HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1990BAY11AM
Council M41
- a
The_ regular me► -ting o: Bayham
Reeve V. Chute presides with
R. Phillips in attenda::ce.
Coune f 1 Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 4, 1990
Townsh-p council is held this morning.
councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon Etnd
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of thE, reg,_11ar meeting of council held December 21,
1989, having beer. examined by the members are hereby approves? and the
Reeve's signature authcrized on same.... Carried
Cour:cillor G. Nelles declares a conflict of interest in thE: matter of
the: examination of thE- fidelity band covering township employees.
Corresponder.ce :
Dei l ego t i ons :
James G:.bbcns, roed superintendent, meet., with co;ncil to review road
natters. He reports t.hEt the backhoe bucket anc4 machine are rusting as
a result of beirb USEd for loading salt for w .nter control. Consideration
of trade might be g1ven at budget time. Renovations to the garage to
accomodate an extra bay at Che south end are discussed. Mr. Gibbons
repo.-rLs that repc-,irs to the roof are necessary. A meeting i- to be
arranged with Mr. Andy D- eleman for the extraction of g-cavel at this:
fErm at Lct 4, Conc. 8 . Also, it is requestee that an estimate of costs
to complete: thE, Moore Bridge be p-ce>sented early in February.
S joerd HocgFteen rieets with council to d;_scus: his apFlicat-ion for official
pIE-n and zoning amendments at Lot 23, Conc. 5, as p -.res rated to council
on December 21, 1989. It is the opinion of council thEt the frontzge
shoulc. be revise' downwards. Reeve Chute and councillor Nc zezon will mt_ e t
with mr. Hoogstee_n to fu--tl er review the applicat-Lcn.
Harald Dennis, fire chef, meets with-., council to rej.71*CW fire matters.
Two Scott air packs have been purchased. Talc fire schoo's of 2 days
each will be held in January and February at St. Thomas. and a 5 day
course will be held later in the year. Mr. Denn_s is to encourage some of
the' volunteers to attend the schoolF.
The mer.bers of the: road crew m(ect with council to request Uage adjustments
for 199G. A package consistir-g of exterdec"! health care, Blue Cross hospitel
coverage and dental benefits at an an.,.ual cost a} -cut $900. per fami:.y
-is requested. In addition, a short_ term sick benefit plan as now in place
it the County of Elgin shoulc to considered. In addit_cm to they bE!nE fit::,
an increasc of $1. peer hour in wages is requested.
Public Meeting:
As advertised, a public mci:ting for the: purpose of hearing comments on
proposed zoning arr endment s is dec' ared open by Reeve Chute.
The application of Mitche' 1 FErrms Limited fol a change frofri Al to Har.let
Residential is presenced. Mr. Max Mitchell is p -resent ane, speaks briefly
in support of the: application. No one has any opposing comme: rit s .
The application of Dodington & DodiTIgton for a change in the Hermlet 2.oning
to permit the stor6ge of organ -s and minor repairs in the area ncW zoned
HR 10 in Richmond is presented. No one is p-cesent tc comment on the proposal.
Reeve Chute declares the public mec t ing closed.
Muvee by: C. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That Lloyd Cowan be appointed to represent the Township of Bayhaw to thE.
Long; Pcins Regi cn Conservation Authorit ......... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Philips
That the fidelity bond covering township employees being exami.red by
coups :1 is hereby approve 4 and ordered filed.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: Nezezon
That the t-rea,&urer ar�d deputy treasurer be empowered to execute s11
cheques and documents required by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commcrce
pertca ning t c municipal bank accourits..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and SPco►uied by: R. Phillips
That t hE- treasurer be authorized to petit -ion the Miuistry of Transpo--tat:ion
for Ontario for the balance of subsidy funds on 1989 expenditures..
..... Carr *. ed
M;;ved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Ne' I e s
That Ken Lamers be appcinced captain in the Bayham f:re deportment to
perform such duties as p--E-scribed by the fire chief ane appl i cable
township by-laws..... carried
Ooved by: .. Nezezon and Secondc-d by: R. Phillips
That this m.,nicipality approve memberships and appoint delegat e, to the
follcwing municipal as=:ociations:
AF.:,oc;at-:on of Municipalities all mt ml:ers of coLncil arx"I the clerk
of Ontario
Ontario Goc;d Roads AsSociat i c►n a.11 mer..bers of council, the road
supex i ncendent , the clerk a►.d deputy clerk
Ontario Fc-►rm Drainage A sociation the dra:inag(- irispEtct 0r_
Ontario Association of hlurzicipal the clerk and thE- treasurer
Clerks & Treasurers
Ontar io As::,oc iat ion of Fit E Chief s the
E" -
County Firt- Mutua l A id A .scc . the
E' gin County Read Superintendents the
The OTItaric Road Superintendents the
A%::ociat c
fire chief and the deputy
fire chief a!-cl the deputy
road superinter-bent
road superintendent
f irech.`.ef
Z220/90 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 220/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re. Dodington) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 220/90 be now read a second time .... Carrie
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 220/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z221/90 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 221/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re. Mitchell Farms Ltd.) be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 221/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Sedonded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 221/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2524 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2524 being a by-law to authorize the
borrowing of 2,400,000. be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2524 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2624 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2525 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that by-law No. 2525 being a bye-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held January
4, 1990, be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2525 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. JBhillips and seconded by: J. nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2525 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. pelles
That this council n djourn to meet again on January 18, 1990 at 7:30 p.m.
xeeve Llerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 11, 1990
A special meeting of council is held this morning for the purpose of
reviewing a request for Advance Container of Canada Ltd. for extra
remuneration for garbage collection at our community centre and two
commercial establishments, and adjusting wages for 1990. Reeve V. Chute
presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles, J.
Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Correspondence from Robt. McCaig requesting additional funds for garbage
removal the the W. & W. Food market, Eeley Motors and the community
centre is reviewed. The tender as submitted from Mr. McCaig for the term
1989-1993 is also reviewed. It appears that no mention of a limit being
imposed in the tender for collection, the clerk is to have our solicitor
review the tender and correspondence prior to meeting on January 18th.
Salaries and wages are reviewed.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That hourly rated employees on the roads department be paid at the rate
of $12.40 per hour plus 100% premium for extended health care including
semi private hospital coverage, by group plan; said hourly increase to
be effective January 1, 1990, and health care plan on February 1, 1990..
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
That wages be adjusted effective January
transfer station caretaker $6.40
drain inspector 11.80
fire chief 61615.00
deputy fire chief 4,830.00
fire captain 39.75
fire fighters 32.35
R. Sandham
1, 1990:
per hour
per hour
per annum
per annum
per call
per call with those attending
in excess of 50% of fires and
50% of practices receiving $36.75
per call.......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That salaries and wages be adjusted effective January 1, 1990:
Deputy clerk -treasurer $28,822.50 per annum
office clerk 11.25 per hour
chief building official 13.65 per hour
road superintendent 35,175.00 per annum
plus benefits package of 100% premium for extended health care including
semi private hospital coverage by group plan effective February 1, 1990...
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the salary of the clerk be $42,000. and the salary of the treasurer -
tax collector be $34,650. effective January 1, 1990, with a benefit package
of 100% health care including semi -private coverage by group plan effective
February 1, 1990; plus a retirement bonus of $10,000. for the clerk and
$1,350. merit bonus for the treasurer -tax collector for 1990.... Carried
Moved by: J. nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That councillors for the Township of Bayham be paid at the rate of:
Reeve $220. per month
Deputy Reeve 168. per month
Councillor 110. per month
plug $96. per regualr meeting and $66. per special meeting with the clerk
and/or treasurer receiving councillor's remuneration for meetings at
other than regular office hours.....Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 18, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held January 4, 1990,
and special meeting held January 11, 1990, having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the reeve's signature authorized on
same........ Carried
1) Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp..placement of family under Rural &
Native Housing Program
2) Ontario Hydro..report on staff meeting and offer to present film
on Demand Supply Plan
3) Ministry of Natural Resources..information on Aggregate Resources Act
4) Ontario Good Roads Association..copy of submission to Ministry of
Transportation Outlook Session
S) Town of Tillsonburg..request to meet re. boundary road agreement
6) Ministry of Transportation..1990 road and bridge allocation
7) Land Division Committee..severance application..S. & M. Hoogsteen
8) County Engineer..notice of grader &/or backhoe operator school
Road employees meet with council to request a further adjustment in
remuneration and benefits for 1990. They present a written request for
an incre'se over 1989 rates of 6% amounting to $12.51 per hour. In addition,
extended health care and dental plans 100% paid by the municipality. A
short term sick plan of 100% for first month, 90% for second month, 80%
for the third month and 70% for the fourth month which would be based
on working days per month. (Long term disability plan would then be efffective)
Council will consider the request and reply at a later time.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. He reports that with the mild weather we are experiencing, the
roads are becomming soft. Gravel is being applied to Fifth Street. There
is a water problem on the road between Lots 15 & 16, in Concession 10,
in the area serviced by the Smith Drain. It will be necessary to dig to
attempt to find the difficulty.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, Merlin Norris, deputy chief, and Ken Lamers,
fire captain, meet with council to discuss fire matters. Chief Dennis
presents his report for 1989. Reviewed are the methods and records of
training and methods for choosing members of the department.
Messrs. John Vieraitis Sr. & Jr. meet with council to request severance
information at Lot 16, Conc. 10. They are considering 4 lots on sandy
land on the east side of the sideroad. The west side has several residences.
The area for consideration is difficult to farm because of the soil
conditions. Council will look at the property in the near futuer and
consider the request.
Judy Oldham meets with council to request further consideration tQ her
request of S lots of the south side of County Road No. 44. This is the
area in which a zoning by-law and official plan amendment were requested
and objected to by the Ministryof Agriculture & Food. Two lots are
presently be zoned by By-law Z 178/89 andOfficial Plan Amendment No. 33.
As the O.P. amendment is not yet approved, Mrs. Oldham is requested to
wait for approval before proceeding,
Helen Rugenis meets with council to request severance of a surplus farm
residence at Lot 22, Conc. 10. Council will look at the location in the
near future.
George Janssen meets with council to request severance of an area containing
103 feet frontage and 426 feet depth at Lot 10, Conc. 9. Mr. .3anssen owns
24 acres. He presently resides in Tillsonburg and will build a retirement
home if severance can be obtained. Council will look at.
William Legg meets with council to request permission to convert a
mobile home presently used and assessed as a seasonal dwelling into a
permanent residence. This is located at Lot 21, Conc. 3. Prior to any
committment from council, Mr. Legg should get a report from our building
inspector as to the condition of the mobile home and if it can be
satisfactorily upgraded.
John Harris and John Walker meet with council to request further consideration
of a severance request at Lot 1, Conc. 5, consisting of 35 acres. The
area consists of rolling land with a house and farm building. It would
be suitable for a horse farm. The balance of the lands of Mr. Walker are
suitable for tobacco growing and will be retained . Council will look at
this proposal and consider same.
John Horeth and Miss. Hildegard Horeth meet with council to discuss a
possible severance at Lot 121/122 N.T.R. It consists of about one acre
which is cut off from the balance of the lands be a gulley. Miss Horeth
is planning to be married and the lot would be for a residence. Council
will look at this proposal.
Abe and Pete Klassen meet with council to further discuss a severance
proposal at Lot 21, Conc. 8. This had been brought to council on December
21, 1989. Council has no objections to the proposal and advises Mr.
Klassen to proceed with the required zoning amendment.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council objects to the severance proposal of Sjoerd and
Mary Lou Hoogsteen at Lot 23, Conc. 5, as the land is not zoned for
the intended use.......... Carried
Moved by: J.Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of Sjoerd & Mary Lou Hoogsteen for an Official Plan
and Zoning amendment at Lot 23, Conc. 5, be accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved 4y: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R Phillips
That the quotation of London Machinery Company Limited for the supply
of a 1 x 8 yard s� e in sander with front pump in the amount of $8,195.
plus tax and installation be accepted..... Carried
2516 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2516 be now read a third time and finally
passed... (re. New England Mobile Home Park).... Carried
2524 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2524 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held January 18,
1990, and special meeting held January 11, 1990, be now read a first
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2524 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2524 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $503,898.82 and road accounts totaling
$28,800.28 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on February 1, 1990, at 10:00 a.m. ......Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 1, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J .Nezezo and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held January
18, 1990, having been examined by the members are hereby approved
and the reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
1) Ministry of Natural Resources..acceptance of proposal for use
of transfer station
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review
road matters. Mr. Gibbons has met with Mr. G. D. Vallee and will be
receiving estimates for the completion of the Moore Bridge in 1990.
Various roads in need of work are reviewed and the condition of
machinery in need of replacement are discussed in preparation of the
road budget for 1990. Mr. Jr. Dregg has advised him that 1990 rates
for brushing will be $55. per hour. Renovations at the garage are
progressing slowly. Mr. Gibbons will require a door 16 x 14 for the
new bay.
Pierce Walsh, area manager for Ontario Hydro, meets with council to
advise them of hydro's 25 year Demand/Supply Plan. A slide presentation
showing areas of concern is presented. Mr. Walsh replies to council
Robt. Stock and Jim Richards, representing the Ministry of Transportation,
meot with council to discuss possible projects for submission for
supplementary subsidy funds. In particular the Moore Bridge and hard
surfacing are discussed. They advise that hard surfacing should be
a part of the normal budget, however, the Moore Bridge can probably
be accepted. About 25% of 1989 applications were able to be accepted.
It is suggested that consideration be given to a'demonstration project'
which could be funded from a separate source.
Ms. Pat O'Hare, representing the Canada Mortg. & Housing Corp. and
the Rural & Native Housing section, meets with council to advise them
of the program. She explains the qualifications of applicants and
the method of subsididizing mortgage payments. Any persons which
council feels would qualify are to be referred to her office.
Fred Hermann meets with council to further discuss his application for
zone and official plan change at Lot 135 N.T.R. Mr. Hermann has met
with Mr. James Miller of Agriculture & Food and been advised of the
distance requirements from livestock operations in his area. This is
less than required in the official pian. Council has refused the application
on a previous occasion, however, it is decided to have Mr. Miller
meet with council to clarify Ministry requirements.
John Horeth meets with council to further discuss his severance proposal
of January 18th. He has completed the planning questionnaire which seems
to indicate a good proposal. However, council will attend a Mr. Horeth's
property to see if a more suitable site is available.
Michael Bohm meets with council to request consideration of severance
of 4 lots from his farm which now contains 44 acres. He presents a
sketch of the proposal. Council will look at the site prior to any
Pat Livingston meets with council to request road improvements for
access to a property at Lot 12/13 North Gore, which he is considering
purchasing. Also, if he purchases the property, will a building
permit be granted? Reeve Chute explains council guidel nems on building
road for this type of project, however, council will visit the site
prior to any decision.
Frank Cus jr. meets with council to request severance information on
a proposal for 3 lots on his father's property at Lot 15, Conc. 10.
Council requests that he complete a planning questionnaire and they
will visit the site before any decision.
Arthur Fisher meets with council to request information on severing a
residence at Lot 15, Conc. 4. While the residence is not used, it is
the only one on the farm property. Mr. Fisher also has an application
for official plan amendment which has been before the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs for some time. The Ministry of Agriculture & Food
has indicated that they cannot support the application. Mr. Fisher
requests council to have the amendment referred to the Ontario Municipal
Board for disposition. As to the request for *severing the residence,
council is not in favour of the proposal.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to report on
building matters. He is aware of the request by Mr. Livingston as
previously set out in these minutes, and suggests that council seek
a legal opinion on issuing a permit on an unmaintained road allowance.
Matthew Schafer meets with council to advise that he has received a
survey of the property on which a zone change was made and severance
granted for several residential lots. The survey indictes that the
easterly portion for which severance was granted is in an adjoining
lot zoned A1.After discussion Mr. Schafer indicates that rather than
apply for further zone change, he will not market the easterly lot.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters.
He will be meeting with new members of the department to inform them
of their responsibilities. He suggests a new telephone line to relocate
the lounge telephone near the radio and that a line be placed so that
alarms could be heard in the general office. Council requests this
work be completed.
Public Meeting:
As advertised, the public meeting tle receive comments on proposed
official plan and zoning by-law amendments is declared open by Reeve
Chute. The application of Glenn Babcock is presented. The proposal is
for three residential lots in Lot 14, Conc. 4. Comments from(.our
planning firm indicate that the proposal would be difficult to support.
Mr. Babcock speaks in favour of his proposal.
Clifford Ringland questions the availability of water and the possibility
of ground pollution at this location.
Zolton Pozar suggests that there could be a drainage problem as there
is a private drain in this locality.
Chas. Tillotson is concerned with drainage and possible pollution if
further residential development is allowed.
Mr. Babcock requests council not pass the required by-laws until he
further considers his application as it appears that the matter could
end up before the Ontario Municipal Board.
Peter Giesbrecht's application for a rural residential designation on
an area consisting of about 2 acres in Lot 109 N.T.R. is presented.
Mr. Giesbrecht speaks briefly in favour of his application.
No one is present in opposition to the proposal.
The application of Michael & Sandra Hesch is considered. The zoning
amendment is necessary as the lands are zoned future development. They
propose to erect a new residence, however it will be necessary to _
trade some lands with the Elgin County Board of Education to secure
a proper entrance by public roadway. No one is present to speak to
the application. However, council is aware of the circumstances having
visited the site.
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of Abe Klassen for an official plan and zoning
by-law amendment at Lot 20/21, Conc. 8, from A1-9 to Rural Residential
and Al Special be accepted and referred to our planning consultants
for by-law preparation ....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the treasurer be authorized to purchase a 2400 Baud Hayes
compatible modem for use with computer at a cost of $330. plus
installation from Computerland..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the treasurer be authorized to ad'ust taxes in accordance with
appeals received and assessments provi by the Regional assessment
Commissioner; said appeals amounting to $8,458.22 .....Carried
2525 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2525 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 66 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re Giesbrecht)
be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
Z 224/90
1 0��
IJ n1l
And resolved that By-law No. 2525 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2525 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 222/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re Giesbrecht) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 222/90 be now read a second time ... carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 222/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 224/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No
2387 (re. Hesch) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 224/90 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 224/90 be now read a third time and finally
2527 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2527 being a by-law to provide that in
the year 1990 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates
for the year.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2527 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2527 be now read a third time and finally
passed.... Carried
2528 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R.Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2528 being a by-law to establish a
charge for non-payment of current taxes and to provide for interest
to be added to tax arrears.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2528 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2528 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
2529 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2529 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held February
1, 1990, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2529 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2529 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council now adjourn to meet again on February 15, 1990
at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
Reeve Clerk
1989 Tax Adjustments (496)
Ronald Spain
Joseph Csikos
Henry Wiebe
John Roloson
Frank Voros
George Gehring
George Gehring
Barbara Rycquart
Harold Garner
Kelly VanQuaethem
Frank Magashazi
Fred Hermann
Wade Spitzke
Wade Spitzke
Wade Spitzke
Sandytown Developments
Sandytown Developments
David Westra
Leftbrooke Construction
Leftbrooke Const
Donna Holden
Donna Holden
Donald Beattie
Russell Mannell
Diane Richardson
Edgar Sandham
625109 Ontario Inc
Clarence Milmine
Abrahm Peters
Peter Knelson
Marguarite Ward
Marcel Le Houillier
Consumers Gas
Arthur Wright
Arthur Wright
Douglas Dennis
Gary Matschke
Gary Matschke
Mark Vezina
Gary Wiggans
1989 Tax Adjustments (ARB)
3-091-02 Frank Vanolstal 12 583
3-141 Hilary McKillop 12 529
3-157 Carla Matos 1376
1988 Tax Adjustments (496)
6-157-00-0001 Tim Harvey
Grand Total Tax Write Offs
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 15, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presieds with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held on February 1,
1990, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
1) Cyril J. Demeyer Limited..estimate of cost of railway crossing
reconstruction at Bayhaml-Drive
2) Employment & Immigration..notice of workshop to acquaint employers
with role of Canada Employment Centres
3) Land Division Committee..severance application..Mitchell Farms ltd.
4) Land Division Committee..severance application..DeCloet Bayham Ltd.
5) Sanitary Collection Service..acknowledgement of letter from our solicitor
and agreement to pick up all garbage
6) Kenneth & Sandra Ross..application for minor variance at Lot 23, Conc. 3
7) John Walker..application for minor variance at Lot 2, Conc. 5
8) John & Jon Walker..application for zone amendment at Lot 1, Conc. 5
9) Jacqueline & Roger DeClercq.. application for O.P. and zone amdt. Lot 126
10) Nancy Van Eenoo..application for zone amdt, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Main St. Eden
11) Graham Thomson..application for O.P. and zone amdt, Lot 15, Conc. 3
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
He has received quotes for Champion Grader Sales on two used graders. They
are 1985 models one being net $58,000. and the other net $69,400. Mr. Gibbons
estimates that it will cost $15,000. to repair our present grader. There
will also be some transmission repairs. He is to get an estimate from
Champion as•to the total repair cost. He has received an estimate of $10,500.
for single surface treatment of high float for this year.
Messrs. K'Emerson, A. Goethals, D.Brackenbury and R. Marlatt, representing
Vienna council, meet with council to request consideration of adjusting the
present fire agreement whereby a response by our rescue van would not be
considered a fire call and would be at a lesser rate. There were two rescue
van calls in 1989 at $1,800. each. Council will take this matter under
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters. The
*of pumper rear platform which was damaged has now been replaced. It is expected that
the computerized fire response system will be completed by the end of March.
He reports that several volunteers wish to take C.P.R. and first aid courses.
Mr. Dennis is to get the cost of the courses for 1990 budget. Council
approves any member taking the courses.
Roger & Jacqueline DeClercq meet with council to review their application
for official plan and zone change at Lot 126 N.T.R. Council suggests some
minor revisions to the location of the farm entrance and is in agreement
with the proposal.
Nancy Van Eenoo meets with council to review her application for zone
amendment at Lots 1, 2 & 3 on the north side on Main Street in Eder. The
property was recently rezoned for a four family dwelling. She is now
requesting a change to a three family dwelling and a commenrcial use as
a real estate sales office. Council:ics in agreement as long as the commercial
use is for office use.
Paul Valko meets with council to discuss the po%ible creation of three
lots on his property at Lot 10, Conc. 2. Mr. Valko owns approximately 87
acres of which most is treed with several gulleys cutting up the property.
He is requesting the lots for members of his family. Council will look
at this proposal before giving any decision.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to the severance proposals of:
Mitchell Farms Ltd., at Lot 117, 118, 119 & 120, S.T.R. being application
DeCloet Bayham Limited, at Lot 22 & 23, Conc. 9, being application #E 18/90
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the applications for official plan and zoning amendments of:
1) John & Jon Walker at Lot 1, Conc. 5, fro Al to Al Special
2) Jacqueline & Roger DeClercq at Lot 126/27, N.T.R. from Al to Rural Residential
3) Nancy VanEenoo at Lots 1, 2 & 3, Main Street, Eden, from H.R. to Hamlet
Residential and Hamlet Commercial
4) Graham Thomson at Lot 15, Conc. 3, from Al to Rural Residential
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Fred Hermann for an official plan and zoning ame en
at Lot 136, Conc. 7, from Al to Rural Residential. be accepted and refer -ted
to our planning consultants for by-law preparation .....Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
Whereas By-law Z 202/89 set out minimum lot sizes on certain parcels of
land designated as R.R.-8 and R.R. -9 in Lot 2, Concession 5;
And Whereas lands required by the County of Elgin for road widening have
created a lot size deficiency;
And Whereas an application for minor variance to correct the aforesaid
deficiency has been presented to council for disposition by the Committee
of Adjustment;
Therefore be it resolved that should an application for a building permit
be received on the aforesaid lands it will be processed in the normal
manner....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
Thdt this council has no comments regarding Township of Malahide Official
Plan Amendment No. 46 ..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with
Jackson's Manufacturing and Machinery Ltd. for the extension of an offer
to purchase lands being Part 3 on Plan 11 R 3950, to August 15, 1990..
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the treasurer be authorized to write off the following accounts:
1) C. & J. Moore water billing (1988) $42.60
2) Douglas McGlynn zonign account (1987) 330.00
3) Richmond Construction Ltd. zoning account (1985) $142.60 ...Carried
#2530 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2530 being a by-law to authorize the
Corporation of the Township of Bayham to enter into an agreement with
the Crown in the Right of Ontario to modify a service agreement with
respect to the Provincially owned water works (the 'Elgin Area Water
System #2) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2530 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2530 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2531 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2531 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council at.the meeting held February 15, 1990 be now read a first
time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: J. nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2531 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2531 be now read a third time and finally
passed .......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That general accounts totaling $72,077.96 and road accounts totaling
$28,133.80 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on March 1, 1990, at 10: a.m. .....Carried
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 19, 1990
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this afternoon for the
purpose of setting road expenditures for 1990.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the treasurer be authorized to make application to the Ministry of
Transportation for approval of 1990 road expenditures amounting to $156;;5.
for construction and $330,000. for maintenance ..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the treasurer be authorized to make application to the Ministry of
Transportation for supplementary 1990 road expenditures in the amount
of $210,000...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this special meeting of council now adjourn...... Carried
V,4-� eAl
The regular meeting of Bayham
V. Chute presides with Deputy
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 1, 1990
Township Council is held this morning. Reeve
Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 15, 1990,
and special meeting of council held February 19,1990, having been examined
by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized
on same..... Carried
1) Frank Cowan Company Limited..insurance news letter
2) County of Elgin..copy of correspondence to Long Point region Conservation
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
The flooding problem at the Smith Drain and on the road between Lots 15 & 16,
Authority informing them that they willnot
in Port Burwell breakwall
feasibility study
City of Sault Ste. Marie..copy of resolution
English as
the official language
of business
Land Division Committee..severance
Farms Ltd.
Land Division Committee..severpnce
Farms Ltd.
Land Division Committee..severance
Farms Ltd.
Land Division Committee..severance
application..John & Jon Walker
Frank Cus..application for official
plan and zone change
at Lot 10, Conc. 10
Barbara Vanderpas " official
at Lot 114, Conc. 6
George Janssen.. ofofficial
plan and zone change
at Lot 10, Conc. 9
Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..notice
of regional meetings re.
1990 Ontario budget
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
The flooding problem at the Smith Drain and on the road between Lots 15 & 16,
in Conc. 10 is not yet solved. Mr. Gibbons is of the opinion that tree
roots are blocking the tile. The road has been closed to public travel
and it is hoped that this will be cleared up by the coming weekend. Mr.
Gibbons has received a quote from London Door Co. for a 14' x 16' door
for the new bay at the garage in Gbe amount of $3,500. installed. This will
be the same type of door as was previously installed on the other doors.
A 1990 price list from Dunnville Rock indicates a price increase of 5%.
Quotes for a new pick-up truck are opelded: ���TK�j ����
Eeley Chev-Oldes $17,126.64 or with Atrade $10,106.64 0 WY
Stauffer Motors 17,100.00 with no allowance for trade
Mr. E. Allen Ladbrooke of Ladbrooke Utility Services Inc. meets with council
to present preliminary estimates for the extension of the water pipeline
northerly from Vienna as petitioned Novemer 2, 1989. This estimate is
in the amount of $112,000. or $5,090. per household for the 22 on the
petition. Mr. Ladbrooke suggests that council meet with the petitioners
to ascertain if they wish to proceed at this cost and if there may be
others who can be added. The availability of government grants for this
project will depend on any pollution problems and if funds are available.
Messrs. Case DeKraker and Harold Stoll meet with council to inquire as to
the possibility of severance of lands at Lot 1 & 2, Conc. 9. The farm i
contains about 61 acres with 1 acre being cut off from the farm by the
Little Jerry Creek. Council will look at this prior to giving any opinion.
Mr. Gary Paret as agent for Mr. Gordon Elkeer meets with council to request
information on the severance of 2 lots at Lot 15, Conc. 10. The area to
be considered is partially cut off by a ravine. Council will lokk at this
area before giving any opinion.
William Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to discuss
building projects, property standards and zoning matters.
Mr. Arnold Vanderpas with Mr. & Mrs. James Fuller meets with council to
request consideration of a severance at Lot 114, Conc. 6. The area under
consideration would require about 300 feet of road work to give proper
access. Council will look at this proposal before giving an answer.
Mr. R6y Triebner and Ms. Pat O'Hare meet with council to further discuss
the Rural & Native Housing program and provide information as to the
requirements for individuals for qualification.
Mr. Matthew Schafer meets with council to request information for an official
plan and zone change at Lot 128, Conc. 7. Mr. Schafer wants to creat a new
lot 200' x 200' by severance. Council suggests that Mr. Schafer contact the
Ministry of Agriculture & Food for comment prior to placing the required
applications for amendment.
Public Meeting:
Ad advertised Reeve Chute declares the public meeting to hear comments on
proposed official plan and zone amendments open.
The application of Nancy VanEenoo for a zone change at Lots 1, 2 and 3, on
the north side of Main Street in the hamlet of Eden. The property has recently
been zoned for a four family dwelling. Ms. VanEenoo proposes to have the
zoning amended to accomodate a real estate sales office and a three family
dwelling. Ms. VanEenoo proposes three 2 bedroom units of about 1200 sq. ft.
each along with the commercial use.
Mr. John B. Arthur questions council and Ms. VanEenoo as to whether any
consideration has been given to water quality damage with the use of septic
services. Mr. Arthur cites the probable damage caused by the recent tire
fire at Hagersville to water quality in that area. Mr. Arthur is assured
that the Health Unit will make sure proper Standards are met prior to any
permit being issued.
The application of Abe Klassen for an Official plan and zone change at Lot
20 & 21 in Conc. 8 is considered. No one is present to offer any comments on
the application. The application will change a parcel presently zoned for
special agricultural use to rural residential.
The application of Stuart Hoogsteen for an official plan and zoning amendment
at Lot 23, in Conc. 5, is considered. No one is present to offer any comments
on the proposal. The application will change the zoning on an agricultural
parcel to rural residential to facilitate creation of a new lot by severance.
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the quotation of Eeley Chevrolet, Oldesmobile Ltd. for the purchase of
a 1990 Chevrolet Cheyenne C 15 pick-up truck at a net cost of $10, 106.64
be approved...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be requested to refer Official
Plan Amendment No. 35 (re. Fisher) to the Ontario Municipal Board for
disposition ....... Carried
#2526 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2526 being a
Amendment No. 67 to the Official Plan of
be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2526 be now
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2526 be now
passed..... Carried
#2532 Moved by: R.
And resolved
68 to the Of
read a first
Moved by: G.
And resolved
Moved by: J.
And resolved
passed ..... C
J. Nezezon
by-law to adopt Official Plan
the Township of Bayham (re. Babcock)
read a second
read a third
time.... Carried
time and finally
Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
that By-law No. 2532 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.
ficial Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. A. KlasseA) be now
time..... Carried
Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
that By-law No. 2532 be now read a second time.... Carried
Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
that By-law No. 2532 be now read a third time and finally
#2533 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that by-law No. 2533 being a by-law to Adopt Amendment No.
69 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Hoogsteen) be now
read a first'time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
and resolved that By-law No. 2533 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2533 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Z223/90 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 223/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Babcock) be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 223/90 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 223/90 be now read a third time and finally
Z225/90 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 225/90 being a by-law to amend By-law no. 2387
(re Klassen) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 225/90 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 225/90 be now read a third time and fina Lly
passed..... Carried
Z226/90 Moved by:G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z226/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Hoogsteen) be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 226/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 226/90 be now read a third time and finally
Z227/90 Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 227/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Van Eenoo) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 227/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 227/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2534 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2534 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meetings held February 19,
1990, and March 1, 1990, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2534 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2534 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council now adjourn to meet again on March 15, 1990 at 7:30 p.m.
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 8, 1990
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this afternoon for
the purpose of reviewing severance applications received from the Land
Divison Committee, Visiting sites where applications for official plan
and zoning amendments are contemplated, drainage and other matters. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
After visiting the several. sites, council returns to the council chambers.
by: G.
Nelles and
by: R.
this council
has no
to the severance
proposals of:
Farms Ltd.,
Lot 125 &
Conc. 7, #E
Farms Ltd.,
Lot 125,&
Conc. 7, #E
Farms Ltd.,
Lot 125 &
Conc. 7, #E
31/90 .....Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the severance proposal of John & Jon Walker
at Lot 1, Conc. 5, being application #E 35/90 as the land is not properly
zoned....... Carried
Mr. John Spriet, representing Spriet Associates meets with several interested
parties in connection with the petition for drainage as presented by -Charles
Ward & others. Mr. Spriet explains estimated costs and probable assessments
for each. The consensus of the meeting is that Mr. Spriet should proceed
with the preparation of the drainage report.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this special meeting of council now adjourn.... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 15, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held March 1, 1990,
and special meeting held March 8, 1990, having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on
same...... Carried
Councillor R. Phillips declares a conflict of interest in correspondence
items 8 and 9 being severance proposals and John Nezezon declares
a conflict of interest in any discussion on a proposed severance in
which he may be making an application and which has been viewed by council.
1) St. Thomas Times Journal..offer to place advertisement in special �,�
issues re. opening of St. Thomas -Elgin hospital addition
2) Cumming Cockburn Limited..suggestions for modification of O.P.
Amendment No. 25, concerning hamlet boundaries
3) Demographic Reports of Canada..availability of demographic reports
containing information on municipalities
4) Twinbrook Farms Ltd. (Howey) application for zone amendment
5) Land Division Committee..severance application..Mitchell Farms Ltd.
6) Land Division Committee..severance application..Sunburst Orchards Ltd.
7) Land Division Committee..severance application..Larry DeLeemans
8) Land Division Committee..severance application..C. D. Phillips Ltd.
9) Land Division Committee..severance application..C. D. Phillips Ltd.
10) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..comments on Amendment N0. 31 (Vanderispailli
Jdmes Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to report on road
matters. He reports that several roads are breaking up very badly due
to frost comming out. He requests permission to place gravel on John
Street in Richmond in preparation of hard surfacing later this year.
There is still a water problem at the site of the Smith Drain. Water is
once again on the roadway. London Door Co. has provided a price of
$3000. for the door for the new bay at the garage; this includes the
installation. Champion Machinery Ltd. has provided an estimate of $24,400.
plus applicable taxes to repair the grader. Mr. Gibbons should proceed
to get the repairs done and, if necessary, rent a grader while ours is
out of service.
Gilbert Lively meets with council to request permission to place a mobile
home on his property at Lot 5, Conc. 9. Mr. Lively presently has one
mobile on the property for farm employees and the second would be for
rental income. This would appear to be contrary to municipal by-laws,
however, council will consider the request and reply at the April 5 meeting.
Dan Doneff meets with council to request permission to place a mobile
home on his property at Lot 5, Conc. 8. The mobile would be used by Mr
Doneff's parents who would be assisting in the farm operation. This
would apprear to comply with our by-law and council will reply on April 5..
Dan DePlancke meets with council to inquire as to the possibility of
expanding the boundaries of the hamlet of Eden northerly. Mr. DePlancke
is interested in presenting a subdivision proposal on lands he now owns
in Lot 24, Conc. 9. The Ministry of the Environment has concerns as to
water quality in this area. In light of these concerns, council will
discuss the request and reply to Mr. DePlancke in the near futuer.
Joe Berzinis meets with council to inquire as to the possibility of
a severance on the lands of his father at Lot 19, Conc. 2. Mr. Berzinis
has previously met with council on this matter. The proposed lot would
be about 1 � acres southerly from the road between Concessions 2/3.
A second site on the concession road might be available, however, Mr.
Berzinis would prefer the side road site. Council will look at both
sites and reply on April 5th.
Lloyd Cowan meets with council to request the opening of the roadway
between North Gore and Concession 8 a distance of about 150 feet easterly.
This will give access to a possible lot which is now reached by a right-
of-way. The intent is to sever the lot for his daughter. An application
to rezone the adjacent property is now in the process of circulation
with the last day for appeals on March 27th. Mr. Cowan requests a reply
before this date.
James Fuller jr. and Arnold Vanderpas meet with council to further
discuss Mr. Vanderpas' request to sever a parcel of land to create a
lot for sale to Mr. Fuller. Council is not opposed to the severance,
however, the lot is on a road not presently maintained. The possibility
of a join maintenance agreement and some arrangement for bringing the
road up to township standa* is mentioned. Council will consider the
request and reply on April 5th.
Resolutions: 21 ---
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of Twinbrook Farm Ltd. (Howey) for a zone amendment
at Lots 22 & 23. Conc. N.G., to Al to recognize a lot size deficience
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to severance proposals as follows:
Mitchell Farms Limited, Lot 117, 118, 119 & 1.20, Conc. 7 #E42/90
Sunburst Orchards Limited, Lots 12 & 13, Conc. 4, #E44/90
Larry & Jennie DeLeemans, Lot 10, Conc. 9, #E49/90
C. D. Phillips Ltd., Lot 14, Conc. 9, #E50/90
C. D. Phillips Ltd., Lot 14, Conc. 9, #E51/90 .......Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That Pursuant to the request of the Village of Vienna on February 15,
1990, for an adjustment on the 1989 fire account for response by the
res'gce van, no adjustment be made.....Carried
#2535 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2535 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute and Agreement to permit the encroachment of a
septic tank system on a road allowance known as Plank Road in the
Village of Richmond and to fix a fee for such privilege be now read a
first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2535 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2535 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
�253� And resolved that By-law No. 2536 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held Mrch 8, 1990,
and March 15, 1990, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2536 be now.read a second time..,.Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2536 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $62,187.20 and road accounts totaling
$48,689.35 be approved and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on Thursday, April 5, 1990, at 10: a.m. ......Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 5, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held March 15, 1990
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
Councillor J. Nezezon declares a conflict of interest in correspondence
item # 8, and G. Nelles in the insurance review to be presented today.
1) Township of Rochester..request to endorse resolution re. improvements
to health care services
2) Ministry of Natural Resources..request for comments on commercial /,--
fish review >/
Long Point Region Cons. Authority..reply re. our offer to sell property
at Lot 114, South Talbot
Road in the negative
of Municipal Affairs..comments
on official plan amendment
No. 33 re J. Oldham
of Municipal affairs..comments
on official plan amendment
No. 64 (New England Park)
of Municipal Affairs..comments
on official plan amendment
No. 31 (Vanderispaillie)
Elgin -St.
Thomas Health Unit..request to
make presentation of proposed
programs to council
John Nezezon..application
for zone and
plan amendment at Lot 21, Conc. 4
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to report on road
matters. Straw bales have been placed on the slopes leading to the Moore
Bridge to prevent any silt from entering the creek. This has been done
at the request of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and is to protect
the fish habitat. Mr. Gibbons has received an estimate of $11,200. to
hard surface John Street in Richmond. The quote is from Dave Peters and
is for a 2" surface of ashphalt. Robert Stock of the Ministry of Transport-
ation is updating our roads study to reflect 1989 construction. Grader #6
is at Champion Machinery Ltd. in Goderich being repaired. The brine
storage tanks have been filled and some brine applied to roads.
Messrs. Brice Sibbick and Gerry Taylor meet with council to review the
present insurance coverage. Little change is recommended and it is noted
that the 1990 premium is increased to about the level in 1986 & 87.
Gordon Elkeer meets with council to request information on proposed
severance of 2 lots at Lot 15, Conc. 10. Council has :inspected the site
and is familiar with the proposal. Because of a ravine.at the rear of
one of the proposed lots, Mr. Elkeer is contacting the Long Point Region
Conservation Authority for input as to whether a residential lot can
be created. If this is not possible, he will be applying for one severance.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters.
Council requests information as to how many of the fire fighters have
taken training on the new safety requirements- (WHIMIS) Mr. Dennis has
taken some training at the fire school and several of the firefighters
at their regular place of employment. There has been no formal training
as a fire group. Mr. Dennis expects the computerized fare numbering
system to be available very shortly.'
James Fuller and Arnold Vanderpas meet with council to request a decision
on road maintenance so that a lot can be created at Lot 5, S.G., presently -i
owned by Mrs. Vanderpas. The road superintendent has estimated that it
will cost about $20 to 25,000. to put the present road in passable shape
and construct a cul-de-sac for a turn around for maintenance vehicles.
Council requests a committment from Messrs. Fuller and Vanderpas to
contribute to the cost of the road work. W►*rle Mr. Fuller would not
request road repairs to the extent of the estimate, Councillor Phillips
explains that municipal liability would exist if the road were to become
travelled for residential use. Reeve Chute explains that council is not
prepardd to commit funds to the extent requirdd for a roadway which
would essentially be a driveway for his residence. Mr. Vanderpas requests
that he be given council decision in writing.
Messrs. Frank Volkaert and Randy Matthews meet with council to present
a petition signed by six parties against the drainage proposal of Charles
Ward. The petition is left with the clerk and they are requested to
bring this matter up at the consideration of the report.
Rosemary White meets with council on behalf of her husband, Albert White,
to report that they have had a Ministry of the Environment inspection
in preparation for an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on Mr. White's
proposal to build a mineral oil reclamation plant at Lot 26, Conc. 8.It
is expected that a hearing will be arranged within the next 3 months.
The Ministry of the Environment will hold a public meeting in Straffordville
to acquaint the public with the proposal. There is concern about the
road entrance presently being used. it is suggested that a new entrance
can be located across Lot 25 to utilize our Ridge Road. This road is not
posted as half load in the spring and therefore should not present a
problem for year round use. Mrs. White requests a letter to their
engineering firm that access can be granted year round by this road.
Max Stewart meets with council to report on land division committee
matters. A discussion on lot levies for road building and other purposes
is iniated and Mr. Stewart explains that some Elgin municipalities are
presently imposing the levies.
Mrs. Jos. Berzinis meets with council to further discuss their severance
proposal. Council is of the opinion that the best site would be at
the south west corner of Lot 19, in Conc. 2. Also, council advised Mrs
Berzinis that the municipality will be requesting land for road widening
at the time of severance. It is suggested that she contact the Ministry
of Agriculture & Food , and if they do not present adverse comments, an
application for official plan and zone change be submitted.
Dan Doneff meets with council to pursue his request for permission to
place a mobile home on his property at Lot 5, Conc. 8. As it is determined
that the. home will be used for agricultural employees and is in accordance
with our zoning by-law, Mr. Doneff is directed to make application for
a building permit and permission is granted.
Bob Bolhuis meets with council to request permission to erect a pumphouse
over his well which is about 9 feet from the road line. The structure
will be 8' by 8' by 7 feet in height. About 1 foot will be above ground.
Council has received several complaints about the condition of the road
in this location and improvements will be undertaken in the future. It
is anticipated that it may be necessary to purchase land for road widening
and this structure may have to be moved at that time. For this reason
council is not willing to have the structure located so close to the
roadway. Several alternatives are suggested for Mr. Bolhuis' consideration.
The above property is located at Lot 2, Conc. 8.
Public Meeting:
As advertised, the public meeting to hear comments on official plan and
zoning amendments is called by Reeve Chute.
The application of Fred Hermann at Lot 136, Conc. 7, for an official plan
and zoning amendment to permit the severance of a surplus farm house is
reviewed. The remaining agricultural parcel will be less than 20 hectares
and will be zoned in a special agricultural designation. Mr. Hermann is
present to reply to any questions, however, there is no opposition to
the proposal. The only written comments are from the Health Unit and
expresses no concerns.
The application of Graham Thomson at Lot.15, Conc. 3, for an official
plan and zoning amendment to permit severance of his present property
is considered. The property is now .77 hectares and it is the intent
of Mr. Thomson to sell his present residence and build another. Mr.
Thomson had originally intended to create three parcels of land, however,
he is now only considering two. Mr. & Mrs Thomsaon are in attendance
for any questions, however, there is no opposition to the proposal. There
is presently a petition to extend the water pipeline northerly from Vienna
and if this is constructed Mr. Thomson will be using the piped water as
his supply.
The application of Twinbrook Farms Ltd. at Lots 21 & 22, N.G., for
a special agricultural zoning to permit the creation of a parcel of
4 hectares containing farm outbuildings is now considered. Robert Howey
is present and will be purchasing the property to be included with
his present agricultural holdings. There is no opposition to the proposal
and written comments from the Health Unit contain no objections.
The application of Roger & Jacqueline DeClercq for an official plan and
zoning amendment at Lot 126, N.T.R, is now considered. It is the intent
to create three rural residential lots by severance. Mr. & Mrs DeClercq
are in attendance, however, have no comments to the application. No one
is present in opposition. Written comments from the Ministry of Natural
Resources offer no comments.
The application of John & Jon Walker at Lot 1, Conc. 5, for a zone
amendment to place a parcel containing 14 hectares in a special agricultural
zone to permit a severance. The lands to be severed will be disposed of
in conjunction with lands in the Township of Malahide which are adjacent
to these, separated by an unused road allowance. No comments are presented
on this application.
The application of the Township of Bayham to adjust zoning on previously
passed by-laws to recognize Ministerial modifications made to the official
plan amendments. The affected by-laws are Z177/89 (J. Eising) at Lot
14, Conc. 1; Z202/89 (J. & J. Walker) at Lot 2, Conc. 5; and Z206/89
(E. Eff) at Lot 11, Conc. 3. No comments are received regarding these
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of John Nezezon for an official plan and zoning
amendment at Lot 21, Conc. 4, from Al to Rural Residential be accepted
and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation .... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the road superintendent be authorized to have two members of
the road department attend the T. J. mahoney Road School at a cost of
$450. each; and one member of the road department attend to County of
Elgin first aid school at a fee of $30. ......Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council approves the application of the Straffordville Lions
Club in requesting the tszue of a special occasion permit for the operation
of a beer tent at the Bayham Community Park on July 6, 7, & 8, 1990..Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded
That the following building permits
Chris Crowell
David Dixon & Millanie Steven
Gerald Wadley
Alfred Meyer
Underhill Farm Supplies Ltd.
Ed. Panasiuk
John McGregor & Marilyn Walter
Brad Norris
Frank Fulop
Daniel Foremanik
Peter Giesbrecht
Garfield Peddie
Robert Reiser
Cindy & Dennis McCord
Wm. C. McBurnie
R. Sandham
siding & trim
storage shed
storage garage
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J.
Whereas Violet Petrie has been employed by
continuously since January 1, 1962;
And Whereas the said Violet Petrie has been
Municipal Employees Retirement System since
the Township of Bayham
a member of the Ontario
March 1, 1965;
And Whereas the said Violet Petrie is the only employee with service in
this municipality prior to 1965;
And Whereas it may now be possible to secure supplementary benefits,
type 1, on behalf of the aforesaid Violet Petrie;
Therefore be it resolved that all information pertinent to the securing
of supplementary benefits, type 1, be requested from the Ontario Municipal
Employees Retirement Board...... Carried
#2540 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2540 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held April 5,
1990, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2540 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2540 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by:R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council now adjourn to meet again on April 19, 1990, at 7 p.m.
!:). ae-001,7
Council Chambers
Straffordvil.le, Ontario
April. 12, 1990
A special meeting of council is held this evening for the purpose of
completing business held over from the regular meeting held April 5th.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G.
Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
The clerk informs council that objections to By-law Z223/90 (G. Babcock)
have been received from Murrary Emerson, Charles Tillotson, Clifford
Ringland, Zoltan Pozar and Etta Marlatt. The clerk is to inform Mr.
Babcock of the objections and invite him to council to discuss his right
to have an Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
A request from Mr. Wayne Tribe to cut a dead tree in the community park
for use as a bird house pole has been received by a councillor. It is
agreed that there is no objections to the request, however, the tree
should be cut by the road department.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the clerk be authorized to write to EPA Engineering stating that
access to property at Lot 25/26, Conc. 8, can be provided by townshiip
road across Lot 21/24, Conc. 8, and between Lots 24/25 Conc. 8, known
locally as Ridge Road; said road not normally subject to -half load
restrictions ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby requests the Ontario
Ministry of Municipal Affairs to modify Official Plan Amendment No. 64,
being an amendment to change an area of land comprised of approximately
22.83 hectares (56.41 acres) situated in Part Lots 23 and 24, Concession 9,
in the Township of Bayham, from the Agriculture designation to Rural Non -
Farm Area No. 13 designation in the Official Plan of the Township of
Bayham as follows:
"Notwithstanding Section of the Official Plan of the Township of
Bayham, the lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Non -Farm
Area No. 13" may be used, developed and zoned to permit the establishment
of a mobile home park pursuant to subsection 4.4 of the Official Plan. As
such, a site plan agreement rather than a Plan of Subdivision shall be
required for a mobile home park in the Rural Non -Farm Area No. 13"..
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
Whereas subsequent to the submitting of Amendment No. 25 to the Official
Plan for the Township of Bayham for Ministerial approval, comments received
from the Ministries of Agriculture & Food, and the Environment have initiated
meetings between representatives of those ministries and our planning
And Whereas as a result of those meetings it is now deemed adviseable to
request certain modifications to the aforesaid Amendment as submitted;
Therefore be it resolved that this council request the Minister of Municipal
Affairs to modify Amendment No. 25 to the Official Plan of the Township of
Bayham in accordance with this resolution and with drawings as submitted with
this resolution and affecting the hamlets of Eden, Corinth, Calton and
Richmond...... Carried
#2537 Moved by:.J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2537 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 70
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Thomson) be now read ZZ
a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2537 be now read a second time..... carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2537 be now read a third time and finally
passed.... Carried
#2538 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2538 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 71
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Hermann) be now read
a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2538 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2538 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2539 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2539 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.72
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. DeClercq) be now read
a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2539 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2539 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z228/90 Moved by:R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z228/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Hazard Lands) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 228/90 be now read a second time ...Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: 4. J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z228/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z229/90 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 229/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. John & Jon Walker) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 229/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 229/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z230/90 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved thst By-law Z 230/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Thomson) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 230/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 230/90 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: J.
Nezezon and
Seconded by:
G. Nelles
And resolved
thst By-law Z
231/90 being
a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Hermann)
be now read first
Moved by: R.
Phillips and
Seconded by:
R. Sandham
And resolved
that By-law Z
231/90 be now
read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R.
Sandham and
Seconded by:
J. Nezezon
And resolved
that By-law Z
231/90 be now
read a third time and finally
Moved by: G.
Nelles and Seconded
by: J.
And resolved
that By-law Z
232/90 being
a by-law to amend By-law 2398
(re DeClercq)
be now read a
first time....
Moved by: R.
Sandham and
Seconded by:
G. Nelles
And resolved
that By-law Z
232/90 be now
read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: J.
Nezezon and
Seconded by:
R. Sandham
And resolved
that By-law Z
232/90 be now
read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J.
Nezezon and
Seconded by:
G. Nelles
And resolved
that By-law Z
233/90 being
a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Twinbrook
Farms --Howey)
be now read
a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R.
Phillips and
Seconded by:
R. Sandham
And resolved
that By-law Z
233/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G.
Nelles and Seconded
by: J. Nezezon
And resolved
that By-law Z
233/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $433,390.21 and road accounts totaling
$22,763.82 be approved and that this special meeting of council now
adjourn ......... Carried
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 19, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held April 5, 1990,
and special meeting held April 12, 1990, having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on
same...... Carried
1) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce..arrangements for banking 'services
for 1990/91 banking year
2) Control -Comp Consultants Inc..offer of services for worker's
compensation and WHMIS legislation and training
3) Association of Road Superintendents..advising that James Gibbons
has been awarded the designation of Certified Road Supervisor
4) Land Division Committee..severance application..A. & E. Dieleman
5) Land Division Committee..severance application..A. & E. Dieleman
6) Land Division Committee..severance application..Brau*'s GReen Acres Ltd.
7) Land Division Committee..severance application..M. & S. Hesch
8) Land Division Committee..severance application. -Elgin Board of Education
9) Ministry of Municipal affairs. -comments re. Amendment No. 58
10) Ministry of Natural Resources. -comments on Moore Bridge & fish habitat
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to report on road
matters. He requests council comments on John Street paving in Richmond
be only 20 feet as there is an established tree line in the street allowance.
Mr. Gibbons is to determine the centre line of thetree from available
surveys and advise council of any options as to moving the trees. The rucks
are being repaired, serviced and painted. Mr. Gibbons is going to start
stump removal at the Moore Bridge site in the near future. Ed. Bradfield
is.off work reLiperating from a back injury. It is not determined if a new
-°employee should be hired at this time, however, consideration of this is
a possibility. Reeve Chute and council congratulate Mr. Gibbons on his
achieving the designation of Certified Road Supervisor.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters. He
reports the computer system of fire numbers is almost completed. He will
be attending the fire conference on April 29th., and will be seeking
information on pagers and farm numbering systems.
Michael Bohm meets with council to further discuss his severance proposal
of February 1, 1990, at Lot 5, Conc. 10. Council has now been to the site
and because the area is quite wet and low, cannot recommend this locatio
for residential lots.
Douglas Dennis meets with council to further discuss his proposal of
a severance of about 5 acres. Discussion as fo whether a special agriculture
ur rural residential designation should be applicable. Council will reply
on May 3rd.
Edward Galeckas meets with council to request further consideration be
given to a severance proposal at Lot 15, Conc. 8, which has previously been
denied by council. There existing livestock barn is only 49 meters f"Athe
proposed residential severance and other farm buildings make this an unlikely
site for severance. Council are still not in favour of this proposal.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to review building
matters. He presents pictures taken of the Schooley/Nevill property showing
the grounds to be in an unkempt condition. The clerk is to send the occupants
a cdpy of the relevant sections of the property standards by-law and Mr.
Underhill will take further pictures in about one week. It is suggested
that a job description be drawn on Mr. Underhill's duties with the view of
hiring an individual to assist him and to be his replacement on his pending
Nancy VanEenoo meets with council to discuss severance on property owned
by DeCloet Bayham Ltd, at Lot 23/24, Conc. 9. The property presently
consists of 165 4cres. It is proposed to sever a 55 acres parcel to the
north of Eden containing about 55 acres. There is a residence with frontage
on Road 44, being the farm house on the retained parcel.This is in the
Future Development zone and it is proposed to sever this also. Council
will reply on May 3rd.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the proposal of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to provide
special banking arrangements and as contained in their proposal of
April 6, 1990, be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to severance proposals as follows:
Andrew & Elizabeth Dieleman, Lot 6, Conc. 9, #E 65/90
Andrew & Elizabeth Dieleman, Lot 6, Conc. 9, #E 66/90
Braun's Green Acres Limited, Lot 123, Conc. S.T.R., #E 72/90
Michael & Sandra Hesch, Lot 125, Conc. 6, #E 73/90
Elgin Councty Board of Education, Lot 125, Conc. 6, #E 74/90 ......Carried
#2541 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By --law No. 2541 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the Meetings held April 12,
and April 19, 1990, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2541 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2541 be now read a third time and finally
passed .......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council now adjourn to meet again on May 3, 1990, at 7:30 p.m.
•.......... Carried
, �11141110 -0- a.,
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 3, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held April 19, 1990,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Ministry of Transportation..advice of 1990 supplementary subsidy
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. Stump removal at the Moore Bridge site is °"tundler way. Mr.
Gibbons reports that about half of the gravel roads have had brine applied.
He has receiveda quote for high float material for 1990 at $1.45 per ga.
This is 3¢ higher than 1989. A gravel deposit has been located on the
property of Jos. Chrastina at Lot 1, Conc. 3, Norfolk Twp. (formerly
Middleton) Council will be negotiating for the purchase in a similar
manner to that of the Magyar pit. Mr. Gibbons is having problems with
radio communications. New units are estimated at $1,800. It is suggested
that the antennae be checked to seet that it is functioning properly.
Mrs. Mary Foris meets with council to further discuss her application
for official plan and zone change 43 above). Mrs. Foris had approached
council in this matter some months back and there appears to -be no problem..
Nancy Van Eenoo meets with council to further discuss her request of
April 19th regarding the severance of a farm house on the property of
Dan DeCloet at Eden. The land is zoned Future Development. As a condition
of the zone change the existing barn must be removed to have the property
comply with Hamlet Residential regulations. Mrs. Van Eenoo questions council
on the possibility of a severance on the lands of Ray Oneil at Lot 26,
Conc. 9. AS council is not familiar with this area, a reply will be given
at council on May 17th.
Ministry of Transportation..comments
on Amendment
No. 68 (A.
Mary Foris..application for
Official Plan and
change at
17, N.G.
Paul Valko..application for
Official Plan and
change at
10, C.2
Mathew Schafer..application
for Official Plan
zone change
Lot 128,C7
Gordon Elkeer..application
for Official Plan
zone change
Lot 15, C10
W. G. Moore Bulldozing Ltd..estimate
of cost
C.P. tunnel
County Engineer..request for
approval to locate
wayside pits
1, Conc. 4; Lot
1, Conc.S and Lot
Conc. 4
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. Stump removal at the Moore Bridge site is °"tundler way. Mr.
Gibbons reports that about half of the gravel roads have had brine applied.
He has receiveda quote for high float material for 1990 at $1.45 per ga.
This is 3¢ higher than 1989. A gravel deposit has been located on the
property of Jos. Chrastina at Lot 1, Conc. 3, Norfolk Twp. (formerly
Middleton) Council will be negotiating for the purchase in a similar
manner to that of the Magyar pit. Mr. Gibbons is having problems with
radio communications. New units are estimated at $1,800. It is suggested
that the antennae be checked to seet that it is functioning properly.
Mrs. Mary Foris meets with council to further discuss her application
for official plan and zone change 43 above). Mrs. Foris had approached
council in this matter some months back and there appears to -be no problem..
Nancy Van Eenoo meets with council to further discuss her request of
April 19th regarding the severance of a farm house on the property of
Dan DeCloet at Eden. The land is zoned Future Development. As a condition
of the zone change the existing barn must be removed to have the property
comply with Hamlet Residential regulations. Mrs. Van Eenoo questions council
on the possibility of a severance on the lands of Ray Oneil at Lot 26,
Conc. 9. AS council is not familiar with this area, a reply will be given
at council on May 17th.
Mr. Edward Nelson meets with council to request permission to renovate
a portion of his existing barn into a residence for himself. The present
residence is too small for his needs and would be utilized by his mother-
in-law. As council is not familiar with the property in question, a reply
will be give at council on May 17th.
Mrs. Althea Lawrence meets with council to discuss the severance of 2
surplus farm residences and the creation of a 3rd. lot. The property in
question is within the hamlet of Eden and presently zoned Future Development
Council will look at the property and reply on May 17th.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to review building
projects in the municipality. He has not been successful in contacting
anyone properly, qualified to look after our street light maintenance.
It is hoped that he will have someone by the May 17th. meeting.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters. He
reports on the fire conference which he recently attended. He was able
to purchase 2 nozels and 2 pagers at the conference as well as obtain
prices on several other pieces of needed equipment.
Public Meeting:
As advertised, the public meeting to accept comments on applications for
official plan and zoning amendments as received from Geo. Janssen and
Frank Cus is declared open by Reeve Chute.
In the application of George Janssen at Lot 10, Conc. 9, no one is in
attendance to offer any comments.
In the application of Frank Cus, Frank Cus Jr. is representing Frank Cus
Sr. and Ms. Jane Melitzer and T. Brown as owners to the north of the
subject property are in attendance. Ms. Melitzer and Brown offer written
comments as follows:
-No objection providing:
1) the zoning is for single family dwellings only (no duplexes, triplexes,
apartment buildings, townhouses, condominiums or mult-residential
dwellings of any sort to be used for rental purposes.
2) it in no way adversely affects, infringes upon or causes hardship
to the~rights &/or property of those living in the immediate area
3) it requires no further alterations to the lay of the land so as to
affect drainage, run off & other environmental factors.
4) it does not affect existing facilities i.e. fences, municipal drains,
roads etc. or creates further environmental damage i.e. accumulation of
garbage & disposal problems.
5) any & all expense arising from this proposal and any necessary changes
as a result be borne by the applicant.
signed: J. E. Melitzer
T. L. Brown
Mr. Cus is concerned that the by-law prohibits the keeping of livestock
and after telephone conversation with his father, agrees that all
conditions can be met.
There being no further comments, Reeve Chute declares the public meeting
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That applications for official plan and zoning amendments as received from:
1) Mary Foris at Lot 17, Conc. N.G., from Al to R.R.
2) Paul Valko at Lot 10, Conc. 2, from Al to R.R.
3) Mathew Schafer at Lot 128, Conc. 7, from Al to R.R.
4) Gordon Elkeer at Lot 15, Conc. 10, from Al to R.R.
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation..
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the Township of Bayham has no objections to proposed wayside pits
as requested by the County of Elgin in their letter of April 19, 1990, at:
1) Ronein Borm, Lot 1, Concession 1V
2) Stanley James, Lot 1, Concession V
3) Paul Millard, Lot 2, Concession 1V .......Carried
#2542 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2542 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.
73 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Janssen) be now
read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2542 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2542 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
fFc:)43 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2543 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.
74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Cus) be now read
a first time ............Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law N6. 2543 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2543 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2544 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2544 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2335
a By-law setting out standards of maintenance and occupancy of property
be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2544 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2544 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2545 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2545 being a by-law to appoint an officer
to enforce the provisions of the standards of maintenance and occupancy
of property in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2545 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2545 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Z234/90 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 234/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re. Janssen) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 234/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 234/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z235/90 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 235/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re. Cus) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 235/90 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 235/90 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2546 Moved by: R. Sandham And Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2546 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held May 3, 1990,
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2546 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2546 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council now adjourn to meet again on May 17, 1990, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
May 17, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 3, 1990, having
been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.
1.) Ministry of Revenue - re formation of the Property Assessment
2.) Ministry of Agriculture & Food - Information on tile drain loan
3.) Township of Malahide - copy of correspondence fo Paul Brackenbury
re dumping on townline road.
Estate of Lloyd G. Stansell - request for restoration of lawns after
Fifth Street Drain
Land Division Committee - severance
application M. & S. Hesch.
Land Division Committee - severance
application De Cloet Bayham Ltd.
Land Division Committee - severance
application Mark Drieghe.
Frank Pargauskas - Official Plan &
Zone amendment re Lot 133 Con. 7.
Gi$vina Vanderyvere - Official Plan
b Zone amendment Pt. Lot 19 & 20
Concession 5.
H. & L. Farms - Zone amendment Lot
22, Concession 8.
Shirley Catton - Re Arrears of Rent
for Township Apartment.
James Gibbons - Road Superintendent meets with Council to discuss various
matters concerning Township roads. Mr. Gibbons reported on the costs to pave
a number of streets which have been slated for work during 1990. The total
costs of these projects to be approximately $44,940.
Mr. Gibbons advised that work could begin in the fall east of Eden and that
6 to 8 inches of gravel be placed on the project and left for about one year.
The township has two large windows and one patio door for which some
interest has been received to purchase same. Council requested that bids for
these items be submitted for the next council meeting. Brine has been spread
solid on approximately 90% of the roads and that an additional 30,000 gallons
has been received. It was discussed that perhaps another large tank or two
smaller tanks be obtained for storage purposes holding another 10,000 gal.
No work has commenced on the Smith Drain, however, when conditions permit
work will be carried out to find the blocked portion of the drain. Mr. Gibbons
reported that problems still exist with the radio system and that the base
station will be placed in the furnace room and a new cable attached to the
fire department's antenna. Prices for a new base station and radio for the
superintendent's truck are to be obtained.
Harold Dennis - Fire Chief meets with council to discuss information
regarding the Road Department's radio system. Also he advised that one
of the volunteer firemen wishes to retire from the department.
Mrs. Lawrence was in attendance to support the application of H. & L. Farms
for a Zone amendment on Lot 22 Concession 8 of Bayham Township. Council advised
Mrs. Lawrence that they had no objections to this application.
. Mrs Wright - was in attendance to request council to have the street
lights fixed onfifth street. Council advised that they have finally been
able to get a company to to this work and it would be completed in the very
near future. Also, Mrs Wright was unhappy with the condition of the
roadway in front of her residence. Council advised that the problem will
be corrected and that they would also look into the matter of noise created
by large equipment being operated during the evening hours.
John Walker and John Harris were present to discuss the possibility of
severing a piece of property to be used as a right of way to provide access
to another property owned by Mr. Walker situated in the Township of Malahide.
Also, they are requesting a building lot near Richmond. Council advised that
they would would look into these proposals at a future meeting.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Cowan were present to discuss the possible road opening
to provide access to his property for a proposed severance. He advised that
he would be willing to build the road to the Township's specifications. Council
advised that they would consider the proposal and report back to Mr. Cowan.
Mr. Cowan is Bayham Township's representative on the Long Point Region
Conservation Authority and made a brief report on the Authority's activities
pertaining to Bayham Township. He advised that the Authority had no funds
for the purchase of cleared land that the Township had available for sale.
They may, however, reconsider if the property was reforested.
Mr. Doug McGlyn was present to see if the Township would be interested in
purchasing his property for industrial purposes. Council advised that they
would like to discuss the matter and would get back to him by June 7, 1990
Mr. Doug Dennis appeared before council regarding his proposal to sever
approximately five acres of land to rural residential. Council advised
Mr. Dennis that they wished to discuss this matter with the Township Planning
Consultant before making a decision on this request.
Mr. Edward Nelson was present regarding his proposal to renovate a portion
of his exio-ting barn into a residence. Council advised that they had reviewed
his request and advised that they could not allow him to do this as it was
in contravention to the Township official plan and zoning regulation which
does not permit two residential units on a single lot.
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded By R. Sandham
That the proposal of Koolen Electric to supply labour and equipment to
repair street lights throughtout the minicipalitrat the present rate of $95.00
per hour be accepted. ......Carried
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the applications for Official Plan and Zoning Amendments as received
1.) H & L Farms Ltd at Lot 22, Concession 8 from Future Development to
Hamlet Residential
2.) Frank Pargauskas at Lot 133 Concession 7 from Agricultural 1 to
Rural Residential
3.) Giovina Vandeveyvere at Lots 19, 20, Concession 5 from Agricultural 1
to Rural Residential
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation.
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded By C. R.
Phillips ...... Carried
That this Council has no objections to the severance application of
Mark Drieghe at Lot 18, Concession 4 re application No. 85/90.
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
That council has no objections to the severance proposal of Michael &
Sandra Hesch at Lot 125, Concession 6, being application No. E81/90;
provided , however, it is requested that the decision be deferred until
such time it is assured that no objections are lodged to the decision
on applications E73/90 and E74/90
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by John Nezezon
That this council object to the proposed severance No. E83/90 of DeCloet
Bayham Limited, Part Lot 3, west of Main Street; Registered Plan 113 as
the said severance is not in compliance with the Township of Bayham's
Zoning requirements for Hamlet Commercial which requires as minimum frontage
of 30 M and an area of 1,850 square metres.
#2547 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2547 being a by-law to repeal By -Law No. 2543
adopting amendment No. 74 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham be
now read a First Time .........Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2547 be now Read a Second Time .......Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2547 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. .......Carried
#2548 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2548 being a by-law to repeal By-law Z235/90
amending By-law No. 2387, being the application of Frank Cus at Lot 15,
Concession 10 be now read a First Time. ........Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2548 be now Read a Second Time. ...........Carried
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2548 be now read a Third time and finally
#2549 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2549 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held May 17, 1990 be now
°. read a First Time .........Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2549 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2549 be now read a Third Time and finally
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That General Accounts totaling $61,646.91 and Road Accounts totaling
$55,268.02 be approved and that this council now adjourn to meet again on
June 7, 1990 at 7:30 p.m.
-42 -!sem c
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
June 7, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve,
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors J. Nezezon
G. Nelles and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 17, 1990 having
been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.
Councillor, John Nezezon declares an interest in regards to
the public meeting.
1.) Village of Vienna - request for rezoning and Official Plan
2.) Ministry of Natural Resources - Proposed small earthen dam. Pt
Lot 126 Concession VII NTR.
3.) Canadian Postmasters Assoc. - Request Council to support their
opposition to Retail Postal Outlets.
4.) Town of Richmond Hill - Requesting Council support for their
resolution requesting a 1% share of the Ontario Fuel Tax Revenue.
- Ruby
Millard severance application.
- Alan
Soper severance application
7.) B. & B. Graydon Enterprises - Application for Zone Change and
Official Plan amendment.
8.) Albert Kalmbach - Application for Zone Change and Official Plan
9.) Steve Sas & George Lysy - Application for Zone Change.
Mr. George Lysy was in attendance to support his application for a
zone change on his property in Concession No. 7, Lot 123 to create
approximately six (6) lots by severance. Mr. Lysy advised that the barns
and kilns now situated on the property would be removed. It was also
suggested that the lots should extend to the gully. Mr. Lysy was advised
that Council could not see any problems with his application and that it
would be dealt with later on in this meeting.
Mr. Jessie Dennis was in attendance to seek Council support to convert
the presently abandoned CPRrailway line into a trail for recreation purposes.
This has been done in the United States quite successfully. Mr. Dennis
indicated that this land is not feasible to be reverted back to agriculture
and should be given back to a public park system.
Council advised Mr. Dennis that they would take this proposal into
consideration and suggested that it should be taken to the public for their
response and support in the form of letters to their local government
Mr. Paul De Cloet and David Townsend were in attendance requesting
Council's support to sever a one lot of approximately 2 acres in Con. 6,
Lot 120. Council advised that they would like to view the property and
would get back to them with Council's opinion. Mr. De Cloet was asked to
mark the area of the proposed severance.
In addition to the above proposal, Mr. De Cloet advised council that
they also owned property in Concession 6, Lot 118 and 117 which they
propose to reforest. They would like to sever off approximately fifteen
(15) acres of the farm which would be used for market gardening. Total
area of the farm is approximately 185 acres. Council advised that they
would view the property and advise Mr. De Cloet of their opinion.
Delegations continued .....
Mr. Rycart was in attendance to advise council that he owns property
abutting a pie of property owned by the Township located in Concession fi,
STR Pt Lot 114. The subject property consists of 18.10 acres. Mr. Rycart
would like to purchase this property so that he may join it to his own and
it is his intention to use the land for farm purposes. Council advised
Mr. Rycart that they are willing to sell this land and that they would get
back to him at a later date.
Mr. Ralph Carter and Larry Milmine appeared before Council with their
concerns regarding the Richmond Cemetery. They advised that several stones
had toppled over and others in need of repair. They also advised that
they had received a quote for the necessary repairs in the amount of $3,500.00
however, no money was available to effect these repairs. Council disussed
different alternatives to raise the necessary funds such as family donations,
grants etc. Council advised that they would contribute some funds to help
defrey the costs of the necessary repairs.
Council were also advised that the cemetery would require more property
as there is no more room for additional plots. They advised that the
adjoining property owner may be willing to provide the necessary property.
Council requested that the Board arrange a meeting with this person to
talk to Council about this matter.
Ms Reta Irwin was present along Mr. Ward and other interested parties
to express their concerns regarding the unsightly conditions of one of
their neigbhouring property owners. They advised council that old car parts
etc were being brought in daily. Those present felt that the existing
conditions had devatUed their properties and requested a reduction in their
taxes due to this. The group were advised that they would be required to
appeal their assessment through the Regional Assessment Office. They were
also advised that Council were aware of the existing conditions and that the
owners were requested to rectify the situation, however, Council must work
within the confines of the law should the owners not willingly abide by the
township's property standards by-law.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Cowan were present to receive Council's comments re-
garding his proposed rezoning and road opening. Mr. Cowan was advised that
Council would support his application for and Official Plan amendment.
Mr. Bob Martins and Mr. Dean Pressey representing Richmond Minor Ball
were present. They advised council that a trailer situated on the west
side of the ball park was now being used full time and that they were con-
cerned that their ball club would be liable for any damages which might
occur as a result of their club using the ball park for baseball purposes.
It appears that this trailer is a legal non -conforming use and it is
suggested that tall posts be erected and a net raised to prevent any foul -
balls from striking the trailer or the occupants. A number of suggestions
were discussed. It was decided that the actual park boundary be determined
and that people using the park be requested not to use that side of the
property until the actual boundary is determined.
Mr. James Tupper appeared before Council to express his concerns
regarding the use made of the property next to his situated on Highway
No. 19 south of Eden. Mr. Tupper advised that a person had located a
trailer on the property and was living in same. This is contrary to the
By -Laws of the Township of Bayham. Mr. Robert Theorat owner of the property
and his father were in attendance and they advised that the property had been
sold and the deal was to close in August. The property owner had been using
the property illegally for quite some time now, and therefore Council advised
that the trailer be removed within thirty (30) days.
Mr. William Underhill, Building Inspector and By -Law Enforcement Officer
was present to discuss various matters. Mr. Underhill advised council that
a bus was being used for a residence near Calton which is illegal and in
contravention of the Township Zoning By -Law. Council advised Mr. Underhill
to contact the property owner advising that the bus be removed from the
Mr. Underhill also presented pians submitted to him for the transfer
station. Zoning on this property is not complete and no permits may be issued.
It is suggested that Mr. McCaig be invited'to present his proposals at a
future Council Meeting.
Reeve Vane Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to
accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments
from Mathew A. Schafer Limited and John Nezezon.
The application of Mathew A. Schafer Limited to change the zoning on
parcel of Land comprised of Approximately 0.37 hectares situated on the
north side of County Road No. 38, in Part Lot 128, Concession 7 in the
Township of Bayham from Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR)
Zone. The effect of this will allow the creation of one (1) rural residential
lot zoned Rural Residential..
No one is in attendance to offer comments on this application. Council
have no comments on this application.
The application of John Nezezon to change the zoning on two parcels
of land comprised of approximately 2.37 hectares and situated on east side
of the road allowance between lots 20 & 21 in Part Lot 21, Concession 4 in
the Township of Bayham from Agricultural (Al) zone to Rural Residential
(RR) Zone. The first parcel consists of 3.63 acres and the second parcel
comprises 2.23 acres.
Mr. John Nezezon, Councillor, withdraws from the table declaring an
interest in this matter.
No comments are offered on this application.
No further comments are received on these applications and Reeve Chute
declares the public meeting closed. Councillor John Nezezon returns to the
council table.
Delegations continued .....
Mr. John Taylor, Director of Public Health Division in St. Thomas
provided a presentation on the activities and goals of the Elgin -St -Thomas
health unil-. Much activity is proposed in the next two or three years.
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
That Council has no objection to the proposed change to the Official
Plan of the Village of Vienna to designate present Open Space designation
to Residential Zoning.
...... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That Council accept the proposal of Bennett Communications Clinic Inc
to supply and in-s"ta7il 2 Motorla Radius M100 mobile radios in township
vehicles at a price of $1,844.64.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
A) Preamble:
WHEREAS the Canada Post Corporation is currently establishing retail
Postal outlets which will unecessarily duplicate the counter
services offered by existing post offices
WHEREAS the Canada Post Corporation and Garth Turner Committee
anticipates that retail postal outlets will be appropriate vehicle
for prevision of postal service in the future, resulting in the
in the loss of existing post offices:
B) Be it resolved that the Ontario Municipalities Association demand
that the .ainister responsible for Canada Post instruct the Canada
Post Corporation to immediately halt the establishment of retail
postal outlets in Ontario.
..... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
That Council will provide the necessary funds to make repairs to
damaged stones in the Richmond Cemetery to a maximum of $3,800.00.
..... Carried
Resolutions continued ......
Moved by C, R. Phillips and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Ministry of the Environment be requested to proceed with the
connecting of the water lines servicing the villages of Port Burwell and
Vienna with the installation of a connecting link along Highway No. 19.
..... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That Council endorse the resolution of the Town of Richmond Hill, that
all municipalities receive one per cent' of the total fuel tax received
by the Province of Ontario.
..... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That Clara Kernaghan be appointed to sell dog tags to Bayham Township
Dog owners during 1990 and that she be compensated for this work at the rate
of 50% of her total sales plus car allowance of $400.00.
..... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application for Official Plan and Zoning Amendment changes for
Albert Kalmbach be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for
by-law preparation.
..... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the application of George Lysy and Steve Sas for a Zone change in
Concession 7, Lot 123, be accepted and referred to our planning consultants
for by-law preparation.
..... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That thig Council has no objections to the severance applications of:
1.) Ruby Millard, Lot 126 Concession N.T.R re application No. E 96/90
Comment: That the severance be extended back to the property line.
2.) Alan Soper - Part Lot 15, Concession 3 Registered Plan 17 re
application No. E 98/90.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
..... Carried
That Council now adjourn in order to allow the Property Standards
Committee to meet.
..... Carried
Council reconvened to carry on with the regular council meeting.
#2550 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
Arid resolved that By -Law No. 2550 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 75
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re Schafer) be now read a
first time.
..... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2550 be now.xead a second time.
..... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2550 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. ..... Carried
By-law continued .......
#2551 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2551 being a by-law to adopt amendment
No. 76 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re Nezzon) be now
read a first time. ..... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2551 be now read a Second Time.
..... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2551 be now read a Third time and finally
passed. ..... Carried
#2552 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2552 being a by-law to appoint a Lottery
Licencing Officer.
..... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2552 be now read a Second time.
..... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2552 be now read a Third time and finally
..... Carried
#2553 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2553 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held June 7, 1990
be now read a First time.
..... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2553 be now Read a Second Time.
...... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that by-law no. 2553 be now read a Third time and finally
..... Carried
#236/90 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law Z236/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Schaefer) be now read a First time.
..... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law Z236.90 be now read a Second Time.
..... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law Z236.90 be now read a Third time and finally
..... Carried
t237/90 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham -
And resolved that By-law Z237/90 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Nezzon) be now read a First time. .,... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law Z237/90 be now read a Second time.
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z23790 be now read a Thoid time and finally
••••• Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council now adjourn at 12:37 am to meet again on June 21, 1990
at 7:30 p.m.
�-, ..... Carried
Acting Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
June 21, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors R. Phillips,
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 7, 1990 having
been examined by the members of Council are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same. .
(_-ARQ 1It Q
Reeve Chute makes a special presentation to Mr. James Gibbons, Road
Superintendent for his successful completion of courses pertaining to
road works.
1.) Arnold VanDerPas - Request for Road Upgrading and creation of
a residential lot on his property. Z/_�% ��
2.) Mike Harris M.P.P. - regarding status of unconditional grants
municipalities receive from the Province of Ontario.
3.) County of Elgin - requesting resolution for Wayside Pit Permit
on County Road #43
4.) Tillsonburg & District Multi -Service Centre re Futures program
in Bayham Township.
5.) Elgin Land Division Comm. - B. Vanderpas Severance Application
6.) Elgin Land Division Comm. - 571515 Ontario Inc. for three (3)
severance applications.
7.) Port Burwell Group Comm. - requesting compensation for Boy Scout
Paper Drive conducted in Bayham area.
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with Council to report on
road department activities. Mr. Gibbons reports that John St. in Richmond
has now been paved. Trees located on the road allowance will have to be
removed and the owners of these properties be advised of same. The Beattie
Bridge has now had the ramps removed as well as a number of planks on the
bridge. This should eliminate the dangerous situtation that previously
existed. Mr. Gibbons reported that one coat of 3/8" chips had been placed
on the Concession 10 road and the work should be completed in the very near
Mr. Gary Wiggins representing Wiggins Food Market in Straffordville
requesting Council support to allow the food market to be open to the
public on Sunday. Mr. Wiggins presented his reasons for Sunday shopping
and asked Council to act quickly in response to his request. Council
advised Mr. Wiggins that they would look into the matter.
Mr. Bob McCaig of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Ltd. is present to
discuss s company's plans for the Garbage Transfer Station. By way of
drawings Mr. McCaig showed Council the new location for the drop off bins
and compactor. A berm will restrict the view from the Highway and that
a chipper could be obtained to handle the large amount of brush dropped
at the present Transfer Location. Mr. McCaig was anxious to get started
with the project, however, a permit could not be issued until approval
for the rezoning had be finalized. It appears that this is well underway
and that a permit would no doubt be issued in the very near future. Mr.
McCaig was advised that he could proceed and make the necessary preparations.
Delegations continued .......
William Underhill is present to discuss various building and property
matters. Mr. Underhill advised that his office has been extremley busy
with new building starts as well as the increased workload as a result of
looking after Port Burwell.
Harold Dennis was present to discuss matters concerning the Fire
Department. Mr. Dennis advised that the department was in need of a new
Porta Tank. He presented Council with a quote from Safety Supply Company
for a new 11500 gal.(US) tank in the amount of $1,247.40.
Reeve VaneChute declares a public meeting open as advertised to
accept comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments
from Stephen Foris Farms Inc., Gordon Elkeer and Paul Valko.
The application of Stephen Foris Farms Inc. to change the zoning on a
0.52 hectare (1.3 acre) parcel of land situated on the south side of the
road allowance between Concession 8 and North Gore, in Part of Lot 17,
North Gore, in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to
the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The remainder of the lands owned by the
applicant will be rezoned from Agricultural (Al) to Special Agriculture
(AI -35) Zone. The effect of this by-law will be to permit the creation
of a rural residential lot which has been deemed surplus to an existing
farm operation.
Mr Foris was in attendance and made no comment. Correspondence from
the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated no concerns. Council had no
The application of Gordon Elkeer to change the zoning on a 0.51
hectare (1.27 acre) parcel of land situated on the west side of the
road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, south of Highway No. 3, in Part
Lot 15, Concession 10, in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural (Al)
Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. Secondly it will rezone a parcel
of land from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Special Agricultural (A1-36)
Zone. The effect of this by-law will permit the creation of two rural
residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance.
Mr. Keith Danbrook, a neighbour, was in attendance expressing his
concerns regarding a drain located on the subject property. It was
determined that this was not a municipal drain and Mr. Danbrook was advised
to contact the property owner and obtain an Agreement Drain registered on
the property. Council had no comments. Correspondence from the Ministry
of Natural Resources indicated no concerns.
The application of Paul Valko to change the zoning on three parcels
of land comprised of approximately 1.6 hectares (2.6 acres) situated in
Part Lot 10, Concession 2, in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural
(Al) zone to the Rural Residential (RR) zone. The effect of this by-law
will be to permit the creation of three (3) rural residential lots pursuant
to the process of severance and conveyance.
No persons in attendance made comment to this application. Council
had no comments. Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources
indicated no concerns.
There being no further comments, Reeve Chute declares the public
meeting closed.
Delegations Coninued ...
Notices had previously been forwarded to all concerned pe;ons regarding
Branch "E« of Drain No. 1 Report. Reeve Chute allows Mr. John Spriet of
Spriet Engineering to take the floor to receive comments regarding this
proposed drain. Mr. Spriet explained the purpose and procedure of this
meeting and that the costs of the drain were to be dealt with at a future
meeting. Mr. Chas Ward, Jos Volkaert, George Palmer, Ray Vaughan,
R. Heppenheimer and Fred Hermann are in attendance. From the discussions
it was discovered that an error in distance had been made and the drain
is to be reduced by approximately 25 metres. There are no objections to
proceeding with the drainage works.
Moved by R. Sandham & Seconded by C.R. Phillips
That a grant of $215.00 be made to the Port Burwell Group Committee
to assist in the collection of recyceable newspapers.
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council has no objections to the proposal of the County
of Elgin to establish a wayside pit in Lot 1, Concession 3.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That a new 1,500 (US) gallon portable water tank required by the Bayham
Township Fire Department and that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase
same from the Safety Supply Canada Ltd. at a price of $1,247.40.
....... Carried
Moved by C.R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
That pursuant to Section 52(3) of the Planning Act, 1983, it be the
policy of this council to levy a fee of $500.00 for each new lot created
by consent, excepting lots on which an existing residence is retained; said
fees to be used for public recreational purposes.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That one hundred (100) trees be purchased for planting in various
township locations. The cost of these trees be $275.00.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this Council, objects to the severance application of Barbara
Vanderpas Lot 113 & 114 Concession 61 as this property does not conform
to the Township of Bahyam Official plan and zoning by-law for the
intended use.
.0 . . . . . . Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council object to the severance application of the following:
1.) 571515 Ontario Inc. - Lot 111, Concession S.T.R. re application
No. 116/90.
2.) 571515 Ontario Inc. Lot 111, Concession S.T.R. re application
No. 117/90.
3.) 571515 Ontario Inc. - Lot 111, Concession S.T.R. re application
No. 118/90.
as these lands are not zoned for the intended use.
........ Carried
.a By EAWS
#2554 Moved by C.R. Phillips and Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2554 being a by-law to adopt amendment
No. 77 to the Official Plan of theTownship of Bayham (re. Foris) be now
read a first time.
........ Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2554 be now read a Second time.
........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that by-law NO. 2554 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
BYLAWS Continued......
#2555 Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by C.R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2555 being a by-law to adopt amendment
No. 78 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re Elkeer) be now
Read a First Time.
0000.... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2555 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2555 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
#2556 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that by-law No. 2556 being a by-law to adopt amendment
No. 79 to the Official plan of the Township of Bayham (re Valko) be now
Read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2556 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2556 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
#2557 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2557 being a by-law to provide for a
drainage works in the Tonship of Bayham in the County of Elgin (Branch
E of No. 1, Drain) be now read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved b.y John Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2557 be now Read a Second Time and
provisionally Passed.
........ Carried
#2558 Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that by -Law No. 2558 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held June 21, 1990,
be now Read a First Time.
0000.... Carried
Moved by C.R. Phillips and Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2557 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by Gerald Nelles and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2557 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
#Z238/90 Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2238/90 being a by-law to amend By -Law
No. 2387 (re Foris) be now Read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z238/90 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z238/90 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
........ Carried
BY -LATS Continued .....
#2239/90 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z239/90 being a by-law to amend By -Law
No. 2387 (re Elkeer) be now Read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z239/90 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z239/90 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
........ Carried
#2240/90 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law no. Z240/90 being a by-law to amend By -Law
No. 2387 (re Valko) be now read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z240/90 be now read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z240/90 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That General Accounts totaling $52,261.75 and Road Accounts totaling
$74,489.16 be approved and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on July 5„ 1990 at 7:30 p.m.
........ Carried
Acting Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
July 5, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve, R. Sandham and Councillors, R. Phillips
and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved C. R. Phillips
Seconded R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 21, 1990 having
been examined by the members of Council are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
...... Carried
1.) Elgin Land Division Committee - Re Jeffrey Mark Bogart, Severance
Applications located in Lot 5,
Concession 10.
2.) Elgin Land Division Committee - Re John Walker & Jon Walker Severance
Applications Pt 110, 111 Concession
3.) Frank Voth
4.) Ministry of Transportation
5.) Elgin County, Clerk's Office
6.) Canada Post
7.) County of Elgin
8.) Minstry of Housing
9.) Ontario Municipal Board
- Zone Change application - Lot 20,
Concession 8.
- Advising that second advance payment
for 1990 is being mailed.
- Regarding Elgin County Municipal
Association formation.
- advising that postal service in Eden
to be located in local business outlet
after retirement of present postmaster
on September 4, 1990.
- Re Mrs. Kelly Van Quaelthem's request
for recycling program
Re Mr. & Mrs Lounsbury OHRP concerns.
- Advising of Ontario Municipal Board
hearing on Thrusday November 1, 1990
Mr. William Underhill, Building Inspector & By -Law Enforcement Officer was
present to discuss various matters. Discussion took place regarding placing of
building structures 100 square feet or less on resident's property. It was felt
that these buildingsshould be subject to the normal required set backs etc.
The Township Planners are to be contacted for an opinion.
Mr. Schooley was in attendance in response to the Notice of Violation of
Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy notice issued to him. Mr. Schooley
advised council of the difficulties that he is having complying with the
Township's request to clean his property to the satisfaction of the township
and his neighbours. Council advised Mr. Schooley that they would allow him
thirty days to comply with their notice.
Mr. & Mrs Gradish were in attendance to express their concerns with the
condition of the Norfolk/Bayham townline road south of New England. Council
advised that they would contact Haldimand-Norfolk regarding possible construction
work necessary to improve the condition of this road.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan was in attendance and gave a brief report on the activities
of the Long Point Conservation Authority. He also discussed his proposed
property severance.
Mr. Brian Soper was in attendance to discuss his proposed severance of lots
in Concession 3, Pt Lot 15. Council advised Mr. Soper that they could not forsee
any problems with his proposal. They did however, advise that they would like
to obtain sufficient property for a proper road allowance.
Derlegatlow continued ............
Mr. Keith Crowley and NIck Balazs were in
purchase property on Lot 20 in Concession
piece of property approximately 11� acres
industry. A zone change is required for
they would support this applciation.
Meeting July 5, 1990
attendance to discuss a proposal to
11. They propose to purchase a
in size for use as a light manufacturing
this use and council advised them that
Mr. Doug Dennis was in attendance to discuss his proposed property severance.
Mr. Dennis was advised that Council would only support a severance of one acre
with a zone change to Rural Residential. All barns would have to be removed
as this property would be classed Rural Residential. The other option open to
Mr. Dennis was a five (5) acre property Zoned A 1 Special Agriculture.
Reeve, VanEChute, declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept
comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Daniel
& Giovina Vandevyvere and Frank Pargauskas (Dec.).
The application of Daniel & Giovina Vandevyvere to change the zoning on a
0.79 hectare (1.95 acres) parcel of land situated on the west side of the road
allowance between Lots 20 & 21, north of County Road No. 45, in Part Lot 20,
Concession 5, in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (Al) zone to
the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The effect of this By -Law will be to permit
two (2) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and
Mr. & Mrs Stefan were in attendance and had no comments. Council had no
comments on this application. Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural
Resources advised they had no concerns.
The application of Mr. Frank Pargauskas (DEC.) to change the zoning on a
0.73 hectare (1.80 acres) of land situated on the south-east corner of Part
Lot 133, Concession N.S.T.R., in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural
(Al) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The effect of this By -Law will
be to permit the creation of a rural residental lot which is intended to be used
for retirement purposes.
Mrs. Pargauskas and Mrs. Rayson were in attendance. There were no objections
to this application. No comments were made in regard to the application.
Correspondence received from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated that
they had no concerns with the application.
There being no further comments
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this Council has no objections to the severance applications of
Jeffery Mark Bogart being: E 121/90, E 122/90, E 123/90,
E 124/90, E 125/90 and E 126/90 located in Lot 5 Concession 10, Township of
Bayham. Entrances and relevant drainage to these lots be constructed to the
satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. The cost of this
construction to be the responsibility of the property owner.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the council of the Township of Bayham objects to the severance of
John and Jon Walker, E 134/90 as it does not conform with the Official Plan
or Zoning regulations of the Township. I
. . . . . . . . . Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
That the Council of the Township of Bayham does not support the severance
application E 135/90 of Jon and Jon Walker as it does not conform to the
Township's Official Plan and Zoning By -Laws.
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
That the application of Frank Voth on Concession 8, Lot No. 20 to change the
zoning on this property from M2 to M2 Special be accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation.
Resolutions continued.......
Meeting July 5, 1990
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Council of the Township of Bayham oppose the closing of the Eden
Post Office and establishing a Retail Postal Outlet in a local business on
September 41 1990.
0....... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Council of the Township of Bayham Support the resolution of the
Council of the County of Bruce regarding changes to the Aggregate Resources Act.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Treasurer be authorized to pay 25% of the surveying cost in the
amount of $2,695.00 to Josie and Mr. Paul Deplanche re survey reference Plan
of Part of Lots 16 & 17, Concession 81 Township of Bayham. This payment to be
in the amount of $673.75.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That a refund be issued to H. & L. Farms regarding their deposit to rezone
property located at Pt Lt. 22, Concession 8, in the hamlet of Eden. This fee
is in the amount of $500.00.
. . . . . . . . Carried
#2559 Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandhan
And resolved that By -Law No. 2559 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 80,
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re: Vandevyvere) be now read
a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2559 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2559 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
#2560 Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandhan
And resolved that By -Law No. 2560 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 81,
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re: Pargauskas) be now read
a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2560 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandhan and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2560 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
#2561 Moved by R. Sandhan and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2561 being a by-law to authorize the purchase
of land for road and other purposes in Lot 126, Concession 7, known as the
Schafer Industrial Park.
........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2561 be now REad a Second Time.
........ Carried
By-laws continued ........... Meeting July 5, 1990
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandhan
And resolved that By -Law No. 2561 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
562 Moved by R. Sandhan and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2562 being a by-law to authorize the purchase
of land for road purposes in Lot 27, Concession 3 from Andreas G. M. Guertjens
and Johanna J. F. Geurtjens, be now Read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandhan
And resolved that By -Law No. 2562 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2562 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
#2241/90 Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z241/90 being a by-law to amend By -Law No.
2387 (re: Vandevyvere) be now read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandhan and Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z241/90 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandhan and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z241/90 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
#Z242/90 Moved by R. Sandhao and Seconded C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z242/90 being a by-law to amend By -Law
No. 2387 (re Pargauskas) be now read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandhan
And resolved that By -Law No. Z242/90 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z242/90 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
........ Carried
#2563 Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
. And resolved that By -Law No. 2563 being a by-law to Confiim all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held July 5, 1990 be
now rjeEa-d a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by R. Sandhan and Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2563 be now Read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandhao
And resolved that By -Law No. 2563 be now read a Third Time and finally
........ Carried
Meeting July Se 1990 continued ..............
Moved by John Nezezon and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Thursday July 19, 1990 at
7:30 P.M.
ag Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
July 19, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve,
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve, R. Sandham and Councillors J. Nezezon,
R. Phillipa and G. Nellea-in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 5, 1990, having
been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.
Declarations - Reeve, Vane Chute declares a conflict of interest in regards to
Building Inspector's report.
1) Elgin St. Thomas Helith Unit - Invitation to Grand Opening to be held
in St. Thomas on July 27, 1990
2) Ministry of Transportation - Permit to pave road shoulders in Straffordville
3) Metropolitan Toronto Works Dept. - Inviting response for potential
Landfill Sites.
4) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell- Letter to Shirley Catton re Apartment
5) Elgin Land Division Committee - Detown Investments Severance re Lot 119
Concession S.T.R. and Lot 120 Concession
6) Elgin Land Division Committee - H & L Farms Limited, Severance Lot 11,
RP 258, Con. 8
7) Elgin Land Division Committee - Louis Malcolm & Victoria Roloson, Lot 24
Con. 3
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with council to discuss various
road department matters. Mr. Gibbons advises that he has received permission to
pave a portion of the highway shoulders in Straffordville and council instructed
Mr. Gibbons to proceed as soon as possible. Mr. Gibbons advises that Mr. Hatch
wishes to begin building his new home as soon as possible. Mr. Haveh to be
requested to submit a cheque to cover the cost of road building and upon receipt
of this cheque a building permit be issued.
Mr. Gibbons requests that a sign be made for the works garage. Discussion
took place regarding the new gravel pit contract and the terms agreed to with the
property owner.
ag Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
July 19, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve,
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve, R. Sandham and Councillors J. Nezezon,
R. Phillipa and G. Nellea-in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 5, 1990, having
been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.
Declarations - Reeve, Vane Chute declares a conflict of interest in regards to
Building Inspector's report.
1) Elgin St. Thomas Helith Unit - Invitation to Grand Opening to be held
in St. Thomas on July 27, 1990
2) Ministry of Transportation - Permit to pave road shoulders in Straffordville
3) Metropolitan Toronto Works Dept. - Inviting response for potential
Landfill Sites.
4) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell- Letter to Shirley Catton re Apartment
5) Elgin Land Division Committee - Detown Investments Severance re Lot 119
Concession S.T.R. and Lot 120 Concession
6) Elgin Land Division Committee - H & L Farms Limited, Severance Lot 11,
RP 258, Con. 8
7) Elgin Land Division Committee - Louis Malcolm & Victoria Roloson, Lot 24
Con. 3
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with council to discuss various
road department matters. Mr. Gibbons advises that he has received permission to
pave a portion of the highway shoulders in Straffordville and council instructed
Mr. Gibbons to proceed as soon as possible. Mr. Gibbons advises that Mr. Hatch
wishes to begin building his new home as soon as possible. Mr. Haveh to be
requested to submit a cheque to cover the cost of road building and upon receipt
of this cheque a building permit be issued.
Mr. Gibbons requests that a sign be made for the works garage. Discussion
took place regarding the new gravel pit contract and the terms agreed to with the
property owner.
Meeting July 19, 1990 continued ..........
Mr.. Gibbons advised that it would be necessary to contract the work out
to continue work on the Moore Bridge. The Ministry of Fisheries has given*\.!
a September 15, 1990 deadline for the Township to have the work completed so that
runoff does not enter the creek. In addition, a land survey to be conducted and
necessary land purchases to be made. Mr. Gibbons is requested to watch his costs
closely as to not run over budget estimates.
Mr. _Lirma was present to discuss his application for a zone change and
official plate change. Mr. Lama was advised that he should contact the Conservation
Authority regarding his proposal. Council advised that they would like to view the
property before making a decision. The subject proerty is described as Pt Lot 21,
Concession 4 and is presently zoned Agriculture.
Mr. William Underhill was present to discuss matters dealing with the
building and protective inspection department. Mr. Underhill advised that he
had been in contact with the Township Planning Consultants regarding small buildings
under one hundred square feet,'•hbwdverthe had not received their comments.
Mr. Underhill advised that no action had taken place with Mr. Schooley and
that it appeared Mr. Theoart had moved into the small building which he has on
his property. Mr. Underhill presented his report regarding building permits
issued during 1990.
*R- Coxfmil s
Mr. Kay Emmerson and Ted Beattie were present regarding request from
property owners on Concession 1 for water service. A petition was presented
from the affected landowners. Mr. Emmerson advised that the Village of Vienna
would be willing to supply the water and read meters. Council considered the
request and advised that they would proceed to have their consultant look into
the matter.
Mr. John D'Hondt was present to review his proposal to sever a lot off
his farm located on NTR Lot 114. Council advised that they would like to view
the property before offering an answer to Mr. D'Hondt's proposal.
Reeve, Vane Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to accept
comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from Albert
Kalmbach and Steve Sas and George Lysy.
The application of Steve Sas and George Lysy to change the zoning on a
1.40 hectare (3.5 acre) parcel of land situated on the north side of County Road
No. 38, in Part Lot 123, Concession N.S.T.R., in the Township of Bayham, from
the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone. The effect of
this By -Law will be to permit the creation of hamlet residential lots pursuant
to the process of severance and conveyance.
Mr. Lysy was present and made no comment. Correspondence was received
from the Ministry of Health advising they had no concerns. Also the Ministry of
Natural Resources had no concerns. Councillor R. Phillips noted that the
planning consultant indicated in his explanatory notes that the property was
presently vacant which is incorrect as the property does have buildings located
on it.
The application of'Albert Kalmbach to change the zoning on a parcel of land
comprised of approximately 0.20 hectares (0.50 acres) situated on the wast side
of Part Lot 28, Concession 2, in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (Al)
Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The effect of this By-law will be to permit
the creation of a rural residential lot which is intended to be used for retirement
purposes by the applicant. Mr. Kalmbach was in -attendance and made no comment.
Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated that they had no
concerns. Correspondence from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit indicated that
they have no objections provided the lot is increased to 200 feet in depth. It
was noted that this application provided the proper depth. Council had no comments
in regards to this application.
There being no further comments, Reeve Chute declares the public meeting
Meeting July 19, 1990 continued ...........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Road Superintendent proceed to place asphalt on the shoulder of
Highway No. 19 in front of the Township Office, Straffordville Post Office and
on the west side in front of the Flower Shop
...... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That a sign be erected in front of the Township Works Garage at an approximate
cost of $300.00. This sign to read "TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT".
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That a certified cheque be required
cost of resurfacing lands to be dedicated
purposes. This will permit Mr. Heush to
this deposit.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
..,... Carried
from Mike Heush as a deposit to cover the
to the Township of Bayham for Road
obtain a building permit upon receipt of
That the following Building Permits be approved:
Soreny Farms
Barb & Rick Kwarciany
Lucas Tenhor
Don Nickerson
Paul Millard -
Paul De.Planke
Patricia Eppel
Doug Steward
Mike Wilson
Harder Homes
Andrew Dielman
Highway Meadows
It It
10 Bulk Kilns Pads
New House
Storage Shed
Storage Barn
Geo Horvath Second Storey addition
Art Fisher
Jim Mitchell
Daniel Donell
Vane Chute
William Underhill
Frank Gould
Max Mitchell
Donna Manning
Henry Harder
David Gibbon
Robert Barclay
Ernie Grigg
George Anspack
Abe Giesbrecht
Henk V Bysterveld
Daniel Formaine
Leon Milmine
Aron Giesbrecht
Patricia Southwick
Alfred Mayer
John Jennings
Brian Stewart
Mile Devine
Harvest Help House
New Siding
New Residence
New Residence
New REsidence
New Residence
Mobile Home
Mobile Home
Mobile Home
Mobile Home
Mobile Home
New Residence
Mobile Home
Mobile Home
Storage Building
Mobile Home
Mobile HOme
Mobile Home
Car Port
House Addition
New Residence
New Residence
New Siding
Storage Addition
Storage Shed
Garage REpairs
Hay Storage Shed
House addition
House Renovations
New Residence
...... Carried
$ 8,000.00
Meeting July 19, continued ...........
REQUOTIONS continued
Motion C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the application of Douglas and Bonita McGlynn as submitted by Nick Balazs
as agent for an official plan amendment and zone change from Al to M2 at Lot 20,
Concession 11 be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law
Motion G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the application of 571515 Ontario Inc. (Dykstra) for Zoning changes from
Future Development to Hamlet Residential on Lot 111, S.T.R. be accepted and
referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation.
...... Carried
Motion R. Sandham
Second by J. Nezezon
That Council object to the apprfcwtidn of Louis Malcolm and Victoria Roloson
for severance E151/90, on Lot 24, Concession 3, as the proper zoning is not in
place for the intended use.
...... Carried
Motion C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the following severance applications:
1.) H & L Farms Limtted - Lot 11 Registered Plan 258, Lot 22 Concession 8,
Application No. E149/90
2.) H & L Farms Limited - Lot 11, Registered Plan 258, Lot 22 Concession 81
Application No. E150/90.
...... Carried
Motion R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council has no objection to the severance application No. E140/90
of Detown Investments Inc., Lot 120, Concession S.T.R.
...... Carried
Motion R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council object to the severance of Detown Investments re application
No. E144/90 on Lot 120, Concession S.T.R. as this property is not properly zoned
for the intended purpose. Should, however, a severance be granted after proper
zoning is in place, the Township of Bayham will require a one foot strip of
frontage with the exception of 160 feet.
...... Carried
Motion R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That Council do now adjourn and sit as Court of Revision to deal with Branch "E"
Drain No. 1. -
0000.. Carried
Chairman John Nezezon declared the court of revision open to deal with Branch
"El' Drain No. 1. In attendance were Joe Volkaert and R. Heppenheimer. The
Chairman asked those present if there were any appeals against assessments made
on Branch "E" Drain No. 1. No appeals were received.
Motion C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Court of Revision do now adjourn Council reconvene the regular council
0000.0 Carried
Meeting July 19, 1990 continued .......
#2564 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2564 being a by-law to appoint Wm. Bogue
as Clerk for the municipality of the Township of Bayham in addition to his
office as Treasurer and Tax Collector be now read a first time.
...... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2564 be now read a Second Time.
...... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2564 be now read a Third Time and finally
...... Carried
#2565 Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2565 being a by-law to adopt amendment
No. 82 to the Official plan of the Township of Bayham (re Kalmbach) be now
read a first time
...... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2565 be now read a SEcond Time.
...... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by*C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law no. 2565 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
...... Carried
#2243/90 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. Z243/90 being a by-law to amend
By -Law n0. 2387 (re Kalmlach) be now read a First Time.
...... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2243/90 be now Read a Second Time.
...... Carried
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z243/90 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
...... Carried
#2244/90 Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2244/90 being a by-law to amend
By -Law No. 2387 (re Sas & Lysy) be now read a first time.
...... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law no Z244/90 be now read a Second Time.
Meeting July 19, 1990 continued ....
BY-LAWS continued.....
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z244/90 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
0000.. Carried
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2566 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
JUly 19, 1990 be now read a first time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law no. 2566 be now read a Second Time.
...... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2566 be now read a Third Time and finally
0000.. Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That General accounts totaling $532,581.42 and Road Accounts totaling
$139,341,00 be approved and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
August 2, 1990 at 7:30 P.M.
0000.. Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville Ont.
July 26, 1990
A Special Meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this day to deal with
matters concerning township budget, official plan and zoning amendment
applications and applications for the postion of Building Inspector.
Reeve, Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve Ronson Sandham, Councillors
G. Nelles and'R. Phillips in attendance.
The Treasurer presented a draft budget which Council studied in detail.
After much discussion a final mill rate was determined which is to be
drafted in by-law form for passing at the next council meeting.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And Resolved that By -Law No. 2567 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute an agreement with Joseph A. Chrastina and Victoria
Chrastina for the extraction of grave4and to provide for payment thereof at
Lot 1, in Concession 3, Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of
Haldiman-Norfolk.,be now read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2567 be now read a Second Time.
00000.0. Carried
Special Meeting July 26, 1990 continued ............
Moved by C. R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2567 be now read a Third Time and finally
....... Carried
Council reviewed various sites for which zoning and amendment applications
were pending.
Due to time committed on budget work, Council was unable to deal with
Building Inspector applications.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the Special Meeting of Council h d July 26, 1990 do now adjourn.
........ Carried
4cj; Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
August 2, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve,
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham, Councillors R. Phillips,
J. Nezezon and G. Nelles in attendance.
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 19, 1990,
and Special meeting held July 26, 1990 having been examined by the members
are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.
1.) Ministry of Agriculture & Food - Re Farm Tax Rebate Program.
2.) Cumming Cockburn Limited - Meeting with Ministries Aug. 20/90.
3.) Ontario Municipal Board. - Re Municipal Ward Boundary chancg-
4.) Ministry of Nautural Resources - Wayside Permit Sites
5.) County of Elgin - Re County of Middlesex water study.
6.) Town of Gander - Requesting financial assistance
for proposed "Samaritan Place"
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with council to discuss
matters concerning road works. Mr. Gibbons reports that work is progressing
on the Moore bridge project. The mower has had a breakdown and is now being
repaired. Some complaints have been received regarding dust and Mr Gibbons
advises council that more brine is now being obtained. Mr. Gibbons advises
that he has been unable to Contact Tillsonburg regarding the railway crossing
project. Mr. Gibbons reports that the work done on the Bean Plant road is
lookiAg very good and council is pleased with the results of this work.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Fire Chief, is present to discuss matters pertaining
to the Fire Department. Mr. Dennis explained that problems had been
encountered with the new computer system and that the present system will
not handle all the required applications. Discussion took place regarding
other systems which are available. It was decided that the Township obtain
updated maps showing the location of buildings within the township. Mr.
Dennis also presented his semi annual report for the period December 16/89
to June 12/90 indicating a estimated loss in the amount of $237,000.00
during that period.
Mr. Lloyd Gibbons was present to request Council to allow him to erect
an oversize accessary building on his property. Mr. Gibbons was advised
that in order to erect the building as proposed that he would be required
to apply for a minor variance.
Mrs. Schooley was in attendance regarding her previous notice regarding
property standards. She inquired as to who complained about their property
and advised council of their intended use of the property. Mrs Schooley
was advised z}xis" as to the zoning on this property. Council were
appreciative of the progress to date and advised that they were willing to
extend the time limit another 30 days.
Mr. William Underhill, Building Inspector was present to discuss various
matters pertaining to the Building Department.
Mrs. Lorraine Moore was in attendance to discuss a personnel matter
with Council
Meeting august 2, 1990 continued ..........
A public meeting with ratepayers located on Highway #19 north of
Straffordville was held in response to a request to install street lights.
Mr. T. Laemers, K. Verkuil, B. DeBrabander and R. DeClereq were present
to discuss this matter. The Treasurer advised those present that a price
to have five street lights installed was $3,672.00. It was explained
that the residents benefiting from these lights would be required to pay
the capital cost and the future costs of maintenance etc for these lights.
Discussion took place as to how these costs could be financed should this
project be started. It was explained to those present that this project
would not be started unless the majority of the residents affected were
in favor of having lights installed. No decision could be reached
on this matter and it was requested that the residents in this area advise
the Township as to their wishes on or before August 16, 1990.
Mr. Jack Van Kasteren was present to ask Council if he would be able
to sever his property located on Lot 2 Concession 9, west of Corinth.
Mr. VanKasteren explained that he owned two parcels of land which consisted
of approximately 96 acres in total. He wished to know what options were
available to him regarding a change in the acreage of these properties.
Mr. Van Kasteren was advised that this matter would be refered to the
Township Planning Consultants for their opinion on this matter.
Mr. Don Zerbes was in attendance regarding the zoning and official
plan application of Mr. Joseph Lama at Concession 4, Lot 21. Council
advised Mr. Zerbes that they had been out to view the property and suggested
that Mr. Lama contact the Long Point Regional Conservation Authority before
proceeding with his application. Council had concerns about the required
distance from the ravine which is located behind and beside the proposed
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That tax reductions as submitted by the Treasurer be acepted in the
amotnt of $1,928-68 for the 1989 tax roll.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That retired Clerk, Jack Petrie, be granted a retirement allowance in
the amount of $26,150.
......... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That a donation of $25.00 be made towards an appreciation gift for
Donald I. Houghton, Surveyor, for his many years of service to Bayham Township.
......... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That Council approves of the County of Elgin Road Committee acting on
behalf of the Township of Bayham regarding the County of Middlesex Water
Study and provide the necessary information.
.......... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
That grants be made to the following organizations for 1990:
Elgin Plowmen's Association - $100.60, Tillsonburg Tri County Agricultural
Society - $ 100.00, Aylmer Parks & Recreation Board - $250.00, Tilisonburg
& District Multi -Service Centre - $400.00, St. John Ambulance - $100.00,
Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society - $100.00 and Richmond Minor Ball
Club - $150'.00
.......... Carried
Meeting August 2, 1990 continued ........
1989 Tax Adjustments under (Section 496)
Linda Alcorn
Wm Vanderven
Henry Wiebe
Lloyd McEwan
Lloyd McEwan
Ellen Eff
Michael Reiser
John Hendricks
John Schafer
Susan Magalas
Frank Cus
Frank Cus
Christine Anderson
Rita Irvine
Rita Irvine
Dave Martins
#2568 Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R.
And resolved that By -Lav No.
2568 being
a by-law
to adopt
on which taxes
shall be levied for
the year
to levy the
for 1990
and to provide
for the collection
thereof be
read a First
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2568 be now read a Second Time.
...... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2568 be now read a Third Time and finally
...... Carried
#2569 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Lav NO. 2569 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held -August 2, 1990
and July 26, 1990.
...... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2569 be now Read a Second Time.
...... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2569 be now read a Third Time and finally
...... Carried
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on August 16,
7:30 P.M.
1990 at
Council Chamber
August 16, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve,
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham, Councillors R. Phillips
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held August 2, 1990
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
1 . ) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
2.) Dillon Consulting Engineers
3.) Office of the Premier of Ontario
4.) Gibson, Linton,
5.) Morley Shepherd
Toth (Ian Linton)
6.) Ken Monteith, M.P. Elgin County
7.) Mr. & Mrs. Vander Pas
- Re: Local Government Week
October 15 to 20, 1990.
- Re Water supply study.
- Response to Correspondence re
Fuel Tax Revenue
- Re: C.P.R. Tunnel Road
- Re: Red Oaks Trailer Park
- Re: Eden Post Office closing
- Re: Improvement of Township
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with council to discuss
various matters concerning road works. Mr. Gibbons advises that work is
progressing slowly on the Moore Bridge project as wet ground is seriously
hampering the machinery. Jim advises that the new gravel pit should be
ready for operation in the late fall when the corn has been taken off from
the site. The Tunnel road project is discussed and work will proceed when
the necessary funds are received from CPR.
Harold Dennis and Chris Nelles are present to discuss the new grid
system proposed for the fire department. It is suggested that the system
used by the Belmont Fire Department be investigated.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Archer are present to discuss with council a
their proposal to sever a section of their property for a building lot.
Mr. Archer had previously applied for the necessary zoning and official
pian changes, however, it did not proceed as the required fees were not
received. Mr. Archer was advised to re -apply for this severance.
Meeting August 16, 1990 continued ........
Delegations continued ......
Constable, Joe Martin was present to explain to Council a proposed
Community Policing Agreement. Under this agreement, the Ontario Provincial
Police will provide a police constable to work within the Community on
a full time basis and provide Council with a indepth report on the service
provided. The municipality would be required to provide office facilities
for the officer to work from.
Mr. T. Laemer and K. Verkuil were present to see what the result of
the petition for installation of street lights on Highway No. 19 north.
At the previous meeting, the affected ratepayers were advised of the cost
involved to install these street lights. Council requested those affected,
to advise the township if they wished to proceed. The response received
indicated that the majority of the affected ratepayers were not in favor
of proceeding at the present time.
Mr. Paul Hinds, from Cumming Cockburn Limited, Consulting Engineers
and Planners, was present to discuss various matters concerning official
plan and zoning changes in the township. Mr. Hinds answered numerous
questions from Council regarding these matters and advised that a meeting
with various Provincial Ministries is being held in St. Thomas, on August
28, 1990 which will deal with these questions as well.
Public Meeting
Reeve, Vane Chute, declares a public meeting open as advertised to
accept comment on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from
Douglas & Bonita McGlyn and Frank Voth.
The application of Douglas & Bonita McGlyn to change the zoning on a
parcel of land comprised of Approximately 4.65 hectares (11.5 acres)
situated on Lot 20, Concession 11, in the Township of Bayham, from the
Special Agricultural (A1-10) and (A1-11) zones to the Rural Industrial
(M2) zone. The effect of this By -Law will be to permit the establishment
of a multi use rural industrial operation.
Mr. Pat Carroll of Tiltran Services, Gerry Koza of Nick Balaz Real
Estate and Mr. & Mrs Newell residents of Southwest Oxford Township were
present. Mr. Newel` expressed concerns regarding possible drainage
problems that may be created by this development and the removal of an
existing woodlot. Mr. Newell was advised that the proposed development
would not create an excessive water runoff and that the existing bush
would remain virtually untouched. Mr. Carroll presented plans of the
proposed development. Council presented no comments on this application.
Correspondence was received from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising
they had no concerns with this application.
The application of Frank Voth to change the zoning on a 0.55 hectare
(1.37 acre) parcel of land situated on the east side of Highway No. 19,
in Part LOt 20, Concession 8, in the Township of Bayham, from the Rural
Industrial (M2) Zone to Special Rural Industrial (M2-7) Zone. The effect
of this By-law will be to permit a motor vehicle sales establishment in
addition to all other permitted uses in the Rural Industrial (M2) zone.
Mr. Voth was present and briefly explained the purpose of his application.
Council presented no comments on this application. Correspondence was
received from the Ministry of Natural Resources advising they had no concerns
with this application. Correspondence received from the Elgin -St. Thomas,
Health Unit indicated they had no objections to this application.
There being no further comments, Reeve Chute declares the public
meeting closed. -
Public Meeting
Reeve, Vane Chute, declares a public meeting open as advertised to
accept comments on proposed road closings and street name change.
The Township of Bayham proposes to enact By -Laws to stop up, close
and sell that part of the allowance for road set out and described as
follows: (1) The given road known as Creek Road being part of Lot 7 in
Concession 3, and being Part 1 on Registered Plan 11R3982 and (2) part
of the origninal road allowance between Lots 15 & 16 in Concession 2,
and being parts 2 and 3 on Registered Plan 11R3983.
No persons were in attendance to comment on this proposal. Council
have no comments on this proposal
Meeting August 16, 1990 continued ..........
Public Meeting continued .........
The Township of Bayham proposes to rename West Street (running north
of Second Street (closed) and west of Plank Road on Plan 205 for the
hamlet of Straffordville to "Elgin Street".
Mr. Joe Cnockaert is present, however, he resides on West street
"east" of Plank road and therefore misunderstood the public advertisement
as to which street was being changed. No other persons were in attendance
to comment on this proposal. Council had no comments.
Reeve Chute declares the Public Meeting closed.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That due to lack of support in favor of installing five street lights
along High No. 19 north of the hamlet of Straffordville that Council not
proceed with the petition for these street lights at the present time.
future, if such a project is desired, a new petition would be required.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Clerk, Treasurer - Tax Collector be authroized to attend the
Association of Municipal Tax Collectors Conference during the period
September 9 to 13, 1990 with the usual expenses paid.
....... Carried
BY -Laws
Molted by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2570 being a by-law to adop amendment
No. 83 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (Re: Douglas & Bonita
McGlyn) be now read a First Time.
....... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2570 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
....... Carried
2570 be now read a Third Time and
....... Carried
And resolved that By -Law No. Z245/90 being a by-law to amend By -Law
2387 (Re F. Voth) be now read a First Time.
....... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z245/90 be now read a SEcond Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law NO.
finally passed.
0 0 0 0••• Carried
Z245/90 be now read a Third Time and
Meeting August 16, 1990 continued .......
BY -Lays continued ........
#2246/90 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2246/90 being a by-law to amend
By -Law No. 2387 (Re: Douglas & Bonita McGlyn) be now read a First Time.
....... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z246/90 be now REad a Second Time.
....... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2246/90 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
....... Carried
#2571 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2571 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
August 16, 1990.
....... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2571 be now Read a Second Time.
....... Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And,.resolved that By -Law N0. 2571 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
....... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again September 6, 1990 at
7:30 P. M.
.0..... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
September 6, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve,
Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve Ronson Sandham and Councillors R. Phillips
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Ron Phillips declares a conflict of interest regarding item # 4 in correspondence
from Elgin Land Division Committee L4o0f"'f of
Councillor Ronson Sandham declares alinterest in item # 4 on Official Plan
and Zoning Application re Sandham International Inc -
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held August 16, 1990
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeves ire"
signature authorized on same.
1.) Proctor & Redfern Ltd.
2.) Ministry of Nautral Resources
3.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm.
4.) County of Elgin Land Div. Comm.
5.) Ministry of Transportation
6.) Ministry of Natural Resources
7.) Canada Post Corporation
8.) Ministry of Natural Resources
9.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Re: Official Plan Amendment # 64
Proposed Instream Pond and Crossing
Re Twinbrook Farms Severance #E169/90
Re C.D. Phillips Ltd. Severances
#E163/901 E164/90, E165/9C, E166/90
De Cloet Bayham - Con 9 Pt 23
Re: Wayside Pit Permit
Re: Eden Post Office
Rabies Control Program
Southwestern Ontario Regional Con.
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with council to review
matters concerning the township Works Department. Due to recent severe
storms in the area considerable time was spent clearing fallen trees
from Township roads. Mr. Gibbons advised council he was anxious to
proceed with the new Gravel Pit, however, the property owner was
reluctant to be compensated for the crop loss that would result.
Mr. Gibbons reported that he had looked at a used sander that was for
sale and recommends that the Township purchase same and that extensive
repairs to Grader # 7 have been made in recent months. Expense figures
to date on the Moore Bridge Project were also discussed and it was
apparent that additional funding from the Ministry of Transportation
would be necessary to complete this project. _
Don Zerbis and Joseph Lama was present to address the application
of Mr. Lama to sever a residential lot on his property described as Lot
21, Concession 4. Council were advised that the applicant had contacted
the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and presented a letter from
the Authority advising that they had no objections to this severance at
the., present time. Mr. Lama wgs advised that there have been long delays
in processing previous severance applications,however, Mr. Lama wished
to go ahead with his application.
in9September 6, 1990 continued .............
Delegations continued
Mr. John D'Hondt was present in regards to his application to sever a lot from
his property described as Lot 114, Concession 7. Mr. D'Hondt has contacted the Long
Point Conservation Authority and was advised that they had no problem with this
proposal. Mr. D'Hondt was advised of the delays experienced with previous applications,
however, he wished to proceed.
Mr. William Underhill, Building Inspector was present to discuss various matters
concerning the building permits and zoning regulations with particular reference to
the placing of Mobile homes in the township.
Mrs. Judy Oldham was present to discuss with Council the possibility of any
future severances that may be permitted on her property in Eden.
Reeve Vane Chute now declares A public meeting open as advertised to accept
comments on an application for a zoning amendment from 571515 Ontario Ltd.
The application of 571515 Ontario Ltd. is to change the zoning on a 0.75 hectare
(1.85 acre) strip of land fronting on County Road No. 43 (Mill Street), in Part Lot 111
N.S.T.R. in the Township of Bayham from the Future Development (FD) Zone to the Hamlet
Residential Zone. The effect of this By-law will be to recognize lands suitable for
hamlet residential development within Richmond and permit the creation of five (5)
hamlet residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance.
Mr. Jack Davis, Mr. C. Dykstra and Mr. J. Barker were present for the meeting.
Mr. Davis gave a brief review of the application• and advised that water availability
and drainage problems would be addressed.
Mr. Barker advised that there should be assurances that the present lifestyle of
Richmond would not be adversely affected by the proposed development.
Reeve Chute advised that approval from the Ministry of Environment would be
required before the development could proceed.
Discussion also took place regarding location of streets for the new development.
Councillor Ron Phillips advised that water problems that will be encountered
Qn this particular tract of land should be resolved.
Correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resource indicated they have no
concerns with this application.
Council had no further comments.
There being no further comments Reeve Chute declares the Public Meeting closed.
Reeve Vane Chute now delcares a public meeting open as advertised to receive
comments regarding the Township of Bayham's proposed amendment to provide for the
re -allocation of funds for community improvement projects, namely the hard surfacing
of certain streets in the Village of Straffordville.
No persons from the public had any comments on this proposed amendment.
Council had no comment on the proposed amendment.
There being no further comment Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by John Nezezon
That wages of the office clerk be adjusted to $13.65 per hour and be
retroactive to Jan. 1, 1990.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by John Nezezon
That Dwayne Daniel be appointed as assistant Building Inspector, By -Law
enforcement Officer and Drainage Superintendent for the Township of Bayham
effective Sept. 17, 1990 and that the said Dwayne Daniel be paid $28,000. per annum.
Meeting September 6, 1990 continued............
Resolutions continued..
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the Road Superintendent be authorized to purchase a
8 yd used sander from W. J. Diesel Ent. for the sum of $2,300.00
plus tax.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the Township of Bayham enter into an agreement under
a community policing program as proposed by the Ontario Provincial
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R.Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the severance application
of C. D. Phillips Limited. Lots 14 & 15, Concession 9, re application
No. #163/90
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council has no objections to the severance application
of C. D. Phillips Limited Lot 1,2,3,4,& 5, Concession 4 re application
No's. E164/9O, E165/9O and E166/9O.
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the severance application
of Twinbrook Farms, Lot 22 North Gore, Concession N.T.R. re application
No. E169/9O .
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application of John R. D'Hondt for Official Plan and
Zone change for Al to R. R. re Lot 114 Concession 7 be accepted and
referred to our Planning Consultants for By -Law preparation.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application of Joseph Lama for Official Plan and Zone
change from Al to R.R. re Lot 21, Concession 4, be accepted and
referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation.
Moved by JOhn Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application of Sandham Cartage
M2 Industrial to add the following permitted
1) Petroleum Storage
and referred to our planning consultants for
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
Ltd for Zone change from
2) Waste recovery site
by-law preparation.
That the application of Doug Dennis for Official Plan and Zone
change from Al to Special A-1 re lot 131, Concession N.T.R. be
accepted and referred to our planning consultants for byelaw
Meeting September 6, 1990 continued
Resolutions continued
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
That Council adjourn regular council meeting to convene as
Committee of Adjustment.
By -Lays
Z247/90 Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. Z247/90 being a by-law to
amend By-law 2387 (571515 Ont. Inc.) be now read a First Time
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. Z247/90 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. Z247/90 be now read a Third Time
and finally passed.
#2572 Moved by,John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2572 being a by-law to close and
stop up and sell part of the road allowance in Lot 7, Concession 3.
be now read a First Time
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2572 be now read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2572 be now read a Third Time
and finally passed.
#2573 Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R.Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2573 being a by-law to close and
stop up and sell part of the original road allowance between Lots 15
& 16 in Concession 2, Township of Bayham be -now read a First Time.
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2573 be now read a Second Time
Meeting September 6, 1990 continued
By -Lava continued
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No.
finally passed
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
2573 be now read a Third Time and
And resolved that By-law No. 2574 being a by-law to change from
West Street to Elgin Street according to Plan 205 for the Village of
Straffordville be now read a First Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law N0. 2574 be now read a Second Time
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By --law No. 2574 be now read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2575 being a by-law to confirm
all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held Sept. 6, 1990 be now read a First Time
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law N0. 2575 be now read a Second Time
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law N0. 2575 be now read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by John Nezezon
That General Accounts t6taling $63,851.43 and Road Accounts
totaling $17,138.58 be approved and that this Council now adjortIrtt
to meet again on Sept. 20, 1990 at 7:30 P.M.
The Regular meeting of Bayham
The Clerk, in the absence of Reeve
with Deputy Reeve, R. Sandham and
R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
September 20, 1990.
Township Council is held this evening.
Vane Chute calls the meeting to order
Councillors J. Nezezon, G. Nelles and
That in the temporary absence of Reeve Chute, Deputy Reeve, Ronson
Sandham be appointed head of Council.
........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held September 6, 19
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Deputy
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
. . . . . . . . Carried
1.) County of Elgin Land Division Committee Re: Decloet Bayham Ltd.
Submission #E175/90 and
2.) County of Elgin Land Division Committee Re: Verne Soper Estate
Submission #E176/90,
4'-E177/90 and #E178/90-
3.) Environmental Assessment Board Re: 1990 Annual Report.
Mr. Andre Van Kasteren appears before council regarding a severance
application which he is proposing on his property described as N Pt Lot 1
and N part Lot 2, Concession 9. Mr. Van Kastern wishes to sever his farm
into two separate farms consisting of approximately 19.45 hectares. Council
advised Mr. Van Kasteren that this proposal would fragment prime agricultural
land. This proposal also would be too small to qualify for a natural
Mr. Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief was present to express his
concerns regarding the water supply and the water pressure available at
Otters Edge Mobile Park. Mr. Dennis was advised to check out the situation
and report to Council. Mr. Dennis also expressed concerns regarding a
large tree behind the fire hall which suffered damage in the last storm
which went through Straffordville recently.
Mr. Paul De Cloet & Dave Townsend representing Detown Investment were
present to discuss their proposed severance of a rural residential lot -on
thefu Property located on lot 120 Concession S.T.R.
Mr. W. Rycart was present to address a tender he had submitted to
purchase a parcel of land owned by the township which is adjacent to
his farm property. Two tenders have been received from the two adjacent
landowners. The first one was a written tender submitted from Mr. Rycart
in the amount of $6,250. The other was a verbal amount of $6,000 which
was submitted by Mr. Ball.
Council advised that they were not prepared to accept his tender as
it was much lower than they were prepared to sell this property for at
the present time.
Meeting September 20, 1990 continued ..............
Delegations continued ...............
Mr. Dean Pressey, Neil Mac Aulay and Greg Volkaert were present
representing the. Richmond Ball Park to discuss problems they were
having regarding property lines. The group advised that they had made
arrangements to erect poles and mesh to prevent stray balls from striking
neighbouring properties, however, before these can be erected the property
line has to be established. Council advised that they would attempt to
clarify the matter with the property owners concerned.
Mr. Matt Schaefer was present concerning a official plan and
zone application which is awaiting approval from the Provincial Ministry.
Mr. Paul Hinde, Planning Consultant with Cumming Cockburn Limited
was present to discuss matters concerning the PRIDE program and the
projects Council wished to carry out under this program. Mr. Hinde also
discussed certain revisions to the township official plan and his discussions
with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Mr. Hinde advised that a update
of the Official Plan should be carried out and that certain revisions
should be made to make the process more streamlined and thereby avoiding
long delays which are being experienced at the present time. Various other
matters were discussed with Mr. Hindei in regard to the official plan
and zoning requirements.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That Mr. and Mrs Peter Klassen be permitted to reside in a Trailer
located on their property described as Concession 5, North Part of Lot 2,
RP 11R40071 Pt of Part one on the following conditions:
1. Mr. and Mrs. Klassen submit
of*$800.00 payable to Bayham
returned on authorization of
trailer has been removed to
a certified cheque in the amount
Township. This cheque to be
Building Inspector that subject
the satisfaction of this Township
2. A temporary permit be issued at an initial cost of $40.00 to be
renewed every three (3) months thereafter at a cost of $25.00
per month. Footings and foundation for new home to be in place
prior to issuance of this permit.
3. A completion date be set as a June 30, 1991 at which time
trailer is to be removed.
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Treasurer be authorized to make application to the Ministry
of Transportation for Supplementary Allocation of Subsidy monies for the
year 1990 in the amount of $75,000.00
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
seconded by G. Nelles
That the tenders received for the sale of Township Property described
as Pt Lot 114, Concession 61 S. T. R. not be accepted. Tenders received
were as follows. Mr. Rycart - $6,250. Mr. Ball - $6,000.
.000.6.. Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Township of Bayham pay Straffordville Boy Scouts $10.00 per
ton for paper collected in the township in the amount of $145.00.
0 0 0 0•.•. Carried
Meeting September 20, 1990 continued ........
Resolutions Continued .............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Township of Bayham contribute the sum of $1,000.00 to the
Township of Southwold Diaster Fund.
.6 . . . . .. Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That the application for Official Plan and Zoning Amendment for
Detown Investments Inc., Concession S.T.R. Lot 120 be accepted and
referred to our planning consultants for By -Law Preparation.
........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2576 being a by-law to amend a
Community Improvement Plan or part thereof be now read a First Time.
...0.... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2576 be now read a Second Time.
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Lav no. 2576 be now read a Third Time and
finally passed.
. . . 00 . . . Carried
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2577 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
September 20, 1990 be Now Read a First Time.
........ Carried
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Lav No. 2577 be now read a Second Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Lav No.
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
........ Carried
2577 be now read a Third Time and
........ Carried
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Thursday October 41 1990
at 7:30 P.M.
........ Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
October 4, 1990
The Regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this
evening. Reeve, Vane Chute, presides with Deputy Reeve Ronson
Sandham and Councillor John Nezezon in attendance. Councillors,
R. Phillips and G. Nelles were not in attendance.
Motion R. Sandham
Second J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular
20, 1990, having been examined by the
and the Reeve's signature authorized
Council meeting held September
members are hereby approved
on same.
........ Carried
1.) Ministry of Nautral Resources Re: Port Burwell Dumping
Township Transfer Seation
2.) Ministry of Natural Resources Re: Township Hunting Licence
& Pheasant Release Program
3.) Alzheimer Society of Canada Re: Request for Donation for
Alzheimer Research.
4.) Canadian Postmaster Assn. Re: Appreciation of Council
Support (re Eden Post Office)
5.) Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.Re: Residential Rehabilitation
Assistance Program (RRAP)
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent was in attendance to present
a report on matters concerning the Township Works department. Mr.
Gibbons advised that approximately 11000 feet of tile had been installed
at the top of the Moore Bridge. Work has been progressing well on
the tunnel road with approximately 21408 yds of gravel being removed.
Mr. Balkwill who lives on the south side of Talbot road in Straffordville
has contacted Mr. Gibbons regarding water problems he has been having
near his home. Council advised that they would like to view the site.
Mr. Gibbons advised that one of the road graders required six new tires
at a cost of $495.00 plus installation at $25.00 per tire. Also work
is required on the eavetroughs at the works garage at at cost of $350.00.
Mr. Gibbons advised that he is to meet with the Ontario Department of
Highways to improve drainage at highway #19 and Ridge Road. The
Ministry of Natural Resources have advised that the Schafer pit requires
covering. Mr. Gibbons advised that the Ministry have given their
approval to remove the sand from the Tunnel Road project without
requiring the normal permits as he is only transfering it from one
road allowance to another. Mr. Gibbons has also received a price of
$250.00 to remove the tree from the south side of the township office.
Carol Anne Munroe from The Proctor Redfern Group was present
requesting council to consider a modification regarding official plan
amendment no. 64. Ms Munroe was advised that council would like to
confer with the township planning consultant regarding this matter and
also that the certain matters concerning the official plan are clarified.
Mr. Stan James, Mr. Ray Woodward and Mr. Lloyd McQuicigan representing
the Calton Cemetery Board were present requesting assistance from
the township to replace the fence around the Calton Cemetery. The present
fence can no longer be repaiged and they are proposing to erect a new
chain link fence. They advised council that they would be willing to
erect the fence themselves if they were to receive financial assistance
to purchase the materials.
Meeting October 4, 1990 continued .......
Delegations continued .....
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, assistant building inspector was present
to advise council of matters concerning the building department.
Mr. Daniel advised that it had become necessary for the department
to issue an Order to Remedy to a homeowner in Eden. Mr. Daniel will
keep council posted on the progress regarding this matter. Other
building matters were discussed and Mr. Daniel presented his report
for the months of July, August and September. This report to be
brought back to the next regular council meeting.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council has no objections to the severance application
of De Cloet Bayham Limited Pt. Lot 3, Registered Plan 113 re application
#E83/90 and #E175/90.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this council has no objections to the severance application
of Verne Soper Estate - Mary Ward and Alan Soper Executors, subject
to agreement regarding street widening for part of Lot 15, Part Lot
5 and 6 Concession 3 re application #E176/90, E177/90 and #E178/90.
Moved by R: Sandham
Seconded by John Nezezon
That the appltcation of De Town Investment Inc. for Official
Plarrrand zone change from Al Agriculture to Rural Residential re
Lot 120 Concession S.T.R. be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That council agrees to assist the Calton Cemetery Board to
replace a fence on the west side to a maximum of $1,500.00.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Road Superintendent be authorized to purchase six new
tires for Grader Six.
#2578 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2578 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
October 4, 1990, be now read a first time
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that by-law no 2578 be now read a second time.
Meeting October 4, 1990 continued .............
By -lays continued ......
#2578 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No.
finally passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
2578 be now read a Third Time and
That general accounts totaling $160,818.71 and Road accounts
totaling $131,521. 46 be approved and that this council now adjourn
to meet again on October 18, 1990 at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
October 18, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this
evening. Reeve, Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve Ronson
Sandham and Councillors C. R. Phillips, G. Nelles and John Nezezon
in attendance.
Motion by John Nezezon
Seconded by Gerald Nelles
That the minutes of the regular council meeting held Oct 4, 1990
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
RE: Semi -Private Coverage
The Salvation
financial support of thei
Land Division
for Fred S. Procunier Concession
7 NTR, Lot
115 - Submission #E 180/90
Land Division
John & Jon
Walker re approval of right
of way Concession
5 Pt Lot 1.
Land Division
for Estate of Otto Hermann,
Con. 7 Lot
136 - Submission # E186/9O
Land Division
for Manfred and Susan Hermann,
Con 6 Lot
129 - Submission #E 187/90
Land Division
for Andre and Charlotte
Con 9, Lot 1
#E 188/90
Land Division
for Harriet and Ray O'Neil,
Con. 9, Part
Lot 26 & 27
# E189/90
of North
support in opposing the
Federal G.S.T.
The Royal
Canadian Legion
Permission to distribute
Poppies door
to door
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent was in attendance to dicuss
various matters pertaining to the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons
reported that work was progressing on the tunnel road and demolishing of
the tunnel would likely commence early next week. Additional work to be
completed under the Pride project was discussed. Mr Gibbons presented ani'
estimated cost for the work that remains to be completed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R.Phillips
That Council now adjourn to meet as Committe of Adjustment.
Carried _
Reeve Vane Chute declared that the regular Council meeting now
reconvene at 8:45 P.M.
Delegations-= continued
Mr. Joe Barzo was present requesting council to allow him to
rent a trailer situated on his farm which is used for his seasonal
help during the summer. Mr. Barzo was advised that the Township of
Bayham restricts the use of such trailers other than persons hired
to work on the farm. Council advised Mr. Barzo that they would advise
him of their decision.
Mr. John Martin was present to see if he would be allowed to place
a trailer on his"property for the temporary use of a person working on
his farm and other farms in the Bayham area. This person works on a
share work program and her permit expires May 31, 1991. Council
advised Mr. Martin they would advise him of their decision within
one week.
Mr. Max Stewart was present to discuss a number of severance
applications received by the Elgin Land Division Committee for
which he represents Bayham Township.
Dwayne Daniel assistant Building Inspector was present to discuss
various matters concerning the building department. He also presented
the building report for the months July, August and September, 1990.
Mr. Daniel advised Council that he wished to attend a ten day course
dealing with the plumbing code and plumbing systems.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council objects to severance proposals as follows:
- Estate
of Otto Herman Lot 136 Concession 7
- Manfred
and Susan Herman - Lot 129, Concession 6
- Fred S.
Procunier, Lot 115, Concession 7
as the lands are not zoned for the intended use.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this Council has no objections to severance application
# E189/90 of Harriet and Ray O'Neil, Part Lot 26 & 27, Concession 9.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this Council does not support the severance application of
Andre & Charlotte VanKasteren, Lot 1, Concession 9.
Submission E 188/90.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Assistant Building/Plumbing Inspector be authorized to
attend a ten day course in basics of plumbing system, plumbing code
etc. The cost of this course to be $1350.00 which will be subject
to a subsidy of $600.00 from the Provincial Government.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R.Sandham
That the Royal Canadian Legion, Port Purwell/ Bayham Branch
be granted permission to sell poppies in the Township of Bayham
during the period November 1, 1990 to November 10, 1990.
Councillor John Nezezon declares a conflict of Carried
interest on Building Report.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the report of the Building Department presenting permits
issued for the months of July, August and September in the amount
of $1,547,968 be accepted as presented.
Building Permits as presented
Murray Green
Swimming Pool $
John Eising
Storage shed
Brian Allen
Attached Garage
Herwin Ouelletti
Storage Shed
Tom S Joan Herrick
Patio & Porch
Joe Barzo
Used Mobile Home
George Moore Jr.
Fireplace & Chimney
Barry Demon
John Nezezon
Re roof Residence
Blondeel Nursery
Temporary Used Mobile
Home Locate
Douglas & Susan Morrison
Reroof Residence
Susan Morrison
Hobie Green house
Jack Smith
Add to Residence
Larry Catton
New Siding Residence
Lloyd Gibbons
Storage Building
Mike & Sandra Hesch
New Residence
Gerrit VanLeeuwen
Car Port,Pool 6 Deck
Jerry Klein
Pool 6 fence
Sydney Cerke
Addition to Mobil Home 8,000.
Allen Hughes
used Mobile Home
William Moyer
Used Mobile Home
Ron McCurdy
New Mobile Home
Sandra Pennie
Used Mobile Home
Ken Nicholls
Used Mobile Home
George Milne
New Mobile Home
John Hokke
Used Mobile Home
Nick Jacob's
New Mobile Home
Vincent Maillia
New Mobile Home
Robert Huxley
New Mobile Home
Sidney Corke
New Mobile Home
Spring Lake R.V. Parks
New Nobile Home
Arved Neumann
Siding 6 Trim Residence 3,000.
Trustee Clayton Jackson
Basement Renovations
United Church
Stan Belding
Replace windows(Res)
Frank Dykstra
New Residence
Joel Taylor
Graham Thompson S
Charlie LOngstaff
New Residence
Robert Theort
New Residence
Harold Taylor
Storage Building
Randy McBride
New Residence
Tom Foote
Porch Addition
Francis Underhill
New Residence
Wagler Homes
New Residence
Don Lane
Barn Addition
Abe Klassens
New Residence
Robert Maertens
House Addition
Rick & Barb Kwarciany
New Residence
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
By-law # 2579 And resolved that By -Law
No. 2579 being a by-law
to accept
and assign a name to a street
or roadway in Lot 125,
South of Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham, be now read a
First Time
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law
No. 2579 be now Read a
Second Time
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2579 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
By -Law 2580 Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
No And resolved that By -Law No. 2580 being a by-law to repeal
by-law No. 2047 setting maximum fees for hunting licences in the
Township of Bayham, be now read a first time
Moved by R. Sandahm
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2580 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2580 be now Read a Third
Time and finally passed
By -Law 2581 Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2581 being a by-law to confirm
all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held October 18, 1990.
Be now Read a First Time
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2581 be now Read a Second Time
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2581 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Thursday
November 1, 1990 at 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont
October 22, 1990
A special meeting of Bayham township Council is held this
evening. Reeve, Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham
and Councilors G. Nelles, C. R. Phillips and J. Nezezon in attendance.
A number of matters of unfinished business from the previous
meeting of October 18, 1990 were discussed.
The Reeve and Deputy Reeve had been to visit with Mrs. Stanat
regarding possible expansion of the (Richmond) Bayham West Cemetery.
Moved By John Nezezon
Seconded By G. Nelles
That the Reeve and Clerk enter into an agreement with
Mrs. Stanat in order to extend the area of the Richmond (Bayham
West) Cemetery.
Carried /
Moved By G. Nelles
Seconded By John Nezezon
That this Council request the Township Engineer submit new
tenders for construction of the Branch "E" of Drain No. 1, as the
only tender received was submitted too late for consideration.
Moved by R.Sandham
Seconded by John Nezezon
That this Council now adjourn.
The Regular meeting of
evening. Reeve, Vane Chute
and Councillors G. Nelles,
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
Council Chambers
November 1, 1990
Bayham Township Council is held this
presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham
J. Nezezon and C. R. Phillips in
That the minutes of the regular
and Special meeting held October 22,
members are hereby approved and the
Ministry of Agriculture
council meeting held October
1990 having been examined by
Reeve's signature authorized
Copy of Letter Re:
Amendment No -.64
Re: New Request for Municipal
Clearance Forms
Mr. Jim Gibbons, Road Superintendent was in attendance to discuss
various matters concerning the Township Works Department. Mr. Gibbons
advised that progress on the tunnel road has been halted as the Ministry
of Natural Resources requires a permit for the placing of the broken concrete
on the Lake Erie shoreline for erosion control. This permit is expected
to be issued by the end of the week.
Mr. Gibbons reports that the paving work in Straffordville has now
been completed and that should the dry weather continue some work can
be done on the Moore Bridge project.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan was in attendance reqesting the Township to contact
the Ministry of Transportation and Communication and request improvements
be made to drains near the Ridge Road. Apparently the normal waterflow
has been changed when the entrance to Ridge Road had to be placed in it's
present location.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel and William Underhill, Building Inspectors were
present to discuss various matters dealing with the building department.
Mr. Daniel advised that a property owner wished to place a trailer
on his property while building a new home.
Mr. Underhill advised Council that some local trailer parks were
not complying with the Township's request for a site plans etc. The Cler
was instructed to write to the concerned parties requesting that they
Mr. Danny Deplancke was in attendance to present to Council a pla
subdivision which he is planning to develop in Eden.
Council advised that this proposal would be lsl.ac84 into the hands
the Township Engineer and Planner for input and that a period of a
month to a month and one half would be required before a reply could
be returned.
Mrs. Hazel Dow and Mr. Douci Bartlett were in attendance tb.rel1e8t
Council to consider placing a street light near their residence or in
the proximity of West Street and Third Street. At the present time a
large area in this vicinity remains in darkness.
Council advised that they would look into this matter to see what
could be done to rectify the problem.
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief was in attendance to discuss matters
concerning the Bayham Township Fire Department. Mr. Dennis advised that
after a long waiting period the new portable water tank has arrived.
Meeting November 1, 1990 continued ....................
Mr. Dennis also discussed matters concerning Township burning bylaws
and problems encountered regarding same at the Red Oak Trailer Park.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by John Nezezon
That Linda and Mike Schoutese be allowed to locate a trailer on their
property at the N Pt Lot 18, Conc. 8 for a period of ninety days to be
used as living quarters while their new house is being constructed.
A deposit in the form of a certified cheque payable to Bayham Township
in the amount of $800.00 be required before a permit is issued. This
deposit to be returned on authorization of the Township building
inspector that subject trailer has been removed to the satisfaction of
this Township Council. Trailer to be removed at the end of ninety days.
The cost of the temporary permit to be set at $40.00 for the three
month period.
#2557 Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law NO. 2557 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed ( Re Branch "E" of Drain NO. 1)
#2582 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2582 being a by-law to confirm
all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
%jpvember 1, 1990, be now read a First Time
Moved by John Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2582 be now read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by John Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No -2582 be now read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Thursday
November 15, 1990.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
November 15, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening -
Reeve, Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve, R. Sandham and Councillors
J. Nezezon, C. R. Phillips and G. Nelles in attendance.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held November 11
1990 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Ronson Sandham, Deputy Reeve declares a conflict of interest in the
application of Sandham Cartage Ltd. to be received at the public meeting
to be held at 8 P.M.
1.) County of Elgin, Land Division
2.) County of Elgin, Land Division
3.) County of Elgin Land Division
4.) County of Elgin Land Division
5.) County of Elgin Land Division
6.) Ken Monteith, M.P.
7.) Reseau Pro -Canada Network
8.) Town of Aylmer
9.) Long Point Region Con. Auth.
10.) Ontario Good Roads Association
11.) Township of North Himsworth
12.) Ministry of Transportation
13.) Ministry of Transportation
14.) Ministry of Natural Rebources
DBL TIolls
Severance application of
Mathew Schafer Ltd. Con. 7,
Lot 128 - E196/90
Severance application of
K.C. Emerson Lot 23 & 24, Con 4
Severance application of
Diedrich & Margaret Peters
Con. 7 Lot 123 WTR E209/90
Severance application of
Robert & Lena Foris
Con. 8, Lot 17 - E211/90
Winter Control re County Roads
Re Canada Post operations.
Re: G S T
Re: New Municipal Code for Aylmer
Minutes of regular meeting
Matters pertaining to association
Presenting by-law for endorsement
re: Garbage Disposal
Response to O.P. Amendment #78
Response to O.P and Zoning re
Lot 20-21 concession 11
Re: unauthorized shoreland erosion
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendant was present to discuss matters
concerning the township works department. Mr. Gibbons advised that work
had been completed on the tunnel road. Mr. Gibbons indicated that progress
had been delayed until the proper permits had been issued on the Lake Erie
shoreline project. Mr. Gibbons advised that very little work could be done
on the Moore Bridge due to wet conditions. Work will begin during the week
of November 19th to open up the new township gravel pit and that grading is
being carried out on a steady basis.
Minutes of November 15, meeting continued .....
Delegations continued .......
Mr. Paul Hinde, township planning consultant was in attendance to discuss
various matters pertaining to Official Plan and Zoning matters. Mr. Hinde
also provided helpful information during the public meeting.
Mr. William Underhill, Building Inspector was present to discuss matters
pertaining to the Building Department. Mr. Underhill advised that he wished
to have clarification regarding zoning restrictions on Estate Residentaial
property. Trailer parks were also discussed. Mr. Underhill is having
difficulty issuing building permits in these parks as he has not site plan
available for them. This is a requirement which has not been adhered to
by the owners of these parks and council directed a letter be sent out
requesting these site plans be provided to the township.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schmidt were in attendance to present council with
a proposed plan of subdivision he wishes to develop on his property east
.of the Hamlet of Eden. Mr. Schmidt was given guidance in regard to the
requirements necessary to proceed with such a project and was advised to
a number of studies and ministry approvals should be obtained prior to
any official application being submitted. The clerk was instructed to send
Mr. Schmidt names of a few planning consultants who could advise Mr. Schmidt
as to how to proceed with his plans.
Mr. Paul DePlancke was in attendance to discuss a plan of subdivision
proposed by his son Danny
was provided with the same
advised that he wished to
approximately eight lots t
unopened street allowance.
DePlancke in the hamlet of Eden. Mr. DePlancke
information as Mr. Schmidt above. Mr. DePlancke
revise his original proposal and develop
o front on centre street which is presently an
Mr. Tony Csinos was present to discuss with council his concerns regarding
the operations of the Straffordville Community Centre. Mr. Csinos advised
that he operates a catering business and would like to be allowed to cater to
functions being held at the Community Centre when requested to do so. At
the present time this is not allowed. Council advised that the matter will
be brought before the Community Centre Board.
Mr. Dan Rayson was in attendance regarding information concerning
official plan and zoning applications. Members of Council and the township
planning consultant explained the various apsects of the Official Plan and
zoning functions.
Reeve Van Chute declares a public meeting open as advertised to receive
comments on applications for official plan and zoning amendments from
Joseph Lama, Detown Investments and John D'Hondt. Also to receive comments
on applications for zoning amendments from Douglas Dennis and Sandham
Cartage Ltd.
The application
official plan and z
is considered. The
residential lot pur
is proposed to chan
land situated on th
210.0 metres south
Agricultural (Al) Z
Hazard Land (HL) Zo
(Al) Zone to the Sp
public. Council ha
that approval would
of Joseph Lama at Concession 4, Part Lot 21, for an
)ping amendment to permit a severance of his property
purpose of this application is to create a rural
;uant to the process of severance and conveyance. It
le the zoning on a 0.25 hectare (0.61) acre parcel of
west side of Part Lot 21, Concession 4 approximately
)f County Road No. 45, in the Township of Bayham from
)ne to Special Rural Residential (RR -18) Zone and the
ie. Secondly, it will rezone a parcel of land from the
?cial (A1-37) zon6. No comments were received from the
I no comments, however the planning consultant advised
be required from the conservation authorities. The clerk
presented correspondence from the Elgin District Health Unit advising they
have no objections to the application and also from the Ministry of Natural
Resources advising they have no concerns.
Minutes of November 15, meeting continued .....
Public meeting continued ......
The application of De Town Investments Inc. at S.S.T.R. (Concession 6)
Part Lot 120 for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance
on this property is considered. The purpose of this application is to
change the zoning on a 0.90 hectare (2.22 acre) parcel of land situated on
the south side of County Road #38, in the northwest corner of Part Lot 120,
S.S.T.R. (Con. 6) in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural (Al) Zone to
the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The effect of this application will be
to permit the creation of a rural residential lot for the construction
of a single dwelling unit pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance.
No comments were received from the public. Council had no comments on this
application. The planning consultant advised the Conservation Authority
would no doubt have to give their approval to this application. The clerk
advised that correspondence had been received from the Elgin Health Unit
stating they had no objections to this application and also from the
Ministry of Natural Resources advising they had no concerns.
The application of John D'Hondt at N.S.T.R. (Concession 7) Part of Lot-"..-"
114 for an official plan and zoning amendment to permit a severance on
this property is considered. The purpose of this application is to permit
the creation of a rural residential lot for the construction of a single
dwelling unit pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. This
application will change the zoning on a 0.62 hectare (1.54 acre) parcel of
land situated on the east side of road allowance between Lot 113, and 114
on the west side of Part Lot 114 N.S.T.R. (Con. 7) south of the Big Otter
Creek, in the Township of Bayham from the agricultural (Al) zone to the
Rural Residential (RR) zone. Mr. Joe and Mrs. Monica Braun were present
expressing their concern regarding further residential development in the
rural area. Councillor Ron Phillips stated that this proposal was far
enough away from farm operations so as not to cause any problems. The
township planning consultant advised that the Conservation authorities
would no doubt require a plan to be submitted for their approval. The Clerk
advised that correspondence was received from the Elgin Health Unit advising
they have no objections to the appliciation. The Ministry of Natural
Resources advised they have no objection to the application. They did
advise that should any work be done pertaining to the Big Otter Creek they
would require a work permit.
The application of Douglas Dennis at N.S.T.R., Part Lot 131 for a
zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2.02 hectare (5.0 acre) parcel
of land situated on the north side of County Road No. 38, in part lot 131,
Concession N.S.T.R. in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural (Al) Zone
to the Special Agricultural (A1-38) zone. The effect of this will be to
permit a lot to be created containing one surplus dwelling unit and two sheds
pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. No comments were
received from the public. Councillor Ron Phillips advised that the regulations
controlling the keeping of livestock on this property was acceptable. The
township planning consultant clarified the keeping of livestock on the
proposed parcel and the regulations regarding same. The clerk advised that
correspondence was received from the Elgin Health Unit stating that they
have no objections to this application. Correspondence received from the
Ministry of Natural Resources advised that they had no objections to this
The application of Sandham Cartage Ltd. at Concession 11, Part Lot 20
for a zoning amendment to change the zoning on a 2.4 hectare (-6.0 acre)
parcel of land to include as permitted uses on the subject lands, petroleum
storage and waste recovery operation is considered. The subject lands are
designated "non-farm area #3" Industrial in the Township's Official Plan.
Councillor R. Sandham previously declared a conflict of interest regarding
this application. Mr. B. Graydon expressed concerns regarding the type of
material to be handled and how it will be contained. He also questioned if
the proposal would be compatible with the neighbouring properties. Mr. T.
Csinos questioned the definition of "waste recovery" and felt that the term
waste should be defined. Mr. Sandham explained that the company would be
accepting waste oil from various locations to be taken away to another
recovery site to be processed. Other items to be included under waste
recovery would be such items as pop cans, bottles, paints and batteries.
Minutes of Novesiber 15, 1990 meeting continued.......
Pohl i C ufkPt j,na conn _i n d 0 0 0 0 .. .
Councillor J. Nezezon suggested that the by-law be made more specific to
cover the various concerns. Reeve, V. Chute agreed stating that a site
plan control be considered. Councillor Ron Phillips felt that such an
undertaking should be left to private enterprise. The township planning
consultant advised that this application not unusual, however, council
could impose a site plan control. He also advised that must rely on the
various provincial departments to control such business operations.
The clerk advised that correspondence has been received from the Ministry
of Natural Resources expressing they have no concerns. Correspondence
received from the Ministry of Transportation advising that access would
be restricted to the township road as far north from the highway #3
intersection as possible. Also the minimum building set back to be 13.7m
(45 feet) from the property line abutting highway no. 3. They also advise
that the proper permits be obtained that that stormwater management be
Mr. Hinde, the township planning consultant advised those in attendance
the procedure in processing the applications received and their rights'
to object to the decision made by council in regards to these applications.
There being no further comments or questions, Reeve Chute declares the
public meeting closed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the application and proposed By -Law No. 2248/90 of Sandham
Cartage Ltd. for a zone change be tabled and sent to our planning
consultants for reconsideration with council.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2583 being a by-law to adopt amendment
No. 84 to the official plan of the Township of Bayham (Lama) be now read
a First Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2583 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2583 be now Read a Third Time and finally
Carried ...........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law no 2584 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 85
to the official plan of the Township of Bayham (De Town Investments) be now
read a First Time.
Carried ............
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2584 be now read a Second Time.
Minutes November 15, 1990 meeting continued ......
BY -Lays continued .....
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
2584 be now read a Third Time and
And resolved that By -Law No. 2585 being a by-law to adopt
amendment No. 86 to the official plan of the Township of Bayham (D'Hondt)
be now read a First Time.
Carried .........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2585 be now read a Second Time.
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved tht By -Law No. 2585 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ...........
(By -Law not passed at this time. See resolution page #2138)
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z249/90 being a by-law to amend
by-law No. 2387 (re Lama) be now read a First Time.
Carried ............
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law N0. Z249/90 be now read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z249/90 be now read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z250/90 being a by-law to amend
By -Law No. 2387 (Detwon Investments) be now read a First Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No.
Z250/90 be now Read a Second Time.
Minutes of November 15, 1990 meeting continued ......
BY -Lays continued .....
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z250/90 be now read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
Carried .........
And resolved that By -Law No. Z251/90 being a by-law to amend
by-law No. 2387 (re: D'Hondt) be now read a First Time.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z251/90 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z251/90 be now Read a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ............
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. Z252/90 being a by-law to amend
By -Law No. 2387 (re: Dennis) be now read a First Time.
Carried .............
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law N0. Z252/90 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. Z252/90 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2586 being a by -Law to confirm all
all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held November 15, 1990, be now read a First Time. -
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law N0. 2586 be now read a Second Time.
Minutes of Meeting November 15, 1990 continued .......
By -Lars continued ........
#2586 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2586 be now Read a Third Time
and finally passed.
Motion by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on December 6, 1990
at 10:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville Ont.
November 22, 1990
A special meeting of Council is held this date for the purpose of
completing business left unfinished at the regular council meeting held
November 15, 1990. Reeve Chute presides, with Dep. Reeve R. Sandham and
Councillor J. Nezezon, C.R. Phillips and G. Nelles in attendance.
Mr. Paul Hinde, planning consultant from Cumming -Cockburn Ltd is
present to review with Council the revised Official Plan Policies.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby accepts the
Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs suggested modification to Official
Plan Amaendment No. 50, being an aamendment to incorporate policies
pertaining to Temporary Use By -Laws into the Official Plan of the Township
of Bayham. The suggested modification was presented, to the Township
of Bayham in letter form dated August 30, 1990.
Carried ..........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the Corporation of the Towsnhip of Bayham hereby accepts the
Revised Official Plan Policies, -dated November 22, 1990. The revised
policies are intended to replace Sections 4.2 of the Official Plan of the
Official Plan of the Township of Bayham in its entirety. A public
meeting be held on January 3, 1991 to allow the public an opportunity to
review this matter.
Minutes of Special Meeting November 22, 1990 continued .....
Resolutions continued .....
Maved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G Nelles
That a petition for interim payment under the public transportation and
highway improvement act on expenditures made in the year 1990 be submitted.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G Nelles
That the Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby requests the Ontario
Ministry of Municipal Affairs to modify Official Plan Amendment No. 64, being
an amendment to change an area of land comprised of approximately 22.83 hectares
(56.41 acres) situated in Part Lots 23 and 24 Concession 9 in the Township of
Bayham, from the Agriculture designation to the Rural Non -Farm Area No. 13
designation in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham as follows:
"Notwithstanding Section d) of the Official Plan of the
Township of Bayham, the lands subject to this amendment and
designated "Rural Non -Farm Area No. 13" may be served by a
water supply and sewage disposal system which meets the
requirements of, and are approved by the Ministry of the
Environment or its delegated authority as applicable. The systems
design, methods and arrangements for ensuring adequate systems
operation, maintenance, and responsibility shall satisfy the
Ministry of the Environment."
Carried .....
BY -Lays
2587 Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2587 being a by-law to provide for the
maintenance of the Adler, Bartly, Coomber "B", Coomber "F", Corinth, Csinos "C",
Dennis, Emerson, Garnham, Magyar, Dieleman, Mueller, Nevill, Phillips, Peidi,
Smith, Stewart, Wallace, and Winter (Bayham) Municipal Drains and to raise
the sum of $17,686.87 to pay therefor, be now read a First Time.
Carried .....
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2587 be now Read a Second Time.
Carried .....
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2587 be now Read a Third Time and finally
Carried .....
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn.
CA� 7 -
Carried .....
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
November 29, 1990
A Special Meeting of Council is held this date in order to complete
business left unfinished from the regular council meeting held November
15, 1990 and special meeting held November 22, 1990. Reeve Chute presides
with Deputy Reeve R. Sandam, Councillors G. Nelles, R. Phillip, J. Nezezon.
Reeve, Vane Chute declares a conflict of interest in regards to
Application # 223/90 for the Elgin County Land Division Committee.
Mr. Harold Dennis, Township Fire Chief is present to discuss various
matter concerning the Township of Bayham, Volunteer Fire Department.
Mr. Dennis advises that Chris Nelles will be unable to complete the
required work on the computer system. Many properties still have to be
added and it is suggested that members of the fire department may be
able to complete this work.
Mr. Dennis also advises that he has been required to conduct an
increasing number of inspections for fireplaces, woodstoves etc duri!Ig---,
the last few years. Mr. Dennis feels that compensation for mileage" -and
time spent to carry out these inspections should be considered.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by G. Nelles
That additional street lights be added to the Straffordville system
as follows: 1.) West Street near Doug Bartlett residence
2.) Talbot Street in front of Community Centre Parking Lot.
Carried ........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the severance application of Ruby
Millard, Submission E 217/90, Concession N.T.R. Lot 126, registered
plan 205 Pt Lot 21, as it does not confrm to the Township Zoning By -Law.
Carried ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this council has no objections to the severance application
of Paul Valko, Jack Abell and Judith Porter, Submission E 223/90,
.located at concession 4, Nh lot 25, Bayham Township.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this council has no objections to the severance application
of Stephen and Lena Foris, Submission E 211/90 located at Lot 17,
Concession 8 Bayham Township.
Carried .........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the following General Accounts and Road Accounts be approved.
September 1990
General $520,858.39
Roads 71,810.42
October 1990
$ 57,859.36
$ 89,136.64
Carried ..........
Minutes of Special Council meeting held November 29, 1990 coninuted ....
Resolutions continued .........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the Road Superintendent
two full weeks vacation pay for 1990 in lieu of time off with pay.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the assistant building inspector be paid mileage expenses of
$265.97 for travel to Sudbury to take a job related course.
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this special meeting of council do now adjourn.
Carried .......
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
December 6, 1990
The Regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held December 6,
1990 at 10:00 A.M. Reeve, Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve,
Ronson Sandham, Councillors Gerry Nelles, Ron Phillips and John Nezezon
in attendance.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held November 15,
1990 and Special meetings held November 22, 1990 and November 29, 1990
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.
1.) Ministry of Revenue
2.) Federation of Canadian
Assessment Information
Five Star Award Program
3.) Ministry of Municipal Affairs Plan of Subdivision - Vienna
4.) Gibson, Linton, Toth &
5.) Ladbrooke Utility Services
6.) North Star Pallett Co. Ltd.
Therrien Zoning appeals
Copy of Letter to Ministry of
Backyard Composters
7.) Local Agriculture Employment Appoint Board Member for 1991
Mr. Dwayne Daniel, assistant Building Inspector, was present to
discuss various matters pertaining to the Buuilding 7epartment.
Councillor Ron Phillips inquired as to the possibility of the building
department producing a chart of activity on building permits etc.
Mr. Daniel advised that he would look into the matter. Mr. Daniel
discussed the possibility of Bayham revising their building permit
fee structure and was requested to bring back a proposal to Council.
Matters regarding drain problems and drain maintenance were discussed
in some detail. The question as to whether the township is required
to obtain permits from the Ministry of Natural Resources to carry out
work in certain areas was raised and Mr. Daniel was requested to
contact the Ministry regarding this.
Mr. James Gibbons, Road Superintendent was present to discuss
matters concerning the road department. Mr. Gibbons advised that
the trees located on the road allowance on John Street in Richmond
had not be moved to date. Property owners concerned were requested
to do this so that their root systems would not cause damage to the
newly laid asphalt. Jim was requested to check into this matter::
and if no action taken then another letter would be sent out to these
Mr. Wayne Simms and Mr. Robert Stock, from the Ministry of Trans-
portation of Ontario were present to introduce Mr. Simms to Council
and discuss matters concerning the road activity in the township.
Mr. Simms advised council that Iiis department was responsible for
Oxford, Middlesex, Elgin and Haldimand-Norfolk Counties. Mr. Simms
advised that an annoucement would be made in March of 1991 regarding
possible additional funding to be made available in June 1991.
Mr. Jack Petrie was present to discuss with council assistance
that he has provided to the township after his retirement in August
of this year. Council agrees to pay Mr. Petrie the sum of $2,000.00
to cover his work during the months of September through December 1990.
Minutes of Council meeting held December 68 1990 continued .......
Delegations continued .........
Council inquired as to whether or not Mr. Petrie would be
interested in assisting with an upcoming water study. Mr. Petrie
advised that he would be agreeable to work for the township under
a contractural basis and the agreed fee was set at $15.00 per hour.
Mr. Ken Gagnon was present to discuss a drain repair assessment
against his property. Mr. Gagnon felt that the charge against his
property was too high. It was explained that charges for repairs to
municipal drains are based on the original engineers assessment when
the drain was first constructed. Calculations on this drain repair
were double checked and appeared to be correct. Mr. Gagnon was advised
that council could take no action as this matter is covered by the
Drainage Act and no alterations can be made to an original assessment
unless a engineer was engaged to reassess the drain under petition
of the affected landowners who must bear the cost of this re -assessment.
Council agreed to request the township engineer to look over the present
assessment to see if any irregularties exist.
Mr. W. E. Reid was present requesting that his daughter be permitted
to build a house on his property located on Concession 3, Lot 17. f
Council advised Mr. Reid that his property was not zoned properly to
allow this, however, they would have the township planning consultants
advise on this matter.
Mr. William Underhill, Building Inspector was present to discuss
matters concerning the building department. Mr. Underhill advised
council that activities were functioning smoothly in the department
and that his assistant Mr. Daniel was carrying out his duties very
well. Mr. Underhill discussed his upcoming retirement at the end
of this year and made a number of suggestions as to possible courses
that his replacement might take in the new year.
The matter regarding a property dispute and building permit being
is--ued was discussed and Mr. Underhill advised that the matter had been
taken to the Township Solicitor who was looking after the matter.
Moved by R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this council object to
Diedrick and Margaret Peters, Lot
E 209/90 as the retained lot does
and therefore does not conform to
By -Law.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
the severance application of
123, Concession 7, N.T.R., Submission
not contain the required frontage
the Township of Bayham Zoning
That this Council objects to the severance application of
Mathew gChdler- Ltd. Lot 128, Concession 7, Submission E 196/90 as
this property does not conform to the Township of Bayham Official
Plan and Zoning By-law for the intended use.
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
That this council has no objections to the severance application
Of K. C. Emerson, Lot 23 & 24 Concession 4, Submission E 198/90 on
condition that the lot levy fee of $500.00 per lot be imposed by the
Elgin Land Division Committee. In this case the fee to be $1,000.00.
Minutes of Council meeting held December 6, 1990 continued .........
Resolutions continued ......
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by R. Sandham
the following payments for extra services be made for 1990
V. Chute
R. Sandham
G. Nelles
J. Nezezon
R. Phillips
W. Bogue
Deputy Reeve
Clerk, Treasurer
& Tax Collector
Deputy Clerk Treas.
Road Superintendent
Office Clerk
Tenders for Branch "Ell of Drain No. 1,
by the Township Engineer, A. E. Spriet,
were received as requested
which were as follows:
Dedrick Bros. Excavating Ltd. $ 16,920.71
Van Gorp Farm Drainage Limited 91640.00
Karl Rothenberg Limited 81017.58
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the tender of Karl Rothenberg Ltd. to complete work on
the Branch "E" of Drain No. 1, in the amount of $8,017.58 be
Carried ..........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2588 being a by-law to confirm
all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held December 6, 1990 be now read a first time.
Carried ...........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No 2588 be now read a Second Time.
Carried ...........
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And Resolved that By -Law No. 2588 be now REad a Third Time and
finally passed.
Carried ...........
Moved by G. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this council now adjourn to meet again on Thursday
December 20, 1990 at 7:30 P.M.
Carried ............
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
December 20, 1990
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held December 20,
1990 at 7:30 p.m. Reeve, Vane Chute presides with Deputy Reeve,
R. Sandham, Councillors J. Nezezon, G. Nelles and R. Phillips in
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held December 6,
1990 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
Carried ........
Councillor Ron Phillips declares a conflict of interest regarding
the Official Plan and Zoning amendment application of John and Elizabeth
Kesler, Concession 3, Lot 1, Bayham Township.
1.) Cumming Cockburn Ltd.
2.) Ministry of Trans-
3.) Gibson Linton Toth
4.) Elgin County Library
5.) Ministry of Municipal
Copy of Letter to O.M.A.F. re McGlynn
Zoning Application.
Reply to letter re Roadside Ditch on
#19 highway adjacent L. Cowan Property.
Re: Peters & Green properties.
Re: Bayham Library
Re: Municipal Elections.
Mr. Dwayne Daniel and Mr. William Underhill were present to review
matters concerning the township building department. Mr. Daniel discussed
with council, a number of courses which he would like to attend. The
first being a Drainage Course and a property standards course. The
matter of building permit fees was discussed in detail and Mr. Daniel
was requested to bring the matter back to Council early in the new year.
A matter concerning property standards was discussed and council
instructed Mr. Daniel to proceed under the Property Standards By -Law
at the first of the new year 1991. Mr. Underhill discussed with council
his upcoming retirement and the possibility for the use of his services
in the future when required.
Mr. B. Toth and Mr. and Mrs. Kesler were present to discuss their
application for a Official Plan and Zoning amendment on their property
at Concession 3, Lot 1. Mr. Toth presented background information in
support of this application and indicated that direction from Council
would be welcomed. Council advised Mr. Toth that a planner should be
contacted in regards to Mr. and Mrs. Kesler's application for proper
guidance with their proposal. A number of possible planning consultants
name and address was presented to Mr. Toth. Mr. Toth advised that they
would be agreeable to place their application on "hold" until the new
year and that they would accede to council's request for a revised plan.
Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Assistant Building Inspector be authorized to attend
Ontario Association of Property Standards Officers training seminar
April 21 - 25th, 1991 as well as the Primary Drainage Course to be
in 1991.
Carried ............
Minutes of Council meeting held December 20, 1990 continued .....
Resolutions continued ........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by G. Nelles
That this council authorize the Treasurer to apply for subsidy
funds in the amount of $10,000.00 to defray costs resulting in a
fuel tank explosion at the Township Works garage.
.11-10" Carried ........
Moved by G. A. Nelles
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That this Council express their appreciation to the members of
the Volunteer Fire Department for the fine matier in which their
duties were carried out during 1990.
Carried .........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
That the Deputy Reeve and Councillors express their appreciation
to Reeve Chute for his leadership during the past year.
Carried .........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by G. Nelles
That General Accounts totaling $67,846.90 and Road Accounts
totaling $24,091.62 be approved.
Carried ..........
1.) The application of John and Elizabeth Kesler, Concession 3,
Lot 1 was discussed previously and the application is to be re -submitted
with revised plans as suggested.
2.) The application of B. & B. Graydon Enterprises Ltd. Con. 11t
Lot 20 was discussed. Council felt that this application should be
deferred until the revised Official Plan is finalized.
#2589 Moved by C. R. Phillips
Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2589 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
December 20, 1990 be now read a First Time.
Carried .........
Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2589 be now Read a Second Time.
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No.
finally passed.
Carried ..........
2589 be now Read a Third Time and
Carried ...........
Moved by R. Sandham
Seconded by J. Nezezon
That this council now adjourn to meet again on Thursday January 3,
1991 at 10:00 A.M.