HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1991BAYHAM
Council Minutes
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
January 3, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held January 3rd,
1991 at 10:00 a.m. Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve,
R. Sandham, Councillors G. Nelles, R. Phillips and J. Nezezon in
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 20,
1990, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Carried ........
Councillor R. Phillips declares an interest in the matter dealing
with a property agreement with Phillips and the Township of Bayham
with regard, to road allowance.
1.) Gibson Linton Toth
2.) Natural Resource Gas
Re: Therrien Appeal
Re: Outstanding Taxes
3.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs Re: 1991 Election Information
4.) County of Elgin Land Re: Submission E233/90
Division Committee Land Severance Apd.
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent was present to discuss various
matters concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons reported
that the recent heavy rainfall resulted in an abnormal number of
washout problems. Discussion took place regarding fencing placed on the
Township road allowance and what the Township's position is regarding
this situation. The Road Superintendent was requested to place reflective
signs on such fencing for the present time. Equipment rental rates
were discussed and how they affected the overall road budget.
Mr. Edward Matschke was present regarding the poor road conditions
at his residence at Concession 5, Lot 7. It was felt that the placement
of gravel on this road would alleviate the problem. Mr. Gibbons
advised that when the new gravel pit is opened, he would attend to
this matter.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief was present to discuss
matters concerning the Bayham Township Fire Department.
Mr. Dennis presented his annual report to Council. Mr. Dennis
advised that no calls were required in Vienna during 1990. A lengthy
discussion regarding mapping on the fire department's computer system.
Progress has come to a standstill on this project due to a problem
encountered with road identification especially in the southerly
portion of the Township. It was conceded that numbers would be the
most practical system to use.
Mr. Barker a resident of Richmond was present to spea)r to council
concerning some trees which are growing on the road allowance adjacent
to his property. The Township had to advise Mr. Barker and other area
residents that trees growing on the road allowance would have to be
moved in order to avoid possible damage caused by the root system, to
the just recently paved street. Mr. Barker advised that he would like
Minutes of Council meeting held January 31 1991 continued .....
Delegations continued ........
to see the trees adjacent to his property remain as he felt they did
not pose a threat to the street. Council advised that they would
consider his request and take a second look at the matter.
Mr. Allan Veitch who resides at Con. 9 Pt Lot 11 meets with Council
to discuss his concerns to recent charges he received for repairs made
to the Stewart Drain. Mr. Veitch advised about his concerns regarding
the cost of this repair and also any future repairs that may be
requested. He felt that problems could arise with property owners
not properly maintaining their property which would lead to future
problems on a drain that would be costly to other property owners
within the drainage area. Council advised that the Township should be
advised when these problems become evident so that action can be taken
to avoid a costly repair job.
Mr. Jack Petrie was present on behalf of Mr. George Lysy and
Steve Sas, who have applied for a severance of 20 hectares from his
property located on Concession NTR, Lot 121 & 122. Council advised
that they had no concerns regarding this application.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan, presented a report on the activities of the
Long Point Region Conservation Area which affects the Bayham Township.
Mr. Cowan advised that the authority is presently seeking to increase
controls on development in wooded areas.
On another matter concerning a drainage ditch along his property
on No. 19 highway, Mr. Cowan was advised that Mr. Spriet, the
Township drainage engineer would be contacted regarding this matter.
Mr. Paul Hinde, Township Planning Consultant was present to
discuss various matters concerning the Township Official Plan and
Zoning By -Laws. Discussion took place regarding the proposed
Official Plan Amendment and the results of meetings with the various
Provincial Ministers. Mr. Hinde advised that the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food were not completely satisfied with the
proposals. It was decided to try to arrange afurther meeting with
them in the near future. Mr. Hinde was requested to see if he could
arrange such a meeting.
Mr. Hinde then discussed the Ontario Municipal Board decision
regarding the hearing dealing with Mr. Therrien's application.
Conditions of the decision were discussed in detail.
The matter of fees By -Law was presented and recommended by
Mr. Hinde in light of the costs involved when planning and zoning
matters are appealed.
Mrs. Ruby Millard was present to discuss with council the matter
regarding the severance application she had made on her property.
This application had not been granted as it did not meet the requirements
of the Township Zoning By -Law. During the discussion it appeared
that an error as to lot size was made on Mrs. Millard's application
and that the frontage was stated incorrectly. Mrs. Millard was
advised to check into this matter.
Reeve Chute declared a public meeting to deal with a proposed
Official Plan Amendment for the Township of Bayham parsuant to
Section 17 of the Planning Act 1983.
Mr. Paul Hinde, the Township Planning Consultant conducted
the meeting for it's entirety. A number of Township residents were
in attendance for the meeting. Mr. Hinde explained to those present,
the reasons for this Amendment and the effect it will have on the
present Official Plan. Comments were then accepted from the public
regarding this Amendment and a question and answer period was then
conducted with those present. No objections were received from
those present nor was there any written comments or objections
The public meeting was then declared closed at 3:40 P.M.
Minutes of Council meeting held January 3, 1991 continued .....
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council has no objection to the severance application
# E 233/90 of George Lysy and Steve Sas, Lot.121,122, Concession N.T.R.
Township of Bayham.
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Municipality approve memberships and appoint delegates
to the following municipal associations
Association of Municipalities of Ontario - all members of
Council and the clerk
Ontario Good Roads Association - All Council members, Road
Superintendent, Clerk and Deputy Clerk
Ontario Association of Municipal Clerks 6 Treasurers
Ontario Association of Municipal Tax Collectors
Clerk/Treasurer, Tax Collector
Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs
Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief
'Elgin County Road Superintendents Association
Road Superintendent
The Ontario Road Superintendents Association
Road Superintendent
Elain Countv Mutual Aid Fire Service Association
Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief
Ontario Farm Drainage Association
Drainage Inspector
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the Treasurer be authorized to make disbursements of
investment interest to the several cemetery boards in the municipality:
Straffordville Cemetery Board
Eden Cemetery Board
Calton Cemetery Board
Guysboro Cemetery Board
Dobbie Cemetery Board
Old Port Burwell Cemetery Board
Smuck Cemetery Board
Bayham West Cemetery Board
Claus Cemetery Board
Light Cemetery Board
Firby Cemetery Board
Edison Cemetery Board
#2590 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2590 being a by-law to authorize
the borrowing of $2,400,000. be now read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved byrC.R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law 2590 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2590 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
#2591 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -,Law No. 2591 being a by-law to appoint
a Chief Building Official, Plumbing Inspector, Property Standards
Officer and By -Law Enforcement Officer for the Township of Bayham
be now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2591 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2591 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ........
#2592 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2592 being a by-law to confirm
all actions of the council of the Township of Bayham at the
meeting held January 3, 1991 be now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2592 be now Read a Second Time
Carried ........
Minutes of Council meeting held January 3, _1991 continued.....
Bir -Lava continued ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2592 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council now adjourn to meet again on January 17,
1991 at 7:30 P.M.
.- C`�F
Carried ........
Council Chambers
January 7, 1991
A special meeting of Council is held this date for the purpose
setting the salaries and wages for 1991
Reeve Chute presided with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That Councillors be paid at the rate of $115.00 per month.
Reeve be paid $225.00 per month and Deputy Reeve $175.00 per month.
Plus, $100.00 per regular meeting and $70.00 per special
meeting with the Clerk/Treasurer receiving councillors remuneration
for meeting at other than regular office hours. Mileage to be paid
at the rate of 30t (thirty cents) per KM.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
adjusted effective
Transfer Station Caretaker
Fire Chief
Deputy Fire Chief
Fire Captain
Fire Fighters
attending in excess
$39.25 per call
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
$6.84 per
$7065.00 per
$5159.00 per
$ 42.45 per
$ 34.55 per
of practices
adjusted effective
Tax Collector - $14.55 per hour
Chief Building Official, Plumbing Inspector,
By -Law Officer - $30,000.00 per annum plus
Road Superintendent - $38,000.00 per annum
Office Clerk/Assistant - $10.00 per hour
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer - $28,822.50 per an
Clerk Treasurer - $45,000.00
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That hourly rated employees
the rate of $13.25 per hour.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
call with
Drainage Inspector,
30(t per km.
That Mr. Barker, a resident of Richmond be advised that the
trees located on the Township road allowance may be moved at his
expense if he wishes to preserve them. Should he not wish to do
this, the Township of Bayham will remove them after April 30,1991.
Minutes of Special meeting of Council January 7, 1991 continued ...
Resolutions continued ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this special meeting of Council do now adjourn.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
January 17, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held January 17,
1991 at 7:30 P.M. Reeve Van Chute presides with Deputy Reeve
R. Sandham, Councillors J. Nezezon, R. Phillips and Gerald Nelles
in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded By C. R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 3,
1991 and special meeting held January 7, 1991 having been examined
by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.
No conflicts declared
1.) Ministry of Transportation
2.) Spriet Associates
3.) Connie Kernahan
4.) Long Point Region Con. Auth
5.) Spriet Associates
6.) John Hendricks
Carried ........
All way stop signs
T. Cox Drains - Job No. 86002
Corinth Municipal Drain Charge
Drain - John St. Branch
Backus Heritage Conc. Area
Smith Drain
Petition for road paving
Concession 3,west of
Highway # 19
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss matters
concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons discussed
what further work would be required in 1991 regarding the Moore Bridge.
Mr. Gibbons is requested to provide estimates for the 1991 road budget.
Also to be considered is the purchase of two chain saws, a new truck
and required repairs to existing equipment. Also discussed was
the need to install an exhaust fan in the works garage. Mr. Gibbons
presented an estimated cost to have a new system installed for
$3500.00. Council request Mr. Gibbons to obtain another price.
Mr. Gibbons presented Council with a petition for road paving
(item # 6 under correspondence) on Concession 3 west of Highway # 19.
This item is referred for consideration in the 1991 budget.
Mr. Gibbons also reports that the laneway for the new gravel pit has
now been completed.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss
problems regarding the Smith Drain. Mr. Daniel and Mr. John Spriet,
Drainage Engineer, (item # 5 correspondence) visited with
Mr. Ken Gagnon and they are of the opinion that a new report should
be conducted on this drain should another major repair have to be
made on this'drain. It was noted that the agricultural status
would no doubt be lost with a new report, however, this recommendation
will be placed into the drain file for consideration at such time
major repairs are required. It was agreed that under the`Drainage
Act, no adjustment can be done on the most recent repair to this
Mr. Daniel presented to Council a further report on the revision
of changes for various building, plumbing permits etc.
Minutes of Council meeting held January 17 1991 continued ......
DELEGATIONS continued ......
Couhcil considers Mr.Daniel's report, however, they request that it
be referred in order that demolition permits and special inspections
for wood stoves and chimneys be included in the fee schedule.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan is present to discuss matters concerning the
No Long Point Region Conservation Authority: Council discuss the
Backus Heritage Conservation area (item # 4 correspondence) in
particular the additional levy of $811.00 being charged to Bayham in
1991. Council was of the opinion that financing of this project was
already in place. Council also updated Mr. Cowan on work being
carried out on the Lake Erie shoreline near Port Burwell. The
Township spent over $5,000.00 on this project in 1990 of which
$3,000.00 was paid by the Authority. Additional work is proposed
for 1991 for which the Township has requested assistance. Mr. Cowan
is requested to assist the Township on these matters.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Fire Chief is present to discuss matters
concerning the Township Fire Department. Mr. Dennis advised
Council that work on the new mapping system cannot proceed until
the matter considering road identification is completed.
Mr. Dennis advised that the department will be requiring new clothing
and will be considered in the 1991 budget. The matter of available
training sessions for the department's firemen was discussed and
the costs involved for this training. Council advised that they
felt that this training was a valuable part of the firemen's duties.
Council also advised Mr. Dennis that they would like the Deputy
Fire Chief to be present at some council meeting for his input
regarding the department.
Mr. Pat Carroll was present to discuss the problems he is
having in regards to his acquisition of property. on Conc. 11, Lot 20.
Mr. Carroll was advised that Council would do their best to have
the Provincial Government process the Official Plan and Zoning
application which is presently being held up pending the new
revised Official Plan being approved.
Reeve Chute declared a public meeting open to deal with
proposed Zoning By -Law Amendments for the Township of Bayham
pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act 1983. A number of
township residents were present for the meeting.
The purpose of By -Law No. Z 253/91 is to effect a series of
changes to the Township Comprehensive Zoning By -Law No. 2387.
This by-law will incorporate mobile and modular home definitions
in the Township's Zoning By -Law. This by -Law will regulate the
placement of mobile and modular homes as well as incorporate a
minimum width for all residential structures within the Township.
The effect of this By -Law will be to improve the level of
interpretation and implementation of the Township Zoning By -Law.
Comments concerning the application were invited from the
public. Mr. Joe Volkaert wished to know if this change will permit
a mobile home to be placed on a building lot. Reeve Chute and
Councillor Phillips advised that this by-law makes the definition
of a mobile home clearer.
No further comments were received from the public. Council had
no comments on this application. The clerk advised that no
written or verbal objectiors were received.
The second application was then dealt with. The purpose of
By -Law No. Z254/91 is to effect a series of changes to the Township's
Minutes of Council meeting held January 17, 1991 continued ......
Public Meeting continued ......
within the Estate Residential (ER) Zone.
The effect of this by-law will be to improve the level
of interpretation and implementation of the Township's
Zoning By -Law.
• Comments concerning the application were then invited
from the public. Mr. Dan DePlancke inquired as to what effect this
application had on other zoning areas such as Rural Residential.
It was explained that this application specifically applied
to estate residential only and clarified more clearly the
permitted uses of estate residential property.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan inquired as to the definition of Estate
Residential. Mr. Cowan was advised that Estate Residential
consisted of lots with a minimum of 0.8 hectares in area
as opposed to rural residential lots which require a minimum
of only 1850.0 square metres. Other various restrictions
applied as outlined by the Township Zoning By -Laws.
No further comments were received from the public. Council
had no comments on the application. The Clerk advised no
written or verbal comments has been received on the application.
Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That firefighters be encouraged to enroll in courses
provided to upgrade their skills. All expenses to be
paid by the municipality.
. Carried ......
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That tax adjustments under Section 496 of the Municipal
Act in the amount of $3,872.88 as presented be removed from
the 1990 tax roll.
Carried ......
Roll No.
1990 Tax
Adiustments (496)
Huber Tobacco Farms
10 2-045-00
Minutes of Council aeetina held January
17, 1991
continued ......
1990 Tax Adiustments (496) continued ......
Hotchkiss Appliances
B. Hotchkiss
J. Magyar
L. Jennerick
G. Peddie
R. Mannell
N. Balint
R. Wood
R. Wood
L. Cowan
L. Cowan
R. 6 H. Rugienis
J. Barzo
J. Keszler
D. Martin
D. Shelly
E. Sandham
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the following persons be appointed to the several Boards
and Commissions in and for the Township of Bayham for one year
terms commencing December 1, 1990:
Bayhai Parks Recreation and Community Centre Board
M. Stewart, R. Sandham, G. Nelles, M. Schafer, N. MacAuley,
J. DeClercq, D. Norris, J. Barclay, Sandra Chapman, Lions Club Rep. and
Township Reeve.
Eden Community Centre Board - P. Klassen, D. DePlancke, Ken Tate,
J. Caughill
Long Point Region C/A - Lloyd Cowan
Elgin Farm Safety Council - H. Mauthe
Local Agricultural Manpower Board - Wayne Casier, Ke4k
Bayhan Industrial Committee - Council, J. Voikaert, M. Stewart
Carried ......
Minutes of Council meeting held January 17,1991 continued ......
RESOLUTIONS continued ......
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the following persons be appointed to the several
cemetery boards for three years commencing Dec. 1, 1990
Straffordville - B. Wolfe, M. Wolfe, P. Grant
Eden - R. Roloson, R. Sandham & L. Hurlbert for one year
Delete G. Moore & add Jim McDonald
Guysboro - Alf Garnham, Al Rivett
Dobbie - Ken Gagnon, M. Elliott, Brad Swance
Calton - S. James, L. McQuiggan
Claus - Dave Racz
Edison Pioneer - J. Seghers
Light - M. Emkerson, J. Gordon, M. West
Smuck - P. Locker
Bayham West - Lou Acre
Old Port Burwell - H. Wiebe, J. Petrie for 2 years
Carried ......
Z253/91 Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No Z253/91 being a by-law to
amend zoning by-law No. 2387 be Now Read a First Time.
Carried .....
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z253/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z253/91 be now Read a Third
Time and finally passed.
Minutes of Council meeting held January 17, 1991 continued ......
BY-LAWS continued ......
Z254/91 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. Z254/91 being a by-law to
amend zoning by-law No. 2387 be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ......
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by•J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z254/91 be now Read a
Second Time.
Carried ......
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z254/91 be now Read a Third
Time and finally passed.
Carried ......
2593 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2593 being a by-law to make
levy in the year 1991 before adoption of the estimates be
Now Read a First Time.
Carried ......
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2593 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ......
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2593 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ......
2594 Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2594 being a by-law to
confirm all actions of Council of the Township of Bayham at the
meeting held Jan 17, 1991 be now Read a First Time.
Carried ......
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2594 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ......
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2594 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ......
Minutes of Council meeting held January 17, 1991 continued ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Thursday,
February 7, 1991 at 10:00 A.M.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 24,1991
A special meeting of Council is held this evening for the
purpose of completing business held over from the regular meeting
held January 17, 1991. Reeve Chute presides with Deputy Reeve
R. Sandham and Councillors J. Nezezon, R. Phillips and G. Nelles
in attendance.
Correspondence received from the Township Engineer, Spriet
Associates,concerning the petition for the T. Cox Drains is presented
to Council for consideration. This drain was first petitioned in
1985 and engineering work has been performed as well as on site
meetings and other meetings have been conducted.
Spriet Associates have presented their account for work done to
date and request instructions as to whether or not this drain is to
proceed or the file be closed. Council instructed the Clerk to take
the necessary steps to finalize this drain application.
Council discussed matters concerning lot levy fees charged to
persons who sever off parcels of their land for various reasons.
A fee of $500.00 is presently charged for each new lot created by
1 consent. Mr. Howey of Twinbrook Farms, requested council to look
into this matter concerning his severance application which has been
granted. Mr. Howey felt that the $500.00 fee should not be charged
as he was not allowed to build a residential dwelling unit on the
severant property.
The resolution passed, clearly states that this charge is to
apply on all newly created lots by consent and therefore this
charge would apply to Twinbrook Farms. The Clerk is instructed to
advise Mr. Howey of their decision.
Council discussed the setting of tariff fees for the processing
of applications pertaining to planning matters.
_Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official was present to
discuss with council matters concerning the building department.
Mr. Daniel presented a revised fee schedule for building
Minutes of Special Council neetinQ held January 24.1991... continued...
permits and related services. The Clerk is instructed to prepare
a By -Law for the next meeting of Council.
Mr. Daniel advised that he would be attending a number of
courses during the year and that he would be away for approximately
five days for each course.
In event that an inspection had to be conducted during his
absence, Council discussed the possibility of requesting the
service of the former building inspector to conduct on site
inspections during Mr. Daniel's absence.
259f Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2595 being a by-law to prescribe
a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect
of planning matters and to repeal Section 1 to By -Law No. 2376
and sections 1 & 2 to By -Law No. 2521 be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2595 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2595 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
2596 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law 2596 being a by-law to provide for the
conditions of work and related benefits for municipal employees
be now Read a First Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2596 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2596 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Minutes of Special Council meeting held January 24,1991... continued...
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Special Meeting of Council do now adjourn.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 7, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this
evening. Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and
Councillors J. Nezezon, G. Nelles and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting held January 17, 1991 and
special meeting held January 24, 1991 having been examined by the members
are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
1.) Town of Tecumseh
2.) Elgin County Bd of Education
3.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
4.) Municipal Health and Safety
5.) David Melitzer
6.) County of Elgin
7.) Town of Aylmer
8.) Spriet Associates
9.) County of Elgin
....... Carried .......
Requesting support of Resolution
concerning Provincial Legislation
Notice of meeting
Re Municipal Education
Information on Bill No. 208
Smith Drain Concerns
Copy of letter to Long Point
Regional Conservation Authority
Invitation to local Heritage Day
Re: Ontario Good Roads Conference
Invitation to First Annual Meeting
of Elgin Municipal Association
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss matters
concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons reported that work
is being carried out in the township garage in order to meet safety code
regulations. Mr. Ed Bradfield a works department employee has been chosen
to be the Township's health and safety representative. Discussion took
place regarding a proper ventilation system being installed in the
township garage. Mr. Gibbons is presently requesting tender prices for
such an installation.
Mr. Gibbons reported that it will be necessary to conduct road
widening work on Bayham Drive. This work will be a joint effort between
the Town of Tillsonburg and Bayham. It is proposed that this work be completed
over a period of three years with paving to be in place within a five
year period. Mr. Gibbons and Reeve Chute are to meet with representatives
from Tillsonburg next week. Various repair requirements on road equipment
was discussed in detail. Mr. Gibbons also reported that some work is
being carried out at the Moore Bridge Project as weather permits.
The following persons were present to discuss matters pertaining to the
Bayham Township revised Official Plan.
Mr. Gary Blazak:, Mr. Bill Hamilton and Mr. Paul Hinde representing
Cumming Cockburn, township planning consultants
Mr. Tonu Tasini, Assistant Director, Ministry of Agriculture & Food.
Mr. Jim Miller and Donna Sharpe Mundie representing Agriculture & Food
Mr. Gary McAlister and Curry Clifford from the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs, London Branch.
Mr. Vince Fabiilli, Senior Planner, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Toronto
Continued .......
Minutes of Council meeting held February 7, 1991 ... continued
Reeve Chute thanked those present for coming to this meeting and
then turned the floor over to Mr. Hinde.
Mr. Hinde presented a brief explanation outlining the background
of work done to date and the purposes of revising the Township Official
A lengthy discussion took place regarding the objectives of the
township as well as those of the affected provincial ministries.
The delegation then proceeded to take a short bus tour to review
various properties which are presently awaiting approval for Official
Plan and Zoning Amendment. After the tour and lunch the group returned
to the council chambers for further discussion.
Mr. McAlister advised Council that funding for the Official Plan
revision would be worked out with the planning consultants. Also,
Mr. McAlister advised that Bayhams pride application will now be processed
as soon as possible.
Mr. Fabiilli advised Council that a number of applications presently
being held would now be processed. A further meeting was to be
arranged between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the township
planning consultants in order to resolve present difficulties so that
those remaining applications can be processed as well.
Correspondence received from Proctor Redfern Ltd. concerning the
New England Mobile Home Park was discussed with Mr. Hinde. It was
agreed that the eighty (80) unit limit now in effect should be changed
to allow more lots at this site in order to utilize its potential
provided the Ministry of Environment has no objections.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief was present to discuss matters
concerning the fire department. Mr. Dennis discussed the mapping and
numbering of township roads for identification purposes and demonstrated
the computer system to council. Mr. Dennis was advised to contact
the road superintendent regarding the possible use of signs with numbers
to identify individual properties.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Council of the Township of Bayham has no objection to
proposal of John William Szakal, located on Concession 1, Pt Lot 21
Bayham Township to remove sand from his property in order to create
a more efficient agricultural use for this property.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That a reply be sent to the County
Township Council has no objections to
operation located on Concession 5, Lot
BY -Lags
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2597
actions of Council of the Township of
held January 24, 1991 and the regular
be now Read a First Time
of Elgin advising that
proposed wayside pit
1 of Bayham Township
being a by-law to confirm all
Bayham at the special meeting
meeting held February 7, 1991
Minutes of Council ■eetina held February 7, 1991 ... continued ...
BY -Lava ... continued ...
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2597 be now Read a Second Time.
0 * Carried ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2597 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this meeting of council do now adjourn and meet again
Thursday, Feb. 21, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ........
Township Fire Hall
Straffordville, Ontario
February 12, 1991
A special meeting of Council is held this date to deal with matters
concerning the Bayham Township works department and road expenditures
for 1991.
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss proposals
concerning anti -recession subsidy allocations provided by the Ministry
of Transporationfor the year 1991.
The Ministry have advised that funds are being made available to
support labour intensive projects conducted by municipalities in 1991.
A various number of projects that should be completed were
discussed in detail.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That a supplementary application be submitted to the Ministry of
Transportation Ontario in the amount of $70,000.00 under the
Anti Recession Program
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this special meeting of Council do now adjourn.
Carried ........
,Y^ � 4 � cf Y�£' �7 S.S.<v4'�'�f ��" ,✓`
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 21, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
R. Phillips, G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held February 7, 1991
and special meeting held February 12, 1991 having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
1.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
2.) The Simmons Group
3.) Cyril J. Demeyere Limited
4.) Cumming Cockburn Limited
5.) Koolen Electric
6.) Gordon A. Smith
7.) Town of Aylmer
8.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
9.) Natural Resource Gas
Carried ........
Status of pending Official Plan
Real Estate Survey
Bayham Drive Reconstruction
New England Mobile Home Park
Street Light Recommendation
Street Light Maintenance Quote.
Parks Recreation Grant
Bill 25 -Amend Land Titles Act
Quotation - Garage Heating
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss various matters
concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons reported that a meeting
was recently attended by himself and the Clerk with Mark Cowan of Tillsonburg
and representatives_sof Ministry of Transportation Ontario regarding the
work to be carried out on Bayham Drive. Council discussed the project and
the need to acquire property for road widening purposes.
Mr. Gibbons advised that some progress was being made on the Moore
Bridge project and if conditions permit another weeks work should have the
roadbed ready for a sand pad.
Constable Joe Martin, Ontario Provincial Police is present to thank
council for allowing the O.P.P. to have an office in Straffordville.
Constable Martin was extremely pleased with the facility provided and advised
that a press release would be placed in the local paper. Constable Martin
advised Council of programs being offered in the community and that they
will receive a full report in April. Other matters discussed included
various road problems especially in the vicinity of Highway # 19 and
County road # 45.
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Howey and Mr. Wade Spitzke are present to discuss
road conditions along Con 7 NTR Part Lot 132. Their complaints included
the rough conditions of the road as well as problems with regard to snow
removal. Council advised that they would deal with this matter.
Mr. Art Fisher is present to discuss with Council his application for
an Official Plan Amendment. Reeve Chute explained to Mr. Fisher the present
situation regarding land severances in Bayham Township. Mr. Fisher was
advised that Council will support his application only at a low key level.
Mr. Fisher requested that Council provide a letter stating the township's
position on the matter.
Minutes of Council meeting held February 21, 1991 continued ........
Delegations continued .....
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present and provides
Council with his building report for January 1991. Mr. Daniel discussed
various matters including trailer permits and property standards matters.
Mr. Daniel advised council that he has successfully completed and obtained
his plumbing inspectors certificate. Mr. Daniel advised that he had
attended a seminar sponsored by Ontario Hydro regarding R2000 homes as well
as a drainage meeting dealing with new restrictions relating to fish habitats
being put into place.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
That building
1. Abram Klassen
2. Paul Andrickus
3. Guy Grandbois
4. Mildred Cowan
5. William Schutten
6. Robert W. Brown
7. Lita Winter
permits were issued for the
Renovate bathroom
Propane Refill Station
Addition to Service Station
Deck onto House
Ren. & Add to Barn
New Residence
Addition to Storage Barn
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
month of January 1991 to:
permit $ 28.00 Bldg Val. $ 1000.
is 90.00 it it 27000.
42.00 to If
of 12.00 it it 1000.
" 20.00 of " 5000.
it 160.00 it 60000.
to 14.00 if " 3000.
it $366.00 if " $99,000.
Carried ........
That Jerry Whitcroft be paid $1,015.87 for work completed on the
Bayham Fire Department computer system.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
That a supplementary application be submitted to the Ministry of
Transportation Ontario in the amount of $230,000.00
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
That an annual petition for subsidy under the provisions of the
Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made
during 1990 in the amount of $734,441.38 be submitted to the Ministry
of Transportation of Ontario.
By -Lava Carried ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2598 And resolved that By -Law No. 2598 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of Council of the Township of Bayham at their regular meeting
held February 21, 1991 and special meeting February 12, 1991 be now
Read a First Time.
Minutes of Council meeting February 21, 1991 continued ........
By -Lava continued .....
Moved by G Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2598 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2598 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council meeting do now adjourn to meet again
March 7, 1991 at 10:00 A.M..
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 7, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Townships Council is held this day.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Councillors J. Nezezon, G. Nelles and
R. Phillips in attendance. Deputy Reeve R. Sandham is absent.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 21,1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
Conflict of Interest
Councillor Phillips declares a conflict of interest regarding the
Application of Donck Farms to amend the Township Official Plan & Zoning
By-Law,Pt of Lot 9, Concession 9
1.) Village of Port Burwell
2.) Dillon Consulting Engineers
3.) Canine Control Shelter
4.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm.
5.) Cumming Cockburn - Planning
6.) Ministry of Agricultural & Food
7.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
8.) Ministry of Environment
9.) County of Elgin
10.) Ministry Municipal Affairs
Notice of Passing Zoning By -Law
Elgin Area Water Supply
Requesting rate increase in Canine
Control Service
Severance application-Pargauskas
Meeting re Official Plan and
Re concerns on various applications
Community Improvement Plan
Ontario Waste Reduction Action Plan
Long Point Region Cons. Authority
Shore Line Management Plan
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss road
department matters. Mr. Gibbons presented quotes received for the instalation
of a new ventilation system for the works department as required by the
Ministry of Labour. The three quotes were as follows:
1.) Du Charme Systems Inc. $7,697.00
2.) Coad Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. $7,274.53
3.) Lounsbury Brothers Ltd. $9,420.00
Council also considered the need to update the present heating system
and requested Mr. Gibbons to look into the feasibility of replacing or
maintaining the present system as well look into the fuel costs over the
past two years.
Mr. Gibbons advised that he had requested quotations on the purchase
of one new truck for 1991. Council requested that Mr. Gibbons look into
the matter further. Mr. Gibbons reports that a washout has occurred on the
8th Line Road east of Eden and that a new pipe will have to be put into place.
Other matters discussed are the present condition of Township roads and
progress at the Moore Bridge.
Harold Dennis,, Fire Chief is present to discuss matters pertaining to
the Bayham Township Fire Department. Mr. Dennis advised that he is looking
at the possibility of putting a property number system into place.
Minutes of Council meeting held March 7, 1991 continued ........
Delegations continued ........
Council also advised that the Emergency Plan should be updated.
Other matters discussed pertain to the fire equipment and the present
and future needs to update the present equipment. It is suggested that a
reserve fund be set up to provide monies to provide for the need to update
this equipment in the near future. Reeve Chute gave Council a report on a
meeting held in St. Thomas regarding a county wide renumbering system.
Mr. Wayne Casier the Township representative on the Agriculture
Employment Service was present to discuss matters to be dealt with at the
next meeting and the changes being proposed. Council advised Mr. Casier
that it is their desire to keep the present program at the local level
and staffed by local people.
Gerald Taylor and Bryce Sibbick were present to discuss the coverage
provided in the Township's insurance policy. Mr. Sibbick guided Council
through the policy in detail and made recommendations on additional coverage.
Mr. Taylor advised the policy is renewable on April 1, 1991.
Mr. Albert White was present to support the application of Donck Farms Ltd.,
Part Lot 9 Concession 9 to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By -Law to
M1 - Farm Industrial. This amendment would allow the recycling of oil and
associated operations.
After a general discussion, Council advised Mr. White that they wish
to defer this application in order to allow the Township planning
consultants to review it and present their comments.
Moved by C.R.Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the firm of Coad Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd., be engaged
to install an ACME exhaust fan and all other necessary equipment to provide
the required ventilation for the Township garage at the quoted price
of $7,274.53 "
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to the severance application
of Salomeja and Pranas Pargauskas, Con. N.T.R. Lot 133 Submission E 9/91
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Treasurer be authorized to purchase additional computer
hardware and software for the Township's office in the amount of $11,172.00.
Carried ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the proposed rates of $22.00 per hour for canine control and -
$105.00 per month for stand-by kennel as well as $10.00 per day for
quarantine be accepted for 1991.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Township of Bayham endorse the resolution of the Township
Minutes of Council meeting held March 7, 1991 continued .........
Resolutions continued ........
of St. Vincent dated Feb. 7, 1991 regarding Environmental Assessment and
that copies of this endorsement be sent to the Premier of Ontario,
Ministry of Environment and our local M.P.P.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the following additions be placed on the 1991 Municipal
Insurance coverage.
1.) To add community centre board members as appointed
to the Townships conflict of interest coverage.
2.) Add Municipal Legal Expense Insurance coverage at a
cost of $250.00.
Carried ........
By -Lays
2599 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2599 being a by-law to confirm
all actions of Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held March 7, 1991 be now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2599 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
Carried ........
2599 be now Read a Third Time and
Carried ........
That the meeting of Council do now adjourn to meet again
Thursday, March 21, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 21, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Councillors R. Phillips, G. Nelles and
J. Nezezon present. Deputy Reeve R. Sandham is absent.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Scconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held March 7, 1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
1.) Ministry of Environment
2.) Green Lane Landfill
3.) Ministry of Environment
4.) Peter North MPP
5.) Municipal Health & Safety Program
6.) Crisis Preparedness Group
7.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Carried ........
Copy of letter to Elgin County
Council Re: Green Lane Landfill Site
Re: Waste Management Services
Re: Appeal of Zoning By -Law -Z247/90
Cox & Dykstra Development
Fifth Concession - Ed Matschke
Seminar Mar. 27/26, 1991 in London
Consulting film on Emergency Planning
Conflict of Interest Information
41r. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent, is present to discuss matters
pertaining to the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons advised that he
had received five prices on new trucks. Mr. Gibbons was requested to
obtain information regarding a possible trade-in price on the present truck.
Mr. Gibbons reported that extensive road grading is being done, however,
he is unable to use the township gravel pile. Mr. Gibbons advised that the
new ventiliation system had not been installed as the contractor was waiting
for parts to arrive. Approval from the Ministry for the work completed
to date has been received. Culvert repairs east of Eden have been completed.
Mr. Dwayne Daniels, Chief Building Official is present to discuss matters
concerning building activities and by-law enfractions. Mr. Daniel reports
that he has received complaints concerning matters pertaining to property
standards and animal control. Council advises Mr. Daniel to contact the
property owners by letter requesting that they correct these enfractions
before further steps are required to enforce the townships by-laws.
Mr. Daniel also advises that a property owner is carrying out a business
in contravention of the zoning by-law. Council advises that this property
owner be contacted and advised that he must have the proper zoning in
place to carry out his operation. Mr. Daniels reports that a number of
drain repairs are required to be made and will be done as soon as the
ground is ready.
Mr. Allan Veitch and Mr. Steve Vansevenant were present to discuss a
matter concerning charges made on the Stewart Drain for repairs. Mr. Veitch
expressed that he felt that the Township was not following the Drainage Act
and made reference to a number of sections to the Act, in particular,
those pertaining to periodic inspection of drains. Council advised that
the township does adhere to the Drainage Act and that the township Drainage
Engineer would be contacted to clarify this matter.
Minutes of Council meeting held March 21, 1991 continued ........
Delegations continued ........
Mr. Stan Augustine and Mr. Edward Galeckas were present to speak to
Council regarding a matter concerning a road allowance on the property
owned by Mr. Vincent Galeckas, Concession 8, Lots 12 & 13. They requested
that Council acknowledge whether or not a road still exists at this location.
Correspondence dating back to May 1990 indicated that this matter had been
investigated at that time and it was revealed that the road allowance no
longer exists on township records. Council advised that they would look
into the matter and advise Mr. Galeckas .
Mr. Peter Lamers was present to advise Council that he had paved a
street in Richmond and now has lots for sale which have been severed.
Mr. Lamers requests the Township to take over the maintenance of this street.
Council advised that they would request the Township's Road Superintendent
to inspect this road as it must be constructed to the proper standards before
it can be assumed by the township.
Mr. Paul Valko and John Abel were present to discuss a matter pertaining
to property they own located on Concession 5, Lot 25. They presented a
recent survey of their property which indicated an unopened road allowance -
existed to the east of the property. Mr. Valko requested township's
permission to use this road allowance to access an area in which they are
removing logs from their property. They also advised that if council wishes,
they will remove about two loads of logs off the road allowance and
reimburse the township for full value of the logs less the cost of cutting and
shedding. Council grants permission to Mr. Valko and Mr. Abel to use this
road allowance and accepts their offer regarding the logs cut from their
road allowance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the Township of Bayham make an application to the Field Branch of
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for a Community Planning Grant to help
defray the costs incurred to have the Township's Official Plan revised.
Carried ........
BY -Lars
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
2600 And resolved that By -Law No. 2600 being a by-law to appoint an inspector
under the Building Code Act be now Read a First Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2600 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2600 be now read a Third Time and finally passed.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2601 And resolved that By -Law No. 2601 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
Council of the Township of Bayham at their meeting held March 21, 1991
be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
continued ........
,Minutes of Council meeting held March 21, 1991 continued ........
BY -Lava continued ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2601 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2601 be now read a Third Time and finally passed.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, April 4, 1991
at 10:00 A.M.
?✓ .t3 �-
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 26, 1991
A special meeting of Council is held this morning for the purpose of
setting road expenditures for 1991 and to meet with the Road Superintendent
to review new truck quotations. In addition, they will meet with the
Township's planning consutltant to review revised official plan policies.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent presents Council with price on the
cost to purchase a new truck to replace the Township's Mack truck.
The prices are as follows:
Whiteman Valvo
Motion Ford/Lincoln
Brant County Ford
$71,200.00 No Trade
68,900.00 Less $10,000.00 Trade
63,466.00 No Trade
58,476.00 No Trade
60,000.00 Less $10,000:00 Trade
Council reviews the specifications and prices of the above quotations.
Mr. Gibbons advises Council that he has inspected the street in
Richmond and is not pleased with the construction and he requests that
Council look into this matter further before accepting it as a township road.
Mr. Paul Hinde, Township Planning Consultant is present to review with
Council the township proposed revised official plan policies. Mr. Hinde
continued ........
Minutes of Special Council seeting held Larch 26, 1991 continued ......
discussed each section of the new plan and recorded concerns council had
with the new proposals. Mr. Hinde also discussed with council his
recommendations regarding an application received from Donck Farms Ltd.,
Concession 9, Part Lot 9 for an Official Plan and Zoning change.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the treasurer be authorized to make application to the Ministry of
Transportation Ontario for approval of 1991 road expenditures amounting
to $160,300.00 for construction and $371,700.00 for maintenance expense.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council agrees to sell a given road allowance located on
Conc. 3, Part Lot 7 described as Part Lot 1 R.P. 11R3982 to the
-, adjoining owner for $200.00 plus all costs.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2602 And resolved that By -Law No. 2602 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to enter into an agreement with 91172 ONTARIO INC. the owners
of Lots 14,15, Concession 9 in the Township of Bayham for road widening
purposes Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2602 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2602 be now Read a Third Time and finally
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this special meeting of Council do now adjourn.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 4, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
J. Nezezon, R. Phillips and G. Nelles present.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held March 21, 1991
and special meeting held March 26, 1991 having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Carried ........
1.) Elgin Land Division Committee
2.) Cumming Cockburn Ltd.
3.) Ministry of Agriculture & Food
4.) Spriet Associates
5.) Sanitary Collection Service
6.) Ministry of Transportation
7.) Tiltran Services
Sub. No. E 30/91 - Fred & Judith
Re: Data Base Management & GI
Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 064
Copy of letter addressing Crossett
Advising rate increase for 1991
Garbage Collection
1991 Anti -Recession Program Allocation
Bayham Drive, road allowance
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss matters
concerning Bayham Township works department. Mr. Gibbons presents
information regarding trade-in prices received regarding the purchase
of a new truck. The tender of Brant County Ford appears to be the most
acceptible and the road superintendent is authorized to purchase the new
truck from this company. Mr. Gibbons also reports that repairs are required
on the dump box for truck # 2. The estimated cost of this work would be
approximately $2,000.00 and Mr. Gibbons is instructed to complete these
repairs. Discussion concerning drainage problems on the Malahide Townline
as well as other matters dealing with installation of a catch basin and
preparing the township gravel pit for extraction purposes this year.
Mr. Gibbons reports that the new ventilation system is presently awaiting
Ministry approval. A road tour is to be arranged for Monday, April 15, 1991
at 1:00 P.M.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss
various matters concerning property standards and drainage matters.
Mr. Daniel reports that correspondence has been sent to offending property
owners. Council directs Mr. Daniel to proceed in the proper manner
regarding this matter. Other matters for discussion pertain to various
drain repairs.
Constable R. J. (Joe) Martin, Community Policing Officer is present
to review with council his first quarterly report and the statistics
presented are reviewed by Council. Constable Martin advises of upcoming
programs regarding public awareness. A suggestion of a visual map is
discussed for reference purposes.
Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present
to the Bayham Township volunteer fire
to discuss matters
Minutes of Council meeting held April 4, 1991 continued ........
Delegations continued ........
Mr. Dennis advised that the First Aid and C.P.R. course has now been
completed. It is suggested that council reconize the efforts of each
participant that took this training by means of a letter.
Mr. Jack Petrie was present to discuss
water needs study. Mr. Petrie presented a
will be distributed to various households.
completed by the fall will concentrate on
Corinth areas.
progress to date on Bayham's
sample questionnaire which
This work which should be
Straffordville, Eden and
Mr. Dedrich and Mrs. Margaret Peters are present to discuss with
council their proposal to sever their property located on Con. 7
Part Lot 123. Council advise that the township building and drainage
officer be contacted to see if the severed lot would accommodate a
home to be located on the property and still meet the zoning by-law
requirements. j
Ms. Chris Rosehart is present to discuss with Council the possibilities
of rezoning her property located on Con. 10, Part Lot 18. The property
is presently zoned HWC-2 which restricts the use to assembly hall and
catering business. Ms. Rosehart wishes to change this zoning to permit
a broader range of permitted uses. Council advise Ms. Rosehart that an
application for rezoning will be required to change or expand the
present zoning designation.
Mr. Pat Carroll of Tiltran Services is present to discuss the status
of zoning pertaining to his property on Bayham Drive. Discussion also
takes place regarding road improvements and the Township's need to
acquire a portion of his property for road allowance purposes. Council
advises that a purchase agreement will be prepared in this regard.
Pir. Robert Mann of Doane Raymonde Township Auditor is present to
discuss various financial matters with council. Mr. Mann reports that
a small surplus has been realized for 1990, however, it is not sufficient
to remove the entire deficit for 1989. Mr. Mann reports that an Ontario
Home Renewal Plan Loan has not been repaid and as a result has placed
the property taxes into an arrears situation.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That the road superintendent be authorized to purchase a new truck
from Brant County Ford at the quoted price of $60,000.00 less $10,000.00
as trade-in for the present township truck plus all applicable taxes etc.
Carried ........
BY -Lava
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2603 And resolved that By -Law No. 2603 being a by-law to set out the
fees and service charges pertaining oto building permits, swimming pools,
sign permits, mobile homes as a second dwelling on a farm in addition
to other services as provided, Be Now Read a First Time.
Continued ......
Minutes of Council meeting held April 4, 1991 continued ......
By -Lava continued ......
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2603 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2603 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
2604 And resolved that By -Law No. 2604 being a By -Law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held April 4, 1991 and March 26, 1991 be now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2604 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2604 be now Read a Third Time and
f ina l.ly passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this council do now adjourn to meet again on
April 18, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ........
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 18, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Present are councillors J. Nezezon, R.Phillips and G. Nelles.
Reeve Vane Chute and Deputy Reeve Ronson Sandham are absent. Reeve Chute
arrives at 8:15 P.M.
The meeting is called to order by the clerk at 7:45 P.M.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That Gerry Nelles be appointed acting head of council for the meeting
April 18, 1991 due to the absence of Reeve Vane Chute and shall preside
until such time the regular head of Council arrives.
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held April 4, 1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Acting
Head signature authorized on same.
1.) Long Point Region Cons. Auth.
2.) Ministry of Housing
3.) McLennan Wright
4.) Ministry of Transportation
5.) Morden & Helwig Limited
1991 Levy
Bldg. Dept. Improvement Grant
Green Lane Landfill
Advising of Advance Road Subsidy Payment
Advising on Insurance Payments
Works Department
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent, is present to discuss various
matters concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons advises
that drainage problems have occurred at the previous township gravel pit.
A previous agreement had been made for this township to cover the cost
of installation of drain the with the property owner paying for material.
Mr. Gibbons is instructed to meet with the property owner in order to
resolve the problem. The new truck is now ready for service and gravel
has now been placed on the third concession road. Mr. Gibbons also
advised that a number of new culverts have been installed and also that
additional brine has been obtained for dust control this year.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss
matters concerning building, drainage and property standards matters.
Mr. Daniel advised that a new property owner has -requested to erect a-
garage/storage building on his property before construction of a new
home. Mr. Daniel is advised to contact the township planner to see if this
can be permitted under the township zoning by-law. Mr. Daniel advised
that property standard letters have been delilered to offending property
owners and will provide council with a progress report. Mr. Daniel advises
that a property owner in Eden has been conducting extensive renovation
Minutes of council meeting held April 18, 1991 continued .........
Delegations - continued ........
work without obtaining the required permits. Council advises that a stop
work order be issued if the owner refuses to comply.
Mr. Daniel advised that various drains are receiving repairs.
A problem has occurred and Mr. Daniel advises that the drain has been
sealed off until the problem is corrected. The property owner is to be
given notice and requested to correct the situation.
Reeve Chute arrives and assumes the chair.
Mr. & Mrs. Peters were present to discuss further their property located
on Concession 7 Part Lot 123. The township building inspector advised
that he had inspected this property and advises that sufficient area exists
to accomodate a house and still have room to allow a septic system between
the house and the existing municipal drain. Council advise that they
would now further consider the severance application.
Mr. Frank Fischer and Brad Wencel representing Straffordville Minor Ball
were presented requesting council to contribute $1,000.00 to assist the
ball club meet their increased expenses. Council advises that they will
consider their request.
Mr. John Giesbrecht and Mr. Harris Teall are present to discuss problems
Mr. Giesbrecht has encountered on his property located at Concession 1,
Pt Lot 14. Council were advised that a neighbour had filled a drainage
ditch in order to gain access to his property. This caused water to
back-up and when this fill was removed on Dec. 29, 1990 the resulting flow
of water caused a dam on Mr. Giesbrecht's property to wash out. Council
are advised that this dam is used to restrict the water flow as well as an
access to another part of his property. Mr. Giesbrecht advises that
he wishes to have his dam replaced. Council advises that they will look
into the matter.
Mr. Harold Taylor is present and advises council that a large maple tree
which is,located on the township road allowance is in very poor condition.
Mr. Taylor is concerned that should this tree fall it would cause damage
to his property. Mr. Taylor will remove the tree if the township would
cut the tree down. Council advises the township road superintendent
will be requested to cut this tree down.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan is present to request that the township contact the
Ministry of Transportation again regarding the road ditch along No. 19
highway. Mr. Cowan feels that water runoff from the highway is not able
to flow in the ditch toward a municipal drain which results in flooding
of his property. It is felt that if this ditch were cleaned out the costs
of installing a municipal drain can be avoided. Council advise that they
will once again request the Ministry of Transportation to clean this
ditch out so that the townships road ditch on the Ridge Road will function
properly. .
Mr. Leo Bogart & Mr. Jeffrey Bogart are present requesting that council
release the condition of severance placed on their application in Corinth.
The township wishes to ensure that drainage requirements are addressed
when Mr. Bogarts six building lots are eventually developed. It is
suggested that a drainage engineer be engaged by Mr. Bogart to certify
that all the drainage requirements are met to the satisfaction of
the township. Mr. Bogart suggests that a development agreement would
resolve this matter.
Mr. Mathew Schafer is present to discuss that status of his Official Plan
and Rezoning application. Council advises that the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs has not yet returned a large number of these applications,
however, a recent on site review of these outstanding applications
indicated that Mr. Schafers application was not favourably recommended
by the Ministry.
Minutes of Council meeting held April 18, 1991
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That Council is satisfied that
in regards to severance application
and that a letter be directed to the
advising of same upon receipt of the
recreation purposes.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded G Nelles
continued ........
the requirements have now been met
# 209/90 on Lot 123, Concession 7 NTR
Elgin Land Division Committee
required $500.00 lot fee for
Carried ........
That it is hereby resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Bayham intends to pass By -Law No. 2605, being a By -Law
to amend the rural policies of the Official Plan of the Township of
Bayham on April 18th, 1991. A public meeting was held to consider the
proposed amendment on January 3rd, 1991 in accordance with Section 17(2)
of the Planning Act. Since January 3rd, 1991 modifications to the
amendment have been minor in nature and have not changed it's general
intent or purpose. Consequently, it is hereby resolved that a second
public notice will not be held to consider this amendment prior to the
passing of By -Law No. 2605.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That Diana Norris be employed by the
term basis at an hourly rate of $11.00 per
benefits retroactive April 1, 1991.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G Nelles
Carried ........
Township of Bayham on a full
hour plus all Township
Carried ........
That the treasurer be authorized to purchase a fax machine for the
township office at a maximum cost of $1,300.00 plus applicable taxes.
By -Lays
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2605 being a by-law to adopt
amendment No. 87 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham
be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2605 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2605 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ........
Minutes of Council ■eeting held LkRril 18, 1991 continued ........
By -Lays continued ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
2606 And resolved that By -Law No. 2606 being a by-law to authorize the
Reeve and Clerk to execute a Quit claim deed for parts Lots 119 and 120,
Concession North Talbot Road being part 2 and 3 on reference
Plan 11R4611, Bayham Township Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2606 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ........ -'
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2606 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2607 And resolved that By -Law No. 2607 being a by-law to authorize the
Rjeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with 710955 Ontario Limited
the owners of Lot 20, Concession 11, in the Township of Bayham for
road widening purposes Be now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2607 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried .........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2607 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2608 And resolved that By -Law No. 2608 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
April 18, 1991, Be Now Read a First Time.
X:Lnutes of Council meeting held April 18, 1991 continued ........
BY -Lava continued
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2608 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
Carried ........
2608 be now Read a Third Time and
Carried ........
That this meeting do now adjourn to meet again May 2, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 2, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Present is Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles, R. Phillips
and J. Nezezon. Reeve Vane Chute is absent and arrives at 8:40 P.M.
The meeting is called to order by the Clerk at 7:30 P.M.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Deputy Reeve be appointed acting head of Council until such
time the regular head of council arrives.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 18,1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Deputy
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Declarations Conflict of Interest
Councillor Nezezon declares a conflict of interest in regards to
Official Plan Amendment No. 76
1.) Ministry of Transportation
2.) Ministry of Environment
3.) Elgin County Board of Education
4.) Mrs. G. Ward
5.) Township of Malahide
6.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
7.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
8.) County of Elgin Land Division Comm.
9.) County of Elgin Land Division Comm.
1991 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation
Sanitary Landfill Services Ltd.
1991 Estimates & Requisition
Reply letter re: Fence at Richmond
Ball Park
Townline Road Improvements
Regional Conference - June 6, 1991
Copy of letter to Port Burwell
Re: Municipal Boundary Adjustment
Submission #33/91 - Wm. & Caroline
Submission # 36/91 - Geo. & Ida Janssen
10.) County of Elgin Land Division Comm. Submission # 43/91 - Ellen H. Eff
11.) County of Elgin Land Division Comm.
12.) Wiggans Food Market
Submission # 44/91 - Stephen Foris
Farms Inc.
Request for Sunday Shopping
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss various
.Minutes of Council Keeting held May 2, 1991 - continued ........
Delegations - continued ........
matters pertaining to building department. Mr. Daniel presents Council
with his reports of Building Permits issued during the month of April.
Mr. Daniel advises that he has received an inquiry from a property
owner at Con 9, Pt Lot 25 regarding a possible severance of the property.
The property abuts the C.P.R. Railway and a one hundred foot setback is
required which does not allow enough room to create a building site.
Council advised that the C.P.R. should be contacted to determine their
position in regard to the status of their property.
Mr. Daniel advised that the increase recently made in the Township
permit and fees by-law regarding mobile homes may be too excessive.
The rate was increased from $98.00 to $196.00 under the new rate schedule,
however, it was noted that fewer inspections are required than with other
new home applications. Council requested Mr. Daniel to review the matter
and bring back his recommendations to the next meeting.
Ms. Diane Tasker was present to discuss with Council the possible
severance of
is presently
her property located at Concession 10, Lot 14. The property
zoned agriculture.
advised that the Township planner be requested to look at t
of this severance.
Mr. Paul Hinde and Mr. Bill Hamilton,Township Planning Consultants
are present to discuss with council matters pertaining to the township
revised official plan proposal. Mr. Hinde advises council that the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture and Food are to
meet regarding this matter on May 7, 1991 and are requesting council's
position on a number of outstanding official plan amendment applications.
On applications No. 69, No. 75 and No. 78 it is agreed that this
Council withdraw their support for these amendments. The applicant will have
their application fees refunded, however, they will still retain their
right to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board if their applications
are refused.
The following recommendations were made on the remaining applications
as fpllows: No. 67 - recommend two lots only
No. 80 - recommend two lots
No. 79 - recommend three lots
No. 76 - recommend two lots
No. 68 - recommend one lot
Mr. Tony Donck owner of property located at Concession 9, Part Lot 9
is present to inquire as to the status of his application to amend
the official plan and zoning on his property. Mr. Donck is requested by
Council to wait until a decision regarding the new revised official plan
which is still pending approval.
Mr. Hamilton makes a presentation in regards to the possible need
for a housing study in Bayham Township. Such a study will make Council
aware of housing needs in Bayham and show if this need is being served
adequately. Mr. Hamilton estimated a project cost of approximately
$20,000-00 of which the Province of Ontario will pay 759 of this total cost.
Council advise Mr. Hamilton that they will consider his recommendation.
Mr. Paul DeCloet is present to discuss the possibility of obtaining
a severance for a piece of property located at Concession 6, Pt Lot 117.
Discussion takes place regarding the location of livestock buildings in
relation to the proposed severed portion. Council advises that they
wish to view this property prior to making a decision.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present to discuss matters
pertaining to the Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Dennis advised that he had
obtained prices from 3M of Canada for metal embossed plastic and aluminum
signs with the total cost of approximately $6,000.00. These signs are
to be used to locate rural properties in case of an emergency situation.
It is suggested that funding may be available to assist in the financing
of this project. Mr. Dennis suggests that the township emergency plan
be tested to determine if the present plan is still useful.
Minutes of Council meeting held May 2, 1991
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council is prepared
Bayham Drive reconstruction project
the cost to a maximum of $35,000.00
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
continued ........
to proceed with phase one of the
and is agreeable to pay 50% of
for 1991.
That grants be made to the following organization for 1991
1.) Straffordville Minor Ball Association - $500.00
2.) Richmond Minor Ball Association - $250.00
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
permits for month of April,
Bldg. Value
20 Apr.
Doug Howey
Bulk Kilns
Pierre Crevits
& Windows
Irvin Miller
to Residence
Lloyd Cowan
Garfield Peddie
to Shop
Paula Casier
Re -roof
Richelle White
Re -roof
& Siding
Bob & Alice Vallee
28 0
Robert & Sherry Creasor
Russell Mitchell
House & Garage
Chris & Catherine
New Residence
Jack Tompkins
to Garage
John Wilson
& Roof
Jim Fuller
Kitchen & Bath
Terry Paget
to Residence
L. McLachlen
Carried ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That Bayham Township become a member of the Elgin Municipal
Association at the annual membership's fee of $25.00
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council has no objection to the severance proposal of
George & Ida Janssen, Lot 10, Con. 9 # E36/91 provided the barn
located on the property is removed and a payment of $500.00 recreation
fee is received.
Carried ........
Minutes of Council neetinQ held May 21 1991 continued ........
Resolutions continued ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council objects to the severance proposal of William and
Caroline Berry, Lot 5, Concession 9 as the land is not properly zoned
and would further reduce the present undersized hamlet commercial lot.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council has no objection to the severance application
of Ellen H. Eff, Lot 11, Conc. 3 provided the severed property is registered
in the identical ownership as the existing rural residential lot.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council has no objection to the severance proposal of
Stephen Foris Farms Inc. Lot 17, North Gore E#44/91
Carried ........
BY -Lays
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2609 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
May 2, 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2609 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
2609 be now Read a Third Time and
Carried ........
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on May 16, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 16, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
R. Phillips, J. Nezezon and G. Nelles in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held May 2, 1991 having
been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve"s signature
authorize on same.
Councillor Ron Phillips declares an interest in regards to a
presentation by Tracey Davies re Heritage House designation.
1.) Township of Malahide
2.) Green Lane Landfill
3.) Straffordville Cemetery Board
4.) Erinn Antonissen
5.) The Town of Richmond Hill
6.) A.M.O. John Harrison Pres.
7.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm.
8.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm.
9.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm.
10.) Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd.
Drainage Petition
News Update
Request of Financial Assistance
Re: Environmental Concerns
Municipal Government Restructuring
Douglas & Carolyn Dennis
Pt Lot 131, Con NTR #52/91
Mitchell Farms Ltd. - Lot 117 & 118
Con. NTR #55/91
John & Diane D'Hondt - Lot 114
Con. 7 #57/91
Copy letter to Spriet
Re: Bogart Subdivision
James Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with Council to discuss
various matters pertaining to Township roads. Mr. Gibbons reports that
work on the Corinth road has now been completed. Work at the Moore Bridge
project continues to be hampered by wet ground conditions. Mr. Gibbons
advises that resurfacing work on the New England Road is nearly completed.
Gravel used on this road was extracted from the new township pit which
has been graded as a good "B" gravel. Drainage work at the previous pit
has been partially completed. Mr. Gibbons also advises that the work to install
the new exhaust system in the works garage is nearly completed. -
Mr. Ken Gagnon is present to discuss further with council his concerns
regarding the charges made against his property for repairs on the Smith
Drain. Council advises that the Township Drainage Engineer will be
contacted in regards to this matter by the Township Drain Superintendent.
Minutes of Council meeting held May 16, 1991 continued ...........
Continued ........
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss
various building and zoning matters with Council. Mr. Daniel advises
Council that he has been in contact with a property owner located on
Highway No. 3 i;n regards to a possible severance of this property. Council
advises the property owner to contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
for an opinion on this matter.
Mr. Daniel advises Council that a property owner located on Concession 7
wishes to have a dog kennel on his farm. This activity would be permitted
only under a special zone designation.
Discussion took place regarding possible changes to the present fee
structure regarding permits for mobile homes. Mr. Daniel suggests that the
fee be changed to $40.00 plus $2.00 per thousand (the present fee is
$3.00 per thousand).
Mr. Daniel is instructed to purchase a good polaroid camera for use
in carrying out his duties. Complaints regarding signs placed along the
highway in Eden is discussed. Council advises Mr. Daniel to refer this
matter to the Ministry of Transportation Ontario as Highway # 19 is a
provincial highway.
Councillor Ron Phillips declares a - Conflict of Interest - in the following
Ontario Heritage Presentation
Tracey and Robert Davies are present to discuss their desire to have
their home located on Concession 4, Part Lot 1 as a heritage house.
With this designation in place the Ministry of Culture and Communication
will provide an annual grant. Their home is approximately 110 years of
age and therefore qualifies under this program. Council advises what they
wish to look into this matter further before passing the required by-law.
Ms Pat Teal`l-Trudeau is present to discuss the possibility of conducting
a marine equipment repair business on their property located on Concession 2,
Part Lot 15. Re zoning will be required to permit this use. Council advises
that this matter will be referred to the township planning consultant
for their opinion.
Mr. Tony Hermans and Mr. Jim Merritt are present to obtain a letter of
intent regarding Bayham's solid waste disposal. Mr. Merritt explained their
proposed system in detail and answered various questions from council
members. The proposed recycling plant is to be located in Malahide Township
pending proper zoning to be put into place.
Mr. Harold Dennis., Fire Chief is present to discuss matter concerning
the Township Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Dennis expressed his concern
regarding a function which was recently held at the Straffordville
Community Centre. An estimated 380 people were present at this recent
function which the present policy sets the limit to 300 persons.
Mr. Dennis is advised to communicate these regulations to the board by
means of a letter.
Mr. Dennis also advised that children have attempted to set fire to
railway ties which have been stockpiled in Straffordville. Council
suggests that a letter be sent to the owners requesting that these railway
ties be removed.
The Fire Chief advised Council that the department will be in need of
new clothing and presented quotations for fire fighters bunker suits at a
price of $734.20 each plus tax. It is suggested that money be placed in the
budget for the purchase of'approximately 20 suits. Discussion takes place
regarding more firemen obtaining their D 2 Licence with the possibility of
someone to come to Bayham to conduct the necessary tests.
Minutes of Council meeting held May 16. 1991 continued ........
DELEGATIONS Continued ........
Mr. Paul DeCloet is present to further discuss with Council the status
of his proposed severance of property located at Concession 6 PT Lot 117.
Council advise that they are unable to comment on this proposal and wish
to discuss the matter further with the Township's Planning Consultant.
Mr. Joseph Lama and Mr. Dan Zerbes are present to inquire as to the
status of their official plan and zoning application for the property
located at Con 4 PT Lot 21. Council advise that verbal approval has been
received, however, official approval has not yet been obtained.
Mrs. Jackie DeClercq is present advising Council that the Lions Club
wish to place a friendship arc between the two front doors at the
Community Centre in Straffordville. Council advise they have no objection
to this proposal which will be paid for by the Lions Club.
Mr. Matt Schafer and Mr. Ken Everitt are present to discuss the�tAtus
of Mr. Schafer's official plan and zone change at Concession 7 Part Lot 128.
Council advise that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will not approve
this application and that an appeal to the O.M.B. will be required to
proceed with this application.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Township pay Future Generation the sum of $3,004.02 for
trees planted on Township property.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
Carried ........
That the Straffordville Cemetery Board be given an advance payment of
$2,000.00 to carry out the necessary maintenance of the cemetery.
Payments to be made in $1,000.00 payments as required. All funds to be
returned to the Township on or before March 1, 1992.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the application of Ms Chris Rosehart for a zoning by-law
amendment at Concession 10, Lot 18 from Highway Commercial Special (HWC-2)
to Highway Commercial (HWC) be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
2610A And resolved that By -Law No. 261OA being a by-law to authorize
the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement between the Township
of Bayham and the Village of Vienna for the Rrovision of fire
protection by the Township to the Village Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried .........
Minutes of Council meeting held May 16, 1991 continued .........
BY-LAWS continued ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2610A be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2610A be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried .........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
2610 And resolved that By -Law No. 2610 being a by-law to authorize the
Reeve and Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Violet Marie Stanat
owner of Part Lot 110, Concession 7 Bayham Township for acquisition of
a parcel of land for the purpose of extending the boundaries of the
Richmond Cemetery Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2610 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed. .
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
Carried ..........
2610 be now Read a Third Time and
Carried ..........
2611 And resolved that By -Law No. 2611 being a by-law to confirm all
action of Council at their meeting held May 16, 1991 Be Now Read
a First Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2611 is now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
Carried ..........
2611 be now Read a Third Time and
Carried ..........
That this Council meeting now adjourn to meet again on Thursday,
June 6, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ..........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
May 22, 1991
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening
for the purpose of on site reviewing of various projects concerning the
road department as well as severance applications. Council also visited
sites which have been obtained due to unpaid taxes and to be sold by the
municipality. Unfinished business carried over from the meeting of
May 16, 1991 is completed.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve Ronson Sandham and
Councillors J. Nezezon, G. Nelles and R. Phillips in attendance.
After visiting these above sites, Council returns to the Council
Chambers to meet with Paul Hinde, the Township Planning Consultant.
Mr.Hinde reviews amendment # 87 in detail taking note of Council's
concerns regarding some changes made from previous proposals.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council adopt the attached resolution regarding
modification to Official Plan Amendment No -87.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council has no objection to the severance proposal
of Mitchell Farms Ltd. Lot 117, 118 Con N.T.R. submission #55/91
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council has no objection to the severance proposal
of John & Diane D'Hondt Lot 114, Con. 7 submission #57/91 on
condition of zoning approval.
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council has no objection to the severance proposal of
Douglas & Carolyn Dennis, Pt Lot 131, Con. N.T.R. Submission #52/91
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this special Council meeting do now adjourn
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 6, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held May 16, 1991
and special council meeting held May 22, 1991 having been examined by
the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized
on same.
Carried ..........
Councillor J. Nezezon declares a conflict of interest in regards
to By -Law No. 2616 repealing By -Law No. 2551
1.) Ministry of Agriculture & Food
2.) Gibson Linton Toth
3.) Gibson Linton Toth
4.) Township of Malahide
5.) Ministry Mun. Affairs
6.) Cumming Cockburn
7.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm.
8.) Cumming Cockburn
1991-92 Tile Drain Loan Program
Re: Sunday Openings
Copy of letter to Mandryk & Heeney
re Mr. Galeckas
Copy of letter to Spriet Assoc.
Re Official Plan Amendment No. 87
Re Cox Zoning By -Law Amendment
John & Diane D'Hondt - Con 7 Lot 114
Submission # 57/91
Re Mitchell Farms Inquiry
Re Teall-Trudeau Propose Business
James Gibbons, Township Road Superintendent is present to discuss
various matters concerning township roads. Mr. Gibbons advises that
progress is still being hampered at the Moore Bridge project by wet
ground conditions. Mr. Gibbons reports that over $9,000.00 worth of
gravel has been extracted from the township pit. A new culvert has now
been installed on the Third Concession road. Discussion takes place
in regards to the proposed drainage for the new lots in Corinth. It is
suggested that the township engineer be contacted in this regard.
A question has arisen in regards to the road allowance between Concession
1 and 2 Lot 12 as to whether or not this is an opened or unopened road
allowance. It appears that this is a partial opened road allowance.
Mr. Bob McCain from Green Lane Landfill is present to update council
in regards to garbage collection and disposal in Bayham Township.
Mr. McCaig advises a depot with five sections will be placed at the transfer
site for the purpose of recycling various items such as aluminum cans,
glass and plastics. The matter of charging user fees at the transfer
station was discussed to some length as well as disposal of toxic and
hazardous materials.
Mr. McCaig advised council that when this faculty is completed
advertising will be placed in area papers announcing this new service.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, ,Chief Building Official is present to discuss
matters concerning building, drainage and zoning matters. Mr. Daniel
advises that work is to begin on Branch "E" of Drain No. 1, in
approximately one and one half weeks. Discussion takes place regarding a
[Minutes of Council meeting held June b, 1991 continued ............
DELEGATIONS continued .........
complaint concerning a zoning infraction on a property located in Lot 17
on the south side of Highway No. 3. Council advises that the property
owner be contacted so that the proper zoning can be put into place.
Another zoning infraction is discussed concerning the improper use of a
trailer located on Concession 3. Mr. Daniel is advised to document the
progress on this property in event legal assistance will be necessary to
have the property owner comply with Township by-laws. Mr. Daniel submits
his monthly report of building permit activity for May 1991 for council
approval. Changes to the present fees by-law were presented to Council
for approval. A new by-law is to be prepared reflecting these changes.
Mr. Don Zerbes and Mr. Lama are present to inquire as to the official
status of his Official Plan and Zone change application. Council advise
that they expect the matter to be finalized during the week of June 10,1991.
Mr. R. P. (Dick) Dyer representing Ontario Hydro is present to discuss
the townships position regarding the abandoned C.P.R. railway in Bayham.
At present, Ontario Hydro have a transmission line on this property and
they wish to ensure that this arrangement will continue in the future.
Mr. Dyer is advised that the township has received no word as to
how this property will be disposed of by the C.P.R., however, they suggest
that Mr. Dyer could request that the C.P.R. contact the township in this
regard. Mr. Dyer advises that Ontario Hydro is prepared to share a portion
of any costs in order to obtain an easement on the property.
Mr. Abe Friesen is present on behalf of Mission Baptist Church
regarding the possibility of converting the former hardware and appliance
building in Straffordville for church use. Discussion takes place
regarding parking availability as well as possible problems relating to the
location for water and septic requirements. Council advise that they
do not feel that they can support this proposal.
Mr. Nelson, Marguerite, Dewey and Geraldine Ward are present to
discuss problems they are having with people using the Richmond Ball Park.
Mr. Dewey and Geraldine Ward live in a mobile home located to the
immediate westerly boundary of the ball park and are separated by only a
12 foot right of way. The Wards explained to Council the problems they
have encountered over the last number of years. Council were advised
that a land survey of the Ward property is to be done to establish the
property boundary.
Council advised that they will look further into the matter so as
to assure that the right of way be restricted to pedestrian traffic only.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Fire Chief and Mr. Merlin Norris, Deputy Fire Chief,
are present to discuss matters concerning the Bayham Township Fire Department.
Mr. Dennis advised that he wished to proceed with the property identification
numbers. These numbers are to be placed on stickers and distributed to the
property owners. It is suggested that fire personnel be engaged to do
this work and be compensated for same. A brief discussion takes place
in regards to the Emergency Measure Organization and the progress being
made towards having a suitable emergency plan in place.
A request has been made to the Fire Department to provide on site
protection to a "fly -in" function on the South Gore Part Lots 8 & 9.
Council are willing to provide the service provided that the expenses
are paid by the organizers and no costs are incurred by the Township.
The fire chief is requested to provide a rate for this service.
Mr. Barker, Mr. Acre and Mr. Ward are present to discuss Zoning
By -Law Z247/90 which has been appealed by Mr. Barker and Mr. Acre.
The applicant for the rezoning has requested that the matter be placed
before the Ontario Municipal Board for a decision.
Concerns with regards to water supply and drainage were expressed by
those present. Council advises that a site plan be put in place and
will be requested by this Council. The clerk is instructed to contact
the applicants to see if they would be supportive of repealing the
present by-law and replacing it with a new by-law which addresses the
concerns thus avoiding a costly and time consuming O.M.B. hearing.
Minutes of Council meeting held June 6. 1991 continued ...............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council approves the request of Mr. Jack Barclay
representing the Straffordville Lions Club for a special occasion
permit to operate a beer tent at the Bayham Community Centre Park
on July 516 and 71 1991
Moved by J.Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this council does not wish to take any action to allow
Sunday shopping in the Township of Bayham other than that already
provided by Provincial Statute.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the application of Rosemarie (Diane) Tasker for an Official
Plan and Zoning Amendment at Lot 14, Con 10 from Al to Estate
Residential be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for
by-law preparation.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council accepts the final proposed modifications to
Official Plan Amendment No. 87 as outlined in the letter received
from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs dated May 31, 1991 with the
inclusion of 4.3.2. Estate Residential properties shown on Schedule "A"
re Official Plan Amendment No. 26 and 59.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the following building permits -be approved for the Month of May, 1991
No. Permit Bldg. Value
Henry Wiebe
George Avery
Mobile Home
Stephan Agoston
Randy McBride
New Residence
Donck Farms Ltd.
Storage Bldg.
James Chilcott
Mobile Home
Jack Vince
Mobile Home
Len Hunt
Mobile Home
Mark Drieghe
New Residence
Alan Stewart
Rodger & Donna Seghers
Deck roofed in
Jacob Wiebe
Add to Residence
Louis Swartzentruber
Storage (corn)
Bittersweet Farms
Storage Bldg.
Larry Pressey
Storage Bldg.
Mitchell Farms Ltd.
Siding & Storm
Alice Elizabeth Csinos
New Residence
Trailor Mart
Mobile Home
Doug Bonesteel
Mobile Home
Verna Martin
TOTAL FOR MAY $2,752.00 $651,600.00
Carried .............
Minutes of Council meeting held June 6, 1991 continued ...............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2612 And resolved that By -Law No. 2612 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2469 adopting Amendment No. 25 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2612 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2612 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
2613 And resolved that By -Law No. 2613 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2526 adopting Amendment No. 67 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2613 be Now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2613 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
2614 And resolved that By -Law No. 2614 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2532 adopting Amendment No. 66 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be now Read a First Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2614 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2614 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried .............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
2615 And resolved that By -Law No. 2615 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2539 adopting Amendment No. 72 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read A first Time. ,
Carried .............
Minutes of Council meeting held June 6, 1991 continued ..............
BY -Lava continued ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2615 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2615 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
2616 And resolved that By -Law No. 2616 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2551 adopting Amendment No. 76 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried .............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2616 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2616 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2617 And resolved that By -Law No. 2617 being a by-law to repeal By -Law
No. 2559 adopting Amendment No. 80 to the Official Plan of the
Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2617 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No.
and finally passed.
2618 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
Carried .............
2617 be now Read a Third Time
Carried .............
P And resolved that By -Law No. 2618 beingAa by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2570 adopting Amendment No. 83 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ............
Minutes of Council meeting held June 6, 1991 continued ............
BY-LAWS continued..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2618 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by,,,d. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2618 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2619 And resolved that By -Law No. 2619 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2583 adopting Amendment No. 84 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2619 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2619 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2620 And resolved that By -Law No. 2620 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No -2585 adopting Amendment No. 86 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2620 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2620 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed -
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
2621 And resolved that By -Law No. 2621 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2550 adopting Amendment No. 75 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Minutes of Council meeting held Jane 6, 1991 continued .............
BY-LAWS continued ..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2621 be now Read a Second Time.
No Carried ...........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2621 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2622 And resolved that By -Law No. 2622 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2555 adopting Amendment No. 78 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2622 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2622 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
• Carried ............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2623 And resolved that By -Law No. 2623 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No.'2533 adopting Amendment No. 69 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2623 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2623 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2624 And resolved that By -Law No. 2624 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2513 adopting Amendment No. 61 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Minutes of Council meeting held June 6, 1991 continued ...........
BY-LAWS continued ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2624 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2624 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2625 And resolved that By -Law No. 2625 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2525 adopting Amendment No. 66 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2625 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon '
And resolved that By -Law No. 2625 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2626 And resolved that By -Law No. 2626 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2537 adopting Amendment No. 70 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2626 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2626 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2627 And resolved that By -Law No. 2627 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. 2542 adopting Amendment No. 73 to the Official Plan
of the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Minutes of Council Meeting held June 6, 1991 continued ............
BY-LAWS continued ..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2627 be Now Read a Second Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2627 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2628 And resolved that By -Law No. 2628 being a by-law to confirm all i�
actions of Council at their meeting held June 6, 1991 Be Now Read
a First Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2628 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2628 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council meeting now be adjourned to meet again on
Thursday, June 20, 1991.
Carried ............
sc,aar a
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 20, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded By J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held June 6, 1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
Carried ............
Councillor Ron Phillips declares a conflict of interest in regards
to Tracey Davies' request that the Township participate in the Ontario
Heritage Grant allocations.
1.) Peter North, MPP Elgin
2.) Gibson Linton Toth
3.) Brian & Bruce Volkaert
4.) Long Point Region Conc. Auth
5.) Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd.
Public Meeting
Noise complaint & related problems
Tamasovitis Estate - Tax arrears
Request to locate chip wagon in Bayham
Future Planning Meeting July 10,1991
Minutes of Meeting June 13, 1991
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting as advertised to hear comments
on a zoning amendment on behalf of the applicant Chris Rosehart to be open.
No one appears to present negative comments. Members of Council have no
comments in regards to this application. The Clerk presents correspondence
received from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Elgin St. Thomas
Health Unit advising that they have no objection to this application.
There being no further comments or questions, Reeve Vane Chute declares
the public meeting closed.
Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss matters
concerning building and by-law enforcement. Mr. Daniel advised that a
trailer located on a property is being used for more that a seasonal use
for which it is zoned for. Mr. Daniel is instructed to have the Township
solicitor contact the property owner. Mr. Daniel advises that a business
operation located on Highway #3 is not properly zoned has been advised
by letter to apply for rezoning.
Tracey and Robert Davies are present to request Bayham Township to
participate in the Ontario Heritage Grant program for which their home
is eligible. Council advises that they do not wish to participate in the
program, however, the Clerk is requested to contact Tillsonburg Clerk
Dave Morris for more information about the program.
Bruce and Brian Volkaert are in attendance requesting permission to
operate a chip wagon on the corner property of Highway #19 and County
Road # 45. Council advise they have no objections if a site plan is made
available to address the availability for parking so that vehicles will
not stop on the roadway.
Mr. Boughner, a property owner in Corinth wishes to purchase a strip
of land 20 feet wide from his neighbour in order to expand the frontage of
his property. The adjacent property is presently zoned Hamlet Commercial
and therefore rezoning would be required. The Clerk is instructed to
Minutes of Council meeting held June 20, 1991 continued ...........
DBLRGATIONS continued ........
contact the Township planner for an opinion to allow the severance of
a 10 foot wide strip of land.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan is present to discuss a matter pertaining to his
Pet Cemetery located on his property described as Conc. 81 Pt Lot 21 & Lot 22.
Mr. Cogan would like to establish the exact location of the cemetery and
that of the forest area. The land is presently zoned Al Special allowing
a Pet Cemetery as well as forest area. Mr. Cowan is to look into the
matter further.
Mr. Tony Donck is present to further discuss his application to
rezone his property. Mr. Donck is advised to contact various studies
as proposed by the Township planner before proceeding with the application.
Mr. Mark Bogart is present to discuss the status of his building lots
in Corinth. Mr. Bogart inquires to see if a letter of credit would be
acceptible to council prior to development of these lots to insure the
required drainage work will be carried out. Mr. Bogart agrees to prepare
a proposal for councils' consideration.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council authorize the Treasurer to register a tax arrears
cancellation certificate for the Tamasovits Property located at
Con 3 North Part Lot 15.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the application of Mitchell Farms to rezone a parcel of land
situated on Concession N.T.R. Pt Lot 117, Bayham Township from
Al Agriculture to RR Rural Residential to permit the severance of two
surplus farm houses be not approved.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council request the Township's planning consultants to
proceed with a Municipal Housing Statement as required by the Provincial
Policy Statement on Land Use Planning for Housing.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
Z255/91 And resolved that By -Law No. Z255/91 being a by-law to change the
list of permitted uses on a 0.72 hectare (1.78 acre) parcel of land
located on Concession 10, Pt Lot 18 in Bayham Township and expand -the
permitted uses, Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2255/91 be now Read a Second Time
Carried ..........
Minutes of Council meeting held June 20, 1991 continued ..........
BY -Lays continued ...........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z255/91 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
Carried ........
2629 And resolved that By -Law No. 2629 being a by-law to amend
Schedule "A" to By -Law 2603 amending By -Law 2140 setting out classes
of permits and permit fees in the Township of Bayham Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2629 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
Carried .........
2629 be now Read a Third Time and
2630 And resolved that By -Law 2630 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2001
to licence vehicles from which refreshments are sold for consumption
by the public Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried .........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And Resolved that By -Law No. 2630 be now Read a Second Time
Carried .........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2630 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried .........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2631 And resolved that By -Law No. 2631 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting -held
June 20, 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried .........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2631 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried .........
Minutes of Council neetinQ held June 20, 1991 continued ..........
BY-LAWS continued ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
f And resolved that By -Law No. 2631 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council meeting be now adjourned to meet again on
Thursday, July 4, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ..........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 26, 1991
A special meeting of Council is held this evening for the purpose
of an on site meeting with the Richmond Minor Ball Association to
resolve the problems they are having in regards to fencing of a right
of way between the Ball Park and their neighbours to the west of the
After speaking with both parties concerned, Council returned
to the Council Chambers for further discussion.
The Clerk is instructed to inform both parties by letter of Councils
position on this matter.
Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present to discuss various
matters pertaining to the fire department. Mr. Dennis presents a six
month report which indicates a large loss in damage as a result of fire.
Mr. Dennis advises that the emergency lights on both the fire truck and
pumper have now been repaired. Mr. Dennis requests Council to consider
the purchase of a voice activated recording machine. Council advise that
this is to be your consideration.
Mr. Dennis discusses with Council the proposed numbering system
for the Township. Council agrees to go ahead and purchase the required
Council reviews a draft of the Township emergency measures by-law.
A number of additions were suggested for inclusion in the new by-law
which will be reviewed again at a later date.
Minutes of Council seetiny held June 26, 1991 continued ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council has no objections to the severance application
of Joseph Lama, Concession 4, Lot 21 Submission E82/91
Carried ........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G.,Nelles
That this Council has no objections to the severance application
of Albert and Elsie Kalmbach, Concession 2, N� Lot 28 Submission E76/91
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the severance application
of Glenn and Brenda Babcock, Concession 4, Lot 14, Submission E84/91
and E85/91
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That the Township of Bayham submit an application to the Ministry
of Housing for a 50% grant under the Building Admisistration Fund to
improve the administration of the Township Building Department.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the annual report of the Township Fire Chief be accepted
for the period December 91 1990 to June 11, 1991.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this special meeting of Council be now adjourned.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 41 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
RTPhiti*pe, G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held June 20, 1991 and
special meeting held June 26, 1991 having been examined by the members are
hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Carried ........
1.) Village of Vienna Request Bayham Establish Recycling Prograuy--",
2.) A.M.O. Municipal Licensing Problems
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss
various matters concerning building activities as well as drainage works.
Mr. Daniel presents his building permit report for the month of June for
Councils approval. Mr. Daniel advises that work is almost completed on the
Branch 2 of Drain No.l. Council advises Mr. Daniel of the meeting held
at the Richmond Ball Park and request that he look into the purchase of
heavy duty fencing to be located on this property.
Mr. Tony Hermans and Mr. Jim Merritt are present to advise Council
of the progress they are having in regard to the establishment of a new
recycling plant. Council are requested to provide a letter of intent
with regards to Bayhams waste disposal requirements. Council agree to
consider this request.
Mr. Mark Bogart is present to further discuss his residential
development in Corinth. Mr. Bogart agrees to present an irrevocable
letter of credit for $20,000.00 to insure that the required drainage work
will be completed to the Townships satisfaction when the building lots
are developed.
Mr. & Mrs. Kassner are present to discuss the possibility of
locating a mobile home on their property. Mr. Kassner explains that he
wishes to resume their family farm operation and their daughter wishes to
use the mobile home in order to assist her parents. Council advises
that they would consider this request under the condition that it be
for family use only. The Chief Building Official will be requested
to visit the property to review Mr. Kassner's proposal and ensure the
mobile home is placed at a satisfactory location for the intended use.
Mr. Cyril Demeyere of Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd. Consulting Engineers
is present to advise Council of the various services that his firm can
provide. Mr. Demeyere advises that his company was established in
1963 and is involved in numerous projects such as preparation of site
pians and drainage related matters.
Mr. Peter Lamers is
in Richmond. Mr. Lamers
opinion of the work done
Township position on the
proposal to Council for
present to further discuss his development
advises that he has received an independent
to date and advises that this concurs with the
matter. Mr. Lamers is requested to present a
further consideration.
Minutes of Council meeting held July 4, 1991 continued ............
Delegations continued .....
Paul DeCloet is present to further discuss his re -zoning proposal
on property located at Concession NTR Lot 117. Council suggests that
he prepare a new application for their consideration.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the following permits for June 1991 be approved
Permit Bldg. Value
June 3
Tom Godby
Carport Attached
Jack Vince
Addition to Mobile Home
Jack Vince
Storage Shed
Nola Redmond
Deck & Porch
Michael Arthur
Wilson Garage
Pat Collins
Kitchen & Bedroom Ren.
Peter & Tina Giesbrecht
Storage Shed
Eli Stutzman
Washroom for camp
Eli Stutzman
Dirk Schuurman
Manure Storage
Dirk Schuurman
Retaining wall
Richelle White
James Chilcott
Deck & Porch Mobile Home
Art Riel
Ren. a cabin
George Avery
Storage Shed
John Giesbrecht
Att. Garage & Breezeway
Bernie Blatz
$587.00 $68,000.00
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council would be agreeable to consider the proposal
of Tony Hermans and Associates at such time that it becomes necessary
to seek an alternative waste management solution.
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application for a zone change as presented by Roger
Vermeersch of Concession 9, Lot 26 from Al to A1 -Special to create
a retirement lot for Mr. Vermeersch who has owned this farm since 1961.
Carried ...........
BY -Lars
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2632 And resolved that By -Law No. 2632 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meetings held
June 26, 1991 and July 4, 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Minutes of Council meeting held July 4, 1991 continued ............
B, vs continued ....
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2632 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2632 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council meeting be now adjourned to meet again on
Thursday, July 18, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 18, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayliam Township Council is field this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Councillors R. Phillips, G. Nelles and
J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council lield July 4, 1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
Carried .........
Councillor J. Nezezon declares a conflict of interest in regards to
the public meeting to be field at 8:30 P.M.
1.) The Conservation Council of Ontario
2.) Elgin County Library
3.) Greenlane Landfill
4.) Twp. of Aldborough
5.) Debbie Giesbreclit
b.) Cyril DeMeyere Ltd.
Re: Conservation Awards
Re: Bill 208-Straffordville Library
Land Fill Surcharges
Re: Support of Drainage Resolution
Re: Complaint Property Conditions
Re: Engineering Services
Mr. Jamas Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss various
matters concerning Township road works. Mr. Gibbons reports that due to
the very liot and dry conditions his department is finding it difficult to
control the extremely dusty conditions and the placing of calcium and brine
has minimal effect without moisture being present. Work on the Moore Bridge
project is progressing well with the dry conditions and topsoil is now
being put into place. The cutting of grass and small tree growth along
Township road allowances is discussed and a need for the proper equipment
to liandle this job is required.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Fire Chief is present to advise council that work
is progressing in regards to a Township number identification system.
Approximately 800 numbers will be required in the rural areas. Identification
of the liamlet areas will also take place at a future date.
Constable, Joe Martin appears before council to present his second
quarter report. Constable Martin advises that due to the sharp increase
in thefts lie feels that a neighbourhood watch program should be put into
place. On a brighter note, the report indicated a reduction in motor
vehicle accident occurrences in Bayliam. Constable Martin wishes to establish
a Policing Committee and request participation of council members on this
committee. Discussion of the need for a noise by-law in Bayliam so that
the police may act upon any complaints received. The Clerk is requested
to contact surrounding municipalities regarding this matter.
Paul DeCloet is present to discuss his application on behalf of
Mitchell Farms Ltd. Mr. DeCloet is advised that his application meets the
requirements of the new official plan.
Minutes of Council.seeting held July 18, 1991 continued ...........
Record of Public meeting held July 18, 1991 concerning Official Plan
and Zoning By -Law Amendments.
Reeve Vane Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to
accept comments on an application for an Official Plan and Zone Amendment
from Kenneth and Rosemarie (Diane) Tasker.
The application is to change the zoning on a parcel of land situated
between Highway No. 3 to the north and the road allowance between
Concession 9 and 10 to the south in Part Lot 14, Concession 10, Bayham
Township from Al Agriculture Zone to Special Estate Residential (ER 4) and
(ER 5) Zone.
Persons present concerning this application are Tina Tasker, Harold
Nethercott, Mr. & Mrs. Reimer, Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official and
Township Planning Consultant, Paul Hinde. Mr. Hinde accepts questions
from the public in regards to this application. Mr. Nethercott questions
the size of the lots being created. Mrs. Reimer expresses concern regarding
the creating of rural residential lots and inquires about the difference �
between the building requirement for estate residential and rural residential.
Ms Tasker requests information concerning the water course situated near
the subject property. Mr. Hinde and Council members respond to the
question raised. Mrs. Reimer expresses her concern about the size of housing
being allowed in the area.
The Council have no comment in regards to the application. Correspondence
received from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Elgin St. Thomas
Health Unit indicated they had no concern regarding this application.
A letter from the law firm Gibson,Linton, Toth & Campbell is read by the
Clerk expressing a concern by neighbours of the applicant and requesting
that information be provided to them on this matter for review purposes
There being no further comment or objections received, Reeve Vane Chute
declares the public meeting closed.
Record of Public Meeting held July 18, 1991 concerning Zoning
By -Law Amendments.
Reeve Vane Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to accept
comment on an application by the Township of Bayham.
The application of the Township of Bayliam to effect a series of
technical changes and revisions to the Township's Comprehensive Zoning
By -Law No. 2387. This Zoning By -Law will zone all non farm related
residential lots that have been approved by O.P.A.#87 and zone lands
located in Pt Lot 20, Concession 11 to recognize Industrial Park.
Present at the meeting is Mr. Lama, Paul Hinde, Township Planning
Consultant and Paul DeCloet. Mr. Hinde explains to those present the
purpose of the Zone amendment.
No comments are received from the public. Council have no comments
on the application. No written comments or objections have been received.
The second application is that of the Township of Bayliam to effect
a series of technical changes and revisions to the Township's Comprehensive
Zoning By -Law No. 2387. These changes are intended to revise the -
Estate Residential (ER) and Rural Residential (RR) zone regulations.
Mr. Hinde reviewed the application with talose present. No comments
were received from those in attendance. Nq written comments had been
received. Council indicates that they wish to review the application
before making any comments. No further comments or objections were
Reeve Cifute declares the public meeting closed.
Minutes of Council meeting held July 18, 1991 continued ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That the application of Mitchell Farms to rezone a parcel of land
located on Concession N.T.R. Lot 117 from Al Agriculture to rural
residential be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
2257/91 And resolved that By -Law No. 2257/91 being a by-law to effect a series
of technical changes and revision to the Township's Comprehensive
Zoning By -Law No. 2387 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried .......... L)x�
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z257/91 be Now Read a Second Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z257/91 be Now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ...........
Moved by G. Nelles
Secopded by C.R. Phillips
2633 And resolved that By -Law No. 2633 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of Council of the Township of Bayham at their meeting held
July 18, 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2633 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
2633 be now Read a Third Time and
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday,
August 1, 1991.
--�. 1,/P*� cz,,P
Carried ...........
W,O _ s►
Also present at the meeting are G. Blazak, P. Hinde and B. Hamilton,
Township Planning Consultants.
Mr. Hinde reviewed the details of the new Official Plan with those
Mr. Bill Hamilton explained briefly the details of the Provincial
Housing Study and advised that work on the project will commence in the
very near future.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That Cyril J. Demeyere Limited be retained to prepare a manual
containing the design criteria for storm drainage watermain (where available)
roadwork and lot grading for both residential and industrial subdivisions
at an estimated cost of $1,000.00
Carried ...........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Township of Bayham endorse a resolution of the Township
of Aldborough passed June 20► 1991 in regards to the farmers rights
concerning drainage ditches and the construction of new drains.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2634 And resolved that By -Law No. 2634 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 88 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re Tasker) Be Now
Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2634 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2634 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed. -
Carried ...........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2635 And resolved that By -Law No. 2635 being a by-law to adopt the
assessment on which taxes shall be levied for the year 1991 to levy the
taxes for the year 1991 and to provide for the collection thereof Be Now
Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Minutes of Council meeting held July 23, 1991 continued ...........
BY-LAWS continued ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2635 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by G. Nelles
Carried .........
2635 be now Read a Third Time and
Z258/91 And resolved that By -Law No. Z258/91 being a by-law to amend
By -Law No. 2387 (Tasker) Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried .........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandliam
And resolved that By -Law No. Z258/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z258/91 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this special meeting of Council be now adjourned.
Carried .........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 1, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayliam Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve Ronson Sandliam and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
00 Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council field July 18,1991
and special meeting held July 23, 1991 having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
County of
County of
County of
Elgin County
Minor Ball Assoc.
Carried ..............
Severance Application - Soper
Severance Application - Mitchell Farms
Re: 911 Emergency Telephone System
Workplace Inspection Report
Thanking Council For Their Support
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent, is present to discuss various
matters concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons advises
that work is progressing well on the Moore Bridge project. Problems
encountered with road widths on the project are discussed with a land
surveyor being engaged to determine the Township road boundary.
Mr. Gibbobs advises that recent heavy rains caused numerous washouts.
Discussion regarding persons travelling the abanded C.P.R. Railway Line
takes place. Council requests Mr. Gibbons to seek permission to dig
railbeds to curtail the use of motorized vehicles in it. The speed limit
on the Township road in Eden is discussed and it is requested that the
speed limit be extended on this road.
Mr. Carl Braun representing Blondeel Nursery Inc. is present to
discuss their proposal to develop a number of residential lots on the
south side of County Road No. 38 west of Centennial Ave. in Straffordville.
Council advises that they wish to review this application and request
information from the Township Planning Consultants.
Mr. Jack Barclay is present to advise Council of a problem that has
been occurring at the Community Centre grounds. Mr. Barclay reports
on the vandalism that has been occurring recently and is seeking Council's
assistance to ban certain individuals from entering upon this property.
Council advise that they will request the Community Policing Official to
contact Mr. Barclay in regards to this matter.
Mrs. Tiefenbach and her daughter Marlene present Council with a letter
outlining concerns they have regarding the noise created by their
neighbour. Council advise that they will have the By -Law Enforcement
Officer look into this matter as it appears that their neighbour -is in
contravention to a Township By -Law.
Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present to discuss matters
concerning the Township Fire Department. Mr. Dennis presents a sample
of the new identification sign to be placed throughout the Township.
A question regarding bunker suits for the firemen is raised and the chief
advises that these will not be purchased until next year.
Minutes of Council meeting held August 1, 1991 continued ..........
DELEGATIONS continued ......
Mr. Paul DeCloet acting on behalf of Mitchell Farms Ltd. is present
to discuss their application to rezone a parcel of land located on Lot 117,
Concession N.T.R. wliic21 is proposed to be severed off for retirement
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council object to the proposed severance of Mitchell Farms
Ltd. located at Concession Nortii Talbot Road, Lot 117 & 118 being
application # E 93/91 as the said severance is not in compliance with the
Township of Bayiiam's zoning requirements or Official Plan requirements.
Moved by C. R. P11i l l i ps
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council objects to the severance application of Alan Michael
Soper located at Part Lot 15, Concession 3 being application # E88/91 as
it does not meet the requirement of the Township's Official Plan
Carried ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the Township of Bayiiam endorse the resolution passed by the
County of Elgin that the County continue to request the C.R.T.C. and
Bell Canada to add the cost of the 911 System to individuals monthly
telephone accounts.
Moved by C. R. PIi i l l i ps
Seconded by J. Nezezon
Carried ........
That the application of Mitchell Farms Ltd. Concession N.T.R.
Lot 117 to rezone a parcel of land from Al Agriculture to rural
residential for retirement purposes be accepted and referred to tile
Township Planning Consultants for processing.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application of Bill and Carol Berry to rezone a parcel of
land located in Corinth described as Plan 97 Lot 5 from Hamlet Commercial
to Hamlet Residential be accepted and referred to the Townsliip Planning
Consultants for processing.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
2636 And resolved that By -Law No. 2636 being a By -Law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayliam at the meetings held
July 23, 1991 and August 11 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ........
Minutes of Council meeting held august 1, 1991 continued ...............
BY-LAWS continued ......
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2636 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried .............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandliam
And resolved that By -Law No. 2636 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on August 15, 1991.
Carried .............
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 15, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayliam Township Council is field this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandliam and Councillors
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular Council meeting field August 1, 1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
Royal Canadian Legion
Brown & Brown
Cumming & Cockburn Ltd.
Township of Euphrasia
McLennan Wright
Gibson Linton Toth & Campbell
Carried .............
Request to Distribute Poppies
Request to Obtain Road Allowance
Planning Advisory Services
Development Charges
Green Lane Landfill
Re: Bayliam v NRG
Ontario Federation of Agriculture Unopened Road Allowance Con 5 Lot 25-26
John McDougall
Cemetery Repair Service
Mr. Cyril Demeyere of Cyril J. Demeyere Limited is present to review
with Council a draft proposal of a Design Criteria for residential.
subdivisions, subdivisions and site development agreements. Mr. Demeyere
reviewed the contents of the proposed agreement with Council and advised
that the contents were comprised of various municipalities with which
his company has had previous experience dealing with these matters.
Mr. Demeyere also presented Council with tender information on
the Bayliam Drive project and reviewed this with Council. The Town of Tillsonburg
and Bayliam Township are working on this as a joint project.
Reeve Vane Chute declares the public meeting open as advertised to hear
comments on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayliam Zoning By -Laws.
The first application is that of Mitchell Farms Ltd., N STR PT Lot 117
to change the zoning of a (1.3 acre) parcel of land from Al Agriculture
to Rural Residential (RR) zone.
Mr. Paul DeCloet was in attendance having had no comment on the
application. No further comments were received nor were there any
objections received on this application.
The second application was that of Roger Vermeersch, Lot 26, Conc. 9
to change the zoning on a portion of his lands from Al Agriculture to the
Rural Residential (RR) zone.
Mr. & Mrs. Vermeersch, Bonnie Wilson and Rick Barrett were in attendance.
Ms Wilson inquired as to how many dwellings were involved. Mr. Barrett
was of the impression that a subdivision was to be developed on this site.
Mr. Vermeersch advised that no such development was to take place.
Council advised that no development could take place without a further
application being made.
No further comments were received nor were there any objections
received on this application.
Reeve Vane Chute declared the public meeting closed.
Minutes of Council meeting held august 15, 1991 continued ............
DITIONS continued ........
Mr. Paul Szorenyi is present to discuss matters pertaining to the
Moore Bridge project as lie is an abutting landowner.
Mr. Sioerd Hoogsteen is present to discuss his rezoning application
for his property located on Concession 5, Lot 25. Council advised
Mr. Hoogsteen to contact the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit for approval.
The clerk is instructed to refer this application to the Township Planners
for comments on this application.
Mr. Peter Lamers is present requesting direction as to what steps he
should take to proceed with his development in Richmond. Council advise
that lie should obtain the services of a consulting engineer for guidance.
Mr. Gary Smith representing Gordon A. Smith & Son (Dellii) Ltd. is
present to discuss matters concerning street lighting and the services that
his company is able to provide in this regard.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss maitter6--ti
concerning building and by-law enforcement. Mr. Daniel presents his reit
for the month of July. Discussion takes place regarding the new zone
requirements. Mr. Daniel agrees to review these with the clerk and
township planning consultant. Mr. Daniel advised that a zoning infraction
in Straffordville has now been resolved.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement
by owners -Mutual Agreement Drains for 459 of the construction of a
tile drainage system to provide drainage across parts of Lot 2 and 3, Co*
Bayliam Township.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandliam
That the tender submitted by Cayuga Materials for part one of the
reconstruction of Bayliam Drive in the amount of $103,353-13 as specified
in the accepted tender be accepted.
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
Z259/91 And resolved that By -Law No. Z259/91 being a by-law to change the
Zoning on a 0.53 liectare (1.3 acre) parcel of land situated north of
County Road No. 38 in part lot 117 N. STR from Agriculture (Al) Zone
to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone (Mitchell) be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z259/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2259/91 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Carried .............
Minutes of Council meeting held August 151 1991 continued .............
BY-LAWS continued ........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandiiam
Z260/91 And resolved that By -Law No. Z260/91 being a By -Law to cliange the
zoning on a parcel of land comprised of approximately 0.91 hectares
(2.25 acres) situated on the nortli end of Part Lot 26, Concession 9, in the
'township of Bayham from Agricultural Al Zone to the Rural Residential Zone
(RR) (Vermeerscii) be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z260/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by R. Sandiiam
Seconded by Jolin Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z260/91 be now Read a Tiiird Time and
finally passed.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandiiam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2637 And resolved that By -Law No. 2637 being a By -Law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayliam at the meeting held
August 15, 1991 be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2637 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by G. Nelles
2637 be now Read a T11ird Time and
Carried ............
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Sept 5, 1991
at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ............
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 22, 1991
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is field this afternoon
and evening for the site reviewing of various Township projects and
severance applications. Unfinished business carried over from the
August 15, 1991 meeting is completed.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, R. Phillips and J. Nezezon in attendance.
After visiting a number of sites Council returns to conduct the
remainder of the meeting in the Council Chambers.
Mr. James Gibbons, Township Road Superintendent is present to discuss
various matters pertaining to the Township Public Works.Dept.;. Matters
concerning the Moore Bridge project are discussed and it is agreed that a
road property survey be conducted from County Road No. 38 to the Ketchabaw
property be completed by Don Houghton, Ontario Land Surveyor.
Mr. Gibbons advises that a person wishes to remove a Township br�,�ge
for the material. Council advises that the person not be allowed to proceed
unless they have liability insurance and the permission of the Ministry
of Natural Resources.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby
That, pursuant to Section 34 (16) of the Planning Act further notice
and public meeting concerning By -Law Z256/91 will not be required.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council endorse the resolution of the Township of Euphrasia
regarding the Development Charges Act.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z256/91 being a By -Law to effect a
series of technical changes and revisions to the Township's Comprehensive
Zoning By -Law No. 2387 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z256/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z256/91 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ..........
Minutes of Special Council meeting held August 22, 1991 continued .....
Moved by R. Sandiiam
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this special meeting do now adjourn.
T. vowo G
Carried .........
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
Sept. 5, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayliam Township Council is meld this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, v. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular Council meeting field August 15, 1991
and special meeting field August 22, 1991 having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Reeve Vane Chute declares a conflict of interest in regards to the
Chief Building Official's monthly building report.
Councillor John Nezezon declares a conflict of interest in regards
to item No. 3 in correspondence relating to Severance Application #108/91.
C. P.
6.) Gibson Luton Toth & Campbell
7.) Gibson Linton Toth &Campbell
8.) Spriet Associates
9.) Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd.
10.) County of Elgin
Severance App. E105/911 E106/91
Severance App. E107/91
Severance App. E108/91
Severance App. E87/91
Response from meeting July 8/91
Re: Traffic Signs in Eden
Cox Zoning By -Law 2247/90
Re Bogart Lots - Corinth
Re Bridge Inspection
Appointment of Fred Groch Acting
County Engineer
Toth & Campbell
& Szorenyi
Farm Safety Council
Re Fire Dept.
James Gibbons, Township Road Superintendent is present to discuss
matters pertaining to the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons advises
that work is now proceeding on Bayham Drive. Matters pertaining to the
Moore Bridge project are discussed briefly as the Township is awaiting
completion of a land survey to determine road boundaries and required land
purchases from adjacent landowners. Mr. Gibbons advises that two trucks
are in need of repairs and will be out of service for a short period.
Removal of a steel truss bridge has not yet taken place as the contractor
has not provided the Township with assurance that the necessary insurance
coverage is in effect. It is suggested a legal opinion be obtained.
The matter of placing a speed limit sign in Eden is discussed. Mr. Gibbons
advises that the necessary signs have been ordered and will be erected
when they are received.
Mr. _Dwayne _Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss
building and drainage matters. Mr. Daniel presents his building report
for the month of August 1991 noting increase from July. Discussion
Minutes of Council meeting held September 5, 1991 continued ............
DELEGATIONS continued ......
regarding correspondence from the Township engineer, Spriet Associates
is reviewed with regards to the effects the development of a number of
residential lots in Corintli will have on the existing municipal drains.
It is agreed that farm drainage in the area sliould be addressed and that
a copy of the letter be forwarded to Cyril J. Demeyere Engineering wlio
are acting on behalf of the developer.
Mr. Daniel reports that a drainage problem leas occurred in
Straffordville as a result of a resident paving his driveway. This Lias
caused abnormal flooding of a neighbours property during heavy periods
of rainfall. Mr. Daniel is advised to consult witli the Townsliip engineer
as they feel this may be a civil matter.
Mr. Daniel presents Council with a Municipal Drain petition from
residents living on the corner of the Fiftli Concession Road and Highway
No. 19. This petition will require an extension to the existing Mitts
Municipal Drain.
Mr. George Lysy and Mr. Jack Petrie are present to discuss the
proposed development of Mr. Lysy's property located west of Straffordville
on County Road #38. The property is zoned Hamlet Residential and
Mr. Lysy is advised that lie will now be required to apply to the Elgin
County Land Division Committee for severances. Mr. Lysy is advised that
upon severance application all kilns and a barn located on the property
will leave to be removed.
Mr. Isidore Volkaert is present to discuss witli Council a proposed
retirement lot on his property located on Concession Soutli Gore Lot 25.
Mr. Volkaert, a long time resident farmer is advised that Council leas no
objections to liis proposal. It is suggested liowever, that Mr. Volkaert
contact the Elgin St. Tliomas Healtli Unit for approval before proceeding
with his application.
Mr. K. C. Emmerson, Reeve of Vienna is present to discuss the recent
announcement that the Green Lane Landfill site leas now been closed by the
Ministry of Environment. The Township leas been advised that the present
contract is effective for thirty days after this announcement. Meetings
are being conducted witli the Ministry in order to find a solution to this
urgent situation.
Mr. Donald Prendergast of Doyle & Prendergast is present on belialf of
Mr. & Mrs. Morley Slieplierd owners of the Red Oaks Trailer Park.
Mr. & Mrs. Slieplierd have been advised that effective January 1, 1992 the
Township will no longer provide individual tax bills to the tenants
residing in the trailer park. The Townsliip leas no legal autliority to
carry out tliis procedure and it leas only been done as a "service,, to the
park owners for a number of years at no cost to tliem. Council now wish
to discontinue this practice as there are now tliree mobile home parks in
the Township some of wliicli are expanding rapidly and they feel that the
extra work required to provide this service at ratepayers expense is no
longer acceptAble.
Mr. Prendergast request that Council reconsider their position on
this matter as it would present a hardship on Mr. & Mrs. Shepherd to be
required to collect property taxes from their tenants.
A large number of tenants from the park are present to show their
support of Mr. & Mrs. Shepherd. Mr. Don Guttman expresses his opinion
that the Township should request the taxes from the mobile home owners.
Mr. Arthur McCart feels that there should not be a change as it has
worked well for many years. Other park residents in attendance make various
comments on the matter. Council advises those present that they will
give this matter further consideration and advise of their decision within
thirty (30) days.
Minutes of Council meeting held September 5, 1991 continued ...........
DELEGATIONS continued ......
Mr. Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present to discuss matters
concerning the Bayham Township Fire Department. Discussion regarding
matters pertaining to new requirements under the Health & Safety Act and
the problems created by them. Mr. Dennis advises that the new regulations
are difficult to understand. It is suggested that the Fire Chief Association
be consulted for assistance. Mr. Dennis advises that two members of the
Department will be attending a two day seminar in Tillsonburg.
Mr. Dennis advises that no firm prices are ready for presentation
to Council in regards to property number signs. A letter from the Farm
Safety Council is presented advising that financial assistance is available
to the Fire Department in exchange for their volunteer help in their
fund raising activities.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the Council for the Township of Bayham authorize Mr. Scott
Campbell of Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell to submit their bill of
costs as submitted for reference regarding the Township of Bayliam and
Natural Resource Gas Limited in the amount of $3,836.90.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Royal Canadian Legion Port Burwell/Bayham Branch be
granted permission to sell poppies in the Township of Bayizam during the
period Nov. 1, 1991 to Nov. 9, 1991.
Carried ..........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Township of Bayham proceed with the recommendation of the
M.T.O. to conduct an inspection of three Township single span truss
bridges by Delcon Engineers. The cost not to exceed $2,950.00.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That this Council has no objection to the severance application
No. E105/91, Mitchell Farms Ltd., Lot 117, Concession N.T.R.
Carried ..........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council object to severance application No. E106/91,
Mitchell Farms Ltd., Lot 117, Concession N.T.R. as it does not conform
to the Township Zoning By -Laws.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this Council object to the severance application No. E107/91,
Sjoerd and Mary Lou Hoogsteen, Lot 23, Concession 5 as the property does
not conform to the Township Zoning By -Laws.
Carried ..........
Minutes of Council meeting held September 5, 1991 continued .........
RESOLUTIONS continued .........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the severance application
E-08/91,. John and Katherine Nezezon, Pt Lot 21, Concession 4.
Moved by C.R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council has no objection to the severance application
E87/91, John and Elizabeth McCord, Lot 14, Concession 1.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That the Township of Bayham forward their request to the Premier
of Ontario, Minister of Environment, Parliamentary Assistant to the
Minister of Environment and Local M.P.P. urging them to make every effort
to ensure that Green Lane Landfill continues to provide local waste
disposal for the Township.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the application of Blondeel Nursery Inc. to amend the Township
Official Plan and Zoning By -Law not be accepted at the present time and
that they concur with the recommendations of the Township Planning
Consultant that the applicant provides a Draft Plan Approval for a Plan
of Subdivision on the subject lands.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the zoning application of Sjoerd and Mary Lou Hoogsteen to
rezone a retirement lot on Lot 23, Concession 5 be denied as the
application does not comply with subsection 4.2.6 of the Official Plan.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That a petition for a municipal drain located at Lot 15, South Gore
be accepted and referred to the Township Drainage Engineer for
preparation of drainage report.
Minutes of Council meeting held September 5, 1991 continued ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the building permits for the month of August 1991 be approved.
No. 89
Aug 8
Calton Conservative
Menonite Church Addition
Brian Graydon
Brian Graydon
Ren. Barn
Geo. Gignac
Mobile Home Roofed Deck
Romain Borm
Second Floor Pack Barn
Les Pilkey
Siding & Fascia
Judy Oldham
New Residence
Peter Hartman
Storage Shed
Eva Quaegebeur
New Residence
Jacob Guenther
Addition & Porch
Tim Tillotson
Storage Shed
Rick Matthews
Ed Downey
Renovate Res.
Arthur Riel
New Residence
John McMurdo
Addition to Mobile Home
Charles Ward
Storage Building
Bob Ketchabaw
Demolition Permit
Lois Swartzentruber
New Residence
Straffordville Public School Reroofing
Tom & Lynn Sinden
New Residence
Vane Chute
Single Storage Garage
Donald Zerbes
New Residence
Mike Wells
New Residence
Permit & Bldg. Value
R& III j1 to
Moved by
C. R.
by G.
2638 And resolved that By -Law No. 2638 being a By -Law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayiiam at the meeting held
Sept 5, 1991 and August 22, 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2638 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2638 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandiiam
That this Council meeting do now adjourn to meet again on
Thursday, September 19, 1991.
Carried .............
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
Sept. 12, 1991
A special meeting of Council is held this evening in order to
complete unfinished business carried over from their meeting held
September 5, 1991. Present is Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
J. Nezezon and G. Nelles. Reeve Vane Chute is absent and arrives at
9:10 P.M.
The meeting is called to order by the Clerk at 7:30 P.M.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That Ronson Sandham be appointed as acting head of Council in the
absence of Reeve Chute.
Carried ............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That Diana Norris be reimbursed for her costs incurred to take a
Word Perfect Course at Fanshawe in the amount of $590.00 after sucessful
completion of the course.
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Treasurer be authorized to proceed with the Sale of Land �
by Public Tender under the Municipal Tax Sales Act 1984 the following
(A) Part of the north part of Lot 14 , Con 3 Township of Bayiiam
designated as Pt 11 2 & 3 Plan 11R 4627
(B) Part of the north part of Lot 15, Concession 3
( Parts of Lots 13 & 14 Plan 54 ) Township of Bayiiam.
Carried ..........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That a grant of $300.00 be made to the Straffordville Scout
Group Committee to assist in the collection of recyclable newsprint.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council has no objection to transfer a portion of road
allowance which has been closed under By -Law No. 365 dated Sept. 9, 1878
and identified as Part 2 on Reference Plan 11R-4720 to Scott Robert
Gregson provided that all necessary documentation be prepared by
Mr. Gregson at his expense. Mr. Gregson to provide the Township in
writing that Mr. Gregson Sr. is agreeable to waive his claim to the
easterly portion of the subject road allowance.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
September 19, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayiiam Township is field this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve Ronson Sandliam and Councillors
R. Phillips and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular Council meeting field Sept. 5, 1991
and special meeting field Sept. 12, 1991 having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Reeve Chute declares a conflict of interest in regards to matters
concerning Gilles Thierren site plan control.
1.) Township of Sombra Requesting Endorsement of Resolution
2.) County of Elgin Road Dept. Emergency Calls
3.) Gabriel Fontaine, M.P. Requesting Resolution for Anti -Deficit
Clause in Canadian Constitution
4.) Village of Port Burwell Port Burwell Marina/Waterfront Dev.
5.) County of Elgin Land Div.Comm. App. No. E115/91 -Severance
6.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm. Severance App. No. E112/91
7.) Ministry Municipal Affairs Re Community Planning Grant
8.) M. Sandliam, J. Sandliam, D. Cowan
S. Sandliam & C. Sandliam Complaint Re Burning of Trash
James Gibbons, Township Road Superintendent is present to discuss
matters pertaining to the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons advises
that the Second Concession project is now ready to be spread with gravel.
Council is presented with quotations for additional snowplow equipment.
A price for both a new and used wing blade is presented for consideration.
Mr. Gibbons presents prices for a higli speed plow for the new truck.
Mr. Gibbons advises that excavation on Bayiiam Drive has now been completed.
Discussion regarding the removal of an old Township bridge is discussed.
Mr. Gibbons is to advise Mr. Ferris that the Township is not prepared to
pay for the removal of this bridge.
The Road Superintendent and one road employee is authorized to attend
a seminar sponsored by the Road Superintendents Association.
Mrs. Ruth Ball along with Charles and Wallace Ball are present to discuss
matters concerning the Light Cemetery. Mrs. Ball explains that she wishes
to resign as Secretary Treasurer of the Board at the year end. As she has
been unable to secure a replacement for the job she requests that the
Township take over the operation of the Cemetery. Council -advise that
they would try to find someone who is willing to do this job. Mrs. Ball
advised that they would like to have a direction sign placed on Highway No. 19
indicating the location of this cemetery. Council advise that they will
obtain the sign and the board is agreeable to pay the cost of the sign.
Mr. Peter Laemers is present to discuss the status of his proposed
subdivision in Richmond. Mr. Laemers advised that lie wishes to no longer
continue with his development due to prohibitive development costs: -7 Mr. Laemers
requests a tax refund on the lots that have previously been assessed.
Minutes of Council meeting held September 191 1991 continued.........
DELEGATIONS continued.....
Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present to discuss the matters
concerning the Fire Department. Mr. Dennis presents a schedule of
training provided by the Fire College. Council support that the Firemen
take courses if at all possible at the discretion of the Fire Chief.
Mr. Dennis advises that lie has obtained another price for mouse number
signs which are printed on a satin finisli steel. Mr. Dennis and Council
discuss certain property matters and the Clerk is instructed to look into
the matter further.
Reeve Vane Cliute declares the public meeting as advertised to hear
comments on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayliam Zoning By -Laws
to be open.
The first application is that of Mitchell Farms Ltd. to change the
zoning on a parcel of land situated on the west side of Part Lot 117 N.T.R.
north of County Road No. 38 from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the
Rural Residential Zone. This will permit the creation of a rural residentia�l,i
lot which is a surplus farm house.
Mr. Paul DeCloet was in attendance and made no comments on the
application. Council had no comments on this application nor were there
any objections received on this application, Tlie clerk advises that written
responses indicated no objections to this application.
The second application was tliat of Bill and Carol Berry to change the
zoning on a parcel of land comprised of approximately 121.41m2 (1307. FT2)
on the soutli side of Main Street west of County Road No. 46 in the Hamlet
of Corinth from the Hamlet Commercial (HC) Zone to Hamlet Residential (HR)
Zone. This will be to recognize an adjustment in lot lines between
existing Hamlet Residential and Hamlet Commercial uses.
Mr. Roger Buchner was in attendance. Council make no comments on the
application. The Clerk advises that correspondence has been received
from CN Engineering Services, Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit and Ministry of
Natural Resources having no objections to the application. CN Engineering
Services request notification of passing of the implementery by-law.
No furtlier comment nor any objections are received on this application.
Reeve Vane Cliute declares the public meeting closed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the Road Superintendent be authorized to purchase snowplow
equipment at a cost of $11,300.00 plus tax.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That severance application E115/91 for Lot 15, Concession -3
re Audrey & Graliam Tliomson & Margaret Longstaff be approved.
Carried ...........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the severance applications E112/91 and E113/91 for Lot 126,127,
Concession 7 N.T.R. (DeClercq) be approved.
Carried ...........
Minutes of Council meeting held September 19, 1991 continued ...........
RESOLUTIONS continued ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the Township of Bayiiam discontinue any further work on the
Municipal Housing Project until such time approval for a grant is
received from the Ministry of Housing.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Township of Bayham engage the services of Cyril J. Demeyere
Eng. to approve the site plan requirements of the Township for the
development of a site plan for Gilles Therrien, Lot 15, Conc. 2 upon the
receipt of a $1,000.00 deposit to cover the Township's cost for this
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
Z261/91 And resolved that By -Law No. Z261/91 being a by-law to change the
zoning of a parcel of land comprised of approximately 0.41 hectares
(1.01 acres) situated on the west side of Part Lot 117 N.T.R. north of
County Road No. 38 from Agricultural (Al) to the Rural Residential (RR)
Zone (Mitchell) Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ..............
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
* And resolved that By -Law No. Z261/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No.
and finally passed.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
Z261/91 be now Read a Third Time
Z262/91 And resolved that By -Law No. Z262/91 being a by-law to change the
zoning on a parcel of land consisting of approximately 121.41m2 (1307 sq.
on the south side of Main Street, west of County Road No. 46 in the
Hamlet of Corinth from Hamlet Commercial (HC) Zone to Hamlet Residential
Zone Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z262/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z262/91 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Minutes of Council meeting held September 19, 1991 continued ...........
BY -Lays continued .........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
2639 And resolved that By -Law No. 2639 being a By -Law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayliam at the meetings held
September 12, 1991 and September 19, 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandliam
And resolved that By -Law No. 2639 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2639 be now Read a Third Time and
That this Council meeting be now adjourned to meet again on
Thursday, October 3, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 3, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandtiam and Councillors
Jr Nezezon, G. Nelles and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular council meeting field September 19, 1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
Reeve Chute declares a conflict in regards to discussion concerning
matters pertaining to a site plan development for Gilles Thierrien.
1) Ministry of Transportation Municipal Bridges
2) Green Lane Landfill
3) Township of Malahide
4) Village of Port Burwell
5) Ministry of Environment
6) Blue Cross
7) Gunn & Associates
8) byril J. Demeyere Limited
New Rate Structure
Drainage Petition County
Road 43
Notice of Public Meeting
Transfer Station Approval
Rate Increase
RE Red Oak Home Park
Residential Development
Gilles Therrien
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss matters
pertaining to the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons suggests that a
10" culvert should be installed 2nd Concession Road project. Council advise
that they would like to have a look at the project. Discussion takes place
regarding the correspondence received from the Ministry of Transporation
regarding Bayliam Township fridges. Mr. Gibbons is requested to contact the
Ministry in this regard. Dicussion regarding the survey on the Moore
Bridge project. The surveygr:- has presented an uncompleted plan and is
requested to finalize the plan with the necessary changes being made.
Discussion regarding paving work on the Bayliam/Vienna Townline takes place
with Council agreeing to share the costs on a 50/50 basis to a maximum of
Mr. Dwayne Daniel,Chief Building Official is present to discuss matters
pertaining to building and drainage. Mr. Daniel advises that a problem has
occurred on a drain located at Concession 5,Lot 28. Council request that the
necessary steps be taken to resolve the problem. Discussion reagarding a
building permit requested located on Concession 7, Lot 115 takes place.
Council advise that this project is zoned agriculture and that a Supplementary
housing unit is permitted on this property. A brief discussion takes place
regarding:_drainage.-requirement on the industrial portion of land located at
Con 2, Lot 15. Council advise that Cyril Demeyere Engineering has been
requested to prepare a site plan for this development. Mr. Daniel is requested
to see that a fence at the Community Centre be installed now that a small
storage building has been removed.
Minutes of Council meeting held October 3, 1991 continued...........
DELEGATIONS continued.....
Mr. Paul Valko is present to discuss matters pertaining to'his application
for a official plan and zone amendment on his property located at Concession 2,
Pt. Lot 10. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Municipal
Affairs have advised that they object to his present propsal to develop
three residential lots On his property. After reviewing the Township
Planning Consultant's report on the matter Mr. Valko is agreeable to
Council recinding the present by-law and advised that lie is prepared to
re -apply for one lot at this time.
Mr. Ken Walker is present to discuss the state of a building permit
on the property located at Con 7, Lot 115. Council advise that the Chief
Building Official has been instructed to prepare this permit.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by John Nezezon
That this Council authorize a payment of 506 to a maximum of $5,500.00
to cover paving costs on the Bayiiam /Vienna townline road.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the Township of Bayliam advise the proper authority that they
have no interest in obtaining a portion of the federal waterlot and
associated lands required by the Village of Port Burwell for its marina/
waterfront development project.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
2640 And resolved that By-law No. 2640
the construction of Branch "E" of Drain
levying. assessment thereto Be Now Read
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
being a by-law to provide for
No.i, Municipal Drain and
a First Time.
And resolved that By-law No. 2640 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2640 be Now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that gyy -rav No. 2641 being a by-law to repeal By-law
No'. 2556 adopting Amendment No. 79 to the Official Plan of the Township
of Bayiiam Be Now Read A FIRST TIME.
Carried ................
Minutes of Council meeting held October 3, 1991 continued..........
2641 Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No.
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by John Nezezon
2641 be now Read a Second Time
2641 be now Read a Third Time and
2642 And resolved that By-law No. 2642 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
Oct. 3, 1991, Be Now Read a First Time
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2642 be now Read a second time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandliam
And resolved that By-law No.
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by John Nezezon
2642 be now Read a Third Time and
Carried .................
That This Council meeting be now adjourned to meet again on
Thursday, October 17, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried .................
2239 (a)
Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, nominations for the positions
of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Councillors for the Township of Bayliam;
one trustee to the Elgin County Board of Education and one Trustee to the
Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board representing Bayliam,
Port Burwell and Vienna are accepted by the Clerk up to 5 p.m. on
Nomination Day (October 11, 1991).
At the close of nominations, the following persons are certified as
filing correct nomination papers and therefore qualifying as candidates.
Reeve: D. Vane Chute, Tony Csinos, George Horvath
Deputy Reeve: John Nezezon, Joe Volkaert Sr.
Councillor: Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Lynda Millard,
Gerald A. Nelles, Larry W. Pressey and Sandra Sandham
Elgin County Board of Education: Robert Howey
Elgin County R.C.S.S. Board: John Engelhardt, Kelly K. Walcarius
At 5:00 p.m. on October 15, 1991, all nominees had left their names
in nomination.
I, William Bogue, Returning Officer for the Township of Bayliam hereby
Robert Howey elected as Trustee to the Elgin County Board of Education
by acclamation.
Wm. Bogue
Clerk & Returning Officer
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 17, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
The Clerk calls the meeting to order. Present for the meeting is Deputy
Reeve R. Sandiiam, Councillors J. Nezezon, G. Nelles and R. Phillips.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Deputy Reeve be appointed acting head of Council in the
absence of Reeve Chute.
Moved by C . R . Plii l l ips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 31 1991
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Deputy
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
1.) County of Elgin Land Div.
2.) County of Elgin Land Div.
3.) Ministry of Agriculture & Food
9.) DeCloet Bayham
5.) Ontario Federation Agriculture
6.) Port Burwell. Group Committee
7.) Ministry of Natural Resources
Carried ...........
Application #E107/91
Application #E136/91
Re Fisheries & Drainage Act
Re Eden Agreement
Re Road Allowance Con 5, Lot 25, 26
Request - Financial Support for
Paper & Pop Can Collection
Municipal Remuneration -Aggregate Resources
8.) Fordham, Watterworth & Marshall Re Encroachment on Road Allowance
9.) Ontario Hydro
10.) Linda & Bob Alcorn
11.) Harbour Lights
12.) Mosey & Mosey Ins. Agency
Re Easement on Abandoned C P Rail Line
Request Road Closing
Elgin Waste Management Crisis
Re Blue Cross Coverage
Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official is present to discuss matters
pertaining to building , zoning and drainage matters. Mr. Daniel presents
a report comparing permit fees presently being collected with rates previously
charged based on 1991 building activity. Council examined the comparisons
noting that the increase more reasonably reflected the Township's actual
building department costs. Mr. Daniel advised that the required thirty
day period had now elapsed in the 5tli Concession drain petition and it was
now in order to appoint a Drainage Engineer to proceed with the project.
Mr. Daniel advised that lie has been in contact with two commercial operations
that have failed to obtain proper zoning status on their property.
These companies indicated to him that they would be making their applications
Mr. Dave Baxter and Family are present to request Council to allow him
to place a mobile home on a vacant fifty acre parcel of land owned by the
family farm operation on Conc.3 S Pt Lot 2. Mr. Baxter advises that his son
Minutes of Council neeting held October 17, 1991 continued ..........
DELEGATIONS - Continued ......
has just recently married and would be living in this mobile home. Council
advise Mr. Baxter that the Township By -Laws permit mobile homes as
supplementary farm housing as long as it is adjacent to the main farm
operation. Since the main farm operation is situated at another location,
Council is unable to allow Mr -Baxter to place the mobile home on the
vacant property as requested.
Reeve Vane Chute and Fire Chief Harold Dennis arrive at the meeting. They
had attended a special presentation at which Mr. Dennis had been presented
with a medal for completing 90 years of service to the Bayham Township
Fire Department. Council congratulates Harold for his achievement.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present to present Council
with a sample of a property identification sign. Mr. Dennis requests
Council for authorization to purchase these signs for distribution to the
property owner.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Township of Baytiam engage the services of
Engineers to construct a municipal drain as petitioned.
Spriet & Associates
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the Fire Chief be authorized to order a sufficient quanity of
property identification signs at a cost of $8.30 plus taxes each.
Carried ..........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Clerk respond to the request of Fordham, Watterworth &
Marshall regarding the property located on the corner of County Road No.
and Church street in the Village of Richamond stating that the Township
acknowledges the existence of the present encroachment and that the
Township does not at this time forsee any need for these encroachments
to be removed in the future. In event the porch or garage is removed
or destroyed, the owners will not be allowed to rebuild them on the road
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council has no objection to the severance application
No. E136/91, Roger & Jacqueline Vermeersch, Part Lot 26, Concession 9.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2693 And resolved that By -Law No. 2693 being a By -Law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayliam at the meeting held
October 17, 1991 Be now Read a First Time.
Carried ...........
Minutes of Council meeting held October 17, 1991 continued ..........
BY-LAWS continued.......
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2693 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2643 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on November 7, 1991
at 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 29, 1991
A special meeting of Council is field this evening in order to
complete unfinished business and meet with Mr. Robert W. Mann CA of
Doane Raymond Pannell.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with
Councillors G. Nelles, R. Phillips
calls the meeting to order.
Deputy Reeve R. Sandliam and
and J. Nezezon present. Reeve Chute
Mr. Mann speaks to council with regards to the matter of the annual
audit which has been conducted by the firm Doane, Raymond Pannell for a
great number of years. Mr. Mann advises that lie is retiring from the
firm, however, lie is prepared to continue to carry out the various
accounting functions performed by him in the past at year end. Mr. Mann
also reviews the changes Bill 122 the Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act
1991 has on the Municipal Auditor and their appointment by Council.
Council advise Mr. Mann that they will further discuss his proposal.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Township of Bayliam agrees to pay $1.00 per capita to cover
Bayliam's share of the cost to conduct a independent hydrogeological study
of the Green Lane Landfill site. Should it be necessary, the 't=ownship
agrees to pay up to an additional $1.00 per capita to cover anticipated
upset costs.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That R. W. Mann, CA be engaged to conduct the required accounting
functions as per his proposal presented at the hourly rate of $80.00 plus
out of pocket expenses (motel, meals, travel) to finalize the 1991 fiscal
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandliam
That a grant of $2500.00 be made to the Bayliam Community Centre
Board to cover cost of operation.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the General accounts totaling $506,771.01 and Road accounts
totaling $90,907.16 for the month of September 1991 be approved.
Minutes of Council meeting held October 29, 1991 continued .............
Moved by J. Nezezon
That the application of Berend Jan Veen for a Official Plan and
zoning Amendment changes be accepted and referred to our planning
consultant for by-law preparation.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application of Isidore Volkaert to rezone a parcel of land
for retirement purposes be accepted and referred to our planning
consultant for by-law preparation.
Reeve Vane Chute declares a conflict of interest in regards to
By -Laws Z263/91 and 2646.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And rewlved that By -Law No. 2699 being a by-law to fix places for
the holding of Municipal Elections for the Township of Bayham for the
year 1991 and to appoint the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks
for same Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2699 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandiiam
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2699 be now Read a T11ird Time and
And resolved that By -Law No. 2695 being a by-law to establish a Site
Plan Control Area Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried ..........:....
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2695 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2645 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Minutes of Council meeting held October 291 1991 continued...4 .........
Moved by C. R. Piii l l i ps
Seconded by R. Sandliam
And resolved that By -Law No.
site plan control area (Pt Lot 15,
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. P2iillips
2646 being a by-law to establish a
Con 2)(THERRIEN) Be Now Read a First
And resolved that By -Law No. 2696 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Z263/91 Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2696 be now Read a T1iird Time and
And resolved that By -Law No. Z263/91 being a by-law to repeal
By -Law No. Z240/90 rezoning lands comprising approximately 1.6 hectares
in Part Lot 10 Con 2 in the Township of Bayliam from Agricultural (Al)
Zone to Rural Residential (R. R.) Zone Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by C. R. P2iillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z263/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z263/91 be now Read a Tiiird Time and
finally passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this special meeting of Council be now adjourned.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 7, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayiiam Township Council is field this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by R Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the meeting held October 17, 1991 and special
meeting held October 29, 1991 having been examined by the members are
hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized &*I same.
Reeve Vane Chute declares a conflict of interest regarding
Application No. E141/91 & E192/91, Lysy-Sas Severance Application.
of Elgin Land
of Elgin Land
of Elgin Land
of Elgin Land
of Elgin Land
of Elgin Land
of Elgin Land
of Elgin
Linton, Toth
of Transportation
Application E33/91 - Berry
Application E141/91 - Lysy-Sas
- Lysy.-Sas
- Decloet
- Blondeel
- Blondeel
- Blondeel
Winter Control
on County
Re Allan Witch -Stewart
Re Plan 205
Lot 6 &
Re Red Oak
Re Railway
Mr. Janes Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss various
matters pertaining to the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons advises
that the Ministry of Transportation has requested that rip -rap be placed
at each end of the culvert on the Moore Bridge Project. Discussion
regarding the possibility of doing the necessary work at this time of
year takes place. Mr. Gibbons advises that approximately 2,300 ft of tile
is now in place on the 2nd Concession road project. Also paving work at
Eden and Vienna has been completed. Discussion takes place regarding a
complaint received on a Township road located at Con 8 N PT LOT 25. Mr.
Gibbons is instructed to place extra salt and plowing to alleviate
hazardous conditions during the winter months until a more permanent
solution can be made. Mr. Gibbons advises that all the trucks have now
had a safety check and the new wing has been placed on the Township grader.
Discussion takes place regarding a direction sign for the Light Cemetery.
Mr. Gibbons is requested to look at alternative locations as M.T.O. has
not allowed a sign to be placed on highway sign posts.
Mr. Paul Alcorn and Wayne Norris are present to discuss the possible
conveyance of a portion of the old lake road which has been closed since
1925. Council advise that they are agreeable to such a conveyance of the
road allowance which is situated on Mr. Alcorn's property at a price of
$100.00 plus all applicable costs.
Mr. Joe Boesch appears before Council to discuss a proposal regarding
the recycling of garbage in Bayliam Township.
Minutes of Council meeting held November 7, 1991 continued .............
Dffi.BATIONS continued......
Mr. Joe Martin -Community Policing Officer presents his third quarter
report as well as other matter pertaining to community policing. Constable
Martin advises that lie has had to spend considerable time on investigative
matters in recent months, however, lie expects to have more time to devote
to the promotion of various community programs.
Mr. Harold Dennis& To chip Fire Chief is present to discuss matters
concerning the Township fire Department. Mr. Dennis advises that the
property identification signs have now been ordered. Also Council is
advised that the tanker truck requires body repairs and Mr. Dennis is
requested to obtain quotes on these repairs. Discussion regarding certain
property matters take place and Mr. Dennis is requested to investigate the
feasiblity of the proposal.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of
William and Carol Berry, Lot 51 Concession 9 re application no. E33/91.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council has no objections to the severance proposals of
George Lysy and Steve Sas, Lot 123 Concession 7, re application E141/91
& E192/91.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandliam
That this council has no objection to the severance proposals of
Blondeel Nursery Inc. Lot 123, Concession S.T.R. re application #E153/91,
E#159/91 & E155/91.
Moved by R. Sandiiam
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this council has no objection to the severance proposal of
Daniel DeCloet, Lot 23 Concession 9 re application #E196/91.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2697 being a by-law to authorize the
2697 Reeve and Clerk to sign a quit claim deed to Eric Charles Crofts and
Patty Lynn Csire for property described as Part of Lot 9 and 5. South
of Main Street, Plan 205, Village of Straffordville, County of Elgin,
designated as Part 1, on Reference Plan 11R-9769 Be Now Read a First
Moved by R. Sandiiam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2647 be now Read a Second Time.
Minutes of Council meeting held November 7, 1991 continued .............
BY-LAWS continued.........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
2697 Ana" resolved that By-law No.
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandliam
2697 be now Read a T1d rd Time and
Carried ..............
2698 And resolved that By -Law No. 2698 being a by-law to authorize the
Reeve and Clerk to sell a portion of land described as Concession South
Talbot Road, Township of Bayliam designated as part 1 on Reference Plan
11R-9061 and Part 3 and Part 9 on Plan 11R-3788 to tile Richmond Community
Water Inc. Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2698 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2648 be now Read a third Time and
Carried ..............
2699 And resolved that By -Law No. 2649 being a by-law to formulate a
plan for protecting property and the iiealtii, safety and welfare of the
inhabitants and for the continued functioning of t1le Council of the
Township of Bayliam in the event of an emergency Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2699 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandliam
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2699 be now Read a Tiiird Time and
2650 And resolved that By -Law No. 2650 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayliam at the special meeting
Minutes of Council meeting held November 7, 1991 continued .............
BY-LAWS continued.........
field October 29, 1991 and the meeting }field November 7, 1991 Be Now Read
a First Time.
Moved by R. Sandiiam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2650 be now Read a Second Time
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandiiam
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2650 be now Read a Third Time and
That this Council now adjourn -
November 21, 1991 at 7:30 P.M.
-7,). 6<X-`
to meet again on Thursday
Carried ..............
November 12. 1991
Polling is held in the Township of Bayliam for the office Reeve,
Deputy Reeve and three Councillors as well as Trustee to the Elgin County
Roman Catholic Separate School Board. The following are the results.
REEVE: D. Vane Chute
Tony Csinos
George Horvath
DEPUTY REEVE: John Nezezon
Joe Volkaert(Sr.)
COUNCILLOR: Wayne Casier
Doug Dennis
568 ,--�
Jim Hagell
918 ✓�/
Lynda Millard
Gerald A. Nelles
Larry W. Pressey
Sandra Sandiiam
R.C.S.S.B. TRUSTEE: John Engelhardt 66
Kelly K. Walcarius 61
NOTE: The above vote total result for the Elgin County Separate School
Board satisfy an applicable criterion for a recount.
I, William Bogue, Returning Officer for the Township of Bayliam hereby
D. Vane Chute duly elected as Reeve for Bayliam Township.
Joe Volkaert Sr. duly elected as Deputy Reeve for Bayliam Township.
Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis and Jim Hagell duly elected as Councillors
for the Township of Bayliam.
A total of 1261 electors cast votes from a preliminary list of 3158
being 39.93%
;*/. 6 0-�
Wm. Bogue
Clerk & Returning Officer
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 19, 1991
A special meeting of Council is field this evening to complete
unfinished business from the previous meeting and also to meet with
Mr. Dwayne Daniel.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandliam and Councillors
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon present. Reeve Chute calls the meeting to order.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official and Drainage Superintendent
is present to review various building and drainage matters. Mr. Daniel
presents his building permit report for the montlis September and October
and his report is reviewed by Council. Mr. Daniel presents to Council an
update on the recent courses lie has been taking. Mr. Daniel advises that
lie has had a site meeting with John Spriet, Drainage Engineer regarding a
drain petition and that the affected landowners will be sent notices advis-,-,,
ing of a further site meeting.
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That Building permits for the month of September 1991 for the amount
of $958,200 and October 1991 in the amount of $297,900 be approved.
Carried .............
Moved by R. Sandliam
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the Clerk Treasurer be allowed to carry forward to 1992 a total
of 10 vacation days presently earned and the remaining 9 days, if not taken
by December 31, 1991 be paid cash in lieu.
Carried .............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandliam
That Bayliam Township forward a payment to Branch 529 Legion for
Poppy / Wreath donation for 1991. Payment to be $50.00.
Carried .............
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Township of Bayliam forward a donation of $500.00 to the
Tillsonburg & District Multi -Service Centre for 1991.
Carried .............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandliam
That the Township of Bayliam endorse the resolution of the Village
of Belmont supporting the Elgin County School Board and their position
on retirement gratuities and spending restraint.
Carried .............
Minutes of Council meeting held November 19, 1991 continued...........
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this special meeting of Council do now adjourn.
Carried .............
!1Z 6
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 21, 1991
The regular meeting of Bayiiam Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
R. Phillips and G. Nelles in attendance.
Also present is Deputy Reeve elect J. Volkaert Sr. and Councillors -
elect W. Casier and D. Dennis.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the minutes of the meeting held November 7, 1991 and special
meeting field Nov. 19, 1991, having been examined by the members are hereby
approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
No conflict of interest declared.
1) County of Elgin Land Division
2) Ministry of Natural Resources
Application E158/91 - Klassen
Re: Aldboroughs Resolution &
Fisheries Act
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent is present to discuss matters
concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons reviews repairs
carried out on Truck No. 5 and Loader, also new wing plow has been received
and installed on Grader No. 5. Mr. Gibbons expects that the Bridge inspect-
ion report be available for the next meeting. Ditching work on the Second
Concession Road project is discussed briefly. Mr. Gibbons and Reeve Chute
report that they attended a meeting conducted by the Ontario Good Roads
Association regarding priority planning. The message received at the meet-
ing was that there will be drastic cutbacks on Provincial funding.
Harold Dennis, Fire Chief is present to review matters pertaining to
the Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Dennis advises that Ken Laemers and
himself attended a course on water and ice rescue. Mr. Dennis advises that
a by-law should be passed concerning this and that if passed, special
equipment will be required for this. Mr. Dennis advises council of a recent
fire occurrence on Con. 1, N Pt Lot 18 and the problems encountered at this
fire. It is suggested that more day time firefighters are needed as well
as more drivers with the required licence designation.
Doug and Susan Andrews are present and advise council that they wish
to move their flower and gift shop business from its present location to
19 Talbot Road East.
The proposed location is now zoned Hamlet Residential and therefore
will require rezoning to permit the proposed use. Council are receptive
to the proposal and suggest that an application be made to rezone the
property if they wish to proceed. The Clerk is instructed to contact the
Township Planning Consultant for an opinion%on the proposal.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the application for Zoning Amendment changes for Mary Spencer,
Minutes of Council meeting held November 21, 1991 continued...........
RESOLUTIONS continued.........
Concession 10 Lot 17, from M1 Farm Industrial to M2 Rural Industrial be
accepted and referred to the Township planning consultants for by-law
Carried .............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That a petition for interim payment under the public transportation
and highway improvement on expenditures made in the year 1991 be submitted.
Carried .............
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this council has no objection to the severance proposal of
Abram and Cheryl Klassen, Pt Lot 20 Concession 8 re application #E158/91.
Carried .............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the Treasurer be authorized to expand an amount of $1,369.60
from the special Eden Improvement Fund to cover the cost paving pad at
mailboxes in the community of Eden.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the following tenders received for properties advertised for sale
by Public Tender under the Municipal Tax Sales Act be accepted as they were
the highest tender received.
(A) Part of the north part of Lot 14, Concession 3, Township of
Bayliam designated as Parts 1, 2 & 3 on Plan 11R4267
R. Kernohan - 66 Clancy Drive, Willowdale, Ontario.
(B) Part of the north part of Lot 15, Concession 3 (Parts of Lots 13,
14 Plan 54, Township of Bayliam.
K. C. Emerson - Vienna, Ontario.
Carried .............
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the General Accounts totaling $91,889.56 and Road Accounts total-
ing $39,827.78 for the month of October be approved.
Carried .............
Minutes of Council meeting held November 21, 1991 continued...........
RESOLUTIONS continued.........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the following payments for extra services be made for 1991:
V. Chute Reeve
Deputy Reeve
W. Bogue Clerk Treasurer
J. Gibbons Road Superintendent
L. Moore Tax Collector
D. Norris Office Clerk
D. Daniels Drainage Superintendent/
Chief Building Official
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
Qin if
That the tax adjustments under Section 496 of the Municipal Act in
the amount of $4,939.40 as presented be removed from the 1991 tax roll.
Roll No. Name Assessment Tax
Adiustment Adjustments
1991 Tax Adiustments (496)
Lloyd McEwan
George Hillner
Frank Voros
John Nezezon
Detown Investments Inc.
Francis Underhill
John Horeth
Ruby Millard
Keith Williams
Keith Williams
Robert Foutre
Ida Luki
Eric Roobroeck
Sandham Cartage
Romain Borm
Minutes of Council meeting held November 210 1991 continued.......
RESOLUTIONS continued........
1991 Tax Adjustments (996) Continued....
Marion Marr
$ 59.90
Marion Marr
Deborah Barclay
Peter Lamers
Peter Lamers
Peter Lamers
Ron Pliillips
Ron Pliillips
Carried .............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Pliillips
2651 And resolved that By -Law No. 2651 being a by-law to provide for the
maintenance of the Arn. #2, Adler, Benner, Carruthers, Casier, Coomber
"D" "E".. Coomber 'IF,,, Corintli ( Henry Street) , Dennis,, Dereliam/Bayliam
Townline, Hampton, Ketcliabaw #2, Mitts, Nevil 1968, No. 1, Pearson,
Pliillips, Sclionberger Brancli "B", Smitli(Stewart, Winter and Palmer
Municip4l Drains and to raise the sum of $15,791.08 to pay tlierefore Be
Now Read a First Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Pliillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2651 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried .............
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2651 be now Read a Tliird Time and finally
Carried .............
2652 Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Pliillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2652 being a by-law to authorize the
Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement by owners - Mutual Agreement
Drain on property described as part of the nortli west quarter of Lot 3,
Concession 8, Township of Bayliam and owned by Joseph Magyar, Andy Dielman
and Kenneth & Grace Wolfe Be Now Read a First Time.
Minutes of Council meeting held November 21. 1991 continued........
BY LAWS Continued.......
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2652 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2652 be now Read a Third Time and finally
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
2653 And resolved that By -Law No. 2653 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayiiam at the Special Meeting held
November 19, 1991 and the meeting held November 21, 1991 Be Now Read a First
Carried .............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandiiam
And resolved that By -Law No. 2653 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandliam
And resolved that By -Law No. 2653 be now Read a Third Time and finally
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this council now adjourn sine die.
Carried .............
Carried .............
y -
The inaugural meeting of Council of the Township of Bayham was held
this date in the Council Chambers in Straffordville at 10 :00 a.m.
D. Vane Chute, Reeve; Joe Volkaert Sr. , Deputy Reeve; Wayne Casier,
Councillor; Doug Dennis , Councillor and Jim Hagell , Councillor.
Also present for all or part of the meeting were Jim Gibbons , Road
Superintendent , Dwayne Daniel , Chief Building Official and William
Bogue, Clerk-Treasurer.
In addition, Reverend Dan Raats, S/SGT Gary Martin, Lorraine Moore,
Diana Norris and Rob Perry were present for the inaugural Ceremonies .
The Clerk called the meeting to order and administered the
Declaration of Elected Officer and Oath of Allegiance.
Reverend Dan Raats addressed the Council on leadership with the
emphasis on working together and helping each other for the benefit of
Bayham Township as a whole. Reverend Raats then lead all in a prayer
The Clerk then presented Reeve Chute with the Township gavel .
Reeve Chute thanked Reverend Raats and stated that he was looking
forward to his new term of office, hoping that Council could work within
a framework where disagreements would not hamper their ability to arrive
at a decision.
Reeve Chute cited the garbage disposal situation as one major issue
to be dealt with in conjunction with Port Burwell and Vienna. Also, the
Township planning structure should become more streamlined in order to
make it more understandable to the ratepayers .
In closing, Reeve Chute emphasized the need to balance the
township' s ability to pay and still meet the true needs of all the
residents of Bayham.
A short break was then taken after which Reeve Chute called for the
meeting to resume .
Reeve Chute declares a conflict of interest regarding the Mutual
Agreement Drain with Gilles Therrien and Sunburst Farms .
Moved by J. Volkaert
Seconded by W. Casier
That the minutes of the meeting held November 21 , 1991 having been
examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve' s signature
authorized on same.
Carried. . . . . . . . . . , . . .
Minutes of Council meeting held December 5, 1991 continued
Mr. James Gibbons , Road Superintendent is present to discuss
matters concerning the Township Works Department . Mr. Gibbons presents
a bridge report prepared by DELCAN. Council reviewed this report which
advised of needed repairs in order for these bridges to meet safety
specifications . It was felt that the Works Department could do the
necessary work, however, a meeting should be held with the Ministry of
Transportation to discuss the matter . Mr . Gibbons advised that same
rehabilitation work has now been done at the new gravel pit .
Mr. Dwayne Daniel , Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent
is present to discuss matters pertaining to Building and Drainage. Mr .
Daniel presents a report on permit issued to date . A total of 160
permits have been issued to date with a total value of $3 ,758 , 400 . 00 .
This compares with a total of 146 permits with a value of $6, 131 , 564 . 00
issued in 1990 .
Mr . Daniel advised that No . 1 Drain Branch "E" has been completed
and that an on site meeting has now been conducted on the proposed new
5th Concession Drain.
Mr. Jack Petrie is present to update council on his progress
relating to request by council to conduct a study on water needs in the
township. Mr. Petrie reports that his study has not been completed,
however, reviews his findings to date. Mr. Petrie advises that area
wells vary in depth, some of which produce ample supply while others
supply only enough to get by on basic usage. At this point , it appears
that support for a pipeline is not high.
Mr . John Hendricks was present to discuss the possibility of
receiving a severance on his property located at Con 3 Lot 12 for
retirement purposes .
(a) Township of Limerick - Request support of Resolution
Re: sewage systems
(b) Local Agricultural Employment - Request appointment of 1992
Board representative
(c) Cumming Cockburn Limited Extending congratulations to
new Council
(d) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell - Correspondence re Soreny and
Township of Bayham
(e) Canadian Diabetes Association - Request for financial support
(f) Fair Tax Commission - Re property tax reform
(g) Ministry of Natural Resources - Requesting tippage fees 1992
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J. Hagell
That Bayham Township contact the Municipalities of Port Burwell and
Vienna in order to proceed with a start up committee to address Garbage
Disposal concerns .
Carried. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minutes of Council meeting held December 5, 1991 continued
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J. Volkaert
That the Township of Bayham contact Ernst & Young Inc. , the
receiver for Sunburst Farms advising Carol Neal indicating the Township
is in favour of a Mutual Agreement Drain and that construction be
completed prior to Jan. 1, 1992 if possible.
Carried . . . .
Moved by J . Volkaert
Seconded by D. Dennis
That the following persons be appointed to the several cemetery
boards for three year terms commencing December 5 , 1991 .
Straffordville - G. Price, H.Dennis , M. Wisson
Eden - W. Baldwin, G. Backus , L . Hurlbert
Guysboro - R. Ball , M. Nowell
Dobbie - J . Tupper, J . Elliott
Calton - K. Kennedy
Claus J W . McAllister
Edison Pioneer - J. Petrie
Light D. Babcock, Will Hussey. Ken Ward
Smuck - Ruth Locker
Bayham West - Bob Berdan, Ralph Carter
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J. Hagell
That the following persons be appointed to the several Boards and
commissions in and for the Township of Bayham for one year terms
commencing Dec. 5/91 .
Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centre Board
M. Stewart , M. Schaffer, N. MacAullay, J . DeClercq . J. Barclay . Sandra
Chapman, W. Casier, Jim Hagell , D. Norris
Lion' s Club Rep. - Township Reeve
Long Point Region Conservation Authority
Lloyd Cowan
Eden Community Centre Board
P. Klassen, D. DePlancke, Kim Tait, J. Caughill , R. Sandham
Elgin Farms Safety Council
H. Mauthe
Local Agricultural Manpower Board
representative - John Nezezon
alternate - Doug Howey
Bayham Industrial Committee
Council , M. Stewart , R. Sandham, Mike Perovich
Carried. . . . . . . .
Minutes of Council meeting held December 5, 1991 continued
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by J . Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No . 2654 being a by-law to - authorize
the Reeve and Clerk to sign a deed to transfer part of the road
allowance between Lots 5 and 6 Concession 4 Bayham Township designated
as Part 2 shown on reference plan 11R-4720 Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by J . Volkaert
Seconded by D. Dennis
And resolved that By-Law No . 2654 be now Read a Second Time .
Carried. , . . .
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J . Volkaert
And resolved that By-Law No. 2654 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed .
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by J. Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No . 2655 being a by-law to - confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting(s) held
December 5 , 1991 Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried. . . . , , . .
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J . Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No. 2655 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by D. Dennis
And resolved that By-Law No. 2655 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J. Volkaert
That this council do now adjourn to meet again on December 19, 1991
at 7 : 30 p.m.
1".‘"-- C;-)
The regular meeting of Council of the Township of Bayham was held
this date in the Council Chambers in Straffordville at 7 : 30 p.m.
D. Vane Chute, Reeve; Joe Volkaert Sr. , Deputy Reeve; Wayne Casier,
Councillor; Doug Dennis, Councillor and Jim Hagell , Councillor.
Also present for all or part of the meeting were Jim Gibbons, Road
Superintendent , Dwayne Daniel , Chief Building Official and William
Bogue, Clerk-Treasurer.
Reeve Vane Chute declares the meeting to order.
Reeve Chute declares a conflict of interest in regards to the
Therrien Agreement Proposal . Also Reeve Chute declares a conflict of
interest in regards to the Township listing of the Straffordville
Industrial property .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J. Volkaert
That the minutes of the meeting held December 5, 1991 having been
examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.
Carried. . . . . . . . . , . . . .
Mr. James Gibbons , Road Superintendent is present to discuss
matters concerning the Township Works Department . Mr. Gibbons advises
that he recently reviewed a steel bridge deck located in Yarmouth
Township and that he would consider the same design for Bayham bridge
repairs . Council discuss the need to replace the township backhoe. Mr.
Gibbons is advised to obtain at least three prices on a new backhoe for
Council 's consideration. Road expenditures to date are reviewed by
council .
Mr. Dwayne Daniel , Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent
is present to discuss matters pertaining to Building and Drainage. Mr.
Daniel advises council of Ministry of Transportation concerns regarding
a rezoning application. Discussion regarding an adjustment to the Smith
Drain repair assessment results in Council requesting that a letter be
obtained by O.M.A.F. as well as the Drainage Engineer's opinion on the
matter. The letter from Spriet Associates concerning a matter relating
to the Stewart Drain is discussed with Mr . Daniel .
Harold Dennis , Township Fire Chief is present to discuss matters
concerning the fire department . Mr. Dennis advises that the property
identification signs have been completed and he will receive delivery on
Friday. Mr. Dennis advises that he recently attended a fire chiefs '
meeting which dealt with health and safety regulations . At present
Minutes of Council meeting held December 19, 1991 continued
a court case is in progress concerning these regulations and the
decision on this case could have far reaching effects on volunteer fire
departments .
Mr. Hugh Howey and Mr. George Palmer representing the Bayham
Community Initiatives Group are present requesting township assistance
in obtaining a suitable location to distribute clothing and food to
people in need. Mr . Howey informs council of the groups operation and
that they were required to move from the Anglican Hall in Port Burwell
and are therefore in need of a place large enough to display the new and
used clothing that they have available. The building should have a
suitable location and be heated. Mr. Howey advised that their group
relies on donations and therefore does not have a large budget to work
with. Discussion ensued as to possible locations with council advising
that they would be willing to assist if at all possible.
Mr . Cyril Demeyere of Cyril J. Demeyere Limited presents council
with a draft copy of a development agreement between Mr. Gilles Therrien
and the Township. Council reviews the agreement with Mr. Demeyere who
will present the final agreement for signing.
Discussion regarding a possible watermain along highway #19 takes
place. Mr. Demeyere suggest that an engineer's report at an estimated
cost of $2000 .00 be prepared and sent along with an application for
grant monies presently available. Mr. Demeyere advises that this grant
may no longer be available and therefore suggest that an application not
be delayed.
Mr . John Hendricks is present to further discuss council 's position
on his request to obtain a severance on his property at Concession 3 ,
Lot 12 for retirement purposes . Council advise that under the present
circumstance a lot severance at the present time would not be permitted.
Record of public meeting held December 19, 1991 concerning Official
Plan and Zoning Amendments .
Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to receive
comments on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayham's official
plan and zoning by-laws to be open.
The first application is that of Berend Jan Veen, Re By-Law Z266-91
Part Lot 136 , Concession 6 to change the zoning of a portion of his
lands from Al to Estate Residential and Agricultural . The purpose of
this application is to create one residential lot for retirement
purposes .
Mr. and Mrs . Veen are present in support of the application. The
Clerk advises that correspondence received for the Elgin-St . Thomas
Health Unit advising they have no objection to the amendment . Also
correspondence is received from the Ministry of Natural Resources
advising that they have established a "No Net Loss" of forest ecosystem
policy. They advise that any development must not adversely impact the
fisheries habitat of the adjacent natural water course.
They request that there be a minimum 30 meter naturally vegetated
buffer strip along each side of the water course. The ministry
recommend that development be restricted to the adjoining open land.
Mr. Veen responds that his proposal would improve the property and
not be detrimental to it
No further comments were received on this application.
The second application is that of Paul Valko Re By-Law 2267/91 to
zone a piece of property for Rural Residential use in Lot 10 , Concession
2 . The effect of this by-law will be to permit the development of one
Minutes of Council meeting held December 19, 1991 continued
retirement dwelling on the subject lands in conformity with the Official
Plan as amended.
Mr. Valko is present in support of his application and offers no
comment .
The Clerk advises that correspondence has been received from the
Elgin-St . Thomas Health Unit advising they have no objection to the
application. Correspondence is also received from the Ministry of
Natural Resources advising that they have no objection to this
application. They advise that they have established a "No Net Loss" of
forestry ecosystem policy and that future development within the
forestry area be restricted or kept to a minimum.
No further comments are received on this application.
The third application is that of Isidore and Irma Volkaert re By-
Law Z264/91 to change the zoning on a parcel of land on the southern
portion of Part Lot 25, South Gore from Agriculture (A1) zone to the
Rural Residential (RR) and Agriculture zone. The effect of this by-law
will permit the creation of a rural residential lot intended to be used
by the application for retirement purposes .
No person or persons are present to comment on the application.
The Clerk advises that correspondence has been received from the
Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit advising they have no objection to the
application. Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources
advise they have no objections to this application. They advise that
the head waters of a natural watercourse are located on the property,
therefore any works on this water course or existing dam will require a
formal work permit .
No further comments are received on this application .
There being no further comments on applications received Reeve
Chute declares the public meeting closed.
(a) Elgin County Board of Education - Re salary settlement
(b) Township of Hamilton - Request support of
Re : telecommunications
(c) Davis, Martindale & Barnes - Advising of auditing
services available
(d) Greenlane Landfill - Re: waste management
(e) Spriet Associates - Re: Stewart Drain
A. Veitch
(f) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell - Update on legal matters
(g) Great West Energy Ltd . - Re: Supply Natural Gas
(h) County of Elgin Land Division - Application E181/91
Barbara & Willy Rycart
(i) County of Elgin Land Division - Application E177/91
Isidore & Irma Volkaert
Moved by J . Volkaert
Seconded by W. Casier
That the severance application E177/91 of Isidore and Irma
Volkaert, Lot 25 , Concession South Gore be not approved as the lands are
not zoned for the intended use.
Carried. . . . . .
Minutes of Council meeting held December 19 , 1991 continued. . . .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J . Volkaert
That the severance application E181/91 of Barbara and Willy Rycart ,
Lot 8, concession south Gore be not approved as the lands are not zoned
for the intended use .
Carried. . .
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by J. Hagell
That the Township of Bayham write to the Minister of the
Environment requesting that she agree to not designate the Green Lane
Landfill site for an environmental assessment . This matter is of the
utmost urgency as any other decision would place an extreme hardship of
the ratepayers of the township .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J. Volkaert
That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is in
agreement with a modification to Official Plan Amendment No. 85 such
that the attached copy of "Modified Schedule "A" be approved showing the
area below the 210 metre contour as remaining in the Hazard Lands
designation. "
Carried. . .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by D. Dennis
That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham
recognizes By-Law Z250-90 as in conformity with Official Plan Amendment
No. 85 pursuant to Section 24(2) of the Planning Act , provided that no
buildings or structures are erected below the 210 metre contour line,
and, provided that the regulations of the Estate Residential (ER) Zone
are otherwise complied with on the site.
Moved by J. Hagell
Seconded by D. Dennis
That the Treasurer be authorized to make disbursements of
investment interest received from Perpetual Care Funds to the following:
Bayham West Cemetery Board $ 574 . 69
Calton Cemetery Board 1553 . 56
Township of Bayham (Re Claus) 260 . 82
Dobbie Cemetery Board 739 . 18
Eden Cemetery Board 1627 . 61
Township of Bayham (Re Edison) 969 . 24
Edison Cemetery Board 84.07
Township of Bayham (Firly) 114. 86
Guysboro Cemetery Board 1253. 38
Light Cemetery Board 182 . 21
Old Port Burwell Baptist 301 . 59
Smuck Cemetery Board 474 . 06
Straffordville Cemetery Board 1733. 87
Carried. . .
Minutes of Council meeting held December 19, 1991 continued
Moved by J . Hagell
Seconded by W . Casier
That the following tax adjustments under Section 496 of the
Municipal Act as presented be removed from the various tax rolls :
1 . the amount of $1196 . 17 from the 1991 tax roll
2 . 187 . 91 from the 1990 tax roll
3 . 239. 95 from the 1989 tax roll
4. 232 . 49 from the 1988 tax roll
5. 212 . 23 from the 1987 tax roll
and by Assessment Review Board the amount of $37 . 94 be removed from 1990
tax roll .
Carried. . . . . . , .
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded J . Volkaert
That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the Port Burwell Group
Committee the sum of $150 . 00 for collection of newsprint .
Carried. . . . ,
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J . Hagell
That Bayham Township Council extend the listing of the property
described as Lot 654, Plan 500 with Anderson & Benner Ltd. - Coldwell
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J . Volkaert
That general accounts amounting to $69 , 147 . 18 and road accounts
amounting to $45, 259 . 50 be approved .
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by J . Volkaert
That the Road Superintendent be given authority to obtain tenders
for the purpose of purchasing a new backhoe for the Road Department .
Carried. . . . . .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J . Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No. Z264/91 being a by-law to amend
by-law no. 2387 (Re Volkaert) Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried. . . . . .
Moved by J . Hagell
Seconded by W. Casier
And resolved that By-Law No . Z264/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried. . , . . . . . . . . . , ,
Minutes of Council meeting held December 19, 1991 continued
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by W. Casier
And resolved that By-Law No . 2264/91 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried. . . , . . . . . . . . ,
Moved by J . Hagell
Seconded by J . Volkaert
And resolved that By-Law No. Z266/ 91 being a by-law to - amend
by-law No . 2387 (re Berend Jan Veen) Be Now Read a First Time.
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J . Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No . Z266/91 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Volkaert
Seconded by D. Dennis
And resolved that By-Law No . 2266/91 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried. , . . . . . . . . . .
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J . Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No . Z267/91 being a by-law to - amend
by-law No. 2387 (re Valko) Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried. . . . . . . . . . + . a .
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J. Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No. Z267/91 be now Read a Second Time .
Carried , . . .
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-Law No. Z267/91 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried. . , .
Moved by J. Hagell
Seconded by D. Dennis
And resolved that By-Law No . 2656 being a by-law to - adapt
amendment No. 89 to the official plan of the township of Bayham. (Berend
Jan Veen) Be Now Read a First Time.
Carried. .
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J. Hagell
Minutes of Council meeting held December 19, 1991 continued
And resolved that By-Law No. 2656 Be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J . Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No. 2656 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried. . .
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by J. Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No. 2657 being a by-law to -- authorize
the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement for development of residential
lots between Gilles Therrien and the Township of Bayham on Concession 2 ,
Lot 15 Now Read a First Time.
Moved by J . Hagell
Seconded by W . Casier
And resolved that By-Law No,. 2657 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by W. Casier
And resolved that By-Law No. 2657 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried. .
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by J. Hagell
And resolved that By-Law No . 2658 being a by-law to - appoint
Doane Raymond as township auditors for a period of one year Be Now Read
a First Time.
Carried. , . . . .
Moved by J . Hagell
Seconded by W. Casier
And resolved that By-Law No . 2658 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by D. Dennis
And resolved that By-Law No. 2658 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried. . _ , . . , . . . . . _ .
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by W. Casier
And resolved that By-Law No. 2659 being a by-law to - confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
Minutes of Council meeting held December 19, 1991 continued. . . . . . , . . . .
December 19, 1991 Now Read a First Time.
Carried. . . . . . . . .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by D . Dennis
And resolved that By-Law No. 2659 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by D. Dennis
Seconded by W. Casier
And resolved that By-Law No. 2659 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Moved by W . Casier
Seconded by J. Volkaert
That this council do now adjourn to meet again on January 2 . 1992
at 10 :OO a.m.
e g 14,/
A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham is held
this date in the Council Chambers in Straffordville at 9:00 a.m. The
purpose of this special meeting is for the purposes of reviewing tenders
received for a new township backhoe.
D . Vane Chute, Reeve; Joe Volkaert Sr . , Deputy Reeve; Wayne Casier,
Councillor; Doug Dennis, Councillor and Jim Hagell , Councillor.
Also present for all or part of the meeting were Jim Gibbons, Road
Superintendent, and William Bogue, Clerk-Treasurer .
Mr. Gibbons presents to council three tenders received as follows :
1) Southwest Tractor
John Deere 310D Tractor Backhoe four wheel drive
72 horsepower with trade $37 ,000 .00
plus all applicable taxes
2) Chesterman Power Products
Ford 555C Tractor Backhoe - two wheel drive
65 horsepower with trade $34,000.00
plus all applicable taxes
3) J. I . Case Canada
Case 580 super K Tractor two wheel drive
70 horsepower with trade $30,000 .00
Note: four wheel drive $5 , 700 .00 additional
plus all applicable taxes
Moved by J . Hagell
Seconded by W. Casier
That the township of Bayham purchase a new John Deere 310D Tractor
Backhoe from Southwest Tractor at the tender price of $37 ,000 . 00 plus
applicable taxes .
Carried. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moved by W. Casier
Seconded by J. Volkaert
That this special meeting of council do now adjourn.
. � @I ' 00