HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 30, 2010 - Special CouncilCOUNCIL BUDGET MEETING AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.2010 DRAFT BUDGET (a)2010 Draft Budget - as previously circulated (b)2010 Municipal Assistance Applications Summary 4.BY-LAW (a)By-law 2010-034 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 5.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 3-4 5 Page 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 Municipal Assistance Applications Summary - 2010 March 2010 (as amended) Applicant PurDose ofAss¡stånce $ Reoust Fæ Wâiver Stålt Support ¡-âcil¡tv Use (,ther Not6 ZUlr9 SuDport ProYided B ayham His t ori u I S oci ety Preseruation of history, Acquire artifacts relating to Bayham Yes - use of Municipal Office for monthly meetings, storage in Edison Museum File cabinet, file foldes, paper, envelopes, use ofphotocopier æd supplies + I of our used/rcplaced computen & æsecories (printer, scanner etc) 2009 Revenue & Expense Statement, Financial Report omvided Use of Municipal Office for monthly meetings, stonge in Edison Museum, fik cabinet, file foldes, envelopes, supplies, use ofphotocopier and supplies Eßt Elgín Commtnily Assislance Program (Corner Cupboard)To offset rent pa)ments $ 1,s00 2009 Revenue & Expeme Statement prcvided $1,000 lætern Star Misc. Comuity support Viem Com Centre l0 meetings plm 2-3 fundmising events Yes - Viem Com Cente 2009 Revenue & Expense Statement + Balmce sheet nmvi¡led Vierrra Comm Ctr (10 meetings plus 2-3 fiudraising events) 9lgín Counly Plowmen's Assoc To assist with 2010 Couty Plowing Match - advertising, prize noney, general exoenditures $200 Letter only - no application form $200 Opt i n is I C ht b Strafordv i I I dBayha n Io have opemting expenses for fundraisen Str¿ff. Comm CenEe + kitchen (2 eyents)Yes - Str¿ff. Com Ctr t[o 2009 budget supplied 2009 wenue and ex¡reme Summary ;upplied SCC + kitchen 2 events (l dmce, I st a¡d. not incl. cleaning charges Cuer Yølley Chunber ofCommerce [o assist with summer student wage (Interp. lentre m¡tionì $125 1009 Fimcial statement $1 8l )uer Yalley Chamber ofCommerce Use of SCC + grant (clean exp.) allows more S to advertise Exm $100 Sfaff Com CF (1 event - Expo)Yes - Straff ComCtr 1009 Financial statement SCC fee waiver Port Bwwell Commwily Childure Cütre Purchase new toys, equipmen! pmgming mâteri¿ls, new tables for clæsrcoms $3,000 Pu¡chase new toys, equipment, progming materials, new tables for classmm l0l0 Budget Pmjection md 1009 Revenue & Experse ìtatement provided $s00 Port Bw el I H is I or iul Soci ely To assist w/ the cost ofconducting a pande, ie. food advertising, equipment rental & supplies, entertainment etc. $ 1,405 Yes - Carada Day Par. (road closures - legion to cenotaph) Yes - beach æa g'¿ebo, cenotaph & Mæine Museum parking lot Pamde iromce coverage & rcad closû€, Port-o-potty, painting gzebo (ras been done persomlly every year) 1010 Budget Pmjection lrovided $500 grant + use ofPB beach + traffic controyequipment & steet closure for parade Dort Brwell Izgion - P.B. Br 524 Misc. Commmity Support Tu Exemption Iax Exemptior¡ Str€et closw/trafüc :ontrol for Pmde IERYE Pa rents Ass oci a ti on Spring (Gradution?) & Halloween Dmce to fundnise for school projecls Yes - Straff Comm Ctr + cleaning fees waived (2 events) Yes - SfaffComm Ctr Spring/Gnd dmce is mdecided & tentatively for May or June - Hallowe'e¡ dance is Oct 29 1009 Statement ofRevenues & ìxpenditures provided ICC fee waiver for 1 event @ance) Jt. Lakes Anglican Church Gúld Io assist St Luke's church & serye the :omunity -ie. Fmeml luches Viem Com Centre basement (2 pemy sales and funeral luncheons as needed); Memorial Park for 2 events Yes - Vierma Comm Centre & Memorial park as needed Pemy Sales (only cleming charges apply) & Fueml lwches (rent & cleaning exempt) 2009 Income & Experxe Statement supplied VCC fee waiver (2 perury sales md funeml luncheons as needed); VCC and park for 2 events 2 0 1 0 M u n i c i p a l A s s i s t a n c e A p p l i c a t i o n s S u m m a r y P a g e 3 o f 5 Municipal Assistance Applications Summary - 2010 March 2010 (as amended) A.ppl¡cânt Puroose of-Assistance $ Requst ¡'æ Waiver Staff Suoport ¡'acilitY Use Uther Nots 20U9 Support frovided Stra|fordvi lle Comnun i ty Comm. To improve community relationships/pride; improve appemce of Sfaffordville; promott municipality; Watemelon fest No SetAmount Straff. Com Centre & grounds Aug 27128; use ofcomm CenÍe parking lolcement pad & grounds up to 3 times/year; use ofhall 5 times; use of mun sign; use of mun office meeting room once/monthly; use of mun photocopier \ilatering, grounds prep, str€et bamen, pmde traff. conhol, provision ofgarbage dumpster; picnic tables; cleming of cement pad & repais; assist with portable wash¡oom facilities Yes - Stmff. Comm. Ctr; Pæk; Mun. Sign; Municpal Office mtg room (l/month); pbotocopier 2009 Stâtement ofRevenues & Expenses provided ICC & Padç gaftage dumpster, traffic :ontrol for pamde, prep ofpark (cement rad), portable wir facilities, picnic tables, iCC parking lot for up to 4 other events, rlacement & removal of street bamen, rse of Municipal sigr¡ use of Municipal )ffice for monthly meetings Itrafordville Firef ghters Ass oc Decrease experoes md increase prcfit which is used to pwhase fire & rescue related equipment Vienna Comm Ctr (2 events in Mæ & Oct)Yes -Viema Com Ct 2009 Statement ofRevenues & Expemes prcvided VCC (whole hall) fee waiver for 2 events (not incl. cleaning charges) itrafordvi I Ie Lioness C h ù Misc. Comuity support itraffComm CenEe 2 events (May l/10 ìshfry plu one other event) Yes - StraffCom Cfr+ kitchen Events fom provided but no financial ståtement SCC fee waiver for 2 events Snafordville Santa Claw Pørade Committee 'Liorc) Prcvide Pmde & to have a reception for children to meet Smta Clau St-aff Com Cenhe (1 event - Dec. I 1) Yes - pmde support for hafficcontrol-2penom+2 trucks (1 hr) Yes - Stmff Com. Ctr pamde immce, 2 trucks w/ lighs (traffic confol -l hr) + rcad closure - OId Chapel St S @ Heritage (left tum only) *Note' road clos. not done ¡tr 2009 2009 Statement ofRevenues & Expenditures provided ìCC fees waived (not incl. cleming), ;ewices, manpower, rcad :losws/suppor! equipment Tills. & Dß trict Mtilt i-Senice Adult Litemcy, Commity Counselling s 6,177 Request $6,177 to be directed toward Adult Basic Liter¿cy devoted to Bayham 2009 Statement ofRevenues & Expenses prcvided $500 Vienrc Lionæs Misc. Commity support Viem Com Ctr -Den + Kitchen monthly (3rd Mon. Sept - Jme *10 events) plus 1 event downstai¡s with prior nights set up & 2 events both up & dowDstairs & prior nights selup + possible other events TBA Yes - Viem Com Ctr 2009 Ståtement ofRevenues & Expenditures prcvided + Events fom VCC basement & kitchen monthly (10 events) plus whole hall for 3 2ìay eventr (not incl. cleming charges) Yienrc Liorc Chb Strafor bi I I e Lions C lub lt Snofordville BPSC (Scouß) Misc. Commity support Misc. Commuity sr.pport Io help fund activities & camps, also to rpgrade equipment - ie. tents, canæs etc 9,000 Viema Com Ctr incl. kitchen (21 meetings Kitchen only;3 events upstairs and kitchen; 2 events downstaiß; possible other fimdmisen) + 2 events for tlte Leo's Yes - Viem Com Ctr )T RECETVE APPLICATIOI\FOR 2010 Need to upgrade equipment to prepæ for'Wo¡ld Jmboree' in Mexico July 201 t. Provided 2009 year end report & list ofdates for use ofCC VCC den - fee waiver for 2l meetings + whole hall for up to 5 events (not incl. cleaning charges) SCC (kitchen-2 mtgs/mtl¡ wkly bingos, 4 ann. events - not incl. cleming øbles), mmicipal sign I Prcvided 2ol0 *î 1:io tl*tl Received $1000 in 2008+'Policy, Org. & Rules' book I I Totall 21,507 2 0 1 0 M u n i c i p a l A s s i s t a n c e A p p l i c a t i o n s S u m m a r y P a g e 4 o f 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE MTINICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2010 - 034 A BY.LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR TIIE SPECIAL BUDGET MEETTNG rrELD MARCH 30, 2010 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Ac!200l S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by byJaw; AND WIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by byJaw. THEREFORE TIIE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the special budget meeting held March 30,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byJaw. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 30th day of March 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-law 2010-034 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 5 of 5