HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 05, 2009 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, March 5, 2009 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a Minutes of the Budget Meeting held February 17, 2009. (b Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, 2009. (c Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a 7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a Copy of Resolution dated February 9, 2009 from the Corporation of the City of Cambridge regarding "Internet Filtering Software On Computers". File: C10 (b Correspondence received February 17, 2009 from Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs regarding "Municipal Politicians Seminar: Firefighting 101". File: A01 (c Correspondence dated February 19, 20 and 26, from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Government Releases Draft Employment Standard under AODA for Public Review", "AMO and OMSSA release Joint Paper on Poverty Reduction" and "Minister Smitherman on Infrastructure and Green Energy Act". 5-6 7-16 17 19 21-26 Page 1 of 256 Council Agenda March 5, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS File: A16 (d Correspondence dated February 13, 2009 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Government Expenditure Restraints". File: A16 (e Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting held February 4, 2009. File: C06 (f Draft Minutes of Museums Bayham meeeting held February 11, 2009. File: C06 (g Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce/Municipality of Bayham Liason Committee Notes of Meeting held February 18, 2009. File: C06 (h Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated February 25, 2009. File: A16 (i Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held February 4, 2009. File: C06 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a No items 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a No items 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a Building Permit Report for month ending February 2009. File: P10 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL 27-28 29-35 37-39 41 43-60 61-64 65 Page 2 of 256 Council Agenda March 5, 2009 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusive, totaling $157,243.66 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Feb. 22, 2009 totaling $50,856.59. (b Staff Report F2009-12 regarding Heritage Property Tax Relief. File: F22.09 (c Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February 28, 2009. File: F03 (d Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project. File: F05.09 (e Memorandum C2009-01 regarding Council Meeting Schedule. File: A09 (f Email correspondence dated February 24, 2009 from Leo and Mary Paquette regarding sewer charges. File: C13 (g Draft By-law No. 2009-022 regarding Richmond Outlet Drain. (h Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Agreements. Draft minutes of meeting held February 26, 2009 attached. File: A01 (i Staff Memorandum regarding Meeting and Request - Vienna Library / Former Town Hall. File: C13 (j Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / FHT Transfer. File: F11 10.ENVIRONMENT (a Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program. File: U10 (b Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity Study. File: E01 67-78 79-81 83-124 125-134 135 137 139 141-162 163 165-192 193-231 233-248 Page 3 of 256 Council Agenda March 5, 2009 Page 10.ENVIRONMENT (c 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System. File: E08 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a In Camera. (b Closed Session minutes of the regular Council meeting held Februray 19, 2009. (c Closed Session minutes of the Bayham Community Centres Committee meeting held February 26, 2009. (d Confidential Report regarding personal matter. (e Confidential Report regarding personal matter, from February 19, 2009 meeting. (f Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a By-law 2009-022 A By-law to amend Provisional By-law 2008-023 (Richmond Outlet Drain) (b By-law 2009-024 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Peidl) (c By-law 2009-025 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Peidl) (d By-law 2009-026 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (East Elgin Family Health Team) (e By-law 2009-027 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a Adjournment 249-256 Page 4 of 256 COUNCIL BUDGET MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:00 p.m. The third budget meeting of the Council of ttre Municipality of Bayham was held in the Committee Room. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Wayne Casier, Mark Taylor and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger, Clerk Lynda Millard and Treasurer Suzanna Mantel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. 2OO9 DRAFT BUDGET Staff Report F2009-05 was provided to Council. The Treasurer advised that the proposed budget currently reflects no tax rate increase, therefore increases to individual properties would equal their assessment value change. On average, assessment values have increased 4.3%. A reduction of $50,000 - $60,000 would result in approximately a 2o/o decrease in tax rates. The Treasurer noted that the report had been prepared in accordance with Council's request for options that could be utilized to reduce the budget. She explained that the options were in no order of preference, nor were they recommendations of staff. She added that some options were contrary to the newly adopted strategic plan. Each item was reviewed and potential impacts discussed. There was consensus that Council study the options, consider with the intent of the stragtegic plan and discuss further at the next budget session to be held March 3rd at 7:00 p.m. It was announced that the Building Canada Fund application for water system infrastructure upgrades has been approved. 1/3 funding from the Federal and Provincial governments are $720,000 each, with a matching contribution required from the municipality. The Treasurer added that a report regarding options to cover the municipal share will be forthcoming shortly. 4. BY.LAW (a) By-law 2009-020 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 2009-062 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT conf¡rm¡ng By-law 2009-020 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 1 of 2 Minutes of the Budget Meeting held February 17, 2009. Page 5 of 256 Council Budget Meeting Minutes February 17,2009 5. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2009-063 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by E Ketchabaw 'THAT the Gouncil meeting be adjourned at 8:10 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 2 of 2 Minutes of the Budget Meeting held February 17, 2009. Page 6 of 256 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORÄ,TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville February 19,2009 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Water & Sewer Rates The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, February 19,2009 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard, Treasurer Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Planning Co-ordinator Margaret Underhill and Fire Chief / By-Law Enforcement Officer Paul Groeneveld were in attendance to persent their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER MayorAcre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the Budget meeting held February 3,2009. 2009-064 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT the minutes of the Budget meet¡ng held February 3, 2009 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 5, 2009. 2009-065 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by W Casier 'THAT the minutes of the regular meet¡ng of Gouncil held February 5,2009 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Minutes of the Budget meeting held February 10,2009. 2009-066 Moved by W Casier Page 1 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 7 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 Seconded bY M TaYlor "THAT the minutes of the Budget meet¡ng held February 10, 2009 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Added ltem(s) There were no added items' 4. DELEGATIONS 7:05 p.m. - BillWalters and David Rock regarding lnternational Plowing Match 2010 Mr. BillWalters made a short presentation regarding the 2010 lnternational Plowing Match being held in Elgin - St. Thomas September 21 '25' The Match will take place on lands east of St. Thomas on the south side of # 3 Highhway, between Centennial Road to the west, Quaker Road to the east and Elm Line to the south. He noted that the volunteer organization consists of local members, with the assistance of Mr. Rock distributed a brochure to Council members and staff' 2009-067 Moved by W Casier Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT this item be referred to Budget discussions." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (a) (b) 7:15 p.m. - Doug Lester from the otter Valley chamber of commerce regarding "2009 lnitiatives" Vit-ester-queried the status and action taken by Council in regard to harbour sand build-up and flooding concerns raised at the previous meeting. He noted that contact with Talismãn had confirmed a $2,000 contribution to add to funds raised by the Chamber. He urged Council to partner with the Chamber, establish a harbour fund for donations and allocate $5,000 to match citizen fundraising efforts. Mr, Lester again encouraged Council to instruct staff to contact Small Craft Harbours and other regulatory bodies to begin the approval process required for necessary harbour maintenanôe. Additionally, he requested Council to dedicate $20'000 in the 200g budget to ongoing harbour maintenance and seek other funding sources. 2009-068 Moved by W Casier Seconded bY M TaYlor Page 2 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 8 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 "THAT a mun¡c¡pal reserve be established to accept donations / contributions for harbour improvements in Port Burwell; AND THAT staff be directed to begin the process to obtain permits to undertake work on the harbour." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) 7:25 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery Mrs. Hoshal questioned whether permission had been granted for the dowser to access the Csinos proeprty, to which the response was no. She then read the letter she received from the Bayham Administrator. Discussion followed her question as to what can be done now. 2009-069 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT staff be authorized and directed to request the Gemeteries Regulation Unit attend the Municipality to review information available and the Estherville Gemetery area." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Copy of resolution passed January 5, 2009 by the Corporation of the Township of Madawaska Valley regarding "Government of Ontario Bill 187". File: C10 (b) Copy of resolution passed December 15, 2008 by The Corporation of the Township of Madawaska Valley regarding "Homecare in rural Ontario". File: C10 (c) Copy of correspondence dated February 3, 2009 addressed to Association of Municipalities of Ontario from City of Hamilton regarding "Bill 138, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2008". File C10 (d) Copy ofcorrespondence dated February 10, 2009 addressed to Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of MunicipalAffairs and Housing, from Town of Ajax regarding municipalelection campaign contributions". File: C10 (e) Correspondence dated February 2,3,9,11 and 13, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Municipal Support of Earth Hour and Energy Conservation Week Needed", "AMO Expresses Concern, Provides Recommendations to Minister on Proposed AODA I nformation and Communications Standard", "M unicipal Action on Bottled Water", "WDO Consultation on Blue Box Program Plan Review", 'AMO Page 3 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 9 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 Report to Members on January 2009 Board Meeting" and "Communities Component Funding for $1 Billion in Municipal lnfrastructure Projects Announced". File: 416 (f) Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of meeting held January 14,2009. File: 416 (g) Copy of Joint Elgin / Central Elgin 2008-2009 Annual Municipal Accessibility Plan. File: 416 (h) Emailcorrespondence dated February 9, 2009 from Valerie Clark (OMAFRA) regarding "Local Foods Farmer/ Food Buyer Speed Networking Event". File: 416 (i) Email correspondence dated February 10, 2009 from Yfactor lnc. regarding "Yfactor Proud to Help Elgin County Win Two lnvestment Attraction Marketing Awards". File: M02 ü) Correspondence dated February 2,2009 from Office of the Lieutenant Govenor of Ontario regarding "Order of Ontario - Call for Nominations". File: 416 (k) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held Thursday, November 6, 2008. File: E00 (l) Correspondence received from Ontario Municipal Board regarding "Appointment For Hearing". File: F22 (m) Canadian Water Treatment newsletter dated November/December 2008 regarding "A Framework for Safe Drinking Water". File L11 (n) Operation Clean Sweep correspondence and Pitch ln Canada newletter regarding "Pitch-ln Canada Week". File: RRR (o) Correspondence dated January 30, 2009 from Prince Edward County regarding "wind farm development resolution". File: C10 (p) Correspondence dated February 4,2009 from Canadian Red Cross regarding "province wide lottery". File: 401 (q) Correspondence dated February 9, 2009 from County of Elgin regarding "Elgin's Progressive By Nature brand wins at Economic Development Council of Ontario Awards". File: 416 Page 4 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 10 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 (0 Correspondence dated February 13, 2009 from Building Canada Fund regarding "Rehabilitation of Bayham Water Distribution System, Project #23009'. File: F11 (s) lnterpretive Centre Workgroup minutes of meeting held January 21, 2009. File: C06 2009-070 Moved by C Evanitski Seconded by W Casier "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(s) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a) Staff Report D2009-08 regarding Romart Severances E1l09 andE2l09. File: D10.0809 2009-071 Moved by C Evanitski Seconded by E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report D2009-08 be received; AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application E1l09 submitted by Romart lnv lnc., be approved subject to: 1. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality2. Lot Grading and storm water management plan 3. a municipaldrain4. finalsurvey submitted to the municipality AND THAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Gom m ittee that severance appl icatio n 82109, su bm itted by Romart lnv lnc., be approved subject to: 1. $500 cash-in-liew parkland dedication fee payable to the Municipality 2. Lot Grading and storm water management plan 3. a municipaldrain4. final survey submitted to the municipality." CARRIED (b) Correspondence dated January 22,2009 from Beth Turner of Thomson Rogers regarding "Consultation Process for Wireless Page 5 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 11 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 Telecommunication Facililties". File: A12 2009-072 Moved by W Casier Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT correspondence dated January 22,2009 from Thomson Rogers regarding Gonsultation Process for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities be received; AND THAT the correspondence be referred to Staff for preparation of a report for Council consideration." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE No ltems 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Staff Report P2009-004 regarding Emergency Management Program Vienna Flood & Extreme Weather Response Plans. File: P16 2009-073 Moved by W Casier Seconded by M Taylor "THAT Staff Report P2009-004 regarding the Emergency Management Program Village of Vienna Flood and Extreme Weather Response Plans be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated January 29,2009 from Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services regarding "emergency management activities". File: 416 2009-074 Moved by C Evanitski Seconded by W Casier "THAT Gorrespondence dated January 29, 2009 from Ministry of Gommunity Safety and Gorrectional Services congratulating the Municipality of Bayham for completion of all mandatory emergency management activities required under the Emergency Management & Civil Protection Act for 2008 be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 6 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 12 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 (c) Correspondence dated February 13, 2009 from Straffordville Community Com mittee regardi ng "Maintenance of Parkette". File: C13 2009-075 Moved by W Casier Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT Correspondence dated February 13, 2009 from Straffordvi I le Com m u nity Com m ittee regardi ng mai ntena nce of parkette be deferred." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Staff Report PR2009-06 regarding Eden Community Centre - Repairs and Designated Substances. File: 420 2009-076 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT Staff Report PR2009-06 regarding Eden Community Centre - Repairs and Designated Substances be received; AND THAT Staff be authorized to proceed with a Designated Substances Survey for the Eden and Area Gommunity Gentre, and that further building inspections be arranged to determine capital needs." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #5930 to Cheque #6016 inclusive totaling $332,035.67 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Feb. 8, 2009 totaling $50,763.84. 2009-077 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #5930 to Gheque #6016 inclusive, totaling $332,035.67 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Feb.8, 2009 totaling $50,763.84 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) PUBLIC MEEETING - delayed untilT:45 p.m. Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.09 Page 7 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 13 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 The Treasurer presented the report. She advised that no information had been received regarding the grant application submitted. She emphasized the need for approval for the January / February billing. The Mayor opened the floor for public comments. Jan Collins questioned how water rate increases were determined. The Treasurer explained the process. Florrence Ferris asked how multi-units were charged for water. The Treasurer responded that there is a base rate charged for each unit. Fran Southwick asked how many people are on the water system, to which the Treasurer advised there are 2.000. Council members discussed several options for water rate structures, including eliminating the base rate in favour of a consumption rate only. lt was suggested that this could encourage conservation. Other opinion was expressed that the current system with a base rate ensured all who benefit contribute to ongoing costs, including seasonal property owners for example. 2009-078 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water and Sewer Rates be rece¡ved; AND THAT ByJaw 2009-08 being a by-law to amend byJaw 2004- 015 a by-law sett¡ng water and sewer rates be presented to counc¡l for enactment." CARRIED IO. ENVIRONMENT (a) Correspondence dated February 6, 2009 from Stantec Consulting Ltd. regarding "Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System (Elgin Water Treatment Pla nt) Shorel i ne Protection Project". File: E08 2009-079 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT Correspondence dated February 6, 2009 from Stantec Consulting Ltd. regard¡ng Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System (Elgin Water Treatment Plant) Shoreline Protection Project be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY I I. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Page 8 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 14 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 (a) ln Camera. 2009-080 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by M TaYlor "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "ln Camera" Session of Gommittee of the Whole at 9:15 p.m. to discuss: r pêrso¡âl matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; o â proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipalitY or local board." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 15,2009. (c) Confidential Report regarding personal matter. (d) Out of Camera. 2009-081 Moved by M Taylor Seconded by E Ketchabaw "THAT the Gommittee of the Whole do now rise from the "ln Camera" session at 9:20 P.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Confidential Staff Report regarding land acquisition matter. 2009-082 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw .THAT By-taw No.2009-014,to authorize the acquisition of lands from Terrie and Paulwiley, By-law No. 2009-015, to authorize the acquisition of lands from Andy and Johanna Geurtjens, and By- law No. 2008-016, to authorize the acquisition of lands from John and Laurel Nasswetter, be presented to council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY I2. BY.LAWS (a) By-law 2009-008 A By-law to amend By-law 2004-015 to set water and sewer rates (b) By-law 2009-014 A By-law to authorize the purchase of Page 9 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 15 of 256 Council Minutes February 19,2008 property (WileY) (c) By-law 2009-015 A By-law to authorize the purchase of propertY (Geurtjens) (d) By-law 2009-016 A By-law to authorize the purchase of proPertY (Nasswetter) (e) By-law 2009-018 A By-law to authorize the renewal of an agreement (Blondin) (f) By-law 2009-019 A By-law to adopt a Strategic Plan 2009-083 Moved by W Casier Seconded bY E Ketchabaw "THAT By-Laws 2009-008, 2009-014, 2009-015, 2009-016, 2009-018 and 2009-019 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) By-law 2OO9-021 A By-law to confirm all actions of council 2009-084 Moved bY E Ketchabaw Seconded bY W Casier "THAT confirming By-law 2OO9-021be read a first, second and third time and finallY Passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY I3. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment. 2009-085 Moved by E. Ketchabaw Seconded by C Evanitski "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 9:30 p.m"' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 10 of 10 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 19, ... Page 16 of 256 5 Cto The Corporation of the City of Gambridge Monday, February 9, 2009 Councillor Tucci - lnternet Filterinq Software On Computers WHEREAS there is no law in Ontario prohibiting pornography and other sexually explicit materialfrom being viewed on computers in public schools and libraries; AND WHEREAS there are public schools and public libraries that do not use internet filtering software on computers that blocks such inappropriate material; AND WHEREAS significant changes have occurred with respect computer technologies, software and programs that could filter access to inappropriate, explicit sexual content; AND WHEREAS parents in the province of Ontario have the right to ensure their children are protected from pornography and other inappropriate material available on the internet in their public schools and libraries; THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Cambridge petitions the Honorable M. Aileen Carrol, Minister of Culture, the Honorable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario and, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to require all public schools and libraries in Ontario to be required to install internet filtering software on computers to avoid viewing of sites with inappropriate, explicit sexual content; AND FURTHER THAT the motion once approved be forwarded to all MPPs representing Waterloo Region, to the Leader of the Official Opposition, to the Leader of the 3rd party and, through AMO, to all other mu nicipa I ities fo r their consideration. Please Contact: Alex Mitchell, Gity Glerk The Gorporation of the City of Gambridge 50 Dickson Street,2nd Floor P.O. Box 669 Gambridge, Ontario NlR 5W8 Telephone: 519.740.4680 Ext. 4585TTY: 519.623.6691FAX: 519.740.3011 Email: mitchella(Ocambridqe.ca DISCIAIMER This material is provided under contract as a pa¡d seruice by the orþinating organization and does not necessar¡ly reflecl the view or positions of the Associat¡on of Municipatities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, offrcers, dtrectors or agenls. Copy of Resolution dated February 9, 2009 from the Corporati... Page 17 of 256 Page 18 of 256 Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs 2008-2009 President CHIEF R. BOYES 905-338-4426 Fax 905-3384403 rboves(Doakville.ca 1st Vice-President CHIEF T. BECKETT 519-741-2926 Fax 519-741-2697 tim. becket(Akitchener.ca 2nd V¡ce-President CHIEF P BARBOUR 519-773-5344 Fax 51 9-773-5605 3'd Vice-President CHIEF B. BURBIDGE 905-833-2800 Fax 905-833-6960 bburbidoe@kino.ca Treasurer CHIEF K. FOSTER 705-526-4279 exl 2234 Fax: 705-527-4543 kfoster(Atown. m idland.on.ca PaslPresident CHIEF L GRANT 705-745-3283 Fax705-745-24ô0 lqrant(Acitv.peterborouoh.on.ca DIRECTORS CHIEF T. BOND 613-258-2438 Fax:613-258-1031 kem otvillefire(Aon.aibn.com DEPUW CHIEF T. BOYKO 4l 6-338-9052 Fax 416-338-9060 tbovko(Atoronto.câ CHIEF W. BRINKMAN 807467-2107 FAX: 807-467-21 55 wbrinkman(Dkenora.ca CHIEF T. BRYAN 705-295-6880 Fax 705-295-678ô DEPUTY CHIEF G. MILLS 613-580-2424 ext 29430 Fax 61 3-580-2864 Gordon. Mills@ottawa.ca DEPUry CHIEF S. MINTZ 905-477-59ô0 Fax905-479-7770 smintz@markham.ca DEPUTY CHIEF N. MURPHY 613-548-4001 Ert5202 Fax: 6l 3-384-5233 nmurohv(Acitvofkino ston.ca Mayor and Members of Council: Re: Municipal Politicians Seminar: Firefiohtino 101: FEB ¡ 7 7tì09 Sundav. Mav 3 and Mondav. Mav 4. 2009 MUNICIPATITY ()F BAYHAM The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC) is actively working to help municipal Councillors understand the challenges of the fire service and its importance to your community. This year, as part of our Annual Meeting and Educational Seminars, we are offering an informative seminar for politicians. The Politicians Seminar: Firefighting l0l is a two day session that will provide you with not only first hand information and knowledge about the fire service but an interactive experience that you will never forget! The morning of Sunday, May 3, will begin with the presentation "Fire Department Liability", by Texan lawyer, Jim Juneau. This will be followed by a special interactive program (11 am - 5 pm) that is tailored specifically for politicians by the City of Toronto Fire Services in partnership with the OAFC. The excitement begins when you slip into bunker gear and experience, first hand, the life of a firefighter by participating in a number of live fire training exercises. Sunday night you will attend a moving Memorial Service complete with the Ontario Fire Service Pipes and Drums, which recognizes Fire Officers who have died during the past year, This will be followed by a wine and cheese reception. On day two, Monday, May 4, the morning will begin with Ron Ellis', former hockey player with the Toronto Maple Leafs, presentation "Leaping the Boards and Hitting the Wall", followed by Dr. Linda Duxbury's presentation, "You, Me and Them: Dealing with Generational Differences in the Workforce", and concluding with remarks by Minister Rick Bartolucci, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and Minister Peter Fonseca, Ministry of Labour. On Monday afternoon you will be able to visit the largest Fire Services Trade Show in Canada, where you will be able to see a wide variety of fire vehicles and equipment and talk directly to the suppliers and manufacturers. Politicians who have attended this seminar in previous years have repeatedly said that it was one of the best conferences and training sessions that they had ever attended! Full Seminar details are available on line at www.oafcevents.com. Registration cost includes Monday breakfast, two lunches and a wine and cheese reception. Registration is limited to 24 people. To register please complete the attached registration form and fax it to the OAFC office. lf your Fire Chief is an OAFC member you will receive the special Member registration rate. Yours truly, Richard Boyes OAFC President OAFC BOARD OFFICE 335 Bayly St. West Suite 206, Ajax, Ont L1S 6M2 Tel: 905.426-9865 or 1-800-774-6651 Fax 905.[26-3032 E-mail: administration@oafc.on.ca ürcFlvEDÈo, Correspondence received February 17, 2009 from Ontario Assoc... Page 19 of 256 Page 20 of 256 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3Co Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/026 ro the attention of the cterk and councit F3,åi,,?il'JiJ:X^HI|"?[:3JÏ]i1o'u6o,February 19,2009 (416)971-9es6ext329 Government Releases Draft Employment Standard under AODA for Public Review lssue: On February 18,2009, the Government released the initial draft Employment Standard under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 for public review and comment. The public review period is until April 15, 2009. Background: The AODA, 2005, requires the Minister of Community and Social Services to develop accessibility standards that will remove barriers for people with disabilities. The standards are expected to apply to the public sector, including all municipalities in the Province, as well as the not-for-profit and private sectors. They will address a full range of disabilities including physical, sensory, mental health, developmental and learning and will be implemented in phases leading to full accessibility in Ontario by 2025. Once completed, the standards will be introduced into legislation and therefore will become mandatory and enforced by the Province The Employment Standard is the fourth of five standards released for public review. Previously, the government released the Customer Service Standard, the Transportation Standard and the recently released lnformation and Communications Standard. The Built Environment Standard is expected for release later in 2009. The proposed standard for Employment Accessibility was developed by an external Employment Accessibility Standards Development Committee (SDC). This external committee included representatives from the disability community as well as the public and private sectors. The SDC's initial proposed standard is now posted for public review and feedback. The initial proposed standard does not necessarily reflect the point of view of the government. The public review period to make comments on the SDC's initial proposed Employment Accessibility Standard is from February 18, 2009 to April 15, 2009. Municipar¡î::î?ãli:^li aHo À t\ol--tr EJJ,¿-- - TrE- r"*--- 'l-2 Correspondence dated February 19, 20 and 26, from Associatio... Page 21 of 256 Once the public review period is over, the standards development committee will reconvene to consider feedback. They may make changes to their initial proposed standard based on the feedback prior to finalizing a proposed standard for submission to the Minister of Community and Socíal Services. Those interested in reviewing the SDC's proposed standard or participating in the accessibility standards development process can find more information on the Ministry of Community and Social Services'website at: English: French: Public consultation sessions will be conducted across the province. To participate in a consultation session, to request a document in an alternate format, to find out about alternate methods of providing feedback, or for any additional information regarding the public review process, please call 1-888 -482-4317 or toll-free TTY 1-888-335-661 I , or email oublic. review@ol iverwvman. com. Action: AMO is urging its members to review the proposed standard and to provide comments to the Government. AMO will be developing a response to the standard outlining municipal issues and concerns. AMO's concerns will be shared with the membership. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Mun¡cipar¡î::î?ä'li:.ii Alf O þ-ffi tåJJ { 2-2 Correspondence dated February 19, 20 and 26, from Associatio... Page 22 of 256 MEMBER COMMUNICATION 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca ALERT No: 09/013lUl tr lUl Þtr Íf. l,rUlUl lUl lJ ll lt l{ I ltvrll ALERT N': 09/013 I r II¿J To the attention of the Cterk and Council FoRMoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrAcr: ¡ February 20,2009 -¿ AMO and OMSSA release Joint Paper on Poverty Reduction { -lssue: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) are pleased to release their joint paper on poverty reduction: "Government Makes a Differen ce : Working Together Toward s Poveftv Red uction". Background: Municipalities understand that poverty costs everyone through increased costs of social and health programs and the lost potential that comes when people are not given opportunities to succeed. AMO and OMSSA came together to examine the important considerations of what municipalities can do to address poverty in their communities and how all orders of government can be engaged in poverty reduction. The paper provides a list of recommendations that include the following: o The need for a local service delivery model that is flexible and addresses the needs and issues of poverty in municipalities across the province. o The importance of stakeholder collaboration: including meaningful consultation with key stakeholders and citizens and outcomes focused actions and solutions. o The need to address the complex issues of poverty through good public policy. This includes addressing current provincial policies and programs that operate at cross purposes of one another and the goal of poverty reduction. ln addition, the systemic, foundational underpinnings need to begin to be addressed. o The need for sufficient, sustainable, long term funding for poverty reduction initiatives which includes the administration of the initiatives. AMO and OMSSA are encouraged by important changes and commitments the provincial government has made in addressing the symptoms and impacts of poverty in Ontario. AMO and OMSSA remain committed to supporting the government and our memberships in this effort. Action:. The paper is being distributed to the AMO and OMSSA membership, Minister Matthews and the Cabinet Committee on Poverty Reduction and other relevant stakeholders.. The AMO Social Policy Task Force will be examining next step considerations on poverty reduction issues and initiatives. lssues will be examined in consideration of the current economic downturn. This information is availaþle in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Munic¡pariî::î?äli:"i ^llo J 1-1 Correspondence dated February 19, 20 and 26, from Associatio... Page 23 of 256 Page 24 of 256 MEMBER COMMUNICATION 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3Co Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca ALERT No: 09/014 To the attention of the Clerk and Council February 26, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTAGT: Scott Vokey, AMO/ LAS Energy Services Coordinator, (4rG) 971-9856 ext 357 l-tr IJJJ {Minister Smitherman on Infrastructure and Green Energy Act The Minister updated delegates to the OGRA/ROMA Annual Conference on Wednesday and we wanted to ensure that all munic¡palities not in attendance were informed. On Infrastructure investment, he indicated: o The Government of Ontario is prepared to match all Federal lnfrastructure Funds that were in the recent federal budget. This is good news for Ontario's munic¡palities. o That the recent announcements of funding for 289 projects under the Communities Component of the Build Canada Framework were genuinely shovel ready projects, with almost half of the projects related to water and waste water. . While there is no date yet for a second intake under the Communities Component, eligible municipalities (under 100,000 population) should "have pens and paper ready". . For those relatively small scale water systems with a very limited rate base to finance them, the Ministry will develop policy to address water system investment and taxes. On Green Energy Act, he indicated: . Bill 150 has two main thrusts: making it easier to bring renewable energy projects to life and creating a culture of conservation so that people can go about their daily lives using less energy. The Government of Ontario states it has developed the Green Energy Act to create jobs, fight climate change, and secure Ontario's place as the continent's leading green economy. lt amends 21 pieces of other legislation. . On the generation side, the Bill enables municipalities and local distribution companies (LDCs) to become more active in energy generation for projects under 10 megawatts (Mwþwithout creating a separate subsidiary and establishes a more aggressive tariff system for renewable energy fed into the grid. 1-2 Municipariâ::îîäii:.'i ^Ho Correspondence dated February 19, 20 and 26, from Associatio... Page 25 of 256 The Billwill put planning approvals with the province. The Minister recognized that some municipalities do not feel equipped to deal with renewable energy sources, whether biomass, biogas, wind or solar and that others are having a challenge softing through health and safety information to develop standards. He also recognized that some municipalities will not want to see the province take on this function but with an emerging patchwork of planning standards, "the province has decided to assert its interests and is prepared to dealwith the outcomes." ln light of the government's stated intention with the Bill, AMO advises that municipalities may want to consider the need to progress the development of standards or planning applications related to renewable energy sources. On the conservation side, among other matters the Bill enables local distribution companies (LDCs) to become more active in energy conservation, planning, and storage and will see energy efficiency enhancements to the Building Code and it will require all public agencies, including municipalities to prepare energy conservation plans. As Ontario municipalities are the fourth largest consumer of energy, this is an opportunity for municipal governments to show strong leadership through action and many municipalities have been undertaking energy audits. This proposed Act will fundamentally transform the legislative and regulatory environment governing energy conservation, generation, and planning in Ontario. There are numerous benefits to municipalities as potential generators of electricity either on their own or through their local distribution companies from the proposed improved gríd connections and higher feed-in tariffs (prices paid for electricity). As sole shareholders of most LDCs in Ontario, many municipalities will directly benefit from improvements to rate of return, ability to generate power, and enhanced business opportunities from LDC operated energy generation. The Bill's implementation will be through a number of regulations, and AMO will have the opportunity to provide the government with advice on them as they are being developed and will do a more detailed analysis of the Bill in order to make a submission to Standing Committee once the Bill is referred. A more detailed synopsis of Bill 150 is linked to this Alert and can be found at: =1 531 59 This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at wv,tw.amo.on.ca. l-E ruJ { 2-2 uunicipariâl:îîäi?:',ei ^Ho Correspondence dated February 19, 20 and 26, from Associatio... Page 26 of 256 AtÇ Ministry of Ministère des Municipal Affairs Affaires municipales and Housing et du Logement Office of the Deputy Bureau de Sous.ministre Minister 777 Bay Street 777,rueBay Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Toronto ON Msc 2E5 Tel: (416) 585-7100 Tél : (416) s8s7100 Fax: (416) 585-7211 Téléc: (416) 585-7211 February 13, 2009 Memorandum To: Transfer Payment Recipients From: Fareed Amin Deputy Minister Ministry of MunicipalAffairs & Housing Subject: Government Expenditure Restraints On December 2,2008, the Ontario government announced measures to constrain spending on public sector salaries and to freeze the current size of the Ontario Public Service (OPS). The announcement was built upon expenditure restraint measures that were identified in the Fall Economic Statement and implemented across the OPS. As part of this exercise, ministries were asked to manage their costs efficiently and hence the cost to the taxpayers of Ontario. Some of the suggested measures include: . Using non-print forms of advertising, including job advertising;. Delaying the implementation of any office relocations/expansions where possible;. Freezing the purchase/lease of new vehicles-excluding transit vehicles;. Postponing, cancelling or limiting the scope and number of lT projects, depending on contractual obl igations;. Reducing the use of print, photocopying and fax services; and. Containing travel costs by using another form of communication such as telephone or video conferencing, or combining/scheduling face-to-face meetings to maximize efficiency. As a recipient of public funds, your organization has an obligation to ensure that these funds provide value and are spent prudently, in a manner that is consistent with the program mandate and funding agreement with the province. l2 Correspondence dated February 13, 2009 from Ministry of Muni... Page 27 of 256 -2- Given this obligation, and mindful of the legislative and contractual framework within which your organization operates, I ask that you please ensure that your organization has the appropriate controls in place to govern the expenditure of public funds and consider implementing the measures stated above, as they apply to your organization or program. Please ensure that this communication is shared with those organizations or programs under your purview that are the recipients of provincial transfer payments. In managing transfer payment programs, ministries will be mindful of the current fiscal environment as they carefully monitor the expenditure of public funds and assess the needs of their transfer payment recipients on an ongoing basis. Your leadership is essential to assist the province in demonstrating a prudent and balanced approach in the management of public funds. Sincerely, Fareed Amin Deputy Minister cc:¡ Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs¡ Citizenship and lmmigration. Attorney Generalr Community and Social Serviceso Economic Development. Energy and lnfrastructureo Finance. Health and Long-Term Care. Natural Resourceso Northern Development and Mines¡ Community Safety and Correctional Services. Culture. Training, Colleges and Universities. Children and Youth Services. Tourism and Recreation. Transportation. Health Promotion Correspondence dated February 13, 2009 from Ministry of Muni... Page 28 of 256 S Minutes of ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD February 4,2009 The Elgin Group Police Services Board met at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at2:04 p.m. with the following in attendance: Tom Marks, Chairman John R. Wilson, Vice-Chair Kathleen Schaper, Board Member Douglas Gunn, Board Member lnspector Ryan Cox, OPP Staff Sergeant lan Chappell, OPP Detective lnspector Paul Beesley, OPP Sergeant Carl Butler, OPP, Contract Policing Bureau Sergeant Beth Pimm, H. R. Bureau, OPP Mark McDonald, Acting Secretary/Administrator Marilyn Payler, County Administrative Services Jim Bundschuh, County Director of Financial Services (attended 3:40 p.m.) Absent: Duncan McPhail, Board Member Mayor Jim Mclntyre and Mayor Bonnie Vowel attended to observe. Chair Marks called the meeting to order at2:04 p.m. Bandido Murder lnvestiqation Presentation Detective lnspector Paul Beesley, the lead investigator of the Bandido murders, presented a powerpoint Mega Case Management Overview of Project Octagon. Detective Beesley described the international connections involved. the amount of resources used and the organizational challenges associated with the Bandido Murder lnvestigation. This case is currently in pretrials and jury selection will soon follow. The trial willtake place in London with the jury selected from Middlesex County. Detective Beesley is willing to return at the end of the trial to present the board with a wrap-up presentation. lf board members are interested in attending any portion of the trail, lnspector Cox will be able to provide courtroom seating. Correspondence ltem #7 Before Detective Beesley left the meeting he spoke to correspondence item #7 re: The New lndependent Police Review Office's (IPRO) Proposed Process since he is now working for the Bill 103 Public Complaints Commission. This new office will mostly be dealing with third party public complaints and it likely won't affect Section 10 contracts. The new director is interested in public input and is currently developing procedures during this transition phase. Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting hel... Page 29 of 256 Elgin Group Police Services Board February 4,2009 Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT Correspondence item #7 be received and filed. - Carried. Chair Marks thanked Detective Inspector Paul Beesley for his informative presentation before he left the meeting. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT the minutes of the meeting held on November 21,2008 be adopted. - Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniarv lnterest - None. Correspondence 1) Julian Fantino, Commissioner, OPP re: Approval of Cost Recovery Formula. 2) Greg Skinner, A/Chief Superintendent, lnterim Regional Commander, Western Region re: lnspector Cox's Annual Performance Review. 3) Helene Periard, Chair, 2009 OAPSB Planning Committee re: OAPSB Conference donation. 4) lnvoice for $433,715.00 from Ministry of Finance for 2009 Contract. 5) June Demerling, Chair, West Perth Police Services Board, with Resolution for Consideration re: Review of the sentencing system. 6) Maureen Sutherland, Treasurer/Board Member Leamington Police Services re: 2009 OAPSB Zone 6 Membership. 7) Gerry McNeilly, Independent Police Revíew Director re: New IPRO's Proposed Process. 8) OAPSB Bulletin Board for November/December 2008. 9) OAPSB 47th Annual Meeting and Conference Registration Form and Program. 10) Julian Fantino, Commissioner, OPP re: 100th Year of Policing in the Province of Ontario Celebration. Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting hel... Page 30 of 256 Elgin Group Police Services Board February 4,2009 Correspondence ltem #1 Sergeant Carl Butler explained the intent of the letter and the updated municipal policing cost recovery formula. This board will not experience a financial impact right now because the Elgin Group is locked into the current contract until October 2011. The next contract will be affected by this new formula. Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT Correspondence #1 be received and filed. - Carried. Chair Marks thanked Sergeant Butler and Sergeant Pimm. They left the meeting at 3:26 p.m. Mayor Mclntyre and Mayor Vowel left the meeting at 3:28 p.m. Correspondence ltem #2 Moved by Schaper Seconded by Wilson THAT Correspondence ltem #2 be received and filed. - Carried. Correspondence ltem #3 Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT $200 be donated to the 2009 Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) Conference in care of the Cornwall Community Police Services Board to help defray conference costs. - Carried. Correspondence ltem #4 Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT the monthly invoice of $433,715 for 2009 contracted OPP services for an estimated total annual requisition of $5,204,577 be approved for payment. - Carried. Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting hel... Page 31 of 256 Elgin Group Police Services Board 4 February 4,2009 Correspondence ltem #5 Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT the Elgin Group Police Services Board supports the resolution from June Demerling, Chair of the West Perth Police Services Board, regarding concern with the level of sentencing in Ontario's court system. - Carried. Correspondence ltem #6 The Chair gave an overview of a recent OAPSB Zone meeting he attended with Inspector Cox. Moved by Gunn Seconded by Wilson THAT the Annual $50 OAPSB Zone 6 Membership Fee be renewed for 2009. - Carried. Correspondence ltems #8, #9 and #10 Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT Correspondence ltems #8, #9 and #10, be received and filed with the following notations below. - Carried. Correspondence ltem #9 - For lnformation Only The Board was informed of the March 13th deadline for OAPSB Conference Registration forms. Correspondence ltem #10 - For lnformation Only Inspector Cox noted that his detachment is also planning a local l OOth year of policing celebration. Jim Bundschuh entered the meeting at 3:40 p.m. 2008 Year-End Annual Report lnspector Cox reviewed the highlights of the 2008 Year End Report and noted among other items: Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting hel... Page 32 of 256 Elgin Group Políce Services Board February 4,2009 Break and Enter lncidents - These incidents decreased to 175 in 2008 but domestic incidents increased to 223 which accounts for the extra workload placed on detachment officers. Motor Vehicle Collisions - There was a slight increase in collisions but fatal injury collisions decreased. Deer collisions decreased significantly which could be contributed to the new deer awareness campaign. RIDE Program - There are only 6 hours outstanding on the RIDE Program. A total of 8,063 vehicles were stopped in 2008 which resulted in 92 impaired driving offences. This number indicates that driving while impaired is still an issue. On a positive note lS letters of officer appreciation were received. Criminal lnvestigations - The crime unit conducted various investigations including 41 sudden deaths. K. Schaper commented on the helpfulness of this unit during a personal circumstance she encou ntered. Property Crime lnitiatives - These initiatives will be conducted in May and September of 2009. lnspector Cox noted that the visibility of uniformed police presence does work in deterring would be criminals. Chargeable Hours - These hours exceeded the contract by 8628. The total revenue amount collected was $33,382. Criminal Record Checks - There has been a high volume of criminal record check requests. lnspector Cox will set up times and dates to visit the Elgin Group Municipal Councils to present the budget in the near future. Any board member is welcome to join him. Chair Marks thanked lnspector Cox for the good news annual report. Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT the 2008 Annual Year-End Report be approved. - Carried. DRAFT 2009 Business Plan lnspector Cox noted that this is the second year of the business plan and the goals have not changed. He asked the board whether the potentially negative effects of the current economic downturn should be addressed in the plan. The board agreed to this addition. lnspector Cox suggested that if the board members had any new photos that there was still time to add them to the front and/or back of the business plan cover. Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting hel... Page 33 of 256 Elgin Group Police Services Board February 4,2009 Moved by Wilson Seconded by Gunn THAT the Draft 2009 Business Plan be adopted. - Carried. New Business For information purposes Inspector Cox informed the Board that Staff Sergeant lan Chappelwill be representing the OPP at the June 2009 Air Show Planning Committee meetings. The OPP plan on being well prepared for this year's air show and will be utilizing the entire auxiliary unit. Inspector Cox announced that more information will be forthcoming on the OPP's l OOth Policing Anniversary celebration. The board expressed an interest in 100th Anniversary souvenirs. lnspector Cox will check on what 100th Anniversary items are available for purchase. K. Schaper advised the board of an advertisement for Anniversary watches in the Review magazine which were selling for $65.00. She would like to order one and asked if others would like to order as well. A group purchase will be arranged and the cost will be deducted from the member's stipend. M. McDonald distributed new County logo hats to the board. 2009 Elqin Group PSB Operational Budqet Jim Bundschuh presented the 2009 draft budget noting the 2008 surplus of $5,255. The percentage split for the participating municipalities remains the same, D. Gunn questioned the high dollar amount of the insurance portion of the budget and the specific coverage for board members. M. McDonald highlighted last year's coverage and will ask a representative from Frank Cowan to attend the next meeting to discuss the board's coverage and provide answers to specific questions raised. lnspector Cox noted that there may be a provision in the Police Services Act for board coverage. Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT the Elgin Group Police Services Board 2009 Draft budget be deferred to the next meeting pending clarifications from the insurer. - Carried. ln-Camera Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT we do now proceed ln-Camera at 4:15 p.m. to discuss a matter of a personnel nature about an identifiable individual. - Carried. Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting hel... Page 34 of 256 Elgin Group Police Services Board February 4,2009 Moved by Gunn Seconded by Wilson THAT we do now rise at4:22 p.m. wíthout reporting. - Carried. K. Schaper informed the board of her new e-mail address - Kathleen.schaper@gmail.com. Next Meetinq The next meeting will be held on March 11,2009 at 2:00 p.m. Adiournment Moved by Gunn Seconded by Schaper THAT we do now adjourn at4:26 p.m. to meet again on Wednesday, March 11,2009 at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. M. G. McDonald, Acti ng Secretary/Ad m i n istrator. Tom Marks, Chair. Minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board meeting hel... Page 35 of 256 Page 36 of 256 MUSEUMS BAYTIAM Minutes of February llr 2009 Meeting Committee Room, Bayham Municþal Office Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hickey, Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Ray Maddox, Jean Woon, Brian Masschaele, Cheryl Peters, Mat Schafer, Rosilee Peto. Regrets: Ron Bradfield 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at7:04 pm and welcomed new member Rosilee Peto. 2. DECLARATION OF PECTJNIARY INTEREST: None APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY: L.Acre agreed to take the minutes. ÄGENDA: It was moved by B.Masschaele and seconded by L.Acre that the agendabe approved with additions. Motion Carried. New Business: a) Budget questions b )loan photos to County c) guest speaker at County Museum MINUTES: It was moved b)'J.'Woon and seconded by C.Buchanan that the CORRESPONDENCE: It was moved by J.Woon and seconded by B.Masschaele that the correspondence be received for information. Motion Carried. a) Lighthouse Digest publication b) Heritage Trust newsletter c) Lynda Millard email: council appointments for 2009-2011. Expiring n2009: R.Bradfield, J.Woon, R.Peto, M.Schafer. Expiring 2010: B.Hicke¡ R.Madox-(Bayham Historical Society), C.Buchanan - @B Historical Society), Vacanqt. Expiring 2011: C.Peters, B.Masschaele(Professional Heritage Facility Rep.), Vøcøncy. d) Lynda Millard email: EON membership question. It was moved by B.Masschaele and seconded by J.Woon that we take onl]¡ 1 EON membe¡ship but that we take 2 OMA memberships so that we can have separate listings. Motion Carried. e) Lynda Millard email: Kellogg's Promotional Agreement. REPORTS: a. Edison Museum Murder Mystery Report- J.'Woon reported that it is scheduled for Sat. Nov.21, 2009 at the Vienna Community Centre. Both the hall and the caterer are booked. Edison Fest: St.Thomas Micro Brewery is interested in coming to Edison Fest. Since no beer garden is planned for 2009, this offer will be passed along to Tub Daze orgatizers. b. Edison & Marine Museums Report: No Report 3. 4. f,. 6. 7. Draft Minutes of Museums Bayham meeeting held February 11, 2... Page 37 of 256 Feb. 11.2009 Page2 8. I]NFINISHED BUSINESS: a) Sale of Air Compressor: Chair & Vic-Chair took photo of air compressor today. Description of same has been prepared by Vice-Chair. Both will be forwarded to Mike Baker at County Museum to post on website. b) Kingsmilt Museum Request for spare lens: Since Museums Bayham has no lens for sale or lean, R.Bradfield may have something from personal collection to sell. c) Kiwanis llome & Rec Show: March 27 -29,2009 atTillsonburg Special Events Centre. Two spaces have been reserved for Museums Bayham, Pt.Burwell Historical Society and Bayham Historical Society to share. Volunteers are; FrL March 27: SetUp - R.Bradfield & C.Buchanan and J.Woon, C.Peters & R.Maddox 3:00 - 7 :00 pm- R.Peto 7-9pm B.Hickey Sat March 28: ll:30 am - 3:00pm - J.Woon 3-6pm - M.Schafer 6-9 pm VACANT Sun. Mørch 29: ll:30 am - 5:00 pm - C & D Buchanan Pack up- C & D Buchanan, B.Hicke¡ R.Bradfield. d) LPRCA loan of Bayham's lens at Backus Page: C.Buchanan has searched for a loan agreement with LPRCA but couldn't find one although he recalls creating the agreement personally and getting signatures. He will now contact LPRCA to see if theyhave a copy. He will also enquire about their plans for the lens. E) Marine Museum Outdoor Display improvements: In order to free up space within the Marine Museum, R.Bradfield recoÍìmended enclosing the existing picnic shelter to store the fog horn and comprossor equipment. B.Hickey will obtain cost estimate for consideration. 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Cork Float from Fanshawe Pioneer Village: email offer of artefact. It cork float form Fanshawe Pioneer Village of the Marine Museum's collection. Motion Carried. B.Hickey volunteered to pick up artefact and sign all paperwork of accession. b. Request for Bayham photos by Elgin County: It was moved by C.Buchanan and seconded by M. Vienna area to Elgin County archives for IPM publication. Motion Carried. * B.Masschaele declared conflict of interest and did not participate in vote. Draft Minutes of Museums Bayham meeeting held February 11, 2... Page 38 of 256 Feb. 11,2009 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS (continued): c. Clarification of Maintenance Budget submission: The $10,800 budget line includes new wiring for lighthouse, enclosing outdoor picnic area, painting the remainder of lighthouse, IfV film on Edison museum's windows, painting trim on Edison windows, signage of accessible parking at both sites, accessible parking improvements at both sites. It was noted that an estimate from Aylmer Glass & Mirror for UV film on Edison windows had been approved but the work was not completed. It was d. Guest Speaker to County Museum: All members are invited to attend County Musuem, 4ù floor of Elgin County Admin. Building on Feb.25, 2009 at7:30 pmto hear the curator of Buxton Museum who will speak on the "Underground Railway''movement in Elgin. Refreshments will be available. 1 1 . NEXT MEETING: V/ednesday March. ll, 2009 at 7:00 pm @ Municþal Office. ADJOURNMENT: It was movedbv C.Peters and secondedbyR.Maddox that the meeting be adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Motion Carried. Chairman Secretarv 12. Draft Minutes of Museums Bayham meeeting held February 11, 2... Page 39 of 256 Page 40 of 256 Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce/Municipality of Bayham Liaison Gommittee Notes of Meeting eÒb held February 18,2009 Municipal Office, 9344 Plank Road Straffordville Ontario Present: Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce - Frank Voth, Doug Lester, Cheryl Lester, Earl Shae, Tracey Davies, Ian Almond Municipality of Bayham - Lynn Acre, Ed Ketchabaw, Mark Taylor (for part), Kyle Kruger 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order and Chaired by Frank Voth. 2. General Mr. Voth opened the inaugural meeting and reviewed the purpose of the meeting to be an information meeting. He reviewed the discussions of the Business Development Committee of the Chamber leading up this meeting. It was also outlined that the intent for the new Committee is for information exchange and relationship building. There was note of several initiatives discussed at the Chamber, including establishing a full information package on the Municipality, to include services available, contacts, etc. There was some discussion regarding other initiatives such as the County business directory and BizPal. It was suggested the information package should be in paper form as well as electronic on the website. There was also discussion regarding a potential Bayham Business Expo to include local business, Elgin CFDC, Livingston Centre, etc. to include items such as displays and speakers. Those present also discussed the role/involvement of the County of Elgin, and managing ways to "ease" regulations to allow cottage industries in agricultural properties (ie: incubator buildings in unused barns). It was noted one role of the group is to deal with community advocacy, to assist or ready the public for development potential. It was generally agreed that two items be pursued as first projects - the information package and the Business Expo. 3. Gommittee Organization/Process It was suggested that notes of meetings would be required. Staff volunteered to keep initial minutes. It was also suggested that meetings should be generally a minimum of 2 to 3 times per year. The next meeting is to be scheduled for approximately May/June 2009. 4. Adjournment The meeting adjourned. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce/Municipality of Bayham Lias... Page 41 of 256 Page 42 of 256 2 COUNTY OF EICIN TOURISM FOGUS GROUP HIGHLIGHTS FeenunnY 25, 2009 REVISION O Pañiclpants: See participant list ln Association with: Millier Dickenson Blals Queen's Universlty Executive Deeision Cenfie Facilitator: Erik Lockha¡l Ph#: 613 533-6681 E-mai I : elockh a ñ@þusfness. gueensu.ca Table of Gontents Executive Summary.. ............2 1.0 - Priorities........... ............4 2.0 - Strategies.......... .,.........6 2.1 - Vote. ........6 2.2- Agri Tourism (top ideas) ............9 2.3 - Heritage and Culture ...............10 2.4 -Water-based activities ............. 104ppendices............... ..........11 A - Session Overview ......11 B - Participants.,........ .....12 C - Brainstorm strategies (Agritourism)....,.. ......13 D - Brainstorm strategies (Heritage & Culture),............... ....................15 E - Brainstorm strategies (Water-based activities).. ...........16 F - Process Overview ......18 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 43 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25, 2009 Executive Summary Attached are meeting proceedings from the County of Elgin tourism focus group held on February 25,2009. The purpose of the focus group was to complement the stakeholder consultations and interviews by asking community representatives about opportunities and challenges in the region. The group was asked: 1. What should be the key priorities for a County tourism strategy for the next 3-5 years? 2. What do we need to do in three industry focus areas:. Agri-tourismo Heritage and cultureo Water-based activities Tourism 1. Exciting web site: provide a positive online experience during decision making process 2. Brand identity: identify what sets us apart and why should people visit us. We must have better branding of the County - "incredible Elgin doesn't cut it 3. Signage & way finding: county or municipal signage standards and identification opportunities4. lncreased awareness of Elgin County: cross promotion of attractions... Knowing and believing in what we have in our own backyards and all being able to promote it 5. Marketing materials: Development of printed lure piece that is widely distributed (with pictures creating image, feel of county)6. Target? Determine exactly who/what is our target market (by geography) 7. Extend the tourist season with new events or attractions ... lncrease length of visit -> more quality accommodations(hotel-camping, b&b etc) ...year round indoor/outdoor activities, family related events8. Package deals: accommodation, attractions, meals allowing longer fuller out of area visitor experiences, develop outdoor packages 9. Signature events: create support, enhance to create a destination to attract visitors to explore more. Should we have more larger events and fewer small ones? tes Agri-tourism1. Promote "Eat Fresh, Buy Local" ...do it yourself ll 100 mile diet - explore our restaurants featuring local products in their menu - enhance experience of the diet with our producers 2. Merge educational experiences with agricultural experience...offer learning opportunities 3. Unique websites of region (watching corn grow, hawk sightings, tundra swans etc.) and link this to related activities... educational experience4. Build inventory of unique agri offerings in County5. Create tours of farms in areas of the county llfarms open day, once per year, featuring 10 farms6. Develop a traditionalworking farm - walking museum tour ... hands on experience Heritage and culture1. Let them know what the attractions are2. Packaged them with overnight stays // create a joint effort and get a tour of multiple sites Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 44 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25, 2009 3. Create mythology of the area - magnet¡c hill type stuff... /ffell really good stories about our heritage....Edison connection, Talbot connection etc.4. Create a school program for many different grades - history, food, woodwork¡ng etc. 5. Educate the locals so we all believe in it. A broad buy in to tourism 6. Cross promote similar attractions into a package, cross promote activities at each others venue7. Web presence is updated daily or more often8. Heritage and culture trail //create walking tours of heritage sections of the city or county Water-based activities1. Enhance reasons to come back in off seasons - bed & breakfasts, inns, calm retreats, conferences etc.2. Give people a reason to go to the water, great boating, fishing, nightlife, events, peaceful, beaches, make it the best it can be - word of mouth will travel3. Harbour improvements //Dredge!4. Cross promotion with accommodations and food5. Try to attract water based activities or operators for our region - watercraft rentals, sailing lessons, fishing charters, pedal boats etc....Boat Tours Edito/s Notes:a. The symbol // indicates that two similar ideas have been merged together.b. This document contains the meeting proceedings and is not intended as a 'Final Report' Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 45 of 256 County of Elgin Sesslon Proceedings February 25, 2009 1.0 - Priorities What should be the priorities for our tourism strategy in the next 3-5 years? Voting Results Multiple Selection (maximum choices = 5) (Allow bypass) Number of ballot items: 13 Total number of voters (N): 16 Total10 1. exciting web site ...provide a positive online experience during decision making process 8 2. Brand identity - what sets us apart and why should people visit us. ..Better branding of Elgin countylincredible Elgin doesn't cut it7 3. Signage & Way finding - county or municipal signage standards and identification opportunities7 4. increased awareness of Elgin County ... cross promotion of attractions... Knowing and believing in what we have in our own backyards and all being able to promote it 6 5. development of printed lure piece that is widely distributed (with pictures creating image, feel of County)6 6. Determine exactly who/what is our target market (by geography) - Plan for the future, not just the now - different age groups require different marketing strategies...6 7. extend the tourist season with new events or attractions ... increase length of visit -> More Quality Accommodations -Hotel-camping, B&B etc ...year round indoor/outdoor activities, family related events6 L Package deals -accommodation, attractions, meals allowing longer fuller out of area visitor experiences, develop outdoor packages 6 9. Signature Events - create support, enhance to create a destination to attract visitors to explore more .. More larger events and fewer small ones...too many small events too spread out ??4 10. Choose 3-4 county tourism identity themes, communicate them to tourism members and the regional audience. get the choir singing from same page. e.g. heritage cultural events,3 11. Assist in grassroots marketing campaigns so they go further and are targeted (helping indiv members link together with collaborative, cohesive approach 3 12. More networking between members, business after 5 Note: prior to voting, the group brainstormed ideas and then merged the similar items. Below in non-botd are the merged items. These items are ordered as they were originally brainstormed (i.e. not as they were ranked by the group). ltems that did not have any ideas merged are not included. 2. exciting web site ...provide a positive online experience during decision making process website upgrade!! present web site has a lot to be desired provide a positive online experience during decision making process Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 46 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25,2009 6. increased awareness of Elgin County... cross promot¡on of attractions... Knowing and believing in what we have in our own backyards and all being able to promote ¡t Get people here to experience Elgin cross promotion of attractions Knowing and believing in what we have in our own backyards and all being able to promote it 9. extend the tourist season with new events or attractions ... increase length of visit -> More Quality Accommodations -Hotel-camping, B&B etc ...year round indoor/outdoor activities, family related events extend the tourist season with new events or attractions Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 47 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings 2.0 - Strategies February 25, 2009 2.1 - Vote Voting Results Multiple Selection (maximum choices = 21) (Allow bypass) Number of ballot items: 119 Total number of voters (N): 15 TotalI 1. WATER: enhance reasons to come back in off seasons - bed & breakfasts, inns, calm retreats, conferences etc. 9 2. AG: Promote "Eat Fresh, Buy Local" ...do it yourself ll 100 mile diet - explore our restaurants featuring local products in their menu - enhance experience of the diet with our producers I 3. AG: Merge educational experiences with agricultural experience...offer learning opportunities7 4. WATER: give people a reason to go to the water, great boating, fishing, nightlife, events, peaceful, beaches, make it the best it can be - word of mouth will travel 7 5. WATER: 3Harbour improvements //Dredge! 7 6. AG: Unique websites of region (watching corn grow, hawk sightings, tundra swans etc.) and link this to related activities... educational experience 6 7. HC: let them know what the attractions are 6 L HC: packaged them with overnight stays // create a joint effort and get a tour of multiple sites6 9. AG: Build inventory of unique agri offerings in County 6 10. WATER: Cross promotion with accommodations and food 6 1 1. HC: create mythology of the area - magnetic hill type stuff... //Tell really good stories about our heritage....Edison connection, Talbot connection etc. 6 12. AG: create tours of farms in areas of the county //farms open day, once per year, featuring 10 farms 6 13. HC: create a school program for many different grades - history, food, woodworking etc.5 14. AG: Develop a traditional working farm - walking museum tour ... hands on experience5 15. HC: Educate the locals so we all believe in it. A broad buy in to tourism 5 16. HC: cross promote similar attractions into a package, cross promote activities at each others venue5 17. HC: Web presence is updated daily or more often 5 18. HC: Heritage and culture trail llcreate walking tours of heritage sections of the city or county The group brainstormed ideas for each sector and then prioritized. The group did not combine the similars prior to voting. lt was agreed the organizers would do this after the session. Select the SEVEN best in each SECTOR.... High impact (on future tourism & econ growth in the County). Feasibilitv (oiven resource constraints Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 48 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25, 2009 5 19. WATER: try to attract water based activities or operators for our region - watercraft rentals, sailing lessons, fishing charters, pedal boats etc....Boat Tours 4 20. WATER: pictures, pictures-TV, websites, lure brochure 4 21. AG: agriculturaltrail 4 22. AG: Test samples of local producers at localeateries, b&bs, etc... 4 23. WATER: Package deal of canoeing down creek, to lakefront, then meal at restaurant, then hike back4 24.HC: up to date brochures lllure sheets, featuring 10 H&C sites to visit 4 25. HC: geocashing at these sites 4 26. AG: have a meeting of the agritourism minds, to network and build future product development4 27. WATER: Create beach "trail" so hikers can walk several kilometers along beach 4 28. WATER: clean up and maintain beaches, not so many stieks and rubbish, example port Bruce4 29. WATER: target events that bring people to the water or the water based communities (Tub Daze, Calipso, etc.)4 30. AG: Package offering (place to stay, eat and do farm visit) with different farms on different days4 31. HC: develop a travelling road show that can travel between events showcasing what Elgin is all about and what we have to offer.3 32. AG: develop a network in which we can cross promote or develop mentors to help grow the sector ll have successful agribusiness people mentor other and new comers 3 33. HC: People love hands on experiences. Adapt what we have to have come hands on components--charge a value added fee for it 3 34. HC: usually these are developed & promoted by small groups all working on their own - require umbrella organization-locally to develop heritage map/website 3 35. AG: Reach out to farmers with revenue generating potential ideas in tourism (provide framework, how to guide) 3 36. HC: build better brand identity of our attractions - should strive for top quality all the way from their visitor experience3 37. WATER: Make a theme of new things to do with water in Elgin and then tie it to a uniq ue marketing campaign.3 38. AG: specialized agri-tourism brochure - clear identity (avoid issue of 'what is agri- tourism?)3 39. AG: meet with the Amish community leaders, and discuss the opportunities with them 3 40. WATER: Development of commercial aspect of harbours will draw people (they go to watch the ships at the Welland Canal, don't they?) 3 41. AG: take advantage of Savour Ontario3 42. AG: co-branding of agri products within region (i.e. locally grown hops, honey in local beer)3 43. AG: lure sheets, featuring 10 farms to visit 3 44.WATER: partner with Niagara Falls, and Windsor, to funnel visitors along the Hwy 3 corridor and lake route. promote the alternative watery route 3 45. AG: sample event where visitors can experience our regions products - experience the region from a plate 3 46. AG: Look elsewhere for best practices... what's working 3 47. HC: Education Programs3 48. WATER: build water park rides and activities e.g. Sandusky Ohio 3 49. HC: build a brand and exploit it to the fullest - if we are heritage what is it, if it is trains, how does the county tie in across the region, could be many heritage items, Sparta - Quaker, Port Fishing Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 49 of 256 County of Elgin Sesslon Proceedings February 25,2009 3 50. WATER: promote chartered fishing opportunities 2 51. HC: come up with a pass that gives you access to a number of sites for a flat price 2 52. WATER: The cheapest way to ship bulk goods is by water. 2 53. AG: develop working farms that can be visited (miniature ponies, sheep, apiaries) & participation farming 2 54. WATER: promote water sports in Elgin County, e.g. canoeing 2 55. WATER: develop a "Come to the Water" theme 2 56. WATER: Ohio uses the "North Coast" - we should by Canada's Scenic South Coast or Canada's 4th Coast /MATER: Head South this summer! Canada's South Coast 2 57. WATER: promote the hidden beaches of the Elgin Shore 2 58. AG: promote home grown 2 59. AG: lnvolve youth in agritourism (for future generations) 2 60. HC: understand our region and what is attractive to current interests, or develop something that is substantial in the region 2 61. HC: build an inventory, of the various categories //List of historical properties and sites 2 62. AG: work with small farmers, show them successful case studies and the opportunities2 63. WATER: more TV spots 2 64. AG: host an agritourism conference, invite farmers 2 65. HC: cross promotion to provide added value - people visiting one site get attracted to the next //cross-pollination of possibilities 2 66. HC: provide talks and presentations for local groups 2 67. WATER: mini commercials on what you can do in Elgin based on the lake 2 68. HC: When the legend out grows the truth Print the legend. e.g.: Jumbo or Witch's Grave or Ghost of Alma2 69. WATER: sea kayak tours along Elgin Shore 2 70. WATER: encourage small cruises on lake //encourage small cruise ships to visit our ports 2 71. HC: Link all web, print, Audio, video and verbal promotional tools to use common theme and wording1 72. WATER: figure out which areas will be developed(condos) and subdivisions, let everyone know, so tourism business know where to strategically set up 1 73. WATER: Develop a icon for water events. Either silly like sea monster or extreme like family from desert region doing vacation items in and on water 1 74. WATER: TOD Signs along the 401 promoting the beaches to the south 1 75. WATER: Lake Erie Circle Tour 1 76. WATER: input from youth and younger generation 1 77. WATER: work with provincial/private camp grounds to promote local attractions 1 78. WATER: Get rid of the blob!!! 1 79. WATER: enhance the opportunity for private business to develop seasonally - shops, food, activities to rbing tourists during peak season I 80. WATER: some attention to the smaller water areas - e.g. Lake Whittaker I 81. AG: Make sure that the community understands what agritourism is.. 1 82. AG: try to encourage a small farm to develop in each area, sheep, chickens, cow, pig, etc.I 83. AG: an agritourism cooperative that hosts weekly/monthly gatherings to showcase products and ideas1 84. AG: target cma's in which to promote Elgin cty I 85. AG: personal contacts with producers, not conferences that aren't attended I 86. AG: more television bits Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 50 of 256 County of Elgin Sesslon Proceedings February 25,2009 I 88. HC: develop effective communication campaign targeting local, regional, national audiencesI 89. HC: Develop map of all pioneer cemeteries ...promote to genealogy groups I 90. HC: genealogy programs available as links on the websiteI 91. AG: Tundra swans - monitor migration in March... toll free # ?! ...how can we involve local businesses in promotion? 1 92. HC: spark a tour bus that is leaving once each week from one point, whether is full or not, in the peak season.I 93. HC: take advantage of local community programming 1 94. HC: key signs that inform our community and our visitors along the way (Did you know that Edison.....)I 95. HC: develop a network with all cultural & heritage groups within the county 0 97. WATER: Fishing derbies0 98. HC: Burma Shave signs.....0 99. HC: assist them in implementing strategies to be self sufficient0 100. HC: attractive presentations 0 102. AG: obtain buy in from next level of agriculture (sponsorships from Gargill, etc.) and end producers (Kellogg's, etc.)0 104. AG: target unique opportunities and help develop missing pieces 0 106. WATER: Michigan marketing campaign, excellent touching base on the waters of Michigan, or golfing, etc.0 108. AG: target agri business/events across the county so we bring back the visitor (promote watermelon fest at Rhubarb)0 109. WATER: Lake Erie is a powerful reason to come to this area0 1 10. AG: Favourite recipes, ways of canning etc. of local producers e.g. strawberry growers 0 111. WATER: recreational diving?0 114. AG: greater awareness of fishing industry0 115. AG: free samples0 116. HC: meet with the Amish communíty leaders, and discuss the opportunities with them0 1 17. WATER: emphasis on how rare the lake is in the world scheme - a priceless resource0 119. AG: Website with hawk sightings and comments, prizes etc. 2.2 - Agri Tourism (top ideas) 1. AG: Promote "Eat Fresh, Buy Local" ...do it yourself ll 100 mile diet - explore our restaurants featuring local products in their menu - enhance experience of the diet with our producers 2. AG: Merge educational experiences with agricultural experience...offer learning opportunities3. AG: Unique websites of region (watching corn grow, hawk sightings, tundra swans etc.) and link this to related activities... educational experience4. AG: Build inventory of unique agri offerings in County5. AG: create tours of farms in areas of the county llfarms open day, once per year, featuring 10 farms6. AG: Develop a traditional working farm -- walking museum tour ... hands on experience I Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 51 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25, 2009 2.3 - Heritage and Culture 1. HC: let them know what the attractions are2. HC: packaged them with overnight stays ll create a joint effort and get a tour of multiple sites3. HC: create mythology of the area - magnetic hill type stuff... /ffell really good stor¡es about our heritage....Edison connection, Talbot connection etc. 4. HC: create a school program for many different grades - history, food, woodworking etc. 5. HC: Educate the locals so we all believe in it. A broad buy in to tourism 6. HC: cross promote similar attractions into a package, cross promote activities at each others venue7. HC: Web presence is updated daily or more often8. HC: Heritage and culture trail //create walking tours of heritage sections of the city or county 2.4 - Water-based activities 1. WATER: enhance reasons to come back in off seasons - bed & breakfasts, inns, calm retreats, conferences etc.2. WATER: give people a reason to go to the water, great boating, fishing, nightlife, events, peaceful, beaches, make it the best it can be - word of mouth will travel 3. WATER: 3Harbour improvements //Dredge!4. WATER: Cross promotion with accommodations and food 5. WATER: try to attract water based activities or operators for our region - watercraft rentals, sailing lessons, fishing charters, pedal boats etc....Boat Tours 10 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 52 of 256 County of Elgin Sesslon Proceedings Appendices February 25, 2009 A - Session Overuiew Consultations thus far. Stakeholderinterviews. Focus groups using electronic brainstorming process. Opportunity for input into the direction of a County tourism strategy. Forum for ideas to make the County more prosperous. Raise the interest level in more coordination and support for tourism activitieso lndustry focus areas: Agri-tourism, heritage and culture, water-based activities Topics of discussion 1. Key priorities for County tourism strategy 2. Considering our work so far, what do we need to do in three industry focus areas: a. Agri-tourism b. Heritage and culture c. Water-basedactivities Tools for idea generation A. Product development B. Effective marketing & promotion (e.9. comprehensive inventory of heritage attractions, brochures, web tools), C. Capacity building (e.9. training & education of people etc.) 11 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 53 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25,2009 B - Pafticipants Please s¡gn in with your name and affiliation/organization (if any) ... 1. lan Raven, Executive Director, The Elgin Military Museum 2. Joe Richards, Pearce Williams Christian Centre - Summer Camp & Retreat Facility. 3. Debra Bagshaw4. Ron Bareham Elgin County Railway Museum 5. LORRAINE VALLEE-MOCZULSKI - OLD ST.THOMAS CHURCH 6. Jetf Booth Old St. Thomas Church, Elgin Military Museum, North America Railway Hall of Fame7. Paul Corriveau, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Railway City Brewing Company, President - North America Railway Hall of Fame, Past President - lron Horse Festival 8. Don Burgess Ontario Federation of AgricultureL Lynn Acre, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin 10. Larry Neil, North America Railway Hall of Fame 11. Al Howlett Port Stanley Terrminal Rail 12. Jean Vedova-Kettle Creek lnn 13. Glen Curnoe PortStanley Terminal Rail 14. Chris Hiemstra Clovermead Bees & Honey 15. Pat Zimmer - Aylmer museum 16. Jay Westelaken 12 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 54 of 256 County of Elgin Sessrbn Proceedings February 25, 2009 C - Brainstorm sfrafegies (Agritourism) * Product Development - How do we enable more and better agr¡tour¡sm product? 2. AG: Tundra swans - monitor migration in March... tollfree # ?! ...how can we involve local businesses in promotion? 3. AG: Develop a traditionalworking farm -- walking museum tour... hands on experience 4. AG: Look elsewhere for best practices... what's working 5. AG: Package offering (place to stay, eat and do farm visit) with different farms on different days 6. AG: Build inventory of unique agri offerings in County 7. AG: Website with hawk sightings and comments, prizes etc. 8. AG: Promote "Eat Fresh, Buy Local" ...do it yourself ll 100 mile diet - explore our restaurants featuring local products in their menu - enhance experience of the diet with our producers 9. AG: Make sure that the community understands what agri-tourism is... 10. AG: specialized agri-tourism brochure - clear identity (avoid issue of 'what is agri{ourism?) 11. AG: free samples 12. AG: Merge educational experiences with agricultural experience...offer learning opportunities 13. AG: develop working farms that can be visited (minature ponies, sheep, apiaries) & participation farming 14. AG: greater awareness of fishing industry 15. AG: have a meeting of the agritourism minds, to network and build future product development 16. AG: take advantage of Savour Ontario 17. AG: try to ecourage a small farm to develop in each area, sheep, chickens, cow, pig, etc. Marketing & Promotion - How do we effectively market and promote the region's agritourism industry? 2. AG:. Unique websites of region (watching corn grow, hawk sightings, tundra swans etc.) and link this to related activities... educational experience 3. AG: Favourite recipes, ways of canning etc. of local producers e.g. strawberry growers 4. AG: Test samples of local producers at local eateries, b&bs, etc... 5. AG: co-branding of agri products within region (i.e. locally grown hops, honey in local beer) 6. AG: lure sheets, featuring 10 farms to visit 7. AG: an agri-tourism cooperative that hosts weekly/monthly gatherings to showcase products and ideas 8. AG: sample event where visitors can experience our regions products - experience the region from a plate 9. AG: more television bits 1 0. AG: agricultural trail 1 1. AG: create tours of farms in areas of the county llfarms open day, once per year, featuring 10 farms 12. AG:' target agri business/events across the county so we bring back the visitor (promote watermelon fest at Rhurbarb) 13. AG: target cma's in which to promote Elgin cty 14. AG: promote home grown 13 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 55 of 256 County of Elgin Sess¡bn Proceedings February 25, 2009 *** Capacity building - How do we inform, educate our res¡dents on the opportunities for agr¡tour¡sm? 2. AG: Reach out to farmers with revenue generating potential ideas in tourism (provide framework, how to guide) 3. AG: lnvolve youth in agri-tourism (for future generations) 4. AG: work with small farmers, show them successful case studies and the opportunities 5. AG: meet with the Amish community leaders, and discuss the opportunities with them 6. AG: host an agritourism conference, invite farmers 7. AG: develop a network in which we can cross promote or develop mentors to help grow the sector llhave successful agribuisness people mentor other and new comers 8. AG: target unique opportunities and help develop missing pieces 9. AG: personal contacts with producers, not conferences that aren't attended 10. AG: obtain buy in from next level of agriculture (sponsorships from Cargill, etc.) and end producers (Kellogg's, etc.) 14 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 56 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25, 2009 D - Brainstorm sfrafegies (Heritage & CulturQ Product Development - How do we enable more and better heritage and culture product? 2. HC: let them know what the attractions are 3. HC: attractive presentations 4. HC: build an inventory, of the various categories //List of historical properties and sites 5. HC: understand our region and what is attractive to current interests, or develop something that is substantial in the region 6. HC: packaged them with overnight stays // create a joint effort and get a tour of multiple sites 7. HC: build better brand identity of our attractions - shoudl strive for top quality all the way from ther visitor experience 8. HC: assist them in implementing strategies to be self sufficient 9. HC: Develop map of all pioneer cemeteries ...promote to geneology groups 10. HC: usually these are developed & promoted by small groups all working on their own - require umbrella organization-locally to develop heritage map/website 11. HC: come up with a pass that gives you access to a number of sites for a flat price 12. HC People love hands on experiences. Adapt what we have to have come hands on components--charge a value added fee for it 13. HC: geocashing at these sites Marketing & Promotion - How do we effectively market and promote the region's heritage and culture? 2. HC: Web presence is updated daily or more often 3. HC: up to date brochures lllure sheets, featuring 10 H&C sites to visit 4. HC: Heritage and culture trail llcreale walking tours of heritage sections of the city or county 5. HC: Education Programs 6. HC: cross promote similar attractions into a package, cross promote activities at each others venue 7. HC: Link all web, print, Audio, video and verbal promotional tools to use common theme and wording L HC: build a brand and exploit it to the fullest - if we are heritage what is it, if it is trains, how does the county tie in across the region, could be many heritage items, Sparta - quaker, Port Fishing 9. HC: create mythology of the arca - magnetic hill type stuff... //Tell really good stories about our heritage....Edison connection, Talbot connection etc. 10. HC: When the legend out grows the truth Print the legend. eg: Jumbo or Witch's Grave or Ghost of Alma 11. HC: geneology programs available as links on the website 12. HC develop effective communication campaign targeting local, regional, national audiences 13. HC: Educate the locals so we all believe in it. A broad buy in to tourism * Gapacity building - How do we inform, educate our residents on the opportunities in Heritage and culture? 2. HC: meet with the Amish community leaders, and discuss the opportunities with them 3. HC: develop a network with all cultural & heritage groups within the county 15 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 57 of 256 County of Elgin Sesslon Proceedings February 25, 2009 4. HC: cross promotion to provide added value - people visiting one site get attracted to the next //cross-pollination of possibilities 5. HC: create a school program for many different grades - history, food, woodworking etc. 6. HC: key signs that inform our community and our visitor:s along the way (Dld you know that Edison.....) 7. HC: provide talks and presentations for local groups 8. HC: take advantage of local community programming 9. HC: develop a travelling road show that can travel between events showcasing what Elgin is all about and what we have to offer. 10. HC: spark a tour bus that is leaving once each week from one point, whether is full or not, in the peak season. 11. HC: Burma Shave signs..... E - Brainstorm strategies (Water-based activities) Product Development - How do we enable more and better Waterbased activities product? 2. WATER: try to attract waterbased activities or operators for our region - watercraft rentals, sailing lessons, fishing charters, pedal boats etc....Boat Tours 3. WATER: minicommercials on what you can do in Elgin based on the lake 4. WATER: Lake Erie is a powerful reason to come to this area 5. WATER: target events that bring people to the water or the water based communities (Tub Daze, Calipso, etc.) 6. WATER: 3Harbour improvements //Dredge! 7. WATER: sea kayak tours along Elgin Shore 8. WATER: build water park rides and activities eg. Sandusky Ohio 9. WATER: clean up and maintain beaches, not so many sticks and rubbish, example port bruce 10. WATER: Fishing derbies 11. WATER: encourage small cruises on lake //encourage small cruise ships to visit our ports 12. WATER: Create beach "trail" so hikers can walk several kilometers along beach 13. WATER: promote chartered fishing opportunities 14. WATER: Package deal of canoeing down creek, to lakefront, then meal at restaurant, then hike back 15. WATER: figure out which areas will be developed(condos) and subdivisions, let everyone know, so tourism business know where to strategical set up 1 6. WATER: pictures,pictures-TV, websites,lure brochure 17. WATER: partner with Niagara Falls, and Windsor, to funnel visitors along the Hwy 3 corridor and lake route. promote the alternative watery route 18. WATER: TOD Signs along the 401 promoting the beaches to the south 19. WATER: Lake Erie Circle Tour 20. WATER: Make a theme of new things to do with water in Elgin and then tie it to a unique marketing campaign. Marketing & Promotion - How do we effectively market and promote the region's Waterbased activities? 2. WATER: work with provincial/private camp grounds to promote local attractions 16 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 58 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25, 2009 3. WATER: more tv spots 4. WATER: Cross promotion with accomodations and food 5. WATER: Michigan marketing campaign, excellent touching base on the waters of Michigan, or golfing, etc. 6. WATER: promote the hidden beaches of the Elgin Shore 7. WATER: Ohio uses the "North Coast" - we should by Canada's Scenic South Coast or Canada's 4th Coast /MATER: Head South this summer! Canada's South Coast L WATER: develop a "Come to the Water" theme 9. WATER: Develop a icon for water events. either silly like sea monster or extreem like family from desert region doing vacation items in and on water 10. WATER: give people a reason to go to the water, great boating, fishing, nightlife, events, peaceful, beaches, make it the best it can be - word of mouth will travel 11. WATER: recreational diving? 12. WATER: promote water sports in Elgin county, eg canoeing * Capacity building - How do we inform, educate our residents on the opportunities in Waterbased activities? 2. WATER: Get rid of the blob!!! 3. WATER: Development of commercial aspect of harbours will draw people (they go to watch the ships at the Welland Canal, don't they?) 4. WATER: input from youth and younger generation 5. WATER: The cheapest way to ship bulk goods is by water. 6. WATER: emphasis on how rare the lake is in the world scheme - a priceless resource 7. WATER: some attention to the smaller water areas - eg Lake Whittaker 8. WATER: enhance the opportunity for private business to develop seasonally - shops, food, activities to rbing tourists during peak season 9. WATER: enhance reasons to come back in off seasons - bed & breakfasts, inns, calm retreats, conferences etc. 17 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 59 of 256 County of Elgin Session Proceedings February 25,2009 F - Process Overuiew Strategic Planning and Community Consultation process The strategic planning process included an information gathering component composed of a series of interviews and community consultations. The purpose of this component was to get input from a broad cross section of stakeholders on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and future directions of the organization. The stakeholders consulted include:. representatives from areas throughout Elgin County The expert panelwas conducted using an electronic meeting system (EMS), an innovative facilitation process developed from research at the Queen's School of Business. The Queen's EMS, called "the Decision Centre", combines expert facilitation with a state of the art group decision support system to enable groups to rapidly accelerate idea generation and consensus building. This facility consists of a network of laptops accessing software designed to support idea generation, idea consolidation, idea evaluation and planning. The tool supports, but does not replace, verbal interaction; typically 25o/o of interaction takes place on the computers. Feedback from groups who have used the Executive Decision Centre process includes: meeting times can be cut in half; participation goes way up; better idea generation and alternative evaluation; a more structured process; and automatic documentation of deliberations. Over 500 organizations around North America use the Centre for meetings such as: strategic planning, visioning, annual planning, focus groups, team building, budgeting, program review, project planning, risk assessment, job profiling, 360 degree feedback, alternative evaluation, new product development and a variety of other meeting types. ln the expert panel session, participants were asked, for example, "What should be the priorities in the Tourism strategy for the County over the next 3-5 years?" Participants typed in ideas on the laptops all of which appeared on a public screen at the front of the room. These ideas were then discussed and categorized into common themes. The group was then asked "what are the priorities based on impact and feasibility'' lndividuals selected his/her top 5 and the overall results were then displayed to the group and further discussed. 18 Copy of County of Elgin Tourism Focus Group Highlights dated... Page 60 of 256 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORIW BOARD OF DIRECTORS - MINUTES February 4, 2009 Members in attendance: R. Sackrider, P. Ens, P. Black, S. Lamb, B. Sloat, J. Hunt, L. Chanda and R. Geysens. Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J. Robertson, H. Surette, and D. Mclachlan' Regrets: L. Bartlett and P. Lee The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 6:43 pm Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 in the LPRCA Hay Creek offìce Boardroom. ADD¡TIONAL AGENDA ITEMS New Business - Gating of North/South Road in Backus Woods New Business - Gypsy Moth Spray program DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None recorded. DEPUTATION PUD HUNTER, BIOLOGIST, ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES: P. Hunter discussed a wide variety of issues currently being studied by MNR and of interest to LPRGA including the status of various wildlife species in the watershed. MOTION A - 9 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by R. Sackrider and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the addition of "gating of north/south road at Backus Woods; AND Gypsy Moth invoice as items 10 (f) and 10 (g) under New Business; as well as, a land acquisition matter under ln-Camera. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A - l0 moved by L. Chanda, seconded by P. Black and carried that the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting held January 14'h,2009 be adopted as circulated. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES The July 2009 meeting will be held Wednesday, July 8th due to the office being closed on Wednesday, July 1't for Canada Day. Meetings will begin at 6:30pm until April after which meetings will begin at 7pm. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -1- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 61 of 256 None. CORRESPONDENCE None. DEVELOPM ENT APPLICATIONS H. Surette noted that there were seven applications. The last application was approved by staff one day prior to the Board meeting due to time constraints. The application is for a pond cleanout in Tillsonburg that needed to be started prior to the upcoming mild conditions and potential flooding. Board members requested that the local representative be apprised of the situation in these instances. MOTION A - 1l moved by P. Black, seconded by L. Chanda and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approve the following Development Applications; A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178106) NC-5/09 NC-6/09 NC-7/09 NC-8/09 NC-9/09 HC-1/09 TtL-3/09 B. that the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. H. Surette to follow up on a request made to several Board members. NEW BUSINESS CALENDAR REVIEW J. Robertson updated the 2009 schedule of events and highlighted a few new or imminent items namely the AGM, February 27th, no Board of Directors meeting in March and P. Gagnon will be speaking at an ALUS workshop in March. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT C. Evanitski reviewed his recent activities noting the numerous conference calls, FULL AUTHORIW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 62 of 256 meetings and follow-up calls regarding flooding issues and ALUS. No questions for the GM by the Board. LPRCA WATERSHED CONDIT¡ONS UPDATE H. Surette reported that the watershed had 33cm of snow on average which is the equivalent of 6.2 cm of water. She noted that there were only five days in the last month without precipitation. ONTARIO ALUS ALLIANCE WORKSHOP - MARCH 27,2009 C. Evanitski reported that ALUS is gaining momentum with other CAs across the province. He and P. Gagnon have been appointed to a Conservation Ontario sub- committee to review ecological goods and services options. MOTION A-12 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors Staff supports the ALUS concept by directing staff to sign the alliance's statement of support for a Province-wide ALUS program on March 27th. ROCK'S MILL UPDATE The contractor is in the process of dismantling the facility which is expected to be completed by the end of March. The bond has been collected. GATING OF NORTH/SOUTH ROAD AT BACKUS WOODS This issue created a lot of discussion at the BWAC meeting. The gates would cost $1500 to $2000 to install to be paid for by the Backus Woods Endowment fund. MOTION A-13 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the recommendation from the Backus Woods Advisory Committee to gate the north/south road through the north tract of Backus Woods; AND THAT the gates are open only on Mother's Day and Thanksgiving. GYPSY MOTH INVOICE The original resolution was to pay $90 000 out of reserves for the gypsy moth spray program. The final bill came to $96 034.40. MOTION A-14 moved by R. Sackrider, seconded by P. Black and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors authorize staff to pay $96 034.40 to Norfolk County for the 2008 Gypsy Moth Spraying Program. MOTION A-15 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by R. Geysens and carried that the Full Authority of the LPRCA does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to discuss: personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Conservation Authority employees; a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Conservation FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 63 of 256 Authority. MOTION A-16 moved by P. Ens, seconded by R. Geysens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera" session. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:02pm. The next meeting is the AGM and is scheduled for Friday, February 27th,2009. Buck Sloat Chairman Dana Mclachlan Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 64 of 256 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of Feb 2009 D¿te:Mar-02-2009 File: PlO No.Date Roll #Permit Holder Property Descrþtion Building TYPe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee320-Feb J-002-02920 DeSutter. Robert 5539 Elein CounW Rd 55 consfnlcf âffâcÏ etl oq¡aoc rã¡tirinn rv/ h^-,,.40,000 I140.0( 40.000February-09 1.140.00 0.00 2OO9 YEARTO DATE 48,000 1.45s.00 0.00 t'ehrrr¡rv-01 29.00(86r.00 0.00 2OO8 YEARTO DATE 24s.601 3.s86.00 175.00 sM3/212009 excel\rnonthly\buildper Prepared by: Reviewed by: Building Permit Report for month ending February 2009. File... Page 65 of 256 Page 66 of 256 Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 67 of 256 Cheque Amount - OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 21972552 B|ND|NGS, B|NDERS, STTCKY NOT 02/102009 I OOOO9I BARRYR.CARD 212013-18 LEGAL SERVICES OOO158 CANADIAN TODS LIMITED OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-87501-0 FTLTERS Cheque Amount - LOGO CONTRACT - EDISON MUSE 01/01/2009 LOGO CONTRACT - PB LIGHTHOU. 01/01/2009 LOGO CONTRACT - MARINE MUSE O1/OII2009 Gheque Amount - 02t17t2009 I Cheque Amount - REPAIR PLOWS. REAR HITCH O2IO5I2OO9 I 02103120a9 I 006018 006020 006021 006024 UNIT RENTAL 001486 DESI BROUGHTON baining RECRUIT TRAINING 000263 DINGLE LINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 000275 E.O.N. '09 membership MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Registrer - 0211912009 0211912009 2:19PM 006026 2OO9 MEMBERSHIP ChequeAmount- 01/0112009 I 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90205683 ALUM SULFATE 000376 GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH, byJaw2009-007 LEGAL SERVICES OOO422 HORNSBY CANVAS & TARPAULIN LTD REPAIRDUMPTARP OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Feb06460-08880 UTILITÍES - LIBRARY Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 68 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 23975 23981 309 311 OOO572 MANULIFEFINANCIAL 1005832't9 I 00583397 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211912009 02t09t2009 0210912009 0210912009 0211012009 0210912009 02t1012009 0210912009 02t09t2009 Cheoue Amount - 02t12t2009 02t14t2009 Cheque Amount - 01t26t2009 02t04t2009 0113112009 Cheque Amount - 02t't3t2009 0?i1312009 0211912009 2:19PM Feb12660-62007 UTILITIES - MED BLDG Febl5773-68016 UTILITIES - PUMP#S Feb25260-09578 UTILITIES - OFFICE Feb53993-93004 UTILITIES - PUMPå¡4 Feb68860-08015 UTILITIES - FIREHALL Feb73394-81003 UTILITIES - PUMP#3 Feb86590-87008 UTILITIES - PUMP#2 Feb87640-15034 UTILITIES - S.C.C. OOO518 KWIK KOPY PRINTING 74.91 006029 398.61 006029 480.00 006029 57.53 006029 314.98 006029 73.55 006029 236.00 006029 1,633.24 006029 3,474.04 154.81 006030 214.65 006030 000526 IáEMERS TRUCKING LTD BURN PERMITS COPY PAPER ANNUAL SAFETY ANNUAL SAFETY MARCH'09 REMIT MARCH'09 REMIT 369.46 345.39 006031 288.68 006031 9,749.25 006031Jan'09 snowplowing SNOWPLOWING 10,383.32 5,080.38 006032 3,748.65 006032 OO149O NATIONAL COMPRESSED AIR 509280 INSTALL AIR PIPING 509282 INSTALL WATER PIPING 001M7 NOVACKS' 900999 CLIP ON TIES 000670 ONTARIO MUSEUM ASSOCIATION Cheque Amount -8,829.03 5,254.50 006033 937.90 006033 01t20t2009 0112012009 Cheque Amount - 0111612009 I 6,192.40 31.il 006034 006035 006036 006037 006037 Cheque Amount - 0211912009 Imembership'09 001492 PETER BRAUN refund deposit OMA MEMBERSHIP 2OO9 GRADING DEPOSIT REFUN 31.64 100.00 Cheoue Amount - 021't312009 I 100.00 500.00 Cheque Amount - 01/09/2009 01t13t2009 500.00 4.93 23.72 OOO7IO PORTBURWELLHOME HARDWARE 6559 HOSE CLAMPS 6567 SNOWSHOVEL Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 69 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 Feb'09 remit OO1487 RICKWEISLER talning MUNICIPALITY OF BAYI{AM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 4U1912009 0211912009 2:19PM COURIER SERVICE 21842 FEB'09 REMIT RECRUITTRAINING I I I OOA727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 57.51 34.57 006038 0060,14 006045 Cheque Amount - OOO733 R&RREFRIGERATION 2736 REPAIR FURNACE - M MUSEUM O1I28I2OO9 I OOO742 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Cheque Amount - 02fi72009 I OOO783 ROYAL FENCE LIMITED 40604 GUARD RAIL REPAIRS 001418 TELUS 016242498005/6366069 CELL PHONE - B KNTFTON Cheque Amount - 02105t2009 I OU4N TENCOONTARIO 27051 SPRING COILS, DISK OO1 472 TILLSONBURG FLEET SERVICES ZZDMOTOR REBUILT OOOS13 TOWNSHIP OF MAIáHIDE 08425 PBWATERSYSTEM OOO93O TSCSTORES L.P. 't81022041 001324 UNDERHILLBROS 87173 SNOWPLOWNG Cheque Amount - Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 70 of 256 2008.08.r9 6.3 90s0 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211912009 0211912009 2:19PM OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Feb273-210619G9754 UTILITIES - E.C.C. Feb273-2106243-0725 UTILITIES - PUMP#1 OO'1243 WESTERN ONTARIO WATERWORKS 2OO9-2 2OO9 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 0?i1u2009 I 02/1012009 I I,197.56 22.69 006049 006049 Cheque Amount - 0210s12009 I 1,220,25 25.00 Cheque Amount- Cheque Run Total -90,020.15 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 71 of 256 ROMA/OGRACONFERENCE OU1SIaOO9 I ROMAI/OGRA CONFERENCE ROMA/O@ACONFERENCE Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 72 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0212012009 0212012009 10:034M GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH, land transfer ' LIGHT LINE LAND TRANSFER 02t20t2009 I 3,207.17 Cheque Amount -3,207.17 Cheque Run Total -3,207.17 Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 73 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 02/2312009 0212312009 I Cheque Amount - Gheque Run Total - 0212312009 11:044M 001494 ASSESSMENT REVIEW BOARD 012-ARB ASSESSMENTAPPEAL 75.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 74 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0212612009 10:024M Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0212612009 000009 843002 0NTAR|o tNc I1050963 HAULING GRAVEL 0211912009 I 1,968.17 006058 ChequeAmount- 1,968.17 OO1O8O ABRAHAM PETERS 011 REBATE MTNOR VARTANCE 02t23t2009 I 1,000.00 006059 Cheque Amount - 1,000.00 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM harbour REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 0A2012009 I 58.00 006060 Cheque Amount - 58.00 OOO193 CI-AYTON COLLVER frames/lens FRAMES/LENS - APRIL COLLVER 0211312009 I 87.05 006061 glasses FRAMES - APRIL COLLVER 0111412009 I 187.95 006061 Cheque Amount - 275.00 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC I-8691G0 CRIMPS, HOSES 01t19t2009 I 33.04 006062 Cheque Amount - 33.04 001495 ENTEC WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. 26 VACUUM OUT MAN HOLE 0211012009 I 393.75 006063 ChequeAmount- 393.75 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518376372 SHOP TOVVELS, FLOOR MATS 02t15t2009 I 219.42 006064 Cheque Amount - 219.42 OOO373 GERALDCROCKER courses FIRE COLLEGE COURSES 0212312009 I 510.00 006065 Cheque Amount- 510.00 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Feb25390-07266 UTILITIES - VIENNA STL 0211712009 I 528.60 006066 Feb25390-55002 UTILITIES - PB STL HWY 19 0211712009 I I .569.38 006066 Feb50221-05009 UTILITIES - TREATMENT PLANT 0211912009 I 6,112.26 006066 Feb6239È22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL 0211712009 I 981.17 006066 Feb62790-07266 UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL 0211712009 I 174.08 006066 Feb81590-07297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL 0211712009 I 470.95 006066 Feb87790-07295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL 0211712009 I 171.68 006066 ChequeAmount- 10,008.12 000446 JACKIE BOOTLE Feb15/09-Mar15/09 MANAGERFEES 000506 KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD 0212512009 I 791.66 006067 Cheoue Amount -791.66 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 75 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0212612009 Job 07-8008 ROAD ALLOWANCE CON8 LTS 106 O2I12I2OO9 I 4,990.25 Cheque Amount - OOO525 I.AEMERS EXCAVATING excavator - float BREAK ICE 02t12t2009 I Cheque Amount - OOO555 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION 05214 1ST QUARTER - MARCH 01t23t2009 I Cheque Amount - 000620 MUNICIPAL I.AW ENFORCEMENT '09 membership 2OO9 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL O2I23I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - 0212612009 10:024M 006068 006069 4,990.25 2,430.75 2,430.75 't I ,015.50 006070 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED FebE1237&¡01 Feb E14212-01 Feb E22380-01 Feb E24200-01 Feb E45407-01 Feb E45409-01 Feb E454'1041 Feb E51600{1 Feb F'|9290-01 Feb F20600-01 Feb F26864-01 Feb G06210-01 Feb G06305{1 Feb G06307-01 Feb G1570041 Feb G40407-01 UTILITIES - FIREHALL UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES - PUMP#s uTtLtTrEs - s.c.c. UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES. PUMP#2 UTILITIES - LIBMRY UTILITIES - GARAGE UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - V.C.C. UTILITIES - PUMP#6 UTILITIES. PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PB OPP OFFICE UTILITIES - PB GARAGE 0?/191200s 02t19t2009 02119t2009 02J1912009 02t19t2009 02t19t2009 0211912009 021't9t2009 02t20t2009 0212012009 0212012009 02120t2009 02120t2009 02t20t2009 02t20t2009 02t20t2009 139.00 1,142.52 006072 365.46 006072 42.30 006072 1,207.45 006072 536.05 006072 34.08 006072 122.29 006072 3,154.58 006072 314.10 006072 36.23 006072 39.13 006072 187.27 006072 492.31 006072 732.76 006072 12.08 006072 548.21 006072 1 't ,015.50 139.00 006071 006075 000645 NORFOLKCOUNTY training FENCE VIEWER TRAINING 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD Cheque Amount - 0212412009 I 8,966.82 100.00 006073 Cheque Amount -100.00 1.434.65 0060740211712009 ItN0010121'l PREMIUM COLD MIX 000694 PAUL GROENEVELD toll charges ETR 407 - FIRE COLLEGE Cheque Amount - 02t20t2009 I 1,434.65 20.00 Cheoue Amount -20.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 76 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0212612009 0212612009 10:024M OOO744 REALTAXINC 24563 24564 24565 24566 24567 24568 24569 24570 24571 24592 sET UP F|LES 002-001-23700 02t13t2009 I 420.00 006076 sET UP FILES 004-001-03500 02t13t2009 t 420.00 006076 sET UP FILES 002-12200 0211312009 I 420.00 006076 sET UP FILES 003-01500 02t1312009 I 420.00 006076 sET UP FTLES 005-03300 0aßt2009 I 420.00 006076 sET UP FILES 005-15700 02t13t2009 I 420.00 006076 sET UP FILES 002-11701 02t13t2009 I 420.00 006076 sET UP FTLES 002-14400 02t13t2009 I 420.00 006076 sET UP FILES 003-02500 02t13t2009 I 420.00 006076 SET UP FILES 002-001-1¿1400 OAß12009 I 420.00 006076 Cheque Amount - 4,200.00 OOO745 RECEIVERGENERALFORCANADA 9039336 RADTO LTCENCE RENEWAL 02t07t2009 I 393.00 006077 9039849 RADTO LTCENCE RENEWAL 02t07t2009 I l,o83.oo 006077 9039978 RADTO LTCENCE RENEWAL 02to7t2oo9 I 714.00 006077 Cheque Amount - 2,190.00 OOO783 ROYAL FENCE LIMITED 40616 GUARD RA|L REpAtR - VTENNA 0Aæt2009 I 1.853.30 006078 Cheque Amount - 1,853.30 OOO814 SIFTO CANADA INC 72128798 BULK COARSE H|GHWAY O2t,t9t2oo9 I 5.242.15 006079 Cheque Amount - 5,242.15 001489 SOFALVI DOORSYSTEMS 958 CABLES, SERVTCED DOOR 02t23t2009 I 247.28 006080 Cheque Amount - 247.28 OOO829 SPECTRUMCOMMUNICATIONSLTD 0000003633 oVERCALLS , HOLIDAY FEE 02t15t2009 I 23.59 006081 0000003979 ANSWER|NG SERVTCE 02t1512009 I 84.70 006081 Cheque Amount - 108.29 OO1482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION x1-206382 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVTSOR AD 02t1112009 I 204.50 006082 x11206373 WATER RATES AD 02t11t2009 I I 31 .67 006082 Cheque Amount - 336.17 OOO982 WILTSIE TRUCK BODIES LTD 20816 FILTER GUAGE, RELTEF VALVES 02t18t2009 I 1.045.37 006083 Cheque Amount - 1,045.37 Cheque Run Total - 59.576.69 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 77 of 256 80Rtl HUNIcIpALTTy oF BAyHAil TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT FEDL TAX 8,A25.42 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CoNT L,754.77 QPIP CAN PEN 4,4L2.06 QC PEN QC HSF 0N EHT 950.52 I.IB HET NL HAPSEÏ TOT STATS L5,942,77 CHEQUES DEP0SITS 3q,750.84 US DEPS DED DEPS 50. O() TOT NPAY 54,80 O .84 RRSP RTI ADJ UST - DR ADP CANADAPAYROLL TECHNOLOGIESDAILY UPDATE REPORTCOHPANY TOTALS ADJUST - CR CURRENT TOTAL a,425.42 L ,754.77 4,4L?,06 950,52 L5 t942.77 34,750.84 50.00 54,800 . 84 50,743.6L I 07.60 5.38 50,856.59 SERVICE CHARGES YTD ADJUST CHARGE ITEI,I L6.72 PAYROLL RUNS 10.00 RUN: FEB 24 2OO9 NO: APAGE:1951GST REG: I000574I5 RT0004 COHPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: FEB 25, 2OO9 DATE 0F PAY: FEB 27, ZOO? YTD TOTAL 45,78O.67 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 8,988.50 Er CoNT QPIP22,596.6? CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF 4,865 .53 0N EHT r,tB HET NL HAPSET 82,22A.92 T0T STATS CHEQUES L76,944.53 DEPOSITS US DEPS 25O. OO DED DEPS T77 ,I94.53 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI ?59 ,423.45 T0T PAYRoL 9L6.46 SERV CHRG 45.85 GST PST ?60,345.74 GRAND TOT UNITS I TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT 50,743.61 r07.60 5.58 50,856.59 ITEI'I UNITS SALARIED WORKPAYS 19 PAY ADVICE FOLD 30 TOTAL S/C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS CHARGE zA.AA 6.00 ANALYSIS OF I TEII HOURLY lIORKPAYS COURIER FEE I 07 .60 UNITS It I CHARGE 46.00 50'456.59 DEBIT INFORHATIoN: 005 05I02 I0ll9?3 Cheque Register being Cheques #6017 to Cheque #6083 inclusiv... Page 78 of 256 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: February 25,2009 FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer FILE: F22.09 SUBJECT: Heritage Properly Tax Relief NUMBERIF2009-12 Strategic Plan Goal: Goal #4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Purpose: Recently both the Municipality of Central Elgin and the County of Elgin passed by-laws promoting the preservation of heritage properties in the form of a property tax relief program. They are offering a30Yo tax rebate each year for eligible properties. Staff have been asked to review the possibility of offering a similar tax relief program for heritage properties located in the Municipality of Bayham. Discussion: Heritage property tax relief is a financial tool for municipalities to assist owners of designated heritage properties maintain and restore their properties. The program, authorized under s.365 .2 of the Municipal Act, 2 001 , is voluntary and is administered at the local level. V/ithin the municipality, there are seven designated heritage properties. All of these properties are located in Port Burwell and relate to the early settlement of the area. To be eligible for tax reliet a property must contain a building, structure or portion of a building or structure that is: . Designated under Port IV of the Ontario Heritage Act or part of a heritage conservation district designated under Part V of the Act and o Subject to a heritage conservation agreement. Staff Report F2009-12 regarding Heritage Property Tax Relief... Page 79 of 256 -2- Designation A building, structure or portion of a building or structure may be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act by municipal by-law. This step has already been completed. Conservation Agreement A heritage conservation agreement is a voluntary legal agreement between the municipality and the owner under section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act to protect the heritage features of a properly and to encourage good stewardship of the property. As the agreement is voluntary , it recognizes the intention of both parties to protect the heritage character ofthe property. The agreement is required because, under section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, municipal designation alone does not oblige owners to maintain their properties on an on-going basis. As the purpose of the tax relief measure is to offer an incentive for heritage property conservation, relief will only be made available to those owners who make a long-term commitment to conserve their heritage properties. The properly owner applying for the tax relief program must arrange and pay for the agreement and ensure it is registered on the title of their property prior to applying for the tax relief program. Relief Valuation The tax relief provided must be between 10 and 40Yo of the taxes levied. It is recommended that Bayham offer a 30% reduction of the municipal and education taxes levied on the heritage property similar to that available in Central Elgin and offered by the County of Elgin. Further, a minimum amount of relief may be provided to ensure the incentive is worth the property owner's efforts. It is suggested that a minimum relief of $200 per year be provided. The tax reduction shall be applied against any outstanding taxes on the property prior to a refund being issued. Cost Recovery The municipality is responsible for ensuring that the property owners comply with the terms of the conservation agreements and may be required to inspect the properties periodically. A percentage of the tax relief could be established as a fee for administration to assist in recoverins some of the costs incurred by the municipality. Staff Report F2009-12 regarding Heritage Property Tax Relief... Page 80 of 256 Staff Report F2009-12 regarding Heritage Property Tax Relief... Page 81 of 256 Page 82 of 256 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer SUBJECT: Financial Report DATE: February 27 ,2009 FILE: F 03 NUMBER: F2009-13 Background Comments Please find attached a detailed financial report to February 28, 2009 for council's information. Winter control is at approximately 50/o of the total proposed budget for 2009. There are no other areas ofconcern. The capital spent to date is primarily the initial payment on the new fire truck and engineering on Light Line. A more detailed report will be provided at a later date. Recommendations: That Stølf Report F2009-13 regardíng jìnanciøl reportíng be received. Encl. Respectfu lly submitted, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel. Treasurer Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 83 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Descriotion 2008 Year Total Actual 2009YearTo Date Actual REPORT SUMMARY O1-0510 GENERALTAXATION O1-0520 OTHER REVENUES O1-0530 COUNTYTAXATION O1-0540 PUBLIC SCHOOL TAXATION O1-0550 SEPARATE SCHOOL TAXATION O,I-1010 GENERALGOVERNMENT 01-'t020 couNctL 01-2010 FIRE DEPARTMENT 01-2020 POLTCESERVTCES O1-2030 CONSERVATIONAUTHORITY 01-2040 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION & CONTRO O1-2050 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 01-2510 ROADS 01-2520 ROADS - WINTER CONTROL O'I-2540 STREET LIGHTS 01-3010 WATER SYSTEM OI-3020 SEWAGE SYSTEM O1-3030 WASTE DISPOSAL 01-3510 HEALTH SERVICES O1-3520 CEMETERIES 01-4010 GENERALASS¡STANCE 01-4510 PARKS & RECREATION 014520 COMMUNITY CENTRE-STRAFF O1-4530 COMMUNITYCENTRE-VIENNA 014535 EDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 014540 LIBRARIES 01.4550 MUSEUMS BAYHAM 01-4560 MUSEUM - PORT BURWELL 01-5010 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 01-50'12 BUSINESS & COMMERCE 01-5015 TOURISM & MARKETING O1-5020 ENVIRONMENTALSERVICES 01-5510 CAPTTAL O1-5520 CASH REQUIREMENTS Fund 01 Total Revenue O1-O5IO GENERAL TAXATION 01-0530 COUNTY TAXATION O1-0540 PUBLIC SCHOOL TAXATION 2,640,29',t.32 1,438,475.31 2,31 1,040.91 1,196,738.22 177,822.29 45,389 85 0.00 11,544.79 60,906.33 0.00 89,450.00 21,382.68 379,168.87 9,445.23 0.00 443,584.48 532,276.64 38,559.55 142,652.85 0.00 0.00 3,273.00 17,230.00 8,381.00 6,778 01 64,564.80 27,427.03 0.00 25,752.33 't,004.00 4,090 00 13,890.08 998,807.04 1 ,044,666.1 6 3,270,352 83 16,259.23 000 0.00 0.00 6,773.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,455.00 7,148.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 844 94 1,043.73 9,231.33 8,685.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,282.33 2,195.00 0.00 0.00 266.66 0.00 5,164.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,433.94 11,754,592.77 (29,483.38) 2,311,040.80 't ,1 96,738.30 3,38',t,210.57 (2,273.88) 0.00 0.00 Page 41 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 84 of 256 2008 08.1 9 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual O.I.O55O SEPARATE SCHOOL TAXATION O1-1010 GENERALGOVERNMENT 01-1020 couNctL O1-2010 FIRE DEPARTMENT 01-2020 POLTCE SERVTCES OI-2030 CONSERVATIONAUTHORITY 01-2040 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION & CONTRO O1-2050 BY-I-AW ENFORCEMENT 01-2510 ROADS 01-2520 ROADS - WINTER CONTROL 01-2530 HARBOUR& BEACH MTCE 01-2540 STREET LIGHTS 01-3010 WATER SYSTEM 01-3020 SEWAGE SYSTEM 01-3030 WASTE DISPOSAL O1-35I0 HEALTH SERVICES O1-3520 CEMETERIES 01.4O1O GENERALASSISTANCE 01.4510 PARKS & RECREATION 01.4520 COMMUNITY CENTRE-STRAFF O1-4530 COMMUNITY CENTRE-VIENNA O1-4535 EDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 01.4540 LIBRARIES O1-4550 MUSEUMS BAYHAM 01-4560 MUSEUM - PORT BURWELL 01-5010 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 01-5012 BUSINESS & COMMERCE 01-5015 TOURISM & MARKETING O1-5020 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 01-5510 CAPITAL O1-5520 CASH REQUIREMENTS Fund 01 Total Expenditure Fund 01 Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Report Total Revenue Report Total Expenditure Report Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 177,822.36 529,729.36 74,297.31 317,000.75 631,220.73 37,181.00 85,539.46 60,560.96 1 ,179,365.38 '164,487.21 0.00 49,265.01 443,584.48 532,276.64 426,525.91 143,026.85 15,223.38 7,462.03 55,695.18 72,001 .55 41,260.60 't2,121.91 20,807.83 70,474.21 0.00 98,830.36 3,740.00 38,846.23 27,360.69 1,275,650.15 1,546,905.95 0.00 10'l ,448.1 I 14,463 57 56,I 1 5.45 56,92',1.52 36,176.00 '11,575.92 4,245.68 320,419.72 56,567 63 0.00 9,102.73 23,750.64 54,888.70 32,050.96 6,951.52 0.00 0.00 10,545 37 13,610.58 9,539.89 4,1 91 .53 5,866.11 7,410.48 0.00 11,245 85 72.02 304.85 6,946.41 157,048.34 0.00 1 1 ,616,559.20 1,009,185.77 138.033.57 2,372,024 80 11,754,592.77 1 1 ,616,559.20 3,381,210.57 I,009,185.77 138,033.57 2.372.024 80 Page 42 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 85 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date ActualAccountDescription Fund: 01 General Category: 0??? O5IO GENERAL TAXATION Revenue 01 -051 O-OOOO GENERAL TAXATION 01-0510-4010 Residential & Farm 01-051 0'4020 Multi-Residential 01-0510-4030 Gommercial Unoccupied 01-0510-4040 Commercial Occupied 01-0510-4050 lndustrial Unoccuoied 01-0510-4060 lndustrial Occuoied 0'l-05'104070 Pioelines 01-05104080 Farmlands 01-0510-4090 Managed Forests Total Revenue Expense 01-0510-5580 Writeoffs 01-0510-5620 Tax Adjustments 01-0510-5630 Assessment Charoes Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 3,270,352.83,.ClrdáJ CCr-ty 0.00ı:ıó G,.'.d Schcc\ Lrccrcls 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,017,499.30 44,650.90 7,388.31 196,145.37 131.32 1 15,083 54 48,777.39 209,754.93 860.26 2,640.29't.32 3,270,352.83 (30,829.54) 1 ,346.1 6 0.00 0.00 (2,348.88) 75.00 (29,483.38)(2,273.88) 2,669,774.70 3.272.626.71 Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 86 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM | 2008 yearTotat 2009 yearTo Date iI I Account Description Actual Actual O52O OTHER REVENUES Revenue 01-0520-OOOO OTHER REVENUES 01-0520-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01 -0520-4120 Sundry Revenue 01-0520-4130 lnterest on Taxes - Current 01-0520-4140 lnterest on Taxes - Prior 01-0520-4150 lnvestment income 01-0520-4160 Proceeds from Long Term Debt 0'l-05204170 Sale of Land 01-0520-41 80 Prior Year Surplus(Deficit) 01-0520-4'190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 1,194,000.00 2,756.37 34,'144.92 44,566.75 100,207.27 0.00 0.00 62,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.54 161 31 '13,381.93 2,385.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,438,475.31 16.259.23 't,438,475.31 't6,259.23 Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 87 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Descriotion 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual O53O COUNTY TAXATION Revenue 01-0530-0000 couNTY TAXATToN 01-0530-4010 County - Residential 01-0530-4020 County - Multi-Residential 01-0530-4030 County - Commercial Unoccupied 01-05304040 County - Commercial Occupied 01-0530-4050 County - lndustrial Unoccupied 01-0530-4060 County - lndustrial Occupied 01-0530-4070 County - Pipelines 0l-0530-4080 County - Farmlands 01-0530-4090 County - Managed Forests Total Revenue Expense 01-0530-51 00 County Tax Requisitions Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 1,787,892.89 39,569.81 6,516.99 145,236.82 116.38 101,837.45 43,226.72 't85,881 .s0 762.35 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,311,040.91 0.00 2,3't1,040.80 0.00 2,311,040.80 000 0.'11 000 Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 88 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual O54O PUBLIC SCHOOL TAXATION Revenue 01-0540-0000 PUBLIC scHooL TAXATION 01-0540-4010 Pub Sch - Residential 01-05404020 Pub Sch - Multi-Residential 01-0540-4030 Pub Sch - Commercial Unoccup 01-0540-4040 Pub Sch - Commercial Occup 01-0540-4050 Pub Sch - lndustrial Unoccup 01-0540-4060 Pub Sch - lndustrial Occup 01-0540-4070 Pub Sch - Pipelines 01-05404080 Pub Sch - Farmlands 01-0540-4090 Pub Sch - Managed Forests Total Revenue Expense 01-0540-5100 Pub Sch Tax Requisitions Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 747,575.45 7,'188.28 7,378.17 't41,993.64 '178.47 '156,'174.46 60,949.1 I 75,014.59 285.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 1,196,738 22 0.00 1,196,738 30 000 1,'t96,738.30 0.00 (0 08)000 Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 89 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3A2PM 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date ActualAccountDescriotion O55O SEPARATE SCHOOL TAXATION Revenue 01 -O55O.OOOO SEPARATE SCHOOL TAXATION 01-0550-4010 Seo Sch - Residential 01-0550-4020 Sep Sch - Multi-Residential 01-0550-4030 Sep Sch - Commercial Unoccup 01-0550-4040 Sep Sch - Commercial Occup 01-0550-4050 Sep Sch - lndustrial Unoccup 01-0550-4060 Sep Sch - lndustrial Occup 01-0550-4070 Sep Sch - Pipelines 01-0550-4080 Sep Sch - Farmlands 01-0550-4090 Sep Sch - Managed Forests Total Revenue Expense 01-0550-5100 Sep Sch Tax Requisitions Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 61,981.36 449 24 2,098.38 41 ,167.37 51.67 45,213.67 17,645.21 9,156.20 59.19 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 177,822.29 0.00 177 ,822 36 0.00 177,822.36 0.00 (0.07)0.00 4j08,249.97 3.288.885.94 Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 90 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date IAccount Description Actual Actual 1 Category| 1??? 101O GENERAL GOVERNMENT Revenue O1-1010-OOOO GENERAL GOVERNMENT 01-1 010-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01 -1 01 041 20 Tax Certificates 01-1010-4130 Fees & Service Charges 01-10104140 Lottery Licences 01-1 010-4'190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01 -1010-51 00 Salaries & Wages 01-101 0-5'l 10 Statutory Benefits 01 -'l 01 0-51 20 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-1010-5140 Payroll Service Charge 01-10'10-5145 Bank Service Charges 01-1 0í0-5160 lnternet Charges 01-1010-5170 Supplies 01 -'l 010-51 80 Computer Support 01-1010-5210 Utilities 0'l-1010-5220 Subscriptions & Publications 01 -1 01 0-5240 Advertising 01-1010-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01-1010-5260 Auditing Fees O1 -'1010-5270 Building Maintenance 01-1010-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01-1010-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-1010-5300 lnsurance 01-1010-5305 lnsurancæ Deductibles 01-1010-5310 Legal Fees 01-'1010-5320 Postage & Courier 01-1010-5325 Health & Safety 01-1010-5330 Training & Education 01-1010-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-1010-5350 Travel 01-1010-5360 Telephone 01-1010-5370 Sundry 0'l-1010-5375 Long Term Debt Principal 01-1010-5380 Long Term Debt lnterest 01-1010-5385 lnterest on Temporary Loans 01-1010-5390 Amalgamation 01-1010-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01-1010-5450 Service contracts 01-1010-5500 Amortization Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 000 6,775.55 6,370.00 16,045.50 7,198.80 9,000.00 0.00 15.00 660.00 . A n 5,030.25 rc'tnrg - )ø' .v'erS'(d I,067.80 0.00 45,389.85 6,773.05 311,551.93 24,860.11 45,595.86 3,368.74 1,365.41 905.70 8,365.60 30,222.25 7,704.73 395.02 886.85 2,786.45 7,470.00 6,691.70 14,110.27 1,379.26 17,123.68 3,935.07 4,413.53 12,308.81 0.00 3,390.64 3,573.16 6,241.16 8,634.19 2,449.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,197.50 4,848.78 7,032.79 807.1 6 76.1 6 155.90 2,446.04 4,000.00 2,070.68 86.40 182.79 1,040.00 0.00 357.98 1,838.78 599.79 17,377.13 220.00 674.50 1,049.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 240.30 1,314.91 /) ¿,ast.oo cg'.lnrt=-'-.\rY-e(st tô 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 529.729.36 101,448.18 (484,339.51)(94,675.13) Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 91 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 1020 couNctL Revenue 01-'1020-0000 couNctL 01-1020-4120 Nomination Fees 01 -1 020-41 90 Transfers from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-1020-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-'1020-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-1020-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01-1020-5260 Prof I Serv/Council Directed 01-1020-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-1020-5350 Travel 01-1020-5370 Sundry 01-1020-5410 Election Expense Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 54,953.08 2,598.67 0.00 4,624.94 6,917.20 499.50 1,338.92 3,365.00 8,454.32 493.28 0.00 0.00 5,359.72 391.50 (235.25) 0.00 74,297.31 14,463.57 (74,297.31)('t4,463.57) (558,636.82)(109,138.70) Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 92 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 26102t2009 3:42PM Category: 2??? 2O1O FIRE DEPARTMENT Revenue 01-20104110 Grants & Subsidies 01-2010-4130 Fees & Service Charges 01-2010-4180 Donations 01-2010-4190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 0.00 4,450.00 6,633.69 461 .1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1'l,544.79 0.00 01.2O1O-OOOO FIRE DEPARTMENT 01-201 0-51 00 Salaries & Wages 01 -201 0-51 02 FireFig hters Remuneration 01-2010-5105 Emergency Planning Wages 01-2010-51 10 Statutory Benefìts 01 -201 0-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-2010-5130 Uniforms 01-201 0-51 50 Supplies - Emergency Op Centre 01-201 0-5160 Supplies - Medical Response 01-201 0-5165 Supplies - Municipal Water Consumption 01-2010-5170 Supplies - Office 01-2010-5'175 Equipment Purchase - Operating 01-2010-5180 Equipment Purchase - Protective O'l -201 0-521 O Utilities 01 -201 0-5240 Advertising 01-2010-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01 -20'10-527 0 Building Maintenance 01 -201 0-527 5 Clean¡ng Supplies 01-2010-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01-2010-5285 Communications Eq Meintenence 01-2010-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-2010-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-2010-5300 lnsurance 01-2010-5310 Legel 01-2010-5320 Postage & Courier 01-2010-5325 Health & Safety 01-2010-5330 Training & Education - Fire 01-2010-5335 Training & Education - Emergency Planning 01-2010-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-2010-5350 Travel 01-2010-5360 Telephone - Stations 01-201 0-5365 Teleohone - Chief 01-2010-5370 Sundry 01 -2010-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01-2010-5410 Transfer to Capital Fund 01 -2010-5420 Fire Prevention Expense 01 -201 0-5425 Public Education 01-2010-5427 Children's Safety Day 01-20'10-5430 91 1 Dispatching 01-2010-5440 911 Other 01-2010-5450 Automatic Aid Contract 01 -201 0-5500 Amortization 0.00 56,371.05 77,875.34 8,s05.99 11,533.98 10,021 .66 5,126.59 480.00 1,032.34 297.00 780.97 8,130.26 9,278.11 14,450.78 589.80 725.00 6,998.11 66.76 6,483.29 5,236.62 1,677.84 9,796.36 20,690.68 602.27 1,264.17 0.00 19,384.96 572.97 1,777.66 3,145.'10 2,519.23 967.88 561.01 0.00 0.00 3,681.73 340.20 6,844.79 15,940.94 3,249.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,933.35 0.00 542.13 1,623.86 1,187.37 30.24 0.00 103.62 0.00 482.32 126.76 1 ,194.58 4,714.17 0.00 250.00 745.75 132.61 391.35 1,822.83 1,366.33 1,537.74 16,045.00 0.00 87.42 0.00 5,834.05 0.00 0.00 1,093.50 382.82 47.36 4',t0.75 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 3,999.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expense 317,000.75 56,1 15.45 Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 93 of 256 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 94 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date Actual Actual 2020 PoLrcE sERVlcEs Revenue 01-2020-0000 PoLlcE SERVICES 01 -2020-4120 POA Revenues 01-2020-4130 Sundry 01 -2020-41 90 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01 -2020-521 0 Utilities 01 -2020-5270 Building Maintenance 01 -2020-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -2020-5300 lnsurance 01-2020-5360 Telephone 01 -2020-5400 Transfer to Reserves 01 -2020-5450 Service Contract 01-2020-5460 Police Services Board 01-2020-5500 Amortization Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 57J03.77 3,802.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,906.33 000 2,908.09 0.00 128.38 166.00 388.08 38,257.91 585,347.89 4,02438 0.00 24.00 0.00 128.58 168.00 70.56 0.00 56,530.38 0.00 0.00 631,220.73 56,921.52 (570,314.40)(56,921.52) Page 10 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 95 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Gomparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Actual 2O3() CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Revenue O1.2O3O.OOOO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Total Revenue Expense 01-2030-5460 Conservation Authority Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 37,1 81 .00 36,1 76.00 37,1 81 .00 36.176.00 (37,181.00)(36,176.00) 000 0.00 000 11 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 96 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date ActualDescription 2O4O PROTECTIVE INSPECTION & CONTRO Revenue 01-2040-OOOO PROTECTIVE INSPECTION & CONTRO 01-2040-4110 Grants and Subsidies 01 -2040-4130 Building Permits 01-20404'140 Septic System Permits & PDC's 01-2040-4150 Sundry Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01-2040-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-2040-5110 Statutory Benefits 01 -2040-5'120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-2040-5170 Supplies 01 -2040-517 5 Enforcement Costs 01 -2040-5220 Subscriptions & Publication 01 -2040-5240 Advertising 01-2040-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01 -2040-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-2040-5300 lnsurance 01-2040-5310 Legal Fees 01-2040-5330 Training & Education 01-2040-5340 Conferences & Seminars 0l-2040-5350 Travel 01-2040-5360 Telephone 01-2040-5370 Sundry 01 -2040-5450 Contract Services 01 -2040-5500 Amortization 01 -2040-551 0 Administrative Overhead Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 0.00 8'1,750.00 7,575.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 1,455.00 0.00 0.00 89.450.00 1,455.00 59,507.58 4,934.02 8,966.53 1,006.79 000 138.00 0.00 699.52 1,402.70 889.00 737.90 589.1 6 1,163.33 780.30 688.71 '199.92 1,236.00 0.00 2,600.00 7,938.64 803.67 1,587.77 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 902.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 59.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85.539.46 11.575.92 3,910.54 (10j20.92) Page 12 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 97 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 2O5O BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT Revenue 01-2O5O.OOOO BYLAW ENFORCEMENT 01-20504120 Dog Tag Sales 01-2050-4130 Administration Fees 01-2050-41 50 Recoverable Costs 01-2050-4160 Ticket Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01-2050-51 00 Salaries & Wages 01-2050-5110 Statutory Benefits 01 -2050-51 20 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-2050-5150 Health & Safety Supplies 01-2050-5170 Supplies 01 -2050-51 75 Enforcement Costs 01 -2050-5240 Advertising 01-2050-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01-2050-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-2050-5300 lnsurance 01-2050-5310 Legal Fees 01-2050-5330 Training & Education 01-2050-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-2050-5350 Travel 01-2050-5370 Sundry 01-2050-5450 Service Contrect 01-2050-5470 Dog Tags - Licensing Agent 01-2050-5475 Dog Tags - Supplies 01 -2050-5500 Amortization Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 19,288.00 400.00 't,672.18 22.50 0.00 7,148.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,382.68 7,148.00 21,208.54 1,699.69 3,562.2',1 0.00 90.38 2,729.13 306.47 155.00 2,587.20 889.00 8,042.90 2,116.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 14J20.00 3,054.01 0.00 0.00 1,997.03 202.38 488.1 0 0.00 102.',t7 0.00 0.00 139.00 0.00 902.00 0.00 415.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 60,560.96 4,245.68 (39,178.28)2,902.32 Page 13 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 98 of 256 2008.0819639050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Descriotion 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 2510 ROADS Revenue 01 -251 0-0000 01-2510-4110 0't-2510-4't20 01 -251 0-41 30 01-2510-4170 01 -2510-4190 ROADS Grants & Subsidies Sundry Service Charges Machine Time Allocated Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-2510-5'100 Salaries & Wages 01-2510-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01 -2510-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-2510-5130 Clothing Allowance 01-2510-5170 Materials 01-2510-5180 Fuel Clearing 01-2510-5185 Vehicle Repairs-Clearing,Other 01 -2510-5210 Utilit¡es 01 -251 0-5240 Advertisin g 01-2510-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01 -251 0-527 0 Building Maintenance 01 -251 0-527 5 Equipment Maintenance 01 -251 0-5290 Drainage Assessments - Materials 01-2510-529'l Drainage - Wages 01-2510-5300 lnsurance 01-2510-5310 Legal Fees 0l-2510-5330 Training & Education 01-2510-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-2510-5350 Travel 01-2510-5360 Telephone 01-2510-5370 Sundry 01 -2510-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01-251 0-541 0 Transfer to Capital Fund 01 -251 0-5500 Amortization 0l-2510-6100 Truck 1 - Salaries & Wages 01-2510-6109 Truck 1 - Fuel 01-2510-61 10 Truck 1 - Repairs & Maintenanc 01-251 0-61 1 1 Truck 2 - Salaries & Wages 01-2510-6112 Truck 2 - Repairs & Maintenance 01-2510-6113 Truck 2 - Fuel 0'l-2510-6120 Truck 4 - Salaries & Wages 01-2510-6129 Truck 4 - Fuel 01 -2510-6130 Truck 4 - Reoairs & Maintenanc 01-2510-6140 Truck 5 - Salaries & Wages 01-2510-6149 Truck 5 - Fuel 01-2510-6150 Truck5 - Repairs & Maintenanc 01-2510-6160 Deere Tractor 12 - Wages 01-2510-6169 Deere Tractor 12 - Fuel 01-2510-6170 Deere Tractor 12 - Reoaírs & Maint 0'l-2510-6200 Grader 6 - Wages 01-2510-6209 Grader 6 - Fuel 0'l-25'10-6210 Grader 6 - Repairs & Mainten 01 -2510-6220 Grader 7 - Wages 01 -2510-6229 Grader 7 - Fuel 01-2510-6230 GraderT - Repairs & Maintenan 0.00 375,978.87 2,690.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 379.168.87 75 00 18'l,714.74 38,537.20 66,268.41 1,971.26 7,717.20 133,610.31 3,439.55 18,970.88 610.70 820.00 17,666.86 5,310.17 1,284.07 0.00 43,930.00 699.20 8,730.15 2,072.00 495.00 3,266.61 730.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 3,739 63 0.00 423 81 000 1,207.61 0.00 25,559.23 1,248.52 0.00 5,448.29 5'12.27 0.00 261.20 't,481.18 0.00 6,344.23 1,827.83 0.00 8,023.19 27,716 93 7,700.55 12,234 94 205.1 9 445 38 15,533.40 0.00 9,053.84 194.76 0.00 8,1 31 .85 4,378.05 0.00 0.00 44,589.00 0.00 0.00 1,339.93 0.00 298.04 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.07 0.00 72.30 0.00 725 27 000 9,978.69 0.00 0.00 1,075.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 326.88 0.00 1,257.96 163.44 0.00 14.77 Page 14 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 99 of 256 2008 08.'19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 26t0212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 01-2510-6240 Case Loader 13 - Wages 01-2510-6249 Case Loadell3 - Fuel 01-2510-6250 Case Loader 13 - Reoairs & Mainte 01-2510-6260 Truck 14 - Wages 01-2510-6269 Truck 14 - Fuel 01-2510-6270 Truck 14 - Repairs & Maintena 0l-2510-6280 Deere Backhoel 0 - Wages 01-2510-6289 Deere Backhoe 10 - Fuel 01-2510-6290 Deere Backhoe 10 - Reoairs & Main 01-2510-6300 Tractor & Mower 1l - Wages 01-2510-6309 Tractor & Mower 1 I - Fuel 01-2510-6310 Tractor & Mower 11 - Repairs 01-2510-6320 Truck I - Wages 01-2510-6329 Truck I - Fuel 01-2510-6330 Truck I - Repairs & Maintenance 01-2510-6340 Bulldoze||5 - Wages 01-2510-6349 Bulldoze||5 - Fuel 01-2510-6350 Bulldozer 15 - Repairs & Maintenance 01-2510-6360 Truck 18 - Wages 01-2510-6369 Truck 18 - Fuel 01-2510-6370 Truck 18 - Reoairs & Maintenance 01 -2510-6380 Truck 17 - Wages 01-2510-6389 Truck 17 - Fuel 01-2510-6390 Truck l7 - Repairs & Maintenance 01-2510-6400 Truck 9 - Wages 01-2510-6409 Truck 9 - Fuel 01-2510-6410 Truck 9 - Reoairs & Maintenance 01-2510-6420 Truck 3- Wages 0'l -25'10-6429 Truck 3 - Fuel 01-2510-6430 Truck 3- Reoairs & Maintenance 01-2510-6440 Truck 9 - Wages 01-2510-6449 Truck 9 - Fuel 01 -2510-6450 Truck 9 - Repairs & Maintenance 01 -2510-6460 Truck 10 - Wages 01-2510-6470 Truck'10 - Repa¡rs & Maintenance 01-2510-740O Bridge Maintenance - Wages 01-2510-7410 Bridge Maintenance - Material 01-2510-7450 Culvert Maintenance - Wages 01-2510-7460 Culvert Maintenance - Material 01 -2510-7500 Weed/Brush/Ditch - Wages 01-25'10-7 510 Weed/Brush/Ditch - Material 01-25'10-7520 Catch Basins - Wages 01-2510-7530 Catch Basins - Mater¡al 01-2510-7600 Hardtop Maintenance - Wages 01-2510-7610 Hardtop Maintenance - Material 01-2510-7620 Loosetop Maintenance - Wages 01-2510-7630 Loosetop Maintenance - Materials 01-2510-7650 Grading - Wages 01-2510-7660 Grading - Material 01-2510-7700 Dust Control - Wages 01-2510-7710 Dust Control - Material 01-2510-7800 Safety Devices - Wages 0'l-2510-7810 Safety Devices - Material 01-2510-7850 Sidewalk Maintenance - Wages 01-2510-7860 Sidewalk Maintenance - Materia 01-2510-7900 CN Crossing Safety Devices 01-2510-7950 Road Names 796 77 000 2,492.34 255 38 0.00 4,924.71 388.1 7 0.00 3,369.94 2,757.24 0.00 13,278.69 2,207.93 0.00 6,870.82 1,450.53 0.00 3,792.31 326.88 0.00 (623.00) 40.86 0.00 6,561 .44 0.00 0.00 464.42 3,54',t.54 0.00 9,958.95 296.24 0.00 5,895.44 0.00 583.51 0.00 4,308.00 5, r 52.88 3,588.02 8,757.28 4,160.37 5,46't 02 2,594.69 6,496.79 7,439.27 3,66r.63 39,184.64 14,902.70 0.00 6,943.57 691.95 9,695.27 13,321.30 't17.48 307.54 5,279.46 351.00 0.00 0.00 25.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 1,144.08 0.00 3,847.78 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592.47 0.00 15,31 3.09 163.44 0.00 1,686.37 0.00 0.00 61.29 570.00 234.33 0.00 143.01 0.00 't,048.53 0.00 311.25 366.91 0.00 't,874.45 776.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 't,152.33 1,061.05 64.89 000 831.06 0.00 Page 15 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 100 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Actual 0'l-2510-8000 County Roads - Wages 01-2510-8010 County Roads - Materials Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 1,179,365,38 320.419.72 (800,196.51)(s20,344.72) 16 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 101 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date ActualAccountDescription 2520 ROADS - WINTER CONTROL Revenue 01-2520-0000 RoADs - wtNTER coNTRoL 01-2520-4110 Grants & Subsidies 0'l -2520-4120 Sundry Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01-2520-5100 Salaries & Wages 0l -2520-51 05 Patrolling/On-call Wages 0'l -2520-5170 Materials 01 -2520-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01-2520-5370 Sundry 0l -2520-5500 Amortization 01-2520-5520 Service Contract - Pt Burwell 01-2520-5530 Service Contract - Vienna 01-2520-5540 Service Contract - Straff 01-2520-5550 Service Contract - Eden 01-2520-5555 Service Contract - Richmond 01-2520-5560 Service Contract - Sidewalks Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 9,445.23 0.00 000 000 000 9,445.23 0.00 32,799.57 000 57,703.22 31,476.05 0.00 0.00 12,855.00 6,567.00 7,974,00 4,570.00 7,426.00 3,1 1 6.37 12,435.60 0.00 24,849.06 4,669.72 0.00 000 3,645.00 2,265.00 2,670.00 1,685.00 2,627.00 1.721.25 164,487.21 56,567.63 (155,041.98)(56,567.63) Page 17 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 102 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Actual 2530 HARBOUR & BEACH MTCE Expense 01-2530-5210 Utilities Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 000 0.00 0.00 000 18 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 103 of 256 2008 08.19 6 3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM | 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date I Account Description Actual Actual I 2540 STREET LIGHTS Revenue 01-254O.OOOO STREET LIGHTS Total Revenue Expense 01-2540-5500 Amortization 0'l-2540-5520 SLA Port Bunryell 01-2540-5530 Sl-AVienna 01 -2540-5540 Slá Straffordville 01-2540-5550 Sl-A Eden 01-2540-5560 Sl-A Corinth 01 -2540-557 0 Sl-A Richmond Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 16,614.31 6,221.72 13,045.22 7,486.59 3,617.90 2,279.27 0.00 4,129.79 1,006.86 2,410.46 897.04 327.00 331.58 49,265.01 9,102.73 (49,265.01)(9,102.73) (1,952,722.60)(542,446.65) Page 19 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 104 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Gategory: 3??? 3O1O WATER SYSTEM Revenue 01-3010-OOOO WATER SYSTEM 01-3010-4010 Water revenues 01-301 0-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-301 0-4120 Water Meters 01-3010-4130 Water Sundry 01-3010-4140 Water Connect Chgs Vienna 01-3010-4150 Water penalties 01-301041 90 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-3010-51 00 Salaries & Wages 01-3010-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-301 0-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-3010-5125 Union Dues 01-3010-5170 Supplies 01-3010-5175 Tools and Equipment 01-3010-5180 Lab Fees 01-3010-5210 Utilities 01 -301 0-5220 Publications 01-3010-5240 Advertising 01-3010-5250 Association Fees 01-3010-5260 Auditing Fees 01-3010-5280 System Maintenance 01-3010-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01-3010-5300 lnsurance 01-3010-5310 Legal Fees 01-30'10-5330 Training & Education 01-3010-5335 Licences 01-3010-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-3010-5350 Travel 01-3010-5360 Teleohone 01-3010-5370 Sundry 0'l-3010-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01-3010-5410 Water Quality Management 01-30'1 0-5450 Service Contract - Secondary System 01 -301 0-5500 Amortization 01 -301 0-551 0 Administrative Overhead 01-3010-5520 Water Supply 01-3010-5580 Writeoffs 01 -3010-5620 Water adjustments Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 428,306.69 0.00 3,230.78 1,850 41 5,658.01 4,538.59 0.00 0.00 't9.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 825.47 0.00 443.584.48 844.94 78,633.99 5,709.1 1 10,286.64 0.00 3,407.89 941.64 9,264.97 1,794.35 38.40 395.94 472,95 1,700.00 8,350.05 511.01 666.00 69 00 1,085.95 0.00 r,858.00 0.00 1 ,197.56 0.00 3'l,444.03 0.00 178,550.33 0.00 4,800.00 105,281.05 0.00 (2,874.38) 13,725.73 I ,306.1 I 't,755.53 0.00 474.30 0.00 373.00 246.34 0.00 62.70 400.00 0.00 1,842.00 0.00 676.00 0.00 756.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,063.81 443.584.48 23,750.64 0.00 (22,905.70) Page 20 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 105 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3t42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 3O2O SEWAGE SYSTEM Revenue 01-3020-OOOO SEWAGE SYSTEM 01-3020-4010 Sewer revenues 01-3020-4110 Grants & Subsidies 01-30204120 Sundry Revenue 01-3020-4125 lnvestment lncome - Sewer Fund 01-30204'130 Septage receiving Charges 01 -30204140 Sewer Connection Charges 01-3020-41 50 Sewer penalties 01-3020-41 90 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 0í-3020-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-3020-5110 Statutory Benefits 01 -3020-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-3020-5125 Union Dues 01-3020-5130 Clothing Allowance 0'l-3020-5170 Supplies - Plant 01-3020-5175 Supplies - Collection 01-3020-5180 Lab Fees 01-3020-5190 Chemicals 01-3020-5210 Utilities - Plant 01-3020-5211 Utilities - Collection System 01 -3020-521 5 Property taxes 01 -3020-5240 Advertising 01-3020-5250 Association & Membership Fees 01-3020-5260 Auditing Fees 01 -3020-5270 Building/Plant Maintenance 01 -3020-527 5 Odour Control 01 -3020-5280 System Maintenance 01-3020-5285 Equipment Mtce - Plant 01-3020-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -3020-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 01 -3020-5300 Sludge Haulage/Disposal 01-3020-5305 lnsurance 01-3020-5310 Legal Fees 01-3020-5330 Training & Education 01-3020-5335 Licences 01 -3020-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-3020-5350 Travel 01-3020-5360 Telephone 01-3020-5370 Sundry 01-3020-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01-3020-5410 Transfer to Capital Fund 01-3020-5450 Service Contract - OCWA 01 -3020-5500 Amortization 01 -3020-551 0 Administrative Overhead 0'1-3020-5580 Writeoffs 0 1 -3020-5620 Adjustments Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 502,591.44 3,900 00 0.00 21,054.92 0.00 0.00 4,730.28 0.00 0.00 204.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 839.43 0.00 532,276.64 't,043.73 132,266.19 11,2',t3.74 15,268.92 0.00 721.74 2,412.60 432.38 8,678.65 4,697.61 56,758.70 20,205.51 4,460.90 1 13.30 0.00 1,700.00 8,000.30 18,995.21 13,505.06 14,434.16 1,926.87 638.75 16,270.00 5,580.00 69.00 2,376.69 265.00 220.00 282.15 3,431.35 0.00 177,425.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 't,925.92 19,616.74 2,061.98 2,285 43 0.00 176 18 309.30 13.98 622.00 479.05 I 1,639.58 3,788.83 0.00 62.70 0.00 0.00 104.29 3,641.76 2,692.95 872.47 225.00 0.00 5,654.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 212.85 429.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 532.276.64 54,888.70 0.00 (53,844.97) Page 21 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 106 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 3O3O WASTE DISPOSAL Revenue 01 -3030-0000 WASTE DtsPosAL 01-3030-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-3030-4'120 Sundry Total Revenue Expense 01-3030-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-3030-5240 Advertising 01-3030-5450 Service Contract - Waste Dispo 01-3030-5455 Recycling Service Contract 01-3030-5460 Large ltem/Hazardous Waste Day 01-3030-7900 Additional Garbage Bins Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 37,377.55 1,182.00 0.00 9,231.33 0.00 38.559.55 9,231.33 3,469.85 925.50 250,277.31 147,572.83 24,280.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,792.97 12,257.99 0.00 0.00 426.525.9',1 32,050 96 (387,966.36)(22,819.63) Page z¿ Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 107 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009YearTo Date Actual 3510 HEALTH SERVICES Revenue 01-3510-0000 HEALTH SERVTCES 01-3510-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01 -351 0-41 80 Donations 01-3510-4190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-3510-51 00 Salaries & Wages 01-3510-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-3510-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-3510-5170 Supplies 01-35'10-5210 Utilities 01-3510-5270 Building Maintenance 01-3510-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-35'10-5300 lnsurance 01-3510-5350 Travel 01-3510-5370 Sundry 01-3510-5375 Long Term Debt Principal 01-3510-5380 Long Term Debt lnterest 01-3510-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01-3510-5450 Health Needs 01 -351 0-5500 Amortization 01-3510-5590 Grants Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 142,652 85 000 0.00 0.00 8,685.53 0.00 0.00 142.652.85 8,685 53 96,23871 8,37473 11,568.96 3,049 28 3,656.69 4,510.79 1,423.99 1,799.00 670.50 2,134.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,600 00 0.00 0.00 1,677.69 169.57 575.84 64.12 1,040.93 169.35 556.35 1,826.00 0.00 71.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 143.026.85 6,951.52 (374.00)1,734.01 Page 23 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 108 of 256 2008.08.19 6 3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM 3520 CEMETERIES Revenue 01-3520-0000 CEMETERIES 01 -3520-4'120 Sundry Revenue Total Revenue Expense 01 -3520-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01 -3520-5370 Sundry/lnterest Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 13,740.00 1,483.38 0.00 0.00 15,223 38 000 (15,223.38)0.00 (403,563.74)(s7,836.2e) Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 109 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Actual Category: 4??? 401 O GENERAL ASSISTANCE Revenue 01-401 O-OOOO GENERAL ASSISTANCE 01-4010-4190 Contributions from Reserves Tota¡ Revenue Expense 01 -401 0-5590 General Assistance Grants 0.00 0.00 7,462.03 0.00 Total Expense 7,462.03 0.00 Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Q,462.03) 000 000 000 000 Page 25 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 110 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 4510 PARKS & RECREATION Revenue 01-4510-OOOO PARKS & RECREATION 01-4510-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-4510-4120 Sundry 01-4510-41 80 Special Events 01-4510-4185 Transfer from Capital Fund 014510-4190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-4510-5'100 Salaries & Wages 01-45'10-5102 Allocation of Wages 0l -4510-5'l 10 Statutory Benefits 01-4510-5170 Supplies 0't 4510-52',10 Utirities 0'l-4510-5215 Utilities - Eden School 01 -45'l 0-5240 Advertising 01 -4510-527 O Building Maintenance 01-4510-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01-4510-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-4510-5295 Trail 014510-5300 lnsurance 01-4510-5360 Telephone 01-4510-5370 Sundry 01-4510-5375 Long Term Debt Principal 01-4510-5380 Long Term Debt lnterest 01 -451 0-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01 -451 0-5500 Amortization 01 -4510-5590 General Assistance 01-4510-5600 Canada Day 01-4510-5610 East Elgin Millenium Events 01-4510-5615 Vienna 150 Celebrations 01-45'10-5620 Special Events - Other Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 2,940.00 0.00 333.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,273.00 0.00 33,857.33 (s,611.84) 0.00 0.00 3,352.73 0.00 46.20 0.00 à ÃÃà 7? 11,647.14 0.00 9,315.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 1,332.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 317.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 386.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 385.73 0.00 9,455.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55,695.18 10,545.37 (52,422.'.t8)(10,545.37) Page 26 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 111 of 256 2008.08 19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 26102t2009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 4520 COMMUNITY CENTRE.STRAFF Revenue 01 -452O.OOOO COMMUNITY CENTRE-STRAFF 01-4520-4110 Grants & Subsidies 014520-4120 Sundry Revenue 014520-4130 Rentals 01-4520-4140 Mix 01 -4520-4180 Donations 01 4520-4190 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-4520-51 00 Salaries & Wages 01-4520-5110 Statutory Benefits 014520-5170 Supplies 01'4520-5210 Utilities 01 4520-5240 Advertising 014520-5270 Building Maintenance 01 4520-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01 -4520-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-4520-5300 lnsurance 01-4520-5360 Telephone 01-4520-5370 Sundry 01-4520-5450 Service Contract 01-4520-5500 Amortization Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 3,900.00 771.50 11,323.00 1,235.50 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 62.33 1,220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,230.00 1,282.33 10,889.06 573.73 2,369.72 17,144.42 85.68 13,473.24 3,296.19 5,410.00 4,370.00 946.74 825.77 12,617.00 0.00 1,675.24 100.24 127.72 4,898.54 0.00 77.43 195.49 1,300.50 4,436.00 158.42 56.00 585.00 0.00 72,00',t.55 1 3,610.58 (54,771.55)(12,328.25) Page 27 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 112 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 4530 COMMUNITY CENTRE-VIENNA Revenue 01.4530-OOOO COMMUNITY CENTRE-VIENNA 014530-4120 Sundry Revenue 014530-4130 Rentals 01-4530-4'140 Mix 01-4530-4180 Donat¡ons 01 -4530-41 90 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01 -4530-51 00 Management Contract 014530-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-4530-5170 Supplies 01-4530-5210 Utilities 01 4530-5240 Advertising 01 4530-5270 Building Maintenance 01-4530-5280 Equipment Maintenance 01-4530-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-4530-5300 lnsurance 01 -4530-5360 Telephone 014530-5370 Sundry 01 -4530-5450 Service Contract 01-4530-5500 Amortizetion Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 0.00 8,381.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,1 95.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,381.00 2,195.00 7,646.63 0.00 1,333.10 7,387.83 85.68 6,739.00 2,538.58 3,499.87 4,370.00 488 16 190 25 6,981.50 0.00 2,345.81 0.00 62.47 923.37 0.00 16.18 205.00 962.70 4,436.00 81.36 0.00 507.00 0.00 41,260.60 9,539.89 (32,879.60)(7,344 89) Page 28 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 113 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Actual 4535 EDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Revenue 0'l -4535-4120 Sundry Revenue 01-4535-4',130 Rentals 01-4535'4180 Donations Total Revenue Expense 014535-5210 Utilities 014535-5270 Building Maintenance 01 -4535-5290 Grounds Maintenance 6,778.01 01-4535-5300 lnsurance Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 't2,121.g',l,4,'t91 .53 (s,343.90)(4,1 91 .53) 0.00 6,778.01 0.00 000 000 000 Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 114 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo DateI 2U0ö Year I otal ZUUg Year I O Uale I I Account Description Actual Actual I 4540 LIBRARÍES Revenue 01-4540-0000 LtBRAR|ES 01-4540-4130 Lease Revenues 01 -4540-41 90 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01 -4540-5210 Utilities 01 -4540-5270 Building Maintenance 01 4540-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-4540-5300 lnsurance 01 -4540-5400 Transfer to Reserves 01-4540-5500 Amortization 014540-5600 Do not use - Straff Utilities 01-4540-5605 Do not use - Straff Well Treatment 01-4540-5610 Do not use - Straff Building Mainte 01-4540-5620 Do not use - Straff Grounds Mainten 01-4540-5630 Do not use - Straff lnsurance Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 64.564.80 20,807.83 5,866 11 43,756 97 (5,866.11) 2610212009 3:42PM 0.00 64,564.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 9,935.04 6,454.50 2,296.29 2j22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,038.46 606.1 6 1,067.49 2,154.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 30 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 115 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 4550 MUSEUMS BAYHAM Revenue 01-4550-OOOO MUSEUMS BAYHAM 01-4550-41 10 Grants & Subsidies 01-4550-4120 Sundry 01-4550-4130 Admissions 01-45504170 Children's Programs 01-4550-4180 Fundraising 01-4550-4185 Donations 01-4550-41 90 Contributions from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-4550-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-4550-5 1 10 Statutory Benefìts 014550-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-4550-5170 Supplies 01-4550-5180 Fundraising expense 01-4550-5190 Children's Programs 01-4550-5200 Building Renovations 014550-5210 Utilities 01 4550-5240 Advertising 01-4550-5250 Memberships (EON) O'l -4550-5270 Building Maintenance 01-4550-5280 Equipment Maintenance 0l -4550-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-4550-5300 lnsurance 01-4550-5340 Conferences & Seminars 014550-5350 Travel 01-4550-5360 Telephone 01-4550-5370 Sundry 01-4550-5400 Transfer to Reserves 01-4550-5450 Contracted Services 01-4550-5500 Amortization 01-4550-5600 Special Project 01-4550-5605 Special Project - Wages 01-4550-5610 Special Events Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 17,192.25 497.59 2,757.07 222.00 4,796.90 1,961 .22 0.00 0.00 0.00 266.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,427.03 266.66 31,207.48 2,265.77 0.00 133.30 3,069.80 234.75 0.00 9,935.33 2,67229 640,00 6,663.89 1,556.39 3,002.42 2,558.00 15.00 93.60 1,239 30 613.47 3,688.32 0.00 0.00 615.10 0.00 270.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,190.93 29.76 135.00 1,418.06 33.52 657.33 2,596.00 0.00 0.00 349.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.474.21 7,4'10.48 (43,047.18)(7,143.82) Page 31 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 116 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual Category: 5??? 5O1O PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Revenue 01-5010-OOOO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 01-5010-41.10 Grants & Subsidies 01-5010-4120 Sundry Revenue 01 -501 0-41 30 Zoning Certificates 01-5010-4140 Zoning Charges 01-5010-4150 OPA Fees 01-5010-4160 Minor Variance Fees 01-5010-4170 Site Plan Fees 01-5010-4180 Plan of Subdivision Fees 01-501 0-4190 Development Agreement Fees Total Revenue Expense 01-5010-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-501 0-51 'l 0 Statutory Benefits 01-5010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 0't-5010-5170 Supplies 01-5010-5240 Advertising 01-5010-5250 Association & Membershio Fees 0'1-5010-5310 Legal Fees 01-5010-5320 Postage & Courier 0 l-5010-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-5010-5350 Travel 01-5010-5360 Telephone 0'l-5010-5370 Sundry 01-5010-5440 Land Registration Fees 01-5010-5450 Consulting Fees 01-5010-5600 Economic Develooment & Tourism Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 0.00 96.00 1,190.00 5,830.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 2,259.40 5,600.00 776.93 0.00 0.00 59.00 105.00 6,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,752.33 5,164.00 52,591 53 4,451 67 8,814.87 198.00 2,753.40 0.00 7,504.00 136.21 0.00 178.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,202.03 0.00 8,336.25 831.87 't,526.25 0.00 231.48 320 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.830.36 1',t,245.85 (73,078.03)(6,081.85) Page 33 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 117 of 256 2008.08 19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 I 2008 Year Total 2009 YearTo Date I I Account Description Actual Actual 5012 BUSINESS & COMMERCE Revenue 01-5012-0000 BUS|NESS & COMMERCE 01-5012-4110 Grants & Subsidies 01-5012-4170 Lease Revenues Total Revenue Expense 01-5012-5'100 Salaries & Wages 01-5012-5210 Util¡ties 01 -5012-5240 Advertising 01 -501 2-527 0 Beautification 01-5012-5290 Grounds Maintenance 01-5012-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-5012-5370 Sundry 01 -501 2-5400 Transfers to Reserves 01-5012-5450 Service Contract Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 1,004.00 3,740.00 (2,736.00)(72.02\ 2610212009 3:42PM 0.00 0.00 1,004.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 148.92 3,411.08 0.00 0.00 180 00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 58.00 14.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.02 Page 34 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 118 of 256 2008 08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Descriotion 2008 Year Total 2009 Year To Date Actual 5O'I5 TOURISM & MARKETING Revenue O1-5015-OOOO TOURISM & MARKETING 01-5015-4110 Grants & Subsidies 01-5015-4120 Sundry Revenues 01-5015-4170 Lease Revenues 01-5015-4190 Transfer from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-501 5-51 00 Salaries & Wages 01-5015-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01-5015-5210 Utilities 01-5015-5215 lnterpretive Centre Operations 01-5015-5230 Brochures 01-501 5-5240 Advertising 01-5015-5245 Promotional ltems 01-50'1 5-5250 Associations & Memberships 01-50'15-5260 Festivals 01-5015-5270 Beautification 01-5015-5290 Beach Maintenance 01-5015-5340 Conferences & Seminars 01-5015-5350 Travel 0l-5015-5370 Sundry 0'1 -501 5-5500 Amortization 01-5015-5600 Special Projects Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Actual 0.00 1,000.00 90.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,090.00 000 5,697.39 0.00 8,268.58 1,789.38 1,112.48 7,531.48 200.00 285.00 5,145.00 6,993 90 159.00 000 0.00 0.00 1,097.15 30 65 0.00 174.20 0.00 000 0.00 000 100.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 38,846.23 304 85 (34,756.23)(304.85) Page 35 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 119 of 256 2008.08.1 I 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM I nccount Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 5O2O ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Revenue O,I -5O2O.OOOO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0'l-5020-4110 Grants & Subsidies 01-5020-4130 Munic¡pal Drain Charges 01-5020-4140 Tile Drain Charges Total Revenue Expense 01-5020-5100 Salaries & Wages 01-5020-51 02 Richmond Water - Wages 01-5020-51 10 Statutory Benefits 01 -5020-51 20 Non-Statutory Benefits 01-5020-5170 Supplies/Stock 01-5020-5260 Professional Services 01 -5020-527 O Water Sampling 01 -5020-527 5 Water Quality Menegement 01-5020-5290 Drain Maintenance 01-5020-5370 Sundry 01-5020-5375 Municipal Drain Debt Charges 01-5020-5380 Tile Drain Debt Charges Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 8,286.57 0.00 5,603.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,890.08 0.00 11,533.31 627.32 1,0't7.23 2,087.09 0.00 3,900 00 2,486.00 0.00 106.23 0.00 0.00 5,603.51 3,001.13 680.80 301.54 407.94 0.00 2,315.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,360 69 6,946.41 (13,470.61)(6,946.41) Page 36 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 120 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual 5510 CAPITAL Revenue 01-55't0-0000 01 -5510-41 10 01 -551 0-41 20 0't-5510-4125 01 -551 0-41 30 01 -551 0-41 35 01 -551 0-41 40 01 -551 0-41 45 01 -551 0-41 50 01 -551 0-41 55 01 -551 0-41 60 01 -551 0-41 65 01-55104170 0'l-5510-4175 01 -551 0-41 80 01-5510-4185 01-55104190 Total 0.00 527j70.00 0.00 9,494.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,514.80 000 000 0.00 56,536 00 0.00 0.00 20,509.96 365,582.20 CAPITAL Grants & Subsidies Sundry Revenue Prior year surplus Local lmprovement Levy Sewer Project Revenues Special Charges Early Debt Retirement Payments Sale of Assets DO NOT USE - Lease Revenues - Conidor Debt lssue DO NOT USE - Debt Recovery - Facade Lo¿ Prior Year Carryforward Future Year Revenues Fundraising Grants & Donations Transfer from Reserves 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Revenue Expense 01-5510-5100 GG - Computers 01-551 0-51 10 GG - Other 01-551 0-51 '15 G.G. - Studies (asset mgmt) 0l-5510-5120 GG - Wages (asset mgmt) 01-5510-5200 Fire - Vehicle 01-5510-5205 Fire - Building 01-5510-5210 Fire - Equipment 01-5510-5220 Fire - Communication 01-5510-5230 Fire - Protective Equipment 01-55'10-5240 Building 01-5510-5250 By-Law 01-5510-5300 Roads - Equipment 01 -551 0-5310 Roads - Sidewalks Wages 01-55'10-5315 Roads - Sidewalks Materials 01-5510-5320 Roads - Vehicle Wages 01-5510-5325 Roads - Vehicle Materials 01-5510-5330 Roads - Street Lights Wages 01-5510-5335 Roads - Street Lights Materials 01-5510-5340 Roads - Project 1 Wages 01-5510-534'l Roads - Project 1 Materials 01-5510-5342 Roads - Project 2 Wages 01-551 0-5343 Roads - Project 2 Materials 01-5510-5344 Roads - Project 3 Wages 01-5510-5345 Roads - Project 3 Materials 01-5510-5346 Roads - Project 4 Wages 01-551 0-5347 Roads - Project 4 Materials 01-5510-5348 Roads - Project 5 Wages 01-5510-5349 Roads - Project 5 Materials 01-5510-5350 Roads - Do Not use 01-5510-5351 Roads - Do Not Use 01-551 0-5352 Roads - Project 6 Wages 01-5510-5353 Roads - Project 6 Materials 01-5510-5354 Roads - Project 7 Wages 01-551 0-5355 Roads -Project 7 Materials 998.807.04 0.00 4,870.61 0.00 20,335.60 0.00 6,804.00 0.00 6,'t59.35 7,067.52 8,848.14 0.00 0.00 83,205.08 7,5',14.63 25,324.66 0.00 25,417.16 0.00 5,000.00 732.29 8,906.82 12,748.48 47,622.34 479.27 49,502.30 ooó oc 8,984.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.02 2,989 88 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 3,970.50 0.00 1 10,000 00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 37 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 121 of 256 2008.08.1 9 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 1 To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date ActualAccountDescription 01-5510-5356 Roads -Project 8 Wages 01-5510-5357 Roads -Project I Materials 0l -551 0-5358 Roads -Project 9 Wages 0l-5510-5359 Roads -Project I Materials 01-5510-5360 Roads - Project 10 Wages 01-5510-5361 Roads - Project 10 Materials 01-5510-5362 Roads - Project 11 Wages 01-55.1 0-5363 Roads - Project 1 1 Materials 01-551 0-5364 Roads - Project 12 Wages 01-5510-5365 Roads - Project l2 Materials 01-55'10-5366 Roads - Project 13 Wages 01 -5510-5367 Roads - Project 1 3 Materials 01-5510-5368 Roads - Project 14 Wages 01-5510-5369 Roads - Project 14 Materials 01-551 0-5370 Roads - Project 15 Wages 01-5510-5371 Roads - Project 15 Materials 01-55'1 0-5375 Roads - Project 16 Wages 01-55'10-5376 Roads - Project 16 Materials 01-5510-5380 Roads - Project 17 Wages 01-5510-5381 Roads - Project 17 Materials 01-55'10-5382 Roads - Project 18 Wages 01-5510-5383 Roads - Project 18 Materials 01-5510-5385 Roads - Transfer to Reserves 0l -5510-5386 Roads - Project 19 Wages 0l-5510-5387 Roads - Project 19 Materials 01-5510-5388 Roads - Project 20 Wages 01-551 0-5389 Roads - Project 20 Materials 01-551 0-5390 Roads - Project 21 Wages 0l -5510-5391 Roads - Project 21 Materials 01-5510-5392 Roads - Project 22 Wages 01-5510-5393 Roads - Project22 Materials 01-5510-5400 Water - Distribution 01-551 0-5410 Water - Secondary System 01-5510-5500 Sewer - Collection 01-5510-5510 Sewer - Plant 01-5510-5515 Sewer - Septage Receiving 0'l-5510-5520 Sewer - LTD Princioal 01-5510-5530 Sewer- LTD lnterest 01-5510-5540 Sewer - Reserves 01-5510-5580 Waste Management 01-5510-5585 Waste Mgmt - Septage Receiving 01-5510-5600 Health - Facility 01-5510-5605 Health - Facility Wages 01-5510-5610 Health - LTD Principal 01-5510-5620 Health - LTD lnterest 01-5510-5700 Parks - Facilities 01-5510-57'10 Parks - LTD Principal 01-5510-5720 Parks - LTD lnterest 01-5510-5730 Parks - Rail Corridor 01 -55'1 0-5800 ComCtr - Straffordville 01-5510-58'1 0 ComCtr - Vienna 01 -5510-5820 ComCtr - Eden 01-5510-5900 Library - Straffordville 0'l-5510-5910 Library - Vienna 01-5510-5920 Library - Port Burwell 01-55'10-6000 Edison Museum 0'l-5510-6005 Edison Museum - cultural olan 0.00 21,999.65 1,732.1'l 6,717.88 7,770.94 77,945.6',1 2,410 21 28,104.52 2,043 00 8,960.19 778.65 14,29',t.32 357.20 569.40 505.41 24,629.31 5,775.65 33,916.20 't,991.77 19,025.15 3,303.48 286,048.17 0.00 443.96 42,218.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,675.00 0.00 24,071.39 6,687.50 409.58 884.85 15,355 35 12,947 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99,765.1 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 3't,734.39 656.47 19,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,261.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,043.49 r-qhtt-ln¿0.00 ! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 2,575 85 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page ?A Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 122 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period 'l To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM Account Description 2008 YearTotal 2009 YearTo Date Actual Actual Marine Museum Cemeteries Conservation Planning & Development Business & Commerce Bus & Comm - Construction Project Tour¡sm & Marketing Drainage 0.00 0.00 7,886.00 0.00 1,502.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totat Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 1,275,650.15 157.048.34 (276,843.11)(157,048.34) Page Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 123 of 256 2008.08.19 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Annual Department Budget vs. Actual Comparison Report Fiscal Year 2009 - From Period I To Period 2 Ending FEB 28,2009 2610212009 3:42PM I I i Account Description 2008 Year Total Actual 2009 Year To Date Actual I I 5520 CASH REQUIREMENTS Revenue 01 -5520-0000 01-5520-41 10 01-55204130 01-55204135 01-5520-4140 01-5520-4145 01 -5520-41 55 01 -5520-41 6s 01-5520-4',170 01-5520-4175 01 -5520-41 85 01-55204190 CASH REQUIREMENTS Grants & Subsidies Sewer Loan Recovery Sewer Connection Charges Water Connection Charges Early Debt Retirement Payments Lease Revenues Debt Recovery - Facade Loan Machine Usage Future Year revenues Donations Transfer from Reserves Total Revenue Expense 01-5520-5100 GG 01-5520-5200 Fire 01-5520-5240 Building 01-5520-5250 By-Law 01-5520-5300 Roads 01-5520-5400 Water 01-5520-5500 Sewer 0'l-5520-5700 Parks 01-5520-5800 Community Centres 01 -5520-5900 Libraries 01-5520-6000 Museums 01-5520-6200 Business & Commerce Total Expense Dept Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Category Excess Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 0.00 524,441.87 210,033.90 39,336.30 13,192.42 9,870.09 11,644 90 000 188,521 .68 0.00 0.00 47,625 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,333.94 0.00 100.00 0.00 1 ,044,666.1 6 50.433.94 15,000.00 135,500.00 3,000.00 3,000 00 987,420 00 27J92.00 269,r48 95 51,645.00 25,000 00 25,000.00 5,000 00 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.546.905.95 0.00 (502,239 79)50.433.94 (903,12377)(120,019 53) Page 40 Staff Report F2009-13 regarding Financial Report to February... Page 124 of 256 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: March 2,2009 FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer FILE: F05.09 SUBJECT: Water Infrastructure Project NUMBER:F2009-14 Purpose: The municipality's application for funding under the Build Canada Fund - Communities Component regarding water infrastructure upgrades and improvements has been approved. The original application, setting out many of the project details/plans, has been attached for council' s information. The federal and provincial governments have committed to providing $1,441,896.61 towards the project. The municipal share has been estimated at5720,948.31. This report is to obtain Council direction to proceed and to discuss potential funding alternatives. Discussion: Option 1 - Lone Term Debt Infrastructure Ontario provides low-interest loans to municipalities. Currently, rates for 2}-year loans are approximately 5.42%o (subject to market changes). Staff have selected a 2}-year repayment term to reflect the longer life-span of the infrastructure being upgraded as well as to keep the loan financially viable for the users of the water system. The water system would be required to raise approximately $61,000 per year to meet the long-term debt obligations. It is recommended by staff that the funds be raised on an equal basis per unit and not tied to consumption. The cost to upgrade the system is a fixed cost and not subject to flows, providing as much benefit to one user as to another. There are approximately 830 units on the water distribution system. Each unit would be charged approximately $73.50 per year. This equates to $6.12 per month/$12.25 per billing. Alternatively, these funds may be collected as a special charge on the property owners' tax bills. Option 2 - Direct billing Total costs may also be distributed in one billing at the end of the project to the owners of the properties connected to the water system. This would result in a charge of approximately $870.00 per unit. Owners of large, multi-unit properties such as Otter's Edge, Maple Meadows and Milton Towers may be offered short-term loans as their capital contribution would be substantíal ($24,360, $3 1,320 and $ 17,400 respectively). Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 125 of 256 -2- This option is similar to the financing of the sewer system in2002. Owners who do not meet the payment deadline will have the amount added to their tax accounts for collection. Option 3 - Utilize a Grant The municipality has a number of additional grants that may be utilized for a variety of projects. It is possible to allocate a portion (approximately $374.870) of the provincial Infrastructure Grant received in 2008 to the water project. This would significantly reduce the amount required to be raised from the users/owner of the water system. On a per unit basis, approximately $420 would be charged to each unit upon completion of the project. Utilization of additional grants, while reducing the costs of this particular project, would limit completion of alternate capital projects that do not have funding from sources other than the tax levy. Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Goal #7 - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship Recommendation: That council direct staff to prepare a Request for Proposal to initiate the water infrastructure proj ect; That council direct staff to prepare the necessary by-laws to obtain interim financing; That council direct staff to prepare the necessary by-laws to obtain long term hnancing as outline in option 1 above. Respectfully submitted,Reviewed by, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel. Treasurer Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 126 of 256 Building Canada Fund - Communities Component Business Case Background The Municipality of Bayham owns and operates a water distribution system that serves 800 households and businesses in the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna. The system was constructed in two parts - the first part was constructed in 1970-1972 and the second in 1977-1978. The distribution system connects the two villages together to form a complete loop that permits feeding the water through in either direction. Water is purchased from the Elgin Area Primary Water Treatment Plant, located near Port Stanley and is transmitted via a large water main to the municipality's local distribution system. The water main crosses three lower-tier municipalities and does not form part of this application's project. The municipality has completed a number of undertakings to improve the sustainability of the water distribution system. A financial sustainability and rate review has been completed and a long-range plan has been approved by council. The water assets owned by the municipality have been inventoried and valued in accordance with the PSAB 3150 requirements and an asset management plan is being developed by a consultant and should be adopted by council in the near future. Water rates have been increased dramatically, as recommended in the financial sustainability review, to maintain current operations and begin meeting capital requirements. Policy requirements under the Drinking Water Quality Management System is underway and will be completed well in advance of the deadlines stipulated in the regulations. Problem Statement Approaching 40 years of age, various components of the distribution system are at or near the end of their useful lives. Water loss due to leakage, main breaks or part failures is mounting eachyear. Loss for 2008 is anticipated to be approximately 36%o of thetotal water purchased from the primary treatment system (based on metered consumption versus total water purchased). Options 'Water leaks commonly occur at a junction in the pipes. Junctions include service saddles, valves, curb stops and hydrants. These are the parts ofthe system that deteriorate more quickly and have reached the end of their useful lives. Repairs and/or replacements of the various parts are required to minimize water loss within the distribution system. Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 127 of 256 1. Replace as leaks are identified. As leaks and failures are identified, the system can be repaired and the relevant parts replaced. Water loss is guaranteed with this approach as the leak is usually quite large by the time the area of concern is identified. No consideration is given to source water conservation. Emergency repairs are costly, incurring overtime wages, additional contractor fees and the loss of purchased drinking water. This is how the municipality is currently operating and it is not working well given the increasing volume of water being lost. 2. Replace over several years. The distribution system could be divided into sections and one section repaired and/or replaced each fiscal year. This approach is easier to finance on an annual basis and minimizes the need to incur debt, however complete renewal of the distribution system would take many years. Emergency repairs would still be required to correct leaks identified in other areas until the entire system has been renewed. 3. Replace all at once. This approach maximizes the opportunity to mitigate and reduce water loss due to aging infrastructure. Costs to operate and maintain the system would be contained and would reduce the amount of treated water being purchased. Conservation of source water reduces the amount of water requiring treatment as well as treatment costs. Capacity of the entire system would be enhanced. The Municipality of Bayham would prefer to renew its' water infrastructure as a single project. Conservation of source water is a high priority for the Municipality as well as the Province of Ontario as stipulated in the Safe Drinking Water Act as well as other provincial legislation. Reducing water loss reduces demand and enhances the capacity of the water treatment plant and the distribution system. Further, replacement of aged infrastructure will minimize the need for emergency repairs due to large-scale leaks and part failures. It is anticipated that costs to treat and distribute water will be contained or even reduced. Project Objective It is the Municipality of Bayham's intent to renew its' water distribution infrastructure in the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna, including the water mains that loop the two areas together. The objective is to reduce water loss by up to 20%o. It is also anticipated that costs to purchase water and maintain the distribution system will be contained or even reduced compared to the current and previous fiscal years. Project Rationale At this time, the municipality is aware of significant water loss within the system. As the location of leaks or failures are identified, work is undertaken to replace the failed part and stop the leak. To date, all leaks and failures have occurred at junction points - Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 128 of 256 seruice saddles, valves, curb stops and hydrants. The pipes themselves, constructed of PVC, are in excellent condition and have not required repair. Proactive efforts to replace wom parts of the system have been minimal, primarily constrained by financial and human resources. The repairs and replacements completed to date are not keeping pace with the volume of water loss. which continues to increase. Failure to take action will result in increasing breaks and failures of the water distribution system, significant water loss, escalating costs to operate and maintain a poor system, a greater frequency of boil water advisories, increased testing requirements and costs, more pressing concerns to users of the system as to the safety and reliability of the water they consume. The extent of work required is beyond the financial scope of the municipality nor do we have the human resources to undertake such a large-scale project. It is the Municipality of Bayham's intent to renew its' water distribution infrastructure in the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna, including the water mains that loop the two areas together. This renewal will involve the replacement of service saddles, valves, curb stop and hydrants in an effort to reduce water loss and improve the efficiency of the distribution system. Proposed Activities The renewal of the water distribution system is limited to the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna and the mains that loop the two areas together. This is the local portion of the distribution system and is fully contained within the municipality's borders. The remainder of the distribution system cÍosses three neighbouring municipalities and is not apart of this project. The renewal of water infrastructure meets the priorities of the province and the council of the Municipality of Bayham to conserve source water and to provide high quality drinking water to residents. It promotes the environmental and financial sustainabiltty of the entire water system by reducing water loss thereby reducing the demand for treated drinking water and future treatment plant expansions. By proactively replacing failing components of the system, the municipality also reduces emergency repairs, thereby reducing costs, shut downs to consumers and precautionary boil water advisories. The primary beneficiaries of this project are the local users of the water distribution system. Reducing the quantity of treated water purchased and improving the condition of the distribution system will alleviate cost pressures within the operations. Maintaining costs at current levels or even reducing costs results in more stable water rates for the users of the system. Further, properly maintaining the distribution system increases the safety of the drinking water for all those consuming it, mitigating the potential for water- borne illnesses. Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 129 of 256 Secondary beneficiaries include the municipality with reduced maintenance demands, the entire water system in terms of capacity and the local eco-system with less treated water inhltrating ground water sources and potentially harming natural flora and fauna. Expected Benefits Anticipated outcomes for the project as described: - increased service reliability of water distribution facilities - increased effrciency in the distribution system as demonstrated by a reduction in water leakage or loss, use of treatment chemical andlor boil water advisories - reduced impact on the environment due to lower volume of water extraction Additional benefits expected: - reduced costs to purchase water by reducing water loss - reduced costs to maintain infrastructure by replacing aging parts - reduced pressures on staff time and operations to deal with emergency repairs and lengtþ renewal plans by replacing agingparts in a shorter-term project Timelines and Milestones The municipality realizes that this is an aggressive project that will directly impact the residents of our communities during our peak tourist season. Every effort will be made to complete all work along each street in a timely fashion including excavation, repairlreplacement, reconstruction of related road base and restoration of street surfaces and surrounding landscape. Work required on main thoroughfares will be completed as efficiently as possible to reduce the impact on traffic and tourism. The planning stage of the project will commence as soon as approval of the project is received from the Ministry. At this time, the municipality intends to divide the construction phase of the project into two stages - one village plus a portion of the connecting mains per year. The Municipality will be contacting other local utilities such as hydro, natural gas and telecommunications to discuss the proposed project immediately upon receipt of BCF CC grant approval. The other utilities will be given the opportunity to coordinate any underground servicinglcapital requirements with our project to minimize disruption and costs for all utilities involved. This coordination of activities may delay the project by up to one year. The proposed timelines below as well as the proposed cash flow detailed later in this document assume that the project will proceed without delay. Planning and tender preparation February 2009 Tender/RFP - issue March 2009 Tender/RFP - award April 2009 Order materials Mav 2009 Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 130 of 256 Commence construction Phase I Phase 2 Complete construction Finalize restoration I|l4ay 2009 April2010 September 2010 November 2010 Performance and Progress Measures The anticipated outcomes, noted above, will be measured by tracking the volume of water being purchased by the distribution system. Discounting growth, the municipality should be purchasing less water once the project has been completed. A comparison of water purchased to water billed to ratepayers should also reveal that less water is being lost within the system. Both measures will indicate whether or not the project has been successful in reducing water loss and reducing the volume of water extraction from source. Further, less water lost will mean less water being purchased from the primary treatment plant, thereby containing costs to the distribution system. The number of repairs due to failed parts and leakage performed each year will be compared to the number of repairs over the past couple of years. It is anticipated that this number will be significantly less following project completion. Fewer repairs will lead to reduced overtime requirements and more efficient maintenance of the system by staff. Service reliability will also improve with fewer breaks and shut downs for maintenance purposes. Upon completion of phase 1 (Port Burwell), metered consumption on the distribution system will be compared to amounts purchased from the primary system on a bi-monthly and annual basis. Additionally, the number of identified leaks will be compared on an annual basis. Identical comparisons will be made upon completion of phase 2 for the village of Vienna. Project Risks Construction projects run certain risks simply due to the nature of the work. Delays can occur because of inclement weather, contractor availability or issues/problems that arise during actual construction. With a project where the work is primarily below ground and within an urban area, there are risks inherent to this type ofjob. The potential risks for a water infrastructure renewal project are: - water pipe is damaged and replacement is required - sewer main is damaged during excavation - storm drain is damaged during excavation - road base collapses and larger portions of the pavement is damaged - damage to non-municipal utility infrastructure such as natural gas lines, communication networks and electrical wiring Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 131 of 256 These particular risks, if they occur, give rise to the risk of construction taking longer than anticipated and paving and landscaping restoration needs to be delayed until the following year due to the onset of winter. They also increase the cost of the work as unanticipated repairs are required. To mitigate these risks, the municipality will be providing as much information to contractors as possible. Information will include any mapping of sewers and storm drains that may be available, documentation regarding drainage systems and road conditions as well as first-hand knowledge regarding locations of underground systems. Further, staff will ensure that appropriate locates of other utilities are performed in a timely fashion. Staff will be available for consultation with contractors throughout the project to answer any questions or address concerns regarding the work as well as the information provided. Project Budget Budget Materials 1. Main'Water Valves --- the replacement requires --- I valve, 2 grip ring gland packs, 1 ultra flex coupler, approx. 3ft of pipe, 1 valve box and valve stem extension. 6 inch valves ---- $t 141.68 x 65 : 574,209.20 8 inch valves ---- $1570.40 x 15 : $23,556.00 10 inch valves ---- $ 2340.07 x 18 : $42,121.26 12 inch valves ---- 52894.72 x 4 : $1 1,578.88 Fire Hydrants and Secondary Valves --- the replacement requires --- 1 fire hydrant with 1 grip ring gland pack, 1 six inch valve with2 grip ring gland packs, approx. 4 ft of six inch pipe, 1 valve box and valve stem extension. $3200.66 x 8 1 : 5259,253.46 Service Saddles and Curb Stops --- the replacement requires --- I service saddle with I main stop and I curb stop with service box and service rod. 6 inch saddle with% inch main stop and %x 518 curb stop 8187.22 x 322: $60,284.84 2. Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 132 of 256 6 inch saddle with I inch main stop and I inch curb stop 5218.62 x ll2 : 537,602.64 8 inch saddle with% inch main stop and % x 5/8 curb stop $203.09 x 30: $6,092.70 8 inch saddle with 1 inch main stop and 1 inch curb stop $235.56 x 44: $10.364.64 l0 inch saddle with% inch main stop and %x518 curb stop $219.01 x 10: $2,190.10 l0 inch saddle with 1 inch main stop and I inch curb stop $235.60 x 83 : $19,554.80 12 inch saddle with 1 inch main stop and I inch curb stop 5235.66 x 17 : $4,006.22 Materials total (not including GST) : $550,814.74 + 544,¡65.18 PST = 5594,879.92 Construction and Restoration Construction and restoration costs include such items as engineering, site management, contractor fees, fill, gravel, asphalt (street restoration), concrete (sidewalks, curb and gutter restoration) and miscellaneous items determined on the job site. The municipality has discussed this project with engineers as well as a number of other municipalities who have undertaken similar projects and have determined, based on local expertise and experience, that construction and restoration costs are in the raîge of 2.5 times the cost of materials. Restoration costs have been estimated at $93.00 per meter of excavation. Construction (not including taxes) : $975,000.00 Restoration (not including taxes) : $400,365.00 Contingency A contingency allotment for any potential problems or anomalies that may arise (see potential risks) is being applied for at the maximum of l}Yo of the total project cost. Contingency total : $192,600.00 Total Project for thÍs Applicationz $2,162,844.92 Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 133 of 256 Cash-Flow Projection 2009 ltt.quarter 2'o quarter order materials $594,879.92 3'd quarter construction - Port Burwell $658,545.30 4th quarter restoration-PortBurwell $188.155.80 2010 l",quarter 2no quarter holdback- Port Burwell $ 94,077.90 3'd quarter construction - Vienna $439,030.20 4th quarter restoration - Vienna 5125.437.20 20ll 1't.quarter 2no quarter holdback-Vienna S 62,718.60 Total cash-flow requirements 8211621844.92 Funding Sources With one-third of the cost of the entire project being the responsibility of the municipality, it is our intent to incur long-term debt to finance our share. The semi- annual payments will be financed through the water rate structure as well as the property tax levy. Assuming the project is completed on budget and full allotment is received through the Build CanadaFund - Communities Component, the initial long-term debt requirement will be approximately $720,948.3 0. Staff Report F2009-14 regarding Water Infrastructure Project... Page 134 of 256 ? MU]VCIPALITYOF BAYHAM ùèç MEMORANDUM DATE: FEBRUARY 24.2008 TO: Council RE: Council Meeting Schedule FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk NUMBER: C2009-01 Council has discussed a desire to adjust the regular meeting schedule in March, April, July and August 2009. ;hedule to March 26th: April 1.61h; uly 16th; ng only on August 13th. The regular meeting schedule would apply to May and June and resume on September 4ú. It is pertinent therefore that Council confirm the proposed schedule by resolution. Recommendation: THAT Staff Memorandum C2009-01 be received; THAT the 2009 regular monthly Council meeting schedule for March, April, July and August be amended to rescheduled meetings to the following dates only: March 26th Äpril l6th July 16th August 13th AND TIIAT the regular meeting schedule apply to May and June and resume on September 4th. Thanks Memorandum C2009-01 regarding Council Meeting Schedule. Fil... Page 135 of 256 Page 136 of 256 Page I ofl q J-*'* e,l> Kyle Kruger From: Sandra Maertens Sent: February 24,2009 1:24 PM To: Kyle Kruger Subject: FW: sewer charges -- care of - kyle kruger From : leo paquette [mailto : paquette@amtelecom. net] Sent: Tuesday, February 24,2009 1:15 PM To: Sandra Maeftens Subject: sewer charges -- care of - kyle kruger As we have many empty apartments month after month after month . And when they are rented it is usually only one person and no laundry in 6 upstairs apartments thats bad enough . We feel \Me are being used , Lets just look at vacancies -- 2008 -- march #5 -- , april -- #5 -- may -- # 5 -- september -- #5 october --#5 + #7 -- november -- #5 + #7 + #2 -- december-- #5 + #7 + #2 -- now ,2009 -- january #5 + #2 + #7 -- february -- #5 + #2 + #7 .. Going into march we have #5 + #2 + #7 + #4 --.... We see no reason for paying for services that are not being used , This is getting way out of hand . But as of now we are paying for 8 units and only 2 units upstairs and2 units down are being used thats not right . It,s one thing to pay for something but to pay for something you are not using and the money is not coming in to pay you ????? .. If you could assist us in this we would appreciate it ... Call us if you need any other information ... Leo and Mary Paquette 24t02/2009 Email correspondence dated February 24, 2009 from Leo and Ma... Page 137 of 256 Page 138 of 256 rIIn CORPO¡ì¡ITION OF tHn MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIÄM BY-LAW NO. 2009-022 A BY-LA\ry TO AMEND PROVISIONAL BY.LAW 2008.023' BEINGABY-LAWTOPROYIDEFORDRAINAGE\ryORKS FOR fiIE RICHMOND OUTT,ET DRAIN WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin in accordance with the Sections 4 and 78 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, on February 21,2008 passed By-law 2008-023 adopting Engineer Report No. ZÓSZO7, prepared by Spriet Associates dated December 31, 2007, with an estimated total cosiof $54,800.00 toconstruct the drainage works on the lands and roads described as: o Lots 109-111, Concession N.T.R. and S.T.R. in the Municipality of Bayham AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the constructionhas now been determined to be $75'360.14 AND WHEREAS $75,360.14 is the amount to be contributed by the municipality for construction of the drainage works on the above noted lands; AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedieirt to amend the schedule of net assessment to reflect a total cost of $75,360.14 NOW TIIEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: THAT the actual costs of the drainage works attached hereto as Schedule "4" amending the Schedule of Net Assessment attached to By-law 2008-023 is hereby adopted; TIIAT The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation, the amount of $?S,S60.14, being the amount necessary for construction of the drainage worls; THAT all other terms and conditions of By-law 2008-023 are hereby confrmed; AND TIIAT this byJaw shall come into fuIl force and effect upon the passing thereof. READ A FIRST, SEcoND AND THIRD TIME AND F.INALLY PASSED THIS 5TI DAY OF MARCH 2009. Æ-ffi Draft By-law No. 2009-022 regarding Richmond Outlet Drain. Page 139 of 256 Page 140 of 256 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM MEMORANDUM Ê\o, DATE: FEBRUARY 27.2009 TO: Council RE: Community Centre Janitorial Agreements FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk NUMBERz C2009-03 Background At the Bayham Community Centres Committee meeting held February 26,2009, the following resolution was passed: "....That the Community Centres Committee recommends that Council approve new contracts with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services at the Straffordville and Vienna halls for a two year term.tt Recommendation: *TIIAT By-law 2009-024 and By-law 2009-025 and the attached janitorial agreements with Ramona Peidl for the Vienna and Straffordville @ayham) Community Centres, respectivel¡ be presented to Council for enactment." Respectfully submitted, Attachme b )v/ oJ Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 141 of 256 Page 142 of 256 THE CORPORÁ.TION OF TEE MI]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAWNO.2009-025 ÄBY.LA\ry TO AUTIIORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN ÄGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MI]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHÄM AND RAMONAPEIDL FORTHE PROVISION OF JANITORIÄL SERVICES ÄT TIIE BAYHAM (STR.A.F F ORDVTLLE) COMMTINTTY CENTRE IN THE MI]NICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM H^ ¿i,ltrE f;Iffiü WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for janitorial services to be performed at the Bayham Community Centre in Straffordville; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham hereby approves the provision ofjanitorial services for the Bayham (Sbaffordville) Community Cente in the Municipalityof BayåambyRamona Peidl; NOW THEREF'ORE THE COT'NCIL OF TEE CORPORATION OF THE MI]IVCIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreernent attached hereto as Schedule *Á." and forming part of this by-law between Ramona Peidl and the Municipalþ of Baytram for the provision ofjanitorial serr¡ices at the Bayharn (Straftordville) Community Cente. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into firll force and effect upon final passing. READ Ä tr'IRST, SECOND AIYD THIRD TIME AND NNALLY PASSED THIS 5M DAY OFMARCH2()()9. MAYOR CLERK Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 143 of 256 Schedule "4" BY-law 2009425 THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this sth day of March 2009. BETWEEN: RAMONAPEIDL Hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor" OFTHEFIRSTPART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THEMUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter referred to as 'the Municþality'' OF TTIE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Agreeme'nt for conhacted janitorial serr¡ices to be perforrned at municipal owned facilities, NOW THIS AGREEMENT IYTI}TESSETH AS FOLLO\ilS: 1 . The Contractor hereby conve,nants and agrees to perform j anitorial serr¡ices for municipal owned Ba$am (Sbaffordville) Community Ceirhe facilities in the Munioipality of Baytan. The Contractor hereby convemnts to in accordance with the Service Provision Guideline attached This schedule may be modified only upon mutual written agreement. The Municipality hereby convenants to pay the agreed upon price as per to the Conhactor thirty (30) days ûom the receipt ofinvoice fo¡ services and continuing for the life of the Agreeine,nt. Invoices will be based on services provided the previous month. damage. b) The Contractor shall fumish to the Municipality, upon the execution of this Agree,melr! copies ofthe certificates of insurance, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 4(a) including naming the Municipality as an additional insured. caused by the negligence of the Municipality or their employees. The Confractor shall ftmish to the Municipality, upon the execution of this Agreement a Clea¡ance Certificate iszued by the Worþlace Safety & Insurance Boa¡d which waives its rights under Section 11(3), R.S.O. 1990 of the Worlcers' Compensationlctto hold the Municipality liable for any liabilþ of the Conhactor for assessments and levies owing to the Worþlace Safety & Compensation Board. During the currency of this Agreement, either of the Pa¡ties shall have the right to call a meeting regarding any aspect of the Agree,ment which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Pa¡ties. Ifthe Parties are unable to agree on any point arising out ofthis Agree,raent or the carrying into effect thereoi zuch diffcrences shall be determined by a¡bitation. 2. J. 4. 6. 7. Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 144 of 256 Schedule "AD By-law 2009425 8. This Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties upon thify (30) days written notice. Paragraphs I and 2 may be ame,nded by mutual agreement of both Pa¡ties. 9. This Agreement shall enure and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their successors when attrached to and confirmed by By-law of the Council of the Municþality and siening by the Contractor and shall not be assiped without the consent of both Parties. 10. This Agreement shall be effective ûom March 1, 2009 up to and including February 28' 2011. The Municipality reserves the right and the Contractor agrees to allow the Municipalþ the option of renewal for a fi¡rther one (1) year term with all conditions contained herein in force. INWTI}IESS }VHEREOF TEE COF.PORATE SEÄL OFTEE MT]NICIPALITYIS IIERET'NTO AÌTD(ED AND ATTESTED BY THE PROPERSIGNINGOT"flCERS THEREOF.. AUTHORIZATION THECONTRÁ.CTOR Date IYITNESS Date AUTHORIZATION TMCORPORATIONOFTM MUMCIPALITYOFBAYHAM BY-LAWNO.2009-025 Mayor Clerk Date Date Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 145 of 256 S balloriv ì I I e Co mu n n l r! C. n trc C t c a n ¡ n g Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 146 of 256 SþøÍü¿últ¿ CoMtntÞ C.ite Clwlnt Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 147 of 256 Slralltdtílle Commnl6, Cab. Aanhg Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 148 of 256 &tulIqdvlÛ¿ ùM,nl$ C.ttr. CIw¡\g Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 149 of 256 Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 150 of 256 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT'MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAWNO,2009-024 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE E)GCUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BET}YEEN THE MIJMCIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND RAMONAPEIDL F'OR TEE PROVISION OF JANITORIAL SERVICES AT TEE VIENNA COMMITNITY CENTRE IN THE MT'MCIPALITY OF BAYHAM FT WffiREAS the Council ofthe Corporation ofthe Munioipalityof Baytam is desirous of e'lrteringinto an agreement for janitorial serrricæs to be performed at the Vienna Community Ce'lrte; AI\D WEEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Mruricþalityof Bayhamhereby approves the provision ofjanitorial serr¡ices for the Vie,nna Community Cente in the Municipality of Bayham by Ramona Peidl; NOW THERET'ORE THE COI]NCIL OF TEE CORPORATION OT'TEE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENÁ,CTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A' and forming part of this byJaw betweeir Ramona Peidl and the Municipality of Bayham for the provision ofjaoitorial sen¡ices at the Vienna Community Ce'nhe. 2. THÄT this by-law shall come into fi¡ll force and effeot upon final passing. READ a FrRsT, sEcoND Ä¡ID THIRD TrME AND x'rNALLy pÁ.ssED TErs 5ü D^ÀY oF MÄRCE 2009. MAYOR CLERK Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 151 of 256 Schedule rA' to BY-law 200942/- THIS ÄGREEMENT made in triplicate this sth day of March 2009. BETWEEN: RAMONAPEIDL Hereinafter referred to as "the Conkactor" OFTHEFIRSTPART -and- TTIE CORPORATION OF TITEMUNICIPALMY OF BAYTIAM Hsreinaft€r ref€rre.d to as "the Municipality'' OF THE SECOND PART WHEREÀS the Municipality of Baytam is desirous of entering into an Agree,melrt for contaqted janitorial servicos to be performed at municipal owned facilities, NOW TEIS AGREEMENT }VTINESSETH AS FOLLOWS : I . The Contractor hereby convenants and agrees to perform j anitorial sen¡ices for municipal owned Vienna Community Ceirte facilities in the Municipality of Bayham. 2. erform janitorial services in accordance with the Service æ This schedule may bo modified only upon mutual writtçn agreeme'lrt. 3. The Munioipality hereby convenants to pay the agreed upon price as pcr to the Contractor thiny (30) days from the receipt of invoice for services and continuing for the life of the Agreement. Invoices will be based on serrrices provided the previous month. 4. for and including bodily injury, death or property damage. b) The Contractor shall fi¡mish to the Municipality, upon the execution of this Agree'ment copies of the certificates of i¡sura¡ce, showing that it has complied with the provisions of Paragraph 4(a) including ¡¡aming the Municipality as an additional insured. 5. from all reason of a of the 6. The Contractor shall fu¡nish to the Municþality, upon the execution of this Agreemelrt a Clea¡ance Certificate iszued by the Worþlace Safety & Insurance Board which waives its rights rmder Section 11(3), R.S.O. 1990;f the Wortrers' Compensatíon14c, to hold the Municipalþ liable for any liability of thcConhactor for assessments and levies owing to the Worþlace Safety & Compensation Board. 7 . During the curenoy of this Agreerne,n! either of the Parties shall have the right to call a meeting r"g.di.tg auy asp"ôt ofthe Agree,ment which is unsatisfactory to one or both of the said Pa¡ties. If the Pa¡ties a¡e unablè to agree on anypoint arising out of this Agreement or the carrying into effect thereo zuch differences shall be determined by arbitration' Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 152 of 256 Schedule (A' to BY-law 2009-024 8. This Agreement maybe terminated by either of the Parties upon thirty (30) days written notice. Paragraphs I and2 may be arnended by mutual agreernent of both Pa¡ties' g. This Agreernelrt shall enure an<lbe binding upon the Parties hereto and thei¡ successors when attached to an¿ coñ¡rme¿ by ByJaw of the Council otú" Unnicipalþ and signing by the Contuactor anil shall not be assþed without the consent of both Parties. 10. ThisAgree,mentshall uptoandincludingFebruary28,20ll. The VunicipAity reserves es to allow the Municipalþ the option of renewal for a fi¡rther one (1) year teim with all conditions contained herein in force. IN IVTINESS WHEREOF'TEE CORPORATE SEAL OF THE MI]MCIPALITY IS HERET]NTO AI'FIXED AI.ID ÄTTESTED BYTEE PROPERSIGI\ING OFT'ICERS TMREOF. AUTEORIZATION TMCONTRACTOR Date \ryTTNESS Date AI'THORIZATION THE CORPORATION OF THE' MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHÄM By-LAWNO.2009-024 Mayor Date Clerk Date Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 153 of 256 Vlcnna Communþ Ccnlru CIemIngall T¿ble with snitilng solutim æ detemined by üd Spot nop or Full Wet Mop æ nærry all recyclables & plæ oußide fø piclop & mop fl@r & uppø st¿iÉ B¡f Âra " **-^**"-"*;a**"tu* Countês úd Sinks with smitiáng solution fiidgc and æola insidc ud ousidc with & w€t mop floor & northæt staiß Gúbage ùd move lo outsidc bin sinks, couþñope, tsps & minon with snitizing rolution toilot bowls, 36ß, fram6 to b6e, urinals Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 154 of 256 Vlznna Communíly Centre Cleøning Eitim¡tcd- Ie$t l-++S4 -- 4S.g*-- 13.00 39 S 507.00---- - lt_ & Spot Mop orFull Wet Mop gdbsge ¿nd fcmoYe to outside bin & moD noftheNl & nofthwest st¡irs cooler with suitizing solution (iruido rnd outside) Entrv Wry & w€t mop floor & Êont slai6 sinks, countertops, lsps, minor with sanitizing solution gsrbage & rmove to outside bin toilet bowls, sBts, t¡m6 to bae, urinrls Tot¡l Doms¡in llolt Aq Glass on doon rubber m¿g 114 13 00 13,00 ?a\ Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 155 of 256 Vícnna Communþ Cenbe ClcanÍng Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 156 of 256 Vlennn Communìty Cenlrc Clern¡ng Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 157 of 256 mcnno C.omntunlv Ccntrc Clcnnlngwh@ß (irclud6 lcdgæ), Firc bclls, Lighß, Exit sig$ ænidors, søimlls, ud gublic an mlls all W¿lls i¡ M¡in ll¡ll. k¡tchè¡L br¡ ¿¡æ & whmmB Dop €læhicsl ¡om flær & ryipe @utø with clø & snitiæ i¡side & oubide stova, ov@, & 8ll kiùohd opb@rd dBwrf1 disbs & qtmts & \ìr&eh idc & ouside with sitizing $lution o( I r€quirtd by ¡ll ui¡dru ¡nd scæ insido & oubide a@ betrrcq alt bsmcnt wlls & rir ducts & w€É mop juitor & doEgo Íæ of h¡tl r¡d (Immcdi¿te vicinity) & p¿rking lot Laudaing disholoths & towlr æ næded @ ùouly Ete æ Clm - Appx 25O clo,th chain @ $13. pø hour+ rew ell vinyl tile tlæring / or æ rcquircd by Mamger Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 158 of 256 MINUTES Bayham Community Centres Committee Bayham Municþal Office Committee Room 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Thursday February 26, 2009 Ër 7:30 p.m. Present: Chairman / Councillor'Wayne Casier, Straffordville, Councillor Ed Ketchabaw Lions Club representative Roy Stewart, Vienna Lions Club representative William Gheyser¡ Vienna Community Centre Manager Jackie Bootle.Communit¡ Secretary Lynda Millard , and Diane Squires. Absent: Member atLarge Paul Ens, Bayham Community Centre Manager Jackie DeClercq. 1. Call to Order & Appointment of a Chairman for 2009 The Secretary called the meeting to order at 7:300 pm. MovedbyWm Gheysen Seconded by E Ketchabaw '6That Wayne Casier be appointed as Chairman for 2009." Ca¡ried 2. Disclosure of Pecuniarv Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. Minutes of the -""*a O"ld December 11r 2008 Moved by D Squires Seconded by R Stewart "That the minutes of the meeting held December 11, 2008 be approved as circulated." Carried 4. Business from Minutes It was noted that the dishwasher thermostat has been replaced. Members were reminded that parts from the old dishwasher stored at Vienn4 fit the operating one there. 5. Reports & Correspondence (a) Managers 2009 Rental Reports (i) Vienna (ii) Straffordville MovedbyW Gheysen Seconded by V/ Casier "That the Manager's Rental Report for Vienna and Straffordville be received for information." Carried Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 159 of 256 (b) 2008 Operating Budget to December 31, 2008 Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by D Squires "That the 2008 Operating Budget to December 31,2008 be received for information." Carried (c) Energy Management Evaluation & Feasibility Study prepared by Stantec Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by Wm Gheysen "That the Energy Management Evaluation & Feasibility Study prepared by Stantec be received; And That: 1. The committee recommends Council consider replacing the existing water heaters at the Bayham Community Centre with a tankless equivalent (instantaneous); 2. Proceed with architectural improvements of re-caulking the windows and removing the air conditioning unit; 3. Replace existing exit signs, as they fail, with LED exit signs; the above subject to budget availability." Carried (d) Review of draft rental agreetnent Moved by V/ Gheysen Seconded by R Stewart "That the rental agreement be approved as discussed." Carried (e) Smart Serve News letter February 2009 edition MovedbyE Ketchabaw Seconded by Wm Gheysen "That the Smart Serve News letter February 2009 edition be received for information." Carried (Ð Staff Report CC2009-01 regarding contract renewals - previously circulated Moved by R Stewart Seconded by D Squires "That Staff ReportCC2009-01. regarding contract renewals be received; And That the Community Centres Committee recommends that Council approve new contracts with Ramona Peidl for janitorial services at the Straffordville and Vienna halls for a two vear term." Carried Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 160 of 256 (g) Staff Memo CC2009-01 regarding review of outstanding matters Moved by D Squires Seconded by R Stewart "That Staff Memo CC2009-01 regarding review of outstanding matters be deferred." Carried (h) Email dated February 24,2009 from Jackie Bootle regarding information in the newspaper that one of the Community Centres may close. The Chaírman ødvísed that thís wøs øn option provìded by støff ìn regørd to potential areøs of savìngs for the 2009 budget No changes høve been made at thìs time. (Ð Rental feel and information brochure. Moved by D Squires Seconded by R Stewart "TIIAT the rental fees & information brochure be approved as discussed." Carried 6. Concerns from Committee Members and./or Managers J Bootle asked whether, as manager, is she responsible for changing lightbulbs / maintaining the light fixtures in the Lions den. She was advised that she is not as this is the responsibility of the Lions Club. She advised that Koolen Electric will again be looking at the heat pump unit as no water seems to be going through. Roy Stewart advised that the men's washroom urinals are producing a sewer odour. He was not sure if the fan was working. He also noted that there are rust streaks on the walls above the urinals. Staff was requested to look into the matter and have plumbing repairs made as necessary. 7. Other Business None 8. In Camera Closed Session Moved by E Ketchabaw Seconded by R Stewart (Thatthe Committee now rise at 10:28 p.m. to enter into an t'In Camera" session of committee of the whole to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees." Carried Moved by R Stewart Seconded by E Ketchabaw "That the Committee of the Whole do now rise at 10:30 p.m." Carried Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 161 of 256 9. (a)Closed Session minutes of meetings held:April26/07 January 24/08 April24/08 Next meeting date and adjournment MovedbyE Ketchabaw Seconded by Wm Gheysen "That the meeting be adjourned at 10:31 p.m. to meet again on April 212009 at7z30 p.m. at the Municþal Office Committee Room, or at the call of the Chairman n' Carried Chairman Date approved: Memorandum C2009-03 regarding Community Centre Janitorial Ag... Page 162 of 256 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORANDUM i) DATE: February 25,2009 FILE: Cl3 TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Meeting and Request - Vienna LibraryÆormer Town Hall Staff have met further with proponents for the Concerned Citizens of Vienna regarding the Vienna Library lF ormer Town Hall. At this time, the proponents wish to retain the services of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario "Preservation Works!" program. Under this program the Conservancy will undertake a number of services, including Structural Analysis and Condition Assessment, at a cost of $300 per service. The group wishes to make application for Structural Analysis, Condition Assessment, and Advice for Restoration, and is seeking municipal approval. The group intends to hnance the costs from fundraising, however is also seeking Council commitment to fund up to $300. of the costs. Staff Memorandum regarding Meeting and Request - Vienna Libr... Page 163 of 256 Page 164 of 256 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Administrator SUBJECT: Grow Your OwnNP Fundins/FHT Transfer DATE: March 2,2009 FILE: Fl l.GYONP NUMBERz C2009-02 Purpose To recommend completion of an agreement with the East Elgin Family Health Team regarding funding under the Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner program. Background The Municipality entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care under the Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner program in September 2006. Under the program, the province provided funding for the Municipality to retain a nurse practitioner for a period required to complete their education and for a two-year return of service. The funding budget included salary, benefits and certain overhead expenses. It has been anticipated that the agreement would be assigned to the East Elgin Family Health Team at such time as they became operational. This was confirmed with the Ministry at the outset of the program. A transition period was approved by Council to house the nurse practitioner services at 9299 Plank Road, with Dr. Leatherdale serving as the collaborating physician. The EEFHT is now up and running, and retained the Nurse Practitioner as their employee commencing January 5,2009. However, on-going discussions with the Ministry have identified that the GYONP agreement cannot be assigned (there is no legal remedy identified within the Ministry). Therefore, in order to continue funding, the agreement itself will need to remain with the Municipality. Staff Comments Bayham and EEFHT staff have discussed the matter, and options to flow the GYONP funding to the Family Health Team for the retained Nurse Practitioner. EEFHT staff indicate they have confirmed with the Ministry that the funding may be flowed via an agreement for service between the Municipality and the EEFHT. An agreement has been drafted by the solicitors for the EEFHT, and is attached to this report. The intent of the agreement is to provide that the EEFHT will retain the Nurse Practitioner and Bayham will transfer funding received under the GYONP program to provide for that service. It is staff understanding that services under the program will continue at the current location. At this time, staff is seeking Council approval for the agreement with the EEFHT. A separate agreement will be forthcoming regarding lease arrangements for the Straffordville facility. Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 165 of 256 Attachments 1. Draft By-law No. 2009-026, to authorize execution of an agreement with East Elgin Family Health Team regarding the provision ofNurse Practitioner Services. Recommendation: THAT By-law No. 2009-026 ,being a by-law to authorize execution of an agreement with East Elgin Family Health Team regarding the provision of Nurse Practitioner Services be presented to Council for enactment. Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 166 of 256 l- THE CORPORATION OF'THE MIJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAIY NO.2009-026 {, BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZETHE EXECUTION OX'AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MI]¡ICIPALITY OT' BAYIIAM ANI) EAST ELGIN F'AMILY IIEALTH TEAM WHEREAS the Municipality entered into a Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (the "MinistrT') dated September l,2006 (the "GYONP Agreement'); AND WHEREAS the Municipality has employed a nurse practitioner under the GYONP Agteement; AND \ryHEREAS the Ministry has directed the EEFHT to employ the Nurse Practitioner; AND \ilIIEREAS the Municipality is to continue as the sponsoring organization under the GYONP Agreement and receive the funding from the Ministry for the Nurse Practitioner; NOW TIIEREX'ORE THE COI]NCIL OF THE CORPORÄ,TION OF TIIE MU¡ICIPALITY OX' BAYHAM ENACTS .4.S F'OLLO\ilS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule '.A" and forming part of this byJaw between East Elgin Family Health Team and the Municipality of Bayham regarding funding under the Province of Ontario Grow your Own Nurse Practitioner program. 2. AND THAT this byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A X'IRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS sTH DAY OF MARCII,2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 167 of 256 2- THIS AGREEMENT made as of this 5th day of March, 2009. BET\ilEEN: TIM CORPORATION OF THE MI'I¡TCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM (hereinafter called the rrMunicipality") .AND- EAST ELGIN FAMILY IIEALTH TEAM a corporation incorporated under the laws ofthe Province ofOntario (hereinafter called the "FHT") WHEREAS the Municipality entered into a Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Onta¡io as represented by the Ministry of Health and Long- Term Care (the "Ministry) dated September 1,2006 (the "GYONP Agreemenf); A¡D WHEREAS Kristal Pitter has been employed by the Municipality as a nurse practitioner (the "Nurse Practitioner") under the GYONP Agreement; A¡D WIIEREAS the Ministry has directed the FHT to employ the Nurse Practitioner; AllD WHEREAS the Municipality is to continue as the sponsoring organization under the GYONP Agreement and receive the funding from the Ministry for the Nurse Practitioner; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that for good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency ofwhich are hereby acknowledged), the parties covenant and agree as follows: l. Funding (a) The Municipality shall flow in tull to the FHT the funding ¡eceived by the Municipality from the Ministry for the Nurse Practitioner under the GYONP Agreement as more particularly described in Appendix A (the "Funding"). (b) The Municipality shall promptly on receip of the Funding from the Ministry transfer the Funding to the FHT. 2. Term (a) This Agreement shall be effective as of March 5,2009 until October l, 2009, unless terminated earlier in accordance with section 2(b), (b) This Agreement shall terminate immediately on the date upon which the Nurse Practitioner ceases employment with the FHT due to the Nurse Practitioner tendering her resignation to FHT or being terminated by the FHT. (c) The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the liability of the Municipality for amounts due or accruing due to the FHT under this Agteement at the date of termination. 3. General (a) The FHT shall not be responsible or liable for any of the obligations or liabilities of the Municipality under or in relation to the GYONP Agreement. (b) This Agreement and the Appendix hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understanding, collateral, oral, or otherwise. There are no other agreements among the parties in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement, except as specifically set forth in this Agreement and the Appendix hereto. (c) This Agreement shall not be amended or modified in any respect except by written instrument signed by the parties hereto. Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 168 of 256 -J- Neither party hereto may assign this Agreement or any part hereof without the prior w¡itten consent of the other party hereto. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective heirs, executors, adminishators, successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns' No delay or failure of any party in exercising any right or remedy hereunder and no partial exercise of any such right or remedy shall be deemed to constitute a waiver or such right or remedy or.any other rights or remedies of such party hereunder. This Agreement and the rights, obligations and ¡elations of the parties hereto shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts each of which shall constitute an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM Mayor Clerk EASTELGIN FAMILY HEALTH TEAM VWe have authority to bind the corporation (d) (e) (Ð (e) Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 169 of 256 APPENDD(A F'T]NDING Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 170 of 256 Minlstry of Health Ministère de la Santé and Long-Term Care et des Soins de longue durée Primary Health Care Renouvellement des soins primaires Primary Health Care and Équipe de renouvellement des soins Family Health Teams primaires et éqüipes Santé familiale Health System Accountability Division de la responsabilisation et de and Performance Division la performance du système de santé 80 Queen Street, 3rd Floor 80, rue Queen, B" étage Kingston ON K7K 6W7 Kingston ON K7K 6W7Tel: 613 650-5444 Tét. : 613 650-5¿|44Fax 613 650-5440 Téléc: 613 650-5440 January 14,2008 Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 @ Ontar¡o Attention: Margaret Underhill, Planning Coordinator-Deputy Clerk Dear Ms. Underhill: Re: Nurse Practitioner Funding Agreement under the Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner ("GYONP") lnitiative - Municipality of Bayham ("Organization") Elgi104 The Ministry entered into an agreement with the Organization dated September 1, 2006 to facilitate the education of a nurse pract¡tioner (the "GYONP Agreement"), attached to this Agreement as Schedule "E". Pursuant to the GYONP Agreement, the Ministry, the Organization and the Nurse Practitioner entered into a Return of Service Agreement (the "ROS Agreement"), attached to this Agreement as Schedule "F", whereby the Nurse Practitioner agreed to provide Services for the Organization for a two-year period following her registration as a nurse practitioner. This letter sets out the terms and conditions governing the funds the Ministry shall provide to the Organization for the Nurse Practitioner's Seruices for the term of the ROS Agreement, Definitions 1. ln this Agreement, the following words shall have the following meanings: "Agreement" means this agreement between the Ministry and the Organization, all schedules attached to this Agreement and any instrument amending this Agreement. Elgi104 cYO PCNP Page 1 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 171 of 256 - Municioalitv of Bavham ' " Budget" means the budget attached as Schedule "8", 1'CNO" means the College of Nurses of Ontario. "Collaborating Physician" means the physician with whom the Nurse Practitioner enters into an agreement pursuant to subsection 9(d). "Fiscal Period" means: (a) in the case of the first Fiscal Period, the period commencing November 1, 2007 and ending on the first day that is March 31 following the date of this Agreement; and (b) in the case of Fiscal Periods subsequent to the first Fiscal Period, the period commencing on the date that is April 1 following the end of the previous Fiscal Period and ending the following March 31. "Funds" means the funds described in section 3. "Ministry" means the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. "Nurse Practitioner" means Kristal Pitter RN(EC). "Nurse Practitioner Records" means all records and documents created by the Nurse Practitioner in providing the Services. "Nursing Act" means the Nursing Act, 1991 , S.O. 1 991 , c. 32. "Organization" means the Municipality of Bayham. "Organization Records" means all records, invoices and other documents. created by or belonging to the Organization that relate to the Funds and the operation of the Program. "Program" means the program described in section 8 of this Agreement. "Resident" has the meaning ascribed to in lhe Health lnsurance Acf, R.S.O, 1990, c. H.6. "Service Area" means in the Municipality of Bayham. "Services" means primary health care seruices that the Nurse Practitioner is authorized by law to pedorm, Elsi104 GYO PCNP Page 2 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 172 of 256 2. This Agreement shall commence on November 1,2007 and shall end on October 30, 2009 unless terminated earlier pursuant Ìo section 21 ,22 or 24 of this Agreement. The Funds 3. Subject to section 27,lhe Ministry shall, in each Fiscal Period provide to the Organization the Funds specified in the Budget for the provision of Services, Based upon the reports provided to the Ministry pursuant to section 16, the Ministry shall, for each Fiscal Period, subsequent to the first Fiscal Period, approve a budget that shall be deemed: (a) to be the Budget in respect of the succeeding Fiscal Period to which it relates; (b) to replace the Budget for the prior Fiscal Period; and (c) to form Schedule "8" to this Agreement. 4. The Ministry shall make payments to the Organization in monthly instalments: (a) in the amount lísted in the Budget; (b) by direct deposit into a bank account designated by the Organization; and (c) on the last business day of each month. 5, lf the Nurse Practitioner does not begin work on the first business day of the month, the Ministry shall prorate the first payment to reflect the time the Nurse Practitioner worked during the first month. 6, The Organization shall only use the Funds to operate the Program in accordance with this Agreement and shall expend the Funds only in accordance with the Budget. 7. The Organization shall not move Funds from one Budget category to another without the prior written consent of the Ministry. Elsi104 GYO PCNP Page 3 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 173 of 256 . Municipalitv of Bavham ' The Proqram L The Organization shall operate a Program for the provision of primary care seruices that ensures that Residents of the Seruice Area, who are patients of the Organization, receive the Services of the Nurse Practitioner on a full-time basis (where full-time is interpreted to mean a minimum of 35 hours per week, exclusive of absence due to vacation, sickness and other reasons for absence that are reasonably deemed acceptable by the Organization), at times that are commensurate with the needs of the community in the Seruice Area. 9. In operating the Program, the Organization shall: (a) engage the seruices of the Nurse Practitioner to provide the Seruices; (b) ensure that the Nurse Practitioner is, and continues to be for the duration of the Agreement, a member of the CNO who holds an extended certificate of registration under the Nursing Act; (c) ensure that the Nurse Practitioner maintains for the period during which the Nurse Practitioner provides Seruices, malpractice protection in the amount of not less than $5,000,000 on an occurrence basis; (d) ensure that the Nurse Practitioner enters into an agreement with a Collaborating Physician for the period during which the Nurse Practitioner provides Seruices, for the purposes of, and to cover the matters outlined in, Schedule "A"; (e) use its best efforts to ensure that the Nurse Practitioner: (i) only provides Services for the benefit of Residents; (¡i) does not charge any Resident any fee for any Seruice; (ii¡) meets the Nurse Practitioner's professional obligations as described in the Standards for Consultation with Physicians by RNECS, issued by the CNO; (¡v) provides all Seruices in compliance with all federal, provincialand municipal laws and regulations, and any orders, rules and by-laws related to any aspect of the Seruices; (v) keeps and maintains all Nurse Practitioner Records in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles or clerical practices, as the case may be; Elgi104 GYO PCNP Page 4 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 174 of 256 Municioalitv of Bavham (vi) maintains all Nurse Practitioner Records and keeps them available for review by the Organization and the Ministry for a period of seven (7) years from the date of the termination or expiry of this Agreement; and (vii) maintains all Nurse Practitioner Records that contain personal information about the people to whom the Nurse Practitioner provides Seruices, in a confidential manner consistent with all applicable laws; (f) continue to contribute to the operation of the Program for the period during which this Agreement is in effect, which contribution shall be satisfactory to the Ministry; (g) keep and maintain all Organization Records in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles or clerical practices, as the case may be; (h) maintain all Organization Records and keep them available for review by the Ministry for a period of seven (7) years from the date of the termination or expiry of this Agreement; (i) allow the Ministry, upon twenty-four Q\ hours' notice and during normal business hours, to enter upon the Organization's premises to inspect and copy any Organization's Records in the possession or under the control of the Organization which relate to the Funds; and 0) acquire all equipment, supplies and services (other than Seruices) it purchases with the Funds through a process that ensures the best value for funds expended. Additional Terms and Conditions 10. The Ministry shall be entitled, at any time, to impose such additional terms or conditions on the Organization that it considers appropriate for the proper expenditure and management of the Funds and the operation of the Program. lnspection and Audit 11. The Mínistry's right of inspection in this Agreement includes the right to pedorm an audit of any kind including a review or examination of any aspect of the Program or the Seruices or any Organization Records. 12. To assist the Ministry to carry out its inspection under this Agreement, the Organization shall provide any other information to the Ministry reasonably requested by the Ministry. Elgilo4 GYo PCNP Page 5 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 175 of 256 . Municipalitv of Bavham ' 13. The purposes for which the Ministry may exercise its inspection and audit rights include:(a) determining for what items and purposes the Organization is expending or has expended the Funds; and (b) determining whether the Organization is operating the Program effectively and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 14. Nothing in this Agreement shall require the Organization, except as otheruvise permitted or required by law, to disclose any personal information, or any personal health information or records to the Ministry. 15. No right conferred upon the Ministry under the Agreement nor any provision of the Agreement shall be construed so as to give the Ministry any control whatsoever over the Organization Records or the Nurse Practitioner Records. Reports 16, The Organization shall submit to the Ministry the repofis listed in Schedules "C" and "D", on the dates listed in Schedules "C" and "D", and such other repoñs as the Ministry may request from time to time. 17. The Organization shall ensure that all repofts are in a form satisfactory to the Ministry. lndemnification 18. The Organization shall indemnify and hold harmless the Ministry, its officers, employees and agents for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, or any loss of use, revenue or profit, by any person, entity or organization including the Organization, arising out of or in any way related to this Agreement. lnsurance 19. The Organization shall put into effect and maintain for the period during which the Agreement is in effect, at its own expense, all the necessary insurance that would be considered appropriate for an organization operating a Program of this kind, including: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance, to an inclusive limit of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for propefiy damage, bodily injury and personal injury, and including, at least, the following policy endorsements: Elgi104 GYO PCNP Page 6 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 176 of 256 , Municipalitv of Bavham ' (i) Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, as an additional insured with respect to the operation of the Program provided and the provision of Services under this Agreement; (ii) a cross-liability clause endorsement; (iii) a contractual liability endorsement; and (iv) a 30 day written notice of cancellation. 20. Upon request of the Ministry, the Organization shall provide the Ministry with proof of insurance. Termination 21. Either party, at any time, without reason and without liability, cost or penalty, may terminate this Agreement upon giving 90 days'written notice to the other pany. 22. The Ministry may, in its sole discretion, without liability, cost or penalty, and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Ministry under this Agreement, any other agreement, at law or in equity, terminate this Agreement immediately upon giving wrítten notice to the Organization if: (a) in the opinion of the Ministry: (i) the Organization breaches any term or condition of this Agreement; (ii) the Organization is unable to operate the Program; (¡ii) the Organization enters into another agreement with the Ministry for the same or similar purposes; (iv) the ROS Agreement is terminated; (v) the Organization breaches any term or conditíon of either the GYONP Agreement or the ROS Agreement; (vi) the Nurse Practitioner breaches any term or condition of the ROS Agreement; or (vii) the Nurse Practitioner ceases to provide Seruices for the Organization in accordance with the terms of the ROS Agreement; or if: ElgiTo4 GYo PCNP PageT of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 177 of 256 , Municipalitv of Bavham ' (b) the Organization makes an assignment, proposal, compromise, or arrangement for the benefit of creditors, or is petitioned into bankruptcy, or files for the appointment of a receiver; or (c) the Organization ceases to operate. 23. lf the Ministry, in its sole discretion, considers the nature of the breach referred to in section 22(a)(i), section 22(a)(v) or section 22(a)(vi)to be such that it can be remedied and that it is appropriate to allow the Organization the oppottunity to remedy the breach, the Ministry may give the Organization an oppoftunity to remedy the breach by giving the Organization written notice: (a) of the pafticulars of the breach; (b) of the period of time within which the Organization is required to remedy the breach; and (c) that the Ministry shallterminate this Agreement: (¡) at the end of the notice period provided for in the notice if the Organization fails to remedy the breach within the time specified in the notice; or (¡¡) prior to the end of the notice period provided for in the notice if it becomes apparent to the Ministry that the Organization cannot completely remedy the breach within that time or such further period of time as the Ministry considers reasonable, or the Organization is not proceeding to remedy the breach in a way that is satisfactory to the Ministry. 24. lf the Ministry has provided the Organization with an opportunity to remedy the breach, and: (a) the Organization does not remedy the breach within the time period specified in the notíce; (b) it becomes apparent to the Ministry that the Organization cannot completely remedy the breach within the time specified in the notice or such further period of time as the Ministry considers reasonable; or (c) the Organization is not proceeding to remedy the breach in a way that is satisfactory to the Ministry, the Ministry shall have the right to ímmediately terminate this Agreement by giving notice of termination to the Organization. Elgilo4 GYo PCNP Paoe I of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 178 of 256 " Municipalitv of Bavham ' 25. ln the event of termination pursuant to section 24,lhe effective date of termination shall be the last day of the notice period, the last day of any subsequent notice period or immediately, which ever applies. Suspension of Fundinq 26. Despite its right to terminate the Agreement pursuant to sections 21,22 and24, the Ministry may choose not to terminate the Agreement and may choose to suspend Funding under the Agreement for such period as the Ministry determines necessary and appropriate. Fundinq Upon Termination 27. lf this Agreement is terminated by the Ministry or the Organization (as the case may be) pursuant to section 21,22 or 24, the Ministry shall: (a) cancel allfuñher Funding instalments; (b) demand the payment of any Funds remaining in the possession or under the control of the Organization; and (c) demand the payment of monies equalto any Funds used by the Organization for purposes not agreed upon by the Ministry. Fundinq at end of Fiscal Period and Upon Expitv 28. lf, at the end of any Fiscal Period or upon the expiry of the Agreement: (a) the Organization has not spent all of the Funds allocated as provided for in the Budget; or (b) the Organization has used Funds for purposes not agreed upon by the Ministry, the Ministry may demand the payment of the unspent Funds or monies equalto any Funds used for purposes not agreed upon by the Ministry, and the Organization shall pay them ímmediately to the Ministry. Debts Owinq to the Ministry 29. lf the Ministry demands the payment of any Funds or monies pursuant to this Agreement, the amount demanded shall be deemed to be a debt due and owing to the Ministry and the Organization shall pay the amount to the Ministry immediately unless the Ministry directs othenruise. Elgi104 GYO PCNP Page 9 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 179 of 256 Municioalitv of Bavham 30. The Ministry reserves the right to demand interest on any amount ow¡ng by the Organization at the then current rate charged by the Province of Ontario on accounts receivable. 31. The Organization shall pay the amount demanded by cheque, made payable to the "Minister of Finance", and mailed to the Ministry to the attention of the Manager, I nterd isciplinary Practitioner Program. Acknowledoement 32. The Organization shall acknowledge the support of the Government in all publicly distributed reports and materials and in all advertísing and publicity relating to the Program, in a format approved by the Mínistry. Notices 33. Any notice, consent, approval or other communication required, permitted or contemplated to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or by courier, sent by certifìed, registered or postage prepaid mail, or sent by facsimile, addressed to the other party at the address provided below or at such other address as either party shall later communicate to the other in writing in the manner provided by this section 33. All notices, consents, approvals and other communications shall be addressed as follows: To the Ministry: I nterd isciplinary Practitioner Prog ram Primary Health Care Team 80 Queen Street, 3d Floor Kingston ON K7K 6W7 Attention: A/Manager, East and lnterdisciplinaryPhone: (613) 650-5444Fax: (613) 650-5440 To the Organization: Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention : Margaret Underhill Planning Coord inator/Deputy ClerkPhone: (5fg) 866-5521Fax: (519) 866-3884 Elgil04 GYOPCNP Page 10 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 180 of 256 " Municipalitv of Bavham ' 34. All notices, consents, approvals and other communications shall be effective and deemed to have been received:(a) at the time the delivery is made when the communication is delivered personally or by courier; (b) seventy-two (72) hours after deposit in the mail when the communication is sent by certified, registered or postage prepaid mail; or (c) at the time the facsimile is received when the communication is delivered by facsimile. Schedules 35. The following schedules are attached to this letter and form part of the Agreement: (a) Schedule '.A" - Terms of agreement between Nurse Practitioner and Collaborating Physician ; (b) Schedule uBu - Budget; (c) Schedule uOn - Financial Repofts; (d) Schedule uDu - Pedormance Repofts; (e) Schedule "E" - Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner Agreement; and (f) Schedule "F" - Return of Service Agreement. Suruival 36. Sections 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 16 (to the extent any report has not been submitted in accordance with sectíon 16), 1 8,27,28,29,30, 31 , 36 and 38 shall survive termination or expiry of this Agreement for a period of 7 years from its termination or expiry. Entire Aqreement 37. This Agreement together with the attached schedules listed in section 35 constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations, agreements and understandings. Elei104 GYO PCNP Page 11 of 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 181 of 256 and lnterdisciplinary Municipalitv of Bavham Riqhts and Remedies Cumulative 38. Except to the extent othenruise expressly stated in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and are in addition to, and not in substitution for, any rights and remedies provided under any other agreement, at law or in equity. Please acknowledge your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, by signing both copies of this letter and returning them to the Ministry address identified in section 33 of this Agreement. Yours sincerely, On behalf of and with the authority of the Municipality of Bayham, I hereby accept the Signing r for the Munic of Bayham Signing Officer for the Municipality of Bayham Elgi104 GYO PCNP Page 12 oÍ 12 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 182 of 256 Schedule "A," Attached to and forming part of the agreement between the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Municipality of Bayham dated the .. . .. .. day of ... . , . ...... 2008. Terms of Agreement between the Nurse Practitioner and the Collaborating Physician The agreement the Municipality of Bayham enters into with the Collaborating Physician(s) shall include clauses: (a) providing that the Collaborating Physician(s) shall provide ongoing professional support to the Nurse Practitioner to enable the Nurse Practitioner to meet the Nurse Practitioner's professional obligations as described in the Standards for Consultationwith Physicians by RN(EC)s, issued by the CNO; (b) warranting that the Nurse Practitioner and the Collaborating Physician(s) have established a collaborative working relationship that allows the Nurse Practitioner to provide the Services and to meet the Nurse Practitioner's professional responsibilities as prescribed by law; (c) wananting that the Collaborating Physician(s) is a member in good standing of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; (d) warranting that the Collaborating Physician(s) has and shall maintain for the period during which the Collaborating Physician(s) is engaged by the Municipality of Bayham to provide support to the Nurse Practitioner, membership in the Canadian Medical Protective Association or its equivalent; and (e) providing any other terms necessary to give effect to the obligations of the Collaborating Physician(s) described above. Elgil04 Schedule A Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 183 of 256 Attachment (I)Municipality of BayhamSummary GYO NP FundingFor the PeriodSeptember 1,2006 to October 31,2007 (1) Approved Budget September 1,2006 To March 31,2007 (7 Months) Q) Approved Budget April 1,2007 To August 31,2007 (5 Months) (3) RN Interim Funding I September L,2007 To October 31,2007 (2Months) (4) Total April 1,2007 To October 31,2007 (2+3) (s) Total September 1,2006 To October 31,2007 (1+4) ìN Salary Funding $ 30.948 $ 22,105 $8,842 s 30,947 $ 61.895 Benefits @ 26Vo 8,050 5.750 2,300 8,050 16,100 iii)RN Education Funding (Tuition + Expenses) 2 11,500 I1,500 $ 11,500 (iv) ,$.s $89,495 ' RN Interim Funding September & October 2007 - RN Salary & Benefits: Annual Salary $53,053 (2 months @ $4,42lteach plus benefits @ $1,150/each) 2 RN Education Funding - approved one-time funding of $10,364 (Tuition @ $3,502 plus Other Education Costs @ $6,862) deposited November 30,2OO7 . Elgil04 GYO NP 2007_08 Budget Template GYO NP Funding Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 184 of 256 Attachment (ff) Prímary Care Nurse Practitíoner Funding Allocation Maximum funding allocation of $116,650 and is to provide for each NP salary and benefit costs, and a portion of overhead expenses. Any additional costs beyond the maximum allocation of $1 16,650 will need to be planned for by the organization. . Nurse Practitioner maximum annual salary funding level of $85,320. . Benefits inclusive of statutory employee benefits (e.g. CPP, EI, etc) . Overhead Expenses exclusive of funding contribution(s) and/or in kind resources received from community and or/organization. ' Nurs" Practitínner Date of Hire - November t, 2007 Elgi104 GYO NP 2007-OB Budget Template 0708 Budget Request Municipality of BayhamPrimary Care Nurse Practitioner Funding Request E4penditure Categories 2007-08 Annual Funding Request r (i)NP Salary $ 85,320 (iÐ Beneftts 26Vo 22,184 (iii)Overhead Expenses 9,1,46 (iv)Total Annual Funding $ r16.6s0 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 185 of 256 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 186 of 256 January 16,2009 The Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Staffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Margaret Underhill, Planning Coordinator, Deputy Clerk Dear Ms. Underhill: u Re: Agreement between the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (the "Ministry") and The Municipality of Bayham (the "Agreement") - ELGI104 Further to our letter of October 1, 2008, this shall serve to confirm that the Ministry has amended the 2008-09 Budget and Financial Reports to reflect the base funding level increase of $3,500 from $116,650 to $120,150 effective April 1, 2008. The new maximum Nurse Practitioner salary level has been increased by 2.25% from $85,320 to 587,240, and funding related to benefit and overhead costs has been increased by a total of $1,580. Therefore, the Agreement is amended as follows: 1. The Budget in Schedule "8" is deleted and replaced by the Budget enclosed with this letter; and 2. The Financial Report in Schedule "C" is deleted and replaced by the Financial Report enclosed with this letter. Except for the amendments set out herein, the terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. Please review these amendments to ensure that they are consistent with your understanding of the Agreement with the Ministry. Please sign both copies of this letter and return one copy to: Minlstry of Health and Long-Term Care Primary Health Care Health System Accountability and Performance Division 80 Queen Street,3d Floor Kingston ON K7K 6W7Tel: 6í3-536-3200 Tollfree: 1-866-766-0266Fax: 613536-3222 Mlnistère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée Équipe de renouvellement des soins primaires Division de la responsabilisation et de la performance du système de santé 80, rue Queen, 3" étage Kingston ON K7K 6WZ f d.: 613 536-3200 Sans frais :1 866 766-0266Téléc.: 613536-3222 ¿I Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Interdisciplinary Practitioner Pro gram 80 Queen Street, 3'o Floor Kingston ON K7K 6W7 4461 -02-6 (06/1 I ) /,) Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 187 of 256 The Municipalitv of Bayham We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that section 6 of the Agreement requires your organization to expend funds only in accordance with the approved budget. Further, section 7 prohibits the movement of funds from one budget category to another unless prior written approval is given. With respect to the submission of quarterly reports, section 16 of the Agreement requires your organization to submit them in accordance with the due dates listed in Schedule C "Financial Report" and Schedule D "Performance Report". An electronic version of the Performance Report can be made available upon your written request. If you have any questions please contact Angela Bearance at Angela.Bearance@ontario.ca or call 613-650-5438. Yours sincerely, Salaried Models and Programs Unit On behalf of and with the authority of The Municipality of Bayham, I hereby agree to the above noted amendments to the Agreement. Enclosures: Schedule "8" 2008-09 Revised Budget Schedule "C" 2008-09 Revised Financial Report Date Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 188 of 256 Schedule I'BrrAttached to and forming part of the Agreement between the Ministry of Health and Long-Term care and rhe Municipality of Bayham dated the 25th dayof January 200g. ' Total Approved Funding - mædmum annual funding allocation increased by $3,500 from gl16,650 to $120,150 effecrive April l, 200g. . NP Salary - ma<imum annual salary funding level increased by 2.25o/o from $85,320 to $87,240. 2 Retroactive funding of $2,625.03 owing for the period April 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008 (9 months x$291.67)to be deposited in conjunction with the revised January 30, monthly payment of $10,012.50 for a rotal deposit of 912,637.53. 3 Sub$equent monthly payments to be deposited in the amount of $10,012.50 unless otherwise notified. Elgil04 0809 Revised Budget.xls Sched B Revised Budeet Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 189 of 256 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 190 of 256 Schedule "C"Anached to and forming part of the Agreement between the Ministry of Health and Long-Term ca¡e and rhe Municipality of Bayham dated the 25th day of January 200g.Revised Financial Reporttr'or the Fiscal periodApril 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 MOELTC Revised Budget April 1,2008 To March 31, 2009 Expenditures Aprl-Jun30 Due July 31,2008 Jull-Sep30 i Octt-Dec3l October 31, 2008 i January 31, 2009 i Janl-Mar3l Due April 30, 2009 April 1,2008 To March 31,2009 I Expenditures - report actual expenditures that are related to Minisfy fi:nding only. identified and reported in the section below. ln Kind Funding Contribution(s) and/or resources received from the community and/or organization a¡e to be Total Ð $ üi) iv) v) . ,1..vin.ì $s ,$$$ ' In Kind Contributions - identifl, and report frrnding confibution(s) and/or in kind resources received from the communþ and/or sponsoring organization. Please complete the above information and submit in accordance with the due date to: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Interdisciplinary Practitioner Program, Primary Health Care Team 80 Queen Streel, 3rd Floor Kingston ON K7K 614/7 Approved By: Etgil04 0809 Revised Budget.xls Sched C Revised Fin Reoort Dated: Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 191 of 256 Staff Report C2009-02 regarding Grow Your Own NP Funding / F... Page 192 of 256 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: March 2,2009 FROM: 'Water/'Wastewater Superintendent FILE: SUBJECT: Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program NUMBER: E2009-003 Purpose This report is to bring forward information on the Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program, implemented under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Background The Ontario Government has implemented the Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program as recommended by Justice O'Connor in the Part II report of the V/alkerton Inquiry. Justice O'Connor recommended a new approvals framework for municipal drinking water systems, which would require owners to obtain a license to operate their systems as well as incorporate a quality management system into their operations. A license will be issued by the MOE to the owner upon approval of the following: 1. A Drinking Water V/orks Permit (DWWP) . a permit to establish or alter a drinking water system (together with a licence, this will replace the certihcate of approval). 2. An Accepted Operational Plan o this plan will be based on the Drinking Water Qualþ Management Standard (DWQMS) and will document the operating authority's quality management system (QMS). 3. Accreditation of the Operating Authority o a third-party audit of the QMS will be the Basis for accreditation. 4. A Financial Plan o as required under the Financial Plans Regulation. 5. A Permit to Take Water (PTTVi) o a valid PTTW is required to be in place (not applicable to Bayham's system). Owners are required to submit their operational plans and application for a DWWP and licence on or before the dates prescribed by the Licensing of Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg. 188/07). Bayham's deadline as set out in the said regulation is May I,2009. Staff Comments ln January of 2008 a quality management system team was created utilizing Bayham water /wastewater staff as well as the utilitv clerk. Over the course of the vear the team attended various Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 193 of 256 2 seminars and certification courses, which has enabled them to develop a quality management system through an operation plan (as attached) for the Bayham V/ater Distribution System. The operational plan was developed by the use of the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Management Standard. This standard emphasizes the importance through twenty-one elements of: o proactive and preventative rather than strictly reactive management strategies to identifr and manage risks to public health o the establishment and documentation of management procedures o meeting the management procedures and continuous improvement of the management system The operational plan is subject to annual internal audits and a third party audit once every three years. Expenses for the third party audit are to be approximately $2500.00 for 2009 and every other year there after. In order to finalize the operational plan for submission to the MOE by the previously said deadline, the contents must be endorsed by top management (municipal CAO) and the owner (council). Attachments Municipality of Bayham Water Distribution System Operational Plan. Strateeic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Goal#7 - Promote excellence in environmental stewardship Recommendation That Staff Report 2009-003 be received, And that Council endorse the Municipality of Bayham Water Distribution System Operational Plan, And that the Plan be reviewed annually review revisions made as necessary to maintain and continually improve the quality management system. Respectfully submitted, Ed Roloson Water/Wastewater Superintendent yle Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 194 of 256 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Bayham Water Distribution System Operational Plan PREPARED BY: MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TEAM First Revision February 12,2009 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 195 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PLAN Table of Contents 1. Quality Management System2. QMS Policy3. Commitment and Endorsement4. QMS Representative5, Document and Records Control6. Drinking Water System7. Risk Assessment8. Risk Assessment OutcomesL Operational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities 10. Competencies11. Personnel Coverage 241712. Communication13. Essential Suppliers and Services14. Review and Provision of Infrastructure15. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renewal 16. Sampling, Testing and Monitoring17. Measurement and Recording18 EmergencyManagement19. Internal Audit20. Management Review21. Continuallmprovement APPENDIX A - Council Endorsement APPENDIX B - Organizational Structure APPENDIX C - Process Flow Chart APPENDIX D - Operational Structure APPENDIX E - Operational Responsibilities and Authorities Procedure A - Document and Record Control Procedure B - Risk Assessment and Outcomes Procedure C - Personnel Coverage 2417 Procedure D - Water Supply Emergency Plan Procedure E - lnternal Audit Procedure F - Management Review Pg.2 Pg.2 Pg.2 Pg. 3 Pg.3 Pg. 3 Pg.4 Pg. 4 Pg.4 Pg. 5 Pg. 5 Pg.6 Pg.7 Pg.7 Pg.7 Pg.8 Pg.8 Pg.9 Pg.9 Pg. 10 P9.10 P9.11 P9.12 Pg.13 P9.14 P9.15 Pg.17 Pg.19 P9.24 P9.25 Pg. 33 P9.35 Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 1 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 196 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System 1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This document will be the Quality Management System Operational Plan for the Bayham Water Distribution System (DWS#260004748). The Municipality of Bayham is the owner and operating authority of the said system. The Quality Management System for Bayham covers the transmission and distribution of potable drinking water to consumers within the Municipality of Bayham. Treated potable drinking water is purchased from the producer, Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant. The water enters the Bayham distribution system from the Poft Burwell Secondary Water Supply System. The Bayham Water Distribution System transmits and distributes potable drinking water to the communities of Poft Burwell and Vienna. 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY The Municipality of Bayham and its water distribution system is committed to comply with applicable regulations set forth by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) 2002 - Ontario Regulation 17OlO3 Drinking Water Systems Regulation and Ontario Regulation 169/03 Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards and other requirements. The Municipality of Bayham will supply clean safe drinking water to meet consumer requirements and is committed to the maintenance and continual improvement of the Quality Management System. This Quality Policy is applicable to all water department employees and is displayed in public areas of the municipal administrative offices and on the municipal website, 3. COMMITMENT AND ENDORSEMENT The owner (Mayor and Council) has passed a motion to endorse the operational plan of the DWQMS and will review the revisions annually, See AppendixA (pg.f 1) Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page2 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 197 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPRESENTATIVE The WaterMastewater Superintendent will be the QMS representative or in his absence, a Certified Operator. The QMS representative will develop, implement, maintain and report the effectiveness, including the need for improvement, of the QMS to the owner and ensure that the current versions of the documents required by the QMS are in use at all times. The representative will promote the QMS throughout the water department and see that personnel are aware of all current legislation and regulatory requirements that are relevant to the operation. 5. DOCUMENT AND RECORDS CONTROL All records required by the Ministry of the Environment O Reg. 128104 and O. Reg.170103 to demonstrate compliance and or conformance shall be maintained per the regulations. All material received is reviewed, acted upon if needed, filed in labeled folders in a file cabinet, or placed in a binder and retained for five years. All material will be archived. The municipality complies with Provincial Records Management. See PROCEDURE A (pg. 17) 6. DRINKING WATER SYSTEM The Municipality of Bayham is the owner and operating authority of the Bayham Distribution System (DWS#260004748). As shown on the organizational structure, the Mayor and Council are the head of the Municipality, and this responsibility is delegated to the staff. See Appendix B (pg. 121Íor the organizational structure. The Bayham Water Distribution System transmits and distributes potable drinking water to the communities of Port Burwell and Vienna. The Vienna water system consists of approximately 5km of PVC and concrete ductile iron water main ranging in size from 6" to 12". The system currently has 47 main valves, 39 fire hydrants and 236 curb stops. The serviced population is 490 (approximate). An in-line booster pump with associated valving, rated at 45 L/s stabilizes the system's water pressure. The in-line booster pump is located at the northwest corner of Centre Street and Vienna Line. The said water system was installed ín 1977. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 3 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 198 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System The Port Burwell water system consists of approximately 12 km of PVC water main ranging in size from 6'-10". The system currently has 63 main valves, 41 fire hydrants and 495 curb stops. The serviced population is 1020 (approximate). The said water system was installed in 1971. All customers within the Bayham Water Distribution System are metered and the meters are read on a bi-monthly basis. There is no discount within our system for larger users. All bills are calculated on a cubic metre rate. Treated potable drinking water is purchased from the producer, Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant. The water enters the Bayham distribution system from the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System. The Port Burwell Area Secondary System runs along Nova Scotia Line to the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Re-chlorination Facility. Both of these facilities maintain secondary disinfection using sodium hypochlorite complete with continuous on-line analyzers, data loggers and alarms. On Nova Scotia Line the services and hydrants are the responsibility of the municipality (Bayham and Malahide) in which they are located. Water volumes entering the Bayham Water Distribution System are metered at the Port Burwell and Vienna water meter chambers. See APPENDIX C (pg. 13) 7. & 8. RISK ASSESSMENT AND OUTCOMES See PROCEDURE B (pg. 19) 9. OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE, ROLES, RESPONSIBL¡TIES AND AUTHORITIES The WaterMastewater Superintendent shall keep the operational structure, respective roles, responsibilities and authorities current, and shall communicate this informatíon to the owner and personnel. See APPENDIX D (pg. ra) See APPENDIX E (pg. rs) Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 4 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 199 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System IO. COMPETENCIES The following table illustrates the competencies requ¡red by personnel whose duties directly affect drinking water quality The Municipality of Bayham's Water Department provides for training in their annual budget process. At a minimum the training budget includes funding for legislated and required training to maintain operator certification in accordance with O.Re9.128104. Training or knowledge gain may take the form of on or off-site training sessions and seminars, on-the-job training, distance learning or courses of study. Where appropriate, proof of participation or proficiency will be required as proof of competency. 11. PERSONNEL COVERAGE The water department is staffed from Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm five days per week. The WaterMastewater Superintendent is the primary overall responsible operator (ORO) and the back-up ORO is tracked through the water system logbook and time sheets. The 2417 personnel coverage procedure shows how after hour emergencies are handled. Spectrum Communications bumps numbers until either the superintendent or one of the operators is contacted, Function Required Gompetencies Desired Gompetencies WaterMastewater Superintendent o Minimum Class I Distribution certificationo Minimum 10 years Class I operation o Development of all capitaland regular plans. WHMIS. First Aid (including cPR). Leadership Training. Confined Space Trainino Operators . Operator in Training to Distribution Class I certification . lnternal auditor trainingo WHMIS. Confined Space Trainingo First Aid (including cPR) Operational Plan - Revision I l2-Feb-09 Page 5 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 200 of 256 Municipalíty of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System See PROGEDURE C (pg. 2a) An on-call operator is assigned by the WaterMastewater Superintendent on a weekly basis to respond to after-hours and weekend emergencíes. The on-call operator performs chlorine residual testing and records booster pump run-times on weekends and statutory holidays. When on-call, the operator is required to remain within one hour driving time of the municipal water system. In the event of a strike the non-union superintendent will perform day-to-day operations and maintenance. I2. COMMUNICATION The QMS representative shall ensure the owner (Mayor and Council) is provided with a current copy of the Operational Plan. The QMS representative shall keep the owner informed of any changes to the QMS, the adequacy of infrastructure requirements, the outcome of management reviews and other issues related to the QMS on an annual basis. Personnel will be informed of the QMS and of any changes or updates through staff meetings with the QMS representative. A current version of the Operational Plan is available for review by staff at the water department office and at the municipal office. Essentíal suppliers shall receive information regarding the QMS from the purchaser if and when necessary. Consumers may be informed of the QMS and any significant changes by newsletters, flyers or handouts. The QMS policy will be posted at the water department office and at the municipal office. lt can also be viewed on the municipalweb site. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 6 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 201 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System 13. ESSENTIAL SUPPLIERS AND SERVICES Where applicable, supplies must meet or be equal to AWWA specifications. Supplies are verified against the order requisition when received. A list of suppliers and contractors has been developed and is in the water department office. This list is reviewed annually by the WaterMastewater Superintendent to ensure that it is current and up-to-date. Only authorized municipal employees can purchase or engage service providers as listed as set out in By-Law 2004-009 Procurement Policy. 14. REVIEW AND PROVIS¡ON OF INFRASTRUCTURE The WaterMastewater Superintendent will communicate with the owner on an annual basis the infrastructure necessary to operate and maintain the QMS. The adequacy of the infrastructure to operate and maintain the distribution system may be assessed based on Water department staff suggestions, water quality trends and consumer complaints. The WaterMastewater Superintendent will communicate to the owner, during the annual Management Review meetings, the infrastructure deemed necessary to operate and maintain the Bayham Distribution System. I5. INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE, REHABILITAT¡ON AND RENEWAL The following routine planned maintenance is conducted on the Bayham Distribution System: annual valve inspection/exercising, annual hydrant flushing, annual hydrant inspection, annual pressure testing, leak detection as required, minimum annual inspection of watermain chambers, as well as the activities required for maintaining the Vienna Booster station as listed in the preventative maintenance binder at the water department office. All records are maintained at the water department office in the appropriate binders using the forms maintained in the back of the binder. All planned maintenance is scheduled and communicated to staff by the water/wastewater superintendent. All records are retained at the water depañment office. Watermain or other equipment replacement is conducted on an as-needed basis. Once per year, the water/wastewater superintendent prepares a summary of the infrastructure maintenance, rehabilitation and renewal programs and specifically reviews at unplanned maintenance to determine if additional planned maintenance is required. This summary will be communicated to the owner during the yearly Management Review meeting. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 7 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 202 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System 16. SAMPL¡NG, TESTING AND MONITORING All sampling, monitoring and testing is conducted at a m¡nimum in accordance with SDWA O. Reg. 170103. Adverse water quality incidents ar€ responded to and repofted as stated in the Operations Manual. Samples are submitted to an accredited and licensed laboratory according to the facility's sampling schedule as stated in the Operations Manual. All analytical results from laboratory reports are keep and maintained as per Document and Record Control. Sampling, testing and monitoring results are readily accessible to the owner. As a minimum, owners are provided with an annual summary of sampling, testing and monitoring results through SDWA O.Reg. 170103 sections 11, schedule22 and through the Management Review process. I7. MEASUREMENT AND RECORDING A contractor, according to the manufacturers' procedures, calibrates the portable chforine analyzer annually. Calibration records are located in the Water System Operations Manual. The manufacturer calibrates the residential water meters on an "as-needed" basis. The records of calibration are maintained and kept as per Documents and Records Control Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 8 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 203 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System 18. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT The contamination of the treated water supply and a major or prolonged loss of water supply are deemed to be emergency situations. The Risk Assessment chart contained in the QMS Operational Plan (PROCEDURE B p9.19) can be referenced, for emergency procedures and contingency plans. The Municipality of Bayham has created an Emergency Response Plan as established under By-law 2006-113 and the Emergency Management and Civil Protection AcL RSO 1990. The custodian of this plan shall be the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Community Emergency Management Program Committee, who are responsible for the annual review, revisions and testing of the plan. A specific water supply emergency plan (PROCEDURE D pg. 25) forms part of the said Municipal Emergency Response Plan. A list of emergency contacts and essential suppliers and services are also kept with the emergency plan. The QMS Representative will keep the emergency contacts and essential suppliers and services list current. The responsibilities of all affected positions within the municipality during an emergency are listed in the municipal emergency plan as is in the emergency protocol. All water department staff are required to review the emergency plans annually. Desktop simulations will be planned and documented to keep all water personnel up to date on the emergency procedures. I9. INTERNAL AUDIT See PROGEDURE E (pg. 33) Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 9 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 204 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System 20. MANAGEMENT REVIEW A management review will be completed annually with the QMS Representative and the Chief Administrating Officer (Top Management) evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS. See PROCEDURE F (pg. 35) 21. CONTINUAL ¡MPROVEMENT The Municipality of Bayham shall strive to continually improve the effectiveness of its Quality Management System through the use of corrective actions from the annual audits and management review. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 10 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 205 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System COUNCIL ENDORSEMENT APPENDIX A Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 1 1 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 206 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE APPENDIX B MAYOR AND couNcrL (owNER) CHIEF ADMINISTRATING OFFICER (TOP MANAGEMENT) WATER^/vASTEWATER SUPERINTENDENT (oMS REPRESENTATTVE) Receives return call assesses and provides direction¿gACCOUNTING CLERK CERTIFIED OPERATORS Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 12 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 207 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System PROCESS FLOW CHART APPENDIX C Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 13 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 208 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE WaterÂlVastewater Superintendent - Overall total responsibility and reports to owners- Directs all general operations APPENDIX D Accounting Clerk - Communicates with all water works staff- Communication during emergency- Respond to and document public complaints Certified Operators - Communicate and work with all public works staff- Oversee contractors and work- Communication during emergency Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 14 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 209 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System APPENDIX E OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITES AND AUTHORITIES Mayor/Council (Owner) WaterMastewater Su peri ntendent Resoonsibilities Authorities Complete oversight of the entire distribution system and the QMS Ultimate responsibility for the provision of safe drinking water Ensure compliance with applicable legislation and regulations Financial, administrative authority related to the distribution of safe drinking water. Resoonsibilities Authorities Complete oversight of the entire distribution system Overall Responsible Operator Quality Management System representative Provide and/or obtain resources for the QMS and necessary infrastructure and resources to operate and maintain the drinking water system safely and effectively Ensure the system is operated in accordance with all applicable legislatíon and regulations Lead for management reviews Communication with mayor and council about the QMS and the water distribution system Preparation of budget and planning materials Recommendation of system improvements Develops procedures and processes for assuring water quality Emergency response planning, trainino Financial, administrative and technical authority related to the distribution safe drinking water to the Municipality of Bayham Staffing-within the guidelines of the Municipality and any in-force collective agreements Activity/program scheduling within the department Oversee adverse water quality incidences and responses ldentify and oversee staff training needs Make changes to the QMS Delegate ORO to certified operator in absence Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 15 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 210 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Accounting Clerk Responsibilities Authorities. Communication/liaisonwith Superintendent, operators. Communication of water shut-offs to superintendent or operators due to non-payment of account¡ Respond to and document public complaints. Prepare reports as required by regulations and circulate to management and councilo Generate bi-month water billings. Communication during emergencyo Treasurer backup in the absence of accounting clerk Recommend changes to the QMS Update and document changes to QMS as required Resoonsibilities Authorities. Daily chlorine residual testingo Weekly testing of water system. Regular maintenance. Report any incidents of non- complianceo Respond to repairs directed from superintendent, and accounting clerko Water shut-offs as directed by accounting clerko Bi-monthlv water meter reads o Monitor process and equipment¡ Respond to public complaints as relayed from superintendent, or accounting clerko Recommend changes to the QMS Operators Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 16 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 211 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE A DOCUMENT AND RECORD CONTROL QMS Document Gontrol This procedure is applicable to the following QMS documents:o Operational Plano Procedures. Audit Checklistso Forms. Equipment Manuals. As Built Drawings Greatinq New or Updatinq Existins Documents . The need for document changes or for new documents or procedures maybe identified through audits or management reviews. The WaterMastewater Superintendent will delegate the task of creating the new document o Any employee of the Water Department may request a change to an existing QMS. The request must be made in writing, dated and submitted to the WaterMastewater Superintendent. The request must include the following information: 1. Reason for new or changed document - must belong in one or more of these categories: o Required by the DWQMS o Enhances process control o Reduces risk " Supports regulatory requirements . May improve operational efficiency 2. Outline of document change or new document content o Narrative format is acceptable . The requester shall develop the new/changed document and submit it to the WaterMastewater S u perintendent for a pproval. o Document changes or the need for new documents or procedures may be identified through audits or management reviews.o Electronic versions of the new/changed documents will be created by the Office Assistant and approved by the WaterMastewater Superintendent. Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 17 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 212 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Approvinq Documents . All QMS related documents shall be approved by the WaterMastewater Superintendent,o The WaterMastewater Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that copies of the new or changed document show the revision number and date modified and are distributed. Obsolete documents (due to changes) shall be collected and destroyed. Reviewinq Documents o The Operational Plan and procedures shall be reviewed annually for applicability and relevance. Document Availabilitv . All procedures, instructions, forms and checklists are retained in the QMS binders at the water depadment office.. Original sets of equipment manuals and specifications are kept at the water department office.o As appropriate, copies are kept at the reservoirs and pumping stations. QMS Record Gontrol This procedure is applicable to all records that demonstrate conformance to DWQMS requirements. Ontario Regulations 170103 and 128104 coverall records that demonstrate compliance. Manual Records o The record title shall be clearly visible and legibleo Manual records shall be legible. Pencil or any other erasable marker shall not be used to record process or product information or data.. QMS records shall be filed by type by dateo QMS related water distribution records will be available at the water department office.. QMS records shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration.. All manual records shall show the name or initials of the recorder and the date (and time if appropriate) the record was generated. Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 18 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 213 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE B RISK ASSESSMENT AND OUTCOMES The QMS team consists of the WaterMastewater Superintendent, ceftified operators and the account¡ng clerk. The QMS team will identify the potential hazards and hazardous events, which could affect the water system, the control measures to address the hazards, identify the Critical Control Points and control limits, and associated methods of monitoring the controlling them. Hazardous events and hazards were assessed on the basis of likelihood, severity and detectablity. The assessment criteria are summarized in the following tables and values were combined to give an overall level of risk as shown. Every year the WaterMastewater Superintendent will review the risk assessment and ensure that the information and assumptions remain cunent and valid. Every 3 years the WaterMastewater Superintendent will assemble a team to conduct a new risk assessment. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 19 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 214 of 256 Description Likelihood of Hazardous Event Occurrinq Ratinq Rare May occur in exceptional circumstances, and has not occurred in oast 1 Unlikely Could occur at some time, historically has occurred less than once every 5-10 vears 2 Possible Has occurred or mav occur once or more Der vear 3 Likely Has occurred or may occur on a monthly to quaderly basis 4 Very Likely One or more occurrences on a monthly or more frequent basis 5 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Description Severitv of Hazardous Event Occurrinq Ratino lnsignificant lnsignificant impact, little public exposure, little or no health risk 1 Minor Limited public exposure, minor health risk 2 Moderate Minor public exposure, minor health risk 3 Maior Laroe oooulation at risk 4 Catastrophic Major impact for large population, complete failure of svstems 5 Description Detectabilitv of Hazardous Event Ratino Very Detectable Easy to detect, visual 1 Moderately Detectable lncreased flow rates 2 Normally Detectable Visually detectable but not on rounds or regular basis 3 Poorly Detectable Visually detectable but not inspected on a regular basis 4 Undetectable Cannot detect 5 Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb49 Page 20 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 215 of 256 ActivityorProcess Step Description ofHaza¡d PotentialResult ofHaza¡d Gomments Available Monitoring& Control Measures Emergency Procedure orGontingency Plan ttoo={,*J .E(,0, art -ooo0, oc¡ Fñ+¡(fÀ6rr_xã - ccP? (E fL (., tr (ú 0) F q) (E 3 (5o c o)tr -> o q) G Èo o U) Contamination of source water Chemical or Biological contamination of source water No control Notification by Elgin Area Treatment Plant - online monitoring Notification by OCWA Port Burwell Secondary System - online monitoríng and daily chlorine residuals. Monitor residuals at furthest sampling points Communication essential with Elgin Area Treatment Plant - depending on levels/demands at other reservoirs and locations. Communication essential with Port Buruvell Secondary System operating authoriÇ - dependent on levels /demands at the tower. On-going discussions with Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant operator; see if water quality and/or system chlorine residual has been restored. Discuss water quality with Medical Offìcer of Health (MOH) and Elgin Area Treatment Plant operators (should have reported Ministry of the Environment (MOE)). Communicate boil water/drinking water advisory if issued by MOH. 1 3 1 5 No-Below risk threshold for ccP Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 20 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 216 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution SystemAct¡v¡tyorProcessStep Description ofHazard Potent¡alResult ofHaza¡d Gomments Available Monitoring& Gontrol Measures Emergency Procedure orContingency Plan ttoo=oÈJ I(,o(t,=l¡(!(,oc,o NlI.!2 i5iEo-ı1=-8 fi ccP? c .E CJ) (¡) Ø o oc c) Power Loss QuantiÇ / Quality No oniine notification, feedback by consumers complaints, visual checks daily basis Contact secondary operating authority to maintain adequate tower level to maintain pressure in system. Reconfi gure distribution system (i.e. open loop), if required. 3 1 1 5 No Below risk threshold for ccP Vandalism/ Terrorism Quantity - Chemical / Biological Contamination Drive by visual checks everyday. Call police and contact MOH and MOE Spills Action Centre, if necessary. 1 2 3 6 No No control at this point Failure of booster pump Quantity / Qualig No online notification, feedback by consumers complaints, visual checks daily basis Contact secondary operating authority to maintain adequate tower level to maintain pressure in system. Reconfigure distribution system (i.e. open loop), if required 3 1 1 5 No Below risk threshold for ccP o -c¡ oo Watermain Break within distribution system Quantity / Quality Low pressure / back- siphoning Bacteriological or chemical contamination Elevated distribution system storage in Port Bun¡¡ell Secondary Customer complaints; Low pressure or high flows, visual if at ground, no on-line indication, / monitoring of flows from tower. May not be aware of fire/break. Looping has improved ability to isolate areas and also maintain flow in event of breaks. Mapping Repair; watermain disinfection procedures per Operations Manual, training. Repair parts etc. stocked, lf necessary issue boil water advisory after consultation with MOH. 4 2 3 I No No control at this point Loss of chlorine residual (secondary disinfection) Biological contamination Legislated under O. Reg. 170t03. Daily residual test¡ng at far end of system, weekly monitoring at location in town. values are tracked & trended on data spreadsheet. Flush the system; increase chlorine dosage and resample. Corrective actions required by O.Reg. 170/03. 1 4 3 8 Yes See O. Reg. 170t03 requirements for corrective actions. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page21 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 217 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution SystemActivityorProcessStepDescription ofHazard PotentialResult ofHazard Gomments Available Monitoring& Gontrol Measures Emergency Procedure orContingency Plan ttooËq,I='¡C'c,U'=ll(goC'(,o N-ll il.YEıEo-EÍa8iÈ ccP? Commissioning of new mains causing contamination Biological contamination Follow procedures for disinfection of new water mains in Operations Manual. Check chlorine residuals and conduct microbiological testing. Follow conective action per O.Reg. 170/03. lf necessary, communicate issuance of boil water advisory after consultation with MOH. 1 2 1 4 No Below risk threshold for ccP Loss of pressure - waterman break, major fire Quantity / Quality Low pressure / back- siphoning Bacteriological or chemical contamination Water hammer, consumer complaints. Backflow contamination prevented by 2" double check valves on all connections of concerns. Backflow preventor required (residential and commercial) throuoh bv law. Check Dressure and chlorine residual. Discussion with MOE and MOH if low. lf necessary communicate issuance of boil water advisory after consultation with MOH. Restore pressure and chlorine residual. Conduct sampling per MOH and MOE direction. 'l ¿1 4 No Below risk threshold for ccP Backflow from private plumbing (Cross connection) Biological and chemical contam¡nation Backflow preventors on all connections of concem. Meters are installed throughout Backflow Dreventor required (residential & commercial) through byJaw. lnspect homes / commercial properties in area, install backflow preventor. lsolate area; Flush the system and sample as appropriate. Notify MOH and MOE Spills Action Centre. lf necessary, issuance of boil water or drinking water advisory after consultation with MOH. 1 2 3 6 No Below risk threshold for ccP Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page22 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 218 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution SystemActivityorProcessStepDescription ofHaza¡d PotentialResult ofHazard Comments Available Monitoring& Control Measures Emergency Procedure orContingency Plan !oo€0,lfJ 'co(,tt,tr=¡ta!oo(¡,c¡Nñ+iEo-ı1a8 fi-ccP? Biofilms Biological and quality. Visual inspection of pipe breaks, reduced flow in pipes, inability to maintain chlorine residual Flushing and swabbing. Replacement of old water mains based on material, age, observations. MappÌng 2 2 1 5 No-below risk threshold for ccP Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page23 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 219 of 256 PERSON NEL COVERAGE 2417 PROCEDURE C REGULAR HOURS Call 519-866-5521 Follow Prompts Call 5 1 9-866-5 521 or 519-87 4-47 61 Office Staff Superintendent receives assesses provides direction Spectrum Communications pages on-call operator bumps numbers until answered Staff Makes necessary repairs On-call operator contacts Superintendent. Superintendent directs staff as required receives Staff makes necessary repairs Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page24 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 220 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE D WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN AIM: The aim of this plan is to: emergency affecting residents, community or infrastructure within the Municipality of Bayham. and supporting agencies during a water supply emergency. AUTHORITY AND CUSTODIAN: This plan is published as an Annex to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Response Plan as established under By-law 2006-113, and the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990. The Custodian of this plan shall be the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Community Emergency Management Program Committee, who are responsible for annual review, revisions and testino of the plan. WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY DEFINITION: A water supply emergency is defined as a situation wherein the lives or property of the Municipality of Bayham and residents of the municipality are threatened by the effects of a water supply emergency from: NOTIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION: This plan may be implemented in whole or in part, as required, by the Municipality of Bayham with or without the declaration of an emergency by the Head of Council. This plan may be activated through the notification of the Head of Council, CAO or CEMC. Upon implementation, all participating departments and agencies will respond in accordance with the ouidelines described within this olan. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 25 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 221 of 256 AGENCY/INDIVIDUAL ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Eloin St. Thomas Health Unit of an emergency resulting from a major or prolonged water supply event. prolonged water supply emergency. severe health impacts due to water supply loss or contamination. Advisory or Boil Water Advisory. water related issues and refer concerned citizens' calls, as appropriate. required. WaterMastewater Department. Municipalitv of Bayham Medical Officer of Health and will advise CEMC. likely to gather, if required. required. samples for lab analysis until the Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory is lifted. Fire Department the water supply emergency. performing duties. protected by municipal hydrants. Emerqencv Manaqement Ontario (if necessary) Canadian Red Cross (if necessary) assistance training for staff and volunteers of community agencies who serve vulnerable clients. Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Operational Plan - Revisíon 1 12-Feb-09 Page 26 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 222 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Human Resources Manager (As Designated) Emerqency lnformation Officer all press releases and information fact sheets issued. Municipality. Ontario Works shelters Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb49 Page27 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 223 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System NOTIFICATION GUIDELINE: Eloin St. Thomas Public Health Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory and provides relevant fact sheets by fax or email to the regional media if an extended alert is anticipated. Municipality of Bayham Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory. the notification of their external partnering services. the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group (CCG) will assemble to discuss the impacts of the issued Water Supply Emergency Alert. accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Response Plan Notification Protocol. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 28 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 224 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System RESPONSE GUIDELINE: When a major or prolonged water supply emergency event is declared by the Warden of Elgin County and/or the Mayor of any municipality in Elgin County, the lead will be the Emergency Community Control Group at Elgin County. The Elgin County Community Control Group will provide direction to municipalities involved in the emergency in accordance with the mandate of the Elgin County CCG. The following guideline shall be followed when water supply conditions pose a threat to municipal infrastructure, property and/or residents. Elgin County CCG. upon receiving a request from the Elgin County CCG for assistance or deployment of municipal resources. method of providing emergency response resources to facilitate effective response pertaining to the request of the Elgin County CCG, In the event the Elgin County CCG requests assistance from the Municipality of Bayham and the Bayham EOC is activated, the roles and responsibilities of municipal departments/representatives will include the following in addition to roles and responsibilities outlined in the Bayham ERP: Emerqency I nformation Officer information fact sheets issued. Municipality. WaterMastewater Department Medical Officer of Health and will advise CEMC. likely to gather, if required. required. the water supply emergency. water/wastewater employees working outside and performing duties Operational Plan - Revision I l2-Feb-09 Page 29 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 225 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Fire Department the water supply emergency. performing duties. protected by municipal hydrants. Roads Depadment the water supply emergency. employees working outside and pedorming duties. Deputy Clerk etc.) inquiry messaging) Administrative Support Staff Clerk water pick-up center(s) Operational Plan - Revision 1 l2-Feb-09 Page 30 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 226 of 256 RESOURCES Water Canadian Kool Water - 53104 Vienna Line, Port Bunryell, ON - Ph. 519-765-4970 Roses Sandytown Variety - 9292 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON - 519-866-5800 Mudford Family Food Town - 54362 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON - 519-866-5505 Rick Beattie Bulk Water Supply - 1 1555 Culloden Rd - 519 866-3136 Water Pick-Uo Facilities Municipal Council Chambers,9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Bayham Community Centre, 54164 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Vienna Community Centre, 26 Fulton Street, Vienna, ON Straffordville Fire Station, 55264 Third Street, Straffordville, ON TRAINING AND SUPPL¡ES Each participating agency is responsible for defining and providing the training required by its own staff in performing its emergency roles at its own cost. All costs and/or damages resulting from a water supply emergency will be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham for consideration and resolution. RECOVERY Recovery procedures will be implemented in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Recovery Plan. Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page 31 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 227 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE E INTERNAL AUDIT lnternal audits will be conducted to ensure that the OMS conforms to the requirements of the Municipality of Bayham and of the DWQMS. These requirements include ensuring that the QMS has been effectively implemented and properly maintained. The Municipality of Bayham may, from time-to-time, request that trained auditors from a neighbouring municipality conduct internal audits. In turn, the Municipality of Bayham may provide the same service to other municipalities as the case arises. Audits Conducted by Bayham Auditors . All internal auditors must have successfully completed a recognized 16 hour lnternal Auditor workshop I nternal Audit Schedule o lnternal audits are scheduled throughout the year. The audits are scheduled by Element by month. The assigned auditor's name also appears on the schedule. o The audit schedule is developed and published at the end of February each year for the upcoming fiscal year by the QMS Representative. o Each element of the Standard is audited at least once during the fiscal year. Audit Planning . The auditor shall review all related QMS documentation and obtain the current version of the DWQMS checklist at least one week prior to the audit, which will include results from the previous internal and external audits. Operational Plan - Revision I 12-Feb-09 Page32 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 228 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System Conductino the Audit o The auditor shall observe actívities, rev¡ew records and interview personnel as necessary to ensure that the status of the audited element of the QMS has been effectively covered. Reportinq the Results . The auditor shall submit a completed checklist and report to the QMS Representative. o The report shall include any requirement for corrective actions. Corrective actions shall be communicated to the responsible individual and included as part of Management Review input. Audits Gonducted by Another Municipality Auditors o Outside auditors must provide proof of competency prior to conducting an audit.. Current version of the DWQMS checklist must be used during the audit. Audit Schedule o Audits are to be conducted per the Municipality of Bayham schedule. Planninq and Conductino the Audit and Repoñing the Results o Audits may be planned and conducted per the procedures of the auditing M u nicipality. Prior approval by the WaterMastewater S uperi ntendent, o Audit results may be reported per the procedures of the auditing municipality as long as the results are documented. Requirements for corrective action must be indicated. o Previous internal and external audits to be reviewed prior to the commencement of a new audit. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 33 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 229 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE F MANAGEMENT REVIEW This procedure defines the Management Review process to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS. Review Freouency Management Reviews shall be conducted on an annual basis. Review Participants The QMS Representative convenes the management review. Attendees shall include the QMS Representative and the Chief Administrating Office (Top Management). Review Input The QMS Representative shall provide information and data concerning the following categories, for the review:o Incidents of regulatory non-complianceo lncidents of adverse drinking water tests " Deviations from critical control point limits and response actionso Efficacy of the risk assessment processo Results of internal and 3'o party audits ' Results of relevant emergency response testingo Operational performance and water quality trendso Follow-up on actions items from previous management reviews ' Status of action items (if any) identified between reviews " Changes in resource requirements, infrastructure, process, personnel, Drinking Water Quality Management Standard or regulations that could affect the QMSo Resources needed to maintain the Quality Management Systemo Consumer feedback, and " Staff suggestions Review Process The Management Review shall be a planned event. An appropriate time shall be set aside by the participants to ensure a thorough review of the QMS is conducted. Each input category shall be reviewed in order to identify if, where and when improvements to the QMS and its procedures are required. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 34 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 230 of 256 Municipality of Bayham - Bayham Water Distribution System The QMS Representative shall make note of any changes or act¡on items required during the course of the review. Review Output A list of changes required to be made to procedures or other QMS based documentation and processes and/or amendments must be made within 30 days Complete a list of "action" items if applicable. Action items shall identify the individual responsible. A list of recommendation(s) for any human or financial resources may be required to maintain and improve the QMS. The QMS Representative shall maintain minutes of management review. These minutes shall include the date and time of the review activity and the name of participants. Operational Plan - Revision 1 12-Feb-09 Page 35 Staff Report E2009-003 regarding Municipal Drinking Water Li... Page 231 of 256 Page 232 of 256 CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM:'WaterÆVastewaterSuperintendent SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewage Capacity Study DATE: March 2,2009 FILE: NUMBERz 82009-002 Purpose This report is to bring forward information related to the sanitary capacity study dated January 30, 2009. Background CJDL consulting engineers were retained by the municipality to complete a sanitary sewage study to assess reserye capacity and the critical time frame for future expansion to accommodate ongoing growth. The assessment included a review of the wastewater treatment plant capacity, trunk sewer capacities and individual pumping station capacities within the Villages of Port Burwell, Vienna, Straffordville and Eden. Staff Comments The attached capacity study utilizes a 1.6%o annual growth rate (as per IBI Growth Study dated Feb 2008) anticipated for the next l0 years (to 2017) and assumes a rate equal Io l.60/o for the years beyond 2017. With the said forecasted growth rates the capacity at the WWTP will be exceeded in the year 2022. It is recommended that a long-term plan for future upgrades be initiated once the facility reaches 90%ó capacity anticþated to occur by 2013. The main pumping stations located in Eden, Straffordville and Vienna are currently operating at less than half the design capacity. By 2017 these pump stations may be at the half capacity point and are anticipated to be able to serve the communities for at least an additional 50 years, however it is recontmended that if municipal water is extended to Straffordville and Eden that capacities and growth be re-evaluated. The main pumping stations in Port Burwell are projected to be operating at 660/o and 84%by 2017 . It is therefore recommended that these pump station capacities be re-evaluated for each large development proposal within Port Burwell inflow from storm water runoff, groundwater, residential sump pumps and other illegal connections, as they are all potential capacity robbers. The overall performance of the wastewater plant, collection system and pump stations have not currently been compromised. Attachments Municipality of Bayham Sanitary Sewer Capacity Study. Strateeic Plan GoaI Goal #5 - Develop a new and improved infrastructure network. Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 233 of 256 Recommendation That Staff Report 2009-002 and the Municipality of Bayham Sanitary Sewage Capacity Study be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Ed Roloson Water/Wastewater Superintendent Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 234 of 256 ,c) MTIIICIPALIT .Y. OF' BAYITAM Cyril J. Demeyere Limited Consulting Engineors 261 Broadway, P.O. Box 606 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G4JI CJDL Consutüng Englmss 30 lanuary 2009 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 235 of 256 0802 30 January 2009 Municipality of Bayham Sanitary Sewage Capacity Study 1.0 OvERvrEw The Municipality of Bayham has retained CJDL to complete capacity and the critic¿l time frame for future expansion assessment includes a review of the sewage treafment plant cap pumping station capacities within the Villages of Port Burwell, þrobiem areas along with,possible improvéments and time frames will also be identified. A Key Plan of the Municipalþ of Baybam is inoluded as Figure No. 1 2.0 PORT BI]RWELL \ilASTTWATER TREÄTMENT PLA}IT 2.1 Design Capacþ ÍXn,îi"i3ffi l*"*:ilif åi"'Ji'ffii tre¿tment plant further upgrades werc completed on the exfiltration gallery and effluent outfall in 2005 to relieve saturatio¡ of the surrounding_gr_ ounds. The WWTP currentþ op-erates under Minist¡y of Envi¡onment Certifioate of Approval #73374ÇYQIA (included in Apf,endix A) and was desiped the criteria as listed in Table No. 1. Table No. 1- Design Criteria Description Value Design Population 2337+ Per Capita Flow (includes infiltration and inflow allowance) 454Uperconlday Harrron Peaking Faotor 3.55 Average Daily Flow 1060 m3/day Peak Flow R¿te 43.55 L/s Plant Hydraulic Capacity 3763 ñlday +The desþ population is based on the following breakdown for seruiced communities: Vienna - 430, Straffordville - 825, Eden - 200 and Port Burwell - 882 : Tolal2,337. CJDL Cor¡qlt¡ng C¡rglnÉetrs Page I of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 236 of 256 2.2 Existing Operations uture growth. The past three (3) years of recorded flow data (Appendix B) are be summarized in Table No. 2. Table No. 2 - \ryWI" Recoriled X'low Data 2005 to 2W7 I)escriotion 2005 2006 2007 AveraEe Averase Dailv Flow (d/dav)6t2 637 595 615 Maximum Dailv Flow lm3/dav)tr79 I23t 1438 1283 Ave¡aqe Dailv Flow (m3ldav)1060 1060 1060 1060 Plant Hvdraulic Canacitv (m3ldav)3',t63 3',t63 3763 3763 To Car¡aoiÎll- - aYerase dailv flow 57.7%60.1o/o 56.1%58.0% o/^ A.qnaaifit - mrximrrm ¡lailv flow 31.3o/o 32.1Vo 38.2%74 1o/¡ Flow data from the WWTP indioates that it is operati Table No. 3 represents the cunent plant utilization based on a design per_capit4- flow rate of 2!ÛL/personlday and 2006 cênsus data-for Eden, Straffordville, Vienna and Port Bwwell. Table No.3 Current WIVTP Utilization Description Value Population 2810 Per Capita Flow (incl. infilhation & inflow allowanoe) 250 L/person/day Average Daily flow 703 ñlday Design Average Daily Flow 1060 m3/day Capaoity Used 66% Harmon p€aking Factor 3.55 Maximum Daily flow 2494 m'lday Plant Hydraulio Capacity 3763 ñlday Capaoity Used 66% CJDL ønrltùlg €lElnEcFs Page2 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 237 of 256 2.3 Loading Parametens The IWWTP was desiped to accommodate tea.tnent of influent with theoretical design parameters as shown in Table No. 4 Table No. 4 W\ilI? Ilesign Parameters Design Parameter lnfluent Concentr¡ti on (mg/l) BOD 200 TSS 200 Phosphorous 1l Table No. 5 WWTP 2007Influent Pammeters Pmameter 2007 Average Influent Concentr¡tion (mg/I)* BOD 198.2 TSS 236.r3 Phosphorous 6.29 sampling and testing are shown in Table No. 5. The data from sampling the initial design sriteria the plant should be able desþed. This is also s the l¡rrest MOE Inspectio dicates an overall compli in the Certifrcate of Approval. 2.4 Septage Receiving Station - Effect on Capacity in X'uture The Municipality of Bayham intends to constuc't a Septage Receiving Station (SRS) at the WWTP. This facilþ wiú próvíde r.ptug. haulers a local safe disþsal site. -The SRS wiÍl include_ a- septâge prooeísing/scriening unif, a-receiving/holding tånk with niixers and a transfer pump that will feed septage into the sewage tea,tuent plant at a oonholled rate. The total expected volume of septage to be received Us). This represents only 0,47Vo of tlre plants capac characteristics (significantþ more ooncentrated) tl 65 times the c d will be svste: It is estimãted volume in plant capacity. Therefore, septage receit the plant's capacity in the future and this usage mu c.JDL f-olHldng Cnghers P¡gc 3 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 238 of 256 2.5 X'uture Capacþ - 2017 A recent Growth Study was completed by IBI Group for the Municipalþ of Bayham (seeAppendix D), as part of the 5 year Offrcial Plan review. The study indicated a 1.6% qnnual growth rate can be anticþated for the next l0 years (to 2017). This would project a future total population in the seruiced communities of 3345. Assuming a similar growth rate in the rural un-serviced areas as the serviced areas, even though ounent P¡ovincial Policy does not favour this, the âmount of septage would increase to 2179 rfr/year (5.97 m3/day) (0.069 Us) and would account for 16.9% of the plant's capacity at that time. Table No. 6 - 1VWTP ljtilization - 2Ol7 Description V¡lue Design Population 3345 Per Capita Flow Rate (includes infilfration and inflow allowance) 250 Upersonlday Average Daily Flow (sewage only)863 m3/dav Design Average Daily Flow 1060 m3lday Capacþ Used 79% Harmon Peaking Faotor 3.55 Ma:<inum Daily Flow (sewage only)2969 m1/day Plant Hydraulic Capacity 3763 rrflday &paaity Used (sewage only)79o/o Capacity Used (sewage + septage)96% Past performance and gfowth projections indicate that üre WWTP will be able to serve the Municipality ofBayham up to and beyond 2017. 2.6 Infiltration The MOE recommends that sewage treatnrent plants be designed for 225 to 450 Uperson/day plus an allowance for infilftation and inflów. Historio-flow data colleoted from the WWTP indicates that on average they receive only 218 Uperson/day. This could lead to tlre conclusion that infilüation and inflow a¡ea ñot a óerious concorn. Thé data doés, however indicate a correlation between 'wet weather' and increased flow rales at the W'WTP, The'Conceptual Design Report" - December 1998 by Acres also noted that plant flow rates respond to rainfall evênts and that 'twaste strength ..,. reduces dgrþg 'yet weather' cónfi¡ms ¿¡ ìmpact ıf inflow on the sewer system as conpared to continuous infilt¡ation impacts." This report was completed during the period when only the sanitary sewers in Port Burwell lvere connected to TJVWTP. In summary, it can be concluded that inflow from stormwater runofl groundwater and residential sump pumps is a concærn, however the plant staff have been able to effectively manage the peaks in flow to ènsuie the comFosite effluent testing meets all requiremorts. Overall perfonnance of the WWTP has not yet been unduly compromised bi infiltration. in the future, it may bi beneficial to the Municipatþ as the WWTP nears its ıapaoity limits to investigate these sources of inflow and initiate a program to eliminate them in order toiedu-ce peak flows to tùe WIüTP and thereby effectively increase capacity. CJDL CoMltlrlg €ndlnÊ€n=Page 4 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 239 of 256 2.7 X'uture Capacity - Beyond 2017 forecast growth rate, 2.8 Areas of Concems - WlryTP Approval and a t"'å'fo1î":,iiå indications for spection. o arear¡ of major oonc€rf,, no required improvements not indic¿te any existing capaoity problems or any future. 3.0 PIIMPING STATIONS partially servicæd communities rely on eigtt (8) iäual communities, from communþ to community rtment Plant (WW'IP). 3.1 Eden - (P.S. No. 1) The single purnping station fhat services the Hamlet approximately 340 metres southwest of Eden Line. handle a peak sewage flow of 4.0 Lls (346 d/day) (605 m3/day). It is equipped with two (2) pumps, o! This pumping station currently operates under Mini 66YQI4 (Appendk A). A drawing illushating the sewage collection system in Eden is included as Figure No. 2 3.1.1 Design Capacity Table No. 6 - Pumping Station No. I Design Criteria Description VaIue Design Population (2000)200 Per Capita Flow Rate (inoludes infilhation and inflow allowance) 454 Upersonlday Average Daily Flow 91 frlday Flarmon Peaking Factor 3.8 Peak Flow 346 mslday Pumping Station Capacity 7.0Us:605 m5lday CJDL CodsuHng Cft¡lnffi Page 5 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 240 of 256 3.1.2 Existing Conditions Table No. 7 - Pumping Station No. 1 Existing Utilization The recorded flow data from the pumping station in Eden @.S. No. 1) in4icares that this community contributes a hþer per capita flow rate (310 L/person/day) than the Munioipalþ does on average (2!Q Uperson/day). In thoevaluation of future capacúy of this pumping station a per capita flow rate of 357 Uperson/day should be used. This equate to 310 Uperson/day x l.l5(factor of safety). 3.13 Future Conditions Table No. 8 Pumping Station No. I Utilization 2017 Description Value Population (2006)200 Recorded Average Flow Rate (2005-2008) 61í trlday Harmon Peaking Factor 4.ts Peak Flow 256 rflday Peak Flow Desþ Capaoity 605 m3/day Yo Capaoity (Peak Flow)42o/o Description Value Population (20t7)238 Per Capita Flow Rate (includes infiltration and inflow allowance) 357 Uperson/day Average Daily Flow 85 m'/day llarmon Peaking Factor 4.12 Peak Flow 350 m3/day Peak Flow Desþ Capacrty 605 msiday o/o Capzcity @eak Flow)s8% It was assumed that the growth rate of Eden would remain constaût with the overall growth rate of the entire Municipality of Bayham at l.60/o as pojected by the uld be noted that if municipal water is eÉended to Eden, the pr re' evaluated, as well as, the capacity of the sewage punping CJDL Conrltlng €nglæëg Pagp 6 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 241 of 256 3.1.4 Summary The pumping station in Eden is currentþ operating at approximately a2% of capaqþ and has sufücient capaırty to sèrve the community in the fi¡ture design year of 20L7. If growth continues at the same r¿te beyond 20L7, the pumping station should have sufficient oapaoity to 2051. 3.2 Straffordville The Village of Straffordville is servioed by two local both a local a¡ea within Straffordville as well as tl station that transfers all of Eden and Straffordvillr desiped by Aores & Assopiated (2000) and ourrent of Approval #7337 -6fYQIA (Appendix A). Only thr to record the volume of sewage pumped. A drawing illusftating the sewage collection system in Straffordville is included as Figure No. 3. 3.2.1 ÛIain Pumping Station @.S. No. 5) This pumping station was originally designed for a peak sewagc flow of 24.1 Us Q074.i14Ð however it was ultimately built with a ıapacity of34.8 Us (3007 m3lday), It is equipped with two (2) pumps, one being a duty pump and the other a standby pump. DesÍgn Capacity T¡ble No. 9 - Pumping Station No. 5 Desþ Criteria Description Vnlue Desien Population (2000)Eden - 200 Straffordville - 825 Total - 1025 Per Capita Flow R¡te (inoludes infrltration and inflow allowanoe) 454 Upersonlday Harmon Peaking Factor 3,8 Average Daily Flow 465 mldry Peak Flow 1767 Élday Pumping Station Capacity 34.8I,/s = 3007 m3ldav CJDL CoreulUne €rgins Page 7 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 242 of 256 3.2.12 Existing Conditions Table No. 10 - Pumping Station No. 5 Existing Utilization Description Value Population Q006)Eden - 200 Straffordville - 1070 Totsl1270 Recorded Average Flow Rate (2005-2008) 25t.1ñldry Ilamron Peaking Factor 3.73 Peak Flow ll84 frlday Peak Flow Desþ Capacity 3007 m3lday Yo Capæity (Peak Flow)3Lo/o Actual Per Capita Flow Rate 197.7 Upercoo/day The existing flow data from the main pumping station in Straffordville @.S, 5) indicates that overall the combined c-ommunities of Eden and S^tratrordiille have lower flows than predicted flow by the average of the entire municipalþ. However, when predictíng firture flows, the higher value (average of entitt municipality) 250 Uperson/day should be used. 32.1.3 X\rture Conditions 2017 Table No 11 - Pumping Station No. 5 Utiliz¡tion 2017 Description Value Population Q0l7)Staffordville - 1274 Eden - 238 Total 1512 Per Capita Flow Rate (includes infiluation and inflow allowance) 250 Uperson/day Harmon Peaking Factor 3.68 Averago Daily Flow 378 mlday Peak Flow (Peak Flow)I39l '--'lday Pçak Flow Desip Capacity 3007 ñlday o/o Capaoity 46% CJDL CmsltùEÉENr#Page 8 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 243 of 256 Future Conditions 2017 (Contd) It was aszumed that the growth rate of Straffordville would remain c¡nsistent with the ovorall groryth ratg simí by the Gtowttt ould to Eden and/or ated the oaPacþ of the pumping station. - Summary The main pumping station in Str¿ffordville is cunently operating at3l7o oapxci.ty-ryoll Þq at46To nthe yezr 2017-ani if growth continues at the same rate¡ as predicted to 2017, will be able to sen'e the communit¡r for at least an additional 50 years. 32.2 Other Puurping Stations - Straffordville @.S. No.2' P.S. No.3' P.S. No.4) 1. A Per Capitat Flow Rafe muoh higher than the Measured Per Capital Flow Rate was used in the initial desþ. 2. Each individual pump was designed to servioe a specific geographic bibutary area and frtose tibutary artas have not changed. 3. The Municipalþ's staff is satisfied with the performance of the facilities. 3.3 Vienna (P.S. No.O A single pumping station services the Hamlet of Vienna and also conveys thle sewage-$at is pum-ped from Fden-and Snânoitville to the WWTP. It was designed by Acnes & Aisociated (2000) to handle a peak acþ of 45 L/s. it is equipped with two pumps, Thil pumping station currentþ operates under 66YQL4 (Appendix A). A drawing illustrating the sewage collection system in Vienna is included as Figure No. 4 CJDL Conrdtho Cnllnãs Prge 9 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 244 of 256 33.1 Design Capacity Table No. 12 - Pumping Station No.6 Design Criteria 3.3.2 Existing Conditions T¡ble No. 13 - Pumping Station No. 6 Existing Utilization Description Value Design Population (2000)Eden - 200 Straffordville - 825 Vienna - 430 Total 1455 Per Capita Flow Rate (includes infilhation and inflow allowance) 454 Uperson/day Average Daily Flow 660 m'lðay Harmon Peaking Factor 3.80 Peak Flow 2508 l"'*lday Pumping Station Capaorty 45 Us:3888 ñlday Description Value Population (2006)Fden - 200 Straffordville - 825 Vienna - 500 Total - 1525 Recorded Average Flow Rate (200s-2008) 251m1/day Ilarmon Peaking Faotor 3.67 Peak Flow 921m3lday Peak Flow Design Capacity 3880 m3/day % Capacity (Peak Flow)24% Actual Per Capita Flow Rate 164.6 L/person/day in Vienna (P.S. No. 6) indicates that the overatl flow the amount predicted by the average of the community. value (average ofthe eirtire municipatity) 250 Uperson should be used. CJDL Conidüng cnglffis Page l0 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 245 of 256 3.3.3 X'uture Conditions - 2017 Table No. 14 Pumping Station No. 6 Utilizttion2OlT Description Value Population (2017)Eden - 238 Straffordville - 1274 Vienna - 595 Total - 2707 Per Capita Flow R¿te (includes infilhation and inflow allowance) 250 L/penon/day Average Daily Flow 527 mlday Harmon Peaking Factor 3.57 Peak Flow 1880 m3/dav Peak Flow Desþ Capacity 3880 m3/day o/o Capacity @eak Flow)49% It was assumed that the growth rate of the area serviced by the Vienna pumping station would remain consistent with the overall growth rzfe Q,6%'¡ of the Municipality of Bayham as predicted by the Growth Study þ IBI Group (2008). Again, it should be noted that if municipal water is extended to Eden and/or Shaffordville, the projections for anticipated gfov¡th must be re-evaluated along with the capacity of this pumping station. 33.4 Summary The main pumping station in Vienna is currently operating at24Yo capacity and is projected to be atAf/o in the year 2017 and, if growttr oontinues at ths same rate beyond 20l7,will be able to service the community for approximately aû additional 50 years. 3.4 Port Burwell The Village of Port Burwell is serviced by two (2) local pumping stations and a portion of the Village west of the Big Otter Creok relies on gavity s€wers only. The two (2) pumping stations do not have individual flow meters. A drawing illustrafing the sewage collection system in Port Burwell is included as Fþre No. 5 Flow data is available for the WU/TP and if the measured flow from the other communities served bv the W.WTP is subtraoted, the flow from Port Bwwell is calculated to be: Port Burwell Average Flow - 256 mslday (2003 - 2008). The Brook Street Pumping Station @,S. No. 7) was designed by Giffels (1983) and is equipped with two (2)3.I8I^/s sewage pumps, one duty and one standby. c'JDL C-drsl¡lün¡ €nglnæÉ Page 11 of13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 246 of 256 3.4 Port Burwell - contd. Table No. 15 - Pumping Station No. 7 Design Criteria Ilescription Value Design Capaoþ (1983)3.i8 Us Design Population 185 Per Cçita Flow Rate (includes infilhafion and inflow allowance) 280 Uperson/day Estimsted Average Daily Flow 0,60 L/s Hannon Peaking Factor 3.73 Estimated Peak Flows 2.24Us %o Capacity @eak Flow)70o/o The Union Street Pumping Station (P.S. No. 8) was designed by Giffels (1983) and is equþped with two (2) 18.8 L/s sewage pumps, one duty and one standby Table No. 16 - Pumping Station No. I Desþn Criteria Descríption VaIue Desip Capacity (1983)18.8 Us Design Population 860 Per Capita Flow Rate (inoludes infiltration and inflow allowance) 280 I/person/day Estimated Average Daily Flow 2.79 Us Harmon Peaking Factor 3.73 Estimated Peak Flows 10.40lls o/o Capacity (Peak Flow)55% It was assumed that the growth rate of the area serviced by the Port Burwell pumping stations would remain consistent vvith thé overall growttr ¡atB (1.6%) of the Municipalrty of Bayham as predicted by the Gror¡¡th Study by IBI Group (2008). It is possible to estimafe tþat in the year 2017 tþe Union Sþeet Pumping Staiion(P.S. No. 7) will be ú84% of oapacity and the Union Steet Pumping Station (P.S. No. 8)will be 66Yo aapacity. ';Ji#Itr:i*',ffijff "Tffi ,'Jffi a single punping stations. Therefore, each large proposed development must re-evaluate oapacities. CJDL Corìfl¡lüngÉlglffi Page 12 ofl3 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 247 of 256 4.0 Areas of Concerns - Pumping Stations indicated no areas of major concem or aress of potential any existing capaoity probléms or any potential problem areas 5.0 Conclusions Stations located throughout the oapacities and have the necessary n7. All of whioh is respectfrrlly submitte{ Poter J. Penner, P.Eng.Andrew Gilvesy, P.Eng. CJDL ConstilingGiglneæ Page 13 of 13 Staff Report E2009-002 regarding Sanitary Sewage Capacity St... Page 248 of 256 , p2/24/2009 TUE l5r 28 FAx 5194740451 ++ì Bayham Øoor/oog /\) LOl k's Office Quality Assurance & Compliance Manager Phone: (519) 661.2500 ext. 4838 Fax: (519) 474,0451 Date: February 24,2009 Page 1 of7 Re: 2008 Annual Report Please find the attached 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System, As required under Section 11 of O.Reg. 170103, the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System is obligated to provide a copy of this report to all systems that are connected to and receive drinking water from this system. This report has also been posted on the Regional Water Supply website(@)forpublicviewing.Copieswillbemadeavailableuponrequestat the RegionalWater Supply Office in Kilworth, lf you have any questions please feel free to contact our office, Erin Kirk Quality Assurance & Complíance Manager Elgin Area PrimaryWater Supply System This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whlch lt ls addressed and may conta¡n information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from dlsclosure under applicable law. lf the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responslble for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibíted. lf you have recelved lhís communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original to us by postal service at the address noted below. Thank 29 Kilworth Park Drive I RR#5 | Komoka ON NOL 1R0 | (519)661.2500 ext.2714 | www,watersupply.tondon.ca 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 249 of 256 , _02/24/2009 TUE 15!28 FÐ( 519474045L ++¡ Bayham øo02/ oog lb iO Dr¡nf¡ng-W.t., Sy.t*s Regutation O, Reg, 170/03 Drinking-Water System Number: Drinking-Water System Name: Drinking-Water System Owner: Drinking-Water System Category: Period being reported: 2 I 000087r Elgin Area Primary Water Supplv Svstem Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management c/o the City of London Large Municipal Residential January 1, 2008 throush December 3l . 2008 ConÐlete if vour Cateeorv ís Lørge Munícínal Re-sidentíøl or Small Munícíoal Resídentíøl Does your Drinking-Watcr System serve more than 10,000 people? Yes [X] No I I Is your annual report available to the public at no charge on a web site on the Internet? Yes [Xl No I I Location where Summary Report required under O. Reg. 170103 Schedule 22 will be available for inspection. Lake Huron and Elgin Area Water Supply Systems c/o Regional Water Supply Division 29 Kilworth Park Dr., RR 5, Komoka, ON Hh.ttB.:ls4w-wat_e_rsuÞp.ly,þndqn-c¿ Elgin Alea Water Treatment Plant 43665 Dexter Line, Union, ON Connlete for all other Cøteeories, Number of Designated Facilities served: Did you provide a copy ofyour annual report to all Designated Facilities you serve? Yes[]No| Number of Interested AuthorÍties you report to' fNfl-l Did you provide a copy ofyour annual report to all Interested Authorities you report to for each Designatcd Facility?Yes[] No[] List all Drinking-Watcr Systems (if any), which receive all of their drinking water from your system: Drinking Water Systems Regulations (l'lBS 4435e01) Febluary 2008 that receive their d water directlv from the EAPWSS: Drinking Water System Name Drinking \ilater System Numbcr City of London Distribution Svstem 260004917 St, Thomas Secondary Water Supply System 260078897 Aylmer Secondary Water Supply System 260004722 Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System 260004735 Municipality of Central Elein 260004761 St. Thomas Distribution System 260002t87 Page I of7 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 250 of 256 .02/24/2009 TUE l5! 28 FAx 519474045t ++{ Bayham øoo3/oo8 Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 th Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Drinking-Water System owners that are connected to you and to whom you provide all of its drinking water? Yes [XJNo [ ] Indicate how you notificd system users that your annual report is available, and is free of charge. [Xl Public access/notice via the wcb [X] Public access/notice via Government Office I I Public access/notice via a neìvspaper [Xl Public accessinotice via Publlc Request I I Public access/notice vla a Public Library [XJ Public access/notice via other method News Release Descrjbe your Drinking-Water System Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 at receive their water indirectly from the EAPWSS: DrinkÍng Water System Name Drinking Water System Number Aylmer Distribution System 260002136 Malahide Distribution Svstem 260004774 Duttor:/Dunwich Distribution Svstem 220002967 Municipalig of Bayham 260004748 Southwold Distribution System 210001362 Ontario Police College Distribution System 260002t61 St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital Dishibution Supplv 260005255 The Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant (WTP) employs ple-chlorination, screening, activated carbon addition (seasonally on an as-required basis), coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, dual-media filtration, UV disinfection (as required), post-chlorination, and fluoridation to treat raw water obtained from Lake Elie. The rWTP has a rated capacity of 91 MLlday (MLD). tüater is pumped flom the plant throughaT50 mm diameter water main various communities en route to a terminal reservoir located northeast of St. Thomas Central Elgin, The drinking water system is monitored at various locations throughout system via a Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systern. List all water treatment chemicals used over this 12% Sodium Hypochlorite Acidified Alum Cationic Polymer Powder Activated Carbon Chlorine Gas Hydrofluosilicic Acid Page? of7 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 251 of 256 92/24/2009 TUE 15r 28 FAx 519474045L +++ !¿yþ¿¡¡øoo4/ oog Þohtarioo,¡n king-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 r#ere any significant expenses Íncurred to? [X] Install required equipment [X] Repair required equipment [XJ Replace required equipment Please provide a brief description and a breakdown of monetarv expenses incurred -Control valve repaired on Low Lift Pump No. 3 -PLC cald replaced -replaced raw water sample pump -repairs done on Low Lift Pump No. 4 check valve -repairs done on poly lines feeding flash mixing chambers 2a &.2b -modem replaced for communications between plant and EMPS -repaired air release valve in chamber 34. -SCADA upgrade installed -repairs done on Low Lift No. 4 Pump -repairs done on fluoride pump No. 2 -repairs done on Filter No. 4 backwash valve -repaired Milltronics unit on Alum day tank. -Solenoid for sodium hypochlorite injection at Low Lift repaired. -Altitude valve at Fluitridge Surge Facility repaired. -EMPS Reservoir Cell #2level sensor repaired, -repaired highlift air compressor -repaired Carbon system. -Repaired low speed problem with High Lift #l Jnstalled fall retrieval system to ensure operator safety during filter maintenance on filters 1,2,3&4 -replaced check valves on PAC pump #2 -repaircd polymer pump #2 -air release valve on east air compressor of surge tank repaired. -repaired filter #l surface wash valve. -lnstalled Rosemount temperature meter for Station #6 Provlde details on the notices submitted ln accordance with subsection 18(1) of the Safe Drinking-Water Act or section 16-4 of Schedule 16 of O.Reg.170/03 and reported to Action Centre Incident Datc Para¡neter Result Unit of Measure Corrective Action Corrective Action Date 12il9t08 Fluoride 1.50 -1.92 nrg/1. None reouircd. Elevatcd lcvcls wcre ouly refeased for 34 minutcs. tzil9t08 Drinking W¿ter Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 Page 3 of7 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 252 of 256 þ2/24/2009 TUE 15r 29 FAX 5194740451 ++; B¿yþ¿¡øoos/oo8 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 NOTE: F'or continuous monitors use 8760 as the number of samples. nmflO Drinking-Water Systems Regulation o.Reg. 170/03 12 of Regulation 170/03,Microbiological testing done under the Schcdule 10, 11 or Opcrational tcsting done under Schedule 7, 8 or 9 of Regulation 170/03 during the pcriod covercd by this Annual Report. Treated Water Number of Grab S¡mnles Range of Results (mtn #)-(rnax #) Turbidity (NTU)8760 0.03 - 1.41 Free Chlorine (mslLl 8760 0.20 - 1.94 Fluoride (mell.)8760 0,00 - 1.92 NOTE: Treated water Turbidity spiked above 1.00 NTU on several occdsions throughout 2008. Each of these spikes lasted less than 5 minutes ønd could be directly Iinkedwith ø þumÐ s Filter #l Effluent Number of Grab Samplcs Range of Results (min #)-(max#) Turbiditv (NTU)8760 0.02 - t.t6 durins this reportin Number of Samples Rangc of E,Coli Rcsults (counts/l00 mL) (min #)-(max #) llange of Total Coliform Results (counts/l00 mL) (mln #)-(max #) Nu¡nbcr of Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) Samnles Range of HPC Results (counts/lmL) (min #)-(max #) Raw t04 (0)-fi00)t0) - t44000)104 (<10) - (>2000) Trcated 260 0-0 0-0 259 (<10) - fi760\ Distribution t54 0-0 0-0 1s4 t<l0) - (60) Filter #2 Effluent Number of Grab Samplcs Range of Results (min #)-(max #) Turbidttv NTU)8760 0.0r - r.89 Filter #3 Effluent Nu¡nber of Grab Samnles Range of Results (min #)-(max #) Turl¡iditv II{TU)87ó0 0,02 - 0.77 Page 4 of7 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 253 of 256 02/24/2099 TUE 15:29 FAx 519474045L r++ !¿yþ¿¡øoo6 / oog OntafiO or¡nr¡ng-water systems Resulation o. Reg. 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 Filter #4 Effluent Nurnber of Grab Samnles Rangc of Results (min #)-(max #) Turbiditv INTU)8760 0.02 - r.99 NOTE: Filters I, 2, and 4 had efiIuent turbídity spikes greater than L00 NTU on afew occasions throughout 2008. Each of these spikes lasted less than 5 minutes and could be dírectlv linked with water Summary of Inorganic parametcrs tcsted during this reporting period or the most recent sample res ults Parameter Sample Date Result Value Unit of Measure Exceedancc Ä.ntimonv Janr¡arv 3.2008 Nol Detccted ¡úL NO Arsenlc January 3,2008 Not l)etectcd ttPJL NO Barium Jonuary 3, 2008 22 Itg/L NO Boron Jarruary 3,2008 20 ¡rglL,NO Cadmiu¡n January 3, 2008 Nor Delected yelL NO Chromium January 3, 2008 Not Dctcctcd rcll.NO Lead Jailuâry J, ZUUö hrlv ?2 2íl0R t.3 Not F)ale¿ta¡l l€/L NO Mercurv January 3,2008 Not l)etectcd mg/1,NO Selcni¡lm January 3,2008 Not Deleclcd rng/L NO Sodium July 4, 2007 lt nrg/f.NO Uraniurn January 3, 2008 Not Detectcd ÆlL NO Nitrite January 3, 2008 April I, 2008 July 22,2008 October 1.2008 Nol lJclcctcd Nol Detected Nol Dctccted Nol Delectcd n:g/L NO Nit¡'atc January 3,2008 April I, 2008 Jnly 22,2008 ocrobcr 1.2008 0.r 0.3 0.t Not Detccted rng/L NO Summary of Organic parameters sampled during this reporting period or the most recent sâ results Parametcr Sample Date Rcsult Valrre Unit of Measure Excecda¡rce Alachlor Januâry 3 2008 Nol l)e(ectsd velL NO Aldicarb January 3 )n01 Not Detccted j\ÙL NO Aldrin + Dieldrin January 3, 2008 Not Dctectcd tgil.NO Atrazine + N-dealkylated mctobolites Jânuâry 3, ?oflR Not l)etec{ed LLC|l.NO Azinphos-methyl January 3, 2008 Not Dctcctcd ÆlI.NO Bendiocarb January 3, ?nnR Not Dctcotcd pelL NO Benzene January 3 2008 Not Detecfcd FEIL NO Page 5 of7 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 254 of 256 Benzo(a)pyrene January 3 2008 Not Detcctcd tglL NO Bromoxynil January 3, 2008 Not Dctcctcd tt1tL NO Carbaryl January 3, 2008 Not Detected ItglL NO Carbofuran January 3, 2008 Not Dctcctcd ttúL NO Carbon Tetrachloride January J, 2008 Not l)ctsctcd ttçll,NO Chlordane (Total)Jauuary 3, 700R Not De(ecled vStL NO Chlorpyrifos January 3 ?n0ß Not Þctcctcd trglL NO Cyanazinc January 3, 2008 Not Detected Fg/L NO Diazinon January 3, ?,00r Not Dctcctcd ttÚl'NO Dicamba January 3, 2008 Not Detccted Fg/L NO 1r2-Dichlorobettzene January 3, 2008 No{ Dclcctcd pctL NO 1.4-Dichloroberuzene January 3, 2008 Not Dclectcd vctL NO Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) + metabolites January 3, 2008 No( Dstcctcd pC/t NO 1,2-Dichloroethane January 3, tnnl Nol Dctccted ttglL NO I,I-Dichloroethylenc lvlnvlidene chloridel January 3, 2008 Not Dotccted ltcß-NO Dichloromcthanc JAnuary J 2008 Not Dctcctcd Fg/L NO 2-4 Dichlorophenol January 3, 2008 Nol Dclcclcd ¡tgL NO 2y'-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid Q,A-D)January 3, 2001 Nol Dctected ltglL NO Diclofop-methyl January 3 ,1t01 Not Delected ttrylL NO Dimethoate January 3, 2008 Not Dctccted ¡tglL NO Dinoseb January 3, 2008 Nof Detcctcd ttglL NO Diquat Januâry 3, 2008 Not Dslected ÈrC/L NO Díuron Jalluary J, 2008 Not Dctcctcd tsÃ'NO Glyphosato JAnüAry J 2008 Not Dclcctcd F9IL NO Heptachlor + Heptachlor Epoxidc January 3 2008 Not Detecfed l.glL NO Lindane (Total)JAnUAT J 200r Not Dctecled t EJL NO MalathÍon Jarìuary 3, 2008 Not Delccled LrglL NO Metlroxychlor January 3, 2008 No( Detected FEIL NO Metolachlor January 3, 2008 Not Dctected ftgll,NO Metribuzin Ja urary 3, 2008 Not l)etccrcd LtBlI.NO Monochlorobenzene January 3 2008 Nof Dclecled ttgll.NO Paraquat Jarìuâry 3, 2008 No( Detecfcd Fg/t.NO Parathion JanLrary 3, 2008 Not Dctcctcd F8/L NO 02/24/20 09 TUE 15r 29 FAX 519 474045L +++ B¿yþ¿¡øoo7 / oo1 tÞoHtario Drinkins.warer sysrems Resutarion o. Reg, 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 Page 6 of 7 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 255 of 256 Pentachlorophenol January 3, 2008 Not Detected PEIL NO Phornte Janrâry 3, 2008 Nol Detcctcd IrglL NO Picloram Jânilâry 3 2008 Not Dctcctcd tg/L NO Polychlorinated Bip henyls(PCB)Jauuary I ? 2008 Not l)etectcd ttglL NO Prometrync January 3, 2008 Not Dctcotcd vell,NO Simazinc January 3, 2008 Not Dctcctcd ttyl-NO THM (NOTE: show latest anlìual averaee) Octobcr l, 2008 Not Defcctcd mg/L NO Temephos JAo0ary J, 2008 Nol Detccted l.ClL NO Terbufos January 3, ?_1t08 Not Dstectcd FEIL NO Tetrachloroethylene January 3, 2008 Not Dctcctcd VEIL NO 2,3,4 16 -T ett a ch lor op henol Janunry 3, 2008 Not Detec(cd FC/L NO Triallate Jarruary 3, 2008 Not Dctccted PEIL NO Trichloroethylene Jânuary J ,.00ß Not Detcctsd |tgL NO 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol January 3, 2008 Not Detectcd Æ/t.NO 2,4,5-Trichlorop henoxy ace t¡c acid (2,4,5-T)January 3, 2008 Not Detected LI{L NO Trifluralin Jailuâry 3, 2008 Not Dctectcd tÙL NO Vinyl Chloride Jauuary 3, 2008 Not Dctectcd ttglL NO ,02/24/2009 TUE 15r 29 FAX 5194740451 r++ !¿yþ¿¡ .l-> Lf Ontafio or¡nr¡ns-water systems Resutation o. Res. llotli Drinking Watcr Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e0 1) Febluary 2008 øoo8/ooB NOTE¡ During200S,nolnorganicorOrganicparnmeter(s)exceededhslfthestrndardprescribcdin Schedule 2 of Ontario Drinking Wafcr Quality Stanrlards. PageT oï7 2008 Annual Report for the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply S... Page 256 of 256