HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 04, 2011 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, August 4, 2011 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - Committee of Adjustment - Crevits Page 1.CALL TO ORDER (a)Recognition of Straffordville Lioness Volunteers. 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:30 p.m. - Mary Craig regarding "AGM Survey Report". 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Correspondence dated July 19, 2011 from Premier Dalton McGuinty regarding "OPP Service Costs". File: A16 (b)Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held June 21, 2011. File: C06 (c)Correspondence dated July 20, 2011 from Municipality of Huron East regarding "Ontario Provincial Police Service Costs". File: C10 (d)Correspondence dated July 25, 2011 from Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards regarding "Escalating Policing Services Contract Agreement Costs". File: C10 5-18 19-21 23 25-27 29 31 Page 1 of 159 Council Agenda August 4, 2011 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (e)Correspondence dated July 18, 2011 from Municipality of Meaford regarding "Town of Slave Lake". File: C10 (f)Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario regarding "The Council Award to Honour Outstanding Ontario Physicians". File: M02 (g)Correspondence from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "The Rising Cost of OPP Services". File: P17 (h)2010 / 2011 Annual Progress Report from Huron Elgin London Project Clean Water. (full report available upon request) File: E08 (i)Correspondence dated July 27, 2011 from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "Thank You for Donation". File: A01 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Memorandum dated August 2, 2011 from IBI Group regarding "Removal of Holding Provision for the HMCS Ojibwa Submarine Site". File: D06 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Building Permit Report for month ending July 31, 2011. File: P10 (b)Staff Report P2011-016 regarding "Semi Annual Report - Bylaw". File: P01 (c)Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". File: P16 33 35-38 39-44 45-48 49 51-54 55 57-60 61-70 Page 2 of 159 Council Agenda August 4, 2011 Page 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 and #10836 totaling $378,533.84 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 24, 2011 totaling $59,824.29. (b)Memorandum regarding "Beach Concern / Issues". File: R05 (c)Staff Report F2011-12 regarding "Photocopier Lease Arrangements". File: L14 (d)Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 (e)Memorandum C2011-10 regarding "2011 Volunteer Recognition Night". File: M02 10.ENVIRONMENT (a)Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Study". File: E01 (b)Staff Report E2011-05 regarding "Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Requirements". File: L04 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011. (c)Confidential Staff Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Volunteer Firefighters) (d)Confidential Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations (Volunteer Firefighters) (e)Confidential Report regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Public Works) (f)Confidential Report regarding advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. (Richmond Community Water) 71-91 93-94 95-97 99-107 109 111-142 143-148 Page 3 of 159 Council Agenda August 4, 2011 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (g)Confidential Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Smuck Cemetery) (h)Confidential correspondence regarding the security of the property of the municipality or local board. (Policing Costs) (i)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law Z592-2011 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Ojibwa) (b)By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Development) (c)By-Law 2011-069 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 149-150 151-158 159 Page 4 of 159 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYH.A.M 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville July 21,2011 7:00 PM 6:30 PM - Committee of Adjustment - Guetter 7:30,7240 & 7:50 PM- Public Meetings - Planning (Zoning) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, July 2t,2}ll in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lpda Millard. planning Coordinator / Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill, Public Works Manager Gerry LeMay, Fire Chief / By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch and'Water Wastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at7:29 p.m. due to the Committee of Adjustuent running late. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECTINIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AI\D ADDITION OF'AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 7,2011. 20tt-328 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held JuIy 7,2011be approved as circulated.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. - Karen Cummings regarding Outback Camping RAM Rodeo Event. Item e(b) It was noted that the delegation and item 9(b) requesting support for the Outback Camping event was withdrawn. (b) 8:00 p.m. - Drew Annable regarding AGM Estherville Cemetery Report. Item 9(c) Mr. Drew Annable presented his report and reviewed the investigation undertaken in d6lsrmining the propertyboundary. He highlighted that the investigation looked at the whole history to when the property was first laid out on the ground in the earþ 1800's. Page I of14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 5 of 159 Council Minutes Jnly 2l,20ll He noted the creation of the Baptist cemetery lot in 1835 and the corner lot created in 1845. Other noted items and evidence cited were the highway widening surveyed in 1934,the 1973 survey done by Weston, a letter to the Clerk in 1967 that indicated two separate parcels, and the archaeological assessment done in 2008. Mr. Annable reviewed his conclusion that the evidence shows two separate parcels have continued to exist with trvo different owners per the title documents, and that the east boundary of the cemetery has been confirmed, at the location of the existing fence. Questions were raised by members of Council regarding a number of items in the report and plan provided, including the use of an approximate lot line between lots 12 and 13 shown on the plan, and the approximate deed line for the westerlyboundary of the cemetery lot. Concerns r¡/ere raised regarding whether it was possible or appropriate to define only the east boundary of the cemetery and not all boundaries and that deeds do not show the change to parcels resulting from expropriation to move Plank Road. It was also noted that the report states that Council members participating in the interviews done were representing the Pilgrims of Estherville when they were not. Further concerns were expressed with the report defining only the east cemetery boundary when the issue is the movement of the highway boundary and that this should have been defined. Further inquiries were made regarding costs to complete a suruey of the cemetery the land registry process, and deed numbers shown on registry office records. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Ontario Good Roads Association board brief dated June 2011. File: A0l (b) Correspondence dated July 8, 2011 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "201 I Ontario Provincial Election". File: 401 (c) Correspondence dated Jwe 23,201 I from Lupus Foundation of Ontario regarding"October is Lupus Awareness Month". File: 401 (d) Correspondence dated June 17, 2011 from Play Works regarding "2011 Youth Friendly Community Recognition Pro gram". File: A0l (e) Correspondence from County of Elgin regarding "Elgin County Official Plan Open Houses". File: 416 (Ð Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held June 1,2011. File: 416 (g) Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meetings held March 23 andMay 18, 2011. File: C06 Page 2 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 6 of 159 Council Minutes Jtrly 2l,20ll (h) Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held July 13,2011. File: C06 (Ð Correspondence dated July 8, 2011 from Township of Malahide regarding "CountSr Maintenance Agreement and Fuel Surcharge Request". File: C10 C) Lake Erie Region Source Protection Commiles minutes of meeting held June 16,2011. File: 800 20tt-329 Moved by Councillor t Southwick Seconded by Councillor M Taylor ''THAT information items 5(a) through sCI) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLAI\NING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM 1. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS (a) StaffReport D20ll-27 regarding "Grewal Rezoning to Remove Holding Provision". File: DI4.GREW 20rt-330 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the zoning of the lands subject to Consent Applications 865{8/09 submitted by Nariender Grewal be changed from Village Residential - Holding (Rl-h) to Village Residential (R1); AND TIIAT ZoningByJaw 2588-2011be presented for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport D20Il-29 regarding "Wiebe Consent E70lIl'. File: Dl0.ll Wiebe 20tt-331 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick íTHAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee the consent application l,70lll.- submitted by Johan and Anna Wiebe, be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2.Letter of Undertaking providing for the consolidation of the severed parcel with the adjacent property as per the application 3. rezoning ofthe severed and retained parcels.tt Page 3 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 7 of 159 Council Minutes lulY2l,2Dll Depuly Mayor Taylor noted hís oppositíon to decisíons made bøsed on ússessment mappíng not necessarìly being conecl ønd requested a recorded votø In Favour Oooosed Councíllor Casier Deputy Mayor Taylor Mayor Ens Councìllor Ketchøbaw Councìllor Southwick Motion Ca¡ried on a vote of 4 to I in favour 2. PUBLIC MEETING 20tl-332 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "TIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act.r' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PUBLIC MEETING 7:30 p.m. - Rezoning Application: to change the zoning on two parcels of land from Agriculture (Al-A) and Agriculture (41) to site-specific Agricultural (Al-25lAl-A-25) submitted by Douglas and Cindy Dennis. DECLARÁ.TION OF PECTJNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. STAFF PRESENTATION Staff Report D20ll-30 regarding "Dennis Rezoning". File: D14.DENN The Planning Co-ordinator noted that the application is to accommodate the four existing dwelling units on the two properties only. The applicants will be responsible for sþ1¿ining anypermits. She added that Mr. Douglas Dennis was present and advised that no written or verbal comments in opposition to the ¡s76ning have been received. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND OUESTIONS None. Page 4 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 8 of 159 Council Minutes ADJOURNMENT 20tt-333 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick Iuly 2I,20ll "TIIAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at7z37 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DISPOSITION OF ITEM 20tt-334 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the zoning of the lands be changed from Agricultural (41-A) and Agriculture (41) to site-specific Agricultural (41-A-25lLl-25) to permit a "Bed & Breakfast Lodging or Tourist Home" accommodation to support an agri-tourism use on the subject lands as requested by Douglas and Cindy Dennis; AND THAT ZoningBylaw 2589-2011be presented for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. PUBLIC MEETING 20tt-33s Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'TTHAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PUBLIC MEETING 7:40 p.m. - fts26ning Application: to change the zoning on 1.7 acre of land f¡om Rural Residential (RR) to a site-specific Rural Residential (RR-16) Zone submitted by Roger and Cheryl Ann James. DECLARÄTION OF'PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF' None. Page 5 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 9 of 159 Council Minutes July2l,20ll STAF'F PRESENTATION StaffReport D20I l-3I regarding "James Rezoning". File: D14.JAMES The Planning Co-ordinator noted that the application is to permit the existing home occupation to occupy within a future expanded accessory building. She added that the applicants were present and advised that no written or verbal comments in opposition to the rezoning have been received. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND OUESTIONS None. ADJOURNMENT 2011-336 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Public Meeting be adjournedat7z4í p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DISPOSITION OF ITEM 20tl-337 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the zoning of the lands be changed from Rural Residential (RR) to Site- specific Rural Residential (RR-lq T,oneto permit an existing home occupation use into an accessory buitding and to add floor space to an existing accessory building for the use as requested by Roger and Cheryl Ann James; AND THAT Zoning By-law 2590-2011be presented for enactment." CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY 4. PUBLIC MEETING 20lt-338 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw Page 6 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 10 of 159 Council Minutes JuIy 2l,20ll "TIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act.'f CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PUBLIC MEETING 7:50 p.m. - fte2sning Application: to change the zoning on 8.9 acres of land from Agricultural (Al) Zone to a site-specific Agricultural (Al-26) Zone submitted by Kathy Davis. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF' None. STAF'F PRESENTATION Staff Report D20 I I -32 regarding "Davis Rezoni n 9". File: D14.DAVI The Planning Co-ordinator presented the report noting that comments had been received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. The property requires a permit, through which property use concerns will be addressed and will allow the existing structure to be raised to accommodate larger equipment access. The by-law has been amended to limit open storage of material to an area buffered 5 metres from the top of bank, as requested by the conservation authority. She advised that no written or verbal comments in opposition to the rezoning had been received. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. COUNCIL COMMENTS AI\D OUESTIONS Councillor Southwick questioned how restricted outdoor storage could be enforced. He was advised that rezoning cannot be repealed, rather that enforcement would be through 1þs 2ening or property standards by-laws. ADJOURNMENT 20tt-339 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 7:58 p.m." CARRIED I-INANIMOUSLY DISPOSITION OF ITEM PageT of14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 11 of 159 Council Minutes July2I,2}ll 20tt-340 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT the zoning of the lands be changed from Agriculture (41) to Site-specific Agriculture (41-26) T.oneto permit a secondary use of a small-scale automobile and boat repair shop in the existing accessory building as requested by Kathy Davis; AND THAT Zoning Bylaw Z59l-2011be presented for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) StaffReport PW2011-07 regarding "Semi Annual Report". File: T06 20rr-341 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT StaffReport PW2011-07 regarding Semi Annual Report be received for information." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY (b) StaffRe,port DR200l-007 regarding "No. I Municipal Drain". File: E09 20rt-342 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick I'TIIAT the Drainage Superintendent's reassessment as set out in 6'Agreement between Property Owners for Drainage Apportionment due to Land Severance or Sale" as executed by Colin & Teresa Heckman is hereby filed and accepted by Council; AìID THAT By-law #2011-058 being a By-law to amend the drainage assessment for those lands identified as Assessment Roll #34-01-000-003-33405 in the watershed of the No. I Municipal Drain referred to in Engineer's Report forming part of the Municipality of Bayham By-law #2009-112, be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) StaffReport P20l l-014 regarding "Optimist Noise Exemption". File: POl Page 8 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 12 of 159 Council Minutes 20tt-343 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw July 2l,20ll "THAT Council approves use of the east beach by the Port Burwell / Otter Valley Optimist for Tub Daze celebration activities to be held July 29,30 and 31,2011, including a beer tent, subject to meeting the requirements of the Municipal Alcohol Policy inctuding a minimum of six (Q STP trained personnel and two (2) off-duty Police Officers or equivalent being on site during all hours for which the beer tent is open and those listed on the Outdoor Speciat Occasion Permit Application, and also subject to: . the applicable municipal building permit, sign and / or tent permits be obtained from the Chief Building Official and the necessary inspection undertaken; . any required permit fees to be paid to the Municipality of Bayham, except for a tent; . providing the municipality with proof of certification for the pyrotechnician who will be responsible for the fireworks; . providing the municipatity with proof of liability insurance to cover all events including naming the municipality as an additional insured; . obtaining the necessary approvals from the Ontario Provincial Police and the Bayham Fire Chief, as per completion of the Municipal Event Notice; THAT all other terms and conditions of the municipal rental agreement remain in effect; THAT the clean up of the east beach area and any costs thereof, be the responsibility of the organizers; THAT arrangements be made with the Manager of Public Works to provide staff assistance for installation of fence assembly and removal, picnic tables, garbage cans, 9 portable washrooms and 2 wash stations; TIIAT the Manager of Public Works makes the necessary arrangements for traffic control and safety; AND THAT an exemption from By-Law 2001-057 for Friday July 29,2011 from llpm until midnight, Saturday July 30,2011from llpm until midnight and Sunday July 31, 2011 from 11 pm until midnight upon notification by the group that the ad has been placed in the local newspaper as required.t' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINAIICE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque#10711 to Cheque #10749 inclusive totaling 5742,927.31 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 10, 2011 totaling 960,329.79. Page 9 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 13 of 159 Council Minutes Júy2I,20Il 20tt-344 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor Taylor "TIIAT Cheque Register being Cheque #l07l1to Cheque #10749 inclusive totaling $742,927.31and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 10, 2011 totaling 560,329.79 be approved. " CARRIED I.JNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated July 6, 2011 from Outback Camping regarding "RAM Rodeo". File: P01 This item was withdrawn. (c) Correspondence dated June 13, 2011 from AGM Surveying - Engineering regarding "Estherville Cemetery". File: S09 20tt-345 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I'THAT AGM Report regarding Estherville Cemetery be received for infomation." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Memorandum regarding "Beach Concern / fssues". File: R05 Due to recent problems with the wash¡ooms it was agreed that portables be kept available on the east beach. It was requested that staff get quotes to remove the shingles and repair the roof on the old change rooms building. Signage is to be placed for the designated swim area on the east beach. 20tt-346 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "TIIAT Memorandum regarding Beach Concern / Issues be received / for information.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Verbal request from Trinity Anglican Church for 5 - 6 picnic tables to be delivered to the Parish Hall for a fundraiser being held August 27. Page 10 of14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 14 of 159 Council Minutes July2l,20ll 20tr-347 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Staff be directed to deliver 5 - 6 picnic tables to the Parish Hall for August 27." CARRIED (Ð Request from Museums Bayham to use the Public Works Building in Port Burwell to work on the Bam Quilts display. 20tt-348 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "TIIAT Museums Bayham be permitted to use the Public Works Building in Port Burwell to work on the Barn Quilts display." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) I¿nd Use Planning Report received from IBI Group regarding Project Ojibwa. File: D06 20tl-349 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "TIIAT the Land Use Planning Report received from IBI Group regarding Project Ojibwa be received; AND TIIAT Council initiate the zoning by-law amendment to remove the Holding (H) symbot on the subject lands based on the review, analysis and recommendations of this Planning Study.f' CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY 20r 1-350 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw rrTIIÄT in accordance with Section 12 of Procedural By-law 2002-93, Council shall deal with business until 11 p.m. at its meeting of July 2l,z0lL.tl CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page l1 of14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 15 of 159 council Minutes JulY2l,2oll 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) Quarterly Report for the Bayham Water Dishibution System and call ins for period ending June 30, 201 l. File: E08 20tt-351 Moved by DeputyMayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Quarterty Report for the Bayham Water Distribution System and call Íns for period ending June 30r 2011 be received for information.rl CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Quarterþ Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending June 30, 201 1. File: E08 20lL-352 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor I'TIIAT the Quarterly Report for the Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending June 30,2011 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and call ins for the period ending June 30,2011. File: E08 20tt-353 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Quarterly Report for the Richmond Community Water System and call ins for the period ending June 30r 2011 be received for information." CARRIED UNANMOUSLY (d) Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Quarterþ Compliance Summary and call ins for the period ending June 30, 2011. File: E08 20tr-354 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Page 12 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 16 of 159 Council Minutes Júy2l,20ll "THAT the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Quarterly Compliance Summary and call ins for the period ending June 30, 2011 be received for information.r' CARRIED UNANMOUSLY 1I. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 20tI-355 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camerail Session of Committee of the Whole at 10:59 p.m. to discuss: . a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; o litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administ¡ative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; o advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 16,2011. (c) Confidential Report regarding advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. (NRG) (d) Corespondence regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Harbour Divestiture) (e) Confidential StaffReport regarding litigation orpotential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municþality or local board. (Outback Camping) (Ð Out of Camera. 20tt-356 Moved by Cotrncillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "TIIAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at llz20 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law Z588-20L1 A By-Law to further amend Bayham ll¡ingBy-Law 2456- 2003 (Grewal) Page 13 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 17 of 159 Council Minutes JuLY2l,Z0ll (b) By-Law 2;589-2011 A By-Law to ñrther amend Bayham lsningBy-Law 2A56- 2003 (Dennis) (c) By-Law 2590-2011 A By-Law to further amend Bayham ZnningBy-Law 2A56- 2003 (James) (d) By-Law Z59l-2011 A By-Law to further amend Bayham ZonrngBy-Law ZA56- 2003 (Davis) (e) By-Law 2011-058 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2009-ll2 (No. I Municipal Drain) 20tt-357 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick il THAT By-Laws 2588 -2011, 7,589 -20 ll, 7459 0 -2011, 259 l-2011 and 2 0 1 1 -0 58 b e read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð By-Law 20ll-066 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 201 1-358 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier 'fThat confirming By-Law 20ll-066 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjoumment 20tl-359 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "TIIAT the Council meeting be adjourned úllz22 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Y',":,, \-nJ/' n cLnñ.r Page 14 of 14 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 21, 2011.Page 18 of 159 Page I ofl + Kyle Kruger From: melz craig Imeniby@hotmail.ca] Sent: July 25,2011 7:31 PM To: ens; taylor mark; tom; casier; ed ket; Kyle Kruger Cc: fran s;jancollins@amtelecom.net; wanda; honor To Bayham Council Re: AGM suruey Mayor Enns, and Councillors I want my name removed from the AGM survey report; at that time, there was a notice in regards to this survey sayÍng "anyone having information they wished to share in reference to an upcoming survey could attend and speak to AGM;" where did the Pilgrims of Estheruille come into this?; I believe it would be quite obvious why I attended that information session with AGM; if you recall my own propefi was included in the original motion presented by Tom Southwick; and Mayor Paul Enns requested a "SPLIT VOTE" on these properties; (vote on one property at a time) Everyone on council knows WHAT was expected of the AGM surveyor and it was NOT the examination of the Csinos property nor was it the EAST boundary of Estheruille cemetery; If that were the case WHY would my propefi have been in that motion? What is the common denominator between the two properties? What affects each? I ask you..,.if the area in Vienna had been accepted and surveyed...,What would have been surveyed? The neighbour? This council is dysfunctional; did anyone ask how an estimate of $7,000 ballooned to $15,000? Has any one of you examined AGM's involvement in the highway transfer to Bayham? Have any of you actually LOOKED at the MTO highway plans? I would like to attend and speak with council as I rarely get any replies to my letters; Thank you Mary E Craig 27107120rr 7:30 p.m. - Mary Craig regarding "AGM Survey Report". Page 19 of 159 Page 7 of2 Kyle Kruger From: melz craig [merriby@hotmail.ca] Sent: July 25,2011 7:48 PM To: ed ket; ens; tom; Mark Taylor; casier; Kyle Kruger Cc: wanda; honor To: Mayor Paul Enns, councillors, To the members of council who voted in favour of accepting the suruey done by AGM and believe this suruey to be true and accurate; in doing so, yo.r have now left the 1835 deed regarding the cemetery lands in question; and the Bayham tax payer vulnerable for future costs; The Estheruille cemetery boundary to the east has now been set and recorded in history as being in its true physical location - AGM and ceftain members of Bayham council 20II; You had best take this seriously because the west boundary of this cemetery has also been identified for many years, by a fence and corner markers; visible markers, available and USED for surrounding land transfers, two hundred years or more used as identifiers'for surrounding property boundaries; A repeated and accurate physical measurement was performed on."today's", cLEARLY MARKED south cemetery boundary along Glen Erie; The measurement taken from the south westcorner marker of this Baptist Church cemetery and following the Glen Erie Line to the "now established AGM suruey marker at the southeasf corner; the southern cemetery boundary falls 65ft shoft of the recorded measurements on the mapping; plus the deed; by accepting the front cemetery boundary, you must accept the rear; and this propefi is in conflict according to municipal records, cemetery records, etc; You have also rendered this cemetery land mass to be in conflict with the land title transfer deed Merrill/to the Trustees of the Baptist Church" 1835; Please advise the land division committee and also the cemetery boards, that the actions taken Thursday July 2l,20LL by council has had rippling effects in that, changes must also be made to municipal maps (the "actual" conflicting cemetery dimensions), cemetery board - must adjust the land mass record for Estheruille; also to MPAC - the dimensions on this property are ¡n error; and in turn the 1835 deed at the land registry must now show these changes; the property no longer conta¡ns three roos, or 3/+ of an acre s¡nce you have chosen 27107120rr 7:30 p.m. - Mary Craig regarding "AGM Survey Report". Page 20 of 159 Page2 of2 to subtract 65'x 156'; possibly now the cemetery has t/z acre; I will contact the land division comm¡ttee myself to see what papers would be required for council members who agreed to the AGM report to sign taking the responsibility and thence taking away further repercussions for the future Bayham tax payer; and also we must make historic changes to a cemetery; You made your decision and must be accountable; you can't stop there you must continue to take responsibility for the effects of your decision and keep the land records in order from this point forward; Yours truly, Mary Elizabeth Craig 27107120t1 7:30 p.m. - Mary Craig regarding "AGM Survey Report". Page 21 of 159 Page 22 of 159 5 The Premier of Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 141 July 19, 2011 Mrs, Lynda Millard, CMO Clerk Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road PO Box 160 Straffordvi lle, Ontario NOJ lYO Le Premier ministre de I'Ontario Édifice de I'Assemblée législalive Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A 141 MU ALITY OI BAYHAM Dear Mrs. Millard: Thank you for your letter of July 13 regarding council's resolution about OPP seruice costs. I appreciate your keeping me apprised of council's position. As this issue falls within the area of responsibility of my colleague the Honourable Jim Bradley, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Seruices, I have sent a copy of your correspondence to him. I trust that the minister will also take council's views into consideration. Thank you again for the information. I welcome counc¡l's input on this or any other issue of provincial concern. Yours truly, Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honourable Jim Bradley Correspondence dated July 19, 2011 from Premier Dalton McGuinty regarding "OPP Service Costs". Page 23 of 159 Page 24 of 159 5 Minutesof C 0 6ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD June 21,2011 The Elgin Group Police Services Board met at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, with the following in attendance: Doug Gunn, Board Member Wayne Casier, Board Member Joanne Ferguson, Board Member Bill Walters, Board Member Bonnie Vowel, Board Member Mark McDonald, Secretary/Administrator Susan McConnell, County Admínistrative Services The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Walters Seconded by Ferguson THAT the minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board for May 18,2011, be approved. - Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniarv lnterest - None. Presentation Review of the Police Services Act, Part 3. The Chair reviewed portions of the Act with the board members, highlighting some sections. lnformation is to be provided at a future meeting regarding training opportunities for members. Correspondence 1. Ken Loveland, Clerk/Administrator from the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich with resolutions regarding the 2011 Elgin Group Police Services Board budget and the Ontario Provincial Police costing allocation. 2. Kathy Wallace, Executive Assistant, Ontario Association of Police Services Boards with an article on arbitration becoming a bigger issue. Moved by Vowel Seconded by Casier THAT correspondence items #1-2 be received and filed. - Carried. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held June 21, 2011. Page 25 of 159 Elgin Group Police Services Board Other ltems June 21,2011 Sample fees and charges bylaws. lt was agreed that the board would ask the OPP detachment commander to review and advise on the potential for increased income from the fees and charges rates. Reports Board Members' lnsurance: This item had been deferred from the May 18,2011 meeting, pending additional information from board members on potential coverage by municipal councils, Members indicated additional coverage was not available to the provincially- appointed members. lt was agreed a Request for Proposals (RFP) would be sent to insurance companies to request quotes on coverage for board members. Moved by Walters Seconded by Ferguson THAT the board review the proposals from the RFP and continue to carry insurance coverage for all board members. - Carried. GIosed Meetinq Moved by Walters Seconded by Ferguson THAT we now do enter into closed session to review the confidential proposed 2011 OPP policing contract. - Carried. The board reviewed the following: 1. The confidential letter to the Chair by OPP Detachment Commander Brad Fishleigh; 2. The confidential letter from the Chair to OPP HQ; and, a response letter (walked in) from Catherine McCauley, A/M Municipal Policing Financial Services Unit, Business and Financial Services Bureau, OPP HQ regarding the renewal proposal updated costing formula; 3. lnformation emailed to the Chair by Dino Tsitomeneas, OPP HQ, re: costing formula and a list identifying weighted calls; and, 4. The original contract proposal. The board recessed at 3:20 p.m. for five minutes. Fishleigh joined the meeting. Fishleigh was asked to provide the current chart of the fees and charges bylaws being used by the OPP, so potential increases in fees and charges may be considered at a future meeting. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held June 21, 2011. Page 26 of 159 Elgin Group Police Services Board June 21,2011 Fishleigh made comments on his letter to the board and answered questions regarding the services and programs being provided. He departed from the meeting at 4:25 p.m. It was decided a letter would be sent to OPP HQ requesting a copy of the deployment model used by the OPP and the comparison numbers of weighted occurrences for the Elgin Group as compared against the provincial averages for the selected weighted calls. Moved by Casier Seconded by Vowel THAT we do now rise without reporting. - Carried. New Business - None. Adiournment Moved by Walters Seconded by Ferguson THAT we do now adjourn at 4:35 p.m. with the board to meet on July 20,2011 at 12:30 p.m. for an in-camera contract discussion prior to the regular meeting with a light lunch being provided. - Carried. M. G. McDonald, Secreta ry/Ad m i n istrato r. Doug Gunn, Chair. Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held June 21, 2011. Page 27 of 159 Page 28 of 159 éäR fàìå IL,: MUNICIPALITY OF HURON EAST P.O. Box 610,72 Main Street South, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 Tel: 519-527-0160 Fax: 519-527-2561 www.huroneast.com J ack M cLachl an, Clerk-Administrator jrmclachlan@huroneast.com Municipality of Bayham, PO Box 160, 9344PlarkRoad, Straffordville, Ontario. NOJ 1YO Attention: Lynda Millard, CMO, Clerk Dear Ms. Millard: MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAII RE: Resolution - Ontario Provincial Police Service Costs We wish to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated July 13th, 2011 wherein you requested support of a resolution concerning escalating Ontario Provincial Police Service Costs. Kindly be advised that this matter was referred to Huron East Council at their regular meeting on July lgth,2011. As a result of the information provided and Council discussion, the following motion as passed. It was duly moved and seconded: That Council of the Municipality of Huron East support the resolution of the Municipality of Bayham requesting the Province of Ontario and the OPP to reconsider their recent agreement, and include municipalities in contract negotiations; AND THAT if such reconsideration is not pursued or such reconsideration fails to reach a settlement satisfactory to all, that the Province and OPP utilize the next 24 months to make plans to cut service levels, including any necessary layoffs, in order to offset the wage increase of over t4%. Motion Carried. I hope this action of Council will be of assistance. If we can provide any further assistance in regards to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Brad Knight, Treasurer-Finance Manager bknight@huroneast.com 5 JuIy Zoth,2011 RECEIVEJUL 2 7 2011Cta BKja Yours truly, Correspondence dated July 20, 2011 from Municipality of Huron East regarding "Ontario Provincial Police Service Costs". Page 29 of 159 Page 30 of 159 5 R',1 i j ï,:D Q-t o MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 1 John Sfreef P.O, Box 39 Killaloe, ON KÎJ 240 T elephone: (61 3)7 57'2300 - Fax: (61 3)7 57'363 4 email : info@khrtownshiP.ca Web Site : killalo e-hagarty-richar ds' ca JuIy 25,2071 Mrs. LyndaMillard, CMO, Clerk Municipality of BaYham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO Dear Mrs. Millard: Escalating Policing services contract Agreement costs In response to your letter dated July 13, 20ll relating to the above noted issue, please be advised that the Council for the township of Kilhlıe , Hagarty and Richards passed the following resolution at its Regular Meeting on July 19,2011: Moved by StanleY Pecoskie Seconded by Debbie PePlinskie Motion to support the resolution by the Municipality of Bayham re: escalating OPP costs' Canied. Should anything further be required, please feel free to contact my office' LMH:cao/ct Correspondence dated July 25, 2011 from Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards regarding "Escalating Policing Services Page 31 of 159 Page 32 of 159 c}lc July 18,2011 Town of Slave Lake Box 1030 10 Main St. S.W. Slave Lake, AB TOG 240 Attention: Mayor Karina Pillay-Kinnee Please find below, Council's decision at the Regular Council Meeting of the Municipality of Meaford held July 11,2011. The following resolution was passed: Be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Meaford'support the position of the Township of Carling and the Township of North Stormont and authorize a donation of $100 to the Town of Slave Lake to help compensate them in their recent fire; and further THAT the resolution be forwarded to all Ontario municipalities and that they be asked to match this donation. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, 9uigtuul, oignen fu Pamela Fettes, 8.4., CMO Clerk PFlbo Encl. The Gorporat¡on of the Municipality of Meaford 3J TROWSRIÐGË STWËST - Mg.&FORD ON - N4t 1A1 - TäL 519-538-1060 FAX 5:9-538-1556 Y¡rwav. ilr.e af o rd. c a Correspondence dated July 18, 2011 from Municipality of Meaford regarding "Town of Slave Lake". Page 33 of 159 Page 34 of 159 5 MU OF BAYHAM COÏ,il,EGE M{V$Cil,\NS STIRGEONS ONlD\]RilO June 6, 201 I Dear Sir/Madam: The Council Award of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is presented at each Council meeting to honour outstanding Ontario physicians who have demonstrated excellence and comJ closest to meeting society's vision of an "ideal physician". The criteria for selecting a physician for the Council Award is based on the eight "physician roles" identified by Educating Future Physicians of Ontario. The eight point selection criteria are outlined in the attached Council Award brochure. The College is seeking to recognize physicians whose performance in each of these roles is outstanding, recognizingthat individual physicians will demonstrate more extensive expertise in some roles than in others. The four categories from which physicians are selected are: Academic Specialty, Community Specialty, Academic Family Practice and Community Family Practice. We receive a variety of nomination packages, some of which are focused around a comprehensive CV, while others consist of personal letters which demonstrate the physlcian's commitment to the practice of medicine, We understand that given the ãiu.rr. array of selection uiteria, the nominator may wish to use any number of creative ways to higirtigtrt the particular attributes of their nominee. If you know of a physician who meets the selection criteria, you may wish to nominate him/her for the Council Award. The deadline for receipt of nominations is August 12,2011. If you need any further information, please do not hesit¿te to contact me at 4t6-967- 2600, or l-800-268-7096, ext.329. Sincerely, Brian Goldig Manager, Physician Advisory Service QUAL|TY PROFESS/ONA LS I HEALTHY SYSTEM I PUBLICTRUST 80 College Street,Toronto, Ontario MSC2E2 Tel: (416) 967-2600 Toll Free: (800)268-7096 Fax: (416) 961-3330 Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario regarding "The Council Page 35 of 159 The Council Award Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario regarding "The Council Page 36 of 159 The Council Award The cr'lteria for selec_ting a physician for the Council Award âre based on the elght "physician roles" identified by Educating FuturÊ Physicians of Ontario in' l993Theserolesreflectthemanyneedsandexpectationsofoursociety,ândoutlineanarchetypeofthe"ìdeaiphysician;'Thoseroìesare: The physician as Learner: The physicìan recognìzes that the abilities to change and to continue to learn are essential lo the practice of good medìclne The physician is a self-directed learner and keeps êbreasl of cutrent treatments and philosophles . The nominêtor should complele the enclosed Nomìnation Form, providìng as much information as possible aboul the physician nominee Type 0r print clearly in the space provided lf addii¡onâl space is requ¡red, attach add¡lional paqes .-fhe nominator should provide a deta¡led Nominator's Staiement ln thìs sfatemenl, describe how the physician nominee has demonstrated overall excellence using the eight physician roles lt is recognized that individual physiclans will demonstrate more extensive expertise ìn some roles than in others -[he nominator may include concisely presented pertinent support¡ng materials (letters, reports, testimonials, press clippings, etc ) . The nominator is also responsible for finding a seconder for the nomination The seconder should provide a Seconder's statemenf, their own wrilten testlmonìal âbout the nominee and his or her accomplishments, again us¡ng the eìght physlcian roles . The nominalor should obtain a copy of the Nominee's Curriculum Vitae, if possìble . The deadline for nomìnations is 5:00 p m , Friday, August 1 2, 201 1 ,,:'. 'l The physician as Medical Expert/Clinical Decision Maker:lhe physician is well- informed about the science and technology of medìcine and health care The phys¡cian's knowledge and sklll is used to collect and interpret data, make appropriate clinìcâl dec¡sions änd cary out diagnostic and therapeutic procedures The physìcian as Communicator: The physician has effective, humane relationships wlÏh patients ând colleagues The physician understands ând responds to palients' needs, fe¿rs, beliefs and expectations and effectively counsels and educales on health care needs and public health care issues The physician as Collaborator: fhe physician works Ín parlnershìp with other he¿lth care professionals and sees the pätienl and famlly members as partners in health care decisìon- makìng The physician appropriately uses community and health care resources The physician as Gatekeeper/ Resource Manager: The physician recognizes the many determinants of he¿lth and the implicat¡ons of those determinants for the practìce ol medicine fhe physician particìpates at a number of organizðtionàl levels to address issues such as qualìty of care and quality assurance mechanisms The physici¿n ¿s Health Advocate: With ân understand¡ng of the many determinänE of health, Ìhe physlcian advocates for more etlective public health interuentions and policies lhe physician as Scient¡st/Scholar: f he phys¡cian understands the scìentific method and applies it to patient encounters, community health issues and to the crilical assessment of literature relâted lo the bìological, psychological and socìological basis of illness The physicìan may be engaged in scientific research 'Tïe physician as Peron & Profesional: The physìclan has developed strategies for coping with professional demands to provide maximum opportunity for effective relationships with pâtient and colleagues while at the same time providing excellent medical care the physician is committed lo the h¡ghest standards of excellence in clinical care and ethical conducl The College is seeking to recogn¡ze physic¡ans whose performance ¡n most of th€se roles is outstanding, recognizing that individual physiclans will demonstrâte more extens¡ve expertise in some roles than in olhers Council Awards are presented al Council meetings AnyonÊ may nominate an eligible physician for the Counc¡l Award -fo be elìgible for nominätion, a physician must hold an Ontario certíficate of registration and be in good standlng wilh lhe College tormer reclpìents of the Council Award or the Excellence in Quality l\4anagement of Medícal Care Award are not eligible for nom¡naΡon The completed Nomination Form and required documentation must be submitted by August 1 2, 201 1, for consideralion by the Council Award 5eleclion Committee . Members of the Council and slaff of the College and members of their immediate famìlies are not eligible for nominêtion for the Councll Award . Maìl the completed Councìl Award Nominä1¡on Form, Nominator's Statement with any supporting material, Seconder's stätement, and Nom¡nee's Cutriculum Vit¿e to: The Council Award, do l\/s Nicola Broome, Physiclän Advisory 5eruice, College of Physicians and Surgeons of ontario, 80 College Street, foronto, ontario, l\¡5G 2E2 fel: (41 6) 967 2600 or 1-800-268-7096, extension 254 Fâx: (41 6) 967-2666 Any questions concernlng the nominatìon insiructions should be directed t0 Nìcola Broomq and additional Nom¡nation Forms can be obtäined by contacling he[ Nomlnation Forms are also available at:ww.cpso on ca C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d a t e d J u n e 6 , 2 0 1 1 f r o m T h e C o l l e g e o f P h y s i c i a n s a n d S u r g e o n s o f O n t a r i o r e g a r d i n g " T h e C o u n c i l P a g e 3 7 o f 1 5 9 ß-foe C$wvs ci I L-' 4, ír : ti"ruj Nomination Form f\,!0fúlNEË NnNe or NoMTNEE: AooR¡ss: T¡leproru¡ #: Tel¡pnoru¡ #: E-un¡l ¡ooR¡ss: Dnrr lruo PucE ot BTRTH: Dtcne¡s raRruro (Drcnrr, Scxoor, Yrnn): WORK Fnx #: HOME Strcrnrry rr nlrv: Tvp¡ or pnncl¡cr: Fncuuv ¡ppotrurMENTs, tF ANr Pn¡v¡ous HoNouRs & nwnRos: NOM!N¡trÏûN Nnm¡: AooR¡ss: Trlrpxoru¡ #: rnx #: E-MAtt ADDRESS: sËe 0h¡ÐER N¡u¡: AooR¡ss: T¡l¡prolr¡ #: rnx #: E-runrr noon¡ss: Deadlitrc'iot l''lotitt¡ta'ttons: Atiqusr ! Ì, Ì0i i Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario regarding "The Council Page 38 of 159 5 Frr 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON NsR 5V1 Municipality of Bayham Municipality of Gentral Elgin Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich Munîcípality of West Elgin Township of Malahide Township of Southwold ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD Ghair Douglas G. Gunn Q.C. Tel. 519 631-1460 Ext. 161 Fax 519 633-7661 Res. 519 633-1292 July 26,2011 To: Member Municipalities The Rising Gost of OPP Services At its July 20, 2011 board meeting, the Elgin Group Police Services (PSB) approved a letter from the board chairperson to the three Ontario political leaders regarding the rising cost of Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) services. In addition, the PSB agreed to send the letter to Member Municipalities, seeking your council's endorsement. The board respectfully requests your council review the enclosed. For your convenience, a template has been attached for each of the three political leaders. Please note: Policing costs are likely to be a major point of interest at the August 21-24,2011 Association of Municipalities of Ontario meeting in London, and it would be extremely helpful if this letter reached the elected officials prior to the conference. lf your counc¡l agrees to endorse the letter, please complete the templates on your mun¡cipality's letterhead and fonruard to the leaders of the three provincial parties. lf you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your consideration of the enclosed. Sincerely, ¿/rØ,' Susan McOonnell Elgin County Administrative Services Coord inator "Encl. Correspondence from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "The Rising Cost of OPP Services". Page 39 of 159 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON NSR 5V1 Municipality of Bayham Municipality of Central Elgin Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich Municipality of West Elgin Iownship of Malahide Township of Southwold ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD Chair Douglas G. Gunn Q.G. Tel. 519 631-1460 Ext. 161 Fax 519 633-7661 Res. 519 633-1292 July 21,2011 To: Leaders of Ontario's Provincial Pafties Dear Sir/Madame: SubjecÍ The Risinq and lnconsistent Cost of OPP Seruices A consortium of municipalities has been meeting to discuss a number of issues related to costs and services being prov¡ded by the Ontario Provincial Police. Our collective research indicates that the cost per capita varies widely across the province. The variance between municipalities surveyed ís almost $260.00 per capita. We understand that geographical distances and sparse populations can have an effect on deployment rnodels as well as on costs. However, these two factors alone cannot possibly account for this huge discrepancy in contract allocations. Please refer to the attached table as ev¡dence of these variations. Per household costing variations are even greater, ranging from $263.21 to $691.77 per household. ln particular, we note that municipalities with similar geographies and populations may have widely different deployment complements and attendant budgets. We find this puzzling since it is our understanding that OPP Contract Policing utilizes a standard deployment model and selected weighted occurrence comparisons to determine the minimum number of staff resources required to service detachments. ln other words, there appears to be little standardization of resources throughout the province, despite the OPP's use of a deployment model. Some municipalities also continue to express concern that requests for more information to create transparency to the process are met with resistance or simply ignored. .2 Correspondence from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "The Rising Cost of OPP Services". Page 40 of 159 Leaders of Ontario's Provincial Parties July 21,2011-2- The other area of major concern relates to the rising costs of services year over year. Please refer to the char.t attached which demonstrates that contract costs are far and away outpacing the rate of inflation. Of the nine municipalities who submitted information from 2006, the average total increase is $1,086,000. The average OPP cost increase since 2006 is 62.3o/o,with some municipalities seeing over 100% increases since 2006' The rapid rise Ín yearly increases cannot be sustained nor can they be anticipated, making budgeting next to impossible. As Party leader, will you agree, Íf elected to govern this Fall, to undertake a review of OPP services and costs across the province with the view to controlling the ng costs and to standardizing the deployment of resources the inequity occurring between municipalities across this p Chair Correspondence from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "The Rising Cost of OPP Services". Page 41 of 159 Premier Dalton McGulnty Leader of the Government Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 148 Dear Premier: Subject The Risinq and lnconsistent Cost of OPP Services A consortÍum of municipalities has been meeting to discuss a number of issues related to costs and services being provided by the Ontario Provincial Police. Our collective research indicates that the cost per capita varies wÍdely across the province. The variance between municipalities surveyed is almost $260.00 per capita. We understand that geographical distances and sparse populations can have an effect on deployment models as well as on costs. However, these two factors alone cannot possibly account for this huge discrepancy in contract allocations. Please refer to the attached table as evidence of these variations. Per household costing variations are even greater, ranging from $263.21 to $691 .77 per household. ln particular, we note that municipalities with similar geographies and populations may have widely different deployment complements and attendant budgets. We find this puzzling sínce it is our understanding that OPP Gontract Policing utilizes a standard deployment model and selected weighted occurrence comparisons to determine the minímum number of staff resources required to service detachments. ln other words, there appears to be little standardization of resources throughout the province, despite the OPP's use of a deployment model. Some municipalities also continue to express concern that requests for more information to create transparency to the process are met with resistance or simply ignored. The other area of major concern relates to the rising costs of services year over year. Please refer to the chart attached which demonstrates that contract costs are far and away outpacing the rate of inflation. Of the nine municipalities who submitted information from 2006, the average total increase is $1,086,000. The average OPP cost increase since 2006 is 62.30/0, with some municipalities seeing over 100% increases since 2006. The rapid rise in yearly increases cannot be sustained nor can they be anticipated, making budgeting next to impossible. As Party leader, will you agree, if elected to govern this Fall, to undertake a review of OPP services and costs across the province with the view to controlling the ever-escalating costs and to standardizing the deployment of resources to eradicate the inequity occurring between municipalities across this province. Yours truly, Mayor Correspondence from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "The Rising Cost of OPP Services". Page 42 of 159 Mr. Tim Hudak Leader of the Otficial Opposition Prog ressive Conservative Pafty Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 148 Dear Mr. Hudak: Subject The Risinq and lnconsistent Cost of OPP Services A consortium of municipalities has been meeting to discuss a number of issues related to costs and services being provided by the Ontario Províncial Police. Our collective research indicates thatthe cost per capita varies widely across the province. The variance between municipalities surveyed is almost $260.00 per capita. We understand that geographical distances and sparse populations can have an effect on deployment models as well as on costs, However, these two factors alone cannot possibly account for this huge discrepancy in contract allocations. Please refer to the attached table as evidence of these variations. Per household costing variations are even greater, ranging from $263.21 to $691 .77 per household. In particular, we note that municipalities with similar geographies and populations may have widely different deployment complements and attendant budgets. We find this puzzling since it is our understanding that OPP Contract Policing utilizes a standard deployment model and selected weighted occurrence comparisons to determine the minimum number of staff resources required to service detachments. ln other words, there appears to be little standardization of resources throughout the province, despite the OPP's use of a deployment model. Some municipalities also i continue to express concern that requests for more information to create transparency to i the process are met with resistance or simply ignored. : The other area of major concem relates to the rising costs of services year over year. i Please refer to the chart attached which demonstrates that contract costs are far and away outpacing the rate of inflation. Of the nine municipalities who submitted information from i 2006, the average total increase is $1,086,000. The average OPP cost increase since : 2006 is 62.30/o, with some municipalities seeing over 100% increases since 2006. The rapid rise in yearly increases cannot be sustained nor can they be anticipated, making budgeting next to impossible. As Party leader, will you agree, if elected to govern this Fall, to undertake a review of OPP services and costs across the province with the view to controlling the ever-escalating costs and to standardizing the deployment of resources to eradicate the inequity occurring between municipalities across this province. Yours truly, Mayor Correspondence from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "The Rising Cost of OPP Services". Page 43 of 159 Ms. Andrea Horvath Leadei of the New Democratic Paily Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 148 Dear Ms. Horvath: Subject The Rising and lnconsistent Cost of OPP Services A consortium of municipalities has been meeting to díscuss a number of issues related to costs and services being provided by the Ontario Provincial Police. Our collective research indicates that the cost per capita varies widely across the province. The variance between municipalities surveyed is almost $260.00 per capita. We understand that geographical distances and sparse populations can have an effect on deployment models as well as on costs, However, these two factors alone cannot possibly account for this huge discrepancy in contract allocations. Please refer to the attached table as evidence of these variations. Per household costing variations are even greater, ranging from $263 .21 to $691.77 per household. fn particular, we note that municipalities with similar geographies and populations may have widely different deployment complements and attendant budgets. We find this puzzling since it is our understanding that OPP Contract Policing utilizes a standard deployment model and selected weighted occurrence comparisons to determine the minimum number of staff resources required to service detachments. ln other words, there appears to be little standardization of resources throughout the province, despite the OPP's use of a deployment model. Some municipalities also continue to express concern that requests for more information to create transparency to the process are met with resistance or simply ignored. The other area of major concern relates to the rising costs of services year over year. Please refer to the chart attached which demonstrates that contract costs are far and away outpacing the rate of inflation. Of the nine municipalities who submitted information from 2006, the average total increase is $1,086,000. The average OPP cost increase since 2006 is 62.30/o, with some municipalities seeing over 100% increases since 2006. The rapid rise in yearly increases cannot be sustained nor can they be anticipated, making budgeting next to impossÍble. As Pafty leader, will you agree, if elected to govern this Fall, to undertake a review of OPP services and costs across the province with the view to controlling the ever-escalating costs and to standardizing the deployment of resources to eradicate the inequity occurring between municipalities across this pt'ovince. Yours truly, Mayor Correspondence from Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding "The Rising Cost of OPP Services". Page 44 of 159 ì; ¡-\r r- [ !'#i q'r L urÌ d 'i .lul. ? tl REPO ilPALnY il t il t il il il il il ü ü ru u ü 20ro/20r1 ANNUAL PROGRESS Eq Æ'''.FIELP' ",,arn, U,O", LlnlDo'r PF\)l'. I A0aaa Watat June 2011 rl E E rl , eGkuP Generator -* ål- ID -/'ì-'.no LJ tl 2010 / 2011 Annual Progress Report from Huron Elgin London Project Clean Water. (full report available upon request) Page 45 of 159 I t I I I t I t I I t t t I t T t t I HËLP A0aan Wata¡ ô The Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System ô The Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System ô The City of London ô 300 Dufferin Avenne London, Ontario N6A4L9 Tel: 5L9-ó61-1355 Fax:519-661-2355 rvww.watersup ply.lcrrdon. ca r'r.'il¿ñ/.j t.rf¿¡ /\J Pr.ted fr 100* EcH #.d Ft m$ro lìe¡ June 201L On behalf of the th the CitY of London, thä Lake H Primary.Water Supply System, we in accordance wiili Schêdule c, c. ral Contribution Agiee gress Report of the Provinc¡al Contribution Agreement. Once imo t this resion oT ççs,en'vironm ¡thmunicipal e formed. The e CitY of London is esti 0 bY the Year 2Q2L,whi Per Year. ln add mer demands or dev een an evolution irst contact with rnment to 2004. on the design and r of the earlv ele necessary to tory environmen face in 2011 for the We look forward to that review w¡th our partners wlth the hope of optimizing the value of the investment being made both now ánd in the future. Sincerely, Ëf,i#ÅUñ]i*, lrfl,r{$oner Lake Huron & Etgin Area primary water suppry svstems Executive Director - Planning, Environmental and Engineering 5ervices 2010 / 2011 Annual Progress Report from Huron Elgin London Project Clean Water. (full report available upon request) Page 46 of 159 I I I t t t Table of Contents HELP Map 6 lntroduction 7 component 1 EW3614 - Southeast Reservoir and Pumping station I component 2 SW6040 - Methane Gas Collection Power Generator at w12A 17 Landfill Facilit Component 3 LH13 26 - Lake Huron Backup Generator 20 component 4 LH1902 - Lake Huron Residue Management Facility 27 component 5 LH1404 - Lake Huron wind Turbine Generator 32 Component 6 LH1305 - Lake Huron Primary Transmission Pipeline Twinning 35 ComponentTEA4o23-ElginAreaResidueManagementFacility4l ComponentSEA4o64-ElginAreaWindTurbineGenerator46 component 9 EA4O 24 - ElginArea Primary Transmission Pipeline Twinning' 49 Appendices, 57 A. Canada - Huron Elgin London Project Clean Water Building Canada Fund Agreement B. Ontario - Huron Elgin London Project Clean Water Building Canada Fund Agreement C. Building Canada Fund Agreement Management Committee Meeting Agenda/Min utes D. Audit Plan E. MonthlY Project RePort F. Project Components, Timeline and Cost Breakdown I I I I I I I I I I I I Il H ,,rr Ér' r' ! .¡r' ¡: t¡ i I AØaau Wata¡ 2010 / 2011 Annual Progress Report from Huron Elgin London Project Clean Water. (full report available upon request) Page 47 of 159 I I I I l t I I t I l I I I l t I I I LAKE HURON AND ELGIN AREA PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS t NC.LP Aê.oae ll¿tlct O BÉ,rie:frtlrq ¡-.iuiìrr ìl)()lr!t{rt: ' l-'-'ierlrlirll'', ilt:irr,ri'lrlrí¡ \l', ",.r¡;.ririt. LAKE HURON - Wdter8oardfì,o[l¡'re - Smndary Sysìâr Prpe i. I\K E L.RIE ITF.T*P Aùaax Wata¡ 2010 / 2011 Annual Progress Report from Huron Elgin London Project Clean Water. (full report available upon request) Page 48 of 159 5 Tillsonburg & District Multi-Serv¡ce Gentre (MSC) (in the Livingston Centre) 96 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 341 Phone: (519) 842-9000 Fax: (519) 842-4727 Email: info@multiservicecentre.com www. m u ltise rvicece ntre. com - Serving the Community since 1978 - July 27,2011 ECEIVE AUG - ? zoll Ao tCorporation of the Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 To Our Valued Supporter: ÍViUNIOIPALITY ÛF BAYHAM On behalf of the Multi-Service Centre (MSC), we would like to extend a sincere thank you for your donation in the amount of $500.00. Your donation will help to support MSC programs, which include Adult Literacy & Essential Skills, Employment Services and Home Support Services. Our primary focus is to provide needed client services. While we do receive regular funding in some of our programming areas and actively fundraise, we encourage and appreciate donations that our supporters provide. These donations allow us to commit to programs that require community support, in order to meet budget requirements and allow us to plan for future needs. Should you have any comments or questions regarding your donation, please contact the Multi-Service Centre at (519) 842-9008, ert.270. Thank you for your investment in our services and in the community which our clients reside. M ør g,ør øt 14 ú r í,vn vn ow Receptionist / Secretary MSC does not sell, rent or trade your information with any other organizations or individuals. lf you wish to be removed from Published MSC documents (e.9., Annual Repofts) please call 519-842-9008, ext. 270. Please send your email address to: mvandenberqhe@multiservicecentre.com if you wish to receive updates and information! Mission A community organization commifted to suppoding personal independence through: o Innovative and responsive resources o Partnerships and collaboration t Striving for excellence Vision Embracing Personal lndependence t Celebrating a Caring Community Correspondence dated July 27, 2011 from Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre regarding "Thank You for Donation". Page 49 of 159 Page 50 of 159 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON NoH 1T3 Canada lel 5194727328 lax 5194729354 Memorandum To/Attention From Subject Municipality of Bayham Council Date August 2,20'11 Tamara Tannis, MCP MCIP/RPP Project No 3404-490 HMCS Ojibwa Submarine Site: Zoning By-law Amendment Removal of Holding Provision: Tourist Commercial Zone (C3-h) Purpose To change the zoning of a 1.7 ha (4.13 acres) parcel of land located on the north side of Pitt Street, west of Robinson Street in the Village of Port Burwell from the Tourist Commercial- Holding (C3-h) to the Tourist Commercial (C3) zone. This is the proposed site for the HMCS Ojibwa submarine. As per Section 8.16.5 of the Official Plan, Gouncil may pass an amendment to remove a holding (h) symbol under Section 36 of the Planninq Act. A public meeting is not required to remove a holding symbol, as the land use is an established use. As required, Council gave notice of its intent to remove the holding (h) symbol. Subject Site The site is designated as a Harbour Residential/Commercial area in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan and is zoned Tourist Commercial (C3-h) Holding zone in the Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law 2456-2003. The property is an irregularly shaped parcel with a wider southerly lot frontage of 70 metres (230 ft) along Pitt Street. The property extends northward, and is constrained by the north-eastward curvilinear arc of Big Otter Creek on the east side, such that the lot narrows at the northern-most property line where it is approximately 55 metres (180 ft) wide. At its narrowest width, the lot is approximately 37 metres (12'f ft) wide. The subject lot's length is approximately 360 metres (from Pitt Street to Bridge Street). Site Gontext The subject lands are vacant lands. The site is bounded by: Bridge Street to the north; the steep riverine slope behind Robinson Street's commercial buildings to the east; Pitt Street and vacant, private grass lands to the south; and by the unassumed, gravel road identified as Howard Street to the east. Lake Erie is located to the south within approximately 400 metres of the southern edge ofthe subject property OfficialPlan Section of the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan states that prior to the removal of the holding symbol, the zoning by-law amendment application will provide: a planning study that measures the probable social, recreational and traffic impacts of the project on Port Bunruell; a servicing feasibility study; and an examination of the effects of potential flooding and/or erosion along Big Otter Creek, in consultation with the Conservation Authority. Council has received and reviewed these studies. The planning study has identified that in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan, the subject site is designated as 'Harbour Residential / Commercial" and is suitable for the permitted uses. These uses include: townhouses; stacked townhouses; apartments; marinas and associated lBl Group is a group of f¡rms providing professional services and is aff¡liated with lBl Group Architects Memorandum dated August 2, 2011 from IBI Group regarding "Removal of Holding Provision for the HMCS Ojibwa Submarine Page 51 of 159 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham Council - Augusl 2, 20 1'1 uses; parks, schools and churches; tourist commercial establishments; and parking areas. The HMCS Ojibwa project is defined as the 'tourist commercial establishment.' Zoning By-law The 'Tourist Commercial' (C3) zone, in Zoning By-law 2456-2003 permits the following uses: tourist commercial uses; restaurant; retail/service store; tavern; commercial fishing operations (excluding processing operations); bus depot; marina and accessory uses (boat storage/repairs); and accessory use (including one dwelling unit as an accessory use). The proposed project will be a tourist commercial use in conformity with the zoning by-law. The minimum lot area required for lands with public water and sanitary sewage disposal is 555 m2 (5974 ft,) or 900 m'z(9,688 ft") where only public sanitary sewage disposal service is provided but no public water is supplied. The subject lands are 1 .67 ha (16,700 m2 or 4.13 acres) in area and exceed the minimum lot area requirements of the C3 zone. The required minimum lot frontage is 15 metres (49 ft) w¡th a maximum building height of 12 metres (39 ft). The minimum front yard depth is 6 metres (20 ft), the minimum side yard width is 4.5 metres (15 ft) and the minimum rear yard depth is 10 metres (33 ft). The minimum floor area for a commercial use must be 1 0 m'z (108 ft"). The proposed project's lot frontage is 70 m (230 ft) along Pitt Street and exceeds the minimum lot frontage required by the C3 zone. Given that the subject site's lot dimensions are approximately 70 metres by 360 metres while the submarine's area, including a fence, is approximately 23 metres by104 metres, the subject lands provide sufficient lot width and length to accommodate the proposed submarine display and meet the C3 zoning requirements. Where a C3 zone abuts an Open Space zone, in this case at the north end of the subject lands, a butfer strip with a minimum width of 2 metres (6%ft) must be provided along the abutting lot line. Gonclusion The Municipality has fulfilled the requirements of the Official Plan policy that required the following be undertaken: a planning study to identify the probable social, recreational and tratfic impacts of the project on Port Burwell; a servicing feasibility study; and an examination of the effects of potential flooding and/or erosion along Big Otter Creek, in consultation with the Conservation Authority. The policy requirement has been fulfilled. Council may pass the amendment to remove the Holding provision on the subject lands. rrl\ IBIGROUP Tamara Tannis, MCP, ucrplRpp Consulting Planner to Municipality of Bayham Memorandum dated August 2, 2011 from IBI Group regarding "Removal of Holding Provision for the HMCS Ojibwa Submarine Page 52 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUMCIPÁ.LITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO.Z592-201t B^A.YIIAM BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No.245G2003, AS AMENDEI) WHERDAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham deems it necessary to amend 7-oning ByJawNo. 2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT ByJaw No.2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "I", Map No. 5, by deleting from the Tourist Commercial - holding (C3-h) Zo¡e and adding to the Tourist Commercial (C3) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked C3 on Schedule "4" to this ByJaw, which is att¿ched to and forms part of this By-law. 2) TmS By-law shall come into force on the date of passing. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 4th DAY OF AUGUST 201I. READ A SECO¡{D TIME THIS 4th DAY OF AUGUST 2011. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PÄSSED THIS 4.h DAY OF AUGUST 2OII. MÄYOR CLERK Memorandum dated August 2, 2011 from IBI Group regarding "Removal of Holding Provision for the HMCS Ojibwa Submarine Page 53 of 159 ffiffi @ Memorandum dated August 2, 2011 from IBI Group regarding "Removal of Holding Provision for the HMCS Ojibwa Submarine Page 54 of 159 Municipatity of Bayham Building Permits For The Month of July 2011 File: PlO Au9-02-2011 No.Date Roll #Permit Holder Property Description Building Tvpe Value Permit Fee Septic /Sewer Fee 51 4-Jul ¿-001-09002 Mundav. Michael il Milton Sheet construct utilitv shed 240so ft 4,490 80.0( 52 4-Jul )-003-1090r Growma¡k Inc 55720 Jackson Line install er¿in drver 540so ft l2-000 182.0( 53 6-Ju )-004-33403 Wall- Asatha ÉIeritase Line ;onstnrct modula¡ home l725so ft & sa¡¿se 672so 200,000 t231.0(r85.0( 54 8-Ju )-006-1 I 540 Klassen. Johan i6932 Eden Line :xtend sewer line to kitchen drain 784 87.0( 55 8-Ju )-001-04220 Allensen. Ron i5751 Lakseshore Line ronstruct chicken cooD l44so ft 30(80.0( 56 8-Ju t-001-21730 Bereen. Maria 55486 Vienna Line :nclose existing roofed over deck 40sq ft 1.00(89.0( 57 l8-Jul )-004-10415 Froese. Guillermo 56846 Heritaee Line ronstruct patio deck at back ofhouse 21 6sq ft 78(80.0( 58 l9-Jul l-002-08500 Griee. Jeff 5172 Tolleate Road sonstruct one storev workshoo 1976so ft 9,89t 554.0( 59 20-Jul l-001-043 I 0 Eveland. SteDheî {690 Csinos Road lonstuct one storev detached saraee 728sq ft 20,00(429.0( 60 20-Jul J-005-02720 Klassen. Richard 54571 Eden Line oortion of church bsmt into school classrooms 3-00(106.0c 61 2l-Jul )-008-07200 Service Master 53793 McOuissan Line reDair fire damased attached ea¡ase 400so ft 15.00(208.0c 62 22-Jtl )-006-04300 Iurenas, KristoDher 10262 Sandvtown Road construct two storey addition to house 2792sq ft 200.00(1516.0(375-0( 63 25-Jul t-008-08300 Iimmermans. Mike 5679 Woodworth Road construct patio deck at side ofhouse 8l6sq ft 10.00(80.0c 64 25-Jul )-006-14600 Michel. Helmut 56830 Talbot Line construct drive shed addition to barn I 152so ft 3,00(356.0( 65 27-Jul )-005-02321 Miller. Willv 10488 Peters Court one storev house w/attached earee 2544so ft 200,00(1415.0(375.0( 66 27-h¡l )-003-04500 Wall. Peter 8299 Plank Road roofed over deck at back ofhouse 335sq ft 1.50(241.0( 67 27-htl l-002-17000 Friesen. Eric 56238 Lieht Line install class 4 seotic svstern 5.00(375.0( 6E 28-Jul 0-004-23700 Iaylor. Gerald 9351 West Street construct one storey workshop 348sq ft 5.00c 80.0( 69 28-Jul 0-002-18600 Deleemans. Larrv 57593 Calton Line :onstruct storage barn l728sq ft 45.00(909.0( 70 29-Jul 0-004-12800 Silverthom, James 58224 HeitaseLine :onsEuct oole bam 5.00(426.0( Iulv-l1 741.752 8.149.00 1310.0( ¿011 YEARTO DATE 2365.207 26.443.00 4535.0t Iuly-10 51J0(1.021.00 0.0( 2O1O YEARTO DATE 5.177.E6(36.477.00 3100.0( Prepared by: Reviewed by:sM8/2/201I excel\m onthly\buildper B u i l d i n g P e r m i t R e p o r t f o r m o n t h e n d i n g J u l y 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 . F i l e : P 1 0 P a g e 5 5 o f 1 5 9 Page 56 of 159 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Gord Roesch By-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Semi Annual Report - Bylaw DATE: August L't, 2OLI FILE: NUMBER: P2011-0L6 Purpose Provide Council an overview of the By-law Enforcement Program activities for the First Half of 201L. Bv-law Activities Dog Reqistration /Licensing Municipal staff processed 875 dog registration renewals for the first half of 20t7. Dog Tag Sa les - H isto rica I I I 1 I1 I 1 + For the first half of ZOIL,5L9,344 was collected in annual fees. The total collected in 2010 was 524,564. As of June 30,zOLl based on 2010 records there are approximately 2L0 outstanding dogtags. ln August, staff will be sending final notice letters to people suspected of being dog owners in Bayham. NOTE: 2010 was the first year that a price increase for dog tags took effect. 1200 ! 1000 o.¡t 800 H 600 t- 400 200 0 Staff Report P2011-016 regarding "Semi Annual Report - Bylaw". Page 57 of 159 Canine Control The Municipality requested the Canine Control Agent pick up 20 dogs from January to June 20tt. NOTE:ZOILare until the end ofJune. Dogs lmpouned Annnualy -- -" T- 2009 Year The costs incurred by the Municipality for canine control from January until the end of June this year were 57220. NOTE: Costs are for the annual service contract and fees for animals that are not claimed back by owners. Canine Control Costs s1s,000 g S10,000o ıôø Ss,ooo 5o 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2 Staff Report P2011-016 regarding "Semi Annual Report - Bylaw". Page 58 of 159 Bv-Law Enforcement The Municipality received eighty (80)complaints pertainingto various Municipal By-laws. NOTE: NOISE COMPLAINTS - Several are received on a weekly basis, all deal with one property. Enforcement is ongoing. Littering / Dumping (2) 3o/o cats (1) Lo/o Environmental lssues (1) LYo Open Air Burning (1) 1ä Noise(r¡ to/o Total Bylaw Complaints (8O) Complaints closed vs. ongoing or unresolved. By-Law Closed Ongoing Dog Control 46 2 Yard Maintenance 16 10 Cats 0 t Littering / Dumping 2 0 Environmental T 0 Open Air Burning L 0 Noise 0 L rorAls (801 (661 (141 3 Staff Report P2011-016 regarding "Semi Annual Report - Bylaw". Page 59 of 159 Bv-Law Review Com mittee The By-Law review committee has met two times. Staff have provided them with information they requested and guidance to keep them within the scope of the mandate as set by council. The committee has reviewed the Property Standards and Yard Maintenance By-Law's in Bayham as well as several other area municipalities. Several committee members have talked to residents and received valuable feedback. Early in the third quarter of 201-L there will be a survey available for residents to fill out in order for the committee to gather more information from the general public. It is the goal of the committee to bring recommendations back to Council in the fourth quarter of 201L. Strateeic Goals Goal #4 - Be Dedicoted to service excellence. Recommendation 'THAT Staff Report 2011-016 regarding the 2011 Semi-Annual Report - By-Law be received for information". Respectfu I ly su bmitted, 4 Staff Report P2011-016 regarding "Semi Annual Report - Bylaw". Page 60 of 159 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: G. Roesch Fire Chief/CEMC/By-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Fire and Emergency Services DATE: July 26,2OL1 FILE: NUMBER: P?O1L-OL7 2011Semi Annual Report Purpose Provide Council an overview of Fire Department activities during the first six months of ZOIL. Emergency Responses: OVERVIEW: The Bayham Fire and Emergency Service responded to 72 emergency calls for service in the first half of 20LL. During the same period in 2010 the department responded to 55 calls for service. 2011 statistics represent a 3Lo/o increase over 2010 statistics. Calls for Service: 72 Calls for Service Other (s)Bayham Jan-June 2OLL 8% Rescue (1) 2Y" Public Hazard (14) t3o/o Fire 17l LOYo Page 1 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 61 of 159 Calls for Service - Station L "'1ït')stq.tion 1 Jan-June 2011 Public Hazard- Rescue (1) (s) t3o/" Alarm (2) íYo MVC (2) 5o/o Calls for Service - Station 2 other (3) 9%o Station2 Jan-June 2OLL Rescue (O) Oo/o MVC (2) 6ar6 40 Calls for Service Fire (3) 796 32 Calls for Service r¡re (4) Page 2 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 62 of 159 MEDICAT INCIDENTS: The Bayham Fire and Emergency Services responded to 34 Emergency Medical lncidents. Medical incidents represented nearly 47% of all the calls for service that we responded to. lt is important to note that Emergency Medical Services is an upper tier responsibility. At this time, the County does not have any EMS services based in Bayham. The nearest EMS services respond to Bayham from Tillsonburg or Aylmer. The breakdown is as follows: Short of Breath - VSA / CPR Required - Chest Pain / Heart Attack - Trauma - Seizure - Other - Totals - Fire (Structure / Vehicle) - No Loss Outdoor - Open Air Burn (Unauthorized)- Pre-Fire Conditions - Open Air Burn (Authorized)- Totals - 77 (23.6Lo/ol 2 (2.77o/ol 8 (LL.LL%) o (0.0%) 2 (2.77%l s (6.s4%l 34 147.22%l s (6.e4%l L (L.38%'t o (o.oo/ù o (o.o%) t (7.38%l 7 ls.t2%l FIRES: The Bayham Fire and Emergency Services responded to 7 fire related calls. Fire calls represented nearly IOo/ooff the calls for service thus far in2OtL. lt should be noted here that fire calls include grass fires, structure fires, appliance fires and vehicle fires where there is a dollar loss associated with the fire. I have also included calls where there are pre-fire conditions present when we arrived on scene. The breakdown is as follows: Page 3 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 63 of 159 OTHER CALIS: The Bayham Fire and Emergency Services responded to a total of 31 other types of emergencies or situations where the caller perceived an emergency. This represents 43o/o of the department call volume. The breakdown is as follows: Motor Vehícle Collisions - 4 (5.55%) Fire Alarm Activation - 7 (9.72%l Natural Gas Leak / Hydro - 8 (11.Lt%) Carbon Monoxide 6 (8.33o/o) Water/lceRescue- 0 (O.0o/ù Other/CancelledEn-route- 6 (8.33%l Total- 31 143.O5%l Tra in ing: OVERV!EW: DEPARTMENTAL TRAINING We continue to try and find improved ways to deliver training to our firefighters. Currently we are still training on separate evenings; however we will continue to work to find ways for Station 1 and Station 2 to train together. Prior to 2011 Bayham has only two members who are certified firefighters in the Province of Ontario, including the Fire Chief. With the success of the Joint Recruit Training Program, in October all nine firefighters that completed the course will be writing for the first component in the Provincial Firefighter Curriculum. ln addition, four experienced firefighters have expressed an interest in writing the exam and working toward Provincial Certification. We only have three members of the department certified to the first level of the Company Officer Program, including the Fire Chief. However, due to the fact that training can now be delivered locally for these courses (six Company Officer courses are scheduled for this fall in Page 4 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 64 of 159 Bayham) sixteen firefighters and officers have signed up to begin the process of certification in the Ontario Company Officer Certification Program. ln addition to the general firefighter and company officer training, Bayham offers three specialty rescue services. These services require additional training to maintain skills and to meet a certified standard. ln 2010 we trained several firefighters to be instructors in water and ice rescue. Some still need to complete the mentoring process; however it is ongoing in 2011. Our team leader for technical rope rescue was certified as an instructor in 2010 and will be training the remainder of the team in 2011. Auto extrication team members were certified in the first half of 2011 as instructors however the remainder if the team need to be certified. This is the basis for the training moving forward in 2011 and a course is scheduled to run in October. JTAG Many of the courses and programs mentioned above are also being offered to our JTAG partners. This helps to reduce the costs by filling class vacancies with students from other departments strictly on a cost per student cost recover basis. The first Joint Recruit Training Program recently completed with 41 students from seven municipalities graduating, nine graduating from Bayham. Although final costs are not in at this time, it is estimated that it cost approximately S1000 / firefighter, that includes costs for instructors and their per/diem for completing the course. Elgin County Communications System and Dispatching Services There is likely to be a significant cost associated with replacing the communication system in Elgin County. Bayham is part owners and as such will be required to fund part of the program. No details are available at this time, however this will not be optional as lndustry Canada has changed the rules and the standards. New equipment will be the only way we can meet the lndustry Canada requirements. The contract with Tillsonburg for dispatching services will come due in 2OL2. There is the possibility of a cost increase for the current level of service. The ad hoc Elgin County Communications Committee will meet August 16 to begin discussion on dispatching services. Page 5 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 65 of 159 Fire Prevention / Legislative Requirements: OVERVIEW: The department purchased fire service management software and has had it installed. We are currently completing training and we anticipate some officers of the department being able to complete basic inspections in 2011. ln July our annual compliance package for 2010 was sent in to the Office of the Fire Marshal. The Municipality of Bayham maintained its compliance status for 20LO. FI RE SAFETY INSPECTIONS: The Municipality received six requests for fire inspections during the first six months o12OLt. That is an increase from just two for the whole of 2010. To date, inspections have been carried out, however the follow up inspections have not been completed due to other staff commitments. Currently the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services only inspect on a complaint or request basis, as is the minimum requirement in the Fire Prevention and Protection Act. As Fire Chiel I do not feelthat this meets the needs and circumstances in Bayham. Bayham needs to inspect on a proactive, not reactive basis. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND AWARENESS: We continue to use local media and place fire safety ads in school newsletters / yearbooks as well as in the Around About Bayham newspaper and on our website. Both Firefighter Associations provide education and awareness at their various fundraisers and community activities. LEGISLATIVE REQUIRMENTS: There are several requirements and standards that must be met in the Fire Service and in Emergency Preparedness. Recent events involving legal challenges, firefighter ínjuries and fatalities make it important for council to understand the legalities surrounding the Fire Service and the Emergency Preparedness responsibilities. New regulation complexity and work load associated with the Public Fire Safety Guideline present challenges for staffto address in an effective and timely manner, not just in Bayham but in several municipalities across Ontario. ln order to assist Council with understanding the ever changing legislative requirements I have scheduled an Essentials of Fire Protection seminar through our Office of the Fire Marshal Advisor. lt is scheduled for Saturday December lOth, 2011 in Bayham. I would request that as many members of Council that can attend do attend. Page 6 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 66 of 159 Master Fire Plan lmplementation Update ln 2010 the Master Fire Plan was presented and adopted by Municipal Council. Numerous recommendations were presented as part of the plan. Several of the recommendations have been adopted and have been completed or are currently being implemented. lt willtake several years to completely implement all of the recommendations. Below is a brief summary and update of the recommendations: 1. Replacement of Stat¡on #1 Port Burwell - The tender documents are almost complete. It is expected that the tender document will be advertised by the end of the first week in August. When tenders close the final recommendation and project costs will come before council for final approval. At the same time that staff meets with Mr. Dawley regarding the tender, we will discuss options and the estimated costs for the repairs of Station 1 as directed by Council. A report with details will come before Council at a later date. 2. Fire Apparatus and Major Equipment Funding -The recommendation to fund apparatus and major equipment using the reserve process was already a policy in Bayham. Funds have been put away in past budgets. I have reviewed the schedule and funds in the accounts and an updated schedule has been implemented in the 2011 budget. 2Ot2capital equipment projects include PPE replacement ¡n Station l and Auto Extrication equipment replacement. All funds are allocated in current capital reserves. 3. Firefighter Recruitment - Recruitment in a volunteer fire department is becoming more and more difficult. The problem isn't with initial interest of potential members for recruitmenq it is with retention partly due to the requirements to meet standards. Although members truly want to volunteer it is becoming much more difficult for them to meet all of the required training and practice required to meet management's obligations. This isn't only an issue in Bayham; it is a problem with rural service across Ontario. Bayham just completed a recruitment drive and to date we have five quality prospects still remaining in the testing process. All five will be assigned to Station 1. 4. Officer Qualifications - The recommendation was to train officers for their roles. This process ís underway. Senior firefighters and officers are scheduled for training in the fall of 20IL. 5. Specality Teams - The speciality teams continue to train monthly and we are working toward having allteam members certified to a recognized industry standard. Page 7 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 67 of 159 6.Water Rescue - Technical Water / lce Rescue service are now offered in Bayham. Firefighters are trained and equipped to provide this service. Several members of our team are now or will soon be certified instructors to the Ontario Fire Marshal's program. Bayham does not have a vessel; however we have successfully trained with the Auxiliary Coast Guard in Port Burwell. Firefighters have responded with the Auxiliary Coast Guard for emergencies in Lake Erie in 2011. Standard Operating Guidelines - A committee has been established to review training and standard operating guidelines. At this time, the committee method is stalled. lt will take dedicated paid stafftime to complete this process in a timely manner. This request will come forward in the 2Ot2budget process. Tanker Shuttle Certification -This recommendation has not been followed up with at this time. 9. Council Oversight - This recommendation is complete, it is confirmed in the Establishing and Regulating By-Law. The Fire Chief reports to Council through the CAO. 10. Fire Prevention and Self lnspection -This recommendation is not being considered. The Office of the Fire Marshalwill not accept it as an acceptable model. We currently only inspect on a complaint or request basis. Staff does not have time to inspect our high hazard occupancies on a scheduled basis. 7. 8. Page 8 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 68 of 159 2OL]- Goals ln the 2010 annual report to Council, the following goals were established. ln bold an update as to the status of the goal is provided. 1. Move forward with the replacement of Station #1in Port Burwell. Councilwill be asked to approve the final project sometime early in the third quarter of 2OLL. a. Tender should be before Council before the end of the third quarter ol2OL7.. 2. We have begun the replacement of firefighter personal protective equipment. All firefighters have been measured and the order has been submitted. I look forward to having all the new equipment in service by the end of April. a. Station 2 and new recruit PPE has been purchased and is in service. Station #2 willbe completed in2OL2 as per plan. 3. We will continue to work with our partners in JTAG and provide excellent training opportunities for all our firefighters. a. Ongoing and successful. 4. Bayham Fire and Emergency Services personnel will continue to train all municipal staff in Red Cross First Aid and CPR. a. Firefighters and Municipal Staff have been trained and we will continue to offer training in house at a significant cost savings. 5. Bayham will continue to work with our neighbours and enter into auto.matic aid and mutual aid agreements. This will ensure we provide the highest response capabilities to the citizens in Bayham and we will continue to be a good neighbour and provide assistance when requested to do so. a. Tillsonburg and South West Oxford agreements in place, Norfolk may come in late 2011 or first quarter 20t2. 6. Hire a Chief Training Officer from the ranks of our volunteer force. a. Cut firom2OL1, budget, will be presented again during 20L2budget process. Page 9 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 69 of 159 Complete the Operational Matrix for emergency response and operational planning as requested bythe Office of the Fire Marshal and report to councilwith recommendations. a. Not going to be completed in 2011 due to staff demands. Complete routine Fire and Life Safety lnspections for targeted occupancies within the Municipality of Bayham. a. Still not completing routine inspections, only request and complaint inspections due to staff demands. Strateeic Goals Gool #4 - Be dedicøted to service excellence. Recommendation 'THAT Staff ReportÀOLL-OL7 regarding the 2011 Semi Annual Report for the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services be received for information." Gord Roesch 7. 8. Page 10 of 10 Staff Report P2011-017 regarding "Fire and Emergency Services 2011 Semi Annual Report". Page 70 of 159 2011 .05.27 7.2 7653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12112011 001er7 1255475 oNTARIO LTD 131062 TOTLET pApER, PAPERTOVVELS 07t0812011 I 347.95 010750 Cheque Amount - U7.95 001860 AARON V\EEDA reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCOUNT 0711412011 I 115.77 010751 Cheque Amount - 115.77 OOOO6O ANNEX PUB. & PRINTING INC 1N44569 INCIDENT SAFETY OFFICER O6IOU2011 I 424.33 010752 Cheque Amount - 424.33 000068 ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES PSff)0237 BROADCAST EMAIL 07t2012011 I 406.80 010753 ChequeAmount- 406.80 000069 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD 5429 TRAFFIC CONTROLTRAINING 0711212011 I 169.50 0107u Cheque Arnount - 169.50 OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS canada day ads CAMDA DAY ADS 0612912011 I 47.46 010755 Cheque Amount - 47.46 OOOOSI AYLMERTIRE 00@078026 REPAIR L.AWN TIRE OOOO9I BARRYR.CARD 2'I2O1U7 LEGAL SERVICES 0711112011 I 21.02 0107s6 o7lul201'l I 652.58 0'l.0757 ChequeAmount- 652.58 001859 BERTHABREEN reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNT 0711412011 I 216.00 010758 Cheque Amount - 2'16.00 001061 BoBLozoN canada day supplies REIMBURSE FOR SUPPLIES 06/30/2011 I 276.06 010759 Cheque Amount - 276,06 OOO123 BONNIE BRADFIELD canada day supplies REIMBURSE FOR SUPPLIES 0612712011 I 6.22 010760 Cheque Amount - 6.22 OOO14I CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE Cheque Amount - 2'1.02 0610912011 I 385.48 010761 061101201'l I 339.00 010761 061101201't I 50.85 010761 0712112011 1:09PM 10415 10422 't0426 SPRING, TIE BOLT ALTERNATOR CLEAR LIGHT Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 71 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 10428 10442 10462 10569 OOOI54 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 3217 32il 328/. 000167 CARSWELL 4749181 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 121 12011 0712112011 l:09PM LOF LOF LOF, TRANS SERMCE HUB WATER BOTTLES WATER BOTTLES WATER BOTTLES 06t13t201',t I 44.01 01076'l 0É,t14t201',t I 74.53 010761 061171201',1 I 220.75 010761 0613012011 I 376.62 010761 Cheque Amount - 1,491.24 07112t2011 I 16.00 010762 o7t't512011 I 60.00 010762 0711912011 r 32.00 010762 ChequeAmount- 108.00 000156 CAI{ADßN PIPE & PUMP SUPPLY LTD f42go67 CARTRIDGES, FILTERS 0612412011 I 1,101.07 010763 T429235 CARTRIDGES 07111'12011 I 884.80 010763 Cheque Amount - 1,985.87 OOI7O9 CARROLL PUBLISHING INC. 7537 AD- EXPERIENCE ELGIN 0712012011 I 335.60 010764. ChequeAmount- 335.60 POCKET OH&S ACT & REGS 0710612011 I 227.16 010765 Cheque Amount -227.'t6 00017t cBsc cAPtrAL rNc 3863815 COPIER RENTAL 07t11t2011 r 1,294.98 010766 Cheque Amount - 1,294.98 000175 CEDARSTGNS 21586 SIGNS 0710812011 r 131.16 010767 ChequeAmount- 131.16 OOO177 CHARLESBUCHANAN supplies REIMBURSE CANADA DAY SUPPLI 0613012011 I 18.08 010768 Cheque Amount - 18.08 OO1O95 COUNTRY 107 3 FM/EASY IO1 FM 224 WEATHER 1/2 HOUR 0613012011 I 237.30 010769 Cheque Amount - 237.30 OOO212 COUNTY OF ELGIN tNoooo3l7l2 poLtcE sERVtcEs JULYI l 0710712011 I 62,987.U 010770 levy'11 2ND QURTR LEVY - DIFFERENCE 0711312011 I 49,175.00 010770 Cheque Amount - 112,'162.84 001432 CULLIGAN G1 13335051 5 UNIT RENTAL - S.C.C.07t0112011 I 29.32 010771 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 72 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 MUNIC¡PALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0712112011 Cheque Amount - 0613012011 I Cheque Amount - 06t301201'l I 0212112011 l:09PM 010772 000218 cuPE LOCAL3S June'11 remit UNION DUES SI.AB CAKES. CANADA DAY INSTALL DISHWASHER INSTALL WATER SOFTENER BROCHURES LUNCH FOR JTAG TRAINING LUNCH FORJTAGTRAINING BRASS PI.ATE ENGRAVEDTAGS JTAG RECRUITTRAINING REG GAS DYE DIESEL ROAD DIESEL ESSO ¡,1/L DIESEL DYED REG GAS DYE DIESEL REG tUL DYE DiESEL DYE DIESEL REG GAS 29.32 377.00 OO'17'14 DANIELLE & RYAN MURRAY I 1-9683 1 1-9684 OOO245 DAYTRIPPING 6285 001863 DENNIS FRIESEN JTAG taining lunctr for JTAG OOO255 DEREHAM FORGE 31543 31605 001874 DOUGPARK JTAG haining 001690 DOVVLER-KARN 144163 1M1il 14416s 24947 24948 362791 362792 362873 362874 363004 363005 377.00 60.00 0'107730688 001866 DARLINGTON WRING & PLUMBING Cheque Amount -60.00 2,314.66 010774 1,809.81 010774 o5t2612011. 05t2612011 Gheque Amount - 07t0612011 4,'t24.47 678.00 010775 Cheque Amount -678.00 144.08 010776 150.86 010776 07t18t2011 07t18t2011 Cheque Amount -294.94 39.63 010777 307.36 010777 æt1512011 07t11t2011 Gheque Amount - 0711212011 I 346.99 500.00 010778 Cheque Amount -500.00 1,450.31 010779 1,115.83 0',10779 896.47 010779 773-45 010779 541.38 010779 1,248.82 0',10779 793.83 010779 983.19 010779 1,130.31 01C779 1,386.89 010779 1,731.97 010779 æt01t2011 06t0112011 06lo'112011 0613012011 06t3012011 0610712011 0610712011 0611412011 06t14t20't1 0612412011 o6t24t2011 Cheque Amount -12,052.45 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 73 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 000001 DPoc 026 postage POSTAGE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 121 120'11 07l2'll2Ù1l 1:09PM 001868 DYI-AN 7A\AÍZ payroll PAYROLL 0711812011 I 3,390.00 010780 Cheque Amount - 3,390.00 o7t20t2011 I 279.11 010781 114.70 Cheque Amount - 279.11 OO17O8 EASTLINK Jul8127 5224500119;5 INTERNET - OFFICE 0711112011 I 188.15 010782 Ju181275224500t5842 INTERNET-FIREHALL 0711112011 I 108.26 010782 JulS'12752245@17417 INTERNET-FIREHALL 07l11nÛr1 I 108.26 010782 Ju18127522450031459 INTERNET - EDISON MUSEUM O7l11l2Ù1'l I 108.26 010782 JulS'12752245ñ39965 INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM 0711112011 I 108.26 0'10782 Ju18127522450050103 INTERNET-GARAGE 0211112011 I 108.26 010782 July5l9866552l MONTHLYTELEPHONE O7lO1l2O11 I 1,309.91 010782 Ju1y5198744054 TELEPHONE - INTERP CENTRE 0710112011 I 69.91 010782 Cheque Amount - 2,109.27 OOO282 ED BRADFIELD driver physical DRIVER PHYSICAL o7to8t2011 I 75.00 010783 ChequeAmount- 75.00 OOO283 ED MATTHEWSCARPENTRY 292484 SHINGLE ROOF 0612712011 t 14',t.25 01078r'. 292485 BOARD UP REAR DOOR 0612712011 I 107.35 01078r'. 292487 REPA|RTO EAVES - MARTNE MUS 0710612011 I 581.95 010784 ChequeAmount- 830.55 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 000016246I MONTHLYRENTAL OOO316 EQUIPMENT CENTRE SIMCOE LTD o7t%t2011 I 114.70 010785 Cheque Amount - o7l't112011 I 338.77 010786 0711112011 I 254.25 010786 ChequeAmount- 593.02 OO187I ERIC BLANCHET JTAG training JTAG RECRUIT TRAINING 07na2or I 500.00 010787 ChequeAmount- 500.00 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 000013æ06 QUTCK DTSCONNECT, SEWER SAE 06t2412011 I 499.23 010788 T057288 ROLLER T057369 ASPHALT ROLLER 001288 FARMINGTON MECHANICAL INC. Cheque Amount -499.23 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 74 of 159 2011.05.27 7 .276s3 MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0712112011 061291201',l 061291201',| 0612912011 0712112011 1:09PM 007984 007985 007986 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS4583O GLOVES 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL W413207 ALUM SULFATE OO1616 GILLES THERRIEN BACKHOE SERVICE 0710712011 Cheque Amount - 06t14120',1'l I Cheque Amount - DRAIN REPAIRS, CATCH BASIN O7I15I2O'11 I Cheque Amount - LIVE FIRE TRAINING 0711812011 I Cheque Amount - JTAG RECRUITTRAINING 07t1u201'l Cheque Amount - REPAIR HEATING SYSTEM - E.C.C TANK INSPECTION EDEN SEWAGE PUMP CLEAN OUl 1,876.94 010789 254.25 010789 797.37 010789 Cheque Amount -2,928.56 52.88 010790 52.88 678.27 01079r 472 OO127O GORDROESCH live fire taining 001873 GORDONDAWLEY JTAG baining 001258 HENNESSY GIBSON HOGAN 54356 LEGALSERVICES 001877 HENRYTHIESSEN JTAG baining JTAG RECRUITTRAINING 678.27 5,141.10 010792 010793 5,1et.10 1,767.54 1,767.54 500.00 010794 0612u2011 5m.00 624.42 0't0795 Gheque Amount - 07ha20f 624.42 500.00 0'10796 @0/'27 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC JulyOO2,lG14793 UTILITIES - GAR/qGE July01181 - 23005 UTILITIES - INTERP CENTRE July0ô46G08880 Ju1y0657144066 July12650 - 91004 UTILITIES - PUMP#8 Julyl266G62007 Julyl5773€8016 July18850 - 12458 UTILITIES - PB LIBRARY July18971 -44027 UTILITIES'METERCHAIIBER July1897l -52001 UTILITIES - BOOSTER PUMP July25240-95021 UTILITIES - RICHMOND RD PUMP UTILITIES - STRAF LIBRARY UTILITIES. METER CHAMBER UTILITIES - MED BLDG UTILITIES - PUMP#s Cheque Amount -500.00 Æ2.63 0'10797 41.59 010797 343.93 010797 41.59 010797 158.31 0'10797 82.75 010797 420.40 010797 180.39 010797 42.09 010797 79.62 010797 294.32 010797 50.53 0'l.0797 07t1a20't1 07t06r2ú1 07t15t2011 07111120't1 07t0612011 07t14t201',l 07t't412011 0710612011 0710612011 07t0É,12011 0710612011 0710612011July25250 - 12302 UTILITIES - OPP OFFICE Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 75 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12112011 0711512011 07l0a2u'l 07l't11201'l 0710612011 07l1'112011 07106/20'11 07t06t20't1 071111201',l 07t06t201'l 07nlnü1 07t06t20't1 07lo8l20't'l 07114120't'l 07l'ts12011 0710612011 0711412011 071141201',l 07t06nú'l 07t06nofi 07t06t2011 0710612011 061211201'l 06/2lnol,l 0612'1120'11 06,t2112011 o6t2lno11 o6t21t2011 0É,121t2011 o6n1nu1 0712112011 1:09PM July2526GO9578 July28799 - 40004 Ju1y3275934009 July34853 - 01007 July35795-43000 July43850 - 12451 July50250 - 12458 July5037ù20077 July56450 - 12330 July6227ù20225 July62760 - 43000 July68850 - '12275 July68860{8015 July73394-81003 July75250 -12272 Ju1y8659G87008 July87BlGl5034 JulyÛ7T|O -2ñ12 July93850 - 12278 July93850 - 91019 July93970 - 20342 Jun 62396 - 22001 Jun2539) -072æ Jun25390 - 55002 Jun430l8 - 26008 Jun50221 - 05009 Jun62790 - 07266 Jun81590 - 07297 Jun87790 -07295 UTILITIES - OFFICE UTILITIES - PUMP#1 UTILITIES - MILTON &WATERLOO UTILITIES - BEACH WASHROOMS UTILITIES - PUMP#6 UTILITIES. PB CENTENNIAL PARK UTILITIES - MARINE MUSEUM UTILITIES - VIENNA LIBRARY UTILITIES . BOAT I-AUNCH UTILITIES. VIENNA,MEM PARK UTILITIES - E.C.C. UTILITIES. PB WORKS GARAGE UTILITIES. STRAF FIRE UTILITIES. PUMP#3 UTILITIES - PB LIGHTHOUSE UTILITIES. PUMP#2 urLrTrES - s.c.c. UTILITIES - EDISON MUSEUM UTILITIES. PB FIREHALL UTILITIES - PUMP#7 uTtLtTtEs -v.c.c. UTILITIES. STRAF STL UTILITIES. VIENNA STL UTILITIES - PB STL HWY 19 UTILITIES - EAST ST STL UTILÍTIES - TREATMENT Pl-At\¡T UTILÍTIES. RICHMOND STL UTILITIES - EDEN STL UTILITIES. CORINTH STL 489.34 010797 239.72 010797 11.87 010797 223.80 010797 572.29 010797 99.¡14 010797 123.1't O',l0797 43.45 0'10797 44.14 010797 't26.74 0',10797 87.75 010797 97.37 010797 2't7.90 0'10797 88.93 010797 72.31 010797 278.95 010797 't,261.36 010797 118.57 0'10797 163.99 010797 89.89 010797 360.05 010797 't,'t56.28 010797 634.36 010797 1,833.35 010797 20.93 010797 5,083.70 010797 205.90 010797 627.76 010797 269.53 010797 00.1867 INFORMATION NETWORK SYSTEMS 054483 MOISTENING BRUSH OOO444 J/E BEARING AND MACHINE LTD 276062 276189 Cheque Amount - 06130120't1 I 16,860.93 31.64 010798 OIL SEALS, CONES INSERT BEARING 276233 CONNECTORLINKS, OFFSETLINK Cheque Amount -3r.64 47.2't 010799 42.24 010799 11.35 010799 07l't1120't'l 0711512011 0711812011 001872 JAKEGIESBRECHT JTAG training JTAG RECRUITTRAINING Gheque Amount -100.80 500.00 01080007t1212011 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 76 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 001865 JANINEZYLSTRA cf¡ildrens' supplies OOIOO3 JARDINE LLOYD THOMPSON CANADA 449357 000466 J|MMTJONS 36534 36718 36729 001857 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0712112011 Gheque Amount - CHILDREN'S PROGRAM SUPPLIES O7I'I3I2O1'I I Cheque Amount - 0712112011 l:09PM 500.00 42.67 010801 42.67 5,051.16 010802INSURANCE07ffinu1 Cheque Amount - EDISONFEST UNIT RENTAL 06116120'I'I MONTHLY UNIT RENTAL O6I3ONü1 UNIT RENTAL. INTERP CENTRE 0613012011 Cheque Amount - I I I 5,051.16 u3.52 010803 976.32 010803 't 61.59 010803 0610805 0610878 6203/.35 620UU 001858 K&KLOCKSMITHS 55392 001862 IGREN SCHRAIU reimburse credit OOO51O KI-ASSEN AUTO PARTS V-BELT, WASHERS BELTS,I.AMPS, SERVICE STARTER MOTOR, SPRAY STARTER, QUICK LOCKS, PINS 06t14t20't1 061091201'l 06l23nof o6t241201',| I I I I 1,481.43 't,205.85 010804 1,608.78 010804 442.24 010804 359.02 0'10804 Cheque Amount - PADLOCKS, CYLINDERS ou2a2ú1 I Cheque Amount - CREDIT ON WATER ACCOUNT 0711412011 I Cheque Amount - 3,615.89 322.05 010805 322.05 14.81 010806 1-80871 140872 1-85130 1-86564 1€7565 149207 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC I 7003 17004 17005 I 7006 17019 ANTIFREEZE, OI L, SEALANT CLEANER olL TOWELS BATTERY V-BELT 0312412011 031241201'l 0511012011 0512512011 06/03/201 1 0612012011 14.81 43.35 010807 11.40 010807 128.96 010807 51.26 010807 146.79 0'10807 125.09 010807 STREETLIGHT. PORT BURWELL STREETLIGHT - MENNA STREETLIGHT - STRAFF STREETLIGHT - EDEN CHECK AIR CONDITIONER Cheque Amount -506.85 280.90 010808 242.81 010808 't63.78 010808 206.'16 010808 148.31 010808 0710512011 0710512011 0710512011 07l05l20'l'l 07to7t2011 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 77 of 159 201',t.05.27 7.27653 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 100751667 JULYIl REMIT 100751834 JULYll REMIT 68663 68664 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 121 12011 0712112011 1:09PM Cheque Amount - 1,041.96 06110120'11 I 5,536.89 010809 06rt0/2011 I 4,068.20 010809 Cheque Amount - 9,605.09 001861 MARGARETPETERS reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCOUNT 07114t2011 I 200.00 010810 ChequeAmount- 200.00 001864 MARION HOLMES retund REFUND SECURITY DEPOSIT 0711912011 I 1,500.00 010811 Cheque Amount - 1,500.00 001875 MATTHEWDEI-AERE JTAG baining JTAG RECRUIT TRAINING O7l12l20',l1 I 500.00 010812 Cheque Amount- 500.00 000609 MINISTER OF FINANCE í4354èJul-2011 DEBENTURE200241 0710612011 I 2,622.92 010813 Cheque Amount - 2,622.92 001281 MSO CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ET-27ù10-0894 MTCRO SURFACTNG TREATMENT O6l2A2U't I 88,984.83 010814 Cheque Amount - 88,984.83 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED 63780 CHECK OVEN - S.C.C, 001480 NEWRO SALES (2004) LTD o5t1712011 I ',107.35 010815 Cheque Amount -107.35 TRAVELTTME, I-ABOUR 061172011 I 565.00 0'10816 wRE FOR ABS PUMPS 06rt7/2011 I 816.63 010816 Cheque Amount - 1,381.63 0006s8 oMERS 04100 Jun'11 JUNE'11 REMIT 0613012011 I 12,'181.51 010817 o41ooo EMc123 INTEREST 07t1112011 I 10.58 010817 Cheque Amount - 12,192.09 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRA\ÆL LTD lNool17664 HL3 06t3012011 I 2,555.21 0108',18 lNo0l.l7693 GRAVEL 0613012011 I 1,195.21 010818 lNoo1177o8 HL3, SAND SEAL 0710412011 I 2,485.23 010818 1N00117748 HL3, SAND SEAL 0710512011 I 3,395.62 010818 1N00117781 SAND SEAL 0710612011 I 1,',135.65 010818 Page 8 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 78 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12112011 Cheque Amount - 10,766.92 001870 PAUL MCCORD 763644 pAtNT ÐOERTOR TR|M - EDTSON 0711112011 I 2,599.00 010819 Cheque Amount - 2,599.00 001129 PETERREDDECOPP JTAG ûaining JTAG RECRUITTRAINING O7nA2ú1 I 500'00 010820 deaning supplies TRUCK CLEANING SUPPLIES 0711812011 I 35.24 010820 Cheque Amount - 535.24 OOO7I6 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11624047 CYLINDERRENTALS 0612412011 I 25.39 010821 Cheque Amount - 25.39 001574 R-SAFEW RS146498 o\ÆRHEAD WIRES SIGNS 0711912011 I 280.46 010822 Cheque Amount -280.46 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Ju14516050000954101 INTEREST Jun 451 6050004037580 INTEREST Jun451 60500 O4ß52U INTEREST Jun451605fi)04485292 CDN TIRE - 2 KEYS CUT 0611412011 I 7.89 010823 May 451 6050004037598 OBOA 0n0747 REID'S PRE-CAST CEMENT PRODUCT 0513112011 I 628.28 010823 Cheque Amount -678.3'l 0710812011 I 31.73 010823 o6t27nof I 10.35 010823 06t27t2011 t 0.06 010823 06t21t2011 I 420.14 010824 06t2a20't't I 420j14 010824 0712112011 1:09PM 0262 0267 BIG'O", COUPLERS BIG'O'. COUPLERS Cheque Amount - 8/,0.28 000660 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT Jul006 6310304721018 UNIT RENTAL- E.C.C. OTnA2Of I 31.08 010825 Cheque Amount - 31.08 OOO752 RESQTECH SYSTEMS INC oooolo374 REPAIR LIGHT 0513112011 I 470.14 010826 Gheque Amount -470.14 001213 RICK VARRO insbucÍor LIVE FIRE TRAINING 07t18t2011 I 351.55 010827 Cheque Amount - 351.55 001487 RICK WEISLER JTAG baining JTAG RECRUIT TRAINING 0711212011 I 500.00 010828 Cheque Amount -500.00 Page I Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 79 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12112011 001563 RIGGS ENGINEERING LTD. l,t€93-2 MATNTENANCE DREDGTNG 0611012011 I 7,781.51 010829 Cheque Amount - 7,781.51 OOO77O RODGER MARTIN #5 May'1l MAY1 I K-9 CONTROL 0513112011 I 1,525.50 010830 lÉ6 June'l I JUNE'I 1 K-9 CONTROL æ13012011 I 1 ,299.50 010830 Cheque Amount - 2,825.00 001537 RON CAIRNS fire baining LIVE FIRE TRAINING o7l't8t201't I 212.50 010831 Cheque Amount - 212.50 OOO784 ROYAL GLÂSS & MIRROR 7t4s5 INSTALL SAFETY GIJ{SS - V.C.C. 0612512011 I 257.ú 010832 Cheque Amount - 257.U 001869 ROYAL LEPAGE R.E. WOOD REALTY 12 APPRAISAL REPORT FEE 071141201'l I 339.00 010833 Cheque Amount - 339.00 æ0806 SGS CANADA INC 105't4991 105',14992 10514993 '10514994 0712112011 1:09PM L.AB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES I.AB FEES æt2712011 I 366.12 010834 0612712011 I 911.91 010834 061271201',1 I 558.22 010834 0Æ,t2712011 I 73.45 010834 Cheque Amount - 1,909.70 OO12O5 SHRED-IT 006275110 PURGE FILES o7to8t2011 I 90.68 010835 ChequeAmount- 90.68 000841 STATE CHEMICAL LTD \o\t.)s D 0095143647 SUPPLIES 0711212011 I 233.91 010836 - dt^çriico_\... 95143647 HANDWPES OGtOgt2Oll I 233.91 010836 1tr,¡ro\cc Cheque Amount - 467.82 001876 STEVEALLEN JTAG faining JTAG RECRUIT TRAINING 0711212011 I 500.00 010837 Cheque Amount - 500'00 OOO849 STRAFFORDVILLE COMMUNITY F2011425 wAtvERREFUND-TALENTSHOW 07/04/2011 I 75.00 010838 Cheque Amount - 75.00 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION DM00189886 PUBLIC NOTICE - BUDGET 06t2412011 I 113.50 010839 DM00189894 HOLIDAY 0612712011 I 213.12 0í0839 Page 10 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 80 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 DM00189966 DM00189989 DM00189990 DM00190023 OO14I8 TELUS 01624249803/' VOL FIREFIGHTERS VOL FIREFIGHTERS CANADA DAY CANADADAY MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 121120'11 0712112011 1:09PM 0611512011 0612212011 0612212011 0612912011 't81.37 010839 í36.88 010839 103.06 010839 78.14 010839 Cheque Amount - PAPER FEE 07t05t2011 07to5t201'l 0710512011 07tosl2011 0710512011 07læ120110219't6315004 CELLPHONE- EROLOSON Cheque Amount - OOO893 TILLSONBURG COMMERCIAL PRINTER 31547 WASTE MANAGEMENT FLYERS 0613012011 I Cheque Amount - 001369 TILLSONBURG FIRE & 11-0013 114046 Cheque Amount - OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0612412011 01624249803412349014 MOBILE HIGH SPEED 0162424980U16366069 CELL PHONE - KNIFTON 0162424980U16780758 MOBILE HIGH SPEED 01624249æU167817 43 MOBILE HIGH SPEED 826.07 2.26 010840 41.75 010840 31.77 010840 41.75 010840 41.75 010840 24.86 010840 1U.14 288.15 010841 SCBA SERVICE AGREEMENT OA28I2O11 DISPATCH SERVICE 3RD QUARTE O7IO1I2O11 288.15 1,017.00 0108/.2 4,656.06 0108/.2 11{40 5,673.06 75.48 010843 OOO9I4 TOWNSHIP SOUTH-WEST OXFORD Cheque Amount -75.,18 103.47 010eÁ4 6.89 010u4 12.09 010844 2011-10915'119 2011-109-15120 2011-109-15121 36495'l 365010 CATFISH CREEK DRAIN CATFISH CREEK DRAIN CATFISH CREEKDRAIN AQUA NOZZLE TOILET PAPER Gheque Amount - 06t06t2011 I 07t1912011 0711912011 0711912011 I I I OOO93O TSCSTORESL.P. 't81010427 CHLORINE OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED Ju127321061969754 UTILITIES-E.C.C. Ju127321062430725 UTILITIES- PUMP#1 OOO953 VIENNAHOMECENTER LTD 't22.45 25.98 010845 Cheque Amount -25.98 25.60 010846 22.61 010846 0711812011 07na20'11 Cheque Amount -48.21 5.07 0108/.7 9.59 0'l08r'.7 06t01120'l'l 06t02120't1 Page 't1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 81 of 159 20't1.05.27 7.27653 365154 365155 36s158 365159 365369 365401 365579 365750 365rf5 365880 365902 366004 366021 366058 366254 36ô350 366392 MUN¡CIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12112011 GLOVES SPADE SHOVEL MARKING PAINT SPRAYPAINT SHOVELS, GEAR CL.AiJ|PS POSTS, PLWVOOD CONCRETE MIX STAIN SPRAYER MINIFLOODLIGHT KEYS CUT POSTS DEEP WOODS OFF SPRAY CONCRETE MIX RATTR/CPS PAINTTHINNER, SOAP, BRUSHES O6[28NOÍ I 0721nÙf 1:09PM TREMCI-AD PAINT ADAPTER, COPPER PIPE otræ12011 I 06t30f2011 I 0d06/2011 I æt0612011 | 06/06/2011 I 06/0d20ll I 0d09/2011 I 06110f20'11 I 061141201't I 06117120't'l I 0611712011 I o6f2012011 I 06120f2011 I 061?2nü1 I æ12212011 I 06n312011 I 12.42 0108/.7 14.68 010u7 15.80 01A8/.7 7.90 010u7 38.82 0'10u7 79.33 010847 46.27 010847 36.79 010e47 3.94 010847 8.99 010847 2.47 010847 12.98 010847 9.û2 010847 6.76 01û8r'.7 47.98 010847 14.68 0108r'.7 24.æ 010847 æ0909 V'VESTBURNE RUDDY Oî.ITARIO 4257308 FUSES æ1243 WESTERN ONTARIO WATERWORIG 000986 WORKPI.ACE SAFETY A INSURANCE '1625314June11 JUNE'ílREM|T ChequeAmount- 20ll A¡\¡NUAL MEMBERSHIP O7l07l20'l'l I ChequeA¡nount- oôßono11 I Cheque Amount- æ1131201',1 I 397.58 72.70 0108,{8 010850 01084925.00 Gheque Arnount -3,518.59 Cheque Run Total -3/,9,20/'.47 Page 12 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 82 of 159 0007¿{¡l RBc ROYAL BANK i,tay4tl6 05000,10375'80 INTÉRESI i,tay45 f 60500@148 6284|NTEREST MUNICI PALIW OF BAYHA¡',| Accounts Payable Royal Bank Gheque Reglster - OTn1n011 O7E1nü1 3:f2PM Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 83 of 159 2011.05.27 727653 OOO841 STATECHEMICALLTD s5143U7 HAl.lD WIPES MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - OTnlnUl 06/0912011 I ChequeAmount- Cheque Run Tobl - 07121120'11 233.91 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 84 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12112011 OOO795 SANDRAMAERTENS mileage MILEAGE - ICOMPASS TRAINING 0710U2011 I Gheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - O7n12:011 3:42PM 36.00 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 85 of 159 001647 1255475 oNTARIO LTD 6$519 BÂTTERIES 691348 BATTERTES MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Accounts Pa¡rable Royal Bank Cheque Reglster - 07 nl nú1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 86 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12812011 0712812011 12:34PM OOOO23 AAROCAGGREGATES LTD JO66O72 CRUSHEDSTONE 06t30t2011 I 729.ù4 010855 Cheque Amount - 729.il OOOO75 AYLMEREXPRESS 0000162316 v\rEEDS, BUDGET, ZONTNG, BrDS 0613012011 I 779.02 010856 Cheque Amount - 779.02 OOOO78 AYLMERGARDENCENTRE HAI.¡GING BASKETS 0É,t30t2011 I 589.86 010857 Cheque Amount - 589.86 OOO14O CADMAN POWER EQUIPMENT 49175 EYEBOLT. DTAPHRAGM O72A20ll I 92.43 010858 Cheque Amount - 92.43 OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERMCE 10387 LOF, BRAKES 0610712011 I 851.29 010859 Cheque Amount - 851.29 000154 CAt'lADlAN KOOL WATER 3342 WATER BOTTLES 07126120'11 I ¿18.00 010860 Cheque Amount -48.00 000160 CANON CANADA INC. 6750824 COPYCHARGE 07t2012011 r 46.83 010861 Cheque Amount - 46.83 BRACKETS, SIGNS 07/2z20fi I 1,463.68 010862 Cheque Amount - 1,463.68 OOO25O DEL-BAC SALES LIMITED 220835 D|SH DETERGENT, RTNSE AtD 0610112011 I 230.6'1 010863 ChequeAmount- 230.61 OOO272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC f-12366{ COUPLERS 0712712011 I 104.86 010864 Cheque Amount - 104.86 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA oNTrs45988 CLEARGLASSES, PLUGS 07hA20Í I 47.86 010865 oNTts46026 HARD HATS 0711312011 I 74.35 010865 Cheque Amount - 122.21 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518717798 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 0711912011 I 211.93 0'10866 346 OOO175 CEDAR SIGNS 21720 Cheque Amount - 211.93 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 87 of 159 2011.05.27 7.27653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12812011 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Ju1y5399993004 UTILITIES - PUMP#4 000¿146 JACKIE RINGLAND Julyl$Aug15/11 MANAGER FEES 07t1812011 I 56.22 010867 Cheque Amount - 56.22 07t2812011 I 791.66 010868 Cheque Amount - 791.66 OOO5O5 KEYSTONE COMPUTERRESOURCES 201'looo71 WATER METER lD UPDATE O7n6nü1 I 200.00 010869 ChequeAmount- 200.00 OOO518 I(WK KOPY PRINTING 25760 BUSINESS CARDS - KYLE, GORD 0712612011 t 136.44 0'10870 Cheque Amount -136.44 @0572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 1007A4914 AUGUSTII REMIT IOO755O23 AUGUSTII REMIT 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM May - Jul petty PETTY CASH 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED JulyE'14212-01 UTILITIES - MED BLDG JulyE22380 - 0l UTILITIES - PUMP#S JulyE24200 -01 UTILITIES - S.C.C. JulyE45407 - 01 UTILITIES - OFFICE JulyE45409 - 01 UTILITIES - PUMP#2 JulyE45410 - 0l UTILITIES - LIBRARY JulyE51600 - 0l UTILITIES - GAR/{GE Cheque Amount - 9,605.09 o7t27t2011 I 102.24 010872 Cheque Amount - Cheque Amount - 241.86 001129 PETERREDDECOPP milease BURLINGTON TRAINING O7l22l2O'11 I 135'00 010874 Cheque Amount - 135.00 OOO727 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD 413161132 coURlER SERVICE 0711512011 I 50.06 010875 Cheque Amount - 50.06 001532 RELISH ELGIN TM-6 DISCO\ÆR BAYHAM AD 0711912011 I 282.50 010876 07108120'11 I 5,536.89 010871 o7to8l201't I 4,068.20 010871 102.24 07/2112ú1 r 19.68 010873 0712112011 I 23.32 010873 07t21t2011 I 87.28 010873 0712112011 I 44.86 010873 o7t21t2011 I 20.87 0'10873 07t21t201',t I 19.68 010873 o7t21t2011 I 26.17 010873 0712812011 12:34PM 001213 RICK VARRO Cheque Amount -282.50 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 88 of 159 20'11 .05.27 7 .2 7653 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 12812011 BATTERIES FOR SCBA PACKS 07/2,/20fi Cheque Amount - BURLINGTON TRAINING 0712212011 I Cheque Amount - DEFOAMER 07lMl2011 Cheque Amount - 0712812011 12:34PM 50.68 010877 50.68 135.00 0'10878 135.00 1,6't3.75 010879 1,6r 3.75 95.99 010880 2,958.39 010880 3,0t4.38 1.092.71 010881 1,092.71 230.00 010882 230.00 981.97 010883 scba packs OO14TI7 RICK WEISLER mileage 001878 STLCHEM tNC 1N34963 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000626692 ANSWERING SERVICE 0000627075 RADIOS 001434 STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. 07115120',t1 0712012011 Cheque Amount - 581932 RTCHMOND COMMUNTWWATER O7t1A2ú1 I Cheque Amount - OO1O54 STRAFFORDMLLE FIREMAN'S ASSOCIATION hall refund HALL REFUND 07121120't1 Cheque Amount - OO1109 STRINGER BRISBIN HUMPHREY 140407 LEGAL SERVICES 07115120't1 r Cheque Amount - 001418 TELUS 015894762036 0't5894762036' 0'15894762036" DOLI.AR POOL SAMNGS PAPER FEE OTHER CHARGES 981.97 -148.36 010884 2.27 010884 28.16 010884 239.20 010884 41.75 010884 41.87 010884 49.66 010884 44.86 0108&t 44.86 010884 44.86 010884 433.56 010884 237.87 010884 5'l .30 010884 M.86 010884 01s894162036t2005876 CELL PHONE - G ROESCH 01 5894762036/61 71 1 56 CELL PHONE - G LEMAY 015894762036/6171294 CELL PHONE - C JOHNSTON 015894762036/6197656 CELL PHONE - A SWANCE 0I5894762036/6365709 CELL PHONE - PB FIRE DEPT 015894762036/6365787 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT I 015894762036/6366178 CELL PHONE - STRAFF FIRE DEP1 015894762036/6366,198 CELL PHONE - E BRADFIELD 015894762036/6366368 CELL PHONE - E ROLOSON 015894762036/6359464 CELL PHONE - K KRUGER 0r5894762036t9021249 CELL PHONE - ROADS DEPT 2 06t27t201',! 06t27t20't1 o6t27t2011 06t27t2011 06t27t2011 0612712011 06t27t2011 0612712011 0612712011 0612712011 0612712011 06t27t2011 06t2712011 0612712011 c I I I I I I I I I I I I I OOO93O TSC STORES L.P. Cheque Amount -1,156.72 Page Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 89 of 159 2011.t5.27 7.276s3 000969 WESTBURNE RUDDY ONTARIO ¡1.Í132050 ExtT LTGHTS OOO99O ZAT,.S TREE Æ.¡D ].AWN SERV¡CE 0@01744 @00't74tt MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 07 l2A2U 1 Cheque Amount- o7n8nu1 I 0712812011 010886 Cheque Amount - TREE REMOVAL ON COUNTY ROA O7119f2011 TREE REMOVAL S.C.C. & BALLPAf 07119f2011 Cheque Amount - Cheque Run Total - 33.34 6,537.05 æ7.25 010887 010887 32,203.37 Il Cheque Register being Cheque #10750 to Cheque #10887 inclusive, except Cheques #10724, #10739, #10449, #10602 Page 90 of 159 EORII IIUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAII TOT PACKETS - 2 CURRENT FEDL TAX 9, 186,86 NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT L,975.28 qPIP CAN PEN 4,4L6.04 QC PENqC HSF ON EHT I,136.45 }IB HET NL HAPSET TOT STATS L6,7L4.63 CHEQUES DEPoSITS 42,936.45 US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY 42,936.45 RRSP RTI ADP CANADA PAYROLL TECHNOLOGIES DAILY UPDATE REPORTCOl{PANY TOTALS ADJUST- CR CURRENT TOTAL 9,I86.86 L,9A7.66 4,4L6.04 L,L42.27 16,752.83 42,936.45 42,936.45 59,669.28 137.18 r7.85 59 ,824.29 SERVICE CHARGES RUN: JUL 26 zOlL N0: G PAGE: 458 HST REG: I000574I5 RTO004 COHPANY PAGE: 3 DEBIT DATE: JUL 27, 2OtI DATE OF PAY: JUL 29, ZO1I TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT 59,65I . 08 r57.I8 17.85 59,806.09 ADJUST. DR 12.58 5.E2 I8.20 I8.20 18-20 YTD TOTAL L44,959 .26 3I,56I.50 7L,644.46 L6,39O.64 264,555.86 40 )372.LO 625,472.L9 665,a44.29 930,400.15 2,678.50 548.18 935,426.83 UNITS I FEDL TAX NR TAX PROV TAX EI CONT QPIP CAN PEN QC PEN QC HSF ON EHT }IB I{ET NL HAPSET TOT STATS CHEQUES DEPOS ITS US DEPS DED DEPS TOT NPAY RRSP RTI TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG GST HST GRAND TOT CHARGE 49.5L CHARGE 51.00 4,97 ANALYSIS OF I TEI{ HOURLY [doRKPAYS COURIER FEE I57. I8 UNIIS l9 I YTD ADJUST CHARGE ITEII 32.30 PAYROLL RUNS L2.40 ITE}I UNITS SALARIED WORKPAYS 20 PAY ADVICE FOLD 59 TOTAL S./C SUBJECT TO HST IS TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS 59,824.29 DEBIT INFORI{ATION: 003 05102 1OII925 C h e q u e R e g i s t e r b e i n g C h e q u e # 1 0 7 5 0 t o C h e q u e # 1 0 8 8 7 i n c l u s i v e , e x c e p t C h e q u e s # 1 0 7 2 4 , # 1 0 7 3 9 , # 1 0 4 4 9 , # 1 0 6 0 2 P a g e 9 1 o f 1 5 9 Page 92 of 159 .) t Rof INTER DEPARTMENT MEMO To: Mr. Kyle Kruger C.A.O. From: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public Works Re: Beach Concern/lssues Sir: Herein are the costing for the changes which may be instituted in the remainder of the summer regarding the beach concerns: Garbage lnformation: Students/FullTime employees shall remove the garbage and open the change rooms throughout the week due to the high volume of traffic on the beach recently. We will continue to rake the beach on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. An employee will come in on the weekend to clear the garbage and open the change rooms and also come in around 9:00 p.m. to ensure the change room is locked up. This shall continue on long weekends as well. Garbage shall be collected in front of the contractors booth on the beach on a daily basis. Cost S ggz.so Change Rooms: The change rooms require a new roof in the not too distant future. To place an electrical system in the change rooms and then fix the roof I believe would be more expense than we need and we could use the natural light from the sun to provide the ability for people to change cost s t,ooo.oo Memorandum regarding "Beach Concern / Issues". File: R05 Page 93 of 159 Designated Swimming Areas: The swimming area can be designated by signs as approved by Council on July 21. We willalace a buoy and an anchor along with the sign to designate the coordinated off swimming area. Cost S 6OO.OO Washrooms: To eliminate the concerns with people placing paper towels down the toilets we have received several quotes on hand dryers . Cost (Each hand dryer) S ZSO to S 1200 Trust this information is of some assistance. Gerry LeMay Memorandum regarding "Beach Concern / Issues". File: R05 Page 94 of 159 CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF'REPORT TO: Mayo¡ & Members of Council FROM: Denis Duguay Treasurer SUBJECT: Photocopier Lease Arrangements DATE: August 04,2011 FILE: F NUMBERz F2011-12 PurDose To present to Council potential lease arrangements for photocopier equipment. Backsround The Municipality currently leases its office photocopier from Canon Business Solutions. The lease term (60 months) expires atthe end of July 2011. The current equipment serves as the copier fax and printer for the municipal office (small copiers are located at the museums for their use. In anticipation of this expiry, Canon has approached the Municipality regarding potential new equipment arrangements. After review of equipments needs, options, and available lease arrangements, Canon has presented a potential arrangement for consideration. To ensure that some comparison pricing is available, staff approached Protek to provide a confidential quotation on similar equipment. A summary of the costs are attached to this report. Staff Comments The current equipment has in the opinion of staff been sufficient over the past years. Canon has been very dependable in service and product, as for Protek it's an up and coming company that specializes in all fields of IT and equipment. Protek offers two new machines Konica Minolta as for Canon one new machine and the retention of one of the current machines on lease. In regard to costs, as shown on the attached schedule, both companies have quotations for colour equipment that are in fact at a lesser rate than the current lease rate. It is suggested that the Municipality take advantage of the lower rate as soon as possible. Staff Report F2011-12 regarding "Photocopier Lease Arrangements". Page 95 of 159 Summary - Equipment and Lease Options July 13,2011 Current Lease Canon ImageRunner 2800 & Canon ImageRunner 3380i Quaterly Lease Rate: $1,146.00 for 60 month term Service Agreement (toner, included) : $0.02661 per Black copy and 0.02536 on the 3380i Average Monthly Cost: $785.64 Proposals * The Canon proposal includes the new equipment and retention of the existing copier over the new lease term. Pricing shown here contemplates the equipment (model 5035) with colour availability on both machines. Canon*Konica Minolta (Protek) Quarterly Lease Rate - 48 Months $1,163.34 s1,161.78 ServiceAgreement-B&tW Machine# I $0.012 s0.0130 Service Agreement - Colour Machine# I $0.074s $0.080 ServiceAgreement-B&W Machine# 2 $0.02s36 0.0098 Service Agreement - Colour Machine# 2 $0.l2ss N/A CopySpeed-B&W 35 cpm 42 cpm Copy Speed - Colour 35 cpm 22 cpm Estimated Quarterly Cost B&W (2'7,923) $s88.68 $403.6s Estimated Quarterly Cost Colour (1,776) $132.31 $142.08 Estimated Monthly Cost - 48 Months $601.11 $569. l 7 Staff Report F2011-12 regarding "Photocopier Lease Arrangements". Page 96 of 159 * The Protek proposal includes two(2) new machines from Konica Minolta the model Bizhub C220 has colour capacity and the Bizhub 423 is only Black both can handle 1 1 X l7 printing. The proposal included a wide range of different equipment options. Recommended Lease Arangement: Protek at 48 month term This is on the basis that the Protek's proposal for two new machines. Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Recommendation: That the Municipality proceed with lease arrangements for copier equipment with Protek based on the savings as outlined in Report F20ll-12 Respectfully submitted,Reviewed by, Denis Duguay Kyle Kruger, CMO Staff Report F2011-12 regarding "Photocopier Lease Arrangements". Page 97 of 159 Page 98 of 159 lCORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Sand Plains Fund Grant DATE: Iuly26,20ll FILE: L Ò+ NUMBER: F2011-13 Purpose To advise Council of the approved Sand Plains Grant application and recommend execution of the required agreement. Background Staff proceeded with full application to the Sand Plains Community Development Fund in early May 2011, for grant assistance for various planning studies related to Project Ojibwa. Staff Comments Staff have now received confirmation from Sand Plains that the application has been successful. A maximum contribution of $14,450 has been approved, based on 85% of the total project estimate of $17,000. Sand Plains requires the completion of a Contribution Agreement to access funding. Staff have reviewed the agreement and have not identified any notable concerns. Also, of note, a maximum of 85Yo of the project may be funded from government funding. At this time, the Elgin Military Museum has been approached to fund the remaining l5Yo. Options 1. Proceed with the Contribution Agreement with Sand Plains Community Development Fund 2. Withdraw funding application Attachments 1. Draft By-law No. 201 l-067 , being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc., Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Recommendation THAT draft By-law No. 201 I-067, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc., be presented to Council for enactment. Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 99 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF' BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-067 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AII AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM ANI) THE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF COMMT'NITY F'UTURES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS INC. REGARDING THE SAND PLAINS COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT FTJND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has determined to proceed with the Project Ojibwa Planning Project; AND \ilHEREAS; the Onta¡io Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc. has offered to fund eligible costs not to exceed $14,450 for the purposes of the Project under it's Community Development Fund; AI\D WHEREAS the Parties wish to proceed with the required Contribution Agreement; TIIEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF'THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipalþ of Bayham and the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4Ih DAY oF AUGUST,2011. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 100 of 159 nñ t"*NÐ,I.m\X*s" SAND PLAINS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND NON REPAYABLE CONTRIBUTION AGREEM ENT Project Name: Ojibwa Planning Project Project Number: 84-P001 BET\¡VEEN: The Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations lnc., a non profit corporation (hereinafter referred to'OACFDC) OF THE FIRST PART -and- Municipality of Bayham c/o Kyle Kruger 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") OF THE SECOND PART \^/Ï-IEREAS Her Majesty the Queen, in Right of Ganada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food ("Canada") has established the Community Development Fund (the "Program') to assist our ruralcommunities to build a strong, diversified economy; AND WHEREAS Canada has provided funds for the Program; AND \ /I-IEREAS one element of the Program is the Community Development Support Component, which provides for non-repayable contributions to not-for-profit projects designed to explore and develop new and sustainable community and regionaldevelopment opportunities; Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 101 of 159 AND \ /l-IEREAS the Recipient has proposed a project (the "Project) for funding, as described in its Contribution Application in accordance with the Community Development Support component of the Program. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WTNESSES THAT, in consideration of thc MUTUAI covenants contained herein, the parties agree wíth each other as follows: 1. OACFDC offers to fund Eligible Costs (as defìned below) in an aggregate amount not to exceed the sum of $14,450 (the 'Contribution") to the Recipient for the purposes of the Project, upon the following terms and conditions. (a) This Agreement comes into force on the date that the duplicate copy of this Agreement, unconditionally accepted by the duly authorized representatives of the RecipÍent is received by OACFDC (the "Date of Acceptance'). (b) 'Eligible Costs" shall mean the reasonable and proper direct costs (as set out in Schedule 1) which are incurred and paid by the Recipient in carrying out the Project activities described in Schedule 1 within the Funding Period (as hereinafter defined). Eligible Costs shall not include any costs that the Recipient has incurred or agreed to incur prior to the receipt by OAGFDC of the Full Application. The FullApplication was received on: May 5,2011. (c) The Recipient agrees that Contribution payments are conditional on the Recipient achievíng the Project milestones set forth in Schedule 1. OACFDC shall have sole authority to determine if the Recipient has met its obligations pursuant to this Agreement, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, has met the milestones. (d) The Recipient, by signing this non repayable contribution agreement agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions herein, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, those matters outlined in Schedule 1. (e) The Project will commence on the date the agreement is signed and be completed on or before the estimated completion date as set forth on Schedule 1 (the 'Funding Period'). All projects must be completed in their entirety by March 31,2012 - no exceptions. (0 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the date of acceptance until two (2) years following the end of the Funding Period (the "Period of the Agreement"). (g) The Recipient shall maintaín ownership of all assets funded through the Program for a minimum period of 3 years following the end of the Funding Period. 2. Amendments (a) The Recipient shall inform OACFDC immediately in the event of any alteratíon or amendment of any kind to the Project or change that will materially affect the objectives, activities or outcome of the Project, or that will affect the total cost of the Project. OACFDC may, in its discretion, in such event, refuse to provide further funding to the Recipient, or may amend the terms of Schedule 1 in view of Sand Plains Community Development Fund - Non-Repayable Contribution Agreement Page 2 Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 102 of 159 any such alteration or amendment, and the Recipient shall be bound by any change to Schedule 1 required by OACFDC. (b) The Recipient shall report to OACFDC any changes to the Project that may have the potentialto affect the Project or have the potentialto affect the milestones. (c) OACFDC shall provide, at its sole discretion, any written amendments to this Agreement for execution by the parties hereto. 3. Default (a) In the event that a Recipient fails to meet the milestones, any unspent Contribution money shall be reimbursed to OACFDC by the Recipient forthwith. (b) The Recipient shall inform OACFDC immediately if the Recipient is unable to meet any of the conditions or obligations of this Agreement for any reason. ln the event that the Recipient is unable, or fails, to meet any of the obligations or conditions of this Agreement, or if any information provided by the Recipient to OACFDC on the Contribution Application or at any other time proves to be inaccurate in any material way, OACFDC reserves the right to withdraw. the Contribution or any part of it immediately and to recover any portion of the Contribution advanced to the Recipient. 4. Terms of Payment (a) OACFDC shall pay the Contribution to the Recipient for Eligible Gosts incurred, on receipt of itemized claims, which claim shall be: (i) submitted at completion of a milestone; (ii) certified by an officer of the Recipient or another person satisfactory to OACFDC; and (i¡i) accompanied by a report of Project work completed to date, details of all costs in respect of which payment is claimed, and such substantiating documentation as may be required by OACFDC. (b) OACFDC shall reserve the right to withhold up to a maximum of 10o/o of the total Contribution. This amount will be payable upon the submission of all reporting requirements to the satisfaction of OACFDC. (c) The Recipient, at any time or times, shall repay to OACFDC, within thirty days from receíving a written request to do so, any amount by which the portion of the Contribution advanced exceeds the Eligible Costs. OACFDC may modiff subsequent advances. (d) lf the Recipient receives any funding from any other source for any Eligible Costs, OACFDC may, in its discretion, reduce the amount of the Contribution by all or any portion of the funding received by the Recipient. (e) Milestone payments will be based on this Agreement and Schedule 1. Sand Plains Community Development Fund - Non-Repayable Contribution Agreement Page 3 Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 103 of 159 Reporting (a) During the Funding Period, the Recipient shall provide OACFDC such financial statements and progress reports as OACFDG may request. (b) The Recipient shall comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations or guidelines with respect to environmental matters. (c) The Recipient(s) agrees to provide to OACFDC at least th¡rty (30) days prior notice of any intention to publish any public announcement, report, study or communication pertaining to the Project. The Recipient(s) acknowledges that it shall (upon the request of OACFDC and confirmation by OACFDC that the Government of Canada will pay the cost of translation) translate any public announcement, report, study or communication of or by the Recipient(s) into English and/or French, and further acknowledges that any such translated announcement etc. by the Recipient(s) pertaining to the Project shall conform to the language policies and directions of the Treasury Board of Canada, and that any public announcement etc. by the Recipient(s) so translated shall be released simultaneously in English and French. (d) The Recipient acknowledges that all information pertaining to the Contribution described herein (including without limitation all records, information, data bases, audit and evaluation reports) shall be made available at any time by OACFDC or the Recipient to the Government of Canada, its employees and agents, and the Recipient agrees to provide representatives of the Government of Canada access to the Recipient's premises and documents for the purposes of monitoring the Recipient's compliance with the terms of the Contribution and with the rules and regulations of the Sand Plains Community Development Fund. The Recipient further acknowledges that OACFDC shall have the right to perform periodic audits of the Recipient's compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement and that OACFDC may provide copies of any audit report or any financial, progress or other report under that agreement to the Government of Canada. (e) The Recipient shall acknowledge that the Government of Canada was the source of funding for the Contribution described in this agreement in any communication by the Recipient to the public pertaining to the Project. (f) The Recipient shall keep all records, information, data bases, audit and evaluation reports, and all other documentation relating to the Project for a period of six (6) years from the end of the term of the Contribution. (g) The Recipient shall provide to OACFDC a final Project report, in a form satisfactory to the OACFDC in scope and detail, within thirty days of the end of the Funding Period. (h) The Recipient shall assist OACFDC in completing any evaluation of the oulcomes and impacts that result from the Project. Sand Plains Community Development Fund - Non-Repayable Contribut¡on Agreement Page 4 Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 104 of 159 6. Public Announcements and Communications (a) The Recipient shall collaborate with OACFDC to arrange publicity regarding the Contribution and agrees to recognize the Contribution in the manner that OACFDC reasonably directs. (b) The Recipient, by signing this Agreement authorizes OACFDC to release the name of the Recipient's company/organization, the Contribution Amount and a brief outline of the Project to the media at any time. The Recipient also agrees to have theír Project name, the Contribution Amount and a brief outline of their Project made available to the public in a fìnal report. 7. lndemnification The Recipient hereby agrees to indemniff and hold harmless OACFDC and the Government of Canada from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and expenses, causes of action, actions, claims, demands, law suits or other proceedings (collectively 'claims") by whomever made, sustained, brought or prosecuted in any way based upon, occasioned by or attributable to anything done or omitted to be done by the Recipient or its respective directors, officers, agents, employees or contractors in connection with the Project. Notice Any notice or communication required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, by courier or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid with return receipt requested, or sent by facsimile addressed to the other par$ at the address provided below or at such other address as either party shall later designate to the other in writing. All official notices or communications shall be addressed to allthree parties as follows: John Klunder, Program Coordinator Sand Plains Community Development Fund Town Centre Mall, Suite 2034, 200 Broadway Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G-547 Fax: 51 9-842-9431 Kyle Kruger, Administrator Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 Fax: 519-866-3884 Diana Jedig, Executive Director OACFDC 300 South Edgeware Road St. Thomas, Ontario, NsP 4L1 Att: Diana Jedig, Executive Director Fax: 519-633-3653 This letter of agreement is open for acceptance for fifteen (15) days from this date, July 25, 2011, after which it becomes null and void. Sand Plains Community Development Fund - Non-Repayable Contribution Agreement Page 5 Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 105 of 159 lltJillelPAlfiY OF BAYHAll,l Per: I have authonþ to bind the corporation ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF COIIMUNITY FUTURES ÞEVELOPMEITT CORPORANOIIS TNC; Per: Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 106 of 159 ;iÑ:,*xP,,Hi*"1,Ð,;, Non-Repayable Contribution Agreement Community Development Support Schedule I Prolect Name: Ojibwa Planning Project Project Number: 84-P001 Gompany Name: Municlpality of Bayham Contact Person: Kyle Kruger Mailing Address: 9344 Plank Road, P.O. Box 160, Straffordvllle, Ontario, NOJ lYO lnltial of the Applicant: Date: Payment Terms and Gonditions Payment of the total Sand Plains Contribution w¡ll be made in milestone payments. Reimbursement will be on cond¡tion that copies of paid invoices along w¡th proof of payment are received by Sand Pla¡ns staff. Receipt of expenses and the detemination of eligible receipts are at the sole discrecion of the Sand Plains staff. The maximum contribution of this project by The Sand Plains Communi$ Developrnent Fund is: $ l,f,,l5() The Sand Pla¡ns Community Development Fund w¡ll prov¡de up to 85% of the total project costs. The total governmental contibutio (municipal, provincial and bderal) can not exceed 85% of the totalp poec't cost. The remainder (157o or higher) can include cash and/or in-kind contributions from nongovemment sources. PROJECT AOJUSTMENT DATE lS: August 31, 2011 Projed Adjustment date is the date that Sand Plains staff may re-allocate the approved amount based on actual project sænding up to that date. The approved amount may be reduced to reflect the reali$ of the timelines and budget forecasts. Schedule I Summary Item Applicant Contribution Sand Plains Gontribution Total Cost )lannino Studv s 750 s 4250 $5,000 Iraffc lmpact Study $600 $3 400 $4,000 iervicino Feasibilitv Study s 750 $4,250 $5,000 no and Eros¡on Studv s 450 $2,550 s 3.000 TOTALS 3 2.550 $11.450 s 17.000 Staff Report F2011-13 regarding "Sand Plains Fund Grant". File: L04 Page 107 of 159 Page 108 of 159 MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4,2011 TO: Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk RE: 2011 Volunteer Recognition Night NUMBER: C2011-10 The Vienna Community Cenhe has been booked for the evening of November 24ú for the annual Volunteer Recognition Night. Last year the event was held at the Bayham Community Centre. As in years past, nominations will be requested for a 20ll Citizen of the Year and Community Volunteer Awards and one (1) Youth Volunteer Award. The deadline for nominations will be Friday, November 4,2011. Notification will begin with the Summer Newsletter going out with the tax bills August 5ú to be followed later with newspaper notices and flyers. RECOMMENDATION THAT Staff Memorandum C2011-10 regarding the 2011 Volunteer Recognition Night be received for information. Respectfully yours, argaret Underhill Memorandum C2011-10 regarding "2011 Volunteer Recognition Night". Page 109 of 159 Page 110 of 159 lÒ TO: FROM: CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT Mayor & Members of Council Water/Wastewater Superintendent DATE: July27,20ll FILE: E01 NUMBERzE20II-04SUBJECT: Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham V/ater Distribution System Water Capacity Study PurDose This report is to bring forward information related to the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System (PBSS) and Bayham Water Distribution Systems Water Capacity Study as prepared by CJDL consulting engineers. Background The goals of the said study as noted in section #1.0 were set outto: (1) map the water distribution network and incorporate it into the Municipality's GIS database, (2) create a digital model of the system which accurately represents existing conditions, (3) identiff problem areas and recommend improvements, and (4) review capacity of the system for future expansion north along Plank Rd. to service Staffordsville and Eden. Staff Comments The contents of sections #2.0 - #5.0 of the study indicate that the four goals as set out were achieved. A summary of the existing system as noted in section #5.1 of the study indicates that the system has capacity to meet existing average day, maximum day, peak hour demands and fire flows until2024. The study further indicates that water reduction and water conservation measures put forth by Bayham, Malahide and Central Elgin have signihcantly extended the time for the PBSS system to reach capacity. A 2% growth rate applied to the three municipalities with no significant expansion of the water service area results in a need for increase water storage in 2024 and a projected maximum day demand being met in 2030. Several options for increased capacity are explained within section #5.1.1 including reducing restrictions through out the PBSS system and consideration of booster pumps along the same timeline, as increased storage is required. This upgrade would be required by 2020 if the communities of Straffordville and Eden were to be serviced along with the environmental assessment and engineering, further details on future system expansions can be found in section #5.2 of the study. Recommended improvements to the Bayham distribution system in future years include relocation of our existing booster pump, installation of a check valve with by-pass capability at the North St. chamber (Vienna) to fully utilize a completely looped system between Port Burwell and Vienna, and increasing the size of water main (approx. I32m in length) along Plank Rd. between Port Burwell and Vienna. Attachments 1. V/ater Capacity Study for the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System and Bayham Water Distribution System (excluding schedules - available at the Clerks Office) Stratesic Plan Goal Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well-maintained and secure infrastructure. Goal #5 2(B) &,7 - Develop a new and improved infrastructure network Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 111 of 159 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 112 of 159 PORT BURWELL SECONDARY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM BAYFIAM WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM \ryAÎER SYSTEM CAPACITY STUDY CYRIL J. DEMEYERE LIMITED CONSULTINC ENGINEERS TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO CJDL Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 113 of 159 TABLE OF CONTENTS I.O INTRODUCTION 2,0 EXISTING SYSTEM2.1 Overview Figure 2,1 System Overview 2.2 Existing Flows Charl 2.2 Existing Flows 3.0 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND SYSTEM MODELLING 3.1 Overview 3.2 Model Assumptions 3.3 Calibration of Existing Model Outp istribution System Modelling 3.4.1 nditions Figure No. 2 Pressure Contours - Average Day 3.4.2 Maximum Day - Existing Condition Figure No. 3 Pressure Contours - Maximum Day 3,4.3 Peak Hour - Existing Condition Figure No. 4 Pressure Contours - Peak Hour 3,4.4 Maximum Day + Fire Flows - Vienna - Existing Condition Figure No. 5 Pressure Contours - Maximum Day + Fire Flows 'Vienna 3.Ã.5 Maximum Day + Fire Flows - Port Burwell - Existlng Condition Figure No. 6 Pressure Contours - Maximum Day + Fire Flows - Port Burwell 3.4.6 Maxirnum Dav * Future Conditions Figure No. 7 Pressure Contours - Maximum Day + Future Flows (2020) to Port Burwell and Vienna 3,4,7 Maxirnum Day - Future Conditions with Straffordville and Eden Figure No' 8 Pressule contours 'Maximum Day + Future Flows to Straffordville and Eden 3.5 Summary of Observations 3.5,1 Average Day - Existing Conditions 3.5.2 Maximum Day - Existing Conditions 3.5.3 Peak Hour Conditions 3.5.4 Fire Flow Conditions 3.5.5 Maximum Day - Future Conditions (2020) 3.5.6 Future Scenarios - Extension olthe Water Supply to Straffordville & Eden Observations - Based on Modelling Using 2004-2006 Flow Data Observations - Based on 2009 and 2010 Flow Data 4,0 STORAGE CAPACITY 4.1 Water Storage Capacity Analysis 4.1.1 Total Requiied Storage - Based on 2004 to 2006 Flow Data 4.l.2Total Required Storage - Based on 2009 to 2010 Flow Data 4.2 Water Storage Capacity Observations 5.0 STJMMARY 5.1 Existing System 5.1.1 Options to Increase System Capacity 5.1.2 Rècommended Lnprovements to the Existing Distribution system Figure - Future Consideiations - Strafordville and Eden 5.2 Future System Expansion 6.0 CONCLUSIONS Appendix 'A' CJDL Proposal Letter - 9 December 2010 Aþþendix 'B' Epanet Model - Base ('inf) Input File 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 'l 8 9 l0lt t2 l3 14 t5 I6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 2t 2l 2l 2l 22 22 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 114 of 159 18 February20l1 0933 Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road North P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ IYO RE: BAYHAM IWATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY STUDY MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ATTENTION: MR. ED ROLOSON. WATER¡VVASTEWATER SUPERINTENDENT Dear Sir: In accordance with the terms of reference set out in Cyril J. Demeyere Limited's proposal letter dated 9 December 2009 (attached as Appendix 'A'), and subsequent comments received from the Port Burwell Secondary Watei Supply Systerñ Operators herein follows a WATER SYSTEM CAPÀCITY STT DY as requested. I.O INTRODUCTION Cyril J. Demeyere Limited was requested by the Municipality of Bayham to undertake a.capacity study of the Port Búnvell secondary wafer supply system infiastructure within the Municipality of. B.alham' incorporate it into the ely represents existing ew capacity of system 2.0 EXISTING SYSTEM 2.1 Overvierv The Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Supply System (EAPS) which receives water from Plarit neai Port Stanley, Ontario. Water is transmit cornmunities in the Municipalities treated water to a total poPulatio limited to the portion of the Port of Bayham, serving the communities of Port Burwe not including rurai connections, is approximately 1,320, consisting of Port Burwell (890) and Vienna (430) based on 2006 Census data. The Port Burwell water distribution system was constructed in 1910 by the Ontario Vy'ater Resources to in NS ne while also buffering fluctuations in pressures' I watermain to Vienna on Centre Street to maintain flows. Figure No. I provides an illustration of the system overview. CJDL Consultlnq €nglncc¡s Page I of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 115 of 159 Figure No. I System Overview VIENNA VIENNA BOOS'IER PUMP ¡ LAKEVIEW ELE\TATED SÍORAGE TANK (1518 cu.m.)NORÍH STREET METER CHAUBER BAYHÁM METER CHÂTíAER EO34 VALVE(CLOSEO) SUPPLY FROM ELGINAREAWATER TREATMENT PTANT LOCATED 24km WEST OF STORAGETANK o o É.z =oÉ .D PORT BUR\A'ELL METER CHAi/EER EO38 CJDL +;:i consulüns €nslneer= åï¿tåffi;Íij PORT BURWELL S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 1 6 o f 1 5 9 2.2 Existing Florvs Historical flow data is available fol the Municipality of Bayham at Richmond Road meter chambel E034 and for Poft Burwell at meter chamber E03 8, lócated at the itttersection of Brown Road and Nova Scotia Line (County Road No, 42). Vienna flows are recorded at nreter V00l located north of meter chamber E038. Annual flows are sulnlnarized in the following chart: Chart 2.2 Existins Florvs YEAR SYSTEM TOTAL IPBSS) BAYHAM TOTAL (E034) PORT BURV/ELL tE038) VIENNA (v001) 20 I 0**281,428 ni3 (8.92 L/s) 174,439 n3 (s.s3 L/s) 121,681 m3 (3.86 Us) 48,250 m3 (1.s3 L/s) 2009+279,654 n3 168,155 m3 N/A N/A 2009*350,752 m'l8l,35l rn3 I 17,455 rn3 50,870 tnl 200't+382,364 m'189,595 rnl 109,525 m3 36,455 nr3 2006 399,074 m3 197,071 m3 104,545 ¡n3 71,665 m' 2005 375,11I rn3 190,494 n3 I 18,400 rnr 51,865 ml 2004 3 16,135 rn3 l7l, 104 ml 114,775 n'50,280 rn3 Based o¡r 2004 -2006 values onlY Average 363,440 m3 186,223 ttt3 112,573 n3 57,937 n' Daily Avg.996 ntlday 5 10.2 rn3/day 3,084 nt3/day 158.7 nr'/day Dernand Avg,I 1,5 L/s 5.91 L/s 3.57 Lls 1,84 L/s + Meter failures occurred during these years** The 2010 data was uot recei-ved until after modellinghad been completed, Due to the meter failures experienced in E038 and V00l frortl 2007 to 2009, the average florvs wet'e calculated using 5.91 L/s equates lange of270 to 4 estimate of curre According to the systern operators and 2009 overall syr . in a reduıtion in overall demand between 7 and l9Yo irr 2009. Initial flow testi t the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply indicated the system can provide an appr of 30 L/s to the Port Bt¡rwell Secottdary Water Supp,ly Systern. þlorv data fr'òin apploxirnatel 50% is used by custotners iu the lvfunìcipality- of Central Elgin and the Township o and 50% is used by customers in the Municipality of Bayharñ, In 2010, following s red_rlction prograrn, the split irr ttsage changes to approiirnately 38% uiage by thã tral Elgin and the Township of Malahide combined, and 62Yo by the Municipality of CJDL Consulting €nqln€€ns Page 3 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 117 of 159 3.0 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND SYSTEM MODELLING 3.1 Overvierv In order to assess current and future capacity of the Bayhatu water distribt¡tion systetn, a cotnputer model of the po ysfem was created to estimate flows, pressules, and storage le rry out the hydraulic analysis was EPANET Versiın 2 Agency' Water Supply and Water Resout'cc Division, ties include network analysis of contplex systems, storage capacity analysis and system quality analysis' Port Burwell secondary water distribution system in the Municipality_of as-co¡str¡cted drawingd and GIS data extracted from the Municipaliry.'s GIS tion data and operatioual information is based on historical values collected with a Supervisoty Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. 3.2 Model Assumptions In the development of the EPANET model, several assumptiotts were made abotrt tlte existing and ftlhle systems. Thé followirrg are general assumptions that are tìsed throughout the model developtnent. More sþecific assumptions ale outlined in each of tlte model scenarios, . The ailable infolmatiou and is consideled to be reasonably accrr en fully calibrated, a reasouable cotrelation has been foun measured static pressules at hydlants and between . otto ntottïlo, to 2006 data (see secrio' 2.2). Avairabre ed on the initial testilrg by Opelatorc as 30 L/s. and Malahide was used. A design year of 2020 . The existing supply fro¡r the Elgin area primary water supply to the Lakeview Elevated StoLage'lhnk has suflicient capacity to meet the existing syst m demands . Populations for Bayhaln comrnunities based on 2006 Census data are assutned to be as follows: - Poft Burwell 890 - Vienna 430 - Straffordville 825 . - td",t 200 for the Municipality of Bayham, as part of the grorvth rate can be anticipated for the next l0 ur.f.t. concentt'ated in the built up ancl sewiced . All r.esidences in the colnmunities of Port Bulwell and Vienna are assulned to be on rnunicipal water'. . Dernand ¡rodes are interspersed throughout the rnodel to ptovide a unifortn distlibtltion of dernand tfriougt1guitt.te mo¿"f . In'dividual ..rvi.es were not modelied and there were tlo specific large water users identified. . The valve between Vienna and Port Burwell on Plank Line at North Road was considered to be closed for the modelling of cun'ent conditions. CJDL con3ultlng €nglnEErs Page 4 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 118 of 159 . A Hazen-'Williams "C" factor of 130 was used for all than MOE's tecorumeltded range of 100 to 120 based on pipe size pipe strrface, howeve¡ it is still-more conservative than PVC þþe rnan of up to 150. , Elevatious are approximate geodetic ground elevations taken froln as-constructed dralvings and Ontario Base Mapping. . Tlre Vienna Booster Pump's operating range is within 207-480 kPa (30-70 psi), and cutrent valving does not allow boosted piessuies back into Port Burwell. . Average day dernand Porl Burwell = 3.57 Lls Vienna = 1,84 L/s Rural Bayham = 0,5 L/s . Maximurn day demand'2.5 times average day demand was used . Peak hour dernand - 3.75 tirnes average day demand was used . The Lakeview Elevated Storage was modelled using the follorving irrfolmation provided by the Municipality: 'Capacity = l,5l8m3 (334,000 imperial gallons) . F'ull Elevation = 238.7 m ' EnlPtY Elevation = 228.0 m ' Range of OPeration = l0'7 tn ' Ground Elevatiorr = 227.99 m . The level of the Lakeview Elevatecl Storage Tank controls the alnount of flow fi'om the Elgin Area Prirnary - SYstenr' rn) the fir'st 100 rnrn tuitil the rn (237'06 rn)' lf demand 7.68 m ( rd 100 nm strPPlY . uutut 't , ,",;;Ï ,:), rvrrich represenrs the torve' timit of system operatot's, these tank levels ale dynarnically fôr seasonal variations in demand attd rvatet'quality a conservative estilnate of actual daily avelage water , Maxirnuur day and peak hour factors, along with fire flow reqttiremettts' were. based on.MOE Pesign Guideli¡es for Orinking Water Systeins,2ı08. A fire florv of 38 L/s is trsed individuallyfor Vienna a¡d PortBurwell, baseðon apopulationof 500 - 1000;horveveq ll0 L/swas ttsed toevaluatewater tower storage capacity, based-oñ MOE Guidelines for a total poptrlatiorr of 2,520' 3.3 Calibration of Existing Model ln order to asceftain the calibratiotì accuracy of the existiug model, the predicted results rvere cotnparecl to field data for key aspects of the system as provided by the systeln operator, CJDL consultlî9 €ngin€cr5 Page 5 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 119 of 159 3.3.1 Hydrant Florv Comparison Static Pressures . Hydrant #9 Polt Bulwell Retirelnent Home - Wellinglon Street betweett Shakespeare Stt'eet and Milton Sh'eet- Model - Maximum Day - pressure range of 452.2 kPa (65,5 psi) to 455.2 kPa (66 psi) . Actuar rier¿ testtleå'fl'îl"iïo"f ;ððï: lilT; fliÍfif ÅTíJ:åi"o;L:i,lf'o kPa (67 e psi) . Hyclrant #52 Vienna Cornmunity Centre, 26 Fulton Street, Vienna- Model - Maxinnrm Day - pressure range346.7 kPa (50,3 psi) to 349,7 kPa (50.7 psi) - Average Day - pressure range 359,2 kPa (52.1 psi) ro362.2 kPa (52,5 psi) - Actual Field test on l5 September 2009 - 358.5 kPa (52 psi) File Flow Results . Hydlant #52 Vienna Community Centre, 26 Fultorr Street, Vienna - Celttt'e Stleet Booster Pump Ott - Model - Maxinrum Day - 46.0 Lls @ 140 kPa (20 psi) - Actuar Fierd t;srtïei'Rî?.1il;i';30\'18.¿:,:'åÍ?o, onïl (25 psi) . Hydl'ant #9 Poft Burwell Retilelnent Horne, Wellington Street betweett Shakespeare Street ancl Milton Street- Model - Maximum Day - 50,4 Us @ 140 kPa (20 psi) - Act'ar .ier¿ testtleä"fl'î?.1ilii3r!':ß l'J,Xtd 5?o,loi'r,, 0,,, . Hydrant #38 54 Wellington Street, Port Burrvell- Model - Maximunr Day - 35.4 L/s @ 140 kPa (20 psi) - Actuar e i"r¿ t",t tl"ïfl,îffir;î?3r!': ft .¿ :,:'åt'oonliì,, o,,r . Hydlant #71 Intersection of Light Line and Sopet' Road, Vienna - Model - Maxirnunr Day - 34.6 Lls @ 140 kPa (20 psi) - A*uar Fierd t;sttlìeii3"?i#¿i trtf -@r,liïlbt1Tf'l)," (r2 psi) In general, the lnodel underestirnates the available fire flows in the Bayhanr wate_r distribtttiott systetn, as ıonrpared to actual test data. The model also tends to uudel'estirnate results for pt'e.ssure atrd flolv, therebygiviugconfidence to the output of the nlodel. The nlodelwas fot¡nd to be sensitive to the talrk levelsãt the Üakevierv elevated stolage facility, Conservative water model t'esttlts ruay be accouttted for by the use of the lower vahles of average tank level iu tlte rnodel and using a cotrsel'vative 'C' valve fot' PVC pipe. CJDL consultlng Cnglnær:Pagc 6 o128 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 120 of 159 3.4 Output from EPANET - Watcr Distribution System Motlelling The following key scenarios were rnodelled in EPANET, The base EPANET rnodel is incltrded in Appendix'B'. . Average Day - Existing Conditions. Maximum Day - Existing Conditions. Peak Hour - Existing Conditions. Maximunr Day + Fiie Flows - Vietltta - Existing Conditions.. Maxilnurn Day + Fire Florvs - Poft Burwell - Existing Collditions. Maximurn Day - Future Conditions. Maxilnuln Day - Future Conditions with StLaffordville and Edetl Conrtected 3.4.1 Avcrasc Dav - Existins Conditiott (Fig. No. 2) Model Input ancl Asst¡motions (Static Model) . Lakeview Elevated Storage- Tank level at 8,75 m - HGL @ 236.74 n . Vieuna Booster Purnping Station - Centre Street- Purnp condition: Off . Valve on 250 mm ø tnain on Plank Roacl at North Street is closecl . Global dernancl factor for avelage day = 1.0 Summary of Results - Averaec DaY Condition Result Location Minirnurn Pressule - Vtentra 237.1 kPa (34.4 psi)Intersection of Sopel Road and Old Mill Road - Jct. n73 Maximum Pressure - Viellna 612.4kPa (88.8 psi)Otter CLeek crossittg (Plank Road/Chute l.irre - Vierrna) - Jct. nl0 Minirnurn Pressure - Polt Btrwell 398.0 kPa (57.7 psi)49 Chatharn Stlect - Jct. n4 Maximunl Pressule - PoÉ BuLrvell 607,6 kPa (88,I psi)OtteL Creek ct'ossittg (Btidge Stleet - Pott Bttrrvell) - Jct. n8 Figure No. 2 illustrates calculated pt'essure colìtours for a Average Day, CJDL consulllnE €nqlncqs Page 7 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 121 of 159 CJDL Consultlng €ngln€crs Cyrll l. Dereyere Llm¡ted P.O, 8ox 606, 261 BÞadway Tlllsonburg, Onfðdo. N4G 411 Tel: 519-688-1000 866-302-98E6 Fðx: 519-842-3235 cjdleng@oxford.net Figure No. 2 Pressure Contours -Average Day S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 2 2 o f 1 5 9 3.4.2 Maximunr Dav - Existinq Condition (Fie. No.3) Model Input and Assurnptions (Static Model) . Lakeview Elevated Storage- Tank level at 8.75 nr - HGL @236.74 m . Vienna Booster Pumping Station - Centre Street - Pump condition: Off . Valve on 250 mm ø main on Plank Road at Nolth Street is closed . Global demand factor for maximum day = 2'5 FiguLe No. 3 illustrates calculated pressure contours fot' a Maxirnum Day. Summary of Results - Maximunt DaY Condition Result Location Minimum Pressure - Vienna 224.1kPa (32.5 psi)Intersection of Sopel Road and OId Mill Road - Jct. n73 Maximum Pressure - Vienna 599,4 kPa (86.9 psi)Otter Creek crossing - Jct. nl0 Minimum Pressure - Porl Burwell 385.0 kPa (s6,0 psi)49 Chathanr Stleet - Jct. n4 Maxirnurn Plessure - Porl Burwell 594,9 kPa (86,3 psi)Otter Creek crossing (Pot't Burwell) - Jct. n8 CJDL Consultlng CnglncÉ¡s Page 9 of 28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 123 of 159 CJDL Consultlng €nglneens cyíl I DÊreyere Limited P.O. gox 606, 261 Brc¿dway'flllsonburg, Onbdo. N4G 4Jl Tel; 519-588-1000 E66-302-98E6 F6x: 519-842-3235 cjdlenq@oxford.net Figure No. 3 Pressure Contours - Maximum Day S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 2 4 o f 1 5 9 3.4.3 Peak Hour - Existing Contlition (Fig. No. 4) Moclel Input and Assumutions (Static Model) . Lakeview Elevated Storage- Tank level at 8.75 m - HGL @ 236.74 rt'r . Vienna Booster Purnping Station - Centle Street- Pump condition: Off . Valve on 250 mm ø ¡nain on Plank Road at North Street is closecl . Global demand factor for peak hour = 3.75 Suntmary of Results - Peak Hour Figure No, 4 illustrates calculated pressure contours for Peak Hour. Condition Result Location Minimum Plessure - Vienna 206,5 kPa (30.0 psi)Intelsection of Soper Road and Olcl Mill Roacl - Jct. n73 Maxirnum Pressure - Vietua 581 .9 kPa (84.4 psi)Otter Creek ct'ossittg - Jct nl0 Minimum Pressure - Port Burwell 369.2 kPa (53.5 psi)49 Chatharn Street - Jct. n4 Maximum Pressure - Port Burwell 577.7 kPa (83.8 psi)Otter Creek clossing (Port Burwell) - Jct, n8 CJDL Consultlng €n9ln€€¡s Pagc ll of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 125 of 159 CJDL Consultlng Engineers Cyri¡ .1, Demeyere üm¡ted P.O. Box 606,261 Brcadwðy Tlllsonbu¡g, Ontàrlo. N4G 411 Tel: 519-ó88-1000 866-302-9886 Fax: 519-842-3235 cjdleng@oxford-net Figure No. 4 Pressure Contours - Peak Hour S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 2 6 o f 1 5 9 3.4.4 Maximum Day * Fire Florvs - Vienna - Existing Condition (Fig. No. 5) Model Input and Assurnptions (Static Model) . Lakeview Elevated Storage- Tank level at 8.75 ¡n - HGL @236.74 n . Vienna Booster Purnping Station - Centt'e Street- Pump condition: On . Valve on 250 lnln ø main on Plank Road at North Street is closed . Global demand factor for Inaximum day = 2.5 . Fire flows for Vienna (pop. 430) : 38 Us . Fire flows rnodelled at Hydrant#52, Vienna Conirnunity Centt'e, 26 Fulton Street Summarv of Results - Maximum Day t Fire Florvs - Vienna Figure No. 5 illustrates calculated pressure contouls for a Maxitnurn Day + Fire Flows irl Vietuta. CJDL Condition Result Location Minimum Pressure - Vienna l0l .9 kPa ( 14.8 psi)Centre Street beforc booster pump - Jct. n48 Low Plessure - Vienna 134,I kPa (19,4 psi)Intersection of Sopel Road and Old Mill Roacl - Jct. n73 Maximum Pressure - Vienlla 509.9 kPa (73.9 psi)Otter Creek crossittg - Jct, nl0 Minimum Pressure - Port Burwell 253.6 kPa (36.8 psi)49 Chatharn Street - Jct, n4 Maximum Pressure - Port Burwell 462.7 kPa (67.1 psi)Otter Creek clossing (Polt Burwell) - Jct. n8 Consultlng €nglneee Pagc 13 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 127 of 159 CJDL Consultlng Cnglneers Cyr¡l J. Demeyere L¡mited P.O. Box 606, 261 BGdway Tlllsonburg, OnÈrìo. N4G 4Jl Tel: 519-688-1000 866-302-98a6 Fax: 519-842-3235 qjdleng@oxford.nÊt Figure No. 5 Pressure Contours - Maximum Day + Fire Flows - Vienna -g\ STORAGE TANK (1518 cu.m.) BAYHAM S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 2 8 o f 1 5 9 3.4.5 Mâximum Day + Irire Florvs - Port Bunvell - Ex¡sting condition (Fig. No. 6) Model Input and Assurnptions (Static Model) . Lakeview Elevated Storage- Tank level at 8.75 m - HGL @ 236.74 n . Vienna Booster Pumping Station - Centre Street - Purnp condition: Off . Valve on 250 lnt'n ø main on Plank Road at North Street is closed . Global delnand factor for maxiulttnr day = 2.5 . Fire flows for Port Burwell (pop. 890) = 38 L/s . Fil.e flows lnodelled at Hydrant #9, Port Burwell Retirernent l-lotne, Wellington Street between Shakespeare Street and Milton Street summary of Results - Maximum Dav + Fire Flolvs (Pol't Bunvell) Condition Result Location Minimum PlessuLe - Viettna 92.8 kPa (13.5 psi)Intelsection of Sopel Road and Old Mill Road - Jct, n73 Maximum Pressure - Vientla 468,2 kPa (67.9 psi)Otter Creek ct'ossittg - Jct. nl0 Minimum Pressure - Port Burwell 206.6 kPa (30,5 psi)Elizabeth Sh'eet north of Willianr Strecl - Jct, Irl54 Maximurn Pressure' Port Burwell 417.0 kPa (60.5 psi)Otter Creek crossing (Port Burwell) - Jct. n8 Note: Pressures on Plank Road at hydrant approxirnately 600rn south of Vienna (n209) are less than those irt Port Burwell, at 177.2 kPa (25.7 psi)' Figure No' 6 illustrates calculated pressure contottl's for a Maximunt Day + IriLe Flows in Port Burwell' CJDL consultlng €ngin€s5 Pagc l5 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 129 of 159 CJDL Consult¡ng €ngln€cns Cyril ). Otrey€re Umlted P.O. 8ox 606, 261 Brcadway ]jllÐnburg, Onbdo. l.¡¡lc 411 Tel: 519-688-1000 Figure No. 6 ,".,3î3-å13:333i Pressure Contours - Maximum Day + Fire Flows - Port Burwell qdlenq@oxford.net STORAGE TANK (1518 cu.m.) BAYHAM VIENNA BOOSTER PUMP (OFT o oÉz7o É.d¡ BURWELL S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 3 0 o f 1 5 9 3.4.6 Maximum Day - Futurc Conditions (2020) (Fig. No. 7) Model Input and Assumntions (Static Model) . Design year2020,2%o annual growth rate from 2006 . Lakeview Elevated Stotage- Tank level at 8.75 m - HGL @236'74 m . Vienna Booster Purnping Station - Centre Street - Purnp condition: Off . Valve on 250 ¡nnl ø main on Plank Road at North street is closed . Global dernand factor fol' maxilnum day = 2'5 Figure No. 7 illustrates calculated pressure contours for a Maxirnum Day - Future Corrditions (2020). CJDL Condition Result Location Minimum Pressure - Vlenna 213.5 kPa(31,0 psi)Intersectiou of Sopel Road and Old Mill Road - Jct, rr73 Maximutn Pl'essure - Vienna 583.8 kPa (85.4 psi)Otter Creek crossittg - Jct. nl0 Minimuln Pressure - Polt Bulwell 375.7 kPa (5a.5 psi)49 Chatharn Street - Jct. n4 Maxirnurn PLessure - Port Burwell 584.5 kPa (84.8 psi)Otter Cleek crossing (Pot1 Burwell) - Jct, nB Consultlng Gnglnc€Fs Pagc l7 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 131 of 159 CJDL Consultlng €ngln€crs Cyr¡l l. Demeyere Llmlted P.o- Box 606, 261 B@dwðy Tlllsonburg, Onl¡rlo. N4G 4J1 Te¡: 519-688-1000 866-302-9886 Fax: 5t9-842-3235 cjdleng@orford.net Figure No. 7 Pressure Contours - Maximum Day + Future Flows (2020) to Port Burwell and Menna S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 3 2 o f 1 5 9 3.4.? Max¡mum Day - Füture Conditions lvith Straffordville nnd Edcn (Fig. No. 8) The lnodel "lnaximulr day - future conditions" considers the systern with Stl'affordville and Edell connec.ted on plank Line nóth of Vienna, that the MOE lequires systent supply nlust üleet tnaxitnum clay clemand for all connected comnluttities' Model Input and Assurnptions (Static Model) . Design year 2020,2o/o attnual gro'wth rate ftorn 2006 . Lakeview Elevated Storage- Tank level at 8.75 n"- HGL @236.74 m (assuming supply is increased to meet the additional demand,) . Vienna Booster Purnping Station - Cetttre Street - Pump condition: On . Valve on 250 tntn ø lnaiu on Plank Road at North Street is closed ' Global demand factor = 2,5 . Detnancl for Straffordvitle: 825 people x 400 L/c/day = 3'82 Lls . Demand for Eden: 200 people x 400 t,/c/claY = 0'93 L/s Summarry of Results - Maximum Day * Futurc Figur.e No. 8 illustr.ates calculated pressì.tre coutours for a Maxintutn Day * Futttt'e F'lows to Straffoldvillc and Eden, CJDL Condition Result Location Mininlunl PressrtLe - Vienna 160.9 kPa (23.3 psi)Centre StLeet before boostet' puurp - Jct. n48 Maxinrum Pt'essure - Vienna 540.7 kPa (78.4 psi)Otter Creek crossing - Jct, rl l0 Minirnum Pressttt'e - Potl Burwell 352.1 kPa (5L2 psi)Elisabcth Stleet notth of Williarn Stt'eet - Jct, rl54 Maxirnurn Pressure - Porl Buwell 562.2kPa (81.s psi)Otter Creek ctossing (Port Burrvell) - Jct. n8 Consultlng €nq¡nE€rs Pagc ì9 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 133 of 159 CJDL Consultlng Englnc€Ps Cyr¡l J. Demeyere L¡mìted P.O. Box 605,261 Broadway fillsonburg, Onbrlo. N4G 4J1 Tel; 519-588-1000 866-302-9886 Fèx: 519-842-3235 gdleng@oxford.net Figure No. I Pressure Contours - Maximum Day + Future Flows to Straffordville and Eden UNABLE TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE PRESSURES PUMP REQUIRED) NTS S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 3 4 o f 1 5 9 3.5 Summary of Observations 3.5.1 Average Day - Existing Conrlitions . Irr areas where the ground elevation is above 209L n (north of Vieltlta on Plank Road flom 't^ust south of Otd Mill Road tı t igtrt Line), the pressure is below the MOE recotnrnended minimum of 275 kPa (a0 psi), The Centle-street boostei purnp is off, wlrich was cotrfìrtned by Municipality staff is nonnally the case, . [n aLeas where the glound elevation is below 188.2 m (areas in Big Ottet Creek Valley -_ FI'ont Street, Vienua and west oT Suachan Street to Big Otter Creek and Chatham Street south of Libbye Street in Port Burwetl), the pressure exceeds MOE perating range of 480 kPa (S0 psi). It is understood that pressu througltout these affected àreai, 'tvtOg requires that theie dev presstlres exceed 700 kPa (100 psi), 3.5.2 Maximum Dav -Existing Conditions . In areas where the ground elevatiolr is above 20È rn (north of Vietltìa on Plank Road frorn just soutlr of Old Mill Road tı t igtrt Line), the pressule is below the MOE t'ecornrneuded rninirnunr of 275 kPa (40 psi). The Centre-Street bóostei purnp is off, which rvas confirtned by Mtrnicipality staff is normally the case. . Areas where pressures exceed the MOE upper limit of normal operating t'ange of 480 kPa (80 psi) still exist, however; the area is reduced significtntly' 3.5.3 Pcak Hour Conditions . Sarne obselvations as Maximuln Day - Existing Conditions. . Modelled peak flows do rrot cause a pressure of less than 206.kPa (30 psi) at the,Centre Street booster puinp, m.uning that in the moïel, even- peak flow conditions do not trigger boo.stet' pump operation. Niúnicipal siaff have confrrrned that thè booster pump only opelates for approxirnately l5 rninutes per week. 3.5.4 Fire Florv Conditions . Minim¡rn MOE recornrnended fire florvs of 38 L/s @140 kPa (20 psi) cannot be achieved on Plank Road nofth of Old Mill Road, and rvest of the Centfe Street booster prlmp, . Operation of the Centre Street booster pump creates a low p-ressure area rvest of the ptunp with p*rrur.. dropping below the rninimurli acieptable levels of 140 kPa (20 psi) ttnder fìre flow ðonditions. pirb fl"ows are rlot available in thisãrea and hydrant use would create a conflict with the booster punp as it atternpts to increase pressu¡'e in Vienna, Even with booster pulìtp operation (max. pr"r.ur"'at4'7Skpa (70'psi) the rnodel indicates the system is.not capable of delivering_ftle florvs äf ¡g Llr at 140 psi io aieai above elevation contour 209t m in the northeast section of Vieuna. , Pressure differences between average t r 28'8 and 30.6 kPa (approximately a.3 pii). drops of up to l9l kPa (28 psi) in Port Bu pum| operation and the þreisuíe drop was t p ancl 103 kPa (15 psi) after the booster pu¡np. 3.5.5 Maximum Day - Future Conditions 12020ì . Sim imum Day - Existing Conditious, however the area where Ininimum MOE pres xpanded ând an adðitional low pressure area lvest of the Centle Streel Boo CJDL Consultlng €nglneers Page 2l of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 135 of 159 . Moclelling for firture conditions, flows to Sn'affordville and Eden wet'e estimated to be 40.0.1'/clday, which traislates into 4.75 Lls at the ct¡rrent estirnated population. Under peak hour conditions, this additional dernand willcause a pressure drop of up to TOkPa (10 psi) in Vienna and 34 kPa (5 psi) irr Port Burwell. . A future system expausion to Straffordville and Eden rvill require a booster punrp in Vienna and an elevated storage tank in the vicinity of Straffordville. . The supply to the Municipality of Bayham is inadequate for ntaxitnurn d-ay florvs if Stmffordville and Eden ai.è ã¿ded to the sys'tem. Calcuiated maxirnurn day dernarrd in the Municipality of Bayharn rvill be 27+ L/s, which is approxirnately 90% of the curre¡lt (30 L/s) Poft Burwell Secondary System capacity foi all users in'cÎuding Ceniral Elgin and Malahide. The cnrrent m^aximutn day detnand on thó entíre Polt Burwell Seconäary Systernlould increase to 37+ L/s if Straffordville and Edett were addecl to the system. . If growth in Central Elgin and Malahide also continues at2Yo, the to^tal systern denrarld in 2020 is be-estirnated to be 45+L/s or 150% of the cun'ent system capacity of 30 L/s, Obscrvations - Based on 2009 anrl 2010 Flow Data . Although not modelled, if the reduced l'ates of consumptiott experiencecl ntintle, the preient day rnaxinrunr day demand on the Port Burwell Secondary Sy lle and Edeir connectéd would be approxinrately 3l* L/s, this would require m supply system. . Additional lvater storage capacity and booster pumping rvoulcl still be requirecl as identifiecl above, . Addítional supply system upglades lvould be required to-set'vice stlaffordville and Eden to lhe desigrr year of 2020'as inaximurn dáy florv would be estirnatecl to be 38+ L/s. 4.0 Storage Capacitv 4.1 Water Storase Capacity Analysis Water storage capacity is calcr¡lated for current conclitions below in accordance with MOE Design Guidelines for Drinking Water Systems - 2008, Section 8,4.2' Total required storage = A + B + C Where A = Fire storage (fi'om Table 8-1, MOE Design Guidelines) B : Equalizatiıtt storage (25% of maximttm day dernand) C = Entergency storage (25% of A + B) Water storage capacity is calculated belorv in accordance with MOE Design Guidelines for Dlinking Water Systens - 2008, Section 8.4,2. Total required storage : A + B + C Where A = Fire storage (from Table 8-1, MOE Design Guidelines) B = Equalizatión storage (25% of maximutn day dernand) C : Ernergency storage (25% of A + B) CJDL consult¡ng €nglneers Pagc 22 ol'28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 136 of 159 4.1.1 Total Required Storage - Based on 2004 to 2006 Florv Data . Calculating "4" Assuming a connected population of 1,200 in Malahide and Central Elgin, total population servecl by the wate¡iower is 1,200 i 1,320 = 2,520. Fronr Table 8- l, use I l0 L/s (29 fl/s) at a 2 hour dtrt'ation, for a population of up to 3,000. A = 1 10 L/s x 3,600 s/lrr x 2 hours : 792,000 L = 792 m3. Calculating "8" B = rnaximum day dema¡d x25T, Average day dernand = ll.5 L/s Max dãy factor fol.a population of 2,520, fi'orn MOE Design Guiclelines, is2.25, B: ll.5 L/s x 2,25 x 3600 x 24 hrs x25% = 558,900 L = 559 m3 . @.!ê!ing "c" C=[A+BJx25% = [792 + 559] x 25% = 338 m3 . Calculating total required storage, Total :A+B+C = 792 t 559 + 338 : 1689 m3 Currently, the PBSS supply capacity exceeds the maximutn day demaud, tltus MOE (Sectiott 8,42) allows a i.eduction to bè'aþplieã to ihe storage tequiremettts as follows: . Calculate reduction for max day supply verstls max day cletnand. Max day supply = 30 L/s Max dav demand r filiä: l?rtÏl'f, i i,:t . Surplus Available capacity on maxirnum day = available supply - ntaximum day dernarrd 30 L/s - 25.9 Lls: 4.1 Lls Reduction = 4.1Lls x 3600 s/hr x 24 hrs = 354,200 L: 354 m3 . Calculate total corrected required storage volutne. 1689 m3 - 354 rn3 = 1335 m'. (1518 nrr available) Thus the current elevated storage capacity at Lakeview Tower is sttfÏiciertt based on 2004 to 2006 flow data. CJDL consoltlng ÊnglnÉ€rs Page 23 ol28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 137 of 159 4.1.2 Total Required Storase - Based on 2009 and 2010 Florv Data The ilnplernentation of recent Iong term tvater loss strategies has reduced ovelall water c.onstltnption. Using 2009 and 2010 flow data whichleflects the lower ratei of consuttrptiott, the total required staorage can be calculated as: . Calculating "A" As previously calculated, A = I l0 L/s x 3,600 slhr x 2 hours = 792,000 L:792 n' ' @lingiË B = maximum day detnand x 25Yo Average day dernand = 8,9 L/s Max day factor for a population of 2,520, from MOE Design Guidelines, is 2.25. B : 8.9 Lls x 2.25 x 3600 x 24 hrs x 25Vo = 432,540 L = 433 mt ' @úÂ!jng "c' c = [A + B] x25o/o: Í792 + 4331 x25% = 306 m3 . Calculating total required storage. Total =A+B+C = 792 + 433 + 306 = l53l m3 Currently, the PBSS supply capacity exceeds the maximutn day dernaud, thtrs MOE (Section 8'42) allows íieduction to båäóplieä to itre storage requiremertts as follows: . Calcutate reduction for tnax day supply verslls max day demalld' Max day supply : 30 L/s Max dav demand == f.öî3io;åf":xå \1," . Surph¡s Available capacity on maximum day = available strpply - tnaximt¡ur clay dernand 30 L/s - 20,0 L/s = 10.0 L/s Reduction = 10,0 L/s x 3600 slhr x24 hrs = 864,000 L = 864 m¡ . Calculate total corrected required storage volutne. l53l rn3 - 864 n3 = 667 m3. (1518 m3 available.) Thus the current elevated storage at the Lakeview Tower is sufflrcient based on 2009 and 2010 florv data. CJDL consulllnq €nglneers Page 24 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 138 of 159 4.2 Water Storaee CaDacity Observations The actual storage volunre provided by the Lakeview Elevated Storage Iacility is. l5l8.mr rvhich is greater than eithãL corrected required volume of 1335 ln'wlteu 2004to 2006 data is used arrd 667 m3 úhen 2009 and 2010 data is úsed in the catculation, Therefole storage in the systerr is currently adequate, n for that can be aPPlied, If the inues al a growth rate averag and 2010, the storage te that increase in the MOE pulatiorr surpasses 3000 in 2020. As the reductiou of water losses has had a gleat impact on the required storage volume, an annual leview should be cornpleted to determine if the tiends iri consurnption cotrtiurte based on the 2009 ancl 2010 values. 5.0 Summary 5.1 Existing system (not includirrg the addition of straffo|dville oL Eclen) city to tneet existing average day, tnaximtttn day lable in all areas, and the existing booster pttmp tan recotnlltendecl pressure existing in areas. If a ge data, the system would be expected to reaclt áctually recluced water constltttption ancl therefole Loss reductiolt programs and water cot use in the systeln and ltave extended t in water use continue, the available of the service area in Central to 2009 and 2010 flow data, tlr the system rvill have flow ca d to be increased in 2024 as identified irr Section 4'2. from the Elgin Area Pt'imary Water Systern to the evealecl thalthis is a relatívely conservatlve value /s. The amount available flow to the Port Burrvell e in the EAPWS. Testing has shown that 30 L/s is imately 450+ kPa, however based on 2010 data, an L/s rvhich ltas beett confirmed by historical data provided by the PBSS Operators. CJDL Consult¡ng Cngln€ffs Page 25 ol'28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 139 of 159 5.1.1 Options to Increase Systcnl Capacity Upgrades to the existing supply systenr can be accornplishecl by reducing t'estrictions at the connection to'Ihe EAWS to increãse'iné tôtal available flow to the Port Bulwell Secottdary Water Systern. Replacement of tlre existi¡rg twin 100 mm ø (4") with a single 200 tnm ø (8") valve, tneter altd a reduce head losses at this location, This reducti PBSS systern by 4+ L/s. This upgrade should be EAWS in 2011. It will increase the ovelall efTic increased flow to the PBSS helping to improve fi capacity. d meter with a larger diatneter in chanlber E0l4 at ber with 150 losses while lnln ø valve E0l4 should be cornpleted before maximum day dernand in Bayham exceed 25 Lls in the year 2020' The existing 100 mrn ø (4") flow meter and valv Although not required to Ineet cul'rent lnaximutn the Lakeview Elevated Storage'l'ank will have an to Port Burwell and Vienna. These nretet's altd v rvhich would allow increased fire florv altd would r areas. As maxirnum day dernand continues to grow in the future, consideration of booster.pumps along the existing route beírveen the prirnary systern-and the Lakeview elevated storage rnay,beable^to-p_rovide the n.".rrãry i¡creased flow,'horveier' this is not auticipated to be required until after 2030 (without extending supply to Straffordville and Eden). Continue to implernent leak detection and loss reduction ptogram to itnprove systeln efficiency, artcl provide public education on watet consel'vation, The following are reconlrnended to improve the reliability and capacity of tlte existirrg distlib.utio!.systern and to provid"e the MOE recommendéd nlinimumpt'essitres ancl f'lows to the notthrvest end of Vienna: . The Centre Stleet booster pump is in a poor location-altd cloes not ftlnctioll as interlded to improve pressures where needed at the noìtheast end of Vienna. 'l'he booster ptrrnp shotrld be . relôcated.or replaced at Plank t"':,:iJ,:::t:ot'î;,.,, does not utilize rhe benenrs ora rooped Burrvell. A temporary check valve with a by-pass cotlld be eet chamber until the Centre Stleet booster pump is relocated near Chute Line. . The 132+ m section of l50mn ø wate¡lnain on Plank Road between Port Burwell and Vienna sho¡ld be upgraded to 250mm ø, consistent rvith the rest of the Plank Road loop. CJDL Consulting Cnglncsrs Pagc 26 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 140 of 159 +l Pt; q69ti üqw5)21q.b(t 674sr4) 7W?¡to - fi.cuR CÞE'@Arioñt (?o2Þ)@Zä l,t!'tt4- 4o¡n - ffi dÉ (dJs¡æRAllclJ! + ãeE€Àd l?rz9 . .68.5øi 271.2 (IrZkPq' l.l&( D*l Frou, è ıÈ \ü\s ,Qsq¡ J b¡ I\¡s\s ) /t_) !t o' ðö rÞË5r Ê.ÊP< :<d H4 215 210 LAKEVIEW TO EDEN SCATE HORIZ l:fþOo \rÊRT: l:5ü) S t a f f R e p o r t E 2 0 1 1 - 0 4 r e g a r d i n g " P o r t B u r w e l l S e c o n d a r y W a t e r S u p p l y a n d B a y h a m W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m W a t e r C a p a c i t y P a g e 1 4 1 o f 1 5 9 5.2 Future System Expansion to include Straffordville antl Edcn The existing PBSS systenl will have the capacity (both pressure and voltune) to provide sufficient water to service tìle cornmunitiès of Straffordvillä anó Èden ivith irnplementation of the upgrades outlirred irr Section 5,1.1. To service the conrmunities of Stlaffordville and Eden, additional capacity must be Inade available flom tlr* Êigin Area primary water supply to account for the increased additiollal maxilnurn day dernancl. The additional rnaxiìnum day flow required to service the ct lnstalling the booster pump 01ì Plank Line near Chute Li tlte need for the Centre Street ñ;t.; -d;np ánã *åuii'ailow opening the valve ort Plank Road) to ensure that pi.ñi.J àùäve zô psi aie maintaihed tfr'roughout the s flow conditions. It will also Îrnprove fire flows tı the west of the Centre Street boos Should the cornmunities of Straffordville and Eden be added to the watennain ltetrvol'k, all existing tneter chambers wot¡ld need iã ãttó* ttrã fur.ág" of the maximum day demands which are estitnated to be 4l+ L7, io, tir. zoâo a"rign year. rnis woit¿ require a rninirnum 200 rnrn ø (8") meter at.all locations identified in 5,1,1. lnióóuËnl.nts now underway to the EAWS should be evaluated for itnpact on the PBSS upon completion to confirm irnpact to available supply' See Figure 8 Future Considerations ' Straffordville and Eden' 6.0 Conclusions should be y reduced ced rvatct' day, peak pgrades. tn and the PBSS, including f ttndersized rvatet'tnain, aud e future that rvill ensure that tertn. **¡Ìt +* All of which is submitted for your.review and cornlnenq if there ale auy questiotts ol if any additional informatiolr is required, please dó not hesitate to contact this office. All of which is respectfully strbmitted, Peter J. Pertne¡ P. Eng. AG/sed Enc. - Appendices 'A' & 'B' Andrerv Gilvesy, P. Eng, CJDL consultlng €nglnccrs Page 28 of28 Staff Report E2011-04 regarding "Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply and Bayham Water Distribution System Water Capacity Page 142 of 159 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Requirements DATE: August 2,2011 FILE: L04 NUMBER: E2011-05 Purpose This report is to provide information regarding potential legislative requirements following any formal acquisition of the Richmond Community Water System. Background As Council is well aware, the Municipality received an order from the MOE issued January 20th,2010, requiring the Municipality to assume current operations of the Richmond Community Water System and to implement a solution(s) to correct issues identified with the current water supply and treatment system. The Order did not require the Municipality assume ownership of the system. The Municipality has subsequently operated the current water system, and retained Stantec Consulting to assist with determining solutions for the supply and treatment. Through these subsequent reviews and public meetings, Council received a letter from Richmond Community Water Inc. in February 20lI advising that they has resolved to "surrender" the ownership of the water system to the Municipality. Finally, the Municipality made application for funding for system improvements under the OSWAP program in March,2011 and received confirmation of approval June 2I,2011. A condition of the approval is confirmation to the satisfaction of OMAFRA that ownership of the system has been transferred to the Municipality - costs will not be eligible for the program until that is confirmed. Staff Comments The attached memorandum from Stantec summarizes the legislation that will apply to the Richmond V/ater system that will have to addressed with Municipal ownership. Staff would note that only two of the items will apply specifically due to a transfer of the system to municipal ownership, though these are also the most costly: - Licencing/permit requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act - est. cost $10,000 - Source Protection under the Clean Water Act - est. cost $30,000 Regulations regarding a Sustainability Plan under the Water Opportunities Act likely will only apply to municipal systems as well, however regulations have not yet been developed. The remainder of the items in the memo are requirements for the system regardless of ownership. The legal issues regarding any transfer of ownership are the subject of a separate report to be considered in closed session. Options N/A Staff Report E2011-05 regarding "Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Page 143 of 159 Attachments l. Memo JuIy 29,201I from Stantec Consulting - Summary of Potential Legislative Requirements Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT Staff report E2011-05 be received for information. Staff Report E2011-05 regarding "Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Page 144 of 159 Memo Stantec To: Kyle Kruger, C.M.O., From: Nelson Oliveira, P.Eng. Administrator Municipality of Bayham Stantec Consulting Ltd. File: 1655-00615 Date: JulY 29,2011 Reference: Richmond Community Water Supply System - Summary of Potential Legislative Requirements lntroduction As requested, the intent of this memorandum is to provide the Municipality of Bayham with a summary of potential legislative requirements concerning ownership of the Richmond Community Water Supply System in Richmond, Ontario. ln general, the following provincial legislative documents are expected to impact the operation of the waterworks system: . Safe Drinking Water 4c1,2002; . Clean Water Act, 2006; . Environmental Protection Act; . Ontario Water Resources Act; and . Water Opportunities Act. It should be noted that, with the exception of the Clean Water Act and Water Opportunities Act, the current waterworks system is subject to the requirements of the remaining Acts regardless of ownership type. Summarv of Findinqs Table 1 provides an overall summary of each Act, the potential action/requirement, and any potential costs associated with implementation. ln general, the costs noted reflect either known permitting/approval costs or costs for additional studies and/or reports. Costs associated with the operation of the water system are not noted herein, however it is anticipated that for initial planning purposes the current costs incurred by the Municipality to operate the existing system can be used as a general upset limit to represent costs to operate the proposed new supply system once in operation. Furthermore, costs associated with the preliminary and detailed design of the new water One Teom. lnfinite Solulions. Staff Report E2011-05 regarding "Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Page 145 of 159 Stantec July 29,2011 Kyle Kruger, C.M.O., Administrator Page 2 oÍ 4 Reference: Richmond Community Water Supply System - Summary of Potential Legislative Requirements treatment system is not provided at this time, but was previously noted under separate cover. Table I - General Listinq of Pertinent Acts Relating to the Richmond Water Supply System Act Geneml Reouirements Estimated Gosts Additional Gomments Safe Drinking WaterAct Ongoing Operational Requirements Not included For general planning purposes, refer to current monthly costs associated with operation of the existing water treatment svstem. Licensing/Permit Requirements $10,000 Required under the Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWOMS). The Municipality currently has a license and permit relating to the Port Burwell and Vienna system. As a new system, a Financial Plan will need to be developed prior to issuance of a license. The plan must show that the water system is financially viable and must be approved by council. Costs also include preparation of applications, development of quality management olan. etc. Maintenance Costs $7,50O/year Costs relate only to general maintenance or minor equiPment replacement (i.e., UV lamps, sensors, etc.) and costs for calibration. Operator Certification $5,000/year Estimated cost to reflect change from Trained Person certifi cation requirements to Certified Operator (as per O.Reg. 128104). This change is prompted through the potential change in ownership as the system would then be classified as a Small Municipal Residential System. lt should be noted that existing Operator certification for the Port BurwellA/ienna systems is likely applicable to operate the Richmond system depending upon final comolexitv of the comoleted works. Reporting $2,000/year Relates to the preparation of annual reports and summary reports required under O.Req. 170103. Clean WaterAct Source Protection Plannino/Studies Approx. $30,000 Cost to incorporate the Richmond system within the current Source Protection Plan administered bv the Staff Report E2011-05 regarding "Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Page 146 of 159 Stantec July 29,2011 Kyle Kruger, C.M.O., Administrator Page 3 of4 Reference: Richmond Community Water Supply System - Summary of Potential Legislative Requirements Table I - General Listinq of Pertinent Acts Relatins to the Richmond Water SUpply tyqþm- Act General Reouirements Estlmated Costs Additional Comments Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA). Cost estimate reflects threats and vulnerability assessment for a GUDIwell. Based on preliminary discussions with GRCA, it is estimated that the next update to the SWP will be in approximately 2 years. The exact timeline will be subject to many issues, including potential regulatory changes, etc. Allowance should be made to schedule work relating to the analysis at least one year prior to the deadline date. Environmental Protection Act Generally relating to the operation of the water system as it may relate to environmental impacts As this Act relates primarilY to discharges to the environment, no estimated costs are provided at this time. Costs for control of discharges (i.e., dechlorination of water through flushing operations, etc.) is addressed in the operational costs under the SDWA. Ontario Water Resources Act Permit to Take Water $3,000 A PTTW is required should water taking exceed 50,000 Uday. Based on a review of existing population and water usaoe rates, a PTTWwillbe required. Water Opportunities Act MunicipalWater Sustainability , Plan $3,500 At present, there are no regulations made under this new Act. Therefore, the implementation timeline for Municipality's to prepare and provide a sustainability plan is unknown. lt is possible that the sustainability plan be developed to incorporate both the Richmond system and existing water systems servicing Port Burwell and Vienna. Water Conservation Plan $3,500 Refer to comment above. Environmental Assessment Act Completion of a Class Environmental Assessment At this time a cost is not noted, as previous discussions with the MOE suggests that the requirements for a Class EA would be revoked as the Richmond svstem is under a Section Staff Report E2011-05 regarding "Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Page 147 of 159 Stantec July 29,2011 Kyle Kruger, C.M O , Administrator Page 4 of 4 Reference: Richmond Community Water Supply System - Summary of Potential Legislative Requirements Conclusion As previously noted the intent of this memorandum is to prov¡de the Municipality of Bayham with a general overview of compliance requirements relating to ownership and operation of the Richmond wateruorks system. As noted in Table 1 , many of these items are either currently required to ensure compliance for the Richmond system or are otherwise currently implemented as part of the Port Burwell and Vienna compliance requirements. lf you require any further information or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING LTD. Nelson Oliveira, P.Eng. Project Manager, Associate nelson. ol iveira@stantec. com Table I - General L¡st¡nq of Pertinent Acts Relatins to the Richmond Water Supply System Act General Reouircments Estimated Costs Additional Comments 114 Order under the SDWA. Further confirmation from the MOE is required. Estimated costs to complete a Schedule C EA could be between $35,000 to $50,000, depending upon stakeholder inout. Staff Report E2011-05 regarding "Richmond Community Water Inc. System Acquisition Summary of Potential Legislative Page 148 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHÄM BY-LAW NO.2592-2011 BAYHAM BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEI\D BY-LAW No.Z456'2003' AS ÄMEÌIIDED WIIEREÄS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No.2456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE the Council ofthe Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No.2456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "I", Map No. 5, by deleting from the Tourist Commercial - holding (C3-h) Zone and adding to the Tourist Commercial (C3) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked C3 on Schedule "4" to this By-law, which is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THIS By-law shall come into force on the date of passing. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 4th DAY OF AUGUST 20 I I. READ A SECOIU) TIME THIS 4th DAY OF AUGUST 2011. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINÄLLY PASSED THIS 4.h DAY OF AUGUST 2011. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law Z592-2011 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Ojibwa) Page 149 of 159 By-Law Z592-2011 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Ojibwa) Page 150 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2011-067 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY FUTURES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS INC. REGARDING THE SAND PLAINS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has determined to proceed with the Project Ojibwa Planning Project; AND WHEREAS; the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc. has offered to fund eligible costs not to exceed $14,450 for the purposes of the Project under it's Community Development Fund; AND WHEREAS the Parties wish to proceed with the required Contribution Agreement; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF AUGUST,2011. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 151 of 159 SANID PT IINS Cc¡rrtrnuntty Dez,e loPntertt Fun d SAND PLAINS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND NON REPAYABLE CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT Project Name: Ojibwa Planning Project Project Number: 84-P001 BET\trEEN: The Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations lnc., a non profit corporation (hereinafter referred to "OACFDC") OF THE FIRST PART -and- Municipality of Bayham c/o Kyle Kruger 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS Her Majesty the Queen, in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food ("Canada") has established the Community Development Fund (the "Program') to assist our rural communities to build a strong, diversified economy; AND WHEREAS Canada has provided funds for the Program; AND WHEREAS one element of the Program is the Community Development Support Component, which provides for non-repayable contributions to not-for-profit projects designed to explore and develop new and sustainable community and regional development opportunities; By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 152 of 159 AND WHEREAS the Recipient has proposed a project (the "Project) for funding, as described in its Contribution Application in accordance with the Community Development Support component of the Program. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES THAT, in consideration Of thE MUTUAI covenants contained herein, the parties agree with each other as follows: 1. OACFDC offers to fund Elígible Costs (as defined below) in an aggregate amount not to exceed the sum of $14,450 (the "Contribution") to the Recipient for the purposes of the Project, upon the following terms and conditions. (a) This Agreement comes into force on the date that the duplicate copy of this Agreement, unconditionally accepted by the duly authorized representatives of the Recipient is received by OACFDC (the "Date of Acceptance"). (b) "Eligible Costs" shall mean the reasonable and proper direct costs (as set out in Schedule 1) which are incurred and paid by the Recipient in carrying out the Project activities described in Schedule 1 within the Funding Period (as hereinafter defined). Eligible Costs shall not include any costs that the Recipient has incurred or agreed to incur prior to the receipt by OACFDC of the Full Application. The Full Application was received on: May 5,2011. (c) The Recipient agrees that Contribution payments are conditional on the Recipient achieving the Project milestones set forth in Schedule 1. OACFDC shall have sole authority to determine if the Recipient has met its obligations pursuant to this Agreement, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, has met the milestones. (d) The Recipient, by signing this non repayable contribution agreement agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions herein, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, those matters outlined in Schedule 1. (e) The Project will commence on the date the agreement is signed and be completed on or before the estimated completion date as set forth on Schedule 1 (the "Funding Period"). All projects must be completed in their entirety by March 31,2012 - no exceptions. (0 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the date of acceptance until two (2) years following the end of the Funding Period (the "Period of the Agreement"). (g) The Recipient shall maintain ownership of all assets funded through the Program for a minimum period of 3 years following the end of the Funding Period. 2. Amendments (a) The Recipient shall inform OACFDC immediately in the event of any alteration or amendment of any kind to the Project or change that will materially affect the objectives, activities or outcome of the Project, or that will affect the total cost of the Project. OACFDC may, in its discretion, in such event, refuse to provide further funding to the Recipient, or may amend the terms of Schedule 1 in view of Sand Plains Community Development Fund - Non-Repayable Contribution Agreement Page 2 By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 153 of 159 any such alteration or amendment, and the Recipient shall be bound by any change to Schedule 1 required by OACFDC. The Recipient shall report to OACFDC any changes to the Project that may have the potentialto affect the Project or have the potentialto affect the milestones. OACFDC shall provide, at its sole discretion, any written amendments to this Agreement for execution by the parties hereto. Default (a) ln the event that a Recipient fails to meet the milestones, any unspent Contribution money shall be reimbursed to OACFDC by the Recipient forthwith. (b) The Recipient shall inform OACFDC immediately if the Recipient is unable to meet any of the conditions or obligations of this Agreement for any reason. ln the event that the Recipient is unable, or fails, to meet any of the obligations or conditions of this Agreement, or if any information provided by the Recipient to OACFDC on the Contribution Application or at any other time proves to be inaccurate in any material way, OACFDC reserves the right to withdraw. the Contribution or any part of it immediately and to recover any portion of the Contribution advanced to the Recipient. Terms of Payment (a) OACFDC shall pay the Contribution to the Recipient for Eligible Costs incurred, on receipt of itemized claims, which claim shall be: (i) submitted at completion of a milestone; (ii) certified by an officer of the Recipient or another person satisfactory to OACFDC; and (¡ii) accompanied by a report of Project work completed to date, details of all costs in respect of which payment is claimed, and such substantiating documentation as may be required by OACFDC. (b) OACFDC shall reserve the right to withhold up to a maximum o'f 10% of the total Contribution. This amount will be payable upon the submission of all reporting requirements to the satisfaction of OACFDC. (c) The Recipient, at any time or times, shall repay to OACFDC, within thirty days from receiving a written request to do so, any amount by which the portion of the Contribution advanced exceeds the Eligible Costs. OACFDC may modify subsequent advances. (d) lf the Recipient receives any funding from any other source for any Eligible Costs, OACFDC may, in its discretion, reduce the amount of the Contribution by all or any portion of the funding received by the Recipient. (e) Milestone payments will be based on this Agreement and Schedule 1. (b) (c) 3. 4 Sand Plains Community Development Fund - Non-Repayable Contribution Agreement Page 3 By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 154 of 159 5.Reporting (a) During the Funding Period, the Recipient shall provide OACFDC such financial statements and progress reports as OACFDC may request. (b) The Recipient shall comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations or guidelines with respect to environmental matters. (c) The Recipient(s) agrees to provide to OACFDC at least thirty (30) days prior notice of any intention to publish any public announcement, report, study or communication pertaining to the Project. The Recipient(s) acknowledges that it shall (upon the request of OACFDC and confirmation by OACFDC that the Government of Canada will pay the cost of translation) translate any public announcement, report, study or communication of or by the Recipient(s) into English and/or French, and further acknowledges that any such translated announcement etc. by the Recipient(s) pertaining to the Project shall conform to the language policies and directions of the Treasury Board of Canada, and that any public announcement etc. by the Recipient(s) so translated shall be released simultaneously in English and French. (d) The Recipient acknowledges that all information pertaining to the Contribution described herein (including without limitation all records, information, data bases, audit and evaluation reports) shall be made available at any time by OACFDC or the Recipient to the Government of Canada, its employees and agents, and the Recipient agrees to provide representatives of the Government of Canada access to the Recipient's premises and documents for the purposes of monitoring the Recipient's compliance with the terms of the Contribution and with the rules and regulations of the Sand Plains Community Development Fund. The Recipient further acknowledges that OACFDC shall have the right to perform periodic audits of the Recipient's compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement and that OACFDC may provide copies of any audit report or any financial, progress or other report under that agreement to the Government of Canada. (e) The Recipient shall acknowledge that the Government of Canada was the source of funding for the Contribution described in this agreement in any communication by the Recipient to the public pertaining to the Project. (Ð The Recipient shall keep all records, information, data bases, audit and evaluation reports, and all other documentation relating to the Project for a period of six (6) years from the end of the term of the Contribution. (g) The Recipient shall provide to OACFDC a final Project report, in a form satisfactory to the OACFDC in scope and detail, within thirty days of the end of the Funding Period. (h) The Recipient shall assist OACFDC in completing any evaluation of the outcomes and impacts that result from the Project. Sand Pla¡ns Community Development Fund - Non-Repayable Conkibution Agreement Page 4 By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 155 of 159 6. Public Announcements and Communications (a) The Recipient shall collaborate with OACFDC to arrange publicity regarding the Contribution and agrees to recognize the Contribution in the manner that OACFDC reasonably directs. (b) The Recipient, by signing this Agreement authorizes OACFDC to release the name of the Recipient's company/organization, the Contribution Amount and a brief outline of the Project to the media at any time. The Recipient also agrees to have their Project name, the Contribution Amount and a brief outline of their Project made available to the public in a final report. 7. lndemnification The Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless OACFDC and the Government of Canada from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and expenses, causes of action, actions, claims, demands, law suits or other proceedings (collectively "claims") by whomever made, sustained, brought or prosecuted in any way based upon, occasioned by or attributable to anything done or omitted to be done by the Recipient or its respective directors, officers, agents, employees or contractors in connection with the Project. 8.Notice Any notice or communication required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, by courier or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid with return receipt requested, or sent by facsimile addressed to the other party at the address provided below or at such other address as either party shall later designate to the other in writing. All official notices or communications shall be addressed to all three parties as follows: John Klunder, Program Coordinator Sand Plains Community Development Fund Town Centre Mall, Suite 2034, 200 Broadway Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G-547 Fax: 519-842-9431 Kyle Kruger, Administrator Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1Y0 Fax: 51 9-866-3884 Diana Jedig, Executive Director OACFDC 300 South Edgeware Road St. Thomas, Ontario, NsP 411 Att: Diana Jedig, Executive Director Fax: 519-633-3653 This letter of agreement is open for acceptance for fifteen (15) days from this date, July 25, 2011, after which it becomes null and void. Sand Plains Commun¡ty Development Fund - Non-Repayable Contribut¡on Agreement Page 5 By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 156 of 159 By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 157 of 159 SANID PT IINS C'c ¡ t t t t t t t.t. t t I t yt f )s ¡ s' Iol)rn et, t I; u r¿ cl Non-Repayable Gontribution Agreement Gommunity Development Support Schedule 1 Project Name: Ojibwa Planning Project Project Number: 84-P001 Company Name: Municipality of Bayham Contact Person: Kyle Kruger Mailing Address: 93¿14 Plank Road, P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ lYO lnitial of the Applicant: Date: Payment Terms and Gonditions Payment of the total Sand Plains Contribution will be made in milestone payments. Reimbursement will be on condition that copies of paid ¡nvo¡ces along with proof of payment are received by Sand Plains staff. Receipt of expenses and the determination of eligible receipts are at the sole discrecion of the Sand Plains staff. The maximum contribut¡on of th¡s project by The Sand Plains Community Development Fund is: $ 14,450 The Sand Pla¡ns Commun¡ty Development Fund will provide up to 85% of the total poect costs The total governmental contibutio (municipal, provincial and federal) can not excæed 85% ofthe totalp project cost. The remainder (15% or h¡gher) can include cash and/or in-kind contribut¡ons from non-government sources. PROJECT ADJUSTMENT DATE lS: August 3l, 201 I Project Adjustment date is the date that Sand Plains staff may re-allocate the approved amount based on actual project spending up to that date. The approved amount may be reduced to reflect the reality of the timel¡nes and budget forecasts Schedule 1 Summarv Item Applicant Contribution Sand Plains Contribution Total Gost îd Sturtv 750 $ 4.250 5,000 Traffic lmDact Studv $600 $ 3,400 $4,000 Servicins Feasibility Study s 750 s 4.250 $5,000 :loodino and Erosion Studv $450 $ 2.550 $ TOTALS 't4.450 s 17.000 By-Law 2011-067 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Ontario Association of Community Futures Page 158 of 159 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW NO.2011-069 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF TIIE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING IrELD AUGUST 4,2011 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 2í,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municþalþ; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised bybyJaw; AND \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE THE COTJNCIL OF'THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held August 4,2011 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byJaw. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 4thday of AugusÇ 20Lt. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2011-069 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 159 of 159