HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 07, 2011 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, July 7, 2011 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 6, 2011. (b)Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 16, 2011. (c)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011. (d)Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 21, 2011. (e)Minutes of the special meeting of Council held June 29, 2011. (f)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Ray Maddox regarding Cemetery Maintenance Item 9(h) 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Copy of resolution from the Township of Carling passed June 13, 2011 regarding "Donation to the Town of Slave Lake". File: C10 (b)Correspondence dated July 4, 2011 from AMCTO regarding "Livestock Damage Protection - Significant Changes Effective July 1, 2011". File: A01 (c)Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held June 30, 2011. File: C06 5-7 9-10 11-22 23-24 25-26 27 29-30 31-33 Page 1 of 297 Council Agenda July 7, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (d)Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held May 18, 2011. File: C06 (e)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. File: E00 (f)Corresondence dated May 20, 2011 from Environment Canada regarding "2011 Lakewide Management Annual Report". File: E00 (g)Correspondence dated June 24, 2011 from Ministry of Infrastructure regarding "Building Together". File: A16 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report PW2011-07 regarding "Harmony Acres Speed Limit". File: T08 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending June 30, 2011. File: P10 (b)Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 (c)Staff Report P2011-013 regarding "Communications Agreement". File: L04 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending June 12 & June 26, 2011 totaling $101,601.25 & $60,275.39 respectively. 35-36 37-45 47-51 53-54 55 57 59-65 67-70 71-85 Page 2 of 297 Council Agenda July 7, 2011 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (b)Brochure regarding "Aylmer Express Graphics Group 3 Port Tour Classic-Century Ride". File: A04 (c)Refined resolution regarding "Escalating Ontario Provincial Police Service Costs". File: C09 (d)Correspondence received from the Pilgrims of Estherville regarding "Plaque In Honour of the Founders of Bayham". File: S09 (e)Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". File: S09 (f)Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". File: L04 (g)Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". File: L04 (h)Memorandum C2011-08 regarding "Inactive Cemetery Maintenance". File: S09 (i)Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". File: L04 (j)Staff Report F2011-09 regarding "Cell Phones". File: A12 (k)Staff Report F2011-11 regarding "Interest Rates for Water Project". File: F05 (l)Correspondence dated July 4, 2011 from Marion Paterson (SANYA) regarding "use of Municipal sign". File: C13 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Correspondence dated June 21, 2011 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Application under Intake One of the Ontario Small Waterworks Assistance Program - Phase Three". File: F11 87-88 89 91-92 93-106 107-119 121-156 157 159-176 177-179 181-182 183 185 Page 3 of 297 Council Agenda July 7, 2011 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2011-057 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2011-001 (appointing members to Boards and Committees) (b)By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 (c)By-Law 2011-060 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 Capital Estimates for 2011 (d)By-law 2011-061 A By-Law to establish a levy for the year 2011 (e)By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) (f)By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) (g)By-Law 2011-065 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 187 189-230 231-237 239-241 243-259 261-295 297 Page 4 of 297 BUDGET MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville June 6, 2011 7:00 PM The frfth 2011 budget meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Monday, June 6, 2011 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, 'Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Adminishator Kyle Kmger, Clerk Lynda Millard and Treasurer Denis Duguay. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None (a) Added Item 20tt-260 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural ByJaw 2002-93, Report regarding Potential Surplus Properties be added to the agenda as item 3(d)." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Agenda items were considered in the following order 3(b), (c), (d) & (a). 3. 2Ol1DRAF"T BUDGET (a) 2011 Draft Budget as previously circulated. The Treasurer circulated Staff Report F20l l-05 containing a list of reductions proposed by staff to reduce the tax rate increase from l0%o to 2.3%. These proposed reductions were reviewed, discussed and accepted with some exceptions. (b) StaffReport F2011-05 regarding "Tax Sale". File: F22-ll The Administrator advised that an Engineer has investigated the Fabco building in Vienna and determined it to be unsafe. Steps can be taken under the Building Code Act to have the building demolished. The assessment will be reduced after the building is demolished. Reduced taxes will still accrue. A minimum of two weeks notification will be given to parties having an interest in the property prior to conducting the necessary works. The owner will have the opportunity to appeal the order. It was suggested that materials from the building be salvaged. The successful contractor will need to provide proof of liability and WSIB coverage. Page I of3 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 6, 2011.Page 5 of 297 Budget Meeting Minutes June 06, 201 I 20tt-26t Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT Council direct staff not to Vest the property and to let the Tax Arrears Certificated be deemed cancelled as of June l7,20ll; AND TIIAT Staff be directed to take steps for demolition in accordance with the Building Code Act." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Harbourfront Committee - Additional Dredge Information The revised dredging plan dated June 6 was circulated to members of Council. The Administrator advised that the report, being presented by Glen Underwood on behalf of the Harbourf¡ont Committee and circulated to Council only, contains figures that are to remain confidential until RFP bids close, as the Municipality is a potential bidder for the Ojibwa dredging project. He noted that consideration of the report does not meet the requirements necessary to be discussed in closed session. The Harbourfront Committee will make a recommendation to Council for submission of an RFP. Mr. Underwood identified three options to complete the dredging of the harbour between July 1 and mid-September, to allow access by a shallow draft barge and the Ojibwa submarine. The increase in the depth requirements from 8 feet to l0 feet requires an additional50% of material to be dredged from the harbour than previously contemplated. Option I is an IMS Model 5012 self-propelled suction tlpe dredge, transfer equipment including all floating, flexible discharge piping and a booster pump; Option 2 is a similar but larger IMS Model 7012 and same capacity booster and equipment; Option 3 is an Ellicott "Dragon" Model Hydraulic Pipeline 370 dredge and same capacity booster and equipment. Dredged material moved per hour is: Option I 84.8 cubic meters Option 2 I2l cubic meters Option 3 90.5 cubic meters (solids only) Operating costs per hour are as follows: Option I $228 per hour Option 2 $270 per hour Option 3 5322 perhour The recommendation of the Harbourfront Committee is the purchase of the IMS Model 7012 plus the booster equipment and necessarypipes and fittings. Cost does not include a barge, vessel or mobile crane. Page2 of3 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 6, 2011.Page 6 of 297 Budget Meeting Minutes June 06, 2011 (d) Staff Report PR2011-09 regarding "Potential Surplus Properties". File: L04 The Report was circulated to Council by the Administrator. He advised that many of these properties show un¡ealistic assessments and many are not being maintained due to the nature of the lands and would provide a low impact on the budget. A review of the properties and ultimately conveyance may be beneficial, however legal costs may exceed the property values. The current firehall property may be included on the list of potential sites once the new firehall is built and in service. To proceed with any conveyances, properties would need to be declared surplus and appraisals may be necessary prior to sale. It was agreed to defer the report and bring back at a later date. The next budget meeting was scheduled for Thursday, June 9th at 7:00 p.m. 4. BY.LAW (a) By-Law 2011-050 A By-Law to confimr all actions of Council 20tt-262 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT confirming By-Law 2011-050 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY 5. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 20rt-263 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor Vy' Casier TTTHAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 10:45 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Y, \,, t CLERKMAYOR Page 3 of3 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 6, 2011.Page 7 of 297 Page 8 of 297 BUDGET MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville June 16,2011 6:00 PM The seventh 2011 budget meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, June 16, 2011 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger, Clerk Lynda Millard and Treasurer Denis Duguay. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NÁ.TURE THEREOF None. 3. 2O1l DRAFT BI]DGET (a) Staff Report F20 I I -05 regarding "Budget Reductions 201l" . File: F05.11 In regard to Edison Fest and fundraising efforts, the Administrator clarified that fundraising expenditures are deducted from fundraising revenues with the balance being transferred to the Edison Museum Building Reserve Fund, once the year end audit has been completed. He also advised that the $2,000 transfer to the building reserve fund comes directly from the tax levy. The Administrator also clarified that Canada Day expenditures are a line item in the budget and are not to be considered with the festivals allocation. A portion of costs is reimbursed by a federal grant through the Port Burwell Historical Society. The amount was increased to $1,404 as requested by PBHS. Councillor Southwick advised that the Museums Board had reduced their budget by $15,000 as requested. Details are to be provided. In the Business and Commerce allocation it was agreed that Beautification (hanging flower baskets etc) remain at $3448. Under Tourism and Marketing, Beach maintenance was reduced by 52,000 to $5,000; Wind Interpretive Centre staffing was reduced by $3,500 to 512,764. It was agreed that $4,600 maintenance remain in the Vienna Community Centre allocation. The meeting was adjourned to hold the regular scheduled meeting of Council and reconvened briefly following that meeting. No further action on the budget was taken. Page I of2 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 9 of 297 Budget Meeting Minutes June 16, 2011 20tt-267 Moved by deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 6:55 p.m. to reconvene later.rr CARRIED I.JNANIMOUSLY 4. BY-LAW (a) By-Law 20ll-054 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 20Lt-268 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT confirming By-Law 20ll-054 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment The next budget meeting was scheduled for Tuesda¡ June 21st at 7:00 p.m. 20tt-269 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier |TTIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 10:43 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page2 of2 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 10 of 297 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville June 16,2011 7:00 PM The regularmeeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, June 16,20ll in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Walme Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Knrger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator/ Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill was in attendance to present her reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECT'NIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVA.L OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes ofthe special meeting of Council held May 3I, 2}ll. 20lt-270 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT the minutes of the special meeting held May 3l,20ll be approved as circulated.'f CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2,2}ll. 20Il-27t Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick TTTHAT the minutes of the regular meeting held June 2r20ll be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 6,20ll. (d) Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 9,2OIl. Page 1 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 11 of 297 Council Minutes June 16, 2011 20rr-272 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick 'TTHAT the minutes of the budget meeting held June 9,2011be approved as circulated.rf CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGÄTIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - John Regan, General Manager and Rhonda Stewart, Executive Assistant from the Elgin Business Resource Centre regarding "Updates from Elgin Business Resource Centre and Exploring Opportunities with Elgin Business Resource Centre" John Regan and Rhonda Stewart gave apower point presentation regarding the community business support services provided by the Elgin Business Resource Centre in St. Thomas. The mission statement is to provide business resources and to be a catalyst in strengthening our communities. Core services include business counseling/training, funding support through access to capital - lender, Sand Plains Development Fund, community economic development, self employnent benefits program, summer company and business incubation. Previously known as the Community Futures Development Corporation, the organization has been active in Elgin since 1986. Statistics show that the business counseling success rate indicates that 7l% of businesses benefiting from their services and started between 1998 and 2009 are still operating. The organization provides access to capital business loans as a lender of last resort up to $150,000. The Sand Plains community development fund provides loans up to $250,000 for not- for-profit organizations through the Tillsonburg office. This program ends in March2}I2. The Self Employment Benefits Program provides 42 weeks of Employment Insurance eligible persons to establish their own businesses. Entrepreneurial and youth support programs are also available. The organization is a member of all local Chambers of Commerce. Mr. Regan encouraged Council members to get the word out to the community about the services available and left promotional material for distribution to the public. (b) 7:30 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding isues of Estherville previously discussed at Council along with other matters. W'anda Hoshal provided a handout to Council regarding wording for a commemorative plaque proposed for the Estherville Cemetery. She noted that the group was no longer contemplating that the plaque be made of brass due to cost and potential for theft, rather suggested a new material called avion which is available in London. No pricing was provided. Ms. Hoshal commented that there was no cost to the Municipalþ for the retrieval and placement of stones to Estherville as neither staff nor equipment were provided. Page2 ofl2 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 12 of 297 Council Minutes June 16,2011 5. INF'ORMATION ITEMS (a) AMO Breaking News dated Jtrne l,2Ol1 regarding "Bill 181 Passes Third Reading Mandatory Reti¡ement atage 60 for Ontario's Salaried Firefighters". File: A0l (b) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Di¡ectors minutes of meeting held May 4,2011. File: A16 (c) Edison Museum Building Committee minutes of meeting held May 30, 2011. File: C06 (d) Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held May 12,2011. File: C06 (e) Copy of Resolution dated May 3l,2Ol1 from City of London regarding "CBC decision to shut down over the ai¡ television transmission to the London market" File: C10 (Ð I¿ke Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held May 5,20L1. File: E00 (g) Correspondence dated June 13, 2011 from Ross and Martha Andrews regarding "Waste Collection Scheduling". File: C13 Staffwas di¡ected to respond to the Andrews that there are currentþ no changes contemplated for waste management services. 20tt-273 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(g) be received for information.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECR"EATION & TOURISM (a) ShffReport D2}ll-22regarding "MacDonald Consents 854/lL &,E'55/L1". File: DlO.ll MacDonald 20lt-274 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee the two consent applications 854/11 & 855/11, submitted by John Robert MacDonald, be granted with each application subject to the following conditions: Page 3 of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 13 of 297 Council Minutes June 16,2011 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2.Letter of Undertaking providing for the consolidation of the severed parcel with the adjacent property as per the application." Deputy Mayor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mopping not necessarily being correct. CARRIED (b) StaffReport D2OLI-23 regarding "Breedon Consents E56-58/11". File: Dl0.1l Breedon 20tt-275 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Applications E56/11, submitted by Brian and Theresa Breedon, be granted with each application subject to the following conditions: 1. the application is amended to reduce the severed parcel lot area to provide for a 22 metre wide access to the interior agricultural lands 2. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 3. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality 4. municipal lot assessments subject to municipal approval 5. grading plan for the entire lands subject to municipal approval 6. water quantity testing report subject to provincial standards 7. water quatity testing report for nitrates and bacteria content subject to provincial standards 8. County of Elgin confirmation of permitted access to County Road 38 9. removal of pack barn 10. rezoning to remove the "holding" provision subject to Conditions 4-9 being satisfied 11. civic numbering signage." Deputy Mayor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. CARRIED 20It-276 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Applications 857/11 and 858/11, submitted by Brian and Theresa Breedon, be granted with each application subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality Page 4 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 14 of 297 Council Minutes June 16, 2011 3. municipal lot assessments subject to municipal approval 4. grading plan for the entire lands subject to municipal approval 5. water quantity testing report subject to provincial standards 6. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content subject to provincial standards 7. county of Elgin confirmation of permitted access to County Road 38 8. rezoning to remove the "hosding" provision subject to Conditions 3-7 & 10 being satislied 9. civic numbering signage 10. removal of all buildings on E57l11 only." Deputy Mayor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. CARRIED (c) StaffReport D2Oll-24 regarding "Soreny Farrns Consent E4l/11". File: D10.11 Soreny Farms 20tt-277 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent application B,4llll, submitted by Soreny Farms Limited, be amended and resubmitted for consideration." Deputy Mayor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. CARRIED (d) StaffReport D2Oll-25 regarding "Soreny Farms Consents 842-45/11". File: D10.11 Soreny Farms 20rt-278 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick íTHAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that consent applicationsB424Slll, submitted by Soreny Farms Limited, be granted each subject to conditions: 1. Development Agreement with the municipality 2.water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards 3. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards 4. stormwater management plan with an engineered municipal drain connection 5. grading plan subject to municipal approval 6. final survey provided to the municipality Page 5 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 15 of 297 Council Minutes June 16, 2011 7. $500 cash-in-lieu ofparkland dedication 8. purchase of civic numbering signage 9. rezoning to remove the íholding" provision subject to conditions 1-5." Deputy Mayor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. CARRIED (e) StaffReport D2Oll-26 regarding "Szorenyi Consents E50-53/11". File: D10.ll Szorenyi 20tt-279 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee the following: THAT consent application E50/11, submitted by Michele Szorenyi, be refused on the basis that Registered Plan 205 "Donnelly Drive" street allowance cannot be included in the consent; AND THAT consent application 851i11, submitted by Michele Szorenyi, be granted subject to conditions: 1. confirmation of lot dimensions showing Donnelly Drive street allowance is not included and maintain the required minimum frontage of 20 metres 2. water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards 3. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards 4. stormwater management plan with an engineered municipal drain connection 5. grading plan subject to municipdl approval 6. Sewer Services permit 7. Road Access permit 8. final survey provided to the municipality 9. $500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication 10. purchase of civic numbering signage 11. rezoning to remove the "holding" provision subject to conditions 1-6 A¡ID THAT consent applications E52l11 and 853/11, submitted by Michele Szorenyi, be granted each subject to conditions: 1. water quantity testing report meeting the Provincial standards 2. water quality testing report for nitrates and bacteria content meeting the Provincial standards 3. stormwater management plan with an engineered municipal drain connection 4. grading plan subject to municipal approval 5. Sewer Services permit 6. Road Access permit 7. final survey provided to the municipality Page 6 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 16 of 297 Council Minutes June 16, 2011 8. $500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication 9. purchase of civic numbering signage 10. rezoning to remove the "holding" provision subject to conditions 1-6." Deputy Mayor Toylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct. CARRIED 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) Event Road Closure Request Forrn from Port Burwell Historical Society regarding "Canada Day Celebrations". File: R06 20tt-280 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier TTTIIAT municipal streets in Port Burwell be used for a Canada Day Parade on July l,20ll beginning at 11:00 a.m.; THAT the municipality hereby requests permission from the County of Elgin to use Wellington Street from Elizabeth Street west to Robinson Street; AND THAT the Bayham Public Works Manager take the necessary precautions for traffic control, safety and signage requirements." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Event Road Closure Request Form from Straffordville Community Committee regarding "Straffordville Watermelon Fest. " File: R06 20tt-281 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor frTIIATCouncil grants permission to use municipal streets within Straffordville for Watermelon Fest parade; THAT Old Chapel Street south from Heritage Line to Plank Road be closed durÍng the paradet THAT Council requests permission from the County of Elgin to use Plank Road from Third Street, south to Heritage Line and Heritage Line west to the Bayham Community Centre on Saturday, August 27,2011between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. during the parade in Straffordville subject to the organizers: o provÍding the municipality with proof of liability insurance to cover all events including naming the municipality as an additional insured; PageT of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 17 of 297 Council Minutes June 16,2011 ¡ obtaining the necessary approvals from the Ontario Provincial Police and the Bayham Fire Chief (as per completion of the Municipal Road Close Notice and parade route mapping); THAT the Manager of Public Works be directed to make the necessary arrangements for traffic control and safety; AND THAT the clean up of the park area be the responsibility of the organizers." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Re,port for month ending May 31, 2011. File: P10 20lt-282 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Building Permit Report for month ending May 31, 2011 be received for information.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated June 7, 2011 from Outback Ca-Fing regarding "Request for Noise By-Law Amendment". File: POl It was noted that the Bayham noise by-law is strictly prohibitive and that legal action is currently in process regarding enforcement. 20tt-283 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT correspondence from Outback Camping regarding Request for Noise By- Law Amendment be received.rr CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (c) Correspondence dated May 31, 2011 from Ontario Early Years Centre Elgin- Middlesex-London regarding "Summer Park Program". File: C13 20rt-284 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Page 8 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 18 of 297 Council Minutes June 16,2011 I'THA.T Council supports the request for permission to use green space in the Straffordville Community Park on Friday mornings from 9:30 - L1:30 a.m. for the period July 8 - August 26,2011subject to proof of liability insurance coverage, naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured, in the minimum amount of $2,000,000,000; AND THAT the cleanup of the area be the responsibility of the users." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRÄTION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Registerbeing Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling $106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending I;tlf.ay 29,2011 totaling s63,029.42. 20tI-285 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #10546 to Cheque #10610 inclusive, totaling 5106,269.72 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending lùday 29,2011 totaling 563.'029.42 be approved. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) SaffReport F2Oll-04 regarding "Council Remuneration & Expenses". File: F03.03 20tt-286 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT StaffReportE20ll-04 regarding Council Remuneration & Expenses be received for information. f r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Discussion regarding "Ongoing Policing Service Increases". Councillor Southwick circulated a handout including a draft resolution in opposition to the 5% increase to the OPP contact renewal costs as approved by the provincial govemment. Members were requested to provide revised wording suggestions to staff. Further consideration is to be given at the next meeting. (d) Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 f¡om Paul Andriekus regarding"Harmony Acres Line Race Track". File: C13 20Lt-287 Page 9 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 19 of 297 Council Minutes June 16, 2011 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick ''THAT correspondence from Paul Andriekus regarding Harmony Acres Line Race Track be received; AND TIIAT the letter be referred to staff and OPP for further report." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) StaffReport E2011-03 regarding "Water System Transfer Agreement - Secondary System and Bayham". File: E08 It was noted that this is a housekeeping matter to clariff ownership and represents no change to current municipal operations. These sections of the waterline serve only the local area and should have no impact on future grants. 20rr-288 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT By-Law 2011-053, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management for the transfer of Certain Assets be presented to Council for enactment.ft CARRIED UNANMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF'THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 20rt-289 Moved by DeputyMayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier TTTHAT the Council do now rise to enter into an I'In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole ú9245 p.m. to discuss: . a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; o labour relations or employee negotiations." CARRIED I]NANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 2,20II. (c) Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local Page 10 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 20 of 297 Council Minutes June 16, 2011 board (Elgin Military Museum) (d) Discussion regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (CUPE Contract) (e) out of camera. 20tt-290 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 10:35 p.m." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2}lt-049 A By-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement (Norfolk Disposal Services Limited) O) By-Law 2011-051 A By-law to repeal By-Law No. 378 of the former Village of Port Burwell, being a ByJaw to Prohibit the Discharge of Fi¡earms (c) By-Law 2011-053 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System) It was noted that By-law 2011-051 repeals the prohibition of the discharge of firearms in Port Burwell. 20tt-29t Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT By-Laws 2011449,2011-051 and 2011-053 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) By-Law 2011-055 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 20tt-292 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT confirming By-Law 2011-055 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 1l of 1,2 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 21 of 297 Council Minutes June 16,2011 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjounrment 20tt-293 Moved byDeputyMayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 10:40 p.m." CARRIED I'NANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 12 ofl2 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16, 2011.Page 22 of 297 BUDGET MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM 9344 Ptank Road, Straffordville Tuesday, June 21,2011 7:00 PM The eighth 2011 budget meeting of the Council of the Municipalþ of Bayham was held on Tuesda¡ June 21, 20ll lnthe Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wa1'ne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Aclministrator Kyle Kruger, Clerk Llarda Millard and Treasurer Denis Duguay. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DECLARATION OF PECTJNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. 2Ol1DRAF'T BUDGET (a) StaffReport F2011-05 regarding "Budget Reductions 20Il'. þreviously circulated) File: F05.11 A revised budget dated June 21,2011 was circulated to Council. The Administator advised of revision allocations made as follows: Building services wages and benefits reduced by $5,000; Richmond Water System transfer to reserves of $5,032 to balance revenues and expenditures; Museums wages and benefits reduced by $15,000 to $31, 399 and $3,040 respectively; Port Burwell Fire Station long term debt at $689,800 pending final design; Richmond Water System $255,000 to reflect OSV/AP funding; transfer of $17,900 from economic development signs to east pier repairs; and the removal of harbour dredging costs. Staffresponded to Council questions and comments. It was agteed to transfer $5,000 to a reserve for a sound system in Council Chambers. $7,000 was added to Council professional services in regard to the Boundaries Act for a total of $15,000, to be raised through the tax levy rather than the operations stabilization reserve. A public notice of intent to adopt the budget at the regular meeting being held July 7th is to be placed in the local newspapers and posted on the web site. 20tt-294 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick 'TTHAT the budget dated June 21,2011 be adopted as amended." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 1 of2 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 21, 2011.Page 23 of 297 Budget Meeting Minutes Jvne2l,20ll 20tt-295 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'THAT Council support the festivals as follows: Edison Fest $1333.33 Tub Daze $1333.33 WatermelonFest $1333.33." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY 20tt-296 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT 5167.67 be added to each of the festivals from the Municipal Assistance Program.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. BY-LAW (a) ByJaw 20ll-056 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 20tt-297 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT confirming By-law 2011-056 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed.r' CARRIED I'NANIMOUSLY 5. A.DJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 20tL-298 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchab "TIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:00 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page2 of2 Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held June 21, 2011.Page 24 of 297 COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville \ilednesday, June 29, 20ll 7:00 PM Council Chambers The special meeting of Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Wednesday hne 29, 2011 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Knrger and Clerk Lymda Millard. Glen Underwood and Brenda Martin, representing the Harbourfront Committee, were also present. 1. CA.LL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECTINIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF' None. 3. ADMINISTRATION (a) Consideration of RFP to be presented by Harbourfront Committee. Mayor Paul Ens noted that due to discussion that may include proposed figures for a Request for Proposal (RFP) for dredging to accommodate the Ojibwa Project, it may be necessary for Council to move in and out of closed session. Glen Underwood advised that he had met with a contact with 15 years of experience working on a dredge similar to the one the Harbourfront Committee proposed for purchase by the Municipality. He requested an additional two days to provide details and financial input prior to submission of an RFP by the Municipality. Council was advised that the RFP deadline has been extended to Friday, July 8th. This would delay a start time to at least mid-July. It was noted that, although responses had been received from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority, approval from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has still not been received. Various details of the requirements of the RFP were discussed. Concerns were raised regarding the extent of financial risks involved and the ability of the Municipalityto meet the criteria. It was suggested that information gathered through the RFP process would be heþfuI for future dredging efforts. Page I of2 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held June 29, 2011.Page 25 of 297 Council Budget Meeting Minutes Ivne29,20ll It was agreed that the Municipality decline to make an RFP submission for the dredging project. 4. BY.LAW (a) By-Law 20ll-062 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 20tt-299 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier '|THAT confirming By-Law 20ll-062 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 201 l-300 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 7:53 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page2 of2 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held June 29, 2011.Page 26 of 297 5 dlo The Corporation of THE TOWNSHIP OF CARLING R.R. #I, Nobel, Ontario POc lcO E-matl: admin@carlingtownship. ca Phone: (705) 342-5856 . Fax: (705) 342-9527 June 20, 2011 ïownship of North Stormont Ms. Karen McPherson MunicipalClerk 15 Union St. PO Box g9 Berwick, ON Koc 1c0 Dear Ms.McPherson, suBJEcr: TOWNSHIP oF NORTH sroRMoNT-wtLDFtREs tN SLAVE LAKE, ALBERTA At a Regular meeting of the Council for the Township of Carling held on June 13, 201 1 , the Councíl carfied the following resolution: 1l-078 Moved by CouncÍllor Larson Seconded by Councillor Murphy NO\ry THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Township of Carling support the position of the Township of North Stormont and authorize a donation oi $100.00 to the Town of Slave Lake to help compensate them in their recent fire; AND FURTHER THAT the resolution be forwarded to all Ontario municipalities and that they be asked to match this donation. Carried. Yours truly, Æ Stephen P.6egî à Chlef Adm inistrative OfficeriClerk cc. AllOntarioMunicipafities SPK:bs Copy of resolution from the Township of Carling passed June 13, 2011 regarding "Donation to the Town of Slave Lake". Page 27 of 297 Page 28 of 297 If this ema¡l does not display properly, please view our El!@iq. Changes to Livestock Damage Program effective July l, 201I Page I of2 July 1,2011 Legislative Express ln this lssue; Livestock Damage Program - Significant Changes Effective July 1,20'11 Overview: Members were advised in the June 9th Legislative Express that AMCTO has been working with OMAFRA to finalize the modernization of the Livestock Damage Program. On June 30th, OMAFRA released details of the Ontario \Mldlife Damaqe Compensation Prooram English oress release; French oress release which in turn provides a link to important explanatory materials, guides and forms. AMCTO is pleased that the approach reflects our earlier suggestions to expand the list of both eligible livestock species and eligible wildlife species and to update the maximum values of compensation. Special thanks to Michele Kennedy, CMO, Town Clerk, Town of Writchurch-Stouffuille and Sue Dawe, CMO, Clerk and Director of Corporate Services, Municipality of Port Hope for their tireless efforts over several years on behalf of AMCTO members to encourage modernization of this program. Sue Dawe continues to represent AMCTO at an OMAFRA established permanent working group whose early tasks included advising on the program as well as assessing how best to address any training needs of Valuers. This training will begin to roll out over the summer. Watch for details from OMAFRA. Note that livestock and poultry injured or killed by dogs will be covered not by this regulation but by the new Protection of Livestock and Poultrv from Dogs Act effective July 1 , 2011. A new minister's regulation prescribes the maximum compensation values for livestock killed or injured by dogs under the Protection of Livestock and Poultrv From Doqs Act for each livestock species named under the Act. The methodology used to establish maximum compensation values for this new regulation was also developed through the working group. The new Act and these regulations means the repeal of the Livestock, Poultrv and Honev Bee Protection Act. lmplications for Members: Members might anticipate more claims under this program not only because the list of eligible livestock has been expanded to include non traditional livestock, (e.9., llamas, bison) and predators not previously included (e.9., weasels, cougars, birds of prey) but because compensation levels have increased significantly. After more than 20 years of no change, compensation rates for some livestock are increasing five fold. And, importantly, compensation levels are to be reviewed at least every five years to avoid these dramatic shifts in the future. Municipalities will be compensated thirty dollars ($30.00) for the expenses the municipality incurred for its Valuer and other administrative costs and for the payment made to the livestock owner. To be eligible for payment, the municipality must apply for its costs using a Ministry-approved form and follow the process set out in a Program Guideline . Councils should be advised that recovering the municipal administrative fee from the livestock owner will be prohibited. The basic process of handling claims will be similar, but timelines, types of evidence and appeal processes have been clarified: 48 hours for producer to notify Valuer of loss or damage, 3 days for Valuer to investigate, 10 days for Valuer to report; such evidence, including the taking of photographs and/or video, that is reasonably necessary; producer and municipality may each appeal Value/s decision within 20 days. Aot http : I I amcto. informz. n etJ amcto I archive s/arch iv e I 6 I 4 403 . html 7l4l20rr Correspondence dated July 4, 2011 from AMCTO regarding "Livestock Damage Protection - Significant Changes Effective July Page 29 of 297 2680 Skymark Àvenue Sutte # 910, lvlissiËsauga ON M4W-5L6 Phgne - 905-602-4294 | Fax - 905-602-4295 Send to a frieRd I U.iìsubscr¡be Fouæred Bv.i..lnfor Correspondence dated July 4, 2011 from AMCTO regarding "Livestock Damage Protection - Significant Changes Effective July Page 30 of 297 S MINUTES Bayham Community Centres Committee C D 6 Commitfee Room 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Thursday June 30, 2011 FF 7:30 p.m. Present: Councillors Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Straffordville Lions Club representative Roy Stewart, Vienna Lions Club representative William Gheysen, Community Member atLarge Lynn Prues, Bayham Community Centre Manager Jackie Declerq and Secretary Lynda Millard. Absent: Community Member atLarge Diane Squires and Vienna Community Centre Manager Jackie Ringland (Bootle). 1. Call to Order Chairman Casier called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. 2, Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. Minutes of the meeting held March23,20ll Moved by V/m Gheysen Seconded by Ed Ketchabaw "That the minutes of the meeting held March23rz0ll be approved as circulated." Carried 4. Business from Minutes Mike'Wells hopes to get into the Bayham hall soon to complete the painting along the front wall. The duct enclosure has been completed by Ed Matthews, additional insulation was put in. The service men have not been able to fix the new dishwasher and the company is to replace it. Staff have been unable to reach Edward Jones of All Canadian Services Corps regarding the clothing bins. The Park gates at SCC have been fixed. Roy Stewart recovered the podium. The Engineer's draft report regarding Fire Code issues was just submitted and is to be circulated to members by email. 5. Reports & Correspondence (a) Managers 2011 Rental Reports (i) Vienna -Not available (ii) Shaffordville - received (b) 2011 Operating Budget Actuals to June 23lll- received Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held June 30, 2011. Page 31 of 297 (c) Special Occasion Permits & Extended Hours Moved by R Stewart Seconded by L Prues 'That the current hours for special events, including those under a Special Occasions Permit at both halls remain the same being bar closes and music/entertainment cease at 1:00 a.m., tables are cleared by 1:30 a.m. and all persons are out of the building by 2:00 a.m." Carried (d) Draft 5 year capital project 20ll -2015 Staff was directed to order ten new tables for the Bayham Community Centre once Council has passed the budget. (e) Removal of unused & broken wooden chairs BCC in basement & VCC in Electrical room Jackie D is to get the ten or so chairs welded by \Mill Arlo or Weber's; the rest have been fixed. Bill Gheysen is to ¿urange for the Vienna Lions to move the old chairs that are still good from the electrical room to the food booth at the Vienna Memorial Park. Broken ones are to be discarded. 6. Other Business Jackie D. noted that the $175 refund to the Straffordville Community Committee for the talent show fee waiver for 2010 is still outstanding. Lynda will confirm the amounts and have the balance refunded less the 20l l $100 fee. Jackie D. advised that weather stripping around the doors needs to be replaced with heavier material. She is to make a list of odd jobs that need doing and Lynda will arrange with Ed Matthews to complete. Jackie Ringland is to be asked to provide a list of additional small jobs that need to be done at Vienna. Bill noted that one of the oven racks is missing. Lynda will order a ne\ry one. Lynda advised that she is meeting with a contractor to complete laying the tile under the dishwasher area once it has been completed. 7. Concerns from Committee Members and/or Managers None 8. Committee of the \ilhole Closed Session (only if needed) Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held June 30, 2011. Page 32 of 297 Bayham Community Centres Committee draft minutes of meeting held June 30, 2011. Page 33 of 297 Page 34 of 297 5 (o6 Bayham Harbourfront Gommittee MINUTES Held at Municipal Office, 9344Plank Road, Straffordville, Ont. May 18,2011 7:00 pm Present: Brenda Martin-Chair, Ron Flick, Barry Wade, Doug Lester, CraigGregson, Lynn Acre, Ed Bradfield, Kyle Kruger, Glen Underwood, Earl Shea, Ron Bradfield, Tom Southwick, and guests Noel & Seda Hayes of Kingfisher's Cottages. (Mayor Paul Ens anived at 8:15 pm). Regrets: Ray Talbot 1. Call to Order: The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None Approval of the Minutes It was moved bv Lvnn Acre and seconded by Craig Gregson that the minutes Dredging: DREDGE UPDATE: K.Kruger reported that confirmation has been received from the engineers that l0 feet of depth is required in the harbour, with a 60- foot width, sloped sides. Some small scrub trees need to be removed plus all of the soil beneath those trees. This extra will require additional approvals from LPRCA. Brian Riggr is helping with the permits. MOE appears to be OK with in-water disposal, but still requiring more information. B.Riggs has completed more outer harbour soundings and has determined optional disposal sites for the dredgeate. Documents from Riggs regarding soundings have gone to ministry May 13 for approval. Bayham expects to receive approval midllate June. May 30 the RFP for dredging harbour this year will go out. Only l0 weeks of opportunity to dredge. (July I - mid Sept.) A discussion followed regarding the addition of a booster pump to the IMS dredge to double its productivity, and make it a feasible alternative to hiring an outside contractor. It was suggested that the booster could be leased for one year to allow for the large amount of dredgeate removal. K.Kruger advised that Bayham could bid on its own RFP if this option proves to be feasible. G.Underwood agreed to compile a cost estimate for the purchase/lease of a booster pump. The lease agreement between the Elgin Military Museum and the Municipality should be finalized very soon. 3. 4. Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held May 18, 2011. Page 35 of 297 Chaþerson -2- 5. Grants Workgroup Update: No report. 6. Other Business: NauyBlues Updøte; Lynn Acre reported that attendance was low at Navy Blues Fest due to the rainy weather in the sunounding area. However the event was wellrun, well attended by locals and enjoyed by all. Membershíp:Douglester sent his letter of resignation from the committee. It was moved by L.Acre and seconded by T.South\Mick that we accept. with much regret. the resignation of Doug Lester. Motion Carried. The chairman advised that she presented D.Lester with a gift and extended appreciation for his participation in the committee. 7. Adjournment & Next Meeting Date: It was moved by Ron Bradfield and Tuesdav June 7. 2011 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal offrce. Motion Carried' Secretary Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held May 18, 2011. Page 36 of 297 DRINKIN¿ LVÂ-rtrrl CE L_) EÒò LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEET¡NG MINUTES Thursday, June 2,2011 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, June 2, 2011 at the Grand River Conseryation Authority Administration Office,400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present: C. Ashbaugh, Ghair; H. Comwell, R. Haggart, J. Harrison, A. Henry, C. King, R. Krueger, l. Macdonald, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Penin, R. Seibel, M. Wales, W. Wright-Cascaden Members Regrets: M. Ceschi-Smith, P. General, M. Goldberg, K. Hunsberger, J. Laird, G. Montour, D. Murray, T. Schmidt, B. Ungar, P. Wilson, D. Woolcott Proxy Representatives: *P. Busatto (J. Laird), S. Kongara (M. Geschi-Smith), L Macdonald (8. Ungar), L. Perrin (D. Murray), W. Wright-Cascaden (M. Goldberg & D. Woolcott), N. Kodousek (T. Schmidt & P. Wilson) Liaisons:L. Ross, Provincial Liaison; J. Farwell, SPA Liaison Region Management C. Evanitski, LPRCA; C. Munay, KCCA; R. Sackrider, LPRCA; Committee: K. Smale, CCCA; E. VanHooren, KCCA S. Brocklebank, GRCA; S. Cooke, GRCA; N. Davy, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; L. Heyming, GRCA; E. Hodgins, Region of Waterloo; C. Jacques, LPRCA; M. Keller, GRCA; L. Lobe, Region of Waterloo; T. Ryan, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; E. Stahl, GRCA; H. Waite, County of Oxford; A. Wong, GRCA; G. Zwiers, GRCA 1. Gallto Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Gertification of Quorum - 17 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 of members) The Recording Secretary called the rolland certified quorum. 3. Chairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted that the public meetings for the notice of plan commencement have been going well. He thanked municipal and conservation authority staff and source protection committee members attending the meetings for their support and dedication. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 37 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June2,2011 Page2 4. Review of Agenda Movedby: A.Hen Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of June 2, 2011 be approved as distributed. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - May 5,2011 Moved by: D. Parker Seconded by: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting May 5, 2011 be approved as distributed. 7. Hearing of Delegations None 8. Presentations None 9. Correspondence a) Copies for Members None b) Not Copied None 10. Reports a) SPG-Il-06-01 Draft Updated Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report Public Comments S. Brocklebank provided an overview of Report SPC-11-06-01. R. Haggart asked how individuals who provided comments on the assessment report will be notified how their comments were taken into consideration. S. Brocklebank advised that the comments and the response to the comments are included in Appendix A of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 38 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June 2,2011 Res. Â/o. 38-11 Moved by: A. Henry Seconded by: J. Oliver Page 3 assessment report, which will be posted on www.sourcewater.ca. L. Penin asked if there could be some type of generic notification sent to those who commented which states that the committee received the comments and that the responses to the comments are in Appendix A of the assessment report. He expressed concern that a lack of response could be perceived as the comments having fallen on deaf ears. C. Ashbaugh asked how many responses would have to be sent out if staff were to respond to the comments. M. Keller identified that there are not a substantial number of comments; staff were following the process as it was done last year. The assessment report is posted online, and the public can look at the next posted version to see if or how their comments were addressed. He further noted that the agendas, reports and minutes are public information and are also posted online, although this approach does require that those who commented follow up on their own initiative. A. Henry suggested that even if only a form letter, it would be beneficial to send a letter acknowledging receipt and advising how those who commented how they can follow up. S. Kongara advised that if there were comments that cannot be addressed by the assessment report pertaining to the Brantford water supply, City of Brantford staff would like to know. Although the comments may not fit the criteria for an amendment to the assessment report, and the comments may not be addressed through this process, the municipality may be able to contact that person and discuss possible altemate methods of addressing their concerns. W. Wright-Cascaden suggested that, in future, the public can be advised how their comments will be addressed both in the public consultation posting and at the public consultation meetings. carried unanimously THAT the Proposed lJpdated Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report be submitted to the Keftle Creek Source Protection Authority, as required under section 19 of the Clean Water Act. b) SPC-ll-06-02 Draft Amended Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report Public Comments S. Brocklebank provided an overview of Report SPC-11-06-02. J. Oliver asked why the Ministry of the Environment is providing additional comments so late in the process. S. Brocklebank responded that when the Long Point Region Assessment Report was approved on April 29, the Ministry of the Environment provided additional comments with their approval as they had previously done with the Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek assessment reports. L. Ross added that the Ministry's approach is to send the approval letter, and in a separate attachment include additional steps the Ministry of the Environment would like to see for the assessment report. The proposed changes are not required to meet the regulations and do not alter the report significantly, but they are changes the Ministry of the Environment would like made to the report. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 39 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June 2,20'11 Res. /Vo. 39-11 Moved by: J. Oliver Seconded by: L. Perrin Res.IVo. 40-11 Moved by: l. Macdonald Seconded by: M. Wales Page 4 R. Haggart summarized that there are no major changes for the report as a result of the Ministry's comments. L. Ross replied affirmatively adding that if major amendments were required, there would have been a Directors' letter indicating the changes required and requesting that, once the changes were made that the report be re-submitted. L. Ross added that the Approved Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report has been posted on the EBR. carried unanímously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to make the recommended changes to the Draft Updated Long Point Region Source Protection Area Assessmenf Report in response to comments received during the consultation period. c) SPG-11-06-03 Draft Amended Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report Public Gomments M. Keller provided an overview of Report SPC-11-06-03 and noted that, since the report was written, it has been confìrmed that the Chiefswood property is below the intake protection zone for Ohsweken. As such, concerns identified in a comment received cannot be addressed in the assessment report. Further, it has been identified that the property noted is on reserve, so the provincial source protection planning process is not able to address this comment. As a result, there are no changes required to the assessment report. R. Seibel pointed out that the summary of comment G identifìes the extraction as below the water table when in fact the full comment identifies the extraction as above water table. He also asked if there were handouts for comments A-C. S. Brocklebank identified that comments A-C were handwritten comments from the public open houses. carried unanímously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to make the recommended changes to the Amended Grand River Source Protection Area Asses sment Report. J. Oliver asked how the indefinite delay of the submission of the Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report will affect the committee's ability to comply with the legislated timelines. M. Keller responded that he does not think it will affect compliance because everything required to develop the policies is cunently available. lt is his hope that the Ministry's review will not result in a lot of new amendments. lt is likely the Amended Assessment Report will be submitted in July or August, depending on the extent of the comments received from the Ministry. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 40 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June 2,2011 d) SPC-If -06-04 Livestock Grazing/Pasturing Discussion Paper Page 5 H. Waite provided an overview of SPC-11-06-04 and the Livestock Grazing/Pasturing Discussion Paper. D. Parker commented that the discussion paper appears to have omitted dead stock control. M. Keller responded that the livestock grazing/pasturing discussion paper would not be the appropriate place to consider dead stock, and suggested that it would be better placed under waste. He added, however, that he does not believe dead stock is being considered under waste either, and suggested that this is more an omission of the regulation rather than the discussion papers. L. Ross added that dead stock is exempt from Source Protection Planning because there are other regulations in which it is addressed. J. Olíver pointed out that he thought it was agreed at a previous meeting that there would be merit in the project team providing some sort of ranking of the policy options. M. Keller responded that this recommendation was taken back to the project team, and the project team expressed concern that a robust evaluation system and criteria would be required to rank the policy options; otherwise the ranking would be a subjective exercise. The project team was also concerned that ranking the policy options may impact the municipalities' flexibility when selecting policy options. As a compromise, they are using wording like 'most promising' and 'most useful' in the discussion papers. W. Wright-Cascaden added that the project team tried to include some sample policies that they thought were the most realistic for the broadest range of municipalities. She noted that there are still choices within those examples, but the examples provide a starting point. Because of the wide range of resources of the municipalities it would have been too prescriptive to have adopted a 'good, better, best" ranking of the policy options. R. Haggart asked how the discussion papers are being released to municipalities, noting that he has a number of organizations that are interested in reviewing the discussion papers once released. M. Keller responded that the discussion papers are being released to municipalities via e-mail, through the municipal water services and planning directors group. He added that it is also posted on the website as part of the agenda. N. Kodousek asked if there will be a recommendation to implement common programs if there are synergies between various municipalities and if some recommendations could be directed towards the Ministry. She noted that although some programs already exíst, any new programs would require funding, and funding will affect how municipalities do their policy evaluations. M. Keller replied that, although proposed policies can be directed to the province, in many æses they can only be recommendations. Whereas, policies directed towards the municipalities are a requirement for the most part. The cost will be, in many cases, the deciding factor. There are no commitments from the province with respect to future funding, although that is something this region can advocate. L. Ross pointed out that there is funding available under the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program until 2012 but beyond that, there has been no formal commitment. She noted however, the Source Protection Programs branch is currently investigating possible funding models for implementation and the chairs and project managers will be involved in that discussion. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 41 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June2,2011 Res. lVo. 41-11 Moved by: A. Henry Seconded by: L. Perrin Page 6 R. Krueger suggested charging a nominal fee for access to the discussion paper; the money from the fee would then be redirected to an implementation fund. He noted that industry does this by charging a fee for white papers. D. Parker noted a gpographical error on the first page, third paragraph which says "handling and storage of fuel". D. Parker requested that the paper be amended to include dead stock as a threat noting that he would prefer to include it and be told to take it out than not include it. M. Keller responded that he could discuss with the Ministry of the Environment how dead stock can be included in the procÆss and can report back. L. Ross noted that, although the legislation regarding what can be included in the plan is fairly restrictive, she can also verify how dead stock fits into the process. One of the objectives is that the policy must be a threat policy. She reminded members that the committee can, however, express their opinions outside of the plan. W. Wright-Cascaden suggested that she would prefer that M. Keller follow up with options for including dead stock rather than including it in this discussion paper right now. M. Wales pointed out that the wording in the legislation that does address dead stock was recently updated. The wording is very specific regarding what can and cannot be done with respect to composting and burial in relation to water and the water table. He conceded, however, that there is still the issue with the regulation being ignored, noting that this is still worthwhile to investigate through the Clean Water Act. R. Seibel suggested that the committee could ask the province for approval to consider the burying of dead stock as a local threat in a future assessment report. L. Ross suggested that she will also investigate whether it can be included if there is an issue related to that activity. carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee release the Livestock Grazing and Pasturing Land Drscussion Paper to municipalities for source protection planning purposes. e) SPG-Il-06-05 Outdoor Gonfinement Discussion Paper H. Waite provided an overview of Report SPC-11-06-05 and the Outdoor Confinement Discussion Paper. A. Henry noted that the discussion paper focuses on pathogenic threats and asked how quantity threats will be taken into consideration. He noted that watering large herds of animals can take considerable quantities of water. M. Keller responded that a permit to take water would be required in this instance and that this water taking would be evaluated where there is a Tier 3 water budget. J. Etienne clarified that it is difficult to take livestock operations into consideration for a water quantity assessment, because they do not require permits to take water. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 42 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June 2,2011 Page 7 A. Henry asked if future operations could be considered through official plans, zoning, bylaws, or permits, noting that any well over 50,000 litres per day requires a permit from the Ministry of the Environment. L. Ross responded that there are exemptions; she would need to reference the Ontario Water Resources Act to confirm, but believes providing water to animals is exempt. A. Henry noted there are some legislative changes forthcoming regarding the Great Lakes and asked if inclusion of watering animals in the permit to take water process would be one of the modifications. M. Wales noted that he would suggest that the farm community would be opposed this type of amendment to the Great Lakes Annex agreement. He further stated that amending this agreement will be a very slow process. D. Parker noted a Çpographical error on page 6 pertaining to the storage and handling of fuel. Referring to minimum distance set-backs, he stated that he believes that set-backs must be reciprocal. He also reiterated that he feels dead stock should be included. L. Ross stated that, as she mentioned at the last meeting, policy in the source protection plan can only address prescribed or local threats; the establishment of a well or home is not a prescribed threat. She stated that it is a valid point, but in terms of the committee having the authority regarding the locating of a well, it is not within the scope of the sourcè protection committee. W. Wright-Cascaden pointed out that locating a well would be addressed through the environmental assessment process. Res. À/o. 42-11 Moved by: D. Parker Seconded by: L. Penin carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee release the Outdoor Confinement Area and Farm Animal Yard Discussion Paper to municipalities for source protection planning purposes. * The committee took a break at 2:45 and reconvened at 2:53. 0 SPC-Il-06-06 Storage and Handling of Fuels Discussion Paper L. Lobe provided an overview of Report SPC-11-06-06 and the Storage and Handling of Fuels Discussion Paper. L. Ross noted that on page 5, under gaps, it states that the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) does not require a mechanism to notify a municipality. She stated that, under Part 10 of the EPA, there is an obligation to notify a number of parties, including municipalities. She pointed out that there are exemptions, and she can provide those for inclusion. A. Henry asked if the example of the Risk Management Plan should state provision and approval. M. Keller replied affirmatively. W. Wright Cascaden pointed out that Risk Management Plans are only negotiated between the risk management official and the property owrìer; it would not be a complete risk management plan unless both parties approved and signed the agreement. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 43 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June 2,2011 Res. IVo. 43-11 Moved by: L Macdonald Seconded by: M. Wales Page 8 carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee release the Handting and Storage of Fuel Drscussion Paper to municipalities for source protection planning purposes. g) SPG-Il-06-07 Storage and Handling of Organic Solvents Discussion Paper L. Lobe provided an overview of Report SPC-11-06-07 and the Storage and Handling of Organic Solvents Discussion Paper. L. Ross refened to the example policy tool for specify action and pointed out that there is a requirement to comply with an action only as long as it is a signifìcant threat. lt would not have that legal effect in areas that do not have a significant threat. Res. Â/o. /U-11 Movedby: A.Henry Seconded by: l. Macdonald carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection C,ommittee release the Handling and Storage of an Organic Solvent Drscusslon Paper to municipalities for source protection planning purposes. h) SPC-í f -06-08 Storage and Handling of DNAPLs Discussion Paper L. Lobe provided an overview of Report SPC-11-06-08 and the Storage and Handling of DNAPLS Discussion Paper. L. Ross pointed out that there is no requirement under legislation to write a one-size-fits- all policy for this type of threat. ln addition to prohibition, the committee could elect to recommend, for example, a risk management plan for commercial operation or an education and outreach policy for household use. C. Ashbaugh expressed his concern regarding DNAPLs, and advised that it is his hope that the committee makes a concerted attempt to address DNAPLs. L Macdonald advised that industries are aware of the hazardous nature of DNAPLs and have replaced it where they can. lndustries recognized decades ago that there are other prefened options; DNAPLs are only used where absolutely necessary. Many sites of concern are sites from the past. R. Krueger questioned the threats total of "0" for DNAPLs for Haldimand County noting that PAH's would be by-products of combustion from the Nanticoke power plant. L. Lobe advised that staff will investigate and confirm the threats number for Haldimand County. M. Keller concurred but pointed out that, even if the reports states "0" and they do have PAHs, there would still be a requirement to comply with any policy developed. The threats totals are merely a snapshot in time. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 44 of 297 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee June2,2011 Page 9 Res. No. 45-11 Moved by: l. Macdonald Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee release the Handling and Storage of a Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Drscussion Paper to municipalities for source protection planning purposes. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings None 12. Other Business a) Question and A¡rswer Period None 13. Closed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting-Thursday, June 16,2011, l:00 pm Grand River Gonservation Authority,400 Clyde Road, Gambridge, ON C. Ashbaugh reminded members that an SPC meeting is scheduled for June 16, 2011 at the GRCA. The July 7,2011 meeting will be at the Ohsweken Fairgrounds. The August 4, 2011 meeting will begin with a tour of the Nanticoke Water Treatment Plant followed by the Source Protection Committee meeting at the Jarvis Community Centre. 15. Adjourn Moved by: l. Macdonald Seconded by: R. Krueger carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of June 2,2011 be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held June 2, 2011. Page 45 of 297 Page 46 of 297 I*I ã:i'å::'""t Environnement Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin St. Toronto Ontario Canada M3H 5T4 \liay 20,2011 Dear Friend of the Great Lakes, We are pleased to provide you with the attached 2011 Lakewide Management Annual Report(s). Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs) are developed and implemented by US and Canadian federal, state and Ontario provincial government agencies in consultation with many other partners. LaMPs support the restoration and protection of the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Great Lakes as prescribed by the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. These plans provide the framework for binational environmental restoration and protection efforts, identify actions necessary; and co-ordinate the work of the numerous partners involved in the implementation of these actions. Lakewide Management Plans establish environmental goals and targets, assess the state of the ecosystem and develop strategies to implement actions addressing priority issues. The annual management reports highlight progress over the past year, challenges forthe lake, and outline planned activities including outreach, monitoring, protection and restoration actions. Ihese reports were developed cooperatively by Environment Canada and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and reflects the collaborative effotls of federal, state, tribal and provincial governments, as well as stakeholder organizations. ln addition to the printed versionis that we are sending you, the reports may also be found on Environment Canada's web site at http://wvvw.ec,qc.ca/ qreatlakes and on the Binational.net web site at: http://binational.neVhome e.html Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have comments or questions regarding these reports, lndividual lake staff contacts are listed on each report or feel free to contact us at qreatlakes-qrandslacs@ec.gc.ca. We appreciate and value your interest in the progress of Environment Canada's Great Lakes programs. Acting Director, Great Lakes Division Environment Canada Stav lnformed! lf you have recently moved, or if you wish to be added to our distribution list to receive LaMP annual reports as they become available, please send an email to greatlakes-q randslacs@ec.oc.ca with the following information: . Your name, company or organization and mailing address . YoLrr preference to receive documents in electronic or print format . Your email address . Anything else you may want to let us know or ask about the Great Lakes! As always, your details will be treated as privileged information and will only be used to disseminate our Great Lakes information to you, our stakeholders. These distribution lists are never shared outside of Environment Canada, é-ao .c Can www.ec.gc.ca ""*it.". '".#' Corresondence dated May 20, 2011 from Environment Canada regarding "2011 Lakewide Management Annual Report". Page 47 of 297 LAKE ERIE LAKEWIDE & :MANAGEMENT PLAN iAnnual Repo rT 2011 t'- in this lssue Overview...., ........................1 Accomp1ishments....,......,......,...........,........ 2 Overview The Lake Erie ecosystem is unique. lt is the shallowest and the most biologically diverse of all the Great Lakes. The Lake Erie watershed is home to over 11 million people, supports one of the largest freshwater fisheries in the world, and provides many recreational and tourism opportunities due to the presence of numeious beaches and extensive wetland complexes. lt is sensitive to pressures from urban and rural land uses, such as excessive nutrient inputs, habitat loss and degradation and the introduction of non-native invasive species. Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP) participants continue to tackle the challenqe of managing this variable and sensitive ecosystem. This Annual Report summarizes recent progress, as well as challenges and next steps. Highlights in this 2011 report include:. An update on the sett¡ng of ¡nd¡cator targets for total phosphorus concentrations in Lake Erie;. An update on the Great Lakes Restoration lnitiat¡ve (GLRI) and Canada-Ontario Agreement (COA); . An update on algae and a call to action to address the issue; . Potential irnpacts of climate change on hypoxia (areas of low dissolved oxygen) in Lake Erie;. An update on tlre development of the Binational Biodiversity Conservation Strategy for Lake Erie Although progress continues, there is still much work to be done. lf you would like to know more, please visit the website alwww.binational.net or use the contacts listed on the back page. Ò Challenges Next Steps Watershed Map..........,......,.........................4 Special Events 4 ......2 What is the LaMP? Under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the governments of Canada and the Unitecl States agreed "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes Basirr Ecosystem". This is acconrplished in part through the developnrent and implenrentation of binational Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs) for each lake. Lake Erie LaMP participants have identified ecosystem goals ancl objectives and assessed the state of lake. Through the development of issr.re related strategies, the LaMP will iderrtify actions required to restore .rnd protect the lake and evaluate the effectiveness of those actions. The Lake Erie LaMP is coordinated by a committee of water quality natural resource managers fronr both Canada and the Ut'ìited States, with participation fronr federal, provincial, state and local govertrnrents tlrat have a role in implenrentation. For nrore irrfornration about the Lake Erie LaMP, visil.: www.binational.¡tet or http://w w w.ep a.gov/g I n po/e ri e. h t tn l. A view of Lake Er¡e at Long Point Provincial Park, Ontar¡o. Credit: o Ontario Parks. Corresondence dated May 20, 2011 from Environment Canada regarding "2011 Lakewide Management Annual Report". Page 48 of 297 -:, LAKE ERIE LAKEWIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN Annual Report 20'11 Accomplishments Lake Erie Total Phosphorus Targets Set, Nutrient M a n agem ent Strategy DeveloPed As part of its leadership role in restoring Lake Erie, the Lake Erie LaMP Management Committee set and agreed to indicator endpoints for total phosphorus concentrations for surface water (see table). These targets are based on the best available science, and when achieved, will reduce problem algal blooms in the Lake. This will, in turn, improve fish and wildlife habitat and recreational use of the lake, reduce additional costs for drinking water treatment, and improve hypoxia (low oxygen) in the central basin. Targets for Total Phosphorus Concentrations Offshore Western Basin 15 CentralBasln 10 Eastern Basin 10 Neafshore 20 Tributarlds 32 Coastal Wetlands one recording of <30 ¡rg/L annually xMean Annual Total Phosphorus Concentration FglL The Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy identifies the strategic actions required to move towards the achievement of these endpoints. As the implementation of the Nutrient Management Strategy moves forward, new research and monitoring will continue to fill knowledge gaps and may lead to the refinement of these targets. This will help to ensure that the targets are ecologically credible and sustainable to meet the vision, goals and objectives of the Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy. As part of its commitment to adaptive management, the LaMP Management Committee will closely monitor research advancements and recommend appropriate adjustments to nutrient management actions and targets to assure that sound science continues to serve as the basis for responsible public policy. Government Funds Flowing to Great Lakes Proiects Through the Great Lakes Restoration lnitiative, nearly USS18 million went to about 30 projects within the Lake Eríe Basin to address LaMP priorities such as phosphorus reduction, habitat restoration, and the creation of monitoring programs that will establish measurements of nearshore health. Detailed information on all GLRI projects can be found at: htt p : //g re atl a ke s r e sto r ati o n.u s/. ln Canada, action on LaMP priorities are supported through projects delivered under the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the G¡eat Lakes Basin Ecosystem (COA). For an overview of recent successes and accomplishments that have taken place, as well as challenges that are being faced under COA, g o to htt p: //w w w.ec.g c.ca /g re atl a ke s, click o n Ca na d a - Ontario Agreement, and then Keeping the Great Lakes Great under 2007-2010 COA. Ò Challenges Taking Action to Manage Nutrients in Lake Erie Lake Erie water quality has taken a turn for the worse. The algal blooms that threatened the Lake Erie ecosystem in the 1960s and 1970s have returned, and the extent and duration of anoxia/hypoxia in the central basin continues to increase. Growth of Cladophora, a type of algae, has once again become a problem in nearshore zones, and botulism outbreaks are believed to be linked to the interrelationships between Cladophora,zebra and quagga mussels and round gobies' Although it does not appear that total phosphorus loads are increasing lakewide, total phosphorus concentrations in the nearshore are, and significantly increased loads of soluble reactive phosphorus (a measure of the most biologically available form of phosphorus from non-point sources) have now been measured in the Maumee and Sandusky rivers' While the mechanisms behind these changes are areas of active scientific investigation, there is an urgent need now for coordinated and strategic nutrient management actions. The success of the Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy will depend on the commitment from various stakeholders to join forces and to change how nutrients are currently used, applied, transported and discharged' Multiple jurisdictions, in both Canada and the United States, will be Íesponsible for on the ground implementation actions. Laboratory on Gibraltar lsland' Ohio - August 2010. Photo credit: Dr. Jeffiey M, Reutter, Stone Laboratory Ohio State Un¡versity. Lake Erie and Watershed Habitat Type Harmful algal blooms as viewed from the docks in front of the Stone Corresondence dated May 20, 2011 from Environment Canada regarding "2011 Lakewide Management Annual Report". Page 49 of 297 LAKE ERIE LAKEWIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN Annual Report 2011 Algal Blooms increasing in Western Lake Erie Lake Erie is once.again experiencing significant harmful algal blooms. The hot summer of 2010 produced a sickly and unprecedented bloom of toxic blue-green algae in western Lake Erie. Scientists working on Lake Erie, blame high concentrations of phosphorus and high water temperatures for the re-emergence of algal blooms on course to be the worst in 30 or 40 years. Loadings of soluble reactive phosphorus from the Maumee and Sandusky rivers have been the highest and second highest respectively since records began in 1975.ln 2009, harmful algal blooms led to swimming advisories along Ohio's Lake Erie shoreline for the first time since the 1970s. Hypoxia to Worsen with Climate Change Zones of hypoxia (areas of low dissolved oxygen) have increased in the Great Lakes over the past 50 years and represent a significant threat to the health and economy of the lakes. Research now suggests that this will continue to worsen with climate change. Hypoxia is linked to eutrophication. Eutrophication occut's when nutrients from point sources (e.9. wastewater discharge) and non-point sources (e.g. runoff from croplands) cause algae to proliferate, Bacterial decomposition of dead algae leads to areas of low dissolved oxygen on the lake bottom. Lake Erie has likely always experienced zones of hypoxia in the late summer due to natural factors, with the central basin being the most vulnerable. Although late summer hypoxia is a natural phenomenon in Lake Erie, summer oxygen depletion rates increased during the 1950s and 1960s due to increased phosphorus loadings. Phosphorus reduction programs led to improved conditions unt¡l the late 1990s, when bottom water hypoxia returned to pre-act¡on levels, with increases in non- po¡nt sources pinpointed as the most likely cause. Climate change will likely exacerbate the development of hypoxic conditions in Lake Erie, as well as the occurrence of other related ecological problems, such as harmful algal blooms. For example, climate change is expected to increase precipitation, which will promote increased runoff of nutrients to coastal ecosystems. Expected long-term ecological changes from climate change will mean an earlier onset of hypoxia each year and, possibly, a longer overall duration. As our understanding of climate change impacts become better understood, this new knowledge will be applied to current nutrient reduction strategies within the basin. For more information on hypoxia, go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/ d efa u I t /fr I e s / m i cro site s /o stp/ hy p oxi a - re p o r t. p df . Ò Next Steps Developing o Binational Biodiversìty Conservation Strategy Biological diversity, or biodiversity, refers to the variety of life, as expressed through genes, species, and ecosystems, and is shaped by ecological and evolutionary processes. The full spectrum of biodiversity is essential to ma¡ntaining the ecological functions, processes, and connections that sustain us and provide many economic and social benefits. The biodiversity of Lake Erie is under stress from multiple factors, including degradation of water quality in tributaries and open waters; climate change; aquatic and terrestrial invasive species; loss and fragmentation of habitaq rapid residential and industrial growth; altered hydrology; and agricultural practices that result in excess nutrients and sediments flowing into tributary streams or significant alterations of watershed hydrology. Natural resource management agencies and their partners around the Lake Erie watershed have recommended the creation of a Lake Erie Biodiversity Conservat¡on Strategy (Biodiversity Strategy) that will include long-term strategies to restore and protect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Lake Erie ecosystem. Through Great Lakes Restoration lnit¡ative funding and support from Environment Canada, The Nature Conservancy and The Nature Conservancy of Canada are currently working with a broad network of U.5. and Canadian scientists, natural resource professionals, non-profit organizations, the Lake Erie LaMP work group, and other stakeholders, to create the Biodiversity Strategy, which will highlight the conservation features ( e.g., species, systems, processes, functions) that represent the biodiversity of the lake, identify the key threats to these features, and propose long-term strategies that, when implemented, will conserve a functioning system. The Biodiversity Strategy is expected to be completed by Fall 2012. For further information, please contact Doug Pearsall, The Nature Conservancy, at dpearsall@tnc.org. Ò Lake Erie's wild species and spaces will benefit from the Binational Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. Photo credit: @ Jim Schmidt, provided by U.S, National Parks Service. Corresondence dated May 20, 2011 from Environment Canada regarding "2011 Lakewide Management Annual Report". Page 50 of 297 @ LAKE ERIE LAKEWIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN Annual..R¡port 2011 Special Events Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities lnitiative Conference Location: Niagara Falls, ON Date: June 15-lZ 2011 For More lnformation: htt p : //w w w.gls I citi e s.o rg State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference Location: Erie, PA Date: Octob er 26-27, 2011 For More lnformation: htt p://w w w. so I e creg i st r ati o n.ca Catalogue No.: En1 61 -71201'l E The Lake Erie Drainage Basin The Lake Erie ecosystem naturally functions in three distinct basins. lts shoreline includes Point Pelee, the most southerly point in Canada, as well as portions of Ontario and the states of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. r grCløwlond s 0 s(lM 0 Legenà a Citia.llows /\/ a)L.tt,' t ù¿a ./ )' ln\ernaLionalDoràet fribularies l_l tzkeÉrie6aøin Ji Michigo ndnor 9'' @ For More lnformation: For more information about the Lake Erie Lakewide For more information about the Lake Erie Binational Management Plan, visit the website at Public Forum, please contact; www.binational.net or contact: ln Canada: ln Canada: Theresa Hollingsworth Kelly Phillips Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Environment Canada 1424 Clarke Road 4905 Dufferin St. London ON Canacla N5V 589 Toronto ON Canada M3H 5T4 hollingswortht@thamesriver.on.co greatlakes-grandslacsgec.gc.ca In the United States: ln the United States: Joe Logan Dan O'Riorclan Ohio Environmental Council U.5. Environmental Protection Agency 1207 Grandview Avenue #201 77 Wesr Jackson Blvd., G,17J Columbus OH USA 43212-3449 Chicago lL USA 60604-3511 ioe@theoec.org orio rd an.dan i e lEepo.gov Corresondence dated May 20, 2011 from Environment Canada regarding "2011 Lakewide Management Annual Report". Page 51 of 297 Page 52 of 297 -)Page I of2 Kyle Kruger From: Ministry of lnfrastructure [info.moi@ontario.ca] Sent: June24,2011 4:22PM To: Kyle Kruger Subject: Building Together, Ontario's Long-Term lnfrastructure Plan Ministry of lnfrastructure Ministère de I'infrastructure Office of the Minister Bureau du ministre Sth Floor, Mowat Block 5e étage, édiflce Mowat 900 Bay Street 900, rue Bay Toronto ON M7A 1C2 Toronto (Ontario) M7A1C2 Tel: 416 325-5270 Tél:416 325-5270 Fax:416 325-8860 Téléc: 416 325-8860 www.ontario.calinfrastructure www.ontario.calinfrastructure June 24,2011 His Worship Paul Ens Mayor Municipality of Bayham bayham@bayham.on.ca Dear Mayor Ens: I am pleased to inform you of the release of the Government of Ontario's new long{erm infrastructure plan, Building Together. Building Together presents a strategic framework for continued infrastructure investment that drives economic growth and enhances our quality of life. lt also provides clarity, sustainability and greater predictability in Ontario's infrastructure policies, while focusing on ensur¡ng the province remains economically competitive and innovative. Through Building Together, the province will continue to make significant investments in public infrastructure over the next decade. We will begin by investing more than $35 billion over the next three years, including $12.8 billion in 2011-12. These investments are projected to create and preserve over 300,000 jobs. The development of our plan was guided by our extensive consultations across the province, and I am grateful for the valuable input of our partners in this important process. The detailed plan is available on our ministry's website. To access the full document, please visit www. o ntar!e-qa/þurld i ngþgethel. We value collaboration with our partners in addressing the province's infrastructure challenges. Working together, we have crafted a long-term plan which willfocus Ontario's infrastructure investments to create jobs and help enhance the quality of life of all Ontarians. Please accept my very best wishes. 27106120tr Correspondence dated June 24, 2011 from Ministry of Infrastructure regarding "Building Together". Page 53 of 297 Page2 of2 Minister of lnfrastructure c: Mr Kyle Kruger, Administrator, Municipality of Bayham 27t06120t1 Correspondence dated June 24, 2011 from Ministry of Infrastructure regarding "Building Together". Page 54 of 297 l CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: July7,2}ll FROM: G"rry LeMay, Manager Public Works FILE: 1ù? SUBJECT: Harmony Acres Speed Limit NUMBER: PW 2011-07 Purpose This report is further to a resident request for a speed limit reduction on Harmony Acres Line in the Municipality of Bayham. Background Council received a concern from a resident on Harmony Acres Line with speeding vehicles, asking for a reduced speed limit. Council referred the letter to staff and the OPP for comment. The current speed limit on this road is 80 km per hour. The Highway Traffic Act provides for speed limits of 80 km per hour on local roads unless a municipal by-law is passed setting a different limit Staff Comments Although Harmony Acres Line is avery small street in length, unfortunately we are being faced with the speeding of four wheel drive vehicles and off road vehicles. There may be access to area gullies and unofficial trails that is attracting these to this area. The Police stated that off road vehicles have the option of crossing the roadway but if they choose to go down the roadway similar to a vehicle they are subject to the same rules of the roads as are motor vehicles and in turn subject to the same fines regarding insurance, license, and other similar items. In discussion with the OPP, reduced speed limits are not suggested as an effective deterrent in this case. Signage alone tends to be little deterrent. The Municipality presently has very few areas where the speed limit is reduced to control the speed of traffic and it is a general thought the best means of controlling speeding is through enforcement. Staff have contacted the OPP regarding this concem and the Police advise that patrols will assist in this concern. Therefore, the OPP will attempt to increase enforcement not only of speed limits, but also licencing/insurance requirements etc for off road vehicles. The Ontario Provincial Police feel that their presence will and should control the speeding on this particular roadway as well as others in the Municipality. Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1 . Goal #2 A well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Staff Memorandum 20Il-07 be received. Respectfully submitted, Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works Reviewed By. Staff Report PW2011-07 regarding "Harmony Acres Speed Limit". Page 55 of 297 Page 56 of 297 Municipatity of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of June 2011 File: PlO Jul-02-2011 No.Date Roll #Permit Ilolder Property Descrlptlon Building Tvpe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 40 3-Jun )-006-l 8400 Reddecopp, Heinrich I 1590 Plank Road construct storaee shed 500so ft 7.500 80.0( 4l 6-Jun u -001-l 7500 Uren. James ]6 Erieus Street :onstruct 2 patio decks 320so ft 2.500 160.0( 42 7-Jun )-007-04203 On the Mark Homes & Constr )346 Sorineerhill Road me storey house il attached earage 3006sq ft 225.000 1595.0(375.0( 43 8-Jun l-001-l95OOmlit Ianzen. David 37 Union Street )ne storey house w/ attached earaee 2138so ft 200.00(1343.0(185.0( 44 3-Jun ¿-001-21700 Southem. Justin 34 Robinson Street :hange use ofmain floor ofblde to café restaurant 20(80.0( 45 3-Jun )-004-06400 Luce. Ma¡vin 57401 Heritase Line ronstruct one storev shoo l280so ft 25.00(387.0( 46 4-Jun z-001-34700 Bradfield. Bonnie 25 Wellinston Sheet ¡onstruct handicao ramD to front ofbldp 2.00(80.0( 47 6-Jun ¿-001-02400 Barber. Alan 19 Elizabeth Steet )onstruct Datio deck 420so ft 2.00(80.0( 48 2O-Jun )-004-10417 Friesen. Peter 56866 Heritase Line lonstruct Datio deck 5l2sa ft 2.40(80.0( 49 2l-Jun )-006-12200 Nevill. Robert 12229 Plank Road :emove and reDlace existins sunroom 2lOso ft 54.00(181.0( 50 22-J¡n +-001-23700 Morrell. Donna 14 Walnut Sûeet )ne storey house W attached earase 2592so ft r 50,00(1530.0(185.0( June-l1 670-600 s,s96.00 74s.0Í 2011 YEARTO DATE t.623455 r8.294.00 3225.0( June-10 3.032.70(15.475.00 E50.0( 2O1O YEARTO DATE 5.126.5ó(35-4s6.00 3100.0( Prepared by: Reviewed by:sM7/4120n excel\monthly\buildper B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 1 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 5 7 o f 2 9 7 Page 58 of 297 t coRpoRATroN oF Trü'MtINrcPALrrY,oF'BÄYHAM ?tø sTAft:ßn-p,gnÏ TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: June 28,2011 FROM: Gord Roesch - Fire Chief FILE: SUBJECT: Statíon 1 - Port Burwell NUMBER: P2011-012 Purpose This report is to provide Council with an update as to the structural integrity of Bayham Fire Station #1 - Port Burwell. Background Peter Corfield and Associates completed a Master Fire Plan and that plan was submitted to council on April 15th,2010. One of the recommendations in the Master Fire Plan was to replace the current fire station in Port Burwell. A committee was established and several meetings have taken place. Staff Report (FD2010-002) was subsequently presented to council and a resolution authorizing staff to move forward and hire an engineering firm to represent the municipality was passed. The Municipality hired Dawley Engineering and currently there are plans before Council to consider. On June 27,2011 the Fire Chief was made aware that earlier in the day part of the floor in the south apparatus area of Station #1 had given way. On June 28, 2011 the Fire Chief inspected the area in question, and requested the Chief Building Official attend and give an opinion as to the integrity of the apparatus floor area. The CBO attended and deemed that the area was unsafe, and subsequently issued an order under the Ontario Building Code. The order is attached to this report. Staff Gomments 1. Apparatus have been moved as per the order. a. After consultation with both District Chiefs, we moved Tanker 1 to Station 2. b. The 1933 Bickel (antique fire truck) has been relocated to a private storage area. 2. Station 1 does not have a tanker, Station #2will automatically respond with both tankers to a call in Station 1 running area. lt is important to note that the majority of the Station I urban running area is serviced by fire hydrants. 3. Station 2 has adjusted the training schedule to allow firefighters to train with Tanker 1 and its equípment. Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 Page 59 of 297 4. Due to the engineering work underway and the current information before Council regarding the replacement of Station #1, notwithstanding council direction to the contrary, staff does not recommend spending any money to repair the existing facility. Attachments 1. Station 1 - Order to Complv.pdf Recommendations 1. That council receives report P2011-012 and further more direct staff to take Bayham Station 1 replacement documents to tender. Respectfully submitted, Roesch Reviewed By: Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 Page 60 of 297 Municipality of Bayham, 9344 PlankRoad, Straffordville, ON, NOJ 1Y0, BCIN# 19636 Order Number: (optional) Order to Gomply Pursuant to Subsection l2(2) of the Buílding Code Act' I 992 Date Order issued: June 2t' 2011 ApplicationÆermit Number:Address to which Order applies 24 Pitt StreeÇ Port Burwell Order issued to: Municipalityof Bafam P.O. Box 160 Staffordville, ON NOJ lYO The inspection on or about June 28,2011 at the above-refsrenced address found the following contrave'lrtion(s) of the Building Code or the Euilding Code Act, 1992. You a¡e hereby ordered to correct the contraveotions iteNnizd below irrmediateþ Name Bill BCIN 23413 Telephone no. 51 9-866'5521 Contact tel. number (optional) Signature Contactname ( Note: r It is illegal to obstn¡ct the visibility of a posted O¡der. It is also illegal to remove a posted Order unless authorized by an inspector or Registered Code Agency. lBuílding Code Aql992 s.20) r An Order may be app€aled to the Superior Court of Justice. [Buítdíng Code Acç 1992 s.2í).Itnay also-be appealed to the Building Co¿ã Comn¡sion concerning the sr¡fificie,ncy of comptiance with the technical requirenents of the Building Code. lBuìlding CodeAct, 1992 s-241 o Failure to comply with this Order could result in a Stop Work Order. lBuílding Code Act, 1992 s. l4J o Failue to comply with this Order is an offence uùich could result in a fne.lBuilding Code Act 1992 s.361 ¡ ' No construction affected by this Order is to be covered until inspected and approved.lBuilding Code Act, 1992 s-l3l Item Refere¡rce Description and location Required action and compliance date I 15.e(4)A portion of the existing buil¿ling is inanunsafe condition See ¡tt¡ched Schedute'A' for details Order issued by: This form is authorized by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing under the Building Code Act, 1992 Page I of I Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 Page 61 of 297 Municþatity of Bayham 93,14 PlankRoad, Post OfficeBox 160 Staffordville ON NOI lYO Phone (519) 86Gs52l Fæc (519) 866-3884 June 28,2011 Municipalþ of Baytam P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO Dear Sir: Re: 24 Pitt Steet, iort Burwell (Port Br¡rwell Firehall) Order to Compl¡ Rerredy Unsafe Condition, Schedule "4" The above mentioned existing building was inspected on June 28,2011 by the undersigned. It was found that the south bayparking Eal rge floor has collapsed in various locations. It is assumed that the weight of the fire truck has re,ndered the concrete floor slab unusable. Photographs of the floor slab locations are attached. This portion of the building is considered as beingunsafe due to its conditioq (as per Section 15.9Q) of the Ontario Building Code Act) "A building is unsafe if the building is in a condition that could be hazardous to the health or safety of persons in the norrnal use of the building and/or if the building is stnrcturally inadequate or faulty for the pu{pose for which it is used." The continued use of south bay parking garrge for the parking of fire trucks shall cease inmediately. Theuse of this portion ofthebuilding as aparking gara5e shall not reoornmence until structural modifications of the concrete floor slab are completed under the direction of a Professional Engineer. Yours üuly, ChiefBuilding Official Drainage Superintendent Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 Page 62 of 297 Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 Page 63 of 297 Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 Page 64 of 297 , .., ¡,.i/'ra' ì t,'ûi .t.tèt Staff Report P2011-012 regarding "Station 1 - Port Burwell". File: P16 Page 65 of 297 Page 66 of 297 ? CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAITII REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gord Roesch - Fire Chief SUBJECT: Communications Agreement DATE: June 30,2011 FILE: L o 4 NUMBER= P2011-013 Purpose This report is to provide Council with information regarding the fire dispatching contract between the Town of Tillsonburg and the Municipality of Bayham. Background On July 11,2007 the Municipality of Bayham and the Town of Tillsonburg entered into an agreement for the Town of Tillsonburg to provide fire dispatching services for the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services. Bayham was and still is currently a member of a County of Elgin Communications Committee. The committee is made up of the Mayor, CAO and Fire Chief from each Municipality. The Committee went through a RFP process for dispatching services and Tillsonburg was the successful bidder. The contract comes due June 30,2012. On May 17th,2011 Tillsonburg Fire Chief Parsons attended a meeting with the Elgin County Fire Chief's where Tillsonburg's interest to renew our agreement was expressed. On June 20,2011 The Fire Chief received a letter requesting that the Municipality of Bayham and the Town of Tillsonburg begin talks to renew the fire dispatching agreement, with a new fee schedule to be implemented no later than January 1,2012. The letter from Chief Parsons is attached to this report. Staff Comments 1. On June 24th,2011 | requested a meeting with Chief Parson's, to date he has not been available to meet with us. 2. Our current contract does not expire until June 30Th,2012. 3. The County Communications Committee is going to meet in the near future to discuss fire dispatching and the renewal process. 4. lt is my opinion that Bayham not negotiate on our own, but continue to work in partnership with the other members of the Elgin County Communications Committee. Staff Report P2011-013 regarding "Communications Agreement". File: L04 Page 67 of 297 Attachments 1. Recommendations 1. That council receives report P2011-013 and further more direct staff to continue to work in partnership with the Elgin County Communications Committee. Respectfully submitted, Fire Chief Staff Report P2011-013 regarding "Communications Agreement". File: L04 Page 68 of 297 ã=Jí(:onbur5 - o/fuølr,flX¿ørfu The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg June 20,ZOlL Mr. Gord Roesch Fire Chief, Township of Bayham Re: Fire Communications Agreement vla: facsimlle Dear Chief Roesch; The Town of Tillsonburg Fire Department continues to be pleased to serve as your fire dispatch and communications centre, Since the commencement of our service to you on July LL,2007, our fire communications team has dedicated our efforts as a high performing; standards based 911 and fire communications bureau. We are pleased to confirm that we are answering emergency 911 calls on average within 12 seconds and our dispatch time to alert your fire service is less than one minute on average. We feel another important key to our success is the efficient two way communication between our offices which facilitates prompt resolution to any and every concern that has arisen' Having acquired the experience of beginning and operating the fire communications service for close to four years now has allowed us to grow with a better understanding of administrative requirements' lf we are to continue to operate the fire communications service we will need to adjust our operating budget in a way that ensures that you as our client receive the high performance, standards based service you are accustomed to. please accept this correspondence as our formal request to renew our agreement with an adjustment to the fees paid to Tillsonburg by the Township of Bayham, We have developed a revised competitive fee structure as presented to a meetin! with the Elgin Chiefs on May 17th. We would like to initiate the revised fee rate at the earliest possible time in order that we may reduce the risk to the Town of Tillsonburg, preferably no later than January t, 2O;.Z. Chief Roesch, may I suggest we meet at a convenient time in the near future so that we may further discuss the foregoing and íf mutually acceptable begin the process to renew our agreement. Fire Chief, Tillsonburg Fire & Rescue Services Kelley Coulter, CAO Staff Report P2011-013 regarding "Communications Agreement". File: L04 Page 69 of 297 Staff Report P2011-013 regarding "Communications Agreement". File: L04 Page 70 of 297 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0611612011 001647 125'4750NTAR|O LTD 687144 LAMPS 0s11112011 I 63.66 01061I service cfrarge SERVICE CHARGE 0513112011 I 4.10 010611 Cheque Amount - 67.76 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM 233 WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AD O5t18l201'l I 33.90 010612 Cheque Amount - 33.90 OOOO9.I BARRY R. CARD 2120'13-4'6 LEGAL SERMCES 0610112011 t 2,30s.77 010613 Cheque Amount - 2,305.77 OOO121 BRADCRANEXINC 4563 BOOM TRUCK - FIáGS O6101t2011 I 24t1.60 010614 Cheque Amount - 248.60 000220 CJDL 6453 ELTZABETH ST SUBDTMSTON 0610112011 t 2,u0.23 010615 Cheque Amount - 2,U0.23 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-1090êo HosEs, cRlMPS, SEALS O6t1012011 I 120.60 010616 ChequeAmount- 120.60 OO17O8 EASTLINK Jun5.t98665521 MONTHLY TELEPHONE 0610112011 I 1,309.91 010617 Cheque Amount - 'l,309.91 000316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD TO571OO CEMENT MIXER OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS443O4 GLOVES o6t1012011 I 45.20 010618 05t17t20't1 I 26.44 010619 Cheque Amount - 26.44 000346 FORM & BUILD SUPPLY INC 393715 coNcRETE PATCH 0512712011 I 88.75 010620 ChequeAmount- 88.75 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518701649 SHOP TOV\JELS, FLOOR MATS 06107120',11 I 211.93 01062'l Cheque Amount - 2l'1.93 001258 HENNESSY GIBSON HOGAN 54247 LEGAL SERVICES 06ßA201l t 757.77 010622 Cheque Amount - 45.20 0611612011 2:19PM Cheque Amount - 757.77 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 71 of 297 2010.11.'19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Regíster - 0611612011 0610812011 06t08t2011 0610812011 06t0812011 06/162011 2:l9PM 010623 010623 010623 010623 010624 010625 010626 Jun12650 - 91004 Jun68850 - 12275 Jun75250-12272 Jun93850 - 91019 OO154O IMEDIAWORLD LTD 10222 UTILITIES. PUMP'Í8 UTILITIES. PB GARAGE UTILITIES . PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - PUMP#7 I I I I 277.85 120.77 171.Æ 139.35 Cheque Amount - 05t1u2011 I 709.45 734.50AD - PB PROVINCIAL PARK OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 16902 CLEAN DRAIN & FILTER OO147O LEANNWALSH supplies - paper CASE OF PAPER 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES Cheque Arnount - 0610712011 I 734.50 101.14 Cheque Amount - 0610712011 I 101.14 70.02 Cheque Amount -70.02 52,718.70 0'106270000177295 0@706 PITNEY BOVVES 791817208/.30 OOO7I6 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11374794 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 876319 876320 876321 DW05259767 DW05261302 DWo5264290 DW0526/.291 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 05t31t2011 Cheque Amount - COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE PI.AN æIMI2O11 I Cheque Amount - CYLINDER LEASE 0512012011 I Cheque Amount - 52,718.70 574.16 0't0628 010629 574.',16 271.09 MONTHLY CLEAÀ¡ING . MAYI 1 MAYIl CLEANING-V.C.C. MAYI1 CLEAIIING - S.C.C. o5t3'U2011 051311201',| 05t31t2011 I I I 27',1.09 940.00 010630 923.00 010630 1,066.00 010630 OOO79O SAFETYKEEN CANADA INC Acct 0000902898 I.ATE FEE OO1ß2 SUN MEDIACORPORATION Cheque Amount - 06t0a20't1 I 2,929.00 25.00 0't063'l ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE PROJECTOJIBWA BUSINESS DIRECTORY COMMUNITY CENTRE AD Cheque Amount -25.00 581.96 010632 145.77 010632 152.55 010632 152.55 0'10632 0512012011 051251201'l 0512512011 051251201'l I I I I 0n,0427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Cheque Amount -I,032.83 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 72 of 297 2010.11.19 6.3 9050 001418 TELUS 015894762035 015894762035' 000913 Towt\sHlP oF MAIál-llDE 11.031 000930 TScsToREsL.P. 181015215 181021801 18103'l115 OOO943 VALLEYVARIETY 0334 OOO981 WLSON'S IAWN CARE MUNICIPALIWOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0O11612011 0611612011 2:19PM DOLI..AR POOL SAVINGS PAPER FEE ost27120'11 o5t27noí 05127n011 o5t27no11 05f2712011 o1wr20f o5l27nu1 ù5t272.011 o5t27nof 05n7/2011 05n7f2011 0s12712011 osfzTnof -'t57.54 010633 2.25 010ô33 489.15 010633 54.90 010633 41.08 010633 49.79 010633 ¿14.86 010633 50.62 010633 44.æ 0f0633 483.89 010633 320.0ô 010633 48.08 010633 45.20 010633 c I I I I I I I I I I I I 0f 5894762035120n,5876 CELL PHONE- G ROESCH 015894762035/6171156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 0158947620351617',t294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 015894762035/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 015894762035/q}65709 CELL PHONE. PB FIREDEPT 015894762035/6365787 CELL PHONE- RAODS DEPT 1 . 015894762035/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 015894762035/6366198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762035/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762035/6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762035/9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPI 2 Gheque Arnount - INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY 06113120'11 I Gheque Amount - CaARBAGE BAGS 05l0P,12011 FUNNEL, GARBAGE BAGS, GAS O O5IO5Ii2O11 FENCE POSTS 051191201'l I I I GAS - FIREDEPT Gheque Amount- a€/ßnorl I MAYI1 I.A¡'IDSCAPING Cheque Amount- oíß1nofl I Cheque Amount- Cheque Run Total - 1,516.80 336.12 010634 21'1.17 414.45 4',14.45 2,271.90 010636 010ô37 2,271.30 7',t,472.59 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 73 of 297 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 015553 Report Date: 06/17l201f Oø117t2011 3:21PM Accounts Payable Voided Cheque Fiscal Year: 2011 PostedBy: SANDRA 0'l{100-1030 General bank 01-010G'1950 Accounb PayableTraide Void Ohq: 10611 1%æ75 ONTARIO LTD Vold Ohq:10611 125975 ONTARIO LTD ToblDeblb Total Crcdltg Net Posting 67.76 67.76 67.76 67.76 0.00 Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 74 of 297 001647 12554750NTAR|O LTD æ7144 LÄIüPS service draqe SERMCE CIIARGE MUNICIPALIWOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - æn7f20f1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 75 of 297 2010.1'1.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0612'112011 0Æ,n1f2011 I 0612112011 1l:124M 010640 010641 010d42 0108t3 010644 001847 AUBREEUNTCH award 001849 ETHAI.I WEBE award 001695 GENMKUSSEN math award OO1848 GRACEWALL award OO185O LINDEEDECLERCQ awad 001696 QUINN KEIZER math award GR.8 MATH AWARD GR.TAWARD GR.SMATHAWARD GR.TMATHAWARD GR.TAWARD GR.SMATHAWARD Cheque Amount - 06121f2011 I 30.00 30.00 Cheque Amount - o6l2'l,f201'l I 30.00 50.00 Cheque Amount - 0612112011 I 50.00 50.00 Cheque Amount - od21r2ü1 I Gheque Amount - 06121120'l'l I 20.00 20.00 Cheque Amount- Gheque Run Total -200.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 76 of 297 201',t.02.01 7.27653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 06123120'11 001ô47 1255475 oNTARIO LTD 123'41'l TOILET PAPER, PAPER TOVIEL 06123t20'11 I 347.95 010645 Cheque Amount- 347.95 001372 1ST STRAFFORDVILLE BPSC assistance 2011 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 06122t2011 I 500.00 010646 Cheque Amount- 500.00 OOOOI9 AJ. STONE COMPANYLTD ooooloolg3 DIAPHRAGM ASSEMBLY 04t29t2011 I 98.28 010647 0000'100586 FACE SHIELDS 06115t2011 I 190.90 010@17 ChequeAmount- 289.18 OO1M6 ARCHIBALD GRAY& MCKAYLTD tNoo26856 ESTHERVTLLE CEMETERY BOUND 06t1312011 I 14,379.08 0104ß Cheque Amount - 14'379.08 OOOO95 BAYHAM COMMUNITY INITIATIVES assistance 2011 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE O6t2212011 I 500.00 010ô49 ChequeAmount- 500.00 OOO1,I4 BOB BUTLER glasses 001271 BRENDAGIBBONS glasses GLASSES o6to1t201't I 275.æ 010650 Cheque Amount - 06114t2011 t 275.00 010651 Cheque Amount - 275.00 OOO154 CA¡IADIAN KOOLWATER 2990 WATER BOTTLES 061142011 I 38.00 010652 ChequeAmount- 38.00 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 27835880 BINDING COMBS o6t15t2011 I 26.13 010653 27882416 PAPER, BINDERS, DRY ERASE BR 06t21120'11 I 279.35 010653 0612312011 229PM 001853 CSINOS FARMS LTD. 21 275.00 GI-ASSES Cheque Amount- 305.48 PART|AL REFUND OF DEPOSIT 06116120't1 I 933.93 010654 Gheque Amount - 933.93 OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 't2187 oATCHBAS|N, VACUUM FORCEMA 05Ì061201'l I 1,779.75 010655 Cheque Amount - 1,779.75 001854 DA\A/LEY ENGINEERING 1277 QUOTE FOR DRAWNGS, SPECS 06t14t201'l I 11,300.00 010656 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 77 of 297 2011.02.01 7 .2 7653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 061231201'l 0612312011 2:29PM Cheque Amount - 'l I,300.00 000262 DONNAMCCORD OO.I9672D CONTACT LENSES o5t11t2011 I 84.00 0',10657 Cheque Amount - 84.00 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-111824 HOSES, CRIMPS, UNION o6t2ol2o11 I 156.56 010658 Cheque Amount - 156.56 OOO287 EDISON MUSEUM.PETW CASH prosram supplies CHILDREN'S PROGRAM SUPPLIES 05t3112011 I 10.17 010659 Cheque Amount - 10.17 OOO297 ELGIN COUNTY PLOWI4EN'S ASSOC assistance 20'11 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE 0612212011 I 200.00 010660 Cheque Amount - 200.00 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CAI{ADA INC 1518707039 sHoP TOWELS , FLORR MATS of,121t2011 I 211.93 010661 Cheque Amount - 211.93 OO127O GORD ROESCH JTAG Training TRAINING MATERIALS 06t16t2011 I 232.02 010662 poot rentat RETMBURSE FOR POOL RENTAL 0612112011 I 82.00 010662 Cheque Amount - 314.02 OOO391 GREGCOLE repair work REPAIR WORK ON TANKER 2 061182011 I 85.00 010663 ooo217 IBIGROUP 252551 OO1M5 KIRKBARONS 28 CONSULTING FEES AMISH BOOKS ChequeAmount- 85.00 06t1012011 I 5,184.s5 010664 Cheque Amount - 5,184.55 o6t21t2o'11 I 50.00 010665 o6l2ol20't1 I 50.85 010667 06t21t2011 I 259.90 010667 Cheque Arnount - 50'00 001542 LIZ UNDERHILL canada jamboree CANADA DAY JAMBOREE O5113t2O11 I 500'00 010666 ChequeAmount- 500.00 OOO588 MCBAIN SIGNS & GRAPHIC DESIGN 11988 911S|GN 11996 STREET SIGNS 001852 MERT MCCLINTOCK Cheque Amount -310.75 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 78 of 297 2011 .02.01 7 .2 7653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0612312011 STAGE COACH RIDES - EDISONFE 06104120'11 Cheque Amount - 06t0312011 Cheque Amount - 061231201'1 2:29PM 452.00 010668Edison Fest 000609 MINISTER OF FINANCE 1435{3-Jun-2011 DEBENTURE200142 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Jun'11 petty PETTY CASH OO1'43 OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE assistance 2011 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE OO1O24 OTTERVALLEY/PORT BURWELL assistance 201'l TUB DAZE OOIO31 PORTBURWELLCOMMUNITY assistance 20'l I MUNICIPAL ASSISTAItCE OOO7O9 PORT BURWELL HISTORICAL assistance 201 I MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE OOO733 R&RREFRIGERATION 3294 AA1574 R-S,AFETY RS1-41820 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 452.00 2,980.59 010669 101106't3759 101 10616753 101 10619559 101 10620866 101 10623591 10110623972 1 01 1 06251 78 1 01 1 06261 39 101 10626902 0411312011 04t2712011 0510912011 05114120'11 o5t26120'11 05t281201',l 06102120'11 06/06/201 1 06/09/201 I Cheque Amount - æt231201',l Cheque Amount - 06t221201',l Cheque Amount - 06t22t2011 Cheque Amount - 0612u2011 I Gheque Amount - 06122J20Í Cheque Amount - o6t2a20'11 Cheque Amount - HYDRAULIC WATER STOP, HARD 0611312011 2,980.59 18.55 010670 9.38 010670 18.36 010670 61.23 010670 12.02 010670 91.02 0,10670 8.38 010670 9.75 010670 8.38 010670 237.O7 163.02 010671 010673 163.02 200.00 010672 200.00 1,500.00 't,500.00 500.00 010674 500.00 350.00 0'10675 350.00 649.78 010676 æ9.78 '139.26 010677 OOO747 REID'S PRE.CAST CEMENT PRODUCT Cheque Amount -139.26 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 79 of 297 BIG'O', TEES OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 3 MONTHS RENTAL 001786 SPRINGVALLEYAUTO & MARINE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0612312011 06f2312O11 2:29PM 187.58 78 91 REPAIRLEAKON PUMP REPAIR PORTABLE PUMP MUNICIPALASSISTANCE OOO849 STRAFFORDVILLE COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE.WATERMELON FES 062201I OO1O91 TBN DISTRIBUTERS LIMITED WNDSHIELD REPAIR OOO89O TILLSONBURG & DR]STRICT assistance 201 I MUN¡CI PAL ASSISTAI.ICE 001851 TOWNSHIP OF EAST ZORRA-TAVISTOCK ADAPTER KIT, SOFTWARE 001359 TREASURERE.C.F.P.O. membership dues 2011 MEMBERSHIP DUES 00094ti VAI.¡BREE DRANAGE & BULLDOZING 209138 BARTLEYDRAIN f00.00 4,486.03 010686 Gheque Amount - Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 80 of 297 000206 CONSEIL SCOI.AIRE PUBLIC DU June'11 leqy 001270 GORDROESCH storage & eheldng æ0552 LONDON DISTRICT CATHOLIC OOO879 THA¡úES VATLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Registrer - 061241201 1 Gheque Amount- SHELVING & STORAGE - STATION æ12U2011 I 000205 coNsEtL scol-AtRE DE DrsrRlcT Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 81 of 297 2011 .02.01 7 .2 7653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 06/30/2011 9:274M Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 061301201'l OOOO33 AGLINE 610878 SERVICE ON MOWER 06t0912011 I 1,608.78 010692 Cheque Amount - 1,608.78 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM 2U FIREFIGHTER VOLUNTEERS 0612012011 I 65.34 010693 Cheque Amount - 65.54 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 00001611522 EDISONFEST, OJIBWA o5t2512011 I 122.45 010694 Cheque Amount - 122'45 OOO194 CLEAN HARBORS CANADA INC 3C1152207 |-ARGE TTEtuVHAZARD WASTE DA\ 0512812011 I 11,938.89 010695 Cheque Amount - 11,938.89 0æ212 COUNTY OF ELGIN tNoo0o31306 poltcE SERV|oES - JUNE"| l 06t1012011 I 62,987.83 0',10696 Cheque Amount - 62,987.83 000218 cuPE LOCAL3s May remit UNION DUES o6t2u20f I 374.58 010697 Cheque Amount - 374.58 000316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD T057279 FLOORSAW, ASPHALT BLADE 0612412011 I '131.08 010698 Cheque Amount - 131 .08 OO0r';27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Jun00240 - 14793 UTILITIES - GARAGE 0611012011 I 537.16 010699 Jun06571 -,14066 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER 06109120'11 I 41.15 010699 Jun3275934009 UTILITIES - MILTON&WATERLOO 06109120'l'l I 11.61 010699 Jun50370 -20077 UTILITIES - VIENNA LIBRARY 0610912011 I 167.21 010699 Jun62770 - 20225 UTILITIES - VIENNA MEM PARK 0610912011 I 'l 16.97 010699 Cheque Arnount - 874.10 000446 JACKIE RINGI-AND Jun15Jul15/11 MANAGER FEES 0612812011 I 791.66 010700 Cheque Amount -791.66 001857 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 6201917 V-BELT 6202002 BELT 6202197 R.OLLER 000658 oMERS May'11 remit 04100 MAY11 REMIT 05t3112011 I 12,266.73 010702 0512712011 I 85.55 010701 0512712011 I 3.83 010701 05!31!201M 70.',!0 010701 Cheque Amount - 259.48 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 82 of 297 2011 .02.01 7 .2 7653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0613012011 Cheque Amount - OOO743 RBC ROYAL BANK Jun4516 050000991 I 9 AMO TORONTO 05t1012011 Jun45'160500 009541 I I CANADA POST - HHì¡/D FLYERS 0511U2011 Cheque Amount - 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT Jun005 51483742'14837 WATER HEATER RENTAL - MED Bl 0G11312011 Jun0066310304721O18 UNIT RENTAL - E.C.C. 0610912011 Cheque Arnount - OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0613012011 9:274M 12,266.73 791.00 010703 180.62 010703 971.62 37.75 010704 31.08 010704 0611512011 0611512011 68.83 26-37 010705 95.99 010705 PAPER FEE o16242498033t23/.901 4 MOBTLE HIGH SPEED 016242498033/6366069 CELL PHONE - B KNIFTON 01 6242498033/6780758 MOBILE HIGH SPEED o16242498033t67 817 43 MOBILE HIGH SPEED @1856 TRACEY KINGSLEY F2011424 PARTIAL DAMAGE DEPOSIT OOO925 TRILLIUM MILWAY COMPA¡IY PCK1981 SIGNALS 0000624270 0000624660 001418 TELUS 016242498033 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Jun27321 061 969754 Jun27321062430725 OVERCALLS, HOLIDAY FEE ANSWERING SERVICE uTtLtTtEs - E.c.c. UTILITIES. PUMP#1 Cheque Amount -122.36 2.27 010706 41.75 010706 30.01 010706 41.75 010706 41.75 010706 0610512011 06t05t2011 06t0512011 0610512011 0610512011 Cheque Amount - o6t29t20't1 't57.53 122-00 010707 Cheque Amount - 0613012011 122.OO 638.92 010708 Cheque Amount -638.92 95.58 010709 23.36 010709 061161201'l 0611612011 000986 WORKPLACE SAFEW & INSURANCE '1625314 remit MAYIl REMIT Cheque Amount - 05t14120't1 I 118.94 2,432.65 010710 Cheque Amount -2,432.65 Cheque Run Total -96,053.97 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10611 to Cheque #10710 inclusive, except Cheque #10611 totaling $573,141.52 and Page 83 of 297 sORW I'IUNICIPALlTY OF BAYHAH TOT PACKETS - CURRENT FEDL TAX 9,4L3.23 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CoNT 2,277.76 QPIP cAN PEN 4,996.48 QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT L,403.26 hB HET NL HAPSET T0T STATS 18,090.75 cHEQUES 40,372.LO DEPOS ITS 42,924.9O US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY 83,297.00 RRSP RTI ADJUST -DR ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COIlPANY TOTALS ADJUST -CR CURRENT TOTAL 9 ,4L3.23 2,277 .76 4 ,996.4A L ,403.26 18,090.73 40 ,372 -L0 42,924 -90 83,297.00 t 0 I ,387.75 188.96 24.56 101,60I.25 OF SERVICE CHARGES YTD ADJUST ITEH PAYROLL RUNS RUN: JUN L4 20LL N0: H PAGE: 512 HST REG: I00057415 RT0004 COHPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: JUN 15, 20II DATE 0F PAY: JUN 17' 2011 YTD TOTAL LL6,927 .03 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 25,280.30 Er C0NT QPIP 57,587.?8 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF L2,97L.65 ON EHT I'IB HET NL HAPSET 2L2,736.76 TOT STATS 40,372.LO CHEQUES 497 ,340.2A DEPOSITS US DEPS DED DEPS 537 ,7L2.3A TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 750,449.L4 TOT PAYROL 2,255.04 SERV CHRG GST 293.L4 HST 752,997 .36 GRAND TOT TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT I 0 I ,387.75 188.96 24 -56 r0I,60r.?5 ITEH UNITS SALARIED WORKPAYS 20 PAY ADVICE FOLD 69 TOTAL S,/C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBTT IS CHARGE 35.00 15. t8 ANALYS I S I TEH HOURLY !¡ORKPAYS COURIER FEE 188.96 UNITS 49 I CHARGE 80.85 12.00 UNITS I CHARGE 47 .93 101,60I.25 DEBIT INFORHATI0N: 003 05I02 I0I19?5 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 1 0 6 1 1 t o C h e q u e # 1 0 7 1 0 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e # 1 0 6 1 1 t o t a l i n g $ 5 7 3 , 1 4 1 . 5 2 a n d P a g e 8 4 o f 2 9 7 sORÌ¡¡ }IUNICIPALITY OF BAYHA}I TOT PACKETS - ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT CO}IPANY TOTALS ADJ IJST - CR CURRENT TOTAL 9 ,378.40 2,I92.AA 4 ,975.46 I ,134.65 L7 ,68L.37 42,423.40 42,423.40 60,L04.77 150.99 I9.63 60 ,275.39 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES I TE}I UNITS RUN: JUN 27 ?OLL N0: D PAGE: 485 HST REG: I00057413 RT0004 COHPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: JUN 28, 20ll DATE OF PAY: JUN 30, 20lI CURRENT 9 ,37A.40 2 , L9?.88 4,975.46 1,I34.65 I7,68r .37 42,423.40 42,423.40 60 ,L04.77 I30.99 19.65 60 ,255.39 ADJUST - DR 20.00 20.00 YTD ADJUST YTD TOTAL 126,305.43 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 27,473.LA EI CoNT QPIP 62,533.24 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF L4,L06.28 ON EHT IIB HET NL HAPSET 230,4I8.I5 TOT STATS 40.372.L0 CHEQUES 539 ,763.68 DEPOSITS US DEPS DED DEPS 580, T55.78 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 8I0,555.9I TOT PAYROL 2,406.07 SERV CHRG GST 3T2.77 HST 8L3,272.75 GRAND TOT FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT I{B HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT ITEI{ UNITS SALARIED WORKPAYS 20 PAY ADVICE FOLD 58 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS CHARGE 55.00 8.36 THE ABOVE ANALYSIS I TEI{ STOP PilT GREGSON CRAI HOURLY !¡ORKPAYS 18 COURIER FEE I I50.99 60,?75.39 DEBIT INFORI,IATION: O03 INCLUDES UNCOLLECTED FEES FOR THESE CHARGE ITEI{ UNITS 29.70 PAYROLL RUNS T I2.OO STOP PI{T GREGSON CRAIG S 05102 I0lr9?3 PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED SERVICES/ITEIIS RUN DATE JUN 22 2011 CHARGE 20.00 CHARGE 47 .93 20.00 UNITS RUN DATE ITE}I UNITS CHARGE C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 1 0 6 1 1 t o C h e q u e # 1 0 7 1 0 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e # 1 0 6 1 1 t o t a l i n g $ 5 7 3 , 1 4 1 . 5 2 a n d P a g e 8 5 o f 2 9 7 Page 86 of 297 RELEASE, WAIVER AND INDEMNITY PLEASE READ & SlcN (one form for each r¡de4 Irr Lr ¡|s ir iÙ iìlur ( !f 1i € it(:i,ri Jt tf ìi,(i 01 [l', eflry, l, lt l il r¡,s,Êli rfìy ìi,:r'j r)t(i)r,ìuLr)t5i{lrl¡rd¡|fìsullr,lrtj,al(t ll¿lfdhy d.l:t5ê nlrLl f' rr\r,r al Sct'rrr,.,* /\ylt ì (rt Ei i,,dlincl ()ritr [s I ] rtrr bLrTs, ll P-11 lo,,r, ¡jrìLj 1r cllr]¡llì v0 1rìt,:Þr-t, lìltLl :tr)l: ind afy r,[ ld L¡¿!|i::j i-'ltlrrilì Ìuil wrlh iJ Ël)rÌ Irrrr rtv,|l fto|l a-ìll L linr¡s k,r (lâr-J!l( i (lL'.rln lr0rilìt all ljlry L r lt¡:t,, r)i [\r(ìfY-)rtr/, | ]flãiv :ill ût Êti, ir rr]litjl 'll lltt¡ lt¡lLr,lr¡l L¡| | ll l), rt litur r¿:r, i:r¡ll r rrl [)iL,r't h] rtk: t r: I rr I I nliJ Lrl fillr rrrlay, ^ lrJ' ¡t ;rl ) .ir )1 I | ;ilrI ¡lrjl, íìw¡l e t t¿l llÉr I íie I í t!, I Oftl¡til I iìüífc'risks rlí:lLrrlrrìrltflr rsi.olf¿ìllilll,(,r¡lsrìrr\¡rliì,,llrf,r lì a y(,les, o ,ulor Ychl(-ltt tr :lJtro ìiIy Õl-llùct,j Ln(i ul[.r,lu Ol wuallrÊr LrLrfiù1lorìij dlìij ilìe rtr'!ìCjtrLtì--t rt lllÈ tr)i¡l I vr lt-¡1,'ìrlr' ilFsurnr):rll rsk\ .,1 loÍi! ilalrnirl:lr,r,r iÌìlIr\, tiritl rìriì/ l)r.j,rrSl[:¡r']s¡v/hkt f )a li(ìrt'aLlll¡,1 i¡l ll [ìrl l0tr I hetet[ty t;crrsuTrl [L) ¿ilrtl De.rìr]ì er x)lqet f \ tr,;attìrj I tì ll lFl o\1ì¡lUîrrtL[Vuil|lrcls, 1.ìltijSl tlrrrLl,rrrJrl¡,1,¡;.(ly¡.¡¡,.¡¡¡1,-. a Lì su'irLìcn1ç t'il[rúìd 1r) o:r., irr .ì Pc; I lt,iri I JttL:t liral 1i È: ir.tru]l)r rerl1 I Wrll i-ts,È is rt r¡rtl IrÈlrJìlrìi,t,ìl I rfìLjtti n I Uf ltlÊl.lfì lAhllj f I ll\ | lll( YCL L: I]f Lf,4F. I l:ì rjl\l.l Pl.rl:Vt l\l l LìFrlllOtlll ll'lJUËY Al'll,l I AiìflFf: lO WEAr:i OllL \'\/l tlL Ë PAFIll0llâllllc ll',,1 llli:ì tr,/[Nl irrd tlr¡l ¿t rrj lrrr] wrll I weAr anylhfiq SUCIì aS ä ll¿Seb¿ill cJp ór lìÉ!,lt ,lx)ìes tltat r trìy inl rrl\iÎ tl (i Lurr\jr t ritìc (f il I r( ìplÌly wor I I I rolr|('t, IiìlirLre to oþev all (l|tilro lll,tì$/ôV lral r- A.tt tiìwJ, I aç¡rt:t' rot k) suÈ Ayllner hl[y'(jllr](,t (.ìluö ts, ìeiììf)C{s J l'0rt lour, Jr{J ilr, ol' (,ldlt,, \/Lìl tlù(jt,j, !lrût ìt,r.) d L:, irrV L)tlìOr par.tiris alnrxralc(j \¡ltiì íl PLìrt TtJrS Î\{j11, lrùtrì iìll experlsfis, 1eer,, lrbrltly r)r (ií1ilr4()ri atv/Ftrrj or (f,1s1 .rl iltìy lyfjr;r w ì;ìtsoevBr ;rsrl,, lrrnr Íili l)ifluL)¿lll,rl I iits,:jverìt iìf(1 | turthûr agrFje [':ì i x]arrìnÌly át'ì(l sdvi, itìirrll lrarilfÐlr,;, F:1)r all r-l¿ì rrS il{l(ì nsl the[ ] r ìr](¡e ity rìlÈ-, ot .r¡ ur! L¡:ihiìlt. I tr¡ve rÈäJ ¿nJ Ltrìljerst.lrìr¡ riverr4tritxl wrllrn ijl)Ove ilnLl I vclunla{ity srgn thrs agÍeeÍìer ìt, PLEASE READ AND S'GN THIS FORM, HEGISTRATION WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT A VALID SIGNAruRE. I'lâil re j )l lìciÈr iÞlpasÈ f ú nl) SigDatr r!: ol Rr(i(.|lhle MINORS: krjlvrcluills ufcjÉr lhe ;ì!Je .-,t 1 {J rlu.l r-f l1å1[ i] SlGl',Al LIFE OF ¡\ P¡\Rt l ll Olì GUAllulANl. [Jy s (r ilrr] thrs relF;ase I as,1 þíìretìt o e]írrcircn oi tlre rrrrìót f)¡rt()l)drf abovaì, hÐrÐlly c,rvc ÞÉ,{ rr,ssitrr for n ty r,rhllai or wflrl [o pJrtr l)¿ltrl Irr 3 PLJI( Tili-lr ¿fr] I ii tr tlìt{ ¿!)r':tr rt ¡Jivlc[l;.tlly ':rtdon I)ohall.,l ths luÌ)r to tlE ter lìs ol thrì dbove elêasìe, Three supported routes, all starting and finish¡ng in Aylmer. Ontar¡o aylmerexpress GRAPHICS GROUP www.aylmerexPress com 1 -800-4ó5-9433 ó'tyyor/erl úy.'SATURDAY AUGUST 20,20^11 Narr ('ùl Poront L)r (ìr[lri;ur (pluasr: J:rilr11 Aylmer Express Graphics Group '@.uU9ù/e Cornmunítg Complex peps¡ S(triàluro (,'Di)'e|t,)' G,r¿r(1d,- ¡ .,'rorr' lB)L)íllc B r o c h u r e r e g a r d i n g " A y l m e r E x p r e s s G r a p h i c s G r o u p 3 P o r t T o u r C l a s s i c - C e n t u r y R i d e " . P a g e 8 7 o f 2 9 7 QUIET, o.HALLENG'NG, SCENTC a route by cyclists for cyclists Register on-line or by MAIL I ry /rL:,]r,sr l) .-'(li I a) irt(tL,tr'i, ¡l 1r Pr rl l-:ìi rr $50 Entry includes: . I rtr\ittill ¡ :rili rr, Ìl ,ft ì 4 ,l . i.t, ir r ¡ir ,[,.tl ,, . irll t't:..1-¡r) . iL f l,¡ r rL, I rl f,lr)l,lÌ r (ìVr) r il Âs:,,tr i,ìlir)l rrrÍrlir, E rii:, HOLrlr:, l'lr,:li;¡r r;lrr:r'li',t ti 'r()iì L,Llr,rjfi;l tllrr !lJrir Ìtìrfì(l llì! L i t\,a j ll f) r (¡t- ! so rm I tootm ! roorm 1,1 >it ):xt lllrlrlr:r Olrll ll'lt w,riw.threeporf tour conr r illi1:l rt,.J:j rlr O| | ¡T,,ïl(l :)r(J,r1,rlvVrlv¡,: ;| r, Irt,,/(,r.,!'Siil| iLltrÌt,l y llr vt)ilf r,i\/||'ll 'i) 3 PORT TOUR - c/o Aylmer Express Ltd. 390TalbotSt. East, Aylmer, ON Canada NsH 1J5 Cheque payable to: Aylmer Bicycling Club PLEASE SIGN WAIVER ON BACK > o Aylmer's Friendly Mainsteet Pastoral Amish setüement o Otter Valley's challenging downs & ups o Port Burwell's heritage Lighthouse o The lakeshore's negative tailwind c¡ Port Bruce's quiet charm Historic Sparta Busüing Port Stanley o Southem Ontarío's rich farmland Numerous climbs 14% and greater B r o c h u r e r e g a r d i n g " A y l m e r E x p r e s s G r a p h i c s G r o u p 3 P o r t T o u r C l a s s i c - C e n t u r y R i d e " . P a g e 8 8 o f 2 9 7 Municipality of Bayham Resolution Re: Escalatinq Ontario Provincial Police Service Costs Whereas Municipalities served by the OPP were not involved in contract negotiations between the Province of Ontario and the OPP staff, which resulted in significant wage settlements; And Whereas these same Municipalities are ultimately faced with the resultant massive cost increases to provide police services to our residents; And Whereas the average annual cost of living increase over the past 18 years is less than 2%; And Whereas Municipalities have reached the limit to what the local taxpayers can afford to pay in property taxes; Now Therefore be it resolved; That the Municipality of Bayham requests the Province of Ontario and the OPP to reconsider their recent agreement, and include municipalities in contract negotiations; And That the Munícipality of Bayham confirm that it will only consider a 2% wage increase in its 2014 budget; And That if such reconsideration is not pursued or such reconsideration fails to reach a settlement satisfactory to all, that the Province and OPP utilize the next 24 months to make plans to cut service levels, including any necessary layoffs, in order to offset the wage increase of over 14o/oi And That this resolution be forwarded to Premier Dalton McGuinty and OPP Commissioner Chris Lewis for action; And That this resolution be forwarded to Leader of the Opposition Tim Hudak, Elgin OPP Commander Brad Fishleigh, AMO, ROMA, and all municipalities served by the OPP for their support. Refined resolution regarding "Escalating Ontario Provincial Police Service Costs". Page 89 of 297 Page 90 of 297 Brenda Gibbons From: Kyle Kruger Sent: Thursday, June 30, 201'1 1:14 PM To: Lynda Millard; Brenda Gibbons Subject: FW: Estherville Attachments: lN HONOUR OF THE FOUNDERS OF BAYHAM.doc For next agenda. Kyle Kruger C.M.O. Administrator Municipality of Bayham Flom : honor wassing [mailto : eweighand@hoûnail.com] Sent: June 30,2011 12:39 PM To: Kyle Kruger Subjecü Estherville Dear Kyle, The Pilgrims of Estherville would appreciate the inclusion of approval for the wording and installation of the plaque at Estherville Cemetery on the July 7 council agenda. I have attached the final wording as presented at the June 16 council meeting. The only addition to the copy will be the names of donors and will include The Pilgrims as a group, not individual names. As discussed June 30, the application for approval for wording and installation only, not for funding. The group has decided on the colours to be used for the plaque and the stand. Everything will be tastefully done. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Honor Wassing on behalf of The Pilgrims of Estherville 6/30/2071 Correspondence received from the Pilgrims of Estherville regarding "Plaque In Honour of the Founders of Bayham". Page 91 of 297 IN HONOUR OF THE FOUNDERS OF BAYIIAM In memory of Joseph Merríll In 1835, Joseph Merríll donøted land to the Trustees of the Baplíst Meetíng House to buíld a church ønd a cemetery. In the 1960s, headstones and monuments were movedfrom Esthervílle Cemetery to the present caírn area when díscarded bøses and stones were usedfor stabílízatíonJïll ølong the Líttle ønd Bìg Otter Creeks. Some heødstones were used øs paths and patíos ín private gardens, and møny stones cannot be recovered yel In 2008, the Pílgrìms of Esthemílle begøn locøtíng and retríeving stones whích were brought home to Esthervílle ín 2010. Unstable bank condítíons prevented retríeval of all the stones, but those unrecovered wíll not be forgotten To date, no records ofgrave locatíons høve surfaced, butpreservìng the artífacts here møy help future researchers locate ancestors ønd lost records. Thìs project ís a memoríal to the brave souls who settled Bayham, begínníng ín the earþ 1800s and ís a testament to the sígniJicant contrìbutìons and hístory of the Píoneers who buílt the areø The líves of the dead are ìn the hands of the lívìng. Correspondence received from the Pilgrims of Estherville regarding "Plaque In Honour of the Founders of Bayham". Page 92 of 297 I Scq, .r¡E-¡r !'" ì it l^ r..r ! ' ' t . Þ;s/ , r4 itr ,rrli I .' ¡Ul¡ rl' " suñvEYt¡t0 . EilGtt{EERtilE June 13,20ll Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 FileNo. BA-02-12-1 AttentÍon: Mr. KyIe S. Kruger, C.M.O. Administr¡tor RE: Boundariqs Act Survey of the Easterly Boundary of the EsthenÍlle Cemetery Part of Lot 12, Concession 2, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin Following receipt of your instructions to determine and survey the Easterly limit of the Estherville Cemetery in Lot 12, Concession 2 of the former Township of Bayham, forthe purpose of making a Bounda¡iesAct application to confirrn the true location of the boundary, I provide you with the following report. TIIE SITUATION The lands registered under PIN 35322-0265 fo¡m what is known as the Estherville Cemetery and are registered to The Trustees of the Baptist Meeting House. According to ' the legal description the lands contain 0.9 Acres. The lands immediately to the East registered under PIN 35322-0128 and þing between the cemetery and the former Highway l9 (Plank Road) are registered to Alice Elizabeth Csinos. According to its description it contains 0.91 Acres. A few years ago, Ms. Csinos made application to build a bam on he¡ land. This caused a citizen's group to be formed, called the Pilgrims of Estherville. This group claim that the Csinos lands a¡e in fact part of the ce,rnetery and that À¡fs. Csinos does not own the parcel. Ongoing objections by this group have led to the munícipality wanting to determine the Easterly limit of the cemetery lands and have the location confimred under the Bounda¡ies Act. ARCHIEÄtD, GRAY & fIICKAY+{af-8- ! 3514 White Oak Road, London, 0ntario Canada N6E 279 I Iel (519) 685-5300 / Fax (51S) 685-5303 / agmlon@agm.on.ca / www.agm.on.ca Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 93 of 297 TITLE RESEARCH 1. ORIGINAL CROWN GRAI.{T The oríginal crown grant or patent for Lot 12, Concession 2 was granted in 1812 to William Stanton for 200 Acres. Subsequent to that, in deed MIDDI69, registered November 4, 1816, all of l.ot 12, Concession 2 was acquired by Joseph Merrill. 2. PIN 35322.0265 _ CEMETERY LANDS By deed MGR2778, registered December 21't 1835, The Trustees of the Regular Baptist Chr¡rch at Bayham acquired a parcel ûom Joseph Merrill measuring 264 feetin width by 99 feet in depth on the West side and 198 feet in depth on the East side. There is no subsequent deed regisæred for this parcel. From the description found in MGR2778, the parcel was clearly set out on the ground (probably by a suweyor), as the two front corners and the Northwest rea¡ corner are stated to have a post at them and the rea¡ Northeast comer has a stone at it. The a¡ea stated in the description of 3 roods and 20 perches convert to about 0.9 Acres. This accu¡ate unit of measure.also indicates that a surveyor probably originally surveyed the parcel on the ground. The description does not tie the parcel to a lot comer or to the Ptank Road. 3. PIN 35322.0128_ THE CSINOS LANDS The original deed for these lands was granted to David Merrill from the eldest son of Joseph Menill by a deed registered as MIDD7697 onSeptember 18, 1845. The description starts at Plank Road and goes Westerly (no distance given) to the "lands deeded to fhe Baptist Chr¡¡ch". The description states an a¡ea of 3 roods atd25 perches (about 0.9 Acres) and states a depth of I chain 75 links (l15.5 feet). David Merrill then conveyed the parcel to Cha¡les e. pelton by a deed registered as nnmber 2169 onJune 14ü, 1859. The deed description also starts at Plank Road aid goes rWesterþ (again no distance giveÐ to the "lands deeded to the Baptist Church". However, it states a depth of2 chains and 50 links (165 feet) and an area ofl acre and 20 perches (1.12 Acres), which is slightly bigger than the previous deed, although the title abstracts do not show that Davíd Merrïll acquired any firther land. The deed description does strate however that its Nonhwesterþ comer is the reaÍ corner of the church lands. Page 2 of8 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 94 of 297 There are numerous transfers of this parcel that use the exact same deed description as found in Inst. No. 2169 up until 1944 when The Green Lumber Company Limited conveyed the parcel to Glennville Wilson. firen by a declarationregistered as Inst. No. 29595 on October 16, 1953, where Casper O'Geil claims that Glennville Wilson sold him the parcel, the description changed. It now used dimensions that can be found on the Highway widening plan registered as Plan D46 (MTO Plan No. 791'14 dated December zft,7934).It should be noted that the last paragraph of an agreement attached to Inst. No. 29595 indicates some question of Glennville Wilson's title to the lands (appears to be due to back ta¡res owing). Further title issues existed during subsequent years due to non-payment of tæ<es until Reference Plan l lR-157 was prepared in 1973 for a conveyance to Emest and Evelyn Sage who then conveyedthe parcel rn1974 to Robert Csinos. Sub'sequent conveyances ended up with the parcel in Alice Csinos' name. 4. PIN 35322-0305 _ ADJOINING LAND TO THE NORTH i* "o. 2837 taloseph Menill the second registered in 1852, staæs tfrat tfre parcel is bounded on the South by parcels belonging to David Merrill and the Baptist Chrnch, thereby recognizing the two separate parcels. The current dee{ Inst. No. E,145370 does tlre same. RELEVANT SURVEYS l. Highway wideningplan registered as Plan D46 (MTO PlanNo. 1917-4 dateÅ, December 21"t,!934)i The plan widened the Plank Road throughparts of Lot 125 Concession I and Lotq 12,13,14 and 15 Concession 2. In the course of surueying üe widening inthe Southeast coÌner of Lot 12, Concession2, thehighway surveyors measured out the parcel that is now in Alice Csinos name. At that time it was owned by The Green Lumber Company. Of interest, the survey accurately measured the location of a wire fence marking the limit between the Baptist Church Cemetery and the lands of the Green Lumber Company. Because of the depth discrepancy in The Cheenlumber Company deed (as previously outlined), the highwayplan shows, "owner unknown" for a small sliver of land immediately North of The Green Lumber Companyparcel. Page 3 of8 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 95 of 297 Plan 11R-157: This Reference Plan, prepared by John F. Westoru OLS in May of 1973 surveyed the Csinos parcel and labeled it as '?a¡t 2" onthe plan. It held a wire fence forthe limit betweenthe Baptist Chwch Cemetery and the Csinos lands as the common deed line, with similar measurements to it as can be formd on MTO Plan79L7-4. It also held a wire fence to ma¡k the North limit of the Csinos lands. Plan 11R-1780: In the course of surveying a'?art" across the Big Otter Creek, this Reference Plan" prepared by Donald I. Houghton, OLS in February of 1979, established the limits of the road allowance between Concessions I md2.It established the road allowance limits in accordance with Plan llR-157. Plan 1lR-8375: This Reference Plan prepared by Kim S. Husted, OLS in August of 2005, suweyed for furtlrer widening along the West side of the Plank Road, North of Part 2 of Plan 11R-157. It esablished the No¡th limit of Part 2 in accordance \Mith Plân I lR-l 57. PI.]BLIC MEETING A public meeting was held on April 27th ,2011 to learn of any knowledge or evidence that people may have for the boundary in question. Forr inærvie\rys \ilere held as follows: l. Honor Wassing Harris Teal and Wanda Hoshal from ttre Pilgrims of Estherville group; 2. Mae Iæonard, a dowser who appeared to be speaking on behalf of the Pilgrims of Estherville; 3. Mary Craig, wbo did some Regisry Office research onbehalf of the Piþrims of Estherville, and; 4. Mark Taylor and Tom Southwick ûom the municipal council who also seemed to be speaking on behalf ofthe Pilgrims ofEstherville. All of the informatíon provided by these people either claimed that all of the Csinos lands were totally part of the ce,metery lands or that a good portion of the Westerþ side of the 3. 4. Page 4 of I Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 96 of 297 Csinos lands were part of the cemetery leaving a small slive¡ of land for the Csinos' be¡peen the cemetery and the highway. OTHER EVIDENCE l.Information that the Municipalþ has provided indicates that in 1967, as a Centennial Yearprojec! a Committee was formedto clean up the Estherville Cemetery which had apparently been abandoned by the Baptist Church and had not been used for a very long period of time. A letter dated luly 25h,1967 from Frederick K. Ashbaugh (clearly a member of the Committee) to the Municipal Clerk suggested that the cemetery stones would have to be moved and placed somewhere while earth works were done to level the cemetery grounds. He inquired about who owned the 1 Acre sorner parcel and whether the stones could be placed on it. He drew amap to accompany the letter showing the cemetery parcel and the corner 1 Acre parcel and asked'\pho owns this section". Someone has written on the map "C. O'Geill oumeC' and "forrrerly Glen Wilson Est.". The Municþalþ provided a copy of an Archaeological Assessment of Part 2 of Plan l1R-157 (Csinos lands) that was done by Mayer Heritage Consultants Inc. in October of 2008. This assessment was done prior to issuing a building permit to the Csinos for their bam for the purpose of determining if any graves were present within the footprint a¡ea where the barn was to be built. The report indicates that no grave shafts of othe¡ cultural featues were observed over the area where the newbam was to be built. CONCLUSIONS 1. From the Registry OfÏïce research worþ it is clea¡ that there a¡e two parcels of land inthe Southeast corner of Lot 12, Concession2,the Cemeteryparcel of 0.9 Acres and the Csinos parcel of 0.91 Ac¡es. The Registry Ofüce resea¡ch also shows that there has never been a common owner of these two properties. The cemetery parcel has its roots in the only deed that was regisûered for it Inst. No. MGR2778, registered in 1835. The Csinos parcel has a contínuous sfring of title deeds that go backto its first creation in 1845 by Inst. No. MIDD7697. /.J.lof the early deed descriptions for the parcel state that it contains 1.12 Acres. When measured today the original parcel contains the current 0.91 Acres, plus the pieces taken for widening of 0.14 2. Page 5 of I Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 97 of 297 Acres and 0.05 Acres respectivel¡ for a total of I . l0 Aues, very near the size stated in the early deeds. As well, all of the Csinos parcel deed descriptions going back to 1845 state that its Westerly boundary is the limit of the Cemetery. Coupled u¡ith all òf this is a statement found in the early deed of the parcel to the North that states that it is bounded by two pariels South of its South boundary (obviously the Cemetery parcel and the Csinos parcel). CONCLUSION: There is and always has been two separate parcels...the Cemeterypa¡cel and the Csinos parcel; 2. F¡om information received from the Pilgrims ofEstherville group at the Public Meeting, it is clear that they strongly believe that there are graves over the Csinos lands and therefore the Cemetery extends overthe Csinos property either all the way to Pla¡k Road or most of the way to it, depending on the particular Pilgrim's belief. Cont¡adicting this evidence is tlre fast that the A¡cheological Assessment did not find any evidence of graves or other cultural features within the fooprint of the Csinos' bam. Further to this is the letter to the muicþal clerk in 1967 from Frederick K. Ashbaugh where he is asking about who owns the I Acre corner parcel. In the letter he states that he is looking for a place to temporarily store graves stones while they graded the cemetery grounds. Itseems logical to conclude that ifthere ìryere grave siones erected and standing in place on the Csinos lands then it would be obvious to him who owned the land. CONCLUSION: Even though the Pilgrims are very strong in their belief thatthey have good evidence of graves existing onthe Csinos lands, I find that it is not concrete enough to override the two contradicting facts that there were no graves found by the Archeologist within the area of the barn fooþrint and that Mr. Ashbaugh clearly did not see any gravestones on the Csinos lands in 7967.T\e stongest piece of evidence that the Pilgrims presented was a photogaphtaken from somewhere in the cemetery, looking East towards Pla¡k Road. It shows two boys at a gravestone. They claim tbat the road in the background of the photograph is very close to the boys and the gravestone. I disagree and feel that the depth from the boys to the road is ha¡d to perceive in the photo. 3. Goine back to 1934 when Plank Road was widened by MTO Plan P-1917-4,there is very stong evidence that a wire fence stood on the line betweenthe Cemetery parcel and the Csinos parcel. This fence is again shown onPlan I lR-157 in almssf the exact same location as shown in Plan P-1917-4. The chain link fence that we measured to today is also very close to the location ofthe original fence. Page 6 of 8 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 98 of 297 4. CONCLUSION: Since prior to the highway survey of t93 4 there was no evidence found in the deed descriptions (or from anywhere else) of the looation of the Easterþ cemetery boundary, relative to the limit of Plank Road or the Southeast comer of Lot l2,the wire fence shown and measured in 1934 on Plan P-7917 -4 and the related field notes are the best evidence of the original location of the Easterly limit ofthe Cemetery. The highway surveyors show this fence as a "wfue fence". Inl973 Mr. Weston also showed the fence as a'lvire fence" on his Reference Plan l lR-I57. Today we find a chain link fence that has been in place for a long period oftime in the same location. Since surveyors usually make a distinction between a "wire fence" and a'schain link fence", it is felt that the wire fence that Mr. Weston saw in 1973 is probably the same wire fence that the highway surveyor saw. Sometime after 1973 the chain link fence must have been built, concluding that from at least 1934 to the present there has been a fence on the bourdary. The limits of the road allowance between Concessions I and 2 we¡e first retraced by the 1934 highway sr¡rvey shown on Plan P-19174. The field notes show that the suweyor went across Big Otter Creekto the road allowance between Lots l0 and I I to establish the limits. The same road allowance limits were later retraced bythe surveyors who produced Plans llR-157 and 1lR-U80. Their location differs from the highway surveyor's in that they held a piece of road fence on the North side of the road, somewhere East of Big Otter C¡eek and did not go all the way to the Lot l0/11 road allowance in search of evidence. CONCLUSION: The limits of the road allow.ance between Concession 1 and 2 should be retaced using Plan P-1917-4 as it is felt that the highway surveyor used better evidence to retace the limits. The limit between PIN 35322-0128 and PIN35322-0305 was retraced by the highway surveyoñ¡ in 1934 and shown on Plan P-1917-4. They used the wire fence that existed in that day to define the limit, Similarly, Plan l lR-l57 ret¡aced the limit using a wire fence that existed tî 1973 to define the limit. Both swveys use the same point at the road limit but at the comer of the cemetery the difference between the two limits is about 6 inches. CONCLUSION: There were two old wood fence posts still standing along ttre limit which fit the highway surveyor's establishment better so the angle shown on the highway field notes and on Plan Pl9l7-4 should be held to establish the Northerly extent ofthe boundary in luestion. 5. Page 7 of8 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 99 of 297 FINAL DETERMINATION From all of this evidence, I have determined that there are two parcels along Glen Erie Line inthe Southeast corner of Lot 12, Concession 2 of Bayham Township. One parcel being the Cemetery parcel and the other the Csinos parcel. I have also determine.d that, since at least 1934, there has been a wire fence that has stood on the line between the two parcels. I have fi¡¡ther deterrrined that the best available evidence of where the original boundary was set on the ground is the location of the wi¡e fence as stweyed by the highway surveyots inl934. The Easterly limit of the Estherville Cemetery was therefo¡e so established and a one inch square steel survey monument was set in the groimd at each comeÍ. Each monument is painted and clearly ma¡ked in the field by a wooden marker. It should be noted that, as an Onta¡io Land Sun'eyor, I am not licensed to determine the actual ownership of a parcel. I can only determine if a boundary exists and where its location is to be found. Therefore, I make no findings of the actual ownership of either the Cemetery lands or the Csinos lands. Enclosed are 6 copies of AGM Plan No. 9-L-3878-Zwhich shows the detail of the survey. The plan has been prepared as a Bounda¡ies Act plan and is suitable for an application under the Boundaries Act to have the line confirmed as surveyed. Enclosed is our account for the report and survey of this boundary. I tnrst you will find it in order. If there ar€ any questions or comments about either the survey or the account please don't hesitate to contact the undersigned. In the meantime, we thank you very muoh for using the sewices of AGM Surveying & Engineering. It has been very much appreciated. JDA: Encl: f,þrojectslblbayhanþa)\balba-02lba-02-I2lba-02-12-llsurldocuments emailLsurvey report.doc Yours truly, Onta¡io Land Suweyor Page 8 of I Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 100 of 297 \\ 1\¿\È\ié \ 'q-= \ i'ù i \ \'l ".----l '\l \ N/UNICIPALITY (GEOGRAPHIC g_ t fr" dil OF P,t,N t5t22-0J05 BAYHAI\I BAYHAI\,,I) oozo 'Lrì rll o PW OF SUffi ÞrN 56J22-O12r & LOT 12, CONCESSION 2(cEocRþHrc rcwNsHrP oF UYH^M) MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAMCOUNT OF ELGINH+*ë- f oNraRro SURVEIOR'S CERTIFICATE: I I "lBI iliniL Ìtr"li I I I I SS ON wo 11R-t t5t22-0128 ESS O LOT t-------;;----¡ tFmgdl t---- _*:-----llb¡ñúl r------:;;------I T',- | À òio o'-.o*[N8H tr êrt* 8ut*t *. otñ bt .SoL l A N D 2 2)EñumdMûqd4óI CONCESSION Ê\i'3; IÈdä I \Èå \\ieÌ lìÞl I "\l x oáz tJ' -û çzx 1o o LEGEND L--PÁRI ONE 11R-157--1 \ {ô¡ \ C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d F e b r u a r y 1 1 a n d J u n e 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 r e g a r d i n g " E s t h e r v i l l e C e m e t e r y A G M R e p o r t " . P a g e 1 0 1 o f 2 9 7 S URVEYIHE . EHGIilËEAIilE Bv Email Onlv ß paqes to kkruqef(Abavham.on.cal February 11, 2011 Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 9344 Pla¡k Road Stratfordvilie, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Kylc S. Kruger' C.M.O. Administrator RE¡ Estherville (Olil PortBurwell) Cemetery Part of Lot 12, ConcessÍon 2 (Twp. of Bayham) - Municipalþ of Bayham Pronosal for Boundaries Act Survey of fhe Easterþ Boundqy- Kyle, thank you for meeting with me on February lil and outlining the background for the issues invoft,ed with the location of the Easterþ boundary of the Estherville Cemeæry and providing me with associated material from yow files. It has given me a full understanding of what will be involved ín doing a Boundaries Act Suwey to determine the t¡ue location of the boundary in question. I have ,'eviewed the material and provide you the following sunmar1'of the stages involved wilh the sur:vey and an estimate of the fees for each stage. Research Our research will include the following: I . A full Land Registy Offrce search of the title for both the Cemetery property and for the property to the Easf (Csinos). The search will go right back to the Crown Patent and will inciude a reníew ofthe deed descripions for both properties, right from the very first deed for each. 2. A search for all legal surveys in the vicinìty of the properties, including plans, field notes and reports, This will include all surveys forHighn'ay 19 and all private surveys. 3. A detailed review of all mate¡ial provided by yourselfl 4. A meeting at the municipal offices with any interested parties, This can be facilitated by a public notice issued byyou as Administrator, inviting all interestedparties to appear at a ãesignated time. These people'would be requested to coutact you for appointments and a schedule rvill be made for 20 minute interviews each, befir.een me and the party' Estimated Fee -lus $300 IIST AÊCHIBA[0, GBAY t McKÁY SS'l4WhiteOakRoad,London,ontartoCanadaNoE2Zg /Tel (519) 685-5300 / Fax(519)605-5303 / agmlon@agm.on,ca/ www.agm'on,ca Page 1 of3 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 102 of 297 Preliminary Survey The preliminary survey will include a field survey to measure and review the ground evidence and to establish the boundary on the gound. This establistunent would come about after a full review and assessment of all evidence gathered, both from the research stage and from the ground evidence rneasured. the location established would be the one that I am prepared to defend in a Boundaries Act submission, A plan would be prepared showing the boundary location, the fences, the Csinos' bam and the stone cairn. It would also show all evidence that was used during the course of the survey, A report will be prepared of the suwey and the report and the plan (being a draft of the Boundaries Act Plan) will be delivered to you with averbal explanation of our findings' Estim¡ted Fee -S50fl disbursements, Plus HST Boundaries Act Application and Hea¡ing It is very difficult to estimate the fee involved here. After the submission of the application and plar¡ the Ministry will ci¡culate the diaft Boundaries Act plan for comments and objections. ff there æe no objections then there will not be a hearing so the cost wÍll be much less. A very rough estimation of what the fees may be is as follows: Our fees fo¡ all of our work will be based on the actual time and disburseménts that will be incuned at each stage, Our hourly rates are as follows: Field Crew - $145.00/hr Researching, Calculatinglc[D Drafting - $ 86.00/hr Ontario Land Suweyor - S160.00/hr Disbursements - at cost Estimate of Fees for Application -$11300' plus $250 disbursements, plus HST Estimate of Fees for HearÍng Preparation -$1p80/ila¡ plus disbursements, plus HST Íto2 d¡ys anticipated) Estimate of Fees for Ilearing Attendance -$1r280/day, plus disbursements' plus HST ft to 3 devs anticinated) Page2 of3 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 103 of 297 Kyle, from our conversation at our meeting I realize that the total fees estimated here is a fair amount higher than you anticipated. As you can see from my CV attached,I have had quite a bit of experience u'ith Boundaries Act and Land Titles Act surveys (both are quite similar and usually involve hearings). From this, I believe that my estìmate of the time and disbursements that will be involved with this suryey is quite realistic. I thank you for the opportunity to provide this sun'ey proposal. Should you have any questions pleæe don't hesitate to call. In the meantime I look forwa¡d to heæing back from you. If you would like us to proceed please sìgnback below. Yours truly, Archibald, Gray & McKay Ltd. I :lDocVÐ,4lESTI MATEIBryh an - Es thuv il I e Cent¿te¡y est. doc I autlrorize Archibai{ Cnay &.McKay Ltd. to proceed. MunicÍpality of Bayham Per: Kyle S. Kruger, C.M.O. Administator J. D. Annable Ontario Land Surveyor Page 3 of3 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 104 of 297 PROFES SrOr:fAL C URRr CULUM VrrAq JEFTREY DREW AIYNABLE Ontarío Land Surveyor PBOX'ESSIONAL PROF,TLE ¡ Commissioned as an Ontario Land Surveyor on June 24,lg77 by the Association of Onta¡io Land Surveyors;. Employed by Archibald, Gray & McKay Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors: Pa¡ttime from 1965 to 1971, while attendinguníversity; Full time froml972 to the present;¡ Became sbareholder andpartner ofArchibald , Gray & McKay Ltd. October 72,197g;r Served on the elected Boa¡d ofDirectors (known as the Council) of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors from l99lto 1997;¡ P¡esident of the Association of Ontario Land Suweyors for the t995196 tetm;o Served on various Committees of the Associatiou of Ontario Land Sunrvyors: past member Planning for professíonal Development Committeeì- past member Standards TaskForce past member Role of the Suweyor Committee past member Standards Committee pastmember and chairperson of the Fees Infomration committee past member Practice Advisory Committee past assistant to the Academic and Experience Requirements Committee past member Public Awareness Committee , past member Nominations Committee cunent member Discipline Committee cunent Chair of the Annual Meeting Committee;¡ P¡ovided seminar paper on "The Surveyo¡s Dilemma" - (the subjeot of conflicting evidence when determinirg a boundary) to the members of the Association of O¡rlario Land Surveyors at their 1984 Abnual Meeting;¡ Lectured on behalf ofthe Association of,ontario Land suweyors to: sfudent surveyors survey technicíans Fanshawe College law clerk students Sfudent lawyers at the Bar Admíssion cor¡rses provided in London, Ontario;o Current membet, past director and Chairperson of the Soufhwestem Regional Group Chapter ofthe Association of Ontar.io Land Surveyors;c completed business management cou¡se provided by Unique Management Consultants;o completed business management and marketing course provided by W.A. Gilbert & Associates; Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 105 of 297 Attendetl væious semi¡ars presented by the Association of Ontario Land Suweyors about legal and technical surveying as well as survey business matters; Cur¡ent member and Past President ofthe Rotary Club of London - Lambeth. As well as the nor¡nal cadastral and technical surveys that are done on a daily basis, the foilowing court action surveys have been completed: ¡ Boundaries Act surveys âon" on all of the municipal streets for the Tolvn of Bayfi.eld in Hr¡ro¡ County, whicbincluded numerous publio meetings to resoh'e issues. This project was staged in sections and completed over a 3 to 4 yeæ period in the early 1980's to accomrnodate budgets;r February 1981, Boundaries Act #BA-1847 - Éurveyor and expert witness at a hearing on behalf of The Township of Westnrinster who'was objecting to the limit of a road allowance that was the subject of the applicalion; r Januarf¡ 1983, Bounda¡ies Act #P,A-203g - suryeyor and expert witness forthe applicant who was having problems with a neighbour over a boundary in Aylmer; ¡ Novernber, 1983, Boundaries Act#BÃ-2102 - surveyor aad expert w{tness for the applicant who was having problems with aneighbouf over a boundary in Granton; . Siptember, 1985, Boundaries Act#BA-2229 - surveyor and expe{ wifrlss f9r the uppti*nt who was having problems with a neighbour over a boundary in London; . April, 1993, BoUndaries Aot IIB^-2537 - surveyor and expert witness for the applicant *io wu, having problems with aneighbour over aboundary inlambeth; ¡ Septemb er, lgg1,Bouhdaries Act # BA-2553 - suweyor and export wiüress {--fu objector who was having problems with a neighbour over a boundary in Lambeth; . Aprit, 1997, Referen". Þtun # ¡gR-12900 - surveyor and expert witness for the applicant for a Land Titles Hearing over a section of disputed land in the Township of Catadoc; r September,200l, Reference Plan # 33R-14700 - surveyoraüd expert witness for the applicant for a Land Titles Hearing over a srip of dispgted land in London; o October, 2011, - surveyor and expãrt witness fo¡ an objector for a Land Titles Hearing over a stuip of disputed lzurd in Port Stanley 2 Correspondence dated February 11 and June 13, 2011 regarding "Estherville Cemetery AGM Report". Page 106 of 297 ,1 CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT : County Road Maintenance Agreement/Funding DATE: June 28, 201I FILE: L04 NUMBER: PrW2011-08 Purpose This report is to provide comment on County of Elgin reports regarding a new Road Maintenance Agreement and regarding a request from certairLareamunicipalities for inclusion of a fuel surcharge. Background As Council is aware, within the County of Elgin, local municipalities carry out the maintenance of roads under the jurisdiction of the County, and in return receive funding for such maintenance. The County continues to set minimum maintenance standards, and retains responsibility for all capital works and requirements. These arrangements are set out in the Ministers Restructuring Order effective January l, 1998. Some clarification of this relationship was established via an agreement between the County and each area municipality, completed in the case of Bayham in 2003. Current Funding Under the current arrangements, the County of Elgin determines the compensation for area municipalities based on a rate per km of County road maintained. Since 2000, the rate has appropriately been higher for higher classified roads. The rates have typically been adjusted annually by the CPI. Compensation Review Committee In 2010, a steering committee comprised of County Engineering staff along with two financial staff and two roads department staff from area municipalities was established, to review compensation to the area municipalities for County road maintenance. This Committee met through 2010, and according to members of the Committee, the majority of discussions was regarding establishing a compensation method on a unit price basis vs. the current lump sum. Under such a model, a unit cost would be developed for each service which would be paid by the County upon proof of completion of the works (i.e.: $x to complete a sign replacement). Concerns remained with winter control, however discussions were on-going. The Committee did not meet during the election period in the fall of 2010 due to the inability of the County and several local municipalities to implement any potential changes, but did eventually reconvene in May 2011. At that time, the committee was presented a draft report from County staff recommending that municipalities continue to be compensated on a cost per kilometer for County road maintenance as is currently in place, and that the allocation for class I and 2 roads be examined. The report was presented to County Council, and direction was given that the report be circulated to areamunicipal Councils for comment. A copy of that report is attached. Fuel Surcharge At the same time, several area municipalities have approached the County to consider a fuel surcharge to address the impact of on-going fuel price increases. The resultant County staff report suggests that the annual adjustment to compensation rates by the annual CPI addresses inflation, including fuel prices. That report has also been circulated to area municipalities for comment. Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 107 of 297 Staff Comments Funding Model Depending on the details in a new agreement with the County, staff opinion is that either funding model put forward by County staff can be accommodated, though there are questions regarding the level of oversight the report suggests is necessary for an invoice system. It seems the oversight is well beyond what is the norm for any contracted service. Also, concems in regard to the overall agreement and clarity of maintenance requirements, as well as the basis for current compensation remain. Initial discussions that led to the Committee being formed were relative to the compensation rates, and the type and level of expenditures that would be appropriate, including items such as insurance, insurance deductibles, facility maintenance and other overhead, etc. were properly accounted for. At this time, there seems to be inconsistent treatment of such costs. As Council is aware, in the last couple ye¿ìrs, Bayharn is showing a significant deficit relative to County road maintenance. This is at least in part due to more thorough delineation of costs (such as patrolling) as County road maintenance expense. County staff suggest in their report that over the past number of years, there has been a surplus in payments to local municipalities for road maintenance. Bayham staff contend that this may not be reflective of the actual situation. Bayham and some other area municipalities had historically only accounted for direct costs for County road maintenance. No or insufhcient consideration of indirect costs, such as patrolling, inspections, and overhead has been accounted for historically. It is noted that the County staff report recommends examining the costs of Class 1 and 2 roads. There is no explanation of the reasoning for examining only these classes. Staff suggest similar examination should be carried out for the remaining road classes as well. Lastly, staff understand that Central Elgin has also expressed interest to the County to assist in a pilot project for a unit cost system. Supporting the County and Central Elgin pursuing such a project may assist in a long-term examination of the funding system. Fuel Surcharge County staff also report on the request from some area municipalities regarding a fuel surcharge. County staff suggest that the compensation over the years has resulted in a net surplus, and also that the annual adjustment to the compensation rate by the CPI adequately addresses fuel cost increases. Staff note the earlier assertion that the historical numbers regarding compensation may not truly reflect the actual situation. Additionally, staff note that the CPI is a measure of impacts of inflation on a family/household, and is not reflective of the impacts of inflation on a "construction" service as is being provided for County roads. Staff at Central Elgin have undertaken some review and consultation regarding the application of the CPI. It can reasonably be argued that the impact of fluctuations in fuel has far greater impact on the construction industry than on family households. Fuel use is a major cost input for road maintenance services, and products such as aggregate production and delivery also have high fuel input costs. Central has suggested using the Construction Price Index for annual adjustments instead of the Consumer Price Index, as it is more reflective of the inputs for road maintenance services. The Construction Price Index is the common method of adjusting items such as development charges. Use of this index may then negate the need for a fuel surcharge. Attachments 1. County of Elgin Report - New Road Maintenance Agreement 2. County of Elgin Report - Fuel Surcharge Request Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 108 of 297 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendations l. That Council advise the County of Elgin that the Municipality of Bayham can accept either funding model outlined in their report regarding a new road maintenance agreement. 2. Thatthe County be requested to examine the current allocation for all classes of roads. 3. That Council recommend to the County of Elgin that annual adjustments to compensation rates for road maintenance be adjusted by the annual Construction Price Index. 4. That Council advise that it is supportive of a pilot project, as offered by the Municipality of Central Elgin, to examine compensation on a unit price basis. y submitted, Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 109 of 297 REPORT TO COUNTY GOUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services DATE: May 18,2011 SUBJECT: A New Road Maintenance Agreement INTRODUCTION As directed by Council on the May 26rh,2OOg meeting, the County Solicitor has prepared a draft revised Road Maintenance Agreement' A staff led Road itÍaintenance Agreement Team comprised of the Treasurers from the Townships of Malahide and Southwold, the ioad Supervisors from the Municipalities of central Elgin and west Elgin and county staff, have met with the county solicitor to discusé reimbursemeit rates, aitivities and processes' This report recommends a methodology to finalize the new agreement' DISCUSSION Since the fall of 1g98, road maintenance activities for the County of Elgin have been performed by Eigin's local municipal partners under a formal agreement. Municipalities are' coñrpensated for maintenance activities with lump sum payments, 6 times annuály, based on the length and class of road maintained. The existing maintenance agreement has expired as of December gfi,2010 and therefore must be renewed-. Also, subsequent to the Hipson lnquest, a fatal accident which lead to a number of recommendations to improve safety, County Council directed the County Solicitor and staff to complete a number. of items to be incorporated into a revised agreement with municipalities. Although the Coroner's recommendations have álready been incorporated into practice, they are not formally addressed in the preseni maintenance agreement and must be incorporated. The following items have now been included in a revised Road Maintenance Agreement: 1. More detailed specifications of service requirements' 2. Clarification oi inspection requirements and duties, including joint quarlerlY insPections. 3. ilarify rêporiing requirements, including a reporting mechanism in relation to deficíency idéntified during joint inspections and activity summaries. 4. lnvoicing and bonus paymênt mechanism conditional upon municipal fulfilment of performance and reporting requirements' 5. Develop compensation rates for the new system' Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 110 of 297 ln addition, Council directed staff to hire one staff person to administer the new invoice, inspection, repoding and payment approval system once implemented' The main difference with the new draft agreement is the principle of compensation, using a full invoice system. Current compensation is delivered in a lum[ sum amount r,í¡tfl tt'''" expectation of a delivered seruice. The new proposed format compensates the municipalities on a per unit basis per maintenance activity. The revised system intends to compensate municipalities for work .orpl.t"d and places budgetary risks with the county. simply put, if the municipality completes a tasi, then the municipality will be compensated for that task. 'However, the corollary is also true as an incomplete task will not attract payment. Challenges with an Invoice SYstem Under an invoíce, or, pay-as-you-go system, municipalities would invoice the County monthly for all activities performed, usíng prescribed rates. While an invoice system is fair, it will take far more effort to operate than the current system. For instance, winter control, that accounts for approximately sixty percent ôf maintenance spending annually (+/- $1,650,000), will have to be iracked very accurately and specifically. Each municipality will have to document and justify each truck's operating time (gate to gate) and meas.ure salUsand qrrniiti"r'for each storm event. The munìcípality will be reimbursed the following month once they invoice the County for exactly what was done the previous month. The prinóiple of the new formula is intended to compensate municipalities for all additional costs incurred to operate the new system. Another example of the potential complexity of the system is signage. Thousands of different types of road signs exist and various maintenance aciivities are completed on if'em. A sign may be simply straightened after winter activities, or replaced if it is worn or damaged. There are steel posts with small signs or large signs wíth wooden posts thai would require utility locates to install' Some sign rãint"n"nce activities require one person and 15 minutes of time and other activities require pre-planning, traffic control, equipment, 5 persons and a couple of hours to complete. The rañge and scope of activities will require many difterent rates of compensation that still may not fit all scenarios. The new accounting system may take additional effod on both the municipality's and the County's pãrt U"p"nding on the system already in place. When fully implemented, the bounty will require an additional stafl person to monitor the activities, ensure due diiigence/follow up and approve monthly invoicing' The estimated cost for a full time County employee plus vehicle is $100,000 annually. Another item of potential concern for municipa cash flow' Under the current system, lump sum payme nicipalitíes regardless of the workload. Under the propo s are onfy Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 111 of 297 compensated after work is completed. There may be instances where less County road work is required lmitO winters), or when municipal forces are busy with oiher local projects and therefore are not completing or delaying non-urgent tasks on County róads. ln those instances, municipalities would only receive minimal operationalfunding for patrols, etc. On the other hand, if conditions dictated extraordinary maintenance work on County roads, the iounty would experience unbalanced budget expenses. This possib-ility will be "*p"nréd through a County road maintenance contingency fund already established. lnvoice System and Level of Service Under the existíng compensation system, municipaiities are able to manage their operations and piovide services to a level their councils see fit, as long as they remain within the allocation provided and maintain minimum standards. A full invoice system will dictate the level of seruice to be completed to meet the minimum maintenance standards only. For example, some municipalities complete ¡ne grass cutting around residential areas several times per year. The propbsed system will speıify the frequency and. widths to cut annually and only äorp"nrrté tor those äctivities. Additional activities beyond *l9l the contract rp"rifi.r will be not be reimbursed by the County. lf municipalities choose to exceed the level of service identifieó by the contract, it will be at the local m unicipality's expense. lnvoice System and Winter Gontrol Municipalities consistently meet the Provincial Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) for winter control, however, the level of service provided above that level ùaries'greatly across the County. Under an invoice system, the County will have to closðg mónitor the level of sárvice being provided to ensure that winter control remains eflective while keeping costs as low as possible. Although decisions to deploy forces to combat wintei events will remain with municipalities, the County w¡li b'e taking a much more active role in understanding when and how municipalitíes provide winter control services. The Gurrent Funding Model GaP The existing compensation model has been in place for the last 13 years' As already me-ntioned, municipalities are currently compensated for maintenance activities with lump rum påyments, 6 times annuafly, based on the length and class of road mainiained with the expectation of a delivered service' Financially, the current system has worked well. Over the past 13 years the County hás paid municipaiities $29,518,313 to maintain its roads and collectively, municþalitiei have r"pb't"d ç29,434,205 in expendìtures or $84,108 less than their allocations. This äxperience has demonstrated that municipalities have been Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 112 of 297 able to maintain the County roads for the allocations provided. .Although financially successful, the existing system does not fully address all maintenance completed on County roads and therefore some improvements are necessary' There is a difference between Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) and maintenance items that should be completed on a roadway to ensure its functional longevity. Some activities can be deferred without failing to meet the M if neglected will, negatively affect the condition of the roexpenslvecapitalprojects.TheMMsonlydealwithth y, or the area from edge of shoulder across the driving lanes to the other edge óf shoulder, and does not include the ditch area' Therefore, many activiies requiring drainage work can be left undone that eventually deteríorate the roadway white never triggering the MMS (ie. Ditching' berm removal, culvert repairs, drainage outlet erosion, etc.). These proactive activities are required to properly maintain road infrastructure, however, because they are not prescribed specificaily by the MMS, they are often not completed until they cause other road issues. Under the current compensation model, the County does not inTerfere with municipal operations and only assesses the road's condition. While MMS are being bonsistently met, the ievel of service above the MMS and other road main-tenance actiúities are being completed differently by munícipalities' Also, because the current system operates under a funding model where rnunicipalities are able to retaiñ any surpluses, a "dis-incentive" may be created whereby only minimum requirements for safety are met in some cases. Funding Principle The Elgin maintenance model operates under the assumption that the.lower-tier munici[alities control costs and may retain any surpluses for purposes deemed fit by their councíls. The understanding is that a fixed allocation is granted by the County and the service is designed around the funds available. To formalize this "Funding Prínciple" a resolution was adopted by Council and states the following: THAT the lower tiers closely monitor the level of service they are providing to limit maintenance expenditures and to work within the approved yearly allocation, and, THAT, as a generalfunding principle, the yearly maintenance allocation not be exceedeã given the latitude available for each participant to control costs and the level of service províded. 4 Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 113 of 297 This funding principle is especially important in years of positive bud-get variances' Municipalities are encouraged to reserve any eXceSS maintenance funds to offset years with extraordinary expenses' Co-operative CaPital Projects ln an attempt to address these "major maintenance" needs beyond the scope of the MMS, Council implemented Co-operi $100,000 annuallY to comPensate comptete some of these identified p additional costs of materials and projects and munlcipãtities pay lgr labour and equipment in this joint venture' Under the system, municipalities ídentify small projects that would benefit the road and save future maintenance activitieê il''"t tfrey woutd be willing and able to ðomptete, and the òòunty selects which projects will be done annually' Co-operative Capital Projects have been successful, however' not all municipalities parücipate regularly and some municipalities are limited by time, resources and/or ttjility to äompiete some projects' ln practice'. municipalities also charge their húút and equipment time to their County road maintenance allocations. A Simpler Solution as compared to an lnvoicing System There is merit in utilizing the existing compensation model moving forward, if an additional compensatiorimechanismïas fòrmalized to compensate municipalities for work beyond the scope of the existing agreement' The existing Co-operative Capital Projects account could be evolved and incorporat"i ¡n the maintenance agr"e*"nt to.fund maintenance activities that are not consistently n"¡ng completãd today. The Co-operative Capital Projects account would n" i"n"mãd "Májor Maintenance Projects", to better describe the purpose of the account and áifferentiate it from the Mínimum Maintenance Standards activities atreaOy being compensated under the allocations to municipalitíes. This fund and mechanÍsm would ens activities are being completed, preservi 2012. An additional County employee stem was not imPlemented' 5 Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 114 of 297 The maintenance agreement would specify the type of projects that would be funded under Major Maíntenance Projects and how the work would be prescribed and accepted. Íhe municipality woulO have the "first right of refusal" to either accept oi decline completing the prescribed work. lf a municipalíty declines corpleting the work, tl'ren thé County would hire a private firm to complete the project as-is done today in some instances (i.e. gravel shoulder resurfacing). Some examples of maintenance projects that would trigger full reimbursement through a Major Maintenance Projects fund include: o Ditching (to establish a new grade) o Berm removalo Adding gravelto shoulders o Sign replacementso Culvert rePlacementso Major drain repairs/replacements o Entrance culved rePlacements o Tree/stumP removal o Major washout rePairs o AsPhalt Patcheso Minor bridge rePairs The advantages of retaining the existing compensation model with additional funding for Major Maintenance Projects are as follows: . Municipalities maíntain autonomy to manage their own operations within the annual allocations Provided.. Lump sum payments to municipalities will continue for consistent budgeting and cash flow.o Municipalities will retain any allocation surpluses from local efficiencies' . Less administration for all parties than a full invoicing system' o Municipalities will not require scales and material measuring equipment' . Less staff time by municipalities as compared to a full invoicing system. . County would not require an additional staff person valued at $100,000 annually or $1 million over the term of the agreement' . Municipalities are reimbursed 100o/o for all projects they complete under Major Maintenance Projects, beyond the scope of the actívities currently completed. CONCLUS¡ON The existing County road maintenance system has been in operation fo¡^;I3 years and the existing maintenance agreement has expired as of December 31st 2010. The findings of the Hipson lnquest determined that the County must take an active rolJensuring that required maintenance is completed on the .roads the County has jurisdiclion over. The County has adopted inspection and reporting Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 115 of 297 pract¡ces to address the recommendations of the Hipson lnquest and now those þroc"sses must be formalised ín the agreement' County staff, the County Solicitor and a review team comprised of adm.inistrative representation from -ioúr. trnicipalities have been working on a revised road maintenance agreement planned to be initiated January 1,2012. council has directed the county solicitor to prepare the revised maintenance ãg="r"nt to include an invoice for compensation model' Staff considered the consequences of a full invoice system and has found some challenges and addition costs that may not necessarily improve upon the existing agreement and funding model. The existing lump sum compensation model has operated well financially for many years. A servíce gap exists between Minimum Maintenance standards and other maintenan." t"q,l¡råments' lf a formal mechanism was in place to fully ðotp.nt"te municipalities for " mai service éap äouu be eliminäted, and d be Î^1TI 6enefits to the existing model repo ls merlr in retaining the curlent compensation with ,!1: ^ t- of an additional funding mechanism to compensate municipalities for other maintenance work-not contemplated under the existing agreement' tenance Agreement Review Team' review committee is comfortable commended in the report with a view to d Class 2 roads to address and update current costs and responsibilities. RECOMMENDATION THAT the new maintenance agreement utilize the same lump sum compensation model and scope of activitieJ ín use today for municipalities, .and include' an additional invoicing system to reimburse municipalities for major maintenance work activities beyınd the scope of the existing agreement; and, THAT staff be directed to examine the current allocation model for Glass 1 and Class 2 roadways. All of which is Respectfully Submitted, Peter Dutchak Deputy Director of Engineering Services Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Servíces Approved for Submission, Mark G. McDonald Ghief Admin istrative Officer Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 116 of 297 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton watters, Director of Engíneering services DATE: May3,2011 SUBJECT: Fuel Surcharge Request INTRODUCTION: The Township of Malahide, Township of southwold and the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich have requested an íncrease to the maintenance payments due to an increase in fuel costs in the form of a fuel surcharge presenly, the maintenance allocations to municipalities are adjusted annually by the october consumer Price lndex (cPl) that includes the commodity of fuel. DISCUSSION: Since 1996, Elgin's municipal partners have been contracted to complete maintenance activities on County roads. Aliocations are calculated based on the Class of road and number of kilometres of County road maintained. These allocations are increased annually by the October Consumér Price lndex (CPl) to account for inflationary costs. Council chose to use the CPI to capture inflationary adjustments since it remains the accepted standard and has been in place for nearly 100 years- The overall CPI has eight catejories that are used to formulaie the index. These include: food; shelter; household op.rãfionr; clothing; transporlatíon; health care; recreation; and alcoholic beverages. Gasoline costs direcfly account for 4.92o/o of the overall CPl, however, the spectrum of categories in the ou"ráll CPI are also largely influenced by fuel. For.example, food prices will iñcrease as the price of fuel increasel, -because of the increased costs of transpofting the food to market. The Cpl for the period of October 2009 to October 2010 was 2.4o/o. This growth was largely attributablä to transportation prices. The singl_e most important factor in 2010 was the increase in the price oi gasoline. 25% of the CPI for this period was influenced by gasoline prices. lylunicipal ai-locations were increased accordingly and the total allocation io municiþalities was in'creased by 965,000 for 2011. As fuel prices continue to rise in 2011,these costs will be reflected ln the annual 2011 CPI (Octobe_r 2010 to October 2011) and maintenance allocations will be increased accordíngly for 2012. Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 117 of 297 For example, the March 2011 CPI was 3.3%, the largest year-over-y€ar increase since 200g, anO'0.Ó% of this increase is attributable to energy costs. lf the CPI remains at these levels, and the october Cpl is also 3.3%, m rnicipal aiðcations will be increased by a total of $90,600 for 2012. The percentage of the overall Cpl that is directly attributable to gasoline costs Ø.92%) is similar to the percentage of the maintenance allócation that municipalitíes use to purchase fuel. Therefore, the CÞl remains an accurate inflationary adjustment for the County road maintenance allocations. For example, the Township of Malahide h litres of dieselfuel in 2010 for all their opera 25o/o of their total fuel usage was for Coun control. Therefore 22,500litres of fuel, at a that $18,900 was spent on diesel fuel for C 2010, the Township of Malahide's allocatio comprised 3.3% of their total allocation. Assuming the Township of Malahide also spent "ppr*irrtely $10,000 on gasoline fuel costs for County road. activities in 2010, the pärcentag" of th"ir'total alloıation spent of fuel remains comparable to the percentage of fuelthat comprises the CPl. Also in 2010, the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich spent $18,125 on all types oJ tygt-lo1 County road maintenance operations. Their 2010 maintenance allocation was $371,500 and thêrefo re 4.8% of their allocation was spent directly on fuel. These examples confirm that municipalities spend approximately 5% of.their maintenance allocation direcly on fuel costs. lhà cPl's cälculation includes approximately 5% for !h9 inflationary cost of gasoline. Therefore, the CPI captures increases for fuel costs that municipalities expeñence. Allocations are adjusted annually from the previous year's experience. CONCLUSION The overall Cpl for long periods of time is an accurate estimation of the inflationary or changes in prices tor góoOs and services. That is, commodities that comprise. the CPI calculation are volatile and can rise and fall in the short term, but are captured through averages in the long term. Gasoline comprises 4.g2% of the overall CPl, which is a very similar percentage tt-!9 what municipalities spend of their total maintenance allocation on fuel' Therefore, the CPI annual inffationary äd¡ustment provided to municipalities captures the cost of fuel increases, CPI increased the maintenance allocations by a total of $65,000 to municipalities for 201j. The CPI for 2011 will adjust2ol2 payments to municipalities. Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 118 of 297 ln2010, the municipalities had a net surplus of $108,000. In the last thirleen years, the municipalities have also had a net surplus. ln other words, the allocations provided were greatei than their expenditures. During that time, the County has compensated the municipalities nearly $30 million to maintain the County roads. By the above measure, the present financial arrangement is a success. The philosophy 9,f th-e current compensation system is that municipalities have significant latitude in their operations, and ihey are able to use any surplus from efficiencies to offset any deficits in oiher years. lsolating costs is contradictory to this existing fundíng principle. Therefore, staff suggests that thê overall CPI is still the most effective method for annual increases that reflect changes in prices for municipalities. RECOMMENDATION THAT the overall CPI continue to be used to adjust the annual maintenance allocations to municipalities; and, THAT this report be circulated to Elgin's partner municipalities. All of which is Respectfully Submitted, Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submission, Mark G. McDonald C h ief Ad m in istrative Officer Staff Report PW2011-08 regarding "County Road Maintenance Agreement / Funding". Page 119 of 297 Page 120 of 297 î CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091 DATE: June 30, 2011 FILE: L O / The Municipality of Bayham currently has an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation termed an "Authorized Requestor Agreement". This agreement is required by the MTO to permit the Municipality access information regarding driver and vehicle records for the purpose of legal proceedings for parking infractions. The MTO has recently advised that due to a program review regarding the protection of personal information, an amended agreement is required. A ByJaw to authorized execution of the agreement is attached for consideration. Completion of this Agreement is mandatory for the Municipality to maintain access to records needed to coÍrmence any legal proceedings relative to parking tickets. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 121 of 297 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHÄM BY-LAW 20tt-064 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE TIIE ÐGCUTION OF A C,OVERNMENT AUTHORIZED REQTIESTER AGREEMENT WITII THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF' ONTARIO \ilHEREAS Section I I of the Municþal Act" 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 as amended provides in part that a lower tier municipalþ may pass byJaws respecting highways, including parking and üaffic on higþways, AND WIIEREAS the Municipality of Bayham requires access to the information products maintained by the Ministry of Transportation for the purpose of commencing a legal proceeding against a registered licence plate holder who has committed a parking infraction in contravention of a Municipal parking by-law, AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to enter into an Authorized Requester Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario to permit access to the Ministry's information products. NOW THEREFORE TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM IIEREBY ENACTS AS F'OLLO\MS: 1. THAT the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to execute the Authorized Requester Agreement between the Municipality of Bayharn and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, afifixed hereto and forming part of this byJaw, and the Clerk is directed to affix the Corporate Seal thereto. 2. AND TIIAT the previous Authorized Requestor Agreement numbered 11091 be and the same is terminated upon the effective date of this agreonent. 3. AND TIIAT this byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 7rH DAY oF JULY 2orr. MAYOR CLERK Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 122 of 297 Ministry of Transportation Ministère des Transports I nformation Management Services Oversight Office 2680 Keele Street Building A, Room 178 Downsview, Ontario M3M 3E6 June 23,2011 Mr. Kyle Kruger THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mr. Kruger: RE: AUTHORIZED REQUESTER AGREEMENT 1IO9I I am writing in regards to your current Authorized Requester Agreement. As a result of a program review, and in consultation with both the Ontario Privacy Commíssioner's Offíce, the Ministry of Transportation is revising your Authorized Requester Agreement, dated June 29, 2009. The ministry takes the protection of personal information very seriously. The ministry only releases personal address information to clients who meet the ministry's prescribed criteria for the Authorized Requester Program. Agreement clauses pertaining to disclosure, retention and authorized use have been revised as a result of the program review. As a result, the ministry is replacing your current Authorized Requester agreement as per Article 3. Please review the enclosed agreement thoroughly and initial and sign where required, indicating your understanding and compliance with the terms of the new agreement. Please return both copies of the signed agreements to the above address no later than July 22,2011. Your current agreement and access to the Ministry of Transportation's information products will be terminated if we have not received these new agreements by the due date indicated above. Once sígned by a ministry representative, a copy of the new agreement will be returned to you for your files. t2 Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 123 of 297 11091 AUTHORIZED REQUESTER AGREEMENT (Mrm-rcrpAl, pARKrNc TAc PROGRAM) BETWEEN IIER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO, as represented by the Minister of Transportation AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 124 of 297 -l- AUTHORIZED REQUESTER AGREEMENT THIS ÀGREEMENT made as of the 23rd day of June, 2011 (the "Effective Date"). BETWEEN: IIER MAJESTY THE QT EEN in right of Ontario, rs represented by the Minlster of Transportatíon (,'MTO") -and- TIIE CORPOR.A,TION OF TTIEMUNICIPALITY OF BAYI{AM (the I'Munlcipalityri). WHERDA,S: ^4. MTO mainøi¡s computer daøbases containing infomlation pertaining to driver, vehicle and moto¡ caEier records; B. The Municipaþ requires access to such i¡formation for the purpose of conmencing legal proceedings against registered licence plate holders who have committed parking infractions u¡der Part tr of th e Provincial Oflences Acl (Ontario) , and/or in coDtraveution of a municipal parking byJaw; and C. MTO is prepared to permit the Municipality to obtain such access, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. NOIV THERDFORE MTO and the Municipality agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DET'INITIONS AI\D SCIIEDULES 1.1 Definitions. In this Authorized Requester Agreemetrt, u¡less the coDtext requires a different meaning, the following terms shall have the following meanings: I'Agreement'i means this agreement entitled ',4,uthorized Requester Agreement", including the attached Schedules, any documents or i¡struments incorporated by reference in this agreement, and any amendments to any of the foregoing that may be agreed to in writing by MTO and the Municipalþ or that are otherwise provided for in this agreement. "Application" neans the application, in the fomr approved by MTO, submitted by the Requester to become a¡ Authorized Requesær. TTARISú means the Authorized Requester Information System of MTO, which is an electronic system used by MTO to receive Licensed Information Requests from Authorized Requesters, and to send Licensed Info¡mation Responses to Authorized Requesteß and to maint¿in client profiles, as zuch system may be modiñed by MTO from time to time. "Auditr aud simila¡ expressions mean the performance by, or on behalf of MTO, of such audits, reviews, investigations, inspections, confirmations, certifications, tests, studies and determinations of, or relating to, ary matter or '\ìng pertaining to this Agreement. "Authorized Requesterrr means any person or other organization (including other municipalities) to whon MTO has, pursuant to aû agreement, granted a non-exclusive, non-assipable and non-hansferable licence to access and use tûe Lice¡sed Informatioo solely for Authorized Uses. "Authoriz¿d Staff I means: (a) smFloyees of the Municipality, aud O) individual third party contractors Out not corporations, parEretships or other legal entities) engaged by the Municipality to perform employeeJike functions, who need to ¿ccess zuch Licensed Information or Passwords, in order for the Municipalþ to use the Licensed Information fo¡ Authorized Uses in acco¡dance with this Agreement, and who are listed in Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 125 of 297 7 Pa¡t A-2 of Schedule rrArr. t'Authorized Usest' has the meâning set out in section 4,1, "Business Day'r means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a statutory, civic or public sewice holiday obsewed in the Province of O¡tario. rrClaimsrt mearx¡ any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, suits or p¡oceedings against, of darnages (including indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages), losses, liabilities or obligations of MTO, or of MTO's employees, agents or contractors. I'Confidential Informatiotrrr has the meâning set out in secflon 5.1. 'rContractor Security Agreementrr meaos a privacy and confidentiality agreement between the Municipality and Autho¡ized Staff who a¡e individual third potty contactors engaged by the Municipality, in the form specified by MTO. 'rDamages" means losses, compensation, damages (including indirect, special, incidental, consequential and punitive damages), expenditures, costs (including reasonable administrative costs and ¡easonable legal fees and costs), expenses, interest, liabilities, judgeørents, awards, taxes, fines, penalties, charges and amounts paid in settlement. "I)eclalatiotr" has the meaning set out in section 10,2. rrl)elivery Ch¡nnelr meâns the method or system by which a Licensed Information Request is transmitted or delivered from the Municipality to MTO or by which a Licensed Information Response is transmitted or delive¡ed from MTO to the Municipality. I'Discloserr means directly or indiectly disclose, provide, distribute, exchange, sell, license, lease, givg make available or perrrit access to or use of; and "Disclosed", "Disclosing" and "Disclosure" have corresponding ¡sanin gs. "Effective Date" means the effective date of this Agreement, as set out at the beginning of this Agreement. "Employee Security Statementil means a privacy and confidentiality statement in the fo¡rr attached as Schedule "8", as may be modiñed by MTO tom time to time. t'f,'ees'r means those fees set out in Schedule ItCtt, TFOIPPAil means the Freedom of Information and Prolection of Privacy Act (Ontzrio), as amended from time to time rrFiscal Yearrr means a twelve (12) month period beginning on April I and ending on March 3l of the following year. "Government of Ont¡rlo" means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario or any ministry, agency, board, commission, departnent, corporation or ot¡er legal entity of or owned by the Govemment of Ontario. 'rGrântrr has the meaning set out in section 2,1, 'rlnitial Term" has the meaning set out in section 3.1(a), "Licensed Information'r has the meaning set out in P¡rt A-1 of Schedule rrA": rrlicensed Information Request" meåru one request for Licensed Information contained in one collection of Licensed Inforrration and pertaining to one driver, which request is in the fomrat stipulated by MTO ûom time to timg and which request is Fansmitted or delivered by the Municipality to MTO using a Delivery Channel specified in P¡rt A-1 of Scheduìe "4". "Licensed Information Response" means tle Licensed Information (or other ¡esponse such as nno infomration available") fa¡smitted or delive¡ed by MTO to the Municipality, using a Delivery Channel specified in Part A-1 ofSchedule rrÄ", in response to a Licensed Information Request. 'rlicensed Personal Inform¡tion" mea¡s any Licensed Information tbat is Personal Infomlation. f f Mtr'OIPPAf ' means the Municìpal Freedom of Informatíon and Protection of Privaqt Act (Ontxio), as amended from time to time. rrNonlisclosure Agreementrr hæ the meming set out in section 53(c). Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 126 of 297 -J- rrPassword" meêns any password, key, code or identifier assigned to a user in connection with making Licensed Inforrration Requests or receiving or asçessing Licensed Infomration Responses. "Pe¡mitted Recipientrt has the meaning set out in Part A-1 of Schedule "Arr. "Personal Inform¡tionÍ nsa.s personal information as defi¡ed in FOIPPA. ttPersonal Inform¡tion Recordstt means all Records of, or containing, Personal Information that is Processed by the Municipalþ in connection with the performance by the Municipality of the Municipality's obligations under this Agreement or the exercise by the Municipality of the Municipality's rights under this Agreement. "Privacy I)efault" mears a b¡each of (i) any Privacy Laws; or (ii) auy of the provisions of this Agreement relating to the Municipality's compliance with the Privacy Laws, including Schedule I'I)r'; or (üi) any other provision ofthis Agreeneut where such breach involves o¡ results in any Processing of (or failwe to Process) Personal Information that is trot strictly in accorda¡ce with this Agreement. I'Privlcy Laws'means (a) FOIPPA O) MFOIPPA aod (c) the provisions of auy other law from time to time that address any Processing of(or failure to Process) Personal Infomration. "Processrr means directly or indirectly create, access, collecÇ process, receive, hold store, use or Disclose; and "Processed" and "Processing" have corresponding meanings. f'POArf means tåe Provincial Ofences Act (On;Tario) as amended fiom tine to time. rrRecordsrr means the records of the Municipality in any format or medium, including any nreco¡du as defined in FOIPPA. trRecords Custodian" has the mea¡ing set out in section 9,5. 'rSupporting Document" means any ofthe documents which (a) support or veriff i¡fo¡mation contained in the Application (as such information may subsequently have been changed in accordauce with ¡ection 12.2 (a)); and (b) are listed in P¡rt A-l of Schedule "4". .Termrr means the Initial Term and any renewal(s) of this Agreement made in acco¡dauce with section 3.1@). rrWlrrlnt¡rrr meâns any representâtion, \Ã,a¡ranty or condition, express, implied, collateral or statutory. 1.2 Schedules. The following attached Schedules form part ofthis Agreement: Schedule "A' Specificatioos (Pa¡t A-1 and Pa¡t A-2) Schedule'ts" EmployeeSecurityStatement Schedule "C" Fee Schedule Schedule'D" Audit, Inspection and Review Sched,'le "E' Form of Monthly Report Schedule'F" FormofA¡nualReport Schedule "G" Form ofMTO Report ARTICLE 2 GRANTOT'LICENCE 2.1 GranL Subject to the provisioos of this Agreenent, MTO hereby grants to the Municipalþ a non-exclusive, non-assignable a¡d non-transferable licence (the "Grant") to access and use the Liceosed Information solely for the Authorized Uses. 2.2 Title. The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that MTO (or the Govemment of Ontario) is and shall at all times remain the sole owner of all dght, title and interest in the Lice¡sed l¡formation, including all i¡tellectual property rights (such as copyright) and other proprietary rights and trade secrets. Accordingþ, the Grant is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a transfer, sale or disposition ofany or all of MTO's right, title or interest of any kind in the Licensed Information. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 127 of 297 -4- 2.1 Changes in Licensed Information, (a) Despite any other provision of this Agreemen! the Municipalþ acknowledges and agrees that MTO reserves the rigbt in its absolute disc¡etion to add to, withdraw ûom, or change the content or stn¡ctue of, or subject matter covered by, or cease to make available, any or all of the Licensed Information at any time. (b) Upon implementation by MTO of any of the chaoges contemplated in section 2.3(a) above, all references to "Licensed Information" in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a:nended to reflect such changes. 2.4 No Gu¡rantees or \rysrrânties. The Municipality achowledges and agrees that MTO does not waraút or guarantee the accuracy of the Licensed Information. ARTICLE 3 TERM 3.1 Term. Subject to the provisions ofthis Agreement: G) Tbis Agreement shall be effective on the Effective Date and shall continue in fo¡ce for an initial term of twelve months (the "Initial Term"). (b) This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for subsequent terms of twelve (12) months eacb, provided that: (Ð neither party provides to the other, at least thirg (30) days befo¡e the expiry ofthe then curent term, rvritten notice ofthat party's intention not to fenew; (iÐ if requested by MTO, prior to such renewal the Municipality signs the fo¡m of authorized requester ag¡eement that MTO then requires to be signed by Authorized Requesters; (iiÐ the Municipalþ has updated the list of Authorized Stafr contained in P¡rt A-1 and P¡rt A-2 of Schedule 'À' and has reviewed a¡d affirmed such list in acco¡dance with section 8.1; (iv) the Municipality has updaæd the information contained in the Application and has reviewed and affirmed such infomration i¡ accordance with section 12.2: and (v) prior to such ¡enewal the Mrmicipality has satisfied any other conditions that may be stipulaæd by MTO for the ¡enewal of the Grant 3.2 Early Termination. This Agreement shall aùtomatically terminate in the event that MTO ceases to make available any Licensed Information to third parties outside ofthe Government ofOntario. 3.3 Terminrtion Without Cause. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated without liabilþ by either party giving to the other party thify (30) calendar days prior written notice of termination. ARTICLE 4 AUTHORIZED USES ñid-a;lı 4.1 Authorized Uses, The Municipality shall access a¡d use the Licensed Information solely for the following uses (the "Authorized Uses'): (a) to send to registered licence plate holders ¡otices that are prescribed by law where a Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 128 of 297 -5- legal pmceeding has been coûunenced by the Municipality agaimt the registered licence plate holder alleging that Îåe registered licence plate holder has committed an infraction against Part tr of the Provincìal Ofences Act (Ontario) and/or a parking byJaw enacted by the Municipality; aud O) to have Licensed Information certified by MTO for legal proceedings where it is alleged that the registered licence plate holder has committed an infraction against a parking byJaw enacted by the Municipality. 4,2 Changes to Autho¡ized Uses. Despite section 4,1, the Municipality acknowledges and agrees that MTO shall have the right unilaterally to emend or delete any or all of the Authorized Uses at any time, effective upon written notice to the Municipality setting out the applicable amendment(s) or deletion(s). 43 Informed Consent Despite section 4.1, if required by MTO, the Municipaliry shall, prior to requesting, accessing or usilg any Licensed Informatiou under this Agreement, obt¿in the informed consent of the individu¿l to whom the Licensed Information is referable. 4.4 Demonstration tb¡t Uses Authorized Upon MTO's request from time to lime, the Municipality shall reasonably demonshate that the Municipality's use of any particular Licensed Information (as specified by MTO) has been strictly in accordance with this Agreement. For avoid¿nce of doubt, any breach of the requirements of this section 4.4 shall constitute a Privacy Default. 4.5 Data Matching end Data Profiling. (a) Subject to the Authorized Uses, the Municipality shall not develop, or derive for any purpose whatsoevel any other product, work or dat¿base in huma¡-readable or machine-readable form or otherwise, that incorporates, modifies, or uses in any man¡e¡ whatsoeve¡ any Personal Information contai¡ed in, or obtained from, the Licensed l¡formation. This section shall not, however, apply with respect to any specific Personal Information which the Municipality had in its possession prior to ¡sssiying the Licensed Information. O) Subject to the Authorized Uses, the Municipality shall not place any data which was not obtained under this Agreemen! into a database containing Personal Information obtained under this Agreement, other than as fi¡st authorized by MTO in writing. 4.6 Indlviduals Not to be Contacted. The Municipality shall not use the Licensed Information directly or indirectly to locate o¡ contact any individual to whom the Licensed Infomration is directly or indirectly referable, other than as expressly st¿ted in the Authorized Uses. Survival. For the avoidance of doubg the obligations of the Municipality contained in this Article 4 shall survive the expiry or termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 5 CONT'IDENTIALITY ñiffi; 5.1 Confidential Information. Sr¡bject to sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, the Municipality shall hold in strict confidence all Licensed Infomration and any other confidential i¡formation or materials of MTO, or of third parties and in the possession o¡ control of MTO, and any information derived from any of the foregoing (collectively, the "Confi dential Information"). 5,2 M¡intain Confidentiality. Without limitation to section 5.1, the Municipality shall not directly or indirectly: (a) disclose, make available, or provide or permit access to or use of, any Confidential Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 129 of 297 53 -6- Information for any purpose (other than to its Authorized Staffwho need to know such Confrdential Information in order to carÐ/ out the Municipality's business, and who are permitted access to such Confidential Information shictly in accordance with Article 8); O) reproduce o¡ make copies, or permit any third party to reproduce or make copies, of any Confidential Information, in whole or in part (other than copies of Confidential Information made by the Authorized Staff contemplated in section 5.2 (e) in the nomral course of the Municipality's business), othe¡ than as expressly stated in the Authorized Uses. Disclosure of Licensed Information to Permitted Recipienß. (a) Despite section 5.2, but zubject to the provisions ofsections 53 (b), 53 (c) and 53 (d), the Municipalþ shall bave the right to disclose particular Licensed Info¡mation (but not Passwords or any other Co¡fidential Information) to Permined Recipients solely for the purpose specified in Part A-1 of Schedule "4", Fo¡ avoid"nce of doubt, nothing in this section 53 (a) pemits the Municipality to give a Permitted Recipient general access to the Licensed Inforrration in the Municipality's possession or control, nor shall a Permitted Recipient be entitled to make copies of Licensed Information. O) The Municipality shall reco¡d (in such form and format as ûom time to time may be required by MTO) each disclosu¡e to a Permitted Recipient. Such record shall include the particular Licensed Information disclosed, the Permitted Recipient to whom such Licensed Information was disclosed, the business purpose for such disclozure, and the date of disclosure. The Municipality shall mai¡øin such reco¡ds throughout the Term and fo¡ a period of three (3) years after the expiry or termination of this Agreement (c) Prior to making any disclosure to a Perrritted Recipien! the Municipality shall ente¡ into a privacy and non-disclosu¡e agreement with that Pemritted Recipien! in the form specified by MTO in writing from tine to time (the "Non-disclosure Agreement"). (d) The Municipalþ shall ensure that each Permitted Recipient fully complies with the Non-disclosure Agreement. The Municipality shall be fully liable to MTO for any breach of the Nondisclosure Agreement by a Permitted Recipien! and any such breach shall constitute a breach by the Municipality of this Agreement. (e) The Municipality shall ¡etain an original copy of each Non-Disclosr¡re Agreement ûom the time it is executed until at least three (3) years after the date the Permitted Recipient who signed that Non-Disclosure Agreement ceases to be a Permitæd Recipient. Upon MTO's request from time to time, the Municipality shall provide MTO with copies of all executed Non-Disclosu¡e Agreements. I)isclosures Required by Applicable Law. (a) Despite section 5,1, the Municipality ma¡ subject to sect¡ons 5.4 @) and 5.4 (c), disclose Co¡fidential l¡formation to the extent required by applicable law. (b) If the Municipality becomes compelled by applicable law to disclose Confidential Information, the Municipalþ may only disclose that part of the Confidential Info¡mation that it is compelled by applicable law to disclose, and may only disclose such Confidential Infornation in the ma¡¡er and to the extent so compelled by applicable law. (c) Ifthe Municipality becomes compelled by applicable law to disclose Co¡fidential Ioformation, the Municipality shall notifl MTO of the discloswe as soon as is reasonably possible. Survival. For the avoidance of doub! this Article 5 shall sr¡wive the expiry or termimtion of this Agreement for any reason. ARTICLE 6 PRWACYLAWS 6.1 Privacy Laws. (a) This Agreement and the righæ g¡anted to the Municipality under this Agreement are 5.4 Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 130 of 297 7- subject to any restric e law, including the Privacy Laws or the Govemment of Oowio or by the Prior to o¡ after the date ofsigning this Agreement. without limiting the generality of section 6.1(¡), this Agreement is subjectto ary provisions of any applicable law that may restrict or limit: (Ð the information included in the Licensed Infomntion; or (iÐ the information that may be provided in response to a Licensed Information RequesL 6.2 Compliance by MuniciPalitY' The rmwillremain, in fult its Processing of Lice generalþ of the comply with any written i¡structions or di¡ectiors from MTO from Pe¡sonal Information o¡ Persoual Infomration Records (including the p¡66s55íng of such Licensed Personal Information or Personal Information Records)' (b) Survival. For the avoida¡ce of doub! this Article 6 shall suwive the expiry or termination of this Agreement for aûy ¡eason. ARTICLE 7 PROTECTION OF CONT'IDENTIAL INÍ'ORMATION Eih-ãF 7.1 Security of Confìdential Information. The Municipality shall maintain the security and hteg¡ity of the Co¡fidential Information. Without limit¿tion to the foregoing, the Municipality shall (a) keep all copies or partial copies of the Confidential Information in a physically secure location to which access is restricted; (b) ensu¡e that access to any Confidential Information stored on a computer is Password-protected and that the Passwords a¡e Eeated as Confidential Information and are changed on a frequent basis; (c) comply with the security provisions a¡d standards set out in Part Ä'-1 of Schedule ttAtr; and (d) comply with such security requirements as a¡e from time to time speci-fied by MTO' 7.2 Security Produch. The Municipality shall be responsible fo¡ the selection, implementation and maintenance of appropriate security products, tools and procedures sufficient to meet MTO's requirements for protecting the Confidential Information ûom improper access, loss, alteration or desfruction. The Municipality shall be responsible for establishing, nonitoring and testing the Municipality's own security products, tools aod procedures to ensu¡e their adequacy. 7.3 Pesswords. (a) Deemed to be C¡nfrdenti¡I Information. Äny Passwords shall be deemed to be "Confidential Information" for the purposes ofthis Agteement. O) No Disclosure to Third Parties. For the avoidance of doubt, the Municipality shall not disclose any Passwords to, or permit atry access to, or use of, any Passwords by aûy third party, provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the Municipality from disclosing Passwords to its Authorized Staffwho: (Ð need to know such Passwords in orde¡ for the Municipality to obtain and use the Licensed Information fo¡ Authorized Uses, and Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 131 of 297 -8- are autborized to access to such Passwords strictly in accordance with Article 8. 7.4 Restricted Access. The Municipality shall at all times restrict access to the Confidential Info¡mation solely to Authorized Stafl in accorda¡ce with the requirements set oìrt itr rhis Agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible to MTO for any unauthorized access to Confidential Information rezulting from the Municipality's failure to meet the Municipality's obligations in rhis Agreement (including this section). 7.5 No Exposure. Subject to the Authorized Uses set out in section 4.1, and without limiting the generalþ of the restrictions or obligations placed upon the Municipality in Ärticles 4, 5, ó ¡nd 7, no Confidential Information shall be exposed or placed so that it can be viewed by the public and/or any non-authorized persons. 7.6 I)estructionofConfide¡tlallnformation. (a) Subject to sections 7.6@) and 7.6(c) and 7.6(d), the Municipality shall desfroy all copies of Confidetrtial Infomation in its possession or control, upon or before the ea¡lier of: (Ð the expiratioo or termination ofthis Agreement for auyreason; (iÐ thirty (30) days following completion or fulfilment of the applicable Authorized Uses as set out itr section 4.1; or (üÐ the third Business Day after the date of zuspension, caucellation or voluntary ca¡cellation of any or all of the Municipality's accounts with MTO or any or all of the Municipality's rights or privileges r¡nde¡ this Agreement. Despite section 7.6(t), if this Agreement expires and no Event of Defar¡lt has occur¡ed and then remains outstanding, the Municipality shall not be requi¡ed to destoy the Confidential Information and records ¡eferred to in that section for so long as there remains in fr¡ll force and effect a separate wdtten agreemeDt entered into by the Municipality with MTO under which the Municipalþ is authorized to possess and use that Confidential Info¡mation and tbose records for tåe purposes for which they are then being possessed and used by the Municipality. Despite section 7.6(a), the Municipality shall not be required to destroy the Confidential Information and ¡ecords ¡eferred to in that section to the extent (if any) that: (Ð the Confidential Info¡mation was also separately obtained by the Municipality ûom a thi¡d party that was not at that time under any obligation to keep such Co¡fidential I¡formation confidential; or (iÐ the Confidential Information pertains to a¡ individual who has co¡sented to having the Municipality keep that Confidential Information þrovided that such consent is given in accordance witl applicable law), or (iiÐ the Municipality is required by applicable law to retain for any period of time any of the Confidential Information. The Municipality shall be permitted to rerain such ofthat Confidential Information or those records, in such form and for such period oftime, as is so required by applicable laq subject to the Municipality's confidentiality, non-disclosu¡e and security obligations in this Agreement (including all of the Municipality's obligations in Articles 4, 5, 6 end 7). (d) For the avoidance of doubt, ¡othing in this section 7,6 shall limit o¡ ¡elease the Municipality ûom the security, coofidentiality and non-disclosu¡e provisions ofthis Agreement, which provisions shall survive any temrination or expiration of this Agreement and shall ¡emain in fi¡ll force and effect r¡ntil such time as they are satislied or by their nature expire. Retention of Licensed Information Within Canada. (iÐ (b) (c) 7.7 Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 132 of 297 -9- The Municipality shall ensure that: (a) no Licensed Information Requests will be made, and (b) uo Licensed Information Responses o¡ Licensed Information will be received, tra$mitted, sto¡ed or retained by or on behalf of the Municipalþ outside Canada, for any time period no matter how short. ARTICLE 8 AUTHORIZED STÀFF 8.1 Listed in P¡rt A-2 of Schedule "4". The Municipality covenants and warr¿nts that all Authorized Staff as of the date of this Agreement have been listed in Part A-2 of Schedule I'4". The Municipality shall, within ten (10) days of any çhmge in the list of Authorized Søtr, advise MTO of such change in writing or other format acceptable to MTO. Notwithshnding any otherprovision of this Agreement, MTO reserves the rigbt in its absolute discretion: (a) to reject any employee o¡ conúactor of the Municipality as an Autho¡ized St¿ff mernber; and (b) to prohibit atr Authorized Søffmember from accessing any Lícensed lnformation. 8.2 Employee Training, Security Statements and Contr¡ctor Security Agreements. The Municipality shall require all Authorized Saff: (a) when and as required by MTO, to take such training in the handling aud protection ofthe Licensed Information as is made available to tbe Municipality by MTO; (b) who are Municipalþ employees, to enter into and comply with the Employee Security Statement; and (c) who a¡e individual thi¡d party contractors engaged by the Municipality, to ente¡ into a:rd comply with a Conhactor Security Agreement. 8.3 AuthorizedStaffCompliance, The Municipality shall be solely responsible for ensuring that its Authorized Staff ñrlly comply with the Municipality's confidentiality and security obligations contained in this Agreement. ìVithout limiting the generality ofthe foregoing, or of section 8,2, the Municipalþ shall be solely responsible for ensuring frrll compliance with the Employee Security Statement and ConFacto¡ Security Agreement by Autho¡ized Søff. The Municipality shall indemni$¡ and hold hamrless MIO from and against any Damages that occur æ a result of any non-compliance with the Enployee Security Statement or Contractor Security Agreement by such Authorized Statr 8.4 Retention of Original Copies. The Municipality shall retain an original copy of each Employee Security St¿tement a¡d ConEacto¡ Security Agreement from the time it is executed until at least three (3) years after the date the Authorized Staffwho siped that Enployee Security Statement or the ConEactor Security Agreement (as the case nay be) ceases to be an enployee or contractor of the Municipality. Upon MTO's request ftom time to time, the Municipality shall provide MTO with copies of all executed Employee Security St¿tements and Conhactor Security Agreements. ARTICLE 9 REPORTING A¡fD RECORDS GÏ¡Eß- 9.1 Montbly Report The Municipality shall duly complete and remit to MTO a montlly report which is contained in Schedule I'E". The signature of the T¡easurer or Chief Financial Ofücer of the Municipality shall be affixed to the monthly repof. The monthly report shall be remitted to and ¡eceived by MTO within fifteen days after the end of each calendar month to which the monthly report corresponds. Where the Municipality owes MTO pa)ment under Article 16 herein, the monthly report shall be remitted along with the payment that is owing to MTO. Where no payment is q\wing to MTO under Article 16 herein, Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 133 of 297 -10- the monthly report that is remitted shall indicate as such. 9.2 Annual Report The Municipality shall duly complete and ¡emit to MTO a¡ a¡nual report as prescribed in Schedule "tr'r'. The first annual report shall b€ remitted to, and received by MTO on or before April 15,2005, and shall contain data conesponding to the period from the Effective Date to March 31, 2005. Subsequent annual reports shall be remitted to, and ¡eceived by MTO on or before April 15 fo¡ each year that the Agreement is in effect, a¡d shall contain data corresponding to the previous Fiscal Year. 9,3 MTO Reports MTO shall duly complete and send an annual ¡eport to the Municipality as prescribed in Schedule "G". The report shall be remitted and received by the Municipality on or before May lst of each year that the Agreement is in effect, and the data contained in each rçort shall correspond to the previous Fiscal Year, except for the first annual report which shall correspond to the period from April l, 2004, to March 31,2005. 9.4 Records MTO and the Municipality shall maintain written records, which shall be sufficient to enable both parties to produce the reports that are prescribed in Schedules 'rErr, rrFrr and rrGil, The Municipalþ shall retain tle ¡ecords contemplated in this section 9.4. throughout the Term and fo¡ three (3) years thereafter. 9.5 Records Custodian Each party shall designate oûe or more individuals with appropriate authority as the persons responsible for the compilation and custody ofthe written records ofthat party prescribed in section 9.4 (a "Records Custodian"). The Records Custodi¿in(s) designated by a party shall be comp€tent to certifr the accr¡râcy and completeness ofthe written ¡ecords that such party is required to maintain and produce. The Records Custodian(s) desipated by each party is (are) set out in Part A-2 of Schedule "4", provided that either party may change the designation upon notice to the other party given in acco¡dance witl section 21.3. ARTICLE 10 AUDIT AI\ID ANI\ruAL DECLARATIONS iñfüãß 10.1 Audit of Municipality, The Municipality shall accommodate Audits of tbe Municipalþ in accordance with the provisions of Schedule "I)rr. For the avoidance of doubt, this section l0,l and Schedule ilDil shall survive the expiry or termination of this Agreement for any re¿¡son. 10.2 Audit of Permitted Recipienh The Municipality shall eosure that each Permitted Recipient accommodates Audits of that Pe¡mitted Recipient in accordance with the provisions of Schedule I'Drr (as if that Permitted Recipient were tle "Municipality" as specified in Schedule "D"), and that such Permitted Recipient fully cooperates with and assists MTO in carrying out such Audis in accordance with such provisions. The Municipality shall be fully liable to MTO for any failure by a Permitted Recipient to fulfil the requirements contemplated by this section 10.2, and any such failu¡e shall constitute a breach by the Municipalþ of this Àgreement. The Municipality agrees to indemniô¡ and hold harmless the MTO ñom and against any Dâmages that occur as a result ofaoy such failure, 103 AnnualDeclaration. Prior to the expþ of each current Term, the Municipality shall complete, sign and submit to MTO a decla¡ation (the "Declaration") relating to the Municipality's compliance with the obligations under this Agreement during the previous twelve (12) months. The Declar¿tion shall be in such form a¡d format as may be specified by MTO from time to time, and shall be executed by such officer of the Municipality, or other responsible person, as may be specified by MTO in the form of the Declaration. ARTICLE 11 INFORMATION TRANSMISSION "As Requested'r Basis.l1.l Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 134 of 297 - lt - Licensed Info¡mation shall be provided by MTO to the Municipality through the Delivery Qftannels and on an "as requested" basis in response to Licensed Information Requests, all in accordance with the procedures speciñed by MTO fiom time to time. The Municipality acknowledges tbat, owing to the complexþ and diversþ oftecbnologies utilized in the provision oflicensed Information Responses, MTO does not guaraûtee that it will ta¡smit o¡ deliver Licensed Information within a stipulated time after receip ofthe applicable Licensed Information Request. ll.2 Incomplete, Inaccur¡te or Corrupted I)ocuments. (a) IfMTO ¡easonably suspects that a Licensed Inforrration Request ¡eceived from the Municipality was incompletely or inaccurately traûsmitted, or comlpted in transmission, or not intended for MTO, MTO shall so notifr the Municipalþ. MTO shall not respond to such Licensed Information Request until MTO has ¡eceived conf¡¡¡ration ûom the Municipalþ ofthe validity and completeness ofthe Licensed Information Request. O) If the Municipality reasonably suspects that a Licensed Information Response received ûom MTO was incompletely or inaccwately Eansmitted, or cormpted in transmission, or not intended for the Municipality, the Municipality shall so noti$ MTO. The Mu¡icþality shall not rely upon any information until the Municipality has received confimration fiom MTO of the validity and completeness of the Licensed Information Response. If requested by MTO, the Municipality shall ¡eturn or destoy an invalid or incomplete Licensed Information Response' 113 DeemedAuthorizatlo¡. The Municipality shall esøblish reasonable and appropriate systerns, methods and procedures to contsol the tansmission or delivery of Licensed Information Requests and the receipt of Licensed Information Responses. Subject to section 11.2, each Licensed Iuformation Request sent by the Municipality to MTO under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly authorized by the Municipalþ a¡d shall be binding upon the Municipality, unless the Municipality otherwise notifies MTO before MTO responds to or makes any use of that Lice¡sed l¡formation Request. ARTICLE 12 APPLICATION INF'ORMATION l2.l Warranty. The Municipalþ represents a¡d warr¿nts that all information contained in the Applicatiou is tnre, correct and complete as ofthe date ofthe Application. Updates. Within ten (10) Business Days after the occurrence of any change in any of the information contained in the Application, or any change to any of the information previously provided pursuant to this section 12.2 (a), the Municipality shall notifr MTO (in writing or other format acceptable to MTO) of such change. Prior to the expþ ofany ofthe Supporting Documents, and no later than ten (10) days after the daæ of an amendment to any of the Supporting Documents, ttre Municipality shall provide MTO with a copy of the r€placement Supporting Document, or of the ¡mended Supporting Documen! as the case may be. Upon the request of MTO, the Mrmicipalþ shall provide MTO with an original or certified copy of any Suppofing Document. MTO reserves the right' upon notice to the Municipality, to ¡dd ¡dditional documents to the list of Supporting Documents contâined in Parf A-1 of Schedule 'rAtr. ARTICLE 13 REVIEW AìID RE-VERII'ICATION ñìäãE 13.1 Review and Re-Verificetion Annually and as Required by MTO. At Ieast thirty (30) days prior to the expþ of each current Term, and at zuch other times during each Term as may be required by MTO, the Municipality will review and re-veriff (in such form and format as may be specified by MTO from time to time) the information contai¡ed in the Application, as such information may subsequentþ have been changed in acco¡dance with section 12.2 (a). (a) (b) Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 135 of 297 -12- ARTICLE 14 AUTHORIZED REQUESTER INFORMATION SYSTEM l4.l ElectronicRequests, If the intemet has been included as a Delivery Channel in Part A-1 of Schedule "4", MTO will accept Licensed Info¡mation Requests fron the Municipality, and will provide Licensed Information Responses in accor¡lance with specifications set out in Part A-1 of Schedule tt¡tt ¡filizing ARIS. 14,2 PasswordAssignment (a) The Municþalþ shall (in writing or otber format acceptable to MTO), advise MTO of those members of the Authorized Staff whom the Municipality wishes to have access to ARIS. (b) MTO, at its discretion, shall assign user identification and Passwords to members of the Authorized Staffin acco¡dance with security policies and procedures ofMTO. Notwithstaading the foregoing, MTO reserves the right not to issue user identification o¡ a Passwo¡d to any individual or individuals regardless of their designation as Authorized Staff. (c) The Municipality shall ensu¡e ttrat only Authorized Staff tvho log onto ARIS using the user identification and Password assigned to then by MTO (as such Password may be changed from .:me to time) can gain access to the Passwo¡ds or make Lice¡sed Information Requests or receive Licensed Informatio¡ Responses through ARIS. 14.3 MunicipalitySystems. In order to access Licensed Information utilizing ARIS, the Municipality sball obtain, ilstall and test, at the Municipality's own expense, tbe following computer equipment, softwa¡e and services, with the following minimum specifi cations: . Pentiurì comFuter or higher; . Intemet Explore¡ Netscape or higher; and . Intemet service. The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that MTO sball have no responsibility for providing technical support, or maintenance, for any ofthe Municipality's o\r,n systems required to access ARIS. ARTICLE 15 CERTIFICATION OF RECORDS 15.1 Certification by Registrar The Municipality shall only request that Licensed Info¡mation be certified by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (MTO) when the Municipality is required to do so for the purpose of legal proceedings or for some other purpose required by law. lS.2 Transmisslon of Certified Licensed Information MTO shall tra¡smit to the Municipality, by mail or such other method as may be agreed to by both parties, all Licensed Infonnation which it has certified in paper fomrat. ARTICLE 16 F'EES AND PAYMENT METIIODOLOGY 16.1 Fees and Pryment Schedule, For obtaining Licensed Infomration from MTO under this Agreement, the Municipality shall pay the Fees, and comply with the payrrent methodology, as set out in Schedule "C". ARTICLE 17 INDEMMTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY l7.l Indemnity. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 136 of 297 17.2 -13- (a) The Municipality agrees to defend, indemnifr and hold harmless the Govemment of Ont¿¡io and its officers, employees, agents or contractors, from and against any and all Claims aad Damages that may occur, by reason of: (Ð any breach or deemed breach of this Agreement by the Municipality' or (iÐ any non-compliance with Employee Security Statements or Contractor Secwity Agreements by any of the Authorized Staff; or (iü) any non-compliance with Non-Disclosu¡e Agteements by any Permitted Recipient; or (Ð any negligent, improper, or unauthorized use o¡ dissemination of Confidential Information by the Municipality or by the ofñcers, enployees, contractors (including Authorized StaÐ or agents of the Municipalþ; or by Permitted Recipients; or (v) inaccurate or out-of-date i¡formation contained in Licensed Information fr¡mished to the Muûicipality by MTO. Limitation of Liability. (a) The Govemment of O¡tario makes no Wan-¿nties with respect to the Licensed Information, including any Warranties that any Licensed Inforrration (or any infomlation contained in the Licensed Inforrration) will be accurate, complete or up-to-date, o¡ free of errors or omissions, in whole or in par! or that any Licensed I¡formation will be fit for any purpose. (b) In no event will the Government of Ontario be liable for any Damages or Claims, including any Claìms fo¡ loss ofprofits o¡ other incidental or consequential damages, arising out of the Municþality's use of, o¡ i¡ability to use or access, atry Licensed Information, or delays by MTO, or from failure to supply Licensed Information, or Êom inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date information contained in any Licensed I¡formation. (c) The Municipality releases and forever discharges the Govemment of Ontario (and tle Govemment of Onta¡io's ofücers, employees, agents atrd conhâctors) from any Claims relating to any Wananties contemplated in section 17.2(¡) a¡d ûom any Damages or Claims contemplated in section 17'2(b). Surviv¡l. The provisions of this A¡ticle 1? shall survive the expiry or termination of this Agreement for any fe¿¡son. ARTICLE 18 DEF'AULT AND REMEDIES 18.1 Events ofDefaulL 'Events of Default" shall include any one or more of the following: the Municipality is merged with, or annexed by, another municipality; the Municipalþ has submitted false or misleading information to MTO (including false or misleading information in the Äpplication) or makes a false representation in this Agreement or the Application; the Municipality has failed to update the information contained in the Application or has failed to review and re-veriff such infom¡ation in accordance with section 12.2; there is a naterial degradation in the security measures (including security products, tools or procedures) that the Municipality has in place to protect the Licensed Information ûom improper access, loss, alteration or destmction; the Municipality commits a Privacy Default and such Privacy Default is not curable or such Privacy Default is curable but the Municipality f¿ils to cure it as expeditiously as possible and in any event within twenty four (24) hours ofreceiving notice of such Privacy Default from MTO; t7.3 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 137 of 297 -14- (Ð The Municipality fails to make any payment æ required under this Agreemen! or if payment is in the form of a cheque or other negotiable instrument, such payment is rejected for not sufficient frrnds; (g) the Municipality fails to meet any other term or condition of this Agreement (excluding any other default expressly ¡efer¡ed to in this section 18.1) a¡d sucb default is not curable or such default is cr¡rable but the Municipality fails to cure it within ten (10) days of receiving notice of such default from MTO; or (h) the Municipality is, or is deemed to be, in default under any other agreement(s) with MTO relating to access or use of any Confidential Information. 18.2 Remedies. (a) Upon the occullence of an Event of Default, MTO shall have the right, effective irunediately without notice, to: (Ð terminate this Agreemeut; (iÐ suspend or cancel any or all of the Municipality's accounts with MTO; (iiÐ suspend or cancel any or all oftbe rights or privileges ofthe Municipality under this Agreemen! and/or (iv) suspend or cancel any o¡ all of the Passwo¡ds issued by MTO to the Municipality. (b) MTO may also prusue any appropriate administrative, civil and/or criminal remedies for default ofany ofthe provisions ofthis Agreement. f83 Notification of Default The Municipality shall notiû MTO in writing immediately upon becoming aware that a¡ Event of Default has occurred, or that any other provisions ofthis Agreement have been breached. ÂRTICLE 19 AME¡TDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT 19.1 Amendments. The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that MTO shall have the right nnil¿terally to amend this Agreement from time to time. Such amen.lments shall become effective ten (10) days after the Municipality's receipt of written notice of zuch amendmeûts (or at any later time specified in such notice)- Notwithstaoding the foregoing, MTO shall have the right uoilaterally lo arrend the Fees set out in Schedule "C", without notice to the Municipality. 19.2 Te¡mination. If the Municipalit¡/ receives a notice of any amendments uoder sectior 19.1, the Municipality shall have the rigbt to terminaæ this Agreement effective upon written notice to MTO. ARTICLE 20 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 20.1 Accuracy. Any promotional or informational material disseminated by the Municipality in connection with the Licensed Information or access to the Lice¡sed Infornation shall be accurate and shall be consistent with the temrs and provisions of this Agreement, and shall contain only factual søtements relating to the Licensed I¡formation and the purpose and conditions ofaccess as set forth in this Agfeement. For the avoidance of doub! nothing in this section 20.1 shall be deemed to limit or ¡elease the Municipality from any of the confidentiality, security or privacy provisions of this Agreement. 20.2 MTO Trade-Marks and Logo. Neither MTO's name nor any MTO Eade-ma¡k or logo may be used by the Municipality without the prior written consent of MTO. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 138 of 297 -15- ARTICLE 21 GENER.A,L PROVISIONS 2l.l Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable for delay or failure in performance resulting ûom acts beyond the control of that party, including acts of God acts of war, fi¡es, floods or othe¡ disæters, strikes, walkouts, lockouts, communication line or power failure, or failure, inoperability or destruction of computer hardware, software o¡ firmware (nnls5s s¿ussd by the negligence of that party), or any negligence, wilful misconduct or breach of this Agreement by the other party. 21.2 Non-Assignability. The Municipality may not assign. or transfer this Agreement, or any right under this Agreement, either in whole or in part. Subject to this restriction, this Agreement shall enu¡e to the beoefit of, and bind, the parties aud their respective successors and assiens. 213 Notices. (a) Any notification or other communication to be given unde¡ the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery, or sent by electronic facsimile, or mailed by a prçaid registered mail or delivered by courier sen'ice. Subject to change by either party with written notice in accordaoce with this section 21.3, notices shall be addressed in accordance with the addresses set out in Part A-2 of Schedule "4". (b) Notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given on the date of personal delivery, the date of electronic f¿çsimile transmission or the date of delivery by courier sewice, or in the case of sewice by registered oail five (5) days after the date of maiti¡9. 21.4 \ilaiver. Failu¡e of MTO to complain of any act or failu¡e to act of the Municipality, or to decla¡e tåe Municipality i¡ default, shall not constitute a waive¡ by MTO of its rights unde¡ this Agteement. No waiver of any rights under this Agreement shall be effective u¡less in writing, duly executed by MTO. 21.5 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the enti¡e agreement aod unde¡standi¡g of the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agteement and zupersedes all prior understandings, discussions, negotiations, coñmirments, \l's¡ranties and agreements, written or oral, express or implied, between them. Nonvitbsønding the foregoing, this sectíon 21.5 shall not serve to terminate or cancel any outstanding liabilþ or payment arising out of any prior agreements or arrangements of the parties with respect Ûo access to, and use of, lhe Licensed Info¡mation Except as expressly provided in this Agreement and subject to section 19.1, this Agreement may be amended or modified only by an instnrment in writing executed by each ofthe parties. 21.6 SurvivalofProvisions, Obligations under this Agreement which expressly or by their nature suwive the termination or expþ ofthe Term will continue in force subsequent to, aûd in spite oi such termination or expþ until they are satisfied or by their Dature expire. 21.7 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be deemed to have been formed in the Province ofOntario and shall be governed by the laws in force in Onta¡io (and the laws of Canada applicable in Ontario). Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the cou¡ts of the P¡ovince of Ontario with respect to a¡y matter arising under, or related to, this AgreemeûL 21,8 Interpretation. (a) Headings a¡e not to be considered part ofthis Agreemeot, and are included solely for convenience and are not intended to be fl¡ll or accurate descriptions ofthe content of the paragraph. O) In this Agreement, words importing the singular number include the plural and vice vers4 words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and treuter genders; words inporting persons include individuals, sole p¡oprietors, co4rorations, partnerships, Eust and unincorporated associations. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 139 of 297 - 16- (c) Unless specified otherwise in this Agreemen! a reference in this Agreement to a stahrte refers to that statute as in fo¡ce at the Effective Date and as the same may be amended, re-enacted consolidated and/or replaced from time to time, and any successo¡ statute. A ¡eference to a statute shall be deemed to include any regulations made under that statute, (d) For purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, a period ofdays or Business Days shall be deemed to: (Ð begin on the first day after the event that began that period and (iÐ end at 5:00 p.m. @astem Standard Time or Eastem Daylight Savings Time, as the case may be) on the last day or Business Da¡ as the case may be, of that period. (e) In this Agreement the words "include', "includes' or "including" nean "include without limitation", "includes without limitation" and "including without limitation", respectivel¡ and the words following "include", 'includes' or "including" shall not be considered to set fofh an exhaustive lisl IN \ryIT¡IESS MEREOI', each of the parties have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date fi¡st above \fütten. HER MA,IESTY TIIE QUEEN in right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Trånsport¡tiotr for Paul Brown, Director, Licensing Services Branch WilnaPiovesan Manager, Information Management Services Oversight Ofüce MT]MCIPALITY: Print Title: I have the authority to bind the org¡niz¡tie¡. By: By: Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 140 of 297 SCHEDULE ''A'' SPECIF'ICATIONS P¡rt A-1 A. Licensed Information: PLDABS - Plate by date Abscact with Add¡ess PLCÁ,BS - Certified Plate by Date Absbact with Àddress B. PermitædRecipien(s): Third party providers of parking ticket program software who may access Licensed Information solely for the purpose of supporting such softwa¡e on behalf of the Municipalþ' C. Delivery Cha¡nels: (a) ForLicensedltformationRequests:Intemet (b) ForLice¡sedlnformationResponses:Intemet D. Lis of Supporting Documents: Security Statemeñ, 9999 -12-3 | Authorized Application Signor Data & Signatrue, 9999-12-31 E. Security Provisions and Standa¡ds: l:i*iiffi i-"åä::tfi,i:Hfr ûom computers out of the Public eYe, deparment head office. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 141 of 297 Part A-2 A. Addresses for Notice: (a) FoTMTO Information Ma¡agement Services Oversight Office Main Floor, Building "A" 2680 Keele Street Downsview ONTARIO M3M 3E6 Attention: Coordinator, Business Infomlation Services Unit Telephone : (41 6) 246-7 I 12 Facsimile: (41 6) 23 54465 (b) For the Municipality TITE CORPOR.ATION OF THE MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM Physical Address: 93,14 Pla¡kRoad Sr¿ffo¡dville ONTARIO NOJ lYO CANADA Mailing Address: 93,14 Plank Road Straffordville, ONTARIO NOJ IYO CAI.IADA Attention: Mr. Gordon Roesch, Fire Chief Telephone: (5 19) 866-5521 Facsimile: (5 19) 86ó-3884 B. List of Authorized Staff: Mr. Gordon Roesch, Fire Chief Mr. Kyle Kruger, Administrator C. Records Custodians: (a) MTO: (Title) Supenisor, Data Access Unit (TelephoneNunber) (416)246-7214 O) The Municipality: (Title) (Tele.phone Number) ( ) Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 142 of 297 SCHEDULE I'B'' MUNICIPALIry EMPLOYEE SECT]RITY STATEMENT 1109I Employee Name: Division: Position #: l. TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM (the "Municipality") is lice¡sed to receive confide¡tial and personal i¡formation (the "Information") ûom files aod dat¿ bases administered by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation ("MTO"). MTO is committed to protecting this Information fiom unauthorized access, use or disclosure. The following policies have been adopted to address employees'responsibilities for handling and protecting this Information. 2. As an employee of the Municipality, you nay access this Info¡mation only when necessa¡y to perform your duties as such employee in the cou¡se ofyour employment, and only for the following puIposes: AU08 - Locating and invoicing owners ofabandoned/illegally parked vehicles. For the avoidance ofdoubg Licensed Information accessed and used for this Authorized Use ca¡not be disclosed to thi¡d parties for the purpose of collection of outstanding debts from the owners who have been located and invoiced. 3. You must not access or use this Info¡mation for personal reasons. @xamples ofinappropriate access or misuse of Information include, but Ère trot limited to: naking inquiries for personal use or processing transactions on yor¡r owu records or tåose of your füeods or relatives; accessing Inforrration about aootåer person, including locating thei¡ ¡esidence address, for any reason not related to your work respo¡sibilities o¡ not authorized by the Municipality.) 4. You may disclose Inforrration only to individuals who have been authorized to ¡eceive it through appropriate procedures which have been authorized by MTO. (Examples of unauthorized disclosu¡es include but are not limited to: looking up someone's address for a friend.) 5. You must take reasonable precautions to maintâin the secrecy of any password you use to access l¡formation elecFonically. Reasonable precautions include, but are not limited to: not telling others your password or knowingly allowing them to obserye while you ente¡ it at a lerminal; and ûequently changing your password (and ifyou suspect your password has been used by someone else, changing it immediately and notiffing the Municipality); and selecting random passwords that are not easy for others to guess, 6. You must take reasonable precautions to protect data eDtry temrinals and equipment from uuautùorized access. Reasonable precautions include, but are not limited to: not leaving your ærminal unattetrded while you are logged outo the system; exiting the d¿tabase which contains any Information when you leave your workstation; securing your terminal with a locking device if one has been provided; storing in a secure place any use¡ docunentation to programs through which elecEonic access to any Infomration may be gained; and reporting any suspicious ci¡cu.mstances or unauthorized individuals you have observed in the work area to the Municipality. I h¡ve re¡d ¡nd I underst¡nd the security policies stated above, and will compþ with them ¡nd any other security policies issued in the future by the Municipality, MTO. I understand that failure to comply with these policies may result ln disciplinary action by the Municipality and/or civil or criminal prosecution in rccordance with applicable statutes. Signature ofEmployee Date Witnessed By Date Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 143 of 297 (l) SCIIEDULE'IC'' FEES AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment of Amounts The Municipality sball pay MTO the following amounts for accessing the Licensed Information: $8.25 of every allowance of $ll that the Municipality ¡eceives fo¡ each notice of impending conviction that the Municipality issues where a conviction is subsequently obtained under subsection 18.2(6) ofthe POA (the allowance is authorized by subsections l2(1), (3), O. Reg. 949 made under the POA); subject to clause 1(2) of this Schedule, $8.25 of every allowance of $9.00 that the Municipality receives for each fine that it collects in connection with a conviction under section 18.4 of the POA (deemed not to dispute charge due to failu¡e to app€ar at the time and place appointed for the hearing) (the allowance is authorized by subsection 12.1(1), O. Reg. 949 made unde¡ the POA). Where t[e Municipality ¡eceives an allowance of less than $9,00 as authorized by subsection 12.1(l) ofO. Reg. 949, it shall not ¡emit the amount specified in clause (b), but instead it shall remit to MTO any amount it receives in excess of $0.75, up to the amou¡t of 58.25. Method and Timing of Payment Subject to Clause 3 of this Schedule, the Municipality shall remit a payment by cheque which shall be received by MTO on or before tbe fifteenth day of each month for the amount prescribed in clause I above. The payment that is remitted to MTO shall be the amormt owing to MTO ûom the previous calendar month and shall be accompaoied by the conesponding monthly report (in accordance with section 9.1 ofthe Agreement). Back Payment Between July l, 1998 and the first day of the month in which this Agreement is executed if the Municipality has accessed and used Licensed Info¡mation for which payment remains due and owing to MTO, the Municipality shall remit such payment by cheque to MTO ìvithin (30) days after the date of execution of this Ageement. Such palrm.ent shall be accompanied by monthly reports (in accordance with section 9.1 of the Agreement) containing the correspouding data for any month for which payment i5 outstanding. Payment Information Any payments owing to MTO under this Agreement o¡ the Schedules made he¡eunder shall be made payable to the Minister of FinanceÀdTO. All payments and any reports tbat are required to be sent to MTO under this Agreenent or the Schedules made thereunder shall be sent to: Ministry of T¡ansportation Information Maoagement Services Oversight Office Attention: Supervisor, Data Access Unit 2680 Keele Sl, Buil¡ling "A" Downsview ONTARIO M3M 3E6 (a) o) (2) 4. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 144 of 297 SCHEDULE ''D'' A['DIT. INSPECTION AND REVIEW 1. Right of Audit. MTO shall each have the right, from time to time, to Audit such of the Muoicipality's operations as ¡elate to or a¡e involved in the performance of the Municipality's obligations under this Agreement, including: G) the Municipality's security arangemetrts (including the Security Statements ard Contracto¡ Security Agreements), and the Municipality's books and records; and (b) any media o{ or in the possession of, the Municipality that contain any Confidential Information. 2. Timing of Audits. The Audits contemplated in this Schedule I'D'r may be conducted at any time during the Municipality's normal business hours upon 24 hou¡s' prior written notice (or, in the case of Audits relating to possible Privacy Defaults, without prior notice). 3. AuthorizedMTORepresentatives. MTO shall have the right to engage third party representatives to perform Audits contemplated in this Schedule'rI)rr. 4. Privacy Compliance. (a) Privacy-related .Audih. Without limitation to the generality of this Schedule "D", the Audit rights of MTO shall include the right to measure the Municipalþ's compliance with: (A) the Privacy I¿ws; (B) the provisions of this Agreement relating to the Municipality's compliance with the Privacy Laws; (C) the provisions of Articles 4 to 8 incluslve; and (D) any other provisions of this Ä,greement that ¡elate to Pe¡sonal Information or the Processing ofPersonal Information. (b) Privacy Compliance Meetings. In addition to performing the Audits contemplated in sectlon 4 (a), MTO may require the Municipality to meet with MTO to ¡eview the results ofsuch Audits as they relate to the matters referred to in section 4 (a). Such meetings shall be held at such times and places as MTO may mutually agree upon with the Municipality from time to time, acting reasonably. However, if as a result of any such Audit MTO has ¡eason to believe that the Municipality has committed a Privacy Default, MTO may require zuch meeting to be held within one (1) Business Day of MTO's noti$ing the Municipality in writing that MTO wishes to hold such meeting. 5. Performance Reúews, (a) Audits Relating to Over¡ll Perfo¡mance. Without limitation to the generalþ of this Schedule "D", tle Audit rights of MTO shall include the right to measure the Municipality's overall performance of its obligations under this Agreement. (b) Meetings to Review Overall Perform¡nce. In addition to performing the Audits contemplated under section 5 (a), MTO may require the Municipality to meet with MTO to ¡eview tåe results of such Audits as they relate to the matters refered to in sectíon 5 (a). Such meetings shall be held at such times and places as MTO (as the case may be) may mutually agree upon with the Municipality from time to time acting reasonably. 6. Location ¡nd Manner of Audits. The Audits contemplated in this Schedule "D" nay be conducted on-site at the location(s) ofany of the Municipality's businesses or operations that ¡elate to, or are involved in, the perfonnauce of the Municipality's obligations under this Agreement or tåe exercise of the Mrmicipaliqy's rights under this Agreement, including the location(s) ofany ofthe following: (a) the Security Statements or ConEactor Security Agreements, or the Municipality's books and records; or (b) any media of, or in the possession of, the Municipality that contain any Confidential I¡formation. Such Audits may be conducted i¡ whole or in part by remote elecüonic means if the Municipality's electonic systems have the fimctional capability of facilitating such remote Audits. 7. MunicipalityCooperation. The Municipalþ shall firlly co-operT¡te with MTO in facilitating the conduct of any Audits Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 145 of 297 contemplated in this Schedule rrD", including providing such access, documentation, information, copies of docr¡mentation and information, and assistance as MTO may reasonably request for the purpose ofsuch Audits. 8. Dur¡tion of Audit Rights. The audit rights ofMTO shall continue in effect fo¡ a period of three (3) years after the expiration or termination of the Agreement. 9. CorrectionofDefaults. Without limiting or restricting any other obligations of the Municipality, or rights or remedies of MTO, under this Agreeme¡t or at Law or in equity: (a) the Municipalþ shall, at its sole cost, corect any breaches by the Municipality of this Agreement (including any Privacy Defaults) identified through aû Audit (aúd in respect of which MTO has provided written notification to the Municipality). Such corrections shall be done as expeditiously as reasonably possible and in any event within the applicable cure period (ifany) provided in section 1E.1 ofthe Agreertent. O) the Municipality shall notif, MTO itr writing upon such breaches having being coÍected. (c) After receiving such notification from the Municipality, MTO may conduct a follow up Audit to confirm that all such b¡eaches have been conected" (d) Ifrequested by MTO in the notification refered to in section 9 (a): (Ð the Municipality shall provide to MTO, within ten (10) days of receiving the notification refe¡red to in section 9 (a) (or wi lrin five (5) days of receiving zuch notification, where such breaches constitute Privacy Defaults), a ¡easonable w¡itten plan outlining the steps ùe Municipality will take to ensu¡e that such breaches do not occur again; and (ü) the Municipality shall implement the plan provided under section 9 (d)(i). 10. Costs of Äudit (a) All costs incurred by the Municipality in connection with the Audits contemplated in this Scbedule "D" shall remain solely tåe responsibility of the Municipality. O) Excçt as provided in section 10 (c), all costs incurred by MTO in connection with the Audits contemplated i¡ this Schedule "D" shall remain solely the responsibilþ ofMTO. (c) Despite section 10 @), if any Audit contemplated in this Schedule rrD[ discloses a material default by the Municipalþ under this Agreemen! then the Municipality sball reimburse MTO fo¡ MTO's reasonable a¡d verifiable costs of conducting zuch Audit. 11. lVithoutPrejudice. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in Schedule "I)" shall be deemed to limit or prejudice the righs of MTO or the obligations of the Municipality under any oúer provision of this Agreement or at law orin equþ. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 146 of 297 Cheque No. SCIIEDULE WEW. MONTHLY REPORT Municipality Monthly Court Cost Payment Report to Ministry of Transportation Municipality Reporting Period (yyyy/nm/dd)_to (yyyy/mm/dd) Customer (POA) A/C No. Condltlons: Àmount of Cheoue ¡(tached fs¡me ¡s box 12ì Issue Date ) Signature of Treasurer or Chief Financial Oflicer Ministry of Transportation Information Mana8:rnent Services Oversight Offìce Attr: Supe¡visor. Data Access Unit 2680 Keele Street Downsview ONTARIO M3M 386 P¡vment Catesor¡es No, ol ¡ ully fr¡d I ¡cl(ett i\lunlcipalitv Service Fee lotal Amount Rem¡tted to ueemeo rlor fo l,rsPure" (alIrcre ¡r.I (r, D o¡ m€ Authorlzed Requester Agreement) (r)17)(3) "llârl to l(espond" ulsyment lece¡ved alter Notlce of Fine and Due D¡te but before plate denlal) (Article 4.1 (1) a of the Authorized Reouester Äsreementì (4)(5,) Thts ls $.75 ttmes bo¡ (4) (o, Thls is $8.25 timer bor (4) "¡ail to l(etpond" (p¡yment recêived ¡lter pllte denial) (Article 4.1(1) a of the Authorlzed Requester Agreement) {7)(ı, Thls l¡ $.75 tlmes bor (7) (v, This is $E¡25 tlmes box (7) 'lotals (r0)(11)(t2) M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g " M T O A u t h o r i z e d R e q u e s t o r A g r e e m e n t 1 1 0 9 1 " . P a g e 1 4 7 o f 2 9 7 SCHEDULE 'IIII' - AìINUAL REPORT Reporting Period (yyyy/mrn/dd)_to (yyyy/mm/dd) Name of municipality: Customer A/C No: 11091 Ministry of Transportation Information Management Services Oversight Office Attr: Supewisor, Data Access Unit 2680 Keele Street Downsview ONTARIO M3M 3E6 t For the first a¡nual report (1998/99), this represents number oftickets issued from July l, 1998 to March 3 1, 1999. Subsequent years are from April I till March 3 1. z Data required for this row and below will be referring to all tickets issued from July l, 1998 onwards till the end ofthe reporting year. M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g " M T O A u t h o r i z e d R e q u e s t o r A g r e e m e n t 1 1 0 9 1 " . P a g e 1 4 8 o f 2 9 7 SCITEDULE NGII - MINIS'IRY REPORT Annuel Report fron Mlnlrtry of Transportatlon to Reportin g Period (yyyy/mm/dd) Customer A./C 11091 to (yyyylmm/dd) Month Tot¡l Amount Remltted to Ministry from Municipellty Pursuant to Number Of Plate Enquiries Requested By The Municip¡tity Certlfred Uncertlfied May June July Augusl September Uctober November Decemher January febn¡âry March Yerrly lotalr M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g " M T O A u t h o r i z e d R e q u e s t o r A g r e e m e n t 1 1 0 9 1 " . P a g e 1 4 9 o f 2 9 7 NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT PERMITTED RECIPIENT 1 1O9I Fo¡ sufficient valuable consideration you acknowledge having ¡eceived (and as a condition of receiving Confidential Information from the Municipality), you understand and agree as follows: I. Under atr ag¡eement (the "Requester Agreenent") with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation ('MTO"), the Municipality is licensed to receive confidential and personal information (the "Licensed Information") from f¡les and databases administered by MTO. II. The Municipality and MTO a¡e committed to protecting all of this Licensed Information and any i¡formation derived from the Licensed Infomration, (all of which is together referred to as the "Confidential Information") from unauthorized access, use or disclosu¡e. m. The following policies, and any ñrtrue policies issued by MTO a¡d the Municipality and provided to you in writing, (the "Policies") set out your responsibilities for haadling and protecting tbis Confidential l¡formation. As a pemitted recipient of the Confidential Inforrnation (a "Permitted Recipient") you are bound by these Policies: L Ownership: You acknowledge and agree that the Confidential Information is and will at all times remain solely the property of MTO. Confidentiality ¡nd Use: You must hold all of the Confidential Infornation in stict confidence. Without limiting the generality of this obligatio& you must NOT directly or indirectly do any ofthe following: (a) disclose, make available, or provide or permit access to or use of, any Confidential Information to ANY other party (including, but not limited to, any third party contractor) for any purpose. The ONLY exception is tùat you mây permit those of your employees who need to how that Confidential l¡formation fo¡ the Permitted Purpose(s) indicated above. This exception only applies after you have firlly informed those employees of, and required those employees to ñrlly comply witb, the Policies, and have obtained from each ofthe employees a signed Employee Security Statement in the form appended to this Agreement as Schedule "4"), You will be frrlly liable to the Municipality and MTO for any failure of you¡ employees to fully comply with the Policies. Future Policies will be cooside¡ed to have been "issued" by MTO or the Munlcipalit5r wben you are notified in writing of those Policies; O) make any firll or partial copies (in any format or media) of any of the Confidential Information (other than copies necessary to carry out the Permitted Purpose(s)). (c) use any of the Confidential Infom¡ation for any purpose other than the Permitted Purpose(s). To avoid any doubt, you must never access, r¡se or disclose any of the Confidential Information for any reasons tbat do not meet both of the above requirements, such as for personal reasons (e.g. looking up someone's address for a friend). MTO Audit: You must accommodate audits by MTO in acco¡dance with the MTO Audit Policy (a copy ofwhich is appended to this Agreemeot as Schedule which you acknowledge having, read and understood), and fully co-operate with and assist MTO in carrying out zuch audits in accordance with such MTO Audit Policy. 2 Permitted Recipient:("you" or "your") [Inært Nme of Pemitted Ræipieot] Municipality Nane:THE CORPORATION OF TI{E MUNICIPALITY (the OF BAYHAM "Municipality") Permitted Purpose(s):Supply and/or support of softwa¡e and/or ha¡dwa¡e and/or programming related to the Municipality's Municipal Parking Tag Program and the data received by the municipality from the Ministry of Transportation in ¡elation to the municipality's Municipal Parking Tag Program Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 150 of 297 4 Access and Use Only From Premises Approved by Municipality: You may only access a¡d use the Confidential Information from premises approved by the Municipality. You must never copy or remove any Confidential Information Êom such premises, Data Matching or Profiling: Subject to the Pemritted Purposes referred to above, you mrxrtnot: (a) develop or derive for any purpose whatsoever, any other product, work or daøbase, in human-readable or machine-readable form or otherwise, that incorporates, modifies, or uses in any ma¡rner whatsoever, any personal information contained in or obtained from the Confidential Information. (This does not, however, apply to any specific personal information that you had in your possession prior to receiving the Confidential Information); or (b) place any daø which was not obtained directly or indirectly from the Municipality, into a database containing personal i¡formation obtained directly or indirectly from the Municipality. No Contacting Individuals: You must not use the Co¡fidential Information directly or indirectly to locate or contact any individual to whom the Confidential Information is di¡ectþ or indirectly ¡eferable (a) To avoid any doubt, nothing in this Policy 9 will limit or release you from any ofyour other obligations under this Agreement, which obligations will ¡emain in fi¡ll force a¡d effect. Comply with Law: You must at all times remain in full compliance with all applicable ¡oo's ¡sl¿ring to any access, use or disclosure of any personal information contained in the Conlidential Information. You must also comply with any written instrr¡ctions or di¡ectio¡s from MTO from time to time conceming such Personal inforrration (to the extent that the Municipality notifies you of such instn¡ctions or directions). Secrecy of P¡sswords: You must lake reasonable precautions to maintain the secrecy of any password you use to access Confideotial lnformation electronically. Reasonable precautioDs include, but a¡e not limited to: not telling others your password or howingly allowing them to observe while it is entered at a temrinal; frequently changing your password (and, ifyou suspect your password has been used by someone else, changing it iomediaæþ); and selecting random passwords tbat are not easy for others to guess. Access to Termi¡als: You must take ¡easonable precautions to protect datâ etrty ærminals aud equipment from u¡authorized access. Reasonable precautions include, but are not limiæd to: not leaving yow terminal r¡nattended while logged onto the system; exiting the databæe which contains any Confidential I¡formation when leaving the worlatation; securing you¡ terminal with a locking device if one has been provided; and storing in a secure place any user documentation to programs through which electronic access to any Confidential Info¡mation may be gained. All ofyour obligations in this Agreement will survive the expþ or any terrrination of your relationship with the Municipality, and will continue in full force and effect subsequeotly until they are satisfied or by their natrue expire. If any provision of this Agreement is illegal, invalid or unenforceablg it will be severed. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement by the Municipality will constitute a waiver ofaay other provisions (whether or not simila¡) or a continui.g waive¡. This Agreement will be govemed by Ontario law and the laws of Canada applicable in Ontario. You and the Municipality agree to attom to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Onta¡io for the resolution of any disputes arising out of, or in co¡nection with, this Agreement. This Agreement may not be assigned by you, but otherwise will be binding upon and enure to the benefit of you aod the Municipality and the respective heirs, executors, adminisûators, successo¡s and pemritted assigns of you and the Municipality. MTO Right to Enforce th¡s ,{gre€ment: You and the Municipality acknowledge and agree that: (a) While MTO is not a party to this Agreement aod has no obligations under this Agreemen! MTO will have the right to directly enforce your obligations in clause III above as if MTO we¡e a party to this Agreement; (b) In fürtherance of clause (a) above, the Municipality will be a trustee of MTO (and MTO's successors and assigûs) ¡ot g[s limited purpose of 9. w. V. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 151 of 297 holding your obligations in clause III above in tn¡st fo¡ MTO (and MTO's successors and assigns). (And to the extent that clause III incorporates any defined terms, the definitions of such terms as provided in this Agreement will be conside¡ed to be inco¡porated into clause III for the purposes ofthis clause VI); To avoid any doubt, this mea¡s that in addition to the Municipality enforcing your obligations under this Agreement (in tbe Municipality's capacþ as a parry to this Agreement), MTO (and MTO's zuccessors and assigns) may also enforce your obligations in clause III above in MTO's own rigbt (and MTO will not be required to add the Municipality as a party to any proceedings for such enforcement); and The trust created in favour of MTO (and its successors and assigns), as contemplated above, being coupled with an interest, may not be revised o¡ revoked without the prior written consent ofMTO (or such successors and assigns, as the case may be). You ack¡owledge that you have read and urderstand the provisions of this Agreement (including but not llmited to, the Pollcies set out or referred to above), and will comply with them end with any other Policies issued in the future by MTO or tbe Municlpality. You understand tbat failure to comply with the Policies or any such other Policies or changes will be ¡ breach of this Ägreement and (among other things) may result in clvil or criminal prosecution in ¡ccord¡nce with applicable statutes. lnsert Name of Permitted Recipient Authorized Signatu¡e of Permitted Recipienl Date: Insert Name of Municipality Authorized Signature of Municipality Date: (c) (d) VII Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 152 of 297 SCIIEDULE rrArr of NON-DISCLOSI,JRE ÀGR"EEMENT PERMITTED RECIPIENT EMPLOYEE SECURITY STATEMENT @ermitted Recipient) Permitted Reciplent Name: Employee Name: Division: Position #: THE CORPORATION OF TTIE MUMCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM (the "Municipality") is licensed to ¡eceive confdential and personal information (the "Information") Êom files aud databases administered by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation ("MTO"). Under au agre€ment with the Municipality, (the "Permitted Recipient") has been authorized to access the Infomration. The Municipality and MTO are committed to protecting this Info¡matio¡ from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. The following policies have been adopted to address employees'responsibilities for handling and protecting this Infomration. l. As an employee of the Permitted RecipienÇ you may access this Information only municipality's Municipal Parking Tag Program. 2, You rrust not access or use this Information for personal rea.sorÌs. @xamples of are not limited to: making inquiries records or those of your friends or including locating thei¡ residence ad&ess, for any reasotr ¡ot related to your work responsibilities or not authorized by the Permitted Recipient.) 3. You been authorized to receive it th¡o MTO. @xamPles of unauthorized eone's add¡ess for a friend.) 4. You must take reasonable precautions to maintain the secrecy ofany password you use to access Information electonically. Reasonable precautions include, but are not limited to: not telling others your password or knowingly allowing them to obsewe while you enter it at a terminal; and ûequently chaoging your password (and, ifyou suspect your password has been used by someone else, changing it immediately and noti$ing the Permitted Recipient); aud selecting random passwords that are not easy for others to guess. 5. You must t¿ke reasonable precautions to protect data entry terminals and equipment fiom unauthorized access. Reasonable precautiotrs i¡clude, but are not limited to: not leaving your terminal unattended while you are logged onto the system; exiting the database which to the Permitted Recipient. I have rerd ¡nd I understand the security policies st¡ted above, and will comply with them and any other securlty policies (or changes to policies) issued in the future by the Permitted Reclpienl Munícipality or MTO. I understand that fâilure to comply with these policies (or any such other policles or changes to policies) nay result in disciplinary action by the Permitted Recipient anüor civil or criminal prosecution in ¡ccordance with applicable statutes. Signature ofEmployee Date Vy'ihessedBy Date Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 153 of 297 SCHEDULETTBTTof NON-DISCLOSURE A,GREEMEÌ.IT PERMITTEI' RECIPIENT MTO AUDIT POLICY 1IO9I @ermitûed Recipient) Permitted Recipient:("you" or "your") fimert Nme of PmitÞd Ræþist] Municipality Narne:TFIE CORPORATION OF THE MLJMCIPALITY (theOFBAYIIAM "Municipality") This is the MTO Audit Policy referred to in the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosr¡re Agreement that you signed with the Municipality (the "Permitted Recipient Nondisclosurc Agreement,'). Capitalized terms that a¡e used in this MTO Audit Policy, but not defined in this MTO Audit Policy, have the meanings given to them in the Pe¡mitted Recipient Non-disclosu¡e Agreement. In this MTO Audit Policy, the following deñned terms have the following meanings: "Aud¡t" and similar expressions meaDs the performance by, on behalf of or for MTO of such audits, reviews, investigations, inspections, confirmations, certifications, tests, studies and determi¡ations of or relating to any matter or thing pertâining to what is contemplated in clause (i) or (ii) ofsection I below. rrBusiness Day" means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a statutory, civic or public sewice holiday obsewed i¡ the Province of Ontario. "includerr, t'includes' or ttincludingtr mea¡ 'include without limitation', "includes without limitation" and "including without limitationn, reqpectivel¡ and the words following "include", 'includes" or "including" will not be considered to set out an exhaustive list "Privacy Default'r means a b¡each of (i) any Privacy Laws, or (ii) any ofthe provisioos ofthe Pernitted Recipient Non-disclosure Agreement. "Privacy Lawsrr means the Freedom of Inlornation ond Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario), and the provisions of any other law from time tbat are applicable to you and that address the collection, use or disclosu¡e ofpersonal information. l. Right of Audit MTO u'ill have the righ! from time to time, to Audit such of your businesses and operations as ¡elate to, or are involved in, the your possession or control ofConfidential Information. Subject to the provisions of this MTO Audit Policy and applicable law (including the Privacy laws and tåe provisions of any other law from tíme that are applicable to MTO and that address the collecti may be time to hold in (or such third party representatives) in connection with an Audit carried out under this MTO Audit Policy. 2. Tining of Audits. The Audits contemplated in secüon I may be conducted at any time during yow normal business hours upon 24 hou¡s' prior written notice (or, in the case of Audits relating to possible Privacy Defauls, without prior notice). 3. AuthorizedMTORepresentatives, MTO will have the right to engage third pa.ty representatives to perform Audits contemplated in section 1. 4. Privacy Compliance. (a) Privacy-related Audits. ìür'ithout limiting the generality of section l, MTO will have the right to conduct the Audits contemplated in section 1, to measure your compliance with: (Ð the Privacy Laws; or @) the provisions of the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosure Agreement. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 154 of 297 (b) will be held at such tines and places as MTO may mutually ag¡ee upon with you from time to time acting reasonably. However, if as a result of any such Audit MTO has ¡eason to believe that you have committed a Privacy Default, MTO may require such meeting to be held within one (l) Business Day of MTO noti$ing you in writing that MTO wishes to hold such meeting. 5. Perform¡nce Revlews. (c) Audits Relating to Overall Performance. Without limitiry the generality of section 1, MTO will have the right to conduct the Audits contemplaæd in section 1, to measure your overall performance of your obligations unde¡ the Pe¡mitted Recipient Non-disclosure Agreement. (d) Meetings to Revlew Overall Performance. In addition to performhg the Audits contemplated unde¡ section 5(a), MTO may require you to meet with MTO to ¡eview the ¡esults of such Audits as they relate to the matters ¡eferred to in section 5(a). Such meetings will be held at zuch times and places as MTO may mutually agree upon with you ûom time to time acting reasonably. 6. Loc¡tion ¡nd M¡nner of Audih. may b our or a¡e the Posses Such Äudits may be conducted in whole or in part by remote electronic means if you¡ computer systems have the functional capability offacilitating such ¡emote Audits. 7. Co+peration. You must frrlly co-operate with MTO in facilitating the conduct of any Audits contemplated in section 1, including providing such access, doc,'mentation, inforrnation, copies of doc¡mentation and information, a¡d assistance as MTO may reasonably request for the purpose of such Audits. 8. Durstion of Audit Rights. MTO's Audit rights as contemplated in section 1 will be in force from the date you receive a copy of this MTO Audit Policy to the date which is three years after you ceæe to be a Pemritted Recipient. 9. Correction ofDefaults. Without limiting or restricting any other obligations you rnay have, or rights or remedies MTO rtay have, under this MTO Audit Policy or at law or in equity: (a) You will, at your sole cost, corect any Privacy Defaults (including any b¡eaches of the Pe¡mitted Recipient Non-disclosu¡e Agreement) identified through an Audit (and in respect of which MTO provides written notification to you), and will do so as expeditiously as reasonably possible aud in any event within fou¡ (24) hours ofreceiving notice ofsuch Privacy DefaultfromMTO. (b) You will notifi MTO in writing upon such breaches having being corrected. (c) After receiving such notification from yor¡ MTO may conduct a follow up Audit to co¡fimr that all such b¡eaches have been corrected- (d) Ifrequestedby MTO in the notificatioureferred to i¡ section 9(a): (Ð you will provide to MTO, within five (5) days of receiving the notification referred to in ¡ection 9(a), a reasonable written plan suflining the steps you will lake to e¡sure that such Privacy Defaults do not occur again; and (iÐ you will implement the plan provided under sectio¡ 9(dXi). 10. Costs of .A,udit. (a) All costs incurred by you in connection with the Audits contemplated in section 1 will remain solely your responsibility. (b) Except as provided in section 10(c), all costs incurred by MTO in co¡nection with the Audits contemplated in section I will remain solely the responsibilþ of MTO. Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 155 of 297 Despite section 1.10@): (Ð if any Audit contemplated in section 1 discloses a material uncu¡ed default by you under the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosure Agreemen! then you must reimbu¡se MTO for MTO's reasonable and verifiable costs of conducting zuch Audit; (ü) ifany Confidential Information is in yourpossession or contol at a location outside of Onta¡io, then you must reimburse MTO fo¡ MTO's reasonable and verifiable costs of conducting Audits (as contemplated in section 1) at such location(s) outside of Ontario. However, MTO shall only have the rigbt to obtain reimbr¡¡sement r¡nder this section 10(c)(ü) in respect of one such Audit in each calendar year. (Note: to avoid any doubt, nothing in this section 10(cXü) will be considered to in any way reduce or waive your obligations under sectlon 4 of the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosu¡e Ageement.) ll. WitboutPrejudice. To avoid any doubt, 16 r¡ing in this MTO Audit Policy $,ill be deemed to limit or prejudice MTO's rights or your obligations unde¡ the Permitted Recipient Non-discloswe Agreement or at law or in equity. (c) Memorandum regarding "MTO Authorized Requestor Agreement 11091". Page 156 of 297 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM MEMORANDUM DÄTE: JUNE 30,2011 TO: Council FROM: RayMaddox, Volunteer RE: InactiveCemeteryMaintenance NUMBER: C2011-08 < ., a The volunteer cemeteries sub-committee would like to start cleanup work at inactive cemeteries in Bayham beginning with Old Eden, Firb¡ Estherville and Hemlock Creek sites. The group includes Herwin Ouellette, Joe Diclfiout and George Beard Jr. and myself. I would like to have the Municipality purchase a weed eater with a blade, that the volunteers could use, as the Public'Works department does not have one. Prices, with a blade, range from $280 upwards. Prices for a Stihl have been obtained from Chesterman Power Products. Rentals are $30 ' $50 per day plus gas. The volunteers would start by cleaning up the fence lines including tree and brush cutting and removal. We would need assistance from the Public'Works department in the rernoval and disposal of the brush. Once we have the fence lines cleaned up we would need to purchase and replace posts and fix existing fencing. 7' heavy duty posts would cost $11 - $14 each and it is suggested that a minimum of 50 be purchased at a time. Assistance to drive in the posts from the PW students would be appreciated if available. It is doubtful we would get to raising and leveling markers or fixing where spires and/or attachments have fallen or broken off this year. Approval is requested to purchase a Stihl weed eater and blade at approximately $330 plus tax, ear protectors, safety glasses and 50 steel 7' fence posts when needed. Respectfully submitted Ray I'faddox Memorandum C2011-08 regarding "Inactive Cemetery Maintenance". Page 157 of 297 Page 158 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 159 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 160 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 161 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 162 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 163 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 164 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 165 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 166 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 167 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 168 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 169 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 170 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 171 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 172 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 173 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 174 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 175 of 297 Memorandum C2011-09 regarding "Elgin Military Museum Agreement". Page 176 of 297 T iì iu CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council F'ROM: Denis Duguay, Treasurer SUBJECT: Cell Phones DATE: July7,20ll FILE: NUMBER: F2011-09 Purpose: This report is to recommend a new cellular plan for the Municipality of Bayham. Background: Currently, the municipal cellular plan is with Telus and the plan is expiring shortly; all but two cell phone plans expire July 2l/20I1. Staff Comment: Staff have encountered many issues such as drop zones and messages received days after being recorded. This issue has caused distress amongst our rate payers and our senior management team. Staff have investigated the possibility of changing providers to better accommodate operational needs for the different municipal departments and reduce the monthly cost. Telus technology in the Municipality of Bayham has many drop zones; staff has tested the smartphone service on Telus network and has experienced the same problem as on the present MIKE technology. Staff have investigated Bell technology and spoken with other municipalities utilizing the Bell technology, and they are experiencing the same issues as Telus. The only technology or network that has been recommended with only minor issues is the Rogers network. Staff Report F2011-09 regarding "Cell Phones". File: A12 Page 177 of 297 Staff Report Summary Staff suggest that there is a need and benefit to smafphone technology, especially for those needing emergency response phones, as a great amount of interaction could be done by e-mail and text messaging in return reducing the amount of minutes utilized at the present time. This would total 5 such phones. In addition, 6 standard cell phones are required for municipal staff communications. Monthly fees for the phone and data plan by Telus and Bell and Rogers are similar in cost. The smartphone technology is more dependable compared to the MIKE technology, and could reduce the monthly cost over and above the utilization of standard cell phones. Staff s recommendation would be Rogers's network, where monthly charges would be approximately $500 per month. Currently, monthly charges under Telus arc attypically $1,200 for monthly fees and airtime. Savings of approximately $700.00 per month could be realized by switching to Rogers. In less than one year, savings would pay for the initial outlay required for the purchase of the required phones. -7 - Monthlv Gompanv Smartphone* Minutes Telus $ 120.00 1000 Rogers $ 140.00 1000 Bell $ 130.00 600 *Notes: Monthlv Gellular $ 100.00 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 Minutes Gomments 800 2 Team Lines 650 2 Team Lines 500 2 Team Lines Telus - Currently going over available minutes by 3000 monthly Rogers - smartphone first two lines are $140.00 and all additional are $25.00, each with 100 minutes Staff Report F2011-09 regarding "Cell Phones". File: A12 Page 178 of 297 Staff Report F2011-09 regarding "Cell Phones". File: A12 Page 179 of 297 Page 180 of 297 t? l-Ò\ CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: Jittly 7,2011 FROM: Denis Duguay, Treasurer FILE: SUBJECT: Interest Rates for'Water Project NUMBER: F 2011-11 Purpose: This report is to obtain council di¡ection to proceed with financing of the'Water Project cost associated to the rate payer's that have elected the ten (10) year repayment option oflered in by-law 20ll-046. Background Comments: As council is aware the water project is completed and repayment of the capital cost related to rate payers on the water system is now due. Two options were made available to rate payers in the bylaw 20ll-046, the first one option a onetime payment of the said cost and the other option was a ten year repayment. After careful consideration and research staff has investigated different avenues of financing and requested quotes from two (2) banks on the interest rate and possibility of receiving financing. Staffhas received two (2) quotes on the interest rate for the financing of the related costs, first from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the amount of 4.12% and the other from the Royal Bank of Canada in the amount of 4.10o/o. Staff was advised by the bank representative of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce that the Municþality may not qualiff for this special rate as the day to day business is with the Royal Bank of Canada and not with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Staff Comment: Staff would like the authorization to proceed with the financing of the said costs of the water project with the Royal Bank of Canada at a rate of 4.70Yo. If financing is approved at 4.10Yo the said cost associated to rate payers that have chosen the option of ten (10) year repayment the annual cost would be $106.25. Strategic Plan: Goal # I Practice responsible financial management Staff Report F2011-11 regarding "Interest Rates for Water Project". Page 181 of 297 Staff Report F2011-11 regarding "Interest Rates for Water Project". Page 182 of 297 I July 4,2011 Dear Mayor and Council members, My non-profit organization SANYA (Spay And Neuter Your Animals) has been helping the Bayham community for a number of years now, taking in stray/unwanted cats, having them spayed/neutered, vaccinating them and then helping to f,rnd good homes for them. Our annual SANYA fundraising yard sale will be coming up soon on July 29 throughto the 3lst in Port Burwell this year. This annual sale we hold, helps pay for some of the costs mentioned above. All other monies come from donations and of course, myself. It would be greatly appreciated if we could use the Municipal sign to advertise for this event. I understand this is subject to Municipal use. Thank you for your time. Yours truly, Marion Paterson 40 Shakespeare Port Burwell, ON NOJ 1TO st9-874-473s Correspondence dated July 4, 2011 from Marion Paterson (SANYA) regarding "use of Municipal sign". Page 183 of 297 Page 184 of 297 JÙ Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 4th Floor 1 Stone Road West Guelph, Ontario NlG 4Y2 Tel: 1-866-306-7827 Fax: 519 826-4336 Ministère de I'Agriculture, de I'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales 4" étage 1 Stone Road West Guelph (Ontario) NlG 4Y2Té1.: 1-866-306-7827 Téléc.: 519 826-4336 Rural Community Development Branch June 21,2011 Étt : Dear Kyle Kruger: We would like to thank you for your application under lntake One of the Ontario Small Watenruorks Assistance Program - Phase Three (OSWAP-3). All applications were reviewed and assessed against a range of factors, including how well the project aligned with the program's focus of improving conservation and efficiency in mun¡cipal residential drinking water and wastewater systems. We are pleased to inform you that the following project has been selected for funding under OSWAP-3: Project Title Provincial Contribution Total Net Elioible Cost Villaqe of Richmond Water Svstem Upqrades $ 254540.00 $ 381791.33 The provincial contribution towards this project is subject to a number of terms and conditions, which will be outlined in a contribution agreement. The contribution agreement will detail the project elements, schedule, costs and funding parameters. Before costs can become eligible for reimbursement OMAFRA requires documentation that satisfies it that ownership of the Richmond Community Water System has been transferred from Richmond Community Water lnc. to the Municipality of Bayham. OMAFRA wíll send a subsequent letter when it is satisfied that ownershíp has been transferred that will allow the municipality to begin incurring costs that qualify for provincial re-imbursement. We look forward to working with you on this important project and will be in touch shortly. Should you have anyquestions, please call us at 1-888-588-4111 or contact us by e-mail at oswap@ontario.ca. Sincerely,2%---ú¡no Radocchia Manager, lnfrastructure Programs Unit Pick Ontario Freshness Cueillez la fraîcheur de I'Ontario -M- Correspondence dated June 21, 2011 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding "Application under Page 185 of 297 Page 186 of 297 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHÄM BY-LAW NO. 2011-057 BEING A BY-LAW TO FTJRTHER AMEND BY-LA\il 2011-OO1 A BY.LAW APPOINTING MEMBERS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF THF', MT]MCIPALITY WIIEREAS the Council of the Municþality of Bayham did by By-law 2011-001 appoint persons to Boards and Committees for the purposes of the Corporation; \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By-law 20ll-012 amend such by-law; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to further amend such byJaw; NOW TTIT'REFORE THE COTJNCIL OF TITE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Cheryl Peters be removed as a mernber of the Museums Bayham Boa¡d and the Edison Museum Building Committee; 2. TIIAT Doug Lester be removed as a mernber of the Harbourfront Committee; 3. TIIAT in all other respects, By-law 2011-001 is hereby confirmed and remains unchanged; 4. AND THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 7TH DAY oF JULY 2011. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-057 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2011- 001 (appointing members to Boards and Committees) Page 187 of 297 Page 188 of 297 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-059 BEING A BY.LAW TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ON WIIICH TAXES SHALL BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 2011 AND THE CURRENT ESTIMATES FOR YEAR 2OII. WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municþal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; \üIIEREAS by action of the Municþal Property Assessment Corporation, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municþality, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2011 should be levied; NO\M TIIEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM IIEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Municþality of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Onta¡io Regulations, be hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 20ll shall be levied. 2. TIIAT the said assessment roll be hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Municipality. 3. TIIAT the current estimates for 2011 appended hereto in Schedule ".{" are hereby adopted. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 7th DAY oF JULY 2011. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 189 of 297 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX T60 9344 PLANK ROAD STRAFFORDVILIE, ON Nol 1Y0 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BUDGET TOLT July 7,2OL7 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 190 of 297 Table of Contents Summary..,...1-3 General Government .............6 Police. ..............9 Straffordville Community Centre ...........24 Vienna Community Centre ...................... 25 Eden Community Centre ........................26 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 191 of 297 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 192 of 297 Summary 2010 Budqet 2011 Budqet 2,861,114 3,029,604 1,321,000 1,321,000 Fire Services Police Services Conservation Authority Building Services Bylaw Enforcement Services Roads 425.113 1,228,785 112,949 Summary Page 1 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 193 of 297 Eden Gommunity Centre Libraries By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 194 of 297 Summary -2,861,114 -3,029,604 525,458 537,662 74,923 90,423 331,183 332,426 624,953 690,468 37,611 44,347 14,916 41,406 885,586 107,072 71,952 410,278 16,500 20,379 11,275 7,800 Parks & Recreation Straffordville Community Centre -35,710 68,307 -10,718 60,788 74,780 3,581 37,147 16,929 Iourism & Marketing 44,106 18,128 Summary Page 3 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 195 of 297 Municioalitv of Bavham 2011 GeneralTaxation 2010 Budqet 2011 Budqet 05.10.4010 Revenues Residential & Farm 2,839,414 3,007,904 05.10.4020 05.10.4030 Multi-Residential I Commercial Unoccupied 05.10.4040 Commercial Occupied iPlL recoverable & Railway 21700 21700 05.10.4050 05.10.4060 lndustrial Unoccupied I lndustrial Occupied I Pipelines Farmlands 15.10.40s0 Managed Forests 2.861.114 3.029.604 Expenditures Writeoffs/Tax Sales Tax Adjustments 15.10.5630 Assessment Charges i 0 ı GeneralTax GeneralTax Page 4 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 196 of 297 M un lci oalilv of Bavharr lnterest on Taxes - Prio¡' OTHER REVENUES By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 197 of 297 General Governement l0 10 5110 Statutory Benefits 10 5120 Non-Slatutory Beneflts 10 5140 Payroll Sery¡ce Charge 0 10 5145 Benk 0 l0 5160 lnternet Charges 't010 5'170 10 t0 5180 10'f0 5185 1010 5210 'lo 10 5220 10.10 5240 1 0 t0 5250 Computer Software & Support lT & GIS personnel 10 t0 5260 'to't0 5270 Advert¡sing 1 ,000 Assoc¡ation & Membersh¡p Fees 2,295 Audit¡ng Fees 8,200 Build¡ng Ma¡ntenence 12,000 10 10 5280 10 1 0 5290 10 l0 5300 '10 10 5305 '10 10 5310 10 t0 5320 Tra¡ning & Education Conferenæs & Sem¡nars 5,305 4,464 7,745 7,977 Gen Gov Page 6 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 198 of 297 Municioalitv of Bavham By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 199 of 297 Fire 2011 Fire Department Revenues 104110 Grânts & Subsid¡es 104130 Fees &Seruiæ Charges 1O 4190 Transferfrom Reserye 104180 Donat¡ons Expendilures FiE Chief/Emergency Mgmt Oflice l0 5'100 Sâlâries & Weges l0 5'f02 FireFightere Remuneratjon l0 5'103 FireFighters Remuneratjon Speciâlty l0 5104 FireFighteß Remuneration Au¡liery l0 5110 Statutory Benefits 20'lO 5120 Non-Statutory Benef¡ts 2010 5365 Telephone- Fire Ch¡ef 20 10 5130 Unifoms 20 10 5320 Postage & Courier Emergency Planning 20-10 5105 Emergency Plann¡ng - Wages 20 10 5335 Emergency Plann¡ng - Trein¡ng 20 10 5150 EOC Suppl¡es 20 10 5425 Public AwarenessÆdu€t¡on Fiæ 20 10 5170 OflÎæ Suppl¡es 20 10 51 60 Med¡æl Responsê Suppl¡es 20 10 51ô5 Mun¡cipal WaterConsumpt¡on 20 10 5'175 Equ¡pment Purchase - Operating 20 10 5180 Equipment Purchese - Protective 20 1O 52lO Ut¡lit¡es 20.105240 Advertis¡ng 10 5250 Association & Membersh¡p Fees '10 5270 Building Meintenenæ 10 5275 Clean¡ng Supplies '10 5280 Equipment Maintenance '10 5285 Commun¡ætions Eq Maintenanæ '10 5290 Grounds Ma¡ntenanæ '10 5295 Veh¡cle Meintenanæ 10 5300 lnsuranæ 10 5310 Legal 10 5325 Health & Salely '10 5330 Traìn¡ng & Eduætion 10 5340 Conferenæs & Seminars 105350 Travel 10 5360 Telephone- Stat¡ons '10 5370 Sundry 10 5420 Fire Prevention Expense 10 5427 Ch¡ldren's Salety Dây 10 5430 9'l'l Dispatching 10 5440 911 Other 10 5450 Automatic A¡d l0 5460 F¡re Pro SoÍtwâre 2010 Budget 20ll Budget 2,500 500 1,000 2,500 1,500 65,266 85,896 11,834 10,871 618 1,000 1,200 8,663 2,000 I,000 I,500 1,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 18,566 500 725 4,500 500 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,835 21,250 1,000 22,249 2,500 3,863 3,090 2,318 17,240 4,000 2,700 67,224 81,273 5,760 4,500 13,085 10,695 1,200 500 1,200 8,923 500 1,030 1,500 1,000 10,000 10,000 14,466 500 600 2,000 250 2,500 3,000 3,000 I 1,000 21,038 1,000 250 22,O32 2,500 1,500 1,800 0 0 '17,600 4,000 5,000 1.500 Page IFire By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 200 of 297 Municioalitv of Bavham 2011 Police Services 2010 Budqet 2011 Budqet 20.20.4't10 Revenues Policing grants 17,596 17,596 20.20.4120 20.20.4130 POA Lease 30,000 30,000 20.20.4190 From Reserves 50,000 97,596 50,000 97,596 Expenditures 20.20.5210 20.20.5270 Utilities Building Maintenance 3,183 1 ,500500 500 20.20.5290 Grounds Maintenance 20.20.5300 lnsurance 250 170 250 169 20.20.5360 20.20.5400 Telephone Reserve Policing credit 600 0 20.20.5450 20.20.5460 Service Contract Police Services Board 714,846 3,000 782,645 3.000 722,549 788,064 Police Police Page 9 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 201 of 297 Municioalltv of Bavham Gonsenration Authoritv By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 202 of 297 Building Municipatity of Bayham 201'l Buildinq Services 2011 10.10.4110 20.40.4130 20.40.4140 20.40.4't50 Revenues Grants & Subsidies Building Permits Septic System Permits 60,000 7,000 64,688 5,650 300Sundry Revenues 300 67.300 70,638 20.40.5100 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 63,470 60,346 20.40.5110 20.40.5120 Statutory Benefits Non-Statutory Benefits 6,789 6,492 9,258 8,253 20.40.5170 20.40.5175 20.40 5220 20.40.5240 20.40.5510 20.40.5250 Supplies Enforcement Costs 950 300 0 Subscriptions and Publications Advertising 250 200 150 200 Administrative Overhead Association & Membership Fees Vehicle Maintenance lnsurance 2,600 645 2,600 767 0.5300 0.5310 1,027 915 1,500 906 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 540 Legal Fees 2,500 2,500 20.40.5340 Conferences & Seminars Travel 2,500 90040 5350 5360 Telephone Contrect Services 540 .5450 .5370 Sundry 1.541 500 96,585 554 Building Page 11 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 203 of 297 MuniciDalitv of Bavham 2011 Bylaw Enforcement 2010 Budqet 2011 BudEet 20.50 41 r0 ?evenues 3rants & Subs¡diôs 20.æ.4120 20.50.4130 )og Tag Sales \dministrat¡on fees 24000 loo 2400( 1o( 20.50.4160 20.50.4150 :ines/Court Awards ìecove¡ãble Cosls 200 3.000 zot 1 oo( 27.600 25.30( I Exænditures ¡0.50 5100 ¿0.50.51 10 ialaries & Wages itatutory Benef¡ts 29,011 29,882 3.086 3,17S ¿0.50 5120 t0.50 5150 {on-Statutory Benefits lealth I Safetv Suppl¡es 4 208 Ioa 4 334 200 10.50 5170 t0.50.5175 lOffiæ SupplieJ Enforæmênt Cosls 155 3 0oo 15t 2 00( ¡0 50.5240 ¡0.50,5250 \dvertising \ssociation & Membership Fees 530 53ol 50( ( '9 ry92e5 t0 50 5300 Yehicle Mâintenâncê lnsurancâ 1,500 915 50( 90t 20 50 5310 2010.5320 Legâl Fees Postaoe Courier I 000 I 00( 30( Training & Educ€tion Conferenæs & Seminars 1,500 I,00(í.500 ( 20 50 5350 IJi!91 Sundry 150 5( 20 50 5370 20.50 5450 20.50 5470 Service Contract Dog Tags - Liænsing Agent 15,50C 1C,þUU ¿o.50.5475 )og Tags - Supplies 1.030 20( 70 821 66,70€ Bylaw i Bylaw Page 12 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 204 of 297 2011 Roads Department Revenues f0 41 10 Grants & Subsid¡es f04120 Sundry l0 4'130 Service Charges l0 4190 Transferfrom County Reserue Expenditurcs 10.5100 Salaries & Wâges 10.5'l'10 Statutory Benefits 10 5120 Non-Stâtutory Benef¡ts 25'10.5130 Clothing Allowance 25.10 5170 Materials 25.10 5175 Tools 25.10 5180 Fuel Clearing 25.105185 Clearing-Other 25.10 6100 Vehicle Repairs - Licenses Vehicle Repairs - wages Veh¡cle Repairs - materials 25.10.5210 Utilities 10 5240 Advertising l0 5250 Assoc¡ation fees l0 5270 Bu¡lding Ma¡ntenance '10 5275 Equipment Ma¡nlenanæ 10 5290 Drainage & Assessments 10 5300 lnsurence 15.10.5310 Legal Fees. Engineer 10.5330 Training & Education 10.5340 Conferences & Sem¡nars 10 5350 Travel 10 5360 ïelephone 10 5370 Sundry 10 il00 Transfer lo Reserue 10.7620 Loose Top Mâinl.enance - Wages '10.7630 Loose Top Mâintenance - Materials 10.7400 Bridge Maintenance - Wages 1.7410 Bridge Mâintenance - Materials 10.7450 Culvert Mâintenance - Wages 10.7460 Culvert Maintenance - Maintenance l0 7500 Weed/Brush/Ditch - Wages l0 7510 Weed/Brush/Ditch - Maintenanæ '10 7520 Catch Basins - Wages 10.7530 Catch Basins - Mainlenanæ 10.7600 Hardtop Maintenance - Wages 10.7610 Hardtop Maintenance - Maintenanq 10.7650 Grading - Wages 107700 Dust Control-Wages '107710 DustControl- Ma¡ntenanæ 10 7800 Safety Dev¡ces - Wages 25,'lO7810 Safety Devices - Maintenance 25 10.7850 Sidewalk Maintenanæ - Wages 25 'lO 7860 Sidewalk Maintenance - Maintenan( 10 7900 CN Crossing Safety Devices 10 7950 Road Names 108000 CountyRoads-Wages '10 8010 County Roads - Maintenance 401 150,601 49,1 08 65,451 3,000 9,500 3,000 105,575 5,000 38,62r 17,000 64,379 21,218 250 250 12,000 4,000 2,000 45,075 500 9,000 I,500 500 2,500 1,000 5,000 36,000 1,000 5,000 10,000 11,000 19,500 18,500 10,000 2,000 9,500 20,500 18,000 8,000 4,000 9,000 14,000 2,000 6,000 4,500 4,500 82,400 317 2011 Budget 385,1 1 3 113 164,863 46, 84 34,621 17 64 18,11 1 1 12 1 44,624 1 1 1 500 6,000 1't,000 17 1 2 20,500 1 6,000 1,000 16,000 5,000 2,500 5,000 4,500 145,000 782 785 1 ,310 Roads Roads Page 13 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 205 of 297 Municipalitv of Bavham 2011 Winter Gontrol 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet 25.20.4,110 Revenues Granls & Subsidies 9,900 9,900 25.20.5100 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 27.352 28,172 Materials Equipment Maintenance 38,797 15,500 Sundry Service Conlract - Pt Buruel 300 9,000 Service Contract - Vienna Service Contract - Straff 5,000 4,500 6,500 4,500 Service Contract - Eden Service Contract - Richmonc 3,000 2,500 3,500 5,000 25.20.5560 Service Contract - Sidewalks 7,000 4,000 112,949 116,972 Winter Winter Page 14 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 206 of 297 MunicipaliW of Bavham 2011 Street Liqhts 2010 Budqet 20ll Budoet Revenues Expenditures 25.40.5520 25.40.5530 Sl-A Port Burwell SI.A Vienna 25,13C 9.886 SLA Straffordville Sl-A Eden 14,281 6,121 16,855 12,482 25.40.5560 25.40.5570 Sl-A Corinth Sl-A Richmond 3,060; 4,675 3,060 2,924 48,965 71,952 Street Lights Street Lights Page 15 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 207 of 297 30.10.4010 30 10.4110 30.10.4 t20 30.10.4 t40 l0 5110 Statutory Benefits 10.5120 Non Statutory Benef¡ts 10 5170 Supplies 10.5175 Tools and Equipment 1 0.51 80 , Lab Fees '10 5210 Ut¡lities 10 5240 Advertising 10.5250 Association Fees 30.10.5260 Auditing Fees 30.10.5280 System Maintenance 30.1 0.5295 Vehicle maintenance 30.10.5300 lnsurance 30.10.5330 Train¡ng & Education 30.10.5335 Licences 30.10.5340 Conferences & Seminars 30.10.5360 Telephone & lnternet 30.10.5370 Sundry 30.10 5400 Transfers to Reserves 50.20.527 5 Water Quality Management .1 0.5450 Service Contract Secondary : 1 0.551 0 Administrative Overhead 10 5520 Water Supply 30 10 5620 Util¡ty Adjustments 74,962,00 8,243 11,246 3,000 1,250 7,500 1,997 204 510 1,734 5,800 400 696 2,500 300 1,550 900 102 78,800 2,500 233,940 4,896 95,760 73,700 Water Water Page '16 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 208 of 297 L Mun¡c¡pal¡ty 01 Eaynam 2o1o lnicnmonO Water System I 20ll Budget2010 Budget Revenues 301 5.4160 Water Billings lsunory 88,444 46,512 ]Water Meters lWater Connect Chgs Penalt¡es & lnterest 88,444 46,512 301 5-51 00 Expenditures jSalaries & Wages ]st"tutory Benefits lNon Statutory Benef¡ts lSuppl¡es ]Tools ancl Equipment Lab Fees iutitities Advertising lAssociation Fees Auditing Fees iSystem Maintenance Vehicle maintenance I tnrrrrn." I Legal Fees lrraining & Education Itravet Conferences & Seminars ]Telephone & lnternet 1Sundry Transfers to Richmond Reserves ,Water Quality Management 46,260 s,089 6,939 6oo 3,840 3,456 1 I, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, I 5-51 70 5-51 80 15-5210 5-5280 5-5320 3,600 3,960 2 2,04 14,700 100 460 5,032 Service Contract Secondary System Administrative Overhead .Water Supply iUtility Adjustments 88.444 46,512 Richmond Water Richmond Water Page 17 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 209 of 297 10 20.4't25 30.20.4120 30.20.4130 30.20.4150 Municipality of Bayham 2011 Waste Water iR"n"n,r"" Sewer Billings lnvestment lncome Sewer Sundry Charges Septage Receiving Charges Penalties & lnterest 9,600 4,889 576,525 2011 Budget 61 I, 1 9,700 036 645,742 145,488 15,779 21,516 850 200 140 1,854 5,776 2,350 100 2,550 170 3,175 112 205,000 8,282 413.341 30.20.5100 30.20.51 10 30.20.5120 30 20 5130 20.5240 .5250 5260 20.5305 30.20.5330 30.20.5335 30.20.5340 30.20.5350 30.20.5360 30.20.5370 30.20.5400 30.20.5510 30.20.5620 30.20 5r 80 20 51 90 20.5210 5170 .20.5215 20.5270 3020-5320 30.20.5175 30.20.5211 30.20.5275 30.20.5280 30.20.5295 141,250 15,319 20,889 750 200 140 1,800 5,834 2,300 225 2,500 170 3,300 110 181 ,907 8,200' 384,894 8,200 6,500 60,577 2,300 4,631 9,500 12,000 2,400 17,500 123,608 900 26,523 25,000 15,000 600 8,282 6,565 91,782 1,500 4,863 7,500 Expend¡tures l Administrative ,Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits Non Statutory Benefits Clothing Allowance Advertising Association & Mem Fees ]nuditing rees lnsurance ïraining & Education Licences Conferences & Seminars lTravel l Telephone & lnternet Sundry Transfers to Reserves Administrative Overhead Adjustments Treatment Plant Lab Fees Chemicals Util¡ties Plant Supplies - Plant Property taxes Building/Plant Maintenance Equipment Mtce - Plant Grounds Maintenance Sludge Haulage/Disposal Odour Control (septage) Collect¡on System Trucks Supplies - Collect¡on Utilities-Collection System Odour Control System Ma¡ntenance Veh¡cle Ma¡ntenence 12,1 I, 17,67 7, 91 27,31 25,2 18 6'1 576 645 Waste Water WasteWater Page 18 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 210 of 297 Waste Waste Page 19 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 211 of 297 Municipality of Bayham 2011 Health Services 2010 Budqet 20ll Budget Revenues Grants & Subsidies 5,000 Expenditurcs 35.10.5100 35.10.51 1 0 Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits 35.10.5120 35.10.5170 Non Statutory Benefits Suoolies 35.10.5210 35.10.5270 Utilities Building Maintenance 4,244 3,894 2,000 2,000 35.10.5290 35.10.5300 Grounds Maintenance lnsurance 1 ,000, 1 ,500I,850 1,832 Travel Sundry 600 600 35.10.5450 Health - Doctor funding 9,694 9,826 Health Health Page 20 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 212 of 297 Municipality of Bayham 2011 Gemeteries I 2010 Budset 20ll Budset 35.20.4120 Revenues Sundry Revenue 35.20.5290 Expenditures Grounds Maintenance 14.500 15,879 35.20.5370 Sundry/lnterest I nactive Cemetary lmprovement 2,000 2,0q0 2,500 16,500 20,379 Notes cemeter¡es Cemeteries Page21 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 213 of 297 Municioalitv of Bavham 2011 General Assistance 2010 Budqet 2011 Budqet t0.10.4190 Revenues Grants and Donations 40.10.5590 Expenditures General Assistance Grants 11,275 7,800 11,275 7,800 General Assistance Gen Assistance Page22 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 214 of 297 Municioalitv of Bavham 2011 Parks & Recreation 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet 45.10.4110 2.600 2,60C 45.10.4124 Sundry 2,600 2,60C Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 50c 50c c c 1,100 1,404 62.147 Parks Parks By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 215 of 297 Straffordville Comu n ity Center Revenues 1 1O Grants & Subsidies 120 Sundry Revenue 130 Rentals 204180 Donations 45 20.5110 Statutory Benefits 45.20.5170 45.20.5210 67,518 Straff CC Page24 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 216 of 297 Municioalitv of Bavham2011 I Vienna Communitv Centre 2010 Budqet 2011 Budqet t5.30.4',120 Revenues Sundry Revenue 15.30.4130 15.30.4180 Rentals Donations 10,500 10,500 I 10.500 10.500 Expenditures Mgmt Contract Supplies 10,265 1.000 9,500 1,500 45.30.5210 4534.5270 Utilities Building Maintenance 13,390 4.600 8,079 4,600 45.30.5280 45.30.5290 Equipment Maintenance Grounds Maintenance 3,000 3,500 3,000 4,300 lnsurance Telephone 4 485 960 4,441 500 Sundry 500 Service Contract 9,888 500 e.8.8 51,588 46,308 Vienna Gomunity Genter Vienna CC Page25 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 217 of 297 Municipality of Bayham 2011 Eden Gommunitv Centre 2010 Budoet 20ll Budqet 45.35.4124 Revenues Sundry Revenue Rentals Donations 7,896 3,542 7.896 3,542 Expenditures 45.35.5170 lSupplies ts.gs.szl o I utilit¡".6,896 2,542 15.35.5270 t5.35.5280 Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 45.35.5290 45.35.5300 Grounds Maintenance lnsurance 2,000' 2,000 2.055 2.035 Telephone Sundry I 45.35.5450 Service Contract 13,951 9,577 Eden Gomunity Genter Eden CC Page 26 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 218 of 297 Municipalitv of Bavham 2011 Libraries 2010 Budset 2011 Budqet 45.40.4130 Revenues Lease Revenues 59,807 60.405 45.40.5210 Expenditures Utilities 11.670 10,432 45 40 5270 45 40 5290 Building Maintenance ]Grounds Maintenance 7,750 2,500 7,750 3.906 45.40.5400 lnsurance Library Reserve 2,177 2,599 25,000 24.097 49,687 Libraries Libraries Page27 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 219 of 297 Mu 2011 Museums Revenues Grants & Subsidies Admissions Children's Programs Transfer from Reserve/prior year Sundry 2010 Budget 9,000 8,000 500 4,000 400 2011 Budget 50.41 '10 11, I,130 45.50.4170 50.4190 50.4',120 400 21 20 50 5100 Expenditures Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits Office Supplies Children's Programs Utilities Advertising Marketing Memberships Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Grounds Maintenance lnsurance Telephone Conferences & Seminars Travel Sundry Contracted Services Special Project Special Events 39,222 4,010 2,000 500 11,500 3,000 3,000 550 7,500 2,000 4,000 2,625 1,500 400 400 2,000 5,000 0 31,399 3,040 2,000 500 11,500 3,000 3,500 550 10,800 2,000 4,000 2,599 1,500 400 400 2,000 1,000 1,000 81 ,1 88 5.50.51 10 50.5170 50.5190 5 50.5210 5.50 5240 .50.5245 50.5250 5.50.5270 50.5290 5300 45.50.5360 45.50.5340 50.5350 45.50.5370 45.50 5450 50 5600 50.5610 1,000 90,207 -68,307 -60,788 FUND RAISING Revenue: .so.41Bo Fundraising .so.41Bs Donations Expenditures: 7,500 7,500 1,0001,000 8,500 4,000 4,500 8,500 I, 4s.so.s'180 Fundraising expense 45.50.5400 Transfer to Reserves 4,000 4,500 500 0 Notes: 0 Museums Museums Page28 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 220 of 297 Planning 201',1 Plan Revenues Sundry 50.10.4120 Sundry Revenue 50.10.4130 Zoning Certificates 10.4140 Zoning Charges 50.10.4150 oPA 50 10.4160 Minor Variance Charges 10.4170 Site Plan Charges New Application consent 10.4180 Plan of Subdivision fees 10.4190 Development Agreement fees 50.10.5100 50.10.s110 50 10 5120 50.10.5170 50.10 5240 50.10.5250 50.10.5310 Advertising Association & Membership Fees 50.1 0.5320 50.10.5340 50.10.5350 Travel Planning Page29 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 221 of 297 Municipalitv of Bavham 2011 Business and Commerce 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet Lease Revenues 600 618 618 551 Conferences & Seminars Sundry 3,300 Business Gommerce Bus&Comm By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 222 of 297 I Munlcloalitv of Bavham 2011 Tourism & MarketinE 2010 Budqet 2011 Budget 50.1 5 41 10 ?evenues Srants & Subsidies 6,500 4,60C t0.15.4120 trf from lrail Reserue Sundry ö,UUt t0'15.4170 Lease Rovenugs 3,000 2,49L 9,500 12,00c i0 15 5100 Exot-nd¡tures Salar¡es & Weges 9.018 12,74 t0.15 5'f 10 lnter Cenlre stâffing Statutory benefits 3,500 3 50C 75C t0.15_5210 Util¡t¡es lnterDrstive Centre ODerâtions 7.1t9, ?20î 3,25J 2 2î(t0 15 5215 t0.15.5230 io.15 5240 Brochures Advertis¡ng 4,200 3,30C8,400 6,90! 'rO.15 5245 t0 15 5250 Promotional items Membeßhips 500 473 50c 992 t0.15.5260 :est¡vals lêâul¡fiÉtion 6L009 ô50 4 00c 70ct0.15.5270 t0. t5.5290 t0.15 5340 leach Maintenance lonferenæs & Sem¡nârs 8,400 250 5 000 o t0.15 5370 i0 1 5 5600 lundry Spec¡al Poècts 250 1 625 25C 5 ooc c.t.ttuo ¡+v.1, Tourlsm Marketlng Tour&Mark Page 3 l By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 223 of 297 Municipalitv of Bavham 2011 Environmental Services 2010 Budget 20ll Budget 50.20.4110 Revenues Grants & Subsidies 5000 5000 50.20.4140 Tile Drain Chafges 5,604 5.604 10,604 10,604 50.20.5100 Expenditurcs Salaries & Wages 14,586 15.024 50.20.5102 50.20.51r0 Richmond Water wages Statutory Benefits I1.604 1.652 54.20.5120 50.20.5170 Non-Statutory Benefits Supplies/Stock 2,188 2,254 750 0 Professional Services Water Sampling & Testing 1,000 3,000 0 3,000 Drain Maintenance Sundry 50.20.5380 Tile Drain Debt Charges 5,604 5,604 28.732 27.533 Environmental Environ Page 32 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 224 of 297 Munieipalitv of Bavham By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 225 of 297 Reserves Preliminary 2010 Proposed 20ll Proposed 2_0!2 Proposed20l3 Proposed 2014 BAYHAM BAYHAM BAYHAM BAYHAM 405.403 415,403 425¡03 435,403 10,000 10,000 10,000 1oJ!q for Computer Equi 27,961 22,811 27,811 16,811 21,811 26,811Begiming Balmce Increase in the 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Decrease in the year 1 0,1 50 Balmce 22.811 for Road Dqui 219,498 251,1s7 304j97 79j97 (25,803) (130,80:Begiming Balmce Increase in the year 161,452 140,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 145 Decrease in the yer Ending Balmce 125.753 87 251.197 304j97 for Countv Roads Begiming Balmce 107,000 1O7,OOO 87,000 47 ,000 47 ,OO0 47 '000 Increase in the year Decrease in the yea Ending Balance 87 47 4 for Road Constructiotr Begìming Balance 117,321 149,254 121,934 160,959 511,056 861,153 lncrease in the 352,296 339,000 245,000 350,097 350,097 _350 Decrease in the yer Balarce 1 & Beginning Balance 250/40 250,740 217 140 217 ,740 217,740 217 ,740 lncrease in the Decrease in the year ing Balmce Reserue for Infrastructure Beginning Balance 420,870 374,870 312,870 267,870 267,870 267,870 Increase in lhe Decrease in the yeu Ending Balmce 000 Reserye for Gas Tax Projects Begiming Batmce 82,540 189,996 225j40 175,9% 363J38 550282 Increase in rhe year 127,456 207 ,144 207 ,144 207 ,144 207 ,144 207 ,144 Decrease in the yeil 20,000 172,000 256,290 20,000 20,000 20'000 Ending Balmce 189 140 i.eserue for Fire Depart Apparatus Begiming Balance 199,465 32,465 117,465 152,465 232,465 312,465 Increaseintheyear 8O,OOO 85,000 85,000 -8!,0S0 80,000. 80,q0! Decrease in the yer 247 lesene for Fire Depart Mâjor Equip Begiming Balmce 5,991 15,042 23,042 15,042 33,042 51,042 lnc¡ease in the 18,575 18,000 12,000 18,000 18,000 1 Decrease in the year Ending Balmce 000 Resene for Fire Depart Building Beginning Balance 35,000 35,000 100,000 Increase in the 65.000 65,000 Decrease in the year Balmce Resene for Fire 217.740 Reserves Page 34 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 226 of 297 Reserves 12,328 12,328 12,328 12,328 1 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 1 5,000 1 Increase in the yer 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 9,000 8,000 11,0!0 14,000 17.p903,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Ending Balance Resene for Wateroorks BeginningBalance 16,693 207,851 446,958 717,258 987,558 1,257,858 Increase in the yeu 212,313 260,707 291,900 291,900 291,900 291,900 D"c*urq! t!9 r9* 21,155 21 ,600 21.600 21 ,600 21 ,60021 600 21 Endìng Balmce repârr Balmce 51,000 71,000 86,000 86,000 86,000 20,000 15,000lncreæe in the yeu Decrease in the year Ending Balmce 71 Harbour Balance Increase in the yeæ Decrease in the Ending Balance Transfer Station Balmce 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Increase in the yeæ Decrease in the Ending Balance iminq Balmce 50,000 64,650 89,650 74,650 99,650 124 Increase in the year 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Decrease in the 350 Ending Balmce Recreation Beginning Balmce 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 hcrease in the yer Decrease in the year Endìng Balmce rail Resene Begiming Balæce hcrease in the yeu Decrease in the yea Ending Balmce 53.721 64.214 73,598 77,982 87,36673,598 77,982 87,366 96,750 9,384 9,384 9,384 9,38410,493 9,384 9,384 47 000 Reserves Page 35 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 227 of 297 Reserves 1 .732 1 .732 1 .732 1,732 1,732 1,732 28,500 28,500 48,500 48,500 48,500 48,500 24,OO0 24,OOO 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 Reserue Begirming Balæce 247,197,087 181,087 181,087 181,087 Inc¡ease in the 34,000 Decrease in the yer Balmce 247 .087 197 .087 181 ,087 181 Health Begiming Balance 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Inc¡ease in the Decrease in the year Ending Balance Land Acquisifion Begiming Balance 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Increase in the Decrease in the year Electioo Beginning Balance 7,000 7,000 - 3,500 7,000 10,500 Increase in the year Decrease in the year 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Ending Balmce Begiming Balance 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 lncrease in the Decrease in the yer 28.000 28,000 28,0Balæce Stabilization Begiming Balance 549,630 503,630 503,630 604,452 604,452 604,452 Increase in the 100,822 Decrease in the year Ending Balmce 604.452 PF Begiming Balance 407 ,157 407 ,157 261,157 171,557 102,557 53,557 Trmsfe¡ In Increase in the yer Decrease in the yeæ Ending Balmce 146 000 1.157 171.557 102.557 Stabiliation iming Balmce 195,513 195,513 '195,513 187,513 187,513 187,513 lncrease ín the year Decrease in the yer 8,000 Ending Balmce 1 TOTALS 3,7Ê1,763.72 3,983,578.72 3 187.513 Reserves Page 36 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 228 of 297 Reserve Funds Reserve Funds RESERVE FUNDS Park Reserve Fund Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Eden Improvement Reserve Fund Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Sewage Reserve Fund Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Environmental Reserve Fund Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Fire Depart Capital Equipment Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Development Purposes Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Museum Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Seawall repair Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Straffordville Comm unity Centre Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance 2008 BAYHAM 50,039 9,759 36,723 627 627 518,647 216,723 1 719,130 11,039 475 11,514 2,885 124 3 11,228 22,553 7.750 26,031 49,942 6,741 '15,583 41,100 3,805 164 3,969 16j62 25,695 10 31 2009 BAYHAM 23,075 7,000 2,977 27 71 9,1 30 52.881 666 11,514 11,514 3,009 009 26,031 26,031 41 ,1 00 4,300 4r4OO 3,969 31,332 7,500 2010 BAYHAM 27,098 27,098 666,249 181 ,907 10 11,514 11,514 3,009 3pog 26,O31 45,400 45 3,969 38,832 15,000 772,310 205,000 75,846 11,514 3,009 26,031 1 45,400 2,000 3,969 3 53,832 15,000 901,464 229,600 54n 11,514 3,009 3 26,031 47,400 2,000 3,969 3 68,832 15,000 20tl 2012 BAYHAM BAYHAM 27,098 27,O98 27 26 ResFunds Page 37 By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 229 of 297 TOTAL RESÉRVE FUI{DS By-Law 2011-059 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 assessment on which taxes shall be levied and the current estimates for 2011 Page 230 of 297 TIIE CORPORATION OF' TITE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2011-060 BEING A BY.LA\il TO ADOPT THE CAPITAL ESTIMATES FOR TIIE YEAR 2011 WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2007, as amended provides that a local municipality shall in each year prep¿ìre and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipallty the sum of $755,125 for the capital program of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, NO\il THEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF'THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the capital program, capital cash requirements for long term debt repayment and reserve and reserve fund allocations, in the amount of $4,350,228 be approved. 2. THAT the capital program and the cash requirements be funded in total as follows: a) Tax levy - $755,125 b) 2010 unexpended capital financing - $171,020 c) V/ithdrawals from reserves and reserve funds - 51,074,82I d) Long Term Debt and Other Revenues - $1,933,987 3. THAT the tax levy requirement of $755,125 be incorporated into the 2011 cunent estimates for the purposes of determining the tax rates for 2011. 4. THAT the capital estimates appended hereto as Schedule,"A" are hereby adopted. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7M DAY oF JULY,2011. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-060 A By-Law to adopt the 2011 Capital Estimates for 2011 Page 231 of 297 Schedule "Arr to Bylaw 2011-060 Capital Budget 20lt B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 0 A B y - L a w t o a d o p t t h e 2 0 1 1 C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e s f o r 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 3 2 o f 2 9 7 Schedule r?Arr to Bylaw 20f f-060 Capital Budget 20tt Proiect Roads Equipment Purchase -Trf to Equipment Reserve - Bacltroe # l0 -. - Dump tuck #3 - GPS for Vehicles 12s,000 245,000 49,000 Unexoend.'10 Reserves Other Notes 145-000 MachineìJsage_(CqLRS+ ) road eouioment reserve125.000 245,000 road eouioment resen¡e 49.000 Gas Tax Reserve Cash requirements itern63,275 63,350 Gas Tax Reserve./ Roads Reserve and,20l2 20,000 road constnrction reserve 40,000 Gas Tax Reserve 30-000 road constn¡ction reserve 30,000 | 4t,s63l 30.000 road constuction reserve 41,563 road construction reserve Tar & Chip Resurface I New Tar & Chip Surface SlurrySeal I _ _ -Bavham./NorfolklPlank-Goshèn) - -_---fSOOOT l5-000 B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 0 A B y - L a w t o a d o p t t h e 2 0 1 1 C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e s f o r 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 3 3 o f 2 9 7 Schedule rrAil to ByJaw 2011-0ó0 Capital Budget 20ll Notes Tax Reserye constuction reserve Infrastruchre Reserve Infrastucture Reserve Infrastructure Reserve Sewer reserve fimd :wer ¡eserve fi¡nd reserve firnd ewer reserve fimd Sewer reserve fund Sewer reserve fund 20rl B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 0 A B y - L a w t o a d o p t t h e 2 0 1 1 C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e s f o r 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 3 4 o f 2 9 7 Schedule rrArr to ByJaw 2011-060 Capital Budget 20tt Proiest __ _þ¡!g!-_ _Parks & Rec. Trfto Parks Reserve - Park Improve. 10,000 Trfto Parks Reserve - Piaygound Eq. - Play ground equipment - Fabco property 42,125 Tax Levy Unexoend.'10 Reser-ves Ofher Nnfec 10,000 Cash reouiremertc ifm 10,000 Cash requirements item oark reVfund and fuh¡re vears 42,125 Clean lViennaPlaygroundEq 40?g0O - Corinth Pavillon 2 000 40.000 Parks Prks reserve fimd 20r1 B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 0 A B y - L a w t o a d o p t t h e 2 0 1 1 C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e s f o r 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 3 5 o f 2 9 7 Schedule rrA'r to Bylaw 20f 1-060 Capital Budget 20lt 20tt B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 0 A B y - L a w t o a d o p t t h e 2 0 1 1 C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e s f o r 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 3 6 o f 2 9 7 Schedule rrAÍ to By-law 2011-060 Capital Budget 2011 l4jest Pg,¿eç,t - Intaneible Caoital - asbestos review (7 buildings) - 2l¡0ı _ - Officjal Plan review _5,00-0 - Zoningre.view _ 1q.q0q . - Glen Erie (markers) esterrville 3,000 - Picnic tables ( 15) beach equipment --2,600 - dredging Tax Levy Unexpend.'10 Reserves Other Notes 10,000 11,000 s,000 10,000 3,000 2,600 20.000 _ _ .- Bgach projects-ie path - Picnic Tables /Vienna - IWMP Otter Creek Improvernent 0 1,200 s,000 300 Beach Concession Electricity upgrade 2,500 2.500 755.125 t7t,o20 1,074,821 1933,9E7 Capital Lew Goal 755-000 2011 B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 0 A B y - L a w t o a d o p t t h e 2 0 1 1 C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e s f o r 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 3 7 o f 2 9 7 Page 238 of 297 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-061 BEING A BY.LAW TO ESTABLISH A LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2011 TO ADOPT TAX RATES, PROVIDE FOR PENALTY AND INTEREST IN DEFAT]LT OF PAYMENT AND THE COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local municþality pass a by-law to levy a sçarate tax rate on the assessment in each propefy class, and; \ilIIEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 require tax rates to be established in the same proportion to tax ratios, and; WIIEREAS certain regulations require reductions in certain tax rates for certain classes or subclasses of property, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipalþ the sum of $3,029,604 for the puq)oses of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, NOW TIIEREFORE THE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. THAT for the purpose of providing for the Corporation's general pu{poses, the tax rates set out in Schedule "Á." be hereby adopted and levied for the year 2011 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Municipality according to the last revised assessment roll. 2. TIIAT for the purpose of providing for the County of Elgin general levy, the tax rates set out in County of Elgin By-Law 11-09 be hereby levied for the year 20ll upon the whole of the said assessment of the Municþality according to the last revised assessment roll. 3. THAT in addition, for the puq)oses of providing for the public and separate school education pu4)oses, the tax rates set out by the Minister of Finance under Regulation 98/06,as revised, of the Education Act be hereby levied for the year 20ll upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Municþality according to the last revised assessment roll. 4. THAT all taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Municipality of Baytam. 5. THAT taxes for all properties shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 26,2011 and one-half on or before November 18, 2011, and non-payment of the amount, as noted, on the dates stated in accordance with this section shall constitute default. By-law 2011-061 A By-Law to establish a levy for the year 2011 Page 239 of 297 By-law 2010-066 6. THAT on all taxes, which are in default on the lst day following the above noted due dates, a penaþ of l.25Yo shall be added and thereafter a penalty of 1.25% per month will be added on the l't day of each and everymonth the default continues, until December 311 2011. 7. TIIAT on all taxes in default on January 1f', 2012, interest shall be added at the rate of 1.25% per month for each month or fraction thereof in which the default continues. 8. THAT penalties and interest added in default shall become due and payable and shall be collected as if the same had originally been imposed and formed part of such unpaid tax levy. 9. THAT the Collector shall cause the same to be mailed to the residence or place of business of such person indicated on the last revised assessment roll, a written or printed notice speci$ing that amount of taxes payable. 10. THAT all byJaws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. RE,AD A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7TH DAY oF JULY 20t1. MAYOR CLERI( -2- By-law 2011-061 A By-Law to establish a levy for the year 2011 Page 240 of 297 By-law 2010-066 -3- CORPORATION OF'THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-061 Schedule A Propertl'Class Residential/Farm Farmland Awaiting Development Multi-Residential Commercial Occupied Commercial- Vacant Units Commercial Vacant Land Industrj-al Occupied Industrial Vacant Units Industrial Vacant Land Pipelines Farml-ands Managed Forests 20LL Tax Rate 0. 650 414% 0 .325207 Z 1 .5251 4rZ 1.065118å 0 .7 455822 0 .7 455822 r . 447 236% 0 .9407 03U 0.940703? 0 .1444642 0.162603% 0.7626038 By-law 2011-061 A By-Law to establish a levy for the year 2011 Page 241 of 297 Page 242 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 243 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 244 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 245 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 246 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 247 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 248 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 249 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 250 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 251 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 252 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 253 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 254 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 255 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 256 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 257 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 258 of 297 By-Law 2011-063 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Elgin Military Museum) Page 259 of 297 Page 260 of 297 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il 20tl-064 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORJTZE THF' EXECUTION OF A GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED REQTJESTERAGREEMENT \ilITII THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO \ilHEREAS Section ll of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended provides in part that a lower tier municþalþ may pass by-laws respecting highways, including parking and üaffic on higþways, AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham requires access to the information products maintained by the Ministry of Transportation for the purpose of commencing a legal proceeding against a registered licence plate holder who has committed a parking infraction in contravention of a Municipal parking byJaw, AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to enter into an Authorized Requester Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario to permit access to the Ministry's information products. NOW THEREFORE TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM HEREBY ENÄCTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to execute the Authorized Requester Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, affixed hereto and forming part of this by-law, and the Clerk is directed to affix the Corporate Seal thereto. 2. AND THAT the previous Authorized Requestor Agreement numbered 11091 be and the same is terminated upon the effective date of this agreement. 3. AI\D TIIAT this byJaw shall come into full force and eflect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 7rH DAY oF JULY 2ott. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 261 of 297 Ministry of Transportatíon Ministère des Transports I nformation Management Services Oversight Office 2680 Keele Street Building A, Room 178 Downsview, Ontario M3M 3E6 June 23,2011 Mr. Kyle Kruger THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mr. Kruger: RE: AUTHORIZED REQUESTER AGREEMENT 11091 I am writing in regards to your current Authorized Requester Agreement. As a result of a program review, and in consultation with both the Ontario Privacy Commissioner's Office, the Ministry of Transportation is revising your Authorized Requester Agreement, dated June 29, 2009. The ministry takes the protection of personal information very seriously. The ministry only releases personaf address information to clients who meet the ministry's prescribed criteria for the Authorized Requester Program. Agreement clauses pertaining to disclosure, retention and authorized use have been revised as a result of the program review. As a result, the ministry is replacing your current Authorized Requester agreement as per Article 3. Please review the enclosed agreement thoroughly and initial and sign where required, indicating your understanding and compliance with the terms of the new agreement. Please return both copies of the signed agreements to the above address no later than July 22,2011. Your current agreement and access to the Ministry of Transportation's information products will be terminated if we have not received these new agreements by the due date indicated above. Once signed by a ministry representative, a copy of the new agreement will be returned to you for your files. t2 By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 262 of 297 AUTHORIZED REQUESTER AGREEMENT (MrrNrcrPAL PARrilNc TAc PROGRAM) BETWEEN TIER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO, as represented by the MÍnister of Transportation AIID THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 263 of 297 -l- AUTHORIZED REQUESTER AGREEMENT TIIIS AGREEMENT made as of the 23rd day of June, 201I (the "Effective Date"). BETWEEN: I{ER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of Ontarlo, as represented by the Minister of Transportetion (rMTOtr) -and- TIIE CORPORATION OF TI{E MIJMCIPALITY OF BAYITAM (the i'Munlcipality"). WIIERDAS: A. MTO maintains computer databases containing information pertaining to driver, vehicle and motor carrier records; B. The Municipality requires access to such information for the purpose of commencing legal proceedings against registered licence plate holders who have committed parking infractions under Pa¡t II ofthe Provincial Afences Act (Onturtd, and/or in conEavention ofa municipal parking by-law; and C. MTO is prepared to permit the Municipality to obtain such access, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE MTO and the Municipality agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS AND SCHEDULES 1.1 Definltions. In this Authorized Requester Agreerletrt, unlss5 the context requires a different meaning, the following terms shall have the following meanings: I'Agreementrr mea¡s this agreement entitled "Authorized Requester Agreement", including the attached Schedules, any documents or instruments incorporated by reference in this agreement, and any emendürents to any of the foregoing that may be agreed to in writing by MTO and the Municipality or that are otherwise provided for in this agreement. rrApplication" means tåe application, in the fomr approved by MTO, submitted by the Requester to become an Authorized Requester. trÄRIS'means the Authorized Requester Information System of MTO, which is an electronic system used by MTO to receive Licensed Information Requests from Authorized Requesters, and to send Liceosed Information Responses to Authorized Requesters and to maintain client profiles, as zuch system may be modified by MTO from time to time. I'Auditrr and simila¡ expressions mean the performance by, or on behalf of MTO, of such audits, reviews, investigations, inspections, confirmations, certifications, tests, studies and determinations of, or relating to, ary matter or rhìng pertaining to this Agreement. I'Authorized Requester[ me¿¡¡rs any persoo or other organization (including other municipalities) to whom MTO has, pursuant to an ag¡eement, granted a non-exclusive, non-assipable and non-tansferable licence to access and use the Licensed Information solely for Authorized Uses. ÍAuthorized St¡Fr mea¡s: (a) employees of the Municipality, and (b) individual third party contractors (but not corporations, partnerships or other legal entities) engaged by the Municipality to perform employeeJike functions, who need to access such Licensed Information or Passwords, in order for the Municipality to use the Licensed Information for Authorized Uses in acco¡dance with this Agreement, and who a¡e listed in By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 264 of 297 ) Part A-2 of Schedule rrArr. "Authorized Usest' has the mea¡ring set out in section 4,1. ItBusiness Day" means a day other than a Saturda¡ Sunday or a statutory, civic or public service holiday observed in the Province ofOntario. "Claimsrr mear$ any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, suits or proceedings against, or damages (including indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages), losses, liabilities or obligations of MTO, or of MTO's employees, ageûts or conüactors, rrConfidential Informationrr has the meaníng set out i¡ section 5.1. "Contr¡ctor Security Agreemenf' mea¡ì¡¡ a privacy and confidentiality agreement between the Muoicipality and Authorized Staff who are individual third party contactors engaged by the Municipality, in the fomr specified by MTO. 'rl)amages" means losses, compeûìation, damages (including indirect, special, incidental, consequential and punitive damages), expendihres, costs (including ¡easonable adoinistrative costs and reasonable legal fees atrd costs), expenses, interest, liabilities, judgemeûts, awards, laxes, fines, penalties, charges and amounts paid in settlemeût. I'I)eclar¡tiotrrr has the meaning set out in section 10,2. rrl)elivery Channel'r means the metbod or system by Ìvhich a Licensed Info¡mation Request is transmitted or delivered from the Municipality to MTO or by which a Licensed Infomntion Response is t¡¿nsmitted or delive¡ed from MTO to the Municipality. ,Disclose" mearu directly or indirectly disclose, provide, distribute, s¡çhango, sell, license, lease, give, make available or permit access to or use of; and "Disclosed", "Disctosing' and "Disclosu¡e" have corresponding meanings. rrEffective Daterr meaos the effective date of this Agreement, as set out at the beginning of this Agreement. "Employee Security Statement" means a privacy and confidentialiqr statement in the fomr attached as Schedule "Brr, as may be modified by MTO from time to t'ne. rrFees" meaos those fees set out in Schedule itCtt. |TFOIPPA|T mea¡s the Freedom of Inþrmation and Prolection of Privacy Act (Ontario), as ,mended from time to time "Fiscal Year" means a twelve (12) month period beginning on April I and ending on Ma¡ch 31 of tùe following year. "Government of Ort¡riorr¡¡sans Hs¡Nf¡jssty tbe Queen in right of Ontario or any minisu'y, ¿gs¡çy board cozunission, deparEnent, co{poration or other legal entity of or owned by the Government of Onta¡io. I'Granflr bas the meaning set out in section 2.1. 'rlnitial Termil has the meaning set out in section 3,1(a), "Licensed Information" [¿s 1[s msaning set out in P¡rt A-1 of Schedule ".{": ttlicensed Inform¡tion Requesflt ¡Deaüi one request for Licensed Info¡mation contained in one collection of Lice¡sed Infomntion and pertainilg to one driver, which request is in the fomlat stþlated by MTO from time to time, aod which request is bansmitted or delivered by the Municipality to MTO using a Delivery Channel specified in Part A-l of Schedule 'rArr. I'Licensed Informatlon Responserr means the Licensed Info¡mation (or other ¡esponse such as "no information available") taúsmitted or delivered by MTO to the Municipality, using a Delivery Channel specified in Part Ä-1 ofschedule "A,rr, in response to a Licensed Information Request. I'Licensed Personâl Informationtt meatrs any Licensed Information that is Personal Information. f TMFOIPPAf ' means tle Municipal Freedom of Inþrmation and Protection of Prtvacy Acl (Ontario), as amended from time to time. "Non-disclosure Agreementrr has the meaning set out ia section 53(c). By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 265 of 297 -3- I'Password" means any pfissword key, code o¡ identifier assigned to a user in connection with making Licensed Information Requests or receiving or asçsssing lice¡rsed Information ReqÐnses. "Permitted Recipienttr has the meaning set out in Part A-1 of Schedule t'At'. I'Personel Inform¡tioni' mea¡rs personal information as deftned in FOIPPA. I'Person¡l Inforn¡tlon Records'r mems all Records of, or con¡¿ining, Personal Information that is Processed by the Municipality in connection with the performance by the Municipality of the Municipality's obligations under this Agreement or the exercise by the Municipalþ of the Municipality's rights under this AgreemeDt. "Privacy I)efault( means a breach of, (i) any Privacy Laws; or (ii) any of the provisions of this Agreement relating to the Municipalit/s compliance with the Privacy Laws, including Schedule I'I)"; or (üi) any other provision ofthis Agreement where such breach involves or ¡esults in any Processing of(or failure to Process) Personal Information that is not sEictly in accorda¡ce wilh this Agreement. "Privacy Lawsrr mea¡s (a) FOIPPA @) MFOIPPA and (c) the provisions of any other law from ti¡¡e to time that address any Processing of(or failure to Process) Personal Infomration. "Process" means directly or indirectly create, access, collect, process, receive, hold, stote, use or Disclose; and "Processed' and "Processingn have corresponding meanings. "POA" means tbe Provincial Ofences Act (Ontatio) as amended from rime to time. rrRecordsrrmeaos the records of the Municipalþ in any format e¡ msdi,,m, including any "record" as defined in FOIPPA. I'Records Custodian" has the mealing set out in section 9.5, rrSupporting Document" mem" any of the documents which (a) support or veriS i¡formation contained in the Application (as such information may subsequently have been changed in accorda¡ce with section 12'2 (a)); and (b) a¡e listed in P¡rt A-1 of Schedule "4". "Term" means the Initial Term and any renewal(s) of this Agreement made in accordance with section 3.1@). "lVrrrant¡rrr meâns any representation, wa¡ranty or condition, express, implied, collateral or statutory. 1.2 Schedules. The following attached Schedules form part ofthis Agreement: Schedule 'â' Specifications @art A-l and Part A-2) Schedule'ts" EmployeeSecuritySøtement Schedule "C" Fee Schedule Schedule 'D" Audit, Inspection a¡d Review Schedule "E ' Form of Monthly Report Schedule 'T" Form ofAmual Report Schedule "G" Form of MTO Report ARTICLE 2 CRANT OI'LICENCE Subject to the provisioos of this Agreement, MTO hereby grarts to the Municipalþ a non-exclusive, non-assip.able and non-tansferable licence (the "Grant") to access and use the Licensed Information solely for the Authorized Uses. The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that MTO (or the Govemment of Ontario) is and shall at all times ¡enain the sole owner of all rigbt, title and interest in the Licensed Info¡mot¡oo, ¡sl¡ding all intellectual property rights (such as copyright) and other proprietary rights and trade secrets. Accordingl¡ the Grant is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a transfer, sale or disposition ofany or all of MTO's right, title o¡ interest of any kind in the Licensed Information. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 266 of 297 -4- 2,1 Changes in Licensed Information. (a) Despite any other provision of this Agreemen! the Municipalþ acknowledges and agees that MTO reserves the right in its absolute disc¡etion to add to, withdraw from, or change the content o¡ structure of, or subject matter covered b¡ o¡ cease to make available, any or all of the Licensed Information at any time. (b) Upon implementation by MTO of any of the changes contemplated in section 23(a) above, all references to "Licensed Infomntion" in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a¡rended to reflect such chânges. 2.4 No Guerantees or W¡rr¡nties. The Municipality achowledges and agrees that MTO does not waÍant or guaratrtee the accuracy of the Licensed Information. ARTICLE 3 TERM 3.1 Term. Subject to the provisions of this Agfeement: (a) Tbis Agreement shall be effective on the Effective Date and shall continue in force fo¡ an initial term of twelve months (the "Initial Term"). (b) This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for subsequent terms of twelve (12) months each, provided that: (Ð neither party provides to the other, at least tbirty (30) days befo¡e the expiry of the then curent term, written notice of that party's i¡tention not to fenew; (ü) if requested by MTO, prior to such renewal lhe Municipality signs the form ofauthorized requester agreement that MTO then requires to be signed by Authorized Requesters; (iiÐ the Municipality has updated the list of Authorized Stafr co¡tained in Part A-1 ¡nd Part A-2 of Schedule ilA" and has reviewed and affirmed such list in accordance with sectlon 8.1; (Ð the Mmicipality has updated the info¡mation contained in the Application and has reviewed and affi¡med such infomration i¡ acco¡da¡ce with section 12.2; and (") prior to such renewal the Municipality has satisfied any otber conditio¡s that may be stipulated by MTO for the renewal of the Grant 3.2 Early Termination. This Agreement shall automatically teminate in the event that MTO ceases to make available any Licensed Information to third parties outside of the Govemment of Ontario. 3.3 Terminatlon TVithout Cause. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreernen! this Agreement may be terminated without liability by either party giving to the other party thfuty (30) calendar days prior written ¡otice of temlination, ARTICLE 4 AUTHORIZED USES EiÌÍáiã 4.1 Authorized Uses, The Municipality shall access and use the Licensed Infomtation solely for the following uses (the "Authorized Uses'): (a) to serd to registered licence plate holde¡s notices that are prescribed by law where a By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 267 of 297 -5- legal proceeding has been commenced by the Municipality against the registered licence plate holder alleging that the registered licence plate holder has com¡ritted an i¡-fraction against Part tr of the Provinciol Ofences Act (Ontario) and/or a parking by-law enacted by the Municipality; and O) to have Licensed Info¡rration certified by MTO for legal proceedings where it is alleged that the registered licence plate holder has committed an infraction against a parking by-law enacted by the Municipality. 4.2 Changes to Authorized Uses. Despite section 4.1, the Municipality acknowledges and agrees that MTO shall bave the right unilaterally to amend or delete any or all of the Authorized Uses at any time, effective upon written notice to the Municipality setting out the applicable amendmeut(s) or deletion(s). 43 Informed ConsenL Despite section 4.1, if required by MTO, the Municipality shall, prior to requesting, accessing or using aoy Licensed Infonnation under this Agreement, obtain the informed consent of the individual to whom the Licensed Information is referable. 4.4 Demonstr¡tion thet Uses Authorized Upon MTO's request ftom time to time, the Municipality shall reasonably demonstrate that the Municipality's use of any particular Licensed Information (as specified by MTO) has been strictly in accordance with this Agreement. For avoidance of doubt, any breach of the requirements of this section 4.4 shall constitute a Privacy Default. 4.5 Data Matching rnd Data Profiling. (a) Subject to the Authorized Uses, the Municipality shall not develop, or derive for any purpose whatsoever, any other produc! wo¡k o¡ database in humau-readable o¡ machine-readable fo¡m or otherwise, that incoçorates, modifies, or uses in any manner whatsoevet any Personal Information contained in, or obtained ûom, the Licensed Infomration. This section shall not, however, apply with respect to atry specific Personal Info¡mation which the Municipality had in its possession prior to receiving the Licensed Information. O) Subject to the Authorized Uses, the Municipality shall not place any data which was not obtained r¡nder this Agreemen! i¡to a daøbase cotrtaining Personal Information obtained under this AgreemenÇ other than as fust authorized by MTO in writing. 4.6 Individu¡ls Not to be Contacted. The Municipality shall not use the Licensed Information directly or indirectly to locate or contact any individual to whom the Licensed Information is directly or indirectly referable, other than as expressly stated in the Authorized Uses. 4.7 Surviv¡l. For the avoidance ofdoubt, the obligations ofthe Municipalþ contained in this Article 4 shall sun'ive the expþ or termination of this Agreemenl ARTICLE 5 CONT'IDENTIALITY ñíiãß 5.1 Confìdential Information. Sr¡bject to sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, the Municipality shall hold in strict confidence all Licensed Inforrration and any other confidential information or materials of MTO, or of third parties and in the possession or cootrol of MTO, and any infomration de¡ived ftom any of the foregoing (collectively, the "Confi dential Information"). 5.2 Maintain Confidentiality. Without limitation to section 5.1, the Municipalþ sball not directþ or indirectly: (a) disclose, make available, or provide or pernit access to or use of any Confidentíal By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 268 of 297 -6- Information for any purpose (other than to its Autborized Staff who need to know zuch Confidential Information in order to carÐ/ out the Municipality's business, and who a¡e permitted access to such Confidential Info¡mation strictþ in acco¡dance with Article 8); (b) reproduce or make copies, or permit any third party to reproduce or make copies, of any Confidential Infonnation, in whole or in part (other than copies ofConfidential Information made by the Authorized Staff contemplated in section 5.2 (a) in the normal cou¡se of the Municipality's business), other than as expressly stated in the Authorized Uses. 5.3 Disclosure of Licensed Information to Permitted Recþienß. Despite section 5.2, but subject to the provisions ofsectiors 5,3 O), 53 (c) and 53 (d), the Municipality shall have the right to disclose particular Licensed Information Out not Passwo¡ds or any otåø Confidential Infomration) to Permitted Recipients solely for the purpose specified i¡ Part A-1 of Scbedule "4". For avoid"nce of doubt, nothing in this section 53 (a) permits the Municipality to give a Pe¡¡nitted Recipient general access to the Licensed I¡formation in the Municipality's possession or control, nor shall a Permitted Recipient be entitled to make copies of Licensed Information. The Municipality shall record (in such form and format as from time to time may be required by MTO) each disclosu¡e to a Pennitted Recipient. Such record shall include the particular Licensed Information disclosed the Permitted Recipient to rvhom such Licensed Info¡mation \rras disclosed, the business purpose for such disclosure, and the date of disclosure. The Municipality shall mai¡tain such records throughout the Term and fo¡ a period of tbree (3) yeañ¡ after the expiry or termination of this Agreement Prior to making any disclosure to a Pemitted Recipient, rhe Municipality shall enter into a privacy and non-disclosu¡e agreement with that Permitted RecipienÇ in the form specified by MTO in writing from time to time (the "Nondisclosure Agreement"). The Municipality shall ensure that each Permitted Recipient frrlly complies with the Non-disclosu¡e Agreement. The Municipality shall be firlly liable to MTO for any breach of the Nondisclosure Agreement by a Permitted Recipien! and any zuch breach shall constitute a breach by the Municipality of this Agreement. The Municipalþ shall ¡etain an original copy of each Non-Disclosure Agreement from the time it is executed until at least tbree (3) years after the date the Permitted Recipient who signed that Non-Disclosure Agteement ceases to be a Permitted Recipient. Upon MTO's request from time to time, the Municipality shall provide MTO with copies of all executed Non-Disclosure Agreements. 5.4 Dlsclosures Required by Appllcable Law. Despite section 5.1, the Municipality may, subject to secdons 5.4 @) end 5.4 (c), disclose Confidential Info¡mation to the extent required by applicable law If the Municipaliqr becomes compelled by applicable law to disclose Confidential Information, the Municipality may only disclose that part of the Confidential Information that it is compelled by applicable law to disclose, and may only disclose such Cotrfidential Inforrration i¡ fftg ¡¡¡nng¡ and to the extent so compelled by applicable law. If the Municipality becomes corrpelled by applicable law to disclose Confidential Information, the Municþality shall notif, MTO of the disclosu¡e as soo¡ as is reasonably possible. 5.f,Survival. For the avoidance of doubt, this.Àrticle 5 shall sunive the expiry or temination of this Agreement for any reæo¡. ARTICLE 6 PRTVACYLÄ\ryS 6.1 Privacy Laws. (a) This Agreement and the rights granted to the Municipality urder this Ageement a¡e (a) o) (c) (d) (e) (a) o) (c) By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 269 of 297 (b) subject to any restric the Privacy Laws or of Onta¡io or by the the date of signing this Agreement. without limiting the generality of section 6.1(a), this Agreement is subject to any provisions of any applicable law that may restrict or limit: (Ð the i¡formation included in the Licensed ldormation; or (iÐ the information that may be provided in response to a Licensed Information Request. 6.2 Compliance by MunicipalitY. The rmwillremain, in full its Processing of Lice generalitY of the foregoing, the Municipality shall comply with any \tritten instn¡ctions or directions from MTO from tine to time conceming Licensed Pe¡sonal Information or Personal Information Records (including the p¡qss5si ng of such Licensed Personal Information or Personal Information Records). 63 Surviv¡1. For the avoidaoce of doubÇ this Article 6 shall survive the expiry or termination ofthis Agreement for any feasoD. ARTICLE 7 PROTECTION OT' CONFIDENTIAL INFORMÄTION Eidãß 7.1 Security of Confrdential Information. The Municipality shall maintain the security and integrity of the Confrdential Information. Without limitation to the foregoing, the Municipality shall (a) keep all copies or partial copies of the Confidential Informatio¡ in a physically secure location to which access is restricted; O) ensure that access to any Confidential Information stored on a computer is Password-protected and that the Passwords a¡e treated as Confidential Information and are cbanged ou a frequent basis; (c) comply with the security provisions a¡d sta¡da¡ds set out in P¡rt A'-1 ofSchedule ttAtt; and (d) comply with zuch security requirements as a¡e from time to time specified by MTO' 7.2 SecurityProducts. The Municipatþ shall be responsible for the selection, implementatiou and maintenance of appropriate security products, tools and procedures sufficient to meet MTO's requirements for protecting 1åe Confidential Information ftom improper access, loss, alteration or desfruction. The Municipality shall be reçonsible for establishing, monitoring and testing the Muaicipality's own security products, tools and procedures to ensu¡e their adequacy. 7.3 P¡sswords. (a) Deemed to be Conñdential Information. Any Passwords shall be deemed to be "Confidential Infomlation" for the purposes ofthis Agreement. (b) No Disclosure to Third P¡rties. For the avoidance of doub! the Municipality shall not disclose any Passwords to, or pemrit atry access to, or use of, any Passwords by any third party, provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the Municipality from disclosing Passwords to its Authorized Staffwho: (Ð need to know such Passwords in order for the Mrmicipality to obtain and use the Licensed Information for Authorized Uses, and By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 270 of 297 -8- are authorized to access to such Passwo¡ds strictly in accordance wilh Article L 7.4 Restricted Access. The Municipality sball at all times restrict access to the Confidential Information solely to Authorized Staq in accordance with the requirements set orìt in this Agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible to MTO for any unauthorized access to Confidential Information rezulting from the Municipality's failwe to meet the Municipality's obligations in this Agreement (incl¡ding this section). 7.5 No Exposure, Subject to the Authorized Uses set out in section 4.1, and without limiting the generality of the restrictions or obligations placed upon the Municipality in Articler 4, 5, 6 and 7, no Confidential Information shall be exposed or placed so that it can be viewed by the public and/or any non-autlorized persons, 7.6 Dqstruction of Co¡fidentlal Information. (a) Subject to sections 7.6@) and 7.6(c) and 7.6(d), the Municipality shall desroy all copies of Confidential Information in its possession or conúol, upon or before the earlie¡ of: (Ð the expiration or termination of this Agreement for ariy reasot; (iÐ thirty (30) days following completion or fulfilment of the applicable Authorized Uses as set out in section 4.1; or (üÐ the thi¡d Business Day after the date of suspension, cancellation or voluntary cancellation of any or all of the Municipality's accounts with MTO or any or all of the Municipality's rights or privileges under this Agreement. Despite section 7.6(a), if this Agreement expires and no Event of Default bas occurred and then remains outstarding, the Municipality shall not be required to destroy the Confidential Information aûd records ¡efer¡ed to in that section for so long as there ¡emains in full force and effect a separate written agreement entered into by the Municipality with MTO under which the Municipality is authorized to possess and use that Confidential Information and those ¡ecords for the purposes for which they are then being possessed and used by the Municipality. Despite section 7.6(a), the Municipality shall not be required to destroy the Confidential Information and records ¡eferred to ir that section to the extent (ifany) that: (Ð the Confidential Information was also separately obtained by the Municipalþ from a third party that was not at that time under any obligation to keep such Confidential Information confidential; or (iÐ the Confidential Information pertains to an individual who has consented to having the Municipalþ keç that Coufidential Information þrovided that such consent is given in accordance with applicable law), or (iiÐ the Municipality is required by applicable law to retain for any period of time any of the Confidential Informatio¡. The Municipality shall be pemritted to retain such of that Confidential Informatioo or those records, in zuch form and for such period oftimq as is so required by applicable laq subject to tåe Municipality's confidentiality, non-disclosu¡e and security obligations in this Agreement (including all of the Municipality's obligations in Articles 4, 5, 6 and 7). (iÐ (b) (c) (d) For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this section 7.6 shall limit o¡ ¡elease the Municipality ftom the security, confidentiality and non-disclosu¡e provisions of this Agreenent, which provisions shall suwive any termination or expiration of this Ag¡eement and shall ¡emain in fi¡ll force and effect until such time as they are satisfied or by thei¡ nah¡re exphe. Retention of Licensed Information Witbin Cantdt.7.1 By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 271 of 297 -9- The Municipality shall ensure that: (a) no Licensed lnformation Requests will be made, and (b) no Licensed Information Responses o¡ Licensed Inforrration will be received, tra¡rsmitted, sto¡ed or ¡etained by or on behalf of the Municipality outside Canada, for any time period, no matter how short. ARTICLE 8 AUTHORIZED STAFI' 8.1 Listed in P¡rt A-2 of Schedule 'rAr'. The Municipalþ covenants and warr¿nts that all Authorized Staff as of the date of this Agreement have been listed in Part A-2 of Schedule I'4". The Municipalþ shall, within ten (10) days of any change in the list of Authorized Søff, advise MTO of such change in writing o¡ othe¡ format acceptable to MTO. Notwithstaoding any other provision of this Agreement, MTO resewes the right in its absolute discretion: (a) to ¡eject any employee o¡ conüactor of the Municipality as an Authorized Staff member; and O) to prohibit ao Authorized Søffmembe¡ from accessing any Licensed lnfo¡mation. 8.2 Employee Training, Security Statements and Contr¡ctor Security Agreements. The Municipality shall require all Authorized Staff: (a) when and as required by MTO, to take such ¡¿ining in the haodling and protection of the Licensed Info¡mation as is made available to the Municipality by MTO; O) who a¡e Municipality employees, to enter into and comply with the Employee Secu¡ity Statement; and (c) who are individual third party contr¿ctors engaged by the Municipality, to eDter into and comply with a Contractor Security Agreement. 8.3 Authorized Staff Compliance. The Municipality shall be solely responsible for enswing that its Authorized Staff fully comply with the Municipality's confidentiality and security obligations contâined in this Agreement. Without limiting the generality ofthe foregoing, o¡ ofsection 8.2, the Municipality shall be solely responsible for ensuring full compliance with the Employee Security Statement and Contacto¡ Security Agreement by Autlorized Staff. The Municipalþ shall indenniff and hold hamrless MTO from and against any Damages tåat occu¡ as a result of any non-compliance with the Employee Security Statement o¡ Co¡tractor Security Agreement by such Authorized Staff. 8.4 Retention of Original Coples. The Municipalþ shall retain an original copy of each Employee Security Statement and Conhactor Security Agreement from the time it is executed until at least three (3) years after the date the Authorized Staffwho signed that Employee Security Statement or the Contactor Security Agreement (as the case may be) ceases to be an employee or cotrtractor of the Municipality. Upon MTO's request from time to time, the Municipality shall provide MTO with copies of all executed Employee Security Statements a¡d Contractor Security Agreements. ARTICLE 9 REPORTING .A.ND RECORDS ñïria-is 9.1 Monthly Report The Municipality shall duly complete and remit to MTO a monthly report which is contained in Schedule rrErr. The signature of the T¡easu¡er o¡ Chief Financial Office¡ of the Municipality shall be affixed to the monthly report. The monthly report shall be ¡emiued to and received by MTO within fifteen days after the end ofeach calendar month to which the monthly report coresponds. Where the Municipalþ owes MTO payment under Article 16 herein, the monthly report shall be remitted along with the paym.ent that is owing to MTO. Where no payment is owing to MTO under Article 16 herein, By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 272 of 297 -10- the monthly report that is remitted shall indicate as such. 9.2 Annual Report The Municipality shall duly complete and remit to MTO an annual report as prescribed in Schedule "tr"'. The first annual report shall be ¡emitted to, and received by MTO on o¡ before April 15, 2005, and shall contain data conesponding to the period from the Effective Date to March 31, 2005. Subsequent annual reports shall be remitted to, and received by MTO on or before April 15 for each year that the Agreement is in effect, and shall contain data corresponding to the previous Fiscal Yea¡. 9.3 MTO Reports MTO shall duly complete and send an annual report to the Municipality as prescribed i¡ Schedule rrcrr. The report shall be remitted and received by the Municipality on or before May lst of each year that the Agreement is in effect, and the data contai¡ed in each report shall correspond to the previous Fiscal Year, except for the first annual report which shall correspond to the period from April l, 2004, to March 31,2005. 9.4 Records MTO and the Municipality shall maintain written records, which shall be sufficient to enable both parties to produce the reports that are prescribed in Scbedules rrErr, rrF rr and rrGtr. The Muicipality shall retain tle reco¡ds contemplated in this section 9.4. tlroughout the Term and for tbree (3) yean the¡eafter, 9.5 Records Custodian Each party shall desipate one or mo¡e individuals with appropriate authority as the persons responsible for the compilation and custody of the written records of that party prescribed in section 9.4 (a I'Records Custodian"). The Reco¡ds Custodirin(s) designated by a party shall be competent to certifl the accuracy and completeness ofthe written ¡ecords that such party is required to maintain aûd produce. The Records Custodian(s) designated by each party is (are) set out itr Pârt A-2 ofSchedule "Ä", provided that either party may change the desipation upon notice to the other party given in accordance with section 21.3. ARTICLE 10 AUDIT A¡fD A¡f¡ruAL DECLÄRATIONS EfiFß 10,1 Audit of Municipality. The Municipality shall accommodate Audits of the Municipality in accordance with the provisions of Schedule "D". For the avoidance of doubt, this section 10.1 and Schedule rrl)il shall survive the expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason. 10.2 Audit of Permitted Recipients The Municipality shall ensure that each Permitted Recipient accommodates Audits of that Pe¡mitted Recipient in acco¡dance with the provisions of Schedule "Dr' (as ifÎåat Perrritted Recipient we¡e the "Municipality" as specified in Schedule "D"), aod that such Permitted Recipient frrlly ceoperates with and assists MTO in carrying out such Audits in acco¡dance with such provisions. The Municipality shall be ftlly liable to MTO for any failure by a Permitted Recifent to ñ¡lfil the requirements contemplated by this section 10.2, and any such failu¡e shall co¡stitute a breach by the Municipality of this Agreement. The Municipality agrees to indemnifr and hold harmless the MTO ûom and against any Damages that occìrf as a result ofany such failure. 10.3 A¡nuall)ecl¡ration. Prior to the expiry of each current Term, the Municipality shall complete, sig¡ and submit to MTO a declaration (the "Declaration") relating to the Mrmicipality's compliance with the obligations under this Agreement during the previous twelve (12) months. The Declaration shall be in such form and fonnat as may be specified by MTO from time to time, and shall be executed by such officer of tåe Municipality, or other responsible person, as may be specified by MTO in the form of the Declaration. ARTICLE 11 INFORMATION TRANSMISSION ".{s Requested" Basis.11.1 By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 273 of 297 - l1- Licensed Information shall be provided by MTO to the Municipality through the Delivery Channels and on an "as requested" basis in response to Licensed I¡formation Requests, all in accordance with the procedures specified by MTO fiom time to time. The Municipality acknowledges tha! owing to the complexity and diversity of technologies utilized in the provision of Licensed I¡formation Responses, MTO does not guaratrtee that it will transmit or deliver Licensed Information within a stþulated time after receipt ofthe applicable Licensed Information Request. ll.2 Incomplete, Ineccurste or Corrupted Documents. (a) IfMTO ¡easonably suspects that a Licensed Information Request received ûom the Municipality was incompletely or inaccurately úansmitted, or comrpted in bansmission, or not intended for MTO, MTO shall so notiry the Mudcipality. MTO shall not respond to such Licensed Information Request until MTO has received confirmation from the Municipalþ of the validity and completeness of the Licensed Information Request (b) If the Municipality reasouably susp€cts that a Licensed Infor¡ration Reqponse received from MTO was incompletely or inaccurately tansmitted or comrpted in tansmission, or not intended for the Municipality, the Municipality shall so notifr MTO. The Municipalþ shall not rely upoo any information until the Municipality has ¡eceived co¡finnation fiom MTO of the validity and completeness of the Licensed Information Response. If requested by MTO, the Mudcipality shall return or destroy an invalid or incomplete Liceosed Information Response. 113 DeemedAuthorization. The Municipality shall establish reasonable and appropriate systems, methods and procedures to conEol the transnission or delivery of Licensed Info¡mation Requests and the receipt of Licensed Information Responses. Subject to section 11.2, each Licensed Information Request sent by the Municipality to MTO r¡nder this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly authorized by the Municipality and shall be binding upon the Municipality, unless the Municipality otherwise notifies MTO before MTO responds to or rrakes any use of that Licensed Information Request. ARTICLE 12 APPLICATION INT'ORMATION l2.l Warranty. The Municipalþ represents and warr¿nts that all information contained in the Application is tue, correct and complete as ofthe date ofthe Applicatiou. 12.2 Updates. Within ten (10) Business Days after the occurreuce of any change in any of the information contained in the Application, or any change to any ofthe information previously provided pursuatrt to this section 12.2 (a), the Municipality shall notifr MTO (in writing or othe¡ format acc€ptable to MTO) of such change. Prior to the expþ of any of the Supporting Documents, and no l¿te¡ than ten (10) days after the date of an smendment to any of the Supporting Documents, the Municipality shall provide MTO with a copy of the replacement Supporting DocumeDt, or of the amended Supporting Docr¡ment, as the case nay be. Upon the request of MTO, the Municipality shall provide MTO with an original o¡ certified copy of any Supporting Document. MTO reserves the right, upon notice to the Municipality, to edd additional documents to the list of Supporting Documents contained in Part A-l of Schedule rrA'r. ARTICLE 13 REVIEW A¡{D RE-YERIT'ICATION Gi¡EE 13.1 Reúew and Re.Verification Annually and as Required by MTO. At least thirty (30) days prior to the expþ of each cu¡rent Term, and at such other times during each Term as may be required by MTO, the Municipality will review and re-veri$ (in such foml and fo¡mat as may be specified by MTO from tir¡e to time) the information contained in the Application, as such information may subsequently have been changed in accordance with section 12.2 (a). (a) (b) By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 274 of 297 - 12- ARTICLE 14 aUTHoRIZED REQUESTER INI'ORMATION SYSTEM l4.l ElectronicRequests. If the intemet has been included as a Delivery Channel in Part A-1 of Schedule "4", MTO will accept Licensed Information Requests from the Municipality, and will provide Licensed Information Responses in accordance with specifications set out in Part A-1 of Schedule "4" utilizing ARÍS. 14.2 Password.A.ssignmenL (a) The Municipality shall (in writing or other format accepùable to MTO), advise MTO of those members of the Authorized Staff whom the Municipality wishes to have access to ARIS. (b) MTO, at its discretion, shall assigp. user identification and Passwords to members of the Authorized Staffin acco¡dance with security policies and procedures ofMTO. Notwithstanding the foregoing, MTO reserves the right not to issue user identification or a Password to any individual or individuals regardless of their desipation as Authorized Staff. (c) The Municipality shall ensure that only Authorized Staff who log onto ARIS using the user identification and Password assiped to them by MTO (as such Password may be changed from time to time) can gain access to the Passwo¡ds or make Licensed Information Requests or receive Licensed lnformation Responses through ARIS. 14,3 MunicipalitySystems. In order to access Licensed Info¡nation ¡filizing ARIS, the Municipality shall obtain, install and æst, at the Municipality's own expense, Îùe following computer equipment, softwa¡e and services, with the following mini¡¡r'm specifi cations: . Pentiu¡rcomputerorhigher; . InternetExplorer, Netscape orhigher; and . Intemet service. The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that MTO shall have no responsibility for providing technisal suppelt, or maintenance, for any ofthe Municipality's own systems required to access ARIS. ARTICLE 15 CERTIFICATION OF RECORDS 15.1 Certification by Registrar The Municipality shall only rcquest that Licensed Information be ce¡tified by the Regisrar of Motor Vehicles (MTO) when the Municipality is required to do so for the purpose of legal proceedings or for some other purpose required by law. 15,2 T¡ansmission of Certified Llccnsed Informetion MTO shall transmit to the Municipality, by mail or such other method as may be agreed to by both parties, all Licensed Information which it has certified in paper format. ARTICLE 16 T'EES AIÍD PAYMENT METHODOLOGY 16.1 Fees and Payment Schedule. For obtaining Licensed Infomtation from MTO ¡¡ds¡ this Agreement, the Municipality shall pay the Fees, and comply with the payment methodology, as set out in Schedule "C". ARTICLE 17 INDEMMTY AIID LIMITATION O[' LIÄBILITY l7.l Indennity. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 275 of 297 13- The Mrmicipality agrees to defend indemnif and hold harmless tåe Govemment of Onø¡io and its ofticers, employees, agents or contractors, from and against any and all Claims and Damages that may occur, by reason of (Ð any breach or deemed b¡each of this Agreement by the Municipality' or (iÐ any non-compliance with Employee Security Statements or Contactor Security Agreements by any of the Authorized Staff; or (iil) any non-compliance with Non-Disclosu¡e Ag¡eements by any Permitted Recipient; or (Ð any negligent, improper, o¡ u¡authorized use or dissemination of Confidential l¡fomration by the Municipality or by the officers, employees, contactors (including Authorized Statr) or agents of the Municipality; or by Permitted Recipients; or (v) inaccu¡ate or out-of-date information contained in Licensed lnformation firmished ûo the Municipality by MTO. 17.2 Limitation of Liability. (a) The Govemment of Ontario makes no War¡anties with respect to the Licensed Information, including any Warranties that any Licensed Information (or any information contained in the Licensed loformation) will be accurate, complete ot upto-date, or free of e¡rors or omissions, in whole or in part, or that any Licensed Infomration will be fit for any purpose. (b) In no event will the Govemment of Ontario be liable for any Damages or Claims,. including any Claims for loss ofprofits or other incidental or consequential damages, arising out of the Municipality's use o[ or inability to use or access, any Licensed Information, or delays by MTO, or from failure to supply Licensed Information, or ûom inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date information contained in any Licensed Information. (c) The Municipatity ¡eleases a¡d forever discharges the Government of Ontario (and the Govemment of Onu¡io's officers, employees, agents and contractors) ûom any Claims relating to ary WaÍaûties contemplated in section 17.2(a) and ûom auy Damages or Claims contemplated in section 17.2(b). Surviv¡l. The provisions of this A¡ticle 17 shall survive the expþ or termhation of this Agreement for any feason. ARTICLE 18 DET'AULT A¡fD R-EMEDIES 18.1 Events ofDefault. "Events of Default" shall include any one or more of the following: the Municipality ís merged wit\ or annexed by, another municipality; the Municipality has submitted false or misleading information to MTO (including false or nisleading information in the Application) or makes a false representation in this Agreement or the Application; the Municipalþ has failed to update the information contained in the Application or has failed to ¡eview and re-veri! such information in accordance with section 12.2; there is a material degradation in the security measures (including security products, tools or procedures) that the Municipality has in place to Protect the Licensed Information from improper access, loss, alteration o¡ destn¡ction; the Municipality commits a Privacy Default and such Privacy Default is not curable or such Privacy Default is curable but the Municipalþ fails to cu¡e it as expeditiously as possible and in any event within twenty four (24) hours ofreceiving notice of such Privacy Default from MTO; (a) 173 (a) o) (c) (d) (e) By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 276 of 297 -14- (Ð Tbe Municipality fails to make ary payment as required under this Agreement, or if payment is in the form ofa cheque or otåer negotiable instrument, such payment is rejected for not sufficient funds; (S) the Municipality fails to meet any other term or conditio¡ of this Agreement (excluding any other default expressly ¡efer¡ed to in this section 18,1) aod such default is not cu¡able or such default is curable but the Municipalþ fails to cure it within ten (10) days of receiving notice of such default from MTO; or (h) the Municipality is, or is deemed to be, in default under any other agreemen(s) with MTO relating to access or use of any Confidential Information. 18.2 Remedies. (a) Upon the occrurence of an Event of Default, MTO shall have the right, effective irrmediately without notice, to: (Ð terminate this Agreement; (iÐ zuspend or cancel any or all of the Municipality's accounts with MTO; (iiÐ suspend or cancel any or all ofthe rights or privileges ofthe Municipality under this Agreement; and/or (iv) suspend or cancel any or all of the Passwo¡ds issued by MTO to the Municipality. (b) MTO may also pursue any appropriate adminisFative, civil and/or criminal remedies for default ofany ofthe provìsions ofthis Agreement. 183 Notification of Default The Municipality shall notiû MTO in writing immediately upon beconing aware that an Event of Default has occurred or that any other provisions ofthis Agreement have been breached. ARTICLE 19 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT 19.1 Amendments. The Municipality acknowledges and agrees tåat MTO shall have the right rrnil¡fe¡¿[y to amerd this Agreement from time to time. Such ¡mendments shall become efective ten (10) days after the Municipality's receipt of written notice of zuch amendments (or at any later time specified in such notice). Notwithstanding the foregoing, MTO shall have the right unilaterally to u-*d th" Fe"s ."t out in Schedule "C", without notice to the Municipality. 19.2 Termination. If the Municipality receives a notice of any amendments under section 19.1, the Municipalþ shall have the right to terminate this Agreement efrective upon written notice to MTO. ARTICLE 20 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 20.1 Accuracy. Any promotional or informational material disseminated by the Municipality in connection with the Licensed Informatio¡ or access to the Licensed Information shall be accurate and shall b€ consistent with the terms a¡d provisions of this Agreement, and shall contain only factual statemetrls relating to the Licensed Information and the purpose and conditions ofaccess as set forth itr this Agreement. For 1Sg ¿voi¡la¡çs of doubg nothing in this section 20.1 shall be deemed to limit or release the Municipality from any ofthe confidentiality, security or privacy provisions ofthis Agreernent. 20.2 MTO Tr¡de-Marks and Logo. Neither MTO's n¡¡me nor any MTO t¡ade-ma¡k or logo may be used by the Municipality without the prior written consent ofMTO. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 277 of 297 213 -15- ARTICLE 21 GENERÂL PROVISIONS 2l.l Force Majeure. Neither pafy shall be liable for delay or failure in performance resulting ûom acts beyond the control of that parly, including acts of Go{ acts of war, fi¡e.s, floods or other disasters, strikes, walkouts, lockouts, communication line or power failure, or failure, inoperability or destruction of computer hardware, softwa¡e or firmwa¡e (unless caused by the negligence of that party), or any negligence, wilful misconduct o¡ b¡each of this Agreement by the other party. 21.2 Non-Assignability. The Municipalþ may not assip. or transfer this A$eement, or any right under this Agreement, either in whole or in part. Subject to this resEiction, this Agreement shall enu¡e to the benefit oi and bind, the parties and their respective successors and assigns. 21.4 Notices. (a) Any uotification or other communication to be given under the provisions of this Agreemeût shall be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery, or sent by electronic facsimile, o¡ mailed by a prepaid registered mail or delivered by courier service. Subject to change by either party with written notice in acco¡dance with this section 21.3, notices shall be addressed in accordance with the add¡esses set out in Part A-2 of Schedule ".A". (b) Notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given on the date of persooal delivery, the date of elecEonic facsimile ¡a¡s6i55i6¡ or the date of delivery by courier service, or in the case ofsewice by registered mail five (5) days after the date of mailing. W¡iver. Failure of MTO to complain of any act or f¿ilu¡e to act of the Municipality, or to declare the Municipality in default, shall not co¡stitute a waiver by MTO of its rights under this Agreement. No waiver of any rights under this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing, duly executed by MTO. 21.5 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agfe€meDt and understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior understandings, discussions, negotiations, commihents, wa¡r¿nties and agreements, written or oral, express or implied, betwee¡ them. Notwithsønding the foregoing, this cection 21.5 shall not sewe to teúiinate o¡ cancel any outstaûdi¡g liabilþ or paym.ent arising out of any prior agreements or arrangements of the parties lvith respect to access to, and use of, the Licensed Information. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement and subject !o section 19.1, this Agreement may be amended or modifred only by an insüument in writing executed by each ofthe parties. 21.6 Surviv¡lofProvisions. Obligations under this Agreement which expressly or by their nature sunive the termination or expiry ofthe Term will co¡tinue in force subsequent to, and in spite of, such termination or expiry until they a¡e satisfied or by their nature expire. 21.7 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be deemed ûo have been formed in the Province ofOntario and shall be goveroed by the laws in force in Onta¡io (and the laws ofCanada applicable in Ontario). Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the P¡ovince of Ont¿rio with respect to a¡ry natter arising under, o¡ ¡elated to, this Agreement. 21.8 Interpretation. (a) Headings a¡e notto be consideredpart ofthis Agreemen! and are included solely for convenience and are not intended to be fi.rll or accurate descriptions ofthe content of the paragraph. O) In this Agreemen! words imForting the singular number include the plural and vice vers4 words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders; words importing persons include individuals, sole proprietors, corporations, pafinerships, Eust and unincorporated associations. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 278 of 297 -16- (c) Unless specified otherwise in this Agreement, a reference in this Agreement to a statute refers to that statute as in fo¡ce at the Effective Date and as the same may be amended, re-enacted consolidated and/or replaced from time to time, and any successor statute. A reference to a statute shall be deemed to include any regulations made under that statute. (d) For purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, a period ofdays or Business Days shall be deemed to: (Ð begin on the first day after the event that began that period, and (iÐ end at 5:00 p.m. @astem Stardard Time or Eastem Daylight Savings Time, as the case may be) on the last day or Business Day, as the case may þ of that period. (e) In this Agreement the words "include', "includes" or "including" mean "include without limitatiou", "includes without limitation" and "including without limitation", respectively, and the words following "include", "includes" or "including" shall not be considered to set forth aú exhaustive list. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date fi¡st above w¡itten. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Transportetion fo¡ Paul Brown, Director, Licensing Sewices Branch WilmaPiovesa¡ Manager, Information Management Services Oversigbt Ofüce Date: MTJNICIPALITY: I have the authority to bind the organization. By: By: By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 279 of 297 SCIIEDULE ''A'' SPECIFICATIONS P¡rt A-1 A. Licensed Information: PLDABS - Plate by date Abstract with Address PLCABS - Certified Plate by Date Absftct with Add¡ess B. Pemriued Recipient(s): Third party providers of parking ticket program software who may access Licensed Informãtion solely for the purpose of supporting such softwa¡e on behalf of the Municipalþ. C. Delivery Channels: (a) ForLicensedlnformationRequests:Intemet (b) Fo¡ Liceused Infomration Responses: Intemet D. List of Supporting Documeuts: Security Stateme¡t, 9999-12-3 I Authorized Application Sipor Data & Signature, 9999-12-31 E. Security Provisions a¡d Standards: Security Provisio¡s: computer security - individual specfic access to files. building security - combination coded storage vault. Building access - security alarm protected. Storage ofhard copies - combination coded safe/vault. ,A.cc€ss from computers out of the public eye' department head office. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 280 of 297 Part A-2 A. Add¡esses fo¡ Notice: (a) FoTMTO Information Maoagemeut Sewices Oversight Of8ce Main Floor, Building "4" 2680 Keele Street Downsview ONTARIO I4lM 3E6 Attention: Coordinator, Business Informatio¡ Services Unit Telephone: (41 6) 246-i I 12 Facsimile: (416) 23 5 4465 (b) For tbe Municipality THE CORPORATTON OF TTIE MIJMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM Physical Address: 9344 Pla¡kRoad Straffordvillg ONTARIO NOJ IYO CANADA Mailing Address: 93,{4 Plank Road Shaffordville, ONTARIO NOJ IYO CANADA Attention: Mr. Gordon Roesch, Fi¡e Chief Telephone: (519) 866-5521 Facsimile: (519) 866-3884 B. List of Authorized Staff: Mr. Gordon Roescb, Fi¡e Chief Mr. Kyle Knrger, A¡lministaûor C. Records Custodians: (a) MTo: (Title) Supervisor, Data Access Unit (TelephoneNumber) (416)246-7214 (b) Tbe Municipality: (Title) (Telephone Number) ( ) By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 281 of 297 SCTIEDULE I'8" MT'MCIPALITY EMPLOYEE SECTJRITY STATEMENT 11091 Employee Name: Division: Position #: l. THE CORPOR.A.TION OF TI{E MUMCIPAIITY OF BAYIIAM (the "Municipality") is licensed to ¡eceive confidential and personal information (the "Information") Aom files and data bases administered by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation ("MTO"). MTO is cornmitted to protecting this Information ftom unauthorized access, use or disclosure. The following policies have been adopted to address employees' responsibilities for handling and protecting this Information. 2. As an employee of the Municipality, you may access this Information only when necessa¡y to perform your duties as such employee in the course ofyow employment, and only for the following pufposes: AU08 - Locating and invoicing ow¡ers ofabandoned/illegally parked vehicles. For the avoidance of doubt, Licensed Information accessed and used for this Authorized Use ca¡not be disclosed to third parties for the purpose of collection of sutstaûding debts Êom the owners who have been located and invoiced. 3. You must not access or use this Information for pe¡sonal reasons. @xamples ofinappropriate ¡ccess or misuse of l¡formation include, but a¡e Dot limited to: making inquiries for personal use or processing transactions on you¡ own records o¡ tåose of your füends or relatives; accessing Information about another person, including locating their residence address, for any reason not ¡elated to your work responsibilities or not authorized by the Municipalþ.) 4. You may disclose Information only to individuals who have beeo authorized to receive it through appropriate procedures which have been authorized by MTO. (Examples of unauthorized disclosures include but are not limited to: l¡oking up someone's add¡ess for a friend.) 5. You must take reasonable precautions to maintain the secrecy of any password you use to access l¡formation electronically. Reasonable precautions include, but a¡e not limited to: not telling others your password or knowingly altowing them to observe while you enter it at a terminal; and Êequently changing your password (and ifyou suspect your password has been used by someone else, changing it immediately and notifring the Municipality); and selecting random passwords that are not easy for others to gu.ess. 6. You must take ¡easonable precautions to protect daø entry terminals and equipment from unauthorized access. Reasonable precautions include, but are not limited to: not leaving your terminal unattended while you are logged onto the system; exiting the database whích contains any Information when you leave your workstation; securing your terminal with a locking device if one has been provided; storing in a secure place any user documentation to programs tbrough which elecüonic access to any Information may be gained; and reporting any suspicious circumstances or unauthorized individuals you have observed in the work area to the Muoicipality. I have re¡d ¡nd I underst¡nd the security policles stated above, and will comply with them ¡nd any other ¡ecurity policies issued in the future by the Municipality, MTO. I understend that failure to comply with these policles may result in disciplinary action by tbe Municipality end/or civil or criminal prosecution in ¡ccordance with rpplicable statutes. Signature ofEmployee Witnessed By By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 282 of 297 (1) SCHEDULE ''C'' FEES AND PAYMENT SCIIEDULE Payment of Amounts The Municipalþ shall pay MTO the following amounts for accessing the Licensed Information: $8.25 of every allowance of$ll that the Municipality ¡eceives for each notice of impending conviction that the Municipality issues where a conviction is subsequently obtained under subsection 18.2(6) ofthe POA (the allowance is authorized by subsections l2(l), (3), O. Reg. 949 made under the POA); subject to clause 1(2) of this Schedulq $8.25 of every allowance of $9.00 that the Municipality receives fo¡ each fine that it collects in connection with a conviction under section 18.4 ofthe POA (deemed úot to dispute charge due to failure to appear at the time and place appointed for the hearing) (the allowance is authorized by subsection l2.l(1), O. Reg. 949 made under the POA). lVhere tbe Municipality ¡eceives an allowance of less than $9.00 as authorized by subsection 12.1(l) ofO. Reg. 949, it shall not ¡emit the amount specified in clause (b), but instead it shall remit to MTO any amount it receives in excess of $0.75, up to the amount of $8.25. Method and Timing of Payment Subject to Clause 3 of this Schedule, the Municipality shall remit a payment by cheque which shall be ¡eceived by MTO on or before tùe fiftee¡th day of each month fo¡ the amor¡nt prescribed in clause I above. The paym.ent that is remitted to MTO shall be the amount owing to MTO fiom the previous calenda¡ month and shall be accompanied by the corresponding montbly report (in acco¡dance with section 9.1 ofthe Agreement). Back Payment Between July l, 1998 and the fi¡st day of the month in which this Agreement is executed if the Municipality has accessed and used Licensed Inforrration for which payment remains due and owing to MTO, the Municipality shall remit zuch pa¡rment by cheque to MTO within (30) days after the date of execution of this Agreement. Such payment shall be accompanied by monthly reports (in accordance with section 9.1 of the Agreement) containing the corresponding data for any month for which payment is outstanding. P¡yment Information Any payments owing to MTO under this Agreement or the Schedules made hereunder shall be made payable to the Minister of Finance/1\{TO, All payments and any reports that a¡e required to b€ sent to MTO under this Agreement or the Schedules made thereunder shall be sent to: Ministry of Transportation Infomlation Management Services Oversight Office Attention: Supewisor, Data Äccess Unit 2680 Keele St, Building "A" Downsview ONTARIO M3M 3E6 (a) (b) (2) By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 283 of 297 SCHEDULE IID'' 1. Right of Audit. AUDIT' INSPE.TI'N AND REvIEw MTO shall each have the right, from time to time, to Audit such of the Municipality's operations as relate to o¡ a¡e involved in the perforrrance of the Municipality's obligations unde¡ this Agreement, including: (a) the Municipality's security a¡rangemeûts (including the Security Statements and Contractor Security Agreements), and the Municipality's books and ¡ecords; and (b) any media of, or in tàe possession of, the Municipality that cotrtâin any Confidential Information. 2. Timing ofAudits. The Audits coDtemplated in this Schedule "D" may be conducted at aoy tirre during the Municipality's normal business hours upon 24 hours' prior written notice (or, in the case of Audits relating to possible Privacy Defaults, without prior notice). 3. AuthorizedMTORepresentatives. MTO shall have tüe right to engage third party representatives to perform Audits contemplated in this Schedule t'Dtt. 4. Privacy Compliance. (a) Privacy-related Äudits. Without limitation to the generality of this Schedule rrD", the Audit rights of MTO shall include the right to measure the Municipality's compliance with: (A) the Privacy l¿ws; (B) the provisions of this Agreement relating to the Municipality's compliance with the Privacy Laws; (C) the provisions of Articles 4 to I incluslve: and (D) any other provisions of this Agreement that relate to Pe¡sonal I¡formation or the Processing ofPersonal Information. O) Privacy Compliance Meetings. In ad the Audits contemplated in ¡ectlôn 4 (e), MTO may require the with MTO to ¡eview the results ofsuch Audits as they relate to to in section 4 (a). Such rreeting. 5. Performance Reviews. (a) Audits Relating to Overall Perform¡nce. Without limitation to the generalþ of this Schedule rl)rr, tbe Audit rights of MTO shall include the right to measu¡e the Municipality's overall performance of its obligations under this Agreement. o) section 5 (a). Such meetings shall be held at such times and places as MTO (as the case mây be) may mutually ag¡ee upon with the Municipality from time to time acting reasonably. 6. Location and M¡nner of Audits. Schedule rrD[ may be conducted on operations that ¡elate to, or are invo this Agreement or tåe exe¡cise of the Agreement, including the location(s) of any of the following: (a) the Security Statemeûts or Contracto¡ Security Agreements, or the Municipality's books and records; or (b) any media of, or in the possession of, the Municipality that contaì¡ any Confidential Information. Such Audits may be conducted in whole or iu part by remote elechonic means if the Municipality's elecEonic systeûN have the functional capabitity of facilitating such remote Audits. 1. MunicipalityCo<peration. The Municipality shall frrlly co-operate with MTO in facilitating lie conduct of any Audits By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 284 of 297 contemplated in this Schedule "Drr, including providing such access, docunentation, information, copies of documentation and information, and assistance as MTO may reasonably request for the purpose ofsuch Audits. 8, Duration of Audit Rights, The audit rights ofMTO shall continue in effect for a period of three (3) years after the expiration or termination of the Agreement. 9. Correction ofDefeults. rüithout limiting or resricting any other obligations of the Municipalþ, or rights or remedies of MTO, under this Ag¡eement or at Law or in equity: (a) the Municipality shalt at irc sole cost, co¡rect any b¡eaches by the Municipality of this Agreenent (including any Privacy Defaults) identified through an Audit (and in respect of which MTO has provided written notification to the Municipality). Such conections shall be done as expeditiously as reasonably possible and in any event within the applicable cure period (ifany) provided in section 1E.1 ofthe Agreement. (b) the Municþality shall noti! MTO in writing upon such breaches having being cor¡ected. (c) After receiving such notification from the Municipality, MTO may conduct a follow up Audit to confirrr that all such b¡eaches have been cor¡ected. (d) Ifrequested by MTO i¡ the notification refe¡red to in section 9 (a): (Ð the Municipality sball provide to MTO, within ten (10) tlays of receiving the notification referred to in section 9 (a) (or lvithin fiyg (5) days of receiving such notification, where zuch breaches constitute Privacy Defaults), a ¡easonable w¡itten plan outlining the steps ùe Municípality will take to ensure that such breacbes do not occur again; and (ü) the Municipality sfi¿ll imFlement the plan provided under section 9 (d)(l). 10. Costs of Audil (a) All costs incuned by the Municipality in comection with the Audits contemplated in this Schedule rrl)rr shall remain solely the responsibility of the Muicipality. O) Except as provided in section f0 (c), all costs incuned by MTO in connection with the Audits contemplated itr this Schedule "I)" shall remain solely the responsibility ofMTO. (c) Despite section 10 @), ifany Audit contemplated in this Schedule "I)" discloses a material default by the Municipality under this Agreemen! then the Municipality shall reimbr¡¡se MTO fo¡ MTO's reasonable and ve¡ifiable costs of conducting zuch Audit. 11. \ilithoutPrejudice. For the avoidance of doubt, ¡othing in Schedule "I)" shall be deemed to limit or prejudice the rights of MTO or the obligations of the Municipalþ under aay other provision of this A$eement or at law or in equity. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 285 of 297 Cheque No. SCÍIE DULE ffErr: MONTHT.Y REPORT Municipality Monthly Court Cost Peyment Report to Ministry of Transportation Municipality Reporting Period (yyyy/mm/dd)_______to (yyyy/mm/dd) Customer (POA) A/C No. Condltlons: Signature of Treasurer or Chief Financial Oflicer Ministry of Transportation P¡yment Crtegories No. of Fully Paid Tickets Municipality Service Fee l-otal Amount Remitted to "Deemed Not to Dispute" (Article 4.1 (1) b of the Authorlzed Requester Agreement) (r)(2)(3) "I¡il to Respond" (psyment received ¡fter Notlce of Fine and Due D¡te but before plete dental) (Article 4.1 (1) a ofthe Authorized Reouestei Asreementl (4)(5,, Thls l¡ S.75 tlmes box (4) (o, Thls is $E25 tlmer box (4) "¡'ril to Recpond" (p¡ymetrt received after plete denial) (Ärttcle 4.1(1) a of tbe Authortued Requester Agreement) \7)(u, Thl¡ ls $.75 times box (7) (v, This ls $8.25 tlmes box (7) Totals (r0)(u)(121 2680 Keele Street Downsview ONTARIO M3M 3E6 B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 4 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a n a g r e e m e n t ( M T O ) P a g e 2 8 6 o f 2 9 7 SCHEDULE I'FII - AIJNUAL REPORT Reportin g Period (yyyy/m rn/d d)_to (yyyy/mm/dd) Name of municipality: Customer A/C No: 11091 Ministry of Transportation Information Management Sewices Oversight Ofüce Attn: Supewiso¡ Data Access Unit 2680 Keele Stseet Downsview ONIARIO M3M 3E6 I For the first aon_ ual report (1998/99), this represents number of tickets issued Êom July l, 1998 to March 3l,lgg9, Subsequent years are from April I till March 31. z Data required for this row and below will be referring to all tickets issued ûom July t, tSSg onwards till the eod of th" t"portio! y"*. B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 4 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a n a g r e e m e n t ( M T O ) P a g e 2 8 7 o f 2 9 7 SCHEDULE''GN - NfINISIIPY REPORT Annual Report from Mlnistry of Transportatlon to Reporting Period (yyyy/nddd) to N¡me of Customer A./C 11091 (yyyy/mm/dd) Month Tot¡l Amount Remitted to Ministry from Municipallty Pu¡¡uant to Number Of Pl¡te Enqulrier Requested By The Municipality Cerdfred Uncertlfied ApnI M¿Y June July August September October NovemÞef Decemher January !eÞrua¡y Ma¡ch Ye¡rly lotrls B y - L a w 2 0 1 1 - 0 6 4 A B y - L a w t o a u t h o r i z e t h e e x e c u t i o n o f a n a g r e e m e n t ( M T O ) P a g e 2 8 8 o f 2 9 7 NON.DISCLOST]RE AGRDEMENT PERMITTED RECIPIENT 1 109 1 For sufücient valuable comideration you acknowledge having received (and as a cotrdition of receiving Confídential Information from the Municipality), you understand and agree as follows: I. Under an agreement (the "Requester Agreement") with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation CMTO), the Municipality is licensed to ¡eceive confidential and personal information (the "Licensed Information") from files and databases administered byMTO. II. The Municipality and MTO a¡e committed to protecting all of this Licensed Information and any information derived from the Licensed Information, (all of which is together referred to as the "Confidential Information") from unauthorized access, use or disclosr¡re, Itr. The following policies, and any future policies issued by MTO a¡d the Municipality and provided to you in writing (the "Policies") set out your responsibilities for handling and p¡otecting this Co¡fidential Information. As a pemritted recipient of the Confidential Information (a 'Perrritted Recipient") you are bound by these Policies: Ownership: You acknowledge and agree that the Conñdential lnformation is and will at all times ¡emain solely the property of MTO, Confidentiality and Use: You must hold all of the Confidential Information in strict confidence. Without limiting tbe generality of this obligation, you must NOT directly or indirectly do any oftbe following: (a) disclosg make available, or provide or permit access to or use of, any Confidential Infornation to ANY other party (including, but not limited to, any third pa¡ty contractor) for any purpose. The ONLY exception is that you may permit those of your employees who need to know that Confidential Information for the Permitted Purpose(s) indicated above. This exception only applies after you have fully informed those employees of, and required those employees to fully comply with, the Policies, and have obtained fiom each ofthe employees a signed Employee Security Statement in the form appended to this Agreement as Schedule '4"). You will be firlly liable to the Municipality and MTO for any failure of your employees to firlly comply with the Policies. Future Policies will be co¡sidered to bave been "issued" by MTO or the Munlcipality when you are notified in writing of those Policies; (b) make any full or partial copies (in any format or media) of any of the Confidential Information (other than copies necessary to carry out tbe Permitted Purpose(s)). (c) r¡se any of the Confidential lnformation for any purpose other than the Pernitted Purpose(s). To avoid any doubt, you must never access, use or disclose any of the Confidential Information for any reasons that do not meet both of the above requirements, such as for personal reasons (e.g. looking up someone's address for a füend). MTO Audit: You must accommodate audits by MTO in acco¡dance with the MTO Audit Policy (a copy ofwhich is appended to this Agreement as Schedule "Bn, and which you acknowledge having, read and understood), and fully co-operate witå and assist MTO in carrying out such audits in accordance with such MTO Audit Policy. l. Permitted Recipient:("you" or "your") llnsert Nme of Pmitted Ræipient] Municipality Name:TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MIJMCIPALITY (the OF BAYIIAM "Municipality") Permitted Purpose(s):Supply and/or support of softwa¡e and/or ha¡dware and/or programming related to the Municipality's Municipal Parking Tag Program and the daø ¡eceived by the municipality from the Ministry of Transportation in ¡elation to the municipality's Municipal Parking Tag Program By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 289 of 297 7. Access and Use Only From Premises Approved by Municipality: You may only access and use the Confidential Information from premises approved by the Municipality. You must never copy or remove any Confidential Infomlation ûom such premises. Data Matchlng or Profiling: Subject to the Permitted Purposes referred to above, you must not: (a) develop or derive for any purpose whatsoever, aoy other product, work or database, in hr¡man-readable or machine-¡eadable form or otherwise, that incorporates, modiûes, or uses in a¡ry ¡na¡ûer whatsoever, any personal i¡formation contained in or obt¿ined ûom the Coofidential Infomntion. (This does not, however, apply to any specific personal infomration that you had in your possession prior to receiving the Confidential Information); or O) place any data which was not obtained directly or indirectly from the Municipality, into a dat¿base containing personal information obtained directly or indirectly from the Municipality. No Contacting Indiúduals: You must not use the Confidential Infomration directly or indirectly to locate or contact any individual to whom the Confidential Information is directþ or indirectly referable (a) To avoid any doubt, asthing in this Policy 9 will limit ot release you from any ofyour other obligations r¡nder this Agreement, which obligations will remain in fi¡ll force and effect. Comply with Law: You must at all times remain in full compliance with all applicable laws relating to aûy access, use o¡ disclosure of any personal information contained in the Confidential Information. You must also comply with any written instn¡ctions or di¡ections from MTO fiom time to time conceming such persoual informatiou (to the extent that the Municipâlity notifies you of such instn¡ctions or directions). Secrecy of P¡sswords: You must take reasonable precautions to maintain the secrecy of any password you use to access Confidential lnformation elecrooically. Reasonable precautions include, but are not limiæd to: not telling others your password or knowingly allowing them to observe while it is eDtered at a ærminal; ûequentþ changing your password (and, ifyou suspect your passwo¡d has been used by someone else, changing it immediaæly); and selecting random passwords that are not easy for ot[ers to guess. Access to Terminals: You must take reæonable precautions to protect data entry terminals and equipment from unauthorized access. Reasonable precautions include, but a¡e not limited to: not leaving your terminal unattended while logged onto the system; exiting the database which contains any Confidential Infomtation when leaving the workstation; securing your terni¡al with a locking device if one has been provided; and storing in a secure place any user documentation to programs through which electonic access to any Confidential Information may be gained. All of your obligations in this Agreement will sr¡rvive the expþ or any termination of your relationship with the Municipality, and will cootinue in fi¡ll fo¡ce and effect subsequently until they are satisfied or by their nature expire. If any provision of this Agteement is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it will be severed No waive¡ of any provision of this Agreement by the Municipalþ will constitute a waiver of any other provisions (whether e¡ ¡q1 similar) or a continuing waiver. This Agreement will be govemed by Ontario law and the laws of Canada applicable in Ontario. You and the Municipality agree to attom to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the cou¡ts of Onta¡io for the resolution of any disputes arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement. This Agreement rDay not be assigned by you, but otherwise will be binding upon and enure to the benefit of you and the Municipality and the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns of you and the Municipality. MTO Right to Enforce this Agreement: You and the Municipality acknowledge and agree that: (a) While MTO is uot a party to this Agreement and has no obligations under this Agreemenq MTO $,ill have the right to directþ enforce your obligations in clause III above as if MTO we¡e a party to this Agreement; (b) In fr¡rtherance of clause (a) above, the Municipalþ will be a tustee of MTO (and MTO's successors and assims) for the limited purpose of 9. rv. v By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 290 of 297 holding your obligations in clause III above in tust for MTO (and MTO's successoß and assig¡s). (And to the extent that clause III incorporates any defined terms, the definitions of such terms as provided in this Agreement will be considered to be iocorporated into clause trI for the purposes ofthis clause VI); To avoid any doubt, this means that in addition to the Municipality enforcing your obligations r¡nder this Agreement (in the Municipality's capacity as a parf/ to this Agreement), MTO (and MTO's successors and assigns) may also enforce your obligations in clause Itr above i¡ MTO's own right (and MTO will not be required to add the Municipality as a party to any procee¡lings for such enforcement); ald The tust created in favou¡ of MTO (and its successors and assipns), as contemplated above, being coupled with an interest, may not b€ revised or revoked without the prior written consent of MTO (or such successors and assigns, as the cæe may be). You ¡chowledge that you have re¡d and understand the provisions of this Agreement (tncluding but not llmited to, the Policies set out or referred to above), and will comply with them ¡nd with any other Policies issued in the future by MTO or the Municþality. You underst¡nd th¡t f¡ilure to comply with tbe Policles or any such other Policie¡ or changes will be r b¡e¡ch of this Agreement end (anong other things) may result ln civil or crimlnal prosecution ln ¡ccord¡nce with applicable statutes. Insef Name of Pemritted Recipient Authorized Sígnature of Permitted Recipient Date: Inse¡t Name of Mmicipalþ Authorized Signature of Municipality Date: (c) (d) vIL By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 291 of 297 SCHEDULE "A'" of NON-DISCLOSI'RE AGREEMENT PERMITTED NECIPIENT EMPLOYEE SECURITY STATEMENT (Permitted Recipient) Permitted Recipient Name: Employee Name: Division: Position #: TI{E COR}ORATION OF THE MUMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM (the "Municipality") is licensed to ¡eceive confidential and personal inforrration (the "Information") frorr files and databases administered by the Ontario Minisry of Transportation ("MTO"). Under an agreement with the Municipality, (the "Permitted Reclpient") has been authorized to access the Information. The Municipalþ and MTO a¡e committed to ptotecting this Information from unauthorized access, use o¡ disclosure. The following policies have been adopted to address employees' responsibilities for handling and protecting this Information. municipality's Municipal Parking Tag Program. 2. You nust not access or use this I¡formation for personal reasons. (Examples of are not limiæd to; ¡laking inquiries records or those of your Êiends or including locating their residence add¡ess, for any r€ason not related to your work responsibilities or not authorized by the Permitted Recipient.) 3. You may disclose Info¡mation only to individuals who have been authorized to receive it tbrough appropriate procedu¡es which have been authorized by MTO. @xanples of unauthorized disclosu¡es include but are not limited to: looki¡g up someone's address for a Êiend-) 4. You must take reasonable precautions to maintain the secrecy ofany password you use to access lnformation electonically. Reasonable precautions include, but are not limited to: not telling others your password or knowingly allowing them to obsewe while you enter it at a terrrinal; and frequentþ changing your password (and ifyou suspect your password has been used by someone else, cbanging it immediately and notifring the Permitted Recipient); and selecting random passwords that are Dot easy for otlers to guess. 5. You must take reasonable precautions to protect data entry temrinals and equipment from unauthorized access. Reasonable precautions include, but a¡e not limited to: not leaving your termi¡al unattended while you are logged onto the system; exiting the database which contains any laformation when you leave yow workstation; securing your terrrinal with a locking device if one has been provided; storing in a secrue place any user documentation to programs throug! which elecEonic access to any Infomration may be gained; and repofing any suspicious circumstances or unauthorized individuals you have observed in the work a¡ea to the Pemitted Recipient. I have read and I understand the securÍty policies stated above, and will comply with them and any other security policies (or ch¡nges to policies) issued in the future by the Permitted Recipien! Municipality or MTO. I underst¡nd that f¡ilure to comply with these policies (or any srrch other policies or changes to policies) may result in disciplinary action by the Permitted Recipient and/or civil or criminal prosecution in ¡ccordance with applicable statutes. Sipature of Employee Date WihessedBy Date By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 292 of 297 SCHEDULETTBTTof NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT PERMITTED RECIPIENT MTO AUDIT POLICY 11091 @ermitted Recipient) Permitted Recipient:("you" or "your") flmertNme of Pmitted Recip¡mt] Municipality Name:THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY (the OF BAYIIAM "Municipatity") This is the MTO Audit Policy referred to in the Pe¡mitted Recipient Non-disclosu¡e Agreement that you siped with the Municipality (the "Permitted Recipient Non-disclosure Agreement"). Çapitalized tems that a¡e used in this MTO Audit Policy, but not defined in this MTO Audit Policy, have the meanings given to them in the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosure Agreement. In this MTô Audit Polic¡ the following defined terns have the following meanings: rrAudittr and simila¡ expressions mea¡s the performance b¡ on behalf of or for MTO of such audits, reviews, investigations, inspections, confirmations, certifications, tests, studies and determinations of or relating to any matter or thing pertaining to what is contemplated in clause (i) or (ii) ofsection I below. 'rBusiness I)ayrr means a day other than a Saturda¡ Sunday or a statutory, civic or public service holiday obsewed in the P¡ovince ofOnta¡io. ttinclude", rrincludest' or t'includingtt mean 'include without limitationn, "includes without limitation" and "including without limitation", respectivel¡ and the words following "include", 'i¡cludes', o¡ n¡çl¡ding" will not be conside¡ed to set out an exhaustive list. "Privacy I)efaultrr means a b¡each of (i) any Privacy Laws, or (ii) any ofthe provisions ofthe Pemitted Recipient Nondisclosure Agreement. I'Privacy Lawsrr means lhe Freedom ollnþrmatíon and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario), and the provisions of any other law ¡o¡x t¡me that are applicable to you and that address the collection, use or disclosure ofpe¡sonal info¡mation. L Right of AudiL MTO will have the righq Êom time to time, to Audit such of your businesses and operations as relate to, or are involved in, the your possession or conûol ofConfidential Information. Subject to the provisions of this MTO Audit Policy and applicable law (including the Privacy Laws and the provisions of any other law ûom :me that are applicable to MTO and that address thecolle any disclosures thatmaY its employees fromtime to in iection 3 to)hord e available to MTó (or such third party representatives) in connection with an Audit carried out unde¡ this MTO Audit Policy. 2. f¡mi¡g 6f tr¡ditu. The Audits contemplated i¡ section I may be conducted at any time during your nonnal business !o95s _upon^ 24 hours' prior written notice (or, in the case of Audits ¡elating to possible Privacy Defaults, without prior notice). 3. AuthorizedMTORepresentatives. MTO \{'ill have the right to engage third party representatives to perfo¡m Audits contemplated in section l. 4. Privacy Compliance. (a) the generality of section 1, MTO will emplated in section 1, to measure your or @) the provisions of the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosure Agreement. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 293 of 297 (b) Privacy Compliance Meetings. In addition to performing the Audits contemplated under section 1.4(a), MTO may require you to meet with MTO to review the results ofsuch Audits as they relate to the matte¡s referred to in section 4(a). Such meetings will be held at such times and places as MTO may mutually agree upon with you from tine to time acting reasonably. However, if as a result of any such Audit MTO has reason to believe that you have committed a Privacy Default, MTO may require such rreeting to be held within one (l) Business Day of MTO totifyitlg you in writing that MTO wishes to hold zuch meeting. 5. Performance Reviews. (c) Audits Relating to Over¡ll Performance. Without limiting the generality of section 1, MTO will have the right to conduct the Audits contemplated in section 1, to measure your overall performance of your obligations r¡trder the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosure Ägreement. (d) Meetings to Review Over¡ll Perform¡nce. In addition to performing the Audits contemplated under section 5(a), MTO may require you to meet with MTO to review the results of such Audits as they relate to the matters referred to in section 5(a). Such meetings will be held at zuch times and places as MTO may mutually agree upon with you from time to time acting reasonably. 6. Loc¡tion ¡nd Manner of Audits. The Audits contemplated in section I may be conducted on-site at the location(s) of: (i) any ofyour businesses or operations that ¡elate to or a¡e involved in the perfomrance of your obligations to the Municipality, or (ü) any media in your possession or control that contains Confidential Info¡mation. Such Audits may be conducted in whole or in part by remote electronic mea¡s if your computer systems have the functional capability of fac¡litating such remote Audits. 7. Co+peration. You must fr.rlly ccoperate with MTO in facilitating the conduct of any Audits contemplated i¡ section l, including providing such access, documentation, information, copies of documentation and information, and assistance as MTO may reaso"ably request for the purpose of such Audits. 8. Dur¡tion of Audit Rights. MTO's Audit rights as contemplated in section 1 will be in fo¡ce fiom the d¿te you receive a copy of this MTO Audit Policy to the date which is tbree years after you cease to be a Permitted Recipient. 9. CorrectionofDefeults. Without limiting or restricting any other obligations you may have, or rights or ¡emedies MTO may have, under this MTO Audit Policy or at law or in equity: (a) You will, at your sole cost, corect aoy Privacy Defaults (including any breaches of the Pemritted Recþient Nondisclosu¡e Agreement) identified tbrough an Audit (and in reqpect of which MTO provides writúen notification to yoÐ, and will do so as expeditiously as reasonably possible and in any event u/ithin four (24) hours of¡eceivi"g notice of such Privacy DefaultftomMTO. O) You will noti$ MTO in writing upon such breaches having being conected. (c) After receiving such notification from yoq MTO may conduct a follow up Audit to confi¡m that all such b¡eaches have been corrected (d) ffrequested by MTO in the notification ¡efer¡ed to in section 9(a): (Ð you will provide to MTO, within five (5) days of receiving the notification refer¡ed to in section 9(a), a reasonable written plan or¡llining the steps you will take to ensure that such Privacy Defaults do not occur again; and (iÐ you will implement the plau provided under section 9(d)(i). 10. Costs of Audit. (a) All costs incuned by you in connection with the Audits conæmplated in section I will remain solely your responsibility. O) Except as provided in section 10(c), all costs incu¡ed by MTO in connection with the Audits conæmplated in section 1 will remain solely the responsibility of MTO. By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 294 of 297 Despite section 1,10(b): (Ð if any Audit conterrplated in section 1 discloses a material uncured default by you unde¡ the Pemitted Recipient Non-disclosu¡e Agreemen! then you must ¡eimburse MTO fo¡ MTO's reasonable and verifiable costs of conducting such Audit (ü) ifany Confidential Information is in your possession or control at a location outside of Ont¿¡io, then you must reimbu¡se MTO for MTO's reasonable and verifiable costs of conducting Audits (as contemplated in section 1) at such location(s) outside of Onta¡io. However, MTO shall only have the rigbt to obtain reimbr¡¡sement unde¡ this secdon 10(c)(ü) in respect of one such Audit in each calendar year. (Note: to avoid any doub! ¡qthing in this section 10(c)(ü) will be considered to in any way reduce or waive your obligations under section 4 of tüe Permitted Recipient Non-disclosu¡e Agreement.) ll. $rithoutPrejudice. To avoid any doubt, nothing in this MTO Audit Policy will be deemed to limit or prejudice MTO's rights or your obligations unde¡ the Permitted Recipient Non-disclosu¡e Agreement or at law or i¡ equity. G) By-Law 2011-064 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (MTO) Page 295 of 297 Page 296 of 297 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2011-06s A BY-LA\M TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM FOR TIIE REGULAR MEETING IIELD JULY 7,2OII WIIEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the MunicipalAct,2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municþal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municþal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised bybyJaw; AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meetingbe confirmed and adopted byby-law. THEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS ÄS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held July 7 ,2071 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byJaw. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this Tthday of Jul¡ 201L. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-065 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 297 of 297