HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 05, 2011 - PlanningMUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA Thursday, May 5, 2011 6:30 pm 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND ACTING SECRETARY-TREASURER (a)Appointments 3.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4.APPLICATION(S) (a) Minor Variance Application A-04/11 HIEMSTRA - Request for variance to grant relief from Section 4.4 - Minimum Lot Area, Section 21.7 - Minimum Side Yard Width and Section 21.8 - Minimum Rear Yard Depth of the Zoning By-law Z456-2003 on lands located in the Rural Industrial (M2) Zone at 53930 Eden Line. 5.STAFF PRESENTATION (a)Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 6.PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT 7.PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 8.COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION 3-13 Page 1 of 13 Committee of Adjustment A-04/11 Hiemstra Page 9.DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) (a)Decision 10.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment Page 2 of 13 CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SE CRETARY.TREASURER REPORT TO: Committee of Adjustment Members FROM : S ecretary- Treasurer, C ommittee of Adj ustment SUBJECT: Hiemstra Minor Variance A-04lIl DATE: }l4ay 2,2011 FILE: Dl3.HIEM NUMBERz D20ll-17 Purpose To consider a Minor Variance Application for relief from Zoning By-law 2456-2003. Background Brian and Jeanette Hiemstra have submitted a minor variance application for their property located on the north side of Eden Line, west of North Hall known municipally as 53930 Eden Line. The property is designated "Agricultural" and "Industrial" in the Official Plan and zoned Agricultural (41) and Rural Industrial (M2) inthe Bayham ZoningBy-law 2456-2003. Purpose and Effect The purpose of the variance is to grant relief for the Rural Industrial (M2) portion of the lands from Section 4.4 - Minimum Lot Area, Section 21.7 - Minimum Side Yard Width and Section 2L8 - Minimum Rear Yard Depth of the ZonngBy-law. The effect of this variance will be to allow a residential accessory use within a new commercial building with a lot area of 4659.49 m2 where 4950 m2 is required; a side yard setback of 6.1 metres where 7.5 metres is required; and rear yard setback of 3.1 metres where 10 metres is required in the Rural Industrial (M2) Zone. Staff Comments The Rural Industrial lands comprise of approximately 4656.6 m2 1l .15 acres) and the remaining ;ffi :illäffii?J,",'ff ;,ili1å,ï"3'l; I Industrial (M2) lands. Prior to obtaining a building permit, minor variances are required to address several issues. The owners are requesting variances for side yard width, rear yard depth and variance to permit the accessory residential unit. One application has been submitted for consideration of all three variances. The owners also intend on submitting an application for consent to separate the Rural Industrial (M2) portion from the Agricultural (41) portion of the subject lands. The lands are also subject to a site plan agreement. The planner's memorandum dated May 2,2011 suggests the owner provide a revised floor plan design for the new building to clearly identify the floor area for the commercial use to determine compliance with Section 4.3 of the Zontng By-law. Also, clarification regarding whether it is a commercial building or a warehouse building is needed to determine compliance with separation distance between the new building and the existing building. Based on these outstanding issues at the time of writing this report, staff and the planner recommend deferral ofthe application in order to obtain this clarification to better address these issues. Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 3 of 13 Staff Report D2011-17 Hiemstra Page2 At the time of writing this report, no written concems or objections from the public have been received. Attachments l. Aerial GIS Map 2. Minor Variance Application A-04lll 3. IBI Group Memorandum dated }lday 2,2011 Strategic Plan Goal(s) Goal # 6 Provide and encourage attractive lifestyle choices. RECOMMENDATION "THAT Minor Variance Application A-04/11 submitted by Brian and Jeanette Hiemstra be deferred.tt Respectfully submitted, Underhill, Secretary-Treasurer Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 4 of 13 t¿¡¡nio¡r n aIsvhr¡'Hiemstra - Minor Variance A-04/11 ¡l -*- *t' 1Y'f ,.* f| t \-r--i t t', '' <it á "-'trS*F gf,trà " tr#Þ.t \ { è' * I ?. I mqentr €e@ Notes 53930 Eden Line Concession 9 Part Lot 4 :qolgä?f; ôY'o Legend Local Arterial - Highways Cìvic Numbers -1 t n1/lr', ,r' / /',r' '2'i'1 ,)ct¡(, ¡o/tc' r'Ci 1.1,235 0.1 0 0.03 0lKilometers" , O Latitude Geographics Group Ltd Th¡s map is a user generated slatic output from an lnternet mapping site and ¡s for reference only Data layers that appear on thrs map may or may not be accurate, current, or otheMise reliable THIS IV]AP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 0 1 7 M i n o r V a r i a n c e H I E M S T R A A - 0 4 / 1 1 P a g e 5 o f 1 3 Fire No. A- oq //l APPLIGATION FOR MINOR VARIANGE Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, O.Reg 200/96 as amended The undersigned hereby applies to the Committee of Adjustment for the MUNICIPALIW OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160 STNAFFOßDVILLE, ON. Telephone: (51 q e66-5521 Fax: (519) 866-3884 Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 for relief, as described in this application, from By-law No.2456-2003 (as amended) Municipality of Bayham 1. OWNER(S) a) Name Brian and JeanetLe Hiemstra b) MailingAddress 10 Talbor St. lJesr Avlmer. 0N N5II LJ7 Telephone No. Fax No. Home: 5lq ltÁ IOZ7 Wgrþ 76s_4386 2. SOLICITOR I AUTHORTZED AGENT a) Name b) Mailing Address David Roe 599 Larch St Del hi - 0N N4B 347 Telephone No. Fax No. Home:Work: 5 L9-582-LI7 4 Send correspondence to:! owne4s¡ [I soli.¡tor/Authorized Agent c) d) c) d) 51 0-765-¿60R 5'lS-582-t+6I6 FOB OFFICE USE ONLY ApplbationNo.: fl-6{Date of Meetlrg: fnrlÊ 3/, File No.: D t3 .l{ t e¡n û/tezæ3 Ee Pt nur¿€ Q u erz/ 5S?3O ¿Þë1\./ Ltr¿€ 7Íå,L "- ,utH ^re3 28/0412006 Minor Variance 2006,doc ,l,irA ? J*n'/' ,/'"o'srtu Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 6 of 13 Munfclpallty of Bayham Applicatíon for Minor Variance Page2 3. Names and address of any mortgages, holders and charges or other encumbrances: Name Address 4. 5. Location of Land a) Lot and Plan or Concession No.: b) Street No. and Name: Lot 4, Concession 9 5?q1n Eden I,i ne Nature and extent of relief applied for: Relief from Section 4.4 of zoning by-law lrlest Side Yard to oermit dvrelling u4Í.t on industrial parcel . 6.1m Relief 1 .4 -, Minimun lot area - 4950n2 relief required is 29O.5n2 üfhy ls lt not posslble to complywlth the provlslons ol the By.law? Existing area zoned rural industrial Ylz 3.1m Relief 6.9m 6. 7. Dimensions of the land affected: a) Frontage (m) b) Depth (m) c) Area (sq.m / ha) 7O - 58m ín I'12 zone 68 .73m áÁ 5O LQm) i nlvÏ2 7.ıno 8.Partlculars of all bulldlngs and strucilures on or proposed lor the sublect land (speclfy ground lloor area, gfoss lloot area, number of storeys, wldth, length, helght, etc.) a) Existíng existing industrial building see plan a mobile home vhich will be removed b) Proposed 557.4n2 commercial building including a residential unit (139.35m) standard set backs will apply 2810412006 Minor Variance 2006.doc o Date of acquisition of subject land: Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 7 of 13 Munlcfpallty of Bayham Application for Minor Variance Page 3 10. Date of construct¡on of all buildings and structures on suþ¡ect lands: 11. Existlng uses of the subject property: furniture manufacturing facility mnhi 1o home uni t- 12. 13. Length of tlme and exlst¡ng us€s to lhe sublect property have contlnued: Exlsting uses of abutting propert¡es: a) Nofth b) East c) South d) West Services available (check appropriate space(s)) a) Method of Water Supply (if applicable) Publíc Water Supply System tr Private lndividualWell Private CommunalWell tr Other (please specify) b) Method of Sanitary Wasta Disposal (if applicable) A Asricul tural 14. Prívate Septic Tank and Tile Field System Private Communal System Other (please specify) tr vt2 15. 16. 17. Present Official Plan designation: Present Zoning Bllaw classification: Ag ricultural Has the owner previously appl¡ed for a minor variance in respect to the subject property? a) Yes tr No -tr lf Yes, describe brielly: 18. ls the subiect propefi the subject of a current application of consent / severance? No tr +t h n¿ s '*h r*' f\-< cL ' 2810412006 Minor Variance 2006.doc Aericultural Yes { Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 8 of 13 STATUTORY DECLARATION David Roe of the Norfolk County (Name of Applicant) in the (City, Municipality, Town, Township) (County / District / Region) SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT the information provided in this application as required under Section 45 of the Planning Act R,s.o. 1990 and ontario Regulation 200 / 96 as amended is true. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and atfect as if made under oath. DECI-ARED before me nis Æfua^yor Øu*l2ot/ f Brian and Jeanette to act as our agent * lf authorized agent, a letter of authorization from the owner of the propefi must accompany this application. Hiemstra appoint David Roe for this applicatiog.l ¡1 Jdanette Hiemstra 2810412006 Minor Variance 2006.doc Sigñature of Applicant or Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 9 of 13 IT É.oz r PJ.tt, 353J9LOT GEOCRAPJ-JJC PAñT 3 ALLOWANCE EET!/YEgN TOVYNSHJP I3.?.¿iH-* CC'NCESSJON 9 EAYHAM 3741" *3r* f'E/ lË OF 1íR E 5 È E $, Èr) Ë¡ .J rJ ÈJ p s b I e P.I.N. J5JJ9 L,ô N ( ho z.o^..r.ffiFî Rr'.þNÑ eå- f;z d -d H 3o86À<dnñl al dÍ g äI Êg a Eô i\T'f:'fl(ì','5. 4ND >-r i^iS* EDEN LIVE S t a f f R e p o r t D 2 0 1 1 - 0 1 7 M i n o r V a r i a n c e H I E M S T R A A - 0 4 / 1 1 P a g e 1 0 o f 1 3 lBl Group 203-350 Oxfod SFeet West London ON l.l6H 1T3 Canada tel 5194727328 fax 51947293il Memorandum To/Attention Municipality of Bayham Date May 2,2011 From Tamara Tannis, MCP, MCIP/RPP Project No 3404 - 503 Subject Hiemstra: Minor Variance Application Lot 4, Concession 9 (municipal address: 53930 Eden Line) Rural lndustrial (M2) / Agricultural (41) zones Purpose: Prior to submitting an application to sever Lot 4, Concession 9 for he purpose of separating the existing industrial use from the agricultural and dwelling unit use on the subject lands, the landowners are applying for several minor variances to Section 4.4 Residential Accessory Uses and Sections 21.7 and 21.8, Rural lndustrial (M2)Zone, Zoning By)aw2456-2003 forthe potential severed 'industrial' portion. The variances are to reduce: the minimum lot area to accommodate the residential accessory use; the minímum side yard width; and, the minimum rear yard depth. Existing Site: The lot area of the subject property is currenty 20 ha (50 acres). The property contains a dwelling unit, furniture manufacturing facility, mobile home, crop fields and several sheds. Once severed, the retained lands containing the dwelling unit, sheds, and crop fields, would be 19.75 ha (48.8 acrés) in area, while the industrial severed lands with the manufacturing facility and mobile home would be 4,656.6 m2 in area. ln the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan, the subject lands are designated lndustrial and Agriculture. The lands are zoned Agricultural - Temporary Use (41-T2) and Rural lndustrial (M2) in the Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law 2456-2003. The A1-T2 identifies that the expiration date for a mobile home use was October 18, 2004. Abutting properties to the subject lands are designated Agriculture and zoned Agricultural(41). Proposed Rural lndustrial (M2) Site: The landowners are proposing to retain the existing, metal clad building that is 556 m" (6987 sq. ft.) in floor area, and to construct a new facility that would be 557.4 m2 (6,000 sq.ft.) in floor area. This new structure would contain both a 418 m2 (4500 sq.ft.) commercial use and a 139.3 m2 (1500 sq ft) residential / garage use. The combined total floor area of both buildings would be 1,1 13 m2, or 24o/o lot coverage. A commercial use and one dwelling unit use are accessory uses in the M2 zone. One parking space per 50 m2 of gross floor area is required. The proposed 22 parking spaces meet the industrial/manufacturing use parking requirements of Section 4.32 of Zoning By-law 245ù2003. Minor Variance Application The agent for the landowner has applied for 3 minor variances to: the lot area, the side yard width;ãnd the rear yard depth- There may be a 4th and 5th minor variance required. The application identifies the use of the proposed new structure to be a commercial building rather than an industrial building. lf the purpose is solely commercial with an accessory residential use, then the current application should be refused as both proposed uses are accessory to industrial lBl Group is a group of firms providing professional servÍces and is affiliated with lBl Group Architects Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 11 of 13 lBl Group Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - May 2,201'l uses. lf the new building is a manufacturing facility with an accessory commercial use and an accessory residential use, then the commercial use may be permitted and may require variances to the floor area requirements and the separation distance identified in Section 4.3 'commercial accessory use'. Section 4.3 Commercial Accessory Uses, Zoning By-law 2456-2003, states the following in regards to floor areas for commercial uses in industrial buildings: " Where no building exisfs, such commercial accessory use shall not exceed one hundred (100.0) square metres of floor area." And, "where a commercial use is permitted as an accessory use in an industrial zone, it shall be erected within two (2.0) metres of the main building, shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the total floor area [i.e. 55.6 mzl of the main building, or shall not exceed a maximum floor area of two hundred and eighty (280.0) square metres, whichever is less." The following table identifles the requirements of the M2 zone and the current variances requested: Regulation Proposed Variance Minimum Lot Area (residential use) 4950 m2 4659-5 m2 290.5 m2 Minimum Side Yard Width 7.5 m 6.1 m 1.4m Minimum Rear Yard Depth 10m 3.1 m 6.9 m The following table identifes the 'as submitted' commercial accessory use floor area for the new structure, as well as the separation distance between the existing building and the proposed building. Regulation Variance Max.Commercial Area in New Building 100 m'z (l,076 sq.ft.) 416 m2 316 m2 Commercial Accessory Use: separation distance (Section 4.3)2.0 metres 19.8 m 17.8 m The agent for the landowner stated the following in correspondence to the Municipality: "The existing show room in the old building will be used for industrial purposes, the new showroom will be used for sales purposes but also as a warehouse for storage of manufactured furniture. A minor variance can be given to recognizing this use." Minor Variance Analysis Section 45.(1) of the Planning Act outlines the four "tests" with which the Committee of Adjustment must be satisfled with when considering an application for a minor variance to the Zoning By-law. The following outlines our analysis of these tests: ¡ Is the variance minor in nature? The variance to the lot area to accommodate the residential use in the new building is minor in nature given that the two buildings will Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 12 of 13 lBl G¡oup Memorandum Municipality of Bayham - May 2,2011 account for a lot coverage o'f 24o/o (where a maximum of 35% is permissible). The intent of an amenity space is to ensure a good quality of life for any resident(s) residing on site. The proposed amenity space will be the septic field to the rear of the new building and may provide sufficient amenity space. Along the rear lot line, the actual rear yard depth is, overall, much greater than the 3.1 m depth variance requested and generally exceeds the required depth of the M2 zone. ln context of the overall building setbacks on the site plan, the variance is minor. What is 'nof minor in nature is two-fold: 1) the separation distance between tre new building and the existing building; and 2) the proposed floor area for the commercial portion of the new building whích is currenty triple that permitted by Section 4.3 Commercial Accessory Uses in Zoning ByJaw Z456-2003. Accessory commercial uses are intended to support the predominant, permitted industrial uses. o ls úåe variance desirable lor the use oÍ the lands? The three submitted variance requests are desirable for the use of lands as the property has been used as an industrial site for several years and is currently zoned Rural lndustrial (M2). The variances support the future applicatíon for a severance of the industrial lands from the agricultural lands. o fþes the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By- law? The three minor variances (the lot atea, rear yard depth and side yard width) maintain the general intent and purpose of the Rural lndustrial (M2)Zone. ¡ Does the variance maintain the genenl intent and purpose of the Offtcial PIan? The three variances maintain the intent and purpose of the Official Plan. What does not maintain the intent of the lndustrial designation is the proposed commercial use and the floor area currently proposed for thrs accessory use. Gonclusion It is advised that the Committee of Adjustment refrain from approving the three minor variances until such time as the applicant provides a revised floor plan design for the new building that clearly identifies the floor area lor the commercial accessory use. Any proposed design for the commercial accessory use, should be based on the regulation of Section 4.3 of the Zoning By-law 456-2003. As cunently proposed, the 416 m2 commercial floor area does not meet the requirements of Section 4.3 Commercial Accessory Uses. Further, only one dwelling unit is permitted in the M2zone as an accessory use. The mobile home must be removed prior to issuance of any building permit. The Official Plan states that an 'industrial' designation is a site plan control area and the Municipality will require a development agreement as per Section 4.5 of the Plan. IBIGROUP Tamara Tannis, MCP, Mc¡P/RPP Consulting Planner to Municipality of Bayham Staff Report D2011-017 Minor Variance HIEMSTRA A-04/11 Page 13 of 13