HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 03, 2010 - Special CouncilCOUNCIL BUDGET MEETING AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:30 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.2010 DRAFT BUDGET (a)Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached. 4.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 5.BY-LAW (a)By-law 2010-015 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 6.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 2-71 72 Page 1 of 72 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer SUBJECT: Operating Budget 2010 DATE: December 9,2009 FILE: F05.09 NUMBERzF2009-47 Purpose: We would like to provide council with some notes on the 2010 budget prior to the first budget deliberation meeting. Discussion: As with last year's budget presentation, the budget documents project revenues and expenditur., o',r., a three-year period. The intent is to better reflect the impacts of current year decisions on future budgets. Only the curent year budget will be set by byJaw. The other two years may be accepted in principal and will be open for future debate and./or amendments at council's discretion or changes in circumstances. Operating Overview: Operating expenses have increased by approximately 5249,996 or 6.0Yo over the prior year operating budget figures. This includes a request by the museum boards in the amount of $1ãS,OOı for two special projects. Operating revenues are up approximately 5237,231,including funding for the museum projects in the amount of $100,000. This is an increase of appróxim ately 4.85o/o. The Consumer Price lndex for 2009 (Oct - OcQ was 0.1%. OMPF Grant: Subsequent to the printing of the budget documents, details of the 2010 OMPF allocations were released. The budget reflects a significant decrease, with the loss of most of the stabtlization funding. In actuality, all of the stabilization funding has been removed and the Municipality will be receiving only $1,019,000. Details of the use of the reserve set aside for this eventuality is located at the end of the budget package' The spreadsheet will have to be revisited to reflect the actual amount of the grant for 2010 and future years. Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 2 of 72 -2- Taxation: 2009 was a reassessment year. rù/e will see assessment increases each year as the increases are being phased in over four years. On average, residential assessments have increased approximately 4.9Yoper fiscal year. For budget purposes, total tax dollars have been increased by l%to reflect the actual assessment growth (new construction) plus 3% to reflect anticipated increases in the general cost of products and services. Salaries & Wages: For budgeting purposes, the three-year draft budget includes a salary increase of 3Yo for both union and non-union personnel for each year. Insurance: reflect 30á increases. Police: There is a2.6%o increase in the proposed policing budget as presented by the Police Services Board for 2010. Policing grants are being received regularly. We have now included these grants in the budget going forward. Roads/Parks & Harbour: The current budget provides for 4 students, same as the previous year. Health Services: "Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner" program is now completed. IT & GIS Personnel: In 2008, the municipality began sharing IT services with a number of other municipalities through the Township of Malahide, During 2009, we entered into a similar shared services agleement with Malatride and Aylmer for GIS (mapping) services. A full year of costs has been included in the 2010 budget' Capital Overview: As indicated in the past, developing and incorporating a long-term capital plan and increasing our tax levy in light of the asset management study will be a gradual process that will take several yeats. Starting early and working consistently towards our goals is crucial to ensuring that the municipality will have the necessafy funds in future years to replace and renew its' infrastructure. The asset management plan is almost complete and ølt Ue presented to council early in the new year. A separate report is attached discussing the capital budget. Reserves: Reserve and reserve fund information is included for your information but has not yet been fully updated for 2009 year-end results or all of the 2010 budget items. Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 3 of 72 -3- Other fnformation: Please note, to maintain the 2009 tæt rate on the 2010 assessment values will provide an additional $55,000 in tax revenues (over what is currently indicated in the budget). A | .0ol/o taxrate increase for the Municipality of Bayham will raise approximately $29,000. Respectfu lly submitted,Reviewed by, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 4 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 5 of 72 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF'BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer SUBJECT: Capital Budget 2010 DATE: October 6,2009 FILE: F05.10 NUMBER:F2009-42 Purpose: To present the 2010 capitalbudget to council for deliberation and approval. Background: To improve council's planning abilities, the budget documents project capital expenditures over a three-year period. Only the 2010 capital budget will be adopted at this time. The other two years may be accepted in principal and will be open for future debate and/or amendments at council's discretion or changes in circumstances. Capital Overview: As in the previous year, the capital spreadsheets have been modified to recognize the changes in accounting under PSAB. Listed first are proposed tangible, capital purchases and/or construction of capital items. The fourth page lists the intangible items, such as studies, and capital items that are below the threshold for asset management purposes. Low value, routine purchases have all been incorporated into the operating budget. The capital budget is presented in three statements. The first is the projected three-year capital expenditures only (no funding). The second is in the format that council has seen in- previous years. Expenditures for 2009 are detailed by department and the corrèsponding funding of these items is identified on the right. Deliberations will focus on this statement. A third statement sets out all items for which cash must be raised but is not considered a capitalpurchase. This is, generally speaking, the provision for reserve allocations. The Uutt otitre capitaltax levy requirement is detailed in this statement. Consistent lei'els of funding should be set aside eãch year to finance current and future capital needs in all areas of municipal operations. While we do not yet have a final report regarding the asset management study, the reserve allocations in the Cash Requirements statement are Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 6 of 72 -2- reflective of the amortization of capital assets. We anticipate this report to be completed and presented to council by year end. As indicated in the past, developing and incorporating a long-term capital plan and adjusting our tax levy in light of the asset management study will be a gradual process that will take several years. Starting early and working consistently towards our goals is crucial to ensuring that the municipality will have the necessary funds in future years to replace and renew its' infrastructure. I)iscussion: Staff have worked towards keeping their capital budget requirements within the reserve allocations available. Staff are also working on multi-year budgets to be presented to council following the presentation of the asset management report. Please note that the budget documents do not include projects that may be carried forward from the 2009 budget. These will be added at alater date. Council has made a number of commitments and considered certain requests throughout 2009 that have been incorporated into the budget as presented. As a summary, the following items require a commitment of funds: o Building needs study $17,000 (strategic plan) o Zoningreview $10,000 (following OP review) o Glen Erie markers $10,000 o Harbour Feasibility study $23,000 (municipal share) o Siltation study $12,500 (municipal share) o Dredging $20,000 o Eden Community Centre upgrades $80,000 o Properly acquisition $75,000 . Playgtround equipment $70,000 (municipal share) o Carson Bridge $33,000 (municipal share) o Septage receiving facility $190,000 The last three items on the above list have reserve funds allocated over the next 1-2 years that will fully pay for them. Many of the others can be incorporated within the projected Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 7 of 72 -3- tax levy requirement for 2010. However, there are three items that require council's attention to determine appropriate financing. Harbour Feasibility Study - This study received $207'000 in federal and provincial grants leaving a municipal share of $23,000. The study is to be completed and grant funds received by March 31,2010. Eden Community Centre - Council indicated previously that it would consider asbestos removal, plumbing and heating repairs and correcting fire code issues, Estimates for these items are currently being obtained' $80,000 has been included in the budget' Properly acquisition - Council has indicated t acquire property in Vienna to add to the neighb has been estimated at almost $75,000. This futwe development of the parcel. Potential funding sources include the capital stabilization reserve (572,000 available), the remainder of the provincial infrastructure grant ($110,000 available) received in 2008 and long term debt. The provincial infrastructure grant is not likely to be eligible for the above projects. Howãver, it may be possible to allocate a portion to another capital project and redirect municipal funds/reserves for one of these. Long term debt for all inree pro¡ects together would require annual repayments of $42,833 for the next five years. Strateeic Goalls) Goal #1 - Practice responsible financial management. Recommendation That Council adopt the 2010 capital budget as presented/as amended and direct staff to incorporate the 2010 capitaltax levy requirements into the 2010 budget. Respectfully submitted, Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 8 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 9 of 72 DRùFr_ gAo-cc x J, Po \ o ()4ì-" Po. Box t6o,9344Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Tel: (519) 8665527 . Fax: (51Ð 86G3884 email : bayham@b ayham. on. ca Municipality of Bayham Budget 2010 Date of Approval: Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 10 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 11 of 72 BUDGET INDEX Department Page GeneralTaxation Other Revenues General Government Council Fire Services Police Services Conservation Authority Building Services Bylaw Enforcement Services Roads Winter Control Street Lights Waste Disposal Health Services Cemeteries General Assistance Parks & Recreation Straffordville Com m unity Centre Vienna Community Centre Eden Gommunity Centre Libraries Museums Planning, Development & Tourism Business & Commerce Tourism & Marketing Environ mental Services Three Year Capital Three Year Cash Requirements Gapital Funding Plan Cash Requirements Funding Plan Reserves & Reserve Funds 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 36 40 42 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 12 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 13 of 72 Municipality of Bayham 2010 Summary -Zg!9 4Cs9! 2010 Fgdqet - 2011 BuJqet 2U2 Budqg! eralraxation ZIZ+,2æ 2,833,'169 2,946,471 3,064,339 Revenues 1,370,001 1,32,000 1,281,000 -l?q0'OqqalGovernment 37,333 qq,000 56,000 56,000 ;ouncil 0 10,500 0 ire Services 10,500 2,500 2,500 Lservices 8O-0!O 9r,596 84!9q-- l1 Authority 0 0 0 )ther Protective Services 67,300 57,300 57,300 51,300 iylaw Enforcement Services 26/50 27 ,600 2Lq00 ?7 )900¡ads 368,696 401:757- 413,149 42!,P]1 inter Control 9,900 9,900 9,900 9'90! treetLights 0 0 0 0 Disposal 29,000 45,000 451000 45'0!0 ralthServices O 0 0 --0 )meter¡es0000 al Assistance & Recreation 2,600 2,600 2,600 2'6q0 traffordville Community Centre 17,000 1 7,000 17,000 17,000 ienna Commun¡ty centre 10,500 10,500 10,500 10'500 Eden Community centre 7,695 7,896 8,103 8r3] 9 Libraries 63,816 59,807 59 qOZ' !€'802 Museums 26,010 130,400 26300 26,400 ptannins, Deretopment & Tlurisq 25500 ZSpgO -- 22,OOO 2?p09 Business & Commerce 1,030 600 618 6!Z Tourism & Marketins 6,500 7,500 4,q!q 4,1E3 Environmental services io,oo¿ - 10,604 10,604 10,604 Capital r vtvv , 4,678,088 1.782 r vtvv t 1,836,121 1,E91,205 9,573,079 914,871 6.924.359 7,068,370 Expenditures Taxation 0 0 Revenues Government 540,501 557,e42 qlf99 586,1 117,355 112,949 112,972 113.817 48,480, 48,e65 4elþ! t9 e4e 436,732 449,825 463,310 4477,201463,310 9 r6 546 5oo. 9,724 9,908 10,097 16,500 16,500 16 72,915 85,422 76,990 79,1 )rvrces 330,662 332,460 341,993 391'81? ce services 704,047' -lzz,sn J44,098 766,291 ation Authority 36,176 37,611 38,799 39,902vvr rù9r YoLrvr r nurr rvr rrt other Protective Services 92,284 94,846 97,232 99r Bylaw Enforcement Services 69,89,7 69,875 _ llÊ42 _ t],01 1 ,183,438 1 ,226,326 1 ,252,356 1,278,1]:7Roads Winter Control Street Lights Waste Disposal Health Services Cemeteries Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 14 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 15 of 72 General Assistance 7,800 7.900 8,000 ö,UUU Parks & Recreation 55,922 57,473 59,072 60,718 Straffordville Community Centre 69,615 70,101 70,601 71,116 Vienna Community Centre 51,774 51,907 52,044 52,185 Eden Community Centre 16,225 13,987 14,256 14,534 Libraries 23,734 24,138 24,555 24,984 Museums 93,145 223,757 101,979 103,753 Planninq, Development & Tourism 99.406 101 328 103,961 1 06,146 Business & Commerce 3,200 3,300 3,404 3,511 Tourism & Marketing 47.055 56,980 55,391 57,340 Environmental Services 28,196 28,731 29.283 29,850 lapital 5.418.474 2.676.742 2.757,044 2,939,756 9.573,078 7.081.342 7126.743 7.313,572 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 16 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 17 of 72 Municipality of Bayham 20'10 Summary Net ( Reven ues)/Expend itu res 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 20J t= Budgpl ?912 ,Bg =gæ!raxation -2,724,256 -2,833,169 -2,946,471 -3,064,3q9 Revenues -1,370,001 -1,321,000 -1,281,000 -1,250, Government 503,168 501 ,942 5'1 5,758 530,I 72,915 74,922 76,990 79,1 Fire Services 320,162 329,960 339,493 349,312 Police Services 624,047 624,956 656,502 688,691 ion Authority 36,1 76 37 ,611 38,739 39,902 Protective Services 24,984 37,546 39,932 42, Enforcement Services 43,147 42,275 44,242 45,4! 814,742 824,569 839,207 853,25 nter Contror 107 ,455 '103,049 103,072 103,917 48,480 48,965 49,454 49,Lights Disposal 407 ,732 404,825 418,310 432,201 Health Services 9,546, 9,724 9,908 10,0979,546, 9,724 9,908 10,097 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 3eneralAssistance 7,800 7,900 8,000 8,000æ:,á;; s4,81á sa,+tT sqÍ! Straffordville Community Centre 52,615 53,101 53,601 54,116 Vienna communiry centre 41,214 41,407 41 ,544 41 ,685 Eden Community Centre 8,530 6,091 6,154 9,218 Planning, Development & Tourism 73,906 78,328 81,961 84,146 Business & Commerce 2,170 2,700 2,786 2,874 Tourism & Marketing 40,555 49,480 51,301 53,157 Environmental Services 17 ,592 18,127 18,679 19,246 740.386 894.100 920,923 948,551 ln Year Deficit (Surplus) -0 166,471 202,384 245,202 due to operating 34,576 Deficit due to capital 131,842 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 18 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 19 of 72 llllunicioalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 GeneralTaxation 2009 Budset 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet 2012 Budset Revenues 05.10.4010 Residential & Farm 2,702,556 2,811,469 2,924,771 3,042,ti39 05.10.4020 Multi-Residential 05.10.4030 Commercial Unoccupied 05.10.4040 Commercial Occupied PIL recoverable & Raitway 2'1700 21700 21700 21794 05.10.4050 lndustrial Unoccupied 15.10.4060 lndustrial Occupied )5.10.4070 Pipelines 15.10.4080 Farmlands 15.10.4090 Managed Forests 2.724.256 2.833.169 2,946,471 3,064,339 Expenditures c5.10.5580 WriteoffsÆax Sales t5.10.5620 Tax Adjustments 1s.10.5630 Assessment Charoes 0 0 0 0 Notes: 1. Taxes - prior year + 1o/o O MPF growth + 3% ast iessment growth :ñ/^(T{ 2. keeo tax rate same e€rs{oe on 201 0 assessment values Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 20 of 72 Municipality of Bayham 2009 -2012 Other Revenues 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 20ll Budset 2012 Budset Flevantteç )5.20.4110 Grants & Subsidies 1,194,001 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,00c )5.20.4120 Sundry Revenue 2.000 2,000 32,000 2,000 2,UUU 15.20.4130 lnterest on Taxes - Current 32,000 32,000 óz,uuu J5.20.4140 lnlerest on Taxes - Prior 42.000 42,000 42,000 42,000 15.20.4150 lnvestment income 70,000 80,000 70,000 70,000 15.20.4180 Opening Surplus (Deficit)30,000 05.20.4190 OMPF Reserve 115,000 85,000 b4,UUU 05.20,4180 Transfer from omof res 1,370.001 1.321.000 1.281,000 1.250,000 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 21 of 72 t Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 22 of 72 Municipality of BaYham 2009 -2012 Gouncil 2009 Budset 2010 Budget 2011 Budset zolz Ìtuoqer Revenues 10.20.4190 Election Reserve 10500 Expenditures l0 20 5100 Salaries & Wages 55,061 56,713 58,414 60,167 10.20.5110 Statutory Benefits 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 10.20.5250 Associatio & MembershiP 1,854 1.910 1.967 2,026 10.20.5260 Prof I Serv/Councif Directed 10.20.5340 Conferences & Seminars 7,000 7,210 7,426 7,649 10 20 5350 Travel 2,000 ZUUU ¿wv 10.20.5370 Sundry 500 500 500 500 10.20.5410 ilection Expense 3,500 14UUU OOUU 72.915 85,422 76,990 lvr',zu Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 23 of 72 Ia 8,000 Revenues 10.4110 |& Subsidies 10 4130 & Service Charges l0 4190 10.41 80 from Reserve 'tExpenditutes Fire Chief/Emergency Mgmt Office 83 394 85 6s611,48e1 11,9?1 12,189 10,554 10,871 11,197 637 1000i 1,200 1,200 1,236; 8,411i 8,6632oool 2o0o q9?ql 20001 010.5310 Legal o.10.5325 ]Heefth & Sai -61,s4S1__..Q9,8qq 600; , 61e750. 1000 2!!9.517 5 iEquqq"l! pu|."!es! - !qg|.!qq 20.10.5180 Equioment Purchase - Protecl¡ve 20.10.5210 lg!!i!"s zoj 0.5240 ] Advert¡s¡ns ?.0.10.5250 lAssociation & Membership FeesL 20 10 5270 lBuilding Maintenance Cleaning Supplies Equipmenl Maintenance icat¡ons Eq Maintenance Maintenance 20.10 5295 iVehicle Maintenance zo lo 5300 ]lnsurance 1000 1000looo' 1500 1000 1,000 0l 1000 500, - 725i - 725 6000 4,500 20,863, _ 21,489 lqqq- - 1qq9 --- -ìoofirsooi ì5oo 1,061 10,609 10,609 696 500 4,774 530 3.1 83 5,305 3,'183 1,030 0-rooı 1 1 9,191 4000 2700 6,0101 6,190 22l{+r, _ 22,7e8 18,025,-5od 20.10.5100 lSalaries & Wages 20.1 0.51 02 lFir"r¡st't"" nemuneration 20.10.5105 ] Emergency Planning - Wages 20 10 5335 i Emergency Planning - Traininf 20l!gj9 ,Eoc supplies l0 5425 jPublicAwarenessiEducation 13. Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 24 of 72 Municipality of Bayham 2009 -2012 Police Services 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 Budget z01z tsuoqer 20.10.4110 Policing grants 17596 17596 17596 20.20.4120 POA Lease 30000 30000 30000 30000 20 20 4130 tîtî¿.19î Frôm Flêserues 50,000 50000 40000 30000 80,000 97,596 87,596 77,596 Expenditures 20.20.5210 Utilities 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 20.20.5270 Building Maintenance 500 50u CUU 20.20.5290 Grounds Maintenance 250 250 250 250 20.20.5300 lnsurance 168 174 1tv to+ 20.20.5360 Ielephone 600 600 600 600 20.20.5400 leserve Policing credit 20.20.5450 Service Contract 696,439 714,846 736,291 758,380 20.20.5460 Police Services Board 3000 3000 300u óUUU 704,047 722,552 744.098 ltjrj,,zc1 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 25 of 72 Municioalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 Gonservation Authoritv 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet 2012 Budqet Revenues Expenditures 20.30.5460 Conservation Authority 36,176 37.611 38.739 39,902 10 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 26 of 72 11 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 27 of 72 Municipality of Bayham 2009 -2012 Bvlaw Enforcement 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 tsuoqet zu-ll Þuqget 20.50 4110 Revenues Grants & Subsidies 20.50.4120 Dog Tag Sales 19750 24000 400 ¿4VUU ¿oo20.50.4130 Administration fees 20.50.4'160 Fines/Court Awards 200 3ooo ¿vv 300020 50 41 50 Recoverable Costs 7000 26.750 27.600 27,600 27,60C Expenditures 20.50.5100 Salaries & Wages Slâtutorv Benefits 27,234 2.996 2E Ub1 -3 086 ,._ ¿ö,óv,t 3,178 ¿1!9! 3,27420 50 5110 20.50,5120 Non-Statutory Benefits Health & Safety Supplies 4,!q! 200 420e 206 4 464 ztg20.50.5150 20.50.5170 20.50.5175 Office Supplie_s Enforcement Costs 150 4oo0 155 3o0o 1þV 3000 l0+ 3000 20.50.5240 20.50.5250 Advertising Association & Membership Fees 515 515 530 5-to 546 s+a coó 563 20.50.5295 Vehicle Maintenance_ lnsurance I 500 902 i 5UU 929 /ou 957 geo 20.50.5300 20.50.5310 20.50.5330 Legal Fees Training & Education 4000 20oo 8000 1 s00 8000 1 5oO öUUU 1 500 20.50.5340 Conferences & Seminars Travel 1 500 ãoo 1 500 150 1500 - 155 I CUU __t sg20.50.5350 20.50.5370 Sundry Service Contract 15,500 17,0!q20.50.5450 20.50.5470 ,ñ âñ qa7^ Dog Tags - Licensing Agent fì^ñ Tâñc - Sr rnnlicc 3,509 1000 1,030 t ıot 1.093 69,897 69,875 71,842 73,043 12 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 28 of 72 l3 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 29 of 72 Municioalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 Winter Gontrol 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 20ll Budset 2012 Budset Revenues 25.20.4110 Grants & Subsidies 9.900 9.900 9,900 9,900 25.20.5100 Expenditurcs 28,172Salaries & Wages 26,555 27,352 29,01 I 25.20.5170 Materials 40,000 38,797 40,000 40,000 25.20.5280 Equipment Maintenance 19.500 15,500 16.000 16,000 25.20.5370 Sundry 300 300 300 300 25.20.5520 Service Contract - Pt Burwe 9.000 9,000 9,000 V,UUU 25.20.5530 Service Contract - Vienna 5,000 5.000 3,500 3,500 25.20.5540 Service Contract - Straff 4,500 4.500 4,500 4,500 25.20.5550 Service Contract - Eden 3,000 3.000 2,000 2,000 25.20.5555 Service Contract - Richmon 2,500 2.500 2.500 2,buu 25.20.5560 7,000 7.000 7,000 7.000 117.355 112.949 112,972 113,817 14 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 30 of 72 Municipalitv of Bayham 2009 -2012 Street Liqhts 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet 2012 Budqet Revenues Expenditures ¿5.40.5520 SLA Port Bun¡vell 16.160 16,322 16,485 16,650 ¿5.40.5530 SLA Vienna 6,060 6.121 6,182 6,244 25.40.5540 Sl-A Straffordville 14,140 14,281 14.424 14,568 25.40.5550 SLA Eden 6,060 6,121 6.182 6244 25.40.5560 SLA Corinth 3.030 3,060 3,091 3,122 25.40.5570 SLA Richmond 3.030 3.060 3.091 3j22 48,480 48.965 49.454 49,949 15 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 31 of 72 llg ! islpq lltv, o! Eqv¡ q4 2009 -2012 Waste Disposal Revenues 2009 Budget ?o.lq euqgql 20ll Budget _2012Bqdget 30.30.41 10 30.30.4120 Grants 24,000 5,000 40,000 5,000 40,000 5.000 40,000 5,000Sundrv - WDO 29,000 45,000 45.000 45,000 10.30.5100 Expenditures Salaries and Wages 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 30.30.5240 30.30.5450 30.30.5455 30.30.5460 Advertising 300 300 257,650 160,366 300- &s,aao 165,177 29,176 300 273,341 170,132 30,051 Waste Disposal Recycling 259J46 155,695 Large ltem Drop offlHHW Day 27.501 28,326 30.30.7900 Additional Garbaoe bins 436,732 449,825 463,310 477,201 Notes: ] I . i.a't, ;ncreãse i ncl u o eo-¡ ricı ntráct p rices fc .l 2009, 3o/o thereafter. z. waèæ o¡ðoosal ¡nCluoel$1zoo ro-r tne envir on mentaI prog r. t-elEEgg.- 16 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 32 of 72 Municioalitv of Bavham tîîa -rî12 Health Services 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset zo11 ttuoqet ¿u'l¿ E uugltt Revenues Grants & Subsidies Expendituæs 35.10.5100 Salaries & Wages 35.10.5110 Stetutorv Benefits t5.10.5170 Supplies 15.10.5210 Utilities 4,12Q 4,244 4,37 4,502 2000200035.10.5270 3uildinq Maintenance 2000 ZOUU 35.10.5290 Grounds Maintenance 1000 1 000 1000 1000 35.10.5300 lnsurance 1,826 1,ðö1 I,VO' 35.10.5350 Travel 600 600 15.10.5370 Sundry 6UU OUU 15 10.5450 Health - Doctor fundinq 9,546 9,724 9.908 10,097 17 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 33 of 72 Municipalitv of Bayham 2009 -2012 Gemeteries 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 Budget zolz ]tuoqet Revenues 35.20.4120 Sundry Revenue Expenditures t5 20 5290 Grounds Maintenance 14,500 14.500 'l4,buu t+,ouu 35.20.5370 Sundrv/lnterest 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 16.500 16,500 16,500 16,50C Grounds maintenance inclur les $12000 for lav rn maintenance Pl us $2500 for rePa trs 18 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 34 of 72 Municioalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 General Assistance 2009 Budset 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet 2012 Budset Revenues 40.10.41 90 Grants and Donations Expendítures 7.800{0.10.5590 General Assistance Grants E,000 ö UUU Plowinq match 3,375 3,375 Vienna Librarv condition sur 300 19 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 35 of 72 Municipalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 Parks & Recreation 2009 Budset 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet 2012 Budqet Revenues 45.10.4110 Grants & Subsidies 2600 2600 2600 zoUU 45.'tO.4120 Sundry 2,600 2.600 2,600 2,600 Expenditures 45.10.5100 Salaries & Wages 21.795 22,449 23,122 23,ö1b 45.10.5110 Statutory Benefits 3,992 4,112 500 4,235 4,362 45.10.5170 Supplies 500 bUU cur, 45.10.5210 Utilities Advertisino 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 +5.10.5240 100 100 1UU IUU 45.10.5270 Buifding Maintenance 1000 1000 1 000 1000 45.10.5280 Equipment Maintenance 500 500 þUU OUU 45.10.5290 Grounds Maintenance lnsurance 13,390 9,455 13_Je2 9,738 14,205 14,432 45.10.5300 10,031 1U,óJ'l 45.10.5370 Sundry 500 500 500 500 500 500 45_10.5590 General Assistance 500 ouu 45.10.5600 Canada Day 1 100 1100 1 100 1 100 45-1O.5620 SpecÍal Events - Other 59.O7255.922 57,473 ou,/1ö 20 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 36 of 72 21 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 37 of 72 Municipalitv of Bayham 2009 -2012 Vienna Community Centre 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 Budget 2012 Budqet Revenues t5.30.4120 Sundry Revenue t5.30.4130 Rentals 10500 10,500 i 10,500Ê I 10,500 t5.30.4180 Donations 10,50010.500 10,500 10,500 Expenditures 45.30.5100 Mgmt Contract 9,500 9,500 2000 9,500 2000 9,500 45.30.5170 Supolies 2000 ZUUU 45.30.5210 Utilities 13,390 4600 13,390 4600 13,390 4600 _a,39q 460045.30.5270 Buildinq Maintenance 45.30.5280 Equipment Maintenance 3000 3000 3500 3000 3500 3000 45.30.5290 Grounds Maintenance 3500 3þUU t5.30.5300 lnsurance Telephone 4,436 4,569 960 4,706-- 960 -1ß4796045.30.5360 960 15.30.5370 Sundry Service Contract 500 9,888 500 9.888 500 9,888 500 15.30.5450 v,ööö 51,774 51.907 52,044 52,185 22 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 38 of 72 Municipalitv of Bayham 2009 -2012 Eden Gommunitv Centre 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 2011 Budqet zu'lz Ëtuqger Revenues +5.35.4120 Sundry Revenue 45.35.4130 Rentals 7,695 7,896: 8,103-- -ol 0 8,316 15.35.4180 Donations U 7.695 a103 8,31€7.896 Expenditures 45.35.5170 Supplies 6,695 6 896 7,10345.35.s2'10 Utilities /,ó1þ 45.35.5270 Building Maintenance 3500 2000 1 000 1000 2000 1000 +5.35.5280 Equipment Maintenance 2000 ZUUU 45.35.5290 Grounds Maintenance 2000 2000 2000 2000 t5.35.5300 lnsurance 2,030 2,091 2,154 ¿,¿tó 15.35.5360 Telephone t5.35.5370 Sundry 45.35.5450 16,225 13,987 14,256 14.534 23 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 39 of 72 Municipalitv of Bayham 2009 -2012 Libraries 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 2011 Budget z01z Eudqet Revenues 45.40.4130 Lease Revenues 63.816 59,807 59,807 þv,öu/ Expenditurcs 1 1.330 12,020 1238145.40.5210 Utilities 11,670 45.40.5270 Building Maintenance 7,750 7,750 7,750 7,750 45.40.5290 Grounds Maintenance 2.500 2,500 Z,bUU ¿,ow 45.40.5300 lnsurance 2,154 2,218 2,285 2,354 45.40.5400 Library Reserve 23.734 24,138 24,555 ¿+.vö1 24 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 40 of 72 25 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 41 of 72 Municipalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 Planninq & Development 2009 Budqet 2010 Budget 2011 Budget zu'lz Ëtuoget Revenues Sundry 50.10.4120 50.1 0.41 30 Sundry Revenue Zoning Certificates 2,000 2,500 2,500 50.1 0.41 40 50.10.4150 Zoning Charges OPA Charges 12,000 2,000 10,000 'l u,uuu 2.000- 2.000 ., lu,uuu 2,000 50.10.4160 Minor Variance Charges 3.000 2,ffi9| _ _ 2,000 3.0001 3,000 2,UUU 50.10.4170 Site PIan Charges 4,000 J.UUU 50.10.41 80 50.1 0.4't 90 Plan of Subdivision fees Development Agreement fees 2,000 500 3,ooo i 2,0005001 soo 2,000- 5oo 25,500 I 23 000 22,000 ¿¿,vvv Expenditures 50.1 0.51 00 50.'10.5110 Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits qq,?9! 5.856 54,832, _56,146,032 _ 6,213 cö,-l l'l o,ggþ 50'f 0.5120 Non-Statutory Benefits I !upOties Advertising Associatíon & Membership Fees I 7,985 400 4 500 g3o 8225 400 6,411 400 ó,t ¿c 40050.10.5170 50.10.5240 50.10.5250 4,5!qi 340 i 5,000 350 5,000 350 50.10.53'10 Legal Fees Postaqe 9pqq 200 3,000 3,000-200' 200 3,000 20050.10.5320 50.1 0.5340 Conferences & Seminars Travel Sundry Consulting Fees 500 no 20o 23,000 99,406 400 200 450 2oo 50c 2oc50.10.5350 50.10.5370 200 23,000l 200 2g.oió ZUL 23,00c50.1 0 5450 101 328 103,961 106,14e, 26 BudgeU201 0 3 year budget.xls/Planning Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 42 of 72 Municipalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 Business and Gommerce 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 20ll Budqet 2012 Budset Revenues 50.12.4110 Grants & Subsidies 0 0 U 50.12.4170 Lease Revenues 1,030 600 61E ö3/ 0 0 0 1,030 600 618 þJ/ Expenditures 50.12.5100 Salaries & Wages 500 52550.'t2.5210 Utilities 55 þ/! 50.'t2.5240 Advertising Beautification 200 -t,5oo 200 2,575 200- 2652 200 2,732s0.12.5270 i0.12.5340 Conferences & Seminars i0.12.5370 Sundry 3,300 3,5113.200 3.404 27 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 43 of 72 Municioalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 Tourism & Marketino 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 2011 Budset 2012 Budset Revenues 50.12.4110 Grants & Subsidies 3,500 4,500 1,000 1,000 50.12.4120 Sundry Lease Revenues 3,000i0.12.4170 3,000 3,090 3,1 ö3 6.500 7.500 4,090 4 183 Expenditures 50.'t2.5100 Salaries & Wages lnter Centre staffing 8,755 9,018 9,288 9,567 3,500 50.12.5110 Statutory benefits Jtilitíes 6,800 __l 7.140i 7.87250.12.5210 7,497 50.12.5215 lnterpretive Centre Operations 3,950 3000 _ _3,200 4,200 __ 3,360 4.410 3,528 50j2.5230 Brochures 4,Oó1 50.12.5240 Advertising Promotional items 8000 æo 8,400 500 _8,820 500 9,261 50c50.12.5245 50.'12.5250 Memberships Festivals 450 4ooo 473 6000 496- - 6¡00 521- 6o0c30.12.5260 50.12.5270 Beautification Beach Maintenance 600 8000 650 700 70c 50.12.5290 8,400 8,820 9,261 50.12.5340 Conferences & Seminars Sundry 250 250 250 i-æ,dt 250 250 25C 25C50.12.5370 50.12.5600 Special Projects 2500 5000 5000 500c 47,055 56.980 55,391 57.34C 28 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 44 of 72 Municioalitv of Bavham 2009 -2012 Environmental Services 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 ttuoqet zul¿ Þuqgsl Revenues 50.20 4110 Grants & Subsidies 5000 5000 CUUU ovuv 50.20.4140 Tile Drain Charoes 5.604 5.604 5,604 5,604 10.604 10.604 10,604 10,604 Expenditurcs 50.20.5100 Salaries & Wages 14,161 14,566 l C,UZJ to 50.20.5102 Richmond Water waqes 1,65250.20.5110 Statutorv Benefits 1.557 1,604 1,791 50-20.5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 2,124 2,188 750 2,253 750 2,321 50.20.5170 Suoolies/Stock 750 fov 50.20.5260 rrofessional Services 1,000 1 000 3 000 _ _ 1,000 3,000 1,UUU 50.20.5270 lVater Sampling & Testing 3,000 ó,UUU 50.20.5290 Drain Maintenance 50.20.5370 Sundrv 50.20.5380 5.604 5,604 5,604 5,604 28,196 28,731 29,283 29,850 29 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 45 of 72 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2009-2012 ts Proiect 2009 Budset -l úer Eg!¡ipment fire LTI--.1_l l Building_- - water rescue survivial strits _ __t I lDesign and site plan in 2009, replacunenr i¡ 2010, toral --- 12.000, :eÈ4.il{glUclC t 49læq_L.fy2. 0 t t - I 2 24,0001 iielt cunent ru"k to WU* aepi: vehicle l2,ooo Ædeot,r".--|-- Purcbâse backhoe t truck 4 245 I ractofPj@prruSk 30,000 _road patrol managerJs-qft ware)30,000 i vehicles Fench box -- split betw€en water,waste ¿' for loader t6,000 Tractor Mowe¡ Hot Datcher 25.000 GPS system for vehicles 49,000 Reclains fCo*t*"ri"tt Prqi""r" Brown Road Schafer (Goshen Best lCrlloden - Talbotl tgt-625 14t12t2009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 4 6 o f 7 2 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2009-2012 Q 2009 20r0 20ltrrotffr |tudge lsphalt P¡ojecß - Eden/Schafer intersection ruw4u ùtÍ€Et Gree_n Line (_qectiogÐ : (secuons.) (Mllton to ' vanous sec[ons l'rojects tq(qa&Lto_!¡cÞ! _r olrgarc_(Llght to l.unnet)- $a¡-aYcy4r-@l{qp!s_q'_qyç)_ _,_50,000 ualdwln Lme (tùll len$h) l@qeol_I-t¡ç€r!_!9!Élr)__ Loyre Koao (elher slde_ol hl[) Mrrnaf l(Talbot to Eden) - Somers (Eden to_sonth end)- ___ -30,00q lar & Chip Resurface GoshenllBâynor - Schaefer)t5,600 Bogus Road (Light to Calton) 32,000 I9,[S_a!e_(calrgq !q¿egþ.o¡) I Best (Cùlloden toTalboQ 50,000 I j New{ar & Chip Surface !4rlq!-4t_Bpq4_gac!¡qt !q !,Iertse)_ __2q{0q Cowper Street Toilsate (Calton ro Lisho 60,000 I Light L-ine (complete 2008) 10,000 Tolgale oiglt to]unnel) i 90,000 MuÍay (Taibot to Eden)65,000r i - Best (Culloden - Talbot)127,500 Best (Talbot - end)7,680 I Coyle (Vincent - 55)48,000 Vincent (offCoyle)43,680 Bavham/Norfolk Plank-Goshen)15,400 I Schafer (Goshen-BayhamNorfolk) Green (Pressev - #3)88,200 Somers (Best - #3) Bosus 0isht - Calton)41,600 Ottersate (east end)r5-360 - Ottergate (west end)_ _ - Eden (Sorinqer - Culloden) 34.s60 19.,140 - Jackson (west of19) - I ioh+ /Tnllæta - {51 61.600 1 ?5 600 Vìema Ln (Brom - Richmond) Viema Ln lBrom - villaee limitsì 17 55t 14112D009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 4 7 o f 7 2 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2009-2012 0-) a.J __l Proiect Budset T_-_T _..___t 1s,000 l Il5roool -_Sâlt a^ñrâiñhÂ-r +J F ì?010 _ q¡f_cgllqlq Carson Line Bridge -+_____ 19.0_q0j _1:j ,o,oodr-m - --l -f rrrËËr rJtqn¡s . _ ____ t : nqr1lights___ _ I 0,000 ' .çw ams asr€qutre __t.U,9_Ug_l __ __ to.owl_ t0,000 10,000 ll!aJ_s9l!19_9juptr9nt 40,000 r 70,000i l bq!4¡e_p_g_a4et 80,000 - ViennaBuilding 30,000 30,000 Marine Museum eaves Guysboro 1,093 lane\ilay, culvert East Eo Dev - Sims 17,900 17.900 Wind Tower Kiosk 1.300 t4n212009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 4 8 o f 7 2 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2009¿ot2 L,J tÈ 2009 2010 zorr,ro¡ect _ _BCdCQ! t Budset N;t.. ---- + I building needs_study t7,000foqqs_lge_ds_llldy I 5,0uu _ ?,3q0Zoning_R€vlew 10,000, 4on{ìg lnap¡ !g-9ll1g!mat_ _5-500 I ruL,_EnarÐr con s. ùqoy,]nl!q!rygs_ - 1,5_90 vLL, cnars __ __lr:.tlqlItcc_¿Iar¡lggin¡âll 6,0q91 Demolish unsafe_building_ I Glen Erie (markers) I ____ 3qpqol__ _ t0-000 Harbou feasibility.study. ]23,000 I 20,000 20,0001 this should be to Cultural Plan Completion 2,462 ÞCCSþ-p4¡þgÞu-gI. I - Beach projects ie path 9,992 s,000 s,000 Picnic Tables (I5/Beach Equip LPRCA special project 7,886 - New Drainage works 19 TOTAL t,472,39 w,265 516,260i 0 cash requirements 870,556 1 LevyGoal 740,056 162,2581 ?8s,r2sl 808,ó79 ftems not cur¡entlv included itr the budqet Lakeshore Road West Nile Treatmmt Sori¡serhill Crossins Beach rakins eouioment Transfer station- land acouisition ViemaLibm Port Blwell Pùkins develoDment I' 14t12D009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 4 9 o f 7 2 Cash Requirements 2010 Budget 2009 2010 20ll 2012 Proiect Budset Budqet Budeet Budeet Other Notes -ReserveforWorkingcapital 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 - Trfto Comp. Reserve 5,000 5,000 5,000 5'000 -ApparatusReserve allocation 80,000 85,000 85'000 85,000 -Annual Remunerationreserve 2,500 2,500 2'500 2,500 -Buildingrenewal reserve ó5,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 -Majorequipmentreserve 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 - Vehicle Reserve 3,000 3,000 3,000 3'000 - Vehicle Reserve 3,000 3,000 3'000 3,000 - Gas TaxReserve 103,5?2 206,351 206,351 206,351 gastax firnding - EquipmentReserve 135,000 140,000 145,000 145,000 maohine usage #2 - Loader purchased 2007 road equip reserve - Roadvsrreers 330,000 339,900 350,097 360,600 road/street resewe - Trail Improvements (reserve) 9,384 9,572 9,763 9'958 conidor leæe park reserve park reserve - Park Improvements - Playground Equipment - Resewe - Resewe 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 7,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 - Gene¡al Reserve 3,000 3,000 3,000 3'000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20'000 1,100 1,100 1,100 l'100 - Harbour (dredging) 20,000 art Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 50 of 72 *d?Bng,6.¡¡3 snuouo¡ruhouqeßå Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 51 of 72 Schedule rrArr to By-law 2009-þ0( Capital Budget 2010 s Proiect Budeet Unexoend.'09 Other Notes office, r40,000 535,000 | fire blds res: lons term debt l0 ofìo fire trh Major Equipment Renewal P_ortable Radio Pagers -----.1 Equipment Purchase - Pickup Truck 40.000 40,000 road equipment reserve - road patrol manager (software) 30,000 30,000 ;road eouioment reserve - GPS for vehicles 49,000 49,000 road equipment reserve - Reclaimer 8,000 8.000 road equipment rsserve Constmction Proiects Brown Sideroad lroads & bridges grant res - Schafer lGoshen - Eden)road construction reserve t4/12/2009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 5 2 o f 7 2 Schedule rrArr to ByJaw 2009-XXX Capital Budget a +J lqr$_ç!¡p_&urqttqq 1c-oq\9¡(!44.o¡ - lch 15,600 i I road construction reserve 65,000 lroad construction reserve 15,360 15,3601 road construction reserve - Ottergate (west end) road construction reserve,- 4l road construction reserve - new lights - new arms as required t411212009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 5 3 o f 7 2 Schedule rrAtt to By-taw 2009-XXX Capital Budget 2010 t")d) Proiect Budeet TaxLew Reseryes Other Notes - Car_port soffit :rl"vgqu4sqgipiqglt 7o,ooo 30,000 40,000 i pa¡k res/fund and future yea¡s i# 1_bu!l!iqg_up_ggd-e-s 80,000 80,00c Vienna Building 30,000 30,000 libra¡y reserve - Guysbo¡o - East pie¡ - Ec Dev - Signs 17,900 17.900 - Wind Tower Kiosk t4/t2/2009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 5 4 o f 7 2 Schedule rrA'r to ByJaw 2009-X)O( Capital Budget 2010 s t4/1212009 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 5 5 o f 7 2 Schedule I'Brr to By-Law 2009-XXX Cash Requirements 2010 Budget Other Reserves Other Notes - Reserve for Working Capital - Trf to Comp. Reserve - Apparatus Reserve allocation - Annual Remuneration reserve - Building rurewal reserve - Major equipment reserve - Vehicle Reserve - VehicleReserve - Gas To< Reserve - Equipment Reserve - Road Constuction Reserve - Trail Improvønmts (reserve) - Park Improvønents - Playground Equipment Proiect - Reserve - Building Renewal Reserve Budeet Tax Lew 10,000 5,000 85,000 2,500 ó5,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 339,900 10,000 10,000 I 5,000 I 5,000 25,000 2,000 3,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 85,000 2,500 65,000 18,000 206,3s0 140,000 339,900 206,350 gas tax funding 140,000 machine usage 9,572 corridor lease park resewe park resewe 2,000 3,000 - East pier 4C) Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 56 of 72 Schedule rrBrr to By-Law 2009-)üX Cash Requirements 2010 Budget Other Reserves Other NotesProiect - Façade hograrn - Harbour Dredging Budeet Taxl,ew 1,100 1,100 988,422 632,500 4t Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 57 of 72 Beginning Balance B$9rv9 fof ç9 mpCt-e I ESq.ir m9!']|_ Begj¡gþ& þlance _ _.. - Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Reserve for Road Equìpment Beginning Balance Increase in the year t3,4fi 5,000 ruqoql -iqIqqt44.333 I zss 2to-165 Reserve for Coun , lgglqnilg_Balance __ ._. Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance for Road Construction Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease Ending in the year Balance !$ery" Q. B94dS_&_ -B_r!d gcs Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year ¿rd¡qas_c!g!99 Reserve for In fråstructu re Beginning Balqnce Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance BC!9.v9&! t4ql4x tlorg4l _ IBeginningBalance t __ 108,141 ,Increase ín the year _ ] ._ 103,572 129-t73Decrease ín the year Ending Balance leserve for Fire Depart ALp4lqlus _ __ Begírning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance Reserve for Fire Depart Major Equip itlil_ l 5,991 | l2,ggl 30,991 lepoo i rqıoo i ia,ooo i 48,991 I 8,000 Beginning Balance hcrease in the year Decrease ín the year Ending Balance t07-000 i 107 4!.srrl- - - -!u32t _ 2s0,740 | t66,n2 103,572 333.256 12.137 43 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 58 of 72 +3 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 59 of 72 1,732 Skate Pa¡k t-7321,632 1.732 I,'t J¿ Increase in the year 100 E'4!qg Pqlaq.C Election P¡eir'¡lqeEeþlpc Increase in theyear Qçgrsase in the year Ending Ralance Co4f4geqcy Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance C¡ pita!-S!a!! ti2r tlo n Þçg'!!r'!gÞ-qþ!pq Eçryq"Lqllp vegt Decrease in the year Ending Balance DMPF pegr¡¡r¡g B_a!qnce Transfer In Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance )perating Stabilization Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance 'OTAI^S t,732 t-732 1,7 1.732 t-732 24,00024,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24.000 24.000 24 000 24.000 24.000 247,087 247,087 247,087208,829 38,258 247,087 247,087 247.087 247,087 247.087 247-087 3,000 3,000 3 0003,000 3,000 3-000 3.000 3,000 3.000 3.000 6,000 6,000 6¡¡o 6,000 6,000 6 000 6.000 6,000 6.000 .6-0uu 3,500 3,500 ?,0!q 3,500 | 0,500 3,500 I 4.000 3 500 3,500 3,500 7,000 I 0.500 3.50 7.000 28,000 28,000 ?s-qq0 2q1000 28-000 28.000 28,000 28 28.000 81,951 9.703 72,248 72,248 72,248 72,248 72 248 72.248 72,248 72.24 72.248 407,tt7 407,157 407,ts7 407,157 407,157 407.157 407.157 407.ts7 407.157 407.1 57 204,5t3 I 000 :.9s;-|t 195,s l3 195,5t3 le5,3l3 195,513 95 513 t 95.513 t 95.513 5 513 3,003.771.0r -688.261.00 3.143,54 3.721.69s.00 o e/a nn ,+4 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 60 of 72 Llç Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 61 of 72 y'ienna Community Centre Beginning Balance 1,615 t6,684 24.184 39,184 54t84 lncrease in the year 15,069 7,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 Decrease q tl*y.* Endine Balance 16,684 24.t84 39.184 s4-184 69,184 TOTAL RESERYE FU¡{DS 874,414 941.254 1.101.336 1.306.440 1.511.544 +(. Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 62 of 72 OMPF Projections 2009 - 2015 l.- +l OMPF funding (projected) Tax levy increase (l% per year, cumulative) lnterest earned on reserve OMPF reserve Use of OMPF OMPF balance 2009 1,194,000 407,157 0 407,157 20r0 1,050,000 29,000 16,286 407,157 115,000 292,157 2011 1,050,000 59,000 11,686 292,157 85,000 207,157 2012 1,050,000 90,000 8,286 207,157 54,000 1 53,1 57 2013 1,050,000 122,000 6,',126 1 53,1 57 22,000 131,157 2014 1,050,000 155,000 5,246 131,157 2015 1,050,000 199,000 5,246 131,157 131,157 131,157 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 6 3 o f 7 2 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 64 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 65 of 72 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 6 6 o f 7 2 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2W9-2012 20t9 20r0 20tt 20t2 Proiect - water oapacity study Budset Budeet Budeet Budeet Other Notes 8,000 rot¡,r, cash requiremenü 2,840,0t3 232-9tU 1,075,500 ol 0t 210-9(1 2l !t-9't!t o5n1no10 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 6 7 o f 7 2 ¡ffif; mpcfitlroz úd}t Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 68 of 72 Schedule rrArr to By-law 2009-)OO( Capital Budget 2010 o5t0112010 D r a f t B u d g e t d o c u m e n t p r e v i o u s l y c i r c u l a t e d a n d a t t a c h e d . P a g e 6 9 o f 7 2 Schedule "B'r to By-Law 2009-)CXX Cash Requirements 2010 Budget Other Proicct Budeet Tax Lew Reserves Other Notes Water rcserve- Meter Changeover - new connections - new conneclions - Ltd repayment 219,943 13,546 206'397 Sewerreserve,raæpayers TOTAL 2ts,s43 0 13,s46 20ú¡97 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 70 of 72 Draft Budget document previously circulated and attached.Page 71 of 72 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LA\M NO. 2010 - 01s A BY.LA\il TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MTTNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR TIIE SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING HELD MARCH 3,2OIO WIIEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act,200l, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE THE COTINCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TIIAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the special budget meeting held March 3,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 3'd day of March 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-law 2010-015 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 72 of 72