speculative venture." We should all appreciate his candor. When this consultant's report is put together with last year's Ontario Marine Transportation Study, it would be irresponsible to invest additional tax dollars into this project. It is not the role of municipalities to invest tax dollars into speculative ventures. An MBA is not required to recognize that a project requiring a port, customs facilities, and a staging area for RO-RO trailers, would also require substantial investments in infrastructure, upgrades, and policing. It does not require a study to recognize that such facilities and activities would change the character of Port Burwell and surrounding 7:25 p.m. - Sean Hurley regarding International Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study Page 21 of 195 areas. And it requires nothing more than coÍrmon sense to recognize that such investments into a project that is speculative at best, even with government subsidies that are by no means assured, would risk leaving our community a fiscal ruin defined by high taxes and an utter lack of services and programs. rü/ith all that said, I would like to welcome all of you to the 21st century. We find ourselves in a new era where what Bayham has to offer--a high quality of life and easy access to larger centres--will be in growing dernand. We find ourselves in an era where, given the infrastructure, people can work for anyone anywhere from the comfort of their kitchen table. We live in an era where economies are defined not so much by physical infrastructure as by innovation and creativity. It is no longer necessary nor advisable to sacrifice our land base and our quality of life to develop an economy that both serves the community and provides prosperity. Bayham's nafural features and rural lifestyle are assets which can be leveraged to attract to our community businesses and people unencumbered by distance and borders in a world that is increasingly digital. The transportation economy is the last thread of an unraveling industrial fabric. If we hang onto it we will soon find our investment lost along with what makes our community unique and inviting. The alternative is we look beyond what is passing into a bygone era and plan for a future economy. We have plørty to offer the creative and entrepreneurial classes seeking more rewarding lifestyles. I urge council to retum to the people of Ontario and Canada their unspent tax dollars. It is the responsible and the right thing to do. I urge council to thank CPCS for services rendered and inform them additional services are not required at this time. I urge council to then engage in a public process asking the question: How do we attract to Bayham entrepreneurs and creative economy workers? What facilities, infrastructure, and technologies are important to them? How do we reach them and communicate to them? What impediments exist to making Bayham both a place to live and to do business?'When we identiff impediments, how do we overcome them? And what is holding back all those kitchen table and garage businesses that currently exist in Bayham? How can we heþ them to succeed? How can we help successful Bayham businesses do better? How do we leverage the natural assets that we prize into economic assets while preserving them? I read once that you can't have a community without an economy. I accept that. I don't accept that we must sacrifice what's best about where we live for that economy. I believe a truly prosperous economy will both preserve and enhance quality of life and serve the interests of the community. It is said when one door closes, another opens. Again, I urge council to close this chapter, and let's begin a new one. 7:25 p.m. - Sean Hurley regarding International Ferry Service Feasibility and Impact Study Page 22 of 195 /\ I I\ tv TO\MI[SHIP 7275 Sideroad 16 P.O. Box 160 Drayton, Ontario NOG 1PO OFMAPLETON Phone: (519) 638-3313 Fax: (519) 638-5113 December 16,2009 TO: ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO RE: WIND ENERGY PROJECT At the December 8,2009 Township of Mapleton meeting there was a delegation in attendance regarding wind energy projects in the area south-west of the Village of Arthur. At the meeting, the following resolution was passed, respecting the above referenced matter: WHEREAS the Council of the Townshíp of Mapleton has received a petition of 250+ citizens wíth concerns about health issues and ground water protection ; NOlf THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Mapleton hereby request that the Government of Ontario thru the Minístry of Environment issue a moratorium on wind energl projects until a health study has been completed by an independent third party; AND FURTHER that this resolution be þrwarded to the County of Wellington and other municipalíties within the County of W'ellington for their support and endorsement, as well as the Associations of Municípalities of Ontario. " Contact information: reception@town.mapleton. on. ca DISCLAIMER This matenial is provided under contract as a paid seruice by the orþinat¡ng organ¡zat¡on and does not necessarily reflect the view or positions of lhe Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, oflTcers, directors or agents. Copy of resolution passed December 8, 2009 by the Township of Mapleton regarding "Wind Energy Project". File: C10 Page 23 of 195 Page 24 of 195 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3Co Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER GOMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/087 it. ¡l'- É EJJTo the attention of the Clerk and Council December 15, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION GONTACT: Matthew Wilson, AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-9856 e)d 323 Ontario Municipal Partnersh¡p Fund (OMPF) Allocations Announcement lssue: The Ministry of Finance is today confirming individual municipal allocations for 2010. The provincial government has announced Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) allocations to eligible municipalities on the Ministry of Finance website. Letters to heads of council and treasurers are also being mailed at this time. The Ministry's website is http ://www.f i n. oov. o n. calen/budqeUom pf/20 1 0/. The OMPF is a critical provincialfunding program which assists municipalities with social program costs, equalization, policing costs, and assists northern and rural communities to provide services to citizens. For 2010,382 municipalities will receive $625 million in OMPF funding and the social assistance benefit uploads are valued at $570 million. Some data elements and thresholds have been updated but the OMPF formula remains as it did for 2009. One important component of the Fund which is of concern for 2010 is the issue of mitigation funding. Last year the provincial government signaled to municipalities that mitigation funding would not be provided in 2010. ln 2010, mitigation funding (will be known as the Transitional Assistance Guarantee) will total $25 million (or 4o/o of the total OMPF allocation). This does not represent full mitigation funding. lt will be distributed to 105 municipalities. This is a better outcome than the government's 2009 announced intention of not providing any mitigation during a period of very limited provincial resources. However, it will also mean that some municipalities will be affected with an equivalent tax impact of $30 per household on average, and for some, up to $85 per household. The Calculation of the Transitional Assistance Guarantee Mitigation funding in 2010 is being calculated as a percentage of the 2009 Combined Benefit. The Combined Benefit is both a municipality's OMPF allocation and the value of the uploaded ODB and ODSP program costs in 2009. Municipalities in Southern Ontarío (outside of the GTA) will receive 80% of the difference between the 2009 and 2010 Combined Benefits. rtr un¡c¡ par¡11:îîäiÏ:,ii ^llo1-2 Correspondence dated December 15, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Ontario Municipal Partnership Page 25 of 195 Municipalities in Northern Ontarío will receive 95% of the difference between the 2009 and 2010 Combíned Benefits. ln addition, the maximum mitigation impact for any one municipality is capped at $2.5 million. Background AMO representatives, who included a number of senior municipaltreasurers and officials, met with provincial officials to review the OMPF this past summer. AMO's position throughout these discussions was that no municipality should receive any less funding in future years. The 2010 OMPF allocation, as announced today, does not represent AMO's position. In 2009, mitigation funding (known as the Combined Benefit Stable Funding Guarantee) was valued at $70 million (or 9% of the totat OMPF allocation). lt was been distributed to 177 municipalities in 2009 and has been provided on an annual basis since 2005. AMO was able to secure the Stable Funding Guarantee for 2009 as part of the Provincial- Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review. During late summer and fall, AMO staff has contacted CAOs or Treasurers in every potentially affected municipality to ensure they understood the OMPF funding risk for 2010 and in support of Council advocacy with local MPPs. The government has made it clear that this mitigation funding is available for 2010 only. AMO looks forward to the Ministry of Finance completing the normal annual reconciliation of social service costs which is a key feature of the OMPF. Action: AMO is waiting for more information from the Ministry of Finance including a per municipality breakdown of the OMPF impacts. AMO's detailed review of these numbers will continue. Fo r more information please visit http://www.fin.oov.on.calen/bud geUompf/20 1 0/. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. l--tr trjJ 2-2 uun¡c¡par¡âl:î?äii:,ii aÌlo Correspondence dated December 15, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Ontario Municipal Partnership Page 26 of 195 Heads UP =v'Ttãkeepirtg members informcd, ld¿úkfupâa,e'December 16, 2009 The Ministry of Transportation has announced that Long Combination Vehicles (LCV's) operations have now ceased for the winter months of December, January and February. Weather permitting, operations will commence again March I,2070. MTO released the following results of its pilot program for trips made through the end of November:. Permits issued to-date - 52 (of 100 allotted)¡ Participant carriers - 26 þf 50 allotted). Approved freeway rest/emergency stop locations - 14 - 9 service centres - 5 commercial truck stops. Approved origin/destination locations - 21 - 2 in Cornwall - 2 in Kingston - 3 in Vaughan - 3 in Toronto - 9 in Mississauga - L in Brampton - t in Cambridge ln terms of trips made with LCV's, the following statistics were reported: . August - 338 trips (82,182 km) r September - 1,005 trips (300,984 km) o October - 1,302 trips (422,431 km) . November - 7,467 trips (474,590 km) Total to-date - 4,t74trips (7,28I,268 km) Itisimportanttonotethatnocollisionsoroperational incidentswerereported. Asaresultofthisprogram,4LL4 tractor-trailer were eliminated on Ontario highways and approximately 300,000 litres of fuel was saved. MTO will continue to review and approve rest/emergency stops and OD locations over the winter. lt is expected that remaining perm¡ts will be issued by next spring. Further information on the pilot is available at: http://www.mto.sov.on.calenslish/trucks/lcv/lcv-pilot- oroe.shtml. Any issues or concerns should be directed to lcv.monitorins@ontario,ca or Ron Madill, MTO's Co-ordinator Vehicle Weights and Dimensions at 519- 473-5543. PREMIER SPONSOR:ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION 6355 KENNEDY ROAD, UNIT f2, MISSISSAUGA, ON L5T 2L5 TEL: 905-795-2555 FAX: 905-795-2660 EMAIL: info@ogra.orgs Heads Up Alert dated December 16, 2009 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Long Combination Vehicles Page 27 of 195 Page 28 of 195 An agency of the Government of Ontario 10 Adelaide Street East Toronto, Ontario M5C 1J3 Telephone: 41 6-325-5000Fax :416-325-5071 www. heritagetrust.on.ca December 7,2009 Ontario Heritage Week 2010 - February 15 to 2l Dear Friends, Heritage V/eek offers a unique opportunity for the people of Ontario to celebrate the province's rich history and to recognize the vital work of heritage organizations and volunteers across the province. The Ontario Heritage Trust - the province's lead heritage agency - will kick off Heritage Week with an event at the historic Armoury in Chatham, Ontario on February 12,2010. The Armoury, constructed in 1905, is currently being adapted for use as a special events venue and natural history museum' Ontario Heritage Week 2010 runs from Monday, February 15 to Sunday, February 21' The Trust's theme this year - Our changing løndscape - offers an opportunity fo1 communities across the provirice to reflect on how their built and natural environments have evolved over time. Communities are constantly changing, and each alteration to a community's landscape helps to shape its identity. During Heritage Week 2010, communities are encouraged to consider the extent of these past transformations, discuss their impacts and contemplate how and why they occurred. Examining the forces that have inspired change in the past will ultimately lead to an increased ability to manage change in the future. With this )r'ear's theme focused on the prccess of, change; there is g uniqrle opporhrnity to celebrate heritage resources that have been successfully integrated into today's landscapes. There are countless examples of significant buildings and sites across the province that have stood the test of time and now stand proud as historic landmarks within a setting of contemporary development. These sites play an important role in dehning community identity and provide clear benchmarks in marking the history of a community. Conversely, this year's theme also provides an opportunity to commemorate "lost" heritage resources, Many communities have experienced the disappearance of significant heritage buildings and natural heritage,sites over the past couple of decades and it is important to look back at how these sites were lost and hory they have since evolved, Pagell3 Correspondence dated December 7, 2009 from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding "Ontario Heritage Week 2010 - February 15 to Page 29 of 195 Photo exhibitions and timelines that visually depict the evolution of the landscape, special walking tours focused on the history of still-standing and long-forgotten sites, and design charrettes aimed at ensuring sympathetic urban development in the future are just a few sample activities that lend themselves well to this year's theme. However, as in years past, all celebrations of local heritage, regardless of theme, are encouraged to take part in Heritage'Week. This year, we once again invite you to submit your special events and activities for posting on the Ontario Heritage Trust's online directory of Heritage Week events. Please-followthe instructions on Page 3 for submitting your events. You can visit our website (www.heritagetrust.on.ca) over the coming weeks to see the exciting activities and events that arc being planned in communities across the province. Heritage helps build stronger communities and improves our quality of life. Working together, we can ensure the protection of our heritage for present and future generations' V/e look forward to working with you over the coming weeks in celebrating Heritage V/eek 2010. Sincerely, Richard Moorhouse Executive Director Page2 I 3 Correspondence dated December 7, 2009 from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding "Ontario Heritage Week 2010 - February 15 to Page 30 of 195 How to submit your event listine for Heritage Week 2010: l. Visit the Ontario Heritage Trust website - www.heritagetrust.on'ca 2. From the Home page, under the Spotlight on heritage, click "Celebrate Heritage Week 2010t" 3. Select the "submit a community event" Quick link. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions, complete the simple online form and click Submit' 5. If you make errors, click Reset to start over. 6. If you have multiple events, please submit each one separately. 1. The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 22,2009. 8. Event listings will be reviewed for content and style before beingtranslated and published to the website (approximately two weeks). 9. If you have an image you would like to include with your listing, please forward it by e-mail to Gordon Pim (gordon.pim@heritagetrust.on.ca). Personal information on this form is collected under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S'O' 1990, c. 18 and will be used for Ontario Heritage Trust marketing purposes. This information will not be shared with other organizations. The Ontario Heritage Trust reserves the right to edit any submissions for style and/or content. For more Heritage Vy'eek information. please contact: Mike Sawchuck C ommunity Pro grams Offrcer Ontario Heritage Trust Telephone: 416-314-3586 Fax: 416-325-5071 E-mail : michael.sawchuck@heritagetrust.on.ca Website : www.heritagetrust. on. ca Page3 I 3 Correspondence dated December 7, 2009 from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding "Ontario Heritage Week 2010 - February 15 to Page 31 of 195 Page 32 of 195 ECEIVE iAN - 4 2010 Rot MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM On behalf of the Trans Canada Trail organization (TCT), I'm delighted to share our new annual report and update you on some recent developments at the Trail. Thanks to you and other trail building groups and organizations across the country, the Trans Canada Trail now includes 15,500 kilometres of operational trail which is more than 70 percent of the proposed Trail route. Our goal is to complete the Trail by 2017 to coincide wittr the ZSb anniversary of the Trãil and Canadá's I 50ú anniversary of Confederation. This is a bold goal that will require the dedication and support from Canadians across the country. Working with you TCT is working closely with our provincial and territorial parhrer organizations that are responsible for overseeing the development of the Trans Canada Trail in each region. We would like to build closer relations with individual trail groups, in order to promote local trails, celebrate the dedication and energy oflocal trail builders, and encourage trail use across the counûy, In our Annual Report and on our website (www.tctrail.ca), we have listed all the trails that make up the Trans Canada Trail. Now we plan to add trail descriptions, photos, web links and trail activities. We hope you will work with us on this and other marketing initiatives. We have had preliminary discussions with the Canadian Tourism Commission and several provincial marketing agencies; signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Parks Canada; and secured an agreement with the Globe and Mail to be our national media sponsor and run monthly ads for TCT/partner trails, so there are some very exciting initiatives in the works. New brand positioning At our recent AGM in Ottawa, we launched new brand positioning for the Trail which you can see in our Annual Report and refreshed logo. We believe it both captures what TCT is today - a dynamic organization on the move - and reflects the essence of the Trail - something truly unique that inspires unlimited journeys of exploration and discovery. We have developed new collateral, including a new video and print materials, which we would be pleased to send you, with our new logo, for your promotional initiatives. Let me take this opportunþ to wish everyone in your organization best wishes for the holiday season. We look forward to working with you as we move forward to complete and promote the world's longest and grandest Trail. It is a treasured resource for Canadians today and an important legacy for generations to come. December 21,2009 Mr. Anthony Sharp The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 9344PlankRoad, Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO Dear Mr. Sharp,Honorarv Patrons Her Excellency The Right Honouraþle Michaëlle Jean, c.c., c.M.M., c.o.M., c.D. Governor General of Canada HIs Excellency Jean-Daniel Lafond, C.C. Présidents d'honneur Son Excellence t-a très honorable Míchaëlle Jean c.c., c.M.M., c.o.M., c.D. Gouverneure générale du Canada Son Excellence Jean-Daniel Lafond, C.C Board of Directors Co n sei I d' a d m i nistrati o n Valerie Pr¡nÉle, C.M. (Chair) Jim Bishop Cameron Clark Bruce Croxon Judi Dunn Betty-Anne Graves Ron Hicks Paul C. LaBarÉe, LL.B., LL.M., ex-officio Ross Mitchell Rick MorSan Claire Morris Andrew Parsons Serte Rancourt Hartley Richardson, C.M., O.M., LL.D. Hugh Scott, M.D., D.C.L., FRCPC, ex-officio William Shurniak, S.O.M., LL.D. Bruce Simpson Edwina Stoate Harold Westdal Jodi White President and CEO Présidente et chef de Ia direction Deborah Apps Deborah Apps 43 Westminster Avenue N Monheal West, QC H4X 1YB Tel.: 1-800-465-3636 www.tctrail.ca Correspondence dated December 21, 2009 from Trans Canada Trail regarding "annual report and recent developments". File: A01 Page 33 of 195 Page 34 of 195 Trans Canada Trail The world's longest and grandest trail lnitiated in 1.992 as a project to celebrate Canada's I25Th year, the Trans Canada Trail is the world's longest network of trails. When completed, it will stretch 22,000 kilometres from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic Oceans, linking over 1000 communities and more than 33 million Canadians. To date, more than 15,500 kilometres of trail are operational, which is close t0 70.5 percent of the proposed route. Today f0ur 0ut of five Canadians live within 30 minutes of completed sections of the Trail. Endless poss¡b¡lities for discovery ' The Trail is inspiring people to get active and enjoy the outdoors: walking/hiking, cycling, cross-country skiing, canoeing, snowmobiling and horseback riding. ' The Trans Canada Trail is made up of close to 400 individual trails, each with unique and varied features. This contributes to the diversity and grandeur of Canada's national Trail. ' For day trips or multi-day adventures, the Trail offers countless opportunities to explore and discover. Everyone can enjoy the Trans Canada Trail at their own pace and in their own unique way. ' Today, millions of Canadians and international visitors are using the Trail to experience Canada's legendary wilderness; cycle historic rail trails; explore provincial and territorial capitals; canoe the routes of early explorers; visit national and provincial parks; commute to and from work; picnic in urban parks; and learn about our rich history and diverse cultural heritage. TheTrans CanadaTrailis a non-profit, registered charity. Our mission isto promote and assist in the development and use of theTrail in every province and territory. We provide seed funding to local trail builders to develop trails. These funds are then leveraged by local trail groups to raise additional funds. The Trans Canada Trail is represented by provincial/territorial organizations that ensure the Trail is planned and built according to the needs and desires of local communities. Each section of trail is developed, owned and managed at the local level - by trail groups, conservat¡on authorities, and by municipal, provincial and federal governments, TheTrans Canada Trail does not own or operate any trail. Each trail section represents the hard work and dedication of local organizations, partneß and volunteers. The Trans Canada Trail is one of the largest volunteer projects ever undertaken in Canada. COAST TO COAST TO COAST Correspondence dated December 21, 2009 from Trans Canada Trail regarding "annual report and recent developments". File: A01 Page 35 of 195 BENEFITS OF THE TRAIL Health. The Trail is inspiring Canadians of all ages to get active and keep fit. Environmeht. The Trail is preserving green space, promoting conservation, encouraging active transportation and protecting the env¡ron ment. Education. The Trail is helping educate individuals of all ages about Canada's history and natural heritage. Economic developmeht. The Trail is promoting tourism, creating jobs and contributing to economic growth in large and small communities. A national legacy ' The Trail is a bold national project that has captured the heafts of Canadians. People from coast to coast to coast are working together to fulfill a common goal and make the dream of Canada's national Trail become a reality, ' Together we are building a treasured resource for Canadians todaY and a legacy for generat¡ons of Canadians to c0me. For a full list of trail sections, printable maps and GPS data, visit vwvw.tctrai L caltlocato r Broad support The Trans Canada Trail has the support of Canadians from all regions and all walks of life. ' More than 100,000 Canadians have helped build the Trail by sponsoring metres of trail. Donors and sponsors are recognized in the Trail's 86 red-roofed pavilions. ' lVlajor corporations, foundations and all levels of government have contributed generously to the Trail. The federal government's Department of Canadian Heritage provided $15-million for seed funding for trail construction. For informat¡on on how you can support the Trail: Trans Canada Trail 43 Westminster Avenue Nofth, Montreal West, Quebec H4X 1Y8 1-800-465-3636 | www.tctrail.ca For all seeking to engage in something truly unique, the Trans Canada Trail - with the world's longest network of trails - inspires unlimited journeys of discovery and celebration that capture the many facets of Canada's diversity. YourTrail. Your Journey. Photosi Page 1 t0p l-r: Tor0nto WaterfrontTrail, ON; Confederâtion Trail, PEI (photo: T0urism PEIIJ0hn Sylvester); Cape Breton, NS (photo: Jeannette Klein); Banff LegacyTrail, AB (photo: Francois Peletier, Parks Canada); below l-r: Trail in Yuk0n (Ggvernment ofYukon photo/C,Archbould); Columbia River, BC (photo: Bruce 0bee). Page 2 t0p l-r: FundyTrail, NB (phgto Nelv Brunswick Tourism & Parks); 0utlo0k Trail, SK (photo: Wendy [/cKella0; Snowmobilers 0n Traì1, AB; City ofWinnipegTrail, MB (photo: Tourism Manitoba); below l-r: T0ronto WatefrontTrail, 0N; Traversée de Charlevoix, QC \ l¡ an:, (ìan¿¡ti;¡ ii ¡¡il 5rrillic; /i ¿;ltsr.'¿ ¡ n ¿tci tc n B.N. 13749 6741 RR0001 Correspondence dated December 21, 2009 from Trans Canada Trail regarding "annual report and recent developments". File: A01 Page 36 of 195 hol Let CiB Ontario help to make it easy to SHOWCASE YOUR COMMUNITY and recognize your volunteers! ln addition to our Communities in Bloom Ontario fully judged program, we are pleased to offer the Green for Life Community Award of Excellence along with the Community Showcase - Membership and "Judged for a Day" programs. d fu[Ug %nfarío Program * {rJeaÆ tf 6trg refortdas a cnmmuníty 6uíffer, This program is for those who aspire to excel in the CiB Ontario program and advanæ to the National and lnternational CiB Program, Registrations for Communities in Bloom Ontario are categorized according to community population in order to ensure fairness with respect to available people and other resources. During July and August of each year, on an agreed date, two Communities in Bloom Ontario judges evaluate each padicipating community on the accomplishments of the whole team - municipal, private, corporate and institutional. Judges are looking for results on eight specific criteria: llidiness f Environmental Awareness f Community lnvolvement, f Natural and Cultural Heritage Conseruation f Tree/Urban Forest Management f Landscaped Areas fFloral Displays f Turf & Groundcovers ln addition to their bloom rating, each Communities in Bloom Ontario participant receives a comprehensive 20 page report prepared by the highly qualified judges, This report reviews the pafticular features and projects that the community has undertaken and presented, and offers constructive hints and recommendations for the following year, in each of the eight criteria areas, Of course, all participants are winners with respect to their ability to attract tourism, ærporate relocations, new development and investment; and generaleconomic activity based on being more attractive, liveable communities! Your Community will be showcased at the Provincial Awards ceremony to be held in Sarnia, Ontario on Septembe¡ 24 - 26,2010. Participants will receive a framed bloom rating certificate and may be eligible to receive a special recognition award. 20(0 Progrnms' zJ Comm*íU Sùrwcase -Mem6us6ip e.'lufgdþr a Oay" Cafgoríes This program is ideal for communities who would like a membership to enjoy all the benefìts of the Communities in Bloom (CiB-O) program in one of two ways: ln a Membershio Caoacitv: to help in your efforts to "maintain" CiB Ontario standards with ongoing membership, continued support or networking through CiB Ontario to keep up to date on current trends or practices, or ln a Jud{ed Caoacitv: a C|BO representative will visit your community for a day and provide your community with comments, ideas and suggestions. This is a great way to obtain fresh insights and valuable feedback about the impression that your community makes. Corresponce received from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "2010 Programs". File: A01 Page 37 of 195 3J Comm*íU Awarl d fuæfenæ Program This program is suited to showcase specific projects or geographical segments within a community with ProvincialiNational recognition and exposure in the Communities in Bloom Ontario program. Every entry will receive a Certificate of Recognition along with Provincial & National website exposure. Any business;group, society, organization or community may enter (no limit). ln partnership with Landscape Ontario each project will be evaluated by a jury of professionals based on Community Spirit, lnnovative ldeas & Environmental Sustainability and will automatically be entered into a competition to be eligible to win the Cß Ontario Community Award of Excellence sponsored by Who can participate Any corporation, business, group, society, organization or community. Some examples include: BlAs, Chambers of Commerce, Horticultural Societies, 4H Clubs, Seniors Groups, Youth Groups, Rotary, Kinsmen, Lions, lndividual Businesses, lndustries and m0re. Evaluation Criteda ln partnership with Landscape Ontario each project will be evaluated by a jury of professionals based on Community Spirit, lnnovative ldeas & Environmental Sustainability and will automatically be entered into a competition to be eligible to win the CiB Ontario Award of Excellence. Howto paÉicipate - EASY! Participants submit digital photographs (max. 5) and complete and submit a project description form for the project that they are showcasing by June 30th, 2010. ßenefrß of nartícínafína fo 'U?UR cnrhrûur,íht: national websites. and networking through C|B-O to keep up to date on current trends and practices. For furfÂer ínformafíon confacf: Lee Rozon, Communities in Bloom Ontario Executive Director Call toll-free at 1-877-640-4005 Email: info@cibontario.ca website: www.cibontario,ca I andsc.rpe onta rio.co m fr"""^Pa'LiÍel Working together to help make Ontario Communities Beautiful Corresponce received from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "2010 Programs". File: A01 Page 38 of 195 Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin - Middlesex - London December 4,2009 Honourable Dwight Duncan Minister of Finance Frost Building South, 7ù Floor 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7 DEC I 5 iûû9 A tu fl,/¡U f,il tlF,q t i ;ii' fi F ii ¡i ì/ii,gflï Dear Minister: Please find enclosed letters from municipal ofhcials within my riding who have contacted my office to express their concerns regarding the Ontario Municipal Parhrership Fund and the implications of grant reductions for their ratepayers and services the municipalities provide for their residents. As you may be aware,I written to you and your predecessors on several occasions to ensure the Ministry of Finance is aware of these serious concerns with the hope that a satisfactory, long term solution can be reached for all involved. Both the upper and lower tier member municipalities of the County of Elgin, as well as the City of St. Thomas, are facing significant revenue shortfalls as identified by their stafls analysis of impending OMPF allocation reductions for 2010. This not only negatively affects their short and long term planning for completing necessary capital improvements and operational budget adjustments, it also presents the very real possibility that Elgin County's municipalities will be ultimately forced to substantially raise tax rates for their residents in a time of significant increases to the Ontario Works caseload and continued economic instability. County and lower tier municipal officials have attempted to have these concerns addressed by your ministry but have yet to receive a satisfactory response. I believe the provincial government has a responsibilþ to listen to the concerns of its municipal partners and work towards solutions that will benefit oui local residents whenever possible. With this in mind, I urge your Ministry to consider the municipal officials' request to institute appropriate mitigation measures in the form of interim funding relief for the 2010 OMPF allocation year and beyond if deemed necessary. Minister, I would appreciate your reviewing these matters at your earliest possible convenience and responding directly to the municipal offrcials listed below. As always, thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, :rN. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Mi ddlesex-London Cc: Warden Graham Warwick, County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario, N5R 5V1 Mayor Lynn Acre, Municipality of Bayham, 9344PlankRoad, P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 Mayor James Mclntyre, Township of Southwold ,35663 Fingal Line, Fingal, Ontario, NOL lKO Mayor Sylvia Hoftruis, Municipality of Central Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario, N5R 5Vl Mayor Cliff Barwick, City of St, Thomas, 545 Talbot Street, P.O. Box 520, St. Thomas, Ontario, N5P 3V7 Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 542Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ON N5P lC4 T- (519) 65l-0666 Tollfree -l-800-265-7638 F- (519) 651-9478 TTY- (519) 63I-9904 E-speters.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org w'stevepeters'com Correspondence dated December 4, 2009 from Steve Peters, M.P.P. to the Minister of Finance regarding "Ontario Municipal Page 39 of 195 Page 40 of 195 Ministry of the Environment West Central Region Ministère de l'Environnement Direction regionale du Gent¡e-euest Hamilton (Ontado) L$P 4Y7 Té1. : 905 521-7640 Téléc.: 905 52'l-7820 119 King StreetWest ,li9 rue King 12'n Floor 1)a âtsaa12e étage Hamilton, Ontario LgP 4YZ Tel.: 905 521-7640 Fax; 905 521-7820 Decembqr 8,2009 Mr. Buck Sloat, Chairman Long Point Region Conservation Authority RR#3 Simcoe, Ontario. N3Y 4K2 Dear Mr. Sloat: flt¿ Re: Long Point Region High Use Watershed Designation Thank you for your letter of October 22,2009 regarding Long Point Region High Use Watershed Designation. As you pointed out, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) received the Long point Region, Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Tier 2 Vy'ater Quantity Stress Assessment and the Long Point Creek Integrated'Water Budget reports from the Grand River Conservation Authority in August 2009. Since that time, MOE staff have reviewed the reports and they acknowledge that the information in the reports provides the rationale for amenAing the current ñigh-ur" watershed designations in the areas that the reports covers. I am pleased to advise you that the MOE is evaluating how to implement the necessary regulatory changes that would incorporate this recent science to better reflect water usage and availability in the Long Point Region, Norfolk County and other parts of the province. His V/orship, Mayor Travale recently wrote to the Minister on this same matter. MOE staff will be in contact with the Mayor and your office within the coming weeks to schedule a meeting with both Norfolk County and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority to discuss these regulatory options in more detail. Thank you for the support in the ministry review of this matter.REEË L.FR r}EC J Yours l*ly,'&rl Carl Slater Technical Support Manager West Central Region ACTION 9"ol CC fttu r'lrc ¡ Øn J*l FILE ?rnt,sf¡'Ç Copy of correspondence dated December 8, 2009 from Ministry of the Environment to Long Point Region Conservation Authority Page 41 of 195 Page 42 of 195 1 A 'e LPRCA Media Release December 14,2009 Release upon Receipt LPRCA W¡ll Be Moving Chairman Buck Sloat is very pleased to announce that the Long Point Region Conservation Authority Administration Office will be relocating to Tillsonburg in the New Year. This milestone event results from the recent signing of an agreement to purchase the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board administration office building. The Conservation Authority took possession of the 16,000 square foot building along with more than 5 acres of property on Friday, December 11, 2009. Tax dollars were not used to fund the purchase of LPRCA's new office location. Sloat stated, "The Authority has been housed in the former Potash School since 1973. This new location was selected to accommodate LPRCA's growing personnel, our expanding operations, as well as being strategically located." ln addition to more adequate offìce and meeting space, the new facility provides an opportunity for an agreement with the Tobacco Grower's Marketing Board for shared use of the facilities. Striking an agreement in which the marketing board rents office space was an integral part of the acquisition. The two organizations serve similar stakeholders and constituents and believe this partnership will enhance the level of service provided by each. "We believe that this transaction will do a great deal in making both the LPRCA and us more efficient, more effective and better suited to respond to the needs of our client base,' said Fred Neukamm, Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board Chair. The Authority went through a rigorous review of options finally deciding to purchase the move-in ready building. ln the New Year, LPRCA will begin the process of moving from its current location with a target for completion of mid-February. LPRCA was created in 1971 when the Big Creek Region and Otter Creek Conservation Authorities amalgamated. The Conservation Authority has grown with new environmental responsibilities over the past 60 years. The current administrative office houses over 18 professional and administrative staff members, including planners, foresters, GIS specialists, water resource technicians and others. For more information contact LPRCA General Manager Cliff Evanitski at 519-428-4623, ext225 or cevanitski@lprca. on.ca. -30- Janice Robertson, LPRCA Supervisor of Community Relations Phone: 519-428-4623, ext 227 LPRCA Media Release dated December 14, 2009 regarding "LPRCA Will be Moving". File: A16 Page 43 of 195 Page 44 of 195 =(06 Edison Museum Building Committee Friday December 7:00 pm 18, 2009 Attendance: ,Jean üloon-Chair, Lynn Acre - Acting secretary, Lew Acre, Lynda Millard, Bill Gheysen (left earJ-y). Regrets: Cheryl Peters, Ray Maddox, Mat Schafer. The Chair cafled the meeting to order at 7:00 pn Murder Mystery Discussj-on: Prompted by a request from member Mat Schafer, the chairman initiated a discussion on whether or not we should continue with the same type of fundraiser for 2010. It was noted that while we only sold 61 tickets but paid for 77 meals, we stilf made a profit of $2, oo0 . The present organj-zers, Cheryl and Jean, are both wiJ-ling to continue with the same program next yearf if the committee advises. There was discussion of getting quotes for new and different murder mystery acting groups. Our regular group only charges $750 plus meals. There was afso discussion about getting a caterer who could provide a quality rneal for less than $l-2.00 per plate. Bill Gheysen suggested finding some local people to prepare the meaf. Members also suggested the followj-ng caterers; Mary Fisher, Sonshine Cafê, Songbirds Bar & Grill- and Vienna Lioness group. As an alternate program to a Murder Mystery, there was a discussion about having a comedian or other entertainment after the meal. Magicians, singers, bands, Monte Carlo games' 50/50 raffles, I^tere alI suggested. Silent Auction: ft was decided that this part of the program should be continued and that efforts be made to soficit more items for next year's event. Members affirmed that they liked having the silent auction items grouped together on one side of the room. Decision: ft was moved by T,ynn Acre and seconded by Lew Acre that the committee proceed with planning a 2010 fundraising event and that Jean Woon investigate prices for alternate Murder Mystery guilds and also of caterers. Motion Carried. Action Ttems: Lynn will get the contact information for the comedian who performed at the Elgin County Christmas dinner and afso get a quote from magician Steve Vlil-son and two l-ocal bands calfed "Back to the 50ts" and ttGeneration Gaptt. Jean lVoon wil-l- book the Vienna Community Centre for Saturday November 20,20]-0. Jean wil-l- ask Bilf Gheysen to put together a quote for l-ocal caterers. Al-so she wiII contact Sally Bradfield, of the Vienna T,ioness to request a quote. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm Edison Museum Building Committee minutes of meeting held December 18, 2009. File: C06 Page 45 of 195 Page 46 of 195 The n Ò'l I/-,/fr-..-- -¡,¡!! f4,ß.L BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTRE A Communiry Futu¡es Development Corporation ELGIN Building Communíties - One ldea at a Ttme Elgin Business Resource Centre has presented several Elgin County businesses and not-for-profit organizations with grants through the South West Community Adjustment Fund (SWCAF), The CommunityAdiustment Fund provided grants for:. skills development to encourage training of existing employees. hiring interns to gain valuable skills and full-time work experience. business development for business expansion projects such as website development or market research. local initiative projects to create economic development and diversification. community capacity projects to enhance the community capacity for economic development. EBRC is pleased to announce the organizations which have received grants in each category are: Skills Development. Gordon Bleu Catering and Personal Chef Services, St Thomas. Mill Hill Canada, Port Burwell Internship. The Arts & Cookery Bank, West Lorne. Gowan Health Consultants, Wallacetown Business Development. Dancing Creek: Adventures in Balance Inc., Vienn. Eagle Tree Perspectives, Port Burwell. Eco-Logic, Aylmer. St Thomas Economic Development Corp, St Thom. Railway City Brewing Company, St Thomas. Serenity House Hospice Inc., St Thomas. North American Railway Hall of Fame, St Thomas Local Initiative Proi ects. County of Elgin. Elgin County Railway Museum Inc., St Thomas Community Capacity Proj ects. The Elgin County Military Museum, St Thomas. North American Railway Hall of Fame, St Thomas Watch our website for more SWCAF announcements. www. etgincfdc. ca (s1el633-7597 admin@etgincfdc.ca Canad'ä I+I [Hffi;ffi*' ffiffi,,*** lø SetfH Orfûio poir lo Svd de l'Ontûb ? ri :.., +c^r^oÂsrcororc Þ{ AcÍro]t P11!!¡ Pnil*Drcil0! Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter dated January 2010. File: M07 Page 47 of 195 A i;f,î ":ïäL,,.,,¡al Award The Helen LeFrank Entrepreneurial Youth Fund, was started in honour of the long serving General Manager of Elgin CFDC who retired in2OO7.lt has been established as a fund, invested in perpetuity with the Elgin-St. Thomas Community Foundation (www.escf.ca). The grants are to support youth entrepreneurial activity and business start up or expansion. Applications are accepted annually from young entrepreneurs under the age of 29. Applicants must be a resident of Elgin County with priority given to applicants whose business is located in Elgin County. Part time and seasonal businesses are eligible. The recipient will receive a year of mentoring and must attend a business workshop, both provided free of charge. Grant amounts are usually between 5200 and 51000. Please direct any questions and completed applications to the attention of Debbie Stojkovic at Elgin Business Resource Centre 300 South Edgeware Road, St. Thomas, ON N5P 4L1- or call Debbie @ 519-633-7597 ext 31. Applications for the 2010 award will be available through the Elgin Business Resource Centre website at www.elgincfdc.ca fuMfu Debbie Stoj kovic's inva I ua ble accou nting expertise is a great benefit for Elgin Business Resource Centre. W¡th over 23 years of experience at EBRC, Debbie is responsible for accounting, claims and legal paperwork for loans. She has achieved an intermediate Level ll Accounting Certification and is currently working toward her Business Counselling Certification. Contact Debbie at (519) 633-7597 ext 31 or by ema il dstojkovic@elgincfdc.ca Networking Wednesday meetings are held at 300 South Edgeware Rd the last Wednesday of the month. Registration is required for each meeting which has an informative speaker and refreshments. Time - 5:00 to 6:30 pm Here is a list of upcoming events: January 27,ãOLO - Getting prepared for taxes from a business perspective. February 24,zOtO - How does my business affect my personal taxes? circle Networking Wednesdays Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter dated January 2010. File: M07 Page 48 of 195 Stories of Success... Active Home Energy Evaluations "l knew the direction I wanted to go... I had an idea!" says ownerTom Hurley. "l completed EBRC's Self Employment program and now I have a busy business." Tom Hurley had retired from over 30 years as a master electrician when he saw home energy evaluations as an opportunity to own his own business. Tom has done quality assurance work in the electrical field for most of his life and has sales and management experience. Tom's timely transition to operating his own business placed him in the favourable position to help people save money, reduce energy consumption and reduce impact on the environment. As a certified energy auditor, Tom promotes the government grants for energy savings which are currently being offered. Working from West Lorne, Tom takes Active Home Energy Evaluations to clients' homes. The audit is a two step process to inspect and measure the leakage of the home and then return when the upgrades have been made (within 18 months )to re-test the home. Qualified upgrades are documented along wíth the second audit results and Tom sends the information to Natural Resources Canada for rebate to the client. With the support of EBRC's business counsellor Gordon Hall, Tom wrote a business plan, registered as a business and learned to promote Active Home Energy Evaluations. Tom first thought that his target market would be London. However, during research while on the SE program at EBRC, he found that within a 20 km radius of West Lorne there was little competition and many home owners wanting to upgrade their homes and qualify for the government rebates. "One of the most important decisions as you start out is to determine your target area." Tom Says. Networking is an important business tool for Tom. He uses business cards as a point of contact through local supporting businesses like home heating companies and window and door installers. Satisfied customers also refer family and friends. The Self Employment Benefits program was very beneficial to Active Home Energy Evaluations' profitable first year. Time management and keepíng up with technology are vital elements for even the smallest business. Tom knows that learning is a lifelong process. "You always need to keep upgrading. Education is vital to success." 'Active Home Energy Evaluationsri Tom Hurley. Certifi ed Energy Auditor (sls) 200-6363 activeene rgyL @ gm a i l. com Þontar¡o Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter dated January 2010. File: M07 Page 49 of 195 g>"r Fn¡s¡. !r9-;:.ftr ró" Ivleatloaf Mexicana 2 lb lean ground beef I cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese 1 cup chunky salsa I cup coarsely chopped parsley 3/4 cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 eggs l-30gm pkg chili or taco seasoning mix 2 tbsp soy sauce ll2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese Combine beef, 1 cup cheese, salsa, parsley, bread crumbs, eggs, seasoning mix and soy sauce in a large bowl. Mix well. Press meat mixture into ungreased 5 x 9 inch loaf pan. Bake at 350x for one hour or until meat is no longer pink in the centre. Drain and top meatloaf with ll2 cup cheese. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and let stand until cheese is melted. Slice to serve. Makes 8 servings. Elgin Dairy Producers from Flavours ofElgin IPM 2010 Cookbook Cookbook available at Elgin Business Resource Centre EßRC9nfûeNews The Run, Women, Run campaign school was held at the Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club. The workshop was offered to encourage, educate and empower women to participate in next year's municipal or school board trustee elections. During the course of the day, several speakers shared the details of the election process, roles of various levels of government and a closer look at life in the public eye including Helen LeFrank, pictured left. Helen was the first woman alderman for the city of St Thomas and Chair of the Run, Women, Run Steering Committee. MPP Steve Peters presented awards for successful completion to EBRC'S Summer Company students. Each student started their own business over the summer 2009. Watch the EBRC website for information on the 2010 Summer Company project coming soon.Þontar¡o Summer Cmpany www.eleincfdc.ca Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter dated January 2010. File: M07 Page 50 of 195 rgo2 .lotBl zì\ ONrnnro PnovrxcrAl PoLrcE Poucn PRovINCIALE DE r'ONtanro NBws Rnrnnsn/ CoutrruNleuÉ FROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE: 18 DEC 09 OPP WARNS PUBLIC ABOUT SCAM TARGETING GRANDPARENTS Email Hackers Pose as Family Member or Friend in Trouble (Elgin Gounty) - The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), in cooperation with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC), is warning people about a variation of the widespread "Emergency Scam" or "Grandparent Scam". Traditionally operating as a telemarketing scam throughout North America, fraudsters contact potential victims while posing as a family member or friend in urgent need of cash. Often the scenario involves an accident or anest, with a request that cash be sent through a money transfer company, such as Western Union or Money Gram. ln a recent variation of this scam, compromised contact lists from híjacked email accounts are used to send the potential victim an "urgent" email request for money from a friend or relative with whom they have a correspondence. Common themes continue to be hospitalization or imprisonment. The friend or relative is unaware that their account has been used to send out these requests to everyone on their contact list. The OPP strongly suggests that anyone, receiving a request for money, takes measures to verify the requesto/s identity and the veracity of their story. Anyone who suspects an attempt at victimization is urged to call the CAFC at 888-495-8501. Formerly known as Phonebusters, the CAFC was established in January 1993 and is jointly operated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Competition Bureau Canada. Visit their website at www.phonebusters.com. Specific information on the "Emergency Scam" can be found in "List of Scams". Please visit the Opp I OO* Anniversary website at www.oop100.ca for information about upcoming events, updates, images, video and other information relating to the OPP 100th Anniversary. 'Veuillez visiter le site web pour le 100e anniversaire de I'OPP à www.opp100.ca pour des informations sur les événements prochains, mises à jour, photos, vidéos et autres informations concemants le 100e anniversaire -30- Contact: Gonstable Troy Carlson Elgin County OPP Media Relations/Gommunity Services Officer Phone: 519-631-2920 Pager: 1-888-808-7195 OPP news releases dated December 18, 2009 and January 5, 2010 regarding various items. File: P17 Page 51 of 195 Page 52 of 195 L_-) l,- ¡ IOntario Provincial Police Police provinciale de I'Ontario News Release/ Gommuniqué FROM/DE: ELGIN GOUNTY OPP DATE: 05 Jan l0 OPP WRAPS UP FESTIVE R.I.D.E. R.I.D.E. Program Continues To Educate Drivers (ELGIN COUNTY) -ln the ongoing effort to educate the motoring public about the dangers attributed to drinking and driving, Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers were out in full force and checked over 1,174,224 vehicles on OPP patrolled roadways during this yea/s Festive R.|.D.E. (Reduce lmpaired Driving Everywhere) initiative. This year's initiative was conducted from November 27 through to January 4,2010. In the process, OPP officers issued 432 administrative drive/s licence suspensions (ADLS) for criminat code related drinking and driving offences and a further 709 ADL suspensions for a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the .05 and .08 range. OPP laid a total of 5,329 charges as a result of this yea/s initiative, 298 of which were for impaired driving, over .08 BAC or for refusal to comply with a demand to provide a breath sample. The remaining 5,031 charges were for other Criminal Code, Highway Traffic Act, or Liquor Licence Act offences. Comparatively, during the 2008 Festive R.l.D.E., OPP officers checked 884,729 vehicles, made 319 arrests for criminal code alcohol related offences and issued 1,137 ADL suspensions. New to this yea/s Festive R.l.D.E. program was the Ontario legislation which increased driver's licences suspension periods issued for a BAC between .05 and .08. Previously considered in the "warn range", the legislation introduced in May 2009 prescribes that drivers now subject to a licence suspension which gradates from a minimum 3 to 7 then 30 days for that level of BAC. "While it appears that the message is slowly getting across to drivers, there are still people who think they are sober enough to drive when they aren't", said OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino in response to the 2009 statistics, "the only truly safe level of alcohol consumption for drivers is none". While the Festive R.l.D.E. program is over for another year, the OPP wants to remind motorists that drinking and driving is never a good mix. Regular OPP R.l.D.E. programs continue throughout the Province all year long. OPP news releases dated December 18, 2009 and January 5, 2010 regarding various items. File: P17 Page 53 of 195 Ontario Provincial Police Police provinciale de I'Ontario News Release/ Gommuniqué ELGIN COUNTY OPP FESTIVE RIDE RESULTS 2009 I 2010 (27NOVo9-o2JAN I o) Week #1 27NOV09-03DEC09 4,502 3 0 13 Week #2 04DEC09-1 0DEC09 5.580 0 1 0 5 Wekk #3 I I DEC09-I7DEC09 5.562 1 1 0 5 Week #4 I 8DEC09-24DEC09 3.543 3 0 0 8 Week #5 25DEC09-02JANI 0 717 0 0 0 0 ELGIN OPP TOTALS TO DATE 19.904 7 2 ,l 31 -30- Gontact: Constable Troy Garlson Elgin Gounty OPP Media Relations/Community Services Phone: 519-631-2920 Ext. 5450 Pager: l-888-808-7195 OPP news releases dated December 18, 2009 and January 5, 2010 regarding various items. File: P17 Page 54 of 195 t) S,> y' 201 Queens Avenue, Suite 700 London, Ontario N6A lll Tel: 519 672-0445. Fax: 519 672-6562 Toll-free: 1 866 294-5446 www. southwestlhin.on.ca South West LHIN Board of Directors Hiqhliqhts - December 2009 The South West Local Health lntegration Network (LHIN) Board of Directors met on Wednesday December 9th at the City Hall in St. Thomas. A Board to Board Engagement Session was held prior to the Board of Directors' meeting. Those in attendance heard from Brenda Lambert, Vice President Patient Services at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital about the successes they are achieving with the FLO Collaborative and the REACT Team, initiatives that are funded by the LHIN to improve patient care and optimize health care resources. Following this presentation, Janet McEwen, Acting Board Chair, provided a presentation on the South West LHIN and an update on current activities. Discussion followed on topics of interest including: Meeting highlights:. Approval of Priorities for lnvestment opportunities through the use of unallocated and surplus funding for 2009/10: o Allocation of $745,745 remaining from the 2009110 Priorities Fund - Core in support of several initiatives to enhance access to services/programs and maintain program sustainability. o Allocation of $133,850 from the 2009fi0 Residential Hospice funding in support of enhancements to End of Life Care and Residential Hospice Development. o Allocation of $1,057,833 from Health Service Provider in-year surplus funding to support the Comm unity Sector M inor I nfrastructu re I nitiative.. Approval of 2009/10 South West LHIN Operational Budget.. Appointment of Ferne Woolcott as Acting Board Chair. lnformatíon received:o Financial results of Health Service Provider Second Quarter reports.o lnformation/Status Updates from the Acting Board Chair, Board Members and Senior Leadership Team. Next Meetings: ** Board Committee (January 1lh - London))/Board of Directors (January 2y'h - London)"" lf you have any questions or require further information, please contact Sue Davey, Corporate Coordinator Phone: 51 9-640-2561 /1 -866-294-5446 or Ema¡l: Sue.Davey(Òlhins.on.ca South West Local Health Integration Network highlights of Board of Directors meeting held December 9, 2009. File: S08 Page 55 of 195 Page 56 of 195 BAYHAM ITTSTORICAL SOCIETY ( O A MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160, STRAFFORDVTLLE, ON. NOJ 1Y0 DECEMBER 10,2009. PRESENT: , Sandy Sage, Cheryl Peters, Dorotþ Godby, Bob Graham, Marion Maddox, Etoile Mc Cann, Ray Maddox, Mary Newland, Robert & Jeanette Heil, Barb & Corþ Ouellette, Bill Baldwin,LizBall, Harris Teall and Arvilla Beckett. President Ray Maddox called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM, welcoming members and quests. A motion to accept the minutes ( with corrections) of November 12,2009 was made by Corþ Ouellette,2no. By Sandy Sage. Motion carried. OUEST SPEAKER : ALL MEMBERS BROUGHT AN ITEM, POEM OR STORY. JEANETTE I{EIL-read a 1894 poem by an Eden boy Walter Farrel buried in the Eden Cemetery, his obituary was in the Centralia paper in 1896 he had a sister Rosalind who died young. ROBERT HEIL-Robert brou ght a pie lifter, his high school Home Ec teacher knew he liked to cook so had him come after class and bake a cherry pie for for a pie baking competition. The judges liked Robert's the best but said he had no technique so he lost but when he went to get his pie it had been eaten up by the judges. The next year he won. He was interviewed by Roy Jewell and Feb. 1964 in Vineland their \ilere 16 finalists and Barbara Tapp (Gordie Tapp's daughter) and Robert were fwo points apart. She won 1'1. and Robert won 3'd. He won an engraved pie lifter. HARRIS TEAIL-Harris brought a small tin box containing miniature planes, ships and2"d. world war toys. ARVILLA- brought tops, old cars, flying planes, a trike with a duck on it, and a dancing lady. The old worn ones with faded paint were real antiques and the shiny painted ones were knock-offs from China. BOB GRAHAM-Bob sang a rousting rendition of Grandma got run over by a reindeer. ETOILE Mc CANN- read a poem she wrote called "Don't bring me flowers when Itm gone." BETTY LOU WALLINGTON-ToId of growing up in the 1940s and 50s she got Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held December 10, 2009. File: C06 Page 57 of 195 lots of small gifts. One year she said it would be nice to have a Cadillac or fur coat (she was 10) and she must have asked for a musical instrument as she received a little girls fur cape and a model of a Cadillac wrapped in paper with music notes on it. One year she invited her Mother to her home in Mississauga and instead of having turkey they had pasta and salad. LIZB,ALL- As a child Lizhad know for two years that there is no Santa but went along with her parents as they were having so much fun and she did not want to spoil it. SANDRA SAGE-Sandra read a poem the Night before Christmas with a twist. MARY NEWLAND-At 12 }dary had never had a real doll only one made of a sock. One year her Grandfather bought both girls a doll for Christmas. BARB OUELLETTE- Barb brought a fountain pen set (Parker Pen) that originally cost $3.50 and a velvet lined box worth $8.00. She also showed us a 1905 book on fountain pens. Also a ladies 1945lapel pen that belonged to Corþ's Grandmother. CORKY OUELLETTE-Corþ brought a mold that lead could be poured into to make lead soldiers that he played with as a child. CFßRYL PETERS- Cheryl brought a brass bell that she dug up in1965 in a field while digging a hole to bury some chickens that had been killed by a fox. It was in pretty bad shape and sat for many years. One day her husband John cleaned and buffed the brass bell and she put it on a corner shelf each time she dusted she would ring the little bell as she loved the sound it made. One day as she dusted she found the bell was gone and after asking her husband where is was he said "my brother-in-law Paul (Brackenbury) had really liked it so he gave it to him." Several years later (she was talking to him by then) her brother-in-law Paul came over for her birthday and gave her the bell back as he had heard how upset she was to lose it. Now whenever she dusts she rings the little brass bell and hears its sweet , clear ring. RAY MADDOX-Ray wanted a Volkswagen and got a toy one. His Grandfather that raised him met E.D. Smith and didn't like him but he met his bride to be at E.D. Smith's ofFrce. PRESIDENT'S REPORT AND MUSEUMS BAYHAM REPORT: RAY Ray talked about moving the railroad section house shed from Tom Godby's properfy. A motion was made by Mary Newland that Ray Maddox go to Council and ask about moving the Shed to the Corinth Park, seconded by Jeannette Heil. Motion carried. The Tillsonburg Home and Rec Show is in April and Ray asked if we would like Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held December 10, 2009. File: C06 Page 58 of 195 to participate in it again this year. We get very good results from this event and donations as well. Barb Ouellette suggested that more members come forward and help even if it is for just 2 hours as we had few people help last year and lots of time no one was manning our spot. We need a banner before the Show and Betty Lou Wallington and Robert Heil will get quotes for the next meeting. A motion'was made by Mary Newland that we pay for our spot again this year, seconded by Barb Ouellette. Motion carried. Ray reported that the furnace in the Edison Museum has been condemned and quotes on a new one are being looked at. SECRETARY'S REPORT: Cheryl Peters reported that she has received a bag full of items from Jean 'Woon, These items come from Carol Judd a former member of the Historical Society. Cheryl will sort and catalog all items for the next meeting. TREASURERS REPORT: Robert Heil reported as follows. Checking-- ------$ 3732.17 Lottery Account ----$ 128.84 Petfy Cash----- ------$ 1.09 Motion to accept the treasurers report was made by Robert Heil, 2"o.By Corky Ouellette . Motion carried. Robert also noted that membership fees are due. $15.00 per couple and $10.00 each person. PROGRAM DIRECTOR: ALL MEMBERS - Our speaker for January 14,20lA will be Rev. John Gould. He will speak about flags around the world. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Donna Baldwin was not able to attend as her vehicle is in for repairs after an accident, all involved are fine with no serious injuries. Members reported that both the Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers canied Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held December 10, 2009. File: C06 Page 59 of 195 our article. SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Mary reported that Barb Ouellette and Marion Maddox will bring refreshments in January. MYSTERY OBJECT: Harris Teall brought a tie frame used to iron a tie. Many members guessed its use. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on January 14,2010 at7:30 PM. at the Municipality of Bayham Office. CLOSE MEETING: A motion to close the meeting was made by Corky Ouellette 2"o.By Jeannette Heil. Motion carried. Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held December 10, 2009. File: C06 Page 60 of 195 VILLAGE OF GRAND RIVER, OHIO Lake County P.O. BOX 216 -2O5 Singer Ave. Grand River, Ohio 44045-0216 PH: 440.357.5222 FAX: 440.639.8008 R'C JAN Mayor Lynn Acre Municipal Office 9344 Plank Rd. Box 160 Staffordville ON NO.I lYO MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Dear Mayor Acre & Bayhani Council, Let nte begin by stating what an honor it has been. is. and willcontinue to be. to work with you, the Municipality of Bayharn, the Province of Ontalio, and the Canadian federal government. Your leadership on the International Border Crossing has been, and will continue to be absolutely invaluable. Your insight, knorvledge, and care for the people you represent have been stellar. I certainly hope that your constitllents understand horv lucky they are to have all of you in positions ol'leadership. I utite this letter on behalf of myself and the Village of Grand River, Ohio which l am the Mayor. I havc been fortunate enough to u,ork on this project since the very beginning. The International Ferrl, Feasibility Study - Phase I Draft Report lvritten by Mr. Frost and his compauy is very thick, but I believe I would remiss in not pointing out discrepancies in what I have leamecl about this project the last six years. Please allow nle to add these items to tlie public debate on behalf olnrl,Village. -Large parts of the report are repetitive. -The statement that Cleveland requircs less capacit¡,of trucks pcr day vs. Fairport Harbor misleads readers to believe that the Cleveland Route is more etficient, (Ref: I60 vs. I 80 truck trips per da1'- fìgure A) Cleveland is over an hour longer roLlte across the ivater: access roads are throLrgh congestecl dorvntou,n area / traffic r¡'ith little access to rail. Cleveland is also nroving its port to East 55't'lt 5a. This is a l4 to 20year project based on the future dredging of tlie Cuyahoga River. Adding truck emissions from as border crossing i,r,ith Canada to a dorvntorvn area will not inrprove environmental issues. Another problem is ho'uv to address national security issues. -The statement about truckers potentially needing to sa\/e $l-50 to sr.l'itch to the ferry is nrisleading. Profit nrargins on any tluck tri¡r carrying a load is not even close to tliis number. Thev are nruch less. in n.rost cases betrveen $5. and $60. Thc situation is er,en Correspondence received January 11, 2010 from Village of Grand River, Ohio regarding "International Ferry Feasibility Study Page 61 of 195 worse when they run empty. A trucker may lose money on a trip and could recover their money by using a ferry, A better run ferry system in Fairport Harbor using more ships and a shorter route would out perform the Cleveland route at much better results than indicated in the charts. 'I question the argument about ice during the winter months. Using newer ships with proper ice class will improve reliability. More ships traversing the route will keep the channel open. In addition, both US and Canadian coast guard ice breaking assistance has been offered for the project. -This report seems to dismiss passenger traffic. Every business model I've read for this project has the cost quite a bit lower. $400.00 per car and $ 133.00 per person is excessive. Where did these numbers originate? What does the ocean-cruise industry competition have to do with an international border crossing? -The need for an $8 million dollar subsidy on the Cleveland route is misleading and should be cla¡ified. -I don't believe the drop trailer opportunity for long distance and thru-traffic is considered. -The report covers an argument about shippers/truckers needing access to the cargo. The proposed feny crossing will fall under certain rules and regulations. The same issues apply when crossing a bridge between two countries -The report covers passenger catchment area in south west central Ontario. I believe it should include north central Ontario. -The report does not include rail and other intermodal / multimodal opportunities by the proposed ferry. -Total hansit times of 5 hours and l0 minutes for Fairport Harbor are excessive per the shipping company Mols Linien of Denmark. They stressed during a tour of the area in Ohio that Fairport Harbor to Port Burwell turn around for both RoRo and RoPax ships is under 4 hours as they have similar ¡outes in Denmark. Under 4 hours a day increases round trips from three as stated in the report to four to frve per day. -The cost per tailer of $374.00 to $455.00 for one way trips is excessive. There is no ferry operator that could use those prices and be competitive with over the road/ bridge tansportation. Similar feasibility studies put the price from $350.00 to $200.00 per trip. -RoPa:< breakeven cost is not provided in the text for Fairport Harbor. Is it because it is better than Cleveland's? Also, the RoPax ships used in Fairport Harbors presentation could carry I l0 tractor trailers per load, but this was not included in the report. Correspondence received January 11, 2010 from Village of Grand River, Ohio regarding "International Ferry Feasibility Study Page 62 of 195 rüe continue to view this project as a economic development, economic stimulus, sustaining the regions economy, by combining the strengths of Ohio and Onta¡io to compete in global markets. This is a green project for two a¡eas that have lost hundreds of thousands of living wage jobs. This is much bigger that anyone of us. I also believe that for future generations, the question of a ferry across the Lake Erie will still be relevant and thought about often. We need to conclude this project to answer any and all futu¡e inquiries as to its viability. (440) 3s7-s222 Correspondence received January 11, 2010 from Village of Grand River, Ohio regarding "International Ferry Feasibility Study Page 63 of 195 Page 64 of 195 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM TAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT : 9 I 17 7 2 (Phillips) Consent Application E9 4 I 09 Rolls # 005-09920/006-099 DATE: January 7,2010 FILE: D10.09 911772 Ont.lnc. NUMBER: D2010-01 Purpose To consider consent application E94109 proposing an addition to a lot on Murray Road. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by 911772 Ontario Inc. proposing to sever an irregular shaped parcel of land with a frontage of 320.89 metres along Murray Road by a depth of 673 metres (south lot line), Area 19.8 hectares (49.1 acres) to add to the adjoining agricultural land to the north. The owner is retaining 80.1 hectares, proposed to remain in agricultural use. The subject lands are located in Concession 9 Part Lots 14, 15,76 &,17 on the east side of Murray Road south of Best Line. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" and "A.N.S.I. (Area of Natural Scientific Interest)" in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (41-A) in the Zonng ByJaw N o. 245 6 -2003. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on January 28,2010. Staff and Planner Comments The applicant wishes to add the woodlot to the property to the north owned by Ron & Shirley Phillips and Steve & Betty Townsend so that they can continue to manage the woods responsibly and sell the farmland.. The proposal does not appear to change how the lands are accessed or potentially used. The farmlands will continue to be accessed from Best Line on the north side. The proposed severed parcel is a wooded area separated from the remainder of the farm by a steep ravine tributary of the Big Otter Creek, which prevents access to the farmlands from the west side at Murray Road. From an agricultural perspective the planner does not have issue with the proposal as no new lots are being created. However, planning comments from other agencies are required before support for the consent can be provided. The lands proposed to be severed and conveyed arepart of a significant ANSI and would be subject to the Provincial Policy Statement 2005 policies, our Official Plan Natural Heritage policies, which require written comment from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA). At the time of writing this rqlort, comments from the MNR and LPRCA are not available. Staff and the planner would recommend deferral of the application until such time as the comments are received and considered as part of the application at a future meeting. Attachments 1. Consent Application E94109 Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 65 of 195 Staff Report D2010-01 911772 Ontario Inc. 2. IBI Memo dated January 7,2010 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION Page2 *THAT Staff Report D2010-01 regarding Consent ApplicationB94l09 be received; AI\D THAT according to the Bayham Official Plan Natural Ileritage policies the application be circulated to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and Ministry of Natural Resources to obtain comments for Council's consideration; AND TIIEREFORE Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Commiffee that severance application 894109, submiffed by 911772 Ontario Inc, be @[erret!" Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 66 of 195 vqil, I, Lvtv tt.¿lÊ1tvt rT0.tJ/u) t, l/l ElgrnCounty CORPORATION OF THE COUNTYOF ELGIN NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT APPLICATION NO. E 94J09 PART LoTs 14 &1s, coNcEsstoN 9, MUNrcrpALrTy oF BAYHAM 9.gÞv. s11772 ONrARto tNc., JYO,. fof a co.nsent pursuant to Section 53 of fteþgatry described as part Lob 14 & 15, tage of 320.89 hectares, to add to es, proposed to The location of the property is shown on the Key Map below: î,5ilË,'^î:3f il'ss,i..,&ilî,,iî.',1",1.d+flff irï3îli'.,ysl$31to be held on: incommitr¿e*"",or,tJlTlioñJ"'ljilT'HåX,äooSJÍ"TÍt#¡Ï!,.rrhomas. {ry,¡ers9q.or public body may- attend-the Public Hearing and/or make written or verbatrepresentation either in sûppoif of, or in opposition to t¡ã propıöèdänäent the. ThÍs wiil you are the ommittee member of of a dec ilee in ke wriüe nprovisio alBoard Dated at the Municipatity of Central Elgin this e É day of January 2010. to scale Susan D. Galloway (Mrs.) Secretary-Treasuräi Land Division Committee 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario NsR 5V1 Cwtrty of EEh E¡l¡æg¡i¡g scnloø 4S0 SuÉe( Mrc SL 'l¡omÐs, 0n N5R 5v1 Phom: ã¡,9 (31-1480 m.Êfg¡n{ôuûry.oô.ôâ SUBJECT LANDS [f""il '"' coNcEs.sroN s lr Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 67 of 195 lBl Group 203-350 Orford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada lel 5194727328 Iax 5194729354 To/Attention From cc Subiect Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MC¡P, RPP Date January 7,n10 Project No 3404-468 1. 2. 4. Memorandum Steno dd 911772 Ontario lnc. (Phillips) - Application for Consent (E94/09) - Part Lot 14, 15, Concessíon 9, Murray Road We have completed our review of the consent application submitted on behalf of 911772 Ontario lnc in support of a proposal to sever and convey a 19.9 hectare (49 acre) parcelof tand in Part Lot 14 and 15, Concession 9, on the east side of Munay Road, south of Talbot Line. The lands lo be severed are designated'Area of Natural and Scientific lnterest - ANSI's" in the Offlcial Plan and zoned Agricultural (41-A) in Zoning By{aw No. 2456-2003. The A1-A Zone recognizes a minimum lot size of 40 hectares. The proposed lot addition wøld result in no new lots being created, while the new lot areas would be 80.1 hectares (198 acres) for the retained lot accessed from Best Line; and 41.3 hectares (102 acres) for the newly contìgured lot on Munay Road. The retained parcel and newly configured lot are both vacant. The severed lands are characterized as a completely wooded area that is part of the Big Otter Creek Life Science ANSI, which is a Provincially Significant ANSI. These lands are separated from lhe retained port'on by a tributary of the Big üter Creek. The subject lands would be conveyed to the farm parcel to the north which is characterized as an open field. The retained lands are characterized as a mixture of open fìelds and wooded areas associated with the aforementioned ANSI. There is no proposed development associated with the consent application' Section 8-7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for'lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes ... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-lav/'. The principal function of the "ANSI' designation of the Official Plan ís to recognize areas of natural heritage significance and protect them from incompatible development. Furthermore, Section 7-2.'1. cl of the Official Plan states that Council shall discourage 'development" and site alteration on or adjacent to nafural heritage features or areas. lBl Gro-rp is a group of firms providing profess¡onal serv'rces ard is affdiated wíth lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 68 of 195 lBl Group Mernorandum Mun¡c¡pality of Beyham - Jaruary 7. æ10 While no site alteration is proposed, the definition for "development" includes the creation of new lots. While there are technically no new lots being created as part of the consent application, the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) shold be circulated for comments to ensure they have no issues with the re-alignment of lot boundaries. 5. Provided that both of the aforementioned agencíes have no issues with proposed consent, we would be able to support the consent subject to specific corditions of consent and rezoning, which would ensure the intent of the Official Plan's Natural Heritage policies are maintained. Such requirements are allowed by Section 7.2.2c1of the Offìcial Plan and are as follows: a. That the proposed severed lands are merged on title with the lands to the north identified as Part 1 of RP 4603. b. That the newly configured parcel is rezoned to the A1-A Zone lo recognize its new lot area that exceeds 40 hectares. c. That the newly configured parcel includes zoning in the form of site-specifìc regulations which prohibit development or site alteration on all or a portíon of the subject lands without the ruritten consent of the LPRCA and/or the MNR. d. That the retained lands obtain a minor var'lance to the Zoning ByJaw to recognize the reduced lot frontage as a result of the consent. We would support any such variance given that the subject lands are cunently accessed with the reduced frontage, and the variance Ís only required to recogníze the loss of the legalfrontage on Munay Road. 7¿r-q IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham J:\34O4\468 Phtrps - f\,turay RdlP¡leþhiFpsæl 0-01{7"doc1201 0{l{nDO Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 69 of 195 1. 2. TION FOR CONSENT F s4 /t* Name of approval authority - ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Name of Owner Address Telephone Number Name of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent 72*¿ /y' ',' ,, , 17,.X ?l g14-¿rFt..r^,.',r |têf,tPa {tç- tZó- 3ç/é Address Telephone Number Please specity to whom all communications should be sent: Owners (¡) Solicitor ( )Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other:charge ' lease easement other purpose correction of title Pî 4. (a) Location of land: ¡¡unicipality 'hnvl/q¿,r Concession No./l ltn¡â‚¬ Lot(s) No.tu*td Registered Plan No. Name of Street flLaøJn ( ÉaaA Street No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ¡ No (,( ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontase 370- tt øt Depth ê71p1 ål;-:'tffiL*"ana îQ, Existing lJse dv,t.,r,-(í)^,-- Proposed Use Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: ll) o'J '1 Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements Ín Metric) Frontage f 4, 1l oeptn lge{,ø ttLtt+'rrÆa îî, ' #rl Existing Use ûyt,c'-ff*nf Proposed Use Number and use of buildings and struclures on the land to be retained: 45O Sunset Drlve SLThomas,On N5R5V1 Phone: 519 631-1460 M.elg¡nsunty.on.ca addition to a lot (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: Ro¿+ SLwLry V lltkk,t s SÊttít ?;î? îax'ta¿ O (c) lf a lot addition, identiff the lands to which the parcel will be added: {t s 1¿z - :? ç/Á Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 70 of 195 -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) ô -. 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities. are available on themainland? (specify) L What typ'e of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (speciff) system Privy Other means (specify) ßto^¿¡P-øsZ.,o' I ton)€ What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( ) Pdvately owned and operated individual septictank ( ) Privately owned and operated communal septic PROPOSED LOT () () () () () () t)o¿F RETAINED LOT () () () () () () () () ltÐatcî 11.When willwater supply and sewage disposal services be available? ' ' V' :r \Ért--*¡¿zttfr 24f¿:if ') 13. r?¿a+-/ lt.lte 12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the '5H¿ nl*t*o*¿ i t-{..1f-iJ Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of SubdivisionoraGonsentunderthePlanningAct? Yes (|) No ( ) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application (-!*,4¡Jí7r¡ - ÌG Ç¿\ e Fn¡-Lq t 11aS lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application fi; "f A/Ít, ,øty' (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? '14. 15. 16. Yes ( X)No( ) Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 71 of 195 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for qach lot severed: Grantee's name 'QoÐ fti'//tzÁ Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcelcreated I q"q" I 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simuttaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ()No (Xl 18. ls the subject land cunently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()Ño (X) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ()No (X) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1),of the Planning Act? Yes (Xl No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No (X) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied,by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that ís to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the locatibn of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificialfeatures on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 72 of 195 ¿¿. 24. -4- The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. The Applicant/Owner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of B¡ll 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of fnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalitìes and Local Boards. AFFIDAVIT N DECI.ARATION Datedat tn" @, 6^r,¡4,, "t 74i, /.r-t this />'ã dayof Ø o. = 20Õ? ÏOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENTZ&J âeoa¿"<+-7zd/ l/\lVe @ldr-the County of solemnly declare that allthe information contained in this application is true, and lAffe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as Íf made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me atthe -1 \*w Of "ttn"îøws/tz //,{€ ît inthe .t--s.^^^-\t* rl Lf * lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owne/s authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be fìled, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. this \E dayof U.q--q- Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 73 of 195 APPENDIX "A" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the ?pplication for Consenfl, the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() No0Q lf the answer is 'YES' aie these bams:i) Now used for livestock? yes ( ) No ( )¡i) Capable of being used f r tivestock? yes ( ) No ( ) NorE: lf you answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT AGRICULTURAL GODE OF PRACTICE FORMUI.A ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON.FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calcl¡late the minimum distance separation, the following informatíon is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot NAME TELEPHONE coNc.TOWNSHIP TIL¡áBLE HECTARES (where livestock facitity tocated) LOT Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year Man ure Systr )m Housing System check type Tie Stall Free Stall Loose BEEF0 Cows0 Calves0 Feeders0 400-750 tb.0 400-1100 tb.0 750-1100 tb. Open llr & Bam ïotal Confine- ment SWNE0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings0 Feeders POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Ghicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters MINK - Females Caged On Floor HORSFS CIJtrFÞ - Þamc -Q- trrrraa RABBITS VEAL CALVES ôTI.IFR IIIANIIRtr STôPÂrìtr. DRY SEMI.SOLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 74 of 195 6 Tfr.;( e¿è cc^rcè-ssrc coflcEsbto, f î'rt-r,rur1àap H"i:-,,, LOT t4 f>t ua.,ty /la ea - LOT r5 Ê gr'rr,-tnnt S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 0 1 r e g a r d i n g 9 1 1 7 7 2 ( P h i l l i p s ) C o n s e n t A p p l i c a t i o n E 9 4 / 0 9 . F i l e : D 1 0 . 0 9 9 1 1 7 7 2 O n t I n c P a g e 7 5 o f 1 9 5 tÀffi rÁ541 -0269 PJ.N '-WO FOR IHE I.A OF ELGIN ( *ts 11R-4603 a) .8. ? Ii = I { -zY- û BRN VruG+UN OMTÁRIO l.ÀI{D S1'R1/EYOR PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOTS 14 & 15 CONCESSION 9 (GEOGRAPHIC ToWNSHIP oF BA MUNICIPALIry OF I COUNry OF ELGIN 0 50 1æ 200 ¡00 400 :æ SCALE 1" = 200' OIÍNCES SHOM ON THIS PLA ARE IN FEE COMVER'IEO IO METRES BY MULÎPLYNC W C BRIAN UAAGHAN SURYEYINI NOTES BEARINGS ARE AS1RONOMIC AND ARE REFERREO OF GIVEN RO^D ÀS SHOWN Oil REFERENCE PI.Ä EEÂRING OF N Cf !4' 15' E. LEGEND T - OENOTES SURVEI MONUHEM FOUNTO - OENOTES SURVFI MONUM€NT PUMS.I.B, _ DENOTES SINDffiO IRON BAR s,s,r.B. - DENOIES sHom $ANDÆo tRoN u R I.E. - OENO'IES ROUND IRON &RI.g. - DENOTES SOUÆE IRON BâRINS. - OENOIES INÍRUMEM1355 - OENOTES ÊRN V&GHN. O.L Sffi. - oENoTEs wfNEssXH - DENOTES K. HUSED, O,t.S. SURVEYOR / S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CEÍNñ IMT:l.fiIs SUREI ND PN ARE CORREfr AND IN ACIHE SURE6 Æ, NE SUR€IORS Æ ANO IHE NO IHE RECUUÎONS MDE UNDER IIIO¡. 2,ÈE SURv€l WÆ COMPLETEo ON IHE 1!t. oAY C tFAt sT lHorc. oNT. OECEMBER 2. 2009. BRIAN VÁUCHAN SARVEY,124 CENTPE ,qTPEET ,gT T) '9 l.¿ + Às. È \¿o. /çfs *4 ,¿ \". \e. fnz no I -¡Ðì ão lrR<@ t s tfri 1íì . '' "t î ti ãl1rrllì4 % øTAFT "r.o,i-oru, J531, S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 0 1 r e g a r d i n g 9 1 1 7 7 2 ( P h i l l i p s ) C o n s e n t A p p l i c a t i o n E 9 4 / 0 9 . F i l e : D 1 0 . 0 9 9 1 1 7 7 2 O n t I n c P a g e 7 6 o f 1 9 5 flp tlrlt l'a '+# ,='-'Ît Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 911772 Ont Inc Page 77 of 195 Page 78 of 195 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk SUBJECT: Graydon Consent Application 897109 Rolls # 006-1610l DATE: January 8, 2010 FILE: D10.09 Graydon NUMBERzD20l0-02 Purpose To consider consent application E97109 proposing an addition to a lot on Green Line. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Brian Graydon proposing to sever a parcel with a frontage of 75.59 metres along Green Line by a depth of 254.2 metres, Area 1 .92hectares (4.74 acres), to add to the adjacent lot to the east. The owner is retaining l4.75hectares (36.4 acres) proposed to remain in agricultural use. The subject lands are located in Concession 10 Part Lot 19 on the south side of Green Line east of Highway 3 (Talbot Line). The land to be severed is designated "Agriculture" in the Ofñcial Plan and zonedAgriculture (41) in the Zoning By-law No. 245 6-2003. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on January 28,2010. Staff and Planner Comments The applicant proposes to sever and add l.92hectares (4.74 acres) to a parcel that is 0.34 hectares (0.84 acre) owned by James and Sheila Tupper. The consent application indicates the intended purpose is for "rural commercial" use. The Tuppers reside and operate an existing motor vehicle body shop legally recognized through a previous rezoning on the adjacent lot. It is ou¡ understanding that the Tupper's intend to expand their motor vehicle body shop business by expanding the parking area and constructing an additional storage building on the added lands. The Official Plan policies support minor boundary changes in any land use designation provided the other requirements of the Official Plan and the Zoning ByJaw are complied with. The "Agriculture" designation of the Official Plan is intended to protect the viability of agricultural uses and only permits uses including agricultural uses, agriculture-related uses and secondary uses. The proposed lot addition is approximately 5 Yz times larger than the existing Tupper lot, which cannot be considered a minor adjustment. The intended "rural commercial" use for these "Agriculture" lands is not a permitted use according to current policy. Therefore, the consent cannot be supported without consideration of a site-specific Official Plan amendment and ZoningBy-law amendment. Given the intent to expand, more details of the intended use and justification as to why the removal of such a large acreage from agricultural use should be provided before further planning applications are considered. Based on the application and information presented to date, staff and the planner cannot recommend support in accordance to the "Agriculture" policies of our Official Plan. Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 79 of 195 Staff Report D2010-02 Graydon Attachments 1. Consent Application E97109 2. IBI Memo dated January 7,2010 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION Page2 "TIIAT Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Consent ApplicationB9Tl09 be received; AìID TIIAT Council requests the Elgin County Land Division Committee defer severance application F,97109, submitted by Brian Richard Graydon, to provide opportunity for the applicant to prepare and present more detailed planning justification in accordance to ther'Agriculture" policies of the Official Plan." Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 80 of 195 2. NameofOwner Address Telephone Number {/ Name of owneds solicitor or authorized agent Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: owners (f Soticitor ( )Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfen creation of a nêw lot Other: addition to a lót . charge lease easement conection of title other purpose,.' (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom länd or interest in land is to be transfened, leased or charged: f,r,rnrt orl flei/u 1t*/olr"^ (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: ^ t- Aø( 20, Cor:, /0 ße,eie,n 4. (a) Locatíon of land: Municipality ßa,Çlqn-1 Concession No. /O Lot(s) No. Resistered ptan No. // R - / îîo Name of Street Gree,o lrae . Street No. 16?? / (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No (f7 HYes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5' Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontase 7f ff¿n Depth Z.fl-20 nt er"u /,7Å Áa Existing tJse 44¡t¿u (]u-a proposed use ftq ^/ Gr-.o"^-no/ Number and use of buildings and structures (both'existíng and proposed) on the land to be severed: 6. Description of land intended to be.retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 20 .?0 tn. Depth 3 ¿17, / f ,n ,Area ¡(. 7fl" Existing Use 4fn,r,<(t+-? proposed use 4?.¡¿.øho-e Number and use of buíldings and structures on the land to be retained: Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 81 of 195 -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) & 8. Type ofaccess for proposed and retained lot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () ( t-) () () () () RETAINED LOT () ( tz) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and par*ing facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and operated piped water system ( ) Privately owned and operated individual well ( ) Privately owned and operated communalwell ( ) Lake orotherwaterbody ( ) Other means (specifo) tVone 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSEDLOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septic tank ( ) Privately owned and operated communal septic RETAINED LOT () () () () t'P system Privy Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land?12. 13. What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision or a Consent under the Plannin$ Act? Yes ( ) ' No (iz) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application fle number and the decision made on the application lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been15. changed from the original application A(, 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes()No (r.) Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 82 of 195 Yes ()No (v) lf Yes, and known, speciñ7 the appropriate file numbe¡ and status of the apprication 20' ls the application consistent wÍth policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the planning Act?yes ú No() 21' ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (v) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the appliôable provincial plan or plans -3- ' (b) lf the answerfo (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severcrnces on the required sketch andsupply the following informåtion foieach lot severed: Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17 ' ls the owner, solícítor, or aggnt applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneouslywith this application, or conlsider¡nö åpp"lving for additional consents in the future?Yes()No{r') I 8' ls the subject land c.u¡rently the- subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendmentthat has been submítteO to tne V¡¡nìrt"rtor approval? Yes () No V) lf Yes, and known, specifothe Mínistryfire numberand status of the apprication 19' ls.the subject lanÇ currently th.e subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendrnent,Ministe/s zoning order amôndment, minã, variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? 22. SKETCH: The appl anied by a sketch showing the following: - the 'reihs,of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and thepart - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land andthat abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject'land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the cunent owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the appliiation, such asbuildings, railways, roads, watercourses, diainage ditôhes, river oi stream bânks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanlcs; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and na.me of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicatingwhether it is an unopened road allówance, a public travelleã road, a private ioad or a rightofway; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parl<ing and boat dockingfacilities to be used; the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 83 of 195 23. The Owner/ApplicanfAgent hereby "r,n";", Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. the ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 4'9, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the t/ourn s¡ ft/Jo4ftt/.f AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lfte Bno< ,( ê-.y'!".t o¡¡," ,tY-"t'ft/'Yy ot &y[.*^ inthecounty of €/5,) solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application.is true, and lAffe mal<e this solemn âedaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the -Tòu,n in¡" LOun+u oF öXlord trr¡s /6J day or December 20 lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's ar¡thorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an oflicer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affìxéd. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, togetherwith one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $500.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for aflÌxing the consent stamp. tnis /l/1, dayof Do.n-Á,. 20 Oq Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 84 of 195 APPENDIX "A" Jhe county of Elgin Land Division.committee requíres that, in addition to the "Application for consenfl, thefollowing information be compteted tor. àil àJp-lilãì¡ons 1' Are there any bams rocated within 800 metres of the subject of this apprication?.ve.s() No(4 lf the answer is yES; are these barns:i) Now used for livestock?¡û C;p;bËitinï ,r"o for tivestock? y:: [ ì il: [ ì NorE: lf you answered "yES" to #r. pLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestockfacility within 300 metres of the pro ,oréo r"-uão*e and rocated oñ ä sãöårate rot: TOWNSHIP T|L|-ABLE HECTARES (where tivestock facility tocated) TELEPHONE coNc. NAME LOT Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year 0 400-750 tb.0 400-1100 tb. 0 Turl<ey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters Open llot t ïotal & Bam I Confine- Caged , On Floor DRY SEMI.SOLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile Covered Tank Covered Pile Storage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Pit Above GrounU UncovereA fant Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 85 of 195 ,ï Bro. 33. 5 t'l rt ¡:b,{Co,?/V W-{í,(l-r, t*Í}J,*. 5rr"i.') ä nr+o,n"l @ Gan"5e ff o us?-*{¡",:< cO,lN . firlÅ r¡*. å,4Ê*...lØg {i E6 ú Ç¡7ø¡; @ø fr *oo¿locse E ¿^nr/, SAeà /aroif^ ßonn Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 86 of 195 t' ¿VlV ll.¿lnlrl r0,ufu2 (, t/l ElgrnCounty CORPONATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT APPUCATION NO. E 97/09 PART LOT I9, CONCESSION IO, MUNIGIPAL¡TY OF BAYHAII/I TAKE 57547 SectioGÈðñ 6n1 metres alono Grcen ing lot to tireéast. The The location of the property's shown on the Key Map betow: ôË!!iHis"ðåsi:,i.[irîåirËili:3f fi i'ss,î.iîiîl*l?Í"óffs;îsssiiyd.ysií31St. Thomas or at a public Hearing to uê Èejä ı-n: incommitúee*""'*,t*TÎì,o#I"t'åiy'o#ål,ltJotó.lÍ"åîh*,SLrhomas. Any person.or pu-blic body may aüend.the Public Hearing and/or make written or verbalrepresenûation either in súppoit of or in opposäion io tt ã p",Ëıseäön!.nt. t{{le an appealof a dec itree inonsent does not make wriÉe nor refuses to give a provisio äl BoarA Dated at üre Municiparity of centrar Ergin tiris 6th day of January 2010. KEY couov of EEln trElne.lrÉ ScMcrc 450 Sunæt Ddvo sr, thonsq 0n NsR 5v1 Plonei 519 Gl1-146O wY¡t olgn<ôunQ'.on,ca SUBJECT LANDS Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 87 of 195 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 fax 519 4729354 To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date January 7,2010 Project No 3404-468 Steno dd 1. 2. Memorandum Brian Richard Graydon - Application for Consent (E97/09) - Part Lot 20, Concession 10, Green Line We have completed our review of the consent application submitted on behalf of Brian Graydon in support of a proposal to sever and convey a 1.92 hectare (4.75 acre) parcel of land in Part Lot 20, Concession 10, on the south side of Green Line, east of Talbot Line, in the geographic Township of Bayham. The lands to be severed are designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Agricultural (A1) in Zoning By-law No. 2456- 2003. The proposed lot addition would result in a 75m wide x 240m deep side yard addition to an existing 3390 m2 (0.8 acre) parcel, for a new lot area of 2.3 hectares (5.6 acres). The retained parcel would constitute a 14.75 hectare (36.4 acre) vacant farm parcel consisting of mostly cropped field, and some wooded ravine area along the southern boundary of the property. The severed lands are characterized as a small field area located directly between large warehousing facility on a separate lot to the west, and a dwelling located on the lands to which it is being conveyed. These lands also include a legally recognized motor vehicle body shop on the east side of the dwelling. The consent application indicates that the lot addition is intended for "rural commercial" uses. The owner of the proposed newly configured parcel is James & Sheila Tupper. Section 8.7.7 of the Official Plan states that consents for "lot adjustments, lot additions, minor boundary changes ... are permitted in any land use designation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) the Zoning By-lav/'. The principal function of the "Agriculture" designation of the Official Plan is to provide for the long-term protection and viability of agricultural uses by directing land uses which may cause conflicts with agriculture away from this designation. Permitted uses included agricultural uses, agriculture-related uses, and secondary uses. lBl Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 88 of 195 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - January 7, 2010 4. The proposed "rural commercial" uses on the severed parcel would not be permitted in the "Agriculture" designation, and as such the proposed consent would not be supported without consideration of a site-specific Official Plan and Zoning ByJaw amendment. lf it is the intention of the Tupper's to expand their body shop, more details should be provided as to what the specific intended use of these lands are, along with justification as to why such a large addition is required. The proposed lot addition is approximately 5 % times larger than the existing lot with the dwelling and body shop. 5. Based on the information provided to date, we can not support this application for a lot addition, in accordance with the "Agriculture" policies of the Official Plan. 7¿r'rl IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Jt3404\469 Grâydon - Green Line\PTMgraydon2ol041{7.doc\2010{'148\DD Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97/09. File: D10.09 Graydon Page 89 of 195 Page 90 of 195 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 14,2010 FROM: GerÐ, LeMay, Manager Public Works FILE: T.& SUBJECT: Year End Report NUMBER: PW 2010-01 Purpose This report outlines the work done by The Public Works Department in the past year as a bench mark to ensure all is being done to ensure we are moving forward with repairs and ensuring the roadways and sidewalks are safe for the residents within the Municipality of Bayham. Background Council has discussed a desire to ensure the Public Works Department is meeting all legal requirements in checking roads, sidewalks and utilities to prove our legal requirements while inspecting all utilities and repair those requiring work in a timely manner. This report outlines where the repairs have been undertaken and what the Public Works Department has planned for the future. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates the steps taken to ensure all legal requirements have been meet and steps are being taken to eliminate any future concerns. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) subsection 3 we have meet this parameter of the priorities with this By-Law ensure a standard system for the Municipal roadways. Attachments l. Year End Report Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Staff Memorandum 2010-01 be received. Respectfully submitted, Staff Report PW2010-01 regarding Year End Report. File: T06 Page 91 of 195 Year End Report - Public Works Department *Equipment- Rust proofîng of all equipment in order to extend the life and increase the resale value of equipment from Bayham *Equipment received broom for the loader, 2 -ll2 Ton Trucks, Tractor for cutting grass/vegetation and trench box split with Pollution Control Plant also Steel Siding on Garage Building and Sand Shed for the Works Garage. *Building roofs repaired at the Straffordville Library as well as the Medical Center *Changing of several culverts, which we have found to be in ill repair due to inspections, as outlined in our inspection protocol -Changed the culvert at Owl Cage and Toll Gate Road just north of Light Line. *Road Inspections carried out in order to ensure we have a record of any defïciencies and place these on a list for repairs *Catch basins have been cleaned in Port Burwell and Vienna and the County Roads in order to allow for the proper escape of water. Crews also repairing lids and catch basins, which are damaged. *Signs are being installed and straightened up thru out the municipality *Shoulders of roads have been graded in order to regain the area for vehicles to pull over in the event they require to do so also to allow for the escape of water from the roadway, which will give us a longer life on the roadway. *Cleaning of ditches thru out the municipality and fixing areas, which caused some concerns thru the winter where ice formed on the roadways and we are now hopefully eliminating this concern *Streets have been swept and bridges have been flushed down to remove the winter sand/salt *Picking up garbage thrown on roadways and right of ways and assisting in cleanup with Community groups. *Cleaning the beach area in Port Burwell in anticipation of summer- removing the debris from the beach area and raking the sand in an attempt to give a grade to have the water drain from the beach to provide a clean area for the tourists *Surface Treatment of Tollgate Rd (Calton - Light), as well as Mitchell Rd, Best Line, Light Line and Bogus Rd and asphalting Alward St, gravel reinstatement on Murray and Somers. Asphalting and correction of the intersection at Eden/Schafer, guide rails placed on Light Line *Sidewalks repaired on Newton St and repaired on the crumpling curb on Robinson Street as well as repairs to a multitude of picnic tables. Staff Report PW2010-01 regarding Year End Report. File: T06 Page 92 of 195 *Continue to work on Policies and Procedures as well as By-Laws and tenders for specified sections of Public Works. *Working on Energy Audits for specified buildings. *Assisting other departments as requested Staff Report PW2010-01 regarding Year End Report. File: T06 Page 93 of 195 Page 94 of 195 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of December 2009 File: PlO Jan-02-2010 No.Date Roll #Permit Holder Property Descrlptlon Buflding Type Vslue Permlt Fee Septic /Sewer Feet329-Dec )-004-l0400split Wagler, Jacob i6926 Herit¿ee Line constntct ône siôrêv hnrraa rrrlot+120.000 1000.0(175.0(r33 9-Dec )-005-02012 Geline. Marsha i4279 Edm I.ine install utility shed in backva¡d 240so ft 4,200 75.0(134 l0-Dec l-004-01200 Curney Mechanical Ltd 9188 Pla¡k Ron¡l replace boiler systern 44-600 432.0(135 l1-Dec ¿-001-30700 Baillie, Towson 33 Pitt Street tlnir #?5 install mobile home 960sq ft 35.00(355.0( Wagler Homes 56846 Heritaee Line ronstruct one storey house w latt garasr I 94gso ft 145.00(I 041 .0(175.0( December-09 348.800 2.903.00 3s0.0( 2OO9 YEARTO DATE 9,076.348 64.177.00 11800.0( December-08 272.30(2.573.00 3s0.0( 2OO8 YE.A,RTO DATE 8.671.491 76,992.00 9375.0r Prepared by: sMl/l l/2010 excel\monthly\buildper Reviewedby: /-->tU B u i l d i n g P e r m i t r e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 9 5 o f 1 9 5 Page 96 of 195 \) (1\ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 14,2010 FROM: Paul Groeneveld Fire Chief FILE: P16 SUBJECT: Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus NUMBER:P2009-037 Purpose Inform Council of sale of surplus Fire Department pump apparatus (1984 Ford). Background In November 2009 Council passed the following resolution: 66That staff be authorized to dispose of the surplus 1984 Ford pump truck as outlined in Report P2009-0034." Staff advertised the vehicle as follows: . Auto Trader ($132.30) o Heavy Truck Trader Magazine o Auto Trader Website . Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs website ($52.50) . Municipal V/ebsite . Roadside at Public Works Yard, Jackson Line Advertisements and notices indicated the Municipality would accept bids until December 27,2009 at 4:30 p.m. Bids were accepted by sealed bid only Staff Comment As of December 21,2009 at 4:30 p.m. the Municipality received three (3) bids. The bids ranged from a low of $1201.00 to a high of $3,000.00. The successful bid ($3,000.00) was received from Swance Farms Limited, 56440 Green Line, Bayham. Payment was received on January 5, 2010. Staff recommends the funds from the sale of the vehicle be placed in the Fire Department Apparatus Reserve. The vehicle was sold in an "as is" condition. The purchaser was responsible for payment of any Provincial and Federal sales taxes, registration transfer and delivery or transportation costs. Staff Report P2009-037 regarding Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus. File: P16 Page 97 of 195 Recommendation íTHAT Staff Report P2009-037 regarding the Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus be received for information, AND the funds from the sale of the Surplus X'ire Department Pump Apparatus be applied to the Fire Department Apparatus Reserve account " Reviewod by,Respectfu lly submitted, Staff Report P2009-037 regarding Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus. File: P16 Page 98 of 195 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 7101 7104 7132 7't55 7176 7184 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211712009 1211712009 3:20PM OOOO23 AAROC AGGREGATES LTD J059890 GRAVEL, RECYCLED ASPHALT 1113012009 I í,580.28 007698 Cheque Amount - '1,580.28 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 657 CERTTFTCATE RENEWAL - ED B. 12t0712009 I 157.50 007699 Cheque Amount - 157.50 OOOOTO ATKINSON, DAVIES INC 0028322 PCP UPGRADES 1110'v2009 I 734.74 007700 Cheque Amount - 734.74 OOOO75 AYLMER EXPRESS 0000149744 NOM|NAT|ONS, RD CLOSURE 11t3012009 I 339.57 007701 Cheque Amount - 339.57 OOOO91 BARRYR.CARD 212013-28 LEGAL SERVICES 212014-28 LEGAL SERVICES 001144 BERES'MEAT & GROCERY STAFF XMAS LUNCH 12t17t2009 I 279.',t'l 007703 Cheque Amount - 279.11 OOOI2O BRAD VALKO boots / coveralls BOOTS & CO\ERALLS 1211412009 I 250.84 007704 Cheque Amount- 250.U OOO141 CAIN'SAUTO SALES & SERVICE 11 1210112009 I 260.93 007702 12t01t2009 I 3.036.08 007702 Cheque Amount - 3,297.01 LOF, REPI-ACE TRANSFER CASE 1111',v2009 I 134.66 007705 REPALCE CAP, ROTOR, PLUGS 1111112009 t 1,267.59 007705 REPI-ACE BROKEN SPRTNG 1'U17t2009 I 1,718.53 007705 LOF, REPALCE AtR FTLTER 11t2012009 I 76.12 00770s MIRROR LOF 11t25t2009 I 117.80 007705 11t26t2005 t M.O2 007705 Cheque Amount - 3,358.72 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 24042853 tNK CARTRDTGE 12t10t2009 I 124.29 007706 Cheque Amount - 124.29 OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN 8 20't0 TouRtsM MEMBERSHTP 11t16t2009 I 100.00 007707 Cheque Amount - 100.00 001432 CULLIGAN 10933350515 UNIT RENTAL 1210112009 I 26.20 007708 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 99 of 195 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1211712009 Cheque Amount - 26.20 000218 cuPE LOCAL 35 Nov'09 remlt UNION DUES 11t30t2009 I 580.23 007709 Cheque Amount - 580.23 OOI329 DAVIDSON GENERAL RÊPAIR 084163 REPATR FUEL LEAK 12t11t2009 I 168.56 007710 ChequeAmount- 168.56 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-94807-0 CRrMpS, HOSE 12t14t2005 I 46.37 007711 Cheque Amount - 46.37 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 000013s429 PLUGS 0000135470 SUPPL|ES OOOO13547,I COPPER PIPE, PARTS OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTts30925 CLTPS Cheque Amount - 5,590.47 1210112009 I 1.14 007713 Cheque Amount - 'l'.14 001227 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 90017 GEOMELT S30 12t08t2009 I 2,193.86 007714 Cheque Amount - 2,193.86 OO'1227 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. INC. 90018 GEOMELT S30 12rt0t2009 I 2,062.86 007715 Cheque Amount - 2,062.86 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518489507 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 't2t1012009 I 177.38 007716 Cheque Amount - 177.38 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Dec00240-14793 UTILITIES - GARAGE 1210712009 I 637.92 007717 Dec 06460-08880 UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY 1A0912009 t 198.77 007717 Dec 12660-62007 UTILITIES - MÊD BLDG 1210912009 I 77.31 007717 Dec 15773-68016 UTILITIES - PUMP#5 1210912009 I 331.72 007717 Dec 25260-09578 UTILITIES - OFFICE 1210912009 I 253.04 007717 Dec 68850-12275 UTILITIES - PB WORKS GARAGE 1210712009 t 242.U 007717 Dec 68860-08015 UTILITIES - STRAF FIRE 1210912009 I 187.38 007717 Dec 86590-87008 UTILITIES - PUMP# 2 12l09l211g I 182.30 0077'17 Dec 87640-15034 UTILITIES - S.C.C. 1210912009 I 1,126.17 007717 1211712009 3:20PM 1210712009 I 1,077.93 007712 1211012009 I 2,725.56 007712 1211012009 r 't,786.98 007712 Cheque Amount - 3,237.25 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 100 of 195 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - '1211712009 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 15154 WORK SHEDS - L|GHTING 12t09t2009 I 't68.81 0077't8 ChequeAmount- 168.81 OO147O LEANN WALSH supplies REIMBURSE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1211712009 I 98.72 007719 Cheque Amount - 98.72 001635 LIGHTHOUSE GOSPELCHURCH deposit reimburse DAMAGE DEPOSIT REIMBURSED 1210512009 I 320.00 007720 Cheque Amount - 320.00 OOOSM LYNDA MILI¡RD certificate reimburs REIMBURSE BAYHAM BUCKS 12l17l21Ùg I 200.00 007721 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 OOO5ô9 M&LSUPPLY 00001'15973 REPATRS 000658 oMERS 04100 Nov'09 NOV'09 REMIT 000694 PAUL GROENEVELD tuel- truck FUEL FOR TRUCK 1211712009 3:20PM Cheque Amount - 443.67 001636 MARKHASSON reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 1211612009 I 331.09 007723 Cheque Amount - 331.09 00061O MINISTER OF FINANCE exam EXAM REGISTRATION 1A1512009 I 75.00 007724 Cheque Amount - 75.00 00062I MUNICIPAL WORLD INC renew subscript REVERSE - SUBSCRIPTIONS 10/08/2009 C -51.98 007725 renewal - subscript SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 1211712009 I 155.93 007725 subscription renew RENEWAL - SUBSCRIPTIONS 10/08/2009 I 51.98 007725 Cheque Amount- 200.00 1112612009 I ,143.67 007722 ChequeAmount- 155.93 11130t2009 I 23,321.51 007726 Cheque Amount - 23,32'1.51 12t1112009 I 40.00 007727 Cheque Amount - 40.00 000706 PITNEY BOWES 228391700756 COMPREHENSTVE SERVICE 1210512009 t 574j6 007728 Cheque Amount - 574.16 001251 PK CONSTRUCTION INC Payment Cert#3 SEPTAGE RECEIVING STATION 1211012009 I '104,530.25 007729 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 101 of 195 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 OOOTIO PORTBURWELLHOME HARDWARE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1211712009 Cheque Amount - 1211712009 3:20PM 7418 7422 7446 7454 OOO954 VIKING CI\ES LTD 2619361 001634 WINMAR-LONDON LJ0'11677 ANTIFREEZE PLUG SILICONE, CAULKING GUN BUSHING SPRING 1110512009 1110612009 1111812009 1'v20t2009 104,530.25 15.56 007730 18.07 007730 18.04 007730 2.93 007730 OOO743 RBC ROYAL BANK Nov 45160500 00954íl CARR MCLEAN Nov4516 0500009541 19 AMCTO - ELECTION TRAINING Nov451 60500 009541 1 I AMCTO - ELECTION TRAI NING Nov45l 605000095 4'l'l I STAPLES STORE - SUPPLI ES OOO795 SANDRAMAERTENS relmburse CERTIFICATE FRAMES 001418 TELUS 0158947620't7 LATE PAYMENT CHARGE DOLLAR POOL SAVINGS015894762017' 01589476201712005876 CELL PHONE - P GROENEVELD 01s89476201716171156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 015894762017/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 01589476201716365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 015894762017t6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT I 01589476201716366178 CELL PHONE. STRAF FIRE DEPT 015894762017/6366198 CELL PHONE. E BRADFIELD 015894762017t6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762017/6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 01589476201716689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 0158947620171902't249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 01624249801512349014 MOBILE HtGH SPEED 01 624249801 5/6780758 MOB| LE H I GH SPEED 016242498015t678',t7 43 MOBTLE HtGH SPEED Cheque Amount -54.60 409.23 007731 231.00 007731 231.00 007731 104.35 007731 1111912009 11t15t2009 1'U1312009 11t2112009 I I I I Cheque Amount -975.58 1,,1512009 I 33.84 867.92 71.92 007732 007734 007735 Page Cheque Amount -33.84 14.30 007733 -191.51 007733 54.75 007733 45.48 007733 49.78 007733 44.86 007733 44.86 007733 44.86 007733 276.54 007733 208.32 007733 54.18 007733 51.36 007733 44.86 007733 41.76 007733 41.76 007733 41.76 007733 11t2712009 1112712009 11t27t2009 11t27t2009 1112712009 1112712009 1112712009 11t27t2009 11127t2009 1112712009 1112712009 11127t2009 11t27t2009 121ost2009 1210512009 1210512009 I c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - 12t11/2009 I Cheque Amount -71.92 5,000.00DEDUCTIBLE PORTION 11t05t2009 r Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 102 of 195 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 000986 WORKPIáCE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314 Nov'09 NOV'09 REMIT MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 1211712009 12t1712009 Cheque Amount - 11114t2009 I 5,000.00 2,770.58 Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total -164,339.96 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 103 of 195 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 OOO743 RBC ROYAL BANK Dec 451605000095410'l LATE PAYMENT CHARGE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 12117 12009 12t08t2009 I Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 't2t17t2009 007737 15.09 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 104 of 195 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Postlng Summary Trace: 010783 Report Date: l2l18/2009 1211812009 l0:184M Accounts Payable Volded Cheque FlscalYear:2009 Po¡ted By: SANDRA Podlng Pd,: 12 Postlng Dale: 1211812009 01-0100-1030 Gensral bank 014100-1950 Aocounts PayableTrade CDIST duplicat€ payment GÐ|ST dupllcate payment Vold Chq:7593 MUNICIPAL HEALTH &S Vold Chq:7593 MUNICIPAL HEALTH & S ToþlDebtts ToþlCredlts Net Postlng 341.26 -341.25 341.25 -941.25 0.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 105 of 195 Accounts Payable Volded Gheque Flgcal Year: 2009 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM General Ledger PostedBy: SANDRA Postlng Pd.¡ 12 Postlng Date: 12118/2009 1211812009 10:294M Postlng Summary Trace: 010785 Report Date: 12/18n009 01-0100-1030 General bank 014100-1950 Ac@unts Pa¡,lableTrade CDIST dlfferent vendor name CDIST dlffErent vendor name Vold Chq:7715 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. Vold Chq: 7715 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. Total Deblts TotalCredib Net Postlng Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 106 of 195 2009.1't.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1212212009 't212212009 2:50PM 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM dog licence DOG LICENCE AD 1210712009 I 60.90 007738 Cheque Amount - 60.90 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 24092346 APPOTNTMENT BOOKS 12t16t2009 I 25.97 007739 24098577 CORK BOARD, F|LE FOLDERS 12t17t2009 I 296.26 007739 Cheque Amount - 322.23 001637 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 90018 GEOMELT S30 1211012009 I 2,062i86 007740 Cheque Amount - 2,062.86 OO'1227 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. INC. 90018 GEOMELT S30 12t10t2009 I 2,062.86 007741 Cheque Amount - 2,062.86 OOO373 GERALD CROCKER course / training COURSE AT FIRE COLLEGÉ. 1211812009 I 340.00 007742 Cheque Amount - 340.00 001493 GERRYLEMAY charger REIMBURSE FOR CHARGER 1211812009 I 45.19 007743 Cheque Amount - 45.19 OO16,16 GILLES THERRIEN BACKHOE SERVICE 417 SNAKE CULVERT - MTTCHEL RD 12t15t2009 I 262.50 007744 Cheque Amount - 262,50 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Dec 25390-07266 VIENNA STL 1211612009 I 563.47 007745 Dec 25390-55002 UTILITIES - STL HVf/ 19 PT BUR 1211612009 I 'l ,660.72 007745 Dec 53993-93004 UTILITIES - PUMP#4 12/t42009 I 46.00 007745 Dec 6239ô-22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL 1211612009 I 1,044.90 007745 Dec 62790-07266 UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL 1211612009 I 186.56 007745 Dec 73394-81003 UTILITIES - PUMP#3 1211412009 t 77.46 007745 Dec 81590-07297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL 1211612009 I 556.84 007745 Dec 87790-07295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL 1211612009 I 233.85 007745 Cheque Amount - 4,369.80 OO1640 JAMES KENNY reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 1212212009 I 102.36 007746 Cheque Amount - 102.36 OOO518 KWIK KOPY PRINTING 24927 DOG LTCENCE FLYER 12t17t2009 I 270.07 007747 Cheque Amount -270.07 Page 'l Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 107 of 195 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 1212212009 2:50PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 1212212009 OOO54O I.AERDAL MEDICAL CANADA LTD. 81140104 DEF|BR|LLAT|ON PADS 12t10t2009 I 153.12 007748 Cheque Amount - 153,12 000565 LYNNACRE mileage form MILEAGE 1211712009 I 29't.60 007749 Cheque Amount - 291.60 001638 MARK & MYRA FRIESEN reimburse credlt CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNT 1211812009 I 551.20 007750 Cheque Amount - 551.20 OOO58O MARKTAYLOR mileage form MILEAGE 1211712009 I 364.50 007751 Cheque Amount - 364,50 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM petty cash dec'09 DEC'09 PETTY CASH 1212112009 I 50.21 007752 Cheque Amount - 50.21 000694 PAUL GROENEVELD course, vehicle COURSE, VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1211812009 I 359.97 007753 ChequeAmount- 359.97 OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD 407001172 COURTER SERVTCE 12104t2009 I 95.28 007754 Cheque Amount - 95.28 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK 4516 050000954176NovTRADER - AD 't1l27l20og I 132,30 007755 45160500 00954'|T6NovASSESS REVIEW BOARD 1112012009 I 75.00 007755 451605000095 4176Nov MUNICIPAL WORLD 'l112612009 I 20.29 007755 Dee4516050000954168 INTEREST 1210412009 I 7.64 007755 Cheque Amount - 235.23 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT Dec 0055'148374214837 WATER HEATER RENTAL 1A1412009 I 33.04 007756 Dec0066310304721018 COMMERCIAL RENTAL EQUIPMEN 12l0gl200g I 28.88 007756 Cheque Amount - 61,92 001213 RICKVARRO travel AIR BOTTLE FILL - MILEAGÊ 1A18l2OOg I 135.00 007757 Cheque Amount - 135.00 OOO829 SPECTRUMCOMMUNICATIONSLTD 0000375300 RADto SALE & |NSTAL1-AT|ON 1?/07i2009 I 707.14 007758 0000375343 REPATR ANTENNAE ON GRADER 12t08t2009 t 74',t.48 007758 0000505200 oVERCALLS 1211512009 I 23.83 007758 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 108 of 195 2009.1't.27 6.3 9050 0000505444 0000505674 OO1I61 WAYNE CASIER mlleage form MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Gheque Register - 1212212009 1212212009 2:50PM ANSWERING SERVICE 3 MONTHS RENTAL MILEAGE 12h5t200s 12t15t2009 u.70 007758 57,63 007758 001639 STRICKI-AND A WALKER SAND 1466 SAND OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Dec 273-2106243-0725 UTILITIES - PUMP#1 Dec273-2106 I 9è9754 UTILITIES - E.C.C. OOO953 VIENNAHOME CENTERLTD 346813 FLUORESCENT TUBES OOO954 VIKING CIVES LTD 2619531 SPRING SUSPENSION Cheque Amount - 't211412009 I 1,614.78 2,452.80 007759 007762 007763 0077æ Cheque Amount - 000863 SUZANNAMANTEL 7258 BAYHAM BUCKS. REIMBURSE 1212112009 I 2,452.80 150.00' Cheque Amount - 121'111200s I 1?i1612009 r r50.00 20.07 007761 275.62 00776'l Cheque Amount - 12t18/2009 I 295.69 135.49 Cheque Amount - 1'2n6no09 r 't35.49 166.30 Cheque Amount - 't2t17t2009 I 166,30 126;00 Cheque Amount-'126;00 Cheque Run Total -17,',137.86 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 109 of 195 Accounts Payable Volded Cheque FlgcalYear: 2009 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM General Ledger Postod By: SANDRA Postlng Pd.: 12 Postlng Daløz 1212212009 1212212009 3:24PM Postlng Summary Trace: 010808 Report Dato:1212212009 01-0100-1030 General bank 01-0100-1950 Accounts PayableTrade CDIST wrong vendor name CDIST wrong vendorname Vold Chq: 7741 FUTURETRANSFER CO. Vold Chq: 7741 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. TotalDeblts Total Credits Net Posting Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 110 of 195 lnvoice Payee Number lnvolce Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01107 12010 0'110712010 4:00PM OOOO3O ADAM SWANCE service award BAYHAM BUCKS 1212012009 I 50.00 007765 Cheque Amount - 50.00 OOOO31 ADT SECURITY SERVICES CANADA 21821661 SMOKE DETECTOR -EDTSON MUS 12t24t2009 I 120.36 007766 Cheque Amount - 120.36 000068 ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES 2010-M-10718 2010 MEMBERSHTP OOOI2O BRAD VALKO service award BAYHAM BUCKS 12t0912009 I 1,944.41 007767 Cheque Amount - 1,944.41 12t22t2009 I 't00.00 007768 Cheque Amount -100.00 001271 BRENDAGIBBONS dogflyers DOG FLYERS 1212212009 I 253.55 007769 Cheque Amount- 253.55 000160 CANON CANADA INC. 6358912 QUARTERLY METER B|LL|NG 12t21t2009 I 611.55 007770 Cheque Amount -6't 1.55 OOO175 CEDAR SIGNS 1 7386 SIGN -ANTIICING 12t30t2009 I 152.39 007771 Cheque Amount - '152.39 001567 COUNTY OF OXFORD ARCHIVES tape ENCASULATION TAPE 1212112009 I 26.56 007772 Cheque Amount - 26.56 001644 DENNISTYRRELL reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 1213112009 I 216.07 007773 Cheque Amount - 216.07 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-95148-0 HYDRAULTC HOSES, CRTMPS 12t29t2009 I 300.57 007774 Cheque Amount - 300.57 000275 E.O.N. ASSOCTATTON 2010 membership 2010 MEMBERSHIP - EDISON 1211012009 I 35.00 007775 membership 20'10 2010 MEMBERSHIP - MARINE MUS 1211012009 I 35.00 007775 Cheque Amount - 70.00 001611 EDWARDS DOORSYSTEMS LTD 00000008766 sERVtcE TNDUSTRTAL DOORS 1212112009 I 698.99 007776 Cheque Amount -698.99 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 111 of 195 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Amount Cheque Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110712010 0110712010 4:00PM OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 00001354s9 MA|N STOPS, BALL CURBS 12t0812009 I 2,880.82 007777 0000135490 EPOXY ULTM FLEX 12rt412009 I 937.90 007777 0000135491 SSTSADDLE, MA|N BALL 12t14t2009 I 359.34 007777 Cheque Amount - 4,178.06 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS31364 SUPPLIES 001637 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 9OO3O GEOMELTS3O 90033 GEOMELTS3O 9OO4O GEOMELTS3O 001227 FUTURETRANSFERCO. INC. 1212312009 r 64.'16 007778 Cheque Amount -64.16 12t1812009 t 2,047.01 007779 12121t2009 t 2,296.31 007779 1212912009 t 2,051.79 007779 Cheque Amount - 6,395.11 90018 GEOMELTS3O 't2t1012009 I 2,062.86 007780 Cheque Amount - 2,062.86 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518495192 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 12124t2009 I 178.94 007781 Cheque Amount - 178.94 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL 90288410 ALUM SULFATE 1A02n009 I 520.94 007782 Cheque Amount - 520.94 001616 GILLES THERRIEN BACKHOE SERVICE 4't6 DRAIN REPAIRS 12115t2009 r 703.50 007783 Cheque Amount - 703.50 001424 HENDERSON RECREATION 't09070 STRAFF PLAY EQU|PMENT 12t11t2009 r 47,39í.09 007784 Cheque Amount - 47,391.09 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Dec 50221-05009 UTILITIES - SEWER PLANT 1211712009 I 3,024.09 007785 Cheque Amount - 3,024.09 000446 JACKIE BOOTLE Dec15/09-Jan15/10 MANAGERFEES 12t3112009 I 79'1.66 007786 Cheque Amount - 791.66 000456 JANZENEXTERIORS 117 NEW SHTNGLES - MED BLDG 1212812009 t 7,447.32 007787 Cheque Amount - 7,447.32 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 112 of 195 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 001643 JUDY LEGGETT reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT OOO492 KELLY KIRKPATRICK open house OPEN HOUSE SUPPLIES OOO5O9 KIWANIS CLUB OF TILLSONBURG 2124 BOTTH RENTAL,lOSA-109A OOO51O KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 100646562 1 00646640 144491 1-44540 145071 145209 145254 '145358 1-45646 1-45659 1-45666 1-45720 1-45725 145739 't45749 1-45763 145938 145976 000569 M&LSUPPLY 00001 I 61 28 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL BULBS COUPLERS SERVICE BULBS MIRROR BljDE FUEL TREATMENT, QUICKSHIFT SEAL BEAMS, CONNECTOR RAIN.X, TRAILER PL GASKET MAKERS V BELTS TUBING SEALS FLASH, CONNECTORS TAP RATCHET SET LOCKING MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0110712010 12t3'v2009 I Cheque Amount - 1?/31/2009 I Cheque Amount - 12123t2009 I Cheque Amount - 0110712010 4:00PM 64.96 007788 ô4.96 171.00 007789 007790 171.00 410.00 1210212009 1210312009 12t1112009 12t1412009 1211512009 't211612009 1212212009 1212212009 12122t2009 1212312009 1212312009 1212312009 1212312009 12t23t2009 1212912009 1213012009 410.00 2.21 20.48 4.07 21.67 15.29 60.23 31.47 16.17 18.26 10.78 5.50 5.54 26.U 6.91 27.'t0 63.09 007791 007791 007791 007791 007791 007791 007791 007791 007791 007791 007791 00779',1 00779'.1 007791 007791 007791 Cheque Amount - 12t09t2009 rFIRE HYDRANT JANUARY2OlO REMIT JANUARY 201O REMIT UTILITIES. FIREHALL UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES - PUMP#s uTtLtTtEs - s.c.c. Cheque Amount -371.89 5,523.29 007793 3,727.12 007793 12t19t2009 12t31t2009 335.61 37r.89 007792 007794 007794 007794 007794 Page 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED Cheque Amount -9,250.41 556.36 206.52 16.28 524.22 Dec E12378-01 DecE14212-01 Dec E22380-01 OecE24200-01 12t18t2009 't2118t2009 1211812009 1211812009 I I I I Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 113 of 195 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01107 12010 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 01t07t2010 4:00PM Dec E45407-01 Dec E45409-01 Dec E45410-01 Dec E51600-01 Dec F',l9290-01 Dec F20600-01 Dec F26864-01 Dec G06210-01 Dec G06305-01 Dec G06307-01 Dec G',l5700-01 Dec G40407-01 12t18t2009 12118t2009 1211812009 1211812009 12t18t2009 1211812009 1211812009 1211912009 121',t912009 12119t2009 1?/1912009 12t',t9t2009 311.65 007794 13.45 007794 68.50 007794 933.87 007794 93.62 007794 44.70 007794 13.45 007794 109.92 007794 328.20 007794 480.88 007794 12.08 007794 12.08 007794 UTILITIES. OFFICE UTILITIES. PUMP# 2 UTILITIES - LIBRARY UTILITIES - GARAGE UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES. V.C.C. UTILITIES - PUMP# 6 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - PB GARAGE I I I I I I I I I I I I 000645 NORFOLK COUNTY 12504 MUNICIPAL DRAIN - IGPIN ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION 2010 membership 2010 MEMBERSHIP 000665 000685 PATWATTERS I 81 2898 COVERALLS 00'1642 PLAYPOWER LT CANADA, INC 60007788 PI.AYGROUND EQUIPMENT OOO71O PORTBURWELL HOME HARDWARE 220028 SATTERIES 7487 LAMPS 7489 |áMPS 7527 ADJST.A-FI.ASH Cheque Amount - 12t18t2009 I 3,725.78 't44.18 007795 Cheque Amount - 1210912009 I 144.18 619.26 007796 007797 007798 007801 Cheque Amount - 12t18t2009 I 619 26 56 49 Cheque Amount - 't211012009 I 56.49 51,'t60.15 Cheque Amount -51,160.15 25.06 007799 6,78 007799 15.22 007799 1't.29 007799 1211612009 12t0312009 1210512009 1212312009 OOO737 MMONA PEIDL 237367 237368 237369 OO1600 MNDY LAUR BURNER SERVICE Cheque Amount - DECEMBER'09 CLEANING 1213112009 DECEMBER'09 CLEANTNG - V.C.C. 12t31t2009 DECEMBER'09 CLEANTNG - S.C.C. 12t31t2009 Cheque Amount - 58.35 980.00 007800 416.00 007800 1,287.00 007800 2,683.00 2,850.75I 563 NEW FURNACE 12t15t2009 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 114 of 195 lnvoice Payee Number , lnvolce Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 01107120'10 0110712010 4:00PM Cheque Amount - 2,850.75 OOO77O RODGERMARTIN #12 Dec '09 DECEMBER '09 K-9 CONTROL 1213112009 I 1 ,3'l 2.50 007802 Cheque Amount - 1,312.50 OOO832 SPRIETASSOCIATES 09-0684 LTGHT L|NE CULVERT ',t'U30t2009 I 1,511.25 007803 09-0685 SCHAFER ROAD - EDEN L|NE 11t30t2009 I 650.59 007803 09.0696 BRIDGE & CULVERT TNSPECTTON{ 12t23t2009 t 3,910.42 007803 Gheque Amount - 6p7226 OOI599 STEVEADAMS glasses REIMBURSE - GI-ASSES 1112312009 I 275.00 007804 Cheque Amount - 275.00 OOO848 STRAFFORDVILLE CEMETERY BOARD reimburse REIMBURSE DONATIONS 1213112009 I 70.00 007805 Cheque Amount - 70.00 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION x11252393 VOLUNTEERS REQUEST - AD 12t09t2009 I 174.5't 007806 x1t252394 VOLUNTEERS REQUEST - AO 12t09t2009 I 174.51 007806 Cheque Amount -349.02 000870 TBSC 2746 2747 REPAIR PAGE REPAIR PAGER 1212112009 t 128.82 007807 12t2112009 I 128.82 007807 Cheque Amount - 257.æ OOIAIl THOMASJGEE reimburse payment REIMBURSE - PAYMENT ERROR 1212612009 I 200.00 007808 Cheque Amount - 200.00 001369 TILLSONBURG FIRE & 09-0098 FIRE OTSPATCHTNG JAN-MAR/1o 12t31t2009 I 4,254.11 007809 Cheque Amount - 4,254.11 OO1OO2 TILLSONBURG FIRE & SAFETY EOUIPMENT 13093 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 1211512009 I 25.03 007810 ChequeAmount- 25.03 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI-AHIDE 09-028 NOVEMBER WATER ',09 12t14t2009 I 974.12 007811 09-221 BLDG TNSPECTTONS MAR-DEC'o9 12t14t2009 I 1,507.20 007811 000926 TROW ASSOCTATES tNC. Cheque Amount - 2,48'1.32 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 115 of 195 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 990450465 EAST P|ER REPORT PROJECT 12t17t2009 I 876.79 0078'.t2 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM 0110712010 4:00PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0110712010 Cheque Amount - 876.79 OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. 181033478 GUAGE SERVTCE 12t23t2009 I 32.76 007813 Cheque Amount -32.76 001324 UNDERHILL BROS 87447 87449 Cheque Amount - 432.03 OOO932 UNDERHILL FARM SUPPLY LTD 066 REBATE DEPOSIT - S|TE Pt¡N FEt 12t31t2009 I 1,000.00 007815 Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 OOO953 VIENNA HOME CENTER LTD 34æ24 BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS 12t07t2009 I 4.54 007816 346701 F|LE 12t15t2009 I 9.36 007816 347012 CETLING TILE, GARBAGE BAGS 12t30t2009 I 108.46 007816 Cheque Amount - '122.36 001216 WATSON & ASSOCIATES 16124 PSAB & ASSET MANAGEMENT 11130t2009 I 2,541.63 007817 Cheque Amount - 2,541.63 OO1O59 WILLIAM KNIFTON couftìe expenses COURSE EXPENSES 1213112009 I 133.36 007818 ChequeAmount- 133.36 OOO99O ZAP'S TREE AND LAWN SERVICE 00001413 REMOVAL OF TREE 12t09t2009 I 173.25 007819 00001433 REMOVAL OF TREE 12t09t2005 I 593.25 007819 Cheque Amount -766.50 Cheque Run Total - 170,406.32 DEC'09 SNOWPLOWTNG 12t28t2009 I 176.09 007814 DEC'09 SNOWPLOWTNG 12t29t2009 r 255.94 007814 Page 6 Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 116 of 195 .t 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: OlOggt Report Date: 0g/01/2010 Posted By: SUZANNA 0810'll201O 10:004M Fiscal Year: 2010 Postlng Pd.: I Posting Date: OgtOlt2OlO Accounts Payable Volded Cheque 01-0100-1030 Generat bank 0l-0100-1950 Accounts payableTrade CDIST credit offset not apptied SDM CDIST credit offset not apptied SDM Void Chq: 7780 FUTURE TRANSFER CO, Void Chq: 7780 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. Total Debits Total Credits Net Posting 2,062.86 -2,062.86 2,062.86 -2.062.86 0.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7780, #7593, #7715 and #7741 totaling Page 117 of 195 6ORI{ }IUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI{ TOT PACKETS - CURRENT E, 157.85 ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORTCO}IPANY TOTÂLS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 8, 137. 85 s64.44 I , I 05.56 L,687 .63 LL ,295.2E 3E,E28.22 57, 055.3E 50.00 75,915.60 87 ,208.88 L75.65 8.78 87,393,3r ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES RUN: DEC 15 2009 N0: A PAGE: I094 GST REG: I00057413 RT0004 COI{PANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: DEC 16, 2009 DATE 0F PAY: DEC I8, 20092 ADJUST -DR FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT }IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT 364.44 r, r05.56 L , 687 .63 LL ,295.?8 38,828.22 57,055.58 50.00 75,915.60 87,208.88 L75.65 8.78 87,395.51 CHARGE ITEË 31.80 HOURLY ¡{ORKPAYS 14.50 COIJRIER FEE YTD ADJUST UNITS CHARGE ITE}I 45 7I.55 PAYROLL RUNS I 12.00 YTD TOTAL 234,O47 .E6 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 59,014. r4 EI CoNT QPIP 99,872.L4 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 27,929.23 0N EHT I1B HET NL HAPSET 400,a63.37 T0T STATS 95,435.72 CHEQUES 998,265.01 DEPoSIIS US DEPS I,5OO. OO DED DEPS I,O94,998.73 T0T NPAY RRSP RTI L,495,862.LO TOT PAYROL 3,642.42 SERV CHRG LAz.L4 GST PST L,499,6A6.66 GRAND TOT UNITS CHARGE I 46.00 ITEI{ UNITS SALARIED T{ORKPAYS 20 PAY ADVICE FOLD 65 TOTAL S/C SUEJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS t75.65 87'595.5I DEBIT INFORHATI0N: 003 05102 t0II925 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 7 6 9 8 t o C h e q u e # 7 8 1 9 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e s # 7 7 8 0 , # 7 5 9 3 , # 7 7 1 5 a n d # 7 7 4 1 t o t a l i n g P a g e 1 1 8 o f 1 9 5 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT I{B HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CI{RC GST PST GRAND TOI ITEI{ R.0. E. FoRl'ts PAYROLL RUNS 80Rt¡l l{UNICIPALITY OF BAyHAt{ TOT PACKETS - ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DATLY UPDATE REPORTCOì{PANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 7 ,920.49 4L4.96 L,O73.22 95E.9I 10,37I.58 56,71 I . l9 50.00 36,76L.L9 47 ,132 .77 LL7.42 5.87 47 ,256.06 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES ITEI{ SALARTED WORKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD LL7 .42 RUN: DEC t8 2009 No: E PAGE: 85 GST REG: 1000574I5 RTOo04 C0I{PANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: DEC 29, ZoOg DATE 0F PAY: DEC 3L 2oo9 YTD TOTAL 24L,96A.35 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX59,455.10 EI CoNT QPIP LOO,945.36 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 28,888. I4 0N EHT I{B HET NL HAPSET 4LL,234.95 TOT STATS 95,438.72 CHEQUES L,O34,974.20 DEPoSITS US DEPS 1,550.00 DED DEPS L,IsL,759.92 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 1,542,994.87 T0T PAYROL st759.84 SERV CHRC I88.01 cST PST L,546,942.72 CRAND T0T UNITS CHARGE L2 19.08 I 12.00 CURRENT 7 ,920.49 4LA.96 L,073.22 958.91 10,571.58 56,7I t.19 50.00 36,76L.L9 47,t32.77 LL7 .42 5.A7 47 ,256.-06 ADJUST -DR UNITS CHARGE 20 51.80 32 7.O4 YTD ADJUST ITEH HOURLY I{ORKPAYS COURIER FEE UNITS CHARGE I 1.50 1 46.00 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS q7,256-06 DEBIT INF0RI,IATIoN: oos O5loZ t0ltg2s C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 7 6 9 8 t o C h e q u e # 7 8 1 9 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e s # 7 7 8 0 , # 7 5 9 3 , # 7 7 1 5 a n d # 7 7 4 1 t o t a l i n g P a g e 1 1 9 o f 1 9 5 Page 120 of 195 a) CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer SUBJECT: Vy'ater & Sewer Rates DATE: December 22,2009 FILE: F05.10 NUMBERz F2009-49 I)iscussion Wastewater The wastewater system is in good financial condition. Staff do not have concerns regarding the financial sustainability of the system. In2009, wastewater rates increased 4%o. Staff recommend an increase oî 4o/o for 2010. V/e anticipate increases of 4-5Yo for each of the next four years and increases of l-2Yo thereafter. It is recommended by staff that a monthly rate of $40.60 be set for 2010 ($39.04 in 2009). This will provide a reserve allocation of approximately $183,000. Water Only 26Yo of the water budget is within our direct control. More than 60Yo is directly related to total water consumption from the primary and secondary systems. The remainder is the reserve requirements as set out in the sustainability report. V/ith the approval of the Build Canada Fund grant for the water infrastructure renewal program, staff have discovered and repaired several leaks. It is anticipated that our overall water consumption will be reduced over the next two years as we complete the project. This will help significantly with reducing direct water purchase costs. Further, the secondary system is seeing reduced consumption due to the location and repairs of water leaks. This will reduce the amount of water loss within the system and reduce the costs the municipality must bear for the water loss. Secondary system rates are increasing between 10 and l2Yo eachyear. Council and staff applied to OSWAP to assist with these operating costs and received approval in the amount of $40,000 per year for four years. While this grant will help and additional funds can be set aside in reserves for Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 121 of 195 Staff Report -2 - E¿008-04 the first three years, by the fourth year, the municipalþ will be required to draw from those funds to meet reserve requirements. Ideally, rates should increase a minimum of 8%o each year for the next three years. However, considering the current economic conditions and in anticipation of council's desire to keep increases as low as possible, staff suggest that a 50á increase could be imposed for the next three years. Council does need to be aware, however, that rates will need to increase in much higher increments at some point to ensure that reserve requirements are met in future years. Although staff recommend an 8olo increase, it is suggested that rate increases could be set at 5Yo for 2010. The base monthly rate could remain at $11 .47 and the consumption rate be set at $2.55 for 2010 (cunently 52.43). Recommendation: THAT bylaw 2010-005 beíng ø by-law to amend byJaw 2004-015 being ø by-law to set wøter and sewer rates be presented to councìlfor enøctmenl Respectfu lly submitted,Reviewed by, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 122 of 195 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2010-005 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY.LAW 2004.015 BEING A BY.LAW TO SET WATER AND SE\üER RATES IN THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local Municipality may by by-law provide for imposing upon owners or occupants of land who use sewage works a sewage service tate, and; WHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides for imposing rates, regulating, metering, measuring and collection frequencies and methods for water and sewer rates; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend by- law 2004-015; TIIEREFORE THE COIJNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF'THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT Schedule A be repealed and replaced with the attached Schedule A. THIS by-law to come into efFect upon its passing and includes the January-February 2010 billing period. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 14th day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 14tb day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 123 of 195 BY-LAW NO.2010-005 SCHEDTTLE,.A" Municipality of Bayham Water and Sewer Rates Base Monthly Fee Minimum Billing Surcharge per m' of water Water s11.47 s22.94 $2.55 Sewer Except Vacant Commercial Units $40.60 $81.20 N/A Vacant Commercial Units $20.30 $40.60 N/A Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 124 of 195 40,000 40,000 1,500 1,500 505,183 538,791 30 10 5100 30.10 51 10 30.10 5120 30 10.5170 30 10 5175 30.1 0.51 80 30 10 5210 72,779 8,003 1,200 8,585 10,918 i 11,5831 1lpqol3,0æ- 3,060 Lqqo, 1,313 7,5751 7,651 2,057 2,119 515i 520 30.10.5295 Vehiclemaintenance 10 5340 Conferences & Seminars 758; I 101 6,06030 10 5280 System Maintenance 5,800 6,000 L4oo 4251 30.10 5300 lnsurance 676 696 717 30 10.5310 Legal Fees 2,500 300 1,550 600 I J,s0qL fuoo 739 1,5811,566r eos I1 0.5360 & lnternet 30.10 5370 Sundry 30 10 5400 Transfers to Reserves 30 10 5410 Water Quality Management 30 10.5450 Service Contract Secondary 10 5510 10 5520 918 65,0001 102 I 78,800 103 |10!i 72,100\ 2,500 213,667 4,848 81,600 l 24E,EE4t, L,5002 233 945 555 4 0aWater91,633 Notes:l Transfers to Reserves are set per the sustainability study (CN Watson). . I 2. wages, benefits, utirities, insurance àr" ""l."l"r"ted at 3yo peryear. Everyt"{"tgu-il] l iI_ 3. Vehicle Maintenance has been reduced as of 2010 as a new truck is propoged u1de1 rqEtal ryqlgle!4 wastewater. 30.10 5330 Training & Education Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 125 of 195 2009 - 2012 Waste Water Revenues 20 4010 Sewer 20 4't10 Grants & Subsidies lnvestment lncome20 4125 20 4't20 ,20 4130 150 604 637,651 Administrative 20 5100 143,435 '15,779,20 51 10 15,319 20 21,516 22,161 800 80020 5130 200 200't60 160 20 5260 Auditing Fees I ,750 1800 1850 1850 20.5305 lnsurance 5,664 5,834 6,009 6,189 20 5310 Legal Fees 260030.20 5330 Tra¡n¡ng & Education 2,000 2300 2600 30 20 5335 Liænces 200 4,000 225 75 30 20 5340 30 20 5350 Conferences & Seminars 2500 2900 2900 r8oTravel160 3200 170 3300 180 30.20 5360 T & lntemet 9!9q_ 3400 30 20 5370 Sundry 120 30 20 5400 Transfers to Reserves 223600 ) 20 5510 Adm¡nistrative Overheâd 30 20 5620 Treatment Plant 5180 Lab Fees a4oo Tooo190 Chemicals Utilities Plant 240020 5170 Supplles - Plant 20 5215 Property taxes 5,1 05 Build¡ng/Plânt Maintenance 12,OOO so2o52s5 EquipmenrMrce-ptanr 16500 l po :ztzo- lz¿tl 0.20.5290 crounds Maìntenance 2,200 ?409 2600 260! o.2o.s3oo Sludge Haulase/Disposal I 7.000 1 75OO I 8000 1 8000 't26,923 123,608 127 ,377 129,7126s23 123,608 127 ,377 't2s,7'l Collection System 30 20 5175 Supplies - Coilection 30 20 52'11 Util¡t¡es-Collect¡on Svstem 30205275 OdourControl 30 20 5280 Mainlenance 15500 16000 30 20 5295 Vehicle Maintenânce 700 700 71 vehicle maintenance has been reduced as of 2010 as a new truck is proposed under caoital water and wastewater Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 126 of 195 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2009 2010 20tr 2012 Proiect Budset Budset Budget Budset Other Notes - Hydrant Replacement 3,800 - Curb Stoo/Rod Reolacement 6 000 - main water valve replacement 35.000 - otters edge meter replacement 6,000 - trench box - split between water,wastr 3,333 - air release valves 8,000 - 4x4 truck -- split between water & wa ste 13,600 - infrastructure proi ect 2.162.845 800,000 - Continsencv Pumps - trench box - split between water,wast,l 3,333 - 4x4 truck -- split between water & waste 20.400 - pump rebuilds 20,000 - stoppers for manholes in flood area 15,000 Union St pump station repairs 10,000 - Brock St pump station repairs 10.000 valve actuator replacement 6,000 4,500 UV rebuild 22,000 Black Bridge main 32,000 air blower rebuilds 3.600 6.000 - hydro surge protection at plant 15.000 - canacitor bank 15.000 - energy consumption study 5,800 - septage receiving facility 490,372 r90,000 o5to1t2010 S t a f f R e p o r t F 2 0 0 9 - 4 9 r e g a r d i n g W a t e r & S e w e r R a t e s . F i l e : F 0 5 . 1 0 P a g e 1 2 7 o f 1 9 5 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2009-2012 2009 2010 20tt 2012 Proiect - water capacþ study Budeet Budget Budeet Budeet Other Notes 8.000 TOTÁ 2,840,083 1,075,500 0 0 cash requiremen 232.944 219.943 219,943 0 o5to1t20'to S t a f f R e p o r t F 2 0 0 9 - 4 9 r e g a r d i n g W a t e r & S e w e r R a t e s . F i l e : F 0 5 . 1 0 P a g e 1 2 8 o f 1 9 5 Cash Requirements 2009 Budget 2009 2010 2011 2012 Proiect Budset Budeet Budeet Budeet Other Notes #2 - Meter Charigeover - new connections - new connections #2 - Ltd repayment nonlevy items - water capital - sewer loan Tax levy requirements I 3,00 l Water reserve Sewer reserve, ratepayers 201 1 is final year 219,943 2t9,943 219,943 TOTAL 232,944 219,943 219,943 0 13,001 0 0 0 219,943 2t9,943 219,943 0 0000 Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 129 of 195 Schedule I'Arr to Bylaw 2009-XXX Capital Budget 2010 Proiect Budset Tax Lew Unexpend.'09 Reserves Other Notes - air release valves 8,000 8,000 water reserve - 4x4 truck - split between w & ww 13,600 r 3,600 water reserve - water renewal oroiect 800,000 120,000 680,000 infra reserve, ratepayers, ltd - 4x4 truck - split between w & ww 20,400 20,4oo sewer reserve - Brock St pump station repairs - valve actuator replacement 10,000 10,000 sewer reserve 4,500 4,500 sewer reserye - air blower rebuilds - caoacitor bank 6,000 6,000 sewer reserve 15.000 15,000 sewer reserye - septage receiving facility 190,000 r90,000 infrastructure erant I water capcity study 8,000 8,000 water reserve - TOTAL 1,075,500 0 0 395,500 680,000 cash reouirements 0 05t01t2010 S t a f f R e p o r t F 2 0 0 9 - 4 9 r e g a r d i n g W a t e r & S e w e r R a t e s . F i l e : F 0 5 . 1 0 P a g e 1 3 0 o f 1 9 5 Schedule "B'r to By-Law 2009-XXX Cash Requirements 2010 Budget Other Budget Tax Lew Reselves - Meter Changeover - new connections - new connections - Ltd repayment Notes Water reserve 13,546 206,397 Sewerreserve,¡atepayers 13,546 219,943 TOTAL 219,943 Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 Page 131 of 195 Page 132 of 195 I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Council DATE: January 5,2010 FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer FILE: F,)3, SUBJECT: Yearly Update to Bylaws NUMBER: F2010-01 Background Comments In order to maintain certain municipal financial affairs for 2010, two By-Laws require enactment at the beginning of each fiscal year. These By-Laws deal with the establishment of the Interim Tax Levy and the authorization of borrowing funds to meet expenditures before tax and other revenues are received. We have not been required to borrow funds since 2004, however it is prudent to have the facilities in place should the need arise. As always, staff would inform council of the need to borrow as soon as possible. Recommendation: That Council consider and enact the attached By-Laws, namely; ByJaw 2010-02 -A Bylaw to provídefor an Interim Tøx Levyfor 2010, and, By-Law 2010-03 -A ByJøw to øuthoríze bonowingfrom time to time to meet current expendítures duríng theftscøl year ending December 31, 2010. Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, CGA Treasurer Respectfu lly submitted, Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 Page 133 of 195 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-002 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR AN INTERIM TAX LEVY WHEREAS Section 317 of The Municipal Act, 2001, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001, as amended, provides for an interim levy for 2010 on the assessment of property in the municipality rateable for local municipal purposes, subject to certain restrictions; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham deems it advisable and expedient that such a levy should be made; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: l. That for the year 2010, the interim tax levying amounts to be levied, raised and collected on all real property taxable within the residential, farmland, pipeline, multi-residential, commercial and industrial classes, and liable to pay the same according to the last revised assessment roll, shall be fifty (50) percent (%) of the total amount of annualised taxes for municipal and school purposes levied on the property for the previous year, that is for the year2009. 2. The said interim tax levying amounts shall be due and payable in trvo instalments at the Municipality of Bayham Offrce at 9344 Plank Road, Straflordville, on or before the following dates: FIRST INSTALMENT SECOND INSTALMENT February 26,2070 l|uday 28,2010 Notice of such trures due shall be sent by first class mail by the Tax Collector to those persons or firms liable for the payment of taxes. 5. That a charge as a penalty of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any outstanding taxes levied in 2010 shall be made on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, until December 3l't 2010, and any such additional amount shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if it had been originally imposed with and formed part of such levy. 6. That interest of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any taxes due and unpaid after December 31, 2010, shall be charged on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which the default continues. 7. That taxes may be levied, in accordance with the provisions of this byJaw on the assessment of property that is added to the assessment roll after this by-law is passed. Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 Page 134 of 195 8. That the provisions of the Municipal Act with respect to the levy of the yearly rates and the collection of taxes apply mutatis mutandis to the levy of rates and collection of taxes under this by-law. 9. That this byJaw shall become effective as of the lst day of January, 2010. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 14th day of January 2010. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 14th day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERI( Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 Page 135 of 195 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2010-003 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE BORROWING FROM TIME TO TIME TO MEET CURRENT EXPENDITURES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2010. \ryHEREAS the Municipat Act. 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, s.407, provides authority for a council by-law to authorize temporary borrowing, until taxes are collected, and until other revenues are received, to meet the cu¡rent expenditures of the municipality for the year, AND WHEREAS the total amount which may be borrowed from all sources at any one time to meet the current expenditures of the municipality, except with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, is limited by Section 407 of the Municipal Act,2007. NO\il THEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Borrowing l) The head of Council and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to Authority bonow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance during the year 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the current year) such sums as may be necessary to meet, until the tæ<es are collected, and until other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the municipality and the other amounts that are set out in section 407 of the Municipal Act, 2001. Instruments 2) A promissory note or bankers' acceptance made under Section 1 shall be signed by the head of Council or such other person as is authorized by byJaw to sign it and by the Treasurer' Lenders 3) The lenders from whom amounts may be borrowed under authority of this byJaw shall be the Royal Bank of Canada and such other lender(s) and reserve funds of the municipality as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Council. Limiton 4) Thetotalamountwhichmaybeborrowed atanyonetimeunder Borrowing this by-law, together with the total of any similar borrowings that have not been repaid, shall not exceed, from January lst until September 30th of the current year, 50 percent of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. Such borrowing shall not exceed, from October lst until December 31st of the current year,25 percent of the said estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. For purposes of this by-law, the estimated revenues of the municipality shall not include revenues derivable or derived from Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 Page 136 of 195 Borrowing I)ocuments Required When Estimates Not Adopted Charge on Revenues and Directive to Treasurer Effective Date e) 5) 6) 7) 8) (a) bonowings or issues of debentures, or (b) a surplus, including arrears of levies, or (c) a transfer from the capilál ñrnd, reserve funds or reserves. The Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borrowed under this byJaw, ensure that the lender is or has been furnished with a certified copy of this by-law, a certified copy of the resolution mentioned in Section 3 determining the lender if applicable and a copy of the estimates of the corporation adopted for the current year and also showing the total of any other amounts borrowed from any and all sources under authority of Section 407 ofthe Municipal Act, 2001 that have not been repaid. If the estimates for the current year have not been adopted at the time an amount is borrowed under this by-law. (a) the limitation on total borrowing shall be calculated for the time being upon the estimated revenues of the municipalþ as set forth in the estimated adopted for the previous year, and (b) the copy furnished under Section 5 shall show the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the previous year. All or any sums borowed under this by-law shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the municipality for the current year and for any preceding years as when such revenues are received but such charge does not defeat or affect and is subject to any prior charge then subsisting in favour of any other lender. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all or any sums borrowed under this by-law, together with interest thereon, all or any of the money hereafter collected or received, either on account of or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such pu(pose. This byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon date of passing. Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 Page 137 of 195 Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 14th day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 Page 138 of 195 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Administrator SUBJECT: Municipal Insurance Renewal -2010 DATE: January 7,2010 FILE: L.5.1 NUMBER: L2010-01 Purpose This report is to present and recommend the Municipal lnsurance Program and provider for 2010. Background The Municipality has purchased its insurance needs through Jardine Lloyd Thompson since 2006. Previous to2006, insurance had been with Frank Cowan Company Limited for a number of years. For the 2010 program, Jardine has provided a renewal with a premium of $107,165, an increase of Sl,l47 (l.l%) from 2009. The 2009 inqease was in the same range, at L5Yo. Jardine has also provided several options for program enhancements with applicable premium increases should Council be interested. Staff Comments The renewal information was not received until late December I7th,2009. Given the late receipt, staff confirmed extension of insurance coverage until January 30th,2010. Insurance limits and deductibles are generally consistent with the 2009 insurance program, with a couple changes in coverage. The Employee Benefits liability has been reduced to $20,000,000 from $45,000,000 and Marina Liability is now provided under the General Liability portion of the policy. As well, a Voluntary Compensation extension has been added to the liability policy. ln terms of deductibles, the $5,000 deductible regarding Conflict of Interest and Legal Defence costs has been removed, the $5,000 deductible under Combined physical damage (accident to an object) has been reduced to $2,500, and under the same section, Business Intemrption Income has been limited to $10,000 per month. Lastly, the Notice of Cancellation clause has been increased from 60 to 90 days. Given the fairly minor increases to premium levels the last few years, staff suggest retaining JLT for the 2010 insurance program. Attachments 1. Summary of JLT Insurance Program 2010 (including optional additions) Recommendations THAT the 2010 Municipal insurance program be obtained from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. in accordance with the offer to renew dated December 17 , 2009 , at a total premium of $ 107, 1 65 plus applicable taxes. Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 139 of 195 ÁJITJardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc. SUMMARY OF GOVERAGE, LIMITS AND DEDUCTIBLES Name of lnsured:Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Policy Period: January 1,2010 to January 1,2011 12:01 a.m.local time at the mailing address of the Named lnsured CANADIAN COUNCILS LIABILITY LIMIT OF LIABILITY Public Entity General Liability: $5,000,000 any one Occurrence EXTENSIONS OF GOVERAGE Extension Limit Products and Completed Operations $ 5,000,000 AnnualAggregate during the Policy Period Emplovers' Liabilitv $ 5,000,000 any one Claim Tenant Leqal Liabilitv $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence Emplovee Benefit Liabilitv $ 5'000'000 anY one Claim lncidental Medical Malpractice Retro Date: Januarv 1. 2008 $ 5,000,000 any one Claim Voluntary Medical Payments $ 50,000 any one Claim and in the AnnualAggregate during the Policy Period Forest Fire Fighting Expense $ 1,000,000 any one Occurrence and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policv Period Voluntary Payment for Proper$ Damage $ 50,000 any one Occurrence and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policv Period lncidental Garage Operations $ 250,000 any one Occurrence and in the AnnualAggregate during the Policv Period Municipal Marina Legal Liability $100,000 any one Pleasure Craft $1,000,00 in the Annual Aggregate for Legal Liability for Property Damage during the PolicY Period Wrongful Dismissal (Legal Expense) $ 250,000 any one Claim and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Períod Conflict of lnterest and Legal Expense Defence Cost $ t 00,000 any one Claim and $ 500,000 in the Annual Aooreoate durino the Policv Period Non-Owned Automobile (including Contractual Liability for Hired Autos) $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence Legal Liability for Damage to Hired Autos $ 250,000 any one Occurrence Page4of15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 140 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc.ÁJTT ENDORSEMENTS Endorsement Limit Public Officials Errors and Omissions Liability Retroactive Date: November 15. 1993 $ 5,000,000 any one Claim and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Period Environmental I mpairment Liability Retroactive Date: November 15, 1993 $ 2,500,000 any one Claim and $ 5,000,000 in the Annual Aooreoate durino the Policv Period Abuse / Molestation Liability Retroactive Date: January 1, 2008 $ 250,000 any one Claim and $ 500,000 in the Annual Aqqreoate durinq the Policy Period Voluntary Compensation $ 50,000 any one Claim and $ 250,000 in the Annual Aqqreoate durinq the Policv Period DEDUGTTBLE(S) Applicable Coveraqe Deductible Public Entity General Liability $10,000 per Occurrence excePt Per Claimant in respect of Sewer Backup Extensions of Coverage $10,000 per Occurrence / per Claimant for all Extensions of Coverage except: $NlL with respect to Non-Owned Automobile Liability, Conflict of lnterest and Legal Defence Costs, Voluntary Compensation; $1,000 with respect to Legal Liability for Damage to Hired Autos $5,000 with respect to Wrongful Dismissal (Legal Expense) Public Officials Errors & Omissions Liabilitv $10,000 per Claim Environ mental lmoairment Liabilitv $10.000 per Claim Abuse / Molestation Liability $10.000 oer Glaim ADDITIONAL ENDORSEMENTS Notice of Cancellation Ninety (90) Days POLICY FORM PK090028r (2009) rNsuRER(S) AND PROPORT¡ON OF PARTTCTPATTON(S) Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's (Syndicate 1886) - 100% Page5of15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 141 of 195 ÁJTT Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 142 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc.ÁJTT CANADIAN COUNCILS UMBRELLA L¡ABILITY LIMITS OF LIABILITY $45,000,000 $45,000,000 $45,000,000 $20,000,000 any one Occurrence in the AnnualAggregate in respect of Products & Completed Operations in the AnnualAggregate in respect of Public Officials Liability in the Annual aggregate in respect of Employee Benefits Liability EXCESS OF UNDERLYING covERAGE(S) AND LrMrT(S) Underlvinq Coveraqe Underlvino Limit Public Entity General Liabilitv $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence lncidental Medical Maloractice $ 5,000,000 any one Claim Non-Owned Automobile Liabilitv $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence Public Officials Errors & Omissions Liabilitv $ 5,000,000 any one Claim Owned Automobile Liability $ 5.000,000 anv one Occurrence Emplovee Benefits Liability $ 5.000,000 anv one Claim RETAINED LIMIT $ N¡I ENDORSEMENTS Notice of Cancellation Ninety (90) Days POLICY FORT'/I PK0900282 (2009) TNSURER(S) AND PROPORTION OF PARTTCTPATTON(S) Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's (Syndicate 1886) - 100% Page 7 of 15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 143 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc.ÁJIT COTIBINED PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE Property Of Every Description - All Risks of Direct Physical Loss or Damage (Subiect to Policv Exclusions) LIMITS g 21,454,277 Blanket Limit (including Accident to an Object) $ 25,000 Computer / Electronic Data Processing EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE The Limits shown below are included in the Blanket Limit - All Property shown above and are not in addition to the Blanket Limit Extension Limit Valuable Papers $ 50o,ooo Extra Expense $ 500,000 Accounts Receivable $ 500,000 Gross Rentals $ 500,000 Computer Media $ 500,000 Fine Arts (Agreed Value)$ t 29,079 The Limits shown below are in addition to the Blanket Limit shown above and are not in included in the Blanket Limit Extension Limit Expediting Expense $ 500,000 Land and Water Pollution Cleanup $ 100,000 Debris Removal $ 100,000 Professional Fees $ 5oo,00o Automatic Coverage - Newly Acquired Buildings and/or Contents (For Buildings in course of construction, refer to policy wordinqs for specific conditions.) $ 1,000,000 Maximum any one new location Transportation $ t 00,000 Freezing of Fire Fighting Apparatus $ 50,000 Fire Protective Equipment Recharge $ 50,ooo Wreckage Value $ 50,000 Hazardous Substance $ 500,000 Spoilage or Consequential Loss $ 100,000 Off Premises Utility $ 100,000 Business lnterruption Business lncome Maximum $10,000 per month ENDORSEMENTS Notice of Cancellation Ninety (90) Days Page I of 15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 144 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc.ÁJIT COMBINED PHYSICAL DAMAGE DEDUCTTBLE(S)$ 5,000 $ 2,500 $ 1,000 $50,000 each Occurrence for All Losses except: each Accident to an Object each Computer / Electronic Data Processing loss each Flood loss 3 o/o of total loss or $ 100,000 minimum, whichever is greater, each Earthquake occurrence $1,000 each Fine Arts loss POLICY FORM Property - JLTPS Combined Physical Damage (Jan/08) Equipment Breakdown - JLTPS Equipment Breakdown (Jan/08) rNsuRER(S) AND PROPORTION OF PARTICIPATIONISI Aviva lnsurance Company of Canada - 100o/o SUBJECT TO 1. Schedule of Locations including breakdown of values, construction, protection and occupancy. 2. Schedule of Miscellaneous Tools and Contractors Unlicensed Equipment. 3. All cooking facilities are ULC wet chemical compliant with semi-annual maintenance contract and Class K portable extinguisher. 4. Unless specifically agreed, all heritage properties are covered for Replacement Cost only. For Heritage Replacement Cost, a professional appraisal must be provided for approval by the insurer. 5. All locations mav be subiect to Engineering lnspection. Page 9 of 15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 145 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc. ^JIT COMPREHENSIVE CRIME LIMITS $ 1,000,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000 $ 1,000,000$ 200,ooo$ 200,000 Employee Dishonesty - Form A Broad Form Loss of Money (lnside Premises) Broad Form Loss of Money (Outside Premises) Money Orders & Counterfeit Paper Currency Depositors Forgery Professional Fees / Audit Expenses Computer Fraud or Funds Transfer Fraud ENDORSEMENTS Notice of Cancellation Ninety (90) Days DEDUCTIBLE $Nil per Loss POLICY FORM JLTPS Comprehensive Crime (Jan/08) rNsuRER(S) AND PROPORTION OF PARTICIPATION(SI Aviva lnsurance Company of Canada - 100o/o SUBJECT TO lmportant: 1. Bank Accounts NOT being reconciled by the same person(s) authorized to deposit and withdraw funds. 2. All cheque requisitions and issued cheques containing dual signatures. lf the above is not part of your internal Financial controls, please provide explanation(s). Page 10 of 15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 146 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc.ÁJIT AUTOMOBTLE TNSURANCE (ONTARIO) COVERAGE APPLICABLE Liability - Bodily lnjury / Property Damage Limit: $5,000,000 Accident Benefits - Basic Benefits Limit as stated in PolicY Uninsured Automobile Limit as stated in PolicY Direct Gompensation - Property Damage Limit as stated in PolicY Deductible: N/A Loss or Damage - All Perils Deductible: $ 5,000 1932 Chevrolet - Bickle Pumper Liability Only ENDORSEMENTS Notice of Cancellation Ninety (90) Days Replacement Cost Endorsement on allvehicles 20 Years and newer unless otherwise agreed Fire Trucks - over 20 years, up to and including 25 years old - Guaranteed Amount (purchase price to be used unless professional appraisal provided) - over 25 years old - Actual Cash Value OPCF 20 Loss Of Use - Applicable to ten (10) of Light Units OPCF 31 Non-Owned Equipment OPCF 24 Freezing of Fire-Fighting Apparatus POLICY FORM Provincial Statutory Owner's Policy ¡NSURER(S) AND PROPORTION OF PARTICIPATION(S} Aviva lnsurance Company of Canada - 100% Page 11 of 15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 147 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc.ÁJIT $ 200,000 PrincipalSum Number of councillors: (7) Council Members Based on#(7) Members Out of Province Emergency Medical Coverage br 15 days including Spouses Govers 30 days including spouse's coverage lnsureÉs Standard Form Chartis lnsurance Gompany of Canada - 100% $2,500,000 Aggregate Limit of lndemnity Per Accident lnsurer name change (formerly AIG Commercial lnsunance Company of Canada) Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 148 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc.ÁJIT lnstallation of RlSKeMap software included $107,165 plus any applicable provincial sales tax Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 149 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lno. ;$JIT Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 150 of 195 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada lnc. ;ÑJIT ACCEPTANCE OF MUNICIPAL INSURANCE PROGRAM PROPOSAL To: Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Public Sector Division Suite 800, 55 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario MãJ 2H7 Telephone: 416-941-9551 or Toll Free 1-800-268-9189 Fax: 416-941-9323 Policy Term(mm/dd/yy): January 1,2010 to January 1,2011 We agree with the underwriting and claims information submitted and to the terms quoted in the Municipal lnsurance Program þroposal. This is your authority to proceed with binding cove(s) as outlined in the Municiþal lnsurance Proposaleffective the date(s) noted above. We have also noted below our choice of any optional items in the lnsurance Proposal as well as any specific instructions. lndicated below are our instructions regarding any optional coverages shown in the insurance proposal. Optional Coverages / Specific lnstructions: Signed on Behalf of Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Authorized Signature Please print the name of the person signing above Date Page 15 of 15 Staff Report L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.1 Page 151 of 195 Page 152 of 195 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\DT'M TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Harbourfront Committee Membership DATE: January 7,2010 FILE: t. \r) I In December 2009, Council approved Terms of Reference for a new Harbourfront Committee to provide advice, assistance, and support to Council regarding the harbourfront area. The terms of reference provides for between 5 andT members of the public plus Council representation. Staff placed ads requesting volunteers in the local newspapers and on the municipal website in early December, with an application deadline of January 6th. As of today, only three individuals have provided notice of their interest. Staff suggest further notice be placed on the municipal website extending the application period. The Chamber of Commerce has been advised of the shortfall in applicants as well. Staff Memorandum regarding Harbourfront Committee Membership. File: A01 Page 153 of 195 Page 154 of 195 (l CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\IDTIM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Natural Gardens and Animal Control Advisory Group DATE: January 7,2010 FILE: \-\,i.) \ In December 2009, Council approved the formation of a Natural Gardens and Animal Control Advisory Group, to provide research, advice, and assistance regarding potential policies and procedures for natural gardens and animal control. The following were established as the general guidelines for the Group: . The working group be established as a "Natural Gardens and Animal Control Advisory Group" . The Advisory Group be composed of between 5 and 7 members of the public, and one member of Council. Public representatives would be appointed by Council following a call for volunteers. Applicants would be requested to provide a short description of their interest in the issue and background, to ensure that Council could select a good cross section of individuals/interests. . A staff representative will attend Advisory Group meetings to provide general assistance/input, but not to direct nor carry out the group research. It is anticipated members will undertake needed research. . The Advisory Group will first address the issue of natural gardens, and report to Council on a recommended course of action, policies, and procedures by the end of March 2010. . The Advisory Group will subsequently address the issue of Animal Control within urban areas of the municipality (excluding dogs and cats) and report to Council by the end of May 2010. . That following completion of these projects, the Advisory Group will terminate. Staff placed ads requesting volunteers in the local newspapers and on the municipal website in early December, with an application deadline of January 6th. As of today, eight individuals have provided notice of their interest: . Deborah Arlow . William Gheysen . Craig Gregson . Sean Hurley . Dave Racz . Matt Redsell . Julie and Patrick Van Den Nest (VanDenNest Nursery) Council may now review these letters and proceed with appointments of up to seven individuals (and one Council member). The letters of interest are circulated separately to Council members for review. Staff Memorandum regarding Natural Gardens and Animal Control Advisory Group. File: A01 Page 155 of 195 Page 156 of 195 q C \)b MUSEUMSBAYHAM Minutes of December 9, 2009 Meeting Committee Room, Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hicke¡ Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Cheryl Peters, Jean Woon, Brian Masschaele, Mat Schafer, Ray Maddox Regrets: Ron Bradfield 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None 3. AGENDA: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by R.Maddox that the agenda be approved as printed. Motion Carried. 4. MINUTES: It was moved by L.Ac:re and seconded by J.'Woon that the minutes of the Nov.11. 2009 meeting be approved as written. Motion Caried. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration with nomination forms for volunteer service awards. Deadline I ara.25, 2010. b) Email from Brian Masschaele advising that cost of new thermo hydrograph is $1500 so will watch for used equipment instead. 6, MATTERS OUT OF'THE MINUTES: A) Marine Museum Report: 6.4.1) tr'Iags: When looking straight on, the appropriate placement of flags should be Canadian in the middle, Provincial on the left and American on the right. B.Hickey canbuyAmerican flag in Burlington for less that $20. Coyles sell them for $60. 6.A.2) Painting of the Lighthouse: Paul McCord not willing to do job. The south windows are leaking between the glass and the putty and need to be replaced prior to or at time of repainting. It is acceptable to make alterations to a heritage building in order to preserve the structure. Some discussion ensued regarding replacing windows with double paned vinyl windows. The 2010 capital budget has $15,000 to power wash and repaint the lighthouse. The committee would like the Municipality to send out a RFQ @equest for Quote) for this project. C. Buchanan will prepare a list of requirements to be included in quotes. 6.4.3) Signage Plaque for Storage Shed: It was moved by J.'Woon and seconded by C.Buchanan that the wording of the signage as drafted by Chuck Buchanan be approved subject to spelling corrections. Motion Camied. Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held December 9, 2009. Council action required regarding item 7(d) map. File: C06 Page 157 of 195 Museums Bayham Dec.9,2009 Page2 6.A.4) Quote for Replacement Steel Door: Ed Matthews' quote to supply and install steel door at $634.00. To add a crash bar would be an extra $325 plus both taxes. 6.4.5) The chart paper for the thermo hydrograph has been delivered. 6.8. Edison Museum Report: 6.8.1) Repairs to Ceiling & Outside Trim: Paul McCord has quoted $2,000 to repair ceiling leaks and ceiling stains and $2,200 for painting of outside trim. B.Hickeywas requested to seek additional quotes from Paul Cole and Fredrick's of Tillsonburg. 6.8.2) Restoration of Lap Desk: J.Woon has not been able to contact Mary Gladwin for a quote to restore the lap desk. This project will be deferred pending possible grant to cover cost of restoration. J.V/oon will submit application to Canadian Conservation Institute. 6.8.3) Repairs to East Porch: B.Hickey and R.Maddox will visit site tomorrow to determine extent of repairs needed. 6.8.4) Murder Mystery & Silent Auction: Saturday Nov.2l, 2009. J.Woon reported that total revenue was $3,994.71 (61tickets $2,l35.00,Silent Auction $980.00, Bar $601.50, Donations $278.21.) Expenses totalled $1968.71 (Actors $750, Caterer $948. and Bar $270.71) Total profits were $2,026.00. 7. NE\ü BUISNESS A: School Tour: On Dec.2, 2009,22 students and 5 adults from Courtland Public School visited the V/ind Interpretive Centre, the Marine Museum and the Edison Museum. R.Bradfield, C.Buchanan, L.Acre and J.V/oon assisted with the tours. The group gave a $66 donation. B: Grant - Preserving Canadian Treasures: Nine $1,000 grants for a conservation projects a¡e offered across the nation. Deadline is Jan.15, 2010. However it was noted that we are no longer a member of CMA and therefore are disqualified. C: Elgin Connects \Meb Server: A reminder from the County that while the web server for our portal web site will continue to operate, they would no longer be accepting support calls for problems with the Docket portal and no upgrades will be allowed on our portal web site even if it becomes too full. B.Masschaele suggested that "sit tight" and wait for Bayham to decide on a web server. D: Scarborough Map Fundraising ldea: A second quote from Sportsworld was received. After an extensive discussion on whether or not these maps would sell well it Sportsworld. Motion Carried. E: Vandalism at Lighthouse: Only days before the Christmas parade and the annual lighting of the lighthouse, 250 Christmas lights were stolen and had to be replaced quickly by Municipal staff. A suggestion was made to switch to LED lights next year Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held December 9, 2009. Council action required regarding item 7(d) map. File: C06 Page 158 of 195 Museums Bayham Dec.9,2009 Page 3 since they are not removable. It was noted that new plugs and a timer has been installed in the lighthouse so that Christmas lights will automatically turn on during the holidays. F: Documentary Film of Wind farm: L.Acre rçorted that she participated in the filming of a documentary today by Scott Mclain of York University. He has agreed to return in April to show the final product to the students of Pt. Burwell public School. B.Masschaele suggested that an additional viewing be given at night for the community as a fundraiser. G: Tillsonburg llome & Rec Show 2010: It was moved by C.Buchanan and Home & Rec Show in partnership with our historical societies. Motion Carried. 8. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday January 73,2010 at7:00 pm @ Bayham Municþal Office, Straf[ordville, Ontario. Election of officers will take place at this meeting. 9. ADJOTIRNMENT: Moved by L.Acre and seconded by M.Schafer that the meetine be adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Motion Carried. Chairman Secretary Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held December 9, 2009. Council action required regarding item 7(d) map. File: C06 Page 159 of 195 Page 160 of 195 L2/L5/2009 rUE 14:32 FÐ( 519 773 5334 r¡[P OF MAIAHIDE +rr B¿yþ¿¡, Municipality of , ø001/001 & q lf'') Atu t87 John Street Soufh, Aylmer, Onlorio NSH 2C3 Telephone: 5 I 9-773-5344 Fox: 5 I 9-773-5334 www.molohlde,c<r A proud nadit¡otç a brighttuture Decembe¡ 14,2009. Town of Aylmer, 46 Talbot Street, West, Aylmer, Ontario, N5H IJ7 - atrd- Municipality of Bayham, Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordvilie, Ontario NOJ lYO Dear Sirs: RE: Doors Open East Elgin. Malahide Toumship Council met recently and passed the following Resolution: TIIAT Malahide Township Council requests the Town of Aylmer nnd Municþality of Bayham to defer the Doors Open East Elgin event for 2010 and reconsider the same for 2011 in order to ensure the availability of the necessary time and resources involved to plan this event Please do not hesitaæ to contact this office if you have any questions or concenr. Yor¡s verytuly, TOWNSHIP OF IVTALAHIDE Åcfu) Diana Wilson, Deputy Clerk. \\¡nalahidets,local\usenfiles$Viala\diaoa's filesMichelle . 201O\Aylmer . Bryham - Doors Open - Dec. 2009.doc MICHETTE M. CASAVECCHIA Chief Administrolive Off icer/Clerk mcosovecchlo@molohlde, co SUSAN E. WILSON Dlrecforof Flnonce swilson@molohlde.co Correspondence dated December 14, 2009 from the Township of Malahide and correspondence dated December 23, 2009 from Page 161 of 195 DEiu/23/2009/tryED 07:40 AM TOI¡]N OF AYL],4ER FA)( NO, 1 (/')P,001/001 Proud Heritege. Bright Futrue. flt¿ The Corporation ofthe Town ofAyl-mer 46 Talbot Street, West, Aylner, Ontario NsH Uz Office: Ë19 -773-3164 Fzx sl9-765 -1446 wwr.aylmer,ca December 23,2OOg Township of Malahide 87 John Street South Aylmer ON N5H 2C3 BY FAX 519-773-5391 Municipality of Bayham Box 160, 9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 BY FÆ( 51S866-3884 RE: Doors Open East Elqin At its meeting held on Decembe¡21,2009,Town of Aylmer Couåcilreceived the communication dated December 14,2OOg from the Township of Malahide about defening the 20f 0 Doots Open East Elgin event. Town Council resolved: Resolution No. 514-09 That the Town of Aylmer Gouncilsupports the resolution of the Townshlp of Malahlde to defer the next Dooltr Open Eaet Elgin event until 2011. Sincerely¡ Clerk, Town of Aylmer Correspondence dated December 14, 2009 from the Township of Malahide and correspondence dated December 23, 2009 from Page 162 of 195 cPcS Phase I Repoft International Ferry Service - Feasib¡l¡ty and lmpact Study Market Demand and Business Case for Gommercial Ferry Services prepared for: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham prepared by: CPCS Transcom Limited in association with MariNova Consulting Limited Villholth Jensen & Associates Ltd CPCS Ref: 09213 January 8,2010 International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 163 of 195 l¡¡reRHnr¡oNAL FERRy SeRvrcE - FelslelL|TY euo h¡lp¡cr SruoY Pn¡se I REponr: MARKET Demn¡ro AND BustNEss Cnse ron CommenctAl FERRY SERvlcEs Table of Contents ACRONYMS / ABBREV|AT|ONS................ ...................... lll 2 MARKETANAtysts.. .........................5 3 EXISTING ROAD TRANSPORTATION ISSUES ANATYSIS .................19 3,1 Ove Rvrew or rnr Rono NETWoRK ARouND LAKE ERle ,............... ......'.'.19 3.2 K¡v Cnpncrw lssues nruo Cotrrsrnatrurs rN rHE RoAD NETWoRK ...."'..""25 3.3 SuH¿wtRy: Txe lvpncr o¡ RoAD NETwoRK CorusrR¡rtrlts n¡¡o Co¡¡e ¡sroru oru Cnoss-L¡re TRAFF|C.........,..................30 BUSTNESS CASE ANALYS|S..................32 OPTIONS TO IMPROVE THE VIABITITY OF THE FERRY SERVICE 6 CONCTUSION: THE PORT BURWELT FERRY VATUE PROPOSIT|ON..........'...63 6.4 VALUE PRoposrroN oF PAssENGen S¡RvrcE ................'.66 6.6 Opror'rs ro lvpnov¡ MARKET FEAS¡BILITY oF FERRY SERVIcE ...."".."'...'67 APPENDIX A: COMMODITIES IMPORTED TO THE UNITED STATES BY TRUCK THROUGH SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO APPENDIX B: STAKEHOIDER CONSULTAT|ONS............. .....................'.71 APPENDIX C: IAKE ERIE ICE CONDITIONS. .......................76 cPqs International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 164 of 195 International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 165 of 195 l¡¡reRru¡ro¡¡nl Fenny Senvlce - FEAstBtLtrt At¡o lmpacr SruoY Pnnse I RepoRr: MARKET Demnno AND BustNEss Crse roR Commencl¡r FeRnY SeRvlces III Acronyms / Abbreviations 3PL Third-Pafi Logistics ProviderAADT Average Annual Daily TrafficBHP Brake HorsepowerBTS Bureau of Transpoftation Statistics (US Department of Transpoftation) CBSA Canada Border Services AgencyCVS CommercialVehicle SurueyDRIC Detroit River International CrossingEA EnvironmentalAssessmentFAST Free and Secure TradeFFOM Ferry Financial and Operating ModelFIS Federal Inspection SeruiceGGH Greater Golden HorseshoeGTA Greater Toronto AreaHOV High-Occupancy Vehiclehp HorsepowerIFO Intermediate Fuel OilIL IllinoisIMO International Maritime OrganizationIN IndianaKnot One Nautical Mile per Hour (1,85 km/h)LOS Level of ServiceLTL Less Than Truckload (frucking) MGO Marine Gas OilMTO Ministry of Transportation (Government of Ontario)NC North CarolinaOID Origin/DestinationOH OhioON OntarioPA PennsylvaniaRoRo Roll-on Roll-off vesselRoPax Roll-on Roll-off Passenger vesselRTG Research and Traffic GroupSADT Summer Average Daily Traffict TonneTL Truckload (Trucking) VFR Visiting Friends and Relatives cPcs International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 166 of 195 lnreRHnno¡¡eu FenRv SeRvlce - Feasleluw ¡No lt¡p¡cr Sruov PHASE I Reponr: MARKET Demt¡¡o nruo Busl¡¡ess Cese ron CommeRcl¡l Fennv SeRvlces Executive Summary The purpose of this repoft is to assess the market feasibility of a ferry service across Lake Erie between Port Burwell and four potential US ports (Ashtabula, Cleveland, Erie, Fairpoft Harbor)' In this report feasibility means the seruice could operate on an on-going basis with sufficient traffic to cover costs. The feasibility of a cross-lake ferry from Poft Burwell depends on whether such a seruice would be attractive to potential users. The attractiveness of the ferry in turn depends on a combination of how fast, costly, and reliable it is relative to driving around either end of Lake Erie (the Poft Burwell ferry value proposition). The next three sections discuss the Port Burwell ferry value proposition from the perspective of shippers and their logistics providers. The fourth section discusses the value proposition with respect to passengers. The fifth section offers an overall conclusion. The sixth and final section offers options for next steps. Transit Time Under the assumption of a crossing using a vessel travelling at 21 knots, the fastest speed for the type of vessel considered, there are few origin/destination (O/D) pairings for which a ferry between Poft Burwell and any of the four US ports considered would offer time savings relative to driving. The only time savings relative to road are for some O/Ds paired with Port Burwell itself, That said, these estimates assume no border delays. However, given declining or slow growing truck traffìc and increasing border capacity, regular and sustained border delays seem unlikely in the future, Reliability of transit time is another matter, discussed below, In practical terms, a ferry from Poft Burwell offers few advantages to shippers and logistics providers in terms of reduced transit times, Cost On the basis of cost savings, a ferry operating out of Poft Burwell is a more promising proposition. Figure A shows the number of one-way truck trips required to fill the vessel on a daily basis (and thereby generate the lowest per truck costs/tariffs) for roll-on roll-off (RoRo) and roll-on-passenger (RoPax) vessels.l 1 A pure RoRo seruice would entail the operation of a drop (unaccompanied) trailer seruice with marshalling yards at both ends of the run and the operation of independent terminal staff to load and discharge trailers on to and off of the chosen vessel. Most pure RoRo vessels are limited to carrying a maximum of 12 passengers over and above the crew of the vessel. Such an operation is not typically suited to the carriage of passenger vehicles. A RoPax vessel employs a vessel which is capable of carrying a significant number of passengers as well as both commercial and passenger vehicles (a "traditional" ferry service). Passengers and commercial drivers generally drive their own vehicles on to the vessel, although a RoPax service can also haul drop trailers. cPcS International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 167 of 195 l¡¡renrumo¡¡AL FERRy Senvlce - FEAsrBrLrry Al.,to lmpnct Sruov PHASE I RepoRr: Menxer DEMAND AND BUSINESS C¡se roR CommeRcINI FennV SERVICES Figure A: Service Capacity, One-Way Truck/Trailer Trips per Day Ashtabula Cleveland Erie FairpoÉ Harbor *Note: RoRo capacity is reduced on longer routes to reduce the time required to load and unload. Less time spent loading and unload ensures sufficient time to complete one round trip per day. Source: CPCS Ferry traffic is estimated based on the minimum price per unit that a particular routing and vessel can offer when the vessel is loaded to capacity and running the maximum number of round trips per day. In order for the seruice to cover costs, it must generate sufficient traffic to fill the vessel, i.e. generate at least the volume set out in Figure A. In turn, ferry traffic depends on the willingness of shippers and their logistics providers to switch to the ferry. Switching has real costs in terms of altering entrenched supplier relationships, risk, and management effort; for the ferry seruice to attract traffic, these costs must be outweighed by the ferry value proposition, including cost savings, For each of the US pofts considered, Figure B summarizes traffic estimates for a RoRo seruice, while Figure C does the same for a RoPax service. Traffic is presented in terms of the number of one-way truck trips per day for which the ferry could offer shippers and logistics providers various levels of savings. For instance, there are only five truck trips per day for which a Fairport Harbour RoRo seruice could provide savings of at least $150 (e.9, traffic between St Thomas, Elgin County and Warren, Ohio), whereas there are 83 truck trips per day that offer savings of $25 or less (e.9. traffic between Kitchener-Waterloo and most US cities along Interstate 77 such as Akron, Ohio or Charlotte, North Carolina). A RoRo seruice between Port Burwell and Fairport Harbor would generate up to 209 one-way truck trips per day. Figure B: Estimated Truck Traffic per Day on a Port Burrvell RoRo Seryice FerryCost Advantage over Trucking based on Point-to-Po¡nt Transport Costs r S150 or more (e.9. St Traffic most Thomas to Fairport) likely to switch I Sloo-S1so I S50-S100 (e.9. London to Charlotte) r S2s-Ss0 > 200 6o 0,EIe 1s0 t- JI5 F> 1oo 6ì c¡Ê 5U ¡ So-S25 (e.g. Goderich to Traffic least Warren) likelyto switchAshtabula Cleveland Erie Fa¡rportHarbor Note: Traff¡c in the upper rectangles (blue and red) is more speculative than traffic in the lower rectangles (orange, pruple). Source: CPCSAnalysis with data from the 2006 CVS, Stat¡stics Canada and the Census Bureau. CPCS International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 168 of 195 l¡.¡ren¡¡nno¡rel FeRny SeRvlce - Fe¡slslt-lrY nHo lmpecr SruoY PHASE I RepoRr: Mnnrer Demnruo e¡¡o BustNEss Ctse ron GommeRclal Fennv SERVIoES ill Figure C: Estimated Truck Traffic per Day on a Port Bulwell RoPax Seruice Ferry Cost AdvantaSe over Trucking based on Point-to-Po¡nt Transport Costs I S15O or more (e.9. St Traffic most Thomas to Fairport) likely to switch r Sloo-Slso r S50-S100 (e.9. London to Charlotte) I s2s-sso Ashtabula Cleveland Erie Fa¡rportHarbor r so-s25 {e.s. GuelDh to Traffic least ;_ _,_,' - likelytoswitchLOratn, Note: Traffic in the upper rectangles (blue and red) is more speculat¡ve than traffic in the lower rectangles (orange, pruple). Source:CPCSAnalysis w¡thdatafromthe2006CVS,StatisticsCanadaandtheCensusBureau. Only two routings generate enough traffic to allow the ferry operator to break even; RoRo seru¡ce to Cleveland (160 trailers required) and Fairpoft Harbor (180 trailers required). Even in these cases, many sh¡ppers and logistics prov¡ders would have to be willing to accept fairly small sav¡ngs from switching to the ferry; for example, on a Cleveland RoRo seruice 87 (49 percent) of the 175 truck trips would save less than $50, and 154 (88 percent) would save less than $100. Stakeholder consultations have suggested that some sh¡ppers may be willing to use a ferry seruice for little or no cost sav¡ngs in exchange for the benefits associated with increased reliability, but many others suggests savings of at least $100 would be impoftant. A RoPax seruice would attract more traffic than a RoRo seruice, because of lower costs per unit moved. These lower costs are achieved by running twice as often, However, the additional traffic attracted is insufficient to justiff the additional round-trip, that is, the traffic is below the break even level shown in Figure A, As a result, on the basis of cost, the strongest potential is for a RoRo seruice running between Poft Burwell and Fairpoft Harbor or Cleveland, Reliability The proposed ferry seruice has the potential to offer improved reliability in terms of the predictability of transit time between O/Ds on either side of Lake Erie. Stakeholders consulted for this study view improved reliability as a major advantage of a ferry relative to land-only routings, Reliability is improved by avoiding congestion on highways at either end of Lake Erie. However, there would not necessarily be any increase in the predictability of transit times associated with customs procedures, since ferry traffic would still have to clear customs, In the future, major cPqS International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 169 of 195 lrurEn¡¡erro¡¡ar FeRnv Senvlce - FeASrBrLrry ¡t¡o lmpncr Sruov Pxese I Reponr: Mnnxer DEMAND AND BUSINESS C¡se roR CommenCIAL FERRY SERVICCS planned upgrades to the Detroit River and Niagara River border crossings should accommodate foreseeable traffic Arowth, but congestion in the QEW corridor between Toronto and Niagara could become increasingly problematic. With the reduced driving time associated with a ferry trip, disruptive highway closures resulting from incidents will also be avoided. Ice and mechanical problems are threats to the reliability of the ferry seruice. The risk posed by mechanical problems can be mitigated with good maintenance practices. Ice poses a risk because a vessel transiting thick ice, of the type that occasionally forms in area of seruice in Lake Erie, must reduce speed. Reduced speed can result in slower transit times and, therefore, delays. On balance, it is likely that a well run ferry service would offer a reliability advantage for shippers and logistics providers. Value Proposition of Passenger Seru¡ce Passenger seruice between any of the four US ports and Port Burwell does not offer a value proposition in terms of transit time, cost, or reliability, As was the case for trucks, apaft from ceÉain trips originating in or destined to Poft Burwell itself, a ferry cannot offer faster transit times than driving. Moreover, a ferry that sails once or twice daily cannot offer the flexibility and convenience that is often of great value to individuals or families in their travel plans. The ferry also cannot offer an advantage in terms of cost. Based on estimated traffic levels and seasonality, a mid-point estimate of the tariff required to cover the cost of the ferry service is $400 per car, or $133 per person assuming 3.0 people on average per car. Given typical driving costs, the ferry would likely offer savings of only $90 per trip, before the $400 ferry cost/fare, meaning a net cost of $310 to each car and three passengers using the seruice. Finally, as noted in regard to trucks, the ferry could offer a reliability advantage over congested highways and border crossings, but reliability is much less important for leisure travellers than for truck traffic, As a result, reliability is likely of much less value to the passenger market. Given that the ferry does not offer a value proposition to passengers in terms of transit time, cost or reliability, it is possible that passengers might take the ferry for the experience value. This repoft does not view experience value as a sound business case for a passenger ferry, especially given the high prices that would have to be charged to cover costs and considerable competition from other providers of experiences, including the ocean-cruise industry and the government-subsidized Sandusky-Peelee-Leamington ferry seruice. Overall Assessment There is a limited oppoftunity for a ferry service focused on capturing truck traffìc between Ontario and Ohio. The O/Ds which offer the greatest cost savings are Ingersoll, London, St. Thomas, and Woodstock in Ontario and locations along the Interstate 77 axis including Akron, Canton and Cleveland in Ohio, and Charlotte in Nofth Carolina. These O/Ds offer the greatest cost savings, because they avoid the most driving distance around either end of Lake Erie. cPqS International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 170 of 195 lrureRnnno¡¡¡l FenRv SeRvrce - FenslelLlw ar.¡o lmp¡cr Sruov Pxese I Reponr: MARKET Demn¡¡o AND BuslNEss Case roR CommeRcr¡l FeRRv SeRvlces Based on this prel¡minary assessment, the most promising type of seruice to offer, on the basis of cost savings, would be a RoRo running year-round between Port Burwell and Fairpoft Harbor or Cleveland. While such a service is feasible, it must be viewed as speculative. Put another way, the proposed ferry service is neither a clear winner nor a clear loser and the risks are high, Four fufther points are worth bearing in mind. First, some stakeholders consulted in the course of this study, including one important third-party logistics provider with significant operations in Ohio and Ontario, have indicated their interest in a ferry seruice as outlined, and even given the potential for minimal cost savings. Second, this study has been careful to present the sensitivity of the analysis to changes in underlying assumptions including trucking rates, interest rates, and energy costs. The reader should pay careful attention to this analysis. Third, any new ferry service is subject to a Catch 22 situation. Neither cross-lake ferry seruice nor the market for such seruices is proven, On the one hand, shippers will be unwilling to commit traffic to a new ferry seruice until it is proven,z On the other hand, it would be highly speculative for a ferry operator to provide seryice until the market for such a seruice is proven. Finally, this analysis has been conducted with a view to determining whether ferry seruice between Poft Burwell and pofts in Ohio could be commercially feasible, While commercial feasibility is speculative, it should be borne in mind that few ferry seruices in Canada operate on commercial terms. In most instances, governments subsidize both the capital and operating costs of ferries for reasons of inter-regional equity, economic development, environmental and other social benefits, including removing heavy trucks from highways. In these cases governments provide a subsidy to reduce the price that an operator must charge to a level where significant traffic is attracted to the seruice. If the Port Burwell ferry cannot be operated on a commercial basis, government support based on public policy objectives is the alternative. Options to Improve Market Feas¡b¡l¡ty of Ferry Seruice One option to improve the prospects for the ferry seruice is for government to provide time- limited financial suppoft to promote a successful staft up, The objective of such is to provide enough time for the service to attract sufficient traffic to become viable without government support, thereby overcoming the noted Catch 22 situation, In the case of the Port Burwell seruice, the financial suppoft should cover around 40 percent of fìxed cost in the first few years of seruice to ensure a reasonable market size at the early stage of development by keeping the ferry tariffs competitive with trucking. For the Cleveland seruice, this would amount to $8 million for each year. There is no clear indication, however, that the seruice would sulive once the period of financial suppoft ends. This option offers a possible way forward for the development of ferry seruice between Poft Burwell and Ohio, given that this seruice would not likely be commercially viable on its own. Should Bayham wish to proceed to Phase 2 of this study, the above option can be explored and 2 Case in point - one of the shippers interuiewed as part of this study indicated that it would want to see a Port Burwell-Ohio ferry service run consistently for three years, without missing a sailing, before seriously contemplating a switch to such a seruice. cPcS International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 171 of 195 International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Page 172 of 195 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2010-002 A BY.LA\ry TO PROVIDE FOR AN INTERIM TAX LEVY WHEREAS Section 317 of The Municipal Act, 2001, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001, as amended, provides for an interim levy for 2010 on the assessment of property in the municipality rateable for local municipal purposes, subject to certain restrictions; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable and expedient that such a levy should be made; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That for the year 2010, the interim tax levying amounts to be levied, raised and collected on all real property taxable within the residential, farmland, pipeline, multi-residential, commercial and industrial classes, and liable to pay the same according to the last revised assessment roll, shall be fifty (50) percent (%) of the total amount of annualised taxes for municipal and school purposes levied on the properly for the previous year, that is for the year2009. 2. The said interim tax levying amounts shall be due and payable in two instalments at the Municipality of Bayham Offrce at 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, on or before the following dates: FIRST INSTALMENT SECOND INSTALMENT February 26,2010 lli{.ay 28,2010 Notice of such taxes due shall be sent by first class mail by the Tax Collector to those persons or firms liable for the payment of taxes. 5. That a charge as a penalty of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any outstanding taxes levied in 2010 shall be made on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, until December 31't 2010, and any such additional amount shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if it had been originally imposed with and formed part of such levy. 6. That interest of one and one-quarter per cent on the amount of any taxes due and unpaid after December 3I,2010, shall be charged on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which the default continues. 7. That taxes may be levied, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law on the assessment of property that is added to the assessment roll after this by-law is passed. By-Law 2010-002 A By-Law to provide for an interim tax levy Page 173 of 195 8. That the provisions of the Municipal Act with respect to the levy of the yearly rates and the collection of taxes apply mutatis mutandis to the levy of rates and collection of taxes under this by-law. 9. That this by-law shall become effective as of the lst day of January, 2010. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 14th day of January 2010. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 14th day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-002 A By-Law to provide for an interim tax levy Page 174 of 195 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2010-003 BEING A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE BORROWING FROM TIME TO TIME TO MEET CURRENT EXPENDITURES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2010. WHEREAS the Municipal Act. 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, s.407, provides authority for a council by-law to authorize temporary borrowing, until taxes are collected, and until other revenues are received, to meet the current expenditures of the municipality for the year, AND WHEREAS the total amount which may be borrowed from all sources at any one time to meet the current expenditures of the municipality, except with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, is limited by Section 407 of the Municipal Act,2001. NO\il THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Borrowing Authority Instruments Lenders Limit on Borrowing r)The head of Council and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance during the year 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the current year) such sums as may be necessary to meet, until the taxes are collected, and until other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the municipality and the other amounts that are set out in section 407 of the Municipal Act, 2001. A promissory note or bankers' acceptance made under Section 1 shall be signed by the head of Council or such other person as is authorized by by-law to sign it and by the Treasurer. The lenders from whom amounts may be borrowed under authority of this by-law shall be the Royal Bank of Canada and such other lender(s) and reserve funds of the municipality as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Council. The total amount which may be borrowed atany one time under this by-law, together with the total of any similar borrowings that have not been repaid, shall not exceed, from January lst until September 30th of the current year, 50 percent of the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. Such borrowing shall not exceed, from October lst until December 31st of the current year,25 percent of the said estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for that year. For purposes of this by-law, the estimated revenues of the municipalþ shall not include revenues derivable or derived from 2) 3) 4) By-Law 2010-003 A By-Law to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures Page 175 of 195 Borrowing Documents Required \ilhen Estimates Not Adopted Charge on Revenues and Directive to Treasurer Effective Date e) 5) 6) 7) 8) (a) bonowings or issues of debentures, or (b) a surplus, including alrears of levies, or (c) a transfer from the capital fund, reserve funds or reserves. The Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borrowed under this by-law, ensure that the lender is or has been furnished with a certified copy of this by-law, a certified copy of the resolution mentioned in Section 3 determining the lender if applicable and a copy of the estimates of the corporation adopted for the current year and also showing the total of any other amounts borrowed from any and all sources under authority of Section 407 ofthe Municipal Act, 2001 that have not been repaid. If the estimates for the current year have not been adopted at the time an amount is borrowed under this by-law. (a) the limitation on total borrowing shall be calculated for the time being upon the estimated revenues of the municipality as set forth in the estimated adopted for the previous year, and (b) the copy furnished under Section 5 shall show the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the municipalþ as set forth in the estimates adopted for the previous year. All or any sums borrowed under this byJaw shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the municipality for the current year and for any preceding years as when such revenues are received but such charge does not defeat or affect and is subject to any prior charge then subsisting in favour ofany other lender. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all or any sums borrowed under this by-law, together with interest thereon, all or any of the money hereafter collected or received, either on account of or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon date of passing. By-Law 2010-003 A By-Law to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures Page 176 of 195 Read a fïrst, second and third time and finally passed this 14th day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-003 A By-Law to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures Page 177 of 195 Page 178 of 195 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2010-004 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND OMEGA CONTRACTORS INC. FOR THE VIENNA WATER INT'RASTRUCTURE REIIEWAL PROJECT WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for the Vienna water infrastructure renewal project; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby accepts the tender submitted by Omega Contractors Inc. for the Vienna water infrastructure renewal project; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\üS: 1. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between Omega Contractors Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for the Vienna water infrastructure renewal project. 2. THAT this byJaw shall come into full force and eflect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14TH DAY OF JANUARY 2OIO. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 179 of 195 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYI{AM WATER INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL FOR]VI OF TEI\DER VTEI\NA Gentlemen: VWe the contract relating thereto, including the Drawings, Form of Tender, Information for Tenderers, Specifications, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, Form of Agreement and Addendum/Addenda No. 1 to No. 3 * hereby tender and offer in accordance therewith to enter into a contract within the prescribed time to construct the said works in strict accordance with the contract documents and such further detail drawings as may be supplied from time to time, and to furnish all materials, labouq tools, plant matters and things necessary therefore complete and ready for use within the time specified for the total tender sum of Nine Hundred Four Thousand Five Hundred Fo4v-Five --------------50 Dollars ($ 904.545.50 ), excluding GST, or such other sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the contract. *The Tenderer will insert here the numbers of the addenda received by him during the tender period and taken into account by him in preparing this tender. Form ofTender Page 1 of12 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 180 of 195 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART I WÄTERIIAIN (Reference Specifications Part 2 Watermain and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OTY PRICE AMOUNT I.I FIRE FryDRANT REPLACEMENT INCLUDING TSOLATION VALVE, RESTRAINERS, VALVE BOX WITH STEM EXTENSION, CONNECTION TO MAIN AND REMOVAL & DISPOSAL (OR SALVAGE) OF EXISTING HYDRANT, VALVE & VALVE BOX TNCL CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS WHERE THE MAIN IS LOCATED UNDER (a) CONCRETE SIDEWALII/ASPHALT INCL. GRANULAR BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SEED EACH I (b) GRASS OR GRAVEL INCLTJDING RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SEED EACH 37 1.2 REPLACE WATERMAIN VALVES INCLUDING VALVE BOX WITH STEM EXTENSION, ULTRA- FLEX COUPLERS AND REMOVAL & DISPOSAL (OR SALVAGE) OF EXISTING VALVE &VALVE BOX (a) l50mmøLOCATEDIN 3.680.00 3.680.00 2.3s4.00 87.098.00 i. CONCRETE SIDEWALIVASPIIALT INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPOSOL AND SEED EACH 8 ii. GRAVEL/GRASS AREAS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOIL AND SEED EACH 16 (b) 200mm ø LOCATED IN i. CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ASPI{ALT INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND TOPSOLAND SEED EACH 4 ii. GRAVEL/GRASS AREAS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOIL AND SEED EACH 5 SUBTOTAL PART 1 - WATERMAIN Form ofTender Page 2 of 12 2.100.00 16.800.00 1.710.00 27.360.00 2.100.00 8.400.00 1.710.00 8.550.00 $ 1s 1.888.00 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 181 of 195 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART 1 WÄTERMAIN (Reference Specifications Part 2 Watermain and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D TJNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION TINIT OTY PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL CARRIED FORWARD (c) 250mm ø LOCATED IN i. CONCRETE SIDEWALK INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL (PROV.) AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOI AND SEED EACH 5 $1sr.888.00 2.580.00 12.900.00 ii. GRAVEL/GRASS AREAS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOIL AND SEED EACH 9 I.3 REPLACE MAIN STOP AND SERVICE SADDLE INCL. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING MAIN STOP WHERE MAIN IS LOCATED UNDER (a) CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ASPHALT INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SEED EACH 277 (b) GRAVEL OR GRASS INCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SEED 1.4 REPLACE CURB STOP INCLUDING ROD ADruSTABLE BOX, CONNECTION TO EXISTING SERVICE AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB STOP AND BOX IN (a) CONCRETE SIDEWALK (ASPHALT) INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL AND RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SEED EACH 14 EACH 14 EACH 277 2.340.00 21.060.00 809.00 224.093.00 604.00 8.456.00 910.00 12.740.00 692.00 191.684.00 (b) GRAVEL OR GRASS rNCL. RESTORATION OF TOPSOL AND SEED STJBTOTAL PART 1 - \ilATERMAIN Form ofTender Page 3 of 12 s 622.821.00 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 182 of 195 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART I WATERIIAIN @eference Specifications Part 2 Watermain and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D LINIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OTY PRICE AMOI'NT SUBTOTAL CARRIED FORWARD $ 622.82T.00 1.5 REPLACE EXISTING WATER SERVICE MAXIMUM LENGTH 3.5M INCLUDING l5mm ø MAIN STOP, 15mm ø COPPER TYPE.K" SERVICE SADDLE, CURB STOP, ROD, ADruSTABLE BOX, CONNECTION TO EXISTING SERVICE, RESTORATION OF TOPSOL & SOD AND INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING WATER SERVICE WHERE SERVICE IS LOCATED IN (a) CONCRETE SIDEWALK, ASPHALT ROAD/DRTVEWAY INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL (PROV.) EACH 3 s40.00 1.620.00 (b) GRAVEL OR GRASS (PROV.) EACH 10 s60.00 s.600.00 1.6 ADDITIONAL LENGTH OF WATER SERVICE OVER ITEM I.5 LENGTH (PAYMENT rN ADDITION TO ITEM 1.5) WHERE SERVICE IS LOCATED IN (a) UNDER SIDEWALK, ASPHALT ROAD/DRTVEWAY INCL. GRAN. BACKFILL m 30 87.00 2.610.00 (b) GRAVEL oR GRASS m 30 51.00 1.530.00 1.7 BORE WATER SERVICES UNDER TREES SIDEWALK, ROADWORK, ETC. IF REQUESTED. PAYMENT V/ILL BE IN ADDTTTON TO rTEM l.s (PROV.) (a) UP TO 5 m LONG EACH 2 450.00 900.00 (b) ADDITIONAL LENGTH m l0 45.00 450'00 1.8 SEARCH FOR MAIN STOP OR CURB sToP rF NOT ENCOTTNTERED (PROV.) (a) WITHIN 2 m OF TARGET EACH 2 528.00 1.056.00 (b) WITHIN 4 m OF TARGET EACH 2 720.00 1.440.00 SUBTOTALPART I-WATERMAIN $ 638.027.00 Form ofTender Page 4 of 12 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 183 of 195 1.9 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART 1 WÄTERMAIN @eference Specifications Part 2 Watermain and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OTY PRICE AMOI"]NT SUBTOTAL CARRIED FORWARD SEARCH FOR" EXPOSE AND RESTRAIN $ 638.027.00 WATERMATN JOTNTS (PROV.) (a) 150 mm ø (b) 200 mm ø (c) 250 mm ø I.IO REPAIR EXISTING WATERMAIN a) l50mmø-first2.0m b) 150 mm ø - each additional metere (to be paid in addition toltem 1.10a) c) 200 mm ø - first 2.0 m d) 200 mm ø - each additional metre (to be paid in addition to Item 1.10 c) e) 250mmø-first2.0m Ð 250mm ø- each additional metre (to be paid in addition to Item 1.10 e) 1.1I FLUSHING,CHLORINATING, TESTING, LAB WORK I.I2 G.P.S. LOCATION OF ALL MAINSTOPS, CURB STOP, VALVES AND HYDRANTS 5 459.00 TOTAL PART 1 WATERMAIN $ 670.612.00 Form ofTender Page 5 of 12 EACH 5 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH m EACH m EACH 685.00 690.00 720.00 5 82.00 | 473.00 2 89.00 l 498.00 3.425.00 690.00 720.00 2.295.00 410.00 473.00 178.00 498.00 196.00 7.900.00 15.800.00 m 2 98.00 EACH 1 EACH By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 184 of 195 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BT]RWELL PART 1 ROADWORK (Reference Specifrcations Part 3 Roadwork and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OTY PRICE AMOUNT 2.1 GRANULAR'B' 2.2 GRANULAR'A' 2.3 SAND 2.4 CONCRETE SIDEWALK INCLUDING EXCAVATION, SUPPLY AND PLACING 125 mm GRANULAR'A'BASE (a) 125 mmTHICKNESS (b) 175 mm THICKNESS (c) INCREASE THICKNESS TO 300 mm @ CURB FACED SIDEWALK (SHALL BE PAID IN ADDITION To (a) AND (b) m 2.5 HAND FORMED CURB AND GUTTER TO MATCH EXISTINGPROFILE m 2.6 HOT-MIXASPTIALT (a) HL8 BASE 50 mm INCLUDING FINE GRADING PRIOR TO TONNE 1650 13.73 TONNE 700 16.61 TONNE 350 8.20 m2 200 72.00 m'? 70 81.00 40.0050 200 91.00 TONNE 300 230.00 s22.654.s0 1t.627.00 2,870.00 PAVING (b) HL3 SURFACE 40 mm INCLUDING FINE GRADING PRIOR TO PAVINGAND SHOULDERING 2.7 TOPSOTLAND SOD (PROV.) 2.8 CALCruM CHLORIDE (PROV.) 2.9 MECHANICALLY POWER SWEEPING oF ROADS (PROV.) TONNE 240 m2 200 TONNE 5.0 HR.20 SUB-TOTALPART2 230.00 12.20 712.00 89.00 14.400.00 5.670.00 2.000.00 18.200.00 69.000.00 ss.200.00 2.440.00 3.560.00 1.780.00 $ 209.401.s0 Form ofTender Page 6 of 12 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 185 of 195 PART I ROADWORI( @eference Specifications Part 3 Roadwork and Supplementary Specifications) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT SUB-TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 2.IO REMOVE TREES AND STUMPS (MEASURED I mABOVE GROUND), GRINDING STUMPS TO 0.3 m BELOW FINISFIED GRADE IS ACCEPTABLE WHERE POSSTBLE (PROV.) NOTE: TOWN MAY PROCEED WITH TREE REMOVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION (a) 0.1 mTO 0.3mø (b) 0.31 m TO 0.6 m ø (c) 0.61 m TO 0.9 m ø (d) 0.91 m TO l.2l mø 2.II COLD MIX ASPHALT INCL. DrsPosAL(PROV.) 2.12 EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL OF POOR MATERIAL BEYOND TRENCH LIMITS AND REPLACEMENT WITH (a) SUITABLE ON SITE MAIERIAL (PROV.) (b) GRANIJLAR'B', (PROV.) (c) SAND 2.13 ASPHALT MILLING 0.3+ m WIDE (PROV.) 2.14 REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER (PROV.) (a) LESS TFIAN 200mmø (b) 200mmø (c) 250 mm ø (d) 300 mm ø $ 209.401.s0 Lin. M SUB-TOTALPARI2 Form ofTender PageT of12 EACH EACH EACH EACH TONNE 730.00 960.00 1.080.00 1.200.00 289.00 7.80 25.00 18.00 35.00 32.00 42.00 48.00 56.00 730.00 3.840.00 2.160.00 3.600.00 2.890.00 390.00 1.250.00 900.00 1.400.00 I 4 2 3 l0 m3 m3 m3 m m m m 50 50 50 40 10 l0 l0 10 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 186 of 195 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES PORT BURWELL PART I ROADWORK @eference Specifications Part 3 Roadwork and Supplementary Specifrcations) EST'D UNIT BID ITEM DESCRIPTION TINIT OTY PRICE AMOI.JNT SUB-TOTALCARRIED FORWARD $ 228.341.50 2.15 1.2 m x 2.4 m TEMPORARYPROJECT SIGNS AT THREE MAIN ENTRANCES TO PORT BURWELL. woRDrNG TO BE PROVIDED (PROV.) EACH 3 1.180.00 3.540.00 2.16 3.0 m WIDE - ITYDRANTACCESS INCLUDING 4.0 m LONG -375 mm ø HDPE CULVERI, 150 mm THICK GRANULAR .Â" SURFACE, GRANULAR BACKFILLAND RESTORATION EACH 3 684.00 2.052.00 2.17 IF SEED IS ACCEPTABLE IN LIEU oF soD - CREDIT L/S ( N/Al TOTAL PART 2 ROADWORK $233J33I0 Form ofTender Page I of 12 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 187 of 195 FORM OF TENDER SUMMARY- PORT BURWELL PART 1 - V/ATERMAIN PART 2 - ROADIù/ORK TOTAL TENDER PRICE (EXCLUDING GST) $ 670.612.00 $ 233.933.s0 s 904.545.50 Amount of tender to be repeated in writing Nine Hundred Four Thousand Five Hundred Forty-Five -------50 Dollars PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SALES TAX TO BE INCLUDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 29 OF THE INFORMAIION FOR TENDERERS. Form ofTender Page 9 of 12 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 188 of 195 The Tenderer agrees to complete the works within a time to be known as the "Time for Completion" in the Information for Tenderers. The Tenderer agrees that this Tender is subject to a formal contract being prepared and executed. The Tenderer declares that no person, firm or corporation other than the Tþnderer has any interest in this Tender or in the proposed Contract for which this Tender is made. The Tþnderer further declares that this Tender is made without any connection, comparison of figures, or arrangements with, or knowledge of, any other corporation, firm or person making a Tender for the same work and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The Tenderer further declares that no officer or employee of th Consulting Engineer is or will become interested directly or indirectly as a c hareholder, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the to which it relates, or in any portion of the profrts thereof, or in any of the monies to be derived therefrom. The Tenderer further ag¡ees that, if this Tender is accepted by the Owner, 1) he will carry out additional or extra work (including the supplying of any additional materials or equipment pertaining thereto) or will delete any work as may be required by the Engineer in accordance with the Contract, 2) the carrying out of any work referred to in paragraph I ) above or the issuance by the Engineer of a Contract Change Order relating to such work or the acceptance by the Tenderer of such Contract thange Ordershall not, e¡9ept as expressly staled-in such Contract or of any_Contract waive or impair any of the terms of the Contract Change Order previously issued by the Engineer or any of the rights of the Owner or of the Engineer under the Contract 3) he will .pay t9 the Owner.(in addition to amounts payable UV 14" 9.*nrl in respect^of site supervision of the worþ, the sums specified in the Contract as Liquidated Damages for eachcalendar , as expressly Orders is ted after the especified for completio the Engineer, and 4) the prices applicable to work referred to in paragraph l) above shall be determined as follows: a) the Schedule of Items and Prices shall apply where applicable; and b) if the Schedule of Items and Prices is inapplicable, the prices shall be determined in accordance with Section 103-3, Extra Work of the General Conditions. Form ofTender Page 10 of 12 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 189 of 195 CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS The following is a list of subcontractors and suppliers which we proposed to employ for this project. SUBTRADE NAME OFSUBCONTRACTOR SCOPE OFfTQRK Asphalt Concrete Granulars TCG DPN Concrete Alisar Aggregates Dated at London this 7th day of December 2009. Signature ofTendererSignature of Witness NOTE: OMEGA CONTRACTORS INC 4104 Rreck Ave Address London. Ontario City, Town N6L 185 Postal Code sr9-652-6188 519-652-5568 Telephone No. Fax No. Donald lreland Contact Person (sEAL) If the Tender is submitted by or on behalf of a corporation, it must be signed in the name of such corporation by the duly authorized offrcers and the seal of the corporation must be affrxed. If the Tender is submitted by or on behalf of an individual or a partnership, a seal must be affrxed opposite the signature of the individual or the partner. Form ofTender Page 11 of12 By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 190 of 195 AGREEMENT THISAGREEMENT MADE (intriplicate) this lTth day of December 4.D., 2009. BETWEEN: OMEGACONTRACTORS INC. Hereinafter called the "Contractor" OF THE FIRST PART, AND MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE SECOND PART. \ilITNESSETII that the Party of the First Part, for and in consideration of payment or payments specified in the tender for this work, hereby agrees to furnish all necessary machinery tools, equipment, supplies, labour and other means of construction, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, to do all the work as described hereafter, furnish all materials except as herein otherwise specified, and to complete such works in strict accordance with the plans, specifications, and tender therefore, all of which are to be read herewith and form part of this present agreement as fully and completely to all intents and purpose as though all the stipulations thereof have been embodied herein. The work to be done is the WATER II\TFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL. The Contractor agrees to do the work as and when directed to be done by the Engineer and to complete the same within a time to be known as the "Time of Completion" in the Information for Tenderers. The Contractor further agrees to pay to the Party of the Second Part, Two Hundred Dollars per day as liquidated damages for every day beyond the expiration of the date of completion stated herein. The Contractor agrees that such monies may be deducted from any monies due on the expiry date or to become due to the Contractor from the operations under this agreement. In CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, said Party of the Second Part, agrees to pay to the Contractor for all work done in the manner provided by the specifications of this Contract, the unit prices on the tender. WITNESS the hand and seal of the Contractor and witness the Corporate Seal of the Owner under the hands of its proper offrcers in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AI\D DELIVEREI) IN THE PRESENCE OF OMEGA CONTRACTORS INC. Form ofTender Page 12 of 12 As to signature of Contractor MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (OMEGA) Page 191 of 195 Page 192 of 195 CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2010-005 BEING A BY.LAW TO AMEND BY.LAW 2004.015 BEING A BY-LA\il TO SET WATER AND SEWER RATES IN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local Municipality may by by-law provide for imposing upon owners or occupants of land who use sewage works a sewage service rate, and; WHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides for imposing rates, regulating, metering, measuring and collection frequencies and methods for water and sewer rates; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend by- law 2004-015; TIIEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]I\'ICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT Schedule A be repealed and replaced with the attached Schedule A. THIS by-law to come into effect upon its passing and includes the January-February 2010 billing period. READ A FIRST AND SECOI\D TIME this 14th day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 14th day of January 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-005 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2004- 015 (water and sewer rates) Page 193 of 195 BY-LAW NO.2010-005 SCHEDT]LE T6A'' Municipatity of Bayham Water and Sewer Rates Base Monthly Fee Minimum Billing Surcharge per m' of water Water $11.47 922.94 $2.ss Sewer Except Vacant Commercial Units $40.60 $81.20 N/A Vacant Commercial Units $20.30 s40.60 N/A By-Law 2010-005 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2004- 015 (water and sewer rates) Page 194 of 195 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-007 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR TIIE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 14,2OIO WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the MunicipalAct,2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 2í,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AI\D WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised byby-law; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held January 14,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 14th day of January,2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-007 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 195 of 195