HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 03, 2009 - CouncilCOUNCIL AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville September 3, 2009 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a)Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 2009. (b)Added Item(s) 4.DELEGATIONS (a)7:05 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery (b)7:15 p.m. - Jan Collins and John Pedersen regarding property issues. 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (a)Verbal update regarding Estherville Cemetery. (b)Copy of resolution passed August 4, 2009 from Township of Madawaska Valley regarding Home Care Service and additional Personal Support Workers. File: C10 (c)Notice of workshop for community leaders in Ontario interested in learning about starting and strengthening community gardens in their municipalities being held October 6, 2009 in London. File: A04 5-23 25 27 Page 1 of 151 Council Agenda September 3, 2009 Page 5.INFORMATION ITEMS (d)Correspondence dated August 12 and 14, 2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "AMO Welcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment" and "Wast Electronics and Electrical Equipment (WEEE)". File: A16 (e)Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regarding "Hospital Closure in Fort Erie". File: C13 (f)Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of Directors Meeting held July 8, 2009. File: A16 (g)Lake Erie Source Protection Region Water Services Technical Group minutes of meeting held July 23, 2009. File: E00 6.PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION & TOURISM (a)Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applications E50/09 E51/09. File: D10.09 TEICHROEB 7.ROADS, AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a)Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Half Ton Tender. File: F18 (b)Correspondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 2009 from Norfolk County regarding "Winter Drain". (Deputy Mayor appointed at last meeting, however due to conflict alternate to be appointed) File: E09 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES 29-31 33-44 45-51 53-56 57-75 77-79 81-84 Page 2 of 151 Council Agenda September 3, 2009 Page 8.PROPERTY, BUILDING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a)Request from Councillor Taylor to discuss the boundaries of Estherville Cemetery. (b)Draft By-law 2009-101 regarding MNR Staff as By-law Enforcement Officers. (c)Staff Report P2009-029 regarding Fire Master Plan RFP. File: P16 (d)Staff Report H2009-009 regarding Municipal Health and Safety Policy. File: A09 9.FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a)Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusive, except Cheque #6961 totaling $554,103.69. Payroll Disbursements not available at this time. (b)Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: L04 (c)Staff Report C2009-018 regarding Infrastructure Needs Studies. File: D02 (d)Staff Report PR2009-16 regarding East Pier Repairs and Budget. File: L14 (e)Staff Report C2009-17 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwell Harbour. File: D06 (f)Staff Report C2009-019 regarding Bayham Community Centre Rental. File: C13 / A01 (g)Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. 10.ENVIRONMENT 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 85 87-90 91-93 95-109 111-116 117-118 119-120 121-122 123-126 127-135 Page 3 of 151 Council Agenda September 3, 2009 Page 11.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a)In Camera. (b)Confidential Memorandum regarding potential litagation. (c)Out of Camera. 12.BY-LAWS (a)By-Law 2009-101 A By-Law to Repeal amended By-Law 2007-059 (MNR Staff) (b)By-Law 2009-102 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Corfield) (c)By-Law 2009-103 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (CIBC) (d)By-Law 2009-104 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2005-102 (Rates and Fees) (e)By-Law 2009-105 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2009-025 (Peidl Agreement) (f)By-Law 2009-106 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 13.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 137 139 141-145 147 149 151 Page 4 of 151 COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Thursday, August 13, 2009 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Public Meeting - Planning (Zonning) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, August L3,2009 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre, Councillors Mark Taylor, Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Deputy Mayor CliffEvanitski was absent. Public Works Manager Gerry LeMay and Water / Wastewater Superintendent Ed Roloson were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF'PECUNIÄRY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF ÄGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16,2009. It was noted that item 6(d) was carried, however, not "unanimously". 2009-393 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 16, 2009 be approved as corrected." CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) 2009-394 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93, Staff Page I of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 5 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 Memorandum regarding Harbour Dredging 2009 be added to the agenda as item 6(b)." ÄRRIEDI]NANIMOUSf,Y 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:15 p.m. - Wanda Hoshal regarding Estherville Cemetery Mrs. Hoshal raised questions regarding the status of charges regarding zoning and the Csinos propefy, why the Csinos' are allowed to continue operations when there had been a statement that they would be shut down, and updated Council on the activities of the vigil at Estherville. Staff and Council members responded, providing information regarding zoning enforcement and the process required and undertaken. Questions were raised by Council members regarding land registry infonnation and realignment of County Road 19. Further to markers located on Glen Erie Line, M¡s. Hoshal suggested they need to be recovered, and that replacement with a different monument would not be acceptable. Council members questioned if a list of intennents was located, or if infonnation is based on ones identihed in the existing cairn. Mrs. Hoshal confirmed the infonnation is from the cairn. Mrs. Hoshal requested permission to place a sign for Estherville Cemetery within the fenced area. Members of Council expressed no concerns, provided the group was confident the sign would be separated from any burials. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Verbal update regarding Estherville Cemetery. Administrator Kruger advised that Mayor Acre had received a copy of correspondence to Steve Peters from the Minister of Consumer Services, advising that the Regishar is satisfied with the inspection done, and cannot require the property owner to carry out further archeological investigation unless human remains are found. (b) Copy of resolution passed by Township of Woolwich June 30, 2009 regarding "Development Charges". File: C10 (c) Copy of resolution passed fuly 20,2009by Township of Huron-Kinloss regarding "Giant Hogweed". File: C10 Page2 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 6 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 (d)Copy of resolutions passed June 10, 2009 by City of Greater Sudbury regarding "Employment lnsurance Reform" and "Proposed Worþlace Fatalities Family Bill File: ClO (e) Conespondence dated July 15, I7,28 and August 7,2009 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding "Call for Applications for the Ontario Transportation Demand Management Municipal Grant Progtam", "Government Releases Draft Built Environment Standa¡d Under the AODA for Public Review", "$7 Million for Drinking Water Stewardship Available", "AMO Encourages Municipalities to Join the Count Me In! Community Challenge"and "Creating Jobs: Delivering Results - 2nd Edition". File: 401 (Ð South West Local Health Integration Network Board of Directors highlights of meetings held June and July 2009. File: S08 (g) Correspondence dated July 6, 2009 from Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation with results of public opinion poll and article regarding "range of possibilities found in Ontario's Greenbelt". File: A0l (h) Conespondence dated July 6, 2009 from Tillsonburg & Dishict Multi-Service Centre regarding "grant for Adult Basic Liteøcy program". File: 401 (Ð Correspondence dated June 9, 2009 from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "2008 audited financial statements". File: 416 (j) Conespondence dated July 14, 2009 from Haldimand County Disaster Relief Committee regarding "Donation Request - G¡and River Flood 2009". File: A.16 (k) Conespondence dated June 30, 2009 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry funding for the Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2009 Program Year". File: E07 0) Highlights from St. Thomas and Elgin County Community Profile: 2006 Demographic Report provided by Elgin St. Thomas Public Health. File: A0l (m) Announcement from The Forest Communities Program and partners regarding "Canadian Forest Communities Conferenc e 2009 : Trends and Opportunities". File: 404 Page 3 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 7 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 (n) Invitation to preview the first Canadian showcase of "The Futures Game" being held September 10, 2009. File: AM (o) Correspondence dated August 4,2009 from Sport Alliance of Ontario regarding "Ontario Games Program". File: A0l (p) Copy of correspondence sent by Dalton McGuinty to Allan Lafontaine regarding "proposed single sales tax". File:416 (Ð News Release dated August 5,2009 from Elgin County OPP regarding various incidents. File: Pl7 2009-395 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THÄT information items 5(a) through 5(Ð be received for information; AND THAT item 5(c) regarding Giant Hogweed resolution be supported; AND THAT Council support the Haldimand County regarding flood disaster (5j) in the amount of $100." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-396 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the volunteer group at the Estherville Cemetery be permitted to install the homemade sign inside the fence of the cemetery." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION & TOURISM (a) StaffReport D2009-35 regarding Guenther Rezone to Remove Holding Provision. File: DI4.GUEN 2009-397 Moved by Councillor W Casier Page 4 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 8 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'THAT Staff Report D2009-35 regarding the Guenther rezoning be received; AND THAT the zoning on lands owned by Gerhard and Susie Guenther, located in Part Lot 7 Concession I be changed from Hamlet Residential- Holding IHR(h)l to Hamlet Residential (HR) in Bayham ZoningBylaw 2A56-2003, as amended; AND TIIÄT ZoningByJaw 2573-2009 be presented to Council for enactment.tt CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Memorandum regarding Harbour Dredging 2009. File:El0 2009-398 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT StaffMemorandum dated August 13,2009 regarding Harbour Dredging 2009 be received; AND THAT Council approves dredging works in the Port Burwell harbour by Mike Scruton Marine as recommended in the StaffMemorandum." CARRIED TTNANIMOUSLY 1. PUBLIC MEETING 2009-399 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." CARRIED TINANIMOUSLY 1. Public Meeting (a) 7:3þ.m. - (delayed until 7:50pm due to delegation) Rezoning Application: Page 5 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 9 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 to change the zoning on a 17.5 hectare (43 acre) parcel ofland from the Agriculture (Al) Zone to Agricultural - Temporary 2 (Al-T2) Zone submitted by Gerhard and Maria Dyck. 2. Declaration of Pecuniarv Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 3. StaffPresentation (a) StaffReport D2009-34 regarding Dyck Rezoning - Supplementary Farm Dwelling. File:Dl4.DYCK Report was presented by the Administrator. He noted that changes to the process for temporary housing are being considered under the Ofïicial Plan review, however, this application is being considered under the current process. 4. Public Comments (a) Susan McEachren, abutting property owner, noted that a survey marker is missing and raised encroachment and trespass concerns. Staffresponded that the Municipality deals with the structure through a permit system and that hespass is a civil matter. Ms. McEachren reported that the trailer has been there since spring, and suggested that only since she complained has a rezoning application been made. Staffnoted that for a building permit to be issued, the CBO must be satisfied that the lot lines are established, and that the structure is being placed with proper setbacks on the applicant's property. The CBO may request a survey if he deems it necessary. It was noted municipal staffhave investigated and are satisfied the mobile home is cunently placed within property owned by the Dyck's. 5. Council Comments and Ouestions (a) Councillor Taylor noted that he opposes approval until a survey has justified the location or the markers are found. Councillor Ketchabaw questioned whether a condition could be placed on the rezoning. Page 6 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 10 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 The Administrator advised that it could not, but the concerns could be addressed at the building permit stage. Councillor Ketchabaw asked whether the trailer could be removed if it does not meet the requirements. Council discussed requiring Council approval for the issuance of this building pennit. The Administrator responded that Council cannot direct the CBO in the issuance of permits, however, he can report back to Council on activities. 6" Adiournment 2009-400 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 8:15 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. Disposition of ltem (a) Disposition of Item 2009-401 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Staff Report D2009-34 regarding the Dyck rezoning be received; AND THAT the zoning on lands owned by Gerhard and Maria Dyck, located in Part Lot 109 Concession 7 NTR be changed from Agriculture (41) to Agriculture- Temporary 2 ( l'T2) in Bayham T.onngBylaw A5G2003, as amended, to permit a supplementary farm dwelling for a period not exceeding three (3) years' ending August 13,2012; AND TIIAT ZoningByJaw 2572-2009 be presented to Council for enactment.tt CARRIED 7. ROADS. AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE PageT of19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 11 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 (a) Corespondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7,2009 from Norfolk County regarding "Winter Drain". File'FOQ 2009-402 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Notice of Drainage Works from Norfolk County regarding I'Winter Drain" be received; AND THAT CliffEvanitski be appointed to the joint Court of Revision tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 9:30 a.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) StaffReport PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor. File: Fl8 2009-403 Moved by Councillor rü Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport PW2009-16 regarding Multi Use Tractor be received; AND THAT Council authorize the acquisition of the Multi Use Tractor from Joe Johnson Equipment Inc., of Ontario in accordance with the tender submitted June 19, 2009 and clarified August 4,2009 at an amended price of $88,350 plus taxes.'f CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY. BTIILDING & PROTECTTVE SERVICES (a) Building permit report for month ending July 31, 2009. File: PlO 2009-404 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT Building Permit Report for month ending July 31,2009 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 8 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 12 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 (b) StaffMemorandum regarding parking Issues - MNR Parking Lot and Addison street. File: POl 2009-405 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffMemorandum regading Parking Issues - MNR Parking Lot and Addison Street be received.rr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) StaffReport P2009-022 regarding Appointment of By-law Enforcement Offrcers. (defened from July 16,2009) File: P01 2009-406 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "TIIAT StaffReport P2009-022 regarding Appointment of by-Law Enforcement Oflicers be received; AND THAT By-Law 2007-059 as amended be repealed.fr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Request from Councillor Taylor regarding "Demonstration of Boat based rescue service". Council members discussed issues regarding liability and open meeting requirements for a demonstration, and defening until the Master Fire Plan is drafted. Councillor Taylor noted the possibilþ of ananging for taping of the demonstration for presentation at a Council meeting. It was suggested the supplier would be asked to discuss with staff. 2009-407 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Request for I)emonstration of Boat based rescue service be Page 9 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 13 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 received.tt I- A PPTFD T TNANIMôT TST l/ (e) Email correspondence dated July 17,2009 from Valerie Donnell regarding "Beach washtooms." File: Cl3 2009-408 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor TTTHAT correspondence dated July 17,2009 from Valerie Donnell regarding "Beach Washrooms" be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held June l7 , 2009 . File: C06 2009-409 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meeting held June 17,2009 be received; AND THAT Council approves the 2009 Police Services Board Budget, the Business Plan and the 2008 Year End Report." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) StaffReport PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof Repairs. File:420 G LeMay advised that the Library roof is now leaking and that there is a 50 year warranty on the steel roof. 2009-410 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport PW2009-12 regarding Straffordville Library Roof Repairs be received; Page 10 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 14 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 AND THAT Staffbe authorized to proceed with Straffordville Library roof rcpairsas4uoted by MarklehrConst¡uctiouJor rcplacement r¡nthsteel roofing.'r CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) StaffReport C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee Requests. File:A,01 2009-4tt Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport C2009-015 regarding Edison Building Committee Requests be received; AND THAT Council approves the request from the Edison Museum Building Committee to circulate an RFP to contract with a professional fundraiser to undertake fundraising initiatives for the new facility building project; AND THAT Council approves the request for the Building Committee to utilize the Municipal vendors' list to assist in fundraising efforts for the new Edison Museum facility. " CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-412 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Council approves the request from the Edison Museum Building Committee to accept the quote from Breathe Architects, in the amount of $5,000, excluding engineering, to develop preliminary design and outline speculations using the functions, spaces and sizes as depicted on the concept plan contained in the Edison Museum of Vienna new facility Feasibility Study completed Ín April2008 by Vilnis Design; THAT the preliminary design drawings have a Yo" scale for later development of detailed design and preliminary contract drawings, being Page 11 of19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 15 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 more specifically as follows: tr North/South Section (short one) showing the floor to floor- ceiling- window heights, o Four Elevations, tr One Exterior Perspective same view as before but showing more detail, o Two Interior PersPectives, o Outline Specifications; AND THAT the 2008 unexpended amount o1$2,462 remaining from the Culture Plan grant be apptied to the cost, with the balance to be drawn from the Edison Museum Building Reserve Fund." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINAI\CE. ADMINISTRATION & PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive, except Cheques #6923 aú#6874 totaling $406,353.82 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 12 and July 26,2009 totaling $62,323.30 and$6I,999.27. 2009-413 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque #6837 to Cheque #6953 inclusive, except Cheques #6923 nd#6874 totating $406¡53.82 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 12 and July 26,2009 totaling $62323.30 and $61,999.27 respectively be approved.rf CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report F2009-36 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund - Not For Profit Projects (Eden Community Group). File:F11 2009-4r4 Moved by Councillor W Casier Page 12 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 16 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT StaffReport F2009-36 regarding Infrastructure Stimulus Fund - Not - For Profit Projects be received; AND THAT Council acknowledge and support application by the Eden and Ärea Community Centre for repairs to the Eden Community Centre building as has been outlined in previous staff reports under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund - Not - For - Profit Intake. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Request for use of Municipal sign regarding "Calton Hall Pork BBQ". File: Cl3 2009-4t5 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw |'THAT the request for use of the Municipal sign regarding Calton Hall Pork BBQ be received; AND TIIAT Council grants permission to use the sign as requested, subject to Municipal needs." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Staff Memorandum regarding Report C2009-14 - Cemetery Markers Glen Erie Line. File: S09 2009-416 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier 'iTHÁ.T Staff Memorandum regarding Report C2009-14 - Cemetery Markers Glen Erie Line be received; AND THAT staff be authorized to make arrangements with the County of Elgin for removal in concert with County works in Spring 2010f' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 13 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 17 of 151 Council Minutes (e) Staff Report C2009-016 regarding Maniage Offrciant. August L3,2009 File: Cl3 2009.41i Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT StaffReport C2009-016 regarding Marriage Ofliciant be received; AND THAT Staff be directed to meet with Marion Rogers to discuss proposed details for the conduct of civil marriage solemnization." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Ð StaffMemorandum regarding Volunteer Recognition Night 2009. File: M02 2009-418 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier ilTHAT Staff Memorandum C2009-07 regarding Volunteer Recognition Night 2009 be received; AND THAT Council confirm the 2009 Volunteer Recognition Night be held November 26,2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Vienna Community Centre." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) Request from S.A.N.Y.A. (Spay And Neuter Your Animals) to use Municipal sigu. File: C13 2009-419 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the correspondence from Marion Paterson requesting use of the Municipal sign be received; AND TIIAT Council grants permission to use the sign as requested, subject to Municipal needs." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 14 ofI9 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 18 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 (h) Request from Museum Board for Council to consider enhancing the existing tourism signs to darken the word "discover" so that it more visible. (Defened from July 16,2009) 2009-420 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "TIIAT Council approve the request to enhance the existing tourism signage to darken the work "I)iscover" as submitted by the Museums Bayham Board." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-42r Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 12 of Procedural ByJaw 2002-93, Council shall deal with business until 11 p.m. at its meeting of August 13, 2009." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT (a) Bayham Water Distribution System Quarteù Report for the period ending June 30,2009 and Call Outs. File: E08 2009-422 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw 'iTHA.T the Bayham Water Distribution System Quarterþ Report for the period ending June 30, 2009 and Call Outs be received for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells Quarterþ Report for the period ending June 30, 2009. File: E08 2009-423 Page 15 of19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 19 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor i *TIIAT the Bayham Small MuniıþãITlıñlResiilınffát\tells QuartGily- Report for the period ending June 30, 2009 be received for information." CARRIED I.]NANIMOUSLY (c) Port Burwell lvVastewater Treatment Plant Quarterþ Report ending June 30, 2009 and Call Outs. File: 805 2009-424 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "THAT the Port Burwell Wastwater Treatment Plant Quarterly Report ending June 30, 2009 and Call Outs be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) StaffReport H2009-08 regarding Temporary Operator - Water Infrastucture Renewal Project. File: E08 2009-425 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT StaffReport 112009-08 regarding Temporary Operator - Water Infrastructure Renewal Project be received; THAT the Letter of Understanding with CUPE Local35.4 as attached to Report H2009-08 be approved; AND THAT Staffbe authorized to proceed wÍth retaining a Temporary Water / Wastewater Operator for the duration of the Water Infrastructure Renewal Project.fr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Conespondence dated July 15, 2009 from Stantec Consulting Ltd. regarding "Schedule B Class EA - Shore Protection at the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant, Page 16 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 20 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 Port Stanley". File:808 - - --2009-126 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Correspondence dated July 15,2009 from Stantec Consulting Ltd. regarding Schedule B Class EA - Shore Protection at the Elgin Area Water Treatment PlanÇ Port Stanley be received for information.fr CARRIED I.INANIMOUSLY 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2009-427 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor M Taylor tt1'¡l[f the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 11:00 p.m. to discuss: o personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; o a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY O) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 16,2009. (c) Confidential Memorandum regarding potential acquisition or disposition of land. (d) Confidential Memorandum and Draft By-Law regarding personal matter. (e) Out of Camera. 2009-428 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the frln Camera" PageIT of19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 21 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 session atllz20 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2009-429 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THA,T By-Law 2009-100, being a By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Ramona Peidl for management back-up services for the Vienna and Bayham Community Centres be added to the agenda and presented to Council for enactment.fr CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2572-2009 A By-Law to turther amend By-Law 2456-2003 (Ðck) (b) By-Law 2573-2009 A By-Law to turther amend By-Law 2456-2003 (Guenther) (c) By-Law 2009-089 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2007-059 (By-Law Enforcement Officers) No Action (d) By-Law 2009-095 A By-Law to authorize the bonowing of money by way of temporary advances to meet expenditures (Water Infrastructure Renewal Project) (e) By-Law 2009-097 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement (Omega Contractors) (Ð By-Law 2009-100 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an agreement for back up management services (Peidl) 2009-430 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw I' THAT By-Laws 257 2-2009, 257 3 -2009, 2009-095, 2009 -097 and 2009-1 00 be read a firsÇ second and third time and linally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) By-Law 2009-098 A By-law to confinn all actions of Council 2009-431 Page 18 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 22 of 151 Council Minutes August 13,2009 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor M Taylor "That confirming ByJaw 2009-098 be read a firsÇ second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED I.]NANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2009-432 Moved by Councillor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned atllz2l p.m.." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAYOR Page 19 of 19 Minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 13, 20...Page 23 of 151 Page 24 of 151 â Township of Madawaska ValleyÞ. 85 Bay Street, PO Box 1000 Barry's Bay, ON KOJ 180 P:613-756-2747 x2l2 F: 613-756-0553 coru fu ilasu, *ny þr n ufánu E: ahudder@.madawaskavalley.on.ca Moved By: Borurie Mask Seconded by: Phil Conway #20-0804-09 Date: August 4ft. 2009 WHEREAS Home Care Service ¡s an essential serv¡ce in rural Ontario in assisting in the well-being of seniors and individuals with physical and mental disabilities; AND WHEREAS Roy Romanow, Head of the Royal Commission of the Future of Health Care in Canada in 2002 dubbed Home Care Services "fñe nexf essentíal sewice"; AND WHEREAS Home Care Service responds to the needs of the patients and assists children, parents, spouses and siblings and the broader community by supporting quality of life and ensuring quality health care so that citizens can continue to participate in and contribute to the economic and social life of their community; AND WHEREAS the Personal Support Workers that provide the home care service create a climate that promotes the optimal physical, social and emotionalwell being of their clients; AND WHEREAS the need for Home Care Service in Renfrew County is so great that the Personal Support Workers that provide this essential service are overburdened with the amount of clients that they are only able to provide 2 hour visits to their clients; AND WHEREAS Home Care Service clients require a minimum of 4 hours of attention per visit; NOW THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Madawaska Valley is seeking support from all municipalities and request that they forward a resolution of support to their local MP, Premier Dalton McGuinty, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and the County of Renfrew to ensure an increase in funding for additional Personal Support Workers to be hired to relieve the stresses related to a shortage of staff; AND FURTHER THAT Personal Support Workers providing Home Care Service be required to provide a minimum of 4 hours of service per client visit which, not only benefits the client, but also allows the primary caregivers the opportunity to maintain a level of normalcy in their daily lives. CARRIED. DISCIAIMER This material t's provided under contract as a paid seruice by the orþínatíng organization and does not necessarily reflect the view or positions of the Association of Municþalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, officers, directors or agents. Copy of resolution passed August 4, 2009 from Township of Ma...Page 25 of 151 Page 26 of 151 GET GROWING COMMUNITY GARDENS FOR 2O1O A workshop for community leaders in Ontario interested in learning about starting and strengthening community gardens in their municipalities October 6, 2009 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (Registration at 9:30 am) White Oaks United Church 1901 Jalna Blvd., London $20.00 per ParticiPant Topics:. Getting started with community gardens (land, funds, resources, publicity, etc). Policy and procedures. Continued support for gardeners Organized by: /vtt [,llODtISEX-LONDONHEALTHUNIT Þontar¡o HRAC HungerReliefAction[oalition LOndOnCANADA Registration Form - Get Growing Workshop Oct 6/09 Name: Organizatlon: Addrcss: Daytlme Tclephonci Payment: C¡sh or Cheque (Make cheque payable to Middlesex London Health Unit) Payment Deadllne: Scptember 28th Mailthis form and payment to:Middlesex-London Health Unit Attention: Janice Zielinski (519-663-5317 x2596) 50 King Street London, ON N6A 5L7 Notice of workshop for community leaders in Ontario interest...Page 27 of 151 Page 28 of 151 200 Universig Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON MsH 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 9716191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT No: 09/060 To the attention of the Clerk and Council FoR MoRE lNFoRMArloN coNrACr: Aususr 12,2OOs liîåi3i,,iå.ui' AMo.senior Poricv Advisor AMO Welcomes Court Decision on Bank Tower Assessment lssue: On August11,200$ the Divisional Court released its unanimous dec¡sion regarding the Toronto Bank Towers. The Court found that the Assessment Review Board's interpretation of "current value" and "fee simple if unencumbered" is wrong in law. Background: The Court's decision upholds the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's (MPAC) longstanding practice of including a tenant's leasehold improvements in determining office tower property values. Given the province wide implications of this decision, the municipalities of Atikokan, Brant, Ear Falls, Goderich, Lambton, Lincoln, Ottawa, Quinte West, Red Lake, Sarnia, South Bruce Peninsula, and Windsor were intervenors in the case. ln 2008, MPAC and the City of Toronto sought leave to appeal the interim decision of the Assessment Review Board on the City of Toronto Bank Tower ruling. On November 14,2008, the Divisionat Court granted leave to appeal the decision of the Assessment Review Board. ln response to an appeal by the bank tower owners, yesterday's second Divisional Court decision. The Court found the Board's determination that required buildings to be assessed as vacant, undermines the purpose of assessment. ln reaching this conclusion, the Court states that, "fo value fhese Bank Towers on the basrs that they are vacant, when all (parties) agree that that is an entirely hypothetical scenario, is to significantly underualue them compared to other real property... ". The Court concluded that the Board's, "ínterpretation does not promote the legislative purpose". lf the Board's decision had been upheld, it would have significant implications for municipal assessment bases across the province. After the first Board decision, AMO wrote to the Minister of Finance urging that the government clarify assessment practices. Although a positive development at this time, a further appeal of this decision by those representing the bank towers is possible within the next 15 days. Action: For your information. This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. l--tr H.lJ 1-1 uunic¡par¡îl:îîã'li:.iJ ^llo Correspondence dated August 12 and 14, 2009 from Association...Page 29 of 151 MEMBER COMMUNICATION 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 | Fax (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca ALERT No: 09/061 To the attention of the Clerk and Council August 14,2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION GONTACT: Milena Avramovic, AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-9e56 ext342 l--tr tIJJ { Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) lssue: Minister Gerretson approves Phase 2 of the Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment Plan (WEEE) Background: The first phase of the WEEE program was approved in July of 2008 and came into effect on April 1 , 2009. The second phase which was just approved is to take effect on April 1,2010. The program, with an estimated cost of $74 million in the first year of operation, is fully paid for by Producers (manufacturers, brand owners and first importers) of electronics introduced into the Ontario marketplace. This is a shift of costs of managing waste from municipal taxpayers onto those who are responsible for the design and introduction of products into the marketplace. Phase 2 of the program revises and builds on Phase 1 of the program. Phase 1 captures computers and peripherals (mice, keyboards), monitors, printers and televisions. Phase 2 expands the program to also capture telephones, copiers, stereos, radios, MP3 players and other audio-visual equipment. Both Phases of the program:o Collect, transport and process e-waste according to best practices; o Promote the program and educate Ontarians on their options to manage e-waste;o Increase the number of convenient options for consumers and businesses to retum their electronics for reuse and recycling;o Directs used electronics for recycling based primarily on environmental criteria (e.9., recycling rate achieved by processors);. Tracks waste electronics from collectíon through transportation and processing to final destination to ensure accountability; and. Researches and develops better ways to manage difficult materials. The collection, reuse and recycling targets establíshed by the program will ensure that strong environmental benefits will be realized. The revised (Phase 1 and Phase 2) program aims to increase the collection of used electronics for reuse and recycling to over 60% in year 5. uun¡c¡par¡îl:î?äii:."i aHo'l-2 Correspondence dated August 12 and 14, 2009 from Association...Page 30 of 151 There are now over 300 new drop-off options up from the 167 locations prior to the start of the first phase of the program. The revised program sets a goal of more than 750 drop-off locations and collection events by the end of year five. Drop-off locations include municipally-run centres, Salvation Army stores and retail outlets such as Best Buy and Staples Canada. Since the program began, special collection events, other than municipal events, have been held by Sears Canada, Habitat for Humanity, Leon's Fumiture and private companies. Action: FYI This information is available in the Policy /ssues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. þ-tr tJJJ 2-2 M un¡c¡pd¡î::ïJäi",:r"i aHo Correspondence dated August 12 and 14, 2009 from Association...Page 31 of 151 Page 32 of 151 August 13,2009 Re: Hospital Closure in Fort Erie Dear Mayor Acre and Council Further to my letter to you, of June 1,2009, seeking support to help keep our community built hospital open in Fort Erie, I wish to update you on recent events. Mayor Doug Martin has been diligent in working towards stopping the Douglas Memorial closing, scheduled for Sept. 27th, andhas been successful in getting us a two year extension, with a reassessment at the end of those 2 yearc. The Emergency Department is still scheduled to be downgraded to an Urgent Care Centre, and our Town Council passed a motion to support the moratorium called for by the OMA, and will bring it to the NHS and the LHIN. The Emergency Dept., however, is still being downgraded on Sept. 27th, so we have to continue our fight to keep it open, and operating as an Emergency Room, for the safety of the people of Fort Erie. In so far as the hospital is concerned we were only given 6 (24 to 48hr holding beds) in the Emergency Department, and the rest of the existing hospital beds are to be used for ch¡onic and Alternate Level of Care patients. This is a far cry from a vital active community hospital, but a shade higher than being closed, and turned into a Nursing Home, Port Colborne Hospital was closed on July 6th,2009 and downgraded to Urgent Care and they have already had their first likely death, linked to having to be taken a distance to the Emergency Room in Welland. (He lived 4 blocks from the Port Colborne Hospital) The Yellow Shirt group, made up of concerned citizens, is continuing to be very active and will continue to do so. We are growing in numbers and are not only fighting for our community, but for communities across Canada who are being threatened and are losing their rights, as Canadians, to having equal available Health Care. I have attached the postcard we are sending out to all MPs and MPPs. The picture is from our Rally on July 15,2009. We are currently assembling the responses we received from the various municipalities. If you have already responded, please accept both the appreciation of Mayor Martin and myself. If not, would you kindly advise me by email of the action taken by your Council in this matter. I will personally compile the information and give it to Mayor Martin for his files. We live in a great country where communities will stand shoulder to shoulder to show a united front and help one another. Respectfully yours Joy Russell 3800 Dominion Rd. Ridgewa¡ ON LOS 1N0 jbartonÍ2@cogeco.ca Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 33 of 151 c t -î -rA, -Y'r-l C'tfi h l-F? .d F- ,t .-t .FÉz,H r,.i Fl Ë =Ër¡Jñ-uvà frHË HEÚ JË HHLtroFFr Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 34 of 151 Legal, & Legislative Services The Honourable Dalton McGuintY Premier of Ontario Legislative Building, Room 281 Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 1.{1 Honourable a¡rd Dea¡ Sirs: August 11,2009 FAX : 4 1 6-325 -37 45 | 4t6-325-7 57 8 416'326-t57L or 416-325-157L or 4L6'494-9937 The Honourable David CaPlan Minister of Health and Long lerm Care Hepburn Block, lott' floor 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 2C4 Re: Support of Moratorium Call by Ontarío Medical Åssociation to HaIt Major Health Care Restructuring Decisions The Municipal Council of t1.e Town of Fort Erie at its meeting of August 10, 2009, passed the following resolution regarding the above matter: wHEREAS in April 200g, Health Minister David caplan announced fhe establishment of the Rur¿l and Northern Health Care panel and his commitment "to "xarninìng ttrãt" issu"" and providing a Provincial Framework to support rural communities," and NorthernHealthCarePanelwillcollateandreviewthecurrent erecommendalionsto¡dentifyuniqueneeds;itwillco.ordinate vestmenls; and it will examine the existing programs and services WHEREAS |.l:; Province ca and unique heal retaining qu wHEREAS the ontario Medical Association recently called upon the Provincial Government to place a molalorium. on major health care restructuring decisíons until the Rúral and Northern Health care Panel reports its findings and makes recommendations, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedienl to support the Ontario Medical Assocíation in its moratorium efforts: of Fort Erie that it hereby petitions the Province edical Association to stop all major health care reports its flndings and recommendations, and ut a hold on major restructuring of heallh ære services, and further THAT the Minister of Health t of the Emergency Department at Douglas Memorial Hospifal to 09 and reverse the action taken at Port Colborne Generat Hospit pment of the expected action plan' and further ...t2 Our Focus: Your Future Mailing Address: Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p,m, The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie Municipal Centre, 1 Municipal Centre Drive Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada L2A2S6 Tel: (905) 871-ló00 Fax; (905) 871-4022 Web-Site: wwu¡.forteri e.on.ca Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 35 of 151 The Honourable Dalton McGuintY The Honouable David Caplan Page two THATthe Region of Niagara, Area Municipalities and the Town's health care partners be requested to supportthis action, and further THAT the appropriate persons be so notified accordíngly' you a¡e both intimately familia¡ with the Niagara Health System Hospital Improvement Plan and its impact on the Ooullas Memorial HospitJand ttre Port Colborne General Hospital' You will note in the above resolution the Emergency Department for September 27, 2OO9 and the outcome öf the Panel's report a¡¡d development of the expected action plan' Enclosed for your information please frnd a copy of a letter sent to tJre Region of Niagara and Area Munícipalities. A similar letter will be sent to all rural and northern municþalities in the Province of Onta¡io seeking support of Council's resolution. V/e wish to remind you of the action taken when a resolution was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie on May 11, 2OOg requesting the Government to impose a moratorium upon each LHIN to prevent any furhter reductions in health cale serr¡ices in rural and northern communities. A côpy of our letter is enclosed for your easy reference. e attention and action to these critical matters will be greatly appreciated' Town Clerk CJK:dlk Encl. c.c. Dr. Suzsnne Strasberg, OMA' President Fa,* 416-340-2864 Kim Craitor, MPP Fax: 416-325-0818 lim Hudak, MPP and PC l-eader Candidate Fax 416-325-0998 Peter Kormos, MPP Fa* 905-732-9782 Dr. David Henry, o/b Fort E¡ie Doctors Fax: 905-871-1221 Dr. Ray Dawes Via ernail: raydawe@awes.ca John T. Teal, co-chair, Mayor's Task Fqrce NHS lmprovement Plan Fax: 905-871-9151 Wayne H. Redekop, Co-Chãir, Mayor's Task Force NHS Improvement Plan Fa* 905-894-5356 Betty-Lou Souter, Chair, NHS Fax 905-323-3800 Jua¡rita Gledhill, Chai¡, LHIN Fax 905-945-1992 Sue Salzer Via email : jsaÞer1@cogeco'ca Joy Russell, Via email iþia¡þÉZ&sCççs.G-â H. Sclrlange, ChÍef Administrâtive Oflicer R. rililson, GM, CGDC Mayor Valnce Bada'À'ay, Cíty of Port Colborne Fax:834'5746 Ja¡ret Beckett, Clerk, City ofPort Colborne Fax: 834-574ó Pat Scholreld Via email: scholfreldpa@vahoo.com Rick Va¡rSickle, City Editor, SL CÂttlarìnes Standa¡d Fa,x: 905-684-6032 Joe Wallace, City Editor, Niagara Falls Rwiew Fax; 905-356:0785 Joe Barkovich, City Editor, We[and Tlibune Far¡: 905-732-3660 Chrís Dube,'Itre Times, Fa:s: 905-871-5243 Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 36 of 151 To: Re: Legal &, Le gislative S ervice s August LL,2OO9 Sent via email Clerk of Regional Municipality of Niagara a¡rd Area Municipal Clerks Support of Moratorium Call by OntarÍo MedÍcal Assocfatíon to Halt Major Health Care Restnrcturing Decisions The Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie at its meeting of August LO, 2OO9, passed the following resolution regarding the above matter: WHEREAS in April 2009, Health Minister David Caplan announced the establishment of the Rural and Northern Health Care Panel and his comrnitment "to examining these issues and provÍding a Provincial Framework to support rural communities,* and WHEREAS as part of the first stage, the Rurat and Northem Health Care Panel will collate and review the current activities underway across the Province; it will provide recommendations to identiff unique needs; Ít wíll oo-ordinate metrics and targets to be achieved through strategic investments; and it will examíne the existÍng programs and services targeled to northern and rural Ontario, and WHEREAS in Juty 2009 the members appoínted to the Panel were announced and they will recommend steps the Province can take to improve access to heelth care in rural and northem commun¡t¡es including identif,ing rural Ontario's unique health care challenges, such as increased travef time required to access health care facilities, recruiting and retaining qualified health care professionals, and providing timely emergency services to remote locations, and WHEREAS the Ontario Medical Association recently called upon the Provincial Govemment to place a moratorium on major health care restrucluring decisions until the Rural and Northern Health Care Panel reports its findings and makes recommendations, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to support the Ontario Medical Association in its moratorium efforts: NOWTHEREFORE be ít resolved by the Municipal Council of theTown of Fort Erie that it hereby petitions the Province of Ontario to act accordíng to the call for a moralorium by the Ontario Medical Association to stop all major health care restructuring decisions until the Rural and Northern Health Care Panel reports its findíngs and recommendations, and order the LHIN's and hospitals ín rural and northern communities to put a hold on major restructuring of health care services, and further THAT the Minister of Health take special notice and immediately halt the conversion of the Emergency Depertment at Douglas Memorial Hospital to an Urgenl Care Centre scheduled for September 27, 2009 and reverse the action taken et Port Colborne General Hospital pending the outcome of the Panel's report and development of the expected actíon plan, and furlher ...t2 Our Focus: Your Future Mailing Address: Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The CorporatÍon of the Town of Fort Erie Municipal Cent¡e, 1 Municipal Centre Drive Fort Erie, Onta¡ío, Canada LZA236 Tel: (905) 87I-1600 Fax: (905) 8714022 Web-Si te: wrvw. forte¡ie.on.ca Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 37 of 151 clerks of Regional Municpality of Niagara and A¡ea Municipalities Page two THAT the Region ol Niagara, Area Municipalities and the Town's heafth care partners be requested to supportlhis action' and further THAT the appropriate persons be so notified accordingly. This issue continues to grow a¡rd become more critical for rural a¡rd nortfrern municipalitie-s afrd its subsequent impact ın urba¡r centre hospitals. Patients a¡rd health care professionals are deeply affected by-recent health ca¡e restrulcturing decisíons and all of the implications that continue to surface, your support is important to our collective efforts to ensure quality and timely health care in Niagara. Kindly provide notice of tbe action taken by your Council directly to the Premier and Minister of Health, the Ontario Medical Association and tl.e undersigned. Town Clerk CJK:dlk c.c. Ttre flonourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Onta¡io Fâc 416-325-37451 4L6-325-7578 l4I6'326'L571 The Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Health and Long Term Ce¡e Fa¡c 416-325'157I or 4L6-494'9937 Dr. Suzanne Strasberg, OMA. President Fax:4L6'34Q-2864 Peter Partington, Regional ChairFax 685-62+3 Mayors of Area Municipalities IGm Craitor, MPP Fa¡<: 416-325-08f 8 Tiú Hudak, llPP a¡rd PC Leader Ca¡rdidate Fax 416-325-0998 Peter Kormos, MPP Fax 905-732-9782 Dr. David Henry, o/b Fo¡t Erie Doctors Farc 905'871-1221 Dr. Ray Dawes Via email: raydawe@dawes.ca John T. Teal, Co-Chai¡, Mayôr's Task Force NHS Improvement Pla¡r Fa:r: 905-871-9151 \Ãrayne H. Redekop, Co-Ctráir, Mayor's Task Fo¡ce NHS Improvement Ptan Fa;<: 905'894-5356 Betty-Lou Souter, Chair, NHS Fa;c 905'323-3800 Jua¡rita Gledhill, Chair, LHIN F¿x: 905-945-1992 Sue Salzer Via email : jsaÞerl@cogeco.ca Joy Russell, Via email: j@!9n,!26ìcoeeco,94 Pat Schofield Via email: scholfieldoafâvahoo-com H. Schlange, Chief Administrative O6cer R. \Ãrilson, GM, CGDC RickVanSickle, City Editor, St. Catharines Standârd Fax 905-68a-6032 Joe Wallace, City Editor, Niagara Falls Review Fax: 905-356-0785 Joe Barkovich, City Editor, ll/elland Tribune Fa:ç 905-732-3660 Chris Dube, The Times Fax:.9OS-87L-5243 Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 38 of 151 Office of the Mayor DOUCL{S G. MARTIN May 13,2009 Sent by fax: 4t6-326-1571 1'hc Flont¡ur¿rble Davicl Caplan Minister of Health eurd Long Term Ca¡e Hepbunr Block, 10Ù' floor B0 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON h47A 2C4 I{onourable ancl Dear Sir; Re: Rural and Northern Ilealth Care Blue Ribbon Panel On Wcdnes Ontarians gathered on tJre lawn of Queen's Park to protest t¡.e eral Government's Health care Policies on their lives 'ancl commu 00 plus were from the Town of Fort Erie where we are experiencing hrst hand. the result of your heal'h care policies from the closing of our emergency room to the elimination of ãcute care becls a¡tã temo,'al of day surget'ies'- Mr' Minister we will soon be in a position rvhere our local physicians will not be a'ble to ad¡nit one of their patie:lts to our local hospital. How can that be acceptable to you? As the Mayor of Fort Erie and the inaugural Chair of -the Alliance to Save Onta¡io's Small,- with your refelral in the Legislature on utside on ttre laqm as "unions a¡rd their oll: "Hon Dauíd, caplan: I welenme anaone to Queen's Park' I'Jniotts ctnd tlrcír supporters haue a partiøtlar perspeclir". I dont share theír percpectiue' We are oi ln" síd.e of patiþnts i¿ tte Province of Ontorio" Mr. Minister, the people on the lawn of Queen' n on unions a¡rd their position or! health carc that you associate ttre unions health care e residents who took the iime, some away health care, or were yotl misinformed ting? I look forward to your resPonse on this issue. your Government a¡urounced the creation of a Rural and Northeln Flealth Ca¡'e Blue Ribl¡on Panel to provicle recommendations on the unique needs of heajth ca¡e in those comrnunities' .../2 Mailing ¡\ddrc*s: llru corlnrrtion o[ thc Town of Fort Erie lvlunicipal Ccnlro. I Munir;ipal Cenuc Drive Fort Eric' Onlario, Canad¡ L2A 256 office Houn 8:30 ¿t.m- ro 5:00 p.nr. Phonc (905) 8? l- l cìm Fax (905) 8'l l-4û22 Wcl¡-sítc: rvww.lìrrtcrie.on.c¡ Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 39 of 151 The Honourable Ðavid CaPlart Minister of Health and long Terrn Care Page tlvo Panel. On the heels of your Blue Ribbon Panel a¡.nouncement, the following resolu^tion was passed Uy ttre Municipai Coun"it of the lown of Fort E¡ e at its meeting of May tl,2AO9: WHEREAS the Health and Long-Term Cale Minister recenüy announced plans to develop a small Rural and Nortlrem Flealth Care Blue Ribbãn Panel to look at health care and hospital needs, and WHEREAS a call for a moratoriurn imPosed uPon each Local Health province'wide review process has b PhYslcians, Canadian Association Asåoc¡ation and the Society of Rural ns, and and WHEREAS the M¡nistels response dated April 23, 2OOg advised he would not interfere in the local HIP process but the govemment *"ørfa-support tíre Om'bu¿sman's Oflice as needed through llre investigalion, €nd WHEREAS ¡t ¡s deemed necessary and expedient for small. rural and norlhem municipalities to call upon the govemrnent to impose u roratorilï'iín ã"i n rüre. råuctions to health care services in rural and norlhem communities; NOW THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED by act¡on: 1) 2' 3) The idenlification of how many emergency departments are needed in each comrnunity and in each LHIN;4l u r¡rì¡ e in local hospitals 5) åfiF"";":ilå"lJ needs of the local PoPulationi6) The adopfton o¡standarOs iögarding the regional services that need lo be in place to support local delfuery systerns; l3 Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 40 of 151 The Horrourable David CaPlart Minister of Heatth and Long Term Care Page tluee ensure accessibility to regional services that are dee¡ned ystems; ;ò;ùì;g EMS availability in the event of a closure of a system and furlher research þ l¡ll ín THAT: the Minister of Health and Long-term care be f qyïted lo ensufe that the compositíon of lhe Blue Ribbon panet include membeo or rùeÃrri"nä"lo s"u" ontario';small, Rural and Northern Hospitals as well as a doctor from Niagara Soulh, and further THAT; A copy of this resolution be sent lo atl small, Rulal and Northem Municipalities in the Province of Ontario for suPPort, and further THAT: The ontario ombudsman end Aud¡tor General be so nolified of lhis aclion as well as all olher ePProPriate Persons. As you had ProPosed in mY meeting corrãspondence, you and your ofÏice are acrosJ the Pr-ovince to find solutions to communities. Mr. Minister, I see this as a promise into action using the Rural afrd No vehicle. I would. ask that a meeting be scheduled v/ith you at your ofrce with the Mayors' Wa¡dens a¡rd other elected t"pté"ãoi"ti"es from our Alliaice to discuss this very ímportant issue' I look forward to your PromPt resPonse' Mayor DGM:dlk c,c. Attachcd - Page four Douglas G. Ma¡tin Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 41 of 151 The Honourable David caplan, Minister of Health and Inng Term care May 13,2009i", noi"r and Northern Health care Blue Ribbon Panel Page four c.c.The I Jim And I(im Craitor, MPP Fax: 416-325-0818 Tim Hudak, MPP Fax: 4L6'325-O998 -546-2095 ail eor.donandmargaretpef,rv(Aciaccegs'com I iohnnvrema-:(âbellnet' c4 Jerry Brandt, Councillor,'lownship of Arrnor¡r email inf.@a¡mourtowBçhio'ca Cienn MiIIer, Reeve, tãwnsfrip of Ryerson via email admiq(@¡i¡ers-ontorvnsÞip'ça O¡"t Sotitfr, Mayor, Municipality oiMag¡teta*un via email maeadmin(abeunet'ca Ji* e;;",'r¡/aiden, countr of Lambtoá "t "1ît"l email Favor{Dcitv-quintewest' on' ca 5-871-t22L Medical Association Via email: ravdawestâdawgq,ca John T. Teal, co-chair, Mayor's Task Force NHS Impmvement PIan via email: iohntteel@bellnet.ca @-Chair, Mayor's Task Force NHS Improvement Plan via email: rvhrf@bellnet.ca Betü/-IÐu Souter, Chaír, NHS Far 905€?:q-3800 Jtranita Gledhill, Chair, LHIN Fa:r: 905-945-1992 I(ris Dubc, The Times via email feedito@coeeço'net Rick vansickle, ci$r Editor, st. catharinesstandard Fax 905-684-6032 Joe watlace, ciÚ - 905-356-0785 Joe Barkovich, Ci 05-732-3660 Small, Rural and Northern Municipalities Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 42 of 151 Legal &, Legislative Services August II,2OO9 Sent via email To: Clerk of Regional Municipality of Niagara a¡rd Area Municipal Clerks Re: Support of Moratorium CaIl by OntarÍo Medical Association to Halt Major Heatth Care Restructuring Decísions The Municþal Council of the Town of Fort Erie at its meeting of August 70, 2OO9, passed the following resolution regarding the above matter: WHEREAS in Aprit 2009, Health Minister David Captan announced the establishment of the Rural and Northern Health Care Panef and his comm¡tment "to examining these issues and providing a Provlncial Framework to support rural communities,' and WHEREAS as part of the first stage, the Rural and Northern Health Care Panel will collate and review lhe current activilies underway across the Province; it wilf provide recommendations to identiff unique needs; it will co-ordinate metr¡cs and targets to be achieved through strategíc investments; and it will examíne the existing programs and services targeted to northern and rural Ontario, and WHEREAS in July 2009 the members appointed to the Panel were announced and they will recommend steps the Province can take to improve access to health care in rural and northern communities including identifiing rural Ontarío's unique health care challenges, such as increased travel time required to access health care facilities, recruitíng and retaining qualified health care professionals, and providing timely emergency services to remote locations, and WHEREAS the Ontario Medical Association recently called upon the Provincial Government to place a moratorium on major health care restructuring decisions until the Rural and Northern Health Care Panel reports its findings and makes recommendations, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to support the Ontario Medical Association ín its moratorium efforts; NOWTHEREFORE be it resolved by the Munícípal Council of the Town of Fort Erie that it hereby petitions the Province of Ontario to act according to the call for a moratorium by the Ontario Medical Assoclation to stop all major health care restructuring decisions until the Rural and Northern Health Care Panel reports its findings and recommendations, and orderlhe LHIN's and hospítals in rural and northern communities to puf a hold on major restructuring of health care services, and further THAT the Minister of Health take special notice and immediately halt the conversion of the Emergency Department at Douglas Memorial Hospitalto an Urgent Care Centre scheduled for September 27,2009 and reverselhe action taken at Port Colborne General Hospital pending the outcome of the Panel's report and development of the expected aclion plan, and further "'12 Our Focus: Your Future Mailing Address: Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie Municipal Centre, I Municipal Centre Drive Fort Erie. Ontario, Canada L2A 256 TeL (905) 871-ló00 Fax: (905) 8'714Ð22 Web-Site: www.forterie,on.ca Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 43 of 151 clerks of Regional Municpality of Niagara and Area Municþalities Page two THATthe Region of Niagara, Area Municipalities and the Town's heatth care partners be requested to supportthis action' and further THAT the appropriate persons be so notifìed accordingly' This issue continues to gtow and become more critica-l for rural and northern municipalities and its subsequent impact ın urban centre hospitals. Patients and health care professionals a¡e deeply affäcted byrecent heatth care restru-cturing decisions and all of the implications that continue to surface. your support is important to our collective efforts to ensure quality and timely health care in Niagara. Kindly provide notice of the action taken by your Council directly to the Premier and Minister of Heaftir, ttre Ontario Medícal Association and tÌ e undersigned. Town Clerk CJK:dlk c.c. ï)re Honourable Dalton McGuínt¡r, Premier of ontario Fax 416-325-3745/ 416-325-7578 l4l6-326-L57t The Honourable David Caplan, Mínister of Health and Iong Term Ca¡e Fax: 416-325- f 57 L or 416-494-9937 Dr. Suzanne Strasberg, OMA. hesident F axl. 4 L 6'340 -2864 Peter Partington, Regional Chair Fax: 6a5-6243 Mayors of Area MuniciPalities Kim Craitor, MPP Fax: 416-325-0818 'Iim Hudak, llPP and PC Leader Candidate Fax 416-325-0998 Peler Kormos, MPP Fax: 905-732'9782 Dr, David Henry, o/b Fort Erie Doctors Fa¡s: 905-871- 1221 Dr. Ray Dawes Viaemail: raydawe@dâwes'ca John f. Teal, Co-Chai¡, Mayär's Tash Force NHS Improvement Pla¡r Fax: 9o5-871-9151 Mayor's Task Force NHS lmprovement PIan Fax: 905-894-5356 Fæç: 905-323-3800 Fa* 905-945-1992 Sue Salzer Via email : jsalzerl@cogeco.ca Joy Russell, Via email jbartonSZ@coeeco.ca Pat Sctrofield Via email: scholfieldpaÍâvahoo.com H. Schlange, Chief Administrative Offcer R. \lrilson, GM, CGDC Rick VanSickle, City Editor, St, Catha¡ines Standard Fax 905-684-6032 Joe rlJallace, City Editor, Niagara Falls Revierv Fax: 905-356-0785 Joe Ba¡kovich, City Bditor, Welland Tribute Fax: 905-732-3660 Chris Dube, The Times Fax: 905-871-5243 Thanking you for Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Joy Russell regard...Page 44 of 151 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - July 8,2009 Minutes (as approved at the Board of Directors meetinE held Auqust 5, 2009) Members in attendance: B. Sloat, R. Sackrider, P. Black, S. Lamb, J. Hunt, L. Bartlett, P. Ens, R. Geysens, P. Lee. Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J. Robertson, H. Surette, D. Holmes, G. Poelzl, P. Gagnon, G. Sankar, L. Paulson. Regrets: L. Chanda The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 in the LPRCA Hay Creek office Boardroom. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 6 c) Conservation Ontario Marketing (J. Robertson) 10 j) Ecological Services (D. Holmes) MOTION A- 82 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Black and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors add staff reports Conservation Ontario Marketing as Business Arising, item c; and Ecological Services under New Business, as item j. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None recorded. DEPUTATION The Chair introduced Paul Speck, Vice President of AON Reed Stenhouse Inc., the insurance carrier for LPRCA's corporate insurance as part of the Conservation Authorities' group policy. Mr. Speck outlined for the Board the AON accounting team, the program performance, market conditions, how insurers see Conservation Authorities, and how the insurance industry manages perception. He outlined the particular challenges faced by Conservation Authorities with regards to liabilities. Mr. Speck answered questions from Board members and indicated that an increase in premiums is predicted for 2010. The Board requested that a claims report be presented to the Board on an annual basis. MOTION A - 83 moved by P. Lee and seconded by J. Hunt that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the deputation by Paul Speck, Vice President of AON Reed Stenhouse for information. STAFF AND MEMBER RECOGNITION AWARDS FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -1- Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of...Page 45 of 151 The Staff & Member recognition award was presented by Chair, B. Sloat, to R. Geysens. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A - 84 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Black and carried that the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting held June 3'd, 20Og be adopted as circulated. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES MOTION A - 85 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors permits staff to purchase the TOPCON RL-H3C laser level and D5 DISTO for efficient surveying and distance/angle tool to fulfill LPRCA's role in providing application review services under the Conseruation Authorities Act and Planning Act. C. Evanitski expanded on his report at the previous meeting regarding the redesign of the Backus Heritage Gonservation Area Entrance. Discussion followed regarding options. Staff was directed to approach Norfolk County regarding the possibility of pursuing an encroachment agreement to allow moving the gatehouse onto Norfolk County land. MOTION A - 86 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the General Manager's Report regarding the BHCA Entrance for information; and that staff be directed to prepare cost estimates of redesigning the BHCA entranceway/gatehouse on LPRCA property as part of the 2010 Budget process. Janice Robertson verbally reported on Conservation Ontario's marketing efforts on behalf of their members, including a timely article in Municipal World on green spaces. MOTION A - 87 moved by P. Black, seconded by J. Hunt and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receive the staff report re: Conservation Ontario marketing for information. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES P. Black updated the Board on the success of the Backus Advisory Board golf tourney. Over $2,000 was raised. Stark's Golf Course and the sponsors were thanked. MOTION A - S8 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by J. Hunt and carried that the minutes from the Backus Advisory Board of May 20th, 2009 be received for information. CORRESPONDENCE FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of...Page 46 of 151 D. Holmes discussed item d) the Boglaw Bulletin re: New Reporting Requirements for Critical lnjuries. Any critical injury on LPRCA property must be reported to the Ministry of Labour whether the injury is to LPRCA staff or a patron. C. Evanitski stated that the new reporting requirements will be incorporated into the revised Personnel Policy. lnformation has been received by Conservation Ontario and a report from them should be forthcoming. MOT¡ON A - 89 moved by P. Lee, seconded by J. Hunt and carried that the correspondence outlined ln the Board of Directors' Agenda of June 8th, 20Og be received for information. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS Mid-month approval: The Planning Department requested approval of four applications mid-month under section 28 regulations. MOTION A - 90 moved by P. Ens, seconded by P. Black and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approve the following Development Applications; A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06) NC-39/09 BA-2109NC-40/09 HC-8/09 B. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. The Planning Department is requesting approval for a total of six new applications, one with conditions. H. Surette reviewed the application with conditions and the changes required to accommodate section 28 regulations. MOTION A - 9l moved by R. Geysens, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the Board of Directors of the LPRCA approve the following Development Applications: A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shoreline and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06). NC-41/09-1 HC-9/09 NC-46/09 NC-42/09 HC-10/09-1 B. Approve, WITH CONDITIONS, the following development application for work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, lnterference with FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of...Page 47 of 151 Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06). NC-45/09-1 C. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for these Development Applications, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. NEW BUSINESS VIENNA FLOOD MODEL REPORT H. Surette reported background information on the role of Conservation Authorities in regard to flood prevention, protection and emergency preparedness and the situation in Vienna in the past. G. Sankar reported on the Vienna Flood Model developed by LPRCA staff. Paul Groeneveld, Fire Chief of the Municipality of Bayham was introduced and reported on how the model has been used in Bayham in 2009. Mr. Groeneveld is manager of all fire services and emergency management for the Municipality. He outlined the next steps needed such as ongoing refinement of the model and model accuracy analysis. He commended LPRCA staff on their work and the excellent relationship that has been established between the municipality and LPRCA. The presentation materialwill be made available to Board members and will be sent to Haldimand and Oxford county councils. MOTION A-92 moved by P. Lee, seconded by R. Geysens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Vienna Flood Model Report as information. CALENDAR REVIEW J. Robertson added to the Summer Events report that Paul Gagnon has been participating in the ALUS tour for landowners this week. She reminded Members of the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers tour stop at Backus August 1 and 2. The August Board of Directors meeting will be held at Backus August 5h. Members are asked to arrive at Backus at 6 pm for a group photo and barbecue before the meeting. Presentation of the Lee and Betty Brown Scholarships will be held immediately preceding the meeting. MOTION A - 93 moved by R. Geysens, seconded by P. Lee and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives July's Calendar Review Report for information. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT C. Evanitski noted that he and the Chair have been promoting the ALUS program at the Conservation Ontario board leveland are hopeful that Conservation Ontario will endorse the program. The GM toured GRCA staff around ALUS sites on July 8th. P FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of...Page 48 of 151 Black stated that the Long Point World Biosphere has expressed support for the ALUS program. He was directed to forward a Biosphere letter of support to Conservation Ontario. MOTION A - 94 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the General Manager's Report for June 2009 for information. 2OO9 TREE PLANTING PROGRAM FOLLOW.UP P. Gagnon reported that more than 170,000 trees have been planted this year, an increase over 2008. Ontario Power Generation has requested that LPRCA staff prepare a 3-4 year submission for the OPG program. The Chair stated that LPRCA s tree planting program is being noticed at the provincial Ministerial level. The Chair requested LPRCA staff to notify Haldimand County representatives of various program availabilities so tree planting could be increased in that area. MOTION A- 95 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by J. Hunt and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the staff report entitled 2009 Spring Tree Planting Program for information. PLANNING AND MAPPING - FEE SCHEDULE UPDATE H. Surette presented an updated fee schedule for Planning and Mapping services. The updated fee schedule is more comprehensive and detailed and also identifies a new revenue stream for LPRCA GIS mapping services. Increased fees will be discussed as part ofthe 2010 budget process. MOTION A - 96 moved by L. Bartlett and S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the updated planning, regulation and mapping fee schedule as outlined in the staff report of July 8ft, 2009. WATERSHED CONDITIONS UPDATE H. Surette reported on watershed rainfall and temperature conditions in May and June. Stream flows, groundwater levels and Lake Erie levels have been higher than the long term averages. R. Sackrider reported that he attended an informative two day seminar for Ontario Low Water Response with H. Surette and C. Jacques. MOTION A-97 moved by L. Bartleft, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the verbal Watershed Conditions Update by the Manager of Watershed Services as presented at the July 8th Board of Directors' meeting for information. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -5- Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of...Page 49 of 151 LPRCA STRATEGY SESSION REPORT C. Evanitski reported that three consultants were contacted in regards to holding the LPRCA Strategy Session. The Board directed LPRCA staff to organize the strategy session for September. MOTION A - 98 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors confirms the hiring of Karen Wianecki of Planning Solutions lnc. to conduct LPRCA's 2009 Strategy Session for $2,500.00 (taxes inclusive); and that staff organize the session at the Board's earliest convenience. ONE FUND INVESTMENT REPORT G. Poelzl reported that an LPRCA investment policy is in process and that LPRCA qualifies to be a participant in One Fund pooled investment funds as a local Board. The Board requested more details of the funds and the rates of returns of the various funds available before any investment is made. MOTION A - 99 moved by Sam Lamb, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the staff report regarding the ONE Fund lnvestment Report; and that the General Manager and Manager, Corporate Services be directed to incorporate the ONE Fund for lnvestment purposes in LPRCA's lnvestment Policy. PARK REVENUE UPDATE LPRCA staff was directed to add year-todate data for 2008 in the next report for comparison. MOTION A - 100 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the staff reported entitled Park Revenue Update for lnformation. ECOLOGICAL SERVICES REPORT D. Holmes presented the report regarding the selection of a provider of the 20Ogl201O Forest Management Operations/Ecological Services. MOTION A - 101 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors waives the LPRCA tendering and purchasing policy and retain the firm of Marshall/Macklin/Monaghan (Bill Draper) to conduct ecological surveys on selected LPRCA properties as part of ongoing forestry operations. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -6- Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of...Page 50 of 151 MOTION A- 102 moved by R. Sackrider, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "ln Camera" session to discuss: ! personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Conservation Authority employees;! a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Conservation Authority;! litigation or potential litigation, including matters affecting the Conservation Authority. MOTION A - 104 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by R. Geysens and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "ln Camera" session. MOTION A - 105 moved by R. Sackrider, seconded by L. Bartlett and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors supports staffs original proposal and deny the permit application by Randy and Terry Norman. MOTION A - 106 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by R. Sackrider that the LPRCA Board of Directors ratify the Janssen and Becker acquisitions as per the earlier Board approved motion. MOTION A- 107 moved by J. Hunt, seconded by P. Black and carried that the LPRCA Board of Directors uphold staffs decision to ban Mr. Steve Pender and his family from all LPRCA properties for a period of five years. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:20 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5th, 20Og at 7pm. Buck Sloat Chairman Lynn Paulson Supervisor, Corporate Services FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Peter Black, Larry Chanda, Paul Ens, Roger Geysens, John Hunt, Sam Lamb, Pat Lee, Ron Sackrider, Harry Sloat -7- Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of...Page 51 of 151 Page 52 of 151 DNINKINC WA;rER*V l\llll\Ilì\¡ VYtlI El\^ SıiiRöÈ'þÈoîËöïöN ACT FOR CLEAN WATER LAKE ERIE SOURCE PROTECTION RE6ION LAKE ERIE SOURCE PROTECTION REGION WATER SERVICES TECHNICAL GROUP MEETING The following is a summary of the Lake Erie Source Protection Region Joint Water Services Technical Group and Planning Directors Group Meeting held on July 23, 2009 at the GRCA Administration Centre, 400 Clyde Road, Cambridge, ON at 1:00 p.m. Present: Armstrong, Ron - Norfolk County Banks, Bill- Banks Groundwater Engineering Belanger, Dave - Guelph Watenrorks Brunn Shaw, Elaine - Haldimand County Ches, Carmen - City of Hamilton Coady, Bridget - Region of Waterloo Cooke, Sandra - Grand River Conservation Authority Davidson, Alex -County of Brant Davy, Nancy - Grand River Conservation Authority Evans, Marg - County of Oxford Evans, Steve - Gounty of Middlesex Glauser, Simon - Grand River Conservation Authority Hagan, Kelly - City of Brantford Hodgins, Eric - Region of Waterloo Jacques, Craig - Long Point Region Conservation Authority Kongara, Selvi- City of Brantford Kurli, Sudhakar - Halton Region Lawson, Samantha - Grand River Conservation Authority Linwood, Cameron - Grand River Conservation Authority McMullen, Robyn - City of Waterloo Metherall, Christina - Grand River Conservation Authority Minshall, Lonie - Grand River Conservation Authority Perrin, Lloyd - Municipality of Central Elgin Pomponi, Mark - County of Brant Ryan, Tracey - Grand River Gonservation Authority Shifflett, Stephanie - Grand River Conservation Authority Spiers, Terry - City of Brantford Stafford, Lynn - City of St. Thomas Strynatka, Sonja - Grand River Conservation Authority VanderBaaron, Geoff - Gounty of Perth Veale, Barbara - Grand River Conservation Authority Waite, Holly - County of Oxford Wilson, Phil- Haldimand County Wong, Amanda - Grand River Conservation Authority Wright, Wendy - Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Young, Suzanne - City of Guelph Zwiers, Gregg - Grand River Conservation Authority Lake Erie Source Protection Region Water Services Technical ...Page 53 of 151 1. LESPR - Water Services Technical Group Meeting Page 2 Provincial and Source Protection Committee Update a) Committee Agenda, Timelines forAssessment Repoft Suömrssion L. Minshall provided an overview of the timelines for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee's submission of the Assessment Reports. A first draft of the Catfish Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report and the Kettle Creek Source Protection Area Assessment Report must be presented to the Source Protection Committee at their November 5, 2009 meeting in order to remain on schedule to submit the Assessment Reports by the regulated deadline (May 11,2010).A first draft of the Grand River Source Protection Area Assessment Report and the Long Point Region Assessment Report must be submitted to the Source Protection Gommittee for their review at their February 4, 2010 meeting in order to meet the regulated deadline (July 13, 2010). L. Minshall noted that the timelines are quite stringent. M. Evans concurred that the timelines are very tight, and inquired what the implications are if the timelines are not met. L. Minshall responded that if it appears the timelines cannot be met it will be necessary to request an extension; however, the Minister does not appear to be receptive to timeline extensions. Assessment Report a) Assessment Repoñ Timelines and Deadlines for Delivery of Technical Reporús L. Minshall identified that although the Assessment Report timelines provide the Source Protection Committee with only two opportunities to review the compiled Assessment Report before approving for posting and public consultation, the committee will have seen the Assessment Report's contents in smaller pieces prior to its compilation. The technical reports are being presented at Source Protection Committee meetings on an ongoing basis as the technical studies are completed. L. Minshall outlined the process for technical report submission. She stated that the municipalities in the Lake Erie Region are taking a much larger role in undertaking the technical work than in other regions. As studies are completed, staff are asking that municipalities endorse the submission of the technical studies before they are presented to the Committee, although endorsement is not required by the Clean Water Act. Whether the endorsement is made by municipal staff or by Council will be left to the discretion of each municipality. b) Checklists for Report Contents and Presentations úo SPC S. Glauser outlined the process for assessment report compilation and the checklist for technical report content. The checklist is aligned with the deliverables listed in the agreements between the CA and municipalities, and the consultant contracts. Lake Erie Source Protection Region Water Services Technical ...Page 54 of 151 LESPR - Water Services Technical Group Meeting Page 3 c) Outstanding RequÍrements for Watershed Characterìzation Technical rule amendments and guidance that are still outstanding from the Ministry include calculations for the percent managed lands and livestock density, and percent impervious surfaces within vulnerable areas. Additionally, the MOE is proposing changes to the riverine (type C) IPZ-1 delineation. Lake Erie Region Communications Plan Update Once municipalities endorse the technical work for presentation to the Source Protection Committee, and the committee directs staff to make the information available to the public, public information sessions will be scheduled throughout the region. This will provide the public with the opportunity to review the vulnerable areas, and possibly self-identify whether they may be a threat. Public information sessions are expected to take place from September to November. Municipal representatives are asked to notify the Conservation Authority staff to indicate to what extent they would like the Conservation Authority staff involved in organizing and carrying out public information sessions. Representatives of the Region of Waterloo and the City of Guelph indicated they intend to take the lead for their public information sessions. For municipalities preferring the Conservation Authority takes the lead, CA staff will be in contact to discuss involvement, format, and locations. Stewardship Program Update T. Ryan províded an update of the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program. She identified that the $571,191 allocated to the Lake Erie Region has been expended on projects ranging from pollution prevention reviews, well improvements, well decommissioning and septic upgrades. The next allocation of Early Actions funding for the Lake Erie Region is $965,000 and will be made available for delivery in the near future. Approximately 50 projects worth $31 1,000 have already been committed towards this allocation. T. Ryan noted that the land conservation measures (including purchase or lease of land by municipalities) are not eligible at this time. Best management practices such as tree planting and fuel storage is only eligible to the farming community. The MOE deadline for proposals for Special Projects is September 15, 2009. M. Evans requested that Stewardship information be made available at the public information sessions. Source Protection Plan Discussion Paper L. Minshall provided an overview of the Source Protection Plan Discussion Paper and requested feedback on the following questions: 4. Lake Erie Source Protection Region Water Services Technical ...Page 55 of 151 LESPR - Water Services Technical Group Meeting Page 4 Does the range of policy approaches descrþed in the Discussion Paper allow the municipalities to adequately address úhe drinking water threats within your jurisdiction? Overall, the group agreed that the range of policy approaches is adequate if: o few limitations are imposed on their use; . municipalities, conservation authorities and the Committee are able to exercise flexibility in the application of approaches based on site specific needs and conditions; and, . the list of prescribed provincial instruments is inclusive enough to deal with the range of threats. Does the process outlined in the Drscussion Paper allow for the local flexibility requird to collaboratively develop the policies to reduce risk, as described in the Lake Erie Region Terms of Reference documents? Overall, the group expressed that the process outlined in the Discussion Paper currently provides for local flexibility to collaboratively develop policies; however, the proposal to require the documentation of rationale for each policy decision in the Plan will take away from the limited time and resources available to evaluate the range of policy alternatives and may lead to the policies being less defendable. Members of the groups noted that the paper does not currently propose any regulation of the early engagement or the policy evaluation processes. Any prescription of these will divert valuable resources and time away from the most difficult policy discussions and grid-lock the process entirely, given the anticipated number and range of drinking water threats in the Lake Erie Region. A. Davidson expressed concern regarding the limited consideration of approaches to address Existing Conditions, such as historically contaminated sites. He noted that conditions will not be addressed until someone has an incentive to clean them up. He suggested that the Water Services and Planning Directors groups recommend that the Source Protection Committee forward a comment to the MOE to request that the Ministry reconsider how the existing conditions are dealt with under the Clean Water Act. L. Minshall responded that, although the Act and regulations are law, a request such as this may affect how the Committee chooses to address Existing Conditions in the Source Protection Plan. D. Belanger was supportive of this approach, and stated that existing conditions are falling through the cracks. L. Perrin concurred; stating that falling short on existing conditions will not lend credibility to the process. L. Minshall responded that she will provide this advisement to the committee with a report in September. 6. Next Meeting: September 17, 2009 - 12:30 p.m., Location TBD Lake Erie Source Protection Region Water Services Technical ...Page 56 of 151 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: August 28,2009 FROM: Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk FILE: D10.09 TEICHROEB SUBJECT: Teichroeb ConsentApplications E50/09 F57109 NUMBER:D2009-36 Roll # 34-0 1-000-007-05210 Purpose To consider consent applications E50/09 and E5l/09 proposing to create two building lots. Background Consent applications have been received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Sara and Comelius Teichroeb proposing to sever trvo building lots, each 1406. 97 nl (0.35 acre), from their 2}.Zhectare (50 acre) parcel. The subject lands are located in Concession 7 NTR Part Lot I10, north side Heritage Line, west of Richmond Road in the Hamlet of Richmond. The subject land is designated "Hamlets" in the Official Plan and zonedHamlet Residential (HR) in t}iLeZonngBy-law No.2456-2003. The applications are scheduled to be considered by the Elgin County Land Division Committee on September 10,2009. Staff and Planner Comments The applications propose to create two lots within the Hamlet of Richmond's existing Hamlet Residential boundary. One point to mention is that a nearby livestock barn located to the west, outside of the hamlet boundary approximately 200 metres from the closest lot, does not aflect the applications nor is the livestock operation inhibited by the creation of the two lots. ZomngBy-law Section 4.56.1 states "The Mínimum Distance Separation Formulø I shall be applied to any proposed development in all zones, excluding any hamlet or village zones". The lots comply with the policies of the Official Plan and ZontngByJaw for lot frontage, depth and size. Private water and sewer services are required. Recommended conditions for severance will include providing water quality and quantity testing rqlorts and a municipal lot assessment for septic suitability on each lot. Other conditions recommended would include: a copy of the final surve¡ a lot grading plan to address surface water management and cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication fee for each lot. The County of Elgin will require Road Access Permits to access Heritage Line (County Road 38). Subject to the recommended conditions, staffand the planner have no objection to the proposed severances. Aftachments 1. Consent Applications E50/09 and 851/09 2. IBI Memo dated August 20,2009 Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 57 of 151 Staff Report D2009-36 Teichroeb Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. Page2 RECOMMENDATION *TIIAT Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Consent Apptications 850/09 and 851/09 Teichroeb be received; AND TIIAT Council recommends to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance applications E50/09 and E51/09, submitted by Sara and Cornelius Teichroeb, be approved subject to conditions: 1. $500 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication fee for each created lot 2, water quantity testing report for each lot meeting the Provincial standards 3. water quatity testing report for nitrates and bacteri¡ content for each lot meeting the Provincial standards 4. municþal lot assessment on each created lot 5. lot grading plan 6. copy of the final survey Revi{ved by Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 58 of 151 lBl Group 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON NGH 1T3 Canada tel 519 4727328 Íax 5'19 4729354 To/Attention From cc Subject Municipality of Bayham Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Date August 20,2009 Project No 3405-465 Steno dd 't. Memorandum Tiechrob - Applications for Consent (E50/09, E51/09) - Heritage Line, Straffordville We have completed our review of the consent applications submitted on behalf of Sara & Cornelius Tiechrob in support of a proposal to develop two (2) residential lots on a 2814 m'z(0.7 acres) portion of land on the north side of Heritage Line, west of Richmond Road, in the Hamlet of Richmond. The subject lands are designated 'Hamlets" in the Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential (HR) in Zoning By-law No. 2456-2003. The subject lands are currently part of a farm parcel approximately 23.5 hectares (58 acres) in area that includes frontage on Heritage Line and a small cropped area extending northwards, before changing to a large wooded area that occupies approximately 18 hectares of the farm parcel. Existing on-site buildings include a dwelling located on the proposed retained lands. The proposed severed lots are currently vacant, and intended to be developed as singledetached residential building lots. Surrounding land uses consist of similar single detached residential uses along Heritage Line to the east, a dwelling and livestock operation to the west outside of the hamlet boundary, the small field and wooden area to the north; and vacant agricultural lands to the south behind the residences fronting onto Heritage Line. There are no significant natural, hydrological, or landscaped features in the vicinity of the proposed lots. Section of the Official Plan states that consents will generally be discouraged and will only be granted when it is clearly not in the interest that a plan of subdivision be registered. Given that only two lots are proposed and there is no intention of developing the lands to the rear or including them within the hamlet boundary, consents may be considered subject to compliance with the criteria for consents in the Official Plan as follows: a. lmpact to municioal servicing: The proposed severed lots would be individually serviced and not require any extension of infrastructural lBl Group is a group of fìrms provid¡ng professional services and is affìliated with lBl Group Arch¡tects Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 59 of 151 lBl Group Memorandum Mun¡cipality of Bayham - August 20, 2009 municipal services. The Municipality shall ensure that any other existing or proposed municipal services (including garbage pick-up, storm and surface drainage, roads, sidewalks, and street lighting) are adequate to serve the proposed development. b. Frontaqe on a public road: Both lots would have legalfrontagq and aqaeqs ta Heritage Line, a paved County Road. c. lnfillinq: The subject lands are directly opposite existing residential development on the south side of Heritage Line and are located within the growth boundary of Richmond. d. Aoorooriate size for proposed use of lands: Both lots measure 1406.97m'? (15,000ft'?) which exceeds the minimum lot area of the HR Zone of 1390m2. However, the Municipality should have the applicants confirm that this area is suitable given the soil conditions in the local area. e. Access via internal roads: There are no existing or long{erm internal roads planned for this area of the Hamlet of Richmond. f. Traffic Hazards: There would not appear to be any traffichazards created by the creation of two new driveways along this portion of Heritage Line (a County Road) given the number of existing driveways in the vicinity. However, the County will confirm this to be case as part of the consent process. g. Access to interior lands: The retained lands will include three separate frontages on Heritage Line ranging between 22 and 45 metres wide, to access the retained dwelling and farm fields. h. Consents for mortoaoe. estate and boundarv adjustments: This policy is not relevant to this application. Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 60 of 151 lBl Group Memorandum Mun¡clpality of Bayham - August 20, 2009 4. Based on our review of the Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations we have no objection to the proposed amendments subject to the following: a. Written confirmation from the Municipality that the proposed lot sizes are suitable given soil conditions in the area; retained lands for residential purposes will not create any traffic hazards on Heritage Line. 7¿r'1 IBIGROUP Derek Dudek, MCIP, RPP Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 61 of 151 ¿\,tlÊ t ? ?lltg #íY r"-}F Eicil APPLICATION FOR CONSENT ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Name of Owner Sara ancl Cornelius Teichroeb Address 53680 Heritaoe Line. RR #1 . Straffordville. ON NOJ 1Y0 TelephoneNumber 519-866-3828 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent David Roe Address 599 I arch Sfraet llelhi ON N4R 347 ïelephone Number 519-582-1174 Please specifu to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( )Agent (x ) signstoowner 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: addition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: charge lease correction of title 5 4 (a) Location of land: Municipality Bavham Concession No. TNTR Lot(s) No. 110 Registered Plan No. _ Name of Street Heritaqe Line Street No. 536g0 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( x ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 24.3m Depth S7.9m Area 1406.97m2 Existinguse Aoricurturar/Residentiar proposeduse Residentiar Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to besevered: 6 Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements ¡n Metric) Frontage D"pth 1g40 Alea 23 -2¿+h^ Existing Use Aqricultural/Residential Proposed Use Aoricultural/Residential Number and use of buirdings and structures on the rand to be retained: County ol ElBjn Englneëring Servlces zl50 Sunset Drive SL Thom¿5. g¡ ¡5¡ 5Yt Phone: 519- 631-1460 rYw elg¡n-county.on-ø Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 62 of 151 2 7. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) 2 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE Provincial Híghway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () () () RETAINED LOT () (x) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) 10 TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individual well Privately owned and operated communalwell Lake or other water body Other means (specify) sewage disposal services be available? What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) ryPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communalseptic system Privy Other means (specify) When willwater supply and PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () () (x) () () RETAINED LOT () (x) () () RETAINED LOT () (x ) () () 11 12. what is the Existing official plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? 13. What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject tand? 14 Has the subject land ever. been the subject of an application for approval of a plan of Subdivisionor a consent under the planning Act? yes ( ) No ( i )'-'- unknown ( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15' lf.this appJication is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has beenchanged from the original a rplication 16' (a) Has the owner previousry severed any land from this hording? Yes()No (x) Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 63 of 151 ¿stt/o1 3 indicate orevious severances on the required sketch and Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (x )No () 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (x) lf Yes, and known, specify the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ()No (r ) lf Yes, and known, specify the appropriate fìle number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x)No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No (x) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a n=ght of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affectìng the subject land. 22. Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 64 of 151 -4- 23. The Owner/ApplicanlAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. '1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the Municipalitv of Central Elqin of AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECI.ARATION lA/t/e David Roe of the in the County of Nor-folk solemnly declare that all the information contaíned in this application is true, and lAlVe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECI-ARED before me at the Municipalitv of Central Eloin in the Countv of Elqin -- /to-day of Signature lf this ap n agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s), the owner's authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporatìon acting without agentor solicitor, the application must be signed by an officei of the corporatíon and the seäl, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described,with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - $500.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, couNTy oF ELGIN An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. this (s), solrcrToR oR AUTHoRtzED AGENT Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 65 of 151 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: Con 7 NTR I ot 1lO Bavham lAffe, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize David Roe Norfolk CountvNorfolk County (Agents Name/Names)(Agents City/Town of Residence) (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the Municipalitv of Bavham of Julv /,-,/ ,¿,- * Signature of Owner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 66 of 151 follorvlng information be completed for all 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the Êubject of thls applicatlon? Ycs(tz) No() lf the answer is "YES' are these barns: i) Now used for livestock?il) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes(Ø No() Yes() No() NOTE: lf you answered ,,YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW t TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT ln ordor to oalculate the minimum distance separation, the following information is requlred for each livestock tãcifity wtttrin 300 metres of ther proposed severance and located on a separate lot: I.¡AME / Io o 4 fÐ // mtA/þ - TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP þAYHNø* TILLABLE HECTARES (where livestock facili$ located) Lor _!J_g_ coNc. -70 A Maximum Housing CaPacitY Number per Year POULTRY0 Laying Hens0 Breeder Flock0 Pullets0 Chicken Broilers0 Turkey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters I Z O TóT+Lqo zgo 6o Open liot ¡ Total & Barn I Confine- DRY SEM¡€OUD LIqUID Cov9red Tank Above Grouno unıGffinx Below Ground Uncovered Tank Covered Pile Slorage with Buck Walls Open Earth Sided Plt Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 67 of 151 Severed Parcel Retained Parcel \ //t Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 68 of 151 ÀitfÌ I 1 ?f'19 Address .!tL APPLICATION FOR CONSENT .&-' ä1/09; ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Sara and Cornelius Teichroeb. 53680 Heritaqe Line, RR #1 , Straffordville. ON NOJ 1Y0 TelephoneNumber 519-866-3828 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent David Roe Address 599 I arnh Street Í)alhi ON N4B 347 Telephone Number 519-582-1174 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( )Solicitor ( )Agent ( x ) signstoowner J (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: X creation of a new lot Other: addition to a lot easement other purpose (b) Name of person(s), if known, to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred, leased or charged: I lnknown charge lease correction of title (c) lf a lot addition, identify the lands to which the parcel will be added: 4 (a) Location of land: Municipality Bavham Concession No.TNTR Lot(s) No. 1 10 Registered Plan No. _ Name of Street Heritaqe Line Street No.53680 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No ( x ) lf Yes, describe the easement or covenant and its effect: Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 24.3m Depth 57.9m Area 1406.97m2 Existing Use AqriculturaURe€þþotia[ Proposed Use Residential Number and use of buildings and structures (both existing and proposed) on the land to be severed: Vacant 5 6 Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage Depth Area Existing Use Aqricultural/Residential Proposed Use Aqricultural/Residential Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained Dwellinq house County of Elgln Englneerlng Servlces 45o Sunsel Drive SL Thonras.0n NsR 5V1 Phone:51+ 631-1460 \w.elg¡nrounty.on.ca Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 69 of 151 2 7. 8. Number of new lots proposed (not including retained lots) Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () () () TYPE Publicly owned and operated piped water system Privately owned and operated individualwell Privately owned and operated communal well Lake or other water body Other means (specify) PROPOSED LOT () (x) () () (.x ) () () Provincial Highway Municipal road, maintained all year Municipal road, seasonally maintained Other public road Right Of Way Water access RETAINED LOT () (t) () () () () lf proposed access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) 10 RETAINED LOT () ('r) () () RETAINED LOT () (r ) What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewagesystem ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septic tank Privately owned and operated communal septic system Privy Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? 12. What is the Existing Official Plan designation(s), if any, of the subject land? Hamlet () () 13. 14 What is the Zoning, if any, of the subject land? Hamlet Residential (HR) Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a Plan of SubdivisionoraConsentunderthePlanningAct? yes( ) No(r) Unknown( ) lf Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. lf this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application 16. (a) Has the owner previously severed any land from this holding? Yes()No (z ) Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 70 of 151 t.sr /ç7 -3- (b) lf the answer to (a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and Grantee's name Relationship (if any) to owner Use of parcel Date parcel created 17. ls the owner, solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (r()No () 18. ls the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the Minister for approval? Yes ()No (¡) lf Yes, and known, speciñ7 the Ministry file number and status of the application 19. ls the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes()No (x) lf Yes, and known, specifrT the appropriate file number and status of the application 20. ls the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act? Yes (x)No() 21. ls the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes()No (x) lf yes, does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 22.SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark, such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the applicãtion, such as buildings, railways, roads, watercourses, drainage ¿it-ches, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s) on adjacent lands; - the location, width and name of any roads within or abuüing the subject land, indicatingwhether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelleã road, jprivate ioad or, ñgnt of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only, the location of the parking and boat dockingfacilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 71 of 151 -4- 23. The Owner/ApplicanUAgent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 24. The ApplicanUOwner/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b) of Bill 49, Chapter 63, S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of lnformation and Protection of lndividual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Dated at the Municioalitv of CentralEloin of AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION lA/Ve David Roe of the in the County of Norfolk solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and lA/úe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the MunicipaliW of Central Elqin in the Countv of Eloin this 1d- 20 Õq Signature authorization must accompany the application. lf the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor, the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seã|, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed, together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person, accompanied by a fee of - - $500.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, couNTy oF ELGTN An additional fee of $200.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 72 of 151 AUTHORIZATION (Please see note below) To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: Con 7 NTR Lot 110 Bavham l/We, the undersigned, being the registered owner(s) of the above lands hereby authorize David Roe Norfolk County toof (Agents Name/Names)(Agents City/Town of Residence) (1) make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2) appear on my behalf at any hearing(s) of the application; and (3) provide any information or material required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the Municipalitv of Bavham of Julv 20 09 Z!//-1'-Æ-Signature of Owner Signature of Wtness Signature of Owner NOTE: This form is only to be used for applications, which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s) Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 73 of 151 APPENDIX "AU fotlov¡ng iñformation be completed for alt 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subjEct of thls applicatlon? Yes (Y) No ( ) lf the answer is'YES' are these bams: ij - - Ñón ur"á toilivestocrz Yes (ø ii Cãp"uiã ôi oeine used for livEstook? Yes ( ) No()No() NOTE: lf you answered ,,YES" to #1. PLEASE COMPLETE TtlE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT ln ordcr to calculate the minimum distance separation, the following ¡nformation is requlred for each llvestock tác¡t¡ty witn¡n gOO metres ói ine proposeO severanoe and located on a separate lot: ì'lAl,¡E LAR|I mt¿mt¿t¿ TELEPI'IoNE <ß'P6A'ç(3ô TOWNSHIP bâYHNN.Lor -!-!o- coNc. â TILI-ABLE HECTARES (where livestock facility located) -7 O A Maximum Housing CaPacitY Number per Year Manure System Hous¡ng System check typeType of Livestook IDAIRY0 Cows0 Heifors 'ô nâkrâa t30qo Ao fófftL zga lte Stall Frea Stell V Loose t/ BEEF0 Cows0 Calvee0 Feeders0 400-750 rb.0 400-1100 tb.ô 75n-llnn th Open llc & Bam Gonflne- ment SWINE0 Sows0 Boa¡s0 Weanlings ô Faa¡{¡æ POULTRY0 Leying Hens0 Bieeder Flock0 Pt¡flets0 Chicken Broilere4 Tußey Broilers0 Turkey Hens0 Turkey Toms0 Roasters MINK - F¡m¡la¡ Gaged On Floor l{oRsEs SI{EEP - FlamR .Q Fwen RARRITS VFÀI. NAI VtrC ôTIJtrÞ ñtÂt\ll lÞtr eTrìÞ^êtr. DRY SEMI€OLID LIQUID Open Pile Open Pile /ê-/Covered Pile Slorage with Buck Walls Open Earth Síded PitGovered Tank Ab ove G rou no U n coveËã-lánl Below Ground Uncovered Tank Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 74 of 151 Severed Parcel \ ///Retained Parcel lÍ4 Ploduced by: Towtr¡htp of Mdahi& CI8 Drputnal hojediu- NAl, &i IJTM Zæ 17 Dûe: i',dø23,2009 Thir drawirg fu rcilhs å lcg¡lly müded mlp nc a ¡lrey md i¡ oot itrteqalod to be usorl æ o¡ Staff Report D2009-36 regarding Teichroeb Consent Applicatio...Page 75 of 151 Page 76 of 151 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: September 3 ,2009 FROM: Gerry LeMay, Manager Public V/orks FILE: .) : i SUBJECT: Half Ton Tender NUMBER: PW 2009-16 Purpose This report is to present recoÍìmendations from the Manager of Public Works regarding the tender from Cain's Auto Sales and Service for a half ton truck for the Municipality of Bayham. Background Council has discussed a desire to ensure that the Municipality can ensure staff can get from one job to another and presently we have been minus one half ton due to the fact we were forced to use parts from the trade in vehicle in order to keep our present vehicles on the road. The proposed basis of the acceptance of this tender is to ensure the Municipality has a most cost effective method of providing a method of transporting staff within the Municipality of Bayham. We had tendered the request for a vehicle in May of 2009 but to no avail. In speaking with several dealers they have stated they are now awaiting for fall production of vehicles and we again would wait for a vehicle to transport personal. Mr. Cain has found a vehicle which meets a great many of the requirements in our original tender at a very attractive price. Staff Comments The Manager of Public Works indicates a preference to ensure that we accept the quote from Cain's Auto Sales and Service as this fulfrlls the vast majority of the requirements for the vehicle originally tendered. The 2009 Budget includes $ 30,000 for the purchase of a pickup. This vehicle can be acquired for $ 14, 663. Under the Strategic Priorities Goal #2 (Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure) subsection 3 we have meet this parameter of the priorities with this By-Law ensure a standard system for the Municipal roadways. Attachments 1. Summation of Bid Results Strategic Plan Goal(s) 1. Goal #2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT staff be authorized to acquire the 2007 Dodge pickup from Cain Auto Sales and Service as quoted on August 19,2009. Public V/orks Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Half Ton Tender. File: F1...Page 77 of 151 Company Cain's Auto Sales Cost $ 14,663.00 Age 2 years Warranty One Year Powertrain 3 years Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Half Ton Tender. File: F1...Page 78 of 151 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 1273832 oNTAR|O LTD, csT #R1329429882t Plank Road North, Box 253 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO NOJ lYO(519) 865-3454 Fax: (519) 866-3872 August 19,2009 Mr. Gerry LeMa¡ Manager Public Works Municipality ofBayham 93 44 PlaîkRoad, Box 1 60, Straffordville, ON. NOJ lYO RE: PRrcE QUOTE oN 2007 DODGE RAM 1500, vrN#tD7HAt6y27Jsg3736 Dear Gerry: The following is a price quote for the above 2007 Dodge Ram 1500. This vehicle is a two wheel drive, regular cab, long box, V8, automatic, with air conditioning tilt wheel, AMFM &' CD, rubber floo¡box liner, and is red in colour. It has only 23,964 kilometres. The balance factory warranty is bumper to bumper until March 22, 2010 or 60,000 kilometres. The powertrain warranty is good unttl 20l2or 100,000 kilometres. The price we quote this vehicle for sale is FO(IRTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED & SDffY-TITREE DOLLARS (914,663.00l plus applicable raxes. If you have any other questions regarding this vehicle, please call me at 519-866- 3454 or 519-983-5404. Thank you, CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERYICE Robert G. Cain, Owner. Staff Report PW2009-16 regarding Half Ton Tender. File: F1...Page 79 of 151 Page 80 of 151 ?A,r5 it.loog åú1- +Ò'- July 7, 2009 Lynda Millard, Clerk Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 t\ l-*'(f"';.* \J L- ,iul- EÒA lf r¡ i'i l liil,tl. l ì'/ l\r/[ Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO Dear Madam: As per our discussion, enclosed is the Winter Drain Reports and Notice of Drainage Works to be distributed to the Clerk, Drainage Superintendent, Manager of Roads and Court of Revision Member. As per the engineers report a copy of the Notice of Drainage Works and a report was mailed today to each property owner in the Municipality of Bayham. Norfolk County Council will meet at the Norfolk County Administration Building (Governor Simcoe Square), 50 Colborne Street South, Simcoe, in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. It will be necessary for the Municipality of Bayham to appoint one member to the joint Court of Revision. The Court of Revision meeting has tentatively been set for Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. in the meeting room of Norfolk County Public Works & Environmental Services Offices at 183 Main Street of Delhi, Delhi. After the engineer's report has been approved by Council you will receive a copy of the provisional bylaw and Notice of Court of Revision that we will mail to each landowner and Court member for Bayham. lf you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at Ext. 1203 or by e-ma i I at i ilf . ostrowercha@ norfolkcou ntv. ca.MW Drainage Clerk .... ' Bill Knifton, Drainage Superintendent Gerry LeMay, Manager of Roads G : LtrtoClerk.distribute. reports notice.doc Public lV'orks & Environmental Services 183 Main Street of Delhi, Delhi, Ontario N4B 2M3 519 -582-2t00 519 -428-0020 Fax; 5 1 9-582-457 I Correspondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 20...Page 81 of 151 NOTICE OF DRAINAGE WORKS Drainage Act, R.S.O.1990, c. D.17, s.41(l)and (2)' s.76 and 78 Dear Sir/Madam: yOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Engineer appointed for the purpose did, file at our offices his or her report respecting, Winter Drain AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the said Corporation of Norfolk County will meet at the Norfolk County Administration Building (Governor Simcoe Square), 50 Colborne Street South, Simcoe, ON, in the Council Chambers on Tuesdav. Auqust 25. 2009 at 5:00 p.m., when the said report will be presented. At the meeilng corìs'tderation will be given to the design and location of the drainage works. Considération will not be given to matters of allowances or assessment. Once Council adopts the drainage report, assessed owners wishing to appeal their assessment will have opportunity to do so at the Court of Revision. July 7, 2009 Date Consideration of report - The council of the initiating municipality at the meeting shall consider the report, and, where the drainage works is requested on petition, shall give an opportunity to any person who has signed the petition to withdraw from it by putting a withdrawal in writing, signing it and filing it with the clerk, and shall also give those present owning lands within the area requiring drainage who have not signed the petition an opportunity to do sO, and should any of the lands or roads ówned by the municipality within the area requiring drainage as described in the petition be assessed, the Council may by resolution authorize the head of the municipality to sign the petition for the municipality, and such signature counts as that of one person in favour of the petition. Public Works & Environmental Services 183 Main Street of Delhi, Delhi, oN N4B 2M3 (519) 582-2100 (519) 428-0020 Fax: (519) 582-4571 ClerUManager of Norfolk County Correspondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 20...Page 82 of 151 August 26,2009 Lynda Millard, Clerk Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO Dear Madam:Re: W,inter Drain Report Please be advised that the followíng recommendations were passed at the Council Meeting of Tuesday, August 25,2009'. THAT Staff Report P.W. 09-101, Winter Drain Report for Consideration by Council, be received as information; AND THAT Norfolk County prepare a provisional bylaw adopting the Winter Drain Report, dated May 8, 2009, as prepared and presented to Council by John R. Spriet, P.Eng; AND FURTHER THAT the first sitting of the Court of Revision be held on a date to be determined by the Court of Revision not earlier that twenty nor later than thirty days from the date of completing the mailing of the provisional bylaw, in the meeting room of the Public Works & Environmental Services Office; AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to send a copy of the provisional bylaw and a notice of Court of Revision to all required property owners; AND FURTHER THAT upon the successful completion of the required appeal process the Senior Drainage Superintendent exercise the duties outlined by the appointment under bylaw having the responsibility to act on behalf of Council to continue with the Drainage Act procedures and make the required arrangements for the construction of the proposed drainage works; AND FURTHER THAT a provision be included in the tender for plastic pipe versus concrete pipe. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that it will be necessary for the Municipality of Bayham to appoint one member to the joint Court of Revision. The Court of Revision date has been set up for Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. in the meeting room of the Norfolk County Public Works & E nvironmental Services Offices, Public Works & Environmental Services 185 Main Street of Delhi, Delhi, Ontario N4B 2M3 519 -582-2100 519 -428-0020 Fax: 519-582-4571 Correspondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 20...Page 83 of 151 A copy of theþr-ovisishal bylaw anda notiee of the sitting;clfJhe-€-oFFf:@É have been mailed to all required landowners in both Municipalities. Please conffi rne wit Drainage Clerk Encl. c.c. Bill Knifton, Drainage Superintendent Gerry LeMay, Manager of Roads Const\Ltrs\local.munfc. ltr. appointmember.doc Correspondence and Notice of Drainage Works dated July 7, 20...Page 84 of 151 I'i' TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-101 Beíng a By-law to Repeal By-law #2007-059 As amended by By-law#2008463 WHEREAS, on the 7h day of June 2007 Tlne Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham found it desi¡able to enact By-law #2007-059 to appoint Ministry of Natural Re.sources (Ontario Parks) staffas Municipality of Bayham ByJaw Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing provisions of By-law 2001-l I l, as amended; AND WIIEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by ByJaw #2008-063 amend By-law #2n7-059, Schedule "4". AND WIIEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipatityof Baytram now deerns it necessarJi and expedient to repeal such amended by-law; NOW TffiREFORE, the Council of The Corporation ofthe Municipality of Baytram e,nacts as follows: THAT By-law #2007-059 be and is herebyrepealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed t' is 3'd day of September 2009 MAYOR CLERK Draft By-law 2009-101 regarding MNR Staff as By-law Enforcem...Page 85 of 151 Page 86 of 151 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT FROM: Paul Groeneveld FILE: P SUBJECT: Fire Master Plan RFP NUMBER: P2009-029 Purpose: Obtain Council approval for the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement for a Fire Master Plan. Background: In May 2009 Council approved the establishment of a Fire Master Plan Steering Committee and Terms of Reference. The first tasks deriving from the Terms of Reference included the issuance of a Request for Proposal, evaluation of proposals and report to Council with recommendations for awarding the development of a Fire Master Plan to a proponent. Staff circulated requests for proposals and received a total of six submissions. The following proposals were received. Quote ConsultantÆirm Proposal - $ I Fire North Consulting 18,750 2 Fire Protection Survey Service (5-year)8,810 J Fire Protection Survey Service (10-year)34,395 4 Lakeland Associates Ltd.7,100 5 Morrison Hershfield 48,150 6 Peter Corfield and Associates 10,845 Staff Report P2009-029 regarding Fire Master Plan RFP. File...Page 87 of 151 The Committee evaluated all proposals based on a set criteria, including experience and qualifications of the firm, experience and qualification of team members, references, understanding of the project scope, approach and methodology of project, work plan/schedule +lof-effofr-,professionaLfeesanÈqualit¡oÊsubmissi Financial Impacf Master Plan. This 2009 budget allocation is to be funded from the Fire Department Training Reserve. The Reserve currently has approximately $16,298. Project Timelines The projected completion date of the project, including a report to Council, is January 2010. Staff/Steerins Committee Comments The Steering committee reviewed each proposal and contacted references. Based on independent evaluations, review of references and documents the Committee feels the proposal that best meets the project scope and financial commitment is from Peter Corfield and Associates. The recommended proponents professional fees are $10,845, approximately $2,845 higher than estimated for the project and allocated in the 2009 Operating Budget. Staff recommends financing the full expenditure from the Fire Department Training Reserve. The Committee intends to discuss with the proponent the possibility of conducting a public consultation session as part ofthe project. Options: 1. Enact By-law 2009-102 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Peter CorfÏeld and Associates to develop a Fire Master Plan as per proposal dated July 24,2009. 2. Instruct staff to prepare a By-law to enter into an agreement with another proponent's proposal. 3. No Action at this time. Staff Report P2009-029 regarding Fire Master Plan RFP. File...Page 88 of 151 Stratesic Goals Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management e .úTHAT Council receives Staff P2009-029 - Fire Master Plan RX'P; AND THAT Council enact By-law 2009-102 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Peter Corfield and Associates to develop a F'ire Master Plan as per proposal dated July 2412009." Respectfully submitted, Reviewed By, Staff Report P2009-029 regarding Fire Master Plan RFP. File...Page 89 of 151 i I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-102 THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AI{D PETER CORFIELD A/VD ASSOCIATES FOR THE PROVISION OF DEVELOPMENT OF A FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE MASTER PLAN \üHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has established a Fire Department to provide fire protection and public fire safety programs for residents of the municipality; AND IVHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for provision of a Fire Department Fire Master Plan. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Peter Corfield and Associates for the provision of development of a Fire Master Plan as per proposal dated July 24,2009, and 2. THAT this bylaw shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3.d DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report P2009-029 regarding Fire Master Plan RFP. File...Page 90 of 151 TO: CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAF'F REPORT Mayor & Members of Council DATE:September 3,2009 FROM:Paul Groeneveld Fire Chief/JHSC, Manager Rep. FILE: Purpose: Obtain Council approval of the Municipal Health and Safety Policy. Background: The Occupational Health and Safety Act states an employer is required to "prepare and review at least annually a written occupational health & safety policy and develop and maintain a program to implement that policy". Staff Comments: The Municipality's Joint Health and Safety Committee has conducted an annual review of the Municipal Health and Safety Policy for 2009. The Committee is not recommending any changes to the Policy at this time. Attached is a copy of the Policy, which requires the signature of the Head of Council. Options: 1. Approve Municipal Health and Safety Policy as proposed. 2. No Action Strategic Goals: Goal#4 - "Be dedicated to service excellence" Recommendation: "THAT StaffReport H2009-009 regarding the Municipal Health & Safety Policy be received; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham approves the Health and Safety Policy Statement as presented." yle JHSC, Manager Rep. Ad ger Staff Report H2009-009 regarding Municipal Health and Safety...Page 91 of 151 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT APPLICATION for the Fire Departments, which are governed by Policy By-law 98-34, as INTENT It is the intention of the Municipality of Bayham: a To comply, to the fullest extent possible, with the spirit and intent of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all related legislation. a To prevent risk of injury and illness arising from the worþlace environment. a To establish and maintain a Health & Safety program in co-operation with the Joint Health & Safety Committee. o To encourage the co-operation of all employees, in complying with the Health & Safety Policy and Program. POLICY: The Municipality of Bayham is dedicated to operating at a standard, which will establish our municipality as a leader in promoting and protecting the health and safety of all employees. Through active leadership and support the municipality's goal is to promote attitudes amongst our employees that will ultimately lead to the reduction and elimination of worþlace hazards. RT,SPONSIBILITIES: The responsibility for the Municipality of Bayham's Health and Safety Policy is delegated to all personnel. Council Responsibilities : a Support for the establishing and maintaining of an Occupational Health & Safety Policy and Program and for the provision of consistent application of Health & Safety standards throughout the Municipality of Bayham. a Establishing and maintaining an internal system for program management, allocating funds, time and human resources as necessary for Health & Safety. Department Heads Responsibilities : t Administration and communication of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Program within their departments. I Encouraging attitudes and work practices that reflect the intent of the policy by ensuring employees and supervisors receive regular and applicable safety training, according to their needs. Staff Report H2009-009 regarding Municipal Health and Safety...Page 92 of 151 I Including Health & Safety responsibilities in performance criteria, as appropriate for management and supervisory staff. a Assuming ownership responsibility and maintenance as required by the legislation, for property and buildings owned by the Municipality. I Ensuring that all contractors and sub-contractors and their employees meet or exceed the expectations of the Municipalþ's Health & Safety Program. o Appointing Management representatives for the Joint Health & Safety Committee within their department. Consulting with the Joint Health & Safety Committee and ensuring a2I day response to recommendations. a Ensuring the highest level of safety and health standards that meet or exceed requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act and related legislation, within their department. Supervisory Staff Responsibilities : a Familiarizing themselves and communicate to their staff, the Health & Safety Policy, the Safety Program and the requirements of the legislation, as it applies to the worþlace. o Liaising with all staff and being of assistance to the Joint Health & Safety Committee, in an effort to reduce and eliminate physical hazards and influence safe work attitudes among employees. a Instructing, informing and supervising employees to protect their Health & Safety. o Investigating and responding to any safety or health related concerns, which may be brought to their attention and initiating corrective measures, as may be appropriate. Employee Responsibilities : a Uphold the requirements of the Policy, the Program and the legislation in order to assist the Municipality in providing a healthy and safe work environment. Communicating arry violations to their immediate Supervisor. 0 Assuming responsibility for their own actions to prevent injnry to themselves and other employees. o Immediately reporting worþlace and near miss accidents, no matter how minor. Joint Health & Safety Committee Responsibilities: a Identiffing worþlace hazards, through inspections, and recommending remedial action to the Departrnent Head/Administrator. a Conducting or assisting in investigations, as specified by the legislation. a Making recommendations to Departrnent Heads/Administrator to enhance the effectiveness of the Health & Safety Program. a Promoting a high standard of safety values among all worþlace parties. a Members are entrusted with confidentiality of information concerning employees and the worþlace. Approved by Council Resolution dated September 3,2009 Mayor Lynn Acre Staff Report H2009-009 regarding Municipal Health and Safety...Page 93 of 151 Page 94 of 151 001391 AFFORDABLE PORTABLES MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0811312009 14797 UNIT RENTAL - INTERP CENTRE O7I31I2OO9 I Cheque Amount - OOOO52 AMTELECOM COMMUNICATIONS 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 Ang 0060257907 Aug 0060341982 Aug 0060408229 Ang 00@493387 Aug 5198744054 OO@91 BARRY R. CARD 212012-24 21201U24 2120't+24 61At 6196 62s6 6297 6350 6370 il25 6442 INTERNET - OFFICE 08/01/2009 INTERNET.EDISONMUSEUM O8IO1I2OO9 INTERNET - MARINE MUSEUM 08/01/2009 INTERNET - GARAGE oSlo'v2009 TELEPHONE - INTERP CENTRE OUO1I2OOg Cheque Amount - 08/13/2009 3:22PM 136.50 006954 136.50 85.00 006955 48.25 006955 48.25 006955 28.30 006955 69.88 006955 279.68 111.83 006956 149.10 006956 670.95 006956 93't.88 ---+43+ _+069+ 54.31 38.37 006958 410.77 006958 140.06 006958 ¿l8.æ 006958 163.62 æ6958 ¿18.53 006958 535.52 006958 48.53 0069s8 1,433.93 576.20 006959 576.20 86.97 006960 86.97 I I I I I LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES TUBE &TIRE REPAIR REPI.ACE FRONT PADS, CALIPERI LOF, ANTIFREEZE, ROTATE TIRES LOF, AI\¡TIFREEZE REPLACEWRING LOF, A¡TTIFREUE LOF, CALIPERS, BALL JOINTS LOF. AtITIFREEZE 0713112009 07t3'v2009 07ß1n009 I I I Cheque Amount - 001566 BETHANYSHARPE - supdies-_ - KIDS PROGRA¡¡| SUPPI|ES ¡€/13¿2009_ | Cheque Amount - OOO141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 06/15/2009 06/19/2009 06/30¿2009 0710812009 0711512009 07t2'U2009 0712s12009 07t3112009 Cheque Amount - OOO183 CHRIS MCQUIGGAN taining / Íavel WATER & ICE RESCUE COURSE 08lO7l2OOg I Cheque Amount - OOO1OO CORPORATE EXPRESS 23140155 CARTRIDGE, GLUE STICKS, TAPE 08/06/2009 I Cheque Amount - 000212 couNwoF ELG|N 2OO9{13 CULVERT REPAIRS - RCHMD ROA O4IO9I2OO9 I 2,529.21 006961 {.-}\ Þ - \.: L,r- 'i \\o \\erf ÇÍ. '001573 CO\ÆR-ALL BUILDING SYSTEMS Cheque Amount -2,529.21 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 95 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 08/13/2009 09 104 covER-ALL STRUCTURE 08t12t2009 I 94,870.76 006962 Cheque Amount - 94,870.76 OOO2I5 CRAIG GREGSON @urses & mileage WATER/ICE RESCUE, OFFICER 50 08/07/2009 I 1,2U.80 006963 Cheque Amount - 1,2U.80 OOO299 ELGIN PURE WATER 0000153389 MONTHLYRENTAL 08/01/2009 r '106.58 006964 ChequeAmount- 106.58 OOO322 EVANS UTILITY 0000134'159 WRENCHES 07t23f2009 I 201.14 006965 0000134208 HYDRANTS, ADAPTERS 07t30t2009 1 3,082.25 006965 @00134230 TREATMENT prÀrT 07t30t2009 I *,071.74 00696s ChequeAmount- 93,355.13 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS27972 WHITE HATS 0712912009 I 118.40 006966 ChequeAmount- 118.40 08Í132009 3:22PM 000367 GENERALCHEMICAL 90252261 ALUMSULFATE o7t24f2009 I 552.43 006967 Cheque Amount - 552.43 000376 GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH, 31050 LEGALSERVTCES 08/06t2009 I 525.00 006968 ChequeAmount- 525.00 001258 HENNESSY GIBSON HOGAN 51623 LECTAL SERVTCES O7ßOaOO9 I 240.75 006969 Cheque Amount - 240.75 000416 HETEKSOLUTIONS INC 1NV029445 oN-S|TE CALTBRATTON 07t2U2@9 I ',t,066.72 006970 Cheque Amount - 1,0æ.72 OOO991 HORVATHAUTOPARTS 193584 VINYLDECALS 08/07/2009 I g).40 00697'l Cheque Amount - 90.40 OOO427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Aug 3579$43000 UTILITIES - PUMP#6 08/06/2009 I 497.07 006972 tug 3657144066 UTILITIES - METER CHAMBER 08/0s/2009 t 42.66 006972 Aug 5037G20077 UTILITIES - VIENNA LIBRARY 08/06/2009 I 92.37 006972 4u962770-2O225 UTILITIES - VIEN MEM PARK 08/06/2009 I 105.00 006972 Aug 68850-12275 UTILITIES - PB GARAGE 08/05/2009 I 63.14 006972 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 96 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 08/13/2009 08/13/2009 3:22PM Cheque Amount- 800.24 UNIT RENTAL - CANADA DAY O7I1OI20f,9 I 103.95 006973 MONTHLY UNIT RENTAL 07ß1n009 I 617.40 006973 000466 JIMMIJONS 3't457 3',t744 Cheque Amount - 721.35 001558 JOE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT INC. M85795 RENTAL OF JD TRACTOR w/ MOW 07t24t2009 I 3,390.00 006974 Cheque Amount- 3,390.00 OOO485 JUST PIPE & FITTING INC. 012502-2 PI-ASTTC TUBTNG & FTLTERS 08/06/2009 I 378.32 006975 Cheque Amount - 378.32 OOO513 KOOLEN ELECTRIC 1Æ28 DTSCONNECT ELECTRICAL 08t/03/2009 I 171.59 006976 ChequeAmount- 171.59 OOO235 LIPPERT & IA/R,IGHT FUELS LTD. 55266 REG GAS 0710912009 t 970.23 006977 55267 55325 56194 57376 57377 57378 85487 DIESEL DYED ULS DIESEL DIESEL DYED ULSD ULS DIESEL DIESEL DYED ULSD REG GAS TUBES OF GREASE 0710912009 r 931.69 006977 07/092009 I 1,442.82 006977 07n6nw9 I 839.70 006977 0712712009 I 1,407.05 0069r/ o7t27t2@9 I 879.87 006977 0712712009 I 1,5u.78 006977 o7t2212009 I 123.40 æ6977 Cheque Amount- 8,179.54 OOO548 LLOYD MCQUIGGAN & SONS 15s909 HAULING GRAVEL 07106120Æ9 I 2,692.25 æ6978 15s910 HAULTNG GRAVEL O7ß5n009 I 4,407.71 006978 Cheque Amount - 7,099.96 00'1550 MARYALICE HAÍ.ISON kids program REIMBURSE SUPPLIES 08ñ32ÛOg I 74.40 006979 Cheque Amount -74.40 000616 MORSE ELECTRIC 5061 NEW RECEPTACLES 07t29t2009 I 719.25 006980 Cheque Amount - 719.25 000669 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL WATER ASSOC 0948 JOBVACANCYAD 08/05/2009 I à1o.OO 006981 000679 OXFORD SAND &GRAVELLTD Cheque Amount -210.00 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 97 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 90s0 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 0811312009 08/13/2009 3:22PM INOOIM3g7 STONE tN00104433 STONE tN00104474 STONE INOO1MsO2 STONE 0713012009 I 3,103.45 006982 071311200,9 I 3,059.62 006982 08t0412009 I 3,089.97 006982 08/05/2009 I 2,045.19 006982 Cheque Amount - 72.U OOO727 PUROI-ATOR COURIER LTD 405789459 COURIER SERMCES 0713112009 I 100.12 006984 Cheque Amount - 100.12 OOO737 RAMONAPEIDL 237352 JULY'O9 CLF.ANING O7ß1f2009 I 9'Í0.00 006985 237353 JULY'og CLEANING - V.C.C. 0713112009 I 533.00 006985 237354 JULY'og CLE NING - S.C.C. 0713',112009 I 1,826.50 006985 Cheque Amount- 3,29f¡.50 0@747 REID'S PRE-CAST CEMENT PRODUCT 5335 COUPLERS, BOSS 2000 07l03l20f,9 I 769.76 006986 5908 COUPLERS, BOSS2000 0711612009 I 530.87 006986 s919 CATCH BASIN, GR TE 0712012009 I 301.71 006986 5948 GRATES 0712812009 I 336.74 006986 5981 BIG'O" FTLTER, COUPLER 08/06/2009 I 6s.71 006986 OOO718 PRINCESSAUTO 5171 16 OOO7¡O RODGER MARIIN #6 '09 #7 '09 340513 340593 340609 340æ2 Gheque Amount - 11,298.23 couPLER, ADAPTER, HOSES 0713012009 I 72.U 006983 Cheque Amount - 2,004.79 JUNE .09 K-9 CONTROL 0€i/30/2009 I 1,0s0.00 006987 JULY',og K-9 CONTROL O7l31l20r,9 I 1,102.50 006987 FILES CREEPY CRAVI/LY DUCT TAPE TANK FLAPPER Cheque Amount - 2,152.50 OOO783 ROYAL FENCE LIMITED 41145 CBLE REPLACEMENT, CEDARS 0712812009 I '1,443.79 006988 Cheque Amount - 'l,443.79 001572 THE ELGIN MILITARY MUSEUM 99544 EON SUMMERAD OOO953 VIENNAHOMECENTER LTD o6n3t2009 I 458.43 006989 Cheque Amount -458.43 07t14t2009 I 11.28 006990 0711512009 I 9.59 006990 0711512009 I 6.20 006990 0711612009 I 4.28 006990 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 98 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 340807 340968 340995 3/.1111 0000180530 00@180547 0000180568 00@180604 00@180646 000961 WAI.¡DAHOSHAL lottery reimbuæe MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 08/1312009 08/13/2009 3:22PM GARBAGE BAGS PART GARBAGE BAGS LIGHT BULBS, SPREADER OOO957 VOTH SALES &SERVICE LTD Cheque Amount-157.48 181.62 006991 1,591.62 006991 47.60 006991 19s.14 006991 440.80 00699'l REPI.ACE FRONT BRAKE CHAMBE REPI.ACE SUSPENSION PARTS GROMMETS, WASHER FLUID PUM TAILGATE L.ATCH BRAKES & BRAKE CHAMBERS 07120,2009 0712012009 07t23l2æ9 07n7n¿@9 07ß02.409 I I I I I LOTTERY OVERPAYMENT Cheque Amount - o7læ12m9 I 2,456.78 r9.92 0(F992 Cheque Amount-19.92 Cheque Run Total -243,Æ.æ Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 99 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 0812012009 'l:51PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0812012009 OOOOI2 A & L CANADA I.ABORATORIES INC. 173968'r DREDGING SAMPLING 0713112009 I 1,113.00 006993 Cheque Amount - 1,113.00 OOOO52 AMTELECOM COMMUNICATIONS Aug 5198665521 MONTHLYTELEPHONE 08/01/2009 I 1,239.31 006994 Cheque Amount - 1,239.31 001576 ASHLEYDEROO supplies REIMBURSE SUPPLIÉS 08/18/2009 I 90.35 006995 ChequeAmount- 90.35 001566 BETHANYSHARPE cfrildrens supplies KIDS PROGRAITTI SUPPLIES 0812012009 I 55.53 006996 Cheque Amount - 55.53 OOO154 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 2-1210 WATER BOTTLES O7l07l20f,9 I 48.00 006997 2-1278 WATER BOTTLES - S.C.C. 0712112W9 I 40.00 006997 2-1282 WATER BOTTLES 0712112009 I 30.00 006997 Cheque Amount- 1't8.00 æ0212 COUNTYOF ELGIN rN000016325 AUGUST'09 POLICE SERVICES 08t1A2009 I 47,732.46 006998 Cheque Amount- 47,732.46 OO1432 CULLIGAN H0933350515 UNITRENTAL 000218 cuPELocAL3s July'09 remit UNION DUES OOO25O DEL-BAC SALES LIMITED 08/01/2009 I 26.20 æ69æ o7t31t2009 I 358.02 007000 202737 SUPPLIES 08/06/2009 I 795.10 007@1 ChequeAmount- 795.10 001026 DR. C. L. LEATHERDALE 043 JUNE 2009 COLI-ABORATTON FEE 08/182009 r 800.00 007002 Cheque Amount - 800.00 001565 EMCOCORPORATTON 5400910{0 GASKETS, GATES, VALVES 08/07/2009 I 1,678.05 007003 Cheque Amount - 1,678.05 OOO334 FASTENALCANADA ONTIS28I27 SUPPLIES 08/06/2009 I 74.58 007004 Cheque Amount - 26.20 GhequeAmount- 358.02 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 100 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 001349 FLOORING CANADA SPRINGFIELD 401375 FLOORTNG - V.C.C. 000217 TBTGROUP 212032-reuæd CONSULTINGFEES 001426 KELCOM-LONDON 27050&KW HOLSTER 1580 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0812012009 0812012009 1:51PM Cheque Amount - 821.47 OOO357 G& KSERVICES CANADA INC 151U38527 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 08/06/2009 I 235.88 007m6 ChequeAmount- 235.88 001538 GROUND EFFECTS LANDSCAPE & DESIGN 260 CEMETERY CARE & YARD CLEAN 07t31t2009 I 2,541.00 007007 Cheque Arnount - 2,541.æ 001577 HALDIMÆ.ID COUNTY donation DONATION TO RELIEF EFFORTS 08119120F,9 I '100.00 007008 ChequeAmount- 100.00 OOO991 HORVATHAUTOPARTS 192318 GLOVES NTTRTL BLACK O6t25t2009 I 31.62 007009 192653 M-TORKSTD 2 PLY 07t07t2009 I 60.69 007009 Cheque Amount - 92.31 0@427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Aug 0024G14793 UTILITIES - GARAGE 0A0712009 I 286.11 007010 Aug 0ê160{8880 UTILITIES - STRAF LIBR OU11lzOOg I 262.63 007010 Arrg 12660S2007 UTILITIES - MED BLDG Og11l2O09 I 93.33 007010 Aug 15773680'16 UTILITIES - PUMP#S O8l11f2OOg I 337.97 007010 Aug 25260{9578 UTILITIES - OFFICE 0811112009 I 328.æ 007010 Aus 5399$93004 UTILITIES - PUMPflI 0A1A2009 1 47.u 007010 Aug 68860{8015 UTILITIES - STR/Aùtr FIREHALL 08/11/2009 I U2.67 007010 Arg 7339441@3 UTILITIES - PUMP# 3 O8l1A2OOg I il.60 007010 Aug 86590-87008 UTILITIES - PUMP#2 081112:0[,9 I 221.26 007010 Aug 8764G15034 UTILITIES - S.C.C. O8t11l20ûg I 886.36 007010 Cheque Amount - 74.58 o7115t2009 I 821.47 007005 Cheque Amount - 2,871 .41 0711712009 I 8,076.97 0070íí Cheque Amount- 90,230.50 0712712009 1 1',12.96 007013 Cheque Amount - 8,076.97 001558 JOE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT INC. 0630348 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR W MOWE 08t17t2009 I 90,230.50 007012 Cheque Amount - 112.96 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 101 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - OBl20l2O09 OOOSIO KI.ASSEN AUTO PARTS 0812012009 1:51PM 1-32795 't-32864 1-33247 r-33698 1-33934 1-34056 1-340ô4 1-3/.514 1-35126 1-35209 1-36242 SEAL RAD A/F SAFETY GI.ASSES BATTERIES PART FOR LAWN MOWER TRAILEI STARTER, GLOVES BATTERY, STARTER CORE FILTERS MARKERS SOCKET SCREIA/DRIVER 1.38 0070',t4 54.01 007014 63.05 007014 157.49 007014 13.50 007014 226.82 007014 169.39 007014 74.41 007014 13.53 007014 4.38 007014 7.80 æ7014 07t02t2009 0710312009 071o712009 0711312009 07t16t2009 07l17l2@9 07t17t2009 0712312009 0713012009 07131t20f,9 0811412009 Cheque Amount - 001433 MICROCAD COMPUTER CORPORATION 1000001608 LINKSYS ACCESS POINT 07102t2009 I Cheque Amount - OOO6IO MINISTEROFFIMNCE 7597 FIRE COLLEGE REGISTRATION 08/06/2009 I 785.76 101.27 007015 101.27 260.00 007016 000617 MUDFORD FAÑ/IILY FOOD TOWN 10110ø49441 101 10450233 I 01 10453353 101'lø53958 101 10459A17 10110460089 101 10463384 101 10463946 116990 0006s8 oMERS July'09 remit SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE CONTRACT GARBAGE DISPOSAL JULY'09 REMIT - O41OO Cheque Amount - 05t12t2009 05/15/2009 05t27t2009 05n912009 06,1202.009 cÉ,12A2009 0710412009 07lo71200/9 260.00 7.68 @7017 43.18 0070'17 71.38 407017 35.88 407017 19.32 007017 2.99 007017 9.00 007017 15.16 007017 000635 NEOPOST CANADA LIMITED I 't700619 Cheque Amount -204.59 0811012009 r 395.50 007018 Cheque Amount -395.50 38,148.4307131t2009 I 007019 Cheque Amount -38,148.43 12,899.370713112009 I 007020 OOOETT NORFOLK DISPOSAL SERVICES 000679 OXFORD SAND & GRAVEL LTD Cheque Amount -12,899.37 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 102 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0812012009 rN00104736 ROUND STONE, CLEAR STONE 08t13t2009 I 2,053.32 007021 tN00104762 sToNE O8t14t2æ9 I 143.46 007021 Cheque Amount - 2,196.78 OOO71O PORTBURWELLHOME HARDWARE 7055 GARBAGEBAGS o7t10t2009 I 40.67 007022 Cheque Amount - Q.67 OOO733 R&RREFRIGERATION 2797' MUSEUMS - ArR COND|TTONTNG O8t14t2009 I 282.98 007023 Cheque Amount - 282.98 001554 R&T TAX MA¡¡AGEMENT INC. sales tax RECOVERY OF SALES TAX O7l14l2OOg I 2,449.55 007024 Cheque Amount - 2,449.55 OO'1574 R-SAFETY 1013 1014 Cheque Amount - '1,380.51 OOO743 RBCROYALBANK Aug 45160500009541764MCTO COURSE o7l13l2oog I 330.75 007026 Aug4516 050æ0954176 OBOA AIINUAL MEETING 07n3n009 I 918.75 007026 Ar.rgu451605@@95417ÀSTAPLES STORE - OFFICE SUPPL 0712912009 I 52.49 007026 ChequeAmount- 1,301.99 OOO752 RESQTECH SYSTEMS INC 00010066 GRTNGS 0a11r2009 | 57.11 007027 Cheque Amount - 57.11 001579 ROSS SCOTTCARROLL reimburse credit CREDIT ON TAXACCOUNT 08120120É,9 I 768.35 007028 Cheque Amount - 768.35 OOO789 SAFEDESIGNAPPARELLTD SIGNSTANDS SIGNSTA¡¡DS 06/05/2009 I 767.89 007025 0d09/2009 t 612.62 007025 o8n1r2æ9 I 440.16 007029 0811712009 I 186.61 007029 0812012009 'l:51PM 228037 CLOTHTNG 228086 CLOTHTNG ChequeAmou t- 626.T1 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000502024 oVERCALLS, HOLTDAYFEE 08/15/2009 r 10.84 007030 0000502313 ANSWERTNG SERVTCE 08t15t2009 I U.70 007030 Cheque Amount - 95.54 OOO857 STRONC'CO EQUIPMENT 934580 ALTERNATOR 0811312009 I 2,053.82 007031 935150 SHtpptNG CHARGE 08t14t2009 I 18.66 007031 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 103 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - Ogl20l200g 0812012009 'l:51PM Cheque Amount - 2,072.48 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION x11230857 NOTTCE OF MEETTNG - DYCK 07t24t2009 , 332.43 007032 Cheque Amount - 332.43 000863 SUZANNAMANTEL member invoice MEMBERSHIP TO CGA 08/18/2009 I 775.00 007033 Cheque Amount - 775.00 001418 TELUS 016242498o't116366069 CELL PHONE - B KNTFTON 08/05/2009 t 32.53 007034 Cheque Amount - 32.53 OO'1257 TERANET ENTERPRISES INC. lN\0@9663 oNTARIO PARCELASSESS DATA 08/10/2009 r 1,8Ar.50 007035 Cheque Amount - 1,8e1.50 001247 TILLSONBURG GI.ASS 230156 MTRROR - MARTNE MUSEUM O8t13t20É/9 I 14.13 æ7036 Cheque Amount - '|.4.13 OOO913 TOWNSHIP OF MAI.AI-IIDE 09{13 JUNE 2009 WATER 07t31t2009 t 21,044.40 007037 ChequeAmount- 21,U4.40 @0938 UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH MOE@urse MOEWATERQUALIWCOURSE OA20n0Og I 297.50 007038 Cheque Amount - 297.50 OOI578 WALKERTON CLEAAI WATER CENTRE @urse CROSS CONNECTION & BACKFLO 0812012Ûl,9 I 262.50 007039 Cheque Amount - 262.50 001216 WATSON &ASSOCTATES 15609 PSAB &ASSET MA¡'IAGEMENT 06/30/2009 I 2,256.03 007040 Cheque Amount - 2,256.03 001015 VI¡EAO annual conference 5TH CANADIAN R&B CONFERENCI 08i/2012009 I 630.00 00704'l Cheque Amount - 630.00 000986 WORKPI.ACE SAFETY & INSURANCE July'o9 remit 1625314 JULY'og REMIT 07l31l20Ûg I 2,033.37 007042 Cheque Amount - 2,033.37 Cheque Run Total - 252,773Jt4 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 104 of 151 2009-07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM General Ledger Posting Summary Trace: 009710 Report Date: 08/2{12009 O8lz1nOAg 10:544M Accounts Payable Voided Gheque Fiscal Year: 2009 PostedBy: SANDRA Posting Pd,: 8 Posting Date: 082112009 01410G'1030 General bank 01{10G1950 Accounts PayableTrade CDIST to be invoioed b county CDIST to be invoiced to county Void Chq:696'l COUNTYOF ELGIN Void Chq:6961 COUNTYOF ELGIN Total Debits Total 9edits Net Poling 2,529.21 -2.529.2',1 0.00 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 105 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0812612009 0812612009 9:044M OOOO83 B.M.B. TRUCKING ricfimond park SAND DELIVERY TO RCHMND PAF 06/2912009 I 210.00 007043 ChequeAmount- 385.76 OOO229 DANCE SEVIER CLEANING INC 10776 CLEAN SEVI/ERS tN EDEN 08104t2009 1 771.75 007046 001231 CENTRAL ELGIN FIRE RESCUE OO7/09 SHAREDCOSTS OOO199 COCA-COI.A BOTTLING LTD 35839604 PREMTX OOO25O DEL-BAC SALES LIMITED 201636 SUPPLTES 20318r'. SUPPLIES OOI179 EAGLE SIGNS & GRAPHICS OOO339 FIRESERVICE MANAGEMENT LTD 419058 SUIT CLEANING GhequeAmount- 210.00 08t20t2@,9 r 103.68 007044 Cheque Amount- 103.68 0612912009 r 385.76 007045 Cheque Amount - 2,677.50 oa21i2ÛO9 I 130.4'1 00705'l Cheque Amount - T11.75 07102120p,9 I 641.11 007047 0u2112cf,9 C -146.47 007047 SIGNS, DECALS ChequeAmount- 4U.æ 08117t2009 I 399.00 007048 ChequeAmount- 399.00 000284 ED ROLOSON conferenceexpense CONFERENCE EXPENSES O8l25l2OOg I 576.62 007049 Cheque Amount - 576.62 001288 FARMINGTON MECHANICAL INC. 007514 EAST BEACH SEWAGE PUMP REP 0A21i2009 I 2,677.50 007050 Cheque Amount - 130.41 OOO357 G& K SERVICES CAMDA INC 1s18444240 SHOP TOWELS, FLOOR MATS 0812012009 t 235.88 007052 ChequeAmount- 235.88 OOO427 HYDROONE NETWORKS INC Aug 2539GO7266 UTILITIES - MENNA STL 08/18/2009 I 559.41 007053 Aug 2539G55002 UTILITIES - PB STL HWY 19 0811812009 I 1,649.85 007053 Aug 6239G22001 UTILITIES - STRAF STL 08/18/2009 I 1,037.36 007053 Au9627904726 UTILITIES - RCHMD STL 0811812009 I 185.20 007053 Aug 8159G07297 UTILITIES - EDEN STL 0811812009 I 552.9'1 007053 Aug 87790{7295 UTILITIES - CORINTH STL 08/18/2009 I 232.11 007053 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 106 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 Cheque Amount - 4,216.U 001575 JOHN FEHR CONSTRUCTION material costs ROOFING - STRAF LIBRARY 0U1712009 I 6,æ7.25 007054 Cheque Amount - 6,867.25 OOO572 MANULIFE FINANCIAL 100619745 SEPT'09 REM|T 100619954 SEPT'09 REMIT Cheque Amount - 9,739.41 000617 MUDFORD FAMILY FOOD TOWN 10110457544 PAPER TOWELS, FOAM CUPS æ11A2@9 I 36.il 007056 ChequeAmount- 36.64 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Aug'09 petty PETTY CASH 08114t2009 I 25.10 00704f 0811912009 I 18.90 007064 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0812612009 0812612009 9:044M o8t14t2@9 I 6,012.29 007055 0811412009 I 3,727.12 007055 0812512009 I 170.40 007057 Gheque Amount - 170.40 OO15O4 ONTARIO TAX SALES INC 621 LISTING 0{02-16001 0712912009 I '1,023.75 007058 Cheque Amount - 1,023.75 0æ727 PUROI.ATOR COURIER LTD 40s951690 COURTER SERVTCES 08114t2009 I 86.71 007059 ChequeAmount- 86.71 OOOTM REALTAXINC 26456 TAXSALE PROCEEED G0o2-16001 07t29t2009 I 73s.00 007060 ChequeAmount- 735.00 OOO829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000373323 WARRANTY EXTENSION 08t/18/2009 I 113.00 007061 ChequeAmount- 113.00 @1ß2 SUN MEDIACORPORATION x11232542 REOVE HOLDING PROVISION 0810712009 I 285.39 007Ñ2 ChequeAmount- 285.39 000886 THERRIEN'S EXCAVATING 398 CASTER DRAIN, EAST BEACH WSI- 08/2512009 r 1,',t07.75 007063 Cheque Amount - 1,107.75 OOO935 UNION GAS LIMITED 273-210619È9754 UTTLITTES-E.C.C. 27T21062430725Au9 UTILITIES - PUMP#1 44.00Cheque Amount - Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 107 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 0g12612009 Gheque Run Total - 08t26l2ñ9 Page Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 108 of 151 2009.07.22 6.3 9050 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 27ß8l2OOg 4:21PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register - 2TlOBl2OOg lnvoice Payee Number Invoice Cheque Cheque Date Tyæ Amount Number 000657 OMEGA CONTRACTORS tender deposit RETURN TENDER DEPOSIT 2710A2009 I 30,000.00 007065 Cheque Amount - 30,000.00 Cheque Run Total - 30,000.00 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheques #6954 to Cheque #7065 inclusiv...Page 109 of 151 Page 110 of 151 O CORPORATION OF TIIE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT lu: Mayor dø Members or uouncil FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, CGA f-r.llll!: .¿lugust zJ) zvvt FILE: SUBJECTaS ewer Proi ect L-an Purpose: To renew the municipality's credit agreement with CIBC for the sewer project loan. Background: The municipality has a l0 year loan with CIBC, maturing Apú12072 Each year, the municipality is requested to renew the credit agreement for this loan. The agreement is a standard form of agreement and details the loan information' Strategic Plan Goal(s): Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management. Recommendations: THAT by-law 2009-103 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce be presented to council for enactment. Respectfu lly submitted,Reviewed by, Kyle Kruger, CMO Administrator Suz a Dieleman Mantel, CGA Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: ...Page 111 of 151 CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-103 A BY.LA\ü TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF' AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALI'I'Y O-I'' I'AYHAIVr ANI) CANÄDIAN IMPERIAL BAI\K OF COMMERCE WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has an existing loan with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce authorized under by-law 99-93; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary and expedient to renew the credit agreement with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule"A" and forming part of this by-law, between Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Municipality of Bayham; 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3.d DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: ...Page 112 of 151 CA Version 2008/1 0 Page 1 of 4 CIBC Retail Markets Credit Agreement 200 Broadway Street Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 5A7 Jul 28, 2009 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM PO BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NOJlYO Canada Attention: Suzanne Mantel-Treasurer Dear Ms. Mantel: We are pleased to establish the following credit facilities. Each credit offered is referred to as a "Facility". OverallCredit Limit: Overall Credit Limit The total approved amount of all Facilities: Term Facility is not at any time to exceed CDN$593,276.00. Loan Amount: Purpose: Description: Rate: Last Regular Scheduled Payment Date: Repayment: Fees: Condítions: Facility A: Term Facility $593,276.00 This Facility is to be used for : Capital infrastructure projects. A non-revolving Demand lnstalment Loan. Principal that is repaid is not available to be re-borrowed. lnterest will be calculated at a fixed rate of 6.250% per year for a 27 month term amortized over 27 months. Apr 11,2012 On demand. Until demand, this Facility is repayable as follows: 6 regular semi-annual payments of $1 09,971.35 (principal and interest blended). Any outstanding principal and interest and any othel amount due but unpaid with respect to this Facility is due on the Last Regular Scheduled Payment Date. The firsunext and the last regular in d interest and a Facility is due You may only prepay this Facility in accordance with Schedule A. The fees payable irl respect of this Facility are as listed under "GENERAL FEES' at the end of this Letter. See also'CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO FAClLlTlES", "All Facilities" at the end of this Letter. Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: ...Page 113 of 151 CA Version 2008/10 Page 2 of 4 CIBC Retail l/arkets Credit Agreement CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO FACILITIES CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO FACILITIES Regrsfraflons:CIBC may, if it deems necessary in its sole discretion, register a Financing StatemenUFinancing Change Statement under the Personal Property Security Act (or the equivalent) in the applicable jurisdiction, or file a registration under any relevant legislation and in any government offiòe in relation to any security granted in connection with the Facilities, recording CIBC's security interest, including, without limitation, recording CIBC's security interest in any motor vehicle by registering the Vehicle ldentification Number. lf this Letter is governed by the laws of Saskatchewan and you are a corporation, you agree that The Limitation of Civil Rights Act and The Land Contracts (Actions) Act does not apply insofar as it relates to actions as defìned in that Act, or insofar as it relates to or affects this Letter, the rights of CIBC under this Letter or any instrument, charge, security agreement or other document of any nature that renews, extends or is collateral to this Letter. All security required under the Facilities generally or under a specific Facility must be in form and substance satisfactory to CIBC and unless othenryise agreed in writing, must be delivered prior to any advance under all Facilities generally or under the relevant Facility if the security is only required for that specific Facility, as applicable. Saskatchewan Waiver: Conditions Applicable to all Security: SECURITY The following security is required in addition to any other security requirements outlined elsewhere in this letter (without duplication): Capital Expenditure Borrowing By-Law Dated December 2, 1999.. Other Security: Capital Exependiture Borrowing By-Law You will provide to us: (a) (b) Gonditions: REPORTING REQUIREMENT Audited annual financial statements within 150 days after the end of each fiscal year, on a consolidated basis. A annual budget for your next fiscal year, including annual projected income statement within 150 days after the end of each fiscal year end, on an unconsolidated basis. Any financial statements required above shall only be accepted by us if they have been signed by officers or persons duly authorized to sign the financial statements, or the financial statements must be accompanied by a certificate (as required by us) from an authorized signatory of the business certifying that the financial statements present a true and fair view of the business. Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: ...Page 114 of 151 CA Version 2008/'10 Page 3 of 4 CIBC Retail Markets Credit Agreement GENERAL FEES GENERAL FEES addition to any other fees outlined elsewhere in this Letter. Amendment Fee:lf you require an amendment to this Letter, there will be a fee of $150.00 payable on the date you sign such amendment to this Letter. OTHER PROVISIONS Next Scheduled Review The next scheduled review is Jun 30, 2010. The terms of this AgreementDate: will continue until amended or superseded by another agreement in writing. Schedule A: Repayment: lnterest Payment Dates: Overdrafts: Authorized Debits: Unless you have made other arrangements with us, you authorize us to debit your Operating Account for any required payments (including, without limitation, any scheduled payments), interest, fees or other amounts that are payable by you to us with respect to any Facility, as and when such amounts are payable. Governing Law:The laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein shall apply to this letter including Schedule A and any amendments, additions or replacements. The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that Province. The parties confirm their express wish that this Letter and all documents related thereto be drawn up in English. Les parties confirment leur volonté expresse de voir le présent contrat et tous les documents s'y rattachant être rédigés en anglais. This Letter supersedes and replaces all prior discussions, letters and agreements (if any) describing the terms and conditions of Facilities contained in this Letter. This Letter does not however serve to operate French Language: Replacements: The attached Schedule A, which contains certain additional provisions applicable to the Facilities, and certain definitions, forms part of this Letter. All amounts under any Facility are repayable immediately on demand by us unless othenruise indicated. We may terminate any Facility in whole or in part at any time. Except with respect to interest on amounts in default, which is payable on demand, interest is payable as specified herein and subject to the terms and conditions in Schedule A. Money advanced under any Facility in excess of the Credit Limit or Loan Amount applicable to that particular Facility is repayable on demand and will bear interest at our Excess lnterest Rate to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. as a novation. To the extent necessary, CIBC reseryes all of its rights in respect of any Security that has been granted to secure your obligations with respect to the Facilities. you have read and and conditions (including the terms and hedule attached to closed duplicate copy of this Letter written acknowledg s as required by us) and returning it to the undersigned prior to Sep 30, 2009. lf (a) we have not received a duly executed copy of this Letter (including any acknowledgements from any Guarantors as required by us) by the date indicated above, and (b) you have not fulfilled all the conditions required for us to advance funds under the Facilities indicated in this Letter by Sep 30, 2009 (or any extension of this date that we may agree to), we may in our sole discretion and without notice to you, cancel all of the Facilities listed in this Letter and we will be under no further obligation to advance any funds to you under this Letter. Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: ...Page 115 of 151 CA Version 2008/1 0 Page 4 of 4 CIBC Retail Markets Cred¡t Agreement OTHER PROVISIONS We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing CIBC. We look forward to assisting you and your business with any future financial needs you may have. Name: Title: Address: Phone No.: Fax No.: Name: Title: Larry Calendino Senior Business Advisor Simcoe, Ontario Accepted this - day of Attachment(s): (1) Schedule A - Standard Credit Terms THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Signature Lynn Acre Mayor Signature Name: Suzanne Mantel Title: Treasurer Staff Report F2009-37 regarding Sewer Project Loan. File: ...Page 116 of 151 C, TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SITR.II'.CT: TnfrasfructureNeeds Studies -NU.MBER¡ -C2009--018 Purpose This report is to provide a proposed program of Infrastructure Needs Studies for various service areas of the Municipality. Background As part of the Municipality of Bayham Strategic Plan process 2008-2013, the desire to undertake Needs Studies for various municipal service areas was identified, and included as a strategic priority. The first step in the process under that priority is the preparation of a program report for implementation. Staff Comments The Strategic Priority identified the following areas for infrastructure needs studies: . Roads . Water . Sanitary Sewer . Buildings . Rolling Stock . Other Staff have identified items in the category of "other" to include storm sewers, bridges and culverts, sidewalks, and streetlights as these are the remaining infrastructure categories of the most significant capital value. In general terms, infrastructure needs studies will include an inventory, condition evaluation, evaluation of maintenance needs, renewaVreplacement needs, review of growth impacts, and establishment of a long term capital plan. Each service area though has unique qualities, and will have some variations. It should also be noted that infrastructure needs studies differ from service delivery review. That program will be the subject of separate report. The following is the proposed implementation plan for these needs studies: Service Area Dates Provider Buildings 2010 Engineer $ Rolling Stock 2010 ln-house $Roads 2011 Engineer $ Bridges and Culverts 2011 ln-house $ Storm Sewers 2012 Engineer $Sidewalks 2012 ln-house $ Sanitary Sewers 2012 ln-house $Water 2013 ln-house $ Street Lights 2013 ln-house $ lT/Parks Equipment on-going ln-house $ DATE: August 20,2009 FILE: Staff Report C2009-018 regarding Infrastructure Needs Studie...Page 117 of 151 faée L Options 1. Commence with Infrastructure Needs Studies per the proposed implementation plan, subject annual budget process 2. Amend the implementation plan to add/remove extemal assistance (note: impacts time frames) Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal#2 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation THAT the implementation plan for municipal infrastructure needs studies as outlined in Report C2009-018 be adopted. Staff Report C2009-018 regarding Infrastructure Needs Studie...Page 118 of 151 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator DATE: August 18,2009 F'ILE: SUBJECT: East Pier Repairs and Budget NUMBER: PR2009-16 Purpose To initiate engineering works for repairs to the East Pier at Port Burwell harbour. Bacþround The municipality has been allocating funds in its annual budget since 2007 for work/repairs on the east pier. At this time $100,000 has been set aside (inclusive of the 2009 allocation). Although allocated in the budget, the specifics works were have not been delineated. As Council will be aware, the east pier in Port Burwell was acquired from the federal government in 1994. The last evaluation carried out on the pier was obtained for Small Craft Harbours in November of 1996. The report is from a visual inspection and divers report at that time. The report includes a small section on minor repairs and complete reconstruction. In the area of minor repairs, the minimum investment at the time to clear safety hazards and prevent further deterioration was approximately $50,000. Complete deck replacement was estimated at $350,000. Staff are not aware of any works arising from the report that were carried out. Staff Comments Given that further deterioration has likely occurred since 1996, staff suggest the first step in repairs at the pier should be a report from a qualified engineer. In order to ensure that repair works are carried out in a manner that protects the pier from further deterioration, the assistance of a qualified engineer is recommended. As a result of a previous discussion with Council, staff have pursued Riggs Engineering, as that firm carried out the 1996 review. Unfortunately, that firm has not been able to provide any proposal/pricing after numerous requests. Staff have however obtained an estimate from CJDL Consulting Engineers. After review of the 1996 report, and an on-site review, CJDL has provided an estimate of $20,000 to carry out evaluation and make recoÍrmendations on deck repairs (and alternatives to isolated deck repairs such as staged recapping). It is anticipated this work can be done this fall, and repairs scheduled, likely for 2010. Options l. Retain CJDL Consulting Engineers to evaluate the east pier and to make recoÍrmendations for maintenance/repairs 2. Obtain estimates from contractors for concrete resurfacing of the east pier 3. Examine other resurfacing options for the east pier. Staff Report PR2009-16 regarding East Pier Repairs and Budge...Page 119 of 151 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal #l - Practice responsible financial management Goal #3 - Ensure reliable, well maintained and secure infrastructure Recommendation TT{AT staff he authoriz.ed to retain CJDL Consultins Ensineers to evaluate the east pier and to make recommendations for maintenance/repairs. Staff Report PR2009-16 regarding East Pier Repairs and Budge...Page 120 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Kyle Kruger, Administrator SUBJECT: Siltation Study - Port Burwell Harbour August 18,2009 FILE: NUMBERz C2009-17 This report is to advise Council of the outcome of requests for proposals regarding a Siltation study for the Port Burwell Harbour area. Background As a result of on-going discussions with DFO (Small Craft Harbours), and Council interest in siltatior/current patterns at the harbour area, Council requested staff obtain estimates for a "Coastal Processes Study". Shoreplan Engineering Limited subsequently provided a proposal, considered by Council in June. At that time, Council requested staff proceed with a call for further proposals. Staff inquired with a number of firms/agencies, and were able to obtain one additional proposal, from Baird and Associates. Staff Comments There are a limited number of firms able to undertake this type of study, however both firms that have submitted are very experienced and qualified. Prices quoted for the studies are: Shoreplan Engineering Limited Baird and Associates $24,500 plus applicable taxes $28,000 plus applicable taxes Both proposals received have been shared with SCH for comment and input upon their receipt. SCH staff indicated the Shoreplan proposal met the needs as had been discussed, however we have not received comment on the Baird submission at this time. It has also been indicated that they would be in a position to share the costs of such a study on 50/50 basis, provided it is completed within their current fiscal year. The 2009 municipal budget does not include provision for such a study. As such, should the municipality proceed, funding would be required from reserves and/or the 2010 capital program. As mentioned, both firms have made acceptable submissions, though the Baird proposal provides some greater detail. Both appear to have the necessary experience and expertise to complete the project, and timelines are similar (9 weeks for Shoreplan, 8 weeks for Baird). Therefore, should Council determine to proceed, staff would recommend Shoreplan Engineering be selected based on the slightly lower cost. Options 1. Proceed with the Siltation Study per the proposals received (subject to cost sharing agreement with scH). 2.Defer consideration of the matter to the 2010 municipal budget discussions. Stratesic Plan Goal(s) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management Goal #3 - Create a positive business atmosphere Staff Report C2009-17 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwe...Page 121 of 151 Recommendation THAT Shoreplan Engineering be retained to conduct a Siltation Study for the Port Burwell harbour âroeras outlined in their proposal dated May 5,2009 subject to cost sharing on a 50150 basis with Small Craft Harbours. Staff Report C2009-17 regarding Siltation Study - Port Burwe...Page 122 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF'THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk SUBJECT: Bayham Community Centre Rental DATE: August 31,2009 FILE: cßf Êo t NUMBERz C2009-019 PURPOSE This report is to provide Council with a recommendation from the Community Centres Committee to utilize the Straffordville hall for a martial arts program and to request Council approval. BACKGROT]ND The Community Centres Committee has been approached by a local karate leader, requesting a reduced rental rate to utilize the Straffordville hall for a 2-hour weekly evening program for mainly youth, beginning September 23,2009 through June 2010 (36 weeks). STAFF COMMENTS Committee members have been circulated the request and through email have discussed, and recommend support for this youth and up karate activity (aged 4 to 6Gr-). The group is willing to stack tables and chairs and reset them as necessary for use of the main floor area. It is understood that no equipment or furniture are required, children are well- supervised, conduct their activities without shoes and agree to place wet shoes/boots in the hallway near the front hall during inclement weather. As well, washroom visits are to be closely monitored. Adequate liability insurance coverage is available. Staff have confirmed that janitorial arrangements can be made at a reduced cleaning rate, maintaining cost recovery for this activity. The proposed activity does not interfere with any other rentals or uses at this time. It has been noted that use at both the Vienna and Straffordville sites has decreased this year and Committee members support the proposed activity rather than have the buildings remain empty. Attachments: By-laws 2009 - 104 and 2009 - 105 are attached for further reference. Strategic Plan Goals: Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere GoaI# 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices Staff Report C2009-019 regarding Bayham Community Centre Ren...Page 123 of 151 Report C2009-019 RECOMMENDATION 'TTHAT StaffReport C2009-019 regarding Bayham Community Centre Rental be received; TIIAT By-Laws 2009-104, being a by-law to further amend rates and fees By-Law 2005- 102 and 2009-105, being a by-law to amend the Janitorial Agreement with Ramona Peidl, respectively, be presented to Council for enactment.' Respectfully zubmitted Reviewedby Staff Report C2009-019 regarding Bayham Community Centre Ren...Page 124 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il 2009-104 BEING A BY.LA\M TO FURTHER AMEND BY.LAW 2005.102 IMPOSING RATES AND FEES WHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local Municipality may by by-law, impose specific rates and fees to be charged for municipal services. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- law 2005-102 adopt a schedule of rates and fees for municþal services; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- law 2008-024 anendthe schedule of rates and fees for municipal services AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it expedient to further amend ByJaw 2005-102 in regard to the Bayham Community Centre; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalityof Bayham deems it necessary to further amend the schedule of rates and fees for such services; AND \ilIIEREAS Council is desirous that adoption of such amendment be by by-law; TIIEREF'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENÁ.CTS AS FOLLO\MS: 1. TIIAT ByJaw 2005-102, Schedule "A", as amended, be further amended to include the following under Community Centre Rental Fees Bayham (Straffordville): tr Martial Arts program all renters $ 35 per 2 hour evening schedule. 2. TIIAT effective upon final passing of ByJaw 2009-104, the Schedule of Rates and Fees set out in Schedule "A" attached to By-law 2005-102, as amended, shall rsmain in effect until further amended or rescinded. 2. AND TIIAT in all other respects ByJaw 2005-102 be hereby confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3M DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK Staff Report C2009-019 regarding Bayham Community Centre Ren...Page 125 of 151 TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-10s A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY.LA\ü 2OO9-025 BEING AN AGREEMENT }YITH RAMONA PEIDL FOR THE PROVISION OF JANITORIAL SERVICES AT THE BAYH.A.M (STRAFFORDVILLE) COMMUNITY CENTRE WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham did pass ByJaw 2009-025 on March 5,2009 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Ramona Peidl for the provision ofjanitorial services for the Bayham Community Centre owned by the Municipality of Bayham; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and the contractor are desirous of amending this contract; NOW THEREFORE THE COTINCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement for janitorial services between the Municþality of Bayham and Ramona Peidl be amended as follows to add: Bayham Community Centre cleaning of the Main Hall following once weekly Martial Arts Activity at a cost of $26; 2. THAT all terms and conditions of the original agreement remain in fuIl force and effect; 3. TIIAT this by-law shall come into fuIl force and effect upon final passing. RE,AD A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME AI\D FINALLY PASSED TIIIS 3Ð DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERI( Staff Report C2009-019 regarding Bayham Community Centre Ren...Page 126 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: August 31,2009 FROM: Lynda Millard, Clerk FILE: Fl l SUBJECT: Museums & Technology Fund NUMBERz C2009-020 PURPOSE This report is to request Council to support a funding request to the Ministry of Culture under the Museums and Technology Fund BACKGROT]NI) The Museums and Technology Fund will invest in innovative projects and partnerships that will enable collections-based a¡ts and heritage organizations to use digital technology to support community economic development, education and life-long learning. Program Objectives o Provide citizens with access to the diversity and richness of Ontario's heritage and its history. o Mærimize the role of collections-based arts and heritage orgarizations in stimulating cultural tourism, community economic development and municipal cultural planning. tr Encourage innovative museum partnerships and models that support education, lifeJong learning and new audience development. General Funding Terms tr The Ministry of Culture will fund up to 50% of eligible project c,osts, to a maximum of $50,000, for organizations serving communities with a population over 20,000. Orgaruzations serving communities with a population under 20,000 will be eligible to receive up to 80% of project costs to a maximum of $50,000. o Grants will not exceed $50,000. Grants over that amount will be considered under exceptional circumstances and if supported by a strong business case. tr You may receive additional funding for your project from other levels of government. o In cases where funding from other Ontario government sources is included, this funding must be for a component of the project that is separate and distinct from the portion to be funded by the Museums and Technology Fund. o Donated services and materials are included in the calculation of the total project value/expenditures. The value of donated services and materials may not exceed l0o/o of total project costs. Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 127 of 151 Report C2009-020 -2- tr The Ministry's contribution will not exceed the actual cash expenditure for the project. tr Funding will be provided on a single or one-time only, project basis. STAFF COMMENTS I have confirmed that the municipality qualifies to appl¡ on behalf of our Lighthouse, Marine and Edison museums and the wind interpretive centre, as the lead applicant as follows: "....regarding the eligibility of municipalities as lead applicants on behalf of their municipal museums/art gølleries/archives. It has taken us a little while to finalize, but I wqnted to confirm that ycË, municipalities can apply as lead applicants to the Museums and Technologt Fund on behalf of their municipal museums/art galleries/archives. Projects undertaken in partnership with other organizations are preferred, so I would encourage your municipal museums to consider working collaboratively with each other, andwith other organizations in the ímmediate and sunounding communities." As advised above, we will also need to partner with others, which may include, but is not limited to, the Port Burwell and Bayham Historical Societies, local Chamber of Commerce, Malahide Township and Elgin County. It is uncertain what form of documentation will be required for this "partnering". Staffbelieve this presents an excellent opportunity to access funding that can assist the heritage sector through our museums, the wind interpretive centre and the overall municipality in web based areas of enhancement including collaborative digital technology through museums collections management, online exhibits, curriculum and education modules, innovative marketing and promotion, exposure to our beach, local events, tourist athactions, scenic parks, hills, creeks and valleys. This opportunity could also benefit our wide variety of agricultural and home based farm fresh foods, vegetables, fruits, handÆrome made arts and crafts, business and commercial enterprises. This program also fits in very well with utilizing technology for the new Edison Museum of Vienna facilityproposed to begin soon with a professional fundraiser. With Council's support, staffwould meet with the proposed local groups and develop the application for submission. Potential Projects tr Assess and create cataloguing records of the collections úrlízingweb based soft-ware, technology and expertise provided by the County of Elgin, including the digitization of the artifacts in the collections of the Edison Museum of Vienna and the Port Burwell Marine Museum in accordance with the existing collection management and development policy. o Research, assess, develop and implement policies to meet provincial standards for small community museums, to ensure adequate duty of care for the conservation and preservation of the Edison Museum of Vienna and the Port Burwell Marine Museum collections. Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 128 of 151 Report C2009-020 -3- tr Based on the existing collections, research, develop and implement at least one virh¡al exhibition for each museum / wind interpretive centre site on the municipal or museum web sites for public access. tr Research, develop and implement online curriculum and education modules to complement the collections and the summer children's programs. tr Develop and implønent marketing, promotion, public relations activities and website enhancements with collaborating partners utilizing digital technology. E Develop and implement a strategic plan for fundraising utilizing an integrated approach through events, annual and capital campaigns and planned gling methods. Resources developed through this project may assist in capital campaign endeavours in support of a new Edison Museum facility. Staffsees the above list as current priorities, acknowledging that discussion with Council and/or potential partner groups may identify other areas for consideration. Budgeting The maximum funding available is up to $50,000. At 50% this would be a total cost of $100,000. Should 80% funding be grante.d, the total cost of the project could be as low as $62,500. As noted above, other funding sources maybe utilized. No search has been made at this time. It is estimated that hiring one individual for 48 weeks or two for 24 weeks would equate to approximately $30,000. Attachments: Museums & Technology Fund Guidelines Strategic Plan Goals: Goal # 3 Create a positive business atmosphere Goal # 4 Be dedicated to service excellence Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices RECOMMENDATION (TIIAT Staff Report C2009-020 regarding Museums & Technology Fund be received; THAT Council directs staff to take the necessary steps to prepare and submit an application to the Ministry of Culture under the Museums & Technolory Fund, including arrangements necessary for partnering with the appropriate organizations, up to a maximum total cost of $1001000." Respectfully submitted Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 129 of 151 servicesBranch TEcHNoLoGY FUND Guidelines August 2009 0¿l4ocuidelines (2009/07) @ Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009 Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 130 of 151 CONTENTS Ministry of Culture Vision 1 Program Objectives 1 Strategic Priorities of the Museums and Technology Fund Eligible Organizations Examples of Eligible Projects General Criteria Contribution to the Arts and Heritage Sector General Funding Terms Project Budget Questions & Answers Deadline for Applications Evaluation of Applications Project Reports and Results Analysis Administration of the Program 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 o¿l40cu¡delines (2009/07) @ Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009 Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 131 of 151 Museums and Technology Fund 2009-2010 Ministry of Gulture Vision The Ministry's vision is to lead in building a strong and stable culture sector that contributes to a prosperous creative economy and vibrant, liveable communities. Program Objectives The Museums and Technology Fund will: ¡ Provide citizens with access to the diversity and richness of Ontario's heritage and its history; o Maximize the role of collections-based arts and heritage organizations in stimulating cultural tourism, community economic development and municipal cultural planning; and o Encourage innovative museum partnerships and models that support education, life-long learning and new audience development. Strategic Priorities of the Museums and Technology Fund The Fund will invest in technology projects that help develop the museum and heritage sector at the provincial and regional levels. These projects willfulfill the Fund's strategic priorities: . Use digital technology to engage Ontarians in new ways . lmprove digital technology infrastructure and develop digitaltechnology skills in the museum/heritage sector . Digitize heritage collections to give Ontarians better access to their history and heritage . Help eligible organizations use technology to meet collection, research, program, 0¿l40Guidelines (2009/07) @ Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009 education, stewardship, and promotional needs . Help eligible organizations attract new audiences through the use of technology . Help eligible organizations generate revenue through the use of technology. Eligible Organizations The lead applicant for funding must be a not- for-profit: o Community museum . Community art gallery o Community archive o Heritage organization with provincial mandate The lead applicant must be incorporated in Ontario or in Canada. Projects that are undertaken with one or more partners are preferred. Partners could include: . First Nations . Municipalities ¡ Not-for-profit organizations, including museums, heritage organizations and cultural organizations . For-profitorganizations We encourage you to partner with organizations outside the museum and heritage sector in related areas such as cultural tourism, technology or economic development. lf you have one or more partners for your project, one organization must act as the lead applicant for funding. Examples of Eligible Projects . Develop online exhibitions . Create online curriculum and education Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 132 of 151 modules o Produce digital publications . Develop membership and audience through the use of technology . lmplement collaborative digital technology . lnnovative marketing to support cultural tourism . Raise funds through the use of technology o Buy technology that helps people with disabilities to access programs or services in the arts and heritage sector. General Griteria ln your application, you must clearly describe: . The need for the project . How the project relates to the Ministry of Culture Vision (see above) . How the project meets one or more of the Strategic Priorities of the Museums and Technology Fund (see above). You must include a Project Budget. Your application must also include all of the following: . Your project timelines . Your plans for monitoring results o Evidence that your organization has the resources, management capability and track record to carry out the project . lndication of how your project shows innovation and creativity through the use of technology . Description of your project's measurable benefits for the museum and heritage sector at a provincial or regional level, or of how it could be a modelfor similar projects in the sector o Your undertaking to meet the copyright requirements if your project involves a publication or digital service or collection. 0440Guidelines (2009/07) @ Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009 Gontribution to the Arts and Heritage Sector Your application must show how the project will contribute to the arts and heritage sector in two or more of ways listed below. lf your application is successful, these will be the performance measures we will use to evaluate your project when it is complete. . lmproved capacity to use technology to enhance/support collections-based arts and heritage organizations. o Community arts and heritage collections and stories will be more accessible to Ontarians. . New partnerships or strategic alliances will be formed, and the partners will be actively involved in the project. . Community arts and heritage organizations will gain more recognition. ¡ New or better educational opportunities for students and life-long learners will be offered. General Funding Terms . The Ministry of Culture will fund up to 50% of eligible project costs, to a maximum of $50,000, for organizations serving communities with a population over 20,000. Organizations serving communities with a population under 20,000 will be eligible to receive up to 80% of project costs to a maximum of $50,000. o Grants will not exceed $50,000. Grants over that amount will be considered under exceptional circumstances and if supported by a strong business case. . You may receive additionalfunding for your project from other levels of government. . !n cases where funding from other Ontario government sources is included, this funding must be for a component of the Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 133 of 151 project that is separate and distinct from the portion to be funded by the Museums and Technology Fund. . Donated services and materials are included in the calculation of the total project value/expenditures. The value of donated services and materials may not exceed 10% of total project costs. . The Ministry's contribution will not exceed the actual cash expenditure for the project. . Funding will be provided on a single or one-time only, project basis. Project Budget Questions and Answers Project Costs Q l. What are "eligible project costs"? A 1. Eligible project costs include . Hardware updates . Software purchases and upgrades . Hir¡ng additional staff specifically for the project . Extending staff hours specifically for the project . Staff training . Related labour (interpretation, design, digitization, etc.) . Multimedia equipment o Website development or enhancement . Other expenditures that are not "ineligible project costs" (see below) List your eligible project costs in Category A on your Project Budget form. Q 2. What are "ineligible project costs"? A2. The following are ineligible project costs: O¿l4Ocuidelines (2009/07) @ Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009 . Hospitality . Operating and capitalcosts . H¡ring interns to replace existing staff List your ineligible project costs in Category B on your Project Budget form. Q 3. What about donated services and materials? A 3. Equipment donated for use in your project is an example of donated services and materials you need to include in your Project Budget. List the value of any donated goods and services you expect to receive in Category C on your Project Budget form. Remember that donated services and materials cannot total more than 10% of project value. Project Funding Q 4. What is the maximum amount of funding that one proiect can receive from the Museums and Technology Fund? A 4. The Fund will provide up to 50% of the project cost, to a maximum of $50,000. Organizations serving communities with a population under 20,000 may receive up to 80% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $50,000. The balance of funding for the project must come from your organization's own resources or other funding sources. Q 5. lf the costs for an approved project increase, willthe Museums and Technology Fund increase the project grant? A 5. No. The Fund cannot increase the grant amount if the costs of the project Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 134 of 151 rncrease. Q 6. Are changes to the project budget allowed? For example, what if costs increase for one item but decrease for another? A 6. You will need our written consent to change how you spend grant funds. You should discuss any proposed changes to your project budget with the Ministry's Culture Programs Advisor. Q 7. What requirements does the Fund have with regard to the holding of grant funds? A7. Grant funds must be placed in an account that is in the applicant's name at a Canadian financial institution. Deadline for Applicat¡ons The deadline for applications is September 30, 2009. Evaluation of Applications Ministry of Culture staff will evaluate all applications. An advisory panel of representatives from the arts, heritage, and technology sectors will comment on applications. We will take the panel's comments into consideration. Project Reports and Results Analysis Within three months of the completion of your project, you must submit a post-project report (PPR) form. The PPR willcontain a financial reconciliation and a report on results that includes the performance measures. We may also require interim reports on your project. Administrat¡on of the Program The Ministry's Programs and Services Branch o¿l4ocuidelines (2009/07) @ Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009 Culture Programs Unit will administer the program. Applicants must discuss potential projects with the Ministry's Culture Programs Unit before proceeding with a project. Such a discussion does not mean that a project will be recommended for approval. The Ministry anticipates that it will receive more projects than can be funded with available funding. For more information, contact: Carol Law, Gulture Programs Advisor Programs and Services Branch Ontario Ministry of Culture 400 University Ave., 4th Floor Toronto ON MZA 2Rg Telephone: 416-314-5186 Fax: Email: 416 314-7175 carol.law@ontario.ca Staff Report regarding Museum and Technology Fund. Page 135 of 151 Page 136 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-101 Beíng a By-law to Repeal By-law #2007-059 As amended by By-law #2008-063 WIIEREAS, on the 7h day of June 2007 T\e Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham found it desirable to enact By-law #2007-059 to appoint Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) staffas Municipality of Bayham By-law Enforcement Officers for the putpose of enforcing provisions of By-law 2001-111, as amended; AND WHEREAS, the Council of The Corporation oflhe Municipality of Bayham did by ByJaw #2008-063 amend By-law #2007-059, Schedule "4". AND \ilIIEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipalþ of Bayham now deerns it necessary and expedient to repeal such amended by-law; NOW TIIEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham e,nacts as follows: THAT By-law #2007-059 be and is herebyrepealed. READ A FIRST, SECOI\D AND THIRD TIME and fìnally passed this 3'd day of September 2009 MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-101 A By-Law to Repeal amended By-Law 2007-0...Page 137 of 151 Page 138 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND PETER CORFIELD AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE PROVISION OF DEVELOPMENT OF A FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE MASTER PLAN WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has established a Fire Department to provide hre protection and public fire safety programs for residents of the municipality; AND \üHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement for provision of a Fire Department Fire Master Plan. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Peter Corfield and Associates for the provision of development of a Fire Master Plan as per proposal dated July 24,2009,and 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3'd DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2009-102 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 139 of 151 Page 140 of 151 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-103 A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AI\D CANADIAII IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has an existing loan with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce authorized under by-law 99-93; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary and expedient to renew the credit agreement with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule "4" and forming part of this by-law, between Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Municipality of Bayham; 2. THAT this by-law shall come into fullforce and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECoND AND THIRD TIME AIID FINALLY PASSED THIS 3.d DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-103 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 141 of 151 CA Version 2008/10 Page 1 of 4 CIBC Retail Markets Credit Agreemenl STRAFFORDVILLE 200 Broadway Street Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 547 Jul 28, 2009 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM PO BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NOJlYO Canada Attention: Suzanne Mantel-Treasurer Dear Ms. Mantel: We are pleased to establish the following credit facilities. Each credit offered is referred to as a "Facility". Overall Credit Limit: OverallCredit Limit The total approved amount of all Facilities: Term Facility is not at any time to exceed CDN$593,276.00. Loan Amount: Purpose: Description: Rate: Last Regular Scheduled Payment Date: Repayment: Fees: Conditions: Facility A: Term FacilitY $593,276.00 This Facility is to be used for : Capital infrastructure projects. A non-revolving Demand lnstalment Loan. Principal that is repaid is not available to be re-borrowed. lnterest will be calculated at a fixed rate of 6.250% per year for a 27 month term amortized over 27 months. Apr 11,2012 On demand. Until demand, this Facility is repayable as follows: 6 regular semi-annual payments of $109,971.35 (principal and interest blenðed). Any outstanding principal and interest and any other amount due but irnpaiO with respect to this Facility is due on the Last Regular Scheduled Payment Date. The first/next and the last regular in d interest and a Facility is due You may only prepay this Facility in accordance with Schedule A' The fees payable in respect of this Facility are as listed under "GENERAL FEES" at the end of this Letter. See also "CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO FAClLlTlES", "All Facilities" at the end of this Letter. By-Law 2009-103 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 142 of 151 CA Version 2008/1 0 Page 2 of 4 CIBC Retail Markets Cred¡t Agreement CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO FACILITIES All Facilities: Reglsfrations: Saskatchewan Waiver: Conditions Applicable to all Security: CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO FACILITIES The following conditions are appl¡cable to all Facilities: including, without limitation, recording CIBC's security interest in any motor véhicle by registering the Vehicle ldentification Number. and you are a ts Act and The it relates to or affects this Letter, the rights of CIBC under this Letter or any instrument, charge, security agreement or other document of any nature that renews, extends or is collateral to this Letter. c ESS SECURITY The following security is required in addition to any other sgcLlity. requirementð outlineð elsewhere in this letter (without duplication): Capital Expenditure Borrowing By-Law Dated December 2, 1999.. Other Security: Capital Exependiture Bonowing By-Law You will provide to us: (a) (b) Gonditions: REPORTING REQUIREMENT Audited annual fìnancial statements within 150 days after the end of each fiscal year, on a consolidated basis. A annual budget for your next fiscal year, including annual projected income statement wiihin 150 days after the end of each fiscal year end, on an unconsolidated basis. v fair view of the business. By-Law 2009-103 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 143 of 151 CA Version 2008/1 0 Page 3 of 4 CIBC Retail Markets Credit Agreement GENERAL FEES GENERAL FEES Otherthan as indicated in this Letter, the following fees are payable in respect of the Facilities, in addition to any other fees outlined elsewhere in this Letter. Amendment Fee:lf you require an amendment to this Letter, there will be a fee of $150.00 payable on the date you sign such amendment to this Letter. OTHER PROVISIONS Next Scheduled Review The next scheduled review is Jun 30, 2010. The terms of this AgreementDate: will continue until amended or superseded by another agreement in writing. Schedule A: Repayment: lnterest Payment Dates: Overdrafts: Authorized Debits: Governing Law: French Language: Replacements: The attached Schedule A, which contains certain additional provisions applicable to the Facilities, and certain definitions, forms part of this Letter. All amounts under any Facility are repayable immediately on demand by us unless otherwise indicated. We may terminate any Facility in whole or in part at any time. Except with respect to interest on amounts in default, which is payable on demand, interest is payable as specified herein and subject to the terms and conditions in Schedule A. Money advanced under any Facility in excess of the Credit Limit or Loan Amount applicable to that particular Facility is repayable on demand and will bear interest at our Excess lnterest Rate to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. orize us to uding, other cility, as and when such amounts are payable. The laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein shall apply to this letter including Schedule A and any amendments, additions or replacements. The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that Province. The parties confirm their express wish that this Letter and all documents related thereto be drawn up in English. Les parties confirment leur volonté expresse de voir le présent contrat et tous les documents s'y rattachant être rédigés en anglais. This Letter supersedes and replaces all prior discussions, letters and agreements (if any) describing the terms and conditions of Facilities contained in this Letter. This Letter does not however serve to operate as a novation. To the extent necessary, CIBC reserves all of its rights in respect of any Security that has been granted to secure your obligations with respect to the Facilities. you have read and accept the foregoing terms and conditions (including the terms and ñedule attached to this letter) by signing the enclosed duplicate copy of this Letter written acknowledgements from any Guarantors as required by us) and returning it to the undersigned priorto Sep 30,2009. lf (a) we have not received a duly executed copy of this Letter (in Guarantors as required by us) by the date indicated above, and ( required for us to advance funds under the Facilities irdicated in ext'ension of this date that we may agree to), we may in our sole el all of the Facilities listed in this Leiteiand we will be-under no further obligation to advance any funds to you under this Letter. By-Law 2009-103 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 144 of 151 CA Version 2008/'10 Page 4 of 4 CIBC Retail Markets credit Agreement OTHER PROVISIONS We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing CIBC. We look forward to assisting you and your business with any future financial needs you may have. Accepted this - day of Name: Larry Calendino Title: Senior Business Advisor Address: Simcoe,Ontario Phone No.: Fax No.: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITYOF BAYHAM Signature Name: Lynn Acre Title: Mayor Signature Name: Suzanne Mantel Title: Treasurer Attachment(s): (1) Schedule A - Standard Credit Terms By-Law 2009-103 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a...Page 145 of 151 Page 146 of 151 TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2009-104 BEING A BY-LAW TO FTJRTIIER AMEND BY-LA\il 2OO5-IO2 IMPOSING RATES AND FEES \ilHEREAS the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chap. M.25 as amended provides that the Council of a local MunicþalitymaybybyJaw, impose specific rates and fees to be charged for municipal services. AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- law 2005-102 adopt a schedule of rates and fees for municþal services; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did by By- law 2008-024 amend the schedule of rates and fees formunicipal services AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it expedient to further amend ByJaw 2005-102 in regard to the Bayham Community Centre; AND \ilIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham deems it necessary to further amend the schedule of rates and fees for such services; AND WIIEREAS Council is desirous that adoption of such amendment be by byJaw; THEREFORE THE COTINCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT ByJaw 2005-102, Schedule "A", as amended, be further amended to include the following under Community Centre Rental Fees Bayham (Straffordville): tr Martial Arts program all renters $ 35 per 2 hour evening schedule. 2. TIIAT effective upon final passing of By-law 2009-104, the Schedule of Rates and Fees set out in Schedule "A" attached to By-law 2005-102, as amended, shall remain in effect until further amended or rescinded. 2. AND TIIAT in all other respects By-law 2005-102 be hereby confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3Ð DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-104 A By-Law to further amend By-Law 2005-10...Page 147 of 151 Page 148 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\M NO. 2009-10s A BY.LAW TO AMEND BY.LAW 2OO9-025 BEING AN AGREEMENT WITH RAMONA PEIDL FOR THE PROVISION OF JANITORIAL SERVICES AT THE BÄYIIAM (STRAFFORDVILLE) COMMUNITY CENTRE WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham did pass Bylaw 2009-025 on March 5,2009 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Ramona Peidl for the provision ofjanitorial services for the Bayham Community Centre owned by the Municipality of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalityof Bayham and the contractor are desirous of amending this contract; NOW THEREFORE TIIE COTINCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Agreement for janitorial services between the Municþality of Bayham and Ramona Peidl be amended as follows to add: Bayham Community Centre cleaning of the Main Hall following once weekly Martial Arts Activity at a cost of $26; 2. THAT all terms and conditions of the original agreement remain in full force and effect; 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3ru DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009. MAYOR CLERI( By-Law 2009-105 A By-Law to amend By-Law 2009-025 (Peidl...Page 149 of 151 Page 150 of 151 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT'NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2009-106 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF' TIIE COI]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGT]LAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 3,2OO9 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municþal Act,200l S.O. 2001, Chapter 21,thepowers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND \MHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by byJaw; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalityof Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE TIIE COTINCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYH^{M ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recoÍrmendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held September 3,2009 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayh¿rm are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affrxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finally passed this 3'dday of September 2009. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2009-106 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Counc...Page 151 of 151