HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 04, 2010 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, February 4, 2010 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:00 p.m. - Elgin County OPP Inspector - Detachment Commander Ryan Cox, Police Services Board representatives John Wilson and Kathleen Schaper regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Management Strategy and Police Services Board 2010 Budget. Item 8(a) (b)7:20 p.m. - Vienna Citizens Group regarding Vienna's Old Town Hall. (c)7:30 p.m. - Matt Redsell regarding Water & Sewer Rates. (d)7:40 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal - regarding Estherville Cemetery. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence dated January 11, 2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "2009 Successes and 2010 Annual Conference". File: A01 (b)Correspondence dated December 15, 2009 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Revised Planning Act regulations to comply with recommendations of the Propane Safety Review Panel". File: A16 7-17 19-21 23 25-26 Page 1 of 261 Council Agenda February 4, 2010 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (c)Correspondence from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Report of the 2010 - 2011 Nominating Committee". File: A01 (d)News Release dated January 14 & 19, 2010 from Ontario Provincial Police regarding various matters. File: P17 (e)Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held November 18, 2009. File: C06 (f)Bayham Health & Safety Committee minutes of meeting held November 27, 2009. File: C06 (g)Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2010-03 regarding Residential Accessory Uses - Commercial Zones. File: D14 (b)Staff Memorandum regarding County Official Plan Process. File: D08 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 (b)Staff Report PR2010-01 regarding Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance. File: T09 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Management Strategy and Police Services Board 2010 Budget. 27-28 29-30 31-34 35 37-45 47-48 49-64 65-117 119-124 125-157 Page 2 of 261 Council Agenda February 4, 2010 Page 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES File: P17 (b)Staff Report P2010-001 regarding Building Department Year End Report 2009. File: P10 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending January 10 & 24, 2010 totaling $57,973.09 & $41,942.04 respectively. (b)Staff Memorandum regarding RED and CAF Funding Reallocation. File: F05 (c)Correspondence dated January 15, 2010 from Eden & Area Community Centre regarding renovation. File: A19 (d)Draft By-Law 2010-008 being a by-law to appoint Municipal officers and employees for the Municipalilty of Bayham. File: 2010-008 (e)Staff Memorandum C2010-01 regarding Council Meeting Schedule. File: A09 (f)Staff Report C2010-001 regarding 2010 Fence Viewer Appointments. File: C12 (g)Staff Report C2010-002 regarding 2010 Committee / Board Appointments. File: C12 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009 and Call Outs. FileL: E08 (b)Bayham Small Municipal Non Residential Wells Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009. File: E08 (c)Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Quarterly Report ending December 31, 2009 including Biosolids Application Analysis and Call Outs. 159-160 161-186 187 189 191-192 193 195-197 199-200 201-206 207-209 211-213 Page 3 of 261 Council Agenda February 4, 2010 Page 10.ENVIRONMENT File: E08 (d)Staff Report E2010-003 regarding Summary of Amendments to O.Reg. 170/03 related to Community Lead Testing Programs. File: E01 (e)Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 (f)Staff Report E2010-001 regarding Household Hazardous Waste / Large Item Disposal. File: E09 (g)Correspondence received January 19, 2010 from John D. Wylie regarding "Utility Bill - 23 Brock St., Port Burwell. File: C13 (h)Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010. (c)Confidential verbal report regarding labour relations. (d)Confidential verbal report regarding labour relations. (e)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2010-001 A By-Law to appoint members to Boards and Committees (b)By-Law 2010-006 A By-Law to appoint Fence Viewers and set remuneration (c)By-Law 2010-008 A By-Law to appoint Officers and Employees (d)By-Law 2010-010 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT 215-219 221-232 233 235 237-250 251-255 257 259-260 261 Page 4 of 261 Council Agenda February 4, 2010 Page 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment Page 5 of 261 Page 6 of 261 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, January 14,2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor L¡mn Acre, Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill. Public Works Manager Gerry LeMay and Treasure¡ Suzanna Dieleman Mantel were in attendance to present their respective reports. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTER"EST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17,2009. 2010-00t Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held December 17,2009 be amended to include the listing of the Closed Session minutes of December 3, 2009; AND THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held December 17,2009 be approved as amended." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) 2010-002 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93' Correspondence dated January 12,2010 from Seaport Management Corporation regarding Market Demand and Feasibility for Ferry Services Page 1 ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 7 of 261 Council Minutes be added to the agenda as item 5(p)." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS January 14,2010 (a) 7:05 p.m. - Matthew Redsell regarding timing of agenda publishing Matthew Redsell spoke to Council regarding the timing of the publishing of the agenda vs. time required for research/preparation and the opportunity for the public to express opinions to Council. He requested Council consider moving the publishing of the agenda to the Friday prior. (b) 7:15 p.m. - Doug Lester representing the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce regarding lnternational Ferry Service Feasibility and Irnpact Study Doug Lester thanked Council for their efforts in the Ferry proposal process and advised that the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce membership is evenly divided as to whether or not to continue with Phase II of the Ferry Feasibility Study. He noted that should Council decide not to pursue the Phase II, OVCC has suggestions for other projects the municipality could pursue for the betterment of the community. (c) 7:25 p.m. - Sean Hurley regarding lnternational Ferry Service Feasibility and knpact Study Doug Lester spoke on behalf of Sean Hurley, who was scheduled to be a delegation but at the last minute was unable to attend. Again Doug Lester thanked Council for their efforts in the Ferry proposal process and briefly presented Mr. Hurley's opinion and points from the written submission. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Copy of resolution passed December 8,2009 by the Township of Mapleton regarding "Wind Energy Project". File: ClO (b) Correspondence dated December 15,2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) Allocations Announcement". File: 401 (c) Heads Up Alert dated December 16,2009 from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Long Combination Vehicles operations". File: 401 (d) Correspondence dated December 7 ,2009 from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding "Ontario Heritage Week 2010 - February 15 to 21". File A0l Page2ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 8 of 261 Council Minutes January 14,2010 (e) Correspondence dated December 2I,2009 from Trans Canada Trail regarding "annual report and recent developments". File: 401 (Ð Corresponce received from Communities in Bloom Ontario regarding "2010 Programs". File: 401 (g) Correspondence dated December 4,2009 from Steve Peters, M.P.P. to the Minister of Finance regarding "Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund". File: 416 (h) Copy of conespondence dated December 8, 2009 from Ministry of the Environment to Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "Long Point Region High Use Watershed Designation". File: 416 (Ð LPRCA Media Release dated Decembet 14,2009 regarding 'LPRCA Will be Moving". File: 416 0) Edison Museum Building Committee minutes of meeting held December 18, 2009. File: C06 (k) Elgin Business Resource Centre newsletter dated January 2010. File: M07 0) OPP news releases dated December 18, 2009 and January 5,2010 regarding various items. File: P17 (m) South West Local Health Integration Network highlights of Board of Directors meeting held December 9,2009. File: S08 (n) Bayham Historical Society draft minutes of meeting held December 10, 2009. File: C06 (o) Correspondence received January I l, 2010 from Village of Grand River, Ohio regarding "International Ferry Feasibility Study - Phase 1 Draft Report". File: D06 (p) Correspondence dated January 12,2010 from Seaport Management Corporation regarding "Market Demand and Feasibilþ for Ferry Services". File: D06 2010-003 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Page3 of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 9 of 261 Council Minutes January 14,2010 "THAT information items 5(a) through 5(p) be received for information." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 6. PLA¡ÍNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM (a) StaffReport D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillip$ Consent Application E94109. File: D10.09 911772 OntInc 2010-004 Moved by Councillor E Ketchab Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report D2010-01 regarding 911772 (Phillips) Consent Application ß,94109 be received; AND THAT according to the Bayham Official Plan Natural Heritage policies the application be circulated to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and Ministry of Natural Resources to obtain comments for Council's consideration; A¡ID THEREFORE Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application 894/09, submitted by 911772 Ontario Inc, be deferred." CARRIED I.JNANIMOUSLY O) Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application E97109. File: D10.09 Graydon 2010-005 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw *THAT Staff Report D2010-02 regarding Graydon Consent Application f,97109 be received; AND THAT Council requests the Elgin County Land Division Committee defer severance applicationE9Tl09, submitted by Brian Richard Graydon, to provide opportunity for the applicant to prepare and present more det¿iled planning justification in accordance to the "Agriculture" policies of the Official Plan." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page4ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 10 of 261 Council Minutes 7. ROADS. AGRICT'LTURE & DRAINAGE January 14,2010 (a) Staff Report PW2010-01 regarding Year End Report. File: T06 2010-006 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport PW2010-01 regarding Year End Report be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit report for month ending December 31,2009. File:PlO 2010-007 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylo 'TTHAT Building Permit for the month ending I)ecember 31' 2009 be received for information. rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report P2009-037 regarding Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus. File: Pl6 2010-008 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier *THAT Staff ReportP2009-037 regarding the Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus be received for information: AND the funds from the sale of the Surplus Fire Department Pump Apparatus be applied to the Fire Department Apparatus Reserve account " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINAI\CE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques Page 5 of 11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 11 of 261 Council Minutes January 14,2010 #7 7 80, #7 593, #7 7 I 5 and #7 7 4l totaling $345,3 69.40 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending December L3, 2009 and Decemb er 27, 2009 totaling $87,393.3 1 and $47 .256.06 respectively. 2010-009 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #7698 to Cheque #7819 inclusive, except Cheques #7 7 80, #7 593, #7 7 15 and #7 7 41 totalin g $345,3 69.40 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending December 13 and 27,2009 totaling $87,393.3 I and $47,256.06 respectively be approved. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report F2009-49 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.10 2010-010 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT StaffReport F2009-49 regarding Water and Sewer Rates be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-005, being a byJaw to amend ByJaw 2004-015, being a by-law to set water and sewer rates be presented to Council for enactment.tt CARRIED (c) Staff Report F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws. File: F03 2010-01 I Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT StaffReport F2010-01 regarding Yearly Update to By-laws be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-002, being a byJaw to provide for an Interim Tax Levy for 2010 and By-Law 2010-003, being a byJaw to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending Page6ofl1 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 12 of 261 Council Minutes January 14,2010 I)ecember 31r2010, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) StaffReport L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010. File: L5.l 2010-012 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT StaffReport L2010-01 regarding Municipal Insurance Renewal - 2010 be received; AND THAT the 2010 Municipal insurance program be obtained from Jardine Ltoyd Thompson Canada Inc. in accordance with the offer to renew dated December 17, 2009, tt a total premium of $107,165 plus applicable taxes.rt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) StaffMemorandumregardingHarbourfrontCommittee Membership. File: 401 2010-013 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding Harbourfront Committee Membership be received; AND THAT the application period be extended with notice being placed on the Municipal website." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Staff Memorandum regarding Natural Gardens and Animal Conhol Advisory Group. File: 401 20r0-0t4 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding Natural Gardens and Animal Control Page7ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 13 of 261 Council Minutes January 14,2010 Advisory Group be received; AND THAT the following be appointed to the Natural Gardens and Animal Control Advisory Group: Deborah Arlow, William Gheysen, Craig Gregson, Sean Hurleyr l)ave Racz, Matt Redsell, Julie Van Den Nest, Patrick Van Den NesÇ Lynn .A.cre.'l CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held December 9,2009. Council action required regarding item 7(d) map. File: C06 2010-015 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held December 912009 be received; AND THAT Council authorize the production of the digital copy by Aylmer Express and printing by Sportswood Printing 250 copies of the 1910 Middlesex-Elgin Map.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) Correspondence dated December 14,2009 from the Township of Malahide and correspondence dated December 23,2009 from the Town of Aylmer to the Township of Malahide regarding "Doors Open East Elgin". File: ,4.16 2010-016 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT correspondence from the Township of Malahide and the Town of Aylmer regarding Doors Open East Elgin be received; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports the resolution of the Township of Malahide to defer the next Doors Open East Elgin event until 2011." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PageSofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 14 of 261 Council Minutes January 14,2010 (Ð International Ferry Service - Feasibilþ and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary. (full report available at the Bayham Municipal Office or on the Municipal website) File: F11 20t0-0t7 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor "THAT the International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study Phase I Executive Summary be received; AI\D THAT staff be directed to advise CPCS that the Municipality will not be pursuing Phase II of the International Ferry Service - Feasibility and Impact Study." Recorded Vote wøs requested In Favour Ooposed Councillor Casier Møyor Acre Deputy Møyor Evøni*ki Councillor Tøylor Councillor Ketchabaw Motion Canied on a vote of 3 to 2 in favour IO. ENVIRONMENT 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2010-018 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 9:05 p.m. to discuss: . labour relations or employee negotiations; . litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page9ofll Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 15 of 261 Council Minutes January 14,2010 (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 17,2009 (c) Confidentialcorrespondenceregarding labourrelations. (d) Confidential verbal report regarding labour relations. (e) Confidential correspondence regarding litigation orpotential litigation. (Ð Out of Camera. 2010-019 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor 'TTHAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 9:38 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 20t0-020 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT the resignation of Suzanna I)ieleman Mantel, Municipality of Bayham Treasurer, effective January 22,2010 be accepted with regret." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2010-002 A By-Law to provide for an interim tax levy (b) By-Law 2010-003 A By-Law to authorize bonowing from time to time to meet current expenditures (c) By-Law 2010-004 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (oMEGA) (d) By-Law 2010-005 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2004-015 (water and sewer rates) 2010-02t Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "TIIAT By-Laws 2010-002,2010-003,2010-004 and 2010-005 be read a first, second and third time and fìnally passed." Page 10 of 11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 16 of 261 Council Minutes CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY January 14,2010 (e) By-Law 2010-007 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 20t0-022 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT confirming By-Law 2010-007 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2010-023 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p,m." CARRTED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 1l of11 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2010.Page 17 of 261 Page 18 of 261 + Vfaste water and úlater in Bayham* Earlier this month I noticed an item on wat.er on the council agenda. Council- approved the staff recommendations with littl-e j-n the way of questions. I did some investigation and Kyle sent me the study of 2006 entitl-ed: MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WATER & WASTEI/ÙATER RATE STUDY May 25, 2006 Staffs report at the l-ast meeting recommended the foll-owing: *Vlastewater* "It is recommended by staff that a monthly rate of $40.60 be set for 2010 ($39.04 in 2009)." /I note that there r^ras no provision for reducing expenses which for most peopl-e is far better than raisi-ng taxes and that no actual- figures where presented to justify the rate and Suzanne simply fol-l-owed the budget l-aid out in the above mentioned rate study. I gather that things seem in good order financial-ly so that this was feft untouched but no real figures where presented. / *lVater* The report by Suzanne stated "Secondary system rates are increasing between 10 and f2 ? each year which is abouL 262 of the cost of running the water system. " "Idea11y, our rates shoul-d j-ncrease a minimum of 8åo each year for the next three years. " . " Council- does need to be aware, however, that rates wil-l- need to increase in much higher increments at some point to ensure that reserve requirements are met in future years. " Although staff recommend an 8? increase, it is suggested that rate increases could be set at 5 ? for 20L0. 7:30 p.m. - Matt Redsell regarding Water & Sewer Rates.Page 19 of 261 The base monthly rate could remain at $11 .47 and the consumption rate be set at $2.55 for 2010." /According to the study above the budget was for a rate of $1.99 per cubic meter and a monthly base charge of $11.30 Vühere are the figures to justify where we are at today? / On the 2010 chart from the study of residentiaf customers we shoufd have abouL 197 users. The costs without the water costs is $551,I9'l-port Burwel-l- secondary system costs of $384,338 then add the reserve costs + $40,000 and that gives $206,859 so divide that by the 791 users and you geL $26I per year or $21.79 per month. The water costs for 2010 are listed as $384,338 with a consumption of 40'7,I24 cubic meters so each cubic meter shoul-d cost $.94 Our Current monthl-y base rate is ç22.94 wj-th a cubic meter charge of ç2.A3.Where is the data to justify these rates? The Totaf Vrlater BiJ-ling recovery figure of $637,840 came from on Tabl-e 7 with a reserve contribution of S2'70,000 whereas Tabl-e 5-1 says $4'lI,542 with a $40,000 reserve contribution. If we had the total cost of the system of $631,840 shared by the 791 users then the rate woul-d be $806 per year or $67.19 per month base rate and obvj-ously we opted for something other than what b¡as recommended by the study for the water costs. If we have opted for the lower reserve contributj-on what is the result of this and what does our future hold for the water supply? As the way the system is defined every user has an equal- share of the cost for the basic water service and onfy the cost of the water is shared. As this stands those who use l-ess water are subsidizing those who use more water. A fairer system woul-d be to have the base rate change according to the usage so that those who conserve are not subsidizing those who use more water and this kind of bifl-ing would support more conservation of water. A quick l-ook at water waste around the home j-s quickÌy identì-fied. V,Iaiting for hot water to come out of the tap, using drinking water in our toifets and washing our c.l-othes with drinkinq water. 7:30 p.m. - Matt Redsell regarding Water & Sewer Rates.Page 20 of 261 Tf you further this dj-scussion one can soon see that our water and waste water systems are unsustainabfe wil-l- soon be beyond our abil-ities to pay for them. There are many things that should be encouraged. I am deveJ-oping a simple and effective way to reduce the water we waste waiting for the hot to arrive and it wil-l- be demonstrated in my home in then next few months. This kind of device coul-d be buil-t here in Bayham from very simple items in home workshops. û{e could al-so be using our wash water to flush toil-ets. We coul-d also be using ground water to wash cfothes and take showers which is al-ready installed in my home and I do not burn any fossil- fue.l-s or use el-ectricity to heat my water. There are many sj-mple solutions, why are we we waiting untiJ- we have used up al-l- of our and we are out of money? Mat Redsel-l- Feb 4, 2010 mat redsel-l- http: //www. continuo. com/ not exploring them? V{hy are energy intensive options 7:30 p.m. - Matt Redsell regarding Water & Sewer Rates.Page 21 of 261 Page 22 of 261 Association of A ttt OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Municipalities of Ontario Members of Council January'11,2010 As 2010 begins, it is time to reflect on the progress that we have made as an order of government and what lies ahead. First - your Association wants to congratulate you on the leadership that you bring to the daily lives of those in your æmmunity and for the support that you offer to this Association. The Board has had another busy year advancing good public policy that serves our communities and property taxpayers and in developing programs through our corporation, Local Authority Services, which help you stretch those precious tax dollars. We have seen unprecedented investment in infrastructure across Ontario. Municipal governments have stepped up to the plate and are actively contributing to the province's economic recovery. We have successfully seen the extension of the federal gas tax and I can tell you that your Association has had consistent high marks through various audits for its administration as well as demonstrating the environmental outcomes of its investment. We know that every dollar of infrastructure investment, whether gas tax, economic stimulus or your own capital dollars means jobs through the entire construction supply chain. And our capacity to do so is in part because of the significant upload of social assistance programs. The wisdom of the PMFSDR agreement continues to be evident. For example, the Ontario Disability Support Program costs alone are about $35 million larger than was estimated in 2008. Many of the PMFSDR outcomes are in implementation mode - including work to revamp human services delivery to have the 'client' as the focus, not an administrative manual. Work on courts security and roads/bridges review are progressing as well. The Association is particularly proud that our core advocacy resulted in renewed housing funding - $100 million from the province and another $1.2 billion in combined federal-provincial funding in their 2009 budgets. And for many of Ontario's northern and rural municipalities, we were successful in preserving some of the 'mitigation' component of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund for 2010. lt is not all that we hoped for, but up against the province's ever growing health transfers and an almost $25 billion provincial deficit, it is a much better outcome than the zero that we feared. These are but a few of our successes in 2009. As we look ahead, your Board will continue its policy and advocacy work on the environmental fronts - integrated waste management including full extended producer responsibility, climate change and energy conservation and joint and severable liability to name but just a few of the areas where outcomes will have direct benefit for your citizens. And we stand on guard to protect all the financial gains that we have made over the years. I hope you agree that your 2009 membership fee has resulted in solid returns. Considering the times that we are working in, your Board has approved a modest increase of 1.5% in membership for this year. ln addition, the registration fee for the annual conference is being kept at the 2009 rate. The theme for the conference is 'Propelling Economic Prosperity' and we want as many municipal officials to attend - to garner new ideas, to explore innovations to community well-being, and we will celebrate municipal ingenuity and leadership in the path to economic recovery. The early bird registration closes Friday, 4pri123,2010. On behalf of your Board of Directors, we know that as we look forward, we can count on your membership support 200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON MsH 3C6 Canada i i r¡m¡,v.amop¡-ca Tel: (416) 971-9856 i Fax: (416) 971-6191 ¡ E-mail: amo(ôemg.on.ca Toll-free in Ontario: 1 -87 7 -426-6527 Correspondence dated January 11, 2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "2009 Successes and 2010 Page 23 of 261 Page 24 of 261 :n AU=Ministry of MunicipalAffairc and Housing Local Government and Planning'Policy Division 777 Bay Street, 13th Floor Toronto 0N M5G 2E5 Phone: (416)585-6320Fax (416) 585-6463 Division des administations locales et des politiques d'aménagement Tl7.,Rue Bay, 13'étage Toronto 0N MsG 2E5 Téléphone: (416) 585-6320 ' Télécopieur: (416) 585-6463 Ministère des Affa¡res mun¡c¡pales et du logement ntario December 15, 2009 Dear: Municipal Clerk; Municipal Planning Official, Secretary-Treasurer of Planning Boards RE: Revised Planning Acf regulations to comply with recommendations of the Propane. Safety Review Panel ln August, 2008 the goverRment announced a comprehensive safety review of the storage, handling, location and transport of propane in Ontario, focusing on propane related legislation and associated regulatíons. As part of that review, an independent Propane Safety Review Panel was retained to make recommendations to improve the safety standards of propane operating systems. As part of its findings, the Panel recommended that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing amend planning rules to require that municipalities notify/advise propane operators of changes to various planning documents where a propane facility's "hazard distance" extended into the area under consideration for change. The "hazard distance" around a propane facility is to be determined by the individual propane opqrator and approved by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). The TSSA is responsible for informing municipalities of the extenVboundaries of a propane operation's "hazard distance" when it is in receipt of that information. Simply put, the revised Planning Act regulations will require municipal clerks or secretary- treasurers of planning boards, upon receípt of the "hazatd distance" to provide notification to propane operators when specific planning applications are located within the operator's "hazard distance", even where the propane facility is not located in your municipality. This is not unlike current requirements for notification to companies operating railway lines within 300 metres of lands subject to ceftain applications. The specific types of planning documents that are subject to the new notification requirements are set out in the following regulations: . Ontario Regulation 543/06 (0tficial Plan and Plan Amendments). 0ntario Regulation 544/A6 (Plans of Subdivision). 0ntario Regulation 197/96 (Consent Applications) Correspondence dated December 15, 2009 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Revised Planning Act Page 25 of 261 . Ontario Regulation 545106 (Zoning By-laws, Holding By-laws and lnterim Control Bylaws). 0ntario Regulation 200196 (Minor Variance Applications) The intent of the notification requirement is to ensure that operators are aware of land use changes within their "hæard distance" providing them with the opportunity to determine if the change results in any increased risk and if so, to introduce mitigatíon measures. : Additional technical changes to the regulations ln drafting the revisions to the five Planning Act regulations, 3 additional technical changes have been identified, namely: . ln allfive regulations, the French translation of the 'Niagara Escarpme¡t Plan',is revised to read "Plan d'aménagement de I'escarpement du Niagara", whereas it currently reads, lplan de I'escarpement du Niagara'.. ln 0. Reg. 200/96 (Minor Variances), paragraph 1 of subseclion 3(2) refers to the address of condominium corporations being registered under "section 3 of the Condominium Act". This reference is out-of-date and is revised to be "section 7 of the Condominium Act 1998".. ln 0. Reg. 544106 (Plans of Subdivision), section 7 provides thatthe sections of the regulation dealing with notices of applications, public meetings and requests by approval authorities do not apply to applications for some types of condominium descríptions. This section is revised to provide that section 3 of the Regulation, dealing with notification of a complete application, also does not apply to these applications. This clarification is in keeping with the intent of the provision that no notifications are required for these applications. Copies of the amending regulations are attached for your information. Should you have questions, please contact your local Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services 0ffice (see attached list). Sincerely, Audrey Bennett Assistant Deputy Minister (Acting) Attachments Association of Municipalities of 0ntario Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of 0ntario cc. Correspondence dated December 15, 2009 from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding "Revised Planning Act Page 26 of 261 C'NTAFIICt G¡clcttrt FrclAtrts AE¡S¡c'CIATIclN 6355 KENNEDY ROAD, UNIT2 MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L5T 2L5 TELEPHONE 90F79S.2555 FAX 90$79S26ô0 A,&_fup"âø' REPORT OF THE 2O1O.2OII NOMINATING COMMITTEE Under Section 25 of the Constitution of the Ontario Good Roads Association, the Nominating Committee shall report to the Annual Conference its nominations for 12 directors. paul Johnson, Operations Manager, County of Wellington; John Curley, Gouncillor, C¡y ofÏmmins and Eric Rutt¡erford, Councillor, Municipality of Greenstone willserve on the 2010- 2011 Board of Directors as President and 1d Vice-President and lmmediate past president respectively, making a total of 15 on the Board. The Nominating Committee is pleased to ptace the following names in nomination for the 2OíO-2O11 term: Damian Albanese, Director, Transportation Division, Regional Municipality of peel Tom Bateman, County Engineer, County of Essex Robert Burlie, Manager, Road Operations, City of Toronto Rick Ghampagne, Councillor, Township of East Fenis craig Davidson, cAo/clerk-Treasurer, Municipality of Hastings Highlands Steve Desroches, Councillor, City of Ottawa Dave Fawcett, Deputy Mayor, Municipality of Grey Highlands Mark Grimes, Councillor, City of Toronto Ken Hill, Mayor, Township of Russell Alan Korcll, Managing Director/City Engineer, CÍty of North Bay John Parsons. Division Manager, Transportation & Roadside Operationss, City of London Joanne Vanderheyden, Deputy Mayor, Township of Strathroy-Caradoc ADDITIONAL NOMINATIONS The Report of the Nominating Committee was e-mailed to all OGRA members on December 2, 2009. Further nominations were invited at that time with a closing date of December 31, 2OOg. one additional nomination was received for the southwest Zone from: Peter Letkeman, Councillor, Township of pelee There will therefor be an election for the Southwest Zone. Three (3) Directors to be elected from the following candidates: Tom Bateman, County Engineer, County of Essex Peter Letkeman, Deputy Mayor, Township of Pelee John Parcons, Division Manager, Transportation & Roadside Operations, Gity of London Joanne Vanderheyden, Deputy Mayor, Township of Strathroy-Caradoc Delegates from allOGRA member municipalÍties and First Nations are eligible to vote for each offtce. The election will take place from 11:30 a.m, to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 23, ZOIO in the Registration Area on the Convention Floor of the Fairmont RoyatYork Hotel. Each delegate must present his/her badge to be eligible to vote. Ao/ Correspondence from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Report of the 2010 - 2011 Nominating Committee". File: A01 Page 27 of 261 All candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee for the Northern, South Central, Southeast Zones and the Cíty of Toronto are acclaimed. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON NOMINATIONS Ontario Good Roads Association Under Section 25 of OGRA's Constitution, Iñose nominated by the Nominating Committee shall be selected from its municipal and active membership pursuant to the rcquirements for geognphical representation contained in Section 11, and so far as possrb/e maintaining an eguat balance between elected and appointed representatives. The following requirements have been established with respect to the report of the Nominating Committee. Ghair: Members: Zone North Southwest South central Southeast Toronto NOMINATING COMMITTEE David Leckie, OGRA lmmediate Past President Darnian Albanese, OGRA Director Tom Bateman, OGRA Director Ðavid Fawceft, OGRA Director Jim Harrison, OGRA Past President GEOGRAPH¡C REPRESENTATION Requirement 4 3 3 3 2 Northern Ontario: Municipalities in the Districts of Algoma, Gochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay and Tímiskaming, the City of Greater Sudbury and municipalities in and including the District of Muskoka. Southwest Ontario: Municipalities in and including the Counties of Brant, Bruce, Elgin, Essex, Haldimand, Huron, Lambton, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxford, and Perth, munícipalities in and including the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. South Gentral Ontario: Municipalities in and including the Counties of Dufferin, Grey, Simcoe, and Wellington, and municipalities in and including the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Halton, Niagara, Peel and York, and the City of Hamilton. Southeast Ontario; Municipalities in and including the Countíes of Haliburton, Hastings, Lanark, Leeds and Grenville, Lennox and Addington, Northumberland, Peterborough, Prescott and Russell, Prince Edward, Renfrew, and Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, municipalities in the former County of Frontenac, and the Cities of Ottawa and Kawartha Lakes. Correspondence from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding "Report of the 2010 - 2011 Nominating Committee". File: A01 Page 28 of 261 o.P.P.Ontario Provincial Police Police provinciale de I'Ontario News Release/ Gommuniqué Pt -? FROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE: l4 JAN 10 BE SAFE WHEN SNOWMOBILING (ELGIN COUNTY, ON.) - With the cold weather and snow that has fallen in the past weeks, snowmobilers are now stafting to enjoy the winter. Elgin County OPP would like to remind snowmobilers to be prepared and safe while out enjoying the sport. A few safety tips to follow are:o Know your machine. Check out the snowmobile carefully and make sure that it is ready to go. Read the owners manual, and make sure all your permits and insurance are current.o Get trained and always wear the proper gear, including an approved helmeto Ride within your limits, and always ride with a partner.. Stay on approved trails. Don't trespass. Maximum speed on trails is 50 km/hr. Keep a safe following distance from other machineso Do not consume intoxicating substances. Catry a safety/survival kit. Carry a throw rope, ice picks carried in a pocket, first aid kit, waterproof matches with fire starter, waterproof whistle, energy bars, water, fire proof container for cooking, survival blankets, a knife or multi-tool, wire and nylon rope. Carry all these items in a backpack and attach it to yourself.. lf you are travelling across ice, wear a floatation device (lifejacket, PFD), or wear a floater suit, and be prepared to go through the íce. No how to rescue yourself. For further information on safe snowmobiling and where to ride, contact the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs at www.ofsc.on.ca -30- Contact: Constable Troy Garlson Elgin County OPP Media Relations/Gommunity Services Phone: 519-631-2920 Ext. 5450 Pager: l-888-808-7195 News Release dated January 14 & 19, 2010 from Ontario Provincial Police regarding various matters. File: P17 Page 29 of 261 Ontario Provincial Police Police provinciale de l'Ontario News Release/ Communiqué Ptl FROM/DE: ELGIN COUNTY OPP DATE: 19 JAN l0 BAYHAM MAN CHARGED WITH POSSESSION OF PROPERTY OBTAINED BY CRIME (ELGIN COUNTY) - As a result of an ongoing Elgin County OPP investigation police have recovered a large quantity of property obtained by crime from a property on Owl Cage Rd, Bayham Twp. The recovered property is estimated at a quarter of a million dollars. Police were lead to the Owl Cage Rd. property after conducting an investigation into the theft of a farm tractor from a Glencolin Line, Malahide Twp property on the 7th of January 2010. Police have since arrested, charged and released David REDDEKOPP, age 37, of Bayham Twp, Elgin County. REDDEKOPP is charged with; 1. Two (2) Counts of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000 contrary to section 354(1) (a) of the Criminal Code. 2. Four (4) Counts of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000 contrary to section 354(1) (a) of the Criminal Code. REDDEKOP is scheduled to appear in St.Thomas Criminal Court on the 26th of January, 2010. -30- Gontact: Gonstable Troy Garlson Elgin County OPP Media Relations/Community Services Phone: 519-631-2920 Ext. 5450 Pager: 1-888-808-7195 News Release dated January 14 & 19, 2010 from Ontario Provincial Police regarding various matters. File: P17 Page 30 of 261 cd- Minutes of ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD November 18, 2009 The Elgin Group Police Services Board met at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 2:03 p.m. with the following in attendance: Tom Marks, Chairman John R. Wilson, Vice-Chair Douglas Gunn, Board Member Kathleen Schaper, Board Member Inspector Ryan Cox, OPP Sergeant Don Collins, OPP Elgin Support Manager Mark McDonald, Secretary/Adm inistrator Marilyn Payler, County Administrative Services Susan McConnell, Administrative Services Coordinator, attended to observe. Absent: Duncan McPhail, Board Member Chair Marks called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT the minutes of the meeting held on September 30, 2009 be adopted. - Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniarv lnterest - None. Correspondence 1) Community Poficing Partnership 2009 Renewal Resolution. 2) Geraldin Tai, A/Appointments Officer, Selection Systems and Appointments Unit, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services announcing re-appointment of Kathleen Schaper as Elgin Group Police Services board member. 3) Murray Chitra, Ontario Civilian Police Commission with information on the role of the Commission in regards to Bill 103, the lndependent Police Review Act and two brochures titled Maintaining Public Trust and Bringing an Appeal. 4) Correspondence requesting and supporting designation of bridge at Furnival Road and Highway 401 in Constable Alan Hack's memory. 5) Andrew Eamer, Bureau Commander, Business and Financial Services Bureau re: Estimated 2010 Policing Costs. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held November 18, 2009. File: C06 Page 31 of 261 -2- 6) Cheryl Jamieson, President OAPSB re:2010 OAPSB fee schedule and membership form for approval. Correspondence ltem #1 lnspector Cox explained how four officers' salaries are partially subsidized by provincial grants, one by the Community Policing Partnership Program and three by the Safer Communities - 1,000 Officers Partnership Program. ln order to continue with this program a resolution renewal needs authorizing every two years. Moved by Schaper Seconded by Wilson THAT the Elgin Group Police Services Board endorses the Community Policing Partnerships and hereby authorizes the Board Chairman to sign the necessary documents for participation in the Program. - Carried. Correspondence ltem #4 The Municipality of West Elgin has added their support for bridge designation in Constable Alan Hack's memory. Chair Marks noted that the public has also been very supportive of such a designation. Moved by Schaper Seconded by Wilson THAT Correspondence ltems #2-5 be received and filed. - Carried. Correspondence ltem #6 Moved by Schaper Seconded by Gunn THAT membership in the OAPSB be renewed for 2010. -Carried. Detac h ment Gom mander's Report for Se ptem ber/October 2009 lnspector Cox informed the Board that the Bandido Murder Trial had concluded. He attended the sentencing and thought the outcome had a good conclusion. He also reported that officers assigned to the trail from this detachment were back doing their regular duties. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held November 18, 2009. File: C06 Page 32 of 261 -3- lnspector Cox informed the Board that two officers from the Elgin detachment were going to the 2010 Olympics for six weeks. Two officers from each detachment will be assigned to attend the Olympics. lnspector Cox has begun to put together the 2010 Business Plan. He will be gathering input from the local communities and will be working with the Community Policing Groups. lf any board member has any suggestions for improvement to the plan they can contact him directly. lnspector Cox noted a significant decrease from 2008 to 2009 in general incidents. Deer collisions are in high abundance and police record checks are up because of the back to school demand. The remainder of the RIDE grant funding will be used during the festive season when they plan to target over 18,000 vehicles. J. Wilson commented that the OPP's increased visibility in the community was a contributory factor to the decrease in incidents. The new speed sign usage has also helped. Moved by Wilson Seconded by Gunn THAT the Detachment Commanders Report for September/October 2009 be received and filed. - Carried. New Business lnspector Cox presented the Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision Analysis (January 2004 - December 2008) Review. He highlighted some of the interesting statistics contained in the review noting the identifiable trends of the study period. The detachment will be placing an emphasis on traffic management in Elgin County with a goal to reduce the number of motor vehicle collisions. They have drafted an Elgin County Detachment Traffic Management Strategy. Sergeant Collins explained the different areas that they will be working on to accomplish the goal of reducing fatal, personal injury and property damage because of vehicle collisions. Their main goal is to reduce traffic complaints and increase police visibility. Moved Wilson Seconded by Gunn THAT the Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision Analysis (January 2004 - December 2008) and the Draft 2010 Elgin County Detachment Traffic Management Strategy be received and filed. - Carried. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held November 18, 2009. File: C06 Page 33 of 261 -4- Next Meetinq Date and Election of Chair The next meeting of the Police Services Board will take place on January 20,2010 al 2:00 p.m. ln-Camera lnspector Cox, Staff, Sergeant Collins and the Acting Secretary-Administrator were excused from the meeting at2.40 p.m. while the board discussed the performance review of the Detachment Commander. Moved by Wilson Seconded by Gunn THAT we do now proceed ln-Camera at 2:40 p.m. to discuss a personal matter about an identifiable individual. (Performance Review of lnspector) - Carried. Moved by Wilson Seconded by Schaper THAT we do now rise without reporting. -Carried. Adiournment Moved by Gunn Seconded by Schaper THAT we do now adjourn at 3:14 p.m. to meet again on Wednesday, January 20,2010 at 2:00 p.m. - Carried. M. G. McDonald, Secretary/Administrator. Tom Marks, Chair. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held November 18, 2009. File: C06 Page 34 of 261 ,. CÔâBayham Health & Safety Committee Minutes Friday, November 27, 2009 At 9:00 a.m. Committee Room Bayham Municipal Office Attendees: Sandra Maertens, Clayton Collver, Paul Groeneveld l. 2. 3. Call to Order Paul Groeneveld called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m' Health & Safety Discussion - Use of Mobile Radios The Committee agrees that the use of mobile radios meets requirements. Annual 1VHMIS Refresher Staff has been notified of the deadline of December 31't to complete their online WHMIS Refresher. Instructions have been sent with the notice. Asbestos Program Draft Asbestos Program is currently being developed' Health & Safety Issues Public Works staff is looking into to utilizing the lunchroom for their lunches. Also mentioned was the issue of staff working alone without a buddy system currently in place. Action: Refer matters to Public Works Manager Municipal Training Program Council has endorsed the Municipal Training Program. Department Heads are responsible for providing training to staff as per the program 4. 5. 6. Adjournment & Date of Next Meeting Meeting adjourned at9:40 a.m. Bayham Health & Safety Committee minutes of meeting held November 27, 2009. File: C06 Page 35 of 261 Page 36 of 261 DN¡NKING WATERSóüfröÈ'Þùir'ÉcrïöN ACT FOR CLEAN WATER ('J É oc¡ LAKE ERIE SoURCE PRoTEcTION RE6ION LAKE ERIE REGION SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, December 3, 2009 The following are the minutes of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting held on Thursday, December 3, 2009 at the Grand River Conservation Authority Administration Centre,400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON. Members Present: Members Regrets: Proxy Representatives: Liaisons: C. Ashbaugh, Chair; M. Ceschi-Smith, H. Cornwell, P. General, M. Goldberg, R. Haggart, *J. Hanison, A. Henry, *K. Hunsberger, J. Laird, l. Macdonald, D. Murray, J. Oliver, D. Parker, L. Penin, *G. Rae, R. Seibel, B. Ungar, D. Woolcott, W. Wright-Cascaden R. Krueger, B. LaForme, C. Martin, T. Schmidt, M. Wales E. Hodgins (T. Schmidt), t. Macdonald (R. Krueger), D. Parker (M. Wales) P. Emerson, Source Protection Authority Liaison; T. Duong, Provincial Liaison Region Management A. Dale, GRCA; C. Evanitski, LPRCA; T. Marks, KCCA; Committee: R. Sackrider, LPRCA; K. Smale, CCCA; E. VanHooren, KCCA Staff: Also Present: N. Betts, GRCA; S. Cooke, GRCA; N. Davy, GRCA; J. Etienne, GRCA; S. Glauser, GRCA; L. Minshall, GRCA; J. Robertson, LPRCA; T. Ryan, GRCA; D. Schultz, GRCA; T. Seguin, GRCA; S. Shifflett, GRCA; G. Sousa, GRCA; S. Strynatka, GRCA; R. Wellwood, CCCA;4. Wong, GRCA;G. Zwiers, GRCA D. Belanger, City of Guelph, J. Berry-lmbert; N. Chaloner; D. Corbett, Region of Waterloo; A. Davidson, Brant County; M. Darmon; A. Domaratzki, Region of Waterloo; B. Fields, Norfolk County; S. Kurli, Halton Region; T. Shanoff, Stantec Consulting; A. Sills, Region of Waterloo; L. Stafford, City of St. Thomas; D. Van Vliet, AquaResources; H. Waite, County of Oxford 1. Gallto Order C. Ashbaugh called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum - l7 Members Constitute a Quorum (213 of members) The Recording Secretary called the roll and certified quorum. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 37 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee December3,2009 Page2 3. Chairman's Remarks C. Ashbaugh welcomed members, staff and guests and noted the following: . Public open houses were held on November 27 in Belmont and December 2 in Brownsville. Approximately twelve members of the public attended each open house. The meetings were productive and a valuable means of gathering information. o A Chai/s teleconference was held on December 1. Discussion items included Stewardship Program funding for 2009-10 and funding eligibility criteria. . "The Source" has been a key communications tool for the Lake Erie Region; other regions are also using components of "The Source" for their mail-outs. C. Ashbaugh congratulated staff for a well developed communications tool. 4. Review of Agenda A revised agenda was distributed to members with items 10. c) and d) revised to include additional amendments to the Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Assessment Reports and item 12. a) Water Guardians Network and ENGO Meeting Summarywas added. Moved b y: J. Laírd Seconded by: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the revised agenda for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Meeting of December 3, 2009 be approved. 5. Declarations of Pecuniary lnterest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made in relation to the matters to be dealt with. 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting - November 5, 2009 D. Parker noted that under item 10.a) he inquired whether D-2,4 was a misprint, as opposed to identiffing that it was a misprint. Moved by: A. Henry Seconded by: I. Macdonald carried unanimously THAT the minutes of the previous meeting November 5, 2009 be approved as amended. * B. Ungar joined the meeting at 10:10 am. 7. Hearing of Delegations None Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 38 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee December 3, 2009 8. Presentations None Page 3 Gorrespondence a) Copied None b) Not Copied None 10. Reports a) SPC-12-09-01 Region of Waterloo Vulnerability , E. Hodgins provided an overview of the Region of Waterloo Vulnerability analysis with some representative examples. The Region of Waterloo has a very complex drinking water system with one surface water intake on the Grand River at Hidden Valley (Kitchener) and 42 wellfields (121 wells), eight of which are under the direct influence of surface water (GUDI). Together, these sources supply approximately 260,000 m3 per day to 480,000 residents. *Ken Hunsbergeranived at 10:15. A. Henry pointed out that many of the wellhead protection areas overlap, and wondered if the wells were assessed individually. E. Hodgins indicated that the wells were modeled with all wells pumping at the projected rate for long term supply (to 2034). However, the wells are at varying depths and in various aquifers, so they have been identified individually in the mapping. M. Goldberg asked if the treatment for GUDI wells is different than for surface water. E. Hodgins replied affirmatively and indicated that the GUDI wells with effective insitu filtration do not receive the chemically assisted treatment for particulates but are treated with ultraviolet light. J. Oliver requested further information regarding the design of the reservoir. E. Hodgins indicated that it is a concrete, open air reservoir with multiple cells. D. Woolcott noted that raw water reservoirs are not addressed by the technical rules, and asked how this water is taken into consideration by the Region of Waterloo. E. Hodgins replied that the reseruoir water is disinfected and then injected into, and diluted by, groundwater and as such, is considered groundwater. D. Murray asked what the differences are between water treatment for groundwater, surface water, and groundwater under the direct influence of suface water (GUDI). E. Hodgins replied that surface water, groundwater and GUDI systems are all subject to a Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 39 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee December 3, 2009 Page 4 disinfection process via chloride or ammonia. ln addition to the disinfection, particulates in surface water are chemically removed and GUDI wells are treated with ultraviolet light. D. Woolcott requested clarification regarding the definition of a provisional GUDI well. E. Hodgins replied that provisional GUDI wells can be one of two categories; either the analysis has been completed and submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and is awaiting confirmation (i.e. Greenbrook well), or, the analysis has been completed, but it has not been submitted to the province for approval because the wells are not actively being used (i.e. Pompeii, Forwell wells). ln both cases, the wells will most likely be GUDI once Ministry confirmation is received. M. Cecshi-Smith noted that the Region of Waterloo is using ammonia in their water treatment, and asked if a reduction in the use of ammonia as a method of disinfection is anticipated, as ammonia has an adverse effect on the City of Brantford's water treatment. E. Hodgins pointed out that the source of ammonia to Grand River is 90% or greater from non-point sources of discharge, and other sources include wastewater treatment discharge throughout the Grand River watershed. The Region of Waterloo has committed to upgrading wastewater plants. This upgrade will not, however, address the non-point source contributions of ammonia to the Grand River, nor the effects of upstream wastewater discharges. Don Corbett provided an overview of the Region of Waterloo's groundwater vulnerability, noting the uncertainties sunounding the technical findings. E. Hodgins identified the uncertainties for surface water delineation. D. Parker referred to transport pathways and asked if wells are checked for cracked casings. D. Corbett replied that the transport pathways assessment has been primarily a desktop analysis. E. Hodgins elaborated that some verification of casings has been completed through the threats survey. D. Parker asked if there is the potential for seepage cracks in sanitary sewers. E. Hodgins responded that it is recognized that sanitary sewers do leak. Municipalities are trying to address these. He noted that leaking sanitary sewers are at shallow depths and do not necessarily create a preferential pathway into the deeper aquifer system. J. Oliver asked what the level of confidence is with regards to the estimated number of abandoned wells. E. Hodgins replied that in a large urban atea, any assessment will have a high degree of uncertainty. Although the Region of Waterloo has conducted surveys around wellheads to improve the accuracy of their estimates, it is unlikely they have captured all abandoned wells. The number of wells not taken into account would not be sufficient to increase the uncertainty. M. Goldberg inquired why pits and quarries were elevated to high vulnerability, but not noted as a threat. D. Corbett responded that pits and quanies are transport pathways which increase the vulnerability. The regulations do not define pits and quarries as prescribed drinking water threats. E. Hodgins elaborated that the technical rules do not state what can be considered a transport pathway. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 40 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Gommittee December 3, 2009 Page 5 R. Seibel requested clarification regarding the term 'high risk transport pathway' and noted that'high risk' is meant to establish vulnerability and in this context is different than that used for a threats assessment. D. Corbett replied affirmatively. l. Macdonald asked what the relevance of the column titled 'intersecting aquifers" is in Table 1. D. Corbett responded that the table is meant to reflect which wells in the wellfield are associated with a particular aquifer group. E. Hodgins expanded, stating that the intersecting aquifers were intended to illustrate aquifer layers; it is intended to demonstrate levels. l. Macdonald asked if a hydraulic connection is implied. D. Corbett responded negatively. L Macdonald identified that he finds the intersecting aquifers column more confusing than helpful. l. Macdonald inquired what the expectation is for proponents applying for development that will affect the vulnerability. E. Hodgins replied that the regulations will dictate what can and cannot be done. The Region of Waterloo's philosophy moving forward will be to require an assessment of the vulnerability and the land use activities through the official planning process. A. Henry requested further details regarding why the modelling was based on long term water supply to 2034 and not the rated capacity of each well. E. Hodgins replied that the long term water strategy, approved by Regional Council in 2000, is anticipated to supply water to the Region of Waterloo via a pipeline to Lake Erie by 2034, when the capacity of the system is anticipated to be exceeded. E. Hodgins further noted that the overall permitted capacity is substantially higher than the sustainable pumping rate. This use of the higher pumping rate would be necessary only to meet short term demand or to provide redundancy in the system such as if a well were shut down, causing fewer wells to pump more water. Res. No. 51-09 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded hy: J. Laird carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to make information in the vulnerability analysis for the Regional Municipality of Waterloo water supply sysfems available to the public and incorporate the components into the Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Repoñ pending acceptable peer review of the repofts, as outlined in report sPc-l2-09-01. * Geoff Rae joined the meeting at 12:00 pm. Lunch Break- 12:15 - 12:45 b) SPC-1 2-09-02 Gity of Guelph Vulnerability D. Belanger outlined Report SPC-12-09-02 City of Guelph Vulnerability E. Hodgins asked if wells 6, I and 7 are part of the bedrock system. D. Belanger replied affirmatively. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 41 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee December 3, 2009 Moved by: M. Goldberg Seconded hy: J. Laird Page 6 E. Hodgins requested more information regarding the Glen Collector System. D. Belanger advised that the Glen Collector System collects shallow groundwater from the overburden through a series of small diameter perforated pipes. E. Hodgins asked if the uncertainty for this system is high or low. D. Belanger replied that uncertainty has not yet been formally determined. D. Parker asked whether the quarry pit would rise to the level of the Speed River when pumping is stopped. D. Belanger replied that the quarry closure plan states that the pit would fill to approximately eight metres above the Speed River, but the technical staff feel the level will be about the level of the Speed River. D. Parker wondered if there was any risk of the pit flooding from the river. D. Belanger responded that although it is unlikely, a flooding event following closure of the quarry, may turn the area wells into GUDI wells. D. Parker asked if it has been considered whether the quarry dewatering discharge is diluting the discharge of the wastewater treatment plant and therefore increasing the assimilative capacity of the Speed River. D. Belanger replied that it does contribute to dilution in the river, although the assimilative capacity of the Speed River has been determined without the contribution of the quarry dewatering. R. Seibel asked what the travel time would be if the pumps were turned off. D. Belanger responded that upon considering the sensitivity analysis, hydraulic conductivity and porosity, a 50 day travel time was determined, which would most likely make the wells GUDI. R. Seibel asked if the wells would have effective filtration. D. Belanger responded that due to transport pathways, open conduits and fairly permeable bedrock to the wells, it is not likely there would be significant filtration. M. Goldberg noted that the City of Guelph has been attempting for five years to stop the quarry's extraction, and identified that he has a file of letters from the Mayor to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment, asking them to stop the quarry operation. He stated that the situation is jurisdictionally difficult because the Ministry of Natural Resources holds the quarry permit, operators are working within the permit, and the Ministry of the Environment is not acting on the risk the quarry is posing to Guelph's drinking water. deferred THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commiftee recommend to the Ministry of the Environment that quarrying activities that involve mining the aquitard overlying an aquifer which rs used as a source of drinking water be added to the list of drinking water threats. J. Harrison moved that the motion be defened untilthere is more information from staff. Moved by: J. Harrison Seconded by: J. Oliver Res.52-09 carried unanimously Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 42 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee December 3, 2009 Page 7 A. Henry wondered whether this is a unique situation where extraction is occuning into the aquifer, and asked staff to provide an assessment pertaining to the feasibility of adding or removing threats from the list. E. Hodgins requested clarification regarding whether the motion is speaking to a local planning issue or at a broader scale, noting that the committee has established that it will not take a position on land use planning matters. Res. No. 53-09 Moved by: E. Hodgíns Seconded by: R. Serbe/carríed unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee direct staff to make the information in the repoñ entitled City of Guelph Source Protection Project - Draft Final Groundwater and Su¡face Water Vulnerability Report (AquaResource lnc., 2009) available to the public, and incorporate the components into the Grand River Source Protection ' Assessmenf Repoft. a) SPC-12-09-03 Catfish Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report S. Glauser provided an overview of report SPC-12-09-03. A new version of the Draft Assessment Report was sent to members with the noted changes. D. Parker asked if the nutrient units are divided equally amongst everyone. L. Minshall replied that the livestock density is an attribute of the wellhead protection area; where there is a farm that is partially in the wellhead protection area, it is assumed that the nutrient units could be applied in that area. D. Parker wondered if a farmer has a nutrient management plan, if the farme/s threat assessment could be reduced because of the work he has already done. L. Minshall responded that managed risks will be recognized as such, and noted further that livestock density is addressed as an underlying attribute. D. Parker noted Map 4-11 and pointed outthat managed lands and livestock density are mapped, but there is no mapping of cemeteries or golf courses. L. Minshall responded that in the Highly Vulnerable Aquifer section, all categories of managed lands are calculated for the watershed and shown collectively as a percentage. Types of managed lands were not mapped and identified individually because that would be a phenomenal undertaking. R. Haggart asked if staff have a position regarding the expansion of intensive livestock operation close to the wellhead protection area. L. Minshall responded that there is no position developed at this time. Over the next 18 months, the Committee will need to discuss how to prevent new signifìcant threats from being created. R. Haggart expressed concern that as more information comes out with regards to vulnerability, that intensive livestock farming operations will attempt to expand their operation more quickly to avoid the forthcoming source protection policies. L. Minshall responded that there is an interim risk management plan option which will enable the Source Protection Committee to take action where there are known significant threats. T. Duong noted that the lnterim Risk Management Plan is a tool in order to assist municipalities with mitigation of significant threats that are of concern while the Source Protection Plans are Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 43 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee December 3, 2009 Page 8 being developed. However, a regulation for the lnterim Risk Management Plan has yet to be developed. L. Minshall identifìed that early policies pertaining to source protection planning, and more broadly the protection of groundwater and surface water can be incorporated into official plan amendments. B. Ungar pointed out that under the Nutrient Management Act, OMAFRA is wefl aware of source protection, and they would take this into account when considering expansion of an intensive livestock operation. W. Wright-Cascaden further noted that there is a tool in place under the Planning Act to establish an interim control bylaw until studies are complete and policies are in place. A. Henry asked if there is a possibility that the Source Protectíon Committee or the Source Protection Region can get called to an Ontario Municipal Board hearing. L. Minshall responded that this would only happen if the committee took a position regarding municipal matters, and the committee has already established a position to not take a position on land use planning matters. Res.IVo. 54-09 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: L. Perrin carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protectíon Committee approve the Draft Catfish Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report for public consultation. b) SPC-12-09-04 Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report S. Glauser provided an overview of report SPC-12-09-04. Res. Â/o. 55-09 Moved by: B. Ungar Seconded by: G. Rae carried unanimously THAT the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee approve the Draft Kettle Creek Source Protection,Area Assessment Repoft for public consultation. S. Glauser noted that the public meeting for the Catfish Creek Source Protection Area Draft Assessment Report will take place January 12, 2010 in Brownsville at the Brownsville United Church Ha\l,292258 Culloden Line from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The public meeting for the Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Draft Assessment Report will be January 13,2010 at the Port Stanley Arena, 332 Carlow Road, Port Stanley from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Advertisments will be placed in newspapers notifying the public of the consultation period. Copies of the Draft Assessment Reports will be posted in Conservation Authority a nd m u n icipal offices. c) SPC-12-09-05 January Source Protection Gommittee Meeting - Proposed Date Change S. Glauser provided an overview of report SPC-12-09-05. Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 44 of 261 Minutes of Meeting Lake Erie Region Source Protection CommitteeDecember3,2009 Page 9 W. Wright-Cascaden asked if rescheduling the January meeting will affect the February meeting date. S. Glauser replied that it would not. Res. IVo. 56-09 Moved by: L. Perrin Seconded by: M. Cecshi-Smith carried unanimously THAT the Source Protection Meeting scheduled for January 14, 2010 be rescheduled to January 21,2010 at 10:00 am at the Grand River Conseruation Authority Administration Centre. 11. Business Arising from Previous Meetings None 12. Other Business a) Water Guardians Network & ENGO Meeting Summary M. Goldberg attended a meeting of the Water Guardians Network and ENGO with members of various Source Protection Committees from across the province. He noted that the issues between Source Protection Regions are quite diverse. He advised that some other Source Protection Regions are opening their meetings with a First Nations blessing and suggested that the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee consider doing the same. b) Question and Answer Period None 13. Glosed Meeting Not applicable 14. Next Meeting - Thursday, January 21,2009, 10:00 am, GRCA Administration Centre, 400 Clyde Road, Gambridge, ON S. G/auser noted that if you cannot make the entire meeting please let him know when you intend to arrive or leave to ensure the committee can maintain quorum. 15. Adjourn The Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee meeting of December 3, 2009 adjourned at2:45 p.m. Chair Recording Secretary Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee minutes of meeting held December 3, 2009. File: E00 Page 45 of 261 Page 46 of 261 ¿ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 29,201'0 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: Dl4.GEN SUBJECT: Residential AccessoryUses - CommercialZones NUMBER: D2010-03 Purpose To provide information regarding the zoning by-law requirements for accessory residential uses in commercial zones. Background On Decemb er 17,2009 staffwas directed to prepare a report regarding residential accessory uses in commercial zones. ZorungByJaw Section 4.4 Residential Accessory Uses states " ...in the case of a dwelling unit permitted as an dccessory use in a commercial zone, it shall be contiguous to the main commercíal use, be above or in the rear of the maín commercial use, and be used as the residence of the owner or operator, or an employee of the owner or operator, of the main commercial use." Staff and Planner Comments The intent of the "above or in the rear of the main commercial zse" restriction has been to prevent commercial storefronts from being used for residential purposes to protect the limited amount of commercial space available and to maintain consistency within commercial areas. The planner recalls that several years ago it was asked why one couldn't live behind the commercial storefronts. It hadn't been considered prior to that time and there was no issue with it then so "above and to the rear" was adopted. It wasn't mentioned at that point that below could be an option, most likely because the majority of older buildings along the commercial zones typically did not have suitable basements for dwelling units. The planner would support amending the zoning byJaw to add "below" to the provisions. ln consultation with the Chief Building Official, staff would determine the most appropriate wording for the amendment. With the Official Plan 5-Year Review before the Ministry and close to completion, a zoning byJaw review is needed and is included in the 2010 budget for consideration. The amendment discussed in this report can be incorporated in that review along with other staffrecommended changes. However, if Council feels that there is a more immediate need, a separate amendment can be pursued. The same Planning Acr advertising and circulation requirements apply for multiple amendments as do for a single amendment. The municipality pays for planner consultation, staff preparation, advertising and circulation. Staff Report D2010-03 regarding Residential Accessory Uses - Commercial Zones. File: D14 Page 47 of 261 Staff Report D20 I 0-03 Accessory Residential Page2 The zoning byJaw amendment will permit the"below" use, however, prior to the issuance of a Change of Use permit and a Building Permit, site-specific requirements will be considered. Those requirements would include minimum flooi areabeing 50 m2 (53S ft2) for an apartment, Ontario Building Code and Fire Code compliance (i.e. direct exit, self-contained heating system, fire separation). Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "TIIAT Staff Report D2010-03 regarding accessory residential uses be received; AND TIIAT Staff be directed to include the amendments regarding residential accessory uses in commercial zones in the ZoningBy-law review." OR AND THAT Staff be directed to proceed with amending the ZontngBy-law to address issues regarding residential accessory uses in commercial zones." Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk Staff Report D2010-03 regarding Residential Accessory Uses - Commercial Zones. File: D14 Page 48 of 261 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF MEMORAI\DUM TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: County Official Plan Process DATE: February 1,2010 FILE: Council members will recall on-going discussions regarding implementation of a County of Elgin Official Plan pursuant to the Planning Act. Staff recently met with the County Planning Consultant (hired part- time) to discuss the status/implementation plan. As well the attached program outline was presented to County Council recently. This is brought forward to Council for information at this time. Staff Memorandum regarding County Official Plan Process. File: D08 Page 49 of 261 Staff Memorandum regarding County Official Plan Process. File: D08 Page 50 of 261 Elgin Gounty Official PIan Prograffi ElgrnCountl,' S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 1 o f 2 6 1 Special Events at the Art Centre -25- Staff Memorandum regarding County Official Plan Process. File: D08 Page 52 of 261 Baikground Land usg pl?în¡lg in Ontario is led by_le.,gislatioî (The PlanningAct) and guided by policy (Provrnciaf'PoÏicy Statement 2005) \ Elgin C..ou{y is an upper tier municipality and has the authority under the Planning Act to prepare itb own Off¡ :ial plan. ån .official plan is a long lange comprehensive policy document that sets out goals and objectives for how a community wishes to grow and develop. S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 3 o f 2 6 1 A County Official Plan is broad based and-general in its focus as it needs to accommodate those unique objectives and policies of the local municipalities that comprise Elgin County. The new official plan should focus on these objectives with respect to setting a future direction for land use planning over a 20 year time horizon through County- wide growth and development policies. S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 4 o f 2 6 1 The role of County planning is to address matters of County importance (e.9. protection of the agricultural community, promoting economic development, the retention of educational, health, cultural and religious facilities and services, etc.) while providing gu¡dance for land use planning at the local municipal level, ln this respect the Elgin County Off¡cial PIan will act as an interpretation of Provincial policies and regulations that municipal governments must work within. S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 5 o f 2 6 1 The Elgin County Official Plan ls intended to establish an upper tier policy framework that provides gu¡dance to local municipalities in the preparation of local official plans and zoning by-laws. It will also set a framework for coordination and cooperation amongst local municipalities and the County on planning and development issues that transcend municipal boundaries. S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 6 o f 2 6 1 The Official Plan will be prepared based on a wide variety of background information and input from county Council, Iocal councils, the public and technical input from ministries and agencies and County and Municipal staff. Background reports will be prepared and reviewed through a comprehensive consultation process involving the public, local municipalities, ministries and agencies and other stakeholders. S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 7 o f 2 6 1 This background work is required in order to gather base data about the County and its member municipalities such as population and employment, housing, agriculture, servicinE, economic development, source water protection, natural environment, etc. S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 8 o f 2 6 1 From this background work will come the preparation of issues papers and comprehensive discussions on various planning issues that affect Elgin County. S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 5 9 o f 2 6 1 It will take approximately two months to complete background research for the County before a detailed Terms of Reference could be prepared and circulated to area consultants. ln this time period lwill have an opportunity to visit with local municipal Councils and staff to gain a better understanding of local planning matters. ElgrnCounty S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 6 0 o f 2 6 1 201 0 Jan-Feb March April-l\/lay Background work Detalled Terms of Reference Hire consultant(s) Establish steering committee Technical committee Public Focus Group(s) Complete background reports papers May-Dec and issues S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 6 1 o f 2 6 1 2011 Jan-lVlar Prepare draft Official Plan document Apr- Dec Comprehensive consultations Publlc meetings, roundtable discussions, open houses, etc S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 6 2 o f 2 6 1 2012 Jan-lMar Apr-May June - Off¡cial Plan docurnent revisions Offlcial Plan adoption by Council Provincial Approval S t a f f M e m o r a n d u m r e g a r d i n g C o u n t y O f f i c i a l P l a n P r o c e s s . F i l e : D 0 8 P a g e 6 3 o f 2 6 1 Staff Memorandum regarding County Official Plan Process. File: D08 Page 64 of 261 Staff Report DR20 1 0-00 I 4 February 2010 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council Date: February 412010 FROM: Drainage Superintendent Report: DR2010-001 SUBJECT: Smith Drain Branch No.7 Purpose: The purpose of this report is to present to Council the Engineer's Rqtort #208347 received from Spriet Associates dated December 29,2009 and filed with the Clerk on January 19,2010. Bacþround: On Novernber 20,2008 the Clerk received a Petition for Drainage'Works from Mark Elliott for lands owned by Orchard Crest Farms. On December 4, 2008 Council appointed Spriet Associates to prçare a preliminary report under the Drainage Act, for consideration of drainage for the affected lands known as Lots 15 and 16 Concession 1l in the Municþality of Bayham. On April 6,2009 an on-site meeting was held with respect to this proposed drainage works. The following individuals attended and met with Bayham Drainage Superintendent Bill Knifton and Engineer John Spriet, to review the preliminary proposed drainage works and assessment: o Mark Elliott o Steve Bye o Brad Swance o Tom Smith . Harry Van Den Broek o Wray Ramsay ( South West Oxford Drainage Superintendent) On November 4,2009 an information meeting was held at the Bayham Municþal Offices to review landowners concerns relating to the proposed drainage works known as the Smith Drain No. 7 Branch. The landowners were in favor of the proposed design without anymodifications. Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 65 of 261 Staff Report DR20 I 0-00 I 4 February2010 Staff Comments An Engineer's report was filed with the Municipality on January 19,2010. Council should now determine whether it wishes to proceed with Notices under the Drainage Act and direct the Clerk to send a copy of the Report and Notice of Public Meeting setting out the date of the Council meeting at which this report will be considered to: (a) Every landowner within the area requiring drainage. (b) Clerk of every other local municipality in which any land or road that is assessed for the drainage works, or for which compensation or other allowances have been provided in the report is situate. (c) Any pubic utility, railway company or road authority that may be affected. (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority. (e) The Ministry of Natural Resources. (d) The Director, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal#S: Develop a new and improved infrastructure network Recommendations: TIIAT Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding the Smith Drain Branch No.7 be received; THAT the Council of the Municþality of Bayham acknowledges the receipt of Report #208347 dated December 29,2009 for the Smith Drain Branch No.7, as prepared by the Engineer, Spriet Associates, and filed with the Clerk on January 19,2010; TIIAT Council set a date for the Public Meeting to be held on February 18, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. to consider the Report; AND THAT Staff be directed to mail aNotice of Public Meeting and Report to all persons assessed to this drainage works, and in accordance with the Drainage Act. Respectfully submitted,Reviewed B¡ Kyle Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 66 of 261 SMITH DRAIN . BRANCH NO. 7 Municipality of Bayham SPRIET ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & ABCHITECTS '155 York St/eet London, Onlario N6A 148 Tel. (519) 672-4100 Fax (519) '133S51E-ma¡l MI@SPRrFr.OìùOÀ Job No. 208347 December 29,2009 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 67 of 261 London, Ontario December 29,2009 SMITH DRAIN. BRANGH NO.7 Municipality of Bayham To the Mayor and Council of the Municipality of Bayham Mayor and Council: We are pleased to present our report on the construction of Branch No. 7 of the Smith Municipal Drain serving parts of Lots 14-16, Concession 11 in the Municipality of Bayham and Lot 15, Concession 12 in the Township of South-West Oxford. AUTHORIZATION This report was prepared pursuant to Section 4 of the Drainage Act. lnstructions were received from your Municipality with respect to a motion of Council in accordance with Section I of the Drainage Act. The work was initiated by a petition signed by Orchard Crest Farms Ltd. whose lands contain over 60% of the lands in the area requiring drainage. DRAINAGE AREA The totalwatershed area as described above contains approximately 20.8 hectares. The area requiring drainage for Branch No. 7 is described as three farm properties in Lots 14, 15 and 16, Goncession 11, Bayham. HISTORY The Smith Drain was last reconstructed pursuant to a report submitted by W.J. Dietrich, P.Eng. dated January 15, 2008 and consisted of a new main tile drain and 5 new branch tile drains. The outlet for the Branch No. 7 is the Main Drain, 750mm tile, in the Van Den Broek property in South-West Oxford. The design coefficient of the above outlet tile is 25mm per 24 hours. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS A site meeting was held with respect to the project and through later discussions, the owners reported the following: . that the area is presently served by a private tile on the south of Pressey Road . that the above noted tile is no longer adequate for providing the drainage area with sufficient outlet . that the Orchard Crest Farms owner requested a tile outlet for Lot 16 east of Elliot Road Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 68 of 261 2 EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS (cont'd) A field investigation and survey was completed and upon reviewing our findings, we note the following: . that a new tile outlet drain is required starting at the Main Drain tile (Lot 15, Concession 12) and ending in Lot 16, Concession '1 1 , Bayham for a total length of 1144 meters . that a new road underdrain pipe is required across Pressey Road and Elliot Road Preliminary design, cost estimates and assessments were prepared and an informal public meeting was held to review the findings and preliminary proposals. Further input and requests were provided by the affected owners at that time and at later dates. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The proposed Branch No. 7 drain was designed, with respect to capacity, using the Drainage Coefficient method contained in the "DRAINAGE GUIDE FOR ONTARIO", Publication 29by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs. The Drainage Coefficient defines a depth of water that can be removed in a 24 hour period and is expressed in millimetres per 24 hours. The coefficient used was 25mm. All of the proposed work has been generally designed and shall be constructed in accordance with the DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES FOR WORK UNDER THE DRAINAGE ACT. RECOMMENDATIONS We are therefore recommending the following: that a new Branch No. 7 municipal tile be installed to provide drainage for petitioned lands that a new sub-drain pipe be installed under Pressey Road by jack and bore methods that a new sub-drain pipe be installed under Elliot Road by open cut methods that surface inlet catchbasins be installed to minimize surface flooding of farmlands ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES There are no significant wetlands or sensitive areas within the affected watershed area or along the route of the drains. The proposed construction of this Branch No. 7 Drain includes surface inlets which greatly help reduce the overland surface flows and any subsequent erosion. Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 69 of 261 3 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WORK The proposed work consists of approximately 1 l44lineal meters of 200mm (8") to 350mm (14") concrete field tile including related appurtenances. SCHEDULES Four schedules are attached hereto and form parl of this report, being Schedule 'A' - Allowances, Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate, Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction and Schedule 'D'- Assessment for Maintenance. Schedule 'A' - Allowances. lN accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, allowances are provided for right-of-way and damages to lands and crops along the route of the drain as defined below. Schedule 'B' - Cost Estimate. This schedule provides for a detailed cost estimate of the proposed work which is in the amount of $56,900.00. This estimate includes engineering and administrative costs associated with this project. The estimated cost in the Township of South-West Oxford is $12,600.00 and the estimated cost in the Municipality of Bayham is $44,300.00. Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. This schedule outlines the distribution of the total estimated cost of construction over the roads and lands which are involved. Schedule 'D' - Assessment for Maintenance. ln accordance with Section 38 of the Drainage Act, this schedule outlines the distribution of future repair and/or maintenance costs for this Branch No. 7 Drain. Drawing No. 1, Job No. 208347 and specifications form part of this report. They show and described in detail the location and extent of the work to be done and the lands which are affected. ALLOWANCES DAMAGES: Section 30 of the Drainage Act provides for the compensation to landowners along the drain for damages to lands and crops caused by the construction of the drain. The amounts granted are based on tile drain installed with a wheel machine at a rate of $1,833.00/ha. This base rate is multiplied by the hectares derived from the working widths shown on the plans and the applicable lengths. RIGHT-OF-WAY: Section 29 of the Drainage Act provides for an allowance to the owners whose land must be used for the construction, repair, or future maintenance of a drainage works. For tile drains where the owners will be able to continue to use the land, the allowance provides for the right to enter upon such lands, and at various times for the purpose of inspecting such drain, removing obstructions, and making repairs. Also, the allowance provides for the restrictions imposed on those lands to protect the right-of-way from obstruction or derogation. The amounts granted for right-of-way on tile drains is based on2Qo/o of the value of the land designated forfuture maintenance. Therefore, the amounts granted are based on $1,730.00/ha. through cropped lands. This value is multiplied by the hectares derived from the width granted for future maintenance and the applicable lengths. Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 70 of 261 ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS ln accordance with the Drainage Act, lands that make use of a drainage works are liable for assessment for part of the cost of constructing and maintaining the system. These assessments are known as benefit, outlet liability and special benefit as set out under Sections 22,23,24 and 26 of the Act. BENEFIT as defined in the Drainage Act means the advantages to any lands, roads, buildings or other structures from the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a drainage works such as will result in a higher market value or increased crop production or improved appearance or better control of surface water, or any other advantages relating to the betterment of lands, roads, buildings or other structures. OUTLET Liability is assessed to lands or roads that may make use of a drainage works as an outlet either directly or indirectly through the medium of any other drainage works or of a swale, ravine, creek or watercourse. ln addition, a Public Utility or Road Authority shall be assessed for and pay all the increased cost to a drainage works due to the construction and operation of the Public Utility or Road Authority. This may be shown as either benefit or special assessment. ASSESSMENT A modified "Todgham Method" was used to calculate the assessments shown on Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. This entailed breaking down the costs of the drain into sections along its route. SpecialAssessments were then extracted from each section. The remainder is then separated into Benefit and Outlet costs. The Benefit cost is distributed to those properties receiving benefit as defined under "Assessment Definitions", with such properties usually being located along or close to the route of the drain. The Outlet Costs are distributed to all properties within the watershed area of that section on an adjusted basis. The areas are adjusted for location along that section, and relative run-off rates. Due to their different relative run-off rates, forested lands have been assessed for outlet at lower rates than cleared lands. Also, roads and residential properties, have been assessed for outlet at higher rates than cleared farm lands. The actual cost of the work involving this report, with the exception of Special Assessments, is to be assessed on a pro-rata basis against the lands and roads liable for assessment for benefit and outlet and for Special Assessments as shown in detail below and on Schedule 'C' - Assessment for Construction. The Special Assessments shall be levied as noted in the section "Special Assessment". Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 71 of 261 5 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ln accordance with Section 26 of the Drainage Act, a Special Assessment has been made against the Municipality of Bayham and the Township of South-West Oxford, being the increased cost to the drainage works for boring a new pipe across Pressey Road on Branch No. 7, due to the construction and operation of this townline road. The Special Assessments shall be made up of the actual cost of this work and both the final and estimated values of the Special Assessment are to be calculated as follows: Less Equivalent Plus Drain Cost Administration Specra/lnterest AssessmentCrossrng Cost of Wotk (Fixeü Cosf % Pressey Road Bayham $ 3,700 $ 200 $ 500 % Pressey Road South-West Oxford $ 3,700 $ 200 $ 500 $ 50 $ 4,050 $ 50 $ 4,050 ln accordance with Section 26 of the Drainage Act, a SpecialAssessment has been made against the Municipality of Bayham, being the increased cost to the drainage works for installing a new pipe across Elliot Road on Branch No. 7, due to the construction and operation of this road. The Special Assessment shall be made up of the actual cost of this work and both the final and estimated values of the Special Assessment are to be calculated as follows: Less Equivalent Plus Drain Cost Administration Specra/lnterest ,AssessmenfCrossrng Cost of Wotk (Fixed) Cosf Elliott Road Bayham $ 3,750 $ 200 $ 600 .$ 50 $ 4,200 The above special assessments shall not apply for future maintenance purposes. GRANTS ln accordance with the provisions of Section 85 of the Drainage Act, a grant may be available for assessments against privately owned parcels of land which are used for agricultural purposes and eligible forthe Farm Property Class Tax rate. Section 88 of the Drainage Act directs the Municipality to make application forthis grant upon certification of completion of this drain. The Municipality will then deduct the grant from the assessments prior to collecting the final assessments. Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 72 of 261 MAINTENANCE Upon completion of construction, all owners are hereby made aware of Sections 80, 82 and g3 of the Drainage Act which forbid the obstruction of, damage or injury to, and pollution of a municipal drain. After completion, the portion of the Branch No. 7 Drain located within the Township of South-West Oxford shall be maintained by the Township of South-West Oxford and the portion of the Branch No. 7 Drain within the Municipality of Bayham shall be maintained by the Municipality of Bayham at the expense of all upstream lands and roads assessed in Schedule'D' - Assessment for Måintenance and in the same ielative proportions, until such time as the assessment is changed under the Drainage Act. Respectfully submitted, SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED 9fr. lf^;N J. R. Spriet, P. Eng. sjs Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 73 of 261 SCHEDULE'A'- ALLOWANCES 7 SMITH DRAIN - BRANGH No.7 Municipality of Bayham ln accordance with Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act, we determine the allowances payable to owners entitled thereto as follows: Section 29 Section 30 CONCESSION LOT ROL Municipality of Bayham 1'l Pt. 13 & 14 5-173 (O. BYe) 't1 '11 Pt. 15 5-174 (Orchard Crest Farms Ltd.) Pt. 16 5-176 (Orchard Crest Farms Ltd.) $ 480.00 720.00 400.00 760.00 $ 1,150.00 640.00 1,240.00 1,870.00 1,040.00 Township of South-West Oxford '12 Pt. 15 00-060-221 (H. & A. Van Den Broek) Total Allowances Total Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act 310.00 490.00 800.00 $ 1,910.00 $ 3,040.00 $4,950.00 $ 4,950.00 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 74 of 261 SCHEDULE'B' - COST ESTIMATE SMITH DRAIN. BRANCH NO.7 Municipality of Bayham We have made an estimate of the cost of the proposed work which is outlined Connect to 750mm dia. tile at Sta.0+000 lnstallation of the following concrete field tile including wrapping of tile joints: 326 meters of 200mm ( 8") tile 250 meters of 250mm (10") tile 300 meters of 300mm (12") tile 232 meters of 350mm (14") tile Supply of the above listed tile Supply of 300mm wide geotextile for wrapping of tile joints (Approx. 1380 meters required) 18 meters of 200mm dia. H.D.P.E. sewer prpe Supply lnstallation under Elliot Road by open cut including tar and chips roadway restoration with 50mm of HL4 asphalt 18 meters of 400mm (16") dia., 6.35mm thickness smooth wallsteel pipe Supply lnstallation under Pressey Line by boring Supply and install one standard 600mmx600mm catchbasin and three 600mmx600mm ditch inlet catchbasins including grates, leads, berms and ditching Grubbing of stumps Sta.0+473 to Sta.0+575 Tile connections and contingencies Allowances under Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act ADMINISTRATION lnterest charges Survey, Plan and Report Assistance and Expenses Supervisi'on and Final lnspection in detail as follows: $ goo.oo $ 3,300.00 $ 2,750.00$ 3,600.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,200.00 $ 900.00 $ 350.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 4,950.00 $ 340.00 $ 7,980.00 $ 480.00 $ 950.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 56,900.00 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 75 of 261 SCHEDULE' C'-ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SMITH DRAIN - BRANGH No.7 Municipality of Bayham Job No. 208347 December 29,2009 HECTARES CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL Municipality of Bayham 11 Pt. 13 & 14 $ 3,960.00 $1,716.00 $ 5,676.00 't'l Pr. 15 11 Pr. 16 5-173 (O. Bye) 5-174 (Orchard Crest Farms Ltd.) 5-176 (Orchard Crest Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON I.ANDS 0.6 Municipality of Bayham 0.35 Municipality of Bayham 0.6 Township of South-West Oxford 0.08 Township of South-West Oxford ==== ================= === = ============= $ 13,460.00 $ 12,925.00 $ 26,385.00 ====================================== 6,200.00 5,210.00 3,300.00 5,999.00 $ 4,350.00 $ 1,658.00 $1,100.00 1,284.00 61 82 42 11,410.00 9,299.00 6,008.00 2,384.OO % Pressey Road Elliot Road % Pressey Road Derham Line TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT against the Municipality of Bayham lor Tz lhe increased cost of boring a 400mm (16") smooth wall steel pipe under Pressey Road (Iownline Road) on Branch No. 7 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT against the Municipality of Bayham for the increased cost of installing a 200mm (8') H.D.P.E. sewer pipe under Elliott Road on Branch No. 7 $ 5,450.00 $ 2,942.00 $8,392.00 4,050.00 4,200.00 43,027.00 $ 3,690.00 $93.00 $ 3,783.00 $ 3,690.00 $93.00 $ 3,783.00 $ 4,350.00 $1,658.00 $ 6,008.00 32.00 32.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE SMITH DRAIN - BRANGH No. 7 IN THE MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Township of South-West Oxford 12 Pt. 15 0.8 00-060-221(H. & A. Van Den Broek) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON LANDS TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT against the Township of South-West Oxford lor lzlhe increased cost of boring a 400mm (16") smooth wall steel pipe under Pressey Road fl-ownline Road) on Branch No. 7 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON THE SMITH DRAIN - BRANCH No. 7 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH.WEST OXFORD TOTALASSESSMENT ON THE SMITH DRAIN - BRANCH No.7 NOTE: All of the above lands are classified as agrÍcultural. $ 4,350.00 $ 1,690.00 $ 6,040.00 4,050.00 $ 13,873.00 $ 56,900.00 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 76 of 261 SCHEDULE 'D'- ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE SMITH DRAIN - BRANGH No.7 Municipality of Bayham HECTARES 10 Job No. 208347 December 29, 2009 PERCENTAGE OF 11.90 o/o 26.70 24.60 63.20 % 12.30 5.90 18.20 % 81.40 % 6.20 o/o 6.20 o/o 12.30 0.10 12.40 % 18.60 % 100.0 % CON. LOT AFFECTED ROLL No. (OWNER) MAINTENANCE COST Municipality of Bayham 11 Pt. 13 & 14 6.1 5-173 (O. Bye) 11 '11 Pt. 15 8.2 5-174 (Orchard Crest Farms Ltd.) Pt. 1ô 4.2 5-176 (Orchard Crest Farms Ltd.) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON I.ANDS % Pressey Road Elliot Road Municipality of Bayham Municipality of Bayham 0.6 0.4 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTALASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BRANCH No.7 IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Township of South-West Oxford 12 Pt. 15 0.8 00-060-221 (H. & A. Van Den Broek) TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON IANDS % Pressey Road 0.6 Township of South-West Oxford Derham Line 0.1 Township of South-West Oxford TOTAL ASSESSMENT ON ROADS TOTALASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BRANCH No.7 IN THE MUNIGIPALIW OF BAYHAM TOTALASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BRANCH NO.7 NOTE: All of the above lands are classified as agricultural. Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 77 of 261 Page 78 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 79 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 80 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 81 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 82 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 83 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 84 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 85 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 86 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 87 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 88 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 89 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 90 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 91 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 92 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 93 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 94 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 95 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 96 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 97 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 98 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 99 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 100 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 101 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 102 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 103 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 104 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 105 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 106 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 107 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 108 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 109 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 110 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 111 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 112 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 113 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 114 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 115 of 261 Staff Report DR2010-001 regarding Smith Drain Branch No. 7. File: E09 Page 116 of 261 S t a f f R e p o r t D R 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 1 r e g a r d i n g S m i t h D r a i n B r a n c h N o . 7 . F i l e : E 0 9 P a g e 1 1 7 o f 2 6 1 Page 118 of 261 CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 1 STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM : Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance DATE: February 1,2010 FILE: NUMBER: PR2010-01 Purpose This report is further to a request received that the Municipality consider closing and conveying a portion of the Elm Street road allowance north of Chestnut Street in Vienna. Background Staff have received a request to close and convey an unopened portion of the Elm Street road allowance from two abutting property owners. The applicants are interested in acquiring the road allowance to add to their current properties. Staff Comments Council practice in applications for closure and conveyance of unopened road allowances has required the applicant pay all surveying, legal, and advertising costs, alongwith an administrative fee of $350. In addition, Council has considered the conveyance price on an individual basis. The applicants have been advised of these requirements, and indicate that they wish to proceed. In regard to the conveyance, it is reasonable to set a price for conveying the lands in this case, as there are no extenuating circumstances evident (ie: exchange of lands etc). Recently, the Chestnut Street road allowance was appraised and since the Elm Street allowance is in the vicinity, it is suggested that the same value per acre be applied to the Elm Sheet acreage to determine the appraised value. Staff have carried out a preliminary review, and do not foresee future municipal use for the lands in question, The process required under Municipal procedures will include public notice to determine if other issues may exist. Staff therefore do not see any barrier to proceeding, subject to the following:. That the property be conveyed at a value to be determined by appraisal ' That the applicant agree to pay necessary expenses (in full) including any required legal, survey, advertising and administrative costs. That owners of lands abutting the road allowance be afforded opportunity to acquire the allowance to the mid-point It is suggested that the Municipality initiate closure procedures in accordance with the municipal notice byJaw and proceed subject to any public comments that may come forward in the public process. Attachments 1. Sketch of subject unopened road allowance 2. Correspondence dated Nov 19109 from John Bes Recommendation THAT staff be directed to initiate required procedures pursuant to the Municipal notice by-law to close an unopened portion of the Elm Street road allowance north of Chestnut Street in Vienna, provided the applicants pay required expenses, and that upon closure of the road, the lands be conveyed to the abutting property owners at appraised value. nevy'wedby, nderhill, Planning inator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report PR2010-01 regarding Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance. File: T09 Page 119 of 261 ,rt':;; I t¡¡ r,t É rlLLtt tþcx- t.-25 rc :oô\.OÐ3.1o 'l''ãol,g .oo\'o?Þ a :'.':i ouEEN STREET :Eo . ¡NN l;;:;t':tu j,; \ \;;;^f" ,{e,':': -t-' ' ì t. \ l-- l¡J l¡l É. U' rtr\- .a - -' f,t,-'\ ,f'"t"?" \'- È-"- \ ¡'- ltt "q,:.lru' 'í+þ.Q2i,,ì,\ a':. tÌ' ¿Ì'¡'.tit Li\ ';r: ?ii'í; ., o"r;!L r;$: :l-*^Æ:" :*"f ".óo''.- W;-;;,rf't"\-:. í-r".J\-::'',t'1.' ro- ol'. oO ll l-' o o .--- ott iE l¡ l\ I ,I-, --ì tO \ 1 \ ,rg lr¡ -\ll tè. Staff Report PR2010-01 regarding Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance. File: T09 Page 120 of 261 To Bayham Township Council Bes-oxford Upholstery Ltd. and John and Cindy B.r HISffiPdl|JËtr BAYHAM owners of Lots 23 and24 that front onto an unopened road allowance at the north end of Elm St. in Vienna. These two lots are on the west side of the allowance and are cunently land locked without any access. Jerry and Vilma Barvinek are the legal owners of lot 22which also fronts onto the unopened road allowance, Elm St., but is on the east side of the allowance. Together, we wish to have the road allowance closed, and we wish to purchase the remaining land. The Bes's wish to create and develop a single lot from the two they own and their portion of the road allowance. Their portion of the road allowance would be used as a laneway from Chestnut St. to the remainder of their lot. From the beginning, they have looked at the property as one lot and have no aspirations to develop 2 lots at that location. The nature of the slopping land and the size of a single lot allows itself to a better house lot where home layout can be adjusted accordingly. We wish to place a house on an angle and set it further into the lot where a flatter bacþard can be obtained. This could not be done if there were two lots there as there are at the present time. We understand that the lot frontage on Chestnut St. would be only 33 feet, but the total square footage of the lot would now be 23,813 feet, which is sizeable. Jerry and Vilma Barvinek would like to use this extra land for their rear yard. Their house is set close to the minimum rear yard set back because their lot is zoned flood fringe. The Long Point Conservation Authority mandated to them to set their house close to the back of the lot because of the flood plane. This aÍea is the highest area on their lot as the remainder slopes downward to Edison St. and the Otter Creek. They have also recently built a garage close to the road allowance. Allowing them an additional 33 feet of rear yard would be an asset to their property. The road allowance is flat in nature, which would give them a nice back yard. Staff Report PR2010-01 regarding Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance. File: T09 Page 121 of 261 Mr. Goethels does not want a road built in his bacþard. He likes the private aspect of the area. Mr. and Mrs. Barvinek also do not want a street built so close to their garuge and home. I know there are properties in Bayham and Vienna which have smaller frontages and that newer bylaws have come into place since. I think doing this would be an asset to Vienna because we could then develop the lot. Lot prices in the village are not high enough for us to recover the high cost of engineering and building 198 feet of paved street in that area. This is a feasible alternative to building a street, especially because this is a dead end area. Thank you for your time and consideration. Date. Staff Report PR2010-01 regarding Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance. File: T09 Page 122 of 261 To Bayham Township Council We, the undersigned, Mr. Jerry Barvinek and Mrs. Vilma Barvinek, agree to have John Bes from Bes-oxford Upholstery ltd. act on matters pertaining to the Elm St. road allowance directly west of our Lot 22 in the village of Vienna. V/e wish the road allowance to be closed and sold t Itd. Signed. sisn d." ( L i, , Date. Staff Report PR2010-01 regarding Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance. File: T09 Page 123 of 261 To Bayham Township Council We, the undersigned, Art Goeth{s have no interest in purchasing the road allowance which our lot, 22,ftonts on. The road allowance is due east of our lot and north of chestnut st. We also find it acceptable, for Bes-Oxford Upholstery ltd. ( John and Cindy Bes) and Jeny and Vilma Barvinek to purchase the Elm St. road allowance and use it for their purposes. Thank you, Art Goetþls. Staff Report PR2010-01 regarding Road Closure Application - Elm Street Allowance. File: T09 Page 124 of 261 Detach ment Com mander' s Report ELGIN GROUP Police Services Board 2OO9 Year End Report "lE4ceffence in wfrøt we [o, Integrity in wño we øre' WønCoX Inspector - (Detacfrffient Commnnler Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 125 of 261 Elgin County O.P.P. 42696 John\Mise Line St Thomas, Ontario N5P 3S9 Tel: (519) 631-2920 Fax: (519 631-2923 January 11,2010 MEMORANDUM Elgin Group Police Services Board 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario NsR 641 Attention: Mr. Ghairman, and Police Service Board Members I am pleased to present the Detachment Commanders 2009 Year End Report. This report includes three sections: General lnformation Update Business Plan Commitments & lnitiatives Financial Reports Ryan Cox lnspector Detachment Commander Elgin County OPP Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 126 of 261 Detachment Gommander's Preface Elgin County OPP Detachment completed another successful year in 2009. Our success is a result of the dedicated efforts of our officers and staff. Our success would not be possible without the strong support of the Elgin Group Police Services Board, the municipal councils, our community policing committees and the communities we serve. Our people were called upon to perform many tasks. In February we assisted the Municipality of Malahide with a peace time emergency when major flooding occuned in Port Bruce. We also prepared to assist Central Elgin with flooding at Kettle Creek in Port Stanley but the water subsided before causing a major issue. In June our officers were called upon to police the Wheels and Wings Air show which was held at the St. Thomas Airport. The air show was a huge success, however the high attendance caused major traffic congestion that our officers were challenged to deal with. The congestion was a result of a rain storm that left many of the fields, initially identified for parking, unusable. ln my view, the highlight event of the year was the successful conclusion of the Bandido Outlaw Motorcycle Club murder trial in October. This was a tremendous effort of all involved officers and prosecutors. The Olympic Torch Run came through Elgin County on December 22nd making a stop at Rodney. A large crowd attended this historic event. Elgin officers with had the pleasure of conducting traffic and crowd control. On July 6th, Provincial Constables Al Hack and Lynn Neale were involved in a serious motor vehicle collision when the police cruiser they were operating collided with a truck on Furnival Road in West Elgin. Tragically Const Al Hack succumbed to his injuries. Constable Lynn Neale received serious injuries from which she is still recovering. 3 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 127 of 261 At beginning of 2009, I thought the economic downturn would cause our incidents to increase substantially, however the opposite occurred. The number of incidents investigated decreased by 861 from 1 1,797 in 2008 to 10,936 in 2009. Grime Break, Enter and Theft incidents decreased from 178 in 2008 to 155 in 2009. This is the lowest number of reported break and enters in a single year since the inception of the Elgin County Detachment. One notable increase is Domestic Violence incidents that increased from 223 in 2008'to 273 in 2009. Traffic Motor vehicle collisions decreased by 116, from 880 in 2008 to 764 in 2009. Fatal injury collisions decreased by 2 going from 7 to 5. Animal related collisions, the majority of which were deer, increased from 261 in 2008 to 275 in 2009. Elgin Officers issued 5,028 offence notices, the majority for traffic violations. Staffinq The authorized complement of the Elgin County Detachment complement is unchanged. Detachment Deployment Chart Rank Number lnsoector 1 Staff Seroeant 1 Sergeant 4 Provincial Constable 52 Part time Constable 3 Professional Assistant 4 Guards and Matrons 17 4 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 128 of 261 Auxiliarv Patrol Hours The Detachment Auxiliary continued to be a strong support to our detachment throughout the year. The unit was of great assistance at the Wheels and Wings Air Show in June. The Detachment Auxiliary Unit's current complement has decreased to 11 members through attrition. The unit will recruit an additional 4 members and increase its complement to15 when authorized. Auxiliary Patrol Hours Month 2008 2009 January 270 109 Februarv 272 113 Marcfr æ4 126 Aoril 240 136 Mav 312 200 June 301 384 Julv 351 363 Auoust 295 212 Seotemher 228 240 Odober 215 219 November 216 165 December 110 141 Year to Date 3114 2408 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 129 of 261 Business Plan lnitiatives and Gommitments Traffic Manaqement Strateqv In December 2009, I initiated a Traffic Management Strategy which will be utilized as a systematic tool to continuously manage traffic enforcement throughout the year. The purpose of the strategy is to reduce motor vehicle collisions, traffic complaints and increase police visibility. The strategy will focus on traffic patrol and enforcement, R.l.D.E. programs and traffic complaints. The main components of the strategy are: o Directed patrols and increased enforcement during peak commuter hours on highways where high percentages of motor vehicle collisions are occurring . Utilization of the Speed Sign combined with enforcement . Participation in OPP traffic initiatives such as R.l.D.E. and seat belt campaigns . lncreased fotlow up investigation and enforcement at locations where reoccurring traffic complaints originate. Motor Vehicle Collisions Motor Veh icle Gollisions Elg in Gounty 200812009 Property Damaqe Perænal lniury Fata ities Total Deer Collidons Month 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 January 77 85 13 I 0 1 89 95 24 21 February 73 48 10 I 0 0 81 57 24 13 March 56 u I 7 0 0 65 41 22 16 Rpril 52 43 11 9 1 0 53 52 17 16 May 45 53 12 12 0 1 59 66 23 17 June il 44 6 6 1 1 61 51 23 15 Juy 36 43 11 8 1 1 ß 51 7 11 Auqust 42 35 12 I 0 0 u M 11 7 Septenber 39 45 12 12 1 0 52 56 15 l9 October 69 73 14 6 0 0 83 81 38 45 lllor,embet 86 69 8 à 2 0 96 74 u u 98 85 12 10 1 'l 111 96 23 41 Total 727 657 130 102 7 5 837 7U 261 275 6 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 130 of 261 Festive RIDE Proqram The detachment participated in its annual Festive Ride Program from November 26,2009 to January 2,2010. During this time the detachment conducted 111 individual RIDE programs and stopped in excess of 18,000 vehicles. The Festive RIDE program was advertised through the media. One impaired driver was apprehended and six people were issued 72 hour driver license suspensions. In my view the Festive RIDE was a success as during this program only one alcohol related motor vehicle collision occurred. Tragically the one that did occur was a fatality. During this period officers were assigned to conduct at least one RIDE program every shift while on regular duty. Three Paid Duty RIDE programs were conducted under the Provincial RIDE Grant. ln addition, Paid Duty RIDE programs were funded by St. Thomas MADD Chapter, Steelway Building Systems and the R-SAFES Committee. General lncidents 2008 & 2009 Summarv Month Elqin Grour¡ Area ProvincialArea Totals 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 January 657 788 149 179 806 967 February 666 638 192 122 858 760 March 591 601 149 106 740 707 April 730 676 16,4 104 894 780 May 820 771 181 127 I OO1 898 June 959 746 150 136 1 109 882 July 996 886 165 121 1161 1007 August 904 862 173 131 1077 993 septemþer 846 890 161 131 906 1021 October 783 8,43 149 112 932 955 November 683 748 164 119 847 867 December 694 750 133 242 827 892 Totals 9329 9199 I 930 I 630 11158 10729 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 131 of 261 Break and Enter lncidents 200812009 Actual Incidents lncidents Gleared Month 2008 2009 2008 2009 January 14 12 2 2 Februarv 10 I 0 2 March 16 13 3 2 Aoril 16 12 1 o Mav I 16 1 o June 18 I o 2 Julv 17 16 3 2 Auqust 22 20 3 o Seotember 22 14 1 3 October 12 14 1 2 November 13 13 1 3 December I I 3 o Totals 178 155 l9 l8 The Elgin Crime Unit is responsible for all benchmark incidents in Elgin County and has an ongoing liaison and interaction with the detachment membership. The Elgin Crime Unit had gone through a dramatic change in personnel during 2008; however in 2009 the following developed and is currently in place: o One Provincial Constable has been assigned to a full time property crimes position. o One Provincial Constable has been seconded to assist in propefty crime offences and support investigating criminal investigations. . One Provincial Constable is assigned as a fulltime domestic violence investigator. . Four Detective Constables investigate criminal investigations and provide assistance to detachment personnel on complex criminal investigations. o Note: One member assisted the witnesses in court preparation for the duration of the Bandido trial proceeding. Another member was designated to assist in the Tori STAFFORD homicide in Woodstock and returned to his full-time duties in October 2009. . One Detective Constable dedicated to combating Controlled Drugs and Substances Act offences. I Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 132 of 261 Bandido Homicide lnvestiqation o The Preliminary Hearing for the Bandido Homicide lnvestigation was held from January 9th, 2oo7 to May 1f , 2oo7 . . On June 21st,2OO7 all eight parties were committed to trial. o The jury selection was scheduled for Februa ry 23'd,2009. . The trial was set for March 23d,2OOg. Elgin Crime Unit designated one member to assist the witnesses in court preparation and the duration of the court process. o Two Elgin Uniform Emergency Response Team (ERT) members were assigned to court security detail for the entirety of the trial. o ln October 2009, the 6 male parties were found guilty of murder. A total of 44 convictions of first degree murder were registered along with 4 convictions of manslaughter. All 6 males received the mandatory 25 year life sentence. Sudden Deaths ln 2009, the Elgin County Detachment conducted 36 Sudden Death lnvestigations. A sudden death is generally referred to as any death that takes place outside of a hospital. All death investigations are treated as a homicide until a police investigation proves otherwise. The Detective Sergeant assumes control of the investigation and assigns investigators where appropriate, to ensure a thorough investigation is completed. Proceeds of Grime Investiqation On Februa ry 26'h,2009, a 30 year old male party from London was stopped for speeding in Southwold. During the car stop, the driver and owner of the vehicle was.acting very nervous. A subsequent search of his vehicle revealed $14,200.00 currency stashed in different bundles inside the vehicle. A Proceeds of Crime investigation was conducted. One London male was charged with fail to comply with recognizance and possession of a controlled substance. A conviction was registered and all monies were forfeited. 9 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 133 of 261 Child Pornoqraphic lnvestiqation On Februa ry 26'h,2009, a 35 year old male party was stopped at a border crossing in Eastern Ontario. As a result, the driver of the vehicle was in possession of child pornographic images that he was exporting into the United States. As a result, Elgin Crime Unit was notified by USA border authorities and a search warrant was executed at the suspect's Central Elgin residence. A total of 22,254 pornographic images were located on his seized computer. One 35 year old male has been charged with exporting child pornography and possession of child pornography. Assault Cause Bodilv Harm and Search Warrant lnvestiqation On July 26th, 2009, the Elgin OPP officers and the Emergency Response Unit responded to a residence in West Elgin where a 51 year old male had assaulted another 48 year old male. The victim was assaulted with a rifle's gun butt and received death threats because of a "drug theft" from the past. The victim was wrapped inside plastic and tied up. He was able to break free and eventually contacted police. The victim sustained non-life threatening Ínjuries. A search warrant was conducted on the residence by Elgin Crime Unit and Drug Enforcement Unit. Police located three unsafe loaded firearms, ammunition and maríhuana plants growing on the property. The male was later arrested and charged with 16 criminal code offences. The male received a jail sentence of 4.5 years incarceration and a lifetime prohibition for firearms. Human Skeleton Bones Investiqation On December 8th, 209, the Elgin OPP Crime Unit was dispatched to a residence in Malahide Township where human skeleton remains were uncovered by an excavator working in a nearby fìeld beside the owner's residence. OPP ldentification Unit, Office of the Chief Coroner's Office and the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations of Toronto were contacted and assisted in this investigation. The human remains were from a registered burial site back in the early 1840's. The headstones had been moved by a previous landowner. An archeologist has been called in to excavate the land for more human remains and a proper burial is to take place. The onus is on the property landowner for the cost of the procedures and the property owner is bill for the archaeologist costs as per the Cemetery Legislation Act. 10 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 134 of 261 Theft from Vehicle lnvestiqation On November 3Oth, 2009, the Elgin OPP Crime Unit was conducting surveillance and follow-up on a St. Thomas male youth involved in vehicle break-ins from the Southwold area. Male was presently in possession of a stolen 2009 Dodge Charger vehicle from Southwold Township. The male youth was arrested and charged. Approximately 28 vehicle break-in occurrences have been cleared for the Southwold area. Police believe that this youth, along with another accomplice, were involved in these thefts. Police are still continuing their investigation at this time for further leads. Propertv Grimes Officer A full-time Property Crimes Officer was put into place in February 2009. The Property Crimes Officer will play a significant role in directing efforts in the area of concern of Elgin County residents. As well, this officer will provide educational initiatives for the senior population of Elgin County. A Property Crime initiative was conducted in 2OOg for the period May 11th to May 15th. The purpose of the initiative is to establish a uniform presence to deter would-be criminals and to pafticipate in Results Driven Policing goals, reducing thefts and break and enters, as well as promoting traffic safety through enforcement. Elgin officers concentrated on areas within Elgin County Detachment area that have been victimized by break, enters and thefts as well as using intelligence information and trends to focus on areas of possible criminal activity. Crime lnitiative Statistics 176 30 5 1 I 3 2 Vehicles were stopped and checked by police Provincial Offence Notices issued 12 hour suspensions were issued lmpaired Driver R.l.D.E. programs conducted Criminal Code charges CDSA offences 11 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 135 of 261 The areas concentrated on realized a significant increase in police visibility. These types of concentrated patrols have proven to be a deterrent to active criminals. The results proved substantial. I am confident this tool will be effective in reducing crime in Elgin County. Domestic Violence Incidents ln Elgin County, 1 in every 4 women is physically or sexually assaulted in relationships of intimacy. (Source: Violence Against Women Services Elgin). ln 2009, Elgin County OPP detachment continued to treat Domestic Violence as a primary concern. The detachment continues to assign a front line officer to coordinate domestic dispute investigations and liaise with our community partners. This officer ensures that domestic violence incidents are fully investigated in a manner that complies with the guidelines of the Provincial Domestic Violence Protocol. This position is partially funded by the "Safer Community 1,000 Officers" grant of $35,000 annually. Domestic violence occurrences continue to represent a high proportion of the criminal investigations undertaken by members at the Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police. Statistics gathered for 2009 identified Elgin County OPP investigated2T3 domestic violence occurrences, resulting in 93 occasions where 266 charges were laid (one person charged). The definition utilized for identifying such occurrences states: "Domestic violence is any use of physical or sexual force, actual or threatened, in an intimate relationship, including emotional/ psychological abuse or harassing behavior. Intimate relationships include fhose between the opposife-sex and same-sex partners. These relationships vary in duration and legal formality, and include current and former dating, common-law and married couples. These crimes are often committed in a context where there is a pattern of assau/f and/or controlling behaviour. This violence may include physical assault, and emotional, psychological and sexual abuse. lt can include threats to harm children, other famity members, pets and property. The violence rs used to intimidate, humiliate or frighten victims, or to make them powerless. Domestic víolence may include a single act of abuse. It may also include a number of acts that may appear minor or trivial when viewed in isolation, but collectively form a pattern that amounts to abuse." (Source: Policing Standards Manual (2000), guideline on Domestic Violence Occurrences). 12 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 136 of 261 Domestic Occurrence Chart The time necessary to investigate and complete the required documentation related to a domestic violence incident is considerable. As a result of being dispatched to a domestic dispute, it is not inconceivable for several members of a platoon to be unavailable for other calls for the rest of their shift, depending on the extent of the investigation. To better understand the obligations of an investigator, it is important to know that where a member of the OPP has reasonable grounds to believe a criminal offence has occurred related to a domestic dispute occurrence, the suspect shallbe arrested and charged appropriately. The investigation normally includes a sworn and digitally and video recorded interview of the victim, interviews with witnesses and the completion of various repofts and documents pertaining specifically to domestic dispute occurrences, including a safety plan for the victim and the processing of the charges against the suspect. A variety of charges can be pursued during a domestic violence investigation, but by far the most commonly laid charge is assauft. The following table summarizes the number of domestic violence occurrences investigated and identifies the various charges laid by members of the Elgin County OPP. The information reflects charges usually associated with domestic violence investigations. 150 100 13 E Total # of Occurences I # of Occurences where charges laid ! # of Occurences where charges not laid Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 137 of 261 It is still apparent that domestic violence is considered a "private" or "family" matter. Statistics do not specifically identify this issue, however there exists reluctance on the part of victims and witnesses to come fonryard and report domestic violence. Many incidents of domestic violence still remain unreported. The vision of the OPP, "Safe Communities... a Secure Ontario" is reflected in the organizational response to incidents of abuse and violence within the province. Each Detachment has a designated Abuse lssues Coordinator. They receive specialized training in the areas of domestic/family violence, child abuse, missing children, sexual assaults and crimes against seniors. (Source: Western Region OPP - 2006 Business Plan). The role of the Elgin County OPP Domestic Abuse Resource Officer requires that each incident of domestic violence reported is thoroughly investigated and properly managed. During 2009, the position remained of the utmost importance for Elgin County OPP. In 2008 and 2009, Elgin County was faced with and continues to face an enormous economic challenge that began with the closure of several automotive and manufacturing related industries. Several thousand St. Thomas and Elgin County residents have found themselves unemployed with limited immediate employment opportunities. Elgin County residents and local businesses are beginning to experience the financial stressors as a result of this economic downturn. Families that were initially affected by the layoffs are now seeing their Employment Insurance benefits coming to an end, therefore adding additional stressors to Elgin County families. The downturn of the local economy has increased the stress of our Elgin County families and therefore has increased the pressures on the social resources within the county. Elgin County OPP remains committed to help with the fight to end domestic violence. We will utilize all social agencies to combat domestic violence occurrences which continue to be a primary concern to the Elgin County OPP and will remain an investigative priority. 14 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 138 of 261 Occurrences:2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total number of domestic dispute occurrences 147 197 184 202 223 273 Number of occurrences where charges laid 77 110 99 109 117 93 Number of occurrences where charges not laid 70 87 85 93 106 180 Tvpe of Charses Laid:2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Assault 63 116 79 105 112 86 Assault w/ weapon or CBH 6 15 11 17 15 13 Aqoravated Assault 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sexual Assault (Domestic)1 5 3 6 6 l0 Sexual Assault w/ weaoon or CBH 3 0 0 1 1 0 Aqqravated Sexual Assault 0 0 0 0 0 0 Counselino to Commit Murder 0 0 0 0 0 0 Criminal Harassment 5 13 18 l5 10 14 Harassino Phone Calls 0 2 0 1 2 0 lntimidation 1 0 1 1 0 0 Chokino 0 1 2 5 1 1 Utter Threats 24 37 25 3l 26 24 Mischief 7 22 16 22 14 16 Theft 1 1 0 0 5 2 Break and Enter 0 1 4 3 3 0 Fail to Comolv with Recoqnizance 16 16 5 44 22 51 Breach Probation 13 18 9 20 I 't4 Fail to Comolv with Undertakino 0 0 4 0 I 4 Resist Arrest 1 2 1 1 3 0 Obstruct Police 0 1 0 'l 0 'l Escaoe LawfulCustodv 0 0 0 0 0 0 Forcible Confinement 3 5 4 11 I 2 Cause Disturbance 1 0 1 0 0 0 Careless Use of Firearm 1 3 0 0 0 0 Unauthorized Storaoe of Firearm 0 0 0 0 0 1 Possess Firearm When Prohibited 0 62 0 0 13 0 Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm 1 15 0 I 0 18 Breach Firearms 0 23 0 7 0 0 Unlawfullv in a Dwellino 1 1 1 1 2 0 Controlled Druq and Substance Act 0 4 0 1 0 0 lmpaired Over 80 1 Public lntoxicance 1 Criminal Neolioence 1 Assault Police 2 Danqerous Ooeration 2 Point Firearm 1 Defamation 1 Total Number of Charqes:148 363 184 302 261 266 2004- 2009 Domestic Violence Enforcement Summarv 15 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 139 of 261 Communitv Druq Action Team In June of 2009 a member of Elgin County Detachment was assigned as the Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) officer. Each detachment including Brant, Middlesex, Oxford, Haldimand, and Nodolk Counties has assigned one officer to the unit. The CDAT officer works at the detachment under the direction of the Drug Enforcement Unit, which is part of the Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau. The Detective Constable's primary role is the investigation of illegal drug activity and to assist in other counties during drug investigations. Elgin County has observed an increase in the use and abuse of prescription medication. Accidental deaths due to use of opioid painkillers in Ontario have soared over the past couple of decades, increasing dramatically after a new long-acting version of the drug oxycodone, sold as OxyContin. The slow-release drug is intended for people in extreme pain, but addicts may crush the tablets and snort them, or inject a liquid solution of the drug into their veins for an instant high like the one heroin gives. Opioids are strong analgesics (a.k.a. painkillers) which bind to receptors in the central nervous system, decreasing perception of pain and increasing pain tolerance. Members of this class of drugs include morphine, heroin, codeÍne, oxycodone and its slow-release cousin, OxyContin. Opioids on their own can slow breathing to the point where a person slips into a coma when combined with alcohol. 16 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 140 of 261 Srons and Sympfoms; . Slow breathing (less than ten breaths a minute is really serious trouble) . Small, pinpoint pupils . Confusion . Being tired, nodding off or passing out . Dizziness . Weakness . Apathy (they don't care about anything) . Cold and clammy skin . Nausea . Vomiting . Seizures Elgn County OPP and the Drug Enforcement Section would like to express the urgency to recognize the increase in the abuse of prescription medication. Take the time to educate yourself along with young children. Any questions or concerns, please contact Elgin County OPP, Heath Canada or your local doctor. This Detective Constable position is partially funded by the Safer Communities 1,000 Officer Partnership Program. 17 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 141 of 261 Total number of Drug Occurrences 123 Drug search warrants 7 Persons charged / warrants 10 Controlled Drug and Substance Act Charoes 101 Criminal Code charges 14 Value of Drugs seized $ 4,000,000.00 Value of seized property $ 500.00 Marihuana Eradication $ 3, 600,000.00 Weapons seized 6 Firearms Assisting Warrants including Provincial Projects 22 18 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 142 of 261 FINANCIAL REPORTS The following tables are included: o Municipal Contract Statistics - Hours of Service Table o OPP Municipal Policing - Detachment Revenue Report o 200812009 Provincial Ride Grants . Criminal Records Checks Summary Report Gontract Hours of Service 2009 Month Minimum Reouired Received Exceeded Overtime Hours Jantrary 5121.O5 6254.75 1133.7 511.25 Februarv 5121.05 5260.25 139.2 608.25 March 5121.O5 5683.5 562.45 588.5 Aoril 5121.05 6084.25 963.2 609.75 Mav 5121.05 5941.52 820.47 814.5 June 5121.05 5733 611.95 679.25 Julv 5121.O5 5418 296.95 904.5 Auqust 5121.O5 5842.25 721.2 585 September 5121.05 5545.75 424.7 610.75 October 5121.O5 5878 445.7 510.75 November 5121.05 6600.5 1183.7 738.5 December 5121.05 6850.75 1445.2 539.75 Year to Date 61452.6 71092.52 8748.42 7700.75 19 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 143 of 261 OPP Municipal Policinq - Detachment Revenue Report Month Total Revenues Collected January $2,911.50 Februarv $2.976.25 March $4,154.00 Aoril $4,O23.7s May $3,810.75 June $3,389.50 Julv $2.581.25 Auqust $4,456.50 September $3,889.02 October $4,180.89 November $2,683.25 December $2.210.75 Year To Date Total $41.267.41 20 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 144 of 261 2008/09 Provincial Ride Grant To date $12,503 of the $14,000 grant has been utilized. The remaining funds will be utilized to conduct a RIDE program in February during the evening of the annual Superbowl Sunday. Month Dollars Spent Number of Rides Municipality May $1,375.26 1 Bayham June 0 July $1,675.50 1 West Elgin August $3,351.00 2 Bayham September 0 0 October $1,375.26 1 Floating November $1 ,710.36 1 West End December $3,015.90 2 West End/Central January 0 0 February 1 Amount Allocated $14,006.16 Amount Spent $12,503.04 Total Remaining $1,503.12 21 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 145 of 261 Griminal Record Checks 2OO9 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sepl Oct Nov Dec Tota Vulnerable Screening 161 144 112 120 168 259 84 119 312 275 124 46 1924 Regular 14 26 38 50 23 37 32 44 60 11 20 15 370 Total 175 170 150 170 191 296 116 163 372 286 144 6t 2294 Summarv A review of the statistics, serious crimes investigated and the major events we were called upon to police illustrates the success of our detachment in 2009. I am confident that 2010 will bring an increased workload with many new challenges. I trust you found this report informational. WønCoX lnspector Elgin County Detachment 22 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 146 of 261 Page I ofl From : Jim Bundschuh fbundschuh@elgin-county. on. ca] Sent: November 18,2009 5:10 PM To: Joanne Groch; Ken Loveland; Scott Gawley; Sharon Larmour; Susan \Milson; Suzanna Mantel Cc: Cox, Ryan (JUS) Subject: Estimated 2010 Policing Costs Attachments: estimated policing I O.pdf Attached are the estimated policing costs for 2010 in the amount of $5,484,471 including the inflationary cost increases associated with the negotiated 2010 salaries. Two grants will once again be issued to the Group throughout the year; $30,000 for the Community Policing Partnership Fund and $105,000 for the Safer Communities 1000 Police Officers program. The breakdown to each member municipality should be as follows: Municipalitv %o Share Estimated Policine Estimated Grants Bayham 13.03%714.846 (r7.s961 Cenhal Elein 36.75%2.0t5-762 (49.618) Dutton/Dunwich 8.71%47',7.862 nt-763\ Malahide t393%763.822 118.801) Southwold Il.82o/o 648.484 (1s.962\ West Elein 15.75V"863.694 Q7.260) Total l00o/o 5-484.471 1135.0001 Please do not hesitate to contact this office or Inspector Ryan Cox at 519-631-2920 if you require any additional information. Jim Bundschuh Director of Financial Services County of Elgin (519) 631-1460 x 141 Cell: (519) 857-5100 t_ l lEll This email may contain confidential information. lf you are not one of the intended recipients, if you receive this email or if it is forwarded to you without the express authorization of The County of Elgin, please destroy this email and contact us immediately. ^Þ-! Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail file://C:\Documents and Settings\brenda\Local Settings\Temporary lnternet Files\OLK43\0... 112612010 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 147 of 261 O.P.P. COSTING SUMMARY Estimated Policing Costs for the period January 01,2010 to December31,2010 Salaries and Benefits Uniform Members lnspector Staff Sergeant-Detachment Commander. . . . . . . . Elgin Group Positions Staff Sergeant. . . . . Sergeant Constables. Part-TimeConstables. .... (Notel) Total Uniform Salaries Overtime .... Prov.Avg. Contractual Payout (Vacation & Statutory Holidays ) ShiftPremiums.... Benefits (23.7o/o of Salaries; 17 .460/o Part-Time; 2% of Overtime) . . . Total Uniform Salaries & Benefits Givilian Members Positions $ Detachment Administrative Clerk 3.05 160,967 0.68 84,358 3.42 321,312 36.54 3,055,548 1.25 79,455 68,616 29.323 3,540,673 311,068 84,694 9,849 840,403 258,906 57,396 4,786,688 316,301 1,576 5,104,565 637,527 7,332 Communication Operators Prisoner Guards / Expenses Total Civilian Salaries Benefits (25.00o/o of Salaries; 17 .460/o Part-Time) Total Civilian Salaries & Benefìts OSS Pay and Benefit Charge (Note 2) Total Salaries & Benefits Other Direct Operatino Expenses Operational Support RHQ Municipal Support Vehicle Usage. Telephone OffìceSupplies..... Accommodation . . . Uniform & Equipment Cleaning Contract Mobile Radio Equipment Repairs & Maintenance. . . . . . . . OfficeAutomation - Uniform.... (Note3) Office Automation - Civilian Administrative Vehicle (Notê 4) Auxiliary Officers Per Diem (Note s) Total Other Direct Operating Expenses OSS ODOE Fee 27,187 58,353 308,3'10 41,764 11,604 5,865 30,831 32,716 23,919 80,843 4,038 10,597 1,500 2010 Total Estimated Actual Gross Policing Cost. . . 5,749,424 Provincialservlces lJsage . (264'953) TOTAL ESTIMATED POLICING COST $ 5,9Q,,471 Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 148 of 261 O.P.P. COSTING SUMMARY - Elgin Group Estimated Policing Costs for the period January 01, 2010 to December 31,2010 Notes: 1) Part-time Constables are classifled as casual parttime. They are included in the overtime and shift premium calculations. They are not entitled to the Contractual payouts. They are entitled to certain benefits which are calculated at 17.460/o of their salaries. Their positions are also taken into consideration for the calculation of other direct operating expenses. 2) There is an Ontario Shared Services Pay and Benefit Charge for each of the (3) three constables with an effective start date of January 1,2007 of $394 and the (1 ) one additional constable for 2008, that is calculated to create and maintain the ministry payroll profile. 3) Office Automation - Uniform, includes the annual lease cost for one OPP standard computer of $1,043, for the Administrative Sergeant position. 4) The Administrative vehicle has an annual cost of $10,597. 5) The Elgin Group Contract specifies five (5) auxiliary members, estimated @ $gOO ($1,500) for per diem expenses. Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 149 of 261 Page 150 of 261 2010 Elsin Countv Detachment r rttrtr *ar"g"-a Purpose To develop aformalized system that will act as a tool to effectively manage and measure traffic enforcement throughout the detachment area on a continuous basis. This system will be utilized by all uniform officers. Many of the identified methods are alreadybeing informally utilized. Preamble A detailed analysis was conducted on the 50 fatal motor vehicle collisions (MVC's) that occurred in Elgin County Detachment area from January 2004 to December 2008. The study revealed identifiable trends. The primary causes were speed to fast for conditions 50 %o and failing to yield 22Vo. Tenpercent involved alcohol. The collisions occurred relatively evenly across the entire detachment area with the exception of West Elgin which realized only four percent. The highest involved age group was 2l-40 years. Thirty -seven of the fifty drivers were male. Forty -six percent occurred on county roads. There was no particular day of the week or month of the year. On a positive note statistically Elgin County roads have 45o/o fewer motor vehicle collisions than the provincial average. Goal The goal of this strategy is to reduce fatal, personal injury and property damage motor vehicle collisions. Reduce traffic complaints. Increase police visibility. Method The Detachment Manager is responsible for the administration of Traffic Management Strategy. Through statistical analysis of motor vehicle collisions, traffic complaints and intelligence led policing concentrate traffic enforcement on highways identified as problem areas utilizing Results Driven Policing methodology. Enforcement resources will be directed to pinpointed problem areas. The Detachment Support Manager will be responsible to conduct required analysis and prepare statistical reports. Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 151 of 261 Officers have been instructed to direct an increased emphasis on traffic patrol and enforcement. Analysis An analysis of 2008/09 motor vehicle collisions reveals that a high percentage continues to occur on Elgin County roads. The predominant roads were those that act as thoroughfares between the larger towns i.e., Tillsonburg, Aylmer, St. Thomas, London and those that act as highway 401 access. This is a similar result realized in the extensive 2007 analysis that Elgin County and the province conducted. Highway 401 is identified as high MVC road, 119 occurred in 2008 and 89 in2009. Approximately 40%o of all trafñc complaints are generated from highway 401. Radar and Traffic Patrol o Sergeants will assign all uniform officers to radar equipped cruisers each shift o Sergeants will ensure all their platoon members maintain radar certification o Sergeants will ttllize directed patrols on highways identified with high MVC's and traffic complaints. To enhance effectiveness patrols will be conducted at the time of MVC's or complaints occulrence. o Sergeants will assign directed patrols in villages and hamlets on regular basis as they generate a high percentage of traffic complaints. o Sergeants will direct all available platoon officers to conduct trafñc patrol at specific locations during commuter hours on weekdays. Le. 'Weekdays (0630- 0830 and 1530-1730 hrs) ( Officers will be permitted to discontinue assigned patrol when necessary to return to detachment to complete report writing and shift conclusion requirønents to avoid overtime) R.I.D.E. Program o The Sergeant or OIC (officer in charge) will identiff specific locations where R.I.D.E. programs are to be conducted programs. Each platoon to conduct one a . minimum of R.I.D.E. eachblock of shifts. The Detachment Manager will identiff locations and set times for paid duty R.I.D.E. grant programs. The majority of grant R.I.D.E. programs will be conducted during the festive season, holiday weekends and at special events. R.I.D.E. programs will focus on high visibility areas for educational purposes and high incident areas to reduce incidents. Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 152 of 261 . A RMS incident will be generated for each R.I.D.E. program Speed Sign . The Support Manager will be responsible to manage the speed sign, track utilization and follow up enforcement. o To ensure maximum usage the Support Manager through consultation with the Operations Manager, the Media Officer and the Dedicated Traffic Officer will manage an implementation schedule o Community Policing Committees and Road Departments will be encouraged to utilize and schedule speed sign usage. A trained detachment officer will provide necessary training. o The dedicated traffic officer is responsible for placernent of the speed sign and follow up enforcement. ERT and platoon officers re be utilized for support and backfill. . The speed sign will be placed each Monday at the scheduled location and set up as applicable. On the following'Wednesday the traffic enforcement officer will be run radar atthe assigned location while the sign is still operating. At the end of day the sign will be moved to the next scheduled location. On the following Friday the traffic officer will conduct radar at the location, while the speed sign is still operating. o The sign will be recharged when required and on weekends. ¡ Sergeants will provide officers for follow up radar patrol upon request of the Support Manager. o The speed sign implementation schedule and enforcement results will be provided monthly to the Elgin Community Policing Committees, the Police Service Board and the Media. Traffìc Complaints o The on duty NCO/OIC shall ensure that traffic complaints are assigned appropriately (safety concerns and re-occurring complaints) to Detachment Traffic, Zone and ERT officers for enforcernent and follow up. o The DRU will continue to be utilized to send out warning letters' o Member's responding to traffic complaints shall contact the complainant and advise outcome (enforcement/patrols/etc) once occuffence is completed where Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 153 of 261 feasonable. o Reoccurring speeding complaint locations will reported to the Support Manager and identified for speed sign utilization. o Platoon Supervisors will assign zone officers to conduct directed patrols at reoccurring traffi c complaint locations. . The Support Manager will provide monthly statistical report to the Detachment Manager which will be reviewedbythe Detachment Commander. . The report will be dispersed to the Detachment Membership, Police Service Boa¡d and the Elgin Community Policing Committees. Corporate Traffic Initiatives o Corporate trafñc initiatives (i.e. seat belt campaign) will be included in the detachment strategy. o The Detachment Manager will be responsible for developing plans . Specific goals willbe identified for each corporate initiative o Each platoon's will be responsible to achieve 25o/o of the goal. o A Festive RIDE schedule is posted for the platoons to follow Motor Vehicle Collision Reduction through Environmental Design o Trained MVC Reduction Through Environmental Design officers will be assigned to conduct analysis at identified problem areas i.e. intersections o Detachment Commander will follow up with municþalities or county offrcials where highway and road signage defects are identified o Motor vehicle collision reports will continue to be forwarded to the Elgin County Road Engineer for analysis Measures o Monthly review of performance statistics sheet to measure participation o Local DAR Stats will be utilized to track, RIDE, speed enforcement and directed patrols Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 154 of 261 Accountability o Platoon Sergeants will be held accountable for their platoons participation o Platoon Sergeants will conduct monthly reviews with their platoon members o Platoon Sergeants will report their platoons results to then Detachment Manager monthly o Results will be reviewed by the Detachment Commander o Detachment members will be apprised of detachment statistical results through monthly detachment communiqué. Police Service Board and Community PoHcing Committee Reporting o Statistical results will be provided to Community Policing Committees and the Elgrn Group Police Services Board o CommunityPolicing Committees and Police Service Board will be provided a copy of the strateg¡ the speed sign schedule and enforcement results Media . The public will be apprised of collision and enforcement statistics through monthly media releases. o RIDE and traffic complaint statistics will be dispersed as previously outlined o All media releases will contain an educational component. Inspector R. B. Cox Elgin County D etachment Elgin County OPP correspondence regarding OPP 2009 Year End Report, Estimates for 2010 OPP Billing, 2010 Traffic Page 155 of 261 Page 156 of 261 ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD 2O1O DRAFT BUDGET ACCOUNT 2009 BUDGET 2009 PROJECTED ACTUALS TO DEC.31 2010 DRAFT BUDGET % INCREASE/ DECREASE TO 2OO9 BUDGET HONORARIUM TRAVEL PROFESS¡ONAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD (paper, faxes, phone, advertising, OAPSB membership, insurance) $9,200 $2,000 $14,000 $2,140 $9,200 $732 $7,699 $3,580 $9,200 $2,000 $14,000 $2,140 SUBTOTAL PROJECTED SURPLUS FROM 2OO8 $27,340 ($5.2551 921,210 $27,340 ($6,130) 0.00 TOTAL BUDGET REQUISITION s22.085 s21,210 $21.210 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES BALANCE $8,690 A/C #2980-000 BAYHAM CENTRAL ELGIN DUTTON/DUNWICH MALAHIDE SOUTHWOLD WEST ELGIN TOTAL REQUISITION BY MUNICIPALITY 3-Year Average - beginning in 2008 (4-Year Average to begin at end of 2010) 13.034o/o 36.754% 8.713o/o 13.927o/o 11.824% 15.748o/o 2008 2009 2010 $4,024 $11,349 $2,690 $4,300 $3,651 $4,862 $2,879 $8,117 $1,924 $3,076 $2,611 $3.478 $2,765 $7,796 $1,848 $2,954 $2,508 s3 340 $30.876 $22.085 $21.210 E l g i n C o u n t y O P P c o r r e s p o n d e n c e r e g a r d i n g O P P 2 0 0 9 Y e a r E n d R e p o r t , E s t i m a t e s f o r 2 0 1 0 O P P B i l l i n g , 2 0 1 0 T r a f f i c P a g e 1 5 7 o f 2 6 1 Page 158 of 261 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official SUBJECT: Building Department Year End Report 2009 DATE: February 4,2010 FILE: P-10 NUMBER: P-2010-001 Purpose: To advise Council of the Building Departments activities for the year 2009. Staff Comments: 2009 was an active year for the Building Department. As was expected with the economic turndown, it was a little slow at the beginning of the year. By June, Building permit applications were steadily coming into the office. We issued permits right up to the middle of December. As usual, the residential sector was foremost in permit activity, with permits for new homes totaling 35. There were 9 new farm buildings constructed, with 2 grainbin complexes and one two storeybroiler barn. One of the grain bin projects had a construction value of 1.3 million. The ICI (industrial, commercial, institutional) sector had a little activity in the year, with most of the work being done by the municipality, with the Septage Receiving Station and the new salt storage shed. In Port Burwell, one restaurant installed new washrooms. There wrIS no ICI activity in Vienna. Straflordville Public School had a new boiler system installed and the small church next door to the Public School has a small additionbeing constructed. The attached chart shows the breakdown and comparison of permit fees received, building construction values for 2009 and previous years. Although our fees were less in2009 than in 2008, the fees and permit volume for 2009 was better than most previous years. Of course 2005 was the record year when the wind turbine project was installed. Staff Report P2010-001 regarding Building Department Year End Report 2009. File: P10 Page 159 of 261 Buildins Permit Stats Year No.Permits Issued No. New IIomes No. New FarmBuildinss Permit Fees Construction Value 2009 t36 35 9 s73,567 s9.076.348 2008 742 28 12 s76,992 s8.671.492 2007 119 30 5 $65,688 s6.218.091 2006 106 28 10 s67-959 s6.012.120 200s 180 30 t2 s134,146 $18.516.620 2004 133 2t l5 $40.r36 $8,240,677 StaffReport P-2010-001 Recommendation: 1. That staff report # P 2010-010 regarding the Building Department year end report for 2009 be received. Respectfu lly submitted,Reviewed By, Chief Building OffÌ'cial Staff Report P2010-001 regarding Building Department Year End Report 2009. File: P10 Page 160 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 11412010 001647 't255475 oNTARTO LTD 879067 SAFEWSPOUT,SUPPLIES 1210812009 I 50.34 007820 ChequeAmount- 50.34 001645 ARNOLD KEITH UNDERHILL oo2 oTTERS EDGE DRATN ALLOWANC 1il31/2009 I 240.00 007821 Cheque Amount - 24O.OO OOOOTO ATKINSON, DAVIES INC OO28/,æ ON SITETESTING 1210112009 I 574.88 007822 ChequeAmount- 574.88 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 00001500606 VoLUNTEERS, DOG TAGS, ZONIN' 12t31t2ñ9 I 427.77 007823 Cheque Amount -427.77 OOOO81 AYLMERTIRE 0000061149 REPAIRTIRE 0000061293 REPAIR REARTIRE OOOO91 BARRY R. CARD 21201+29 LEGALSERVICES 0111412010 1:20PM 1213112009 I 832.86 007825 ChequeAmount- 832.86 OOOO97 BAYHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY F201ùO1 2010 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL '1213112009 I 50.00 007826 ChequeAmount- 50.00 OO'1471 BLUEWAVE ENERGY 40923373258688 TELLUS OtL, DRUM DEPOSTT 1212912009 I 767.70 007827 Cheque Amount - 767.70 001646 BOB HEIMBUCH oo2 oTTERS EDGE DRATN ALLOWANC 12t31t2009 I 20.00 007828 Cheque Amount- 20.00 OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 7264 LOF 1211012009 I 51.92 007829 7269 REPLACE HEAD LIGHT 1A1012009 I 19.75 007829 7291 REpAtR REAR T|RE, REPLACE TIR 1211412009 I 480.25 007829 7333 LOF 1212112009 I 44.02 007829 1A2/2009 I 186.92 007824 1212912009 I 239.34 007824 Cheque Amount - 426.26 ChequeAmount- 595.94 sEprAGE RECE|V|NG STATION 1212412009 I 4,695.20 007830 EAST P|ER REMEDIATION 1213012009 I 1,287.O4 007830 WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL 1213012009 I 1,387.58 007830 000220 oJDL 549'l 5499 5507 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Gheque Date Type Amount Number Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 161 of 261 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Gheque Amount Cheque Number Cheque Amount - 7,369.82 000218 cuPELocAL35 Dec'09 remit UNION DUES 12t3'U2009 I 373.8't 007831 ChequeAmount- 373.81 OOO229 DANCE SEWER CLEANING INC 11149 EMERGENCYCALL-PUMPSTATT( 1A09t2009 I 220.50 007832 11153 CLEAN L|FT STATTONS 12t2A2009 I 661.50 007832 ChequeAmount- 882.00 @1227 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. INC. 90018 GEOMELT S30 12rt0/2009 I 2.062.86 007833 Cheque Amount - 2,062.86 000367 GENERAL CHEMICAL 90293858 LIQUID ALUM 001258 HENNESSY GIBSON HOGAN 12t29t2009 I 553.23 007834 Cheque Amount - 553.23 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 52256 LEGALSERVICES 52270 LEGALSERVICES MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Regíster - 0111412010 0111412010 1:20PM 12t30t2009 I 267.27 007835 1213012009 I 189.04 007835 Cheque Amount - 456.31 001328 H|-TECH CONTROLS (LONDON) 10409 CABLE TRANSMTTTER |NSTALI-AT| 12t2A2009 I 1,576.58 007836 Cheque Amount - 1,576.58 OOO991 HORVATH AUTO PARTS 196963 GLOVES 12t2112009 I 50.82 007837 1212A2009 I 180.80 007837 12/2U2009 I 9.61 007837 Cheque Amount - 24'1.23 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC 93970-20342 Dec UTILITIES - V.C.C. 12l31l2ÙOg I 't ,343.79 007838 Dec 0118'1 - 23005 UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE 1213112009 I 46.81 007838 Dec 12650 - 91004 UTILITIES - PUMP#8 1213112009 I 101.06 007838 Dec 18850 - 12458 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY 1A3U20O9 I 126.36 007838 Dec 18971 -44027 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER lA31POOg I 38.86 007838 Dec 18971 - 52001 UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP 1A3U2OO9 I 79.74 007838 Dec25250 -'12302 UTILITIES - OPP OFFICE 12l31l2$Og I 46.38 007838 Dec 28799 - 40004 UTILITIES - PUMP#1 'l2l31l200g I 236.23 007838 Dec43850 -'12451 UTILITIES - PB CENTENNIAL PARK 1A312OO9 I 74.03 007838 Dec 50250 - 12458 UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM 1213112009 I 81.32 007838 Dec 56450-12330 UTILITIES - BOAT LAUNCH 12l31l2ÙOg I 10.86 007838 196983 '196993 I.AMP BULB Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 162 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 0111412010 1:20PM lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 11412010 Dec75250 - 12272 DecBT770 -20012 Dec93850 -12278 Dec 93850 - 91019 000217 TB|GROUP 220990 OOO454 JAMMIE UNDERHILL 002 UTILITIES - PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES. EDISON UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PUMP#7 12/3112009 1?/3112æ9 12t31t2009 1A31/2009 47.93 007838 74.82 007838 145.31 007838 236.23 007838 Cheque Amount - CONSULTING FEES 1?/21/2009 I Cheque Amount - OTTERSEDGEDRAINALLOWANC 1A31/2009 I 5,518.62 5't0.00 2,689.73 5,518.62 007839 007844 007846 007840 Cheque Amount - OOO498 KEN SPROUL 4493 SNOWPLOWNG 12t3112009 I Cheque Amount - OOOSIO KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 145257 LIGHTER 12t15t2009 1iJ1612009145370 FUELTREATMENTQUART Cheque Amount - OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 15209 EMERGENCY CALL. PUMP STATI( 1A27/200,9 I Cheque Amount - OOO517 KROWN RUSTCONTROL 5615 POWER KLEEN SOAP 12t2412009 I Cheque Amount - OOO235 LIPPERT & WRIGHT FUELS LTD. 5't0.00 1,888.95 0078r'.1 1,888.95 3.77 0078r'.2 11.21 0078/.2 14.98 390.60 0078r'.3 390.60 66.67 7404578 81504 81505 81506 82729 83068 83069 83070 86049 8605r REG GAS ULS DIESEL DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS DIESEL DYED ULSD DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS ULS DIESEL ULS DIESEL REG GAS 12t02t2009 1?J1U2009 1211012009 1?J1U2009 1?/1512009 1211512009 1?,15t2009 12t1512009 12t30t2009 12t30t2009 I I I I I I I I I I 66.67 1,156.81 007845 1,543.43 007845 351.30 007845 1,155.36 007845 251.72 007845 292.23 007845 635.84 007845 713.44 0078ø.5 I,896.09 007845 1,049.82 007M5 OOO573 MARC'S GAS BAR & VARIETY Cheque Amount -9,046.04 3s.8511HARDWARE12tO412009 I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 163 of 261 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 220026 7490 7494 7496 7507 7514 COUPLING TAP BULB DRILL BIT DOUBLE CUT KEY ELBOWS, ADAPTERS ChequeAmount- 35.85 OOO6IO MINISTER OF FINANCE certificate CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 1l3llmÙg I 115.00 0078/.7 Cheque Amount - 115.00 000647 NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 126241 GARBAGE D|SPOSAL 12t31t2009 I 36,763.54 007848 Cheque Amount- 36,763.54 000657 OMEC'A CONTRACTORS 45709{3 PORT BURWELL WATER RENEWA 12t30t2009 I 188,696.27 007849 Cheque Amount - 188,696.27 000658 oMERS 04100 Dec'09 DECEMBER'09 REMIT OOI484 PELMOREX MEDIA INC. 1A31POO9 I 15,694.92 007850 109185 WEATHER FORECAST 1213112009 I 315.00 007851 ChequeAmount- 315.00 00.1251 PK CONSTRUCTION INC Payment Cert#l SEPTAGE RECEIVING 12l31l2ÛOg I 23,755.01 007852 Cheque Amount - 23,755.0'l OOO7IO PORT BURWELL HOME HARDWARE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0111412010 0'111412010 1:20PM Cheque Amount - 15,694.92 12t15t2009 I 4.17 007853 1AO5t2009 I 4.51 007853 Plo'noog I 2.25 007853 't2t0712009 I 3.94 007853 1211112009 I 3.38 007853 1211712009 I 17.79 007853 ChequeAmount- 36.04 OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD 407257694 COURTER SERVTCE 1A31/2009 I 67.00 007854 Cheque Amount -67.00 000806 SGSCANADAINC 10396907 t-AB FEES 12t26t2009 I 562.80 007855 Cheque Amciunt - 562.80 OOO8I4 SIFTO CANADA INC 72171894 BULK HTGHWAY COARSE 12t30t2009 I 2,7U.52 007856 OOO827 SOUTHWESTERN FIRE PROTECTION Cheque Amount - 2,7U.52 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 164 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 Í1412010 0'111412010 1:20PM lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice , Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 1923 1926 42935601 18 4293630030 001418 TELUS 015894762018 0000't 8'1794 000018't829 00001 8t 886 ANNUAL INSPECTION ANNUAL INSPECTIONS 1013012009 1013012009 118.65 007857 213.68 007857 OOO832 SPRIETASSOCIATES OS{728 BLACK BRIDGE FORCEMAIN 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION x11255341 PUBLIC WORKS AD OOO874 TEAM TRUCKCENTRES Cheque Amount - 12t31t2009 r Cheque Amount - 1212312009 I Cheque Amount - NOZZLES 12J2?/2009 SEAL RINGS. HPFD AND DAMPER 1A29I2OO9 Cheque Amount - 5,9'16.65 183.08 332.33 5,916.65 007858 007859 007863 183.08 26.30 æ7860 108.10 007860 0'15894762018' DOLLAR POOLSAVINGS I.ATE PAYMENT CHARGE 015894762U42005876 CELL PHONE - P GROENEVELD 015894.762018V617't156 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 015894762018/6177656 CELL PHONE -A SWAI.¡CE 015894762018t/6365709 CELL PHONE - PB FTREDEPT 015894762018/6365787 CELL PHONE - RAODS DEPT 1 015894762018I/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAF FIRE DEPT 01589476201U6366I98 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 01589476201&6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 0't5894762018/6369464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 015894762018/6689955 CELL PHONE - B BUTLER 015894762018/9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 1427/2009 1212712009 1212712009 12t27t2009 1212712009 1U2712009 't2t27t2009 12t27t2009 1212712009 1212712009 1212712009 12t2712009 12t27t2009 1U.40 -162.45 007861 14.63 007861 103.90 007861 45.48 007861 77.51 00786'l 44.86 007861 45.77 007861 44.86 007861 212.47 007861 114.50 007861 48.59 007861 il.41 007861 44.86 007861 c I I I I I I I I I I I I OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AHIDE 09-029 SEPT-OCTWATER20o9 OOO932 UNDERHILL FARM SUPPLY LTD 213505 PARTS OOO957 VOTH SALES & SERVICE LTD 0000181777 CLAMP Cheque Amount - 12t31t2009 I 689.39 41,706.82 007862 Cheque Amount - 1212312009 I 41,706.82 15.19 BRAKE CHAMBER ADAPTOR, CLAMPS, EXHAUST PIF BULBS Cheque i\mount -15.'19 18.28 007864 90.39 007864 87.88 007864 20.34 0078M 12t04t2009 1210712009 12111t2009 12t2212009 I I I I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 165 of 261 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.1't.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0111412010 0111412010 1:20PM 0000181899 ADJUSTCLUTCH 0000181915 HYDRAULTC OrL OOOO,I8I93I SOLENOID STARTER 000018't935 LABOUR FORTR#3 0000181946 WASHER FLUID 000986 WORKPI.ACE SAFEW& INSURANCE 1625314 Dec'09 DECEMBER'09 REMIT 1212912009 I 236.45 007864 12t29t2009 a æ.40 0078il 12t29t2009 r 56.49 007864 1A29t2009 I 2,088.67 0078@l 1213012009 I 15.82 007864. Cheque Amount - 4,462.50 1A12/2009 I 1,757-17 007865 Cheque Amount - 1,757-17 Cheque Run Total - 361,651 .06 0000181917 ANNUAL SAFETY & SERVICE 1A29t2009 I 1,7U.18 007864 Page 6 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 166 of 261 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Amount Cheque Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 11412010 0111412010 3:30PM 000001 DPoc 001 2010 POSTAGE o'U14t2010 I 2,100.00 007866 Cheque Amount - 2,100.00 OOO3O1 ELGIN.ST.THOMASMUNICIPAL 2010 dues 2010 DUES 0111312010 I 50.00 007867 Cheque Amount - 50.00 OO0/'27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Jan 00240 - 14793 UTILITIES - GARAGE 0110812010 I 749.87 007868 Jan 06571 - 44066 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER O1lO5l2O10 I 42.æ 007868 Jan 35795 - 43000 UTILITIES - PUMP#6 O1lO6l2O'tO I 685.65 007868 Jan 62760 - 43000 UTILITIES - E.C.C. O1lO5l2O10 I 140.ô4 007868 Jan62770 -20225 UTILITIES -VIENNA MEM PARK 0110612010 I 366.91 007868 Cheque Amount - 1,985.73 000635 NEOPOST CANADA LIMITED t1733675 CANADAPOSTRATECHANGE 0110112010 I 197.75 007869 Cheque Amount - 197.75 001543 OTTER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2010 membership 2010 MEMBERSHIP O1lO1l2O1O I 70.00 007870 Cheque Amount - 70.00 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK 4516050000954101 Jan INTEREST O1IOU2O1O I 6.78 007871 Cheque Amount - 6.78 OOO814 SIFTO CANADA INC 72172690 COARSE BULK H|GHWAY 01t0612010 I 10,335.30 007872 72173506 BULK COARSE HIGHWAY 0110712010 I 5,279.68 007872 ChequeAmount- 15,614.98 OOO874 TEAMTRUCKCENTRES 4200040073 MOTOR BLOWER 0110412010 I 142.96 007873 4200070007 MARKER LAMP SWTCH 0110712010 I 62.21 007873 A200070014 FUELFILTERS 0110712010 I 325.85 007873 A200070104 F-TANK 24" 01107/2010 I 726.40 007873 ChequeAmount- 1,257.42 000969 WESTBURNE RUDDY ONTARIO 0110512010 I 13.43 007874 Cheque Amount -13.43 3179928 BULBS Cheque Run Total - 21,296.09 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 167 of 261 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Tyæ Cheque Amount Cheque Number 2009:11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01121 12010 01f21l2010 3:34PM 000009 8/.3002 oNTARto tNc 1O4O HAULING SAND 0110812010 I 3.233.16 007875 Cheque Amount - 3,233.16 001648 ABC FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING 220 SAND & REF|N|SH FLOOR - S.C.C. 01t1312010 I 9,975.00 007876 Cheque Amount - 9,975.00 OOOO31 ADT SECURITYSERVICES CANADA 41078305 AI-ARM SYSTEM - S.C.C. 0112112010 I 215.25 007877 Cheque Amount - 215.25 OOOO52 AMTELECOM COMMUNICATIONS 00ô0257907Jan10 INTERNET - OFFICE 0110112010 I 85.00 007878 0060341982Jan10 INTERNET - EDISON 0110í2010 I 48.25 007878 0060408229Jan10 INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM O1lO1l201O I 48.25 007878 0060493387Jan10 INTERNET - GARAGE O',lt}1t2010 ì ZA.SO 007878 5198665521Jan10 MONTHLYTELEPHONE O1lO1l2O1O t 1,223.39 007878 Cheque Amount - 1,433.'19 001337 AROUND ABOUT BAYHAM winter ad AD - WINTER WEATHER 0110512010 I 31.50 007879 ChequeAmount- 31.50 OOOOTO ATKINSON, DAVIES INC 0028461 PCP UPGRADES 1UO112009 I 861.00 007880 ChequeAmount- 861.00 001622 BELL CONFERENCING INC. 105578501 CONFERENCE CHARGES 0111112010 I 238.66 007881 ChequeAmount- 238.66 OOO114 BOBBUTLER bayham bucks REIMBURSE BAYHAM BUCKS 0112112010 I 50.00 007882 Cheque Amount- 50.00 001271 BRENDAGÍBBONS Sept-Dec MAP MAP PROGRAM REGISTRATION 12l31l2ÙOg I 330.75 007883 Cheque Amount -330.75 000160 CANON CANADA INC. 6375124 METER BILLING 000171 cBsc oAP|TAL tNc 310531I COPIERRENTAL 507.61 0111112010 I 1,294.98 007885 0110712010 I 507.61 007884 Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount - 1,294.98 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 168 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0'112112010 3:34PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 121 12010 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Gheque Date Tyæ Amount Number 000220 CJDL 5575 CONSULTING FEES 12t31t2009 I 1,885.28 007886 Cheque Amount - 1,885.28 OOO195 CLIFF EVANITSKI meetings - mileage MILEAGE FOR'09 MTGS 1213112009 I 234.00 007887 Cheque Arnount -2U.OO OOOIOO CORPORATE EXPRESS 24159396 DAILY DIARIES 241æ445 DAILY DIARY ChequeAmount- 96.38 000212 couNwoF ELGIN cNooooo0149 APR-SEPT POLICING 1A31¡2009 C -10,000.97 007889 tN0oo0l9837 SEWAGE FORCEMATN RECONSTR 1213112009 I 46,058.50 007889 tNoo0o19838 JANUARY pOLtCE SERMCES O1!OU2010 I 59,570.50 007889 Cheque Amount - 95,628.03 001610 CPCS TRANSCOM LIMITED 0921&2 reúsed FEASIBILITY AND IMPACT STUDY 01/08/2010 I 50,775.65 007890 Cheque Amount - 50,775.65 001432 CULLIGAN 41033350515 UNITRENTAL o'U012:010 I 26.20 007891 Cheque Amount - 26.20 001329 DAVIDSON GENERAL REPAIR 084177 SERVICE CALL, REPAIR 0110812010 I 339.59 007892 ou179 REPLACE BATTERY 0111112010 I 189.73 007892 Cheque Arnount - 529.32 OOO25O DEL-BAC SALES LIMITED 205437 PULLTOWELS -CREDIT 11106/2009 c -37.12 007893 205566 SUPPLIES 1111112009 I 304.71 007893 207322 SUPPLIES 0il1a2010 I 773.04 007893 Cheque Amount - 1,040.63 00028/- EDRoLosoN bayham bucks REIMBURSE BAYHAM BUCKS 1213112009 I 150.00 007894 Cheque Amount- 150.00 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000,t55369 MONTHLY RENTAL 0110112010 I 106.58 007895 Cheque Amount - '106.58 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000135665 COUPLINGS, WATERMAIN 2" 0111112010 I 376.64 007896 011c/'12010 I 63.62 007888 oilMnoß I 32.76 007888 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 169 of 261 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0112112010 O121nU0 3:34PM lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number ChequeAmount- 376.64 001227 FUTURE TRANSFER CO INC. 34279 CI-AMPS, HOSE, COUPLERS 1213112009 I 1,249.80 007897 Cheque Amount - 1,249.80 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 151850'1012 SHOP TOWELS. FLOOR MATS 01t07t2010 I 182.08 007898 ChequeAmount- 182.08 OOO991 HORVATH AUTO PARTS 197163 LIGHTS, GREASE, TAPE, TIE WRAI 01/05/2010 I 253.8'1 007899 197164 LTGHTS O'UO5|2010 I 32.21 007899 1972il \nNYL LETTERING 0',110712010 I 18.08 007899 Cheque Amount- 304.10 OO0/.27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Jan 0&f6GO8880 UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY O1l11l2O1O I 176.U 007900 Jan 1266G62007 UTILITIES - MED BLDG O'll11l2O1O I 86.06 007900 Jan 1577358016 UTILITIES - PUMP#S O1l11l2O1O I 396.70 007900 Jan 25260{9578 UTILITIES - OFFICE 0111112010 I 396.70 007900 Jan 5399&93004 UTILITIES - PUMP#,I 0111212010 I 50.78 007900 Jan 6886GO80'15 UTILITIES - STRAF FIRE O1l11l2O1O I 2U.50 007900 Jan 73394-8'1003 UTILITIES - PUMP#3 0111U2010 I 69.17 007900 Jan 8659G.87008 UTILITIES - PUMP#2 O1l11l2O1O I 222.86 007900 Jan 87640-15034 UTILITIES - S.C.C. O1l11l2O'lO I 1,599.87 007900 Cheque Amount - 3,283.28 001362 ICOMPASS TECHNOLOGIES 10185 SERVICE AGREEMENT 0110312010 I 4,200.00 007901 Cheque Amount - 4,200.00 OOO5Ol KEVIN BRADFIELD boots - reimburse WORKBOOTS reimburse COVERALLS OOO5IO KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 14e,l89 SEALS Cheque Amount - 256.50 0110712010 I 11.42 007903 Cheque Amount -11.42 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 15274 15297 15299 I 5301 o'U1312010 I 200.00 007902 0111812010 I 56.50 007902 RECEPTACLES - LTGHTHOUSE 0111212010 I 438.46 007904 FTREHALL - REP|-ACE S|GN LAMPS 1213012009 I 88.16 007904 STRAF LIBRARY. REPIáCE BALU 12I3OI2OO9 I 96.95 OO79O4 STREETLIGHTS - STRAFF 1213012009 I 899.16 007904 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 170 of 261 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 15302 15303 1 5304 15305 15306 15307 15308 15309 15310 15311 15313 15314 15315 15316 15324 15325 1001 19 000569 M & LSUPPLY 00001 16304 00001 1 631 0 000616 MORSE ELECTRIC 5'188 STREETLIGHTS. VIENNA STREETLIGHTS - PORT BURWELL STREETLIGHT - VIENNA STREETLIGHTS - PORT BURWELL STREETLIGHTS - EDEN INSTALL XMAS DECORATIONS STREETLIGHTS. EDEN STREETLIGHTS - CORINTH CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS STREETLIGHTS . PORT BURWELL STREETLIGHTS - VIENNA STREETLIGHTS - STRAF STREETLIGHTS - CORINTH STREETLIGHTS - EDEN GENERATOR TRANSFER SWTCH LOAD STUDY 191.4 00790¿1 1,692.23 007904 't90.58 007904 416.93 007904 236.25 007904 708.75 007904 2,M2.46 007904 236.24 007904 472.50 007904 586.74 007904 191.48 007904 192.26 007904 198.91 007904 185.40 007904 15,750.00 007904 1,890.00 007904 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0112112010 1?/3012009 12t30t2009 't2t30t2009 12130t2009 1A3012009 1213012009 01t1512010 01t15t2010 0111512010 oil1512010 o'v1512010 01l't5120'lo 0111512010 o'v15t2010 etoa2009 12t0812009 0112112010 3:34PM I I I I I I I I -l I I I I I I I OOO518 K\,VIK KOPY PRINTING 24952 COPYPAPER 000526 I.AEMERS TRUCKING LTD Dec09 plowing SNOWPLOWNG 001316 LONDON EMPLOYEE Jan678509 CONSULTATIONS 000560 LOVERS ATWORK OFFICE FURNITURE Cheque Amount - o1to7t2010 I 27,1M.94 254.20 007905 007906 007907 007908 007909 007909 0079't1 Cheque Amount - 't2t3112009 I 254.20 1,638.00 Cheque Amount -'t,638.00 307.1312t15t2009 r Cheque Amount - CHAIRS, TABLES, LEG CAPS 01t19t2010 I Gheque Amount - 307.13 191.54 FIáSHLIGHTS LOW LEVEL STRAINER 01t07120'lo 12t2912009 191.il 250.35 559.3s Cheque Amount - 01t07t2010 I 809.70 200.59 007910INSTALL RECEPTACLE 001481 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYER PENSION Cheque Amount -200.59 126.13OOO473 MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION o1to6t2010 r Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 171 of 261 lnvoice Date Type Cheque Cheque Amount Number 2009j1.27 6.3 S50 Cheque Amount - 126.13 000662 oNTARTO ASSOCTATTON OF 44738 JOB POSTING FOR FIRE CHIEF 0il0v2010 I 31s.00 007912 ChequeAmount- 315.00 001323 PBS BUSINESS SYSTEMS 102218 TAXBILLS Oil0A2010 I 261.03 007913 102276 WINDOW EN\ÆLOPES 011'1512010 I 926.60 007913 ChequeAmount- 1,187.63 OOO7O4 PETERSPLUMBING 823 S.C.C. - REPAIR TOILETS O1lMl2010 I 157.50 007914 ChequeAmount- 157.50 OOO716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 0822248/. CYLINDERS 1A31/2009 I 25.79 0079',15 Cheque Amount - 25.79 OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD 407313036 COURIER SERVICE 0110812010 I 22.05 007916 Cheque Amount - 22.05 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFO Jan00663103047210'18 COMM RENTAL EQUIP - E.C.C. O1\A2Oß I 28.88 007917 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0112'112010 0112112010 3:34PM 001532 RELISH ELGIN VG,18 Cheque Amount- 28.88 FULL PAGE AD - VISITORS GUIDE 0'111512010 I 1,047.38 007918 ChequeAmount- 1,047.38 OOO814 SIFTO CANADA INC 72173895 BULK HIGHWAY COARSE 0110812010 I 2,656.66 007919 72174317 BULKCOARSE HIGHWAY 0111112010 I 2,629.08 0079'.19 72174668 BULK HIGHWAY COARSE 0111212010 I 5,447.92 007919 Cheque Amount - 10,733.66 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000506474 ANSWERING SERVICE 0111512010 I U.70 007920 000506204 oVERCALLS, HOLIDAY FEE - XMAI 011',1512010 I 50.32 007920 Cheque Amount - 135.02 OOO831 SPORTSWOOD PRINTING 102æ VEHTCLE tNSpECTtON BOOKLET 01t14t2010 I 406.80 007921 ChequeAmount- 406.80 OOO832 SPRIETASSOCIATES 09-0726 SMIrH DRAIN - BRANCH 7 1213112009 I 8,883.00 007922 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 172 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 121 12010 0112112010 3:34PM lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Tyæ Amount Number Gheque Amount - 8,883.00 000870 TBsc 272',1 2723 2724 2725 Cheque Amount -367.25 OOIOIO TOURISM LONDON 5265 2O1O MEMBERSHIP 01t0u2010 I 105.æ 007924 Cheque Amount - 105.00 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 09032 WATER RENEWAL PROJECT - DE( 1A31t2009 I 1,174.U 007925 Cheque Amount- 1,174.U OOO919 TRENCHLESS UTILIry EQUIPMENT registration CABLE & PIPE LOCATING SEMINAI O1l2Ol2O1O I 551.25 007926 Cheque Amount - 551.25 OOO925 TRILLÍ UM RAILWAY COMPANY PCK'!572 STGNALS 0110112010 I 560.98 007927 Cheque Amount -560.98 001324 UNDERHÍLLBROS 87450 SNOWPLOWNG 87452 SNOWPLOWING 87455 SNOWPLOWNG Cheque Amount - 1,109.08 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Jan273-21o61969754 UTILITIES- E.C.C. Jan273-21O62430725 UTILITIES - PUMP#I Cheque Amount - 571.65 OOO938 UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH course registration MOE WATER QUALITY COURSE O1l20l2O1O I 297.50 007930 water @urse MOE WATER QUALITY COURSE 0112012010 I 297.50 007930 ChequeAmount- 595.00 OOO942 VALLEY BLADES LIMITED 134326 BOLTS, WASHERS, NUTS 0110812010 I 2,690.98 007931 CHECKPAGER REPAIR PAGER REPAIR PAGER CHARGERS 11t16t2æ9 I 10]17 007923 1111612009 I 128.82 007923 1111612009 I 128.82 007923 1111612009 I 99.44 007923 OOO954 VIKING CIVES LTD 2620163 o1lMl2010 I 409.51 007928 01t05t2010 I 426.57 007928 011112010 I 273.00 007928 o1118t2010 I 552.U 007929 o1t18t2010 I 19.31 007929 Cheque Amount - 2,690.98 covER FoR LIFT/LOCK 0111312010 I 34.85 007932 Page 6 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 173 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0112112010 3:34PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 121 12010 ChequeAmount- 34.85 001634 WNMAR-LONDON u012026 GST PORTTON OF Cl-ArM 1Av/2009 I 714.47 007933 Cheque Amount - 714.47 ChequeRunTotal - 240,556.78 Page 7 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 174 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- O1l28l2O1O lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 001647 12554750NTAR|O LTD 897457 SUPPLIES 0112212010 I 16.43 007934 Cheque Amount - 16.43 000008 407 ETR 8266544'l5Jan TOLL CHARGES o1t't1t2010 I 41.28 007935 Cheque Amount -41.28 OOOO33 AGLINE 't203596 1203610 1203611 Cheque Amount - 1,802.37 000036 AGRO SPRAY LIMITED 170823 ADAPTER NOZZLES O',v2'U2010 I 12.29 007937 Cheque Amount - 12.29 000048 AMcTo 2367 JOB BROADCAST SERVICE 01121t2010 I 472.50 007938 Cheque Amount- 472.50 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 910 CERT|FICAT|ON RENEWAL 12107t2009 I '157.50 007939 ChequeAmount- 157.50 001299 BILL RIMNYAK reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNT O1l21l2O1O I '1,797 .34 007940 ChequeAmount- 1,797.34 OOI471 BLUEWA\Æ ENERGY 40923373263337 otL, SHELL DRUM DEPOSTT 0112112010 I 629.88 007941 Cheque Amount -629.88 OOO114 BOB BUTLER reimburse NET PAY 01t27t2010 I 1,466.91 007942 Cheque Amount - 1,466.91 001654 BRADLEY L'ETOILE reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACOOUNT 0112112O'lO I 68r'..52 007943 Cheque Amount - 68y'..52 001650 BUEHLMANN FARMS INC, reimburse C.E. SMITH DRAIN REPAIR 0112212010 I 1,509.79 007944 FILTERS FILTERS FILTER, KIT o1l2ot2o10 I 474.90 007936 01t2112010 I 1,302.07 007936 o1121t2010 I 25.40 007936 0112812010 9:534M 000220 CJDL 5576 Cheque Amount - 'l ,509.79 BAYHAM WATER SYSTEM 1213112009 I 757.05 007945 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 175 of 261 2009.1',t.27 6.3 9050 MUNÍCIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0112812010 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque ' Date Type Amount Number 5577 SEPTAGE RECETVTNG STN 1213112009 t 2,287.64 007945 Cheque Amount - 3,0,14.69 OOO215 CRAIG GREGSON @urse - reimburse COURSE - ICE RESCUE 0112612010 I 654.00 007946 Cheque Arnount- 654.00 OO1AI9 CROZIER ENTERPRISES LTD 5266 E.C.C. S|TE PREP, EQUTPMENT 1?/3112009 I 36,592.50 007947 Cheque Amount - 36,592.50 000001 DPoc 004 POSTAGE 01t27t20',to I 1,050.00 007948 Cheque Amount - 'l,050.00 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC l-9567G0 o.R|NGS 0112112010 I 7.39 007949 Cheque Amount - 7.39 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518506748 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 01t21t2010 I 183.65 007950 ChequeAmount- 183.65 OOO991 HORVATH AUTO PARTS 197424 FORWARD L|GHT|NG O'v1412010 I 39.55 007951 197574 ì/I/RENCHES 0112112010 I 't04.69 007951 Cheque Amount - '144.24 OOM27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Jan 2539ù07266 UTILITIES - VIENNA STL O1l18l2O1O I 563.79 007952 Jan 25390-55002 UTILITIES - HWY'19 STL Oil1A2O1O I 1,661.54 007952 Jan 62396-22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL O1l18l2O1O I 1,045.46 007952 Jan 81590-07297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL O1l18l2O1O I 557.13 007952 Jan 87790-07295 UTILIITIES - CORINTH STL O1l18l201o I 233.98 007952 Jan E45407-01 UTILITIES - OFFICE O1l18l2O1O t 536.63 007952 Jan E454090'1 UTILITIES - PUMP# 2 O14A2O1O I 15.98 007952 Janu50221{5009 UTILITIES-TREATMENTPI-ANT O1l19l2O'lO I 5,118.82 007952 Janu 62790-07266 UTILITIES - RCHMND STL Oil1A2O1O I '186.68 007952 Gheque Amount - 9,920.01 OOIOO3 JARDINE LLOYD THOMPSON CANADA 408947 MUNtCtpAL TNSURANCE 01t18t2010 I 114,459.15 007953 Cheque Amount - 114,459.15 OOO5O4 KEVIN KITCHING @urse - training COURSE - INCIDENT MNGMT O1l27l2O1O I 229.40 007954 01128120'10 9:534M Cheque Amount - 229.40 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 176 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - O1l28l2O'10 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 15291 152'96 r 5298 1s300 15317 OO147O LEANNWALSH reimburse supplies Cheque Amount - OFFICE SUPPLIES üi2812010 I 007956 Cheque Amount -82.52 76.U 000560 LO\ÆRS ATWORK OFFICE FURNÍTURE 81964 PLASTIC PLUGS 01/22J2010 I 007957 Cheque Amount - 001653 MICHELE SZORENYI reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNT 000618 MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS 0112112010 I 007958 Cheque Amount - 2010 002 WEB POSTING -TREASURER o1l't512010 I 007959 Cheque Amount -131.25 166.79 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Dec - Jan/10 PETTY CASH o1n7no10 I 007960 Cheque Amount -166.79 77.45 000627 MURRAYS HEATING & AIR 46/.3 SERVICE TUBE HEATER o'v20t2010 I 007961 Cheque Amount - 01t28t2010 9:534M SUPPLY COIL & CONTACTOR LIGHÍING REPAIR REPLACE I.AMP. PUMP STN REPLACE LAMP - PUMP STN CHECK RESISTANCE - TRTMT PL 0111412010 1213012009 1213012009 12t30t2009 01t1512010 436.02 007955 221.59 007955 54.85 007955 71.13 007955 168.00 007955 I I I I I 95r.59 82.52 76.U 872.29 872.29 13'1.25 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED Jan 81237841 Jan 814212-01 Jan E22380-01 JanE242OO-O1 Jan E45410-01 Jan E51600-01 Janu 2060041 Janu F19290-01 Janu F26864{1 Janu G06210-01 Janu G06305-01 Janu G06307-01 Janu G15700-01 UTILITIES - FIREHALL UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES. PUMP# 5 UTILITIES - S.C.C. UTILITIES - LIBRARY UTILITIES - GARAGE UTILITIES - V.C.C. UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES. PUMP# 6 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - OPP OFF¡CE 77.45 895.97 007962 344.17 007962 15.25 007962 851.65 007962 119.31 007962 1,770.67 007962 36.40 007962 461.96 007962 15.98 007962 187.58 007962 487.02 007962 707.28 007962 14.38 007962 01t18t2010 01t18t2010 01t'18t2010 01t18t2010 0111812010 01t1812010 01t'tst2010 o'U1912010 0111912010 0111912010 01t1912010 01119t2010 01t19t2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 177 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0112812010 0112812010 9:534M Janu G40407{1 UTILITIES - GAR/AGE 0111912010 I 402.36 007962 Cheque Amount - 6,309.98 001651 ORCHARDCRESTFARMSLTD credit reimburse SMITH MUNICIPAL DRAIN 2008 O1n2l2O1O I U4.O1 007963 reimburse credit SMITH MUNICIPAL DRAIN 2008 0112U2010 I 135.03 007963 Cheque Amount - 479.04 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Jan 4516050000954176 EGATE DOMAINS O1lO1l2O1O ¡ 60.90 00794f Jan45l6 050000954176 WALKERTON CLEAN WATER OilMf2O1O I 79.50 007964 Jan45160500 009s4176 INTEREST 0110612010 I 3.32 007964 Cheque Amount - 143.72 001652 ROGER& LENORAPRESSEY reimburse credit SMITH MUNICIPAL DRAIN 2008 O1|2Z201O I 332.65 007965 ChequeAmount- 332.65 001629 RUTH HORTON reimburse CREDIT ON TAX ACCT 01t2512010 I 1,269.31 007966 Cheque Amount - 1,269.31 OO122O SCHUURMAN FARMS LTD reimburse C.E. SMITH DRAIN REPAIR Oil2A2U0 I 1,'150.33 007967 OOO874 TEAMTRUCKCENTRES A2OO13OO21 STRAPASSYPAINTED o'v13t2010 I 160.60 007968 Cheque Amount - 160.60 001418 TELUS 016242498016t23/'9014 MOBTLE HtcH SPEED 01105t2010 I 41.76 007969 01624249801616366069 CELL PHONE - B. KNTFTON 01t15t2010 I 71.70 007969 01624249801616780758 MOBTLE HtcH SPEED O1t05t2010 I 41.76 007969 o16242498016t6781743 MOBTLE HtcH SPEED O1t05t2010 I 41.76 007969 Cheque Amount - 196.98 001369 TILLSONBURG FIRE & 10{007 TRAINER FACTLITATOR WRKSHP 01/26n010 I 630.00 007970 Cheque Amount- 630.00 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAIáHIDE 09'235 INFORMATTON TECHNOLOGY 12t3112009 I 671.79 007971 09-241 EAST ELGTN MApptNc 12t31t2009 I 17,579.47 007971 09-242 EAST ELGTN MApptNG 12t3112009 I 680.46 007971 Cheque Amount - 'l ,í50.33 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. Cheque Amount - 18,931.72 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 178 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNÍCIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0112812010 O1l28l2O'10 9:53AM lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Cheque Cheque Date Type Amount Number 181022315 P|NS 01t18t2010 I 15.81 007972 18't035427 VALVE, pUMp HAND ROTARY O1t2U2010 I 155.21 007972 OO'1324 UNDERHILL BROS 87457 SNOWPLOWÍNG OOO954 VIKING CI\ÆS LTD 2620366 COVER 000966 V\ÆBER'S WELDING & MFG 13964 REPAIR Cheque Amount - 171.02 0111112010 I 273.00 007973 Cheque Amount - 273-OO 01t20t2010 I u.85 007974 Cheque Amount - 34.85 01n8/2010 I 48.93 007975 Cheque Amount - 48.93 Cheque Run Total - 207,366.70 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 179 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 OO0/.27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Jan 25390{7266 Jan 2539G55002 Jan 6239G22001 Jan 81590{7297 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0112812010 0112812010 11:084M 0111812010 ü118/2010 01l1ü2010 0111812010 01t1a2ü0 o'v1912010 0111812010 s63.79 007976 1,661.il 007976 1,045.46 007976 557.13 007976 233.98 007976 5,118.82 007976 186.68 007976 Jan 8779GO7295 UTILIITIES - CORINTH STL Janu 5022145009 UTILITIES -TREATMENT PLANT Janu 62790-07266 UTILITIES - RCHMND STL 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED UTILITIES. VIENNA STL UTILITIES. HVU/ 19 STL UTILITIES - STRAF STL UTILITIES - EDEN STL UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES -PUMPff2 Janu E4540741 Janu E4540901 Cheque Amount -9,367.40 536.63 007977 15.98 007977 0111u2010 0111812010 Cheque Amount -552.61 Cheque Run Total -9,920.01 lnvoice Payee Number lnvoice Date Tyæ Cheque Cheque Amount Number Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 180 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0112812010 1:53PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0112812010 OOO742 RBC LIFE INSURAA¡CE COMPANY 218/'2Def'09 DECEMBER'o9 REMTT 1A31aOO9 I 68.15 007978 ChequeAmount- 68.15 Cheque Run Total - 68.15 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 181 of 261 2009j1.27 6.3 9050 000863 SUZAT\¡M MAI.ITEL reimburse pay REIMBURSE PAY 0'l,12912010 I 5,1 17.55 007979 Cheque Amount - 5,1'17.55 Cheque Run Total - 5 ,117.55 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM O1nsl2Ù10 2:10PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 01 12912010 Page I Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 182 of 261 2009.11.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 010937 Report Dale:0111412010 0111412010 3:16PM Accounts Payable Voided Cheque Fiscal Year: 2010 Posted By: SANDRA Posting Pd.: I Posting Date: O1n4nú0 01410G'1030 Generalbank 01{'100-1950 Accounts PayableTrade CDIST credit offset not applied CDIST credit offset not applied Void Chq:7833 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. Void Chq:78Í13 FUTURE TRANSFER CO. Total Debits Total Credits Net Posting 2,062.86 -2,062.86 2,062.86 -2.062.86 0.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 183 of 261 2009.1',t.27 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 0l1050 Report Date:0112812010 0112812010 10:514M Account Source Description Ref Amount Accounts Payable Voided Gheque Posted By: SANDRA FiscalYear: 2010 Posting Pd.: I Posting Date: 0112812010 014100-1030 General bank CDIST indudesothervendorinvoice VoidChq:7952 9,920.01 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS I 01-0100-1950 Accounts Payable Trade CDIST indudes other vendor invoice Void Chq: 7952 -9,920.01 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS I Total Debits 9,920.01 Total Credits -9.920.01 Net Posting 0.00 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #7820 to Cheque #7979 inclusive, except Cheques #7833 and #7952 totaling $843,360.87 and Page 184 of 261 EORI{ }TUNICIPALITY OF 8AYHA]{ TOT PACKETS ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORT COIIPANY TOTALS ADJUST - CR CURRENT TOTAL LO,494.04 - 2,052.73 5,023.92 - L¡076.50.' L8,647.L9 59, 138 - 76 50.00 59,188.75 57,835.95 130.6t 6.53 57 ,973.O9 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES ITEI{ UNITS C\^ P? "r^idì^5*tn tolto RUN: JAN 12 2010 N0: A PAGE: 2255 GST REG: 100057413 RTO004 Co!{PANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: JAN 15, 2010 DATE OF PAY: JAN 15, ?0I0 YTD TOTAL LO,494.04 FEDL TÂX NR TAX PROV TAX 2,052-73 Er CONT qPIP 5,023.92 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF L,076.50 0N EHT I{B HET NL HAPSET L8.647.L9 TOT STATS CHEQUES 39,I58.76 DEPoSITS US DEPS 50.OO DED DEPS 59,I88.76 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 57,855.95 T0T PAYRoL I3O.6I SERV CHRG 6,55 GST PST 57,973.09 GRAND TOT UN ITS II 2 CHARGE L7 .49 24.OO FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEI{ QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT I{B HET NL IIAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST GRAND TOT ITEI{ R, O. E. F0RlrS PAYROLL RUNS RUN DATE JAN 07 2OIO UN ¡TS 3 I ITEI{ COURIER FEE CURRENT LO,494.04 2,052.73 5,023.92 I ,076.50 L8,647 .L9 59,13E.76 50.00 59,I88.76 57,835.95 t50.61 6.53 57 ,973.O9 ADJUST.DR SALARIED IIORKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD UN ITS CHARGE RUN DATE YTD ADJUST CHARGE ITEI{ 5I .80 HOURLY WORKPAYS 6.82 COURIER FEE CHARGE 4.50 46.OO 20 5I TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS . 150.6r 57'973-O9 DEBIT INFORHATIoN: 003 05I02 l0II925 THE ABOVE ANALYSIS INCLUDES UNCOLLECTÊD FEES FOR THESE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED SERVICES./ITE}IS I 12.00 ITE}I UNITS CHARGE C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 7 8 2 0 t o C h e q u e # 7 9 7 9 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e s # 7 8 3 3 a n d # 7 9 5 2 t o t a l i n g $ 8 4 3 , 3 6 0 . 8 7 a n d P a g e 1 8 5 o f 2 6 1 PP ena,"1 âV/¿cf sJ Ccn 8OR!I TIUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAI{ TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT FEDL TAX 6,655.55 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT I,48I.60 QPIP cAN PEN 5,611.48 QC PEN QC HSF 0N EHT 787.78 }IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS L2,536.L9 CHEQUES DEPoSITS 29,292.06 US DEPS DED DEPS T0T NPAY 29,292.06 RRSP RTI ADJUST-DR ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORTCOI{PANY TOTALS ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL 6,655.53 I ,48I .60 5,61r.48 7A7.7a YTD ADJUST L2,536.L9 29,292.06 29 ,292.06 4L,828.25 I08,57 5.42 4L ,942.04 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES ITE'{ UNITS CHARGE ITEI{ SALARIED I{ORKPAYS 18 28.62 HOURLY I¡¡ORKPAYS PAY ADVICE FOLD 27 5.94 COURIER FEE I08.57 4L,942,04 DEBIT INFORHATION: 005 05102 I0I1925 RUN: JAN 26 2OLO N0: A PAGE: ?618 GST REG: I00057415 RT0004 CO|{PANY PAGE: 5 DEBIT DATE: JAN 27, 2010 DATE 0F PAY: JAN 29, 2010 YTD TOTAL L7 ,L49.37 FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX 3,554.33 Er CoNT QPIP8,655.40 CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF L,864.28 0N EHT I{B HET NL HAPSET 5I,IE3,38 TOT STATS CHEQUES 68,430-82 DEPoSITS US DEPS 50. OO DED DEPS 6A,4AO.82 TOT NPAY RRSP RTI 99,664.20 TOT PAYROL 238.98 SERV CHRG I I .95 GST PST 99,915. 15 GRAND TOT UNITS CHARGE 9 14.5I I 12.00 TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST PST enlño ror 4L ,82A.25 108.s7 5.42 4L ,942.04 ITEIT UNITS CHARGE R.0. E. FORI|S I t .50 PAYROLL RUNS 1 46.00 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO GST IS: TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 7 8 2 0 t o C h e q u e # 7 9 7 9 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e s # 7 8 3 3 a n d # 7 9 5 2 t o t a l i n g $ 8 4 3 , 3 6 0 . 8 7 a n d P a g e 1 8 6 o f 2 6 1 ; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM r' STAFF MEMORAI\DI]M iL OJ TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: RED and CAF Funding Reallocation DATE: January 19,2010 FILE: As requested by Council, staff have inquired regarding any opportunity to reallocate unused Ferry Service Feasibility Study funding under both the CAF and RED programs. Both agencies have confirmed that reallocation is not possible, and new applications would be required for any different projects. Staff Memorandum regarding RED and CAF Funding Reallocation. File: F05 Page 187 of 261 Page 188 of 261 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 56967 Eden Line Eden 0n NOJ 1H0 Contact; KimTait Phone 519-866-3664 JktS@amtelecom.net January-15-2010 The Municipalig of Bayham Dear Kyle, As we grow with-in the Community we are emerging as a well known , well respected user friendly s¡te for specific events and rentals. We are most foftunate to be able to reach some of our long term commitments, set out at our date of inception. And are now ready to tackle another one. We are able and willing t0 expand 0ur horizons and look fonvard to remove the wall between rooms 3 & 4 on the east end of our hall. This will allow us to host bigger and better events, while increasing the size of 2 rooms into one for larger attended functions. We have had quite a few inquires into rentals, requesting a larger more open room. Bill Knifton the Building lnspector was approached on looking into whether this could be accomplished with minimal engineering and consulting having to be attained, his remarks were quite favourable being this is not a load bearing wall and is strictly cosmetic in nature, he didn't see a problem with removal. We have posted a volunteer list previously and have had a ovenvhelming amount of helpers and known contractors willing t0 lend their time to help us accomplish our next task, We are asking Council's permission to allow us to proceed with this only to betterthe usage of the building. With no cost to the Municipality, We are hoping to have an immediate and encouraging answer as we are looking to start this project early February, as our rentals are slowing down a bit at this time of year. 0urtime line is impoftant to us as we rely on the building to be available for early Spring events. Sincerely, Eden & Area Community Centre I' Correspondence dated January 15, 2010 from Eden & Area Community Centre regarding renovation. File: A19 Page 189 of 261 Page 190 of 261 I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM DR A çf BY-LAW NO. 2o1o-008 A BY.LA\il TO REPEAL BY.LAW 2OOÍ1O8 AND BY-LAW 2OO7-118 BEING BY-LAWS TO APPOINT MT]NICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THF', MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM WIIEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act" 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25, as amended, municipalities may appoint officers and e,nrployees as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS Subsection 6 (1) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act,1997, S.O. 1997, C. 4 provides that if a fire de,partment is established for the whole or a part of a municipality or for more than one municþality, the council of the municipality or the councils of the municipalities, as the case maybe, shall appoint a fire chief for the fire de,parÍnent; AND WIIEREAS Ontario Regulation 380/U, a Regulation passed under authority of the Emergency Management Act, R.S.O. 1999, C. E.9, provides in part that every Municipality shall designate an employee of the municipalþ or a mernber of the council as its emergency management program co- ordinator; AND WHEREAS Subsection3 (2) of the Building Code Ac! S.O. 1992, c.23, as amorded, provides that the council of each municipality shall appoint a chief building official and such inspecton as are nec€ssary for the enforcement of the Act, in the areas in which the municipalityhas jurisdiction; AND WIIEREAS, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to provide a new byJaw to appoint municipal officers and ernployees for the purposes of the Municipality to reflect va¡ious staff changes made, and repeal ByJaws 2005-108, as amended, and 2007-118. THEREFORE TIIF' COTJNCIL OF TIIT' CORPORATION OF THT', MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\üS: 1. TIIAT the following ofñcers and / or employees be and they are hereby appointed to act in the capacity providd in the Municipality of Bayham for the purpose of administering and where applicable enforcing municipal byJaws and Provincial Statutes and Regulations associated with each position and the approved job descriptions are to be fulfilled: 1. ) 3. Offi.ce/Positíon Administrator/Deputy Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Clerk TreasurerÆax Collector Name KyIe Kruger Lynda Millard Draft By-Law 2010-008 being a by-law to appoint Municipal officers and employees for the Municipalilty of Bayham. File: Page 191 of 261 7. Cbstomer Sei¡¡ice Clerk/Administative Assistant Brenda Gibbons 8. Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent/ William l(nifton Sewage Systems InspectorÆy-law Enforcement Officeri Property Standards Officer and Provincial Offences Officer By-law No. 2009-l3l -2- 4. PlanningCo-ordinator/DeputyClerk & Lottery Licencing Officer 5. Administrative/Accounting Clerk 6. Customer Sen¡ice/Accor¡¡rts Payable Clerk 9. WaterMastewater Superintendent 10. Manager of Public Works 12. Port Burwell Fire Station Chief 13. Staffordville Fire Station Chief 14. Livestock Valuer ß. TreeCommissioner/TVeedlnspector Margaret Underhill Donna McCord Sandra Maertens Ed Roloson Gerry LeMay Tom Millard Perry Grant @ David Pullen 11. Fire ChiefÆyJaw Enforcement OfficerÆropefy Standards E@ Officer, Provincial Offences Officer and Community Emergency Management Coordinator 16 Bayham Community Centre Manager (Stratrordvilþ Jackie DeClercq 17. Canine Conhol Officer and Dog Pound Keeper Roger MartÍn" K-9 Control (by contract - as necded basis) 2. TIIAT Appointrnent By-law 2005-108 and all amendments thereto areherebyrescinded. 3. TIIAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day ofpassing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of Februâry 20L0. READ A TIIIRD TIME and finally passed, qis 4th day of February 2010. MAYOR CLERI( Draft By-Law 2010-008 being a by-law to appoint Municipal officers and employees for the Municipalilty of Bayham. File: Page 192 of 261 I M(TNICIPALITY O F BAYHAM 4 n4 MEMORANDUM DATE: JANUARY 20,2010 TO: Council FROM: LyndaMillard, Clerk RE: Council Meeting Schedule NUMBER: C2010-01 Early each year Council discusses various adjustments to the regular meeting schedule for March, Aprit, July and August. In 2010 regular March Council meetings would normally be held on the 4th and l8ú. March break is the third week, which includesthe 18th. It is suggested that only one regular March meeting be held on the 4ú. This year the Easter weekend begins Friday April 2nA which follows the regular meeting date on April 1. No changes are suggested for April. Thursday, July I't Canada Day is on a regular meeting day. It is suggested that one meeting only be held on the 15ü of July. As the August civic weekend precedes the regular August 5ú meeting date it is suggested that there be one regular meeting held on August 12h. In order for staff to ¿uïange the necessary public meetings for planning or other purposes, it is pertinent that Council confirm proposed adjustments to the regular meeting schedule by resolution in a timelymanner. Recommendation: TIIAT StaffMemorandum C2010-01 be received; THAT the 2010 regular monthly Council meeting schedule for March, July and August be amended to rescheduled meetings to the following dates only: March 4th July 15th August 12th AND THAT the regular meeting schedule apply to April, May and June and resume on September 2"d. Staff Memorandum C2010-01 regarding Council Meeting Schedule. File: A09 Page 193 of 261 Page 194 of 261 q THE CORPORÄTION OF THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 25,2010 FROM: Clerk, LyndaMillard FILE: C.l2 SUBJECT: 2Dl}FenceViewerAppointments NUMBER: C2010-001 Purpose: To provide information to assist Council in making appointments to the Fence Viewers Committee. Background: Appointments to the Fence Viewers Committees of Council have previously been confirmed on a three year basis. With the change in the term of Council, the draft byJaw extends the current term by one year (to expire December 3I,2070), coinciding with the current four-year term of Council. Staff Comments: The attached draft of By-law 2010-006 confirms those willing to continue participation on the Fence Viewers Committees for the next year term ending December 31, 2010. These are: AndyDieleman, Fraser De La Plante and Ron Phillips. As Ross Learn no longer wishes to serve on this committee, and as aminimum of three must act if called upon, an additional appointee is recommended to complete this as a four year term. Appointment suggestions for stafffollow-up are welcome from Council members. Strategic Plan Goals include: Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere Goal# 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices Goal # 7 Promote excellence in environmental stewardship Staff Report C2010-001 regarding 2010 Fence Viewer Appointments. File: C12 Page 195 of 261 Staff Report c20r0-001 Fence Viewer Appointments Recommendation: -) _ 'THAT StaÍÍReport C2010-001 regardíng Fence Wewer Appoíntments be receìved; THAT the name be added as afence víewer; AND THAT By-law 2010-006, beìng a by-law tu ertend the øppointment of members to the Fence Vìewer Commítteefor a term to expire December 31, 2010, be presented to Councílfor enøctmenl Respectfully submitted Attachment: Draft ByJaw 2010-006 Staff Report C2010-001 regarding 2010 Fence Viewer Appointments. File: C12 Page 196 of 261 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-006 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT FENCE VIEWERS AI\D TO SET OUT TIIE REMTINERATION WIIEREAS Section 2 of the Line Fences Act, Chapter L.17 states that the Council of every local municipality shall by by-law appoint such number of fence viewers as are required to carry out the provisions of this Act and the byJaw shall fix the remuneration to be paid to the fence viewers and the remuneration shall be fixed on an hourly or daily rate for each attendance or re- attendance by the fence viewers; AND WHEREAS ByJaw 2007-002 appointing Fence Viewers for a term ending December 31, 2009 was passed January 18,2007; AflD WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to appoint Fence Viewers for the term set out below; TIIEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following persons are hereby appointed as Fence Viewers for the Municipality of Bayham for a term to expire December 31,2010: Andrew Dielemanr 20 Holland Ave., Aylmer, ON N5II3J3 C. Ron Phillips, Box 91, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Fraser De La Plante,50 Jones CrescenÇ Tillsonburg ON N4G 5X6 2. THAT a minimum of three Fence Viewers shall be required to attend and re-attend when necessary as directed by the Clerk in accordance with section 4(2) of the Line Fences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter L.l7 3. TIIAT Fence Viewers will each be paid an attendance fee of $65.00 (sixty-five dollars) for each attendance at an owner's premises. The owner requesting the Fence Viewers shall pay to the Municipality of Bayham an initial deposit of $195.00 (one hundred and ninety-five dollars) in cash or certified cheque which will be applied against the Fence Viewer's fees. The proportion of the Fence Viewers' fees that will be paid by the owner and the adjoining owner shall be decided by the Fence Viewers. No decision shall be made by the fence Viewers until they are paid. 4. TIIAT this by-law shall take effect upon the date of its enactment. 5. TIIAT By-law 2007-002 be and is herebyrepealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND, AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 4th day of February 2010. MAYOR CLERI( Staff Report C2010-001 regarding 2010 Fence Viewer Appointments. File: C12 Page 197 of 261 Page 198 of 261 I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 25,2010 FROM: Clerk, LyndaMillard FILE: C.12 SUBJECT : 20 I 0 Committee/Board Appointments NUMBER z C2010 -002 Purpose: To provide information to assist Council in making appointments to Committees and Boards. Background: Appointments to the various boards and committees of Council are confirmed on an annual basis. Staff Comments: The attached draft of By-law 2010-001 confirms volunteers previously serving and/or those willing to continue serving on the various boards and committees of Council for 2010. There are only two appointees willing to continue to serve on the Cenotaph Committee. At least one additional member is required under establishingby-law 2009-040. Council members are included as per 2009 appointments and maybe updated. Staffappointees maybe amended at Council's discretion. Council suggestions to fill vacancies for follow-up by staffare welcome. Strategic Plan Goals include: Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere Goal# 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices Staff Report C2010-002 regarding 2010 Committee / Board Appointments. File: C12 Page 199 of 261 Staff Report c2010-002 Board & Committee Appointments Recommendation: -', _ 'THAT StaÍÍReport C2010-001 regardíng Commíttee / Board Appointments be receíved; AND THAT By-law 2010-001, beíng a by-law to appoìnt members to the various boards and commíttees of Council, øs dßcussed, be presented to Councílfor enactmenL" Respectfully submitted Attachment: Draft By-law 2010-001 Reviewed by Staff Report C2010-002 regarding 2010 Committee / Board Appointments. File: C12 Page 200 of 261 Quarterly Report for The Bayham Water Distribution System for the period ending December 31, 2009 Watenryorks # 260004748 Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the first quarter's water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Gompliance With Provincial Requlations: The Municipality of Bayham water system is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Operation by Licensed Operators: The water distribution system is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) Regulation 128104. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the certification exam. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009 and Call Outs. FileL: E08 Page 201 of 261 . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by the OWRA Regulation 17OlO3, the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Svstem lnformation: Facility Name: Bayham Water Distribution System Gontact: Municipal Location: Municipality of Bayham Water and Wastewater Superintendent: Ed Roloson ( overall responsible operator ) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler & Adam Swance Service Area: Port Burwelland Vienna Service Population: 2500 Operational Description: Bayham Water System is serviced by the Elgin Area Water System. Including the Municipalities of Central Elgin and Malahide. Raw Water Source: Lake Erie Treated Water: Elgin Area Water System Disinfection Method: Gas chlorination at Elgin Area Water Plant Secondary Disinfection Method: The sodium hypochlorite is residual and flow paced at the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Rechlorination Facility. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009 and Call Outs. FileL: E08 Page 202 of 261 Section 4 - Analytical Test Results: Ulicro biological Parameters Oct.Nov.Dec.Quarter Summarv MAC / IMAC Iotal Coliform 3FU/100mls \umber of Samples 9 12 12 33 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 vlin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Coli Gount )FUl100mls tlumber of Samples 9 12 12 33 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 \4in / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Heterotrophic Plate Gount / Sackoround tlumber of Samoles 9 12 12 33 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 t4in / Max lxceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample IypicalSource of lontamination \4icrobial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come fror ;eptic systems, agricultural livestock operations, wildlife, and wastewater .reatment olants. Comments: Samples are collected weekly from the Port BurwellWorks Yard, Port Burwell rffastewater Treatment Plant and in Vienna at the Vienna Home Centre. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009 and Call Outs. FileL: E08 Page 203 of 261 Operational Parameters Oct.Nov.Dec.Quarter summarv MAC/IMAC Ghlorine Residual Free Number of Samoles I 12 12 33 Number of Detectable Results below Reg. requirements 0 0 0 0 Min/Max 0.55- 1.31 0.61- 1.17 0.72 - 1.51 o.82 - 1.34 0.05 Min, 4.00 Max. Exceedances 0 0 0 0 Comments Operational Parameters Oct.Nov.Dec.Quarter summary MAC/IMAC Ghlorine Residual Free (dailv ) Daily chlorine testing is done at the extremities of Vienna & Pt. Burwell. Number of Samples 62 60 62 184 Number of Detectable Results below Reg. requirements 0 0 0 0 Min/Max. mg/l Port Burwell 0.31 - 1.10 0.21 -0.71 0.31 - 1.25 o.21 -1.25 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Min/Max. mg/l Vienna 0.21 -0.73 0.21 - 0.51 0.25 -1.00 0.21 -1.O0 0.05 Min. 4.00 Max. Section 5 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse results during this time period. The above sample numbers do not include construction samples taken during the Port Bunrvellwatenruorks renewal project. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009 and Call Outs. FileL: E08 Page 204 of 261 Parameter Gompound MAC or IMAG Trihalomethanes louarterlv) 0.053 mg/L Port Burwell 0.053 mo/L Vienna 0.100 mg/L Lead Pb (tested in 2"" & 3td ouarter )0 - 1.72 uglL 10 ug/L MAC Section 6 - List of all Compounds Detected in Analvsis of Water Samples: Section 7 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAG - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Goliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Coliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Gount (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009 and Call Outs. FileL: E08 Page 205 of 261 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Collection 112812010 Facility: Works: Month: Bayham Water Distribution 12600047 481 - Bayham Water Distribution October-09 to December-O9 CALL INS FOR 4th QUARTER 2OO9 1112312009 11126t2009 1113012009 12111200s 121212009 1214t2009 Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight Oper. Highlight Details ln -l hour-Customer no water at 27 Victoria St.stop was off after being replaced earlier in the day during the Distribution Renewal Project. Turned water on. OT - 0.5 hour - Distribution System Renewal Project. OT - 0.5 hour - Distribution System Renewal Project. OT - 0.5 hour - Distribution System Renewal Project. OT - 0.5 hour - Distribution System Renewal Project. OT - 0.5 hour - Distribution System Renewal Project. Call ln - t hour - Customer complaint of no water at 46 Shakespeare St. Port Burwell. Work took place on the service for the Distribution Renewal Project earlier that day. Air lock developed between the water meter/backflow preventor and the hot water tank. Released the air lock by removing meter. Call in - t hour - Customer complaint of no water at 32 Pitt St. and Green Acres Trailer Park. Turned out to be false, there was water but customer wanted to know if the precautionary boil water advisory was still in affect for the residence. Call in - t hour - Turned off curb stop at 32 Pitt St. Port Burwell. Plumbing before the meter frozen and broke. 12l5l20og Oper. Highlight 121'1212009 Oper. Highlight B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t f o r t h e p e r i o d e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 a n d C a l l O u t s . F i l e L : E 0 8 P a g e 2 0 6 o f 2 6 1 Quarterly Report for The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending December 3l, 2009 Straffordvi lle Gommu nity Centre Bayham Medical Gentre Bayham Municipal Office Straffordville Library Straffordville Firehall Eden & Area Community Gentre Section I - lntroduction: This report is a summary of the second quarter water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. lt includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2 - Gompliance With Provincial Requlations: The well systems listed above are operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: . Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. lt also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. . Sampling and Analytical Requirements: Sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 318/08 are fully complied with. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the MunicipalWastewater Treatment Plant. Bayham Small Municipal Non Residential Wells Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009. File: E08 Page 207 of 261 . Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3 - Analvtical Test Results: ìllicro biological Ðarameters Oct.Nov.Dec.Quarter Summarv MAC / IMAC Iotal Coliform :ounts/100mls tlumber of Samples 12 12 12 36 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent ixceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Goli Gount :ounts/100mls tlumber of Samples t2 12 12 36 Number of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max Absent =xceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Absent Heterotrophic Plate Count & 3ackground Sount No longer required under rew resulation ,,lumber of Samples 0 0 0 0 tlumber of )etectable Results 0 0 0 0 Vin / Max fxceedences 0 0 0 0 Bayham Small Municipal Non Residential Wells Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009. File: E08 Page 208 of 261 Section 4 - Discussion of Analvtical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no microbiological adverse result during this time period. o All facilities are posted non-potable and bottled water is provided. Section 6 - Definitions and Abbreviations: . MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. IMAC - lnterim Maximum Acceptable Concentration.. Coliform Bacteria - A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection.. Fecal Goliform Bacteria - Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans.. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count.. Organic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds containing carbon.. lnorganic Parameter - A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon.. Raw Water - Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Parameter Compound MAC or IMAC Nitrates No longer required to be tested under new rezulation 10 mg/L MAC Sodium As above 20 molL MAC Bayham Small Municipal Non Residential Wells Quarterly Report for the period ending December 31, 2009. File: E08 Page 209 of 261 Page 210 of 261 Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Bayham Annual Compliance Summary Rcaronr lor f¡llura roth.r Problm.: Rm.dlrl Acflon.: Êf,ucnt dl¡ch.rg. to th. Blg Ott r Cek Year: Worlc t: Populatlil Srmd: Dcclgn Avg Flw (mJ: 2009 Í0001319 21fo 1060 FLOWS 02 DEMAND su PI{OSPHôÍ NIÎROGEN SERIES II EFFLUENT2009Avo. Rù Avo. R¡w Ávd- Êfi-Avo. Rü AYo. Efr.Avo- Lord ^vô- Eñ \vq. Load Avc- Ef,. I ^vd. Eff-Ê. Coll I DO I ptlFldCBODCBODCBÕDcBoosssssÊPho..Phoa Pho.-Nlfír.G.o. irc¡nMonthlmofL!lkôrdrvl fña/Ll fño/Lì fmorll motL 802.0 198 0 7-EO 498 177 A ll m 741 675 os o6t 075 o77 524 542 7.202ô% O 237.O 18:t 91 8m a21 æ8.3 8.70 s.20 6ß 091 o71 21¿o11 294 521 t.27M¡Eh 25262 871 1 1774 O 109 2 qa 12 700 610 806 7m 610 383 o3a o3l 367 o?2 0.70 lffi 5.25 ^u 7.27 7.24 ?Àî Ae.ll m20 ts8.3 121 t9 am 521 t67 8 950 727 51q 0.34 028 177 o2220064691 I 1007 0 a1) 5 21622 6.5{)4.50 117 5 760 5./t0 575 i)l o17 056 o.27 o02 5.53J0na822.O t70 I 97 07 6.00 3.41 l¡ll 0 720 ¡m 5.86 030 o17 o2'l o25 461 556 7.45July472 î 2238 127.9 a8ô 275 234.5 4.Æ 2s2 Êm î17 0't0 o 1¿ola t58 52C fÂî 693 0 1Á92 Aß N¡3m t85 tlg ß ¡m 277 580 o27 o 16 o.27 o?a 26.13 517 752SaDLmb.r 584.0 178.3 s,a gr 3S l¡Â 167 0 ¡l-30 2n 6lo 0.68 0.34 o17 o16 t6l 534 7Á9 7,11 0 171 A ql ¡o 3.80 2.ûA lmo alo 333 5la om o36 019 o25 o 15 5.24 717Novambâr685 0 111.2 ?s 4s )û 1à 174.8 3-30 1n 5¿q 0.55 o29 o l¿o21 o12 53Á 7¿9191 0 124.91 7-00 ¿s 680 115 559 o31 o20 013 l9t 522 7AVERAGEt87 0 120.27 21A,22 031 I ô¡5 0.55 10-5l¡o-24 387 5T a CRITERIA o71 367 2.20 lß 13 558 cRttERtÀ l-06 <z 200_00 loa YES YES YES YESOBJECÎIVES040 150 00 5OBJECTIVFSl0t0.m lo oeo 3lt l{ ôô >5 P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 i n c l u d i n g B i o s o l i d s A p p l i c a t i o n P a g e 2 1 1 o f 2 6 1 sludg6 Conøñhllm AEúlc Câdmlum Cobrlt Chmtum Coppd M.dry irotyôdúun Nlctot L.ãd Sctmtum Z^cl----iãl ñE/L f-ı-o-d 'eÀ f:::::::l;O nsr- l-Jã mg/L l-:-¡-s] .e¡- l-:fu.g,t l.-ö,e/L Fr=:41 ,e/L -b.g,L T.%l .e/L [---:d,e f--é'l "¡nsE]@ "nntEE'rntEEl -n, @ -^, E@ ^^.E31 -*r@ -^rE]@ ",r^rE mea,r@l -oure Aßcnlc Câdmluñ Cobalt Chmlun CopË lrcdry UdyÞdfrm Nlckêl L.åd SêlGn¡um ?]lncl-ì"0-l -gfts l---ãl oe*s l---ãl ¡r¡,rg l----ft| "¡ns f- l ''eÂs l-=?1 "nng Ë--=ä ',,s¡s f--t%d "'cft! fillool -gftg l....g=äl "¡ns Ë ,,e,r.g l------ãì7ı'ol ms/t Hùlmum Matll CondtEtlø lñ mg/kg ñg ñ.bl p.rlg slld. SamploDate: November9,2009 Farm Oporator : Undsrhill Fsms Slto # : s-0513-41 Total Amount Appllod : 660 cublc m6tos Appllcatlon ilothod : Dato of Appllcatlon l 6ample Rsrulta lotal Surponded Solldt Total Ammomla xtt. Nll. Nltrlt !r N Nltrât a¡ N NlMt + Nlùlts al l{ Potaarlum Phosphorua E.Coll (c{url00mL) 31200 ms/L 3.1 ngL 1.4 ngil- 52.0 nCL 53.4 ng/l- 'I l0 me/L 1200 mgúl- 42000 MaxlmumAllilablsConcontÉtlon P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 i n c l u d i n g B i o s o l i d s A p p l i c a t i o n P a g e 2 1 2 o f 2 6 1 Municipality of Bayham Daily Process Data Collection Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant [1 f 0001319] - Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant October-09 to December-O9 CALL INS FOR 4th QUARTER 2OO9 Details 112812010 1 Facility: Works: Month: Date 12l9l2ÙOg Oper. Highlight 12l14l211g Oper. Highlight Call ln - 2.5 hours - Received Lo and HiHi Level alarms from Pump #1 (Eden). Reset and Operational High Flows (Weather)Power Failure/Outage acknowledged alarms. Received these alarms multiple times during the night. P o r t B u r w e l l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t Q u a r t e r l y R e p o r t e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 i n c l u d i n g B i o s o l i d s A p p l i c a t i o n P a g e 2 1 3 o f 2 6 1 Page 214 of 261 /oCORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 28,2010 FROM: Water/Wastewater Superintendent FILE: E01 SUBJECT: Summary of Amendments to O.Reg. 170103 related to Community Lead Testing Programs NUMBER: E2010-001 Purpose This report is to bring forward information related to Lead Testing Programs) of O.Reg. 170103. amendments to Schedule 15.1 (Community Background In 2007 the Province implemented a lead sampling program that affected all O.Reg. 170103 water systems. At that time Bayham applied to the MOE and was successfully granted pafüal relief from the total number of residential plumbing samples required under the regulation. Staff Comments On December 14,2009 the Province implemented amendments to the Community Lead Testing Program (see attachment). The most significant arca of change affecting our operation is the full exemption from collecting residential plumbing samples þg.1 of the attachment). This not only reduces lab fees by $ 180.00 it also eliminates the need for advertising for residential volunteers to take part in the sampling program and staff time to collect the samples and ensure the sample results are hand delivered to the volunteers within the specified time as set out in the regulation. The requirement for distribution system samples remains unchanged. Attachments Summary of Amendments to O.Reg. 170103 (Drinking Water Systems), made under the Safe Drinking Water Ac!2002 Community Lead Testing Program (Schedule 15.1) Strateeic Plan Goal Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well-maintained and secure infrastructure. Recommendation That Staff Report 2010-001 be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Ed Roloson V/aterlWastewater Superintendent Revi edBy, / Staff Report E2010-003 regarding Summary of Amendments to O.Reg. 170/03 related to Community Lead Testing Programs. Page 215 of 261 Summary of Amendments to O. Reg. 1?0/03 (Drinking Water Systems), made under the Safe Drinking Water Act,2OO2 Community Lead Testing Program (Schedule 15.1) NOTE: Amendments come into force on December 14, 2009 Please see the e-Laws website for these and other non-lead amendments to O. Reg. 170/03 at www.e-Iaws.sov.on.ca Area ofcbanee Old requirement New mnrrirernent Retionale Exemp tion from p lumbing sampling for residential systems serving less than 50,000 people None Ifthe drinking water system serves less than 50,000 people, the system may be eligible for an exemption from lead sampling in plumbing. A system qualifies for this exemption if, . The system is already doing reduced sampling (see section 15.1-5 of .O.Ree.170/03 on www-e-Iaws. gov.on.ca for more information about reduced sampling) or has been doing plumbing sampling according to a condition providing reliefin an approval granted by the ministry, and o Not more than 10 per cent of plumbing results exceeded the lead standard from a complete year of reduced sampling (¡ottt winter and summer rounds). This change addresses concerns expressed by smaller systems regarding their costs and ability to comply with the regulation in situations where there were low or negligible levels oflead in the drinking water. It maintains protection for consumers since it is based on actual test results, while addressing the challenges being faced by smaller systems. ,T,i;'!;::";'f ,,?ou)',,0,'l|;:,'i:';,""';"",Þorìtario S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 3 r e g a r d i n g S u m m a r y o f A m e n d m e n t s t o O . R e g . 1 7 0 / 0 3 r e l a t e d t o C o m m u n i t y L e a d T e s t i n g P r o g r a m s . P a g e 2 1 6 o f 2 6 1 Area ofchanse Old reoui¡ement New ¡eouirement R¡finnnle No ministry approval is required for this exemption. It is automatic once the test results have been submitted to the ministry. Once exempt, if future changes impact water chemistry, Iead testing in plumbing could be reinstated by the ministry. Distribution system sampling is still required. Sampling from plumbing in private residences where there are a small number of buildings The number of plumbing samples to be taken was specified, but samples could not be from more than one point in the same building. Ifthe system serves fewer than 100 people, and the number of buildings served by the system is less than frve, take one sample per building, even if this number is lower than the number of locations on the sampling table. For example, if the system seryes only three buildings with private residences, take one sample per building for a total of three samples. Ifthe system serves 100 or more people and the number of buildings served by the system is less than the number of samples required under the standard sampling table in the regulation, more than one sample can be taken per building in order to meet the requirement. For example, if the system serves 200 people, the table requires sampling from 10 locations. If the system only serves three buildings with private residences, samples can be taken from more than one location per building in order to meet the requirement of 10 samples. This change provides sampling flexibility within small systems where there are only a few buildings served by that system. S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 3 r e g a r d i n g S u m m a r y o f A m e n d m e n t s t o O . R e g . 1 7 0 / 0 3 r e l a t e d t o C o m m u n i t y L e a d T e s t i n g P r o g r a m s . P a g e 2 1 7 o f 2 6 1 A¡ea ofcbenee Old reouirement New reouirenent Rationale Water temperature for plumbing samoles None Take samples from cold water.This change adds clarity to the samolins protocol. System does not have a sampling Iocation on the distribution system If there was no sampling location on the distribution system, samples could not be taken. Distribution samples can be taken from plumbing where necessary to do so. This change adds clarity and flexibility within the regulation for situations where distribution samples are diffrcult to obtain. Taking distribution samples from fixtures that are likely to have elevated lead levels due to lead-based materials in that fixture, e.g., hydrants None Distribution samples cannot be taken from points in the distribution system where lead levels are likely to be elevated due to materials used in fixtures located at or near the sampling point. This ensures that samples reflect the quality of water provided to buildings served by the system. Recording and submitting the number of sampling points and exceedances None A-fter each round of testing, system owners are required to record and submit to the ministry the number of points sampled and the number of points where samples exceeded the standard. The ministry will be providing a form O. Reg. 170/03 Community LeadTesling- End of Period Report to submit to the ministry. It will be posted on Drinkins Water Ontario www.ontario.caldrinkingwater and owners and operators will be notified once it is available. This ensures that additional samples taken from points already sampled during the same season do not count towards the 10 per cent threshold for moving to reduced sampling or for cor¡osion control. Lead test reporting requirements where samples ale taken outside of prescribed sampling periods None Lead test reporting requirements also apply to samples taken outside the prescribed "summer" and "winter" sampling periods, if samples are otherwise taken in accordance with the regulation. This ensures that the ministry and local health units receive reports ofresults that exceed the lead standard even if the samples are taken outside of the regulatory testing dates. S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 3 r e g a r d i n g S u m m a r y o f A m e n d m e n t s t o O . R e g . 1 7 0 / 0 3 r e l a t e d t o C o m m u n i t y L e a d T e s t i n g P r o g r a m s . P a g e 2 1 8 o f 2 6 1 Area ofcbanee Old requirement New reouirement Rationale Reporting exceedances to owners of multi-residential buildings Owners or operating authorities were not required to report exceedances to owners of multi- residential buildings Owners or operating authorities must report exceedances to multi-residential building owners or owner representatives (e.g. superintendent) within seven days of receiving the results. This ensures that building owners are aware of any problems and can then take proper corrective action. Sentinel monitoring when part of a required corrosion control plan (Iarge municipal systems onþ None Systems that are carrying out sentinel monitoring (i.e., targeted monitoring) as part ofa required corrosion control plan are exempt from routine community lead sampline in olumbine. This change will eliminate sampling duplication. &cqeqbr, tHs ehaú is ualy a sq4,q¿ary. ?b òe e/ea¡ about wur speoúl'c ¿eqarieeei? ts, loe lä¿¿sú rcfe¡ to tÄe óe-tú of O 4eg. J7o ?¡¿ade e¿rde¿ ú¿le,SafeÒr¿¿À¿bg WtetAet, 2002 o¿ ¡.yÞ¡¡,.eJah,.ç.€'ov.on.ea or.rcqeesú a coþyò¡cal/¿¿S" ou¡&¿ò/¿'c l¿fo¡qaú¡'oa Cb¿t¿e aú l'800'565'4923 o¡ tru'cn¿np¿L¿aoe@onúa¡ro.ea. If lnt¿åar,e aAy/eSp/ gues¿r'oä,s about úåe ap¡¡/¿'caú¿'oa o¡ ¡¿úe¡p¡etatiut of ¿åe regu/aúr'oa or /e6rr,s/aâ'oa J,o¿¿ såou1d coasu/¿ a lawJrer. S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 3 r e g a r d i n g S u m m a r y o f A m e n d m e n t s t o O . R e g . 1 7 0 / 0 3 r e l a t e d t o C o m m u n i t y L e a d T e s t i n g P r o g r a m s . P a g e 2 1 9 o f 2 6 1 Page 220 of 261 lo TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: MOE Order - Richmond Water System DATE: January 28,2010 FILE: NUMBERz 82010-02 Purpose This report is to further to the final Order issued by the Ministry of the Environment regarding the Richmond Water System. Bacþround Council will recall considering the Notice of Intention to Issue an Order pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act received October 30,2009. The Notice advised the MOE intended to order the Municipality to take charge of and operate the Richmond well supply and distribution system by January 4, 2010. As an alternative, the Municipality could submit a plan for implementing connection to the current municipal system, supplying the Richmond system with water from the municipal system, or establishing a new municipal drinking water system in Richmond. The Municipality provided its written response by the established December deadline, which proposed the Municipality decline operation of the system, and allow Richmond Community Water Inc. to continue operating the system. The Municipality would undertake to complete planning and implementation of a recommended solution regarding source water and treatment. The intent would be for the system to remain under the current ownership. A follow-up meeting was held with MOE representatives in early January. In October, Council also approved retaining Stantec Engineering to assist in responses to MOE and preparation of the Implementation Plan. The Municipality received the final Order from the MOE via email January 20th,2010. Several of the municipal suggestions, particularly in the more technical areas, have been incorporated. For example, the original Notice provided that the Municipality (as the operator) would be required to prepare an Engineering Report on the system - such report would have been redundant given the need to address the treatment system. This has been addressed in the hnal Order. Insofar as one of the key issues - ownership and operation of the system, the MOE has not come as far as we had asked, however the final order is an improvement from the initial notice. The original MOE position was that the Municipality would operate the system and upon completion of the Plan for treatment, become owner and operator. Though the final Order does provide that the Municipality operate the system by March 2010, it also allows the Municipality to determine the o\vrrer and operator upon implementation of the Plan. In exchange though, the Order is specific that the Municipality operate the system with municipal staff during this "interim" period. Staff Comments Council had previously approved proceeding with the preparation of the Plan to comply with the Order, with the assistance of Stantec. This Plan is presented to Council in a separate report. In regard to this order itself, stafÏnote two general options that are available: Option I - Appeal all or part of the MOE Order The Municipality does have the option of appealing the order or specific portions of the order to the Environmental Review Tribunal (within 15 days of service). Initial legal comment indicates little chance of success in an overall appeal. Staff have not sought legal comment regarding appeal of specific portions only. Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 221 of 261 Option 2 - Assume operations and improvements as per the Order The Order provides that the Municipality assume all daily operations of the system utilizing trained municipal staff by March l, 2010. In addition, a Plan to implement improvement to the treatmenlsupply must also be prepared, and implemented no later that December 30, 2011. As has been previously mentioned, in order to undertake operations, current staff would be required to obtain certification respecting treatment. Staff have taken steps to complete the required training and exams to meet the March lst MOE deadline. Additionally staffing needs are impacted. It is estimated that an average four hours per day additional staff time is required to complete operational and maintenance requirements in compliance with regulations (based on current source water and treatment processes). This does not include general repairs, locates, weekend requirements or time needed to examine and implement any system improvements. At minimum, one part-time operator will be required to fulfiII this need. It should be noted that utilizing volunteer operators did not appear to be a viable option regardless of the MOE Order provisions. Staff have held preliminary discussions with CUPE regarding this and other staffing options and impacts on the collective agreement. Further discussions will be required with CUPE to finalize any arrangements. Other issues The MOE has made some steps to try to address questions regarding liability, as the current system is under an advisory and is identified as deficient. Staff may need to further clariff any need for relief from regulations pursuant to section 117 of the Safe Drinking Water Act and several other items such as DWQMS and source water protection under the Clean Water Act. As well, given the advisory in place and MOE concems, the Municipality should examine other issues such as restrictions on new development for the area. Lastly, for information, staff did complete and file application under the CAF program for improvements to the Richmond treatment system. It is anticipated we will hear results sometime in February. Summary Subject to any appeals directed by Council, in order to comply with the Order, the Municipality needs to put in place the staffing and operational arrangements to operate the Richmond system by March I,2010. As well, the production and implementation of a Plan regarding water supply and treatment is required (separate report to be prepared). Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Goal #4 - Be dedicated to service excellence Goal #5 - Develop a new and improved infrastructure network Recommendation THAT staff be authorized and directed to make staffrng and operational arrangements to operate the Richmond Community'Water System pursuant to the MOE Order dated January 20,2010, including the recruitment of a part-time Operator. Respeç.tful Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 222 of 261 M¡nistry of the Env¡ronment Safe Drinking Water Branch London District Office 3d Floor 3232 White Oak Rd, London (Ontario) N6E 1t8 M¡nistèro de I'Environnement Direction du contrôle de la qualité de I'eau potable Bureau du disùict de London 3u étage 3232, chemin White Oak London (Ontario) N6E 118 ORDER Section 114 Safe Drinking WaterAct S.O. 2002, c.32, as amended ("SDWA") TO @ ontario The Municipality of Bayham Municipal Office 9344PlankRoad, Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ lYO Attention: Mr.KyleKruger,Administrator Site Location: Richmond Community Water Inc. 9190 Richmond RD, Richmond ONN5H 2Rl I have consulted with the Medical Ofücer of Health with respect to the matter of the drinking water system owned by Richmond Community Water Inc. ("Richmond Well Supply") as evidenced by the correspondence which was attached as Appendix A to the s. 114 SDWA Notice of Intent to Issue Order (a copy of the Notice is attached hereto as Appendix l). The above noted Notice of Intent issued under s. I 14 of the SDWA on October 30, 2009 to The Municipality of Bayham ("Municipality") provided the Municipality with the opportunity to respond to the Notice in accordance with subsection ll4(2) of the SDWA. Pursuant to subsection 114(10) of the SDTWA, on December 14,2009 the Municipality provided the Director and the Medical Offrcer of Health with its written response to the Notice and I have reviewed and consiclered that response. The Owner, as identified in the Notice, was provided with an opportunity to provide written response(s) to the Notice. No written responses were submitted by the Owner. For the reasons set out in this Order and pursuant to my authority as set out in Section I 14 of the SDWA I hereby issue this Order to the Municipality requiring it to provide the undersigned Director a written copy of a detailed plan ("Plan") for implementing one or more of the following options: (a) connecting the Richmond Well Supply to the Municipality's Water Distribution System while monitoring and sampling that water according to the requirements of O. Reg. 170103, made under the SDWA ("O. Reg. 170103"); Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 223 of 261 -2-January 20,2010 (b) supplying the Richmond Well Supply with water from the Municipality's Water Distribution System while monitoring and sampling that water according to the requirements of O. Reg. 170/03; or (c) establishing a new municipal drinking-water system to serve the residents currently served by the Richmond Well Supply. PART 1: LegalAuthority 1.1 This Order is issued pursuant to sections ll4, ll5, Il7 and 162 of the SDWA, all of which are set out in Appendix B. PART 2: Background and Reasons 2.1 Richmond Community Water Inc. owns the Richmond Well Supply which supplies water to a non-municipal year round residential building located approximately 50 km south- east of the City of St. Thomas, at 53853 Heritage Line Rd, Aylmer, Ontario, N5H 2Rl, Municipality of Bayham ("Site"). This drinking water source is classified as ground water under the direct influence of surface water. Raw water is drawing from a ravine in an excavated area into pre-cast concrete containments lined with filter cloth clear stone. The raw water is treated via canister filtration, ultraviolet inadiation (UV) and chlorination. The Richmond Well Supply is classified as a non-municipal year round residential drinking-water system under O. Reg. 170/03. It is therefore a regulated non- municipal system for the purposes of section ll4 of the Act as prescribed by subsection 2 (5) of O. Reg. l7ll03, made underthe SDWA. The Richmond Well Supply provides drinking water to a total of 50 individual houses and one (1) church within the Municipality. The Richmond rüell Supply consists of two artesian and surface water collection systems located in a ravine. Raw water is collected in an excavated area into pre-cast concrete containments lined with filter cloth and clear stone. The raw water flows via gravity to the lower level of the ravine and is pumped to the pumphouse. The raw is treated via can i ster filtration, ultraviol et irrad iation (UV) and chlorination. On October 1,2007, Provincial Officer's OrderNo.'s I-6AJAL; 1-6AJAO; l-6AK62; l- 6AK5z;1-4K65; l-64K68; 1-6AK6B; l-6AK6E were issued to Richmond community Water Inc., requiring proper maintenance and operation of the Richmond Well Supply in accordance with o. Reg. 170/03. Attached hereto, as Appendix C, is a copy of the aforementioned Provincial Officer's Orders and accompanying Provincial Officer's Reports. The Provincial Ofücer's Reports, which each form part of their respective orders, noted the following contraventions as of October 1,2007: a) Failure to take raw and treated water microbiological samples in accordance with the requirements of Schedule l1 of O. Reg. 170/03; 11 2.3 2.4 2.5 Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 224 of 261 2.6 2.7 -3-January 20,2010 b) Failure to take lead, sodium, fluoride, trihalomethanes, nitrates and nitrites samples in accordance with the requirements of Schedule l3 and l5.l of O. Reg. 170103; c) Failure to complete an engineering evaluation report as required by Schedule 21 of O. Reg. 170/03; d) Failure to install and operate appropriate treatment equipment in accordance with Schedule 2 of O. Reg. 170/03; e) Failure to provide required notifications of all adverse water quality incidents as required by Schedule 16 of O. Reg. 170/03 Ð Failure to ensure that an operator with a valid certif,rcation conducts all operational test and duties as required by s. 1l of the SDWA; g) Failure to ensure one water sample is taken after each filter and tested immediately for turbidity as required by Schedule 2 of O. Reg. 170/03; h) Failure to construct and maintain wells to prevent surface water and other foreign materials from entering the wells as required by Regulation 903 ("Reg. 903"), made under the Ontario Water Resources Acf, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.40, as amended ("owRA") On February 17,2009 Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit (ESTHU) re-issued a Drinking tüater Advisory @WA) for the Richmond Well Supply due to high nitrates. The nitrate levels at this facility continue to exceed the standard of l0 mg[L and were most recently reported to be I1.9 mglL. On May 20,2009, the Ministry of Environment provided a Communal Drinking Water Inspection Report to the Richmond Community Water Inc. (Inspection # I-6OR8E). The findings of the inspection found a total of eight (8) instances of non-compliances with regulatory requirements which include the following: 1. The o\¡/ner had not updated the drinking-water system registration information to reflect pertinent changes to the profile as required by section. l0.l of O. Reg. 170/03. 2. A statement has not been prepared by a Professional Engineer nor has an exemption from Schedule 2 of O. Reg. 170/03 have neither been provided by the owner nor granted by the Ministry. 3. On the date of the inspection, all treatment specified within the Engineering Evaluation Report was not in place or being used. At the time of the inspection the Engineering Evaluation Report (EER) was made available for review. However, the report did not completely fulfill the requirements of Schedule 2l of O. Reg. 170/03 and include all of the treatment equipment installed at the pumphouse. 4. Required documents were not made available free-of-charge during normal business hours at a location accessible to the public as required by section n() of O. Reg. 170/03. 5. Sampling requirements for lead were not being met as prescribed by schedule 15.1 of O. Reg. 170/03. Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 225 of 261 -4-January 20,2010 6. Chlorine monitoring for secondary disinfection was not being done in accordance with Schedule 8-3 of O. Reg. 170/03. 7. Turbidity monitoring was not being carried out in accordance with Schedule 8-4 of O. Reg. 170/03 8. All required notifications of adverse water quality incidents were not provided to the Spills Action Centre and to the Medical Offrcer of Health in accordance with Schedule 16 of O. Reg. 170/03. 2.8 On August ll, 2009, the owner of the Richmond Well Supply failed to immediately report an adverse évent (elevated turbidity) to the Medical Office of Health and the Spills Action Centre. The owner /operator decided to issue a Drinking Water Advisory to the community and made verbal notifications of the Drinking Water Advisory to all of the users ofthe system. 2.9 On August 14,2009, a site visit was conducted by Provincial Ofücer/Drinking Water Inspector, Jim Miller of the Ministry of the Environment's London District Office. This visit was conducted as follow-up to the most recent adverse event (elevated turbidity) and to ensure that all monitoring sampling and recording conditions had been met. During the site visit an inspection was conducted of the source water collection area located east of the pumphouse in a ravine. Visual observations found debris (burnt garbage, plastics and yard waste) above the Richmond Well Supply's raw water source (infiltration gallery) creating potential for contamination of the source water of unknown type and quantity (See Appendix D for photographs of observed debris). Additionally, it was found that an excessive amount of erosion (claylsand) from the upper ravine had migrated toward the area of the unsecured filter collection system. The site visit revealed site conditions that may result in bacterial and chemical contamination of the raw water supplying the system and cannot be mitigated by the treatment system which is in place. 2.10 A review of the Hydrogeological assessment for the Richmond Well Supply was conducted. It was found that the consultant provided Well Head Protection recommendations up to and including acquiring an alternate drinking water source for the consideration of the owner. The consultant also provided additional minimum recommendations for the existing infiltration galleries which have not been implemented by the owner and includes the following: . The slope above the water collection point needs to be stabilizedto prevent any movement of soil and debris into the water collection area.. Fence offarea to limit access.. Conduct additional chemical sampling to monitor impacts from road salt, fertilizer and septic systems.. Clean and maintain filter collection system. Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 226 of 261 E -J-January 20,2010 . Provide easy access for system maintenance and monitoring. 2.ll A pattern of ongoing non-compliance and the inability of the o\ryner to ensure that the Richmond Well Supply is constructed and maintained to prevent surface water and other foreign materials from entering the well pose a signifìcant health risk to system users. There is an apparent willingness on the part of the owner to exploit the ministry's commitment to provide support and flexibility to committed owners/operators in their attempts to attain compliance with the requirements of the Act and associated regulations. The potential for both recognized hazards and unknown contaminants to enter the source water, given the current design of the Richmond Well Supply and the environmental setting, present an elevated and unnecessary risk to the users. The Richmond Well Supply's treatment equipment as supplied cannot sustain heavy organic/inorganic loadings (elevated turbidity) nor is the treatment system designed to remove contaminants such as pesticides and chemicals that may result from heavy run-offduring rain events. 2.12 On August 18, 2009, a representative of the owner of the Richmond Well Supply delivered door to door notifications of the Drinking Water Advisory to all of the users of the system. 2.13 I am of the opinion that the past and ongoing non-compliance by the Richmond Well Supply with the relevant legislation, pose a significant health risk to users of the system. The raw water source for the Richmond Well Supply is not constructed to prevent surface water and other foreign material from entering the collection system. The current treatment system as installed is not physically capable of treating the current source water supply at all times and is not able to maintain a safe and sustainable supply of drinking water to the system users. The system operators do not demonstrate a level of competency required to manage and treat such a high risk water source. There is no assurance that the users of the system are being provided with properly treated water. 2.14 My staffand I have consulted the Medical Ofücer of Health (MOÐ with respect to this matter. The MOH has indicated that he supports the MOE's intention to seek improved compliance with O. Reg. 170/03 in this situation (Personal correspondence October 5, 200e). 2.15 I am of the opinion that the Richmond Well Supply requires servicing by a municipal water authority in order to protect its users from a drinking-water health hazard. PART 3: Directions to the Municipality Having reviewed the Municipality's response to the Notice that was issued on October 30' 2009 and having considered the subsequent information and submissions received from the Municipality with respect to the Richmond Well Supply, I am of the opinion that it is reasonable and appropriate to order the Municipality, pursuant to my authority under subsections 114(1) and 162(l) of the SDWA, to take all necessara steps to do, or cause to have done, the following: Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 227 of 261 -6-January 20,2O1O 3.1 By no later than February 8,2010, provide the undersigned Director a written copy of the Plan for implementing @g of the following options: a) connecting the Richmond Well Supply to the Municipalþ's Water Distribution System while monitoring and sampling that water according to the requirements of O. Reg. 170/03; b) supplying the Richmond Well Supply with, water from the Municipality's Water Distribution System while monitoring and sampling that water according to the requirements of O. Reg. 170/03; or c) establishing a new drinking-water system to serve the residents currently served by the Richmond Well Supply. 3.2 Where appropriate, the Plan shall conform to the definition of a "Drinking Water System" as defined in s.l of the SDWA, that is "a system of works, excluding plumbing, that is established for the purpose of providing users of the system with drinking water and that includes, (a) any thing used for the collection, production, treatment, storage, supply or distribution of water, (b) any thing related to the management of residue from the treatment process or the management ofthe discharge of a substance into the natural environment from the treatment system, and (c) a well or intake that serves as the source or entry point of raw water supply for the system." 3.3 Immediately upon written notification by the undersigned Director, begin implementing the option ("Preferred Option") described in the Plan required by paragraph 3.1 above. 3.4 The Prefened Option shall be completed and operational by no later than December 30th, 20t1. 3.5 Once the Preferred Option is complete and in operation, the Municipality shall identit/ the owner and the operator of the Preferred Option within 30 days of the Preferred Option commencing operation to the Director as identified in s. l0.l of O. Reg. 170/03 in the format stipulated by the Ministry. 3.6 Ensure an operator with the appropriate qualifications is in place to operate the Richmond Well Supply by no later than February 26,2010. During the period in which the Richmond Well Supply remains in operation, the Municipality shall utilize employees of the Municipality with appropriate qualifications to operate the Richmond Well Supply in order to maximize operational competence and minimize risk to the users. 3.7 Once the Preferred Option is in compliance with paragraph 3.5 of this order, the Municipality shall, in the event of the ownership and operation of the Preferred Option being assumed by a person or persons other than the Municipality, do the following within 90 days ofthe commencement of the new ownership and operation: Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 228 of 261 -7 - January 20,2010 a) develop a plan to ensure that the ne\M operator has the appropriate qualifications and training in place to operate the Preferred Option; and b) develop a coaching and mentoring plan to ensure a proper transition of the system to the identified owner and operator which focuses on hands-on training, the provision of guidance documents and sampling 3.8 By no later than March 1,2010, the Municipality shall, operate the Richmond Well Supply for the purpose of carrying out the directions detailed in Item 3.9 below until the Preferred Option under the Plan accepted by the Ministry of the Environment, is put into place and is operational. 3.9 Immediately, upon assuming operational authority at the Richmond Well Supply pursuant to the direction detailed in Item 3.3 above, the Municipality shall initiate monitoring and sampling of the Richmond Well Supply in accordance with the applicable requirements of O. Reg. I 70103, specifically: a) Conduct operational checks, sampling and testing in accordance with the requirements of schedule 6 of O. Reg. 170/03; b) Conduct maintenance and operational checks in accordance with the requirements of schedule 7 of O. Reg. 170/03, c) Conduct microbiological sampling and testing in accordance with the requirements of schedule ll ofO. Reg. 170/03; d) Conduct chemical sampling and testing in accordance with the requirements of schedule l3 of O. Reg. 170/03; e) Report adverse test results and other problems in accordance with the requirements of schedule l6 of O. Reg. 170/03; Ð Complete corrective actions in accordance with the requirements of schedule 18 of O. Reg. 170/03 g) Have a professional engineer with experience in sanitary engineering or a person under the supervision of a professional engineer with experience in sanitary engineering, who has visited the drinking water system: i. Identifr all equipment currently in use at the drinking water system; ii. Identiff measures such as additional sampling, equipment or communication with users of the drinking water system which will assist in mitigating risk to the users, to be taken by the owner and operating authority while the Richmond Well Supply is in operation and the Preferred Option is in development; iii. Set forth requirements relating to the frequency with which equipment must be inspected, tested and replaced at the current system; and iv. Provide any further direction to the owner/operator to further mitigate risk while the Preferred Option is in development. 3.10 At any time that it is determined that one or more of the wells of the Richmond Well Supply is no longer being used or maintained as a well supply, the Municipality shall immediately notiff the undersigned Director and, within 30 days ofthat notification, abandon the well or wells in accordance with the requirements of section 2l of Reg. 903. Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 229 of 261 -8- January21,2010 3.1I The Municipality shall document the costs associated with complying with each Item of this order as the resultant costs of complying with this order may be recovered by the Municipality from Richmond Community Water Inc. and its members under the authority of the SDWA and the Municipal Act, 200 1. PART 4: MISCELLANEOUS 4.1 lf a time period expires on a Saturday or Sunday or other Provincial Government holiday, the time period shall expire on the following weekday. 4.2 All notices are issued in the English language and may be translated into the French language. ln the event that there should be a conflict between the English original and the French translation, the English original shall prevail. 4.3 The requirements of this Order are severable. If any requirement of this Order or the application of any requirement to any circumstance is held invalid, the application of such requirement to other circumstances and the remainder of the Order shall not be affected thereby. 4.4 The requirements of this Order are minimum requirements only and do not relieve you from: a) complying with any other applicable order, statute, regulation, municipal, provincial or federal law; and b) obtaining any approvals or consents not specif,red in this order. ISSUED at London, this 20th day of Janu ary,20l0. ¿Aa\y6e Shawna Bourne, MHS, BASc Directo¡ s.I14 SDWA cc. Frank Warsh, Medical Offrcer of Health - Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Lewis EugeneAcre, Director/Treasurer Richmond Community Water Inc Rick Lee Garrett, Director/Secretary Richmond Community Water Inc Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 230 of 261 -9- January 20,2010 APPEAL INFORMÄTION You may require a hearing before the Environmental Review Tribunal it within 15 days of service of the order, you serve written notice of your appeal on the Environmental Review Tribunal and the Director. Your notice must state the portions of the order for which a hearing is required and the grounds on which you intend to rely at the hearing. Except by leave of the Environmental Review Tribunal, you are not entitled to appeal a portion of the order or to rely on grounds of appeal that are not stated in the notice requiring the hearing. Unless stayed by the Environmental Review Tribunal, the order is effective from the date of service. Written notice requiring a hearing must be served personally or by mail upon: The Secretary a Director (Provincial Ofücer Orders) Environmental Review Tribunal n Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 2382 d 3232 White Oak Road 2300 Yonge Street Suite 1700 London, ON Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 N6E lL8 Fax: (519) 873-5094 Where service is made by mail, it is deemed to be made on the fifth day after the date of mailing and the time for requiring a hearing is not extended by choosing service by mail. Further information on the Environmental Review Tribunal's requirements for an appeal can be obtained directly from the Tribunal by: Tel: (416) 314-4600 Fax (416) 314-4506 www.ert.sov'on.ca FOR YOUR INFORMÄTION . Unless stayed by the Director or the Environmental Review Tribunal, this order is effective from the date of service. Non-compliance with the requirements of this order constitutes an offence. . The requirements ofthis order are minimum requirements only and do not relieve you from complying with the following: . afly applicable federal legislation; . any applicable provincial requirements that are not addressed in the order; and . aîy applicable municipal law. . The requirements of this order are severable. If any requirement of this order or the application of any requirement to any circumstance is held invalid, the application of such requirement to other circumstances and the remainder of the order are not affected. . Further orders may be issued in accordance with the legislation as circumstances require. . The procedures to request a review by the Director and other information provided above are intended as a guide. The legislation should be consulted for additional details and accurate reference. Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 231 of 261 January 20,2010 Staff Report E2010-02 regarding MOE Order - Richmond Water System. File: E08 Page 232 of 261 l¡ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Planning CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk SUBJECT: Household Hazardous Wastellarge Itern Disposal DATE: February 1,2010 FILE: E09 NIIMBER: E2010-001 Purpose To confirm the 2010 Household Hazardous Waste and Large ltem Drop-off Day and to recoÍtmend that Clean Harbors Canada Inc. be retained to manage the hazardous waste. Background A service level budgeted for the last several years includes a single Household Hazardous Waste and Large Item Drop-offDa5 held at the public works yard at the end of May (on the Saturday following the long weekend) each year. Municþal staff has ma¡ned the event with Clean Harbors Canadalnc. managing the collection and disposal of the hazardous waste. Staff Comments In order to have a contract in place for Hazardous Waste Drop-off, arrangements need to be ftnalized shortly. In addition, it is beneficial to have confirmation for resident inquiries and to provide advance public notice of the event. Contact has been made with Clean Harbors, and they are tentatively booked for Saturday, May 29th,2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The HouseholdHazañous Waste and Large Item Drop offDay is included in the current draft 2010 Budget. Recommendation "That the 2010 Household Hazardous 'Waste and Large Item Drop-off Day be arranged for Saturday lrlay 29th, 2010, and that Clean Harbors Canada Inc. be retained to manage the Hazardous Waste Drop-off collection and disposal." Respectfully submitted Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report E2010-001 regarding Household Hazardous Waste / Large Item Disposal. File: E09 Page 233 of 261 Page 234 of 261 /ò aEcEtv JAN I a 2010 MUNICIPATITY OF $AYHAIII Eü Municipality of Bayham PO Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville,On NOJ IYO The Mayor & Council: Utility Bill - 23 Brock St. Port Burwell Enclosed is a copy of the abovementioned which contains an inordinate charge for water ($ 102.06) due to an incident of a tap left running for 4 days. As I am a cottage owner I very seldom even achieve minimum usage as ,generally, we are weekend residents.Your municipality went through an upgrading process and we received at least 5 separate notices of "loss of service" each covering 3 or 4 days and we reached the point of wondering if this event were ever to occur. Unfortunately ,it did occur as we were cleaning up(bathroom tap was on then ceased to run when your workmen cut service) to head back to Woodstock on Monday morning and wp overlooked checking the situation as all was well (we thought) as we merrily departed for home. Upon returning for the next weekend on Friday ,lo and behold, the tap was running and had been ever since service was restored the prior Monday. While lrealize this incident is primarily my fault ,I would appreciate your consideration of some relief due to your involvement having some bearing on the occurïence. Any assistance/relief would be sincerely appreciated. My thanks for your consideration. Woodstock, On. N4T 1V2 Yours truly, Correspondence received January 19, 2010 from John D. Wylie regarding "Utility Bill - 23 Brock St., Port Burwell. File: C13 Page 235 of 261 Page 236 of 261 Stantec Gonsulting Ltd. 800 - 171 Queens Avenue London ON N6A 5J7 Tel: (519) 6r'.5-2007 Fax: (519) 645-6575 Stantec February 3, 2010 File: 1655-00615 The Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Dear Sir: Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond 1. lntroduction The intent of this letter is to provide a detailed plan to the Municipality of Bayham to address the long term water servicing solutions for the Village of Richmond. This submission is intended to satisfy the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Order to the Municipality made pursuant to Section 114 of the Safe Drinking Water Act,2002 (SDWA) by providing a detailed plan in accordancewith Clause 3.1 by February 8,2010. lnformation related to other compliance requirements for the Municipality with regards to the operation of the existing or proposed waterworks system is not provided in this submission and will be addressed separately or as required. 2. Background The existing waterworks system is owned by Richmond Community Water lnc. a private entity which services the Village of Richmond which consists of approximately 50 homes and one church. Under Section 1 of O.Reg. 170103, the waterworks system is currently classified as a Non-Municipal Year-Round Residential System as it is not a municipally owned system, but services a residential development of six or more residences. The waterworks system is registered with the Ministry of the Environment (DWIS #260074854). Based on a review of available documentation, it appears that the waterworks system is serviced by two (2) artesian fed stone infiltration galleries. ln accordance with the report titled "GUDI Assessment, Richmond Community Water Supply' prepared by HGI Services Ltd. (Report #07-05 dated April 2007), the source water is classified as Groundwater Under the Direct lnfluence of Surface Water (GUDI) based on application of the screening level criteria of Section 2 of O.Reg. 170103. Therefore, the water system is required to provide prímary treatment for a surface water source in accordance with Schedule 2 of O.Reg. 170103, specifically: . 2-log removal or inactivation of cryptosporidium cysts; . 3-log removal or inactivation of giardia cysts; and . 4-log removal or inactivation of viruses. The existing treatment system generally consists of a combination of cartridge filters (20, 5, and I micron) to provide filtering of the incoming water supply to the treatment building and outgoing water entering the DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 237 of 261 Stantec February 3,2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page 2 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond distribution system. Primary disinfection is currently provided by a combination of UV disinfection and chlorination. Secondary disinfection is also addressed by means of the chlorination system in accordance with Schedule 1 of O.Reg. 170103. With the exception of flow meters or integrated UV sensors, there are no other known monitoring devices within the treatment building to monitor the quality of the water. Since Augusl2007, the water system has been under a Drinking Water Advisory due to elevated nitrate levels. ln addition, a review of documentation reveals several Provincial Orders have been issued to the current owner and operators due to non-compliance in relation to the record keeping, sampling, water quality, treatment, reporting, adverse notification, and corrective action requirements of O.Reg. 170103. On October 30, 2009, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) issued a Notice of lntention fo /ssue Orderto the Municipality of Bayham and Richmond Community Water lnc in accordance with Section 114(2) of the Safe Drinking Water Act,2002 (SDWA). This Notice was issued in response to the failure of the current owner to address non-compliance issues noted in the previous Provincial Orders issued for the waterworks and reflects the MOE's intent to have the Municipality assume responsibility for the system in order to protect its users. The Nofice of tntention fo /ssue Order set out various requirements and timelines for the current owner and for the Municipality. Under Part 3 of the Notice, the MOE provided direction to the Municipality with respect to taking over control of the waterworks system. ln accordance with Subsection 114 (9) of the SDWA, the Municipality was required to abide by one or more of the following actions: . Action 1: By January 4,2010, take charge of and operate and maintain the Richmond WellSupply in accordance with O.Reg . 170103 incf uding all sampling, treatment, reporting, and maintenance; or . Action 2: By January 4,2010, provide the MOE with a detailed plan for implementing one of the following options: i. Option 1: Connect the Richmond system to the Municipality's Water Distribution System; ii. Option 2: Supply the Richmond system with water from the Municipality's Water Distribution System; and iii. Option 3: Establish a new municipal drinking water system to serve the community. ln accordance with Part 4 of the Notice and Subsection 114 (10) of the SDWA, the Municipality was to provide a written response to the MOE by December l, 2009 confirming which of the above actions will be initiated. Following a request by the Municipality to extend the December 1, 2009 deadline in order to allow for council to be informed of the order, a formal submission to the MOE was made on December 14, 2009. ln accordance with Part 4 of the initial notice, the Municipality confirmed that the preferred long term servicing solution for the Richmond Community is to seek an alternative water supply. This decision is based on the anticipated costs associated with upgrades to the existing system to provide the required treatment, onerous operational costs, and the inherent liability that would remain given the nature of the source water and potential for continuous public health concerns. On Decembe r 24, 2009 the MOE provided a draft Order in accordance with Section 114 of the SDWA to the Municipality for review. The draft Order noted requirements that the Municipality must meet to ensure compliance to the SDWA and its regulations and includes the requirement to provide an alternate water DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 238 of 261 Stantec February 3,2010 Mr Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page3 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond source to the community as per Action 2 of the original Notice of lntent. Following a meeting between the Municipality, the MOE, and Stantec on January 6, 2010 to discuss and clarify the conditions and requirements of the draft Order, the MOE revised and issued the Final Order dated January 20,2010. ln addition to requirements related to the operation of the existing waterworks system, this Order requires that the Municipality provide a detailed plan by February 8, 2010 to implement one or more of the long term servicing solutions previously noted. At the request of the Municipality of Bayham, Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec) has prepared a detailed plan and estimated project schedule to implement one of the long term servicing options noted in the MOE Order. ln accordance with Clause 3.1 (c), the subsequent sections of this letter provides a proposed work scope to investigate the feasibility of establishing a new groundwater supply that is capable of meeting the potable water demands of the Village of Richmond, as an extension of the existing municipal system seems to be cost prohibitive based on initial review. A phased approach to the groundwater exploration program is noted, with a general summary of each phase and subsequent task being discussed in the sections below. Throughout this proposed plan, assumptions in refation to site activities, consultation processes, etc. have been made based on past experience with similar projects of this size and complexity. However as with any project, exact work scopes may need to be revised at a later date based on conditions or limitations encountered during the process. Wording such as "may" or "should" referenced throughout this document relates to our preliminary assumptions to date and therefore should be interpreted as being subject to further detailed information being made available. 3. Work Plan and Schedule We have prepared a work plan to ensure that all required components for successfully undertaking this project are present. We understand the complex and potentially controversial nature of this project and our work plan is designed to be flexible and allow for reasonable contingencies to ensure as early a start as possible for construction and ultimately implementation of the long term solution by the compliance deadline date of December 30, 2011 as noted in Clause 3.1 of the MOE Order. As per our experience with similar projects we have attempted to integrate as many components of this project as practical to allow for the work to move forward in a logical and expeditious manner. This is shown in the overall estimated project schedule which is provided as Figure 1 in Appendix 1. The detailed work plan is to be organized into five areas: Groundwater Supply Exploration and Evaluation, Consultation, Detailed Design & Tender, and Construction. These are shown in Table 1. Table 1 - Work Breakdown Structure for Proiect Area Work Streams Groundwater Supply Exploration and Evaluation a Hyd rogeological Assessmento Background Review and Field Reconnaissance o Construction of Test Wells o Short -Term Pumping Tests GUDI Evaluation / Lonq Term Pumpinq TestO Gonsultation Schedule C Class EA o Prepare Problem / Opportunity Statement Advertise Notice of Commencement ldentify Alternative Solutions lnventorv Natural-Social-Economic Environment a a a DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 239 of 261 Stantec February 3,2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page 4 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond Table I - Work Breakdown Structure fo¡ Proiect Area Work Streams Evaluate Alternative Solutions ldentify lmpacts of Solutions and Mitigating Measures Prepare and Undertake PIC #1 ldentify Alternative Design Concepts for Prefened Solution Detail lnventory Natural-Social-Economic Environment Evaluate Altemative Designs Prepare and Undertake PIC #2 Prepare and Submit Draft Preliminary Design Report / Design Brief Prepare Draft ESR Finalize ESR, Advertise Gompletion and Post on Public Record OR Modifi ed Consultation Program ¡ Prepare and Submit Report on Review of Alternatives as per Clause 3.1 of the MOE Ordero Finalize Report and Submit for Council Review . Undertake Stakeholder (Public) Notification The above noted description for the Modified Program should be considered as general information only and is subject to further review by the MOE, Municipality, and Council to confirm an appropriate level of work Note: The Municipality will require further clarification from the MOE in relation to requirements to undertake a formal Schedule C Class EA based on clarification of ownership of the waterworks system and subject to the review of exemotions as a result of the issuance of the Order. Preliminary Design Hydraulic Review Pipeline Design Facility Planning and lntegration Geotechnical Review Hvdrooeolooical Review a a a a a Detailed Design/Tender Process Design Structural/Mechanical Design Electrical Design Site Works Design Aoorovals o a a o O Construction and Commissioning a a a Contract Administration Facility Gommissioning and Training Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manuals and As-Recorded Drawinos TASK I - GROUNDWATER SUPPLY EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION nce A desktop level water supply evaluation will be completed where all available geological, soils and topographic mapping and background reports that are applicable to the study area, including hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations, watershed studies, and pertinent publications produced by the Ministry of the Environment (e.g., Water Well Records), The Village of Richmond, The Municipality of Bayham, Elgin County and localconservation authorities willbe reviewed. This background information will be used to develop a conceptual model of the study area's hydrogeological system. Using this conceptual model, Stantec will identifo potential aquifer systems beneath the Site that could be utilized to meet the potable water demands of DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 240 of 261 Stantec February 3,2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page 5 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond the community. Once a suitable aquifer system has been identified, information presented in Ministry of Environment Water Well Records will be used to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer, which will then be used to evaluate whether the aquifer is capable of meeting the projected water demands of the community. To supplement the information obtained from the background review, a door-to-door well survey of selected residences to obtain site-specific information on the performance (i.e., quantity and quality) of existing water supply wells throughout the study area should be completed. This information will be used to build upon the previous results of the desktop study and assist Stantec with establishing criteria to be used in identifoing locations for the drilling of potential test wells. The criteria that will likely be used to select drilling site locations include existing specifíc capacities of surrounding wells, nature of geological materials (e.9., presence / absence of confining layers), location of site with respect to potential water quality threats, location of site with respect to sensitive aquatic and terrestrial resources, site proximity to existing water supply infrastructure, and site access. Part 2 - Construction of Test Wells It is anticipated that a total of two (2) test wells will be constructed to properly assess the spatial distribution of potential aquifer yields throughout the study area and, consequently, identify those areas having the greatest potential for the establishment of a permanent groundwater supply well(s) that will capable of meeting the projected water demands of the Richmond Community. Stantec anticipates that each test well will consist of a 152 mm (6") outside diameter screen and casing. It is anticipated that Phase 2 may involve the following tasks: . Obtaining three (3) quotations to complete the drilling and test well installation work; . Convene a pre-construction meeting with the successful drilling contractor and the Municipality to review administrative procedures, general expectations and schedule, confírm drilling locations and delineate the overallworking area; . Assíst with the clearing all underground services (including bell, hydro, gas, cable and public works); . Observe the test borehole drilling and downhole logging/sampling and document the geological formations and aquifer characteristics encountered at each drilling site; . Review the geologic data logged during drilling, confìrm the finalwell design and confirm that the test well installations will be in compliance with Ontario Regulation 903 and health and safety regulations; . Observe the installation of each well casing, including grouting, and the placement of the well screen, and the final development of the well. From these observations, prepare well construction and geologic interpretive logs for each well, which will subsequently be submitted to the Village upon completion; . General correspondence and review of work completed by the contractor on a daily basis; . Organize and attend construction meetings, as required, including preparation of meeting minutes within one week following the meeting; . Provide geodetic coordinates and elevation of each well; and, . Restore each drilling site to its original condition following the test well installations. DRAFT- FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 241 of 261 Stantec February 3, 2010 Mr Kyle Kruger, C M O, Administrator Page 6 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond Pa¡t 3 - Short-Term Pump Testins (Step Tests) A preliminary evaluation of yield potent¡al for each test well will be completed through the completion of a short-term performance test. This performance test will involve pumping each test well at successively higher rates while measuring the water level response in the subject well. Each pumping rate step will last for a period of approximately one (1) hour, with an anticipated four (4) to five (5) steps being completed. At the end of each step test, a water quality sample will be collected for metals, anions and general chemistry analysis. Following a review of the hydraulic response testing and water quality results, the test wells will be ranked based on a combination of their short-term yield potential and potability and provide recommendations as to which wells should be subjected to a longerterm performance test (i.e., Part 4). The overall objective of Part 3 is to select the test well that shows the greatest potential for being developed into permanent groundwater supply well. Part 4 - GUDI Assessment / Lono-Term Pump Testinq This phase will involve subjecting the test well selected in Part 3 of Task 1 to a continuous, constant-rate pumping test for a minimum period of 24 hours to determine the sustainable yield of the target aquifer, the long-term hydraulic performance of the well (i.e., quantity and quality), the potential for water quantity interference with surrounding private wells and, if applicable, sensitive natural heritage features (e.9., wetlands, watercourses, ESAs, etc.), and provide a GUDI (Groundwater Under the Direct lnfluence of Surface Water) classification of the well. To facilitate this work, Stantec will complete the following tasks: . Preparation and distribution of a letter to residents in the area informing them of the proposed pumping test program, including the timing and schedule of the program, and provide contacts for questions regarding the drilling program. ln the event that the water supply of a local well is impacted as a result of the testing program, the Municipality will be responsible for restoring the water supply of the affected residence in a timely manner by providing a temporary water supply until the testing has been completed; . Using the results of the well survey performed in Part l, identifo local water wells that could be accessed for the purpose of monitoring during the pump testing program. The monitoring of these wells will provide empirical information on water level drawdown effects resulting from the pumping of the test well, which will be used to determine aquifer characteristics, identify potential hydraulic connections between groundwater and surface water, and calculate required 50-day time of travel zones (capture zones) for the test well. ln the event that no suitable wells are available for monitoring, the construction of additional wells for monitoring purposes may be required; o Undertake a review of existing information on the local aquatic and terrestrial systems. This information may be useful in developing a defensible monitoring network that will be used to assist with the placement of monitors in nearby natural heritage features (if applicable) to evaluate whether the pumping of the test well hydraulically interferes with these features; . Prepare an application for a Category 3 Permit to Take Water (P]-|-W to allow the short (step) and long- term pumping tests to be completed on the test well; . Coordinate the discharge of the water generated from the testing in a manner that will not influence the test results and will not cause impacts to the environment; DRAFT- FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 242 of 261 Stantec February 3,2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator PageT of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond . Monitoring locations for the purpose of recording continuous water level measurements and supplement this data with the collection of manual water level measurements. Water levels should be collected throughout the pre-test, pumping and recovery periods; ¡ Water quality sampfes from each of the test wells should be collected throughout the pumping test. The first groundwater sample should be submitted for bacteriological analysis, general chemistry, anions and metals analyses. The final groundwater sample should be submitted for the full Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS) scan, which is required by the MOE for a production well that will be used for municipal-scale water supply purposes in order to fully evaluate potential treatment requirements; . Microscopic Particulate Analysis (MPA) is an EPA approved method that is used to identify organisms that only occur in surface waters and whose presence in groundwater clearly indicates that at least some surface water has infiltrated into the aquifer system. Two water samples should be collected from the test welland submitted to an accredited laboratory for MPA; . lf any of the proposed test well locations are flagged as potentially GUDI in accordance with Ontario Regulation 170, in-line laser particle count (LPC) data should be collected during the pumping test to give a preliminary indication of the in-situ filtration capacity of the aquifer; and . Throughout this task, maintain regular communication with the Municipality to keep up-to-date on any major developments. ln particular, confirm the proposed pumping rates to be used during the constant- rate pumping test and will discuss the possibility of extending the tests if groundwater levels have not stabilized after 24-hours of pumping or a response to pumping was noted within a natural heritage feature. The results of the aforementioned investigation will be summarized in a final report for the study. The report will detail the regional and local geology and hydrogeology, well construction details, well performance characteristics including recommended well yield and well performance, aquifer yield and potential interference effects with adjacent wells, water users, or natural features, the water quality with respect to the ODWS, and a preliminary GUDI classifìcation of the test wells. The final report will be suitable for submission to regulatory agencies for review, as necessary. Prior to finalizing the study report, a meeting with the Municipality should be scheduled to discuss the results of the draft report. TASK 2 - SCHEDULE C CLASS EA Note: The following general work scope related to the Schedule G Glass EA is provided for review. However as noted in Table I and as per the discussion with the MOE during the January 6, 20f 0 meeting, the Municipality is requesting further clarification and direction with regards to the requirement to undertake the formal consultation process. As noted in the Municipal Class EnvironmentalAssessmenl200T Update, the Class EA is a planning document which sets out the process that a proponent must follow in order to meet the requirements of the EA Actfor a class or category. ln the event that the Municipality is considered the proponent, the project would be classed under municipalwater projects as a Schedule C undertaking as it relates to the construction of a new water system. DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 243 of 261 Stantec February 3,2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page I of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond Meet with the Municipality to review the work program, and to finalize work scope, deliverables and schedule. The intent will be to integrate the Task I work with the proposed consultation work described in Task 2. Backqround lnformation and Data A consultation program will be developed to provide agencies, the general public and stakeholders with information concerning this study and also provide an opportunity for comment and feedback as required throughout the project. As part of this task, it will be necessary to undertake notification of agencies and interested parties as part of the Class EA process. Based upon the work completed to date, we will prepare a problem/opportunity statement for this Class EA study. This will be reviewed with the Municipality prior to release to the public. ldentifv Altemative Sol utions Based upon the ongoing work in Task 1, we will review and assess alternative solutions including but not necessarily limited to: 1. Do Nothing (requirement of the Class EA process to consider), 2. Connection of the Village of Richmond to the Municipality's Water Distribution System (Clause 3.1 (a) of the MOE Order), 3. Supplying the Village of Richmond with water from the Municipality's Water Distribution System (Clause 3.1 (b) of the MOE Order), 4. Establishing a new drinking-water system to serve the Village of Richmond (Clause 3.1 (c) of the MOE Order). N atu ral -S oc i al -E co n o m i c Rev i ew Undertake characterization of the natural environment of the project area through literature review, fìeldwork in and around the potential water supply and storage sites, and reviewed information from regulatory agencies and published data. ln addition, examine the environmental impact of each alternative. The definition of "environment" is not to be limited to the natural environment, but is more encompassing, as defined in the EnvironmentalAssessment Act, R.P.O., 1980, Chapter 140, and includes the natural, social, economic and cultural environment and their interrelationships. Develop Evaluation Criteria with the Municipalitv and Shortlist Alternatives Develop evaluation criteria for the alternative solutions based on the following: o lmpact on the Natural-Social-Economic environment; . Acceptability to the MOE; . CapitalCostincluding o Land o New lnfrastructure o Cost of Upgrades to Existing lnfrastructure o Life cycle cost including DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 244 of 261 Stantec February 3, 2010 Mr Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page 9 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond o Operations (including power) o Maintenance Weighting factors should be developed to assess each alternative. Based on the weighing factors, prepare a preliminary ranking of the options in order to provide a more concise short list of alternatives to take to the first public information centre. Prepare and Undertake Public Information Centre #1 Prepare PIC #1 (public information centre) and undertake a presentation and a question and answer period. Prepare handouts and a questionnaire for participants to include any feedback. Record pertinent questions and include them along with an attendee list as part of the Class EA. This presentation should include, but not be necessarily limited to, the following topics: o lnformation on the current conditions of the natural and social environment within the study area; . Problem/opportunitystatement; ¡ Brief review of all alternative solutions; ¡ Shortlistingcriteria; . More detailed review of the shortlisted alternatives; and . Based on the criteria what constitutes the preferred alternative. Confirm the Preferred Solution Develop a final recommendation for a preferred solution for the long term water servicing for the Village of Richmond based upon the analysis to date, agency feedback received, and public comment. Identification of Alternative Desian Cgncepts for the Prefened Solution This sub-task involves ídentifying and describing the alternative design concepts that may be utilized in order to implement the preferred servicing solution as per the previous sub-task. Detailed Inventoru of Natural-Social-Economic Environment Undertake a detailed inventory characterization of the natural, social, and economic environment of the specífic project area. The intent is to identify the specific components of the environment which must be considered and evaluated in greater detail. ldentification of lmpacts and Evaluation of Alternative Desiqns From the findings to date, identify the potential impacts associated with each alternative design and determine required mitigating measures. Based on the assessment, develop an evaluation criteria to review each alternative and to determine the preliminary recommended design. Prepare and Undertake Public lnformation Centre#2 Prepare PIC #2 (public information centre) and undertake a presentation and a question and answer period with review agencies and the public. Prepare handouts detailing how the preliminary recommended design will be employed in order to implement the preferred servicing solution and a questionnaire for participants to include any feedback. Record pertinent questions and include them along with an attendee list as part of the Class EA. DRAFT- FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 245 of 261 Stantec February 3, 2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page 10 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond Fínalization of the Prefened Desion Complete preliminary finalization of the preferred design based on input from the public, and agency feedback received and prepare a Preliminary Design ReporUDesign Brief in sufficient detailfor inclusion into the Environmental Study Report (ESR). Review with the Municipality prior to finalizing the preliminary design. Develop a draft ESR to document the decision process by the Municipality. The ESR should include the problem or opportunity statement, rationale used to select the preferred solution, rationale used to select the preferred design, description of the environmental impacts and mitigating measures, information related to the public / agency consultation process including input and comments received, and measures to be enacted during and after construction, if required. Once the ESR is completed and following review by the Municipality, finalize the ESR document for placement on the public record. The posting would commence the 30-day public review period. TASK 3. DETAILED DESIGN AND TENDER A meeting to review the Preliminary Design Report should be undertaken to confirm any changes to the project schedule or deliverables as a result of the Class EA process and the corresponding impact on detailed design and construction. This report should also form the basis for recommendations related to the budget and scope of work for detailed design and construction Undertake Detailed Desiøn Undertake detailed design in accordance with the ESR and Preliminary Design Report and the approved work plan. The following detailed work program identifies the major Tasks that must be undertaken to complete the design of this project. 1 Process Design Process design will be undertaken including:. Confirmation of facility and storage layout; . Selection of equipment and determination of facility layout and integration into the existing distribution system; . Completion of hydraulic design to size piping and pumps; o Establishment of all modes of facility operation; and . Confirmation of facility control requirements, 2 Structural/Mechanical Design Structural and mechanical design required for the new water treatment and storage facility will be undertaken. Given the anticipated size of the service area and the assumption that a groundwater source is available, it is assumed to be a pre-fabricated precast structure. 3 Electrical Design Establish final electrical desion for the new water treatment and storage facilitv including: DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 246 of 261 Stantec February 3,2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page 11 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond Prepare and Obtain Approvals Prepare and forward an application on behalf of the Municipality to the MOE Approvals Branch for the new water treatment and storage facility and related works. lt may also be necessary to prepare and submit MOE system reclassification forms for the Municipality depending upon the treatment level required and owner information (municipal or non-municipal). ln addition, confirm other approval and permit requirements during the design stage and have these obtained either during the detailed design stage or by the Contractor under the construction contract depending upon the potential impact on the project timelines. Tender Process and Contract Award The following detailed work program identifies the Tasks that must be undertaken to complete the tendering of this project. Tasks are summarized as follows: . Upgrading primary power requirements for the site if required; . Provision of required MCCs; . Equipment tag numbering; o lntegrate new facilities into existing electrical system, if applicable; and . Design of new instrumentation and control equipment for the facility. 4 Site Works Design Site works design to establish final site layout will include: ¡ Retention of geotechnical consultant; . Undertaking of legal and engineering surveys as required; . Grading, driveway and loading/unloading areas; ¡ Connection to existing distribution system; . yard piping; o Extension of site services; and o Establish final site restoration in accordance with the requirements of the Municipality. 1 Prepare Tender Documents Prepare the reouired tender documents for the use of the Municioalitv and for the tenderers. 2 Assistance During Tender Co-ordinate the tender call and prepare a draft tender advertisement. Respond to contractor inquiries during the tender period and assist the Municipality in the issuance of addenda. Coordinate tender opening and evaluate tenders received, check references, and prepare a summary of tender results which includes reviewing tenders for completeness and mathematical correctness. Based on the tender results and our review of the lowest and second lowest accepted tender, we will make a recommendation of tender award for the review of the Municipality and Council. 3 Pre-Tender Meeting Arrange and attend a pre-tender meeting to answer contractor queries as required, DRAFT- FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 247 of 261 Stantec February 3, 2010 Mr. Kyle Kruger, C.M.O, Administrator Page 12 of 12 Reference: Detailed Plan for lmplementing a Long Term Water Servicing Solution for the Village of Richmond TASK 4 . CONSTRUCTION AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Figure 1 in Appendix 1 provides a general timeline in relation to the proposed construction schedule for this project based on information to date. lt should be noted that the schedule provided is dependent upon the successful completion of the Class EA in as timeline a manner as possible so as to permit the start of construction prior to the winter period and assumes that the preferred servicing solution will be by means of a groundwater supply system. General tasks involved during construction include: . Perform regular reviews during the duration of the work to ensure that construction is in general accordance with the contract drawings and specifications;. Arrange for regular construction meetings between the Municipality, Consultant, Contractor, and any impacted regulators;. Monitor construction progress and enforce contractual obligations;. Prepare and supply to the Municipality an Operations and Maintenance Manual for the waterworks;. Undertake Operator training for the new facility;. Prepare as-recorded drawings of the facility and associated works;. Prepare and co-ordinate the commissioning program to ensure proper system function;. Disinfect the facility and related appurtenances prior connection into the distribution system;. Undertake all sampling and testing of the facility prior to operation and report findings to the MOE and Medical Officer of Health as per O.Reg. 170103 or as directed. ln the event that the Task 1 work reveals that a secure groundwater or GUDI with effective filtration supply is not available, the proposed timelines and plan may require revision. The Municipality requests the opportuníty to consult with the MOE in this event. 4.Closing As previously noted, the intent of this letter is to provide the Municipality with a detailed work plan to implement a long term water servicing solution for the Village of Richmond. The work scope provided herein is based on our experience with similar projects of this size and complexity, however there are several unknowns which may impact on the overall project scope and, ultimately, work plan and timelines. lf you have any questions or require further information respecting the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. Nelson Oliveira, P. Eng. Environmental Engíneer Associate Environmental lnfrastructure DRAFT - FOR COUNCIL REVIEW Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 248 of 261 APPENDIX 1 ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 249 of 261 Report regarding Richmond Community Water - Implementation Plan. (report not available at time of publishing) Page 250 of 261 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2010-001 A BY.LAW TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF THF', MT]NICIPALITY WIIEREAS the Council of the Municþality of Bayham is desirous to appoint persons to Boards and Committees for the purposes of the Corporation; AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to appoint such persons bybyJaw; THEREFORE THE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\ilS: 1. THAT the following persons be and are hereby appointed to act as members of the following Boards and Committees of the Municipality of Bayham: (a) Committee of Adjustment Responsibility of Council Secretary-treasurer Planning Co-ordinator, Margaret Underhill (b) Community Centres Committee Council Ed Ketchabaw Wayne Casier Vienna Lions Clubs Representative \Milliam Gheysen, or alternate Straffordville Lions Clubs Rqrresentative Roy Stewart or alternate Community atLarge Members Paul Ens Diane Squires Vienna Community Centre Manager Jacqueline B. Bootle (non-voting) Straffordville Community Centre Managers Jackie DeClercq (non-voting) Secretary & Staff Resource Lynda Millard (c) Cemetery Boards Bayham Joint Cemetery Board One representative from each individual Cemetery Board (as appointed by each Board) plus Council CliffEvanitski Secretary & Staff Resource Lynda Millard By-Law 2010-001 A By-Law to appoint members to Boards and Committees Page 251 of 261 B/L 2010-001 -2-Committee Appointments Individual Cemetery Boards Straffordville Gerald Taylor / Al Stewart / rWilliam Underhill Brent Stewart, Perry Grant & Francis Underhill Joe Neville / Murray Wisson & Jim Tait (Secretary -Treasurer) Eden James Tait (Secretary-Treasurer) / Hugh Howey / Herwin (Corky) Ouellette Lori Backus / RayMaddox Calton Robert Davies (Chairman) I Tracey Davies (Secretary-Treasurer) Roger James / Stan James / Wilhelm Siernens / Isaak Banman lPeter Nuefeld Peter Froese Guysboro Theo DickÍrout (Chairman & Joint Board Rep) / Vera May Dickhout Bonnie Coelho (Vice-Chairman) I D an Rayson (Secretary-Treasurer) Elizabeth Ball I Emery Silverthorn / Douglas Dennis Smuck Robert Gregson (Chairman) / Harris Teall lTom Godby / Joan Gregson (Secretary- Treasurer) Dobbie George Scott / Mark Elliott lBrad Swance / Jim Tupper James Elliott (Secretary-Treasurer) / Redvers Conod (Chairman & Joint Board Re,p) Bayham \ilest Larry Milmine (Chairman) / Ralph Carter (Secretary-Treasurer) / Edward Carter Marlene Carter Best (Corinth) George Beard / George Beard Jr. /(Vacant) (d) MuseumsBayhamBoard Three (3) year term (expires 2010): Bev Hickey I lRay Maddox (Bayham Historical Society Representative / Charles Buchanan (Port Burwell Historical Society Representative) Three (3) year term (to expire 2011): I Chuyl Peters / Brian Masschaele (Professional Heritage Facility Representative) Three (3) vear term (to expire 2012): Ron Bradfield / Jean Woon / Mathew Schafer / By-Law 2010-001 A By-Law to appoint members to Boards and Committees Page 252 of 261 B/L 2010-001 Committee Appointments Council Representative: Lynn Acre Alternate: Mark Taylor Staff Liason / Resource Lynda Millard (e) Joint Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail Committee (Bayham / Tillsonburg) Council: Lynn Acre Cliff Evanitski Ed Ketchabaw Staff Resource Kyle Kruger (Ð \ilind Interpretive Centre \ilorkgroup (reportìng direcþ to Councíl) Marnie Sebok / Ian Almond / Dennis Haggerty (Mike Phillimore or alternate - Malahide Appointee) Lynn Acre (Bayham Representative) Staff Liason / Resource Kyle Kruger (g) Bayham Cenotaph Committee William Gheysen / Rick Postill / Council LSmn Acre (or) Alternate Mark Taylor (h) Bayham Historical Society Council Lynn Acre (or) Alternate Ed Ketchabaw (Ð Long Point Region Conservation Authority (representing Bayham & Malahide-term expires 2010) Paul Ens CI) Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management (Representing Aylmer, Malahide & Bayham) Bob Habkirk, Mayor, Town of Aylmer (or) Jack Couckuyt, Councillor, Town of Aylmer (alternate) (k) Port Burwell Secondary \üater Supply System Joint Board of Management Council Lynn Acre (or) Wayne Casier (alternate) By-Law 2010-001 A By-Law to appoint members to Boards and Committees Page 253 of 261 ., B/L 2010-001 -4-Committee Appointrnents (l) Etgln Trans Canada Trail Committee Council Lynn Acre (m) Joint Police Services Board Council John Wilson (the elected member representing Bayham and Malahide) 2007 - 2010 term represented by Malahide (n) Community Emergency Management Program Committee Council CliffEvanitski (or) Lynn Acre (altemate) CEMC / Fire Service VACANT Transportation Company (Hazardous Materials) Sean Cammaert (Future Transfer) Industry (Hazardous Materials) Andrew Sebok (Underhill Farm Supply) Public'Works Department Gerry LeMay (or altemate) Water/ìVaste Water Department Edward Roloson Economic Development Kyle Kruger Land Use Planning Margaret Underhill Conservation Authority CliffEvanitski (or altemate) MNRÆrovincial Parks Park Manager (or altemate) O.P.P. Operations Manager Kyle Cronk (or altemate) (o) Property Standards Committee for terms to expire as follows: Council Mernber Novernber 30, 2010 Ed Ketchabaw Ratepayer Members December 31,2010 \Milliam Underhill December 31,2071 Alice Vallee December 31,2012 Jim Hevenor Secretary Brenda Gibbons (q) MunicipallBayham Chamber of Commerce Liaison Committee Council Representatives (2): Mayor Lynn Acre Councillor Mark Taylor (r) Aylmer & Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Liason Committee Council Representative: Mayor Lynn Acre 2. TIIAT the Mayor be ex-ofñcio mernber of any committee and have the rights of any regular committee mernber; By-Law 2010-001 A By-Law to appoint members to Boards and Committees Page 254 of 261 B/L 2010-001 Committee Appointments-5- 3. THAT the term of these appointments shall be for a one-year term, except the Joint Police Services Board and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority representative for Bayham & Malahide which shall be for a term ending December 31,2010, and that appointees shall remain in office until respective successors are appointed by Council; 4. TIIAT appointnents By-law 2009-006, and all amendments thereto, be repealed; 5. TIIAT this by-law shall come into force andtake effectupon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 4.h DAY OF FEBRUARY 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-001 A By-Law to appoint members to Boards and Committees Page 255 of 261 Page 256 of 261 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-006 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT FENCE VIEWERS AND TO SET OUT THE REMTINERATION WIIEREAS Section 2 of the Line Fences Act, Chapter L.l7 states that the Council of every local municipality shall by byJaw appoint such number of fence viewers as are required to carry out the provisions of this Act and the by-law shall fix the remuneration to be paid to the fence viewers and the remuneration shall be fixed on an hourly or daily rate for each attendance or re- attendance by the fence viewers; AND WIIEREAS ByJaw 2007-002 appointing Fence Viewers for a term ending December 31, 2009 was passed January 18,2007; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it expedient to appoint Fence Viewers for the term set out below; THEREFORE TIIE COT'NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the following persons are hereby appointed as Fence Viewers for the Municipality of Bayham for a tsrm to expire December 31,2010 Andrew Dieleman, 20 Holland Ave., Aylmer, ON N5H 3J3 C. Ron pþillips, Box 91, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 a Plante, 50 Jones CrescenÇ Tillsonburg ON N4G 5X6 2. TIIAT a minimum of three Fence Viewers shall be required to attend and re-attend when necessary as directed by the Clerk in accordance with section 4(2) of the Line Fences Act, R.S.O . 1990, C:hapter L.l7 3. THAT Fence Viewers will each be paid an attendance fee of $65.00 (sixty-five dollars) for each attendance at an owner's premises. The owner requesting the Fence Viewers shall payto the Municipalityof Bayham an initial deposit of $195.00 (one hundred and ninety-five dollars) in cash or certified cheque which will be applied against the Fence Viewer's fees. The proportion of the Fence Viewers' fees that will be paid by the owner and the adjoining owner shall be decided by the Fence Viewers. No decision shall be made by the fence Viewers until they are paid. 4. THAT this byJaw shall take effect upon the date of its enactment. 5. TIIAT By-law 2007-002 be and is herebyrepealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND, A¡ID THIRD TIME and finally passed this 4th day of February 20L0. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2010-006 A By-Law to appoint Fence Viewers and set remuneration Page 257 of 261 Page 258 of 261 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-008 A BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY.LAW 2005.108 AND BY.LAW 2007.118 BEING BY.LA\üS TO APPOINT MT]NICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM \ilIIEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act,200l, S.O. 2001 c.25, as amended, municipalities may appoint officers and employees as maybe necessary for the pqposes of the Corporation; AND \üIIEREAS Subsection 6 (1) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, C. 4 provides that if a fire department is established for the whole or a part of a municipality or for more than one municipality, the council of the municipality or the councils of the municipalities, as the case may be, shall appoint a fire chief for the fire department; AND WIIEREAS Ontario Regulation 380104, a Regulation passed under authority of the Emergency Management Act, R.S.O. 1999, C. E.9, provides in part that every Municþality shall designate an employee of the municipality or a mernber of the council as its emergency management program co- ordinator; AND WIIEREAS Subsection 3 (2) of the Building Code Act, 5.O.1992, c.23, as amended, provides that the council of each municþality shall appoint a chief building official and such inspectors as are necessary for the enforcement of the Act, in the a¡eas in which the municipality has jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deerns it necessary and expedient to provide a new by-law to appoint municipal officers and employees for the purposes of the Municipality to reflect various staff changes made, and repeal ByJaws 2005-108, as amended, and 2007-1t8. TIIEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THF', CORPORATION OF TITE ry1¡¡ICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. TIIAT the following officers and / or employees be and they are hereby appointed to act in the capacity provided in the Municþality of Bayham for the purpose of administering and where applicable enforcingmunicþal by-laws and Provincial Statutes and Regulations associated with each position and the approved job descriptions are to be fulfilled: 1. ) 3. Offíce/Posítíon Admini stratorlD eputy Treasurer/D eputy Clerk Clerk Treasurer/Ta,x Co llector Name Kyle Kruger Lynda Millard By-Law 2010-008 A By-Law to appoint Officers and Employees Page 259 of 261 ByJaw No. 2009-131 - 2 4. Planning Co-ordinator/Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill & Lottery Licencing Officer 5. Administrative/Accounting Clerk Donna McCord 6. Customer Seryice/Accounts Payable Clerk Sandra Maertens 7. Customer Service Clerk/Administrative Assistant Brenda Gibbons 8. Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintørdenl 'William l(nifton Sewage Systems Inspector/By-law Enforcement Offi cer/ Property Standards Officer and Provincial Oflences Ofñcer 9. Water/Wastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson 10. Manager of Public Works Gerry LeMay 11. Fire ChiefÆy-law Enforcement OfficerÆroperry Standards Officer, Provincial Offences Officer and Community Emergency Management Co-ordinator 12. Port Burwell Fire Station Chief Tom Millard 13. Straflordville Fire Station Chief Perry Grant 14. Livestock Valuer 15. Tree Commissioner/ìVeed Inspector David Pullen 16. Bayham CommunityCenfre Manager (Shaffordville) Jackie DeClercq 17. Canine Control Officer and Dog Pound Keeper Roger Martin, K-9 Control (by contract - as needed basis) 2. TIIAT Appointrnent ByJaw 2005-108 and all amendments thereto are hereby rescinded. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 4th day of February 2010. READ A THIRD TIME and finallypassed, thi5 {th day of February 2010. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2010-008 A By-Law to appoint Officers and Employees Page 260 of 261 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO. 2010-010 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COT]NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR TIIE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 4,2OIO WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municþal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200l, thepowers of Council are to be exercised by byJaw; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COI'NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLO\üS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held February 4,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byJaw. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and afüxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 4th day of Februar¡ 2010, MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2010-010 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 261 of 261