HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 04, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville March 4, 2010 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - Committee of Adjustment Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery. (b)7:15 p.m. - Steve Evans, Elgin County Planner regarding update on County Official Plan. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Copy of Resolution passed February 2, 2010 by the Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst regarding "Office of the Ombudsman". File: C10 (b)Correspondence form The Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Report to Members on January 2010 Board Meeting". File: A01 (c)Correspondence dated February 8, 2010 from Jerry J. Ouellette, M.P.P. regarding "Conservation Authorities". File: A16 (d)Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 6-17 18-19 20-22 23 24-30 Page 1 of 254 Council Agenda March 4, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (e)Correspondence dated February, 2010 from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Newcomer Chyampion Award". File: M02 (f)News Release from Elgin County Provincial Police regarding "Retirement". File: P17 (g)Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held February 2, 2010. File: C06 (h)Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held February 10, 2010. File: C06 (i)Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre Press Release dated February 19, 2010 regarding "Employment Ontario Programs Local Service Delivery Announcement". File: M06 (j)Information sheet and registration form regarding "Jesse's Journey Fundraising Friday". File: M01 (k)Correspondence from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario dated February 26, 2010 regarding the Order of Ontario - Call for Nominations File: M02 (l)Correspondence from Elgin County dated February 18, 2010 regarding Central Elgin's appointment to County Council 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 (b)Correspondence received February 23, 2010 from Chyrlynn Chilcott regarding "plowing of sidewalks in Corinth" and request for a "light at the park on Best Line". File: C13 31 32-33 34-36 37-40 41 42-43 44 45 46-61 62-100 101 Page 2 of 254 Council Agenda March 4, 2010 Page 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (c)Correspondence dated February 19, 2010 from County of Elgin regarding "reduced speed zone along Culloden Road ". File: T07 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Reports for the months of January and February 2010. File: P10 (b)Request from Calton Community Centre for permission to use Municipal sign to advertise Calton Penny Sale to be held March 15, 2010. File: C13 (c)Email correspondence dated February 24, 2010 from Fred Shelly, Treasurer, Trinity Anglican Church requesting "Permission for Contained Fire at Easter Sunrise Service". File" C13 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending Feb. 7, 2010 totaling $46,148.64 and period ending Feb. 21, 2010 totaling $45,750.73. (b)Correspondence received February 23, 2009 from Elgin County Plowmen's Association requesting financial assistance with the 2010 Elgin County Plowing Match. File: C13 (c)Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 (d)Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 (e)Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 (f)ByLaw 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) (g)By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) 102-103 104-105 106-107 108-129 130 131-151 152-158 159-178 179-184 185-202 Page 3 of 254 Council Agenda March 4, 2010 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (h)Staff Report E2010-02 regarding the Richmond Water System Financing (i)Staff Memorandum dated February 24, 2010 regarding Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 (b)Correspondence dated February 23, 2010 from Canadian General Standards Board regarding "Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard". File: E08 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010. (c)Confidential Staff Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (d)Confidential Staff Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-016 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council (b)By-Law 2009-017 A By-Law to authorize Civil Marriage Solemnation Services. (c)By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) (d)By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) (e)By-Law 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) (f)By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) 203-204 205-210 211-219 220 221 222-226 227-233 234-240 Page 4 of 254 Council Agenda March 4, 2010 Page 12.BY-LAWS (g)By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Drinking Water Systems) 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 241-254 Page 5 of 254 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, February 18, 2010 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Public Meeting - Drainage The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, February 18, 2009 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill and Chief Building Offtcial / Drainage Superintendent Bill Knifton were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECI]NIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 4,2010. 20r0-052 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT the mÍnutes of the regular meeting held February 4, 2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added ltem(s) There were no items added to the agenda. 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Representatives of the Aylmer - Central Elgin - Malahide Liaison Committee regarding East Elgin Family Health Team. Representatives present included Mayors Bob Habkirk (Aybner), John Wilson (Malahide), Tom Marla (Central Elgin) and Family Health Team board member Page I of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 6 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 Shirley Biro. Each spoke of the need for Bayham to be included at the table to further support team efforts to recruit family physicians and address local health care needs in eastern Elgin. It was noted that although the Province encourages interdisciplinary collaboration in the medical field, financial support incentives are about to be dropped. Although no budget operating figures were available, it was suggested that the Municipality of BaÈam consider financial support based on a 12% share of the costs or on a per capita basis. Council members were invited to attend a meeting on March 2nd for further discussion with the Family Health Team and municipal representatives. Two participating medical doctors are to lead the session. Due to Council commitments, staff was requested to arrange for an alternate date for the proposed meeting so that more members could attend. 5. INT'ORMATION ITEMS (a) Conespondence dated February 2,2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Propelling Economic Prosperity - AMO Makes its 2010 Pre- budget Submission". File: 401 (b) Conespondence received February 11, 2010 from Pitch-In-Canada regarding "Operation Clean Sweep". File: 401 (c) Correspondence dated March 29,2010 regarding "Local Food Connection: Farmer / Food Buyer Networking Event". File: 404 (d) Correspondence received February 9,2010 from Ministry of the Environment regarding "EBR Posting: Proposed Extension of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem". File: Al6 (e) Correspondence dated February 4,2010 from Elgin County regarding "Elgin County Conference Series: Evolution of the Harvest". File: A16 (Ð Elgin Advantage newsletter from the Elgin Business Resource Cenhe. File: 416 (g) Correspondence dated February 3,2010 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Long- standing Service Awards. " File: A16 Page 2 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 7 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 (h) Correspondence received February 12,2010 from Mat Redsell regarding "Bayham Sewage Plant". File: C13 (l) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held December 2,2009. File: A16 0) Museums Bayharn minutes of meeting held January 13, 2010. File: C06 (k) Bayham Community Centres Committee Draft Minutes of meeting held January 28, 20t0. File: C06 0) Bayham Historical Society minutes of meeting held January 14,2010. File: C06 (m) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held January 21, 2010. File: E00 (n) Straffordville Cemetery Board minutes of meeting held February 4, 2010. File: S09 (o) Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police News Release dated February 9 &,12, 2010. File: Pl7 (p) South West Local Health lntegration Network Board of Directors highligbts of meeting held January 13, 2010. File: S08 (Ð Correspondence dated January 22,2010 from Kettle Creek Conservation Authority and Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "KCCA- LPRCA Cooperative Efliciency Study". File: 416 2010-053 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski 'TTIIAT information items 5(a) through 5(q) be received for information.rf CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLA¡INING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM Page3 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 8 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 (a) Staff Report D2010-04 regarding Proposed Sand / Gravel Pit - Richmond Road. File: Dl4 The Planning Coordinator advised that subsequent to the original planner's comments dated February 12,2010 included in the agenda, the municipal Planner had further reviewed the proposed sand/gravel pit application submission and provided additional comments dated February 16,2010. The planner suggested clarification was needed to determine whether the proposal is to be considered as commercial extraction of aggregate or rehabilitation of agricultural lands and further determine the application's compliance with zoning requirements and Official Plan policies. As requested by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), it was recommended that his comments be forwarded to the MNR for their consideration. 20r0-054 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanits Seconded by Councillor W Casier *THÄT Staff Report D2010-04 regarding a proposed sand pit be received; AND THAT the Municipal Planner's comments be forwarded to the MinÍstry of Natural Resources." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICTJLTURE & DRAINAGE 1. CorresDondence and ReDorts (a) Staff Report DR2010-003 regarding Straffordville Municipal Drain Reapportionment (Schroyens Severance). File: E09 2010-055 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT StaffReport DR2010-003 regarding apportionment of assessments contained within the Straffordville Municipal Drain be received; THAT the Drainage Superintendent's reassessment as set out in "Agreement between Property Owners for Drainage Apportionment due to Land Severance or Sale" as executed by Kari Schroyens and Wayne and Stacie Delong is hereby filed and accepted by Council; THAT the Drainage Superintendent's reassessment as set out in "Agreement between Property Owners for Drainage Apportionment due Page 4 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 9 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 to Land Severance or Sale" as executed by Kari Schroyens and Henry and Margaret Letkeman is hereby filed and accepted by Council; THAT the Drainage Superintendent's reassessment as set out in "Agreement between Property Owners for Drainage Apportionment due to Land Severance or Sale" as executed by Kari Schroyens and Brett and Tara Foster is hereby filed and accepted by Council; AND THAT By-law #2010-009 being a By-law to amend the drainage assessment for those lands identified as Assessment Roll #34-01-000- 004-02400 in the watershed of the Straffordville Municipal Drain referred to in Engineer's Report forming part of Bayham Township By- law #1780, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Drainage Tribunal decision regarding Municipal Drain No. 1. File: 809 2010-056 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Drainage Tribunal decision regarding Municipal Drain No. 1, advising that the appeals of Mr. Robert Gregson under Section 48(1)b and 54(1) of the Drainage Act are denied, be received; AND THAT Provisional By-Law 2009-112, being a bylaw to provide for drainage works, be presented to Councit for third and final reading." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Staff Report DR2010-004 regarding Municipal Drain No. l. File: E09 2010-057 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport DR2010-004 regarding Municipal Drain No. 1 be received; AND THAT Council accept the tender for provision of drainage works set out in the Form of Tender for the Municipal DraÍn No. 1, as submitted by Van Bree Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd.,in the amount of $303,287.25 (inctuding GST), with work to commence on or before Page 5 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 10 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 March 1,2010 and to be fully completed on or before May 1,20101' A¡fD TIIAT Bylaw 2010-020 authorizing the execution of contract documents be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Request from Port Burwell Historical Society to hold Canada Day Parade on July 1,2010. File: T09 2010-058 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIÁ.T correspondence dated February 412010 from RobertLozon, Chair of Canada Day Celebrations, Port Burwell Historical Society be received; AND THAT municipal streets in Port Burwell be used for a Canada Day Parade on July 1,2010 beginning at 11:00 a.m.; AND TIIAT the Municipality hereby requests permission from the County of Elgin to use \ilellington Street from Elizabeth Street, west to Robinson Street; AND THAT the Municipality of Bayham Manager of Public Works take the necessary precautions for traffic control, safety and signage requirements.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. PTJBLIC MEETING 2010-0s9 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor 'TTHAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Drainage Act." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. Public Meetins (a) 8:00 p.m. - Smith Drain Branch No. 7 - to consider Spriet Associates Page 6 ofl2 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 11 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 Engineer's Report #208347 dated Decemb et 29, 2009. (Full report attached in Section 12By-Law 2010-011) File: E09 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. Staff Presentation (a) Staff Report DR2010-002 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7 and Engineer's Report. Drainage Superintendent Bill Knifton presented his report. The Engineer's report was presented by John Spriet Jr. on behalf of Spriet Associates. 4. Public Comments None 5. Council Comments and Ouestions Councillor Casier questioned the need to conduct a cut under Elliott Road as opposed to boring under Pressey Road. The Engineer responded that there is higher volume of traffrc on Pressey Road and suggested that boring under would be more cost effective than dealing with haffic control while carrying out a cut. Councillor Ketchabaw questioned whether there would be more stress created on the Little Jerry outlet. The Engineer confirrned maintenance for the Little Jerry would be ongoing in order to handle the additional flow. 6. Adiournment 2010-060 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THA,T the Public Meeting be adjourned at 8:06 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. Disnosition of ltem 2010-061 PageT of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 12 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor THAT StaffReport DR2010-002 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7 and Engineer's Report be received; THAT in accordance with Sections 44 to 46 of the Drainage Act Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts Spriet Associates report #208347 dated I)ecember 2912009, referred to as the "Smith Drain Branch No.7" report; AND TIIAT Provisional By-taw #2010- 011 be given first and second reading; AND THAT the Clerk be directed to distribute copies of the Provisional Bylaw and Notice of the time and place of the first sitting of the Court of Revision to the affected parties pursuant to Section 46 (2) of the Drainage Act; AND THAT a date of April1,2010 at 8:00 p.m. be set for the first sitting of the Court of Revision. CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Conespondence received February 9,2010 from Valerie Donnell regarding Port Burwell washroom. File:C13 Ms. Donnell was present and responded to questions from Council regarding her operation of the food booth in concert with the beach wasbroom facility. 20t0-062 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casie "TIIÄT Correspondence received February 912010 from Valerie Donnell regarding Port Burwell washroom be received." CARRIED {.JNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque#7980 to Cheque #8070 inclusive totaling 5193,542.89 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending February 7,2010 totaling 546,148.64. Page 8 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 13 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 2010-063 Movedby Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Cheque Register being cheque #7980 to Cheque #8070 inclusive totaling $193,542.89 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending February 7,2010 totaling $46,148.64 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Verbal update regarding Fence Viewers Appointment, Draft By-Law 2010-012. Staff confirmed Mr. Wood had been contacted and indicated that he was willing to serve as a fence viewer. 20r0-064 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier 'iTHA,T By-Law 2010-0l2,being a by-law to appoint Richard Wood as a fence viewer, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffMemorandumregardingHarbourfrontCommitteeMembership. File: C00 2010-06s Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TH.A,T Staff Memorandum regarding Harbourfront Committee Membership be received; AND THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Committee Ron Bradfield Craig Gregson Doug Lester Brenda Martin Ray Talbot.f' CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY Page 9 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 14 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 (d) StaffReport F2010-02 regarding CAF Fund Agreement. File: F05 20t0-066 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffReport F2010-02 regarding CAF Fund Agreement be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-013, being a bylaw to authorize an amending agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2010-067 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 8:13 p.m. to discuss: . labour relations or employee negotiations." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 4,2010. (c) Staff Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (d) StaffReport regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (e) Out of Camera. 2010-068 Moved by Councillor W Casier Page 10 of 12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 15 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 8:25 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2010-069 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Mr. Denis Duguay be hired for the position of Treasurer with terms of employment as outlined in Report IJ2010-02." CARRIED T.INANIMOUSLY 12. BY.LAWS (a) By-Law 2009-ll2 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Municipal Drain No. l) third reading only (b) By-Law 2010-009 A By-Law to further amend by-Law #1780 as amended to provide for ttre Shaffordville Municipal Drain (c) By-Law 2010-011 A Provisional By-Law to provide for drainage works (Smith Drain No. 7) first and second reading only (d) By-Law 2010-012 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2010-006 to appoint Fence Viewers (e) By-Law 2010-013 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Communþ Adjustment Fund) (Ð By-Law 2010-020 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Van Bree Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd.) 2010-070 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Provisional By-Law 2010-011 be read a first and second time only; THAT Provisional By-Law 200g-ll2be read a third time and finally passed; AND THAT By-Laws 2010-009, 2010-012,2010-013 and 2010-020 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." Page 1l of12 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 16 of 254 Council Minutes February 18,2010 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) By-law 2010-014 A By-law to confinn all actions of Council 2010-071 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "That confirming Bylaw 2010-014 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjounnment 20t0-072 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier 'TTHAT the Council Meeting be adjourned at8z27 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 12 of 72 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 2010.Page 17 of 254 5 Ctov{ THE CORPORATION OF THE TO\ryN OF GRAVENHIJR.ST Resolution No. Seconded By: WHEREAS the Ombudsman is the "citizen represenhtive" and the Office of the Ombudsman is responsible for responding to complaints affecting govemment organizations save and except hospitals, long-term care facilities and children's aid societies; AND WHEREAS the Office of the Ombudsman has been advocatlng since 1975 to include hospitals, under the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman, but to date, Ontario remains the ONLY Province in Canada who's Ombudsman has no jurisdiction over hospilals and long-term care facilitles; AND WHEREAS hosplbls spend more than $20 billion in public money every year in Ontario; AND WHEREAS whether overseeing the police, the mititary or the Provincial Government, Mr. Marin has stated one of the beliefs that's closest to his heart is that these bodles don't exist fsr their own ends. They exist to serve the public. The public also has great expectations of the checks and balances that exist to keep the system functÍoning as it should; AND WHEREAS the historical reason for not including hospihls under the Ombudsman Act is extremely weak and is based on the fact they do not fall under the definition because they have theír own elected boards; AND WHEREAS a municipal "board of directors" is directly elected by the public and the hospital board is noÇ AND WHEREAS the Office of the ombudsman is quoted as saying "ontario is the only province in Canada whose Ombudsman does not have a mandate to oversee hospibals' berpltu thi+ the Ombudsman's Office receives many serious complainb about hospitals evlU yeai tnut cánnot be investigated. A tohl of 276 com.plalnts about hospitals were received in fÏscal 2007-2008"; D¡te: Feb 2nd, 2010 Copy of Resolution passed February 2, 2010 by the Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst regarding "Office of the Ombudsman". Page 18 of 254 v Page 2... AND WHEREAS the time has come for the Government of Ontario to include hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman Act to ensure a high level of health care, fiscal responsibility, accountab¡lity, openness a nd transparency; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Gravenhurst hereby petitions the Premler of Ontario to take the necessary steps in a timely manner to amend the Ombudsman Act to include hospitals under the jurisdicüon of the Ombudsman; AND FURTHER THAT in the event the Premier responds negatively, the Council of the Town of Gravenhurst respecffully requests and expects a full and complete explanation as to why the Province wlll not amend the Act as requested; AND FURTHER THAT thls resolution be circulated to all munlclpalltles ln the Provlnce of Ontario for supporÇ AND THAT the appropriate persons be sã notified of this action; AND THAT the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Speaker of he Ontario Leglslature, Distr¡ct of Muskoka MPPs, Onbrio's Ombudsman, Chief Medical Officer of Health, alPHa, and all Onhrio boards of health and municipalities be so advised. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY IilTEREST RECORDED VOTE MEMBER OF COUNCIL (v)YEA NAY Councillor Caims Councillor Clairmont Councillor Colhoun Councillor Donaldson LOST CARRI,ED Councillor Guerriero .1/ Councillor B Pilqer ¿l UC¡uncillorT. Pilqer Councillor Wilson Mavor Klinck SIGNATURE Copy of Resolution passed February 2, 2010 by the Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst regarding "Office of the Ombudsman". Page 19 of 254 5 Êt o, 200 Un¡vers¡ty Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax: (a16) 97'l-6'191 E+nail: amo@amo.on.ca AMO Report to Members on January 2010 Board Meeting To keep members informed, AMO provides updates on important issues considered at regular AMO Board of Directors' meetings. Highlights of the January 2010 Board meeting follow: AMO Pre-Budget Submission The Board approved an outline of the AMO 2010 pre-budget submission, delivered to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on February 2,2010. Entitled "Propelling Economic Prosperity'', the submission focused on the following issues: that the provincial deficit cannot alter negatively the current cost-shared arrangements that provide predictable municipal funding; calls for the reconciliation of Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) social programs grant for 2008 and 2009; continued investment in municipal infrastructure; improved economic development opportunities with several new financing tools; and, rebalancing municipal liability exposure as a result of the 1o/o rule through legislative change. Gontact: Matthew Wilson, Senior Policy Advisor, email: mwilson@amo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext 323. Joint and Several Liability Paper The Board approved The Case for Joint and Several Liabllity Reform in Ontario. Joint and several liability provisions are having a significant impact on litigation and municipal governments and their insurance. The courts may oblige a defendant (i.e., a municipality) which is only 1% at fault, to pay the plaintiff's entire judgment particularly in cases where another defendant who has greater fault is unable to meet a court ordered award. As "deep pocket" defendants, municipalities, with what some view as seemingly limitless public resources at their disposal through the power of taxation, have often become the targets of litigation. The paper will be formally presented to the Attorney General at a future Memorandum of Understanding meeting. Contact: Matthew Wilson, Senior Policy Advisor, email: mwilson@amo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext 323. lmplementation of the Provincial Municipal Fiscal Service Delivery Review (PMFSDR) The Board received an update on the progress of the PMFSDR implementation working groups. Activities are underway to implement the recommendations in all areas of the review. This includes the integration of employment services across Ontario Works, ODSP and Employment Ontario. Principles to determine the Ontario Works Cost of Administration are being discussed as well as the development of an accountability model in light of the planned upload of costs. Also in the human services portfolio, the consolidation of housing and homelessness programs is being undertaken which includes a new accountability framework and approach to community human services planning. On Court Security, costs Association of ^L.fO M unicipalities of Ontario Correspondence form The Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Report to Members on January 2010 Page 20 of 254 and standards work is progressing. ln addition, the commitment to develop an option regarding responsibilities and funding arrangements for roads and bridges has been recently initiated. As with the Review, the implementation is a joint partnership with the appropriate ministries and municipal staff representatives doing the work. Working groups each have an approved terms of reference, work plan and will keep the Ontario-AMO Memorandum of Understanding team informed of the progress. AMO staff will continue to keep the Board informed on progress. Contact: Petra Wolfbeiss, Senior Policy Advisor, email: pwolfbeiss(@amo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext 329 Bill237:. An Act to Sustain and Encourage lmprovement in Ontario's Water and Waste Services This Private Member's Bill by MPP David Caplan would significantly restructure municipal water and waste water services in Ontario, including requiring municipalities to devolve their water and waste water assets to municipal service corporations for management, requiring water and waste water services serving fewer than 10,000 customers to amalgamate with other water and waste water services, and establishing an economic regulator to ensure full cost recovery pricing among other changes. The Board directed AMO staff to prepare a letter which outlines concerns with the Bill, and demanding full consultation with the sector before legislation is introduced. Contact: Craig Reid, Senior Policy Advisor, email: creid@amo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext 334. Long Combination Vehicles Some municipalities in Ontario are part of a one year pilot project by MTO to allow Long Combination Vehicles on Ontario roads. The Board directed AMO staff to request MTO to provide a report with the results of its pilot evaluation program after it has taken place and conclusions have been drawn. Contact: Craig Reid, Senior Policy Advisor, email: creid(ôamo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext 334. Response to Waste Diversion Act "Towards Zero Waste" AMO, MunicipalWaste Association (MWA) and Regional Public Works Commissioners (RPWCO) jointly developed a response to the consultation paper on the Waste Diversion Act. The response recommendations support making individual producers fully and financially responsible (EPR) for management of all the material sold into the Ontario marketplace. lt recommends that consumer services remain highly accessible, including service in the rural, northern and remote municipalities and that transition planning begin as soon as possible. Gontact: Milena Avramovic, Senior Policy Advisor, email: mavramovic@amo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext342. CUTA Vision 2040 The Board received a presentation from the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) on "Vision 2040 - A Vision for the Next Generation". CUTA outlined the themes and strategic directions of the Vision, stating that municipalities play a leading role in coordinating transit and community development. Association of ^l{O M unicipalities of Ontario2-3 Correspondence form The Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Report to Members on January 2010 Page 21 of 254 Gontact: Craig Reid, Senior Policy Advisor, email: creid@amo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext 334. OMERS Presentation The Board received a presentation from MEPCO regarding the OMERS pension plan. ln 2008, the OMERS pension plan fellfrom a surplus of $82 million to a deficit of $279 million. A contribution rate increase of 0.15o/o per side effective January 1,2010 will address the deficit; however, investment losses during the same period will result in a loss of $6.4 billion that must be accounted for over the next four years. Without changes to the plan or an exemption from solvency requirements, the 15.34% combined contribution rate that employers and employees currently pay could grow to more than 22o/o by 2013. Given decisions made by the Sponsors Corporation may not impact the Plan for more than a year, the time to discuss managing these impacts is now. To move beyond the annual cycle of various specific Plan change proposals by Plan sponsors, MEPCO is developing a long term funding strategy, which will consider all factors influencing Plan health and its future sustainability and affordability for both employers and employees. Gontact: Pat Vanini, Executive Director, email: ovanini@amo.on.ca; phone: 416.971.9856 ext 316 or Bruce Mcleod, AMO staff, email: bmcleod@amo.on.ca; phone 416.971.9856 ext 350. This information is available in the Policy /ssues secfi'on of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. 3-3 Association of ^Ha M unicipalities of Ontario Correspondence form The Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Report to Members on January 2010 Page 22 of 254 5 EMBLY JERRY J. OUETI.ETTE, M.P.P. 0shawa Queen's Park Office: Constituency Ofüce: Rm. 428 1 70 Athol SL E. l-egisìat¡ve Building Oshawa,Onhrio Toronto,ontario M7A 148 LlH 1Kl Tel. (a1 6) 325-2147 Tel. (905) 723-2411 Fax (416) 325-2169 Fax (905) 723-1054 E-mai | : jeny.ouef I ette@ pc.ola.org Webs¡te: www.oshawampp.com February 8,2010 Mayor Lynn Acre & Council 9344PIankRoad, P.O. Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ IYO Dear Mayor & Council, As you know, Conservation Authorities in Ontario are an integral part of the successful management of our watershed-based natural resources for healtþ, sustainable ecosystems, communities and industries. I understand the importance of consulting with the public and gathering expertise from various orgarizations and professionals to achieve a balance of the ecological and social impacts that reflect the concerns of all resource users. As former Minister of Natural Resources, I also recognize the challenges of balancing resource user groups in a fair and transparent manner and utilizing the best available science to develop effective land-use policies. In order to move forward with the most effective land use strategies, we need to ensure that the legislation and regulations governing conservation authorities is the most up-to-date, streamlined and practical as possible. In addition, there needs to be a clear, transparent and decisive protocol to follow. In an effort to continuously improve and uphold the best practices of our Conservation Authorities, I would appreciate your informed feedback and comments conceming legislation, regulations and the organizational responsibilities of the Conservation Authorities, including the good aspects of the organizations as well as what needs to be changed and how these changes need to implemented. Thank you in advance for your careful consideration and valuable input. Yours Sincerely, Jerry J. Ouellette, MPP Oshawa Official Opposition Critic, Natural Resources Correspondence dated February 8, 2010 from Jerry J. Ouellette, M.P.P. regarding "Conservation Authorities". File: A16 Page 23 of 254 S âìtLAIVD USE COT]]VCN "advocating socíøL, economìc and environmental balance ìn government legisløtion affecting land" 16190 Highways 7 & 12, Sunderland, Ontario, LOC 1H0 - Phone: 705-357-3054 / Fax: 5f9-705-357-3963 INFORMATION BULLETIN TO: Municipal Councils FROM: Bruce Pearse, Chair Land Use Council RE: Land Management in Ontario ffi';T:i:äi"r this cover page pATE: February t7,2010 The Land Use Council is mandated to circulate positive and negative consequences of government action affecting use, mortgage worth and market value of private land. In that regard, documents are attached that point to a need for review of the role and function of Conservation Authorities (CAs) in Ontario. 'We believe such an assessment will help heal a growing disconnect between district CAs and the communities they serye. Your support for an impartial CA review is solicited and your suggestions to that end will be appreciated. Some background: Land use regulations in municipal Official Plans (OPs) must conform to the Provincial Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statements as directed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. These statutes, and hence all OPs, are subject to interim modification at Queen's Park. After Hurricane Hazel inl954 district CAs were created as agencies of the Ministry of Natural Resources to deal with flood plain management and contract with municipalities to enforce local OP hazardland regulations. Provincial funding for each district CA was originally supplemented by a municipal tax levy for services rendered and by permit fees charged directly to private developers. However, Queen's Park funding for CAs was terminated in the mid-9Os but, at the same time, their mandate was expanded from flood plain supervision to conservation management of entire watersheds. In order to develop sources of income and provide more planning services CAs steadily increased municipal levies and development permit fees as well as staff, equipment and infrastructure. Consequently, several municipalities in Ontario have struggled with CA levy increases of more than200%o over the past ten years with resulting pressure on local budgets and lock-step escalation of local property taxes. These compounding increases began when the entire CA cost burden was downloaded from the province to municipalities. They result from provincial demands for municipal implementation of excessive land use regulations, some of which are initiated by professional lobbyists generously funded by Queen's Park. In a broader view, unsustainable CA costs are rooted in government failure to encourage competitive bidding from all qualified suppliers of OP enforcement services. There is also a need to establish district standards for municipal conservation service contracts including, but not limited to, defined operating limits, tax levy caps, sensible permit fees, no-cost arbitration for aggrieved landowners and independent district audits. Please study the attached documents and support a public review of Conservation Authorities in Ontario. Food Choin / Holfon Region Federotion of Agrîculture / Ontorio Londowners Associofion Ontorio Property ond EnvironmentolRights Allionce / Peel District Federotion of Agriculfure E-Maíl: landusecouncil@gmail.com Web Page: www.landusecouncil@gmail.com Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 Page 24 of 254 PEEL FEDERA' of AcRtcuLTu Friday, January 15,2010 To: Regional Chair and Council, Region of Peel, January 21,2010 Council Meeting Peel Federation of Agriculture Comments on: Credit Valley Conservation WATERSHED PLANNING AND REGULATION POLICIES FINAL DRAFT November 2009 [97p.p.] Puroose of PFA Comments: The Peel Federation of Agriculture is concerned with the direction CVC is taking in its proposed planning and regulation policies which; = do not follow the originar intent of the regislative provisions of the conservation Authorities Act, ]çtrftr$ffiffiffi**î,^"' PFA Request: That Regional Council, as primary funding source of the CVC, investigate the PFA concerns and determ ine their validity. CVG Program: Secfion 20 of the Conseruation Authorities Act outlines the object of the CAs as follows: "establish and undertake, in the area over which it has jurisdiction, a program designed to fu¡úher the conservation, restoration, development, and management of natural resources other than gas, oil, coal and minerals." Pg. 11 PFA Goncerns: CVC has so many documents on various topics that it is impossible to determine what its program is for natural resources. The primary object of CVC must be readily available & clearly set out. Natural Resources mean inputs to the economy such as timber, fish, soil, stone, water power, water for irrigation, etc. Somehow, 'natural heritage' features and systems have been substituted for economic inputs without any legislative direction under the Conservation Authorities Act. CVC is not adhering to the Section 20 Objects of the Conservation Authorities Act. Powers of a Conservation Authority: "To acquire, by purchase, /ease or otherwise and to expropriate any land that it may require...i'PS. 12 PFA Concerns: CVC and other Conservation Authorities have a practice of demanding private lands they deem 'environmental' in some way, without compensation as a condition of development. The O.M.B. [Decision: PL051147 ] stated, "Lastly, the Board is not persuaded there is any rationale either based on the facts, or in law, to require those portions of the site designated as EP to be placed in public ownership by order of the Board. 1. Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 Page 25 of 254 While this may be the goal of the TRCA and the Town, neither sought to purchase the site when it became available from Ontario Hydro nor was there evidence to suggest that those portions of the land will receive superior attention following the EP designation if they were transferred by the Board to public ownership." The CVC and other Conservation Authorities are operating ultra vires when they demand land as a condition of development approval. CVG's Role in Planning Matters: "The Ministry of NaturalResources (MNR), Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing (MMAH) and Conservation Ontario (CO) have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) defining the roles and relationshþs for implementing delegated responsibilities under the Provincial One Window Planning Sysfem." [p9.13] PFA Concerns: The MoU was signed by a Mr. Hunter, General Manager of Conservation Ontario. Conservation Ontario. Conservation Ontario was incorporated as a "not for profit" organization, #2002796 Ontario Limited, on May 1, 2001 with the 36 Conservation Authorities as shareholders each with l0 common shares @ $1 .OO per share. There is no legislative authority under the Conservation Authorities Act to provide for some other body than the Board of a Conservation Authority to make legal commitments. By contrast the Department of Fisheries & Oceans has signed individual MoU's with each of the Conservation Authorities and authorized by each Board. ln any case, the MoU is very specific in onlv referring to P.P.S. Section 3.1 Natural Hazards, as an area where Conservation Authorities represent the 'Provincial lnterest', where the Province is not involved. There is no reference to Natural Heritage. A third concern with Conservation Ontario involvement in public policy formation and implementation is the secrecy available to corporations operating outside of the public eye. Public business should be public business. Open and traceable decisions are carefully protected under the Municipal Act and Planning Act for all municipalities but there seems to be no comparable protection under the Conservation Authorities Act. Fourthly, approximately two thirds of Conservation Ontario's budget is public money with no accounting of how, where and why it is being spent. These monies flow from the local property tax base through CVC, for example, to Conservation Ontario. Fifthly, there are no Provincial funds to compensate municipal property tax payers for the provision of Provincial lnterest in Natural Haza¡d implementation. Planning Advisory Services to Municipalities: "The provision of planning advisory seryices to municipalities is implemented through a seruice agreement (or me mora nd u m of u nd e r sta nd i ng) with p añi ci pati ng m u nicipal itie s. . ." The PFA is concerned that municipal staff confuse the provision of technical planning advice provided under an MoU with decision making authority under the Planníng Act. This confusion effectively fetters municipal díscretion. Regulatory Respons ibilities: "...CAs often enter into agreements to transfer regulatory/approval responsibilities to individual CAs." lpg.14] PFA Concerns: The PFA does not understand this statement. Does this mean the CVC could or would transfer regulatory/approval authority to say, the Grand River Conservation Authority or the Raisin River Conservation Authority? "CVC has entered into a Level ll agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to review projects under Secfion 35(1) of the Fisheries Act;' lpg.14l 2. Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 Page 26 of 254 PFA Concerns: The CVC may be the most appropriate agency to provide screening of major development applications in the Watershed however it can not become a decision maker under the Fisheries Act via an MoU and secondly there must be compensation to the property tax payer for the costs of these services to the Federal Gov. Goals: [pg. 15] PFA Goncerns: CVC lists five topic areas as goals none of which address the Section 20 Objects of "establish and undertake, in the area over which it has jurisdiction, a program designed to further the conseruation, restoration, development, and management of natural resources other than gas, oil, coal and minerals." "Water Quantity" - To manage the hydrological sysfems of the watersheds in a manner that emulates natural processes while recognizing human needs" [pg.15] PFA Concerns: The PFA is concerned with the goal of managing hydrologic systems. Managing means the active intervention and control of a process. ln this case CVC is claiming to take responsibility for and be accountable for all precipitation, all runoff, all ground water, and all stream base flows in streams, anything associated with natural and man-made hydrologic systems. We do not understand how this may be accomplished on a watershed scale and secondly are concerned with the liabilities associated with such a far reaching goal. "Terrestrîal and Aquatic Species, Communities and Ecosystems - To protect, restore and enhance the ecological integrity of the natural areas, features and systems within CVC's jurisdiction;" [pg.l5] PFA Goncerns: lntegrity is a vague term, impossibfe to pin down in chaotic, indeterminate systems characteristic of nature. The use of term integrity as a goal to be achieved is problematic for an agency to use as integrity can never be determined. The PFA advocates the adoption of the Ecosystem Approach to watershed decision making which incorporates a balanced consideration of environmental, economic and cultural aspects in natural resource decision making. The 3 leg stool metaphor is useful as no leg can be missed without destabilizing the other two. Current environmental management thinking represents a distortion where the environmental leg is given primacy over both social and economic legs. We note the CVC document under Objective C. c. Terrestrial and Aquatic Species, Communities and Ecosystems; "Promote integrated ecosystem management of aquatic and terrestrial sysfems and areas within the watershed for plant, animal and human needs". lpg.16] is an objective. The PFA prefer this to be an overall implementation objective of the CVC natural resource Program and its land use planning advice to municipalities. Objectives: Water Quality and Water Quantity [p9.15-16] PFA Concerns: These two phenomena are under Ministry of Environment jurisdiction. Pollution and water taking are subject to permits based on scientific study. CVC's participation and expanded jurisdiction is a duplication of work and adds confusion to who is the decision maker. ln addition, there are added costs to the property taxpayer involved in this duplication. Terrestrial and Aquatic Specreg Communities and Ecosystems: precautionary principle [p9.17] PFA Concerns: ln addition to our comments above under Goals the PFA is concerned with CVC's staff practice of treating very trivial environmental changes, small site grading and removal of a few early successional trees, as a basis for prohibiting small scale development related to the ordinary use and enjoyment of lands. 3. Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 Page 27 of 254 This matter becomes important when the precautionary principle is cited [pg. 17] under Principles: "Where there is uncertainty, risk or irreversibility we are cautious and will err on the side of protecting the environmenf'. The PFA has no idea of how irreversibility can be determined. At a site scale? At the watershed scale? The PFA has learned there is resilience in nature. For example the Forks of the Credit area was heavily industrialized at 1900 and denuded of forest cover but is now viewed as a significant woodland and wild life habitat area. Social & Economic factors: [pg.f 5] PFA Concerns: There is no refereirce to natural resources, the core object of the CVC, under this heading. Principles:"Promote ecologically sustainable development designs, practices, lifestyles and behavior within urban and rural communities" [pg.1 7] PFA Goncerns: The PFA does not understand how this very broad principle relates to the Section 20 Objective natural resources or any other provision of the Conservation Authorities Act. 4.1 Watershed Planning, 4.2 Natural Heritage Systems, and 4.34 Natural Heritage Systems Approach to Watershed Planning [pp.f 9-20] PFA Goncerns: These three initiatives represent a major, self declared, expansion of CVC's mandate into land use control, unsupported by any reference to the Conservation Authorities Act and will become a source of increased cost, duplication, and confusion with municipal responsibilities under the Planning Act. Under 5.1.2"CVC will encourage efficient land use and development patterns, including intensification and redevelopment that allows for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services...' [pg. 23] These are clearly municipal areas of jurisdiction and are probably MNR jurisdiction also. Areas of Natural and Scientific lnterest (ANSls) - Life Science: [pg.29] a) The exact limits of life science ANS/s are to be determined by the Ministry of NaturalResources. b) CVC will not support planning approvals for development (2) and site alteration within provincial and regional life science ANS/s, except where allowed under the policies in Chapters 6 c) CVC will not permit development (1) within provincial and regional life science ANS/s in regulated areas, except where allowed under the policies in Chapter 7. PFA Goncerns: There are no references to the legislative authority for the CVC to not support and not oermit. The language indicates a closed mind. The PFA once again expresses concern that MNR has not been required to notify affected landowners of an ANSI study area, or that one may have been approved on privately owned lands. The MNR must be required to act as the proponent of Official Plan Amendments for ANSI's in order to provide fairness in the land use planning process. Finally ANSI's are already covered under the Planning Act through the P.P.S. CVC's involvement represents an additional duplication of municipal Planning Act responsibilities. Conservation of Land: "means the protection, management or restoration of lands within the watershed ecosystem for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing the natural heritage sysfem, and ecological functions and hydrologic functions, within the watershed. (CO, 2008)' lpg72l PFA Concerns: The CVC proposed definition of conservation of land again emphasizes their attempt to shift away from the Section 20 Objects focusing on natural resources to areas of municipaljurisdiction under the Planning Act. A natural resources definition of conservation of land would address soil erosion, soil stability and fertility and associated natural hazards and not references to natural heritage. ln addition, the PFA regards the Conservation Ontario definition as a self serving opinion not a fact. 4. Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 Page 28 of 254 Appeal Forum: Appeals of Conservation Authority decisions must be through the Mining and Lands Commissioner, not the O.M.B. High Technical Evidence Standards: An appeal to the Lands and Mines Commissioner must be accompanied with sufficient technical, expert information; " Primarily, one needs an engineer specializing in hydrology, hydraulics and watershed management. Knowledge of the movement of water, sudace and ground water, recharge and discharge capacities and functiong sfab/e slope engineering and soil properties may also be relevant. Knowledge of construction engineering to withstand hydrostatic pressures generated by flood waters, if flood waters are going to be involved, is absolutely necessary. Then, there may also be involved a coterie of biologists, or one generalist. There are several categories of relevance to the necessary determinations found in the legislation. Your biologist may require knowledge of wetlands ecosysfemg hydrophytic plants and soils [that is waterloggedl endangered specres, indigenous flora and fauna and ecosysfems in general. The ability to critique and assess an existing wetlands evaluation according to either the Southern or Northern Ontario Wetlands Evaluation would be of assisfa nce in cases where a provincially significant wetland designation is being applied." [From Linda M. Kamerman Mining and Lands Commissioner, Edited Speaking Notes for Speech to UDI March 201h,20021 PFA Concerns: PFA prefers Conservation Authority appeal be dealt with by the OMB and not the Mining and Lands Commissioner in order to simplify the approvals process and increase efficiency when all matters of land use and technical conservation and natural hazards may be heard and integrated at the same time. Fees for Permits and'Commenting': PFA Concerns: The trend has been to label all CVC permits and 'comments'on development applications as a service, which must be charged out to the applicant. The costs of these 'seryices', already high, will escalate dramatically as the CVC demands more supporting studies from applicants and also adds on the costs of their own massive information systems and associated staff as overhead. Projects associated with the normal use and enjoyment of agricultural lands, such as new barns or irrigation ponds, may become uneconomic when the costs of studies, permits and'commenting'letters are included. Either projects will be abandoned or non-compliance will increase as a result. Agriculture must evolve and adapt in a cost effective way, in order to survive. Note: As a result of questions and debate at Regional Council an additional request was made by the PFA to clarify Conservation Authorities as municipal agencies, not Provincial, and answerable to the member municipalities in each watershed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. RELEVANT QUERIES CIRCULATED BY THE LAND USE COUNCIL JANUARY 14. 2O1O Without public consultation in advance, does a new chapter added to an existing Ontario statute by an unelected committee qualify as binding legislation? Are CAs and/or the municipalities they serve obligated under the Municipal Act to convene public meetings prior to CA-induced Official PIan changes? What is the legal status of Conservation Ontario and on what legislative grounds can 36 MNR sub- agencies become corporate shareholders for whom Conservation Ontario acts as signing agent? Where can Ontario taxpayers obtain a comparison chart covering CA municipalservice and permit charges over the past 10 years for each of Ontario's 36 CAs? Are district CAs empowered to interpret and enforce the Drainage Act in conjunction with the Endangered Species Act (ESA 2007) and its habitat regulations? Are construction and/or renovation of municipal drains subject to a permit fee and prior ESA 2007 habitat assessment on GA demand and entirely at adjacent landowner expense? Do GAs routinely pre-publish for municipal clients and affected landowners a synopsis of every regulatory infraction and related penalty in all Ontario land use statutes they implement and enforce? Which district CAs have so far collected public funding from the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation, what were the individual amounts received and for what purpose? For media comment go to lnternet www.farmersforum.com - click on February,20l0 story 5 NOTE: Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 Page 29 of 254 Township o/ SOUTH STORNIONT G) P.O. Box 340,4949 County Road# 14 Inglesíde, ON KÌC 1M0 Tel: (613) 537-2i62 Far: (613) 537-811i e-mai I : inþ@southsto rmont, c¿ Resolution+ otolzælp Moved by: Seconded by: Cou ncillor/Deputy Mayor. Councillor/Deputy Mayor Whereas Council has revlewed the posit¡on taken by:1. The Township of Essa as outlined ln Resolution No. C2ZZ- 2009; and2. The Township of Mulmur as descr¡bed in correspondence to Hon. David Ramsey in November, 2007 and Hon. Donna Cansfleld in November, 2009 wlth regards to the accountability of Conservation Authorities; And whereas courts have held that fees cannot and should not raise more than 100 per cent of the reasonable cost to provide the seruice, Thls principal is presented ln the Building Code Act of Ontario; And whereas lt is the opinion of Council that the roles, responsíbilities and authority provided to Conseruation Author¡t¡es do not have mechanisms in place to ensure appropriate use of public funds and elimination of duplication and accountability measures are adhered to, Now therefore be it resolved that Council supports the positions taken by the Township of Essa and the Township of Mulmur, as attached, and further, strongly encourages the Province of Ontario to conduct a review of the Conseruation Authority mandate, responsibilities and allowable cost recovery methods. Further be it resolved that Councll circulate this motion to MNR, MMAH, OMAFRA, DFo, AMo, AMcro, oBoA, our local MP and MPP and all ontario Municipalitie;; for their support and endorsement. ,/El cnarueo tr DEFEATED Il DEFERRED RECORDED VOTE: Councillor Brownlee Councillor Haft Counclllor Woods Deputy Mayor Bea uregard Mayor McGillis Correspondence received from Land Use Council regarding "Land Management in Ontario". File: A16 Page 30 of 254 _1 Mlnlctry of Cltlzenshlp Mlnlstàrc de¡ and lmmlgratlon et dc I'lmmlg Minister Ministre 66 Floor 6" étage 400 University Avenue 400, avenue U Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Toronto ON Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Té1.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Téléc.: (416) 325-6195 February,2010 ft/iüru¡ü fli,il.qldÎ Dear Friends, I am pleased to inform you that nominations for the Newcorner ChampÍon Award are now being accepted. The Newcomer Champion Award recognizes outstanding individuals or groups who contribute to the understanding and sharing of Ontario's cultural diversity and provide welcoming communities for the benefit of newcomers. Any resident of Ontario may submit a nomination. Nominees may be individuals or goups who have demonstrated leadership and commitment in promoting cultural diversity and harmony through activities such as educational outreach, special events and the support of newcomers settling into communities across the province. Nomination forms and more information are available on the Ontario Honours and Awa¡ds Secretariat website at www.ontario.ca,/honoursandawards, or by phone at 416- 314-7526. The nomination deadline is M¡rch 15,2010. Newcomers play a key role economicall¡ sociall¡ and culturally in making Ontario strong and prosperous. Please consider recognizing an individual or group who has helped make this great province what it is. Yours trul¡ Dr, Eric Hoskins Minister Correspondence dated February, 2010 from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding "Newcomer Chyampion Page 31 of 254 o.P.P. =Esø 5 PrrOntario Provincial Police Police provinciale de I'Ontario News Release/ Communiqué FROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE: l6 FEB l0 ELGIN COUNTY OPP'S TOP COP ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT (ELGIN COUNTY) -After thirty five (35) years of dedicated service to the citizens of Ontario, Elgin County OPP's top cop has announced his retirement. Inspector Ryan COX made the announcement today that his last day of service will be 26th of February, 2010 when he will be hanging up his duty belt. Inspector Cox began was raised in the small town of Waterford, ON growing up in a smalltown atmosphere where everyone knew everyone's name. He thrived and still loves camping, hunting, fishing and golf. He began his career with the OPP on November 4th,1974 being posted to Milton Detachment where he performed mainly traffic enforcement duties. In March of 1986 he was promoted to then Corporal Rank and transferred to Cayuga Detachment (which is now Haldimand County). Working as a shift supervisor until May of 1999 when he was then promoted to the Rank of Staff Sergeant, Unit Commander of the Chatham Communications Centre responsible for overseeing police radio communication dispatch for the Chatham, Essex and Lambton Counties. In December of 2000 he successfully competed for the position of Elgin County OPP Detachment Commander overseeing fifty six (56) uniformed members and staff. ln January 2007 after the Detachment grew above sixty (60) employees he was promoted to the lnspector position at Elgin County Detachment. Looking back on his career lnspector Cox stated "When I look back on my career, serving as the Elgin County Detachment Commander most certainly has been the highlight. lt has been the most demanding and my most rewarding job. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of the Elgin County Detachment and the OPP. The best thing about working at the Elgin Detachment was that every time I would begin to think that I had seen everything, something new and challenging would present itself. lt has been my pleasure to work with the Elgin Group Municipalities and the Police Services Board. I want to express my sincerest appreciation and thanks to all of the News Release from Elgin County Provincial Police regarding "Retirement". File: P17 Page 32 of 254 o.P.P.Ontario Provincial Police Police provinciale de I'Ontario News Release/ Communiqué officers and employees of the Elgin County Detachment for their dedication to making the community a safer place. In my retirement I look forward to sitting back and relaxing, spending time with my friends and family, getting a little more traveling in and perhaps even working on my golf game." Inspector Wayne BURKE from Western Region OPP Headquarters will assume the role of interim Detachment Commander beginning Febru ary 22nd,2010. -30- Contact: Constable Troy Carlson Elgin Gounty OPP Media Relations/Community Services Phone: 519-631-2920 Ext. 5450 Pager: l-888-808-7195 News Release from Elgin County Provincial Police regarding "Retirement". File: P17 Page 33 of 254 5 Ccø Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce Meeting of February 2,2010 Location: Schooner's Galley, Port Burwell Minutes Present Doug Lester, Cheryl Lester, Lynn Acre, Liz Underhill, Johanne Avril LaRoche, Danielle Murray, Kathy Gregson, Mike Hawley, Jim Hevenor, Jeff Taylor, Ian Almond, Brenda Almond, Frank Voth, Mike Timmermans, Jim Wilgar, Sherri Heatherington, Tom Benner, Nancy Lozon Welcome of member and our guests Mary McKee, Peter Murray, Lewie Acre, and Bob Hammersley. Special Presentation Lewie Acre spoke about the Community Access Program (CAP) at the Port Burwell Library. CAP is a government funded program to teach computer and Internet use. Lewie will teach one on one or group sessions. Some of the areas he mentioned are how to frnd reference materials from learning a different language to car repair to tools to finding a new job. Locating and using audio books and county online resources. Lewie is there to answer all your questions and he is available during regular library hours. The program has been well received at the library and Doug Lester offered the Chamber's assistance in promoting the program if the library requested it. Approval of Minutes Aãóption of January 5ü,2010 The minutes were amended to show April LaRoche's full name as Johanne Avril LaRoche. It was moved by Jeff Taylor and seconded by Liz Underhill, that the minutes from the January 5th,2010 meeting be accepted as amended. Motion carried. Business Arising from Minutes Ferry Doug Lester attended the council meeting on January 24th andread Sean Hurley's report. Doug wanted to leave the meeting with council knowing that the chamber was willing to help in any way possible. Mentioned that a petition wanting to continue with the second phase of the ferry assessment has been started by Doug Park. The petition can be found at the Sunshine Restaurant and Schooner's Galley. Tub Daze Update No meeting has been scheduled yet. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held February 2, 2010. File: C06 Page 34 of 254 Treasurer's Report Revenue from Memberships $1400 Expense total $891.23 Account balance $3,827.72 Motion to accept treasurer's report from Ian Almond and seconded by Frank Voth. Motion carried. Coming Events Next event is the Breakfast at the Lighthouse Restaurant February 17 at 7:00 am with Joe Preston our local M.P. in attendance Committees for 2010 The Business Expo is booked for October 23,2010 and more volunteers are needed. Danielle Murray, Sheni Heatherington, Cheryl Lester, Johanne Avril LaRoche, andLiz Underhill offered to help. Business after 5 events need extra help and Danielle Murray, Sherri Heatherington, Jim Hevenor, andLiz Underhill offered to assist. The Economic Development Liaison Committee will be chaired by Frank Voth. Jeff Taylor indicated his interest in joining Doug Lester, Ron Bradfreld, Jonathan Sebok,Ian Almond, Cheryl Lester, Earl Shea, and Tracey Davies. Correspondence Edison Fest - Doug Lester brought a request from Cheryl Peters asking for Chamber support for Edison Fest 2010. It was moved by Ian Almond and seconded by Danielle Murray that the Chamber donate $50. Canied. It was suggested that all members could donate as well. Mike Hawley will send out an email request and Kathy volunteered to allow the donations to be dropped off at Schooner's Galley. Membership Approvals It was proposed that the members accept Mathew A. Schafer Ltd. and PJ Smith and Associates Ltd. Moved by Ian Almond and seconded by Jim Wilgar. Motion carried. New Business Doug Lester requested a motion to apply for a summer student again this year.12 weeks or less will be funded by the government with the employment expenses being paid by the chamber. This will be about 5300. Motion moved by Jim Wilgar and seconded by Cheryl Lester. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held February 2, 2010. File: C06 Page 35 of 254 Johanne Avril LaRoche is travelling to Louisiana to help build a house in an area destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. She will have some items for sale to help frnance the project. Danielle Murray is redesigning her website to include points of interest in the area. Contact Danielle if you want your business included. Some discussion of the First Data software as a low cost alternative for processing credit card transactions. Contact David Bryant of TD Merchant Services the Regional Sales Executive for our area. Contact him at david.brryanr@td.conr or call 226-919-6651. Special Speaker - Bob Hammersley Bob's focus was on a research study that explained the value ofjoining a chamber of commerce. Some of the highlights are that when consumers know that a small business is a member they are 44o/o morc likely to think favourably of it and 63%o more likely to purchase goods or services in the future. Some of his own advice was not to think that everyone knows about your business. With people moving in and out of the area every year you need to consider the long-term impact. Mentioned the Ontario Chamber convention is in Windsor this year and it is a great place to network. He invited us all to the Business after Five on Wednesday February 10ú at Boston Pizzain St. Thomas and in July to Canadale Nurseries where a chamber attendance record was set last year. Mayor's Comments A Happy New Year greeting and a wish for a prosperous year. The Wind Interpretive Centre has applied for a student again this year and mentioned there are numerous agricultural related training sessions available in this area. Adjournment Moved by Ian Almond that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:26pm. Motion carried. Next Meeting General Meeting Tuesday, March 2"d,2010,7:00 p.m. at Schooner's Galley in Port Burwell. Business forward - All members try to promote our chamber to other businesses. Some representation from the agricultural sector will benefit our chamber. Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce minutes of meeting held February 2, 2010. File: C06 Page 36 of 254 5 C OO MUSEUMSBAYHAM Minutes of February 10, 2010 Meeting Committee Room, Municipal Office, Straffordville, Ontario Present: Chair-Bev Hicke¡ Vice Chair- Chuck Buchanan, Secretary-Mayor Lynn Acre, Cheryl Peters, Brian Masschaele, Ray Maddox, Ron Bradfield Regrets: Jean Woon, Mat Schafer 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: NONE 3. AGENDA: It was moved by C.Peters and seconded by C.Buchanan that the agendabe approved as with additions. Motion Ca:ried. 4. MINUTES: It was moved by C.Buchanan and seconded by B.Masschaele that 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Elgin Historical Society -A request to hold their June meeting in the Marine Museum. It was moved by R.Maddox and seconded by C.Peters that we allow the Elgin Historical Society to hold their June 23. 2010 meeting inthe Marine Museum. Motion Carried. C.Buchanan and B.Hickey agreedto unlock the door and set up tables and chairs for the 7:00 pmmeeting. b) Email from Susan Start of Pt.Burwell informing us that 2010 is the 200û anniversary of Mahlon Burwell's surveying of Bayham. She suggests that we somehow commemorate the occasion. B' Masschaele will check the archives to check validity of dates. If valid, it was suggested that the Marine Museum create a display on land surveying in Ontario. B.Masschaete will inquire if Don Houghton can assist with the loan of artefacts. R.Maddox suggested that the Tub Daze organizers might want to include some sort of activity to commemorate this anniversary. He also suggested that Rev Nick Wells & Co. might be interested in performing a dramatic skit regarding this event. Website and TV promotion was also suggested. c) A¡chival Catalogue for 2010 6. REPORTS: A) Marine Museum Report: 6.4.1) Steel Door: Ed Mathews has ordered the new door and will install it as soon as it comes in. 6.A.2) Seedy Saturday Donation: The organizers suggest a $40 donation to Museums Bayham in return for allowing 20 visitors to tour the museum during the Feb. 20th Seedy Saturday event. Members agreed on this amount. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held February 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 37 of 254 Museums Bayham Feb. 10,2010 2 6.4.3) Lighthouse Electrical: Despite Koolens Electric moving all of the receptacles inside the building, the decorative lights continue to bum out. Koolens will get wholesale price on three 1O0-foot strings of LED lights. 6.A.4) Eaves trough Repairs: B.Hickey advised that the contractor had finally arrived and the eaves troughs have been partially repaired. The invoice of $199 has already arrived, but Bayham staffhas been advised not to pay the bill until the remaining work has been satisfactorily completed. 6.4.5) Boundary Fence: Ed Mathews has quoted approximately $50 to replace 2 posts with pressure treated posts. It was moved by R.Bradfield and B.Masschaele that we hire Ed Matthews to repair the fence in the spring. Motion Carried. 6.4.6) Addition: A written quote from Fehr Construction, who supplies for Steelway Building Systems is $59,500.00 for a 35 foot x 40 foot pre- engineered steelway structure, including excavation of site, foundation walls and 4" interior concrete floor, insulation in walls and ceiling, drywall & hang ceiling but not heating & electrical. The chairman was directed by members to seek another quote from Reed & Deli, which includes the above mentioned plus heating & electrical. Once quotes have been received then the committee may recoÍlmend to Bayham council the building of an addition, complete with quotes and suggestions for fundraisers and other financing options. The Pt.Burwell Historical Society will consider the quoted prices and discuss if and how they might be able to assist. 6.8. Edison Museum Report: 6.8.1) Painting Outside Trim: Fredrick's in Tillsonburg have finally responded to our request for a quote and are scheduled for a site visit tomorrow. 6.8.2) Restoration of Lap Desk: No report. 6.8.3) Repairs to East Porch and Bathroom Floor: E.Mathews quoted $736.40 for the bathroom floor rqrairs and $$690.74 for the east porch sofEtt repairs. Members requested that the chairman seek another quote for both of these projects. 6.8.4) Ceiling Repairs: Paul McCord quoted $2,000 for inside repairs and$2,200 for outside repairs. Sinden's of Tillsonburg quoted $4,804. + gst. Freidrich's will also quote. Committee will make decision once 3'd quote is received. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held February 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 38 of 254 Museums Bayham Feb.10,2010 7. MATTERS OUT OF THE MINUTES: a) EON Meeting schedule: B.Hickey and R.Maddox attended the January meeting in Delhi. Our offer to host a meeting here in Bayham was welcomed and a20ll date will be set. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 18 at Pt.Dover Harbour Museum. There will be a special presentation by Joan Kanigan speaking on Building Responsive Museums. b) Tillsonburg Home & Rec Show: Volunteers have been scheduled to attend our display for all three days. c) Cataloguing Handbook: C.Peters will bring the amended handbook to the March meeting so members can assess the changes made by the student. B.Masschaele will bring his laptop to the next committee meeting so that members can see our on- line collection data bank. d) New Members: C.Peters will invite Kelly Armstrong and Mat Schafer will invite Anna Schafer to attend the March meeting. 8. NEW BUISNESS A: Review of Museum Bayham By-Laws : B.Masschaele recommended the following amendments; -deletion of both the financial liaison and the media liaison from the membership list. -reducing the size of the committee from 13 to 11 mernbers. (we currently have only 9). -deleting the requirement of curator as acting secretary. -increasing the term of office from 3 years to 4 years to match council's term of office. -adding the committee duty of making recommendations regarding maintenance & programming. B.Masschaele agreed to email these amendments to L.Millard for her comments and requesting her to prepare an amended by-law for our consideration at the March meeting. B: OMA Membership: There was a discussion on whether we should purchase one membership for Museums Bayham ($80) or two separate memberships for each site. B.Masschaele will check with Mike Baker to discover if both sites will receive promotion with just one membership. If not, the committee prefers to purchase individual mønberships in order to secure adequate promotion. C. Thermo hydrograph: B.Masschaele reported on the opportunity to purchase a used manual thermo hydrograph for $150. Elgin County will purchase it and B.Masschaele will calibrate it and then donate it to Museums Bayham. Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held February 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 39 of 254 Museums Bayham Feb.10,2010 4 8. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 7:00 pm Municipal ofñoe. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Moved b)¡ C.Peters and seconded b]¡ R.Bradfield that the meeting be adjourned at 8:51 om. Motion Carried. Chairman Secrctary Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held February 10, 2010. File: C06 Page 40 of 254 Phone: (519) 842-9000 Fax: (519) 842-4727 Email: msc@ocl.net (Msc) N4G 3A1 Ë Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Gentre The Livingston Gentre 96 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, ON www.thel ivi nqstoncentre.com Serving the Community Since 1978 no6 February 19,2010 PRESS RELEASE - Emplovment Ontario Proqrams Local Service Deliverv Announcement The Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre has been selected as the delivery agent for atl Employment Ontario (EO) programs and services for the Tillsonburg area by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. This multi-year contract will feature new programs, services, workshops and other features. While the Employment Ontario announcement is the result of a long review process, Tillsonburg area citizens can be assured that all EO programs will continue to be administered locally from an established community organizatio n th rou g h fa m i I ia r, expe rien ced person nel. While details around service delivery are being finalized, as MSC Board Chairperson Val Foerster says, "This is great news for the Multi-Service Centre and for the Tillsonburg area." This announcement, of multi-year programming support, ensures the availability of local services. lt also ensures that The Livingston Centre partnership and the Multi-service Centre model of service delivery will remain vibrant and effective well into the future. As Mayor Stephen Molnar says, "This commitment of provincial support for enhanced employment programs at the Multi-service Centre is just further reinforcement of the quality service that the Centre and its' partner agencies bring to the value of our community and region. Once again it is a successful program based on people helping people." Contact: Maureen Vandenberghe, MSC Communications & Development Coordinator, x270 mvandenberghe@ocl.net Mission A community organization committed to suppoñing personal independence through: e lnnovative and responsive resources . Partnersh¡ps and collaboration . Striving for excellence Vision Embracing Personal lndependence o Celebrating a Caring Community o I o I oI Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre Press Release dated February 19, 2010 regarding "Employment Ontario Programs Page 41 of 254 ln 1998 FUNdraising Friday had a humble beginning with one little office barbeque - which raised 54000. Since that time businesses big and small have come together and raised close to 2 million dollars to find a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) a devastating disease that robs parents of their children. Thank you to all the companies you represent who have helped build FUNdraising Friday to where it is today. We look forward to your involvement on Friday May 7, 2O1O. lf you are new to FUNdraising Friday this is your personal invitation to join the team! You'll be glad you did. You and your co-workers will have FUN while generating research dollars for Jesse's Journey. Together, we are making a difference and we will find the cure for Duchenne. April 10, l98O - November 6, 2009 Our inspiratÍon......the journey cont¡nues. Select your FUNdraising Friday Coordinator. Pick a date for your event that best suits your schedule. Fax registration form on the reverse side to 519-645-2242 and we w¡ll send you FUNdraising Friday kit. Ask your company about an Employer Matching Gift Program, to match employee contr¡butions. Staff BBQ Bake Sale Everyone looks like Elvis ldeas When people are g¡ven the opportunity to become creat¡ve there are 100's of ideas that come to mind. Guess the staff baby pictures (ls that really Ted over in accounting?) Wear your runn¡ng shoes every Friday in May (lt may not be a fashion statement... but I'm making a difference!) Shave a head-beard or moustache (You know Ithink he looks better bald!) Have a Toonie Garage Sale Treasures for a Toonie (One person's trash is another's treasure) Company wide Silent Auction (For information on putting together a silent auction contact the Jesse's Journey Office. \Jüe have tons of ideas and they're free!) Bid on the Boss's Cottage for a Weekend (He/she won't really be there 52 weekends a year will they?) Bidding on a vacation day with pay (ls this a great place to work or what?) Enter a team in our Walk Across Canada in a Day event Whatever you and your co-workers decide to de make sure you have fun! To register please see reverse side Come help us keep the Getting Started FUN in FUNdraising Friday Jesse Davidson I n f o r m a t i o n s h e e t a n d r e g i s t r a t i o n f o r m r e g a r d i n g " J e s s e ' s J o u r n e y F u n d r a i s i n g F r i d a y " . F i l e : M 0 1 P a g e 4 2 o f 2 5 4 Our Sponsors srhætrf :srTs.TvH ruzrfieEah- ROGERS ln 2009 FUNdraking Friday and Walk Across Canada in a Day raised over íZZE,OOO, thanks to businesses like yours. This enabled Jesse's Journey to grant over 5S00,000 to Duchenne muscular dystrophy research, worldwide! lf you have any questions or need assistance please give us a call at 519-645-8855 or email us at lisaw@jessesjourney.com J tfl Eo\J>e 4., L-(ì) C>f,a)or'ñfoJou_e6(oEËÀ.=ı=-c(ÚoEÞ 0,, þL (¡)L,+ c\r üc\ !qc rrì(U.i. 6\OLoOl ðrôÀosþt^:ı p )¿, :O ô *-Z.=ì LLOooıc.o:5tr(ı-ö"0Z-JOLL 'Ftogoü,9 'üoìE 0)oL rQ)aEıþ !aJCc(¡) -hË.9g\-. 0)Ëá 3€ı o- 0-, .:-oar Þ =oí,..>c"u¡2Lq.<g9É ãiB -Þ zgi ¡ 4uë.ËHil u 3oV o Ot-- ¿ t- rJ Join us for a Day of On Friday May 7, 2OlO /øaeb /oanner7. ...the journey continues Sponsored by: LERNERS Canada sxof*e#H@ Trust I n f o r m a t i o n s h e e t a n d r e g i s t r a t i o n f o r m r e g a r d i n g " J e s s e ' s J o u r n e y F u n d r a i s i n g F r i d a y " . F i l e : M 0 1 P a g e 4 3 o f 2 5 4 rÉ* 5R ÚEEIrgr r, i*. ; ;fi::i ü i:;:il:iT;i:fi:i:i: iåìlü,i i'i' " " L' i:i- t_l : ir rì ::t February,2}1} lr^,'J> îi:llí.j':lil : : ' Dear Friend, Re: Order of Ontario - Callfor Nominations Do you know someone who deserves recognition for extraordinary achievements, whose superlative contributions have had an impact on their local community, the province, our country or beyond? Established in 1986, the Order of Ontario honours those who embody excellence - members of the Order reflect the talent of our province and represent citizenship in action - individuals who see a need, and meet it; individuals who push the boundaries of their professions and make them better; individuals who have proudly represented Ontario on the world stage. Past recipients have come from all walks of life, and from every corner of our province, and reflect the diversity of Ontario. I invite you to consider the exceptional individual you know who has gone above and beyond and nominate them for the Order of Ontario, our province's highest honour. Why not take this opportunity to celebrate and honour excellence and achievement in our province? To learn more about the Order of Ontario, visit: http://www. citizensh ip.qov. on. calenolish/honours/orderofontario/ The deadline for nominations is March 16,2010. lf you have any questions, please contact Colleen Moran in the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at Colleen.Moran@ontario.ca or 416- 327-2447, or 1-877-832-8622. You can also send your question by mail to: The Order of Ontario Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat Ministry of Citizenship and lmmigration 400 University Avenue, 4th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2Rg Attn: Colleen Moran I hope you will consider nominating a remarkable Ontarian for the Order of Ontario. Yours sincerely, ú,øery David C. Onley, O.Ont. TELEPHoNE 416 g2s 7790 r¡xlrÉlÉc 416 325 z707 www.LT.cov.oN.cAQUEEN'S PARK TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA M7A 1A1 Correspondence from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario dated February 26, 2010 regarding the Order of Ontario Page 44 of 254 Mlar, 1. 2010 11:27AlVl County of Elgin No,4961 P 1/1 February 18,2010 Acting Mayor Tom Marks Members of Central Elgin Council Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mayor Marks: On behalf of the Elgin County Council I would like to thank Central Elgin Council for appointing councillor David Marr to Gounty Councilwhile Mayor Sylvia Hofhuis is recuperating and on a leave of absence. With his service on Elgin County Council for two terms previously, Councillor Marr is an excellent appointee and we are looking forward to his expeÉise.and experience around c.c. Member Municipalities County of EIPn AdfilFl¡tr9tlvê tervlcês 450 $unsêt Drlve St.Thorna+,0n NERSV1. Phone; 5J.9631'1¡60 www.elgin{ounty,on,cû EIgrnLl*tan:rf"y Office of the Warden Warden Progiressive lry Nature Correspondence from Elgin County dated February 18, 2010 regarding Central Elgin's appointment to County Council Page 45 of 254 CORPORATION OF'THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Dçuty Clerk SUBJECT : 9 I 17 7 2 (Phillips) Consent Application E9 4 I 09 Rolls # 005-09920/006-099 DATE: February 25,2010 FILE: D10.09 911772 Ont.Inc. NUMBER: D2010-05 Purpose To further consider consent application E94Æ9 proposing an addition to a lot on Murray Road. Background At the January 14,2010 meeting, Council considered StaffReport D2010-01 and deferred a consent application submitted by 91 1772 Ontario Inc. proposing to sever an irregular shaped parcel of land with a frontage of 320.89 metres along Murray Road by a depth of 673 metres (south lot line), Area 19.8 hectares (49.1 acres) to add to the adjoining agricultural land to the north. The owner is retaining 80.1 hectares, proposed to remain in agricultural use. The subject lands are located in Concession 9 Part Lots 14, 15,16 &,17 on the east side of Murray Road south of Best Line. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" and "A.N.S.I. (Area of Natural Scientific Interest)" in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (41-A) in the ZonngBy-law No.2456-2003. Council defened the application until such time as the application could be circulated to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to obtain comments for Council's consideration. Staff & Planner Comments Both the MNR and LPRCA have returned comments supportive of the application and would have no objection to the approval of the application. Both agencies are satisfied that the lands are protected from future development through our Official Plan and ZonrngBy-law. Staff and the planner would consider supporting the application with conditions. The recommended conditions would include the provision of a Letter of Undertaking confirming the merger of the lands on title, as well as, rezoning of the newly configured parcel to recognize the new lot area that exceeds 40 hectares with site-specific regulations to prohibit development or site alteration on all or a portion of the lands without the written consent of the LPRCA and the MNR. In addition, a minor variance to the Zoning ByJaw would be required to recognize the reduced lot frontage of the retained lands as a result of the consent. Staff and the planner would support this given the existing farmed portion of the retained lands is currently accessed with the reduced frontage from the Best Line road allowance and will continue to be. The minor variance would not only recoguze that situation but also the loss of the legal frontage on Murray Road. Attachments 1. Ministry of Natural Resources email February 22,2010 2. Long Point Region Conservation Authority letter dated January 19,2010 Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 46 of 254 Staff Report D2010-01 911772 Ontario Inc.Page2 Staff Report D201 0-01 dated January 7 , 2010 (for reference purposes) IBI Memo dated January 7,2010 Consent Application E9 41 09 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage athactive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "TIIAT Staff Report D2010-05 regarding Consent ApplicationBgül}g be received; AND TIIAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Comnittee that severance applicationß,94|09, submitted by 911772 Ontario Inc., be approved subject to conditions: 1. a copy of the final survey provided to the municipality 2. Letter of Undertaking confirming the eonveyance of the severed parcel to the adjacent property identified as assessment Roll # 34-01-000-005-09900 3. rezoning of the newly configured parcel 4. minor variance to the ZoningBy-law for the retained lands J. 4. 5. Respectfully submitted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 47 of 254 Clear Day Marg Underhill Page I ofl From: Ryall, Tammie(MAH)fl-ammie.Ryall@ontario.cal Sent: February 22,20101:40 PM To: Marg Underhill Gc: Tait, Maryjo (MNR) Subject: Consent Application E94/09, part of Lots 14 - 17, Concession 9, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin HiMargaret Please see below the comments from the Ministry of Natural Resources. Tammie Tammie RyallBES, MCIP, RPP Planner Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Office - Western 659 Exeter Road, 2nd Floor London ON N6E 113 51 I 873-4031 Toll free 1 €00-2654736 Fax 519 8734018 MNR has now had a chance to review the below Consent Application E94l09 for part of lots 14, 15, 16, and 17 Concession 9, on the east side of Munay Road, and the South side of Best Line, for 911772 Ontario lnc. in the Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin. The subject property is located within the Big Otter Creek Life Science ANSI. As per the Provincial Policy Statement,2.1.4, development and site alteration shall not be permitted within areas of natural and scientific interest unless is has been demonstrated that there wíll be no negative impacts on the natural features or their ecological functions. MNR understands that the applicant is proposing to sever an inegular shaped parcel of 19.8 hectares (49.1 acres) to be added to the neighbouring land to the north, and to retain 80.1 hectares. MNR understands that both properties are to remain designated "Agriculture' and "ANSI (Area of Natural and Scientific lnterest)' in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan. As there is no change of land use or development proposed as part of this consent, MNR has no objections with this application. Thanks, Maryjo Møryjo Tøít P I annin g Int ern - Ay Imer D is t rict Ministry of Natural Resources 615 John Street North Aylmer, ONN5H2S8 Phone: (519)7734786 email: maryjo.tait@ontario.ca 22102/20t0 Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 48 of 254 Lon Point Re on Consen¡ation Authori RR# 3 Simcoe, O¡rtario, Canada, N3Y4K2 7-57942ß46?3 Fax: 7-57942V1520 E-mail bbravener@lprca.on.ca WebSite: www.lprca.on.ca Dole: Jonuory 19,2O1OTo:Municipolity of Boyhom Attn : M. Underhill Bonnie Brovener Plonning Technicion E94/09 (911772 Ontorio lnc.) From: Subiecl: Stoff hqve now hod on opporfunity to review fhe obove noted qnd offer the following. The severed qnd retoined porcels ore port of the ProvinciollySignificont Big Creek Life Science ANSI os well os portions being locoled wilhin the LPRCA Regulotion Limit, under O.Reg 178/06. From lhe submitted opplicotion, it oppeors thot the severed porcel 'ls to become port ond porcel with lhe odjocent londs to the north, which cunently hos no residenliol development on site. The Long Point Region Conservotion Authority's concerns of this locqtion would be with the potenfiol for development within lhe Significont Biotic oreo. However, stoff ore sotisfied thot the significont biotic hqs been odequotely protected from fulure development lhrough the Municipolity of Boyhom's Plonning Documents ond therefore would hove no objection to the opprovol of this opplicotion. Pleose contocf me if you hove questions in this regord. Yours truly, B. Brovener Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 49 of 254 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT : 9 I l7 7 2 (Phillips) Consent Application E9 4 / 09 Rolls # 005-09920/006-099 DATE: January 7,2010 FILE: D10.09 911772 Ont.Inc. NIIMBER: D2010-01 Purpose To consider consent application F;94109 proposing an addition to a lot on Murray Road. Background A consent application has been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by 911772 Ontario Inc. proposing to sever an iregular shaped parcel of land with a frontage of 320.89 metres along Murray Road by a depth of 673 metres (south lot line), Area 19.8 hectares (49.1 acres) to add to the adjoining agricultural land to the north. The owner is retaining 80.1 hectares, proposed to remain in agricultural use. The subject lands a¡e located in Concession 9 Pa¡t Lots 14, 15,16 & 17 on the east side of Murray Road south of Best Line. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" and "A.N.S.I. (Area of Natural Scientific Interest)" in the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (Al-A) in the Zorung ByJaw No. 245 6-2003 . Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on January 28,2010. Staff and Planner Comments The applicant wishes to add the woodlot to the property to the norttr owned by Ron & Shirley Phillips and Steve & Betty Townsend so that they can continue to manage the woods responsibly and sell the farmland.. The proposal does not appear to change how the lands are accessed or potentially used. The farmlands will continue to be accessed from Best Line on the north side. The proposed severed parcel is a wooded area sçarated from the remainder of the farm by a steql ravine tributary of the Big Otter Creek, which prevents access to the faunlands from the west side at Murray Road. From an agricultural perspective the planner does not have issue with the proposal as no new lots are being created. However, planning comments from other agencies are required before support for the consent can be provided. The lands proposed to be severed and conveyed are part of a significant ANSI and would be subject to the Provincial Policy Staternent 2005 policies, our Official Plan Natural Heritage policies, which require written comment from the Ministry of Natural Resources (lvtNR) and Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA). At the time of writing this report, comments from the MNR and LPRCA are not available. Staffand the planner would recommend deferral of the application until such time as the comments are received and considered as part of the application at a future meeting. Attachments 1. Consent Application 894/09 Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 50 of 254 Staff Report D20 I 0-0 I 91777 2 Ontario Inc. 2. IBI Memo dated January 7,2010 Strategic PIan Goa(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage athactive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION Page2 '(THAT Staff Report D2010-01 regarding Consent ApplicationBg{l0g be received; AI\D TIIAT according to the Bayham Offìcial Plan Natural Heritage policies the application be circulated to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and Ministry of Natural Resources to obtain comments for Council's consideration; AND TIIEREFORE Council recommends to the Elgin County Land DivÍsion Committee that seyerance application 894109, submitted by 911772 Ontario Ing be deferred.' Respectfully s ubmÍtted, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 51 of 254 lBl Grorp 203-350 O¡<ford Street West London ON ¡{6H lT3 Canada H 5194727æ8 ht 519472939 To/Attention From oc Subiect Municipality of Bayham Der:ek Dudek. t¡ClP, RPP Date January 7,2fJ10 Project No 34,044æ Steno dd 1. 2. 4. Memorandum 911772 Ontario lnc. (Phillips) - Application for Gonsent (E94/09) - Part Lot 14, f 5, Concessirrn 9, Murray Ræd We have completed our review of the consent application submitted on behatf of 911772 Ontario tnc in support of a propæal to sever and convey a 19.9 hectare (49 acre) parcel of land '¡n Part Lot 14 and 15, Corrcession 9, on the east side of Munay Road, south of Talbot Line. The lands to be severed are designated 'Area of Natural ard Scientific lnterest - ANSI's' in the Official Plan and zoned Agricultural (41-A) in Zoning By{aw No. Z4.5f-l2O03- TheAl-AZone recognizes a minimum lot size of 40 hectares. The proposed lot addition would result in no new lots being created, while the nelv lot areas uptlld be 80.1 heclares (198 acres) fdr the retained ld accessed ftom Best Line; and 41.3 hectares (102 acres) for the r¡ewly configured lot on Munay Road. The retained parcel and newly configured lot are both vacant. The severed lands qre characterized as a completely u¡ooded area that is part d the Blg Otter Creek Life Science Al,lSl, wttích is a Provincially Sþnifrcant ANSI. These lards are separated from the retained portion by a tributary of the Big Otter Greek. The subjec{ lands would be conveyed to the farm parcel to the north which is characterized as an open f¡eld. Ttle retained lands are characterized as a mixture of open fields and wooded areas associated with the aforementioned ANSI. There is no proposed development associated with the consent application. Section 8.7.7 oÍ the Official Plan states that consents for'lot adjustments, lot additions, mínor boundary changes ... are permitted in any lard use desþnation, provided the severed and retained parcels comply with the other requirements of this Plan (and) lhe Zoning ByJav/'. The principal function of the 'A¡{Sl' designation of the Official Plan ís to recognize areas of natural heritage significance and protect them from incompatible development. Furthermore, Section 7.2.'1. c) of the Official Plan states that Council shall dÍscourage 'development" and site alteratíon on or adjacent to nafural herÍtage features or areas. El Grotrp b a group ol firms proriding professional servks ard is affil¡eted wÍth lBl Granp Architects Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 52 of 254 l8l Group llemorandurn Mu¡idpåf,ty of Baytram - Jaruary 7, 2010 While no site alteration ¡s proposed, the definitíon for'development' ¡ncludes the creat'ton of new lots. While there are technically no new lots being created as part of the consent appl¡cat¡on, the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) strould be circulated for comments to ensure they have no 'ssues wittl the re-alþnment of lot bour¡daríes. 5. Prov'xJed that both of the aforemer¡tbned agencies have no issues with propæed consent, we uor.¡td be able to support the consent subject to specific cond¡tions of consent and rezoning, whict¡ uould ensure the intent of the Official Plan's Natural Heritage policies are maintaired. Such requirements are allowed by Selctlon 7.2.2 c) of the Off¡c¡al Plan and are as follora: a. That the proposed severed lands are merged on title with the lands to the north identified as Part 1 of RP 4603. b. That the new{y configured parcel is rezoned to tte A1-A Zone to recognize its new lot area lhat exceeds 40 hectares. c. That the newly configured parcel includes zonhg in the form of site-specific regrulat'rons which protribit development or site alteration on all or a portion of the subject lands wtthout the written corlsent d fte LPRCA arxl/or the MNR- d. That the retained lands obtain a minor varbrrce to lhe Zoning By-law to recognize the reduced lot frontrage as a result d tfre consent. We wcx.¡ld support any wch variance given that the subjecf bnds are olnently accessed with the reduced ftontage, ard the variance b only required to recognÞe the loss of the legalfiontrage on Murray Road. 7¿11 IBIGROIJP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Gonsulting Planner to the Municipal'rty of Bayham .f$,ro4\468 Phi-ps - Mray RdlPn phil¡ps2o10{1{7.doc{æ10{l4nDo Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 53 of 254 1. 2. ÍION FOR CONSENT æ s4 /û* Name of approvalauthority - ELGIN COUNTY I.AND DIVISION COMMITTEE Name of Owner Address Telephone Number Name of owne/s solicitor or authorized agent ?.-^,, /y' ',' , , Address Telephone Number Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners (¡) Solicitor ( )Agent ( ) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Othen charge' lease 4. Name of Steet flLuat ( eA Street No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ¡ No (,( ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Existing Use Proposed lJse Hî2, ,u-û-rî Number and use of buildings and structures (bottr existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: llJ o.J { Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontase f4 1l oeptnlù'þ{;vt ttLt?ulffiea ît' ' U¿ Existing Us" {yt.,u-t1**f ' Proposed Use Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: {te 162- 7ç1Á {t 1- ,{Zé - 3 ç/é X addition to a tot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transfened, leased or charged: Q.o¿+ SL,rct-)t V t{tLk,t s Sàoar?;îtf îøøra¿ Ot- (c) lf a lot addition, identiff the lands to which the parcel will be added: (a) Location of land: uunicipattty'AA )ø,q.ø Lot(s)No. tLtt/f Concession No. Å) ln, € Registered Plan No. ¿ conection of title 6. Coulv of Egln E¡É¡@dnÉSerl@ 45O SurËst Orire SLThomæ, On NsR 5V1 Phonq 519- 631-1460 w.dg¡n{unty.on-@ Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 54 of 254 7_ 8. -2- Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) Type of access for proposed and retained rot (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Highway Municípal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Ofter public road Right Of Way Water access lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities. are available on themainland? (speciff) 9. \tVhat type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Pdvately owned and operated communalwell Lake or otherwater body Other means (speciff) PROPOSED LOT () () () () RETAINED LOT () () () () Arþü /ç fi¿Lî .''-'- i t tn)€ 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( ) Pdvately owned and operated individualseptictank ( ) Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (speciff) When willwater supply and sewage disposal services be available? As>1 t tJ É¿¿,:.¡.a-u,1 ffi.r-r () () () () () () l ro¿F þD.ü(a 11. 12.What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of fre DH¿nt*-tan*¿ 14. 13. What the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Æl '-t Lnþ-tt L.î Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision or a Consent under the Planning Act? Yes (N ) No ( ) Unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the applicatign file number and the decision made on the application (-f-4Ð-¡ar - Ì9f¡) e Fn¡-t? t11øs lf this application is a re.submission of a previous consent applicatíon, describe how it has been changed from the original application N "1 A#1, "^rrty'(a) Has the owner prevíously severed any land from thís holding? 15. 16. Yes (N)No( ) Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 55 of 254 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for qach lot severed: Grantee's name 72oÐ ,y'r/'rr1'/tr, s Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Dateparcelcreated / qq I 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simuKaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes ()No (Xl 18. ls the subject land cunently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Ministerfor approval? Yes ( ) Ño (X). lf Yes, and known, speciff the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land cunently the subject of an application for a zoning byJaw amendment, Ministels zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ()No (X) lf Yes, and known, speciff the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (X)No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No (X) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied,by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - tfre distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the locatibn of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificialfeatures on tlte subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage dítcheS, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areasr welf and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, índicating whether it is an unopened road alfowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right ofway; - ¡f access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. 22. Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 56 of 254 ¿a). 24. -4- The Owner/ApplicanlAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the Gounty of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. The ApplicanfOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this fPRltcation pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Ghapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municípalities and Local Boards. this ,/>1ã day or Q o - = 20 Õ? AFFIDAVIT inthe 'Ls**-\t* ol Lf* lf this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behaff of an applicant(s), the owneds authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $750.00 ín cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGÍN An additional fee of $250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. oat"aatme @t 6n,r¡/g¡ "t 4r> /.r, DECI.ARATION C!&theGounty "tËt sofemnly declare that allthe information contained in this application is fue, and lM/e make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be fue, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as Íf made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. .rth"îzþs4" /q422,7 DECLARED before me at the -1-\** of this \E dayof Uc--q- Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 57 of 254 APPENDIX "A" The Coun$ of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that, in addition to the'Application for Consenf, the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any bams located within 300 metres of the subject of this application?Yes() No0Q lf the answer is "YES" aþ these bams:í) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( )¡i) Capable of being used for tivestoctd yes ( ) No ( ) NorE: lfyou answered "YES" to #1. PLEASE coMpLETE THE DATA SHEET BELow TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPUCANT Ì.l/qME AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACT|CE FORMUI.A ONE DATA SHEETTO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON+ARM USES ESTABUSHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIM¡TY TO Ð(STING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS ln order to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is required for each livestock facilþ within 300 metrcs of the proposed severance and locatêd on a separate lot TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT CONC. TILI-ABLE HECTARES (where livestock facitity located) Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Number per Year . Man ure Syste m Housing System check type IDAIRYlo cor¡ns lo Heiferslo calves ïe Stall Free Stall Loose BEEF 0 Cows0 Calves0 Feeders0 400-750 tb.0 40G1100 tb.0 750-1100 tb. Open I-c & Bam Total Confine- ment SWNE0 Sows0 Boars0 Weanlings0 Feeders POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters MINK- Females Caged On Floor HORSES S¡{trFÞ - Pamc ,Q Furac RABBITS VFAI (.:ÀIVFS CITHFR IuÀNllÞtr cTf.ìÞ/r¡îtr. DRY SEMI€OLID UQUID Open Pile Oþen Pile Covered Tank Govered Pile Storage with Buck WallsOp*dedPit Above Ground uniıvereo iãnt Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 58 of 254 4s il, /+o f-:"i:-o* t 'l"ib., i'# coflcEsblo, 0O¿o'll( â51.ÂÞ, / A,t,r*rT-á.- o r-f¡rl c_zeè /0$ LOT 14 rtra,'y o:*- LOT t5 Açnr",-1r*t S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 0 5 r e g a r d i n g 9 1 1 7 7 2 ( P h i l l i p s ) C o n s e n t A p p l i c a t i o n E 9 4 / 0 9 . F i l e : D 1 0 . 0 9 P a g e 5 9 o f 2 5 4 -ffE-Tro'r/tM P.l.t¡' 15341-0209 WO FOR lHE I,¡I oF EL6N ( ($0" 1a rrA o o gRuN v^¡rottt{ oill^Rto UND srÍlÉloR PLAN OF PART SURVEY LOTS 14 & 1- CONCESSION 5 (cEocRAPHtc rowNsHtp oF B¡ MUNICIPALITY OF f COUNTY OF ELGIN oJq 1oo ,flg__roo 1iæl scALE 1' - 200' ofsl lJcÉs sHowt{ oit lHts pla ^RE tN FEt CO}ÍVERIEO 10 METRES BY MULÎPLYING sY C BRIAN UAUCITAN SURYEYINI NOTES SEARINOS ARE AS|RONOMIC ÑD ÄRE REFERREO OF GlvtN ROAD AS SHOil{ ON REFERENCE PA BE RTNô 0F t{ Cr 34' t5' E. LEGEND T - DENTIES S1JRV€Y }¡ONIT - FOUN(f] - OENOIIS SURIIY HON ÞUMS.I.A. - OENfrES STADÆO IF s,s.r.a. - oENoTEs sBoRl sf^Nù .ON g R.I.B. - OENOIÊS ROUNO IRON €hRl.B. - OENOIES SoWE |RON URINST. - DENOIES INffiUMEMIJ55 - DÊNOTES ÊRN YAUGHN. O.L.S.trT. - oENOIES wFnEssXH - DENOTES X. HUSIED, o.L.s. SURVEYOR /S CERTIFICATE I HERTSY CIFNFY T{ÀTJ I,]HIS SI'RI/EY A}'ID PTAI{ ARE CORfiEgI AND IN ÀCilE SURI/EYS Æ, IHE SURI/EYORS ACT ANO IHE ÆIO IHE RÊOULAÎONS lrAOE UtrDER IHE}'. 2.lHE SURì/EY lYÀS êoMPLE¡ED ON THE l.t. 0^Y C ø?A/ s1 lltot¡ s, oxf. oECEHSER 2. 2009. BRTAN VÁ,UGHAN SURVEY,124 EENTPE ,STPEET ,gT N .r*I I: = I OF OF tùr. 4) r1R-4603 1 + o i l.:g Itr la' /; ,a ',.a ,+ Àc.¡\\ h ARl I P.t.r. r5Jl t _02ôr lHes r æ { -lV- û ffiì ': ó ffis c) mz no o cÐ æI Ão o % 'lr.e c P.tÀ¿. ,0",lr_oror- ø?AFT J5J4r_orrr_u Jsjrr-0,"k**^*l-t S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 0 - 0 5 r e g a r d i n g 9 1 1 7 7 2 ( P h i l l i p s ) C o n s e n t A p p l i c a t i o n E 9 4 / 0 9 . F i l e : D 1 0 . 0 9 P a g e 6 0 o f 2 5 4 flÞ t{+t.. it :!-- : '" ,îf U,. Staff Report D2010-05 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application E94/09. File: D10.09 Page 61 of 254 -1 rô1 NOTICE OF DRAINAGE WORKS R.S.O. 1990, c.D.17 ss. 41 (1) and (2) MUNICIPALITY OF The Township of South - West C-orjñê.r- Dear Sir/Madam: i ìl 1 B YOU ARE HEREBY NOIFIED that the Engineer appointed for the purpose did, on January 26,2010, file at my office ORT file with Name of the clerk of the municípality Where report is filed under s.41(2) his or her repoft respecting Crossett Drain 2010 Name or other description of the drainage works. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of South - West Oxford will meet at the Township Office, Council Chambers (312915 Dereham Line) on the 2nd day of March 2010 at 1:30 otlock in the afternoon, when the said repoft will be considered. Dated this 4th day of February 2010 Ottu S¡gnature of Clerk t*^y Oø.LK Consideration of repoÉ - The council of the initiating municipality at the meeting mentíoned in sectÍon 41 shall consider the repoft, and, where the drainage works is requested on petition, shall give an oppoftunity to any person who has signed the petition to withdraw from it by putting a withdrawal in writing, signing it and filing it with the clerk, and shall also gíve those present owning lands within the area requiring drainage who have not signed the petition an opportunity to do so, and should any of the lands or roads owned by the municipality within the area requiring drainage as described in the petition be assessed, the council may by resolution authorize the head of the municipaliÇ to sign the petition for the municipality, and such signature counts as that of one person in the favour of the petition. Section 42. Failure to attend adjourned hearing - You are hereby notified that if you do not attend at the hearing, it may proceed in your absence and except as otherwise provided in the Drainage Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings. Statutory Powers Procedure AcÇ R.S.O. 1990, c.5.22, s. 6(2) (c). iris infqimatiqn collqcted and ñaintained specifically for the purpose of creating a record ayailable to lic ând is open to inspection by any person upon request at the office of clerk during normal office Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 62 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 63 of 254 Page l2 dated June 1 1 , 1984. This tile drainage system consisted of the installation of 696 metres of 150mm dia. to 200mm dia. concrete and plastic tile. On-Site Meeting ln accordance with Section 9(1)of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 an on-site meeting was held on June 5, 2008. Persons in attendance were: Bill Dietrich, P. Eng. Greg Nancekivell, C.E.T. Henry Benemiere Bill Knifton George Beard Eric Schuurman Dietrich Engineering Limited Dietrich Engineering Limited Acting Drainage Superintendent (Township of South-West Oxford) Drainage Superintendent (Municipality of Bayham) Land Owner Land Owner Information Meeting An information meeting was held on January 26, 2010 at the Township of South-West Oxford Municipal Office. The information provided included the type and design of the drainage system, estimated costs and proposed assessments. Findings We have made an examination of the drainage area and have found the following: 1. The lower portion of the Crossett Municipal Drain is in a poor state of repair and is not of sufficient capacity nor depth to drain the surrounding and upstream lands within the watershed at todays standards of drainage as recommended by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs. 2. The lower section of the drain (approximately 300 metres) is located in the easterly road ditch of Oxford County Road 10. This tile drain is a 300mm dia. tile drain that was installed under a report of W. G. Ure, P.Eng. in 1927. This section of the Crossett Municipal Drain is not functioning. Due to the poor condition of the lower portion of the Crossett Drain, part of Oxford County Road 10 and part of Lot21, Concessiol't 12 in the Township of South-West Oxford (former township of Dereham) experiences poor surface and subsurface drainage. Recommendations L. The lower 300 metres of the Crossett Municipal Drain be relocated offthe Oxford County Road 10 road allowance onto private property. Approximately 520 metres of the Crossett Municipal Drain be replaced with a 300mm dia. to 450mm día. tile drainage system. This new drainage system shall consist of concrete field tile and high density polyethylene pipe. lt shall be located in Lot 21-, Concession 12 parallel to Oxford County Road 10. The existing 20Omm dia. tile drain constructed under the Spriet Associates report, dated June LL,1984 be connected to this new municipal drain. 2 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 64 of 254 Page l3 4. The new tile drainage systems should be designed using a drainage coefficient of 32mm of rainfall per 24 hours. Summary of Froposed Works The proposed works shall consist of the installation of 520 metres of 200mm dia. to 450mm dia. concrete tile, High Density Polyethylene Pipe, one (1) concrete junction box and three (3) concrete catch basins. Working Area The working area for construction and maintenance purposes for the "Crossett Municipal Drain 2010" shall be a width of twenty (20) metres centered on the proposed tile drain. Each landowner on whose property the drainage work is to be constructed shall designate access to and from the working area. Watershed Characteristics The Drainage Area comprises approximately 41.1 hectares. Land use within the watershed is primarily agricultural. Allowances ln accordance with Section 30 of the Drainage Act, R. S. O. 1.990, we determine the allowances payable to Owners entitled thereto as follows: Total Allowances, under Section 30 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990; Crossett Municipal Drain 2010 $ 2,850 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 65 of 254 Page l4 Estimated Construction Costs We have made an estimate of the cost of the proposed work which is outlined in detail as follows: LABOUR. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 1) Supply 163 metres of 450mm dia. Perforated High Density Polyethylene Pipe with filter sock lnstallation by means of excavator on crushed stone bedding (sta. 0+012 to sta. 0+175) 2) Supply 125 metres of 450mm dia. concrete field tile lnstallation 3) Supply 194 metres of 300mm dia. concrete field tile lnstallation 4) Supply l2 metres of 300mm dia. High Density Polyethylene Pipe lnstallation (sta. 0+494 to sta. 0+506) 5) Supply 14 metres of 200mm dia. High Density Polyethylene Pipe . lnstallation (sta. 0+506 to sta. 0+520) 6) Supply 12 metres of 450mm dia. High Density Polyethylene Pipe complete with rodent grate lnstallation of 12 metres of 450mm dia. High Density Polyethylene Pipe complete with quarry stone rip-rap protection and geotextile filter material (25m2) 7) Supply and install 1 - 450mm dia. elbow at sta. 0+012 8) Supply and install I - 450mm x 200mm tee at sta. 0+1 10 9) Supply and install 1 - 300mm x 200mm tee at sta. 0+500 10) Supply and install 1 - 600mm x 900mm concrete junction box at sta. 0+300 1 1) Supply and install 3 standard 600mm x 600mm concrete catch basins offset 12 metres west of sta. 0+1 10, sta. 0+300 and sta, 0+500 12) Supply 36 metres of 200mm dia, High Density Polyethylene pipe lnstallation (offset catch basin connections at sta. 0+1 10, sta. 0+300 and sta. 0+500) $8,970 $7,340 $2,750 $1,750 $2,520 $2,520 $ 300 $ soo $ zto $ sso $ 660 $1,000 $ 2oo $ zoo $ tso $ 9oo $2,1 oo $ s¿o $1,200 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 66 of 254 13) Tile connections TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS CROSSETT MUNICIPAL DRAIN 201O Summary of Construction Costs Total Estimated Materials Total Estimated Labour and Equipment Total Estimated Gonstruction Costs Summary of Costs Allowances under Section 30 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 Total Estimated Construction Costs Meetings, survey, design, preparation of preliminary cost estimates and reports, preparation of final drainage report, consideration of report and court of revision Prepa ration of contract docu ments, contract adm in istration, supervision and inspection of construction Contingencies and lnterest TOTAL ESTIMATED COST FOR THE CROSSETT MUNICIPAL DRAIN 2OIO The estimated cost of the work in the Township of South-West Oxford is $48,900. $ 2,950 $34,460 $ 6,900 $ 3,goo $ 890 s48,900 Assessment We assess the cost of this work against the lands and roads liable for assessment for benefit and outlet as shown on the annexed Schedule of Assessment. We have determined that there is no injuring liability assessment involved. The existing Crossett Municipal Drain constructed under the report of W. G. Ure, P.Eng dated August 19, 1927 and the report of A. M. Spriet & Associates Ltd. dated April 30, 1965 shall be abandoned and cease to be a municipal drain after the Crossett Municipal Drain 2010 is constructed. The ownership of the existing tile drains shall be reverted to the landowners for that portion of the drains which is situated on their respective properties. : Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 67 of 254 Page l6 Maintenance After completion, this drain shall be maintained by the Township of South-West Oxford at the expense of all the lands and roads assessed in the attached Schedule of Assessment for Maintenance and in the same relative proportions until such time as the assessmènt is changed under the Drainage Act. Respectfully submitted, DIETRICH ENGINEERING LIMITED nF 4à W. J, Dietrich, P.Eng. WJD:sb Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 68 of 254 SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT Grossett Municipal Drain 2010 Township of South-West Oxford (Former Township of Dereham) LOT OR PART APPROX. HECTARES CON. AFFECTED OWNER ROLL NO. BENEFIT LIABILITY OUTLET LIABILITY TOTAL ASSESSMENT LESS ALLOWANCES NET ASSESSMENT LESS 1/3 GOVT GRANT Township of South-West Oxford 21 12 30.4 G. & S. Beard 22 12 2.4 F. Franklin Total Assessment on Lands $9,000 Pressey Road Township of South-West Oxford County of OxfordCounty Road No.10 2.3 Total Assessment on Roads $31,800 $31,800 Total Assessment to Lands and Roads, Township of South-West Oxfon 940,800 Townshio of Bavham $9.000 $4,753 $13,753 $4,584 106-227 106-228 $4,276 $13,276 6477 $477 94,42s $1 s9 $2,850 $2,850 $4,584 $2,850 $6,001 $318 $6,319 $318 $33,343 $33,661 $39,980 $r8 $33,343 $33,661 $47,414 5 Pt.6 Pt.6 1.2 1.2 $21 I $234 $238 $2r I 9234 $238 10 10 10 2.2 J. Bogart R. & P. Dykxhoorn Schuurman Farms Ltd. Township of Bayham County of Elgin 005-1 1 7 005-1 1 9-06 005-1 1 7 $146 s234 $1 59 $73 $7e Total Assessment on Lands Pressey Road 0.4 County Road No.46 0.6r.t Total Assessment on Roads Total Assessment to Lands and Roads, Township of Bayham Total Assessment on Lands and Roads, Grossett Municipal Drain 2010 $795 $795 $795 $1,486 $1,486 $r 52 $1,334 _q4o,ggg_ _$q]-99_ _$48,ggg_ _$lztg_ _$a9!9_ _$4131!_ NOTES: 1. * Denotes non-agricultural lands. 2. The NET ASSESSMENT is the total estimated assessment less a one-third (1/3) Provincial grant, and allowances, if applicable. $691 $31 I $477 $691 $1 52 $539 $31 8 $477 $31 8 $477 !o(oo N o t i c e o f D r a i n a g e W o r k s f r o m t h e T o w n s h i p o f S o u t h - W e s t O x f o r d r e g a r d i n g " C r o s s e t t D r a i n - 2 0 1 0 " . F i l e : E 0 9 P a g e 6 9 o f 2 5 4 Page I SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE Grossett MuniciPal Drain 2010 Township of South'West Oxford (Former Township of Dereham) LOT OR PART APPROX. HECTARES CON. AFFECTED OWNER PORTION OF ROLL MAINTENANCE NO. COST Township of South-West Oxford Total Assessment on Lands Pressey Road County Road No.10 Total Assessment on Roads 5 10 Pt.6 10 Pt.6 10 Total Assessment on Lands Pressey Road County Road No.46 Total Assessment on Roads G. & S. Beard F. Franklin Township of South-West Oxford County of Oxford J. Bogart R. & P. Dykxhoorn Schuurman Farms Ltd. Township of Bayham County of Elgin 21 22 12 30.4 12 2.4 106-227 106-228 59.1% 4.7o/o 63.8% 3.2o/o 18.3Yo 0.4 2.3 2.2 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.6 21.5o/o 85.3%Total Assessment to Lands and Roads, Township of South-West Oxford Township of Bayham 005-1 1 7 005-1 1 9-06 005-1 1 7 2.2o/o 2.3o/o 2.3Vo 6.8Yo 3.2% 4.7% 7.9o/o 14.7o/oTotal Assessment to Lands and Roads, Township of Bayham Total Assessment to Lands and Roads for Maintenance Crossett Municipal Drain 2010 * Denotes non-agricultural lands. 100.0% NOTE: Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 70 of 254 SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE WORKS DIVISION A - General Conditions DIVISION C - Specification for Tile Drains DIVISION H - Special Provisions Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 71 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 72 of 254 DIVISION A GENERAL CONDITIONS A. CONTENTS A.1_ SCOPE A.2 TENDERS A.3 EXAMINATIONS OF SITE, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A.4 PAYMENT A.4 WORKING AREA AND ACCESS. A.5 INSPECTION A.6 COMPLETION OF WORK A.7 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS A.8 SUPERVISION A.9 MAINTENANCE A.10 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE A.11 FLOODS OR CASUALTIES A.T2 SUB-CONTRACTORS A.13 ROAD CROSSINGS A.L4 LANEWAYS A.15 FENCES A.16 LIVESTOCK A.t7 STANDING CROPS A.18 SURPLUS GRAVEL A.19 PERMITS, NOTICES, LAWS AND RULES A.2O RAILWAYS, HIGHWAYS AND UTILITIES A.21. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT BYTHE MUNICIPALITY A.22 ERRORS AND UNUSUAL CONDITIONS A.23 EXCESS TILE A.24 REPLACEMENT OF STAKES A.25 DRAINAGE COMMISSIONER/SUPERINTENDENT A.26 TESTS A.27 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD A.28 NOTICE RE. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK A.29 FIELD MEETINGS PAGE Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 73 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 74 of 254 Page l1 DIVISION A GENERAL CONDITIONS A.1 SCOPE These Specifications, the Report And Drawings, govern the supply of labour, materials, and equipment necessary to construct the works as shown on, described by or reasonably inferable from the Report, Specifications and Drawings. ln some Municipalities, the Contractor shall supply all materials. The accompanying Form of Tender and Agreement and Scope of Work list materials which are to be supplied by the Contractor. A.2 TENDERS Tenders are to be submitted on a lump sum basis for the complete works or a portion thereof, as instructed by the Municipality. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. A Tender deposit of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,OOO¡ in the form of a certified cheque payable to the Treasurer of the Municipality, must accompany each Tender as guarantee of good faith. All certified cheques, except that of the bidder to whom the work is awarded, will be returned within ten (10) days of the time the Contract is awarded. The certified cheque of the bidder to whom the work is awarded will be returned with the final payment on the work or will be retained until the successful Tenderer furnishes a Performance Bond for One Hundred per cent (1007o) of the amount of the Tender or other satisfactory security, if required by the Municipality. A Performance Bond shall insure completion of the work and maintenance of the work for a period of one (1) year after the date of the completion certificate. A.3 EXAMINATIONS OF SITE. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Tenderer must examine the premises and site to compare them with the Plans and Specifications in order to satisfy himself of the existing conditions and extent of the work to be done before submission of his Tender. No allowance shall subsequently be made on behalf of the Contractor by reason of any error on his part. Any estimates of quantities shown or indicated on the Plan, or in the Report are provided for the convenience of the Tenderer. Any use made of these quantities by the Tenderer in calculating his Tender shall be done at his own risk. The Tendeler for his own protection should check these quantities for accuracy. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 75 of 254 Page l2 The Tenderer must satisfy himself that he understands the meaning and intent of the Plans and Specifications before submission of his Tender. ln case of any inconsistency or conflict between the Plans and Specifications, the notes on the Plans shall take precedence over the Specifications. A.4 PAYMENT Progress payments in cash equal to Eighty per cent (80%) of the value of work done and materials incorporated in the work will be made to the Contractor monthly on written request of the Contractor to the Engineer. An additional Seventeen per cent (17o/o) will be paid thirty-seven (37) days after the final acceptance by the Engineer, and Three per cent (3%) of the Contract price may be reserved by the Municipality for one (1) year. A greater percentage of the Contract price may be reserved by the Municipality for the same (1) year period if in the opinion of the Engineer, particular conditions of the Contract requires such greater holdback. After the completion of the work, any part of this reserve may be used to correct defects developed within that time from faulty workmanship and materials, provided that notice shall first be given to the Contractor and that he may promptly make good such defects if he desires. A.4 WORKING AREA AND ACCESS On a closed drain, the working area for construction purposes shall be a width of six (6) metres (see item No. 3 in the Special Provisions, Division H). On an open drain, the working area shall be fifteen (15) metres on the side of the drain where the excavated material is to be placed unless additional width is required to level the excavated material. lf access off an adjacent road allowance is not possible, each Landowner on whose property the drainage works is to be constructed, shall designate access to and from the working area. The Contractor shall not enter any other lands without permission of the Landowner and he shall compensate the Landowner for damage caused by such entry. A.5 INSPECTION Final inspection by the Engineer will be made within twenty (20) days after he has received notice in writing from the Contractor that the work is complete, or as soon thereafter as weather conditions permit. All the work included in the Contract must at the time of final inspection have the full dimensions and cross-sections. A.6 COMPLETION OF WORK The work must commence immediately after the Contractor is notified of the acceptance of his Tender or at a later date if set out as a condition of the Tender. lf weather and Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 76 of 254 Page l3 ground conditions are unsuitable, work may be started at a later date from either of these two (2) dates if such delay is approved by the Engineer. The work must be proceed in such a manner as to ensure its completion at the earliest possible date consistent with the first class workmanship and within the time limit set out in the Tender or in the Contract Documents. A.7 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS The Engineer shall have the power to make alterations in the work shown or described in the Drawings or Specifications and the Contractor shall proceed to make such changes without causing delay. ln every such case, the price agreed to be paid for the work under the Contract shall be increased or decreased as the case may require according to a fair and reasonable evaluation of the work added or deleted. Where such changes involve work additional and similar to the items in the Main Contract, the price agreed to be paid shall be determined after due consideration has been given to the ratio of the Tendered amount to the Engineer's estimate of the Contract. Such alterations and variations shall in no way render the Contract void. No claims for a variation or alteration in the increased or decreased price shall be valid unless done in pursuance of an order from the Engineer and notice of such claims made in writing before commencement of such work. ln no sqch case shall the Contractor commence work which he considers to be extra before receiving the Engineer's approval. A.8 SUPERVISION The Contractor shall give the work his constant supervision and shall keep a competent foreman in charge at the site. A.9 MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall repair and make good any damages or faults in the drain that may appear within one (1) year after its completion (as evident by the final payment certificate) as the result of the imperfect or defective work done or materials furnished if certified by the Engineer as being due to one or both of these causes; but nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any way restricting or limiting the liability of the Contractor under the laws of the Country, Province or Locality in which the work is being done. Neither the final payment certificate nor payment there under, nor any provision in the Contract Documents shall relieve the Contractor from his responsibility. A.1O CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE The Contractor shall protect himself and indemnify and save the Owner harmless from any and all claims which may arise from the Contractor's operations under the Contract Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 77 of 254 Page l4 where bodily injury, death, or property damage is caused and for this purpose shall, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, maintain insurance acceptable to the Owner, and subject to the limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) inclusive, per occurrence for bodily injury, death, and damage to property including loss of use thereof. The Contractor shall furnish evidence of compliance with all requirements of the applicable Workmen's Compensation Act or Ordinance of the Province or Territory concerned including payments due there under. Prior to commencement of any work hereunder, the Contactor shall file with the Owner a copy of each insurance policy and certificate required. All such insurance shall be maintained until final completion of the work including the making good of faulty work or materials; except that coverage of completed operations liability shall in any event be maintained for twelve (12) months from the date of substantial completion as certified by the Engineer. A.11 FLOODS OR CASUALTIES The Contractor shall take all risks from floods or casualties of any kind. Aj2 SUB-CONTRACTORS lf the Municipality so directs, the Contractor shall not sublet the whole or part of this Contract without the approval of the Engineer. A.13 ROAD CROSSINGS All road crossings may be made with an open cut unless othenryise noted. The exact location of the crossings shall be verified and approved by the Road Authority or the Engineer. A 150 mm depth of pitrun gravel, well compacted, shall be placed as a base for each pipe crossing. The pipe shall be backfilled with a granular material for the width of the travelled portion plus 1200 mm on either side. The material shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 300 mm in depth and shall be thoroughly compacted with an approved type mechanical vibrating compactor where so required by the Engineer. The top 150 mm of the roadway backfill shall consist of crushed granular material meeting the Specifications of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for Granular Base Course Class "4" (Granular "A") material. Existing pavement, if any, shall not be replaced by the Contractor unless noted differently on the Plan. The Contractor shall be responsible, however, for subsequent uneven joints in the pavement due to settling of the backfill. The Contractor should arran(¡e with a local resident to keep the crossing in repair if unable to do such personally. A small load of Granular "4" gravel at the side of the road may be advisable so that if any settlement Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 78 of 254 Page l5 does occur, the local resident can add additional gravel. All road crossings shall meet the approval of the Road Authority. For County road crossings, see Division D - "Specifications for Municipal Drains Crossing County Roads". ln doing work on or across any public road, care must be taken to protect the travelling public, the Contractor being required to erect and maintain, until the completion of the work, all signs, barricades, and lights necessary to indicate or warn the travelling public that the work is being undertaken, all satisfactory to the Road Authority having jurisdiction. The excavated material from the travelled portion of the road and 1200 mm or the full width of the graveled shoulder, whichever is greater, on each side of the travelled portion shall be removed. Excavated material may be spread on the right-of-way with consent of the Road Authority. Surplus excavated material must be removed from the job site lf the Engineer deems a gravel road to have been damaged by the construction of a drain either across or along the said road, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to supply and place sufficient crushed granular material on the roadway to restore it to a safe and passable condition at the Contractor's expense. 414 LANEWAYS All pipes crossing laneways shall be backfilled with material that is clean, free of foreign material or frozen particles and readily tamped or compacted in place unless otherwise specified. Laneway culverts on open ditch projects shall be backfilled with material that also is not easily erodable. All backfill material shall be thoroughly compacted as directed by the Engineer. All structural plate pipe culverts whether located on public roads or laneways shall be backfilled with granular material to a minimum distance of 900 mm beyond each side of the culvert. Three hundred millimeters (300 mm) of granular material shall be placed under the culvert as a base. Granular material shall be placed simultaneously on each side of the culvert in 150 mm layers and compacted to a ninety-five per cent (95%) Proctor Density. All culverts to be assembled according to the Engineer's and Manufacturer's Specifications. Culverts to be installed 300 mm below design grade with a minimum of 600 mm of cover over the pipe unless othenrvise noted on Drawings. The backfill over culverts and subsurface pipes at all existing laneways that have granular surfaces on open ditch and closed drainage projects shall be surfaced with a minimum of 300 mm of pit run granular materíal and 150 mm of crushed granular material. All backfill shall be thoroughly compacted as directed by the Engineer. All granular material shall be placed to the full width of the travelled portion. Any settling of backfilled material shall be repaired by or Contractor during the warranty period of the project and as at the expense of the soon as required. Any Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 79 of 254 Page l6 existing bituminous pavement on laneways shall be placed to its original condition by the Contractor. A.,15 FENCES No earth is to be placed against fences and all fences removed by the Contractor shall be replaced by him in as good a condition as found. Where practical the Contractor shall take down new existing fences in good condition at the nearest anchor post and roll it back rather than cutting the fence and attempting to patch it. The replacement of the fences shall be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer or Drainage CommissioneriSuperintendent. Any fences found in such poor condition that' replacement is not necessary, shall be noted and verified with the Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent prior to commencement of work. Any fences paralleling an open ditch that are not line fences that hinder the proper working of the excavating machinery, shall be removed and rebuilt by the Land owner at his own expense. The Contractor shall not leave fences open when he is not at work in the immediate vicinity. A.16 LIVESTOCK The Owner of the property on which the drain is located shall be responsible for the protection of all livestock on said property during construction and shall also be liable'for any damages caused by such livestock. A.17 STANDING CROPS The Contractor shall be responsible for damages to standing crops which are ready to be harvested or salvaged along the course of the drain if the Contractor has failed to notify the Owners forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of the work on that portion of the drain. A.18 SURPLUS GRAVEL lf as a result of any work, gravel or crushed stone is required and not all the gravel or crushed stone is used in the construction of the works, the Contractor shall haul away such surplus gravel or stone. This does not apply to a road crossing where surplus gravel is left to allow for building up the trench after settlement occurs. A.19 PERMITS. NOTICES. LAWS AND RULES The Contractor shall apply and pay for all necessary permits or licenses-.required for the execution of the work (but this shall not include the obtaining of permanènt easement or rights of servitude). The Contractor shall give all necessary notices and pay for all fees required by law and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 80 of 254 , Page 17 the work and to the preservation of the public's health and safety and if the Specifications and Drawings are at variance therewith, any resulting additional expenses incurred by the Contractor shall constitute an addition to the Contract price. A.2O RAILWAYS. HIGHWAYS AND UTILITIES A minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice in writing to the Railway's Division Engineer, the M.T.O. District Engineer, or the Utility Company, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays' and Statutory Holidays, is required by the Contractor prior to any work performed on or affecting the applicable property and in the case of a pipe being installed by open cut, a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours notice is required; and if boring, a minimum of five (5) days notice is required 4.21 lf the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should refuse or fail to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials after having received seven (7) days notice in writing from the Engineer to supply additional workmen or materials to commence or complete the works, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to Sub-Contractors, or for material, or labour, or persistently disregards laws, ordinances, or the instruction of the Engineer, or othenruise be guilty of a substantial violation of the provisions of the Gontract, then the Owner, upon the certificate of the Engineer that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may without prejudice to any other right or remedy, by giving the Contractor written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises, and of all materials, tools and appliances thereon, and may finish the work by whatever method the Owner may deem expedient but without delay or expense' ln such a case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. lf the unpaid balance of the Contract price will exceed the expense of finishing the work including compensation to the Engineer for his additional services and including the other damages of every name and nature, such excess shall be paid by the Contractor. lf such expense will exceed such unpaid balance, including the certified cheque and deposit as provided by 4.2 "Tenders", the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The expense incurred by the Owner, as herein provided, shall be certified by the Engineer. lf the Contract is terminated by the Owner due to the Contractor's failure to properly commence the works, the Contractor shall forfeit the certified cheque bid deposit and furthermore shall pay to the Municipality an amount to cover the increased costs, if any, associated with a new Tender for the Contract being terminated. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 81 of 254 Fage l8 lf any unpaid balance and the certified cheque do not match the monies owed by the Contractor upon termination of the Contract, the Municipality may also charge such expense against any money which may thereafter grow due to the Contractor. A.22 ERRORS AND UNUSUAL CONDITIONS The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately of any error or unusual conditions which may be found. Any attempt by the Contractor to correct the error on his own shall be done at his own risk. Any additional cost incurred by the Contractor to remedy the wrong decision on his part shall be borne by the Contractor, The Engineer shall make the alterations necessary to correct errors or to adjust for unusual conditions. The Contract amount shall be adjusted in accordance with a fair evaluation of the work added or deleted. A.23 EXCESS TILE lf the tile is supplied by the Municipality, the Contractor shall stockpile all excess tile in one (1) readily accessible location for pickup by the Municipality at the end of the project. lf the tile is supplied by the Contractor he shall remove all excess tile from the job site. A.24 REPLACEMENT OF STAKES The Contractor shall be held liable for the cost of replacing any stakes or benchmarks destroyed during the course of construction. The municipal drain shall be liable for the cost of replacing stakes or benchmarks destroyed or removed before commencement of construction. A.25 DRAINAGE COMMISSIONER/SUPERINTENDENT Where a Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent is appointed by the Municipality, the Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent will act as the Engineer's representative. The Commissioner/Superintendent shall have the power to direct the execution of the work and to make any necessary minor adjustments. Any instructions given by the Commissioner/Superintendent which change considerably the proposed work, or with which the Contractor does not agree, shall be referred to the Engineer for his decision. A.26 TESTS The cost for the testing of materials supplied to the job by the Contractor shall be borne by the Contractor. The cost of testing materials supplied by the Municipality shall be borne on the Municipality. The Engineer reserves the right to subject any lengths of any tile or pipe to a competent testing laboratory to ensure the adequacy of the tile or pipe. lf Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 82 of 254 Page l9 any tile supplied by the Contractor is determined to be inadequate to meet the applicable A.S.T.M. standards, the Contractor shall bear full responsibility to remove and/or replace all such inadequate tile in the Contract with tile capable of meeting the A.S.T.M' Standards. A.27 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD The award of the Contract shall be subject to the approval of the project by the Ontario Municipal Board. A.28 NOTICE RE. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The Contractor shall give the Engineer and the Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours advance notice before commencement of work on any municipaldrain. lf the Contractor leaves the job site for a period of time after initiation of work, he shall give the Engineer and the Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent a minimum of forty- eight (a8) hours advance notice prior to returning to the job. lf any work is commenced without such advance notice, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for all such work undertaken prior to such notification and shall make good any works or materials used judged to be inadequate or constructed in a manner that may have been subject to alteration if made known to the Engineer prior to com mencement of construction. A.29 FIELD MEETINGS At the Engineer's discretion, a field meeting with the Contractor or his representative, the Engineer and with those others that the Engineer deems to be affected, shall be held after notification of commencement of work has been given and prior to commencement of, or during construction. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 83 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 84 of 254 DIVISION C SPECIFICATION FOR TILE DRAINS c.CONTENTS PAGE C1. TILE L C2. STAKES 1' C3. LINE L C.4 LAYING 2 C5. LOWERING OF SURFACE GRADES 2 C6. TRIBUTARY DRAINS 3 C7. OUTLET PROTECTION 3 C8. CATCH BASINS 4 C9. BRUSH, TREES, DEBRIS, ETC. 5 c10. QUICKSAND 5 ct1,. RocKs s CTz. BROKEN OR DAMAGED TILE 6 c13. ROADS 6 CL4, JUNCTION BOXES 6 C15. FILLING IN EXISTING DITCHES 6 C16. CONSTRUCTION OF GRASSED WATERWAYS 6 CL7. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 6 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 85 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 86 of 254 Page l1 DIVISION C SPECIFICATION FOR TILE DRAINS c1.TILE The Contractor is to state the type and manufacturer of the tile which he proposes to use and is to be prepared to submit alternative prices for concrete or clay tile in the sizes available, if required. Standard clay tile shall meet all A.S.T.M. Specifications as set out in Designation C4-62 and Designation C498-65 with the exception of the Absorption Factor and the Freeze and Thaw test. Extra quality drain tile and heavy duty drain tile shall meet all Specifications as set out in Designation C4-62 and Designation C498-65. Concrete tile shall be extra quality drain tile which meets all A.S.T.M. Specifications as set out in Designation C412 with the exception that the nominal lengths of drain tile 150 mm to 300 mm in diameter inclusive, shall not be less than 300 mm; and that tile of 350 mm to 750 mm in diameter inclusive, shall have nominal lengths of not less than the diameters. Where any of the above referred to standards are amended or superseded, such amendments or revisions shall apply. C2. STAKES Stakes are set along the course of the drain at intervals of twenty-five (25) metres. Benchmarks have been established which are to govern the elevations of the drain. The location and elevations of the benchmarks are given on the Plan and Profile drawings. The Contractor will ensure that the stakes are not disturbed unless approval is obtained from the Engineer. c3.LINE The drain shall run in as straight a line as possible throughout its length, except that at intersections of other watercourses or at sharp corners, it shall run on a curve of at least fifteen (15) metres radius. The newtile drain shall be constructed atan offsetfrom and parallel with any ditch or defined watercourse in order that fresh backfill in the trench will not be eroded by the flow of surface water, The Contractor shall exercise care not to disturb any existing tile drain or drains which parallel the course of the new drain, particularly where the new and existing tile act together to provide the necessary capacity. Where any such existing drain is disturbed Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 87 of 254 Page l2 or damaged, the Contractor shall perform the necessary correction or repair at his expense. The Engineer will designate the general location of the tile drain, but the Landowners may indicate the exact location if approval is given by the Engineer. A variation of 20 mm from the proposed Profile shall be sufficient to require the Contractor to remedy this discrepancy, The Contractor shall verify the location of the new tile drain with the Engineer, Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent and the Landowners before proceeding with the work. C.4 LAYING The tile is to be laid with close joints and in regular grade and alignment in accordance with the Plan and Profile Drawings. The Contractor is to erect cross-arm sights and use a boning rod in the laying of the tile. The tiles are to be bevelled, if necessary to ensure close joints. Rather than bevelling the tile on sharp bends, the Contractor may wrap the wide joints with a 130 mm wide band of felt building paper. The inside of the tile is to be kept clear when laid. Any joints with a gap greater than 5 mm are to be wrapped with plastic or geotextile filter material at no extra cost. Where soil conditions warrant, the Engineer may require that the tile be wrapped with a geotextile filter material, Mirafi P-50, manufactured by Dominion Textile, |nc.,415 Nonrvich Street, Woodstock, Ontario (519) 539-9877, or an approved equal. Any such work shall be considered an extra to the Contract. The Contractor shall submit with his Tender the extra cost for wrapping the tiles, if necessary. The sides of the tile are to be supported by partial filling of the trench prior to inspection by the Engineer. The remainder of the excavated material shall be used to restore and maintain the natural surface of the ground. No tile shall be backfilled until inspected by the Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent or Engineer unless directed othenruise by the Engineer. The tile shall be backfilled such that a suffìcient mound of backfill is placed over the trench to ensure that no depression remains after settling occurs in the backfill. C5. LOWERING OF SURFACE GRADES Where required, the Contractor shall strip back and stockpile the topsoil, and strip the subsoil in order that the tiling machine may trench to the correct depths. After the tile is installed, the trench shall be backfilled, subsoil replaced and the topsoil shall be spread over the disturbed area. The Contractor's Tender price shall include the cost of stripping the topsoil, bulldozing of the subsoil to the depth required and subsequent replacement of subsoil and topsoil. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 88 of 254 . Page l3 C6. TRIBUTARY DRAINS Any tributary tile encountered in the course of the drain is to be carefully taken up by the Contractor and placed clear of the excavated earth. lf the tributary drains encountered are clean or reasonably clean, they shall be connected into the new drain. The type of materials used to make the tributary tile drain connections shall be verified with the Owners. Where the existing drains are full of sediment, the decision to connect or not to connect to the new drain shall be left to the Engineer or Drainage Commissioneri Superintendent. The Contractor shall be paid for each tributary drain connection as outlined in the Form of Tender and Agreement. Where the Contractor is required by the Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/ Superintendent to hook up an existing tile which is not encountered in the course of the drain, the cost of such work shall constitute an extra and the basis for payment shall be determined by the Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent subject to the provision of Section A.7 "Completion of Work". The method and materials proposed for the connection are to be approved by the Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/ Superintendent. Mortared joints are required for all tributary tile drain connections. C7. OUTLET PROTECTION Riveted corrugated metal pipe shall be used to protect the tile at its outlet. The joint between the metal pipe and the field tile shall be sealed with mortar. Sacked concrete rip-rap protection or heavy field stone rip-rap protection and geotextile filter material (Mirafi P-150 or approved equal) unless othen¡vise specified, shall be installed around the corrugated metal pipe and extended downstream a minimum distance of three (3) metres. The protection shall extend to the top of the backfilled trench and below the pipe to 300 mm under the streambed. The protection shall also extend 600 mm into undisturbed soil on either side of the backfilled trench. Where the outlet occurs at the end of an open ditch, the above sacked concrete or heavy field stone rip-rap protection will extend all around the end of the ditch and to a point 800 mm downstream on either side. Where heavy overflow is likely to occur, sufficient additional rip-rap and filter material shall be placed as directed by the Engineer to prevent the water cutting around the protection. A concrete structure may be required to protect against heavy overflow if so indicated on the Drawings. The corrugated metal pipe shall have a hinged metal grate on the outlet end to prevent the entry of small animals. Maximum spacing between bars shall be 50 mm. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 89 of 254 Page l4 C8. CATCH BASINS Cast-in-place catch basins shall be constructed using a minimum of 20 MPa concrete with inside dimensions as specified on the Drawings or in the Scope of Work, walls and floors - 150 mm thick, and the bottom - 450 mm below the invert of the tile. The catch basin top shall be substantial iron grate approved by the Engineer, easily removable for cleaning. Precast catch basins and manholes may be used if prior approval is given by the Engineer. Minimum wall thickness permitted for catch basins without reinforcement is 150 mm, and with reinforcement is 100 mm; provided that either is acceptable by the Engineer. Where a catch basin is located on a road allowance, the type of catch basin and grate to be used and its proposed elevations shall be approved by the Engineer or the Road Superintendent. Catch basins may be offset from the drain, where practical and shall have 200 mm concrete tile or metal pipe leads unless othenrvise specified. Catch basin leads shall have a minimum cover of 750 mm. The joints between sectional precast catch basins shall be mortared and such mortar shall be applied to each lower section before the upper section is added on. All tile or pipe connected to the catch basin shall be mortared in place so that no gaps remain in the wall. Mortar is to be applied from the outside of the walls. Catch basins located on Highways shall be M.T.O. Type Standard DD-702 or M.T.O. PrecastType Standard DD-711. The catch basin top shall be M.T.O. Standard DD-706 (if required, contact the Engineer for applicable Standards). Standard DD-716-A shall apply for ditch inlet catch basins. All catch basins located on Highways, County roads, and Township roads shall be backfilled with porous backfill placed to a minimum thickness of 300 mm on all sides. The backfilled material shall be satisfactorily tamped. lf settling occurs after construction, the Contractor shall supply and place sufficient granular material to maintain the backfill level flush with adjacent ground as part of the Contract. Heavy field stone rip-rap protection shall be placed around all catch basins and shall extend a minimum distance of 600 mm away from the outer edge of each side of the catch basin, and shall be placed so that the finished surface of the rip-rap is flush with the existing ground. Catch basin grates shall be fabricated from angle iron for the frame and welded steel bearing pads spaced at 75 mm centres. Any grate used is subject to the Engineer's approval. Unless othen¡vise noted, the tops of all standard catch basins shall be 100 mm above adjacent ground levels. lf there are no existing drains to be connected to the catch basin at the top end of the drain, a plugged tile shall be placed in the upstream wall with the same diameter and elevations as the outlet tile. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 90 of 254 Page l5 C9. BRUSH. TREES. DEBRIS. ETC. The Contractor is to include the removal of all excavation of whatever nature, disposal of material, removal and cutting of all brush, supplying of all labour and completing the whole work in accordance with the Plan, Profile and Specifications. Any trees necessarily removed are to be brushed and left for the Owner of the property on which they are found. All brush, limbs, etc. are to be put in piles by the Contractor and left for disposal by the Owner. No additional payment will be made for brushing of scattered trees where required by the Engineer. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, the drain or proposed location of the drain is heavily overgrown with small trees and brush, the Contractor may use a bulldozer or other such equipment to clear a minimum width of thirty (30) metres. The resulting debris shall be placed where directed by the Engineer and/or the Owner(s) and left for disposal by the Owner(s). Where roots may interfere with the new drain, all such roots shall be grubbed and placed in a pile convenient for disposal by the Owner. No additional payment will be made for such work. C1O. QUICKSAND The Contractor shall immediately contact the Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/ Superintendent if quicksand is encountered. The Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/ Superintendent shall direct the Contractor to construct a temporary open drain to lower the water table or to lay the tile on a crushed stone mat and wrap the tile joints with filter material, or to take such action as may be necessary. The basis of payment for such work shall be determined by the Engineer or Drainage CommissioneriSuperintendent. c1|. ROCKS The Contractor shall immediately contact the Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/ Superintendent if boulders of sufficient size and number are encountered such that the Contractor cannot continue trenching with a tiling machine. The Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent may direct the Contractor to use some other method of excavating to install the drain. The basis of payment for this work shall be determined by the Engineer or Drainage Commissioner/Superintendent. lf only scattered large stone or boulders are removed on any project, the Contractor shall either excavate a hole to bury same adjacent to the drain, or he shall haul same to a nearby bush or fence line, or such other convenient location as approved by the Landowner(s). Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 91 of 254 Page l6 C12. BROKEN OR DAMAGED TILE The Contractor shall either bury or remove all damaged tile or tiles not required elsewhere. NO tile shall be left on the grounds for the Landowner(s) to dispose. örg. RoADS On any road crossing, the Contractor may use original ground as backfill to within 600 mm of finished grade only if adequate compaction and if the use of the original ground backfill has been approved beforehand by the affected Road Authority. For further information for roadway crossings, refer to Section A.14 - "Road Crossings" of the General Conditions (Division A). C14, JUNCTION BOXES Junction Boxes shall be constructed using a minimum of 20 MPa concrete with inside dimensions as specified in the Drawings or in the Scope of Work. The sides, bottom and top shall be 150 mm thick. The top of the junction box should have a minimum ground cover of 600 mm. C15. FILLING IN EXISTING DITCHES The Contractor shall backfill the ditch sufficiently for traversing by farm machinery. lf sufficient material is not available from the old spoil banks to fill in the existing ditch, the topsoil shall be stripped and the subsoil shall be bulldozed into the ditch and the topsoil shall then be spread over the backfilled watenrvay. C16. CONSTRUCTION OF GRASSED WATERWAYS Where the Contractor is required to construct a grassed watenruay, the existing watenruay shall be filled in, regraded, shaped and a seed bed prepared prior to applying the grass seed and fertilizer. The grass seed shall be fresh, clean and new crop seed, meeting the requirements of the Seed Act for Canada No. 1 seed and composed of the following varieties: 45o/o üeeping red fescue; 2oo/o bromegrass; 15% Kentucky Bluegrass; 5% white clover; 5% birdsfoot trefoil; and 10% perennial ryegrass. A cover crop of mixed grain or winter rye or wheat is also to be used (2 bushels/acre). Grass seed shall be applied at the rate of 68 kg/ha (60lbs/acre) and fertilizer shall be a6lplied at the rate of 450 kg/ha (400 lbs/acre). Fertilizer shall be 10-10-10. C17. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS The latest report of the Ontario Farm Drainage Association (O.F.D.A.), Construction Standard Committee dealing with the construction of Subsurface Drainage Systems, shall be the guide to all methods and materials to be used in the construction of tile drains except where superceded by other Specifications of the Contract. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 92 of 254 DIVISION H SPECIAL PROVISIONS Grossett Municipal Drain 2010 Township of South-West Oxford Reference No. 0811 Special provisions means special directions containing requirements peculiar to the work not adequately provided for by the standard or supplemental Specifications. Special provisions shall take precedence and govern any standard or supplemental Specifications. The following special provisions shall apply to this project: 1. The Contractor shall notify the Owners, the Drainage Superintendent and the Engineer forty-eight (48) hours prior to construction. 2. The Contractor shall verify the location of the new tile drains with the Engineer and the Owners prior to construction. 3. The working area shall be twenty (20) metres centered on the proposed tile drain. Each landowner on whose property the drainage works is to be constructed shall designate access to and from the working area. 4. All utilities shall be located and uncovered in the affected areas by the Contractor prior to construction. 5. All catch basins shall be precast concrete catch basins (Coldstream Concrete Ltd. or approved equal). Knockouts shall be provided in the catch basins. 6. The catch basin grate elevations shall be set to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 7. Stone rip-rap protection and geotextile material (Mirafi 180N) shall be placed around all catch basins as part of this contract. L All catch basin grates shall be birdcage grates (Coldstream Concrete Ltd. or approved equal). The grates shall be hot dipped galvanized. 9. All catch basin grates shall be fastened to the new catch basins. 10. All stone rip-rap material shall be quarry stone 150 mm to 300 mm dia. and placed to a depth of 400 mm. Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 93 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 94 of 254 Page l2 11. The Contractor shall supply all necessary materials to complete the connections of any existing drains to the new drain. 12.The Contractor shall be responsible for alltrench settlement. 13. The Contractor shall supply and install catch basin markers beside all catch basins. 14. All concrete tile shall be Heavy-Duty Extra Quality Concrete Drain Tile. 15.The Contractor shall supply and wrap all concrete tile joints with geotextile filter material as part of this contract. The width of the filter material should be: 300 mm wide for tile sizes 150 mm diameter to 350 mm diameter. The filter material shall completely cover the tile joint and shall have a minimum overlap of 300 mm. The type of filter material shall be Mirafi 140NC for clay or loam soil conditions and Mirafi 160N for sandy or silty soil conditions. 16. An approved ditching machine (wheel trencher) shall be used to install the concrete tile. 17.The Contractorshall strip the topsoil fora width of 1.8 metres centered on the drain before installing the tile drain. ln deep cuts the Contractor shall strip the topsoil for the full width of the wheel machine. The topsoil shall be later spread over the backfilled trench. 18. All High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe shall have a pipe stiffness of 320 kPa. All HDPE pipe shall be BOSS 2000 pipe (or equivalent). 19. The Contractor shall supply perforated High Density Poly Ethylene pipe with an approved filter sock (sta. 0+012 to sta. 0+175). The High Density Poly Ethylene pipe shall be installed with 300mm of 19mm crushed stone bedding belowthe pipe. The stone bedding shall be completely wrapped in an approved geotextile filter blanket. The pipe shall be backfilled to the springline of the pipe with crushed stone. 20. The Contractor shall be paid for the actual lengths of the drain installed by means of the wheel trencher and by means of a backhoe on stone in accordance with the bid prices in the scope of work. The Contractor shall strip the topsoil in the locations where the drain is being installed with a backhoe for the full top width of the trench. The topsoil shall be later spread over the backfilled trench. .: Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 95 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 96 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 97 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 98 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 99 of 254 Notice of Drainage Works from the Township of South - West Oxford regarding "Crossett Drain - 2010". File: E09 Page 100 of 254 I (/3 To: Elgin County Council I note that a proposal to approve our sidewalks in Corinth, Ontario to be plowed on a regular basses. We have a Good Samaritan that was doing this for us... lt was a great help to everyone. He was informed by the police that he could no [onger do this without the support of his township. We the community would like for this to be a legal process as this keeps our kids safe from having to walk on the roads when they are going to the bus stop or just for a walk, and as well as makes ít possible for our elderly to be able to also go for walks. We will get together a petition if needed but we hope that the council will see the need and vote in favour. We do have drivers that do not think about how fast they go through Corinth, We do not have a lot of sidewalks here but would like to be able to use them when we need to. Also if you could vote on a light at the park on Best Line would also be appreciated as it can be dark down there. Please inform me of your opinion on this matter. Sincerely,/¿ û1/*.4-*,þur/r/,4/y' / Chyrlynn Chilcott (11253 George street in Corinth) RR4 Aylmer ,Ontario N5H 2R3 Correspondence received February 23, 2010 from Chyrlynn Chilcott regarding "plowing of sidewalks in Corinth" and request Page 101 of 254 7 L- $nCotrnty February 19,2010 Mayor Lynn Acre Members of Bayham Council Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO Dear Mayor Acre and Councillors: Please be advised that Elgin County Council, at its February 1 6,2010 meeting, approved the designation of a reduced speed zone along Culloden Road from Eden Line, north for 400m. Enclosed please find a copy of By-Law No. 10-03. The by-law comes into effect when signage is erected. lf you have any questions or comments, please direct them to the County's Director of Engineering Services, Clayton Watters, at extension 117. Susan McConnell Administrative Services Coordinator *Encl. cc C. Watters County of Elgln Administ¡atlve Services 450 Sunset Dr¡ve St.Thomas,0n N5RSV1 Phone: 519-631-1460 www.elgin-cou nty.on.ca Progressive by Nature Correspondence dated February 19, 2010 from County of Elgin regarding "reduced speed zone along Culloden Road ". File: T07 Page 102 of 254 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No.l0-03 WHEREAS pursuant to Section 128, Subsection 2, of the Highway Traffic Act, being Chapter H.8, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the council of a municipality may by by-law prescribe a different rate of speed for motor vehicles driven on a highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiction than is prescribed in Section 128, Subsection 1 (a); and WHEREAS the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 05-35 prescribing different rates of speed for motor vehicles on certain highways under its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend said By-Law to prescribe a different rate of speed on cedain highways under its jurisdiction. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT a maximum rate of speed of 50 km/hr be established for a section of Belmont Road (County Road 74) - from 850 metres north of Talbot Line in the Municipality of Central Elgin; and, THAT a maximum rate of speed of 50 km/hr be established for a section of Culloden Road (County Road 46) - from 400 metres north of the northem property limits of Eden Line on Culloden Road in Bayham Township. 2. THAT the penalties provided in Sectíon 128, Subsection 14, of the Highway Traffic Act, shall apply to offences against this By-Law. 3. THAT this ByJaw becomes effective once signage setting out the speed limit has been duly posted. RE{D A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2010. Correspondence dated February 19, 2010 from County of Elgin regarding "reduced speed zone along Culloden Road ". File: T07 Page 103 of 254 Municipatity of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of January 2010 D¡te:Feb-02-2010 File: PlO No.Date Roll #Permlt Ilolder Property Descrlptlon Buildlng Tvpe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer FeeI5-Jan 2-001-40900 Gardner. Rov 5 Chatham Sheet nsfall utilitv ehed 2Rlcn â 2.000 75.0f)I l-Jan )-005-05801 Neufeld. Pete i4304 Eden Line dernolish existing kitchen, add kitchen 946sq ft 65.000 660.0( 3 3-Jan l-001 - l9536snlit Wiebe, Heinrich 14 Centre Sheet constnrct roofed over deck 2l6sq ft 2,000 249.0C 4 8-Jan l-005-05801 Froese. John i4304 Eden Line replace existint septic tank 2,00c 250.0( 5 9-Jan )-003-05301 Max Underhill Farm Suoolv í6532 Calton Line construct bulk seed storage bin 400sq ft 355-00(2915.0( 6 20-Ian ¿-00r-01208 Rastel. Helmut l9 Elizabeth Steet construct raised balcony deck 77so ft 4,00(75.O( Ianuary-10 430.000 3,974.00 250.0( 2O1O YEAR TO DATE 430.000 3.974.00 250.0t January-09 8.00(315.00 0.00 2OO9 YEARTO DATE t.00(315.00 0.00 sM3/l/2olo Prepæed by: excel\monthly\buildper Reviewed by: B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t s f o r t h e m o n t h s o f J a n u a r y a n d F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 1 0 4 o f 2 5 4 Municipality of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of February 2010 File: PlO Mar-02-2010 No.Date Roll #Permit Holdcr Properfy Descrlptlon Building Tvoe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 7 l2-Feb 2-00r-33600 Colwell, Archie 16 Wellington Street interior renovations to boardins house l000so ft 4,000 107.0( 8 24-Feb 2-001-32900 Legg, Francis 12 Wellington Steet lernolish existing house 5,000 75.0( Febru¡rv-l0 9.000 182.00 0.0( ¿O1O YEAR TO DÄTE 439.000 4.156.00 250.0( Februarv-O9 40.00(1-140.00 0.0( 2OO9 YEARTO DATE 48.00(1.455.00 0.0( Prepared by:sM3/l/2010 excel\monthly\buildper Reviewed by: B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t s f o r t h e m o n t h s o f J a n u a r y a n d F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 1 0 5 o f 2 5 4 Flom : Trinity Anglican [mailto : trinlu ke@amtelecom. net] Sent: Wednesday, February 24,20L0 11:16 AM To: Lynda Millard Subjecü Burn Permit for Sunrise Easter Service on the East Beach Hello Lynda: Trinity Anglican Church in Port Burwell requests a Burn Permit for a contained Camp Fire type burn on the East beach near the Handicap Platform. This fire is part of our Easter Sunrise Service which will be held on April 4lh,2O1O, at 7:00 am. I have contacted Sheila Ryckman of Aon Reed Stenhouse lnc. our insurance broker to forward to you the required insurance information similar to past practice. I hope this request is satisfactory to the municipal requirements. Should you require more information I can be contacted by return email or by calling 519-874-4106 or 519-8744708. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Fred Shelly, Treasurer Email correspondence dated February 24, 2010 from Fred Shelly, Treasurer, Trinity Anglican Church requesting "Permission for Page 106 of 254 Ref. No. 32000612231! Aon Reed Stenhouse lnc. 255 Queens Avenue One l¡ndon Place Sulte 1400 LondonON NOASRStel 5194ì3-3441 fax 519433.3853 Municlpalþ of Bayham Attention : Linda Millard P. 0. Box 160, 9314 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NllJ 1Y0 Re Evidence of lnsurance Trinlty Anglican Church Port Buruell,Onlario East Beach -April 4, æf 0 lnsurance as descdbed herein has been anaçed on behalf of ûre lnsured named herein under lhe folloring pdicy(les) and æ moe fully dæcribed by the terms, oonditions, exdusions and povisims contained in the said policy(iæ) and any endorsernenls attaded theruto. lnsured The lncorporated Synod of The Diocese Of Huron And The Padshes Within The Dioæse Diocese Office Building 190 Quæns Avenue London, ON N6A 6H7 Goverage Commercial General Liability lnturer Aviva lnsuranæ Company of Canda CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Policy#81414539 Efiecllve 3lÐe42009 Erp¡ry 31-Dec-2010 Llmlb ol Liabiflty Bodily lnJury & P¡op€rty Damage, Each 0æunence $5,000,000 Tenant's Legal Llability -All Risks $5,fi)0,000 Policy may be subjed to a çnenl aggregate ard ofher aggregatæ where appliøble THIS CERTIFICATE CONSTIruTES A STATEMENT OF THE FACTS AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUAIICE AND ARE SO REPRESENTED AND WARRANTED ONLY TO THE INSURED. OTHER PERSONS RELYING ON THIS CERTIFICATE DO SO ATTHEIROWN RISK. Dated: 24-February-2010 lssued By: Tel: THE POLICY CONTAINS A CLAUSE THAT MAY LIMIT THE AMOUNT PAYABLE OR, IN THE GASE OF AUTOilOBILE IHSURANCE, THE POLICY GONTAINSA PARTIAL PAYMENT OF LOSS CLAUSE1of1 /lqv Email correspondence dated February 24, 2010 from Fred Shelly, Treasurer, Trinity Anglican Church requesting "Permission for Page 107 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210412010 0210412010 3:25PM lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number OOOO33 AGLINE 1203674 OIL, REI.AY, KIT 01t25t2010 r 735.00 007980 0000,14 ALISARAGGREGATES INC 2OO3/¡O59 WNTER SAND ChequeAmount- 735.00 01t31t2010 I 4,30s.88 007981 Cheque Amount - 4,305.88 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM carbon monoxide CARBON MONOXÍDE AD 0210112010 I 31.50 007982 edison fest SKATEBOARD COMPETITION AD O2lO3l2O10 I 10.87 007982 Cheque Amount - 42.37 OOOOTO ATKINSON, DAVIES INC 0028517 PORT BURWELL WATER PROJEC- 1A31/2009 I 371.70 007983 Cheque Amount - 371.70 001229 AYLMER & AREA CHAMBER 821 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 0A0212010 I 175.38 007984 Cheque Amount - 175.38 OO'1231 CENTRAL ELGIN FIRE RESCUE o37lo9 INSURANCE PREMIUM 1213112009 I 135.05 007985 ChequeAmount- 135.05 OOO.IOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 24351't,t4 LABELS, STAPLERS 0112712010 I 62.12 007986 2435æ27 APPT BOOKS 0112712010 I 11.68 007986 ChequeAmount- 73.80 OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN tN000020034 PoLrcE sERMcEs 12t31t2009 I 2,879.00 007987 Cheque Amount - 2,879.00 001375 CRANBERRYKENNELS cat quarantine QUARANTINE OF STRAY CAT O2lO2l2O1O I 178.50 007988 Cheque Amount - 178.50 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-95775-0 RINGS 0210112010 I 176.72 007989 t-95833-0 RINGS 0112912010 I 24.11 007989 t-95870-0 HYDRAUL|C HOSE REEL, CRtMpS O1t29t20'tÙ I 237.53 007989 f-95884-0 CRIMPS, HOSE 0112912010 I 43.57 007989 Cheque Amount -481.93 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS31752 PARTS ONTIS31775 PARTS 01t18t2010 I 7.02 007990 01t18t2010 I 817.24 007990 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 108 of 254 Cheque . Cheque Amount Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - O2l04l2O10 Cheque Amount - OO1O27 GREEN LEAAGCENTER INC 0000100778 DUST CAP, ADAPTERS o1t28t2010 I Cheque Amount - 001656 HARMS EXCAVATING LTD 200900239 CLEAN UP BRUSH & TREES 01t25t2010 I Cheque Amount - 001328 H|-TECH CONTROLS (LONDON) 10423 SEPTAGE RECEIVING PROJECT O1I222O1O 'I Cheque Amount - OOO991 HORVATHAUTOPARTS 824.26 27.97 o2t04t2010 3:25PM 007991 007992 27.97 1,890.00 1,890.00 I,148.00 007993 o'v26t20'lo o21o3t2010 8,1,18.00 33.88 007994 48.55 007994 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 197æ7 197877 Jan 0118'l-23005 Jan 1265G9'1004 Jan 1885G12¿f58 Jan 1897144027 Jan 18971-52001 Jan2525ù12302 Jan 2879940004 Jan 4385ù12451 Jan 5025Ç12458 Jan 5645G'12330 Jan 6276G43000 Jan7525ù12272 Jan 87770-2OQ12 Jan 9385G'12278 Jan 93850-910'19 Jan 93970-20342 000217 tBtGROUP 223989 000446 JACKIE BOOTLE Janl$Febl5/10 GLOVES IA/RENCHES CONSULTING FEES Cheque Amount -82.43 47.93 007995 108.10 007995 160.50 007995 38.99 007995 104.39 007995 4f1.86 007995 428.79 007995 76.51 007995 245.31 00799s 46.68 007995 124.54 007995 63.38 007995 104.53 007995 221.77 007995 77.25 007995 860.65 007995 UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE UTILITIES - PUMP#TI UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP UTILITIES - PB OPP UTILITIES. PUMP# I UTILITIES - PB CENTEN PARK UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - BOAT I.AUNCH uTtLtTtEs - E.c.c. UTILITIES. LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES. PUMP#7 uTrLlTtEs - v.c.c. 0112912010 01t29t2010 0112912010 0112912010 01t29t2010 0112912010 ur29t2010 0112912010 0112912010 01t2912010 0112912010 0112912010 0112912010 0112912010 0112912010 01t29t2010 Cheque Amount - 1213112009 I 2,758.18 2,394.22 007996 007997 Cheque Amount - 02t02t2010 I 2,394.22 791.66MANAGER FEES Cheque Amount -791.66 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 109 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210412010 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque 'Cheque Date Type Arnount ,Number OOO518 KWK KOPY PRINTING 25c/,6 BAYHAM NEWSLETTER 000560 LOVERS ATWORK OFFICE FURNITURE o2toz2010 r 176.85 007998 Cheque Amount -176.85 250.86 007999 -13.56 007999 100129 SQUARE GLIDES 01t29t2010 8642A RETURN LEGCAPS FORTABLES O2IO3I2O1O Cheque Amount - OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 1006511150 100654466 Cheque Amount -9,250.41 195.00 000610 MINISTER OF FINANCE 8708 FIRE COLLEGE REGISTRATIONS O'II25I2O'IO I 008001 Cheque Amount - 001624 MINISTRY OF FINANCE / MTO agreement AUTHORIZEDREOUESTORAGRM' O2]OZ2O1O I 2s0.00 008002 Cheque Amount - O2lO4l201O 3:25PM I c FEBRUARY'IO REMIT FEBRUARY'10 REMIT 01t2212010 01t22t2010 237.30 5,523.29 008000 3,727.12 008000 195.00 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOVVN 10110501995 101 10503258 1 01 't 0505025 10't 10508714 l0't 10510233 10110510757 10110511140 101r051'1862 10't 10513389 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 1?,04t2009 12/17/2009 12t1712009 0110412010 0111112010 01113120'to 01t15t2010 0111812010 01t2512010 250.00 11.87 008003 11.87 008003 26.42 008003 7.48 008003 4.49 008003 8.57 008003 4.49 008003 4.49 008003 7.48 008003 Cheque Amount - 000618 MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS renewal 2010 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 0112612010 I Cheque Amount - 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 129517 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 0113112010 I Cheque Amourit - 000669 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL WATER ASSOC 2010 membership 2010 MEMBERSHIP 001158 ONTARIO PLUMBING 281.40 35,299.23 87.16 281.40 008004 008005 0080060210212010 I 35,299.23 393.75 Cheque Amount -393.75 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 110 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0210412010 103/¡2O1O MEMBERSHIP ül17r201.O r 60.00 008007 Cheque Amount - 60.00 001455 OTTERVIEW MACHINE 1429 SPROCKETS 0112512010 I 57.75 008008 Cheque Amount - 57.75 OOO727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 407445003 COURTER SERVTCE 0112212010 I 146.23 008009 Cheque Amount - 146.23 001655 RAYTEC RADIANTHEATERS LTD. 15641 BURNER, TUBE, COUPLTNGS 0112212010 I 988.75 008010 ChequeAmount- 988.75 OOO752 RESQTECH SYSTEMS INC 00010368 wAtsT BUCKLE ASSEMBLY 0110812010 I 65.54 008011 ChequeAmount- 65.54 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10401442 LAB FES 01t2612010 I 423.15 008012 o'U26t2010 I 562.80 008012 01126t2010 I 120.75 008012 0112612010 I 'lll.30 008012 0112612010 I 291.90 008012 01t27t2010 I 140.70 008012 0110812010 I '189.88 008014 0111312010 I 214.95 008014 o'vß1'æ10 I 225.82 008014 O2lO4l2O10 3:25PM 't0401444 l-AB FEES 10401445 t-AB FEES 10ø;01446 LAB FEES 10401447 láB FEES .IO4O2O22 LAB FEES Cheque Amount - 1,650.60 001657 SIEGFRIED AND MARGARET BLONDEEL 067 REFUND PARTTALZON|NG FEE 1A31t2009 I 650.00 008013 ChequeAmount- 650.00 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION x1t256342 NOMTNATTONSAD X11257338 FIRE CHIEF AD X11257339 AD FOR TREASURER OOO874 TEAMTRUCKCENTRES A¿00330096 PARTS ChequeAmount- 630.65 o2loa2u0 r 1.283.33 008015 Cheque Amount - 1,283.33 OOlOO2 TILLSONBURG FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT 13239 TNSPECT EXTTNGUISHER 0112512010 I 42.00 008016 Cheque Amount - 42.00 OOO9.1O TOWN OF AYLMER tvco7172 INSPECTIONS - BLDG DEPT 1213112009 I 36s.13 008017 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Tyæ Amount , Number Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 111 of 254 2009.1't.27 6.3 9050 OOO925 TRILLIUM RAILWAY COMPAA¡Y PCKI591 SIGNALS OOO932 UNDERHILL FARM SUPPLY LTD 2'13779 COUPLERS MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 02104120'10 3:25PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0210412010 ChequeAmount- 365.13 0210112010 I 560.98 008018 ChequeAmount- 560.98 o'U2712010 I 38.95 00æ19 Cheque Amount- æ.95 OOO981 WLSON'S LAWN CARE Dec'09 SNOVIIPLOWING DEC'09 1U31f2OOg I 885.94 008020 ChequeAmount- 885.94 Cheque Run Total - 79,892.28 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 112 of 254 2oos.11.27 6.3 e050 MUNICIPALmV OF BAYHAM 0211012010 1:52PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - O2l10l2O1O OOOI14 BOBBUTLER pay reimbursement NET PAY 0210812010 I 1,466.91 008021 Cheque Amount - 1,466.9'l Cheque Run Total - '1,¿t66.91 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 113 of 254 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 001647 1255475 oNTAR|O LTD 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 902560 SUPPLIES 902609 SUPPLTES MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211012010 0211012010 2:57PM Cheque Amount - 31.50 OOOO52 AMTELECOM COMMUNICATIONS Feb 0060257907 INTERNET - OFFICE 0210112010 I 85.00 008023 Feb 0060341982 INTERNET - EDISON MUSEUM O2lO1l2O1O I 48.25 008023 Feb 0060408229 INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM 0Z01l2O'lO I 48.25 008023 Feb 0060493387 INTERNET - GARAGE O2lOt2O1O 1 28.30 008023 Feb 519866552'l MONTHLYTELEPHONE O2lO'll2O10 I 1,223.39 008023 Cheque Amount - 1,433.19 OOOO81 AYLMER TIRE 0000062086 REpAtR REARTTRE -TRACTOR 0112912010 I 187.44 008024 0000062101 |NSTALL T|RE O'v3012010 I 31 I .88 008024 Cheque Amount - 499.32 OOOO91 BARRY R. CARD 212012-30 LEGAL SERVICES 212013.30 LEGAL SERVICES 21201+30 LEGALSERVICES Cheque Amount - 3,056.81 OOO14,I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 7418 LOF, T|RE ROTATE 0110712010 I 63.79 008026 7422 LOF O1t07t2010 I 44.02 008026 7531 REPI-ACE BELT & WATER PUMP 0112712010 I 413.25 008026 ChequeAmount- 521.06 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOLWATER 2-1942 WATER BOTTLES 0110112010 I 58.00 008027 2-1975 WATER BOTTLES 0110112010 I 24.00 008027 2-2033 WATER BOTTLES 0110112010 I 30.00 008027 Cheque Amount - 112.00 OOO156 CANADIAN PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD T423198 ELBOW pCS WELL CASTNG 02|0U2O1O I 154.99 008028 ChequeAmount- 154.99 OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 24405013 STAMP PADS, |-ABELS 0210312010 I 85.72 008029 24409605 pApER CLtpS 0210312010 I 24.18 008029 o2/04t2010 I 6.91 008022 ozo4t2010 I 24.59 008022 o210a2010 I 38.33 008025 0210212010 I 38.33 008025 0a02t2010 I 2,980.15 008025 OOO28O EAST END SUPPLY Cheque Amount -109.90 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 114 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - O2l'l0l2O1O lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 60744 couPLlNGs, DRrvE cHArN 01t25t2010 I 2U.36 008030 Cheque Amount - 2U.36 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000155788 MONTHLYRENTALCHARGE 02t01t2010 I 106.58 008031 Cheque Amount- 106.58 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTls32040 DRTLL BtT O1t2912010 I 23.73 008032 oNTrs32061 PARTS O1t29t2010 I 114.13 008032 Cheque Amount - 137.86 001637 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 90079 GEOMELT O2tO3t2010 I 2.326.85 008033 Cheque Amount - 2þ2635 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 151812554 SHOP TOV\ELS, FLOOR MATS OAO4|2010 I 178.91 008034 Cheque Amount - 178.94 001258 HENNESSYGIBSON HOGAN 52380 LEGAL SERVTCES 01t29t2010 I 500.66 008035 ChequeAmount- 500.66 001328 HI-TECH CONTROLS (LONDON) 1G033 SEPTAGE RECEIVING 1G034 SEPTAGE RECEIVING ú2A2UO t 9,763.20 008036 0112812010 I 6,508.80 008036 0110412010 I 16.63 008040 01t07t2010 I 16.43 008040 0110812010 I 12.25 008040 0112512010 I 39.35 008040 02110120'10 2:57PM Cheque Amount - 16,272.00 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Feb 0657144066 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER OAOA2O|O I 42.66 008037 Feb 3579543000 UTILITIES - PUMP#6 O2lO3l2O1O I 685.65 008037 Feb 62770-20225 UTILITIES - VIENNA MEM PARK O2lO3l2O1O I 332.02 008037 Cheque Amount - 1,060.33 OOO498 KEN SPROUL 453s SNOWPLOWNG 0113112010 I 2,345.70 008038 Cheque Amount - 2,345.70 OOO5O4 KEVIN KITCHING course reimburse INCIDENT MANAGEMENT OAOA2UÙ I 229.40 008039 Cheque Amount -229.40 OOO51O KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 146152 146/.57 1-46510 1-47565 IO" EXTENSION ROCKER, BLADE BOX ROCKER GREASE GUN Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 115 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211012010 l-47596 MEASURTNG CONTAINER 0112612010 I 7.90 008040 147644 olL, FILTER 0112612010 ! 39.65 008040 Cheque Amount - 132.21 OOO54O LAERDAL MEDICALCANADALTD. 8't141s78 BATTERY PACK 0112612010 I 307.93 008041 Cheque Amount -307.93 OOO235 LIPPERT & WRIGHT FUELS LTD. 0111312010 I 1,948.30 008042 o1to6tio10 I 3,582.99 oo8o42 01to612010 I 667.70 008042 0110612010 I 827.39 008042 0'U081201o I 1,190.M 008042 01t2012010 I 1,859.71 008042 01t20t2010 I 672.01 0080/'2 0112012010 I 1,634.61 008042 0112712010 I 545.94 008042 01t27t2010 I 885.00 008042 7703486 87453 874il 87455 88317 90554 90555 90556 92103 92104 ULS DIESEL ULS DIESEL REG C'AS DIESEL DYED ULSD ULS DIESEL ULS DIESEL DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS ULS DIESEL REG GAS 0211012010 2:57PM Cheque Amount - 13,814.09 000560 LOVERS ATWORK OFFICE FURNITURE 8610A TABLE LEGCAPS 0210112010 I '13.56 008043 Cheque Amount - 13.56 000569 M &LSUPPLY 0000116463 PARTS 0112712010 I 961.94 008044 0000r 16534 CREDIT - FIRE HYDRANT 0112712010 c -326.57 008044 ChequeAmount- 635.37 OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY 09 '10 GALVANIZED FITTING 0112712010 I 12.08 008045 Cheque Amount - 12.08 000610 MINISTER OF FINANCE certificate applic LIMITED SUBSYSTEM CERTIFICAT O2l1Ol2O1O I '115.00 008046 wateroperator CERTIFICATION RENEWAL O2l1Ol2O1O I 115.00 008046 Cheque Amount- 230.00 000627 MURRAYS HEATING & AIR 4654 INSTALL TUBE HEATER 0210312010 I 389.71 008047 Cheque Amount - 389.71 001483 PARTSMASTERCANADA 50033010 ELECTRODES 01129120't0 I 300.71 008048 lnvoice Cheque Gheque Date Type Amount Number Cheque Amount - 300.71 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 116 of 254 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211012010 lnvoice Payee Number . lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number OOO71O PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE 7543 RECYCLE BOXES 0111412010 I 541.95 008049 7545 PINE SOL CLEANER 0111512010 I 7.89 008M9 7555 BRACKETSHELVES 0112012010 I 6.76 008049 7565 LAUNDRY DETERGENT 0112612010 I 8.21 008049 7574 BULB FOR EXIT LIGHT 0112812010 I 2.58 008049 Cheque Amount- 567.39 OOO77O RODGERMARTIN #1 '.10 K-9 CONTROL JANUARY'1o 0113112010 I 1,207.50 008050 Cheque Amount - 1,207.50 OO.I,I06 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES 1041526 BTOXIDE 01t15t2010 I 3,904.'15 00805í Cheque Amount- 3,904.15 OOO814 SIFTO CANADA INC 721779æ BULK HIGHWAY COARSE 0112912010 I 5,057.63 008052 72178947 COARSE BULK HIGHWAY 0210312010 I 5,461.38 008052 Cheque Amount - 10,519.01 001434 STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. 43í913 RTCHMOND COMMUNTTYWATER 0111412010 I 957.08 008053 Cheque Amount- 957.08 OO.I599 STE\Æ ADAMS workboots WORKBOOTS O1l23l2O1O I '193.16 008054 Cheque Amount- 193.16 OOO857 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT 006359 CANVAS JACKET 0210812010 I 160.42 008055 Cheque Amount- 1æ.42 OOO93O TSCSTORESL.P. l81o't6118 HOSE MENDER, ELBOWS 01118120'10 I 13.30 008056 181016274 TEST CAPS, PVC CAPS, PIPE 0112012010 I 77.96 008056 Cheque Amount -91.26 001324 UNDERHILLBROS 87463 SNoWPLOWING o1t28t2010 I 204.76 008057 Cheque Amqunt -204.76 OOO953 VIENNA HOME CENTER LTD WINDSHIELD WASHER MAILBOX KEY CUT SEWER CAPS 0110412010 I 3.15 008058 0110512010 I 38.40 008058 0110612010 I 2.25 008058 0112012010 I 31.05 008058 0211012010 2:57PM 3r'.7087 347113 347150 347587 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 117 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 OOO957 VOTH SALES&SERVICE LTD 00001 81 962 0000't81967 00001 8l 972 0000181974 000018'1980 0000182084 0000182085 0000182092 00001821 't 0 0000182124 0000182125 0000182133 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211012010 Cheque Amount - 0211012010 2:57PM FILTERS ANTIFREEZE REPLACE DRIVE AXLE SHOES FILTERS FILTERS MIRROR WNDSHIELD WASHER FLUID NUT VVI-IEEL SERVICE CALL & I.ABOUR PIPES, TIES, DRAIN VALVE ANTIFREEZE STARTER 74.85 42.n 008059 84-32 008059 1,814.06 008059 119-77 008059 151.96 008059 13.55 008059 't5.82 008059 7.68 008059 135.32 008059 2,774.74 008059 32.25 008059 310.74 008059 0'U05t2010 0r/06/2010 01t0612010 01/06/2010 o'U0712010 01t2712010 0112712010 0112812010 01t2812010 01t2912010 o'U29t2010 0112912010 Cheque Amount -5,503.1'l Cheque Run Total -68,579.80 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 118 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211112010 OO.I493 GERRYLEMAY conference - OGRA OGRA CONFERENCE 0211112010 I 864.93 008060 0211112010 1:51PM 000376 GIBSON BENNETT file# C0&910 LEGAL SERVICES OOO71O PORTBURVVELLHOME HARDWARE SINGLE CUT KEY ChequeAmount- 864.93 oaoa2uo I 1,610.62 008061 Cheque Amount - 1,018.23 oza92:0'10 I 5.18 008063 Cheque Amount - 1,610.62 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC FebOO24G14793 UTILITIES - GARAGE 0210412010 I 1.018.23 008062 ChequeAmount- 5.18 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 09{33 NOVEMBER - DEC WATER .09 1A31f2009 I 36,563.58 008064 Cheque Amount - 36,563.58 Cheque Run Total - 40,062.il Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 119 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 02111t201O lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice . Cheque Cheque Date TYæ Amount ,Number OOOI95 CLIFF EVANITSKI conference - ogra OGRA CONFERENCE 0211112010 I 864.93 008065 Cheque Amount - 8e1.93 OOI162 EDKETCHABAW conference - ogra OGRA CONFERENCE O2l11l2O1O I 864.93 008066 Cheque Amount- 864.93 OOO99I HORVATHAUTOPARTS 197936 VTNYL DECALS 0210512010 I 18.08 008067 197994 PART 0210912010 I 13.56 008067 Cheque Amount - 31.4t OOO58O MARKTAYLOR conference - ogra OGRA CONFERENCE OU11|2O10 I 864.93 008068 ChequeAmount- 864.93 OO.116I WAYNE CASIER conference - ogra OGRA CONFERENCE OU11|2O1O I 864.93 008069 Cheque Amount - 8il.93 Cheque Run Total - 3,491.36 0211112010 3:52PM Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 120 of 254 2009.1'1.27 6.3 9050 OO'1422 LIONS CLUB OF STRAFFORDVILLE memorial donation BASIL NEVILL - lN MEMORY O2l11l2O1O I 50.00 008070 Cheque Amount - 50.00 Cheque Run Total - 50.00 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0211212010 9:264M Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - O2l12l2O1O Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 121 of 254 ,lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 001647 1255475 oNTAR|O LTD 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 02fi812010 905431 CHAIR GLIDERTIPS 0211212010 I 14.46 008071 Cheque Amount - 14.46 0016s8 1483310 oNTARTO LTD. purc*rase DELL TOWER 0210812010 I 371.38 008072 ChequeAmount- 371.38 001367 947428 oNTAR|O tNC 9997 EAVES TROUGH INSTALLED 0111912010 I 199.50 008073 ChequeAmount- 199.50 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 00001512,18 NOMINATIONS AD 0112912010 I 37.49 008074 Cheque Amount - 37.49 001432 CULLIGAN 81033350515 UNIT RENTAL 0210112010 I 26.20 008075 Cheque Amount - 26.20 OO145I DAVID S. ROSS PUMP SERVICES LTD. 60 PRESSURE TANKS, VALVES 0211512010 I 3,092.41 008076 Cheque Amount - 3,092.41 OOO28O EASTENDSUPPLY 60905 LOCK COLLAR INSERT OAO8|2010 I 38.28 008077 Cheque Amount - 38.28 OOO334 FASTENAL CAI.IADA ONTIS32O98 CABLE TIES o2t0112010 I 8.81 008078 ChequeAmount- 8.81 001637 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 90086 GEOMELT 0211012010 I 2,286.05 008079 Cheque Amount - 2,286.05 001603 GERHARD&MARIADYCK reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAXACCOUNT 02l'162010 I 1,827.10 008080 Cheque Amount - 1,827.10 OO1616 GILLES THERRIEN BACKHOE SERVICE 425 PULL|NG TREES AND BRUSH O1t20t2010 I 3,832.50 008081 Cheque Amount - 3,832.50 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Feb 06460-08880 UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY O21OBl2o10 I 208.58 008082 o/oa2010 I 85.39 008082 o2t08t2010 I 380.66 008082 Feb 12660-62007 UTILITIES - MED BLDG Feb 15773-68016 UTILITIES - PUMP#S 0211812010 3:16PM Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 122 of 254 lnvoÌce Gheque Cheque Date Ty,pe ' Amount Number 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 Feb 25260-09578 UTILITIES - OFFICE Feb 5399$93004 UTILITIES - PUMPá¿¿I Feb 73394-81003 UTILITIES - PUMP#3 Feb 86590-87008 UTILITIES - PUMP#2 Feb 8764G15034 UTILITIES - S.C.C. MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211812010 0210a2010 I 436.87 008082 0210912010 I 52.83 008082 Feb 6886&08015 UTILITIES - STRAF FIRE OAO8|2O1O I 2il.16 008082 0210912010 I 75.16 008082 o2lou2010 I 222.86 008082 02t0u2010 I 1,385.87 008082 0112612010 I 356.07 008091 01t2912010 I 22.66 008091 02118120'10 3:16PM Cheque Amount - 3,102.38 OOO517 KROVVN RUSTCONTROL 5716 T40, SOLUTION 0A0512010 I 162.04 æ8083 Cheque Amount - 162.04 000526 LAEMERS TRUCKING LTD Jan'09 plowing SNOWPLOWNG 0113112010 I 71985.25 008084 Cheque Amount - 7,985.25 OOO235 LIPPERT & WRIGHT FUELS LTD. 36512 GREASE o2t11t2010 I 41.13 008085 , Cheque Amount - 41.13 000569 M&LSUPPLY 0000116587 LENS FRAME 0112512010 I 150.81 008086 0000116629 DRY F|RE HYDRANT WTH PLUG 0112912010 r 357.81 008086 ChequeAmount- 508.62 001433 MICROCAD COMPUTER CORPORATION 1000006027 GLEANING CARTRIDGE 0211612010 I 23.45 008087 Cheque Amount - 23.45 000610 MINISTER OF FINANCE application LIMITED SUBSYSTEM APPLICATIC 0U1712010 I 1'15.00 008088 Cheque Amount - 115.00 001484 PELMOREX MEDIA INC. 109337 WEATHER FORECAST 0113112010 I 315.00 008089 ChequeAmount- 315.00 OOO7O4 PETERS PLUMBING 839 REPAIRS TO TOILET - S.C.C. 0210412010 I 68.25 008090 Cheque Amount - 68.25 OOO716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 08355974 OXYGEN, ACETYLENE 08395358 CYLINDER RENTAL Cheque Arnount - 378.73 OOO727 PUROTATOR COURIER LTD 407513442 COURIER SERVICE 0112912010 I 18.42 008092 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 123 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0211812010 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 407582197 COURTER SERVICE 02t051201o I 61.47 008092 ChequeAmount- 79.89 OOO737 RAMONA PEIDL 2372370 JAN'09 CLEANING 0113112010 I 940.00 008093 23737'l JAN'09 CLEANING - V.C.C. O1ß1ncl0 I 7@.00 008093 237372 JAN',og CLEANING - S.C.C. 01131120',10 I 494.00 008093 Cheque Amount - 2,1U.OO OOO743 RBCROYALBANK 45'16 O5OOOO954119Feb AMCTO MEMBERSHIP O'll29l2O1O I 325.50 008094 45160500 009541'lgFebAMCTO MEMBERSHIP 0112912010 I 346.50 008094 451605000095 41l9Feb OGRA CONFERENCE O2lOSl2OlO I 2,289.00 008094 Feb 4516050000954101 O\ÆRL|M|T FEE O2l08l2O1O I 20.00 008094 Feb 4516050000954119 MOE - HWIN WEB 0112812010 I 55.00 008094. Feb 45160500009g176 BLDG CODE BINDER SUBSCRIPT 0111212010 I 78.75 008094 Feb4516 050000954119 AMCTO MEMBERSHIP O1l29l2O1O I 346.50 008094 FeM5160500 00954101 ANNUAL FEE O2l01l2O1O I 12'OO 008094 Feb45160500 00954119 OGRACONFERENCE 0112812010 I 803.25 008094 Feb45160500 00954176 MOE - WATERMASTE CERT 0'{,10612010 I 75.00 008094 FeM51605000095 4101 AMCTO MEMBERSHIP 0112912010 I 346.50 008094 Feb451605000095 4119 OGRACONFERENCE 0112812010 I 803.25 008094 FeM5160500@95 4176 DOMAIN REGISTRATION 0110712010 I 15.70 008094 Cheque Amount - 5,5'16.95 OOO745 RECEI\ÆR GENERAL FOR CANADA RADTO LTCENCE RENEWAL 0113012010 I 393.00 008095 RAD|O LICENCE RENEWAL 0113012010 I 1,083.00 008095 RADTO LTCENCE RENEWAL 0113012010 I 714.00 008095 Cheque Amount - 2,190.00 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT 0066310304721018Feb UNIT RENTAL - E.C.C.o2t0812010 I 28.88 008096 Cheque Amount - 28.88 OOOSOI SCOTTKRISTENSEN reimburse SURVIVOR UNIT BANK CHARGER O2lOgl2OlO I 281.37 008097 Cheque Amount - 281.37 OOO814 SIFTO CANADA INC 72179986 BULKCOARSE HIGHWAY 0zrc12010 I 5,371.88 008098 Cheque Amount - 5,371.88 001272 TAKMECHANICAL 883 01t2512010 I 204.75 008099 O2l18l2O1O 3:16PM 0038180 0038659 0038787 EXTEND VENT - V.C.C. Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 124 of 254 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoicæ Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 OOO9IO TOWNOFAYLMER IVCO72O8 IMS COURSE MUNÍCIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 02Í1812010 Cheque Amount - 0211812010 3:16PM 001418 TELUS 015894762019 DOLI.AR POOL SAVINGS LATE PAYMENTCHARGE01s894762019' 01589476201912005876 CELL PHONE - P GROENE\ÆLD 015894762019/6171156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 015894762019/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 0I5894762019/6365709 CELL PHONE. PB FIRE DEPT 015894762019/6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 1 0158947620.19/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 015894762019/6366198 CELL PHONE. E BRADFIELD 015894762019/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762019/6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER o't589476201916689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 015894762019/9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 016242498017 PREMOUS CHARGES 016242498017 1234W't 4 MOBILE HIGH SPEED 016242498017t6366069 CELL PHONE - B KNIFTON 016242498017 16780758 MOBILE HIGH SPEED 01 6242498017 167 817 43 MOBI LE HIGH SPEED OOO888 THORNTON'S LOCKWORKS 09706 RECALIBRATEFRONTDOOR o'U2712010 0112712010 0'12712010 01t2712010 0112712010 o'U27t2010 01t27t2010 01t27t2010 01t27t2010 01t27t2010 01t27t2010 01t27t2010 0112712010 0210512010 0210512010 02t0512010 0210512010 02t05t2010 204.75 -190.20 008100 12.96 008100 62.55 008100 41.75 008100 69.75 008100 . 44.86 008100 46.67 008100 44.86 008100 331.91 008100 111.11 008100 52.49 008'100 52.04 008100 44-86 008100 64.24 008100 41.76 008100 æ.07 008100 41.76 008100 41.76 008100 c I I I I I 'l I I I I I I I I I I I Cheque Amount - 02t10t201o I 979.20 115.50 00810'l Cheque Amount - oa0ü2010 I I 15.50 800.00 008102 008103 008103 0081 04 008104 Cheque Amount - oaßt2010 02t10t2010 800.00 2W.07 546.00 001324 UNDERHILLBROS 87465 87467 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Feb27321061969754 Feb27321062430725 SNOWPLOWNG SNOWPLOWING UTILITIES. E.C.C. UTILITIES - PUMP#I Cheque Amount - 0211512010 02t1012010 836.07 458.91 21.17 Cheque Amount -480.08 Cheque Run Total -43,452.60 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 125 of 254 2009.11.27 6.3 g)50 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Feb45160500 00954168 ANNUAL FEE FeM51 605000095 41 68 INTEREST MUNIC|PALITY OF BAYHAM O2l18l2O1O 3:43PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0211812010 oauf2010 I 12.00 008105 0210512010 I 5.55 008105 Cheque Amount- 17.55 Cheque Run Total - 17.55 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 126 of 254 . lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date . Type Amount Number - 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 OO'1471 BLUEWAVE ENERGY 40923373269149 orL OOO189 CITYTREASURER 91517 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0212612010 oa2a2010 r 1,860.80 008106 . ChequeArnount- 1,860.80 coNFtNED SPACE AWARENESS OAß12010 I 200.00 008,107 0212612010 11:164M ChequeAmount- 200.00 OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN tN000020615 poltcE SERV|CES FEB'10 0211512010 I 59,579.43 008108 tNoooo2o622 911EMERGENCYSERVICES2o1o Oìr¡DO'IO I 3,708.59 oO'8108 Cheque Amount - 63,2æ.02 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC t-9648S0 HYDRAULIC HOSE O2t2U2A1o I 180.64 oo81o9 l-96552-0 PLUGS, CRIMPS, HOSE 0212412010 I 183.94 008109 Cheque Amount - 364.58 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTts32283 PARTS 0210912010 I ',191.90 008110 Cheque Amount- 191.90 001637 FUTURE ROAD SOLUTIONS INC. 90096 GEOMELT S30 0z2u2010 I 2,050.44 008111 Cheque Amount - 2,050.44 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90304094 ALUM SULFATE oao3l2010 I 577.23 008'112 Cheque Amount - 577.23 000376 GIBSON BENNETT file#S091239 LEGAL SERVICES 0A1612010 I 721.76 008113 Cheque Amount - 721.76 000416 HETEK SOLUTIONS INC tNV31559 oN-SITE CALIBRATION O2lO2nO10 I 446.35 008114 ChequeAmount- 446.35 OOO991 HORVATH AUTO PARTS 198299 LUBRICANT, GLOVES, LIGHT 0a2412010 I 207.56 008115 198300 WASHER FLUID 0A2412010 I 20.U 008115 Cheque Amount - 228.40 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Feb 25390-07266 UTILITIES - VIENNA STL OA172O1O I 563.79 0081 16 Feb 2539G55002 UTILITIES - PB HWY l9 STL OA172O1O I 1 ,661 .54 0081 16 Feb 5022'145009 UTILITIES - SEWAGE PLANT O2l18l2O1O I 5,613.08 008116 Feb 6239G22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL O2l17l2O1O I 1,045.46 008116 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 127 of 254 Cheque Cheque Amount , Number : 2009.1 1.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0212612010 Feb 6279G07266 UTILITIES - RICHMOND STL 0A17/2010 I 186.68 008116 Feb 81590{7297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL OU17l201o I 557.13 008116 Feb 87790{7295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL OAfl2010 I 233.98 008116 Cheque tuhount - 9,861.66 000446 JACKIEBOOTLE Febl5''|O-Marl5'10 MANAGERFEES 0a25t2010 I 791.66 008117 Cheque Amount -791.66 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 1il06 LIGHTING REPAIR - LIBMRY O211U2010 I 193.89 008118 1UO7 TNSTALL FLORESECENT FTXTURE 0211812010 I 181.19 008118 ChequeAmount- 375.08 OOO5I9 KYLE KRUGER reimburse expenses STAFF APPRECIATION DINNER 02122;,2010 I 94.83 0081l9 Cheque Amount- 94.83 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 100660370 MARCH'1o REMIT 0A1U2010 I 4,516.04 008120 100660470 MARCH'1o REMIr 0'/1A2010 I 3,688.43 008120 Cheque Amount - 8,2M.47 000633 !.¡ATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED E1278{1Feb UTILITIES - FIREHALL OZ1A2O10 I 870.94 008121 8142'l241Feb UTILITIES - MED BLDG OZ\A2O1O I 349.89 008121 E2238G01 Feb UTILITIES - PUMP#S 0211812010 I 14.29 008121 E242OO41Feb UTILITIES - S.C.C. OZ|A^UO I 836-92 008121 E4540741 Feb UTILITIES - OFFICE 0211812010 I 516.41 008121 E45409-01 Feb UTILIÏES - PUMP#2 02t18t2010 I 23.92 I OO81Z1 E454104'1 Feb UTILITIES - LIBRARY O2l18l2O1O I 1'14.09 008121 E51600{1 Feb UTILITIES - GAR/{GE 0211812010 I 2,731.56 008'121 Cheque Amount - 5,458.02 0006s8 oMERS 04100 Jan'10 JANUARY'10 REMIT 0113112010 I 10,265.12 008122 Cheque Amount - 10,265J2 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD tN00107798 PREM|UM COLD MX COARSE 0211612010 I 805.13 008123 ChequeAmount- 805.13 OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD 407650629 COURIER SERVICE 0211212010 I 25.70 008124 0212612010 11:164M OOO732 R & R INSTRUMENTATION SERVICES Cheque Amount -25.70 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 128 of 254 Cheque Cheque Amount ' ,Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIry OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0212612010 0212612010 11:164M 2958 MARINE MUSEUM FURNACE MTC 02]1212010 I 141.49 OO8I25 Cheque Amount - 141.49 OOO742 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 21842Jan'10 JANUARY'1O REMIT 02J2512010 I 68.15 008126 ChequeAmount- 68.15 OOO8I4 SIFTO CANADA INC 72180756 BULK HTGHWAY COARSE 0A16t2010 I 5,336.22 008127 Cheque Amount - 5,336.22 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000506947 HOLTDAY FEE - NEWYEARS DAY OA15t20'tO I 10.50 008128 0000507215 ANSWERING SERVICE 02t15t2010 I U.70 008128 Cheque Amount - 95.20 OOO857 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT 010965 otL, FLUTD 02119t2010 I 294.22 008129 010966 otL 02t't9t2010 I 11.90 008129 Cheque Amount - 306J2 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 09-036 CORRECTION ON NOV DEC BlLLlf\ 1A31P0O9 I 2,148.46 008130 Cheque Amount - 2,148.46 OOO942 VALLEY BI.ADES LIMITED 135356 SNOW BLADE, SECTTONAL OA17PO10 t 2,U7.59 008131 OOO954 VIKING CIVES LTD 2621021 Cheque Amount - 2,647.59 DRIVE SHAFT, SPROCKETBELT O/1A2O1O I 220.12 008132 Cheque Amount - 220Í2 001216 WATSON & ASSOCTATES 16332 PSAB & ASSET MANAGEMENT O1l3'v2010 I 1,370.51 008133 Cheque Amount - 1,370.51 000986 WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE 1625314 Jan'09 JANUARY'09 REMIT 0111612010 I 2,402.19 008134 Cheque Amount - 2,402J9 Cheque Run Total - 120,547.20 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #7980 to Cheque #8134 inclusive, totaling $357,560.24 and Payroll Disbursements for the period Page 129 of 254 ? Mr. David Cryderman, Secretary-Treasurer Elgin County Plowmen's Association 114 Dutterin Street, Aylmer ON NsH 382 February 22,2010 Municipality of Bayham Mr. Kyle Kruger, Administrator P.O.Box 160, 9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Council Members: On behalf of the Elgin County Plowmen's Association, I wish to thank you for the grant of $200.00 which you provided for our 2009 Match. We are again requesting a grant of $200 from the Municipality of Bayham to assist us to carry on with the Elgin County Plowing Match to be held on August 7th,2010 at the Allen Millmanfamilyfarm justwestof thevillageof Sparta.Althoughthisyearthe2_010 f nternational Ptowing Match will be held in Elgin County from September 21"1to 25th, it is important that our local match continues in order to showcase agriculture in our own community. This yearly county wide event draws participants and spectators from not only Elgin Gounty, but from surrounding counties as well. Approximately 1000 people attend our Match each year and we are noted for our unique minitented city. We hope that we can once more count on your support. Yours sincerely, 'i r I,.i í".i ì ¡.=i'¡ 1Ûlt rí üF'"iíti,ril,{ilì Correspondence received February 23, 2009 from Elgin County Plowmen's Association requesting financial assistance with the Page 130 of 254 .l THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: February16,20l0 FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk FILE: L / 2' SUBJECT: Civil Marriage Officiant Services NUMBER: C2010-03 PURPOSE This report is provided to recommend the appointment of persons to conduct local civil marriage officiant services. BACKGROT]ND At the September 17109 meeting, Council directed staffto take the necessary actions to put the services of Civil Marriage Officiant in place. On September 29, 2009, Ms. Marion Rogers and I attended at a Civil Marriages Solemnization Training workshop at the Township of Woolwich municipal building in Elmira. Through the session it was deerned expedient that alternate ¿urangements to provide backup services be put in place. STAFF COMMENTS Staffhas been in contact with Mr. Jack C. Wharram Jr. who provides marriage officiant services for the Township of South-West Oxford. He has experience and is authorized to perform both religious and civil marriages services. Mr. Whanam is agreeable to provide the backup services for Ms. Rogers should the need arise. In reference to legislation, municipal clerks have been delegated the authority to perform civil marriages under the Marriage Act, and further,mãy delegate that power to another person pursuant to Section 228(4) of the Municipal Act. As Council is supportive of implementing marriage solemnization services in the Municipality, members are requested to direct the implementation of civil marriage solemnization services under Regulation 285104 (amending Reg 738) and the Marriage Act and support the clerk in delegating her authority to appoint Ms. Marion Rogers and Mr. Jack Wharram to conduct such services. Draft agreements have been prepared and are supported by both Ms. Rogers and Mr. Wharram. The authorizingby-laws and agreements address the concerns raised in the previous report. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere Goal # 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 131 of 254 Report C2010-03 -2- RECOMMENDATION *TIfAT Staff Report C2010-03 be received; TIIAT By-law 2010-017, being a by-law to authorize civil marriage solemnization services in the Municipality of Bayham, be presented to Council for enactment; THAT 2010-018, being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Marion F. Rogers for the provision of marriage officiant services, be presented to Council for enactment; AND THAT By-law 2010-019, being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Jack C. Wharram Jr. for the provision of marriage officiant services be presented to Council for enactment.t' Respectfully submitted Reviewed by Attachs: By-law 2010-077 ByJaw 2010-018 By-law 2010-019 Authorizing Civil Marriage Solernnization Services Authorize Execution of Employment Agreement (Rogers) Authorize Execution of Employment Agreement (Wharram) da Millard, Clerk Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 132 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY.LAW NTJMBER 2OO9-017 Being a By-law to Authorize Civil Marriage Solemnization Services WHEREAS Ontario Regulation 285104 provides the Clerk or designate of a local municipality with the authority to solemnize marriages under the authority of a licence; AND \üHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham considers it desirable to have civil marriage solemnization services performed; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham enacts the following as follows: 1. That Council for the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham hereby directs that the civil marriage solemnization services be implønented within the province of Ontario; 2. That Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham recognizes that Lynda A. Millard, is authorized to solemnize marnages for as long as she holds the position of Clerk, as set out under Ontario Regulation 285104 and the Marriage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 3 for the Province of Ontario; 3. That Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham does hereby further support the Clerk delegating the authority to perform civil marriage solønnization services to Marion F. Rogers and to Jack C. Wharram Jr. as provided for under the Municipal Act 2001, S.O.2001, c25 Section 228 (4) & (5); 4. That effective with the date of passage of this by-law, Marion F. Rogers is hereby authorized to solemnize civil marriages as long she holds the position of Marriage Officiant at the Municipality of Bayham; 5. That effective with the date of passage of this by-law, Jack C. Wharram Jr. is hereby authorized to solemnize civil marriages as long he holds the position of Marriage Officiant at the Municipality of Bayham; 6. That Schedule 'A' detailing fee structures for services form part of this by-law and be part of the Municipality of Bayham Rates and Fees By-law 2005-702; 7. That Schedule 'B' detailing guidelines for services form part of this by-law and; 8. That By-law No. 2009- 017 shall come into full force and effect upon final passage. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of March 2010. Mayor Lynn Acre Clerk Lynda Millard Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 133 of 254 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page 2 of5 SCHEDULE'A'- FEES (ByJaw 2005-102) Civil Marriage S olemn ization S ervices Civil Marriage Ceremony Ceremony Ín the Municipality of Bayham o in Council Chambers during Municipality of Bayham Business Hours (Wednesday 1:00pm-3:00pm - $250.00 r outside Council Chambers $250.00 Ceremony outside the Municipalify of Bayham o services outside boundaries of Bayham - $250.00 (plus mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham will be charged at arate of $0.45 per kilometre) A 8100 non-refundable deoosit ís included ín the above-fees Rehearsal Fee . $75.00 Renewal of Vows o $75.00 Please Note: All persons using a municþal facility must provide a "certificate of insurance" in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 coverage for the duration of this function. The "certificate of insurance" naming the Municipality of Bayham as the certificate holder, must be presented to the Marriage Officiant a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the ceremony date. Additional rental fees apply to the Community Centre facilities in Vienna and Straffordville, as applicable. Bookings for these facilities will need to be made through the Community Centres Managers. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 134 of 254 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page 3 of5 SCHEDULE'B'- GUIDELINES For the Provision of Civil Marriage Ceremonies 1. Ceremonies will be conducted by appointed officiants of thg Municipality of Bayham. Ceremonies can take place at either: (a) the Municipality of Bayham, Municipal Office Council Chambers g344PlankRoad, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 (subject to its availability during regular working hours), or (b) at an agreed upon location and time within the province of Ontario depending upon availability of the officiant. 2. Fee: cash or money order to be paid to the Municipality of Bayham a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the ceremony date . $250.00 for ceremony held in the Council Chambers . $250.00 all other locations (mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham only will be charged at arate of $0.45 per kilometre) A $100.00 non-refundable de,posit is included in the above fees o Rehearsal Fee $75.00 o Ceremonial Renewal of Vows $75.00 3. A request for a civil ceremony is to be received at least seven business days prior to the date of the ceromony. 4. An agreed-upon civil marriage ceremony, incorporating all mandatory declarations under the Marriage Act, R.S.O., 1990 will be used at all civil marriages. The ceremonywill take approximately 15 minutes. Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the ceremony to allow time to review final details. 5. Changes to date andlor time are allowed at no additional charge provided that the location and an officiant are available. No refund will be issued if the ceremony is cancelled on the day of the ceremony, or the applicant(s) and witnesses do not show up for the ceremony. 6. Pre-ceremonymeeting (approximately 30 minutes) o To be scheduled a minimum of five business days prior to the ceremony o Both parties must be in attendance and provide photo identification . Application for a Civil Marriage Ceiønony form to be completed' o Mariage Licence to be presented (date issued to be within 3 months prior to the ceremony) o To discuss other municipal locations for the ceremony o To select specific vows þrovide a written copy) andlor music o Fees to be paid in full (cash or money order) Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 135 of 254 11. 12. 7. 8. 9. 10. 17. The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page 4 of5 The applicants are responsible to provide an interpreter if they do not speak English and/or require language assistance. The interpreter cannot be one of the witnesses. The interpreter will be required to sign a form that he/she has interpreted the wedding ceremony. Minimal decorations are permitted (e.g. flowers, balloons) within the municþal office for the ceremony. They may be placed 15 minutes prior to the ceremony and removed within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the ceremony. No smoking, candles, confetti, rice, paper or similar celebratory materíals can be used within the municípal ffice or on a munícipal property. Use of cell phones & other communication devices are not permitted during the ceremony. The taking of photographs will be permitted before the ceremony begins, during the signing of the register and when the ceremony is completed. Music will be permitted before and after the ceremony (applicants to provide equipment). When selecting the tlpe of music consideration should be given to its appropriateness and contribution to the digtity of the occasion. The applicants are responsible for providing two witnesses (See Notes #1) Due to Council Chambers room size, amaximum of 25 guests only canbe accommodated. The applicants, as the renters of the Council Chambers for the civil marriage ceremony, do hereby consent to defend and indemniff the Municipality of Bayham for any loss or damages incurred by their guests. The applicants agree that the Municipality of Bayham shall not be held responsible for personal injury or damage, nor for the theft or loss of any personal property of anyone attending on the invitation of the applicants. The applicants shall be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons admitted to the Council Chambers and shall see that all regulations pertaining to the event are strictly followed. The Municipal Council Chambers may onlybe used for civil marriage ceremonies conducted by duly authorized delegated individuals. All exits must be kept free from obstruction in case of fire The Council Chambers will be available for a maximum of one and ahalf (1 %) hours only. A BOOKING IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL TIIE $1OO NON- REFT]NDABLE DEPOSIT IIAS BEEN PAID TO THE MARRIAGE OFFICIA}[T. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 136 of 254 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page 5 of5 NOTES: 1. There is no minimum age requirement for a witness, however, it is suggested they should be at least sixteen years of age and able to understand and appreciate what is taking place and be able to give evidence of such at alater date, if required. 2. If personal vows are to be made, they are to be reviewed by the offrciant prior to the ceremony. A written copy of the vows must be brougþt to the pre-ceremony meeting. 3. If the ofEciant believes that, based on what he or she knows or has reasonable grounds to believe, that either parties lack mental capacity to marry by reason of being under the influence of intoxication alcohol or drugs or any other reason, the ceremony will not proceed. 4. The Record of Solemni zationof Marriage given at the ceremony is not a legal record. Approximately 12 weeks after the ceremony, you may apply to the Office of the Registrar General to obtain an official Certificate of Marriage, the appropriate form is included within the licence. 5. V/edding venues outside the boundaries of the Municipality of Bayham will be subject to an additional fee at a rate of $200 to cover ovemight accommodations and travel expenses of the ofüciant at arate of $0.45 per kilometre. I have read the above guidelines outlined in Schedules A and B of By-law 2010-017 and agree that Marion F. Rogers or Jack C.'Wha:ram Jr. will conduct a civil marriage solemnization service on Date: Time: Location: Applicant # I Name: Applicant # 2 Name: Signature Signature Witness # I Name: Signature Witness # 2 Name: Signature Marriage Licence Number:Date Issued: Note: Mørríage licences are valídfor 3 months only. Deposit Received Fees paid: _ yes _no Marriage Officiant Lynda A. Millard - Clerk Personal Informatíon on thísform is collected under the outhoriþ ofthe Municipøl Acl and regulatíon under the Marríøge Act' 285/04' and will be used to perform ø civil marriage ceremon!. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 137 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-018 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND MARION FAITII ROGERS WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Employment agreement with Marion Faith Rogers, for the position of Civil Marriage Officiant in the Municþality of Bayham; NOW TIIEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this byJaw between Marion Faith Rogers and the Municþality of Bayham. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 4TH DAY OF MARCII 2O1O MAYOR CLERI( Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 138 of 254 Schedule "A" to BlL20l0-018 - Page I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENTmade as of this 4thday of March,2010. BETWEEN: The Municipality of Bayham, A Corporation incorporated under the laws of the province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality" OF THE FIRST PART; -and- Marion Faith Rogers Of the Municipality of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the "Employee" OF THE SECOND PART. \üHEREAS the Municipality and the Employee have agreed to enter into this Agreement to set out the terms and conditions of employment by thë Municipality of the Employee as Marriage Officiant. NOW TIIEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants exchanged between the parties herein, THE AGREEMENT WITNESSETII AS FOLLOWS: Position and Term 1. The employment of the Employee under this Agreement shall coÍtmence March l5' 2010 and shall continue for a period of one year. 2. The Employee shall perform all the duties in the job description attached hereto as Appendix "4", and shall be performed pursuant to the provisions hereof, diligently and in good faith and with a view to the best interest of the Corporation' Remuneration and Benefits 3. The remuneration shall be paid to the Employee, as applicable, on a bi-weekly basis as follows per: ' marriage ceremony $125.00 ' rehearsal $ 75'00 ' renewal of vows $ 75.00 . cancellation or non-attendance of applicants $ 50.00 Mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham only shall be paid at arate of $0.45 per kilometre. Overnite accommodation $150 - $200 when required. Statutory benefits on remuneration only shall apply. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 139 of 254 Schedule "4" to BIL2010-078 -Page2 Hours of Work 4. The Employee shall be available on an as needed basis for a variable number of hours each week as duties require. Employment Conditions 5. Employment conditions may often be outside and can be expected to vary as weather and se¿Ìsons change. Vacation 6. Vacation pay shall be paid as required by statute each pay period. Termination 7. The Employee agrees that the Municþality may terminate this employment at any time without notice or compensation, for just cause. 8. The Corporation or the Employee may terminate this Agreement at arry time on thirty (30) days written notice. Upon a breach of this agreement, either party may withdraw from the agreement without notice or cash in lieu of notice or other financial penalty. Renewal 9. This Agreement does not renew without the written agreement of the parties. Complete Agreement 10. Except as otherwise noted herein, this Agreement sets out the entire agreement which the parties have entered into, and neither relies upon representations or terms not included herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. (V/itness) )Marion Faith Rogers XThe Employee) ) ) The Municipality of Bayham XThe Corporation) ) ) ) Mayor) ) ) ) )Clerk Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 140 of 254 Position: Reports to: Knowledge: Experience: Leadership: Initiative/ Creativity: Contact: Decision Making: Working Conditions: Effort: Appendix "A" to Schedule "A" to BlL2070-018 - Page I MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM JOB DESCRIPTION Marriage Officiant Clerk or Administrator Excellent knowledge of the Maniage Act and how to apply legislated requirements Should have a general understanding of other related provincial legislation Have completed or witling to complete the Civil Marriage Solemnization Training for Municipal Clerks or Designates Minimum of Secondary School Education An equivalent combination of education and experience. Previous personal computer experience in a Windows environment, including Microsoft Office is required. Minimal leadership is required. Considerable creativþ is required in providing information and customer services to clients. Exercises initiative in providing innovative ideas in the conduct of marriage solemnizations. Monitors and improves effrciency and effectiveness of policies and procedures Considerable sensitive personal and telephone contact with the public, provincial offrcials, employees, and Council. Some judgement is required when assisting the public and provincial agencies with their inquiries. Work week is flexible based on needs of clients Must be able to attend evening events as deemed necessary by the Clerk or Administrator Duties will be conducted at home, in the municipal offrce and other locations and facilities as appropriate. with the new and furniture Responsible for preparation and conduct of marriage services, scheduling meetings and^services, foflo#ing and implementing customei service pólicies. Function: Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 141 of 254 4. 5. Appendix "A" to Schedule "A" to BlL20I0-0t8 -Page2 Principal Functions: Knows and is able to apply the legislative requirements of the Marriage Act and Regulations. Understands-definitions, -who may marry - consent, authority to solemnize marriages, witnesses, role of Clerk or Administrator. Ensures marriage solemnization documents and statistical reports are reviewed with ttre Clerk and submitted to the Offrce of the Registrar General in a timely manner. Organizes and arranges all meetings with clients and conducts Civil Marriage Solemnization ceremonies. Ensures the Council Chambers is prepared for ceremonies. Responsible to greet clients, respond to solemnization inquiries, receive payments by che{ue or cash, issue receipts, submit funds to municipalþ promptly, complete marriage solemnization documents and record information in the register. Acts as initial contact on the telephone or email and taking appropriate action as required. Maintains an adequate stationery supply. Responsible for collecting, keeping and dispensing information under -t!e -supervision of the-Administrator under-the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Informalion and Protection of Privacy Act. Identiff and address various scenarios, such as the need for an interpreter, under age marriage, request for a proxy, intoxication, mental illness and learn to handle these scenarios appropriately. Knows how to complete and process various registration documents and solemnization register. Underst¿nd what is mandatory and what else may be said during a ceremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an appropriate manner using various scripts. Carries out additional duties and exercises such additional responsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator and I or as may be required by law. 1. 3. 9. 10. 11. 12. 6. 7. 8. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 142 of 254 MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM DELEGATION APPOINTMENT AND OATH OF CIVIL MARRRIAGE OF'F'ICIANT MARION F'AITII ROGERS I, Lynda Millard, Clerk of the Municþality of Bayham hereby appoint Marion Faith Rogers as a Marriage Officiant for the Municipality of Bayham and hereby delegate to her the powers and duties of the Clerlq in the conduct of Civil Mariage Officiant services including but not limited to the following princþal functions and responsibilities pursuant to the Municþal Act 2001, S.O., C25 228(4) & (5), Onta¡io Regulation 285104 and the Maniage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 3 for the Province of Ontario. Principat Functi<rns: 1. Knows a¡rd is able to apply the legislative reçirements of the Marriage Act a¡rd Regulations. Understa¡rds defrnitions,-wtio may marry - consent, authority to solemnize marriages, wiÍresses, role of Cle¡k or Administrator. 2. Ensures marriage solemnization documents and statistical reporß are reviewed with the Clerk ard submitæd to the Office of üre Registrar General in a timely man¡Ër. 3. Organizes and arranges all meetings with clients and conducts Civil Marriage Solemnization ceremo¡ues. 4. Ensures the Council Chambers is prepared for ceremonies. 5. Responsible to greet clients, respond ûo solemnization inquiries, receive payrrents by cheEre.or casli, iszue rece¡ts, submit funds to municipality promptly, complete marriage solemnization documents and record information in the register. Acts as initial contact on the teþhone or email and taking appropriate action as required. Maintains an adeçate stationery supply. Reqponsible for collecting, keeping and dispensing information under the zupe_rvision of the Adririnistrator under the ãuthority of tlre Municipal Freedom of Infonnalian and Protectían of Prívacy Act. Identify and address various scenarios, such as the need for an interpreter, under age marriage, requesi for a proxy, intoxication, mental illness and learn to handle these scenarios appropriately. Knows how to complete ard process various registration documents and solemnization register. Understand what is mandatory a¡rd what else may be said during a ceremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an appropriate manner using various scrips. Ca¡ries out additional duties and exercises such additional responsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator and / or as may be required by law. Declared before me at the MunicipaliÇ of Bayham in the CounÇ of Elgin this day of 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A Commissioner, etc. 2010 Lynda Millard Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 143 of 254 Delegation Appointrnent & Oath of Maniage Officant - Rogers Page2 ¡F*+¡f ¡f ++t****++t:f *¡t+'ß+:t+'ß+,ßrf +*+¡t++++*t+++*'f +++*¡F I, Marion Faith Rogers, named above, solemnly declare that I will act faithfully in the capacity set out in my appointment and perform all the duties required by law without partiality, fear or affection. Declared before me at the Municþality of Bayham in the County of ElgÍn this dayof 2010 MarÍon Faith Rogers A Commissioner, etc. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 144 of 254 TIIE CORPORATTON OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-019 A BY-LA\ry TO AUTIIORIZE THE EXECUTION OF'AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIIE MIJIIICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM AI\D JACK C. WIIARRAM JR. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Employment agreement with Jack C. Wha¡ram Jr. for the position of Civil Mariage Officiant in the Municipality of Bayham; NO\M THEREF'ORE THE COI]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l, THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule"N' and forming part of this byJaw between Jack C. Wha¡ram Jr. and the Municipality of Bayham. 2. TIIAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FTNALLY PASSED TIIIS 4TH DAY OF MARCH 2O1O MAYOR CLERK Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 145 of 254 Schedule "A" to BlL20l0-019 - Page I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of this 4ft day of March 2010. BETV/EEN: The Municipality of Bayham, A Corporation incorporated under the laws of the province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the (Municþality" OF THE FIRST PART; -and- Jack C. Wharram Jr. Of the Municipality of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the *Employee' OF THE SECOND PART. WIIEREAS the Municþality and the Employee have agreed to enter into this Agreemort to set out the terms and conditions of employment by the Municipality of the Employee as Maniage Officiant. NOW TIIEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants exchanged between the parties herein, TIIE AGREEMENT WITNESSETII AS FOLLOWS: Position and Term 1. The ernployment of the Employee under this Agreement shall coÍrmence and shall continue for a period of one year. 2. The Employee shall perform all the duties in the job description attached hereto as Appendix "4", and shall be performed pursuant to the provisions hereof, diligently and in good faith and with a view to the best interest of the Corporation. Remuneration and Benefits 3. The remuneration shall be paid to the Employee, as applicable, on a bi-weekly basis as follows per: . marriage ceremony. rehearsal. renewal of vows. cancellation or non-attendance of applicants $ 50.00 Mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham only shall be paid at arate of $0.45 per kilometre. Overnite accommodation $150 - $200 when required. Statutorybenefits on remuneration only shall apply. $125.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 146 of 254 Schedule "A" to B/L 2010-019 -Page2 Ilours of Work 4. The Employee shall be available on an as needed basis for a variable number of hours each week as duties require. Employment Conditions 5. Employment conditions may often be outside and can be expected to vary as weather and seasons change. Vacation 6. Vacation pay shall be paid as required by statute each pay period. Termination 7. The Employee agrees that the Municipality may terminate this ønployment at any time without notice or compensation, forjust cause. 8. The Corporation or the Employee may terminate this Agreement at arry time on thiúy (30) days writte,n notice. Upon a breach of this agreement, either party may withdraw from the agreement without notice or cash in lieu of notice or other financial penalty. Renewal 9. This Agreement does not renew without the written agreement of the parties. Complete Agreement 10. Except as otherwise noted herein, this Agreement sets out the entire agreement which the parties have entered into, and neither relies upon representations or terms not included herein. IN WITNESS \ilIIEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. (Wihess) )Jack C Wha¡ram Jr. XThe Employee) ) ) The Municipality of Bayham XThe Corporation) ) ) ) )Mayor ) ) ) )Clerk Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 147 of 254 Position: Reports to: Knowledge: Experience: Leadership: Initiative/ Creativity: Contact: Decision iVlaking: Working Conditions: Effort: Appendix "4" to Schedule "4" to BlL2010-019 - Page I MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM JOB DESCRIPTION MarrÍage Ofñciant Clerk or Administrator Excellent knowledge of the Mørriage Act arid how to apply legislated requirements Should have a general understarding of other related provincial legislation Have completed or willing to complete the Civil Marriage Solemnization Training for Municipal Clerlcs or Designates Minimum of Secondary School Education An equivalent combination of education and experience. Previous personal computer experience in a Windows envi¡onment, including Microsoft Office is required. Minimal leadership is required. Considerable creativity is required in providing inforrnation and customer services to clients. Exercises initiative in providing innovative ideas in the conduct of marriage solemnizations. Monitors and improves effrciency and effectiveness of policies and procedures Considerable sensitive personal and telephone contact with the public, provincial officials, employees, and Council. Some judgement is required when assisting the public and provincial agencies with their inquiries. Work week is flexible based on needs of clients Must be able to attend evening events as deemed necessary by the Clerk or Administrator Duties will be conducted at home, in the municipal office and other locations and facilities as appropriate. with the new and furniture Function: Responsible for-preparation and conduct of marriage services,.scheduling meetings and services, following and implementing customer service policies. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 148 of 254 4. 5. Appendix "A" to Schedule "A" to BlL20l0-019 -Page2 Principat Functions: Knows and is able to apply the þislative requirements of the Marriage Act and Regulations. Understa¡rds definitions, who may marry - consent, authority to solemnize marriages, witnesses, role of Clerk or Administrator. Ensures marriage solemnization documents and statistical reports are reviewed with the Clerk and submitted to the Office of the Registrar General in a timely rnanner. Organizss and arranges all meetings with clients and conducts Civil Marriage Solemnization ceremonies. Ensures the Council Charnbers is prepared for ceremonies. Responsible to greet clients, respond to solemniz¿tion inquiries, receive payments by cheque or cash, issue receipts, submit funds to municipality promptþ, complete marriage solemnization documents and record infornration in the register. Acts as initial contact on the telephone or email and taking appropriate action as required. Maintairn an adequate stationery supply. Responsible for collecting, keeping anf dispensing information under the supervision of the Adminishator under the authority of the Municþal Freedom of Infornulìon and Protectíon of Privacy Act. 9. Identiû/ and address various scenarios, such as the need for ar1 interpreter, under,age marriage, request for a proxy, intoxication, mental illness and learn to handle these scenarios appropriately. Knows how to complete and process various registration documents and solemniz¿tion register. Understand what is mandatory and what else may be said during a ceremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an appropriate marner using various scripts. Carries out additional duties and exercises such additional responsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator and / or as may be required by law. 1. 3. 10. 11. 12. 6. 7. 8. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 149 of 254 MTJMCIPALITY OF BAYIIAM DELEGATION APPOINTMENT AND OATH OF CIVIL MARRRIÄGE OF'FICIANT JACKC. WHARRAM JR. I, Lynda Millard, Clerk of the Municþality of Bayham hereby appoint Jack C. Wharram Jr. as a Marriage Ofüciant for the Municþality of Baytram and heróy delegate to him the powers and duties of the Clertq in the conduct of Civil Marriage Officiant services including, but not limited to the following principal ftnctions and responsibilities pursuant to the Municipal Act 2f0l, S.O., C25 228(4) & (5), Ontario Regulation 285/M and the Marriage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 3 for the Province of Onta¡io. Principal tr\rnctions: 1. Knows arid is able to apply the legislative requirenrents of tbe Marriage Act and Regulations. Undersa¡rds defrritions,-wlio rnay rnarry - consent, auüoríty to solemnize mariages, witnesses, role of Clerk or Administraûor. 2. Ensures mârriage solemnization documents arid statisticål repoß are reviewed with üre Clerk and zubmitted to ttre Offrce of the Registra¡ General in a tirnely nuiller. 3. Organizes and arranges alt meetings wiür clients and conducts Civil Marriage Solemnization ceremorues. 4. Ensures the Courrcil Chambers is prepared for ceremonies. 5. s, receive Paynrcnts bY cheçe or corplete rnarriage solemnization ter. 6. Acts as initial contact on ttre telephorr or email and taking apprqriate action as required. 7. Maintains an adequaæ statiorrcry supply. 8. Responsible for collecting, keeping and dispensing information un&r the zupervisi* gf tltq Adririnistator u¡rder ttre iutfrority ıf tfre MinícþaI Freedom of Intormatíon and Protection of Privacy Act. 9. Identiff and address various scÊnârios, zuch as ttre rþed for an interpreter, under age uuuriage, reçesi for a proxy, intoxication, mental illness a¡xf learn to haridle these scenarios appropriaæly. 10. Knows how to complete and process various registration documents ard solemnization register. Ll. Understand what is mandatory and what else may be said during a c.eremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an apprqriaæ ma¡urcr using variot¡s scripts. 12. Carries out additional duties and exercises such additional reqponsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator and / or as nuy be required by law. Declared before me ¡t the Municþality of Bayham Ín the County of Elgin this day of A Commissioner, etc. 2010 Lynda Millard Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 150 of 254 DelegationAppointment & Oath of Marriage Officant - Wharram Page2 ++:È+**'t+¡t*t't++t++'F*+*++t'tt+++ +++,È***+++++*t¡t¡¡:ß+ I' Jack C. Wh¡rr¡m Jr, n¡med lbove, solemnly decl¡re that f will rct feithfulty in the capacity set out in my eppointment ¡nd perform ell the duties required by law without partiality, fe¡r or affection. Declared before me at the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin thisdayof 2010 Jack C. Wh¡rr¡m Jr. A CommÍssioner, etc. Staff Report C2010-03 regarding Civil Marriage Officiant Services. File: L12 Page 151 of 254 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Harbour Facilities 2010 DATE: February 24,2010 FILE: L04 NUMBER: PR2010-02 Purpose To recommend lease arrangements for the municipal Black Docks, boat launch, and finger docks for 2010. Background As members of Council may recall, the Municipality issued a Request for Proposals in the spring of 2009 for the lease and operation of the municipal black docks, boat launch, and finger docks. Previous to that, there had been an agreement with Mr. Ron Bradfield (Bradcranex) to operate the mentioned facilities for a number of years. Although part of the agreements, the boat launch and finger docks have not been in actual use since at least 2000. Only one proposal was received from the request, being from Mr. Ron Bradfield (Bradcranex Inc.), in a total amount of $600. Council therefore entered into lease arrangements with Bradcranex for 2009. Mr. Bradfield has expressed interest to renew the agreement again for the 2010 season with the same a:rangements as for 2009. Staff Comments Bradcranex submitted the only complete proposal in 2009. Considering that, and given the limited access and opportunities for recreational boating in the harbour, it may be unlikely that other parties will be interested in lease arrangements. It is therefore suggested that Council again consider renewing the arrangements with Bradcranex. Options 1. Enter into agreement with Bradcranex Inc. to operate the facilities again for 2010. 2. Issue a Request for Proposals for 2010 3. Cease operation of the harbour facilities Attachments 1. Draft By-law No. 2010-02l,to authorize agreement with Ron Bradfield, Bradcranex Inc. Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere Goal #6 - Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices Recommendation THAT By-law No. 2010-021 to authoize an agreement with Ron Bradfield, Bradcranex Inc. to operate the municipal Black Docks, boat launch, and finger docks for 2010 be presented to Council for enactment. Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 Page 152 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO. 2010-021 BEING A BY-LA\il TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AI\D CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MT]NICIPALITY AI\D RONALD BRADF'IELD, BRADCRANEX INC. FOR THE LEASE OF LANDS DESCRTBED AS PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION I rN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (FORMERLY VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL), COUNTY OF ELGIN AND RENTAL OF THE MT]NICIPAL FINGER DOCKS WHEREAS Ronald Bradfield, Bradcranex Inc. has provided a proposal to lease and operate Municipal facilities known as the Municipal Boat Launch and Black Docks, located in Part of Lot 11, Concession I in the Municipality of Bayham (formerly Village of Port Burwell) located opposite Part 7 on Plan 11R-990, and to rent the municipal owned finger docks, in accordance with the Request for Proposal issued by the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to enter into such lease agreement. THEREF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. THAT the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this ByJaw between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Ronald Bradfield, Bradcranex Inc. be and same is hereby approved. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement marked as Schedule "Au on behalf of the Corporation. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of March 2010. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of March, 2010. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 Page 153 of 254 THIS LEASE AGREEMENT made in triplicate this - day of 2010 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter called the "Municipality") OT'THE FIRST PART And RONALD BRADFIELD, BRADCRANEX INC. (Hereinafter called the "Lessee") OF THE SECOND PART IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants in this Lease agreement the parties agree as follows: 1.01 Terms Defined In this Agreement: "Leased Premises" means the lands described in Schedul€ "B", including the area described as the black dock, boat launch, parking for boats and trailers forming part of this agreement and finger docks. 2.01 Term The Lessee shall have the right to use the leased premises for and during the term, which shall be for the period May l, 2010 to and including September 30, 2010. 3.01 Payment The Lessee will pay to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham a total lease fee in the amount of $600.00 on or before September 30,2010. 4.01 The Lessee Covenants with the Municipality as follows: Ð To use the Leased Premises for the pulpose of renting out boat slips and launching of boats along with the sale of gas, confections only and other products associated with the use of the leased premises (does not include mobile food booths selling hotdogs, french fries and similar foodstuffs). iÐ To pay the lease fee without demand. iii) To obtain all necessary approvals from the Coast Guard and any other authority with respect to the placement of the finger docks; maintain in good repair the Municipality's docks and to return those docks to the municipality at the end of the term, in the same condition as the lessee received them. Place and remove the docks with a crane in order to ensure minimal damage. Should any dock(s) become damaged beyond repair, or lost, when in the possession and use of the Lessee, howsoever caused, the Lessee agrees to replace such docKs) to the Municipality's satisfaction or to pay to the Municipality a sum of money as compensation, which sum shall be the replacement cost of the dock(s) as determined at the sole discretion of the Municipality. Upon the removal of the Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 Page 154 of 254 docks they are to be placed and stored in a location and manner satisfactory to the Municipality. To be responsible for the rental of space to Charter Boats utilizing the Black Dock for the 2010 season and to ensure that only paid boaters are permitted to utilize the Black Dock. v) To acknowledge that all facilities are being leased on an "as is" basis and that no improvements will be made by the Municipality. Further, that the Lessee agrees to have all boaters either launching from the municipal boat launch, utilizing the finger docks or the Black Dock sign a waiver form to be supplied by the Municipality. Said waiver form shall release the Lessee, the Municipality and the owner of the said lands from all claims resulting from injury or damage caused while using the said facilities. The Lessee shall keep the original executed waiver forms to be submitted to the Municipality at the end of the term of the Lease. Any boater utilizing the facility (ies) on mofe than one occasion is only tequired to the sign the waiver form once for the season. vi) Worþlace Safety & Insurance Board If the nature of the Lessee's operation is such as to place all or any of its employees under the coverage of the Worþlace Safety Insurance or similar statutes, the Lessee also will keep in force, at its expense, during the term, Worþlace Safety Insurance or similar insurance affording statutory coverage and containing statutory limits. 5.01 InsurancePolicies Each insurance policy referred to herein will: a) name the Municipality and any persons, firms or corporations designated by the Municipality as additional named insureds as their interest may appear; and provide to the Municipality proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00 (one million dollars); and, b) contain, if available and as appropriate, a waiver of rights of subrogation against the Municipality and the Lessee, or a cross-liability clause protecting the Municipality and other insureds designated by it against claims as if the Municipality were separately insured; and, c) contain a clause that the insurer will not cancel or change or refuse to renew the insurance without first giving the Municipality thiúy (30) days prior written notice; and d) all policies of insurance will be with insurers acceptable to the Municipality and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality, and the Lessee will see that there is delivered to the Municipality copies of certificates of the policies. If the Lessee fails to take out or keep in force any policy of insurance referred to herein, the Municipality may do so and pay the premiums, and in that event the amount so paid as premiums plus ten percent (I0%) for overhead shall be due and payable as Rent in arrears; and, e) all policies will be kept in force throughout the term and during such other time as the Lessee occupies the Leased Premises or any part thereof. iv) Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 Page 155 of 254 6.01 Indemnification of the Municipality The Lessee agrees to indemnif the Municipality and save it harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expenses in connection with loss of life, personal injury or damage to property arising from any occurrence on the Leased Premises or the occupancy or use of the Leased Premises or occasioned wholly or in part by an act or omission of the Lessee, its officers, employees, agents, customers, contractors or other invitees, lessees or concessionaires or by anyone permitted by the Lessee to be on the premises. In case the Municipality, without actual (as opposed to merely vicarious) fault on its part, is made a party to litigation begun by or against the Lessee, excepting a bona fide action by the Lessee against the Municipality, the Lessee will protect and hold the Municipality harmless and will pay all costs, expenses and reasonable legal fees incurred or paid by the Municipality in connection with the litigation. 7.01 Nuisance and Garbage The Lessee agrees not to cause, permit or suffer any unusual or objectionable noises or odors to emanate from the Leased Premises. The Lessee shall deposit all garbage, debris, trash and refuse from the areas in approved containers as designated by the Municipality. Garbage, debris, trash and refuse disposal shall be the responsibility of the lessee. [f garbage, debris, trash and refuse is not disposed of in a timely fashion, it shall be picked up by the municipal authorities at the expense of the Lessee, at a rate of $100.00 per occwïence. 8.01 Costs The Lessee agrees to pay to the Municipality all costs incurred including all legal fees (on a solicitor and his own client basis) and disbursements incurred in enforcing arry covenants contained in this Lease or in the event that the Lessee fails to perform its obligations and the Municipality assumed those obligations pursuant to the terms of this agreement, or with respect to any other litigation arising from this agreement. 9.01 Compliance with Legislation The Lessee agrees to observe and fulfil the lawful provisions and requirements of all statutes, by-laws rules and regulations, municipal, provincial or federal, relating to the Leased Premises, and, in particular and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall maintain all equipment and apparatus now installed or required to be installed from time to time by any authority on the Leased Premises. 10.01 Operating and Managing Leased Premises The Lessee agrees to be responsible for operating and managing the Leased Premises including providing health facilities (portable toilets) as required, repairs to existing ramps and docks as required, keep the area clean and clear of garbage including disposal thereof. 11.0f The Municipality covenants with the Lessee as follows: Ð To permit the Lessee to use the docks owned by the Municipality, for the purpose ofrenting out docking spaces to boat users; ii) To permit the Lessee to charge and collect fees for boat docking and boat launching, as the Lessee shall determine in its discretion; Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 Page 156 of 254 iii) To permit the Lessee to manage and operate the Leased Premises as they see fit, so long as the Lessee is in compliance with the terms of this agreement and all applicable laws. 12.01 The Municipality and Lessee mutually agree as follows: r) Re-entry That the Municipality has a right of re-entry on non-payment of lease fee or non- performance of covenants, subject to the provisions of this Lease. ü) Failure to Pay Lessee Fee or Observe Covenants If the Lessee fails to pay arLy installment of the licence fee or additional Lease fees payable herein then the Lease granted shall be terminated and the rights hereby granted to the Lessee hereunder shall thereupon immediately cease and expire. iir) Right of Entry to Perform Covenants That if the Lessee shall default in the performance of any covenant in this Lease other than the payment of the lease fee, and if such default shall continue for ten (10) days after written notice thereof to the Lessee, the Mturicipallty may perform that covenant on the Lessee's behalf and may enter the Leased Premises for that pu{pose, and the Municipalþ shall not be liable to the Lessee for any loss or damage to the Lessee's property or business caused by so doing. Ð Signs That the Lessee shall have the right to place a sign or signs setting out the name and business of the Lessee, provided that it shall first have obtained the Municipalþ's consent in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, as to the specifications and location therefore, and provided the sign or signs conform to all municipal regulations and by-laws. 13.01 The Municipality and Lessee mutually agree as follows: (continued) v) No'Waiver That the waiver by the Municipality or the Lessee of a breach of a term, covenant or condition of this Lease will not be considered to be a waiver of a subsequent breach of the term, covenant or condition or of another term, covenant or condition. The subsequent acceptance of lease fees by the Municipality will not be considered to be a waiver of a preceding breach by the Lessee of a term, covenant or condition of this Lease, and regardless of the Municipality's knowledge of the preceding breach, it will not be considered to have been waived by the Municipality or by the Lessee unless the waiver is in writing signed by the Municipalþ or by the Lessee, as the case may be. Yi) Assignment The Lessee may not sublet or assign or transfer its interest in this Lease without securing the written consent of the Municipality, which consent may not be unreasonably and arbitrarily refused by the Municipality. Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 Page 157 of 254 vii) Notice That all notices which it may be necessary or proper for either party to serve upon the other shall be effectively served if sent postage prepaid to the following addresses, or alternatively, served personally: LESSEE'S ADDRESS Ronald BradÍìeld Bradcrønex Inc. PO. Box 59 Port Burwell, Ontørìo N0J 170 MT'NICIPALITY'S ADDRESS Munícípalíty of Bayham PO Box 160,9344 Plank Rd Stralþrdvílle ON N0f 1Y0 All notices so mailed shall be deemed to have been received on the third business day after mailing provided that each party may from time to time specif in writing a new address to which any such notice shall thereafter and until further notice be sent. In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MAYOR Date CLERK Date BRADCRANEX INC. Ronald Bradfield Date: Witness Staff Report PR2010-02 regarding Harbour Facilities 2010. File: L04 Page 158 of 254 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax DATE: February 24,2010 FILE: NUMBER: F2010-03 PURPOSE This report is to outline and recommend execution of an amendment to the Municipal Funding Agreement with AMO regarding Federal gas tax revenues. BACKGROTIND As members of Council will recall, AMO and the Federal government have signed an extension to the Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues. In order to obtain the funding for Bayham, the Municipahty must enter into an amended agteement with AMO for a term to 2014. As a reminder, the funding is not application based, but is based on a per capita formula. However, there are restrictions on the use of the funds, annual reporting requirements, and in the case of expenditures for local roads and bridges, advance approval must be obøined. The stated purpose of the program is to utilize the funds for environmentally sustainable municipal infrastructure. Bayham's funding will total 9206,350.72 for each year 2010 to 2013. STAFF COMMENTS The agreement is mandatory to obtain gas tax revenues, and staff have not identified any areas of concem in the amending agreement. There are a number of restrictions regarding use of the fi.rnds which will need to be further reported and discussed with Council through its annual budget process, and reporting regarding use of funds that will be required. ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft By-law No. 2010-022, to authorize an Amending Ageement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL(S) Goal #1 - Practice responsible hnancial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure RECOMMENDATION That ByJaw No. 2010-022,being a ByJaw to authorize an Amending with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be presented to Council for enactment. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 159 of 254 Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 160 of 254 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2010-022 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDING AGREEMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL FI]NDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO \ilHEREAS the Govemment of Canada, Province of Ontario, and Association of Municipalities of Ontario executed an extension to the Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tær Revenues September 3,2008; AND \ilHEREAS pursuant to the said agreement, AMO is carrying out the fund administration; AND \ilHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham entered into a Municipal Funding Agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario as authorized by By-law No. 2005- 1 l0 adopted by Council November 17th,2005; AND \ilHEREAS Municipalities are required to enter into an amended Municipal Funding Agreement with AMO to enable transfer of funds; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to enter into an amended Municipal Funding Agreement with AMO in order to participate in the transfer of federal gas tax. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amending Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by- law, between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and The Association of Municipalities of Ontario, being a Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4TH DAY oF MARCH,2010. 2. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 161 of 254 ,I Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 162 of 254 THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT made in duplicate this day of BETWEEN: 2010. THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO (referred to herein as "AMO") -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (referred to herein as the "Recipient") WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, as represented by AMO and Toronto entered into an Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities on June 17, 2005 (amended on June 20, 2007) (the "Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement"), whereby AMO agreed to administer funds on behalf of Ontario municipalities made available pursuant to the Canada-Ontario-AMO- Toronto Agreement on behalf of Canada; WHEREAS the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement outlines a framework for the transfer of funds to Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto with stable, reliable and predictable funding for environmentally sustainable infrastructure purposes; WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto have amended the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement on September 3, 2008, in order to confirm municipalities' Gas Tax Fund allocations to 2014; AND WHEREAS AMO and the Recipient have previously entered into a'Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities; NOW THEREFORE this Amending Agreement witnesseth that: 1. The preamble forms an integral part of this Amending Agreement, 2. Terms not defined in this Amending Agreement have the meanings assigned in the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. a. Audit Statemenf definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "Audit Statement" means a written audit statement to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1h hereto. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 163 of 254 b. End of Funds definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "End of Funds" means March 31,2014. c. lnfrastructure Program definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "lnfrastructure Program" means Canada's infrastructure programs in existence at the time of the execution of this Agreement. ' d. Large Municipalifies definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "Large Municipalities" means those Municipalities with a 2006 National Census data population of 500,000 or more including the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Peel and York and the Cities of Hamílton, Mississauga and Ottawa. e. Treasurer definition is added: "Treasure/' means a municipal treasurer as defined in subsection 286(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario). f. Treasurer's Certificafe defínition is added: "Treasurer's Gertificate" means a written statement by the Treasurer to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1i hereto and in the form identified in Schedule H attached. 3. Section 2.1 is deleted and replaced as follows:2.1. Term. Subject to any extension or termination of this Agreement or the survival of any of the provisions of this Agreemenf pursuant to the provisions contained herein, this Agreement shall be in effect from the date set out on the first page of this Agreemenf, up to and including March 31,2015. 4. Section 3.1c is deleted and replaced as follows: c. ensure that there is no reduction in capital funding provided by Municipalities for Mu n i ci pal I nfrastructure. 5. Section 3.1d is deleted and replaced as follows: d. ln the case of Recipients that are Municipalifies in excess of 100,000 in population, ensure that over the period of January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2014 the Recipient's capital spending on Municipal lnfrastructure shall not fall below its Base Amount; and, 6. Section 3.1e is added: Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 164 of 254 7. L e. ensure any of its contracts for the supply of services or materials to implement its responsibilities under this Agreement shall be awarded in a way that is transparent, competitive, consistent with value for money principles and pursuant to its adopted procurement policy. Section 4.2is deleted and replaced as follows:4.2. Exception. For Large Municipalifies, the list of eligible categories shall consist of no more than two (2) of the categories in Section 4.1 a. to f . Section 5.4 is deleted and replaced as follows:5.4. Retention of Receipts. The Recþienf shall retain all evidence (such as invoices, receipts, etc.) of payments related to Eligible Cosfs and such suppofting documentation must be available to Canada when requested and maintained by the Recþientfor audit purposes in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Section 6.7 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.7. Expenditure of Funds. The Recipient shall expend all Funds by December 31,2016. Section 6.8 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.8. GST and HST. The use of Funds is based on the net amount of goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax to be paid by the Recipient pursuant to the Excise Tax Act (Canada) net of any applicable rebates. Section 7.1h is deleted and replaced as follows: h.. an annual Audit Statement,il Funds were applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. An annual Audit Statement is to be prepared by the Recipient's auditor in accordance with section 5815 of the Canadian lnstitute of Chartered Accountants Handbook - Special Reports Audit Reports on Compliance With Agreements, Statutes and Regulations, providing assurance that the terms of the Agreemenf have been adhered to and Funds received by the Recipient have been spent in accordance with the Agreement; Section 7.1i is added:i. a Treasurer's Certificate, if Funds were not applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. A Treasurer's Certificate is to be prepared by the Recipient's Treasurer, providing assurance that activity related to sections 6.4, 6.5, and 11 has been conducted within the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Section 7 .2 is deleted and replaced as follows:7.2. Outcomes Repoft. The Recþrenf shall account in writing for outcomes 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 165 of 254 14. achieved as a result of the Funds through an Outcomes Report to be submitted to AMO upon completion of an Eligible Project and to be made available publicly in manner consistent with financial reporting under the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O.2OO1 c.25 by March 31't of the following Municipat Fiscat Year. a. The Recþient's Outcomes Report shall report in writing on the cumulative investments made, in a manner to be provided by AMO, including information on the degree to which these investments have actually contributed to the objectives of cleaner air, clêaner water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Section 9.2 is deleted and replaced as follows:9.2. Separate Records. The Recþienf shall maintain separate records and documentation for the Funds and keep all records including invoices, statements, receipts and vouchers in respect of Eligible Projects that Funds are paid in respect of in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Upon reasonable notice, the Recþienf shall submit all records and documentation relating to the Funds to Canada for inspection or audit. Notwithstanding the date of execution of this Amendment Agreement, the provisions of this Amending Agreement are in effect as of January 1, 2010 and continue in effect for the duration of the term of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. Section 14.3 is deleted and replaced as follows:14.3. Addresses for Notice. Further to Section 14.1 of this Agreement, notice can be given at the following addresses: a. lf to AMO: Executive Director Federal Gas Tax Agreement Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Avenue, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Telephone: 41 6-97 1-9856 Facsimile: 416-97 1-61 91 Email: qastax@amo.on.ca 15. 16. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 166 of 254 b. lf to the Recipient: Kyle Kruger Administrator Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Telephone: (519) 866-5521 Facsimile: (51 9) 866-3884 Email: kkruger@bayham.on.ca 17 . Section 15.4 is deleted and replaced with the following:15.4 Survival. The following schedules, sections and provisions of this agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination hereof: Sections 5,6.7, 7,9.3,10.4, 10.5, 1 1,12.3,15..7, and Schedule G. 18. Section 16.1 , Schedule A is amended as attached. 19. Section 16.1, Schedule H is added as attached. 20. Except as amended herein, the provisions of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities remain in fullforce and effect. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 167 of 254 lN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreemenf has been executed by the duly authorized officers of the parties hereto as of the date first above written. RECIPIENI,S NAME: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By: Dateorporate Name:eal Tifle: Title: Executive Director ffix orporate eal ln the presence of: Name: Title: Date THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO By: Date . Witness Title: Director of Administration and Business Development Date Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 168 of 254 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE OF FUND PAYMENTS RECIPIENT'S NAME: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham The following represents the minimum Funds and schedule of payments over the life of this Amending Agreement. Year Schedule of Fund Payments Julv 15th November 1Sth 2010 $103,175.36 $103,175.36 2011 $103,175.36 $103,175.36 2012 $103.175.36 $103,175.36 2013 $103,175.36 $103,175.36 Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 169 of 254 SCHEDULE H T REAS U RER'S CE RTI F I CAT E To the Association of Municipalities of Ontario As the Treasurer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, I acknowledge that for the 20_ Municipal Fiscal Year, there were no Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Proiects under the Agreement. I confirm that the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> received its Federal Gas Tax allocation for the 20- Municipal FiscalYearwithin the terms and conditions specified in section 6.4 of the Agreement. I also confirm that the carry-over of unexpended Funds followed the terms and conditions of section 6.5 of the Agreement. Specifically, the interest earned on unspent funds has been calculated on a reasonable basis, the interest was calculated on a similar basis as other reserye and reserve funds, and that the interest rate used is comparable to the one used for other reserve funds which are required to earn interest. I also confirm that the title to Municipal lnfrastructure resulting from Eligible ProT'ecfs is retained by the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> as specified under section 11.1 of the Agreement. As the duly appointed Treasurer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> I hereby certify that, as at December 31 ,20-, activity related to the Municipal Funding. Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities dated <INSERT DATE ON MFA> between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, has been conducted within the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement. Name: Title: <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> Date Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 170 of 254 THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT made in duplicate this day of BETWEEN: 2010. THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO (referred to herein as "AMO") -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (referred to herein as the "Recipient") WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, as represented by AMO and Toronto entered into an Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities on June 17,2005 (amended on June 20,2007) (lhe "Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement"), whereby AMO agreed to administer funds on behalf of Ontario municipalities made available pursuant to the Canada-Ontario-AMO- Toronto Agreement on behalf of Canada; WHEREAS the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement outlines a framework for the transfer of funds to Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto with stable, reliable and predictable funding for environmentally sustainable infrastructure purposes; WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto have amended the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement on September 3, 2008, in order to confirm municipalities' Gas Tax Fund allocations to 2014; AND WHEREAS AMO and the Recipient have previously entered into a Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Citíes and Communities; NOW THEREFORE this Amending Agreement witnesseth that: 1. The preamble forms an integral part of this Amending Agreement. 2. Terms not defined in this Amending Agreernent have the meanings assigned in the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. a. Audit Statement definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "Audit Statement" means 'a written audit statement to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1h hereto. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 171 of 254 b. End of Funds definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "End of Funds" means March 31,2014. c. Infrastructure Program definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "lnfrastructure Program" means Canada's infrastructure programs in existence at the time of the execution of this Agreement. d. Large Municipalifies definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "Large Municipalities" means those Municipalities with a 2006 National Census data population of 500,000 or more including the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Peel and York and the Cities of Hamilton, Mississauga and Ottawa. e. Treasurer definition is added: "Treasure/' means a municipal treasurer as defined in subsection 286(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario). f. Treasurer's Certificafe definition is added: "Treasurer's Gertificate" means a written statement by the Treasurer to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1i hereto and in the form identified in Schedule H attached. 3. Section 2.1 is deleted and replaced as follows:2.1. Term. Subject to any extension or termination of this Agreement or the survival of any of the provisions of this Agreemenf pursuant to the provisions contained herein, this Agreement shall be in effect from the date set out on the first page of this Agreemenf, up to and including March 31,2015. 4. Section 3.1c is deleted and replaced as follows: c. ensure that there is no reduction in capital funding provided by Municipalities for M u n icipal I nfrastru ctu re. 5. Section 3.1d is deleted and replaced as follows: d. ln the case of Recipients that are Municipalities in excess of 100,000 in population, ensure that over the period of January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2014 the Recipient's capital spending on Municipal lnfrastructure shall notfall below its Base Amount; and, 6. Section 3.1e is added: Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 172 of 254 7. 8. e. ensure any of its contracts for the supply of services or materials to implement its responsibilities under this Agreement shall be awarded in a way that is transparent, competitive, consistent with value for money principles and pursuant to its adopted procurement policy. Section 4.2is deleted and replaced asfollows:4.2. Exception. For Large Municipalities, the list of eligible categories shall consist of no more than two (2) of the categories in Section 4.1 a. b f . Section 5.4 is deleted and replaced as follows:5.4. Retention of Receipts. The Recþrenf shall retain all evidence (such as invoices, receipts, etc.) of payments related to Eligible Cosfs and such supporting documentation must be available to Canada when requested and maintained by the Recþientfor audit purposes in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Section 6.7 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.7. Expenditure of Funds. The Recipíent shall expend all Funds by December 31,2016. Section 6.8 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.8. GST and HST. The use of Funds is based on the net amount of goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax to be paid by the Recipient pursuant to the Excise Tax Act (Canada) net of any applicable rebates. Section 7.1h is deleted and replaced as follows: h. an annual Audit Statement, if Funds were applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. An annual Audit Statement is to be prepared by the Recipient's auditor in accordance with section 5815 of the Canadian lnstitute of Chartered Accountants Handbook - Special Reports Audit Reports on Compliance With Agreements, Statutes and Regulations, providing assurance that the terms of the Agreemenf have been adhered to and Funds received by the Recipient have been spent in accordance with the Agreement; Section 7.1i is added:i. a Treasurer's Certificate, if Funds were not applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. A Treasurer's Certificate is to be prepared by the Recipient's Treasurer, providing assurance that activity related to sections 6.4, 6.5, and 11 has been conducted within the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Section 7.2 is deleted and replaced as follows:7.2. Outcomes Repor{. The Recþrenf shall account in writing for outcomes 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 173 of 254 14. achieved as a result of the Funds through an Outcomes Report to be submitted to AMO upon completion of an Eligible Project and to be made available publicly in manner consistent with financial reporting under the Municipal Act, 2001 5.O.2001 c.25 by March 31't of the following Municipat Fiscal Year. a. The Recþ ient's Outcomes Report shall report in writing on the cumulative investments made, in a manner to be provided by AMO, including information on the degree to which these investments have actually contributed to the objectives of cleaner air, cleaner water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Sectíon 9.2 is deleted and replaced as follows: 9.2. Separate Records. The Recþrenf shall maintain separate records and documentation for the Funds and keep all records including invoices, statements, receipts and vouchers in respect of Eligible Projects thal Funds are paid in respect of in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Upon reasonable notice, the Recþienf shall submit all records and documentation relating to the Funds to Canada for inspection or audit. Notwithstanding the date of execution of this Amendment Agreement, the provisions of this Amending Agreement are in effect as of January 1, 2010 and continue in effect for the duration of the term of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. Section 14.3 is deleted and replaced as follows:14.3. Addresses for Notice. Further to Section 14.1 of this Agreement, notice can be given at the following addresses: a. lf to AMO: Executive Director Federal Gas Tax Agreement Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Avenue, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Telephone: 416-97 1-9856 Facsimile: 416-97 1-61 91 Email: oastax@amo.on.ca 15. 16. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 174 of 254 b. lf to the Recipient: Kyle Kruger Administrator Municipality of Bayham P. O, Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Telephone: (51 9) 866-5521 Facsimile: (51 9) 866-3884 Email: kkruger@bayham.on.ca 17. Section 15.4 is deleted and replaced with the following: 15.4 Survival. The following schedules, sections and provisions of this agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination hereof: Sections 5, 6.7, 7,9.3, 10.4, 10.5, 1 1 , 12.3, 15.7, and Schedule G. 18. Section 16.1 , Schedule A is amended as attached. 19. Section 16.1 , Schedule H is added as attached. 20. Except as amended herein, the provisions of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities remain in fullforce and effect. Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 175 of 254 lN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreemenf has been executed by the duly authorized officers of the parties hereto as of the date first above written. RECIPIENTS NAME: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By: orporate Name:eal Title: Date Name: Title: Date THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO By: Title: Executive Director ln the presence of: Witness Title: Director of Administration and Business Development Date ffix orporate eal Date Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 176 of 254 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE OF FUND PAYMENTS RECIPIENT'S NAME: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham The following represents the minimum Funds and schedule of payments over the life of this Amending Agreement. Year Schedule of Fund Payments Julv lSth November 1Sth 2010 $103.175.36 $103,i 75.36 2011 $103.175.36 '$103,175,36 2012 $103.175.36 $103,175.36 2013 $103,175.36 $103,175.36 Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 177 of 254 SCHEDULE H TREASU RER'S CERTI FI CATE To the Association of Municipalities of Ontario As the Treasurer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, I acknowledge that for the 20_ Municipal Fiscal Year, there were no Eligible Cosfs incurred lor Eligible Projects under the Agreement. I confirm that the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> received its Federal Gas Tax allocation for the 20- Municipal Fiscal Year within the terms and conditions specified in section 6.4 of the Agreement. I also confirm that the carry-over of unexpended Funds followed the terms and conditions of section 6.5 of the Agreement. Specifically, the interest earned on unspent funds has been calculated on a reasonable basis, the interest was calculated on a similar basis as other reserve and reserve funds, and that the interest rate used is comparable to the one used for other reserve funds which are required to earn interest. I also confirm that the title to Municipal lnfrastructure resulting from Eligible Projects is retained by the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> as specified under section 11.1 of the Agreement. As the duly appointed lreasurer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> I hereby certify that, as at December 31 ,20-, activity related to the Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities dated <INSERT DATE ON MFA> between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, has been conducted within the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement. Name: Title: <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> Date Staff Report F2010-03 regarding Municipal Funding Agreement - Federal Gas Tax. File: L04 Page 178 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-021 BEING A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY AND RONALD BRADFIELD, BRADCRANEX INC. FOR THE LEASE OF LAI\DS DESCRIBED AS PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 1 IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (FORMERLY VTLLAGE OF PORT BUR\ilELL), COUNTY OF ELGIN AND RENTAL OF THE MUNICIPAL FINGER DOCKS WHEREAS Ronald Bradfield, Bradcranex Inc. has provided a proposal to lease and operate Municipal facilities known as the Municipal Boat Launch and Black Docks, located in Part of Lot 11, Concession I in the Municipality of Bayham (formerly Village of Port Burwell) located opposite Part 7 on Plan 11R-990, and to rent the municipal owned finger docks, in accordance with the Request for Proposal issued by the Municipality of Bayham; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to enter into such lease agreement. THEREF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and formingpart of this By-law between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Ronald Bradfield, Bradcranex Inc. be and same is hereby approved. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement marked as Schedule I'Arr on behalf of the Corporation. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of March 2010. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of March, 2010. MAYOR CLERK ByLaw 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) Page 179 of 254 THIS LEASE AGREEMENT made in triplicate this day of 2010 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter called the "Municipality") OF THE FIRST PART And RONALD BRADFIELD, BRADCRANEX INC. (Hereinafter called the "Lessee") OF THE SECOND PART IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants in this Lease agreement the parties agree as follows: 1.01 Terms Defined In this Agreement: "Leased Premises" means the lands described in Schedule "B", including the area described as the black dock, boat launch, parking for boats and trailers forming part of this agreement and finger docks. 2.01 Term The Lessee shall have the right to use the leased premises for and during the term, which shall be for the period May 1, 2010 to and including September 30, 2010. 3.01 Payment The Lessee will pay to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham a total lease fee in the amount of $600.00 on or before September 30,2010. 4.01 The Lessee Covenants with the Municipality as follows: Ð To use the Leased Premises for the purpose of renting out boat slips and launching of boats along with the sale of gas, confections only and other products associated with the use of the leased premises (does not include mobile food booths selling hotdogs, french fries and similar foodstuffs). iÐ To pay the lease fee without demand. iiÐ To obtain all necessary approvals from the Coast Guard and any other authority with respect to the placement of the finger docks; maintain in good repair the Municipality's docks and to return those docks to the municipalþ at the end of the term, in the same condition as the lessee received them. Place and remove the docks with a crane in order to ensure minimal damage. Should any dock(s) become damaged beyond repair, or lost, when in the possession and use of the Lessee, howsoever caused, the Lessee agrees to replace such dock(s) to the Municipality's satisfaction or to pay to the Municipality a sum of money as compensation, which sum shall be the replacement cost of the dock(s) as determined at the sole discretion of the Municipality. Upon the removal of the ByLaw 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) Page 180 of 254 docks they are to be placed and stored in a location and manner satisfactory to the Municipality. iv) To be responsible for the rental of space to Charter Boats utilizing the Black Dock for the 2010 season and to ensure that only paid boaters are permitted to utilize the Black Dock. v) To acknowledge that all facilities are being leased on an "as is" basis and that no improvements will be made by the Municipality. Further, that the Lessee agrees to have all boaters either launching from the municipal boat launch, utilizing the finger docks or the Black Dock sign a waiver form to be supplied by the Municipality. Said waiver form shall release the Lessee, the Municipality and the owner of the said lands from all claims resulting from injury or damage caused while using the said facilities. The Lessee shall keep the original executed waiver forms to be submitted to the Municipality at the end of the term of the Lease. Any boater utilizing the facility (ies) on more than one occasion is only required to the sign the waiver form once for the season. vi) Workplace Safety & Insurance Board If the nature of the Lessee's operation is such as to place all or any of its employees under the coverage of the Workplace Safety Insurance or similar statutes, the Lessee also will keep in force, at its expense, during the term, Worþlace Safety Insurance or similar insurance affording statutory coverage and containing statutory limits. 5.01 InsurancePolicies Each insurance policy referred to herein will: a) name the Municipality and any persons, firms or corporations designated by the Municipality as additional named insureds as their interest may appear; and provide to the Municipality proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00 (one million dollars); and, b) contain, if available and as appropriate, a waiver of rights of subrogation against the Municipality and the Lessee, or a cross-liability clause protecting the Municipality and other insureds designated by it against claims as if the Municipality were separately insured; and, c) contain a clause that the insurer will not cancel or change or refuse to renew the insurance without first giving the Municipality thirty (30) days prior written notice; and d) all policies of insrnance will be with insurers acceptable to the Municipality and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality, and the Lessee will see that there is delivered to the Municipality copies of certificates of the policies. If the Lessee fails to take out or keep in force any policy of insurance referred to herein, the Municipality may do so and pay the premiums, and in that event the amount so paid as premiums plus ten percent (10%) for overhead shall be due and payable as Rent in arrears; and, e) all policies will be kept in force throughout the term and during such other time as the Lessee occupies the Leased Premises or any part thereof. ByLaw 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) Page 181 of 254 6.01 Indemnifîcation of the Municipality The Lessee agrees to indemniff the Municipality and save it harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expenses in connection with loss of life, personal injury or damage to properly arising from any occuffence on the Leased Premises or the occupancy or use of the Leased Premises or occasioned wholly or in part by an act or omission of the Lessee, its officers, employees, agents, customers, contractors or other invitees, lessees or concessionaires or by anyone permitted by the Lessee to be on the premises. In case the Municipality, without actual (as opposed to merely vicarious) fault on its part, is made a party to litigation begun by or against the Lessee, excepting a bona fide action by the Lessee against the Municipality, the Lessee will protect and hold the Municipality harmless and will pay all costs, expenses and reasonable legal fees incurred or paid by the Municipality in connection with the litigation. 7.01 Nuisance and Garbage The Lessee agrees not to cause, permit or suffer any unusual or objectionable noises or odors to emanate from the Leased Premises. The Lessee shall deposit all garbage, debris, trash and refuse from the areas in approved containers as designated by the Municipality. Garbage, debris, trash and refuse disposal shall be the responsibility of the lessee. If garbage, debris, trash and refuse is not disposed of in a timely fashion, it shall be picked up by the municipal authorities at the expense of the Lessee, at a rate of $100.00 per occuffence. 8.01 Costs The Lessee agrees to pay to the Municipality all costs incurred including all legal fees (on a solicitor and his own client basis) and disbursements incurred in enforcing aîy covenants contained in this Lease or in the event that the Lessee fails to perform its obligations and the Municipality assumed those obligations pursuant to the terms of this agreement, or with respect to any other litigation arising from this agreement. 9.01 Compliance with Legislation The Lessee agrees to observe and fulfil the lawful provisions and requirements of all statutes, by-laws rules and regulations, municipal, provincial or federal, relating to the Leased Premises, and, in particular and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall maintain all equipment and apparatus now installed or required to be installed from time to time by any authority on the Leased Premises' 10.01 Operating and Managing Leased Premises The Lessee agrees to be responsible for operating and managing the Leased Premises including providing health facilities þortable toilets) as required, repairs to existing ramps and docks as required, keep the area clean and clear of garbage including disposal thereof. 11.01 The Municipality covenants with the Lessee as follows: D To permit the Lessee to use the docks owned by the Municipality, for the purpose ofrenting out docking spaces to boat users; iÐ To permit the Lessee to charge and collect fees for boat docking and boat launching, as the Lessee shall determine in its discretion; ByLaw 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) Page 182 of 254 iii) To permit the Lessee to manage and operate the Leased Premises as they see fit, so long as the Lessee is in compliance with the terms of this agreement and all applicable laws. 12.01 The Municipality and Lessee mutually agree as follows: i) Re-entry That the Municipality has a right of re-entry on non-payment of lease fee or non- performance of covenants, subject to the provisions of this Lease. ii) Failure to Pay Lessee Fee or Observe Covenants If the Lessee fails to pay any installment of the licence fee or additional Lease fees payable herein then the Lease granted shall be terminated and the rights hereby granted to the Lessee hereunder shall thereupon immediately cease and expire. iir) Right of Entry to Perform Covenants That if the Lessee shall default in the performance of any covenant in this Lease other than the payment of the lease fee, and if such default shall continue for ten (10) days after written notice thereof to the Lessee, the Municipality may perform that covenant on the Lessee's behalf and may enter the Leased Premises for that purpose, and the Municipality shall not be liable to the Lessee for any loss or damage to the Lessee's property or business caused by so doing. rÐ Signs That the Lessee shall have the right to place a sign or signs setting out the name and business of the Lessee, provided that it shall first have obtained the Municipality's consent in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, as to the specifications and location therefore, and provided the sign or signs conform to all municipal regulations and by-laws. 13.01 The Municipality and Lessee mutually agree as follows: (continued) v) No Waiver That the waiver by the Municipality or the Lessee of a breach of a term, covenant or condition of this Lease will not be considered to be a waiver of a subsequent breach of the term, covenant or condition or of another term, covenant or condition. The subsequent acceptance of lease fees by the Municipality will not be considered to be a waiver of a preceding breach by the Lessee of a term, covenant or condition of this Lease, and regardless of the Municipality's knowledge of the preceding breach, it will not be considered to have been waived by the Municipality or by the Lessee unless the waiver is in writing signed by the Municipality or by the Lessee, as the case may be. vi) Assignment The Lessee may not sublet or assign or transfer its interest in this Lease without securing the written consent of the Municipality, which consent may not be unreasonably and arbitrarily refused by the Municipality. ByLaw 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) Page 183 of 254 vii) Notice That all notices which it may be necessary or proper for either party to serve upon the other shall be effectively served if sent postage prepaid to the following addresses, or alternatively, served personally: LESSEE'S ADDRESS Ronald BradJÍeld Bradcranex Inc. P.O. Box 59 Port Burwell, Ontørío NQJ 1T0 MUNICIPALITY'S ADDRESS Municípality of Bayhøm PO Box 160,9344 Plank Rd Straffirdville ON N0I lYO All notices so mailed shall be deemed to have been received on the third business day after mailing provided that each parfy may from time to time specifu in writing a new address to which any such notice shall thereafter and until further notice be sent. In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MAYOR Date CLERK Date BRADCRÄ.NEX INC. Ronald Bradfield Date: Witness ByLaw 2010-021 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease agreement (Bradfield) Page 184 of 254 CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-022 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A¡[ AMENDING AGREEMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM AND THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO \ilHEREAS the Govemment of Canada Province of Ontario, and Association of Municipalities of Ontario executed an extension to the Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues September 3,2008; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said agreement, AMO is carrying out the fund administration; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham entered into a Municipal Funding Agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario as authorized by By-law No. 2005-1 10 adopted by Council November l7th,2005; AND \ryHEREAS Municipalities are required to enter into an amended Municipal Funding Agreement with AMO to enable transfer of funds; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to enter into an amended Municipal Funding Agreement with AMO in order to participate in the transfer of federal gas tax. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amending Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by- law, between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and The Association of Municipalities of Ontario, being a Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4TH DAY oF MARCH,2010. 2. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 185 of 254 By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 186 of 254 THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT made in duplicate this day of BETWEEN: 2010. THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO (referred to herein as "AMO") -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM (referred to herein as the "Recipient") WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, as represented by AMO and Toronto entered into an Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities on June 17, 2005 (amended on June 20, 2007) (the "Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement"), whereby AMO agreed to administer funds on behalf of Ontario municipalities made available pursuant to the Canada-Ontario-AMO- Toronto Agreement on behalf of Canada; WHEREAS the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement outlines a framework for the transfer of funds to Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto with stable, reliable and predictable funding for environmentally sustainable infrastructure purposes; WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto have amended the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement on September 3, 2008, in order to confírm municipalities' Gas Tax Fund allocations to 2014; AND WHEREAS AMO and the Recipient have previously entered into a'Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities; NOW THEREFORE this Amending Agreement witnesseth that: 1. The preamble forms an integral part of this Amending Agreement. 2. Terms not defined in this Amending Agreement have the meanings assigned in the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. a. Audít Statement definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "Audit Statement" means a written audit statement to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1h hereto. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 187 of 254 b. End of Funds definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "End of Funds" means March 31,2014. c. Infrastructure Program definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "lnfrastructure Program" means Canada's infrastructure programs in existence at the time of the execution of this Agreement. ' d. Large Municipalifies definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "Large Municipalities" means those Municipalities with a 2006 National Census data population of 500,000 or more including the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Peel and York and the Cities of Hamilton, Mississauga and Ottawa. e. Treasurer definition is added: "Treasure/' means a municipal treasurer as defined in subsection 286(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario). f. Treasurer's Certificafe definition is added: "Treasurer's Certificate" means a written statement by the Treasurer to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1i hereto and in the form identified in Schedule H attached. 3. Section 2.1 is deleted and replaced as follows:2.1. Term. Subject to any extension or termination of this Agreement or the survival of any of the provisions of this Agreemenf pursuant to the provisions contained herein, this Agree ment shall be in effect from the date set out on the first page of this Agreemenf, up to and including March 31,2015. 4. Section 3.1c is deleted and replaced as follows: c. ensure that there is no reduction in capital funding provided by Municipalities for M u n ici pal I nfrastructure. 5. Section 3.1d is deleted and replaced as follows: d. fn the case of Recipients that are Municipalities in excess of 100,000 in population, ensure that over the period of January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2014 the Recipient's capital spending on Municipal lnfrastructure shall not fall below its Base Amount; and, 6. Section 3.1e is added: By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 188 of 254 7. 8. e. ensure any of its contracts for the supply of services or materials to implement its responsibilitíes under this ,Agreement shall be awarded in a way that is transparent, competitive, consistent with value for money principles and pursuant to its adopted procurement policy. Section 4.2 is deleted and replaced as follows:4.2. Exception. For Large Municipalifies, the list of eligible categories shall consist of no more than two (2) of the categories in Section 4.1 a. to f . Section 5.4 is deleted and replaced as follows:5.4. Retention of Receipts. The Recþrenf shall retain all evidence (such as invoices, receipts, etc.) of payments related lo Eligible Cosfs and such supporting documentation must be available to Canada when requested and maintained by the Recþientfor audit purposes in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Section 6.7 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.7. Expenditure of Funds. The Recipient shall expend all Funds by December 31,2016. Section 6.8 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.8. GST and HST. The use of Funds is based on the net amount of goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax to be paid by the Recipient pursuant to the Excise Tax Act (Canada) net of any applicable rebates. Section 7.1h is deleted and replaced as follows: h.. an annual Audit Statement, if Funds were applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. An annual Audit Statement is to be prepared by the Recipient's auditor in accordance with section 58'15 of the Canadian lnstitute of Chartered Accountants Handbook - Special Reports Audit Reports on Compliance With Agreements, Statutes and Regulations, providing assurance that the terms of the Agreemenf have been adhered to and Funds received by the Recipient have been spent in accordance with the Agreementi Section 7.1i is added:i. a Treasurer's Certificate, if Funds were not applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. A Treasurer's Certificate is to be prepared by the Recipient's Treasurer, providing assurance that activity related to sections 6.4, 6.5, and 11 has been conducted within the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Section 7.2 is deleted and replaced as follows:7.2. Outcomes Repoñ. The Recþienf shall account in writing for outcomes 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 189 of 254 14. achieved as a result of the Funds through an Outcomes Report to be submitted to AMO upon completion of an Eligible Project and to be made available publicly in manner consistent with financial reporting under the Municipal Act, 2001 5.O.2001 c.25 by March 31't of the following Municipat Fiscal Year. a. The Recþ ient's Outcomes Report shall report in writing on the cumulative investments made, in a manner to be provided by AMO, including information on the degree to which these investments have actually contributed to the objectives of cleaner air, clêaner water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Section 9.2 is deleted and replaced as follows: 9.2. Separate Records. The Recþienf shall maintain separate records and documentation for the Funds and keep all records including invoices, statements, receipts and vouchers in respect of Eligible Projects thal Funds are paid in respect of in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Upon reasonable notice, the Recþrenf shall submit all records and documentation relating to the Funds to Canada for inspection or audit. Notwithstanding the date of execution of this Amendment Agreement, the provisions of this Amending Agreement are in effect as of January 1, 2010 and continue in effect for the duration of the term of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. Section 14.3 is deleted and replaced as follows:14.3. Addresses for Notice. Further to Section 14.1 of this Agreement, notice can be given at the following addresses: a. lf to AMO: Executive Director Federal Gas Tax Agreement Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Avenue, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Telephone : 41 6-97 1-9856 Facsimile: 416-97 1-61 91 Email: oastax@amo.on.ca 15. 16. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 190 of 254 b. lf to the Recipient: Kyle Kruger Administrator Municipality of Bayham P. O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Telephone: (51 9) 866-5521 Facsimile: (51 9) 866-3884 Email: kkruger@bayham.on.ca 17. Section 15.4 is deleted and replaced with the following:15.4 Survival. The following schedules, sections and provisions of this agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination hereof: Sections 5,6.7, 7 , 9.3, 10.4, 10.5, 1 1, 12.3, 15..7, and Schedule G. 18. Section 16.1, Schedule A is amended as attached. 19. Section 16.1 , Schedule H is added as attached. 20. Except as amended herein, the provisions of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities remain in fullforce and effect. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 191 of 254 lN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreemenf has been executed by the duly authorized officers of the pafties hereto as of the date first above written. RECIPIENI,S NAME: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By: Dateorporate Name:eal Tifle: Title: Executive Director ffix orporate eal ln the presence of: Name: Title: Date THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO By: Date Witness Title: Director of Administration and Business Development Date By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 192 of 254 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE OF FUND PAYMENTS RECIPIENT'S NAME: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham The following represents the minimum Funds and schedule of payments over the life of this Amending Agreement. Year Schedule of Fund Payments Julv 1Sth November 15th 2010 $103.175.36 $103,175.36 2011 $103,1 75.36 $103,175.36 2012 $103.175.36 $103,1 75.36 2013 $103,1 75.36 $103,175.36 By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 193 of 254 SCHEDULE H T REAS U RER'S CE RTI F I CATE To the Association of Municipalities of Ontario As the Treasurer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, I acknowledge that for the 20_ Municipal Fiscal Year, there were no Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Proiects under the Agreement. I confirm that the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> received its Federal Gas Tax allocation for the 20- Municipal Fiscal Yearwithin the terms and conditions specified in section 6.4 of the Agreement. I also confirm that the carry-over of unexpended Funds followed the terms and conditions of section 6.5 of the Agreement. Specifically, the interest earned on unspent funds has been calculated on a reasonable basis, the interest was calculated on a similar basis as other reserve and reserve funds, and that the interest rate used is comparabfe to the one used for other reserye funds which are required to earn interest. I also confirm that the title to Municipal Infrastructure resulting from Eligible Proiects is retained by the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> as specified under section 11.1 of the Agreement. As the duly appointed lrea surer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> I hereby cedify that, as at December 31,20-, activity related to the Municipal Funding. Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities dated <INSERT DATE ON MFA> between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, has been conducted within the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement. Name: Title: <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> Date By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 194 of 254 THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT made in duplicate this BETWEEN: day of 2010. fHE ASSOCIATION OF MUNIGIPALITIES OF ONTARIO (referred to herein as "AMO") -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (referred to herein as the "Recipient") WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, as represented by AMO and Toronto entered into an Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities on June 17, 2005 (amended on June 20, 2007) (the "Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement"), whereby AMO agreed to administer funds on behalf of Ontario municipalities made available pursuant to the Canada-Ontario-AMO- Toronto Agreement on behalf of Canada; WHEREAS the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement outlines a framework for the transfer of funds to Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto with stable, reliable and predictable funding for environmentally sustainable infrastructure purposes; WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO and Toronto have amended the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement on September 3, 2008, in order to confirm municipalities' Gas Tax Fund allocations to 2014; AND WHEREAS AMO and the Recipient have previously entered into a Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities; NOW THEREFORE this Amending Agreement witnesseth that: 1. The preamble forms an integral part of this Amending Agreement. 2. Terms not defined in this Amending Agreernent have the meanings assigned in the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. a. Audit Statemenf definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "Audit Statement" means 'a written audit statement to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1 h hereto. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 195 of 254 b. End of Funds definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "End of Funds" means March 31, 2014. c. lnfrastructure Program definition is deleted and replaced as follows: "lnfrastructure Program" means Canada's infrastructure programs in existence at the time of the execution of this Agreement. d. Large Municipalities definition ís deleted and replaced as follows: "Large Municipalities" means those Municipalities with a 2006 National Census data population of 500,000 or more including the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Peel and York and the Cities of Hamilton, Mississauga and Ottawa. e. Treasurer definition is added: "Treasure/' means a municipal treasurer as defined in subsection 286(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario). f. Treasurer's Certificafe definition is added: "Treasurer's Certificate" means a written statement by the Treasurer to be prepared and delivered to AMO as set out in section 7.1 i hereto and in the form identifíed in Schedule H attached. 3. Section 2.1 is deleted and replaced as follows:2.1. Term. Subject to any extension or termination of this Agreement or the survival of any of the provisions of this Agreemenf pursuant to the provisions contained herein, this Agreement shall be in effect from the date set out on the first page of this Agree ment, up to and including March 31 , 2015. 4. Section 3.1c is deleted and replaced as follows: c. ensure that there is no reduction in capital funding provided by Municipalities for M u nici pal I nfra structure. 5. Section 3.1d is deleted and replaced as follows: d. ln the case of Recipients that are Municipalifies in excess of 100,000 in population, ensure that overthe period of January 1,2010 to March 31, 2014the Recipient's capital spending on Municipal lnfrastructure shall not fall below its Base Amount, and, 6. Section 3.1e is added: By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 196 of 254 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. e. ensure any of its contracts for the supply of services or materials to implement its responsibilities under this Agreement shall be awarded in a way that is transparent, competitive, consistent with value for money principles and pursuant to its adopted procurement policy. Section 4.2is deleted and replaced asfollows:4.2. Exception. For Large Municipalifles, the list of eligible categories shall consist of no more than two (\ of the categories in Section 4.1 a. to f . Section 5.4 is deleted and replaced as follows:5.4. Retention of Receipts. The Recþienf shall retain all evidence (such as invoices, receipts, etc.) of payments related to Eligible Cosfs and such supporting documentation must be available to Canada when requested and maintained by the Recþientfor audit purposes in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Section 6.7 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.7. Expenditure of Funds. The Recipient shall expend all Funds by December 31,2016. Section 6.8 is deleted and replaced as follows:6.8. GST and HST. The use of Funds is based on the net amount of goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax to be paid by the Recipient pursuant to the Excise Tax Act (Canada) net of any applicable rebates. Section 7.1h is deleted and replaced as follows: h. an annual Audit Statement,if Funds were applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. An annual Audit Statement is to be prepared by the Recipient's auditor in accordance with section 5815 of the Canadian lnstitute of Chartered Accountants Handbook - Special Reports Audit Reports on Compliance With Agreements, Statutes and Regulations, providing assurance that the terms of the Agreemenf have been adhered to and Funds received by the Recipient have been spent in accordance with the Agreement; Section 7.1i is added:i. a Treasurer's Certificate, if Funds were not applied to Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects in respect of the previous Municipal Fiscal Year. A Treasurer's Certificate is to be prepared by the Recipient's Treasurer, providing assurance that activity related to sections 6.4, 6.5, and 11 has been conducted within the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Section 7 .2 is deleted and replaced as follows:7.2. Outcomes Reporf. The Recþlenf shall account in writing for outcomes 12. 13. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 197 of 254 14. achieved as a result of the Funds through an Outcomes Report to be submitted to AMO upon completion of an Eligible Project and to be made available publicly in manner consistent with financial reporting under lhe Municipal Act, 2001 5.O.2001 c.25 by March 31't of the following Municipal Fiscal Year. a. The Recþ ient's Outcomes Report shall report in writing on the cumulative investments made, in a manner to be provided by AMO, including information on the degree to which these investments have actually contributed to the objectives of cleaner air, cleaner water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Section 9.2 is deleted and replaced as follows: 9.2. Separate Records. The Recþrenf shall maintain separate records and documentation for the Funds and keep all records including invoices, statements, receipts and vouchers in respect of Eligible Projects that Funds are paid in respect of in accordance with the municipal records retention by-law. Upon reasonable notice, the Recþþnf shall submit all records and documentation relating to the Funds to Canada for inspection or audit. Notwithstanding the date of execution of this Amendment Agreement, the provisions of this Amending Agreement are in effect as of January 1, 2010 and continue in effect for the duration of the term of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities. Section 14.3 is deleted and replaced as follows: 14.3. Addresses for Notice. Further to Section 14.1 of this Agreement, notice can be given at the following addresses: a. lf to AMO: Executive Director Federal Gas Tax Agreement Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Avenue, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Telephone : 41 6-97 1-9856 Facsimile: 416-97 1-61 91 Email: qastax@amo.on.ca 15. 16. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 198 of 254 , b. lf to the Recipient: Kyle Kruger Administrator Municipality of Bayham P, O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Telephone: (51 9) 866-5521 Facsimile: (51 9) 866-3884 Email: kkruger@bayham.on.ca 17. Section 15.4 is deleted and replaced with the following:15.4 Survival. The following schedules, sections and provisions of this agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination hereof: Sections 5, 6.7, 7,9.3, 10.4, 10.5, 1 1, 12.3, 15.7, and Schedule G. 18. Section 16.1 , Schedule A is amended as attached. 19. Section 16.1 , Schedule H is added as attached. 20. Except as amended herein, the provisions of the Municipal Funding Agreement For the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under The New Deal for Cities and Communities remain in fullforce and effect. By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 199 of 254 lN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreemenf has been executed by the duly authorized officers of the parties hereto as of the date first above written. RECIPIENTS NAME: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By: Dateorporate Name:eal Tifle: Title: Executive Director fflx orporate eal ln the presence of: Name: Title: Date THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTAR¡O By: Date Witness Title: Director of Administration and Business Development Date By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 200 of 254 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE OF FUND PAYMENTS RECIPIENT'S NAME: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham The following represents the minimum Funds and schedule of payments over the life of this Amending Agreement. Year Schedule of Fund Payments Julv lSth November lSth 2010 $103,175.36 $103,175.36 2011 $103,175.36 '$r03.175.36 2012 $103,175.36 $103,175.36 2013 $103,1 75.36 $103,175.36 By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 201 of 254 SCHEDULE H TREASU RER'S CERTI FICATE To the Association of Municipalities of Ontario As the Treasurer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, I acknowledge that for the 20_ Municipal Fiscal Year, there were no Eligible Cosfs incurred for Eligible Projects under the Agreement. I confirm that the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> received its Federal Gas Tax allocation for the 20- Municipal Fiscal Year within the terms and conditions specified in section 6.4 of the Agreement. I also confirm that the carry-over of unexpended Funds followed the terms and conditions of section 6.5 of the Agreement. Specifically, the interest earned on unspent funds has been calculated on a reasonable basis, the interest was calculated on a similar basis as other reserve and reserve funds, and that the interest rate used is comparable to the one used for other reserve funds which are required to earn interest. I also confirm that the title to Municipal lnfrastructure resulting from Eligible Projects is retained by the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> as specified under section 11.1 of the Agreement. As the duly appointed lreasurer of the Corporation of <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> I hereby certify that, as at December 3l , 2O_, activity related to the Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities dated <INSERT DATE ON MFA> between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME>, has been conducted within the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement. Name: Title: <INSERT MUNICIPAL NAME> Date By-Law 2010-022 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) Page 202 of 254 ,l TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Richmond Water System Financing DATE: February 23,2010 FILE: NUMBERzE20l0-02 Purpose This report is to further to the final Order issued by the Ministry of the Environment regarding the Richmond Water System, and to establish the methodology for recovery of costs from the Richmond Community'Water users. Background As Council is well aware, the Municipality received an Order from the MOE via email January 20th, 2010, requiring that the Municipality operate the Richmond Water System by March 2010. In addition, the Municipality was required to provide a detailed plan for implementing connection to the current municipal system, supplying the Richmond system with water from the municipal system, or establishing a new municipal drinking water system in Richmond. Arangements have been ongoing to assume operations of the system by the March lst deadline. The plan required by the MOE was submiüed, and we are currently awaiting MOE comment/approval. The Order provides until 2011 for implementation of a preferred solution under that plan. At this time, the Municipality must consider the preferred philosophy and the available mechanisms for the recovery of costs for operations of the system, engineering, and the expected capital works. Staff Comments As a starting point for considerations, it is assumed that the intent is that operating costs for the system will be recovered entirely from the properties serviced, as will any capital project costs (as with the current municipal water system). There are several mechanisms available to implement this, and each can provide different methods for distributing such costs: Option I - Water Ratesllocal Improvement The Municipality may recover operating costs through a water rate structure, and recover capital works for the Plan as a Local Improvement. Eligible expenses for a local improvement are provided by Regulation, and may include some engineering fees. There is a deflrned process, and charges to owners are on the basis of lot frontage. Local improvement rates are collected as taxes. Option 2 - Establish a Special Service Area and Rate A second option is to recover operating and capital costs (other than consumption) by means of a special service rate under the Municipal Act. This process may be less cumbersome than Option 1. The result is a tax rate that applies to benefitting land "on all or part of the assessment...in each property class". This means that land value plays a role in the amount that any owner pays, rather than frontage. There are various rules for applying the rate which are set out in the Act. Option 3 - Establish a Fee/Charge Under Municipal Act A third option that may be available is to use the "Fee or Charge" power under the Municipal Act to recover costs. This is likely the least formal approach. ln this case, the charge can be computed by location, zoning, physical characteristics or other criteria, whether or not water is consumed. A -,"tÌÌi.t ¡]l rt,liìt ß, Lic) [{] Staff Report E2010-02 regarding the Richmond Water System Financing Page 203 of 254 portion of the fee could be for providing the system, and a portion could be for the water itself. In this case the fee is not property tax, but it can be collected in the same manner as property tax under the Act. Considerations Staff have reviewed these options, and suggest Option 3 generally seems the most appropriate for this situation. With the intent that municipal operation of the system will only be during an "interim" period, establishing a full fledged special service area or proceeding through the local improvement process may be quite onerous. As well, staff anticipate that an equal flat rate per property is the distribution method desired by the community, as it is our understanding that this is the method currently in place. A move to a frontage or tax rate, especially for only a short period, is likely not desired. A flat rate is certainly the most simple to administer. One additional consideration however is regarding the recovery of costs for any significant capital works. Depending on the final scope (cost) of works and success of grant applications, the costs to individual properties may be substantial. In order to provide some assistance to the property owners, it has been discussed that the Municipality finance the project and allow serviced properties to pay over a period of time (interest would be at the same rate as the municipal borrowing costs). For the type of infrastructure in question, a20 year amortization is likely quite appropriate. The process under Option 3 appears to accommodate this type of arrangement. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Goal#4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Goal #5 - Develop a new and improved infrastructure network Recommendation TIIAT staff be authorized to prepare the necessary byJaw(s) to implement Option #3 as outlined in Report 82010-02. Staff Report E2010-02 regarding the Richmond Water System Financing Page 204 of 254 n/ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\DTIM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT : Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth DATE: February 24,2010 FILE: This is fuither to the recent information from Ms. Valarie Donnell regarding operation of the east beach concession food booth and the related washroom facility maintenance. For additional information, the Municipality requested proposals for the facilities in spring 2009. The previous contractor had advised somewhat late that they could not continue the service due to health r.uronr. The Request for Proposals provided the option to include or exclude the washroom maintenance. Two proposals wère received, both of which included the washroom maintenance. The report outlining the considerations for award of the contract is attached. As Council is aware, Ms. Donnell has expressed difficulties with the washroom maintenance and advised she will not be able to carry out that function for 2010. Ms. Donnell has subsequently provided a revised suggestion, where she will main the washrooms except for the July/August period (see attached). Staff identiff several main options in proceeding: . Accept the arrangements proposed by Ms. Donnell and contract out washroom maintenance . Negotiate new pricing with Ms. Donnell and contract out washroom maintenance . Issue a new Request for Proposals for 2010 . Negotiate with unsuccessful proposal from 2009 for services. Staff have made initial contact with the second bidder from 2009, and have been advised they may be interested in providing the service for 2010. Staff did highlight the issues experienced by Ms. Donnell, and they remain interested in proceeding. In regard to the potential to contracting out of washroom maintenance separately, staff note that we now have two proposals (unsolicited) to provide the service in 2010: . Nancy Lozonat $21Olweek - Full season (27 weeks) totals $5,670. July/August (9 weeks) totals $1,890 . Rick V/assing at $189/week - Full season (27 weeks) totals $5,103. July/August (9 weeks) totals $1,701 Both proposals are attached. The letter from Mr. Wassing provides somewhat less detail, however a short discussion identified the proposal includes a minimum of checks and cleaning two times daily, seven days a week, and includes opening and closing at the times to established by the Municipality. Staff Memorandum dated February 24, 2010 regarding Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth Page 205 of 254 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Administrator SUBJECT: Food Concession RFP - Municipal Beach DATE: June 1,2009 FILE: D10 NUMBER: PR2009-13 Purpose This report is regarding proposals received for a food booth concession on the municipal beach in Port Burwell for the 2009 season. Background As Council will recall, the Municipality exercized the option to extend the term of the agreement with Theresa Blondin for the provision of a Concession Food Booth at the east beach in Port Burwell for the 2009 season (based in part on the request from the operator). Unfortunately, the Municipality was advised on May 8th, 2009 by the operator that they would not be able to continue for health reasons. Asiia result, temporary arrangements have been made for washroom maintenance, and a ne* Rçquest for Proposals for the Beach Concession Food Booth was issued, to close MuV,,*Ðllrløffi9,,,,,,., The RFP and proposed ii:öíÍliä one yeâi term, and include the option for a two year extension b t4i$ of equipment, experience, and proposed hours of operation are e. The RFP also provided the option to Place) and from Laszlo Balint and Fries). The total rental fees for the season in the proposals are $2,400 ively. This is slightly less than the prevtous amount of $3,000, but likely shorter season. Both also have priced the same regardless of inclusion of the beach washroom maintenance. Staff Comments The two proposals have been reviewed, and they are both complete and competitive overall. The following are highlights for comparison: Both tenders appear to have the necessary equipment and experience to run a concession food booth. In regard to hours of operation, the proposal from Sam's Place does provide for longer ,800 Sam's Place Bear's Burger and Fries Rental Payments Total $2,400 payable June, July, Ausust and Sept 15 Total $2,800 payable June, July, Ausust and Sept 30 Equipment 2 propane fryers, propane grill, stove, fridgelfueezer, microwave, I ooo cooler 2 propane fryers, I propane grill, 1 freezer, 1 fridges, microwave, 1 ice cream freezer. l ooo cooler Season/hours June 1 to Sept 30 - 10:30 am to 9:00 pm Oct weekends + - 11 am to 8 pm June 1 to Sept 30 - 11 am to 8 pm (weather permitting) Staff Memorandum dated February 24, 2010 regarding Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth Page 206 of 254 daily hours and a slightly longer season into October. That proposal also does not note conditions of "weather permitting", though the standard contract does allow for some discretion in determining hours based on weather and demand. Both proposals seem suitable, and as mentioned appear to have sufficient experience to operate a concession appropriately. The Municipality is familiar with Sam's Place, as they did operate the concession at this location in the past. Although the total rent is somewhat less, staff suggest awarding the contract to Sam's Place based on the longer hours of service in the proposal. These longer hours of service will allow also to the beach washroom facilities. Following the award of this contract, staff also suggest returning to the previous arrangements for the maintenance/supervision of the washrooms with Ms. Nancy Lozon for October. Attachments 1. Draft By-law No. 2009-082, to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and C. Valerie Donnell for the provision of a concession food booth at the East Beach in Port Burwell in the Municipality of Bayham. Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Create a positive business atmosphere Recommendation That Draft By-law No. 2009-082, to n of an Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and C. Valerie the provision of a concession food booth at the East Beach in Port Burwell in the M ity of Bayham be presented to Council for enactment. Respectfully submitted, Kyle Kruger, Administrator Staff Memorandum dated February 24, 2010 regarding Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth Page 207 of 254 í." P-\, :: r,-r.-- Ë: i; j"{i¡'i*'å='!* 1.r- É_, 1 'j i*, ¡ ,i Ë '+'FIB?iîíl'i,,r Ls'' MlJfll!ûf i::11 f T .i il i: itiiirH,q l,il C. Valerie Donnell P.O. Box 74 Vienna, ON NOJ 120 5L9-874-4L62 clv2donnell@msn.com Municipality of Bayham February 23,20L0 P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 ATTN: Council After some thought as to how to resolve the issues with the bathrooms/change rooms situation I have come up with a proposal I hope will be agreeable to you, Most of the season at the beach is not hectic only July and August, My main issue is when I'm busy serving food. I feel this ís not a time to be looking after the facility. I will look after the bathrooms/change rooms in the early part of the season, from May and June and then again in September to October. Just have someone else to look after it in July and August. If you have a diflerent schedule when you open/close the washrooms/change rooms for the season I'm sure that I can accommodate the schedule. If you would like to discuss this fufther you can contact me at the above phone number or by email. Kindest Regards A/r/,r* 0*,r,( C. Valerie Donnell Staff Memorandum dated February 24, 2010 regarding Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth Page 208 of 254 Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd, PO Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ-1Y0 Attn: Mr. Kyle Kruger February L8,2OL0 Dear Mr. Kruger, I would again like to offer my personal proposalfor care and ma¡ntenance of the washroom facility atthe east beach in Port Burwell for2OtO. My husband and I live above the east beach at the end of Erieus Street. We have a constant view of the washroom and offer that with the track record of vandalism in past a much safer environment could be created under our watchful eye. The following is a brief list of services for the proposal: o Maintain services on the beach from May 1 to October 31 annually o Open washroom doors daily at 8:00 AM to Dark from Monday to Sunday 7 days a week r Scrub Toilets and sinks and generally clean twice daily or when required o Secure garbage from containers and place in dumpster daily Assumptions: ¡ Municipality to supply toilet paper, hand towels (if required), cleaning or sanitizing agents, scrub brushes, plungers etc for washrooms o Municipality to supply garbage bags for the insertion in the barrels o Term of contract one year to be reviewed by both parties at year end (October 31) Rate of Charge o l person min. two hours dailly @ S15.00 /hr or 530.00 daily o 7 days a weekx S30 = 5210.00/week. May 1 to Oct 31- = 27 weeks x 5210.00 = $5, 670 / year Please review if I have overlooked any details or additional duties you would wish explored. Please advise if the proposal is feasible or if you feel I should be seeking more for the service. Regards Nancy Lozon 7 Erieus St / PO Box 280 Port Burwell, Ontario NOJ-1TO Staff Memorandum dated February 24, 2010 regarding Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth Page 209 of 254 February 21,2010 From : Rick'Wassing 29 Brock St Port Burwell Ont 519-874-4113 Attention: Kyle Kruger I would like to place a Tender for the maintenance of the Port Burwell east beach washrooms, for the season of 2010. I am proposing the amount of $27.00 per day and of cost of cleaning supplies at my own expense. The Municipality would supply the cost of toilet paper and hand towels. I also have a person too work with me on this project if I am not available too maintain the washroom on a certain day. I look forward to hearing from you about this Tender. Sincerely yours: , --t- ,/' \a> Rick Wassing Staff Memorandum dated February 24, 2010 regarding Beach Washrooms/Concession Food Booth Page 210 of 254 2OO9 ANNUAL SUMMARY REPORT FOR MT]IVCIPAL WATER SYSTEMS Report This report is a summary of water quality information for the Bayham Water Distribution System, Water'Works # 260004748, published in accordance with Schedule 22 of the Ontario's Drinking Water Systems Regulation for the reportingperiod of January 1,2009 to December 31, 2009. The Bayham Water Distribution System is categorized as a Class I,Large Municipal Residential Drinking Water System. 'Who gets a copy of the Report: The owner of the drinking - water system shall ensure that the following receive the summary report no later than March 3l for the preceding calørdar year; . in the case of a drinking water system owned by a municipalit¡ the members of the Municipal Council; o in the case of a drinking water system owned by a municipal service board established under section 195 of the Municþal Act,200l, the members of the municþal service board; or o in the case of a drinking water system owned by a corporation, the board of directors of the corporation. What must the Report contain? The report must, (a) list the requirements of the Act, the regulations, the system's approval and any order that the system failed to meet at any time during the period covered by the report and speciff the duration of the failure; and (b) for each failure referred to in clause (a), describe the measures that were taken to correct the failure. 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 211 of 254 The Bayham Water Distribution System complied with the following Drinking Water Legislation; o Safe Drinking Water Act o O. Reg 170/03, O. Reg 128104 . System Certificate of Approval # 1788-5SHLD5 o Provincial Officer's Order # ( N/A ) \Mhat else must the report contain? The re,port must also include the following information for the purposes of enabling the owner of the system to assess the capability of the system to meet existing and planned uses of the system: o A sunmary of the quantities and flow rates of the water supplied during the period covered by the report; o A comparison of the sunmary referred to in paragraph 1 to the rated capacity and flow rates approved in the system's approval. Attachments o 2009 flows o O. Reg 170/03,2009 Annual Report Part III, Form 2 Report Prepared by; Ed Roloson Water/Wastewater Superintendent Overall Responsible Operator ( ORO ) 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 212 of 254 ÞOntario Drinkins-water systems Resutation o. Res. 17otog OPTIONAL ANNUAL REPORT TEMPLATE Drinking-Water System Number: Drinking-\ilater System Name: Drinking-\ilater System Owner: Drinking-\üater System Category: Period being reported: 260004748 Bavham Distribution System The Comoration of the Municipalitv of Bayham WD Large Municipal Residential 2009 Comnlete ìf vour Catesorv ís Laree Munìcíoal Resídentíøl or Small Municìpal Resídentíal I)oes your Drinking-Water System serve more than 10,000 people? Yes [ ] No I x ] Is your annual report available to the public at no charge on a web site on the Internet? Yes Ix]No[ ] Location where Summary Report required under O. Reg. 170103 Schedule 22 will be avaÍlable for inspection. 1 Chatham St. Port Burwell, Ont. NOJ 1TO Comølete for øll other Cateeoríes. Number of Designated Facilities served: N/A Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Designated Facilities you serve? Yes[ | No[ I Number of Interested Authorities you report to: Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Interested Authorities you report to for each Designated Facility? Yes[ ] NoI I Note: For the following tables below, additional rows or columns may be added or an dix mav be attached to the List all Drinking-'Water Systems (if any), which receive all of their drinking water from r Drinkine Water System Name Drinkins \ilater Svstem Number N/A Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Drinking-Water System owners that are connected to you and to whom you provide all of its drinking water? YesI lNoI I Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 Page 1 of 5 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 213 of 254 ÞOntario Drinkins-water systems Resutation o. Res. 17otog Indicate how you notified system users that your annual report is available, and is free of charge. [ | Public access/notice via the web I x ] Public access/notice via Government Office ] Public access/notice via a ne\ilspaper x I Public access/notice via Public Request I Public access/notice via a Public Library x ] Public access/notice via other method water bills Describe vour Drinkins-Water Svstem The Bayham water distribution system consists of various size transmission mains and apparatuses including 81 fire hydrants, 100 main valves and 3 air release and 3 drain chambers. The location of these are mainly located in the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna. The estimated service population is less than 2000 with 765 fully metered service connections. A booster pump station is located on the transmission main to Vienna. This pump operates when the pressure drops to activate the pump which would normally occur during fire flows or main line flushing. List all water treatment chemicals used over this Were any significant expenses incurred to? [x I Install required equipment [x ] Repair required equipment I x ] Replace required equipment Please provide a brief description and a breakdown of monetary expenses incurred The Bayham water distribution system has undergone capital repairs through infrastructure grants during 2009 that include replacement of service saddles, main stops, curb stops, main valves, and fire hydrants. The completion of the said project will take place in the summer of 2010. The estimated total cost is $2 million. Drinking'Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 No chemicals used as this report is for a distribution system that receives treated water. Page 2 of 5 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 214 of 254 Þontario Drinkins-water sysrems Resuration o. Res. 17oto3 Provide details on the notices submitted in accordance wÍth subsection 18(1) of the Safe Drinking-Water Act or section 16-4 ol Schedule 16 of O.Reg.l70l03 and reported to Operational testing done under Schedule 7, 8 or 9 of Regulation 170103 during the covered this Annual Number of Grab Samnles Range of Results (min #)-(max #) Turbidity Chlorine 730 0.20 - 1.80 (free) Fluoride (If the DWS provides fluoridation) NOTE: Record the unit of measure if it is not milligrams per lítre. Summary of additional testing and sampling carried out in accordance with the requirement of an approval, order or other legal instrument. Drinking Water Systems Regulations @IBS 4435e01) February 2008 No adverse test results during 2009 Microbiological testing done under the Schedule 10, 11 or 12 of Regulation 170103', du this Number of Samples Range of E.Coli Or Fecal Results (min #)-(max #) Range of Total Coliform Results (min #)-(max #) Number of HPC Samples Range of HPC Results (min #)-(max#) Raw Treated Distribution 156 0 0 156 <10 - 210 NOTE: For continuous monitors use 8760 as the number of samples. Page 3 of 5 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 215 of 254 fÞOntario Drinkins-water systems Resuration o. Res. lrotog Date of legal instrument issued Parameter Date Sampled Result Unit of Measure Summary of Inorganic parameters tested during this reporting period or the most recent sam results *only for drinking water systems testing under Schedul e 15 .2; this includes large municipal non- residential systems, small municipal non-residential systems, non-municipal seasonal residential systems, large non-municipal non-residential systems, and small non-municipal non-residential systems Summary of lead testing under Schedule 15.1 during this reporting period (applicable to the following drinking water systems; large municipal ¡esidential systems, small Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 municipal residential systems, and non round residentia Location Type Number of Samples Range of Lead Results fmin#) - lmax #l Number of Exceedances Plumbing 48 ND - 1.72 0 Distribution I ND - 1.35 0 Summary of Organic parameters sampled during this reporting period or the most recent results Parameter Sample Date Result Value Unit of Measure Exceedance Alachlor Page 4 of 5 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 216 of 254 Aldicarb Aldrin +Dieldrin Atrazine + N-dealkylated metobolites Azinphos-methyl Bendiocarb Benzene Benzo(a)pyrene Bromorynil Carbaryl Carbofuran Carbon Tetrachloride Chlordane (Total) Chlorpyrifos Cyanazine Diazinon Dicamba 1,2-Dichlorobenzene lr4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) + metabolites 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene lvinvlidene chlorideì Dichloromethane 2-4 Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) Diclofop-methyl Dimethoate Dinoseb Diquat Diuron Glyphosate Heptachlor + Heptachlor Epoxide Lindane (Total) Malathion Methoxychlor Metolachlor Metribuzin Monochlorobenzene Paraquat Parathion Pentachlorophenol Phorate Picloram Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCB) ÞOntafiO Drinkins-water systems Resulation o. Res. 17oto3 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) February 2008 Page 5 of 5 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 217 of 254 ÞOntafiO Drinkins-water systems Resulation o. Res. 17oto3 Drinking'Water Systems Regulations @IBS 4435e01) February 2008 Prometryne Simazine THM INOTE: show latest aruual averase) 0.045 wL Temephos Terbufos Tetrachloroethylene 2,3,4,6 -T etr tchlorophenol Triallate Trichloroethylene 2,4,GTrichlorophenol 2,4,$Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4,5-T) Trifluralin Vinyl Chloride List any Inorganic or Organic parameter(s) that exceeded half the standard prescribed in Schedule2 ol Ontario I)litv Standards. Result Value Page 6 of 5 2009 Annual Compliance Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System. File: E08 Page 218 of 254 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MONTHLY WATER CONSUMPTION (m3) 2009 Pt.Bunrell 7730 avg.daily 249.35 Vienna 4/¡05 avg. daily 142.1 Lake View 12773 avg. daily 412.03 2008 Pt.Burwell 6655 avg.daily 214.68 Vienna 895 avg. daily 28.87 Lake View 11812 avg. daily 381 2007 Pt.Burwell 8640 avg.daily 278.71 Vienna 8185 avg. daily 264 Lake View 20941 avg. daily 675.52 ü95 7410 231.96 239.031920 290 68.57 9.35 11098 12808 396.36 413j6 5275 8290 181.9 267.422815 3885 97.07 125.32 10985 12634 378.79 407.55 7435 7750 265.54 2501940 2290 69.28 73.87 12978 13797 463.5 445.1 9780 9770 315.48 315.16930 0300 16108 15098 519.61 487 10490 10675 338.38 355.834930 4s00 159.03 150 16494 15738 532.06 524.6 9770 10995 315.16 354.6800 00 16722 17619 539.42 568.35 13750 14735 443.55 475.325680 5800 183.22 187.1 19902 20965 642 676.29 12690 13160 409.35 424.524255 4005 137.25 129.19 19287 19916 622j6 642.45 12030 0401 000 00 15404 14102 513.47 455 r0320 344 4560 152 15494 516.47 10300 7915 332.26 263.834565 4040 147.26 134.67 15562 12606 502 420.2 7740 89410 7973 12305 11516 168155 371.48 10390 11745s 335.164685 50880 1s1 .13153rr l813sl 493.9 6685 109525 215.65715 36455 23.1 11568 189595 373.16 7690 256.33 4760 158.67 13216 450.53 8660 288.67 4525 150.83 13848 461.6 0 0 0 0 11691 389.7 7190 9585 12200 239.67 309.19 406.67191s 3075 509063.83 99.19 169.67 13204 16109 19816 440.13 519.64 660.s3 8155 8824 7211 271.83 284.64 240372630 1575 780 87.67 50.81 26 13602 '15214 13163 438.77 490.77 438.77 2 0 0 9 A n n u a l C o m p l i a n c e R e p o r t f o r t h e B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m . F i l e : E 0 8 P a g e 2 1 9 o f 2 5 4 )o I*T Government Gouvernement ofCanada du Canada Canadian General Ofüce des normes Standards Board générales du Canada Place du Portage lll - 681 Place du Portage lll - 68l Hull, Quebec Hull (Québec) K1A 1G6 KíA 1G6 Date: February 23,2OIO Mr. Ed Roloson Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, PO Box 160 Straffordvil le, Ontario NOJ 1YO File No.: OAP-061 Dear Mr. Roloson, On behalf of the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), I am pleased to inform you that the Municipality of Bayham has been successful in meeting the requirements of Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard to the satisfaction of the CGSB Accreditation Program for Operating Authorities. This notification is to inform you that we are formally awarding you a Limited Scope - Entire accreditation, This is a substantial accomplishment, and one that should make your employees, your management team and your community proud. By achieving accreditation, you have demonstrated that you have an effective drinking water quality management system. You also demonstrate leadership in an area affecting the lives of many people. On behalf of the CGSB, please accept my most sincere congratulations. If you have not already received your certificate(s) and related materials, they will be sent to you shortly. In addition, we will add your system(s) to the list that we maintain and display on our Web site of Accredited Operating Authorities. We look forward to working in partnership with you in the future, as you strive for full scope accreditation. Yours sincerely, Terrence Davies Director Canadian General Standards Board Expérience et excettence BnJEg Expenence and excettence trES>BCanadä Correspondence dated February 23, 2010 from Canadian General Standards Board regarding "Ontario's Drinking Water Page 220 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-016 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETTNG rrELD MARCH 4,2010 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municþal Act,2001 S.O.2001, Chapter 25,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþality; AI\D WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200I, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held March 4,2070 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affrxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 4th day of March, 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-016 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 221 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\ry NUMBER 2OO9-017 Being a By-law to Authorize Civil Marriage Solemnization Services WIIEREAS Ontario Regulation 285104 provides the Clerk or designate of a local municþality with the authority to solemnize marriages under the authority of a licence; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham considers it desirable to have civil marriage solemnization services performed; NOW TIIEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham enacts the following as follows: 1. That Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby directs that the civil marriage solemnization services be implernented within the province of Ontario; 2. That Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham recognizes that Lynda A. Millard, is authorized to solemnize marnages for as long as she holds the position of Clerk, as set out under Ontario Regulation 285104 and the Marriage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 3 for the Province of Ontario; 3. That Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham does hereby further support the Clerk delegating the authority to perform civil ma:riage solemnization services to Marion F. Rogers and to Jack C. Wharram Jr. as provided for under the Municipal Act 2001, S.O.2001, c25 Section 228 (4) & (5); 4. That effective with the date of passage of this by-law, Marion F. Rogers is hereby authorized to solemnize civil marriages as long she holds the position of Marriage Officiant at the Municipality of B ayham; 5. That effective with the date of passage of this by-law, Jack C. Wha:ram Jr. is hereby authorized to solemnize civil marriages as long he holds the position of Marriage Officiant at the Municipality of Bayham; 6. That Schedule 'A' detailing fee structures for services form part of this by-law and be part of the Municipality of Bayham Rates and Fees ByJaw 2005-102; 7. That Schedule 'B' detailing guidelines for services form part of this byJaw and; 8. That By-law No. 2009- 017 shall come into fuIl force and effect upon final passage. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of March 2010. Mayor Lynn Acre Clerk Lynda Millard By-Law 2009-017 A By-Law to authorize Civil Marriage Solemnation Services. Page 222 of 254 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page? of 5 SCHEDULE'A'- FEES (ByJaw 2005-102) Civil Maniage Solemni zation Services Civil Marriage Ceremony Ceremony in the Municþatity of Bayham o in Council Charnbers during Municipality of Bayham Business Hours (Wednesday 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - $250.00 r outside Council Chambers - $250.00 Ceremony outside the Municipality of Bayham r services outside boundaries of Bayham - $250.00 (plus mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham will be charged at arate of $0.45 per kilometre) A 8100 non-refundable deposit is included in the above-fees Rehearsal Fee . $75.00 Renewal of Vows o $75.00 Please Note: All persons using a municipal facilitymust provide a "certificate of insurance" in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 coverage for the duration of this function. The "certificate of insurance" naming the Municipality of Bayham as the certificate holder, must be presented to the Marriage Officiant a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the ceremony date. Additional rental fees apply to the Community Centre facilities in Vienna and Straf[ordville, as applicable. Bookings for these facilities will need to be made through the Community Centres Managers. By-Law 2009-017 A By-Law to authorize Civil Marriage Solemnation Services. Page 223 of 254 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page 3 of5 SCHEDULE'B'- GUIDELINES For the Provision of Civil Maniage Ceremonies 1' Ceremonies will be conducted by appointed officiants of the Municþality of Bayham. Ceremonies can take place at either: (a) the Municipality of Bayham, Municipal Ofñce Council Chambers 9344PlankRoad, Straffordville, ON NOJ lYO (subject to its availability during regular working hours), or (b) at an agreed upon location and time within the province of Ontario depending upon availability of the officiant. 2. Fee: cash or money order to be paid to the Municipality of Bayham a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the ceremony date . $250.00 for ceremony held in the Council Chambers . $250.00 all other locations (mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham only will be charged at arate of $0.45 per kilometre) o Rehearsal Fee $75.00 o Ceremonial Renewal of Vows $75.00 3. A request for a civil ceremony is to be received at least seven business days prior to the date of the ceremony. 4. An agreed-upon civil marriage ceremony, incorporating all mandatory declarations under the Marriage Act, R.S.O., 1990 willbe used at all civil ma:riages. The ceremony will take approximately 15 minutes. Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the ceremony to allow time to review final details. 5. Changes to date and/or time are allowed at no additional charge provided that the location and an offrciant are available. No refund will be issued if the ceremony is cancelled on the day of the ceremony, or the applicant(s) and witnesses do not show up for the ceremony. 6. Pre-ceremonymeeting (approximately 30 minutes) o To be scheduled a minimum of five business days prior to the ceremony o Both parties must be in attendance and provide photo identification . Application for a Civil Marriage Ceiemony form to be completed' o Marriage Licence to be presented (date issued to be within 3 months prior to the ceremony) o To discuss other municipal locations for the ceremony o To select specific vows (provide a written copy) andlor music o Fees to be paid in fulI (cash or money order) By-Law 2009-017 A By-Law to authorize Civil Marriage Solemnation Services. Page 224 of 254 t. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. t7. 74. The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page 4 of 5 The applicants are responsible to provide an interpreter if they do not speak English and./or require language assistance. The interpreter cannot be one of the witnesses. The interpreter will be required to sign a form that he/she has interpreted the wedding ceremony. Minimal decorations are permitted (e.g. flowers, balloons) within the municipal office for the ceremony. They may be placed 15 minutes prior to the ceremony and removed within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the ceremony. No smoking, candles, confetti, rice, paper or similar celebratory materials can be used within the munícipal ffice or on a municípal property. Use of cell phones & other communication devices are not permitted during the ceremony. The taking of photographs willbe permitted before the ceremony begins, during the signing of the register and when the ceremony is completed. Music will be permitted before and after the ceremony (applicants to provide equipment). When selecting the tlpe of music consideration should be given to its appropriateness and contribution to the dignity of the occasion. The applicants are responsible for providing two witnesses (See Notes #1) Due to Council Chambers room size, amaximum of 25 guests only can be accommodated. The applicants, as the renters of the Council Chambers for the civil marriage ceremony, do hereby consent to defend and indemniff the Municipality of Bayham for any loss or damages incurred by their guests. The applicants agree that the Municipality of Bayham shall not be held responsible for personal injury or damage, nor for the theft or loss of anypersonal property of anyone attending on the invitation of the applicants. The applicants shall be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons admitted to the Council Chambers and shall see that all regulations pertaining to the event are strictly followed. The Municipal Council Chambers may onlybe used for civil marriage ceremonies conducted by duly authorized delegated individuals. All exits must be kept free from obstruction in case of fire The Council Chambers will be available for a maximum of one and ahalf (l %) hours only. A BOOKING IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL THE $1OO NON- REFTINDABLE DEPOSIT IIAS BEEN PAID TO THE MARRIAGE OFFICIANT. 15. 16. 18. By-Law 2009-017 A By-Law to authorize Civil Marriage Solemnation Services. Page 225 of 254 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2010-017 Page 5 of5 NOTES: 1. There is no minimum age requirement for a witness, however, it is suggested they should be at least sixteen years of age and able to understand and appreciate what is taking place and be able to give evidence of such at alater date, if required. 2. If personal vows are to be made, they are to be reviewed by the officiant prior to the ceremony. A written copy of the vows must be brought to the pre-ceremony meeting. 3. If the officiant believes that, based on what he or she knows or has reasonable grounds to believe, that either parties lack mental capacity to marry by reason of being under the influence of intoxication alcohol or drugs or any other reason, the ceremony will not proceed. 4. The Record of Solemnizationof Marriage given at the ceremony is not alegal record. Approximately 12 weeks after the ceremony, you may apply to the Office of the Registrar General to obtain an official Certificate of Marriage, the appropriate form is included within the licence. 5. Wedding venues outside the boundaries of the Municipality of Bayham will be subject to an additional fee at a rate of $200 to cover overnight accommodations and travel expenses of the officiant at arate of $0.45 per kilometre. I have ¡ead the above guidelines outlined in Schedules A and B of By-law 2010-017 and agree that Marion F. Rogers or Jack C. Wharram Jr. will conduct a civil marriage solemnization service on Date: Time: Location: Applicant # 1 Name: Applicant # 2 Name: Witness # I Name: Signature Sígnature Signature Witness # 2 Name: Signature Marriage Licence Number: Date Issued: Note: Mørríage lìcences are valìdfor 3 months only. Deposit Received Fees paid:_ yes Marriage Officiant Lynda A. Millard - Clerk Personal Information on thisform is collected under the authority ofthe Munícípal Acl and regulatìon under lhe Marriage Act' 285/04' and will be used to perform ø cìvíl marriage ceremony, no By-Law 2009-017 A By-Law to authorize Civil Marriage Solemnation Services. Page 226 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2010-018 A BY.LA\il TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OFAN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND MARION FAITII ROGERS WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Employment agreement with Marion Faith Rogers, for the position of Civil Marriage Officiant in the Municipality of Bayham; NO\M TIIEREFORE TIIE COI]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and formingpart of this by-law between Marion Faith Rogers and the Municipalityof Bayham. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and eflect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4TH DAY OF MARCII2OlO MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 227 of 254 Schedule "A" to B/L 2010-018 - Page I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of this 4thday of March, 2010. BETWEEN: The Municipality of Bayham, A Corporation incorporated under the laws of the province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality" OF THE FIRST PART; -and- Marion Faith Rogers Of the Municþality of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the "Employee" OF THE SECOND PART. WIIEREAS the Municipality and the Employee have agreed to enter into this Agreement to set out the terms and conditions of employment by thè: Municipality of the Employee as Marriage Ofñciant. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants exchanged between the parties herein, THE AGREEMENT \MITNESSETH AS FOLLO\ilS: Position and Term 1. The employment of the Employee under this Agreement shall coûtmence March 15,2010 and shall continue for a period of one year. 2. The Employee shall perform all the duties in the job description attached hereto as Appendix "4", arìd shall be performed pursuant to the provisions hereof, diligently and in good faith and with a view to the best interest of the Corporation. Remuneration and Benefits 3. The remuneration shall be paid to the Employee, as applicable, on a bi-weekly basis as follows per: . marriage ceremony $125.00 ' rehearsal $ 75.00. renewal of vows $ 75.00. cancellation or non-affendance of applicants $ 50.00 Mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham only shall be paid at arate of $0.45 per kilometre. Ovemite accommodation $150 - $200 when required. Statutory benefits on remuneration only shall apply. By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 228 of 254 Schedule "4" to BIL2010-018 -Page2 Ilours of \ilork 4. The Employee shall be available on an as needed basis for a variable number of hours each week as duties require. Employment Conditions 5. Employment conditions may often be outside and can be expected to vary as weather and seasons change. Vacation 6. Vacation pay shall be paid as required by statute each pay period. Termination 7. The Employee agrees that the Municipality may terminate this employment at any time without notice or compensation, for just cause. 8. The Corporation or the Employee may terminate this Agreement at any time on thirty (30) days written notice. Upon a breach of this agreement, either party may withdraw from the agreement without notice or cash in lieu of notice or other financial penalty. Renewal 9. This Agreement does not renew without the written agreement of the parties. Complete Agreement 10. Except as otherwise noted herein, this Agreement sets out the entire agreement which the parties have entered into, and neither relies upon representations or terms not included herein. IN WITNESS \ilHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. (Witness) )Marion Faith Rogers XThe Employee) ) ) The Municipality of Bayham XThe Corporation) ) ) ) )Mayor ) ) ) )Clerk By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 229 of 254 Position: Reports to: Knowledge: Experience: Leadership: Initiative/ Creativity: Contact: Decision Making: Working Conditions: Effort: Appendix "A" to Schedule "A" to B/L 2010-018 - Page 1 MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM JOB DESCRIPTION Marriage Officiant Clerk or Administrator Excellent knowledge of the Mørríage Act and how to apply legislated requirements Strould have a general understanding of other related provincial legislation Have completed or willing to complete the Civil Marriage Solemnization Training for Municipal Clerks or Designates Minimum of Secondary School Education An equivalent combination of education and experience. Previous personal computer experience in a Windows environment, including Microsoft Office is required. Minimal leadership is required. Considerable creativþ is required in providing information and customer services to clients. Exercises initiative in providing innovative ideas in the conduct of marriage solemnizations. Monitors and improves effrciency and effectiveness of policies and procedures Considerable sensitive personal and telephone contact with the public, provincial offrcials, employees, and Council. Some judgement is required when assisting the public and provincial agencies with their inquiries. Work week is flexible based on needs of clients Must be able to attend evening events as deemed necessary by the Clerk or Administrator Duties will be conducted at home, in the municipal offrce and other locations and facilities as appropriate. with the new and furniture Responsible for preparation and conduct of marriage services,.scheduling meetings and'services, following and implementing customei service policies. Function: By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 230 of 254 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Appendix "A" to Schedule "A" to B,lL20l0-018 -Page2 Principal Functions: Knows and is able to apply the legislative requirements of the Marriage Act and Regulations. Understands-dehnitions, who may marry - consent, authority to solemnize marriages, witnesses, role of Clerk or Administrator. Ensures marriage solemnization documents and statistical reports are reviewed with the Clerk and submitted to the Offrce of the Registrar General in a timely manner. Organizes and arranges all meetings with clients and conducts Civil Marriage Solemnization ceremonies . Ensures the Council Chambers is prepared for ceremonies. Responsible to greet clients, respond to solemnization inquiries, receive payments. by cheque or cash, issue receipts, submit funds to municipalþ promptly, complete marriage solemnization documents and record information in the register. Acts as initial contact on the telephone or email and taking appropriate action as required. Maintains an adequate stationery supply. Responsible for collecting, keeping and dispensing information under the supervision of the -Administrator under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information ønd Protectíon of Privacy Act. Identiff and address various scenarios, such as the need for an interpreter, under age marriage, request for a proxy, intoxication, mental illness and learn to handle these scenarios appropriately. Knows how to complete and process various registration documents and solemnization register. Understand what is mandatory and what else may be said during a ceremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an appropriate maûner using various scripts. Carries out additional duties and exercises such additional responsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator and / or as may be required by law. 1. 3. 9. 10. 11. 12. By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 231 of 254 MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM DELEGATION APPOINTMENT AND OATH OF'CTWL MARRRIAGE OFF'ICIANT MARION FAITII ROGERS I, Lynda Millard, Clerk of the Municþality of Bayham hereby appoint Ma¡ion Faith Rogers as a Marriage Officiant for the Municþality of Bayham and hereby delegate to her the powers and duties of the Clerk, in the conduct of Civil Marriage Officiant services including, but not limited to the following principal functions and responsibilities pursuant to the Municþal Act 2001, S.O., C25 228(4) & (5), Ontario Regulation 285/04 and the Marriage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 3 for the Province of Ontario. Principal Functions: 1. Knows and is able to apply the legislative reçirements of the Marriage Act and Regulations. Undersa¡rds definitiors,-wtio may marry - consent, authority to solemnize marriages, wiEresses, role of Clerk or Administr¿tor. 2. Ensures marriage solemnization docurnents and statistical feports a¡e reviewed wift the Clerk and submitted to the Office of the Registrar General in a timely mâilrcÍ. 3. Organizes and arranges all meetings with clients and conducts Civil Maniage Solemnization ceremorues. 4. Ensures the Council Chambers is prepared for cercmonies. 5. Responsible to greet clients, respond to solemnization inquiries, receive payntents by cheçe.or casli, iszue receipS, submit fuirds to municipality promptly, compleûe rr,arriage solemnization documents a¡rd record information in the register. 6. Acts as initial contact on the telephone or email and aking apprqriate action as required. 7. Maintains an adeçate stationery supply. 8. Responsible for collecting, keeping and dispensing information under the zupervisi- 9f ft- Adririnistrator under ttre ãutfrority ıf tne MuitícþaI Freedom of Infomøtion and Protectíon of Privacy Act. g. Identify and address various scenarios, zuch as the need for an interpreter, under age marriSge, requesi for a proxy, intoxication, mental illness and learn to handle these scena¡ios appropriaæly. 10. Knows how to complete ard process various registration documents and solemnization register. 11. Understa¡rd what is mandatory and what else may be said during a ceremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an appropriate manrpr using various scripts. 12. Carries out additional duties and exercises such additional reqponsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator and / or as may be required by law. Declared before me at the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin this day of A Commissioner, etc. 2010 Lynda Millard By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 232 of 254 Delegation Appointrnent & Oath of Maniage Officant - Rogers Page2 ¡ß++¡F +*¡Ft***++*¡t*+ *+'¡t++t+¡tt|F ++¡ß:t+t++++¡f t*+:ß*+*+ I, Marion Faith Rogers, named above, solemnly declare that I will act faithfully in the capacity set out in my appointment and perform all the duties required by law without partiality, fear or ¡ffection. Declared before me at the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin this day of 2010 Marion Faith Rogers A Commissioner, etc. By-Law 2010-018 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Rogers) Page 233 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-019 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF'AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MI]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM AND JACK C. \MIIARRAM JR. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an Employment agreement with Jack C. Wha¡ram Jr. for the position of Civil Marriage Officiant in the Municipality of Bayham; NOW THEREF'ORE TIIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule"A" and forming part of this by-law between Jack C. Wharram Jr. and the Municþality of Bayham. 2. TIIÄT this byJaw shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4TH DAY OF MARCH 2O1O MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 234 of 254 Schedule "A" to BlL2010-019 - Page I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENTmade as of this 4h dayof March 2010. BETWEEN: The Municipality of Bayham, A Corporation incorporated under the laws of the province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the (Municipality' OF THE FIRST PART; -and- Jack C. Wharam Jr. Of the Municipality of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, Hereinafter referred to as the "Employee" OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS the Municipality and the Employee have agreed to enter into this Agreement to set out the terms and conditions of employment by the Municipality of the Employee as Marriage Officiant. NO\M THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants exchanged between the parties herein, THE AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLO\ilS: Position and Term 1. The ernployment of the Employee under this Agreement shall commence and shall continue for a period of one year. 2. The Employee shall perform all the duties in the job description attached hereto as Appendix "4", and shall be performed pursuant to the provisions hereof, diligently and in good faith and with a view to the best interest of the Corporation. Remuneration and Benefits 3. The remuneration shall be paid to the Employee, as applicable, on a bi-weekly basis as follows per: . marriage ceremony¡ rehearsal. renewal of vows. cancellation or non-attendance of applicants $ 50.00 Mileage outside the boundaries of Bayham only shall be paid at arate of $0.45 per kilometre. Overnite accommodation $150 - $200 when required. Statutorybenefits on remuneration only shall apply. $12s.00 $ 7s.00 $ 75.00 By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 235 of 254 Schedule "4" to B/L2010-019 -Page2 Ilours of Work 4. The Employee shall be available on an as needed basis for a variable number of hours each week as duties require. Employment Conditions 5. Employment conditions may often be outside and can be expected to vary as weather and seasons change. Vacation 6. Vacation pay shall be paid as required by statute eachpay period. Termination 7. The Employee agre€s that the Municipality may terminate this employm.ent at any time without notice or compensation, for just cause. 8. The Corporation or the Employee may terminate this Agreement at any time on thirty (30) days written notice. Upon a breach of this agreement, either party may withdraw from the agreement without notice or cash in lieu of notice or other financial penalty. Renewal 9. This Agreeme'nt does not renew without the written agreement of the parties. ComFlete Agreement 10. Except as othen¡/ise noted herein, this Agreement sets out the entire agreement which the parties have entered into, and neither relies upon representations or terms not included herein. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. (Wiûress) )Jack C'Wha¡ram Jr. XThe Employee) ) ) The Municipality of Bayham XThe Corporation) ) ) )Mayor ) ) ) )Clerk By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 236 of 254 Position: Reports to: Knowledge: Experience: Leadership: Initiative/ Creativity: Contact: Decision Making: Working Conditions: Effort: Appendix "4" to Schedule "A" to BlL2010-019 - Page 1 MTINICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM JOB DESCRIPTION Marriage Olñciant Clerk or Administrator Excellent knowledge of the Mørriage Act and how to apply legislated requirements Should have a general understanding of other related provincial legislation Have completed or willing to complete the Civil Marriage Solemnization Training for Municipal Clerks or Designates Minimum of Secondary School Rlucation An equivalent combination of education and experience. Previous personal computer experience in a V/indows environment, including Microsoft Office is required. Minimat leadership is required. Considerable creativity is required in providing information and customer services to clients. Exercises initiative in providing innovative ideas in the conduct of marriage solemnizations. Monitors and improves effrciency and effectiveness of policies and procedures Considerable sensitive personal and telephone contact with the public, provincial offrcials, employees, and Council. Some judgement is required when assisting the public and provincial agencies with their inquiries. V/ork week is flexible based on needs of clients Must be able to attend evening events as deemed necessary by the Clerk or Administrator Duties will be conducted at home, in the municipal offrce and other locations and facilities as appropriate. with the new and furniture Responsible fo^r_preparation and conduct of marriage services,.scheduling meetings andìervices, followìng and implementing customei service policies. Function: By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 237 of 254 4. 5. Appendix "4" to Schedule "4" to BIL2010-019 -Page2 Principal tr'unctions: Knows and is able to apply the legislative requirements of the Marriage Act and Regulations. Understands definitions, who may marry - consent, authority to solemnize marriages, witnesses, role of Clerk or Administrator. Ensures marriage solemnization documents and statistical reports are reviewed with tlre Clerk and submitted to the Offrce of the Registrar General in a timely manner. Organizes and arranges all meetings with clients and co¡rducts Civil Marriage Solemnization ceremonies. Ensures the Council Charnbers is prepared for ceremonies. Responsible to greet clients, respond to solernnization inquiries, receive payments by cheque or cash, issue receipts, submit fuids to municipalþ promptþ, complete marriage solemnization documents and record information in the register. Acts as initial contact on the telephone or email and taking appropriate action as required. Maintains an adequate stationery supply. Responsible for collecting, keeping and dispensing information under the supervision of the Administrator under the authority of the Municþal Freedom of Informalíon and Protectíon of hivacy Act. Identiff and address various scenarios, such as the need for an interpreter, under age marriage, request for a proxy, intoxication, mental illness and learn to handle these scenarios appropriately. Knows how to complete and process various registration documents and solemnization register. Understand what is mandatory and what else may be said during a ceremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an appropriate manner using various scripts. Carries out additional duties and exercises such additional responsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator and / or as may be required by law. 1. 3. 9. 10. 11. 12. 6. 7. 8. By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 238 of 254 MT]MCIPALITY OF' BAYHAM DELEGATION APPOINTMENT AND OATH OF CIVIL MARRRIAGE OFFICIANT JACK C. \ilHARRAM JR. I, Lynda Millard, Clerk of the Municþality of Bayham hereby appoint Jack C. Wharram Jr. as a Marriage Officiant for the Municþality of Baytram and hereby delegate to him the powers and duties of the Clerlq in the conduct of Civil Marriage Officiant services including but not limited to the following principal functions and responsibilities pursuant to the Municþal Act 2001, S.O., C25 228(4) & (5), Onta¡io Regulation 2851M and the Marriage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 3 for the Province of Onta¡io. Principal Functir¡ns: 1. K¡nws arid is able to apply the legislative requirenrents of the Maniage Act and Regulations. Understands definitions,-wlio rnay marry - consent, authority to solemnize mariages, witnesses, role of Clerk or Administrator. 2. Ensurcs fnarriage solemnization docunpnts and statisticål r€,ports are reviewed with the Clerk a¡d submiued to the Offrce of ttre Regishar Cærpral in a timely ¡narurcr. 3. Organizes and arranges all nrcetings with clients ard conducts Civil Marriage Solemnization oere¡norues. 4. Ensures ttre Council Chambers is prepared for ceremonies. 5. Responsrble to greet clients, respond ûo solemnization inquiries, receive paynpnts by cfieçe.or casli, iszue receipts, zubmit fi¡nds to municþality promptly, conplete marriage solernnization docu¡nents and record information in the regisær. 6. Acts as initial contact on the telephore or email and taking apprqriate action as reEtired. 7. Maintains an adequate stâtioriery supply. 8. Responsible for collecting, keeping and dispensing information urtrr the zupervision 9f ttrc- Adrñinistator under tfre ãuürority of tne MaãicþøI Freedom of InfornøtÍon and ProtcctÍon of Prívacy Act. 9. Identiff and address various scenarios, zuch as the rced for an interpreter, under age marriage, reçest for a proxy, intoxication, mental ilkess ard learn to ha¡rdle these scena¡ios appropriaæly. 10. Knows how to complete and process various registration documents and solemnization register. 11. Understand what is mandatory ard what else may be said during a ceremony. Prepare and conduct the ceremony in an appropriate mar¡¡rcr using various scrþS. L2. Carries out additional duties ard exercises such additional reqponsibilities as assigned by the Clerk or Administrator arñ I or as may be required by law. Declared before me ¡t the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin this day of A Commissioner, etc. 2010 Lynda Millard By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 239 of 254 Delegation Appointrnent & Oath of Marriage Officant - Wha¡ram Page2 *¡¡¡È++++*t+tt+*'t++++*¡t++++t+*+++t+*¡¡*+++*+++¡t++:F I, Jack C. Wh¡rr¡m Jr, n¡med above, solemnly decl¡re th¡t I will act feithfully in the capacity set out in my eppointment rnd perform rll the dutÍes required by law without partiality, fear or affection Declared before me at the Municþality of Bayham in the County of Elgin thÍs day of 2010 Jack C. Wharram Jr. A Commissioner, etc. By-Law 2010-019 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an employment agreement (Wharram) Page 240 of 254 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-023 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BET\ilEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AI\D HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERYICES ACTING THROUGH THE CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARI) REGARDING THE ACCREDITATION OF THE OPERATING AUTHORITY OF MUNICIPAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS WHEREAS the CGSB has established an accreditation program for the purpose of ascertaining whether a party is capable of meeting the requirements under the Accreditation Program for Operating Authorities of Municipal Drinking Water Systems; AND \ilHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has made an Application to Canada representing that its services meet the requirements of Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard as well as the Program Handbook for the Accreditation of Operating Authorities - Municipal Drinking'Water Systems; AND }VHEREAS the CGSB has advised the Municipality of Bayham that it has been successful in meeting the requirements of Ontario's Drinking \ù/ater Quality Management Standard; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services respecting the Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Drinking Water Systems. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF MARCH 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 241 of 254 By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 242 of 254 THIS AGREEMENT made on the 23rdday of February 2010 BETWEEN Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ca¡rada as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Govemment Services acting through the Canadian General Standa¡ds Board (hereinafter referred to as "Canada") The Municipality of Bayham, a municipality incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada, and AND having its head ofhce in Straffordville, Ontario (hereinafter "the Operating Authority") AGREEMENT FOR THE ACCREDITATION OF THE OPERATING AUTHORITY OF MT]NICIPAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS WHEREAS Canad4 as represented by the Minister of Public Works a¡rd Govemment Services, has made the Canadian General Standards Board (hereinafter "the CGSB') responsible for the administration of certain accreditation programs; AI\D WHEREAS the CGSB has further to its ma¡rdate established an accreditation program for the purpose of ascertaining whether a party is capable of meeting the requirements under the Accreditation Program for Operating Authorities of Municipal Drinking Water Systems (hereinafter "the Accreditation Program"); AIìD WHEREAS the Operating Authority wishes to participate in and be listed under the Accreditation Program with respect to those of its Drinking Water Systems that are listed in the attached Schedule "B"; AND \VHEREAS the Operating Authority has made an Application to Canada representing that its services meet the requirements of Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standa¡d (hereinafter "the Standard") as well as the Program Handbook for the Accreditation of Operating Authorities - Municipal Drinking Water Systems (hereinafter "the Handbook"); AND \ilHEREAS Canada is prepared to list the Operating Authority under the Accreditation Program upon the terms and conditions and for the consideration set out herein; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, Canada and the Operating Authority (hereinafter collectively "the Parties") agree as follows: L Thìs non-exclusive Accreditation shall be for a term of three (3) years commencing the 23rd day of February 2010 and expiring on the 23rd day of February 2013. 2. The following listed documents form Agreement as fully and effectively as Agreement: a. These articles of Agreement; part of and are incorporated into this if they were set forth at length in this b. Schedule "4" - "Operating Authority's Application for Accteditation"; c. The Handbook d. Schedule Facilities". By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 243 of 254 In the event ofany discrepancies, inconsistencies or ambiguities in the wording of these documents, the wording of the document that first appears on the above list shall prevail. In the event that a document on the above list is intemally inconsistent or ambiguous, the wording that hrst appears in the document shall prevail over any subsequent wording in the document. Anplication 3. Canada declares, and the Operating Authority acknowledges, that Canada's decision to enter into this Agreement is based in part upon the Operating Authority's representations and undertakings that are set out in the Operating Authority's Application for Accreditation submitted by the Operating Authority. Listing in the Accreditation Prosram 4. During the term of this Agreement and subject to the conditions set out herein, Ca¡rada shall list the Operating Authorþ as a participant in the Accreditation Program provided that the Operating Authorþ satisfies on an ongoing basis the terms, conditions and other requirements of the Agreement of the Accreditation Program as detailed in the Handbook. 5. The Operating Authority agrees and covenants that it will comply with and perform all its obligations in accordance with the terms, conditions, specifications, representations, undertakings and other requirements of this Agreement, the Standard a¡rd the Handbook, during the term of this Agreement and for all its drinking water systems a¡rd facilities listed at Schedule "8", which may be amended from time to time through mutual agreement of CGSB and the Operating Authorþ, including taking responsibility for ensuring that: a. the Operating Authority continues to respect the representations made in the Operating Authority's Application for Accreditation (Schedule *4") throughout the term ofthis Agreement; and b. the Operating Authority reports to the CGSB, without any delay, any changes to its operations, facilities and procedures, or any other changes relative to its representations made in the Operating Authority Application for Accreditation (Schedule "4"). 6. Canada also reserves the right to change the Handbook at any time. If Canada amends the Ha¡rdbook, the Operating Authority will be notified that a new revision of the Handbook has been released, and it will be the sole responsibility of the Operating Authority to retrieve and implement the most cunent revision of the Handbook. If required, the Operating Authorþ will be given reasonable time to implement associated changes to its operations, facilities and procedures that are needed to conform to these amendments. After this time, Canada may require that the Operating Authority confirm in writing that it conforms to the revised Handbook. Failure to bring a listed facility into conformance with the revised Handbook within the time given for implementation shall be, at the option of Canad4 either grounds for de-listing or a default under this Agreement. 7. Similarly, the Province of Ontario may amend the Standard at any time. It is the sole responsibility of the Operating Authorþ to ensure that they monitor and conform to the most current revision of the Standa¡d. If required, the Operating Authority will be given reasonable time to implement associated changes to its operations, facilities and procedures that a¡e needed to conform to these amendments. After this time, Canada may require that the Operating Authority confirm in writing that it conforms to the revised Standa¡d. Failure to bring a listed facility into conformance with the revised Standard within the time given for implementation shall be, at the option of Canada, either grounds for de-listing or a default under this Agreement. By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 244 of 254 Withdrawal and/or Termination bv the Ooeratine Authoritv 8. The Operating Authority may, at any time, inform Canada in writing that it is withdrawing from the Accreditation Program. The Operating Authorþ shall no longer use the CGSB accreditation number. Upon the Operating Authority's formal withdrawal from the Accreditation Program, Canada shall not be obligated to repay any payment or portion of any payment made by the Operating Authority that corresponds to a period of time extending beyond the withdrawal from the Acc¡editation Program. The operating Authorþ may, aI the option of the operating Authority, terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days' written notice to Canada in the manner set forth and at the address listed at Article 28' Sisnifi cance of Accreditation 9. the Handbook a¡rd those of the Standard. The Operating Authority shall make no other implied or express representations as to the meaning of such a listing. The Operating Authority the listing of the Operating Authority under the way relieves the Operating Authority of the duty ons applicable to the industry and to maintain a c gent program and a quality management system to ensure that the Operating Authority meets or exceeds the requirements of the Handbook and the Standard. Asreement to use the CGSB Accreditation number 10. During the term of this Agreement a¡rd subject to the terms and conditions set out herein, Canada hereby grants the Operating Authority the right to use the CGSB accreditation number in accordance with section l0 0f the Handbook, "use of the CGSB name and Accreditation number". 1 l. Canada shall have the right to preview and approve the use of its name, the CGSB acc¡editation number or any other representation of its Accreditation Program before publication, printing or other use by the Operating Authority. This right includes the right to preview any other claim or representation made by the Operating Authority in or on advertising, promotional materials or labels that have not been assessed and listed by Canada. 12. that the that all inure to bjects to number by the Operating Authority, the Operating Authority will have to cease such use immediately. The Operating Authority agrees that it will do nothing inconsistent with Canada's ownership of and title to the CGSB accreditation number, or with the rights provided to the operating Authority under this Agreement re ion number. Nothing in this Agreement shall give th right, title or interest in the CGSB accreditation to use the number in accordance with this Agteement. 13. The failure of the Operating Authority to confotm to the terms, conditions and covenants contained in this Agreement shall entitle Canadq acting reasonably at its sole discretion, to terminate the Agreement. The Operating Authority agrees that the breach ofany term, condition or covenant contained in Section l0 ofthe Handbook, "Use of the CGSB name and Accreditation number", or Articles l0 to 13 of this Agreement, or any use of the CGSB accreditation number without By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 245 of 254 14. Canada's prior consent, will cause ineparable injury to Canada. The Operating Authority therefore agrees, in the event ofany such breach, and notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement, that it will not oppose Canada's request to a court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive relief preventing the Operating Authority's continued use of the CGSB accreditation number. The Operating Authority shall immediately notify Canada of any apparent infringement of or challenge or claim by any person relating to the CGSB accreditation number. Canada shall have the exclusive right to control as it sees fit, in its sole discretion, any settlement, litigation or other proceeding relating to such infringement, challenge or claim or otherwise relating to the CGSB accreditation numbe¡. Accreditation Program Fees 15. Each year during the term of this Agreement, in consideration of the non-exclusive accreditation granted by Canada hereby, and in consideration of Canada's activities relating to its management of the Accreditation Program and its listing of the Operating Authority as a participant, the Operating Authority shall pay to Canada fees and charges as detailed at Section 9, "Costing", ofthe Handbook. 16. Payment of the said fees and charges shall be made in the manner set forth at Section 9, "Costing", ofthe Handbook. Interest on Late Pavments 17. The Operating Authority shall be liable to pay to Canada simple interest at the Bank Rate, plus tkee percent (3.00%), on any overdue amount fiom the date such amount became overdue until the date prior to the date of payment, inclusively. 18. ForthepurposesofArticle 17 a. ari amount is "due and payable" when it is due and payable by the Operating Authority to Canada pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; b. an amount is "overdue" when it is unpaid on the first day following the day that it is due and payable; c. "date of payment" means the date on which the payment of the fees and charges detailed in Section 9, "Costing", of the Handbook is received by Canada; and d. "Bank Rate" means the prevailing discount rate ofinterest set by the Bank of Canada at the opening of business on the date the amount of the fees and charges detailed in Section 9, "Costing", ofthe Handbook become overdue. Termination for Default 19. Canada may terminate this Agreement upon giving written notice to the Operating Authority in the event that a. the Operating Authority fails, refuses or neglects, or is unable to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement; b. the Operating Authorþ fails to comply with the provisions of its Application for Accreditation (Schedule "4"); c. the Operating Authority fails to comply with the requirements of the Sta¡rdard or the Handbook; By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 246 of 254 20. d. the Operating Authority fails to respect any of the time periods stipulated, referred to or set in accordance with this Agreement; or e. any amount payable by the Operating Authority to Canada under the terms of this Agreement remains unpaid for more than sixty (60) days. This Agreement shall terminate without notice, and all rights accorded to the Operating Authority under this Agreement shall be terminated, if the Operating Authorþ a. applies for or consents to the appointment of a receiver, receiver manager, trustee or liquidator for itself or any of its property; b. is unable or admits its inability to pay its debts as they become due; c. makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; d. is adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent; or e. files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or a petition seeking reorganization or arrangement with creditors; takes adværtage of any insolvency law; admits to the material allegations of a petition filed against it in any bankruptcy, reorganization or insolvency proceeding; initiates a corporate action to effect any of the foregoing; or if an order is made or a resolution passed for the winding up of the Operating Authority. The Operating Authority shall be liable to Canada for all loss and damage that may be suffered by Canada by reason of any default on the part of the Operating Authorþ. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, upon termination of this Agreement for any reason of default by the Operating Authority, all fees and charges that a¡e owing pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall immediately become due and payable, and in no event shall Canada become obligated to repay any payment made or any portion of a payment that has been made and that corresponds to a period of time that extends beyond the date of termination by reason ofdefault. Termination bv Canada 23. Ca¡rada may, at the option of Canada, and in addition to the provisions of Article 20 herein, terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days' written notice to the Operating Authority in the manner set forth and at the address listed at Article 28. 24. In the event Canada terminates this Agreement for any reason other than the Operating Authority's default in respecting any of its obligations hereunder, the annual Program Management charges will be prorated according to the number of days of the then current year during which this Agreement is in effect, and the remaining portion for that year will be reimbursed to the Operating Authority. In the event, however, that the Operating Authority terminates this Agreement pursuant to A¡ticle 8 hereot then the Operating Authority shall not be entitled to any reimbursement. Indemnitv 25. Without limiting Ca¡rada's remedies and recourses at law, the Operating Authority covenants and agrees to indemnif, and save harmless Canada' the Minister of Public Works and Govemment Services Canada and their servants and agents from and against 2t. 22. By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 247 of 254 any damages, costs or expenses or any claim, action, suit or other proceeding that they or any of them may at any time incur or suffer as a result of or arising out of any injury to persons (including injuries resulting in deatþ or loss of or damage to property of others that may be or be alleged to be caused by or suffered as a result of i. the Operating Authority's operations, facilities and procedures; ii. the provision of a service by or for the Operating Authority and in connection with which the CGSB accreditation number is used, whether such use is authorized or unauthorized; or iii. any other act or omission of the Operating Authority; any and all liability, loss, cost, damages, legal fees and expenses ofwhatever kind or nature that Canada may sustain or incur by reason or in consequence of any act or omission of the Operating Authority in respect of the right granted herein to use the CGSB accreditation number or display the certificate issued by Canada, or the right to use or the use of the CGSB accreditation number in connection with any product and/or facilities, whether authorized or unauthorized; and any reasonable costs that may be sustained or incurred by Canada in making any investigation on account of any such liability, loss, cost, damage, legal fees or expenses in defending or prosecuting any action, suit or other proceeding that may be brought in connection therewith or in obtaining a release from liability in connection therewith, or in enforcing any of the obligations herein contained. Canada shall give notice to the Operating Authority of any claim, action, suit or proceeding referred to above. To the extent requested by the Attomey General of Canadq the Operating Authority shall, at its own expense, participate in or conduct the defense of any such claim, action, suit or proceeding and any negotiations for settlement of the same, but the Operating Authorþ shall not be liable to indemnifr Canada for payment of any settlement unless it has consented to the settlement. Assignment 26. This Agreement is personal to the Operating Authority and shall not be assigned or otherwise encumbered by the Operating Authority or by operation of law, in whole or in part. Any purported assignment or encumbrance of this Agreement by the Operating Authority shall be null and void. Tirne is of the Essence 27. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement. Notice 28. a. Any notice shall be in writing and may be delivered by hand or sent by e-mail, by courier, by registered mail or by facsimile or other electronic means that provides a paper record ofthe text ofthe notice, and addressed to the Party for whom it is intended at the address set out below. Any notice shall be deemed to be effective on the day it is received at that address. a. b. By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 248 of 254 For the Operating Authorþ' to: Water/Wastewater Superintendent Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, PO Box 160 Straflordville, Onta¡io (Canada) NOJ IYO For Canada' to: Director Canadian General Standa¡ds Board I I Laurier Street, Place du Portage Phase III, 6Bl Gatineau, Quebec (Canada) KIA IG6 b. Either pa¡ty may, by written notice to the other, change its address for purposes ofthis a¡ticle. In the event that any notice sent to the address set out in this article, or in the latest address change notice received by the party sending undelivered by reason ofthe fact that the party to moved or does not occupy the designated address, ess be deemed to have been received by such party on the date it was sent. Miscellaneous 29. This Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws in effect in the Province of Ontario. 30. No member of the House of Commons shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit to a¡ise therefrom. 3 L a. The Operating Authority certifies that it has not, directly or indirectly, paid or agreed to pay and agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, pay a contingency fee for the solicitation, negotiation or obtaining ofthe Agreement to any person other than an employee of the Operating Authority acting in the normal course ofthe employee's duties. In this article, "contingency fee" means any payment or other compensation that depends or is calculated on the basis of a degree of success in soliciting, negotiating or obtaining the Agreement, and "person" includes any individual who is required to file a retum with the Commissioner of Lobbying pursuarit to section 5 of the Lobbyíng Act, 1985, c.44 (4rh Supp'); "employee" means a person with whom the Operating Authority has an employer-employee relationship; and "person" means corPoration, a partnership, an restricting the generality of the le a retum with the Commission LobbYing Act, 1985, c. 44 (4th Supp.) as the same may be amended from time to time. b. All accounts and records of the Operating Authority pertaining to payment of fees or other compensation for the solicitation, negotiation or obtaining ofthis Agreement shall be open to audit, inspection and examination by the authorized representatives of the CGSB, who may make copies and take By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 249 of 254 32 extracts therefrom. The Operating Authority shall provide all facilities for such audits and inspections and shall fumish all such information as the representatives of the CGSB may from time to time require with respect to such accounts and records. c. If the Operating Authority certifies falsely under this article or is in default of the obligations contained herein, the CGSB may either terminate this Agreement for default in accordance with the termination for default provisions of the Agreement or recover from the Operating Authorþ the full amount ofthe contingency fee. a. Persons in Canada, and Canadians outside ofCanada are bound by economic sanctions imposed by Canada. Details on existing sanctions can be found at www. dfait-maeci. gc. caltrade/sanctions-en.asp. b. The Operating Authority undertakes and agrees that it will, in the performance of this Agreement, comply with any such regulations that are in force on the effective date of the Agreement. c. The Operating Authority must comply with changes to such regulations imposed during the period of the Agreement. The Operating Authority must immediately advise Ca¡rada if it is unable to abide by the terms of the Agreement or the other documents listed at A¡ticle 2 of this Agreement, as a result of the imposition of economic sanctions against a country or person ot the addition of a good or service to the list of sanctioned goods or services. If the Parties cannot agree on a workaround plan, the Agreement will be terminated. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Canada and the Operating Authority relating to the subject matter of the Agreement and supersedes all previous negotiations, communications and other agreements, whether written or oral, relating to it, unless they are incorporated by reference in the Agreement. There are no terms, covenants, representations, statements or conditions binding on the Parties other than those contained in the Agreement. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the successors and permitted assignees of Canada and of the Operating Authority. AII of the Operating Authority's representations and warranties set out in this Agreement as well as the provisions conceming indemnity against third patty claims shall survive the expiry of the Agreement or the termination of the Agreement for default, for convenience or by mutual consent, as shall any other provision of the Agreement that, by the nature of the rights or obligations set out therein, might reasonably be expected to be intended to so survive. No amendment or modification to this Agreement shall be valid and binding unless it is incorporated into the Agreement by written amendment executed by the authorized representatives ofboth Canada and the Operating Authority. No waiver shall be valid, binding or affect the rights of the Parties unless their respective authorized representatives make it in writing. The waiver by a Party of a b¡each ofany term or condition ofthe Agreement shall not prevent the enforcement ofthat term or condition by that Party in the case ofa subsequent breach, and shall not be deemed or constitute a waiver ofany subsequent breach. Every right, remedy, power and discretion vested in or acquired by Canada under this Agreement or by law shall be cumulative and non-exclusive. JJ. 34. 35. 36 37. By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 250 of 254 IN WITNESS \ilHEREOF this Agreement hes been duly executed on behalf of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA, as represented by the Minister of Publics Works and Government Seruices acting througb the Canadian General standards Board, ând has been duly executed on bebalf of THE MIINICIPALITY oF BAYHAM, the operating Authority, by its duly authorized officer effective the day and year first above wriften. MINISTER OF PUBLIC \ilORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES (as represented by and acting through the Canadian General Standards Board) Name/title: Terrence Davies / Director, Canadian General Standards Board OPERATING AUTHORITY (The Municipality of Bayham) Name/title: rüitness Name/title: By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 251 of 254 SCHEDULE "4" APPLICATION AND UNDERTAKING As per the signed application dated the 23rd day ofApril 2009 l0 By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 252 of 254 SCHEDULE "B'' DRINKING \ilATER SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES Drinking Water System Name(s) / Address(es): Municipality of Bayham Distribution System Communities of Port Burwell and Vienna By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 253 of 254 By-Law 2010-023 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Accreditation of the Operating Authority of Municipal Page 254 of 254