HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 03, 2009 - Special CouncilCOUNCIL BUDGET MEETING AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Tuesday, February 3, 2009 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DECLARATION OF PECUIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.2009 DRAFT BUDGET (a Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File: F05.09 (b Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: F05.09 4.BY-LAW (a By-law 2009-009 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 5.ADJOURNMENT (a Adjournment 3-56 57-64 65 Page 1 of 65 Page 2 of 65 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 15,2009 FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer FILE: F05.09 SUBJECT: Budget 2009 NUMBER: F2009-05 Purpose: We would like to provide council with some notes on the 2009 budget prior to the first budget deliberation meeting. Discussion: To improve council's planning abilities, the budget documents project revenues and expenditures over a three-year period. The intent is to better reflect the impacts of current year decisions on future budgets. Only the current year budget will be set by byJaw. The other two years may be accepted in principal and will be open for future debate and/or amendments at council's discretion or changes in circumstances. Operating Overview: Operating expenses have increased by approximately $104,589 or 2.49%o over the prior year operating budget figures. Operating revenues are up slightly - less than 0.5%. The Consumer Price Index for 2008 was2.6Vo. OMPF Grant: Details of the OMPF review have not yet been released. It is anticipated that there will be a significant reduction in the grant commencing 2010. The 2009 grant has been confirmed at the same amount as previous years. Taxation: 2009 is a reassessment year. On average, residential assessments have increased approximately 4.8Yo. For budget puq)oses, total tax dollars have been increased by l% to reflect the actual assessment growth (new construction) plus 3Yoto reflect anticipated increases in the general cost ofproducts and services. Salaries & Waees: For budgeting purposes, the three-year draft budget includes a salary increase of 3% for both union and non-union personnel for each year. Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 3 of 65 -7- Insurance increased l.5Yo over 2008; future years reflect 3olo increases. Police: There is a2.110/o increase in the proposed policing budget as presented by the Police Services Board for 2009. This is subject to the union negotiations cunently underway. Parks & Harbour: The changes implemented by council last year regarding the parks department worked very well. Three summer students were hired to care for municipal properties in Port Burwell and Vienna. The current budget provides for 4 students, same as the previous year. Health Services: During 2006 and2007,the Municipality contracted with the Province for the "Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner" program. The Nurse Practitioner is now employed by the East Elgin Health Team and the program is no longer included in our budget. IT & GIS Personnel: In 2008, the municipality began sharing IT services with a number of other municipalities through the Township of Malahide. This has worked well for all parties involved in providing maintenance and on-going computer and technical support. We are proposing to enter into a similar shared services agreement with Malahide and Aylmer for GIS (mapping) services. While staffhave worked diligentþ over the past year to acquire needed data and build a GIS database, we are still struggling to implement a useful mapping database. A well-built, up-to-date GIS system is a necessary tool that supports several of our departments on a daily basis. We are proposing to acquire GIS services one day per week commencing June or July of 2009. The cost to the municipality for 2009 is approximately $11,000. Capital Overryiew: As in the previous year, the capital spreadsheets have been modified to recognize the changes in accounting under PSAB. Listed first are proposed tangible, capital purchases andlor construction of capital items. The fourth page lists the intangible items, such as studies, and capital items that are below the threshold for asset management purposes. Low value, routine purchases have all been incorporated into the operating budget. The capital budget is presented in three statements. The first is the projected three-year capital expenditures only (no funding). The second is in the format that council has seen in previous years. Expenditures for 2009 are detailed by department and the corresponding funding of these items is identified on the right. A third statement sets out all items for which cash must be raised but is not considered a capital purchase. This is, generally speaking, the provision for reserve allocations. The bulk of the capital tax levy requirement is detailed in this statement. Consistent levels of funding should be set aside each year to finance current and future capital needs in all areas of municipal operations. While we do not yet have a final report regarding the asset Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 4 of 65 -3- management study, the reserve allocations in the Cash Requirements statement are reflective of the amortization of capital assets. As indicated in the past, developing and incorporating a long-term capital plan and increasing our tax levy in light of the asset management study will be a gradual process that will take several years. Starting early and working consistently towards our goals is crucial to ensuring that the municipality will have the necessary funds in future years to replace and renew its' infrastructure. Reserves: Reserve and reserve fund information is included for your information but has not yet been fully updated for 2008 year-end results. Other Information: Al.0% tax rate increase for the Municipality of Bayham will raise a little less than $28,000. Respectfully submitted,Reviewed by, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel. Treasurer Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 5 of 65 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 6 of 65 Municipality of Bayham Budget 2009 Date of Approval: Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 7 of 65 BUDGET INDEX Department Page GeneralTaxation Other Revenues General Government Council Fire Services Police Services Conservation Authority Other Protective Services Bylaw Enforcement Services Roads Winter Control Street Lights Waste Disposal Health Services Cemeteries General Assistance Parks & Recreation Straffordville Com m unity Centre Vienna Community Centre Eden Community Centre Libraries Museums Planning, Development & Tourism Business & Commerce Tourism & Marketing Environmental Services Three Year Capital Three Year Cash Requirements Capital Funding Plan Cash Requirements Funding Plan Reserves & Reserve Funds 4 5 6 7 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 36 38 42 44 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 8 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 Summary 2008 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 9udqet Revenues Seneral Taxation 2,629,658 2,734,759 2.844.095 2,957,837 Jther Revenues 3eneral Government 1,378,801 ', 1,32_6,0q1' 1,331,001 45,555 r 37,333, 36,000 1,331,001 36.000 Council Fire Services 0 9,575 0. 10,500 2,500i 2,500 0 2,soo rolice Services lonservation AuthoriÇ 70,000 r 70,000 0i 0 50,000 0 5qo0g 0 f,ther Protective Services 67,300 67.300 67,300 24,750 67,30C 24,75C3ylaw Enforcement Services 24,750 24.750 Roads Winter Control 359,957 9,900 368,696 9,900 381,757 9,900 393,14ç 9,90C Street Lights 0 24.OOO 0 2t.ooo 0 /4,00ìa 0 Waste Disposal 24,00Q lealth Services lemeteries 61 ,1 86 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 General Assistance Parks & Recreation 0 5,600 0 2 600 0 2,600 0 2,600 Straffordville Community Centre Vienna Community Centre 19,000 12,500 17,000 10,500 17,510 10,815 18,035 1 1,139 Eden Community Centre Libraries 7,500 63,816 7,695 63,816 7,896 63,816 8,103 63,816 Museums Planning, Development & Tourism 28,010 33,000 25,510 25.500 25,510 26,000 25,510 26,000 Business & Commerce Tourism & Marketing 1,0_00 3,000 1,030 4,000 1,061 4,090 1,093 4,183 Environmental Services Capital 11,438i 10,6941,702,604t, 1,753,682 10,604 1,806,293 10,604 1.860.481 6,568,150 6 587 176 6,928,0026.757.997 Expenditures General Taxation Other Revenues 0 o 0 0 0 0 c a General Government 3ouncil 522,637 72,861 554,323 74,657 572,178 87.217 586,422 78,838 Fire Services 341 ,190 Police Services 689.581 332,524 704.047 337,426 725,038 346,988 746,659 Sonservation Authority Slher Protective Services 39,488 88.409 96,12q 94.467 37,261 97,011 38,379 99,630 3ylaw E nforcement Services loads 74,939 1.155.817 69,737i 73,769 1,184,638 1,206,562 74,966 1,233,029 Winter Control Street Lights 89,8!0, 1171955, 11?,19? 48,000, 48,480 48,965 112,972 49,454 Waste Disoosal Health Services 420,683 75.594' 431,732 9,546 444,675 9,724 458,006 9,908 Cemeteries 16.500 16.500 16,500: 16,500 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 9 of 65 General Assistance 7,700 7,800 7,900 8,00c Parks & Recreation 57,856 68,290 59,416 69,942 61,072 62.778 Straffordville Community Centre 71,503 73,112 Vienna Community Centre 48,330 51.774 52,890 11,987 54,040 12,256Eden Gommunitv Centre 11.500 16.225 Libraries 23,372 23,734 24.138 24,555 Museums 102.838 105.645 107,868 110,143 Planning, Development & Tourism 100.745 101,403 3,200 103,985 106,630 3,404Business & Commerce 2.850 3,300 Tourism & Marketing 53.210 56,055 28,582 55,478 57,489 Environmental Services 34.788 29,129 29,692 3apital 2.421.172 2.493.807 2,568,621 2,645,680 6,568,150 6,691,764 6,866,351 7,039,531 I I I I Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 10 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2009 Summary Net (Revenues)/Expenditr tres 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet General Taxation Other Revenues -2,629,658 -1,378,801 -2,734,759 -1,326,001 -2344t095 -1,331,001 -2,957,837 -1.331.001 General Government Council 477,082 72,861 516,990 74,657 536,178 76,717 550,422 78,838 Fire Services Police Services 331,615 619,581 9_3_0,04 634.047 334,926 675,038 344,488 696,659 Sonservation Authority fther Protective Services 39,488 21.109 36.1 76 37,261 38,379 27.167 29.711 32,330 3ylaw Enforcement Services ìoads 50,189 44,987 815.942 49,019 824,805 50,216 839,880795,860 Winter Control Street Lights 79,900 48,000 107,455 48,480 10?\25? 48,965 19301? 49.454 Waste Disoosal Health Services 396,683 14,408 407,732 9,546 420,675 9.724 434,006 9,908 Cemeteries Seneral Assistance 16 500i tda 16.500 16,500 16,50C 7.800 7,900 8,00c Ðarks & Recreation 52,256 49,290 56.816 58.472 60,1 7€ 55,07€Straffordville Community Centre 52.942 53,993 Vienna Commun¡ty Centre Eden Community Centre 35,830 4,000 41,274 8,530 42,075 4,091 42,900 4.154 Libraries Museums 40,444 74.828 40r09? 80,1 35 -39,678 82,358 -39,261 84,633 Planning, Development & Tourism 67.745 75,903 2,170 77,e39 2.239 80,630 2,311Business & Commerce 1,850 Tourism & Marketing Environmental Services 50,210 23,350 52,055 17,978 51,388 18,525 53,306 19,088 Capital ln Year Deficit (Surplus) 718.568 740,125 762,329 785.1 99 0 104.589 108.354 111 529 Deficit due to: 1. Prior year surplus 2. Expanded road dept 62800 ogooo' 132.400 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 11 of 65 Municipalitv of Bavham 2008 -2011 GeneralTaxation 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 05.10.4010 Revenues Residential & Farm 2,607,958 2,713,059 2,822,395 2,936,137 05.10.4020 Vlulti-Residential 05.10.4030 lommercial Unoccupied 05.10.4040 lommercial Occupied 21700tll recoverable & Raitway 21700 21700 21700 05.10.4050 ndustrial Unoccupied 05.10.4060 ndustrial Occupied 05.10.4070 tipelines 05.10.4080 :armlands 05.10.4090 Managed Forests 2.629,658 2,734,759 2,844,095 2,957,837 Expenditures t5.10.5580 Writeoffs/Tax Sales )5.10.5620 TaxAdiustments 0 0 0 0 Notes: 1. The tax lew assumes 1% assessment growth per year 2. The tax lew assumes the taxes raised will require a 3% increase for cost of living. Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 12 of 65 I I I Municipality of Bayham 2008 -2011 Other Revenues 2008 Budoet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 Budqet )5.20.4110 Revenues Grants & Subsidies 1,194,001 1,194,001 1,194,001 05.20.4't20 Sundry Revenue 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 05.20.4130 lnterest on Taxes - Cunent 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 )5.20.4140 lnterest on Taxes - Prior 40,000 40,000 40.000 40,000 )5.20.4150 lnvestment income 50,000 60,000 65,000 65.000 05.20.4180 Opening Surplus (Deficit)62,800 05.20.4190 Op Rate Stab Reserve )5.20.4180 Transfer from ompf res 1,378,801 1.326.001 1,331.001 1,331,001 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 13 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 - 20',1 General Government 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 20ll Budget tRevenues 10.10.4110 lGrants & Subsidies 222 10.10.4120 10. r 0.4130 Tax Certificates 7000 Fees & Service Charges 20000 7,000 7000 7000 21.000 22000 22000 10.10.4140 iLottery Licences 10.10.4190 lContributions - Reserves/Prioryear 7000 11333 7,000 2,333 7000 7000 45,555 37,333 36,000 36,000 Expenditures 10.10.5100 10.10.5110 Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits 291731j 309,4q 32100 i 34,036 318,700 35,057 328,260 36,109 10.10.5120 10.10.5140 Non-Statutory Benefits ; 437601 4Q413 Payroll Service Charge : 3500 i 3,500 {1805, 49)?40_ 3500 3500 10.10.5145 10.10.5160 Bank charges 1300 lnternet Charges 900 1pqo 918 I 300 936; 1 300 e55 10.10.5170 10.10.5180 Supplies Computer Softrivare & Support 9000: 9,200 26000' 22.400 9400 18665 960C ieToc 10.10.5210 lT & GIS personnel Utilities 1 1000 13,200 11.330 21,836 11,670 22,491 12,02C 10.10.5220 10.10.5240 Subscriptions & Publications Advertising 700 1000 710 1.000 720 1000 730 iooo 10.10.5250 10.10.5260 Association & Membership Fees Auditinq Fees 2000 eooo 2,250 8,100 2,295 8200 2,341 8300 10.10.5270 10.10.5280 Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 13300 13000 12000 1 3300 12000 12600 12000 12100 10.10.5290 10.10.5300 Grounds Maintenance lnsurance 1250 16206 1250 17,500 1250 18,025 1250 18,566 10.10.5305 10.10.5310 lnsurance Deductibles Legal Fees 10000, 10000 25001 2500 10000 2500 10000 2500 10.10.5320 10.10.5325 Postage & Courier Health & Safeg 11000 11,330 1 1,670 12,020 10.10.5330 10.10.5340 Training & Education Conferences & Seminars 3000 4000 3000 4o-o¡ 3000 400ó 3000 4000 10.10.5350 10.10.5360 Travel Telephone 5,1 50 7,519 5,305 5,464 7,745, 7,977 10.10.5370 Sundry 3000 3000 522,637, 554,323 3000 3000 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 14 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 -2011 Council 2008 Budqet 20ll Budset 10.20.4190 Revenues Election Reserve 10500 Expenditures 10.20.5100 Salaries & Wages 55061 56.713 58,414 60,167 3,27810.20.51't0 Statutorv Benefits 3000 3,090 3,183 10.20.5250 Associatio & Membership 1800 1,954 70oo- 1,910 7,210 1,967 7,42610.20.5340 Conferences & Seminars 6000 10.20.5350 Travel 2000 2,000 2000 2000 50010.20.5370 Sundry 1500 500 500 10.20.5410 Election Expense 3500 3,500 14000 3500 72,861 74.657 87,217 78,838 I I I I I Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 15 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 -2011 Fire Department 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet 2011 Budget '.Revenues 20.10.4'110 Grants & Subsidies 20.10.4130 20.10.4190 Fees & Service Charges Transfer from Reserve 2500 2015 2,500 2500 2500 20.10.4180 Donations 5,000 9,575 2,500 2,500t Expenditures : Fire Chief/Emergency Mgmt Office 20.10.5100 20.10.5102 jSalaries & Wages I FireFighters Remuneration 66092 61,494' 63,339 i 80965i 83394r eS,e96l 65,239 88,473 20.10.5110 20.10.5120 Statutory Benefits 1?q9! j '!1!561 94701 10.787 1 1,908 11.111 12,265 11,444Non-Statutory Benefìts 20.10.5365 Travel Allowance Telephone - Fire Chief 800 600 618 637 20.10.5130 20.10.5320 Uniforms Postage & Courier 95oqj 1000 750 t loia 1 000 1,236 I 000 1,273 20.10.5105 Emergency Planníng Emergency Planning - Wages 101 18 10,422 10,734 11 056 20.10.5335 20.10.5150 Emergency Planning - Training EOC Supplies 3000 1000 2000 I 000 2000 ìÒoo 2000 i ooo 20.10.5425 Public Awareness/Education Fire 1500 1000 1000 1000 20.10.5170 20.10.5160 Office Supplies Medical Response Supplies 1000 1000 1000 0 1,030 0 1,061 0 20.10.5165 Municipal Water Consumption Equipment Purchase - Operating 1000 sToo 1 000 8,500 1,00q 8.755 1000 9,01820.10.5175 20.10.5180 20.10.5210 Equipment Purchase - Protective 1 1650 17500 8,500 18,025 8,755 18,566 9,018 19,123Utilities 20,10.5240 20.10.5250 Advertising Association & Membership Fees 500 585 500 lzs 515 747 530 7og 20.10.5270 20.10.5275 Building Maintenance Cleaning Supplies 4500 5oo 6000 500 4,500 515 4,635 530 20.10.5280 20.10.5285 Eqgipmg¡! Maintenance , 3000 Communications Eq Maintenance i 6000 3000 sooo 3,090 5,150 3,183 5,305 20.10.5290 jGrounds Maintenance 20.10.5295 iVehicle Maintenance 3000 Ssoo 3000 s,6os 3,090 5,835 3,1 83 6,010 20.10.5300 20.10.5310 tnsurance Legal 20555 20,863 1000 1000 ?11489 1 000 22,134 1000 20.'t0.5325 20.1 0.5330 Health & Safety Training & Education I 21600 'taoo' zz.z+a 22,914 20.10.5340 iConferences & Seminars 20.10.5350 lTravel 4000 3750 3000 3750 3,090 3,863 3,183 3,978 20.10.5360 20.10.5370 Telephone - Stations Sundry 2500 3000 8000 3,090 5000 3,1 83 5000 20.10.5420 Fire Prevention Expense 3500i 2250 2,318 2,387 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 16 of 65 Children's Safetv Dav 7075 20.10.5430 20.10.5440 911 Dispatching 911Other 16250 4000 16,738 17,240 17,757 4000 4000 4000 20.10.5450 2700 2700 2700 2700 341 190 332,524 337.426 346,988 Notes; 1. Transfer from reserve is donations collected in 2007 for children's safety day. Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 17 of 65 MunicipaliW of Bayham 2008 -2011 Police Services 2009 Budqet2008 Budqet 2010 Budset 20ll Budget Revenues POA 20000 2000020.20.4120 30000 20000 20.20.4130 Lease 50000 40,000 30000 3000020.20.4190 From Reserves 70,000 70.000 50,000 50.00u Expenditures 20.20.52't0 Utilities 3000 3,090 3,183 3,278 20.20.5270 Building Maintenance 500 500 500 500 25020.20.5290 Grounds Maintenance 250 250 250 20.20.5300 lnsurance Telephone 166 6oo 168 174 179 20.20.5360 600 600 600 20.20.5400 Reserve Policing credit 738.85220.20.5450 Service Contracl 682065 696.439 717.332 20.20.5460 Police Seruices Board 3000 3000 3000 3000 689.581 704.047 725.038 746,659 10 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 18 of 65 Municipalitv of Bavham 2008-2011 I Conservation Authoritv 2008 Budset 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 20ll Budqet Revenues Expenditures 20.30.5460 lonservation Authority 39,488 36,176 37.261 38,379 I I I I 11 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 19 of 65 MunicipaliW of Bayham 2008 - 2011 Building Services 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet ' 2}l}Budqet 2011 Budget Revenues 10.10.4110 iGrants & Subsidies 20.40.4't30 20.40.4140 Building Permits Septic System Permits 60000 7000 60000 7000i 60000 7000 60000 7000 20.40.4150 Sundry Revenues 300 300 300 300 67,300 67,300 67,300 67,300 20.40 5100 epena!!492 lSalaries & Wages 57920 61.652 63,502 65,407 20.40.5110 20.40.5120 lStatutory Benefits¡-- , Non-Statutory Benefits 6370, 6,782 6,985 8690 i s;,2A8 9,525 7,195 9.811 20.40.5170 20.40.5175 Supplies Enforcement Costs 900' 925 950 97 20.40.5220 20.40.5240 Subscriptions and Publications Advertising 100 200 250 2oo 250 200 25C 2oc 20.40.5510 20.40.5250 Administrative Overhead Association & Membership Fees 2600 400 2600 ¿oo 2600 4oo 2600 400 20.40.5295 20.40.5300 Vehicle Maintenance lnsurance 1000 aôg 1,027 902 1,055 929 1,083 957 20.40.5310 20.40.5330 iLegal Fees iTraining & Education 2500 2500 2500 25oO 2500 2500 2500 25oO 20.40.5340 20.40.5350 Conferences & Seminars Travel 2300 2500 900 2 568 925 2,637 950 20.40.5360 20.40.5450 Telephone Contract Services 540 540 540 540 20.40.5370 Sundry I 500 1.541 1.582 1.625 88,409 i 94,467 97,011 99,630 12 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 20 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 -2011 Bvlaw Enforcement 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 20f0 Budget 2011 Budget Revenues 20.50.41 10 Grants & Subsidies 20.50.4'120 20.50.4130 Dog Tag Sales Administration fees 19750- 19750 19750 19750 20.50.4160 20.50.4150 Fines/Court Awards Recoverable Costs 5000 5000 5000, 5000 24.750 24,750 24,750 Expenditures 20.50.5100 20.50.51 10 Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits 30355 3340 27,901 3,069 28t738], 29160C 3,161t 3,25€ 20.50.5120 20.50.5150 Non-Statutory Benefits Health & Safety Supplies 4555 500 4,185 200 4,311 206 4,440 212 20 50:5179 lOffice Supplies 20.50.5175 i Enforcement Costs 20.50.5240 :Advertising 20.50.5250 ;Association & Membership Fees 515 515 159 4000 546: 546 20.50.5295 20.50.5300 Vehicle Maintenance lnsurance 1500 889 1 500 902 1 500 929 1 500 957 20.50.5310 ,Legal Fees 20.50.5330 ;Training & Education 3000 25oO 4000 20oo 4000 2ooo 4000 2000 20.50.5340 jConferences &Seminars 20.50.5350 Travel 2000 8oo I 500 300 1500 309 I 500 318 20.50.5370 20.50.5450 Sundry Service Contract I 5500 15,500 ii- tz,oso 17,05C 20.50.5470 20.50.5475 Dog Tags - Licensing Agent Dog Tags - Supplies 4500 1o0o 3,500 1000 3,820 1.030 3,820 1,061 i ze,zog 74,966 13 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 21 of 65 Municipalitv of Bavham 2008 - 201 I Roads Department 2008 Budset 2009 Budset ; 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 25.10 4110 ,Revenues Grants&Subsidies . 359,957 368 696 381 757 393,14ç 25.10.4120 25.10.4130 Sundry Service Charges 25 10.4'170 Machine Time Charges Alloc i 359,957 368,696 381,757 393,145 25.1 0.51 00 tiExpgltd¡lyles iSalaries & Waqes 140.000 144.200 148,526 152,982 25 10 5110 25.10.5120 ìtelutory Benefits {on-Statutory Benefrts 4't,715 55,215 !l_,6J-8',, 49,10863,545 65,451 50,58i 67,41t 25 1 0.51 30 25.10.5170 )lothing Allowance vlalerials 3,000 9,500 3¿930 i 3p0gt _3100_09,5001 9,5001 9,500 25.10 5180 Fuel Clearing Cleadng - Other 88,000 5,000 1 02rqoq. 5,000 105,575 5,000 108,742 5,00025.10 5'185 25.10.6100 Vehicle Repairs - Licenses Vehicle Repa¡rs - wages 120,000 98,621 17,000 38,621 17,000 38,621 17.000 25.'t0.5210 Vehicle Repairs - malerials l.Jt¡lities 20.000 u379, 64,379 20.600 i 21,218 64,379 21,855 25.'t0.5240 25.10 5250 Advef¡sing Assoc¡ation fees ?90i 250, 250 2lo 250 zso 250 iso 25.'10.5270 2510.5275 Building Maintenance Equipment Ma¡nlenance 14,000, 12,000 +,iroo i ¿,ooo 14,000i 14rg0q 4,ooo L 4,ooo 25.1 0.5290 25.1 0.5300 Drainage & Assessments tnsutance 7,0q,01 43 930 i 7 000 4i bBö 2,000 i 45,927 t 2 000 47 3U 25.10.5310 ¿s.1 0.5330 Legal Fees, Engineer Training & Education 500 5 ôo-o 500 9 000 500i 50q 9.000 i 9,000 25.10 5340 25.'10.5350 lonferences & Seminars fravel 1,500 500 1,500 500 !,soc 50c 25 10.5360 ¿5.1 0.5370 Telephone Sundry 2,500 1,000 2,500 1,000 2,500i 2!50J 1,000 1,00c 25.10 5400 ¿5.'10.7620 Transferto Reserve Loose Top Ma¡ntenance - Wages 68,000 4,000 5,000 6,00( 25.10 7630 25 107400 Loose ToD Maintenence - Materials Bridge Maintenance - Wages 6,000 35,000 1,000 36,000 1,000 3Z,0qg 1.000 ¿5.1.7410 lridge Maintenance - Materials lulvel Maintenence - Waqes 21.000 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 10.000¿5 10 7450 15.10.7460 15.1 0.7500 Culvert Maintenance - Ma¡ntenance Weed/Brush/Ditch - Wages 38,04 11,000 19,500 11,000 19,500 11,000 19,500 25.10 7510 25.10.7520 Weed/Brush/Ditch - Mainlenance Calch Basins - Wages ì 18,500 12,000 10,000 18,500 10,000 1q,Þ-00 10,000 ¿c. 25. 0.7530 iCatch Basins - Ma¡ntenance 0.7600 ;Hardtop Maintenance - Wages 30,000: 210q0 9,500 2,000 9,500 2,000 9,500 ¿c. 25 0.7610 0.7650 Hardtop Maintenance - Maintenanc Grading - Wages 12,000 20,500 18,000 10,5Q01 2080018,000 18,000 25 ¿5 0.7700 o.77'10 Dust Control- Wages Dust Control - Maintenance 12,000 I 000 4 ooo 8,000 4,000 9.oqo 4,000 25. ¿5. 0.7800 0 7810 Safety Devices - Wages Safety Devices - Maintenance 23,000 9,000 9,000 i 9,000, r¿,ooo 14;ooo' 14¡oo 25.1 0.7850 25.10 7860 Sidewalk Maintenance - Wages Sidewalk Maintenance - Maintenance 6,000 2,000 6,000 2,000 6,000 21q0c 6,00c 15.1_0.79_0! icN Cl9:sjng Safety Devices 25 10.7950 iRoad Names 4,500 4,500 4,500. 4,500 4500 4,500 4,50C 4,50C 25. I 0.8000 25 10 8010 County Roads - Wages County Roads - Maintenance 357,957 80,000 288,696 84,872 306,27e 1.155.817 't .1 84.638 1.206.562 1,233,025 14 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 22 of 65 LMunicipality of Bayham 2008 -2011 Winter Gontrol 2010 Budqet 20ll Budset Revenues 25.20.4't10 Grants & Subsidies 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 Expendítures 25.20.s'.t00 Salaries & Waqes 25.000 26.555 27,352 28,172 25.20.5170 Materials 20.000 40,000 19,500 40,000 40,000 25.20.5280 Equipment Maintenance 16.000 16,000 16,000 25.20.5370 Sundry 300 300 300 300 2s.20.5520 Service Contrac{ - Pt Burwe 9,000 9,000 9.000 9,000 25.20.5530 Service Contrac't - Vienna 3,500 5,000 3,500 3,500 25.20.5540 Service Contract - Straff 4,500 4.500 4,500 4,500 25.20.5550 Service Conkact - Eden 2,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 25.20.5555 Service Contract - Richmon 2.500 2,500 2,500 2,500 25.20.5560 Service Contrac{ - Sidewalk 7.000 7.000 7.000 7,000 89.800 117,355 112j52 112,972 I I I I ,l I 15 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 23 of 65 MunicipaliW of Bayham 2008 -2011 Street Liqhts 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 20ll Budget Revenues Expenditures 25.40.5s20 SLA Port Bun¡velf 16,000 16,160 16,322 6,121 16,485 6,19225.40.5530 Sl-A Vienna 6,000 6,060 25.4A.5540 SLA Straffordville 14,000 14J44 14,281 14,424 25.40.5550 Sl-A Eden 6,000 6,060 6,121 6,182 25.40.5560 Sl-A Corinth 3,000 3,030 3,060 3,091 25.40.5570 Sl-A Richmond 3.000 3,030 3.060 3.091 48.000 48.480 48.965 49.454 Notes: 16 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 24 of 65 , Municipality of Bayham 2008 - 2011 Waste Disposal 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Budget ¡ ?QllPggþglt ,Reyenues 30.30.4110 iGrants 24,000 24,000 24,000t 24,000 30.30.4120 i , 5.000l : 24,000: 29,000 5,000 i 29,000 r 5,000 29,000 Expenditures 30.30.5100 30.30.5240 Salaries and Wages Advertising 3000 300 3r09_0 300 3,183 300 3,278 300 30.30.5450 30.30.5455 Waste Disposal Recycling 243807 146876 250,146 150,695 257,650 155,216 265,380 159,872 30.30.5460 30.30.7900 Large ltem Drop offlHHW Day Additional Garbage bins 26700, 27,501 28,326 29,176 420,683 431,732 444,675 458,006 Notes: 1. 2.6% lncrease included ir 2. Waste disposal includes $1200 for the environmental program at EESS. 17 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 25 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 -2011 Health Services 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budset 2011 Budget :Revenues Grants&Subsidies , OttAO Expenditures 35.10.5100 35.10.5110 Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits 48 444 s gz9 35.10.5120 35.10.5170 Non Statutory Benefits Supplies 6,257 3,815 35.10.5210 35.10.5270 Ut¡lities Building Maintenance 4000 4350 4,120 2000 7,244 2000 4,371 2000 35.10.5290 Grounds Maintenance lnsurance 1000 1799 1000: 1000i 1000 1,826ì 1,881 : 1,93735.10.5300 35.10.5370 35.10.5450 Sundry 600 600 600 600 75,594 9,546 9.724 9,908 Notes: NP orooram should lit, ' - l be transferred to familv health team bv end of 2008 No grants or wages set up thereafter Building maintenance includes $2350 for a review of the building for "desionated substances". (2008) | l 18 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 26 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 -2011 Cemeteries 2008 Budqet 2009 Budset 2010 Budget 20ll Budget 35.20.4120 Revenues Sundry Revenue Expend¡tures Grounds Maintenance 14,500 14,50014,500 14,500 15.20.5370 Sundry/lnterest 2.000 2.000 2,000 2.000 16,500 16,500 16.500 16.500 Notes Grounds maintenance inclur les $12000 for lawn maintenance pl us $2500 for repa rrs. I I I I I I I 19 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 27 of 65 Municipality of Bavham 2008 -2011 General Assistance 2008 Budset 2009 Budset 2010 Budqet 20ll Budqet r0.10.4190 Revenues Grants and Donations Expenditures 7.700 7.800 8.00040.10.5590 General Assistance Grants 7,900 20 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 28 of 65 Municipality of Bavham 2008 -2011 Parks & Recreation 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 45.10.4110 Revenues Grants & Subsidies 5600 45.10.4120 Sundry I , 5,600 i 2,600 2,600 45.10.5100 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 24576 25.289 26,048 26,829 45.'t 0.51 10 45.10.5170 Statutory Benefits Supplies 3765 500 3,992 500 4,112 500 4!2?5: 500 45.10.5210 45.10.5215 Utilities Utilities - Eden School 3000 3,090 3,1 83 3,278 45.10.5240 45.10.5270 Advertising Building Maintenance 100 t ooo 100 I 000 100 1 000 100 1 000 45.10.5280 45.10.5290 Equipment Maintenance Grounds Maintenance 500 1 3000 500 13 30Ó 500 ß7et 500 14,205 45.10.5300 45.10.5370 lnsurance Sundry 931 5 500 9,455 500 9,738 500 10,031 500 45.10.5590 45.10.5600 General Assistance Canada Day 500 1 100 500 1 100 500 iroo 500 i roo 45.'t0.5620 Special Events - Other 57,856 59,416 61,072 62,778 21 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 29 of 65 Municipality of Bayham I 2008 -2011 Straffordville Gomm un itv Gentre I 2008 Budqet 2009 Budset 2010 Budset , 2011 Budget t5.20.4120 ]Revenues iSundry Revenue 45.20.4130 45.20.4140 Renta s Mix 14500 12500 4500 4500 12,875 4,635 13,261 4.774 45.20.4180 Donations 19,000 17,000 17,510 18,035 45.20.5100 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 1 0890 11,217 14 553 11,900 +5 20.51't0 t5.20.5170 Statutory Benefits Supplies 830 5000 855 5000 881 5000 907 50oo 45.20.5210 45.20.5270 Utilities Buildíng Meintenance 21 000 3300 21,630 3300 22,279 3300 22,947 3300 45.20.5280 45.20.5290 Equipment Maintenance Grounds Maintenance 3000 Ssoo 3000 55oO 3000 5500 3000 ssoì 5 20.5300 lnsurance Telephone 4370 4,436 200 4 569 20o 4,706 200 45.20.5370 45.20.5450 Sundry Service Contract 900 I 3500 900 13.905 900 14,322 900 14,752 68,290 69,942 71,503 73,112 22 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 30 of 65 Municipality of Bayham ,2008 -2011 Vienna Community Centre 2008 Budget 200e Budget : 2qq ryqg$_.20ll Budget 45.30.4120 Revenues Sundry Revenue 45.30.4130 Rentals 45.30.4180 Donations 12500 10500 10,815 I 1 ,139 12,500 10,500 10,815 11,13ç Expenditures 45.30.5100 45.30.5170 Mgmt Contract Supplies 7300 2oo0 9,500 2000 9,785 2000 10,079 2000 r5.30.5210 t5.30.5270 Utilities Buildinq Maintenance I 3000; 4600i 13,æO 4600 13,792 4600 14,205 4600 45.30.5280 {5.30.5290 Equipment Maintenance Grounds Maintenance 3000 3000 3000 3500 3000 ssıo 3000 3500 45.30.5300 r5.30.5360 lnsurance Telephone 4370" 4,436j960i 960 4 569 e6o 4,706 960 45.30.5370 45.30.5450 Sundry Service Contract 500 9600 500 e;BBB 500 10.185- 500 io ¿go 48,330 51,774 52,890 54,04C 23 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 31 of 65 Municipalitv of Bavham 2008 -2011 Eden Gommunitv Gentre 2010 Budget Revenues 45.35.4',t20 Sundry Revenue 45.35.4130 Rentals Donations 7500 7,695 8.103 45.35.4180 0 7.695 7.896 8,103 Expenditures 4s.35.5170 Supplies 6,69545.35.5210 Uti ites 6500 6,896 7,103 45.35.5270 3uilding Maintenance 1000 3500 1000 1000 45.35.5280 lquipment Maintenance 2000 45.35.s290 3rounds Maintenance 2000 2000 2,030 2000 200c 45.35.5300 nsurance 2000 2,091 2,'154 45.35.53ô0 elephone 45.35.5370 ìundrv 45.35.5450 Service Conlract 11.500 16,225 11.987 12,256 Buildinq maintenance incl udes ceilinq tile re Dlacement. 2. Equipment maintenance s HVAC repairs. 24 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 32 of 65 MunicipaliW of Bayham 2008 -2011 Libraries 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budget 20ll Budset Revenues Lease Revenues 63,81645.40.4130 63.816 63.816 63.816 Expenditures 45.40.5210 Utilities 11,000; 11,330 11,670 12,020 45.40.5270 45.40.5290 Building Maintenance Grounds Ma¡ntenance 7,750 2,500 7,750 2,500 7,750 2,500 7,750 2,500 45.40.5300 lnsurance 2j22 2.154 2,218 2,285 45.40.5400 Library Reserve 23.372 23,734 24.138 24.555 25 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 33 of 65 Municioalitv of Bavham 2008 -2011 Museums 2008 Budqet I 2009 Budset 2010 Budset 2011 Budget 45.50.4',110 Revenues Grants & Subsidies 7,560 .:7,560: 7,56Ó: 7,560 45.50.4'130 45.50.4170 Admissions Children's Programs 8,000 500 8,000 i 8,0005o0i 5oo 8,000 500 45.50.4190 +5.50.4120 Transfer from Reserve/prior year Sundry 2,500 i 400i 400 400 400 18.960 16,460 16,460 16,460 Expenditures 45.50.5100 15.50.5110 Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits 37,800 3,780 38,080 3,893 39,222 4,010 40,399 4,131 15.50.5120 t5.50.5'170 Non-Statutory Benefits Office Supplies 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15.50.5190 45.50.5210 Children's Programs Utilities 500 12,500 500 12.875 500 13,261 500 13,659 45.50.5240 Advertising Marketinq 3,000 3,000 2.500 3,000, 31099 3,000, 3,500 45.50.5250 45.50.5270 Memberships Building Maintenance 550 1o 8oo 550 i o,aÒo 550 10,800 550 10,800 45.50.5280 45.50.5290 Equipment Maintenance Grounds Maintenance 1,000 5,500 2,000 4,000 2,000 4,000 2,00c 4,00c 45.50.5300 45.50.5360 lnsurance Telephone 2,558 3,000 2 596 3 0oo 2,674 3,000 2,754 3,000 45.50.5340 45.50.53s0 Conferences & Seminars Travel 400 400 400 400 400 400 40c 4oa 45.50.5370 45 50.5450 Sundry Contracted Services 2,000 5,000 2 000 s ooo 2,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 45.50.5600 45.50.5610 Special Project Special Events 11000 1,000 1 000 1 o0o 1,000: 1,009 1,000 r 1,000 93,788 96,595 98,818 101,093 -74,828' -80,135 -82,358 -84,633 iFUND RA|SING i Revenue: +5.50.4180 {5.50.4185 Fundraising Donations 7 550 1 50¡ 7 550 i soo 7,550 1,500 7p50 1.500 9,050 9,050 9,050 ,Expenditures: rs.50.5180 i Fundraising expense 3,975 3,975 3,975 3,975 r5.50.5400 ransfer to Reserves 5075 5075 9,050 9,050 5075 507s 9,050 9,050 'oo 0 0 26 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 34 of 65 T Notes: 1. Grounds Maintenance includes additional contract services to maintain the vacant lot ollPl_4k Road as qellgg gQCgqygl tothe parking lot q! lhe c¡¡¡r_ent Edison Museum site.I - -r r ---l 2. 7 students orooosed with $2 per hour qrant fundino. I I I I I I 27 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 35 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 - 2011 r Planninq & Development 2008 Budqet 2009 Budqet 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Revenues Sundry 50.10.4120 50.10.4130 Sundry Revenue Zoning Certificates 2,500 2,000, 2,500 2,500 5010.4140 50.10.4150 Zoning Charges OPA Charges 21,500 12,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 2,000 12,000 2,000 t0.10.4160 t0.10.4170 Minor Variance Charges Site Plan Charges 3,000 3,0.90, 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,00c 4,00c t0.10.4180 50.10.4r90 Plan of Subdivision fees Development Agreement fees 2,000 500 2,000 500 2,000 500 33,000 25,500 26,000 26,000 Expenditures 50.10.5100 50.10.51r 0 Salaries & Wages Statutory Benefits 53,235 54,818 5,855 6,031 56,463 i 58,156 6,212i 6,398 50.10.5120 50.10.5170 Non-Statutory Benefìts Supplies 7,985 400 8225 4oo 8,471 8,725 400 400 50.10.5240 50.10.5250 Advertising Association & Membership Fees 5,5q0, 320, 4,500 330 5,000 340 5,500 350 50.10.53'10 50.1 0.5320 Legal Fees Postage 3,000 3,000 250 200 3,000 200 3,000 200 50.10.5340 50.10.5350 Conferences & Seminars Travel 750 2lo 500 20;þ 500 2oo 500 200 50.10.5370 50.10.5450 Sundry Consulting Fees 200 23.000: 200 23.000 200 23,000 200 23 oO0 100.745 101.403 103,985 106,630 28 BudgeV3 year budget.xls/Planning Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 36 of 65 Municipality of Bavham 2008 -2011 Business and Gommerce 2008 Budset 2009 Budget 2010 Budset Revenues Grants & Subsidies 0 c ,0.12.4170 1.000 1,030 1,061 lps3 00 1.000 i 1030 1,061 1.093 Expenditures t0.12.5100 Salaries & Wages i0.12.5210 Ut ties 600 500 525 551 10.12.5240 Advertising Beautification 200 200 200 200 i0.12.5270 2050 2,500 2,575 2,652 t0.12.5340 Conferences & Seminars t0.r2.5450 Service Contract 3.3002.850 3.200 3.404 29 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 37 of 65 Municipality of Bayham 2008 -20'11 Tourism & Marketing , 2008 Budqet i 2009 Budqet 2010 Budqet , 20ll Budget 50.12.4110 Revenues Grants & Subsidies 1,000 1,000, 1,000 50.'t2.4120 50.12.4170 Sundry Lease Revenues i 3,000 3,000 3,090 3,1 83 3.000 4.000 4,090 4,183 Expenditures 50.12.5100 50.12.5110 Salaries & Wages Statutory beneflts 1 0500 60 8,755 9,018 9,288 50.12.5210 50.12.5215 Utilities lnterpretive Centre Operations 2500 lzoo 6,800 2.450 7,140 2.573 7,.497 2,701 50.12.5230 50.12.5240 Brochures Advertising 4700 11000 4700 geo0 4,935 10,290 ?.192 10,805 50.12.5245 50.'t2.5250 Promotional items Membershios 500 450 500 450 500 tzg 500 496 50.12.5260 50.12.5270 Festivals Beautifìcation 6000 600 6000 ooo 6000 650 6000 700 50.12.5290 50.r2.5340 Beach Maintenance Conferences & Seminars 7700 250 8000 250 8,400; 8,820 250, 250 50.12.5370 50.12.5600 Sundry Special Projects 250 7500 250 7500 250¡ 250 5000 5000 53.210 56.055 55.478 57,489 Notes: 1. Festivals does not include any additional funds that council may be consider¡nq due to special requests. , 2 tv - supplies and cleaninq 30 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 38 of 65 i Municipality of Bayham t2008 -20'11 i Environmentat Services 10.20.4110 Revenues Grants & Subsidies 2008 Budget I 2009 Budget 5000 5000 2010 Budget 5000 2011 Budget 500c i0.20.4140 Tile Drain Charges 6,438 5,604 5.604 5,604 11.438 10,604 10,604 10,604 t0.20.5100 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 17.145 14,467 14,901 15,348 i0.20.5102 50.20.5110 Richmond Water wages Statutorv Benefìts 1.885 1,591 1.639 1,688 i0.20.5120 i0.20.5170 Non-Statutory Benefits Supplies/Stock 2,570 750 2,170 750 2,235 750 2,302 750 i0.20.5260 io.20.5270 Professional Services Water Sampling & Testing 1,000 5,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 3,000 1,0o0 3,000 i0.20.5290 io.20.5370 Drain Maintenance Sundry ;0 20 5380 Tile Drain Debt Charges 6.438 5.604:5.604 b,004 34,7881 28,582 i 29.692 31 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 39 of 65 Municipality of BnyhamCapital Budget2008-2011 (,¡J e) 200E 2009 2010 20uProiect Budset _ _Budser_ ___ESe!_Budset Other Notes _ _ _.ÇpqpulgFq,!p!q9nt_ -_ 10,000 I _, - Mmicìpal,offrce? soqqd ry_!!_elq 5,000 App¡r¡tu-s l'mær/rcscue urt -!a,ql Building Port BuNell Station 25,000' 567,000 oe¡lCn !|_d. rlt" p!". ! _i! _2pQ!,¡9p!qfgtr'!çn! ln 2ql q, t9l 592,000; bldg res, L D Straff Stn, exhaust system I 0,000 Mrjor_Equipmert Renewsl PôfablcR¿djos(6) _- _ q,0.q0 Pa€e6 (lo) q,gog Air Fill Station _ 1r,q00 50,000 rcplace vehiclc trade in otr new2ol l-12 24,OOA rell clJmt truck to bylaw dept; - vehicle .Equipment Purchrse-__, ; s,a¡{gr bo¡, qry9l a _ _ 5qq09 Rep-.lagg.euck I 250,OO( - Pickup Truck _28?g0q 10,00qi 30,000 Graffel forks for loader 15-000 -Floattailq 5-000 trench box - split between water,waste & roads - !ry"ep9llgrlog{gr K,99_ql Tmctor Mowcr 70,000 Hot patcher 25,000 Constrüction Projæts Alwüd Street (prep) 10,000 Howcyline 20,000 Coylc Road Hill 20,000 Woodworth Road 10,500 Asphslt Projsts Edcn/Schafd intcrsection 30-000 30,000 Alward Street 25,000 Green Line (sections)30,000 Jackson Line (sections)30.000 Ericus Strcet I l-000 Newton Strcet (Milton to Victori¿)3q000 qeneral Droiects 30,000 26t01t2009 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 40 of 65 Municipality of BryhnmCepitel Budget2008-2011 LÈ ñ 200E 2009 20r0 2011Proiect BudsetLGrrvel Projæts Budset Budqet Budset Other Notes ITollgate (Caltor to light) 50.0001 I ITollgate (Light to Tumel)50,000Sæd¡om (n Maple Grovc) 30,0001 tlBa-ldylq L-ine (fulllm€fh) !?,0!01 Vincent Linc (tull lengh) 15,0001 Coyle Road (eithq side ofhill) 15,0001 Mumy (Talbot lo Edm)30,000 Someß lEden to south end)30.000 ttT¡r & Chip Reurf¡ce Addison (all) & sidestreets 15.0001 Bosus Road (Light to Calton)32,000 Tollgatc (Cahon to.J9g\son) 32-q0ol Best (Cullodcn to Talbot) I 50.000 New T¡r & Chip Surf¡ce __ . - Mitchcll Road (Jackson to Høitge) 90,9q0_l - Ottercate (west end) 75-0001 90,000 Gr@ Line (esst of#3) 30,0001 t CowDer Strcct 20,0001 I -_Tollgarc(CahontoLighÐ. . _ - Lisht Line (comDletc 2008) 60 000 10,000 t_ Tollqate lliqht to Tumel)60.000 Munav (Talbot to Eden)60,000 l Other Land(smdylomRoad) l5'ooo IGwd rails 1700 ft) 12.000 15.000 shoo sidinc 25'ooo 25,000 l_ Salt Contsiment Shed I 80,000 I Sidewslks New(SsdytowrrPlã*toHeritage) 30,000 20,000 t Str€et Liqhts _l lichts 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 I ¡eouired 10,000 I I l Hvdrmt Reolacment 3,500 3,800 3,900 4,000 - 5'000 __ _20,00q i - trench box - solit between water.waste & roads 35.000 45.000 55,000 6.000 - !¡! truck¡-- ¡¡l!1bctwe9!_!alel&Ìastg___, _ _-,_ _--. _ _r-__tr,_.llq! _b9_I-:- rplit betwem ryater,waqg q rga.d.L I _- lla ftf¡fk ::-..sP.!!t b€jyec! ryal9J & Yq!!c---_ - -- - oumo rcbuilds -o-pooi-- __lqpo¡20,00( I stopp g¡s.!o¡.¡na. ¡!919-q i1_!o9! rea UnioI _S_|punp slqtioq !9pqr_rt Brock St DumD station rcoairs 10,000 10.00c 26/Ot/2009 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 41 of 65 Municipelity of BayhamCapital Budget200&2011200820w20ro20ll- __i rrotoc. ,_ _4_s4¡!' - wlvc acfuåtor rcplacmmt Budset Budset Budeet Other Nots6.000 6.00(6.t:u.f _22,000iman32.0001 3,6001 5,E0( _r-!ydt_!_n[,S!_nf9!_9ctrc!_atI|lu l 5,00( mgrylllgmP!!,911!udy_5.80( ___l - brosolrds m3jlag9qrmtjlm_2J00t {2_i - sepEee rægiving &ç!ity 505,00(s_00p99L__ _C_-_pgGlott ___ . s,00c t0,000 :_!Laygo{de9t¡¡g!g1t __,-__|_ __10,0i!,10,000 I rolrspg!¡ Yt9n!tc,sÈ.1!;!s- - Mainc Musm qvcs l-00( l?_ i - 9ry_sb_o!_o_ :_ 3,04i ilcwy, culvert It -pastpicr ' 80,00C lr¿091 Wind Tows Kiosk : t,¡oC 1.300 AsstMmgmerlt : 26,10( t) Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 42 of 65 Municipality of BayhamCepitel Budget2008-201 I (^ 2008 2009 20r0 201r Proiect - STP capacity study BrEqg_ _, 5,000 Budset Budqet Budqet Other Notes 42 - Black Bridge Hill main 15,0001 6,85t 42 - Crowth study I 1,2501 _.-SCC,.Enrg¡rcons._S_tudy,initialivcs 15,0001 - VCC. chairs I 7,500 I,500 VCC, paint main hall 6,000, Cemctcry 5,000 #2 . - Feæibility Study (Edison museum) 21,3'l8l #2 - Cultwl Plan Completion 2,363 seach püÈing uæi;t r,2oo't,200 Beach projects ie path 5,0001 6,000 5,000 500 Picnic Tablcs (15)/Beæh Equip 2,6001 2,600 t,500 1,50( Wind Centrc K.iosk 1,000 1,00( #2 - Henry Street Drain l,2oo #2 - Dcmeycre Drain 5,132 #2 - Godo Drain (Norfolk) 1,030 LPRCA spccial Þroicct I 1,203 7,886 SCC, equipmcnt 4,500 -Dninageworks(Sm!!.$S\4o-qq) _.- _ _l?'!991-Drainarcworks(HwSt) 9.990 TOTAL rórs.l40 2,O71260 r,092'200 s773U cash reouir€ments 1.f00.081 1,077500 1,105,587 99OA7l Capitallcrycoal __, _. _. Zl_q,tg_l 740,056 762,258 /ð),120 Ove¡ ftems not currentlv included in the budsel Lakeshor€ Road Nile Tr¿Âtñmt 5-000 .:-qpi!'gelhillCrgs!!qs.____,__-__._150,000 - Beæh mkinc equiomqt 25,000 Moore Bridoe 6-27'l Trmsfe¡ station- lmd acouisition 90.000 viema Lib¡uv 3o'ooo Notcs Rmoved duinq orior veu budqet dclibemtions. 26101/2009 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 43 of 65 Cash Requirements 2008 Budget Proiect - Reserve for Working Capital - Trfto Comp. Resewe - Apparatus Reserve allocation - A¡nual Remune¡ation resewe - Building renewal reserve - Major equipment reserve - Vehicle Reserve - Vehicle Resewe - Gas TaxReserve - Equipment Reserve -Loader purchased2007 - RoadVStreets 2008 Budqet 20t9 Budset 10,000 5,000 80,000 2,500 65,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 103,5?2 135,000 330,000 13,001 2010 Budset 10,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 103,572 140,000 339,900 20tt Budset Other 219,943 219,941 9,76J 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 25,OOO Notes gas tax funding machine usage road equip resewe road/street reserve Water res€rve Sewer reserve, ratepayers 20ll is final year conidor lease park reserve park resewe last year last year 10,000 5,000 80,000 2,500 35,000 18,000 103,s72 130,000 23,716 334,049 E5,000 2,500 65,000 18,000 E5,000 2,500 65,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 r03,s72 14,500 350,097 - Trail Improvements (reserve) - Park Improvements - Playground Equipment - Tillsonburg Arena - Aylmer Arena - Resewe 9,200 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2t9,943 1,s00 7,500 25,000 2,000 3,000 9,s72 10,000 10,000 9,384 10,000 10,000 #2 #2 - Reserve - Building Renewal Resewe 2,000 3,000 3U 2,000 3,000 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 44 of 65 Cash Requirements 2008 Budget 2008 2lx)l, Budqet Budset 2010 Budqet 20,000 I,100 1,105,5E7 90,000 0 2t9,943 103,s72 9,572 óE2,500 2011 Budset Other NotesProiect - East pier - Façade Program non-lerry items - machine usage - water capital - sewer loan - g¡¡s tÍu( feserve - corridor lease Tax leÐr requirements 20,000 1,100 20,000 I,100 TOTAL I,100,081 80,000 27,001 2t9,943 103,572 9,200 660,365 1,077i500 85,000 13,001 2r9,943 103,572 9,3U 646,600 990,475 -35,500 0 219,943 103,572 9,763 692,697 3" Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 45 of 65 Municipality of BayhamCapital Budget2009 "ú 26/0t/2009 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 46 of 65 Municipality of BayhamCapital Budget2009 26/01/2009 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 47 of 65 Municipality of BayhamCapital Budget2009i Proiect?-]: cgptqee f999!y_!nc @!!ty__Budqet Tax Lew i Unexpcnd. tOE , Reserveg Other Notes500,000 s00,00c infrastructure grant, sewer res10.000i 5.000t 5.0OOiDri;ìear _:llay-gl9u¡9_e$lpr9.4 40,00c 40-00c oark/olavsound - #2 - roofreoair leden tt"pr*".""t t"s " ___- V_ienna Buildlng_30,000 _-__ 30,000 ,library reserve__ I - Marine Museum eaves I 2 - Guysboro Ianeway, culyert I lEc!9y¡ligns 17,900 17,900 lVind Tower Kiosk 1,300 I,300 #2 r-AssetManagement COMRIF sas tax resefve - - - - - - Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 48 of 65 Municipality of BayhamCapital Budget2009 t---i-- Project Budect Tax Lew Unexnend. tOS Reserves : --,qI! qæîcjlv study sewer reserve ' - Oflicial Plan review - Growth study ,_ - _-.¿cr"let;eAe!'q¡s!s.;9serù. . - S CC, p49¡ry cgq!: S-tqdyr_rlfllaryeg 7.500 7,500 _ .1_VcÇ¡!ai¡¡__ __ - VCC, paint main hall r,s00 I,500 6,000. - Vcc,_palnt marn hall . . -Cemeterysigns_ _. ___ Éz . :_{çe¡!Þil!!v $!s{y (Elisog mu¡gur_n)edison building reserve 6,000 6,000 2,600 2,600 - fr!!Ç{ ¡pecla! p¡_oj ec!---J]]L--- ---J!!q!-_1; S-.CC.9guip¡9qt-.- ó¡"i ü_age_worts _(Sq4þ.-nþrqn;¡dl -- Drainage works (Henry St) TOTAL 2,101,260 68,986 646,600 17,900 5,000 cash requilements ;Capital LqW_G_qq!740,056 20,000 - l!.Qo!l 26/0t/2009 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 49 of 65 Cash Requirements 2008 Budget - Reserve for Working Capital - Trf to Comp. Reserve - Apparatus Reserve allocation - Annual Rernuneration reserve - Building renewal reserve - Major equipment reserve - Vehicle Resøve - Gæ Tax Reserve - Equipment Resewe - Road Construction Reserve - new conneotions - Ltdrepayment - Trail Improvements (reserve) - Park Improvements - Playground Equipmørt Proiect Budeet Tax Lew 10,000 5,000 80,000 2,500 65,000 18,000 50,000 330,000 10,000 10,000 1,500 7,500 25,000 2,000 3,000 Other Reserves 10,000 5,000 Other Notes 13,00r t3,546 206,397 Sewø ræerve, ratqrayers 9,384 corridor lease patk reserve park reserve 103,572 135,000 330,000 2t9,943 3,000 3,000 9,384 10,000 10,000 l I I - Building Renewal Reserve 4J Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 50 of 65 l I TOTAL 1,077,500 Cash Requirements 2008 Budget Other Reserves Other Notes - East pier - Façade Program 20,000 1,100 404,353 I I I I I I I I +i Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 51 of 65 44 Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 52 of 65 4< Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 53 of 65 4]., Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 54 of 65 +t Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 55 of 65 I :t I :t I Staff Report F2009-05 and attached 2009 draft budget. File:... Page 56 of 65 CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor & Members of Council DATE: January 26,2009 FROM: Suzanna Dieleman Mantel, Treasurer F'ILE: F05.09 SUBJECT: Water & Sewer Rates NUMBER: F2009-06 Discussion During 2006, a study of the financial sustainability of the municipalþ's water and wastewater systems was completed by C.N. Watson Associates Ltd. The key goal of the sustainability study was to determine the level of reserves to ensure that the entire wastewater system could ultimately be repaired and/or replaced without incuning high levels of debt or drastic rate increases in the future. This means that funds need to be set- aside in reserves each year that will enable the municipality to meet the financial obligations of replacing the systems prior to the work being completed. Wastewater The wastewater system is in good financial condition. Staff do not have concerns regarding the financial sustainability ofthe system. In 2008, wastewater rates increased9Yo. Staff recommend a rate increase of 4Yo for 2009. We anticipate increases of 4-5Yo for each of the next four years and increases of l-2Yo thereafter. It is recommended by staff that a monthly rate of $39.04 be set for 2009 (837.61 in 2008). This will provide a reserve allocation of $165,000. Water While staff are keeping expenditures are low as possible and regularly consider alternate options to maintain or reduce costs, only 26Yo of the water budget is within our direct control. More than 60Yo is directþ related to total water consumption from the primary and secondary systems. The remainder is the reserve requirements as set out in the sustainability report. Over the past year, it has become more apparent that the local water system is aging and a greater frequency of breaks and leaks is occurring. Staff are working diligently to locate and repair leaks as effectively as possible. To assist in this regard, council and staff Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 57 of 65 StaffReport -2- F2008-04 submitted a gîant application to replace parts of the water system infrastructure. 'We have not yet received any notice as to the success ofthis application. Further, the secondary system rates are increasing faster than originally anticipated. These rates are increasing between 10 and I2%o eachyeat Water loss issues are being addressed and a number of leaks have been located and repaired during 2008. Overall improvements will be detailed once final usage information has been received from the primary system. Council and staff applied to OSWAP to assist with these operating costs and hope to receive information from the Ministry within the next few weeks. Nothing has been incorporated into the current budget for a potential grant under OSWAP. Ideally, rates should increase a minimum of 9Yo each year for the next three years. However, considering the current economic conditions and in anticipation of council's desire to keep increases as low as possible, staff suggest that a 50á increase could be imposed for 2009, resulting in a lower transfer to the water system reserve. Council does need to be aware, however that rates will need to increase 9% l.Ir,2010 and 10.5% in20ll to ensure that reserve requirements are met in fufure years. Although staffrecommend an 8% increase, it is suggested that rate increases could be set at 5%o for 2009. The base monthly rate could be set at$11.47 and the consumption rate be set at$2.36 for 2009 (cunently $10.92 and$2.25,respectively). Recommendation: THAT bylaw 2009-08 beíng ø by-law to amend byJaw 2004-015 being a by-law to set wøter and sewer rates be presented to councìlfor enactment. Respectfully submitted, Suzanna Dieleman Mantel. Treasurer Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 58 of 65 10 4010 30.10.4110 30 10.4120 30.10 4140 30.10 4150 1,500 sez,szs f,îo eer-\&¿( |.1,500 1,500 '1,500 : , 5,958 5165€. 5,658. 5,658i 1 èèO 5^í 6,642 7,132 7,9qq ,Li, 500,025 505,837 S¿2,SS1' SaZ,eot I I ,;. L Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 59 of 65 Munic¡pality ,2008 - 2011 Bayham Water Revenues 30.10 4010 iWater Billings 30.10.4'110 Sundry 30 10.4120 'Water Meters 30 10 4140 ;Water Connect Chgs Vienna 30.10 4150 ÌPenalties & lnterest : zoos Budget ' 2009 Bjf;set 2o1oÆj¡deet 486,306 *Î,oro' J':r,,,ur, 'c¡lìirr,.l Ii r,sooi 1,soo 1,soo 1,5oo r, r,soo: 1,soo 1,soo 1,5oo r I 5,q_58: 51658 5,658 5,659, 6,5611 6,494 7,036 7,684: ìii 721779 ) 74,9621 7!2111.8,00_qt p,243 t 8,4sQi10,918. 11,24', 11,583l !,949 4080j 1,12',t i:!-'a: t---- i, t- L12901 1250, l!,90qi3,585i e,671, 8,758ir,0gÞl 1,ee7 i I,oltizo2 204 æ61 505 510 515i 1,717' 1,734;. J,752'ie,sgqi 10,090_ ro,.soqi1,212: 400 425i Admin¡strat¡ve Overheed iWater Supply iUtility Adjustments lNotes: I j l i 1. Transfers to Reserves are set per the sustainability study (CN Watson). ,2. Wages, benefits, utilities, insurance are accelerate d at3%peryea! EyeryJhing else is 1%. , 3. Conferences & seminars has increasde for 2009 as ER and AS will be attending the annuai water conference in Tc : jn. V"f i"t" Maintenancelas been reduced as of 2010 as a newiruck is proposed under capital water and wastewater 5.Maintenance is based on no build canada Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 60 of 65 2011 Budget 177 143,43 15,77ç 21,51e 200 2900 180 3400 120 1 991 04 8300 950 25500 17 27 11 2010 Budget 383,25r 63,523 | 360,721 1?5¡00 126,9??1. -ta525,573' 549,944 578,381 l Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 61 of 65 Municipality of BayhamCapital Budget2008-2011 26/OU2009 Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 62 of 65 Municipality of BayhamCapital Budget2009 Proiect Budset @! -, u-¡srpegqi.qq Reserves Other Notes - Hydrant Replacement 3,800 3,800 Water Reserve - Curb Stop/Rod Replacement 6,000 6,000 Water Reserve - main water valve replacement 35,000 35,000 Water Reserve - otters edge meter. replacement 6,000 : - trench box - split between water,waste d 3,333 6,000 Water Reserve 3,333 Water Reserve - Contingency Pumps trench box -- split between water,waste E 3,333 J,JJJ Sewer Reserve pump rebuilds 20,000 20,000 Sewer Reserve - stoppers for manholes in flood area 15,000 15,000 Sewer Reserve - Union St pump station repairs 10,000 10,000 Sewer Reserve 1v{y9a91uqþr 1ep!.qgeme1! _ i,qOq - UV rebuild 22.000 6,000 Sewer Reserve 22,000 Sewer Reserve Black Bridge main 32,000 32,000 Sewer Reserve air blower rebuilds 3,600 3,600 Sewer Reserve _ Sewer Reserve _ thydrg gglge prote-c-tio_4 4 Plaql - energy consumption study 5,800 15,000 s,800 Sewer Reserve biosolids manasement þlan 2,500 2,s00 Sewer Reserve 26/01/2009 Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 63 of 65 Staff Report F2009-06 regarding Water & Sewer Rates. File: ... Page 64 of 65 THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MI]MCIPALITY OT' BAYHÁ.M BY-LAW NO.2009 - 009 A BY-LAW TO CONF'IRM ALL ACTIONS OF' TEE COI]NCIL OF'TET'. CORPORATION OF THF', MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM F'ORTHE SPECIAL BTJDGET MEETINGHELD F'EBRUARY 3.2009 WHEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municþal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municþal corporation a¡e to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municþal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised byby-law; A¡ID \ilHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THF'.REFORE THE COI]NCIL OF'TEE CORPORATION OF'THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYEAM ENACTS AS F'OLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passe.d and other action by the Council at the special budget meeting held February 3,2009 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly ernbodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action ofthe Council including executing all documents and affrxing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 3'd day of February 2009. MÁ.YOR CLERK By-law 2009-009 A By-law to confirm all actions of Counc... Page 65 of 65