HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 09, 2009 - CouncilCOUNCIL BUDGET MEETING AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Monday, March 9, 2009 8:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.2009 DRAFT BUDGET (a Staff Report and 2009 Budget as amended. (not available at time of printing) 4.BY-LAW (a By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budget (b By-law 2009-030 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Operating Budget (c By-law 2009-031 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 5.ADJOURNMENT (a Adjournment 3-4 5-11 13 Page 1 of 13 Page 2 of 13 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MEMORANDUM TO: Council FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel RE: Proposed 2009 budget NUMBER: 12 DATE: March 9,2009 The following items have been incorporated into the2009 budget as per council's deliberations: 1 . Increase dog tag fees - this does not take effect until 20 1 0. 2. Eliminate dog-licensing agent - this does not take effect until 2010. 3. Implement user pay system for impounded animals - $2,000. 4. Reduce recycling pick-up to bi-weekly - $10,000. 5. Freeze council and non-union staff remuneration for one year - 922,000. 6. Reduce parks maintenance wages by one-half student - $4,000. 7. Reduce museums budget by $12,500. 8. Reduce tourism budget by $ I 1,500. 9. Increase draw from policing reserve for one yeat - $10,000. 10. Fund fire master plan from reserve - $8,000. 1 1. Increase interest on outstanding taxes - $4,000. 12. Increase investment income - $10,000. 13.Utilize portion of 2008 surplus - $30,000. 14. Added capital funds for dredging harbour - $20,000. The cumulative effect of the above changes is a net reduction of $104,000 from the budget as presented to council. Staff Report and 2009 Budget as amended. (not available at t... Page 3 of 13 On average, residential properties increased in value by 4.3% over 2008. A residential property previously valued at $150,000 is now valued, on average, at $156,450. The municipal tax levy for 2008 on such a property was $986.92. The proposed 2009 taxes for the same property would now be $1,005.08, a levy increase of 1.85% or $18.16. Individual properties will be affected more or less depending on their actual valuation change. Staff are presenting council with two separate byJaws - a capitalbudget and an operating budget. Council has the option of approving one or both budgets. Staff Report and 2009 Budget as amended. (not available at t... Page 4 of 13 TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MIJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\il NO.2009-029 BEINGA BY-LAW TO ADOPT TIIE CAPITAL ESTIMATES FORTHEYEAR2OO9. WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality the sum of $754,386 for the capital program of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, NOW THEREFORE THE COUI\CIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MIJNICIPALITY OT' BAYHAM IIEREBYENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the capital program, in the amount o1$4,314,974 be approved. 2. THAT capital cash requirements for long term debt repayment and reserve a¡rd reserve fimd allocations in the amotrnt of $1,103,500 be approved. 3. THAT the capital program and the cash requirements be funded in total as follows: a) Tax levy - $754,386 b) 2008 unexpended capital financing - $615,188 c) Withdrawals from reserves and reserve fi.rnds - $1,473,052 d) Grants - $1,554,119 e) Long Term Debt -$720,948 f) Otherrevenues - $300,781 4. TIIAT the tax levy requirement of $754,386 be incorporated into the 2009 cuÍent estimates for the purposes of determining the tax rates for 2009. 5. THAT the capital estimates appended hereto as Schedule (4" and Schedule uB" are hereby adopted. READ A X'IRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND F'INALLY PASSED THIS 9TH DAY OFMARCH2OO9. CLERKMAYOR By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budge... Page 5 of 13 Schedule rrArr to By-law 2009-029Capital Budget2009 Proiect Budget Unexpend.'0E Other 12,000 council laptops- Comp¡terEouipment 12.00c - Municipal ofüce, sorurd system 5,000 330,675 fire aooa¡atus reserve 25"00c fi¡e buildins reserve Maior Eouioment Renewal 11.000 Eouioment Purchase Road Equipment reserve Road Equipmentreserve Road Equipment reserve Road Equipment reserve - trench box split with Www 3,333 3,333 Road Equipment reserve - Eder/S chafe¡ intersection - Alward Sfeet 19,869 road construction res€rve road construction reserve - Green Line (sections)30.000 road construction reserve By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budge... Page 6 of 13 Schedule "4" to By-law 2009-029Capital Budget2009 ¡udu uul¡ÞLt uutlurt rçÞçI vçlqpqg _ road construction reserve Gravel Projects---:-- - - -r-:-- - Tollsate llisht to Trrnne'll sn onn <^ ^^^- Tollgate (Light to Tunnel) 50,000 50,000 road construction reserve i: r¡cqay-Gq¡q"ll9!@!) 1 !9,00!, 30,000 road consrruction reserve 30,000 -road construction reserve30,000 -road construction reserve 32,000 road construction reserve 50,000 ,ãu¿ "on.t u"ti"" ;"r"*" N:y fr._f Chip Surface l r!4q91 !q,qqq: 80,000 _, Move ontario reserve Other I - ıuard raiis 17oo t¡ t 5,ooo l5.ooois,OìO road construction reserve - Works Building 25,000 25,000 prior year- wurKò Dulrurüt ¿),vuu ¿J,uuu pnoryea¡ - Salt Containment Shed 180,000 I Sai,OOO g-as-tax/-infra reserves Sidewalks - New tn ônô20.000 gas tax r. l Street t-!æ - ".* Itgh" lıpoo jpoo 5,000 change mercury io HPS *: rìgy i{n! iqlggqledl---; Proiect Esdæ! ! ]i!!4= !Jry4¡est (sections) ?0 000- Jackson Line west (sections) ¡O,OOO- Newton Street (Milton to Víctoria) ãopqq ;,ö;-- ] 09t03t2009 By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budge... Page 7 of 13 Schedule 'rArr to By-law 2OO9-029Capital Budget2009Proiect- fcnch box - split between water,waste ú- purnp rebuilds Notes - stoppers formanholes in flood a¡ea - Union St pump station renairs - valve actuaf or replac,eurent - UVrebuild - hy4ro Urygprotection at plant - eriergy consumotion studv - biosolids managernent plan #2 infrastructure garf. sewer res- septage receivine facilitv lnor yezìr10.000 pa¡lc/plavgound reserves- Plav sound eouioment #2 By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budge... Page 8 of 13 Schedule rrA" to Bylaw 2009-029Capital Budget2009 Proiect Budeet Tax Lew Unexpend. f08 Other Notes I - East pier - Ec Dev - Signs 17,900 17,900 1,300- Wind Tower Kiosk 1.300 +2 5,000 8,650 COMRIF - Zoning review - SCC, Energy cons. Study, initiatives 10,00c 7.50C 10,000 7,500 #2 - Cemetery signs - Cultural Plan Completion 5,000 2-462 - Beach parking ba¡riers - Beach oroiects ie oath 5.000 - Picnic Tables (15lbeach equipment - LPRCA soecial oroiect 2,600 7-886 - New Drainage works r9,300 19J00 TOTAL 4,314.974 81.786 615,188 8,6s0 By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budge... Page 9 of 13 Proiect Schedule rrBrr to By-Law 2009'029 Cash Requirements 2009 Budget Budget Tax Lew Other Reserves Other Notes 103,572 gætaxfunding 85,000 machineusage 13,001 Water reserve 13,546 206,397 Sewer reserve, ratepayers 9,384 corridor lease park reserve park reserve - Reserve for Working Capital - Trfto Comp. Reserve 10,000 5,000 80,000 2,500 65,000 18,000 103,572 135,000 330,000 2t9,943 10,000 5,000 80,000 2,500 65,000 I 8,000 3,000 3,000 50,000 330,000 r0,000 r0,000 7,500 7,500 25,000 #2 #2 - Apparatus Reserve allocation - Annual Remune¡ation reserve - Building renewal reserve - Major equipment resewe - Vehicle Reserve - Vehicle Reserve - Gas Tax Reserve - Equipment Resewe - Road Construction Reserve - Meter Changeover - new connections - new connections - Ltd repayment - Trail Improvements (resewe) - Park Improvements - Playground Equipment 9,384 10,000 r0,000 - Rese¡ve - Reserve - Building Renewal Resewe - Edison Building Reserve - General Reserve 7,500 25,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budge... Page 10 of 13 Schedule rrBrr to By-Law 2009-029 Cash Requirements 2009 Budget Other Reserves Notes - East pier - Façade Program - Harbour Dredging Other 26,541 404,353TOTAL672,600 By-law 2009-029 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Capital Budge... Page 11 of 13 Page 12 of 13 THE CORPORATION OFTIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2009-030 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ON }VIIICH TAXES SHALL BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 2OO9 AÌ\D THE CURRENT ESTIMATES FOR YEAR 2009. WIIEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municþality, and; \ryIIEREAS by action of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality, as tle assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2009 should be levied; NOW THEREFORE TIIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM IIEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I' THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Municipality of Bayha- as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, be hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate oftaxation for the year 2009 shall be levied. 2, THAT the said assessment roll be hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll fo¡ the said Municipality. 3. THAT the current estimates for 2009 appended hereto in Schedule "4" are hereby adopted. READ A FIRST, SECOi\D AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9TH DÁ.Y OF'MARCII2OO9. MAYOR CLERK By-law 2009-030 A By-law to adopt the 2009 Operating Bud... Page 13 of 13