HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 28, 2010 - Special CouncilCOUNCIL BUDGET MEETING AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:00 p.m. Page 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3.2010 DRAFT BUDGET (a)Revised 2010 Draft Budget dated March 30, 2010 as previously circulated (b)2010 Municipal Assistance Application Straffordville Lions Club (c)Consideration of Municipal Assistance Applications cash assistance requests 4.BY-LAW (a)By-law 2010-043 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 5.ADJOURNMENT (a)Adjournment 3-4 5 Page 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 Municipal Assistance Applications Summary - 2010 March 2010 (as amended) App!¡sg Pumse oIAss¡stance ü Kequest ¡ee I'Va¡vef StaÍf Support ¡ac¡l¡tv Use Uther NotB 2009 Support ProYided Bay ham His lorical Society Preseryation of history, Acquire artifacs relating to Bayhm Yes - use of Municipal Office for monthly meetings, storage in Edison Museum File cabinet, file folders, paper, envelo¡æs, use ofphotocopier and supplies + I of our used/replaced computers & assecories þrinter, scmer etc) 2009 Revenue & Expense Statement, Financial Report orcvided Jse of Municipal Office for monthly neetings, storage in Edison Museum, fk :abinet, file folden, envelopes, supplies, rse ofphotæopier and supplies Eæl Elgin Communiþ,4ss ís tance Program (Comer Cupboard)To offset r€nt payments $ 1,500 1009 Revenue & Experse Itâtem€nt pmvided $r,000 E6tmStor Misc. Commity suppof Vienna Com Cente l0 meetings plus 2-3 frmdnising events Yes - Viem Com Centre 1009 Revenue & Experse Jtatement + Balance sheet lrovided Vierna Comm Ch (10 meetings plus 2-3 fundnising events) 9lgin Cowty Plowmen's Assoc To assist with 2010 Couty Plowing Match - advertising, prize mone¡ general expendihues $200 Letter only - no application fom $200 Opt¡nisl Club Slralordyille/Bayhan Io have operating expenses for fundnisers Straff. Com Cenhe + kitchen (2 events)Yes - Stzff. Comm Ch No 2009 budget supplied 2009 revenue md ex¡rerse Summary supplied SCC + kitchen 2 events (l dmce, lst aid not incl. cleaning charges Cner Talley Chanber ofCommerce Io assist with smer student wage (Interp. lenhe mrtion)$t25 2009 Fimcial stâtement sl 8l )tter Yalley Chanber ofCommerce Jse of SCC + gmt (clean exp.) allows more I to advertise Expo s t00 Stratr Corrun Ctr(l event - Expo)Yes - SÞaff Comm Ct 2009 Firìâncial statement SCC fee waiver Port Btwell Commun¡ù Ch¡ldure Cen¡re Prchase new toys, equipment, p¡ogming materials, new t¿bles for classrooms $3,000 Purchase new toys, equipment, progrdming mterials, new lables for classrooms 2010 Budget Prcjection and 2009 Revenue & Expense Statement prcvided $s00 oorl Btwell Hßtorical Society To assist il the cost of conducting a pmde, ie. food, advertising, equipment rental & suppl ies, entertaiment etc. s 1,405 Yes - Canada Day Par. (mad :losures - legion to cenotaph) Yes - beach are4 gazebo, :enotaph & Marine Museum parking lot Pmde insmce coverage & road closure, Port-o-potty, painting gaæbo (has been done pesorully every yeu) 2010 Budget Projection P¡ovided 1500 gnnt + use ofPB beach + traffic )ontroVequipment & sÍeet closùe for rmde Port Buttell Legion - P.B. Br 524 Misc. Commity Support Tax Exenrption Iax Exemptioq Steet closw/traffc >onhol for Pa¡ade IERVE Pa ren ls Ass o ci ati o n Spring (Graduation?) & Ilalloween Dance to ñ¡ndraise for school pmjects fes - StrafrComm Ctr+ cleming fees vaived (2 events)Yes - StraffCom CÍ Spring/Grad dance is undecided & entatively for May or June - Hallowe'e¡ lance is Oct 29 2009 Statenent ofRevenues & Expenditues pmvided ICC fee waiver for I event @ance) Sl. Lukes Angliun Chwch Grild To assist St Luke's church & sewe the commmity -ie. Fueml lmches Viem Conm Cenre basement (2 pemy sales and funeml lucheons as needed); Memorial Park for 2 events Yes - Viem Comm Cente & Memorial parft as needed Penny Sales (only cleaning charges apply) & Fmeml lmches (rent & cleaning exempt) 1009Income & Expeme Jtatement supplied VCC fee waiver (2 pemy sales and i¡neral luncheoru as needed); VCC and ¡ark for 2 events 2 0 1 0 M u n i c i p a l A s s i s t a n c e A p p l i c a t i o n S t r a f f o r d v i l l e L i o n s C l u b P a g e 3 o f 5 Municipal Assistance Applications Summary - 2010 March 2010 (as amended) Applicânt Puroose of Assistance $ Reouest ¡-æ Waiver Stâll Support Facil¡tv Use Other N otes 2009 Support Provid€d Yrafordvi Il e Commun ily Comm. To inprove commity relationships/pride; improve appearance of Sû'affordville; pronott municipality; ìJy'atermelon fest No SetAmount itraff. Comm Ct & grounds Aug 27128; use rfCom Cenhe parking logcementpad & ¡ounds up ùo 3 timeVyea¡ use ofhall 5 imes; use ofnu¡ sign; use ofmun ofüce neeting room once/monthly; use ofmun rhotocopier Watering, grounds pr€p, street bamels, parade b-¿ff. contol, provision ofgaröage dumpster; picnic tables; cleaning ofcement pad & repain; assist with portable wæhmm facilities Yes - Straff Comm. CE Par*; Mun. Sign; Municpal Office mtg room (l/month); photocopier 'WatemelonFest dumpster, grouds cleaning, w/r facilities, additional picnir tables. Also assist w/ renovations in Parkette (ie. new plmts/up keep) 2009 Statement ofRevenues & Expenses provided SCC & Parlc gañage dumpster, tr¿ffic conEol forparade, prep ofpilk (cement pad), portable w/r facilities, picnic øbles, SCC parking lot for up to 4 other events, placement & removal of steel bmers, use of Municipal sign, use of Municipal Offce for moothly meetings |ttafordv i I I e F iref gh I ers As s oc Decrcase expenses md increæe profit which is used to purchase fire & rescue related equipment Vierma Comm Ctr (2 events in Mar & Oct)Yes -Viem Comm Ctr 2009 Stâtement ofRevenues & Expenses pmvided VCC (whole hall) fee waiver for 2 events (not incl. cleming cha¡ges) Strafordv i I I e Li on æs C lub Visc. Conrnuity support StraffCoÍm CÍ for2 events (May l/10 fishfry plus one other event) Yes - StraffCoIm Cb+ kitchen Events fom pmvided but no filmcial statement SCC fee waiver for 2 events Itraîordville Sanla Clarc Parade Commillee L,iou) Provide Parade & to have a reception for children to meet Santå Claus Straff Comm Ctr (l event - Dec. I 1) les - pmde support for nffic contrrol - 2 peßons + 2 rucla (1 hr) Yes - Straff. Comß Ctr parade insurance,2 trucks il lights (traffic conhol -l Ìu) + mad closu¡e - Old Chapel St S @ Heritâge (lefttm only) *Note road clos. not done in 2009 2009 Statement ofRevenues & Expenditures prcvided SCC fees waived (not incl. cleming), seruices, mmpower, road closureVsuppor! equþment Til ls. & Distric¡ Multi-Semice Adult Literacy, Cornmunity Counselling $ 6,177 Request $6,177 to be directed towa¡d Adult Basic Litency devoted to Bayham 2009 Stâtement ofRevenues & Expenses pmvided $500 Yienm Lionæs Misc. Commmity suppol Viem Com Ctr-Den+ Kitchen monthly (3rd Mon. Sept - June rl0 events) plus I event dowrotairs with prior nights set up & 2 events both up & dowrsøin & prior nights set-up + possible other events TBA fes - Viem Com Cts 2009 Statement ofRevenues & Expendituæs pmvided + Events form VCC basement & kitchen monthly (10 events) plus whole hall for 3 2day event (not incl. cleaning charges) YiamLíore Chù Misc. Comuity support Viema Comm Ctr incl. kirchen (21 meetings Kitchen only; 3 events upstairs and kitchen; 2 events downstairs; posible other fundraisers) + 2 events for the læo's Yes - Vienru Com Cb Provided 2009 year end rcport & list of dates fo¡ use of CC VCC den - fee waiver for 2l meetings + whole hall for up to 5 events (not incl. cleaning chrges) Itrafordville Lionr CIuh *Amends {pr 14/10 Vf isc. Community suppo¡t Straff Comm Ct-2 nonthly dinnermtgs (incl cleaning tables), weeHy Bingo + 3 mual events Yes - St¡aff. Comm. Ctr Provided 2008 Balmce sbeet + Stâtement ofExp & Dona (2003-2007) SCC (kitchen-2 mtgs/mth, wkly bingos, 4 ann. ev€trts - not incl. cleaning tables), municipal sign lst Straîordville BPSC (Scouß)Io help fund activities & camps, also to upgrade equipment - ie. tents, ca¡oes eþ $9,000 Need to upgrade equipment to prepare for'World Jamboree' in Mexico July 201 1. Provided 2010 Rev & exp shee +'Policy, Org. & Rules'book Received $1000 in 2008 Total s 21,507 2 0 1 0 M u n i c i p a l A s s i s t a n c e A p p l i c a t i o n S t r a f f o r d v i l l e L i o n s C l u b P a g e 4 o f 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2010 - 043 A BY.LA\ry TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COT]NCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE MTJNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE SPECTAL BUDGET MEETTNG HELD APRrL 28,2010 WIIEREAS under Section 5 (l) of the Municþal Act,200l S.O. 2001, Chapter 2í,thepowers of a municþal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WIIEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised byby-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipalityof Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. TIIEREFORE TIIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE MT]NICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the special budget meeting held April 28,2010 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this byJaw. 2. TIIAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municþality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIIIRD TIME and finallypassed this 28th day of April 2010. MAYOR CLERK By-law 2010-043 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Page 5 of 5